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-GHAALNavajorootto bat, club, beat 2. to become worn out, tired 3. to wrap 4. area is smooth / to bat, club, beatmorpheme
-GHAALNavajorootto bat, club, beat 2. to become worn out, tired 3. to wrap 4. area is smooth / 2. to become worn out, tiredmorpheme
-GHAALNavajorootto bat, club, beat 2. to become worn out, tired 3. to wrap 4. area is smooth / 3. to wrapmorpheme
-GHAALNavajorootto bat, club, beat 2. to become worn out, tired 3. to wrap 4. area is smooth / 4. area is smoothmorpheme
-assEnglishsuffixUsed to intensify an adjective.Canada US morpheme slang vulgar
-assEnglishsuffixUsed to convert an adjective into a noun for a person who has that trait.Canada US morpheme slang vulgar
-assEnglishsuffixResembling.Canada US morpheme slang vulgar
-viGunsuffixForms a diminutive noun.morpheme
-viGunsuffixUsed to form nouns describing the origin of a person or group of a certain ethnic group or nationality.morpheme
ArabEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Arabs and their nations.not-comparable
ArabEnglishnounA Semitic person, whose forebears were from the Arabian Peninsula
ArabEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Arabia or the Arab world
ArabEnglishnounA member of an Arabic-speaking community
ArabEnglishnounAn Arabian horse.
ArabEnglishnounA street Arab.archaic
Arabic numeralEnglishnounA number represented using an Indian and Arabic system involving the symbols 1, 2, 3, etc.
Arabic numeralEnglishnounThe system using such numerals, now employed throughout the
AustraliaAsturiannameAustralia (A country in Oceania comprising the islands of Australia, Tasmania and other smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as its precursor colony in the British Empire) # (geology) Australia (a continent consisting of the islands of Australia, New Guinea and intervening islands) / Australia (A country in Oceania comprising the islands of Australia, Tasmania and other smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as its precursor colony in the British Empire)feminine
AustraliaAsturiannameAustralia (A country in Oceania comprising the islands of Australia, Tasmania and other smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as its precursor colony in the British Empire) # (geology) Australia (a continent consisting of the islands of Australia, New Guinea and intervening islands) / Australia (a continent consisting of the islands of Australia, New Guinea and intervening islands)geography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
CEFEnglishnameChina Expeditionary Forcehobbies lifestyle philately
CEFEnglishnameCameroon Expeditionary Forcehobbies lifestyle philately
CEFEnglishnameCanadian Expeditionary Force of WWIgovernment military politics warCanada
CEFEnglishnameInitialism of Common European Framework.educationabbreviation alt-of initialism
CMPEnglishnounInitialism of Container-Managed Persistence.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
CMPEnglishnounInitialism of Common-Midpoint method.geography geology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
CMPEnglishnounInitialism of comprehensive metabolic panel.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
CPAPEnglishnounInitialism of continuous positive airway pressure. (a form of artificial ventilation)medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
CPAPEnglishnounThe machine used for continuous positive airway pressure therapy.broadly countable uncountable
CancerEnglishnameA constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a crab.astronomy natural-sciences
CancerEnglishnameThe zodiac sign for the crab, ruled by the Moon and covering June 22 - July 22 (tropical astrology) or July 16 - August 15 (sidereal astrology).astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
CancerEnglishnounSomeone with a Cancer star sign.
CopernicusLatinnamea male surname from Polish — famously held by: / a male surname from Polish — famously held byNew-Latin declension-2 masculine singular
CopernicusLatinnamea male surname from Polish — famously held by: / Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer and mathematicianNew-Latin declension-2 masculine singular
DiamantGermannoundiamond (allotrope of carbon)masculine uncountable weak
DiamantGermannoundiamond (gemstone)masculine weak
DiamantGermannounA small size of type, standardized as 4 printing publishingdated feminine no-plural uncountable
DumfriesEnglishnameA town in Dumfries and Galloway council area, Scotland, and the former county town of Dumfriesshire (OS grid ref NX9776).
DumfriesEnglishnameA community and parish in York County, New Brunswick, Canada.
DumfriesEnglishnameA town in Prince William County, Virginia, United States.
DziemborPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
DziemborPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
EinfallGermannounideamasculine strong
EinfallGermannouninvasion, inroadmasculine strong
EreğliTurkishnameA town and district of Konya, Turkey
EreğliTurkishnameA city and district of Zonguldak, Turkey
Euclid's lemmaEnglishnounThe proposition that if a prime number p divides an arbitrary product ab of integers, then p divides a or b or both; slightly more generally, the proposition that for integers a, b, c, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c; (algebra, by generalisation) the proposition that for elements a, b, c of a given principal ideal domain, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c. / The proposition that if a prime number p divides an arbitrary product ab of integers, then p divides a or b or both;mathematics number-theory sciencesuncountable
Euclid's lemmaEnglishnounThe proposition that if a prime number p divides an arbitrary product ab of integers, then p divides a or b or both; slightly more generally, the proposition that for integers a, b, c, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c; (algebra, by generalisation) the proposition that for elements a, b, c of a given principal ideal domain, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c. / slightly more generally, the proposition that for integers a, b, c, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c;mathematics number-theory sciencesuncountable
Euclid's lemmaEnglishnounThe proposition that if a prime number p divides an arbitrary product ab of integers, then p divides a or b or both; slightly more generally, the proposition that for integers a, b, c, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c; (algebra, by generalisation) the proposition that for elements a, b, c of a given principal ideal domain, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c. / the proposition that for elements a, b, c of a given principal ideal domain, if a divides bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a divides c.algebra mathematics number-theory sciencesuncountable
FaltEast Central GermannounfoldErzgebirgisch feminine
FaltEast Central GermannounwrinkleErzgebirgisch feminine
FijianEnglishnounA person from Fiji or of Fijian descent.
FijianEnglishadjPertaining to Fiji, or its language or people.not-comparable
FijianEnglishnamean Austronesian language of the Malayo-Polynesian family spoken on Fiji. It has 650,000 speakers, including second language users.
FutBavariannouncunt (vulva)feminine vulgar
FutBavariannouncunt (swearword towards women)derogatory feminine vulgar
FöhnGermannounfoehn (warm wind which appears on the leeward side of mountains, for example on the northern side of the alps in south Germany)climatology meteorology natural-sciencesmasculine strong
FöhnGermannounhair dryermasculine strong
GaliciëDutchnameGalicia (an autonomous community of Spain)
GaliciëDutchnameGalicia (a historical region in Central Europe)
GunasekeraEnglishnameA transliteration of the Sinhalese surname ගුණසේකර (guṇasēkara).
GunasekeraEnglishnameA surname from Sinhalese.
HahnGermannouncock, roostermasculine mixed strong
HahnGermannountap, faucetmasculine mixed strong
HahnGermannounspigot, stopcockmasculine mixed strong
HahnGermannamea common surname transferred from the nicknamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
HeraeaLatinnameA city of Arcadia situated on the river Alpheus near the borders with Elisdeclension-1
HeraeaLatinnameHybla Heraea, one of the ancient city of Sicily, named after the goddess Hybla; probably located in the vicinity of today's Ragusa.declension-1
Holy CrossEnglishnameThe historical cross on which Christ died.Christianity
Holy CrossEnglishnameA church, religious institute, or educational institution dedicated to the cross on which Jesus died.
Holy CrossEnglishnameA city in Alaska.
Holy CrossEnglishnameA city in Iowa.
HuelvaSpanishnameHuelva (a province of Andalusia, Spain)feminine
HuelvaSpanishnameHuelva (a city in Huelva, Spain)feminine
JonestownEnglishnameA former settlement in northern Guyana founded by the Peoples Temple cult, and the site of an infamous mass murder-suicide in November 1978.
JonestownEnglishnameThe Jonestown massacre itself.informal
JonestownEnglishnameAny of a number of other places in the English-speaking world.
JonestownEnglishnounAny mass suicide or murder, especially one with religious or cultic overtones.
KilleenEnglishnameA surname from Irish.countable uncountable
KilleenEnglishnameThe name of a few villages in Ireland.countable uncountable
KilleenEnglishnameA city in Bell County, Texas, United States.countable uncountable
LūkiaHawaiiannameRussia (A transcontinental country in Eastern Europe and North Asia)
LūkiaHawaiiannameRussian (person; language)
MerkúrIcelandicnameMercury (Roman god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
MerkúrIcelandicnameMercury (planet)masculine
MerlinEnglishnameA wizard in the Arthurian legend.
MerlinEnglishnameA male given name.
MerlinEnglishnameA census-designated place in Josephine County, Oregon, United States.
MuseviTurkishnounJew, adherent of Judaism.
MuseviTurkishnounJewish, relating to Jews, their religion or their culture.
MuseviTurkishnounA character in traditional Turkish shadow plays and orta oyunu.
NachrichtGermannounnews, piece of news, notificationfeminine
NachrichtGermannounmessage (information which is sent from a source to a receiver)communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunicationsfeminine
NachrichtGermannounnews (kind of broadcast)mediafeminine in-plural
National SocialistEnglishnounAn adherent of National Socialism; a Nazi.
National SocialistEnglishadjSupporting or pertaining to the policies or ideals of National Socialism.
OpalEnglishnameA female given name from English from the precious stone, invented in the nineteenth century.
OpalEnglishnameA type of petrol made by British Petroleum designed to be unable to be used for petrol sniffing.Australia
OpalEnglishnameA hamlet in Alberta, Canada
OpalEnglishnameA census-designated place in Virginia
OpalEnglishnameA town in Wyoming
ParnassusEnglishnameA mountain in central Greece, adjacent the site of the ancient city of Delphi, that in Greek mythology was sacred to Apollo and the Corycian nymphs and was the home of the Muses.
ParnassusEnglishnameThe home of poetry, literature, and learning.figuratively
ParnassusEnglishnameA small town in Hurunui District, north Canterbury, New Zealand, named after Mount Parnassus.
PauluunGerman Low Germannounpeacockmasculine
PauluunGerman Low Germannounpeafowlmasculine
PayetteEnglishnameA surname from French.countable uncountable
PayetteEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Payette County, Idaho, United States.countable uncountable
QumisEnglishnameA small province of ancient and medieval Persia, separating Ray, Hyrcania, and Khurasan.historical
QumisEnglishnameThe administrative capital of this region; Hecatompylus; Saddarvazeh; Shahr-i Qumis; near modern Damghan.historical
RomeinDutchnouna Roman (an inhabitant of Rome)masculine
RomeinDutchnouna Roman (citizen or subject of the Roman Empire)historical masculine
RomeinDutchnamea male given namemasculine
RomeinDutchnamea surname
ShimenEnglishnameA district of New Taipei, Taiwan.
ShimenEnglishnameAn urban village in Shimen district, New Taipei, Taiwan.
SochanPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
SochanPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
StateEnglishnounA current governing polity.
StateEnglishnounThe current governing polity under which the speaker lives.often with-definite-article
StateEnglishnameState University, as the shortened form of a public university name.
SuzhouneseEnglishadjOf or related to Suzhou.
SuzhouneseEnglishnameThe Suzhou dialect of the Wu family of Chinese languages
SuzhouneseEnglishnameThe people of Suzhou, (particularly) the native Chinese.collective noun
TrieflEast Central Germannouna piece of stringErzgebirgisch masculine
TrieflEast Central Germannouna penisErzgebirgisch masculine vulgar
UrgesteinGermannounprimary rock, such as granite, gneiss, etc.dated neuter strong
UrgesteinGermannounan institution in a company or organization, a founding father, a veteran, etc.figuratively neuter strong
UticaEnglishnameA Phoenician colony on the African coast, near Carthage.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / North Utica (a village in Illinois, often called "Utica")
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Indiana.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Kansas; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Kentucky; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Maryland.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Michigan; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Minnesota; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Mississippi; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Missouri; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Montana.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Nebraska; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Oneida County, New York; named for the Phoenician colony.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Ohio; named for the city in New York.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Oklahoma.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A borough in Pennsylvania.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in South Carolina.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in South Dakota.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Texas.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in West Virginia.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Crawford County, Wisconsin.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Dane County, Wisconsin.
UticaEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Winnebago County, Wisconsin.
VasallGermannounvassal, leud, feudal tenant (male or of unspecified gender)historical masculine mixed weak
VasallGermannounfollower, faithful and compliant ally, vassalfiguratively masculine mixed weak
VenusEnglishnameThe second planet in the Solar system, named for the goddess; represented in astronomy and astrology by ♀.astronomy natural-sciences
VenusEnglishnameThe goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and sexuality; the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
VenusEnglishnameA female given name
VenusEnglishnounSexual activity or intercourse, sex; lust, love.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingcountable obsolete uncountable
VenusEnglishnounCopper (a reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element).alchemy chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences pseudosciencecountable obsolete uncountable
VenusEnglishnounAny Upper Palaeolithic statuette portraying a woman, usually carved in the round.countable uncountable
WalcotEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A village in North Kesteven district, Lincolnshire (OS grid ref TF0635).
WalcotEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A hamlet in North Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire (OS grid ref SE8721).
WalcotEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A hamlet in West Oxfordshire district, Oxfordshire (OS grid ref SP3419).
WalcotEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A small village in Wrockwardine parish, Telford and Wrekin, Shropshire (OS grid ref SJ5912).
WalcotEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A suburb of Bath, Somerset (OS grid ref ST7565).
WalcotEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A suburb of Swindon, Wiltshire (OS grid ref SU1684).
WickelGermannounpoultice, cataplasm, compressmedicine sciencesmasculine strong
WickelGermannounquarrel, disputeAustria colloquial masculine strong
abecadłowyPolishadjalphabetical (of or relating to alphabets)not-comparable relational
abecadłowyPolishadjalphabetical (organized based on alphabetical order)not-comparable
abecadłowyPolishadjelementary, basicMiddle Polish not-comparable
ableScotsadjwell-to-do, richobsolete
ableScotsadjphysically fit, strong
ableScotsadjshrewd, cute, clever
ableScotsadvAlternative form of aible (“perhaps”)alt-of alternative
abriDutchnounshelter for public transportmasculine
abriDutchnounprotection from wind by a cyclist's or biker's wakecycling hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
abriDutchnounbomb shelter, bunkerBelgium masculine
abriDutchnounrock shelter, rock overhangmasculine
abîmerFrenchverbto damage
abîmerFrenchverbto fall down or sink and disappear in a hole, depth, abyssformal
abîmerFrenchverbto become absorbed in something (thought, action)formal
abîmerFrenchverbto throw down in a hole, depth etc.archaic rare
acartonarSpanishverbto weather, to erodetransitive
acartonarSpanishverbto become stiff like cardboardreflexive
acartonarSpanishverbto become wizenedreflexive
acontecerPortugueseverbto happen; to occur; to take placeimpersonal transitive
acontecerPortugueseverbto become famous or successfulinformal
agronomCzechnounagronomistanimate masculine
agronomCzechnounagriculturistanimate masculine
allerdingsGermanadvbut, howeverconjunctive
alvoroçoPortuguesenounagitation; turmoil; bustle; ruckus (frenetic, chaotic activity)masculine
alvoroçoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of alvoroçarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
amareloPortugueseadjyellow in colourcomparable
amareloPortugueseadjOriental (of East Asian descent)comparable dated
amareloPortugueseadjwry; forced; unnaturalcomparable
amareloPortuguesenounyellow (the colour)masculine
amareloPortuguesenounOriental (a person of East Asian descent)dated masculine
amareloPortuguesenouna member of syndicalist movements that sought government assistancehistorical masculine
amareloPortuguesenounegg yolk (the yellow part of the egg)masculine rare
amareloPortuguesenounorgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
amareloPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of amarelarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ambrozijnDutchnounambrosia (divine sustenance)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman neuter uncountable
ambrozijnDutchnounoutstanding food, delicacyfiguratively neuter uncountable
ambrozijnDutchnounbeebread, bee pollenneuter uncountable
anacolouthaEnglishnounplural of anacolouthonform-of plural
anacolouthaEnglishnounA non-reciprocal synonym; a word of meaning similar to a word but that cannot substitute for that word in all uses.rhetoric
anemiaEnglishnounA medical condition in which the capacity of the blood to transport oxygen to the tissues is reduced, either because of too few red blood cells, or because of too little hemoglobin, resulting in pallor and fatigue.medicine pathology sciencesUS uncountable
anemiaEnglishnounA disease or condition that has anemia as a symptom.medicine pathology sciencescountable
anemiaEnglishnounIschemia.countable obsolete uncountable
annealEnglishverbTo subject to great heat and then (often slow) cooling, and sometimes reheating and further cooling, for the purpose of rendering less brittle; to temper; to metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
annealEnglishverbTo cool glass slowly, to minimize internal stress.
annealEnglishverbTo burn colors onto a glass or other surface.archaic
annealEnglishverb1793, John Dryden, “XII. On the Monument of a Fair Maiden Lady, who Died at Bath, and is there Interred”, in The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Esq. … To which is Prefixed the Life of the Author (A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain; VI (London: Printed for Iohn and Arthur Arch, 23 Gracechurch Street; and for Bell & Bradfute and I. Mundell & Co. Edinburgh)), Edinburgh: Printed by Mundell and Son, Royal Bank Close, →OCLC, page 164: Such were the features of her heavenly Face, / Her limbs were form'd with ſuch harmonious grace: / So faultleſs was the frame, as if the whole / Had been an emanation of the ſoul; / Which her own inward ſymmetry reveal'd; / And like a picture ſhone, in glaſs anneal'd. / 1793, John Dryden, “XII. On the Monument of a Fair Maiden Lady, who Died at Bath, and is there Interred”, in The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Esq. … To which is Prefixed the Life of the Author (A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain; VI (London: Printed for Iohn and Arthur Arch, 23 Gracechurch Street; and for Bell & Bradfute and I. Mundell & Co. Edinburgh)), Edinburgh: Printed by Mundell and Son, Royal Bank Close, →OCLC, page 164
annealEnglishverb1793, John Dryden, “XII. On the Monument of a Fair Maiden Lady, who Died at Bath, and is there Interred”, in The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Esq. … To which is Prefixed the Life of the Author (A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain; VI (London: Printed for Iohn and Arthur Arch, 23 Gracechurch Street; and for Bell & Bradfute and I. Mundell & Co. Edinburgh)), Edinburgh: Printed by Mundell and Son, Royal Bank Close, →OCLC, page 164: Such were the features of her heavenly Face, / Her limbs were form'd with ſuch harmonious grace: / So faultleſs was the frame, as if the whole / Had been an emanation of the ſoul; / Which her own inward ſymmetry reveal'd; / And like a picture ſhone, in glaſs anneal'd. / Such were the features of her heavenly Face, / Her limbs were form'd with ſuch harmonious grace: / So faultleſs was the frame, as if the whole / Had been an emanation of the ſoul; / Which her own inward ſymmetry reveal'd; / And like a picture ſhone, in glaſs anneal'd.
annealEnglishverbTo make a double-stranded nucleic acid by pairing a single strand with a complementary strand.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesintransitive transitive
annealEnglishverbTo strengthen or harden.archaic figuratively poetic
annealEnglishnounAn act of annealing.chemistry engineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
anzeigenGermanverbto display, to show (a measurement e.g. time, temperature, speed etc.)weak
anzeigenGermanverbto indicateweak
anzeigenGermanverbto announce (a marriage, engagement, change of premises etc.); to advertiseweak
anzeigenGermanverbto report (to the police)weak
análaighIrishverbbreathe, respireintransitive
análaighIrishverbaspiratehuman-sciences linguistics sciencestransitive
análaighIrishadjinflection of análach (“airy; aspirated; respiratory”): / vocative/genitive singular masculineform-of
análaighIrishadjinflection of análach (“airy; aspirated; respiratory”): / dative singular femininearchaic dative feminine form-of singular
araulWelshadjsunny, sunlit
arrancarSpanishverbto pull outtransitive
arrancarSpanishverbto unsheathe (a sword, dagger, etc.)transitive
arrancarSpanishverbto rip, to teartransitive
arrancarSpanishverbto start (a machine)intransitive transitive
arrancarSpanishverbto get going, get startedintransitive
arrancarSpanishverbto run awayreflexive
arsobispadoTagalognounarchbishopric (the rank or office of an archbishop)
arsobispadoTagalognounarchbishopric (jurisdiction of an archbishop)
artelloGaliciannounankleanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
artelloGaliciannounknuckleanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
artelloGaliciannounjointanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
artelloGaliciannounhockanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
ascunianOld Englishverbto avoid, shun, fly from
ascunianOld Englishverbto hate, detest, abhor
ascunianOld Englishverbto accuse, reprove, convict
ateTagalognounelder sister; big sister
ateTagalognouneldest sister
ateTagalognounterm of address for a female senior (in school, work, etc.)informal
ateTagalognounterm of address for any young female: miss; sisinformal
atmosphericsEnglishnounradio interference caused by pulses of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere as the result of lightning and other events (both natural and man-made)plural plural-only
atmosphericsEnglishnounelements of the overall background atmosphere or ambiance of a physical location (e.g., retail shop) or a sensory performance (e.g., music)plural plural-only
atribuirSpanishverbto assign
atribuirSpanishverbto ascribe to, to attribute to, to chalk up to (+ a)
attendanceEnglishnounThe act of attending; the state of being present; presence.countable uncountable
attendanceEnglishnounThe persons or number of persons present.countable uncountable
attendanceEnglishnounThe frequency with which one has been present for a regular activity or set of events.countable uncountable
attendanceEnglishnounAttention paid to something; careful regard.countable obsolete uncountable
ausentarSpanishverbto send away
ausentarSpanishverbto absent oneselfreflexive
azeneEnglishnounA nitrene.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
azeneEnglishnounAny of a family of compounds of nitrogen and hydrogen that have -N=N- double bondschemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
aṅḍiriOld Javaneseverbto stand
aṅḍiriOld Javaneseverbto be functional
aṅḍiriOld Javaneseverbto reign
aṅḍiriOld Javaneseadjstanding upright
aṅḍiriOld Javaneseadjstanding alone
aṅḍiriOld Javaneseadjoutstanding
bagnoItaliannounswim, bathemasculine
bagnoItaliannounEllipsis of bagno penale.; penal colonyabbreviation alt-of ellipsis historical masculine
bagnoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of bagnarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
bahidTagalognounsmear; stain
bahidTagalognountrace; mark; spot (of something dirty)
bahidTagalognounmoral stain
bajowyPolishadjfairy talenot-comparable relational
bajowyPolishadjbaizenot-comparable relational
baltiEnglishnounA style of Pakistani cooking in which the food is cooked in an iron pan having two handles.uncountable
baltiEnglishnounA dish cooked in this style.countable
banalEnglishadjCommon in a boring way, to the point of being predictable; containing nothing new or fresh.
banalEnglishadjRelating to a type of feudal jurisdiction or service.historical uncommon
bbordjaMalteseverbto board out
bbordjaMalteseverbto sail
benefícioPortuguesenounbenefit (positive consequence)masculine
benefícioPortuguesenounprofit, gainmasculine
benefícioPortuguesenounboon, goodmasculine
bevektSwedishverbpast participle of bevekaform-of participle past
bevektSwedishverbsupine of bevekaform-of supine
bieredMalteseadjtepid; cool (lacking warmth, but not really cold either; of neutral temperature)
bieredMalteseadjlukewarm; lacking enthusiasmfiguratively
bihurriBasqueadjnaughty, disobedient, mischievous
bihurriBasqueadjwicked, malicious
bihurriBasqueadjdistorted, confusing, perplexing
bihurriBasqueadjcrooked, twisting, winding
bitaOld Englishnounbite (of food), mouthfulmasculine
bitaOld Englishnounbiter, one who bitesmasculine
boarding schoolEnglishnounA school which provides board and lodging as well as tuition, with students going home during the weekends or between terms.
boarding schoolEnglishnounA boarding school in which a dominant or colonial culture whitewashes a subordinate one deculturizing the students of their native language, customs, religion, and culture.broadly
bolgManxnounbelly, stomach, abdomen, tummymasculine
bolgManxnounbowl (of lamp)masculine
bolurIcelandicnouna torsomasculine
bolurIcelandicnouna trunk, a bolemasculine
bolurIcelandicnouna T-shirtmasculine
bottle-oEnglishnounA bottle shop.Australia New-Zealand informal
bottle-oEnglishnounA door-to-door trader in used bottles.Australia informal obsolete
bragdSwedishnounan extraordinary performance or deedcommon-gender
bragdSwedishnounan act of bravery, a heroic deedcommon-gender
bragdSwedishverbpast participle of bringaform-of participle past
bruscoPortugueseadjbrusque, abrupt (broken off or very steep)
bruscoPortugueseadjsudden, unexpected
bruscoPortugueseadjharsh, rough to the touch
bruscoPortugueseadjharsh, cruel
brøleNorwegian Bokmålverbto roar (the sound a lion makes).
brøleNorwegian Bokmålverbto blare
buarthWelshnounyard courtyardmasculine
buarthWelshnounenclosure, fold, penagriculture business lifestylemasculine
bueItaliannounox (adult castrated male of cattle)masculine
bueItaliannoundimwit, foolfiguratively masculine
buwagCebuanoverbto separate; to cause (things or people) to be separate
buwagCebuanoverbto disunite something from one thing; to disconnect
buwagCebuanoverbto estrange
buwagCebuanoverbto divorce
buwagCebuanoverbto have one's marriage annulled
buwagCebuanoadjestranged; living apart
buwagCebuanoadjhaving had the marriage annulledbroadly
buwagCebuanoadvapart; aside
Vietnamesenouna raft (flat, floating structure)nautical transport
Vietnamesenouna group of cohortsdisapproving idiomatic in-compounds usually
caféPortuguesenouna café, an establishment selling coffee and other beverages, alcoholic or not, simple meals or snacks, with a facility to consume them on the premisesmasculine
caféPortuguesenounEllipsis of café da manhã (“breakfast”).Brazil abbreviation alt-of ellipsis masculine
canelaPortuguesenouncinnamon (spice)feminine
canelaPortuguesenounshincolloquial feminine
canelaPortugueseverbinflection of canelar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
canelaPortugueseverbinflection of canelar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
canongeCatalannouncanon (priest)masculine
canongeCatalannouncornsaladin-plural masculine
całowaćOld Polishverbto kiss (to touch with the lips) [with accusative ‘whom/what’ and w (+ accusative) ‘where’ and instrumental ‘with what’] / to kiss (to touch with the lips)imperfective transitive
całowaćOld Polishverbto kiss each other (to touch each other’s lips)imperfective reflexive
celleMiddle Englishnouncell (dependent monastery)
celleMiddle Englishnouncell (residence of a monk or hermit).
celleMiddle EnglishnounA private place room or building for habitation.
celleMiddle EnglishnounA chamber or section, especially one of the brain's parts.
celleMiddle EnglishnounA place of entrapment or confinement.figuratively
celleMiddle EnglishnounA storage facility.rare
champ at the bitEnglishverbTo bite the bit, especially when restless.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsintransitive
champ at the bitEnglishverbTo show impatience or frustration when delayed.idiomatic intransitive
chascaOccitanadjeachLimousin Provençal Vivaro-Alpine feminine masculine
chascaOccitanadjeveryLimousin Provençal Vivaro-Alpine feminine masculine
chałupaPolishnounpeasant's house, especially a simple wooden onefeminine
chałupaPolishnounshanty, cottage, hutfeminine
chứVietnameseparticleemphasizes that what comes before this particle is very likely, and what comes after it is very not; if what comes after is an interrogative word or phrase, implies that you highly doubt there is any alternative to what comes before
chứVietnameseparticleat the end of a question, hints that you think what you have said before this particle is true, although you still want to confirm it
chứVietnameseparticleat the end of a statement, affirms what comes before this particle and hints that you think your conversation partner was too clueless about it
cinquanta-vuitèCatalanadjfifty-eighthnumeral ordinal
clamarSpanishverbto call out for
clamarSpanishverbto ask vehemently (for something)
clamarSpanishverbto shoutarchaic
cobhsaíIrishadjstablecomputing engineering mathematics medicine natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
cobhsaíIrishadjfirm, resolute
collegaLatinnouna partner (in office), colleaguedeclension-1
collegaLatinnounassociate, companion, fellow, colleaguebroadly declension-1
combatantEnglishnounA person engaged in combat, often armed.
combatantEnglishadjContending; disposed to contend.
combatantEnglishadjInvolving combat.
combatantEnglishadjAlternative form of combattant (“in heraldry: in a fighting position”)alt-of alternative
come to blowsEnglishverbTo fight; to initiate physical conflict, especially subsequent to escalating tension or antagonism.idiomatic
come to blowsEnglishverbTo degrade into a fight or physical conflict (in reference to an argument or to a situation of tension or antagonism).impersonal
complicarSpanishverbto complicate
complicarSpanishverbto get complicated, to get messyreflexive
complicarSpanishverbto make it harder or more difficult for oneselfreflexive
comândRomanianverbfirst-person singular present indicative/subjunctive of comândafirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive
comândRomaniannounthings needed for burialneuter
comândRomaniannounmeal made in honor or memory of one who has diedneuter
comúnGalicianadjcommonfeminine masculine
comúnGalicianadjcommunal and untransferable property, usually woods and heathland, belonging to all the neighbours of a given village or parishlawfeminine masculine
comúnGalicianadjpublic toiletfeminine masculine
concorrerPortugueseverbto run (to be a candidate in an election for a given post) [with a ‘for an office’] / to run (to be a candidate in an election for a given post)intransitive
concorrerPortugueseverbto have the chance of winning [with a ‘a given prize’] / to have the chance of winningintransitive
concorrerPortugueseverbto compete (to strive for the same thing) [with com ‘with someone’] / to compete (to strive for the same thing)intransitive
concorrerPortugueseverbto concur (to run together)intransitive obsolete
concorrerPortugueseverbto contribute (to be a factor in the occurrence (of something)) [with para (+ object) ‘to something’ or para (+ infinitive) ‘to doing something’] / to contribute (to be a factor in the occurrence (of something))auxiliary intransitive
concorrerPortugueseverbto coexist (especially in disharmony) [with em ‘in a location’] / to coexist (especially in disharmony)intransitive
concorrerPortugueseverbto concur; to agree (to have the same opinion (as someone else)) [with com ‘with someone/something’] / to concur; to agree (to have the same opinion (as someone else))intransitive
consolvaCatalannounAlternative form of consolda (“comfrey”)alt-of alternative feminine
consolvaCatalannouncommon houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum)feminine
cornucopiaEnglishnounA goat's horn endlessly overflowing with fruit, flowers and grain; or full of whatever its owner wanted: or, an image of a such a horn, either in two or three dimensions.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek countable uncountable
cornucopiaEnglishnounA hollow horn- or cone-shaped object, filled with edible or useful things.countable uncountable
cornucopiaEnglishnounAn abundance or plentiful supply.countable uncountable
cortapastoSpanishnounlawnmowerArgentina Paraguay Uruguay masculine
cortapastoSpanishnounlawn tractorChile masculine
coumarouEnglishnounThe tree Dipteryx odorata, which bears the tonka bean.
coumarouEnglishnounThe tonka bean itself.
cousinfuckerEnglishnounA generic term of abuse.vulgar
cousinfuckerEnglishnounOne who engages in incestuous sex with one's cousin.literally vulgar
coynageMiddle Englishnouncoinage (minting; the creation of money)uncountable
coynageMiddle Englishnouncoinage (money; currency)uncountable
coynageMiddle Englishnounimpression, strikingrare uncountable
craterEnglishnounA hemispherical pit created by the impact of a meteorite or other object.astronomy natural-sciences
craterEnglishnounThe basin-like opening or mouth of a volcano, through which the chief eruption comes; similarly, the mouth of a geyser, about which a cone of silica is often built up.geography geology natural-sciences
craterEnglishnounThe pit left by the explosion of a mine or bomb.
craterEnglishnounAny large, roughly circular depression or hole.broadly informal
craterEnglishnounAlternative spelling of krater (“vessel for mixing water and wine”)alt-of alternative historical
craterEnglishverbTo form craters in a surface.
craterEnglishverbTo collapse catastrophically; to become devastated or completely destroyed.figuratively
craterEnglishverbTo crash or fall.hobbies lifestyle snowboarding sports
craterEnglishverbTo die from fall
craterEnglishnounAlternative form of creature.Ireland Scotland alt-of alternative
cream of coconutEnglishnounA thicker, sweetened, version of coconut cream (itself a thicker version of coconut milk), typically used for dessert and cocktail preparations.uncountable
cream of coconutEnglishnounEllipsis of cream of coconut soup.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis uncountable
croisOld Frenchnouncross
croisOld Frenchnouncrossroads
cudgelEnglishnounA short heavy club with a rounded head used as a weapon.
cudgelEnglishnounAnything that can be used as a threat to force one's will on another.figuratively
cudgelEnglishverbTo strike with a cudgel.
cudgelEnglishverbTo exercise (one's wits or brains).
cúbitoPortuguesenounulnaanatomy medicine sciencesPortugal masculine
cúigiúIrishnouna fifthmasculine
d'mié-frétheNormannounhalf brotherJersey masculine
d'mié-frétheNormannounstepbrotherJersey masculine
d-jemSlovenenouninstrumental singular of dform-of instrumental singular
d-jemSlovenenoundative plural of ddative form-of plural
dancingEnglishnounThe activity of taking part in a dance.countable uncountable
dancingEnglishnounA dance club in France.countable historical uncountable
dancingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of danceform-of gerund participle present
dańOld Polishnountax, tributefeminine
dańOld Polishnountribute in honeyfeminine
dańOld Polishnounvoluntary tributefeminine
dańOld PolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain.feminine
dańOld Polishnounact of granting propertyfeminine
defatenTurkishadvsuddenly, all of a suddenarchaic
defatenTurkishadvin one go, in one foul swooparchaic
defatenTurkishadva number of times, over and overdated
defense mechanismEnglishnounA psychological strategy used unconsciously by people to cope with harmful or stressful situations.human-sciences psychology sciencesUS
defense mechanismEnglishnounAn automatic reaction of the body against foreign antibodies.US
definitionEnglishnounA statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol (dictionary definitions).human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciences semanticscountable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounA clear instance conforming to the dictionary or textbook definition.countable uncountable usually
definitionEnglishnounA statement expressing the essential nature of something; formulationcountable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounThe action or process of defining.countable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounThe act of defining; determination of the limits.countable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounA product of defining.countable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounThe action or power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear.countable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounClarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail.countable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounClarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction.countable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounSharp demarcation of outlines or limits.countable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounThe degree to which individual muscles are distinct on the body.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounA statement which provides a previous declaration with a value or body of a subroutine (in the case of function).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencescountable uncountable
definitionEnglishnounA statement that establishes the referent of a term or notation.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
describirSpanishverbto describe, represent in words
describirSpanishverbto trace, describe
designPolishnoundesign (plan of usable objects)arts designinanimate masculine
designPolishnoundesign (appearance of usable objects)arts designinanimate masculine
dikeEnglishnounAlternative form of dyke: ditch; embankment; waterway; etc.US alt-of alternative
dikeEnglishverbAlternative form of dyke: to dig a ditch; to raise an earthwork; etc.US alt-of alternative
dikeEnglishverbTo be well dressed.US dialectal obsolete slang
dikeEnglishnounAlternative form of deck: (US dialect slang, obsolete) A well-dressed man.alt-of alternative
dikeEnglishnounFormalwear or other fashionable dress.US dialectal obsolete slang
dikeEnglishnounAlternative form of dyke, Alternative form of deck: (slang, usually derogatory) a masculine woman; a lesbian.alt-of alternative
diligenceFrenchnoundiligence, conscientiousnessfeminine uncountable
diligenceFrenchnounhastefeminine uncountable
diligenceFrenchnounstage-coach, diligencecountable feminine
dirty magazineEnglishnounA morally unclean, indecent or sexually provocative magazine; a pornographic periodical.informal
dirty magazineEnglishnounAny magazine with sex-related content and other features of interest for an adult audience; often targeting an adult male audience and containing nude or semi-nude photographs of women.informal
distrustfulEnglishadjExperiencing distrust, showing distrust, wary, sceptical, suspicious, doubtful.
distrustfulEnglishadjCausing or giving rise to distrust.
djepAlbaniannoundeposit (of minerals etc.), depression, dipmasculine
double textEnglishverbTo send (someone) a text message after having already sent one part of a separate thought without allowing them to reply to the first text.intransitive transitive
double textEnglishnounAn instance of double texting.
draufGermanadvAlternative form of daraufalt-of alternative informal
drobitCzechverbto crumbleimperfective intransitive reflexive transitive
drobitCzechverbto split upimperfective intransitive reflexive transitive
droveEnglishnounA cattle drive or the herd being driven by it; thus, a number of cattle driven to market or new pastures.
droveEnglishnounA large number of people on the move.broadly figuratively plural-normally
droveEnglishnounA group of hares.collective
droveEnglishnounA road or track along which cattle are habitually, used to be or coil be driven; a droveway.
droveEnglishnounA narrow drain or channel used in the irrigation of land.
droveEnglishnounA broad chisel used to bring stone to a nearly smooth surface.
droveEnglishnounThe grooved surface of stone finished by the drove chisel.
droveEnglishverbsimple past of driveform-of past
droveEnglishverbpast participle of drivedialectal form-of participle past
droveEnglishverbTo herd cattle; particularly over a long distance.
droveEnglishverbTo finish (stone) with a drove chisel.transitive
dubSerbo-Croatiannounoak (wood)Croatia archaic masculine
dubSerbo-Croatiannounoak treeCroatia archaic masculine
dudukMalayverbto sit (to be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported)intransitive
dudukMalayverbto stay at a placeinformal intransitive
dundunYorubanoundun dun drum; a type of talking drum (pitch-bending drum that mimics the tonal speech of Yorùbá)entertainment lifestyle music
dundunYorubanounthe talking drum family of drums, one of the 4 families of drums among the Yoruba.entertainment lifestyle music
dzisiojSilesianadvtoday (this day)
dzisiojSilesianadvnowadays, these days
détenirFrenchverbto detainlaw
détenirFrenchverbto possess, to have, to hold
eanachIrishnounmarsh, swamp, fengeography natural-sciencesmasculine
eanachIrishnounpassage through swamp; narrow path, passmasculine
eanachIrishnounmarsh-hunting, fowling; snaringmasculine
ekstraksiIndonesiannounextraction: / an act of extracting or the condition of being extracted. / the separation of a substance from a matrix.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ekstraksiIndonesiannounextraction: / an act of extracting or the condition of being extracted. / resource extraction: the process of locating, acquiring and selling any resourcechemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciences
ekstraksiIndonesiannounextraction: / a person's origin or ancestry.
ekstraksiIndonesiannounextraction: / something extracted, an extract, as from a plant or an organ of an animal etc.
ekstraksiIndonesiannounextraction: / something extracted, an extract, as from a plant or an organ of an animal etc. / an organ of human.dentistry medicine sciences
ekstraksiIndonesiannounextract: a portion of a book or document, incorporated distinctly in another work; a citation; a quotation.
ekstraksiIndonesiannounforced adoption: removal of a child without the consent of his parents, and often against their
encara boCatalanintjthank goodness! (expresses gratitude or relief)
encara boCatalanintjit's a good thing that... [with que] / it's a good thing that...
enfosquirCatalanverbto dim, darken, shadetransitive
enfosquirCatalanverbto darken, to grow dark
entreprenantFrenchverbpresent participle of entreprendreform-of participle present
entreprenantFrenchadjforward, bold, daring; handsy (who doesn't hesitate in making sexual advances)
esgairWelshnounleg, shankmasculine
esgairWelshnounridge, spur (of a mountain)masculine
espaignolMiddle FrenchadjSpanishmasculine
espaignolMiddle FrenchnounSpanishmasculine uncountable
etherEnglishnounThe substance formerly supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere above the clouds, in particular as a medium breathed by deities. / The medium breathed by human beings; the air.broadly countable uncountable
etherEnglishnounThe substance formerly supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere above the clouds, in particular as a medium breathed by deities. / The sky, the heavens; the void, nothingness.broadly countable uncountable
etherEnglishnounOften as aether and more fully as luminiferous aether: a substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space that allowed electromagnetic waves to pass through it and interact with matter, without exerting any resistance to matter or energy; its existence was disproved by the 1887 Michelson–Morley experiment and the theory of relativity propounded by Albert Einstein (1879–1955).natural-sciences physical-sciences physicshistorical uncountable
etherEnglishnounThe atmosphere or space as a medium for broadcasting radio and television signals; also, a notional space through which Internet and other digital communications take place; cyberspace.colloquial uncountable
etherEnglishnounA particular quality created by or surrounding an object, person, or place; an atmosphere, an aura.colloquial uncountable
etherEnglishnounDiethyl ether (C₄H₁₀O), an organic compound with a sweet odour used in the past as an anaesthetic.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesuncountable
etherEnglishnounAny of a class of organic compounds containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencescountable
etherEnglishnounStarting fluid.uncountable
etherEnglishverbTo viciously humiliate or insult.slang transitive
etherEnglishverbAlternative form of edderUK alt-of alternative dialectal
etherEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Etherbusiness cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency financealt-of
extendedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of extendform-of participle past
extendedEnglishadjLonger in length or extension; elongated.
extendedEnglishadjStretched out or pulled out; expanded.
extendedEnglishadjLasting longer; protracted.
extendedEnglishadjHaving a large scope or range; extensive.
extendedEnglishadjWider than usual.
faamWest Frisiannoungirlcommon-gender
faamWest Frisiannounmaidservantcommon-gender
faamWest Frisiannoungirlfriendcommon-gender
faamWest Frisiannounvirgincommon-gender
fakinManxnounverbal noun of faikform-of masculine noun-from-verb
fakultetSerbo-Croatiannouna faculty (at a university)education
fakultetSerbo-Croatiannouncollege or universitybroadly
farinhaPortuguesenounflour (ground cereal grains)feminine uncountable usually
farinhaPortuguesenouncocainecolloquial feminine uncountable usually
farinhaPortuguesenountree of Dimorphandra mollisfeminine uncountable usually
farinhaPortuguesenouncopperpod (tree of Peltophorum dubium)feminine uncountable usually
fatherdomEnglishnounThe state of being a father; fatherhood.archaic dialectal rare uncountable
fatherdomEnglishnounThe world, sphere, or unity of fathers; fathers collectively.uncountable
faumeNormannounwifeGuernsey feminine
faumeNormannounwomanGuernsey feminine
fedtDanishadjneuter singular of fedform-of neuter singular
feladHungarianverbto hand up something (to reach up in order to pass an object)transitive
feladHungarianverbto post (to send an item of mail)transitive
feladHungarianverbto give up, to surrendertransitive
feladHungarianverbto give as an exercisetransitive
feladHungarianverbto help someone (-ra/-re) with their coattransitive
ffrwythWelshnounfruitmasculine not-mutable
ffrwythWelshnounvigourmasculine not-mutable
ffrwythWelshnouneffectmasculine not-mutable
fibrogenesisEnglishnounThe abnormal accumulation of fibrous tissuemedicine pathology sciencesuncountable
fibrogenesisEnglishnounThe formation of fibrin from fibrinogen in blood coagulationuncountable
financialEnglishadjRelated to finances.not-comparable
financialEnglishadjHaving dues and fees paid up to date for a club or society.not-comparable
fine-tooth combEnglishnounA comb with fine, closely spaced teeth, especially one used for removing head lice and their nits (eggs) from the hair; a nit comb.
fine-tooth combEnglishnounA means of making a thorough search.figuratively
fine-tooth combEnglishverbTo comb or go through (hair, an animal's fur, etc.) with a comb having fine, closely spaced teeth.dated transitive
fine-tooth combEnglishverbTo search (something or somewhere) meticulously.figuratively transitive
fintechEnglishnounFinancial technology, that is, technology (usually information technology) that is focused on finance.uncountable
fintechEnglishnounA company in the finance sector, such as one dealing with payments, fundraising or loans.countable
fjärilSwedishnouna butterflycommon-gender
fjärilSwedishnouna lepidopteran (also including moths)common-gender
flekkeNorwegian Bokmålverbto bare, show (teeth)
flekkeNorwegian Bokmålverbto peel, skin, slit, lay bare, strip, cleave
flekkeNorwegian Bokmålverbto smudge, spot, stain, sully (one's honour)
flekkeNorwegian Bokmålverbto patch, spot (with cement, plaster, paint)
florínSpanishnounflorin (any unit of currency called thus)masculine
florínSpanishnounguilder (any unit of currency called thus)masculine
fluorescenceEnglishnounThe emission of light (or other electromagnetic radiation) by a material when stimulated by the absorption of radiation or of a subatomic particle.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
fluorescenceEnglishnounThe light so emitted.countable uncountable
followershipEnglishnounAdherence to a leader.countable uncountable
followershipEnglishnounA group of followers.countable uncountable
fondreFrenchverbto melt, melt down, smelttransitive
fondreFrenchverbto meltintransitive
fondreFrenchverbto melt away, waste awayintransitive
fondreFrenchverbto dwindle; to diminishintransitive
fondreFrenchverbto blend in, blend intoreflexive
forquetaGaliciannounpole, stakemasculine
forquetaGaliciannounsmall pitchforkmasculine
fragullaGaliciannouncrumb (a small piece which breaks off from baked food)feminine
fudge factorEnglishnounA quantity introduced to compensate for natural-sciences physical-sciencesidiomatic
fudge factorEnglishnounAny padding or compensation built into a guess or estimate.idiomatic
fudge factorEnglishnounvariant of "pucker factor", meaning something is/was frightening.alt-of alternative idiomatic
fuinhaPortuguesenounbeech marten (Martes foina)feminine
fuinhaPortuguesenounmisercolloquial derogatory feminine
fuinhaPortuguesenouna skinny personcolloquial feminine figuratively
fuinhaPortuguesenouna person who enjoys gossiping or stirring up troublecolloquial feminine
fægnianOld Englishverbto be glad; celebrate; rejoice
fægnianOld Englishverbto be delighted with; applaud
fægnianOld Englishverbto wish for
gagnerFrenchverbto win
gagnerFrenchverbto earn
gagnerFrenchverbto gain; to obtain
gespanDutchnounA span, a team (pair or larger team of draught animals).neuter
gespanDutchnounThe firmament.archaic neuter
gespanDutchnounA group, fellowship, party, band.neuter obsolete
go awryEnglishverbTo become twisted, or turned to one side.intransitive
go awryEnglishverbTo depart from the correct course.intransitive
go awryEnglishverbOf a situation, to fall apart or unravel; to fall into disorder; to hit the fan.intransitive
godetEnglishnounA drinking cup.obsolete
godetEnglishnounA piece of fabric inserted into a garment along a seam or cut to lengthen the free edge, and to make a garment roomier and to add a wavy edge cf. manufacturing sewing textiles
godetEnglishnounA roller for guiding synthetic filaments during manufacturing textiles
good showEnglishintjAn exclamation of praise or endorsement of an achievement.
good showEnglishintjUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see good, show.
gorchymynWelshverbto command, to ordertransitive
gorchymynWelshnouncommand, commandment, ordermasculine
grootvorstDutchnounThe princely ruler's title grand prince.masculine
grootvorstDutchnounAny great ruler, as of a mighty empire.literally masculine
grootvorstDutchnounA master, champion in some discipline.figuratively masculine
grønskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna green(ish) colour / greennessfeminine
grønskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna green(ish) colour / green colouring from contact with grass left on skin or clothingfeminine uncountable
grønskeNorwegian Nynorsknounscum (a slimy layer of green algae)countable feminine
grønskeNorwegian Nynorsknoungreeneryfeminine uncountable
grønskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna green(ish) colourmasculine
gwyddbwyllWelshnounfidchellfeminine historical uncountable
gwyddbwyllWelshnounchessfeminine uncountable
górniczkaPolishnounminer's wifebusiness miningfeminine
górniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of górnik (“miner”) (person who works in a mine)business miningfeminine form-of
górniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of górnik (“person who lives in mountainous or hilly terrain”)feminine form-of obsolete
hahmottaaFinnishverbto comprehend, perceive, understand, be aware of
hahmottaaFinnishverbSynonym of hahmotella (to sketch, outline).rare
haistellaFinnishverbto smell, sniff something.transitive
haistellaFinnishverbto sniff, huff, inhale the fumes of something in order to get intoxicatedtransitive
head-buttEnglishnounAlternative spelling of headbutt.alt-of alternative
head-buttEnglishverbAlternative spelling of headbutt.alt-of alternative
henrettaNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of henrette: / simple pastform-of past
henrettaNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of henrette: / past participleform-of participle past
hentEnglishverbTo take hold of, to grasp.obsolete
hentEnglishverbTo take away, carry off, apprehend.obsolete
hentEnglishverbTo clear; to go beyond.obsolete transitive
hepaticusLatinadjof or pertaining to the liveradjective declension-1 declension-2
hepaticusLatinadjliver-coloredadjective declension-1 declension-2
hesperianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Hesperiidae family of butterflies.not-comparable
hesperianEnglishnounAny butterfly of the family Hesperiidae; a skipper
hilingBikol Centralnounlook, sight, glimpse
hilingBikol Centralnounvision (ability to see)
hilingBikol Centralnounact of watching, presenting (a movie, show, etc.)
honeypotEnglishnounA pot of honey.
honeypotEnglishnounSomething or someone similarly sweet or enticing / A romantic pet name; "honey".US dated figuratively slang
honeypotEnglishnounSomething or someone similarly sweet or enticing / A vulva or vagina.figuratively slang
honeypotEnglishnounSomething or someone similarly sweet or enticing / A spy (typically attractive and female) who uses sex to trap and blackmail a target.espionage government military politics warfiguratively
honeypotEnglishnounSomething or someone similarly sweet or enticing / A woman who attracts sexual attention from men.figuratively
honeypotEnglishnounSomething or someone similarly sweet or enticing / A trap set to detect or deflect attempts at unauthorized use of information systems.figuratively
honeypotEnglishnounSomething or someone similarly sweet or enticing / A draw: a place which attracts visitors.British figuratively
honeypotEnglishnounA chamberpot.euphemistic obsolete
honeypotEnglishnounA slop bucket.euphemistic obsolete
hringurIcelandicnounring (jewellery)masculine
hringurIcelandicnounsomething round or circularmasculine
hringurIcelandicnouncircular routemasculine
hringurIcelandicnounlap (circuit around a race track)masculine
hringurIcelandicnounring, kroužekcommunications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingmasculine
hringurIcelandicnounhoopball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
hukeNorwegian Nynorskverbto hook, to pull in with a hook
hukeNorwegian Nynorskverbto grab, snatch
hukeNorwegian Nynorskverbhuke tak (i) - to catch hold (of)
hukeNorwegian Nynorskverbto crouch, squatreflexive
hvalospjevSerbo-Croatiannounpaean (song of thanksgiving)
hvalospjevSerbo-Croatiannouneulogy (high praise or recommendation)
hyyhmäFinnishnounslush (partially melted water or snow)
hyyhmäFinnishnounsludge (watery sludge)
hüquqAzerbaijaninounright (a legal, just or moral entitlement)
hüquqAzerbaijaninounlaw (as a system or specialty; as opposed to the law or specific laws, for which see qanun) / the control and order brought about by the observance of such rules and laws
hüquqAzerbaijaninounlaw (as a system or specialty; as opposed to the law or specific laws, for which see qanun) / the profession that deals with such rules
hüquqAzerbaijaninounlaw (as a system or specialty; as opposed to the law or specific laws, for which see qanun) / jurisprudence, the field of knowledge which encompasses these rules
hüquqAzerbaijaninounlaw (as a system or specialty; as opposed to the law or specific laws, for which see qanun) / a legal tradition (such as common law, Roman law etc.)
hüquqAzerbaijaninounlaw (as a system or specialty; as opposed to the law or specific laws, for which see qanun) / a specific body of laws
hüquqAzerbaijaninounlaw (as a system or specialty; as opposed to the law or specific laws, for which see qanun)
hüquqAzerbaijaninounsalary, wageSouth-Azerbaijani
idioziaItaliannounfoolish thing, stupid thing, nonsense, rubbishfeminine
idioziaItaliannounidiocy, stupidity, foolishnessfeminine
imbarcaderoItaliannounlanding stage, jettymasculine
impenetrableEnglishadjNot penetrable.not-comparable
impenetrableEnglishadjIncomprehensible; fathomless; inscrutable.figuratively not-comparable
impenetrableEnglishadjOpaque; obscure; not translucent or transparent.not-comparable
impenetrableEnglishnounA person not openly given to friendship.
indigentiaLatinnounneed, want, lack, indigencedeclension-1 feminine
indigentiaLatinverbnominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural of indigēnsaccusative form-of neuter nominative participle plural vocative
inentenDutchverbto vaccinatetransitive
inentenDutchverbto graft ontoarchaic transitive
inflatedEnglishadjFilled with air or fluid
inflatedEnglishadjExpanded; in a state of inflation, of abnormally increased size, amount, etc.
inflatedEnglishadjIn a state of higher cost.economics sciences
inflatedEnglishadjPompous; arrogant (of a person or ego)figuratively
inflatedEnglishadjContaining excessive, meaningless words, particularly for showfiguratively
inflatedEnglishadjHigher that the true figure
inflatedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of inflateform-of participle past
ingressiuCatalanadjingressivegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
ingressiuCatalanadjingressivehuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
insignificantEnglishadjNot significant; not important, inconsequential, or having no noticeable effect.
insignificantEnglishadjWithout meaning; not signifying anything.
integumentEnglishnounA shell or other outer protective layer.
integumentEnglishnounAn outer protective covering such as the feathers or skin of an animal, a rind or shell.biology natural-sciences
integumentEnglishnounThe outer layer of an ovule, which develops into the seed coat.biology botany natural-sciences
intendEnglishverbTo fix the mind upon (something, or something to be accomplished); be intent uponintransitive transitive usually
intendEnglishverbTo fix the mind on; attend to; take care of; superintend; regard.
intendEnglishverbTo stretch to extend; distend.obsolete
intendEnglishverbTo strain; make tense.
intendEnglishverbTo intensify; strengthen.obsolete
intendEnglishverbTo apply with energy.
intendEnglishverbTo bend or turn; direct, as one’s course or journey.
intendEnglishverbTo design mechanically or artistically; fashion; mold.
intendEnglishverbTo pretend; counterfeit; simulate.
interrogatioLatinnounA questioning, inquiry, examination, interrogation.declension-3
interrogatioLatinnounA syllogism.declension-3
iskonaChoctawnounguts, bowels, intestinesalienable
iskonaChoctawnouncore, pithalienable
jijẹYorubanouneating; the act of eating
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 仮
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 假
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 叚
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 嘏
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 夎
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 婽
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 岬
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 徦
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 斚
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 斝
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 柒
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 椵
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 榎
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 檟/槚
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 玾
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 甲
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 瘕
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 胛
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 舶
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 蝦/虾
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 賈/贾
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 鉀/钾
jiǎMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 舺
juoruämmäFinnishnounblabbermouth, blab, babbler, gossiper, gossip, gossipmonger
juoruämmäFinnishnounChinese whispers, broken telephone, operator, telephone (game)
jꜥḥEgyptiannamethe moon
jꜥḥEgyptiannamethe god Iah, personification of the moon
kabaligtaranTagalognounopposite; reverse
kabaligtaranTagalognounantonymhuman-sciences linguistics sciences semantics
kháVietnameseadjfairly/decently competent; fine; OK
kháVietnameseadj"decent", below xuất sắc (“excellent”) and giỏi (“good”), above trung bình (“average”), yếu (“poor”) and kém (“terrible”)education
kháVietnameseadvfairly competently
kháVietnameseadvquite; rather; fairly
kiehauttaaFinnishverbto parboil (boil briefly)cooking food lifestyletransitive
kiehauttaaFinnishverbto bring to a boil (heat something until it reaches its boiling point)cooking food lifestyletransitive
kirkastaaFinnishverbto brightentransitive
kirkastaaFinnishverbto purify (particularly of spirits)transitive
kirkastaaFinnishverbto purify (particularly of spirits)Christianitytransitive
koluFinnishnounSynonym of kolinadialectal
koluFinnishnounrocky groundTavastia dialectal
komandorPolishnouncommander (knight in charge of a commandery)historical masculine person
komandorPolishnouncaptain (naval rank or an officer of this rank)nautical transportmasculine person
komandorPolishnouncommodore (president of a yacht club)masculine person
krangEnglishnounThe portions of a whale that remain after the blubber has been removed, especially the flesh and organs.
krangEnglishnounAnything that remains after flensing (not necessarily from a whale).broadly
kreshnikAlbaniannounhero in the Albanian Songs of the Frontier Warriorsmasculine
kthejAlbanianverbto turn, turn over, fliptransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto plough deeplytransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto turn inside outtransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto hemtransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto roll uptransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto bend, curvetransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto twist, rotatetransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto turn, direct (a body part to a direction)transitive
kthejAlbanianverbto deviate, turn offtransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto return, give backtransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto answer with, reply with, do in responsetransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto quaff, guzzletransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto change, replacecolloquial transitive
kthejAlbanianverbto turn into, convert, transformtransitive
kthejAlbanianverbto change (one's behaviour)transitive
kthejAlbanianverbto translatecolloquial transitive
kthejAlbanianverbSynonym of kthehem in the following senses: / to come back, returncolloquial intransitive transitive
kthejAlbanianverbSynonym of kthehem in the following senses: / to turn (change direction of travel)colloquial intransitive transitive
kthejAlbanianverbSynonym of kthehem in the following senses: / to stop at, stay for a short time atintransitive transitive
kthejAlbanianverbSynonym of kthehem in the following senses: / to recover, get bettercolloquial intransitive transitive
kthejAlbanianverbSynonym of kthehem in the following senses: / to change (one's own behaviour or opinions)intransitive transitive
kthejAlbanianverbSee kthehem.mediopassive transitive
kvikrOld Norseadjalive
kvikrOld Norseadjlively, quick
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 佝
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 冦
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 叩
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 宼
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 寇
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 怐
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 扣
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 敂
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 溝/沟
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 滱
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 瞉
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 窛
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 筘
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 簆
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 蔲
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 蔻
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 釦/扣
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 鷇/𬆮
kòuMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 㓂
Proto-Dravidiannounking, chiefreconstruction
leave no stone unturnedEnglishverbTo search or investigate thoroughly.idiomatic
leave no stone unturnedEnglishverbTo perform a task carefully and thoroughly, not missing any step.figuratively
leibeigenGermanadjin serfdom (of a peasant: bound to his lord's land and required to work for him)history human-sciences sciencesEuropean Middle-Ages especially not-comparable relational
leibeigenGermanadjunfree, subject to any form of bondage or slaverynot-comparable relational
leibhéalIrishnounlevel (tool)masculine
leibhéalIrishnounverbal noun of leibhéalform-of masculine nonstandard noun-from-verb
leibhéalIrishverbto leveltransitive
leilánGaliciannounauctiondated masculine
leilánGaliciannountruant, vagabondmasculine
leksakshandelSwedishnountoystorecommon-gender countable
leksakshandelSwedishnountoy trading, toy tradecommon-gender uncountable
leniwoPolishadvlazily, sluggishly (in a lazy manner)
leniwoPolishadvlazily, sluggishly (in a slow manner)
leniwoPolishadvlazily, sluggishly (in an unhurried manner)
lesarPortugueseverbto prejudice; to damagetransitive
lesarPortugueseverbto injure; to hurttransitive
lesarPortugueseverbto violatelawtransitive
licenzaItaliannounpermission, leave, furloughfeminine
licenzaItaliannounlicence/license, permitfeminine
licenzaItaliannounpass (military)feminine
licenzaItaliannounschool-leaving certificatefeminine
lingvistinenFinnishadjlinguistic (pertaining to language)
lingvistinenFinnishadjlinguistic (pertaining to linguistics)
linsadTagalogadjdislocated (of bones)
linsadTagalogadjderailed (of a train, etc.)
linsadTagalognoundislocation (as of joints of bones)
linsadTagalognounderailment (of a train, etc.)
literaturaCzechnounbibliography (section of a written work)feminine
llicènciaCatalannounlicence, permitcountable feminine
llicènciaCatalannounlicence (excessive liberty)feminine uncountable
locuteEnglishverbTo speak; to say; to utter.intransitive rare transitive
locuteEnglishverbTo utter a meaningful sentence; to perform a locutionary act.human-sciences linguistics philosophy pragmatics sciencesintransitive transitive
loloHawaiiannounbone marrow
loloHawaiiannouncoconut heart or coconut apple, i.e. spongy cotyledon from a sprouting coconut
louhiFinnishverbinflection of louhia: ## third-person singular past conditional ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / third-person singular past conditionalconditional form-of past singular third-person
louhiFinnishverbinflection of louhia: ## third-person singular past conditional ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / present active indicative connegativeactive connegative form-of indicative present
louhiFinnishverbinflection of louhia: ## third-person singular past conditional ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / second-person singular present imperativeform-of imperative present second-person singular
louhiFinnishverbinflection of louhia: ## third-person singular past conditional ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / second-person singular present active imperative connegativeactive connegative form-of imperative present second-person singular
lubrifierFrenchverbto lubricate (make slippery or smooth)transitive
lubrifierFrenchverbto be lubricatedpassive pronominal
lượngVietnamesenounquantity; amount
lượngVietnamesenounAlternative form of lạngalt-of alternative
mag-agiBikol Centralverbto walk in a specific direction
mag-agiBikol Centralverbto pass by, through, over
mananaygonCebuanonouna caroler
mananaygonCebuanonouna busker
mathScottish Gaelicadjgood
mathScottish Gaelicadvwell
mathScottish Gaelicnoungoodmasculine
mathScottish Gaelicnounadvantage, profit, use, utilitymasculine
mathScottish Gaelicverbforgive, excuse, pardon, condone, remit
mayQuechuaadvlike, how, very
mayQuechuapronwhichinterrogative pronoun
mayQuechuaverbto feartransitive
mayflyEnglishnounAny of the many fragile insects of the order Ephemeroptera that develop in fresh water and live very briefly as winged adults.
mayflyEnglishnounCharacterized by a short duration; short-lived.attributive figuratively
mercyEnglishnounRelenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another.uncountable
mercyEnglishnounForgiveness or compassion, especially toward those less fortunate.uncountable
mercyEnglishnounA tendency toward forgiveness, pity, or compassion.uncountable
mercyEnglishnounInstances of forbearance or forgiveness.countable
mercyEnglishnounA blessing; something to be thankful for.countable
mercyEnglishnounA children's game in which two players stand opposite with hands grasped and twist each other's arms until one gives in.uncountable
mercyEnglishverbTo feel mercy
mercyEnglishverbTo show mercy; to pardon or treat leniently because of mercy
mercyEnglishintjExpressing surprise or alarm.
mereneläväFinnishnounAny creature, fish, crustacean, mollusk etc. found in the sea.colloquial
mereneläväFinnishnounseafood (such creatures as food)
militoLatinverbto be a soldier, to act as a soldierconjugation-1
militoLatinverbto wage warconjugation-1
militoLatinverbto serve, discharge an officeMedieval-Latin conjugation-1
modifierEnglishnounOne who, or that which, modifies.
modifierEnglishnounA word, phrase, or clause that limits or qualifies the sense of another word or phrase.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
modifierEnglishnounA keyword that qualifies the meaning of other code.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
modifierEnglishnounShort for modifier key.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of
monopolizeEnglishverbTo have a monopoly on something.transitive
monopolizeEnglishverbTo dominate or to get total control of something by excluding everyone else.transitive
moossenLuxembourgishverbto measuretransitive
moossenLuxembourgishverbto measure, to be a certain sizeintransitive
mu chuairtScottish Gaelicprepabout, around, rounddeterminer possessive with-genitive
mu chuairtScottish Gaelicadvabout, around, round
mulțumiRomanianverbto satisfy, to make content, to gratifyconjugation-4 transitive
mulțumiRomanianverbto thank [with dative] / to thankconjugation-4 intransitive
mulțumiRomanianverbto be content [with cu ‘with someone/something’] / to be contentconjugation-4 reflexive
młaUpper Sorbiannounfog, mist (dense, low-lying fog)feminine
młaUpper Sorbiannounnebula (a diffuse, whitish spot, similar to a cloud, visible in the starry sky, produced by sidereal bodies, gases, stars and dust)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
nafaszerowaćPolishverbto farce, to stuffcooking food lifestyleperfective transitive
nafaszerowaćPolishverbto stuff with drugscolloquial perfective transitive
nafaszerowaćPolishverbto stuff oneself with drugscolloquial perfective reflexive
naipePortuguesenounsuit (card game category)card-games gamesmasculine
naipePortuguesenoungroup, setbroadly masculine
naipePortuguesenounsection (of a band or orchestra)entertainment lifestyle musicbroadly masculine
napínatCzechverbto tightenimperfective transitive
napínatCzechverbto strain, to exertimperfective transitive
nationalGermanadjnational (being part of a nation's identity or character)
nationalGermanadjnational (of importance for the nation as a whole)
nationalGermanadjnationwide, national (covering a country, as opposed to regional and international levels; see usage note below)
niRawangverbto pour; to water.
niRawangnounday (24 hour).
noloFinnishadjawkward, embarrassing
noloFinnishnounOne of the modes of play in tuppi, bidding to win minimum of tricks (nullo); corresponds to the pass or playing low in Minnesota whist.card-games games
nymffWelshnounnymphhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman feminine not-mutable
nymffWelshnounnymphbiology entomology natural-sciencesfeminine not-mutable
obgPortugueseintjAbbreviation of obrigado (“thank you (said by a male)”)Internet abbreviation alt-of
obgPortugueseintjAbbreviation of obrigada (“thank you (said by a female)”)Internet abbreviation alt-of
occultationEnglishnounAn astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object is hidden by another celestial object that passes between it and the observer when the nearer object appears larger and completely hides the more distant object.astronomy natural-sciencescountable uncountable
occultationEnglishnounThe state of being occult (“hidden, undetected”).countable uncountable
occultationEnglishnounThe disappearance of the Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi, who is believed alive and present in this world, but hidden until his reappearance at the end of time.Islam lifestyle religionShia countable uncountable
odiiItaliannounplural of odioarchaic form-of masculine plural
odiiItalianverbinflection of odiare: / second-person singular present indicativearchaic form-of indicative present second-person singular
odiiItalianverbinflection of odiare: / first/second/third-person singular present subjunctivearchaic first-person form-of present second-person singular subjunctive third-person
odiiItalianverbinflection of odiare: / third-person singular imperativearchaic form-of imperative singular third-person
odśrodkowyPolishadjcentrifugal (tending, or causing, to recede from the center)not-comparable
ogripbarSwedishadjelusive, unfathomable, ineffable
ojCzechnounpole (the one which connects a vehicle with a cargo)inanimate masculine
ojCzechnounthill, shaftinanimate masculine
ojennusFinnishnounstretching, extension (act of stretching something out, as hand)
ojennusFinnishnounextensionanatomy hobbies lifestyle medicine sciences sports weightlifting
ojennusFinnishnounextensionfencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
ojennusFinnishnounreprimand, chastisement (severe, formal or official reproof)
ojennusFinnishnounalignment (arrangement of items in a line)
ojennusFinnishnounalignment (state of being dressed, i.e. arranged in exact continuity of line)government military politics war
ojennusFinnishnoundressgovernment military politics war
okasyonalTagalogadjoccasional; once in a while
okasyonalTagalogadjfor a special purpose or time
olotlClassical Nahuatlnounheart (organ)
olotlClassical NahuatlnounA shelled corncob.
omekšavatiSerbo-Croatianverbto soften, mellow, mollifytransitive
omekšavatiSerbo-Croatianverbto become tenderintransitive reflexive
omlikHungarianverbto collapse, crumble, fall (down), fall in, fall to pieces, crush, tumble (as of ground, plaster, a wall, a building, or a person when shocked or devastated)intransitive
omlikHungarianverbto fall, hang, flow (as of hair or a stage curtain, as if flowing down)intransitive
onnetonFinnishadjunhappy (not happy)
onnetonFinnishadjmiserable (which brings (only) misery)
onnetonFinnishadjvery poor, terrible, wretched
onnetonFinnishadjunfortunate (not favored by fortune)
onpasselijkDutchadjhaving the tendency to vomit; vomit inducing
opettaaFinnishverbto teach someone (= partitive) to do something (= active 3rd infinitive in illative), instructtransitive
opettaaFinnishverbto teach someone (= allative) about something (= elative)transitive
ordningNorwegian Nynorsknounan arrangement, system, organisationfeminine
ordningNorwegian Nynorsknouna settlementfeminine
ornateEnglishadjElaborately ornamented, often to excess.
ornateEnglishadjFlashy, flowery or showy
ornateEnglishadjFinely finished, as a style of composition.
ornateEnglishverbTo adorn or honour (someone or something).obsolete
Polishnounaxis, number linemathematics sciencesfeminine
pakiPipilverbto be happyintransitive
pakiPipilverbto laughintransitive
pakkaFinnishnounbundle, bunch, wad
pakkaFinnishnounbale of paper (5,000 sheets)
pakkaFinnishnoundeck (deck of cards)
pakkaFinnishnounbolt, roll (large roll of fabric or similar material)
pakkaFinnishnounchuck (e.g. of a lathe)
pakkaFinnishnoundeque, double-ended queuecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
pakkaFinnishnounforecastlenautical transport
pakkaFinnishnounhill, knolldialectal
panadaCatalannouncrops too wet to harvestfeminine
panadaCatalannouna savoury pie or turnoverfeminine
pantNorwegian Bokmålnounpawn (item sold to a pawn shop)neuter
pantNorwegian Bokmålnouna mortgageneuter
pantNorwegian Bokmålnounsecurity (on a loan)neuter
pantNorwegian Bokmålnouna forfeit (in a game)neuter
pantNorwegian Bokmålnouna pledgeneuter
pantNorwegian Bokmålnouna (refundable) deposit (e.g. on bottles)masculine
passageDutchnounA passage, a stage of a journey.feminine
passageDutchnounA passageway, a corridor, a narrow route.feminine
passageDutchnounA paragraph or section of text with particular meaning.feminine
passageDutchnouna passage way in a city, especially a roofed shopping street.feminine
patriarkIndonesiannounpatriarch, / father, the male head of a tribal line or family.
patriarkIndonesiannounpatriarch, / a founder of a political or religious movement, an organization or an enterprise.
patriarkIndonesiannounpatriarch, / an old leader of a village or community.
patriarkIndonesiannounpatriarch, / the highest form of bishop, in the ancient world having authority over other bishops in the province but now generally as an honorary title; in Roman Catholicism, considered a bishop second only to the Pope in rank.Christianity
paukataFinnishverbto do (something) suddenlyinformal
paukataFinnishverbto move (somewhere) suddenlyinformal
pañoSpanishnounrebozoMexico masculine
peduliMalayverbto care, to concern oneself
peduliMalayverbto bother, to mind
peperDutchnounpepper, a tropical major spice.masculine
peperDutchnouna plant which produces peppermasculine
perseguirCatalanverbto chase, to pursuetransitive
perseguirCatalanverbto persecutetransitive
perseguirCatalanverbto prosecutelawtransitive
piclWelshnounjam, troubleinformal masculine
pingaGaliciannoundrop, dropletfeminine
pingaGaliciannounsmall portionfeminine figuratively
pingaGalicianverbinflection of pingar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
pingaGalicianverbinflection of pingar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
piristyäFinnishverbTo perk up.intransitive
piristyäFinnishverbTo cheer up.intransitive
placeboDutchnounsycophantmasculine obsolete
poachedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of poachform-of participle past
poachedEnglishadjCooked by poaching.
poachedEnglishadjObtained by poaching.
podsetnikSerbo-Croatiannounreminder (someone or something that reminds)
podsetnikSerbo-Croatiannounlist of things to do or to remember later
pomCatalannounbunch, bouquetmasculine
pomCatalannounpommel, knob, doorknobmasculine
pomCatalannouna scent-bottle with a rounded shapemasculine
pomCatalannounpomebiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
pomCatalannounorb (golden ball symbolising royal power)historical masculine
pontiffEnglishnounA member of the most illustrious of the colleges of priests of the Roman religion, the College of Pontiffs; a pontifex.Ancient-Rome historical
pontiffEnglishnounA bishop of the early Church; now specifically, the Pope.
pontiffEnglishnounAny chief figure or leader of a religion.figuratively
pontónSpanishnounpontoon (for boats)masculine
pontónSpanishnounbridge made of planksmasculine
poorhouseEnglishnounA charitable institution where poor or homeless people are lodged.
poorhouseEnglishnounA workhouse.
preceptorSpanishnounteacherLatin-America masculine
pregnantEnglishadjCarrying developing offspring within the body.not-comparable
pregnantEnglishadjCarrying developing offspring within the body. / Of a couple: expecting a baby together.not-comparable
pregnantEnglishadjHaving numerous possibilities or implications; full of promise; abounding in ability, resources, etc.comparable
pregnantEnglishadjFertile, prolific (usually of soil, ground, etc.).poetic
pregnantEnglishadjAffording entrance; receptive; yielding; willing; open; prompt.obsolete
pregnantEnglishadjReady-witted; clever; ingenious.obsolete
pregnantEnglishnounA pregnant person.
pregnantEnglishadjCompelling; clear, evident.archaic
provideEnglishverbTo make a living; earn money for necessities.
provideEnglishverbTo act to prepare for something.
provideEnglishverbTo establish as a previous condition; to stipulate.
provideEnglishverbTo give what is needed or desired, especially basic needs.
provideEnglishverbTo furnish (with), cause to be present.
provideEnglishverbTo make possible or attainable.
provideEnglishverbTo foresee, to consider in advance.Latinism obsolete
provideEnglishverbTo appoint to an ecclesiastical benefice before it is vacant. See provisor.
put up one's dukesEnglishverbTo raise one's clenched fists in front of one's body and stand in a threatening or defiant manner, in preparation for a fistfight.idiomatic
put up one's dukesEnglishverbTo take firm action or to show oneself to be committed to such action, as when competing in a sporting event or other contest.broadly idiomatic
představeníCzechnounverbal noun of představitform-of neuter noun-from-verb
představeníCzechnounperformanceentertainment lifestyle theaterneuter
představeníCzechnounintroduction (of a person)neuter
qhariQuechuaadjmale, masculinemasculine
qhariQuechuaadjcourageous, brave, strong
qhariQuechuanounman, male
refugiCatalannounmountain hut (shelter for mountaineers)masculine
refugiCatalannounan area of a roadway set aside for pedestrians to stand inengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences traffic transportmasculine
rejtelemHungariannounintricacies, ins and outs of something, ropes shownin-plural
rentrerFrenchverbto go back, to re-enterintransitive
rentrerFrenchverbto go (back) home, to come (back) homeintransitive
rentrerFrenchverbto get in, to go in, to fit inintransitive
rentrerFrenchverbto bring in, to get in, to put intransitive
rentrerFrenchverbto score (a goal)transitive
rentrerFrenchverbto collide (with), crash (into), run (into)intransitive
ric-racFrenchadvspot on; exactly
ric-racFrenchadvjust about
riektiNorthern Saminounright (to do something)
riektiNorthern Saminounlaw, justice
riektiNorthern Saminouncourt (of justice)
rinchiudereItalianverbto shut up, shut intransitive
rinchiudereItalianverbto lock up, lock intransitive
rolloGaliciannounpillory (post used as a means of punishment and humiliation)historical masculine
rolloGaliciannounscaffold (platform for public executions)historical masculine
roodborstDutchnounA vernacular name for an animal species with a charactistic red (spot on) the chest, notably: / The robin, Erithacus rubeculamasculine
roodborstDutchnounA vernacular name for an animal species with a charactistic red (spot on) the chest, notably: / Synonym of gekraagd roodstaartje (“Phoenicurus phoenicurus”)masculine uncommon
rozrachunekPolishnounreckoning, settlementbusiness financeinanimate masculine
rozrachunekPolishnounreckoning (working out of consequences or retribution for one's actions)inanimate masculine
rozrachunekPolishnounrevenge (retaliatory action)inanimate masculine
ryggstøaNorwegian Nynorsknoundefinite feminine singular of ryggstødefinite feminine form-of neuter singular
ryggstøaNorwegian Nynorsknoundefinite neuter plural of ryggstødefinite feminine form-of neuter plural
rædereOld Englishnounone who reads; a reader
rædereOld Englishnouna scholar
rædereOld Englishnouna lector
rædereOld Englishnouna reader or interpreter of riddles; a diviner
rétrécirFrenchverbto shrink
rétrécirFrenchverbto narrow
saginaLatinnounfeasting, nourishmentdeclension-1
saginaLatinverbsecond-person singular present active imperative of sagīnōactive form-of imperative present second-person singular
sally portEnglishnounAn opening into or entry to a fortification, usually arched, to enable a sally; a postern.
sally portEnglishnounAn entryway controlled by two doors or gates, each of which must be closed before the other can open.
samookaleczeniePolishnounverbal noun of samookaleczyćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
samookaleczeniePolishnounself-mutilation, self-harmmedicine pathology sciencescountable neuter
santerellinoItaliannoungoody two shoes, goody-goodymasculine
sapin-sapinTagalognounsapin-sapin (layered glutinous rice and coconut dessert in Philippine cuisine)
sapin-sapinTagalogadjwith several layers; laid in several layers
scarceEnglishadjUncommon, rare; difficult to find; insufficient to meet a demand.
scarceEnglishadjScantily supplied (with); deficient (in); used with of.
scarceEnglishadvScarcely, only just.archaic literary not-comparable
schubDutchnounscale (keratinous segment of certain animals' skin)feminine
schubDutchnounpigmented, chitinous segment of butterfly wingsfeminine
schubDutchnouna similarly flaky part of the exterior of plantsfeminine
serdarTurkishnounA commander-in-chief, a serdar.archaic
serdarTurkishnounA military title used in the Ottoman period.history human-sciences sciences
settiFinnishnounA set as in "TV set"; a receivercolloquial
settiFinnishnounA set of consecutive performances, such as the songs performed by an artist in a given occasion.colloquial
settiFinnishnounA set of things belonging or grouped together, especially as items for sale.colloquial
shit talkingEnglishnounUntruthfully speaking deprecatively about another person, especially behind that person's back, but also in the person's presence.uncountable vulgar
shit talkingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of shit talkform-of gerund participle present
sick man of EuropeEnglishnameOttoman Empire.government politicsarchaic
sick man of EuropeEnglishnameAny European country undergoing economic difficulty.government politics
simpaticoItalianadjnice, pleasing, popular, cute, amusing, funny
simpaticoItalianadjsympathetic, invisible (of ink)
simpaticoItaliannouna nice, pleasing, popular, cute, amusing or funny personmasculine
simpaticoItalianadjsympatheticanatomy medicine sciences
simpaticoItaliannounsympathetic nervous system, automatic nervous systemanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
siniBambaranounthe future
sipatTagalognounaiming at a target (with a gun, etc.)
sipatTagalognounvisual checking of levelness, alignment, or straightness (of a surface, line, row, etc.)
situlaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a bucket or pail, especially one used to draw water from a welldeclension-1 feminine
situlaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a vessel for holding holy waterEcclesiastical Latin declension-1 feminine
situlaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a measure of capacity for liquidsMedieval-Latin declension-1 feminine
situlaLatinnouna voting urn (for drawing lots or holding voting tablets); loosely, a ballot boxdeclension-1 feminine
situlaLatinnouna voting urn (for drawing lots or holding voting tablets); loosely, a ballot box / a basin, jar, urn, vel sim. on a monumentdeclension-1 feminine
situlaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of situlumaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
skyttaIcelandicnounmarksman, shotfeminine
skyttaIcelandicnounshuttlebusiness manufacturing textiles weavingfeminine
sluchSlovaknounhearinginanimate masculine
sluchSlovaknounearinanimate masculine
soidOld Irishverbto turn
soidOld Irishverbto turn around, to return
soidOld Irishverbto change
soidOld Irishverbto convert
sordoItalianadjmuffled (sound)
sordoItalianadjdull (pain)
sordoItalianadjveiled (threat etc.)
sordoItalianadjsilent, hidden
sordoItalianadjvoiceless (phonetics)
sordoItaliannouna deaf personmasculine
sorollCatalannounstir, uproar, rowfiguratively masculine
soukyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of soukenform-of participle present
soukyngeMiddle EnglishnounBreastfeeding, milking; drawing milk.
soukyngeMiddle EnglishnounDrawing with the mouth; sucking.
soukyngeMiddle EnglishnounIncitement, riling.rare
spit roastEnglishnounThe technique of roasting an animal, such as a pig, over a fire, where the cook sticks a wooden/metal rod through the animal and sets the ends on two sticks to suspend the animal over the fire.
spit roastEnglishnounA sexual practice whereby two people penetrate a single sexual partner at the same time, one orally and the other vaginally or anally.slang vulgar
spit roastEnglishverbTo roast meat in this way.
spit roastEnglishverbTo engage in the sexual practice called a spit roast.
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To support oneself on the feet in an erect position.copulative intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To rise to one’s feet; to stand up.intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To remain motionless.copulative intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To be placed in an upright or vertical orientation.intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To place in an upright or standing position.transitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To occupy or hold a place; to be set, placed, fixed, located, or situated.intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To measure when erect on the feet.intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned physically: / To be present, to have welled up.intransitive usually
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned mentally: / To be positioned to gain or lose.intransitive with-infinitive with-to
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned mentally: / To tolerate.transitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned mentally: / To maintain one's ground; to be acquitted; not to fail or yield; to be safe.copulative intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned mentally: / To maintain an invincible or permanent attitude; to be fixed, steady, or firm; to take a position in resistance or opposition.copulative intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned mentally: / To be in some particular state; to have essence or being; to be; to consist.copulative intransitive obsolete
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To act as an umpire.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To undergo; withstand; hold up.transitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To be a candidate (in an election).British intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To remain valid.intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To oppose, usually as a team, in competition.transitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To cover the expense of; to pay for.transitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To have or maintain a position, order, or rank; to be in a particular relation.intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To be consistent; to agree; to accord.intransitive
standEnglishverbTo position or be positioned socially: / To appear in court.intransitive
standEnglishverbOf a ship or its captain, to steer, sail (in a specified direction, for a specified destination etc.).nautical transportintransitive
standEnglishverbTo remain without ruin or injury.copulative intransitive
standEnglishverbTo stop asking for more cards; to keep one's hand as it has been dealt so far.card-games games
standEnglishnounThe act of standing.
standEnglishnounA defensive position or effort.
standEnglishnounA resolute, unwavering position; firm opinion; action for a purpose in the face of opposition.
standEnglishnounA period of performance in a given location or venue.
standEnglishnounA device to hold something upright or aloft.
standEnglishnounThe platform on which a witness testifies in court; the witness stand or witness box.
standEnglishnounAn area of raised seating for waiters at the stock exchange.historical
standEnglishnounA particular grove or other group of trees or shrubs.
standEnglishnounA contiguous group of trees sufficiently uniform in age-class distribution, composition, and structure, and growing on a site of sufficiently uniform quality, to be a distinguishable forestry
standEnglishnounA standstill, a motionless state, as of someone confused, or a hunting dog who has found game.
standEnglishnounA small building, booth, or stage, as in a bandstand or hamburger stand.
standEnglishnounA designated spot where someone or something may stand or wait.
standEnglishnounThe situation of a shop, store, hotel, etc.US dated
standEnglishnounShort for tavern stand (“a roadside inn”).US abbreviation alt-of historical
standEnglishnounGrandstand. (often in the plural)hobbies lifestyle sports
standEnglishnounA partnership.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
standEnglishnounA single set, as of arms.government military politics war
standEnglishnounRank; post; station; standing.obsolete
standEnglishnounA state of perplexity or embarrassment.dated
standEnglishnounA young tree, usually reserved when other trees are cut; also, a tree growing or standing upon its own root, in distinction from one produced from a scion set in a stock, either of the same or another kind of tree.
standEnglishnounA location or position where one may stand.
standEnglishnounAn advertisement filling an entire billboard, comprising many sheets of paper.advertising business marketing
standEnglishnounA type of psychically created being in the anime and manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, named for the fact that they appear to 'stand' next to their user.fiction literature media publishing
standEnglishnounA container which stands upright, such as a barrel or cask.Scotland US dated
standEnglishnounA weight of from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds, used in weighing pitch.obsolete
steepEnglishadjOf a near-vertical gradient; of a slope, surface, curve, etc. that proceeds upward at an angle near vertical.
steepEnglishadjDifficult to access; not easy reached; lofty; elevated; high.obsolete
steepEnglishadjresulting in a mast or windshield angle that strongly diverges from the perpendicular
steepEnglishnounThe steep side of a mountain etc.; a slope or acclivity.
steepEnglishverbTo soak or wet thoroughly.transitive
steepEnglishverbTo imbue with something; to be deeply immersed in.figuratively intransitive
steepEnglishverbTo make tea (or other beverage) by placing leaves in hot water.
steepEnglishnounA liquid used in a steeping processcountable uncountable
steepEnglishnounA rennet bag.countable uncountable
sternEnglishadjHaving a hardness and severity of nature or manner.
sternEnglishadjGrim and forbidding in appearance.
sternEnglishnounThe rear part or after end of a ship or vessel.nautical transport
sternEnglishnounThe post of management or direction.figuratively
sternEnglishnounThe hinder part of anything.
sternEnglishnounThe tail of an animal; now used only of the tail of a dog.
sternEnglishverbTo steer, to direct the course of (a ship).intransitive obsolete transitive
sternEnglishverbTo propel or move backward or stern-first in the water.nautical transportintransitive transitive
sternEnglishnounA bird, the black tern.
stessoItaliandetsame, equaldemonstrative
stessoItaliandet-self, myself, yourself, himself, itself, myselfdemonstrative
stessoItalianpronsame, same person, same mandemonstrative masculine singular
stessoItalianpronsame, same thingdemonstrative masculine singular
stopfenGermanverbto stuff, to plugweak
stopfenGermanverbto darn (mend by sewing over)weak
strap-onEnglishadjThat can be attached using one or more straps.not-comparable
strap-onEnglishadjOf a booster rocket, that is mounted on the outside of a launch vehicle (typically around the first stage) to provide an additional boost at lift-off, ultimately separating after the first few minutes of ascent.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
strap-onEnglishnounA strap-on booster.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
strap-onEnglishnounAn artificial phallus attached with a strap, usually a dildo.informal
strap-onEnglishnounSynonym of keytar (“keyboard supported by a strap around the neck and shoulders”).entertainment lifestyle musicinformal
strooManxnouncurrent, watercoursemasculine
strooManxnounverbal noun of strooform-of masculine noun-from-verb
strooManxverbto stream
stôlWelshnounstool, seatmasculine not-mutable
stôlWelshnounchairmasculine not-mutable
stôlWelshnounbenchmasculine not-mutable
stôlWelshnounstallagriculture business lifestylemasculine not-mutable
stôlWelshnounstall, stand, boothmasculine not-mutable
stôlWelshnounstolemasculine not-mutable
stôlWelshnounlong robemasculine not-mutable
suarCatalanverbto sweatintransitive
suarCatalanverb(figurative) to exude humidityintransitive
suarCatalanverb(figurative) to strive, to try hardintransitive
suarCatalanverbto exude some other liquidtransitive
suarCatalanverbto get wet of sweattransitive
suarCatalanverbto get wet of sweatreflexive
suarCatalanverb(figurative) to earn something by hard workingtransitive
suffususLatinverbpoured below, into or upon, overspread, suffused, having been poured below, into or upon, overspread or suffuseddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
suffususLatinverbtinged, imbued, stained, colored, having been tinged, imbued, stained or coloreddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
suffususLatinverbreddened, blushed, suffused, colored, having been reddened, blushed, suffused or colored; bashful, modest, shamefaceddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
sungalngalTagalognounact of forcing or shoving something onto someone's lips
sungalngalTagalognounact of punching someone at the lip
svartelistetNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of svarteliste: / simple pastform-of past
svartelistetNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of svarteliste: / past participleform-of participle past
sychedWelshnounthirstfeminine not-mutable uncountable
sychedWelshnounthirst, desirefeminine figuratively not-mutable uncountable
sychedWelshnoundrynessfeminine not-mutable uncountable
sychedWelshnoundroughtfeminine not-mutable uncountable
synaeresisEnglishnounThe contraction of two vowels into a diphthong or a long vowel.human-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciencescountable uncountable
synaeresisEnglishnounThe separating out of the liquid from a gel.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
szparagPolishnounasparagus (any plant of the genus Asparagus)
szparagPolishnounasparagus (young shoots of Asparagus officinalis eaten as a vegetable)
szparagPolishnouncommon asparagus fern, asparagus grass, lace fern, climbing asparagus, ferny asparagus (Asparagus setaceus)
słaniaćPolishverbto bend, to bow, to incline, to lean, to slantarchaic imperfective transitive
słaniaćPolishverbto lurch, to reel, to staggerimperfective reflexive
sьrbъProto-Slavicnounallymasculine reconstruction
sьrbъProto-Slavicnounkinsperson (used as an endonym)masculine reconstruction
sꜣEgyptiannounbackanatomy medicine sciences
sꜣEgyptiannounthe back (of something)
sꜣEgyptianromanizationAlternative transliteration of zꜣ.romanization
tachygraphyEnglishnounThe art and practice of rapid writing.uncountable
tachygraphyEnglishnounStenography or shorthand as done in ancient and medieval times.historical uncountable
tahananIndonesiannoundetainee: suspect, accused or defendant whose detained in detention centre to some future judicial
tahananIndonesiannouncustody, detention, arrest
tahananIndonesiannounresistance; / something for resisting motion.
tahananIndonesiannounresistance; / synonym of hambatan listrik.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
tahananIndonesiannounresistivity / synonym of tahanan electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
tahananIndonesiannounresistivity / The reciprocal of thermal conductivity, having SI unit: m K W⁻¹natural-sciences physical-sciences physics thermodynamics
tahananIndonesiannounsynonym of impedansinatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
tahananIndonesiannounsynonym of rumah tahanan.
tahananIndonesiannounreserves; something held back
tahananIndonesiannounsynonym of resistorbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
talkEnglishverbTo communicate, usually by means of speech.intransitive
talkEnglishverbTo discuss; to talk about.informal transitive
talkEnglishverbTo speak (a certain language).transitive
talkEnglishverbUsed to emphasise the importance, size, complexity etc. of the thing mentioned.informal transitive
talkEnglishverbTo confess, especially implicating others.intransitive slang
talkEnglishverbTo criticize someone for something of which one is guilty oneself.intransitive
talkEnglishverbTo gossip; to create scandal.intransitive
talkEnglishverbTo influence someone to express something, especially a particular stance or viewpoint or in a particular manner.informal
talkEnglishnounA conversation or discussion; usually serious, but informal.countable uncountable
talkEnglishnounA lecture.countable uncountable
talkEnglishnounGossip; rumour.uncountable
talkEnglishnounA major topic of social discussion.countable uncountable
talkEnglishnounA customary conversation by parent(s) or guardian(s) with their (often teenaged) child about a reality of life; in particular: / A customary conversation in which parent(s) explain sexual intercourse to their child.countable uncountable
talkEnglishnounA customary conversation by parent(s) or guardian(s) with their (often teenaged) child about a reality of life; in particular: / A customary conversation in which the parent(s) of a black child explain the racism and violence they may face, especially when interacting with police, and strategies to manage it.US countable uncountable
talkEnglishnounEmpty boasting, promises or claims.uncountable
talkEnglishnounMeeting to discuss a particular matter.countable plural-normally uncountable
tallamentCatalannounbreakdown, sawing patternbusiness carpentry construction manufacturingmasculine
tallamentCatalannounpinch offbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
tampalTagalognounslap with the flat of the palm of the hand (may be playful, not exclusively on someone's face, lighter in force than a sampal)
tangherinaTagalognountangerinebiology botany natural-sciences
tangherinaTagalognountangerine (color/colour)
tangherinaTagalogadjtangerine (color/colour)
targoncaHungariannounpallet jack
tediositàItaliannountediousness, boredomfeminine invariable
tediositàItaliannounbotherfeminine invariable
tegoVepsnoundeed, act
tegoVepsnounwork, product
tegoVepsnounartificial, man-made, prosthetic
terpWest Frisiannounartificial mound or hillock used as shelter during high tidecommon-gender
terpWest Frisiannounvillagearchaic common-gender
tervezHungarianverbto plan, to intend, to consider doingtransitive
tervezHungarianverbto designtransitive
throwableEnglishadjCapable of being thrown.not-comparable
throwableEnglishadjCapable of being thrown in the manner of an exception.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesnot-comparable
throwableEnglishnounAny object that can be thrown in the manner of an exception.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
totolMaranaoverbto tell
totolMaranaoverbto state
traagheidDutchnounslowness, sluggishnessfeminine
transcribeEnglishverbTo convert a representation of language, typically speech but also sign language, etc., to a written representation of it. The term now usually implies the conversion of speech to text by a human transcriptionist with the assistance of a computer for word processing and sometimes also for speech recognition, the process of a computer interpreting speech and converting it to text.
transcribeEnglishverbTo make such a conversion from live or recorded speech to text.
transcribeEnglishverbTo transfer data from one recording medium to another.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
transcribeEnglishverbTo adapt a composition for a voice or instrument other than the original; to notate live or recorded music.entertainment lifestyle music
transcribeEnglishverbTo cause DNA to undergo transcription.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciences
transcribeEnglishverbTo represent speech by phonetic symbols.human-sciences linguistics sciences
transcriptionEnglishnounThe act or process of transcribing.countable uncountable
transcriptionEnglishnounSomething that has been transcribed, including: / An adaptation of a composition.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
transcriptionEnglishnounSomething that has been transcribed, including: / A recorded radio or television programme.broadcasting mediacountable uncountable
transcriptionEnglishnounSomething that has been transcribed, including: / A representation of speech sounds as phonetic symbols.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
transcriptionEnglishnounA written document.countable obsolete uncountable
transcriptionEnglishnounThe synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
treinarGalicianverbto drag, pull
treinarGalicianverbto tremble, to shudder, to quaver
treinarGalicianverbto coach, train
treinarGalicianverbto get used to, to accustom
tripleEnglishadjMade up of three related elements, often matchingnot-comparable
tripleEnglishadjOf three times the quantity; treble.not-comparable
tripleEnglishadjDesigned for three users.not-comparable
tripleEnglishadjFolded in three; composed of three layers.not-comparable
tripleEnglishadjHaving three aspects.not-comparable
tripleEnglishadjOf time, three times as fast as very fast.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
tripleEnglishadjOne of three; third.not-comparable obsolete
tripleEnglishnounThree times or thrice the number, amount, size, etc..
tripleEnglishnounA drink with three portions of alcohol.informal
tripleEnglishnounA hamburger with three patties.US
tripleEnglishnounA three-base hit.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
tripleEnglishnounA three-point field goal.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
tripleEnglishnounA takeout shot in which three stones are removed from play.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
tripleEnglishnounA sequence of three elements or 3-tuple.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
tripleEnglishverbTo multiply by three.
tripleEnglishverbTo get a three-base hit.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
tripleEnglishverbTo become three times as large.
tripleEnglishverbTo serve or operate as (something), in addition to two other functions.
trustisLatinnounantrustion, royal retainersMedieval-Latin declension-3 feminine
trustisLatinnounmilitary campaignMedieval-Latin declension-3 feminine
trustisLatinnounmilitary serviceMedieval-Latin declension-3 feminine
trustisLatinnounan armed escortMedieval-Latin declension-3 feminine
trzebulaPolishnounAnthriscus gen. et spp.feminine
trzebulaPolishnounScandix spp.feminine
trzebulaPolishnounMyrrhis spp.feminine
tugonTagalognounreply; response
tugonTagalognounsolution; answer
tugonTagalognounact of answering (a letter, question, argument, etc.)
tugonTagalognounrebuttal; defenselaw
tuntongTagalognounstepping; treading (on something)
tuntongTagalognounsetting of one's feet (especially on a new land or territory)
tuntongTagalognounreaching on a certain year (as of one's age)figuratively
tuntongTagalognounpot cover
turtãAromaniannouna kind of cakefeminine
turtãAromaniannouna kind of bread, especially a type of pita breadfeminine
twineEnglishnounA twist; a convolution.countable uncountable
twineEnglishnounA strong thread composed of two or three smaller threads or strands twisted together, and used for various purposes, as for binding small parcels, making nets, and the like; a small cord or string.countable uncountable
twineEnglishnounThe act of twining or winding round.countable uncountable
twineEnglishnounIntimate and suggestive dance gyrations.countable uncountable
twineEnglishverbTo weave together.transitive
twineEnglishverbTo wind, as one thread around another, or as any flexible substance around another body.transitive
twineEnglishverbTo wind about; to embrace; to entwine.transitive
twineEnglishverbTo mutually twist together; to become mutually involved; to intertwine.intransitive
twineEnglishverbTo wind; to bend; to make turns; to meander.intransitive
twineEnglishverbTo ascend in spiral lines about a support; to climb spirally.intransitive
twineEnglishverbTo turn round; to revolve.obsolete
twineEnglishverbTo change the direction of.obsolete
twineEnglishverbTo mingle; to mix.obsolete
twineEnglishverbAlternative form of twin (“to separate”)alt-of alternative
uglyEnglishadjDispleasing to the eye; aesthetically unpleasing.
uglyEnglishadjDispleasing to the ear or some other sense.
uglyEnglishadjOffensive to one's sensibilities or morality.
uglyEnglishadjIll-natured; crossgrained; quarrelsome.Southern-US
uglyEnglishadjUnpleasant; disagreeable; likely to cause trouble or loss.
uglyEnglishnounUgliness.slang uncountable
uglyEnglishnounAn ugly person or thing.countable slang uncountable
uglyEnglishnounAny product whose size and shape prevents it from fitting neatly on a pallet.countable informal uncountable
uglyEnglishnounA shade for the face, projecting from a bonnet.UK countable dated informal uncountable
uglyEnglishverbTo make ugly (sometimes with up).nonstandard transitive
un picRomanianadva bit, a littleadjective adverb informal
un picRomaniannouna bit ofinformal
unirPortugueseverbto bind; to connecttransitive
unirPortugueseverbto unite (come or bring together as one)intransitive transitive
unitEnglishnounOneness, singularity, seen as a component of a whole number; a magnitude of one.mathematics sciences
unitEnglishnounA standard measure of a quantity.sciences
unitEnglishnounThe number one.
unitEnglishnounEllipsis of international unit.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
unitEnglishnounAn organized group comprising people and/or equipment.
unitEnglishnounA member of a military organization.government military politics warinformal
unitEnglishnounAn item which may be sold commerce
unitEnglishnounAny piece of equipment, such as an appliance, power tool, stereo system, computer, tractor, or machinery.Australia New-Zealand UK US
unitEnglishnouna measure of housing equivalent to the living quarters of one household; an apartment where a group of apartments is contained in one or more multi-storied buildings or a group of dwellings is in one or more single storey buildings, usually arranged around a driveway.Australia New-Zealand US
unitEnglishnounA quantity of approximately 517 milliliters (1.1 U.S. pints) of blood.medicine sciences
unitEnglishnounAny military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority, such as a table of organization and equipment; specifically, part of an organization.government military politics warUS
unitEnglishnounAn organization title of a subdivision of a group in a task force.government military politics warUS
unitEnglishnounA standard or basic quantity into which an item of supply is divided, issued, or detailed. In this meaning, also called unit of issue.government military politics warUS
unitEnglishnounWith regard to Reserve Components of the Armed Forces, denotes a Selected Reserve unit organized, equipped, and trained for mobilization to serve on active duty as a unit or to augment or be augmented by another unit. Headquarters and support functions without wartime missions are not considered units.government military politics warUS
unitEnglishnounThe identity element, neutral element.algebra mathematics sciences
unitEnglishnounAn element having an inverse, an invertible element; an associate of the unity.algebra mathematics sciences
unitEnglishnounIn an adjunction, a natural transformation from the identity functor of the domain of the left adjoint functor to the composition of the right adjoint functor with the left adjoint functor.category-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
unitEnglishnounA volume of rock or ice of identifiable origin and age range that is defined by the distinctive and dominant, easily mapped and recognizable petrographic, lithologic or paleontologic features (facies) that characterize it.geography geology natural-sciences
unitEnglishnounA unit of alcohol.UK
unitEnglishnounOne kilowatt-hour (as recorded on an electricity meter).business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsUK
unitEnglishnounA gold coin of the reign of James I, worth twenty shillings.historical
unitEnglishnounA work unit.
unitEnglishnounA physically large person.Australia UK slang
unitEnglishnounA penis, especially a large one.US slang vulgar
unitEnglishadjFor each unit.not-comparable
unitEnglishadjHaving a size or magnitude of one.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
urdimbreSpanishnounwarp (of the weave)feminine
usliTagalognounprotrusion; sticking out; poking out (from a hole, socket, etc.)
usliTagalognounpart that is protruding or sticking out
usliTagalognouncondition of having a part jutting out
usliTagalogadjprotruding; having a part that is sticking out
utgangNorwegian Bokmålnounexit, way out (to be used by pedestrians).masculine
utgangNorwegian Bokmålnounend, conclusionmasculine
utgangNorwegian BokmålnounA move which causes the player to finish, e.g. by passing a certain amount of points.card-games gamesmasculine
uungumaniaKikuyunounmachination, underhand tacticsclass-14
uungumaniaKikuyunounrobbery by guileclass-14
uwdWelshnounporridge, oatmealmasculine uncountable usually
uwdWelshnounpottagemasculine uncountable usually
uwdWelshnounpap, pulpmasculine uncountable usually
uyokBikol Centralnounpretension
uyokBikol Centralnounlie; fib; falsehood
vacuum packEnglishverbTo pack something in an airtight container from which some or all of the air is removed, creating a partial vacuum.
vacuum packEnglishnounAn airtight container in which something has been vacuum packed.
vacuum packEnglishnounA device which becomes rigid when suction is applied to it, used to pack a wound.
valeMiddle Englishnounvalley (depression between hills)
valeMiddle Englishnounbattlefield (place of battle)
valeMiddle Englishnoun(A place of) hardship.figuratively
valeMiddle EnglishnounAn indentation or depression.rare
valeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of valenalt-of alternative
valley girlEnglishnounA girl or young woman from San Fernando Valley, especially when stereotyped as superficial and material.US slang
valley girlEnglishnounAny girl perceived to act or speak like a stereotypical valley girl.broadly derogatory often
valovoimainenFinnishadjillustrious, charismaticidiomatic
vanRomanianadjvainmasculine neuter
vanRomanianadjfutilemasculine neuter
vanRomanianadjidlemasculine neuter
vanRomanianadjfruitlessmasculine neuter
vanRomanianadjvaingloriousmasculine neuter
verDutchadvby farobsolete
verDutchadjfar, distant
vilistäFinnishverbto bustle, to teemintransitive
vilistäFinnishverbto go past in a blur, zoom past (due to speed)
vilkasFinnishadjlively, vivacious, perky (of a living thing)
vilkasFinnishadjvivid (imagination)
vilkasFinnishadjquick, fast
vilkasFinnishadjbusy, heavy (traffic)
vinsjetNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of vinsje: / simple pastform-of past
vinsjetNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of vinsje: / past participleform-of participle past
vispiläFinnishnounwhisk, eggwhisk
vispiläFinnishnounbrush (instrument, resembling a brush, used to produce a soft sound from drums or cymbals)entertainment lifestyle music
volerciItalianverbto take; to be needed; to be requiredpronominal third-person
volerciItalianverbto be adequate, appropriate, or rightpronominal third-person
välistävetoFinnishnouna type of move in which the dog runs between two hurdles in a line to the side the handler is on
vältaSwedishadjinflection of vält: ## definite singular ## plural / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
vältaSwedishadjinflection of vält: ## definite singular ## plural / pluralform-of plural
vältaSwedishnouna pile or stack of felled treescommon-gender
vältaSwedishverbto tip over, to fall over, to fell
vältaSwedishverbto flatten, using a roller (road roller or agricultural roller)
végződikHungarianverbto end (with something -val/-vel)intransitive
végződikHungarianverbto end (in something -ra/-re)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesintransitive
wach'iQuechuanounarrow, spear
wach'iQuechuanounsting, prick, thorn
wach'iQuechuanounray, vector
warnaIndonesiannounsocial class or levelarchaic
warnaIndonesiannounSynonym of corakarchaic
warnaIndonesiannounSynonym of ragamarchaic
wasterEnglishnounSomeone or something that wastes; someone who squanders or spends extravagantly.
wasterEnglishnounAn imperfection in the wick of a candle, causing it to waste.dialectal
wasterEnglishnounA destroyer or plunderer.obsolete
wasterEnglishnounAn item that is spoiled during its manufacture.
wasterEnglishnounA kind of cudgel; also, a blunt-edged sword used as a foil.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warobsolete
wasterEnglishnounA leister; a spear for catching fish.Scotland obsolete
water gateEnglishnounA gate, or valve, by which a flow of water is permitted, prevented, or regulated.
water gateEnglishnounAlternative form of watergate (“gate opening onto water, or only or mainly accessible by water”).alt-of alternative
water gateEnglishnounA vulva or vagina.obsolete slang
water hyssopEnglishnounAny of the genus Bacopa of aquatic plants, especially
water hyssopEnglishnounAny of the genus Bacopa of aquatic plants, especially / Bacopa monnieri
welschGermanadjof the Romance-speaking areas and population of SwitzerlandSwitzerland not-comparable relational
welschGermanadjRomance (of the Romance languages and their speakers in general, particularly French and Italians)dated derogatory not-comparable relational sometimes
welschGermanadjforeign, not nativearchaic not-comparable
welschGermanadjof non-Germanic words in German; so used by purists of the 19th and early 20th centuryarchaic derogatory not-comparable
welschGermanadjof Wales; Welsh (of the country of Wales or the Welsh language)not-comparable obsolete relational
wenonOld Saxonverbto lament
wenonOld Saxonverbto grieve
wetherEnglishnounA castrated goat.
wetherEnglishnounA castrated ram.
wetherEnglishverbTo castrate a male sheep or goat.transitive
wetherEnglishnounArchaic spelling of weather.alt-of archaic
wodzićPolishverbto lead, conductimperfective indeterminate transitive
wodzićPolishverbto work out, to do wellimperfective indeterminate reflexive
wodzićPolishverbto pan out, to goimperfective indeterminate reflexive
woltPolishnounvolt (unit of measure)inanimate masculine
woltPolishnoungenitive plural of woltafeminine form-of genitive plural
wyjmowaćPolishverbto take (sth) out (of something)imperfective transitive
wyjmowaćPolishverbto be mobileimperfective reflexive
wywózPolishnoundisposal, disposureautomotive transport vehiclesinanimate masculine
wywózPolishnounexport (act of exporting)automotive transport vehiclesinanimate masculine
yankerEnglishnounSomeone who yanks, or gives a sudden hard pull
yankerEnglishnounA brazen lieScotland
yankerEnglishnounSomeone who pranks someone, who yanks chains, such as with crank calls.
yikʼaashNavajoverbhe/she is whetting it (knife, axe)
yikʼaashNavajoverbhe/she is grinding it finely (grains, minerals)
yikʼaashNavajoverbhe/she is singing in falsetto voice
yéyéFrenchnounyé-yé (music genre of the early 1960s)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine uncountable
yéyéFrenchnounyé-yé singer or fanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
zamawiaćOld Polishverbto promise that something will be doneimperfective reflexive
zamawiaćOld Polishverbto deny, to say that something will not be doneimperfective reflexive
zamawiaćOld Polishverbto agree, to arrange, to set upimperfective reflexive
zredukowaćPolishverbto cut back, to diminish, to reduce (bring down the size, quantity, quality, value or intensity)perfective transitive
zredukowaćPolishverbto make redundant, to lay off (dismiss workers from employment)perfective transitive
zredukowaćPolishverbto reduce (remove oxygen)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesperfective transitive
zredukowaćPolishverbto become reducedperfective reflexive
zugänglichGermanadjaccessible, open, able to be factually or legally reached or accessed
zugänglichGermanadjamenable, openfiguratively
zéroFrenchnounzero, nought, oh (in reading numbers)masculine
zéroFrenchnounzero, noughtmasculine
zéroFrenchnouna zero, a person of very poor valuecolloquial masculine
ütHungarianverbto hit, strike, beat, knock, slap, smacktransitive
ütHungarianverbto take after (after someone: -ra/-re)intransitive
āruhatiPaliverbto ascend, climb, to go up, to go onconjugation-1
āruhatiPaliadjmasculine/neuter locative singular of āruhant, present active participle of the verb aboveform-of locative masculine neuter singular
ćutitiSerbo-Croatianverbto feel (become aware of through the skin; to use the sense of touch)perfective transitive
ćutitiSerbo-Croatianverbto feel, sense (have a sensation of something without the use of touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste)perfective transitive
ćutitiSerbo-Croatianverbto feel (experience the consequences of)perfective transitive
ćutitiSerbo-Croatianverbto feel (to have a special feeling or a reaction upon stimulus)perfective transitive
ćutitiSerbo-Croatianverbto feel, know (think, believe, or have an impression concerning)intransitive perfective
ćutitiSerbo-Croatianverbto feel, be feeling (be in a state of mind or a condition)perfective reflexive
čmuchatCzechverbto sniffimperfective
čmuchatCzechverbto sniff around, to nose aroundimperfective
đồng hồVietnamesenouna clock or watch
đồng hồVietnamesenouna meter (device for measuring water, electricity, etc. consumption or kilometers that have been traveled)
štekatiSerbo-Croatianverbto plug inregional
štekatiSerbo-Croatianverbto lagregional
štekatiSerbo-Croatianverbto malfunctionregional
żbroffaMalteseverbto erupt
żbroffaMalteseverbto begin to disintegrate
živýCzechadjalive, living
živýCzechadjlively, vivid, vivacious, animated
ʼáh tsʼíídNavajophraseit’s okay, it’s all right
ʼáh tsʼíídNavajophraseit’s better
ΟλλανδήGreeknounDutchwoman (a female person from the Netherlands or of Dutch ethnicity).
ΟλλανδήGreeknounNetherlander, Hollander
αποναρκώνωGreekverbto stupefy, make drowsy
αποναρκώνωGreekverbto beguile, reassure, put someone's mind at rest (dishonestly)figuratively
αφότουGreekconjsince (from the time that)
γίγανταςGreeknoungiant (mythical anthropomorphic creature of great size) written with initial capital Γίγαντας (Gígantas)
γίγανταςGreeknoungiant (large person or organisation)
γίγανταςGreeknoungiant starastronomy natural-sciences
γρυνόςAncient Greeknounfaggot, bundle of sticks
γρυνόςAncient Greeknountorch, firebrand
ενδοσκόπησηGreeknounendoscopymedicine sciences
εξοχικόςGreekadjrural, country, in the countryside
εξοχικόςGreekadjen papillote, cooked in foil, paper, etccooking food lifestyle
κακόGreeknounpoo, poop, poopies (excrement, faeces)colloquial
κακόGreekadjAccusative masculine singular form of κακός (kakós).accusative form-of masculine singular
κακόGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter singular form of κακός (kakós).
κασίγνητοςAncient Greeknounbrothermasculine
κασίγνητοςAncient Greeknounsisterfeminine
κολοφώνAncient Greeknouna summit, top, finishing
κολοφώνAncient Greeknouna type of playing ball
κολοφώνAncient Greeknounjackdaw, daw, grackle
κολοφώνAncient Greeknouna type of sea fish
λιπαίνωGreekverbto lubricate, oil
λιπαίνωGreekverbto manure
μίγνυμιAncient Greekverbto mix, mix up, mingleactive
μίγνυμιAncient Greekverbto join, bring together / to join battle hand to handactive
μίγνυμιAncient Greekverbto join, bring together / to bring into connection with, to make acquaintedactive
μίγνυμιAncient Greekverbto be mixed up with, mingled among / to be brought into contact with
μίγνυμιAncient Greekverbto be mixed up with, mingled among / to mix in fight
μίγνυμιAncient Greekverbto be mixed up with, mingled among / to have sex with
μνόοςAncient Greeknounfine, soft down, as of young birds
μνόοςAncient Greeknounsweetmeat, confection
οδοντοστοιχίαGreeknoundentures, false teethdentistry medicine sciences
οδοντοστοιχίαGreeknoundentitiondentistry medicine sciences
ούτεGreekconjneither, nor
ούτεGreekconjneither … nor
ούτεGreekconjnor even, not even
παρασκευάζωGreekverbto prepare
παρασκευάζωGreekverbto make, concoct
παρασκευάζωGreekverbto cook
ρίχνωGreekverbto drop (anchor)
ρίχνωGreekverbto drop, lower (price)
ρίχνωGreekverbto shed (a load)
ρίχνωGreekverbto throw
ρίχνωGreekverbto knock over
ρίχνωGreekverbto shoot down
ρίχνωGreekverbto sprinkle, strew
ρίχνωGreekverbto make a pass (at)
σκιάGreeknounshadow, shade / dark area cast by light sourcefiguratively
σκιάGreeknounshadow, shade / black areafiguratively
σκιάGreeknounshadow, shade / follower, person following another, tailfiguratively
σκιάGreeknounshadow, shade / shadow effects (in typography, etc)figuratively
σκιάGreeknounshadow, shade / faded, weakened personfiguratively
σκιάGreeknounsecret gay life, double lifeKaliarda
φοιτάωAncient GreekverbIndicates repeated motion / to go back and forth, to and fro, up and down; to roamintransitive
φοιτάωAncient GreekverbIndicates repeated motion / to go to or visit (a person or place) repeatedly or regularly, frequentintransitive
φοιτάωAncient GreekverbIndicates repeated motion / to come in regularly, be importedintransitive
φοιτάωAncient GreekverbIndicates repeated motion / to go to or attend schoolintransitive
φοιτάωAncient GreekverbIndicates repeated motion / to be collected, come inintransitive
φοιτάωAncient GreekverbIndicates repeated motion / to go into a personintransitive
χρώςAncient Greeknounskin, flesh
χρώςAncient Greeknouncomplexion
χρώςAncient Greeknouncolor
апокаліпсисUkrainiannounApocalypse, Apocalypse of John, Book of Revelation, Revelation (last book of the Bible, composed of twenty-two chapters, which narrates the end of times)biblical lifestyle religioncapitalized
апокаліпсисUkrainiannounapocalypse (a disaster; a cataclysmic event; destruction or ruin)broadly
бэлиэтээYakutverbto mark, to note, to recordtransitive
бэлиэтээYakutverbto pay attention (compare English mark my words)transitive
бэлиэтээYakutverbto celebratetransitive
ввязыватьRussianverbto knit in
ввязыватьRussianverbto mix up, to draw incolloquial
внизуUkrainianadvbelow, beneath, underneath, down (in a lower place)
внизуUkrainianadvdownstairs (located downstairs)
волнарMacedoniannounwool merchant
волнарMacedoniannounperson who processes wool
выпучитьRussianverbto make bulge out, to make a bulge (in)
выпучитьRussianverbto thrust out
гръдBulgariannouna woman's breasts, bosomuncountable
гръдBulgariannounchest, thorax, bosom (the part of the mammalian body between the neck and the abdomen)uncountable
дагъоAdyghenounlack, deficiency, deficit, shortage
дагъоAdyghenoundefect, drawback, flaw
доводитьсяRussianverbto have an occasion (to), to happen (to)
доводитьсяRussianverbto be related toimperfective
доводитьсяRussianverbpassive of доводи́ть (dovodítʹ)form-of passive
дыркаRussiannoundiminutive of дыра́ (dyrá): small, often inaccurately made holediminutive form-of
дыркаRussiannounvagina, pussyvulgar
житьRussianverbto live
житьRussianverbto reside
заедатьRussianverbto jam, to stick (e.g. of equipment or zippers) (also impersonal)
заедатьRussianverbto eat after a drink of alcohol or medicine
заедатьRussianverbto kill by eating to death
заедатьRussianverbto tormentfiguratively
заказиватиSerbo-Croatianverbto schedule, call or arrange (meeting, conference or an event at a certain place and time)transitive
заказиватиSerbo-Croatianverbto fail (expectations, at work etc.), betray trustintransitive
заказиватиSerbo-Croatianverbto malfunction (fail or stop working)intransitive
заєцьUkrainiannounfare dodger, fare evadercolloquial
зеленетьRussianverbto become, turn green
зеленетьRussianverbto show green
ирYakutverb(of ice, meat, etc.) to thawintransitive
ирYakutverbto warm upintransitive
конгломератRussiannounconglomerate (a cluster of heterogeneous things)
конгломератRussiannounconglomerate (corporation formed by the combination of several smaller corporations)business
конгломератRussiannounconglomerate (rock consisting of gravel or pebbles embedded in a matrix)geography geology natural-sciences
культураRussiannounculturebiology microbiology natural-sciences
культураRussiannounculture, cultivationbiology botany natural-sciences
куотYakutverb(with abl.) to flee, to run or shy away (from)intransitive
куотYakutverbto advance, to overtake, to distill
куотYakutverbto be taller than
къэшӏэжынAdygheverbto remember
къэшӏэжынAdygheverbto recognize
лисицаRussiannounfox (Vulpes vulpes)
лисицаRussiannounvixen (female fox)
мотатьсяRussianverbto danglecolloquial
мотатьсяRussianverbto fuss/rush aboutcolloquial
мотатьсяRussianverbidiomatic: / idiomatic
мотатьсяRussianverbto go frequently, to make frequent trips/visits (to a place)colloquial
мотатьсяRussianverbpassive of мота́ть (motátʹ)form-of passive
мышиныйRussianadjmouse, murineno-comparative relational
мышиныйRussianadjmouse-gray (color/colour)no-comparative
мүддеKazakhnouninterest (the advantage or benefit of a person or group)
мүддеKazakhnounwish, desire, target
найважливішомуUkrainianadjinflection of найважли́ві́ший (najvažlývíšyj): ## masculine/neuter dative singular ## masculine/neuter locative singular / masculine/neuter dative singulardative form-of masculine neuter singular
найважливішомуUkrainianadjinflection of найважли́ві́ший (najvažlývíšyj): ## masculine/neuter dative singular ## masculine/neuter locative singular / masculine/neuter locative singularform-of locative masculine neuter singular
наполнительRussiannounfiller, filling (substance)intransitive
наполнительRussiannounfiller, filling machineintransitive
наполнительRussiannounperson who fillsanimate
несвідомоUkrainianadvunknowingly, unwittingly
обивательUkrainiannounaverage citizen, average man, common man, everyman, layman, man in the streetcolloquial
обивательUkrainiannounnarrow-minded person, philistine
обивательUkrainiannounlandownerUkraine Western
обидаBulgariannounoffence, insult, slander (scornful remark or attitude)
обидаBulgariannounfeeling of resentment, indignation (from being insulted)
обидаBulgarianverbto visit around, to come by, to circumferdialectal transitive
обидаBulgarianverbto come across, to stumble upon, to encounter (while going around)broadly dialectal
обігUkrainiannouncirculation (act of passing around in free diffusion, especially for use)uncountable
обігUkrainiannouncirculation, turnover (extent to which goods, money or financial instruments circulate)business economics finance sciencesuncountable
орлёнокRussiannouneaglet (an eagle chick)
орлёнокRussiannouna member of a Soviet pioneer camp Орлёнок (or it's modern equivalent) or a boy who is acting like one
орлёнокRussiannouna teenager who was fighting on the Red side during the Civil War in Russia, Belarussia and Ukraine (1917-24)historical
орлёнокRussiannouna teenager who took part in the defence of Lemberg fighting on the Polish side during the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918-19)historical
орнKalmyknouncountry, land
писатьRussianverbto write
писатьRussianverbto paint (a painting)literary
писатьRussianverbto urinate, to pee, to piss
плиннийUkrainianadjunstable, everchanging
плиннийUkrainianadjflowing, running, runny, liquid
плиннийUkrainianadjflowing, fluent (language, music)
поднетиSerbo-Croatianverbto bear, endure, stand (pain, sacrifice, expenses etc.)transitive
поднетиSerbo-Croatianverbto tolerate, put up withtransitive
поднетиSerbo-Croatianverbto submit, lodge, present (proposal, report, resignation, charges, complaint etc.)transitive
ползтиRussianverbto creep, to crawl
ползтиRussianverbto move slowly
ползтиRussianverbto spread (of rumours)
ползтиRussianverbto fray, to ravel out (of fabric)
ползтиRussianverbto slip, to collapse (of soil)
поливамBulgarianverbto water (pour water on something)
поливамBulgarianverbto wash (to wash someone with water)
почивамBulgarianverbnot to work, to rest, to take a breakintransitive
почивамBulgarianverbto die, to pass awayfiguratively intransitive
почивамBulgarianverbto relax, to have a rest, to take a restreflexive
прерывистыйRussianadjbroken (line)
пуститиSerbo-Croatianverbto let, let go, releasetransitive
пуститиSerbo-Croatianverbto let, allow, permittransitive
пуститиSerbo-Croatianverbto leaktransitive
пуститиSerbo-Croatianverbto play (a recording, i.e. film or music)transitive
совещаниеRussiannounconference, meeting (gathering among business people to discuss their business)
составлятьRussianverbto constitute, to make up, to form
составлятьRussianverbto compose, to construct, to draw up, to prepare
составлятьRussianverbto stack (to place objects on top of each other to form a stack)
составлятьRussianverbto transfer, to place (to move things from one place to another)
творогRussiannounquark, cottage cheese, tvorog
творогRussiannounsmegma, dickcheeseuncommon vulgar
теневойRussianadjshady (seamy, questionable)figuratively
тлумачыцьBelarusianverbto interpret, to construe
тлумачыцьBelarusianverbto explain, to explicate
тьхуUkrainianintjMimics the sound of spitting.
тьхуUkrainianintjfie!; for shame!; nuts!; damn it!, dammit! (expresses strong disgust or disappointment)
увеличиватьRussianverbto enlarge, to increase
увеличиватьRussianverbto magnify
усохнутьRussianverbto shrivel, to wither, becoming hard
усохнутьRussianverbto dry up
усохнутьRussianverbto shrink (as a result of drying)intransitive
усохнутьRussianverbto shrivel up (from old age)
царевицаBulgariannounmaize (Zea mays), corn (in the sense of maize)uncountable
царевицаBulgariannounan ear of corn, especially sweet corncountable
чудовиськоUkrainiannounmonster, monstrous animal
чудовиськоUkrainiannounmonster (huge animal)figuratively
чудовиськоUkrainiannounmonster, monstrous personpersonal
чудовиськоUkrainiannounmonster (huge person)figuratively personal
юряBulgarianverbto charge, to raiddialectal transitive
юряBulgarianverbto urge, to harass, to pesterdialectal figuratively transitive
юряBulgarianverbto bolt, to rush awaydialectal reflexive
արջOld Armeniannounbear
արջOld ArmeniannounUrsaastronomy natural-sciences
արջOld Armeniannouncarpenter's tool used in smoothing surfaces
ունչOld Armeniannounnose; nostril
ունչOld Armeniannounmoustache
אותHebrewnouna sign, an omen
אותHebrewnouna signal, a cue
אותHebrewnounletter (symbol)
באָרדYiddishnounchinanatomy medicine sciences
זאַלבYiddishverbinflection of זאַלבן (zalbn): / first-person singularfirst-person form-of singular
זאַלבYiddishverbinflection of זאַלבן (zalbn): / imperative singularform-of imperative singular
ליאָדעYiddishnounicy confectiondialectal
ליאָדעYiddishnounice cream, sherbetsdialectal in-plural
מאַנדלברויטYiddishnounmandelbrot (a sort of cookie-like hard, sweet bread usually containing almonds traditionally eaten by Ashkenazi Jews and often dipped in tea)
מאַנדלברויטYiddishnounalmond bread
פֿוסYiddishnounfootanatomy medicine sciences
פֿוסYiddishnounleganatomy medicine sciences
פֿוסYiddishnoun(with plural פֿוס (fus)) foot (unit of measurement) / foot (unit of measurement)
קרעאָלYiddishnouncreole languagehuman-sciences linguistics sciences
רוחHebrewnounWind, a wind: (a) movement of atmospheric air.
רוחHebrewnounAir, atmosphere.
רוחHebrewnounA direction, a cardinal direction: any of north, south, east, or west.
רוחHebrewnounA person's spirit, soul.
רוחHebrewnounA person's spirit, mind: his or her desires, emotions, personality, and so on, taken collectively.
רוחHebrewnounThe spirit of something: its core, its essence, its purpose.
רוחHebrewnounThe spirit of something: its manner or style.
רוחHebrewnounA spirit, a ghost: a supernatural creature.
רוחHebrewnoundefective spelling of רווחalt-of misspelling
שנה טובהHebrewphraseHappy New Year; a common greeting on and around Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
שנה טובהHebrewnouna greeting card for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
שנתאAramaicnounteethanatomy medicine sciences
שנתאAramaicnountusks, ivory
اشکوبPersiannounlevel or storey of a structurearchaic
بالیوسOttoman Turkishnountitle of the Venetian ambassador to the Sublime Porte
بالیوسOttoman Turkishnountitle of any European envoy
دارندهPersianverbpresent participle of داشتنform-of participle present
دارندهPersiannouna rich person
دارندهPersianadjhaving, possessing
دارندهPersianadjrich, wealthy
طوپراقOttoman Turkishnounearth, soil, humus
طوپراقOttoman Turkishnounland
طوپراقOttoman Turkishnouncountry, territory
عبدArabicnouna person who is under the ownership of another, a slave, a bondservant
عبدArabicnouna person who is under the ownership of another, a slave, a bondservant / someone resembling, likened to, or related to a slave (as in status, worth, condition, and so on)
عبدArabicnounnigger, term of abuse for a black personcolloquial ethnic offensive slur vulgar
عبدArabicverbto worship, to serve, to be devoted to; to venerate or adore in a subservient manner
عبدArabicverbto enslave, to subjugate, to subject
مالزمOttoman Turkishnounnecessities
مالزمOttoman Turkishnounsupplies, provisions
متجرArabicnoundepartment store
ܐܘܫܥܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicintjhosanna (cry of praise or adoration to God in liturgical use among Jews and Christians)
ܐܘܫܥܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounhosanna
ܐܘܫܥܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpalm or olive branch
ܐܘܫܥܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea male given name
ܐܘܫܥܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea surname transferred from the given name
ܕܕܝܫܘܥAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamethe name of several authors and saints of the Church of the East
ܕܕܝܫܘܥAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea male given name
ܕܕܝܫܘܥAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea surname transferred from the given name
ܡܟܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountax (specifically excise tax or sales tax)
ܡܟܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounimpost, tribute, toll
ܡܟܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncustoms
ܡܟܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounauction
ܡܟܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncustom house officer, tax collector, publican
ܡܟܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbto cover, conceal [with ܠ- (l-) ‘to’] / to cover, concealtransitive
ܡܟܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbto cover (an event, an occasion, a happening, etc.), to describe, to report [with ܥܲܠ (ˁal) ‘upon’] / to cover (an event, an occasion, a happening, etc.), to describe, to report
ܨܦܬܐClassical Syriacnouncare
ܨܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounconcern, anxiety, worry, solicitude
ܨܦܬܐClassical Syriacnountype of inn
ܨܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounmat, matting
ܨܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounstone, setting (of a ring)
ܨܦܬܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative form of ܨܒܬܐalt-of alternative
अङ्गुलीPalinounDevanagari script form of aṅgulī, which is inflection of अङ्गुलि: ## nominative singular ## nominative/vocative/accusative plural (aṅguli, “finger”) / Devanagari script form of aṅgulī, which is inflection of अङ्गुलिDevanagari alt-of
अङ्गुलीPalinounDevanagari script form of aṅgulī, which is inflection of अङ्गुलि: ## nominative singular ## nominative/vocative/accusative plural (aṅguli, “finger”) / nominative singularnominative singular
अङ्गुलीPalinounDevanagari script form of aṅgulī, which is inflection of अङ्गुलि: ## nominative singular ## nominative/vocative/accusative plural (aṅguli, “finger”) / nominative/vocative/accusative plural (aṅguli, “finger”)
अम्बाPalinounDevanagari script form of ambā (“mummy”)Devanagari alt-of feminine
अम्बाPalinounDevanagari script form of ambā, which is ablative singular of अम्ब (amba, “mango”)Devanagari alt-of
अम्बाPalinounDevanagari script form of ambā, which is nominative/vocative plural of अम्ब (amba, “mango tree”)Devanagari alt-of
आहारHindinounsustenance, victuals; food and drink
आहारHindinounconsumption, nourishment
उग्रHindiadjfrightening, scaryindeclinable
उग्रHindiadjinsurgent, extremeindeclinable
उग्रHindiadjradicalgovernment politicsindeclinable
गोलMarathiadjround, circular
गोलMarathiadjcylindrical, sphericalgeometry mathematics sciences
गोलMarathinounspheregeometry mathematics sciences
चंदHindinamea surname from Sanskrit, equivalent to English Chand
तबीयतHindinounstate, condition
तबीयतHindinounhealth (physical or mental)
ताड़नाHindiverbto beat, punishtransitive
ताड़नाHindiverbto scoldtransitive
ताड़नाHindiverbto perceive, understandtransitive
ताड़नाHindiverbto become aware of, guess, deducetransitive
ताड़नाHindiverbto look into, examine (a matter).transitive
ध्वान्तSanskritnounnight, darkness
ध्वान्तSanskritadjcovered, veiled
पर्शुSanskritnouna rib
पर्शुSanskritnouncurved knife, sickle
पर्शुSanskritnounname of a man
पर्शुSanskritnounname of a warrior-tribein-plural
पर्शुSanskritnounthe supporting or side wall of a well
पर्शुSanskritnounname of a woman
मिळणेMarathiverbto be availableintransitive
मिळणेMarathiverbto be obtained, receivedintransitive
मिळणेMarathiverbto get, to be found
मिळणेMarathiverbto joinfiguratively transitive
रीतिSanskritnounmotion, course (RV)
रीतिSanskritnounstream, current (RV)
रीतिSanskritnounline, row, course of things
रीतिSanskritnounusage, custom, rite, practice, ritual, manner, method, way, etiquette, behaviours (Kavya)
रीतिSanskritnounliterary style, diction, manner of speaking
रीतिSanskritnounyellow or pale brass, bell-metal
षष्ठीNepalinounThe sixth day of the Hindu Lunar Calendar
सहनHindinountoleration, endurance
অগন্তব্যBengaliadja place where one should not go, a prohibited area, out-of-bounds
অগন্তব্যBengaliadjinaccessible place
আপকাওয়াস্তেBengaliadvfor your own self
আপকাওয়াস্তেBengaliadvfor one’s own self
আপকাওয়াস্তেBengaliadjflattering; adulatory
আপকাওয়াস্তেBengaliadjself-seeking; selfish
গেৰেলাAssamesenounhog badger
গেৰেলাAssamesenounpotbellied (person)
জরুরিBengaliadjnecessary, urgent
জরুরিBengaliadjimportant, essential
ਬਾਕੀPunjabiadjremaining, residual
ਬਾਕੀPunjabinounremnant, remainder
ਬਾਕੀPunjabinounbalance, arrearsbusiness finance
కౌంతేయుడుTelugunounA son of Kunti; matronymic of Pandavas.
కౌంతేయుడుTelugunameEpithet of Yudhishthira, Bhima and Arjuna.
పడుకొనుTeluguverbto go to bed
పడుకొనుTeluguverbto lie down, recline
ชาวบ้านThainounother people; people other than the speaker.colloquial
ชาวบ้านThainoungeneral people; people in general.colloquial
ชาวบ้านThainounperson uneducated, socially awkward, or lacking social grace.colloquial derogatory
หีThainounanus (of a man).LGBT lifestyle sexuality
เมือThaiverbto go; to come.archaic
เมือThaiverbto go back; to come back; to return.dialectal
เมือThaiadvused to indicate motion towards or away from the speaker's direction.archaic
ရွာBurmeseverbto fall (of rain)
သူBurmesepronhe or she (gender-neutral third person pronoun)
ლადირიMingrelianadjdamp, sodden, moist
ლადირიMingrelianadjfresh, raw
საქმეGeorgiannounmatter, case
ხმაGeorgiannounvoice, sound
ხმაGeorgiannounvoice, word, remark, opinion
ხმაGeorgiannounvotegovernment politics
ዐርክGe'eznounbest man
ዲበGe'ezprepto, on, for, imminent to, indicates direction, particularly movement over a thing
ዲበGe'ezprepon account of, for the sake of
ዲበGe'ezprepamongst, in addition to, on top of
សាខាKhmernounbranch (of tree)
សាខាKhmernounbranch, affiliate, offshoot (of a company)
សាខាKhmernoundivision, department, section
សាខាKhmernounphylumbiology natural-sciences taxonomy
ẹgbinYorubanoundirt, filth, refuseidiomatic
ẹgbinYorubanouncontempt, insult, humiliationidiomatic
ẹgbinYorubanounplant, crop, (especially) if it was originally plantedagriculture business horticulture lifestyle
ọbọYorubanouna plant used to ritually catch a witch, Erythrophleum suaveolens or Erythrophleum Ivoriensis
ọbọYorubanounTragia spp. (noseburns).
ἀνοκωχήAncient Greeknouna stay, cessation
ἀνοκωχήAncient Greeknounceasefire, truce
ἀνοκωχήAncient Greeknounhindrance
ἀποβαίνωAncient Greekverbto go away, depart, leave
ἀποβαίνωAncient Greekverbto alight (from a chariot)
ἀποβαίνωAncient Greekverbto disembark (from a ship)
ἀστράγαλοςAncient Greeknounone of the vertebrae, especially of the neck
ἀστράγαλοςAncient Greeknounthe ball of the ankle joint
ἀστράγαλοςAncient Greeknoundice, or a game played with themin-plural
ἀστράγαλοςAncient Greeknouna moulding in the capital of an Ionic column
ἀστράγαλοςAncient Greeknounblack bitter vetch (Lathyrus niger)
ἀστράγαλοςAncient Greeknouna measure used by physicians
ヒールJapanesenounShort for ハイヒール (hai hīru, “high heels”).abbreviation alt-of
ヒールJapanesenounSynonym of 踵 (kakato, “heel (part of the shoe)”)
ヒールJapanesenounbad guygovernment hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestling
ヒールJapanesenounskill, magic or spell purpose to heal anyonevideo-games
ヒールJapanesenounact to heal anyonevideo-games
ヒールJapaneseverbto healvideo-games
ポンチJapanesenounAlternative form of パンチ (“punch”)alt-of alternative
ポンチJapanesenouna punch (mechanism for punching holes in paper)
ポンチJapanesenounpunch (beverage)
丫鬟Chinesenounfork-shaped bun (of women)literally literary
丫鬟Chinesenounslave-girl; servant girl; maidservanthistorical
二月ChinesenounThe modern name for the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
ChinesecharacterI; meMandarin dialectal literary
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 昂 / to raise
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 昂 / high
Chinesecharactera surname
ChinesecharacterTo admire, or look up to (someone)
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 仰alt-of alternative
Chinesecharacterto stare blankly; to be in a dazeXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Chinesecharacterclumsy; awkward; sluggish (usually said in reduplication)Zhangzhou-Hokkien
厭世Chineseverbto be world-weary; to be pessimistic
厭世Chineseverbto be cynical
厭世Chineseverbto be misanthropic
厭世Chineseverbto go diehistorical
Chinesecharacterto turn over; to reverse
Chinesecharacterto return; to counter
Chinesecharacterto rebel; to revolt
Chinesecharacterto oppose
Chinesecharacterinstead; on the contrary
Chinesecharacterto infer; to generalize
Chinesecharacterto reflect (on one's actions)literary
Chinesecharacterto revengeobsolete
Chinesecharactertrans-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Chinesecharacterto leaf through; to scanMin Southern
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 返 (fǎn, “to return; to give back”)alt-of alternative
ChinesecharacterShort for 反革命 (fǎngémìng, “counterrevolutionary”).abbreviation alt-of
ChinesecharacterSynonym of 切 (qiè)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Chinesecharactera surname
Chinesecharacterto redress
Chinesecharacterto pour
ChinesecharacterShort for 反切 (fǎnqiè, “fanqie”).human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Chinesecharacterto flip over
ChinesecharacterUsed in 反反.
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 販/贩 (fàn)alt-of alternative
ChinesecharacterCantonese opera gongche notation for the note fa (4).entertainment lifestyle music
合眼Chineseverbto close one's eyes; to sleep
合眼Chineseverbto pass awayeuphemistic
Chinesecharacteran expression of surprise or sudden awareness
Chinesecharactersound of deer (Only used in 呦呦 (yōuyōu).)literary
喫茶Japanesenoundrinking tea
喫茶Japanesenountea house, tearoom
ChinesecharacterClassifier for metric ton.
ChinesecharacterClassifier for ton; tonne.
ChinesecharacterClassifier for registered ton.
多次Chineseadvrepeatedly; several
多次Chineseadvone more timeCantonese
多次Chinesenounmany times
JapanesecharacterfrequentlyHyōgai kanji
JapanesecharactertieHyōgai kanji
小間Japanesenouna small room; a narrow room
小間Japanesenouna small amount of free time, a short break
小間Japanesenouna tea ceremony room smaller than 4+¹⁄₂ tatami mats
小間Japanesenounspace between rafters; space between rafter and joistarchitecture
小間Japanesenounthe visible portion of a roof tilearchitecture
小間Japanesenouna unit of land area used to calculate a tax levied in Edo, equal to about 20 tsubo, or about 66 square metershistorical
小間Japanesenounsomething small, narrowuncommon
Chinesecharacterelegant; handsome
Chinesecharacterlearned; accomplished
悪魔Japanesenouna fiend, a demon, a devil
悪魔Japanesenouna fiend (very evil person)figuratively
悪魔Japanesenounthe Devilhuman-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
悪魔Japanesenouna mara, a demon seeking to prevent enlightenmentBuddhism lifestyle religion
手銃Chinesenounpistolengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryHakka Min Southern
手銃Chineseadjcrude and rashMin Southern
手銃Chineseadjnaughty; mischievous (usually said of a child)Taiwanese-Hokkien Xiamen Zhangzhou
手銃Chineseverbto seek to be in the limelightXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
手銃Chinesenounmasturbation (of a man)figuratively slang
手銃Chineseverbto jerk off; to masturbate (of a man)figuratively slang
打麻雀Chineseverbto play mahjongdialectal verb-object
打麻雀Chineseverbto shoot sparrowsliterally verb-object
挑剔Chineseadjnitpicky; captious
挑剔Chineseadjchoosy; fussy
挑剔Chineseverbto nitpick; to find fault
挑剔Chineseverbto be choosy; to be fussy
Chinesecharacterto give up; to abandon
Chinesecharacterto give alms
Chinesecharacterto leave; to part
掛麵Chinesenounhang-dried Chinese noodles
掛麵Chinesenoundish made from such noodles
昨晚Chinesenounlast night
枢軸Japanesenouncentre, core, heart
枢軸Japanesenounpolitical centre
死に神Japanesenouna god or spirit who leads humans toward their death
死に神JapanesenounDeathhuman-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
死に神Japanesenamethe Grim Reaper (personification of death)
死に神Japanesenamea rakugo loosely based on the opera Crispino e la comare and revolves around an impoverished man meeting a shinigami
汪汪Chineseadjmoist with tears; tearful
汪汪Chineseadjdeep and wideliterary
汪汪Chineseadvbow-wow; woof-woofonomatopoeic
汽車Chinesenounautomobile; motor vehicle; car (Classifier: 輛/辆 m; 臺/台 m; 架 c)
汽車Chinesenounbus; coach (Classifier: 輛/辆 m; 臺/台 m; 架 c)
Chinesecharacterfertile; rich; lush
Chinesecharacterto irrigate; to water; to soak
Chinesecharacterto drench; to soak; to wet through (by rain, water, etc.)Hokkien
ChinesecharacterA river in Shanxi
ChinesecharacterShort for 曲沃 (Qūwò).abbreviation alt-of
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 飫/饫 (yù)alt-of alternative
Chinesecharactera surname
法案Chinesenounbill; draft of a lawgovernment law
法案Chinesenounact of Congress (legislation by the United States Congress)government law
泱泱Chineseadjvast; broadliterary
泱泱Chineseadjmighty; great; impressivefiguratively literary
泱泱Chineseadjrising; surgingliterary
Japanesecharacterto overflowJinmeiyō kanji
Vietnamesecharacterchữ Hán form of phiêu (“to float; to bleach”).
VietnamesecharacterNôm form of xiêu (“to slant; to sag; to slope”).
灌輸Chineseverbto divert or redirect running water; to channel water to another place
灌輸Chineseverbto impart knowledge or a way of thinking; to instill; to inculcate; to teach
灌輸Chineseverbto imbue with
短訊Chinesenounshort news report
短訊Chinesenountext message; SMS (Classifier: 條/条 c)Hong-Kong Thailand
管子JapanesenameGuanzi (book)
紅葉Japanesenounthe turning (coloring) of leaves, especially in autumn
紅葉Japanesenounthe colored leaves themselves
紅葉Japanesenoun栬, 椛, 栴: Short for 以呂波紅葉 (iroha momiji): the Japanese maple, Acer palmatum
紅葉JapanesenounShort for 紅葉襲 (momiji-gasane): a style of layering garments with crimson on the front and blue (or dark red) on the backabbreviation alt-of
紅葉Japanesenounvenison, deer meatcolloquial
紅葉Japanesenouna 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”) with various designs of autumn leaves or the Japanese maple
紅葉Japanesenounthe suit of autumn leaves (or the Japanese maple) in a hanafuda deck, representing the month of Octobercard-games games
紅葉Japaneseverbto turn (change color), especially during autumn
紅葉Japanesenamea surname
紅葉Japanesenamea female given name
紅葉Japanesenounturned (colored) autumn leaves
紅葉Japanesenounthe leaves of the Japanese maple (Acer palmatum)
紅葉Japanesenounthe turning (coloring) of leaves, especially in autumn
紅葉Japanesenounthe colored leaves themselves
紅葉Japaneseverbto turn (change color), especially during autumn
紅葉Japanesenamea female given name
紅葉Japanesenamea female given name
罷是Chineseadvspecially; purposelyXiang
罷是Chineseadvintentionally; deliberately; purposelyXiang
Chinesecharacterfragrant; aromaticliterary
Chinesecharactera surname
Japanesecharactergreens; vegetableskanji
Japanesecharacterrape (Brassica napus); rapeseedkanji
Japanesecharacterside dishkanji
ChinesecharacterChinese mugwort (Artemisia argyi)obsolete
Chinesecharacterdesolate; bleak
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 肅/肃 (“respectful”)alt-of alternative obsolete
Chinesecharacter(historical) Xiao (an ancient state during the Spring and Autumn period, located in modern-day Xiao County, Anhui)
ChinesecharacterXiao County (a county of Anhui, China)
Chinesecharactera surname
蠻人Chinesenounethnic minorities in southern Chinahistorical
蠻人Chinesenounbarbarian; savage; uncultured personderogatory
豬頭皮Chinesenounskin (and meat) of a pig's head
豬頭皮ChinesenounmumpsHakka Taiwanese-Hokkien
Chinesecharacterstumble, totter
Chinesecharacterfail, be frustrated
轉型Chineseverbto transition; to be in transition; to transformintransitive usually
轉型Chineseverbto change the design or structure of a productintransitive
連作Japanesenounmonocroppingagriculture business lifestyle
連作Japanesenouninstallment in a seriesart arts
連作Japaneseverbto monocropagriculture business lifestyle
連作Japaneseverbto create an installment in a seriesart arts
連帶Chineseverbto be related; to be involved; to be entailed
連帶Chineseverbto involve in trouble; to implicate
連帶Chineseadvincidentally; conveniently; in passing
金虎Chinesenounthe seven western constellations of the Twenty-Eight Mansions, White Tigerastronomy natural-sciencesChinese literary
金虎ChinesenounThree Stars (參) and Hairy Head (昴)literary
金虎ChinesenounShort for 金虎符.abbreviation alt-of literary
面容Chinesenounfacial features; looks; countenance
面容Chinesenounfaciesmedicine sciences
高熱Chinesenounhigh temperature
高熱Chinesenounhigh fever
Chinesecharacterabalone (Haliotis gigantea)
黑手Chinesenounevil backstage manipulator; black hand
VietnamesecharacterChữ Hán form of long (“dragon”).
VietnamesecharacterChữ Hán form of Long (“a male given name”).
ꦪꦼꦏ꧀ꦠꦶJavaneseadjclear, real, vivid.
ꦪꦼꦏ꧀ꦠꦶJavanesenounclergyman, priestarchaic
슬그머니Koreanadvstealthily; secretly
슬그머니Koreanadvinwardly; implicitly
𐀀𐀯𐀹𐀊Mycenaean Greeknounan ethnonym for a Lydian (Asian)
𐀀𐀯𐀹𐀊Mycenaean Greeknounan epithet of the goddess Potnia
𒉌Sumeriannounoilfood lifestyle vegetable
𒉌Sumeriannounfat, tallow
𒉌Sumerianverbto shine
𒉌Sumerianverbto passtime
𒉌Sumerianverbto flow
𒉌Sumerianverbto get up early
𒉌Sumerianverbto finish, come to an end
𒉌Sumerianverbto dissolve, melt, break down
𒉌Sumerianverbto quake
(computer science) without remembering statestatelessEnglishadjOf a system or protocol, such that it does not keep a persistent state between computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencesnot-comparable
(computer science) without remembering statestatelessEnglishadjWithout state or pomp.dated not-comparable
(computer science) without remembering statestatelessEnglishadjWithout a state or nationality; not subject to any state.lawnot-comparable
(computer science) without remembering statestatelessEnglishadjNeither believing in nor supporting the idea of nations.government human-sciences philosophy politics sciencesnot-comparable
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbEspecially of a liquid, to become solid due to low temperature.copulative intransitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo lower something's temperature to the point that it freezes or becomes hard.transitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo drop to a temperature below zero degrees celsius, where water turns to ice.intransitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo be affected by extreme cold.informal intransitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverb(of machines and software) To come to a sudden halt, stop working (functioning).intransitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverb(of people and other animals) To stop (become motionless) or be stopped due to attentiveness, fear, surprise, etc.intransitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo cause someone to become motionless.transitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling; to shut out; to ostracize.figuratively
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill.
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo prevent the movement or liquidation of a person's financial assetstransitive
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbOf prices, spending etc., to keep at the same level, without any increase.
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishverbTo prevent from showing any visible change.Internet
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishnounA period of intensely cold weather.
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishnounA halt of a regular operation.
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishnounThe state when either a single computer program, or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishnounA precise draw weight shot where a delivered stone comes to a stand-still against a stationary stone, making it nearly impossible to knock out.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishnounA block on pay rises or on the hiring of new employees finance
(computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputsfreezeEnglishnounObsolete form of frieze.alt-of obsolete
(countable) act of posing questions to, and obtaining answers from, a witness in a court of lawaltercationEnglishnounAn angry or heated dispute.countable
(countable) act of posing questions to, and obtaining answers from, a witness in a court of lawaltercationEnglishnounAn act of posing questions to, and obtaining answers from, a witness in a court of law.lawcountable historical
(countable) act of posing questions to, and obtaining answers from, a witness in a court of lawaltercationEnglishnounAngry or heated disputation.uncountable
*𑀢𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔-𑀟 (*tikkha-ḍa) (with Middle Indo-Aryan -𑀟- (-ḍa-))𑀢𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔Prakritadjsharp
*𑀢𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔-𑀟 (*tikkha-ḍa) (with Middle Indo-Aryan -𑀟- (-ḍa-))𑀢𑀺𑀓𑁆𑀔Prakritadjstrong, intense
A defect in a crystalvacancyEnglishnounAn unoccupied position or job.countable uncountable
A defect in a crystalvacancyEnglishnounAn available room in a hotel; guest house, etc.countable uncountable
A defect in a crystalvacancyEnglishnounEmpty space.countable uncountable
A defect in a crystalvacancyEnglishnounA blank mind, unoccupied with thought.countable uncountable
A defect in a crystalvacancyEnglishnounLack of intelligence or understanding.countable uncountable
A defect in a crystalvacancyEnglishnounA defect in a crystal caused by the absence of an atom in a latticenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishadjPerpendicular to the vertical; parallel to the plane of the horizon; level, flat.
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishadjRelating to horizontal marketsbusiness marketing
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishadjPertaining to the horizon.archaic
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishadjInvolving wines of the same vintages but from different wineries.beverages food lifestyle oenology wine
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishadjHaving the two notes sound successively.entertainment lifestyle music
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishadjRelating to sexual sex sexualityeuphemistic
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishadjBeing or relating to the transmission of organisms between biotic and/or abiotic members of an ecosystem that are not in a parent-progeny relationship.biology natural-sciences
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishnounA horizontal component of a structure.
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishnounHorizon.geography geology natural-sciences
A horizontal componenthorizontalEnglishnounA Tasmanian shrub or small tree whose main trunk tends to lean over and grow horizontally, Anodopetalum biglandulosum
Alces alceselkEnglishnounAny of various large species of deer such as the red deer, moose or wapiti (see usage notes). / Any of the subspecies of the moose (Alces alces, alternatively named Eurasian elk to avoid confusion with the wapiti), that occurs only in Europe and Asia.
Alces alceselkEnglishnounAny of various large species of deer such as the red deer, moose or wapiti (see usage notes). / Any moose (Alces alces), the largest member of the deer family.Commonwealth Europe
Alces alceselkEnglishnounAny of various large species of deer such as the red deer, moose or wapiti (see usage notes). / Common wapiti (Cervus canadensis), the second largest member of the deer family, once thought to be a subspecies of red deer.Canada US
Alces alceselkEnglishnounAny of various large species of deer such as the red deer, moose or wapiti (see usage notes). / Sambar (Cervus unicolor).British India
Alces alceselkEnglishnounObsolete form of elke (common swan (Cygnus cygnus, syn. Cygnus ferus)).alt-of obsolete
Cibotium barometzbarometzEnglishnounA purported zoophyte, half-animal and half-plant, said to grow in the form of a sheep.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Cibotium barometzbarometzEnglishnounThe golden chicken fern or woolly fern (Cibotium barometz), the rhizomes of which are covered in furry brown hair; the legend (sense 1) is supposed to have arisen because, when inverted, the rhizomes with stalks growing out of them resemble lambs.
East African traditional vegetablesolanumEnglishnounAny plant in the genus Solanum.biology botany natural-sciences
East African traditional vegetablesolanumEnglishnounA traditional green vegetable in the genus Solanum, specifically Solanum nigrum, and sometimes Solanum macrocarpon, Solanum scabrum, and Solanum villosum.Africa East
Eurasian magpie까치Koreannounmagpie
Eurasian magpie까치KoreannounIn particular, the Eurasian magpie (Pica pica) or the Oriental magpie (Pica serica).
Eurasian water shrewwater shrewEnglishnounAny of several species of semiaquatic red-toothed shrews: / of certain Asiatic water shrews in genus Chimarrogale
Eurasian water shrewwater shrewEnglishnounAny of several species of semiaquatic red-toothed shrews: / of genus Nectogale (elegant water shrew)
Eurasian water shrewwater shrewEnglishnounAny of several species of semiaquatic red-toothed shrews: / of genus Neomys of small insectivores in the Soricidae family
Eurasian water shrewwater shrewEnglishnounAny of several species of semiaquatic red-toothed shrews: / of genus Sorex of North America
Form I: أَنَسَ (ʔanasa, “to be comforted”); Verbal nounء ن سArabicrootrelated to familiaritymorpheme
Form I: أَنَسَ (ʔanasa, “to be comforted”); Verbal nounء ن سArabicrootrelated to humansmorpheme
Form I: رَحَلَ (raḥala, “to depart”); Verbal nounر ح لArabicrootrelated to departure and saddlebagsmorpheme
Form I: رَحَلَ (raḥala, “to depart”); Verbal nounر ح لArabicrootrelated to carrying on topmorpheme
Form I: صَدَقَ (ṣadaqa, “to tell the truth, be sincere, prove to be true, to be right”); Active participleص د قArabicrootforms words related to truthmorpheme
Form I: صَدَقَ (ṣadaqa, “to tell the truth, be sincere, prove to be true, to be right”); Active participleص د قArabicrootforms words related to friends, friendship, acquaintance or companionshipmorpheme
Form I: طَبَعَ (ṭabaʕa); Verbal nounط ب عArabicrootForms terms related to printing, stamping, sealing, impressing, and markingmorpheme
Form I: طَبَعَ (ṭabaʕa); Verbal nounط ب عArabicrootForms terms related to nature or imprinting (habits/personality and environment)morpheme
Form II: حَرَّمَ (ḥarrama); Verbal nounح ر مArabicrootRelated to prohibitionmorpheme
Form II: حَرَّمَ (ḥarrama); Verbal nounح ر مArabicrootRelated to sacralizationmorpheme
Form II: حَرَّمَ (ḥarrama); Verbal nounح ر مArabicrootRelated to excommunicationmorpheme
Form III: فَاحَشَ (fāḥaša)ف ح شArabicrootgrossness / excessiveness, excessive behaviormorpheme
Form III: فَاحَشَ (fāḥaša)ف ح شArabicrootgrossness / enormousness, immoderatenessmorpheme
Form III: فَاحَشَ (fāḥaša)ف ح شArabicrootgrossness / foulness, obscenity, indecency; uglinessmorpheme
Form IV: أَعْدَى (ʔaʕdā, “to infect”); Active participleع د وArabicrootrelated to pass beyondmorpheme
Form IV: أَعْدَى (ʔaʕdā, “to infect”); Active participleع د وArabicrootrelated to enmitymorpheme
Form IV: أَعْدَى (ʔaʕdā, “to infect”); Active participleع د وArabicrootrelated to runningmorpheme
Form V: تَقَدَّمَ (taqaddama); Verbal nounق د مArabicrootto precede, come beforemorpheme
Form V: تَقَدَّمَ (taqaddama); Verbal nounق د مArabicrootto come forth, arrivemorpheme
Form V: تَقَدَّمَ (taqaddama); Verbal nounق د مArabicrootold, ancient, primalmorpheme
Form VIII: اِحْتَقَبَ (iḥtaqaba, “bind a bag (حَقِيبَة) behind a camel or horse; carry something behind oneself; bear or carry something”)ح ق بArabicrootrelated to being withheldmorpheme
Form VIII: اِحْتَقَبَ (iḥtaqaba, “bind a bag (حَقِيبَة) behind a camel or horse; carry something behind oneself; bear or carry something”)ح ق بArabicrootrelated to carrying somethingmorpheme
Form VIII: اِصْطَبَرَ (iṣṭabara); Verbal nounص ب رArabicrootRelated to bindingmorpheme
Form VIII: اِصْطَبَرَ (iṣṭabara); Verbal nounص ب رArabicrootRelated to patiencemorpheme
Form VIII: اِصْطَبَرَ (iṣṭabara); Verbal nounص ب رArabicrootRelated to perseverance, endurancemorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَأْسَى (istaʔsā, “to beseech for consolation”); Active participleء س وArabicrootrelated to griefmorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَأْسَى (istaʔsā, “to beseech for consolation”); Active participleء س وArabicrootrelated to consolationmorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَأْسَى (istaʔsā, “to beseech for consolation”); Active participleء س وArabicrootrelated to medical treatmentmorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَخَارَ (istaḵāra); Verbal nounخ ي رArabicrootforms words related to goodnessmorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَخَارَ (istaḵāra); Verbal nounخ ي رArabicrootforms words related to choice or selectionmorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَعْقَدَ (istaʕqada, “to desire to copulate”)ع ق دArabicrootrelated to knotting or bringing togethermorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَعْقَدَ (istaʕqada, “to desire to copulate”)ع ق دArabicrootrelated to believingmorpheme
Grantha scriptईश्वरSanskritadjable to do, capable of
Grantha scriptईश्वरSanskritadjliable, exposed to
Grantha scriptईश्वरSanskritnouna husband
Grantha scriptईश्वरSanskritnounGod
Grantha scriptईश्वरSanskritnounthe Supreme Being
Grantha scriptईश्वरSanskritnouna title for Shiva
Grantha scriptईश्वरSanskritnouna title for Vishnu
Incite and encourageexhortationEnglishnounThe act or practice of exhorting.countable uncountable
Incite and encourageexhortationEnglishnounLanguage intended to give advice or to urge or encourage.countable uncountable
Manchu scriptदत्तSanskritadjgiven, granted, presented
Manchu scriptदत्तSanskritadjMade over, delivered, assigned
Manchu scriptदत्तSanskritadjPlaced, stretched forth
Manchu scriptदत्तSanskritadjPreserved, guarded
Manchu scriptदत्तSanskritadjgiving: -ka, a. given to be adopted (son)
NederfrankischNederduitsDutchnameThe Low German or Low Saxon language, now in general usage often restricted to German Low German.neuter
NederfrankischNederduitsDutchnameLow German, i.e. any continental West Germanic language that is not High German, thus including Low Franconian (including Dutch) as well as Low Saxon, and sometimes also Frisian.neuter obsolete
NederfrankischNederduitsDutchnameDutch.neuter obsolete
NederfrankischNederduitsDutchadjLow German (see above).
NederfrankischNederduitsDutchadjLow German (see above).
Nordniedersächsisch, Nordsächsisch (both in a broad sense; in a less common strict sense Ostfriesisch is excluded) = Nordniederdeutsch (including Ostfriesisch; potentially misleading as the regions of Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch and Niederpreußisch are in the North too)PlattdeutschGermannameLow German, Plattdeutschneuter no-plural proper-noun
Nordniedersächsisch, Nordsächsisch (both in a broad sense; in a less common strict sense Ostfriesisch is excluded) = Nordniederdeutsch (including Ostfriesisch; potentially misleading as the regions of Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch and Niederpreußisch are in the North too)PlattdeutschGermannameany German lect, especially if seen as a debased form of standard Germanneuter no-plural nonstandard proper-noun rare
Pertaining to MalaysiaMalaysianEnglishadjPertaining to the country of Malaysia.not-comparable
Pertaining to MalaysiaMalaysianEnglishadjPertaining to the Malay language.not-comparable
Pertaining to MalaysiaMalaysianEnglishnounA native of Malaysia.
Pertaining to MalaysiaMalaysianEnglishnameThe Malay language.
Proto-Celtic: *auyos; Primitive Irishh₂éwh₂osProto-Indo-Europeannounmaternal grandfathermasculine reconstruction
Proto-Celtic: *auyos; Primitive Irishh₂éwh₂osProto-Indo-Europeannounmaternal unclemasculine reconstruction
Rest in peacefly highEnglishverbTo be elated; thrilled.figuratively intransitive
Rest in peacefly highEnglishverbTo have achieved great success or prosperity.figuratively intransitive
Rest in peacefly highEnglishverbTo aim high.figuratively intransitive
Rest in peacefly highEnglishverbRest in peace.figuratively intransitive
Saint Petersburg — see also Saint PetersburgPetrogradEnglishnameThe former name, from 1914 (when Russia entered World War I) to 1924 (when Lenin died), of Saint Petersburg, a major city in Russia.historical
Saint Petersburg — see also Saint PetersburgPetrogradEnglishnameA region of Saint Petersburg city, Saint Petersburg, Northwest Russia district, European Russia, Russia.
Siddham scriptवैरोचनSanskritadjpertaining to the sun; coming from the sun; solar
Siddham scriptवैरोचनSanskritnamean epithet of the Asura Bali, son of VirocanaHinduism Jainism
Siddham scriptवैरोचनSanskritnameVairocana (a manifestation of the Buddha)
Siddham scriptवैरोचनSanskritnounname of a samadhiBuddhism lifestyle religion
Soyombo scriptअक्तुSanskritnountinge, ray, light
Soyombo scriptअक्तुSanskritnoundark tinge, darkness, night
Soyombo scriptअक्तुSanskritadvat night, by night
Soyombo scriptलेखाSanskritnounstreak, line
Soyombo scriptलेखाSanskritnounscratch, line
Soyombo scriptलेखाSanskritnounwriting
SutherlandthoirScottish Gaelicverbgive
SutherlandthoirScottish Gaelicverbtake
The formation of a gelgelationEnglishnounThe formation of a solid by cooling; freezing.countable uncountable
The formation of a gelgelationEnglishnounThe formation of a gel, especially from a sol.countable uncountable
To diepeg outEnglishverbTo mark (a territory or area) with pegs.transitive
To diepeg outEnglishverbTo die.intransitive slang
To diepeg outEnglishverbTo finish a game of croquet.intransitive
To diepeg outEnglishverbTo move one's peg to the last position on the pegboard, and thus win.
To diepeg outEnglishverbTo hang up (washing) using pegs.transitive
To succeed in persuading or inducingprevailEnglishverbTo be superior in strength, dominance, influence, or frequency; to have or gain the advantage over others; to have the upper hand; to outnumber others.intransitive
To succeed in persuading or inducingprevailEnglishverbTo triumph; to be victorious.intransitive
To succeed in persuading or inducingprevailEnglishverbTo be current, widespread, or predominant; to have currency or prevalence.intransitive
To succeed in persuading or inducingprevailEnglishverbTo succeed in persuading or inducing.intransitive
To succeed in persuading or inducingprevailEnglishverbTo avail.obsolete transitive
TranslationsImhotepEnglishnameAn Ancient Egyptian priest, the inventor of the pyramid.
TranslationsImhotepEnglishnameA male given name from Egyptianrare
TranslationsTempelhofEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Tempelhof-Schoeneberg borough, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
TranslationsTempelhofEnglishnameEllipsis of Berlin Tempelhof Airport. A former airport in Berlin, Germanyaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis historical
TranslationsTempelhofEnglishnameA former borough of Berlin, Germanyhistorical
TranslationsTempelhofEnglishnameA former village in Berlin, Germanyhistorical
TranslationsglobinEnglishnounAny globular protein that incorporates a globin fold.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciences
TranslationsglobinEnglishnounOne of several polypeptides that are the protein components of haemoglobin or myoglobin.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciences
TranslationsphallicEnglishadjRelating to, or characteristic of the penis.not-comparable
TranslationsphallicEnglishadjShaped like an erect human penis.not-comparable
TranslationsphallicEnglishadjRelating to or exhibiting masculine or patriarchal traits, seen metaphorically as seated in the male genitalia.not-comparable
US sensedouble crochetEnglishnouna crochet stitch achieved by: yarn over, push through next loop, yarn over and pull back through, yarn over and pull through two loops, then yarn over and pull through the remaining two loopsUS
US sensedouble crochetEnglishnouna single crochetUK
Verbal nounbexxarTarifitverbto incense, to fumigate
Verbal nounbexxarTarifitverbto steam
Verbal nounbexxarTarifitverbto smoke
Verbal nounḍiyyeɛTarifitverbto waste, to spend, to squandertransitive
Verbal nounḍiyyeɛTarifitverbto damage, to spoiltransitive
W. Macedonian townNeapoliEnglishnameAny of several towns or subdivisions of towns in Greece, especially a suburb of Thessaloniki.
W. Macedonian townNeapoliEnglishnameA town in Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece.
W. Macedonian townNeapoliEnglishnameA town in Kozani, West Macedonia, Greece.
Zanabazar Square scriptSanskritnounA sound
Zanabazar Square scriptSanskritnounA kind of drum or tabor
Zanabazar Square scriptSanskritnounSubmarine fire
Zanabazar Square scriptSanskritnounFear
Zanabazar Square scriptSanskritnounAn epithet of Śiva
Zanabazar Square scriptनाशनSanskritnoundestruction, removal
Zanabazar Square scriptनाशनSanskritnouncausing to be lost or perish
a course over which races are runracetrackEnglishnounA course over which any type of races are run.
a course over which races are runracetrackEnglishnounA characteristic circular erosion pattern in deposition processes.
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA cylindrical wooden or metal object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects.
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA protrusion used to hang things on.
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA support; a reason; a pretext.figuratively
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA peg moved on a crib board to keep score.
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA fixed exchange rate, where a currency's value is matched to the value of another currency or measure such as finance
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA small quantity of a strong alcoholic beverage.UK
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA place formally allotted for fishing
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA leg or foot.colloquial dated
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounOne of the pins of a musical instrument, on which the strings are strained.
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA step; a degree.
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounEllipsis of clothes peg.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA topic of interest, such as an ongoing event or an anniversary, around which various features can be developed.journalism media
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA stump.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounThe penetration of one's (male) partner in the anus using a strap-on dildo.slang
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA serving of brandy and soda.archaic slang
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA serving of any hard spirit, particularly whisky.India
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounA shilling.UK obsolete slang
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishnounAn easily recalled image that a person mentally visualizes with something else, in order to remember that other thing. See mnemonic peg system.human-sciences psychology sciences
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo fasten using a peg.transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo affix or pin.transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo fix a value or price.transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo narrow the cuff openings of a pair of pants so that the legs take on a peg shape.transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo throw.slang transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo throw a ball at (someone), to hit (someone) with a ball.transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo indicate or ascribe an attribute to.slang transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo move one's pegs to indicate points scored; to score with a peg.
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo reach or exceed the maximum value on (a scale or gauge).slang transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo engage in anal sex by penetrating (one's male partner) with a strap-on dildo.slang transitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo keep working hard at something; to peg away.intransitive
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo drink alcohol frequently, especially brandy and soda; to tipple.archaic slang
a cylindrical objectpegEnglishverbTo drive (a hackney carriage).UK obsolete slang transitive
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounA long, narrow container, open on top, for feeding or watering animals.
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounAny similarly shaped container.
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounAny similarly shaped container. / A rectangular container used for washing or rinsing clothes.Australia New-Zealand
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounA short, narrow canal designed to hold water until it drains or evaporates.
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounAn undivided metal urinal (plumbing fixture)colloquial
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounA gutter under the eaves of a building; an eaves trough.Canada
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounA channel for conveying water or other farm liquids (such as milk) from place to place by gravity; any ‘U’ or ‘V’ cross-sectioned irrigation channel.agriculture business lifestyleAustralia New-Zealand
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounA long, narrow depression between waves or ridges; the low portion of a wave cycle.
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounA low turning point or a local minimum of a business cycle.economics sciences
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishnounA linear atmospheric depression associated with a weather front.climatology meteorology natural-sciences
a long, narrow container open at the toptroughEnglishverbTo eat in a vulgar style, as if from a trough.
a member of a this race that formerly occupied SpainMoorEnglishnounA member of an ancient Berber people from Mauretania.historical
a member of a this race that formerly occupied SpainMoorEnglishnounA member of an Islamic people of Arab or Berber origin ruling Spain and parts of North Africa from the 8th to the 15th centuries.historical
a member of a this race that formerly occupied SpainMoorEnglishnounA Muslim or a person from the Middle East or Africa.archaic
a member of a this race that formerly occupied SpainMoorEnglishnounA person of mixed Arab and Berber ancestry inhabiting the Mediterranean coastline of northwest Africa.dated
a member of a this race that formerly occupied SpainMoorEnglishnounA person of an ethnic group speaking the Hassaniya Arabic language, mainly inhabiting Western Sahara, Mauritania, and parts of neighbouring countries (Morocco, Mali, Senegal etc.).
a member of a this race that formerly occupied SpainMoorEnglishnameA surname. / A surname from Irish.
a member of a this race that formerly occupied SpainMoorEnglishnameA surname. / An English surname transferred from the given name.
a pass in some university examinationsmatriculationEnglishnounEnrollment in a college or university.countable uncountable
a pass in some university examinationsmatriculationEnglishnounA pass in some university examinations.countable uncountable
a pass in some university examinationsmatriculationEnglishnounA registration of armorial bearings.Scotland countable uncountable
a person living on adjacent or nearby landneighbourEnglishnounA person living on adjacent or nearby land; a person situated adjacently or nearby; anything (of the same type of thing as the subject) in an adjacent or nearby position.UK
a person living on adjacent or nearby landneighbourEnglishnounOne who is near in sympathy or confidence.UK
a person living on adjacent or nearby landneighbourEnglishnounA fellow human being.biblical lifestyle religionUK
a person living on adjacent or nearby landneighbourEnglishnounAnything located directly adjacent to something else.UK
a person living on adjacent or nearby landneighbourEnglishverbTo be adjacent toUK transitive
a person living on adjacent or nearby landneighbourEnglishverbTo be similar to, to be almost the same as.UK figuratively intransitive
a person living on adjacent or nearby landneighbourEnglishverbTo associate intimately with; to be close to.UK
aboutwhereaboutEnglishadvAbout which; concerning which.archaic not-comparable
aboutwhereaboutEnglishadvAbout where.not-comparable
actþátturIcelandicnounthread, strandmasculine
actþátturIcelandicnouna chapter, section (of a book)masculine
actþátturIcelandicnouna short story, episode, especially referring to the ones written in medieval Iceland (see Wikipedia)literature media publishingmasculine
actþátturIcelandicnounact (section of a play)masculine
actþátturIcelandicnounmovemententertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
actþátturIcelandicnounactentertainment lifestyle theatermasculine
actþátturIcelandicnounepisodebroadcasting media radio televisionmasculine
actþátturIcelandicnouna serial story or play; a seriesmasculine
actþátturIcelandicnouna television sketchmasculine
actþátturIcelandicnounshare, part in some activitymasculine
actþátturIcelandicnounconstituent, component, factormasculine
actþátturIcelandicnounfactor (any of various objects multiplied together to form some whole)mathematics sciencesmasculine
act of checking a horse with a single pull of the reinssaccadeEnglishnounA sudden jerking movement.rare
act of checking a horse with a single pull of the reinssaccadeEnglishnounA rapid jerky movement of the eye (voluntary or involuntary) from one focus to another.
act of checking a horse with a single pull of the reinssaccadeEnglishnounThe act of checking a horse quickly with a single strong pull of the reins.
act of checking a horse with a single pull of the reinssaccadeEnglishnounThe sounding of two violin strings together by using a sudden strong pressure of the bow.entertainment lifestyle music
act of checking a horse with a single pull of the reinssaccadeEnglishverbTo make a rapid jerking movement to focus elsewhere.intransitive
act of supplying with armsarmingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of armform-of gerund participle present
act of supplying with armsarmingEnglishnounThe act of supplying (oneself or others) with armor and (now especially) arms and ammunition in preparation for a conflict; the act of providing with the means of defense and attack.
act of supplying with armsarmingEnglishnounThe act of supplying (oneself or others) with armor and (now especially) arms and ammunition in preparation for a conflict; the act of providing with the means of defense and attack. / The affixing and securing on of armor.especially in-compounds
act of supplying with armsarmingEnglishnounThe act of supplying with the equipment, knowledge, authority, or other tools needed for a particular task.
act of supplying with armsarmingEnglishnounThe act of preparing a tool or a weapon for action; activation.
act of supplying with armsarmingEnglishnounA piece of tallow or soap put in the cavity and over the bottom of a sounding lead to pick up samples of the bottom of the sea.nautical transport
act of supplying with armsarmingEnglishnounOne of the red dress cloths formerly hung fore and aft outside of a ship's upper works on holidays, or used as a visual screen during times of action.nautical transportin-plural
againwhereasEnglishadvWhere (that).not-comparable obsolete
againwhereasEnglishconjIn contrast; whilst on the contrary; although.
againwhereasEnglishconjIt being the fact that; inasmuch as. (Often used to begin recitals; sometimes emboldened or emphasized as a signifier.)law
againwhereasEnglishnounA clause, as in legal documents, stating whereas.
agreeableamoenusLatinadjcharming, pleasant, agreeable, amenableadjective declension-1 declension-2
agreeableamoenusLatinadjlovely, delightful, beautifuladjective declension-1 declension-2
amusement parkpuuhamaaFinnishnounplayland (area of free recreation)
amusement parkpuuhamaaFinnishnounamusement park
and seeΧρηστάκηςGreeknamea diminutive of the male given name Χρήστος (Chrístos)
and seeΧρηστάκηςGreeknamea male surname, feminine equivalent Χρηστάκη (Christáki)
and seeάκανθαGreeknounformal of αγκάθι (agkáthi): thornformal literary
and seeάκανθαGreeknounobstaclefiguratively
and seeάκανθαGreeknounsharp boney projectionanatomy medicine sciences
and seeάκανθαGreeknounacanthus-like adornment (in Corinthian style)archaeology architecture history human-sciences sciences
any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntiaprickly pearEnglishnounAny of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia.
any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntiaprickly pearEnglishnounThe fruit, often edible, of such a plant.
any structure or land feature which catches and holds watercatchmentEnglishnounAny structure or land feature which catches and holds water; the collection of such water.attributive often
any structure or land feature which catches and holds watercatchmentEnglishnounA catchment area, or the people it serves.
any structure or land feature which catches and holds watercatchmentEnglishverbTo divide into catchment areas.
any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skincosmeticEnglishadjImparting or improving beauty, particularly the beauty of the complexion.
any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skincosmeticEnglishadjExternal or superficial; pertaining only to the surface or appearance of something.
any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skincosmeticEnglishnounAny substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner; makeup.
any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skincosmeticEnglishnounA feature existing only on the surface.
any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skincosmeticEnglishnounAn intangible influence that improves the overall perception of some thing or situation.
art of preparing foodcookeryEnglishnounThe art and practice of preparing food for consumption, especially by the application of heat; cooking.countable uncountable
art of preparing foodcookeryEnglishnounA delicacy; a dainty.countable obsolete uncountable
art of preparing foodcookeryEnglishnounCooking tools or apparatus.archaic countable uncountable
art of preparing foodcookeryEnglishnounA place where cooking is done.archaic countable uncountable
art of preparing foodcookeryEnglishnounObsolete form of kukri.alt-of obsolete
at homehomeEnglishnounA dwelling. / One’s own dwelling place; the house or structure in which one lives; especially the house in which one lives with one's family; the habitual abode of one’s family.
at homehomeEnglishnounA dwelling. / The place (residence, settlement, country, etc.), where a person was born and/or raised; childhood or parental home; home of one’s parents or guardian.
at homehomeEnglishnounA dwelling. / The abiding place of the affections, especially of the domestic affections.
at homehomeEnglishnounA dwelling. / A house that has been made home-like, to suit the comfort of those who live there.
at homehomeEnglishnounA dwelling. / A place of refuge, rest or care; an asylum.
at homehomeEnglishnounA dwelling. / The grave; the final rest; also, the native and eternal dwelling place of the soul.broadly
at homehomeEnglishnounA dwelling. / Anything that serves the functions of a home, as comfort, safety, sense of belonging, etc.broadly
at homehomeEnglishnounOne’s native land; the place or country in which one dwells; the place where one’s ancestors dwell or dwelt.
at homehomeEnglishnounThe locality where a thing is usually found, or was first found, or where it is naturally abundant; habitat; seat.
at homehomeEnglishnounA focus point. / The ultimate point aimed at in a progress; the goal.
at homehomeEnglishnounA focus point. / Home plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
at homehomeEnglishnounA focus point. / The place of a player in front of an opponent’s goal; also, the player.ball-games games hobbies lacrosse lifestyle sports
at homehomeEnglishnounA focus point. / The landing page of a website; the site's homepage.Internet
at homehomeEnglishnounA focus point. / The chord at which a melody starts and to which it can resolve.entertainment lifestyle musicinformal
at homehomeEnglishnounClipping of home directory.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of clipping
at homehomeEnglishverbTo return to its owner.transitive
at homehomeEnglishverbTo seek or aim for something.transitive
at homehomeEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to one’s dwelling or country; domestic; not foreign.not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadjThat strikes home; direct, pointed.archaic not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadjPersonal, intimate.not-comparable obsolete
at homehomeEnglishadjRelating to the home team (the team at whose venue a game is played).hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvTo one's home. / To one's place of residence or one's customary or official location.not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvTo one's home. / To one's place of birth.not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvTo one's home. / To the place where it belongs; to the end of a course; to the full length.not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvTo one's home. / To the home page.Internet not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvAt or in one's place of residence or one's customary or official location; at home.not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvTo a full and intimate degree; to the heart of the matter; fully, directly.not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvinto the goalball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsUK not-comparable
at homehomeEnglishadvinto the right, proper or stowed positionnautical transportnot-comparable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA city and borough of Lincolnshire, England.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameAn English surname from Old English.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameAn English surname from Old English. / Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States during the Civil War.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname, of American usage, originally in honor of Abraham Lincoln.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / The capital city of Nebraska, and the county seat of Lancaster County.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Talladega County, Alabama, named after Benjamin Lincoln.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Washington County, Arkansas.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Placer County, California.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community and census-designated place in Sussex County, Delaware. Former name: Lincoln City.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Bonneville County, Idaho.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Logan County, Illinois.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Jackson Township, Cass County, Indiana.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Tama County, Iowa.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and census-designated place therein, in Penobscot County, Maine.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Gustin township and Hawes Township, Alcona County, Michigan.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Augusta Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Scandia Valley Township, Morrison County, Minnesota.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Benton County, Missouri.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Lewis and Clark County, Montana.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and census-designated place therein, in Grafton County, New Hampshire.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A hamlet and unincorporated community in South Harrison Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lincoln County, New Mexico.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Madison County, New York.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Burleigh County, North Dakota.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A borough in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Providence County, Rhode Island.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lee County, Texas.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Addison County, Vermont.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Loudoun County, Virginia.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lincoln County, Washington.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Kanawha County, West Virginia.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Adams County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Bayfield County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Buffalo County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Burnett County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Forest County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town and unincorporated community therein, in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin;countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Monroe County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Polk County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Vilas County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Wood County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of townships, listed under Lincoln Township.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in Canada: / A community of Athabasca County, Alberta.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in Canada: / A suburban community and parish in Sunbury County, New Brunswick.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in Canada: / A town on Lake Ontario, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA city in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, named after Abraham Lincoln.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA village in Northern Midlands council area, Tasmania, Australia.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameA town in Canterbury, New Zealand, named after the Earl of Lincoln.countable uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnameEllipsis of Lincoln College, Oxford.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis informal uncountable
automobileLincolnEnglishnounA brand of American automobile.
automobileLincolnEnglishnounAn English breed of sheep.
automobileLincolnEnglishnounA five-dollar bill.US slang
automobileLincolnEnglishnounA high-altitude, long-range bomber based on the Avro Lancaster.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
banishexpatriateEnglishadjLiving outside of one's own country.not-comparable
banishexpatriateEnglishnounOne who lives outside one's own country, especially temporarily for a profession or education.
banishexpatriateEnglishnounOne who has been banished from one's own country.
banishexpatriateEnglishverbTo banish; to drive or force (a person) from his own country; to make an exile of.transitive
banishexpatriateEnglishverbTo withdraw from one’s native country.intransitive
banishexpatriateEnglishverbTo renounce the rights and liabilities of citizenship where one is born and become a citizen of another country.intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo move on the feet by alternately setting each foot (or pair or group of feet, in the case of animals with four or more feet) forward, with at least one foot on the ground at all times. Compare run.intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo "walk free", i.e. to win, or avoid, a criminal court case, particularly when actually guilty.lawcolloquial intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbOf an object, to go missing or be stolen.colloquial euphemistic intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo walk off the field, as if given out, after the fielding side appeals and before the umpire has ruled; done as a matter of sportsmanship when the batsman believes he is out.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo travel (a distance) by walking.transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo take for a walk or accompany on a walk.transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo allow a batter to reach base by pitching four balls.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbOf an object or machine, to move by shifting between two positions, as if it were walking.intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo cause something to move in such a way.transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo full; to beat (cloth) to give it the consistency of felt.transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo traverse by walking (or analogous gradual movement).transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo operate the left and right throttles of (an aircraft) in alternation.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo leave, resign.colloquial intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks.transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct oneself.intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo go restlessly about; said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, such as a sleeping person, or the spirit of a dead person.intransitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo be in motion; to act; to move.obsolete
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo put, keep, or train (a puppy) in a walk, or training area for dogfighting.historical transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishverbTo move (a guest) to another hotel if their confirmed reservation is not available on day of check-in.informal transitive
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA trip made by walking.
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA distance walked.
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounAn Olympic Games track event requiring that the heel of the leading foot touch the ground before the toe of the trailing foot leaves the ground.hobbies lifestyle sports
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA manner of walking; a person's style of walking.
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA path, sidewalk/pavement or other maintained place on which to walk.
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA person's conduct or course in life.figuratively
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA situation where all players fold to the big blind, as their first action (instead of calling or raising), once they get their cards.card-games poker
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounAn award of first base to a batter following four balls being thrown by the pitcher; known in the rules as a "base on balls".ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounIn coffee, coconut, and other plantations, the space between them.
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounAn area of an estate planted with fruit-bearing trees.Belize Caribbean Guyana Jamaica
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA place for keeping and training puppies for dogfighting.historical
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounAn enclosed area in which a gamecock is confined to prepare him for fighting.historical
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA sequence of alternating vertices and edges, where each edge's endpoints are the preceding and following vertices in the sequence. Compare path, trail.graph-theory mathematics sciences
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounSomething very easily accomplished; a walk in the park.colloquial
baseball: instance of walking a batterwalkEnglishnounA cheque drawn on a bank that was not a member of the London Clearing and whose sort code was allocated on a one-off basis; they had to be "walked" (hand-delivered by messengers).business financeUK dated slang
be at odds (with)conflictEnglishnounA clash or disagreement, often violent, between two or more opposing groups or individuals.countable uncountable
be at odds (with)conflictEnglishnounAn incompatibility, as of two things that cannot be simultaneously fulfilled.countable uncountable
be at odds (with)conflictEnglishverbTo be at odds (with); to disagree or be incompatibleintransitive
be at odds (with)conflictEnglishverbTo overlap (with), as in a schedule.intransitive
beatlickEnglishverbTo stroke with the tongue.transitive
beatlickEnglishverbTo lap; to take in with the tongue.transitive
beatlickEnglishverbTo beat with repeated blows.colloquial
beatlickEnglishverbTo defeat decisively, particularly in a fight.colloquial
beatlickEnglishverbTo overcome.colloquial
beatlickEnglishverbTo perform cunnilingus.slang vulgar
beatlickEnglishverbTo do anything partially.colloquial
beatlickEnglishverbTo lap.
beatlickEnglishnounThe act of licking; a stroke of the tongue.
beatlickEnglishnounThe amount of some substance obtainable with a single lick.
beatlickEnglishnounA quick and careless application of anything, as if by a stroke of the tongue.
beatlickEnglishnounA place where animals lick minerals from the ground.
beatlickEnglishnounA small watercourse or ephemeral stream. It ranks between a rill and a stream.
beatlickEnglishnounA stroke or blow.colloquial
beatlickEnglishnounA small amount; a whit.colloquial
beatlickEnglishnounAn attempt at something.informal
beatlickEnglishnounA short motif.entertainment lifestyle music
beatlickEnglishnounA rate of speed. (Always qualified by good, fair, or a similar adjective.)informal
beatlickEnglishnounAn act of cunnilingus.slang
beatlickEnglishnounAn instance or opportunity of earning money fast, usually by illegal means, thus a heist, drug deal etc. or its victim; mostly used in phrasal verbs: hit a lick, hit licks
beatwapEnglishnounA blow or beating; a whap.UK dialectal
beatwapEnglishnounA breast.colloquial
beatwapEnglishnounA bundle.
beatwapEnglishnounA weapon, gun.Multicultural-London-English slang
beatwapEnglishverbTo beat; to whap.UK dialectal
beatwapEnglishverbTo engage in sexual intercourse.UK archaic
beatwapEnglishverbTo wrap or bind.obsolete transitive
before 1864blauwDutchadjblue
before 1864blauwDutchadjvisibly bruised, as in blauwe plek 'a bluish bruise'
before 1864blauwDutchadjdrunkslang
before 1864blauwDutchnounThe colour blue.neuter
before 1864blauwDutchnounPolice (especially in the phrase: blauw op straat (“police on the street”))neuter
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounA series of chisel points mounted on one piece of steel. For example, the toothed stone chisel shown here.
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounA broad chisel for construction manufacturing masonry
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounAlternative spelling of broochalt-of alternative
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounA spit for cooking food.
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounAn awl; a bodkin; also, a wooden rod or pin, sharpened at each end, used by thatchers.
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounA spire rising from a tower.architectureUK dialectal
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounA spit-like start on the head of a young stag.
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounThe stick from which candle wicks are suspended for dipping.
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishnounThe pin in a lock which enters the barrel of the key.
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishverbTo make a hole in, especially a cask of liquor, and put in a tap in order to draw the liquid.transitive
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishverbTo open, to make an opening into; to pierce.transitive
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishverbTo begin discussion about (something).figuratively transitive
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishverbTo be turned sideways to oncoming waves, especially large or breaking waves.intransitive
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishverbTo cause to turn sideways to oncoming waves, especially large or breaking waves (usually followed by to; also figurative).transitive
begin discussion aboutbroachEnglishverbTo break the surface of the water.nautical transportintransitive
billowy dense smoke火船Chinesenounsteamer; steamshipHainanese Hakka Leizhou-Min Pinghua Southern dated
billowy dense smoke火船Chinesenounsmall steamer; small steamshipMin Southern dated
billowy dense smoke火船Chinesenounbillowy dense smokeHokkien Quanzhou figuratively
billowy dense smoke火船Chinesenounmotorboat; motor vesselHokkien Hui'an
bird of the genus NucifraganutcrackerEnglishnounAn implement for cracking nuts.
bird of the genus NucifraganutcrackerEnglishnounEither of two birds of the genus Nucifraga in the crow family.biology natural-sciences ornithology
bird of the genus NucifraganutcrackerEnglishnounA bootleg mixed drink made from a blend of alcohols and fruit juices.New-York-City US
bird of the genus NucifraganutcrackerEnglishnounSomething that is difficult to figure out; a puzzle.informal
bird of the genus TetraogallussnowcockEnglishnounAny of several species of bird in the genus Tetraogallus of the pheasant family Phasianidae, native to central Asia.
bird of the genus TetraogallussnowcockEnglishnounA sculpture of a penis, made out of snowinformal rare slang
bloomingbloomingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of bloomform-of gerund participle present
bloomingbloomingEnglishadjOpening in blossoms; flowering.
bloomingbloomingEnglishadjThriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.
bloomingbloomingEnglishadjA euphemism for the intensifier bloody.Australia British dated
bloomingbloomingEnglishadvA euphemism for the intensifier bloody.Australia British often
bloomingbloomingEnglishnounThe act by which something blooms.countable uncountable
bloomingbloomingEnglishnounThe process of making blooms from the ore or from cast metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
bloomingbloomingEnglishnounA phenomenon where excessive light causes bright patches in a picture.arts hobbies lifestyle photographycountable uncountable
body style of a carsedanEnglishnounAn enclosed windowed chair suitable for a single occupant, carried by at least two porters, in equal numbers in front and behind, using wooden rails that passed through metal brackets on the sides of the chair.
body style of a carsedanEnglishnounAn automobile designed in a configuration with separate compartments for engine space, driver/passenger space and luggage space.Australia Canada New-Zealand US
body style of a carsedanEnglishnounA handbarrow for transporting fish.
box or potplanterEnglishnounOne who plants something.
box or potplanterEnglishnounA box or pot for plants, usually large and standing on the floor.
box or potplanterEnglishnounAny of the early English or Scottish settlers, given the lands of the dispossessed Irish populace during the reign of Elizabeth I.historical
box or potplanterEnglishnounA machine used for planting seeds.
box or potplanterEnglishnounThe owner of a plantation.
brilliant performancemaster classEnglishnounA class, typically in a performing art such as music or drama, in which a teacher listens to and critiques the performance of individual students, one at a time, while the other students look
brilliant performancemaster classEnglishnounAn action or series of actions that serve to demonstrate a person's mastery of a subject.figuratively
brilliant performancemaster classEnglishnounA brilliant or virtuosic performance.
capable of being handled or touchedtractableEnglishadjCapable of being easily led, taught, or managed.
capable of being handled or touchedtractableEnglishadjEasy to deal with or manage
capable of being handled or touchedtractableEnglishadjCapable of being shaped; malleable.
capable of being handled or touchedtractableEnglishadjCapable of being handled or touched.obsolete
capable of being handled or touchedtractableEnglishadjSufficiently operationalizable or useful to allow a mathematical calculation to proceed toward a solution.mathematics sciences
capable of being handled or touchedtractableEnglishadjAlgorithmically solvable fast enough to be practically relevant, typically in polynomial computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciences
car-proud personboonerEnglishnounA person who takes particular pride in their car and enjoys showing it off.Australia slang
car-proud personboonerEnglishnounA bogan.Australia derogatory slang
car-proud personboonerEnglishnounA trophy size big game animal, as measured by the Boone and Crockett ranking criteria.US
car-proud personboonerEnglishadjcomparative form of boon: more booncomparative form-of
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjHighly or conspicuously offensive.
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjExcluding any deductions; including all associated amounts.
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjSeen without a microscope (usually for a tissue or an organ); at a large scale; not detailed.medicine pathology sciences
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjCausing disgust.Australia Canada US informal
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjLacking refinement in behaviour or manner; offending a standard of morality.
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjLacking refinement; not of high quality.
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjDense, heavy.
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjHeavy in proportion to one's height; having a lot of excess flesh.
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjDifficult or impossible to see through.poetic
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjNot sensitive in perception or feeling.archaic
causing disgustgrossEnglishadjEasy to perceive.obsolete
causing disgustgrossEnglishnounTwelve dozen = 144.countable uncountable
causing disgustgrossEnglishnounThe total nominal earnings or amount, before taxes, expenses, exceptions or similar are deducted. That which remains after all deductions is called net.countable uncountable
causing disgustgrossEnglishnounThe bulk, the mass, the masses.countable uncountable
causing disgustgrossEnglishverbTo earn money, not including expenses.transitive
centrally located positioncrossroadsEnglishnounplural of crossroadform-of plural
centrally located positioncrossroadsEnglishnounA place where one road crosses another; an intersection of two or more roads.
centrally located positioncrossroadsEnglishnounA centrally located positionbroadly
centrally located positioncrossroadsEnglishnounA decision point; a turning point or opportunity to change direction, course, or goal.
centrally located positioncrossroadsEnglishnounA fork in the road.nonstandard
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo bend (any thin material, such as paper) over so that it comes in contact with itself.transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo make the proper arrangement (in a thin material) by bending.transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo draw or coil (one’s arms, a snake’s body, etc.) around something so as to enclose or embrace it.transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo stir (semisolid ingredients) gently, with an action as if folding over a food lifestyletransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo become folded; to form folds.intransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo fall over; to collapse or give way; to be crushed.informal intransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo give way on a point or in an argument.intransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo withdraw from betting.card-games pokerintransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo withdraw or quit in general.broadly intransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo fail, to collapse, to disband.intransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbOf a company, to cease to trade.businessintransitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo double or lay together (one’s arms, hands, wings, etc.) so as to overlap with each other.transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo plait or mat (hair) together.obsolete transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo enclose in a fold of material, to swathe, wrap up, cover, enwrap.transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo enclose within folded arms, to clasp, to embrace (see also enfold).transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo cover up, to conceal.figuratively transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo ensnare, to capture.obsolete transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounAn act of folding.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounAn act of folding. / Any correct move in origami.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThat which is folded together, or which enfolds or envelops. / A bend or crease.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThat which is folded together, or which enfolds or envelops. / A layer, typically of folded or wrapped cloth.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThat which is folded together, or which enfolds or envelops. / A clasp, embrace.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThat which is folded together, or which enfolds or envelops. / A coil of a snake’s body.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThat which is folded together, or which enfolds or envelops. / A wrapping or covering.obsolete
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThat which is folded together, or which enfolds or envelops. / One of the doorleaves of a folding door.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounA gentle curve of the ground; gentle hill or valley.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThe bending or curving of one or a stack of originally flat and planar surfaces, such as sedimentary strata, as a result of plastic (i.e. permanent) deformation.geography geology natural-sciences
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThe division between the top and bottom halves of a broadsheet: headlines above the fold will be readable in a newsstand display; usually the fold.journalism media newspapers
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThe division between the part of a web page visible in a web browser window without scrolling; usually the fold.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences web-designbroadly
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounAny of a family of higher-order functions that process a data structure recursively to build up a value.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounA section of source code that can be collapsed out of view in an editor to aid readability.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounOne individual part of something described as manifold, twofold, fourfold, etc.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounA pen or enclosure for sheep or other domestic animals.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounAny enclosed piece of land belonging to a farm or mill; yard, farmyard.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounAn enclosure or dwelling generally.
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounA group of sheep or goats, particularly those kept in a given enclosure.collective
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounHome, family.figuratively
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounA church congregation, a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church; also, the Christian church as a whole, the flock of Christ.Christianity
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounA group of people with shared ideas or goals or who live or work together.figuratively
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo confine (animals) in a fold, to pen in.transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo include in a spiritual ‘flock’ or group of the saved, etc.figuratively transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishverbTo place sheep on (a piece of land) in order to manure it.transitive
church or congregationfoldEnglishnounThe Earth; earth; land, country.dialectal obsolete poetic uncountable
cityChernihivEnglishnameA port city, the administrative centre of Chernihiv Raion, Chernihiv Oblast, in northern Ukraine, on the Desna River.
cityChernihivEnglishnameA raion of Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine. Seat: Chernihiv.
cityChernihivEnglishnameAn oblast of Ukraine. Seat: Chernihiv.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA major city in Warwickshire and metropolitan borough of the West Midlands in England, with a population of over one million.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Jefferson County, Alabama.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A community of the city of Derby, New Haven County, Connecticut.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A submerged ghost town in Marshall County, Kentucky.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township in Schuyler County, Illinois.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Allen Township, Miami County, Indiana.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Fairfield Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Van Buren County, Iowa.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Franklin Township, Jackson County, Kansas.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Oakland County, Michigan.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Clay County, Missouri.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Pemberton Township, Burlington County, New Jersey.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Florence Township, Erie County, Ohio.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Monroe Township, Guernsey County, Ohio.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A borough in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA community in the Rural Municipality of Stanley No. 215, Saskatchewan, Canada.
city in AlabamaBirminghamEnglishnameA surname.
coated or encrusted with sugarcandiedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of candyform-of participle past
coated or encrusted with sugarcandiedEnglishadjcoated or encrusted with sugar
coated or encrusted with sugarcandiedEnglishadjpreserved in sugar or syrup by baking till it becomes translucent
coated or encrusted with sugarcandiedEnglishadjPleasing, flattering.figuratively
collection of feathers covering a bird’s bodyplumageEnglishnounLayer or collection of feathers covering a bird’s body; feathers used ornamentally; feathering.biology natural-sciences ornithologycollective countable noun uncountable
collection of feathers covering a bird’s bodyplumageEnglishnounFinery or elaborate dress.countable uncountable
colourtangerineEnglishnounAn slightly ovoid, orange-coloured citrus fruit with a rough peel and a sour-sweet taste which is larger than a clementine and sometimes classed as a variety of mandarin orange.
colourtangerineEnglishnounA deep yellowish-orange colour, like that of a tangerine fruit.
colourtangerineEnglishnounA tree that produces tangerines.
colourtangerineEnglishadjOf a deep yellowish-orange colour.
comic or humorous versedoggerelEnglishadjOf a crude or irregular construction.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingnot-comparable
comic or humorous versedoggerelEnglishnounA comic or humorous verse, usually irregular in measure.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingcountable uncountable
comic or humorous versedoggerelEnglishnounAny writing of crude composition.broadly countable uncountable
companyגעזעלשאַפֿטYiddishnounsociety, community (group of people sharing culture)
complete a commitmentfollow throughEnglishverbTo execute or complete a commitment.idiomatic intransitive
complete a commitmentfollow throughEnglishverbTo continue moving the arms (and any held implements, such as a bat or club) or legs after striking e.g. a ball.idiomatic intransitive
complete a commitmentfollow throughEnglishverbTo defecate unintentionally as a result of a cough or sneeze, etc.euphemistic intransitive slang
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA piece of cloth, often decorated with an emblem, used as a visual signal or symbol.countable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounAn exact representation of a flag (for example: a digital one used in websites).countable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA flag flown by a ship to show the presence on board of the admiral; the admiral himself, or his flagship.nautical transportcountable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA signal flag.nautical transportattributive countable often uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounThe use of a flag, especially to indicate the start of a race or other event.countable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA variable or memory location that stores a true-or-false, yes-or-no value, typically either recording the fact that a certain event has occurred or requesting that a certain optional action take computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounIn a command line interface, a command parameter requesting optional behavior or otherwise modifying the action of the command being computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA mechanical indicator that pops up to draw the pilot's attention to a problem or malfunction.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounThe game of capture the flag.British uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA sequence of faces of a given polytope, one of each dimension up to that of the polytope (formally, though in practice not always explicitly, including the null face and the polytope itself), such that each face in the sequence is part of the next-higher dimension face.geometry mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA sequence of subspaces of a vector space, beginning with the null space and ending with the vector space itself, such that each member of the sequence (until the last) is a proper subspace of the next.linear-algebra mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA dark piece of material that can be mounted on a stand to block or shape the light.broadcasting media televisioncountable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounAn apron.UK archaic countable slang uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA plot or words of a character in an animation, etc., that would usually lead to a specific outcome or event, not logically or causally, but as a pattern of the animation, etc.ACG video-gamesInternet countable uncountable
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo furnish or deck out with flags.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo mark with a flag, especially to indicate the importance of something.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo signal to, especially to stop a passing vehicle etc.often with-down
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo convey (a message) by means of flag signals.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo note, mark or point out for attention.often with-up
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo signal (an event).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo set a program variable to true.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo decoy (game) by waving a flag, handkerchief, etc. to arouse the animal's curiosity.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo penalize for an infraction.hobbies lifestyle sports
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo lose on time, especially in a blitz game; when using a traditional analog chess clock, a flag would fall when time expired.board-games chess gamesintransitive
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo defeat (an opponent) on time, especially in a blitz game.board-games chess gamestransitive
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo point the muzzle of a firearm at a person or object one does not intend to fire firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo fail, such as a class or an exam.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbIn female canids, to signal mating readiness by moving the tail aside to expose the vulva.biology natural-sciences
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo weaken, become feeble.intransitive
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo hang loose without stiffness; to bend down, as flexible bodies; to be loose, yielding, limp.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo let droop; to suffer to fall, or let fall, into feebleness.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo enervate; to exhaust the vigour or elasticity of.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounAny of various plants with sword-shaped leaves, especially irises; specifically, Iris pseudacorus.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA slice of turf; a sod.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA slab of stone; a flagstone, a flat piece of stone used for paving.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounAny hard, evenly stratified sandstone, which splits into layers suitable for flagstones.geography geology natural-sciences
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishverbTo pave with flagstones.transitive
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA group of feathers on the lower part of the legs of certain hawks, owls, etc.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA group of elongated wing feathers in certain hawks.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounThe bushy tail of a dog such as a setter.
computer science: notation for optional behaviourflagEnglishnounA hook attached to the stem of a written note that assigns its rhythmic valueentertainment lifestyle music
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishnounEndorsement; approval; acceptance; acquiescence.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishverbTo approve; to accept; to acquiesce to.transitive
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishverbTo confirm by activating a button marked OK.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishadjAll right, acceptable, permitted.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishadjSatisfactory, reasonably good; not exceptional.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishadjSatisfied (with); willing to accept a state of affairs.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishadjIn good health or a good emotional state.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishadvSatisfactorily, sufficiently well.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishintjUsed to indicate acknowledgement or acceptance.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishintjUsed to dismiss a dialog box or confirm a prompt.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishintjUsed to introduce a sentence in order to draw attention to the importance of what is being said.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishintjUsed in turn-taking, serving as a request to the speaker to grant the turn to the interrupter.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishintjUsed to sarcastically or sardonically indicate agreement with the previous statement.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishnameUnited States postal abbreviation for Oklahoma, a state of the United States of America.
computing: to activate the OK buttonOKEnglishnounKaraoke.Hong-Kong no-plural
condition of being informalinformalityEnglishnounThe condition of being informal.countable uncountable
condition of being informalinformalityEnglishnounAn informal term or usage; a colloquialism.countable uncountable
confidently, certainlyverilyEnglishadvTruly; doubtlessly; honestly; in truth.archaic not-comparable
confidently, certainlyverilyEnglishadvconfidently, certainlyarchaic not-comparable
connected to, or able to access, the InternetinternettedEnglishadjEntwined or linked together so as to form a network; interconnected, networked.
connected to, or able to access, the InternetinternettedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of internetform-of participle past
connected to, or able to access, the InternetinternettedEnglishadjConnected into a computer network.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
connected to, or able to access, the InternetinternettedEnglishadjConnected to, or able to access, the Internet.Internet not-comparable specifically
connected to, or able to access, the InternetinternettedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of internetform-of participle past
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA person who was born out of wedlock, and hence often considered an illegitimate descendant.countable dated uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA mongrel (biological cross between different breeds, groups or varieties).countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA contemptible, inconsiderate, overly or arrogantly rude or spiteful person.countable derogatory offensive uncountable usually vulgar
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA man, a fellow, a male friend.Australia New-Zealand Philippines countable endearing especially humorous uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA suffering person deemed deserving of compassion.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA child who does not know their father.countable informal uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounSomething extremely difficult or unpleasant to deal with.countable informal uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin, fake or counterfeit.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA bastard file.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA sweet wine.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA sword that is midway in length between a short-sword and a long sword; also bastard sword.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounAn inferior quality of soft brown sugar, obtained from syrups that have been boiled several times.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA large mould for straining sugar.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA writing paper of a particular size.countable uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishnounA Eurosceptic Conservative MP, especially in the government of John Major.government politicsUK countable derogatory uncountable
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjOf or like a bastard (illegitimate human descendant).
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjOf or like a bastard (bad person).
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjOf or like a mongrel, bastardized creature/cross.
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjOf abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc). / Spurious, lacking authenticity: counterfeit, fake.
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjOf abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc). / Imperfect; not spoken or written well or in the classical style; broken.
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjOf abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc).
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjUsed in the vernacular name of a species to indicate that it is similar in some way to another species, often (but not always) one of another genus.
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjVery unpleasant.Ireland UK vulgar
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjAbbreviated, as the half title in a page preceding the full title page of a printing publishing
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishadjConsisting of one predominant color blended with small amounts of complementary color; used to replicate natural light because of their warmer appearance.
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishintjExclamation of strong dismay or strong sense of being upset.rare
contemptible etc. personbastardEnglishverbTo bastardize.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of flowing or coming out, an outflow / A movement of soldiers towards an enemy, a sortie.government military politics warobsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of flowing or coming out, an outflow / The outflow of a bodily fluid, particularly (now rare) in abnormal amounts.medicine sciences
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / The bodily fluid drained through a natural or artificial issue.medicine sciencesarchaic
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / Offspring: one's natural child or children.lawhistorical usually
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / Progeny: all one's lineal descendants.figuratively
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / A race of people considered as the descendants of some common ancestor.figuratively obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / The produce or income derived from farmland or rental properties.archaic
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / Income derived from fines levied by a court or law-enforcement officer; the fines themselves.lawhistorical rare
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / The entrails of a slaughtered animal.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / Any action or deed performed by a person.obsolete rare
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / Luck considered as the favor or disfavor of nature, the gods, or God.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / A single edition of a newspaper or other periodical publishing
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / The entire set of some item printed and disseminated during a certain period, particularly (publishing) a single printing of a particular edition of a work when contrasted with other print runs.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / The entire set of something; all of something.figuratively usually with-definite-article
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / Any financial instrument issued by a finance
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounSomeone or something that flows out or comes out / The loan of a book etc. from a library to a patron; all such loans by a given library during a given period.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe means or opportunity by which something flows or comes out
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe means or opportunity by which something flows or comes out / A sewer.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe place where something flows or comes out, an outlet / An exit from a room or building.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe place where something flows or comes out, an outlet / A confluence: the mouth of a river; the outlet of a lake or other body of water.archaic
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of sending something out / A small incision, tear, or artificial ulcer, used to drain fluid and usually held open with a pea or other small object.medicine scienceshistorical
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of sending something out / The production or distribution of something for general use.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of sending something out / The distribution of something (particularly rations or standardized provisions) to someone or some group.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of sending something out / The action or an instance of a company selling bonds, stock, or other finance
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of sending something out
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounAny question or situation to be resolved / A point of law or fact in dispute or question in a legal action presented for resolution by the
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounAny question or situation to be resolved / Anything in dispute, an area of disagreement whose resolution is being debated or decided.figuratively
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounAny question or situation to be resolved / A dispute between two alternatives, a dilemma.obsolete rare
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounAny question or situation to be resolved / A psychological or emotional difficulty, (now informal, figurative and usually euphemistic) any problem or concern considered as a vague and intractable difficulty.US plural-normally
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounAny question or situation to be resolved
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of concluding something / The end of any action or process.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of concluding something / The end of any period of time.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe end result of an event or events, any result or outcome / The result of a discussion or negotiation, an agreement.archaic
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe end result of an event or events, any result or outcome / The result of an investigation or consideration, a conclusion.obsolete
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe end result of an event or events, any result or outcome
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of feeling some emotion.archaic figuratively
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishnounThe action or an instance of leaving any state or condition.archaic figuratively
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo flow out, to proceed from, to come out or from.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo rush out, to sally forth.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo extend into, to open onto.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo turn out in a certain way, to result in.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo end up as, to turn out being, to become as a result.archaic
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo come to a point in fact or law on which the parties join
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo send out; to put into circulation.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo deliver for use.
contested point in a dispute or debateissueEnglishverbTo deliver by authority.
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishadjOf or relating to a continent or continents.
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishadjOf the mainland, as opposed to an island offshore.
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishadjRelating to, or characteristic of, continental Europe.
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishadjOf or relating to the confederated colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary War.US historical
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishnounSomeone from the continent.
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishnounA member of the Continental army.US historical
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishnounPaper scrip (paper money) issued by the continental congress, largely worthless by the end of the war.US historical
continental EuropecontinentalEnglishnounThe smallest amount; a whit; a jot.broadly obsolete
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of runform-of gerund participle present
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjMoving or advancing at a run.not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjMoving or advancing at a run. / Of a horse, having a running gait; not a trotter or pacer.not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjPresent, current.not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjFlowing; easy; cursive.not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjContinuous; ongoing; keeping along step by step.not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjHaving a continuous design or pattern.not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjConsecutive (much more commonly expressed by an adverb; see below).not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjExtending by a slender climbing or trailing stem.biology botany natural-sciencesnot-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjDischarging pus.medicine sciencesnot-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadjDischarging snot or mucus.medicine sciencesnot-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishadvConsecutively; in a row.informal not-comparable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishnounThe action of the verb to run.countable uncountable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishnounThe activity of running as a form of exercise, as a sport, or for any other reason.countable uncountable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishnounThat which runs or flows; the quantity of a liquid which flows in a certain time or during a certain operation.countable uncountable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishnounThe discharge from an ulcer or other sore.countable uncountable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishnounThe act of running errands.colloquial countable uncountable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishnounThe dependence of measured value, typically a coupling constant, on the energy scale at which it is probed due to higher-order interaction terms and associated renormalization issues becoming relevant; metaphorically, the "running" of the measurement from its limiting macroscopic value.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
continuous, keeping along step by steprunningEnglishprepApproaching; about; roughly.colloquial
cooking saltkeittosuolaFinnishnountable salt (sodium chloride)medicine sciences
cooking saltkeittosuolaFinnishnouncooking salt
curved linecurveEnglishadjBent without angles; crooked; curved.obsolete
curved linecurveEnglishnounA gentle bend, such as in a road.
curved linecurveEnglishnounA simple figure containing no straight portions and no angles; a curved line.
curved linecurveEnglishnounA grading system based on the scale of performance of a group used to normalize a right-skewed grade distribution (with more lower scores) into a bell curve, so that more can receive higher grades, regardless of their actual knowledge of the subject.
curved linecurveEnglishnounA continuous map from a one-dimensional space to a multidimensional space.geometry mathematics sciencesanalytic
curved linecurveEnglishnounA one-dimensional figure of non-zero length; the graph of a continuous map from a one-dimensional space.geometry mathematics sciences
curved linecurveEnglishnounAn algebraic curve; a polynomial relation of the planar coordinates.algebraic-geometry geometry mathematics sciences
curved linecurveEnglishnounA one-dimensional continuum.mathematics sciences topology
curved linecurveEnglishnounThe attractive shape of a woman's body.informal plural-normally
curved linecurveEnglishverbTo bend; to crook.transitive
curved linecurveEnglishverbTo cause to swerve from a straight course.transitive
curved linecurveEnglishverbTo bend or turn gradually from a given direction.intransitive
curved linecurveEnglishverbTo grade on a curve (bell curve of a normal distribution).transitive
curved linecurveEnglishverb(slang) To reject, to turn down romantic advances.transitive
degradation, debasement or humiliationindignityEnglishnoundegradation, debasement or humiliationcountable uncountable
degradation, debasement or humiliationindignityEnglishnounan affront to one's dignity or pridecountable uncountable
diminutive of flufffloofEnglishverbTo make something fluffy, to fluff (up).humorous informal often transitive
diminutive of flufffloofEnglishverbTo move in a floofy or fluffy manner.informal intransitive
diminutive of flufffloofEnglishintjUsed to indicate the (supposed) sound of moving air, as in an explosion, a puff of smoke, etc.
diminutive of flufffloofEnglishnounA long-haired dog, cat, or similar furry pet animal.Internet countable endearing
diminutive of flufffloofEnglishnounThe fur of such an animal.Internet endearing uncountable
diminutive of flufffloofEnglishnounHair that looks fluffy, like fur from such an animal.Internet endearing uncountable
ditto markTranslingualpunctDemarcates parenthetical thought. See — —.
ditto markTranslingualpunctIndicates a logical consequence.
ditto markTranslingualpunctIndicates aposiopesis, an abrupt breaking-off in speech. See also … (“the ellipsis”).
ditto markTranslingualpunctSeparates a term from its definition.
ditto markTranslingualpunctIndicates a lack of data in a table.
ditto markTranslingualpunctAlternative form of ― (“horizontal bar; quotation dash; introduces a line of dialogue”)alt-of alternative
ditto markTranslingualpunctUsed to censor letters in obscene words.
ditto markTranslingualpunctUsed to replace part or all of a person's name, a place name, a date, or so forth.fiction literature media publishingdated
ditto markTranslingualpunctUsed as a ditto mark in lists or tables to indicate a repetition of appropriate content above.
ditto markTranslingualpunctA pointing mark in Anglican chant, used as a placeholder in the text to indicate that a bar of the chant should be omitted; typically used when a verse or half-verse is very short.entertainment lifestyle music
do not worry, I will do itno worriesEnglishintjA general injunction not to be concerned further with a subject. / It does not bother me; I am not concerned.Australia Canada Malaysia New-Zealand Singapore UK colloquial especially
do not worry, I will do itno worriesEnglishintjA general injunction not to be concerned further with a subject. / It was no problem; not at all; you're welcome.Australia Canada Malaysia New-Zealand Singapore UK colloquial especially
do not worry, I will do itno worriesEnglishintjA general injunction not to be concerned further with a subject. / Do not worry, I will do it.Australia Canada Malaysia New-Zealand Singapore UK colloquial especially
dodgingdodgeEnglishverbTo avoid (something) by moving suddenly out of the way.intransitive transitive
dodgingdodgeEnglishverbTo avoid; to sidestep.figuratively transitive
dodgingdodgeEnglishverbTo go hither and thither.archaic
dodgingdodgeEnglishverbTo decrease the exposure for certain areas of an image in order to make them darker (compare burn).arts broadcasting film hobbies lifestyle media photography television videography
dodgingdodgeEnglishverbTo follow by dodging, or suddenly shifting from place to place.transitive
dodgingdodgeEnglishverbTo trick somebody.dated intransitive transitive
dodgingdodgeEnglishnounAn act of dodging.
dodgingdodgeEnglishnounA trick, evasion or wile. (Now mainly in the expression tax dodge.)
dodgingdodgeEnglishnounA line of work.slang
dodgingdodgeEnglishadjDodgy.Australia British colloquial
drink, glass of this drinksodaEnglishnounSodium bicarbonate (usually baking soda).uncountable
drink, glass of this drinksodaEnglishnounSodium carbonate (usually washing soda).uncountable
drink, glass of this drinksodaEnglishnounSodium in chemical combination.uncountable
drink, glass of this drinksodaEnglishnounCarbonated water (water impregnated with pressurised carbon dioxide, originally made with sodium bicarbonate).uncountable
drink, glass of this drinksodaEnglishnounAny carbonated (usually sweet) soft drink.US uncountable
drink, glass of this drinksodaEnglishnounA glass, bottle or can of this drink.US countable
drink, glass of this drinksodaEnglishnounThe first card in the dealing box in the game of faro, which is discarded to leave 51 cards in play.card-games gamescountable uncountable
earlygoderheleMiddle EnglishnounGood luck or fortune.uncountable
earlygoderheleMiddle EnglishadvFortuitously, luckily.Northern rare
earlygoderheleMiddle Englishintjgood luckNorthern rare
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounA piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse, often waist length to thigh length.
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounA piece of a person's suit, beside trousers and, sometimes, waistcoat; coat (US)
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounA protective or insulating cover for an object (e.g. a book, hot water tank, bullet.)
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounA police record.slang
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounIn ordnance, a strengthening band surrounding and reinforcing the tube in which the charge is fired.government military politics war
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounThe tough outer skin of a baked potato.
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounA bastard child, in particular one whose father is unaware that he is not the child’s biological father.Jamaica
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishnounA vest(US); a waistcoat (UK)Appalachia
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishverbTo confine (someone) to a straitjacket.
enclose or encase in a jacketjacketEnglishverbTo enclose or encase in a jacket or other covering.transitive
enthusiasmзавзяттяUkrainiannounperseverance, persistenceuncountable
enthusiasmзавзяттяUkrainiannounzest, enthusiasmuncountable
esotericoccultEnglishverbTo cover or hide from view.astronomy natural-sciencestransitive
esotericoccultEnglishverbTo dissimulate, conceal, or obfuscate.rare transitive
esotericoccultEnglishadjSecret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected.medicine sciences
esotericoccultEnglishadjRelated to the occult; pertaining to mysticism, magic, or astrology.
esotericoccultEnglishnounSupernatural affairs.uncountable usually with-definite-article
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounThe skin of an animal with the hair or wool on; either a raw or undressed hide, or a skin preserved with the hair or wool on it (sometimes worn as a garment with minimal modification).
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounThe skin of an animal (especially a goat or sheep) with the hair or wool removed, often in preparation for tanning.also figuratively
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounThe fur or hair of a living animal.
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounHuman skin, especially when bare; also, a person's hair.Ireland humorous informal
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounA garment made from animal skins.obsolete
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounThe body of any quarry killed by a hawk; also, a dead bird given to a hawk for food.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyleobsolete
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo remove the skin from (an animal); to skin.transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbChiefly followed by from: to remove (the skin) from an animal.transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo remove feathers from (a bird).obsolete rare transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo bombard (someone or something) with missiles.transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo force (someone or something) to move using blows or the throwing of missiles.transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbOf a number of small objects (such as raindrops), or the sun's rays: to beat down or fall on (someone or something) in a shower.transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbChiefly followed by at: to (continuously) throw (missiles) at.transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo repeatedly beat or hit (someone or something).dialectal transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo assail (someone) with harsh words in speech or writing; to abuse, to insult.figuratively transitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbEspecially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily; to rain down.intransitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo move rapidly, especially in or on a conveyance.figuratively intransitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbChiefly followed by at: to bombard someone or something with missiles continuously.also archaic figuratively intransitive
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo throw out harsh words; to show anger.intransitive obsolete
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounA beating or falling down of hailstones, rain, or snow in a shower.
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounA blow or stroke from something thrown.
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounA verbal insult; a jeer, a jibe, a taunt.figuratively
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnoun(archaic except Midlands, Southern England (South West)) A fit of anger; an outburst, a rage. / A fit of anger; an outburst, a rage.figuratively
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnoun(chiefly Northern England except in at (full) pelt) An act of moving quickly; a rush. / An act of moving quickly; a rush.
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounA tattered or worthless piece of clothing; a rag.Scotland
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounAnything in a ragged and worthless state; rubbish, trash.Scotland broadly
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishverbTo bargain for a better deal; to haggle.intransitive obsolete
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounAlternative form of pelta / A small shield, especially one of an approximately elliptical form, or crescent-shaped.historical obsolete rare
especially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily — see also rain downpeltEnglishnounAlternative form of pelta / A flat apothecium with no rim.biology botany natural-sciencesobsolete rare
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounThe quality of being (especially visually) attractive, pleasing, fine or good-looking; comeliness.uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounSomeone who is beautiful.countable uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounThose aspects or elements that make someone or something beautiful.countable in-plural uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounSomething that is particularly good or pleasing.countable uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounAn excellent or egregious example of something.countable uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounThe excellence or genius of a scheme or decision.countable uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounA beauty quark (now called bottom quark).natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable obsolete uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounBeauty treatment; cosmetology.countable uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounPrevailing style or taste; rage; fashion.countable obsolete uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishnounBeautiful passages or extracts of poetry.archaic countable in-plural uncountable
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishintjThanks!Canada
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishintjCool!Canada
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishadjOf high quality, well done.Canada
excellence or geniusbeautyEnglishverbTo make beautiful.obsolete transitive
excitedsouped-upEnglishadjOf a racehorse: injected with a substance to make it run faster or to change its temperament.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
excitedsouped-upEnglishadjOf an engine, a motor vehicle, etc.: modified for higher performance.road transportslang
excitedsouped-upEnglishadjIntoxicated by alcohol or drugs.government military naval navy politics warUS slang
excitedsouped-upEnglishadjExcited.New-England US slang
feminine formsCharlesEnglishnameA male given name from the Germanic languages.countable uncountable
feminine formsCharlesEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.countable uncountable
feminine formsCharlesEnglishnameA hamlet in East and West Buckland parish, North Devon district, Devon, England (OS grid ref SS6832).countable uncountable
feminine formsCharlesEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Providence, Rhode Island, United States.countable uncountable
feminine formsCharlesEnglishnameSynonym of Floreana, an island in Galapagos, Ecuador.countable uncountable
festive and full of fun and laughtermerryEnglishadjJolly and full of high spirits; happy.
festive and full of fun and laughtermerryEnglishadjFestive and full of fun and laughter.
festive and full of fun and laughtermerryEnglishadjBrisk
festive and full of fun and laughtermerryEnglishadjCausing laughter, mirth, gladness, or delight.
festive and full of fun and laughtermerryEnglishadjdrunk; tipsyeuphemistic
festive and full of fun and laughtermerryEnglishnounAn English wild cherry.
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo obtain; to acquire.ditransitive transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo receive.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo have. See usage notes.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo fetch, bring, take.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo become, or cause oneself to become.copulative
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo cause to become; to bring about.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo cause to do.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo cause to come or go or move.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo adopt, assume, arrive at, or progress towards (a certain position, location, state).intransitive usually
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo cover (a certain distance) while travelling.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverb(with full infinitive or gerund-participle) To begin (doing something or to do something).catenative intransitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo take or catch (a scheduled transportation service).transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo respond to (a telephone call, a doorbell, etc).transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverb(with full infinitive) To be able, be permitted, or have the opportunity (to do something desirable or ironically implied to be desirable).catenative intransitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo understand. (compare get it)informal transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo be told; be the recipient of (a question, comparison, opinion, etc.).informal transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbUsed with the past participle to form the dynamic passive voice of a dynamic verb. Compared with static passive with to be, this emphasizes the commencement of an action or entry into a state.auxiliary informal
find as an answergetEnglishverbUsed with a pronoun subject, usually you but sometimes one, to indicate that the object of the verb exists, can occur or is otherwise typical.impersonal informal
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo become ill with or catch (a disease).transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo catch out, trick successfully.informal transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo perplex, stump.informal transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo find as an answer.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo bring to reckoning; to catch (as a criminal); to effect retribution.informal transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo hear completely; catch.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo getter.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo beget (of a father).archaic
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo learn; to commit to memory; to memorize; sometimes with out.archaic
find as an answergetEnglishverbUsed with a personal pronoun to indicate that someone is being pretentious or grandiose.imperative informal
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo go, to leave; to scram.imperative informal intransitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo kill.euphemistic
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo make acquisitions; to gain; to profit.intransitive obsolete
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo measure.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishverbTo cause someone to laugh.transitive
find as an answergetEnglishnounOffspring.dated
find as an answergetEnglishnounLineage.
find as an answergetEnglishnounA difficult return or block of a shot.hobbies lifestyle sports tennis
find as an answergetEnglishnounSomething gained; an acquisition.informal
find as an answergetEnglishnounSynonym of git (“contemptible person”)British regional
find as an answergetEnglishnounA Jewish writ of divorce.Judaism
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA mass of things heaped together; a heap.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA group or list of related items up for consideration, especially in some kind of selection process.informal
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA mass formed in layers.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA funeral pile; a pyre.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA large amount of money.slang
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA large building, or mass of buildings.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be worked over into bars or other shapes by rolling or hammering at a welding heat; a fagot.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA vertical series of alternate disks of two dissimilar metals (especially copper and zinc), laid up with disks of cloth or paper moistened with acid water between them, for producing a current of electricity; a voltaic pile, or galvanic pile.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA beam, pole, or pillar, driven completely into the ground.architecture civil-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounAn atomic pile; an early form of nuclear reactor.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounThe reverse (or tails) of a coin.obsolete
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA list or league
fine or short hairpileEnglishverbTo lay or throw into a pile or heap; to heap up; to collect into a mass; to accumulateoften transitive
fine or short hairpileEnglishverbTo cover with heaps; or in great abundance; to fill or overfill; to load.transitive
fine or short hairpileEnglishverbTo add something to a great number.transitive
fine or short hairpileEnglishverb(of vehicles) To create a hold-up.transitive
fine or short hairpileEnglishverbTo place (guns, muskets, etc.) together in threes so that they can stand upright, supporting each other.government military politics wartransitive
fine or short hairpileEnglishverbTo form a pile or heap.intransitive
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA dart; an arrow.obsolete
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounThe head of an arrow or spear.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA large stake, or piece of pointed timber, steel etc., driven into the earth or sea-bed for the support of a building, a pier, or other superstructure, or to form a cofferdam, etc.
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounOne of the ordinaries or subordinaries having the form of a wedge, usually placed palewise, with the broadest end uppermost.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
fine or short hairpileEnglishverbTo drive piles into; to fill with piles; to strengthen with piles.transitive
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounA hemorrhoid.plural-normally
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounHair, especially when very fine or short; the fine underfur of certain animals. (Formerly countable, now treated as a collective singular.)countable uncountable
fine or short hairpileEnglishnounThe raised hairs, loops or strands of a fabric; the nap of a cloth.countable uncountable
fine or short hairpileEnglishverbTo give a pile to; to make shaggy.transitive
folder卷宗Chinesenounrecord; file; archive; dossier
folder卷宗Chinesenounfolder (for documents)
forheretoEnglishadvTo here; to this.archaic not-comparable
forheretoEnglishadvYet; so far.archaic not-comparable
forheretoEnglishadvRegarding this subject.archaic not-comparable
for plantscsőrűHungarianadj-billed, with a …… beak (having some specific type of beak)not-comparable
for plantscsőrűHungarianadjnose (attributive)not-comparable
four limbs of a primateall foursEnglishnounThe four legs of a quadruped.
four limbs of a primateall foursEnglishnounThe four limbs of a primate.
four limbs of a primateall foursEnglishnounA card game similar to whist.card-games games
four limbs of a primateall foursEnglishnounA certain game of dominos.
from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervalsoccasionallyEnglishadvFrom time to time; sometimes; at relatively infrequent intervals.
from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervalsoccasionallyEnglishadvBy chance; accidentally.obsolete
from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervalsoccasionallyEnglishadvOn the occasion of something else happening; incidentally, by the way.obsolete
game for four playersmahjongEnglishnounA game (originally Chinese) for four players, using a collection of tiles divided into five or six suits.uncountable
game for four playersmahjongEnglishnounA solitaire game using the same tiles, where the player wins by removing pairs of matching exposed tiles until none remain.uncountable
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounA thin metal or wooden rod on which meat is skewered for cooking, often over a fire.
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounA generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsula.geography natural-sciences
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo impale on a spit; to pierce with a sharp object.transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo use a spit to cook; to attend to food that is cooking on a spit.transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.intransitive transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo emit or expel in a manner similar to evacuating saliva from the mouth.intransitive transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo rain or snow slightly.impersonal
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo utter (something) violently.intransitive transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo make a spitting sound, like an angry cat.intransitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo rap, to utter.dancing hip-hop hobbies lifestyle sportsslang transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverb(in the form spitting) To spit facts; to tell the truth.humorous intransitive slang
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounSaliva, especially when expectorated.uncountable
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounAn instance of spitting; specifically, a light fall of rain or snow.countable
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounA person who exactly resembles someone else (usually in set phrases; see spitting image).countable uncountable
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounSynonym of slam (“card game”)uncountable
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounThe depth to which the blade of a spade goes into the soil when it is used for digging; a layer of soil of the depth of a spade's blade.
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishnounThe amount of soil that a spade holds; a spadeful.
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo dig (something) using a spade; also, to turn (the soil) using a plough.dialectal transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo plant (something) using a spade.dialectal transitive
generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsulaspitEnglishverbTo dig, to spade.dialectal intransitive
generic modeltemplateEnglishnounA physical object whose shape is used as a guide to make other objects.
generic modeltemplateEnglishnounA generic model or pattern from which other objects are based or derived.
generic modeltemplateEnglishnounA generic model or pattern from which other objects are based or derived. / document template (file with a basic outline for a work)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
generic modeltemplateEnglishnounA macromolecule which provides a pattern for the synthesis of another molecule.
generic modeltemplateEnglishnounA partially defined class or function, that can be instantiated in a variety of ways depending on the instantiation arguments.
generic modeltemplateEnglishnounA strip of metal used in boiler-making, pierced with a series of holes, and serving as a guide in marking out a line of rivet-holes.
generic modeltemplateEnglishverbTo set up or mark off using a template.
generic modeltemplateEnglishverbTo provide a template or pattern for.
generic modeltemplateEnglishverbTo synthesize by means of a template.transitive
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounA fixture attached to a wall to hold up a shelf.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounAny intermediate object that connects a smaller part to a larger part, the smaller part typically projecting sideways from the larger natural-sciences physical-sciences
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounA short crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as a support.nautical transport
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounThe cheek or side of an ordnance carriage, supporting the trunnions.government military politics war
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounAny of the characters "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">", used in pairs to enclose parenthetic remarks, sections of mathematical expressions, etc. / "(" and ")" specifically, the other forms above requiring adjectives for disambiguation.UK
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounAny of the characters "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">", used in pairs to enclose parenthetic remarks, sections of mathematical expressions, etc. / "[" and "]" specifically - as opposed to the other forms, which have their own technical names.US
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounA diagram of games in a tournament.hobbies lifestyle sports
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounA prediction of the outcome of games in a tournament, used for betting purposes.hobbies lifestyle sports
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounOne of several ranges of numbers.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounA pair of values that represent the smallest and largest elements of a range.algebra mathematics sciences
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounTypically of stationary weapons, the zone enclosed by one long and one short shot impact expected to be hit very accurately.government military politics war
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounThe small curved or angular corner formed by a serif and a stroke in a publishing typography
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnouna mark cut into a stone by land surveyors to secure a bench.obsolete
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo support by means of mechanical brackets.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo enclose in typographical brackets.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo bound on both sides, to surround, as enclosing with brackets.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo place in the same category.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo mark distinctly for special treatment.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo set aside, discount, ignore.
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo gauge the range of a target by firing equally short and long of it and ranging the weapon between the two to achieve a very accurate hit.government military politics war
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbTo take multiple images of the same subject, using a range of exposure settings, in order to help ensure that a satisfactory image is obtained.arts hobbies lifestyle photography
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishverbIn the philosophical system of Edmund Husserl and his followers, to set aside metaphysical theories and existential questions concerning what is real in order to focus philosophical attention simply on the actual content of experience.human-sciences phenomenology philosophy sciences
generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">"bracketEnglishnounAlternative form of bragget (“drink made with ale and honey”)alt-of alternative uncountable
genus in DiaspididaeMorganellaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Enterobacteriaceae – certain bacteria including the type species Morganella morganii, a gram-negative bacterium that lives commensally in the intestinal tracts of reptiles and mammals, including humans.feminine
genus in DiaspididaeMorganellaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Diaspididae – certain scale insects.feminine
genus in DiaspididaeMorganellaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Agaricaceae – certain puffball fungi. Previously placed in the family Lycoperdaceae.feminine
genus in DiaspididaeMorganellaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Araksalosiidae – certain fossil brachiopods of the Devonian period.feminine
geographic areaFennoscandiaEnglishnameA pensinula in Northern Europe, comprising, besides the Scandinavian Peninsula, also Finland, the Kola Peninsula and Karelia (and sometimes also including Denmark, although it is not part of the Scandinavian Peninsula).
geographic areaFennoscandiaEnglishnamethe Fennoscandian Shield underlying Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Northern Denmark; Baltic Shield.geography geology natural-sciences
geographic areaFennoscandiaEnglishnamethe culture group comprising the Finnic, Sami, and Scandinavian cultures.
geological processtelogenesisEnglishnounThe process of erosion and oxidation that occurs when sedimentary rocks undergo upliftgeography geology natural-sciencesuncountable
geological processtelogenesisEnglishnounThe final growth state of a hair or feather follicleanatomy medicine sciencesuncountable
gift or bribesweetenerEnglishnounSomething added to food to sweeten its taste, especially an artificial substitute for sugar.
gift or bribesweetenerEnglishnounSomething given or added to added to a deal to sweeten another's attitude, especially a bribe or kickback.informal
gift or bribesweetenerEnglishnounA shill bidder at an auction.slang
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / Any company of people; an assemblage; a throng.obsolete
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / A group of people (often staff) manning and operating a large facility or piece of equipment such as a factory, ship, boat, airplane, or spacecraft.
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / A group of people working together on a task.
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / The group of workers on a dramatic production who are not part of the arts
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / A close group of friends.derogatory informal often
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / A set of individuals lumped together by the speaker.derogatory often
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / A group of Rovers.
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / A hip-hop or b-boying group.dancing hip-hop hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA group of people together / A rowing team manning a single shell.hobbies lifestyle rowing sports
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA person in a crew / A member of the crew of a vessel or plant.plural
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA person in a crew / A worker on a dramatic production who is not part of the artsplural
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA person in a crew / A member of a ship's company who is not an officer.nautical transportplural
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounThe sport of competitive rowing.hobbies lifestyle rowing sportsUS uncountable
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishverbTo be a member of a vessel's crewintransitive transitive
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishverbTo be a member of a work or production crew
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishverbTo supply workers or sailors for a crew
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishverbTo do the proper work of a sailornautical transport
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishverbTo take on, recruit (new) crewnautical transport
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishverbsimple past of crow (“make the characteristic sound of a rooster”).British archaic form-of past
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounA pen for livestock such as chickens or pigsBritish dialectal
group manning a vesselcrewEnglishnounThe Manx shearwater.dated dialectal
half of the EarthhemisphereEnglishnounHalf of the celestial sphere, as divided by either the ecliptic or the celestial equator .astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
half of the EarthhemisphereEnglishnounA realm or domain of activity .figuratively
half of the EarthhemisphereEnglishnounHalf of the Earth, such as the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere or Eastern Hemisphere, Land Hemisphere, Water Hemisphere etc. .geography natural-sciences
half of the EarthhemisphereEnglishnounAny half-sphere, formed by a plane intersecting the center of a sphere. .geometry mathematics sciences
half of the EarthhemisphereEnglishnounA map or projection of a celestial or terrestrial hemisphere .cartography geography natural-sciences
half of the EarthhemisphereEnglishnounEither of the two halves of the cerebrum. .anatomy medicine sciences
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishnounA hard white translucent ceramic, originally made by firing kaolin, quartz, and feldspar at high temperatures but now also inclusive of similar artificial materials; also often (figurative) such a material as a symbol of the fragility, elegance, etc. traditionally associated with porcelain goods.uncountable usually
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishnounSynonym of china: porcelain tableware.uncountable usually
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishnounSynonym of kaolin: the kind of clay traditionally used in China to manufacture porcelain.obsolete uncountable
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishnounAn object made of porcelain, (particularly) art objects or items of tableware.countable plural-normally
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishnounSynonym of cowrie.countable rare
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishnounSynonym of wampum: strings of shells, beads, etc. used as ornamentation or currency; the composite shells, beads, etc.countable historical obsolete
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishnounA kind of pigeon with deep brown and off-white feathers.capitalized countable often
hard white translucent ceramicporcelainEnglishverbTo coat with a porcelain enamel.transitive
having a back that shows skinbacklessEnglishadjHaving no back, especially where one would be expected, as with a chair or a dress.not-comparable
having a back that shows skinbacklessEnglishadjHaving the back uncovered, showing the skin.not-comparable
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Existing in the nature of a person or thing; innate, not acquired or learned.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Normally associated with a particular person or thing; inherently related to the nature of a thing or creature.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / As expected; reasonable, normal; naturally arising from the given circumstances.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Formed by nature; not manufactured or created by artificial processes.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Pertaining to death brought about by disease or old age, rather than by violence, accident etc.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Having an innate ability to fill a given role or profession, or display a specified character.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Designating a standard trigonometric function of an angle, as opposed to the logarithmic function.mathematics sciences
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Closed under submodules, direct sums, and injective hulls.algebra mathematics sciences
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Neither sharp nor flat. Denoted ♮.entertainment lifestyle music
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Containing no artificial or man-made additives; especially (of food) containing no colourings, flavourings or preservatives.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Pertaining to a decoration that preserves or enhances the appearance of the original material; not stained or artificially coloured.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Pertaining to a fabric still in its undyed state, or to the colour of undyed fabric.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Pertaining to a dice roll before bonuses or penalties have been applied to the result.dice games
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Not having used anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjExisting in nature. / Bidding in an intuitive way that reflects one's actual hand.bridge games
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjPertaining to birth or descent; native. / Having a given status (especially of authority) by virtue of birth.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjPertaining to birth or descent; native. / Related genetically but not legally to one's father; born out of wedlock, illegitimate.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadjPertaining to birth or descent; native. / Related by birth; genetically related.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounA native inhabitant of a place, country etc.archaic
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounA note that is not or is no longer to be modified by an accidental.entertainment lifestyle music
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounThe symbol ♮ used to indicate such a natural note.entertainment lifestyle music
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounOne with an innate talent at or for something.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounAn almost white colour, with tints of grey, yellow or brown; originally that of natural fabric.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounOne with a simple mind; a fool or idiot.archaic
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounOne's life.UK colloquial
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounA hairstyle for people with Afro-textured hair in which the hair is not straightened or otherwise treated.US colloquial
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounA breast which has not been modified.plural slang
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounSomeone who has not used anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishnounA roll of two dice with a score of 7 or 11 on the comeout roll.
having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's positionnaturalEnglishadvNaturally; in a natural manner.colloquial dialectal
heavyweightyEnglishadjHaving a lot of weight; heavy.
heavyweightyEnglishadjImportant; serious; not trivial or petty.figuratively
heavyweightyEnglishadjRigorous; severe; afflictive.
heavy metal fanheadbangerEnglishnounOne who dances by violently shaking the head in time to the music.
heavy metal fanheadbangerEnglishnounOne who enjoys heavy metal (rock) music, to which this sort of dance is usually performed.broadly
heavy metal fanheadbangerEnglishnounA mad or eccentric person. He walks down the street with his trolley. Fuckin' headbanger. / A mad or eccentric person.
heavy metal fanheadbangerEnglishnounA mad or eccentric person. He walks down the street with his trolley. Fuckin' headbanger. / He walks down the street with his trolley. Fuckin' headbanger.
heavy metal fanheadbangerEnglishnounA political hardliner, especially an obstructive one.
heavy metal fanheadbangerEnglishnounA person who engages in street violence, especially in support of a political group.Northern-Ireland
heavy metal fanheadbangerEnglishnounA kind of chin-up or pull-up exercise where the head is kept in line with the bar.
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounThe high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounEnergy; vigor; vim.informal
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounA zip fastener.Australia British New-Zealand
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounZero; nothing.slang
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounA trip on a zipline.
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounA zip file.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounSynonym of convolution (“type of mapping function”)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounAn ounce of marijuana.slang
high-pitched soundzipEnglishintjImitative of high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.onomatopoeic
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo close with a zip fastener.transitive
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo close as if with a zip fastener.figuratively transitive
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo subject to the convolution mapping function.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencestransitive
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo move rapidly (in a specified direction or to a specified place) with a high-pitched sound.intransitive
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo move in haste (in a specified direction or to a specified place).colloquial intransitive
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo make (something) move quicklytransitive
high-pitched soundzipEnglishverbTo travel on a zipline.
high-pitched soundzipEnglishnounEllipsis of zip code.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
hit, strikeswapEnglishverbTo exchange or give (something) in an exchange (for something else).transitive
hit, strikeswapEnglishverbTo hit, to strike.obsolete transitive
hit, strikeswapEnglishverbTo beat the air, or ply the wings, with a sweeping motion or noise; to flap.obsolete transitive
hit, strikeswapEnglishverbTo descend or fall; to rush hastily or violently.intransitive obsolete
hit, strikeswapEnglishnounAn exchange of two comparable things.
hit, strikeswapEnglishnounA financial derivative in which two parties agree to exchange one stream of cashflow against another finance
hit, strikeswapEnglishnounSpace available in a swap file for use as auxiliary memory.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal uncountable
hit, strikeswapEnglishnounA social meal at a restaurant between two university societies, usually involving drinking and banter; commonly associated with fining and pennying; equivalent to a crewdate at Oxford University.
hit, strikeswapEnglishnounA blow; a stroke.UK countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
home of the blessed after death in Greek and Roman mythology — see also ElysiumElysian FieldsEnglishnameElysium; home of the blessed, after death.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman plural plural-only
home of the blessed after death in Greek and Roman mythology — see also ElysiumElysian FieldsEnglishnameA place or state of ideal happiness; paradise.idiomatic plural plural-only
horseman, cavalrymanαναβάτηςGreeknounrider, horseman
horseman, cavalrymanαναβάτηςGreeknounclimber, mountaineer
identificationαναγνώρισηGreeknounreconnaissance, recce, recon
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounThe sound made by an object hitting a liquid.onomatopoeic
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA small amount of liquid.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA small amount (of color).
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA mark or stain made from a small amount of liquid.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounAn impact or impression.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA splash screen.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA body press; a move where the wrestler jumps forward from a raised platform such as the top turnbuckle, landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestling
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA cosmetic powder to whiten the complexion.dated
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA large, prominent headline or article.journalism media
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounThe shooting down of an aircraft over water.government military politics warslang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounThe bleeding caused by a knife wound.Multicultural-London-English slang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishnounA knife.Multicultural-London-English slang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo hit or agitate liquid so that part of it separates from the principal liquid mass.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo disperse a fluid suddenly; to splatter.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo hit or expel liquid at.transitive
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo create an impact or impression; to print, post, or publicize prominently.
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo spend (money).transitive
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo roughly fill with color.figuratively
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo launch a ship.nautical transporttransitive
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo shoot down (an aircraft) over water.government military politics warslang
impact or impressionsplashEnglishverbTo stab (a person), causing them to bleed.Multicultural-London-English transitive
in a ferocious mannerferociouslyEnglishadvIn a ferocious manner, particularly violent and aggressive.
in a ferocious mannerferociouslyEnglishadvIntensely or extremely.
infection of the plantsfoot rotEnglishnounA common infection of the hoof of animals such as cattle, sheep and goat caused by two species of anaerobic bacteria, Fusobacterium necrophorum and Bacteroides melaninogenicus; infectious pododermatitis.countable uncountable
infection of the plantsfoot rotEnglishnounA disease of plants, affecting the stalk or the trunk.countable uncountable
infection of the plantsfoot rotEnglishnounathlete's footcountable slang uncountable
institution with elected or appointed membersparliamentEnglishnounA formal council summoned (especially by a monarch) to discuss important issues.countable historical uncountable
institution with elected or appointed membersparliamentEnglishnounIn many countries, the legislative branch of government, a deliberative assembly or set of assemblies whose elected or appointed members meet to debate the major political issues of the day, make, amend, and repeal laws, authorize the executive branch of government to spend money, and in some cases exercise judicial powers; a legislature.countable uncountable
institution with elected or appointed membersparliamentEnglishnounA particular assembly of the members of such a legislature, as convened for a specific purpose or period of time (commonly designated with an ordinal number – for example, first parliament or 12th parliament – or a descriptive adjective – for example, Long Parliament, Short Parliament and Rump Parliament).countable uncountable
institution with elected or appointed membersparliamentEnglishnounA gathering of birds, especially rooks or owls.countable uncountable
institution with elected or appointed membersparliamentEnglishnounParliament cake, a type of gingerbread.countable historical uncountable
interrogativewhatEnglishdetWhich, especially which of an open-ended set of possibilities.interrogative
interrogativewhatEnglishdetWhich.indirect interrogative
interrogativewhatEnglishdetAny ... that; all ... that; whatever.relative
interrogativewhatEnglishdetEmphasises that something is noteworthy or remarkable in quality or degree, in either a good or bad way; may be used in combination with certain other determiners, especially 'a', less often 'some'.
interrogativewhatEnglishdetEmphasises that something is noteworthy or remarkable in quality or degree, in either a good or bad way; may be used in combination with certain other determiners, especially 'a', less often 'some'. / Used to form exclamations indicating that something is remarkable, in either a good or bad way.
interrogativewhatEnglishpronWhich thing, event, circumstance, etc.: used in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc.interrogative
interrogativewhatEnglishpronThat which; those that; the thing(s) that.
interrogativewhatEnglishpronAnything that; all that; whatever.
interrogativewhatEnglishpronThat; which; who.nonstandard relative
interrogativewhatEnglishadvIn what way; to what extent.interrogative not-comparable
interrogativewhatEnglishadvUsed before a prepositional phrase to emphasise that something is taken into consideration as a cause or reason; usually used in combination with 'with' (see what with), and much less commonly with other prepositions.not-comparable
interrogativewhatEnglishintjAn expression of surprise or disbelief.
interrogativewhatEnglishintjWhat do you want? An abrupt, usually unfriendly enquiry as to what a person desires.
interrogativewhatEnglishintjClipping of what do you say? Used as a type of tag question to emphasise a statement and invite agreement, often rhetorically.British abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial dated
interrogativewhatEnglishintjWhat did you say? I beg your pardon? This usage is often considered impolite, with the more polite "Pardon?" or "Excuse me?" preferred.
interrogativewhatEnglishintjIndicating a guess or approximation, or a pause to try to recall information.
interrogativewhatEnglishnounSomething; thing; stuff.obsolete uncountable
interrogativewhatEnglishnounThe identity of a thing, as an answer to a question of what.countable
interrogativewhatEnglishnounSomething that is addressed by what, as opposed to a person, addressed by who.countable
interrogativewhatEnglishparticleEmphasizes the truth of an assertion made to contradict an evidently false assumption held by the listener.Manglish Singlish
interruptpierceEnglishverbTo puncture; to break through.transitive
interruptpierceEnglishverbTo create a hole in the skin for the purpose of inserting jewelry.transitive
interruptpierceEnglishverbto break or interrupt abruptlytransitive
interruptpierceEnglishverbTo get to the heart or crux of (a matter).figuratively transitive
interruptpierceEnglishverbTo penetrate; to affect deeply.figuratively transitive
interruptpierceEnglishnounA pierced earring.Japan
islandGuernseyEnglishnameAn island, the second-largest of the Channel Islands
islandGuernseyEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in California
islandGuernseyEnglishnameA city in Iowa
islandGuernseyEnglishnameA hamlet in Saskatchewan, Canada
islandGuernseyEnglishnameA town in Wyoming
islandGuernseyEnglishnounA cow of a breed of dairy cattle originally bred in Guernsey.
islandGuernseyEnglishnounA knitted fisherman’s sweater of a type made on the island.
islandGuernseyEnglishnounA long-sleeved shirt worn by sportsmen, especially in rugby codes (historically).
islandGuernseyEnglishnounA team-liveried shirt; a jersey.Australia
islandGuernseyEnglishnounSelection or election to a position.Australia
it is more effective to act than speakactions speak louder than wordsEnglishproverbIt is more effective to act directly than to speak of action.
it is more effective to act than speakactions speak louder than wordsEnglishproverbAn individual's actions indicate their true sentiments more reliably than their claims do.
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo put clothes (or, formerly, armour) on (oneself or someone, a doll, a mannequin, etc.); to clothe.also figuratively reflexive transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo put clothes (or, formerly, armour) on (oneself or someone, a doll, a mannequin, etc.); to clothe. / To attire (oneself or someone) for a particular (especially formal) occasion, or in a fashionable manner.also figuratively reflexive specifically transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo design, make, provide, or select clothes (for someone).transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo arrange or style (someone's hair).transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo adorn or ornament (something). / To arrange a display of goods in, or to decorate (a shop or shop window).also figuratively transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo adorn or ornament (something). / To ornament (a ship) by hoisting the national colours at the peak and mastheads, and setting the jack forward; when "dressed full", the signal flags and pennants are added.nautical transportalso figuratively transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo adorn or ornament (something).also figuratively transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo apply a dressing to or otherwise treat (a wound); (obsolete) to give (a wounded person) medical aid.transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo fit or prepare (something) for use; to render (something) suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready. / To prepare, treat, or curry (animal hide or leather).transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo fit or prepare (something) for use; to render (something) suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready. / To prepare by any of many types of physical processing (e.g., breaking, crushing, sorting, sieving, controlled burning or heating).especially transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo fit or prepare (something) for use; to render (something) suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready. / To prepare the surface of (a material, such as lumber or stone; a grindstone or grinding wheel).transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo fit or prepare (something) for use; to render (something) suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready. / To remove chaff or impurities from (flour, grain, etc.) by bolting or sifting, winnowing, and other methods.England historical regional transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo fit or prepare (something) for use; to render (something) suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready. / To prepare (an artificial fly) to be attached to a fish hobbies lifestyletransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo cultivate or tend to (a garden, land, plants, etc.); especially, to add fertilizer or manure to (soil); to fertilize, to manure.agriculture business horticulture lifestyletransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo cut up (an animal or its flesh) for food.transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo prepare (food) for cooking or eating, especially by seasoning it; specifically, to add a dressing or sauce (to food, especially a salad).cooking food lifestyletransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo design, make, or prepare costumes (for a play or other performance); also, to present (a production) in a particular costume style.broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatertransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo prepare (a set) by installing the props, scenery, etc.broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatertransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo arrange (soldiers or troops) into proper formation; especially, to adjust (soldiers or troops) into straight lines and at a proper distance from each other; to align.government military politics wartransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo treat (someone) in a particular manner; specifically, in an appropriate or fitting manner; (by extension, ironic) to give (someone) a deserved beating; also, to give (someone) a good scolding; to dress down.Northern-England archaic transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo break in and train (a horse or other animal) for use.obsolete transitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo prepare (oneself); to make ready.intransitive obsolete reflexive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo put on clothes.intransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo put on clothes. / To attire oneself for a particular (especially formal) occasion, or in a fashionable manner.intransitive specifically
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbOf a thing: to attain a certain condition after undergoing some process or treatment to fit or prepare it for use.intransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbTo allow one's penis to fall to one side or the other within one's trousers.euphemistic intransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbEllipsis of cross-dress.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis intransitive slang
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbOf an animal carcass: to have a certain quantity or weight after removal of the internal organs and skin; also, to have a certain appearance after being cut up and prepared for cooking.intransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbOf soldiers or troops: to arrange into proper formation; especially, to form into straight lines and at a proper distance from each other.government military politics warimperative intransitive sometimes
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishverbOf a sportsperson: to put on the uniform and have the equipment needed to play a sport.hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounAn item of clothing (usually worn by a woman or young girl) which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waist.countable uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounAn item of outer clothing or set of such clothes (worn by people of all sexes) which is generally decorative and appropriate for a particular occasion, profession, etc.archaic countable uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounEllipsis of dress rehearsal.broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterabbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounApparel or clothing, especially when appropriate for a particular occasion, profession, etc.countable uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounThe act of putting on clothes, especially fashionable ones, or for a particular (especially formal) occasion.archaic countable uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounThe external covering of an animal (for example, the feathers of a bird) or an object.broadly countable uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounThe appearance of an object after it has undergone some process or treatment to fit or prepare it for use; finish.broadly countable uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounThe external appearance of something, especially if intended to give a positive impression; garb, guise.broadly countable figuratively uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounThe system of furrows on the face of a millstone.archaic broadly countable historical uncountable
item of clothing which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waistdressEnglishnounThe act of applying a dressing to or otherwise treating a wound; also, the dressing so applied.countable obsolete uncountable
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile.
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA goal or objective.
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounAn object of criticism or ridicule.
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA person, place, or thing that is frequently attacked, criticized, or ridiculed.
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA kind of shield: / A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive weapon in war.
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA kind of shield: / A shield resembling the Roman scutum, larger than the modern buckler.obsolete
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA kind of shield: / A bearing representing a buckler.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounThe pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark.hobbies lifestyle sports
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounThe sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling staff.geography natural-sciences surveying
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever to show its position, or for use as a signal.rail-transport railways transport
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounthe number of runs that the side batting last needs to score in the final innings in order to winball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounThe tenor of a metaphor.human-sciences linguistics sciences
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounThe codomain of a function; the object at which a morphism points.category-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounThe translated version of a document, or the language into which translation occurs.human-sciences linguistics sciences translation-studies
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA person (or group of people) that a person or organization is trying to employ or to have as a customer, audience etc.
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA thin cut; a slice; specifically, of lamb, a piece consisting of the neck and breast joints.UK dated
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA tassel or pendant.Scotland obsolete
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishnounA shred; a tatter.Scotland obsolete
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishverbTo aim something, especially a weapon, at (a target).transitive
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishverbTo aim for as an audience or demographic.figuratively transitive
kind of small shieldtargetEnglishverbTo produce code suitable for.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
locative casebulunmaTurkishnounverbal noun of bulunmak / being present, being in/at somewhere
locative casebulunmaTurkishnounverbal noun of bulunmak / being found, having been found or located
locative casebulunmaTurkishnounverbal noun of bulunmak / locative casegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesbroadly
loose and large-grained in consistencyfriableEnglishadjEasily broken into small fragments, crumbled, or reduced to powder.
loose and large-grained in consistencyfriableEnglishadjLoose and large-grained in consistency.
loose and large-grained in consistencyfriableEnglishadjLikely to crumble and become airborne, thus becoming a health risk
loose and large-grained in consistencyfriableEnglishadjSmooth: that factors completely into small prime numbers.mathematics sciences
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / A similar implement used to secure goods to animals; a packsaddle.
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / Synonym of harness saddle (“the part of a harness which supports the weight of poles or shafts attaching a vehicle to a horse or other animal”)
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / A cushion used as a seat in a cart or other vehicle.
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / The immovable seat of a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / Chiefly preceded by the: horse-riding as an activity or occupation.broadly
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / Synonym of saddle brown (“a medium brown colour, like that of saddle leather”)broadly
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hills.
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A cut of meat that includes both loins and part of the backbone.
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A small sloped or tapered structure that helps channel surface water to construction manufacturing
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The raised floorboard in a construction manufacturing
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The part of a denture which holds the artificial teeth.dentistry medicine sciences
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / An equipment part, such as a flange, which is hollowed out to fit upon a convex surface and serve as a means of attachment or natural-sciences physical-sciences
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / An anticline (“fold with strata sloping downwards on each side”); specifically, a depression located along the axial trend of such a fold.geography geology natural-sciences
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / An anticline (“fold with strata sloping downwards on each side”); specifically, a depression located along the axial trend of such a fold. / Synonym of saddle reef (“a saddle-shaped bedded mineral (usually gold-bearing quartz) vein occurring along the crest of an anticline or (less common) a syncline (an inverted saddle)”)business geography geology mining natural-sciencesAustralia
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / Synonym of saddle point (“a point in the range of a smooth function, every neighbourhood of which contains points on each side of its tangent plane”)geometry mathematics sciences
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The part of a guitar which supports the strings and, in an acoustic guitar, transfers their vibrations through the bridge to the soundboard.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle lutherie
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A small object (traditionally made of ebony) at the bottom of a string instrument such as a cello, viola, or violin below the tailpiece on which the tailgut (“cord securing the tailpiece to the instrument”) rests.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle lutherie
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A block of wood with concave depressions at the top and bottom, usually fastened to one spar and shaped to receive the end of another.nautical transport
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The clitellum of an earthworm (family Lumbricidae).biology natural-sciences zoology
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The lower part of the back of a domestic fowl, especially a male bird, bearing the saddle feathers or saddle hackles.biology natural-sciences zoology
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / In full saddle marking or saddle patch: a saddle-like marking on an animal, such as one on the back of an adult harp seal or saddleback seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus), or any of numerous such markings on a boa constrictor (Boa constrictor).biology natural-sciences zoology
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A piece of leather stitched across the instep of a shoe, usually having a different colour from the rest of the shoe.US
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / Synonym of saddle oxford or saddle shoe (“a shoe, resembling an oxford, which has a saddle (sense 11.1)”)US
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbTo put a saddle (noun sense 1) on (an animal).transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbTo put (something) on to another thing like a saddle on an animal.transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbTo enter (a trained horse) into a race.figuratively transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbChiefly followed by with: to burden or encumber (someone) with some problem or responsibility.figuratively transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbChiefly followed by on or upon: to place (a burden or responsibility) or thrust (a problem) on someone.figuratively transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbTo control or restrain (someone or something), as if using a saddle; to bridle, to harness, to rein in.archaic figuratively transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbTo get (someone) to do a burdensome task.figuratively obsolete rare transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbTo cut a saddle-shaped notch in (a log or other piece of wood) so it can fit together with other such logs or pieces; also, to fit (logs or other pieces of wood) together with this method.arts business carpentry construction crafts hobbies lifestyle manufacturing woodworkingtransitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbTo put something on to (another thing) like a saddle on an animal.obsolete transitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbOften followed by up. / To put a saddle on an animal.Canada US intransitive
low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hillssaddleEnglishverbOften followed by up. / Of a person: to get into a saddle.Canada US intransitive
luckless, unfortunate, unluckyневдалийUkrainianadjfailed, unsuccessful (attempt, endeavour, experience, life, marriage, etc.)
luckless, unfortunate, unluckyневдалийUkrainianadjabortive (coming to nothing; failing in its effect)
luckless, unfortunate, unluckyневдалийUkrainianadjinfelicitous, unfortunate, untoward (choice, joke, remark)
luckless, unfortunate, unluckyневдалийUkrainianadjfailed, hapless, luckless, unlucky, unsuccessful (person, especially in a given occupation or role)
make loveneckEnglishnounThe part of the body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals.anatomy medicine sciences
make loveneckEnglishnounThe corresponding part in some other anatomical contexts.
make loveneckEnglishnounThe part of a shirt, dress etc., which fits a person's neck.
make loveneckEnglishnounThe tapered part of a bottle toward the opening.
make loveneckEnglishnounThe slender tubelike extension atop an archegonium, through which the sperm swim to reach the egg.biology botany natural-sciences
make loveneckEnglishnounThe extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mountedentertainment lifestyle music
make loveneckEnglishnounA long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts.
make loveneckEnglishnounA reduction in size near the end of an object, formed by a groove around natural-sciences physical-sciences
make loveneckEnglishnounThe constriction between the root and crown of a tooth.
make loveneckEnglishnounThe gorgerin of a capital.architecture
make loveneckEnglishnounA volcanic plug, solidified lava filling the vent of an extinct volcano.geography geology natural-sciences
make loveneckEnglishnounThe small part of a gun between the chase and the swell of the firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
make loveneckEnglishnounA person's life.figuratively
make loveneckEnglishnounA falsehood; a lie.Multicultural-London-English informal slang
make loveneckEnglishnounFellatioslang
make loveneckEnglishnounA bundle of wheat used in certain English harvest ceremonies.historical
make loveneckEnglishverbTo hang by the neck; strangle; kill, eliminate.slang transitive
make loveneckEnglishverbTo make love; to intently kiss or cuddle; to canoodle.US informal intransitive
make loveneckEnglishverbTo drink or swallow rapidly.slang transitive
make loveneckEnglishverbTo decrease in diameter.intransitive
make loveneckEnglishnounA shapeshifting water spirit in Germanic mythology and folklore; a nix.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
male given nameGideonEnglishnameA warrior judge of Israel mentioned in the book of Judges.
male given nameGideonEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew, popularized by Puritans.
male given nameGideonEnglishnameAn English surname originating as a patronymic.
male given nameGideonEnglishnameA city in Missouri, United States; named for lumber businessman Frank Gideon.
male given nameGideonEnglishnameA census-designated place in Oklahoma, United States.
male given nameGideonEnglishnounA member of Gideons International, an evangelical Christian association, founded in 1899, that distributes free copies of the Bible.Christianity
male turkeyturkeycockEnglishnounA male turkey.
male turkeyturkeycockEnglishnounA pompous or vainglorious person.broadly
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA higher-pitched or stronger (louder or longer) articulation of a particular syllable of a word or phrase in order to distinguish it from the others or to emphasize it.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounEmphasis or importance in general.countable figuratively uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA mark or character used in writing, in order to indicate the place of the spoken accent, or to indicate the nature or quality of the vowel marked.communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingcountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounModulation of the voice in speaking; the manner of speaking or pronouncing; a peculiar or characteristic modification of the voice, expressing emotion; tone.countable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounThe distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect. / A manner of pronunciation suggesting that the speaker is from a different region; a foreign accent.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociologycountable informal proscribed sometimes uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounThe distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect. / A distinctive manner of producing a sign language, such as someone who does not normally use a certain sign language might have when using it.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociologycountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounThe distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociologycountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA word; a significant tone or sound.countable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounExpressions in general; speech.countable plural plural-only uncountable usually
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounStress laid on certain syllables of a verse.communications human-sciences journalism linguistics literature media phonology poetry prosody publishing sciences writingcountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA regularly recurring stress upon the tone to mark the beginning, and, more feebly, the third part of the measure.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA special emphasis of a tone, even in the weaker part of the measure.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA mark used to represent this special emphasis.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounThe rhythmical accent, which marks phrases and sections of a period.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA prime symbol.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounEmphasis laid on a part of an artistic design or composition; an emphasized detail, in particular a detail in sharp contrast to its surroundings.countable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounA very small gemstone set into a piece of jewellery.countable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishnounUtterance.archaic countable uncountable
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishverbTo express the accent of vocally; to utter with accent.transitive
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishverbTo mark emphatically; to emphasize; to accentuate; to make prominent.transitive
mark to denote feet or inchesaccentEnglishverbTo mark with written accents.transitive
marketfairEnglishadjBeautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality.archaic literary
marketfairEnglishadjUnblemished (figuratively or literally); clean and pure; innocent.
marketfairEnglishadjLight in color, pale, particularly with regard to skin tone but also referring to blond hair.
marketfairEnglishadjJust, equitable.
marketfairEnglishadjAdequate, reasonable, or decent, but not excellent.
marketfairEnglishadjFavorable to a ship's course.nautical transport
marketfairEnglishadjFavorable, pleasant. / Not overcast; cloudless; clear.
marketfairEnglishadjFavorable, pleasant. / Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unencumbered; open; direct; said of a road, passage, etc.
marketfairEnglishadjFavorable, pleasant.
marketfairEnglishadjWithout sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; flowing; said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other manufacturing shipbuilding
marketfairEnglishadjBetween the baselines.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
marketfairEnglishadjTaken direct from an opponent's foot, without the ball touching the ground or another player.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sports
marketfairEnglishadjNot a no ball.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
marketfairEnglishadjOf a coin or die, having equal chance of landing on any side, unbiased.mathematics sciences statistics
marketfairEnglishnounSomething which is fair (in various senses of the adjective).
marketfairEnglishnounA woman, a member of the ‘fair sex’; also as a collective singular, women.obsolete
marketfairEnglishnounFairness, beauty.obsolete
marketfairEnglishnounA fair woman; a sweetheart.
marketfairEnglishnounGood fortune; good luck.obsolete
marketfairEnglishverbTo smoothen or even a surface (especially a connection or junction on a surface).transitive
marketfairEnglishverbTo bring into perfect alignment (especially about rivet holes when connecting structural members).transitive
marketfairEnglishverbTo make an animation smooth, removing any artstransitive
marketfairEnglishverbTo construct or design with the aim of producing a smooth outline or reducing air drag or water resistance.transitive
marketfairEnglishverbTo make fair or beautiful.obsolete transitive
marketfairEnglishadvClearly, openly, frankly, civilly, honestly, favorably, auspiciously, agreeably.
marketfairEnglishnounA community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements.
marketfairEnglishnounAn event for public entertainment and trade, a market.
marketfairEnglishnounAn event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business, a trade fair.
marketfairEnglishnounA travelling amusement park (called a funfair in British English and a (travelling) carnival in US English).
mausoleumulaIrishnountomb, sepulchre, mausoleum; vault, charnel house; sepulchral monumentfeminine
mausoleumulaIrishnounpenitential stationfeminine usually
mausoleumulaIrishnounplace of resortfeminine
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounA figure formed by two rays which start from a common point (a plane angle) or by three planes that intersect (a solid angle).geometry mathematics sciences
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounThe measure of such a figure. In the case of a plane angle, this is the ratio (or proportional to the ratio) of the arc length to the radius of a section of a circle cut by the two rays, centered at their common point. In the case of a solid angle, this is the ratio of the surface area to the square of the radius of the section of a sphere.geometry mathematics sciences
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounA corner where two walls intersect.
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounA change in direction.
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounA viewpoint; a way of looking at something.
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounThe focus of a news
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounAny of various hesperiid butterflies.
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounA storyline between two wrestlers, providing the background for and approach to a feud.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestlingslang
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounAn ulterior motive; a scheme or means of benefitting from a situation, usually hidden, often immoralslang
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounA projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounAny of the four cardinal points of an astrological chart: the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Descendant and the Imum Coeli.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
measure of such a figureangleEnglishverbTo place (something) at an angle.transitive
measure of such a figureangleEnglishverbTo change direction rapidly.informal intransitive
measure of such a figureangleEnglishverbTo present or argue something in a particular way or from a particular viewpoint.informal transitive
measure of such a figureangleEnglishverbTo hamper (oneself or one's opponent) by leaving the cue ball in the jaws of a pocket such that the surround of the pocket (the "angle") blocks the path from cue ball to object ball.transitive
measure of such a figureangleEnglishnounA fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod.
measure of such a figureangleEnglishverbTo try to catch fish with a hook and line.figuratively intransitive
measure of such a figureangleEnglishverbTo attempt to subtly persuade someone to offer a desired thing.informal
meetTranslingualsymbolThe conjunction operator, forming a Boolean-valued function, typically with two arguments, returning true only if all of its arguments are true.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
meetTranslingualsymbolwedge productmathematics sciences
meetTranslingualsymbolsmash productmathematics sciences topology
meetTranslingualsymbolmeet, infimumalgebra mathematics order-theory sciences
member of an online subculture unable to find a romantic or sexual partnerincelEnglishnounA member of an online subculture of people (mostly men) who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.countable uncountable
member of an online subculture unable to find a romantic or sexual partnerincelEnglishnounAn individual who is not sexually active despite having such a desire.countable rare uncountable
member of an online subculture unable to find a romantic or sexual partnerincelEnglishnoun"Involuntary celibacy": the state of being not sexually active despite wishing to seduction-community sexualityinformal uncountable
member of an online subculture unable to find a romantic or sexual partnerincelEnglishadjNot having sexual relations despite wishing seduction-community sexualitynot-comparable
member of the Zulu peopleZuluEnglishnounA member of an African ethnic group living mainly in the KwaZulu-Natal Province in eastern South Africa.countable uncountable
member of the Zulu peopleZuluEnglishnounTime along the prime meridian; UTC; Zulu time.countable uncountable
member of the Zulu peopleZuluEnglishnameThe language of these people, a Bantu language; isiZulu.
member of the Zulu peopleZuluEnglishadjPertaining to the Zulu people, culture, or language.not-comparable
mess大鍋飯Chinesenounfood prepared in a large canteen or cauldron; mess
mess大鍋飯Chinesenounextreme or indiscriminate egalitarianismMainland-China figuratively
metric prefixmyria-Englishprefixinnumerable: myriad, myriapodmorpheme
metric prefixmyria-EnglishprefixIn the metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10,000. Symbol: mymorpheme obsolete
molecular hydrogenhydrogenEnglishnounThe lightest chemical element (symbol H), with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794.countable uncountable
molecular hydrogenhydrogenEnglishnounThe lightest chemical element (symbol H), with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794. / An atom of the element.countable uncountable
molecular hydrogenhydrogenEnglishnounMolecular hydrogen (H₂), a colourless, odourless and flammable gas at room temperature.countable uncountable
molecular hydrogenhydrogenEnglishnounMolecular hydrogen (H₂), a colourless, odourless and flammable gas at room temperature. / A molecule of this molecular speciescountable uncountable
molecular hydrogenhydrogenEnglishnounThe isotope hydrogen-1 (also symbol H), contrasting with deuterium and tritiumcountable uncountable
molecular hydrogenhydrogenEnglishnounA sample of the element/molecule.countable uncountable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounA building or institution where money (originally, only coins) is produced under government licence.
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounA vast sum of money; (by extension) a large amount of something.informal
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounAny place regarded as a source of unlimited supply; the supply itself.figuratively
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishverbTo reproduce (coins), usually en masse, under licence.transitive
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishverbTo invent; to forge; to fabricate; to fashion.
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishverbTo create a crypto cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency financetransitive
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishadjLike new.not-comparable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishadjIn near-perfect condition; uncirculated.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsnot-comparable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishadjUnused with original gum; as issued originally.hobbies lifestyle philatelynot-comparable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishadjVery good, excellent.Geordie Northern-England not-comparable slang
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishadjAttractive; beautiful; handsome.Australia Ireland New-Zealand UK not-comparable slang
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounAny plant in the genus Mentha in the family Lamiaceae, typically aromatic with square stems.countable uncountable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounThe flavouring of the plant, either a sweet, a jelly or sauce.countable uncountable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounA green colour, like that of mint.countable uncountable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounA mint-flavored candy, often eaten to sweeten the smell of the breath.countable uncountable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishadjOf a green colour, like that of the mint plant.not-comparable
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishverbTo try, attempt; take aim.Northern-England Scotland intransitive
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishverbTo try, attempt, endeavor; to take aim at; to try to hit; to purpose.Northern-England Scotland transitive
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishverbTo hint; suggest; insinuate.Scotland intransitive
money-producing building or institutionmintEnglishnounIntent, purpose; an attempt, try; effort, endeavor.Northern-England Scotland
motor vehicle摩托車Chinesenounmotorcycle; motorbike (Classifier: 輛/辆 m)
motor vehicle摩托車Chinesenounmotor vehicle; carobsolete
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounA quantity obtained by addition or aggregation.
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounAn arithmetic computation, especially one posed to a student as an exercise (not necessarily limited to addition).often plural
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounA quantity of money.
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounA summary; the principal points or thoughts when viewed together; the substance.
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounA central idea or point; gist.
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounThe utmost degree.obsolete
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounAn old English measure of corn equal to the quarter.obsolete
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishverbTo add together.transitive
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishverbTo give a summary of.transitive
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounThe basic unit of money in Kyrgyzstan.
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounThe basic unit of money in Uzbekistan.
multiplication, factorization; factorsumEnglishnounA type of administrative district used in China, Mongolia, and Russia. In Mongolia, a sum is smaller than a province. In China, it is only used in Inner Mongolia, where it is equivalent to a township.
narrowtightEnglishadjFirmly held together; compact; not loose or open. / Unyielding or firm.
narrowtightEnglishadjFirmly held together; compact; not loose or open. / Under high tension; taut.
narrowtightEnglishadjFirmly held together; compact; not loose or open. / Scarce, hard to come by.colloquial
narrowtightEnglishadjFirmly held together; compact; not loose or open. / Intimately friendly.colloquial figuratively
narrowtightEnglishadjFirmly held together; compact; not loose or open. / Miserly or frugal.derogatory figuratively slang usually
narrowtightEnglishadjFirmly held together; compact; not loose or open.
narrowtightEnglishadjNarrow, such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it. / Fitting close, or too close, to the body.
narrowtightEnglishadjNarrow, such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it. / Of a turn, sharp, so that the timeframe for making it is narrow and following it is difficult.
narrowtightEnglishadjNarrow, such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it. / Lacking holes; difficult to penetrate; waterproof.
narrowtightEnglishadjNarrow, such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it.
narrowtightEnglishadjWell-rehearsed and accurate in execution.
narrowtightEnglishadjWell-rehearsed and accurate in execution. / Not conceding many goals.hobbies lifestyle sports
narrowtightEnglishadjIntoxicated; drunk or acting like being drunk.slang
narrowtightEnglishadjExtraordinarily great or special.slang
narrowtightEnglishadjMean; unfair; unkind.British regional slang
narrowtightEnglishadjLimited or restricted.
narrowtightEnglishadjNot ragged; whole; neat; tidy.obsolete
narrowtightEnglishadjHandy; adroit; brisk.obsolete
narrowtightEnglishadjOf a player, who plays very few hands.card-games poker
narrowtightEnglishadjUsing a strategy which involves playing very few hands.card-games poker
narrowtightEnglishadjIntimate, close, close-knit.informal
narrowtightEnglishadjA car with understeer, primarily used to describe NASCAR stock cars.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportsUS slang
narrowtightEnglishadjAngry or irritated.New-York
narrowtightEnglishadjstill intact due to her still being a virgin.slang vulgar
narrowtightEnglishadvFirmly, so as not to come loose easily.
narrowtightEnglishverbTo tighten.obsolete
nautical equipmentturnbuckleEnglishnounA coupling device consisting of two eyelets or other connection points connected in screw threads. The joint in between can be turned to shorten or lengthen the device with mechanical advantage provided by the screw threads.
nautical equipmentturnbuckleEnglishnounA link threaded on both ends of a short bar which is used to pull objects together. (FM 55-501)nautical transport
neckgwddwWelshnounneckanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
neckgwddwWelshnounthroatanatomy medicine sciencesNorth-Wales masculine
nineteen-year-oldneunzehnjährigGermanadjnineteen-yearnot-comparable relational
noonundernEnglishnounSynonym of terce: the third hour of daylight (about 9 am).obsolete uncountable
noonundernEnglishnounSynonym of noon: the sixth hour of daylight (12 pm).obsolete uncountable
noonundernEnglishnounSynonym of afternoon.UK dialectal uncountable
noonundernEnglishnounSynonym of evening.UK dialectal uncountable
noonundernEnglishnounA light meal, particularly in the afternoon.UK dialectal uncountable
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjUnfavorable; negative; not good.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjNot suitable or fitting.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjNot appropriate, of manners etc.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjUnhealthy; liable to cause health problems.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjSickly, unhealthy, unwell.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjNot behaving; behaving badly; misbehaving; mischievous or disobedient.childish often
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjTricky; stressful; unpleasant.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjEvil; wicked.childish sometimes
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjFaulty; not functional.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjSpoiled, rotten, overripe.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjMalodorous; foul.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjFalse; counterfeit; illegitimate.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjUnskilled; of limited ability; not good.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjOf poor physical appearance.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjBold and daring.informal
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjGood, superlative, excellent, cool.slang
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjSevere, urgent.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjOverly promiscuous, licentious.US slang
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjVery attractive; hot, sexy.slang
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjNot covered by funds on account.slang
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadjUsed without a copula to mock people who oppose something without having any real understanding of it.Internet sarcastic
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadvBadly; poorly.colloquial
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishadvBadly; severely, extremely, passionately, eagerly.emphatic intensifier
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishnounSomething that is bad; a harm or evil.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishnounError; mistake.slang
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishnounAn item (or kind of item) of merchandise with negative value; an unwanted good.economics sciencescountable uncountable
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishintjUsed to scold a misbehaving child or pet.
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishverbalternative past of bid. See bade.alternative archaic form-of past
not appropriate, of manners etc.badEnglishverbTo shell (a walnut).British dialectal transitive
not losing one's temper while waitingpatientEnglishadjWilling to wait if necessary; not losing one's temper while waiting.
not losing one's temper while waitingpatientEnglishadjConstant in pursuit or exertion; persevering; calmly diligent.
not losing one's temper while waitingpatientEnglishadjPhysically able to suffer or bear.obsolete
not losing one's temper while waitingpatientEnglishnounA person or animal who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person.
not losing one's temper while waitingpatientEnglishnounThe noun or noun phrase that is semantically on the receiving end of a verb's action.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
not losing one's temper while waitingpatientEnglishnounOne who, or that which, is passively affected; a passive recipient.
not tonal, lacking tones (linguistics)atonalEnglishadjLacking a tonal center or key.entertainment lifestyle music
not tonal, lacking tones (linguistics)atonalEnglishadjNot tonal, lacking tones.human-sciences linguistics sciences
not under controlout of controlEnglishprep_phraseNot under control.
not under controlout of controlEnglishprep_phraseNot controllable.
not under controlout of controlEnglishprep_phraseNot in control of one's actions.
noticemeldingIcelandicnounmessage, noticefeminine informal
noticemeldingIcelandicnounthe act of reporting in, affirming one's presence or participationfeminine informal
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjHaving a pleasing appearance, good-looking, attractive / Of a man or boy: attractively manly, having a pleasing face and overall effect.
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjHaving a pleasing appearance, good-looking, attractive / Of a woman: statuesque, beautiful in a masculine or otherwise imposing way.
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjHaving a pleasing appearance, good-looking, attractive
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjGood, appealing, appropriate. / Fine, clear and bright.
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjGood, appealing, appropriate. / Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease; appropriate.
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjGood, appealing, appropriate.
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjGenerous or noble in character.
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjAmple; moderately large.
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishadjOf people and things: dexterous; skillful.obsolete
of a woman: striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not conventionally beautifulhandsomeEnglishverbTo render handsome.obsolete transitive
of or relating to Hellas or the HellenesHellenicEnglishadjOf or relating to the ancient Greek culture and civilization before the Hellenistic period.
of or relating to Hellas or the HellenesHellenicEnglishadjOf or relating to Hellas (Greece) or the Hellenes (Greeks).
of or relating to Hellas or the HellenesHellenicEnglishnameThe Greek language and its dialects from the earliest records (Linear B inscriptions, about 1600-1300 B.C.E.) to the present Modern Greek.
of or relating to musclesmuscularEnglishadjOf, relating to, or connected with muscles.relational
of or relating to musclesmuscularEnglishadjBrawny, thewy, having strength.
of or relating to musclesmuscularEnglishadjHaving large, well-developed muscles.
of or relating to musclesmuscularEnglishadjRobust, strong.figuratively
of or relating to musclesmuscularEnglishadjFull-bodied
one who donatesdonorEnglishnounOne who makes a donation.
one who donatesdonorEnglishnounAn object, typically broken beyond repair, that is used for spare parts.
one who donatesdonorEnglishnounA group or molecule that donates either a radical, electrons or a moiety in a chemical reaction. Compare acceptor.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
opposed to a government currently in powerantigovernmentEnglishadjOpposed to a government currently in power.
opposed to a government currently in powerantigovernmentEnglishadjOpposed to government in general.
opposed to a government currently in powerantigovernmentEnglishnounA government set up to oppose another government.
orbit of the Moonlunar orbitEnglishnounThe orbit of the Moon around the Earth. [from 17th c.] / The orbit of the Moon around the Earth.
orbit of the Moonlunar orbitEnglishnounThe orbit of an object around the Moon. [from 20th c.] / The orbit of an object around the Moon.
pending something more permanentprovisoryEnglishadjContaining a proviso.
pending something more permanentprovisoryEnglishadjDependent on a proviso or condition.
pending something more permanentprovisoryEnglishadjTemporary; pending something more permanent.
pending something more permanentprovisoryEnglishnounSynonym of provisionalhobbies lifestyle philately
people or language of Republic of CongoCongoleseEnglishnounA person from the Congo or any Congolese state. / A person from the Republic of the Congo.
people or language of Republic of CongoCongoleseEnglishnounA person from the Congo or any Congolese state. / A person from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire).
people or language of Republic of CongoCongoleseEnglishnounA person from the Congo or any Congolese state.
people or language of Republic of CongoCongoleseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Congo or any Congolese state. / Of, from, or pertaining to the Republic of Congo or its people.not-comparable
people or language of Republic of CongoCongoleseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Congo or any Congolese state. / Of, from, or pertaining to the Democratic Republic of Congo or its people.not-comparable
people or language of Republic of CongoCongoleseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Congo or any Congolese state.not-comparable
person or businesscomposterEnglishnounA person or business that composts waste
person or businesscomposterEnglishnounA container for producing compost.
person who stokesstokerEnglishnounA person who stokes, especially one on a steamship or steam train, who stokes coal in the boilers.
person who stokesstokerEnglishnounA device for stoking a fire; a poker.
person who stokesstokerEnglishnounA device that feeds coal into a furnace, etc., automatically.
person who stokesstokerEnglishnounA person who pedals on the back of a tandem bicycle.
pertaining to animals that are allowed to roam freelyfree-rangeEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or produced by animals that are allowed to roam freely, rather than being confined indoors.not-comparable
pertaining to animals that are allowed to roam freelyfree-rangeEnglishadjAllowed to move about outdoors without supervision.figuratively not-comparable
pertaining to animals that are allowed to roam freelyfree-rangeEnglishadjRelating to a hands-off parenting style in which children are allowed to go out and explore alone.not-comparable
planets of the Solar SystemNeptúCatalannameNeptune (god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
planets of the Solar SystemNeptúCatalannameNeptune (planet)masculine
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof / The slender, flexible main stem of a plant such as bamboo, including many species in the grass family Gramineaeuncountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof / The plant itself, including many species in the grass family Gramineae; a reeduncountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof / Sugar caneuncountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof / Maize or, rarely, sorghum, when such plants are processed to make molasses (treacle) or sugarSouthern US countable uncountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounThe stem of such a plant adapted for use as a tool / A short rod or stick, traditionally of wood or bamboo, used for corporal punishment.countable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounThe stem of such a plant adapted for use as a tool / Corporal punishment by beating with a cane.countable uncountable with-definite-article
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounThe stem of such a plant adapted for use as a tool / A lance or dart made of canecountable uncountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA rod-shaped tool or device, resembling the stem of the plant. / A strong short staff used for support or decoration during walking; a walking stickcountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA rod-shaped tool or device, resembling the stem of the plant. / A length of colored and/or patterned glass rod, used in the specific glassblowing technique called caneworkingarts crafts glassblowing hobbies lifestylecountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA rod-shaped tool or device, resembling the stem of the plant. / A long rod often collapsible and commonly white (for visibility to other persons), used by vision impaired persons for guidance in determining their course and for probing for obstacles in their pathcountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounSplit rattan, as used in wickerwork and basketry.uncountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishnounA local European measure of length; the canna.countable uncountable
plant itselfcaneEnglishverbTo strike or beat with a cane or similar implement.
plant itselfcaneEnglishverbTo make or furnish with cane or rattan.transitive
plant itselfcaneEnglishverbTo destroy; to comprehensively defeat.New-Zealand UK slang
plant itselfcaneEnglishverbTo do something well, in a competent fashion.New-Zealand UK slang
plant itselfcaneEnglishverbTo go very fast.UK slang
plant itselfcaneEnglishverbTo produce extreme pain.Australia UK intransitive slang
plant that grows on rockslithophyteEnglishnounAny plant that lives grows on rocks, obtaining nourishment from rain and the atmosphere.biology natural-sciences
plant that grows on rockslithophyteEnglishnounAny organism, such as a coral, resembling a stony plant.biology natural-sciences zoology
point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersectoriginEnglishnounThe beginning of something.
point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersectoriginEnglishnounThe source of a river, information, goods, etc.
point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersectoriginEnglishnounThe point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect.mathematics sciences
point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersectoriginEnglishnounThe proximal end of attachment of a muscle to a bone that will not be moved by the action of that muscle.anatomy medicine sciences
point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersectoriginEnglishnounAn arbitrary point on Earth's surface, chosen as the zero for a system of coordinates.cartography geography natural-sciences
point at which the axes of a coordinate system
politicsrevolving doorEnglishnounA door that rotates around a central pivot.
politicsrevolving doorEnglishnounA system or institution that people exit and immediately reenter.figuratively
politicsrevolving doorEnglishnounA movement of personnel between roles as legislators and regulators, on the one hand, and members of the industries affected by the legislation and regulation, on the other.government politics
politicsrevolving doorEnglishnounSynonym of recidivism
prefecture-level city in eastern China; town in southern China; residential community in eastern ChinaHai'anEnglishnameA county-level city in Nantong, Jiangsu, China.
prefecture-level city in eastern China; town in southern China; residential community in eastern ChinaHai'anEnglishnameA town in Xuwen, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China.
prefecture-level city in eastern China; town in southern China; residential community in eastern ChinaHai'anEnglishnameA residential community of Chenjiagang, Xiangshui, Yancheng, Jiangsu, China.
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishnounAny of several, generally large and lustrous black species of birds in the genus Corvus, especially the common raven, Corvus corax.countable
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishnounA jet-black colour.countable uncountable
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishadjOf the color of the raven; jet-black.not-comparable
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishnounRapine; rapacity.uncountable
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishnounPrey; plunder; food obtained by violence.uncountable
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishverbTo obtain or seize by violence.archaic transitive
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishverbTo devour with great eagerness.transitive
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishverbTo prey on with rapacity.transitive
prey; plunder; food obtained by violenceravenEnglishverbTo show rapacity; to be greedy (for something).intransitive
process to increase concentrationevaporationEnglishnounThe process of a liquid converting to the gaseous state.countable uncountable
process to increase concentrationevaporationEnglishnounThe process in which all or a portion of liquid (in a container) is turned into vapour, in order to increase the concentration of solid matter in the mixture.countable uncountable
process to increase concentrationevaporationEnglishnounThat which is evaporated; vapor.archaic countable uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo act in a manner such that one has fun; to engage in activities expressly for the purpose of recreation or entertainment.intransitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo toy or trifle; to act with levity or thoughtlessness; to be careless.especially intransitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo perform in (a sport); to participate in (a game). / Specifying a particular sporting role or position.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo perform in (a sport); to participate in (a game). / To compete against, in a game.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo perform in (a sport); to participate in (a game). / To be the opposing score to.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo perform in (a sport); to participate in (a game).intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo act or behave in a stated way.copulative intransitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo act or behave in a stated way. / To give a false appearance of being; to pretend to be.copulative intransitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo act as (the indicated role).transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo act as (the indicated role). / To portray (a character) in (a film or theatre).transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To produce music using a musical instrument.especially intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To produce music.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To operate (a device or media) so as to cause sound (especially music) or moving pictures to be produced.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To render (a musical title, compositional style, film title, etc.) using a musical instrument or device.intransitive transitive usually
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To emit or relay sound (especially music) or moving pictures; (of a device) to operate media.mediaintransitive transitive usually
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To be performed, reproduced, or shown.broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media music televisionintransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To perform or give performances in or at (a venue or location).intransitive transitive usually
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo produce sound (especially music), moving pictures, or theatrical performance. / To act or perform (a play).intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo move briskly, sweepingly, back and forth, in a directed manner, etc. / To move in a light or brisk manner.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo move briskly, sweepingly, back and forth, in a directed manner, etc. / To move so as to fall upon or sweep across something, or to direct or operate (something) in such a manner.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo move briskly, sweepingly, back and forth, in a directed manner, etc. / To move in an alternating or reciprocal manner; to move to and fro.intransitive transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo bring into action or motion; to exhibit in action; to execute or deploy.transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo handle or deal with (a matter or situation) in a stated way.transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo handle or deal with (something) in a calculating manner intended to achieve profit or gain.transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo be received or accepted (in a given way); to go down.intransitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo gamble.
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo keep in play, as a hooked fish in order to land it.transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo manipulate, deceive, or swindle.colloquial transitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo kid; to joke; to say something for amusement; to act, or to treat something, unseriously.intransitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbTo take part in amorous activity; to make love; see also play around.intransitive
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishverbFor additional senses in various idiomatic phrases, see the individual entries, such as play along, play at, play down, play off, play on, play out, play to, play up, etc.
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounActivity for amusement only, especially among the young.uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounSimilar activity in young animals, as they explore their environment and learn new skills.uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounThe conduct, or course, of a game.uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounAn individual's performance in a sport or game.uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounA short sequence of action within a game.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounA short sequence of action within a game. / An action carried out when it is one's turn to play.countable uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounA literary composition, intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounA theatrical performance featuring actors.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounAn attempt to move forward, as in a plan or strategy, for example by a business, investor, or political party.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounA geological formation that contains an accumulation or prospect of hydrocarbons or other resources.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounMovement (of a pattern of light etc.)uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounFreedom to move.uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounFreedom to move. / The extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely, as for example lash, backlash, or slack.countable uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounSexual activity or sexual role-playing.informal uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounAn instance of watching or listening to media.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounAn instance or instances of causing media to be watched or heard, such as by broadcasting.countable uncountable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounA button that, when pressed, causes media to be played.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounAn instance of wordplay.countable
produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense)playEnglishnounActivity relating to martial combat or fighting.archaic countable in-compounds uncountable usually
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjWealthy: having a lot of money and possessions.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjHaving an intense fatty or sugary flavour.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjRemunerative.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjPlentiful, abounding, abundant, fulfilling.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjYielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjComposed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients; procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious; sumptuous; costly.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjNot faint or delicate; vivid.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjVery amusing.informal
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjRidiculous, absurd, outrageous, preposterous, especially in a galling, hypocritical, or brazen way.informal
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjElaborate, having complex formatting, multimedia, or depth of interaction.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjOf a solute-solvent solution: not weak (not diluted); of strong concentration.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjOf a solute-solvent solution: not weak (not diluted); of strong concentration. / Of a fuel-air mixture: having more fuel (thus less air) than is necessary to burn all of the fuel; less air- or oxygen- rich than necessary for a stoichiometric reaction.
productive, fertilerichEnglishadjTrading at a price level which is high relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or (for derivatives) a theoretical finance
productive, fertilerichEnglishnounThe rich people of a society or the world collectively, the rich class of a society.plural plural-only
productive, fertilerichEnglishverbTo enrich.obsolete transitive
productive, fertilerichEnglishverbTo become rich.intransitive obsolete
property of crystallizing in three distinct formstrimorphismEnglishnounThe property of crystallizing in three distinct forms.chemistry crystallography natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
property of crystallizing in three distinct formstrimorphismEnglishnounThe coexistence among individuals of the same species of three distinct forms, not generally connected by intermediate gradations.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
provinceReggio CalabriaEnglishnameReggio Calabria (a historical province and metropolitan city of Calabria, Italy).
provinceReggio CalabriaEnglishnameReggio Calabria (a city and commune, the provincial capital of Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy).
provinceReggio CalabriaEnglishnameRegium, an important flourishing Ancient Greek colonial settlement in Magna Graecia on the Strait of Messina from the early 1st millennium BCE thru the Hellenistic, Ancient Roman, Byzantine Roman and medieval epochs.history human-sciences sciences
province of VietnamYên BáiEnglishnameA province of Vietnam.
province of VietnamYên BáiEnglishnameA city in Vietnam.
provinces of BelgiumLuxemburgDutchnameLuxembourg (a small country in Western Europe) # Luxembourg (a province of Wallonia, Belgium) # Luxembourg, Luxembourg City (the capital city of Luxembourg) # Luxembourg (One of the twelve cantons of the country of Luxembourg, which includes its capital city) / Luxembourg (a small country in Western Europe)neuter
provinces of BelgiumLuxemburgDutchnameLuxembourg (a small country in Western Europe) # Luxembourg (a province of Wallonia, Belgium) # Luxembourg, Luxembourg City (the capital city of Luxembourg) # Luxembourg (One of the twelve cantons of the country of Luxembourg, which includes its capital city) / Luxembourg (a province of Wallonia, Belgium)neuter
provinces of BelgiumLuxemburgDutchnameLuxembourg (a small country in Western Europe) # Luxembourg (a province of Wallonia, Belgium) # Luxembourg, Luxembourg City (the capital city of Luxembourg) # Luxembourg (One of the twelve cantons of the country of Luxembourg, which includes its capital city) / Luxembourg, Luxembourg City (the capital city of Luxembourg)neuter
provinces of BelgiumLuxemburgDutchnameLuxembourg (a small country in Western Europe) # Luxembourg (a province of Wallonia, Belgium) # Luxembourg, Luxembourg City (the capital city of Luxembourg) # Luxembourg (One of the twelve cantons of the country of Luxembourg, which includes its capital city) / Luxembourg (One of the twelve cantons of the country of Luxembourg, which includes its capital city)neuter
provinces of TurkeyMuşTurkishnameMush (the capital city of Mush province, Turkey)
provinces of TurkeyMuşTurkishnameMush (a province of Turkey)
register of a language used in literary writingliterary languageEnglishnounA register of a language that is used in literary writing.literature media publishinguncountable
register of a language used in literary writingliterary languageEnglishnounA language variety used as an institutional norm in a community, opposed to vernacular dialects; a standard language.human-sciences linguistics sciences social-science sociolinguistics sociologyuncountable
related to a governmental minister or ministryministerialEnglishadjRelated to a religious minister or ministry.
related to a governmental minister or ministryministerialEnglishadjRelated to a governmental minister or ministry.
related to a governmental minister or ministryministerialEnglishadjHaving the power to wield delegated executive authority.
related to a governmental minister or ministryministerialEnglishadjServing as an instrument or means (i.e., procedural or ancillary, not substantive).lawespecially
related to a governmental minister or ministryministerialEnglishnounA member of the mediaeval estate or caste of unfree nobles.historical
render effectivedynamizeEnglishverbTo make dynamic.
render effectivedynamizeEnglishverbTo render effective.medicine pharmacology sciences
resembling a webwebbedEnglishadjWith the digits connected by a thin membrane.not-comparable
resembling a webwebbedEnglishadjResembling a web.not-comparable
resembling a webwebbedEnglishadjConnected to the World Wide Web.not-comparable
resembling a webwebbedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of webform-of participle past
rounded outlinethought bubbleEnglishnounA rounded or cloud-shaped outline, usually containing words, representing thought in a cartoon.
rounded outlinethought bubbleEnglishnounAn ill-conceived idea.idiomatic
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishnounA food made of ground meat (or meat substitute) and seasoning, packed in a section of the animal's intestine, or in a similarly cylindrical shaped synthetic casing; a length of this food.countable uncountable
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishnounA sausage-shaped thing.countable uncountable
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishnounThe penis.countable slang uncountable vulgar
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishnounA term of endearment.countable informal uncountable
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishnounA saucisse.government military politics wararchaic countable uncountable
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishnounA dachshund; sausage dog.countable uncountable
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishnounShort for sausage roll (“the dole; unemployment”).abbreviation alt-of countable slang uncountable
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishverbTo squeeze tightly into something.
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishverbTo make into sausage.
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishverbTo make sausage-like, especially to give the appearance of barely fitting into the casing or skin.
sausage-shaped thingsausageEnglishverbTo form a sausage-like shape, with a non-uniform cross natural-sciences physical-sciences
schoolmadrasahMalaynounschool.Islam education lifestyle religion
schoolmadrasahMalaynouna small mosque.Islam lifestyle religion
sectionsectorEnglishnounA section.
sectionsectorEnglishnounA zone; a designated area. / An area designated by boundaries within which a unit operates, and for which it is responsible.government military politics war
sectionsectorEnglishnounA zone; a designated area. / One of the subdivisions of a coastal frontier.government military politics war
sectionsectorEnglishnounA zone; a designated area. / a fictional region of space designated for navigational or governance purposes.literature media publishing science-fiction
sectionsectorEnglishnounPart of a circle, extending to the center; circular sector.geometry mathematics sciences
sectionsectorEnglishnounA fixed-sized unit (traditionally 512 bytes) of sequential data stored on a track of a digital computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
sectionsectorEnglishnounAn instrument consisting of two rulers of equal length joined by a hinge.
sectionsectorEnglishnounA field of economic activity.
sectionsectorEnglishnounA toothed gear whose face is the arc of a natural-sciences physical-sciences
sectionsectorEnglishnounA fixed, continuous section of the track, such that sectors do not overlap but all sectors make up the whole track.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports
sectionsectorEnglishnounAn area of a crag, consisting of various routesclimbing hobbies lifestyle sports
seeανακάτωμαGreeknounconfusion, disorder
seeανακάτωμαGreeknounmuddle, mix-up
seeανακάτωμαGreeknounblending, mixing
seeανακάτωμαGreeknounnausea, sicknessmedicine physiology sciences
seeανοικοδόμητοςGreekadjnot rebuilt, unreconstructed
self-consumptionautophagyEnglishnounThe process of self-digestion by a cell through the action of enzymes originating within the same cell. Often a defensive and/or self-preservation measure.biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
self-consumptionautophagyEnglishnounA type of programmed cell death accomplished through self-digestion.biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
self-consumptionautophagyEnglishnounSelf-consumption; the act of eating oneself.countable rare uncountable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounThe sense or ability of sight.uncountable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounSomething seen; an object perceived visually.countable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounSomething imaginary one thinks one sees.countable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounSomething unreal or imaginary; a creation of fancy.broadly countable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounAn ideal or a goal toward which one aspires.countable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounA religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance.countable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounA person or thing of extraordinary beauty.countable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishnounPre-recorded film or tape; footage.uncountable
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishverbTo imagine something as if it were to be true.transitive
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishverbTo present as in a vision.transitive
sense or ability of sightvisionEnglishverbTo provide with a vision.transitive
setstatuoLatinverbto set up, station (in an upright position)conjugation-3
setstatuoLatinverbto establish, determine, fix (the form or character of)conjugation-3
setstatuoLatinverbto erectconjugation-3
setstatuoLatinverbto hold up, stop, endconjugation-3
setstatuoLatinverbto decide, make up (one's mind)conjugation-3
set of questionscatechismEnglishnounA book, in question and answer form, summarizing the basic principles of Christianity.
set of questionscatechismEnglishnounA basic manual in some subject.
set of questionscatechismEnglishnounA set of questions designed to determine knowledge.
shakingぐらぐらJapaneseadvshakily, looselyonomatopoeic
shakingぐらぐらJapaneseadvboiling up
shakingぐらぐらJapaneseverbbe dizzy
significantmaterialEnglishadjHaving to do with matter; consisting of matter.
significantmaterialEnglishadjWorldly, as opposed to spiritual.
significantmaterialEnglishadjSignificant.accounting business finance law
significantmaterialEnglishnounMatter which may be shaped or manipulated, particularly in making something.countable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounText written for a specific purpose.countable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounA sample or specimens for study.countable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounCloth to be made into a garment. Fabric.countable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounA person, or people collectively, who are qualified for a certain position or activity.countable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounRelated data of various kinds, especially if collected as the basis for a document or book.countable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounThe substance that something is made or composed of.countable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounAn element of a design language associated with a certain style of rendering on the display.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishnounAll of a player's pieces and pawns on the chessboard.board-games chess gamescountable uncountable
significantmaterialEnglishverbTo form from matter; to materialize.obsolete transitive
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge, containing printed or written material, pictures, etc.
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA long work fit for publication, typically prose, such as a novel or textbook, and typically published as such a bound collection of sheets, but now sometimes electronically as an e-book.
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA major division of a long work.
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA record of betting (from the use of a notebook to record what each person has bet).gambling games
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA bookmaker (a person who takes bets on sporting events and similar); bookie; turf accountant.informal
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA convenient collection, in a form resembling a book, of small paper items for individual use.
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounThe script of a musical or opera.entertainment lifestyle theater
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounRecords of the accounts of a business.plural-normally
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA book award, a recognition for receiving the highest grade in a class (traditionally an actual book, but recently more likely a letter or certificate acknowledging the achievement).lawcolloquial
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounSix tricks taken by one side.
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounFour of a kind.card-games pokerslang
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA document, held by the referee, of the incidents happened in the game.hobbies lifestyle sports
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA list of all players who have been booked (received a warning) in a game.hobbies lifestyle sportsbroadly
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounThe twenty-sixth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounAny source of instruction.figuratively
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounThe accumulated body of knowledge passed down among black pimps.with-definite-article
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounA portfolio of one's previous work in the industry.advertising business marketinginformal
slang: to leavebookEnglishnounThe sum of chess knowledge in the opening or endgame.board-games chess gamesuncountable
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo reserve (something) for future use.transitive
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo write down, to register or record in a book or as in a book.transitive
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo add a name to the list of people who are participating in something.transitive
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo record the name and other details of a suspected offender and the offence for later judicial action.government law-enforcementtransitive
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo issue a caution to, usually a yellow card, or a red card if a yellow card has already been issued.hobbies lifestyle sports
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo travel very fast.intransitive slang
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo record bets as bookmaker.
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo receive the highest grade in a class.transitive
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbTo leave.intransitive slang
slang: to leavebookEnglishverbsimple past of bakeNorthern-England UK dialectal form-of past
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA small piece which breaks off from baked food (such as cake, biscuit or bread).countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA small piece of any other solid substance.countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA bit, small amount.countable figuratively uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounShort for crumb rubber.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounThe soft internal portion of bread, surrounded by crust.countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA mixture of sugar, cocoa and milk, used to make industrial chocolate.countable uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA nobody; a worthless person.countable slang uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishnounA body louse (Pediculus humanus).countable slang uncountable
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishverbTo cover with crumbs.transitive
small piece of biscuit, cake, etccrumbEnglishverbTo break into crumbs or small pieces with the fingers; to crumble.transitive
sodium nitratesaltpetreEnglishnounPotassium nitrate.uncountable usually
sodium nitratesaltpetreEnglishnounSodium nitrate.uncommon uncountable usually
sodium nitratesaltpetreEnglishverbTo treat with saltpetre.transitive
someone suffering from anorexia nervosaanorexicEnglishadjPertaining to, or suffering from, anorexia nervosa.
someone suffering from anorexia nervosaanorexicEnglishadjThin, skinny, insubstantial.broadly
someone suffering from anorexia nervosaanorexicEnglishadjHaving very little to no appetite (a symptom that can happen in various diseases).medicine sciences
someone suffering from anorexia nervosaanorexicEnglishnounSomebody suffering from anorexia nervosa.
someone suffering from anorexia nervosaanorexicEnglishnounA medicine which suppresses appetite.
someone unqualified or insufficiently qualifiedamateurEnglishnounA lover of something.archaic
someone unqualified or insufficiently qualifiedamateurEnglishnounA person attached to a particular pursuit, study, science, or art (such as music or painting), especially one who cultivates any study, interest, taste, or attachment without engaging in it professionally.
someone unqualified or insufficiently qualifiedamateurEnglishnounSomeone who is unqualified or insufficiently skillful.
someone unqualified or insufficiently qualifiedamateurEnglishadjNon-professional.
someone unqualified or insufficiently qualifiedamateurEnglishadjCreated, done, or populated by amateurs or non-professionals.
someone unqualified or insufficiently qualifiedamateurEnglishadjShowing a lack of professionalism, experience or talent.
son of one's stepbrother or stepsisterstepnephewEnglishnounThe son of one's stepbrother or stepsisterrare
son of one's stepbrother or stepsisterstepnephewEnglishnounThe stepson of one's siblingrare
source of inspirationmuseEnglishnounA source of inspiration.
source of inspirationmuseEnglishnounA poet; a bard.archaic
source of inspirationmuseEnglishverbTo become lost in thought, to ponder.intransitive
source of inspirationmuseEnglishverbTo say (something) with due consideration or thought.transitive
source of inspirationmuseEnglishverbTo think on; to meditate on.transitive
source of inspirationmuseEnglishverbTo wonder at.transitive
source of inspirationmuseEnglishnounAn act of musing; a period of thoughtfulness.
source of inspirationmuseEnglishnounA gap or hole in a hedge, fence, etc. through which a wild animal is accustomed to pass; a muset.
sourly; bitterlyacerbicallyEnglishadvsourly; bitterly
sourly; bitterlyacerbicallyEnglishadvIn a sarcastic or cynical manner.
speaker placed inside or held near the earearpieceEnglishnounA speaker placed inside or held near to the ear.
speaker placed inside or held near the earearpieceEnglishnounA receiver of a telephone to hold near to one's ear.
speaker placed inside or held near the earearpieceEnglishnounThe arm on a pair of glasses that hooks over the ear to hold them in place.
sputumloogieEnglishnounA thick quantity of sputum, usually containing phlegm.US slang
sputumloogieEnglishnounAny thick, disgusting liquid.US slang
state or quality of being tametamenessEnglishnounThe state or quality of being tame.uncountable
state or quality of being tametamenessEnglishnounThe result or product of being tame.countable rare
stationary podiumamboEnglishnounA raised platform in an early Christian church, as well as in the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic churches.
stationary podiumamboEnglishnounA stationary podium used for readings and homilies.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
stationary podiumamboEnglishnounAn ambulance driver.informal
stationary podiumamboEnglishnounAn ambulance.informal
still cameracameraEnglishnounA device for taking still or moving pictures or photographs.arts hobbies lifestyle photography
still cameracameraEnglishnounThe viewpoint in a three-dimensional game or computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences video-games
still cameracameraEnglishnounA vaulted room.
still cameracameraEnglishnounA judge's private chamber, where cases may be heard in camera.
straydeviateEnglishnounA person with deviant behaviour; a deviant, degenerate or pervert.human-sciences sciences social-science sociology
straydeviateEnglishnounA value equal to the difference between a measured variable factor and a fixed or algorithmic reference value.mathematics sciences statistics
straydeviateEnglishverbTo go off course from; to change course; to change plans.intransitive
straydeviateEnglishverbTo fall outside of, or part from, some norm; to stray.figuratively intransitive
straydeviateEnglishverbTo cause to diverge.transitive
streetstEnglishintjExpressing a sudden desire for silence.
streetstEnglishnounAbbreviation of street. (Usually as “st.” Also as “st”. Sometimes capitalized.)abbreviation alt-of
streetstEnglishnounAbbreviation of Saint. (Always capitalized.)abbreviation alt-of
streetstEnglishnounAbbreviation of state.abbreviation alt-of
streetstEnglishnounAbbreviation of stone. (Not capitalized or usually spaced.)abbreviation alt-of
streetstEnglishnounAbbreviation of store.abbreviation alt-of
streetstEnglishnounAbbreviation of knitting manufacturing textilesabbreviation alt-of
strengthenthickenEnglishverbTo make thicker (in the sense of wider).transitive
strengthenthickenEnglishverbTo make thicker (in the sense of more viscous).transitive
strengthenthickenEnglishverbTo become thicker (in the sense of wider).intransitive
strengthenthickenEnglishverbTo become thicker (in the sense of more viscous).intransitive
strengthenthickenEnglishverbTo strengthen; to confirm.transitive
strengthenthickenEnglishverbTo make more frequent.transitive
study of the meaning of wordsSemantikGermannounsemantics (study of the meaning of words)feminine no-plural
study of the meaning of wordsSemantikGermannounsemantics (meaning of an individual word)feminine no-plural
subgenus PapedapapedaEnglishnounSago congee, a staple food of native people in Maluku and Papua.countable uncountable
subgenus PapedapapedaEnglishnounThe subgenus Papeda of the genus Citrus, a citrus species native to Asia.countable uncountable
subgenus PapedapapedaEnglishnounCitrus ichangensis, the Ichang papeda.countable uncountable
surnameCamusEnglishnameA surname from French.
surnameCamusEnglishnameAlbert Camus, French author and philosopher
system of seven tones and tonic keytonalityEnglishnounThe system of seven tones built on a tonic key; the 24 major and minor scales.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
system of seven tones and tonic keytonalityEnglishnounA sound of specific pitch and quality; timbre.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
system of seven tones and tonic keytonalityEnglishnounThe quality of all the tones in a composition heard in relation to the tonic.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
system of seven tones and tonic keytonalityEnglishnounThe interrelation of the tones in a painting.countable uncountable
system of thoughtreferentiekaderDutchnounframe of reference / system of organising thought containing prior beliefsneuter
system of thoughtreferentiekaderDutchnounframe of reference / diagram or system from where an observer observes (relative) motionnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsneuter
taxonomic ranksخانوادهPersiannounfamily
taxonomic ranksخانوادهPersiannounhousehold
taxonomic ranksخانوادهPersiannounfamily (taxonomic rank)biology natural-sciences
ten-pointed stardecagramEnglishnounAn SI unit of mass equal to 10¹ grams. Symbol: dagmetrology
ten-pointed stardecagramEnglishnounA regular ten-pointed star shape.geometry mathematics sciences
tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authorityauthoritarianEnglishadjOf, or relating to, or exhibiting strict obedience to an authority; favoring authoritarianism over civic and individual liberties.
tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authorityauthoritarianEnglishadjDemanding obedience to authority; marked by authoritarianism; dictatorial, tyrannical.
tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authorityauthoritarianEnglishadjTending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authority.
tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authorityauthoritarianEnglishnounOne who commands absolute obedience to his or her authority.
tending to impose one's demands upon others as if one were an authorityauthoritarianEnglishnounOne who follows and is excessively obedient to authority.
that forms the blood plasmaplasmogenousEnglishadjThat forms a plasma when in bulk.not-comparable
that forms the blood plasmaplasmogenousEnglishadjThat forms the blood plasma.hematology medicine sciencesnot-comparable
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounSolid excretory product evacuated from the bowels; feces.colloquial countable uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounThe act of shitting.colloquial countable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounRubbish; worthless matter.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounStuff, things.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnoun(the shit) The best of its kind.US colloquial definite uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounNonsense; bullshit.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounA nasty, despicable person, used particularly of men.colloquial countable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnoun(in negations) Anything.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounThe smallest amount of concern or consideration.colloquial countable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounA problem or difficult situation.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounA strong rebuke.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounAny recreational drug (e.g. cannabis, heroin, etc.).colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishnounAnything exceptional or remarkable.slang uncountable usually vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishadjOf poor quality; worthless.colloquial vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishadjNasty; despicable.colloquial vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishverbTo defecate.colloquial intransitive vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishverbTo excrete (something) through the anus.colloquial transitive vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishverbTo defecate on; to soil through defecating.colloquial reflexive transitive vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishverbTo fool or try to fool someone; to be deceitful.colloquial transitive vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishverbTo annoy.Australia colloquial transitive vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishintjExpression of worry, failure, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishintjUsed to show displeasure or surprise.vulgar
the best of its kindshitEnglishintjUsed for mere emphasis; heck, hey.vulgar
the resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronizationcoordinationEnglishnounThe act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect.uncountable usually
the resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronizationcoordinationEnglishnounThe resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronization.uncountable usually
the resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronizationcoordinationEnglishnounThe ability to coordinate one's senses and physical movements in order to act skillfully.uncountable usually
the resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronizationcoordinationEnglishnounthe state of being equal in rank or power.archaic possibly uncountable usually
the resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronizationcoordinationEnglishnounAn equal joining together of two or more phrases or clauses, for example, using and, or, or but.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable usually
the resulting state of working together; cooperation; synchronizationcoordinationEnglishnounThe reaction of one or more ligands with a metal ion to form a coordination compound.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable usually
the stabilization of a physical system by reducing oscillationdampingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of dampform-of gerund participle present
the stabilization of a physical system by reducing oscillationdampingEnglishnounThe reduction in the magnitude of oscillations by the dissipation of energyengineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
the stabilization of a physical system by reducing oscillationdampingEnglishnounThe stabilization of a physical system by reducing oscillationengineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
thingancillaryEnglishadjSubordinate; secondary; auxiliary.
thingancillaryEnglishnounSomething that serves an ancillary function, such as an easel for a painter.
thingancillaryEnglishnounAn auxiliary.archaic
to abstain (from) — see also abstainrefrainEnglishverbTo hold back, to restrain (someone or something).archaic transitive
to abstain (from) — see also abstainrefrainEnglishverbTo show restraint; to hold oneself back.archaic reflexive
to abstain (from) — see also abstainrefrainEnglishverbTo repress (a desire, emotion etc.); to check or curb.archaic transitive
to abstain (from) — see also abstainrefrainEnglishverbTo stop oneself from some action or interference; to abstain.intransitive
to abstain (from) — see also abstainrefrainEnglishverbTo abstain from (food or drink).rare regional transitive
to abstain (from) — see also abstainrefrainEnglishnounThe chorus or burden of a song repeated at the end of each verse or stanza.
to abstain (from) — see also abstainrefrainEnglishnounA much repeated comment, complaint, or saying.broadly
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo discover, find out; to uncover.archaic transitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo change with a specific direction, progress.intransitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo progress through a sequence of stages.intransitive transitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo advance; to further; to promote the growth of.transitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo create.transitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo bring out images latent in photographic film.transitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo acquire something usually over a period of time.transitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo place one's pieces actively.board-games chess gamestransitive
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo cause a ball to become more open and available to be played on later. Usually by moving it away from the cushion, or by opening a pack.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle pool snooker sports
to advancedevelopEnglishverbTo change the form of (an algebraic expression, etc.) by executing certain indicated operations without changing the value.mathematics sciences
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishnounThe vitreous coating of pottery or porcelain; anything used as a coating or color in glazing.ceramics chemistry engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishnounA transparent or semi-transparent layer of paint.countable uncountable
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishnounA smooth coating of ice formed on objects due to the freezing of rain; glaze ice.climatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishnounAny smooth, transparent layer or coating.countable uncountable
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishnounA smooth edible coating applied to food.countable uncountable
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishnounBroth reduced by boiling to a gelatinous paste, and spread thinly over braised food lifestylecountable uncountable
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishnounA glazing oven; glost oven.countable uncountable
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishverbTo install windows.transitive
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishverbTo apply a thin, transparent layer of coating.transitive
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishverbTo become glazed or glassy.intransitive
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishverbOf eyes: to take on an uninterested appearance; to glaze over.intransitive
to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramicsglazeEnglishverbTo compliment or praise someone excessively in a cringeworthy way.derogatory intransitive slang transitive
to apply weight in order to balancecounterbalanceEnglishnounA weight that is put in opposition to an equal weight so it keeps that in balance.literally
to apply weight in order to balancecounterbalanceEnglishnounA force or influence that balances, checks or limits an opposite one.figuratively
to apply weight in order to balancecounterbalanceEnglishverbTo apply weight in order to balance an opposing weight.transitive
to apply weight in order to balancecounterbalanceEnglishverbTo match or equal in effect when applying opposing force.figuratively transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo be or remain suspended.intransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo float, as if suspended.intransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo veer in one direction.intransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo rebound unexpectedly or unusually slowly, due to backward spin on the ball or imperfections of the ground.hobbies lifestyle sports tennisintransitive usually
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect.transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo cause (something) to be suspended, as from a hook, hanger, hinges, or the like.transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo kill (someone) by suspension from the neck, usually as a form of execution or suicide.lawtransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo be executed by suspension by one's neck from a gallows, a tree, or other raised bar, attached by a rope tied into a noose.lawintransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverb(used in maledictions) To damn.informal transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo loiter; to hang around; to spend time idly.informal intransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo exhibit (an object) by hanging.transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo apply (wallpaper or drywall to a wall).transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo decorate (something) with hanging objects.transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo remain persistently in one's thoughts.figuratively intransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo prevent from reaching a decision, especially by refusing to join in a verdict that must be unanimous.transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo stop responding to manual input devices such as the keyboard and mouse.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesintransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo cause (a program or computer) to stop responding.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo cause (a piece) to become vulnerable to capture.board-games chess gamestransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo be vulnerable to capture.board-games chess gamesintransitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo throw a hittable off-speed pitch.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishverbTo attach or cause to stick (a charge or accusation, etc.).figuratively transitive
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounThe way in which something hangs.
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounA mass of hanging material.
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounA slackening of motion.
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounA sharp or steep declivity or slope.
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounAn instance of ceasing to respond to input.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounA grip, understanding.figuratively informal
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounThe smallest amount of concern or consideration; a damn.colloquial
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounA hangout.colloquial
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounA person that someone hangs out with.colloquial
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounCheap processed ham (cured pork), often made specially for sandwiches.Ireland derogatory informal uncountable
to be executed using gallowshangEnglishnounAlternative spelling of Hang (“musical instrument”)alt-of alternative
to be removed by strippingstrip offEnglishverbTo remove anything by stripping, e.g. items of clothing or paint from the side of a ship.transitive
to be removed by strippingstrip offEnglishverbTo remove all of one's clothes (or sometimes to remove all except underclothes, or figuratively).British Ireland idiomatic intransitive
to be removed by strippingstrip offEnglishverbTo be removed by strippingintransitive
to be unwilling to givegrudgeEnglishnounDeep-seated and/or long-term animosity or ill will about something or someone, especially due to perceived mistreatment.countable
to be unwilling to givegrudgeEnglishverbTo be unwilling to give or allow (someone something).
to be unwilling to givegrudgeEnglishverbTo grumble, complain; to be dissatisfied.obsolete
to be unwilling to givegrudgeEnglishverbTo hold or harbour with malicious disposition or purpose; to cherish enviously.obsolete
to beginnoissaIngrianverbto riseintransitive
to beginnoissaIngrianverbto get upintransitive
to beginnoissaIngrianverbto shoot upintransitive
to beginnoissaIngrianverbto ascendintransitive
to beginnoissaIngrianverbto becometransitive with-translative
to beginnoissaIngrianverbto begin to
to beginnoissaIngrianverbto will, to shall
to begin a new colonycolonizeEnglishverbTo settle (a place) with colonists, and hence make (a place) into a colony.transitive
to begin a new colonycolonizeEnglishverbTo settle (a group of people, a species, or the like) in a place as a colony.transitive
to begin a new colonycolonizeEnglishverbTo settle among and establish control over (the indigenous people of an area).transitive
to begin a new colonycolonizeEnglishverbTo begin a colony or colonies.intransitive
to begin a new colonycolonizeEnglishverbTo intrude into and take over (the autonomy, experience, social movement, etc, of a less powerful person or group); to commandeer or appropriate.human-sciences sciences social-science social-sciencesbroadly transitive
to build againrebuildEnglishverbTo build again or anew.intransitive transitive
to build againrebuildEnglishverb(said of sports teams) To attempt to improve one's performance during a period of struggling.figuratively
to build againrebuildEnglishnounA process or result of rebuilding.
to build againrebuildEnglishnoun(said of sports teams) A period during which an attempt is made to improve during a period of struggling.figuratively
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishnounA person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishnounAn adherent or fan (of something)
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishverbTo deliver (someone or something) following a judicial decision.Ancient-Rome transitive
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishverbTo devote (oneself) to a given activity, occupation, thing etc.archaic reflexive
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishverbTo bind (a person or thing) to the service of something.obsolete transitive
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishverbTo devote or pledge (oneself) to a given person, cause etc.obsolete reflexive
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishverbTo devote (one's mind, talent etc.) to a given activity, occupation, thing etc.archaic transitive
to cause to become addictedaddictEnglishverbTo make (someone) become devoted to a given thing or activity; to cause to be addicted.transitive
to change one's opinioncome roundEnglishverbTo change direction.
to change one's opinioncome roundEnglishverbTo change one's opinion to a prevailing one.
to change one's opinioncome roundEnglishverbTo return to a former condition. / To recover consciousness, to come to
to change one's opinioncome roundEnglishverbTo return to a former condition. / To cease anger or hostility.
to change one's opinioncome roundEnglishverbTo visit someone's home or other regular place.
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbOften followed by out: to squeeze or twist (something moist) tightly so that liquid is forced out.transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbOften followed by out: to squeeze or twist (something moist) tightly so that liquid is forced out. / To squeeze water from (an item of wet clothing) by passing through a wringer.transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbOften followed by from or out: to extract (a liquid) from something wet by squeezing, twisting, or otherwise putting pressure on it.also figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo hold (someone or something) tightly and press or twist; to wrest.also figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo hold (someone or something) tightly and press or twist; to wrest. / To clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.also figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo bend or strain (something) out of its position; to wrench, to wrest.transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo contort or screw up (the face or its features).transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo twist or wind (something) into coils; to coil.transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbOf a thing (such as footwear): to pinch or press (a person or part of their body), causing pain.transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo cause (someone or something) physical harm, injury, or pain; specifically, by applying pressure or by twisting; to harm, to hurt, to injure.also dialectal figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo cause (tears) to come out from a person or their eyes.figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo cause distress or pain to (a person or their heart, soul, etc.); to distress, to torment.figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo obtain (something) from or out of a person or thing by extortion or other force.figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo use effort to draw (a response, words, etc.) from or out of someone; to generate (something) as a response.figuratively transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo afflict or oppress (someone) to enforce compliance; to extort.figuratively obsolete transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo cause (someone) to do something or to think a certain way.figuratively obsolete transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo change (something) into another thing.figuratively obsolete transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo give (teachings, words, etc.) an incorrect meaning; to twist, to wrest.figuratively obsolete transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo put (oneself) in a position by cunning or subtle means; to insinuate.figuratively obsolete reflexive transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo slide (two ultraflat surfaces) together such that their faces bond.transitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo be engaged in clasping and twisting (especially the hands), or exerting pressure.intransitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo twist the body in or as if in pain; to writhe.intransitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo contend, to struggle; also, to strive, to toil.figuratively intransitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo experience distress, pain, punishment, etc.figuratively intransitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbOf a lode: to be depleted of ore; to peter or peter miningintransitive
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishverbTo make a way out with difficulty.intransitive obsolete
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishnounA powerful squeezing or twisting action.also figuratively
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishnounFollowed by down: the product of wringing, such as cider or wine.dated
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishnounA sharp physical pain, especially in the abdomen; also, mental pain or distress.obsolete
to clasp and twist (hands) together due to distress, sorrow, etc.wringEnglishnounA device for compressing or pressing, especially for making cheese, cider from apples, or wine from grapes.archaic
to creepsneakEnglishnounOne who sneaks; one who moves stealthily to acquire an item or information.
to creepsneakEnglishnounThe act of sneaking
to creepsneakEnglishnounA cheat; a con artist.
to creepsneakEnglishnounAn informer; a tell-tale.
to creepsneakEnglishnounA ball bowled so as to roll along the ground; a daisy-cutterball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsobsolete
to creepsneakEnglishnounA sneaker; a tennis shoe.US
to creepsneakEnglishnounA play where the quarterback receives the snap and immediately dives forward.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
to creepsneakEnglishverbTo creep or go stealthily; to come or go while trying to avoid detection, as a person who does not wish to be seen.intransitive
to creepsneakEnglishverbTo take something stealthily without permission.transitive
to creepsneakEnglishverbTo stealthily bring someone something.ditransitive
to creepsneakEnglishverbTo hide, especially in a mean or cowardly manner.dated transitive
to creepsneakEnglishverbTo inform an authority of another's misdemeanours.informal intransitive with-on
to creepsneakEnglishadjIn advance; before release to the general public.not-comparable
to creepsneakEnglishadjIn a stealthy or surreptitious manner.not-comparable
to declare指稱Chineseverbto declare; to state; to call; to mention the name of
to declare指稱Chineseverbto point out; to indicate
to endeavor to gain someone's affectionwooEnglishverbTo endeavor to gain someone's support.transitive
to endeavor to gain someone's affectionwooEnglishverb(often of a man) To try to persuade (someone) to be in an amorous relationship withtransitive
to endeavor to gain someone's affectionwooEnglishverbTo court solicitously; to invite with importunity.transitive
to endeavor to gain someone's affectionwooEnglishintjExpressing joy or excitement; woohoo, yahoo.slang
to endeavor to gain someone's affectionwooEnglishadjAlternative form of woo wooalt-of alternative
to endeavor to gain someone's affectionwooEnglishnounAlternative form of woo wooalt-of alternative
to fester糜爛Chineseverbto fester; to suppurate; to rot; to decay
to fester糜爛Chineseverbto ravage; to devastate; to make havoc ofliterary
to fester糜爛Chineseadjdebauched; dissipated; decadent; degenerate; rotten to the core
to fester糜爛Chineseadjrotten; putrid
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounA doer, maker; a person who does things for another person or organization.obsolete
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounAn agent or representative.
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounA commission
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounA person or business organization that provides money for another's new business venture; one who finances another's
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounA business organization that lends money on accounts receivable or buys and collects accounts
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounOne of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result.
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounAny of various objects multiplied together to form some whole.mathematics sciences
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounInfluence; a phenomenon that affects the nature, the magnitude, and/or the timing of a consequence.
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounA resource used in the production of goods or services, a factor of production.economics sciences
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishnounA steward or bailiff of an estate.Scotland
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishverbTo find all the factors of (a number or other mathematical object) (the objects that divide it evenly).transitive
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishverbTo be a product of other objects.intransitive
to find all factors of a numberfactorEnglishverbTo sell a debt or debts to an agent (the factor) to commerce commercialtransitive
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo sit or stand with a leg on each side of something; to sit astride.transitive
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo be on both sides of something; to have parts that are in different places, regions, etc.transitive
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo consider or favor two apparently opposite sides; to be noncommittal.transitive
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo form a disorderly sprawl; to spread out irregularly.transitive
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo fire successive artillery shots in front of and behind of a target, especially in order to determine its range (the term "bracket" is often used instead).government military politics war
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo place a voluntary raise prior to receiving cards (only by the first player after the blinds).card-games poker
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo stand with the ends staggered; said of the spokes of a wagon wheel where they join the hub.intransitive
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishverbTo execute a commodities market spread.economics sciences
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishnounA posture in which one straddles something.
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishnounA pair or salvo of successive artillery shots falling both in front of and behind a target.government military politics war
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishnounAn investment strategy involving simultaneous trade with put and call options on the same security at the same strike price, giving a non-directional position sensitive to finance
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishnounA voluntary raise made prior to receiving cards by the first player after the blinds.card-games poker
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishnounA vertical mine-timber supporting a mining
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishnounA part of a harness placed on the back of a beast of burden (such as a horse or donkey) to carry the weight of a load.
to fire shots in front and behind of a targetstraddleEnglishadvAstride.not-comparable
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo move upward, to fly, to soar.intransitive
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo slope in an upward direction.intransitive
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo go up.transitive
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo succeed a ruler on (the throne).intransitive transitive
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo rise; to become higher, more noble, etc.figuratively intransitive
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo trace, search or go backwards temporally (e.g., through records, genealogies, routes, etc.).
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo become higher in pitch.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
to fly, to soarascendEnglishverbTo lose one's virginity, especially of a man through unpaid and consensual sexual intercourse with a woman.
to get engaged定著Chineseadvsurely; certainlyHakka Hokkien
to get engaged定著Chineseadjquiet; still; not making trouble (especially of children)Taiwanese-Hokkien Xiamen
to get engaged定著Chineseverbto get engaged; to be betrothedZhangzhou-Hokkien
to get engaged定著Chineseverbto decide; to determineTaiwanese-Hokkien
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA hill or mountain.
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounAny of seven fleshy prominences in the palm of the hand, taken to represent the influences of various heavenly bodies.
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA bulwark for offence or defence; a mound.obsolete
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA bank; a fund.obsolete
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA green hillock in the base of a shield.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounAn animal, usually a horse, used to ride on (unlike a draught horse).
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA car, bicycle, or motorcycle used for racing.figuratively
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA mounting; an object on which another object is mounted.
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA rider in a cavalry unit or division.obsolete
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA step or block to assist in mounting a horse.
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA signal for mounting a horse.
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishnounA dominant ground grappling position, where one combatant sits on the other combatants torso with the face pointing towards the opponent's head.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo get upon; to ascend; to climb.transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo place oneself on (a horse, a bicycle, etc.); to bestride.transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo cause to mount; to put on horseback; to furnish with animals for riding.transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo cause (something) to rise or ascend; to drive up; to raise; to elevate; to lift up.obsolete transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo sit on a combatant's torso with the face pointing towards the opponent's head; to assume the mount position in ground grappling.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports wartransitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo rise on high; to go up; to be upraised or uplifted; to tower aloft; to ascend; often with up.intransitive rare
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo attach (an object) to a support, backing, framework etc.transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo attach (a drive or device) to the file system in order to make it available to the operating system.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo increase in quantity or intensity.intransitive sometimes with-up
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo attain in value; to amount (to).obsolete
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo get on top of (another) for the purpose of copulation.transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo have or begin sexual intercourse with someone.transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo begin (a campaign, military assault, etc.); to launch.transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo deploy (cannon) for use.archaic transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo prepare and arrange the scenery, furniture, etc. for use in (a play or production).transitive
to get upon; to ascend; to climbmountEnglishverbTo incorporate fat, especially butter, into (a dish, especially a sauce to finish it).cooking food lifestyle
to hinderimpeachEnglishverbTo hinder, impede, or prevent.
to hinderimpeachEnglishverbTo bring a legal proceeding against a public official.
to hinderimpeachEnglishverbTo charge with impropriety; to discredit; to call into question.
to hinderimpeachEnglishverbTo demonstrate in court that a testimony under oath contradicts another testimony from the same person, usually one taken during
to incur, stand, or bearaffordEnglishverbTo incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious; (usually after an expression of ability, as could, able, difficult) to be able or rich enough.
to incur, stand, or bearaffordEnglishverbTo offer, provide, or supply, as in selling, granting or expending, with profit, or without too great a loss.obsolete
to incur, stand, or bearaffordEnglishverbTo give forth; to supply, yield, or produce as the natural result, fruit, or issue.rare
to incur, stand, or bearaffordEnglishverbTo give, grant, or confer, with a remoter reference to its being the natural result; to provide; to furnish.
to influence or to lead someone into bad ways, lead off the straight and narrowlead astrayEnglishverbTo cause (someone) to believe an untruth.transitive
to influence or to lead someone into bad ways, lead off the straight and narrowlead astrayEnglishverbTo misguide or misdirect.transitive
to influence or to lead someone into bad ways, lead off the straight and narrowlead astrayEnglishverbTo influence (someone) to have bad habits or to behave improperly or illegallytransitive
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishnounA document issued by some authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges.
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishnounA similar document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc.
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishnounA contract for the commercial leasing of a vessel, or space on a vessel.
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishnounThe temporary hiring or leasing of a vehicle.
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishnounA deed (legal contract).
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishnounA special privilege, immunity, or exemption.
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishnouna provision whose unintended consequence would be to encourage an undesirable activityUK derogatory
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishadjLeased or hired.not-comparable
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishverbTo grant or establish a charter.transitive
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishverbTo lease or hire something by charter.transitive
to lease or hire something by chartercharterEnglishverb(of a peace officer) To inform (an arrestee) of their constitutional rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms upon arrest.lawCanada transitive
to lustхъопсэнAdygheverbto envytransitive
to lustхъопсэнAdygheverbto lusttransitive
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounThe result or outcome of a cause.countable uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounImpression left on the mind; sensation produced.countable uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounExecution; performance; realization; operation.countable uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounExecution; performance; realization; operation. / The state of being binding and enforceable, as in a rule, policy, or law.uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounAn illusion produced by technical means (as in "special effect")broadcasting cinematography computer-graphics computing demoscene engineering film lifestyle mathematics media natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences televisioncountable uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounAn alteration, or device for producing an alteration, in sound after it has been produced by an instrument.countable uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounA scientific phenomenon, usually named after its discoverer.human-sciences natural-sciences physical-sciences physics psychology sciencescountable uncountable usually
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounBelongings, usually as personal effects.countable plural-normally uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounConsequence intended; purpose; meaning; general intent; with to.countable uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounReality; actual meaning; fact, as distinguished from mere appearance.countable obsolete uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishnounManifestation; expression; sign.countable obsolete uncountable
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishverbTo make or bring about; to implement.transitive
to make or bring about; to implementeffectEnglishverbMisspelling of affect.alt-of misspelling
to make something move through something elsepass throughEnglishverbTo go through, to travel through, to transit or lie across a place or from one place to another.
to make something move through something elsepass throughEnglishverbTo make something move through something else.
to make something move through something elsepass throughEnglishverbTo undergo; to experience.
to make something move through something elsepass throughEnglishverbSynonym of infiltrate.
to make something move through something elsepass throughEnglishnounA framed, window-like aperture in the interior wall of a house, usually between a kitchen and dining room, through which items (especially food) can be passed. A serving hatch.US
to move over a surface quicklyskitterEnglishverbTo move hurriedly or as by bouncing or twitching; to scamper, to scurry.intransitive
to move over a surface quicklyskitterEnglishverbTo make a scratching or scuttling noise while, or as if, skittering.intransitive
to move over a surface quicklyskitterEnglishverbTo move or pass (something) over a surface quickly so that it touches only at intervals; to skip, to skite.transitive
to move over a surface quicklyskitterEnglishnounA skittering movement.also figuratively
to move over a surface quicklyskitterEnglishverbTo cause to have diarrhea.Northern-England Scotland transitive
to move over a surface quicklyskitterEnglishverbTo suffer from a bout of diarrhea; to produce thin excrement.Northern-England Scotland intransitive
to move over a surface quicklyskitterEnglishnounOften skitters: the condition of suffering from diarrhea; thin excrement.Northern-England Scotland uncountable
to oppose hegemonism反霸Chineseverbto oppose hegemonism
to oppose hegemonism反霸Chineseverbto oppose local despots (especially the depostic landlords during the Land Reform)
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounAn organism that is not an animal, especially an organism capable of photosynthesis. Typically a small or herbaceous organism of this kind, rather than a tree.biology botany natural-sciences
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounAn organism of the kingdom Plantae. Now specifically, a living organism of the Embryophyta (land plants) or of the Chlorophyta (green algae), a eukaryote that includes double-membraned chloroplasts in its cells containing chlorophyll a and b, or any organism closely related to such an organism.biology botany natural-sciences
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounNow specifically, a multicellular eukaryote that includes chloroplasts in its cells, which have a cell wall.biology ecology natural-sciences
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounAny creature that grows on soil or similar surfaces, including plants and fungi.proscribed
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounA factory or other industrial or institutional building or facility.
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounAn object placed surreptitiously in order to cause suspicion to fall upon a person.
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounA stash or cache of hidden goods.obsolete slang
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounAnyone assigned to behave as a member of the public during a covert operation (as in a police investigation).
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounA person, placed amongst an audience, whose role is to cause confusion, laughter etc.
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounA play in which the cue ball knocks one (usually red) ball onto another, in order to pot the second; a set.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle snooker sports
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounMachinery, such as the kind used in earthmoving or construction.uncountable
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounA young tree; a sapling; hence, a stick or staff.obsolete
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounThe sole of the foot.obsolete
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounA plan; a swindle; a trick.dated slang
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounAn oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth.
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounA young oyster suitable for transplanting.US dialectal
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishnounThe combination of process and actuator.
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo place (a seed or plant) in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow.intransitive transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo furnish or supply with plants.transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit.transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo place or set something firmly or with conviction.transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo place in the ground.transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo engender; to generate; to set the germ of.transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo furnish with a fixed and organized population; to settle; to establish.transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo introduce and establish the principles or seeds of.transitive
to place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and growplantEnglishverbTo set up; to install; to instate.transitive
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounAn actual event, situation, or fact.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA given condition or state.archaic
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA piece of work, specifically defined within a profession; the set of tasks involved in addressing the situation of a specific person or event.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounAn instance or event as a topic of study.academia scholarly sciences
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA legal proceeding; a lawsuit or
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA specific inflection of a word (particularly a noun, pronoun, or adjective) depending on its function in the sentence.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounGrammatical cases and their meanings taken either as a topic in general or within a specific language.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounAn instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms.medicine sciences
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA section of code representing one of the actions of a conditional switch.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA love affair.archaic
to place into a boxcaseEnglishverbTo propose hypothetical cases.intransitive obsolete
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA box that contains or can contain a number of identical items of manufacture.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA box, sheath, or covering generally.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus such as a sewing machine.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounAn enclosing frame or casing.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA suitcase.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic, within which items can be displayed.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounThe outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus such as a computer.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type, traditionally arranged in sets of two, the "upper case" (containing capitals, small capitals, accented) and "lower case" (small letters, figures, punctuation marks, quadrats, and spaces).media printing publishinghistorical
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounThe nature of a piece of alphabetic type, whether a “capital” (upper case) or “small” (lower case) publishing typographybroadly
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounFour of a kind.card-games pokerslang
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA unit of liquid measure used to measure sales in the beverage industry, equivalent to 192 fluid ounces.US
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA small fissure which admits water into the mining
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA thin layer of harder metal on the surface of an object whose deeper metal is allowed to remain soft.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA cardboard box that holds (usually 24) beer bottles or cans.
to place into a boxcaseEnglishnounA counterfeit crown (five-shilling coin).UK obsolete slang
to place into a boxcaseEnglishadjThe last remaining card of a particular rank.card-games pokernot-comparable slang
to place into a boxcaseEnglishverbTo place (an item or items of manufacture) into a box, as in preparation for shipment.transitive
to place into a boxcaseEnglishverbTo cover or protect with, or as if with, a case; to enclose.transitive
to place into a boxcaseEnglishverbTo survey (a building or other location) surreptitiously, as in preparation for a robbery.informal transitive
to pump up the tyre拍氣Chineseverbto pump up the tyreMin Southern
to pump up the tyre拍氣Chineseverbto rouse someone's enthusiasmMin Southern
to rememberсанахMongolianverbto think (to contemplate, to hold a belief)
to rememberсанахMongolianverbto expect, preconceive (to have a previous apprehension of)
to rememberсанахMongolianverbto consider (to view as)
to rememberсанахMongolianverbto intend, to plan
to rememberсанахMongolianverbto mean to, to intend to
to rememberсанахMongolianverbto remember (to keep in memory, to recall)
to rememberсанахMongolianverbto miss, to pine for
to restやすむJapaneseverbto rest
to restやすむJapaneseverbto sleep
to restやすむJapaneseverbto be absent (from)
to restやすむJapaneseverbto suspend; to be dormant
to rubkumittaaFinnishverbTo erase, rub out.
to rubkumittaaFinnishverbTo cover or otherwise apply with rubber, to rubberize.
to selectcall upEnglishverbTo retrieve from personal or computer memory.transitive
to selectcall upEnglishverbTo summon (someone) to report for military service.transitive
to selectcall upEnglishverbTo select e.g. to a sports squad.transitive
to selectcall upEnglishverbTo call on the telephone.idiomatic transitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounThe set of yarns carried by the shuttle of a loom which are placed crosswise at right angles to and interlaced with the warp; the manufacturing textiles weaving
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounA woven fabric; also, the texture of a manufacturing textiles weavingbroadly
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounThe thread or yarn used to form the weft of woven fabric; the fill, the manufacturing textiles weavingbroadly poetic
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounSynonym of weaving (“the process of making woven material on a loom”)business manufacturing textiles weavingobsolete rare
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounSomething which is interwoven with another thing.figuratively
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounAn underlying foundation or structure of something; a fabric.figuratively
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbTo place (yarns) crosswise at right angles to and interlaced with the warp in a manufacturing textiles weavingrare transitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbTo interweave (something) with another thing; to weave (several things) together.figuratively rare transitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishintjUsed to indicate the sound of a dog barking, or something resembling it.
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishintjUsed to express strong physical attraction for someone.humorous
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounThe sound a dog makes when barking; a bark.
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounA sound resembling a dog's bark; specifically (sound engineering), a low-frequency sound of bad quality produced by a loudspeaker.broadly
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbTo say (something) in an aggressive or boastful manner.figuratively transitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbTo eat (food) voraciously; to devour, to gobble, to wolf.informal transitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbOf a dog: to bark.intransitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbOf a person or thing: to make a sound resembling a dog's bark.intransitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbTo speak in an aggressive or boastful manner.figuratively intransitive
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishnounAcronym of work on an organic farm.agriculture business lifestyleabbreviation acronym alt-of
to speak in an aggressive or boastful mannerwoofEnglishverbAlternative form of wwoofagriculture business lifestylealt-of alternative intransitive
to surrender, yield control or possessionrelinquishEnglishverbTo give up, abandon or retire from something. To trade away.transitive
to surrender, yield control or possessionrelinquishEnglishverbTo let go (free, away), physically release.transitive
to surrender, yield control or possessionrelinquishEnglishverbTo metaphorically surrender, yield control or possession.transitive
to surrender, yield control or possessionrelinquishEnglishverbTo accept to give up, withdraw etc.transitive
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishverbTo pillage, take or destroy all the goods of, by force (as in war); to raid, sack.transitive
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishverbTo take (goods) by pillage.transitive
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishverbTo take by force or wrongfully; to commit robbery or looting, to raid.intransitive
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishverbTo make extensive (over)use of, as if by plundering; to use or use up wrongfully.transitive
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishverbTo take unexpectedly.transitive
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishnounAn instance of plundering.uncountable
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishnounThe loot attained by plundering.uncountable
to use or use up wrongfullyplunderEnglishnounBaggage; luggage.dated slang uncountable
to use something after a long time without itdust offEnglishverbTo remove dust from.transitive
to use something after a long time without itdust offEnglishverbTo use something after a long time without it.figuratively transitive
to use something after a long time without itdust offEnglishverbTo jilt or desert (a person).slang transitive
top surface of a roofrooftopEnglishnounThe area atop a roof.formal
top surface of a roofrooftopEnglishnounThe top layer of a roof; the material covering or composing a roof.
trap typespierDutchnounA worm, earthworm (in Flanders)biology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
trap typespierDutchnounA pier, jettyarchitecturemasculine
trap typespierDutchnounA physical traparchaic masculine
trap typespierDutchnounA figurative trap, ambusharchaic masculine
trap typespierDutchnounA place one is trapped in: / a prisonarchaic masculine
trap typespierDutchnounA place one is trapped in: / a rabbit denarchaic masculine
trap typespierDutchverbinflection of pieren: ## first-person singular present indicative ## imperative / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
trap typespierDutchverbinflection of pieren: ## first-person singular present indicative ## imperative / imperativeform-of imperative
treatyconventionEnglishnounA meeting or gathering.countable uncountable
treatyconventionEnglishnounA formal deliberative assembly of mandated delegates.countable uncountable
treatyconventionEnglishnounThe convening of a formal meeting.countable uncountable
treatyconventionEnglishnounA formal agreement, contract, rule, or pact.countable uncountable
treatyconventionEnglishnounA treaty or supplement to such.countable uncountable
treatyconventionEnglishnounA practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction; a custom.countable uncountable
trenchditchEnglishnounA trench; a long, shallow indentation, as for irrigation or drainage.
trenchditchEnglishnounA raised bank of earth and the hedgerow on top.Ireland
trenchditchEnglishverbTo discard or abandon.transitive
trenchditchEnglishverbTo deliberately crash-land an airplane on water.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesintransitive transitive
trenchditchEnglishverbTo deliberately not attend classes; to play hookey.intransitive transitive
trenchditchEnglishverbTo dig ditches.intransitive
trenchditchEnglishverbTo dig ditches around.transitive
trenchditchEnglishverbTo throw into a ditch.transitive
trenchditchEnglishverbAlternative form of deechalt-of alternative
trenchditchEnglishnounAlternative form of deechalt-of alternative uncountable usually
trophyκούπαGreeknounmug, large cup (drinking vessel)
trophyκούπαGreeknountrophy cup
trophyκούπαGreeknounhearts (suit of playing cards)
trophyκούπαGreeknounliquid measure used in cookery
trophyκούπαGreeknouncup (part of a brassiere)
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishnounA washerwoman or washerman.obsolete
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishnounA trough used by miners to receive powdered ore from the box where it is beaten, or for carrying water to the stamps, or other apparatus for comminuting (sorting) the mining
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishnounA trough or channel carrying water to the wheel of a watermill.
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishnounA gutter (for rainwater).
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishverbTo wash; to wash, and to smooth with a flatiron or mangle; to wash and iron.
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishverbTo lave; to wet.obsolete
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishverbTo disguise the source of (ill-gotten wealth) by various finance money
trough used by miners to carry materiallaunderEnglishverbTo obtain a pointer to an object created in storage occupied by an existing object of the same type, even if it has const or reference members.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencestransitive
tuberearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / A tuber belonging to the species Conopodium majus (syns. Bunium flexuosum, Conopodium denudatum), Bunium bulbocastanum (syn. Carum bulbocastanum), or Apios americana (syn. Apios tuberosa).
tuberearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / The dwarf ginseng: Panax trifolius.
tuberearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / Synonym of peanut (Arachis hypogaea).
tuberearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / The underground tuber belonging to the genus Tuber.
type of clothtwillEnglishnounA pattern, characterised by diagonal ridges, created by the regular interlacing of threads of the warp and weft during manufacturing textiles weavingcountable uncountable
type of clothtwillEnglishnounA cloth or portion of cloth woven in such a pattern.countable uncountable
type of clothtwillEnglishverbTo weave (cloth, etc.) so as to produce the appearance of diagonal lines or ribs on the surface.transitive
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishadjExisting, relating to, or made for use beneath the sea.not-comparable
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishadjHidden or undisclosed.not-comparable
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishadjOf a pitch, thrown with the hand lower than the elbow.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishnounA boat that can go underwater.
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishnounA kind of sandwich made in a long loaf of bread.
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishnounA pitch delivered with an underhand motion.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishnounAny submarine plant or animal.
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishnounA stowaway on a seagoing vessel.informal
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishverbTo operate or serve on a submarine.intransitive
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishverbTo torpedo; to destroy with a sudden sneak attack.transitive
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishverbTo sink or submerge oneself.figuratively intransitive sometimes
undersea boatsubmarineEnglishverbTo slide forwards underneath one's seat belt (during a crash or sudden stop).automotive transport vehiclesintransitive
unhappiness or discontentdissatisfactionEnglishnounUnhappiness or discontent.countable uncountable
unhappiness or discontentdissatisfactionEnglishnounThe cause of such feelings.countable uncountable
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishnounAny unit of (originally cultural) information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another in a comparable way to the transmission of genes.
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishnounMedia, usually humorous, which is copied and circulated online with slight adaptations, such as basic pictures, video templates, etc.Internet
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishnounA specific instance of a meme, such as an image macro or a video, often with humorous superimposed text.Internet
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishnounSomething not to be taken seriously; a joke.Internet derogatory
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishnounA work produced and shared in response to a prompt or suggestion within an online group.Internet
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishverbTo create and use humorous memes.Internet intransitive
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishverbTo turn into a meme; to use a meme, especially to achieve a goal in real life.Internet transitive
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishverbTo joke around.Internet broadly intransitive
unit of cultural informationmemeEnglishnoungranny; nanainformal
unit of metrical feetdipodyEnglishnounA unit of two metrical feet.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
unit of metrical feetdipodyEnglishnounA metre or a line comprising one such a unit
unit of volumeomerEnglishnounA former small Hebrew unit of dry volume equal to about 2.3 L or 2.1 quarts.units-of-measurehistorical
unit of volumeomerEnglishnounA vessel of one omer.
unit of volumeomerEnglishnounThe sheaf of barley offered on the second day of Passover.Judaism
unit of volumeomerEnglishnounThe counting of the omer, that is, the period of 49 days between Passover and Shavuot.Judaism uncountable
unrestrained and unceasingincontinentEnglishadjUnable to contain or retain.often
unrestrained and unceasingincontinentEnglishadjPlagued by incontinence; unable to retain natural discharges or evacuations, most commonly of urine or feces.
unrestrained and unceasingincontinentEnglishadjLacking moral or sexual restraint, moderation or self-control, especially of sexual desire.
unrestrained and unceasingincontinentEnglishadjUnrestrained or unceasing.
unrestrained and unceasingincontinentEnglishadjImmediate; without delay.colloquial
unrestrained and unceasingincontinentEnglishadvImmediately, forthwith.not-comparable obsolete
unrestrained and unceasingincontinentEnglishnounOne who is unchaste.obsolete
vessel powered by steamsteamboatEnglishnounA boat or vessel propelled by steam power.countable uncountable
vessel powered by steamsteamboatEnglishnounHot pot (Chinese dish).Malaysia Singapore uncountable
vessel powered by steamsteamboatEnglishverbTo travel by steamboat.
weaponblackjackEnglishnounA common gambling card game in casinos, where the object is to get as close to 21 without going over.card-games gamescountable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounA hand in the game of blackjack consisting of a face card and an ace.card-games gamescountable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounA variant of switch where each player is initially dealt the same number of cards, usually seven, and when one player plays a black jack the player whose turn comes next has to pick up that many cards, unless they play a red jack (as this normally cancels a black jack).card-games gamescountable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounA variant of hearts where the Jack of Spades is the penalty card.card-games gamescountable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounThe flag (i.e., a jack) traditionally flown by pirate ships; popularly thought to be a white skull and crossed bones on a black field (the Jolly Roger).countable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounA small, flat, blunt, usually leather-covered weapon loaded with heavy material such as lead or ball bearings, intended to inflict a blow to the head that renders the victim unconscious with diminished risk of lasting cranial government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounA tool of leather filled with shot (or similar), resembling the weapon, used for shaping sheet metal.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounAny of several species of weed of genus Bidens, such as Bidens pilosa, in the family Compositae.countable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounEllipsis of blackjack oak.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounAny of a series of hard, dark soils, often considered low quality, but suitable for growing certain crops such as cotton.countable uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishnounAmmonium bituminosulfonate.medicine pharmacology sciencesAustralia UK countable rare uncountable
weaponblackjackEnglishverbTo strike with a blackjack or similar weapon.
whycomoPortugueseadvhow (in what way, manner)not-comparable
whycomoPortugueseadvwhy; how could (for what cause, reason, or purpose), when the action is considered reproachfulnot-comparable
whycomoPortugueseadvsuch as; like; for example: introduces an example or list of examplesnot-comparable
whycomoPortugueseadvlike; just alike; similarly tonot-comparable
whycomoPortugueseadvhow: indicates surprise, delight or other strong feelingsnot-comparable
whycomoPortugueseconjbut also; as well as (introduces an exceptional characteristic)
whycomoPortugueseconjlike; as (in the same way that; according to what)
whycomoPortugueseconjas; because; since (introduces a reason or motive)
whycomoPortugueseconjhow to; a way of
whycomoPortugueseintjwhat? sorry? pardon? (used as a request for someone to repeat something not heard or understood clearly)interrogative
whycomoPortugueseprepas (in the role of)
whycomoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of comerfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
with acute accent to indicate unusually stressed short voweliWelshcharacterThe thirteenth letter of the Welsh alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script. It is preceded by h and followed by l.letter lowercase
with acute accent to indicate unusually stressed short voweliWelshnounThe name of the Latin-script letter I/i.feminine
with acute accent to indicate unusually stressed short voweliWelshpronI, me
with acute accent to indicate unusually stressed short voweliWelshprepto, into (a place)
with acute accent to indicate unusually stressed short voweliWelshprepfor (a recipient)
with acute accent to indicate unusually stressed short voweliWelshprepthat
withalthereuponEnglishadvUpon that; thereon.not-comparable
withalthereuponEnglishadvIn consequence, or by reason, of that; therefore.not-comparable
withalthereuponEnglishadvFollowing that; forthwith; in sequence, but not necessarily in consequence.not-comparable
wooden staffquarterstaffEnglishnounA wooden staff of an approximate length between 2 and 2.5 meters, sometimes tipped with iron, used as a weapon in rural England during the Early Modern period.
wooden staffquarterstaffEnglishnounFighting or exercise with the quarterstaff.
wrench, twist, sprainwrampEnglishnounA wrench, twist, or sprain of the body.
wrench, twist, sprainwrampEnglishnounA twisted or distorted view or understanding.figuratively
wrench, twist, sprainwrampEnglishverbTo sprain (part of the body).transitive
zoology: second stomach of a ruminantreticulumEnglishnounA network. For example, the endoplasmic reticulum forms a network of cellular components that functions as a transportation system within the cell.biology natural-sciences
zoology: second stomach of a ruminantreticulumEnglishnounA pattern of interconnected objects.
zoology: second stomach of a ruminantreticulumEnglishnounThe second compartment of the stomach of a cow or other ruminant.biology natural-sciences zoology
zoology: second stomach of a ruminantreticulumEnglishnounThe tripe made from the second compartment of the stomach of a cow (or other ruminant).cooking food lifestyle
פֿרומאַק (frumak)פֿרוםYiddishadjreligious; pious
פֿרומאַק (frumak)פֿרוםYiddishadjobservant, Orthodox, frumbroadly
二十四節氣/二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”); Summer清明Chineseadjclear and bright
二十四節氣/二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”); Summer清明Chineseadjsober and calm; (of a patient's mind) clear
二十四節氣/二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”); Summer清明Chineseadjwell-ordered
二十四節氣/二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”); Summer清明Chineseadjpeaceful (times)
二十四節氣/二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”); Summer清明ChinesenameQingming (fifth of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese calendar, occurring from April 4 or 5 to 18 or 19)
二十四節氣/二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”); Summer清明ChinesenameTomb Sweeping Day (annual Chinese festival observed on the first day of Qingming)
二十四節氣/二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”); Summer清明ChinesenameQingming (a village in Wanquan, Honghu, Jingzhou, Hubei, China)

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