This page shows the results from evaluating Sensetext disambiguations against reference data that was annotated manually. Only words that had at least two alternatives in the disambiguation are included (for the others the result should be unambiguous). Thus, the correct percentage in the resulting data is much higher than this due to the many unambigious cases.
In the current data set, 5849/7159 cases (81.70%) were disambiguated correctly for all senses.
XXX TODO: trend data is collected, but graph is not yet generatedSensetext | Word | Language | Manual | Data | Gloss |
(class): Actinobacteridae, Acidimicrobidae, Coriobacteridae, Rubrobacteridae, Sphaerobacteridae - subclasses | Actinobacteria | Translingual | y | n | A group of gram-positive bacteria / A taxonomic class within the phylum Actinobacteria. |
(grammar) the objective case | objective | English | y | n | The objective case. |
(historical) Ancient Roman magistrate | dictator | English | y | n | A magistrate without colleague in republican Ancient Rome, who held full executive authority for a term granted by the senate (legislature), typically to conduct a war. |
(interrogative) what one or ones | which | English | y | n | What one or ones (of those mentioned or implied). |
(intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme | maneuver | English | n | y | The planned movement of troops, vehicles etc.; a strategic repositioning; (later also) a large training field-exercise of fighting units. |
(intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme | maneuver | English | n | y | Any strategic or cunning action; a stratagem. |
(intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme | maneuver | English | n | y | A movement of the body, or with an implement, instrument etc., especially one performed with skill or dexterity. |
(intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme | maneuver | English | n | y | A specific medical or surgical movement, often eponymous, done with the doctor's hands or surgical instruments. |
(intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme | maneuver | English | n | y | A controlled (especially skilful) movement taken while steering a vehicle. |
(intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme | maneuver | English | n | y | To move (something, or oneself) carefully, and often with difficulty, into a certain position. |
(intransitive) to intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme | maneuver | English | n | y | To guide, steer, manage purposefully |
(intransitive) to open again | reopen | English | n | y | To open (something) again. |
(linguistics) of an accent or tone: generally higher than others | acute | English | y | n | Of an accent or tone: generally higher than others. |
(obsolete in English) to become less energetic | slake | English | y | n | Of a person: to become less energetic, to slacken in one's efforts. |
(politics) blockade | блокадный | Russian | y | n | blockade |
(sentence adverb) In truth, to tell the truth | frankly | English | y | n | In truth, to tell the truth. |
- to cease anger or hostility | come round | English | y | n | To return to a former condition. / To cease anger or hostility. |
A crosswise cut | crosscut | English | y | n | A crosswise cut. |
A person who decodes secret messages | decoder | English | y | n | A person who decodes secret messages |
A return trip after delivery of cargo | backhaul | English | y | n | A return trip after delivery of cargo. |
A small house; a cot; a hut | cottage | English | y | n | A small house. |
Ability to think quickly | wit | English | y | n | The ability to think quickly; mental cleverness, especially under short time constraints. |
Acanthus spinosus | bear's breech | English | y | n | Any of two common species of acanthus, Acanthus mollis and, less frequently, Acanthus spinosus. |
An ancient metre | Gayatri | English | y | n | an ancient metre of twenty-four syllables (variously arranged, but generally as a triplet of eight syllables each), any hymn composed in the गायत्री metre RV. x, 14 ; 16 & 130, 4 VS. AV. etc. |
Babylonian king | Balthazar | English | y | n | a Babylonian king mentioned in the Book of Daniel. |
Beta vulgaris | beet | English | y | n | Beta vulgaris, a plant with a swollen root which is eaten or used to make sugar. |
Biblical: a book of the Old Testament | Jonah | English | y | n | A book of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh. |
Catholic diocese | Bergen | English | y | n | A Catholic diocese named after the above see. |
Cautious | guarded | English | y | n | Cautious; restrained. |
Diphyllobothrium latum | tapeworm | English | y | n | A broad fish tapeworm, Diphyllobothrium latum. |
Emerging; coming into view or into existence; nascent; new. | emergent | English | y | n | Emerging; coming into view or into existence; nascent; new. |
English Canadians | English Canada | English | n | y | English-speaking (English-language) Canada. |
Fremontodendron californicum | slippery elm | English | y | n | A malvaceous shrub (Fremontia californica, now Fremontodendron californicum); so called on the Pacific coast. |
Having no relations to each other | irrelative | English | y | n | Having no relations to each other; unrelated. |
In TV broadcasting, the re-showing of a short segment of action | action replay | English | y | n | In TV broadcasting, the reshowing of a short segment of action, especially slow-motion sporting action, shortly after it was broadcast live or in real-time. |
Iran's Cultural Revolution | Cultural Revolution | English | y | n | The Iran's Cultural Revolution of 1980-1987. |
Korea | 한국 | Jeju | y | n | Korea |
Metric | area | English | e | n | A measure of the extent of a surface; it is measured in square units. |
Metric | area | English | e | n | A particular geographic region. |
Metric | area | English | e | n | Any particular extent of surface, especially an empty or unused extent. |
Metric | area | English | e | n | The extent, scope, or range of an object or concept. |
Metric | area | English | e | n | An open space, below ground level, giving access to the basement of a house, and typically separated from the pavement by railings. |
Metric | area | English | e | n | Penalty box; penalty area. |
Metric | area | English | e | n | Genitals. |
Min Nan: of a big granule | 大粒 | Chinese | y | n | of a big granule, grain or pellet |
NOTE | тереть | Russian | e | n | to rub |
NOTE | тереть | Russian | e | n | to polish |
NOTE | тереть | Russian | e | n | to rub sore, to chafe, to abrade |
NOTE | тереть | Russian | e | n | to grate, to grind |
Note | წერს | Georgian | e | n | to write |
Note | წერს | Georgian | e | n | Nonstandard spelling of სწერს (sc̣ers). |
Of a higher rank | elevated | English | y | n | Of a higher rank or status. |
Old Spanish: torta | tortus | Latin | e | n | twisted, crooked |
Old Spanish: torta | tortus | Latin | e | n | spun, whirled |
Old Spanish: torta | tortus | Latin | e | n | bent, distorted |
Old Spanish: torta | tortus | Latin | e | n | tormented, tortured |
Old Spanish: torta | tortus | Latin | e | n | a twist, a winding |
Old Spanish: torta | tortus | Latin | e | n | wreath |
Old Testament patriarch | Abram | English | y | n | Abraham (prophet in the Old Testament). |
Older form | διαλελυμένο | Greek | e | n | Accusative singular masculine form of διαλελυμένος (dialelyménos). |
Older form | διαλελυμένο | Greek | e | n | Nominative, accusative and vocative singular neuter form of διαλελυμένος (dialelyménos). |
Older form | φυτικό | Greek | e | n | Accusative singular masculine form of φυτικός (fytikós). |
Older form | φυτικό | Greek | e | n | Nominative, accusative and vocative singular neuter form of φυτικός (fytikós). |
One of the Sirens from Greek mythology | Parthenope | English | y | n | One of the sirens, daughter of the god Achelous and the Muse Terpsichore. |
Panthera leo | lion | English | y | n | A big cat, Panthera leo, native to Africa, India and formerly much of Europe. |
Peg solitaire | solitaire | English | y | n | A game for one person, played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with all the places filled except one, to remove all but one of the pieces by "jumping", as in draughts. |
Physically hardened, toughened | obdurate | English | y | n | Physically hardened, toughened. |
Psophia crepitans | kyssäkurki | Finnish | n | y | trumpeter (bird of the family Psophiidae) |
Reconsider your thoughts | think again | English | y | n | Reconsider your thoughts. |
Relating to India or Indian | Indo- | English | y | n | India. |
Ridgefield (“borough”) (former township) | Teaneck | English | n | y | A settlement of local Amerindians and the ridge it was situated on. |
Ripple | wimple | English | y | n | A ripple, as on the surface of water. |
Scorpis violacea | maomao | English | n | y | A number of different fish of the Pacific Ocean / Abudefduf abdominalis ( green damselfish) |
Scorpis violacea | maomao | English | n | y | A number of different fish of the Pacific Ocean / Scorpis aequipinnis ( sea sweep) |
Scottish alderman | bailiff | English | y | n | A public administrator / A bailie: an alderman in certain Scottish towns. |
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation | SCO | English | y | n | Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. |
Someone passionate about rock music | rocker | English | y | n | Someone passionate about rock music. |
Something to or by which an object can be securely fastened | holdfast | English | y | n | Something to or by which an object can be securely fastened. |
To cause to feel baffled | perplex | English | y | n | To cause to feel baffled; to puzzle. |
To defend; to protect | ward | English | y | n | To defend, to protect. |
To meet with violence or shock | hurtle | English | y | n | To meet with violence or shock; to clash; to jostle. |
To place lower in position | downgrade | English | y | n | To place lower in position. |
To sleep, especially briefly; to nap | snooze | English | y | n | To sleep, especially briefly; to nap, doze. |
Translations | diegetic | English | e | n | Of or relating to diegesis. |
Translations | diegetic | English | e | n | Occurring as part of the action (rather than as background), and able to be heard by the film's characters. |
Translations | kick over the traces | English | e | n | To rebel against authority; to defy orders or instructions. |
Translations | kick over the traces | English | e | n | To live overextravagantly; to come to grief by fast living. |
Translations | oka | English | e | n | A former Turkish, Egyptian, Hungarian, and Romanian unit of weight, usually of a little more than a kilogram. |
Translations | oka | English | e | n | A unit of volume in Egypt (and formerly Turkey) corresponding to about 1.2 litres. |
Translations | orphan drug | English | e | y | A medicinal drug which is effective in the treatment of some disease(s), but which is not manufactured or marketed because the demand is insufficient to cover the costs of supply. |
Translations | orphan drug | English | e | y | A drug as defined under the Orphan Drug Act (1983). |
Translations | otherworld | English | e | y | A world beyond death; an afterlife. |
Translations | otherworld | English | e | y | A world other than the everyday world. |
Translations | otherworld | English | e | y | Mythical abode of otherworldy beings. |
Translations | talcose | English | e | y | Of or relating to talc. |
Translations | talcose | English | e | y | Consisting largely of the mineral talc. |
Trier-Saarburg | Beuren | English | n | y | A surname. |
Trier-Saarburg | Beuren | English | n | y | A placename / A municipality of Esslingen district, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
Trier-Saarburg | Beuren | English | n | y | A placename / A municipality of Ulmen, Cochem-Zell district, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany |
US: a salad dressing | French dressing | English | y | n | A salad dressing that is a uniform viscous sauce with a tangy sweet flavor. It is generally made from vegetable oil, vinegar, ketchup (or tomato puree), water, paprika, other spices, and sweeteners. |
United States of America | آمریکا | Persian | y | n | America, United States of America (a country in North America) |
Variations of letter U | Ü | Translingual | e | n | The letter U with a diaeresis above itself. |
Variations of letter U | Ü | Translingual | e | n | The letter U with an umlaut above itself. |
WW2; The | Pacific War | English | e | n | The Pacific theatre of WWII / World War 2 / Second World War. |
WW2; The | Pacific War | English | e | n | Synonym of War of the Pacific (Chile-Peru War) |
a ball of fire | fireball | English | y | n | A ball of fire, especially one associated with an explosion. |
a beer tankard made from pewter | pewter | English | y | n | A beer tankard made from pewter. |
a device that only requires the application of a single force to work | simple machine | English | y | n | A device that only requires the application of a single force to work. |
a double feature | double bill | English | y | n | A double feature. |
a failure to make a scheduled appearance | no-show | English | y | n | An absence; failure to show up or to make a scheduled appearance, especially at a hotel or a place of employment. |
a game of skill | mikado | English | y | n | A game of skill, in which identically shaped (but differently colored and valued) wooden sticks must be removed from a pile without disturbing the remaining stack. |
a group of nymphs | Hesperides | English | y | n | A group of nymphs who tend a blissful garden in a far western corner of the world, located in Libya or the Atlas mountains in North Africa at the edge of the encircling Oceanus; they are said to be the daughters of Hesperus. |
a line or depression left by a cut or wound | seam | English | y | n | A line or depression left by a cut or wound; a scar; a cicatrix. |
a male-to-female transsexual or transgender person | shemale | English | n | y | A male animal which displays female traits or behaviors; for example, a male reptile which gives off female pheromones. |
a nobody, a person of no consequence | nothing | English | y | n | A nobody (insignificant person). |
a person or animal who competed in a race but did not win | also-ran | English | y | n | A person or animal who competed in a race but did not win. |
a pin fitting into holes, partly in one piece and partly in the other to keep them in their position | dowel | English | y | n | A pin, or block, of wood or metal, fitting into holes in the abutting portions of two pieces, and being partly in one piece and partly in the other, to keep them in their proper relative position. |
a poisonous snake in the family Viperidae | viper | English | y | n | A venomous snake in the family Viperidae. |
a post, job | toimi | Finnish | y | n | post, job, position |
a recreational activity done for enjoyment in spare time | hobby | English | y | n | An activity that one enjoys doing in one's spare time. |
a scholar who specializes in the study of the Hebrew language | Hebraist | English | y | n | A scholar who specializes in the study of the Hebrew language. |
a show off | smart aleck | English | y | n | One who is obnoxiously self-assured; a show off. |
a titan | Themis | English | y | n | A Titan, the embodiment of divine order, law and custom. She was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus. |
a torch | tingkarol | Cebuano | y | n | a kerosene torch |
a vase with a footed base | urn | English | y | n | A vase with a footed base. |
a witness | deponent | English | y | n | A witness; especially one who gives information under oath, in a deposition concerning facts known to him or her. |
a-form | vidy | Malagasy | e | n | to buy (to obtain for money) |
a-form | vidy | Malagasy | e | n | price |
a-form | vidy | Malagasy | e | n | value |
abhor | abhorreo | Latin | e | n | I abhor, shudder at, recoil or shrink back from. |
abhor | abhorreo | Latin | e | n | I am averse or disinclined to. |
abhor | abhorreo | Latin | e | n | I am free from. |
abhor | abhorreo | Latin | e | n | I am inconsistent or do not agree with, vary or differ from. |
ability to share the feelings of another; empathy | sympathy | English | y | n | A feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another. / The ability to share the feelings of another. |
able to throw a punch | pack a punch | English | y | n | To be capable of throwing a strong punch. |
abnormal plant or animal | sport | English | y | n | A plant or an animal, or part of a plant or animal, which has some peculiarity not usually seen in the species; an abnormal variety or growth. The term encompasses both mutants and organisms with non-genetic developmental abnormalities such as birth defects. |
according to someone's allegation | allegedly | English | y | n | According to someone's allegation. |
accounting: value not realized | deferred | English | y | n | Whose value is not realized until a future date: e.g. annuities, charges, taxes, and income, either as an asset or liability. |
act of admitting | admittance | English | y | n | The act of admitting. |
act of coalescing | coalescence | English | y | n | The act of coalescing. |
act of exchanging or trading | exchange | English | y | n | An act of exchanging or trading. |
act of leaking | leakage | English | y | n | An act of leaking, or something that leaks. |
act of showing respect | reverence | English | y | n | An act of showing respect, such as a bow. |
act or art of composing and rendering music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously | improvisation | English | y | n | The act or art of composing and making music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously |
act or process of making whole or entire | integration | English | y | n | The act or process of making whole or entire. |
activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment | game | English | y | n | A playful or competitive activity. / An activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment, often competitive or having an explicit goal. |
acute | zugespitzt | German | y | n | acute, pointed, sharpened, intensified |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | A light fabric containing patterns of holes, usually built up from a single thread. ᵂᵖ |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | A cord or ribbon passed through eyelets in a shoe or garment, pulled tight and tied to fasten the shoe or garment firmly. ᵂᵖ |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a net. |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | Spirits added to coffee or another beverage. |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | To fasten (something) with laces. |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | To interweave items. |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | To interweave the spokes of a bicycle wheel. |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | To beat; to lash; to make stripes on. |
add something harmful to | lace | English | n | y | To adorn with narrow strips or braids of some decorative material. |
address in a way that presupposes a particular identification | interpellate | English | y | n | To address (a person) in a way that presupposes a particular identification of them; to give (a person) an identity (which may or may not be accurate). |
admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit | respect | English | y | n | an attitude of consideration or high regard |
admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit | respect | English | y | n | good opinion, honor, or admiration |
admit as a member of a company | incorporate | English | y | n | To admit as a member of a company |
adult: physically fully developed | grown-up | English | y | n | Adult, physically mature. |
aerosol in general | 煙霧質 | Japanese | y | n | an aerosol |
afternoon liturgical service | nones | English | y | n | The divine office appointed to the hour. |
against, with force | into | English | y | n | Against, especially with force or violence. |
aircraft | glider | English | y | n | Any heavier-than-air aircraft optimised for unpowered flight; a sailplane. |
alien, strange | foreign | English | y | n | Alien; strange. |
almost | aínda | Asturian | n | y | still, yet |
an act of kindness | mitzvah | English | n | y | Any of the 613 commandments of Jewish law |
an argument that seems plausible, but is fallacious or misleading | sophistry | English | n | y | Cunning, sometimes manifested as trickery. |
an argument that seems plausible, but is fallacious or misleading | sophistry | English | n | y | The art of using deceptive speech or writing. |
an attendant to a Scottish minister | beadle | English | y | n | an attendant to the minister |
an easy achievement | κτίσις | Ancient Greek | y | n | founding, settling / an easy achievement |
an enclosure protected by a wall of wooden posts | stockade | English | y | n | an enclosure protected by a wall of wooden posts |
an erection | verpa | Latin | n | y | a penis with the foreskin retracted, especially when erect |
an exclamation of great surprise (vulgar) | fucking hell | English | y | n | An exclamation of great surprise. |
an excuse made in order to avoid performing a task or duty | cop-out | English | y | n | An excuse made in order to avoid performing a task or duty; a reason offered when someone cops out. |
an inordinate secretion and discharge of mucus | blennorrhea | English | y | n | An inordinate secretion and discharge of mucus. |
an officer commanding a brigade | brigadier general | English | y | n | A military officer who commands a brigade. |
anatomy: small sac or cyst | vesicle | English | y | n | A small sac or cyst or vacuole, especially one containing fluid. A blister formed in or beneath the skin, containing serum. A bleb. |
ancient | venerable | English | y | n | Ancient, antiquated or archaic. |
ancient kingdom and country | Armenia | English | y | n | Ancient kingdom in the Armenian Highland southeast of Black Sea and southwest of Caspian Sea; area now divided between Turkey, Republic of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iran. |
ancient kingdom and country | Armenia | English | y | n | A country in the South Caucasus, Eurasia. Official name: Republic of Armenia |
and see | αγριάδα | Greek | e | n | wildness, ferocity, fierceness |
and see | αγριάδα | Greek | e | n | agricultural weed |
and see | αγριάδα | Greek | e | n | couch grass, twitch, quitch |
and see | βοηθάω | Greek | e | n | help, aid |
and see | βοηθάω | Greek | e | n | contribute to/towards |
and see | δόση | Greek | e | n | dose, instalment, tranche |
and see | δόση | Greek | e | n | dose (of medication) |
and see | δόση | Greek | e | n | dose (of radiation) |
and see | μαυρισμένος | Greek | e | n | blacked, blackened |
and see | μαυρισμένος | Greek | e | n | suntanned |
and see | μαυρισμένος | Greek | e | n | voted against (with a black ballot) |
animal of Cephalochordata | lancelet | English | y | n | of subphylum Cephalochordata |
animal tissue as food | flesh | English | y | n | Animal tissue regarded as food; meat (but sometimes excluding fish). |
anxiety to escape from an unsatisfactory social or sentimental condition | bovarysm | English | n | y | An imagined or unrealistic conception of oneself. |
any action carried out onstage during a performance, apart from the main action | byplay | English | y | n | Any action, carried out onstage during a performance, apart from the main action. |
any area of the earth | place | English | y | n | An area; somewhere within an area. / Any area of the earth: a region. |
any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company | herd | English | y | n | Any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company. |
any medicine or other agent that relieves pain | anodyne | English | y | n | any medicine or other agent that relieves pain |
any medicine with a proprietary formula | patent medicine | English | n | y | A medicine that is protected by a patent. |
any way for passing in, out or through something | passageway | English | n | y | A covered walkway, between rooms or buildings. |
apiece | all | English | y | n | Apiece; each. |
apples are good for you | an apple a day keeps the doctor away | English | y | n | Apples are healthy and stave off illnesses. |
approximately | 大約摸 | Chinese | y | n | approximately; about; or so; or thereabouts |
archaic: emission of semen at other times than in sexual intercourse | pollution | English | y | n | The ejaculation of semen outside of sexual intercourse, especially a nocturnal emission. |
archdiocese | Puebla | English | n | y | A city in central Mexico. |
archdiocese | Puebla | English | n | y | A municipality of Mexico, whose municipal seat is the city of the same name. |
archdiocese | Puebla | English | n | y | A state of Mexico, whose capital is the city of the same name. |
architecture: dwarf wall or partition | screen | English | y | n | A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, etc. |
as | hereon | English | e | n | On this place. |
as | hereon | English | e | n | To this place. |
as | hereon | English | e | n | On this subject or basis. |
as | hereon | English | e | n | Hereupon. |
ascend | get up | English | y | n | To move in an upward direction; to ascend or climb. |
association of tradespeople | guild | English | y | n | A group or association mainly of tradespeople made up of merchants, craftspeople, or artisans for mutual aid, particularly in the Middle Ages. |
asteroid | Nimoy | English | n | y | A surname. |
at | hereto | English | e | n | to here, to this |
at | hereto | English | e | n | yet, so far |
at | hereto | English | e | n | regarding this subject |
at least | minimálně | Czech | y | n | at least |
at the same time but elsewhere | meanwhile | English | y | n | At the same time, but elsewhere. |
atomic physics: unperturbed over time | secular | English | y | n | Unperturbed over time. |
awareness | știință | Romanian | y | n | awareness, acquaintance |
away, gone | weg | German | y | n | away |
away, gone | weg | German | y | n | gone, not there |
banish | expatriate | English | y | n | To banish; to drive or force (a person) from his own country; to make an exile of. |
barrier | wall | English | y | n | A barrier. |
batter, hit | δέρνω | Greek | y | n | batter, hit (to fall on something with might and power) |
become septic or rotten | fester | English | y | n | To become septic; to become rotten. |
bed | leito | Portuguese | y | n | any bed |
being intended for a single use | throwaway | English | y | n | Disposable; intended for a single use prior to being discarded. |
belt, girth | qingël | Albanian | y | n | saddle belt, girth |
best moment or highest point in the development of something | apotheosis | English | y | n | The best moment or highest point in the development of something, for example of a life or career; the apex, culmination, or climax (of a development). |
between | whereabout | English | e | n | About which; concerning which. |
between | whereabout | English | e | n | About where. |
biology: weakening in the virulence | attenuation | English | y | n | A weakening in the virulence of a pathogen or other microorganism. |
bird in genus Delichon | house martin | English | y | n | A migratory passerine bird of the swallow family, genus Delichon |
bird in genus Delichon | house martin | English | y | n | The common house martin (Delichon urbicum). |
bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae | pigeon | English | y | n | One of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species. |
bird of the genus Stercorarius | jaeger | English | y | n | Any of three seabirds in the skua genus Stercorarius. |
blunder that damages one's own prospects | own goal | English | n | y | A goal that results from a player putting the ball or puck into the goal of his or her own team; the resulting goal being scored for the opposition. |
book | 本子 | Chinese | y | n | book |
book of such entries | register | English | y | n | A book of such entries. |
botany | axillary | English | y | n | Situated in, or rising from, an axil; relating to an axil. |
break down | levata | Finnish | n | y | to fall, trip |
break in a sandbar | mui | Dutch | y | n | break or neck in a sandbar |
breathe | trække vejret | Danish | y | n | to breathe |
breed of dog | boxer | English | y | n | A breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dog with a square-jawed muzzle. |
bride | mũhiki | Kikuyu | y | n | bride |
brief appearance | cameo | English | y | n | A single very brief appearance, especially by a prominent celebrity in a movie or song. |
brief moment | 剎 | Chinese | y | n | Clipping of 剎那/刹那 (chànà). / brief moment; short moment |
brief, quick, short | acute | English | y | n | Brief, quick, short. |
buffer | bộ nhớ đệm | Vietnamese | y | n | buffer (portion of memory set aside to store data) |
bundle | إبالة | Arabic | y | n | bundle; bale |
bundle of neurons with supporting tissues | nerve | English | y | n | A bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics. |
business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages | bar | English | y | n | A business selling alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises, or the premises themselves; a public house. |
by all means | 儘管 | Chinese | y | n | by all means; just |
bye | dag | Dutch | y | n | goodbye, same shortening |
canker in the mouth of hawk | frounce | English | y | n | A canker in the mouth of a hawk. |
cannon | Lombard | English | y | n | A kind of Spanish cannon of the 16th century. |
capability of being solved | solvability | English | y | n | Capability of being solved. |
capital of Jamaica | Kingston | English | y | n | The capital and largest city of Jamaica; it is also the capital of its eponymous parish. |
capital of Lakshadweep, India | Kavaratti | English | y | n | Capital of the union territory of Lakshadweep (India). |
card | scărmăna | Romanian | y | n | to card (wool), comb |
cardinal number | five | English | y | n | A numerical value equal to 5; the number following four and preceding six. |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation | CPR | English | y | n | Initialism of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. |
careful, prudent, cautious | canny | English | y | n | Careful, prudent, cautious. |
carriage | cotxe | Catalan | y | n | carriage. To avoid ambiguities, use cotxe de cavalls. |
carved text | inscription | English | y | n | Text carved on a wall or plaque, such as a memorial or gravestone. |
case | cardholder | English | y | n | A case for holding cards, as credit cards, bankcards, or business cards. |
castling | linnoitus | Finnish | n | y | fortress, citadel |
cause to shake violently | rock | English | y | n | To cause to shake or sway violently. |
causing sorrow, lamentable | sad | English | y | n | Emotionally negative. / Causing sorrow; lamentable. |
central part of human body | middle | English | y | n | The central part of a human body; the waist. |
certain rabbits in genus | cottontail | English | y | n | A rabbit of any of various species in genus Sylvilagus. |
channel for compartmentalized information | stovepipe | English | y | n | A channel for information which is compartmentalized in such a manner that some parties who might be interested in its use or be able to utilize it are restricted from accessing it. |
characterized by coldness, as of manner, influence, etc. | icy | English | y | n | Characterized by coldness of manner; frigid; cold. |
chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece | check | English | y | n | A situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece. |
church | eaglasta | Irish | y | n | church (attributive) |
city | Chalcis | English | y | n | A city in Euboea, Greece. |
city | Southampton | English | y | n | A city and unitary authority in Hampshire, in southern England |
city in Castile and León, Spain | Segovia | English | y | n | A city in Castile and León, Spain. |
civilization | Maya | English | y | n | A member or descendant of various peoples: / a flourishing Mesoamerican civilization that existed in and around Guatemala from the 3rd century to the 9th century. |
civilization | Maya | English | y | n | A member or descendant of various peoples: / various Mesoamerican peoples that continued in competing civilizations from the 10th century onward until conquered by Spain |
close male friend of the parents | uncle | English | y | n | An affectionate term for a man of an older generation than oneself, especially a friend of one's parents, by means of fictive kin. |
clothes | haină | Romanian | y | n | clothing, clothes, attire |
clue | hint | English | y | n | A clue. |
coastal town in northwestern Albania | Shëngjin | English | y | n | A coastal town in northwestern Albania that is a growing tourist destination due to its beaches and resort accommodations, located 5-6 km northwest of the city of Lezhë by the Adriatic Sea below a mountain side; the town was the site of the ancient harbour of Nymphaeum and is now home to one of Albania's ports of entry; it is the seat of its eponymous municipal unit. |
coerce | bludgeon | English | n | y | A short, heavy club, often of wood, which is thicker or loaded at one end. |
coerce | bludgeon | English | n | y | To strike or hit with something hard, usually on the head; to club. |
coin | nickel | English | y | n | A coin worth 5 cents. |
coin or note | markka | Finnish | y | n | a one-mark coin or note (see markanraha) |
colloquial: to urinate | water | English | y | n | To urinate onto. |
colour | fuchsia | English | y | n | A purplish-red colour, the color of fuchsin, an aniline dye. |
colour | sepia | English | y | n | A dark, slightly reddish, brown colour. |
colour | teal | English | n | y | Any of various small freshwater ducks of the genus Anas that are brightly coloured and have short necks. |
colour | teal | English | n | y | Having a bluish-green colour |
combat engineer | 工兵 | Chinese | y | n | combat engineer |
combinatorial form | fish | English | y | n | A cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water, moving with the help of fins and breathing with gills. |
comely; shapely; well-formed | decent | English | y | n | Comely; shapely; well-formed. |
commanding respect because of age, dignity, character or position | venerable | English | y | n | Commanding respect because of age, dignity, character or position. |
common mnemonic for understanding notation conventions for vectors in three dimensions | right-hand rule | English | y | n | A common mnemonic for understanding notation conventions for vectors in three dimensions. |
common rhubarb | rhubarb | English | y | n | The leafstalks of common rhubarb or garden rhubarb (usually known as Rheum × hybridum), which are long, fleshy, often pale red, and with a tart taste, used as a food ingredient; they are frequently stewed with sugar and made into jam or used in crumbles, pies, etc. |
communication between two parties or groups | liaison | English | y | n | Communication between two parties or groups. |
communication, concept or information conveyed | message | English | y | n | A communication, or what is communicated; any concept or information conveyed. |
company | selskap | Norwegian Bokmål | y | n | company (business or companionship) |
compare with | ακριβός | Greek | e | n | expensive, dear, precious (costing a lot of money) |
compare with | ακριβός | Greek | e | n | dear, precious (emotionally endearing) |
complete replacement of all teeth in a mouth | denture | English | n | y | a set of teeth, the teeth viewed as a unit |
complete replacement of all teeth in a mouth | denture | English | n | y | an artificial replacement of one or more teeth |
completely clear and understood | crystal clear | English | y | n | Completely clear and understood. |
composed of two letters | biliteral | English | y | n | Composed of two letters |
composite work created by assembling other elements | montage | English | y | n | A composite work, particularly an artwork, created by assembling or putting together other elements such as pieces of music, pictures, texts, videos, etc. |
computing theory: information needed to verify a positive answer to a problem | certificate | English | y | n | The information needed in order to verify a positive answer to a problem. |
computing: character affixed to a symbol | sigil | English | n | y | A seal, signature or signet. |
computing: character affixed to a symbol | sigil | English | n | y | An occult or magical sign, image or symbol. |
computing: situation where a value exceeds the available range | overflow | English | y | n | The situation where a value exceeds the available numeric range. |
computing: to stop responding | hang | English | y | n | To stop responding to manual input devices such as keyboard and mouse. |
computing: to write data | burn | English | y | n | To write data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip. |
confection of caramelized sugar and nuts | brittle | English | y | n | A confection of caramelized sugar and nuts. |
conforming to the standard variety | standard | English | y | n | Conforming to the standard variety. |
conscious awareness | sense | English | y | n | Perception through the intellect; apprehension; awareness. |
consisting of pus | purulent | English | y | n | Consisting of pus. |
constellation | Cygnus | English | y | n | A summer constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a swan. It includes the triple star system HD 188753 and the stars Deneb and Albireo. |
contraction of a vowel at the end of a word with the start of the next word | crasis | English | n | y | One's constitution; the balance of humours in a person's body. |
contraction of a vowel at the end of a word with the start of the next word | crasis | English | n | y | A mixture or combination. |
conveyor belt | liukuhihna | Finnish | y | n | conveyor belt |
cooking oil | mantika | Cebuano | n | y | To extract oil by heating fat. |
cooking oil | mantika | Cebuano | n | y | To cause oil to ooze out. |
copulative: to seem | feel | English | y | n | To seem (through touch or otherwise). |
counterfeit money | 偽幣 | Chinese | y | n | counterfeit money |
countless | luvuton | Finnish | n | y | uncountable (having no plural) |
country in Eastern Africa | Eritrea | English | e | n | A country in northeastern Africa, on the Red Sea, having Asmara as its capital; modern State of Eritrea (since the 1990s); formerly — / A province of or in union with Ethiopia. |
country in Eastern Africa | Eritrea | English | e | n | A country in northeastern Africa, on the Red Sea, having Asmara as its capital; modern State of Eritrea (since the 1990s); formerly — / A colony of Italy. |
courage | 武 | Japanese | y | n | courage, ferocity, valor |
crane | 吊車 | Chinese | y | n | crane; hoist |
cuneiform script | cuneiforme | Portuguese | n | y | cuneiform; wedgelike |
cuneiform script | cuneiforme | Portuguese | n | y | cuneiform (of the cuneiform script) |
cuneiform script | cuneiforme | Portuguese | n | y | cuneiform bone |
currency in Middle East | rial | English | y | n | The official currencies of Iran, Oman, and Yemen. |
dance | jive | English | y | n | To dance. |
dark-skinned | inky | English | n | y | Of the colour of ink, especially black ink; dark. |
dark-skinned | inky | English | n | y | Spattered or stained with ink. |
death | doom | English | y | n | Death. |
deep waters | tlilatl | Classical Nahuatl | y | n | an abyss or chasm; deep waters. |
deeply involved | knee-deep | English | n | y | Reaching up to the knees. |
deeply involved | knee-deep | English | n | y | Submerged to the knees. |
defense or safeguard | bulwark | English | y | n | A defense or safeguard. |
department of Colombia | Amazonas | English | y | n | A department of Colombia. |
departure | abitus | Latin | y | n | A going away; departure. |
deponent form | bubulcito | Latin | e | n | I am a ploughman or herdsman; I keep, feed, tend or drive oxen. |
deponent form | bubulcito | Latin | e | n | I cry or bawl like an ox-driver. |
deponent form | demereo | Latin | e | n | I merit, deserve, earn. |
deponent form | demereo | Latin | e | n | I oblige, deserve well of. |
depreciation | devaluation | English | n | y | The removal or lessening of something's value. |
depreciation | devaluation | English | n | y | The intentional or deliberate lowering of a currency's value compared to another country's currency or a standard value (e.g. the price of gold). |
descend into liquid, etc | sink | English | y | n | To move or be moved into something. / To descend or submerge (or to cause to do so) into a liquid or similar substance. |
dessert | junket | English | y | n | A type of cream cheese, originally made in a rush basket; later, a food made of sweetened curds or rennet. |
device that lubricates | lubricator | English | y | n | A device that lubricates, that applies lubricant. |
difficult to understand (of speech) | indistinct | English | n | y | not clearly defined or not having a sharp outline; faint or dim |
difficult to understand (of speech) | indistinct | English | n | y | hazy or vague |
directed edge | arc | English | y | n | A directed edge. |
directed towards the central nervous system | centripetal | English | n | y | Directed or moving towards a centre. |
directed towards the central nervous system | centripetal | English | n | y | Of, relating to, or operated by centripetal force. |
dirt or grime; any vague or unknown substance | gunk | English | y | n | Dirt or grime; any vague, messy, or unknown substance. |
display of anything brilliant | blow | English | y | n | A display of anything brilliant or bright. |
disputable, contestable | oppugnable | English | y | n | Disputable, contestable, refutable, capable of being oppugned. |
ditch along the side of road | gutter | English | y | n | A ditch along the side of a road. |
diverse types or examples | diversity | English | y | n | A variety; diverse types or examples. |
divine | aetherius | Latin | y | n | Of or pertaining to heaven; celestial, heavenly; sent by heaven; divine. |
dog | cachorro | Portuguese | y | n | dog (of any age) |
domestic utensil | broom | English | y | n | A domestic utensil with fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping. |
domestic water boiler | geyser | English | y | n | A domestic water boiler. |
dress code | white tie | English | n | y | The most formal kind of eveningwear for men, consisting of an evening tailcoat, trousers with strips of braid down the side seams, white stiff-fronted shirt, white bow tie and waistcoat with or without sash. |
dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit | gourd | English | y | n | The dried and hardened shell of such fruit, made into a drinking vessel, bowl, spoon, or other objects designed for use or decoration. |
drink made from leaves of tea plant | tea | English | y | n | The drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water. |
driver’s seat on a coach | box | English | y | n | Senses relating to a three-dimensional object or space. / The driver's seat on a horse-drawn coach. |
drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it | litter | English | y | n | To drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it (as discarding in public areas rather than trash receptacles). |
drug dealer | candyman | English | n | y | A male confectioner. |
drum type | tom | English | y | n | Clipping of tom-tom. |
dull thud | clump | English | y | n | A dull thud. |
dung, excrement | ordure | English | y | n | Dung, excrement. |
each particular taken singly; an item; a detail; an individual | several | English | y | n | Each particular taken singly; an item; a detail; an individual. |
early | lord | Middle English | e | n | lord (important man) |
early | lord | Middle English | e | n | Lord (title of God) |
early | schamel | Middle English | e | n | A footstool; a rest for one's feet. |
early | schamel | Middle English | e | n | A vendor's stool or table. |
earthenware coated with opaque white tin glaze | majolica | English | y | n | Earthenware coated with opaque white tin-glaze ornamented with metal oxide colour(s). |
easily bent or formed | pliable | English | y | n | Soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded. |
eat or drink noisily | slurp | English | y | n | To eat or drink noisily. |
echoing, reverberating, as if in a hollow space | hollow | English | y | n | Distant, eerie; echoing, reverberating, as if in a hollow space; dull, muffled; often low-pitched. |
economics: renewed growth after a slump | recovery | English | y | n | Renewed growth after a slump. |
edible root | radish | English | y | n | The root of this plant used as food. Some varieties are pungent and usually eaten raw in salads, etc., while others have a milder taste and are cooked. |
election of a standby | acclamation | English | y | n | The act of winning an election to a post because there were no other candidates. |
electrical actuator | リレー | Japanese | y | n | a relay (electrical actuator) |
electromechanical current interruptor | vibrator | English | y | n | A device that vibrates or causes vibration. / A device designed to electromechanically interrupt current flowing to the step-up transformer which was used to generate the high tension positive supply in old battery-operated (automotive) valve radios. |
elephant; member of the family Elephantidae | ఏనుగు | Telugu | y | n | elephant |
embankment | levee | English | y | n | An embankment to prevent inundation; as, the levees along the Mississippi. |
en | smooth talk | English | e | n | To speak glibly and persuasively; to persuade with smooth talk. |
en | smooth talk | English | e | n | Glib flattery and persuasion. |
enmoda (“in fashion”) | modo | Ido | e | n | mode (a passing usage which depends upon taste, caprice) |
enmoda (“in fashion”) | modo | Ido | e | n | fashion, style |
enmoda (“in fashion”) | modo | Ido | e | n | mood (indicative, imperative, etc.) |
enmoda (“in fashion”) | modo | Ido | e | n | mode |
enmoda (“in fashion”) | modo | Ido | e | n | modus |
enquiry to what a person desires | what | English | y | n | What do you want? An abrupt, usually unfriendly enquiry as to what a person desires. |
equality | sideordning | Danish | y | n | equality, equal opportunity |
equivalent to eleventh grade | 高一 | Chinese | n | y | first year in senior high school, equivalent to tenth grade in North America |
ethnic group that principally lives on fishing and houseboats | boat people | English | y | n | An ethnic group that principally lives on fishing and houseboats, particularly the Tanka or Dan people of East Asia. |
every year | vuosi vuodelta | Finnish | n | y | year by year |
exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation | literal | English | y | n | Exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation; according to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical. |
excrement and urine | 糞便 | Chinese | y | n | excrement and urine |
exhibiting juvenile characteristics | neotenous | English | y | n | Exhibiting retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult. |
experience of long-term exhaustion | burnout | English | y | n | The experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest, especially in one's career. |
expression of excitement or surprise | diggety | English | y | n | Used to express excitement, surprise, or similar strong emotion. |
fabric | grenadine | English | y | n | A thin gauzy fabric of silk or wool, used for women's clothing and men's woven luxury ties. |
fabulous | beat | English | y | n | Having impressively attractive makeup. |
faeces | σκατό | Greek | y | n | shit, shite, crap (faeces) |
fairly and undoubtedly | fair and square | English | y | n | Totally fairly and undoubtedly. |
family of languages | Dravidian | English | y | n | A family of related ethnicities and languages primarily in Southern India, Northeast Sri Lanka, and parts of Pakistan and Bangladesh. |
father | أب | Arabic | y | n | father |
favorite son of Jacob | Joseph | English | y | n | Eleventh and favorite son of Jacob, by his wife Rachel. |
feature or setting in electronic music that makes one instrument sound like many | chorus | English | y | n | A feature or setting in electronic music that makes one instrument sound like many. |
female given name | Alice | English | y | n | A female given name from the Germanic languages popular in England since the Middle Ages. |
female given name | Hyacinth | English | y | n | A female given name from English. One of the less common flower names used since the 19th century. |
female given name | Kim | English | y | n | A female given name transferred from the surname, of 1940s and later usage. |
field marshall | feldmaresciallo | Italian | y | n | field marshal |
fight or argument | hassle | English | y | n | A fight or argument. |
figurative: sharp and stiff in character | angular | English | y | n | Sharp and stiff in character. |
figuratively: trap | spąstai | Lithuanian | n | y | snare, trap, pitfall |
figure in Nietzschean philosophy | übermensch | English | y | n | An overman (“higher” man) who has overcome (transcended) his (mere) humanity. (There is no consensus regarding the exact nature of the figure of the übermensch in Nietzsche’s philosophy.) |
first batsman | opening batsman | English | y | n | The first batsman of an innings. |
flaky solder | rũbũa | Kikuyu | y | n | flaky solder |
flash of light | lightning | English | y | n | A flash of light produced by short-duration, high-voltage discharge of electricity within a cloud, between clouds, or between a cloud and the earth. |
flesh | tuna | English | y | n | The edible flesh of the tuna. |
flourishing | 火爆 | Chinese | y | n | flourishing; prosperous |
fluid mechanics: a pocket of vapour inside a fluid flow, created by cavitation | void | English | y | n | A pocket of vapour inside a fluid flow, created by cavitation. |
fluid moving in continuous succession | flowing | English | e | n | present participle of flow |
fluid moving in continuous succession | flowing | English | e | n | The action of the verb to flow |
fluid moving in continuous succession | flowing | English | e | n | Tending to flow. |
fluid moving in continuous succession | flowing | English | e | n | Moving, proceeding or shaped smoothly, gracefully, or continuously. |
fly of Lutzomyia or Phlebotomus | sandfly | English | y | n | Any of various small flies of the genera Lutzomyia and Phlebotomus whose females suck the blood of vertebrates and thus spread leishmaniasis. |
fodder for animals | forage | English | y | n | Fodder for animals, especially cattle and horses. |
food from the taro plant | taro | English | n | y | Colocasia esculenta, raised as a food primarily for its corm, which distantly resembles potato. |
food from the taro plant | taro | English | n | y | Any of several other species with similar corms and growth habit in Colocasia, Alocasia etc. |
food starch | manioc | English | n | y | The tropical plant Manihot esculenta, from which cassava and tapioca are prepared. |
food starch | manioc | English | n | y | Cassava root, eaten as a food. |
for animals | တြုံ | Mon | e | n | male; man; |
for animals | တြုံ | Mon | e | n | husband |
for plants | ideges | Hungarian | e | n | nervous, worried |
for plants | ideges | Hungarian | e | n | annoyed, tense |
formal contract of employment | service agreement | English | y | n | A formal contract of employment, particularly where the employee has high status, like a company director. |
formal statement | resoluutio | Finnish | y | n | resolution (formal statement) |
former name of Shenyang | Fengtian | English | n | y | Former name of Liaoning. |
forming adverbs | -ward | English | y | n | Forming adverbs denoting course or direction to, or motion or tendency toward, as in "backward", "toward", "forward", etc. |
fragmentation due to stress or impact | spallation | English | y | n | Fragmentation due to stress or impact, or any pattern of surface damage created thereby. |
frantically | furiously | English | y | n | Quickly; frantically; with great effort or speed. |
free of ambiguity or doubt | clear | English | y | n | Free of ambiguity or doubt. |
freight train | 貨車 | Chinese | y | n | freight train; goods train |
fringe | traf | Icelandic | y | n | fringe (decorative border on a garment, etc.) |
from | thereof | English | e | y | Of this, that or it. |
from | thereof | English | e | y | From that circumstance or origin; therefrom, thence. |
from | theretofore | English | e | y | Until that time. |
from | theretofore | English | e | y | Before that. |
front part of a mane | forelock | English | y | n | The part of a horse's (or similar animal's) mane that lies on its forehead. |
fruit | loquat | English | n | y | The Eriobotrya japonica tree. |
genera Calocybe and Rugosomyces | čirůvka | Czech | n | y | Lepista^(WP WSp Commons) (genus of fungi in the family Tricholomataceae) |
genera Calocybe and Rugosomyces | čirůvka | Czech | n | y | Porpoloma^(WP WSp Commons) (genus of fungi in the family Tricholomataceae) |
genera Calocybe and Rugosomyces | čirůvka | Czech | n | y | Tricholoma (genus of fungi in the family Tricholomataceae) |
general musical instrument | organum | Middle English | y | n | A device used to produce music; a musical instrument. |
genus of family Corticiaceae | Necator | Translingual | y | n | A taxonomic genus within the family Corticiaceae – certain fungi. |
geometric shape | triangl | Czech | y | n | triangle (geometric shape) |
geometry: a bisector | bisect | English | y | n | A bisector, which divides into two equal parts. |
getting married | naiminen | Finnish | y | n | Getting married. |
gilded | aureolus | Latin | y | n | Adorned, covered or decorated with gold, gilded. |
girl | awka | Afar | y | n | girl |
given to opposition; perverse; wayward | contrary | English | y | n | Given to opposition; perverse; wayward. |
great outcry | clamor | English | y | n | A great outcry or vociferation; loud and continued shouting or exclamation. |
grieved | 悲摧 | Chinese | y | n | grieved; miserable |
grouping of three digits in a number, especially when delimited | cipher | English | y | n | A grouping of three digits in a number, especially when delimited by commas or periods |
grow pale | fölna | Icelandic | y | n | to grow pale |
growth and arrangement of leaves | foliation | English | y | n | The process of forming into a leaf or leaves. |
görünmək (“to look, to appear”) | görmək | Azerbaijani | e | n | to see |
görünmək (“to look, to appear”) | görmək | Azerbaijani | e | n | to undertake, endeavour, perform (mostly with iş and tədbir) |
hair on the face of an animal | facial hair | English | n | y | Hair on the face of a human, such as the eyebrows of a man or woman or the androgenic hair (beard or moustache) of a man. |
hair or wool of a sheep | fleece | English | y | n | Hair or wool of a sheep or similar animal |
half | medietas | Latin | n | y | the center, middle part of something, midpoint |
handgun | pistol | English | y | n | A handgun, typically with a chamber integrated in the barrel, a semi-automatic action and a box magazine. |
hanging | dorsal | English | y | n | A hanging, usually of rich stuff, at the back of a throne, altar, etc. |
hard, difficult, demanding to handle | cumbersome | English | y | n | Hard, difficult, demanding to handle or get around with. |
hate | poot | Tagalog | y | n | hate; hatred |
have to | möten | Low German | y | n | to have to, must |
having a bad stature | 䆀材 | Chinese | n | y | ugly; unsightly |
having a bad stature | 䆀材 | Chinese | n | y | being in a bad situation |
having a colour that is due to the presence of impurities | allochromatic | English | y | n | Having a colour that is due to the presence of impurities |
having a helpful disposition | sweet | English | y | n | Having a helpful disposition. |
having a single melodic line and no harmony | monophonic | English | y | n | having a single melodic line and no harmony (compare polyphonic) |
having little or no visibility | blind | English | y | n | Of a place, having little or no visibility. |
having no members in common | disjoint | English | y | n | Of two or more sets, having no members in common; having an intersection equal to the empty set. |
having tendency to steal; given to thievery | light-fingered | English | y | n | Having nimble fingers literally or figuratively; especially for stealing or picking pockets (pickpocketing), given to thievery or shoplifting. |
heavy shoe that covers part of the leg | boot | English | y | n | A heavy shoe that covers part of the leg. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | To raise; to lift; to elevate (especially, to raise or lift to a desired elevation, by means of tackle or pulley, said of a sail, a flag, a heavy package or weight). |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | To lift a trophy or similar prize into the air in celebration of a victory. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | To lift someone up to be flogged. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | To be lifted up. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | To extract (code) from a loop construct as part of optimization. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | To steal. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | To rob. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | A hoisting device, such as pulley or crane. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | The act of hoisting; a lift. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | The perpendicular height of a flag, as opposed to the fly, or horizontal length, when flying from a staff. |
height of a fore-and-aft sail, next the mast or stay | hoist | English | n | y | The vertical edge of a flag which is next to the staff. |
hemisphere of the Earth | Western Hemisphere | English | y | n | The hemisphere of the Earth to the west of the Greenwich Meridian (zero degree longitude) and east of 180 degrees longitude (approximately the International Date Line). |
heraldic charge | vesilehti | Finnish | n | y | A leaf of a living plant that floats in the water, e.g. the leaf of a waterlily. |
heraldry | rampant | English | y | n | Rearing up, especially on its hind leg(s), with a foreleg raised and in profile. |
hide | callum | Latin | y | n | The hardened, thick skin upon animal bodies, hide. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Separates certain pieces of text. / Separates syllables. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Separates certain pieces of text. / Separates letters. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Separates certain pieces of text. / Splits a word across a line break (called hyphenation). |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Separates certain pieces of text. / Marks a point where a morpheme (a suffix, a prefix, etc.) is supposed to be attached to a word. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Connects certain pieces of text. / Joins prefixes and suffixes according to stylistic rules, often to avoid confusion in pronunciation or meaning |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Connects certain pieces of text. / Connects words in compound terms. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Connects certain pieces of text. / Connects words in a compound modifier according to various stylistic rules. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Connects certain pieces of text. / Connects names in some compound surnames. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Connects certain pieces of text. / Indicates common parts of repeated compounds. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Connects certain pieces of text. / Connects words in some situations, akin to a space. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Connects certain pieces of text. / Connects the year, the month and the day, in dates. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Indicates stuttering. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Separates the components of a pun. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Hides letters. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Joins the components of coordinative compounds, with equal components. |
hide letters | ‐ | Translingual | e | n | Joins the components of subordinative compounds, with a dominant component or head. |
high, in pitch | نازک | Persian | y | n | high (in pitch) |
highest peak | 尖端 | Chinese | y | n | highest peak; acme |
highly offensive; disgusting | rank | English | y | n | Strong to the senses; offensive; noisome. |
highly offensive; disgusting | rank | English | y | n | Gross, disgusting. |
horse faeces | horseshit | English | y | n | Horse faeces. |
horse's eye shield | blinder | English | y | n | A screen attached to a horse's bridle preventing it from being able to see things to its side. |
household | hús | Faroese | y | n | household |
humbly; meekly; modestly | lowly | English | y | n | In a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly. |
humorous: elderly person | coffin dodger | English | y | n | An elderly person, a person close to death, or good at avoiding death. |
hunch | hytinä | Finnish | n | y | shiver, especially one due to cold |
husband or wife who commits adultery | adulterer | English | y | n | One who commits adultery: a spouse who has sex with a non-spouse |
husband's elder sister | 姑奶 | Chinese | y | n | sister-in-law (husband's elder sister) |
idiomatic, with to-infinitive | feel free | English | y | n | To feel able without giving offense. |
if a friend helps you when you are in need, they are a true friend | a friend in need is a friend indeed | English | y | n | If a friend helps you when you are in need, they are a true friend. |
immigration of Jews to Israel | aliyah | English | y | n | The immigration of Jews to Israel. |
impersonator of Elvis Presley | Elvis | English | y | n | An impersonator of Elvis Presley. |
import is obvious | res ipsa loquitur | English | y | n | The import of a thing or situation is obvious. |
in a deceitful manner | deceitfully | English | y | n | in a deceitful manner |
in a shamefull manner | shamefully | English | y | n | In a shameful manner. |
in a similar manner | likewise | English | y | n | In a similar manner. |
in a state of dispute or disagreement | at sixes and sevens | English | n | y | In a state of confusion. |
in addition to | besides | English | y | n | In addition, in addition to. |
in an imperious manner | imperiously | English | y | n | In an imperious manner; in the style of an emperor. |
in an uneven manner | unevenly | English | y | n | In an uneven or haphazard manner. |
in any way | ever | English | y | n | In any way. |
in financial or survival difficulty | hard-pressed | English | n | y | Barely able. Having difficulty doing something. |
in liturgical texts | חו״ק | Hebrew | n | y | abbreviation of חֻפָּה וְקִדּוּשִׁין: a complete Jewish religious marriage ceremony. |
in music | alue | Finnish | y | n | register (range of a voice or instrument) |
in or of the United States | stateside | English | y | n | In the United States. |
in principle | lähtökohtaisesti | Finnish | y | n | in principle |
in set theory | intersection | English | y | n | The set containing all the elements that are common to two or more sets. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | A category into which sexually-reproducing organisms are divided on the basis of their reproductive roles in their species. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | Another category, especially of humans and especially based on sexuality or gender roles. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | The members of such a category, taken collectively. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | The distinction and relation between these categories, especially in humans; gender. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | Women; the human female sex and those who belong to it. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | Sexual activity, usually sexual intercourse unless preceded by a modifier. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | Genitalia: a penis or vagina. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | To determine the sex of (an animal). |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | To have sex with. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | To have sex. |
in some contexts | sex | English | e | n | Alternative form of sect. |
in the meantime | awhile | English | n | y | For some time; for a short time. |
inattention to things present | absence | English | y | n | Inattention to things present; abstraction (of mind). |
inconvenient | 厄介 | Japanese | y | n | inconvenient |
industry | tourism | English | y | n | The industry in which such travels and sightseeing are organized. |
inferior or not the real thing | plastic | English | y | n | Inferior or not the real thing. |
inflatable boat | dinghy | English | y | n | An inflatable rubber life raft. |
informal: thought | wonder | English | y | n | A mental pondering, a thought. |
insect | 牛牛 | Chinese | y | n | insect; worm |
insulation material | lagging | English | y | n | The material so used. |
insurance industry | life | English | y | n | The life insurance industry. |
intelligent person, director, planner, administrator | brains | English | y | n | The intelligent person or people in a group: the director, planner, administrator, &c. |
intensely vivid | violent | English | y | n | Intensely vivid. |
interconnecting system | net | English | y | n | A system that interconnects a number of users, locations etc. allowing transport or communication between them. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | A percussive instrument made of metal or other hard material, typically but not always in the shape of an inverted cup with a flared rim, which resonates when struck. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | The sounding of a bell as a signal. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | A telephone call. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | A signal at a school that tells the students when a class is starting or ending. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | The flared end of a brass or woodwind instrument. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | Any of a series of strokes on a bell (or similar), struck every half hour to indicate the time (within a four hour watch) |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | The flared end of a pipe, designed to mate with a narrow spigot. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | The bell character. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | Anything shaped like a bell, such as the cup or corolla of a flower. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | The part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding; also used for the naked core of nearly cylindrical shape, assumed to exist within the leafage of a capital. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | An instrument situated on a bicycle's handlebar, used by the cyclist to warn of his or her presence. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | A bubble. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | To attach a bell to. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | To shape so that it flares out like a bell. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | To telephone. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | To develop bells or corollas; to take the form of a bell; to blossom. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | To bellow or roar. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | To utter in a loud manner; to thunder forth. |
internally suspended tool for striking | bell | English | e | n | The bellow or bay of certain animals, such as a hound on the hunt or a stag in rut. |
intimate | 貼身 | Chinese | y | n | intimate; close |
intransitive: talk superficially | smatter | English | y | n | To talk superficially; to babble, chatter. |
intransitive: to search by touching | feel | English | y | n | To use or experience the sense of touch. / To search by sense of touch. |
it | hy | Afrikaans | y | n | third-person singular subject pronoun / it (referring to a non-personal noun) |
it is said that | 相傳 | Chinese | y | n | it is said that; tradition has it that; according to legend |
jade artifact | Jade | German | y | n | an artifact made of jade |
jewelry | crown jewels | English | y | n | The jewelry that accompany the office of rulership in a monarchy, i.e. crown, scepter, signet ring, etc. |
job or performance done by one person | solo | English | y | n | A job or performance done by one person alone. |
judge | jude | Romanian | y | n | judge |
kamikaze | itsemurhapommittaja | Finnish | n | y | suicide bomber |
kill with poisonous gas | gas | English | y | n | To attack or kill with poison gas. |
kind of snack | leblebi | English | y | n | A kind of snack made from roasted chickpeas |
kinematics: elementary piece of a mechanism by which relative motion of other parts is produced and constrained | link | English | y | n | Any one of the several elementary pieces of a mechanism, such as the fixed frame, or a rod, wheel, mass of confined liquid, etc., by which relative motion of other parts is produced and constrained. |
know a fact or person | ξέρω | Greek | y | n | know of, be familiar with (a fact, a person or a language) |
ladder, stairs | աստիճան | Armenian | y | n | stairs |
ladder, stairs | աստիճան | Armenian | y | n | ladder |
laptop computer | נייד | Hebrew | n | y | mobile |
laptop computer | נייד | Hebrew | n | y | portable |
laptop computer | נייד | Hebrew | n | y | mobile phone, cell phone |
lard | ihra | Finnish | y | n | lard (pig fat prepared for use in cooking or pharmacy) |
large | 廣大 | Chinese | y | n | large; vast; wide |
law that prohibits something | prohibition | English | n | y | An act of prohibiting, forbidding, disallowing, or proscribing something. |
law that prohibits something | prohibition | English | n | y | A period of time when specific socially disapproved consumables are considered controlled substances. |
lead | 嬰兒 | Chinese | n | y | baby; infant (Classifier: 個/个 m) |
lean, angular and bony | gaunt | English | y | n | Lean, angular, and bony. |
legal system of England and its former colonies | common law | English | y | n | Legal system mainly in England and its former colonies with a heavy emphasis on judge-made law, doctrines deduced by casuistry rather than from general principles, and law distributed among judicial decisions rather than codified statutes (as opposed to civil law). |
legal:to suspend | toll | English | y | n | To suspend. |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | the side of something (this sense may also be spelled 傍 |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | or 側 |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | ). |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | y | n | something of lesser importance, something on the back burner (often used in constructions such as 脇にする |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | 脇になる |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | .) |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | short for 脇能 |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | short for 脇句 |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | short for 脇百姓 |
lesser importance | 脇 | Japanese | e | n | |
library | księgozbiór | Polish | y | n | library |
light | fexi | Aromanian | y | n | light |
like sand | sandy | English | y | n | Like sand, especially in texture. |
likely to happen or to undergo something | on course | English | n | y | Following the intended route. |
likely to happen or to undergo something | on course | English | n | y | Proceeding smoothly as planned. |
likely to snap or bite | snappish | English | y | n | Likely to snap or bite. |
likely to use physical force | violent | English | y | n | Likely to use physical force. |
linguistics: relating to phones | phonetic | English | y | n | Relating to phones (as opposed to phonemes) |
link up | 連貫 | Chinese | y | n | to link up; to piece together; to hang together |
liquid used as an embrocation | embrocation | English | n | y | The act of moistening and rubbing a diseased part with spirit, oil, etc. |
listen | 聞く | Japanese | y | n | to hear, to listen |
literal | kaakslag | Dutch | y | n | A smack on the jaw, blow in the face |
literal meaning | sleep together | English | e | n | To have sex with each other. |
literal meaning | sleep together | English | e | n | To be intimate with each other in the same bed. |
literal meaning | sleep together | English | e | n | Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see sleep, together. |
literally: not for nothing | not for nothing | English | y | n | Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see not, for, nothing. |
literary genre | horror | English | y | n | A genre of fiction designed to evoke a feeling of fear and suspense. |
log off | afmelden | Dutch | y | n | to log out |
log off | afmelden | Dutch | y | n | to log out |
logarithmization | exponent | English | e | n | One who expounds, represents or advocates. |
logarithmization | exponent | English | e | n | The number by which a value (called the base) is said to be raised to a power in exponentiation: for example, the 3 in 2³=8. |
logarithmization | exponent | English | e | n | The degree to which the root of a radicand is found, for example, the 2 in ^(2])√=b. |
logarithmization | exponent | English | e | n | A manifestation of a morphosyntactic property. |
logarithmization | exponent | English | e | n | The part of a floating-point number that represents its exponent value. |
long | продолжительный | Russian | y | n | long |
long sharp fragment | splinter | English | y | n | A long, sharp fragment of material, often wood. |
long, narrow channel | groove | English | y | n | A long, narrow channel or depression; e.g., such a slot cut into a hard material to provide a location for an engineering component, a tyre groove, or a geological channel or depression. |
long-distance bus | coach | English | y | n | A long-distance, or privately hired, bus. |
longitude | pituus | Finnish | n | y | length |
longitude | pituus | Finnish | n | y | height (vertical distance from the ground to the highest part of a standing person) |
looped, coiled | lúbánach | Irish | y | n | looped, coiled |
main bone of the head | skull | English | y | n | The main bones of the head considered as a unit; including the cranium, facial bones, and mandible. |
majority of | most | English | y | n | superlative degree of many: the majority of; more than half of (construed without the definite article) |
male friend | good old boy | English | y | n | A male friend or chum, especially a schoolmate; a man with an established network of friends who assist one another in social and business situations; a decent, dependable fellow. |
male given name | Dexter | English | y | n | A male given name transferred from the surname. |
male member of monastic order | monk | English | y | n | A male member of a monastic order who has devoted his life for religious service. |
malicious act | phishing | English | y | n | The malicious act of keeping a false website or sending a false e-mail with the intent of masquerading as a trustworthy entity in order to acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. |
man of great beauty | apollo | Italian | y | n | a young man of great beauty, an apollo |
man's hairstyle | pompadour | English | y | n | A men's hairstyle of the 1950s. |
marked with parallel folds, ridges or furrows | corrugated | English | y | n | Marked with parallel folds, ridges or furrows. |
market | markaður | Icelandic | y | n | market, marketplace, fair |
math | terminating | English | n | y | present participle of terminate |
math | terminating | English | n | y | Coming to an end. |
mating pair of devices | connector | English | y | n | A device (or, more precisely, a mating pair of devices, often a plug and a socket) for connecting together two wires, cables, or hoses, allowing electricity or fluid to flow but also allowing easy disconnection and reconnection when necessary. |
measuring device | quadrant | English | y | n | A measuring device with a graduated arc of 90° used in locating an altitude. |
mechanism of a part which slides on or against a guide | slide | English | y | n | A mechanism consisting of a part which slides on or against a guide. |
medicine: promoting nutrition | eutrophic | English | y | n | Promoting nutrition. |
member of the Germanic ethnic group which is native to Frisia | Frisian | English | y | n | A member of the Germanic ethnic group which is native to the region of Frisia (which is in the Netherlands, northern Germany, and southern Denmark). |
middle of the night | midnight | English | y | n | The middle of the night: the sixth temporal hour, equidistant between sunset and sunrise. |
military: direction toward which the command is faced | front | English | y | n | When a combat situation does not exist or is not assumed, the direction toward which the command is faced. |
minor collision | bonk | English | y | n | Any minor collision or blow. |
miss | проскочить | Russian | y | n | to miss, to overshoot |
misty | 迷濛 | Chinese | y | n | misty; hazy; indistinct |
mitre | piispanhiippa | Finnish | y | n | mitre of a bishop; usually only hiippa (“mitre”) unless there's a need to be specific |
moment | दम | Hindi | y | n | moment, instant |
morally approvable, when referring to an action that affects others; good | ethical | English | y | n | Morally approvable; good. |
mother | moer | Dutch | y | n | mother |
move (a door) | close | English | y | n | To remove a gap. / To move so that an opening is closed. |
multiply | manifold | English | y | n | To make manifold; multiply. |
music: to produce a bouncy, uneven rhythm | swing | English | y | n | To play notes that are in pairs by making the first of the pair slightly longer than written (augmentation) and the second shorter, resulting in a bouncy, uneven rhythm. |
musical ability | ear | English | y | n | The sense of hearing; the perception of sounds; skill or good taste in listening to music. |
musical introduction | overture | English | y | n | A musical introduction to a piece of music. |
musical note, 261.626 Hz | middle C | English | y | n | A specific musical note, particularly the note C4, at approximately 261.6 hertz, appearing at the middle of the alto staff and directly between the treble and bass staves. |
mythical horn endlessly overflowing with food and drink | cornucopia | English | y | n | A goat's horn endlessly overflowing with fruit, flowers and grain; or full of whatever its owner wanted. |
narrow hall or passage | corridor | English | y | n | A narrow hall or passage with rooms leading off it, as in a building or in a railway carriage. |
native country | moșie | Romanian | y | n | one's native country or land |
native of Chennai | Madrasi | English | y | n | A native or resident of Chennai in India. |
nautical slang: the second-in-command officer of a ship | premier | English | y | n | The first lieutenant or other second-in-command officer of a ship. |
naval punishment | keelhauling | English | y | n | The act by which a person is keelhauled. |
nervous system | zenuwgestel | Dutch | y | n | nervous system |
never happening | impossible | English | y | n | Not possible; not able to be done or happen. |
next in importance or rank | after | English | y | n | Next in importance or rank. |
non-nuclear submarine | submersible | English | y | n | A small nonmilitary, non-nuclear submarine for exploration. |
non-nuclear submarine | submersible | English | y | n | A retroactive term used for non-nuclear submarines; nuclear submarines are termed "true submarines". |
normal or customary sequence | course | English | y | n | A sequence of events. / A normal or customary sequence. |
not being capable | incapable | English | y | n | Not capable (of doing something); unable. |
not congenital | adventitious | English | y | n | Not congenital; acquired. |
not expressed | pent-up | English | y | n | Not expressed. |
not yet packed | unpacked | English | y | n | Not yet packed. |
not; not properly | no | English | y | n | Not (a); not properly, not really; not fully. |
notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging | cut | English | y | n | A notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging; a furrow; a groove. |
objective or a matter needing to be dealt with | business | English | y | n | Any activity or objective needing to be dealt with; especially, one of a financial or legal matter. |
obsolete spelling | vlegel | Dutch | e | n | A flail, threshing tool (or by extension equivalent machinery). |
obsolete spelling | vlegel | Dutch | e | n | A flail, a weapon with a weight on a chain. |
obsolete spelling | vlegel | Dutch | e | n | A flail, whipping implement; also in figurative sense. |
obsolete spelling | vlegel | Dutch | e | n | A rogue, imp, rascal, scamp. |
obsolete spelling | vlegel | Dutch | e | n | Alternative form of vleugel |
obsolete spelling | vlegel | Dutch | e | n | first-person singular present indicative of vlegelen |
obsolete spelling | vlegel | Dutch | e | n | imperative of vlegelen |
obsolete: to die | starve | English | y | n | To die; in later use especially to die slowly, waste away. |
obtain (someone) by wooing | win | English | y | n | To obtain (someone) by wooing; to make an ally or friend of (frequently with over). |
oceanography: crest of ocean water resulting from tidal forces | tidal wave | English | n | y | A large and sudden rise and fall in the tide. |
oceanography: crest of ocean water resulting from tidal forces | tidal wave | English | n | y | A large, sudden, and disastrous wave of water caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean; a tsunami. (See Usage notes below.) |
oceanography: crest of ocean water resulting from tidal forces | tidal wave | English | n | y | A large, sudden inundation of water from the storm surge, or waves of that surge. |
oceanography: crest of ocean water resulting from tidal forces | tidal wave | English | n | y | A sudden and powerful surge. |
oceanography: crest of ocean water resulting from tidal forces | tidal wave | English | n | y | A crest of ocean water; a wave. |
of "smart, cunning" | gudrs | Latvian | y | n | smart, resourceful, cunning (who quickly orients himself in many different circumstances, who can use the circumstances to his favor) |
of Mississippi | Mississippian | English | y | n | Of, or pertaining to, Mississippi or its culture. |
of a body of water: to discharge or empty (itself) | exonerate | English | y | n | Of a body of water: to discharge or empty (itself). |
of a sound | obtuse | English | y | n | Of sound, etc.: deadened, muffled, muted. |
of abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc.) | bastard | English | y | n | Of abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc). |
of countries | kraj | Polish | y | n | country |
of drinks: to leave temporarily so as to allow the flavour to increase | draw | English | y | n | To move or develop something. / To steep, leave temporarily so as to allow the flavour to increase. |
of enormous size or strength; very strong | Promethean | English | y | n | Of enormous size or strength; extraordinarily strong. |
of noun | klikka | Norwegian Bokmål | y | n | definite neuter plural of klikk (Etymology 2) |
of or pertaining to Spain | Spanish | English | y | n | Of or pertaining to Spain. |
of or pertaining to a midwest region | midwestern | English | y | n | Of or pertaining to any region identified as midwest |
of or pertaining to photography | photographic | English | y | n | Pertaining to photographs or photography. |
of or pertaining to the Puritans | puritanical | English | y | n | Of or pertaining to the Puritans, or to their doctrines and practice. |
of or relating to Delphi | Delphic | English | y | n | Of or relating to Delphi or its oracles. |
of or relating to the eye socket | orbital | English | y | n | Of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole). |
of the decade | thirties | English | y | n | From or evoking the 31st through 40th years of a century (chiefly the 1930s). |
of verb | badet | Norwegian Bokmål | y | n | simple past |
of verb | badet | Norwegian Bokmål | y | n | past participle |
of verb | vernet | Norwegian Bokmål | y | n | simple past |
of verb | vernet | Norwegian Bokmål | y | n | past participle |
of, from or pertaining to London in the UK | London | English | y | n | The capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England. Situated near the mouth of the River Thames in southeast England, with a metropolitan population of more than 13,000,000. |
old lady | дедуля | Russian | y | n | old man |
once | 一度 | Chinese | y | n | once (one time) |
once | 一度 | Chinese | y | n | once (at some time in the past) |
one of the Five Books of Moses | Chumash | English | y | n | Any book of the Pentateuch. |
one of the fifteen administrative regions of Chile | Araucania | English | n | y | The homeland of the Mapuche people in part of Patagonia (south central Chile and adjacent area of Argentina). |
one used for another's purposes | cat's-paw | English | y | n | Someone who acts in another's interest, (properly) unknowingly or through trickery. |
one who devises or suggests a project | projector | English | y | n | Someone who devises or suggests a project; a proposer or planner of something. |
one who kicks | kicker | English | y | n | One who kicks. |
one who responds; one who replies | respondent | English | y | n | One who responds; one who replies. |
one who summons or evokes | summoner | English | y | n | One who summons or evokes, particularly in legal contexts. |
one-eyed | unllygeidiog | Welsh | y | n | one-eyed |
online encyclopedia | Wikipedia | English | y | n | A free-content online encyclopedia founded in 2001, collaboratively developed over the World Wide Web in a number of languages. |
open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing | drawer | English | y | n | An open-topped box that can be slid in and out of the cabinet that contains it, used for storing clothing or other articles. |
operation that converts a function | transform | English | y | n | An operation (often an integration) that converts one function into another. |
opinion | 議 | Chinese | y | n | opinion; suggestion |
opposed to humanity | antihuman | English | y | n | Opposed to humanity. |
order and class | Acoela | Translingual | y | n | marine flatworms that lack a digestive tract and coelomic cavity / A taxonomic order within the class Turbellaria. |
order and class | Acoela | Translingual | y | n | marine flatworms that lack a digestive tract and coelomic cavity / A taxonomic class within the phylum Xenacoelomorpha. |
ordinary person | 凡人 | Japanese | y | n | an ordinary person |
ordinary person | 凡人 | Japanese | y | n | an ordinary person |
ordinary, commonplace | conventional | English | y | n | Ordinary, commonplace. |
originating word | ancestor | English | e | n | One from whom a person is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any distance of time; a progenitor; a forefather. |
originating word | ancestor | English | e | n | An earlier type; a progenitor |
originating word | ancestor | English | e | n | One from whom an estate has descended;—the correlative of heir. |
originating word | ancestor | English | e | n | To be an ancestor of. |
ornamental piece | doily | English | y | n | A small ornamental piece of lace or linen or paper used to protect a surface from scratches by hard objects such as vases or bowls; or to decorate a plate of food. |
orthodontics | braces | English | y | n | A device worn on the teeth to straighten them. |
over a great length | long-distance | English | y | n | Over a great length or distance. |
page | გვერდი | Georgian | y | n | page |
pallet | barłóg | Polish | y | n | pallet, shakedown |
paperback | 簡裝 | Chinese | n | y | simply-packed; plainly-packaged |
part of Kashmir governed by China | Aksai Chin | English | y | n | One of the two parts of the Kashmir region administered by the People's Republic of China. The rest of Kashmir is split between Pakistan and India. |
part of a lute-type string instrument | headstock | English | y | n | The part of a lute-type string instrument, such as a guitar, that holds the tuning pegs or tensioning screws of the strings. |
passage through | 通過 | Japanese | y | n | passage through an object |
patron, customer | guest | English | y | n | A patron or customer in a hotel etc. |
people of talent collectively | talent | English | y | n | People of talent, viewed collectively; a talented person. |
peremptory | absolute | English | y | n | Unrestricted by laws, a constitution, or parliamentary or judicial or other checks; (legally) unlimited in power, especially if despotic. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | The number occurring after nine and before eleven, represented in Arabic numerals (base ten) as 10 and in Roman numerals as X. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | A set or group with ten elements. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | An inexact quantity, typically understood to be between 20 and 100. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | A card in a given suit with a value of ten. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | A denomination of currency, such as a banknote, with a value of ten units. See also tenner. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | A perfect specimen, (particularly) a physically attractive person. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | A high level of intensity. |
period of 10 years | ten | English | e | n | The act of rowing ten strokes flat out. |
period of excessive consumption, especially of alcohol | binge | English | y | n | A short period of excessive consumption, especially of food, alcohol, narcotics, etc. |
period of one hundred years | age | English | y | n | A period of one hundred years; a century. |
periphery | 周邊 | Chinese | y | n | periphery; rim; surroundings |
person | multitalent | English | n | y | The quality of being multitalented. |
person from Zealand | Zealander | English | n | y | A resident or inhabitant of New Zealand; a New Zealander. |
person from a primitive society | primitive | English | y | n | A member of a primitive society. |
person from the U.S. State of Georgia | Georgian | English | y | n | A native or resident of the state of Georgia in the United States of America. |
person met | Date | German | y | n | date (person with whom one has such a meeting) |
person seeking political asylum | refugee | English | y | n | A person seeking refuge in a foreign country out of fear of political persecution or the prospect of such persecution in their home country, i.e., a person seeking political asylum. |
person who fishes with a hook and line | angler | English | y | n | A person who fishes with a hook and line. |
person who starts and leads a disturbance, a conspiracy, or a criminal gang | ringleader | English | n | y | A leader of a group of people, especially an unofficial group. |
person with old-fashioned views; one who is very conservative or reactionary | mossyback | English | y | n | A person with old-fashioned views; hence, one who is very conservative or reactionary; a mossback. |
pertaining to grammatical inflection | inflectional | English | y | n | Of or pertaining to inflection. |
phonograph | 話匣子 | Chinese | y | n | phonograph; gramophone |
phylum | Protozoa | Translingual | y | n | Protozoans; eukaryotes that are primarily unicellular, existing singly or aggregating into colonies, and usually nonphotosynthetic, placed either as: / A taxonomic phylum within the kingdom Protista. or |
physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero | equilibrium | English | n | y | The condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced, resulting in no net change. |
physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero | equilibrium | English | n | y | Mental balance. |
physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero | equilibrium | English | n | y | The state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same. |
pin or fastener for the hair | hairpin | English | y | n | A pin or fastener for the hair. |
place next to wall | seinusta | Finnish | y | n | A place next to a wall. |
place where animals lick minerals from the ground | lick | English | y | n | A place where animals lick minerals from the ground. |
place where items may be kept | store | English | y | n | A place where items may be accumulated or routinely kept. |
placid, calm | smooth | English | y | n | Placid, calm. |
planet | Phebe | Middle English | n | y | The Greek Titan and goddess of the Moon; Phoebe. |
planet | Phebe | Middle English | n | y | The celestial body closest to the Earth, considered to be a planet in the Ptolemic system as well as the boundary between the Earth and the heavens; the Moon. |
plant disease | blight | English | y | n | A rapid and complete chlorosis, browning, then death of plant tissues such as leaves, branches, twigs, or floral organs. |
plant that grows in a specified habitat | -phyte | English | y | n | A plant that grows in a specified habitat, e.g. acrophyte. |
poem by Lucan | Pharsalia | English | y | n | An epic poem by the Roman poet Lucan describing Caesar's Civil War. |
possessing magical abilities | clever | English | y | n | Possessing magical abilities. |
potato crisp | τσιπς | Greek | y | n | crisps (UK), chips (US) (fried sliced potato) |
power exerted against will or consent | force | English | y | n | Power exerted against will or consent; compulsory power; violence; coercion. |
practice of giving favours or money for support | pork-barrelling | English | y | n | The practice of giving favours or money to voters in connection with a candidate for a current or future election, in order to sway enough voters so that the candidate will win. |
praise | cliù | Scottish Gaelic | n | y | fame, glory, renown, reputation |
predict the future using crystal balls or other objects | scry | English | y | n | To predict the future using crystal balls or other objects. |
pride | دماغ | Urdu | y | n | conceit, pride |
process of cogitating | cogitation | English | y | n | The process of cogitating; contemplation, deliberation, reflection, meditation. |
product | ware | English | y | n | Goods or a type of goods offered for sale or use. |
product of defining | definition | English | y | n | A product of defining. |
profit from a situation | take advantage | English | y | n | To profit from a situation deliberately. |
programming: doing something by code | programmatically | English | n | y | In a programmatic manner. |
programming: remark not affecting behavior | comment | English | y | n | A remark embedded in source code in such a way that it will be ignored by the compiler or interpreter, typically to help people to understand the code. |
prohibitory ordinance | defense | English | y | n | A prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance. |
projection | rožok | Slovak | y | n | projection, prominence, protrusion, protuberance |
promiscuous woman | bike | English | y | n | Ellipsis of village bike |
property adjacent to the ocean | oceanfront | English | y | n | A property that is adjacent to the ocean. |
property of being persistent | persistence | English | y | n | The property of being persistent. |
property of being shameful | shamefulness | English | y | n | The property of being shameful. |
prostitute | gillian | English | n | y | A girl, especially a wanton. |
prostitute | slapper | English | y | n | A prostitute. |
province | Genoa | English | y | n | A province of Liguria, Italy. |
province | Piacenza | English | y | n | A province in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. |
public stroll | walkabout | English | y | n | A public stroll by some celebrity to meet a group of people informally. |
pull with a quick strong action | yank | English | y | n | To pull (something) with a quick, strong action. |
push (something) into | sink | English | y | n | To move or be moved into something. / To push (something) into something. |
pushback from a fired firearm | recoil | English | y | n | The energy transmitted back to the shooter from a firearm which has fired. Recoil is a function of the weight of the weapon, the weight of the projectile, and the speed at which it leaves the muzzle. |
put out of operation | turn off | English | y | n | To power down, to switch off, to put out of operation, to deactivate (an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.). |
puzzle | head-scratcher | English | y | n | A puzzle. |
quantum mechanical passing of a particle | tunneling | English | y | n | The quantum mechanical passing of a particle through an energy barrier. |
quick-witted | fly | English | y | n | Quick-witted, alert, mentally sharp. |
quirk | Marotte | German | y | n | marotte (prop stick or sceptre with a carved head on it) |
rate | kurssi | Finnish | y | n | rate, exchange rate |
reality | истина | Bulgarian | y | n | reality, verity |
recording that has achieved platinum sales | platinum | English | y | n | A single or album that has achieved platinum sales, i.e. over 1 million or 2 million. |
refuse of alum works | slam | English | y | n | The yellow iron silicate produced in alum works as a waste product. |
refuse of alum works | slam | English | y | n | The refuse of alum works. |
regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time | curfew | English | y | n | Any regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time. |
relating to or being the second of two items | latter | English | y | n | Relating to or being the second of two items. |
relating to the nerves | nervous | English | y | n | Of nerves. / Supplied with nerves; innervated. |
relating to the nerves | nervous | English | y | n | Of nerves. / Affecting the nerves or nervous system. |
relax or take time out | chill out | English | y | n | To relax or take time out; to calm down. |
religious veneration, zeal, or piety | devotion | English | y | n | Religious veneration, zeal, or piety. |
rent | 房費 | Chinese | y | n | rent (regular payments made to the owner of a property to secure its use) |
resourceful, sometimes to the point of cunning | clever | English | y | n | Mentally quick and resourceful. |
result of distorting | distortion | English | y | n | A result of distorting. |
rhythm quality | syncopation | English | n | y | The contraction of a word by means of loss or omission of sounds or syllables in the middle thereof. |
rice hull | 米粟 | Chinese | n | y | grain; cereal |
rich, iced cake | gateau | English | y | n | A rich, usually iced, cake. |
ride on a bicycle given to a passenger, usually on the handlebars or fender | pump | English | y | n | A ride on a bicycle given to a passenger, usually on the handlebars or fender. |
rip current | mui | Dutch | y | n | riptide (a strong flow of water) |
rock-climbing maneuver | toe jam | English | n | y | Sticky matter accumulated between digits of a foot. |
rock-climbing maneuver | toe jam | English | n | y | A stubbed toe. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | An amount obtained by the addition of smaller amounts. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | Sum. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | Entire; relating to the whole of something. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | Complete; absolute. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | (of a function) Defined on all possible inputs. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | To add up; to calculate the sum of. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | To equal a total of; to amount to. |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | To demolish; to wreck completely. (from total loss) |
root extraction; degree | total | English | e | n | To amount to; to add up to. |
ruler | sultan | English | y | n | A hereditary ruler in various Muslim states (sultanate), varying from petty principalities (as in Indonesia and in Yemen), often vassal of a greater ruler, to independent realms, such as Oman, Brunei, or an empire such as the Turkish Ottoman Empire. |
safe | сигурен | Bulgarian | y | n | safe, secure |
saltwater mussel | mussel | English | y | n | Any of several groups of bivalve shellfish with elongated, asymmetrical shells / salt water mussels, usually edible, of the order Mytilida in subclass Pteriomorphia. |
save | snimiti | Serbo-Croatian | y | n | to save (to write a file to a disk) |
savor; quality; characteristic tinge | relish | English | y | n | A quality or characteristic tinge. |
scroll or document written on this material | papyrus | English | n | y | A plant (Cyperus papyrus) in the sedge family, native to the Nile river valley, paper reed. |
scroll or document written on this material | papyrus | English | n | y | A material similar to paper made from the papyrus plant. |
sea animal | burete | Romanian | y | n | sponge (sea creature) |
section or division of a subject, as a law, lawbook, etc | title | English | y | n | A section or division of a subject, as of a law or a book. |
see | αγκίστρι | Greek | e | n | fishhook, fishing hook, hook |
see | αγκίστρι | Greek | e | n | bait |
see | αλωπεκή | Greek | e | n | foxskin |
see | αλωπεκή | Greek | e | n | deceit, cunning |
see | αποκοίμιση | Greek | e | n | getting of to sleep, lulling of to sleep |
see | αποκοίμιση | Greek | e | n | beguiling, lulling |
see | ηγεμονικός | Greek | e | n | princely |
see | ηγεμονικός | Greek | e | n | hegemonic |
see | περίπατος | Greek | e | n | walk, hike, stroll (journey on foot) |
see | περίπατος | Greek | e | n | walk, way (recognised route for such a walk) |
see | περίπατος | Greek | e | n | opening (type of move) |
see | πετσί | Greek | e | n | skin, pelt |
see | πετσί | Greek | e | n | leather |
seem, appear | look like | English | n | y | Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see look, like. |
seem, appear | look like | English | n | y | To give a prospect of |
seem, appear | look like | English | n | y | To be similar in appearance to; resemble. |
seize by hair | părui | Romanian | y | n | to seize by the hair; fight while pulling hair; or to fight in general |
semantics: semantic widening | extension | English | y | n | semantic widening, broadening of meaning |
senior male schoolmate | 師兄 | Chinese | y | n | senior or older male schoolmate |
set aside for a particular purpose | earmark | English | y | n | To specify or set aside for a particular purpose, to allocate. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | A percussive instrument made of metal or other hard material, typically but not always in the shape of an inverted cup with a flared rim, which resonates when struck. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | The sounding of a bell as a signal. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | A telephone call. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | A signal at a school that tells the students when a class is starting or ending. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | The flared end of a brass or woodwind instrument. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | Any of a series of strokes on a bell (or similar), struck every half hour to indicate the time (within a four hour watch) |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | The flared end of a pipe, designed to mate with a narrow spigot. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | The bell character. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | Anything shaped like a bell, such as the cup or corolla of a flower. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | The part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding; also used for the naked core of nearly cylindrical shape, assumed to exist within the leafage of a capital. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | An instrument situated on a bicycle's handlebar, used by the cyclist to warn of his or her presence. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | A bubble. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | To attach a bell to. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | To shape so that it flares out like a bell. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | To telephone. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | To develop bells or corollas; to take the form of a bell; to blossom. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | To bellow or roar. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | To utter in a loud manner; to thunder forth. |
sets of bells | bell | English | e | n | The bellow or bay of certain animals, such as a hound on the hunt or a stag in rut. |
sex act | foursome | English | n | y | A group of four, a quartet or a game (such as golf) played by four players, especially by two teams of two. |
sexually aroused | hot and bothered | English | n | y | Aggravated or irritated. |
shadow | շուք | Armenian | y | n | shadow, shade |
shepherd | ποιμένας | Greek | y | n | shepherd |
short and long scale | quattuordecillion | English | e | n | 10⁴⁵. |
short and long scale | quattuordecillion | English | e | n | 10⁸⁴. |
single sideband | SSB | English | y | n | Initialism of single sideband - a type of radio emission. |
situation | 架勢 | Chinese | y | n | situation; circumstances |
skilled practice of an occupation | trade | English | y | n | The skilled practice of a practical occupation. |
skills needed to accomplish a specified task | skill set | English | n | y | A set of skills. |
skin bag | belgur | Icelandic | y | n | skin, skinbag |
slang: automobile; a working or driveable automobile | runner | English | y | n | An automobile; a working or driveable automobile. |
slang: doorman | heavy | English | y | n | A doorman, bouncer or bodyguard. |
slang: rubbish | gash | English | y | n | Rubbish, spare kit |
slang: rubbish | gash | English | y | n | Rubbish on board an aircraft |
slang: stolen | hot | English | y | n | Stolen. |
slip of paper | beer ticket | English | n | y | Paper money. |
slow | lerdo | Portuguese | y | n | slow |
slow progression | slow march | English | n | y | A controlled walking pace in a deliberate, steady, rhythmic manner. |
slow progression | slow march | English | n | y | A march with a relatively slow tempo. |
slugs | melhwes | Cornish | n | y | snails |
small booklet | tract | English | y | n | A small booklet such as a pamphlet, often for promotional or informational uses. |
small dog | doggy | English | y | n | A dog, especially a small one. |
small glass ball | Glaskugel | German | y | n | marble (small glass ball) |
small open-fronted shop | stall | English | y | n | A small open-fronted shop, for example in a market, food court, etc. |
small, fleshy excrescence on an animal | caruncle | English | y | n | A small, fleshy excrescence that is a normal part of an animal's anatomy. |
smooth, non-absorbing, grease- and moisture-resistant, super-calendered paper | glassine | English | y | n | Smooth, non-absorbing, grease- and moisture-resistant, super-calendered paper. |
sneak about furtively | slink | English | y | n | To sneak about furtively. |
someone beautiful: female | beauty | English | y | n | Someone who is beautiful. |
someone not directly involved in a transaction. | third party | English | y | n | Someone not directly involved in a transaction; an entity beyond the seller (first party) and customer (second party). |
something that is saved | saving | English | y | n | Something (usually money) that is saved, particularly money that has been set aside for the future. |
something which helps; a material source of help | aid | English | y | n | Something which helps; a material source of help. |
son of Minos | Glaucus | English | y | n | Son of king Minos. |
sovereign wealth fund | dana abadi | Indonesian | n | y | endowment fund |
spark, glimmer | σπίθα | Greek | y | n | spark, glimmer (small amount of something that has the potential to become something greater) |
speak, talk | 話す | Japanese | y | n | to talk (about something); to speak (on a subject); to converse |
species | Dianthus compactus | Translingual | e | n | A taxonomic species within the family Caryophyllaceae – Dianthus barbatus; sweet william. |
species | Dianthus compactus | Translingual | e | n | A taxonomic subspecies within the species Dianthus barbatus – Dianthus barbatus subsp. compactus. |
speech, oration | řeč | Czech | y | n | speech, oration |
spooky, frightening | ghostly | English | y | n | Spooky; frightening. |
sprain, especially to the ankle | twist | English | y | n | A sprain, especially to the ankle. |
sprout | βλαστάνω | Ancient Greek | y | n | To sprout, bud, begin to grow |
state of being accurate | accuracy | English | y | n | The state of being accurate; being free from mistakes, this exemption arising from carefulness; exactness; correctness |
state of being false | falsehood | English | y | n | The property of being false. |
state of being self-confident | self-confidence | English | n | y | A measure of one's belief in one's own abilities |
state of having caused a bad event | blame | English | y | n | Culpability for something negative or undesirable. |
state of having little of no clothes on | undress | English | n | y | To remove one's clothing. |
state of having little of no clothes on | undress | English | n | y | To remove one’s clothing. |
state of having little of no clothes on | undress | English | n | y | To remove the clothing of (someone). |
state of having little of no clothes on | undress | English | n | y | To strip of something. |
state of having little of no clothes on | undress | English | n | y | To take the dressing, or covering, from. |
state of having little of no clothes on | undress | English | n | y | Partial or informal dress for women, as worn in the home rather than in public. |
state of having little of no clothes on | undress | English | n | y | Informal clothing for men, as opposed to formal or ceremonial wear. |
state of heightened activity | overdrive | English | y | n | A state of heightened activity. |
statement less than complete | understatement | English | y | n | A figure of speech whereby something is made to seem smaller or less important than it actually is, either through phrasing or lack of emphasis, often for ironic effect. |
status of animal | bestiality | English | y | n | A status of lower animal. |
steadily lose | bleed | English | y | n | To steadily lose (something vital). |
steep, wooded slope | hanger | English | y | n | A steep, wooded slope. |
stick | Lippenpflegestift | German | y | n | lip balm; chapstick (a plastic stick including a substance that is applied to relieve dry lips) |
sticking together | coherent | English | y | n | Unified; sticking together; making up a whole. |
stooped or curled posture | hunch | English | y | n | A stooped or curled posture; a slouch. |
string | तार | Hindi | y | n | string |
stubborn | hardheaded | English | y | n | Stubborn; wilful. |
stubborn | întort | Romanian | y | n | stubborn, obstinate |
student who is in the same class at school | classmate | English | y | n | A student who is in the same class at school. |
stupid | bobo | Portuguese | y | n | silly, stupid |
submarine | sub | English | y | n | A submarine. |
sudden, uncontrolled movement | jerk | English | y | n | A sudden, often uncontrolled movement, especially of the body. |
summit of a mountain | cap | English | y | n | The summit of a mountain, etc. |
summons | 呼び出し | Japanese | y | n | a summons |
supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake | graupel | English | y | n | A precipitation that forms when supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake. |
superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails | pedicure | English | y | n | superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails. |
supervisor | boss | English | y | n | A person who oversees and directs the work of others; a supervisor. |
surface for roller skating | rink | English | y | n | A surface for roller skating. |
surname | Dionne | English | n | y | A female given name from Ancient Greek, variant of Dione. |
surname | Thomas | English | y | n | A common patronymic surname, from given names. |
surname | Yeager | English | y | n | A surname. |
swarming insect | midget | English | y | n | Any small swarming insect similar to the mosquito; a midge. |
symbol | caduceus | English | n | y | The official wand carried by a herald in ancient Greece and Rome, specifically the one carried in mythology by Hermes, the messenger of the gods, usually represented with two snakes twined around it. |
synonym of comfortableness | comfortability | English | y | n | Synonym of comfortableness (“the quality or state of being comfortable or relaxed”) |
taken by through the pores of a surface | absorbed | English | y | n | Something that has been absorbed, taken in, engulfed, imbibed, or assimilated. |
taking a great amount of time and effort to complete | monumental | English | y | n | Taking a great amount of time and effort to complete. |
tasteless Caucasian | Hoosier | English | y | n | An uneducated, tasteless Caucasian person. |
tear shed falsely | crocodile tear | English | y | n | A tear shed insincerely, in a false display of sorrow or some other emotion. |
technical suspension without mechanical support | levitation | English | n | y | The raising of something, such as a body, without apparent physical cause, allegedly using the power of the mind |
tendency or inclination | disposition | English | y | n | The way in which something or someone is disposed or disposed of (in any sense of those terms); thus: / Tendency or inclination under given circumstances. |
tending to creak | creaky | English | y | n | Tending to creak |
tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something | tolerant | English | y | n | tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something |
tennis: bounces behind the baseline | long | English | y | n | Landing beyond the baseline, and therefore deemed to be out. |
that does not represent a physical object realistically | nonrepresentational | English | n | y | Not representational. |
that which causes bitterness | wormwood | English | y | n | Something that causes bitterness or affliction; a cause of mortification or vexation. |
the act of anticipating | anticipation | English | y | n | The act of anticipating, taking up, placing, or considering something beforehand, or before the proper time in natural order. |
the act of awaking | awakening | English | y | n | The act of awaking, or ceasing to sleep. |
the act of suppurating | suppuration | English | n | y | Decay in tissue producing pus, or the pus itself. |
the act of violating the confidence of another | treachery | English | y | n | The act of violating the confidence of another, usually for personal gain. |
the act or practice of abstaining | abstinence | English | y | n | The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from indulging a desire or appetite. / Specifically, the practice of abstaining from intoxicating/alcoholic beverages; total abstinence; teetotalism). |
the act or practice of abstaining | abstinence | English | y | n | The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from indulging a desire or appetite. / Specifically, the practice of abstaining from sexual intercourse, either permanently or until marriage. |
the act or practice of abstaining | abstinence | English | y | n | The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from indulging a desire or appetite. / Abstention from certain foods on days of penitential observance. |
the act or process of computing | computation | English | y | n | The act or process of computing; calculation; reckoning. |
the act or process of self-examination | introspection | English | y | n | A looking inward; specifically, the act or process of self-examination, or inspection of one's own thoughts and feelings; the cognition which the mind has of its own acts and states |
the apparently open space above the ground | air | English | y | n | The apparently open space above the ground which this substance fills, (historical) formerly thought to be limited by the firmament but (meteorology) now considered to be surrounded by the near vacuum of outer space. |
the bird | cuckoo | English | y | n | Any of various birds, of the family Cuculidae, famous for laying its eggs in the nests of other species; but especially the common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, that has a characteristic two-note call. |
the collected creative writing of a nation, people, group or culture | literature | English | y | n | The collected creative writing of a nation, people, group, or culture. |
the condition of being plain | plainness | English | y | n | The condition of being plain (in all senses) |
the destruction of liberty | liberticide | English | y | n | The destruction of liberty. |
the drug | marijuana | English | y | n | A drug smoked or ingested for euphoric effect, cannabis. |
the institution of legal proceedings against a person | prosecution | English | y | n | The institution of legal proceedings (particularly criminal) against a person. |
the last or ending point of something | final | English | y | n | Last; ultimate. |
the loss of one's sense of direction | disorientation | English | y | n | the loss of one's sense of direction, or of one's position in relationship with the surroundings. |
the part of a church service when offerings are collected | offertory | English | y | n | The part of the Eucharist service when offerings of bread and wine are placed on the altar and when any collection is taken; also, the money or other things collected. |
the prophet who introduced Islam | Muhammad | English | y | n | The figure who introduced Islam, the man to whom the Qur'an was revealed; considered a prophet by Muslims and Bahá'ís. |
the quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach | accessibility | English | y | n | The quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach; receptiveness. |
the quality of being radiant, shining, bright or splendid | radiance | English | y | n | The quality of being radiant, shining, bright or splendid. |
the sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil | blad | Swedish | y | n | Blade; the sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil |
the shrub of this plant | bilberry | English | n | y | Vaccinium myrtillus, the wild European blueberry of the cowberry family. |
the two legislative bodies of the US | Congress | English | y | n | The two legislative bodies of the United States: the House of Representatives and the Senate. |
theatre: to prepare a set | dress | English | y | n | To prepare (a set) by installing the props, scenery, etc. |
thick group | clump | English | y | n | A thick group or bunch, especially of bushes or hair. |
thread | linen | Cornish | n | y | singulative of lin |
to arrange | 擺佈 | Chinese | y | n | to arrange |
to arrange | 編排 | Chinese | y | n | to arrange; to lay out; to organise |
to attack | 突擊 | Chinese | y | n | to assault; to attack suddenly; to launch a surprise attack; to engage in combat |
to avoid | dodge | English | y | n | To avoid (something) by moving suddenly out of the way. |
to avoid | dodge | English | y | n | To avoid; to sidestep. |
to be approaching one's end | 臨危 | Chinese | n | y | to face death or deadly peril |
to be insane | rave | English | y | n | To wander in mind or intellect; to be delirious; to talk or act irrationally; to be wild, furious, or raging. |
to be modest/prudish | kainostella | Finnish | y | n | To be modest/prudish. |
to be romantically involved with | date | English | y | n | To have a steady relationship with; to be romantically involved with. |
to be romantically involved with | date | English | y | n | To have a steady relationship with each other; to be romantically involved with each other. |
to bear, carry, possess | taşımak | Turkish | y | n | to bear, carry, possess, have, keep |
to become darker more intense | deepen | English | y | n | To become darker or more intense |
to bend | crook | English | y | n | To bend, or form into a hook. |
to break down into constituent parts | resolve | English | y | n | To break down into constituent parts; to decompose; to disintegrate; to return to a simpler constitution or a primeval state. |
to bribe | 窒喙 | Chinese | n | y | to gag; to silence |
to bribe | 窒喙 | Chinese | n | y | to fill one's stomach to appease one's hunger |
to calm | settle | English | y | n | To place or arrange in(to) a desired (especially: calm) state, or make final disposition of (something). / To cause to no longer be in a disturbed, confused or stormy; to quiet; to calm (nerves, waters, a boisterous or rebellious child, etc). |
to calm | settle | English | y | n | To become calm, quiet, or orderly; to stop being agitated. |
to cause a person to acquire the culture of a society, starting at birth | acculturate | English | y | n | To cause (a person) to acquire the culture of society, starting at birth. |
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by plucking | thrum | English | y | n | To cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by plucking. |
to cause to seem real | realize | English | y | n | To cause to seem real; to sense vividly or strongly; to make one's own in thought or experience. |
to cause total loss | total loss | English | e | n | An insured item of which the entire value is written off |
to cause total loss | total loss | English | e | n | An insured item that is written off when it is beyond repair, or when the cost of repair exceeds the insured value. |
to change direction | come round | English | y | n | To change direction. |
to change one's residence | remove | English | y | n | To change one's residence; to move. |
to completely defeat and force into disorderly retreat | rout | English | y | n | To completely defeat and force into disorderly retreat (an enemy force, opponent in sport, etc.). |
to completely destroy | pulverise | English | y | n | To completely destroy, especially by crushing to fragments or a powder. |
to connect to a network | get onto | English | y | n | To connect, especially to the Internet or a network. |
to continue to have a particular quality | stay | English | y | n | To continue to have a particular quality. |
to convert to lay status | laicize | English | n | y | To convert from church controlled to independent of the church; to secularize. |
to convert to lay status | laicize | English | n | y | To reduce from clergy to layman. |
to count on | 展品棒 | Chinese | y | n | to count on; to rely on |
to cover | comprehend | English | y | n | To include, comprise; to contain. |
to create | make | English | y | n | To create. / To build, construct, produce, or originate. |
to create | make | English | y | n | To create. / To write or compose. |
to create | make | English | y | n | To create. / To bring about; to effect or produce by means of some action. |
to create | make | English | y | n | To create. / To create (the universe), especially (in Christianity) from nothing. |
to create an explosion | explode | English | y | n | To blast, to blow up, to burst, to detonate, to go off. |
to criticize or speak out against | denounce | English | y | n | To criticize or speak out against (someone or something); to point out as deserving of reprehension, etc.; to openly accuse or condemn in a threatening manner; to invoke censure upon; to stigmatize; to blame. |
to damn | confound | English | y | n | To damn (a mild oath). |
to dedicate oneself | empenhar | Portuguese | y | n | to dedicate oneself; to commit oneself to |
to devastate or lay waste | desolate | English | y | n | To devastate or lay waste somewhere. |
to dishearten | discourage | English | y | n | To extinguish the courage of; to dishearten; to depress the spirits of; to deprive of confidence; to deject. |
to drawl | cedzić | Polish | y | n | to drawl |
to eat very quickly without chewing | gulp down | English | y | n | To eat very quickly without chewing the food properly. |
to edit | muokata | Finnish | y | n | to edit (to make changes to a text or other media) |
to establish a hierarchy | hierarchize | English | y | n | To establish a hierarchy. |
to express | 表現 | Chinese | y | n | to express |
to extract, bring out | draw out | English | y | n | To extract, bring out, as concealed information; elicit; educe. |
to fail spectacularly | flame out | English | y | n | To fail, usually spectacularly. |
to fasten or secure with a leash | leash | English | y | n | To fasten or secure with a leash. |
to fertilize with dung | dung | English | y | n | To fertilize with dung. |
to freeze | ziębnąć | Polish | y | n | to freeze (be affected by cold) |
to get away | 脫身 | Chinese | y | n | to get away; to extricate oneself |
to get rid of | desaparecer | Portuguese | y | n | to make something disappear; to get rid of |
to give birth to a calf | calve | English | y | n | to give birth to a calf |
to give sth. as a reason for sth. | put down | English | y | n | To give something as a reason for something else. |
to go by, over, or through | pass | English | y | n | To change place. / To go past, by, over, or through; to proceed from one side to the other of; to move past. |
to go out | 出門 | Chinese | y | n | to go out |
to grab, to get | afferrare | Italian | y | n | to grab; to grasp |
to have over at one's home | entertain | English | y | n | To have someone over at one's home for a party or visit. |
to hit or strike violently and repeatedly | batter | English | y | n | To hit or strike violently and repeatedly. |
to hold, as something at someone's disposal | have | English | y | n | To hold, as something at someone's disposal. |
to hurry up; to move swiftly forward | put on | English | y | n | To hurry up; to move swiftly forward. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | The arts, customs, lifestyles, background, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | The beliefs, values, behaviour and material objects that constitute a people's way of life. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | The conventional conducts and ideologies of a community; the system comprising the accepted norms and values of a society. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | Any knowledge passed from one generation to the next, not necessarily with respect to human beings. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | Cultivation. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | The process of growing a bacterial or other biological entity in an artificial medium. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | The growth thus produced. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | A group of bacteria. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | The details on a map that do not represent natural features of the area delineated, such as names and the symbols for towns, roads, meridians, and parallels. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | A recurring assemblage of artifacts from a specific time and place that may constitute the material culture remains of a particular past human society. |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | Ethnicity, race (and its associated arts, customs, etc.) |
to increase the artistic or scientific interest | culture | English | n | y | to maintain in an environment suitable for growth (especially of bacteria) (compare cultivate) |
to incur risk by something | risk | English | y | n | To incur risk as a result of (doing something). |
to inflate | blow up | English | y | n | To inflate or fill with air, either by literally blowing or using an air pump. |
to inhale drugs in powder form through the nose | sniff | English | y | n | To inhale drugs in powder form (usually cocaine) through the nose. |
to introduce something suddenly or violently | inject | English | y | n | To introduce (something) suddenly or violently. |
to issue in large quantities | rain | English | y | n | To issue (something) in large quantities. |
to join together | հիրել | Armenian | y | n | to join together |
to leap | bound | English | y | n | To leap, move by jumping. |
to lengthen when pulled | stretch | English | y | n | To lengthen when pulled. |
to live off the generosity of someone else | bludge | English | y | n | To not earn one's keep, to live off someone else or off welfare when one could be working. |
to look at with reverence | 拜謁 | Chinese | n | y | to pay visit to a superior; to have an audience with or call on somebody holding high office |
to lose firmness | sag | English | y | n | To lose firmness, elasticity, vigor, or a thriving state; to sink; to droop; to flag; to bend; to yield, as the mind or spirits, under the pressure of care, trouble, doubt, or the like; to be unsettled or unbalanced. |
to lose weight | reduce | English | y | n | To lose weight. |
to maintain a vegetarian diet | 素餐 | Chinese | y | n | to maintain a vegetarian diet |
to make a hole in (something); to hollow | excavate | English | y | n | To make a hole in (something); to hollow. |
to make a jarring noise | pound | English | y | n | To make a jarring noise, as when running. |
to make someone happy | cheer up | English | y | n | to make someone happy |
to make the sound of water hitting a hot surface | sizzle | English | y | n | To make the sound of water hitting a hot surface. |
to mention specially; to particularize | specialize | English | y | n | To make distinct or separate from what is what is common / To specify: to mention specifically. |
to move around an axis through itself | turn | English | y | n | To make a non-linear physical movement. / Of a body, person, etc, to move around an axis through itself. |
to move at excessive speed, act with energy | tear | English | y | n | To move or act with great speed, energy, or violence. |
to move rapidly back and forth | shuttlecock | English | y | n | To move rapidly back and forth |
to negotiate | treat | English | y | n | To negotiate, discuss terms, bargain (for or with). |
to notify formally | report | English | y | n | To notify someone of (particular intelligence, suspicions, illegality, misconduct etc.); to make notification to relevant authorities; to submit a formal report of. |
to notify formally | report | English | y | n | To make a formal statement, especially of complaint, about (someone). |
to obtain a suntan | suntan | English | y | n | To obtain a suntan by exposure to ultraviolet light. |
to occupy exactly the same space | coincide | English | y | n | To occupy exactly the same space. |
to operate by turning a crank | grind | English | y | n | To operate by turning a crank. |
to pass | decorrer | Portuguese | y | n | to pass; to elapse |
to pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement | permeate | English | y | n | To pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement; applied especially to fluids which pass through substances of loose texture |
to perform domestic offices | serve | English | y | n | To perform (a public obligation). |
to pour | 倒酒 | Chinese | y | n | to pour an alcoholic beverage |
to produce an audible puff of breath | aspiroida | Finnish | n | y | to aspirate (to remove a fluid by means of suction, especially from a cavity in a clinical operation) |
to produce an audible puff of breath | aspiroida | Finnish | n | y | to aspirate (to inhale so as to draw something other than air into one's lungs) |
to produce on a stage | stage | English | y | n | To produce on a stage, to perform a play. |
to produce the components of speech | pronounce | English | y | n | To produce the components of speech. |
to provide in abundance | load | English | y | n | To provide in abundance. |
to pull with a jerk | hitch | English | y | n | To pull with a jerk. |
to purify or refine | sublimoida | Finnish | y | n | to sublimate (to purify or refine through sublimation) |
to put on boots | boot | English | y | n | To put boots on, especially for riding. |
to put to danger | endanger | English | y | n | To put (someone or something) in danger; to risk causing harm to. |
to reach an advanced stage of decomposition | putrefy | English | y | n | To reach an advanced stage of decomposition. |
to reduce in width or extent | narrow | English | y | n | To reduce in width or extent; to contract. |
to remain | stay back | English | y | n | To remain (at work, school, organisation, country, etc.) after normal hours |
to remain afloat in water without use of any buoyancy aid | tread water | English | y | n | To remain afloat in the water without use of any buoyancy aid, by using kicking motions and hand motions. |
to render someone less able to understand | confuse | English | e | n | to puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder (somebody); to afflict by being complicated, contradictory, or otherwise difficult to understand |
to render someone less able to understand | confuse | English | e | n | To mix up, muddle up (one thing with another); to mistake (one thing for another). |
to render someone less able to understand | confuse | English | e | n | To mix thoroughly; to confound; to disorder. |
to render someone less able to understand | confuse | English | e | n | To make uneasy and ashamed; to embarrass. |
to render someone less able to understand | confuse | English | e | n | To rout; discomfit. |
to render someone less able to understand | confuse | English | e | n | To be confused. |
to restrain someone; to arrest | grab | English | y | n | To restrain someone; to arrest. |
to restrain using shackles | shackle | English | y | n | To restrain using shackles; to place in shackles. |
to retch | heave | English | y | n | To retch, to make an effort to vomit; to vomit. |
to retire | call it a day | English | y | n | To retire. |
to saturate, to infuse | impregnate | English | y | n | To saturate, or infuse. |
to shake tremulously | palpitate | English | n | y | To beat strongly or rapidly; said especially of the heart. |
to shake tremulously | palpitate | English | n | y | To cause to beat strongly or rapidly. |
to shorten, to abbreviate | kürzen | German | y | n | to shorten |
to shorten, to abbreviate | kürzen | German | y | n | to abbreviate |
to show to the public for the first time | dedicate | English | y | n | To show to the public for the first time |
to sign up to receive a publication | subscribe | English | y | n | To sign up to have copies of a publication, such as a newspaper or a magazine, delivered for a period of time. |
to skid around | 拍遨 | Chinese | n | y | to spin; to rotate; to revolve |
to speak (a language) with spotty or superficial knowledge | smatter | English | y | n | To speak (a language) with spotty or superficial knowledge. |
to speak against God or religious doctrine | blaspheme | English | y | n | To commit blasphemy; to speak against God or religious doctrine. |
to spend time (of punishment) | serve | English | y | n | To work through (a given period of time in prison, a sentence). |
to spit out | lè | Vietnamese | y | n | to spit out |
to sports: to catch or deflect a shot at goal | save | English | y | n | To prevent harm or difficulty. / To catch or deflect (a shot at goal). |
to stamp | frankeerata | Finnish | n | y | to frank (to place a frank on an envelope using a postage meter) |
to stare angrily | glare | English | y | n | To stare angrily. |
to stir | mengacau | Malay | n | y | to disturb; to agitate; to stir |
to supply or be evidence of | attest | English | y | n | To supply or be evidence of. |
to support | 扶掖 | Chinese | y | n | to support; to help |
to surround or hem in | beset | English | y | n | To surround or hem in. |
to swear | bluzgać | Polish | y | n | to swear (use offensive language) |
to transgress | digress | English | n | y | To step or turn aside; to deviate; to swerve; especially, to turn aside from the main subject of attention, or course of argument, in writing or speaking. |
to treat in a rough way | roust | English | y | n | To harass, to treat in a rough way. |
to treat someone as if they were a hero | heroize | English | n | y | To make someone into a hero. |
to whimper or whine | pule | English | y | n | To whimper or whine. |
toilet paper | bog roll | English | y | n | toilet paper. |
tomb or other edifice erected in homage to a martyr | martyrium | English | n | y | Confirming something by referring to one's own experience. |
tongue | लिसान | Hindi | y | n | tongue |
tonic of the C major scale | do | English | y | n | A syllable used in solfège to represent the first and eighth tonic of a major scale. |
tool for killing fish | priest | English | y | n | a blunt tool, used for quickly stunning and killing fish |
touch with the nose | nuzzle | English | y | n | (of animals, lovers, etc) To touch someone or something with the nose. |
town | Ludlow | English | y | n | A town in Shropshire, England. |
trace | trop | Polish | y | n | trace |
traditional knowledge | ᖃᐅᔨᒪᔭᑐᖃᖏᑦ | Inuktitut | y | n | traditional knowledge |
trait | trăsătură | Romanian | y | n | trait, feature |
translations to be checked | blackout | English | e | n | A temporary loss of consciousness. |
translations to be checked | blackout | English | e | n | A temporary loss of memory. |
translations to be checked | blackout | English | e | n | An instance of censorship, especially a temporary one. |
translations to be checked | blackout | English | e | n | A large-scale power failure, and resulting loss of electricity to consumers. |
translations to be checked | blackout | English | e | n | The mandatory blocking of all light emanating from buildings, as well as outdoor and street lighting, as imposed during World War II. |
translations to be checked | blackout | English | e | n | The blocking out of as much light as possible. |
translations to be checked | shemale | English | e | n | A male-to-female transsexual or transgender person; a trans woman. |
translations to be checked | shemale | English | e | n | A male animal which displays female traits or behaviors; for example, a male reptile which gives off female pheromones. |
try to win someone's affections | run after | English | y | n | To make a determined effort to win someone's affections or to have a sexual relationship with them. |
type 3 | Ramsay Hunt syndrome | English | n | y | Any of a number of unrelated syndromes first described by the neurologist James Ramsay Hunt (1872–1937). / Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 1: a rare form of cerebellar degeneration. |
type 3 | Ramsay Hunt syndrome | English | n | y | Any of a number of unrelated syndromes first described by the neurologist James Ramsay Hunt (1872–1937). / Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2: the reactivation of herpes zoster in the geniculate ganglion. |
type and arrangement of normal teeth | dentition | English | y | n | The type, number and arrangement of the normal teeth of an organism or of the actual teeth of an individual |
type of sand | quicksand | English | y | n | Wet sand that appears firm but in which things readily sink, often found near rivers or coasts. |
undermine | раскачать | Russian | y | n | to loosen, to shake loose, to undermine |
understand even minimally | make head or tail of | English | y | n | To understand even minimally. |
uneasy with desire | prurient | English | y | n | Uneasy with desire; itching; especially, having a lascivious anxiety or propensity; lustful. |
unfilled space in something solid; a cavity | hollow | English | y | n | A sunken area or unfilled space in something solid; a cavity, natural or artificial. |
unpaid debt | arrear | English | y | n | Unpaid debt. |
update | aktualizirati | Serbo-Croatian | y | n | to update (to bring something up to date) |
upon something | whereupon | English | n | y | After which, in consequence. |
used as a tag question | eh | English | y | n | Used as a tag question, to emphasise what goes before or to request that the listener express an opinion about what has been said. |
using acoustic instruments | unplugged | English | y | n | Using acoustic instruments, especially instead of electric ones. |
variable name | foobar | English | n | y | A serious mistake. |
very | pra- | Czech | n | y | great- (removed by one generation from) |
very | pra- | Czech | n | y | fore- (ancestor) |
very | pra- | Czech | n | y | primaeval, primary |
very | pra- | Czech | n | y | proto- |
vine of the genus Smilax | sarsaparilla | English | y | n | Any of various tropical (Central and South) American vines of the genus Smilax, such as Smilax regelii, which have fragrant roots. |
violets | Viola | Translingual | y | n | A taxonomic genus within the family Violaceae – the violets. |
voice | аваз | Serbo-Croatian | y | n | voice |
vulgar: instance of defecation | shit | English | y | n | An instance of defecation. |
warrior; fighter | 武士 | Chinese | y | n | warrior; fighter |
watery excrement | diarrhea | English | n | y | A gastrointestinal disorder characterized by frequent and very fluid or watery bowel movements. |
weak, indecisive | ineffectual | English | n | y | Unable or insufficient to produce effect. |
weak, indecisive | ineffectual | English | n | y | Worthless. |
what's wrong? | what's the matter | English | y | n | What is wrong? What's the problem? |
whip | switch | English | y | n | A slender woody plant stem used as a whip; a thin, flexible rod, associated with corporal punishment in the United States. |
whiskey | בראָנפֿן | Yiddish | y | n | whiskey |
willing | lief | English | y | n | Ready, willing. |
willing to acquiesce | acquiescent | English | y | n | willing to acquiesce, accept or agree to something without objection, protest or resistance |
with nominatives ending in -is | Ioannes | Latin | y | n | A male given name, equivalent to English John. |
with pennies | three halfpence | English | y | n | A silver coin with a face value of one and a half pence (1½d.): / Such an English coin (1½d.), minted 1561–1582. |
with pennies | three halfpence | English | y | n | A silver coin with a face value of one and a half pence (1½d.): / Such a British coin (1½d. = £⅟₁₆₀), minted 1834–1843 and 1860–1862 for circulation in the colonies of the British Empire (chiefly Ceylon and the West Indies). |
with pennies | three halfpence | English | y | n | A money of account equal to 1½d. |
withal | wherein | English | e | n | How, or in what way. |
withal | wherein | English | e | n | Where, or in which location. |
withal | wherein | English | e | n | During which. |
withal | wherein | English | e | n | How, or in what way. |
withal | wheretofore | English | e | n | Up to which point; until which time. |
withal | wheretofore | English | e | n | whithertofore |
woman in extramarital relationship | mistress | English | y | n | The other woman in an extramarital relationship, generally including sexual relations |
woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony | bridesmaid | English | y | n | A woman who attends a bride during her wedding ceremony, as part of the main wedding party. |
word class | determiner | English | y | n | A member of a class of words functioning in a noun phrase to identify or distinguish a referent without describing or modifying it. |
work | swot | English | y | n | Work. |
workable | 踏實 | Chinese | y | n | workable; practical; feasible |
workers | labour | English | y | n | Workers in general; the working class, the workforce; sometimes specifically the labour movement, organised labour. |
worm | preñv | Breton | y | n | worm |
worship of idols | idolatry | English | y | n | The worship of idols. |
wounded-in-action | WIA | English | y | n | Initialism of wounded in action. |
written or spoken response | reply | English | y | n | A written or spoken response; part of a conversation. |
written records | 記錄 | Chinese | y | n | written records; notes; minutes (of a meeting); documentation |
zostawać impf, zostać pf | stawać | Polish | e | n | to stop |
zostawać impf, zostać pf | stawać | Polish | e | n | to become |
πταισματοδικείο n (ptaismatodikeío, “magistrate's court”) (court where the above crimes are dealt with) | πταίσμα | Greek | e | n | infraction, (minor) offence (least serious crime category, only punishable by fines and/or maximum imprisonment of one month) |
πταισματοδικείο n (ptaismatodikeío, “magistrate's court”) (court where the above crimes are dealt with) | πταίσμα | Greek | e | n | blunder, slip (small mistake) |
грохо́тя (grohótja, “to rumble”) | грохот | Bulgarian | e | n | din, thunder, rumble |
грохо́тя (grohótja, “to rumble”) | грохот | Bulgarian | e | n | roar, growl (of an animal) |
подбу́дя impf (podbúdja), подбу́ждам pf (podbúždam, “to motivate, to induce”) | будя | Bulgarian | e | n | to wake (up), to awaken (to make somebody stop sleeping) |
подбу́дя impf (podbúdja), подбу́ждам pf (podbúždam, “to motivate, to induce”) | будя | Bulgarian | e | n | to arouse, to excite, evoke (to stimulate feelings) |
подбу́дя impf (podbúdja), подбу́ждам pf (podbúždam, “to motivate, to induce”) | будя | Bulgarian | e | n | (~ се) to wake up, to awaken (see будя се (budja se)) |
пръ́тец (prǎ́tec) (diminutive) | прът | Bulgarian | e | n | rod, staff (straight round stick, shaft, or bar) |
пръ́тец (prǎ́tec) (diminutive) | прът | Bulgarian | e | n | bar, pole |
стих (stih, “verse”) | стихия | Bulgarian | e | n | sphere of interest, proclivity, disposition |
стих (stih, “verse”) | стихия | Bulgarian | e | n | uncontrollable natural force → stormwind, hurricane |
煤ぶ (susubu) | 煤 | Japanese | e | n | |
煤ぶ (susubu) | 煤 | Japanese | e | n | soot (fine particles of amorphous carbon and tar) |
煤ぶ (susubu) | 煤 | Japanese | e | n | sooted dirt or dust accumulated in ceilings, walls, etc. |
煤ぶ (susubu) | 煤 | Japanese | e | n | Short for 煤色 (susuiro): a shade of black as in the color of soot |
煤ぶ (susubu) | 煤 | Japanese | e | n | soot |
煤ぶ (susubu) | 煤 | Japanese | e | n | coal |
Word | Language | SenseId | Gloss | ح و ط | Arabic | ح_و_ط-ar-root-llmjI0IO | Related to guarding, protecting, taking care. |
ح و ط | Arabic | ح_و_ط-ar-root-wm0GY3qL | Related to surrounding, encircling. |
ح و ط | Arabic | ح_و_ط-ar-root-HFyBdDOG | Related to knowing thoroughly. |
ع ن ب | Arabic | ع_ن_ب-ar-root-KW6yXOW9 | lively shoot |
ع ن ب | Arabic | ع_ن_ب-ar-root-ZazZ3M27 | related to berry-shapes |
ف ق ر | Arabic | ف_ق_ر-ar-root-BFpprPlD | Related to digging |
ف ق ر | Arabic | ف_ق_ر-ar-root-McWcIiTL | Related to vertebrae |
ف ق ر | Arabic | ف_ق_ر-ar-root-kc3CSYjw | Related to impoverishment |
ر خ ص | Arabic | ر_خ_ص-ar-root-bzowmaPf | related to softness, suppleness |
ر خ ص | Arabic | ر_خ_ص-ar-root-lDUVF2ey | related to cheapness |
ع ش ر | Arabic | ع_ش_ر-ar-root-5EMrqpCB | ten |
ع ش ر | Arabic | ع_ش_ر-ar-root-JPJLGyw1 | familiarity, association |
س ل م | South Levantine Arabic | س_ل_م-ajp-root-IPQmchJ6 | Related to submission and surrender |
س ل م | South Levantine Arabic | س_ل_م-ajp-root-nwD.Gvff | Related to peace, safety and wellbeing |
س ل م | South Levantine Arabic | س_ل_م-ajp-noun-dF2TTPaC | سلام (salām, “peace”) |
س ل م | South Levantine Arabic | س_ل_م-ajp-noun-1i1yGMMz | سلامة (salāme, “safety, wellbeing”) |
س ل م | South Levantine Arabic | س_ل_م-ajp-adj-4DtB6X0v | سليم (salīm, “healthy”) |
غ ر ض | Arabic | غ_ر_ض-ar-root-.aPHVRnn | related to longing |
غ ر ض | Arabic | غ_ر_ض-ar-root-pBr8qI0v | related to freshness |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-root-0CUPI3kU | forms words related to goodness |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-root-p3ctBm9Y | forms words related to choice or selection |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-noun-NP7x6YvP | خَيْر (ḵayr) |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-noun-V0-sAAV7 | خَيِّر (ḵayyir) |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-noun-dA-dDXA7 | أَخْيَر (ʾaḵyar) |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-noun-oDtcm0Ec | خِيرَة (ḵīra), خِيَرَة (ḵiyara) |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-noun-.xiFUqh7 | خِيَارِيّ (ḵiyāriyy) |
خ ي ر | Arabic | خ_ي_ر-ar-noun-hSo.xHbG | اِخْتِيَارِيّ (iḵtiyāriyy) |
roos | Westrobothnian | roos-gmq-bot-noun-Um1E7ECD | rose (flower, shrub of the genus Rosa) |
roos | Westrobothnian | roos-gmq-bot-noun-K2g4jKfQ | rose flower on wallpaper, woven fabric and the like |
roos | Westrobothnian | roos-gmq-bot-noun-LK4qgME4 | image, picture, illustration |
roos | Westrobothnian | roos-gmq-bot-noun-vivbsxAO | spot |
roos | Westrobothnian | roos-gmq-bot-verb-kFFbHe8Y | praise, commend |
This page is a part of the machine-readable Breton dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-13 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (f074e77 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.