Vietnamese Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

suspicious related form tags ['canonical']

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𫜹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U0002b739 : Hán Việt readings: tuyết \U0002b739 : Nôm readings: kẹ' in '\U0002b739: Hán Việt readings: tuyết \U0002b739: Nôm readings: kẹ, kệ' Path: 𫜹

𱍜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U0003135c : Nôm readings: cốc' in '\U0003135c: Nôm readings: cốc, dốc' Path: 𱍜

𱎀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00031380 : Nôm readings: tuyết' in '\U00031380: Nôm readings: tuyết' Path: 𱎀

𱎹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U000313b9 : Hán Việt readings: nghi' in '\U000313b9: Hán Việt readings: nghi' Path: 𱎹

𱏺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U000313fa : Hán Việt readings: sách' in '\U000313fa: Hán Việt readings: sách' Path: 𱏺

𱐩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00031429 : Hán Việt readings: đức \U00031429 : Nôm readings: sức' in '\U00031429: Hán Việt readings: đức \U00031429: Nôm readings: sức, đác' Path: 𱐩

𱖦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U000315a6 : Hán Việt readings: trần' in '\U000315a6: Hán Việt readings: trần' Path: 𱖦

𱙎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U0003164e : Hán Việt readings: anh' in '\U0003164e: Hán Việt readings: anh' Path: 𱙎

𱙘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00031658 : Hán Việt readings: bà' in '\U00031658: Hán Việt readings: bà' Path: 𱙘

𱝮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U0003176e : Hán Việt readings: đức' in '\U0003176e: Hán Việt readings: đức' Path: 𱝮

𱞐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00031790 : Hán Việt readings: não' in '\U00031790: Hán Việt readings: não' Path: 𱞐

𱤽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U0003193d : Hán Việt readings: lịch \U0003193d : Nôm readings: chạch' in '\U0003193d: Hán Việt readings: lịch \U0003193d: Nôm readings: chạch, lệch, rách, sạch' Path: 𱤽

𱥯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U0003196f : Nôm readings: mấy' in '\U0003196f: Nôm readings: mấy, với, bấy, mẩy' Path: 𱥯

𱸳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00031e33 : Nôm readings: về' in '\U00031e33: Nôm readings: về' Path: 𱸳

𱺵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00031eb5 : Nôm readings: là' in '\U00031eb5: Nôm readings: là' Path: 𱺵

𱼓 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00031f13 : Nôm readings: giò' in '\U00031f13: Nôm readings: giò' Path: 𱼓

𲈧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U00032227 : Nôm readings: mần' in '\U00032227: Nôm readings: mần' Path: 𲈧

𲋄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '\U000322c4 : Hán Việt readings: phong' in '\U000322c4: Hán Việt readings: phong' Path: 𲋄

厂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'am 厂: Nôm readings: xưởng' in '厂: Hán Việt readings: xưởng, hán, am 厂: Nôm readings: xưởng, hán' Path: 厂

爸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ba 爸: Nôm readings: ba' in '爸: Hán Việt readings: bả, ba 爸: Nôm readings: ba' Path: 爸

扁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'biên 扁: Nôm readings: biển' in '扁: Hán Việt readings: biển, thiên, biên 扁: Nôm readings: biển, bên, bẽn, thiên' Path: 扁

平 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'biền 平: Nôm readings: bình' in '平: Hán Việt readings: bình, biền 平: Nôm readings: bình, bằng, bừng, bường' Path: 平

搬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bàn 搬: Nôm readings: bưng' in '搬: Hán Việt readings: ban, bàn 搬: Nôm readings: bưng' Path: 搬

百 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bá 百: Nôm readings: bách' in '百: Hán Việt readings: bách (博(bác)陌(mạch)切(thiết)), bá 百: Nôm readings: bách, bá, trăm' Path: 百

伯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bác 伯: Nôm readings: bá' in '伯: Hán Việt readings: bá, bác 伯: Nôm readings: bá, bác' Path: 伯

綳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'băng 綳: Nôm readings: banh' in '綳: Hán Việt readings: banh, bắng, băng 綳: Nôm readings: banh, bắng' Path: 綳

巴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bơ 巴: Nôm readings: bơ' in '巴: Hán Việt readings: ba (邦(bang)加(gia)切(thiết)), bơ 巴: Nôm readings: bơ, ba, vã, va' Path: 巴

耙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bả 耙: Nôm readings: bừa' in '耙: Hán Việt readings: bá, bà, bả 耙: Nôm readings: bừa, bá, bồ' Path: 耙

本 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bản 本: Nôm readings: vốn' in '本: Hán Việt readings: bổn (布(bố)忖(thỗn)切(thiết)), bản 本: Nôm readings: vốn, bộn, bổn, bủn, bốn, vỏn, bỏn, bản, vón, bọn' Path: 本

卜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bặc 卜: Nôm readings: bói' in '卜: Hán Việt readings: bốc, bặc 卜: Nôm readings: bói, bóc, vúc, bốc, vốc, vóc, bặc, cốc' Path: 卜

暴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bộc 暴: Nôm readings: bạo' in '暴: Hán Việt readings: bạo (薄(bạc)報(báo)切(thiết)), bộc (步(bộ)木(mộc)切(thiết)) 暴: Nôm readings: bạo, bão, bộc, bậu, bẹo' Path: 暴

拔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'bội 拔: Nôm readings: bạt' in '拔: Hán Việt readings: bạt, bội 拔: Nôm readings: bạt, gạt, bặt, vạt' Path: 拔

齋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'chay 齋: Nôm readings: chay' in '齋: Hán Việt readings: trai (莊(trang)皆(giai)切(thiết)), chay 齋: Nôm readings: chay, trai, chai, rai, chây, trơi' Path: 齋

周 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'châu 周: Nôm readings: chu' in '周: Hán Việt readings: chu, châu 周: Nôm readings: chu, châu' Path: 周

政 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'chính 政: Nôm readings: chiếng' in '政: Hán Việt readings: chinh, chánh, chính 政: Nôm readings: chiếng, chính' Path: 政

正 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'chính 正: Nôm readings: chánh' in '正: Hán Việt readings: chinh (之(chi)盛(thịnh)切(thiết)), chánh, chính 正: Nôm readings: chánh, chênh, chính, chếnh, chiếng, chỉnh, giêng' Path: 正

屬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'chú 屬: Nôm readings: thuộc' in '屬: Hán Việt readings: thuộc, chúc, chú 屬: Nôm readings: thuộc, chuộc, chúc' Path: 屬

主 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'chúa 主: Nôm readings: chúa' in '主: Hán Việt readings: chủ, chúa 主: Nôm readings: chúa, chủ' Path: 主

種 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'chũng 種: Nôm readings: giống' in '種: Hán Việt readings: chủng (主(chủ)勇(dũng)切(thiết)), chũng 種: Nôm readings: giống, chỏng, chõng, chủng, trồng, chổng, truồng, giuống' Path: 種

各 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cách 各: Nôm readings: các' in '各: Hán Việt readings: các, cách 各: Nôm readings: các, gác, cắc, gạc, gật' Path: 各

咁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cám 咁: Nôm readings: cam' in '咁: Hán Việt readings: hàm, cam, cám 咁: Nôm readings: cam, căm chữ Hán Nôm in this term 咁' Path: 咁

个 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cán 个: Nôm readings: cá' in '个: Hán Việt readings: cá, cán 个: Nôm readings: cá' Path: 个

更 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cánh 更: Nôm readings: canh' in '更: Hán Việt readings: canh, cánh 更: Nôm readings: canh, cánh, cành, gánh, ngạnh' Path: 更

合 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cáp 合: Nôm readings: hợp' in '合: Hán Việt readings: hợp, hiệp, hạp, cáp 合: Nôm readings: hợp, họp, hiệp, hạp, cáp, cóp, gộp, sáp' Path: 合

今 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'câm 今: Nôm readings: kim' in '今: Hán Việt readings: kim, câm (居(cư)吟(ngâm)切(thiết)) 今: Nôm readings: kim, câm, căm, cầm, ngấm' Path: 今

肛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cương 肛: Nôm readings: giang' in '肛: Hán Việt readings: giang, xoang, khang, soang, cương 肛: Nôm readings: giang, dom' Path: 肛

強 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cưỡng 強: Nôm readings: càng' in '強: Hán Việt readings: cường, cưỡng 強: Nôm readings: càng, cượng, cướng, gắng, cường, gàn, ngượng, cưỡng, gương, gượng, gàng' Path: 強

强 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'cưỡng 强: Nôm readings: gượng' in '强: Hán Việt readings: cường (渠(cừ)良(lương)切(thiết)), cưỡng (巨(cự)兩(lưỡng)切(thiết)) 强: Nôm readings: gượng, càng, cường, cưỡng, ngượng' Path: 强

共 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'củng 共: Nôm readings: cùng' in '共: Hán Việt readings: cung, cộng, củng 共: Nôm readings: cùng, cũng, cọng, cụng, gọng' Path: 共

異 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'di 異: Nôm readings: dị' in '異: Hán Việt readings: dị (以(dĩ)智(trí)切(thiết)), di 異: Nôm readings: dị' Path: 異

迤 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'di 迤: Nôm readings: dĩ' in '迤: Hán Việt readings: dĩ, di 迤: Nôm readings: dĩ, di' Path: 迤

喻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'du 喻: Nôm readings: dụ' in '喻: Hán Việt readings: dụ, du 喻: Nôm readings: dụ, dầu, dẫu, dỗ, nhủ, rủ, dẩu' Path: 喻

敦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'dun 敦: Nôm readings: đon' in '敦: Hán Việt readings: đôn (都(đô)昆(côn)切(thiết)), dun 敦: Nôm readings: đon, run, xôn, xun, đôn, giun, dun, don, dồn, ton, rủn, gion, chon, trôn, đun, dôn, giôn, đùn, đũn, dún' Path: 敦

洩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'duệ 洩: Nôm readings: dáy' in '洩: Hán Việt readings: tiết (先(tiên)結(kết)切(thiết)), duệ (餘(dư)制(chế)切(thiết)) 洩: Nôm readings: dáy, tiết, duệ, dãi, dịa' Path: 洩

唯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'duỵ 唯: Nôm readings: dạ' in '唯: Hán Việt readings: duy, dụy/duỵ 唯: Nôm readings: dạ, dói, dúi, duối, duy, giòe/gioè, giói' Path: 唯

珉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'dân 珉: Nôm readings: mân' in '珉: Hán Việt readings: mân, dân 珉: Nôm readings: mân, mần' Path: 珉

也 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'dã 也: Nôm readings: dạ' in '也: Hán Việt readings: giã, dã 也: Nôm readings: dạ, dã, giã, rã' Path: 也

裕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'dũ 裕: Nôm readings: dụ' in '裕: Hán Việt readings: dụ, dủ, dũ 裕: Nôm readings: dụ' Path: 裕

道 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'dạo 道: Nôm readings: dạo' in '道: Hán Việt readings: đạo (杜(đỗ)皓(hạo)切(thiết)), dạo 道: Nôm readings: dạo, đạo, đảo, nhạo' Path: 道

迻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'dời 迻: Nôm readings: đưa' in '迻: Hán Việt readings: di, dời 迻: Nôm readings: đưa' Path: 迻

敎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'giáo 敎: Nôm readings: dáo' in '敎: Hán Việt readings: giao, giáo 敎: Nôm readings: dáo, dạy, giáo' Path: 敎

教 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'giáo 教: Nôm readings: dáo' in '教: Hán Việt readings: giao, giáo 教: Nôm readings: dáo, giáo, ráu, tráo' Path: 教

讒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'gièm 讒: Nôm readings: gièm' in '讒: Hán Việt readings: sàm (士(sĩ)咸(hàm)切(thiết)), gièm 讒: Nôm readings: gièm, sàm, xàm, sòm, sờm, sồm, sóm' Path: 讒

牀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'giầng 牀: Nôm readings: giường' in '牀: Hán Việt readings: sàng (仕(sĩ)莊(trang)切(thiết)), giường, giầng 牀: Nôm readings: giường, sàng, giàng, giầng' Path: 牀

化 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'goá 化: Nôm readings: Huế' in '化: Hán Việt readings: hóa/hoá, góa/goá 化: Nôm readings: Huế' Path: 化

犧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hi 犧: Nôm readings: hi' in '犧: Hán Việt readings: hy, hi 犧: Nôm readings: hi' Path: 犧

陝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hiệp 陝: Nôm readings: thiểm' in '陝: Hán Việt readings: thiểm, hiệp 陝: Nôm readings: thiểm' Path: 陝

畵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hoạch 畵: Nôm readings: vạch' in '畵: Hán Việt readings: họa/hoạ, hoạch 畵: Nôm readings: vạch, vẽ' Path: 畵

火 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hoả 火: Nôm readings: hỏa' in '火: Hán Việt readings: hỏa/hoả 火: Nôm readings: hỏa/hoả, ỏa/oả' Path: 火

酗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hung 酗: Nôm readings: hú' in '酗: Hán Việt readings: hú, húng, hung 酗: Nôm readings: hú, húng' Path: 酗

花 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'huê 花: Nôm readings: hoa' in '花: Hán Việt readings: hoa (呼(hô)瓜(qua)切(thiết)), huê 花: Nôm readings: hoa, huê, oa, ba' Path: 花

皇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'huỳnh 皇: Nôm readings: hoàng' in '皇: Hán Việt readings: hoàng (胡(hồ)光(quang)切(thiết)), huỳnh 皇: Nôm readings: hoàng, huỳnh' Path: 皇

黃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'huỳnh 黃: Nôm readings: vàng' in '黃: Hán Việt readings: hoàng, huỳnh 黃: Nôm readings: vàng' Path: 黃

幹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hàn 幹: Nôm readings: cán' in '幹: Hán Việt readings: can, cán, hàn 幹: Nôm readings: cán' Path: 幹

降 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hàng 降: Nôm readings: hàng' in '降: Hán Việt readings: giáng, hàng (胡(hồ)江(giang)切(thiết)) 降: Nôm readings: hàng, giáng, dán, nháng, giuống' Path: 降

桿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hãn 桿: Nôm readings: cán' in '桿: Hán Việt readings: can, hãn 桿: Nôm readings: cán' Path: 桿

乎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hô 乎: Nôm readings: hồ' in '乎: Hán Việt readings: hồ, hô 乎: Nôm readings: hồ' Path: 乎

夠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hú 夠: Nôm readings: cấu' in '夠: Hán Việt readings: cú, cấu, hú 夠: Nôm readings: cấu' Path: 夠

行 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hạnh 行: Nôm readings: hàng' in '行: Hán Việt readings: hàng, hành, hãng, hạng, hạnh 行: Nôm readings: hàng, hành, hăng, ngành' Path: 行

鎬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hạo 鎬: Nôm readings: cào' in '鎬: Hán Việt readings: cảo, hạo (下(hạ)老(lão)切(thiết)) 鎬: Nôm readings: cào' Path: 鎬

好 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hảo 好: Nôm readings: hiếu' in '好: Hán Việt readings: hiếu (呼(hô)到(đáo)切(thiết)), hảo (呼(hô)晧(hạo)切(thiết)) 好: Nôm readings: hiếu, háu, háo, hảo, hẩu, hấu, hão, hếu' Path: 好

和 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hồ 和: Nôm readings: họa' in '和: Hán Việt readings: hòa/hoà, hồ 和: Nôm readings: họa/hoạ, huề, hùa' Path: 和

會 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hội 會: Nôm readings: cuối' in '會: Hán Việt readings: cối, hội 會: Nôm readings: cuối, hội, hụi' Path: 會

又 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'hữu 又: Nôm readings: lại' in '又: Hán Việt readings: hựu, hữu 又: Nôm readings: lại' Path: 又

孬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'khoái 孬: Nôm readings: nao' in '孬: Hán Việt readings: nạo, khoái 孬: Nôm readings: nao' Path: 孬

穹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'khum 穹: Nôm readings: khum' in '穹: Hán Việt readings: khung (去(khử)宮(cung)切(thiết)), khum 穹: Nôm readings: khum, khung, cùng' Path: 穹

坑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'khuâng 坑: Nôm readings: khanh' in '坑: Hán Việt readings: khanh, khâng, khuâng 坑: Nôm readings: khanh, ganh' Path: 坑

迟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'khích 迟: Nôm readings: chầy' in '迟: Hán Việt readings: trí, trì, trĩ, khích 迟: Nôm readings: chầy, trì, khích, chày' Path: 迟

丘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'khưu 丘: Nôm readings: khâu' in '丘: Hán Việt readings: khiêu, khâu, khưu 丘: Nôm readings: khâu, kheo, khưu' Path: 丘

恐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'khủng 恐: Nôm readings: khủng' in '恐: Hán Việt readings: khúng, khủng 恐: Nôm readings: khủng, thứ' Path: 恐

了 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kiết 了: Nôm readings: lểu' in '了: Hán Việt readings: liễu (盧(lô)鳥(điểu)切(thiết)), kiết 了: Nôm readings: lểu, lẽo, liễu, lẻo, léo, líu, lếu, sáu, lèo, tréo' Path: 了

彑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kế 彑: Nôm readings: kí' in '彑: Hán Việt readings: kí, kế 彑: Nôm readings: kí, ký' Path: 彑

計 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kế 計: Nôm readings: ké' in '計: Hán Việt readings: kê, kế 計: Nôm readings: ké, kê, kẻ, kẽ, kế, kể' Path: 計

畿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kỳ 畿: Nôm readings: kì' in '畿: Hán Việt readings: kì, kỳ 畿: Nôm readings: kì, kỳ' Path: 畿

祁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kỳ 祁: Nôm readings: kì' in '祁: Hán Việt readings: kì, kỳ 祁: Nôm readings: kì, kỳ' Path: 祁

祇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kỳ 祇: Nôm readings: chỉ' in '祇: Hán Việt readings: chi, chỉ, kì, kỳ 祇: Nôm readings: chỉ' Path: 祇

忌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kỵ 忌: Nôm readings: cạy' in '忌: Hán Việt readings: kí, kị, kỵ 忌: Nôm readings: cạy, cậy, cữ, kiêng, kị, kỵ' Path: 忌

妓 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'kỹ 妓: Nôm readings: kĩ' in '妓: Hán Việt readings: kĩ, kỹ 妓: Nôm readings: kĩ, kỹ, đĩ' Path: 妓

麗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'li 麗: Nôm readings: rạy' in '麗: Hán Việt readings: lệ (郎(lang)計(kế)切(thiết)), li (鄰(lân)知(tri)切(thiết)) 麗: Nôm readings: rạy, li' Path: 麗

蔞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'liễu 蔞: Nôm readings: giàu' in '蔞: Hán Việt readings: lâu, liễu 蔞: Nôm readings: giàu, rau, trầu' Path: 蔞

槞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lung 槞: Nôm readings: trồng' in '槞: Hán Việt readings: long, lung 槞: Nôm readings: trồng' Path: 槞

啉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lâm 啉: Nôm readings: lâm' in '啉: Hán Việt readings: lam, lâm 啉: Nôm readings: lâm, lùm, lăm, lảm, lầm, lẩm, lằm, rầm, rắm, rởm, trăm' Path: 啉

里 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lí 里: Nôm readings: lý' in '里: Hán Việt readings: lý, lí 里: Nôm readings: lý, lái, rưới, trẻ, lia, lí, lịa' Path: 里

六 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lúc 六: Nôm readings: lúc' in '六: Hán Việt readings: lục, lúc (力(lực)竹(trúc)切(thiết)) 六: Nôm readings: lúc, lục, lóc, trọc, lộc, lụt' Path: 六

寠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lũ 寠: Nôm readings: cũ' in '寠: Hán Việt readings: cũ, lũ 寠: Nôm readings: cũ, lũ, rủ' Path: 寠

两 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lạng 两: Nôm readings: lưỡng' in '两: Hán Việt readings: lưỡng, lạng 两: Nôm readings: lưỡng, lạng, lưởng' Path: 两

邐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lị 邐: Nôm readings: lí' in '邐: Hán Việt readings: lí, lệ, lị 邐: Nôm readings: lí' Path: 邐

誄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'lỗi 誄: Nôm readings: trối' in '誄: Hán Việt readings: lụy/luỵ, lỗi 誄: Nôm readings: trối' Path: 誄

漫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'man 漫: Nôm readings: mặn' in '漫: Hán Việt readings: mạn (莫(mạc)半(bán)切(thiết)), man 漫: Nôm readings: mặn, mạn, mướn, mượn, man, mẳn, mớn, mằn, máng' Path: 漫

茗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'minh 茗: Nôm readings: dính' in '茗: Hán Việt readings: dính, minh 茗: Nôm readings: dính, rểnh, tranh' Path: 茗

萬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'muôn 萬: Nôm readings: vạn' in '萬: Hán Việt readings: vạn, muôn 萬: Nôm readings: vạn, vàn, mại, vẹn, muôn' Path: 萬

無 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'mô 無: Nôm readings: vô' in '無: Hán Việt readings: vô, mô 無: Nôm readings: vô, mô' Path: 無

玫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'môi 玫: Nôm readings: môi' in '玫: Hán Việt readings: mai, mân, môi (莫(mạc)桮(bôi)切(thiết)) 玫: Nôm readings: môi' Path: 玫

悶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'môn 悶: Nôm readings: muốn' in '悶: Hán Việt readings: muộn, môn 悶: Nôm readings: muốn, mụn' Path: 悶

美 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'mĩ 美: Nôm readings: mẻ' in '美: Hán Việt readings: mỹ, mĩ 美: Nôm readings: mẻ, mẹ, mỹ, mẽ, mỉa, mở, mỉ, mĩ' Path: 美

命 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'mạng 命: Nôm readings: mạng' in '命: Hán Việt readings: mệnh, mạng 命: Nôm readings: mạng, mạnh, mệnh, mình' Path: 命

万 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'mặc 万: Nôm readings: vàn' in '万: Hán Việt readings: vạn, mặc 万: Nôm readings: vàn, vạn, muôn' Path: 万

研 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nghiễn 研: Nôm readings: nghiên' in '研: Hán Việt readings: nghiên, nghiễn 研: Nôm readings: nghiên, nghiền, nghiện, tên' Path: 研

兒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nghê 兒: Nôm readings: nhẻ' in '兒: Hán Việt readings: nhi, nghê 兒: Nôm readings: nhẻ' Path: 兒

京 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nguyên 京: Nôm readings: kinh' in '京: Hán Việt readings: kinh, nguyên 京: Nôm readings: kinh, kiêng, kềnh, kình' Path: 京

碍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ngài 碍: Nôm readings: ngại' in '碍: Hán Việt readings: ngại (牛(ngưu)代(đại)切(thiết)), ngài 碍: Nôm readings: ngại, ngáy, ngái' Path: 碍

㝵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ngại 㝵: Nôm readings: ngày' in '㝵: Hán Việt readings: đắc, ngại 㝵: Nôm readings: ngày' Path: 㝵

我 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ngả 我: Nôm readings: ngả' in '我: Hán Việt readings: ngã, ngả (語(ngữ)可(khả)切(thiết)) 我: Nôm readings: ngả, ngã' Path: 我

任 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhâm 任: Nôm readings: nhậm' in '任: Hán Việt readings: nhậm, nhiệm, nhâm 任: Nôm readings: nhậm, nhằm, nhiệm, nhầm, nhẩm, nhăm, nhặm, vững' Path: 任

橤 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhị 橤: Nôm readings: nhụy' in '橤: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 橤: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 橤

蕊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhị 蕊: Nôm readings: nhụy' in '蕊: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 蕊: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 蕊

蕋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhị 蕋: Nôm readings: nhụy' in '蕋: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 蕋: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 蕋

蘂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhị 蘂: Nôm readings: nhụy' in '蘂: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 蘂: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 蘂

月 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhục 月: Nôm readings: nguyệt' in '月: Hán Việt readings: nguyệt (魚(ngư)厥(quyết)切(thiết)), ngoạt, nhục (而(nhi)六(lục)切(thiết)) 月: Nôm readings: nguyệt, ngoạt, nhục' Path: 月

一 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhứt 一: Nôm readings: nhất' in '一: Hán Việt readings: nhất, nhứt 一: Nôm readings: nhất, nhắt, nhứt' Path: 一

弌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhứt 弌: Nôm readings: nhất' in '弌: Hán Việt readings: nhất, nhứt 弌: Nôm readings: nhất, nhứt' Path: 弌

女 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhữ 女: Nôm readings: nợ' in '女: Hán Việt readings: nữ (尼(ni)呂(lữ)切(thiết)), nhữ (忍(nhẫn)與(dữ)切(thiết)) 女: Nôm readings: nợ, nữa, nữ, nỡ, nớ, nhỡ, lỡ, nửa, nhớ, nự' Path: 女

茹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhự 茹: Nôm readings: nhà' in '茹: Hán Việt readings: như, nhự 茹: Nôm readings: nhà, nhờ, nhựa, nhừa, nhu' Path: 茹

日 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nhựt 日: Nôm readings: nhặt' in '日: Hán Việt readings: nhật (人(nhân)質(chất)切(thiết)), nhựt 日: Nôm readings: nhặt, nhật, nhạt, nhựt, nhờn' Path: 日

暖 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nuyễn 暖: Nôm readings: hoãn' in '暖: Hán Việt readings: huyên, noãn, nõng, nóng, nũn, nuỹn, nuyễn 暖: Nôm readings: hoãn, noãn, nõng, nóng, nũn, nuỹn, nuyễn' Path: 暖

而 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'năng 而: Nôm readings: nhi' in '而: Hán Việt readings: nhi, năng 而: Nôm readings: nhi' Path: 而

嬭 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nẽ 嬭: Nôm readings: nãi' in '嬭: Hán Việt readings: nãi, nè, nẽ 嬭: Nôm readings: nãi' Path: 嬭

你 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nễ 你: Nôm readings: né' in '你: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ, nễ 你: Nôm readings: né, nể, nẻ, nệ' Path: 你

尔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'nễ 尔: Nôm readings: ne' in '尔: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ, nễ 尔: Nôm readings: ne, nhĩ, nhẽ, nẻ, nể' Path: 尔

陂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'pha 陂: Nôm readings: be' in '陂: Hán Việt readings: bi, bí, pha 陂: Nôm readings: be, bê, pha' Path: 陂

狔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phi 狔: Nôm readings: phi' in '狔: Hán Việt readings: nai, nỉ, phi 狔: Nôm readings: phi, nai, nỉ' Path: 狔

番 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phiên 番: Nôm readings: ba' in '番: Hán Việt readings: ba, bà, phiên 番: Nôm readings: ba, bà, phan, phiên, phen' Path: 番

驃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phiêu 驃: Nôm readings: phiêu' in '驃: Hán Việt readings: phiếu, phiêu 驃: Nôm readings: phiêu' Path: 驃

漂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phiếu 漂: Nôm readings: xiêu' in '漂: Hán Việt readings: phiêu (紕(phi)招(chiêu)切(thiết)), phiếu 漂: Nôm readings: xiêu, veo, phiêu, phều, phiếu, pheo, phếu, phao, xẻo, phịu, phêu' Path: 漂

𠸟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phôi 𠸟: Nôm readings: bui' in '𠸟: Hán Việt readings: bai, phôi 𠸟: Nôm readings: bui, vui' Path: 𠸟

頗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phả 頗: Nôm readings: phở' in '頗: Hán Việt readings: pha, phả 頗: Nôm readings: phở, pha, phả, và' Path: 頗

佛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phất 佛: Nôm readings: phật' in '佛: Hán Việt readings: phật (符(phù)勿(vật)切(thiết)), phất 佛: Nôm readings: phật' Path: 佛

蔽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phất 蔽: Nôm readings: tế' in '蔽: Hán Việt readings: tế, phất 蔽: Nôm readings: tế' Path: 蔽

丿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phịch 丿: Hán Nôm readings: triệt' in '丿: Hán Việt readings: phiệt 丿: Nôm readings: phiết, phiệt, phút, phảy, phết, phịch 丿: Hán Nôm readings: triệt, thiên, phét' Path: 丿

不 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'phủ 不: Nôm readings: bất' in '不: Hán Việt readings: bất, bưu, bỉ, phi, phu, phầu, phủ 不: Nôm readings: bất' Path: 不

暈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'quầng 暈: Nôm readings: vầng' in '暈: Hán Việt readings: vựng, vận (王(vương)問(vấn)切(thiết)), quầng 暈: Nôm readings: vầng, vừng, quầng, vựng' Path: 暈

山 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'san 山: Nôm readings: sơn' in '山: Hán Việt readings: sơn, san 山: Nôm readings: sơn, san' Path: 山

慳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'san 慳: Nôm readings: ghen' in '慳: Hán Việt readings: khan, san 慳: Nôm readings: ghen, khan, khiên, kiên' Path: 慳

生 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'sanh 生: Nôm readings: sanh' in '生: Hán Việt readings: sinh, sanh (師(sư)庚(canh)切(thiết)) 生: Nôm readings: sanh, siêng, sinh, xinh, xênh, sống, xanh' Path: 生

諂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'siểm 諂: Nôm readings: xiểm' in '諂: Hán Việt readings: xiểm, siểm (丑(sửu)琰(diễm)切(thiết)) 諂: Nôm readings: xiểm, siểm' Path: 諂

森 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'sum 森: Nôm readings: chùm' in '森: Hán Việt readings: sâm, sum 森: Nôm readings: chùm, dâm, dúm, râm, sâm, sum, xum' Path: 森

槊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'sóc 槊: Nôm readings: giáo' in '槊: Hán Việt readings: sáo, sóc 槊: Nôm readings: giáo, sáo, sóc, xóc' Path: 槊

詵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'săn 詵: Nôm readings: săn' in '詵: Hán Việt readings: sằn, săn 詵: Nôm readings: săn' Path: 詵

疏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'sơ 疏: Nôm readings: sơ' in '疏: Hán Việt readings: sớ, sơ 疏: Nôm readings: sơ, sớ, sờ, sưa, xơ, xờ' Path: 疏

鏟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'sản 鏟: Nôm readings: sản' in '鏟: Hán Việt readings: sạn, sản 鏟: Nôm readings: sản, san, sán, xẻng, sám' Path: 鏟

獻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ta 獻: Nôm readings: hiến' in '獻: Hán Việt readings: hiến, ta 獻: Nôm readings: hiến' Path: 獻

鐺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tang 鐺: Nôm readings: đương' in '鐺: Hán Việt readings: sanh, thang, đang, đương, tang 鐺: Nôm readings: đương, xanh' Path: 鐺

嘆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'than 嘆: Nôm readings: than' in '嘆: Hán Việt readings: thán (他(tha)案(án)切(thiết)), than 嘆: Nôm readings: than, han, thán, thăn, hớn, hen, thơn' Path: 嘆

庁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thinh 庁: Nôm readings: sảnh' in '庁: Hán Việt readings: sảnh, thinh 庁: Nôm readings: sảnh, thinh' Path: 庁

卲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thiều 卲: Nôm readings: thiệu' in '卲: Hán Việt readings: thiệu, thiều 卲: Nôm readings: thiệu, thiêu' Path: 卲

少 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thiểu 少: Nôm readings: thiếu' in '少: Hán Việt readings: thiếu, thiểu 少: Nôm readings: thiếu, thiểu, thểu, thỉu, thẹo, thẻo, ít' Path: 少

水 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thuỷ 水: Nôm readings: thủy' in '水: Hán Việt readings: thủy/thuỷ (式(thức)軌(quỹ)切(thiết)) 水: Nôm readings: thủy/thuỷ, nước' Path: 水

撢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thám 撢: Nôm readings: thám' in '撢: Hán Việt readings: cao, đạn, đàm, thám 撢: Nôm readings: thám, đản, đùm' Path: 撢

坦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thán 坦: Nôm readings: đứt' in '坦: Hán Việt readings: thản (儻(thảng)旱(hạn)切(thiết)), thán 坦: Nôm readings: đứt, đất, đắt, thản, đác, đởn, thán, đắn, đật, ngẩn, thưỡn' Path: 坦

湯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thãng 湯: Nôm readings: than' in '湯: Hán Việt readings: thang, sương, thãng 湯: Nôm readings: than' Path: 湯

汰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thải 汰: Nôm readings: thảy' in '汰: Hán Việt readings: thái (他(tha)蓋(cái)切(thiết)), thải 汰: Nôm readings: thảy, thãi, thải, sưởi, thẩy' Path: 汰

始 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thỉ 始: Nôm readings: thỉ' in '始: Hán Việt readings: thủy/thuỷ, thỉ (詩(thi)止(chỉ)切(thiết)) 始: Nôm readings: thỉ, thủy/thuỷ, thũy/thuỹ' Path: 始

時 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thời 時: Nôm readings: thì' in '時: Hán Việt readings: thì, thời 時: Nôm readings: thì, thời' Path: 時

刺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thứ 刺: Nôm readings: chích' in '刺: Hán Việt readings: thích, thứ 刺: Nôm readings: chích' Path: 刺

蚝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'thứ 蚝: Nôm readings: hào' in '蚝: Hán Việt readings: hào, thứ 蚝: Nôm readings: hào' Path: 蚝

先 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tiến 先: Nôm readings: tiên' in '先: Hán Việt readings: tiên (蘇(tô)前(tiền)切(thiết)), tiến 先: Nôm readings: tiên, tên, ten, teng' Path: 先

譙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tiệu 譙: Nôm readings: tèo' in '譙: Hán Việt readings: tiếu, tiều, tiệu 譙: Nôm readings: tèo, tiệu, tiều' Path: 譙

坐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'toạ 坐: Nôm readings: ngồi' in '坐: Hán Việt readings: tọa/toạ 坐: Nôm readings: ngồi, tòa/toà, tọa/toạ' Path: 坐

折 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'triệp 折: Nôm readings: chết' in '折: Hán Việt readings: chiết (之(chi)列(liệt)切(thiết)), triếp, triệp 折: Nôm readings: chết, giết, chẹt, chiết, chét, xít, chệch, chịt, nhét, nhít, siết, xiết, chích, chít, dít, gãy, gẩy, giẹp, quạt, trét' Path: 折

盅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trung 盅: Nôm readings: chung' in '盅: Hán Việt readings: chung, trung 盅: Nôm readings: chung, trung' Path: 盅

傳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'truyến 傳: Nôm readings: chuyền' in '傳: Hán Việt readings: truyền, truyện, truyến 傳: Nôm readings: chuyền, chuyện, chuyến, chiện' Path: 傳

隧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'truỵ 隧: Nôm readings: toại' in '隧: Hán Việt readings: toại, trụy/truỵ 隧: Nôm readings: toại' Path: 隧

場 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tràng 場: Nôm readings: trường' in '場: Hán Việt readings: trường (仲(trọng)良(lương)切(thiết)), tràng 場: Nôm readings: trường, tràng' Path: 場

長 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tràng 長: Nôm readings: tràng' in '長: Hán Việt readings: trường (直(trực)良(lương)切(thiết)), trưởng (展(triển)兩(lưỡng)切(thiết)), tràng 長: Nôm readings: tràng, trường, trưởng, dài, chường, trành, trườn' Path: 長

琢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trác 琢: Nôm readings: trác' in '琢: Hán Việt readings: chác, trác 琢: Nôm readings: trác, trát' Path: 琢

蚳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trì 蚳: Nôm readings: đỉa' in '蚳: Hán Việt readings: chỉ, trì 蚳: Nôm readings: đỉa' Path: 蚳

知 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trí 知: Nôm readings: tri' in '知: Hán Việt readings: tri, trí 知: Nôm readings: tri, trơ' Path: 知

中 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trúng 中: Nôm readings: trúng' in '中: Hán Việt readings: trung (陟(trắc)弓(cung)切(thiết)), trúng 中: Nôm readings: trúng, trong, trung, truồng, đúng, truông' Path: 中

跌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trật 跌: Nôm readings: chợt' in '跌: Hán Việt readings: điệt, trật 跌: Nôm readings: chợt, trượt, trớt, trặc, xớt, xợt, đột' Path: 跌

則 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trắc 則: Nôm readings: tắc' in '則: Hán Việt readings: tắc, trắc 則: Nôm readings: tắc, tấc, trắc' Path: 則

箸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'trợ 箸: Nôm readings: đũa' in '箸: Hán Việt readings: trứ, trợ 箸: Nôm readings: đũa, trứ, chước, giạ' Path: 箸

薛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tuyết 薛: Nôm readings: tiết' in '薛: Hán Việt readings: tiết, tuyết 薛: Nôm readings: tiết' Path: 薛

迭 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tuyển 迭: Nôm readings: điệt' in '迭: Hán Việt readings: điệt, tuyển 迭: Nôm readings: điệt, dập, giật, dặt, dật, dắt, dệt' Path: 迭

藉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tá 藉: Nôm readings: tạ' in '藉: Hán Việt readings: tạ, tịch, tá 藉: Nôm readings: tạ, tã, chạ' Path: 藉

西 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tê 西: Nôm readings: tây' in '西: Hán Việt readings: tây, tê 西: Nôm readings: tây' Path: 西

子 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tí 子: Nôm readings: tý' in '子: Hán Việt readings: tý (即(tức)里(lý)切(thiết)), tử, tí 子: Nôm readings: tý, tử, tí, tít, tở' Path: 子

請 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tính 請: Nôm readings: thảnh' in '請: Hán Việt readings: thỉnh, tình, tính 請: Nôm readings: thảnh, thín, thinh' Path: 請

曾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tăng 曾: Nôm readings: tâng' in '曾: Hán Việt readings: tằng, tăng 曾: Nôm readings: tâng, tơn, tưng, từng' Path: 曾

次 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tư 次: Nôm readings: thớ' in '次: Hán Việt readings: thứ (七(thất)四(tứ)切(thiết)), tư 次: Nôm readings: thớ, thứ, thứa, khứa' Path: 次

像 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tương 像: Nôm readings: tượng' in '像: Hán Việt readings: tượng, tương 像: Nôm readings: tượng' Path: 像

将 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tương 将: Nôm readings: tướng' in '将: Hán Việt readings: tướng, tương 将: Nôm readings: tướng' Path: 将

將 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tương 將: Nôm readings: tướng' in '將: Hán Việt readings: tướng (子(tử)亮(lượng)切(thiết)), tương (資(tư)良(lương)切(thiết)) 將: Nôm readings: tướng, tương' Path: 將

作 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tố 作: Nôm readings: tác' in '作: Hán Việt readings: tác (即(tức)各(các)切(thiết)), tố 作: Nôm readings: tác, sã' Path: 作

孫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tốn 孫: Nôm readings: cháu' in '孫: Hán Việt readings: tôn, tốn 孫: Nôm readings: cháu, tuôn' Path: 孫

且 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tồ 且: Nôm readings: thả' in '且: Hán Việt readings: thả, thư, tồ 且: Nôm readings: thả, vã, vả' Path: 且

食 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'tự 食: Nôm readings: thực' in '食: Hán Việt readings: thực (乘(thừa)力(lực)切(thiết)), tự 食: Nôm readings: thực, xực' Path: 食

吁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'u 吁: Nôm readings: hu' in '吁: Hán Việt readings: hu, hù, u 吁: Nôm readings: hu, hủ, vo, vu, xu' Path: 吁

員 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'viên 員: Nôm readings: von' in '員: Hán Việt readings: vân, viên 員: Nôm readings: von' Path: 員

藝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'vân 藝: Nôm readings: nghế' in '藝: Hán Việt readings: nghệ, vân 藝: Nôm readings: nghế, vân, nghề, nghệ' Path: 藝

爲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'vì 爲: Nôm readings: vay' in '爲: Hán Việt readings: vị, vì 爲: Nôm readings: vay, ví, vĩ, voi, vơ, vờ, vi' Path: 爲

葦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'vĩ 葦: Nôm readings: vi' in '葦: Hán Việt readings: vy, vĩ 葦: Nôm readings: vi' Path: 葦

王 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'vượng 王: Nôm readings: vương' in '王: Hán Việt readings: vương (雨(vũ)方(phương)切(thiết)), vượng 王: Nôm readings: vương, vướng' Path: 王

𧗱 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'vệ 𧗱: Nôm readings: về' in '𧗱: Hán Việt readings: thuật, toại, truật, vệ 𧗱: Nôm readings: về' Path: 𧗱

數 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'xúc 數: Nôm readings: số' in '數: Hán Việt readings: sác, số, sổ, xúc 數: Nôm readings: số, sổ, sỗ, sộ, xọ' Path: 數

趋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'xúc 趋: Nôm readings: xu' in '趋: Hán Việt readings: xu, xúc 趋: Nôm readings: xu' Path: 趋

趨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'xúc 趨: Nôm readings: so' in '趨: Hán Việt readings: xu, xúc 趨: Nôm readings: so, xúc, xu, xô' Path: 趨

移 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'xỉ 移: Nôm readings: đưa' in '移: Hán Việt readings: di, dời, rời, chòm, đệm, xờm, day, dây, dê, giay, sỉ, xỉ 移: Nôm readings: đưa' Path: 移

安 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'yên 安: Nôm readings: yên' in '安: Hán Việt readings: an, yên 安: Nôm readings: yên, an, án, ăn' Path: 安

阿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'á 阿: Nôm readings: a' in '阿: Hán Việt readings: a, á 阿: Nôm readings: a, à' Path: 阿

乃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ái 乃: Nôm readings: náy' in '乃: Hán Việt readings: nãi, ái 乃: Nôm readings: náy, nãy, nảy, nải, nấy, nới' Path: 乃

嗡 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'án 嗡: Nôm readings: óng' in '嗡: Hán Việt readings: ông, án 嗡: Nôm readings: óng, ông' Path: 嗡

愛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'áy 愛: Nôm readings: ái' in '愛: Hán Việt readings: ái, áy 愛: Nôm readings: ái, áy, ải' Path: 愛

台 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đài 台: Nôm readings: thơi' in '台: Hán Việt readings: thai (湯(thang)來(lai)切(thiết)), đài (堂(đoàng)來(lai)切(thiết)) 台: Nôm readings: thơi, thai, thay, hay, đài, thài, hai, đày' Path: 台

撣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đàn 撣: Nôm readings: đan' in '撣: Hán Việt readings: đạn, đản, đãn, đàn 撣: Nôm readings: đan, đản, đàn, đạn, đãn' Path: 撣

但 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đán 但: Nôm readings: giản' in '但: Hán Việt readings: đãn, đán 但: Nôm readings: giản, đản, đởn' Path: 但

石 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đán 石: Nôm readings: thạch' in '石: Hán Việt readings: thạch, đán 石: Nôm readings: thạch, sạch' Path: 石

塔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đáp 塔: Nôm readings: tháp' in '塔: Hán Việt readings: tháp, đáp 塔: Nôm readings: tháp, thạp, thóp, đắp' Path: 塔

丹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đơn 丹: Nôm readings: đơn' in '丹: Hán Việt readings: đan (都(đô)艱(gian)切(thiết)), đơn 丹: Nôm readings: đơn, đan' Path: 丹

丢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đốc 丢: Nôm readings: đâu' in '丢: Hán Việt readings: đâu, đốc 丢: Nôm readings: đâu' Path: 丢

竺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đốc 竺: Nôm readings: trúc' in '竺: Hán Việt readings: trúc, đốc 竺: Nôm readings: trúc' Path: 竺

杜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'đổ 杜: Nôm readings: đỗ' in '杜: Hán Việt readings: đỗ (動(động)五(ngũ)切(thiết)), đổ 杜: Nôm readings: đỗ, đậu, đổ, dỏ, đũa, đỏ, dỗ, đủ, giỗ, rổ, trỗ' Path: 杜

秧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ưởng 秧: Nôm readings: ương' in '秧: Hán Việt readings: ương, ưởng 秧: Nôm readings: ương' Path: 秧

吽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ẩu 吽: Nôm readings: hống' in '吽: Hán Việt readings: hồng, hống, ngâu, oanh, ẩu 吽: Nôm readings: hống, ngào' Path: 吽

握 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: 'ốc 握: Nôm readings: ác' in '握: Hán Việt readings: ác (乙(ất)角(giác)切(thiết)), ốc (乙(ất)角(giốc)切(thiết)) 握: Nôm readings: ác, át, ấc, ốt' Path: 握

㐌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㐌: Nôm readings: dã' in '㐌: Nôm readings: dã, đà, đã' Path: 㐌

㑫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㑫: Nôm readings: nộm' in '㑫: Nôm readings: nộm' Path: 㑫

㗂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㗂: Nôm readings: tiếng' in '㗂: Nôm readings: tiếng, thánh' Path: 㗂

㘨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㘨: Nôm readings: nồi' in '㘨: Nôm readings: nồi, nội' Path: 㘨

㝵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㝵: Hán Việt readings: đắc' in '㝵: Hán Việt readings: đắc, ngại 㝵: Nôm readings: ngày' Path: 㝵

㨳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㨳: Nôm readings: ghé' in '㨳: Nôm readings: ghé, gửi, gợi' Path: 㨳

㮠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㮠: Nôm readings: vang' in '㮠: Nôm readings: vang, vành' Path: 㮠

㺔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '㺔: Nôm readings: voi' in '㺔: Nôm readings: voi, vỏi, vây' Path: 㺔

䐥 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '䐥: Nôm readings: õng' in '䐥: Nôm readings: õng, ỏng, ống' Path: 䐥

䶶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '䶶: Nôm readings: đè' in '䶶: Nôm readings: đè' Path: 䶶

一 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '一: Hán Việt readings: nhất' in '一: Hán Việt readings: nhất, nhứt 一: Nôm readings: nhất, nhắt, nhứt' Path: 一

丁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丁: Hán Việt readings: đinh 丁: Nôm readings: đứa' in '丁: Hán Việt readings: đinh (當(đáng)經(kinh)切(thiết)) 丁: Nôm readings: đứa, đinh, đềnh, tênh, tranh, đĩnh' Path: 丁

七 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '七: Hán Việt readings: thất 七: Nôm readings: thất' in '七: Hán Việt readings: thất (戚(thích)悉(tất)切(thiết)) 七: Nôm readings: thất, sất' Path: 七

万 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '万: Hán Việt readings: vạn' in '万: Hán Việt readings: vạn, mặc 万: Nôm readings: vàn, vạn, muôn' Path: 万

丈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丈: Hán Việt readings: trượng 丈: Nôm readings: trượng' in '丈: Hán Việt readings: trượng 丈: Nôm readings: trượng' Path: 丈

三 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '三: Hán Việt readings: tam 三: Nôm readings: tam' in '三: Hán Việt readings: tam (蘇(tô)甘(cam)切(thiết)) 三: Nôm readings: tam, ba, tám' Path: 三

上 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '上: Hán Việt readings: thượng 上: Nôm readings: thượng' in '上: Hán Việt readings: thượng (時(thì)亮(lượng)切(thiết)) 上: Nôm readings: thượng' Path: 上

下 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '下: Hán Việt readings: hạ 下: Nôm readings: hạ' in '下: Hán Việt readings: hạ 下: Nôm readings: hạ' Path: 下

不 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '不: Hán Việt readings: bất' in '不: Hán Việt readings: bất, bưu, bỉ, phi, phu, phầu, phủ 不: Nôm readings: bất' Path: 不

丏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丏: Hán Việt readings: miện 丏: Nôm readings: miện' in '丏: Hán Việt readings: miện 丏: Nôm readings: miện' Path: 丏

丐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丐: Hán Việt readings: cái 丐: Nôm readings: cái' in '丐: Hán Việt readings: cái 丐: Nôm readings: cái, gái' Path: 丐

丒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丒: Nôm readings: giấu' in '丒: Nôm readings: giấu' Path: 丒

且 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '且: Hán Việt readings: thả' in '且: Hán Việt readings: thả, thư, tồ 且: Nôm readings: thả, vã, vả' Path: 且

丕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丕: Hán Việt readings: phi 丕: Nôm readings: vầy' in '丕: Hán Việt readings: phi (鋪(phô)悲(bi)切(thiết)) 丕: Nôm readings: vầy, vậy, phỉ, bậy, phơi, chăng, chẳng, phi' Path: 丕

世 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '世: Hán Việt readings: thế 世: Nôm readings: thế' in '世: Hán Việt readings: thế 世: Nôm readings: thế, thá, thé, thể' Path: 世

丘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丘: Hán Việt readings: khiêu' in '丘: Hán Việt readings: khiêu, khâu, khưu 丘: Nôm readings: khâu, kheo, khưu' Path: 丘

丙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丙: Hán Việt readings: bính 丙: Nôm readings: biếng' in '丙: Hán Việt readings: bính 丙: Nôm readings: biếng, bính' Path: 丙

业 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '业: Nôm readings: nghiệp' in '业: Nôm readings: nghiệp' Path: 业

丞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丞: Hán Việt readings: thừa 丞: Hán Nôm readings: thừa' in '丞: Hán Việt readings: thừa 丞: Hán Nôm readings: thừa, chẳng' Path: 丞

丢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丢: Hán Việt readings: đâu' in '丢: Hán Việt readings: đâu, đốc 丢: Nôm readings: đâu' Path: 丢

两 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '两: Hán Việt readings: lưỡng' in '两: Hán Việt readings: lưỡng, lạng 两: Nôm readings: lưỡng, lạng, lưởng' Path: 两

丨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丨: Hán Việt readings: cổn 丨: Nôm readings: cổn' in '丨: Hán Việt readings: cổn 丨: Nôm readings: cổn' Path: 丨

个 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '个: Hán Việt readings: cá' in '个: Hán Việt readings: cá, cán 个: Nôm readings: cá' Path: 个

中 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '中: Hán Việt readings: trung' in '中: Hán Việt readings: trung (陟(trắc)弓(cung)切(thiết)), trúng 中: Nôm readings: trúng, trong, trung, truồng, đúng, truông' Path: 中

串 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '串: Hán Việt readings: quán 串: Nôm readings: xiên' in '串: Hán Việt readings: quán (古(cổ)患(hoạn)切(thiết)) 串: Nôm readings: xiên, xuyên, xuyến, quán' Path: 串

丹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丹: Hán Việt readings: đan' in '丹: Hán Việt readings: đan (都(đô)艱(gian)切(thiết)), đơn 丹: Nôm readings: đơn, đan' Path: 丹

主 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '主: Hán Việt readings: chủ' in '主: Hán Việt readings: chủ, chúa 主: Nôm readings: chúa, chủ' Path: 主

丿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '丿: Hán Việt readings: phiệt 丿: Nôm readings: phiết' in '丿: Hán Việt readings: phiệt 丿: Nôm readings: phiết, phiệt, phút, phảy, phết, phịch 丿: Hán Nôm readings: triệt, thiên, phét' Path: 丿

乃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '乃: Hán Việt readings: nãi' in '乃: Hán Việt readings: nãi, ái 乃: Nôm readings: náy, nãy, nảy, nải, nấy, nới' Path: 乃

久 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '久: Hán Việt readings: cửu 久: Nôm readings: cửu' in '久: Hán Việt readings: cửu (舉(cử)有(hữu)切(thiết)) 久: Nôm readings: cửu' Path: 久

之 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '之: Hán Việt readings: chi 之: Nôm readings: gì' in '之: Hán Việt readings: chi (止(chỉ)而(nhi)切(thiết)) 之: Nôm readings: gì, giây, chi' Path: 之

乎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '乎: Hán Việt readings: hồ' in '乎: Hán Việt readings: hồ, hô 乎: Nôm readings: hồ' Path: 乎

乜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '乜: Hán Việt readings: khiết' in '乜: Hán Việt readings: khiết' Path: 乜

九 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '九: Hán Việt readings: cửu 九: Nôm readings: cửu' in '九: Hán Việt readings: cửu 九: Nôm readings: cửu' Path: 九

也 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '也: Hán Việt readings: giã' in '也: Hán Việt readings: giã, dã 也: Nôm readings: dạ, dã, giã, rã' Path: 也

乳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '乳: Hán Việt readings: nhũ 乳: Nôm readings: vú' in '乳: Hán Việt readings: nhũ 乳: Nôm readings: vú, nhỏ, nhủ, nhũ, nhả, nhỗ, nhú' Path: 乳

了 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '了: Hán Việt readings: liễu' in '了: Hán Việt readings: liễu (盧(lô)鳥(điểu)切(thiết)), kiết 了: Nôm readings: lểu, lẽo, liễu, lẻo, léo, líu, lếu, sáu, lèo, tréo' Path: 了

二 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '二: Hán Việt readings: nhị 二: Nôm readings: nhì' in '二: Hán Việt readings: nhị 二: Nôm readings: nhì, nhị, nhẹ' Path: 二

云 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '云: Hán Việt readings: vân 云: Nôm readings: vân' in '云: Hán Việt readings: vân (于(vu)分(phân)切(thiết)) 云: Nôm readings: vân' Path: 云

五 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '五: Hán Việt readings: ngũ 五: Nôm readings: ngũ' in '五: Hán Việt readings: ngũ 五: Nôm readings: ngũ, ngủ, ngỗ' Path: 五

亘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '亘: Hán Việt readings: cắng 亘: Nôm readings: cắng' in '亘: Hán Việt readings: cắng 亘: Nôm readings: cắng, cứng, hẵng' Path: 亘

京 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '京: Hán Việt readings: kinh' in '京: Hán Việt readings: kinh, nguyên 京: Nôm readings: kinh, kiêng, kềnh, kình' Path: 京

人 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '人: Hán Việt readings: nhân 人: Nôm readings: nhơn' in '人: Hán Việt readings: nhân (如(như)鄰(lân)切(thiết)) 人: Nôm readings: nhơn, nhân, người' Path: 人

今 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '今: Hán Việt readings: kim' in '今: Hán Việt readings: kim, câm (居(cư)吟(ngâm)切(thiết)) 今: Nôm readings: kim, câm, căm, cầm, ngấm' Path: 今

仝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '仝: Hán Việt readings: đồng 仝: Nôm readings: đồng' in '仝: Hán Việt readings: đồng 仝: Nôm readings: đồng, giồng' Path: 仝

代 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '代: Hán Việt readings: đại 代: Nôm readings: đời' in '代: Hán Việt readings: đại (度(đạc)耐(nại)切(thiết)) 代: Nôm readings: đời, đãi, đại, dạy, dậy, rượi, đười, đợi' Path: 代

任 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '任: Hán Việt readings: nhậm' in '任: Hán Việt readings: nhậm, nhiệm, nhâm 任: Nôm readings: nhậm, nhằm, nhiệm, nhầm, nhẩm, nhăm, nhặm, vững' Path: 任

伊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '伊: Hán Việt readings: y 伊: Nôm readings: y' in '伊: Hán Việt readings: y 伊: Nôm readings: y, ì' Path: 伊

伯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '伯: Hán Việt readings: bá' in '伯: Hán Việt readings: bá, bác 伯: Nôm readings: bá, bác' Path: 伯

伴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '伴: Hán Việt readings: bạn 伴: Nôm readings: bạn' in '伴: Hán Việt readings: bạn 伴: Nôm readings: bạn' Path: 伴

但 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '但: Hán Việt readings: đãn' in '但: Hán Việt readings: đãn, đán 但: Nôm readings: giản, đản, đởn' Path: 但

佈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '佈: Hán Việt readings: bố 佈: Nôm readings: bố' in '佈: Hán Việt readings: bố (博(bác)故(cố)切(thiết)) 佈: Nôm readings: bố, bô' Path: 佈

佛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '佛: Hán Việt readings: phật' in '佛: Hán Việt readings: phật (符(phù)勿(vật)切(thiết)), phất 佛: Nôm readings: phật' Path: 佛

作 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '作: Hán Việt readings: tác' in '作: Hán Việt readings: tác (即(tức)各(các)切(thiết)), tố 作: Nôm readings: tác, sã' Path: 作

你 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '你: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ' in '你: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ, nễ 你: Nôm readings: né, nể, nẻ, nệ' Path: 你

佽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '佽: Hán Việt readings: thứ' in '佽: Hán Việt readings: thứ' Path: 佽

侞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '侞: Hán Việt readings: nhờ' in '侞: Hán Việt readings: nhờ' Path: 侞

侼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '侼: Nôm readings: bụt' in '侼: Nôm readings: bụt, bột' Path: 侼

俄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '俄: Hán Việt readings: nga 俄: Nôm readings: nga' in '俄: Hán Việt readings: nga (五(ngũ)何(hà)切(thiết)) 俄: Nôm readings: nga, ngoa' Path: 俄

俊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '俊: Hán Việt readings: tuấn 俊: Nôm readings: tuấn' in '俊: Hán Việt readings: tuấn (祖(tổ)峻(tuấn)切(thiết)) 俊: Nôm readings: tuấn, toáng' Path: 俊

修 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '修: Hán Việt readings: tu 修: Nôm readings: tu' in '修: Hán Việt readings: tu 修: Nôm readings: tu' Path: 修

俳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '俳: Hán Việt readings: bài' in '俳: Hán Việt readings: bài' Path: 俳

偖 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '偖: Hán Việt readings: xả 偖: Nôm readings: xả' in '偖: Hán Việt readings: xả 偖: Nôm readings: xả' Path: 偖

傱 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '傱: Nôm readings: tuồng' in '傱: Nôm readings: tuồng' Path: 傱

傳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '傳: Hán Việt readings: truyền' in '傳: Hán Việt readings: truyền, truyện, truyến 傳: Nôm readings: chuyền, chuyện, chuyến, chiện' Path: 傳

像 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '像: Hán Việt readings: tượng' in '像: Hán Việt readings: tượng, tương 像: Nôm readings: tượng' Path: 像

僑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '僑: Hán Việt readings: kiều 僑: Nôm readings: quều' in '僑: Hán Việt readings: kiều 僑: Nôm readings: quều' Path: 僑

僝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '僝: Hán Việt readings: sạn' in '僝: Hán Việt readings: sạn' Path: 僝

僞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '僞: Hán Việt readings: ngụy' in '僞: Hán Việt readings: ngụy/nguỵ' Path: 僞

僣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '僣: Hán Việt readings: tém' in '僣: Hán Việt readings: tém, tím, tiếm' Path: 僣

僦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '僦: Hán Việt readings: tựu' in '僦: Hán Việt readings: tựu' Path: 僦

僧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '僧: Hán Việt readings: tăng' in '僧: Hán Việt readings: tăng (蘇(tô)增(tăng)切(thiết))' Path: 僧

儁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '儁: Nôm readings: tuấn' in '儁: Nôm readings: tuấn' Path: 儁

億 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '億: Hán Việt readings: ức 億: Nôm readings: tỉ' in '億: Hán Việt readings: ức 億: Nôm readings: tỉ, ức' Path: 億

先 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '先: Hán Việt readings: tiên' in '先: Hán Việt readings: tiên (蘇(tô)前(tiền)切(thiết)), tiến 先: Nôm readings: tiên, tên, ten, teng' Path: 先

兒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '兒: Hán Việt readings: nhi' in '兒: Hán Việt readings: nhi, nghê 兒: Nôm readings: nhẻ' Path: 兒

入 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '入: Hán Việt readings: nhập 入: Nôm readings: nhập' in '入: Hán Việt readings: nhập 入: Nôm readings: nhập, nhạp, nhấp, nhắp, vào, nhép, nhẹp' Path: 入

八 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '八: Hán Việt readings: bát 八: Nôm readings: bát' in '八: Hán Việt readings: bát 八: Nôm readings: bát, bắt, bớt' Path: 八

公僕 (noun) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '公僕: Hán Việt readings: công bộc' in '公僕: Hán Việt readings: công bộc' Path: 公僕

六 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '六: Hán Việt readings: lục' in '六: Hán Việt readings: lục, lúc (力(lực)竹(trúc)切(thiết)) 六: Nôm readings: lúc, lục, lóc, trọc, lộc, lụt' Path: 六

共 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '共: Hán Việt readings: cung' in '共: Hán Việt readings: cung, cộng, củng 共: Nôm readings: cùng, cũng, cọng, cụng, gọng' Path: 共

兵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '兵: Hán Việt readings: binh 兵: Nôm readings: binh' in '兵: Hán Việt readings: binh (補(bổ)明(minh)切(thiết)) 兵: Nôm readings: binh, banh, bênh, bưng, bành' Path: 兵

再 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '再: Hán Việt readings: tái 再: Nôm readings: tái' in '再: Hán Việt readings: tái 再: Nôm readings: tái, táy, tải' Path: 再

冗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '冗: Hán Việt readings: nhũng 冗: Nôm readings: nũng' in '冗: Hán Việt readings: nhũng 冗: Nôm readings: nũng, nhõng, nhũng, đem, nhùng' Path: 冗

冢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '冢: Hán Việt readings: trủng 冢: Nôm readings: trũng' in '冢: Hán Việt readings: trủng 冢: Nôm readings: trũng, trổng' Path: 冢

冰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '冰: Hán Việt readings: băng 冰: Nôm readings: băng' in '冰: Hán Việt readings: băng (悲(bi)陵(lăng)切(thiết)) 冰: Nôm readings: băng, phăng, bâng, văng, bưng' Path: 冰

冷 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '冷: Hán Việt readings: lãnh 冷: Nôm readings: linh' in '冷: Hán Việt readings: lãnh 冷: Nôm readings: linh, liểng, lành, lãnh, lênh, lạnh, lảnh, rãnh, rảnh' Path: 冷

凣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '凣: Hán Việt readings: phàm' in '凣: Hán Việt readings: phàm' Path: 凣

凴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '凴: Hán Việt readings: bằng 凴: Nôm readings: bằng' in '凴: Hán Việt readings: bằng 凴: Nôm readings: bằng' Path: 凴

凵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '凵: Hán Việt readings: khảm' in '凵: Hán Việt readings: khảm (苦(khổ)感(cảm)切(thiết))' Path: 凵

凾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '凾: Hán Việt readings: hàm' in '凾: Hán Việt readings: hàm' Path: 凾

刂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '刂: Hán Việt readings: đao' in '刂: Hán Việt readings: đao' Path: 刂

分 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '分: Hán Việt readings: phân' in '分: Hán Việt readings: phân, phần, phận' Path: 分

列 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '列: Hán Việt readings: liệt 列: Nôm readings: rét' in '列: Hán Việt readings: liệt 列: Nôm readings: rét, sét, lít, lướt, rịt, liếc, liệt, lét, lượt, rật, rết, rớt, rụt, sít, sắt, sệt, lệch, loẹt, riệt, rít, rệt, lịt' Path: 列

初 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '初: Hán Việt readings: sơ 初: Nôm readings: xưa' in '初: Hán Việt readings: sơ (楚(sở)徂(tồ)切(thiết)) 初: Nôm readings: xưa, sơ, xơ, thơ, sờ' Path: 初

利 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '利: Hán Việt readings: lợi 利: Nôm readings: lời' in '利: Hán Việt readings: lợi 利: Nôm readings: lời, lợi, rời, rơi, ráy, lì, rị, lệ' Path: 利

刮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '刮: Hán Việt readings: quát 刮: Nôm readings: quát' in '刮: Hán Việt readings: quát 刮: Nôm readings: quát' Path: 刮

刺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '刺: Hán Việt readings: thích' in '刺: Hán Việt readings: thích, thứ 刺: Nôm readings: chích' Path: 刺

則 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '則: Hán Việt readings: tắc' in '則: Hán Việt readings: tắc, trắc 則: Nôm readings: tắc, tấc, trắc' Path: 則

剋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '剋: Hán Việt readings: khắc 剋: Nôm readings: khắc' in '剋: Hán Việt readings: khắc 剋: Nôm readings: khắc' Path: 剋

剩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '剩: Hán Việt readings: thặng' in '剩: Hán Việt readings: thặng' Path: 剩

劈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '劈: Hán Việt readings: phách' in '劈: Hán Việt readings: phách' Path: 劈

力 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '力: Hán Việt readings: lực 力: Nôm readings: sức' in '力: Hán Việt readings: lực (林(lâm)直(trực)切(thiết)) 力: Nôm readings: sức, lực, sực, sựt, rực' Path: 力

務 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '務: Hán Việt readings: vụ 務: Nôm readings: mùa' in '務: Hán Việt readings: vụ 務: Nôm readings: mùa, múa' Path: 務

匊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '匊: Hán Việt readings: cúc' in '匊: Hán Việt readings: cúc' Path: 匊

化 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '化: Hán Việt readings: hóa' in '化: Hán Việt readings: hóa/hoá, góa/goá 化: Nôm readings: Huế' Path: 化

匳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '匳: Hán Việt readings: liêm 匳: Nôm readings: liêm' in '匳: Hán Việt readings: liêm 匳: Nôm readings: liêm' Path: 匳

匿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '匿: Hán Việt readings: nặc 匿: Nôm readings: nắc' in '匿: Hán Việt readings: nặc 匿: Nôm readings: nắc, nác, nước, nặc' Path: 匿

十 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '十: Hán Việt readings: thập 十: Nôm readings: thập' in '十: Hán Việt readings: thập (寔(thực)入(nhập)切(thiết)) 十: Nôm readings: thập' Path: 十

千 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '千: Hán Việt readings: thiên 千: Nôm readings: thiên' in '千: Hán Việt readings: thiên (倉(thương)先(tiên)切(thiết)) 千: Nôm readings: thiên, xiên' Path: 千

半 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '半: Hán Việt readings: bán 半: Nôm readings: bán' in '半: Hán Việt readings: bán (博(bác)漫(mạn)切(thiết)) 半: Nôm readings: bán, bớn, bướng, vắn, búng, bận, ban, bướn' Path: 半

卓 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卓: Hán Việt readings: trác 卓: Nôm readings: chác' in '卓: Hán Việt readings: trác 卓: Nôm readings: chác, chắc, giạt' Path: 卓

卜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卜: Hán Việt readings: bốc' in '卜: Hán Việt readings: bốc, bặc 卜: Nôm readings: bói, bóc, vúc, bốc, vốc, vóc, bặc, cốc' Path: 卜

卣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卣: Hán Việt readings: dữu' in '卣: Hán Việt readings: dữu (與(dữ)九(cửu)切(thiết))' Path: 卣

卩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卩: Hán Việt readings: tiết 卩: Nôm readings: tiết' in '卩: Hán Việt readings: tiết 卩: Nôm readings: tiết' Path: 卩

卬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卬: Hán Việt readings: ngang 卬: Nôm readings: ngang' in '卬: Hán Việt readings: ngang 卬: Nôm readings: ngang' Path: 卬

卲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卲: Hán Việt readings: thiệu' in '卲: Hán Việt readings: thiệu, thiều 卲: Nôm readings: thiệu, thiêu' Path: 卲

卸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卸: Hán Việt readings: tá 卸: Nôm readings: tá' in '卸: Hán Việt readings: tá 卸: Nôm readings: tá, xả' Path: 卸

卿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '卿: Hán Việt readings: khanh 卿: Nôm readings: khành' in '卿: Hán Việt readings: khanh 卿: Nôm readings: khành' Path: 卿

厂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '厂: Hán Việt readings: xưởng' in '厂: Hán Việt readings: xưởng, hán, am 厂: Nôm readings: xưởng, hán' Path: 厂

厄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '厄: Hán Việt readings: ách 厄: Nôm readings: ách' in '厄: Hán Việt readings: ách 厄: Nôm readings: ách, ạch, ịch' Path: 厄

又 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '又: Hán Việt readings: hựu' in '又: Hán Việt readings: hựu, hữu 又: Nôm readings: lại' Path: 又

双 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '双: Hán Việt readings: song 双: Nôm readings: song' in '双: Hán Việt readings: song 双: Nôm readings: song, xong, rông, rong' Path: 双

叡 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '叡: Hán Việt readings: duệ' in '叡: Hán Việt readings: duệ (俞(dũ)芮(nhuế)切(thiết))' Path: 叡

口 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '口: Hán Việt readings: khẩu 口: Nôm readings: khẩu' in '口: Hán Việt readings: khẩu 口: Nôm readings: khẩu' Path: 口

古 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '古: Hán Việt readings: cổ 古: Nôm readings: cổ' in '古: Hán Việt readings: cổ (公(công)土(thổ)切(thiết)) 古: Nôm readings: cổ, cỗ, của, có, cỏ, kẻ' Path: 古

句 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '句: Hán Việt readings: câu' in '句: Hán Việt readings: câu, cú, cấu' Path: 句

叫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '叫: Hán Việt readings: khiếu 叫: Nôm readings: kêu' in '叫: Hán Việt readings: khiếu 叫: Nôm readings: kêu, kíu' Path: 叫

台 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '台: Hán Việt readings: thai' in '台: Hán Việt readings: thai (湯(thang)來(lai)切(thiết)), đài (堂(đoàng)來(lai)切(thiết)) 台: Nôm readings: thơi, thai, thay, hay, đài, thài, hai, đày' Path: 台

叽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '叽: Nôm readings: kể' in '叽: Nôm readings: kể, kẽ' Path: 叽

吁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '吁: Hán Việt readings: hu' in '吁: Hán Việt readings: hu, hù, u 吁: Nôm readings: hu, hủ, vo, vu, xu' Path: 吁

各 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '各: Hán Việt readings: các' in '各: Hán Việt readings: các, cách 各: Nôm readings: các, gác, cắc, gạc, gật' Path: 各

合 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '合: Hán Việt readings: hợp' in '合: Hán Việt readings: hợp, hiệp, hạp, cáp 合: Nôm readings: hợp, họp, hiệp, hạp, cáp, cóp, gộp, sáp' Path: 合

吉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '吉: Hán Việt readings: cát 吉: Nôm readings: kiết' in '吉: Hán Việt readings: cát 吉: Nôm readings: kiết' Path: 吉

同 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '同: Hán Việt readings: đồng 同: Nôm readings: đồng' in '同: Hán Việt readings: đồng (德(đức)紅(hồng)切(thiết)) 同: Nôm readings: đồng, đùng, đòng, đang, rùng' Path: 同

名 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '名: Hán Việt readings: danh 名: Nôm readings: ranh' in '名: Hán Việt readings: danh (民(dân)瞑(manh)切(thiết)) 名: Nôm readings: ranh, danh, rành, quanh, dinh, gianh' Path: 名

吟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '吟: Hán Việt readings: ngâm 吟: Nôm readings: ngẫm' in '吟: Hán Việt readings: ngâm (魚(ngư)音(âm)切(thiết)) 吟: Nôm readings: ngẫm, ngậm, ngâm, cầm, ngắm, gầm, gặm, gẫm, ngăm, ngăn, câm, căm, cằm, ngầm, ngẩm, ngợm' Path: 吟

吧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '吧: Hán Việt readings: ba 吧: Nôm readings: ba' in '吧: Hán Việt readings: ba 吧: Nôm readings: ba, bơ, và, vài' Path: 吧

吸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '吸: Hán Việt readings: hấp 吸: Nôm readings: cộp' in '吸: Hán Việt readings: hấp 吸: Nôm readings: cộp, cạp, hấp, hớp, húp, hút' Path: 吸

吽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '吽: Hán Việt readings: hồng' in '吽: Hán Việt readings: hồng, hống, ngâu, oanh, ẩu 吽: Nôm readings: hống, ngào' Path: 吽

周 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '周: Hán Việt readings: chu' in '周: Hán Việt readings: chu, châu 周: Nôm readings: chu, châu' Path: 周

命 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '命: Hán Việt readings: mệnh' in '命: Hán Việt readings: mệnh, mạng 命: Nôm readings: mạng, mạnh, mệnh, mình' Path: 命

咁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '咁: Hán Việt readings: hàm' in '咁: Hán Việt readings: hàm, cam, cám 咁: Nôm readings: cam, căm chữ Hán Nôm in this term 咁' Path: 咁

和 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '和: Hán Việt readings: hòa' in '和: Hán Việt readings: hòa/hoà, hồ 和: Nôm readings: họa/hoạ, huề, hùa' Path: 和

咎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '咎: Hán Việt readings: cữu' in '咎: Hán Việt readings: cữu' Path: 咎

咖啡 (noun) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '咖啡: Nôm readings: cà phê' in '咖啡: Nôm readings: cà phê' Path: 咖啡

咫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '咫: Hán Việt readings: chỉ 咫: Nôm readings: chỉ' in '咫: Hán Việt readings: chỉ 咫: Nôm readings: chỉ' Path: 咫

咹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '咹: Nôm readings: ăn' in '咹: Nôm readings: ăn' Path: 咹

員 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '員: Hán Việt readings: vân' in '員: Hán Việt readings: vân, viên 員: Nôm readings: von' Path: 員

哦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '哦: Hán Việt readings: nga 哦: Nôm readings: nga' in '哦: Hán Việt readings: nga 哦: Nôm readings: nga' Path: 哦

哯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '哯: Nôm readings: nghiến' in '哯: Nôm readings: nghiến, kén, hẹn' Path: 哯

唎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '唎: Hán Việt readings: rị' in '唎: Hán Việt readings: rị' Path: 唎

售 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '售: Hán Việt readings: thụ 售: Nôm readings: thụ' in '售: Hán Việt readings: thụ 售: Nôm readings: thụ, thịu' Path: 售

唯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '唯: Hán Việt readings: duy' in '唯: Hán Việt readings: duy, dụy/duỵ 唯: Nôm readings: dạ, dói, dúi, duối, duy, giòe/gioè, giói' Path: 唯

啉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '啉: Hán Việt readings: lam' in '啉: Hán Việt readings: lam, lâm 啉: Nôm readings: lâm, lùm, lăm, lảm, lầm, lẩm, lằm, rầm, rắm, rởm, trăm' Path: 啉

啊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '啊: Hán Việt readings: a 啊: Nôm readings: a' in '啊: Hán Việt readings: a 啊: Nôm readings: a, à, ơ, ạ' Path: 啊

喻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '喻: Hán Việt readings: dụ' in '喻: Hán Việt readings: dụ, du 喻: Nôm readings: dụ, dầu, dẫu, dỗ, nhủ, rủ, dẩu' Path: 喻

嗄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '嗄: Hán Việt readings: hạ' in '嗄: Hán Việt readings: hạ' Path: 嗄

嗡 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '嗡: Hán Việt readings: ông' in '嗡: Hán Việt readings: ông, án 嗡: Nôm readings: óng, ông' Path: 嗡

嘆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '嘆: Hán Việt readings: thán' in '嘆: Hán Việt readings: thán (他(tha)案(án)切(thiết)), than 嘆: Nôm readings: than, han, thán, thăn, hớn, hen, thơn' Path: 嘆

囗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '囗: Hán Việt readings: vi' in '囗: Hán Việt readings: vi' Path: 囗

四 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '四: Hán Việt readings: tứ 四: Nôm readings: tớ' in '四: Hán Việt readings: tứ 四: Nôm readings: tớ, tứ, tư' Path: 四

囮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '囮: Hán Việt readings: ngoa' in '囮: Hán Việt readings: ngoa (吾(ngô)禾(hoà)切(thiết))' Path: 囮

囯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '囯: Hán Việt readings: quốc 囯: Nôm readings: quốc' in '囯: Hán Việt readings: quốc 囯: Nôm readings: quốc' Path: 囯

国 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '国: Hán Việt readings: quốc 国: Nôm readings: quốc' in '国: Hán Việt readings: quốc 国: Nôm readings: quốc' Path: 国

國 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '國: Hán Việt readings: quốc 國: Nôm readings: cuốc' in '國: Hán Việt readings: quốc 國: Nôm readings: cuốc, quốc' Path: 國

土 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '土: Hán Việt readings: thổ 土: Nôm readings: thổ' in '土: Hán Việt readings: thổ (他(tha)魯(lỗ)切(thiết)) 土: Nôm readings: thổ, độ, thuở' Path: 土

圣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圣: Hán Việt readings: thánh 圣: Nôm readings: thánh' in '圣: Hán Việt readings: thánh 圣: Nôm readings: thánh' Path: 圣

在 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '在: Hán Việt readings: tại 在: Nôm readings: tại' in '在: Hán Việt readings: tại 在: Nôm readings: tại' Path: 在

圩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圩: Hán Việt readings: vu 圩: Nôm readings: vò' in '圩: Hán Việt readings: vu 圩: Nôm readings: vò, vu, vùa, khư' Path: 圩

圪 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圪: Nôm readings: ngật' in '圪: Nôm readings: ngật' Path: 圪

圮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圮: Hán Việt readings: bĩ 圮: Nôm readings: bĩ' in '圮: Hán Việt readings: bĩ 圮: Nôm readings: bĩ' Path: 圮

圯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圯: Hán Việt readings: di 圯: Nôm readings: dãy' in '圯: Hán Việt readings: di 圯: Nôm readings: dãy, dẻ, dẽ, dĩ' Path: 圯

地 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '地: Hán Việt readings: địa 地: Nôm readings: địa' in '地: Hán Việt readings: địa 地: Nôm readings: địa, đĩa, gịa, đất, rịa' Path: 地

圹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圹: Nôm readings: khoáng' in '圹: Nôm readings: khoáng' Path: 圹

圼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圼: Nôm readings: niết' in '圼: Nôm readings: niết' Path: 圼

圾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '圾: Hán Việt readings: ngập 圾: Nôm readings: ngập' in '圾: Hán Việt readings: ngập 圾: Nôm readings: ngập' Path: 圾

址 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '址: Hán Việt readings: chỉ 址: Nôm readings: chỉ' in '址: Hán Việt readings: chỉ 址: Nôm readings: chỉ, xởi' Path: 址

坂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坂: Hán Việt readings: phản 坂: Nôm readings: bản' in '坂: Hán Việt readings: phản 坂: Nôm readings: bản, phản, phằng' Path: 坂

均 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '均: Hán Việt readings: quân 均: Nôm readings: quân' in '均: Hán Việt readings: quân 均: Nôm readings: quân' Path: 均

坉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坉: Nôm readings: chốn' in '坉: Nôm readings: chốn, trốn' Path: 坉

坊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坊: Hán Việt readings: phường 坊: Nôm readings: phương' in '坊: Hán Việt readings: phường 坊: Nôm readings: phương, phường' Path: 坊

坋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坋: Nôm readings: phân' in '坋: Nôm readings: phân, phơn' Path: 坋

坌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坌: Nôm readings: bộn' in '坌: Nôm readings: bộn' Path: 坌

坍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坍: Nôm readings: đàn' in '坍: Nôm readings: đàn, than' Path: 坍

坎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坎: Hán Việt readings: khảm 坎: Nôm readings: khóm' in '坎: Hán Việt readings: khảm 坎: Nôm readings: khóm, khúm, khăm, khảm, khẳm' Path: 坎

坏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坏: Hán Việt readings: phôi 坏: Nôm readings: hoai' in '坏: Hán Việt readings: phôi 坏: Nôm readings: hoai, hoại, hoải, phôi' Path: 坏

坐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坐: Hán Việt readings: tọa' in '坐: Hán Việt readings: tọa/toạ 坐: Nôm readings: ngồi, tòa/toà, tọa/toạ' Path: 坐

坑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坑: Hán Việt readings: khanh' in '坑: Hán Việt readings: khanh, khâng, khuâng 坑: Nôm readings: khanh, ganh' Path: 坑

坟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坟: Hán Việt readings: phần 坟: Nôm readings: phần' in '坟: Hán Việt readings: phần 坟: Nôm readings: phần, vun' Path: 坟

坦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坦: Hán Việt readings: thản' in '坦: Hán Việt readings: thản (儻(thảng)旱(hạn)切(thiết)), thán 坦: Nôm readings: đứt, đất, đắt, thản, đác, đởn, thán, đắn, đật, ngẩn, thưỡn' Path: 坦

坨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '坨: Hán Việt readings: đà 坨: Nôm readings: đà' in '坨: Hán Việt readings: đà 坨: Nôm readings: đà' Path: 坨

型 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '型: Hán Việt readings: hình 型: Nôm readings: hình' in '型: Hán Việt readings: hình 型: Nôm readings: hình' Path: 型

埃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '埃: Hán Việt readings: ai 埃: Nôm readings: ai' in '埃: Hán Việt readings: ai 埃: Nôm readings: ai' Path: 埃

執 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '執: Hán Việt readings: chấp 執: Nôm readings: chắp' in '執: Hán Việt readings: chấp 執: Nôm readings: chắp, giúp, chập, giập, xấp, chặp, chụp, chấp, xắp, xúp, chộp, xóp, xụp, chợp, giộp' Path: 執

埼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '埼: Hán Việt readings: kỳ 埼: Nôm readings: kì' in '埼: Hán Việt readings: kỳ 埼: Nôm readings: kì' Path: 埼

場 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '場: Hán Việt readings: trường' in '場: Hán Việt readings: trường (仲(trọng)良(lương)切(thiết)), tràng 場: Nôm readings: trường, tràng' Path: 場

塒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '塒: Hán Việt readings: thì' in '塒: Hán Việt readings: thì' Path: 塒

塔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '塔: Hán Việt readings: tháp' in '塔: Hán Việt readings: tháp, đáp 塔: Nôm readings: tháp, thạp, thóp, đắp' Path: 塔

塤 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '塤: Hán Việt readings: huân 塤: Nôm readings: ven' in '塤: Hán Việt readings: huân 塤: Nôm readings: ven' Path: 塤

墻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '墻: Hán Việt readings: tường' in '墻: Hán Việt readings: tường' Path: 墻

夏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '夏: Hán Việt readings: hạ 夏: Nôm readings: hè' in '夏: Hán Việt readings: hạ 夏: Nôm readings: hè' Path: 夏

夔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '夔: Hán Việt readings: quỳ' in '夔: Hán Việt readings: quỳ' Path: 夔

夠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '夠: Hán Việt readings: cú' in '夠: Hán Việt readings: cú, cấu, hú 夠: Nôm readings: cấu' Path: 夠

夢想 (noun) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '夢想: Hán Việt readings: mộng tưởng' in '夢想: Hán Việt readings: mộng tưởng' Path: 夢想

大 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '大: Hán Việt readings: đại 大: Nôm readings: đại' in '大: Hán Việt readings: đại (度(đạc)柰(nại)切(thiết)) 大: Nôm readings: đại, đài, dãy, dảy, đẫy' Path: 大

天 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '天: Hán Việt readings: thiên 天: Nôm readings: thiên' in '天: Hán Việt readings: thiên 天: Nôm readings: thiên, thiêng' Path: 天

奥 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '奥: Nôm readings: áo' in '奥: Nôm readings: áo' Path: 奥

奧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '奧: Hán Việt readings: áo 奧: Nôm readings: áo' in '奧: Hán Việt readings: áo 奧: Nôm readings: áo' Path: 奧

奩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '奩: Hán Việt readings: liêm 奩: Nôm readings: liêm' in '奩: Hán Việt readings: liêm 奩: Nôm readings: liêm' Path: 奩

女 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '女: Hán Việt readings: nữ' in '女: Hán Việt readings: nữ (尼(ni)呂(lữ)切(thiết)), nhữ (忍(nhẫn)與(dữ)切(thiết)) 女: Nôm readings: nợ, nữa, nữ, nỡ, nớ, nhỡ, lỡ, nửa, nhớ, nự' Path: 女

奵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '奵: Nôm readings: cháy' in '奵: Nôm readings: cháy' Path: 奵

好 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '好: Hán Việt readings: hiếu' in '好: Hán Việt readings: hiếu (呼(hô)到(đáo)切(thiết)), hảo (呼(hô)晧(hạo)切(thiết)) 好: Nôm readings: hiếu, háu, háo, hảo, hẩu, hấu, hão, hếu' Path: 好

如 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '如: Hán Việt readings: như 如: Nôm readings: nhơ' in '如: Hán Việt readings: như (人(nhân)諸(chư)切(thiết)) 如: Nôm readings: nhơ, như, nhờ, nha, nhừ, dừ, rừ' Path: 如

妓 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '妓: Hán Việt readings: kĩ' in '妓: Hán Việt readings: kĩ, kỹ 妓: Nôm readings: kĩ, kỹ, đĩ' Path: 妓

姉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '姉: Hán Việt readings: tỷ 姉: Nôm readings: chị' in '姉: Hán Việt readings: tỷ 姉: Nôm readings: chị' Path: 姉

始 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '始: Hán Việt readings: thủy' in '始: Hán Việt readings: thủy/thuỷ, thỉ (詩(thi)止(chỉ)切(thiết)) 始: Nôm readings: thỉ, thủy/thuỷ, thũy/thuỹ' Path: 始

姑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '姑: Hán Việt readings: cô 姑: Nôm readings: cô' in '姑: Hán Việt readings: cô 姑: Nôm readings: cô, co, go, o, cua' Path: 姑

姫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '姫: Hán Việt readings: cơ 姫: Nôm readings: cơ' in '姫: Hán Việt readings: cơ 姫: Nôm readings: cơ' Path: 姫

嬭 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '嬭: Hán Việt readings: nãi' in '嬭: Hán Việt readings: nãi, nè, nẽ 嬭: Nôm readings: nãi' Path: 嬭

嬰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '嬰: Hán Việt readings: anh' in '嬰: Hán Việt readings: anh' Path: 嬰

子 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '子: Hán Việt readings: tý' in '子: Hán Việt readings: tý (即(tức)里(lý)切(thiết)), tử, tí 子: Nôm readings: tý, tử, tí, tít, tở' Path: 子

孛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '孛: Hán Việt readings: bột 孛: Nôm readings: bụt' in '孛: Hán Việt readings: bột 孛: Nôm readings: bụt' Path: 孛

孝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '孝: Hán Việt readings: hiếu 孝: Nôm readings: hiếu' in '孝: Hán Việt readings: hiếu 孝: Nôm readings: hiếu, héo, hếu' Path: 孝

孟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '孟: Hán Việt readings: mạnh 孟: Nôm readings: mạnh' in '孟: Hán Việt readings: mạnh 孟: Nôm readings: mạnh, mảnh' Path: 孟

孫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '孫: Hán Việt readings: tôn' in '孫: Hán Việt readings: tôn, tốn 孫: Nôm readings: cháu, tuôn' Path: 孫

孬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '孬: Hán Việt readings: nạo' in '孬: Hán Việt readings: nạo, khoái 孬: Nôm readings: nao' Path: 孬

學 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '學: Hán Việt readings: học 學: Nôm readings: học' in '學: Hán Việt readings: học 學: Nôm readings: học, hục' Path: 學

孽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '孽: Hán Việt readings: nghiệt 孽: Nôm readings: nghiệt' in '孽: Hán Việt readings: nghiệt 孽: Nôm readings: nghiệt, nghét, nghẹt, nghịt' Path: 孽

宂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '宂: Hán Việt readings: nhũng 宂: Nôm readings: nhũng' in '宂: Hán Việt readings: nhũng 宂: Nôm readings: nhũng' Path: 宂

安 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '安: Hán Việt readings: an' in '安: Hán Việt readings: an, yên 安: Nôm readings: yên, an, án, ăn' Path: 安

家 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '家: Hán Việt readings: gia 家: Nôm readings: nhà' in '家: Hán Việt readings: gia 家: Nôm readings: nhà' Path: 家

寃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '寃: Hán Việt readings: oan 寃: Nôm readings: oan' in '寃: Hán Việt readings: oan 寃: Nôm readings: oan' Path: 寃

寇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '寇: Hán Việt readings: khấu 寇: Nôm readings: kháu' in '寇: Hán Việt readings: khấu 寇: Nôm readings: kháu, khấu' Path: 寇

富 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '富: Hán Việt readings: phú 富: Nôm readings: phú' in '富: Hán Việt readings: phú 富: Nôm readings: phú' Path: 富

寒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '寒: Hán Việt readings: hàn 寒: Nôm readings: hàn' in '寒: Hán Việt readings: hàn (河(hà)干(can)切(thiết)) 寒: Nôm readings: hàn' Path: 寒

寠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '寠: Hán Việt readings: cũ' in '寠: Hán Việt readings: cũ, lũ 寠: Nôm readings: cũ, lũ, rủ' Path: 寠

寸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '寸: Hán Việt readings: thốn 寸: Nôm readings: thốn' in '寸: Hán Việt readings: thốn 寸: Nôm readings: thốn, xốn, thổn, dón, són, thuỗn' Path: 寸

対 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '対: Hán Việt readings: đối 対: Nôm readings: đổi' in '対: Hán Việt readings: đối 対: Nôm readings: đổi, đối, đói, đuổi' Path: 対

尅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '尅: Hán Việt readings: khắc 尅: Nôm readings: khắc' in '尅: Hán Việt readings: khắc 尅: Nôm readings: khắc' Path: 尅

将 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '将: Hán Việt readings: tướng' in '将: Hán Việt readings: tướng, tương 将: Nôm readings: tướng' Path: 将

將 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '將: Hán Việt readings: tướng' in '將: Hán Việt readings: tướng (子(tử)亮(lượng)切(thiết)), tương (資(tư)良(lương)切(thiết)) 將: Nôm readings: tướng, tương' Path: 將

專 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '專: Hán Việt readings: chuyên 專: Nôm readings: choen' in '專: Hán Việt readings: chuyên 專: Nôm readings: choen, choèn, chuyến' Path: 專

尊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '尊: Hán Việt readings: tôn 尊: Nôm readings: tôn' in '尊: Hán Việt readings: tôn (祖(tổ)昆(côn)切(thiết)) 尊: Nôm readings: tôn, nhôn, ton, chun, tông, tun' Path: 尊

小 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '小: Hán Việt readings: tiểu 小: Nôm readings: tiểu' in '小: Hán Việt readings: tiểu 小: Nôm readings: tiểu, tẻo, tĩu' Path: 小

少 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '少: Hán Việt readings: thiếu' in '少: Hán Việt readings: thiếu, thiểu 少: Nôm readings: thiếu, thiểu, thểu, thỉu, thẹo, thẻo, ít' Path: 少

尒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '尒: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ 尒: Nôm readings: nhé' in '尒: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ 尒: Nôm readings: nhé' Path: 尒

尔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '尔: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ' in '尔: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ, nễ 尔: Nôm readings: ne, nhĩ, nhẽ, nẻ, nể' Path: 尔

尗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '尗: Hán Việt readings: thúc' in '尗: Hán Việt readings: thúc' Path: 尗

尣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '尣: Nôm readings: uông' in '尣: Nôm readings: uông' Path: 尣

尺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '尺: Hán Việt readings: xích 尺: Nôm readings: xệch' in '尺: Hán Việt readings: xích 尺: Nôm readings: xệch, xách, xế, xích, sệch, xạch, xịch' Path: 尺

局 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '局: Hán Việt readings: cục 局: Nôm readings: cộc' in '局: Hán Việt readings: cục 局: Nôm readings: cộc, cục, cuộc, gục, ngúc' Path: 局

屆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '屆: Hán Việt readings: giới' in '屆: Hán Việt readings: giới' Path: 屆

屋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '屋: Hán Việt readings: ốc 屋: Nôm readings: ốc' in '屋: Hán Việt readings: ốc (烏(ô)谷(cốc)切(thiết)) 屋: Nôm readings: ốc, óc, ọc, nóc' Path: 屋

層 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '層: Hán Việt readings: tằng 層: Nôm readings: tàng' in '層: Hán Việt readings: tằng 層: Nôm readings: tàng, tầng, từng' Path: 層

屬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '屬: Hán Việt readings: thuộc' in '屬: Hán Việt readings: thuộc, chúc, chú 屬: Nôm readings: thuộc, chuộc, chúc' Path: 屬

山 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '山: Hán Việt readings: sơn' in '山: Hán Việt readings: sơn, san 山: Nôm readings: sơn, san' Path: 山

岋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '岋: Nôm readings: gập' in '岋: Nôm readings: gập' Path: 岋

岌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '岌: Hán Việt readings: ngập 岌: Nôm readings: gập' in '岌: Hán Việt readings: ngập 岌: Nôm readings: gập, ngấp, ngất, ngập, ngờm, ngợp, nhấp' Path: 岌

岭 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '岭: Nôm readings: lãnh' in '岭: Nôm readings: lãnh' Path: 岭

島 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '島: Hán Việt readings: đảo 島: Nôm readings: đảo' in '島: Hán Việt readings: đảo (都(đô)老(lão)切(thiết)) 島: Nôm readings: đảo, láo' Path: 島

嵇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '嵇: Hán Việt readings: kê' in '嵇: Hán Việt readings: kê' Path: 嵇

巍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '巍: Hán Việt readings: nguy 巍: Nôm readings: nguy' in '巍: Hán Việt readings: nguy 巍: Nôm readings: nguy, ngoai' Path: 巍

巫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '巫: Hán Việt readings: vu' in '巫: Hán Việt readings: vu' Path: 巫

巴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '巴: Hán Việt readings: ba' in '巴: Hán Việt readings: ba (邦(bang)加(gia)切(thiết)), bơ 巴: Nôm readings: bơ, ba, vã, va' Path: 巴

布 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '布: Hán Việt readings: bố 布: Nôm readings: bố' in '布: Hán Việt readings: bố (博(bác)故(cố)切(thiết)) 布: Nôm readings: bố, vú, bó, bồ, vó, múa, búa, vố, bô' Path: 布

常 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '常: Hán Việt readings: thường 常: Nôm readings: thường' in '常: Hán Việt readings: thường (辰(thần)羊(dương)切(thiết)) 常: Nôm readings: thường, sàn' Path: 常

幀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '幀: Hán Việt readings: tránh 幀: Nôm readings: tranh' in '幀: Hán Việt readings: tránh 幀: Nôm readings: tranh, trinh' Path: 幀

幟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '幟: Hán Việt readings: xí 幟: Nôm readings: xí' in '幟: Hán Việt readings: xí 幟: Nôm readings: xí' Path: 幟

干 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '干: Hán Việt readings: can 干: Nôm readings: can' in '干: Hán Việt readings: can 干: Nôm readings: can, càn, cán, cơn' Path: 干

平 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '平: Hán Việt readings: bình' in '平: Hán Việt readings: bình, biền 平: Nôm readings: bình, bằng, bừng, bường' Path: 平

年 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '年: Hán Việt readings: niên 年: Nôm readings: năm' in '年: Hán Việt readings: niên 年: Nôm readings: năm, nên, niên, niền' Path: 年

幹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '幹: Hán Việt readings: can' in '幹: Hán Việt readings: can, cán, hàn 幹: Nôm readings: cán' Path: 幹

庁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '庁: Hán Việt readings: sảnh' in '庁: Hán Việt readings: sảnh, thinh 庁: Nôm readings: sảnh, thinh' Path: 庁

庛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '庛: Hán Việt readings: thứ' in '庛: Hán Việt readings: thứ' Path: 庛

庶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '庶: Hán Việt readings: thứ 庶: Nôm readings: thứ' in '庶: Hán Việt readings: thứ 庶: Nôm readings: thứ, thừa, xứa' Path: 庶

廻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '廻: Hán Việt readings: hồi 廻: Nôm readings: hồi' in '廻: Hán Việt readings: hồi 廻: Nôm readings: hồi, hùi' Path: 廻

弌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '弌: Hán Việt readings: nhất' in '弌: Hán Việt readings: nhất, nhứt 弌: Nôm readings: nhất, nhứt' Path: 弌

弎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '弎: Hán Việt readings: tam 弎: Nôm readings: tam' in '弎: Hán Việt readings: tam 弎: Nôm readings: tam' Path: 弎

強 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '強: Hán Việt readings: cường' in '強: Hán Việt readings: cường, cưỡng 強: Nôm readings: càng, cượng, cướng, gắng, cường, gàn, ngượng, cưỡng, gương, gượng, gàng' Path: 強

强 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '强: Hán Việt readings: cường' in '强: Hán Việt readings: cường (渠(cừ)良(lương)切(thiết)), cưỡng (巨(cự)兩(lưỡng)切(thiết)) 强: Nôm readings: gượng, càng, cường, cưỡng, ngượng' Path: 强

彌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '彌: Hán Việt readings: di 彌: Nôm readings: di' in '彌: Hán Việt readings: di 彌: Nôm readings: di' Path: 彌

彑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '彑: Hán Việt readings: kí' in '彑: Hán Việt readings: kí, kế 彑: Nôm readings: kí, ký' Path: 彑

彭 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '彭: Hán Việt readings: bành 彭: Nôm readings: bành' in '彭: Hán Việt readings: bành (蒲(bồ)庚(canh)切(thiết)) 彭: Nôm readings: bành, phình' Path: 彭

彳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '彳: Hán Việt readings: sách 彳: Nôm readings: sách' in '彳: Hán Việt readings: sách 彳: Nôm readings: sách' Path: 彳

役 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '役: Hán Việt readings: dịch 役: Nôm readings: dịch' in '役: Hán Việt readings: dịch 役: Nôm readings: dịch, việc, diếc' Path: 役

得 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '得: Hán Việt readings: đắc 得: Nôm readings: đác' in '得: Hán Việt readings: đắc 得: Nôm readings: đác, được, đắc, đắt' Path: 得

心 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '心: Hán Việt readings: tâm 心: Nôm readings: tâm' in '心: Hán Việt readings: tâm (思(tư)林(lâm)切(thiết)) 心: Nôm readings: tâm, tấm, tim, tăm' Path: 心

忌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '忌: Hán Việt readings: kí' in '忌: Hán Việt readings: kí, kị, kỵ 忌: Nôm readings: cạy, cậy, cữ, kiêng, kị, kỵ' Path: 忌

恅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '恅: Hán Việt readings: lão 恅: Nôm readings: làu' in '恅: Hán Việt readings: lão 恅: Nôm readings: làu' Path: 恅

恐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '恐: Hán Việt readings: khúng' in '恐: Hán Việt readings: khúng, khủng 恐: Nôm readings: khủng, thứ' Path: 恐

恕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '恕: Hán Việt readings: thứ 恕: Nôm readings: thứ' in '恕: Hán Việt readings: thứ 恕: Nôm readings: thứ' Path: 恕

恩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '恩: Hán Việt readings: ân 恩: Nôm readings: ơn' in '恩: Hán Việt readings: ân 恩: Nôm readings: ơn, ân' Path: 恩

悁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '悁: Hán Việt readings: quyên 悁: Nôm readings: quen' in '悁: Hán Việt readings: quyên (縈(oanh)圓(viên)切(thiết)) 悁: Nôm readings: quen, quên' Path: 悁

悒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '悒: Hán Việt readings: ấp 悒: Nôm readings: ấp' in '悒: Hán Việt readings: ấp 悒: Nôm readings: ấp' Path: 悒

悶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '悶: Hán Việt readings: muộn' in '悶: Hán Việt readings: muộn, môn 悶: Nôm readings: muốn, mụn' Path: 悶

情 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '情: Hán Việt readings: tình 情: Nôm readings: tành' in '情: Hán Việt readings: tình 情: Nôm readings: tành, tình, dềnh, rình, thanh, xênh, tạnh' Path: 情

惢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '惢: Hán Việt readings: nhị' in '惢: Hán Việt readings: nhị' Path: 惢

愛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '愛: Hán Việt readings: ái' in '愛: Hán Việt readings: ái, áy 愛: Nôm readings: ái, áy, ải' Path: 愛

慃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '慃: Nôm readings: õng' in '慃: Nôm readings: õng' Path: 慃

慳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '慳: Hán Việt readings: khan' in '慳: Hán Việt readings: khan, san 慳: Nôm readings: ghen, khan, khiên, kiên' Path: 慳

懺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '懺: Hán Việt readings: sám 懺: Nôm readings: sám' in '懺: Hán Việt readings: sám 懺: Nôm readings: sám, sắm, rám' Path: 懺

懿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '懿: Hán Việt readings: ý' in '懿: Hán Việt readings: ý' Path: 懿

戀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '戀: Hán Việt readings: luyến 戀: Nôm readings: luyến' in '戀: Hán Việt readings: luyến 戀: Nôm readings: luyến, luýnh' Path: 戀

戇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '戇: Hán Việt readings: tráng' in '戇: Hán Việt readings: tráng (陟(trắc)降(giáng)切(thiết))' Path: 戇

戍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '戍: Hán Việt readings: thú 戍: Nôm readings: thú' in '戍: Hán Việt readings: thú 戍: Nôm readings: thú' Path: 戍

我 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '我: Hán Việt readings: ngã' in '我: Hán Việt readings: ngã, ngả (語(ngữ)可(khả)切(thiết)) 我: Nôm readings: ngả, ngã' Path: 我

戰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '戰: Hán Việt readings: chiến 戰: Nôm readings: chiến' in '戰: Hán Việt readings: chiến 戰: Nôm readings: chiến, chén, chuyến' Path: 戰

扁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '扁: Hán Việt readings: biển' in '扁: Hán Việt readings: biển, thiên, biên 扁: Nôm readings: biển, bên, bẽn, thiên' Path: 扁

扉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '扉: Hán Việt readings: phi 扉: Nôm readings: phi' in '扉: Hán Việt readings: phi 扉: Nôm readings: phi' Path: 扉

手 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '手: Hán Việt readings: thủ 手: Nôm readings: thủ' in '手: Hán Việt readings: thủ (書(thư)九(cửu)切(thiết)) 手: Nôm readings: thủ' Path: 手

扶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '扶: Hán Việt readings: phù 扶: Nôm readings: phù' in '扶: Hán Việt readings: phù 扶: Nôm readings: phù, phò, bù, hùa, vùa' Path: 扶

抇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '抇: Nôm readings: nhặt' in '抇: Nôm readings: nhặt, nhắc, lặt, vớt' Path: 抇

折 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '折: Hán Việt readings: chiết' in '折: Hán Việt readings: chiết (之(chi)列(liệt)切(thiết)), triếp, triệp 折: Nôm readings: chết, giết, chẹt, chiết, chét, xít, chệch, chịt, nhét, nhít, siết, xiết, chích, chít, dít, gãy, gẩy, giẹp, quạt, trét' Path: 折

抛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '抛: Hán Việt readings: phao 抛: Nôm readings: phau' in '抛: Hán Việt readings: phao (披(phi)交(giao)切(thiết)) 抛: Nôm readings: phau, phào, phao' Path: 抛

抯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '抯: Hán Việt readings: tra 抯: Nôm readings: vả' in '抯: Hán Việt readings: tra 抯: Nôm readings: vả, thả' Path: 抯

拉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '拉: Hán Việt readings: lạp 拉: Nôm readings: sắp' in '拉: Hán Việt readings: lạp (落(lạc)合(hợp)切(thiết)) 拉: Nôm readings: sắp, dập, lớp, rập, rắp, lấp, lợp, sụp, lắp, giập, ráp, loạt, rợp, sập, láp, lọp, đập, xập, xệp, lạp, rấp' Path: 拉

拔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '拔: Hán Việt readings: bạt' in '拔: Hán Việt readings: bạt, bội 拔: Nôm readings: bạt, gạt, bặt, vạt' Path: 拔

拙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '拙: Hán Việt readings: chuyết 拙: Nôm readings: chút' in '拙: Hán Việt readings: chuyết 拙: Nôm readings: chút, choắt, chuyết, sụt, trút, choét, chót, đúc, nhốt, suốt' Path: 拙

捉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '捉: Hán Việt readings: tróc 捉: Nôm readings: tróc' in '捉: Hán Việt readings: tróc 捉: Nôm readings: tróc, trốc, xóc, xốc, choắt, chộp' Path: 捉

掛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '掛: Hán Việt readings: quải 掛: Nôm readings: quảy' in '掛: Hán Việt readings: quải 掛: Nôm readings: quảy, quấy, quẩy, quậy, quải, khoải, gỏi, quẻ, quai, quẫy' Path: 掛

握 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '握: Hán Việt readings: ác' in '握: Hán Việt readings: ác (乙(ất)角(giác)切(thiết)), ốc (乙(ất)角(giốc)切(thiết)) 握: Nôm readings: ác, át, ấc, ốt' Path: 握

搬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '搬: Hán Việt readings: ban' in '搬: Hán Việt readings: ban, bàn 搬: Nôm readings: bưng' Path: 搬

撢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '撢: Hán Việt readings: cao' in '撢: Hán Việt readings: cao, đạn, đàm, thám 撢: Nôm readings: thám, đản, đùm' Path: 撢

撣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '撣: Hán Việt readings: đạn' in '撣: Hán Việt readings: đạn, đản, đãn, đàn 撣: Nôm readings: đan, đản, đàn, đạn, đãn' Path: 撣

撮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '撮: Hán Việt readings: toát 撮: Nôm readings: toát' in '撮: Hán Việt readings: toát 撮: Nôm readings: toát, tòi, duỗi' Path: 撮

擒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '擒: Hán Việt readings: cầm 擒: Nôm readings: cầm' in '擒: Hán Việt readings: cầm 擒: Nôm readings: cầm' Path: 擒

擟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '擟: Nôm readings: nhể' in '擟: Nôm readings: nhể' Path: 擟

放 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '放: Hán Việt readings: phóng 放: Nôm readings: phúng' in '放: Hán Việt readings: phóng 放: Nôm readings: phúng, phưng' Path: 放

政 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '政: Hán Việt readings: chinh' in '政: Hán Việt readings: chinh, chánh, chính 政: Nôm readings: chiếng, chính' Path: 政

敎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '敎: Hán Việt readings: giao' in '敎: Hán Việt readings: giao, giáo 敎: Nôm readings: dáo, dạy, giáo' Path: 敎

救 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '救: Hán Việt readings: cứu' in '救: Hán Việt readings: cứu' Path: 救

教 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '教: Hán Việt readings: giao' in '教: Hán Việt readings: giao, giáo 教: Nôm readings: dáo, giáo, ráu, tráo' Path: 教

敦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '敦: Hán Việt readings: đôn' in '敦: Hán Việt readings: đôn (都(đô)昆(côn)切(thiết)), dun 敦: Nôm readings: đon, run, xôn, xun, đôn, giun, dun, don, dồn, ton, rủn, gion, chon, trôn, đun, dôn, giôn, đùn, đũn, dún' Path: 敦

敬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '敬: Hán Việt readings: kính 敬: Nôm readings: kính' in '敬: Hán Việt readings: kính (居(cư)慶(khánh)切(thiết)) 敬: Nôm readings: kính, kỉnh, kinh' Path: 敬

数 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '数: Hán Việt readings: số 数: Nôm readings: số' in '数: Hán Việt readings: số 数: Nôm readings: số, sổ, sộ, sỗ, xọ' Path: 数

數 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '數: Hán Việt readings: sác' in '數: Hán Việt readings: sác, số, sổ, xúc 數: Nôm readings: số, sổ, sỗ, sộ, xọ' Path: 數

文 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '文: Hán Việt readings: văn 文: Nôm readings: văn' in '文: Hán Việt readings: văn 文: Nôm readings: văn, von, vằn' Path: 文

斛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '斛: Hán Việt readings: hộc 斛: Nôm readings: hộc' in '斛: Hán Việt readings: hộc (胡(hồ)谷(cốc)切(thiết)) 斛: Nôm readings: hộc, hóc' Path: 斛

斧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '斧: Hán Việt readings: phủ 斧: Nôm readings: búa' in '斧: Hán Việt readings: phủ 斧: Nôm readings: búa' Path: 斧

斯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '斯: Hán Việt readings: tư 斯: Nôm readings: tư' in '斯: Hán Việt readings: tư 斯: Nôm readings: tư' Path: 斯

方 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '方: Hán Việt readings: phương 方: Nôm readings: phương' in '方: Hán Việt readings: phương (府(phủ)良(lương)切(thiết)) 方: Nôm readings: phương, vuông, phăng' Path: 方

於 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '於: Hán Việt readings: ư 於: Nôm readings: ơ' in '於: Hán Việt readings: ư 於: Nôm readings: ơ, ở, ưa, ờ, ư, ớ, ô, ứ, thờ' Path: 於

族 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '族: Hán Việt readings: tộc 族: Nôm readings: tọc' in '族: Hán Việt readings: tộc (昨(tạc)木(mộc)切(thiết)) 族: Nôm readings: tọc, tộc, sộc' Path: 族

旙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '旙: Hán Việt readings: phan 旙: Nôm readings: phướn' in '旙: Hán Việt readings: phan 旙: Nôm readings: phướn' Path: 旙

无 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '无: Hán Việt readings: vô 无: Nôm readings: vô' in '无: Hán Việt readings: vô 无: Nôm readings: vô' Path: 无

日 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '日: Hán Việt readings: nhật' in '日: Hán Việt readings: nhật (人(nhân)質(chất)切(thiết)), nhựt 日: Nôm readings: nhặt, nhật, nhạt, nhựt, nhờn' Path: 日

早 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '早: Hán Việt readings: tảo 早: Nôm readings: tảo' in '早: Hán Việt readings: tảo (子(tử)皓(hạo)切(thiết)) 早: Nôm readings: tảo, chảo, tảu' Path: 早

昆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '昆: Hán Việt readings: côn 昆: Hán Nôm readings: con' in '昆: Hán Việt readings: côn 昆: Hán Nôm readings: con, gon' Path: 昆

明 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '明: Hán Việt readings: minh 明: Nôm readings: mừng' in '明: Hán Việt readings: minh (眉(mi)兵(binh)切(thiết)) 明: Nôm readings: mừng, minh, mầng, miêng, mênh' Path: 明

春 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '春: Hán Việt readings: xuân 春: Nôm readings: xuân' in '春: Hán Việt readings: xuân (樞(xu)倫(luân)切(thiết)) 春: Nôm readings: xuân, xoan' Path: 春

昵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '昵: Hán Việt readings: nặc' in '昵: Hán Việt readings: nặc' Path: 昵

時 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '時: Hán Việt readings: thì' in '時: Hán Việt readings: thì, thời 時: Nôm readings: thì, thời' Path: 時

晋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '晋: Hán Việt readings: tấn 晋: Nôm readings: tấn' in '晋: Hán Việt readings: tấn 晋: Nôm readings: tấn, tắn, tớn' Path: 晋

晩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '晩: Hán Việt readings: vãn 晩: Nôm readings: muộn' in '晩: Hán Việt readings: vãn 晩: Nôm readings: muộn, vãn' Path: 晩

暈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '暈: Hán Việt readings: vựng' in '暈: Hán Việt readings: vựng, vận (王(vương)問(vấn)切(thiết)), quầng 暈: Nôm readings: vầng, vừng, quầng, vựng' Path: 暈

暉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '暉: Hán Việt readings: huy 暉: Nôm readings: hoe' in '暉: Hán Việt readings: huy 暉: Nôm readings: hoe, huy' Path: 暉

暐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '暐: Hán Việt readings: vỉ' in '暐: Hán Việt readings: vỉ (于(vu)鬼(quỷ)切(thiết))' Path: 暐

暖 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '暖: Hán Việt readings: huyên' in '暖: Hán Việt readings: huyên, noãn, nõng, nóng, nũn, nuỹn, nuyễn 暖: Nôm readings: hoãn, noãn, nõng, nóng, nũn, nuỹn, nuyễn' Path: 暖

暱 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '暱: Hán Việt readings: nặc' in '暱: Hán Việt readings: nặc' Path: 暱

暴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '暴: Hán Việt readings: bạo' in '暴: Hán Việt readings: bạo (薄(bạc)報(báo)切(thiết)), bộc (步(bộ)木(mộc)切(thiết)) 暴: Nôm readings: bạo, bão, bộc, bậu, bẹo' Path: 暴

曆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '曆: Hán Việt readings: lịch 曆: Nôm readings: rếch' in '曆: Hán Việt readings: lịch 曆: Nôm readings: rếch, rích, rịch' Path: 曆

曰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '曰: Hán Việt readings: viết 曰: Nôm readings: viết' in '曰: Hán Việt readings: viết (王(vương)伐(phạt)切(thiết)) 曰: Nôm readings: viết, vít, vết, vịt, vệt, vắt, vất' Path: 曰

曲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '曲: Hán Việt readings: khúc 曲: Nôm readings: khúc' in '曲: Hán Việt readings: khúc (丘(khâu)六(lục)切(thiết)) 曲: Nôm readings: khúc' Path: 曲

更 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '更: Hán Việt readings: canh' in '更: Hán Việt readings: canh, cánh 更: Nôm readings: canh, cánh, cành, gánh, ngạnh' Path: 更

曾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '曾: Hán Việt readings: tằng' in '曾: Hán Việt readings: tằng, tăng 曾: Nôm readings: tâng, tơn, tưng, từng' Path: 曾

會 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '會: Hán Việt readings: cối' in '會: Hán Việt readings: cối, hội 會: Nôm readings: cuối, hội, hụi' Path: 會

月 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '月: Hán Việt readings: nguyệt' in '月: Hán Việt readings: nguyệt (魚(ngư)厥(quyết)切(thiết)), ngoạt, nhục (而(nhi)六(lục)切(thiết)) 月: Nôm readings: nguyệt, ngoạt, nhục' Path: 月

有 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '有: Hán Việt readings: hữu 有: Nôm readings: hữu' in '有: Hán Việt readings: hữu 有: Nôm readings: hữu, hỡi, hơi' Path: 有

朕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '朕: Hán Việt readings: trẫm 朕: Nôm readings: trũm' in '朕: Hán Việt readings: trẫm 朕: Nôm readings: trũm, chũm' Path: 朕

朗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '朗: Hán Việt readings: lãng 朗: Nôm readings: lẳng' in '朗: Hán Việt readings: lãng (里(lí)黨(đảng)切(thiết)) 朗: Nôm readings: lẳng, lặng, rạng, lảng, lững, lãng, lửng, láng, lắng, sang, sáng, lựng, lẵng, trắng, rang, lăng, lứng' Path: 朗

木 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '木: Hán Việt readings: mộc 木: Nôm readings: mọc' in '木: Hán Việt readings: mộc (莫(mạc)卜(bốc)切(thiết)) 木: Nôm readings: mọc, mốc, mộc, móc, mục, chúc' Path: 木

本 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '本: Hán Việt readings: bổn' in '本: Hán Việt readings: bổn (布(bố)忖(thỗn)切(thiết)), bản 本: Nôm readings: vốn, bộn, bổn, bủn, bốn, vỏn, bỏn, bản, vón, bọn' Path: 本

朿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '朿: Hán Việt readings: thứ 朿: Nôm readings: chích' in '朿: Hán Việt readings: thứ 朿: Nôm readings: chích, thích, thứ' Path: 朿

杜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '杜: Hán Việt readings: đỗ' in '杜: Hán Việt readings: đỗ (動(động)五(ngũ)切(thiết)), đổ 杜: Nôm readings: đỗ, đậu, đổ, dỏ, đũa, đỏ, dỗ, đủ, giỗ, rổ, trỗ' Path: 杜

杣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '杣: Nôm readings: sơn' in '杣: Nôm readings: sơn' Path: 杣

杯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '杯: Hán Việt readings: bôi 杯: Nôm readings: bôi' in '杯: Hán Việt readings: bôi 杯: Nôm readings: bôi' Path: 杯

東 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '東: Hán Việt readings: đông 東: Nôm readings: đông' in '東: Hán Việt readings: đông 東: Nôm readings: đông, đang' Path: 東

枯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '枯: Hán Việt readings: khô 枯: Nôm readings: khô' in '枯: Hán Việt readings: khô 枯: Nôm readings: khô, gỗ, khò, khua' Path: 枯

某 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '某: Hán Việt readings: mỗ 某: Nôm readings: mỗ' in '某: Hán Việt readings: mỗ 某: Nôm readings: mỗ, mới, mấy, mõ, mọ, mỏ, mổ, múa, mỏi, màu, mó, mồi, với' Path: 某

栨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '栨: Hán Việt readings: thứ' in '栨: Hán Việt readings: thứ' Path: 栨

核仁 (noun) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '核仁: Hán Việt readings: hạch nhân 核仁: Nôm readings: hạt nhân' in '核仁: Hán Việt readings: hạch nhân 核仁: Nôm readings: hạt nhân' Path: 核仁

桿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '桿: Hán Việt readings: can' in '桿: Hán Việt readings: can, hãn 桿: Nôm readings: cán' Path: 桿

棣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '棣: Hán Việt readings: đệ' in '棣: Hán Việt readings: đệ (大(đại)計(kế)切(thiết)), lệ' Path: 棣

森 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '森: Hán Việt readings: sâm' in '森: Hán Việt readings: sâm, sum 森: Nôm readings: chùm, dâm, dúm, râm, sâm, sum, xum' Path: 森

槊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '槊: Hán Việt readings: sáo' in '槊: Hán Việt readings: sáo, sóc 槊: Nôm readings: giáo, sáo, sóc, xóc' Path: 槊

槑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '槑: Hán Việt readings: mai' in '槑: Hán Việt readings: mai' Path: 槑

槞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '槞: Hán Việt readings: long' in '槞: Hán Việt readings: long, lung 槞: Nôm readings: trồng' Path: 槞

橤 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '橤: Hán Việt readings: nhụy' in '橤: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 橤: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 橤

檰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '檰: Nôm readings: gạo' in '檰: Nôm readings: gạo' Path: 檰

櫗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '櫗: Hán Việt readings: miết 櫗: Nôm readings: mịt' in '櫗: Hán Việt readings: miết 櫗: Nôm readings: mịt, miệt, mít' Path: 櫗

欒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '欒: Hán Việt readings: loan 欒: Nôm readings: loan' in '欒: Hán Việt readings: loan 欒: Nôm readings: loan' Path: 欒

次 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '次: Hán Việt readings: thứ' in '次: Hán Việt readings: thứ (七(thất)四(tứ)切(thiết)), tư 次: Nôm readings: thớ, thứ, thứa, khứa' Path: 次

歎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '歎: Hán Việt readings: thán 歎: Nôm readings: than' in '歎: Hán Việt readings: thán (他(tha)案(án)切(thiết)) 歎: Nôm readings: than, thăn' Path: 歎

正 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '正: Hán Việt readings: chinh' in '正: Hán Việt readings: chinh (之(chi)盛(thịnh)切(thiết)), chánh, chính 正: Nôm readings: chánh, chênh, chính, chếnh, chiếng, chỉnh, giêng' Path: 正

殲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '殲: Hán Việt readings: tiêm 殲: Nôm readings: tiêm' in '殲: Hán Việt readings: tiêm 殲: Nôm readings: tiêm' Path: 殲

毋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '毋: Hán Việt readings: vô' in '毋: Hán Việt readings: vô' Path: 毋

母 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '母: Hán Việt readings: mẫu 母: Nôm readings: mẫu' in '母: Hán Việt readings: mẫu 母: Nôm readings: mẫu, mẹ' Path: 母

气 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '气: Hán Việt readings: khí' in '气: Hán Việt readings: khí' Path: 气

水 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '水: Hán Việt readings: thủy' in '水: Hán Việt readings: thủy/thuỷ (式(thức)軌(quỹ)切(thiết)) 水: Nôm readings: thủy/thuỷ, nước' Path: 水

永 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '永: Hán Việt readings: vĩnh 永: Nôm readings: vắng' in '永: Hán Việt readings: vĩnh 永: Nôm readings: vắng, vẳng, vánh, vảnh, vênh, vểnh, viếng, vĩnh' Path: 永

汊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '汊: Hán Việt readings: xá 汊: Nôm readings: xòa' in '汊: Hán Việt readings: xá (楚(sở)嫁(giá)切(thiết)) 汊: Nôm readings: xòa/xoà' Path: 汊

汨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '汨: Hán Việt readings: mịch 汨: Nôm readings: nhặt' in '汨: Hán Việt readings: mịch 汨: Nôm readings: nhặt' Path: 汨

汰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '汰: Hán Việt readings: thái' in '汰: Hán Việt readings: thái (他(tha)蓋(cái)切(thiết)), thải 汰: Nôm readings: thảy, thãi, thải, sưởi, thẩy' Path: 汰

汲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '汲: Hán Việt readings: cấp 汲: Nôm readings: ngập' in '汲: Hán Việt readings: cấp 汲: Nôm readings: ngập, bập, gập' Path: 汲

沒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '沒: Hán Việt readings: một 沒: Nôm readings: mốt' in '沒: Hán Việt readings: một 沒: Nôm readings: mốt, một' Path: 沒

没 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '没: Hán Việt readings: một 没: Nôm readings: mốt' in '没: Hán Việt readings: một 没: Nôm readings: mốt, một' Path: 没

沱 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '沱: Hán Việt readings: đà 沱: Nôm readings: đà' in '沱: Hán Việt readings: đà 沱: Nôm readings: đà, đờ, đừ' Path: 沱

河 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '河: Hán Việt readings: hà 河: Nôm readings: hà' in '河: Hán Việt readings: hà (寒(hàn)歌(ca)切(thiết)) 河: Nôm readings: hà' Path: 河

油 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '油: Hán Việt readings: du 油: Nôm readings: dầu' in '油: Hán Việt readings: du 油: Nôm readings: dầu, dàu, dàu, rầu, ru, dù, râu, trầu, dư, dẫu' Path: 油

泆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '泆: Hán Việt readings: dật 泆: Nôm readings: giạt' in '泆: Hán Việt readings: dật (弋(dặc)質(chất)切(thiết)) 泆: Nôm readings: giạt, dật, giặt, thét' Path: 泆

泍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '泍: Nôm readings: bẩn' in '泍: Nôm readings: bẩn' Path: 泍

法 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '法: Hán Việt readings: pháp 法: Nôm readings: pháp' in '法: Hán Việt readings: pháp 法: Nôm readings: pháp, phép, phấp, phăm, phắp, bắp, mép' Path: 法

泪 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '泪: Hán Việt readings: lệ' in '泪: Hán Việt readings: lệ, lụy/luỵ' Path: 泪

泳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '泳: Hán Việt readings: vịnh 泳: Nôm readings: vịnh' in '泳: Hán Việt readings: vịnh 泳: Nôm readings: vịnh, vạnh' Path: 泳

洩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '洩: Hán Việt readings: tiết' in '洩: Hán Việt readings: tiết (先(tiên)結(kết)切(thiết)), duệ (餘(dư)制(chế)切(thiết)) 洩: Nôm readings: dáy, tiết, duệ, dãi, dịa' Path: 洩

流 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '流: Hán Việt readings: lưu 流: Nôm readings: lưu' in '流: Hán Việt readings: lưu 流: Nôm readings: lưu' Path: 流

海 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '海: Hán Việt readings: hải 海: Nôm readings: hẩy' in '海: Hán Việt readings: hải (呼(hô)改(cải)切(thiết)) 海: Nôm readings: hẩy, hải, hái, hơi, hãi, hỏi' Path: 海

浼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '浼: Hán Việt readings: mỗi' in '浼: Hán Việt readings: mỗi' Path: 浼

渃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '渃: Nôm readings: nước' in '渃: Nôm readings: nước, nác' Path: 渃

渰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '渰: Hán Việt readings: yêm' in '渰: Hán Việt readings: yêm' Path: 渰

湯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '湯: Hán Việt readings: thang' in '湯: Hán Việt readings: thang, sương, thãng 湯: Nôm readings: than' Path: 湯

溢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '溢: Hán Việt readings: dật 溢: Nôm readings: dật' in '溢: Hán Việt readings: dật (弋(dặc)質(chất)切(thiết)) 溢: Nôm readings: dật, ải' Path: 溢

溧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '溧: Nôm readings: rớt' in '溧: Nôm readings: rớt' Path: 溧

滃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '滃: Hán Việt readings: ổng 滃: Nôm readings: ống' in '滃: Hán Việt readings: ổng 滃: Nôm readings: ống' Path: 滃

滈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '滈: Nôm readings: khao' in '滈: Nôm readings: khao, xao, hao' Path: 滈

滝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '滝: Nôm readings: sông' in '滝: Nôm readings: sông, lùng, sòng, suồng, trong, rông, rồng, suông, long' Path: 滝

漂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '漂: Hán Việt readings: phiêu' in '漂: Hán Việt readings: phiêu (紕(phi)招(chiêu)切(thiết)), phiếu 漂: Nôm readings: xiêu, veo, phiêu, phều, phiếu, pheo, phếu, phao, xẻo, phịu, phêu' Path: 漂

漆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '漆: Hán Việt readings: tất' in '漆: Hán Việt readings: tất' Path: 漆

漣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '漣: Hán Việt readings: liên 漣: Nôm readings: trơn' in '漣: Hán Việt readings: liên (靈(linh)年(niên)切(thiết)) 漣: Nôm readings: trơn, lăn, liên' Path: 漣

漫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '漫: Hán Việt readings: mạn' in '漫: Hán Việt readings: mạn (莫(mạc)半(bán)切(thiết)), man 漫: Nôm readings: mặn, mạn, mướn, mượn, man, mẳn, mớn, mằn, máng' Path: 漫

澦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '澦: Hán Việt readings: dự 澦: Nôm readings: nhựa' in '澦: Hán Việt readings: dự 澦: Nôm readings: nhựa' Path: 澦

濞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '濞: Hán Việt readings: thí 濞: Nôm readings: thi' in '濞: Hán Việt readings: thí 濞: Nôm readings: thi, tia' Path: 濞

濟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '濟: Hán Việt readings: tế 濟: Nôm readings: tế' in '濟: Hán Việt readings: tế (子(tử)禮(lễ)切(thiết)) 濟: Nôm readings: tế' Path: 濟

瀧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '瀧: Hán Việt readings: lung 瀧: Nôm readings: sông' in '瀧: Hán Việt readings: lung 瀧: Nôm readings: sông, rông, lùng, rồng, lung' Path: 瀧

灕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '灕: Hán Việt readings: li' in '灕: Hán Việt readings: li' Path: 灕

灟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '灟: Hán Việt readings: luộc' in '灟: Hán Việt readings: luộc' Path: 灟

灡 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '灡: Hán Việt readings: làn' in '灡: Hán Việt readings: làn' Path: 灡

火 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '火: Hán Việt readings: hỏa' in '火: Hán Việt readings: hỏa/hoả 火: Nôm readings: hỏa/hoả, ỏa/oả' Path: 火

灺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '灺: Hán Việt readings: đả' in '灺: Hán Việt readings: đả' Path: 灺

炆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炆: Hán Việt readings: văn' in '炆: Hán Việt readings: văn' Path: 炆

炐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炐: Hán Việt readings: phừng' in '炐: Hán Việt readings: phừng' Path: 炐

炔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炔: Hán Việt readings: khuyết' in '炔: Hán Việt readings: khuyết' Path: 炔

炕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炕: Hán Việt readings: kháng' in '炕: Hán Việt readings: kháng' Path: 炕

炟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炟: Hán Việt readings: rán' in '炟: Hán Việt readings: rán' Path: 炟

炥 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炥: Hán Việt readings: phụt' in '炥: Hán Việt readings: phụt' Path: 炥

炧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炧: Hán Việt readings: đả' in '炧: Hán Việt readings: đả' Path: 炧

炫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炫: Hán Việt readings: huyễn' in '炫: Hán Việt readings: huyễn' Path: 炫

炬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炬: Hán Việt readings: cự' in '炬: Hán Việt readings: cự' Path: 炬

炯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炯: Hán Việt readings: quýnh' in '炯: Hán Việt readings: quýnh, quỷnh, huỳnh' Path: 炯

炵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炵: Hán Việt readings: rong' in '炵: Hán Việt readings: rong, chong' Path: 炵

炶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '炶: Hán Việt readings: trèm' in '炶: Hán Việt readings: trèm' Path: 炶

烀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '烀: Nôm readings: hồ' in '烀: Nôm readings: hồ' Path: 烀

烊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '烊: Hán Việt readings: rang' in '烊: Hán Việt readings: rang' Path: 烊

烸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '烸: Hán Việt readings: hổi' in '烸: Hán Việt readings: hổi, mồi' Path: 烸

烺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '烺: Hán Việt readings: rường' in '烺: Hán Việt readings: rường' Path: 烺

烽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '烽: Hán Việt readings: phong' in '烽: Hán Việt readings: phong' Path: 烽

焒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '焒: Nôm readings: lửa' in '焒: Nôm readings: lửa' Path: 焒

焓 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '焓: Hán Việt readings: hầm' in '焓: Hán Việt readings: hầm, hươm' Path: 焓

焙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '焙: Hán Việt readings: bồi' in '焙: Hán Việt readings: bồi' Path: 焙

焜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '焜: Hán Việt readings: hỗn' in '焜: Hán Việt readings: hỗn' Path: 焜

無 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '無: Hán Việt readings: vô' in '無: Hán Việt readings: vô, mô 無: Nôm readings: vô, mô' Path: 無

焮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '焮: Hán Việt readings: hân' in '焮: Hán Việt readings: hân' Path: 焮

然 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '然: Hán Việt readings: nhiên' in '然: Hán Việt readings: nhiên' Path: 然

焾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '焾: Hán Việt readings: nám' in '焾: Hán Việt readings: nám' Path: 焾

煇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煇: Hán Việt readings: huy' in '煇: Hán Việt readings: huy' Path: 煇

煊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煊: Hán Việt readings: huyên' in '煊: Hán Việt readings: huyên' Path: 煊

煌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煌: Hán Việt readings: hoàng' in '煌: Hán Việt readings: hoàng' Path: 煌

煑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煑: Hán Việt readings: chử' in '煑: Hán Việt readings: chử' Path: 煑

煒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煒: Hán Việt readings: vĩ' in '煒: Hán Việt readings: vĩ' Path: 煒

煖 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煖: Hán Việt readings: noãn' in '煖: Hán Việt readings: noãn, nỗn, noẽn, nuỹn, nuyễn, nóng' Path: 煖

煜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煜: Hán Việt readings: dục' in '煜: Hán Việt readings: dục' Path: 煜

煞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煞: Hán Việt readings: sát' in '煞: Hán Việt readings: sát' Path: 煞

煠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煠: Hán Việt readings: sáp' in '煠: Hán Việt readings: sáp' Path: 煠

煥 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煥: Hán Việt readings: hoán' in '煥: Hán Việt readings: hoán' Path: 煥

煦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煦: Hán Việt readings: hú' in '煦: Hán Việt readings: hú' Path: 煦

煨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煨: Hán Việt readings: ôi' in '煨: Hán Việt readings: ôi, ổi, oi, ỏi' Path: 煨

煽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '煽: Hán Việt readings: phiến 煽: Nôm readings: phiến' in '煽: Hán Việt readings: phiến 煽: Nôm readings: phiến' Path: 煽

熠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '熠: Hán Việt readings: dập' in '熠: Hán Việt readings: dập, tập' Path: 熠

熣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '熣: Nôm readings: sôi' in '熣: Nôm readings: sôi, thui, tôi' Path: 熣

熯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '熯: Hán Việt readings: hãn' in '熯: Hán Việt readings: hãn, nhiễn' Path: 熯

熱 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '熱: Hán Việt readings: nhiệt 熱: Nôm readings: nhét' in '熱: Hán Việt readings: nhiệt 熱: Nôm readings: nhét, nhẹt' Path: 熱

燐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '燐: Hán Việt readings: lân' in '燐: Hán Việt readings: lân' Path: 燐

燠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '燠: Hán Việt readings: úc 燠: Nôm readings: úc' in '燠: Hán Việt readings: úc 燠: Nôm readings: úc' Path: 燠

爲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '爲: Hán Việt readings: vị' in '爲: Hán Việt readings: vị, vì 爲: Nôm readings: vay, ví, vĩ, voi, vơ, vờ, vi' Path: 爲

父 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '父: Hán Việt readings: phụ 父: Nôm readings: phụ' in '父: Hán Việt readings: phụ (扶(phù)雨(vũ)切(thiết)) 父: Nôm readings: phụ, phủ' Path: 父

爸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '爸: Hán Việt readings: bả' in '爸: Hán Việt readings: bả, ba 爸: Nôm readings: ba' Path: 爸

爾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '爾: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ 爾: Nôm readings: nhãi' in '爾: Hán Việt readings: nhĩ 爾: Nôm readings: nhãi, nhĩ' Path: 爾

牀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '牀: Hán Việt readings: sàng' in '牀: Hán Việt readings: sàng (仕(sĩ)莊(trang)切(thiết)), giường, giầng 牀: Nôm readings: giường, sàng, giàng, giầng' Path: 牀

物 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '物: Hán Việt readings: vật 物: Nôm readings: vật' in '物: Hán Việt readings: vật 物: Nôm readings: vật' Path: 物

牲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '牲: Hán Việt readings: sinh 牲: Nôm readings: sinh' in '牲: Hán Việt readings: sinh 牲: Nôm readings: sinh, sanh, xinh, chũa' Path: 牲

犄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '犄: Hán Việt readings: cơ 犄: Nôm readings: cơ' in '犄: Hán Việt readings: cơ 犄: Nôm readings: cơ' Path: 犄

犧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '犧: Hán Việt readings: hy' in '犧: Hán Việt readings: hy, hi 犧: Nôm readings: hi' Path: 犧

犬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '犬: Hán Việt readings: khuyển 犬: Nôm readings: khuyển' in '犬: Hán Việt readings: khuyển 犬: Nôm readings: khuyển, chó' Path: 犬

狔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '狔: Hán Việt readings: nai' in '狔: Hán Việt readings: nai, nỉ, phi 狔: Nôm readings: phi, nai, nỉ' Path: 狔

狗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '狗: Hán Việt readings: cẩu 狗: Nôm readings: cẩu' in '狗: Hán Việt readings: cẩu (舉(cử)后(hậu)切(thiết)) 狗: Nôm readings: cẩu' Path: 狗

狺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '狺: Hán Việt readings: ngân 狺: Nôm readings: ngân' in '狺: Hán Việt readings: ngân 狺: Nôm readings: ngân, ngan' Path: 狺

狼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '狼: Hán Việt readings: lang 狼: Nôm readings: lang' in '狼: Hán Việt readings: lang 狼: Nôm readings: lang' Path: 狼

猊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '猊: Hán Việt readings: nghê 猊: Nôm readings: nghê' in '猊: Hán Việt readings: nghê 猊: Nôm readings: nghê, nghé' Path: 猊

獅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '獅: Hán Việt readings: sư 獅: Nôm readings: sư' in '獅: Hán Việt readings: sư 獅: Nôm readings: sư' Path: 獅

獐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '獐: Hán Việt readings: chương 獐: Nôm readings: chương' in '獐: Hán Việt readings: chương 獐: Nôm readings: chương' Path: 獐

獻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '獻: Hán Việt readings: hiến' in '獻: Hán Việt readings: hiến, ta 獻: Nôm readings: hiến' Path: 獻

玅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '玅: Hán Việt readings: diệu' in '玅: Hán Việt readings: diệu' Path: 玅

玈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '玈: Hán Việt readings: lô' in '玈: Hán Việt readings: lô' Path: 玈

王 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '王: Hán Việt readings: vương' in '王: Hán Việt readings: vương (雨(vũ)方(phương)切(thiết)), vượng 王: Nôm readings: vương, vướng' Path: 王

玫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '玫: Hán Việt readings: mai' in '玫: Hán Việt readings: mai, mân, môi (莫(mạc)桮(bôi)切(thiết)) 玫: Nôm readings: môi' Path: 玫

玳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '玳: Hán Việt readings: đại 玳: Nôm readings: đồi' in '玳: Hán Việt readings: đại (度(độ)耐(nại)切(thiết)) 玳: Nôm readings: đồi, đại' Path: 玳

珉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '珉: Hán Việt readings: mân' in '珉: Hán Việt readings: mân, dân 珉: Nôm readings: mân, mần' Path: 珉

珪 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '珪: Hán Việt readings: khuê' in '珪: Hán Việt readings: khuê' Path: 珪

球 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '球: Hán Việt readings: cầu' in '球: Hán Việt readings: cầu' Path: 球

琉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '琉: Hán Việt readings: lưu 琉: Nôm readings: lưu' in '琉: Hán Việt readings: lưu 琉: Nôm readings: lưu' Path: 琉

琚 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '琚: Hán Việt readings: cư 琚: Nôm readings: cư' in '琚: Hán Việt readings: cư 琚: Nôm readings: cư' Path: 琚

琢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '琢: Hán Việt readings: chác' in '琢: Hán Việt readings: chác, trác 琢: Nôm readings: trác, trát' Path: 琢

瑠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '瑠: Hán Việt readings: lưu' in '瑠: Hán Việt readings: lưu' Path: 瑠

瑤 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '瑤: Hán Việt readings: dao' in '瑤: Hán Việt readings: dao' Path: 瑤

瑾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '瑾: Hán Việt readings: cẩn' in '瑾: Hán Việt readings: cẩn, cấn' Path: 瑾

璞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '璞: Hán Việt readings: phác 璞: Nôm readings: phác' in '璞: Hán Việt readings: phác 璞: Nôm readings: phác' Path: 璞

瓜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '瓜: Hán Việt readings: qua 瓜: Nôm readings: qua' in '瓜: Hán Việt readings: qua 瓜: Nôm readings: qua, dưa, co' Path: 瓜

生 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '生: Hán Việt readings: sinh' in '生: Hán Việt readings: sinh, sanh (師(sư)庚(canh)切(thiết)) 生: Nôm readings: sanh, siêng, sinh, xinh, xênh, sống, xanh' Path: 生

甶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '甶: Hán Việt readings: phật' in '甶: Hán Việt readings: phật' Path: 甶

男 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '男: Hán Việt readings: nam 男: Nôm readings: nam' in '男: Hán Việt readings: nam 男: Nôm readings: nam' Path: 男

畑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '畑: Nôm readings: đèn' in '畑: Nôm readings: đèn, dền, vặc' Path: 畑

番 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '番: Hán Việt readings: ba' in '番: Hán Việt readings: ba, bà, phiên 番: Nôm readings: ba, bà, phan, phiên, phen' Path: 番

異 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '異: Hán Việt readings: dị' in '異: Hán Việt readings: dị (以(dĩ)智(trí)切(thiết)), di 異: Nôm readings: dị' Path: 異

畵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '畵: Hán Việt readings: họa' in '畵: Hán Việt readings: họa/hoạ, hoạch 畵: Nôm readings: vạch, vẽ' Path: 畵

畿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '畿: Hán Việt readings: kì' in '畿: Hán Việt readings: kì, kỳ 畿: Nôm readings: kì, kỳ' Path: 畿

疊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '疊: Hán Việt readings: điệp 疊: Nôm readings: điệp' in '疊: Hán Việt readings: điệp 疊: Nôm readings: điệp, đệp, xếp' Path: 疊

疏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '疏: Hán Việt readings: sớ' in '疏: Hán Việt readings: sớ, sơ 疏: Nôm readings: sơ, sớ, sờ, sưa, xơ, xờ' Path: 疏

疘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '疘: Hán Việt readings: giang' in '疘: Hán Việt readings: giang' Path: 疘

疲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '疲: Hán Việt readings: bì 疲: Nôm readings: bì' in '疲: Hán Việt readings: bì 疲: Nôm readings: bì, mệt' Path: 疲

疸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '疸: Nôm readings: đơn' in '疸: Nôm readings: đơn, đảm, đớn' Path: 疸

痙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '痙: Hán Việt readings: kính' in '痙: Hán Việt readings: kính' Path: 痙

瘊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '瘊: Hán Việt readings: hầu 瘊: Nôm readings: hầu' in '瘊: Hán Việt readings: hầu 瘊: Nôm readings: hầu' Path: 瘊

癌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '癌: Hán Việt readings: nham 癌: Nôm readings: nham' in '癌: Hán Việt readings: nham 癌: Nôm readings: nham' Path: 癌

癒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '癒: Hán Việt readings: dũ 癒: Nôm readings: dũ' in '癒: Hán Việt readings: dũ 癒: Nôm readings: dũ, dú, rũ' Path: 癒

白 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '白: Hán Việt readings: bạch 白: Nôm readings: bạch' in '白: Hán Việt readings: bạch (薄(bạc)陌(mạch)切(thiết)) 白: Nôm readings: bạch, bạc, trắng' Path: 白

百 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '百: Hán Việt readings: bách' in '百: Hán Việt readings: bách (博(bác)陌(mạch)切(thiết)), bá 百: Nôm readings: bách, bá, trăm' Path: 百

皂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '皂: Hán Việt readings: tạo' in '皂: Hán Việt readings: tạo, sàu, sạu, tạu, sạo' Path: 皂

皇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '皇: Hán Việt readings: hoàng' in '皇: Hán Việt readings: hoàng (胡(hồ)光(quang)切(thiết)), huỳnh 皇: Nôm readings: hoàng, huỳnh' Path: 皇

盂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '盂: Hán Việt readings: vu 盂: Nôm readings: vu' in '盂: Hán Việt readings: vu 盂: Nôm readings: vu, vò' Path: 盂

盃 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '盃: Hán Việt readings: bôi 盃: Nôm readings: bôi' in '盃: Hán Việt readings: bôi 盃: Nôm readings: bôi, bui, bùi, vôi, vội, vui, vùi' Path: 盃

盅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '盅: Hán Việt readings: chung' in '盅: Hán Việt readings: chung, trung 盅: Nôm readings: chung, trung' Path: 盅

益 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '益: Hán Việt readings: ích 益: Nôm readings: ích' in '益: Hán Việt readings: ích (伊(y)昔(tích)切(thiết)) 益: Nôm readings: ích, ịch' Path: 益

盒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '盒: Hán Việt readings: hạp 盒: Nôm readings: hạp' in '盒: Hán Việt readings: hạp 盒: Nôm readings: hạp, hộp, ộp, thạp' Path: 盒

盤 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '盤: Hán Việt readings: bàn 盤: Nôm readings: bàn' in '盤: Hán Việt readings: bàn 盤: Nôm readings: bàn, mâm, ván' Path: 盤

盦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '盦: Hán Việt readings: am 盦: Nôm readings: am' in '盦: Hán Việt readings: am 盦: Nôm readings: am' Path: 盦

盩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '盩: Hán Việt readings: chu' in '盩: Hán Việt readings: chu, châu, trưu' Path: 盩

目 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '目: Hán Việt readings: mục 目: Nôm readings: mục' in '目: Hán Việt readings: mục (莫(mạc)六(lục)切(thiết)) 目: Nôm readings: mục, mụt' Path: 目

眐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '眐: Hán Việt readings: chính' in '眐: Hán Việt readings: chính' Path: 眐

眜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '眜: Nôm readings: mắt' in '眜: Nôm readings: mắt' Path: 眜

睦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '睦: Hán Việt readings: mục 睦: Nôm readings: mục' in '睦: Hán Việt readings: mục 睦: Nôm readings: mục' Path: 睦

知 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '知: Hán Việt readings: tri' in '知: Hán Việt readings: tri, trí 知: Nôm readings: tri, trơ' Path: 知

石 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '石: Hán Việt readings: thạch' in '石: Hán Việt readings: thạch, đán 石: Nôm readings: thạch, sạch' Path: 石

矼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '矼: Nôm readings: cong' in '矼: Nôm readings: cong' Path: 矼

矽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '矽: Hán Việt readings: tịch' in '矽: Hán Việt readings: tịch' Path: 矽

研 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '研: Hán Việt readings: nghiên' in '研: Hán Việt readings: nghiên, nghiễn 研: Nôm readings: nghiên, nghiền, nghiện, tên' Path: 研

硒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '硒: Hán Việt readings: tây' in '硒: Hán Việt readings: tây' Path: 硒

硝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '硝: Hán Việt readings: tiêu' in '硝: Hán Việt readings: tiêu' Path: 硝

碍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '碍: Hán Việt readings: ngại' in '碍: Hán Việt readings: ngại (牛(ngưu)代(đại)切(thiết)), ngài 碍: Nôm readings: ngại, ngáy, ngái' Path: 碍

碎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '碎: Hán Việt readings: toái 碎: Nôm readings: tôi' in '碎: Hán Việt readings: toái 碎: Nôm readings: tôi, tui, toái, thỏi, tỏa/toả, tủi' Path: 碎

礼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '礼: Hán Việt readings: lễ 礼: Nôm readings: lạy' in '礼: Hán Việt readings: lễ 礼: Nôm readings: lạy, lẫy, lấy, trễ, lẻ, lãi, lễ, rẻ, trẻ, rẽ, lẩy, lệ, lưỡi, lẽ, lởi, lỡi, trẩy, lể' Path: 礼

祀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '祀: Hán Việt readings: tự' in '祀: Hán Việt readings: tự' Path: 祀

祁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '祁: Hán Việt readings: kì' in '祁: Hán Việt readings: kì, kỳ 祁: Nôm readings: kì, kỳ' Path: 祁

祇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '祇: Hán Việt readings: chi' in '祇: Hán Việt readings: chi, chỉ, kì, kỳ 祇: Nôm readings: chỉ' Path: 祇

禮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '禮: Hán Việt readings: lễ 禮: Nôm readings: lễ' in '禮: Hán Việt readings: lễ (里(lí)弟(đệ)切(thiết)) 禮: Nôm readings: lễ, lạy, lẻ, lẫy, rẽ, rẩy, lẩy, lãi, lể, lởi, lỡi, lấy, lảy, rẻ' Path: 禮

秧 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '秧: Hán Việt readings: ương' in '秧: Hán Việt readings: ương, ưởng 秧: Nôm readings: ương' Path: 秧

移 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '移: Hán Việt readings: di' in '移: Hán Việt readings: di, dời, rời, chòm, đệm, xờm, day, dây, dê, giay, sỉ, xỉ 移: Nôm readings: đưa' Path: 移

稀 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '稀: Hán Việt readings: hi 稀: Nôm readings: sè' in '稀: Hán Việt readings: hi (香(hương)依(y)切(thiết)) 稀: Nôm readings: sè, si, sây, hì, sầy, hi, sề, hề, sì, sé' Path: 稀

種 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '種: Hán Việt readings: chủng' in '種: Hán Việt readings: chủng (主(chủ)勇(dũng)切(thiết)), chũng 種: Nôm readings: giống, chỏng, chõng, chủng, trồng, chổng, truồng, giuống' Path: 種

穹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '穹: Hán Việt readings: khung' in '穹: Hán Việt readings: khung (去(khử)宮(cung)切(thiết)), khum 穹: Nôm readings: khum, khung, cùng' Path: 穹

空 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '空: Hán Việt readings: không 空: Nôm readings: không' in '空: Hán Việt readings: không (枯(khô)公(công)切(thiết)) 空: Nôm readings: không, khung, khỏng, khong, cung, khống' Path: 空

窪 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '窪: Hán Việt readings: oa' in '窪: Hán Việt readings: oa (烏(ô)瓜(qua)切(thiết))' Path: 窪

竜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '竜: Hán Việt readings: long 竜: Nôm readings: long' in '竜: Hán Việt readings: long 竜: Nôm readings: long, luông, lung, nong, luôn, luống' Path: 竜

竺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '竺: Hán Việt readings: trúc' in '竺: Hán Việt readings: trúc, đốc 竺: Nôm readings: trúc' Path: 竺

笈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '笈: Nôm readings: cặp' in '笈: Nôm readings: cặp, cạp, cập' Path: 笈

箏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '箏: Hán Việt readings: tranh 箏: Nôm readings: giành' in '箏: Hán Việt readings: tranh 箏: Nôm readings: giành, tranh' Path: 箏

箠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '箠: Hán Việt readings: chủy' in '箠: Hán Việt readings: chủy/chuỷ' Path: 箠

箸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '箸: Hán Việt readings: trứ' in '箸: Hán Việt readings: trứ, trợ 箸: Nôm readings: đũa, trứ, chước, giạ' Path: 箸

經 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '經: Hán Việt readings: kinh 經: Nôm readings: canh' in '經: Hán Việt readings: kinh 經: Nôm readings: canh, kinh' Path: 經

維 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '維: Hán Việt readings: duy 維: Nôm readings: duy' in '維: Hán Việt readings: duy 維: Nôm readings: duy' Path: 維

綳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '綳: Hán Việt readings: banh' in '綳: Hán Việt readings: banh, bắng, băng 綳: Nôm readings: banh, bắng' Path: 綳

縞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '縞: Hán Việt readings: cảo' in '縞: Hán Việt readings: cảo' Path: 縞

繕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '繕: Hán Việt readings: thiện' in '繕: Hán Việt readings: thiện' Path: 繕

纘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '纘: Hán Việt readings: toản 纘: Nôm readings: toản' in '纘: Hán Việt readings: toản (作(tác)管(quản)切(thiết)) 纘: Nôm readings: toản' Path: 纘

细 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '细: Hán Việt readings: tế 细: Nôm readings: tới' in '细: Hán Việt readings: tế 细: Nôm readings: tới' Path: 细

罍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '罍: Hán Việt readings: lôi' in '罍: Hán Việt readings: lôi' Path: 罍

羅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '羅: Hán Việt readings: la 羅: Nôm readings: la' in '羅: Hán Việt readings: la 羅: Nôm readings: la, là, lơ' Path: 羅

美 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '美: Hán Việt readings: mỹ' in '美: Hán Việt readings: mỹ, mĩ 美: Nôm readings: mẻ, mẹ, mỹ, mẽ, mỉa, mở, mỉ, mĩ' Path: 美

羚 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '羚: Hán Việt readings: linh' in '羚: Hán Việt readings: linh' Path: 羚

翠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '翠: Hán Việt readings: thúy' in '翠: Hán Việt readings: thúy/thuý' Path: 翠

翹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '翹: Hán Việt readings: kiều 翹: Nôm readings: khiêu' in '翹: Hán Việt readings: kiều 翹: Nôm readings: khiêu, kẻo' Path: 翹

老 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '老: Hán Việt readings: lão 老: Nôm readings: lảo' in '老: Hán Việt readings: lão 老: Nôm readings: lảo, lảu, lão, lẽo, láu, rảu, láo, lạo, não, rau, sáu, lểu, lếu, lẩu' Path: 老

者 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '者: Hán Việt readings: giả 者: Nôm readings: trả' in '者: Hán Việt readings: giả 者: Nôm readings: trả, giả, giã, giở, rả, dở, dã' Path: 者

而 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '而: Hán Việt readings: nhi' in '而: Hán Việt readings: nhi, năng 而: Nôm readings: nhi' Path: 而

耐 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '耐: Hán Việt readings: nại 耐: Nôm readings: nại' in '耐: Hán Việt readings: nại 耐: Nôm readings: nại, nề, nài' Path: 耐

耙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '耙: Hán Việt readings: bá' in '耙: Hán Việt readings: bá, bà, bả 耙: Nôm readings: bừa, bá, bồ' Path: 耙

聖 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '聖: Hán Việt readings: thánh 聖: Nôm readings: thánh' in '聖: Hán Việt readings: thánh 聖: Nôm readings: thánh, thiêng' Path: 聖

聲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '聲: Hán Việt readings: thanh 聲: Nôm readings: thanh' in '聲: Hán Việt readings: thanh 聲: Nôm readings: thanh, thênh, thiêng, thinh, xênh' Path: 聲

肛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '肛: Hán Việt readings: giang' in '肛: Hán Việt readings: giang, xoang, khang, soang, cương 肛: Nôm readings: giang, dom' Path: 肛

脱 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '脱: Hán Việt readings: thoát 脱: Nôm readings: thoắt' in '脱: Hán Việt readings: thoát (他(tha)括(quát)切(thiết)) 脱: Nôm readings: thoắt, thoát, thoạt, thót' Path: 脱

腺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '腺: Hán Việt readings: tuyến' in '腺: Hán Việt readings: tuyến' Path: 腺

膏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '膏: Hán Việt readings: cao' in '膏: Hán Việt readings: cao' Path: 膏

舅 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '舅: Hán Việt readings: cữu 舅: Nôm readings: cậu' in '舅: Hán Việt readings: cữu 舅: Nôm readings: cậu, cữu' Path: 舅

舥 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '舥: Hán Việt readings: ba 舥: Nôm readings: bè' in '舥: Hán Việt readings: ba 舥: Nôm readings: bè' Path: 舥

舵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '舵: Hán Việt readings: đà' in '舵: Hán Việt readings: đà' Path: 舵

芣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '芣: Hán Việt readings: phù 芣: Hán Nôm readings: búp' in '芣: Hán Việt readings: phù 芣: Hán Nôm readings: búp, bút, bụp, phù' Path: 芣

芭 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '芭: Hán Việt readings: ba 芭: Nôm readings: ba' in '芭: Hán Việt readings: ba (邦(bang)加(gia)切(thiết)) 芭: Nôm readings: ba, bơ' Path: 芭

花 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '花: Hán Việt readings: hoa' in '花: Hán Việt readings: hoa (呼(hô)瓜(qua)切(thiết)), huê 花: Nôm readings: hoa, huê, oa, ba' Path: 花

苞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '苞: Hán Việt readings: bao 苞: Nôm readings: bèo' in '苞: Hán Việt readings: bao 苞: Nôm readings: bèo, bào, vầu' Path: 苞

苦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '苦: Hán Việt readings: khổ 苦: Nôm readings: cỏ' in '苦: Hán Việt readings: khổ 苦: Nôm readings: cỏ, khó, khủ, khổ, cô' Path: 苦

英 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '英: Hán Việt readings: anh 英: Nôm readings: anh' in '英: Hán Việt readings: anh 英: Nôm readings: anh, yêng' Path: 英

苸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '苸: Hán Việt readings: hồ' in '苸: Hán Việt readings: hồ' Path: 苸

茗 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '茗: Hán Việt readings: dính' in '茗: Hán Việt readings: dính, minh 茗: Nôm readings: dính, rểnh, tranh' Path: 茗

茴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '茴: Hán Việt readings: hồi 茴: Nôm readings: hồi' in '茴: Hán Việt readings: hồi 茴: Nôm readings: hồi, gồi' Path: 茴

茶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '茶: Hán Việt readings: trà 茶: Nôm readings: trà' in '茶: Hán Việt readings: trà 茶: Nôm readings: trà, chè, chà, sà, già, chòe/choè' Path: 茶

茹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '茹: Hán Việt readings: như' in '茹: Hán Việt readings: như, nhự 茹: Nôm readings: nhà, nhờ, nhựa, nhừa, nhu' Path: 茹

莫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '莫: Hán Việt readings: mạc 莫: Nôm readings: mác' in '莫: Hán Việt readings: mạc (末(mạt)各(các)切(thiết)) 莫: Nôm readings: mác, mạc, mếch' Path: 莫

華 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '華: Hán Việt readings: hoa 華: Nôm readings: hoa' in '華: Hán Việt readings: hoa (戶(hộ)花(hoa)切(thiết)) 華: Nôm readings: hoa' Path: 華

萬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '萬: Hán Việt readings: vạn' in '萬: Hán Việt readings: vạn, muôn 萬: Nôm readings: vạn, vàn, mại, vẹn, muôn' Path: 萬

葦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '葦: Hán Việt readings: vy' in '葦: Hán Việt readings: vy, vĩ 葦: Nôm readings: vi' Path: 葦

蒲 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蒲: Hán Việt readings: bồ 蒲: Hán Nôm readings: bồ' in '蒲: Hán Việt readings: bồ 蒲: Hán Nôm readings: bồ, bù, mồ' Path: 蒲

蒿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蒿: Hán Việt readings: hao 蒿: Nôm readings: khao' in '蒿: Hán Việt readings: hao 蒿: Nôm readings: khao' Path: 蒿

蓊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蓊: Hán Việt readings: ống 蓊: Nôm readings: ống' in '蓊: Hán Việt readings: ống 蓊: Nôm readings: ống' Path: 蓊

蔚 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蔚: Hán Việt readings: uất' in '蔚: Hán Việt readings: uất, úy/uý' Path: 蔚

蔞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蔞: Hán Việt readings: lâu' in '蔞: Hán Việt readings: lâu, liễu 蔞: Nôm readings: giàu, rau, trầu' Path: 蔞

蔬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蔬: Hán Việt readings: sơ 蔬: Nôm readings: sơ' in '蔬: Hán Việt readings: sơ 蔬: Nôm readings: sơ' Path: 蔬

蔽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蔽: Hán Việt readings: tế' in '蔽: Hán Việt readings: tế, phất 蔽: Nôm readings: tế' Path: 蔽

蕊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蕊: Hán Việt readings: nhụy' in '蕊: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 蕊: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 蕊

蕋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蕋: Hán Việt readings: nhụy' in '蕋: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 蕋: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 蕋

蕙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蕙: Hán Việt readings: huệ 蕙: Nôm readings: huệ' in '蕙: Hán Việt readings: huệ 蕙: Nôm readings: huệ' Path: 蕙

薛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '薛: Hán Việt readings: tiết' in '薛: Hán Việt readings: tiết, tuyết 薛: Nôm readings: tiết' Path: 薛

薪 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '薪: Hán Việt readings: tân 薪: Nôm readings: tân' in '薪: Hán Việt readings: tân 薪: Nôm readings: tân' Path: 薪

薷 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '薷: Hán Việt readings: nhu 薷: Nôm readings: nho' in '薷: Hán Việt readings: nhu 薷: Nôm readings: nho' Path: 薷

藉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '藉: Hán Việt readings: tạ' in '藉: Hán Việt readings: tạ, tịch, tá 藉: Nôm readings: tạ, tã, chạ' Path: 藉

藝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '藝: Hán Việt readings: nghệ' in '藝: Hán Việt readings: nghệ, vân 藝: Nôm readings: nghế, vân, nghề, nghệ' Path: 藝

藥 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '藥: Hán Việt readings: dược 藥: Nôm readings: dược' in '藥: Hán Việt readings: dược 藥: Nôm readings: dược, thuốc' Path: 藥

蘂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蘂: Hán Việt readings: nhụy' in '蘂: Hán Việt readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị 蘂: Nôm readings: nhụy/nhuỵ, nhị' Path: 蘂

虜 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '虜: Hán Việt readings: lỗ 虜: Nôm readings: lũ' in '虜: Hán Việt readings: lỗ 虜: Nôm readings: lũ' Path: 虜

虢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '虢: Hán Việt readings: quắc' in '虢: Hán Việt readings: quắc' Path: 虢

虫 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '虫: Hán Việt readings: trùng 虫: Nôm readings: tròng' in '虫: Hán Việt readings: trùng (持(trì)中(trung)切(thiết)) 虫: Nôm readings: tròng, trùng, chòng, chùng' Path: 虫

虸 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '虸: Nôm readings: tửa' in '虸: Nôm readings: tửa' Path: 虸

虹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '虹: Hán Việt readings: hồng 虹: Nôm readings: vồng' in '虹: Hán Việt readings: hồng 虹: Nôm readings: vồng' Path: 虹

蚝 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蚝: Hán Việt readings: hào' in '蚝: Hán Việt readings: hào, thứ 蚝: Nôm readings: hào' Path: 蚝

蚳 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蚳: Hán Việt readings: chỉ' in '蚳: Hán Việt readings: chỉ, trì 蚳: Nôm readings: đỉa' Path: 蚳

蜂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蜂: Hán Việt readings: phong 蜂: Nôm readings: ong' in '蜂: Hán Việt readings: phong 蜂: Nôm readings: ong' Path: 蜂

蜉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蜉: Hán Việt readings: phù' in '蜉: Hán Việt readings: phù' Path: 蜉

蝣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蝣: Hán Việt readings: du' in '蝣: Hán Việt readings: du' Path: 蝣

蝨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蝨: Hán Việt readings: sắt' in '蝨: Hán Việt readings: sắt' Path: 蝨

螉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '螉: Hán Việt readings: ông 螉: Nôm readings: ong' in '螉: Hán Việt readings: ông 螉: Nôm readings: ong, ông' Path: 螉

蟑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蟑: Hán Việt readings: chương 蟑: Nôm readings: chương' in '蟑: Hán Việt readings: chương 蟑: Nôm readings: chương' Path: 蟑

蠢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蠢: Hán Việt readings: xuẩn 蠢: Nôm readings: xuẩn' in '蠢: Hán Việt readings: xuẩn 蠢: Nôm readings: xuẩn, xoáy' Path: 蠢

蠬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蠬: Nôm readings: luồng' in '蠬: Nôm readings: luồng, rồng' Path: 蠬

衇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '衇: Hán Việt readings: mạch' in '衇: Hán Việt readings: mạch' Path: 衇

衊 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '衊: Hán Việt readings: miệt 衊: Nôm readings: mét' in '衊: Hán Việt readings: miệt 衊: Nôm readings: mét' Path: 衊

行 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '行: Hán Việt readings: hàng' in '行: Hán Việt readings: hàng, hành, hãng, hạng, hạnh 行: Nôm readings: hàng, hành, hăng, ngành' Path: 行

術 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '術: Hán Việt readings: thuật' in '術: Hán Việt readings: thuật, toại' Path: 術

表 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '表: Hán Việt readings: biểu 表: Nôm readings: biểu' in '表: Hán Việt readings: biểu 表: Nôm readings: biểu, vẹo, vếu, bẻo, bẹo' Path: 表

裕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '裕: Hán Việt readings: dụ' in '裕: Hán Việt readings: dụ, dủ, dũ 裕: Nôm readings: dụ' Path: 裕

褒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '褒: Hán Việt readings: bao 褒: Nôm readings: bao' in '褒: Hán Việt readings: bao 褒: Nôm readings: bao' Path: 褒

褚 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '褚: Hán Việt readings: trử 褚: Nôm readings: chử' in '褚: Hán Việt readings: trử 褚: Nôm readings: chử' Path: 褚

西 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '西: Hán Việt readings: tây' in '西: Hán Việt readings: tây, tê 西: Nôm readings: tây' Path: 西

覰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '覰: Hán Việt readings: thứ' in '覰: Hán Việt readings: thứ' Path: 覰

覷 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '覷: Hán Việt readings: kiến' in '覷: Hán Việt readings: kiến, thứ' Path: 覷

覻 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '覻: Hán Việt readings: thứ' in '覻: Hán Việt readings: thứ' Path: 覻

觱 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '觱: Hán Việt readings: tất' in '觱: Hán Việt readings: tất' Path: 觱

計 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '計: Hán Việt readings: kê' in '計: Hán Việt readings: kê, kế 計: Nôm readings: ké, kê, kẻ, kẽ, kế, kể' Path: 計

訣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '訣: Hán Việt readings: quyết' in '訣: Hán Việt readings: quyết' Path: 訣

設 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '設: Hán Việt readings: thiết 設: Nôm readings: thiết' in '設: Hán Việt readings: thiết 設: Nôm readings: thiết, thết, thếp' Path: 設

診 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '診: Hán Việt readings: chẩn' in '診: Hán Việt readings: chẩn' Path: 診

訾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '訾: Hán Việt readings: tử' in '訾: Hán Việt readings: tử' Path: 訾

詁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詁: Hán Việt readings: cổ' in '詁: Hán Việt readings: cổ' Path: 詁

詆 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詆: Hán Việt readings: để' in '詆: Hán Việt readings: để' Path: 詆

詎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詎: Hán Việt readings: cự' in '詎: Hán Việt readings: cự' Path: 詎

詒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詒: Hán Việt readings: di' in '詒: Hán Việt readings: di, đãi' Path: 詒

詘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詘: Hán Việt readings: truất' in '詘: Hán Việt readings: truất' Path: 詘

詞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詞: Hán Việt readings: từ' in '詞: Hán Việt readings: từ' Path: 詞

詣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詣: Hán Việt readings: nghệ' in '詣: Hán Việt readings: nghệ' Path: 詣

試 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '試: Hán Việt readings: thí 試: Nôm readings: thi' in '試: Hán Việt readings: thí 試: Nôm readings: thi, thía, thử' Path: 試

詩 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詩: Hán Việt readings: thi 詩: Nôm readings: thơ' in '詩: Hán Việt readings: thi (申(thân)之(chi)切(thiết)) 詩: Nôm readings: thơ, thi' Path: 詩

詰 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詰: Hán Việt readings: cật 詰: Nôm readings: cật' in '詰: Hán Việt readings: cật 詰: Nôm readings: cật, gạt, gật, cợt, gợt, ngặt' Path: 詰

詵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詵: Hán Việt readings: sằn' in '詵: Hán Việt readings: sằn, săn 詵: Nôm readings: săn' Path: 詵

詼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詼: Hán Việt readings: khôi' in '詼: Hán Việt readings: khôi' Path: 詼

詾 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詾: Hán Việt readings: hung' in '詾: Hán Việt readings: hung' Path: 詾

詿 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '詿: Hán Việt readings: quái' in '詿: Hán Việt readings: quái' Path: 詿

誄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誄: Hán Việt readings: lụy' in '誄: Hán Việt readings: lụy/luỵ, lỗi 誄: Nôm readings: trối' Path: 誄

誇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誇: Hán Việt readings: khoa 誇: Nôm readings: khoa' in '誇: Hán Việt readings: khoa 誇: Nôm readings: khoa, khoe, sua, thua' Path: 誇

誉 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誉: Hán Việt readings: dự' in '誉: Hán Việt readings: dự' Path: 誉

誑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誑: Hán Việt readings: cuống' in '誑: Hán Việt readings: cuống' Path: 誑

誒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誒: Hán Việt readings: ái' in '誒: Hán Việt readings: ái' Path: 誒

誘 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誘: Hán Việt readings: dụ 誘: Nôm readings: dụ' in '誘: Hán Việt readings: dụ 誘: Nôm readings: dụ, dỗ, dủ, dũ' Path: 誘

語 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '語: Hán Việt readings: ngữ 語: Nôm readings: ngỡ' in '語: Hán Việt readings: ngữ 語: Nôm readings: ngỡ, ngửa, ngữ, ngứa, ngợ, gỡ' Path: 語

誡 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誡: Hán Việt readings: giới' in '誡: Hán Việt readings: giới' Path: 誡

誦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誦: Hán Việt readings: tụng 誦: Nôm readings: tụng' in '誦: Hán Việt readings: tụng (似(tự)用(dụng)切(thiết)) 誦: Nôm readings: tụng, tọng, tộng' Path: 誦

誶 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誶: Hán Việt readings: tối' in '誶: Hán Việt readings: tối' Path: 誶

誹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '誹: Hán Việt readings: phỉ' in '誹: Hán Việt readings: phỉ' Path: 誹

諂 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諂: Hán Việt readings: xiểm' in '諂: Hán Việt readings: xiểm, siểm (丑(sửu)琰(diễm)切(thiết)) 諂: Nôm readings: xiểm, siểm' Path: 諂

請 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '請: Hán Việt readings: thỉnh' in '請: Hán Việt readings: thỉnh, tình, tính 請: Nôm readings: thảnh, thín, thinh' Path: 請

諏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諏: Hán Việt readings: tưu 諏: Nôm readings: trâu' in '諏: Hán Việt readings: tưu 諏: Nôm readings: trâu' Path: 諏

諑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諑: Hán Việt readings: trác' in '諑: Hán Việt readings: trác' Path: 諑

諕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諕: Hán Việt readings: hố' in '諕: Hán Việt readings: hố, hổ' Path: 諕

論 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '論: Hán Việt readings: luận 論: Nôm readings: lọn' in '論: Hán Việt readings: luận 論: Nôm readings: lọn, lộn, lụn, luồn, trọn, luận, trộn, chọn, tròn, lòn, dọn, rộn, soạn, giọn, lốn, gọn, lấn, lẩn' Path: 論

諞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諞: Hán Việt readings: biền' in '諞: Hán Việt readings: biền' Path: 諞

諠 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諠: Hán Việt readings: huyên' in '諠: Hán Việt readings: huyên' Path: 諠

諡 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諡: Hán Việt readings: thụy' in '諡: Hán Việt readings: thụy/thuỵ' Path: 諡

諢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諢: Hán Việt readings: hồn' in '諢: Hán Việt readings: hồn' Path: 諢

諪 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諪: Hán Việt readings: đình' in '諪: Hán Việt readings: đình' Path: 諪

諮 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諮: Hán Việt readings: ti' in '諮: Hán Việt readings: ti, tư' Path: 諮

諼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '諼: Hán Việt readings: huyên' in '諼: Hán Việt readings: huyên' Path: 諼

謁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謁: Hán Việt readings: ét' in '謁: Hán Việt readings: ét, yết' Path: 謁

謄 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謄: Hán Việt readings: đằng' in '謄: Hán Việt readings: đằng' Path: 謄

謇 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謇: Hán Việt readings: kiển' in '謇: Hán Việt readings: kiển' Path: 謇

謙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謙: Hán Việt readings: khiêm 謙: Nôm readings: khem' in '謙: Hán Việt readings: khiêm 謙: Nôm readings: khem, khiêm, khom, khòm, khọm' Path: 謙

謚 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謚: Hán Việt readings: thụy' in '謚: Hán Việt readings: thụy/thuỵ' Path: 謚

謨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謨: Hán Việt readings: mồ' in '謨: Hán Việt readings: mồ' Path: 謨

謬 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謬: Hán Việt readings: mậu' in '謬: Hán Việt readings: mậu' Path: 謬

謹 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謹: Hán Việt readings: cẩn 謹: Nôm readings: ngẩn' in '謹: Hán Việt readings: cẩn 謹: Nôm readings: ngẩn, kín, ghín, cẩn' Path: 謹

謼 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '謼: Hán Việt readings: hô' in '謼: Hán Việt readings: hô' Path: 謼

證 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '證: Hán Việt readings: chứng 證: Hán Nôm readings: chững' in '證: Hán Việt readings: chứng 證: Hán Nôm readings: chững, chống, chừng' Path: 證

譏 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '譏: Hán Việt readings: cơ' in '譏: Hán Việt readings: cơ, ky, kỵ' Path: 譏

譙 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '譙: Hán Việt readings: tiếu' in '譙: Hán Việt readings: tiếu, tiều, tiệu 譙: Nôm readings: tèo, tiệu, tiều' Path: 譙

譯 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '譯: Hán Việt readings: dịch' in '譯: Hán Việt readings: dịch' Path: 譯

讒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '讒: Hán Việt readings: sàm' in '讒: Hán Việt readings: sàm (士(sĩ)咸(hàm)切(thiết)), gièm 讒: Nôm readings: gièm, sàm, xàm, sòm, sờm, sồm, sóm' Path: 讒

讕 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '讕: Hán Việt readings: lan 讕: Nôm readings: lơn' in '讕: Hán Việt readings: lan 讕: Nôm readings: lơn' Path: 讕

讖 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '讖: Hán Việt readings: sấm' in '讖: Hán Việt readings: sấm' Path: 讖

讞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '讞: Hán Việt readings: nghiện' in '讞: Hán Việt readings: nghiện, nghiễn' Path: 讞

讟 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '讟: Hán Việt readings: độc' in '讟: Hán Việt readings: độc' Path: 讟

豈 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '豈: Hán Việt readings: khởi' in '豈: Hán Việt readings: khởi' Path: 豈

豺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '豺: Hán Việt readings: sài 豺: Nôm readings: sài' in '豺: Hán Việt readings: sài (牀(sàng)皆(giai)切(thiết)) 豺: Nôm readings: sài, rài' Path: 豺

貓 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '貓: Hán Việt readings: miêu 貓: Nôm readings: mèo' in '貓: Hán Việt readings: miêu (眉(mi)鑣(tiêu)切(thiết)) 貓: Nôm readings: mèo, miêu' Path: 貓

貢 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '貢: Hán Việt readings: cống 貢: Nôm readings: cóng' in '貢: Hán Việt readings: cống 貢: Nôm readings: cóng, cống, gỏng, gúng, xống' Path: 貢

賒 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '賒: Hán Việt readings: xa 賒: Nôm readings: xa' in '賒: Hán Việt readings: xa 賒: Nôm readings: xa' Path: 賒

賣 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '賣: Hán Việt readings: mại 賣: Nôm readings: mải' in '賣: Hán Việt readings: mại 賣: Nôm readings: mải, mợi' Path: 賣

賺 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '賺: Hán Việt readings: khiếm' in '賺: Hán Việt readings: khiếm, trám' Path: 賺

贛 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '贛: Hán Việt readings: cống' in '贛: Hán Việt readings: cống' Path: 贛

赦 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '赦: Hán Việt readings: xá 赦: Nôm readings: tha' in '赦: Hán Việt readings: xá 赦: Nôm readings: tha, xá, xóa/xoá' Path: 赦

赭 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '赭: Hán Việt readings: giả 赭: Nôm readings: đỏ' in '赭: Hán Việt readings: giả 赭: Nôm readings: đỏ' Path: 赭

趁 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '趁: Hán Việt readings: sấn 趁: Nôm readings: sấn' in '趁: Hán Việt readings: sấn 趁: Nôm readings: sấn, sán, sắn, sớn, thấn, xớn' Path: 趁

趋 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '趋: Hán Việt readings: xu' in '趋: Hán Việt readings: xu, xúc 趋: Nôm readings: xu' Path: 趋

趑 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '趑: Hán Việt readings: tư' in '趑: Hán Việt readings: tư' Path: 趑

趔 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '趔: Hán Việt readings: liệt' in '趔: Hán Việt readings: liệt' Path: 趔

趨 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '趨: Hán Việt readings: xu' in '趨: Hán Việt readings: xu, xúc 趨: Nôm readings: so, xúc, xu, xô' Path: 趨

跌 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '跌: Hán Việt readings: điệt' in '跌: Hán Việt readings: điệt, trật 跌: Nôm readings: chợt, trượt, trớt, trặc, xớt, xợt, đột' Path: 跌

踞 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '踞: Hán Việt readings: cứ 踞: Nôm readings: cứ' in '踞: Hán Việt readings: cứ 踞: Nôm readings: cứ' Path: 踞

踵 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '踵: Hán Việt readings: chủng' in '踵: Hán Việt readings: chủng' Path: 踵

踽 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '踽: Hán Việt readings: củ 踽: Nôm readings: củ' in '踽: Hán Việt readings: củ 踽: Nôm readings: củ' Path: 踽

蹎 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蹎: Nôm readings: chân' in '蹎: Nôm readings: chân' Path: 蹎

蹤 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蹤: Hán Việt readings: tung 蹤: Nôm readings: tung' in '蹤: Hán Việt readings: tung 蹤: Nôm readings: tung' Path: 蹤

蹴 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '蹴: Hán Việt readings: xúc 蹴: Nôm readings: xúc' in '蹴: Hán Việt readings: xúc 蹴: Nôm readings: xúc' Path: 蹴

躍 (han character) suspicious related form tags ['canonical']: '躍: Hán Việt readings: dược 躍: Nôm readings: dược' in '躍: Hán Việt readings: dược 躍: Nôm readings: dược, vược' Path: 躍

This page is a part of the machine-readable Vietnamese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-06-23 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-06-20 using wiktextract (1b9bfc5 and 0136956). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.