Sample of disambiguated senses (>1 candidate)

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-raihuKikuyuadjfar distant
-âtaLiguriansuffixUsed to form feminine verbal nouns expressing an instance of the action expressed by the verb.feminine morpheme
-âtaLiguriansuffixUsed to form nouns, derived from nouns with a negative connotation, expressing an action.feminine morpheme
-илкаBulgariansuffixDeverbal, forming feminine instrumental or effect nouns.morpheme
-илкаBulgariansuffixDenominal, forming feminine instrumental or object nouns, probably via an intermediate (often obsolete) causative verb.morpheme
-에Koreanparticleat (indicates that the preceding noun functions as a locative adverb, making a place or location)
-에Koreanparticleat (indicates that the preceding noun functions as a temporal adverb, making a point in time)
-에Koreanparticleto (indicates the direction or destination of movement)
-에Koreanparticlebecause of (marks the cause or reason behind an action)
-에Koreanparticlewith, by (marks the noun that acts as the stimulus or cause for a reaction or movement)
-에Koreanparticleto, about, in (marks the noun as the recipient or target that an action affects or within which a state is realized)
-에Koreanparticlefor (indicates that the preceding noun represents a goal or purpose)
-에Koreanparticleby (indicates the method or means by which an action is performed)
-에Koreanparticlein (marks the condition or state in which an action occurs)
-에Koreanparticleper (marks the preceding noun as a reference standard or unit of measure, used for evaluation, distribution, or calculation)
-에Koreanparticlethan (indicates the object of a direct comparison between two entities, without implying a measured standard)
-에Koreanparticleas (shows that the preceding noun represents the role or position assumed)
-에Koreanparticlewithin (conveys that the scope or range is confined to a specified group or area)
-에Koreanparticleabout (with expressions like 관하여 or 대하여. indicates the subject or object that is being specified for discussion)
-에Koreanparticleplus (denotes that something additional is added to what has been mentioned)
-에Koreanparticleand (functions as a coordinating postposition that links two or more nouns of equal status)
AndrésIcelandicnameAndrew. (biblical character)masculine proper-noun
AndrésIcelandicnamea male given name, equivalent to English Andrewmasculine proper-noun
AntwerpEnglishnameA province of Flanders, Belgium, the most populous.
AntwerpEnglishnameThe second-largest city in Belgium, and the capital of its province.
ArkEnglishnameThe boat built by the Biblical Noah to carry himself and the animals of the planet during the Flood.biblical lifestyle religion
ArkEnglishnameThe chest carried by the Hebrews containing the stone tablets carved with the Ten Commandments.biblical lifestyle religion
AusschlagGermannounrash, eruptionmedicine pathology sciencesmasculine strong
AusschlagGermannoundeflection, swing; amplitude (of a pendulum)masculine strong
B-DNAEnglishnounThe default configuration of DNA in cells, right-hand twisting double helix with a significant size difference between major groove and minor groove, and approximately 10 base pairs per twist.uncountable
B-DNAEnglishnounA DNA helix in such a configuration.countable
BickertonEnglishnameA village in civil parish, Cheshire, England (OS grid ref SJ07548).countable uncountable
BickertonEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable uncountable
BisayaHiligaynonnameany of the Visayan language
BisayaHiligaynonnameCebuano (language)specifically
BärenklauGermannounhogweed (plant of the genus Heracleum)feminine masculine strong
BärenklauGermannounbear's breech (plant of the genus Acanthus)feminine masculine strong
DMVEnglishnameThe region made up of the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia.US
DMVEnglishnounInitialism of department of motor vehicles.US abbreviation alt-of initialism
DMVEnglishnounInitialism of deserted medieval village.UK abbreviation alt-of initialism
DMVEnglishnounInitialism of dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.anatomy medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
DekanGermannoundean (senior official at a university; male or unspecified gender)masculine strong
DekanGermannounAlternative form of Dechant (“dean”, church official)alt-of alternative masculine strong
DekanGermannoundecane (alternative spelling of) Decan nchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesneuter strong
DelbrückGermannamea city in Westphalia in the Kreis Paderbornneuter proper-noun
DelbrückGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
EgnatiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
EgnatiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Publius Egnatius Celer, a Roman philosopherdeclension-2
EssonneFrenchnameEssonne (a department of Île-de-France, France)feminine
EssonneFrenchnameEssonne (a left tributary of the Seine, in northern France)feminine
GFEnglishnounInitialism of girlfriend.abbreviation alt-of initialism
GFEnglishnounInitialism of grand final.abbreviation alt-of initialism
GFEnglishnoungoals for, a sports statistichobbies lifestyle sports
GFEnglishnounInitialism of Galois field.mathematics sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
GFEnglishnounInitialism of ground floor.abbreviation alt-of initialism
GFEnglishnounInitialism of gradient factor.diving hobbies lifestyle sports underwater-divingabbreviation alt-of initialism
GFEnglishnameInitialism of German agent F (US designation for the nerve gas cyclosarin).chemistry government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
GFEnglishadjInitialism of gluten-free.abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
GadEnglishnameThe seventh son of Jacob, by his wife's handmaid Zilpah.biblical lifestyle religion
GadEnglishnameOne of the Israelite tribes mentioned in the Torah, descended from Gad.
GadEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.
GadEnglishnameA surname.
GleasonEnglishnameA surname from Irish.countable uncountable
GleasonEnglishnameA town in Weakley County, Tennessee, United States.countable uncountable
GleasonEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Mineral County, West Virginia, United States.countable uncountable
GleasonEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Lincoln County, Wisconsin, United States.countable uncountable
GoyaEnglishnameA surname.
GoyaEnglishnameFrancisco Goya, a Spanish painter
GuatemalaSpanishnameGuatemala (a country in Central America)feminine
GuatemalaSpanishnameGuatemala City (the capital city of Guatemala)feminine
GuatemalaSpanishnameGuatemala (a department of Guatemala)feminine
LatinateEnglishadjOf or derived from Latin.not-comparable
LatinateEnglishadjCharacteristic of or pertaining to Latin.comparable
LennoxEnglishnameA habitational surname from Irish
LennoxEnglishnameA city in Lincoln County, South Dakota, United States.
LennoxEnglishnameA census-designated place in Los Angeles County, California, United States.
LiberiaPolishnameLiberia (a country in West Africa)feminine
LiberiaPolishnameLiberia (a city in Costa Rica)feminine
MaltaLatviannameMalta (an island country in Southern Europe)declension-4 feminine
MaltaLatviannameMalta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago)declension-4 feminine
PUVEnglishnounInitialism of posterior urethral valve.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PUVEnglishnounInitialism of public utility vehicle.road transportPhilippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
PUVEnglishnounInitialism of public utility van.road transportPhilippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
Phra Nakhon Si AyutthayaEnglishnameA province of Thailand.
Phra Nakhon Si AyutthayaEnglishnameThe capital of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, Thailand.
PrinceEnglishnounThe title of a prince.
PrinceEnglishnameA surname transferred from the nickname for someone who acted like a prince, or played the part in a pageant, or served in the household of a prince.countable uncountable
PrinceEnglishnameA male given name from English in occasional use.countable uncountable
PrinceEnglishnameA township in Algoma District, Ontario, Canada.countable uncountable
PrinceEnglishnameA hamlet in the Rural Municipality of Meota No. 468, Saskatchewan, Canada.countable uncountable
PrinceEnglishnameA census-designated place in Fayette County, West Virginia, United States.countable uncountable
PräsenzdienstGermannounany kind of service that requires the service provider to be physically presentdated masculine strong
PräsenzdienstGermannounmandatory military serviceAustria masculine strong
QuerétaroSpanishnameQuerétaro (a state of Mexico; capital and largest city: Querétaro)masculine
QuerétaroSpanishnameQuerétaro (the state capital, the largest city in Querétaro, Mexico)masculine
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of statutory maternity pay (“payments made by an employer to an employee who is absent from work due to their pregnancy”).British abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of symmetric multiprocessing.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of socialist millionaire problem.computing cryptography engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of single member plurality.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of support and maintenance package.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of system marginal price (“the marginal electricity price in a power system optimization”).abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of scalp micropigmentation.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of statement of monetary policy.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of shape-memory polymer.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of signal message processor.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of silyl modified polymer.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of slow-moving proteinase.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of stable marriage problem or stable matching problem.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of stable massive particle.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of surface-mount package.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of system modification program.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnounInitialism of survival gamingabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Symbolic Manipulation Program (“a computer algebra system and predecessor of Mathematica”).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Supplementary Multilingual Plane, one of the sets of character codepoints in Unicode; formally known as Plane 1, and comprising the range of codepoints from U+10000 through U+1FFFF.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Scale Model Products.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of School Mathematics Project.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Shanghai Municipal Police.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Sisters of Mary of the Presentation.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Standard Motor Products.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Simulation Model Portability.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of SOTA Mapping Project.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Serial Management Protocol.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Saw Mill Parkway.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Shannonville Motorsport Park.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Super Mario Party.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Sounds of Mass Production or Synthesia Murder Program.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SMPEnglishnameInitialism of Send More Paramedics.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Santa FeSpanishnameSanta Fe (the capital city of New Mexico and the county seat of Santa Fe County)feminine
Santa FeSpanishnameSanta Fe (a province in the center-east of Argentina)feminine
Santa FeSpanishnameSanta Fe (the capital city of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina); in full, Santa Fe de la Vera Cruzfeminine
Santa FeSpanishnameSanta Fe (several other places in Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, Honduras, Panama, the Philippines, Spain and the United States)feminine
SchriftstückGermannoundocumentneuter strong
SchriftstückGermannounwritlawneuter strong
ShapovalovEnglishnameA surname from Russian.
ShapovalovEnglishnameA surname from Russian. / masculine of Shapovalovaform-of masculine
ShebanEnglishadjOf or relating to Sheba.
ShebanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Sheba.
São PauloEnglishnameA state of the Southeast Region, Brazil. Capital: São Paulo.
São PauloEnglishnameA municipality, the state capital of São Paulo, Brazil.
TanskaFinnishnameDenmark (a country in Northern Europe)
TanskaFinnishnamea Finnish surname
Tar HeelEnglishnounSynonym of North Carolinian.US slang
Tar HeelEnglishnounA person associated with or supportive of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.US slang
Tar HeelEnglishnameA small town in Bladen County, North Carolina.
Tar HeelEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Hickman County, Kentucky.
TikTokEnglishnameA video-sharing social media platform.
TikTokEnglishnounA small video that can be viewed online, particularly one hosted on TikTok.informal neologism
TikTokEnglishnounA TikTok account.informal
TikTokEnglishverbTo upload a video of something to TikTok.neologism transitive
TikTokEnglishverbTo search for and view on TikTok.neologism transitive
UmrissGermannounoutline (line marking the boundary of an object figure)masculine strong
UmrissGermannounoutline (broad description)figuratively masculine plural strong
VerneunfachungGermannounincreasing ninefold, nonuplingfeminine
VerneunfachungGermannounmultiplication by nine, nonuplicationfeminine
WalldorfGermannameA town in Rhein-Neckar-Kreis district, Baden-Württemberg, Germanyneuter proper-noun
WalldorfGermannamea part of the town of Mörfelden-Walldorf, Hessen, Germanyneuter proper-noun
WalldorfGermannamea quarter of the town of Meiningen, Thuringia, Germanyneuter proper-noun
WalldorfGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
abfallenGermanverbto fall off, to drop offclass-7 strong
abfallenGermanverbto apostatizelifestyle religionclass-7 strong
abfallenGermanverbto secedeclass-7 strong
achegarPortugueseverbto bring closer; to put within reachtransitive
achegarPortugueseverbto come closerpronominal
achigeOjibweverbput (things) in a certain place
achigeOjibweverbbet, place a bet
acoperiRomanianverbto cover
acoperiRomanianverbto shield
acélHungariannounsteel (artificial metal produced from iron)countable uncountable
acélHungariannounmade of steelattributive countable uncountable
acélHungariannounsteel (item made of steel)countable uncountable
acélHungariannounswordarchaic countable literary uncountable
acélHungariannounsteely, strong, tough, sturdy (forming a compound with single words, e.g. acélidegek/acélidegzet, acélizmú, acélmarkú, acélszívű)attributive countable uncountable
ad tempusLatinadvon time, in time, punctuallynot-comparable
ad tempusLatinadvtemporarilynot-comparable
ad tempusLatinadvfor the current time, for a while, at presentnot-comparable
adapterEnglishnounOne who is capable of adapting to differing situations.
adapterEnglishnounOne who adapts a thing, e.g. a play.
adapterEnglishnounA device or application used to achieve operative compatibility between devices that otherwise are incompatible. / Specifically, a device that permits two or more plugs to be used at a single electrical power point.
adapterEnglishnounA device or application used to achieve operative compatibility between devices that otherwise are incompatible. / Specifically, a device that allows one format of plug to be used with a different format of socket.
adapterEnglishnounA device or application used to achieve operative compatibility between devices that otherwise are incompatible. / Specifically, an AC adapter: a device that reduces voltage and converts AC to DC to allow a battery-powered device to use mains power.
adapterEnglishnounA device or application used to achieve operative compatibility between devices that otherwise are incompatible.
adapterEnglishnounA collection of low-rank matrices which, when added to a base model, produces a fine-tuned model; a LoRA.
admirarPortugueseverbto admire (to regard with wonder)transitive
admirarPortugueseverbto admire (to value highly)transitive
admirarPortugueseverbto be amazed (to marvel at)reflexive
affinageFrenchnounrefiningengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
afwikkelingDutchnounending, conclusionfeminine
age outEnglishverbTo become too old for an activity, program or institution; to become too mature for a behavior.intransitive
age outEnglishverbTo die or retire.government politicseuphemistic
ahorrarSpanishverbto save (to store for future use)transitive
ahorrarSpanishverbto save (to conserve or prevent the wasting of)transitive
ahorrarSpanishverbto avoid
ahorrarSpanishverbto spare
aikoaFinnishverbto plan to do, intend to do, aim to do; to be going to do, will dointransitive
aikoaFinnishverbto plan to be, intend to be, aim to be, strive to beintransitive
aloftEnglishadvAt, to, or in the air or sky.
aloftEnglishadvAbove, overhead, in a high place; up.
aloftEnglishadvIn the top, at the masthead, or on the higher yards or rigging.nautical transport
alternatywniePolishadvalternatively (other, different from something else, not traditional, outside the mainstream, underground)not-comparable
alternatywniePolishadvalternatively (relating to a choice between two or more possibilities)not-comparable
alusEstoniannounbase, bottom (something on which an object stands or is attached to)
alusEstoniannounfoundation, base, fundamental (in an abstract sense)
alusEstoniannounwatercraft, vessel
alusEstoniannounsubjectgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencessubjective
alusEstoniannounbasechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ambianceEnglishnounA particular mood or atmosphere of an environment or surrounding influence.countable uncountable
ambianceEnglishnounA secondary color of a polygon that becomes more pronounced with computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
anggalIndonesianadjlight (not heavy)
anggalIndonesiannounhardened human feces
anghitBikol Centralnounsmell or odor of a goat
anghitBikol Centralnounbody odor (of armpits)broadly
ankkaFinnishnoundomestic duck, Anas platyrhynchos varieties
ankkaFinnishnounEllipsis of uutisankka (“canard”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
anróIrishnounhardship (due to severe weather)masculine
arNorthern Kurdishnounfiremasculine
arNorthern Kurdishnounash, ashesmasculine
arNorthern KurdishnounAlternative form of ard (“flour”)alt-of alternative masculine
arNorthern Kurdishnounshame, disgrace
arNorthern Kurdishnounare (square decametre, 100 m²)
arNorthern KurdishnounAbbreviation of argon.abbreviation alt-of
arabskojazyčnýCzechadjArabophone (Arabic-speaking)
arabskojazyčnýCzechadjwritten or spoken in Arabic
arcologyEnglishnounUrban development theory proposed by Paolo Soleri involving three-dimensional building methods and efficient use of space and resources.uncountable
arcologyEnglishnounAn extremely large building or complex, sufficient to maintain an internal ecology as well as an extremely high human population density.countable
arrangereNorwegian Bokmålverbto arrange
arrangereNorwegian Bokmålverbto organise (UK), or organize
ascendentCatalanadjascendingfeminine masculine
ascendentCatalannounascendent (ancestor)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
ascendentCatalannounauthority, influencemasculine
ascendentCatalannounascendantastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesmasculine
assuredEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of assureform-of participle past
assuredEnglishadjGuaranteed; secure.
assuredEnglishadjSelf-confident; self-assured; sure.
assuredEnglishadjReliable, confirmed.obsolete
assuredEnglishnounAn insured person.
atEnglishprepIn, near, or in the general vicinity of (a particular place). / Attending (an educational institution).
atEnglishprepIn, near, or in the general vicinity of (a particular place). / Working for (a company) or in (a place or situation).
atEnglishprepIn, near, or in the general vicinity of (a particular place). / Indicating distance or direction relative to the speaker.
atEnglishprepIn, near, or in the general vicinity of (a particular place).
atEnglishprepPresent or taking place during (an event).
atEnglishprepIndicating time of occurrence, especially an instant of time, or a period of time relatively short in context or from the speaker’s perspective.
atEnglishprepIndicating time of occurrence, especially an instant of time, or a period of time relatively short in context or from the speaker’s perspective. / (also as at; before dates) On (a particular date).business financeCommonwealth Ireland UK especially
atEnglishprepIn the direction of; towards; (often implied to be in a hostile or careless manner).
atEnglishprepIndicating action bearing upon something, especially continued or repeated action.
atEnglishprepIn response or reaction to.
atEnglishprepOccupied in (activity).
atEnglishprepIn a state of.
atEnglishprepSubject to.
atEnglishprepDenotes a price.
atEnglishprepIndicates a position on a scale or in a series.
atEnglishprepIn certain phrases, used to indicate the manner in which something happens or is done.
atEnglishprepIndicates a specific speed or rate that is maintained by something.
atEnglishprepIndicates a means or method.
atEnglishprepOn the subject of; regarding.
atEnglishprepBothering, irritating, causing discomfort toIreland
atEnglishprepAlso used in various other idiomatic combinations: at a pinch, at all, at fault, at pains, at risk, at that, etc.; see the individual entries.
atEnglishnounThe at sign (@).
atEnglishverbRare form of @; to reply to or talk to someone, either online or face-to-face. (from the practice of targeting a message or reply to someone online by writing @name)form-of informal neologism rare
atEnglishpronAlternative form of 'at (relative pronoun; reduced form of “that” and/or “what”)Northern-England alt-of alternative obsolete possibly rare
atEnglishnounAlternative form of att (Laos currency unit)alt-of alternative
audaciaItaliannoundaring, audacityfeminine
aukkoFinnishnounhole, gap, opening
aukkoFinnishnounaperturearts hobbies lifestyle photography
aukkoFinnishnounhole (lack of an electron)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
aukkoFinnishnounhole (security vulnerability)
aukkoFinnishnounclearcut patchbusiness forestrycolloquial
ausGermanadjover; finished; done; upindeclinable predicative
ausGermanadjoffindeclinable predicative
ausGermanprepout of; from (from the inside of something)
ausGermanprepfrom (a place; see usage notes below)
ausGermanprepof; made of; out of
ausGermanprepfor; out of (because of a feeling or inner quality)
açıkGagauzadjopen (not closed)
açıkGagauzadjopen, bare (not covered)
açıkGagauzadjdirect, frank, honest
açıkGagauzadjbright, lightcolor
açıkGagauzadjclear, clean, transparent
açıkGagauzadjtransparent, visible, evident
aðhaldIcelandicnounsupport, assistanceneuter no-plural
aðhaldIcelandicnounsupervision, restraint, controlneuter no-plural
aðhaldIcelandicnounthrift, economizing, the act of saving moneyneuter no-plural
aðhaldIcelandicnounslimmingneuter no-plural
banyoTagalognounbathroom; shower room / area; bath; bathtub
banyoTagalognounlavatory; toilet; WC; comfort room; restroom
bassinDutchnounbasin, reservoir, bowlneuter
bassinDutchnounbasin, drainage basinneuter
baudītLatvianverbto enjoy, to savourtransitive
baudītLatvianverbto take, to partake of (food or drink); to eat, to drinktransitive
bałwaństwoOld Polishnounidolatrylifestyle religionneuter
bałwaństwoOld Polishnounidols, graven imageslifestyle religioncollective neuter
behoveMiddle EnglishnounBenefit, advantage.uncountable
behoveMiddle EnglishnounDuty.uncountable
bekruipenDutchverbto creep on/ up to, to approach and/or mount by crawling, especially stealthilytransitive
bekruipenDutchverbto steal upon, to come over, to assail (of feelings and thoughts)transitive
benepenDutchadjfearful, timid
benepenDutchadjpetty, narrow-minded
betalenDutchverbto paytransitive
betalenDutchverbto pay for, suffer the consequences oftransitive
biblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology, biblicism (study of the Bible)literary neuter
biblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology (study of books)dated neuter
biobedEnglishnounA pit of soil used in agriculture to capture pesticide residue and break it down.agriculture business lifestyle
biobedEnglishnounA bed equipped with biofeedback sensors for medical diagnosis.literature media publishing science-fiction
biorIrishnounpoint, tipmasculine
biorIrishnounspitcooking food lifestylemasculine
biorIrishnounpoint, fielding position between gully and coverball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
biorIrishnounwaterliterary masculine
bisowyPolishadjencorenot-comparable relational
bisowyPolishadjrepeat, extranot-comparable
boaterEnglishnounSomeone who travels by boat.nautical transport
boaterEnglishnounSynonym of boatman, particularly its captain.nautical transport
boaterEnglishnounA straw hat, very stiff, with a flat brim and clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
bolehMalayverbTo be able to; can.auxiliary
bolehMalayverbTo have permission to; may, can.auxiliary
bolehMalayverbTo acquire.obsolete
bonusIndonesiannounbonus: / something extra that is good; an added benefitplural
bonusIndonesiannounbonus: / an extra sum given as a premium, e.g. to an employee or to a shareholderplural
breSerbo-Croatianintjused to insist on or emphasize something being said or commanded, often also stressing the speaker’s perception of evidentness of the thing insisted on: bro, man, I say, I’m telling you, can’t you seeSerbia colloquial
breSerbo-Croatianintjused to insist on an answer to or emphasize a question: on earth, the hellSerbia colloquial
breSerbo-Croatianintjused to intensify a preceding interjectionSerbia colloquial
brumouslyEnglishadvIn a brumous way or manner.
brumouslyEnglishadvMurkily, foggily, hazily.
brühenGermanverbto blanch, pour seething water overtransitive weak
brühenGermanverbto brew, put a pot ontransitive weak
buforPolishnounbuffer (part of the buffers-and-chain coupling system used on the railway systems of many countries for attaching railway vehicles to one another)rail-transport railways transportinanimate masculine
buforPolishnounbuffer (anything used to isolate or minimize the effect of one thing on another)inanimate literary masculine
buforPolishnounbuffer (portion of memory set aside to temporarily store data, often before it is sent to an external device or as it is received from an external device)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
buforPolishnounbuffer (solution used to stabilize the pH (acidity) of a liquid)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
buforPolishnounrack (woman's breasts)colloquial in-plural inanimate masculine
bugaongCebuanonouncrescent grunter, crescent perch, [[jarbua terapon, tiger perch (Terapon jarbua)
bugaongCebuanonounsilver perch (Leiopotherapon plumbeus)
burreraSpanishnounmule driverfeminine
burreraSpanishnounsomeone who sells vegetables from the back of a mulefeminine
bäddaSwedishverbto make the bed
bäddaSwedishverbto create favorable conditions for; to make for, to pave the way for, etc.
bölaSwedishverbto weep (profusely), to bawlcolloquial
bölaSwedishverbto let out an extended bellow (like a bull)
bỉuTàyadjbent; twisted; distorted
caciquismoSpanishnounthe power or influence of a chieftainmasculine
caciquismoSpanishnouninterference by a person in a position of authority in something already determinedmasculine
calzoneItaliannountrousers, pantsmasculine plural-normally
calzoneItaliannouncalzone (baked Italian turnover)masculine
cambiarAsturianverbto change
cambiarAsturianverbto exchange
cambioItaliannoungear, stickshift (of a motor vehicle)masculine
cambioItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cambiarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
caravillaGaliciannounhook bolt; latchfeminine
caravillaGaliciannounpegentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
caravillaGaliciannounpeg / peg under the bed of the cart used for tying and securing the load with ropesbusiness carpentry construction manufacturingfeminine
caravillaGaliciannounpeg / one of several pegs which fasten the wheels to the axe in a traditional Galician cartbusiness carpentry construction manufacturingfeminine
caravillaGaliciannounpegbusiness carpentry construction manufacturingfeminine
caráSpanishnountaro (Colocasia esculenta)masculine
caráSpanishnounsmooth-cheek eartheater (Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys)masculine
caráSpanishnounchameleon cichlid (Australoheros facetus)masculine
cecropiaEnglishnounA large saturniid moth native to North America, Hyalophora cecropia, having distinctive red, white and black markings on the wings
cecropiaEnglishnounAny tree of the genus Cecropia.
cenninWelshnounleekscollective feminine
cenninWelshnoundaffodilscollective feminine
cheritaIbannountelevision show
chiaroscuroEnglishnounAn artistic technique developed during the Renaissance, referring to the use of strong contrasts between light and dark in order to create the illusion of volume.countable uncountable
chiaroscuroEnglishnounA monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color.countable uncountable
chiaroscuroEnglishnounA woodcut technique in which several woodcut blocks are used to print different shades of a color, or a woodcut print made by this artscountable uncountable
chiaroscuroEnglishnounA photographic technique in which one side of the subject, for example a face, is well lit and the other is in shadow.arts hobbies lifestyle photographycountable uncountable
chiaroscuroEnglishadjPossessing the qualities of a work of chiaroscuro.figuratively
chinêsPortugueseadjChinese / of Chinanot-comparable relational
chinêsPortugueseadjChinese / of the Chinese peoplenot-comparable relational
chinêsPortugueseadjChinese / of the Chinese languagenot-comparable relational
chinêsPortuguesenounChinese personmasculine
chinêsPortuguesenounChinese languagemasculine uncountable
chircheMiddle Englishnounchurch, cathedral
chircheMiddle Englishnountemple, synagogue
chircheMiddle Englishnounclergy, priests
chircheMiddle Englishnounreligious organisation or community
chircheMiddle EnglishnounChristendom, the whole of Christianity
chircheMiddle EnglishnounThe Roman Catholic Church
chircheMiddle EnglishnounA regional branch of Christianity
chvástáníCzechnounverbal noun of chvástatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
chvástáníCzechnounbragging, boasting, blusterneuter
chymistryEnglishnounEarly Modern chemistry, as proto-scientific and not fully distinct from alchemy.historical uncountable usually
chymistryEnglishnounObsolete form of chemistry.alt-of obsolete uncountable usually
chęćPolishnounwish, desirefeminine
ciekawyPolishadjcurious, interested (wanting to find out more)noun-from-verb sometimes
ciekawyPolishadjcurious, interested (characteristic of someone wanting to find out more)
ciekawyPolishadjcurious, interesting (evoking curiosity or interest in people)
ciekawyPolishadjwilling (happy or wanting to do something)dialectal obsolete
ciekawyPolishadjquick-witted; astuteobsolete
ciekawyPolishadjclever; funnyobsolete
ciekawyPolishadjchasing by scenthobbies hunting lifestyleobsolete
ciekawyPolishadjfast, quickMiddle Polish noun-from-verb sometimes
ciekawyPolishadjrestlessMiddle Polish noun-from-verb sometimes
circumfluoLatinverbto flow around somethingconjugation-3 transitive
circumfluoLatinverbto flow aroundconjugation-3 intransitive
circumfluoLatinverbto flock around, encompass, surroundconjugation-3 figuratively
circumfluoLatinverbto be in rich in, abound in, overflow withconjugation-3 figuratively with-ablative
crushableEnglishadjThat can be crushed.
crushableEnglishadjOn whom one may form a crush, or romantic attachment.informal
crushableEnglishadjEasy-drinking or sessionable.informal
crónicaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of crónicofeminine form-of singular
crónicaPortuguesenouncolumn, articlejournalism mediafeminine
crónicaPortuguesenounnarrative, accountfeminine
cumeGaliciannounmountain top, summitmasculine
cumeGaliciannounridge, roof topmasculine
cumeGaliciannounridge boardmasculine
cumeGaliciannountop positionmasculine
cumeGaliciannounsummit (gathering of leathers, etc)masculine
càrneLiguriannounflesh, meatfeminine uncountable
càrneLiguriannounmeat (a type of meat, by anatomic position and provenance)feminine
Scottish Gaelicpronwho
Scottish GaelicpronIn conjunction with the preposition à: where ... from
Scottish GaelicpronIn conjunction with the prepositions ri or de: what
Scottish GaelicpronIn conjunction with the prepositions le: with what
cóndorSpanishnounAndean condormasculine
daerahIndonesiannounregion; area
dalikdikCebuanonoundead skin, dirt, grime
dalikdikCebuanonounthe clay-like mixture of dust, oil and dead skin removed when exfoliating
dalikdikCebuanonounthe dirt removed when rubbing or scrubbing skin
damageOld Frenchnoundamage
damageOld Frenchnouninjury, hurt, insult
damarIndonesiannounresin (secretion of plants)
damarIndonesiannounresin (viscous liquid of plant origin)
damarIndonesiannouncandlenut (Aleurites moluccanus)
dancyEnglishadjReady to dance.informal
dancyEnglishadjOf music: suitable for dancing to.informal
dancyEnglishadjSynonym of dancettégovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable
dead zoneEnglishnounAn area with no life.
dead zoneEnglishnounAn area of the ocean where oxygen levels are too low to support life, especially as a result of pollution.biology ecology natural-sciences
dead zoneEnglishnounA region where mobile phones do not operate because there is no base station or repeater nearby.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
dead zoneEnglishnounThe part of the field where a player is on their opponent's side of the field but kicking a field goal would probably be unsuccessful and punting the ball would not dramatically change field position.hobbies lifestyle sports
dead zoneEnglishnounAn area near a fortification that is relatively sheltered from defending fire because direct fire from other parts of the walls cannot be directed around a curved wall.government military politics warhistorical
dead zoneEnglishnounA region within the player's viewpoint that is less sensitive to small movements, aiding accurate firing of weapons
deconflationEnglishnounThe act or process of deconflating.countable uncountable
deconflationEnglishnounAn instance of deconflating.countable uncountable
degetarRomaniannounfoxglove (Digitalis purpurea)biology botany natural-sciencesneuter
demokratiSwedishnoundemocracy (government under the rule of its people); a nation which is ruled by a democratically elected governmentcommon-gender countable
demokratiSwedishnoundemocracy; rule by the peoplecommon-gender uncountable
deməkAzerbaijaniverbto say, telltransitive
deməkAzerbaijaniverbto mean, to signify (used with the copulas -dir or deyil)intransitive
deməkAzerbaijaniverbto call (to name, identify or describe)ditransitive
deməkAzerbaijaniconjtherefore, hence, consequently
dentroPortugueseadvinside (within or into something’s interior)
dentroPortugueseadvindoors (in a building)
detectiveEnglishnounA police officer tasked with collecting evidence and information in order to solve a crime; an investigator.government law-enforcement
detectiveEnglishnounA person employed to find information not otherwise available to the public.
detectiveEnglishadjEmployed in detecting.not-comparable
deviasiIndonesiannoundeviation: / the act of deviating; wandering off the correct or true path or road; a departure from the correct way of acting
deviasiIndonesiannoundeviation: / the state or result of having deviated; a transgression; an act of sin; an error; an offense
deviasiIndonesiannoundeviation: / for interval variables and ratio variables, a measure of difference between the observed value and the meanmathematics sciences statistics
deviasiIndonesiannoundeviance: Actions or behaviors that violate formal and informal cultural norms such as laws and customshuman-sciences sciences social-science sociology
diehardEnglishadjUnreasonably or stubbornly resisting change.
diehardEnglishadjFanatically opposing progress or reform.
diehardEnglishadjComplete; having no opposite opinion of anything in a particular topic of one's values; thorough of in one's beliefs.
diehardEnglishadjStrongly or fanatically determined or devoted.
diehardEnglishnounA person with such an attitude.
diktNorwegian Nynorsknounpoem (literary piece written in verse)neuter
diktNorwegian Nynorsknounfiction, pack of lies, invention (compare dikte opp)neuter
diktNorwegian Nynorskadvclose
diktNorwegian Nynorskadvreally, indeed, truly, very
discordanteSpanishadjdiscordantfeminine masculine
discordanteSpanishadjconflictingfeminine masculine
dlawbGreen Hmongadjwhite
dlawbGreen Hmongadjclean
dlawbGreen Hmongadjfree; without charge
do the honorsEnglishverbTo act as a host to guests.idiomatic
do the honorsEnglishverbTo perform a duty.idiomatic
dochtIrishadjtight, close
dochtIrishadjstiff, rigid
dochtIrishadjstrict, hard
dochtIrishverbtighten, bind securelytransitive
dochtIrishnounAlternative form of tocht (“stoppage, obstruction; emotional catch; deep emotion”)alt-of alternative masculine
domhandaIrishadjmundane, worldly
domhandaIrishadjworldwide, global
drug dealEnglishnounAn illegal business transaction where cash or something else of value is exchanged for illegal drugs, usually conducted in a clandestine manner.
drug dealEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see drug, deal.
drunk drivingEnglishnounThe act of driving under the influence of alcohol.automotive law transport vehiclesUS uncountable
drunk drivingEnglishnounThe act of driving under the influence of alcohol. / Specifically, the criminal offence of driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level higher than the local legal limit.automotive law transport vehiclesUS uncountable
dupleEnglishadjDouble.not-comparable rare
dupleEnglishadjHaving two beats, or a multiple of two beats, in each measure.not-comparable
dupleEnglishadjHaving two beats in each foot.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingnot-comparable
dysnomiaEnglishnounAnomic aphasia, a condition affecting the memory that impairs the recall of words or names.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
dysnomiaEnglishnounImpaired or deficient ability to recall words or names.human-sciences medicine neurology neuroscience psychology sciencescountable uncountable
dysnomiaEnglishnounAn incident of a person not recalling a word or name.countable
dzertLatvianverbto drink (to take a liquid into the mouth and swallow it)intransitive transitive
dzertLatvianverbto drink (to satisfy one's thirst)intransitive transitive
dzertLatvianverbto take, to ingest (with a liquid)intransitive transitive
dzertLatvianverbto enjoy (light, air, climate)figuratively intransitive transitive
dzertLatvianverbto drink (to consume alcoholic beverages frequently, systematically)intransitive transitive
dzertLatvianverbto drink (an alcoholic beverage) to the honor of someone, of a celebration), to celebrate (weddings, baptisms, funerals)intransitive transitive
dzwonekPolishnoundiminutive of dzwondiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
dzwonekPolishnounbellinanimate masculine
dzwonekPolishnounringtoneinanimate masculine
dzwonekPolishnounbellflower (any plant of the genus Campanula)inanimate masculine
dzwonekPolishnounglockenspielin-plural inanimate masculine
dzwonekPolishnoundiamondcard-games gamesinanimate masculine
düüşmääGagauzverbto fightintransitive
düüşmääGagauzverbto battle, to clashintransitive
düüşmääGagauzverbto quarrelintransitive
düüşmääGagauzverbto struggleintransitive
ealdormanryEnglishnounThe rank or status of an ealdorman.uncountable
ealdormanryEnglishnounThe district in which an ealdorman serves.countable
edificatorioItalianadjbuilding, constructionrelational
eksyttääFinnishverbto lead astray, misleadtransitive
eksyttääFinnishverbto make someone get lost, to disorientatetransitive
emendoLatinverbto free from faults, correct, improve, remedy, amend, revise, cureconjugation-1
emendoLatinverbto correct by punishment, chastise, atone or compensate forconjugation-1
empyrealEnglishadjPertaining to the highest heaven or the empyrean.not-comparable
empyrealEnglishadjOf the sky or heavens.not-comparable
empyrealEnglishadjFiery, made of pure fire.not-comparable
endearmentEnglishnounThe act or process of endearing, of causing (something or someone) to be loved or to be the object of affection.
endearmentEnglishnounThe state or characteristic of being endeared.
endearmentEnglishnounAn expression of affection.
endocranicoItalianadjendocranialanatomy medicine sciences
endocranicoItalianadjintracranialanatomy medicine sciences
ensañarSpanishverbto irritatetransitive
ensañarSpanishverbto enjoy causing pain or discomfortreflexive
entrepriseFrenchnouncompany, businessfeminine
entrepriseFrenchnounenterprise, projectfeminine
entsetzenLuxembourgishverbto horrify, to appalltransitive
entsetzenLuxembourgishverbto be horrified, to be appalledreflexive
eq.EnglishnounAlternative form of eqalt-of alternative countable uncountable
eq.EnglishnounAbbreviation of equivalent.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
erschlagenGermanverbto slay, to strike deadclass-6 strong transitive
erschlagenGermanverbto swamp; to overwhelmclass-6 figuratively strong transitive
escarmentarSpanishverbto punish severly, reprimand, rebuke
escarmentarSpanishverbto learn a lesson
escrúpuloPortuguesenounscruple, a nagging doubt, pang of conscience, or ethical concernmasculine
escrúpuloPortuguesenounAlternative form of escrópulo, a small traditional unit of massalt-of alternative historical masculine
esileItalianadjslender, slim (person)
esileItalianadjthin (all senses)
esileItalianadjfaint (sound)
esileItaliannounhexylchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesmasculine
eyednessEnglishnounThe quality of having a dominant eye - one eye that is used more than the other.uncountable
eyednessEnglishnounThe state or quality of having a particular type of eye or eyes.uncountable
eàrrScottish Gaelicnountailfeminine masculine
eàrrScottish Gaelicnounend, conclusionfeminine masculine
familialEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a human family.not-comparable
familialEnglishadjPertaining to a taxon at the rank of family.biology natural-sciences taxonomynot-comparable
familialEnglishadjOf or pertaining to any grouping of things referred to as a family.not-comparable
familialEnglishadjInherited.medicine pathology sciencesnot-comparable
fantásticoPortugueseadjfantastic (wonderful; marvelous)
fantásticoPortugueseadjfantastical (pertaining to fantasy)
felaIcelandicverbto hide, to concealstrong verb weak
felaIcelandicverbto entrust with, to charge withditransitive strong verb weak
felaIcelandicnounhiding placefeminine
feladHungarianverbto hand up something (to reach up in order to pass an object)transitive
feladHungarianverbto post (to send an item of mail)transitive
feladHungarianverbto give up, to surrendertransitive
feladHungarianverbto give as an exercisetransitive
feladHungarianverbto help someone (-ra/-re) with their coattransitive
fetisjismeDutchnounfetishism, sexual paraphilianeuter uncountable
fetisjismeDutchnounfetishism, worship of fetishes (magical objects)neuter uncountable
feverishlyEnglishadvWith excitement and determination.
feverishlyEnglishadvWith speed; rapidly.
fibrosoSpanishadjstringy, gristly
fluorosilaneEnglishnounThe compound SiH₃F or SiH₂F₂ &cchemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
fluorosilaneEnglishnounAny alkyl or aryl derivative of these compoundschemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencescountable uncountable
flusterEnglishverbTo throw (someone) into a state of confusion or panic; to befuddle, to confuse.transitive
flusterEnglishverbTo make (someone) feel flushed and hot through drinking alcoholic beverages; also, to make (someone) slightly drunk or tipsy.dated transitive
flusterEnglishverbTo be agitated and confused; to bustle.intransitive
flusterEnglishverbTo catch attention; to be showy or splendid.British dialectal intransitive
flusterEnglishverbTo boast or brag noisily; to bluster, to swagger.intransitive obsolete
flusterEnglishverbOf a seed: to produce a shoot quickly.intransitive obsolete
flusterEnglishnounA state of agitation or confusion; a flutter.
flusterEnglishnounA state of slight drunkenness or tipsiness; also, the excitement caused by this state.obsolete
flusterEnglishnounShowiness, splendour.obsolete
fondacionOccitannounfoundation (act of founding)feminine
fondacionOccitannounfoundation (humanitarian organization)feminine
formosusLatinadjbeautiful, handsomeadjective declension-1 declension-2
formosusLatinadjaesthetic, well-formedadjective declension-1 declension-2
fornøyelseNorwegian Bokmålnounpleasure, enjoyment, delightmasculine
fornøyelseNorwegian Bokmålnounamusement, entertainmentmasculine
forðProto-Brythonicnounroad, pathfeminine reconstruction
forðProto-Brythonicnounway, mannerbroadly feminine reconstruction
frangiaturaItaliannounfringes (plural)feminine
froidFrenchadjcold (temperature)
froidFrenchnouncold, chillmedicine pathology sciencesmasculine uncountable
froidFrenchnoundistance, strainmasculine uncountable
frotteurismEnglishnounThe act of non-consensually rubbing one’s genitalia against another person, usually a stranger, considered a psychiatric condition as well as a criminal offense in most places. (If consensual, it is frottage.)lifestyle sexualityuncountable
frotteurismEnglishnounA paraphilia involving sexual arousal from rubbing one’s genitalia against another person, usually a stranger.uncountable
fruchtberWest Frisianadjfruitful, fertile
fruchtberWest Frisianadjprolific
furcularEnglishadjShaped like a fork; furcatenot-comparable
furcularEnglishadjRelating to a furculaanatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
féinIrishadveven, only
féinIrishnouninflection of féan: / vocative/genitive singularform-of
féinIrishnouninflection of féan: / nominative/dative pluraldative form-of nominative plural
gadgieEnglishnounA man.Geordie Mackem Scotland Teesside
gadgieEnglishnounA person who is poorly educated and engages in hooliganism, petty criminality or loutish behaviour. This usage sometimes carries the connotation of youth.Dundee Scotland derogatory especially
gaigijanąProto-Germanicverbto move back and forth, to totterreconstruction
gaigijanąProto-Germanicverbto take a wrong direction, to transgressreconstruction
gibaZuluverbto take out, to defeat
gibaZuluverbto set a trap
gibaZuluverbto convict
gingillareItalianverbto play around with, to fiddle withtransitive
gingillareItalianverbto mock, to make fun oftransitive
gingillareItalianverbto procrastinate, to dawdlwintransitive rare
godEnglishnounA deity or supreme being; a supernatural, typically immortal, being with superior powers, to which personhood is attributed.
godEnglishnounAn idol. / A representation of a deity, especially a statue or statuette.
godEnglishnounAn idol. / Something or someone particularly revered, worshipped, idealized, admired and/or followed.figuratively
godEnglishnounA person in a very high position of authority, importance or influence; a powerful ruler or tyrant.figuratively
godEnglishnounA person who is exceptionally skilled in a particular activity.figuratively informal
godEnglishnounAn exceedingly handsome man.figuratively informal
godEnglishnounThe person who owns and runs a multi-user dungeon.Internet
godEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of Godhuman-sciences philosophy sciencesalso alt-of derogatory often
godEnglishverbTo idolize.transitive
godEnglishverbTo deify.transitive
golden ruleEnglishnounA fundamental rule or principle.idiomatic
golden ruleEnglishnounThe principle that one should treat other people in the manner in which one would want to be treated by them.ethics human-sciences philosophy sciences
golden ruleEnglishnounA method of statutory interpretation, whereby a judge will deviate from a literal interpretation of the law to the extent necessary to circumvent obvious absurdities or (sometimes) conclusions repugnant to public policy.lawEngland Wales idiomatic
goleadaSpanishnounrout, hammering, thrashing, trouncing, beating, barrage of goals (scoring many goals)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine
goleadaSpanishnounrout, landslide (with big margins, with a lot)government politicsbroadly feminine
goleadaSpanishverbfeminine singular of goleadofeminine form-of participle singular
goniometerEnglishnounA device used to measure angles. / A device used to measure the angles of joints commonly used in orthopedics and physical therapy.
goniometerEnglishnounA device used to measure angles. / A device used to measure the angles of crystals.
goniometerEnglishnounA device used to measure angles. / An arthrometer (device for measuring the arc or range of mobility of a joint).medicine sciences
goniometerEnglishnounA radio direction finder.
gosCatalannouna lazy manfiguratively masculine
günlükTurkishadjof the (same) day, fresh
günlükTurkishnouna quantity sufficient for a given number of days; an age given in days
günlükTurkishnounday, journey
günlükTurkishnounstorax (resin), frankincense
ha haEnglishintjExpression of laughter.
ha haEnglishintjA defiant expression used to tease somebody.
halalAzerbaijaniadjPermissible, according to Muslim religious customs; halalIslam lifestyle religion
halalAzerbaijaniadjhonest (earned or acquired in a fair manner)
hamaikaBasquenummany, a lot
hayeʼNavajonounhis son
hayeʼNavajonounhis nephew (brother’s son)
heterotypicEnglishadjOf or involving a different type or types.not-comparable
heterotypicEnglishadjRelating to the first nuclear division in meiosis.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
historieMiddle EnglishnounA (written) narrative, recounting, or chronicle; events in writing.
historieMiddle EnglishnounA history; a historical work or description of the past.rare
historieMiddle EnglishnounA visual depiction or representation of historical happenings.rare
historieMiddle EnglishnounHistory; the discipline of studying and recording the past.rare
historieMiddle EnglishnounA portion of the Bible covering history.rare
histèriaCatalannounhysteriamedicine pathology sciencesfeminine
histèriaCatalannounhysteria, nervous excitementfeminine informal
hjaltNorwegian Nynorsknounhilt (of a sword)neuter
hjaltNorwegian Nynorsknounguard between blade and hilt of a swordneuter
hjaltNorwegian Nynorsknounknob at the end of a sword hiltneuter
holdeDanishverbto hold
holdeDanishverbto keep
holdeDanishverbto last
holdeDanishverbto stop
how manyEnglishdetno-gloss translation-hub
how manyEnglishpronunspecified number
how manyEnglishpronwhat number
hozZhuangnounneck (body part)
hozZhuangnounneck (of an object); narrow and long part of an object
hozZhuangnounheart; mindfiguratively
hypothecationEnglishnounThe use of property, or an existing mortgage, as security for a loan, etc.countable uncountable
hypothecationEnglishnounA tax levied for a specific expenditure.British countable uncountable
hâvreNormannounharbourJersey masculine
hâvreNormannounhavenJersey masculine
häviäminenFinnishnounverbal noun of hävitäform-of noun-from-verb
häviäminenFinnishnounverbal noun of hävitä / losing
höşmerimTurkishnounA dessert made with saltless fresh cheese, starch and rice flour.
höşmerimTurkishnounThe dessert also known as Peynir helvası.regional
imbestialireItalianverbto infuriate, to enragetransitive
imbestialireItalianverbto become infuriated, to become enraged, to fly into a rageintransitive
imbricoLatinverbto cover with pantilesconjugation-1 no-perfect obsolete
imbricoLatinverbto form like a pantileconjugation-1 no-perfect
indépendantisteFrenchadjindependence; separatistgovernment politicsrelational
indépendantisteFrenchnounseparatistgovernment politicsby-personal-gender feminine masculine
indépendantisteFrenchnounindependentistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
indítványHungariannounproposal, suggestion, proposition
indítványHungariannounmotion (a parliamentary action to propose something)
indítványHungariannounopinion (judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice for a legal solution in a case)lawEuropean-Union
inner voiceEnglishnounA vocal part intermediate between the highest and the lowest.entertainment lifestyle music
inner voiceEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see inner, voice.
insiemisticoItalianadjunionmathematics sciencesrelational
insiemisticoItalianadjset theorymathematics sciencesrelational
interrogacióCatalannounquestioning; interrogationfeminine
interrogacióCatalannounquestion markfeminine
iteratioLatinnouna repetition, iterationdeclension-3
iteratioLatinnouna manumission granted to a freedman by which he received Roman citizenship.lawdeclension-3
járőrHungariannounpatrol (person)
járőrHungariannounpolice car, patrol car
kaartoIngriannounbundle of yarn
kaartoIngriannounShort for vihmakaarto.abbreviation alt-of
kahigTagalognounscratching of a chicken searching for food or preparing for a cockfight
kahigTagalognounact of cleaning garbage using a rake
kaibuturanTagalognouninnermost center; center; heart
kaibuturanTagalognounuttermost depth; deepness; bottom; deepest part
kaitafilmiFinnishnouncinefilm (any of various obsolete film formats formerly used for making home movies)
kaitafilmiFinnishnouncinefilm (film recorded on this medium)
kanslispråkSwedishnounofficialese, bureaucratesederogatory neuter often
kanslispråkSwedishnounlanguage of administrationneuter
keepChineseverbto keep; to maintain possession ofCantonese Hong-Kong
keepChineseverbto keep; to maintain condition of; to preserveCantonese Hong-Kong
keepChineseverbto mark or guard a player from the opposing teamhobbies lifestyle sportsCantonese Hong-Kong
kennoFinnishnounhoneycomb, a cell in a honeycomb
kennoFinnishnouncellbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
kennoFinnishnounEllipsis of kuvakenno (“image sensor”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
kennoFinnishnouna carton resembling a honeycomb
keropääFinnishnounRoundhead (supporter of Parliamentarians in the English Civil War)historical
kitambaaSwahilinouna piece of cloth
kitambaaSwahilinouncloth material
kompensowaćPolishverbto compensate, to countervail (to make up for; to do something in place of something else)imperfective literary transitive
kompensowaćPolishverbto compensate (to correct, satisfy)imperfective literary transitive
konjunkcijaLatviannounconjunction (a word used to join words or phrases into sentences)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdeclension-4 feminine
konjunkcijaLatviannounconjunction, the alignment of two celestial bodies when seen from the Earthastronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-4 feminine
koszaraPolishnounsheepfold, pen (portable enclosure in the Western Carpathians, built of detachable bays)Middle Polish dialectal feminine regional
koszaraPolishnounbarrack, barracks (building or a group of buildings used by military personnel as housing)government military politics warfeminine in-plural
koszaraPolishnounbarrack, barracks (building or a group of buildings located on the territory of some workplace and intended for the needs of its employees)feminine in-plural
koszaraPolishnoungenitive singular of koszarform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
krótceOld Polishadvbriefly; shortly (in a manner using few words)
krótceOld Polishadvsoon (in the near future)
kuasaIndonesiannounpower: / the ability to do or undergo something
kuasaIndonesiannounpower: / the ability to coerce, influence or control
kuasaIndonesiannounpower: / the probability that a statistical test will reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is truemathematics sciences statistics
kuasaIndonesiannounforce (anything that has the power to produce a physical effect)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
kudambVepsdetwhich, what (interrogative)
kudambVepsdetwhich, that (relative)
kylkiFinnishnounside (of a human or an animal)
kylkiFinnishnounside, belly (cut of pork meat)
kylkiFinnishnounloin (cut of beef)
kylkiFinnishnounboard or side of a ship
kylkiFinnishnounside of a vehicle or other symmetric object
kylkiFinnishnounflanch, flaunchgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
kénytelenHungarianadjforced, compelled, obliged (to do something)predicative
kénytelenHungarianadjagainst one’s will, reluctantly (no choice but to do)
laugIcelandicnounbath, poolfeminine
laugIcelandicnounhot spring, warm spring, a naturally warm pool with temperatures around 20-50°Cfeminine
leasaitheoirIrishnounreformer, improvermasculine
leasaitheoirIrishnoundresser, curermasculine
legge tilNorwegian Nynorskverbto add, appendtransitive
legge tilNorwegian Nynorskverbto moornautical transportambitransitive
legge tilNorwegian Nynorskverbto attribute, ascribe (e.g. a characteristic to someone)ditransitive
legge tilNorwegian Nynorskverbto locate, move to a location (something to a place)ditransitive
licenzaItaliannounpermission, leave, furloughfeminine
licenzaItaliannounlicence/license, permitfeminine
licenzaItaliannounpass (military)feminine
licenzaItaliannounschool-leaving certificatefeminine
licettanOld Englishverbto feign, pretend, profess falsely, fake
licettanOld Englishverbto simulate, imitate
licettanOld Englishverbto flatter
licitusLatinverballowed, permitted, having been permitted.declension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
licitusLatinverbpermissibledeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
lightning boltEnglishnounA single, visible discharge of lightning.
lightning boltEnglishnounA conventional representation of a lightning bolt as a zigzag line.
lightning boltEnglishnounA conventional representation of a lightning bolt in heraldry or in artistic depictions of thunder gods, for example as a winged and barbed torch.
lightning boltEnglishnounSomething that shocks or energizes, especially something that does so suddenly.figuratively
ligtaTagalognoununintentional mistake; inadvertent omission
ligtaTagalognounneglect; lack of attention (of one's duty, etc.)
liitTagalognounsmallness; littleness
liitTagalognounpulverization; granularization; grinding into tiny bitsobsolete
liitTagalognounloop around the neckobsolete
lliwyddWelshnoundyer (one whose occupation is to dye)masculine
lliwyddWelshnounpainter (laborer)masculine
llwydWelshadjfaint, pale
llwydWelshadjmouldy, musty
llwydWelshadjholy, blessedobsolete
lone wolfEnglishnounA wolf that is not part of a pack.
lone wolfEnglishnounA person who avoids the company of others; a loner; an independent or solitary person.figuratively
lone wolfEnglishnounA criminal who acts alone, not as part of a group.broadly
lubangMalaynounhole, hollow, orifice, perforation (opening in a solid): / opening in a solid.
lubangMalaynounhole, hollow, orifice, perforation (opening in a solid): / in semiconductors, a lack of an electron in an occupied band behaving like a positively charged particle.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
lubangMalaynounhole, hollow, orifice, perforation (opening in a solid)
lubangMalaynounpit, cavity
lucanOld Englishverbto lock
lucanOld Englishverbto close
lucanOld Englishverbto pull up, pluck
lwmWhite Hmongadjsecond, another
lwmWhite Hmongadjnext in order
lwmWhite Hmongverbused in lwm qaib (“to swing a live chicken over the head of a wife on bringing her into her husband's home”)
maestro d'asciaItaliannounshipwright, boat buildermasculine
maestro d'asciaItaliannouncarpentermasculine
magsalidaBikol Centralverbto replace; to change
magsalidaBikol Centralverbto leave a station (as trains, buses, etc.)
marionettHungariannounmarionette (a string puppet)entertainment lifestyle theater
marionettHungariannounpuppet (a person or a group who is easily influenced or controlled by another)figuratively
matkustamoFinnishnounpassenger compartment (space reserved for customers in a vehicle)
matkustamoFinnishnouncabin (passenger area of an airplane)aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
mercantilismEnglishnounThe theory that a nation must always have a positive balance of trade, in the manner that a merchant would operate a shop. Typically this model presupposes protectionism.economics sciencescountable historical uncountable
mercantilismEnglishnounThe theory that holds that the prosperity of a nation depends upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of trade is unchangeable.economics sciencescountable uncountable
merkitäFinnishverbto mark, check off, tick off, tag, stamp, brandtransitive
merkitäFinnishverbto write down, mark down, note down, make a notetransitive
merkitäFinnishverbto enter, book, recordaccounting business financetransitive
merkitäFinnishverbto subscribe (promise to give, by writing one's name with the amount)transitive
merkitäFinnishverbto subscribe (agree to buy shares in a company)business financetransitive
merkitäFinnishverbto mean, denote, signifytransitive
merkitäFinnishverbto indicate, mark, be a sign of, signify, symbolizetransitive
merőHungarianverbpresent participle of merform-of participle present
merőHungarianverbpresent participle of merform-of participle present
merőHungarianadjfixed, tight, tense, tautarchaic not-comparable usually
merőHungarianadjmere, pure, downright, complete, sheerattributive not-comparable usually
merőHungarianadvdownright, completely, utterly, purely, merelynot-comparable
metropolisIndonesiannounmetropolis (colony’s mother city)history human-sciences sciences
metropolisIndonesiannounmetropolis (large, busy city)
metropolisIndonesiannounmetropolis (see of a metropolitan bishop, ranking above its suffragan diocesan bishops)
mielikuvaFinnishnounimpression (vague recalling of an event, a belief)
mielikuvaFinnishnounmental image (mental picture)
mignattinoItaliannounblack tern (Chlidonias niger)masculine
mignattinoItaliannounblack tern (Chlidonias niger) / any member of the Chlidonias taxonomic genusbiology natural-sciences ornithologybroadly masculine
mignattinoItaliannounSynonym of muggine (“mullet”)masculine
miinaajaFinnishnounAn insect the larvae of which live within plant tissue, most often leaves but also e.g. cambium.
miinaajaFinnishnounThe larva of these insects.
miinusFinnishnounminus signinformal
miinusFinnishnouncon, minus, negative thing
miinusFinnishnounweather with below zero Celsius of temperatureinformal
mirodenieRomaniannounspice (of plant origin, for flavoring food)feminine
mirodenieRomaniannouna plant of the mustard family (Hesperis tristis and also Hesperis matronalis) (night-scented gilliflower))feminine
mixed bagEnglishnounAny bag containing a mixture of something.
mixed bagEnglishnounA group of entities with few characteristics in common.broadly
mixed bagEnglishnounSomething tending to have both good and bad results or characteristics; something having a mixture of advantages and disadvantages.idiomatic
mootEnglishadjSubject to discussion (originally at a moot); arguable, debatable, unsolved or impossible to solve.rare
mootEnglishadjBeing an exercise of thought; academic.lawCanada US
mootEnglishadjHaving no practical consequence or relevance.Canada US
mootEnglishnounA moot court.
mootEnglishnounA system of arbitration in many areas of Africa in which the primary goal is to settle a dispute and reintegrate adversaries into society rather than assess penalties.
mootEnglishnounA gathering of Rovers, usually in the form of a camp lasting 2 weeks.
mootEnglishnounA social gathering of pagans, normally held in a public paganism religion
mootEnglishnounAn assembly (usually for decision-making in a locality).historical
mootEnglishnounA ring for gauging wooden manufacturing shipbuilding
mootEnglishverbTo bring up as a subject for debate, to propose.
mootEnglishverbTo discuss or debate.
mootEnglishverbTo make or declare irrelevant.US
mootEnglishverbTo argue or plead in a supposed case.
mootEnglishverbTo talk or speak.obsolete regional
mootEnglishverbTo say, utter, also insinuate.Northern-England Scotland
mootEnglishnounA whisper, or an insinuation, also gossip or rumors.Northern-England Scotland countable uncountable
mootEnglishnounTalk.Northern-England Scotland countable uncountable
mootEnglishnounThe stump of a tree; the roots and bottom end of a felled tree.West-Country
mootEnglishverbTo take root and begin to grow.West-Country
mootEnglishverbTo turn up soil or dig up roots, especially an animal with a snout.West-Country
mootEnglishnounA mutual follower on a social media platform.Internet endearing
moylleyManxnounverbal noun of moylform-of masculine noun-from-verb
moylleyManxnouncompliments, commendation, promotion, recommendation, plaudits, tribute, applause, praisemasculine
musnąćPolishverbto dabperfective transitive
musnąćPolishverbto graze, to scuffperfective transitive
musnąćPolishverbto dab oneselfperfective reflexive
musnąćPolishverbto dab each otherperfective reflexive
múlikHungarianverbto pass, to go by, to elapseintransitive
múlikHungarianverbto be pastcopulative intransitive
múlikHungarianverbto become less and less prominentintransitive
múlikHungarianverbto subside, to stop graduallyintransitive
múlikHungarianverbto depend on, to be up to someone, to be a question/matter of something (-n/-on/-en/-ön)intransitive
mīlestībaLatviannounlove (positive romantic feeling for a specific person)declension-4 feminine
mīlestībaLatviannounlove (positive non-romantic feeling for someone or something, devotion)declension-4 feminine
mīlestībaLatviannounlove (deep interest in something)declension-4 feminine
mədəniAzerbaijaniadjcultured, cultivated, civilized
namolniePolishadvimportunately, insistently, obtrusively, persistently, pushily (imposing oneself on others and not leaving them alone)colloquial
namolniePolishadvintrusively, persistently (characterized by great intensity, which makes others uncomfortable and reluctant to accept it)colloquial
narancsHungariannounorange (fruit)
narancsHungariannounorange (colour)
ncapAromanianverbto comprise
ncapAromanianverbto fit (into something)
nelaimīgsLatvianadjunfortunate, unlucky
neovolcanicEnglishadjRelating to the formation of new volcanoesnot-comparable
neovolcanicEnglishadjDescribing volcanic rocks formed from the Tertiary period to the present daygeography geology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
ngayngayTagalognouncontinuous, monotonous talk
ngayngayTagalognounact of gnawing or grinding into piecesdialectal
nilayTagalognouncareful consideration; meditation; reflection
nilayTagalognounact of fishingobsolete
niveusLatinadjsnow, snowy, snowclad, snow-coveredadjective declension-1 declension-2 relational
niveusLatinadjsnow-whiteadjective declension-1 declension-2
næringNorwegian Bokmålnounfood, sustenance, nourishmentfeminine masculine
næringNorwegian Bokmålnounbusiness, livelihoodfeminine masculine
obturerFrenchverbto seal, close up
obturerFrenchverbto hidefiguratively
ocultoSpanishadjhidden, secret
ocultoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of ocultarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
onaatsaWaujaprepfrom (a place or position)
onaatsaWaujaadvhere (at this place or position)
onaatsaWaujaadvafter that, next, afterward
oscitancyEnglishnounthe act of yawning
oscitancyEnglishnoundrowsiness, especially when marked by yawning
outerwearEnglishnounClothing (such as a dress) worn over one's underwear.countable uncountable
outerwearEnglishnounClothing (such as a raincoat) worn over one's clothes when outdoors.countable uncountable
pack awayEnglishverbTo store away, place out of the way, or stash, especially for the longer term.transitive
pack awayEnglishverbTo eat (a great deal of food).transitive
pagkarayoBikol Centralnounremoteness; farness
pagkarayoBikol Centralnoundivergence
pagkarayoBikol Centralnoundistance
paisuaFinnishverbto swell, belly, bulge, bilge, inflate (to become bigger, especially due to engorging)intransitive
paisuaFinnishverbto expand (to increase in volume or scope)intransitive
paisuaFinnishverbto mushroom, balloon, inflate (to grow quickly to a large size)intransitive
palaTagalogparticleexpressing sudden realization; indication of surprise.
palaTagalognounblessing; grace; bounty; favor
palaTagalognounreward; bounty; prize; renumeration
palaTagalognounrecompense; consequence
palaTagalognounshovel; spade
palaTagalognounperson paid to applaud or perform paid activitiescolloquial
parrotEnglishnounA kind of bird, many species of which are colorful and able to mimic human speech, of the order Psittaciformes or (narrowly) of the family Psittacidae.
parrotEnglishnounA parroter; a person who repeats the words or ideas of others.figuratively
parrotEnglishnounA puffin.archaic
parrotEnglishnounchannel coal.geography geology natural-sciencesobsolete
parrotEnglishnounA transponder.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesslang
parrotEnglishverbTo repeat (exactly what has just been said) without necessarily showing understanding, in the manner of a parrot.transitive
partecipazioneItaliannounappearance (in a show etc.)feminine
partecipazioneItaliannouninvolvement (in a conspiracy etc.)feminine
passeggiataItaliannounwalk, stroll, promenade (act)feminine
passeggiataItaliannounpublic walk, promenade (place)broadly feminine
passeggiataItaliannounpiece of cake, cinch, doddle, picniccolloquial feminine figuratively
pautanMalaynounAct of holding something tightly.
pautanMalaynounPlace to hold onto.
pautanMalaynounSomething that is held.
pautanMalaynounRelation with something.
pautanMalaynounPlace for tying a cow, chicken, dog, etc.
pautanMalaynounWhere someone is from; home.figuratively
pautanMalaynounA link.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesInternet
pañjiOld Javanesenounname, title
pañjiOld Javanesenounpart of the repayment of a debt
peepshowEnglishnounAn exhibition of pictures or objects viewed through a small hole or magnifying glass.
peepshowEnglishnounA titillating or pornographic display viewed through a small slot, generally equipped with a timer to automatically close the slot when payment has expired.
pembelaanIndonesiannouncare, nursingdialectal
pembelaanIndonesiannoundefense, plea
percorrereItalianverbto cover (distance, etc.)transitive
percorrereItalianverbto follow (a road, etc.)transitive
performanceEnglishnounThe act of performing; carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action.countable uncountable
performanceEnglishnounThat which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an act; a feat; especially, an action of an elaborate or public character.countable uncountable
performanceEnglishnounA live show or artscountable uncountable
performanceEnglishnounThe amount of useful work accomplished estimated in terms of time needed, resources used, etc.countable uncountable
performanceEnglishnounThe actual use of language in concrete situations by native speakers of a language, as opposed to the system of linguistic knowledge they possess (competence), cf. linguistic performance.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
perniciesLatinnounruin, destructiondeclension-5
perniciesLatinnoundisaster, calamitydeclension-5
perniciesLatinnounbane, pestdeclension-5
perniciesLatinnounexecution, deathdeclension-5 figuratively
piaskowyPolishadjsandnot-comparable relational
pilaSpanishnounsmall batteryfeminine
pilaSpanishnounpile, stack, heap, moundfeminine
pilaSpanishnouna lotcolloquial feminine
pilaSpanishnounpilegovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
pilaSpanishnounsink; washbasinfeminine
pilaSpanishnounfont, baptismal fontfeminine
pilaSpanishverbinflection of pilar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
pilaSpanishverbinflection of pilar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
piscineFrenchnounswimming poolfeminine
plnitCzechverbto fillimperfective
plnitCzechverbto fulfill (object: promise)imperfective
plnitCzechverbto fulfill (object: requirement)imperfective
podmetnutiSerbo-Croatianverbto put, place beneath somethingtransitive
podmetnutiSerbo-Croatianverbto put, slip (something somewhere secretly with malicious intent)transitive
podmetnutiSerbo-Croatianverbto frame someone, to incriminate someone, to set up (blame someone for something that they are not responsible for)transitive
posIndonesiannounpost, station
posIndonesiannounmeeting placecolloquial
posIndonesiannounbudgetaccounting business finance
posterunekPolishnounpost, outpost, sentryinanimate masculine
posterunekPolishnounpolice stationinanimate masculine
prabhuOld Javanesenounlord
prabhuOld Javanesenounking
produktPolishnounproduct (something that has been created by some process, especially industrial production)inanimate masculine
produktPolishnounproduct (something to eat or for preparing food)inanimate masculine
produktPolishnounproduct (chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
produktPolishnounproduct (something that has been created by someone)inanimate masculine
produktPolishnounproduct (something or someone that is the result of a particular set of circumstances)inanimate masculine
produktPolishnounproduct (commodity or service)inanimate masculine
produktPolishnounplaintiff's first vote in a court case, usually prompting a retortlawinanimate masculine obsolete
produktPolishnounproduct (quantity obtained by multiplication of two or more numbers)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
przesilaćPolishverbto overpower (to subdue someone by superior force)imperfective rare transitive
przesilaćPolishverbto reach a turning pointimperfective reflexive
przewódPolishnouncable, wireinanimate masculine
przewódPolishnounpipe or channel to carry a fluidinanimate masculine
przewódPolishnountract, canalanatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
przewódPolishnountrack; the formal process of earning a doctorate or habilitationinanimate masculine
przewódPolishnountype of netfishing hobbies lifestyleinanimate masculine
pusilânimePortugueseadjpusillanimous (showing cowardice)feminine masculine
pusilânimePortugueseadjlacking in enthusiasmfeminine masculine
pusilânimePortuguesenounone who is pusillanimous; a cowardby-personal-gender feminine masculine
pusilânimePortuguesenounone who lacks enthusiasmby-personal-gender feminine masculine
pussylickerEnglishnounSomeone who performs cunnilingus.colloquial rare vulgar
pussylickerEnglishnounSomeone who performs cunnilingus. / A lesbian.colloquial humorous rare slang vulgar
pvxvnMapudungunverbTo be big.Raguileo-Alphabet
pvxvnMapudungunverbfirst-person singular realis form of pvxvnRaguileo-Alphabet first-person form-of realis singular
pääsyFinnishnounaccess, clearance
rahoitadaVepsverbto finance
rahoitadaVepsverbto sponsor
raigCatalannounray, beammasculine
raigCatalannounspoke (of a wheel)masculine
raigCatalannounjet (of liquid)masculine
raigCatalannounsquirt, streammasculine
rapunzelEnglishnounA plant with leaves and crisp roots which have been used in salads, rampion, Campanula lifestyle vegetableuncountable
rapunzelEnglishnounA plant with leaves which are used in salads, corn salad or mâche, Valerianella lifestyle vegetableuncountable
receseCzechnounrecession (a period of reduced economic activity)feminine
receseCzechnouneccentric humourfeminine
redeDanishnounnest (bird-built structure)common-gender
redeDanishverbto comb (to groom the hair with a toothed implement)
redeDanishverbto make (a bed)
redeDanishverbto prepareobsolete
redeDanishnouninsight, clarificationindeclinable
reproduktorsLatviannounloudspeaker (electromechanical device that converts an electric signal into audible sound)declension-1 masculine
reproduktorsLatviannounbreeding farm (a place, building, farm specialized in producing young animals, especially pigs)declension-1 masculine
resolventEnglishadjAble to resolve (separate) the constituents of a mixture
resolventEnglishnounAny substance or material able to resolve the constituents of a mixture; a solvent.
resolventEnglishnounThat which has power to disperse inflammatory or other tumours; a discutient; anything which aids the absorption of effused products.medicine sciences
resolventEnglishnounAn equation upon whose solution the solution of a given problem depends.mathematics sciences
reunirSpanishverbto gather, to collect, to bring together, to assemble, to get together, to round up, to marshal, to compile, to put together, to pull together, to draw together, to pool
reunirSpanishverbto satisfy, to meet, to possess (e.g. conditions, requirements, criteria, qualifications, characteristics)
reunirSpanishverbto join, unite
reunirSpanishverbto reunite, reconvene
reunirSpanishverbto muster, to summon (e.g. the courage, determination, will, strength, energy)
reunirSpanishverbto raise, to muster (e.g. money, an army)
reunirSpanishverbto huddle
reunirSpanishverbto meet, to meet up, to get together, to assemble, to convene, to rendezvousreflexive
reunirSpanishverbto joinreflexive
reunirSpanishverbto reconvene, to reunite, to rejoinreflexive
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (act or effect of revolutionizing, of causing profound change in)feminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (translational movement of one star in relation to another)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (return of a star to a point in its own orbit)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (full turn rotation, in a plane, around a point)mathematics sciencesfeminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (movement around an axis; circular motion)feminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (full turn; spin, rotation)feminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (insurrectionary movement against established power)government politicsfeminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounrevolution (set of sudden and profound changes in the political, economic, social and institutional structures of a community, generally imposed violently)government politicsfeminine
revoluçãoPortuguesenounany sudden and profound changefeminine figuratively
revoluçãoPortuguesenounagitation, disorderfeminine figuratively
revoluçãoPortuguesenounnausea; disgustfeminine
rhwyllWelshnoungrille, latticefeminine
rhwyllWelshnounharness (of a loom)feminine
ricollegareItalianverbto reconnecttransitive
ricollegareItalianverbto connect or linktransitive
rikirikiRapa Nuiadjnarrow
rikirikiRapa Nuiadjlittle
rukkenDutchverbto jerk, to pullintransitive transitive
rukkenDutchverbto jerk off, to wankinformal intransitive transitive
rukkenDutchnounplural of rukform-of plural
run aheadEnglishverbTo use sidings to pass a different train.
run aheadEnglishverbTo proceed beyond peers or beyond some limit.
run aheadEnglishverbTo execute (code) in advance, anticipating a likely upcoming need for the result.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwaretransitive
rảnhVietnameseadjfree; unoccupied; not busy
rảnhVietnameseadjhaving too much time on one's hands and nothing productive or "cool" to doinformal
rọYorubaverbto paralyse, to immobilisetransitive
rọYorubaverbto be paralyzedintransitive
rọYorubaverbto wilt; to wither; to shrivel up (leaves or flowers)transitive
rọYorubaverbto fall (rain)
rọYorubaverbto be soft; to be tender
rọYorubaverbto be tamed
rọYorubaverbto be easy
rọYorubaverbto forge
rốiVietnamesenounShort for con rối (“puppet”).abbreviation alt-of
rốiVietnameseadjtangled; ravelled; entangled
rốiVietnameseadjjumbled; confused; disorderly
s-Italianprefixused to form words that have an opposing sense: un-, in-morpheme
s-Italianprefixused to form verbs that have a sense of undoing an action: de-, dis-, un-morpheme
s-Italianprefixused to express a pejorative sensemorpheme
s-Italianprefixused to form verbs with a sense of exit, separation: dis-, ex-, trans-morpheme
s-Italianprefixused in a privative sense: a-, de-, un-morpheme
s-Italianprefixused to derive verbs from a noun, adjective or verbmorpheme
s-Italianprefixused as an intensifiermorpheme
s-Italianprefixreduced form of dis-form-of morpheme reduced
samhailIrishnounlikeness, imagefeminine
samhailIrishnounmodel, mock-upfeminine
samhailIrishverbAlternative form of samhlaighalt-of alternative
sannanOld Norsenounassertation, confirmationfeminine
sannanOld Norsenounprooffeminine
sannanOld Norseadjaccusative singular masculine of saðr, sannraccusative form-of masculine singular
sarmentFrenchnounvine, shoot, tendrilmasculine
sarmentFrenchnounA one-year old shootmasculine
scarioleFrenchnounprickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola)feminine
scarioleFrenchnounescarole (Cichorium endivia)dated feminine
schluckenGermanverbto swallowintransitive transitive weak
schluckenGermanverbto gulp (swallow one's spittle out of fear etc.)intransitive weak
schluckenGermanverbto gobble up (annex, e.g. another company)figuratively transitive weak
schluckenGermanverbto swallow; to accept; to put up withfiguratively transitive weak
schluckenGermanverbto buy, to be deceived byfiguratively transitive weak
scribaItaliannounscribe, amanuensisarchaic masculine
scribaItaliannounhack journalistderogatory masculine
scribaItaliannounscribe, copyisthistorical masculine
scrieveScotsverbto write
scrieveScotsverbto scratch or incise a mark
scrieveScotsnounpiece of writing, letter
scrieveScotsnountool for incising a mark on wood; scribe
seachainIrishverbto avoid, evade, shun
seachainIrishverbto take care, to mind
seachainIrishverbto yield
second bestEnglishadjInferior to the best (but better than other alternatives).not-comparable
second bestEnglishadjCharacterized by one or more optimality conditions not being satisfiable.economics sciencesnot-comparable
second bestEnglishnounSomething (or someone) that is inferior to the best (but better than other alternatives).
second bestEnglishnounA situation where one or more optimality conditions cannot be satisfied.economics sciences
sedulousEnglishadjOf a person: diligent in application or pursuit; constant and persevering in business or in endeavours to effect a goal; steadily industrious.
sedulousEnglishadjOf an activity: carried out with diligence.
seisoaFinnishverbto stand (be in a standing position)intransitive
seisoaFinnishverbto be still, stand still, be at a halt, stand (remain motionless)intransitive
seisoaFinnishverbto lie unusedintransitive
seisoaFinnishverbto rest (of dough)intransitive
seisoaFinnishverbto stand (remain without ruin or injury)intransitive
seisoaFinnishverbto have an erectioncolloquial impersonal with-adessive
sentidoBikol Centralnountempleanatomy medicine sciences
sentidoBikol Centralnounsenseuncommon
septentrioLatinnounUrsa Major, Charles' Wain, the Big Dipperdeclension-3
septentrioLatinnounUrsa Minor, the constellation including the most recent pole stardeclension-3
septentrioLatinnounThe northdeclension-3
septentrioLatinnounthe north wind, the wind god Boreasdeclension-3
sestetEnglishnounA piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments; a sextet or sestuor.entertainment lifestyle music
sestetEnglishnounThe last six lines of a sonnet, forming two stanzas of three lines each.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
sfarsiItalianverbto dissolve or melt
sfarsiItalianverbto get soft or mushy
sfarsiItalianverbto sag
shakullinëAlbaniannountwister, cyclone, hurricane, galefeminine
shakullinëAlbaniannounwhirlwind (of life)feminine figuratively
shakullinëAlbaniannounrollover, flipalso feminine figuratively
shermEnglishnounThe drug phencyclidine (PCP).slang uncountable
shermEnglishnounA cigarette soaked in PCP.countable slang
shermEnglishnounA degenerate; a person not worthy of respect.countable derogatory slang uncountable
sitkoFinnishnounthe viscous and elastic mass formed in dough by gluten proteins
sitkoFinnishnounviscosity (quality of being viscous)
skadeNorwegian Bokmålnoundamagemasculine
skadeNorwegian Bokmålnounharmmasculine
skadeNorwegian Bokmålnouninjurymasculine
skadeNorwegian Bokmålverbto damage
skadeNorwegian Bokmålverbto harm
skadeNorwegian Bokmålverbto hurt (someone)
skadeNorwegian Bokmålverbto injure
skavaLatviannounclampdeclension-4 feminine
skavaLatviannounstapledeclension-4 feminine
skavaLatviannounclipdeclension-4 feminine
skavaLatviannounclevisdeclension-4 feminine
skoddeNorwegian Nynorsknounfogfeminine
skoddeNorwegian Nynorsknounice fogfeminine
skuggiIcelandicnouna shadowmasculine
skuggiIcelandicnouna shademasculine
small-l liberalEnglishnounA person who holds liberal views but may or may not be a member or supporter of their country's "Liberal Party".government politics
small-l liberalEnglishnounA person who is a member of, or associated with, the Moderate (centrist) faction of the Liberal Party of Australia.government politicsAustralian
smieklīgumsLatviannounfunniness, humorousness (the quality of that which is funny, humorous)declension-1 masculine
smieklīgumsLatviannounridiculousness, strangeness, odditydeclension-1 masculine
smuggleEnglishverbTo import or export, illicitly or by stealth, without paying lawful customs charges or dutiesintransitive transitive
smuggleEnglishverbTo bring in surreptitiouslytransitive
smuggleEnglishverbTo fondle or cuddle.obsolete transitive
smuggleEnglishverbTo thrash or be thrashed by a bear's claws, or to swipe at or be swiped at by a person's arms in a bearlike manner.slang
soirbhScottish Gaelicadjeasy, simple
soirbhScottish Gaelicadjgentle, kind, affable, pliable, courteous
soirbhScottish Gaelicadjdocile
sojowyPolishadjsoy, soybean (plant)not-comparable relational
sojowyPolishadjsoy (soy beans)not-comparable relational
solidifyEnglishverbTo make solid; convert into a solid body.transitive
solidifyEnglishverbTo concentrate; consolidate, reinforce.transitive
solidifyEnglishverbTo become solid; to freeze, set.intransitive
solidifyEnglishverbTo transform an open compound into a closed compound (solid compound).grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencestransitive
sorchanScottish Gaelicnounsupportmasculine
sorchanScottish Gaelicnountrestlemasculine
sorchanScottish Gaelicnounstool, footstoolmasculine
sorchanScottish Gaelicnounbracketmasculine
sorchanScottish Gaelicnouneaselmasculine
sorchanScottish Gaelicnounplural of sorchform-of masculine plural
sovelmaFinnishnounappletcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
sovelmaFinnishnounwidgetcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
spasimareItalianverbto be in agony, to suffer greatlyexcessive intransitive often
spasimareItalianverbto long, to yearn, to desire greatlyfiguratively intransitive
spasimareItalianverbto fall in lovefiguratively intransitive
spróchniećPolishverbto rotintransitive perfective
spróchniećPolishverbto develop cariesintransitive perfective
stanovitCzechverbto determine, define, specifyperfective
stanovitCzechverbto ordain, decree, establishperfective
stanovitCzechverbto fix, appoint, setperfective
steeplechaseEnglishnounA horse race, either across open country, or over an obstacle course.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsBritish
steeplechaseEnglishnounAn athletics event in which the runners have to run 3000 metres round a track, jumping hurdles and a water obstacle along the way.athletics hobbies lifestyle sports
steeplechaseEnglishverbTo take part in a steeplechase event.
straleMiddle Dutchnounarrow
straleMiddle Dutchnounstinger (of an insect)
straleMiddle Dutchnounpoint of a weapon
straleMiddle Dutchnounray, beamrare
stěgъProto-Slavicnounpostmasculine reconstruction
stěgъProto-Slavicnounflag, bannermasculine reconstruction
subpathEnglishnounA file or resource path relative to another path.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
subpathEnglishnounA path making up part of a larger path (the superpath).graph-theory mathematics sciences
substituteEnglishverbTo use in place of something else, with the same function.transitive
substituteEnglishverbTo use X in place of Y.transitive
substituteEnglishverbTo use Y in place of X; to replace X with Y.transitive
substituteEnglishverbTo remove (a player) from the field of play and bring on another in his place.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
substituteEnglishverbTo serve as a replacement (for someone or something).intransitive
substituteEnglishnounA replacement or stand-in for something that achieves a similar result or purpose.
substituteEnglishnounA substitute teacher.
substituteEnglishnounA player who is available to replace another if the need arises, and who may or may not actually do so.hobbies lifestyle sports
substituteEnglishnounOne who enlists for military service in the place of a conscript.historical
substituteEnglishnounAbbreviation of substitute good.economics sciencesabbreviation alt-of
sukatTagalognounmeasurement; measure; dimension
sukatTagalognounact of measuring
sukatTagalognounact of trying the size of clothing, footwear, etc.
sukatTagalognounmeasurecommunications entertainment journalism lifestyle literature media music poetry publishing writing
sukatTagalogadjsufficient; enough
sukatTagalogintjexpressing wonder, surprise, or disapproval: imagine!
sukatTagalogadvjust; merely; simply
sukatTagalogadjfit; fitted
sukatTagalogadjcalculated, restrained, and deliberate
sukatTagalogadjsteady, slow, and deliberate
sushiyaEnglishnounA sushi restaurant.
sushiyaEnglishnounA sushi chef.
synPolishnounson (male offspring)masculine person
synPolishnounson (familiar address to a male person from an older or otherwise more authoritative person)masculine person
synPolishnounson (member of a community)literary masculine person
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of hardware and software operating in a computer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of equations involving the same variables, which are to be solved simultaneously.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of staves linked by a brace that indicate instruments or sounds that are to be played simultaneously.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of body organs having a particular function.medicine physiology sciencescountable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of alters of a person, or the multiple (“an individual with multiple personalities”) who contains them.countable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A system in which two or more objects are bound to each other by gravity.astronomy natural-sciencescountable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A comprehensive and logically organized set of propositions or philosophical beliefs.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / Preceded by the word the: the mainstream culture, controlled by the elites or government of a state, or a combination of them, seen as oppressive to the individual.countable derogatory uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of rules for a tabletop roleplaying game.countable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A socioeconomic formation.government politicscountable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.countable uncountable
systemEnglishnounA method or way of organizing or planning.countable uncountable
säännöstelyFinnishnounrationing (strictly controlled distribution of scarce resources, usually based on personal quotas)
säännöstelyFinnishnounregulation (more loose control of resources; e.g. by setting limits to quantity purchased at one time or requiring preapproval for large purchases)
tachyonEnglishnounA hypothetical particle that travels faster than the speed of light.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
tachyonEnglishnounA flaw in a physical theory that predicts the existence of tachyons or similar paradoxical results. Compare with ghost.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
tacklingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of tackleform-of gerund participle present
tacklingEnglishnounThe process by which something is tackled or dealt with.
tacklingEnglishnounThe tackle of a vessel.nautical transport
tacklingEnglishnounThe harness for drawing a carriage.
tapewormEnglishnounAny parasitical worm of the class or infraclass Cestoda, which infest the intestines of animals, including humans, often infecting different host species during their life cycle.countable
tapewormEnglishnounAny parasitical worm of the class or infraclass Cestoda, which infest the intestines of animals, including humans, often infecting different host species during their life cycle. / A broad fish tapeworm, Diphyllobothrium latum.countable
tapewormEnglishnounInfection by tapeworms.uncountable
tapewormEnglishverbTo move along in a wriggling manner, like a tapeworm.intransitive
tapewormEnglishverbTo treat (an animal) for tapeworm infection.transitive
targowaćPolishverbto deal, to trade (to engage in trade)colloquial imperfective transitive
targowaćPolishverbto barter, to haggleimperfective reflexive
targowaćPolishverbto be at loggerheads, to kick up a fusscolloquial imperfective reflexive
tatarabueloSpanishnoungreat-great-grandfather (great-great-grandmother for the feminine form)masculine
tatarabueloSpanishnoungreat-great-grandparent (either a great-great-grandmother or a great-great-grandfather)masculine plural-normally
teilgeoirIrishnounthrower, pitcher, slingermasculine
teilgeoirIrishnounearther, mouldermasculine
teilgeoirIrishnounmoulder, plasterermasculine
telaCatalannouncloth, fabricfeminine
telaCatalannouncanvas (cloth on which one may paint)feminine
telurMalaynounegg; roe; spawn.
telurMalaynountesticles.offensive possibly slang
terminálCzechnounterminal (a building in an airport where passengers transfer from ground transportation to the facilities that allow them to board airplanes)inanimate masculine
terminálCzechnounterminal (a device for entering data into a computer or a communications system and/or displaying data received, especially a device equipped with a keyboard and some sort of textual display)inanimate masculine
terminálCzechnounterminal, terminal symbol (a terminal symbol in a formal grammar)inanimate masculine
throw handsEnglishverbTo come to blows, fistfight.informal intransitive
throw handsEnglishverbTo box.informal intransitive
thumbnailEnglishnounThe fingernail on the thumb.
thumbnailEnglishnounA rough sketch (e.g., the size of one's thumbnail).
thumbnailEnglishnounA small picture, used as a compact representation of a larger image.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
thumbnailEnglishnounA picture displayed by posts and videos pre-clicked conveying the matters discussed/shown in that post.
thumbnailEnglishverbTo describe concisely.transitive
thumbnailEnglishverbTo create a smaller representation of (a larger image).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
tievsLatvianadjthin (having a relatively small cross-section)
tievsLatvianadjthin, slim, slender (having relatively small size and low weight)
tipizzareItalianverbto typify, to highlight the salient characteristics of (an object)transitive
tipizzareItalianverbto standardize (a product)business commercetransitive
tipizzareItalianverbto type (to determine the characteristic type of a biological specimen)biology medicine natural-sciences sciencestransitive
torpSwedishnounA solitary farm, distant from other settlements.neuter obsolete
torpSwedishnounOfficially defined as a very small farm.neuter obsolete
torpSwedishnounA farm, rented from a larger land owner, where the rent was paid through work on the owner's land (dagsverken); a croftneuter
torpSwedishnounA small cottage in the countryside.neuter
tostachIrishadjsilent, mute
traumatologiaItaliannountraumatologymedicine sciences surgeryfeminine
traumatologiaItaliannountrauma wardfeminine
tripartiteEnglishadjIn three parts.not-comparable
tripartiteEnglishadjDone by three parties (as an agreement).not-comparable
trötthetSwedishnountiredness, fatigue, wearinesscommon-gender
turrisLatinnountower, especially a military tower for siege, advanced to the walls on wheels, or one on a wall for defense; loosely used of a high buildingdeclension-3 feminine
turrisLatinnounrookboard-games chess gamesLate-Latin declension-3 feminine
tuturIndonesiannounspeech / the ability to speak; the faculty of uttering words or articulate sounds and vocalizations to communicateuncountable
tuturIndonesiannounspeech / the act of speaking, a certain style of ituncountable
tuturIndonesiannounspeech / something that someone said
tuturIndonesiannounparole: language in use, as opposed to language as a systemhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
tyrefektingNorwegian Bokmålnounbullfightingfeminine masculine
tyrefektingNorwegian Bokmålnouna bullfightfeminine masculine
tânjiRomanianverbto yearn, longcatenative intransitive
tânjiRomanianverbto sorrowarchaic intransitive
tânjiRomanianverbto languish (be sickly)archaic intransitive
tânjiRomanianverbto wiltarchaic figuratively intransitive
tânjiRomanianverbto stagnatearchaic figuratively intransitive
tânjiRomanianverbto complainintransitive obsolete
téciOld Czechverbto flowimperfective
téciOld Czechverbto runimperfective
téciOld Czechverbto mate, to copulateimperfective reflexive
tírIrishnounland, country / state, nationfeminine
tírIrishnounland, country / region, district, territory; people of countryfeminine
tírIrishnounland, country / rural district(s)feminine
tírIrishnounland, country / land (as opposed to sea)feminine
uathadhIrishnouna small number, a fewliterary masculine
uathadhIrishnounAlternative form of uathaalt-of alternative masculine
ubogacićPolishverbto enrichperfective transitive
ubogacićPolishverbto adorn, to bedeck, to embellish, to garnishperfective transitive
ubogacićPolishverbto enrich oneselfperfective reflexive
ubogacićPolishverbto enrich each otherperfective reflexive
umformenGermanverbto transform, rearrangeweak
umformenGermanverbto reshapeweak
umformenGermanverbto convertweak
umhaGalicianarticlea, onefeminine indefinite singular
umpisuolentulehdusFinnishnountyphlitis (inflammation of the blind gut, or caecum)medicine pathology sciences
umpisuolentulehdusFinnishnounappendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)colloquial
unieszczęśliwićPolishverbto make unhappyperfective transitive
unieszczęśliwićPolishverbto make oneself unhappyperfective reflexive
unieszczęśliwićPolishverbto make each other unhappyperfective reflexive
uprzążPolishnounharness (restraint made from straps or ropes)feminine
uprzążPolishnounharness (type of tack for draught animals suitable for pulling vehicles)feminine
urodzićPolishverbto give birthperfective transitive
urodzićPolishverbto yield, to give a cropperfective transitive
urodzićPolishverbto be bornperfective reflexive
usageFrenchnounusage, usemasculine
usageFrenchnounthe ways and contexts in which spoken and written words are actually used, determined by a lexicographer's intuition or from corpus analysis (as opposed to correct or proper use of language, proclaimed by some authority)human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciencesmasculine
uzsvērtLatvianverbto accentuate, to emphasize, to stress, to underline, to underscore (bring out distinctly; to make more noticeable or prominent)transitive
uzsvērtLatvianverbto accentuate, to accent, to stress (pronounce a word or syllable with more emphasis)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencestransitive
valicoItaliannounpass (through mountains etc.)masculine
valicoItaliannounmountain passmasculine
valicoItaliannounpoint in which a border can be crossed (by car etc.)broadly masculine
valicoItaliannouna kind of spinning machinehistorical masculine
valicoItaliannouna section of some spinning machines, on which spindles are setmasculine
valicoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of valicarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
varjoFinnishnounshadow (dark image projected onto a surface)
varjoFinnishnounshade, shadow (relative darkness where light is blocked)
varjoFinnishnounEllipsis of sateenvarjo (“umbrella”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
varjoFinnishnounEllipsis of päivänvarjo (“parasol”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
varjoFinnishnounshadow (that which looms as though a shadow)figuratively
varjoFinnishnounshadow (one who secretly or furtively follows another)figuratively
varjoFinnishnounshadow (influence, especially a pervasive or a negative one)figuratively
varjoFinnishnounshadow (unconscious aspect of the personality)human-sciences psychology sciences
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjVirtuous; morally correct, righteous or good: / Just, fair, unbiased; having no prejudice or hypocrisy.
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjVirtuous; morally correct, righteous or good: / Brave, fearless; displaying courageousness or mettle.
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjVirtuous; morally correct, righteous or good
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjDesigned to teach or instill moral values; causing or producing virtue.
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjAmazing, wonderful, brilliant; extremely good.
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjEffective, useful; having benefits or virtues.
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjUseful against occult or malign forces; warding against sorcery.
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjPowerful, strong; having mightiness or potency (especially used of deities).
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjWise, learned; having expert knowledge or ability.rare
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjWealthy, rich, bounteous; overflowing with wealth.rare
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjCausing change or transformation; transformative.rare
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjIntense, rich, vigourous, active.rare
vertuousMiddle EnglishadjExciting, entertaining.rare
vetemedikHungarianverbto warp (to grow into a bent or twisted shape)intransitive
vetemedikHungarianverbto stoop, descend (-ra/-re) (to resort to a demeaning or disreputable course of action)figuratively intransitive
vieDanishverbdedicate something to someone or towards a cause
vieDanishverbwed two persons into marriage
voladorSpanishadjflighty (flying easily, flying a lot)
voladorSpanishnounflier (something that flies)masculine
voladorSpanishnounflying fishmasculine
voladorSpanishnountoy windmillmasculine
voladorSpanishnouna dancer in the Danza de los VoladoresMexico masculine
vousFrenchpronthe plural personal pronoun in the second person: / you (all).formal plural pronoun second-person singular subjective
vousFrenchpronthe plural personal pronoun in the second person: / you (all).direct-object formal plural pronoun second-person singular
vousFrenchpronyou, to you (indirect object pronoun)formal plural second-person singular
vousFrenchpronplural or singular personal pronoun in the second personformal plural polite second-person singular
vranësiAlbaniannounbad weatherfeminine
vranësiAlbaniannouncloudy sky, overcastfeminine
vusikuShonanounnight (in two Shona languages, Karanga and Ndau language).
vástagoSpanishnounshoot of a plantmasculine
vástagoSpanishnounoffshoot (that which develops from something else)figuratively masculine
wandilazProto-Germanicnounwanderermasculine reconstruction
wandilazProto-GermanicnounA Vandalmasculine reconstruction
warmongerEnglishnounSomeone who advocates war; a militarist.derogatory
warmongerEnglishnounA mercenary soldier.
warmongerEnglishverbTo advocate war.derogatory intransitive
waruMaoriverbto scrape
waruMaoriverbto grate
waruMaoriverbto shave (of hair)
waruMaoriverbto peel
waruMaorinounany scraper
waruMaorinounwood plane
werenDutchverbto hold back, to keep outtransitive
werenDutchverbto defend oneself, to put up resistancereflexive
werenDutchnounplural of weerform-of plural
werreMiddle EnglishnounA war; a large-scale military conflict.
werreMiddle EnglishnounA battle; an encounter between armies.
werreMiddle EnglishnounNon-military conflict or strife: / A joust or tourney; mock equestrian conflict.
werreMiddle EnglishnounNon-military conflict or strife: / A moral conflict or religion
werreMiddle EnglishnounNon-military conflict or strife: / Minor armed unrest or attacks.uncommon
werreMiddle EnglishnounThe struggles of one's quarry.hobbies hunting lifestylerare
werreMiddle Englishadjcomparative degree of yvel; worseNorthern comparative form-of
werreMiddle Englishadjcomparative degree of ille; worseNorthern comparative form-of
werreMiddle Englishadvcomparative degree of yvel (adverb); worseNorthern comparative form-of
werreMiddle Englishadvcomparative degree of ille (adverb); worseNorthern comparative form-of
werreMiddle EnglishnounSomething or someone which is more yvel or ille (i.e. worse).Northern uncountable
werreMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of werrenNorthern alt-of alternative
werthOld Saxonadjworth
werthOld Saxonadjdear
werthOld Saxonadjsuitable
werthOld Saxonnounworth, price, valueneuter
werthOld Saxonnounhonour, dignityneuter
wheatearEnglishnounAny of various passerine birds of the genus Oenanthe that feed on insects,
wheatearEnglishnounAny of various passerine birds of the genus Oenanthe that feed on insects, / especially, the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
wheatearEnglishnounAn ear of wheat.
wheatearEnglishnounA decorative pattern resembling an ear of wheat.
woodedEnglishadjCovered with trees.
woodedEnglishadjAged in wooden casks.
woodedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of woodform-of participle past
wywlecPolishverbto bring something out, usually with difficultycolloquial perfective transitive
wywlecPolishverbto drag somebody out by forcecolloquial perfective transitive
wywlecPolishverbto bring up (to reveal or remind someone of something unpleasant or embarrassing)colloquial perfective transitive
wywlecPolishverbto roll out of somewhere (to leave a place with difficulty or reluctance)colloquial perfective reflexive
yogaNorwegian Bokmålnounyogamasculine
yogaNorwegian Bokmålnoundisciplines and exercises based on yoga, but removed from the philosophical systemmasculine
yoğunTurkishadjintense, intensive
yoğunTurkishadjdense, thick
zabijákCzechnounkiller, murdereranimate derogatory masculine
zabijákCzechnounkiller (something that is very very harmful or destructive)animate figuratively masculine
zabijákCzechnounbutchers' knifeinanimate masculine
zacementowaćPolishverbto cement (to overlay or coat with cement)perfective transitive
zacementowaćPolishverbto be cemented (to be overlaid or coated with cement)perfective reflexive
zakenDutchnounplural of zaakform-of plural
zakenDutchnounaffairs, a field of management, such as a political portfolio
zavartHungarianverbthird-person singular indicative past indefinite of zavarform-of indefinite indicative past singular third-person
zavartHungarianverbpast participle of zavarform-of participle past
zavartHungarianadjperplexed, puzzled, bewildered (person, behavior)
zavartHungarianadjconfused, disturbed, disoriented (mind)
zavartHungariannounaccusative singular of zavaraccusative form-of singular
zawrzićSilesianverbto close, to lock, to shutperfective transitive
zawrzićSilesianverbto close, to become shutperfective reflexive
zawziąćPolishverbto be steadfast, to be determined, to be headstrong in completing somethingperfective reflexive
zawziąćPolishverbto have it in forperfective reflexive
zgrupowaniePolishnounverbal noun of zgrupowaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
zgrupowaniePolishnoungrouping (collection of things or people)countable neuter
à pointFrenchadjat the right moment, at the right time, on timeinvariable literary
à pointFrenchadjmedium rare (food)invariable
à pointFrenchadjsoftened up (of a suspect)government law-enforcementfiguratively invariable
árvácskaHungariannounpansy, garden pansy (Viola × wittrockiana) (a cultivated flowering plant, derived by hybridization within species Viola tricolor)
árvácskaHungariannounorphan child
çuhurJudeo-TatnounJew / a Persianate Jew from the Caucasusspecifically
çuhurJudeo-TatnounQırmızı Qəsəbə (a village and municipality of Quba district, Azerbaijan)colloquial in-plural
érzéketlenHungarianadjnumb (deprived of physical sensation)
érzéketlenHungarianadjinsensitive, indifferent (not caring or concerned, not able to feel sympathy or compassion)
überlaufenGermanverbto overflowclass-7 strong
überlaufenGermanverbto defectclass-7 strong
şehadetTurkishnounthe property or state of being a witnessdated
ΚάρπαθοςGreeknameKarpathos, the island in the Dodecanese
ΚάρπαθοςGreeknameKarpathos, a village in the Dodecanese prefecture
άγωGreekverbto lead
άγωGreekverbto force against the will
αγενήςGreekadjrude, impolite, uncivil (bad-mannered)
αγενήςGreekadjbase (as in base metal), nonprecious (metals such as lead, copper)
αισθητόςGreekadjtactile, sensible, perceptible
αισθητόςGreekadjsignificant, marked, noteworthy
ανοικοδομώGreekverbto rebuild, reconstructtransitive
ανοικοδομώGreekverbto imagine, reconstruct (in the mind)figuratively transitive
εὐλογέωAncient Greekverbto speak well of, praise
εὐλογέωAncient Greekverbto call down the gods' favour upon, bless
εὐλογέωAncient Greekverbto bestow benefits upon
εὐλογέωAncient Greekverbto curseeuphemistic
θάνατοςAncient GreeknoundeathAttic Doric Epic Ionic Koine
θάνατοςAncient GreeknouncorpseAttic Doric Epic Ionic Koine
μέσοGreeknounmeans, medium, tool, agent
μέσοGreeknounconnection (with someone who has power to enable things to happen)figuratively
μέσοGreeknounmeans, resourcesin-plural
μέσοGreekadjaccusative masculine singular of μέσος (mésos)accusative form-of masculine singular
μέσοGreekadjnominative/accusative/vocative neuter singular of μέσος (mésos)accusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
μέσοGreeknounaccusative singular of μέσος (mésos)accusative form-of singular
παροικέωAncient Greekverbto dwell beside
παροικέωAncient Greekverbto live near, (of places) to lie near
παροικέωAncient Greekverbto dwell among
παροικέωAncient Greekverbto dwell in as a foreignerKoine
σπερμολόγοςAncient Greekadjpicking up seeds
σπερμολόγοςAncient Greekadjpicking up scraps, gossipingfiguratively
σπερμολόγοςAncient Greeknounrook (Corvus frugilegus)
σπερμολόγοςAncient Greeknounguttersnipe, street urchinfiguratively
σπερμολόγοςAncient Greeknounidle blabber, gossiperfiguratively
στρέμμαGreeknounThe royal stremma or decare of ¹⁄₁₀ hectare (1,000 m²)
στρέμμαGreeknounThe historical stremma or square plethron, an area of 10,000 square Greek feethistorical
στρέμμαGreeknounThe historical stremma, the area able to be plowed by a team of oxen in a day, the Greek equivalent of the English acrecolloquial historical
στρόφοςAncient Greeknouna twisted band or cord
στρόφοςAncient Greeknouna swathing cloth, swaddling band
στρόφοςAncient Greeknouna twisting of the bowels, colic
τέμαχοςAncient Greeknounslice of fish
τέμαχοςAncient Greeknounslice of any food (meat, cheese)
φθίσιςAncient Greeknoundecline, decay
φθίσιςAncient Greeknounatrophy
φθίσιςAncient Greeknounconsumption (disease), tuberculosis
φθίσιςAncient Greeknounwaning of the moon
φθίσιςAncient Greeknouncontraction of the eyeabbreviation alt-of contraction
φωνήGreeknounvoice, sound
φωνήGreeknounvoice, noteentertainment lifestyle music
φωνήGreeknounvoicegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
абылааYakutverb(religion) to bewitch, to cast a spell upontransitive
абылааYakutverbto beguile, to captivate, to enchant, to fascinatefiguratively
ашықKazakhadjopen, overt
ашықKazakhadjclear, comprehensible
ашықKazakhadjlight-coloured, bright
бичаBulgarianverbto jostle, to pushcolloquial transitive
бичаBulgarianverbto pile, to shove overbroadly colloquial figuratively
бичаBulgarianverbto trip, to tumble, to fall overcolloquial reflexive
бичаBulgarianverbto jab, to prodcolloquial dialectal transitive
бичаBulgarianverbto skewerbroadly colloquial dialectal
бичаBulgarianverbto saw (particularly: to cut with бички́я)colloquial dialectal transitive
борбаBulgariannounfight, battle (a physical confrontation or combat between two or more people or groups)countable
борбаBulgariannounstruggle, contestcountable
борбаBulgariannounwrestling (sport)uncountable
віддалятиUkrainianverbto move away, to remove (move to a more distant place)transitive
віддалятиUkrainianverbto postpone, to put offtransitive
віддалятиUkrainianverbto estrange, to alienatefiguratively transitive
вірнийUkrainianadjtrue, faithful, loyal
вірнийUkrainianadjsure, reliable
вірнийUkrainianadjtrue, right, correct, accuraterare
грязьRussiannoundirt (uncleanliness)
грязьRussiannounfilth, smut, dirt, schmutzfiguratively
гътамBulgarianverbto push, to knock out, to bring downintransitive transitive
гътамBulgarianverbto fall down, to tumblereflexive
гътамBulgarianverbto kick the bucket, to bite the dusteuphemistic reflexive
гъэӏэсэнAdygheverbto tametransitive
гъэӏэсэнAdygheverbto teach good manners, to teach good behaviortransitive
гъэӏэсэнAdygheverbto calm, to quiet, to soothetransitive
добреPannonian Rusynadvwell, good (accurately, competently, satisfactorily)
добреPannonian Rusynadvgood (acting in the interest of what is beneficial, ethical, or moral)
добреPannonian Rusynadvwell (not sick)
добреPannonian Rusynadvgood (on good terms, in good relations)
добреPannonian Rusynintjalright, okay, OK (used before a statement in agreement)
добреPannonian Rusynintjfine (for pacifying or calming down someone)
добреPannonian Rusynintjwell, well, well (threat)
добреPannonian Rusynnoungood (forces or behaviours that are the opposite to bad or evil)neuter
добреPannonian Rusynnounwelfare, well-being, sakeneuter
добреPannonian Rusynnoungoods, goodneuter
добреPannonian Rusynnounproperty, estateneuter
добреPannonian Rusynadjneuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular of добри (dobri)accusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
заливатиUkrainianverbto flood (with liquid)transitive
заливатиUkrainianverbto flood, to fill, to suffuse (with sounds, smells, light, people, things, etc.)figuratively transitive
заливатиUkrainianverbto pour over, to drenchtransitive
заливатиUkrainianverbto douse (:fire)transitive
заливатиUkrainianverbto drown (:feelings with alcohol)figuratively transitive
заливатиUkrainianverbto fill, to fill up (with liquid)transitive
заливатиUkrainianverbto fill (with colour)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
заливатиUkrainianverbto lie, to tell liesintransitive slang
зарницаRussiannounheat lightning
зарницаRussiannounZarnitsa (Soviet massive children's war game)
збільшенняUkrainiannounincrease, growthuncountable
збільшенняUkrainiannounexpansion, extension, enlargementuncountable
значителенBulgarianadjconsiderable, appreciable, sizable
значителенBulgarianadjsignificant, important, substantial
клатяBulgarianverbto wag, to swing, to rocktransitive
клатяBulgarianverbto shake, to make something rocktransitive
клатяBulgarianverbto dangle (of something suspended)reflexive
клатяBulgarianverbto shake, to totter (of something unstable)reflexive
крушениеRussiannounaccident, crash; collapse
крушениеRussiannounshipwreck, shipwrecking, sinking (an event in which a ship sinks or runs aground)nautical transport
көйлекKazakhnoundress, clothes
лезціBelarusianverbto climb (up, on to), to scramble
лезціBelarusianverbto clamber, to crawl, to scramble (through, into, under)
лезціBelarusianverbto get (into); to thrust the hand (into)
лезціBelarusianverbto thrust oneself (upon); to intrude (upon)
лезціBelarusianverbto meddle (in, with)
лезціBelarusianverbto fit (into)
мыльницаRussiannounsoap dish
мыльницаRussiannouna cheap photo camera.colloquial
мырҙаBashkirnounone's small / younger brother
мырҙаBashkirnouna way to address a male younger than the speakerterm-of-address
мырҙаBashkirnounmirza, a nobility title in the Nogai, Kazan and Siberian khanateshistorical
містUkrainiannounbridge (a prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent teeth)dentistry medicine sciences
містUkrainiannounbackbenddance dancing gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports
містUkrainiannoungenitive plural of мі́сто (místo)form-of genitive plural
нагородаUkrainiannounaward, prize
накоплениеRussiannounaccumulation; cumulation
накоплениеRussiannounaccumulated funds, savingsin-plural
насмотретьсяRussianverbto see as much as one wanted (of), to see enough (of), to have a good look (at)
насмотретьсяRussianverbto see a lot (of)
неискренностьRussiannouninsincerity, hypocrisy
неискренностьRussiannounlack of genuineness, falseness (referring to a person)
неустойкаRussiannounpenal damages, stipulated damages (in a civil law system, the monetary penalty for nonfulfillment of a contractual obligation)law
нинішнійUkrainianadjcurrent, present, present-day (existing or happening now)
нинішнійUkrainianadjtoday's, of today
окрепнутьRussianverbto grow stronger
окрепнутьRussianverbto get firmly established
отвірUkrainiannounopening, aperture
отжигатьRussianverbburn part of an item
отжигатьRussianverbto anneal
отжигатьRussianverbto do something out of the ordinary, to go beyond the ordinary, to be extraordinary or eccentricslang
отшатнутьсяRussianverbto start back (from), to shrink back (from), to recoil (from)
отшатнутьсяRussianverbto forsake, to renounce
перекреститьсяRussianverbto cross oneself
перекреститьсяRussianverbpassive of перекрести́ть (perekrestítʹ)form-of passive
перерастиRussianverbto (over)top, to outgrow, to outstrip
перерастиRussianverbto develop (into), to grow (into)
перерастиRussianverbto be too old (for), to be past the stage (for)
пианиноRussiannounupright pianoindeclinable
пианиноRussiannounpianocolloquial indeclinable
посоветоватьсяRussianverbto consult
посоветоватьсяRussianverbto confer, to deliberate, to exchange views
посоветоватьсяRussianverbpassive of посове́товать (posovétovatʹ)form-of passive
правільныBelarusianadjcorrect, right, true
правільныBelarusianadjregulargrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
пребродитиSerbo-Croatianverbto overcome, surmount, weather (difficulties, crisis, etc.)transitive
пребродитиSerbo-Croatianverbto cross (river, water surface)transitive
предатьсяRussianverbto give oneself up (to)
предатьсяRussianverbpassive of преда́ть (predátʹ)form-of passive
пресныйRussianadjsweet, fresh (water)
пресныйRussianadjunleavened (bread)
пресныйRussianadjtasteless (food)
пресныйRussianadjstale, insipid, vapid
раскатыватьRussianverbto roll (out)
раскатыватьRussianverbto make slippery (by sliding on)
раскатыватьRussianverbto roll apart, (a log building) to take apart
раскатыватьRussianverbto drive (about, around), to ride (about, around)colloquial
распоређиватиSerbo-Croatianverbto arrange, disposetransitive
распоређиватиSerbo-Croatianverbto assign, allottransitive
распоређиватиSerbo-Croatianverbto distributetransitive
роTajiknounUsed to mark certain noun phrases as the direct object.
роTajiknounindicates that the preceding noun phrase is an indirect object.
роTajiknounFollows certain nouns being used adverbially, or as an exclamation.
роTajiknounUsed as a genitive particle to mark the possessor (with будан)archaic
роTajiknounfor the sake of, for; (more loosely) because ofarchaic
розвалюватиUkrainianverbto pull down, to tear down (to demolish or destroy)transitive
розвалюватиUkrainianverbto collapse (to cause to collapse)figuratively literally transitive
розвалюватиUkrainianverbto smash upcolloquial transitive
ростRussiannoungrowth (in a living organism)
ростRussiannoungrowth, increase, rise (in a quantity, price, etc.)
ростRussiannounheight, stature
садUkrainiannoungarden, orchard
садUkrainiannounpark, garden
сближатьсяRussianverbto approach (each other)
сближатьсяRussianverbto approach, to close in
сближатьсяRussianverbto draw closer together
сближатьсяRussianverbto become good/close friends (with)
сближатьсяRussianverbpassive of сближа́ть (sbližátʹ)form-of passive
сликаSerbo-Croatiannounpicture, image
смешокRussiannounchuckle, short laugh
смешокRussiannounjokes, jeersin-plural
сочувствиеRussiannouncompassion, sympathyobsolete
стартоватьRussianverbto take off, to launch
стартоватьRussianverbto startfiguratively
схоплюватиUkrainianverbto grab, to grasp, to seize, to take hold of
схоплюватиUkrainianverbto catch, to collar, to nab, to nickgovernment law-enforcementcolloquial
схоплюватиUkrainianverbto catch, to cop (to be forced to take, receive: bad grade, blow, punishment, etc.)
схоплюватиUkrainianverbto grip, to take hold of (said of fire, ice, etc.)
схоплюватиUkrainianverbto grasp (to perceive, to understand)colloquial figuratively
схоплюватиUkrainianverbto capture, to catch (to reproduce convincingly: idea, mood, spirit, etc.)figuratively
тормошBashkirnounlife as physical/biological existence
тормошBashkirnounlife as a succession of events and experiences, living experience, all the things that happen to someone in their life
тормошBashkirnounway of life, lifestyle
тормошBashkirnounmarriage, married life
троглодитRussiannountroglodyte (1)anthropology human-sciences sciences
троглодитRussiannounignoramus, troglodyte (3)colloquial figuratively
троглодитRussiannoungluttoncolloquial figuratively
унестисьRussianverbto leave quickly, to speed off
унестисьRussianverbto fly by (of time)figuratively
унестисьRussianverbto be carried back (of thoughts)figuratively
унестисьRussianverbpassive of унести́ (unestí)form-of passive
успеяBulgarianverbto have time, to find time
успеяBulgarianverbto manage (to do something), to succeed
успеяBulgarianverbto arrive in time (for), to be in time (for)
успеяBulgarianverbto catch (a train, bus)
форшмакRussiannounvorschmack (a dish made of minced meat, onion, water, anchovies and/or herring)
форшмакRussiannounsomething bad, rotten, poorly madefiguratively
форшмакRussiannounpunk, prison bitchoffensive slang
фразаUkrainiannounphrase (expression)
фразаUkrainiannounphrase (group of words)
фразаUkrainiannounphrase (section of music)
шахрайUkrainiannounfraud, fraudster, cheat, conman, faker, scammer, swindler
шахрайUkrainiannounknave, rascal, rogue
шахрайUkrainianverbsecond-person singular imperative of шахра́ти impf (šaxráty)form-of imperative second-person singular
шитвоUkrainiannounsewing, needlework (act of sewing)uncountable
шитвоUkrainiannounneedlework (product of sewing)uncountable
шитвоUkrainiannounembroidery (embroidered fabric)uncountable
эвMongoliannounharmony, concord
эвMongoliannounskill, art, manner
эвMongoliannounfitness, convenience (of a thing)
эвMongoliannouna type of traditional wooden toy
эвMongoliannouna female otter
этакийRussiandetsuch, like thiscolloquial
этакийRussiandetwhat (a)colloquial
үҥкYakutverb(religion) to pray, to worshipintransitive
үҥкYakutverbto bow, (by extension) to ask humbly (for something)
үҥкYakutverbto complain, to appeallaw
ӯйNorthern Mansinounbeast
ӯйNorthern Mansinounanimal
ԿշեռքArmeniannameLibra (a constellation of the zodiac in the shape of a set of scales).astronomy natural-sciences
ԿշեռքArmeniannameLibra (the zodiac sign for the scales, covering September 23–October 22).astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
աղաArmeniannounperson belonging to a family of noblemen
աղաArmeniannounperson keeping hired workers; rich man
աղաArmeniannounan honorific title of address, aghaarchaic
աղաArmeniannouna well-to-do personarchaic figuratively
աղաArmeniannouna magnanimous personarchaic figuratively
աղաArmeniannounexploiter, oppressorderogatory
աղաArmeniannounsomeone avoiding workderogatory
աղաArmenianverbsecond-person singular imperative of աղալ (aġal)form-of imperative second-person singular
ասախMiddle Armeniannounlaw
ասախMiddle Armeniannounprohibition, ban
ասախMiddle Armeniannounfine, penalty
ծակArmeniannounhole; opening; aperture
ծակArmeniannounbreach, gap
ծակArmeniannouncunt, pussyvulgar
ծակArmenianadjhaving a hole, perforated, holed
ծակArmenianadjfake, low-qualityfiguratively
ծլիկArmeniannounclitorisanatomy medicine sciences
ծլիկArmeniannounsprout, shootdialectal
ուղեղOld Armeniannounbrain
ուղեղOld Armeniannounbone marrow
պատմագետArmeniannounhistoriographer, a scholar of the science of history
պտույտArmeniannounturn, revolution
պտույտArmeniannounrotation; revolution; going round, whirling, spinning (round)
اشOttoman Turkishnounmate, match, one of a pair, a single thing of a couple
اشOttoman Turkishnounspouse, a person in a marriage or marital relationship
بلہ بازUrdunounbatsmanball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
بلہ بازUrdunounbatterball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
دعوتPersiannouninvitation, call (to a religion, etc.)
دعوتPersiannounconvivial meeting
رسیدنPersianverbto arrive, to reach
رسیدنPersianverbto have time
زبرجدArabicnounchrysolite, olivine, peridot
سهمPersiannounshare, portion, quota, contribution
سهمPersiannounsharebusiness finance stock-market
عادتPersiannounrite, ritual, practice
نشانUrdunounsign, symbol
نشانUrdunounmark, impression, scar
نشانUrdunountrace, clue, vestige
نشانUrdunounensign, standard
نشانUrdunoundecoration, medal
ܚܡܝܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounhot spring (natural spring producing water at high temperatures)
ܚܡܝܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbath (body of water used for bathing)
ܚܡܝܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounspa; hot tub
ܚܡܝܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjfeminine of ܚܲܡܝܼܡܵܐ (ḥamīmā): hotfeminine form-of
ܠܒܢܢAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameLebanon (a country in Asia; official name: Lebanese Republic)
ܠܒܢܢAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameA mountain range in the Middle East.
ܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounorder, command, injunction, precept
ܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnouncommandment, decree
ܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounrecommendation
ܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounwill, testament
ܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounauthority, rule, dominion, domination
ܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounimperative moodgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
ܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounvengeance, punishment, chastisement
ܦܬܝܚܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjopen, unlocked
ܦܬܝܚܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjfollowed by the vowel sign pṯāḥāgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
सनHindinouna vibrant and insistent sound, whizzing, whistling, jingling
सनHindinounthrill (of delight)figuratively
सनHindinoundarting pain (as of a boil)figuratively
सहीफ़ाHindinounwriting, letter, epistle
सहीफ़ाHindinounleaf, page
सहीफ़ाHindinounbook, magazine, periodical
ইমানAssameseadjthis much
ইমানAssameseadjso much
ফণীAssamesenounhooded snake.
ਬਾਦਸ਼ਾਹੀPunjabiadjroyal, regal, kingly
ਰਾਜPunjabinounrule, reign, regime, government
ਰਾਜPunjabinouncountry, states or territories ruled over
ਰਿਆਸਤPunjabinouna sovereign state
ਰਿਆਸਤPunjabinounrule, control
ਰਿਆਸਤPunjabinouna princely statehistorical
ଉଚ୍ଚାରିବାOdiaverbto utter
ଉଚ୍ଚାରିବାOdiaverbto speak
ஓட்டுTamilverbto drive
ஓட்டுTamilverbto cause to run
ஓட்டுTamilverbto goad, incite, provoke
சங்கீதம்Tamilnounthe art or science of music
சங்கீதம்Tamilnounpsalm, hymn
சேர்ந்தலைTamilnounintimacy, intimate connection
சேர்ந்தலைTamilnounsexual union
ดันThaiverbto push; to press.
ดันThaiverbto put forward or bring before the public; to publicise; to create publicity (for); to promote.slang
ดันThaiadvused to modify a verb in a situation where an action should not be done but is done nevertheless.
ดันThaiverbundefined, found in a number of compounds.
ประเทศThainounnation; also used as a prefix to the name of a nation.
ประเทศThainounarea; district; locality; place; region; spot.formal
ประเทศThainouncity; province.humorous
ประเทศThainounAlternative form of บรเทศ (bɔɔ-rá-têet)alt-of alternative
สามีThainounhusband: married man.formal
สามีThainounchief; lord; master.formal
สามีThainounhigh priest; chief priest; senior priest.formal
สามีThainounowner; possessor.formal
เบญจมาศThainounflorist's daisy, the plant Chrysanthemum × morifolium of the family Asteraceae.
เบญจมาศThainounany chrysanthemum.broadly
เบญจมาศThainoun(สกุล~) the genus Chrysanthemum.biology botany natural-sciences
ပိမ့်Burmesenounpapular eruption (on the skin)
ပိမ့်Burmesenounheartscard-games games
ပိမ့်Burmeseadjslightly dented
ပိမ့်BurmesepostpAbbreviation of ပေအံ့ (peam.) (future postpositional marker)abbreviation alt-of poetic
ပွားBurmeseverbto grow or increase in number or size; to spread out
ပွားBurmeseverbto nurture
လေ့Burmeseverbto practice, acquire a habit, become accustomed to, take interest in
လေ့Burmeseparticleparticle suffixed to a verb to denote a habit
လေ့Burmeseparticleparticle used as a sentence final marker for euphonic effect
လေ့Burmeseparticleword used in calling pigs
ლომიGeorgiannounLeo constellationastronomy natural-sciences
ლომიGeorgiannounLeoastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ჭეLazintjoh, man, hey
ჭეLazintjoh, man, hey
ჭირიGeorgiannounplague, pestilence
ჭირიGeorgiannountribulation, misfortune, disasterfiguratively
ሰዓበTigrinyaverbto follow
ሰዓበTigrinyaverbto pursue
ṭhānaPalinounstate, -hoodneuter
ἄρκτοςAncient Greeknounbear
ἄρκτοςAncient Greeknounthe north
ὄτοβοςAncient Greeknounany loud noise, as the din of battle
ὄτοβοςAncient Greeknounrattling of chariots
ὄτοβοςAncient Greeknouncrash of thunder
ῥᾴδιοςAncient Greekadjeasy, easy to understand, easy to do
ῥᾴδιοςAncient Greekadjeasygoing, adaptable / reckless, unscrupulous
ῥᾴδιοςAncient Greekadjeasygoing, adaptable / better (i.e. get better from sickness)
Translingualsymbolunidentifiable/indeterminate close vowel (high vowel)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Translingualsymboliron (Daltonian symbol)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete
いらっしゃいJapanesephrasecome; go; be (imperative)polite
いらっしゃいJapanesephraseInterjection used to welcome someone's visit: welcome
いらっしゃいJapanesephraseInterjection used by stores to attract customers.
アークJapanesenounan arc of electricity
アークJapanesenounpart of a series, as in a story arc or character arc
アークJapanesenounpart of a circle or orbit
アークJapanesenounan arc in general
パーティクルJapanesenouna particle (body with very small size)
パーティクルJapanesenouna particlecomputer-graphics computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
上手ChinesenounAlternative form of 上首 (shàngshǒu, “honored one; seat of honor”)alt-of alternative
上手Chinesenounpredecessor; one's superior
上手Chinesenounplayer whose turn comes nextcard-games games
上手Chinesenounready-to-handhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
上手Chinesenounprevious owner of real estateCantonese
上手Chineseverbto start; to begin
上手Chineseverbto get in one's hand; to get (fish, etc.) on the hook
上手Chineseadvat the outsetcolloquial
下落Japanesenounfall, decline, drop
下落Japanesenounfall in stock prices, decline of a stockbusiness finance stock-market
下落Japaneseverbfall, decline, drop
下落Japaneseverbfall in stock prices, decline of a stockbusiness finance stock-market
二意Chinesenoundisloyalty; two-timingliterary
人情Chinesenounhuman sentiment; natural human feelings; inherent goodness of human nature
人情Chinesenounfriends and relationships; personal connections; people with which one has curried favor
人情Chinesenouncourtesy; etiquette; civility
人情Chinesenounfavour (kind or helpful deed)
人情Chinesenoungift; present
人情Chinesenouncustomary wedding gift money paid by the guest who receives the invitation, whether the guest will attend or notCantonese
人流Chinesenouna stream of people; crowd
人流Chinesenounflow of people; passage of people
人流ChinesenounShort for 人工流產/人工流产 (réngōng liúchǎn, “abortion (of an unborn baby)”).abbreviation alt-of
傻大黑粗Chineseadjstupid, tall, dark-skinned and fat (e.g. as undesirable characteristics of a rural bride)
傻大黑粗Chineseadjugly, bulky and lacking refinementneologism slang
出席Chineseverbto attend; to be present
出席Chineseverbto leave one's seat; to stand uparchaic
Chinesecharacterpowerful; strong
Chinesecharactervigorous; with energy; lively
Chinesecharacteramazing; terrificCantonese
Chinesecharactervery; superCantonese
Chinesecharactervigor; energy; strength (Classifier: 股 m)
Chinesecharacterair; manner; expression (Classifier: 股 m)
Chinesecharacterinterest; relish; gusto
Chinesecharacterpalace corridor or passagewayliterary
Chinesecharacterinner palace; women's inner chamberfiguratively literary
Chinesecharacterwoman; wifefiguratively literary
JapanesecharacterconcubineHyōgai kanji
JapanesecharacterservantHyōgai kanji
JapanesepronI, mefeminine humble
孽譎仔話Chinesenounjoke; banterTaiwanese-Hokkien
實惠Chineseadjsubstantial; solid; (of a deal) advantageous
實惠Chineseadjbeing value for money; affordable
實惠Chinesenounmaterial benefits
小鬼Chinesenoundemon of lower rank; underling of a supernatural being
小鬼Chinesenounmischief; urchin; little devil; kidderogatory endearing
小鬼Chinesenounsmall joker; little jokercard-games games
Chinesecharacterson; childGan Pinghua Xiang
Chinesecharacteryoung animaldialectal
Chinesecharactercloth; textiles (Classifier: 匹; 塊/块)
Chinesecharacterto announce; to proclaim
Chinesecharacterto spread
Chinesecharacterto deploy; to set out
常規Chinesenounconvention; rule; common practice; routine
常規Chinesenounroutine examination; countmedicine pathology sciences
常規Chineseadjconventional; routineattributive
Chinesecharactermoney; coin; currency
Chinesecharactersilk (as a sacrificial offering or gift)
Chinesecharacterwealth; belongings
Chinesecharacterto give as a gift; to present
康樂棋Chinesenounnovuss; koroonaHong-Kong
康樂棋Chinesenouna variant of snakes and ladders with art featuring an amusement parkHong-Kong
戸部JapanesenameSynonym of 民部省 (Minbushō, “Ministry of Popular Affairs”) (designation by the Chinese)
戸部Japanesenamethe Ministry of Revenuegovernment history human-sciences sciences
拓破Chineseverbto puncture; to pierceHokkien
拓破Chineseverbto expose; to revealHokkien figuratively
指令Japanesenoundirection, order
指令Japanesenouncommandgovernment military politics war
指令Japanesenouncommandergovernment military politics war
指令Japaneseverbto direct, to order
探囊Chineseverbto take something from one's pocketliterary
探囊Chineseverbto be extremely easyfiguratively literary
攻めるJapaneseverbto attack; to assault
攻めるJapaneseverbto take a risky and bold approachinformal
方寸Chinesenounsquare cun (around 1/9 square decimeter)
方寸Chinesenounheart; mindfiguratively literary
方寸Chinesenounmood, thoughts
旅力Chinesenounphysical strength; physical power; energyliterary
旅力Chineseverbto exert oneself; to make an effort; to put one's energy intoliterary
Chinesecharacterto reflect (light); to mirror; to shine
Chinesecharacterto project (movie)
Chinesecharactersunshine; sunlight
Chinesecharacterto cover; to hide
Chinesecharacterthe hours of the goat (1:00pm to 3:00pm)
ChinesecharacterOnly used in 映㬒 (“not bright; not clear”).
水文ChinesenounAlternative form of 水紋 /水纹 (shuǐwén, “wave; ripple”)alt-of alternative literary
汪汪Chineseadjmoist with tears; tearful
汪汪Chineseadjdeep and wideliterary
汪汪Chineseadvbow-wow; woof-woofonomatopoeic
Chinesecharacterabundant; overflowing; brimming
Chinesecharacterto soak; to moisten
Chinesecharacterto share in (a benefit); to benefit through association
Chinesecharacterto influence; to edify
Chinesecharacterto be stained with; to be contaminated by
Chinesecharacterto touch; to come into contact with
Chinesecharacterto be good; to be okaydialectal
Chinesecharacteran ancient river that flows from Huguan County, Shanxi into the Qi (淇) River in Henan, China
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 添 (tiān, “to increase”)alt-of alternative
Chinesecharacteran ancient river flowing from Xiyang County, Shanxi into Ye (冶) River in Hebei
Chinesecharacter(historical) a county in the Han dynasty southwest of Xiyang County
火德Chinesenounthe ability to make firearchaic
火德Chinesenounthe virtue of fire (one of the five elements that determined who was to become a ruler)archaic
無慮Chineseadvapproximately; about; or so; or thereaboutsliterary
無慮Chineseadvprobably; likelyliterary
牽猴Chineseverbto act as a pimpMin Southern
牽猴Chineseverbto be a brokerMin Southern
牽猴ChinesenounbrokerMin Southern
牽猴ChinesenounpimpMin Southern
Japanesecharacteran ape, (in particular) a gibbonkanji
Japanesecharacteraiming atkanji
Japanesecharacteraiming for; in pursuit of somethingkanji
Japanesecharacterwaiting for an opening; awaiting one's chancekanji
碴兒Chinesenounbroken piececolloquial
碴兒Chinesenounsharp edge (of broken glass, porcelain, etc.)colloquial
碴兒Chinesenounrift; animosity; hostility; ill willcolloquial
筆記Chineseverbto put down (in writing); to take down
筆記Chinesenounshort sketches (literary genre)
Chinesecharacterbamboo slip
Chinesecharacterletter; epistle
Chinesecharactersimple; uncomplicated
Chinesecharacterterse; succinct; pithy; concise; brief; to the point
Chinesecharacterto simplify
Chinesecharacterto treat coldly; to give the cold-shoulder; to neglect
Chinesecharacterto select; to choose; to pick
Chinesecharactera surname, Jian
ChinesecharacterA transliteration of the English female given name Jane
紙牌Chinesenounplaying card (a card used in card games)
紙牌ChinesenounWestern playing card (a card in the standard 52-card deck)specifically
紙牌Chinesenounone of the Four Color Cardsspecifically
能言鳥Chinesenounparrot (kind of bird)
能言鳥Chinesenountalking bird
Chinesecharacterbrain (Classifier: 個/个 m c)anatomy medicine sciences
Chinesecharacterbrains; mind
Chinesecharacterto smash one's head
Chinesecharactercore; central part
Chinesecharacterbrain-like object or substancein-compounds
ChinesecharacterShort for 電腦/电脑 (din⁶ nou⁵, “computer”). (Classifier: 部 c)Cantonese Hong-Kong abbreviation alt-of
臭疑Chineseverbto doubt; to suspectMin Southern
臭疑Chineseverbto speculate; to surmiseMin Southern
至理Chinesenountruism; maximhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
至理Chinesenounbest politicsgovernment politics
JapanesecharacterscytheHyōgai kanji
Japanesecharacterto scythe, to cutHyōgai kanji
花樣Chinesenounvariety; variation
花樣Chinesenountrick (act of mischief); ployinformal
華貴Chineseadjluxurious; sumptuous; costly
ChinesecharacterUsed in 螌蝥 and 斑蝥 (bānmáo).
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 蟊 (“insect that eats the roots of seedlings”)alt-of alternative
ChinesecharacterUsed in 蝥弧 (máohú).
ChinesecharacterUsed in 蛛蝥 (zhūwú) and 蝃蝥 (zhuōwú).
ChinesecharacterUsed in 蝥網/蝥网.
Chinesecharacterto please; to give pleasure
Chinesecharacterpleased; happy
Chinesecharacteroutspoken and upright
西北Chinesenounsummer shower; convectional rainHokkien Puxian-Min
西北ChinesenameNorthwest China (a region of China; consisting of Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang)
西北Chinesename(historical) Northwest China (a former greater administrative region of China from 1949 to 1954, consisting of Xi'an, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang)
躁動Chineseverbto stir restlessly; to be agitated; to be worried
躁動Chineseverbto move restlessly; to keep moving up and down
迂迴Chineseadjfull of twists and turns; roundabout; circuitous; meandering; tortuous
迂迴Chineseverbto outflank
鑽穿Chineseverbto drill a small holeZhangzhou-Hokkien
鑽穿Chineseverbto execute by firing squadZhangzhou-Hokkien
零錢Chinesenounbanknotes of small value or coins
零錢Chinesenounextra money earned on the sideaccounting business finance
零錢Chinesenounpocket money
馬拉松Chinesenounmarathonhobbies lifestyle sports
馬拉松Chinesenounlonglasting event; marathonfiguratively
馬拉松ChinesenounAlternative name for 馬拉硫磷/马拉硫磷 (“malathion”).chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesalt-of alternative name
鳥囝Chinesenounfledgling; chickPuxian-Min
鳥囝Chinesenounsparrow (any member of the Passer genus)
鳥囝Chinesenounfemale role (in Chinese opera)
鳥囝Chinesenounone of bamboos (mahjong tile)Puxian-Min
ꯇꯥꯑꯣManipuriverbto float
ꯇꯥꯑꯣManipuriverbto fry
나라Koreannouncountry, nation
나라KoreansuffixChinese dynastyhistory human-sciences sciencesmorpheme
나라KoreannameNara (a city in Japan)
솔다Koreanadjlimited in space: / to be tight, to be smalldated
솔다Koreanadjlimited in space: / to be small, to be crampeddated
솔다Koreanadjto be narrowGyeongsang
솔다Koreanadjto hurt, to achedated
솔다Koreanverbto harden; to dry up / to harden; to congealdated intransitive
솔다Koreanverbto harden; to dry up / to crystallizedated intransitive
솔다Koreanverbto harden; to dry up / to dry, to set (e.g. glue or paint)dated intransitive
조사Koreannouninvestigation; examination
조사Koreannounparticle; postpositiongrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
조사Koreannounexposure to light
조사Koreannouneulogy; words of condolence
조사Koreannounwording; phraseology
조사Koreannounpremature death; untimely deathformal
조사KoreannounSynonym of 어조사(語助辭) (eojosa, “Classical Chinese grammatical particle”)
조사Koreannounfounder (of a school of learning, or sect of Buddhism or Daoism)
𐌳𐌰𐌿𐍀𐌾𐌰𐌽Gothicverbto dip, immerse
𐌳𐌰𐌿𐍀𐌾𐌰𐌽Gothicverbto baptizeChristianity
(mathematics)unitaryEnglishadjHaving the quality of oneness.
(mathematics)unitaryEnglishadjThat concentrates power in a single body, rather than sharing it with more local bodies.government
(mathematics)unitaryEnglishadjThat contains an identity element.mathematics sciences
(mathematics)unitaryEnglishadjWhose inverse is equal to its adjoint.linear-algebra mathematical-analysis mathematics sciences
(mathematics)unitaryEnglishnounA unitary council.UK
(mathematics)unitaryEnglishnounA unitary matrix or operator.mathematics sciences
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishnounAn intentional interference with another's property or person.lawcountable uncountable
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishnounsinarchaic countable uncountable
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishverbTo commit an offence; to sin.archaic intransitive
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishverbTo offend against, to wrong (someone).obsolete transitive
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishverbTo go too far; to put someone to inconvenience by demand or importunity; to intrude.intransitive
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishverbTo enter someone else's property
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishverbTo pass beyond a limit or boundary; hence, to depart; to go.obsolete
(obsolete in English) to offend againsttrespassEnglishverbTo decree that a person or group of people shall be arrested for trespassing if they return to someone else's property.government law-enforcementtransitive
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameA god personifying the air and atmosphere.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesEgyptian
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameA surname.
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameA partially sinicized civilization in ancient Sichuan, China.historical
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameA Chinese kingdom in Sichuan during the Three Kingdoms period.historical
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameA Chinese kingdom in Sichuan during the Ten Kingdoms period.historical
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameA later Chinese kingdom in Sichuan during the Ten Kingdoms period.historical
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameA river in Shandong, China.
3 Kingdoms eraShuEnglishnameSynonym of Chu, a river in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons. / The time taken for the Earth to return to the same position along the ecliptic, completing a full cycle of seasons; a tropical year or solar year.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons. / The time taken for the Earth to orbit the Sun with respect to the fixed stars; a sidereal year.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons. / The length of twelve lunations; the time taken for any moon phase to happen twelve times; a lunar year.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons. / The length of a year as marked by a calendar, 365 or 366 days in the Gregorian calendar; a calendar year.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons. / The mean length of a calendar year in the Julian calendar, that is, 365.25 solar days; a Julian year.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.
6-yearyearEnglishnounThe time it takes for any astronomical object (such as a planet, dwarf planet, small Solar System body, or comet) in direct orbit around a star (such as the Sun) to make one revolution around the star.broadly
6-yearyearEnglishnounA period between set dates that mark a year, such as from January 1 to December 31 by the Gregorian calendar, from Tishri 1 to Elul 29 by the Jewish calendar, and from Muharram 1 to Dhu al-Hijjah 29 or 30 by the Islamic calendar.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA scheduled part of a calendar year spent in a specific activity.
6-yearyearEnglishnounA scheduled part of a calendar year spent in a specific activity. / A level or grade in school or college.
6-yearyearEnglishnounThe proportion of a creature's lifespan equivalent to one year of an average human lifespan (see also dog year).
6-yearyearEnglishnounPronunciation spelling of here.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
6-yearyearEnglishnounPronunciation spelling of hear.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
A type of coralsea-treeEnglishnounAny of a number of branching corals that look like underwater trees
A type of coralsea-treeEnglishnounAny of a number of branching corals that look like underwater trees / A coral in the genus AphanipathesNew-Zealand
A type of musicgrimeEnglishnounDirt, grease, soot, etc. that is ingrained and difficult to remove.uncountable
A type of musicgrimeEnglishnounA genre of urban music that emerged in London, England, in the early 2000s, primarily a development of UK garage, dancehall, and hip hop.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
A type of musicgrimeEnglishverbTo begrime; to cake with dirt.
AdjectivesсинийRussianadjdeep blue
AdjectivesсинийRussianadjdead (sense transferred from the bluish color of a dead person's face)colloquial figuratively
AdjectivesсинийRussianadjdrunken, drunk (also acts as noun)colloquial figuratively
AdjectivesсинийRussianadjbeing a thief belonging to the Russian mafia (from the blue color of the tattoos that cover his body)slang
Alemannic German spoken in SwitzerlandSwiss GermanEnglishnameThe varieties of Alemannic German spoken in Switzerland.
Alemannic German spoken in SwitzerlandSwiss GermanEnglishnameAny local form of the German language used in Switzerland; Swiss Standard German.broadly
Alemannic German spoken in SwitzerlandSwiss GermanEnglishnounA German-speaking person from Switzerland.
Alemannic German spoken in SwitzerlandSwiss GermanEnglishadjPertaining to the German-speaking part of Switzerland.
Alemannic German spoken in SwitzerlandSwiss GermanEnglishadjOf or relating to one or all of the languages.
Calluna vulgarisheatherEnglishnounAn evergreen plant, Calluna vulgaris, with spiky leaves and small purple, pink, or white flowers.countable uncountable
Calluna vulgarisheatherEnglishnounA plant in the family Ericaceae.countable uncountable
Calluna vulgarisheatherEnglishnounVarious species of the genus Erica.countable uncountable
Calluna vulgarisheatherEnglishnounVarious species of the genus Cassiope.countable uncountable
Calluna vulgarisheatherEnglishnounA purple colour with a tint of pink and blue.countable uncountable
Calluna vulgarisheatherEnglishnounThe use of interwoven yarns of mixed colours to produce manufacturing textilescountable uncountable
Calluna vulgarisheatherEnglishadjOf a purple colour with a tint of pink and blue.not-comparable
Caryota urenskittulEnglishnounA palm of species Caryota urens, native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia that yields a sap from which sugar can be made.countable uncountable
Caryota urenskittulEnglishnounA fiber obtained from the leaves of the palm.uncountable
Chinese yam薯蕷ChinesenounChinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya)
Chinese yam薯蕷ChinesenounDioscorea (genus including yams)
Chinese yam薯蕷ChinesenounDioscoreaceae (family)
Chinese yam薯蕷Chinesenounsweet potatoarchaic
Curved double quotation marks〝 〟Japanesepunctencloses an embedded (inner) quotation.
Curved double quotation marks〝 〟Japanesepunctused for emphasis, or to set off metaphors, neologisms and the like.
Dysphania ambrosoidesJerusalem oakEnglishnounThe weed Dysphania botrys, native to the Mediterranean region and naturalized in North America.countable uncountable
Dysphania ambrosoidesJerusalem oakEnglishnounThe herb epazote, Dysphania ambrosioides, native to the Americas.countable uncountable
Gaelic footballfree kickEnglishnouna kick in which a player may kick the ball without interference from the opposition. Such a kick may be awarded for a foul by the opposition, or earned by a player such as by taking a mark.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle rugby soccer sports
Gaelic footballfree kickEnglishnounThe usual means of restarting play after a foul is committed, where the non-offending team restarts from where the foul was committed.
Gaelic footballpeilIrishnounfootball (game, physical ball)feminine
Gaelic footballpeilIrishnounGaelic footballfeminine
Infix position positive subject concord; Negative present conditional-ki-Swahiliinfixwhile, simultaneity markermorpheme
Infix position positive subject concord; Negative present conditional-ki-Swahiliinfixwhile, simultaneity marker / continuous aspect markermorpheme
Infix position positive subject concord; Negative present conditional-ki-Swahiliinfixwhen, if, conditional mood markermorpheme
Infix position positive subject concord; Negative present conditional-ki-Swahiliinfixit, [[Appendix:Swahili_noun_classes#Ki-vi class|ki class_((VII))]] object concordmorpheme
MarienbergerMarienbergGermannameA town in Erzgebirgskreis district, Saxony, Germanyneuter proper-noun
MarienbergerMarienbergGermannameAny of various smaller places in Germany and other European countries.neuter proper-noun
Medicago草頭ChinesenounThe Chinese character component 艹. (Classifier: 個/个)
Medicago草頭Chinesenounmedick; burclover; lucerne; alfalfa (Medicago)Wu colloquial
Medicago草頭Chinesenounend of a blade of grassarchaic
Medicago草頭Chinesenounbandit chiefdated
Medicago草頭Chinesenounfive-digit figure; amount in the ten thousands (Classifier: 個/个)dated euphemistic
Medicago草頭Chinesenounclub (♣)card-games games
Nothink againEnglishphraseReconsider your thoughts.
Nothink againEnglishphraseNo. (as a rejection of somebody's stated belief or idea)
Novemberܬܫܪܝܢ ܬܪܝܢܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounThe ninth month of the Assyrian calendar
Novemberܬܫܪܝܢ ܬܪܝܢܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounNovember (eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar of thirty days)
Pashto: (“to take out”)yasátiProto-Iranianverbto hold, restrainreconstruction
Pashto: (“to take out”)yasátiProto-Iranianverbto take, seizereconstruction
Resembling or characteristic of salsa (the spicy tomato sauce)salsalikeEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of salsa (the spicy tomato sauce).
Resembling or characteristic of salsa (the spicy tomato sauce)salsalikeEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of salsa (the style of music).
SynonymsポンポAinunounboy (male child)
SynonymsポンポAinunounsmall child
To criticise, to censureanimadvertEnglishverbTo criticise, to censure.intransitive
To criticise, to censureanimadvertEnglishverbTo consider.intransitive obsolete
To criticise, to censureanimadvertEnglishverbTo turn judicial attention (to); to criticise or punish.lawarchaic intransitive
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounA ridge or low barrier.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounA raised rib in knitted goods or fabric, especially corduroy.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounThe texture of a piece of fabric.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounA horizontal ridge or ledge on the outside planking of a wooden ship. (See gunwale, chainwale)nautical transport
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounA horizontal timber used for supporting or retaining earth.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounA timber bolted to a row of piles to secure them together and in position.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounA ridge on the outside of a horse collar.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounA ridge or streak produced on skin by a cane or whip.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishverbTo strike the skin in such a way as to produce a wale or welt.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishverbTo beat a person, especially as punishment or out of anger.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishverbTo give a surface a texture of wales or welts.
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishnounSomething selected as being the best, preference; choice.Northern-England Scotland
To give a surface a texture of waleswaleEnglishverbTo choose, select.Northern-England Scotland
TranslationsMaple LeafEnglishnameThe flag of Canada.
TranslationsMaple LeafEnglishnameThe official bullion gold coin of Canada.
TranslationsfoodstagramEnglishnounThe community of foodies and food-oriented accounts on Instagram, characterized by artful photos of food.Internet uncountable
TranslationsfoodstagramEnglishnounAn individual food-focused account on Instagram.Internet countable
TranslationsfoodstagramEnglishnounAn artful photo of food posted to Instagram.Internet countable
TranslationsfoodstagramEnglishverbTo post a photo of food on Instagram.Internet
Translationslest we forgetEnglishintjUsed in Remembrance Day ceremonies as a caution against forgetting those who died in war.British Canada
Translationslest we forgetEnglishintjUsed on ANZAC Day memorials as a caution against forgetting those who fell in the First World WarAustralia New-Zealand
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameAn English patronymic or matronymic (or just pamatronymic) surname derived from Adam and Edith.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameThomas Edison (1847–1931), American inventor and businessman.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Kern County, California, United States.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameA small city in Calhoun County, Georgia, United States.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameA village in Furnas County, Nebraska, United States.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameA township in Middlesex County, New Jersey, renamed after Thomas Edison, who had his main laboratory here, in 1955.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameA village in Morrow County, Ohio, United States.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameA census-designated place in Skagit County, Washington, United States.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Mercer County, West Virginia, United States.
Transliterations of the surnameEdisonEnglishnameA former unincorporated community in Alberta, Canada, near modern Westlock; named after Thomas Edison.
UrrielesCentral MassifEnglishnameUrrieles Massif (a massif in Picos de Europa, Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain, Spain)
UrrielesCentral MassifEnglishnameMassif Central (a highlands in Southern France, France)
ViverrinaesivettiFinnishnouncivet (cat-like carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae)
ViverrinaesivettiFinnishnouncivet (musky perfume)
a city in ChileLautaroEnglishnameA commune and city in Chile.
a city in ChileLautaroEnglishnameA former department of Chile.
a city in JapanToyamaEnglishnameA prefecture of Japan
a city in JapanToyamaEnglishnameThe capital city of Toyama prefecture, Japan
a prayer to God on behalf of another personintercessionEnglishnounThe act of intervening or mediating between two parties.countable uncountable
a prayer to God on behalf of another personintercessionEnglishnounA prayer to God on behalf of another person; especially, such a prayer offered by a heavenly saint on behalf of a mere mortal who has prayed to the saint for such help.countable uncountable
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA round or irregular patch on the surface of a thing having a different color, texture etc. and generally round in shape.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA stain or disfiguring mark.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA pimple, papule or pustule.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA symbol on a playing card, domino, die, etc. indicating its value; a pip.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA small, unspecified amount or quantity.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA bill of five-dollar or ten-dollar denomination in dollars.US slang
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA location or area.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA parking space.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounAn official determination of placement.hobbies lifestyle sports
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA bright lamp; a spotlight.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA brief advertisement or program segment on television.advertising business marketingUS
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA difficult situation.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounOne who spots (supports or assists a maneuver, or is prepared to assist if safety dictates); a dancing gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounPenalty spot.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounThe act of spotting or noticing something.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA variety of the common domestic pigeon, so called from a spot on its head just above the beak.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA food fish (Leiostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast of the United States, with a black spot behind the shoulders and fifteen oblique dark bars on the sides.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounThe southern redfish, or red horse (Sciaenops ocellatus), which has a spot on each side at the base of the tail.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounCommodities, such as merchandise and cotton, sold for immediate delivery.dated in-plural
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounAn autosoliton.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounA decimal point; finance
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounAny of various points marked on the table, from which balls are played, in snooker, pool, billiards, etc.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishnounAny of the balls marked with spots in the game of pool, which one player aims to pot, the other player taking the stripes.
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo see, find; to pick out, notice, locate, distinguish or identify.transitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo loan a small amount of money to someone.US ditransitive slang
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo stain; to leave a spot (on).ambitransitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo cover with spots, to speckle.transitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo remove, or attempt to remove, a stain.transitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo retouch a photograph on film to remove minor flaws.transitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo support or assist a maneuver, or to be prepared to assist if safety dictates.climbing dance dancing gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports weightliftingtransitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo keep the head and eyes pointing in a single direction while dancing hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo stain; to blemish; to taint; to disgrace; to tarnish, as reputation.transitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo cut or chip (timber) in preparation for hewing.transitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo place (an object) at a location indicated by a spot.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle snooker sportstransitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbOf a ball, to be capable of being placed on its own spot.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle snooker sportsintransitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo position (an aircraft) on the deck of an aircraft carrier ready for launch by catapult.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics wartransitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishverbTo position (a locomotive or car) at a predetermined point, e.g., for loading or unloading.rail-transport railways transporttransitive
a round or irregular patch of a different colorspotEnglishadjAvailable on the spot; for immediate payment or commerce financenot-comparable
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounSomeone who contains; something that contains.
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounAn item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported.
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounA very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods.transport
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounSomeone who holds people in their seats or in a (reasonably) calm state.broadly
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounA file format that can hold various types of data.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounAn abstract data type whose instances are collections of other objects.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounAny user interface component that can hold further (child) components.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounA web container.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounA bundle consisting of operating system, application code and dependencies to be run sandboxed inside a virtualized environment; (by extension) the environment itself.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goodscontainerEnglishnounA type of cryptic device where one word is inserted into another.
absoluteunconditionedEnglishadjWithout conditions; absolute.not-comparable
absoluteunconditionedEnglishadjNot having been conditioned.not-comparable
absoluteunconditionedEnglishadjNot treated with hair conditioner.not-comparable
absoluteunconditionedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of unconditionform-of participle past
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounA high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire.historical
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounA pedantic or elitist bureaucrat.
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounA pedantic senior person of influence in academia or literary circles.derogatory sometimes
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounEllipsis of mandarin duck.biology natural-sciences ornithologyabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounA senior civil servant.British informal
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishadjPertaining to or reminiscent of mandarins; deliberately superior or complex; esoteric, highbrow, obscurantist.
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounEllipsis of mandarin orange.: / A small, sweet citrus fruit.
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounEllipsis of mandarin orange.: / A tree of the species Citrus reticulata.
academic or literary elitistmandarinEnglishnounAn orange colour.
according to what the speaker has read or been toldapparentlyEnglishadvPlainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently.archaic
according to what the speaker has read or been toldapparentlyEnglishadvSeemingly; in appearance.
according to what the speaker has read or been toldapparentlyEnglishadvAccording to what the speaker has read or heard.
according to what the speaker has read or been toldapparentlyEnglishadvAccording to what one can deduce.often sarcastic
act of attending; state of being presentattendanceEnglishnounThe act of attending; the state of being present; presence.countable uncountable
act of attending; state of being presentattendanceEnglishnounThe persons or number of persons present.countable uncountable
act of attending; state of being presentattendanceEnglishnounThe frequency with which one has been present for a regular activity or set of events.countable uncountable
act of attending; state of being presentattendanceEnglishnounAttention paid to something; careful regard.countable obsolete uncountable
adoption of dominant cultureassimilationEnglishnounThe act of assimilating or the state of being assimilated.countable uncountable
adoption of dominant cultureassimilationEnglishnounThe metabolic conversion of nutrients into tissue.countable uncountable
adoption of dominant cultureassimilationEnglishnounThe absorption of new ideas into an existing cognitive structure.broadly countable uncountable
adoption of dominant cultureassimilationEnglishnounA sound change process by which the phonetics of a speech segment becomes more like that of another segment in a word (or at a word boundary), so that a change of phoneme occurs.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencescountable uncountable
adoption of dominant cultureassimilationEnglishnounThe adoption, by a minority group, of the customs and attitudes of the dominant culture.human-sciences sciences social-science sociologycountable uncountable
advantage of somethingproEnglishnounAn advantage of something, especially when contrasted with its disadvantages (cons).
advantage of somethingproEnglishnounA person who supports a concept or principle.
advantage of somethingproEnglishprepIn favor of.
advantage of somethingproEnglishnounA professional sportsman.
advantage of somethingproEnglishnounProfessional.colloquial
advantage of somethingproEnglishadjProfessional.
advantage of somethingproEnglishnounA prostitute.slang
advantage of somethingproEnglishnounA proproctor.UK archaic slang
advantage of somethingproEnglishnounA chemical prophylaxis taken after sex to avoid contracting venereal disease.historical slang
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishverbTo consume (a liquid) through the mouth.ambitransitive
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishverbTo consume the liquid contained within (a bottle, glass, etc.).metonymically transitive
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishverbTo consume alcoholic beverages.intransitive
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishverbTo take in (a liquid), in any manner; to suck up; to absorb; to imbibe.transitive
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishverbTo take in; to receive within one, through the senses; to inhale; to hear; to see.transitive
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishverbTo toast (someone or something) with a drink; to drink to.transitive
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishverbTo smoke, as tobacco.obsolete transitive
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounA beverage.countable uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounDrinks in general; something to drink.uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounA type of beverage (usually mixed).countable uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounA (served) alcoholic beverage.countable uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounThe action of drinking, especially with the verbs take or have.countable uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounAlcoholic beverages in general.countable uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounA standard drink.countable uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounAny body of water.colloquial countable uncountable
alcoholic beverages in generaldrinkEnglishnounA downpour; a cloudburst; a rainstorm; a deluge; a lot of rain.Australia countable figuratively uncountable
all sensesasiProto-Japonicnounfootreconstruction
all sensesasiProto-Japonicnounlegreconstruction
amongherefromEnglishadvfrom this, from hereformal not-comparable
amongherefromEnglishadvhenceforth, from now onarchaic not-comparable
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounA chief or leader.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounThe person lawfully in command of a ship or other vessel.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounAn army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounA naval officer with a rank between commander and commodore.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounA commissioned officer in the United States Navy, Coast Guard, NOAA Corps, or PHS Corps of a grade superior to a commander and junior to a rear admiral (lower half). A captain is equal in grade or rank to a United States Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force colonel.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounOne of the athletes on a sports team who is designated to make decisions, and is allowed to speak for his team with a referee or official.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounThe leader of a group of workers.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounThe head boy of a school.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounA maître d', a headwaiter.
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishnounAn honorific title given to a prominent person. See colonel.Southern-US
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishverbTo act as captainintransitive
an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and majorcaptainEnglishverbTo exercise command of a ship, aircraft or sports team.transitive
ancestors阿公婆Chinesenounancestors; forefathersHakka
ancestors阿公婆Chinesenounspirit tablet; ancestral tablet (tablet with the name of an ancestor inscribed on it)Hakka
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a sea or river to resist movement.nautical transport
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounAn iron device so shaped as to grip the bottom and hold a vessel at her berth by the chain or rope attached. (FM 55-501).nautical transport
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounThe combined anchoring gear (anchor, rode, bill/peak and fittings such as bitts, cat, and windlass.)nautical transport
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounRepresentation of the nautical tool, used as a heraldic charge.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounAny instrument serving a purpose like that of a ship's anchor, such as an arrangement of timber to hold a dam fast; a device to hold the end of a bridge cable etc.; or a device used in metalworking to hold the core of a mould in place.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA marked point in a document that can be the target of a hyperlink.Internet
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounAn anchorman or anchorwoman.broadcasting media television
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounThe final runner in a relay race.athletics hobbies lifestyle sports
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA point that is touched by the draw hand or string when the bow is fully drawn and ready to shoot.archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA superstore or other facility that serves as a focus to bring customers into an area.economics sciences
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounThat which gives stability or security.figuratively
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building together.architecture
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA screw anchor.US
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounCarved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or arrowhead; part of the ornaments of certain mouldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor (called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue) ornament.architecture
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounOne of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain sponges.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounOne of the calcareous spinules of certain holothurians, as in species of Synapta.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounThe thirty-fifth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounAn anchorite or anchoress.obsolete
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounThe brake of a vehicle.slang
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA defensive player, especially one who counters the opposition's best offensive player.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA batter who remains in for a long time.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounA device for attaching a climber at the top of a climb, such as a chain or ring or a natural feature.climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishverbTo connect an object, especially a ship or a boat, to a fixed point.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishverbTo cast anchor; to come to anchor.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishverbTo stop; to fix or rest.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishverbTo provide emotional stability for a person in distress.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishverbTo perform as an anchorman or anchorwoman.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishverbTo be stuck; to be unable to move away from a position.
anchoring gear as a wholeanchorEnglishnounAlternative form of ankeralt-of alternative
and seeΑιγυπτιώτηςGreeknameEgyptiot, a Greek of Egyptdemonym
and seeΑιγυπτιώτηςGreeknamefor adjectival use, see αιγυπτιώτης (aigyptiótis)
and seeαλήστευτοςGreekadjunrobbed, not cheated
and seeαλήστευτοςGreekadjunpillaged
and seeαποψύχωGreekverbto defrost, thaw
and seeαποψύχωGreekverbto freeze, refrigeraterare
any complex thing with properties normally associated with living thingsorganismEnglishnounThe fact of being organic; organicity.obsolete rare
any complex thing with properties normally associated with living thingsorganismEnglishnounSomething with many separate interdependent parts, seen as being like a living thing; an organic system.
any complex thing with properties normally associated with living thingsorganismEnglishnounA discrete and complete living thing, such as animal, plant, fungus or microorganism.biology natural-sciences
appearance; theatreAuftretenGermannoungerund of auftretenform-of gerund neuter no-plural strong
appearance; theatreAuftretenGermannounbehavior, conduct, demeanor, manner (a person's outward bearing or way of behaving towards others)neuter no-plural strong
appearance; theatreAuftretenGermannounoccurrence (the occurring (of something)); incidence, outbreakneuter no-plural strong
appearance; theatreAuftretenGermannounappearance, performance (instance of playing, or acting, of performing or participating in a public event (as an actor or artist))neuter no-plural strong
apple treemiloNeapolitannounapplemasculine
apple treemiloNeapolitannounapple treemasculine
archipelagoÅlandEnglishnameAn archipelago in the Baltic Sea
archipelagoÅlandEnglishnameA region of Finland, consisting of the Aland archipelago.
area of philosophyphilosophy of mindEnglishnounThe area of philosophy which studies the nature and functions of the mind, thought, and consciousness, with attention to such topics as perception, reasoning, belief, memory, will, and identity.human-sciences philosophy sciencesuncountable
area of philosophyphilosophy of mindEnglishnounThe views of a particular philosopher or philosophical movement concerning the matters studied within this area of philosophy.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable
ashereforeEnglishadvFor this reason; on this account; therefore.formal not-comparable
ashereforeEnglishadvObsolete spelling of herefor.alt-of not-comparable obsolete
asthmaplúchadhIrishnounverbal noun of plúchform-of masculine noun-from-verb
asthmaplúchadhIrishnounsuffocation, asphyxia, asphyxiationmasculine
asthmaplúchadhIrishnounasthmamedicine pathology sciencesmasculine
asthmaplúchadhIrishnounlarge heap of snow etc.masculine
asthmaplúchadhIrishnounfug (heavy, musty, unpleasant atmosphere)masculine
asthmaplúchadhIrishverbinflection of plúch: / autonomous past indicativeautonomous form-of indicative past
asthmaplúchadhIrishverbinflection of plúch: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
at leastminstNorwegian Nynorskadjindefinite superlative degree of litenform-of indefinite superlative
at leastminstNorwegian Nynorskadvsuperlative degree of liteform-of superlative
at leastminstNorwegian Nynorskadvat least
be able tofå tilNorwegian Nynorskverbto be able to, manage to do something, succeed at something
be able tofå tilNorwegian Nynorskverbto make, persuade someone to do something.
beatingsuéeNormannounbeatingJersey feminine
beatingsuéeNormannounquantityJersey feminine
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo strike. / To administer a blow to, directly or with a weapon or missile.headingphysical transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo strike. / To come into contact with forcefully and suddenly.headingphysical transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo strike. / To strike against something.headingintransitive physical
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo strike. / To activate a button or key by pressing and releasing it.headingphysical transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo strike. / To kill a person, usually on the instructions of a third party.headingphysical slang transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo strike. / To attack, especially amphibiously.government heading military politics warphysical transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo strike. / To affect someone, as if dealing a blow to that person.headingambitransitive figuratively physical
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo manage to touch (a target) in the right place.transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo switch on.colloquial transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo commence playing.entertainment lifestyle musicinformal transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo briefly visit.colloquial transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo encounter an obstacle or other difficulty.informal transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo attain, to achieve. / To reach or achieve.headinginformal transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo attain, to achieve. / To meet or reach what was aimed at or desired; to succeed, often by luck.headingintransitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo attain, to achieve. / To guess; to light upon or discover.heading
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo affect negatively.transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo attack.figuratively
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo make a play. / In blackjack, to deal a card to.card-games games headingtransitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo make a play. / To come up to bat.ball-games baseball games heading hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo make a play. / To take up, or replace by a piece belonging to the opposing player; said of a single unprotected piece on a point.backgammon games heading
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo use; to connect to.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencestransitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo have sex with.US slang transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo inhale an amount of smoke from a narcotic substance, particularly marijuana.US slang transitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverb(of an exercise) to affect, to work a body part.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
blow, punchhitEnglishverbTo work out.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA blow; a punch; a striking against; the collision of one body against another; the stroke that touches anything.
blow, punchhitEnglishnounSomething very successful, such as a song, film, or video game, that receives widespread recognition and acclaim.
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA blow; a calamitous or damaging occurrence.figuratively
blow, punchhitEnglishnounAn attack on a location, person or people.
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA collision of a projectile with the target.
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA collision of a projectile with the target. / In the game of Battleship, a correct guess at where one's opponent ship is.
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA match found by searching a computer system or search enginecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesInternet
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA measured visit to a web site, a request for a single file from a web server.Internet
blow, punchhitEnglishnounAn approximately correct answer in a test set.
blow, punchhitEnglishnounThe complete play, when the batter reaches base without the benefit of a walk, error, or fielder’s choice.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA dose of an illegal or addictive drug.colloquial
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA premeditated murder done for criminal or political purposes.
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA peculiarly apt expression or turn of thought; a phrase which hits the mark.dated
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA move that throws one of the opponent's men back to the entering point.backgammon games
blow, punchhitEnglishnounA game won after the adversary has removed some of his men. It counts for less than a gammon.backgammon games
blow, punchhitEnglishadjVery successful.not-comparable
blow, punchhitEnglishpronIt.dialectal
both sensesboertelijkDutchadjfarcical, burlesqueobsolete
both sensesboertelijkDutchadjhumorous, comicalobsolete
boxer拳手Chinesenounsomeone (often female) whose job is to play hand games with customers at a barHong-Kong
bridge which can be raiseddrawbridgeEnglishnounA hinged bridge which can be raised (to prevent its being crossed, as across a moat, or to allow watercraft to travel beneath it).
bridge which can be raiseddrawbridgeEnglishnounA tendency to provide only limited access.attributive figuratively
broody hensitterEnglishnounSomeone who sits, e.g. for a portrait.
broody hensitterEnglishnounOne employed to watch or tend something; a babysitter, housesitter, petsitter, etc.
broody hensitterEnglishnounA participant in a séance.
broody hensitterEnglishnounA broody hen.
broody hensitterEnglishnounA very easy scoring chance.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle snooker soccer sportsslang
catkingåsungeNorwegian Nynorsknouna gosling (young goose)masculine
catkingåsungeNorwegian Nynorsknouna catkin (on a pussy willow)masculine
causing wounds — see also woundingvulneraryEnglishadjUseful or used for healing wounds; curative, healing.
causing wounds — see also woundingvulneraryEnglishadjCausing wounds; wounding.archaic rare
causing wounds — see also woundingvulneraryEnglishnounA healing drug or other agent used in healing and treating wounds.
causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrowruefulEnglishadjCausing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow, especially in a wry or humorous way.
causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrowruefulEnglishadjInspiring pity or compassion.
causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrowruefulEnglishadjBad; woeful; deplorable.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To move about an axis through itself.intransitive person
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To change the direction or orientation of, especially by rotation.transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To change one's direction of travel.intransitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To shape (something) symmetrically by rotating it against a stationary cutting tool, as on a lathe.transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To give form to; to shape or mould; to adapt.broadly
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To direct or impel (something) into a place.transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To position (something) by folding it, or using its folds.transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To navigate through a book or other printed material.figuratively transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / To twist or sprain.transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / Of a bowler, to make (the ball) move sideways off the pitch when it bounces.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make a non-linear physical movement. / Of a ball, to move sideways off the pitch when it bounces.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To become (begin to be).copulative intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change the color of the leaves in the autumn.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change fundamentally; to metamorphose. / To sour or spoil; to go bad.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change fundamentally; to metamorphose. / To make acid or sour; to ferment; to curdle.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change fundamentally; to metamorphose. / To change (a person) into a vampire, werewolf, zombie, etc.fantasyintransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change fundamentally; to metamorphose. / To transform into a vampire, werewolf, zombie, etc.fantasyintransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change fundamentally; to metamorphose. / To change the sexual orientation or gender of another person, or otherwise awaken a sexual preference.intransitive offensive slang sometimes transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change fundamentally; to metamorphose.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To reach a certain age.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To hinge; to depend.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To rebel; to go against something formerly tolerated.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change personal condition. / To change personalities, such as from being a face (good guy) to heel (bad guy) or vice versa.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestlingintransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change personal condition. / To make or become giddy; said of the head or brain.ambitransitive intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change personal condition. / To sicken; to nauseate.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change condition or attitude. / To change personal condition. / To be nauseated; said of the stomach.intransitive transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo change one's course of action; to take a new approach.reflexive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo complete.transitive usually
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo make (money); turn a profit.transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbOf a player, to go past an opposition player with the ball in one's control.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportstransitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo undergo the process of turning on a lathe.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo bring down the feet of a child in the womb, in order to facilitate delivery.medicine obstetrics sciences
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo invert a type of the same thickness, as a temporary substitute for any sort which is printing publishingdated
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo translate.archaic
change fundamentallyturnEnglishverbTo magically or divinely repel undead.transitive
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA change of direction or orientation.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA movement of an object about its own axis in one direction that continues until the object returns to its initial orientation.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA movement of an object about its own axis in one direction that continues until the object returns to its initial orientation. / A unit of plane angle measurement based on this movement.geometry mathematics sciences
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA walk to and fro.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA spell of work, especially the time allotted to a person in a rota or schedule.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounOne's chance to make a move in a game having two or more players.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA figure in music, often denoted ~, consisting of the note above the one indicated, the note itself, the note below the one indicated, and the note itself again.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounThe time required to complete a project.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA fit or a period of giddiness.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA change in temperament or circumstance.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA sideways movement of the ball when it bounces (caused by rotation in flight).ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounThe fourth communal card in Texas hold 'em.card-games poker
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounThe flop (the first three community cards) in Texas hold 'em.card-games pokerobsolete
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA deed done to another; an act of kindness or malice.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA single loop of a coil.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA pass behind or through an object.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounCharacter; personality; nature.
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounAn instance of going past an opposition player with the ball in one's control.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA short skit, act, or routine.arts circus comedy entertainment hobbies lifestyle performing-arts sports theaterespecially physical
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounA type turned upside down to serve for another character that is not printing publishingdated
change fundamentallyturnEnglishnounThe profit made by a stockjobber, being the difference between the buying and selling financeUK historical
cityMurciaEnglishnameAn autonomous community and province in southeast Spain.
cityMurciaEnglishnameThe capital city of Murcia, Spain.
claimpåståDanishverbto claim
claimpåståDanishverbto postulate; to claim without good grounds
coarse mealgroutEnglishnounA thin mortar used to fill the gaps between tiles and cavities in masonry.countable uncountable
coarse mealgroutEnglishnounCoarse meal; groats.archaic countable uncountable
coarse mealgroutEnglishnounDregs, sediment.archaic countable in-plural uncountable
coarse mealgroutEnglishnounA kind of beer or ale.UK countable obsolete uncountable
coarse mealgroutEnglishverbTo insert mortar between tiles.transitive
coarse mealgroutEnglishverbTo affix with mortar.transitive
cocktailgimletEnglishnounA small screw-tipped tool for boring holes.
cocktailgimletEnglishnounA cocktail, usually made with gin and lime juice.
cocktailgimletEnglishverbTo pierce or bore holes (as if using a gimlet).
cocktailgimletEnglishverbTo turn round (an anchor) as if turning a gimlet.nautical transporttransitive
coin worth 21 shillingsguineaEnglishnounA gold coin originally worth twenty shillings; later (from 1717 until the adoption of decimal currency) standardised at a value of twenty-one shillings.British historical
coin worth 21 shillingsguineaEnglishnounSynonym of guinea fowl
coin worth 21 shillingsguineaEnglishnounA person of Italian descent.US derogatory ethnic slang slur
coloursulfurEnglishnounA chemical element (symbol S) with an atomic number of 16.uncountable usually
coloursulfurEnglishnounA yellowish green colour, like that of sulfur.countable uncountable usually
coloursulfurEnglishnounAny of various pierid butterflies of the subfamily Coliadinae, especially the sulfur-coloured species.uncountable usually
coloursulfurEnglishadjOf a yellowish green colour, like that of sulfur.
coloursulfurEnglishverbTo treat with sulfur, or a sulfur compound, especially to preserve or to counter agricultural pests.transitive
combine纏めるJapaneseverbcollect, bring together
combine纏めるJapaneseverborganize, coordinate
combine纏めるJapaneseverbfinalize, settle
combine纏めるJapaneseverbcombine, merge
combine纏めるJapaneseverbcontrol, rule
commandמצווהHebrewverbMasculine singular present participle and present tense of ציווה (tsivá).form-of masculine participle present singular
commandמצווהHebrewverbFeminine singular present participle and present tense of ציווה (tsivá).feminine form-of participle present singular
commercial timber from a gymnospermsoftwoodEnglishnounThe wood from any gymnosperm, without regard to how soft this wood is.biology botany natural-sciencesuncountable
commercial timber from a gymnospermsoftwoodEnglishnounWood of this kind, but limited to those that are commercial timbers.countable
commercial timber from a gymnospermsoftwoodEnglishnounThe tree or tree species that yields this forestrycountable
commercial timber from a gymnospermsoftwoodEnglishnounAny commercial timber.uncountable
committee that leads or governscouncilEnglishnounA committee that leads or governs (e.g. city council, student council).
committee that leads or governscouncilEnglishnounA committee that leads or governs (e.g. city council, student council). / A local authority.UK metonymically
committee that leads or governscouncilEnglishnounDiscussion or deliberation.
common peopleστρατόςAncient Greeknounarmy, military force / the soldiery, the people, exclusive of the chiefs; the common peopleAttic Doric Epic Ionic
common peopleστρατόςAncient Greeknounarmy, military force / any band or body of men, as of the AmphictyonsAttic Doric Epic Ionic
common peopleστρατόςAncient Greeknounarmy, military forceAttic Doric Epic Ionic
common peopleἀστόςAncient Greeknouninhabitant of a town or a city-state: townsman, citizen / a native of a Greek city-stateAttic Doric Epic Ionic Koine
common peopleἀστόςAncient Greeknouninhabitant of a town or a city-state: townsman, citizen / one who has civil rights (a freeman, not a slave) but not political rights: freeman, freeAttic Doric Epic Ionic Koine
common peopleἀστόςAncient Greeknouninhabitant of a town or a city-state: townsman, citizenAttic Doric Epic Ionic Koine
common peopleἀστόςAncient Greeknounthe common peopleAttic Doric Epic Ionic Koine in-plural
complex and beautifulbaroqueEnglishadjOrnate, intricate, decorated, laden with detail.
complex and beautifulbaroqueEnglishadjComplex and beautiful, despite an outward irregularity.
complex and beautifulbaroqueEnglishadjChiseled from stone, or shaped from wood, in a garish, crooked, twisted, or slanted sort of way, grotesque.
complex and beautifulbaroqueEnglishadjEmbellished with figures and forms such that every level of relief gives way to more details and contrasts.
complex and beautifulbaroqueEnglishadjCharacteristic of Western art and music of the Early Modern period.
complex and beautifulbaroqueEnglishadjOverly and needlessly complicated.figuratively
complex and beautifulbaroqueEnglishnounAn ornate, detailed style.
complex plane with a point at infinityRiemann sphereEnglishnounThe complex numbers extended with the number ∞; the complex plane (representation of the complex numbers as a Euclidean plane) extended with a single idealised point at infinity and consequently homeomorphic to a sphere in 3-dimensional Euclidean space.complex-analysis mathematics sciences topology
complex plane with a point at infinityRiemann sphereEnglishnounThe 2-sphere embedded in Euclidean three-dimensional space and often represented as a unit sphere, regarded as a homeomorphic representation of the extended complex plane and thus the extended complex numbers.complex-analysis mathematics sciences topology
computer file文檔Chinesenoundocument
computer file文檔Chinesenoundocument; filecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesMainland-China
computer program that assembles objectslinkerEnglishnounThat which links.
computer program that assembles objectslinkerEnglishnounA computer program that takes one or more objects generated by compilers and assembles them into a single executable program.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software-compilation
computer program that assembles objectslinkerEnglishnounA short oligonucleotide containing a recognition sequence for a restriction enzyme, used to blunt the ends of sticky DNA segments.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
computer program that assembles objectslinkerEnglishnounA word or short expression that links clauses or other syntactic elements.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
computer program that assembles objectslinkerEnglishnounA linked bond, one for which the principal is indexed to financeinformal
computer program that assembles objectslinkerEnglishverbTo ligate a DNA segment using a linker.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
computing: initial segment of a string of charactersprefixEnglishnounSomething placed before another / A morpheme added to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning, for example as, pre- in prefix, con- in conjure, re- in reheat, etc.grammar human-sciences linguistic-morphology linguistics morphology sciences
computing: initial segment of a string of charactersprefixEnglishnounSomething placed before another / A set of digits placed before a telephone number, to indicate where the number is based, what type of phone number it is (landline, mobile, toll-free, premium rate etc.)communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
computing: initial segment of a string of charactersprefixEnglishnounSomething placed before another / A title added to a person's name, such as Mr. or Dr.
computing: initial segment of a string of charactersprefixEnglishnounSomething placed before another / An initial segment of a string of characters.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
computing: initial segment of a string of charactersprefixEnglishverbTo determine beforehand; to set in advance.transitive
computing: initial segment of a string of charactersprefixEnglishverbTo put or fix before, or at the beginning of something; to place at the start.transitive
congregation of peopleassemblyEnglishnounA set of pieces that work together in unison as a mechanism or device.countable uncountable
congregation of peopleassemblyEnglishnounThe act or process of putting together a set of pieces, fragments, or elements.countable uncountable
congregation of peopleassemblyEnglishnounA congregation of people in one place for a purpose.countable uncountable
congregation of peopleassemblyEnglishnounA legislative body.government politicscountable uncountable
congregation of peopleassemblyEnglishnounA beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble.government military politics warcountable uncountable
congregation of peopleassemblyEnglishnounEllipsis of assembly language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
congregation of peopleassemblyEnglishnounA building block of an application, similar to a DLL, but containing both executable code and information normally found in a DLL's type library. The type library information in an assembly, called a manifest, describes public functions, data, classes, and version information.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
constellationCepheusEnglishnameHusband of Cassiopeia, king of Eritrea, father of Andromeda. There may be two mythical kings by this name.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
constellationCepheusEnglishnameA circumpolar constellation of the northern sky, located between Draco and Cassiopeia and representing the king Cepheus from Greek myth. It contains the star Alderamin.astronomy natural-sciences
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishverbTo move or pass from one place, person or thing to another.transitive
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishverbTo convey the impression of (something) from one surface to another.transitive
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishverbTo exit one mass transit vehicle and board another (typically one belonging to a different line or mode of transportation) to continue a journey.transport
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishverbTo be or become transferred.intransitive
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishverbTo arrange for something to belong to or be officially controlled by somebody else.lawtransitive
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishverbTo move from a wheelchair to another seating surface, or to a wheelchair from another seating surface.intransitive
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounThe act of conveying or removing something from one place, person or thing to another.uncountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounAn instance of conveying or removing from one place, person or thing to another; a transferal.countable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounAn act of exiting one mass transit vehicle and boarding another (typically one belonging to a different line or mode of transportation) to continue a journey.transportcountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounA paper receipt given to a rider of one bus (and historically also certain elevated or subway lines), allowing free entry onto another bus to continue a journey.transportcountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounA design conveyed by contact from one surface to another; a heat transfer.countable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounA soldier removed from one troop, or body of troops, and placed in another.countable uncountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounA pathological process by which a unilateral morbid condition on being abolished on one side of the body makes its appearance in the corresponding region upon the other side.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounThe conveying of genetic material from one cell to another.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounA conventional bid which requests partner to bid the next available suit.bridge gamescountable uncountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounA person who transfers or is transferred from one club or team to another.hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounShort for transfer student.Canada US abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
convey impression of from one surface to anothertransferEnglishnounOf a person with limited mobility: an instance of independent or assisted movement from one stable surface to another.countable
cricket terminside outEnglishadvWith the inside surface turned to be on the outside.not-comparable
cricket terminside outEnglishadvThoroughly; extremely well.not-comparable
cricket terminside outEnglishadvCompletely; through and through; to the core.not-comparable
cricket terminside outEnglishadvDescribes the hitting of a ball that pitched outside of leg stump to the off side of the field.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable
cricket terminside outEnglishadjAlternative form of inside-out.alt-of alternative not-comparable
cruel actwreedteDutchnounan indifference to suffering or positive pleasure in inflicting suffering; crueltyfeminine uncountable
cruel actwreedteDutchnouna cruel actcountable feminine
darknessdubharScottish Gaelicnoundarknessmasculine
darknessdubharScottish Gaelicnounshademasculine
darknessdubharScottish Gaelicnounshadowmasculine
decorated or colored in blotchespiedEnglishadjHaving two or more colors, especially black and white.
decorated or colored in blotchespiedEnglishadjDecorated or colored in blotches.
decorated or colored in blotchespiedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of piform-of participle past
decorated or colored in blotchespiedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of pieform-of participle past
difficult puzzlestumperEnglishnounOne who stumps, or speaks, or orates, as a politician.
difficult puzzlestumperEnglishnounA difficult puzzle or problem.informal
difficult puzzlestumperEnglishnounA boastful person.archaic slang
dinosaur excluding birdsdinosaurEnglishnounAny of the animals belonging to the clade Dinosauria, especially those that existed during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods and are now extinct.sciences
dinosaur excluding birdsdinosaurEnglishnounAny member of the clade Dinosauria other than birds.colloquial
dinosaur excluding birdsdinosaurEnglishnounAny extinct reptile, not necessarily belonging to Dinosauria, that existed between about 230 million and 65 million years ago, as well as the stem-mammal Dimetrodon.proscribed
dinosaur excluding birdsdinosaurEnglishnounSomething or someone that is very old or old-fashioned, or is not willing to change and adapt.colloquial figuratively
dinosaur excluding birdsdinosaurEnglishnounAnything no longer in common use or practice.colloquial figuratively
done at an improper timetimelessEnglishadjEternal.
done at an improper timetimelessEnglishadjNot affected by time; ageless.
done at an improper timetimelessEnglishadjDone at an improper time; unseasonable; untimely.obsolete
done at an improper timetimelessEnglishadjNot decreasing over time in quality and appeal.
done at an improper timetimelessEnglishadjWithout a time limit; untimed.
done at an improper timetimelessEnglishnounA gene encoding an essential protein that regulates circadian rhythm, normally written in italics: timeless.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA doorlike structure outside a house.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA movable barrier.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA passageway (as in an air terminal) where passengers can embark or disembark.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA location which serves as a conduit for transport, migration, or trade.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounThe amount of money made by selling tickets to a concert or a sports event.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA logical pathway made up of switches which turn on or off. Examples are and, or, nand, etc.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounThe controlling terminal of a field effect transistor (FET).business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounIn a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounThe channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mould; the ingate.arts crafts engineering hobbies lifestyle metallurgy metalworking natural-sciences physical-sciences
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounThe waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece. Also written geat and git.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounThe gap between a batsman's bat and pad.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA mechanism, in a film camera and projector, that holds each frame momentarily stationary behind the aperture.broadcasting cinematography film media television
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA line that separates particle type-clusters on two-dimensional dot plots.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA tally mark consisting of four vertical bars crossed by a diagonal, representing a count of five.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounAn individual theme park as part of a larger resort complex with multiple parks.
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA place where drugs are illegally sold.slang
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA man; a male person.dated
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA tunnel serving the coal mining
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishverbTo keep something inside by means of a closed gate.transitive
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishverbTo punish (especially a child or teenager) by not allowing to go out.transitive
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishverbTo open (a closed ion channel).biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishverbTo furnish with a gate.transitive
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishverbTo turn (an image intensifier) on and off selectively, as needed or to avoid damage from excessive light exposure. See autogating.transitive
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishverbTo selectively regulate or restrict (access to something).transitive
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA way, path.Northern-England Scotland
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA journey.obsolete
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounA street; now used especially as a combining form to make the name of a street e.g. "Briggate" (a common street name in the north of England meaning "Bridge Street") or Kirkgate meaning "Church Street".Northern-England Scotland
door-like structure outsidegateEnglishnounManner; gait.British Scotland archaic dialectal
ecological activistgreenerEnglishadjcomparative form of green: more greencomparative form-of
ecological activistgreenerEnglishnounA newcomer; a recent immigrant.derogatory slang
ecological activistgreenerEnglishnounA person with a passion for protecting the natural environment; an ecological activist.derogatory slang
ecological activistgreenerEnglishnounAgent noun of green; someone or something which greens.agent form-of
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounThe fourth letter of the modern Greek alphabet Δ, δ.
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounA landform at the mouth of a river where it empties into a body of water.
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Delta from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.alt-of
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounThe symbol Δ; A change in a quantity, likely from "d" for "difference".engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciences
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounThe rate of change in an option value with respect to the underlying asset's finance
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounA value in delta notation indicating the relative abundances of isotopes.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounThe set of differences between two versions of a file.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounA small but noticeable effect. Compare epsilon.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounThe angle subtended at the center of a circular arc.geography natural-sciences surveying
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounA type of cargo bike that has one wheel in front and two in back.
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounThe closed figure produced by connecting three coils or circuits successively, end for end, especially in a three-phase electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsattributive often
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounA military unit, nominally headed by a colonel, equivalent to a USAF operations wing, or an army regiment.government military politics warSpace-Force US
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnouna star that is usually the fourth brightest of a constellation.astronomy natural-sciences
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounone of four baryons consisting of up and down quarks with a combined spin of 3/2: Δ⁺⁺ (uuu), Δ⁺ (uud), Δ⁰ (udd), or Δ⁻ (ddd)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
electric connectiondeltaEnglishnounShort for delta variant. (variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus)medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of
electric connectiondeltaEnglishverbTo calculate the differences between the characters in an enciphered text and the characters a fixed number of positions previous.computing cryptography engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
electric connectiondeltaEnglishverbTo compare two versions of the same file in order to determine where they differ (where a programmer has made edits).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
embarrassingflovDanishadjembarrassed, sheepish
embarrassingflovDanishadjawkward, embarrassing
embarrassingflovDanishadjslack (not violent, rapid, or pressing)
embarrassingflovDanishadjflat, insipid
embarrassingflovDanishadjlight (about the wind)
emotional sufferingστενοχώριαGreeknoundistress (emotional suffering)
emotional sufferingστενοχώριαGreeknoundistress, straits, woes (misfortunes causing emotional suffering)in-plural
employeeindustrialEnglishadjOf or relating to industry, notably manufacturing.
employeeindustrialEnglishadjProduced by such industry.
employeeindustrialEnglishadjUsed by such industry.
employeeindustrialEnglishadjSuitable for use in such industry; industrial-grade.
employeeindustrialEnglishadjMassive in scale or quantity.
employeeindustrialEnglishadjEmployed as manpower by such industry.
employeeindustrialEnglishadjHaving many industries; industrialized.
employeeindustrialEnglishadjBelonging or pertaining to the genre of industrial music.entertainment lifestyle music
employeeindustrialEnglishnounAn employee in industry.countable dated obsolete uncountable
employeeindustrialEnglishnounAn enterprise producing tangible goods or providing certain services to industrial companies.businesscountable uncountable
employeeindustrialEnglishnounA bond or stock issued by such a financecountable uncountable
employeeindustrialEnglishnounA film made for use within an industry, not for a movie-going audience.broadcasting film media televisioncountable uncountable
employeeindustrialEnglishnounShort for industrial music.abbreviation alt-of informal uncountable
employeeindustrialEnglishnounShort for industrial piercing.abbreviation alt-of countable informal uncountable
endearmentcaressEnglishnounAn act of endearment; any act or expression of affection; an embracing, or touching, with tenderness.
endearmentcaressEnglishnounA gentle stroking or rubbing.
endearmentcaressEnglishverbTo touch or kiss lovingly; to fondle.transitive
endearmentcaressEnglishverbTo affect as if with a caress.transitive
enthusiasticdippyEnglishadjLacking common sense.informal
enthusiasticdippyEnglishadjHaving romantic feelings for; excited or enthusiastic about.informal
enthusiasticdippyEnglishadjOf an egg: cooked so that the yolk remains runny and can be used for dipping.UK informal
enthusiasticdippyEnglishadjInvolving or suited to dipping.informal
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounAn erection of the penis.slang vulgar
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounA computer floppy disk of the kind supplied in a stiff plastic outer shell.South-Africa
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounAn extended magazine of a gun.slang
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounA rigidly conformative person; a square or goody-goody.
event causing sadnesssadnessEnglishnounThe state or emotion of being sad.uncountable
event causing sadnesssadnessEnglishnounAn event in one's life that causes sadness.countable
evilsatanicEnglishadjAlternative form of Satanic (of, pertaining to or resembling Satan).alt-of alternative
evilsatanicEnglishadjEvil, fiendish, devilish or diabolical.
evilsatanicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to any form of Satanism.
exchange goods or services without involving moneytroakEnglishverbTo barter or trade, especially outside a government monopoly.Scotland
exchange goods or services without involving moneytroakEnglishverbTo have familiar intercourse.Scotland
exchange goods or services without involving moneytroakEnglishnounBarter; exchange; truck.Scotland uncountable
exchange goods or services without involving moneytroakEnglishnounSmall wares.Scotland uncountable
exchange goods or services without involving moneytroakEnglishnounFamiliar intercourse.Scotland uncountable
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / Used to issue an instruction (traditionally seen as carrying less force of authority than alternatives such as 'shall' or 'must').auxiliary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / Used to give advice or opinion that an action is, or would have been, beneficial or desirable.auxiliary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / With verbs such as 'see' or 'hear', usually in the second person, used to point out something remarkable in either a good or bad way.auxiliary informal
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / In questions, asks what is correct, proper, desirable, etc.auxiliary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbOught to; expressing expectation. / Indicates that something is expected to have happened or to be the case now.auxiliary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbOught to; expressing expectation. / Will be likely to (become or do something); indicates a degree of possibility or probability that the stated thing will happen or be true in the future.auxiliary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbUsed to form a variant of the present subjunctive, expressing a state or action that is hypothetical, potential, mandated, etc.auxiliary subjunctive
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbsimple past of shallauxiliary form-of past
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbAn alternative to would with first person subjects. / Used to express a conditional outcome.auxiliary formal literary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbAn alternative to would with first person subjects. / Used to impart a tentative, conjectural or polite nuance.auxiliary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbAn alternative to would with first person subjects. / Used to express what the speaker would do in another person's situation, as a means of giving a suggestion or recommendation.auxiliary
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishnounSomething that ought to be the case as opposed to already being the case.
expressing likelihoodshouldEnglishverbTo make a statement of what ought to be true, as opposed to reality.
fabricembroideryEnglishnounThe ornamentation of fabric using needlework.countable uncountable
fabricembroideryEnglishnounA piece of embroidered fabric.countable uncountable
fabricembroideryEnglishnounThe elaboration of an account, etc. with details, especially when fictitious.countable figuratively uncountable
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameAn English surname from Anglo-Norman [in turn originating as an occupation] for a steward or official.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameAn English topographic surname from someone who lived by a bailey (the outer wall of a castle).
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameAn Irish surname originating as an occupation, an anglicization of Báille (“bailie”).
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the surname.US
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA sea area, to the north of Rockall, centred on the former Bill Bailey Bank (now Rockall Basin).
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Park County, Colorado.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Sherburne County, Minnesota.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lauderdale County, Mississippi.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Jefferson County, Missouri; named for early settler John Martin Bailey.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Grady County, Oklahoma.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Fannin County, Texas.
family or given nameBaileyEnglishnounAn apple cultivar from New York
fan fiction genrekidficEnglishnounA fanfic which focuses on a character, and possibly their partner(s), raising a child or children.lifestylecountable slang
fan fiction genrekidficEnglishnounSuch fan fiction collectively.lifestyleslang uncountable
fan fiction genrekidficEnglishnounChildren's literature.uncountable
fellowship and sympathyfreemasonryEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Freemasonry: the institutions, precepts, and rites of the Freemasons.alt-of countable uncountable
fellowship and sympathyfreemasonryEnglishnounFellowship and sympathy among a number of people.countable figuratively uncountable
fellowship and sympathyfreemasonryEnglishnounStrange customs which resemble those of Freemasons.countable figuratively uncountable
flexiblejänteväFinnishadjsinewy (possessing physical strength)
flexiblejänteväFinnishadjflexible (capable of being bent without breaking)
flexiblejänteväFinnishadjproductive; energetic, activefiguratively
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounA stick of wood or plant fibres twisted together, with one end soaked in a flammable substance such as resin or tallow and set on fire, which is held in the hand, put into a wall bracket, or stuck into the ground, and used chiefly as a light source. / A similarly shaped implement with a replaceable supply of flammable material; specifically, a pole with a lamp at one end.broadly
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounA stick of wood or plant fibres twisted together, with one end soaked in a flammable substance such as resin or tallow and set on fire, which is held in the hand, put into a wall bracket, or stuck into the ground, and used chiefly as a light source. / In full electric torch: synonym of flashlight (“a battery-powered hand-held light source”)Commonwealth broadly
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounA stick of wood or plant fibres twisted together, with one end soaked in a flammable substance such as resin or tallow and set on fire, which is held in the hand, put into a wall bracket, or stuck into the ground, and used chiefly as a light source.
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounA flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flame.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounA spike (“kind of inflorescence”) made up of spikelets.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounThe common mullein, great mullein, or torchwort (Verbascum thapsus).biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly in-plural
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounA cactus with a very elongated body; a ceroid cactus; a torch cactus or torch-thistle.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly obsolete
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounA source of enlightenment or guidance.figuratively
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounIn carry, hand on, or pass on the torch: a precious cause, principle, tradition, etc., which needs to be protected and transmitted to others.figuratively
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounShort for torch drive (“a spacecraft engine which produces thrust by nuclear fusion”).literature media publishing science-fictionabbreviation alt-of
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounShort for blowtorch (“a tool which projects a controlled stream of a highly flammable gas over a spark in order to produce a controlled flame”).Canada US abbreviation alt-of
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishnounAn arsonist.US slang
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbTo illuminate or provide (a place) with torches (noun sense 1).transitive
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbTo set fire to (something), especially by use of a torch; specifically, to intentionally destroy (something) by setting on fire to try and claim compensation on a fire insurance.slang transitive
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbTo make damaging claims about (someone or something); to ruin the reputation of (someone or something); to disparage, to insult.figuratively transitive
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbOf a fire: to burn.intransitive
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbTo travel in a spacecraft propelled by a torch drive (“an engine which produces thrust by nuclear fusion”).literature media publishing science-fictionintransitive
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbTo (appear to) flare up like a torch.UK dialectal figuratively intransitive
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbTo catch fish or other aquatic animals by torchlight; to go hobbies lifestyleUS intransitive
flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flametorchEnglishverbTo point (“fill up and bring to a smooth finish”) (inside joints of slates laid on laths) using lime hair construction manufacturing masonryarchaic historical transitive
fold of skin covering the head of the penisforeskinEnglishnounThe nerve-dense, retractable fold of skin which covers and protects the head of the penis in humans and some other mammals.anatomy medicine sciences
fold of skin covering the head of the penisforeskinEnglishnounEllipsis of clitoral foreskin.anatomy medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
fold of skin covering the head of the penisforeskinEnglishverbTo remove the foreskin.intransitive transitive
fold of skin covering the head of the penisforeskinEnglishverbTo sexually stimulate by manipulating the foreskin.intransitive transitive
for a long timeat lengthEnglishprep_phraseFor a long time; extensively.
for a long timeat lengthEnglishprep_phraseAt last, finally, eventually.dated formal
for a long timeat lengthEnglishprep_phraseIn full; without omission or abbreviation.archaic
free someone from guilt or sinpurifyEnglishverbTo cleanse, or rid of impurities.transitive
free someone from guilt or sinpurifyEnglishverbTo free from guilt or sin.transitive
free someone from guilt or sinpurifyEnglishverbTo become pure.intransitive
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Chamaemycesfeminine
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Chlorophyllumfeminine
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Cystolepiotafeminine
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Echinodermafeminine
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Lepiotafeminine
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Leucoagaricusfeminine
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Leucocoprinusfeminine
genus MacrolepiotabedlaCzechnounname of several genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae / Macrolepiotafeminine
geographic regionCaucasusEnglishnameA mountain range in Eastern Europe between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, on territory of Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, which includes the ranges of Greater Caucasus and Lesser Caucasus.
geographic regionCaucasusEnglishnameA geopolitical region in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, deriving its name from the aforementioned mountains.geopolitics government politics
gestures used by a persongesturalityEnglishnounThe capacity to communicate using gesture.uncountable
gestures used by a persongesturalityEnglishnounThe gestures used by a person (in a specific situation).countable
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameA several places in Gaza / Ellipsis of Rafah Governorate.: A governorate of Southern Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine. Capital: Rafah.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameA several places in Gaza / A metropolitan region in Rafah governorate, Southern Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine, lying to the south of Khan Younus and to the north of Sinai, Egypt.
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameA several places in Gaza / A city, the capital of Rafah governorate, Southern Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine; lying next to the eponymous city in Egypt.
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameA several places in Gaza / Ellipsis of Rafah Refugee Camp.: A settlement, a refugee camp in the Rafah region, Rafah governorate, Southern Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine, lying next to the eponymous city of Rafah.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameA city in North Sinai governate, Sinai, Egypt, lying next to the eponymous city in Gaza.
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameEllipsis of Rafah Crossing.: A border gate on the Egypt, — Gaza, Palestine, border in Rafah city.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameA city in Egypt and Gaza, Palestine, split by an international border, each half a city in their own right, as well.
governorate in the Gaza Strip, PalestineRafahEnglishnameA female given name.
grammar: indicating possessionpossessiveEnglishadjOf or pertaining to ownership or possession.
grammar: indicating possessionpossessiveEnglishadjIndicating ownership, possession, origin, etc.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
grammar: indicating possessionpossessiveEnglishadjUnwilling to yield possession of.
grammar: indicating possessionpossessiveEnglishnounThe possessive case.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
grammar: indicating possessionpossessiveEnglishnounA word used to indicate the possessive case.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
grand duke’s consortgrand duchessEnglishnounThe wife or widow of a grand duke.
grand duke’s consortgrand duchessEnglishnounThe wife of a grand prince.proscribed
grand duke’s consortgrand duchessEnglishnounA daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign (czar or later emperor) of the Russian Empire or a pretender to the throne thereof.
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA storage closet either separate from, or built into, a wall.
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA cupboard.
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA source of valuable things; a storehouse.figuratively
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounThe upright assembly that houses a coin-operated arcade game, a cab.
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA size of photograph, specifically one measuring 3⅞" by 5½".historical
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA group of advisors to a government or business entity.
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounIn parliamentary and some other systems of government, the group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch.government politicscapitalized often
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounIn parliamentary and some other systems of government, the group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising the executive branch. / A cabinet-level agency in the executive branch; that is, an agency headed by a member of the governor's cabinet.government politicscapitalized often
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA small chamber or private room.archaic
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA collection of art or ethnographic objects.capitalized often
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounMilkshake.dialectal
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounA hut; a cottage; a small house.obsolete
group of advisorscabinetEnglishnounAn enclosure for mechanical or electrical equipment.
gutter-splintcanaliculusLatinnounA small channel, pipe or gutter.declension-2
gutter-splintcanaliculusLatinnounA splint for broken bones, gutter-splint.declension-2
hairamoAfarnounsummit, top
having abdominal finsabdominalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the abdomen; ventral.
having abdominal finsabdominalEnglishadjHaving the ventral fins under the abdomen and behind the pectoral fins.biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoology
having abdominal finsabdominalEnglishadjVentral, in describing a fin.biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoology
having abdominal finsabdominalEnglishadjBelonging to the order Abdominales of fish.biology natural-sciences zoologyobsolete
having abdominal finsabdominalEnglishnounA fish of the order Abdominales.biology natural-sciences zoologyobsolete
having abdominal finsabdominalEnglishnounAn abdominal muscle.colloquial
having guardianship or protection oftutelaryEnglishadjRelating to guardianship or protection.
having guardianship or protection oftutelaryEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a guardian.
having guardianship or protection oftutelaryEnglishadjHaving the qualities of a tutor.
having guardianship or protection oftutelaryEnglishnounA deity or spirit serving as a guardian or protector of a place, person, culture, etc.; a tutelar, a tutelary paganism religion
having only a single eyeone-eyedEnglishadjHaving only a single eye, particularly when a greater number is normal.not-comparable
having only a single eyeone-eyedEnglishadjBeing able to see out of only one eye.not-comparable
having sharp visionclear-sightedEnglishadjHaving sharp vision.
having sharp visionclear-sightedEnglishadjAcutely perceptive or discerning; perspicacious.
having the correct musical pitchin tuneEnglishprep_phraseHaving the correct musical pitch.entertainment lifestyle music
having the correct musical pitchin tuneEnglishprep_phraseIn an understanding relationship (with something or someone).figuratively usually
headKopfGermannounheadanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine strong
headKopfGermannouncrown, topmasculine strong
headKopfGermannounheading, titlemasculine strong
headKopfGermannounperson; individual; fellow (referring to one's intellect or mentality)masculine strong
headKopfGermannounheadhuman-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine strong
headKopfGermannounheads (side of a coin)hobbies lifestyle numismaticsmasculine strong
heavy responsibilitymillstoneEnglishnounA large round stone used for grinding grain.
heavy responsibilitymillstoneEnglishnounA coarse-grained sandstone used for making such stones; millstone grit.geography geology natural-sciences
heavy responsibilitymillstoneEnglishnounEllipsis of millstone round one's neck (referring to Matthew 18:6 in the Bible): a heavy responsibility that is difficult to bear.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis figuratively
hintviittausFinnishnounraise of hand (hand movement to catch someone's attention, such as one made at school by a student when he/she wants to speak up)
hintviittausFinnishnounwave (sideways movement movement of the hand, especially to show a direction)
hintviittausFinnishnounreference (short written identification of a previously published work which is used as a source for a text)
hintviittausFinnishnounhint, insinuation
honouragadOld Irishnounfacefeminine
honouragadOld Irishnounhonourfeminine
honouragadOld Irishnounsurfacefeminine
honouragadOld Irishverbthird-person singular past subjunctive of aigidform-of past singular subjunctive third-person
householdJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
householdJapanesenouna tray (for carrying e.g. dishes)
householdJapanesenouna flat earthenware pot, bowl, or basinarchaic
householdJapanesenounshort for 盆茣蓙(ぼんござ) (bon goza), a woven rush mat for rolling or throwing dice in gamblingabbreviation alt-of
householdJapanesenouna gambling den, a place where gambling happens
householdJapanesenouna gamble, a match, a contest
householdJapanesenouna household, a residence, a home (by extension from the sense of having one's own serving tray)
householdJapanesenouna place for a tryst
householdJapanesenounthe circular area of a 回り舞台 (mawari butai, “revolving stage”) (from its resemblance to a round serving tray)
householdJapanesenounan offering or votive at Obon
householdJapanesenamethe Obon or Bon Festival, an event with Buddhist roots, celebrated on July 15
householdJapanesenamethe Obon festival (see above)obsolete
ideal example of something — see also quintessencearchetypeEnglishnounAn original model of which all other similar concepts, objects, or persons are merely copied, derivative, emulated, or patterned; a prototype.
ideal example of something — see also quintessencearchetypeEnglishnounAn ideal example of something; a quintessence.
ideal example of something — see also quintessencearchetypeEnglishnounA character, object, or story that is based on a known character, object, or story.literature media publishing
ideal example of something — see also quintessencearchetypeEnglishnounAccording to Swiss psychologist Carl Jung: a universal pattern of thought, present in an individual's unconscious, inherited from the past collective experience of humanity.human-sciences psychology sciences
ideal example of something — see also quintessencearchetypeEnglishnounA protograph (“original manuscript of a text from which all further copies derive”).human-sciences linguistics sciences textual-criticism
ideal example of something — see also quintessencearchetypeEnglishverbTo depict as, model using, or otherwise associate an object or subject with an archetype.
immediatelyAsturianadvin the near future; soon
immediatelyAsturianadvanymore; no longer
immediatelyAsturianadv(emphatical) yes, of course
immediatelyAsturianadvsince, as
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounThe sound made by an object hitting a liquid.onomatopoeic
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA small amount of liquid.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA small amount (of color).
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA mark or stain made from a small amount of liquid.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounAn impact or impression.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA splash screen.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA body press; a move where the wrestler jumps forward from a raised platform such as the top turnbuckle, landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestling
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA cosmetic powder to whiten the complexion.dated
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA large, prominent headline or article.journalism media
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA splash page.comics literature media publishing
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounThe shooting down of an aircraft over water.government military politics warslang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounThe bleeding caused by a knife wound.Multicultural-London-English slang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA knife.Multicultural-London-English slang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo hit or agitate liquid so that part of it separates from the principal liquid mass.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo disperse a fluid suddenly; to splatter.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo hit or expel liquid at.transitive
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo create an impact or impression; to print, post, or publicize prominently.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo spend (money).transitive
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo roughly fill with color.figuratively
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo launch a ship.nautical transporttransitive
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo shoot down (an aircraft) over water.government military politics warslang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo stab (a person), causing them to bleed.Multicultural-London-English transitive
improper, immoral behaviourcarrying-onEnglishnounImproper, immoral behavioruncountable
improper, immoral behaviourcarrying-onEnglishnounIrritating or self-indulgent behavioruncountable
inhereonEnglishadvOn this place.not-comparable
inhereonEnglishadvTo this place.not-comparable
inhereonEnglishadvOn this subject or basis.not-comparable
in liturgical textsקו״חHebrewnounabbreviation of קהל וחזן: used in liturgical texts to mark a passage that that both the congregation and the leader of the service say.Judaism abbreviation alt-of
in liturgical textsקו״חHebrewnounabbreviation of קַל וָחֹמֶר (kal vachómer): an argument a fortiori.abbreviation alt-of
in liturgical textsקו״חHebrewnounabbreviation of קורות חיים (korót chayím): CV: résumé.abbreviation alt-of
in soccergoal lineEnglishnounthe boundary of the field that runs along its width at each end, and across the front of the goal.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
in soccergoal lineEnglishnounpart of a vertical plane separating an end zone from the field of play when the ball is touched or is in player possession. The plane extends beyond the sidelines. A team’s goal line is that which it is defending.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
in soccergoal lineEnglishnounthe red line that runs across the rink and the front of the goal.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sports
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounA bag; especially a large bag of strong, coarse material for storage and handling of various commodities, such as potatoes, coal, coffee; or, a bag with handles used at a supermarket, a grocery sack; or, a small bag for small items, a satchel.
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounThe amount a sack holds; also, an archaic or historical measure of varying capacity, depending on commodity type and according to local usage; an old English measure of weight, usually of wool, equal to 13 stone (182 pounds), or in other sources, 26 stone (364 pounds).
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounThe plunder and pillaging of a captured town or city.uncountable
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounLoot or booty obtained by pillage.uncountable
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounA successful tackle of the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounOne of the square bases anchored at first base, second base, or third base.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounDismissal from employment, or discharge from a position.informal
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounBed.US colloquial figuratively literally
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounA kind of loose-fitting gown or dress with sleeves which hangs from the shoulders, such as a gown with a Watteau back or sack-back, fashionable in the late 17th to 18th century; or, formerly, a loose-fitting hip-length jacket, cloak or cape.dated
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounA sack coat; a kind of coat worn by men, and extending from top to bottom without a cross seam.dated
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounThe scrotum.slang vulgar
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounAny disposable bag.
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishverbTo put in a sack or sacks.
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishverbTo bear or carry in a sack upon the back or the shoulders.
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishverbTo plunder or pillage, especially after capture; to obtain spoils of war from.
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishverbTo tackle the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage, especially before he is able to throw a pass.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishverbTo discharge from a job or position; to fire.informal transitive
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishverbTo give up on, to abandon, delay, to not think about someone or something.Australia slang transitive
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounA variety of light-colored dry wine from Spain or the Canary Islands; also, any strong white wine from southern Europe; sherry.countable dated uncountable
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounDated form of sac (“pouch in a plant or animal”).alt-of dated
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishverbAlternative spelling of sac (“sacrifice”)alt-of alternative
informal: dismissal from employmentsackEnglishnounAlternative spelling of sac (“sacrifice”)alt-of alternative
information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusionclueEnglishnounA strand of yarn etc. as used to guide one through a labyrinth; something which points the way, a guide.archaic
information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusionclueEnglishnounInformation which may lead one to a certain point or conclusion.
information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusionclueEnglishnounAn object or a kind of indication which may be used as evidence.
information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusionclueEnglishnounInsight or understanding ("to have a clue [about]" or "to have clue". See have a clue, clue stick)
information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusionclueEnglishverbTo provide with a clue.
information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusionclueEnglishverbTo provide someone with information which they lack (often used with "in" or "up").
information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusionclueEnglishverbAlternative form of clewalt-of alternative
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjHaving roots, or a certain type of roots.
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjFixed in one position; immobile; unable to move.
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjIngrained, as through repeated use; entrenched; habitual or instinctive.figuratively
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjHaving a basic or fundamental connection (to a thing); based, originating (from).figuratively usually
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjHaving a root.graph-theory mathematics sciences
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjIn trouble or in strife, screwed.slang
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjBroken, damaged, non-functional.Australia New-Zealand slang
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishadjHaving a root (superuser) account that has been compromised.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
ingrained, habitual or instinctive — see also ingrainedrootedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of rootform-of participle past
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo use or experience the sense of touch. / To become aware of through the skin; to use the sense of touch on.headingcopulative transitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo use or experience the sense of touch. / To find one's way (literally or figuratively) by touching or using cautious movements.headingtransitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo use or experience the sense of touch. / To receive information by touch or by any neurons other than those responsible for sight, smell, taste, or hearing.headingintransitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo use or experience the sense of touch. / To search by sense of touch.headingintransitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo sense or think emotionally or judgmentally. / To experience an emotion or other mental state about.headingtransitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo sense or think emotionally or judgmentally. / To think, believe, or have an impression concerning.headingtransitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo sense or think emotionally or judgmentally. / To experience an emotion or other mental state.headingcopulative intransitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo sense or think emotionally or judgmentally. / To sympathise; to have the sensibilities moved or affected.headingintransitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo be or become aware of.transitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo experience the consequences of.transitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo seem (through touch or otherwise).copulative
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishverbTo understand.US slang transitive
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishnounThe sense of touch.archaic
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishnounA perception experienced mainly or solely through the sense of touch.
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishnounA vague mental impression.
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishnounAn act of fondling.
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishnounA vague understanding.
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishnounAn intuitive ability.
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishnounA feeling; an emotion.US slang
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishpronAlternative form of felealt-of alternative dialectal obsolete
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishadjAlternative form of felealt-of alternative dialectal not-comparable obsolete
intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental statefeelEnglishadvAlternative form of felealt-of alternative dialectal not-comparable obsolete
languageArapahoEnglishnounA member of a Native American people of Wyoming and Oklahoma.
languageArapahoEnglishnameThe Algonquian language of this people.
languageArapahoEnglishnameA town, the county seat of Custer County, Oklahoma, United States.
large amount of blood likely to be spilled through violence — see also bloodshedbloodlettingEnglishnounThe archaic practice of treating illness by removing some blood, believed to be tainted, from the stricken person.medicine scienceshistorical
large amount of blood likely to be spilled through violence — see also bloodshedbloodlettingEnglishnounThe diminishment of any resource with the hope that this will lead to a positive effect.broadly
large amount of blood likely to be spilled through violence — see also bloodshedbloodlettingEnglishnounA circumstance, such as a battle, where a large amount of blood is likely to be spilled through violence.
large amount of blood likely to be spilled through violence — see also bloodshedbloodlettingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of bloodletform-of gerund participle present
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounLarge movable item(s), usually in a room, which enhance(s) the room's characteristics, functionally or decoratively.uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounThe harness, trappings etc. of a horse, hawk, or other animal.uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounFittings, such as handles, of a door, coffin, or other wooden item.uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounAn accompanying enhancing feature, or features collectively; embellishment, decoration, trimming.obsolete uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounThe stock and forearm of a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryuncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounThe pieces of wood or metal put around pages of type to make proper margins and fill the spaces between the pages and the printing publishinghistorical uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounThe stumps.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounAny material on the page other than the body text and pictures of articles; for example, headlines, datelines and dinkuses, lines and symbols (though in earlier use, only non-text elements of page design, such as lines and symbols).journalism mediauncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounA type of mixture organ stop.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounDraped coverings and hangings; bedsheets, tablecloths, tapestries, etc.archaic uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounClothing with which a person is furnished; apparel, outfit.obsolete uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounArms and armor, equipment of war.obsolete uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounEquipment for work, apparatus, tools, instruments.archaic uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounCondiments of a obsolete uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounStock, supply, stores, provisions.obsolete uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounContents; that with which something is filled or stocked.obsolete uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounImpressive-looking books used for filling out the collection of a private library.uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounThe action of furnishing or supplying.obsolete uncountable usually
large movable itemsfurnitureEnglishnounThe condition of being equipped, prepared, or mentally cultivated.obsolete uncountable usually
lasting for an indefinitely long timepermanentePortugueseadjpermanent (without end)feminine masculine not-comparable
lasting for an indefinitely long timepermanentePortugueseadjpermanent (lasting for an indefinitely long time)feminine masculine
lasting for an indefinitely long timepermanentePortuguesenounpermanent hair straighteningfeminine
lifeless, dull, or banalvapidEnglishadjOffering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.
lifeless, dull, or banalvapidEnglishadjLifeless, dull, or banal.
lifeless, dull, or banalvapidEnglishadjTasteless, bland, or insipid.
light produced by burning gasgaslightEnglishnounA lamp which operates by burning piped illuminating gas (or town gas).countable historical uncountable
light produced by burning gasgaslightEnglishnounThe light produced by the burning gas in such a lamp.historical uncountable
light produced by burning gasgaslightEnglishverbTo manipulate someone such that they doubt their own memory, perceptions of reality, or sanity, typically for malevolent reasons.formal historical transitive
light produced by burning gasgaslightEnglishverbTo deceive, trick, or lie to.broadly historical informal proscribed transitive
lightness of manner or speechlevityEnglishnounLightness of manner or speech, frivolity; flippancy; lack of appropriate seriousness; inclination to make a joke of serious matters.uncountable usually
lightness of manner or speechlevityEnglishnounLack of steadiness.obsolete uncountable usually
lightness of manner or speechlevityEnglishnounThe state or quality of being light, buoyancy.uncountable usually
lightness of manner or speechlevityEnglishnounA lighthearted or frivolous act.countable usually
linestrikethroughEnglishnounAn horizontal line overlaid on other publishing typographycountable uncountable
linestrikethroughEnglishnounA horizontal or oblique line overlaid on individual publishing typographycountable uncountable
linestrikethroughEnglishverbAlternative form of strike throughalt-of alternative no-present-participle nonstandard
line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional objectcircumferenceEnglishnounThe line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional figure.geometry mathematics sciences
line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional objectcircumferenceEnglishnounThe length of such a line.geometry mathematics sciences
line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional objectcircumferenceEnglishnounThe surface of a round or spherical object.obsolete
line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional objectcircumferenceEnglishnounThe length of the longest cycle of a graph.graph-theory mathematics sciences
line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional objectcircumferenceEnglishverbTo include in a circular space; to bound.obsolete transitive
local custom土風Chinesenounlocal customliterary
local custom土風Chinesenounfolk songliterary
lose valuedevalueEnglishverbTo lower or remove the value of something.transitive
lose valuedevalueEnglishverbTo lose value; to depreciate.intransitive
luminance non-uniformitymuraEnglishnounNonuniformity in the luminance of a display device.uncountable
luminance non-uniformitymuraEnglishnounA form of waste, or deviation from optimal allocation of resources, that occurs when inventory is required but not immediately available.businessuncountable
make straightstraighten outEnglishverbTo make straight.transitive
make straightstraighten outEnglishverbTo correct or rectify.idiomatic transitive
make straightstraighten outEnglishverbTo eliminate confusion from or concerning.idiomatic transitive
make straightstraighten outEnglishverbTo correct; to stop doing something wrong.idiomatic intransitive
make straightstraighten outEnglishverbTo tidy, neaten, or organize.transitive
make straightstraighten outEnglishverbTo be made a made man in a Mafia organization.transitive
make straightstraighten outEnglishverbTo (supposedly) make (a gay person) heterosexual.informal transitive
many thingsa lotEnglishpronA large amount.informal
many thingsa lotEnglishpronMany things, much.
many thingsa lotEnglishadvVery much; a great deal; to a large extent.informal not-comparable
many thingsa lotEnglishadvOften; frequently.informal not-comparable
many thingsa lotEnglishadjDifficult to handle emotionally.informal not-comparable
many thingsa lotEnglishadjtoo much, busy.euphemistic not-comparable
many thingsa lotEnglishadjdramatic, extra.not-comparable slang
marktähtiIngriannounmark, sign
mayor of a major cityLord MayorEnglishnounThe holder of a ceremonial post on a local council (distinct from the council leader who may be addressed as mayor).UK
mayor of a major cityLord MayorEnglishnounThe mayor of a major city.Australia
mayor of a major cityLord MayorEnglishnounConventional translation of German Oberbürgermeister; an elected official in charge of a major German city.
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounThe amount of money levied for a service.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA ground attack against a prepared enemy.government military politics warcountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA forceful forward movement.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounAn accusation. / An official description (by the police or a court) of a crime that somebody may be guilty of.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounAn accusation. / An accusation by a person or organization.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounAn electric charge.chemistry electrical-engineering electromagnetism engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounThe scope of someone's responsibility.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounSomeone or something entrusted to one's care, such as a child to a babysitter or a student to a teacher.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA load or burden; cargo.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounAn instruction.countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA propertycountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounAn offensive foul in which the player with the ball moves into a stationary defender.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA measured amount of powder and/or shot in a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA measured amount of explosive.broadly countable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounAn image displayed on an escutcheon.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA position (of a weapon) fitted for government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA sort of plaster or ointment.farriery hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportscountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounWeight; import; value.countable obsolete uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounA measure of thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds; a charre.countable historical obsolete uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounAn address given at a church service concluding a visitation.ecclesiastical lifestyle religioncountable uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishnounCannabis.slang uncountable
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo assign a duty or responsibility to.
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo assign (a debit) to an account.transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo require payment (of) (a price or fee, for goods, services, etc.).ambitransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo pay on account, as by using a credit card.US transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo sell (something) at a given price.dated transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo formally accuse (a person) of a crime.government law-enforcementtransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo mortgage (a property).law propertytransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo impute or ascribe.
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo call to account; to challenge.
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in. / To ornament with or cause to bear.transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in. / To assume as a bearing.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicstransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in. / To add to or represent on.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicstransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in.transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials. / To cause to take on an electric charge.transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials. / To replenish energy to (a battery, or a device containing a battery) by use of an electrical device plugged into a power outlet.transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials. / To replenish energy.intransitive transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials.transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback. / To attack by moving forward quickly in a group.government military politics warintransitive transitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback. / To commit a charging foul.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback. / To take a few steps down the pitch towards the bowler as they deliver the ball, either to disrupt the length of the delivery, or to get into a better position to hit the ball.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback.intransitive
measured amount of explosivechargeEnglishverbTo lie on the belly and be still. (A command given by a hunter to a dog)transitive
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounAn incorporeal and sometimes divine messenger from a deity, or other divine entity, often depicted in art as a youthful winged figure in flowing robes.
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounOne of the lowest order of such beings, below virtues.
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounA person having the qualities attributed to angels, such as purity or selflessness.
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounAttendant spirit; genius; demon.obsolete
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounAn official (a bishop, or sometimes a minister) who heads a Christian church, especially a Catholic Apostolic Church.obsolete possibly
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounAn English gold coin, bearing the figure of the archangel Michael, circulated between the 15th and 17th centuries, and varying in value from six shillings and eightpence to ten shillings.historical
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounAn altitude, measured in thousands of feet.government military politics warslang
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounAn unidentified flying object detected by air traffic control radar.colloquial dated
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounsomeone that funds / An angel finance
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounsomeone that funds / The person who funds a show.entertainment lifestyle theater
messenger from a deityangelEnglishverbTo support by donating money.entertainment lifestyle theaterslang transitive
messenger from a deityangelEnglishnounA person who has Angelman syndrome.informal
military: component of a nuclear weaponinitiatorEnglishnounOne who initiates.
military: component of a nuclear weaponinitiatorEnglishnounA substance that initiates a chain reaction or polymerization.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
military: component of a nuclear weaponinitiatorEnglishnounA component of a nuclear weapon that produces a burst of neutrons to start the chain reaction.government military politics war
military: component of a nuclear weaponinitiatorEnglishnounA task (in a mainframe computer) that initiates multiple jobs.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
military: component of a nuclear weaponinitiatorEnglishnounA material whose presence in the body eventually leads to cancer.medicine sciences
moleculedinitrogenEnglishnounThe normal nitrogen molecule having two atoms.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
moleculedinitrogenEnglishnounTwo atoms of nitrogen as part of some other compound.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounA single piece of a given material, elongated and roughly round in cross-section, often twisted with other fibres to form thread.countable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounMaterial in the form of fibres.uncountable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounDietary fibre.countable uncountable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounMoral strength and resolve.countable uncountable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounThe preimage of a given point in the range of a map.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounSaid to be of a morphism over a global element: The pullback of the said morphism along the said global element.category-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounA kind of lightweight thread of execution.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
moral strength and reservefibreEnglishnounA long tubular cell found in bodily tissue.biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA mammal of the family Canidae: / The species Canis familiaris (sometimes designated Canis lupus familiaris), domesticated for thousands of years and of highly variable appearance because of human breeding.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA mammal of the family Canidae: / Any member of the family Canidae, including domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, and their relatives (extant and extinct); canid.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA mammal of the family Canidae: / A male dog, wolf, or fox, as opposed to a bitch or vixen.attributive countable often uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounThe meat of this animal, eaten as food.uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA person: / A dull, unattractive girl or woman.countable derogatory slang uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA person: / A man, guy, chap.countable slang uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA person: / Someone who is cowardly, worthless, or morally reprehensible.countable derogatory uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA person: / A sexually aggressive man.countable slang uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / Any of various mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening something, particularly with a tooth-like projection.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / A click or pallet adapted to engage the teeth of a ratchet wheel, to restrain the back action.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / A metal support for logs in a fireplace.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / A double-ended side spike driven through a hole in the flange of a rail on a tramway.transportcountable historical uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounThe eighteenth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA hot dog: a frankfurter, wiener, or similar sausage; or a sandwich made from this.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounAn underdog.card-games pokercountable slang uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounFoot; toe.countable in-plural slang uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnoun(from "dog and bone") Phone or mobile phone.Cockney countable slang uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounOne of the cones used to divide up a racetrack when training horses.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounSomething that performs poorly.countable informal uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounSomething that performs poorly. / A flop; a film that performs poorly at the box office.broadcasting film media televisioncountable informal uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA cock, as of a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryarchaic countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishnounA dance having a brief vogue in the 1960s in which the actions of a dog were mimicked.countable uncountable
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishverbTo pursue with the intent to catch.transitive
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishverbTo follow in an annoying or harassing way.transitive
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishverbTo fasten a hatch securely.nautical transporttransitive
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishverbTo watch, or participate, in sexual activity in a public place.intransitive
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishverbTo intentionally restrict one's productivity as employee; to work at the slowest rate that goes unpunished.intransitive transitive
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishverbTo criticize.slang transitive
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishverbTo divide (a watch) with a comrade.government military politics wartransitive
morally reprehensible person — see also scoundreldogEnglishadjOf inferior quality; very bad.not-comparable slang
morning and night旦暮Chinesenounmorning and night; day and night; all the timeliterary
morning and night旦暮Chinesenounvery short time; short whileliterary
municipalityLappajärviEnglishnameA municipality of South Ostrobothnia, Finland.
municipalityLappajärviEnglishnameA crater lake in South Ostrobothnia, Finland, after which the municipality was named.
mythological demonLilithEnglishnameA Mesopotamian storm demon, a bearer of disease and death.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
mythological demonLilithEnglishnameThe first wife of Adam in Jewish folklore.Judaism
mythological demonLilithEnglishnameThe "dark moon" or "black moon", a fictitious invisible second moon of Earth proposed by astrologers in the early 20th century. Now often interpreted as the position of the apogee of the actual Moon, or as the empty focus of the Moon's elliptical orbit (Earth occupying the other focus).astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
mythological demonLilithEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew.
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjclean; neat, tidy (not dirty)
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjclear, unpolluted (not polluted)
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjclear, clean, innocent (free of guilt)
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjpure, undiluted, absolute, neat; sweet (unadulterated; free from extraneous elements)
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjnet (with all deductions or allowances made)
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjnaked (without decoration, put bluntly)
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjsheer (being only what it seems to be)
naked, put bluntlypuhdasFinnishadjperfectentertainment lifestyle musicperfect
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounAny of the numerous species of birds belonging to several genera within the family Corvidae, including Garrulus, Cyanocitta, Aphelocoma, Perisoreus, Cyanocorax, Gymnorhinus, Cyanolyca, Ptilostomus, and Calocitta, allied to the crows, but smaller, more graceful in form, often handsomely coloured, usually having a crest, and often noisy.
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounAny of various other birds of similar appearance and behaviour.
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounAny of various other birds of similar appearance and behaviour. / The Indian roller, Coracias benghalensis.
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounAny of various large papilionid butterflies of the genus Graphium.
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounA dull or ignorant person. It survives today in the term jaywalking.archaic
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounPromiscuous woman; prostitute.obsolete
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounThe name of the Latin-script letter J/j.
name of the letter J, jjayEnglishnounA marijuana cigarette; a joint.slang
native or inhabitant of MongoliaMongolianEnglishadjOf or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.
native or inhabitant of MongoliaMongolianEnglishadjResembling or having some of the characteristic physical features of the mongoloid racial type.anthropology human-sciences sciencesdated
native or inhabitant of MongoliaMongolianEnglishadjRelating to or affected with Down syndrome.archaic offensive
native or inhabitant of MongoliaMongolianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Mongolia.countable
native or inhabitant of MongoliaMongolianEnglishnounA group of languages from Mongolia, specifically Khalkha, the official language of Mongolia.uncountable
native or inhabitant of MongoliaMongolianEnglishnounA person of the mongoloid physical type.countable uncountable
newlynew-Englishprefixnewly, recentlymorpheme
newlynew-Englishprefixanew, again, re-morpheme
niggerkmicaSerbo-CroatiannoundarknessCroatia Kajkavian
niggerkmicaSerbo-Croatiannounnigger, darkeyCroatia derogatory vulgar
niggerkmicaSerbo-CroatiannounniggaCroatia broadly slang
nonsensebullEnglishnounAn adult male of domesticated cattle or oxen. / Specifically, one that is uncastrated.countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounAn adult male of domesticated cattle or oxen. / Any bovine of an aggressive or long-horned breed regardless of age and sex.broadly countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounA male of domesticated cattle or oxen of any age.countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounAny adult male bovine.countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounAn adult male of certain large mammals, such as whales, elephants, camels and seals.countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounA large, strong man.countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounAn investor who buys (commodities or securities) in anticipation of a rise in financecountable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounA policeman; a detective; a railroad security guard.US countable slang uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounAn elderly lesbian.countable slang uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounA crown coin; its value, 5 shillings.UK countable historical obsolete slang uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounClipping of bullseye.UK abbreviation alt-of clipping countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounClipping of bullseye. / The central portion of a target, inside the inner and firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryUK countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounA man or boy (derived from the Philadelphia English pronunciation of “boy”, which is practically a homophone of “bull”)Philadelphia countable slang uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounClipping of bullshit.abbreviation alt-of clipping euphemistic informal slang uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounA man who has sex with someone else's partner, with the consent of both.countable uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounA drink made by pouring water into a cask that previously held liquor.countable obsolete uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounBeef.slang uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishadjLarge and strong, like a bull.not-comparable
nonsensebullEnglishadjAdult male.attributive not-comparable
nonsensebullEnglishadjOf a market in which prices are rising (compare bear).business financenot-comparable
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo force oneself (in a particular direction); to move aggressively.intransitive often
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo be in heat; to be ready for mating with a bull.agriculture business lifestyleintransitive
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo mate with (a cow or heifer).agriculture business lifestyletransitive
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo endeavour to raise the market price financetransitive
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo endeavour to raise prices financetransitive
nonsensebullEnglishnounA papal bull, an official document or edict from the Pope.
nonsensebullEnglishnounA seal affixed to a document, especially a document from the Pope.
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo publish in a papal bull.dated
nonsensebullEnglishnounA lie.uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishnounNonsense.euphemistic informal uncountable
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo mock; to cheat.
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo lie, to tell untruths.intransitive
nonsensebullEnglishverbTo polish (boots) to a high shine.government military politics warUK transitive
nonsensebullEnglishnounA bubble.obsolete
nose鼻子Chinesenounnasal mucus; snotJin Mandarin Xiang dialectal
not existinginexistenceEnglishnounThe state of not being, not existing, or not being perceptible.uncountable usually
not existinginexistenceEnglishnounThe state of existing in somethinguncountable usually
not existinginexistenceEnglishnounThat which exists within; a constituent.uncountable usually
not level or smoothunevenEnglishadjnot even; covered with raised spots, pits and grooves
not level or smoothunevenEnglishadjNot level or smooth
not level or smoothunevenEnglishadjNot uniform
not level or smoothunevenEnglishadjVarying in quality
not level or smoothunevenEnglishadjOddmathematics sciencesrare
not level or smoothunevenEnglishverbTo make uneven.transitive
not motivated by anything beyond itselfautotelicEnglishadjContaining its own meaning or purpose; deriving meaning and purpose from within.human-sciences psychology sciences
not motivated by anything beyond itselfautotelicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the quality of (a thing's) being autotelic.
not motivated by anything beyond itselfautotelicEnglishadjNot motivated by anything beyond itself; thematically arts
not motivated by anything beyond itselfautotelicEnglishnounAn autotelic person, a person with an autotelic personality.
ofwhereasEnglishadvWhere (that).not-comparable obsolete
ofwhereasEnglishconjIn contrast; whilst on the contrary; although.
ofwhereasEnglishconjIt being the fact that; inasmuch as. (Often used to begin recitals; sometimes emboldened or emphasized as a signifier.)law
ofwhereasEnglishnounA clause, as in legal documents, stating whereas.
of a place, Portuguese-speakingLusophoneEnglishadjPortuguese-speaking.not-comparable
of a place, Portuguese-speakingLusophoneEnglishadjPortuguese-speaking.not-comparable
of a place, Portuguese-speakingLusophoneEnglishnounA Portuguese speaker.
of a vector space, isomorphic to its dual spaceself-dualEnglishadjOf a vector space, isomorphic to its dual space.linear-algebra mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
of a vector space, isomorphic to its dual spaceself-dualEnglishadjOf a proposition that is equivalent to its dual.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
of a vector space, isomorphic to its dual spaceself-dualEnglishadjOf a graph or polyhedron, being the dual of itself.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishnounThe yield of grapes or wine from a vineyard or district during one season.countable uncountable
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishnounWine, especially high-quality, identified as to year and vineyard or district of origin.countable uncountable
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishnounThe harvesting of a grape crop and the initial pressing of juice for winemaking.countable uncountable
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishnounThe year or place in which something is produced.countable uncountable
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishadjOf or relating to a vintage, or to wine identified by a specific vintage.attributive
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishadjHaving an enduring appeal; high-quality.attributive
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishadjClassic, or old enough to be recognizably outdated but not old enough to be antique (such as watches, video or computer games from the 1980s or 1990s, old magazines, etc.). / built between the years 1919 and (usually) 1930 (or sometimes 1919 to 1925 in the USA).attributive
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishadjClassic, or old enough to be recognizably outdated but not old enough to be antique (such as watches, video or computer games from the 1980s or 1990s, old magazines, etc.). / produced between the years 1870 and 1980.attributive
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishadjClassic, or old enough to be recognizably outdated but not old enough to be antique (such as watches, video or computer games from the 1980s or 1990s, old magazines, etc.). / produced between the years of 1945 and 1970, during the post-war period.attributive
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishverbTo harvest (grapes).transitive
of a watch, produced between the years 1870 and 1980vintageEnglishverbTo make (wine) from grapes.transitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto decrease in size or importanceintransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto lose weightintransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto experience a weight loss oftransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto doff, to removeditransitive transitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto turn offtransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto split a shuffled deck of cards in half and put the top half under the bottom half, before handing out the cardscard-games gamesintransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto take off (to leave the ground and ascend into the air)intransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto flourish, become successfulbroadly intransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto rise rapidly and suddenlyintransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto get carried awayintransitive
of aircraft or spacecraft: to take offta avNorwegian Nynorskverbto depict, imitatedated transitive
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishverbTo incline, deviate, or bend, from a vertical position; to be in a position thus inclining or deviating.intransitive
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishverbTo incline in opinion or desire; to conform in conduct; often with to, toward, etc.copulative
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishverbTo rest or rely, for support, comfort, to use as a hard surface for writing, etc.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishverbTo hang outwards.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishverbTo press against.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishnounAn inclination away from the vertical.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishadjSlim; not fleshy.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishadjHaving little fat.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishadjHaving little extra or little to spare; scanty; meagre.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishadjHaving a low proportion or concentration of a desired substance or ingredient.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishadjOf a character which prevents the compositor from earning the usual wages; opposed to printing publishingarchaic
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishadjEfficient, economic, frugal, agile, slimmed-down; pertaining to the modern industrial principles of "lean manufacturing".business
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishnounMeat with no fat on it.uncountable
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishnounAn organism that is lean in stature.biology natural-sciencescountable
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishverbTo thin out (a fuel-air mixture): to reduce the fuel flow into the mixture so that there is more air or oxygen.
of meat, having little fatleanEnglishnounA recreational drug based on codeine-laced promethazine cough syrup, especially popular in the hip hop community in the southeastern United States.US slang uncountable
of or pertaining to operation using machinerymechanizedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of mechanizeform-of participle past
of or pertaining to operation using machinerymechanizedEnglishadjEquipped with machinery.
of or pertaining to operation using machinerymechanizedEnglishadjEquipped with armoured motor vehicles; compare motorized (“equipped with unarmoured vehicles”).government military politics war
of or pertaining to the abdominal cavityceliacEnglishadjOf, pertaining to or located within the abdomen or abdominal cavity.anatomy medicine sciencesUS not-comparable
of or pertaining to the abdominal cavityceliacEnglishadjOf or pertaining to c(o)eliac disease.medicine sciencesUS not-comparable
of or pertaining to the abdominal cavityceliacEnglishnounSomeone who has celiac disease.
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishnameA Germanic language group or language (see Usage notes), or a lect thereof, which descended from Old Frisian, with speakers in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. / The West Frisian (or Western Frisian) lect, spoken in the northern Netherlands.specifically
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishnameA Germanic language group or language (see Usage notes), or a lect thereof, which descended from Old Frisian, with speakers in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. / Saterland Frisian, the last surviving dialect of the East Frisian lect, spoken in Northern Germany close to the Dutch border.specifically
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishnameA Germanic language group or language (see Usage notes), or a lect thereof, which descended from Old Frisian, with speakers in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. / The North Frisian lect, spoken in northwestern Schleswig-Holstein in Germany.specifically
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishnounA member of the Germanic ethnic group which is native to the region of Frisia (which is in the Netherlands, northern Germany, and southern Denmark).
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishnounA person who is from or who has long resided in the Dutch province of Friesland.
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishadjOf, in or relating to the Frisian language or a Frisian language.
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishadjOf or relating to the natives or inhabitants of Frisia; to people of Frisian descent.
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishadjOf or relating to the region of Frisia.
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishadjOf or relating to the natives or inhabitants of the Dutch province of Friesland.
of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of FrieslandFrisianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Dutch province of Friesland.
of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestinesentericEnglishadjOf, relating to, within, or by way of the intestinesnot-comparable
of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestinesentericEnglishadjStaying intact in the stomach, then dissolving in the intestinenot-comparable
one who annihilatesannihilatorEnglishnounOne who annihilates.
one who annihilatesannihilatorEnglishnounThat ideal of R whose elements yield zero when multiplied by the given element (or; by the elements of the given subset) of M.
one who makesmakerEnglishnounSomeone who makes; a person or thing that makes or produces something.
one who makesmakerEnglishnounGod, the Creator.
one who makesmakerEnglishnounA poet.archaic
one who makesmakerEnglishnounSomeone who signs a promissory note, thereby becoming responsible for
one who protects or guardsprotectorEnglishnounSomeone who protects or guards, by assignment or on their own initiative.
one who protects or guardsprotectorEnglishnounA device or mechanism which is designed to protect.
one who protects or guardsprotectorEnglishnounOne who prevents interference.
one who protects or guardsprotectorEnglishnounA state or other subject under international law, exercising a protectorate over another subject in international law.
one who protects or guardsprotectorEnglishnounOne having the care of the kingdom during the king's minority; a regent.UK historical
one who protects or guardsprotectorEnglishnounA cardinal, from one of the more considerable Roman Catholic nations, who looks after the interests of his people at Rome; also, a cardinal who has the same relation to a college, religious order, etc.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcastingbroadcasterEnglishnounA machine used to broadcast or spread seeds, fertilizer, etc.agriculture business lifestyle
organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcastingbroadcasterEnglishnounA person who sows seeds by scattering; also, one who promotes sowing seeds in this manner instead of by drilling (“making holes in the soil and placing seeds in them”).agriculture business lifestyleobsolete
organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcastingbroadcasterEnglishnounA piece of equipment used to transmit audio and/or video content, or messages, to be received by radios or televisions, over the internet, etc.broadcasting media
organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcastingbroadcasterEnglishnounAn organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcasting.broadcasting media
organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcastingbroadcasterEnglishnounA person whose job it is to effect such broadcasts; specifically, one who presents radio or television programmes (especially documentaries or news programmes); a presenter.broadcasting media
organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcastingbroadcasterEnglishnounA piece of equipment used to transmit data over a computer network.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
originincunabulumEnglishnounA book, single sheet, or image that was printed before the year 1501 in printing publishing
originincunabulumEnglishnounThe cradle, birthplace, or origin of
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA higher-pitched or stronger (louder or longer) articulation of a particular syllable of a word or phrase in order to distinguish it from the others or to emphasize it.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounEmphasis or importance in general.countable figuratively uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA mark or character used in writing, in order to indicate the place of the spoken accent, or to indicate the nature or quality of the vowel marked.communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingcountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounModulation of the voice in speaking; the manner of speaking or pronouncing; a peculiar or characteristic modification of the voice, expressing emotion; tone.countable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounThe distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect. / A manner of pronunciation suggesting that the speaker is from a different region; a foreign accent.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociologycountable informal proscribed sometimes uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounThe distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect. / A distinctive manner of producing a sign language, such as someone who does not normally use a certain sign language might have when using it.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociologycountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounThe distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociologycountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA word; a significant tone or sound.countable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounExpressions in general; speech.countable plural plural-only uncountable usually
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounStress laid on certain syllables of a verse.communications human-sciences journalism linguistics literature media phonology poetry prosody publishing sciences writingcountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA regularly recurring stress upon the tone to mark the beginning, and, more feebly, the third part of the measure.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA special emphasis of a tone, even in the weaker part of the measure.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA mark used to represent this special emphasis.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounThe rhythmical accent, which marks phrases and sections of a period.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA prime symbol.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounEmphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or composition; an emphasized detail, in particular a detail in sharp contrast to its surroundings.countable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounA very small gemstone set into a piece of jewellery.countable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishnounUtterance.archaic countable uncountable
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishverbTo express the accent of vocally; to utter with accent.transitive
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishverbTo mark emphatically; to emphasize; to accentuate; to make prominent.transitive
orthography: mark to indicate accentaccentEnglishverbTo mark with written accents.transitive
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounThe part of something that faces out; the outer surface.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounThe external appearance of someone or something.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounThe space beyond some limit or boundary.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounThe furthest limit, as to number, quantity, extent, etc.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounThe part of a road towards the central division: towards the right if one drives on the left, or towards the left if one drives on the right.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounThe side of a curved road, racetrack etc. that has the longer arc length; the side of a racetrack furthest from the interior of the course or some other point of reference.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounThe outer part of the sea, away from the peak of a wave.hobbies lifestyle sports surfing
outdoorsoutsideEnglishnounA passenger riding on the outside of a coach or carriage.UK colloquial dated
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the outer surface, limit or boundary.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjOf, pertaining to or originating from beyond the outer surface, limit or boundary.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjAway from the interior or center of something.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjOriginating from, arranged by, or being someone outside an organization, group, etc.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjExtending or going beyond the borders or scope of an organization, group, etc.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjAway (far) from the batter as it crosses home plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjReaching the extreme or farthest limit, as to extent, quantity, etc; maximum.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjPositioned towards the central division of a road: towards the right-hand side if one drives on the left, or left-hand side if one drives on the right.UK
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjPositioned towards the shoulder of a road: towards the left-hand side if one drives on the left, or right-hand side if one drives on the right.US
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadjNot legally married to or related to (e.g. not born in wedlock to), and/or not residing with, a specified other person (parent, child, or partner); (of a marriage, relationship, etc) existing between two such people. (Compare out of wedlock, nonresidential.)
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadvTo or in the outdoors or outside; to or in an area that is beyond the scope, limits, or borders of a given place. / Not in prison.colloquial
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadvTo or in the outdoors or outside; to or in an area that is beyond the scope, limits, or borders of a given place. / Beyond the breaking waves.hobbies lifestyle sports surfing
outdoorsoutsideEnglishadvTo or in the outdoors or outside; to or in an area that is beyond the scope, limits, or borders of a given place.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishprepOn the outside of, not inside (something, such as a building).
outdoorsoutsideEnglishprepBeyond the scope, limits, or borders of.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishprepNear, but not in.
outdoorsoutsideEnglishprepExcept, apart from.usually
outdoorsoutsideEnglishverbTo ostracize or exclude.transitive
outsideroutlanderEnglishnounA foreigner or alien.
outsideroutlanderEnglishnounA stranger or outsider.
overlapping both senseschit-chatEnglishnounLight conversation; casual talk, usually about trivial matters.countable uncountable
overlapping both senseschit-chatEnglishnounGossip.countable uncountable
overlapping both senseschit-chatEnglishverbTo engage in small talk, to discuss unimportant matters.colloquial intransitive
overly concerned about tidiness and cleanlinessfastidiousEnglishadjExcessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details, especially about tidiness and cleanliness.
overly concerned about tidiness and cleanlinessfastidiousEnglishadjOverly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness.
overly concerned about tidiness and cleanlinessfastidiousEnglishadjDifficult to please; quick to find fault.
overly concerned about tidiness and cleanlinessfastidiousEnglishadjHaving precise requirements for nutrition and environment (chemical and physical); especially, being difficult to culture because of those requirements.biology microbiology natural-sciences
palace in Granada, SpainAlhambraEnglishnameA palace in Granada, Spain; historically a royal palace.
palace in Granada, SpainAlhambraEnglishnameA city in Los Angeles County, California, United States.
palace in Granada, SpainAlhambraEnglishnounA solitaire card game played with two decks.uncountable
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishnounA person who is keenly interested in the latest trends or fashions.
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishnounA member of Bohemian counterculture.
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishnounAn aficionado of jazz who considers himself or herself to be hip.
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishnounA person who wears a hip flask (of alcohol).US obsolete
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishnounA dancer, particularly a female one.US obsolete
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishnounUnderwear with an elastic waistband at hip level.
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishverbTo behave like a hipster.
person interested in the latest trendshipsterEnglishverbTo dress or decorate in a hip fashion.
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishnounA usurper; one who gains power and rules extralegally, distinguished from kings elevated by election or succession.historical
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishnounAny monarch or governor.obsolete
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishnounA despot; a ruler who governs unjustly, cruelly, or harshly.
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishnounAny person who abuses the power of position or office to treat others unjustly, cruelly, or harshly.broadly
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishnounA villain; a person or thing who uses strength or violence to treat others unjustly, cruelly, or harshly.broadly
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishnounThe tyrant birds, members of the family Tyrannidae, which often fight or drive off other birds which approach their nests.
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishadjTyrannical, tyrannous; like, characteristic of, or in the manner of a tyrant.uncommon
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishverbTo act like a tyrant; to be tyrannical.intransitive obsolete
person who abuses their powertyrantEnglishverbTo tyrannize.obsolete transitive
person who campscamperEnglishnounA person who camps, especially in a tent etc.
person who campscamperEnglishnounA motor vehicle with a rear compartment for living and sleeping in.
person who campscamperEnglishnounA person who stays in one spot during a first-person shooting game, to guard an item
person who campscamperEnglishadjcomparative form of camp: more campcomparative form-of
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishnounA person, in a church, cinema etc., who escorts people to their seats.
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishnounA male escort at a wedding.
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishnounA doorkeeper in a courtroom.
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishnounAn assistant to a head teacher or schoolteacher; an assistant teacher.obsolete
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishnounAny schoolteacher.dated derogatory
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishverbTo guide people to their seats.transitive
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishverbTo accompany or escort (someone).transitive
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishverbTo precede; to act as a forerunner or herald.figuratively transitive
person who escorts people to their seatsusherEnglishverbTo lead or guide somewhere.figuratively transitive
person with great ambition烈士Chinesenounmartyr
person with great ambition烈士Chinesenounperson with great ambition, spirits, or passion
pertaining to James Joyce or his writingsJoyceanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to James Joyce (1882–1941) or his writings.
pertaining to James Joyce or his writingsJoyceanEnglishadjIn a verbally inventive style similar to that of James Joyce.
pertaining to James Joyce or his writingsJoyceanEnglishnounA person who studies or admires the works of James Joyce.
pet formsPhilipEnglishnameOne of the twelve disciples of Jesus in the Bible; one of the seven deacons.uncountable
pet formsPhilipEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.countable
pet formsPhilipEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.countable
pet formsPhilipEnglishnameA small city, the county seat of Haakon County, South Dakota, United States.countable uncountable
policy and practicesanitationEnglishnounThe hygienic disposal or recycling of waste.countable uncountable
policy and practicesanitationEnglishnounThe policy and practice of protecting health through hygienic measures.countable uncountable
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo part, separate or divide.UK dialectal obsolete transitive
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo part with, separate from, leave off; cast off, let fall, be divested of.ambitransitive
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo pour; to make flow.archaic transitive
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo allow to flow or fall.transitive
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo radiate, cast, give off (light).transitive
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo pour forth, give off, impart.obsolete transitive
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo fall in drops; to pour.intransitive obsolete
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo sprinkle; to intersperse; to cover.
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo divide, as the warp threads, so as to form a shed, or passageway, for the manufacturing textiles weaving
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounAn area between upper and lower warp yarns through which the weft is manufacturing textiles weaving
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounA distinction or dividing-line.obsolete
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounA parting in the hair.obsolete
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounThe top of the head.obsolete
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounAn area of land as distinguished from those around it.
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounA slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something; a structure usually open in front; an outbuilding, especially a smallish one; a hut.
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounA large temporary open structure for reception of goods.
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounAn automobile which is old, worn-out, slow, or otherwise of poor quality.British derogatory informal
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounA British Rail Class 66 locomotive.rail-transport railways transportBritish informal
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounA unit of area equivalent to 10⁻⁵² square meters.
poor quality automobileshedEnglishnounAlternative form of woodshedentertainment lifestyle musicalt-of alternative slang
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo place or allocate a vehicle, such as a locomotive, in or to a depot or shed.transitive
poor quality automobileshedEnglishverbTo woodshed.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
possessing, or controlled by, ambitionambitiousEnglishadjHaving or showing ambition; wanting a lot of power, honor, respect, superiority, or other distinction.
possessing, or controlled by, ambitionambitiousEnglishadjVery desirous
possessing, or controlled by, ambitionambitiousEnglishadjResulting from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition
possessing, or controlled by, ambitionambitiousEnglishadjHard to achieve.
predominantprevailingEnglishadjPredominant; of greatest force.
predominantprevailingEnglishadjPrevalent, common, widespread.
predominantprevailingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of prevailform-of gerund participle present
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnameThe language of France, shared by the neighboring countries Belgium, Monaco, and Switzerland and by former French colonies around the world.uncountable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnameThe ability of a person to communicate in French.uncountable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnameFrench language and literature as an object of study.uncountable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnameVulgar language.euphemistic ironic often uncountable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnameA surname.countable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnounThe people of France; groups of French people.collective countable in-plural uncountable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnounSynonym of oral sex, especially sex sexualitydated slang uncountable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishnounEllipsis of French vermouth, a type of dry vermouth.abbreviation alt-of dated ellipsis slang uncountable
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to France.
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to the people or culture of France.
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to the French language.
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishadjOf or related to oral sex, especially sexualityslang
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishadjUsed to form names or references to venereal diseases.euphemistic informal often
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishadjUsed to form names or references to an unconventional or fancy style.
principal language of France and other related countriesFrenchEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of frenchalt-of
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishverbTo suffer decomposition due to biological action, especially by fungi or bacteria.intransitive
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishverbTo decline in function or utility.intransitive
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishverbTo (cause to) deteriorate in any way, as in morals; to corrupt.ambitransitive
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishverbTo make putrid; to cause to be wholly or partially decomposed by natural processes.transitive
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishverbTo spend a long period of time (in an unpleasant place or state).figuratively intransitive
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishverbTo expose, as flax, to a process of maceration, etc., for the purpose of separating the fiber; to ret.transitive
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishverbTo talk nonsense.dated slang
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishnounThe process of becoming rotten; putrefaction.countable uncountable
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishnounDecaying matter.countable uncountable
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishnounAny of several diseases in which breakdown of tissue occurs.countable in-compounds uncountable
process of becoming rotten — see also decay, putrefactionrotEnglishnounVerbal nonsense.uncountable
quantity or volumeamountEnglishnounThe total, aggregate or sum of material (not applicable to discrete numbers or units or items in standard English).
quantity or volumeamountEnglishnounA quantity or volume.
quantity or volumeamountEnglishnounThe number (the sum) of elements in a set.nonstandard proscribed sometimes
quantity or volumeamountEnglishverbTo total or evaluate.intransitive with-to
quantity or volumeamountEnglishverbTo be the tantamount to; to reach up to the level of.intransitive with-to
quantity or volumeamountEnglishverbTo go up; to ascend.intransitive obsolete
ranges白雲Chinesenounwhite cloud
ranges白雲ChinesenameBaiyun (a district of Guangzhou, Guangdong, China)
ranges白雲ChinesenameBaiyun (a district of Guiyang, Guizhou, China)
ranges白雲ChinesenameBaiyun Mountain (a mountain range in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China)
ranges白雲ChinesenameShort for 白雲鄂博/白云鄂博 (Báiyún Èbó, “Bayan Obo”).abbreviation alt-of
ranges白雲ChinesenameBaiyun (a rural village in Jiaoxi, Yilan County, Taiwan)
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounThe act of entering.countable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounPermission to enter.uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounA doorway that provides a means of entering a building.countable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounThe act of taking possession.lawcountable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounThe start of an insurance insurancecountable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounA passageway between terraced houses that provides a means of entering a back garden or yard.Midlands countable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounA small room immediately inside the front door of a house or other building, often having an access to a stairway and leading on to other roomscountable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounA small group formed within a church, especially Episcopal, for simple dinner and fellowship, and to help facilitate new friendshipscountable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounAn item in a list, such as an article in a dictionary or encyclopedia.countable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounA record made in a log, diary or anything similarly organized; (computing) a datum in a database.countable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounA term at any position in a matrix.linear-algebra mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounThe exhibition or depositing of a ship's papers at the customhouse, to procure licence to land goods; or the giving an account of a ship's cargo to the officer of the customs, and obtaining his permission to land the goods.countable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounThe point when a musician starts to play or sing; entrance.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
record in a log or in a databaseentryEnglishnounThe introduction of new hounds into a pack.hobbies hunting lifestylecountable uncountable
relating to the arachnoid materarachnoidEnglishadjRelating to or resembling spider webs; covered with or composed of soft loose hairs or fibers.not-comparable
relating to the arachnoid materarachnoidEnglishadjRelating to the arachnoid mater.anatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
relating to the arachnoid materarachnoidEnglishnounEllipsis of arachnoid mater..anatomy medicine neuroanatomy neurology neuroscience sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
relating to the arachnoid materarachnoidEnglishnounA round network of fractures in the crust of Venus.astronomy natural-sciences
relating to the arachnoid materarachnoidEnglishadjRelating to or resembling spiders.arachnology biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable relational
relating to the arachnoid materarachnoidEnglishnounAn arachnid.
relating to the art of topiariestopiaryEnglishadjOf, or relating to art of topiaries.not-comparable
relating to the art of topiariestopiaryEnglishadjOf a tree or shrub, trimmed in artistic shape.not-comparable
relating to the art of topiariestopiaryEnglishnounArt or practice of trimming shrubs or trees in artistic or ornamental shapes, e.g. of animals.uncountable
relating to the art of topiariestopiaryEnglishnounA garden decorated with such art.countable
relating to the art of topiariestopiaryEnglishnounOne such shrub or tree.countable
releasing orderpardonEnglishnounForgiveness for an offence.countable uncountable
releasing orderpardonEnglishnounAn order that releases a convicted criminal without further punishment, prevents future punishment, or (in some jurisdictions) removes an offence from a person's criminal record, as if it had never been committed.lawcountable uncountable
releasing orderpardonEnglishverbTo forgive (a person).transitive
releasing orderpardonEnglishverbTo refrain from exacting as a penalty.transitive
releasing orderpardonEnglishverbTo grant an official pardon for a crime.lawtransitive
releasing orderpardonEnglishintjOften used when someone does not understand what another person says.
repeal, annul, or declare voidrescindEnglishverbTo repeal, annul, or declare void; to take (something such as a rule or contract) out of effect.transitive
repeal, annul, or declare voidrescindEnglishverbTo cut away or off.transitive
requiring dexterityfiddlyEnglishadjRequiring dexterity to operate.
requiring dexterityfiddlyEnglishadjHaving many small bits or embellishments.broadly
requiring dexterityfiddlyEnglishadjOf or relating to fiddling or fidgeting.
requiring dexterityfiddlyEnglishadjPertaining to occasional under-the-table work by people who receive unemployment benefits
resembling a circlecycloidEnglishnounThe locus of a point on the circumference of a circle that rolls without slipping on a fixed straight line.geometry mathematics sciences
resembling a circlecycloidEnglishnounA fish having cycloid scales.biology natural-sciences zoology
resembling a circlecycloidEnglishadjResembling a circle; cycloidal.not-comparable
resembling a circlecycloidEnglishadjThin and rounded, with smooth edges.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
resembling a circlecycloidEnglishadjcharacterized by alternating high and low moods.human-sciences medicine psychoanalysis psychology sciencesnot-comparable
resembling fireworkspyrotechnicEnglishadjOf or relating to fireworks.not-comparable
resembling fireworkspyrotechnicEnglishadjOf or relating to the use of fire in chemistry or metallurgy.not-comparable
resembling fireworkspyrotechnicEnglishadjResembling fireworks.not-comparable
resembling fireworkspyrotechnicEnglishadjOf or relating to pyrotechny.not-comparable
resinous productkauriEnglishnounA conifer of the genus Agathis, family Araucariaceae, found in Australasia and Melanesia.countable uncountable
resinous productkauriEnglishnounAgathis australis, a large conifer of the family Araucariaceae.New-Zealand countable uncountable
resinous productkauriEnglishnounA resinous product of the kauri tree, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for amber.countable uncountable
resinous productkauriEnglishnounAlternative form of cowriealt-of alternative
resultсадяBulgarianverbto plant (to put seeds, saplings, etc in soil or other substrate so that the plants may grow)transitive
resultсадяBulgarianverbto set (place a domestic fowl over eggs to brood)dialectal transitive
riverTyneEnglishnameA river in the counties of Northumberland and Tyne and Wear, in north east England. The city of Newcastle upon Tyne is found upon its northern bank and Gateshead is found upon its southern bank.
riverTyneEnglishnameA coastal sea area that includes the mouth of this river
riverTyneEnglishnameA river in East Lothian council area, in southern Scotland
sailing shipvailyiNormannounsailing shipnautical transportJersey masculine
sailing shipvailyiNormannounsailmakerJersey masculine
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA sheet material typically used for writing on or printing on (or as a non-waterproof container), usually made by draining cellulose fibres from a suspension in water.countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA newspaper or anything used as such (such as a newsletter or listing magazine).countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounWallpaper.uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounWrapping paper.uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounAn open hand (a handshape resembling a sheet of paper), that beats rock and loses to scissors. It loses to lizard and beats Spock in rock-paper-scissorscountable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA written document, generally shorter than a book (white paper, term paper), in particular one written for the Government.countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA written document that reports scientific or academic research and is usually subjected to peer review before publication in a scientific journal (as a journal article or the manuscript for one) or in the proceedings of a scientific or academic meeting (such as a conference, workshop, or symposium).countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA scholastic essay.countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA set of examination questions to be answered at one session.British Hong-Kong countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounMoney.countable slang uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounAny financial assets other than financeuncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA university course.New-Zealand countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA paper packet containing a quantity of items.countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application.countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounA substance resembling paper secreted by certain invertebrates as protection for their nests and eggs.countable uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounFree passes of admission to a theatre, etc.countable dated uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishnounThe people admitted by free passes.broadly countable dated uncountable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishadjMade of paper.not-comparable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishadjInsubstantial (from the weakness of common paper)not-comparable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishadjPlanned (from plans being drawn up on paper)not-comparable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishadjHaving a title that is merely official, or given by courtesy or convention.not-comparable
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo apply paper to.transitive
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo document; to memorialize.transitive
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo fill (a theatre or other paid event) with complimentary seats.transitive
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo submit official papers to (a law court, etc.).transitive
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo give public notice (typically by displaying posters) that a person is wanted by the police or other authority.transitive
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo sandpaper.transitive
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo enfold in paper.transitive
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo paste the endpapers and flyleaves at the beginning and end of a book before fitting it into its covers.
scholastic essaypaperEnglishverbTo cover someone's house with toilet paper. Otherwise known as toilet papering or TPing.Northeastern US
sea animalbureteRomaniannounsponge (cleaning item)masculine
sea animalbureteRomaniannounsponge (sea creature)masculine
sea animalbureteRomaniannouna species of mushroommasculine
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; an area of open country.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; an area of open country. / The open country near or belonging to a town or city.plural-normally
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA wide, open space that is used to grow crops or to hold farm animals, usually enclosed by a fence, hedge or other barrier.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA region containing a particular mineral.geography geology natural-sciences
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAn airfield, airport or air base; especially, one with unpaved runways.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA place where competitive matches are carried out. / A place where a battle is fought; a battlefield.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA place where competitive matches are carried out. / An area reserved for playing a game or race with one’s physical force. / The team in a match that throws the ball and tries to catch it when it is hit by the other team (the bat).ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsobsolete
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA place where competitive matches are carried out. / An area reserved for playing a game or race with one’s physical force. / The outfield.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA place where competitive matches are carried out. / An area reserved for playing a game or race with one’s physical force.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA place where competitive matches are carried out. / A place where competitive matches are carried out with figures, or playing area in a board game or a computer game.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA place where competitive matches are carried out. / A competitive situation, circumstance in which one faces conflicting moves of rivals.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounA place where competitive matches are carried out. / All of the competitors in any outdoor contest or trial, or all except the favourites in the betting.metonymically
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / A physical phenomenon (such as force, potential or fluid velocity) that pervades a region; a mathematical model of such a phenomenon that associates each point and time with a scalar, vector or tensor quantity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / Any of certain structures serving cognition. / The extent of a given perception.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / Any of certain structures serving cognition. / A realm of practical, direct or natural operation, contrasted with an office, classroom, or laboratory.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / Any of certain structures serving cognition. / A domain of study, knowledge or practice.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / Any of certain structures serving cognition. / An unrestricted or favourable opportunity for action, operation, or achievement.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / Any of certain structures serving cognition. / A non-zero commutative ring in which all non-zero elements are invertible; a simple commutative ring.algebra mathematics sciences
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / A physical or virtual location for the input of information in the form of symbols. / The background of the shield.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / A physical or virtual location for the input of information in the form of symbols. / The background of the flag.history human-sciences sciences vexillology
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / A physical or virtual location for the input of information in the form of symbols. / The part of a coin left unoccupied by the main device.hobbies lifestyle numismatics
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / A physical or virtual location for the input of information in the form of symbols. / A section of a form which is supposed to be filled with data.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / A physical or virtual location for the input of information in the form of symbols. / A component of a database in which a single unit of information is stored.
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / A physical or virtual location for the input of information in the form of symbols. / An area of memory or storage reserved for a particular value, subject to virtual access controls.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounAny of various figurative meanings, often dead metaphors. / Part (usually one half) of a frame in an interlaced signal.broadcasting business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering film media natural-sciences physical-sciences physics television
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishnounArchaic form of fielder.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsalt-of archaic
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishverbTo intercept or catch (a ball) and play it.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishverbTo be the team catching and throwing the ball, as opposed to hitting it.ball-games baseball cricket games hobbies lifestyle softball sportsintransitive
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishverbTo place (a team, its players, etc.) in a game.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishverbTo answer; to address.transitive
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishverbTo execute research (in the field).transitive
section of form to be filled with datafieldEnglishverbTo deploy in the field.government military politics wartransitive
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow.
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA change or exchange.
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA movable section of railroad track which allows the train to be directed down one of two destination tracks; (set of) points.rail-transport railways transportPhilippines US
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA slender woody plant stem used as a whip; a thin, flexible rod, associated with corporal punishment in the United States.
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounSynonym of rute.entertainment lifestyle music
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA command line notation allowing specification of optional computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciences
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA programming construct that takes different actions depending on the value of an expression.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA networking device connecting multiple wires, allowing them to communicate simultaneously, when possible. Compare to the less efficient hub device that solely duplicates network packets to each wire.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA system of specialized relays, computer hardware, or other equipment which allows the interconnection of a calling party's telephone line with any called party's line.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA mechanism within DNA that activates or deactivates a gene.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounOne who is willing to take either a submissive or a dominant role in a sexual relationship.BDSM lifestyle sexualityespecially
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA separate mass or tress of hair, or of some substance (such as jute) made to resemble hair, formerly worn on the head by women.historical
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounA variant of crazy eights where one card, such as an ace, reverses the direction of play.card-games games
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounSynonym of Glock firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryslang
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishnounSynonym of Glock switch. / A Glock pistol equipped with a Glock firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrymetonymically slang
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo exchange.transitive
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo change (something) to the specified state using a switch.transitive
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo whip or hit with a switch.transitive
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo change places, tasks, etc.intransitive
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo get angry suddenly; to quickly or unreasonably become enraged.intransitive slang
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo swing or whisk.
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo be swung or whisked.
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo trim.
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo turn from one railway track to another; to transfer by a switch; generally with off, from, etc.
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo shift to another circuit.ecclesiastical lifestyle religion
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishverbTo take on the opposite role (leader vs. follower) in a partner dance.intransitive
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishadjPertaining to riding with the front and back feet swapped round compared to one's normal position.hobbies lifestyle snowboarding sportsnot-comparable
section of railroad trackswitchEnglishadjPertaining to skiing backwards.not-comparable
seeαναπληρωτικόςGreekadjreplacement, supplementary, alternate, surrogate
seeαπαιτητόςGreekadjdue, demanded
seeαπαιτητόςGreekadjdemandable, claimable
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA sharp, pointy object, such as a sliver or splinter.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounAlternative form of bur (“rough, prickly husk around the seeds or fruit of some plants”).alt-of alternative
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA small piece of material left on an edge after a cutting operation.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA thin flat piece of metal, formed from a sheet by punching; a small washer put on the end of a rivet before it is swaged down.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA broad iron ring on a tilting lance just below the grip, to prevent the hand from slipping.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounThe ear lobe.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA burr knot or burl.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounThe knot at the bottom of an antler.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA revolving disk or cone with abrasive surfaces used to grind hard products in a grinder or natural-sciences physical-sciences
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishverbTo grind using a burr (revolving disk or cone with abrasive surfaces).engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA rough humming sound.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA uvular "r" sound, or (by extension) an accent characterized by this sound.
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishverbTo pronounce with a uvular "r".transitive
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishverbTo make a rough humming sound.intransitive
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounA metal ring at the top of the hand-rest on a spear.historical
seed pod with sharp featuresburrEnglishnounAlternative spelling of burlBritish alt-of alternative
senses 2 and 3FünferGermannounfiver, banknote with the value of five (e.g. five euro)masculine strong
senses 2 and 3FünferGermannounsomeone or something with the number five (a bus line, a football player, etc.)masculine strong
senses 2 and 3FünferGermannounthe school mark 5 (mangelhaft in Germany, nicht genügend in Austria)Austria Southern-Germany masculine regional strong
service for transporting household garbagegarbage collectionEnglishnounA service, generally run by local government, for transporting household garbage to the appropriate facility.Canada US uncountable usually
service for transporting household garbagegarbage collectionEnglishnounAn automatic mechanism that frees up resources (such as allocated memory) that are no longer in use.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesuncountable usually
shaking of the surface of a planetearthquakeEnglishnounA shaking of the ground, caused by volcanic activity or movement around geologic faults.
shaking of the surface of a planetearthquakeEnglishnounSuch a quake specifically occurring on the planet Earth, as opposed to other celestial bodies.
shaking of the surface of a planetearthquakeEnglishnounA sudden and intense upheaval; a severely disruptive event.figuratively
shaking of the surface of a planetearthquakeEnglishverbTo undergo an earthquake.intransitive
sibsumsibbOld Englishnounrelationshipfeminine
sibsumsibbOld Englishnounpeacefeminine
side dish小菜Chinesenounappetizer
side dish小菜Chinesenounsmall side dish
side dish小菜Chinesenouneasy job; piece of cake
side dish小菜Chinesenounvegetable; greensSouthwestern-Mandarin Xiang
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA small piece which breaks off from baked food (such as cake, biscuit or bread).countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA small piece of any other solid substance.countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA bit, small amount.countable figuratively uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounShort for crumb rubber.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounThe soft internal portion of bread, surrounded by crust.countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA mixture of sugar, cocoa and milk, used to make industrial chocolate.countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA nobody; a worthless person.countable slang uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA body louse (Pediculus humanus).countable slang uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishverbTo cover with crumbs.transitive
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishverbTo break into crumbs or small pieces with the fingers; to crumble.transitive
social democratic societysocial democracyEnglishnounA moderate political philosophy or ideology that aims to achieve socialist (socialistic) goals within a democratic society and a liberal democracy such as by means of a strong welfare state and regulation of private industry.government politicscountable uncountable
social democratic societysocial democracyEnglishnounA society based on this ideology.countable uncountable
solar monthsதைTamilverbto sew or to stitch
solar monthsதைTamilnoundecoration
solar monthsதைTamilnounart or a crafted work
solar monthsதைTamilnouna young plant
solar monthsதைTamilnounthe tenth month of the Tamil year, occurring in January-February in the Gregorian Calendar. Preceded by மார்கழி (mārkaḻi) and followed by மாசி (māci).
solar monthsதைTamilnounCapricorn
something that serves as a guard or protection; a defensesafeguardEnglishnounSomething that serves as a guard or protection; a defense.
something that serves as a guard or protection; a defensesafeguardEnglishnounOne who, or that which, defends or protects; defence; protection.
something that serves as a guard or protection; a defensesafeguardEnglishnounA safe-conduct or passport, especially in time of war.
something that serves as a guard or protection; a defensesafeguardEnglishnounThe monitor lizard.obsolete
something that serves as a guard or protection; a defensesafeguardEnglishverbTo protect, to keep safe.
something that serves as a guard or protection; a defensesafeguardEnglishverbTo implement safeguarding.Ireland UK broadly
something that serves as a guard or protection; a defensesafeguardEnglishverbTo escort safely.
spanner扳頭Chinesenounbottle opener
state of being free of colorachromatismEnglishnounThe state or quality of being achromatic; natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physicsuncountable
state of being free of colorachromatismEnglishnounThe state of being free of colors, not emitting or separating into colors.uncountable
state of being free of colorachromatismEnglishnounAchromatopia.uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounThe act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing; a lowering from one's standing or rank in office or societycountable uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounThe state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputation; baseness; moral, physical, or intellectual degeneracy; disgrace; abasement; debasement.countable uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounDiminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration.countable uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounA gradual wearing down or wasting, as of rocks and banks, by the action of water, frost etc.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounA deleterious change in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a material from natural or artificial exposure.countable uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounThe state or condition of a species or group which exhibits degraded forms; degeneration.countable uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounArrest of development, or degeneration of any organ, or of the body as a whole.countable uncountable
state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputationdegradationEnglishnounThe gradual breakdown of components of a material, as a result of a natural element, i.e.: heat, cold and wind.countable uncountable
state of consciousnessawarenessEnglishnounThe state or level of consciousness where sense data can be confirmed by an observer.uncountable usually
state of consciousnessawarenessEnglishnounThe state or quality of being aware of something.uncountable usually
state of having a low boiling pointvolatilityEnglishnounThe state of being volatile.countable uncountable
state of having a low boiling pointvolatilityEnglishnounThe state of having a low boiling point and evaporating readily.uncountable
state of having a low boiling pointvolatilityEnglishnounThe state of not retaining data in the absence of power.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesuncountable
state of having a low boiling pointvolatilityEnglishnounThe state of being able to fly.uncountable
state of having a low boiling pointvolatilityEnglishnounThe state of being unpredictable.uncountable
state of having a low boiling pointvolatilityEnglishnounA quantification of the degree of uncertainty about the future price of a commodity, share, or other financial financecountable
statement告白Chineseverbto confess
statement告白Chineseverbto declare one's love
statement告白Chinesenoundeclaration of love
statement告白Chinesenounstatement; declaration
statement告白Chinesenounnotice; bulletin
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam, as in washing and in various processes of manufacture.
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A cooking appliance that cooks by food lifestyle
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A steam fire engine, that is, a steam boiler and engine driving a pump, which are all mounted on wheels.obsolete
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA mode of transportation propelled by steam. / A steam-powered road locomotive; a traction engine.rail-transport railways transport
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA mode of transportation propelled by steam. / A vessel propelled by steam; a steamboat or steamship.nautical transport
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounClipping of steamer trunk.abbreviation alt-of clipping
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA babycino (frothy milk drink).
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA wetsuit with long sleeves and legs.
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounThe name of various animals. / The soft-shell clam, sand gaper, or long-neck clam (Mya arenaria), an edible saltwater clam; specifically the clam when steamed for eating.Maine
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounThe name of various animals. / A steamer duck: any of the four species of the duck genus Tachyeres which are all found in South America, three of which are flightless.
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA racehorse the odds of which are becoming shorter (that is, decreasing) because bettors are backing it.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounAn act of fellatio.British slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA member of a youth gang who engages in steaming (robbing and escaping in a large group).British slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA drinking session.British Scotland slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA dish made by cooking diced meat very slowly in a tightly sealed pot with a minimum of flavourings, allowing it to steam in its own juices; specifically such a dish made with kangaroo meat.Australia obsolete
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA steamed
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA stolen vehicle.slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishverbTo travel by steamer.intransitive
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA mug. / A gullible or easily cheated person.British slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA mug. / A stupid or contemptible person.British slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA homosexual man with a preference for passive partners.British slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnounA prostitute's client.British slang
steamboat or steamshipsteamerEnglishnouna gambler who increases a wager after losing.US slang
storage built onto a wallcupboardEnglishnounA board or table used to openly hold and display silver plate and other dishware; a sideboard; a buffet.obsolete
storage built onto a wallcupboardEnglishnounThings displayed on a sideboard; dishware, particularly valuable plate.obsolete
storage built onto a wallcupboardEnglishnounA cabinet, closet, or other piece of furniture with shelves intended for storing cookware, dishware, or food; similar cabinets or closets used for storing other items.
storage built onto a wallcupboardEnglishnounThings stored in a cupboard; particularly food.obsolete
storage built onto a wallcupboardEnglishnounA closet for storing coats.Pennsylvania UK Western
storage built onto a wallcupboardEnglishverbTo collect, as into a cupboard; to hoard.
substitution for an error or mistakecorrectionEnglishnounThe act of correcting.countable uncountable
substitution for an error or mistakecorrectionEnglishnounA substitution for an error or mistake.countable uncountable
substitution for an error or mistakecorrectionEnglishnounPunishment that is intended to rehabilitate an offender.countable in-plural uncountable
substitution for an error or mistakecorrectionEnglishnounAn amount or quantity of something added or subtracted so as to correct.countable uncountable
substitution for an error or mistakecorrectionEnglishnounA decline in a stock market price after a period of rises. Often operationally defined as a market value drop of 10% or more on some specific stock market index.countable uncountable
substitution for an error or mistakecorrectionEnglishnouna station's indication that previous information was incorrect and will continue with correct information from the last correct transmittedgovernment military politics warcountable uncountable
sudden heavy downpour of rainspateEnglishnounA (sudden) flood or inundation of water; specifically, a flood in or overflow of a river or other watercourse due to heavy rain or melting snow; (uncountable, archaic) flooding, inundation.Scotland countable
sudden heavy downpour of rainspateEnglishnounA sudden heavy downpour of rain.Scotland countable
sudden heavy downpour of rainspateEnglishnounA sudden increase or rush of something; a flood, an outburst, an outpouring.Scotland countable figuratively
sudden heavy downpour of rainspateEnglishverbTo (suddenly) flood or inundate (a river or other watercourse) with water.Scotland archaic transitive
sudden heavy downpour of rainspateEnglishverbTo (suddenly) rain heavily; to pour.Scotland archaic intransitive
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishnounOperation; action.countable plural-normally uncountable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishnounMethod of operation.countable uncountable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishnounThe incidental or subsidiary calculations performed in solving an overall problem.arithmeticcountable uncountable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishnounFermentation.countable uncountable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishnounBecoming full of a vegetable substance.countable uncountable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishnounA place where work is carried on.countable uncountable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishnounA train movement.countable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of workform-of gerund participle present
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishadjThat is or are functioning.not-comparable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishadjThat suffices but requires additional work; provisional.not-comparable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishadjIn paid employment.not-comparable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishadjOf or relating to employment.not-comparable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishadjEnough to allow one to use something.not-comparable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishadjUsed in real life; practical.not-comparable
suffices but requires additional workworkingEnglishadjEfficacious.not-comparable obsolete
table tennis檯球Chinesenounbilliards (a cue sport)
table tennis檯球Chinesenounbilliard ball
table tennis檯球Chinesenountable tennis; ping pongdated regional
tastesఆమ్లముTelugunounacidchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
tastesఆమ్లముTelugunounthe tamarind tree or fruit
tears眼水Chinesenountears (especially caused by irritation, laughing, yawning, etc.) (Classifier: 滴 c)Cantonese Hakka Mandarin dialectal
tears眼水Chinesenounability to judge discerninglyCantonese Southwestern-Mandarin
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA knot, knob, protuberance or swelling.
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounThe point where the orbit of a planet, as viewed from the Sun, intersects the ecliptic. The ascending and descending nodes refer respectively to the points where the planet moves from South to North and N to S; their respective symbols are ☊ and ☋.astronomy natural-sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA leaf node.biology botany natural-sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA computer or other device attached to a network.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounThe point at which the lines of a funicular machine meet from different angular natural-sciences physical-sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounThe point at which a curve crosses itself, being a double point of the curve. See crunode and acnode.geometry mathematics sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA similar point on a surface, where there is more than one tangent-plane.geometry mathematics sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA vertex or a leaf in a graph of a network, or other element in a data structure.graph-theory mathematics sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA hard concretion or incrustation which forms upon bones attacked with rheumatism, gout, or syphilis; sometimes also, a swelling in the neighborhood of a joint.medicine sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounThe knot, intrigue, or plot of a dramatic work.rare
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA hole in the gnomon of a sundial, through which passes the ray of light which marks the hour of the day, the parallels of the Sun's declination, his place in the ecliptic, natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounThe word of interest in a KWIC, surrounded by left and right cotexts.computational computing engineering human-sciences linguistics mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA region of an electric circuit connected only by (ideal) wires (i.e the voltage between any two points on the same node must be zero).business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA point in a parse tree that can be assigned a syntactic category label.human-sciences linguistics sciences syntax
technical: hole in the gnomon of a sundialnodeEnglishnounA point in a cladogram from which two clades branch, representing the presumed ancestor.biology natural-sciences
temporarytransitionalEnglishadjof, or relating to a transitionnot-comparable
temporarytransitionalEnglishadjtemporary; pending the implementation of something newnot-comparable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounThe body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization.countable uncountable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounThe relationship between a word and its dependents.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounThe state and its administration viewed as the ruling political power.countable uncountable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounThe management or control of a system.uncountable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounThe tenure of a head of government; the ministry or administration led by a specified individual.countable uncountable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounIn a parliamentary system, the political party or coalition in power, as opposed to the opposition; the state of being in power.countable uncountable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounThe team tasked with presenting and speaking in favour of a resolution, as opposed to the opposition.countable uncountable
tenure of a chief of stategovernmentEnglishnounEllipsis of government name, one's legal name according to a government.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounThe action of the verb to washcountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounClothing, bedlinen or soft furnishings that have been, are currently being, or are to be washed; laundry.Australia British New-Zealand uncountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounThe residue after an ore, etc, has been washedcountable in-plural often
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounThe liquid used to wash an ore.countable uncountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounA place where a precious metal found in gravel is separated from lighter material by washing.countable uncountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounA thin covering or coat.countable uncountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounA fraudulent transaction in which the same stock is simultaneously bought and sold for the purpose of manipulating the finance stock-exchangecountable uncountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishnounThe covering of a piece with an infusible powder, which prevents it from sticking to its supports, while receiving the glaze.countable uncountable
textiles that have been or are to be washedwashingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of washform-of gerund participle present
the act of demonizing or something demonizeddemonizationEnglishnounThe act of demonizing.countable uncountable
the act of demonizing or something demonizeddemonizationEnglishnounSomething demonized.countable uncountable
the other side陰間Chinesenounthe other side; heaven or hell; afterworld; netherworld
the other side陰間ChinesenounHadesChristianity Protestantism
the other side陰間ChineseadjcreepyInternet
to act backward, or in return; to act in opposition; to be retrospectiveretroactEnglishverbTo act retrospectively or in opposition
to act backward, or in return; to act in opposition; to be retrospectiveretroactEnglishverbto be retrospective.
to act backward, or in return; to act in opposition; to be retrospectiveretroactEnglishverbTo apply (a law) retroactively to situations that predate the enactment of the
to act, particularly to perform or speak, without prior planning or thoughtextemporizeEnglishverbTo perform or speak without prior planning or thought; to act in an impromptu manner; to improvise.intransitive
to act, particularly to perform or speak, without prior planning or thoughtextemporizeEnglishverbTo adapt, improvise, or devise action or speech in an impromptu or spontaneous manner.transitive
to an admirable degreeadmirablyEnglishadvIn a way worthy of admiration.
to an admirable degreeadmirablyEnglishadvTo an admirable degree.
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA device that has a helical function. / A simple machine, a helical inclined plane.
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA device that has a helical function. / A (usually) metal fastener consisting of a partially or completely threaded shank, sometimes with a threaded point, and a head used to both hold the top material and to drive the screw either directly into a soft material or into a prepared hole.
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA device that has a helical function. / A ship's propeller.nautical transport
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA device that has a helical function. / An Archimedes screw.
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA device that has a helical function. / A steam vessel propelled by a screw instead of wheels.
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounThe motion of screwing something; a turn or twist to one side.
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA prison guard.derogatory slang
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounAn extortioner; a sharp bargainer; a skinflint.derogatory slang
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounAn instructor who examines with great or unnecessary severity; also, a searching or strict examination of a student by an instructor.US dated slang
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounSexual intercourse; the act of screwing.slang vulgar
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA casual sexual partner.slang vulgar
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounSalary, wages.slang
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounBackspin.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle snooker sports
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA small packet of tobacco.slang
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounAn old, worn-out, unsound and worthless horse.dated
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounA straight line in space with which a definite linear magnitude termed the pitch is associated. It is used to express the displacement of a rigid body, which may always be made to consist of a rotation about an axis combined with a translation parallel to that axis.mathematics sciences
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishnounAn amphipod crustacean.
to apply pressure informal with-definite-article
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo connect or assemble pieces using a screw.transitive
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo have sexual intercourse with.ambitransitive slang vulgar
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo cheat someone or ruin their chances in a game or other situation.slang transitive
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo extort or practice extortion upon; to oppress by unreasonable or extortionate exactions; to put the screws on.transitive
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo contort.transitive
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo miskick (a ball) by hitting it with the wrong part of the foot.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportstransitive
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo screw back.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle pool snooker sports
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo examine (a student) rigidly; to subject to a severe examination.US dated slang
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo leave; to go away; to scram.US dated imperative intransitive often slang
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbUsed to express great displeasure with, or contemptuous dismissal of, someone or something.colloquial imperative transitive vulgar
to apply pressure onscrewEnglishverbTo give up on, to abandon, delay, to not think about someone or something.colloquial transitive
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo give a severe beating to; to assault violently with repeated blows.transitive
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo attack suddenly; to alarm.obsolete
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo cause, by some other means, injuries comparable to the result of being beaten up.
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo feel badly guilty and accuse oneself over something. (Usually followed by over or about.)reflexive
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo repeatedly bomb a military target or targets.government military politics warWW2-air-pilots'-usage
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo get something done (derived from the idea of beating for game).
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind.nautical transportintransitive
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo disturb; to pay an untimely visit to.dated intransitive
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishverbTo go diligently about in order to get helpers or participants in an enterprise.dated intransitive
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishadjBattered by time and usage; beaten up.slang
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishnounA person who, or thing that, has been beaten up.
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishnounAn act of beating up: / A raid.government military politics warUK slang
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishnounAn act of beating up: / A beating; a hazing.
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishnounAn artificially or disingenuously manufactured alarm or outcry, especially one agitated by or through the media.Australia New-Zealand UK
to attack suddenly; to alarmbeat upEnglishnounA tree planted later than others in a forestry
to avoidChinesecharacterto avoid; to escape; to dodge
to avoidChinesecharacterto prevent; to keep away
to be hitавахMongolianverbto take, to grab, to seize
to be hitавахMongolianverbto appropriate, to claim, to assume
to be hitавахMongolianverbto obtain, to acquire
to be hitавахMongolianverbto receive, to accept
to be hitавахMongolianverbto buy
to be hitавахMongolianverbto do for one's own benefit
to be hitавахMongolianverbto take off (clothing, body parts)
to be hitавахMongolianverbto do once
to be hitавахMongolianverbto be hit (by wind, light)
to be in debtoweEnglishverbTo be under an obligation to give something back to someone or to perform some action for someone.ditransitive
to be in debtoweEnglishverbTo have debt; to be in debt.intransitive
to be in debtoweEnglishverbTo have as a cause; used with to.transitive
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA thrumming sound; a hum or vibration.
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA spicy taste; a tang.figuratively
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishverbTo cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by plucking.
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishverbTo make a monotonous drumming noise.
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounThe ends of the warp threads in a loom which remain unwoven attached to the loom when the web is cut.
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA fringe made of such
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounAny short piece of leftover thread or yarn; a tuft or tassel.
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA threadlike part of a flower; a stamen.biology botany natural-sciences
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA tuft, bundle, or fringe of any threadlike structures, as hairs on a leaf, fibers of a root.biology botany natural-sciences
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA bundle of minute blood vessels, a plexus.anatomy medicine sciences
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounSmall pieces of rope yarn used for making mats or mops.nautical transportin-plural
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA mat made of canvas and tufts of yarn.nautical transport
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA shove out of place; a small displacement or fault along a mining
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishadjMade of or woven from thrum.not-comparable
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishverbTo furnish with thrums; to insert tufts in; to fringe.
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishverbTo insert short pieces of rope-yarn or spun yarn in.nautical transport
to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by pluckingthrumEnglishnounA threepenny bit.obsolete slang
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishverbTo cause (food, drink etc.) to pass from the mouth into the stomach; to take into the stomach through the throat.transitive
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishverbTo take (something) in so that it disappears; to consume, absorb.transitive
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishverbTo take food down into the stomach; to make the muscular contractions of the oesophagus to achieve this, often taken as a sign of nervousness or strong emotion.intransitive
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishverbTo accept easily or without questions; to believe, accept.transitive
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishverbTo engross; to appropriate; usually with up.intransitive
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishverbTo retract; to recant.transitive
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishverbTo put up with; to bear patiently or without retaliation.transitive
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishnounA deep chasm or abyss in the earth.archaic countable uncountable
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishnounThe mouth and throat; that which is used for swallowing; the gullet.archaic countable uncountable
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishnounThe amount swallowed in one gulp; the act of swallowing.countable uncountable
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishnounThe opening in a pulley block between the sheave and shell through which the rope passes.nautical transportcountable uncountable
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishnounAny of various carbohydrate-based dishes that are swallowed without much chewing.Nigeria countable uncountable
to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomachswallowEnglishnounA small, migratory bird of the Hirundinidae family with long, pointed, moon-shaped wings and a forked tail which feeds on the wing by catching insects.
to come, to be placedpiazzarsiItalianverbreflexive of piazzareform-of reflexive
to come, to be placedpiazzarsiItalianverbto come, be placedhobbies lifestyle sports
to come, to be placedpiazzarsiItalianverbto settle oneself, place oneself, plonk oneself
to commit perjuryforswearEnglishverbTo renounce or deny something, especially under oath.transitive
to commit perjuryforswearEnglishverbTo commit perjury; to break an oath.intransitive reflexive
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo make something by merging parts.transitive
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo make up the whole; to constitute.transitive
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo comprise.nonstandard transitive
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo construct by mental labor; to think up; particularly, to produce or create a literary or musical work.intransitive transitive
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo calm; to free from agitation.reflexive sometimes
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo arrange the elements of a photograph or other picture.
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo settle (an argument, dispute etc.); to come to a settlement.
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo arrange in proper form; to reduce to order; to put in proper state or condition.
to comprisecomposeEnglishverbTo arrange (types) in a composing stick for printing; to printing publishingdated
to count헤아리다Koreanverbto consider, to think over (a matter)
to count헤아리다Koreanverbto guess, to conjecture, to see through
to count헤아리다Koreanverbto count, to calculate
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishnounA person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug.
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishnounAn adherent or fan (of something).
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishverbTo deliver (someone or something) following a judicial decision.Ancient-Rome transitive
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishverbTo devote (oneself) to a given activity, occupation, thing etc.archaic reflexive
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishverbTo bind (a person or thing) to the service of something.obsolete transitive
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishverbTo devote or pledge (oneself) to a given person, cause etc.obsolete reflexive
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishverbTo devote (one's mind, talent etc.) to a given activity, occupation, thing etc.archaic transitive
to devote or dedicate oneselfaddictEnglishverbTo make (someone) become devoted to a given thing or activity; to cause to be addicted.transitive
to dieslip awayEnglishverbTo leave without being noticed.
to dieslip awayEnglishverbTo pass quickly, almost unnoticed.
to dieslip awayEnglishverbTo disappear; to elude one; to recede; to dwindle.
to dieslip awayEnglishverbTo die peacefully.euphemistic
to draw conclusions from by examiningevaluateEnglishverbTo draw conclusions from examining; to assess; to appraise.transitive
to draw conclusions from by examiningevaluateEnglishverbTo compute or determine the value of (an expression).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
to draw conclusions from by examiningevaluateEnglishverbTo return or have a specific value.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesintransitive
to eattjappenDutchverbto use a hoeSuriname ambitransitive
to eattjappenDutchverbto eatambitransitive slang
to eattjappenDutchverbto provide something with an official stamp, seal, or marking; to sign off on somethingIndonesia historical transitive
to eattjappenDutchnounplural of tjapform-of plural
to enjoy by anticipationforetasteEnglishnounA taste beforehand.
to enjoy by anticipationforetasteEnglishnounA sample taken in anticipation; an experience undergone in advance.
to enjoy by anticipationforetasteEnglishverbTo taste beforehand.transitive
to enjoy by anticipationforetasteEnglishverbTo taste before possession; have previous experience of; enjoy by anticipation.transitive
to enjoy by anticipationforetasteEnglishverbTo taste before another.transitive
to fail, to become insolvent without implication of disgracefaliarIdoverbto fail, miscarry, miss (an aim), not to succeedintransitive transitive
to fail, to become insolvent without implication of disgracefaliarIdoverbto fail, to become insolvent without implication of disgracebusiness commerce commercialintransitive
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounThe portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand.anatomy medicine sciences
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounThe extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow.anatomy medicine sciences
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounA limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal.
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounThe part of a piece of clothing that covers the arm.
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounA long, narrow, more or less rigid part of an object extending from the main part or centre of the object, such as the armrest of an armchair, a crane, a pair of spectacles or a pair of compasses.
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounA bay or inlet off a main body of water.geography natural-sciences
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounA branch of an organization.
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounPower; might; strength; support.figuratively
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounA pitcherball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounOne of the two parts of a chromosome.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounA group of patients in a medical trial.
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo take by the arm; to take up in one's arms.obsolete
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishadjPoor; lacking in riches or wealth.Scotland UK dialectal
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishadjTo be pitied; pitiful; wretched.Scotland UK dialectal
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounA weapon.usually
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounHeraldic bearings or
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishnounWar; hostilities; deeds or exploits of obsolete
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo supply with armour or (later especially) weapons.transitive
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo supply with the equipment, knowledge, authority, or other tools needed for a particular task; to furnish with capability; to equip.figuratively transitive
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo prepare (a tool, weapon, or system) for action; to activate.transitive
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo become prepared for action; to government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weapon weaponryintransitive
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency.transitive
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo take up weapons; to arm oneself.intransitive
to fit with an armaturearmEnglishverbTo fit (a magnet) with an armature.transitive
to focus entirelylock inEnglishverbTo secure (someone or something) in a locked enclosure.transitive
to focus entirelylock inEnglishverbTo fix the value of (something potentially variable).transitive
to focus entirelylock inEnglishverbTo prevent (someone or something) from escaping, deteriorating, or switching to an alternative.colloquial transitive
to focus entirelylock inEnglishverbTo synchronize (especially a rhythm section) into a groove.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
to focus entirelylock inEnglishverbTo focus entirely (on something).colloquial intransitive
to focus entirelylock inEnglishnounNonstandard spelling of lock-in.alt-of nonstandard
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishadjDark, faint or indistinct.
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishadjHidden, out of sight or inconspicuous.
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishadjDifficult to understand; abstruse.
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishadjNot well-known.
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishadjUnknown or uncertain; unclear.
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishverbTo render obscure; to darken; to make dim; to keep in the dark; to hide; to make less visible, intelligible, legible, glorious, beautiful, or illustrious.transitive
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishverbTo hide, put out of sight etc.transitive
to hide, put out of sightobscureEnglishverbTo conceal oneself; to hide.intransitive obsolete
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar and allowed to congeal. Often spread on bread or toast or used in jam tarts.countable uncommon uncountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA difficult situation.countable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA difficult situation. / A difficult situation for a pitcher or defending team.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA blockage, congestion, or immobilization.countable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounAn informal, impromptu performance or rehearsal.entertainment lifestyle musiccommon countable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA song; a track.broadly countable informal
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounAn informal event where people brainstorm and collaborate on projects.broadly countable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounThat which one particularly prefers, desires, enjoys, or cares about.countable slang
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA forceful dunk.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA play during which points can be scored.countable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounAny of several manoeuvres requiring wedging of an extremity into a tight space.climbing hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounThe tree Acacia acuminata, with fruity-smelling hard timber.Australia countable uncountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounLuck.UK countable slang uncountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounballs, bollocks, courage, machismoCanada countable slang uncountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounSexual relations or the contemplation of them.countable slang uncountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounSomething enjoyable; a delightful situation or outcome.countable slang uncountable
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo get something stuck, often (though not necessarily) in a confined space.
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo brusquely force something into a space; to cram, to squeeze.
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo render something unable to move.
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo cause congestion or blockage. Often used with "up".
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo block or confuse a radio or radar signal by transmitting a more-powerful signal on the same frequency.
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo throw a pitch at or near the batter's hands.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo dunk.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo play music (especially improvisation as a group, or an informal unrehearsed session).entertainment lifestyle music
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of the digit's tip.
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo attempt to score points.
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo bring (a vessel) so close to the wind that half her upper sails are laid aback.nautical transporttransitive
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo give up on a date or some other joint endeavour; to stand up, chicken out, jam out.Canada informal
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishverbTo be of high quality.colloquial
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounA kind of frock for children.dated
to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tipjamEnglishnounAlternative form of jambbusiness miningalt-of alternative
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishnounA derisive or mocking expression of scorn, contempt, or reproach.
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishnounAn object of scorn, mockery, or derision.
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishverbTo jeer; to laugh with contempt and derision.intransitive
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishverbTo mock; to treat with scorn.transitive
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishnounFood.British-Army Newfoundland South-Africa countable slang uncountable
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishnounThe act of eating.countable slang uncountable
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishverbTo eat food quickly.British Newfoundland slang
to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derisionscoffEnglishverbTo eat.British-Army Newfoundland South-Africa slang
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo place down in a position of rest, or in a horizontal position.transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo cause to subside or abate.archaic transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo prepare (a plan, project etc.); to set out, establish (a law, principle).transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo install certain building materials, laying one thing on top of another.transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo produce and deposit an egg.transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo bet (that something is or is not the case).transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo deposit (a stake) as a wager; to stake; to risk.transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo have sex with.slang transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo state; to allege.lawtransitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo point; to aim.government military politics wartransitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo put the strands of (a rope, a cable, etc.) in their proper places and twist or unite them.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle nautical ropemaking transporttransitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo place and arrange (pages) for a form upon the imposing printing publishingtransitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo place (new type) properly in the printing publishingtransitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo apply; to put.transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo impose (a burden, punishment, command, tax, etc.).transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo impute; to charge; to allege.transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo present or offer.transitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo take a position; to come or go.nautical transportintransitive
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo lie: to rest in a horizontal position on a surface.intransitive proscribed
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounArrangement or relationship; layout.countable uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA share of the profits in a business.countable uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounThe direction a rope is twisted.countable uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA casual sexual partner.colloquial countable uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounAn act of sexual intercourse.colloquial countable uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA place or activity where someone spends a significant portion of their time.archaic countable slang uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounThe laying of eggs.countable uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA layer.countable obsolete uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA basis or ground.countable obsolete uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA pursuit or practice; a dodge.countable obsolete uncountable
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA lake.
to leave something somewherelayEnglishadjNot belonging to the clergy, but associated with them.
to leave something somewherelayEnglishadjNon-professional; not being a member of an organized institution.
to leave something somewherelayEnglishadjNot trumps.card-games games
to leave something somewherelayEnglishadjNot educated or cultivated; ignorant.obsolete
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbsimple past of lie (“to be oriented in a horizontal position, situated”)form-of past
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA ballad or sung poem; a short poem or narrative, usually intended to be sung.
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA lyrical, narrative poem written in octosyllabic couplets that often deals with tales of adventure and romance.
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA meadow; a lea.obsolete
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounA law.obsolete
to leave something somewherelayEnglishnounAn obligation; a vow.obsolete
to leave something somewherelayEnglishverbTo don or put on (tefillin (phylacteries)).Judaism transitive
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishnounThe state of sinking or bending; a droop.countable uncountable
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishnounThe difference in elevation of a wire, cable, chain or rope suspended between two consecutive points.countable uncountable
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishnounThe difference in height or depth between the vertex and the rim of a curved surface, specifically used for optical elements such as a mirror or lens.countable uncountable
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishnounA place where the surface (of a seat, the earth, etc) sinks or droops, like a depression or a dip in a ridge.countable uncountable
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishverbTo sink, in the middle, by its weight or under applied pressure, below a horizontal line or plane.
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishverbTo lean, give way, or settle from a vertical position.broadly
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishverbTo lose firmness, elasticity, vigor, or a thriving state; to sink; to droop; to flag; to bend; to yield, as the mind or spirits, under the pressure of care, trouble, doubt, or the like; to be unsettled or unbalanced.figuratively
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishverbTo loiter in walking; to idle along; to drag or droop heavily.
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishverbTo cause to bend or give way; to load.transitive
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishverbTo wear one's trousers so that their top is well below the waist.informal
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishverbTo pull down someone else's pants as a prank.Canada informal
to loiter in walkingsagEnglishnounAlternative form of saagalt-of alternative uncountable usually
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo convince or influence (someone) by arguing or contending.transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbFollowed by out of: to elicit (something) from a person by arguing or bargaining.transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo speak or write (something) in an argumentative or contentious manner.archaic rare transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo spend (time) arguing or quarrelling.archaic rare transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo herd (horses or other livestock). / To manage or supervise (people).US Western broadly humorous transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo herd (horses or other livestock). / To gather and organize (data, facts, information, etc.), especially in a way which requires sentience rather than automated methods alone, as in data wrangling.US Western figuratively transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo herd (horses or other livestock).US Western transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbFollowed by out of: to compel or drive (someone or something) away through arguing.obsolete transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbFollowed by out: to put forward arguments on (a case, a matter disagreed upon, etc.).obsolete transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo cause (oneself) grief through arguing or quarrelling.obsolete reflexive transitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo quarrel angrily and noisily; to bicker.also figuratively intransitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo make harsh noises as if quarrelling.intransitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishverbTo argue, to debate; also (dated), to debate or discuss publicly, especially about a thesis at a university.also figuratively intransitive
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishnounAn angry dispute; a noisy quarrel; an altercation.countable
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishnounAngry disputation; noisy quarrelling.uncountable
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishnounA contentious argument or response.countable obsolete uncountable
to make harsh noises as if quarrellingwrangleEnglishnounA controversy.countable obsolete uncountable
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishnounA soft repeated sound, as of rain falling, or feet walking on a hard surface.
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishverbTo make irregularly repeated sounds of low-to-moderate magnitude and lower-than-average pitch.
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishverbTo spatter; to sprinkle.
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishnounGlib and rapid speech, such as from an auctioneer or a sports commentator.countable uncountable
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishverbTo speak glibly and rapidly, as does an auctioneer or a sports commentator.
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishverbTo repeat the Lord's Prayer.intransitive obsolete
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishverbTo pray.intransitive obsolete
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishverbTo repeat hurriedly; to mutter.obsolete transitive
to make irregularly repeated soundspatterEnglishnounOne who pats.
to make minimal effortlift a fingerEnglishverbTo make minimal effort; to help as little as possible.figuratively
to make minimal effortlift a fingerEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see lift, finger.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA hole in the ground.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounAn area at a racetrack used for refueling and repairing the vehicles during a race.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports
to make pits inpitEnglishnounThe section of a marching band containing mallet percussion instruments and other large percussion instruments too large to be marched, such as the tam-tam; the front ensemble. Can also refer to the area on the sidelines where these instruments are placed.entertainment lifestyle music
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA mine.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA hole or trench in the ground, excavated according to grid coordinates, so that the provenance of any feature observed and any specimen or artifact revealed may be established by precise measurement.archaeology history human-sciences sciences
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA trading finance trading
to make pits inpitEnglishnounArmpit.colloquial
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA luggage hold.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA small surface hole or depression, a fossa.countable
to make pits inpitEnglishnounThe indented mark left by a pustule, as in smallpox.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounThe grave, underworld or Hell.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounAn enclosed area into which gamecocks, dogs, and other animals are brought to fight, or where dogs are trained to kill rats.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounFormerly, that part of a theatre, on the floor of the house, below the level of the stage and behind the orchestra; now, in England, commonly the part behind the stalls; in the United States, the parquet; also, the occupants of such a part of a theatre.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounPart of a casino which typically holds tables for blackjack, craps, roulette, and other games.gambling games
to make pits inpitEnglishnounOnly used in the slang
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA mosh pit.slang
to make pits inpitEnglishnounThe center of the line.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
to make pits inpitEnglishnounThe emergency department of a hospital.medicine sciencesslang
to make pits inpitEnglishnounIn tracheary elements, a section of the cell wall where the secondary wall is missing, and the primary wall is present. Pits generally occur in pairs and link two cells.biology botany natural-sciences
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA bed.government military politics warslang
to make pits inpitEnglishnounAn undesirable location, especially an unclean one.informal
to make pits inpitEnglishverbTo make pits in; to mark with little hollows.transitive
to make pits inpitEnglishverbTo put (an animal) into a pit for fighting.transitive
to make pits inpitEnglishverbTo bring (something) into opposition with something else.transitive
to make pits inpitEnglishverbTo return to the pits during a race for refuelling, tyre changes, repairs etc.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportsintransitive
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA seed inside a fruit; a stone or pip inside a fruit.
to make pits inpitEnglishnounThe core of an implosion nuclear weapon, consisting of the fissile material and any neutron reflector or tamper bonded to it.government military politics war
to make pits inpitEnglishverbTo remove the stone from a stone fruit or the shell from a drupe.transitive
to make pits inpitEnglishnounA pit bull terrier.informal
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo rotate, revolve, gyrate (usually quickly); to partially or completely rotate to face another direction. / To enter, or remain in, a spin (abnormal stalled flight mode).aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesergative
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo rotate, revolve, gyrate (usually quickly); to partially or completely rotate to face another direction. / To cause one's aircraft to enter or remain in a spin (abnormal stalled flight mode).aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesergative
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo rotate, revolve, gyrate (usually quickly); to partially or completely rotate to face another direction.ergative
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo make yarn by twisting and winding fibers together.transitive
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant, so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance.figuratively
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo make the ball move sideways when it bounces on the pitch.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo move sideways when bouncing.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo form into thin strips or ribbons, as with sugarcooking food lifestyle
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo form (a web, a cocoon, silk, etc.) from threads produced by the extrusion of a viscid, transparent liquid, which hardens on coming into contact with the air; said of the spider, the silkworm, etc.
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo shape, as malleable sheet metal, into a hollow form, by bending or buckling it by pressing against it with a smooth hand tool or roller while the metal revolves, as in a lathe.
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo move swiftly.
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo stream or issue in a thread or a small current or jet.
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo wait in a loop until some condition becomes true.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesintransitive
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo play (vinyl records, etc.) as a disc jockey.informal transitive
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo use an exercise bicycle, especially as part of a gym class.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo ride a bicycle at a fast cadence.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo search rapidly.government law-enforcementUK slang transitive
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo draw out tediously; prolong.transitive
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo fish with a swivel or hobbies lifestyle
to make yarnspinEnglishverbTo reject at an examination; to fail (a student).archaic slang transitive
to make yarnspinEnglishnounRapid circular motion.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA state of confusion or disorientation.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA quantum angular momentum associated with subatomic particles, which also creates a magnetic moment.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA novel, creative variation of an existing thing or type; a twist.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA favourable comment or interpretation intended to bias opinion on an otherwise unpleasant situation.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounRotation of the ball as it flies through the air; sideways movement of the ball as it bounces.hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA condition of flight where a stalled aircraft is simultaneously pitching, yawing, and rolling in a spinning motion.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounAn abnormal condition in journal bearings where the bearing seizes to the rotating shaft and rotates inside the journal, destroying both the shaft and the mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA brief trip by vehicle, especially one made for pleasure.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA bundle of spun material; a mass of strands and filaments.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA single play of a record; especially, one broadcast by a radio station.countable uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA search of a prisoner's cell for forbidden articles.UK countable slang uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounAn unmarried woman; a spinster.countable dated uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounThe use of an exercise bicycle, especially as part of a gym class.uncountable
to make yarnspinEnglishnounClipping of spinnaker.nautical transportabbreviation alt-of clipping
to make yarnspinEnglishnounA special interest of an autistic person.slang
to miscarryabortEnglishnounAn early termination of a mission, action, or procedure in relation to missiles or spacecraft; the craft making such a mission.aeronautics aerospace business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics war
to miscarryabortEnglishnounThe function used to abort a process.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
to miscarryabortEnglishnounAn event in which a process is aborted.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
to miscarryabortEnglishnounThe product of a miscarriage; an aborted offspring; an abortion.archaic
to miscarryabortEnglishnounA miscarriage; an untimely birth; an abortion.obsolete
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo miscarry; to bring forth (non-living) offspring prematurely.medicine sciencesintransitive regional
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo cause a premature termination of (a fetus); to end a pregnancy before term.intransitive transitive
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo end prematurely; to stop in the preliminary stages; to turn back.transitive
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo stop or fail at something in the preliminary stages.intransitive
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo become checked in normal development, so as either to remain rudimentary or shrink away wholly; to cease organic growth before maturation; to become sterile.biology natural-sciencesintransitive
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo cause an organism to develop minimally; to cause rudimentary development to happen; to prevent maturation.biology natural-sciencestransitive
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo abandon a mission at any point after the beginning of the mission and prior to its completion.government military politics warintransitive
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo terminate a mission involving a missile or rocket; to destroy a missile or rocket prematurely.aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
to miscarryabortEnglishverbTo terminate a process prior to completion.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
to move rapidly straight aheadcareenEnglishverbTo heave a ship down on one side so as to expose the other, in order to clean it of barnacles and weed, or to repair it below the water line.nautical transporttransitive
to move rapidly straight aheadcareenEnglishverbTo tilt on one side.nautical transportintransitive
to move rapidly straight aheadcareenEnglishverbTo lurch or sway violently from side to side.intransitive
to move rapidly straight aheadcareenEnglishverbTo tilt or lean while in motion.intransitive
to move rapidly straight aheadcareenEnglishverbTo career, to move rapidly straight ahead, to rush carelessly.US intransitive
to move rapidly straight aheadcareenEnglishverbTo move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.US intransitive
to move rapidly straight aheadcareenEnglishnounThe position of a ship laid on one side.nautical transport
to move, especially emphasising the manner in which one movescarry oneselfEnglishverbTo move, especially emphasizing the manner in which one moves.idiomatic
to move, especially emphasising the manner in which one movescarry oneselfEnglishverbTo behave, especially with respect to how one's speech, body language, facial expressions, and grooming convey one's opinion concerning oneself.idiomatic
to profess Christianity食教Chineseverbto profess a religion; to become a believer (of a religion)Min Southern
to profess Christianity食教Chineseverbto profess a religion; to become a believer (of a religion) / to profess a foreign religion (especially Western Christianity)Min Southern Zhangzhou-Hokkien
to profess Christianity食教Chinesenounsomeone whose main occupation involves religionHokkien Quanzhou Xiamen
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo board or mount (something), especially a vehicle.intransitive transitive
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo cope or manage (over time); to handle a situation; to perform or make progress.intransitive
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo progress (with); to move forward.intransitive often
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo progress (with); to move forward. / To move forward so as to approach a deadline or become late in the day.intransitive often
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo approach (a value, level, point in time, etc.)intransitive
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo become old.intransitive
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo have a good relationship; to get along.UK intransitive often
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo cope or deal (with).UK intransitive
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo commence (an action).transitive
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo place a bet on.gambling gamesarchaic slang transitive
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbSynonym of have on
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo have sex; to be sexually promiscuous.slang
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo do drugs; to get drunk; to buy drugs; to regularly use drugs.slang
to progress (with)get onEnglishverbTo observe or notice.slang
to progress (with)get onEnglishintjExpresses surprise or disbelief.
to protectpreserveEnglishnounA sweet spread made of any of a variety of fruits.countable uncountable
to protectpreserveEnglishnounA reservation, a nature preserve.countable uncountable
to protectpreserveEnglishnounAn activity with restricted access.countable uncountable
to protectpreserveEnglishverbTo protect; to keep from harm or injury.
to protectpreserveEnglishverbTo save from decay by the use of some preservative substance, such as sugar or salt; to season and prepare (fruits, meat, etc.) for storage.
to protectpreserveEnglishverbTo maintain throughout; to keep intact.
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo emit light as if heated.
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo radiate thermal heat.copulative
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo display intense emotion.
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo gaze especially passionately at something.
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo shine brightly and steadily.
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo make hot; to flush.transitive
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo feel hot; to have a burning sensation, as of the skin, from friction, exercise, etc.; to burn.intransitive
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbTo be related to or part of an (chiefly online) undercover sting operation, especially by American federal agencies.Internet intransitive
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbto expose someone to the authorities.Internet
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishverbto create a threatening online post that may involve violence, and look suspicious enough to attract a police investigation.Internet
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishnounThe light given off by a glowing object.countable uncountable
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishnounThe condition of being passionate or having warm feelings.countable uncountable
to radiate some emotional quality like lightglowEnglishnounThe brilliance or warmth of color in an environment or on a person (especially one's face).countable uncountable
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see turn, over.
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo flip over; to rotate uppermost to bottom.
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo relinquish; give back.idiomatic transitive
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo transfer.idiomatic transitive
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo produce, complete, or cycle through.idiomatic transitive
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo generate (a certain amount of money from sales).businesstransitive
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo mull, pondertransitive
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo spin the crankshaft of an internal combustion engine using the starter or hand crank in an attempt to make it run.intransitive transitive
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo give up control (of the ball and thus the ability to score).hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
to relinquishturn overEnglishverbTo cause extensive disturbance or disruption to (a room, storage place, etc.), e.g. while searching for an item, or ransacking a property.transitive
to reverse扭轉Chineseverbto turn around
to reverse扭轉Chineseverbto reverse; to turn around (an undesirable situation); to remedy
to stretch out and draw back伸勼Chineseverbto stretch out and draw back; to expand and contract; to lengthen and shortenMin Southern
to stretch out and draw back伸勼Chineseverbto be flexible; to be adjustable; to be elasticMin Southern
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo delete.transitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo move from one place to another, especially to take away.transitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo move from one place to another, especially to take away. / To replace a dish within a course.formal obsolete transitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo murder.transitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo dismiss a batsman.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo discard, set aside, especially something abstract (a thought, feeling, etc.).transitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo depart, to leave; to move oneself or be moved.archaic intransitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo change one's residence or place of business; to move.archaic intransitive
to take awayremoveEnglishverbTo dismiss or discharge from office.
to take awayremoveEnglishnounThe act of removing something.
to take awayremoveEnglishnounA dish served to replace an earlier one during a meal; a part of a new food lifestylehistorical
to take awayremoveEnglishnoun(at some public schools) A division of the school, especially the form prior to lastBritish
to take awayremoveEnglishnounA step or gradation (as in the phrase "at one remove")
to take awayremoveEnglishnounDistance in time or space; interval.
to take awayremoveEnglishnounEmotional distance or indifference.broadly figuratively
to take awayremoveEnglishnounState of mind allowing for a certain degree of objectivity in evaluating things.broadly figuratively
to take awayremoveEnglishnounThe transfer of one's home or business to another place; a move.dated
to take awayremoveEnglishnounThe act of resetting a horse's shoe.
to tell someone step by step how to do somethingtalk throughEnglishverbTo tell (someone) step by step how to do something.transitive
to tell someone step by step how to do somethingtalk throughEnglishverbTo comfort someone as they endure trauma; to help someone consider an issue or see certain aspects of it.
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishadjIn an illegal position ahead of the ball, puck, etc.hobbies lifestyle sports
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishadjOut of bounds.broadly slang
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishadjTo the side of the road, past the curb and sidewalk.US
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishadjUnfavourably located, from the point of view of the player taking a finesse.bridge games
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishadjTo the side of a boat, opposite the primary side on which one paddles.
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishnounAn offside play.hobbies lifestyle sports
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishnounThe side of a road vehicle furthest from the kerb: the right side if one drives on the left of the road.Australia British
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishnounThe right-hand side of a working animal such as a horse or bullock, especially when in harness.
to the side of a roadoffsideEnglishnounThe side of a canal opposite the towpath.British
to tumblebalitokCebuanoverbto perform a backflip or a somersault
to tumblebalitokCebuanoverbto tumble
to tumblebalitokCebuanoverbto beat up someonefiguratively
to tumblebalitokCebuanoverbto tumble or flip over due to a corny joke heardfiguratively informal
to use使Chinesecharacterto order (somebody to do something); to send (somebody)
to use使Chinesecharacterto put (people) to workliterary
to use使Chinesecharacterto let; to make; to cause to
to use使Chinesecharacterto use; to employ
to use使Chinesecharacterto play; to play with; to resort to; to dally with
to use使Chinesecharacterto indulge
to use使Chinesecharacterifliterary
to use使Chinesecharacterneed to [do something]; have toCantonese
to use使Chinesecharacterneed [something]; require; want stronglyCantonese
to use使Chinesecharacterto fuckHokkien Philippine Quanzhou vulgar
to use使Chinesecharacterto be sent as an envoy
to use使Chinesecharacterenvoy; messenger
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA twisting force.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounAnything twisted, or the act of twisting.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounThe form given in twisting.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounThe degree of stress or strain when twisted.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA type of thread made from two filaments twisted together.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA sliver of lemon peel added to a cocktail, etc.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA sudden bend (or short series of bends) in a road, path, etc.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA distortion to the meaning of a passage or word.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounAn unexpected turn in a story, tale, etc.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA modern dance popular in Western culture in the late 1950s and 1960s, based on rotating the hips repeatedly from side to side. See Twist (dance) on Wikipedia for more details.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA rotation of the body when diving.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA sprain, especially to the ankle.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA twig.countable obsolete uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA girl, a woman.countable slang uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA roll or baton of baked dough or pastry in a twisted shape.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA small roll of tobacco.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA material for gun barrels, consisting of iron and steel twisted and welded together.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounThe spiral course of the rifling of a gun barrel or a cannon.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA beverage made of brandy and gin.countable obsolete slang uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounA strong individual tendency or bent; inclination.countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounAn appetite for food.archaic countable slang uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishnounShort for hair twist.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo turn the ends of something, usually thread, rope etc., in opposite directions, often using force.
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo join together by twining one part around another.
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo contort; to writhe; to complicate; to crook spirally; to convolve.
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo wreathe; to wind; to encircle; to unite by intertexture of parts.
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo wind into; to insinuate.reflexive
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo turn a knob etc.
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo distort or change the truth or meaning of words when repeating.
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo form a twist (in any of the above noun meanings).
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo injure (a body part) by bending it in the wrong direction.
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo wind; to follow a bendy or wavy course; to have many bends.intransitive
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo cause to rotate.transitive
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo dance the twist (a type of dance characterised by twisting one's hips).intransitive
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbTo coax.transitive
to wind, to follow a wavy coursetwistEnglishverbIn the game of blackjack (pontoon or twenty-one), to be dealt another card.card-games games
to withdraw upwardsdraw upEnglishverbTo compose (a document), especially following a standard form; prepare a plan.transitive
to withdraw upwardsdraw upEnglishverbTo arrange in order or formation.transitive
to withdraw upwardsdraw upEnglishverbTo cause to come to a halt.transitive
to withdraw upwardsdraw upEnglishverbTo come to a halt.intransitive
to withdraw upwardsdraw upEnglishverbTo withdraw upwards.
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounWords or a formula supposed to have magical powers.
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounA magical effect or influence induced by an incantation or formula.
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounSpeech, discourse.obsolete
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo put under the influence of a spell; to affect by a spell; to bewitch; to fascinate; to charm.
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo write or say the letters that form a word or part of a word.intransitive sometimes transitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo read (something) as though letter by letter; to peruse slowly or with effort.obsolete transitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbOf letters: to compose (a word).transitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo clarify; to explain in detail.figuratively transitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo indicate that (some event) will occur; typically followed by a single-word noun.transitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo constitute; to measure.
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo speak, to declaim.obsolete
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo tell; to relate; to teach.obsolete
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo work in place of (someone).transitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo rest (someone or something), to give someone or something a rest or break.transitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishverbTo rest from work for a time.colloquial intransitive
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounA shift (of work); (rare) a set of workers responsible for a specific turn of labour.
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounA definite period (of work or other activity).informal
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounAn indefinite period of time (usually with a qualifier); by extension, a relatively short distance.colloquial
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounA period of rest; time off.
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounA period of illness, or sudden interval of bad spirits, disease etc.US colloquial
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounAn uninterrupted series of alternate overs bowled by a single bowler.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounA splinter, usually of wood; a spelk.Northern-England
to work in place of someonespellEnglishnounThe wooden bat in the game of trap ball, or knurr and spell.
toilet paper粗紙Chinesenountoilet paperMin Southern
toilet paper粗紙Chinesenounthe paper made of young bamboo in the mountainous area of Putian, which is yellow and rough in texturePuxian-Min
too numerous to be countedunnumberedEnglishadjNot identified with a numbernot-comparable
too numerous to be countedunnumberedEnglishadjToo numerous to be counted; countless or innumerablenot-comparable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA lid.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounArea or situation which screens a person or thing from view.uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounThe front and back of a book, magazine, CD package, etc.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounThe top sheet of a bed.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA cloth or similar material, often fitted, placed over an item such as a car or sofa or food to protect it from dust, rain, insects, etc. when not being used.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA cover charge.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA setting at a restaurant table or formal dinner.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA new performance or rerecording of a previously recorded song; a cover version; a cover song.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA fielding position on the off side, between point and mid off, about 30° forward of square; a fielder in this position.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA tarpaulin or other device used to cover the wicket during rain, to prevent it getting wet.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA collection (or family) of subsets of a given set, whose union contains every element of said original set.combinatorics mathematics sciences topologycountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounAn envelope complete with stamps and postmarks etc.hobbies lifestyle philatelycountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA solid object, including terrain, that provides protection from enemy fire.government military politics warcountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounIn commercial law, a buyer’s purchase on the open market of goods similar or identical to the goods contracted for after a seller has breached a contract of sale by failure to deliver the goods contracted for.lawcountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounAn insurance contract; coverage by an insurance insurancecountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA persona maintained by a spy or undercover operative; cover story.espionage government military politics warcountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounA swindler's confederate.countable dated uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounThe portion of a slate, tile, or shingle that is hidden by the overlap of the course above.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounIn a steam engine, the lap of a slide valve.countable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishnounThe distance between reinforcing steel and the exterior of construction manufacturingcountable uncountable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the front cover of a book or magazine.not-comparable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or consisting of cover versions.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo place something over or upon, as to conceal or protect.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo be over or upon, as to conceal or protect.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo be upon all of, so as to completely conceal.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo set upon all of, so as to completely conceal.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo put on one's hat.dated intransitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo invest (oneself with something); to bring upon (oneself).transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo have under one’s scope or purview. / To discuss thoroughly; to provide coverage of.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo have under one’s scope or purview. / To deal with or include someone or something.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo have under one’s scope or purview. / To have as an assignment or responsibility.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo have under one’s scope or purview. / To provide insurance coverage for.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo be enough money for.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo supply with funds; to settle or pay the costs for; to foot the bill for.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo act as a replacement.intransitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo air or run locally originated material in place of network material during an internal spot break in a syndicated program.broadcasting mediatransitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo make a cover version of (a song that was originally recorded by another artist).entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo protect, to guard. / To protect from attack in general, to guard.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo protect, to guard. / To protect using an aimed firearm and the threat of firing; or to protect using continuous, heaving fire at or in the direction of the enemy so as to force the enemy to remain in cover; or to threaten using an aimed firearm.government law-enforcement military politics wartransitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo protect, to guard. / To protect or control (a piece or square).board-games chess gamestransitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo protect, to guard. / To defend (mark) a particular player or area.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo protect, to guard. / To provide an alibi for (someone); to provide excuses or apologia for (someone); to carry water for someone.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo copulate with (said of certain male animals such as dogs and horses).transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo extend over a given period of time or range, to occupy, to stretch over a given area.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo traverse or put behind a certain distance.transitive
topology: family of setscoverEnglishverbTo arrange plates, etc. on (a table) in preparation for a meal.ambitransitive dated
translate into SpanishHispanicizeEnglishverbTo render Spanish, as to customs, culture, pronunciation, or style.transitive
translate into SpanishHispanicizeEnglishverbTo translate into Spanish.transitive
twoδιπλόοςAncient GreekadjDouble / Double thickness
twoδιπλόοςAncient GreekadjDouble / Folded so as to be double, folded in half
twoδιπλόοςAncient GreekadjDouble / Done by two sides against each other, mutual
twoδιπλόοςAncient GreekadjDouble / Compound (word)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
twoδιπλόοςAncient GreekadjDouble / Twice as much, twice as largecomparative
twoδιπλόοςAncient GreekadjDouble / two
twoδιπλόοςAncient GreekadjDouble / Double-minded, doubtful
twoδιπλόοςAncient Greekadjdouble potneuter
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjHaving a small distance from one end or edge to another, either horizontally or vertically.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjOf comparatively small height.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjHaving little duration.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjOf a word or phrase, constituting an abbreviation (for another) or shortened form (of another).
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjthat is relatively close to the batsman.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjbowled so that it bounces relatively far from the batsman.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjthat falls short of the green or the hobbies lifestyle sports
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjOf betting odds, offering a small return for the money wagered.gambling games
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjBrittle, crumbly. (See shortbread, shortcake, shortcrust, shortening, hot short, cold-short.)baking cooking engineering food lifestyle metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjAbrupt; brief; pointed; petulant; curt.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjLimited in quantity; inadequate; insufficient; scanty.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjInsufficiently provided; inadequately supplied, especially with money; scantily furnished; lacking.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjDeficient; less; not coming up to a measure or standard.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjUndiluted; neat.colloquial
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjNot distant in time; near at hand.obsolete
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjBeing in a financial investment position that is structured to be profitable if the price of the underlying security declines in the finance
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjDoubtful of, skeptical of.broadly
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadjOf money: given in the fewest possible notes, i.e. those of the largest financedated
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadvAbruptly, curtly, briefly.not-comparable
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadvUnawares.not-comparable
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadvWithout achieving a goal or requirement.not-comparable
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadvRelatively far from the batsman and hence bouncing higher than normal; opposite of full.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable
undiluted; neatshortEnglishadvWith a negative ownership financenot-comparable
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short circuit.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short film.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short film. / A short-form vertical video.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short film. / A short-form vertical video. / A YouTube video that is less than one minute long.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short version of a garment in a particular size.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA shortstop.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short finance
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short sale or short finance
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA summary account.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounA short sound, syllable, or vowel.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounAn integer variable having a smaller range than normal integers; usually two bytes long.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
undiluted; neatshortEnglishnounAn automobile; especially in crack shorts (“to break into automobiles”).US slang
undiluted; neatshortEnglishverbTo cause a short circuit in (something).transitive
undiluted; neatshortEnglishverbTo short circuit.intransitive
undiluted; neatshortEnglishverbTo provide with an amount smaller than that agreed or labeled; to shortchange.informal transitive
undiluted; neatshortEnglishverbTo sell something, especially securities, that one does not own at the moment for delivery at a later date in hopes of profiting from a decline in the price; to sell short.businesstransitive
undiluted; neatshortEnglishverbTo shorten.obsolete
undiluted; neatshortEnglishprepDeficient in.
undiluted; neatshortEnglishprepHaving a negative position finance
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishverbpast participle of breakform-of participle past
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjFragmented; in separate pieces. / Fractured; having the bone in pieces.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjFragmented; in separate pieces. / Split or ruptured.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjFragmented; in separate pieces. / Dashed; made up of short lines with small gaps between each one and the next.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjFragmented; in separate pieces. / Interrupted; not continuous.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjFragmented; in separate pieces. / Five-eighths to seven-eighths obscured by clouds; incompletely covered by clouds.climatology meteorology natural-sciences
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjFragmented; in separate pieces. / Having periods of silence scattered throughout; not regularly continuous.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjFragmented; in separate pieces.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjBreached; violated; not kept.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjNon-functional; not functioning properly. / Disconnected, no longer open or carrying traffic.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjNon-functional; not functioning properly. / Badly designed or implemented.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareinformal
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjNon-functional; not functioning properly. / Grammatically non-standard, especially as a result of being produced by a non-native speaker.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjNon-functional; not functioning properly. / Not having gone in the way intended; saddening.US colloquial
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjNon-functional; not functioning properly.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjCompletely defeated and dispirited; shattered; destroyed.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjHaving no money; bankrupt, broke.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjUneven.
uneven of relief, cut by valleysbrokenEnglishadjOverpowered; overly powerful; giving a player too much power.hobbies lifestyle sports video-games
uniteפֿאַרבינדןYiddishverbto tie, to bind
uniteפֿאַרבינדןYiddishverbto link, to join
uniteפֿאַרבינדןYiddishverbto connect, to relate
uniteפֿאַרבינדןYiddishverbto combine, to associate
uniteפֿאַרבינדןYiddishverbto unite
veiling with or concealment in cloudsobnubilationEnglishnounThe action of darkening or fact of being darkened, as with a cloud; obscuration.countable uncountable
veiling with or concealment in cloudsobnubilationEnglishnounObscuration or clouding of the mind or faculties.medicine sciencescountable specifically uncountable
veiling with or concealment in cloudsobnubilationEnglishnounA veiling with or concealment in clouds.countable literally rare uncountable
veiling with or concealment in cloudsobnubilationEnglishnounSomething that obscures or causes confoundment; an obfuscation.countable uncountable
very coldfreezingEnglishadjSuffering or causing frostliterally
very coldfreezingEnglishadjVery coldbroadly excessive
very coldfreezingEnglishadjZero °C, the freezing point of water.
very coldfreezingEnglishnounThe change in state of a substance from liquid to solid by cooling to a critically low temperature.uncountable
very coldfreezingEnglishnounThe action of numbing with anesthetics.medicine sciencescountable
very coldfreezingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of freezeform-of gerund participle present
vessel (boat or ship) used for fishingfishermanEnglishnounA fisher, a person engaged in fishing: / Any person who attempts to catch fish.
vessel (boat or ship) used for fishingfishermanEnglishnounA fisher, a person engaged in fishing: / A person whose profession is catching fish.
vessel (boat or ship) used for fishingfishermanEnglishnounA vessel (boat or ship) used for fishing.
village in Stargard, Stargard, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, PolandTrzebiatówEnglishnameA town in the gmina of the same name in Gryfice County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland, established in the ninth century
village in Stargard, Stargard, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, PolandTrzebiatówEnglishnameA town in the gmina of the same name in Gryfice County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland, established in the ninth century / A gmina in Gryfice County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland
village in Stargard, Stargard, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, PolandTrzebiatówEnglishnameA village in the Gmina of Stargard, Stargard County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland
walkingwalk on eggshellsEnglishverbTo be overly careful in dealing with a person or situation because they get angry or offended very easily; to try very hard not to upset someone or something.idiomatic
walkingwalk on eggshellsEnglishverbTo be careful and sensitive, in handling very sensitive matters.idiomatic
wanderer, planetπλάνηςAncient Greeknounwanderer, roamer, vagabond
wanderer, planetπλάνηςAncient Greeknounplanet
wanderer, planetπλάνηςAncient Greeknounfever which comes in irregular fits
war lasting from 1950 to 1953Korean WarEnglishnameA war fought in the Korean Peninsula from 1950–1953 between the Soviet Union-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United Nations-backed Republic of Korea.historical
war lasting from 1950 to 1953Korean WarEnglishnameA situation of formal war that is de jure in progress since the 1950s on the Korean Peninsula, that has not had a formal resolution and peace treaty, but only has a longstanding armistice in place.
willing to take bribesvenalEnglishadjVenous; pertaining to veins.archaic rare
willing to take bribesvenalEnglishadjFor sale; available for purchase.archaic
willing to take bribesvenalEnglishadjOf a position, privilege etc.: available for purchase rather than assigned on merit.
willing to take bribesvenalEnglishadjCapable of being bought (of a person); willing to take bribes.
willing to take bribesvenalEnglishadjCorrupt, mercenary.
with the head in frontheadfirstEnglishadvWith the head in front; headlong.not-comparable
with the head in frontheadfirstEnglishadvRashly; precipitately; without deliberation; hastily.not-comparable
with the head in frontheadfirstEnglishadjWith the head in front; headlong.not-comparable
without wrinkleswrinkle-freeEnglishadjWithout wrinkles.
without wrinkleswrinkle-freeEnglishadjwrinkle resistant
work done by digging with a spadespadeworkEnglishnounWork done by digging with a spade.uncountable
work done by digging with a spadespadeworkEnglishnounWork done in preparation for something else.figuratively uncountable
work of prose fictionnovelEnglishadjNewly made, formed or evolved; having no precedent; of recent origin; new.
work of prose fictionnovelEnglishadjOriginal, especially in an interesting way; new and striking; not of the typical or ordinary type.
work of prose fictionnovelEnglishnounA work of prose fiction, longer than a novella.
work of prose fictionnovelEnglishnounA fable; a short tale, especially one of many making up a larger work.historical
work of prose fictionnovelEnglishnounA novelty; something new.obsolete
work of prose fictionnovelEnglishnounA new legal constitution in ancient Rome.classical-studies history human-sciences scienceshistorical
грузови́к m (gruzovík)грузRussiannounweight, load
грузови́к m (gruzovík)грузRussiannounburdenfiguratively
грузови́к m (gruzovík)грузRussiannounweight, counterweightengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
грузови́к m (gruzovík)грузRussiannouncargo, freight, lading
хөдөлгөх (xödölgöx, “to move”)хөдлөхMongolianverbto move, to shift (change position)
хөдөлгөх (xödölgöx, “to move”)хөдлөхMongolianverbto stir, to budge (to be in movement)
хөдөлгөх (xödölgöx, “to move”)хөдлөхMongolianverbto quake, to sway
хөдөлгөх (xödölgöx, “to move”)хөдлөхMongolianverbto work
хөдөлгөх (xödölgöx, “to move”)хөдлөхMongolianverbto begin, to arise
хөдөлгөх (xödölgöx, “to move”)хөдлөхMongolianverbto be set off, to be stirred (of emotional states)
ܡܲܥܒܪܵܢܵܐ (maˁbrānā, “ferryman”)ܥ ܒ ܪAssyrian Neo-AramaicrootForming words pertaining to crossing, passingmorpheme
ܡܲܥܒܪܵܢܵܐ (maˁbrānā, “ferryman”)ܥ ܒ ܪAssyrian Neo-AramaicrootForming words pertaining to enteringmorpheme
ਸੋਧਵਾਦ (sodhvād, “revisionism, reformism”)ਸੋਧਣਾPunjabiverbto correct, rectify, emend revisiontransitive
ਸੋਧਵਾਦ (sodhvād, “revisionism, reformism”)ਸੋਧਣਾPunjabiverbto vet, revise, collatetransitive
ਸੋਧਵਾਦ (sodhvād, “revisionism, reformism”)ਸੋਧਣਾPunjabiverbto reform, lustratetransitive
ਸੋਧਵਾਦ (sodhvād, “revisionism, reformism”)ਸੋਧਣਾPunjabiverbto purify, refinetransitive
⇒ *to-ɸare-sistati; Old IrishsistatiProto-Celticverbto putreconstruction
⇒ *to-ɸare-sistati; Old IrishsistatiProto-Celticverbto standreconstruction
最後列 (さいこうれつ, saikō retsu): last row最後Japanesenounlast, end, conclusion
最後列 (さいこうれつ, saikō retsu): last row最後Japanesenounlast, final

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