Sample of disambiguated senses (>1 candidate)

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-VnFinnishsuffixForms the illative singular case.morpheme
-VnFinnishsuffixThe shorter third-person possessive suffix.morpheme
-VnFinnishsuffixAlternative form of -maanalt-of alternative colloquial morpheme
-airScottish GaelicsuffixForming nouns from nouns and adjectives with the sense of ‘person or thing connected or involved with, belonging to, having’morpheme
-airScottish GaelicsuffixForming nouns from verbs with the sense of ‘person or thing which does’morpheme
-igHungariansuffixto, up tomorpheme suffix terminative
-igHungariansuffixuntil, tillmorpheme suffix terminative
-igHungariansuffixfor a specified length of timemorpheme suffix terminative
-oiRomaniansuffixaugmentative suffix, used to indicate a larger version of (e.g. piatră (“rock”) + -oi → pietroi (“boulder”), furcă (“pitchfork”) + -oi → furcoi (“big pitchfork”))morpheme neuter
-oiRomaniansuffixused to make a masculine version of (e.g. pasăre (“bird”) + -oi → păsăroi (“male bird”), vulpe (“fox”) + -oi → vulpoi (“male fox”))masculine morpheme
-oiRomaniansuffixin a few cases, used as a deprecative or slightly derogatory suffix, especially relating to people (e.g. bulgar + -oi → bulgăroi, chinez + -oi → chinezoi)masculine morpheme
AbgangGermannounexitmasculine strong
AbgangGermannoundeparturemasculine strong
AbgangGermannounsalemasculine strong
AbgangGermannoundischargemedicine sciencesmasculine strong
BundjalungEnglishnounThe Aboriginal Australians who are the original custodians of a region based roughly around the northern coastal area of New South Wales, and a portion of south-east Queensland.plural plural-only
BundjalungEnglishnameA nearly extinct aboriginal language of New South Wales.
CODEnglishnameAcronym of Concise Oxford Dictionary.abbreviation acronym alt-of
CODEnglishnameAcronym of Call of acronym alt-of
CODEnglishnouncash on delivery or collect on deliveryuncountable
CODEnglishnouncause of deathcountable
ChochenyoEnglishnounOne of eight divisions of the Ohlone Native American people of northern California.plural plural-only
ChochenyoEnglishnameThe language of this people, an Ohlone dialect in the Utian family.
EiweißGermannounalbumen, egg whiteneuter strong
EiweißGermannounproteinneuter strong
ElizabethEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew, popular since the 16th century.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA surname originating as a matronymic.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA suburb of Adelaide, Australia; named for Elizabeth II.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Arkansas.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A town in Colorado; named for a family member of John Evans, 2nd Governor of the Territory of Colorado.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Georgia; named for Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Georgia senator Joseph E. Brown.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A village in Illinois; said to be named for three early settlers all named Elizabeth.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A town in Indiana; named for Elizabeth Lemmon Zenor, daughter-in-law of early landowner Jacob Zenor.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A village in Allen Parish, Louisiana.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A city in Minnesota; named for early settler Elizabeth Niggler.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Union County, New Jersey; named for Elizabeth de Carteret, wife of George Carteret, one of two original Lords Proprietor of the Colony New Jersey.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A borough in Pennsylvania; named for early settler Elizabeth Mackay Bayard.countable uncountable
ElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A town, the county seat of Wirt County, West Virginia; named for early settler Elizabeth Woodyard Beauchamp.countable uncountable
FFChineseverbto fantasizeCantonese Hong-Kong
FFChinesenounfantasy; imaginationCantonese Hong-Kong
FalcidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
FalcidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Publius Falcidius, a Roman tribunedeclension-2 masculine singular
FalcidiusLatinadjof or pertaining to the gens Falcidia.adjective declension-1 declension-2
FarnhillEnglishnameA village and civil parish in Craven district, North Yorkshire, England (OS grid ref SE005465).countable uncountable
FarnhillEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable uncountable
ForrestEnglishnameA topographical surname from Middle English for someone who lived or worked in a Royal forest (area of woodland reserved for hunting)
ForrestEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.
GREnglishnameInitialism of George Rex. (on coins, letterboxes, etc.) The royal cypher for George V and his son George VI, kings of Great BritainBritish abbreviation alt-of initialism
GREnglishnounInitialism of glucocorticoid receptor.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
GREnglishnounInitialism of general relativity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
GREnglishnounInitialism of games record.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
GSTEnglishnounInitialism of goods and services tax. (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India)economics government sciences taxationabbreviation alt-of initialism
GSTEnglishnounInitialism of goods and sales tax. (state of Victoria in Australia, formerly in Canada)economics government sciences taxationabbreviation alt-of initialism
GSTEnglishnounOne of various compounds of germanium, antimony, and tellurium used as a phase change material, including electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
GeflügelGermannounpoultry, meat from birdscollective neuter strong
GeflügelGermannounpoultry, birds raised for their meatneuter strong
GraecityEnglishnounAdoption of Greek naming and/or the Greek language.obsolete uncountable
GraecityEnglishnounGreek (especially linguistically Greek) character or style.uncountable
GraecityEnglishnounGreek texts and other language materials, regarded as a corpus.collective uncountable
HeikantDutchnameA village in Hulst, Zeeland, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Mook en Middelaar, Limburg, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Alphen-Chaam, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Baarle-Nassau, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Baarle-Nassau, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Bladel, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Hilvarenbeek, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Laarbeek, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Land van Cuijk, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Land van Cuijk, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Land van Cuijk, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Maashorst, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Oisterwijk, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Oosterhout, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Reusel-De Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Someren, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA hamlet in Waalre, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HeikantDutchnameA neighbourhood of Veldhoven, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
HobbesEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
HobbesEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic. / Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), English philosopher.
HollingworthEnglishnameA village in the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside, Greater Manchester, England (OS grid ref SK0096).countable uncountable
HollingworthEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable uncountable
Lai HaraobaEnglishnameA classical Meitei devotional dancing and musical ritualistic theatrical festival, involving carnivals, in honour of Umang Lai deities
Lai HaraobaEnglishnameThe merrymaking of the gods and goddesses
LopEnglishnameA county of Hotan prefecture, Xinjiang, China.
LopEnglishnameA town in Lop, Hotan prefecture, Xinjiang, China.
Low GermanEnglishnounA West Germanic language spoken in Low (i.e. Northern) Germany and north-eastern parts of the Netherlands, and formerly also in large parts of eastern and north-eastern Europe, which developed out of Middle Low German from Old Saxon; often treated as a dialect group of German (or Dutch) for convenience, but widely recognized as a separate language.uncountable
Low GermanEnglishnounAny of a number of West Germanic languages, primarily spoken in northern Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, that did not undergo the High German consonant shift; the group thereof.human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable
Low GermanEnglishnounAny of many German dialects that are not the official standard although they are usually referred to only as "Platt".nonstandard uncountable
Low GermanEnglishadjin, of or relating to Low German
LucenaSpanishnameLucena (a municipality of Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain) # Lucena (a city, the provincial capital of Quezon, Calabarzon, Luzon, Philippines) / Lucena (a municipality of Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain)
LucenaSpanishnameLucena (a municipality of Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain) # Lucena (a city, the provincial capital of Quezon, Calabarzon, Luzon, Philippines) / Lucena (a city, the provincial capital of Quezon, Calabarzon, Luzon, Philippines)
LuotoFinnishnameLarsmo (a municipality of Ostrobothnia, Finland)
LuotoFinnishnamea Finnish surname
LymeEnglishnameA town in New London County, Connecticut, United States.
LymeEnglishnameA town in Grafton County, New Hampshire, United States.
LymeEnglishnameA town in Jefferson County, New York, United States.
LymeEnglishnounLyme disease.informal uncountable
MacariaEnglishnameThe goddess of the blessed dead, who go to the Elysian Fields.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
MacariaEnglishnameA daughter of Heracles/Hercules.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
MatijaSerbo-Croatiannamea male given name
MatijaSerbo-Croatiannamea female given name
MeerwijkDutchnameA hamlet in 's-Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.neuter
MeerwijkDutchnameA neighbourhood of Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.neuter
MeerwijkDutchnameA neighbourhood of Uithoorn, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.neuter
MichiganderEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Michigan in the United States of America.US
MichiganderEnglishnounIn particular, a man from Michigan, contrasted with a Michigoose (“woman from Michigan”).humorous uncommon
MoEEnglishnounInitialism of Ministry of Education.abbreviation alt-of initialism
MoEEnglishnounInitialism of mixture of experts.abbreviation alt-of initialism
MoEEnglishnounInitialism of margin of error.mathematics sciences statisticsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Mongba HanbaEnglishnameAncient Meitei sylvan deity.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesMeitei
Mongba HanbaEnglishnameA male given name from Manipuri.
Nether-SaxonEnglishnameSynonym of Low German
Nether-SaxonEnglishadjOf or relating to the Low German tongue, people or culture.
NietzscheanEnglishadjOf, pertaining to or characteristic of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900), German philosopher, or his writings.
NietzscheanEnglishnounA supporter of the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche.
OceanianEnglishadjFrom or relating to Oceania (geographical region or continent).not-comparable
OceanianEnglishadjFrom or relating to the fictional nation of Oceania in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).not-comparable
OceanianEnglishnounSomeone from Oceania (geographical region or continent).
OceanianEnglishnounSomeone from the fictional nation of Oceania in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).
PageluunGerman Low Germannounpeacockmasculine
PageluunGerman Low Germannounpeafowlmasculine
PlayfordEnglishnameA surname.
PlayfordEnglishnameThe City of Playford, a local government area in north Adelaide, South Australia, named after Thomas Playford IV.
PlayfordEnglishnameA village and civil parish in East Suffolk district, north-east of Ipswich, Suffolk, England, previously in Suffolk Coastal district (OS grid ref TM2147).
PortoPortuguesenamePorto (a city and municipality, the district capital of Porto district, Portugal)masculine
PortoPortuguesenamePorto (a district in northern Portugal)masculine
QuebequePortuguesenameQuebec (a province of Canada)masculine
QuebequePortuguesenameQuebec, Quebec City (the capital city of the province of Quebec, Canada)masculine
QuébécoiseEnglishnounfemale equivalent of Québécois (“Quebecois”)feminine form-of
QuébécoiseEnglishadjfeminine of Québécoisfeminine form-of
SaratogaEnglishnameThe name of various towns in the USA: / A city in Santa Clara County, California.
SaratogaEnglishnameThe name of various towns in the USA: / A neighbourhood of Omaha, Nebraska, formerly a town also known as Saratoga Springs.
SaratogaEnglishnameThe name of various towns in the USA: / A town in Saratoga County, New York, adjacent to Saratoga Springs.
SaratogaEnglishnameThe name of various towns in the USA: / A number of townships in the United States, listed under Saratoga Township.
SaratogaEnglishnounA cocktail resembling a Manhattan, with the base split between rye whiskey and cognac or brandy.
SathanMiddle EnglishnameSatan, the Devil
SathanMiddle EnglishnameA figure of temptation.rare
SauCentral Franconiannounsow; female pigMoselle-Franconian Ripuarian Western feminine
SauCentral Franconiannounpig (male or female)Eastern Moselle-Franconian feminine
SchülerinGermannounschoolgirl, pupil, student (female)feminine
SchülerinGermannoundisciple (female)feminine
SegoviaSpanishnameSegovia (a province of Castile and León, Spain; capital: Segovia)feminine
SegoviaSpanishnameSegovia (a city in Segovia, Spain)feminine
SegoviaSpanishnamea surnamefeminine
SpartaanDutchnouna Spartanmasculine
SpartaanDutchnouna strong, hardy person; a spartanmasculine
SpießbürgerGermannounsquare, philistine (male or of unspecified gender) (narrow-minded person)derogatory masculine strong
SpießbürgerGermannounprovincial (male or of unspecified gender)derogatory masculine strong
StablerEnglishnameA surname. / A surname originating as an occupation for a stablekeeper.
StablerEnglishnameA surname. / A surname originating as an occupation derived from the German term for the bearer of a staff of office.
StablerEnglishnameA Moravian Anabaptist faction c. 1527.
TRPGEnglishnounInitialism of tabletop roleplaying game.gamesabbreviation alt-of initialism
TRPGEnglishnounInitialism of tactical role-playing alt-of initialism
ThüringerinGermannounfemale Thuringian (a native or inhabitant of Thuringia)feminine
ThüringerinGermannounfemale Thuringian (a member of an ancient Germanic tribe inhabiting central Germany)feminine
WeobleyEnglishnameA village and civil parish in Herefordshire, England (OS grid ref SO402865).countable uncountable
WeobleyEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable uncountable
WheatonEnglishnameA surname.
WheatonEnglishnameA city, the county seat of DuPage County, Illinois, United States.
WheatonEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Traverse County, Minnesota, United States
ZelotGermannounzealot (member of the Zealot movement in Judea)historical masculine weak
ZelotGermannounzealot (zealous person)masculine rare weak
ZiembiecPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
ZiembiecPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
abacaxiPortuguesenounpineapple (fruit)masculine
abacaxiPortuguesenounpineapple (plant)masculine
abacaxiPortuguesenouna certain fragrant, sweet cultivar of pineapplePortugal masculine
abacaxiPortuguesenouna difficult situationBrazil masculine slang
abacaxiPortuguesenounpineapple (hand grenade)government military politics warBrazil masculine slang
aburidoTagalognounworry; restlessness; confused mental state
aburidoTagalognounannoyance; vexation; irritation
aburidoTagalognoundesperation; hopelessness
aburidoTagalogadjconfused; upset; annoyed; disturbed
aburidoTagalogadjdepressed; despondent
accelerantEnglishnounAny substance that can bond or mix with, or disturb, another substance and cause an increase in the speed of a natural or artificial chemical process. / In the context of fire protection, a substance that accelerates the development of a fire, especially some hydrocarbon-based fuel used to spread a fire caused by arson.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
accelerantEnglishnounAny substance that can bond or mix with, or disturb, another substance and cause an increase in the speed of a natural or artificial chemical process. / A substance used to catalyze the vulcanization of rubber.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
accelerantEnglishnounSomething that speeds up a process or the uptake of something else.figuratively
accelerantEnglishadjCausing acceleration or speeding up; accelerating.
accusativenessEnglishnounThe characteristics of the accusative case of a noun or pronoun.human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable
accusativenessEnglishnounThe condition of tending to accuse.uncountable
achrannachIrishadjentangled, intricate
achrannachIrishadjquarrelsome (of person)
achrannachIrishadjrocky, difficult (of terrain)
administrarSpanishverbto administer (cause to take)transitive
administrarSpanishverbto administer, to manage (manage or supervise the conduct of)transitive
advocutDalmatiannounadvocate, attorney, lawyer
advocutDalmatiannouncounsel, legal adviser
agibileItalianadjuseable (especially of a road)
agibileItalianadjoperable, practicable, accomplishable
agordiEsperantoverbto tune (a musical instrument)
agordiEsperantoverbto put (someone) in a (specified) mood, to change (someone's) attitudefiguratively
agordiEsperantoverbto tune; to customize, configure, set, adjust the settings onengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
ahiyaTagalognounelder brother; big brothercolloquial
ahiyaTagalognounterm of address for one's elder brothercolloquial
ahiyaTagalognounterm of address for a male senior (usually within the Chinese Filipino community)colloquial informal
alabutaUzbeknounsaltbush, orach
alabutaUzbeknounwhite goosefoot
alambiquePortuguesenounalembic (chemical apparatus used to purify substances by distillation)masculine
alambiquePortuguesenounstill (device for distilling liquids)masculine
alambiquePortugueseverbinflection of alambicar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
alambiquePortugueseverbinflection of alambicar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
alcatruzPortuguesenounbucket attached to a noriamasculine
alcatruzPortuguesenounclay pot used to capture octopusesmasculine
alcatruzPortuguesenounconcrete pipe used for water canalisationPortugal masculine
alcatruzPortuguesenounlarge and heavy bootsPortugal colloquial masculine plural
alcatruzPortuguesenounscoop of a dredgernautical transportBrazil masculine
alicaídoSpanishadjweak, feeblecolloquial
alicaídoSpanishadjdowncast, crestfallencolloquial
allometricEnglishadjOf or pertaining to allometry
allometricEnglishadjThat grows at a rate proportional to a power of another populationmathematics sciences
altrinkiEsperantoverbto drink (while eating)
altrinkiEsperantoverbto wash down (food)
amplificadorPortuguesenounamplifier (anything that amplifies)masculine
amplificadorPortuguesenounamplifier (device that increases the power of a signal)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
analitykPolishnounanalyst (scientist who analyses)masculine person
analitykPolishnounanalystchemistry computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine person
analogousEnglishadjHaving analogy, the status of an analogue; corresponding to something else; bearing some resemblance or similar proportion (often followed by "to".)
analogousEnglishadjFunctionally similar, but arising through convergent evolution rather than being homologous.biology natural-sciences
andlukanOld Saxonverbto unlock
andlukanOld Saxonverbto open
andlukanOld Saxonverbto disclose
ankštirasLithuaniannounlarva in the skin of an animal
araicisIrishnounapproach, meetingfeminine
ardenteItalianadjblazing, burning
ardenteItalianadjfervent, enthusiastic, passionate
ardenteItalianverbpresent participle of ardereform-of participle present
ariaCorsicannounaria, songentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
arrebitarPortugueseverbto turn up or upwardstransitive
arrebitarPortugueseverbto cheer upfiguratively transitive
articolatoItalianadjarticulate (language)
articolatoItalianverbpast participle of articolareform-of participle past
aspiracyjnyPolishadjaspirational, aspiration (hope or ambition)relational
aspiracyjnyPolishadjaspirational, aspiration (burst of air that follows the release of some consonant)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesrelational
aspiracyjnyPolishadjforeign body aspirationmedicine sciencesrelational
aspiracyjnyPolishadjaspirational, aspiration (removal of a liquid or gas by means of suction)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesrelational
autokrasiMalaynounautocracy: / A system of government where one individual has absolute power.government
autokrasiMalaynounautocracy: / A country that is ruled under an autocracy.government
avstivningNorwegian Bokmålnounbracing, stiffeningfeminine masculine
avstivningNorwegian Bokmålnouna bracefeminine masculine
ballagHungarianverbto walk slowlyintransitive
ballagHungarianverbto have one’s farewell (graduation) ceremony (at the end of the last year, saying goodbye to the school by visiting the classrooms and the surrounding area in groups, singing traditional songs)intransitive
baluOld Saxonnounevil, maliceneuter
baluOld Saxonnoundestructionneuter
baluOld Saxonadjbad, evilreconstruction
bannanProto-West Germanicverbto proclaimreconstruction
bannanProto-West Germanicverbto summonreconstruction
baron and femmeEnglishnounMan and wife.government heraldry hobbies law lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsdated
baron and femmeEnglishnounThe arms of a man and his wife, marshalled together.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
basFrenchnounsocks; stockings; feetmasculine
basFrenchnounlower end; bottom (of a thing)masculine
basierenGermanverbto base [with accusative ‘something’ and auf (+ dative) ‘on something’] / to basetransitive weak
basierenGermanverbto be based [with auf (+ dative) ‘on something’] / to be basedintransitive weak
batterijDutchnounbattery, tactical artillery unitgovernment military politics warfeminine
batterijDutchnounelectrical battery, power storage deviceengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technologyfeminine
bałotaVenetiannouna sphere used for voting during the time of the Venetian Republicfeminine
bendelMiddle Englishnounband or striperare
bendelMiddle Englishnounsmall or narrow bandagerare
bendelMiddle Englishnounsmall bendgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsrare
beordraNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of beordre: / simple pastform-of past
beordraNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of beordre: / past participleform-of participle past
besluttetNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of beslutte: / simple pastform-of past
besluttetNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of beslutte: / past participleform-of participle past
bevetHungarianverbto cast in (to throw an object into, especially into a body of water)transitive
bevetHungarianverbto make a bed (to arrange the sheets, blankets or other coverings)transitive
bevetHungarianverbto sow a particular area (to scatter, disperse or plant seeds in)transitive
bevetHungarianverbto send in (to use a military force in battle)transitive
bevetHungarianverbto employ, to deploy, to utilize (to make use of something for a task)figuratively transitive
beworkEnglishverbTo work around or about; surround.transitive
beworkEnglishverbTo work, as with thread; embroider.transitive
beworkEnglishverbTo work over; rework; edit.transitive
bhraaǰáiPhaluranounbrother's wifefeminine
boostEnglishnounA push from behind, as to one who is endeavoring to climb.
boostEnglishnounSomething that helps, or adds power or effectiveness; assistance.
boostEnglishnounA coordinate transformation that changes velocity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
boostEnglishnounA positive intake manifold pressure in cars with turbochargers or superchargers.automotive engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences transport vehicles
boostEnglishverbTo lift or push from behind (one who is endeavoring to climb); to push up.transitive
boostEnglishverbTo help or encourage (something) to increase or improve; to assist in overcoming obstacles.broadly transitive
boostEnglishverbTo steal.slang transitive
boostEnglishverbTo jump-start a vehicle by using cables to connect the battery in a running vehicle to the battery in a vehicle that won't start.Canada transitive
boostEnglishverbTo give a booster shot to.medicine sciencestransitive
boostEnglishverbTo amplify; to signal natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
botanicallyEnglishadvin a botanical mannernot-comparable
botanicallyEnglishadvregarding botanynot-comparable
bourgeoisieEnglishnounA class of citizens who were wealthier members of the third estate.historical uncountable usually
bourgeoisieEnglishnounThe capitalist class.Marxism uncountable usually
breáthaIrishadjinflection of breá: / genitive singular femininefeminine form-of genitive singular
breáthaIrishadjinflection of breá: / nominative/vocative/dative/strong genitive pluraldative form-of genitive nominative plural strong vocative
breáthaIrishadjinflection of breá: / comparative degreecomparative form-of
brusūProto-Celticnounbelly, abdomenfeminine reconstruction
brusūProto-Celticnounbreastfeminine reconstruction
bundenNorwegian Nynorskadjobligatory; imposed by authority
bundenNorwegian Nynorskadjdefinitehuman-sciences linguistic linguistics sciencesdefinite
bundenNorwegian NynorskadjCharacterized by strict adherence to rhyme and/or metrecommunications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
byvatiProto-Slavicverbto be (in iterative or habitual sense), to occurreconstruction
byvatiProto-Slavicverbto be atreconstruction
bâptêmeNormannounbaptismJersey masculine
bâptêmeNormannounchristeningJersey masculine
caldaGaliciannounaction of heating an ironfeminine
caldaGaliciannounbroth, soupdated feminine
caldaGaliciannounbroth for feeding the animalsfeminine
cantharusEnglishnounA large drinking cup with two handles.
cantharusEnglishnounA fountain or basin in the courtyard of an ancient church for worshippers to wash before entering.
carreteroSpanishadjstreet, roadrelational
cauCatalannounden; burrow; lairmasculine
cauCatalannounhiding placebroadly masculine
cauCatalannounsty; hovelfiguratively masculine
cauCatalanverbinflection of caure: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
cauCatalanverbinflection of caure: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
chaunterieMiddle EnglishnounAn endowment for the maintenance of a priest to sing a daily mass for the souls of specified people
chaunterieMiddle EnglishnounA chantry (chapel set up for the above endowment)
chaunterieMiddle EnglishnounThe chanting which occurs during Mass.rare
chibuSardiniannounfoodNuorese formal masculine
chibuSardiniannounkernel, pealed foodNuorese masculine
chibuSardiniannounseed (of a fruit)Nuorese masculine
chillaNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of chille: / simple pastform-of past
chillaNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of chille: / past participleform-of participle past
cianIrishnounLength of time, age.feminine
cianIrishnounDistance, distant place.feminine
cianIrishnounsadness, melancholy; longsomenessmasculine
circumventEnglishverbto avoid or get around something; to bypasstransitive
circumventEnglishverbto surround or besiegetransitive
circumventEnglishverbto outwit or outsmarttransitive
codeChinesenouncode (symbol)Cantonese Hong-Kong
codeChinesenouncodecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesCantonese Hong-Kong
commissionerEnglishnounA member of a commission.
commissionerEnglishnounSomeone commissioned to perform certain duties.
commissionerEnglishnounAn official in charge of a government department, especially a police force.
commissionerEnglishnounSomeone who commissions something.
continuamenteItalianadvcontinuously, nonstop
covarianceEnglishnounA statistical measure defined as scriptstyle operatorname Cov(X,Y)= operatorname E((X-μ)(Y-ν)) given two real-valued random variables X and Y, with expected values scriptstyle E(X),=,μ and scriptstyle E(Y),=,ν.mathematics sciences statistics
covarianceEnglishnounThe conversion of data types from wider to narrower in certain situations.
crimpenMiddle Dutchverbto shrink, to become smaller
crimpenMiddle Dutchverbto contract
crudescoLatinverbto grow harsh or violentconjugation-3 no-supine
crudescoLatinverbto grow worseconjugation-3 no-supine
csűrHungariannounbarn, shed (a spacious farm building especially for harvested cereals or fodder)
csűrHungarianverbto twist, to turnarchaic
csűrHungarianverbto roll (to control an airborne aircraft with the help of ailerons)aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
csűrHungarianverbto twist, to bend, to distort, to muddle, to mess up, to corrupt, to screwtaperare
csűrHungarianverbto prevaricate, to equivocate, to hedgerare
csűrHungarianverbto ramble, to roam, to wander aimlesslyarchaic rare
cunoașteRomanianverbto know (a person)conjugation-3 transitive
cunoașteRomanianverbto be acquaintedconjugation-3 reflexive
cupaIrishnouncup / cup (of flower)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
cut a wide swathEnglishverbTo clear a broad track through a grassland, woodland, geographical region, or other area, either by natural means or by human action.US
cut a wide swathEnglishverbTo behave in an expansive, flagrantly showy, or pushy manner, especially in public venues; to exert sweeping influence.US figuratively idiomatic
cylinderPolishnountop hat, high hat, cylinder hat, topperinanimate masculine
cylinderPolishnouncylinder (any object in the form of a circular cylinder)geometry mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine
cylinderPolishnouncylinder (space in which a piston travels inside a reciprocating engine or pump)automotive transport vehiclesinanimate masculine
cythraulWelshnoundevil; demon; fiend (creature from Hell)fiction lifestyle literature media publishing religionmasculine
cythraulWelshnounan objectionable personderogatory masculine traditional
czcićPolishverbto worship, venerate, revere, celebrateimperfective transitive
czcićPolishverbto celebrate (a holiday)imperfective transitive
daVietnamesenounskin (outer covering of the body)anatomy medicine sciences
daVietnamesenounhide; material made of animal skin, such as leather
dagisdisTagalognouncontinuous blowing of strong wind
dagisdisTagalognounrolling or pushing to one side
dauntenMiddle EnglishverbTo attain victory and control over; to subjugate.
dauntenMiddle EnglishverbTo overwhelm; to make obedient or compliant.
dauntenMiddle EnglishverbTo domesticate or exert command over animals.
dauntenMiddle EnglishverbTo stem, curb or check feelings, speech or moodiness.
dauntenMiddle EnglishverbTo daunt; to make scared.rare
dauntenMiddle EnglishverbTo stroke a baby to calm it.rare
dauntenMiddle EnglishverbTo butter up; to praise to win influence.rare
decedoLatinverbto withdraw, retire, depart, leave or go awayconjugation-3
decedoLatinverbto desert or abandon, give up, resign, forego; yieldconjugation-3
decedoLatinverbto yield, make way, step asideconjugation-3
decedoLatinverbto dieconjugation-3
decedoLatinverbto subsideconjugation-3
decedoLatinverbto disappearconjugation-3
defenestrarSpanishverbto defenestratetransitive
defenestrarSpanishverbto fire; to expel someone from a position of powertransitive
degradareItalianverbto degrade
degradareItalianverbto downgrade or demote
deiWest Frisiannoundaycommon-gender
deiWest Frisiannoundatecommon-gender
deighilteoirIrishnounsplitterbusiness communications electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics telecommunicationsmasculine
demperDutchnounsuppressor, silencermasculine
deslizamentoPortuguesenounslide (rubble, earth and stones moving down)masculine
deslizamentoPortuguesenounslide (act of sliding)masculine
deslizamentoPortuguesenounlandslide; mudslide (natural disaster)geography geology natural-sciencesmasculine
diavoleriaItaliannoundevilry (act of mischief etc.)feminine
diavoleriaItaliannouna strange object or contraptionfeminine
direct limitEnglishnounA set of equivalence classes which partition the disjoint union of the members of a direct system; each equivalence class being a sort of “drainage basin” of the mappings (of the morphisms) of the direct system, if these are analogically considered as “rivers”. (If i<k,j<k in the indexing poset, then there exist f_ik:A_i→A_k and f_jk:A_j→A_k. If a_i∈A_i,a_j∈A_j such that f_ik(a_i)=f_jk(a_j) then a_i∼a_j. If k = j then f_jj(a_j)=a_j,f_ij(a_i)=a_j.)algebra mathematics sciences
direct limitEnglishnouna colimitcategory-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
disinhibitoryEnglishadjthat disinhibits
disinhibitoryEnglishadjof, or relating to a disinhibitor
disinteressamentoItaliannoununconcern (for)
disinteressamentoItaliannounlack or loss of interest (in)
dispatch boxEnglishnounA box or case with a lock that is used for carrying dispatches (“important official messages”) and other documents.
dispatch boxEnglishnounA box that is placed on a table in a legislative debating chamber and used as a lectern for addressing the legislature.government politicsCommonwealth
dlǫ́ʼiiNavajonounweasel (Mustela)
dlǫ́ʼiiNavajonounferret (Mustela putorius furo)
dobleSpanishadjdoublefeminine masculine
dobleSpanishadjtwofoldfeminine masculine
dobleSpanishnoundouble, twice as muchmasculine
dobleSpanishnouna doppleganger, a doublearts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesby-personal-gender feminine masculine
dobleSpanishverbinflection of doblar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
dobleSpanishverbinflection of doblar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
double timeEnglishnounA fast marching pace of 180 steps per minute, 36 inches in length for the Marine Corps and Navy, 30 inches in length for the Army. It is not really double the speed of quick time as quick time is 112-120 steps per minute.government military politics waruncountable
double timeEnglishnounA musical rhythm twice as fast as the overall beat, with this pattern of note lengths: 3/16 3/16 1/4 3/16 3/16.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
double timeEnglishnounA dance step pattern with six dancing hobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
double timeEnglishnounA rate of pay that is twice the normal rate (for reasons such as working on a holiday or working hazardous duty).uncountable
dragEnglishnounResistance of a fluid to something moving through it.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable
dragEnglishnounAny force acting in opposition to the motion of an object.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounThe bottom part of a sand casting mold.countable
dragEnglishnounA device dragged along the bottom of a body of water in search of something, e.g. a dead body, or in fishing.countable
dragEnglishnounA systematic search for someone over a wide area, especially by the authorities; a dragnet.countable informal
dragEnglishnounA double drum-stroke played at twice the speed of the context in which it is placed.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
dragEnglishnounA puff on a cigarette or joint.countable informal
dragEnglishnounSomeone or something that is annoying or frustrating, or disappointing; an obstacle to progress or enjoyment.countable slang
dragEnglishnounA long open horse-drawn carriage with transverse or side seats.countable slang
dragEnglishnounA street.countable slang
dragEnglishnounThe scent-path left by dragging a fox, or some other substance such as aniseed, for training hounds to follow scents.countable
dragEnglishnounA large amount of backspin on the cue ball, causing the cue ball to slow down.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle snooker sportscountable
dragEnglishnounA heavy harrow for breaking up ground.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounA kind of sledge for conveying heavy objects; also, a kind of low car or handcart.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounThe bottom part of a flask or mould, the upper part being the metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
dragEnglishnounA steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft construction manufacturing masonrycountable uncountable
dragEnglishnounThe difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw; or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel.nautical transportcountable uncountable
dragEnglishnounAnything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; especially, a canvas bag with a hooped mouth (drag sail), so used.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounA pulled load.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounA skid or shoe for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounMotion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounWitch house music.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
dragEnglishnounThe last position in a line of hikers.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounA push somewhat under the centre of the cue ball, causing it to follow the object ball a short way.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
dragEnglishnounA device for guiding wood to the saw.countable uncountable
dragEnglishnounA mailcoach.countable historical uncountable
dragEnglishnounA prison sentence of three months.countable slang uncountable
dragEnglishverbTo pull along a surface or through a medium, sometimes with difficulty.transitive
dragEnglishverbTo move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly; to advance with weary effort; to go on lingeringly.
dragEnglishverbTo act or proceed slowly or without enthusiasm; to be reluctant.
dragEnglishverbTo draw along (something burdensome); hence, to pass in pain or with difficulty.
dragEnglishverbTo serve as a clog or hindrance; to hold back.
dragEnglishverbTo operate a pointing device by moving it with a button held down; to move, copy, etc. (an item) in this way.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
dragEnglishverbTo unintentionally rub or scrape on a surface.
dragEnglishverbTo hit or kick off target.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
dragEnglishverbTo fish with a dragnet.
dragEnglishverbTo search for something, as a lost object or body, by dragging something along the bottom of a body of water.
dragEnglishverbTo break (land) by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to harrow.
dragEnglishverbTo search exhaustively, as if with a dragnet.figuratively
dragEnglishverbTo roast, say negative things about, or call attention to the flaws of (someone).slang
dragEnglishverbTo play at a slower tempo than one is supposed to or than the other musicians one is playing with, or to inadvertently gradually decrease tempo while one is playing.entertainment lifestyle musicintransitive
dragEnglishverbTo inhale from a cigarette, cigar, etc.informal intransitive
dragEnglishnounWomen's clothing worn by men for the purpose of entertainment.slang uncountable usually
dragEnglishnounWomen's clothing worn by men for the purpose of entertainment. / Men's clothing worn by women for the purpose of entertainment.slang uncountable usually
dragEnglishnounA men's party attended in women's clothing.countable slang usually
dragEnglishnounA drag king or drag queen.countable slang usually
dragEnglishnounAny type of clothing or costume associated with a particular occupation or subculture.slang uncountable usually
dragEnglishverbTo perform as a drag queen or drag king.
drawknifeEnglishnounA joiner's tool having a blade with a handle at each end, used to shave off surfaces, by drawing it toward one; a shave; a drawshave.
drawknifeEnglishnounA tool used for the purpose of making an incision along the path a saw is to follow, to prevent it from tearing the surface of the wood.
drawknifeEnglishverbTo cut or shave with a drawknife.transitive
dualEnglishadjCharacterized by having two (usually equivalent) components.not-comparable
dualEnglishadjPertaining to two, pertaining to a pair of.not-comparable
dualEnglishadjPertaining to a grammatical number in certain languages that refers to two of something, such as a pair of shoes.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
dualEnglishadjExhibiting duality.mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencesnot-comparable
dualEnglishadjBeing the space of all linear functionals of (some other space).linear-algebra mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
dualEnglishadjBeing the dual of some other category; containing the same objects but with source and target reversed for all morphisms.category-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
dualEnglishnounOf an item that is one of a pair, the other item in the pair.
dualEnglishnounOf a regular polyhedron with V vertices and F faces, the regular polyhedron having F vertices and V faces.geometry mathematics sciences
dualEnglishnounThe dual number.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
dualEnglishnounOf a vector in an inner product space, the linear functional corresponding to taking the inner product with that vector. The set of all duals is a vector space called the dual space.mathematics sciences
dualEnglishverbTo convert from single to dual; specifically, to convert a single-carriageway road to a dual carriageway.transitive
dådSwedishnounharmful deed, (sometimes) attackneuter
dådSwedishnounfeat, deed; an impressive, heroic or otherwise laudable actneuter
décollerFrenchverbto take off (i.e. a plane)intransitive
décollerFrenchverbto come undone, come unstuckintransitive
elaboratoreItalianadjprocessingcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
elaboratoreItaliannounelectronic calculatormasculine
elaboratoreItaliannouncomputer, processorcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine
elbow roomEnglishnounRoom or space in which to move or maneuver.uncountable
elbow roomEnglishnounFreedom or leeway.figuratively uncountable
emanetTurkishnountrust, something trusted to another for safekeeping
emanetTurkishnounan Ottoman government office responsible for handling moneyhistorical
emanetTurkishnounpenis, male genitaliaslang
embolcarCatalanverbto wrap, to envelopBalearic Central Valencia
embolcarCatalanverbto swaddleBalearic Central Valencia
encelleteNorwegian Bokmåladjdefinite singular of encelletdefinite form-of singular
encelleteNorwegian Bokmåladjplural of encelletform-of plural
endeOld Englishnounendmasculine
endeOld Englishnounextremity, (outer) limit, bordermasculine
endeOld Englishnounsection, part; cornermasculine
enerDutcharticle(archaic) genitive feminine of een; of a.dated
enerDutcharticle(archaic) dative feminine of een; to a, for a.dated
enfurecerPortugueseverbto infuriate (to make furious)transitive
enfurecerPortugueseverbto become furiousintransitive
eradicateEnglishverbTo pull up by the roots.transitive
eradicateEnglishverbTo destroy completely; to reduce to nothing radically; to put an end to.transitive
erityishuoltoFinnishnounspecial maintenance
erityishuoltoFinnishnounspecial care
eruptiefDutchadjeruptive (formed by or pertaining to eruption)geography geology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
eruptiefDutchadjeruptive (pertaining to emotional outbursts; prone to such outbursts)not-comparable
erythropusLatinadjreddish.adjective declension-1 declension-2
erythropusLatinadjHaving reddish feet, legs, shanks.adjective declension-1 declension-2
erythropusLatinnounUsed as a specific epithet; red foot.New-Latin declension-3
escandalizarSpanishverbto shock
escandalizarSpanishverbto scandalize
escorpiónSpanishnounScorpio; someone born under the Scorpio constellationastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesmasculine
esforzoGaliciannounvigour; mettle; spirit; zestmasculine
esforzoGalicianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of esforzarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
excavateEnglishverbTo make a hole in (something); to hollow.transitive
excavateEnglishverbTo remove part of (something) by scooping or digging it out.transitive
excavateEnglishverbTo uncover (something) by digging.transitive
excavateEnglishnounAny member of a major grouping of unicellular eukaryotes, of the clade Excavata.biology natural-sciences zoology
facoletëAlbaniannounkerchief, headscarffeminine
faksiFinnishnounfax, fax machine (machine)
faksiFinnishnounfax (document)
fejlDanishadvwrongly, erroneously, mis-
fejlDanishnounmistake, errorcommon-gender
fejlDanishnoundefect, imperfection, shortcomingcommon-gender
fejlDanishnounslip, oversightcommon-gender
fejlDanishverbimperative of fejleform-of imperative
flaitheasIrishnounsovereignty (supreme authority over all things), rulemasculine
flaitheasIrishnounrealm (territory or state), kingdommasculine
flaitheasIrishnounheaven, the heavens, paradisein-plural masculine often
floreanaSpanishadjof or pertaining to Juan José Floresfeminine masculine
floreanaSpanishnouna supporter of Juan José Floresmasculine
forayEnglishnounA sudden or irregular incursion in border warfare; hence, any irregular incursion for war or spoils; a raid.
forayEnglishnounA brief excursion or attempt, especially outside one's accustomed sphere.
forayEnglishverbTo participate in a foray.
forayEnglishverbTo do or attempt something outside one's typical area of expertise.
forayEnglishverbTo scour an area for goods as part of a foray.archaic transitive
forbedreNorwegian Bokmålverbto improve (make something better)
forbedreNorwegian Bokmålverbto improve oneselfreflexive
forumIndonesiannounforum: a place for discussion.
forumIndonesiannouninstitution, body
forumIndonesiannounmeeting, session, assembly.
freakoutEnglishnounA frightening or disorientating experience, especially one that results from the use of a hallucinogenic drug.slang
freakoutEnglishnounAn occurrence of unrestrained or irrational behaviour.slang
fredlausNorwegian Nynorskadjwhich is an outlawlawhistorical
fredlausNorwegian Nynorskadjrestless
fredlausNorwegian Nynorskadjunpeaceful
fredlausNorwegian NynorsknounLysimachiamasculine
frysaNorwegian Nynorskverbto be cold
frysaNorwegian Nynorskverbto freeze (transitive or intransitive)
frysaNorwegian Nynorskverbto freeze (only transitive)
fuataSwahiliverbto follow (to come after)
fuataSwahiliverbto imitate
fuataSwahiliverbto abide by (to comply with)
fueyaAsturiannounsheet (of metal)feminine
fususLatinnounspinning wheeldeclension-2
fususLatinverbpoured out, having been poured out, shed, having been sheddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
fususLatinverbfounded, having been founded, made by smelting, having been made by smeltingdeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
fususLatinverbmoistened, having been moistened, wet, having been wetdeclension-1 declension-2 figuratively form-of participle passive perfect
fususLatinverbextended, having been extended, spread out, having been spread outdeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
fususLatinverbuttered, having been uttereddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
fususLatinverbdefeated, lostgovernment military politics wardeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
fyldeDanishnounvolumecommon-gender no-plural
fyldeDanishnounwealth, abundancecommon-gender no-plural
fyldeDanishverbto fill (make full)
fyldeDanishverbto fill up, load
fyldeDanishverbto take up (room or space)
fyldeDanishverbto turn (a certain age)
fyldeDanishverbto stuff (in cooking)
g'dayEnglishintjHi, hello.Australia New-Zealand South-Africa colloquial
g'dayEnglishintjDenotes the end of a radio transmission.Canada US informal
gabhdánIrishnounholder, container, receptaclemasculine
gabhdánIrishnounreceiver (vessel for receiving and holding)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
ganivetaCatalannounbread knife, kitchen knifefeminine
ganivetaCatalannouncard scraperbusiness carpentry construction manufacturingfeminine
gaothIrishnounwind, a breezefeminine
gaothIrishnounempty talk, bombastfeminine
gaothIrishnounhint, suggestionfeminine
gaothIrishnounbreathfeminine literary
gaothIrishnouninlet of sea, estuarymasculine
gaothIrishadjwise, sagacious, shrewd, intelligentliterary
gealIrishnounwhite, bright(ness)masculine
gealIrishadjbright, pure; glad, happy; dear, beloved, fondfiguratively
gealIrishverbto whiten, brighten; clearintransitive transitive
gealIrishverbto make or become glad, happy, fondfiguratively intransitive transitive
gebarenDutchverbto gesture, to point, to gesticulateintransitive transitive
gebarenDutchverbto sign (to use sign language)intransitive transitive
gebarenDutchnounplural of gebaarform-of plural
gemæreOld Englishnounborder
gemæreOld Englishnounlimit
geselingDutchnounA flogging scourging, whipping.feminine
geselingDutchnounAn ordeal.feminine figuratively
geseþanOld Englishverbto declare true; to state as fact; to assert, affirm
geseþanOld Englishverbto prove; to show the truth of something by evidence
geseþanOld Englishverbto bear witness; to attest
giiwedinOjibwenounnorth wind
giullarescoItalianadjtroubadour, minstrelrelational
gnèScottish Gaelicnountype, sortfeminine
gnèScottish Gaelicnoungender, sex, naturefeminine
gnèScottish Gaelicnoungender (grammar)feminine
gnèScottish Gaelicnounspecies, breed, categoryfeminine
gnèScottish Gaelicnounessence, disposition, temper, quality, guisefeminine
gold-diggingEnglishnounThe emprise of being a gold-digger.
gold-diggingEnglishadjOccupying oneself as a gold-digger, cultivating a personal relationship to attain wealth.not-comparable
gramaSpanishnoungrass (mostly varieties intended for cattle fodder)feminine
gramaSpanishnounlawnCaribbean El-Salvador Guatemala feminine
gregorsmessenNorwegian Bokmålnoundefinite singular of gregorsmessdefinite form-of masculine singular
gregorsmessenNorwegian Bokmålnoundefinite singular of gregorsmessedefinite form-of masculine singular
grescuAromanianverbto say
grescuAromanianverbto speak
grescuAromanianverbto invite, call
gulangTagalognounmaturity; old age
gulangTagalognouncunningness; cleverness in deceit
gwayakOjibweadvright, correct
hakʼazNavajonouncoldness, cold
hambaIndonesiannounslave; thrall; servant
hambaIndonesianpronI, me, my, your servantarchaic humble
hand in handEnglishadvHolding or clasping hands.not-comparable
hand in handEnglishadvNaturally, ordinarily or predictably together; commonly having a correlation or relationship.figuratively not-comparable
hand in handEnglishadvJust; fair; equitable.not-comparable obsolete
haplologyEnglishnounThe process of deleting one of two almost identical syllables within a word.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesuncountable
haplologyEnglishnounAn instance of deleting one of two almost identical syllables within a word.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencescountable
hapoTagalogadjexhausted; extremely tired
hapoTagalogadjhard of breathing; catching one's breath with difficulty
hapoTagalognoungasping; panting; breathing with difficulty
hapoTagalognounexhaustion; extreme fatigue
heartleafEnglishnounWild ginger (Asarum caudatum).
heartleafEnglishnounAny of various plants with heart-shaped leaves, such as Houttuynia cordata.
helgNorwegian Nynorsknouna weekendfeminine
helgNorwegian Nynorsknouna holidayecclesiastical lifestyle religionfeminine rare
hitamMinangkabauadjblack (absorbing all light)
hitamMinangkabaunounblack (colour)
honey buzzardEnglishnounAny of certain birds of prey in family Accipitridae / All species of genus Pernis / European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus), a summer migrant to most of Europe and western Asia, wintering in tropical Africa
honey buzzardEnglishnounAny of certain birds of prey in family Accipitridae / All species of genus Pernis / crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus), wintering in tropical south east Asia, a summer migrant to Siberia
honey buzzardEnglishnounAny of certain birds of prey in family Accipitridae / All species of genus Pernis / barred honey buzzard (Pernis celebensis), found in Indonesia and the Philippines
honey buzzardEnglishnounAny of certain birds of prey in family Accipitridae / All species of genus Henicopernis / black honey buzzard (Henicopernis infuscatus), endemic to Papua New Guinea
honey buzzardEnglishnounAny of certain birds of prey in family Accipitridae / All species of genus Henicopernis / long-tailed honey buzzard (Henicopernis longicauda), found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
horfaIcelandicnounlook, aspectfeminine
horfaIcelandicnounoutlookfeminine in-plural
horfaIcelandicverbto look, to watchpersonal weak
horfaIcelandicverbto facepersonal weak
howsitEnglishcontractionhow is itcontraction
howsitEnglishintja contracted form of how's it going
huhogHungarianverbto hoot (to make the cry of an owl; see hu)intransitive
huhogHungarianverbto howlintransitive
huhogHungarianverbto hoot, to say or predict bad thingsderogatory transitive
hundëAlbaniannountapered protrusion; ship's prow, promontoryfeminine
hundëAlbaniannounspoutcolloquial feminine
hundëAlbaniannouncape, promontory, pointgeography natural-sciencesfeminine
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 咴
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 噅/𠯠
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 噕
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 墯
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 婎
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 倠
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 徽
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 幑
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 恢
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 悘
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 戈
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 戮
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 戰/战
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 揮/挥
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 撝/㧑
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 暉/晖
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 楃
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 洃
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 瀈/𰝍
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 灰
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 灳
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 烣
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 煇/辉
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 煏
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 珤
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 琣
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 皌
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 眪
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 禈
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 翬/翚
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 虺
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 褘/袆
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 詼/诙
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 豗
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 輝/辉
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 鑳
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 隓
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 隳
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 顪/𱂤
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 鰴/𱈑
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 悝
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 拻
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 媈/𫝨
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 眭
huīMandarinromanizationHanyu Pinyin reading of 琿/珲
högerSwedishadjright (opposite of left; on the east side when facing north)
högerSwedishadjright-winggovernment politics
högerSwedishnounthe right sidecommon-gender
högerSwedishnounThe ensemble of right-wing political partiesgovernment politicscommon-gender
högerSwedishnounA player on the right side of the field in sports like soccer or hockeyhobbies lifestyle sportscommon-gender
ikikInupiaqnounblock of wood
ilangTagalognounisolated, unfrequented place; wilderness
ilangTagalognounwide, open space or field
ilangTagalognounhindrance; disturbanceobsolete
ilangTagalognounact of dividing something into partsobsolete
ilangTagalognounact of tarnishing gold with a mixture (such as by submerging it in saltwater)obsolete
ilangTagalogadjisolated; unfrequented (of a place)
ilangTagalogadjfeeling awkward, uncomfortable, or out of placecolloquial
ilangTagalogadjlacking of; in need of; deprived ofobsolete
ill-fittingEnglishadjpoorly fitted
ill-fittingEnglishadjimproperly matched; unsuitable
impegnarsiItalianverbreflexive of impegnareform-of reflexive
impegnarsiItalianverbto undertake, agree, engage, commit oneself, bind oneself
impegnarsiItalianverbto devote oneself, apply oneself
impegnarsiItalianverbto covenant
impervioItalianadjinaccessible, rough, unattainable, impassable
impervioItalianadjobstructedmedicine sciences
improvidentEnglishadjfailing to provide for the future; reckless
improvidentEnglishadjincautious; prone to rashness
inbrottSwedishnouna burglary (entry with intent to steal)neuter
inbrottSwedishnouna beginning (compare English "breaking of dawn")neuter
indifferenceEnglishnounThe state of being indifferent.countable uncountable
indifferenceEnglishnounUnbiased impartiality.countable uncountable
indifferenceEnglishnounUnemotional apathy.countable uncountable
indifferenceEnglishnounA lack of enthusiasm.countable uncountable
indifferenceEnglishnounUnconcerned nonchalance.countable uncountable
indifferenceEnglishnounSelf-identity defined through the negation of difference, non-difference.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
inettitudineItaliannounineptitude, incompetencyfeminine
inflammatoryEnglishadjTending to inflame or provoke somebody.
inflammatoryEnglishadjRelating to, causing, or caused by inflammation.
inflammatoryEnglishnounAny material that causes inflammation
internoscoLatinverbto distinguish betweenconjugation-3
internoscoLatinverbto pick out or tell apartconjugation-3
internoscoLatinverbto discernconjugation-3
interpositionEnglishnounThe act of interposing, or the state of being interposed; a being, placing, or coming between; mediation.countable uncountable
interpositionEnglishnounThe thing interposed.countable uncountable
intoxicaRomanianverbto intoxicateconjugation-1
intoxicaRomanianverbto poisonconjugation-1
intoxicaRomanianverbto become intoxicated or poisonedconjugation-1 reflexive
invokeEnglishverbTo call upon (a person, a god) for help, assistance or guidance.transitive
invokeEnglishverbTo solicit, petition for, appeal to a favorable attitude.transitive
invokeEnglishverb, (nautical) (Of one ship) To call another ship. / (nautical) (Of one ship) To call another ship.transitive
invokeEnglishverbTo call to mind (something) for some purpose.transitive
invokeEnglishverbTo appeal for validation to a (notably cited) authority.transitive
invokeEnglishverbTo conjure up with incantations.transitive
invokeEnglishverbTo bring about as an inevitable consequence.transitive
invokeEnglishverbTo cause (a program or subroutine) to execute.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
iomarcaIrishnounexcess, superfluity; too many, too much (preceded by the definite article, followed by the genitive)feminine
iomarcaIrishnounadvantage, superiorityfeminine
iomarcaIrishnounarrogance, presumption; oppression, injusticefeminine
iriqAlbaniannountumormedicine sciences
jakoOld CzechadvInterrogative or relative adverb; how (in what way)
jakoOld CzechadvInterrogative or relative adverb; how many
jakoOld CzechadvMarks degree; as; so
jakoOld CzechadvRelative adverb; thus, like so
jakoOld CzechadvMarks comparison; than
jakoOld CzechadvMarks role; as
jakoOld Czechadvalmost
jakoOld Czechadvsomewhat (to some degree)
jakoOld CzechconjCorrelative; as, how, at that time
jakoOld CzechconjMarks time; since
jakoOld CzechconjContrastive; however
jakoOld CzechconjCausitive; because
jakoOld CzechconjConditional; if; when
jakoOld Czechconjalbeit
jakoOld CzechconjDenotes desired result; such, so; in order to
jalostusFinnishnounselective breeding, cross-breeding and other techniques for developing improved (usually from the point of view of human needs) varieties or cultivars of plants and animals
jalostusFinnishnounsecondary sector, secondary production
jugaadEnglishnounA process or technique that lessens disorder in one's life, making it easier to manage, or more convenient.South-Asia
jugaadEnglishnounA powered quadricycle used in India.South-Asia
kalodontSerbo-Croatiannounshiritori-like Serbo-Croatian word game in which each player attempts to come up with a word starting with the final two letters of the previous player's word
kazakoItaliannounthe Kazakh languagemasculine uncountable
kiváltságHungariannounprivilege, prerogative
kiváltságHungariannounprerogative (a property, attribute or ability which gives one a superiority or advantage over others; an inherent advantage or privilege; a talent)
kjøreNorwegian BokmålverbTo drive.
kjøreNorwegian BokmålverbTo ride (a motorcycle, etc.).
kjøreNorwegian BokmålverbTo execute.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
kjøreNorwegian BokmålverbTo run (buses, trains, etc.).transport
klapkaCzechnounkey or valve (of a wind instrument)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
klapkaCzechnounearmuff or earflapfeminine
klapkaCzechnounblinker (for a horse)feminine
klausītājsLatviannounlistener, hearer (e.g., at a lecture, concert, etc.)declension-1 masculine
klausītājsLatviannounperson who follows a course, etc. in the form of lectures; studentdeclension-1 masculine
knooppuntDutchnouninterchange (grade-separated infrastructure junction)neuter
knooppuntDutchnounany infrastructure junctionarchaic neuter
komunumoEsperantonouncommunity, commune
konsorteTagalognounconsort; escort; best man (of a queen of a celebration or reigning festival, or for any of her ladies-in-waiting)
konsorteTagalognounhusband of a great lady
konturPolishnounshape (appearance or outline)inanimate masculine
konturPolishnouncontour (outline, boundary or border, usually of curved shape)inanimate masculine
konçTurkishnounpart of a footwear that covers the leg
konçTurkishnounfootball sockshobbies lifestyle sports
koreanskaSwedishadjinflection of koreansk: ## definite singular ## plural / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
koreanskaSwedishadjinflection of koreansk: ## definite singular ## plural / pluralform-of plural
koreanskaSwedishnounKorean; the language spoken in Koreacommon-gender
koreanskaSwedishnouna woman from Koreacommon-gender
krampôProto-Germanicnouncrampmasculine reconstruction
krampôProto-Germanicnounclaspmasculine reconstruction
kulörSwedishnounnon-greyscale colorcommon-gender
kulörSwedishnouna suit of a certain colour; red or blackcard-games gamescommon-gender
kupadloOld Czechnounbathing placeneuter
kupadloOld Czechnounbowl especially for ritual washing, basin, baptismal fontneuter
kupadloOld Czechnounmeans of ritual purificationneuter
kupadloOld Czechnounribbon given as a gift on the eve of certain holidaysneuter
kupadloOld CzechnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities includeneuter
kupadloOld CzechnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / lady's mantlebiology botany natural-sciencesneuter
kurdaitchaEnglishnounAn aboriginal evil spirit; a sorcerer.
kurdaitchaEnglishnounAn expedition taken to heal or avenge someone afflicted by evil sorcery.
kurdaitchaEnglishnounA man chosen to go on such an expedition.
kurdaitchaEnglishnounThe boots worn by someone on such a mission, typically made from emu feathers.
kwiaciarzPolishnounflorist (person who sells flowers)masculine person
kwiaciarzPolishnounflorist (person who cultivates flowers)masculine person
kwiaciarzPolishnounperson who manufactures artificial flowersmasculine person
kyjьProto-Slavicnounstick, clubreconstruction
kızakTurkishnounsledge, sled, sleigh, every wheelless vehicle which moves over snow, ice, grass or ground
kızakTurkishnouncradle, a framework of timbers, or iron bars, moving upon ways or rollers, used to support, lift, carry, or launch ships or other vesselsnautical transport
laakeroidaFinnishverbto crown with laurels
laakeroidaFinnishverbto equip with bearings
laderDutchnounOne who loads something.masculine
laderDutchnounAn electrical charger for a battery.masculine
laimennusFinnishnoundilution (process of diluting)
laimennusFinnishnounEllipsis of laimennussuhde (“dilution ratio”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
langkahIndonesiannounstep: / pace: an advance or movement made from one foot to the other.
langkahIndonesiannounstep: / the space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running.
langkahIndonesiannounstep: / a distinct part of a process; stage; phase.
langkahIndonesiannounmeasure, action
langkahIndonesiannounstroke, cycle, phaseengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
latirPortugueseverbto bark
latirPortugueseverbto shoutbroadly
latirPortugueseverbto beat, throbrare
leasOld Englishadjfalse
leasOld Englishadjdevoid of, free from
leasOld Englishadjbereft of; without
leasOld Englishadjvain, worthless
leasOld Englishnounfalsehood, lie
leasOld Englishnounmistake
leasOld Englishnounplural of lēahform-of plural
lichiSpanishnounlychee (tree)masculine
lichiSpanishnounlychee (fruit)masculine
lindretNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of lindre: / simple pastform-of past
lindretNorwegian Bokmålverbinflection of lindre: / past participleform-of participle past
lipDutchnounlip (part of the mouth)feminine
lipDutchnounlip (of a container)feminine
long-termEnglishadjBecoming evident after a relatively long time period.
long-termEnglishadjExtending over a relatively long time period.
long-termEnglishadvOver a relatively long period of time.
longitudinalFrenchadjlongitudinal (relating to length; running in the direction of the long axis of a body)
longitudinalFrenchadjlongitudinal (relating to longitude)
longitudinalFrenchadjlongitudinal (sampling data over time rather than merely once)
luathScottish Gaelicadjfast, swift, fleet, nimble, quick, speedy
luathScottish Gaelicadjearly, soon
luathScottish Gaelicnounash (from fire)feminine no-plural
ludnośćPolishnounpopulation (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)feminine
ludnośćPolishnounturnout, attendance (number of people who attend or participate in an event)feminine obsolete
luftveiNorwegian Bokmålnounan airway, air passageanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
luftveiNorwegian Bokmålnounan airwayaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
løpeNorwegian Bokmålverbto run (move quickly)
løpeNorwegian Bokmålverbto run, flow (of a liquid)
madamEnglishnounA polite form of address for a woman or lady.
madamEnglishnounThe mistress of a household.
madamEnglishnounA conceited or quarrelsome girl.colloquial
madamEnglishnounA woman who runs a brothel, particularly one that specializes in finding prostitutes for rich and important clients.slang
madamEnglishnounA hated or contemptuous woman; used as a general term of abuseIndia derogatory slang
madamEnglishverbTo address as "madam".transitive
manawaMaorinounheart (of a person)
manawaMaorinounheart (seat of affections)
marbhIrishnouncorpse, dead personmasculine
marbhIrishnounthe deadin-plural masculine
marmorizzareItalianverbto marble, to give the appearance of marble (through dye, varnish, etc.)transitive
marmorizzareItalianverbto marble (glass), to decorate with multicolored streaksbusiness glassmaking manufacturingtransitive
metterse appauraNeapolitanverbto fear
metterse appauraNeapolitanverbto be afraid of
midlifeEnglishadjOccurring in the middle point of one's life, usually considered about 45.not-comparable
midlifeEnglishnounThe middle period of one's life.
mindeDanishnouna memory, remembranceneuter
mindeDanishnouna memorialneuter
mindeDanishnounpermission, consentdated neuter
mindeDanishverbto remind (make somebody remember something)
mindeDanishverbto remind (get a person to think of something similar or identical to something)
mindeDanishverbto relate to, to be similar to (with the preposition om)
mindeDanishverbto remember - see mindes
mindeDanishverbto commemorate
mindeDanishverbremember, honour the memory of
mochilaSpanishnounmochila, saddle-coverfeminine
moldyngMiddle Englishnounbaking, kneadingrare
moldyngMiddle Englishnounmoldingarchitecturerare
mollifienMiddle EnglishverbTo soften (to make pliable).
mollifienMiddle EnglishverbTo soften (to make less harsh).
mondanoItalianadjworldly, earthly; mundane
mondanoItalianverbthird-person plural present indicative of mondareform-of indicative plural present third-person
monikkoIngriannounmultitude, mass
monikkoIngriannounpluralgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesplural
monumentEnglishnounA structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons, or as a memorial; a commemoration.
monumentEnglishnounAn important site owned by the community as a whole.
monumentEnglishnounA sign of exceptional achievement.
monumentEnglishnounAn important burial vault or tomb.
monumentEnglishnounAny grave marker.
monumentEnglishnounA legal document.
monumentEnglishnounA surveying reference point marked by a permanently fixed marker (a survey monument).
monumentEnglishnounA pile of stones left by a prospector to claim ownership of ore etc. found in a mine.
monumentEnglishnounA natural or artificial object used as a reference point.geography natural-sciences surveying
monumentEnglishnounA surviving record.
monumentEnglishverbTo mark or memorialize with a monument.transitive
monumentEnglishverbTo place a surveyor's monument at.transitive
morkenNorwegian Bokmåladjdecayed, decaying, rotting
morkenNorwegian Bokmåladjbrittle (ice)
moroteGaliciannounwild strawberry (the fruit)masculine
moroteGaliciannounstrawberry tree berrymasculine
moroteGaliciannounbay laurel berrymasculine
mountantMiddle EnglishnounA post or vertical beam.rare
mountantMiddle Englishnounascendantastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesrare
muPolishprondative singular mute of ondative form-of masculine singular unstressed
muPolishprondative singular mute of onodative form-of neuter singular unstressed
muPolishintjmoo (sound made by cows and bulls)
murreusLatinadjanointed with myrrh, perfumedadjective declension-1 declension-2
murreusLatinadjmyrrh-colored, yellowishadjective declension-1 declension-2
murreusLatinadjof or pertaining to the stone murraadjective declension-1 declension-2
määrätäIngrianverbto issuetransitive
määrätäIngrianverbto assigntransitive
määrätäIngrianverbto paytransitive
mëslëcSlovincianverbto think (to ponder in one's head)imperfective intransitive
mëslëcSlovincianverbto think about (to take care of, to tend to; to keep in mind)imperfective intransitive
mëslëcSlovincianverbto think about (to want to do, to intend)imperfective intransitive
mũrũrũKikuyunounramontchi, governor's plum, Indian plum (Flacourtia indica); fruit edible.class-3
mũrũrũKikuyunounforest pepper, Lopez root, wild orange tree (Toddalia asiatica)class-3
nagłośnićPolishverbto soundproof (to obtain, by means of equipment, an adequate quality of sound reception in closed rooms or open spaces)perfective transitive
nagłośnićPolishverbto hype, to publicize, to tout (to give something publicity)perfective transitive
ne plus ultraEnglishnounThe highest, ultimate point of achievement which can be reached; perfection.
ne plus ultraEnglishnounThe perfect or most extreme example of its kind; the ultimate.
ne plus ultraEnglishnounA prohibition against proceeding further; an insuperable obstacle or limiting condition.rare
nederMiddle Dutchadvdown, downwards
nederMiddle Dutchadvdown low
nederMiddle Dutchprepbelow, beneath
nederMiddle Dutchadjlow, close to the ground
nederMiddle Dutchadjlowly, inferior
neuvessoilManxadjinfecund, infertile
neuvessoilManxadjunfruitful, jejune
nevrotizzareItalianverbto make neurotictransitive
nevrotizzareItalianverbto exasperate, to annoybroadly transitive
nicaraguenseItaliannounNicaraguanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
nimikoiminenFinnishnounverbal noun of nimikoidaform-of noun-from-verb
nimikoiminenFinnishnounverbal noun of nimikoida / naming (action of marking something with a name, such as e.g. appliqueing initials to towels)
noncuranteItalianadjindifferent (to)
noncuranteItalianadjcareless (of)
nyugtalanítHungarianverbto worry (to make somebody worried)transitive
nyugtalanítHungarianverbto disquiet, bothertransitive
náháłchįįhNavajoverbhe/she/it disturbs the peace
náháłchįįhNavajoverbhe/she/it causes trouble
nímidIrishverbfirst-person plural present indicative of nighfirst-person form-of indicative plural present
nímidIrishverbfirst-person plural present subjunctive of nighfirst-person form-of plural present subjunctive
nímidIrishverbfirst-person plural present indicative independent of déanUlster archaic first-person form-of independent indicative plural present
omtrekkenDutchverbto pull over, to make fall downtransitive
omtrekkenDutchverbto demarcate, to mark the contours of an objecttransitive
omtrekkenDutchverbto pull aroundtransitive
omtrekkenDutchverbto go aroundintransitive
omtrekkenDutchverbto travel arounddated intransitive
omtrekkenDutchverbto surround, cover arounddated transitive
omtrekkenDutchverbto demarcatedated transitive
omumiroTooronoungullet, esophagus
on recordEnglishprep_phraseHaving one's statement published.
on recordEnglishprep_phraseBeing published.
ondechéItalianadvwhencever, whencesoever; from whatever placeobsolete
ondechéItalianconjthence; thereafter
onderduikenDutchverbto dive, submerge, submerseergative
onderduikenDutchverbto go into hiding; to live a hidden lifeergative
one-eyedEnglishadjHaving only a single eye, particularly when a greater number is normal.not-comparable
one-eyedEnglishadjBeing able to see out of only one eye.not-comparable
ongkosIndonesiannounexpenditure, expense
ongkosIndonesiannouncharge, cost, fee
ongkosIndonesiannounpay, wage, fee
organifyEnglishverbTo stabilize (a material) within an organ.biology natural-sciencestransitive
organifyEnglishverbTo add organic matter to.transitive
organularEnglishadjOf or pertaining to an organ of the body.biology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
organularEnglishadjOf or pertaining to an organelle of the cell.biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
otužitCzechverbto harden, to accustom to the coldperfective transitive
otužitCzechverbto harden, to get used to the coldperfective reflexive
palatialEnglishadjOf or relating to a palace.
palatialEnglishadjOn a grand scale; with very rich furnishings.
para ice hockeyEnglishnounA parasport, an adapted version of ice hockeyuncountable
para ice hockeyEnglishnounA parasport, an adapted version of ice hockey / Synonym of sledge hockeyuncountable
parçalanmaTurkishnounbreakup, disintegration, disjunction
parçalanmaTurkishnounfragmentation, split
parçalanmaTurkishnoundecay, disintegrationnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
parçalanmaTurkishverbsecond-person singular negative imperative of parçalanmakform-of imperative negative second-person singular
patria potestadSpanishnouncustodyfeminine
patria potestadSpanishnounparental rightsfeminine
peetDutchnoungodparentmasculine obsolete
peetDutchnounwitness at baptismmasculine obsolete
peetDutchnounvarious other kin, notably one which a child is named aftermasculine obsolete
peetDutchnoungodchildmasculine obsolete
peiaPortuguesenounfetter (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs)feminine
peiaPortuguesenounfetter (anything that restricts or restrains)feminine figuratively
peiaPortuguesenounrope made of sheep's wool, which was tied to the ends of the rubber to rest on the forehead of the rubber driver who transported itMadeira feminine
peiaPortuguesenounnautical cablesnautical transportfeminine in-plural
peiaPortugueseverbinflection of peiar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
peiaPortugueseverbinflection of peiar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
percayaMalayverbAlternative form of mempercayai or percayai.alt-of alternative informal
peulenschilDutchnounA pod, notably beans' or peas' natural casing.feminine
peulenschilDutchnounA pittance.feminine figuratively
peulenschilDutchnounA piece of cake, a cakewalk, something very easy.feminine figuratively
peulenschilDutchnounA physically insignificant person.archaic feminine figuratively
pigsitEnglishverbTo babysit (take care of) a guinea pig.
pigsitEnglishverbTo babysit (take care of) a pig.
piling onEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of pile onform-of gerund participle present
piling onEnglishnounA fighting tactic wherein multiple people attack another. / An illegal strategy wherein players tackle an opposing player.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
piling onEnglishnounA fighting tactic wherein multiple people attack another. / The process by which additional combatants join an ongoing fight or argument when they think they know who will win so that they will be on the winning side.uncountable
piling onEnglishnounA fighting tactic wherein multiple people attack another. / The process by which multiple people pick on, complain about or list the faults of their target.uncountable
piling onEnglishnounAn ongoing increase in a change or phenomenon, such as the popularity of a fad. / The steady addition of more problems to an already problematic situation or circumstance.broadly uncountable
piling onEnglishnounAn ongoing increase in a change or phenomenon, such as the popularity of a fad. / Doing more and more (of something), especially when it is inappropriate or problematic, such as by continuing to break a dietbroadly uncountable
piombareItalianverb(+su, contro, or addosso a) to pounce (on); to swoop (down) (on) [auxiliary essere] / (+su, contro, or addosso a) to pounce (on); to swoop (down) (on)intransitive
piombareItalianverbto fall precipitously [auxiliary essere] / to fall precipitouslyintransitive
piombareItalianverbto arrive unexpectedly; to turn up [auxiliary essere] / to arrive unexpectedly; to turn upintransitive
piombareItalianverbto seal (originally with lead)transitive
piombareItalianverbto fill (teeth)transitive
piombareItalianverbto befall [auxiliary essere] / to befallintransitive
piombareItalianverbto drop violently, to throw downtransitive uncommon
piombareItalianverbto plunge (e.g. into chaos)figuratively transitive
pizza ovenEnglishnounSynonym of conveyor oven. (From being frequently found in modern pizzerias.)informal
pizza ovenEnglishnounA wood-fired brick oven with a stone floor in the baking chamber. (From being an oven found in traditional pizzerias, and an accessory built in backyards for pizza)informal
pizza ovenEnglishnounA specialized infrared oven; a squat thin oven which fits a single pizza, that uses high intensity infrared lamps to rapidly blast and bake a pizza.
plenCzechnounplundering, looting (act of stealing or confiscating assets by an army from unarmed enemy citizens in time of war)inanimate masculine
plenCzechnounloot, plunder, booty (assets taken by an army from unarmed enemy citizens in time of war)inanimate masculine
plenCzechnoungenitive plural of plenafeminine form-of genitive plural
pocIrishnounbuck (male deer, goat, etc.)masculine
pocIrishnounbutt (as from goat)masculine
pocIrishnounpuck, stroke of stick, stroke of playmasculine
pocIrishnounpuck (of cattle)masculine
pochopitelnýCzechadjunderstandable (of behavior, reaction)
pochopitelnýCzechadjintelligible, comprehensible, understandable (of subject-matter)
pokvarenSerbo-Croatianadjbroken, malfunctioning (of a machine)
pokvarenSerbo-Croatianadjvicious, wicked, corrupt (of a person)
pokvarenSerbo-Croatianadjrotten, addle, putrid (of food or stomach)
polDutchnouna bundle of plants, with the soil it stands on or that hangs from itmasculine
polDutchnouna handBelgium masculine
policeEnglishnounA public agency charged with enforcing laws and maintaining public order, usually being granted special privileges to do so, particularly / A department of local (usually municipal) government responsible for general law enforcement.Canada US historical plural plural-normally
policeEnglishnounA public agency charged with enforcing laws and maintaining public order, usually being granted special privileges to do so, particularly / A branch of the Home Office responsible for general law enforcement within a specific territory.UK plural plural-normally
policeEnglishnounA public agency charged with enforcing laws and maintaining public order, usually being granted special privileges to do so, particularly / Any of the formally enacted law enforcement agencies at various levels of government.Australia New-Zealand plural plural-normally
policeEnglishnounA public agency charged with enforcing laws and maintaining public order, usually being granted special privileges to do so, particularlyplural plural-normally
policeEnglishnounThe staff of such a department or agency, particularly its officers; (regional, chiefly US, Caribbean, Jamaica, Scotland, countable) an individual police officer.plural plural-normally plural-only usually
policeEnglishnounPeople who try to enforce norms or standards as if granted authority similar to the police.derogatory figuratively ironic mildly plural plural-normally usually
policeEnglishnounCleanup of a military facility, as a formal duty.government military politics warplural plural-normally slang
policeEnglishnounSynonym of administration, the regulation of a community or society.archaic plural plural-normally
policeEnglishnounAlternative form of policy.alt-of alternative obsolete plural plural-normally
policeEnglishnounAlternative form of polity, civilization, a regulated community.alt-of alternative obsolete plural plural-normally
policeEnglishverbTo enforce the law and keep order among (a group).transitive
policeEnglishverbTo clean up an area.government military politics warintransitive slang transitive
policeEnglishverbTo enforce norms or standards upon.figuratively transitive
poofterEnglishnounA male homosexual, especially an effeminate one.Australia Commonwealth Ireland New-Zealand UK derogatory slang vulgar
poofterEnglishnounA pansy, an effeminate man.Australia Commonwealth Ireland New-Zealand UK derogatory slang
popizditiSerbo-Croatianverbto suddenly get an outburst of anger or irrationality; to go apeshit, to lose one's shit, to go batshitvulgar
popizditiSerbo-Croatianverbto crush on, to fall in love (for someone)vulgar
popizditiSerbo-Croatianverbto have a strong wish to get (something)vulgar
possiblesEnglishnounplural of possibleform-of plural
possiblesEnglishnounThe essential personal equipment carried by an American frontiersman
poststateEnglishadjExisting after the state.
poststateEnglishnounA modified state that exists after executing an operation.mathematics sciences
potkrijepitiSerbo-Croatianverbto corroborate, support (something said or written)transitive
potkrijepitiSerbo-Croatianverbto refresh oneself (with food or drink)reflexive
prefiggereItalianverbto establish in advance; to securetransitive
prefiggereItalianverbto prefixhuman-sciences linguistics sciencestransitive
prefiggereItalianverbto put before or beforehandbroadly rare transitive
prezenteblaEsperantoadjactable, performable
provenirCatalanverbto originate, to stem (from)Balearic Central Valencia
provenirCatalanverbto arise (from)Balearic Central Valencia
pulaćPolishverbto make fun of, to poke fun at [with z (+ genitive) ‘whom’] / to make fun of, to poke fun atcolloquial imperfective reflexive
pulaćPolishverbto sell (to transfer goods in exchange for money)perfective slang transitive
pulaćPolishverbto drudge, to slave, to tool (to work very hard)imperfective intransitive
pulaćPolishverbto lug (to haul something heavy)imperfective transitive
pulgueiroPortuguesenounblanketmasculine slang
pulgueiroPortuguesenounfleabag (filthy place)masculine slang
pulsoGaliciannounpulse (regular beat caused by the heart)cardiology medicine sciencesmasculine uncountable
pulsoGaliciannounheart rate (number of heart beats per unit of time)cardiology medicine sciencesmasculine uncountable
pulsoGaliciannounpulsation (single beat)masculine
pulsoGaliciannounelectric pulsebusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
pulsoGaliciannounwrist (hand joint)anatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
párámCzechnoundative plural of páradative form-of plural
párámCzechverbfirst-person singular present of páratfirst-person form-of present singular
quadrupoleEnglishnounA distribution of either electric charge or magnetization equivalent to two dipoles that point in opposite directions.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
quadrupoleEnglishnounA magnet with two north poles and two south poles, used to focus a beam of particles.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
qualitatCatalannounquality (level of excellence)feminine
qualitatCatalannounquality (a property or an attribute that differentiates a thing or person)feminine
radtNorwegian Nynorskadvsoon
radtNorwegian Nynorskadvdirectly
raembreOld Frenchverbto ransom, free (through ransom), pay back
raembreOld Frenchverbto redeem (one's soul)lifestyle religionfiguratively
ramshackleEnglishadjIn disrepair or disorder; poorly maintained; lacking upkeep, usually of buildings or vehicles.
ramshackleEnglishadjBadly or carelessly organized.
ramshackleEnglishverbTo ransack.obsolete transitive
rapakBikol Centraladjdevastated; dilapidated; run down
rapakBikol Centraladjdestroyed
rarityEnglishnounA measure of the scarcity of an object.
rarityEnglishnounThinness; the property of having low densitychemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
rarityEnglishnounA rare object.
rebokasyonTagalognounrevocation; repeal; cancelling
reckEnglishverbTo take account of (someone or something); to care for; to consider, to heed, to regard.archaic intransitive transitive
reckEnglishverbTo concern (someone); to be important or earnest.archaic dialectal intransitive transitive
reckEnglishverbTo think.intransitive obsolete
redeGaliciannounnet (mesh of strings)feminine
redeGaliciannounfishing net (mesh of strings used to trap fish)feminine
redeGaliciannounnetwork (an interconnected group or system)feminine
redeGaliciannounthe Net; the Web (the Internet)Internet feminine
redeGaliciannounbusiness chain (businesses with the same brand name)feminine
redeGalicianverbinflection of redar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
redeGalicianverbinflection of redar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
reeDutchnounThe roe, Capreolus capreolus.feminine neuter
reeDutchnounAny deer of the genus Capreolus.feminine neuter
reeDutchnounAlternative form of rede (“anchorage”).alt-of alternative dialectal feminine literary
refucirGalicianverbto roll uptransitive
refucirGalicianverbto roll up one's sleeves
rekwirowaćPolishverbto confiscate, to requisitionimperfective transitive
rekwirowaćPolishverbto demandimperfective obsolete transitive
repülőHungarianverbpresent participle of repül: flying, aeronautic, aero-form-of participle present
repülőHungariannounSynonym of pilóta: flyer, airman, aviator, pilotrare
repülőHungariannounSynonym of repülőgép: aircraft, airplane (US), aeroplane (UK)
residueEnglishnounWhatever remains after something else has been removed.countable uncountable
residueEnglishnounThe substance that remains after evaporation, distillation, filtration or any similar process.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
residueEnglishnounA molecule that is released from a polymer after bonds between neighbouring monomers are broken, such as an amino acid in a polypeptide chain.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
residueEnglishnounWhatever property or effects are left in an estate after payment of all debts, other charges and deduction of what is specifically bequeathed by the testator.lawcountable uncountable
residueEnglishnounA representative element of an equivalence class modulo some base, conventionally in the half-open interval from zero to the base; the nonnegative remainder after dividing a number by a base.countable uncountable
residueEnglishnounA form of complex number, proportional to the contour integral of a meromorphic function along a path enclosing one of its singularities.complex-analysis mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
rhedyn y dŵrWelshnounwater ferns (Azolla filiculoides)collective feminine
rhedyn y dŵrWelshnounother aquatic fernscollective feminine
rhedyn y dŵrWelshnounroyal ferns (Osmunda regalis)collective feminine
ricadereItalianverbto fall againintransitive
ricadereItalianverbto fall back to earthintransitive
ricadereItalianverbto hang down; to droopintransitive
ricadereItalianverbto let down (one's hair, etc.)intransitive
ricadereItalianverbto relapseintransitive
ricadereItalianverbto fall on (acquire a new responsibility, etc.)intransitive
ricadereItalianverbto be handed down by heredityarchaic intransitive
rigóHungariannounthrush (any of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae)
rigóHungariannounEllipsis of sárgarigó (“oriole”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
rigóHungariannounEllipsis of nádirigó (“reed warbler”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
riippuvaFinnishverbpresent active participle of riippuaactive form-of participle present
risaltareItalianverbto jump over (again)transitive
risaltareItalianverbto jump again [auxiliary avere or essere] / to jump againintransitive
risaltareItalianverbto jut out, to stick out, to protrude [auxiliary avere] / to jut out, to stick out, to protrudeintransitive
risaltareItalianverbto stand out (of a color or sound) [auxiliary avere] / to stand out (of a color or sound)intransitive
risaltareItalianverbto stand out [with per] [auxiliary avere] / to stand out [with per]intransitive
roinBavarianverbto roll [auxiliary sei] / to rollCentral intransitive
roinBavarianverbto roll (something round, e.g. a wheel) [auxiliary håbn] / to roll (something round, e.g. a wheel)Central transitive
roinBavarianverbto roll (something on its wheels) [auxiliary håbn] / to roll (something on its wheels)Central transitive
rough upEnglishverbto manhandle or beat up
rough upEnglishverbTo make rough, to roughen (especially doing so to wood while raising the grain)
rozchwytaćPolishverbto exploit, to seize (to distribute quickly and greedily among people)perfective transitive
rozchwytaćPolishverbto strive for, to courtperfective transitive
salaghatiTagalognounresentment; displeasure; indignation
salaghatiTagalognounaffliction; suffering; melancholy
samenstellenDutchverbto compose, to make up, to form
samenstellenDutchverbto compile, to put together
sankaFinnishnouna handle for carrying, particularly one that is relatively thin but stiff, e.g. made of metal wire or another similar material
sankaFinnishnountemple, arm of spectaclesplural-normally
santiaguésGalicianadjof, from or relating to Santiago de Compostela
santiaguésGaliciannounnative or inhabitant of Santiago de Compostela (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
saroPalinounnominative singular of saraform-of nominative singular
saroPalinounnominative/vocative/accusative singular of sarasaccusative form-of nominative singular vocative
schlemielEnglishnounA loser or a fool.
schlemielEnglishnounA person who is clumsy or who hurts others emotionally.
scriveneryEnglishnounThe practice or work of a scrivener.uncountable
scriveneryEnglishnounA place where scriveners work; a scriptorium.countable historical
scríobIrishverbto scrape, scratch
scríobIrishnouna scrape, scratchfeminine
seamanEnglishnounSynonym of sailor, particularly on a maritime vessel.
seamanEnglishnounA person of the lowest rank in the Navy, below able seaman.British Navy
seamanEnglishnounAn enlisted rate in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking below petty officer third class and above seaman apprentice.Navy US
seamanEnglishnounA merman; the male of the mermaid.
securocracyEnglishnounThe police and security service that dominated the South African government in the 1980s.uncountable
securocracyEnglishnounAny of the powerful security services of certain other governments in countries throughout the world.countable
segretoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of segretarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
seguir adelanteSpanishverbto go on, to move on, to press on, to push on, to go forthidiomatic
seguir adelanteSpanishverbto keep going, to carry on, to get on, to continue, to proceedidiomatic
seguir adelanteSpanishverbto go ahead, get ahead, to move ahead, to press ahead, to push aheadidiomatic
seguir adelanteSpanishverbto move forward, to forge ahead, to press forward, to go forward, to continue forward, to pursue (i.e. to advance with progress)idiomatic
seguir adelanteSpanishverbto follow throughidiomatic
seguir adelanteSpanishverbto move on, to get on, to carry on (i.e. to deal with something and move past it)figuratively
self-deathEnglishnounSuicide.countable euphemistic uncountable
self-deathEnglishnounApoptosis.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
self-deathEnglishverbTo commit suicide.euphemistic rare
serfEnglishnounA partially free peasant of a low hereditary class, attached like a slave to the land owned by a feudal lord and required to perform labour, enjoying minimal legal or customary rights.
serfEnglishnounA similar agricultural labourer in 18th and 19th century Europe.
serfEnglishnounA worker unit.
setupEnglishnounEquipment designed for a particular purpose; an apparatus.
setupEnglishnounThe fashion in which something is organized or arranged.
setupEnglishnounA situation orchestrated to frame someone; a covert effort to place the blame on somebody.
setupEnglishnounAn installer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
setupEnglishnounThe process of arranging resources for performing a specific operation, as a run of a particular product.
setupEnglishnounThe tendency of persistent wind to produce higher water levels at the downwind shore of a body of water and lower at the upwind shore.geography hydrology natural-sciences
setupEnglishnounA move or set of moves which are meant to draw out a reaction which leaves an exploitable opening in defense.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
setupEnglishverbMisspelling of set up.alt-of misspelling
sewingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of sewform-of gerund participle present
sewingEnglishnounThe action of the verb to sew.countable uncountable
sewingEnglishnounSomething that is being or has been sewn.countable uncountable
sijeloSerbo-Croatiannounsocial call, visit
sijeloSerbo-Croatiannounrural evening social gathering, sometimes featuring traditional music and amusements
silverberryEnglishnounA plant in the genus Elaeagnus, of about 50-70 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees with alternate leaves, primarily native to temperate and subtropical regions of Asia.
silverberryEnglishnounThe fruit of such a plant.
skedaddleEnglishverbTo move or run away quickly.US informal intransitive
skedaddleEnglishverbTo spill; to scatter.regional transitive
skedaddleEnglishnounThe act of running away; a scurrying off.informal
skelfScotsnounA splinter or sliver of wood.
skelfScotsnounA thin or diminutive person.
skelfScotsverbTo lay or set (a person or thing) up, as on a high shelf; to elevate in importance.
slaafjeDutchnounThe diminutive of slaaf (slave)neuter
slaafjeDutchnounA flunky, slavish follower etc.figuratively neuter
slop bucketEnglishnounA pail used to hold food waste for disposal, e.g. by feeding to pigs.
slop bucketEnglishnounA receptacle used to hold liquid waste.
slop bucketEnglishnounA bucket used for urination and defecation: a chamber pot.
smack talkEnglishnounInsulting speech, especially when intended to irritate or annoy someone.slang uncountable
smack talkEnglishverbTo talk in an insulting way intended to irritate or annoy someone.slang
smoyOld Prussiannounmanmasculine
smoyOld Prussiannounhumanmasculine
socnOld Englishnouna seeking; search; exploration
socnOld Englishnouna desiring; attempt to acquire (something); probing
socnOld Englishnouna visit; visiting
socnOld Englishnouna place of attendance; a resort
socnOld Englishnounprotection; refuge; sanctuary; asylum
socnOld Englishnouna seeking with hostile intent; an attack
socnOld EnglishnounFrequently used in connection with sacu: the exercise of judicial power; jurisdiction; right of inquisition; right of seeking, taking, or levying fines; revenue
sovrabbondareItalianverbto be overabundant [auxiliary avere or (rarely) essere] / to be overabundantintransitive
sovrabbondareItalianverbto abound, to overflow [with di ‘with’] [auxiliary avere or (rarely) essere] / to abound, to overflow [with di ‘with’]intransitive uncommon
staltrogoEsperantonounmanger (the object in a stable where animals can eat); crib
staltrogoEsperantonounthe nativity scene
step on a rakeEnglishverbTo step on the tines of a garden rake, causing the handle of the rake to rise from the ground rapidly, striking the person walking in the face.literally
step on a rakeEnglishverbTo fall victim to an avoidable (usually self-caused) hazard or error.idiomatic
stockjobberEnglishnounA stock exchange worker who deals only with finance tradingBritish
stockjobberEnglishnounAn unscrupulous finance tradingBritish derogatory
strălucireRomaniannounradiance, luster, glint, showiness, effulgencefeminine
strălucireRomaniannounglimmer, glowfeminine
studěrowaśLower Sorbianverbto study (take a course)imperfective
studěrowaśLower Sorbianverbto attend universityimperfective
sublimorLatinverbfirst-person singular present passive indicative of sublīmōfirst-person form-of indicative passive present singular
subyacenteSpanishadjunderlyingfeminine masculine
subyacenteSpanishadjsubjacentfeminine masculine
sudelnGermanverbto wash, to work in the sculleryarchaic intransitive weak
sudelnGermanverbto make a mess, to spill a liquidintransitive weak
sudelnGermanverbto scribble, to scrawl (to write in an irregular or illegible manner)intransitive weak
sudelnGermanverbto botchintransitive weak
surruoLatinverbto undermineconjugation-3
surruoLatinverbto overthrow or demolishconjugation-3
sutaPaliadjpast participle of suṇāti (“to hear”)form-of participle past
sutaPaliadjlearned, taught
sutaPalinounsacred loreneuter
swedeEnglishnounThe fleshy yellow root of a variety of rape, Brassica napus var. napobrassica, resembling a large turnip, grown as a vegetable.British
swedeEnglishnounThe plant from which this is obtained.
swedeEnglishnounThe turnip.Ireland Northern-England Scotland
swedeEnglishnounThe head.UK slang
swedeEnglishverbTo produce a low-budget remake of a film without the use of professional actors or filming techniques.
swift boatEnglishnounA small, shallow draft water vessel used by the United States navy for counterinsurgency (COIN) operations during the Vietnam War; Fast Patrol Craft (PCF).
swift boatEnglishverbto put forth sensational negative stories about a political figure as part of a smear campaign against them, especially regarding their military recordUS derogatory neologism transitive
szadyOld Polishadjgrey, grey-haired
szadyOld Polishadjspiky
szadyOld PolishadjThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include
szadyOld PolishadjThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / tanned, swarthy
szerokiPolishadjwide, broad (having a large physical extent from side to side)
szerokiPolishadjwide, broad (large in scope)
szerokiPolishadjwide, broad (having a large transverse dimension in relation to objects, objects of the same type)
szerokiPolishadjwide; loose
szerokiPolishadjwide (stretching far, i.e. of the sea)
sárwasProto-Indo-Iranianadjentire, wholereconstruction
säästelläFinnishverbto save, especially one's efforts
säästelläFinnishverbto skimp (to be parsimonious or stingy)
sępPolishnounvulture (any of several carrion-eating birds of the families Accipitridae and Cathartidae)animal-not-person masculine
sępPolishnounvulture (person who profits from the suffering of others)animal-not-person colloquial figuratively masculine
sępPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of sępićform-of imperative second-person singular
tancCatalannountank (armoured military vehicle)masculine
tancCatalannountank (container)masculine
tapadeiraGaliciannounwater lily; lily padmasculine
tapadeiraGaliciannounscaldfish (Arnoglossus laterna)masculine
taraPaliverbthird-person singular present active of tarati (“to cross over”)active form-of present singular third-person
taraPalinounThe Pali root tarmasculine
taṃPaliadjmasculine/feminine accusative singular of ta (“that”)accusative demonstrative feminine form-of masculine singular
taṃPaliadjneuter nominative/accusative singular of ta (“that”)accusative demonstrative form-of neuter nominative singular
taṃPalipronaccusative singular of ta (“it, that, him”)accusative demonstrative form-of singular
taṃPalipronaccusative singular of tā (“her”)accusative demonstrative form-of singular
taṃPalipronaccusative singular of tvaṃ (“you”)accusative form-of personal singular
third-person pluralEnglishnounThe form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with plural nouns and with the pronoun they (or its equivalents in other languages).grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
third-person pluralEnglishnounThe pronoun they (or its equivalents in other languages).grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
three RsEnglishnounThe basic education received in primary schools, especially (but not necessarily limited to) reading, writing and arithmetic.plural plural-only
three RsEnglishnounThe basic precepts of any subject matter.broadly plural plural-only
three RsEnglishnounThe basic precepts of any subject matter. / Reduce, reuse and recycle.broadly plural plural-only
tidløyseNorwegian Nynorsknountimelessnessfeminine
tidløyseNorwegian Nynorsknounautumn crocus (Cholchicum autumnale)feminine
tikkiFinnishnountrickcard-games games
tiktiLithuanianverbto fit
tiktiLithuanianverbto suit
toritoSpanishnoundiminutive of toro (“bull”)diminutive form-of masculine
toritoSpanishnounfiremouth cichlid (Thorichthys meeki)masculine
toritoSpanishnounthornfish (fish of the family Bovichtidae)Chile masculine
toritoSpanishnounA sweet cocktail made from a mix of milk, rum, and various flavorings.Mexico masculine
toritoSpanishnounA framework in the shape of a bull covered in fireworks, which is worn like a costume and set alight during various popular festivals.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesGuatemala Mexico masculine
toritoSpanishnounA traditional carnival dance originating in Barranquilla.Colombia masculine
tormentaGaliciannountormentdated feminine
tortPolishnountorte, gateau (type of cake)inanimate masculine
tortPolishnounbirthday cakeinanimate masculine
torturaPolishnountorture (severe pain or anguish, of mind or body)feminine
torturaPolishnountorture (infliction of severe pain or anguish, especially as an interrogation technique or punishment; a technique, method, or device which is designed to inflict such anguish)feminine in-plural
tosaighIrishverbbegin, commenceintransitive transitive
tosaighIrishverbstart, initiateintransitive transitive
tosaighIrishnouninflection of tosach: / vocative/genitive singularform-of masculine
tosaighIrishnouninflection of tosach: / nominative/dative pluraldative form-of masculine nominative plural
toteuttaaFinnishverbto realise/realize, carry out, put into practice, put into effect, effectuate, execute, implementtransitive
toteuttaaFinnishverbto make come true (such as of a wish)transitive
toteuttaaFinnishverbto satisfy (cause a sentence to be true)transitive
traguardoItaliannounfinish linehobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
transversectomyEnglishnounThe surgical excision of a transverse process of a vertebra.medicine sciences surgerycountable uncountable
transversectomyEnglishnounA colectomy involving the removal of only the transverse colon.medicine sciences surgerycountable uncountable
trapikTagalognountraffic jam
trapikTagalognountraffic (pedestrians or vehicles on roads)
trúpOld Czechnoundrone (male bee)animal-not-person masculine
trúpOld Czechnounfoolanimal-not-person masculine
tuhanOld Javanesenounmaster, lord
tuhanOld Javanesenounmilitary unitgovernment military politics war
tuklasTagalognoundiscovering; act of discovery
tuklasTagalognounsomething discovered
tuétanoSpanishnounmarrow, bone marrow (the substance inside bones, as well as a food made from it)masculine
tuétanoSpanishnounpithbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
tynWelshadjtight, taut
tynWelshadjfast, tight, firm
tynWelshadjtight, stingy, niggardly
tynWelshverbthird-person singular present indicative/future of tynnuliterary
tynkPolishnounplaster, plasterwork (mixture for coating walls and ceilings)inanimate masculine
tynkPolishnouncakey make-upcolloquial inanimate masculine
type siteEnglishnounAn archaeological site considered the representative example of a particular culture, frequently its first discovery and frequently used as its eponymarchaeology history human-sciences sciences
type siteEnglishnounA geologic site considered the representative example or first discovery of a stratographic level or other featuregeography geology natural-sciences
uforandredeNorwegian Bokmåladjdefinite singular of uforandretdefinite form-of singular
uforandredeNorwegian Bokmåladjplural of uforandretform-of plural
uloTagalognounhead (part of the body containing the brain)anatomy medicine sciences
uloTagalognounbrains; talent; intelligencefiguratively
uloTagalognounmind; thoughtsfiguratively
uloTagalognouncommon sensefiguratively
uloTagalognounchief; boss; head (of an group, office, etc.)
uloTagalognounhead; unit number (used in counting herd)
uloTagalognounprincipal part; either of the two ends (of a table)
uloTagalognounheading; title (of a story, news, etc.)
uloTagalognountop; summit (of a mountain, etc.)
uloTagalognounfront or principal part or position; head (of a column, squad, etc.)
uloTagalognoundead or living body (of a wanted criminal)
uloTagalognounbulb; head (of garlic, onion, etc.)
uloTagalognounpart of a plant that resembles a head (of cabbages, and other vegetables and the like)
uloTagalognountop; tip (of a thing) / head or top used for striking other objects (of a hammer, axe, etc.)
uloTagalognountop; tip (of a thing) / head or top for striking, holding, or pushing (of a pin, nail, etc.)
uloTagalognountop; tip (of a thing) / projecting part of an object (of an arrow, egg, etc.)
uloTagalognountop; tip (of a thing) / head of a boil, abscess, acne, etc. (where pus accumulates)
uloTagalognounheadboard; top side (of a bed)
uloTagalognounbeginning; start
uloTagalognountopic; subject (of one's speech, etc.)
uloTagalognounsource; origin
uloTagalognounhighest distinction of honor (as in a class)
uloTagalognounused with ng to express the superlative degree: most; best; -est
uloTagalognounglans penisslang
uloTagalognounmain hole of a congkak board
uloTagalogadjwith heads together while lying down
umIcelandicadvused in set phrases
umIcelandicprepabout, concerning
umIcelandicprepthrough, around, across
umIcelandicprepthroughout, over, around
umIcelandicprepduring, for, in, at
umIcelandicprepapproximately, about, around
uraFinnishnountrack, groove, rut, trail, furrow (mark in the form of a groove or long, narrow depression left by something that has passed along)
uraFinnishnoungroove, slot, score (long, narrow channel or depression)
uraFinnishnouncareer (an individual’s work and life roles over their lifespan)
uraFinnishnounlocus (set of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given equation or condition)mathematics sciences
usterkiwaćPolishverbto trip (to fall over or stumble over an object as a result of striking it with one's foot)imperfective intransitive obsolete rare reflexive
usterkiwaćPolishverbto stumble (to make a mistake or have trouble)figuratively imperfective intransitive obsolete rare reflexive
utskjæringNorwegian Bokmålnouncarvingfeminine masculine
utskjæringNorwegian Bokmålnouna cut-out (space or hole)feminine masculine
ułatwieniePolishnounverbal noun of ułatwićform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
ułatwieniePolishnounadvantage, edge, head start, leg upcountable neuter
vaginaEnglishnounA passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus for copulation and childbirth in female mammals.anatomy medicine sciences
vaginaEnglishnounA passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus for copulation and childbirth in female mammals. / A similar part in some invertebrates and non-mammalian amniotes.anatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoology zootomy
vaginaEnglishnounA sheathlike structure, such as the leaf of a grass that surrounds a stem.biology botany natural-sciences
vaginaEnglishnounThe vulva, or the vulva and the vaginal passage collectively.colloquial
vaginaEnglishnounA coward; a weakling; a pussy.colloquial derogatory
vetturaItaliannouncarriage (in a train)feminine
video conferencingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of video conferenceform-of gerund participle present
video conferencingEnglishnounThe act of holding of a video conference.countable uncountable
viihdyttäväFinnishverbpresent active participle of viihdyttääactive form-of participle present
viihdyttäväFinnishverbpresent passive participle of viihtyäform-of participle passive present
votMaltesenounvote, ballotmasculine
votMaltesenouncriticismin-plural masculine
vulcanizeEnglishverbTo treat rubber with heat and (usually) sulfur to harden it and make it more durable.transitive
vulcanizeEnglishverbTo undergo such treatment.intransitive
warmoezerijDutchnounvegetable farmcountable feminine historical
warmoezerijDutchnounvegetable cultivationfeminine historical uncountable
washboardEnglishnounA board with a corrugated surface against which laundry may be rubbed.
washboardEnglishnounSuch a board used as a simple percussion instrument.entertainment lifestyle music
washboardEnglishnounA board fastened along a ship's gunwale to prevent splashing; a splashboard.nautical transport
washboardEnglishnounA stretch of ripples or bumps on a dirt or gravel road caused by interaction between traffic and road surface.
washboardEnglishnounbaseboard; skirting boarddated
washboardEnglishverbTo produce a rippled texture on a surface.
washboardEnglishverbTo play a washboard.
washboardEnglishverbTo move up and down or back and forth across the surface of a hive, possibly to lay down a layer of propolis and wax.
waxenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow (become larger): / To grow up; to become fully grown.
waxenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow (become larger): / To wax (of the moon); to rise (of the tide).
waxenMiddle EnglishverbTo increase in amount; to multiply
waxenMiddle EnglishverbTo increase in magnitude; to magnify
waxenMiddle EnglishverbTo appear; to arise.
waxenMiddle EnglishverbTo change; to turn (to or into something)
waxenMiddle EnglishverbTo become, to assume (a quality or state)
waxenMiddle Englishverbto wax (apply wax to; cover in wax)
waxenMiddle Englishverbto stop (a hole)rare
waxenMiddle Englishadjwaxen (made of wax)
wennGermanconjif (on the condition that)subordinating
wicketEnglishnounA small door or gate, especially one beside a larger one.
wicketEnglishnounA small window or other opening, sometimes fitted with a grating.
wicketEnglishnounA service window, as in a bank or train station, where a customer conducts transactions with a tellerBritish Canada
wicketEnglishnouna ticket barrier at a rail station, box office at a cinema, etc.
wicketEnglishnounOne of the two wooden structures at each end of the pitch, consisting of three vertical stumps and two bails; the target for the bowler, defended by the batsman.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
wicketEnglishnounA dismissal; the act of a batsman getting out.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
wicketEnglishnounThe period during which two batsmen bat together.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
wicketEnglishnounThe pitch.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
wicketEnglishnounThe area around the stumps where the batsmen stand.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
wicketEnglishnounAny of the small arches through which the balls are driven.
wicketEnglishnounA temporary metal attachment that one attaches one's lift-ticket to.hobbies lifestyle skiing snowboarding sports
wicketEnglishnounA shelter made from tree boughs, used by lumbermen.US dialectal
wicketEnglishnounThe space between the pillars, in post-and-stall mining
wicketEnglishnounAn angle bracket when used in HTML.Internet informal
wicketEnglishnounA device to measure the height of animals, usually dogs.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoology
wjidzecSlovincianverbto see (to perceive with the eyes)imperfective transitive
wjidzecSlovincianverbto please, to catch the eye (to be physically attractive or pleasing)imperfective reflexive
woldEnglishnounAn unforested or deforested plain, a grassland, a moor.archaic regional
woldEnglishnounA wood or forest, especially a wooded upland.obsolete
woldEnglishadjOld.Devon West-Country archaic dialectal
woodyEnglishadjCovered in woods; wooded.
woodyEnglishadjBelonging to the woods; sylvan.obsolete
woodyEnglishadjMade of wood, or having wood-like properties.
woodyEnglishadjNon-herbaceous.biology botany natural-sciences
woodyEnglishadjLignified.biology botany natural-sciences
woodyEnglishnounAlternative form of woodie.alt-of alternative
woodyEnglishnounA compact wooden climbing wall used for board climbing.climbing hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
woodyEnglishnounAn erect penis.slang vulgar
wormMiddle EnglishnounA worm or similar small wormlike animal that lives in the ground; especially in the following special senses: / A wormish insect that damages plants or plant-based material (e.g. a termite).
wormMiddle EnglishnounA worm or similar small wormlike animal that lives in the ground; especially in the following special senses: / A wormish insect that damages human remains.
wormMiddle EnglishnounA worm or similar small wormlike animal that lives in the ground; especially in the following special senses: / A parasitic worm; especially one living in the stomach.
wormMiddle EnglishnounA crawling animal; an animal that moves upon the ground.
wormMiddle EnglishnounAn animal regarded as harmful and annoying.
wormMiddle EnglishnounA snake or snake-like monster.
wormMiddle EnglishnounA dragon, drake, or wyrm (mythological fire-breathing winged lizard)
wormMiddle EnglishnounA beast that inhabits Hell; causing suffering to its inhabitants.
wormMiddle EnglishnounA pauper, miser, or other contemptuous individual.
wormMiddle Englishnounregret, forgiveness; the twanging of the heartstrings.
wormMiddle Englishnounevil, malice; that which promotes maliciousness.
wormMiddle EnglishnounThe snake of Eden.biblical lifestyle religion
wormMiddle EnglishnounSatan, the Devil.Christianityrare
wormMiddle EnglishnounA muscle underneath the tongue of a dog seen as increasing the risk of rabies.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyrare
ymarferWelshverbto practise, train
ynskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna wish, desireneuter
ynskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna friendly thought or wish for someone elseneuter
zadrapaćPolishverbto scratch, to scrape (damage by scratching)perfective transitive
zadrapaćPolishverbto scratch oneself, to scratch one anotherperfective reflexive
zawódPolishnounprofession, occupation, job (economic role for which a person is paid)inanimate masculine
zawódPolishnoundisappointment (bad feeling when one's expectations are not met)inanimate masculine
zawódPolishnouncompetition, contest, event, gameshobbies lifestyle sportsin-plural inanimate masculine
zawódPolishnouncompetition, contest (any event attempting to establish a winner)in-plural inanimate masculine
zawódPolishnounrace, contest (run to see who is the fastest)in-plural inanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnouncompetition, contest, rivalry, rivalship (act of trying to gain priority in something over another person or group of people)inanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnounarena (place where a race or competition takes place)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnoundrive, impetus (will or want to do something)inanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnounleading (act of leading someone somewhere)inanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnounrepeat (a second time)inanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnouncustominanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnounbreeding stableinanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnounbreeding; sowing; reproductioninanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnoundisappointment (act of letting someone down)inanimate masculine obsolete
zawódPolishnounintention (want to do something)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
zjebanyPolishadjtired, exhaustedvulgar
zjebanyPolishadjterrible, suckyvulgar
zjebanyPolishadjfucked up, ruined, destroyed, brokenvulgar
zjebanyPolishadjinsulted, cussed outvulgar
zjebanyPolishverbmasculine singular passive adjectival participle of zjebaćadjectival form-of masculine participle passive singular
zubCzechnountooth (structure present in the mouth of many animals)inanimate masculine
zubCzechnountooth (a projection on the edge of an instrument)inanimate masculine
zubCzechnountooth (projection resembling a tooth)inanimate masculine
zubCzechnounnib, biteinanimate masculine
zurücklassenGermanverbto leave behindclass-7 strong
zurücklassenGermanverbto let returnclass-7 strong
çanakTurkishnounbowl, earthenware pot, a container used to hold, mix or present food
çanakTurkishnounpotful, the amount of food a pot or bowl can hold
çanakTurkishnouncalyx, the outermost whorl of flower parts, comprising the sepalsbiology botany natural-sciences
çanakTurkishnounbasin, bowl, a depression whose depth is less than its widthgeography natural-sciences
éirimiúilIrishadjlively, spirited; sprightly
éirimiúilIrishadjtalented, gifted; intelligent
îngrășaRomanianverbto fatten, make fatconjugation-1
îngrășaRomanianverbto gain or put on weight, become fatterconjugation-1 reflexive
ô tô buýtVietnamesenounbus (motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads)
ô tô buýtVietnamesenounminibus (small bus, especially one used as transport for small groups)
ông bàVietnamesenoungrandparents
ông bàVietnamesenounancestorcolloquial figuratively literary
ông bàVietnamesenounladies and gentlemen
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto overtake (to pass a more slowly moving object or entity)transitive
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto excel, to surpasstransitive
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto pass, pass byintransitive
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto pass, to go by, to elapse, to slip by (of time)intransitive transitive
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto elapse, to run out, to expire, to fall dueintransitive
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto overboilintransitive
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto go away, stop, to ceaseintransitive
ötməkAzerbaijaniverbto sing (of birds)intransitive
þingąProto-Germanicnounappointed time; date; appointmentneuter reconstruction
þingąProto-Germanicnounmeeting; assembly, councilneuter reconstruction
þingąProto-Germanicnouncase, matter, issue (such as what is discussed at an assembly)neuter reconstruction
þingąProto-Germanicnouncase, matter, issue (such as what is discussed at an assembly) / thing, objectbroadly neuter reconstruction
þufOld Englishnountuft of foliage or branches
þufOld Englishnouncrest of a helmet
þufOld Englishnouna type of standard or banner, bearing tufts or feathers
časSlovenenountensehuman-sciences linguistics sciences
đèoVietnamesenounmountain pass
đèoVietnameseverbto carry (on one's back)
đèoVietnameseverbto carry (on one's vehicle); to transport
şaşırmakTurkishverbto be mixed up, puzzled
şaşırmakTurkishverbto be surprised
żgiċċaMalteseverbto run away
żgiċċaMalteseverbto scamper
životopisSerbo-Croatiannouncurriculum vitae, CV
ɣa³⁵Pelaverbget, gain
ɣa³⁵Pelaverbhave, possess
ɣa³⁵Pelaverbgive birth, bear
ɣa³⁵Pelaverbmay, canauxiliary
ˈTranslingualsymbolprimary stress.IPA
ˈTranslingualsymbola mid floating tone (when the macron is used for vowel length) or a high-mid floating tone (when the macron is used for tone).human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
αναπαράγωGreekverbto reproduce (offspring)
αναπαράγωGreekverbto reproduce, duplicate (image,etc)
αναπαράγωGreekverbto reproduce (performance, music)
αξημέρωτοςGreekadjbefore dawn
αξημέρωτοςGreekadjnever-ending, long-lasting
αἴγληAncient Greeknounlight of the sun or moon
αἴγληAncient Greeknounradiance of Olympus
αἴγληAncient Greeknounradiance, gleam
αἴγληAncient Greeknounsplendour, glory
βότρυςAncient Greeknounbunch of grapes, grapes
βότρυςAncient Greeknounbunch of grapes, grapes / clustered earringfiguratively
βότρυςAncient Greeknounambrosia (Ambrosia maritima)
βότρυςAncient Greeknounambrosia (Ambrosia maritima) / Jerusalem oak (Dysphania botrys [syn. Chenopodium botrys])
βότρυςAncient Greeknounthe Pleiades
γέρανοςAncient Greeknouna crane, Grus cinerea
γέρανοςAncient Greeknouna crane (instrument for lifting)
γέρανοςAncient Greeknouna type of dance
γέρανοςAncient Greeknouna type of fish
γαργάραGreeknoungargling (act of cleaning one's mouth by holding water or some other liquid in the back of the mouth and blowing air out from the lungs)medicine sciences
γαργάραGreeknoungargle (liquid used to do the above action)medicine sciencesbroadly
δείκτηςGreeknounindicator, quotient, measure (something indicating a value)
δείκτηςGreeknounindex finger, forefinger
δείκτηςGreeknounpointer of an instrument
ενοχλώGreekverbto annoy, bother, disturb, pester, troubletransitive
ενοχλώGreekverbto annoy, bother, disturbintransitive
καμμύωAncient Greekverbto close or shut the eyes
καμμύωAncient Greekverbto fall asleep, to doze
κνίζωAncient Greekverbto scratch, gash
κνίζωAncient Greekverbto pound, chop up or grate
κνίζωAncient Greekverbto tickle, titillate
κνίζωAncient Greekverbto chafe, tease, provoke
λεφτόGreeknounAlternative form of λεπτό (leptó) (sense: "minute")alt-of alternative colloquial
λεφτόGreeknounmoney, usually in the plural λεφτά (leftá)colloquial rare
μπάλαGreeknounbale (rounded bundle or package of goods)
πάγκοςGreeknounshop counter
πάγκοςGreeknounbench (long seat)
πλέθρονAncient Greeknouna plethron (a unit of length equal to 100 Greek feet (podes)units-of-measure
πλέθρονAncient Greeknouna plethron (a unit of area equal to 10,000 square Greek feet (podes)units-of-measure
πολεμάωGreekverbto engage in war, fight
πολεμάωGreekverbto oppose, struggle against
πολεμάωGreekverbto try very hard tofiguratively
πώγωναςGreeknounchinbroadly formal
σύνοψιςAncient Greeknouna seeing all together, general view, shared view
σύνοψιςAncient Greeknounepitome, synopsis, abridgment
σύνοψιςAncient Greeknounepitome, synopsis, abridgment / recapitulation
σύνοψιςAncient Greeknounestimate
σύνοψιςAncient Greeknounexpense
τσιμπάωGreekverbto nip, pinch; literally: "I nip/pinch"
τσιμπάωGreekverbto sting, prick; literally: "I sting/prick"
φύωAncient Greekverbto bring forth, produce, generate, cause to growtransitive
φύωAncient Greekverbto beget, bear, give birth totransitive
φύωAncient Greekverbto grow, arise, spring upintransitive
φύωAncient Greekverbto become [with adjective] / to becomeintransitive present
φύωAncient Greekverbto be by nature [with adjective] / to be by natureaorist copulative intransitive perfect
φύωAncient Greekverbto be naturally disposed to, prone [with infinitive ‘to do’] / to be naturally disposed to, proneintransitive
φύωAncient GreekverbIt is natural, happens naturally [with infinitive ‘that ...’] / It is natural, happens naturallyimpersonal
φύωAncient Greekverbto be one's natural lot [with dative ‘someone's’] / to be one's natural lot
ψάλλωGreekverbAlternative form of ψέλνω (psélno, “to chant (a religious hymn or an anthem)”)alt-of alternative formal intransitive transitive
ψάλλωGreekverbto praise [with accusative] / to praisefiguratively transitive
безграмотнийUkrainianadjilliterate (unable to read or write)
безграмотнийUkrainianadjignorant, unlettered
вагонRussiannounrailway car, coach, railway carriage
вагонRussianadvmuch/many, a lot offiguratively informal no-comparative
вечеретьRussianverbto darken, to become dark; to become twilightimpersonal
вечеретьRussianverbto approach evening (of the day)
врубитьRussianverbto insert [with в (v, + accusative) ‘into a hole cut in something’] / to insert
врубитьRussianverbto switch on, to turn oncolloquial
генералитетRussiannounsupreme command, generalsgovernment military politics warcollective
генералитетRussiannounhigher authoritiescolloquial figuratively
глиномесRussiannounpotter, clayworkeranimate
глиномесRussiannounsodomiser, jockeranimate slang
глиномесRussiannounpotter's wheel, clay mixerinanimate
глиномесRussiannounoffroader, automobile apt to traverse mudinanimate slang
дохватитиSerbo-Croatianverbto reachtransitive
дохватитиSerbo-Croatianverbto get hold of, lay one's hands on, manage to reach (somebody)expressively
дроваRussiannounfirewoodplural plural-only
дроваRussiannounwood (low-quality wooden object)derogatory plural plural-only
дроваRussiannoundriverscomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesplural plural-only slang
дублёрRussiannounbackup (person)
дублёрRussiannoundubberbroadcasting film media television
дублёрRussiannounstunt double
дублёрRussiannounfrontage road
дублёрRussiannounsubstitution (substitute item, workalike)inanimate
душRussiannounshower (device for bathing)
душRussiannounshower (instance of using the shower)
душRussiannoungenitive plural of душа́ (dušá)form-of genitive plural
зникомийUkrainianadjdisappearing (one that disappears)no-comparative
зникомийUkrainianadjvanishing (one that vanishes)no-comparative
испостављатиSerbo-Croatianverbto officially issue or deliver (bill, invoice)transitive
испостављатиSerbo-Croatianverbto turn out, emergereflexive
каляBulgarianverbto temper (metal, glass, etc.), to harden
каляBulgarianverbto toughen up, to make resilientfiguratively transitive
кнопкаRussiannounbutton (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger)
кнопкаRussiannounbutton (an on-screen control that can be selected as an activator of an attached function)computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
кнопкаRussiannoundrawing pin, thumbtack
кнопкаRussiannounpress button, press stud, snap fastener
костёрRussiannouncampfire, bonfire, wood fire
костёрRussiannounchockbusiness mining
костёрRussiannounbrome grass (Bromus)
костёрRussiannounbrome grass (Bromus) / chess grass, rye brome (Bromus secalinus)
кӣдтTer Saminounhand
кӣдтTer Saminounarm
лицоRussiannounfaceanatomy medicine sciences
лицоRussiannounperson, individual, individualityanimate
лицоRussiannounpersongrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesanimate
лудшырUdmurtnounfield mouse, striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius)
лудшырUdmurtnounany mushroom of the genus Russuladialectal
мебелировкаBulgariannounfitting, furnishing
моргатьRussianverbto blink
моргатьRussianverbto wink
напоминатьRussianverbto remind, to dun (cause one to experience a memory; bring to a person's notice)
напоминатьRussianverbto resemble, to look like
начальствоUkrainiannouncommand, direction (position of chief authority)uncountable
начальствоUkrainiannounauthorities, heads, chiefscollective uncountable
неживойRussianadjinanimate, inorganic
неживойRussianadjdull, lifeless
нимиRussianproninstrumental of они́ (oní)form-of instrumental
нимиRussianproninstrumental of оне́ (oné)form-of instrumental
оженитиSerbo-Croatianverbto marry off (a man)transitive
оженитиSerbo-Croatianverbto get married (of a man)reflexive
переплётRussiannounbinding (spine of a book)
переплётRussiannoundifficult situation, jam
подрывнойRussianadjblasting, demolition, blowing uprelational
полеBulgariannounfield, ground
полосаRussiannounstripe, strip, streak
полосаRussiannounbelt, zone
постановкаUkrainiannounsetting, setting up
постановкаUkrainiannounformulation, posing, statement, stating (of a question)
постановкаUkrainiannounstaging, performance, productionentertainment lifestyle theater
постановкаUkrainiannounform, positioning (of the body during physical training)rare
потапницаBulgariannoundiver, submergerliterally
потапницаBulgariannoundiving duck, pochard (anatid bird of genus Aythya or Netta)
припарковатьсяRussianverbto park (intransitive)
припарковатьсяRussianverbpassive of припаркова́ть (priparkovátʹ)form-of passive
приступитиSerbo-Croatianverbto approach (somebody)intransitive with-dative
приступитиSerbo-Croatianverbto join (organization etc.)intransitive with-dative
приступитиSerbo-Croatianverbto accessintransitive with-dative
притулитиUkrainianverbto lean against, to prop against, to press againsttransitive
притулитиUkrainianverbto sheltertransitive
притулитиUkrainianverbto cram, to sticktransitive
притулитиUkrainianverbto appointcolloquial transitive
притулитиUkrainianverbto covercolloquial transitive uncommon
процуриватиSerbo-Croatianverbto begin to ooze, leak, drip, runintransitive
процуриватиSerbo-Croatianverbto leak (of a secret)intransitive
пръжкаBulgariannouncrackling, roast
пръжкаBulgariannounpork rindsin-plural
разводитьRussianverbto take along, to bring; to conduct
разводитьRussianverbto part, to move apart, to pull apart, to separate
разводитьRussianverbto dilute, to mix
разводитьRussianverbto dissolve
разводитьRussianverbto start
разводитьRussianverbto divorce
разводитьRussianverbto mount, to relieve, to post (sentinels)
разводитьRussianverbto rear, to breed (animals)
разводитьRussianverbto plant, to cultivate, to grow (plants)
разводитьRussianverbto make, to plant, to lay out (a park, garden, etc.)
разводитьRussianverbto cheat, to swindleslang
религиозенMacedonianadjreligious (pertinent to religion)
религиозенMacedonianadjreligious (devout)
свилаBulgariannounsilk (fabric and threads)dated
свилаBulgariannouncorncob fibers
секундSerbo-Croatiannounsecond (unit of time)masculine
секундSerbo-Croatiannounsecond (unit of angle)masculine
славетнийUkrainianadjfamous, illustrious, renowned
славетнийUkrainianadjglorious (exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory)
советRussiannounadvice, counsel
советRussiannouncouncil, board
стиснутиUkrainianverbto pinch, squeeze, compresstransitive
стиснутиUkrainianverbto clench, griptransitive
стиснутиUkrainianverbto constricttransitive
стиснутиUkrainianverbto hug, clasptransitive
стиснутиUkrainianverbto shrugintransitive transitive
стромлятиUkrainianverbto insert, to stick, to puttransitive
стромлятиUkrainianverbto impaletransitive
судовийUkrainianadjcourt (attributive), judicial
тосковатьRussianverbto be sad/melancholic
тосковатьRussianverbto be bored
тосковатьRussianverbto long, to pine, to miss, to have a nostalgia, to grieve
усисаватиSerbo-Croatianverbto suck in, absorbtransitive
усисаватиSerbo-Croatianverbto vacuumintransitive transitive
успокаиватьRussianverbto calm, to quiet, to soothe
успокаиватьRussianverbto reassure
успокаиватьRussianverbto assuage, to appease
яғыуBashkirverbto make fire in a dedicated place / to make fire in a stove, fireplace etc. for heat and/or preparation of food
яғыуBashkirverbto make fire in a dedicated place / to light a candle, lamp etc.
яғыуBashkirverbto make fire in a dedicated place / to heat house or facilitiestransitive
яғыуBashkirverbto make fire in a dedicated place / to burn, use something as fueltransitive
яғыуBashkirverbto make fire in a dedicated place
անթևArmenianadjwingless, without wings
գահOld Armeniannounhigh seat, chair, tribunal
գահOld Armeniannounthrone
գահOld Armeniannoundignityfiguratively
գժտվելArmenianverbmediopassive of գժտել (gžtel)form-of mediopassive
գժտվելArmenianverbto quarrel, fall out with
դոկտորArmeniannoundoctor (a person who has attained a doctorate)
դոկտորArmeniannounphysician, medical doctorcolloquial dated
թոշակOld Armeniannounprovisions, supplies for journey
թոշակOld Armeniannounpay, wages
թոշակOld Armeniannounfood
կատիկArmeniannounepiglottisanatomy medicine sciences
կատիկArmeniannounsoft palate, velumanatomy medicine sciences
շահOld Armeniannounprofit, interest, fruit, gain, lucre; advantage, good, benefit, utility, emolument
շահOld Armeniannouninterest, usury
շահOld Armeniannounkind of a dance
ջանդամArmeniannounhellcolloquial dialectal
ջանդամArmenianintjangry exclamation of displeasure, disregard or indifference, to hell with
վազելArmenianverbto runintransitive
վազելArmenianverbto run, flowintransitive
בוטערבראָדYiddishnouna slice of bread with spread (usually butter) on it
טעםHebrewnountaste (sense)
טעםHebrewnountaste, flavour (objective quality of a substance as perceived by the sense of taste)
טעםHebrewnounlogic, a reason, a point
טעםHebrewnouna stress, an accenthuman-sciences linguistics sciences
טעםHebrewnouna cantillation mark
טעםHebrewverbto tasteconstruction-pa'al
לייזרHebrewnounA laser: a device that produces a monochromatic, coherent beam of light.
לייזרHebrewnounA Laser: a member of a class of small sailing dinghy.
ק״שHebrewnameAbbreviation of קַבָּלַת שַׁבָּת.abbreviation alt-of
ק״שHebrewnameAbbreviation of קַדִּישׁ שָׁלֵם.abbreviation alt-of
ק״שHebrewnameAbbreviation of קְרִיאַת שְׁמַע.abbreviation alt-of
ק״שHebrewnameAbbreviation of קִרְיַת שְׁמוֹנָה.abbreviation alt-of
שוקאAramaicnounsquare, plaza, forum
שוקאAramaicnounmarket, bazaar
שוקאAramaicnounopen space
שוקאAramaicnounquarter, district, borough
آلمقOttoman Turkishverbto take; to get
آلمقOttoman Turkishverbto receive; to accept
آلمقOttoman Turkishverbto buy
آلمقOttoman Turkishverbto capture; to conquer
بزرگUrduadjold in age; elderly
بزرگUrdunounsenior; elderly person
بزرگUrdunounsaint, holy person
بزرگUrdunounancestor; forefather
بزرگUrdunoungrandee, noble
بزرگUrdunoungreat; large, bigobsolete
دولكOttoman Turkishadjquiet, calm, peaceful, tranquil, placid
دولكOttoman Turkishadjcomposed, even-minded, well-behaved, self-possessed
دولكOttoman Turkishadjgrave, serious, sedate, staid, earnest
دولكOttoman Turkishnounsmall or stunted melon
دولكOttoman Turkishnounnave, the hub of a wheel
سيامڠMalaynounsiamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)biology natural-sciences zoology
سيامڠMalaynountungsten (chemical element)
شاهزادهPersiannounThe offspring of a king. / prince
شاهزادهPersiannounThe offspring of a king. / princess
فيArabicprepin, within
فيArabicprepduring, for a duration of
فيArabicprepin with, among, together with
فيArabicprepof, about, in regards to, pertaining to, in the subject or topic of
فيArabicprepon account of, for the reason of, in relation to
فيArabicpreptimes, multiplied by, to have a measure of this by this
فيArabicverbsecond-person feminine singular active imperative of وَفَى (wafā)active feminine form-i form-of imperative second-person singular
قاشیقجیOttoman Turkishnounspoonmaker, a manufacturer of spoons
قاشیقجیOttoman Turkishnounglutton, gourmand, big eaterfiguratively
يالاڭUyghuradjbare, naked, nude
يالاڭUyghuradjsingle, unlined
يالاڭUyghuradjonly, merely
گدھاUrdunoundonkey, ass
گدھاUrdunounfool, assfiguratively
گدھاUrduadja fool; assfiguratively
ܦܘܚܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwind
ܦܘܚܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounair
ܦܘܚܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncoolness, cold
ވެހިDhivehinoundweller; inhabitant
ވެހިDhivehiverbpast of ވެހުން (vehun̊)form-of past
आँवलHindinounAlternative form of आँवला (ā̃vlā)alt-of alternative
कोरियाHindinameKorea (historical country); the Korean Peninsula
कोरियाHindinameSouth Korea or North Korea
टेंबुरणीKonkaniadjof or pertaining to ebony
टेंबुरणीKonkaniadjebony (color)
नागHindinounmale serpent
नागHindinounthe Indian cobra, Naja najaspecifically
नागHindinounnagaBuddhism lifestyle religionHinduism Jainism
मथ्Sanskritrootto stir, whirl aroundmorpheme
मथ्Sanskritrootto rotatemorpheme
मथ्Sanskritrootto churnmorpheme
मथ्Sanskritrootto mix, minglemorpheme
मथ्Sanskritrootto agitate, troublemorpheme
लजKonkaninounmodesty, shyness, bashfulness
वर्तनीHindinounway, especially of writing
ওলিBengalinounfriend, beloved
ওলিBengalinounhelper, supporter
ওলিBengalinounprotector, guardian; parent; custodian, trustee
ওলিBengalinounsaint, ascetic
ওলিBengalinamea male given name, Oli or Wali, from Arabic
ਪੜ੍ਹਨਾPunjabiverbto readtransitive
ਪੜ੍ਹਨਾPunjabiverbto study, learntransitive
ଭଳିOdiapostpsort; kind
ଭଳିOdiapostplike; similar
தரத்தூதுTamilnounexertion, endeavor
தெய்வயானைTamilnameIndra's elephant
தெய்வயானைTamilnameTeyvanai, Devasena (goddess of aspiration; wife of Skanda)Hinduism
நடைTamilnounwalk, walking
நடைTamilnounway, path, route, road
நடைTamilnounconduct, behavior, career
நடைTamilnouncustom, usage
நடைTamilnoundaily worship in a temple
ఔరసుడుTelugunounson of full blood
ఔరసుడుTelugunounA legitimate son born to his married wife.
కల్పించుTeluguverbto make, fabricate.
కల్పించుTeluguverbto invent or contrive.
కల్పించుTeluguverbto produce or form.
గోపురముTelugunounAn arch, a dome, a pinnacle.
గోపురముTelugunounA portal door, a city gate.
గోపురముTelugunounA high pyramidal tower over the gates of a temple.
గోపురముTelugunounA steeple.
వివరముTelugunounan explanation, specification, comment
వివరముTelugunouna description, a detailed account
వివరముTelugunouna detail
వివరముTelugunouna hole, burrow, chasm, cave, recess
వేషధారిTelugunounan actor, a masker, a man in disguise;
వేషధారిTelugunounan impostor, a pretender.
ขมPaliadjThai script form of khama (“patient”)Thai character form-of
ขมPaliverbThai script form of khama, which is second-person singular imperative active of ขมติ (khamati, “to forgive”)Thai character form-of
ตังPaliadvThai script form of taṃ (“there”)Thai character form-of
ตังPaliadvThai script form of taṃ (“therefore”)Thai character form-of
ตังPaliadjThai script form of taṃ, which is accusative singular masculine/feminine of ตะ (ta, “that”)Thai character form-of
ตังPaliadjThai script form of taṃ, which is nominative/accusative singular neuter of ตะ (ta, “that”)Thai character form-of
ตังPalipronThai script form of taṃ, which is accusative singular of ตะ (ta, “he, it”)Thai character form-of
ตังPalipronThai script form of taṃ, which is nominative/accusative singular of ตะ (ta, “it”)Thai character form-of
ตังPalipronThai script form of taṃ, which is accusative singular of ตา (tā, “she, it”)Thai character form-of
ตังPalipronThai script form of taṃ, which is accusative singular of ตวัง (tvaṃ, “you”)Thai character form-of
ตาปีThainameTapi River (a river in Thailand)
ตาปีThainameTapti River, Tapi River (a river in India)
เชื่อThaiverbto believe
เชื่อThaiverbto rely on
เชื่อThaiverbto trust
เชื่อThaiverbto buy on credit
เย็นThaiadjcold; cool; chill.
เย็นThaiadjcool; calm; composed; serene.
เย็นThaiadjchilled; iced.
เย็นThainounthe period of time from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
เย็นThainounevening; late afternoon; early evening.broadly
ကောန်ၚာ်Monnounchild (young person)
ကောန်ၚာ်Monnounchild young person usually male
ကြိုးBurmesenounrope; string; cord
ကြိုးBurmesenouna string instrumententertainment lifestyle music
ကြိုးBurmesenounkyo, a genre of Burmese classical music; see မဟာဂီတ (ma.hagita.)entertainment lifestyle music
ပြာBurmesenounash (solid remains of a fire)
ပြာBurmeseadjdim (of vision)
ပြာBurmeseadjhoarse, husky (of a voice)
ამბავიGeorgiannounnarrative, yarn
მამულიGeorgiannouncountry-seat, (landed) estate, manor
ორაLaznoundate, time / duration, period, span
ორაLaznoundate, time / moment
ორაLaznoundate, time / season (of fruit or vegetable)
ორაLaznoundate, time / epoch, age
សាខាKhmernounbranch (of tree)
សាខាKhmernounbranch, affiliate, offshoot (of a company)
សាខាKhmernoundivision, department, section
សាខាKhmernounphylumbiology natural-sciences taxonomy
ᠪᠠᡳᡨᠠManchunounthing; matter
ᠪᠠᡳᡨᠠManchunounofficial business; public duty
ᠪᠠᡳᡨᠠManchunounmeans; solution; way (of doing something)
ᠪᠠᡳᡨᠠManchunounextramarital relations
ḥꜣtjEgyptiannounmind, where thought and emotions are experienced
ḥꜣtjEgyptiannouna jewelbroadly
ḫnt-ẖty-prtjEgyptiannameKhentakhtai-perti, a god
ḫnt-ẖty-prtjEgyptiannameThe month of Pauni
ἀποστέλλωAncient Greekverbto send off, send away from / to send away, banishabsolute
ἀποστέλλωAncient Greekverbto send off, send away from / to go away, depart, set out
ἀποστέλλωAncient Greekverbto send off, send away from
ἀποστέλλωAncient Greekverbto send off, dispatch, on some mission or service
ἀποστέλλωAncient Greekverbto put off, doff
ἀποστέλλωAncient Greekverbto go back, retireintransitive
ἐνδύωAncient Greekverbto go into / to put on, wear
ἐνδύωAncient Greekverbto go into / to enter
ἐνδύωAncient Greekverbto go into / to sink in
ἐνδύωAncient Greekverbto clotheactive
ⲧⲱⲣⲓCopticnounhandle, haftBohairic
ともJapaneseparticle共: all, both
ともJapaneseparticleof course (as a particle used at the end of the sentence, which shows strong assertion)
ともJapaneseparticlealso with (see と)
ともJapaneseparticlealso (called, to be said, etc.; see と)
ともJapaneseparticleeven ifliterary
ともJapanesenounfriend, companion, comrade, pal
ともJapanesenounmember of the same category
コンドルJapanesenouna New World vulture; a condor
コンドルJapanesenounan Andean condor
ラインJapanesenounline (path through two or more points)
ラインJapanesenounfishing line
ラインJapanesenounteam, workgroupbusiness
ラインJapanesenounline, boundary
ラインJapanesenounline (group of people born in a certain year; liners)
Japanesecharactersummonkanji shinjitai
Japanesecharacterpropagate, transmitkanji shinjitai
Japanesenounlegend, tradition
Japanesenounway, method
Japanesenounhorseback transportation-communication system under ritsuryō
元帥Chinesenounmarshal; general of the army
元帥Chinesenounsupreme commander (of an army)archaic
分期Chineseverbto divide into stages
分期Chineseverbto periodize; to create a chronologyhistoriography history human-sciences sciences
分期Chineseadvby stages; by installments; in a staggered fashion
困頓Chineseadjexhausted; fatigued; weary
困頓Chineseadjin financial straits
堡壘Chinesenounfortress; redoubt; fortificationliterally
Chinesecharacterto fall down; to drop; to sink; to go to ruin
Chinesecharacterto hang down; to weigh down; to fall due to a heavy weight
Chinesecharacterhanging object
外相Chinesenounforeign minister
外相Chinesenounappearance (of a person or object); external features; looks; profileHokkien Quanzhou Xiamen
妻弟Chinesenounbrother-in-law (wife's younger brother)
妻弟Chinesenounsister-in-law (wife's younger sister)literary
建前Japanesenounofficial policy or position, the official story, a pretext;
建前Japanesenounfacade; external treatment towards society
Chinesecharacterto move one's abode; to shift; to migrate; to relocate
Chinesecharacterto substitute; to transplant; to swap
Chinesecharacterto move (an object)Hakka Hokkien Teochew
惺忪Chineseadjlively; sweet-sounding; beautifulliterary
惺忪Chineseadjclear-headed; awakeliterary
惺忪Chineseadjdrowsy-eyed; wavering; indecisive
意下Chinesenounopinion; idea; proposal; suggestion; view; adviceliterary
意下Chinesenounin one's heart; in one's mind; in one's conscienceliterary
扯把子Chineseverbto bluff; to lieChengdu Sichuanese Southwestern-Mandarin Yanhe
扯把子Chineseverbto kid; to jokeChengdu Sichuanese Southwestern-Mandarin
扯把子Chineseverbto chatChengdu Sichuanese Southwestern-Mandarin
扯把子Chineseverbto perform crosstalk (xiangsheng)Southwestern-Mandarin
排檔Chinesenounfood stall
排檔Chinesenounvehicle transmission; gearTaiwan
Chinesecharacterto throw; to throw to the ground
Chinesecharacterto throw away; to discardWu
Chinesecharacterto rest something on a surface or poleWu
Chinesecharacterto set aside; to ignore; to leave behindWu figuratively
Chinesecharacterto fall; to fall overCantonese Wu
Chinesecharacterto flaunt; to ostensibly display; to flash; to whip outWu figuratively
Chinesecharacterto pick upEastern Min
Chinesecharactera handleEastern Min
Chinesecharacterto pull outliterary
Chinesecharacterto select; to promoteliterary
Chinesecharacterto pull; to tugHokkien
Chinesecharacterto guide and support; to leadHokkien Mainland-China figuratively
Chinesecharacterto coax out of somebody; to trick somebody into telling (of a secret, information, the truth, etc.)Hokkien Mainland-China
Chinesecharacterto roughly sew and mendXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Chinesecharacterto flatten out (especially clothes)Taiwanese-Hokkien
旧人Japanesenounpaleoanthropic man (e.g. Neanderthal)dated
旧人Japanesenouna person from long ago
旧人Japanesenounan old person
旧人Japanesenouna person from long ago
旧人Japanesenounan old person
Chinesecharacterto reflect (light); to mirror; to shine
Chinesecharacterto project (movie)
Chinesecharactersunshine; sunlightobsolete
Chinesecharacterto cover; to hideobsolete
Chinesecharacterthe hours of the goat (1:00pm to 3:00pm)obsolete
Chinesecharacter^‡ Only used in 映㬒 (“not bright; not clear”). / Only used in 映㬒 (“not bright; not clear”).historical obsolete
有権Japanesenounpossessing rights
有権Japanesenounpossessing power
有権Japaneseverbto possess rights
有権Japaneseverbto possess power
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 盤/盘 (pán)alt-of alternative
ChinesecharacterUsed in compounds.
Chinesecharacterpoison; toxin; venom; bane
Chinesecharactercalamity; disaster; troubleobsolete
Chinesecharacterpain; sufferingobsolete
Chinesecharactercrime; evilobsolete
Chinesecharacterto poison; to administer poison to
Chinesecharacterto harm; to injureobsolete
Chinesecharacterto hate; to resentobsolete
ChinesecharacterAlternative form of 督 (dū, “to manage; to govern”)alt-of alternative obsolete
Chinesecharacterpoisonous; noxious
Chinesecharacterheavy; thickobsolete
Chinesecharacterpernicious influence; harmful influencefiguratively
Chinesecharactersevere; fierce; violent
Chinesecharactermalicious; cruel; sinister
Chinesecharacternarcotics; narcotic drugsin-compounds literary
ChinesecharacternerdyCantonese Hong-Kong
Chinesecharacterto poison; to administer poison toCantonese Hakka Min colloquial
ChinesecharacterUsed in 毒冒, which is an alternative form of 玳瑁 (dàimào)
汪汪Chineseadjmoist with tears; tearful
汪汪Chineseadjdeep and wideliterary
汪汪Chineseadvbow-wow; woof-woofonomatopoeic
波子Chinesenounsmall spherical ball, such as: (Classifier: 粒 c) / marbleCantonese
波子Chinesenounsmall spherical ball, such as: (Classifier: 粒 c) / pinballCantonese
波子Chinesenountesticle (Classifier: 粒 c)Cantonese slang
波子ChinesenounPorsche (Classifier: 架 c)Cantonese slang
Chinesecharactertributary of a river
Chinesecharacterschool of thought; sect; branch; camp
Chinesecharacterstyle; air; manner
Chinesecharacterto send; to dispatch
Chinesecharacterto hand out; to distribute
Chinesecharacterto apportion; to impose
Chinesecharacterto censure; to blame
ChinesecharacterClassifier for a scene, an atmosphere, a speech or a sound.
ChinesecharacterClassifier for factions, schools of thought, groups, etc.
Chinesecharacterpi (π); the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diametermathematics sciences
ChinesecharacterOnly used in 派司 (pāsi).
滋滋Chineseadjdiligent; assiduousideophonic literary
滋滋Chineseadjinterested; contented; happyideophonic literary
滋滋ChinesenounAn onomatopoeia.
熱和Chineseadjnice and warm; warmcolloquial
熱和Chineseadjwarm and friendly; pally; chummy; thickcolloquial
田刀Chinesenounfreshwater mussel; clamZhangzhou-Hokkien
田刀Chinesenounlarge earth tilling tool
眉頭Chinesenounbrows (ridge over the eyes)
TranslingualcharacterKangxi radical #113, ⽰.
TranslingualcharacterShuowen Jiezi radical №3
聞こえるJapaneseverbto be heard
聞こえるJapaneseverbto be audible
聞こえるJapaneseverbsound, be taken as (give someone a certain impression from hearing)
聞こえるJapaneseverbto be widely known; to be famous
舉手Chineseverbto raise one's hand (to do work; especially in expressions to denote something is as easy as raising one's hands)
舉手Chineseverbto put up one's hand (to signal agreement or enquiry)
Japanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Japanesenouna weed
Japanesenouna herb
Japanesenouna scout, a spy (from the way one would hide in the grass to observe enemy troops)
Japanesenounpubic hairfiguratively rare slang
Japaneseprefixa fake, a mimic, not the real thingmorpheme
Japaneseprefixamateur, small-timemorpheme
Japanesenouna draft, a rough copy
Japanesenouncursive, calligraphy in a running hand
Japanesenounsomething unofficial, an informal abbreviation or knock-off
Japanesenoun"grass", in reference to the expression w (w, “LOL”); LOLsInternet
JapanesephraseEllipsis of 草生える (kusa haeru, literally “grass grows”): (Internet slang) … it's hilariousabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
藿香Chinesenounpatchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
藿香Chinesenounwrinkled giant hyssop (Agastache rugosa)
蝦夷Japanesenounthose people living in the northeast of Japan, regardless of ethnicity, with customs and culture and government that differ from the central Japanese imperial statehistorical
蝦夷Japanesenounan ancient ethnic group that once lived in what is now the 関東 (Kantō), 北陸 (Hokuriku) and 東北 (Tōhoku) regions, likely as far as Hokkaido; likely related to the Ainu peoplehistorical
蝦夷Japanesenounshort for 蝦夷松 (Ezo matsu): Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis)abbreviation alt-of regional
蝦夷Japanesenameshort for 蝦夷地 (Ezochi): collective name for Hokkaido (mostly), the Kuril Islands, and Sakhalin before the Meiji periodabbreviation alt-of historical
蝦夷Japanesenounan ancient ethnic group that once lived on what is now the 関東 (Kantō), 北陸 (Hokuriku) and 東北 (Tōhoku) regions, likely as far as Hokkaido; likely related to the Ainu peoplearchaic historical
蝦夷Japanesenameshort for 蘇我蝦夷 (Soga no Emishi): Asuka-period statesman of the Yamato court, son of Soga no Umako and father of Soga no Irukaabbreviation alt-of
蝦夷Japanesenounan ancient ethnic group that once lived on what is now the 関東 (Kantō), 北陸 (Hokuriku) and 東北 (Tōhoku) regions, likely as far as Hokkaido; likely related to the Ainu peoplearchaic historical
蝦夷Japanesenounan ancient ethnic group that once lived on what is now the 関東 (Kantō), 北陸 (Hokuriku) and 東北 (Tōhoku) regions, likely as far as Hokkaido; likely related to the Ainu peoplehistorical rare
Chinesecharacterto visit; to pay respects toliterary
Chinesecharacterto state; to informobsolete
Chinesecharacterto report; to accuseobsolete
Chinesecharacterto requestobsolete
Chinesecharactername cardobsolete
貓兒ChinesenouncatGan Jin Mandarin
貓兒Chinesenounfemale prostituteMandarin dialectal
貓兒Chinesenounjokercard-games gamesBeijing Mandarin
連想Japanesenounassociation of ideas
連想Japaneseverbassociate, connect
連續Chineseadvcontinuously; one after another; bit by bit; in turn; successively; in succession
連續Chineseadjcontinuous; successive; serial
連續Chineseadjcontinuousmathematics sciences
酌量Japanesenounto mitigate a sentence or punishmentlaw
酌量Japanesenounto adjust the amount of resource or effort one is about to expenddated
金庫Chinesenountreasury; coffers
金庫Chinesenounnational treasury; state treasury; exchequer; public purse; public coffers
阿爸Chinesenoundad; paparegional
ChinesecharacterUsed in 霹靂/霹雳 (pīlì).
Chinesecharacterof thunder, to strike
高尚Chineseadjhaving integrity; noble; morally upright; lofty
高尚Chineseadjtasteful; refined
高鐵Chinesenounhigh-speed rail
高鐵Chinesenounhigh-speed rail / G-series trainsMainland-China specifically
미다Koreanverbto fall out enough to expose the skinarchaic intransitive
미다Koreanverbto tear accidentallyarchaic transitive usually
미다Koreanverbto ostracizeobsolete transitive
자신Koreannounone's body
자신Koreannounoneself (as a reflexive pronoun, often in the intensive form 자기 자신)
자신Koreannounoneself (as an intensifier)
𐌳𐌰𐌿𐌸𐌾𐌰𐌽Gothicverbto kill, murder
𐌳𐌰𐌿𐌸𐌾𐌰𐌽Gothicverbto put to death, execute
𑂃𑂍𑂱𑂪Magahinounintelligence, intellect
(astronomy) twinkling of a starscintillationEnglishnounA flash of light; a spark.countable uncountable
(astronomy) twinkling of a starscintillationEnglishnounThe twinkling of a star or other celestial body caused by turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere.astronomy natural-sciencescountable uncountable
(astronomy) twinkling of a starscintillationEnglishnounThe flash of light produced by something (especially a phosphor) when it absorbs ionizing radiation.countable uncountable
(astronomy) twinkling of a starscintillationEnglishnounA brief expression that is amusing or clever; witticism.countable figuratively uncountable
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo physically swirl or rotate.
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo rotate, to move in a circle.
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo travel around (something) physically.transitive
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo circumvent, evade or outmanoeuvre.figuratively transitive
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo circulate, to move aimlessly.figuratively transitive
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo pass around, to circulate.
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo be sufficient to be shared, to be enough for everyone.intransitive
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo go to another person's home or a public event.
(fig.) to circulate invisiblygo roundEnglishverbTo live behaving in a certain way, doing something regularly (followed by specification).
(mobile telephony) bound to a carrierlockedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of lockform-of participle past
(mobile telephony) bound to a carrierlockedEnglishadjHaving undergone locking; secured by a lock.not-comparable
(mobile telephony) bound to a carrierlockedEnglishadjProtected by a mutex or other token restricting access to a resource.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
(mobile telephony) bound to a carrierlockedEnglishadjVery drunk.Ireland not-comparable
(mobile telephony) bound to a carrierlockedEnglishadjBound to a carrier.communications electrical-engineering engineering mobile-telephony natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications telephonynot-comparable
*adruwakah (“unhealthy, diseased”)druwáhProto-Iranianadjfirm, strong, sturdy, durablereconstruction
*adruwakah (“unhealthy, diseased”)druwáhProto-Iranianadjhealthy, whole, unharmedreconstruction
*galabōnlabōnProto-West Germanicverbto strengthenreconstruction transitive
*galabōnlabōnProto-West Germanicverbto refresh or revitalise with food, drink, warmth, etc.reconstruction transitive
*to-uɸo-maketi; Middle WelshmaketiProto-Celticverbto increasereconstruction
*to-uɸo-maketi; Middle WelshmaketiProto-Celticverbto raise, rear, feedreconstruction
11th-century king of ScotlandMacbethEnglishnameA William Shakespeare play, about the Scottish royal family.
11th-century king of ScotlandMacbethEnglishnameThe eponymous main character of William Shakespeare's play.
11th-century king of ScotlandMacbethEnglishnameAn 11th-century king of Scotland.
11th-century king of ScotlandMacbethEnglishnameA surname.
8th day before the ides of a Roman monthnonesEnglishnounThe notional first-quarter day of a Roman month, occurring on the 7th day of the four original 31-day months (March, May, Quintilis or July, and October) and on the 5th day of all other months.capitalized historical often
8th day before the ides of a Roman monthnonesEnglishnounThe ninth hour after dawn (about 3 pm).capitalized historical sometimes
8th day before the ides of a Roman monthnonesEnglishnounThe divine office appointed to the hour.Christianity
8th day before the ides of a Roman monthnonesEnglishnounAlternative form of noon: the sixth hour after dawn; midday (12 pm).alt-of alternative obsolete
8th day before the ides of a Roman monthnonesEnglishnounSynonym of lunch: a meal eaten around noon.obsolete
8th day before the ides of a Roman monthnonesEnglishnounAlternative form of Nones: atheists or those without religious affiliation.alt-of alternative plural
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishadjCapable of operating without external control or intervention.
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishadjDone out of habit or without conscious thought.
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishadjNecessary, inevitable, prescribed by logic, law, etc.
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishadjFiring continuously as long as the trigger is pressed until ammunition is exhausted.
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishadjAn autoloader; a semi-automatic or self-loading pistol, as opposed to a revolver or other manually actuated handgun, which fires one shot per pull of the trigger; distinct from machine guns.
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishadjAutomatically added to and removed from the stack during the course of function calls.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishadjHaving one or more finite-state automata.mathematics sciences
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishnounA car with an automatic transmission; the transmission itself.
A semi-automatic pistolautomaticEnglishnounA semi-automatic pistol.
Ancient Malay language; Proto-MalayOld MalayEnglishnameThe oldest attested form of Malay language.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Ancient Malay language; Proto-MalayOld MalayEnglishnameThe ancestor of Malay language (all form and dialects), spoken in Sumatra from about 1,000 BCE.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Ancient Malay language; Proto-MalayOld MalayEnglishnameArchaic Malay speech or writing, or an imitation of this: "old" Malay.colloquial nonstandard proscribed
Bhaiksuki scriptपातिSanskritverbto watch, keep, preserveclass-2 type-p
Bhaiksuki scriptपातिSanskritverbto protect from, defend against (+ ablative)class-2 type-p
Bhaiksuki scriptपातिSanskritverbto protect (a country) i.e. rule, governclass-2 type-p
Bhaiksuki scriptपातिSanskritverbto observe, notice, attend to, followclass-2 type-p
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnouna coming together, meeting, union
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnounintercourse or association with
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnounconnection, contact
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnounsexual union
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnounconfluence (of rivers)
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnounconjunction (of planets)
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnounharmony, adaptation
Bhaiksuki scriptसंगमSanskritnoungathering
Brassica napusrapeseedEnglishnounThe seed of the rape plant, Brassica napus, used widely for animal feed and vegetable oil.uncountable usually
Brassica napusrapeseedEnglishnounThe rape plant itself.uncountable usually
Form I: عَكَسَ (ʕakasa); Verbal nounع ك سArabicrootRelated to reflectionmorpheme
Form I: عَكَسَ (ʕakasa); Verbal nounع ك سArabicrootRelated to inversion or oppositesmorpheme
Form I: عَكَسَ (ʕakasa); Verbal nounع ك سArabicrootRelated to opposition(?)morpheme
Form II: حَبَّرَ (ḥabbara, “to ink, to fill, to beautify”); Active participleح ب رArabicrootrelated to filling in various sensesmorpheme
Form II: حَبَّرَ (ḥabbara, “to ink, to fill, to beautify”); Active participleح ب رArabicrootrelated to joy, beauty, improvementmorpheme
Form II: حَبَّرَ (ḥabbara, “to ink, to fill, to beautify”); Active participleح ب رArabicrootrelated to ink and variegated fabricmorpheme
Form II: ذَكَّرَ (ḏakkara, “to make masculine”); Verbal nounذ ك رArabicrootrelated to remembrance.morpheme
Form II: ذَكَّرَ (ḏakkara, “to make masculine”); Verbal nounذ ك رArabicrootrelated to maleness.morpheme
Form II: عَيَّرَ (ʕayyara, “to blame”); Verbal nounع ي رArabicrootrelated to roaming and wanderingmorpheme
Form II: عَيَّرَ (ʕayyara, “to blame”); Verbal nounع ي رArabicrootrelated to measurement and standardizationmorpheme
Form II: عَيَّرَ (ʕayyara, “to blame”); Verbal nounع ي رArabicrootrelated to shame and dishonormorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَبْدَلَ (istabdala, “to take in exchange for”); Verbal nounب د لArabicrootRelated to changing or exchangingmorpheme
Form X: اِسْتَبْدَلَ (istabdala, “to take in exchange for”); Verbal nounب د لArabicrootRelated to pain in the jointsmorpheme
Greek politicianPericlesEnglishnameAn Ancient Greek politician.historical
Greek politicianPericlesEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek of mostly historical use.
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA city in the Holy Land between the Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea, holy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam; the claimed capital city of Israel and of Palestine.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA poem by William Blake, used as an unofficial national anthem in England.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / A census-designated place in Conway County, Arkansas.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Harford County, Maryland.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lima Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / A town in Yates County, New York.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / A township in Lucas County, Ohio.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / A village in Monroe County, Ohio.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in the town of Narragansett, Washington County, Rhode Island.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A place in the United States: / Former name of Courtland, Southampton County, Virginia.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A suburban area in Skellingthorpe parish, North Kesteven district, Lincolnshire, England (OS grid ref TF9171).countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / A settlement in the Manawatu-Wanganui region, New Zealand, also known as Hiruharama, the Maori name.countable uncountable
JerusalemiteJerusalemEnglishnameA number of places elsewhere, usually named after the city in the Holy Land: / Synonym of Hiruharama, Gisborne District, New Zealand.countable uncountable
Khimi ChinmätuteKhumi Chinverbto peckintransitive
Khimi ChinmätuteKhumi Chinverbto teachtransitive
Khimi ChinmätuteKhumi Chinverbto indicatetransitive
National Imperial Academy國子監ChinesenameNational Imperial Academy (national central institution of higher learning in Chinese dynasties after the Sui)
National Imperial Academy國子監ChinesenameGuozijian (a residential community of Andingmen, Dongcheng district, Beijing, China)
Nominal derivationsendaSwahiliverbto walk, go
Nominal derivationsendaSwahiliverbto go ahead, progress
Of or relating to the New Agenew ageEnglishnounA modern spiritual and religious movement, covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical ideas, that developed towards the end of the 20th century.capitalized often uncountable
Of or relating to the New Agenew ageEnglishnounNew Age music.uncountable
Of or relating to the New Agenew ageEnglishadjOf or relating to the New Age movement.capitalized often
Of or relating to the New Agenew ageEnglishadjOf or relating to New Age music.
Proto-Hellenic: *dúskʰimosǵʰéyōmProto-Indo-Europeannounwinterfeminine reconstruction
Proto-Hellenic: *dúskʰimosǵʰéyōmProto-Indo-Europeannounyear (as a measure of time)feminine reconstruction
Proto-Hellenic: *dúskʰimosǵʰéyōmProto-Indo-Europeannounfrost, snowfeminine reconstruction
Siddham scriptपरिच्छेदेभ्यस्Sanskritnounmasculine dative plural of परिच्छेद (pariccheda)dative form-of masculine plural
Siddham scriptपरिच्छेदेभ्यस्Sanskritnounmasculine ablative plural of परिच्छेद (pariccheda)ablative form-of masculine plural
Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repentobdurateEnglishadjStubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent.
Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repentobdurateEnglishadjPhysically hardened, toughened.obsolete
Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repentobdurateEnglishadjHardened against feeling; hard-hearted.
Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repentobdurateEnglishverbTo harden; to obdure.obsolete transitive
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishnounA sturdy sack filled with sand, generally used in large numbers to make defensive walls against flooding, bullets, or shrapnel.
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishnounA small bag filled with sand and used as a cudgel.
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishnounAn engraver's leather cushion, etc.
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishnounA deceptive play whereby a player with a strong hand bets weakly or passively.card-games poker
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishverbTo construct a barrier of sandbags (around).intransitive transitive
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishverbTo strike someone with a sandbag or other object to disable or render unconscious.transitive
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishverbTo conceal or misrepresent one's true position, potential, or intent in order to gain an advantage; (originally poker) to pretend to have a weak hand, as a strategy.figuratively intransitive
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishverbTo blindside; to deceive; to undermine.figuratively transitive
To blindside or deceivesandbagEnglishverbTo pretend to drink early on so that, as the night draws on, one can drink everybody else "under the table".
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishnounThe alimentary canal, especially the intestine.countable uncountable
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishnounThe abdomen of a person, especially one that is enlarged.countable informal uncountable
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishnounThe intestines of an animal used to make strings of a tennis racket or violin, etc.uncountable
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishnounA person's emotional, visceral self.countable uncountable
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishnounA class that is not demanding or challenging.countable informal uncountable
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishnounA narrow passage of water.countable uncountable
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishnounThe sac of silk taken from a silkworm when ready to spin its cocoon, for the purpose of drawing it out into a thread. When dry, it is exceedingly strong, and is used as the snood of a fishing line.countable uncountable
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishverbTo eviscerate.transitive
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishverbTo remove or destroy the most important parts of.transitive
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishverbTo dishearten; to crush (the spirits of).
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishadjMade of gut.
To remove or destroy the most important parts ofgutEnglishadjInstinctive.
To wear out, especially through excessive userun into the groundEnglishverbTo mismanage to the point of ruin.idiomatic transitive
To wear out, especially through excessive userun into the groundEnglishverbTo wear out, especially through excessive use.idiomatic transitive
To wear out, especially through excessive userun into the groundEnglishverbTo discuss ad nauseam.idiomatic transitive
TranslationsArdestanEnglishnameA city in Iran
TranslationsArdestanEnglishnameA county of Iran
TranslationsAsturianismEnglishnounA word, usage, or linguistic feature particular to the Asturian language, or Asturian Spanish.countable uncountable
TranslationsAsturianismEnglishnounAsturian patriotism.countable uncountable
TranslationsGrenelleEnglishnameA commune of the Seine department, Francehistorical
TranslationsGrenelleEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Paris, France
TranslationsOkinotorishimaEnglishnameAn island of Japan, properly two rocks on a coral reef atoll
TranslationsOkinotorishimaEnglishnameA coral reef atoll of Japan, currently containing two natural rocks (islets) and an artificial rock (islet), located between Guam and Taiwan, in the Philippine Sea
TranslationstafferelEnglishnounA carved panel.
TranslationstafferelEnglishnounThe flat upper part of a ship's stern above the transom, often decorated with carvings.nautical transport
TranslationstafferelEnglishnounThe taffrail.nautical transport
Verbal nounbarcTarifitverbto pressintransitive
Verbal nounbarcTarifitverbto crouch, to squat, to kneel (an animal)
Verbal nounbarcTarifitverbto sitderogatory
Verbal nounbiyyeɛTarifitverbto sell out, to betrayintransitive
Verbal nounbiyyeɛTarifitverbto sell for profitintransitive
Verbal nounbiyyeɛTarifitverbto spyintransitive
With QamatsאHebrewcharacterAleph or alef: the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, coming before ב.Hebrew letter
With QamatsאHebrewcharacterThe numeral 1 in Hebrew numbering.Hebrew letter
Zanabazar Square scriptसरकSanskritnounA continuous line of road
Zanabazar Square scriptसरकSanskritnounSpirituous liquor, spirits
Zanabazar Square scriptसरकSanskritnounDrinking spirits
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA baby’s bed with high, often slatted, often moveable sides, suitable for a child who has outgrown a cradle or bassinet.US countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA bed for a child older than a baby.British countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA small sleeping berth in a packet ship or other small vesselnautical transportcountable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA wicker basket.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA manger, a feeding trough for animals elevated off the earth or floor, especially one for fodder such as hay.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounThe baby Jesus and the manger in a creche or nativity scene, consisting of statues of Mary, Joseph and various other characters such as the magi.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA bin for drying or storing grain, as with a corn crib.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA small room or covered structure, especially one of rough construction, used for storage or penning animals.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA confined space, as with a cage or office-cubiclecountable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA job, a position; (British) an appointment.countable obsolete uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA hovel, a roughly constructed building best suited to the shelter of animals but used for human habitation.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA boxy structure traditionally built of heavy wooden timbers, to support an existing structure from below, as with a mineshaft or a building being raised off its foundation in preparation for being moved; see cribbing.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA collection of quotes or references for use in speaking, for assembling a written document, or as an aid to a project of some sort; a crib sheet.countable plural-normally uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA minor theft, extortion or embezzlement, with or without criminal intent.countable obsolete uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounThe card game cribbage.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounThe cards discarded by players and used by the dealer.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA known piece of information corresponding to a section of encrypted text, that is then used to work out the remaining sections.computing cryptography engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA small holiday home, often near a beach and of simple construction.New-Zealand Southern countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA snack or packed lunch, especially as taken to work to eat during a break.Australia New-Zealand countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA small raft made of timber.Canada countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounThe stomach.UK countable obsolete uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA literal translation, usually of a work originally in Latin or Ancient Greek.countable uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounA cheat sheet or past test used by students; crib sheet.countable slang uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishnounOne’s residence, house or dwelling place, or usual place of resort.countable slang uncountable
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo place or confine in a crib.transitive
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo shut up or confine in a narrow habitation; to cage; to cramp.
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo collect one or more passages and/or references for use in a speech, written document or as an aid for some task; to create a crib sheet.transitive
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo plagiarize; to copy; to cheat.informal transitive
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo install timber supports, as with cribbing.intransitive
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo steal or embezzle.archaic transitive
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo complain, to grumbleIndia
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo crowd together, or to be confined, as if in a crib or in narrow accommodations.
a bin or box for storing graincribEnglishverbTo seize the manger or other solid object with the teeth and draw in wind.intransitive
a chordakkordNorwegian Bokmålnouna debt settlement, composition, arrangement; an arrangement between a creditor and his/her debtor aiming to spare the latter from bankruptcy. Also used in the sense of compromise.masculine
a chordakkordNorwegian Bokmålnouna piece work contract, piece rate; a work where one is paid according to his/her performance rather than the number of hours.masculine
a chordakkordNorwegian Bokmålnouna chord; combination of and harmony between three or more pitches.entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
a city in ThailandNakhon PhanomEnglishnameA province of Thailand.
a city in ThailandNakhon PhanomEnglishnameA city in Thailand.
a group of fourquaternityEnglishnounA group or set of four.countable
a group of fourquaternityEnglishnounThe state of being four.uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishnounA heavy blow, punch.countable uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishnounA person's ability to throw such punches.countable uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishnounAn emotional impact, psychological force.countable uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishnounA thrill, emotionally excited reaction.countable uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishnounAnything produced by a process that involves boiling; beer, tea, whitewash.slang uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishnounA thick piece of fat.archaic countable uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishnounA quick rolling movement; a gallop.Scotland UK countable dialectal uncountable
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo rush hastily.intransitive
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo flounder, wallow.intransitive
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo boil with a continued bubbling or heaving and rolling, with noise.
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo strike heavily, thrash soundly.transitive
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo trounce, beat by a wide margin.transitive
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo wrap up temporarily.transitive
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo move in a rolling, cumbersome manner; to waddle.
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo eat or drink with gusto.
a heavy blow, punchwallopEnglishverbTo send a message to all operators on an Internet Relay Chat server.Internet
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstonianadjwhite (color)
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstonianadjwhite (color) / Covered in snow.
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstonianadjlight, bright, illuminated
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstonianadjHaving light skin, belonging to the Caucasian race.
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstonianadjRelated to the counterrevolutionary White movement during the Russian Civil War.
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstoniannounThe color white, something colored in white.
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstoniannounsunlight, illumination
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstoniannounA person having light skin, belonging to the Caucasian race.
a person belonging to the White movementvalgeEstoniannounA person belonging to the counterrevolutionary White movement during the Russian Civil War.
a person who controls the movements of vehiclesdispatcherEnglishnounagent noun of dispatch; one who dispatches.agent form-of
a person who controls the movements of vehiclesdispatcherEnglishnounIn a transportation organization, a person who controls the movements of vehicles.
a person who controls the movements of vehiclesdispatcherEnglishnounA piece of software responsible for assigning priorities and resources to tasks waiting to be scheduled.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
a person who controls the movements of vehiclesdispatcherEnglishnounAny die used for cheating, whether fraudulently weighted or bearing duplicate numbers.gambling gamesslang
a strategy of maintaining confusionconfusionismEnglishnounAny doctrine or philosophy that serves to confuse people.uncountable
a strategy of maintaining confusionconfusionismEnglishnounA strategy of maintaining confusion in the minds and preventing objective analysis.uncountable
a ticket book, a collection of tickets in the form of a booklet often sold at a discount to single ticketscarnetEnglishnounA ticket book, a collection of tickets in the form of a booklet often sold at a discount to single tickets.
a ticket book, a collection of tickets in the form of a booklet often sold at a discount to single ticketscarnetEnglishnounA customs document that allows the temporary duty-free importation of a particular articlelaw
a ticket book, a collection of tickets in the form of a booklet often sold at a discount to single ticketscarnetEnglishnounAn admission pass.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city and suburb of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, California.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Humboldt County, California.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, an exclave of Arapahoe County and an enclave in the City and County of Denver, Colorado.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Boulder County, Colorado.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Franklin County, Idaho.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Pope County, Illinois.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Harrison Township, Daviess County, Indiana.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood of Indianapolis, Indiana.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township and unincorporated community therein, in Saline County, Kansas.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Hardin County, Kentucky.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Berkshire County, Massachusetts.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in St. Louis County, Missouri.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Clark County, Nevada.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in the town of Gilford, Belknap County, New Hampshire.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Voorhees Township, Camden County, New Jersey.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood in Ewing Township, Mercer County, New Jersey.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood of Queens, New York City, New York.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township in Logan County, North Dakota.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Hamilton County, Ohio.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Le Flore County, Oklahoma.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Douglas County, Oregon.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in the town of Burrillville, Providence County, Rhode Island.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Kane County, Utah.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood on the west side of Salt Lake City, Utah.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community on Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and unincorporated community therein, in Monroe County, Wisconsin.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA neighbourhood in south-west Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA village on the Isle of Skye, Highland council area, Scotland, the eponym of all other settlements of the same name (OS grid ref NG1749).
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA suburb of the City of Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA rural locality in the Shire of Livingstone, Queensland, Australia.
a village on Skye, Highland, ScotlandGlendaleEnglishnameA suburb of Wainuiomata, Wellington region, New Zealand.
abandonleave behindEnglishverbTo abandon.idiomatic transitive
abandonleave behindEnglishverbTo forget about.idiomatic transitive
abandonleave behindEnglishverbTo not live longer than; to be survived by.idiomatic transitive
abandonleave behindEnglishverbTo leave (a trace of something).idiomatic transitive
abandonleave behindEnglishverbTo outdo; to progress faster than (someone or something else).idiomatic transitive
abandonleave behindEnglishverbTo pass.transitive
abandonleave behindEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see leave, behind.
abbreviation of SeptemberSeptEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Sept..alt-of alternative
abbreviation of SeptemberSeptEnglishnameA surname.
act of freeing from an illusiondisillusionmentEnglishnounA feeling of disappointment, akin to depression, arising from the realization that something is not what it was expected or believed to be, possibly accompanied by philosophical angst from having one's beliefs challenged.countable uncountable
act of freeing from an illusiondisillusionmentEnglishnounThe act of freeing from an illusion; the state of being freed therefrom.countable uncountable
act of notifyingnotificationEnglishnounThe act of notifying.uncountable
act of notifyingnotificationEnglishnounA specific piece of information that serves to notify.countable
act of notifyingnotificationEnglishnounA specific piece of information that serves to notify. / A text message on a cell phone.countable
act of urinationleakEnglishnounA crack, crevice, fissure, or hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape.
act of urinationleakEnglishnounThe entrance or escape of a fluid through a crack, fissure, or other aperture.
act of urinationleakEnglishnounA divulgation, or disclosure, of information previously held secret.
act of urinationleakEnglishnounThe person through whom such divulgation, or disclosure, occurs.
act of urinationleakEnglishnounA loss of electricity through imperfect insulation, or the point where it occurs.
act of urinationleakEnglishnounThe gradual loss of a system resource caused by failure to deallocate previously reserved portions.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
act of urinationleakEnglishnounAn act of urination.especially mildly slang vulgar
act of urinationleakEnglishverbTo allow fluid or gas to pass through an opening that should be sealed.intransitive transitive
act of urinationleakEnglishverb(of a fluid or gas) To pass through an opening that should be sealed.intransitive
act of urinationleakEnglishverbTo disclose secret information surreptitiously or anonymously.intransitive transitive
act of urinationleakEnglishverbTo pass through when it would normally or preferably be blocked.broadly figuratively intransitive
act of urinationleakEnglishverbTo allow anything through that would normally or preferably be blocked.broadly figuratively transitive
act of urinationleakEnglishverbTo urinate.euphemistic slang sometimes
act of urinationleakEnglishverbTo bleed.US slang
act of urinationleakEnglishadjLeaky.obsolete
adult female catqueenEnglishnounThe wife, consort, or widow of a king.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA female monarch.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / The Virgin Mary (especially in formulations such as Queen of Heaven, Queen of Glory).Christianity
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / An excellent woman.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / A woman pre-eminent in a particular group or field.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / An attractive woman; a female partner in a romantic relationship.slang
adult female catqueenEnglishnounSomething regarded as the greatest of its kind or as having pre-eminence or power comparable to that of a queen over a given area.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A chess piece that, under contemporary rules, is the most powerful, able to move any number of spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A playing card with a depiction of a queen on it, generally ranking next below the king and above the jack in a given suit.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A red disk that is the most valuable piece in the Asian game of carrom.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA reproductive female insect in a hive, such as an ant, bee, termite or wasp.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA type of flatfish, specifically the lemon sole.obsolete
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA queen apple.rare
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA queen scallop.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounEllipsis of queen construction manufacturingabbreviation alt-of ellipsis obsolete
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA type of large roofing slate.historical
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA homosexual man, especially one regarded as effeminate.derogatory slang sometimes
adult female catqueenEnglishnounAn adult female cat capable of breeding.
adult female catqueenEnglishnounEllipsis of queen olive.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
adult female catqueenEnglishnounEllipsis of drag queen.LGBT lifestyle sexualityabbreviation alt-of ellipsis slang
adult female catqueenEnglishnounPertaining to a queen-size bed or queen-size bedding.US attributive
adult female catqueenEnglishnounA monarch butterfly (Danaus spp., especially Danaus gilippus).
adult female catqueenEnglishverbTo act the part of a queen; to behave imperiously; to queen it.intransitive obsolete
adult female catqueenEnglishverbTo make a queen or (figuratively) to give the status of a queen.transitive
adult female catqueenEnglishverbTo promote a pawn to a queen.board-games chess games
adult female catqueenEnglishverbTo be the queen bee of a colony.agriculture beekeeping business lifestyle
adult female catqueenEnglishverbTo provide with a new queen bee.agriculture beekeeping business lifestyle
adult female catqueenEnglishverbTo sit on a person’s face to receive oral sex, typically while straddling the person’s head.BDSM lifestyle sexualityslang transitive usually
amount of money that will be paid if a project does not succeedcontingencyEnglishnounThe quality of being contingent, of happening by chance.uncountable
amount of money that will be paid if a project does not succeedcontingencyEnglishnounA possibility; something which may or may not happen. A chance occurrence, especially in finance, unexpected expenses.countable
amount of money that will be paid if a project does not succeedcontingencyEnglishnounAn amount of money which a party to a contract has to pay to the other party (usually the supplier of a major project to the client) if he or she does not fulfill the contract according to the financecountable
amount of money that will be paid if a project does not succeedcontingencyEnglishnounA statement which is neither a tautology nor a contradiction.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencescountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of Earth; our planet, third out from the Sun.alt-of
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounSoil.uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounAny general rock-based material.uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounThe ground, land (as opposed to the sky or sea).countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounA connection electrically to the earth ((US) ground); on equipment: a terminal connected in that manner.British countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounThe lair or den (as a hole in the ground) of an animal such as a fox.countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounA region of the planet; a land or country.countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounWorldly things, as against spiritual ones.countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounThe world of our current life (as opposed to heaven or an afterlife).countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounThe people on the globe.countable metonymically uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounAny planet similar to the Earth (our earth): an exoplanet viewed as another earth, or a potential one.countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounThe human body.archaic countable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounThe aforementioned soil- or rock-based material, considered one of the four or five classical elements.alchemy pseudosciencecountable uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishnounAny of certain substances now known to be oxides of metal, which were distinguished by being infusible, and by insolubility in water.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable obsolete uncountable
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishverbTo connect electrically to the earth.UK transitive
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishverbTo bury.transitive
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishverbTo hide, or cause to hide, in the earth; to chase into a burrow or den.transitive
any general rock-based materialearthEnglishverbTo burrow.intransitive
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounSize, specifically, volume.countable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounAny huge body or structure.countable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounThe major part of something. / Majoritycountable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounThe major part of something. / Gistcountable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounThe major part of something.countable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounDietary fibre.countable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounUnpackaged goods when transported in large volumes, e.g. coal, ore or grain.transportuncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnouna cargo or any items moved or communicated in the manner of cargo.countable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounExcess body mass, especially muscle.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounA period where one tries to gain muscle.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounA hypothetical higher-dimensional space within which our own four-dimensional universe may exist.countable uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishnounThe body.countable obsolete uncountable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishadjbeing large in size, mass or volume (of goods, etc.)not-comparable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishadjtotalnot-comparable
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishverbTo appear or seem to be, as to bulk or extent.intransitive
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishverbTo grow in size; to swell or expand.intransitive
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishverbTo gain body mass by means of diet, exercise, etc.intransitive
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishverbTo put or hold in bulk.transitive
any huge body or structurebulkEnglishverbTo add bulk to, to bulk out.obsolete transitive
any of several small turtles native to North America that live in brackish or fresh waterterrapinEnglishnounAny of several small turtles of the families Emydidae and Geoemydidae found throughout the world.countable
any of several small turtles native to North America that live in brackish or fresh waterterrapinEnglishnounAny turtle.countable obsolete
any of several small turtles native to North America that live in brackish or fresh waterterrapinEnglishnounAny of several small turtles native to North America that live in brackish or fresh water, especially the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin).countable obsolete
any of several small turtles native to North America that live in brackish or fresh waterterrapinEnglishnounThe flesh of such a turtle used as food.obsolete uncountable
any similar protective case, whether real or metaphoricalcocoonEnglishnounThe silky protective case spun by the larvae of some insects in which they metamorphose, the pupa.
any similar protective case, whether real or metaphoricalcocoonEnglishnounAny similar protective case, whether real or metaphorical.
any similar protective case, whether real or metaphoricalcocoonEnglishverbTo envelop in a protective case.transitive
any similar protective case, whether real or metaphoricalcocoonEnglishverbTo withdraw into such a case.intransitive
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf sinews and tendons. / Full of sinews.obsolete
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf sinews and tendons. / Having strong or prominent sinews; sinewy, muscular.obsolete
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf sinews and tendons. / Of a piece of writing, literary style etc.: forceful, powerful.obsolete
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf nerves. / Supplied with nerves; innervated.
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf nerves. / Affecting or involving the nerves or nervous system.
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf nerves. / Nervose.biology botany natural-sciencesobsolete
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf nerves. / Easily agitated or alarmed; edgy, on edge.
apprehensive, anxiousnervousEnglishadjOf nerves. / Apprehensive, anxious, hesitant, worried.
area of CopenhagenChristianiaDanishnameA region of Copenhagen considering itself to be independent from the state of Denmark
area of CopenhagenChristianiaDanishnameAlternative spelling of Kristiania (former name of Oslo)alt-of alternative historical
arrest a criminal or fugitivenabEnglishverbTo seize, arrest or take into custody (a criminal or fugitive).informal transitive
arrest a criminal or fugitivenabEnglishverbTo grab or snatch something.informal transitive
arrest a criminal or fugitivenabEnglishverbTo steal or copy another user's post.Internet transitive
arrest a criminal or fugitivenabEnglishnounThe summit of a hill.
arrest a criminal or fugitivenabEnglishnounThe cock of a gunlock.
arrest a criminal or fugitivenabEnglishnounThe keeper, or box into which the lock is shot.
as a resultconsequentEnglishadjFollowing as a result, inference, or natural effect.not-comparable
as a resultconsequentEnglishadjOf or pertaining to consequences.not-comparable
as a resultconsequentEnglishadjOf a stream, having a course determined by the slope it formed on.geography geology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
as a resultconsequentEnglishnounThe second half of a hypothetical proposition; Q, if the form of the proposition is "If P, then Q."human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
as a resultconsequentEnglishnounAn event which follows another.
as a resultconsequentEnglishnounThe second term of a ratio, i.e. the term b in the ratio a:b, the other being the antecedent.mathematics sciences
as a resultconsequentEnglishnounA consequent stream.geography geology natural-sciences
attachmentsilencerEnglishnounSomething that silences / An attachment to a gun or an exhaust pipe that reduces the sound it emits
attachmentsilencerEnglishnounSomething that silences / The muffler of an internal combustion engine.
attachmentsilencerEnglishnounSomething that silences / Any of various devices to silence the humming noise of telegraph wires
attachmentsilencerEnglishnounSomething that silences / Something that prevents gene expressionbiology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
available when neededforthcomingEnglishadjApproaching or about to take place.not-comparable
available when neededforthcomingEnglishadjAvailable when needed; in place, ready.
available when neededforthcomingEnglishadjWilling to co-operate or provide information; candid, frank, responsive.
available when neededforthcomingEnglishnounAn act of coming forth.
available when neededforthcomingEnglishnounSomething that is yet to come.
available when neededforthcomingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of forthcomeform-of gerund participle present
beartoportyánféregHungariannoungolden jackaldialectal
beautifulvesseläIngrianadjcheerful, merry
beautifulvesseläIngrianadjbeautiful, pretty
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounThe action of inverting.countable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounThe act of being in an inverted state; being upside down, inside out, or in a reverse sequence.countable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounThe reversal of an interval; the move of one pitch in an interval up or down an octave.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounThe position of a chord which has a note other than the root as its bass note.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounThe flipping of a melody or contrapuntal line so that high notes become low and vice versa; the reversal of a pitch contour.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounA segment of DNA in the context of a chromosome that is reversed in orientation relative to a reference karyotype or genome.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounA situation where air temperature increases with altitude (the ground being colder than the surrounding air).climatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounA section of a roller coaster where passengers are temporarily turned upside down.countable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounDeviation from standard word order by putting the predicate before the subject. It takes place in questions with auxiliary verbs and in normal, affirmative clauses beginning with a negative particle, for the purpose of emphasis.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounAn operation on a group, analogous to negation.algebra mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
being in an inverted stateinversionEnglishnounHomosexuality, particularly in early psychoanalysis.human-sciences psychology sciencescountable obsolete uncountable
bitterness of temper; ill humourbileEnglishnounA bitter brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow secretion produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and discharged into the duodenum where it aids the process of digestion.uncountable usually
bitterness of temper; ill humourbileEnglishnounBitterness of temper; ill humour; irascibility.uncountable usually
bitterness of temper; ill humourbileEnglishnounTwo of the four humours, black bile or yellow bile, in ancient and medieval physiology.uncountable usually
bitterness of temper; ill humourbileEnglishnounA boil (kind of swelling).obsolete
bitterness of temper; ill humourbileEnglishverbPronunciation spelling of boil.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
body partorganeMiddle EnglishnounA device used to produce music; a musical instrument.
body partorganeMiddle EnglishnounA keyboard instrument that produces sound by air moved through pipes; an organ.entertainment lifestyle music
body partorganeMiddle EnglishnounA melody sung in counterpoint or descant; organum.entertainment lifestyle music
body partorganeMiddle EnglishnounA body part which performs a certain function; an organ.
body partorganeMiddle EnglishnounA tool.
boundπήδημαGreeknounbound, leap, jump
boundπήδημαGreeknounsexual intercoursecolloquial
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo rotate about an off-centre fixed point.intransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo dance.intransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo ride on a swing.intransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo participate in the swinging lifestyle; to participate in wife-swapping.intransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo hang from the gallows; to be punished by hanging, swing for something or someone; (often hyperbolic) to be severely punished.intransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo move sideways in its trajectory.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverb(of a bowler) To make the ball move sideways in its trajectory.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo fluctuate or change.intransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo move (an object) backward and forward; to wave.transitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo change (a numerical result); especially to change the outcome of an election.transitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo make (something) work; especially to afford (something) financially.transitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo play notes that are in pairs by making the first of the pair slightly longer than written (augmentation) and the second shorter, resulting in a bouncy, uneven rhythm.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo move one's arm in a punching motion.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warintransitive transitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbIn dancing, to turn around in a small circle with one's partner, holding hands or arms.transitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo admit or turn something for the purpose of shaping it; said of a natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo put (a door, gate, etc.) on hinges so that it can swing or carpentry construction manufacturingtransitive
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo turn round by action of wind or tide when at anchor.nautical transport
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishverbTo turn in a different direction.
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounThe manner in which something is swung.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounThe sweep or compass of a swinging body.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounA line, cord, or other thing suspended and hanging loose, upon which anything may swing.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounA hanging seat that can swing back and forth, in a children's playground, for acrobats in a circus, or on a porch for relaxing.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounAn energetic and acrobatic late-1930s partner-based dance style, also known as jitterbug and lindy-hop.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounThe genre of music associated with this dance style.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounThe amount of change towards or away from something.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounThe amount of change towards or away from something. / In an election, the increase or decrease in the number of votes for opposition parties compared with votes for the incumbent party.government politicscountable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounSideways movement of the ball as it flies through the air.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounCapacity of a turning lathe, as determined by the diameter of the largest object that can be turned in it.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounIn a musical theater production, a performer who understudies several roles.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounA basic dance step in which a pair link hands and turn round together in a circle.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounThe maximum amount of change that has occurred or can occur; the sum of the maximum changes in any direction.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounFree course; unrestrained liberty.countable obsolete uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounInfluence or power of anything put in motion.countable uncountable
boxing: to move one's arm in a punching motionswingEnglishnounA type of hook with the arm more extended.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warcountable uncountable
build (a sentence or argument)constructEnglishnounSomething constructed from parts.
build (a sentence or argument)constructEnglishnounA concept or model.
build (a sentence or argument)constructEnglishnounA segment of nucleic acid, created artificially, for transplantation into a target cell or tissue.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
build (a sentence or argument)constructEnglishverbTo build or form (something) by assembling parts.transitive
build (a sentence or argument)constructEnglishverbTo build (a sentence, an argument, etc.) by arranging words or ideas.transitive
build (a sentence or argument)constructEnglishverbTo draw (a geometric figure) by following precise specifications and using geometric tools and techniques.geometry mathematics sciencestransitive
business phone number06-nummerDutchnouna business phone number, either toll-free or premium-rateNetherlands historical neuter
business phone number06-nummerDutchnounmobile phone numberNetherlands neuter
capable of producing somethingproductiveEnglishadjCapable of producing something, especially in abundance; fertile.
capable of producing somethingproductiveEnglishadjYielding good or useful results; constructive.
capable of producing somethingproductiveEnglishadjOf, or relating to the creation of goods or services.
capable of producing somethingproductiveEnglishadjConsistently applicable to any of an open set of words.human-sciences linguistics sciences
capable of producing somethingproductiveEnglishadjOf a cough, producing mucus or sputum from the respiratory tract.medicine sciences
capable of producing somethingproductiveEnglishadjOf inflammation, producing new tissue.medicine sciences
capable of producing somethingproductiveEnglishadjA type of set of natural numbers, related to mathematical logic.mathematics sciences set-theory
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounThe act of abandoning, or the state of being abandoned; total desertion; relinquishment.countable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounThe voluntary leaving of a person to whom one is bound by a special relation, as a wife, husband or child; desertion.countable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounAn abandoned building or structure.countable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounThe relinquishment of a right, claim, or privilege; relinquishment of right to secure a patent by an inventor; relinquishment of copyright by an author.lawcountable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounThe relinquishment by the insured to the underwriters of what may remain of the property insured after a loss or damage by a peril insured against.lawcountable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounThe cessation of service on a particular segment of the lines of a common carrier, as granted by a government agency.countable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounA refusal to receive freight so damaged in transit as to be worthless and render carrier liable for its value.countable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounThe self-surrender to an outside influence.countable uncountable
careless freedomabandonmentEnglishnounAbandon; careless freedom or ease; surrender to one's emotions.countable uncountable
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto come from, to derive fromclass-4 dated strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto stray from (something) / to unintentionally stray from (a chosen course)class-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto stray from (something) / to digress from (a goal or subject)class-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto stray from (something) / to abandonclass-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto start (a competition, event, etc) (in a particular way)hobbies lifestyle sportsclass-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto free oneself / to get away, to tear oneself away (from an activity)class-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto free oneself / to turn from, to estrange oneself from (someone)class-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto free oneself / to get clear of (something or someone), to get or be free ofclass-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto go out of style (to become disused or obsolete)class-4 strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto grow thin and gaunt, to go to rackclass-4 dialectal strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverb(regional, Namibia, of a Rivier (“arroyo”)) to (be filled with and) carry water / to (be filled with and) carry waterNamibia class-4 regional strong
carry waterabkommenGermanverbto (unexpectedly) form or arise and draw nearNamibia class-4 regional strong
castrated male horsegeldingEnglishnounA castrated male horse.
castrated male horsegeldingEnglishnounAny castrated male animal.
castrated male horsegeldingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of geldform-of gerund participle present
characterized by, or moving in cyclescyclicEnglishadjCharacterized by, or moving in cycles, or happening at regular intervals.
characterized by, or moving in cyclescyclicEnglishadjHaving chains of atoms arranged in a ring.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
characterized by, or moving in cyclescyclicEnglishadjHaving parts arranged in a whorl.biology botany natural-sciences
characterized by, or moving in cyclescyclicEnglishadjBeing generated by only one element.mathematics sciences
characterized by, or moving in cyclescyclicEnglishadjAble to be inscribed in a circle.geometry mathematics sciences
characterized by, or moving in cyclescyclicEnglishadjFiring at its full cyclic firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
characterized by, or moving in cyclescyclicEnglishnounThe flight control used to control a helicopter's direction and rate of horizontal movement by tilting the lift vector of the helicopter's main rotor disk.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounA distinguishable part of a sequence or cycle occurring over time.
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounThat which is exhibited to the eye; the appearance which anything manifests, especially any one among different and varying appearances of the same object.
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounAny appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view.
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounA particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form, or the absence, of its enlightened disk. Illustrated in Wikipedia's article Lunar phase.astronomy natural-sciences
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounAny one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration; one portion of a series of such changes, in distinction from a contrasted portion, as the portion on one side of a position of equilibrium, in contrast with that on the opposite side.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounA component in a material system that is distinguished by chemical composition and/or physical state (solid, liquid or gas) and/or crystal structure. It is delineated from an adjoining phase by an abrupt change in one or more of those conditions.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounIn certain organisms, one of two or more colour variations characteristic of the species, but independent of the ordinary seasonal and sexual differences, and often also of age.biology natural-sciences zoology
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounThe period of play between consecutive breakdowns.
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounA haplotype.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounThe counterclockwise angle from the positive half of the real number line to the vector pointing to a complex number on an Argand diagram of the complex plane, which has the positive real line pointing right and the positive imaginary number line pointing up.mathematics sciences
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounA distortion caused by a difference in the speed of propagation for different frequenciesentertainment lifestyle music
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnounIn a polyphase electrical power system, one of the power-carrying conductors, or the alternating current carried by electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishverbTo begin—if construed with "in"—or to discontinue—if construed with out—(doing) something over a period of time (i.e. in phases).
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishverbTo determine haplotypes in (data) when genotypes are known.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesinformal transitive
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishverbTo pass into or through a solid object.
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishverbTo use a phaser.literature media publishing science-fiction
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishverbAntique form of faze.
chemistry: component in a material systemphaseEnglishnamePassoverobsolete
childcrotch critterEnglishnounA sexually transmitted pathogen, particularly pubic lice.slang
childcrotch critterEnglishnounA child.derogatory slang
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesecharacterthe katsura, the Japanese Judas treeJinmeiyō kanji
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesecharacterthe cinnamon or cassia treeJinmeiyō kanji
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesecharacterthe sweet osmanthus treeJinmeiyō kanji
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounthe katsura tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, also called the Japanese Judas tree
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounless commonly, the smaller Cercidiphyllum magnificum tree, more specifically called the 広葉桂 or ヒロハカツラ (hiroha katsura, “broadleaf katsura”).
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenouna tree on the moon, from a Chinese legend that the phases of the moon were caused by Lauraceae trees budding, blossoming, then dropping their flowers and leaves again as if in accelerated seasons
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounjulienned raw daikon, used as a garnish for sashimi
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounalternative word for 肉桂 (nikkei, “the cinnamon or cassia tree”) or 桂皮 (keihi, “cinnamon or cassia bark”)
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenamea male given name
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenamea surname
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenamethe west bank of the Katsura River in Kyōto
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounthe cinnamon tree, or other closely related trees in genus Cinnamomum
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounthe cinnamon or cassia tree
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenouncommon name for various other trees in family Lauraceae
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounin China, the 木犀 (mokusei) or sweet osmanthus tree
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounthe mooneuphemistic
cinnamon or cassiaJapanesenounthe knight in 将棋 (shōgi, “Japanese chess”)
city in JapanAkitaEnglishnameThe capital city of Akita Prefecture, Japan.
city in JapanAkitaEnglishnameA prefecture of Japan.
city in JapanAkitaEnglishnameA surname from Japanese.
city in JapanAkitaEnglishnounA large dog of a Japanese breed from the mountainous northern regions of Japan.
class in PteridophytaPolypodiopsidaTranslingualnameA taxonomic class within the division Pteridophyta – leptosporangiate ferns.
class in PteridophytaPolypodiopsidaTranslingualnameA taxonomic class within the phylum Tracheophyta – leptosporangiate ferns, horsetails, whisk ferns, grape ferns, and others.
clothcastorEnglishnounA hat made from the fur of the beaver.countable uncountable
clothcastorEnglishnounA heavy quality of broadcloth for overcoats.countable uncountable
clothcastorEnglishnounCastoreum (bitter exudate of mature beavers).countable uncountable
clothcastorEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Ariadne, of Africa and Asia.countable uncountable
clothcastorEnglishnounA variety of petalite found in Elba.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
clothcastorEnglishnounAlternative spelling of caster, especially in its senses / A pivoting roller attached to the bottom of furniture to allow it to be moved.UK especially
clothcastorEnglishnounAlternative spelling of caster, especially in its senses / A container with a perforated cap for sprinkling its contents, especially salt, pepper, etc.UK especially
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA surname from Welsh [in turn originating as a patronymic].
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA town and district in the General Alvear Department, Mendoza, Argentina.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA coastal town and locality in the Whitsunday Region, Queensland, Australia.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An extinct town in Las Animas County, Colorado.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Rio Grande County, Colorado.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Hancock County, Illinois.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Henry County and Johnson County, Missouri.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Washington County, Nebraska.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Wayne County, West Virginia.
coastal Australian townBowenEnglishnameA Chinese character-derived script formerly used to write the Bai languages.historical
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / The physical structure of a human or animal seen as one single organism.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / The fleshly or corporeal nature of a human, as opposed to the spirit or soul.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / A corpse.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / A person.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / A human being, regarded as marginalized or oppressed.human-sciences sciences social-science sociologycountable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMain section. / The torso, the main structure of a human or animal frame excluding the extremities (limbs, head, tail).countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMain section. / The largest or most important part of anything, as distinct from its appendages or accessories.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMain section. / The section of a dress extending from the neck to the waist, excluding the arms.archaic countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMain section. / The content of a letter, message, or other printed or electronic document, as distinct from signatures, salutations, headers, and so on.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMain section. / The code of a subroutine, contrasted to its signature and parameters.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencescountable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMain section. / nave.architecturecountable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMain section.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounCoherent group. / A group of people having a common purpose or opinion; a mass.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounCoherent group. / An organisation, company or other authoritative group.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounCoherent group. / A unified collection of details, knowledge or information.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / Any physical object or material thing.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / Substance; physical presence.uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / Comparative viscosity, solidity or substance (in wine, colours etc.).uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / An agglomeration of some substance, especially one that would be otherwise uncountable.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounMaterial entity.countable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounThe shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated).media printing publishingcountable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishnounA three-dimensional object, such as a cube or cone.geometry mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishverbTo give body or shape to something.often transitive
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishverbTo construct the bodywork of a car.
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishverbTo embody.transitive
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishverbTo murder someone.slang transitive
collection of knowledgebodyEnglishverbTo murder someone. / To utterly defeat someone.broadly slang transitive
come forwardcome forwardEnglishverbTo offer help or information, especially about a crime.criminology human-sciences law sciencesidiomatic intransitive
come forwardcome forwardEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see come, forward.
complete aspectumalisTagalogverbto go away
complete aspectumalisTagalogverbto leave; to depart (to a certain place)
complete aspectumalisTagalogverbcomplete aspect of umalis
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA piece of cloth, often decorated with an emblem, used as a visual signal or symbol.countable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounAn exact representation of a flag (for example: a digital one used in websites).countable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA flag flown by a ship to show the presence on board of the admiral; the admiral himself, or his flagship.nautical transportcountable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA signal flag.nautical transportattributive countable often uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounThe use of a flag, especially to indicate the start of a race or other event.countable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA variable or memory location that stores a true-or-false, yes-or-no value, typically either recording the fact that a certain event has occurred or requesting that a certain optional action take computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounIn a command line interface, a command parameter requesting optional behavior or otherwise modifying the action of the command being computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA mechanical indicator that pops up to draw the pilot's attention to a problem or malfunction.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounThe game of capture the flag.British uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA sequence of faces of a given polytope, one of each dimension up to that of the polytope (formally, though in practice not always explicitly, including the null face and the polytope itself), such that each face in the sequence is part of the next-higher dimension face.geometry mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA sequence of subspaces of a vector space, beginning with the null space and ending with the vector space itself, such that each member of the sequence (until the last) is a proper subspace of the next.linear-algebra mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA dark piece of material that can be mounted on a stand to block or shape the light.broadcasting media televisioncountable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounAn apron.UK archaic countable slang uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA plot or words of a character in an animation, etc., that would usually lead to a specific outcome or event, not logically or causally, but as a pattern of the animation, etc.ACG video-gamesInternet countable uncountable
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo furnish or deck out with flags.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo mark with a flag, especially to indicate the importance of something.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo signal to, especially to stop a passing vehicle etc.often with-down
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo convey (a message) by means of flag signals.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo note, mark or point out for attention.often with-up
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo signal (an event).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo set a program variable to true.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo decoy (game) by waving a flag, handkerchief, etc. to arouse the animal's curiosity.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo penalize for an infraction.hobbies lifestyle sports
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo lose on time, especially in a blitz game; when using a traditional analog chess clock, a flag would fall when time expired.board-games chess gamesintransitive
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo defeat (an opponent) on time, especially in a blitz game.board-games chess gamestransitive
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo point the muzzle of a firearm at a person or object one does not intend to fire firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo fail, such as a class or an exam.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbIn female canids, to signal mating readiness by moving the tail aside to expose the vulva.biology natural-sciences
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo weaken, become feeble.intransitive
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo hang loose without stiffness; to bend down, as flexible bodies; to be loose, yielding, limp.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo let droop; to suffer to fall, or let fall, into feebleness.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo enervate; to exhaust the vigour or elasticity of.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounAny of various plants with sword-shaped leaves, especially irises; specifically, Iris pseudacorus.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA slice of turf; a sod.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA slab of stone; a flagstone, a flat piece of stone used for paving.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounAny hard, evenly stratified sandstone, which splits into layers suitable for flagstones.geography geology natural-sciences
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishverbTo pave with flagstones.transitive
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA group of feathers on the lower part of the legs of certain hawks, owls, etc.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA group of elongated wing feathers in certain hawks.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounThe bushy tail of a dog such as a setter.
computer science: CLI notationflagEnglishnounA hook attached to the stem of a written note that assigns its rhythmic valueentertainment lifestyle music
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounDecorative paper-like material used to cover the inner walls of buildings.uncountable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounA roll of such paper.countable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounA style or design of such material.countable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounAnything that serves as a background or part of the surroundings.attributive figuratively sometimes uncountable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounAn image or tiled pattern used as the background of a computer desktop.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounGeneric footage of a building or location that may be used in the background of a related news report.broadcasting media televisioncountable slang uncountable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounGaudy mass-produced stamps, typically of little or no value and only produced for sale to collectors.hobbies lifestyle philatelycountable informal uncountable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishnounA radio operator's collection of awards and QSL cards.countable uncountable
computing: background imagewallpaperEnglishverbTo cover (a wall, a room, etc) with wallpaper.transitive
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounOne which receives or entertains a guest, socially, commercially, or officially.
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounOne that provides a facility for an event.
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounA person or organization responsible for running an event.
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounA moderator or master of ceremonies for a performance.
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounAny computer attached to a network.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesInternet
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounA cell or organism which harbors another organism or biological entity, usually a parasite.biology ecology natural-sciences
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounAn organism bearing certain genetic material, with respect to its cells.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounA paid male companion offering conversation and in some cases sex, as in certain types of bar in Japan.
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishverbTo perform the role of a host.
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishverbTo lodge at an inn.intransitive obsolete
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishverbTo run software made available to a remote user or process.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesInternet
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounA multitude of people arrayed as an army; used also in religious senses, as: Heavenly host (of angels)
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounA large number of items; a large inventory.
computing: run software for a remote user or processhostEnglishnounThe consecrated bread of the Eucharist.Christianity
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishverbTo break apart and fall down suddenly; to cave in.intransitive
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishverbTo cease to function due to a sudden breakdown; to fail suddenly and completely.intransitive
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishverbTo fold compactly.intransitive
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishverbTo hide additional directory (folder) levels below the selected directory (folder) levels. When a folder contains no additional folders, a minus sign (-) appears next to the folder.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishverbFor several batsmen to get out in quick successionball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishverbTo cause something to collapse.transitive
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishverbTo pass out and fall to the floor or ground, as from exhaustion or other illness; to faint.intransitive
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishnounThe act of collapsing.countable uncountable
computing: to hide additional directory (folder) levelscollapseEnglishnounConstant function, one-valued function (in automata theory) (in particular application causing a reset).countable uncountable
condition in which water in the body drops below normal levelsdehydrationEnglishnounThe act or process of removing water from something.countable uncountable
condition in which water in the body drops below normal levelsdehydrationEnglishnounThe condition in which water in the body drops below normal levels, usually caused by illness, sweating or by not drinking enough.countable uncountable
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishnounAnything that raises or uplifts.
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishnounA permanent construction with a built-in platform or cab that can be raised and lowered, used to transport people and goods, as between different floors of a building.Australia Canada US
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishnounA silo used for storing wheat, corn or other grain (grain elevator).
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishnounA control surface of an aircraft responsible for controlling the pitching motion of the machine.aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishnounA dental instrument used to pry up ("elevate") teeth in difficult extractions, or depressed portions of bone.
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishnounAny muscle that serves to raise a part of the body, such as the leg or the eye.anatomy medicine sciences
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishnounA type of shoe having an insert lift to make the wearer appear taller.
control surface of an aircraftelevatorEnglishverbTo move in an elevator.informal intransitive
controlled fireback fireEnglishnounA small, controlled fire set in the path of a larger uncontrolled fire, in order to limit the spread of the large fire by removing its fuel.
controlled fireback fireEnglishnounAn explosion produced either by a running internal combustion engine that occurs in the air intake or exhaust system rather than inside the combustion chamber or unburned fuel or hydrocarbons ignited somewhere in the exhaust system.
cooling of the body for therapeutic purposesrefrigerationEnglishnounThe process of transferring heat from an object in order to cool it.countable uncountable
cooling of the body for therapeutic purposesrefrigerationEnglishnounThe process of preserving something by cooling.countable uncountable
cooling of the body for therapeutic purposesrefrigerationEnglishnounThe cooling of the body for therapeutic purposes.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishnounA course of action that a person intends to follow.countable uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishnounThe goal or purpose.countable uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishnounTension; straining, stretching.countable obsolete uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishnounA stretching or bending of the mind toward an object or a purpose (an intent); closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness.countable uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishnounThe object toward which the thoughts are directed; end; aim.countable obsolete uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishnounAny mental apprehension of an object.countable obsolete uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishnounThe process of the healing of a wound.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
course intended to followintentionEnglishverbTo intend.
critical revision of a textrecensionEnglishnounA census, an enumeration, a review, a survey.
critical revision of a textrecensionEnglishnounA critical revision of a text.
critical revision of a textrecensionEnglishnounA text established by critical revision.
critical revision of a textrecensionEnglishnounA family of manuscripts which share similar traits; the variety of a language which is used in such manuscripts.
customerskiptavinurIcelandicnounclient, customerdated masculine
customerskiptavinurIcelandicnounshopperdated masculine
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishnounA lustrous, white, metallic element, atomic number 47, atomic weight 107.87, symbol Ag.uncountable
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishnounCoins made from silver or any similar white metal.collective countable uncountable
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishnounCutlery and other eating utensils, whether silver or made from some other white metal.collective countable uncountable
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishnounAny items made from silver or any other white metal.collective countable uncountable
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishnounA shiny gray color.uncountable
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishnouna silver medalcountable
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishnounAnything resembling silver; something shiny and white.countable uncountable
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishadjMade from silver.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishadjMade from another white metal.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishadjHaving a color like silver: a shiny gray.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishadjDenoting the twenty-fifth anniversary, especially of a wedding.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishadjPremium, but inferior to gold.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishadjHaving the clear, musical tone of silver; soft and clear in sound.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishverbTo acquire a silvery colour.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishverbTo cover with silver, or with a silvery metal.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishverbTo polish like silver; to impart a brightness to, like that of silver.
cutlery/silverwaresilverEnglishverbTo make hoary, or white, like silver.
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounThe act of sending someone away.countable uncountable
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounDeprivation of office; the fact or process of being fired from employment or stripped of rank.countable uncountable
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounA written or spoken statement of such an act.countable uncountable
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounRelease from confinement; liberation.countable uncountable
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounRemoval from consideration; putting something out of one's mind, mentally disregarding something or someone.countable uncountable
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounThe rejection of a legal proceeding, or a claim or charge made therein.lawcountable uncountable
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounThe event of a batsman getting out; a wicket.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
deprivation of officedismissalEnglishnounThe final blessing said by a priest or minister at the end of a religious service.Christianitycountable uncountable
desireθέλωGreekverbto want, desire, will
desireθέλωGreekverbto need, requiretransitive
desireθέλωGreekverbto intend, mean to, want to (have the intention of)intransitive
desireθέλωGreekverbto owe (money, etc)transitive
desireθέλωGreekverbto have (depict as being)transitive
desireθέλωGreekverb(with two instances in the second person singular θες (thes)) either ... or / either ... or
desireθέλωGreekverbto favour (be lucky at something)transitive
device to clear a windshieldwindshield wiperEnglishnouna device used to clear rain and dirt from a windshield; normally a pivoting arm with a rubber bladeCanada US
device to clear a windshieldwindshield wiperEnglishnounAn exercise where the back is parallel to the ground (lying on it or hanging via the arms from a pull-up bar) and the legs are perpendicular to the floor so that the lower torso with the legs is rotated to target the Musculus obliquus externus abdominis, the Musculus quadratus lumborum and the Musculus rectus abdominis.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
disgustscârbăRomaniannoundisgust, repugnance, aversion, nauseafeminine
disgustscârbăRomaniannounepithet for a bad, dirty or disgusting person; git, bad eggfamiliar feminine
district in central China; subdistrict in central ChinaXilingEnglishnameA district of Yichang, Hubei, China.
district in central China; subdistrict in central ChinaXilingEnglishnameA subdistrict of Xiling district, Yichang, Hubei, China.
easily bent without breakingflexibleEnglishadjCapable of being flexed or bent without breaking; able to be turned or twisted without breaking.
easily bent without breakingflexibleEnglishadjWilling or prone to give way to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate.
easily bent without breakingflexibleEnglishadjCapable of adapting or changing to suit new or modified conditions or situations.
easily bent without breakingflexibleEnglishadjCapable or being adapted or molded in some way.
easily bent without breakingflexibleEnglishnounSomething that is engineering manufacturing natural-sciences physical-sciences
ecology: number of typesrichnessEnglishnounThe state or quality of being rich; wealthiness, wealth, riches.uncountable usually
ecology: number of typesrichnessEnglishnounThe state of having many examples or cases; abundance; profusion.uncountable usually
ecology: number of typesrichnessEnglishnounThe number of types in a community.biology ecology natural-sciencesuncountable usually
ecology: number of typesrichnessEnglishnounThe result or product of being rich.countable usually
elegance of construction or appearancedelicacyEnglishnounThe quality of being delicate.countable uncountable
elegance of construction or appearancedelicacyEnglishnounSomething appealing, usually a pleasing food, especially a choice dish of a certain culture suggesting rarity and refinement.countable uncountable
elegance of construction or appearancedelicacyEnglishnounFineness or elegance of construction or appearance.countable uncountable
elegance of construction or appearancedelicacyEnglishnounFrailty of health or fitness.countable uncountable
elegance of construction or appearancedelicacyEnglishnounRefinement in taste or discrimination.countable uncountable
elegance of construction or appearancedelicacyEnglishnounTact and propriety; the need for such tact.countable uncountable
embroideryшитвоUkrainiannounsewing, needlework (act of sewing)uncountable
embroideryшитвоUkrainiannounneedlework (product of sewing)uncountable
embroideryшитвоUkrainiannounembroidery (embroidered fabric)uncountable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishnounVerbal exchange, conversation.archaic uncountable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishnounExpression in words, either speech or writing.uncountable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishnounA conversation.countable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishnounA formal lengthy exposition of some subject, either spoken or written.countable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishnounAny rational expression, reason.countable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishnounAn institutionalized way of thinking, a social boundary defining what can be said about a specific topic (after Michel Foucault).human-sciences sciences social-science social-sciencescountable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishnounDealing; transaction.countable obsolete uncountable
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishverbTo engage in discussion or conversation; to converse.intransitive
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishverbTo write or speak formally and at length.intransitive
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishverbTo debate.obsolete transitive
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishverbTo exercise reason; to employ the mind in judging and inferring; to reason.
engage in discussion or conversationdiscourseEnglishverbTo produce or emit (musical sounds).obsolete transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo propel oneself rapidly upward, downward and/or in any horizontal direction such that momentum causes the body to become airborne.intransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward.intransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo pass by a spring or leap; to overleap.transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.intransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo react to a sudden, often unexpected, stimulus (such as a sharp prick or a loud sound) by jerking the body violently.intransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo increase sharply, to rise, to shoot up.figuratively intransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo employ a move in certain board games where one game piece is moved from one legal position to another passing over the position of another piece.intransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo move to a position (in a queue/line) that is further forward.transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo pass (a traffic light) when it is indicating that one should stop.transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo attack suddenly and violently.transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo engage in sexual intercourse with (a person).slang transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo cause to jump.transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo move the distance between two opposing subjects.transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo increase the height of a tower crane by inserting a section at the base of the tower and jacking up everything above it.transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo increase speed aggressively and without warning.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo expose to danger; to risk; to hazard.obsolete transitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo join by a buttweld.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle smithworktransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo thicken or enlarge by endwise blows; to upset.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo bore with a mining quarrying
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo jump-start a car or other vehicle with a dead battery, as with jumper cables.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo coincide; to agree; to accord; to tally; followed by with.obsolete
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo start executing code from a different location, rather than following the program counter.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesintransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo flee; to make one's escape.archaic intransitive slang
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo shift one's position or attitude, especially suddenly and significantly.figuratively intransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishverbTo switch locations on chromosomes.biology natural-sciencesintransitive
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounThe act of jumping; a leap; a spring; a bound.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn effort; an attempt; a venture.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounA dislocation in a stratum; a mining
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry.architecture
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn instance of propelling oneself upwards.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn object which causes one to jump; a ramp.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn instance of reacting to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounA jumping move in a board game.
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounA button (of a joypad, joystick or similar device) used to make a video game character jump (propel itself upwards).
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn obstacle that forms part of a showjumping course, and that the horse has to jump over cleanly.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sports
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn early start or an advantage.with-on
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounA discontinuity in the graph of a function, where the function is continuous in a punctured interval of the discontinuity.mathematics sciences
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn abrupt increase in the height of the surface of a flowing liquid at the location where the flow transitions from supercritical to subcritical, involving an abrupt reduction in flow speed and increase in turbulence.geography hydrodynamics hydrology natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounAn instance of faster-than-light travel, not observable from ordinary space.literature media publishing science-fiction
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounA change of the path of execution to a different location.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounShort for jump-start.automotive transport vehiclesUS abbreviation alt-of informal
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounClipping of jump cut.broadcasting film media televisionabbreviation alt-of clipping
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounSynonym of one-night stand (“single evening's performance”)entertainment lifestyle theater
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishadvExactly; preciselynot-comparable obsolete
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishadjExact; matched; fitting; precise.obsolete
engage in sexual intercoursejumpEnglishnounA kind of loose jacket for men.
enterprise under the control of one personempireEnglishnounA political state, often a monarchy, that has achieved a much greater current size than its initial size by conquering surrounding territories, cities or nations.
enterprise under the control of one personempireEnglishnounA political unit ruled by an emperor or empress.
enterprise under the control of one personempireEnglishnounThe group of states or other territories that owe allegiance to an imperial power (foreign to them), when distinguished from the native territory of that power; imperial possessions.
enterprise under the control of one personempireEnglishnounAn expansive and powerful enterprise under the control of one person or group.
enterprise under the control of one personempireEnglishnouncontrol, dominion, sway.
enterprise under the control of one personempireEnglishadjAlternative letter-case form of Empire.alt-of not-comparable
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounAn erection of the penis.slang vulgar
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounA computer floppy disk of the kind supplied in a stiff plastic outer shell.South-Africa
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounAn extended magazine of a gun.slang
erection of the penisstiffyEnglishnounA rigidly conformative person; a square or goody-goody.
euphemistic: toiletcommodeEnglishnounA low chest of drawers on short legs.
euphemistic: toiletcommodeEnglishnounA stand for a washbowl and jug.
euphemistic: toiletcommodeEnglishnounA chair containing a chamber pot.euphemistic historical
euphemistic: toiletcommodeEnglishnounA toilet.US euphemistic
euphemistic: toiletcommodeEnglishnounA kind of woman's headdress, raising the hair and fore part of the cap to a great height.historical
event; fact; particular incidentcircumstanceEnglishnounSomething which is related to, or in some way affects, a fact or event.countable uncountable
event; fact; particular incidentcircumstanceEnglishnounAn event; a fact; a particular incident, occurrence, or condition (status).countable uncountable
event; fact; particular incidentcircumstanceEnglishnounCircumlocution; detail.countable uncountable
event; fact; particular incidentcircumstanceEnglishnounCondition in regard to worldly estate; state of property; situation; surroundings.countable uncountable
event; fact; particular incidentcircumstanceEnglishverbTo place in a particular situation, especially with regard to money or other resources.
expecting a good outcomeoptimisticEnglishadjExpecting the best in all possible ways.
expecting a good outcomeoptimisticEnglishadjAllowing other processes to perform transactions on the same data at the same time, and checking for conflicts only when changes need to be written back.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
finance: estimated or referencenotionalEnglishadjOf, containing, or being a notion; mental or imaginary.
finance: estimated or referencenotionalEnglishadjSpeculative, theoretical, not the result of research.
finance: estimated or referencenotionalEnglishadjStubborn.Maine
finance: estimated or referencenotionalEnglishadjHaving descriptive value as opposed to a syntactic category.human-sciences linguistics sciences
finance: estimated or referencenotionalEnglishadjUsed to indicate an estimate or a reference amountbusiness finance
finance: estimated or referencenotionalEnglishadjFull of ideas or imaginings.informal
finance: estimated or referencenotionalEnglishnounA fake company used as a front in espionage.
fossilised fruitlithocarpEnglishnounA fossilised fruitbiology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciencesarchaic
fossilised fruitlithocarpEnglishnounAny plant of genus Lithocarpus
fully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossedabsorbedEnglishadjFully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossed.
fully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossedabsorbedEnglishadjThat has been taken in, engulfed, imbibed, or assimilated.
fully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossedabsorbedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of absorbform-of participle past
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounThe crop of hay obtained from a meadow.UK countable dialectal uncountable
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounThe process by which gases passing beneath the electrodes of an electrostatic precipitator pick up dust from the hoppers, removing it from the precipitator exit.countable uncountable
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounDetritus that is swept up with a broom or similar implement.countable uncountable
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounThe circuit of an oscilloscope used to track the time dimension.countable uncountable
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounThe act of sweeping or flowing.countable uncountable
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounThe movement of matter by a current.countable uncountable
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounThe matter that has been moved by a current.countable uncountable
gases picking up dust in an electrostatic precipitatorsweepageEnglishnounThe state when a sweepboat is moving faster than the current of the water.countable uncountable
gastropodslugEnglishnounAny of many terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks, having no (or only a rudimentary) shell.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA slow, lazy person; a sluggard.obsolete
gastropodslugEnglishnounA bullet or other projectile fired from a firearm; in modern usage, generally refers to a shotgun slug.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA solid block or piece of roughly shaped metal.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA counterfeit coin, especially one used to steal from vending machines.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA shot of a drink, usually alcoholic.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA title, name or header, a catchline, a short phrase or title to indicate the content of a newspaper or magazine story for editing use.journalism media
gastropodslugEnglishnounThe imperial (English) unit of mass that accelerates by 1 foot per second squared (1 ft/s²) when a force of one pound-force (lbf) is exerted on it.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsrare
gastropodslugEnglishnounA discrete mass of a material that moves as a unit, usually through another material.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA motile pseudoplasmodium formed by amoebae working together.
gastropodslugEnglishnounAn accessory to a diesel-electric locomotive, used to increase adhesive weight and allow full power to be applied at a lower speed. It has trucks with traction motors, but lacks a prime mover, being powered by electricity from the mother locomotive, and may or may not have a control cab.rail-transport railways transport
gastropodslugEnglishnounA black screen.broadcasting communications editing journalism literature media publishing television writing
gastropodslugEnglishnounA piece of type metal imprinted by a linotype machine; also a black mark placed in the margin to indicate an error; also said in application to typewriters; type slug.letterpress-typography media publishing typography
gastropodslugEnglishnounA stranger picked up as a passenger to enable legal use of high occupancy vehicle lanes.regional
gastropodslugEnglishnounA hitchhiking commuter.US slang
gastropodslugEnglishnounThe last part of a clean URL, the displayed resource name, similar to a filename.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA hindrance, an obstruction.obsolete
gastropodslugEnglishnounA ship that sails slowly.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA block of text at the beginning of a scene that sets up the scene's location, characters, etc.
gastropodslugEnglishverbTo drink quickly; to gulp; to down.
gastropodslugEnglishverbTo take part in casual carpooling; to form ad hoc, informal carpools for commuting, essentially a variation of ride-share commuting and hitchhiking.
gastropodslugEnglishverbTo become reduced in diameter, or changed in shape, by passing from a larger to a smaller part of the bore of the barrel.intransitive
gastropodslugEnglishverbTo move slowly or sluggishly; to lie idle.intransitive obsolete
gastropodslugEnglishverbTo load with a slug or slugs.transitive
gastropodslugEnglishverbTo make sluggish.
gastropodslugEnglishnounA hard blow, usually with the fist.
gastropodslugEnglishverbTo hit very hard, usually with the fist.transitive
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Possessing sexual and/or romantic attraction towards people one perceives to be the same sex or gender as oneself. [from 1950] / Possessing sexual and/or romantic attraction towards people one perceives to be the same sex or gender as oneself.
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Describing a homosexual man.
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Tending to partner or mate with other individuals of the same sex.broadly
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Between two or more persons perceived to be of the same sex or gender as each other.
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Not heterosexual, or not cisgender: homosexual, bisexual, asexual, transgender, etc.colloquial
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Intended for gay people, especially gay men.
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Homosexually in love with someone.slang
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / Infatuated with something, aligning with homosexual stereotypes.humorous slang
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / In accordance with stereotypes of homosexual people: / Being in accordance with stereotypes of gay people, especially gay men.broadly
gay persongayEnglishadjHomosexual: / In accordance with stereotypes of homosexual people: / Exhibiting appearance or behavior that accords with stereotypes of gay people, especially gay men.broadly
gay persongayEnglishadjEffeminate or flamboyant in behavior.derogatory pejorative slang
gay persongayEnglishadjUsed to express dislike: lame, uncool, stupid, burdensome, contemptible, generally bad.derogatory pejorative slang
gay persongayEnglishadjHappy, joyful, and lively.dated
gay persongayEnglishadjQuick, fast.dated
gay persongayEnglishadjFestive, bright, or colourful.dated
gay persongayEnglishadjSexually promiscuous (of any gender), (sometimes particularly) engaged in prostitution.obsolete
gay persongayEnglishadjUpright or curved over the back.
gay persongayEnglishadjConsiderable, great, large in number, size, or degree. In this sense, also in the variant gey.Northern-England Scotland obsolete possibly
gay persongayEnglishnounA homosexual, especially a male
gay persongayEnglishnounSomething which is bright or colorful, such as a picture or a flower.dialectal obsolete
gay persongayEnglishnounAn ornament, a knick-knack.obsolete
gay persongayEnglishverbTo make happy or cheerful.dated transitive uncommon
gay persongayEnglishverbTo cause (something, e.g. AIDS) to be associated with homosexual people.transitive uncommon
gay persongayEnglishadvConsiderably, very.Northern-England Scotland
gay persongayEnglishnounThe letter —, which stands for the sound /ɡ/, in Pitman shorthand.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjTrue, genuine, not merely nominal or apparent.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjGenuine, not artificial, counterfeit, or fake.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjGenuine, unfeigned, sincere.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjActually being, existing, or occurring; not fictitious or imaginary.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjThat has objective, physical existence.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjHaving been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation; measured in purchasing power (contrast nominal).economics sciences
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjRelating to the result of the actions of rational agents; relating to neoclassical economic models as opposed to Keynesian models.economics sciences
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjBeing either a rational number, or the limit of a convergent infinite sequence of rational numbers: being one of a set of numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line.mathematics sciences
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjRelating to immovable tangible
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjAbsolute, complete, utter.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjSignifying meritorious qualities or actions especially as regard the enjoyment of life, prowess at sports, or success wooing potential partners.slang
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadjFirm.informal
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishadvReally; very.US colloquial not-comparable
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA commodity; see realty.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounOne of the three genders that the common gender can be separated into in the Scandinavian languages.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA real number.mathematics sciences
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA realist.obsolete
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounFormer unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA coin worth one real.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA unit of currency used in Portugal and its colonies from 1430 until 1911, and in Brazil from 1790 until 1942.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA coin worth one real.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA unit of currency used in Brazil since 1994. Symbol: R$.
genuine, not artificialrealEnglishnounA coin worth one real.
genus in MontiaceaeClaytoniaTranslingualnameSpring beauties and miner's lettuces, principally of North America. / A taxonomic genus within the family Montiaceae.feminine
genus in MontiaceaeClaytoniaTranslingualnameSpring beauties and miner's lettuces, principally of North America. / A taxonomic genus within the family Portulacaceae.feminine
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo move hard-packed earth out of the way, especially downward to make a hole with a shovel. Or to drill, or the like, through rocks, roads, or the like. More generally, to make any similar hole by moving material out of the way.intransitive transitive
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo get by digging; to take from the ground; often with up.transitive
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of mining
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo work like a digger; to study ploddingly and laboriously.US dated slang
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo investigate, to research, often followed by out or up.figuratively
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo thrust; to poke.
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo defend against an attack hit by the opposing team by successfully passing the ballball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports volleyball
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounAn archeological or paleontological investigation, or the site where such an investigation is taking place.
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounA thrust; a poke.
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounA defensive pass of the ball that has been attacked by the opposing team.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports volleyball
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounAn innings.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounA cutting, sarcastic remark.
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounThe occupation of digging for gold.
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounA plodding and laborious student.US colloquial dated
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounA tool for digging.UK dated dialectal
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounA rare or interesting vinyl record bought second-hand.entertainment lifestyle musicslang
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo understand.dated slang
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishverbTo appreciate, or like.dated slang transitive
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounDigoxin.medicine sciencescolloquial uncountable
get by digging, take up from the grounddigEnglishnounA duck.obsolete
giving something away for freegiveawayEnglishnounSomething that is given away or handed out for free.
giving something away for freegiveawayEnglishnounAn event at which things are given away for free.
giving something away for freegiveawayEnglishnounThe act of giving something away for free.
giving something away for freegiveawayEnglishnounAn indicator that makes something obvious or apparent.
giving something away for freegiveawayEnglishadjfree of charge, at no cost.attributive not-comparable
giving something away for freegiveawayEnglishadjvery low.attributive not-comparable
godサターンJapanesenameSaturn, the Roman godhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman rare
godサターンJapanesenameSaturn, the planetastronomy natural-sciencesrare
godサターンJapanesenameSaturn, the class of heavy-lifting rockets
golden eye金目Japanesenounvaluebusiness finance money
golden eye金目Japanesenouna unit of gold coinage in the Edo periodhistory human-sciences sciences
golden eye金目Japanesenouna golden eye
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounSound uttered by the mouth, especially by human beings in speech or song; sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounSound made through vibration of the vocal cords; sonant, or intonated, utterance; tone; — distinguished from mere breath sound as heard in whispering and voiceless consonants.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounThe tone or sound emitted by an object
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounThe faculty or power of utterance
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounThat which is communicated; message; meaning.
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounAn expressed opinion, choice, will, desire, or wish; the right or ability to make such expression or to have it considered
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounCommand; precept.archaic
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounOne who speaks; a speaker.
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounA particular style or way of writing that expresses a certain tone or feeling.literature media publishing
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounA particular way of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounIn harmony, an independent vocal or instrumental part in a piece of composition.entertainment lifestyle music
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishnounA flag associated with a user on a channel, determining whether or not they can send messages to the channel.IRCInternet
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishverbTo give utterance or expression to; to utter; to publish; to announcetransitive
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishverbTo utter audibly, with tone and not just breath.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencestransitive
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishverbTo fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone oftransitive
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishverbTo vote; to elect; to appointobsolete transitive
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishverbTo clamor; to cry outintransitive obsolete
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishverbTo assign the voice flag to a user on IRC, permitting them to send messages to the channel.IRCInternet transitive
grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbsvoiceEnglishverbTo act as a voice actor to portray a character.broadcasting film media television
great horsetailfeadógIrishnounwhistle (device used to make a whistling sound)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
great horsetailfeadógIrishnounploverfeminine
great horsetailfeadógIrishnountall thin womanfeminine
great horsetailfeadógIrishnoungreat horsetail (Equisetum telmateia)feminine
group of fawning admirersclaqueEnglishnounA group of people hired to attend a performance and to either applaud or boo.collective
group of fawning admirersclaqueEnglishnounA group of fawning admirers.broadly
group of fawning admirersclaqueEnglishnounA group of people who pre-arrange among themselves to express strong support for an idea, so as to give the false impression of a wider consensus.broadly
having a disregard for critical standards or proceduresuncriticalEnglishadjLacking critique or critical examination; undiscriminating.
having a disregard for critical standards or proceduresuncriticalEnglishadjHaving a disregard for critical standards or procedures.
having a disregard for critical standards or proceduresuncriticalEnglishadjSlow to criticize.
having a strong desire for powerpower-hungryEnglishadjHaving a strong desire for power.idiomatic
having a strong desire for powerpower-hungryEnglishadjOf a device, using or requiring a large amount of electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
having no title; namelesstitlelessEnglishadjHaving no title; nameless.
having no title; namelesstitlelessEnglishadjWithout noble title; common.
having teeth of different typesheterodontEnglishadjHaving teeth of different types (like most mammals).biology natural-sciences zoology zootomynot-comparable
having teeth of different typesheterodontEnglishadjOf bivalves or their hinge teeth: having two to three wedge-shaped cardinal teeth set in the centre near the umbones, generally also with elongated lateral teeth on the anterior and posterior margins.biology malacology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
having teeth of different typesheterodontEnglishnounA heterodont animal.biology natural-sciences zoology
having teeth of different typesheterodontEnglishnounA heterodont animal. / A heterodont bivalve.biology malacology natural-sciences zoology
having teeth of different typesheterodontEnglishnounA snake of the genus Heterodon which is native to North America.
heedlessmindlessEnglishadjShowing a lack of forethought or sense.
heedlessmindlessEnglishadjHaving no sensible meaning or purpose.
heedlessmindlessEnglishadjOverly repetitive and unchallenging.
heedlessmindlessEnglishadjLacking a mind.
hold insidecontainEnglishverbTo hold inside.transitive
hold insidecontainEnglishverbTo include as a part.transitive
hold insidecontainEnglishverbTo put constraints upon; to restrain; to confine; to keep within bounds.transitive
hold insidecontainEnglishverbTo have as an element or subset.mathematics sciencestransitive
hold insidecontainEnglishverbTo restrain desire; to live in continence or chastity.intransitive obsolete
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounThe frozen, crystalline state of water that falls as precipitation.uncountable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounAny similar frozen form of a gas or liquid.uncountable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounA snowfall; a blanket of frozen, crystalline water.countable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounA shade of the color white.uncountable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounThe moving pattern of random dots displayed on a television, etc., when no transmission signal is being received.uncountable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounCocaine.slang uncountable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounMarine snow.countable uncountable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounClipping of snow tires.abbreviation alt-of clipping countable in-plural informal uncountable
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishverbTo have snow fall from the sky.impersonal
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishverbTo hoodwink someone, especially by presenting confusing information.colloquial
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishverbTo bluff in draw poker by refusing to draw any cards.card-games poker
hoodwink by presenting confusing informationsnowEnglishnounA two-masted, square-rigged vessel, trysail-mast stepped immediately abaft the main mast.nautical transporthistorical
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint fitted over a human or animal appendage, such as an ankle, finger, or wrist, normally used in a pair joined by a chain.plural-normally
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint fitted over a human or animal appendage, such as an ankle, finger, or wrist, normally used in a pair joined by a chain. / A U-shaped piece of metal secured with a bolt or pin across the ends, or a hinged metal loop secured with a quick-release locking pin mechanism, used for attaching things together while allowing for some degree of movement; a clevis.broadly plural-normally
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint fitted over a human or animal appendage, such as an ankle, finger, or wrist, normally used in a pair joined by a chain. / A hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.; specifically (nautical), a small incomplete ring secured with a bolt across the ends, used to connect lengths of cable or chain together, or to keep a porthole closed.broadly plural-normally
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint fitted over a human or animal appendage, such as an ankle, finger, or wrist, normally used in a pair joined by a chain. / Synonym of hobble or hopple (“a short strap tied between the legs of a horse, allowing it to wander a short distance but not to run off”)agriculture business lifestylebroadly plural-normally
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint fitted over a human or animal appendage, such as an ankle, finger, or wrist, normally used in a pair joined by a chain. / A link for connecting railroad cars; a draglink, drawbar, or drawlink.rail-transport railways transportbroadly plural-normally
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint fitted over a human or animal appendage, such as an ankle, finger, or wrist, normally used in a pair joined by a chain. / Short for shackle-bone (“wristbone, carpal; wrist”).Scotland abbreviation alt-of archaic broadly plural-normally
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint fitted over a human or animal appendage, such as an ankle, finger, or wrist, normally used in a pair joined by a chain. / A fetter-like band worn on an appendage as an ornament; an anklet, an armlet, a bracelet, a wristlet.broadly obsolete plural-normally rare
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA restraint on one's action, activity, or progress.figuratively plural-normally
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA length of cable or chain equal to 12½ fathoms (75 feet or about 22.9 metres), or later to 15 fathoms (90 feet or about 27.4 metres).nautical transport
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbTo place (a person or animal) in shackles (noun sense 1); to immobilize or restrain using shackles.transitive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbTo connect or couple (something) to another thing using a shackle (noun sense 1.1.1, sense 1.1.2, etc.).transitive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbTo provide (something) with a shackle.transitive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbTo inhibit or restrain the ability, action, activity, or progress of (someone or something); to render (someone or something) incapable or ineffectual.figuratively transitive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbTo combine (a substance) with another substance.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesfiguratively obsolete transitive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbOf two things: to connect or couple together.intransitive reflexive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA person who is idle or lazy; an idler.UK dialectal
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishnounA dice game; also, an event at which tickets are sold for chances to be drawn to win prizes; a raffle.dice gamesUK dialectal
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbTo rattle or shake (something).UK dialectal transitive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbTo put (something) into disorder; specifically (agriculture), to cause (standing stalks of corn) to fall over.UK dialectal transitive
hook, ring, or other device for connecting, holding, lifting, etc.shackleEnglishverbOften followed by about: to be idle or lazy; to avoid work.UK dialectal intransitive
horsePferdGermannounhorseneuter strong
horsePferdGermannounknightboard-games chess gamesinformal neuter strong
horsePferdGermannounpommel horseneuter strong
horsePferdGermannouna womanneuter slang strong
imaginary magic dust or powder that, when in one’s eyes, supposedly causes one to view a person or thing favourably, even though this might not actually be warrantedstardustEnglishnounSmall fragments of dust-like material found in space; specifically, a type of cosmic dust that formed from cooling gases ejected from presolar stars, which was then incorporated into the cloud from which the Solar System condensed.astronomy natural-sciencesuncountable usually
imaginary magic dust or powder that, when in one’s eyes, supposedly causes one to view a person or thing favourably, even though this might not actually be warrantedstardustEnglishnounA distant cluster of stars resembling a cloud of dust, especially if the individual stars of which cannot be resolved with a telescope.astronomy natural-sciencesdated informal uncountable usually
imaginary magic dust or powder that, when in one’s eyes, supposedly causes one to view a person or thing favourably, even though this might not actually be warrantedstardustEnglishnounSmall fragments in the Earth's atmosphere or on its surface originating from meteorites; meteor dust.astronomy natural-sciencesarchaic uncountable usually
imaginary magic dust or powder that, when in one’s eyes, supposedly causes one to view a person or thing favourably, even though this might not actually be warrantedstardustEnglishnounSomething imaginary or lacking substance.figuratively uncountable usually
imaginary magic dust or powder that, when in one’s eyes, supposedly causes one to view a person or thing favourably, even though this might not actually be warrantedstardustEnglishnounAn imaginary magic dust or powder that, when in one's eyes, supposedly causes one to view a person or thing favourably, even though this might not actually be warranted.figuratively uncountable usually
imaginary magic dust or powder that, when in one’s eyes, supposedly causes one to view a person or thing favourably, even though this might not actually be warrantedstardustEnglishnounAn imaginary magic dust or powder supposedly able to give one charisma or other positive qualities; hence, charisma or glamour, especially that possessed by a celebrity.figuratively uncountable usually
impossible or too far awayout of reachEnglishprep_phraseOutside the distance to which someone can stretch out their hand.
impossible or too far awayout of reachEnglishprep_phraseImpossible or too far away.idiomatic
in a pretty mannerprettilyEnglishadvIn a pretty manner.
in a pretty mannerprettilyEnglishadvVery badly; terribly.
inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon awakeningsleep paralysisEnglishnounThe normal paralysis of the body that occurs during REM sleep.countable uncountable
inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon awakeningsleep paralysisEnglishnounA situation where a person is not fully awake, and although conscious of their surroundings, unable to move or speak, often accompanied by hallucinations and feelings of terror.countable uncountable
including (almost) everything within its scopeinclusiveEnglishadjIncluding (almost) everything within its scope.
including (almost) everything within its scopeinclusiveEnglishadjIncluding the extremes as well as the area between.
including (almost) everything within its scopeinclusiveEnglishadjOf, or relating to the first-person plural pronoun when including the person being addressed.human-sciences linguistics sciences
including (almost) everything within its scopeinclusiveEnglishadjIncluding or accepting those belonging to a particular group.
inorganic saltbath saltEnglishnounAny of several inorganic salts sometimes added to bath
inorganic saltbath saltEnglishnounAny of a class of methylenedioxypyrovalerone-based psychoactive recreational drugs.slang
insolent and shameless audacityeffronteryEnglishnounInsolent and shameless audacity.uncountable
insolent and shameless audacityeffronteryEnglishnounAn act of insolent and shameless audacity.countable
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo intend. / To intend, to plan (to do); to have as one's intention.transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo intend. / To have as intentions of a given kind.intransitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo intend. / To intend (something) for a given purpose or fate; to predestine.passive regional transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo intend. / To intend an ensuing comment or statement as an explanation.transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo convey (a meaning). / To convey (a given sense); to signify, or indicate (an object or idea).transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo convey (a meaning). / Of a word, symbol etc: to have reference to, to signify.transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo convey (a meaning). / Of a person (or animal etc): to intend to express, to imply, to hint at, to allude.transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo have conviction in (something said or expressed); to be sincere in (what one says).transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo cause or produce (a given result); to bring about (a given result).transitive
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo be of some level of importance.usually
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishverbTo lament.Ireland UK regional
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjCommon; general.obsolete
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjOf a common or low origin, grade, or quality; common; humble.archaic
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjLow in quality or degree; inferior; poor; shabby.
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjWithout dignity of mind; destitute of honour; low-minded; spiritless; base.
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjOf little value or worth; worthy of little or no regard; contemptible; despicable.
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjUngenerous; stingy; tight-fisted.UK
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjDisobliging; pettily offensive or unaccommodating.
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjIntending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise; bearing ill will towards another.
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjPowerful; fierce; strong.
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjHearty; spicy.colloquial
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjAccomplished with great skill; deft; hard to compete with.colloquial
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjDifficult, tricky.childish informal often
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjHaving the mean (see noun below) as its value; average.not-comparable
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishadjMiddling; intermediate; moderately good, tolerable.not-comparable obsolete
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishnounA method or course of action used to achieve some
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishnounAn intermediate step or intermediate steps.obsolete singular
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishnounSomething which is intermediate or in the middle; an intermediate value or range of values; a medium.
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishnounThe middle part of three-part polyphonic music; now specifically, the alto part in polyphonic music; an alto instrument.entertainment lifestyle musichistorical
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishnounThe average of a set of values, calculated by summing them together and dividing by the number of terms; the arithmetic mean.mathematics sciences statistics
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishnounAny function of multiple variables that satisfies certain properties and yields a number representative of its arguments; or, the number so yielded; a measure of central tendency.mathematics sciences
intend, plan on doingmeanEnglishnounEither of the two numbers in the middle of a conventionally presented proportion, as 2 and 3 in 1:2=3:6.mathematics sciences
isotopes of hydrogentritiumEnglishnounA radioactive isotope of the element hydrogen (symbol T, ³H or ³₁H) having one proton and two neutrons.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
isotopes of hydrogentritiumEnglishnounAn atom of this isotope.countable uncountable
jug, pitcherbroccaItaliannounjugfeminine
jug, pitcherbroccaItaliannounpitcherfeminine
jug, pitcherbroccaItaliannounewerfeminine
jug, pitcherbroccaItaliannounvesselfeminine
jug, pitcherbroccaItalianverbinflection of broccare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
jug, pitcherbroccaItalianverbinflection of broccare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
junior Boy ScoutsudenpentuFinnishnounwolf cub (young of a wolf)literally
junior Boy ScoutsudenpentuFinnishnounCub Scout (junior Boy Scout)
junior Boy ScoutsudenpentuFinnishnounBrownie (junior Girl Guide)
lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interactionawkwardEnglishadvIn a backwards direction.obsolete
lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interactionawkwardEnglishadjLacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments.
lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interactionawkwardEnglishadjNot easily managed or effected; embarrassing.
lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interactionawkwardEnglishadjLacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction.
lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interactionawkwardEnglishadjPerverse; adverse; difficult to handle.
lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interactionawkwardEnglishnounSomeone or something that is awkward.
language groupKhoisanEnglishnameThe group of non-Bantu Southern African indigenous people.
language groupKhoisanEnglishnameThe group of languages associated with the Khoisan including the Khoi, Kx'a and Tuu families, sometimes to the inclusion of the Hadza and Sandawe language isolates of Tanzania.
language groupKhoisanEnglishnounA member of the Khoi or San people.
layerledgeEnglishnounA narrow surface projecting horizontally from a wall, cliff, or other surface.
layerledgeEnglishnounA shelf on which articles may be laid.
layerledgeEnglishnounA shelf, ridge, or reef, of rocks.geography geology natural-sciences
layerledgeEnglishnounA layer or stratum.
layerledgeEnglishnounA lode; a limited mass of rock bearing valuable mineral.
layerledgeEnglishnounA (door or window) lintel.architecture
layerledgeEnglishnounA cornice.architecture
layerledgeEnglishnounA piece of timber to support the deck, placed athwartship between manufacturing shipbuilding
layerledgeEnglishverbTo cause to have, or to develop, a ledge (during mining, canal construction, building, etc).uncommon
layerledgeEnglishnounAlternative form of lege (“a legend; a person held in high regard”)alt-of alternative slang
layerledgeEnglishnounA provincial or territorial legislature building.Canada slang
layerledgeEnglishnounA provincial or territorial legislative assembly.Canada slang
let golátaIcelandicverbto putstrong transitive verb
let golátaIcelandicverbto lose, to let gostrong transitive verb
let golátaIcelandicverbto let, to make, to havestrong transitive verb
let golátaIcelandicverbto behave, to actstrong transitive verb
lightglareEnglishnounAn intense, blinding light.uncountable
lightglareEnglishnounShowy brilliance; gaudiness.countable uncountable
lightglareEnglishnounAn angry or fierce stare.countable uncountable
lightglareEnglishnounA call collision; the situation where an incoming call occurs at the same time as an outgoing call.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications telephonycountable uncountable
lightglareEnglishnounA smooth, bright, glassy surface.US countable uncountable
lightglareEnglishnounA viscous, transparent substance; glair.countable uncountable
lightglareEnglishverbTo stare angrily.intransitive
lightglareEnglishverbTo shine brightly.intransitive
lightglareEnglishverbTo be bright and intense, or ostentatiously splendid.intransitive
lightglareEnglishverbTo shoot out, or emit, as a dazzling light.transitive
lightglareEnglishadjsmooth and bright or translucent; glaryUS
livelybratturIcelandicadjstraight, upright
livelybratturIcelandicadjvigorous, lively
loud, resonantboomingEnglishadjExperiencing a period of prosperity, or rapid economic growth.
loud, resonantboomingEnglishadjLoud and resonant.
loud, resonantboomingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of boomform-of gerund participle present
loud, resonantboomingEnglishnounA deep hollow or roaring sound.
lower classesmassesEnglishnounplural of massform-of plural
lower classesmassesEnglishnounplural of masseform-of plural
lower classesmassesEnglishnounPeople, especially a large number of people; the general population.plural plural-only
lower classesmassesEnglishnounThe total population.plural plural-only
lower classesmassesEnglishnounThe lower classes or all but the elite.plural plural-only
lower classesmassesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of massform-of indicative present singular third-person
magnifying glass虫眼鏡Japanesenouna magnifying glass
magnifying glass虫眼鏡Japanesenouna microscope
magnifying glass虫眼鏡Japanesenounthe lowest rank in major-league sumo, so called because the 力士 (rikishi, “sumo wrestler”) names are displayed at the bottom of the 番付 (banzuke, “sumo rankings list or program”) in a small font, requiring the use of a magnifying glass to read easilygovernment hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports sumo war wrestlingslang
male genitaliacrown jewelsEnglishnounThe jewelry that accompany the office of rulership in a monarchy, i.e. crown, scepter, signet ring, etc.literally plural plural-only
male genitaliacrown jewelsEnglishnounThe male genitalia.plural plural-only slang
male genitaliacrown jewelsEnglishnounplural of crown jewelform-of plural
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounThe full width of an open hand from the end of the thumb to the end of the little finger used as an informal unit of length.
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounAny of various traditional units of length approximating this distance, especially the English handspan of 9 inches forming ⅛ fathom and equivalent to 22.86 cm.
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounA small space or a brief portion of time.broadly
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounA portion of something by length; a subsequence.
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounThe spread or extent of an arch or between its abutments, or of a beam, girder, truss, roof, bridge, or the like, between supports.architecture business construction manufacturing
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounThe length of a cable, wire, rope, chain between two consecutive supports.architecture business construction manufacturing
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounA rope having its ends made fast so that a purchase can be hooked to the bight; also, a rope made fast in the center so that both ends can be used.nautical transport
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounA pair of horses or other animals driven together; usually, such a pair of horses when similar in color, form, and action.Canada US
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounThe space of all linear combinations of vectors within a set.mathematics sciences
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounThe time required to execute a parallel algorithm on an infinite number of processors, i.e. the shortest distance across a directed acyclic graph representing the computation steps.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishnounwingspan of a plane or bird
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishverbTo extend through the distance between or across.transitive
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishverbTo extend through (a time period).transitive
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishverbTo measure by the span of the hand with the fingers extended, or with the fingers encompassing the object.transitive
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishverbTo generate an entire space by means of linear combinations.mathematics sciences
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishverbTo be matched, as horses.US dated intransitive
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishverbTo fetter, as a horse; to hobble.transitive
mathematics: to generate an entire space by means of linear combinationsspanEnglishverbsimple past of spindated form-of past uncommon
matter物件Chinesenounthing; object (Classifier: 個/个 m; 項/项 mn)countable
matter物件Chinesenounobject (Classifier: 個/个 m)Taiwan countable
matter物件Chinesenounmatter; affair; something; business; thing; stuffXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien countable
medicine or remedy which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effectsnostrumEnglishnounA medicine or remedy in conventional use which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effects.
medicine or remedy which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effectsnostrumEnglishnounAn ineffective but favorite remedy for a problem, usually involving political action.broadly
medicine: normal eyesightstigmatismEnglishnounImage-formation property of an optical system which focuses a single point source in object space into a single point in image spaceengineering natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
medicine: normal eyesightstigmatismEnglishnounNormal eyesight, anastigmatic statemedicine sciencescountable uncountable
medicine: normal eyesightstigmatismEnglishnounState of having stigmatamedicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
medicine: normal eyesightstigmatismEnglishnounAlternative form of astigmatismalt-of alternative countable uncountable
medicine: normal eyesightstigmatismEnglishnounAlternative form of stigmaalt-of alternative
melodiousharmoniousEnglishadjShowing accord in feeling or action.
melodiousharmoniousEnglishadjHaving components pleasingly or appropriately combined.
melodiousharmoniousEnglishadjMelodious; in harmony.
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindiadvpowerfully
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindiadvforcibly
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindiadvviolently
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounforce
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounstrength
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounpower
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounmight
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounexertion
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounstress
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounviolence
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinouncapacity
mightily, firmlyज़ोरHindinounability
mind; sanitywitEnglishnounSanity.countable plural-normally uncountable
mind; sanitywitEnglishnounThe senses.countable obsolete plural-normally uncountable
mind; sanitywitEnglishnounIntellectual ability; faculty of thinking, reasoning.countable uncountable
mind; sanitywitEnglishnounThe ability to think quickly; mental cleverness, especially under short time constraints.countable uncountable
mind; sanitywitEnglishnounIntelligence; common sense.countable uncountable
mind; sanitywitEnglishnounHumour, especially when clever or quick.countable uncountable
mind; sanitywitEnglishnounA person who tells funny anecdotes or jokes; someone witty.countable uncountable
mind; sanitywitEnglishverbKnow, be aware of (constructed with of when used intransitively).archaic intransitive transitive
mind; sanitywitEnglishprepPronunciation spelling of with.Southern-US alt-of pronunciation-spelling
moonbulanIndonesiannounmoon: / largest natural satellite of planet Earth.
moonbulanIndonesiannounmoon: / any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet.
moonbulanIndonesiannounmonth (period into which a year is divided)
mountain bike sportenduroEnglishnounA motorcycle sport run on predominantly off-road courses, with many obstacles and challenges.uncountable
mountain bike sportenduroEnglishnounA type of mountain bike racing.uncountable
mountain bike sportenduroEnglishnounA particular race or event in the sport of enduro.countable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjMade up of two matching or complementary elements.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjOf twice the quantity.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjOf a family relationship, related on both the maternal and paternal sides of a family.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjDesigned for two users.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjFolded in two; composed of two layers.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjStooping; bent over.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjHaving two aspects; ambiguous.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjFalse, deceitful, or hypocritical.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjOf flowers, having more than the normal number of petals.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjOf an instrument, sounding an octave lower.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadjOf time, twice as fast.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadvTwice over; twofold; doubly.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadvTwo together; two at a time.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishadvInto two halves or sections.not-comparable
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounTwice the number, amount, size, etc.
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA person who resembles and stands in for another person, often for safety purposes
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA drink with two portions of alcohol.
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA ghostly apparition of a living person; a doppelgänger.
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA sharp turn, especially a return on one's own tracks.
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA redundant item for which an identical item already exists.
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA two-base hit.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA call that increases certain scoring points if the last preceding bid becomes the contract.bridge games
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA strike in which the object ball is struck so as to make it rebound against the cushion to an opposite pocket.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle snooker sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA bet on two horses in different races in which any winnings from the first race are placed on the horse in the later race.
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounThe narrow outermost ring on a dartboard.darts games
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA hit on this ring.darts games
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA tile that has the same value (i.e., the same number of pips) on both sides.dominoes games
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA double-precision floating-point number.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounTwo competitions, usually one league and one cup, won by the same team in a single season.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA boat for two scullers.hobbies lifestyle rowing sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounThe feat of scoring twice in one game.hobbies lifestyle sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounThe feat of winning two events in a single meet or competition.hobbies lifestyle sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA former French coin worth one-sixth of a sou.historical
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA copper coin worth one-eighth of a penny.Guernsey historical
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounPlaying the same part on two instruments, alternately.entertainment lifestyle music
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA double feast.Christianity
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounSynonym of double-quick (“fast marching pace”)
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishnounA secondary instrument with which a musician is skilled.entertainment lifestyle music
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo multiply by two.transitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo increase by 100%, to become twice as large in size.intransitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo be the double of; to exceed by twofold; to contain or be worth twice as much as.
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo fold over so as to make two folds.transitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo clench (a fist).sometimes transitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo get a two-base hit.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo join or couple.often transitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo repeat exactly; copy.transitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo serve a second role or have a second purpose. [with as] / To serve a second role or have a second purpose.intransitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo act as substitute for (another theatrical performer in a certain role, etc).intransitive sometimes transitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo play (both one part and another, in the same play, etc).entertainment lifestyle theater
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo turn sharply, following a winding course.intransitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo sail around (a headland or other point).nautical transport
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo duplicate (a part) either in unison or at the octave above or below it.entertainment lifestyle music
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo be capable of performing (upon an additional instrument).entertainment lifestyle musicintransitive usually
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo make a call that will double certain scoring points if the preceding bid becomes the contract.bridge games
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo double down.card-games gamesintransitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo cause (a ball) to rebound from a cushion before entering the pocket.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle pool snooker sports
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo go or march at twice the normal speed.intransitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo multiply the strength or effect of by two.transitive
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two.government military politics war
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo transmit simultaneously on the same channel as another station, either unintentionally or deliberately, causing interference.broadcasting media radioinformal
music: to be capable of performing upon an additional instrumentdoubleEnglishverbTo operate as a double agent.espionage government military politics warintransitive
music: type of drumsnareEnglishnounA trap (especially one made from a loop of wire, string, or leather).
music: type of drumsnareEnglishnounA mental or psychological trap.
music: type of drumsnareEnglishnounA loop of cord used in obstetric cases, to hold or to pull a fetus from the mother animal.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoology
music: type of drumsnareEnglishnounA similar looped instrument formerly used to remove tumours etc.medicine sciences surgery
music: type of drumsnareEnglishnounA set of stiff wires held under tension against the bottom head of a drum to create a rattling sound.entertainment lifestyle music
music: type of drumsnareEnglishnounA snare drum.entertainment lifestyle music
music: type of drumsnareEnglishverbTo catch or hold, especially with a loop.transitive
music: type of drumsnareEnglishverbTo ensnare.figuratively transitive
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjMinimal; that is or are just sufficient.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjNaked, uncovered.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjHaving no supplies.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjHaving no decoration.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjHaving had what usually covers (something) removed.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjA lot or lots of.Multicultural-London-English Yorkshire not-comparable slang
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjWith head uncovered; bareheaded.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjWithout anything to cover up or conceal one's thoughts or actions; open to view; exposed.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjMere; without embellishment.figuratively
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjThreadbare, very worn.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadjNot insured.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadvBarely.dialectal
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadvVery; significantly.Multicultural-London-English slang
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishadvWithout a condom.slang
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishnounThe surface, the (bare) skin.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishnounSurface; body; substance.
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishnounThat part of a roofing slate, shingle, tile, or metal plate, which is exposed to the weather.architecture
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishverbTo uncover; to reveal.figuratively sometimes transitive
naked, uncoveredbareEnglishverbsimple past of bearform-of obsolete past
nauseascârbăRomaniannoundisgust, repugnance, aversion, nauseafeminine
nauseascârbăRomaniannounepithet for a bad, dirty or disgusting person; git, bad eggfamiliar feminine
neat, tidy바르다Koreanverbto hang paper; to stick paper, cloth or the like with adhesive to a surface
neat, tidy바르다Koreanverbto cover, plaster, cement; to attach to the surface of an object dirt, plaster or some other such substance
neat, tidy바르다Koreanverbto apply, spread, rub, put on; to rub water, paste, medicine, cosmetics, etc. onto a surface
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjto be hardened; to be solidifiedobsolete
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjto become stiffobsolete
neat, tidy바르다Koreanverbto peel, flay; to remove the skin, shell, or outer layer of something to get to what is inside
neat, tidy바르다Koreanverbto bone, debone; to remove the meat attached to the bone; to remove fishbones
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjto be straight, upright, erect; without bends or curvature
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjto be right; to comply with the social norm in one's words or behavior
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjto be right, correct, honest, frank; to be consistent with the facts
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjright (direction)
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjto be sunshiny; to be sunny or bright
neat, tidy바르다Koreanverb(…을) to overwhelm an opponent completely; to overpower or defeat an opponentfiguratively
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjuncommon, insufficient; rarely encounteredNorth-Korea
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjfast, takes a short amount of time to do something
neat, tidy바르다Koreanadjahead of the baseline or comparison in a chronological order
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see come, up.
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo come towards; to approach.intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo emerge or become known, especially unexpectedly.idiomatic intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo be revealed to have a certain value, quality, or status.intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo come to attention and present oneself; to arrive or appear.intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo appear (before a judge or court).intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo draw near in time.intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo approach a time or scheduled event.intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo reach in height.intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo rise (above the horizon).intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo begin to feel the effects of a recreational drug.British intransitive slang
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo arrive at the university. (Compare go down, send down.)UK intransitive
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo happen or occur.intransitive slang
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo grow up; to experience a childhood.intransitive slang
non-idiomaticcome upEnglishverbTo do well or be successful.intransitive slang
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounSomeone or something that is markedly unusual or unpredictable.
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA hippie.
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA drug addict.
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA person who is extremely abnormal in appearance, social behavior, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or business practices; an oddball, a unique person, originally in a displeasing or alienating way.derogatory
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA person whose physique has grown far beyond the normal limits of muscular development; often a bodybuilder weighing more than 260 pounds (120 kg).bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounAn enthusiast, or person who has an obsession with, or extreme knowledge of, something.
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA very sexually perverse individual.endearing informal sometimes
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA wild dance.
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA sudden change of minddated
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA streak of colour; variegation.dated
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounEuphemistic form of fuck.euphemistic form-of
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishverbTo react extremely or irrationally, usually under distress or discomposure.intransitive slang
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishverbTo be placed or place someone under the influence of a psychedelic drug, (especially) to experience reality withdrawal, or hallucinations (nightmarish), to behave irrational or unconventional due to drug use.intransitive slang transitive
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishverbTo streak; to variegatedated transitive
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishadjStrange, weird, unexpected.not-comparable
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA man, particularly a bold, strong, vigorous man.
nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practicesfreakEnglishnounA fellow; a petulant young man.Scotland UK dialectal
northern region of IndiaHindustanEnglishnameIndia (Republic of India).colloquial
northern region of IndiaHindustanEnglishnameThe entire region of the Indian subcontinent.dated
northern region of IndiaHindustanEnglishnameThe northern (properly north central) region of India.obsolete
not likelyfar-fetchedEnglishadjBrought from far away.obsolete
not likelyfar-fetchedEnglishadjImplausible; not likely; difficult to believe.
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishadjOf or relating to the metric system of measurement.not-comparable
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishadjOf or relating to the meter of a piece of music.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishadjOf or relating to distance.mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencesnot-comparable
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishnounA measure for something; a means of deriving a quantitative measurement or approximation for otherwise qualitative phenomena (especially used in engineering).
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishnounA function which satisfies a particular set of formal conditions, created to generalize the notion of the distance between two points. Formally, a real-valued function d on M×M, where M is a set, is called a metric if (1) d(x,y)=0 if and only if x=y, (2) d(x,y)=d(y,x) for all pairs (x,y), and (3) d obeys the triangle inequality.mathematical-analysis mathematics sciences
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishnounA metric tensor.mathematics sciences
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishnounAbbreviation of metric system.abbreviation alt-of
notion in mathematicsmetricEnglishverbTo measure or analyse statistical data concerning the quality or effectiveness of a process.aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
obligationshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / Used to issue an instruction (traditionally seen as carrying less force of authority than alternatives such as 'shall' or 'must').auxiliary
obligationshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / Used to give advice or opinion that an action is, or would have been, beneficial or desirable.auxiliary
obligationshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / With verbs such as 'see' or 'hear', usually in the second person, used to point out something remarkable in either a good or bad way.auxiliary informal
obligationshouldEnglishverbOught to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable. / In questions, asks what is correct, proper, desirable, etc.auxiliary
obligationshouldEnglishverbOught to; expressing expectation. / Indicates that something is expected to have happened or to be the case now.auxiliary
obligationshouldEnglishverbOught to; expressing expectation. / Will be likely to (become or do something); indicates a degree of possibility or probability that the stated thing will happen or be true in the future.auxiliary
obligationshouldEnglishverbUsed to form a variant of the present subjunctive, expressing a state or action that is hypothetical, potential, mandated, etc.auxiliary subjunctive
obligationshouldEnglishverbsimple past of shallauxiliary form-of past
obligationshouldEnglishverbAn alternative to would with first person subjects. / Used to express a conditional outcome.auxiliary formal literary
obligationshouldEnglishverbAn alternative to would with first person subjects. / Used to impart a tentative, conjectural or polite nuance.auxiliary
obligationshouldEnglishverbAn alternative to would with first person subjects. / Used to express what the speaker would do in another person's situation, as a means of giving a suggestion or recommendation.auxiliary
obligationshouldEnglishnounSomething that ought to be the case as opposed to already being the case.
obligationshouldEnglishverbTo make a statement of what ought to be true, as opposed to reality.
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishnounA site for mining stone, limestone, or mining
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishverbTo obtain (or mine) stone by extraction from a quarry.transitive
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishverbTo extract or slowly obtain by long, tedious searching.figuratively transitive
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishnounA part of the entrails of a hunted animal, given to the hounds as a reward.obsolete uncountable
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishnounAn animal, often a bird or mammal, which is hunted.uncountable
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishnounAn object of search or pursuit.countable
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishverbTo secure prey; to prey, as a vulture or harpy.
obtain stone by extraction from a quarryquarryEnglishnounA diamond-shaped tile or pane, often of glass or stone.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjFirmly or securely fixed in place; stable.dated
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjFirm against attack; fortified by nature or art; impregnable; strong.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjSteadfast, with unwavering feeling. (Now mostly in set phrases like fast friend(s).)
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjMoving with great speed, or capable of doing so; swift, rapid.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjMoving with great speed, or capable of doing so; swift, rapid. / Having a kinetic energy between 1 million and 20 million electron volts; often used to describe the energy state of free neutrons at the moment of their release by a nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reaction (i.e., before the neutrons have been slowed down by anything).
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjOf a place, characterised by business, hustle and bustle, etc.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjCausing unusual rapidity of play or action.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjAble to transfer data in a short period of time.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjDeep or sound (of sleep); fast asleep (of people).
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjNot running or fading when subjected to detrimental conditions such as wetness or intense light; permanent.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjTenacious; retentive.obsolete
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjHaving an extravagant lifestyle or immoral habits.dated
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjAhead of the correct time or schedule.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadjMore sensitive to light than average.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadvIn a firm or secure manner, securely; in such a way as not to be moved; safe, sound .
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadvDeeply or soundly .
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadvImmediately following in place or time; close, very near .
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadvQuickly, with great speed; within a short time .
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishadvAhead of the correct time or schedule.
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishnounA train that calls at only some stations it passes between its origin and destination, typically just the principal stationsrail-transport railways transportBritish
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishintjShort for "stand fast", a warning not to pass between the arrow and the targetarchery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warabbreviation alt-of
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishverbTo practice religious abstinence, especially from food.intransitive
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishverbTo reduce or limit one's nutrition intake for medical or health reasons, to diet.intransitive
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishverb(academic) To cause a person or animal to abstain, especially from eating.transitive
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishnounThe act or practice of fasting, religious abstinence from food
occurring or happening within a short timefastEnglishnounOne of the fasting periods in the liturgical year
of or pertaining to combinationcombinativeEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or resulting from combination.
of or pertaining to combinationcombinativeEnglishadjServing, tending, or able to combine.
of or pertaining to galvanism; electricgalvanicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to galvanism; electric.
of or pertaining to galvanism; electricgalvanicEnglishadjEnergetic; vigorous.broadly
of or pertaining to galvanism; electricgalvanicEnglishadjOf a current that is not alternating, as opposed to faradic.
of or relating to social outcastslumpenEnglishadjOf or relating to social outcasts.
of or relating to social outcastslumpenEnglishadjOf or relating to the lumpenproletariat.
of or relating to social outcastslumpenEnglishadjPlebeian.
of or relating to social outcastslumpenEnglishnounA member of the lumpenproletariat.
of or relating to social outcastslumpenEnglishadjLump-like.not-comparable
of or relating to social outcastslumpenEnglishverbTo make or become like lumps; make or become lumpyintransitive rare transitive
of the summervăraticRomanianadjof the summer; summer-like, summery, estival/aestivalmasculine neuter
of the summervăraticRomanianadjripening early (such as in the summer)masculine neuter
of the summervăraticRomaniannounplace for livestock, sheep or cattle to graze in the summerneuter regional
of the summervăraticRomaniannouna tax for livestock, sheep or cattleneuter regional
official name of SlovakiaSlovak RepublicEnglishnameThe official name of Slovakia.
official name of SlovakiaSlovak RepublicEnglishnameThe First Slovak Republic from 14 March 1939 to 4 April 1945.fascism government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics scienceshistorical
onthereoutEnglishadvOut of it, out from it.archaic not-comparable
onthereoutEnglishadvoutside; outdoorsnot-comparable obsolete
one who leads or initiates an activityspearheadEnglishnounThe pointed head, or end, of a spear.
one who leads or initiates an activityspearheadEnglishnounOne who leads or initiates an activity (such as an attack or a campaign).
one who leads or initiates an activityspearheadEnglishnounThe leading military unit in an attack.
one who leads or initiates an activityspearheadEnglishnounA player who initiates attacking moves.hobbies lifestyle sports
one who leads or initiates an activityspearheadEnglishverbTo drive or campaign ardently for, as an effort, project, etc.transitive
orange juicetuoremehuFinnishnounA natural or close-to-natural fruit or vegetable juice, especially orange juice.
orange juicetuoremehuFinnishnounA juice produced by mechanical means from fruit or vegetables (täysmehu) that has not been treated with heat (e.g. by pasteurizing). A product called tuoremehu may contain up to 150 grams added sugar per liter of
originating wordancestorEnglishnounOne from whom a person is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any distance of time; a progenitor; a forefather.
originating wordancestorEnglishnounAn earlier type; a progenitor
originating wordancestorEnglishnounOne from whom an estate has descended;—the correlative of
originating wordancestorEnglishnounOne who had the same role or function in former times.figuratively
originating wordancestorEnglishnounA word or phrase which serves as the origin of a term in another language.human-sciences linguistics sciences
originating wordancestorEnglishverbTo be an ancestor of.transitive
other places for urination and defecationpottyEnglishnounA chamber pot.
other places for urination and defecationpottyEnglishnounA small, usually plastic, chamber pot used to toilet-train small children.
other places for urination and defecationpottyEnglishnounAny other device or place for urination or defecation: a toilet; a lavatory; a latrine; an outhouse.childish humorous
other places for urination and defecationpottyEnglishverbSynonym of go potty.childish intransitive
other places for urination and defecationpottyEnglishadjInsane.informal
other places for urination and defecationpottyEnglishadjEasy to pot the ball hobbies lifestyle sports
outmodedfossilizedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of fossilizeform-of participle past
outmodedfossilizedEnglishadjIn a state of fossilization; preserved in rock
outmodedfossilizedEnglishadjhaving become a fossil: no longer productivehuman-sciences linguistics sciences
part of a priest's vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounA division of the Roman army numbering 120 (or sometimes 60) soldiers exclusive of officers; (generally, obsolete) any small body of soldiers.government military politics warAncient-Rome
part of a priest's vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounIn Western Christianity, an ornamental band or scarf worn upon the left arm as a part of the vestments of a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, and sometimes the Church of England.Christianityhistorical
part of a priest's vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounA hand; a fist.informal obsolete
part of a priest's vestmentsmanipleEnglishnounA handful.obsolete
penisSchwanzGermannouna tailmasculine strong
penisSchwanzGermannouna cock, a dick, a penisinformal masculine mildly strong vulgar
penisSchwanzGermannouna prickderogatory masculine strong
peniskyrpäFinnishnouncock, dick, prick, schlong (penis)vulgar
peniskyrpäFinnishnounasshole, prick (annoying person)vulgar
personbestEnglishadjsuperlative form of good: most good.form-of superlative
personbestEnglishadjMost; largest.
personbestEnglishadjMost superior; most favorable.
personbestEnglishadvsuperlative form of well: most wellform-of superlative
personbestEnglishadvTo the most advantage; with the most success, cause, profit, benefit, or propriety.
personbestEnglishnounThe supreme effort one can make, or has made.uncountable
personbestEnglishnounOne's best behavior.uncountable
personbestEnglishnounThe person (or persons; or thing or things) that is (are) most excellent.countable
personbestEnglishverbTo surpass in skill or achievement.transitive
personbestEnglishverbTo beat in a contest.transitive
personbestEnglishverbHad best.colloquial modal verb
person replying to a questionnairerespondentEnglishnounOne who responds; one who replies.
person replying to a questionnairerespondentEnglishnounA defendant, especially in a case instituted by a petition or in appellate and divorce
person replying to a questionnairerespondentEnglishnounA person replying to a questionnaire.
person replying to a questionnairerespondentEnglishadjDisposed or expected to respond; answering; according; corresponding.
person who cooperates with an enemy合作者Chinesenouncollaborator (person who works on a project with someone)
person who cooperates with an enemy合作者Chinesenounpartner (in cooperation)
person who cooperates with an enemy合作者Chinesenouncollaborator (person who cooperates with an enemy)
philosophyAmerican DreamEnglishnounA widespread determination by Americans to provide their children with a better upbringing than their parents were able to provide for them.idiomatic singular
philosophyAmerican DreamEnglishnounA philosophy that with perseverance, courage and determination, anyone can prosper and achieve success.idiomatic singular
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounThe act of vocalizing or something vocalized; a vocal utterancecountable uncountable
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounAny specific mode of utterance; pronunciationcountable uncountable
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounThe use of speech to express an ideacountable uncountable
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounThe production of communication sounds with the syrinx or larynx (in tetrapods) or with the swim bladder (in fish)biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounThe production of musical sounds using the voice, especially as an exerciseentertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounThe vowel diacritics in certain scripts, like Hebrew and Arabic, which are not normally written, but which are used in dictionaries, children's books, religious texts and textbooks for learners.communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingcountable uncountable
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounThe addition of these diacritics and the respective phonemes to a word; the spoken form the word thereby receives.communications human-sciences journalism linguistics literature media orthography phonology publishing sciences writingcountable uncountable
phonology: the change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowelsvocalizationEnglishnounThe change in pronunciation of historically or variably consonant (typically sonorant) sounds as vowels. For example, the syllabic /l/ in words like people or the coda one in words like cold or coal are variably realized as a high back vowel or glide—[ʊ], [u], [ɤ] or [o]—in many dialects of English in the US, UK, and the Southern Hemisphere. For example, in African American Vernacular English, one common pronunciation of the words "people", "cold", and "coal" is [pʰipʊ], [kʰoɤd], or [kʰoɤ] respectively.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencescountable uncountable
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounA figure formed by two rays which start from a common point (a plane angle) or by three planes that intersect (a solid angle).geometry mathematics sciences
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounThe measure of such a figure. In the case of a plane angle, this is the ratio (or proportional to the ratio) of the arc length to the radius of a section of a circle cut by the two rays, centered at their common point. In the case of a solid angle, this is the ratio of the surface area to the square of the radius of the section of a sphere.geometry mathematics sciences
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounA corner where two walls intersect.
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounA change in direction.
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounA viewpoint; a way of looking at something.
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounThe focus of a news
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounAny of various hesperiid butterflies.
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounA storyline between two wrestlers, providing the background for and approach to a feud.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestlingslang
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounAn ulterior motive; a scheme or means of benefitting from a situation, usually hidden, often immoralslang
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounA projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounAny of the four cardinal points of an astrological chart: the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Descendant and the Imum Coeli.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishverbTo place (something) at an angle.transitive
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishverbTo change direction rapidly.informal intransitive
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishverbTo present or argue something in a particular way or from a particular viewpoint.informal transitive
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishverbTo hamper (oneself or one's opponent) by leaving the cue ball in the jaws of a pocket such that the surround of the pocket (the "angle") blocks the path from cue ball to object ball.transitive
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishnounA fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod.
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishverbTo try to catch fish with a hook and line.figuratively intransitive
place (something) at an angleangleEnglishverbTo attempt to subtly persuade someone to offer a desired thing.informal
plural form of work (in its countable senses)worksEnglishnounplural of work in its countable sensesform-of plural
plural form of work (in its countable senses)worksEnglishnounA factory or factories, or a similar collection(s) of industrial facilities.
plural form of work (in its countable senses)worksEnglishnounA mechanism or machinery; the means by which something happens.plural plural-only
plural form of work (in its countable senses)worksEnglishnounEverything or everything that is available or possible; especially, all available toppings on food.plural plural-only with-definite-article
plural form of work (in its countable senses)worksEnglishnounDrastic treatment; abuse; the axe (dismissal).plural plural-only with-definite-article
plural form of work (in its countable senses)worksEnglishnounA heroin or other drug addict's equipment: syringes, needles, etc.plural plural-only slang
plural form of work (in its countable senses)worksEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of workform-of indicative present singular third-person
pompous personroosterEnglishnounA male domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) or other gallinaceous bird.Australia Canada Kent New-Zealand US
pompous personroosterEnglishnounA bird or bat which roosts or is roosting.
pompous personroosterEnglishnounAn informer.figuratively obsolete slang
pompous personroosterEnglishnounA violent or disorderly person.figuratively obsolete slang
pompous personroosterEnglishnounA powerful, prideful, or pompous person.figuratively
pompous personroosterEnglishnounA man.New-Zealand figuratively
pompous personroosterEnglishnounA wild violet, when used in a children's game based on cockfighting.US historical regional
pompous personroosterEnglishnounLegislation solely devised to benefit the legislators proposing it.US obsolete slang
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA town, a civil parish (with a town council) and major port in Kent, England, the closest point to France (OS grid ref TR3141).
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA sea area between this port and France.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA local government district in Kent, including this town and port.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Abram, Metropolitan Borough of Wigan, Greater Manchester, England (OS grid ref SD6001).
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA town in Tasmania, Australia.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA neighborhood of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA town in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA village in Nova Scotia, Canada.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA neighborhood of Singapore.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / The capital city of Delaware, and the county seat of Kent County.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Pope County, Arkansas.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Hillsborough County, Florida.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Screven County, Georgia.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Bonner County, Idaho.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Bureau County, Illinois.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Dearborn County, Indiana.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Shawnee County, Kansas.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor home rule city in Mason County, Kentucky.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A former town in Piscataquis County, Maine, now Dover-Foxcroft, Maine.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and census-designated place therein, in Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Olmsted County, Minnesota.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Lafayette County, Missouri.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Strafford County, New Hampshire, United States.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Morris County, New Jersey.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Dutchess County, New York.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A small town in Craven County, North Carolina.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A small town in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A borough in York County, Pennsylvania.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A small town, the county seat of Stewart County, Tennessee.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Sanpete County, Utah.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Windham County, Vermont.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Loudoun County, Virginia.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A small town in Buffalo County, Wisconsin.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Price County, Wisconsin.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Racine County, Wisconsin.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of townships in the United States, listed under Dover Township.
port in Kent, EnglandDoverEnglishnameA surname.
posing a problemproblematicEnglishadjPosing a problem; having or suffering from problem(s): / Difficult to overcome, solve, or decide.
posing a problemproblematicEnglishadjPosing a problem; having or suffering from problem(s): / Not settled, uncertain, of uncertain outcome; debatable, questionable, open to doubt.
posing a problemproblematicEnglishadjPosing a problem; having or suffering from problem(s): / Contributing (especially if subtly) to discrimination (such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or ageism).human-sciences sciences social-science sociology
posing a problemproblematicEnglishadjOnly affirming the possibility that a predicate be actualised.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesdated
posing a problemproblematicEnglishnounA problem or difficulty in a particular field of study.
pratices and ideology of Napoleon BonaparteBonapartismEnglishnounThe practices and ideology of Napoleon Bonaparteuncountable
pratices and ideology of Napoleon BonaparteBonapartismEnglishnounA populist alliance between the bourgeoisie and the lumpenproletariat characterized by strong leadership and conservative nationalismuncountable
predecessor of the aqualungaerophoreEnglishnounA thin-walled area of the roots of some plants growing in swampy conditions through which gasses are exchanged.biology botany natural-sciences
predecessor of the aqualungaerophoreEnglishnounAerophore pulmonaire; a respirator for use with neonates and small animals developed by French obstetrician Gairal in 1879.medicine sciences
predecessor of the aqualungaerophoreEnglishnounA predecessor of the radio, invented by Rene Homer in the early 1900s for communication between ships.historical
predecessor of the aqualungaerophoreEnglishnounA nineteenth-century device with breathing tubes used by miners and workmen in areas that contain toxic fumes.historical
predecessor of the aqualungaerophoreEnglishnounA predecessor of the aqualung, invented by Benoit Rouquayrol and Auguste Denayrouze 1865diving hobbies lifestyle sports underwater-divinghistorical
previous day頭天Chinesenounprevious daydialectal
previous day頭天Chinesenounfirst daydialectal
principal signs of the Ifa divination systemIrẹtẹYorubanameThe fourteenth principal sign of the Ifa divination system
principal signs of the Ifa divination systemIrẹtẹYorubanameThe fourteenth of the àpólà or sixteen categories in the Odù Ifá, consisting of the fourteenth principal chapter, (Ìrẹ̀tẹ̀ méjì) and the other fifteen chapters of Ìrẹ̀tẹ̀.
principal signs of the Ifa divination systemIrẹtẹYorubanameThe fourteenth chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus, and one of the major ojú odù
principal signs of the Ifa divination systemIrẹtẹYorubanameThe spirit and divinity associated with the Ìrẹtẹ̀ divination sign.
prisoner sentenced to life in prisonliferEnglishnounA prisoner sentenced to life in prison.
prisoner sentenced to life in prisonliferEnglishnounA prisoner sentenced to transportation for life.
prisoner sentenced to life in prisonliferEnglishnounA person with a singular career path, especially in the military.
prisoner sentenced to life in prisonliferEnglishnounA bird species seen for the first time by a birder who is keeping a list of all the species he or she has ever seen.biology birdwatching natural-sciences ornithology
process ofmindEnglishnounThe capability for rational thought.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounThe ability to be aware of things.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounThe ability to remember things.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounThe ability to focus the thoughts.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounSomebody that embodies certain mental qualities.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounJudgment, opinion, or view.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounDesire, inclination, or intention.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounA healthy mental state.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounThe non-material substance or set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounContinual prayer on a dead person's behalf for a period after their death.countable uncountable
process ofmindEnglishnounAttention, consideration or thought.uncountable
process ofmindEnglishverbTo bring or recall to mind; to remember; bear or keep in mind.
process ofmindEnglishverbTo remember.regional
process ofmindEnglishverbTo remind; put one's mind on.dialectal obsolete
process ofmindEnglishverbTo turn one's mind to; to observe; to notice.
process ofmindEnglishverbTo regard with attention; to treat as of consequence.
process ofmindEnglishverbTo pay attention or heed to so as to obey; hence to obey; to make sure, to take care (that).imperative
process ofmindEnglishverbTo pay attention to, in the sense of occupying one's mind with, to heed.
process ofmindEnglishverbTo look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time.
process ofmindEnglishverbTo be careful about.
process ofmindEnglishverbTo purpose, intend, plan.
process ofmindEnglishverbTake note; used to point out an exception or caveat.Ireland UK
process ofmindEnglishverbTo dislike, to object to; to be bothered by.
professional laundrycleanerEnglishnounA person whose occupation is to clean things, especially rooms, floors, and windows.
professional laundrycleanerEnglishnounA device that cleans, such as the vacuum cleaner.
professional laundrycleanerEnglishnounA substance used for cleaning; especially, one retailed for that purpose and meant for use on things other than one's own body.
professional laundrycleanerEnglishnounA professional laundry or dry cleaner (business). (This form is now interpreted as plural and usually spelled without an apostrophe, even in official usage, to justify the removal of the apostrophe. It was traditionally spelled cleaner's with an apostrophe because this is grammatically correct, as can be seen with forms such as go to the doctor's, which cannot be reinterpreted as plural.)in-plural
professional laundrycleanerEnglishnounA fixer; a person who disposes of bodies and evidence.
professional laundrycleanerEnglishadjcomparative form of clean: more cleancomparative form-of
progenyпородSerbo-Croatiannoundelivery of a child
progenyпородSerbo-Croatiannounchildren, progeny
pronerähmälläänFinnishadvprone (lying face down)
pronerähmälläänFinnishadvgrovelling (to abase oneself before another person)figuratively
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounA piece of fur or cloth, usually with open ends, used for keeping the hands warm.historical
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounThe vulva or vagina; pubic hair around it.slang vulgar
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounA blown cylinder of glass which is afterward flattened out to make a sheet.arts crafts glassblowing hobbies lifestyle
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounThe feathers sticking out from both sides of the face under the beak of some birds.
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounA short hollow cylinder surrounding an object such as a pipe.
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounA fool, a stupid or poor-spirited person.colloquial
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounAn error, a mistake; a failure to hold a ball when once in the hands.hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounA bird, the whitethroat.
pubic hairmuffEnglishverbTo drop or mishandle (the ball, a catch etc.); to play badly.hobbies lifestyle sports
pubic hairmuffEnglishverbTo mishandle; to bungle.
pubic hairmuffEnglishnounA muffin.slang
public area of a retail storeshop floorEnglishnounThe public area of a retail store, as distinct from rooms for staff such as offices.
public area of a retail storeshop floorEnglishnounThe area of a factory or workshop where the operatives work, as distinct from the administrative areas.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo make a loud, hollow, resonant sound.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo exclaim with force, to shout, to thunder.figuratively transitive
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbOf a Eurasian bittern, to make its deep, resonant territorial vocalisation.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo make (something) boom.transitive
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo subject to a sonic boom.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo publicly praise.US obsolete slang
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo rush with violence and noise, as a ship under a press of sail, before a free wind.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo rapidly adjust the evaluation of a position away from zero, indicating a likely win or loss.board-games chess computer computing engineering games mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo flourish, grow, or progress.intransitive
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo cause to advance rapidly in price.dated transitive
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo move quickly, often while making a booming sound.dated
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA low-pitched, resonant sound, such as of an explosion.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA rapid expansion or increase.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA period of prosperity, growth, progress, or high market economics sciences
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounEllipsis of sonic boom.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounOne of the calls of certain monkeys or birds.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounAn instance of booming.board-games chess computer computing engineering games mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishintjUsed to suggest the sound of an explosion.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishintjUsed to suggest something happening suddenly or unexpectedly; voilà.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishintjThe sound of a bass drum beating.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishintjThe sound of a cannon firing.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA spar extending the foot of a sail; a spar rigged outboard from a ship's side to which boats are secured in harbour.nautical sailing transport
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA movable pole used to support a microphone or camera.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA microphone supported on such a pole.broadly
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA horizontal member of a crane or derrick, used for lifting.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounThe longest element of a Yagi antenna, on which the other, smaller ones are transversally electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA floating barrier used to obstruct navigation, for military or other purposes; or used for the containment of an oil spill or to control the flow of logs from logging operations.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA wishbone-shaped piece of windsurfing equipment.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounThe section of the arm on a backhoe closest to the tractor.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishnounA gymnastics apparatus similar to a balance beam.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo extend, or push, with a boom or pole.
rapid expansion or increaseboomEnglishverbTo raise or lower with a crane boom.usually
rash or inexperienced personwildzangDutchnounan inexperienced or rash (young) personcountable masculine
rash or inexperienced personwildzangDutchnounwild birdsongmasculine uncountable
rash or inexperienced personwildzangDutchnounnon-standard or substandard singingmasculine obsolete uncountable
rash or inexperienced personwildzangDutchnounwild birdscollective dated masculine
rash or inexperienced personwildzangDutchnounnonsense, idle talk, blatherdated masculine uncountable
rash or inexperienced personwildzangDutchnounIncorrect or substandard use, not relating to song. / substandard execution of an art formarchaic broadly masculine uncountable
rash or inexperienced personwildzangDutchnounIncorrect or substandard use, not relating to song. / wrongful use, misapplication, abusemasculine obsolete
rear sight標尺Chinesenounsurveyor’s rod
rear sight標尺Chinesenounstaff gauge
rear sight標尺Chinesenounrear sightgovernment military politics war
rear, back or invisible portionback endEnglishnounThe rear, back, or unseen portion (of something).
rear, back or invisible portionback endEnglishnounThat part of a hardware or software system that is farthest from the user; the internals rather than the user interface.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
rear, back or invisible portionback endEnglishnounThe latter end of any given time, especially the latter part of the year; autumn; late autumn.Northern-England Scotland UK dialectal
rear, back or invisible portionback endEnglishnounMoney paid on a contingent deferred basis, for example, as a proportion of the profits or revenue of a work.entertainment lifestyleusually
rear, back or invisible portionback endEnglishnounThe processing of spent fuel from a nuclear reactor into reusable materials.
referring to something seen or heardditAfrikaanspronit, this, that (subject and object) / referring to the context
referring to something seen or heardditAfrikaanspronit, this, that (subject and object) / referring to something seen or heard in the real world
referring to something seen or heardditAfrikaanspronit, this, that (subject and object) / referring to non-personal singular nouns
regionSomalilandEnglishnameA region of East Africa that comprises Somalia, Djibouti, and parts of Ethiopia.
regionSomalilandEnglishnameAn unrecognized state in East Africa, de-facto independent of Somalia; formerly the Somali Coast Protectorate.
region administered by a bishopdioceseEnglishnounAdministrative division of the later Roman Empire, starting with the tetrarchy.
region administered by a bishopdioceseEnglishnounRegion administered by a religion
region in eastern FinlandKainuuFinnishnameA region in eastern Finland.
region in eastern FinlandKainuuFinnishnameKalix (town in Norrbotten County, Sweden)
reimbursementindemnificationEnglishnounThe act or process of indemnifying, preserving, or securing against loss, damage, or penalty.countable uncountable
reimbursementindemnificationEnglishnounA reimbursement of loss, damage, or penalty.countable uncountable
reimbursementindemnificationEnglishnounThe state of being indemnified.countable uncountable
reimbursementindemnificationEnglishnounThat which indemnifies.countable uncountable
reimbursementindemnificationEnglishnounindemnitylawcountable uncountable
rejected takeoffrejectEnglishverbTo refuse to accept.transitive
rejected takeoffrejectEnglishverbTo block a shot, especially if it sends the ball off the court.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
rejected takeoffrejectEnglishverbTo refuse a romantic advance.transitive
rejected takeoffrejectEnglishnounSomething that is rejected.
rejected takeoffrejectEnglishnounAn unpopular person.derogatory slang
rejected takeoffrejectEnglishnounA rejected defective product in a production line.colloquial
rejected takeoffrejectEnglishnounA rejected takeoff.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
representation and manipulation of pictures by computercomputer graphicsEnglishnounThe representation and manipulation of pictorial data by a computer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesplural plural-only
representation and manipulation of pictures by computercomputer graphicsEnglishnounThe various technologies used to create and manipulate such pictorial data.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesplural plural-only
representation and manipulation of pictures by computercomputer graphicsEnglishnounThe images so produced.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesplural plural-only
representation and manipulation of pictures by computercomputer graphicsEnglishnounA sub-field of computer science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesplural plural-only
revealuncloakEnglishverbTo remove a cloak or cover from; to deprive of a cloak or cover; to unmask; to reveal.transitive
revealuncloakEnglishverbTo remove one's cloak.intransitive
revealuncloakEnglishverbTo become visible again by turning off a cloaking device.literature media publishing science-fictionintransitive
ribavirinRTPEnglishnounInitialism of rapid thermal processing.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
ribavirinRTPEnglishnounInitialism of Real-time Transport Protocol.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
ribavirinRTPEnglishnounAbbreviation of ribavirin triphosphate.abbreviation alt-of uncountable
ribavirinRTPEnglishnounInitialism of Royal Thai Police.Thailand abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
seeαγριόκυκνοςGreeknounwhooper swan, Cygnus cygnus
seeαγριόκυκνοςGreeknounwild swanbroadly
seeαμβλυντικόςGreekadjameliorating, soothing
seeαμβλυντικόςGreekadjbluntening, dulling
seeκολλητόςGreekadjstuck, glued
seeκολλητόςGreekadjclose together, adjoined
seeκολλητόςGreekadjfirm, tight, tight-fitting
seeκολλητόςGreeknouna best friend, bosom buddy
selectionpreferenceEnglishnounThe selection of one thing or person over others (with the main adposition being "for" in relation to the thing or person, but possibly also "of")countable uncountable
selectionpreferenceEnglishnounThe option to so select, and the one selected.countable uncountable
selectionpreferenceEnglishnounThe state of being preferred over others.countable uncountable
selectionpreferenceEnglishnounA strong liking or personal valuation.countable uncountable
selectionpreferenceEnglishnounA preferential bias; partiality; discrimination.countable uncountable
selectionpreferenceEnglishverbTo give preferential treatment to; to give a preference to.US
selectionpreferenceEnglishnounPreferans, a card game, principally played in Eastern Europe.uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishnounOne of the sensations produced by the tongue in response to certain chemicals; the quality of giving this sensation.countable uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishnounThe sense that consists in the perception and interpretation of this sensation.countable uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishnounA small sample of food, drink, or recreational drugs.countable uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishnounA person's implicit set of preferences, especially esthetic, though also culinary, sartorial, etc.countable uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishnounPersonal preference; liking; predilection.countable uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishnounA small amount of experience with something that gives a sense of its quality as a whole.countable figuratively uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishnounA kind of narrow and thin silk ribbon.countable uncountable
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishverbTo sample the flavor of something orally.transitive
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishverbTo have a taste; to excite a particular sensation by which flavor is distinguished.copulative intransitive
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishverbTo identify (a flavor) by sampling something orally.transitive
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishverbTo experience.figuratively transitive
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishverbTo take sparingly.
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishverbTo try by eating a little; to eat a small quantity of.
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishverbTo try by the touch; to handle.obsolete
sensation produced by the tonguetasteEnglishadjDeliberate misspelling of tasty.Internet alt-of deliberate misspelling not-comparable
sense 2, 3vetturaItaliannouncarfeminine
sense 2, 3vetturaItaliannouncarriage (in a train)feminine
sense 2, 3vetturaItaliannouncoachfeminine
shape of something rotating; a vortex — see also vortexconvolutionEnglishnounA twist or fold.countable uncountable
shape of something rotating; a vortex — see also vortexconvolutionEnglishnounAny of the folds on the surface of the brain.countable uncountable
shape of something rotating; a vortex — see also vortexconvolutionEnglishnounThe shape of something rotating; a vortex.countable uncountable
shape of something rotating; a vortex — see also vortexconvolutionEnglishnounThe state or condition of being convoluted.countable uncountable
shape of something rotating; a vortex — see also vortexconvolutionEnglishnounA mathematical operation on two functions that produces a third that expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other; the integral of the product of the two functions after one is reflected about the y-axis and shifted along the x-axis.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
shape of something rotating; a vortex — see also vortexconvolutionEnglishnounA function which maps a tuple of sequences into a sequence of tuples.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
shape of something rotating; a vortex — see also vortexconvolutionEnglishnounOne 360° turn in a spring or similar helix.countable uncountable
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjTerminating in a point or edge, especially one that can cut or pierce easily; not dull, obtuse, or rounded.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjIntelligent.colloquial
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjRaised by one semitone (denoted by the symbol ♯ after the name of the note).entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjHigher in pitch than required.entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjHaving a strong acrid or acidic taste.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjSudden, abrupt, intense, rapid.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjIllegal or dishonest.colloquial
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjKeenly or unduly attentive to one's own interests; shrewd, verging on dishonest.colloquial
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjExact, precise, accurate; keen.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjOffensive, critical, or acrimonious; stern or harsh.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjStylish, smart or attractive.colloquial
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjObservant; alert; acute.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjQuick and alert.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjStrongly distinguishing or differentiating; acute.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjForming a small or tight angle; especially, forming an angle of less than ninety degrees.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjSteep; precipitous; abrupt.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjSaid of as extreme a value as possible.mathematics sciences
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjTactical; risky.board-games chess games
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjPiercing; keen; severe; painful.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjEager or keen in pursuit; impatient for gratification.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjFierce; ardent; fiery; violent; impetuous.obsolete
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjComposed of hard, angular grains; gritty.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjUttered in a whisper, or with the breath alone; aspirated; unvoiced.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesdated
sharp objectsharpEnglishadjHungry.obsolete
sharp objectsharpEnglishadvIn a sharp manner: a less usual alternative to sharply in certain senses. / To a point or edge.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadvIn a sharp manner: a less usual alternative to sharply in certain senses. / Piercingly.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadvIn a sharp manner: a less usual alternative to sharply in certain senses. / Eagerly.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadvIn a sharp manner: a less usual alternative to sharply in certain senses. / So as to make a sharp, or tight, angle.
sharp objectsharpEnglishadvExactly.not-comparable
sharp objectsharpEnglishadvIn a higher pitch than is correct or desirable.entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounThe symbol ♯, placed after the name of a note in the key signature or before a note on the staff to indicate that the note is to be played one chromatic semitone higher.entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounA note that is played one chromatic semitone higher than usual; denoted by the name of the note that is followed by the symbol ♯.entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounA note that is sharp in a particular key.entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounThe scale having a particular sharp note as its tonic.entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounSomething that is sharp. / A hypodermic syringe.medicine sciencesplural-normally
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounSomething that is sharp. / A scalpel or other edged instrument used in surgery.medicine sciencesdated plural-normally
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounSomething that is sharp. / A sharp object; any item pointed enough to injure human skin.government healthcare human-sciences medicine psychiatry psychology sciencesplural-normally
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounSomething that is sharp.plural-normally
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounA dishonest person; a cheater.
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounPart of a stream where the water runs very rapidly.
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounA sewing needle with a very slender point, more pointed than a blunt or a between.
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounFine particles of husk mixed with coarse particle of flour of cereals;
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounAn expert.dated slang
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounA sharpie (member of Australian gangs of the 1960s and 1970s).
sharp objectsharpEnglishnounAlternative form of sharpie (“type of fishing boat”)alt-of alternative
sharp objectsharpEnglishverbTo raise the pitch of a note half a step making a natural note a sharp.entertainment lifestyle music
sharp objectsharpEnglishverbTo play tricks in bargaining; to act the sharper.
sharp objectsharpEnglishverbTo sharpen.obsolete transitive
signatureサインJapanesenounsinemathematics sciences trigonometry
signatureサインJapanesenouna signature; an autograph
signatureサインJapanesenouna sign
signatureサインJapaneseverbto sign
skin conditionακμήGreeknounpeak / acme
skin conditionακμήGreeknounpeak / point, tip edge
skin conditionακμήGreeknounpeak / prosperity
skin conditionακμήGreeknounpeak / prime, peak, zenith
skin conditionακμήGreeknouncrisismedicine sciences
skin conditionακμήGreeknounacne, zitmedicine sciences
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounAn animal, especially a large or dangerous land vertebrate. / A domestic animal, especially a bovine farm animal.
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounAn animal, especially a large or dangerous land vertebrate. / All non-human animals seen as a group.collective often
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounAn animal, especially a large or dangerous land vertebrate. / A monstrously unusual and dangerous animal.
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounAn animal, especially a large or dangerous land vertebrate.
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounA person who behaves in a violent, antisocial or uncivilized manner.
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounAnything regarded as larger or more powerful than one of its normal size or strength.slang
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounSomeone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physically.slang
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounA sex offender.derogatory slang
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounSomething unpleasant and difficult.figuratively
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishnounA thing or matter, especially a difficult or unruly one.
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishverbTo impose arduous exercises, either as training or as punishment.government military politics warBritish
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishverbTo engage in sexual intercourse with, particularly in an illicit context.Scotland slang transitive
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physicallybeastEnglishadjgreat; excellent; powerfulslang
slang: to killcroakEnglishnounA faint, harsh sound made in the throat.
slang: to killcroakEnglishnounThe call of a frog or toad. (see also ribbit)
slang: to killcroakEnglishnounThe harsh call of various birds, such as the raven or corncrake, or other creatures.
slang: to killcroakEnglishverbTo make a croak.intransitive
slang: to killcroakEnglishverbTo utter in a low, hoarse voice.transitive
slang: to killcroakEnglishverbTo make its sound.intransitive
slang: to killcroakEnglishverbTo die.slang
slang: to killcroakEnglishverbTo kill someone or something.slang transitive
slang: to killcroakEnglishverbTo complain; especially, to grumble; to forebode evil; to utter complaints or forebodings habitually.
slang: to killcroakEnglishverbTo abort the current program indicating a user or caller error.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesslang
something or someone that is appreciated only after having initially been regarded as unappealing or unpleasantacquired tasteEnglishnounA taste which is not natural or innate, but which has developed through habit or learning.
something or someone that is appreciated only after having initially been regarded as unappealing or unpleasantacquired tasteEnglishnounSomething that is appreciated only after having initially been regarded as unappealing or unpleasant; a person who is regarded as difficult or dislikable but of whom at least some have grown to approve.idiomatic
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA raised stage from which speeches are made and on which musical and other performances are made.
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA raised floor for any purpose, e.g. for workmen during construction, or formerly for military cannon.
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA place or an opportunity to express one's opinion.figuratively
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounSomething that allows an enterprise to advance.figuratively
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA political stance on a broad set of issues, which are called planks.government politicsfiguratively
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA raised structure or other area alongside rails or a driveway alongside which vehicles stop to take in and discharge passengers.transport
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounEllipsis of platform shoe: a kind of high shoe with an extra layer between the inner and outer soles.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis in-plural
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounEllipsis of digital platform: a software system used to provide online services to clients, such as social media, e-commerce, cloud computing etc.Internet abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounEllipsis of computing platform: a particular type of operating system or environment such as a database or other specific software, and/or a particular type of computer or microprocessor, used to describe a particular environment for running other software.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounEllipsis of car platform: a set of components shared by several vehicle models.automotive transport vehiclesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA flat expanse of rock, often the result of wave erosion.geography geology natural-sciences
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA light deck, usually placed in a section of the hold or over the floor of the magazine.nautical transport
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounA plan; a sketch; a model; a pattern.obsolete
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishnounsidewalkMyanmar
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishverbTo furnish with or shape into a platformtransitive
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishverbTo place on, or as if on, a platform.transitive
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishverbTo place a train alongside a station platform.rail-transport railways transport
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishverbTo include in a political platformgovernment politicstransitive
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishverbTo publish or make visible; to provide a platform for (a topic etc.).transitive
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishverbTo open (a film) in a small number of theaters before a broader release in order to generate enthusiasm.broadcasting film media televisiontransitive
something that allows an enterprise to advance: foundation or stageplatformEnglishverbTo form a plan of; to model; to lay out.obsolete transitive
something vastvastnessEnglishnounThe quality of being vast.uncountable
something vastvastnessEnglishnounSomething vast.countable
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounA (male) ruler, a sovereign; a king, monarch.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounA female monarch.obsolete
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounSomeone who is preeminent in their field; a great person.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounThe (male) ruler or head of a principality.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounA male member of a royal family other than the ruler; especially (in the United Kingdom) the son or grandson of the monarch.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounA non-royal high title of nobility, especially in France and the Holy Roman Empire.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounA type of court card used in tarot cards, the equivalent of the jack.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounThe mushroom Agaricus augustus.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Rohana.
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishverbTo behave or act like a prince.intransitive often rare
son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarchprinceEnglishverbTo transform (someone) into a prince.rare transitive
sootsmutEnglishnounA flake of ash or soot.countable
sootsmutEnglishnounSexually vulgar material; something that is sexual in a dirty way; pornographic material.uncountable
sootsmutEnglishnounObscene language; ribaldry; obscenity.uncountable
sootsmutEnglishnounAny of a range of fungi, mostly Ustilaginomycetes, that cause plant disease in grasses, including cereal crops; the disease so caused.countable uncountable
sootsmutEnglishnounBad, soft coal containing earthy matter, found in the immediate locality of miningcountable uncountable
sootsmutEnglishnounA copper boiler.archaic countable slang
sootsmutEnglishverbTo stain (or be stained) with soot or other dirt.intransitive transitive
sootsmutEnglishverbTo taint (grain, etc.) with the smut fungus.transitive
sootsmutEnglishverbTo become tainted by the smut fungus.intransitive
sootsmutEnglishverbTo clear of the smut fungus.transitive
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA potato.informal
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA hole in a sock.informal
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA type of short nut (fastener) threaded on both construction manufacturing plumbing
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounAnything short and thick.obsolete
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA piece of dough boiled in fat.US dialectal obsolete
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA testicle.plural-normally slang
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA dagger.obsolete
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA digging fork with three broad prongs.
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA tool, similar to a spade, used for digging out weeds etc.
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA barking spud; a long-handled tool for removing bark from logs.
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA movable post through a sleeve in the hull of a work barge to anchor it to the bottom of a body of water.
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnounA short central rod in a lighting fixture, for attachment to the light.broadcasting film media television
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishverbTo dig up weeds with a spud.
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishverbTo begin drilling an oil well; to drill by moving the drill bit and shaft up and down, or by raising and dropping a bit.
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishverbTo remove the roofing aggregate and most of the bituminous top coating by scraping and construction manufacturing roofing
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishverbTo set up a recreational vehicle (RV) at a campsite, typically by leveling the RV and connecting it to electric, water, and/or sewer hookups.
spade-like tool used for digging out weedsspudEnglishnameA game for three or more players, involving the gradual elimination of players by throwing and catching a ball.
splinterstickaSwedishnouna (wood) splintercommon-gender
splinterstickaSwedishnouna knitting needlecommon-gender
splinterstickaSwedishverbto knit
splinterstickaSwedishverbto sting, prick
splinterstickaSwedishverbto stick, put
splinterstickaSwedishverbto go (somewhere), to leave (for some other place)colloquial
spoileltaantuaFinnishverbto become rancidintransitive
spoileltaantuaFinnishverbto become spoiledintransitive
sports: overcoming a substantial disadvantagecomebackEnglishnounA return (e.g. to popularity, success, etc.) after an extended period of obscurity or underperformance.
sports: overcoming a substantial disadvantagecomebackEnglishnounA retort or answer, particularly a quick or clever one.
sports: overcoming a substantial disadvantagecomebackEnglishnounAn occurrence of an athlete or sports team in a competition overcoming a substantial disadvantage in points to win or draw.hobbies lifestyle sports
sports: overcoming a substantial disadvantagecomebackEnglishverbMisspelling of come back.alt-of misspelling
stand with three short legstrivetEnglishnounA stand with three short legs, especially for cooking over a fire.
stand with three short legstrivetEnglishnounA stand, sometimes with short, stumpy feet, used to support hot dishes and protect a table; a coaster.
stand with three short legstrivetEnglishnounA weaver's knife used to cut out the wire that was used to form a pile.
state in MalaysiaPerakEnglishnameA state in western Malaysia. Capital: Ipoh.
state in MalaysiaPerakEnglishnameA large river in Perak, Malaysia.
state in MalaysiaPerakEnglishnameA cape in East Java, Indonesia.
state in MalaysiaPerakEnglishnameA district in East Java, Indonesia.
state in MalaysiaPerakEnglishnameA port in East Java, Indonesia.
state or season for such flowersblossomEnglishnounA flower, especially one indicating that a fruit tree is fruiting; (collectively) a mass of such flowers.countable uncountable
state or season for such flowersblossomEnglishnounThe state or season of producing such flowers.countable uncountable
state or season for such flowersblossomEnglishnounA blooming period or stage of development; something lovely that gives rich promise.countable figuratively uncountable
state or season for such flowersblossomEnglishnounThe colour of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs.countable uncountable
state or season for such flowersblossomEnglishverbTo have, or open into, blossoms; to bloom.intransitive
state or season for such flowersblossomEnglishverbTo begin to thrive or flourish.intransitive
stream of watercreekEnglishnounA small inlet or bay, often saltwater, narrower and extending farther into the land than a cove; a recess in the shore of the sea, or of a river; the inner part of a port that is used as a dock for small boats.British
stream of watercreekEnglishnounA stream of water (often freshwater) smaller than a river and larger than a brook; in Australia, also used of river-sized bodies of water.Australia Canada New-Zealand US
stream of watercreekEnglishnounAny turn or winding.
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameThe largest city in the state of New York and the largest city in the United States, a metropolis extending into neighboring New Jersey.
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameA state of the United States.
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameNew York County, a county of New York, coterminous with the Borough of Manhattan.
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameA former colony of England, from 1664 to 1707, and of Great Britain, from 1707 to 1776.historical
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameAn urban-type settlement in Toretsk urban hromada, Bakhmut Raion, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine (co-ordinates: 48°19′55″N 37°50′11″E).
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameA few places in England: / A village in Wildmore parish, East Lindsey district, Lincolnshire (OS grid ref TF2455).
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameA few places in England: / A settlement in Hartwith cum Winsley parish, Harrogate borough, North Yorkshire (OS grid ref SE1962).
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameA few places in England: / A suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire (OS grid ref SK4292).
suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, EnglandNew YorkEnglishnameA few places in England: / A suburban village in the Metropolitan Borough of North Tyneside, Tyne and Wear (OS grid ref NZ3270).
supporter of sovereignismsovereigntistEnglishnounA supporter of political independence for Quebec from Canada.government politicsCanada
supporter of sovereignismsovereigntistEnglishnounA supporter of sovereignism.
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo cut into something by clamping the teeth.transitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo hold something by clamping one's teeth.transitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo attack with the teeth.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo behave aggressively; to reject advances.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo take hold; to establish firm contact with.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo have significant effect, often negative.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo bite a baited hook or other lure and thus be caught.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo accept something offered, often secretly or deceptively, to cause some action by the acceptor.figuratively intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo sting.intransitive transitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo cause a smarting sensation; to have a property which causes such a sensation; to be pungent.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo cause sharp pain or damage to; to hurt or injure.figuratively sometimes transitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo cause sharp pain; to produce anguish; to hurt or injure; to have the property of so doing.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo take or keep a firm hold.intransitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo take hold of; to hold fast; to adhere to.transitive
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo lack quality; to be worthy of derision; to suck.intransitive slang
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo perform oral sex on. Used in invective.informal transitive vulgar
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo plagiarize, to imitate.intransitive slang
take holdbiteEnglishverbTo deceive or defraud; to take in.obsolete slang transitive
take holdbiteEnglishnounThe act of biting.countable uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounThe wound left behind after having been bitten.countable uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounThe swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting.countable uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounA piece of food of a size that would be produced by biting; a mouthful.countable uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounSomething unpleasant.countable slang uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounAn act of plagiarism.countable slang uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounA small meal or snack.countable uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounAggression.figuratively uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounThe hold which the short end of a lever has upon the thing to be lifted, or the hold which one part of a machine has upon another.countable uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounA cheat; a trick; a fraud.colloquial countable dated uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounA sharper; one who cheats.colloquial countable dated slang uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounA blank on the edge or corner of a page, owing to a portion of the frisket, or something else, intervening between the type and printing publishingcountable uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounA cut, a proportion of profits; an amount of money.countable slang uncountable
take holdbiteEnglishnounEllipsis of sound bite.broadcasting media televisionabbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
tareաբրաArmeniannountare, tare weight
tareաբրաArmeniannouncounterweight with which to measure tare weight (e.g., stones, weights, scales)
tasknakkiFinnishnounwiener, frankfurter, hot dog (type of sausage)
tasknakkiFinnishnounnakit silmillä (literally, wieners on the eyes) = pissed (heavily drunk)humorous idiomatic
tasknakkiFinnishnountrap for small fur animalsobsolete
tasknakkiFinnishnounjob, task, usually an unwanted onecolloquial
tasknakkiFinnishnounA particular card game.
territories where Catalan is spokenCatalan CountriesEnglishnameThe territories where Catalan is spoken, and these regions are Catalonia, Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands, the Aragon Strip and the Carxe (in Spain), the Northern Catalonia (in France), the Alghero (in Italy), and Andorra.
territories where Catalan is spokenCatalan CountriesEnglishnameA name given to the country that will be formed in a hypothetical and independent political union of all Catalan-speaking regions.
thanks tocourtesy ofEnglishprepthanks to.
thanks tocourtesy ofEnglishprepas given or allowed by
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounThe act of applying or laying on, in a literal sensecountable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounThe substance applied.countable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounThe act of applying as a means; the employment of means to accomplish an end; specific use.countable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounThe act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence.countable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounA computer program or the set of software that the end user perceives as a single entity as a tool for a well-defined purpose. (Also called: application program; application software.)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounA verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar.countable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounA petition, entreaty, or other request, with the adposition for denoting the subject matter.lawcountable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounThe act of requesting, claiming, or petitioning something.countable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounDiligence; close thought or attention.countable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounA kind of needlework; appliqué.countable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounThe substitution of a specific value for the parameter in the abstraction, in lambda calculus.computing computing-theory engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
the act of applying as a meansapplicationEnglishnounCompliance.countable obsolete uncountable
the provinceLampungEnglishnameA province of Indonesia.
the provinceLampungEnglishnameA lect of the Indonesian province of Lampung, which is either a language with two main dialects, or a macrolanguage encompassing two or three separate languages, including Abung.
the state of being unequal; differencedisparityEnglishnounThe state of being unequal; difference.uncountable
the state of being unequal; differencedisparityEnglishnounIncongruity.countable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounThe dimensions or magnitude of a thing; how big something is.countable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounA specific set of dimensions for a manufactured article, especially clothing.countable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounA number of edges in a graph.graph-theory mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounDegree of rank, ability, character, etc.countable dated figuratively uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounAn instrument consisting of a number of perforated gauges fastened together at one end by a rivet, used for measuring the size of pearlscountable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounShort for chili size (“hamburger served with chili con carne”).US abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounAn assize.countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounA regulation, piece of ordinance.countable obsolete uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounA regulation determining the amount of money paid in fees, taxes etc.countable obsolete uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounA fixed standard for the magnitude, quality, quantity etc. of goods, especially food and drink.countable obsolete uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo adjust the size of; to make a certain size.transitive
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo classify or arrange by size. / To take the height of men, in order to place them in the ranks according to their stature.government military politics wartransitive
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo classify or arrange by size. / To sift (pieces of ore or metal) in order to separate the finer from the coarser miningtransitive
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo approximate the dimensions, estimate the size of.colloquial transitive
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo take a greater size; to increase in size.intransitive
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo order food or drink from the buttery; hence, to enter a score, as upon the buttery book.UK obsolete
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo swell; to increase the bulk of.obsolete transitive
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounA thin, weak glue used as primer for paper or canvas intended to be painted upon.countable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounWallpaper paste.countable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounThe thickened crust on coagulated blood.countable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounAny viscous substance, such as gilder's varnish.countable uncountable
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishverbTo apply glue or other primer to a surface which is to be painted.transitive
thin, weak glue intended to be painted uponsizeEnglishnounAlternative form of sice (“number six in dice games”)alt-of alternative
thoughtful; preoccupiedbemusedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of bemuseform-of participle past
thoughtful; preoccupiedbemusedEnglishadjdeeply thoughtful; preoccupied
thoughtful; preoccupiedbemusedEnglishadjperplexed and bewildered
to alleviateallayEnglishverbTo make quiet or put at rest; to pacify or appease; to quell; to calm.transitive
to alleviateallayEnglishverbTo alleviate; to abate; to mitigate.transitive
to alleviateallayEnglishverbTo subside, abate, become peaceful.intransitive obsolete
to alleviateallayEnglishverbTo mix (metals); to mix with a baser metal; to alloy; to deteriorate.archaic
to alleviateallayEnglishverbTo make worse by the introduction of inferior elements.archaic broadly
to alleviateallayEnglishnounAlleviation; abatement; check.
to alleviateallayEnglishnounAn alloy.obsolete
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishnounThe protruding part of an animal's head which includes the nose, mouth and jaws.
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishnounA person's mouth.broadly derogatory slang
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishnounA device used to prevent an animal from biting or eating, which is worn on its snout.
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishnounThe mouth or the end for entrance or discharge of a gun, pistol etc., that the bullet emerges firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishnounA piece of the forward end of the plow-beam by which the traces are attached.Scotland
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishnounAn openwork covering for the nose, used for the defense of the horse, and forming part of the bards in the 15th and 16th centuries.historical obsolete
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishverbTo bind or confine an animal's mouth by putting a muzzle, as to prevent it from eating or biting.transitive
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishverbTo restrain (from speaking, expressing opinion or acting); to gag; to silence; to censor.figuratively transitive
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishverbTo veil, mask, muffle.obsolete transitive
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishverbTo fondle with the closed mouth; to nuzzle.obsolete transitive
to apply a muzzlemuzzleEnglishverbTo bring the muzzle or mouth near.intransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounThe amount of money levied for a service.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA ground attack against a prepared enemy.government military politics warcountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA forceful forward movement.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounAn accusation. / An official description (by the police or a court) of a crime that somebody may be guilty of.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounAn accusation. / An accusation by a person or organization.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounAn electric charge.chemistry electrical-engineering electromagnetism engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounThe scope of someone's responsibility.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounSomeone or something entrusted to one's care, such as a child to a babysitter or a student to a teacher.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA load or burden; cargo.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounAn instruction.countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA propertycountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounAn offensive foul in which the player with the ball moves into a stationary defender.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA measured amount of powder and/or shot in a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA measured amount of explosive.broadly countable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounAn image displayed on an escutcheon.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA position (of a weapon) fitted for government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA sort of plaster or ointment.farriery hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportscountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounWeight; import; value.countable obsolete uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounA measure of thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds; a charre.countable historical obsolete uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounAn address given at a church service concluding a visitation.ecclesiastical lifestyle religioncountable uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishnounCannabis.slang uncountable
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo assign a duty or responsibility to.
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo assign (a debit) to an account.transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo require payment (of) (a price or fee, for goods, services, etc.).intransitive transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo pay on account, as by using a credit card.US transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo sell (something) at a given price.dated transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo formally accuse (a person) of a crime.government law-enforcementtransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo mortgage (a property).law propertytransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo impute or ascribe.
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo call to account; to challenge.
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in. / To ornament with or cause to bear.transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in. / To assume as a bearing.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicstransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in. / To add to or represent on.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicstransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo place a burden, load or responsibility on or in.transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials. / To cause to take on an electric charge.transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials. / To replenish energy to (a battery, or a device containing a battery) by use of an electrical device plugged into a power outlet.transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials. / To replenish energy.intransitive transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials.transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback. / To attack by moving forward quickly in a group.government military politics warintransitive transitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback. / To commit a charging foul.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback. / To take a few steps down the pitch towards the bowler as they deliver the ball, either to disrupt the length of the delivery, or to get into a better position to hit the ball.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback.intransitive
to assign a debit to an accountchargeEnglishverbTo lie on the belly and be still. (A command given by a hunter to a dog)transitive
to assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubtreassureEnglishverbTo assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubt.transitive
to assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubtreassureEnglishverbTo reinsure.transitive
to be bothered反車Chineseverbto be bothered all the timeXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien verb-object
to be bothered反車Chineseverbto reverse a decisionXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien verb-object
to be bothered反車Chineseverbto overturn (of a car)Cantonese Taiwanese-Hokkien verb-object
to become quietsettle downEnglishverbTo make or become quiet and calm after a period of disturbance or restlessness.intransitive transitive
to become quietsettle downEnglishverbTo establish a settled lifestyle for oneself, especially by marrying.intransitive
to become quietsettle downEnglishverbTo grow comfortable and familiar with one's new accommodation or circumstances.intransitive
to blushlehahtaaFinnishverbto flush, take wing; usually with lentoon (“to flight”) (to take suddenly to flight, especially from cover)intransitive
to blushlehahtaaFinnishverbto waftintransitive
to blushlehahtaaFinnishverbto blush; with punaiseksi (“to red”)intransitive
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo ease (a person, person's thoughts etc.) from mental distress; to stop (someone) feeling anxious or worried, to alleviate the distress of.transitive
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo ease (someone, a part of the body etc.) or give relief from physical pain or discomfort.transitive
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo alleviate (pain, distress, mental discomfort etc.).transitive
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo provide comfort or assistance to (someone in need, especially in poverty).transitive
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo lift up; to raise again.obsolete
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo raise (someone) out of danger or from (a specified difficulty etc.).archaic
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo free (someone) from debt or legal obligations; to give legal relief
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo bring military help to (a besieged town); to lift the siege on.transitive
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo release (someone) from or of a difficulty, unwanted task, responsibility etc.
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo free (someone) from their post, task etc. by taking their place.
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo make (something) stand out; to make prominent, bring into relief.archaic
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo urinate or defecate.euphemistic reflexive
to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the siege onrelieveEnglishverbTo ease one's own desire to orgasm, often through masturbation to orgasm.euphemistic reflexive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounThe act of seizing or capturing.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounThe act of catching an object in motion, especially a ball.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounThe act of noticing, understanding or hearing.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounThe game of catching a ball.uncountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounSomething which is captured or caught.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA find, in particular a boyfriend or girlfriend or prospective spouse.broadly colloquial countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA stopping mechanism, especially a clasp which stops something from opening.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA hesitation in voice, caused by strong emotion.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA concealed difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA crick; a sudden muscle pain during unaccustomed positioning when the muscle is in use.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA fragment of music or poetry.countable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA state of readiness to capture or seize; an ambush.countable obsolete uncountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA crop which has germinated and begun to grow.agriculture business lifestylecountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA type of strong boat, usually having two masts; a ketch.countable obsolete uncountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA type of humorous round in which the voices gradually catch up with one another; usually sung by men and often having bawdy lyrics.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounThe refrain; a line or lines of a song which are repeated from verse to verse.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounThe act of catching a hit ball before it reaches the ground, resulting in an out.ball-games baseball cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA player in respect of his catching ability; particularly one who catches well.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounThe first contact of an oar with the water.hobbies lifestyle rowing sportscountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA stoppage of breath, resembling a slight cough.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencescountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounPassing opportunities seized; snatches.countable uncountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishnounA slight remembrance; a trace.countable uncountable
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To capture or snare (someone or something which would rather escape).headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To entrap or trip up a person; to deceive.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To marry or enter into a similar relationship with.headingdated figuratively transitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To reach (someone) with a strike, blow, weapon etc.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To overtake or catch up to; to be in time for.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To unpleasantly discover unexpectedly; to unpleasantly surprise (someone doing something).headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To travel by means of.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo capture, overtake. / To become pregnant. (Only in past tense or as participle.)headingrare transitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To grab, seize, take hold of.headingdated transitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To take or replenish something necessary, such as breath or sleep.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To grip or entangle.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To be held back or impeded.headingintransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To engage with some mechanism; to stick, to succeed in interacting with something or initiating some process.headingintransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To have something be held back or impeded.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To make a grasping or snatching motion (at).headingintransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To spread or be conveyed to.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To grip (the water) with one's oars at the beginning of the stroke.heading hobbies lifestyle rowing sportstransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To germinate and set down roots.agriculture business heading lifestyleintransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To contact a wave in such a way that one can ride it back to shore.heading hobbies lifestyle sports surfingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize hold of. / To handle an exception.computing engineering heading mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo intercept. / To seize or intercept an object moving through the air (or, sometimes, some other medium).headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo intercept. / To seize (an opportunity) when it occurs.headingarchaic transitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo intercept. / To end a player's innings by catching a hit ball before the first bounce.ball-games cricket games heading hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo intercept. / To play (a specific period of time) as the catcher.ball-games baseball games heading hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive transitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To be the victim of (something unpleasant, painful etc.).headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To be touched or affected by (something) through exposure.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To become infected by (an illness).headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To spread by infection or similar means.headingintransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To receive or be affected by (wind, water, fire etc.).headingintransitive transitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To acquire, as though by infection; to take on through sympathy or infection.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To be hit by something.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To serve well or poorly for catching, especially for catching fish.headingintransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo receive (by being in the way). / To get pregnant.headingintransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo take in with one's senses or intellect. / To grasp mentally: perceive and understand.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo take in with one's senses or intellect. / To take in; to watch or listen to (an entertainment).headinginformal transitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo take in with one's senses or intellect. / To reproduce or echo a spirit or idea faithfully.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize attention, interest. / To charm or entrance.headingtransitive
to capture or snarecatchEnglishverbTo seize attention, interest. / To attract and hold (a faculty or organ of sense).headingtransitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbEspecially of a liquid, to become solid due to low temperature.copulative intransitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo lower something's temperature to the point that it freezes or becomes hard.transitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo drop to a temperature below zero degrees celsius, where water turns to ice.intransitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo be affected by extreme cold.informal intransitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverb(of machines and software) To come to a sudden halt, stop working (functioning).intransitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverb(of people and other animals) To stop (become motionless) or be stopped due to attentiveness, fear, surprise, etc.intransitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo cause someone to become motionless.transitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling; to shut out; to ostracize.figuratively
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill.
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo prevent the movement or liquidation of a person's financial assetstransitive
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbOf prices, spending etc., to keep at the same level, without any increase.
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishverbTo prevent from showing any visible change.Internet
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishnounA period of intensely cold weather.
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishnounA halt of a regular operation.
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishnounThe state when either a single computer program, or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishnounA precise draw weight shot where a delivered stone comes to a stand-still against a stationary stone, making it nearly impossible to knock out.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishnounA block on pay rises or on the hiring of new employees finance
to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heatfreezeEnglishnounObsolete form of frieze.alt-of obsolete
to cause to begin to burnset alightEnglishverbTo cause (something) to begin to burn.transitive
to cause to begin to burnset alightEnglishverbTo arouse passion in (someone); to excite.figuratively transitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounThe high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounEnergy; vigor; vim.informal
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounA zip fastener.Australia British New-Zealand
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounZero; nothing.slang
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounA trip on a zipline.
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounA zip file.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounSynonym of convolution (“type of mapping function”)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounAn ounce of marijuana.slang
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishintjImitative of high-pitched sound of a small object moving rapidly through air.onomatopoeic
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo close with a zip fastener.transitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo close as if with a zip fastener.figuratively transitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo subject to the convolution mapping function.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencestransitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo move rapidly (in a specified direction or to a specified place) with a high-pitched sound.intransitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo move in haste (in a specified direction or to a specified place).colloquial intransitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo make (something) move quicklytransitive
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishverbTo travel on a zipline.
to close as if with a zip fastenerzipEnglishnounEllipsis of zip code.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
to convert energytransduceEnglishverbTo convert energy from one form to anothertransitive
to convert energytransduceEnglishverbTo transfer or copy genetic material from one cell or virus into another.biology natural-sciencestransitive
to convert energytransduceEnglishverbTo transfer or convert information from one form or medium to another.informationtransitive
to enlarge without adding new matterrarefyEnglishverbTo make rare, thin, porous, or less dense.transitive
to enlarge without adding new matterrarefyEnglishverbTo become rare, thin or less dense.intransitive
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishverbTo remove.
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishverbTo escort someone on a date.
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishverbTo immobilize with force; to subdue; to incapacitate.idiomatic
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishverbTo obtain by application by a legal or other official process.transitive
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishverbTo kill or destroy.idiomatic slang
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishverbTo stun, amaze; to kill.idiomatic slang
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishverbTo win a sporting event, competition, premiership, etc.colloquial
to escort someone on a datetake outEnglishnounMisspelling of takeout.alt-of misspelling
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To move forward quickly upon two feet by alternately making a short jump off either foot. (Compare walk.)intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To go at a fast pace; to move quickly.intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To cause to move quickly or lightly.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To compete in a race.intransitive transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To transport (someone or something), notionally at a brisk pace.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / Of a means of transportation: to travel (a route).intransitive transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To transit a length of a river, as in whitewater rafting.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / Of fish, to migrate for spawning.intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To carry (a football) down the field, as opposed to passing or kicking.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To achieve or perform by running or as if by running.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To flee from a danger or towards help.intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To pass (without stopping), typically a stop signal, stop sign, or duty to yield the right of way.figuratively transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To juggle a pattern continuously, as opposed to starting and stopping quickly.arts hobbies juggling lifestyle performing-arts sportscolloquial transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo flow. / Of a liquid, to flow.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo flow. / To move or spread quickly.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfiguratively intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo flow. / Of an object, to have a liquid flowing from it.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo flow. / To make a liquid flow; to make liquid flow from or into an object.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicstransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo flow. / To become liquid; to melt.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo flow. / To leak or spread in an undesirable fashion; to bleed (especially used of dye or paint).chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo flow. / To fuse; to shape; to mould; to cast.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo sail before the wind, in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled.nautical transport
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo control or manage; to be in charge of.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo be a candidate in an election.intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo make participate in certain kinds of competitions. / To make run in a race.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo make participate in certain kinds of competitions. / To make run in an election.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo exert continuous activity; to proceed.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo be presented in the media.intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo print or broadcast in the media.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo smuggle (illegal goods).transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo sort through a large volume of produce in quality control.agriculture business lifestyletransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To extend in space or through a range (often with a measure phrase).intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To extend in time, to last, to continue (usually with a measure phrase).intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To make something extend in space.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / Of a machine, including computer programs, to be operating or working normally.intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To make a machine operate.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo execute or carry out a plan, procedure, or program.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo pass or go quickly in thought or conversation.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo become different in a way mentioned (usually to become worse).copulative
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo cost an amount of money.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbOf stitches or stitched clothing, to unravel.intransitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo cause stitched clothing to unravel.transitive
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo pursue in thought; to carry in contemplation.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo cause to enter; to thrust.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo drive or force; to cause, or permit, to be driven.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo cause to be drawn; to mark out; to indicate; to determine.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo encounter or incur (a danger or risk).
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo put at hazard; to venture; to risk.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo tease with sarcasms and ridicule.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo sew (a seam) by passing the needle through material in a continuous line, generally taking a series of stitches on the needle at the same time.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo control or have precedence in a card game.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo be in form thus, as a combination of words.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo be popularly known; to be generally received.archaic
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo have growth or development.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo tend, as to an effect or consequence; to incline.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo have a legal course; to be attached; to continue in force, effect, or operation; to follow; to go in company.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo encounter or suffer (a particular, usually bad, fate or misfortune).
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo strike (the ball) in such a way as to cause it to run along the ground, as when approaching a hobbies lifestyle sports
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbTo eject from a game or match.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsespecially
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounAct or instance of running, of moving rapidly using the feet.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounAct or instance of hurrying (to or from a place) (not necessarily on foot); dash or errand, trip.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA pleasure trip.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounFlight, instance or period of fleeing.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounMigration (of fish).
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA group of fish that migrate, or ascend a river for the purpose of spawning.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A (regular) trip or route.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / The route taken while running or skiing.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A single trip down a hill, as in skiing and bobsledding.hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / The distance sailed by a ship.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A voyage.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A trial.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / The execution of a program or modelcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A playthrough, or attempted playthrough; a session of
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounUnrestricted use. Only used in have the run of.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounAn enclosure for an animal; a track or path along which something can travel.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA rural landholding for farming, usually for running sheep, and operated by a runholder.Australia New-Zealand
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounState of being current; currency; popularity.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A continuous period (of time) marked by a trend; a period marked by a continuing trend.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A series of tries in a game that were successful.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A production quantity (such as in a factory).
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / The period of showing of a play, film, TV series, etc.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A period of extended (usually daily) drug use.slang
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A sequence of cards in a suit in a card game.card-games games
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A rapid passage in music, especially along a scale.entertainment lifestyle music
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA flow of liquid; a leak.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA small creek or part thereof. (Compare Southern US branch and New York and New England brook.)Pennsylvania Virginia West
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA quick pace, faster than a walk.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA quick pace, faster than a walk. / A fast gallop.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA sudden series of demands on a bank or other financial institution, especially characterised by great withdrawals.banking business
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounAny sudden large demand for something.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounVarious horizontal dimensions or surfaces / The top of a step on a staircase, also called a tread, as opposed to the rise.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounVarious horizontal dimensions or surfaces / The horizontal length of a set of stairs
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounVarious horizontal dimensions or surfaces / Horizontal dimension of a construction manufacturing
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA standard or unexceptional group or category.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounIn sports / A score when a runner touches all bases legally; the act of a runner scoring.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounIn sports / The act of passing from one wicket to another; the point scored for this.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounIn sports / A running play.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounIn sports / The movement communicated to a golf ball by running hobbies lifestyle sports
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounIn sports / The distance a ball travels after touching the ground from a hobbies lifestyle sports
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounIn sports / The distance drilled with a bit, in oil drilling.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA line of knit stitches that have unravelled, particularly in a nylon stocking.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounThe stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve upward and inward.nautical transport
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounThe horizontal distance to which a drift may be carried, either by licence of the proprietor of a mine or by the nature of the formation; also, the direction which a vein of ore or other substance mining
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishnounA pair or set of millstones.
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishadjIn a liquid state; melted or molten.not-comparable
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishadjCast in a mould.not-comparable
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishadjExhausted; depleted (especially with "down" or "out").not-comparable
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishadjTravelled, migrated; having made a migration or a spawning run.not-comparable
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishadjSmuggled.not-comparable
to flee away from a danger or towards helprunEnglishverbpast participle of rinform-of participle past
to grant freedom from servitudeenfranchiseEnglishverbTo grant the franchise to an entity, specifically: / To grant the privilege of voting to a person or group of people.transitive
to grant freedom from servitudeenfranchiseEnglishverbTo grant the franchise to an entity, specifically: / To grant municipal or parliamentary rights to an entity such as a city or constituency.transitive
to grant freedom from servitudeenfranchiseEnglishverbTo grant the franchise to an entity, specifically: / To grant freedom from slavery, duty or servitude.transitive
to grant freedom from servitudeenfranchiseEnglishverbto convert a copyhold estate into a freehold estatelaw propertyEngland Wales historical
to grieve (poetic)moanEnglishnouna low, mournful cry of pain, sorrow or pleasure
to grieve (poetic)moanEnglishverbTo complain about; to bemoan, to bewail; to mourn.archaic transitive
to grieve (poetic)moanEnglishverbTo grieve.intransitive poetic
to grieve (poetic)moanEnglishverbTo make a moan or similar sound.intransitive
to grieve (poetic)moanEnglishverbTo say in a moan, or with a moaning voice.transitive
to grieve (poetic)moanEnglishverbTo complain; to grumble.colloquial intransitive
to grieve (poetic)moanEnglishverbTo distress (someone); to sadden.obsolete transitive
to hammer into shapeChinesecharacterhammer
to hammer into shapeChinesecharactermace (weapon)
to hammer into shapeChinesecharacterto hammer into shape; to forgefiguratively literally
to hammer into shapeChinesecharacterproofMainland-China neologism slang
to hammer into shapeChinesecharacteran ancient unit of weighthistorical
to hammer into shapeChinesecharactera surname: Chui
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounA small cut in a surface. / A particular place or point considered as marked by a nick; the exact point or critical moment.archaic
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounA small cut in a surface. / A notch cut crosswise in the shank of a type, to assist a compositor in placing it properly in the stick, and in printing publishingdated
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounSenses connoting something small. / A small deflection of the ball off the edge of the bat, often going to the wicket-keeper for a catch.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounSenses connoting something small. / One of the single-stranded DNA segments produced during nick translation.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounSenses connoting something small. / The point where the wall of the court meets the floor.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports squash
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounOften in the expressions in bad nick and in good nick: condition, state.Australia British Commonwealth Ireland New-Zealand colloquial
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounA police station or prison.government law-enforcementAustralia British Commonwealth Ireland New-Zealand slang
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo make a nick or notch in; to cut or scratch in a minor way. / To make ragged or uneven, as by cutting nicks or notches in; to deface, to mar.transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo make a nick or notch in; to cut or scratch in a minor way. / To make a crosscut or cuts on the underside of (the tail of a horse, in order to make the animal carry it higher).rare transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo make a nick or notch in; to cut or scratch in a minor way.transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo fit into or suit, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with. / To hit at, or in, the nick; to touch rightly; to strike at the precise point or time.figuratively obsolete sometimes transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo fit into or suit, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with. / To hit the ball with the edge of the bat and produce a fine deflection.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsobsolete transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo fit into or suit, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with. / To throw or turn up (a number when playing dice); to hit gamingobsolete transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo make a cut at the side of the miningtransitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo steal.Australia British Commonwealth Ireland New-Zealand slang transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo arrest.government law-enforcementAustralia British Commonwealth Ireland New-Zealand slang transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounClipping of nickname.Internet abbreviation alt-of clipping
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishverbTo give or call (someone) by a nickname; to style.obsolete transitive
to make a nick or notch innickEnglishnounA nix or nixie (“water spirit”).archaic
to make a predictionpresageEnglishnounA warning of a future event; an omen.
to make a predictionpresageEnglishnounAn intuition of a future event; a presentiment.
to make a predictionpresageEnglishverbTo predict or foretell something.transitive
to make a predictionpresageEnglishverbTo make a prediction.intransitive
to make a predictionpresageEnglishverbTo have a presentiment of; to feel beforehand; to foreknow.transitive
to make rare etc.rarefyEnglishverbTo make rare, thin, porous, or less dense.transitive
to make rare etc.rarefyEnglishverbTo become rare, thin or less dense.intransitive
to naturally furnishendowEnglishverbTo give property to (someone) as a gift; specifically, to provide (a person or institution) with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits.transitive
to naturally furnishendowEnglishverbTo enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality.transitive
to naturally furnishendowEnglishverbTo naturally furnish (with something).transitive
to naturally furnishendowEnglishverbTo provide with a dower (“the portion that a widow receives from her deceased husband's property”) or a dowry (“property given to a bride”).transitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishverbTo beat severely; to thrash.transitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishverbTo beat or overcome thoroughly, to defeat heavily; especially (games, sports) to win against (someone) by a wide margin.transitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishverbTo chastise or punish physically or verbally; to scold with abusive language.transitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishverbTo punish by bringing a lawsuit against; to sue.British regional transitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishnounAn act of trouncing: a severe beating, a thrashing; a thorough defeat.
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishverbTo walk heavily or with some difficulty; to tramp, to trudge.British dialectal intransitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishverbTo pass across or over; to traverse.British dialectal intransitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishverbTo travel quickly over a long distance.British dialectal intransitive
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishnounA walk involving some difficulty or effort; a trek, a tramp, a trudge.British dialectal
to punish by bringing a lawsuit against — see also suetrounceEnglishnounA journey involving quick travel; also, one that is dangerous or laborious.British dialectal
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjBeautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality.archaic literary
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjUnblemished (figuratively or literally); clean and pure; innocent.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjLight in color, pale, particularly with regard to skin tone but also referring to blond hair.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjJust, equitable.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjAdequate, reasonable, or decent, but not excellent.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjFavorable to a ship's course.nautical transport
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjFavorable, pleasant. / Not overcast; cloudless; clear.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjFavorable, pleasant. / Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unencumbered; open; direct; said of a road, passage, etc.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjFavorable, pleasant.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjWithout sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; flowing; said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other manufacturing shipbuilding
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjBetween the baselines.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjTaken direct from an opponent's foot, without the ball touching the ground or another player.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sports
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjNot a no ball.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadjOf a coin or die, having equal chance of landing on any side, unbiased.mathematics sciences statistics
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounSomething which is fair (in various senses of the adjective).
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounA woman, a member of the ‘fair sex’; also as a collective singular, women.obsolete
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounFairness, beauty.obsolete
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounA fair woman; a sweetheart.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounGood fortune; good luck.obsolete
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishverbTo smoothen or even a surface (especially a connection or junction on a surface).transitive
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishverbTo bring into perfect alignment (especially about rivet holes when connecting structural members).transitive
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishverbTo make an animation smooth, removing any artstransitive
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishverbTo construct or design with the aim of producing a smooth outline or reducing air drag or water resistance.transitive
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishverbTo make fair or beautiful.obsolete transitive
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishadvClearly, openly, frankly, civilly, honestly, favorably, auspiciously, agreeably.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounA community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounAn event for public entertainment and trade, a market.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounAn event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business, a trade fair.
to reduce air drag or water resistancefairEnglishnounA travelling amusement park (called a funfair in British English and a (travelling) carnival in US English).
to rush someone, to hurry up on someonemagkaskasBikol Centralverbto pick up speed
to rush someone, to hurry up on someonemagkaskasBikol Centralverbto speed up; to make something fast; to step up (when working, walking etc.)
to rush someone, to hurry up on someonemagkaskasBikol Centralverbto rush someone; to hurry up on someone
to settle oneself into a mode of thinkingdomiciliateEnglishverbTo establish a permanent residence.intransitive
to settle oneself into a mode of thinkingdomiciliateEnglishverbTo establish a permanent residence for (someone).transitive
to settle oneself into a mode of thinkingdomiciliateEnglishverbTo settle (oneself) into a mode of thinking or the like.figuratively transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounA (usually self-sustaining) chemical reaction involving the bonding of oxygen with carbon or other fuel, with the production of heat and the presence of flame or smouldering.uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounAn instance of this chemical reaction, especially when intentionally created and maintained in a specific location to a useful end (such as a campfire or a hearth fire).countable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounThe occurrence, often accidental, of fire in a certain place, causing damage and danger.countable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounThe aforementioned chemical reaction of burning, considered one of the Classical elements or basic elements of alchemy.alchemy human-sciences philosophy pseudoscience sciencesuncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounA heater or stove used in place of a real fire (such as an electric fire).British countable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounThe elements necessary to start a fire.countable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounThe bullets or other projectiles fired from a gun or other ranged weapon.uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounA planned bombardment by artillery or similar weapons, or the capability to deliver such.countable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounA firearm.countable slang
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounA barrage, volleycountable figuratively
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounAn instance of firing one or more rocket engines.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounStrength of passion, whether love or hate.countable uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounLiveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral enthusiasm.countable uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounSplendour; brilliancy; lustre; hence, a star.countable uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounA severe trial; anything inflaming or provoking.countable uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishnounRed coloration in a piece of opal.countable uncountable
to terminate the employment offireEnglishadjAmazing; excellent.not-comparable predicative slang
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo set (something, often a building) on fire.transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo heat as with fire, but without setting on fire, as ceramic, metal objects, etc.transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo drive away by setting a fire.transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo terminate the employment contract of (an employee), especially for cause (such as misconduct or poor performance).transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo terminate a contract with a client; to drop a client.broadly transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo shoot (a gun, rocket/missile, or analogous device).transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo shoot a gun, cannon, or similar weapon.intransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo operate a rocket engine to produce thrust.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo set off an explosive in a miningtransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo shoot; to attempt to score a goal.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo cause an action potential in a cell.medicine physiology sciencesintransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo forcibly direct (something).transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo initiate an event (by means of an event handler).computer-sciences computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareintransitive transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo inflame; to irritate, as the passions.transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo be irritated or inflamed with passion.dated intransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo animate; to give life or spirit to.
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo feed or serve the fire of.
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo light up as if by fire; to illuminate.transitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo cauterize.farriery hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportstransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo catch fire; to be kindled.dated intransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishverbTo work as a fireman, one who keeps the fire under a steam boiler on a steam-powered ship or train.dated intransitive
to terminate the employment offireEnglishintjCommand to shoot with firearms.
toforehereforeEnglishadvFor this reason; on this account; therefore.formal not-comparable
toforehereforeEnglishadvObsolete spelling of herefor.alt-of not-comparable obsolete
translate into SpanishHispanicizeEnglishverbTo make Spanish, as to customs, culture, pronunciation, or style.transitive
translate into SpanishHispanicizeEnglishverbTo translate into Spanish.transitive
transport system or vehicle in such systemscommuterEnglishnounOne who commutes (etymology 1).
transport system or vehicle in such systemscommuterEnglishnounA person who regularly travels between two places. / To and from work and home.transportCanada UK US
transport system or vehicle in such systemscommuterEnglishnounA person who regularly travels between two places. / Using public transport.transportPhilippines
transport system or vehicle in such systemscommuterEnglishnounNormally a short form of commuter rail, commuter train or commuter bus; A transport system or a vehicle in such systems used to transport commuters (#2)transport
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo clean with water.
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo move or erode by the force of water in motion.transitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo separate valuable material (such as gold) from worthless material by the action of flowing mining
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo clean oneself with water.intransitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo cover with water or any liquid; to wet; to fall on and moisten.transitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo move with a lapping or swashing sound; to lap or splash.intransitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo be eroded or carried away by the action of water.intransitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo be cogent, convincing; to withstand critique.figuratively intransitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo bear without injury the operation of being washed.intransitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo be wasted or worn away by the action of water, as by a running or overflowing stream, or by the dashing of the sea; said of road, a beach, etc.intransitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo cover with a thin or watery coat of colour; to tint lightly and thinly.
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo overlay with a thin coat of metal.
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo cause dephosphorization of (molten pig iron) by adding substances containing iron oxide, and sometimes manganese oxide.transitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishverbTo pass (a gas or gaseous mixture) through or over a liquid for the purpose of purifying it, especially by removing soluble constituents.transitive
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe process or an instance of washing or being washed by water or other liquid.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA liquid used for washing.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA lotion or other liquid with medicinal or hygienic properties.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe quantity of clothes washed at a time.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA smooth and translucent painting created using a paintbrush holding a large amount of solvent and a small amount of artscountable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe breaking of waves on the shore; the onwards rush of shallow water towards a beach.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe bow wave, wake, or vortex of an object moving in a fluid, in particular: / The bow wave or wake of a moving ship, or the vortex from its screws.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe bow wave, wake, or vortex of an object moving in a fluid, in particular: / The turbulence left in the air by a moving airplane.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe bow wave, wake, or vortex of an object moving in a fluid, in particular: / The backward current or disturbed water caused by the action of oars, or of a steamer's screw or paddles, etc.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe blade of an oar.nautical transportcountable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounGround washed away to the sea or a river.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA piece of ground washed by the action of water, or sometimes covered and sometimes left dry; the shallowest part of a river, or arm of the sea; also, a bog; a marsh.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA shallow body of water.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounIn arid and semi-arid regions, the normally dry bed of an intermittent or ephemeral stream; an arroyo or wadi.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA situation in which losses and gains or advantages and disadvantages are equivalent; a situation in which there is no net change.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA fictitious kind of sale of stock or other securities between parties of one interest, or by a broker who is both buyer and seller, and who minds his own interest rather than that of his financecountable slang uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounWaste liquid, the refuse of food, the collection from washed dishes, etc., from a kitchen, often used as food for pigs; pigwash.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounIn distilling, the fermented wort before the spirit is extracted.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA mixture of dunder, molasses, water, and scummings, used in the West Indies for distillation.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA thin coat of paint or metal laid on anything for beauty or preservation.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounTen strikes, or bushels, of oysters.countable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounThe upper surface of a member or material when given a slope to shed water; hence, a structure or receptacle shaped so as to receive and carry off water.architecturecountable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA lighting effect that fills a scene with a chosen colour.broadcasting media televisioncountable uncountable
turbulence left by airplanewashEnglishnounA lighting fixture that can cast a wide beam of light to evenly fill an area with light, as opposed to a spotlight.countable uncountable
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishnounThe income returned by an investment.countable uncountable
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishnounThe total income received from a given source.countable uncountable
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishnounAll income generated for some political entity's treasury by taxation and other means.countable uncountable
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishnounThe total sales; turnover.accounting business financecountable uncountable
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishnounThe net income from normal business operations; net sales.accounting business financecountable uncountable
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishnounA return; something paid back.countable figuratively uncountable
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishverbTo generate revenue.intransitive
turnover, total salesrevenueEnglishverbTo supply with revenue.transitive
twice a weekbiweeklyEnglishadjOccurring once every two weeks; fortnightly.not-comparable
twice a weekbiweeklyEnglishadjOccurring twice a week.not-comparable
twice a weekbiweeklyEnglishadvEvery two weeks.not-comparable
twice a weekbiweeklyEnglishadvTwice a week (but see the Usage notes).not-comparable
twice a weekbiweeklyEnglishnounSomething that is published or released once every two weeks.
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounA cat that lives in the wilderness, specifically / Felis silvestris, a common small Old World wild cat somewhat larger than a house cat.UK
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounA cat that lives in the wilderness, specifically / A bobcat (Lynx rufus) or other similar New World species of lynx.US
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounA cat that lives in the wilderness, specifically / Any feral cat.
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounA cat that lives in the wilderness, specifically / Alternative spelling of wild cat, any undomesticated felid, as tigers or lions.alt-of alternative uncommon
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounA person who acts like a wildcat, (usually) a violent and easily-angered person or a sexually vigorous one.figuratively
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounAn offensive formation with an unbalanced line and a snap directly to the running back rather than the quarterback.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounA wheel that can be adjusted so as to revolve either with or on the shaft of a capstan.nautical transport
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounClipping of wildcat firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryabbreviation alt-of clipping
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounClipping of wildcat strike, a strike undertaken without authorization from the relevant trade union.abbreviation alt-of clipping uncommon
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishnounClipping of wildcat money, notes issued by a wildcat bank.abbreviation alt-of clipping obsolete
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishadjOf or concerning businesses operating outside standard or legitimate practice, especially: / Of or concerning irresponsible banks or banking, (particularly) small, independent operations.dated derogatory not-comparable usually
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishadjOf or concerning businesses operating outside standard or legitimate practice, especially: / Of or concerning oil exploration in new areas, (particularly) small, independent operations.derogatory not-comparable usually
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishadjOf or concerning businesses operating outside standard or legitimate practice, especially: / Of or concerning actions undertaken by workers without approval or in defiance of the formal leadership of their trade unions.derogatory not-comparable usually
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishadjOf or concerning businesses operating outside standard or legitimate practice, especially: / Of or concerning businesses operating outside standard or legitimate practice, especiallyderogatory not-comparable usually
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishadjOf or concerning customized or hand-made firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrynot-comparable
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishadjUnauthorized by the proper authorities.not-comparable
unauthorized by the proper authoritieswildcatEnglishverbTo drill for oil in an area where no oil has been found before.
understandingσυνεννόησηGreeknoununderstanding, agreement
understandingσυνεννόησηGreeknounconsultation, deliberation, exchange of views
understandingσυνεννόησηGreeknouncollusion (secret agreement for an illegal purpose)
unlawful or fraudulent acts by the crew of a vessel, harming the vessel's ownerbarratryEnglishnounThe act of persistently instigating lawsuits, often groundless ones.countable uncountable
unlawful or fraudulent acts by the crew of a vessel, harming the vessel's ownerbarratryEnglishnounThe sale or purchase of religious or political positions of power.countable uncountable
unlawful or fraudulent acts by the crew of a vessel, harming the vessel's ownerbarratryEnglishnounUnlawful or fraudulent acts by the crew of a vessel, harming the vessel's owner.countable uncountable
viableγόνιμοςAncient Greekadjproductive, fertile, fruitful [with genitive ‘the product or fruit’] / productive, fertile, fruitful
viableγόνιμοςAncient Greekadjproductive, fertile, fruitful [with genitive ‘the product or fruit’] / geniusfiguratively
viableγόνιμοςAncient Greekadjof a legitimate child: born in lawful wedlock / viable
viableγόνιμοςAncient Greekadjof a legitimate child: born in lawful wedlock / favorable to generation (of uneven days, or days in illness)rare
water dropwort芹菜Chinesenouncelery, especially the Chinese celery
water dropwort芹菜ChinesenounAlternative name for 水芹 (shuǐqín, “water dropwort”).alt-of alternative name
water dropwort芹菜ChinesenouncilantroHakka Min Penang-Hokkien Zhongshan
waterproof rubber bootgaloshEnglishnounAn overshoe or boot worn in wet weather: / A waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow.British
waterproof rubber bootgaloshEnglishnounAn overshoe or boot worn in wet weather: / A waterproof rubber boot, intended to be worn in wet or muddy conditions.US
waterproof rubber bootgaloshEnglishnounA gaiter, or legging, covering the upper part of the shoe and part of the leg.
waterproof rubber bootgaloshEnglishverbTo walk while wearing, or as if wearing, galoshes; to splash about.intransitive
wife or mistress of a sultansultanaEnglishnounA pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape.
wife or mistress of a sultansultanaEnglishnounA wife or mistress of a sultan.
wife or mistress of a sultansultanaEnglishnounA female ruler of a sultanate.
wife or mistress of a sultansultanaEnglishnounA type of viol, a cither viol.
wife or mistress of a sultansultanaEnglishnounAn old form of necklace.
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishadvWith the head first or down.not-comparable
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishadvWith an unrestrained forward motion.not-comparable
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishadvRashly; precipitately; without deliberation; in haste, hastily.not-comparable
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishadjPrecipitous.
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishadjPlunging downwards head foremost.
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishadjRushing forward without restraint.
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishadjReckless; impetuous.figuratively
with an unrestrained forward motionheadlongEnglishverbTo precipitate.transitive
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishadjSharp to the taste; acid; sour.
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishadjhigh or too high in acidity.
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishadjSharp; keen; severe.figuratively
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishnounA type of small open pie, or piece of pastry, now typically containing jelly (US) / jam (UK) or conserve, or sometimes other fillings (chocolate, custard, egg, butter, historically even meat or other savory fillings).
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishnounA melt (block of wax for use in a tart burner).
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishnounA prostitute.British slang
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishnounAny woman with loose sexual morals.British broadly derogatory slang
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishverbTo practice prostitution.
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishverbTo practice promiscuous sex.
with sharp taste, sourtartEnglishverbTo dress garishly, ostentatiously, whorishly, or sluttily.
without honourdishonorableEnglishadjWithout honor, or causing dishonor.US
without honourdishonorableEnglishadjLacking respect for ethical principles.US
written in a mixture of languagesmacaronicEnglishadjJumbled, mixed.archaic
written in a mixture of languagesmacaronicEnglishadjWritten in a hodgepodge mixture of two or more languages.literature media publishing
written in a mixture of languagesmacaronicEnglishadjLike a macaroni or dandy; foppish, trifling, affected.dated
written in a mixture of languagesmacaronicEnglishnounA work of macaronic character.literature media publishing
written in a mixture of languagesmacaronicEnglishnounA word consisting of a mix of words of two or more languages.human-sciences linguistic-morphology linguistics morphology sciences
written in a mixture of languagesmacaronicEnglishnounA word consisting of a mix of words of two or more languages. / Such a word that mixes Latin morphemes with non-Latin ones.human-sciences linguistic-morphology linguistics morphology sciences
вес (ves)отвесBulgariannounplummet, plumb bob
вес (ves)отвесBulgariannounvertical (direction)
вес (ves)отвесBulgariannounsheer cliff (geological formation)broadly
веса (vesa) (obsolete)отвесBulgariannounplummet, plumb bob
веса (vesa) (obsolete)отвесBulgariannounvertical (direction)
веса (vesa) (obsolete)отвесBulgariannounsheer cliff (geological formation)broadly
съ́щински папу́няк (sǎ́štinski papúnjak, “true hoopoe, family Upupidae”)папунякBulgariannounhoopoe (bird of suborder Upupi, particularly Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops))
съ́щински папу́няк (sǎ́štinski papúnjak, “true hoopoe, family Upupidae”)папунякBulgariannounwhipper-snapper, boastful personfiguratively
трясък (trjasǎk, “smash, clap”)трескаBulgariannounfever (disease)
трясък (trjasǎk, “smash, clap”)трескаBulgariannounhigh excitation, excitementfiguratively
трясък (trjasǎk, “smash, clap”)трескаBulgariannouncentaury (Centaurium erythraea)dialectal
трясък (trjasǎk, “smash, clap”)трескаBulgariannounsliver, chip
трясък (trjasǎk, “smash, clap”)трескаBulgariannounsmall defect, imperfectionfiguratively
трясък (trjasǎk, “smash, clap”)трескаBulgariannouncod
търпи́м (tǎrpím, “bearable”)търпяBulgarianverbto suffer, to struggle, to experience pain/difficultiesintransitive obsolete
търпи́м (tǎrpím, “bearable”)търпяBulgarianverbto endure, to bear (difficulties); to tolerate (irritations, pain, distress)transitive
търпи́м (tǎrpím, “bearable”)търпяBulgarianverbto bear, to suffer, to be object of negative effectstransitive
търпи́м (tǎrpím, “bearable”)търпяBulgarianverbto abide, to endurereflexive

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