Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

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A Song of Ice and FireBrienneEnglishnameA placename / The town of Brienne-le-Château in France.
A Song of Ice and FireBrienneEnglishnameA placename / The commune of Brienne in Saône-et-Loire, France.
A Song of Ice and FireBrienneEnglishnameA surname from French. Ellipsis of de Brienne. Obsolete spelling of Bryan (“de Bryan”).obsolete
A Song of Ice and FireBrienneEnglishnameA female given name, in occasional modern use.rare
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounregionneuter
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounone of the three regions constituting the equivalent of a state in the federal structure of Belgiumneuter
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounan older term for provincie (“province”)neuter
Administrative divisions林場Chinesenounforestry center (unit responsible for forest cultivation, management, and logging)
Administrative divisions林場Chinesenountree farm (place where trees are cultivated and harvested)
AfterlifelimboPortuguesenounlimbo (place for innocent souls)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismmasculine
AfterlifelimboPortuguesenounlimbo (state of neglect or oblivion)figuratively masculine
AfterlifelimboPortuguesenounblade (the flat part of a leaf or petal)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
AgejuniorkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of junior (“junior”) (youngest member of the family by age)feminine form-of humorous literary
AgejuniorkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of junior (“junior”) (athlete who is under the age recommended for a sport, usually nineteen years of age)feminine form-of
AgeolduloEsperantonounold personliterary
AgeolduloEsperantonounold fart, geezer, old bag; an old person, especially when old-fashioned or boringslang
AgesłójPolishnounAugmentative of słoikaugmentative form-of inanimate masculine
AgesłójPolishnountree ring (annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree)biology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
AgeبزرگیUrdunounold age
Age老大Chineseadjold (in age)literary
Age老大Chinesenouneldest among the siblings
Age老大Chinesenounchief; boss; leader; ringleader
Age老大Chinesenounchief crewman of a boatdialectal
Age老大Chineseadvverycolloquial usually with-negation
AgricultureabattoirFrenchnounabattoir, slaughterhouse (place where animals are slaughtered)masculine
AgricultureabattoirFrenchnounabattoir, slaughterhouse (place or event likened to a slaughterhouse, because of great carnage or bloodshed)figuratively masculine
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto load, to ladetransitive with-accusative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto pile, to stacktransitive with-dative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto build something by putting one thing on top of anothertransitive with-accusative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto fell, to lay prostratetransitive with-dative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto slaytransitive with-dative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto throng, to crowd.intransitive reflexive
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenouna storehouse, barn; a place in where something is laid, put, or stacked.feminine
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenounaccusative singular indefinite of hlaðiaccusative form-of indefinite singular
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenoundative singular indefinite of hlaðidative form-of indefinite singular
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenoungenitive singular indefinite of hlaðiform-of genitive indefinite singular
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenounaccusative plural indefinite of hlaðiaccusative form-of indefinite plural
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenoungenitive plural indefinite of hlaðiform-of genitive indefinite plural
Aircraft機身Chinesenoungeneral shell or body of a 機/机 (jī) – mobile phone, camera, etc.
AlchemyđấtVietnamesenounearth; soil; dirt
Alcoholic beveragesبتعArabicnounfermented drink from honey, mead, hydromel
Alcoholic beveragesبتعArabicverbto be strong in the neck and in the base, to have a fleshy cervix (of a horse)
Alcoholic beveragesبتعArabicnounverbal noun of بَتِعَ (batiʕa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Alcoholic beveragesبتعArabicadjstrong in the neck and in the base, having a fleshy cervix (of a horse)
AlcoholismwstawionyPolishadjintoxicatedcolloquial euphemistic
AlcoholismwstawionyPolishverbmasculine singular passive adjectival participle of wstawićadjectival form-of masculine participle passive singular
AlliumsлуковицаRussiannounbulbanatomy biology botany medicine natural-sciences sciences
AlliumsлуковицаRussiannounonion-shaped dome of a Russian churcharchitecturefiguratively
AlliumsлуковицаRussiannounold-fashioned pocket watch with thick convex glass and convex backsidefiguratively
Amaranths and goosefootsburning bushEnglishnounA biblical object described in Exodus 3:1-22, used by Yahweh to communicate with Moses.ChristianityJudaism
Amaranths and goosefootsburning bushEnglishnounAny plant of several species of Euonymus: / A winged spindle or winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus), with vivid magenta Fall foliage, native to eastern Asia common as an ornamental and invasive in North America.
Amaranths and goosefootsburning bushEnglishnounAny plant of several species of Euonymus: / A western burning bush (Euonymus occidentalis), native to western North America
Amaranths and goosefootsburning bushEnglishnounAny plant of several species of Euonymus: / An eastern burning bush (Euonymus atropurpureus), an ornamental shrub native to the midwestern US that bears a red berry.
Amaranths and goosefootsburning bushEnglishnounA perennial herb (Dictamnus albus) which gives off so much essential oil that it can sometimes be lit and will burn briefly without harming the plant.
Amaranths and goosefootsburning bushEnglishnounCombretum paniculatum, a plant native to Africa
Amaranths and goosefootsburning bushEnglishnounBassia scoparia (syn. Kochia scoparia), a large annual herb in the family Chenopodiaceae, native to Eurasia, introduced to many parts of North America.
Amphipodssand fleaEnglishnounAny of various small crustaceans of the family Talitridae (order Amphipoda), that are found on beaches and jump like a flea.
Amphipodssand fleaEnglishnounA small tropical flea, Tunga penetrans; a chigoe (family: Tungidae, order: Siphonaptera).
AnatidsluikEstoniannounbirch trumpetWestern
AnatomyaddiMarshallesenouna finger
AnatomyaddiMarshallesenouna toe
AnatomyaddiMarshallesenounfinger-like gashes on an oceanside reef
AnatomyaɛebbuḍTarifitnounlarge navelmasculine
AnatomyaɛebbuḍTarifitnounbellyderogatory masculine
AnatomyceannScottish Gaelicnounhead (of a body or a group of people)masculine
AnatomyceannScottish Gaelicnounend (the extreme part of something)masculine
AnatomycrismaSpanishnounnoggin, block, nut (head)colloquial
AnatomycrismaSpanishverbinflection of crismar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
AnatomycrismaSpanishverbinflection of crismar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
AnatomyeireaballIrishnountail (of animal, comet, etc.)masculine
AnatomyeireaballIrishnountail, stem (of note)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
AnatomyeireaballIrishnountrailercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine
AnatomyeyebrowEnglishnounThe hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket.
AnatomyeyebrowEnglishnounA dormer, usually of small size, whose roof line over the upright face is typically an arched curve, turning into a reverse curve to meet the horizontal line at either construction manufacturing
AnatomyeyebrowEnglishnounA clump of waste fibres that builds up in a roller machine.
AnatomyeyebrowEnglishverbTo build up waste fibres in a roller machine.intransitive
AnatomyeyebrowEnglishverbTo signal with one's eyebrows.transitive
AnatomymainFrenchnounhandballball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine
AnatomymainFrenchnounhandcard-games pokerfeminine
Anatomy津液Chinesenounbodily fluid; biological fluidmedicine sciencesChinese literary traditional
Anatomy津液Chinesenoundrop of water; liquid; fluidliterary
Anatomy津液Chinesenounthick soup or juice (boiled from meat, ginseng, deer antler, etc.)Hokkien Quanzhou Xiamen
Anatomy腳趾甲ChinesenountoeMandarin Wuhan
Ancient GreecediadochusEnglishnounAny of the rival families who fought for control over Alexander the Great's empire after his death.historical
Ancient GreecediadochusEnglishnounHeir to the Crown of Greece.historical
Andropogoneae tribe grassesabukayTagalognounwhite parrot
Andropogoneae tribe grassesabukayTagalognounPhilippine cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia)obsolete specifically
Andropogoneae tribe grassesabukayTagalognounJob's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi)
Andropogoneae tribe grassesজোৱাৰAssamesenountide, rise, swelling of the ocean
Andropogoneae tribe grassesজোৱাৰAssamesenounsorghum
AngerangrenMiddle EnglishverbTo be annoyed, angry or upset; to be in a state of mental stress.
AngerangrenMiddle EnglishverbTo annoy, anger, aggravate, or rile; to make angry.
AngerangrenMiddle EnglishverbTo hurt; to inflict injury or afflictions upon someone.rare
AngerangrenMiddle EnglishverbTo cause to be inflamed or swollen (of injuries).rare
AngerfuriousMiddle Englishadjfurious, raging
AngerfuriousMiddle Englishadjferocious, frightening
AngerfuriousMiddle Englishadjextreme, severe
AngerfuriousMiddle Englishadjimpetuous, hastyrare
Animal body partsgarrotFrenchnountourniquetmasculine
Animal body partsgarrotFrenchnoungarrot (small wooden cylinder)masculine
Animal body partsgarrotFrenchnoungarrotemasculine
Animal body partsgarrotFrenchnoungoldeneye (duck)masculine
Animal body partsgarrotFrenchnounwithersmasculine
Animal body partsnʹokkaKareliannounbeak
Animal body partsnʹokkaKareliannounspout
Animal body partsnʹokkaKareliannountip, end
Animal body partsnʹokkaKareliannountoe (of footwear)
Animal body partsnʹokkaKareliannounnoserare
Animal body partsukuchaSwahilinounnail (fingernail or toenail)class-11 class-12 class-14 class-5 class-6
Animal body partsukuchaSwahilinounclaw (nail-like structure on an animal)class-11 class-12 class-14 class-5 class-6
Animal body partsبالUrdunounhair
Animal body partsبالUrdunounchildin-compounds
Animal body partsبالUrdunounyoung boy
Animal body partsبالUrdunounfeather
Animal body partsبالUrdunounwing
Animal body parts鶏冠Japanesenouna comb, cockscomb (fleshy crest of a rooster)
Animal body parts鶏冠JapanesenounShort for 鶏冠海苔 (tosaka nori): a species of red algae, Meristotheca papulosaabbreviation alt-of colloquial
Animal body parts鶏冠Japanesenouna kind of wig used in kabuki, with the front hair cut and split apart on the sides; used by onnagata to portray old hagsentertainment lifestyle theater
Animal body parts鶏冠Japanesenouna comb, cockscomb (fleshy crest of a rooster)archaic
Animal body parts鶏冠JapanesenounShort for 鶏冠海苔 (tossaka nori): a species of red algae, Meristotheca papulosaabbreviation alt-of archaic colloquial
Animal body parts鶏冠Japanesenouna comb, cockscomb (fleshy crest of a rooster)obsolete
Animal body parts鶏冠Japanesenouna comb, cockscomb (fleshy crest of a rooster)
Animal body parts鶏冠JapanesenounShort for 鶏冠石 (keikanseki): realgarchemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of colloquial
Animal body parts鶏冠JapanesenameJiguan (a district of Heilongjiang, China)
Animal soundsabbaiareItalianverbto bark (of dogs and foxes)intransitive
Animal soundsabbaiareItalianverbto yell, to shoutbroadly figuratively intransitive
Animal soundsabbaiareItaliannounbarkingmasculine uncountable
AnimalsginiwOjibwenoungolden eagleanimate
AnimalshouselingEnglishnounThe act of administering the eucharist.
AnimalshouselingEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the eucharist.not-comparable
AnimalshouselingEnglishadjPertaining to any of the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church, such as marriage.not-comparable
AnimalshouselingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of houselform-of gerund participle present
AnimalshouselingEnglishnounA small or miniature house.
AnimalshouselingEnglishnounOne who frequently remains indoors or at home.
AnimalshouselingEnglishnounA tame animal, or one reared by hand.
AnimalskusyPolishnoundevilarts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesmasculine noun-from-verb person
AnimalskusyPolishnounanimal with a short tail or no tailanimal-not-person archaic masculine noun-from-verb
AnimalstmaǧaTarifitnounturtle dovefeminine
Animalsகோணம்Tamilnounangle, prospective
Animalsகோணம்Tamilnouncurve, curvature
Animalsகோணம்Tamilnouncurved sword, scimitar
Animalsகோணம்Tamilnounelephant hook
Animalsகோணம்Tamilnounnarrow, short lane
Animalsகோணம்Tamilnouna species of seer fish, narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson
AnthropologyNeandertalerGermannounNeanderthal (member of the now extinct species Homo neanderthalensis)masculine strong
AnthropologyNeandertalerGermannounNeanderthal (primitive person)masculine strong
AnuranspodderEnglishnounOne who collects pods or pulse.
AnuranspodderEnglishnounAny of various devices for harvesting and/or removing the pods from peas, beans, or other crops with pods.
AnuranspodderEnglishnounA plant that produces pods, or the vegetable produced by such a plant.
AnuranspodderEnglishnounOne who identifies the sex of hemp plants by their production of pods.
AnuranspodderEnglishnounOne who was born in or lives in a pod.literature media publishing science-fiction
AnuranspodderEnglishnounOne who listens to music on an iPod.
AnuranspodderEnglishnounOne who creates and broadcasts podcasts.
AnuranspodderEnglishnounAlternative form of potheralt-of alternative
AnuranspodderEnglishnounPronunciation spelling of powder.alt-of countable pronunciation-spelling uncountable
AnuranspodderEnglishnounA money changer.India
AnuranspodderEnglishnounA frog or toad.South-Africa
AnuranspodderEnglishnounAlternative form of podwarealt-of alternative dialectal
Araneoid spidersristihämähäkkiFinnishnounEuropean garden spider (Araneus diadematus)
Araneoid spidersristihämähäkkiFinnishnounorbweaver (any spider of the family Araneidae)broadly
ArtਘਰਾਨਾPunjabinounfamily, house, lineage
ArtਘਰਾਨਾPunjabinoungharana (school of musical art)
ArtemisiasczyściecPolishnounPurgatoryChristianityinanimate masculine
ArtemisiasczyściecPolishnounpurgatory (any situation where suffering is endured, particularly as part of a process of redemption)figuratively inanimate masculine
ArtemisiasczyściecPolishnounany plant of the genus Stachysinanimate masculine
ArtemisiasczyściecPolishnoungrande wormwood, absinthe (Artemisia absinthium)Bukovina inanimate masculine
ArtilleryfalconetEnglishnounA small or young falcon.
ArtilleryfalconetEnglishnounAny of various small, tropical Asian falcons of the genus Microhierax found in Southeast Asia.
ArtilleryfalconetEnglishnounA light cannon developed in the late 15th century and decorated with an image of a falcon.government military politics warhistorical
Artistic works馬賽克Chinesenounmosaic; tesseraarchitecture
Artistic works馬賽克Chinesenounmosaic pattern; pixelisation; blurringarts hobbies lifestyle photography
Asparagales order plantsaloéHungariannounaloe (plant of the genus Aloe)biology botany natural-sciences
Asparagales order plantsaloéHungariannounaloe (strong, bitter drink made from the juice of aloe, used as a purgative)archaic
Asparagales order plantsaloéHungariannouncentury plant, American aloe (Agave americana)biology botany natural-sciencesdated
Asparagales order plantsmountain flaxEnglishnounPhormium colensoi, a perennial plant native to New Zealand.uncountable
Asparagales order plantsmountain flaxEnglishnounPolygala senega, Seneca root.uncountable
Asparagales order plantsmountain flaxEnglishnounA fibrous form of asbestos.uncountable
AssyriaAssurEnglishnameOne of the ancient capitals of Assyria, in modern Iraq.
AssyriaAssurEnglishnameThe chief deity of that city (see Ashur).
AstacideanskräftaSwedishnouncancer (disease)archaic common-gender
AstacideanskräftaSwedishnounCancer (star sign)common-gender
Asterales order plantsdzwonekPolishnoundiminutive of dzwondiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Asterales order plantsdzwonekPolishnounbellinanimate masculine
Asterales order plantsdzwonekPolishnounringtoneinanimate masculine
Asterales order plantsdzwonekPolishnounbellflower (any plant of the genus Campanula)inanimate masculine
Asterales order plantsdzwonekPolishnounglockenspielin-plural inanimate masculine
Asterales order plantsdzwonekPolishnoundiamondcard-games gamesinanimate masculine
AsteroidsAriadneEnglishnameThe daughter of King Minos of Crete and his queen, Pasiphae.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek countable uncountable
AsteroidsAriadneEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek.countable rare
AsteroidsAriadneEnglishname43 Ariadne, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciencescountable uncountable
AsteroidsThetisEnglishnameOne of the Nereids; the mother of Achilleshuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsThetisEnglishname17 Thetis, one of the main belt asteroids.astronomy natural-sciences
AstronomySyrmaEnglishnameIota Virginis, a binary star in the constellation of Virgo.
AstronomySyrmaEnglishnameIota Virginis A, one of the two components of this star.
AstronomymegascaleEnglishadjExtremely large-scale
AstronomymegascaleEnglishnounA very large scale used, for example, in astronomyuncountable
Astronomyसूर्यSanskritnounthe sun
Astronomyसूर्यSanskritnameSurya, the Vedic solar deityBuddhism lifestyle religionHinduism Jainism Vedic
Astronomyसूर्यSanskritnamea male given name
Atmosphereప్రాణముTelugunounlife, vitality
Atmosphereప్రాణముTelugunounBreath: the first of the five vital airs of the body.
Atmosphereప్రాణముTelugunounair, wind
Atmosphereప్రాణముTelugunouna vowelgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Atmosphereప్రాణముTelugunounstrength, power, force, energy
Atmosphereప్రాణముTelugunounAny person or thing dear as life.
Australiadown underEnglishprep_phraseIn Australia.idiomatic
Australiadown underEnglishprep_phraseInto Australia; to Australia.idiomatic
Australiadown underEnglishprep_phraseBy extension, anywhere, or to anywhere, south of the Equator
Australiadown underEnglishprep_phraseHell; in Hell.euphemistic rare
Auto partsmarxapeuCatalannoundoorstep, thresholdmasculine
Auto partsmarxapeuCatalannouncurtail step (a larger step at the bottom of a staircase)masculine
Auto partsmarxapeuCatalannounhorse (rope for standing on)nautical transportmasculine
Auto partsmarxapeuCatalannounrunning boardmasculine
Auto partsmarxapeuCatalannountreadlemasculine
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA city and borough of Lincolnshire, England.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameAn English surname from Old English.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameAn English surname from Old English. / Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States during the Civil War.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname, of American usage, originally in honor of Abraham Lincoln.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / The capital city of Nebraska, and the county seat of Lancaster County.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Talladega County, Alabama, named after Benjamin Lincoln.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Washington County, Arkansas.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Placer County, California.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community and census-designated place in Sussex County, Delaware. Former name: Lincoln City.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Bonneville County, Idaho.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Logan County, Illinois.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Jackson Township, Cass County, Indiana.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Tama County, Iowa.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and census-designated place therein, in Penobscot County, Maine.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Gustin township and Hawes Township, Alcona County, Michigan.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Augusta Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Scandia Valley Township, Morrison County, Minnesota.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Benton County, Missouri.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Lewis and Clark County, Montana.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and census-designated place therein, in Grafton County, New Hampshire.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A hamlet and unincorporated community in South Harrison Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lincoln County, New Mexico.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Madison County, New York.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Burleigh County, North Dakota.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A borough in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Providence County, Rhode Island.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lee County, Texas.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Addison County, Vermont.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Loudoun County, Virginia.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lincoln County, Washington.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Kanawha County, West Virginia.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Adams County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Bayfield County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Buffalo County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Burnett County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Forest County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town and unincorporated community therein, in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin;countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Monroe County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Polk County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Vilas County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of towns in Wisconsin: / A town in Wood County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of townships, listed under Lincoln Township.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in Canada: / A community of Athabasca County, Alberta.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in Canada: / A suburban community and parish in Sunbury County, New Brunswick.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA number of places in Canada: / A town on Lake Ontario, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA city in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, named after Abraham Lincoln.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA village in Northern Midlands council area, Tasmania, Australia.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameA town in Canterbury, New Zealand, named after the Earl of Lincoln.countable uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnameEllipsis of Lincoln College, Oxford.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis informal uncountable
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnounA brand of American automobile.
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnounAn English breed of sheep.
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnounA five-dollar bill.US slang
AutomobilesLincolnEnglishnounA high-altitude, long-range bomber based on the Avro Lancaster.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Automotivecruise controlEnglishnounA system that maintains a vehicle at constant set speed, usually until the brake or accelerator is pressed.uncountable
Automotivecruise controlEnglishnounA state of being where tasks are completed easily and routinely.figuratively uncountable
Babies寶寶Chinesenounbaby; newborn
Babies寶寶Chinesenoundarling; honey (often said of a child or lover); sweetheartendearing
Babies寶寶Chinesenounsilkwormdialectal endearing
Babies寶寶Chinesenounitem; merchandise; productneologism slang
Babies寶寶Chineseprona cute-sounding first-person pronoun usually used by females: I; mehumorous neologism slang
Baby animalskačenkaCzechnoundiminutive of kačena (“duck”)diminutive feminine form-of
Baby animalskačenkaCzechnounducklingfeminine
Baby animalskačenkaCzechnounrubber duckfeminine
Baby animalskačenkaCzechnounVerpa (genus of fungi in the family Morchellaceae)feminine
BagsmfukoSwahilinounbagclass-3 class-4
BagsmfukoSwahilinounpurseclass-3 class-4
BagsmfukoSwahilinounpocketclass-3 class-4
BagsगोनHindinouna heavy sack
Baháʼí Faith巴哈伊ChineseadjBaháʼí (pertaining to Baháʼís or beliefs held in the Baháʼí Faith)
Baháʼí Faith巴哈伊ChinesenounBaháʼí (follower of the Baháʼí Faith)
BankingúčetCzechnounbill (invoice)inanimate masculine
BankingúčetCzechnounaccount (bank account)inanimate masculine
BasketballhoopsEnglishnounplural of hoopform-of plural
BasketballhoopsEnglishnounBasketball.US plural plural-only slang
BasketballhoopsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of hoopform-of indicative present singular third-person
Basque CountryBilbaoanEnglishadjFrom Bilbao or otherwise related to the city of Bilbao.not-comparable
Basque CountryBilbaoanEnglishnounSomeone from Bilbao
BatsmegachiropteranEnglishadjOf or relating to the fruit bats of suborder Megachiroptera.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
BatsmegachiropteranEnglishnounA fruit bat of suborder Megachiroptera.biology natural-sciences zoology
BeardspeachfuzzEnglishnounThe soft, scanty beard of an adolescent male.informal uncountable
BeardspeachfuzzEnglishnounThe fuzz found on the skin of a peach.nonstandard rare uncountable
BeetlesBalaninusTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Curculionidae – Synonym of Curculio.biology entomology natural-sciencesmasculine obsolete
BeetlesBalaninusTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Archaeobalanidae – Synonym of Conopea.masculine obsolete
BerriesbilberryEnglishnounVaccinium myrtillus, the wild European blueberry of the cowberry family.
BerriesbilberryEnglishnounThe shrub of the above-mentioned plant.
BeverageskoktejlCzechnouna cocktailinanimate masculine
BeverageskoktejlCzechnouna milkshakeinanimate masculine
BeveragesشرابArabicnoundrink, beveragecountable uncountable
BeveragesشرابArabicnounfruit syrup, syrup
BeveragesشرابArabicnoundrunkard, heavy drinker
BeveragesشرابArabicnounsock, stocking
Biblical charactersAsaLatinnameAsaEcclesiastical Late-Latin Latin declension-1 indeclinable masculine singular
Biblical charactersAsaLatinnameAsa: / A male given name of historical usage, notably borne by Asa of Judah, a king of Judah mentioned in the Books of KingsEcclesiastical Late-Latin Latin declension-1 indeclinable masculine singular
Biblical charactersOnaLithuaniannameHannah (biblical character).feminine
Biblical charactersOnaLithuaniannamea female given name, equivalent to English Anne, Anna, or Hannahfeminine
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / A similar implement used to secure goods to animals; a packsaddle.
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / Synonym of harness saddle (“the part of a harness which supports the weight of poles or shafts attaching a vehicle to a horse or other animal”)
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / A cushion used as a seat in a cart or other vehicle.
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / The immovable seat of a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / Chiefly preceded by the: horse-riding as an activity or occupation.broadly
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body. / Synonym of saddle brown (“a medium brown colour, like that of saddle leather”)broadly
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounA seat for a rider, typically made of leather and raised in the front and rear, placed on the back of a horse or other animal, and secured by a strap around the animal's body.
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two hills.
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A cut of meat that includes both loins and part of the backbone.
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A small sloped or tapered structure that helps channel surface water to construction manufacturing
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The raised floorboard in a construction manufacturing
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The part of a denture which holds the artificial teeth.dentistry medicine sciences
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / An equipment part, such as a flange, which is hollowed out to fit upon a convex surface and serve as a means of attachment or natural-sciences physical-sciences
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / An anticline (“fold with strata sloping downwards on each side”); specifically, a depression located along the axial trend of such a fold.geography geology natural-sciences
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / An anticline (“fold with strata sloping downwards on each side”); specifically, a depression located along the axial trend of such a fold. / Synonym of saddle reef (“a saddle-shaped bedded mineral (usually gold-bearing quartz) vein occurring along the crest of an anticline or (less common) a syncline (an inverted saddle)”)business geography geology mining natural-sciencesAustralia
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / Synonym of saddle point (“a point in the range of a smooth function, every neighbourhood of which contains points on each side of its tangent plane”)geometry mathematics sciences
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The part of a guitar which supports the strings and, in an acoustic guitar, transfers their vibrations through the bridge to the soundboard.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle lutherie
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A small object (traditionally made of ebony) at the bottom of a string instrument such as a cello, viola, or violin below the tailpiece on which the tailgut (“cord securing the tailpiece to the instrument”) rests.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle lutherie
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A block of wood with concave depressions at the top and bottom, usually fastened to one spar and shaped to receive the end of another.nautical transport
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The clitellum of an earthworm (family Lumbricidae).biology natural-sciences zoology
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / The lower part of the back of a domestic fowl, especially a male bird, bearing the saddle feathers or saddle hackles.biology natural-sciences zoology
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / In full saddle marking or saddle patch: a saddle-like marking on an animal, such as one on the back of an adult harp seal or saddleback seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus), or any of numerous such markings on a boa constrictor (Boa constrictor).biology natural-sciences zoology
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / A piece of leather stitched across the instep of a shoe, usually having a different colour from the rest of the shoe.US
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishnounSomething resembling a saddle (sense 1) in appearance or shape. / Synonym of saddle oxford or saddle shoe (“a shoe, resembling an oxford, which has a saddle (sense 11.1)”)US
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbTo put a saddle (noun sense 1) on (an animal).transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbTo put (something) on to another thing like a saddle on an animal.transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbTo enter (a trained horse) into a race.figuratively transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbChiefly followed by with: to burden or encumber (someone) with some problem or responsibility.figuratively transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbChiefly followed by on or upon: to place (a burden or responsibility) or thrust (a problem) on someone.figuratively transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbTo control or restrain (someone or something), as if using a saddle; to bridle, to harness, to rein in.archaic figuratively transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbTo get (someone) to do a burdensome task.figuratively obsolete rare transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbTo cut a saddle-shaped notch in (a log or other piece of wood) so it can fit together with other such logs or pieces; also, to fit (logs or other pieces of wood) together with this method.arts business carpentry construction crafts hobbies lifestyle manufacturing woodworkingtransitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbTo put something on to (another thing) like a saddle on an animal.obsolete transitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbOften followed by up. / To put a saddle on an animal.Canada US intransitive
Bicycle partssaddleEnglishverbOften followed by up. / Of a person: to get into a saddle.Canada US intransitive
BirdsalikNorthern Kurdishnounsmall birdfeminine
BirdsalikNorthern Kurdishnounstarling (bird)feminine
BirdsთუთიყუშიGeorgiannounone who repeats what one hearscolloquial
Birth controlOCPEnglishnounInitialism of oral contraceptive pill.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Birth controlOCPEnglishnounInitialism of Open Closed computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming science sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
BluesmodryPolishadjcerulean, deep blue
Board gamesganzenbordenDutchverbto play the Game of the Gooseintransitive
Board gamesganzenbordenDutchnounplural of ganzenbordform-of plural
Board games將棋Chinesenounshogi (Japanese chess)
Board games將棋Chinesenounjanggi (Korean chess)
Bodies of watermeandroItaliannounmeandermasculine
Bodies of watermeandroItaliannounmaze, labyrinthmasculine
Bodily fluidsܦܠܓܡܐClassical Syriacnounphlegm, pituita
Bodily fluidsܦܠܓܡܐClassical Syriacnouncommon cold, inflammationmedicine pathology sciences
Bodily functionsBlähungGermannounbulge, inflationfeminine
Bodily functionsBlähungGermannounflatulencefeminine
Body partsdinZhuangnounfoot (of a human)
Body partsdinZhuangnounbase; foot; lowest part of an object
Body partstułówPolishnountorso, trunkinanimate masculine
Body partstułówPolishnoungenitive plural of tułform-of genitive plural
Body partsباشOttoman Turkishnounhead
Body partsباشOttoman Turkishnounchief, master, leader, head
Body partsباشOttoman Turkishnounprow, bow, foreship
Body partsܥܙܩܬܐClassical Syriacnounring
Body partsܥܙܩܬܐClassical Syriacnounsignet, seal
Body partsܥܙܩܬܐClassical Syriacnounkeeper of the signet
Body partsܥܙܩܬܐClassical Syriacnounseat, anus, rectumanatomy medicine sciences
Body partsལྟེ་བTibetannouncentre; middle; core
Body partsལྟེ་བTibetannounnavel
BonesálázhoozhNavajonounphalanges of the hand
BonesálázhoozhNavajonounmetacarpals of the hand
BooksܟܬܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbook, writing
BooksܟܬܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwriter, author
Borage family plantsżmijowiecPolishnounany plant of the genus Echiuminanimate masculine
Borage family plantsżmijowiecPolishnounviperfish (fish of the genus Chauliodus)animal-not-person masculine
Borage family plantsغبيراءArabicnounmountain ash, rowan (Sorbus gen. et spp.)
Borage family plantsغبيراءArabicnounrupturewort (Herniaria hemistemon)
Borage family plantsغبيراءArabicnounheliotropes (Heliotropium spp.)
Borage family plantsغبيراءArabicnounpennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
Borage family plantsغبيراءArabicnounPolycarpaea spp. (syn. Robbairea spp. and Polycarpon spp.)
Borage family plantsغبيراءArabicnounLepidagathis spp.
Borage family plantsغبيراءArabicnounsweetjuices (Glinus spp.)
BotanySchtokkLimburgishnounstick, broken-off twigmasculine
BotanyлистCarpathian Rusynnounleaf
BotanyлистCarpathian Rusynnounsheet
Brassicales order plantscappuccinaItalianadjfeminine singular of cappuccinofeminine form-of singular
Brassicales order plantscappuccinaItaliannounnasturtiumfeminine
BreadskomuniaPolishnounHoly Communion (sacrament)Christianityfeminine
BreadskomuniaPolishnounsacramental bread, communion bread, communion wafer, Eucharist, host (bread used in the Christian ritual of the Eucharist; before the consecration)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismfeminine
BreadskomuniaPolishnounHoly Communion (the part of the Mass in which the priest and the believers receive Holy Communion)Christianityfeminine
BreadskomuniaPolishnounFirst Communion (first time that a person receives the sacrament of Communion)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismcolloquial feminine
BreadskomuniaPolishnounFirst Communion (celebration consisting of a mass and a party)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismcolloquial feminine
BreadskomuniaPolishnouncommunion (joining together of minds or spirits)feminine literary
BridgeswzwódPolishnounerection (stiffening of the penis)medicine physiology sciencesinanimate masculine
BridgeswzwódPolishnounbascule bridge, drawbridgeinanimate masculine obsolete
Bromeliadsch'awarQuechuanounchaguar, plants of the Bromeliaceae family used to make fibers
Bromeliadsch'awarQuechuanounfiber, bristle, rope
Buddhismబుద్ధుడుTelugunouna wise or learned man, sage, one who is awakened or enlightened.literary
Buddhismబుద్ధుడుTelugunounThe name is especially applied to Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
Buddhism成仏Japanesenoungaining enlightenment
Buddhism成仏Japaneseverbto get enlightenment and become a Buddha; to attain nirvana
BuildingsteachínIrishnoundiminutive of teach (“house”)diminutive form-of masculine
BuildingsteachínIrishnounsmall house, cottagemasculine
BuildingstrucicielPolishnounpoisoner (one who poisons)masculine person
BuildingstrucicielPolishnouna factory or industrial facility that pollutes the environmentinanimate masculine
BuildingsتكيةArabicnounSufi lodge, used for praying and other religious ceremonies, also used as a hostel for wanderers; takya
BuildingsتكيةArabicnounpoorhouse, charitable hostel, hospice for the needy, shelter for the impoverished
BuildingsتكيةArabicnounsoup kitchen
Buildings and structuresmullaghManxnounroofmasculine
Buildings and structuresmullaghManxnounsummitmasculine
Buildings and structuresparlorEnglishnounThe living room of a house, or a room for entertaining guests; a room for talking; a sitting-room or drawing room.
Buildings and structuresparlorEnglishnounThe apartment in a monastery or nunnery where the residents are permitted to meet and converse with each other or with visitors from the outside.archaic
Buildings and structuresparlorEnglishnounA comfortable room in a public house.archaic
Buildings and structuresparlorEnglishnounA covered open-air patio.Southern-US
Buildings and structuresparlorEnglishnounA shop or other business selling goods or services specified by context.
Buildings and structuresparlorEnglishnounA shed used for milking cattle.
Buildings and structuresparlorEnglishnounShort for beauty parlor.Philippines abbreviation alt-of
Businesscustomer serviceEnglishnounThe act of providing services to customers before, during and after a purchase.uncountable
Businesscustomer serviceEnglishnounA department that provides services to existing customers.uncountable
Businessesဆိုင်Burmesenounshop (establishment that sells goods), store
Businessesဆိုင်Burmesenounstall, stand for goods for sale
Businessesဆိုင်Burmeseverbto stack (paddy sheaves)
Businessesဆိုင်Burmeseverbto meet, come face to face
Businessesဆိုင်Burmeseverbto concern
Businessesဆိုင်Burmeseverbto have the right to something, belong to
Businessesဆိုင်Burmeseverbto negotiate a sale
Cakes and pastriesstubbeSwedishnouna stump (of a tree)common-gender
Cakes and pastriesstubbeSwedishnouna decorated savory piece of roundelsfood lifestylecommon-gender
Cakes and pastriesstubbeSwedishnouna log; a kind of long, narrow cake or torte, either layered or as roll (can be sweet or savory)food lifestylecommon-gender
Calendarmis GwydngalaCornishadvin September (month)
Calendarmis GwydngalaCornishnameSeptember (month)masculine
Calligraphy北魏ChinesenameNorthern Wei
Calligraphy北魏Chinesenamea calligraphy style, especially prominent on traditional Hong Kong shop signage
Canary IslandsCanariesEnglishnameThe Canary Islands, an archipelago and Spanish autonomous community off the coast of northwestern Africa.informal plural plural-only
Canary IslandsCanariesEnglishnameNickname of Norwich City Football Club.UK plural plural-only
Capital punishment死罪Japanesenouncapital crime
Capital punishment死罪Japanesenouncapital punishment
Card gamesFaarfLuxembourgishnouncolourfeminine
Card gamesFaarfLuxembourgishnounpaintfeminine
Card gamesFaarfLuxembourgishnounsuitcard-games gamesfeminine
Card gamesFaarfLuxembourgishnounflushcard-games pokerfeminine
Card gamesjembeSwahilinounhoe (agricultural tool)class-5 class-6
Card gamesjembeSwahilinounspades (suit of cards)class-5 class-6
Card gamesmfalmeSwahilinounking (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation)class-1 class-2
Card gamesmfalmeSwahilinounkingboard-games chess gamesclass-1 class-2
Card gamesmfalmeSwahilinounkingcard-games gamesclass-1 class-2
Cardamineae tribe plantsrzeżuchaPolishnoungarden cress (Lepidium sativum)feminine
Cardamineae tribe plantsrzeżuchaPolishnounbittercress (any plant of the genus Cardamine)feminine
Carnation family plantsPechnelkeGermannouncampion (any of various plants in the genus Lychnis)feminine
Carnation family plantsPechnelkeGermannounperson who is often unluckycolloquial feminine humorous
CarriagescoupéEnglishnounA two-seater car, normally a sports car. (variant of coupe)countable uncountable
CarriagescoupéEnglishnounA car with a fixed-roof body style that is shorter than a sedan or saloon of the same model.British countable uncountable
CarriagescoupéEnglishnounThe front part of a French stagecoach.countable historical uncountable
CarriagescoupéEnglishnounA four-wheeled carriage with two seats inside, and a separate seat for the driver.countable historical uncountable
CarriagescoupéEnglishnounThe front compartment of a railway carriage.countable historical uncountable
CarriagescoupéEnglishnounThe strongest grade of Spanish saffron, akin to the Iranian sargol.uncountable
CarriagescoupéEnglishadjCouped.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable obsolete
CatholicismAugustinianEnglishadjof, or relating to St Augustine of Hipponot-comparable
CatholicismAugustinianEnglishadjof, or relating to several religious orders influenced by himnot-comparable
CatholicismAugustinianEnglishnounA follower of St Augustine or his doctrines, especially on predestination and irresistible grace.
CatholicismAugustinianEnglishnounA friar or monk of any Augustinian order.
CattlevacheFrenchnouncow (bovine)feminine
CattlevacheFrenchadjnastyinformal slang
Celery family plantspasternakPolishnounparsnip (the plant Pastinaca sativa)inanimate masculine
Celery family plantspasternakPolishnounparsnip (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa)inanimate masculine
Celery family plantsشبثArabicnoundill
Celery family plantsشبثArabicnounspider
Celestial inhabitantsterráqueoSpanishadjearth; terrestrialrelational
Celestial inhabitantsterráqueoSpanishnounearthling, terraqueousmasculine
Cervids馴鹿Japanesenouna reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
Cervids馴鹿Japanesenouna reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)rare
CetaceansdelphinoidEnglishadjPertaining to, or resembling, the dolphinbiology natural-sciences zoology
CetaceansdelphinoidEnglishnounAny cetacean of the superfamily Delphinoidea
ChairsпрестолRussiannounaltar, communion table (the table used as the place of offering in the celebration of the Eucharist)Christianity
Chemical elementschlórLimburgishnounchlorineneuter uncountable
Chemical elementschlórLimburgishnounA part of chlorineneuter
Chemical elementsplataSpanishadjargentgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine masculine
Chemical elementsplataSpanishnounsilverfeminine
Chemical elementsplataSpanishnounmoney, doughLatin-America feminine
Chemical elementsארגוןHebrewnounpurpleBiblical-Hebrew
Chemical elementsארגוןHebrewnounorganization
Chemical elementsארגוןHebrewnounplanning, method
Chemical elementsארגוןHebrewnameThe Irgun.
Chemical elementsארגוןHebrewnounargon (the chemical element (symbol Ar) with an atomic number of 18)
Chemical elementsJapanesecharacterignis fatuusHyōgai kanji
Chemical elementsJapanesecharacterwill-o'-the-wispHyōgai kanji
Chemical elementsJapanesecharacterphosphorusHyōgai kanji
Chemical elementsJapanesenounphosphorus
ChemistrycondenserEnglishnounA device designed to condense a gas into a liquid, either as part of a still, steam engine, refrigerator or similar machine.
ChemistrycondenserEnglishnounA electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ChemistrycondenserEnglishnounA lens (or combination of lenses) designed to gather light and focus it onto a specimen or part of a natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physics
ChemistrycondenserEnglishnounA dental instrument used to pack filling into a cavity in a tooth.
ChemistryхіміяUkrainiannounperm (hairstyle)colloquial uncountable
ChemistryरसायनHindinounchemical; mixture
ChemistryरसायनHindinounan elixir, a divine liquid
ChessreinaSardiniannounqueenboard-games chess gamesfeminine
ChessܡܠܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounking
ChessܡܠܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkingboard-games chess games
ChessܡܠܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkingcard-games games
ChessܡܠܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouneucharistic leavenecclesiastical lifestyle religion
ChessܡܠܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea male given name
Chickasaw cardinal numbersawa-ontochchíꞌnaChickasawnumeighteen
Chickasaw cardinal numbersawa-ontochchíꞌnaChickasawverbto be eighteen in numberstative
Childrenanak pandakMalaynounfourth child
Childrenanak pandakMalaynounfifth child
ChildrenmoppetEnglishnounA child. Often used lovingly or in an affectionate way.colloquial
ChildrenmoppetEnglishnounA rag baby; a puppet made of cloth.dated
ChildrenmoppetEnglishnounA long-haired pet dog.dated
ChinaSiniticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Chinese languages
ChinaSiniticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to China or the Chinese peoples
China荀子JapanesenameXunzi (book)
Chinese era names隆慶Chinesenamethe Longqing Emperor (the thirteenth emperor of the Ming dynasty)historical
Chinese era names隆慶Chinesenamethe Longqing era (a Chinese era name; the era of that emperor's reign, from 1567 to 1572)historical
Chinese numeral symbols那由他Chinesenounthe number 10⁶⁰
Chinese numeral symbols那由他Chinesenounextremely large number, usually interpreted as the number 10²⁸Buddhism lifestyle religionhistorical
ChristianitybijbelDutchnounbible (copy of the Bible)masculine
ChristianitybijbelDutchnounany large bookbroadly masculine
ChristianitycollegiateMiddle EnglishadjRuled by a grouping of clergy; collegial.rare
ChristianitycollegiateMiddle EnglishadjCollected; formed into a grouping or assembly.rare
ChristianitymoderhedeMiddle EnglishnounThe state of being a mother; motherhood (especially used of the Virgin Mary)uncountable
ChristianitymoderhedeMiddle EnglishnounThe caregiving, devotion, and guardianship given by a mother.rare uncountable
ChristmasколядкаUkrainiannounkoliada, Christmas carol
ChristmasколядкаUkrainiannounkoledari, Christmas caroling
Cichorieae tribe plantsLöwenzahnGermannoundandelionmasculine strong
Cichorieae tribe plantsLöwenzahnGermannounany plant of the genera Taraxacum or Leontodonmasculine strong
Cichorieae tribe plantsLöwenzahnGermannountooth of a lionmasculine strong
CircusringmasterEnglishnounThe person who manages the performers in a circus ring.
CircusringmasterEnglishnounThe person who maintains a webring.Internet
CircusringmasterEnglishverbTo act as ringmaster.
CircusringmasterEnglishverbTo control (a group of people).figuratively
Cities𐎿𐎱𐎼𐎭Old PersiannameSardis
Cities𐎿𐎱𐎼𐎭Old PersiannameLydia
Cities in Missouri, USAバーボンJapanesenounShort for バーボン・ウイスキー (bābon uisukī, “bourbon whiskey”); bourbonabbreviation alt-of
Cities in Missouri, USAバーボンJapanesenameBourbon
Cities in TurkeyΜαγνησίαAncient GreeknameMagnesia, Thessaly, Greece
Cities in TurkeyΜαγνησίαAncient GreeknameMagnesia in Asia Minor; Manisa, Turkey
Citrus subfamily plantsCleopatra mandarinEnglishnounA citrus tree (Citrus reshni) with fruit resembling the lemon.
Citrus subfamily plantsCleopatra mandarinEnglishnounThe acidic, sour fruit of this tree, which is too sour to be edible, but is used in agriculture.
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounAny inorganic material containing calcium, usually calcium oxide (quicklime) or calcium hydroxide (slaked lime).chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounAny gluey or adhesive substance; something which traps or captures someone; sometimes a synonym for birdlime.countable poetic uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounA spotlight.entertainment lifestyle theatercountable uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishverbTo treat with calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide (lime).transitive
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishverbTo smear with birdlime.transitive
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishverbTo smear with birdlime. / To ensnare, catch, entrap.rare transitive
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishverbTo apply limewash.transitive
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounA deciduous tree of the genus Tilia, especially Tilia × europaea; the linden tree.countable uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounThe wood of this tree.countable uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounAny of several green citrus fruit, somewhat smaller and sharper-tasting than a lemon.countable uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounAny of the trees that bear limes, especially Key lime, Citrus aurantiifolia.countable uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounA brilliant, sometimes yellowish, green colour associated with the fruits of a lime tree.uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounA fan fiction story which contains sexual references, but stops short of full, explicit descriptions of sexual activity (coined by analogy with lemon).lifestylecountable slang uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishadjContaining lime or lime juice.not-comparable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishadjHaving the aroma or flavor of lime.not-comparable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishadjLime-green.not-comparable
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishverbTo hang out/socialize in an informal, relaxed environment, especially with friends, for example at a party or on the beach.Caribbean
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounA casual gathering to socialize.Caribbean
Citrus subfamily plantslimeEnglishnounAlternative form of lyam (“a leash”)alt-of alternative
CleaningpagliettaItaliannounboater (straw hat)feminine
CleaningpagliettaItaliannounsteel woolfeminine
CleaningpagliettaItaliannounscourer, scourer pad, scouring padfeminine
ClothingabadáPortuguesenounagbada (robe worn by men in West Africa)masculine
ClothingabadáPortuguesenouna colourful uniform used by Brazilian carnival schoolsmasculine
ClothingabadáPortuguesenouna loose robe used by practitioners of capoeiramasculine
ClothingnorkaPolishnoundiminutive of noradiminutive feminine form-of
ClothingnorkaPolishnoundwelling or part of a dwelling that someone occupies, considered to be cosy, albeit smallcolloquial feminine
ClothingnorkaPolishnounmink (any mammal of the subfamily Mustelinae)feminine
ClothingnorkaPolishnounmink (fur or pelt of a mink, used to make apparel)feminine in-plural
ClothingnorkaPolishnounmink (article of clothing made of mink)feminine in-plural
ClothingspodniePolishnounpants, trousersplural
ClothingspodniePolishadjinflection of spodni: / neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
ClothingspodniePolishadjinflection of spodni: / nonvirile nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative nonvirile plural vocative
ClothingtogsEnglishnounplural of togform-of plural
ClothingtogsEnglishnounClothes.UK plural plural-only slang
ClothingtogsEnglishnounClothes for a specific occasion or use.plural plural-only
ClothingtogsEnglishnounSwimsuits, of either the women's or men's tight-fitting type (in some regions referred to as "speedos").Ireland New-Zealand plural plural-only
ClothingtogsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of togform-of indicative present singular third-person
ClothingštólaCzechnounstole (priest's garment, a stripe of cloth worn around the neck and shoulders)feminine
ClothingštólaCzechnounstole (ladie's scarf-like garment, often made of fur)feminine
ClothingštólaCzechnounpayment given to Christian priests for various liturgical acts such as weddings or funeralsfeminine
ClothingрухоBulgariannounclothing, dress, robedialectal
ClothingрухоBulgariannoungarment, cloth, linendialectal
CocktailsboilermakerEnglishnounA person qualified to make or repair boilers.
CocktailsboilermakerEnglishnounA whiskey with a beer chaser.US
Coffeecoffee shopEnglishnounA small café or restaurant typically selling light refreshments along with coffee-based drinks.
Coffeecoffee shopEnglishnounA café-like establishment selling marijuana in the Netherlands.
Coffeecoffee shopEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see coffee, shop.
CoffeeespressoItalianverbpast participle of esprimereform-of participle past
CoffeeespressoItaliannounClipping of caffè espresso (“espresso”).abbreviation alt-of clipping masculine
CoffeeespressoItaliannounexpress lettermasculine
CoffeeespressoItaliannounClipping of treno espresso (“express train”).abbreviation alt-of clipping masculine
CoinsguinéuPortugueseadjGuinean (of or relating to Guinea)
CoinsguinéuPortuguesenounGuinean (person from Guinea)masculine
CoinsguinéuPortuguesenounguinea (old British coin worth 21 shillings)historical masculine
CoinsपाउंडHindinounpound (unit of weight)
CoinsपाउंडHindinounpound sterling
CollectivesclanEnglishnounA group of people all descended from a common ancestor, in fact or belief, especially when the exact genealogies are not known.anthropology human-sciences sciences
CollectivesclanEnglishnounA traditional social group of families in the Scottish Highlands having a common hereditary chieftain
CollectivesclanEnglishnounAny group defined by family ties with some sort of political unity.
CollectivesclanEnglishnounA group of players who habitually play on the same team in multiplayer
CollectivesclanEnglishnounA badger colony.
CollectivesconsociatioLatinnouna union, associationdeclension-3
CollectivesconsociatioLatinnounan alliancedeclension-3
CollectivesfirmEnglishnounA business partnership; the name under which it trades.businessUK
CollectivesfirmEnglishnounA business enterprise, however economics sciences
CollectivesfirmEnglishnounA criminal gang, especially based around football hooliganism.slang
CollectivesfirmEnglishadjSteadfast, secure, solid (in position)
CollectivesfirmEnglishadjFixed (in opinion).
CollectivesfirmEnglishadjInsistent upon something, not accepting dissent.
CollectivesfirmEnglishadjDurable, rigid (material state).
CollectivesfirmEnglishadjMentally resistant to hurt or stress.
CollectivesfirmEnglishadjNot frivolous or fallacious; trustworthy; solid; dependable.
CollectivesfirmEnglishadvfirmly, steadilyarchaic
CollectivesfirmEnglishverbTo make firm or strong; fix securely.transitive
CollectivesfirmEnglishverbTo make compact or resistant to pressure; solidify.transitive
CollectivesfirmEnglishverbTo become firm; stabilise.intransitive
CollectivesfirmEnglishverbTo improve after decline.intransitive
CollectivesfirmEnglishverbTo shorten (of betting odds).Australia intransitive
CollectivesfirmEnglishverbTo grit one's teeth and bear; to push through something unpleasant.colloquial transitive
CollectivesfirmEnglishverbTo select (a higher education institution) as one's preferred choice, so as to enrol automatically if one's grades match the conditional offer.UK slang transitive
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishadjUsed or accepted broadly rather than by small portions of population, market, scientific community, etc.
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishnounThe principal current in a flow, such as a river or flow of air
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishnounThat which is common; the norm.usually
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishverbTo popularize, to normalize, to render mainstream.transitive
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishverbTo become mainstream.intransitive
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishverbTo educate (a disabled student) together with non-disabled students.educationUS transitive
CollectivesзбірнаUkrainianadjfeminine nominative singular of збі́рний (zbírnyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
CollectivesзбірнаUkrainiannounEllipsis of збі́рна кома́нда f (zbírna kománda): combined team, national sports teamabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
ColorseburneusLatinadjof ivoryadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorseburneusLatinadjwhite as ivoryadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsruëLimburgishadjred (colour)
ColorsruëLimburgishadjred (pertaining to Marxism in the widest sense); social democratic; socialist; communistgovernment politicsrelational
ColorsruëLimburgishadjred-hairedmildly offensive possibly
ColorsruëLimburgishadjredskin; Native American; Indianhistorical offensive possibly
ColorsгъожьыAdyghenounyellow color
ColorsруччкесьKildin Samiadjattributive form of руччкэ (ruččke)attributive form-of
ColorsруччкесьKildin Samiadjbrown
ColorsլուրջOld Armenianadj*light, *shiny (this sense is unattested, but is apparent from compounds)
ColorsլուրջOld Armenianadjlight blue; blue
ColorsլուրջOld Armenianadjcheerful, awake, sober, bright-minded
ColorsլուրջOld Armenianadjserious
ColorsلونHijazi Arabicnouncolor
ColorsلونHijazi Arabicverbto color, to paint
Colors of the rainbowbiyoletaTagalogadjviolet (color/colour)
Colors of the rainbowbiyoletaTagalognounviolet; lilac (plant or flower)
Colors of the rainbowbiyoletaTagalognounviolet (color/colour)
ComedykomischGermanadjcomedic, comic, pertaining to comedy
ComedykomischGermanadjfunny, comical (chiefly dated, but still usual with certain intensifiers as in urkomisch, zu komisch, wahnsinnig komisch)
ComedykomischGermanadjpeculiar, weird, strange, funnyinformal
CommunicationmaíghIrishverbstate, declare, mentiontransitive
CommunicationmaíghIrishverbbegrudge, envytransitive
CommunicationmaíghIrishverburge, incitetransitive
CommunicationmaíghIrishverbSynonym of maidhm
Compass pointsnortheastEnglishnounThe intercardinal compass point halfway between north and east; specifically at a bearing of 45°.
Compass pointsnortheastEnglishadjOf, in or pertaining to the northeast; northeastern.not-comparable usually
Compass pointsnortheastEnglishadjSituated toward or in the direction of the northeast; northeastward; northeasterly.not-comparable usually
Compass pointsnortheastEnglishadjComing from the northeast; northeasterly.not-comparable usually
Compass pointsnortheastEnglishadvTowards or in the direction of the northeast; northeastwards.not-comparable usually
Compass pointsجنوبArabicnounsouth
Compass pointsجنوبArabicnounplural of جَنْب (janb)form-of plural
Compass pointsجنوبArabicnounverbal noun of جَنَبَ (janaba) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
CompositesكحلاءArabicnounalkanet (Alkanna spp.)
CompositesكحلاءArabicnounbugloss (Echium spp.)
CompositesكحلاءArabicnounmarigold (Calendula spp.)
CompositesكحلاءArabicnounsaddle bream (Oblada melanura)
Computer securitycortafuegosSpanishnounfirebreak, fire line, firetrail (Australia) (An area cleared of all flammable material in the woods to prevent a fire from spreading across it)masculine
Computer securitycortafuegosSpanishnounfirewall (a fireproof barrier used to prevent the spread of fire between or through buildings, structures, electrical substation transformers, or within an aircraft or vehicle)architecturemasculine
Computer securitycortafuegosSpanishnounfirewallcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesalso figuratively masculine
Computer securitycortafuegosSpanishnounplural of cortafuegoform-of masculine plural
Computer security飛客Chinesenounhacker who uses vulnerabilities in stored program control technology to enter telecommunications networks; phone hackercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
Computer security飛客Chinesenounarrow (projectile shot from a bow)figuratively literary
Computer security飛客Chinesenounimmortal; supernatural entity; celestial being; transcendent beingfiguratively literary
CondimentspebreSpanishnounpepper (powdered condiment)
CondimentspebreSpanishnouna Chilean condiment containing coriander, vinegar, garlic and pepper
ConifersiglakPolishnounconifer (tree), pine (tree)colloquial inanimate masculine
ConifersiglakPolishnounneedle fileinanimate masculine
Conspiracy theorieslightworkerEnglishnounA person driven and motivated to do work which makes the world a better place, improves people's lives, and/or elevates people to a higher level of consciousness.
Conspiracy theorieslightworkerEnglishnounSomeone who actively opposes the purported conspirators according to a given (usually ufologist) conspiracy theory.
ConstellationssꜣḥEgyptianverbto set foot on, to arrive attransitive
ConstellationssꜣḥEgyptiannameOrion (constellation)astronomy natural-sciences
ConstructionavloppSwedishnouna drainneuter
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounticket office, (UK) booking office (an office or booth where tickets may be purchased to allow admittance or for travel, in train station)Portugal feminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounbox office (a place where tickets are sold in a theatre/theater or cinema)Portugal feminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounticket booth (a small stall for the sale of tickets)Portugal feminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenouna container for holding ticketsfeminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenouna wallet for holding ticketsfeminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of bilheteirofeminine form-of
ContainersjícaraSpanishnouna small faience container used to serve hot chocolate or other hot beveragesfeminine
ContainersjícaraSpanishnouna small, woody container, typically made from the fruit of the calabash tree (Crescentia cujete) or Mexican calabash (Crescentia alata) and used (especially in rural Mexico) to serve hot food in order to preserve its temperatureLatin-America feminine
ContainersjícaraSpanishnouncalabashCentral-America Mexico Philippines US feminine
ContainersjícaraSpanishnounheadEl-Salvador Nicaragua colloquial feminine
ContainersjícaraSpanishnounPart, or square, of a flat chocolate bar, which can be broken off easily (especially in Andalusia and Murcia)Spain feminine
ContainerskwietnikPolishnounplantstandinanimate masculine
ContainerskwietnikPolishnounflowerbed or flower gardeninanimate masculine
ContainerskwietnikPolishnounflowerpotinanimate masculine
ContainerskwietnikPolishnoungoldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia)animal-not-person masculine
ContainerslachrymatoryEnglishadjPertaining to or causing tears.
ContainerslachrymatoryEnglishnounA vase supposedly intended to hold tears; formerly used by archaeologists to designate certain urns found in Roman burials.archaeology history human-sciences sciences
CookingtrifolatoItalianadjsliced thinly and cooked with olive oil, garlic and parsley
CookingtrifolatoItalianverbpast participle of trifolareform-of participle past
Corporate lawLLCEnglishnounInitialism of Limited Liability lawUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
Corporate lawLLCEnglishnounInitialism of Logical Link Control. (one of the two functions of a NIC.)computer computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
CosmologypyrocentricEnglishadjOf or relating to the Pythagorean astronomical system, which posited that the Earth, Moon, Sun, and planets orbit an invisible "Central Fire".astronomy history human-sciences natural-sciences sciences
CosmologypyrocentricEnglishadjCentering fire as a key force in nature, civilization, etc.
Countries in AsiaܣܥܘܕܝܐClassical SyriacnameSaudi Arabia
Countries in AsiaܣܥܘܕܝܐClassical SyriacnameKingdom of Saudi Arabia
CricetidsdrzewikPolishnountree vole (any rodent of the genus Arborimus)animal-not-person masculine
CricetidsdrzewikPolishnounPlasmopara viticolaanimal-not-person masculine
Crime preventionburglar alarmEnglishnounA warning device that is activated by trespassers, intended to deter burglars.
Crime preventionburglar alarmEnglishnounThe loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm.
Criminal lawrobberieMiddle EnglishnounRobbery; the act of forcibly stealing.
Criminal lawrobberieMiddle EnglishnounStolen goods or items.rare
CrustaceanscollachIrishnounboar (male pig)masculine
CrustaceanscollachIrishnounmale crabmasculine
CrustaceanscollachIrishnouncrude, fleshy, personmasculine
CurrencykunaSlovaknounkuna (former currency of Croatia)feminine
CurrencyвалютаRussiannouncurrency (money or other item used to facilitate transactions)
CurrencyвалютаRussiannounforeign currencyspecifically
CutlerybombillaSpanishnoundiminutive of bombadiminutive feminine form-of
CutlerybombillaSpanishnounlight bulbfeminine
CutlerybombillaSpanishnounbombilla, drinking strawfeminine
CutlerybombillaSpanishnounpeniscolloquial feminine vulgar
Cypress family plantsأبهلArabicnounsavin, Juniperus sabina (tree and berries)
Cypress family plantsأبهلArabicnounSyrian juniper, Juniperus drupacea
Cypress family plantsأبهلArabicverbto neglectobsolete
Czechoslovakiaкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (possessor of a Candidate of Sciences degree)
Czechoslovakiaкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in Russia and some of the Commonwealth of Independent States)
Czechoslovakiaкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in the USSR and Czechoslovakia)historical
DanceantístrofePortuguesenounantistrophe (in Greek choruses and dances, the returning of the chorus, exactly answering to a previous strophe or movement from right to left)feminine
DanceantístrofePortuguesenounantistrophe (the repetition of words in an inverse order)feminine rhetoric
DancecaperEnglishnounA playful leap or jump.
DancecaperEnglishnounA jump while dancing.
DancecaperEnglishnounA prank or practical joke.
DancecaperEnglishnounPlayful behaviour.plural-normally
DancecaperEnglishnounA crime, especially an elaborate heist, or a narrative about such a crime.figuratively
DancecaperEnglishverbTo leap or jump about in a sprightly or playful manner.
DancecaperEnglishverbTo jump as part of a dance.
DancecaperEnglishverbTo engage in playful behaviour.
DancecaperEnglishnounA vessel formerly used by the Dutch; privateer.
DancecaperEnglishnounThe pungent grayish green flower bud of the European and Oriental caper (Capparis spinosa), which is pickled and eaten.
DancecaperEnglishnounA plant of the genus Capparis.
DancecaperEnglishnounThe capercaillie.Scotland
DanceszoukEnglishnounA style of dance music originating in the French Antilles, combining Latin American, African and Western disco rhythms; a dance to this musicentertainment lifestyle music
DanceszoukEnglishverbTo dance to zouk music.
Days of the weekbazarZazakinounbazaar, market or market place, assemblage of shops
Days of the weekbazarZazakinounSunday
Deathangel of deathEnglishnounA personification of death in fiction, art, mythology, or religion. / An angel which attends to death, collecting souls at death, ending life at the appointed time of death.
Deathangel of deathEnglishnounA personification of death in fiction, art, mythology, or religion. / An angel in Abrahamic scripture or eschatology that attends to death. / Azrael.
Deathangel of deathEnglishnounA personification of death in fiction, art, mythology, or religion. / An angel in Abrahamic scripture or eschatology that attends to death. / Death, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Deathangel of deathEnglishnounA personification of death in fiction, art, mythology, or religion. / The Grim Reaper.
Deathangel of deathEnglishnounA personification of death in fiction, art, mythology, or religion. / A shinigami.
Deathangel of deathEnglishnounA type of serial killer who is employed as a caregiver and kills people under their care.
DeathataúdSpanishnouncoffin, casketmasculine
DeathataúdSpanishnouna metal or (lined) wooden oven for roasting or smoking food outdoors (compare caja china)Latin-America masculine
Deathblack widowEnglishnounAny of several species of venomous and potentially deadly spiders, particularly Latrodectus spp..
Deathblack widowEnglishnounA woman who kills one or more of her lovers.
Deathblack widowEnglishnounA female suicide bomber, sometimes one intending to avenge her husband who was killed.
DeathzniczPolishnoungrave candleCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicisminanimate masculine
DeathzniczPolishnouneternal flameinanimate masculine
DeathéagIrishnounverbal noun of éagform-of masculine noun-from-verb
DeathవధించుటTelugunounverbal noun of వధించు (vadhiñcu)form-of noun-from-verb
DemonymsBennyEnglishnameA nickname for a man named Benjamin.
DemonymsBennyEnglishnameA nickname for a woman named Bernice or Bernadette.
DemonymsBennyEnglishnounA stupid or dull-witted person.British slang
DemonymsBennyEnglishnounA temper tantrum.British slang
DemonymsBennyEnglishnounA native of the Falkland Islands.British slang
DemonymsBennyEnglishnounA one-hundred-dollar bill.US slang
DemonymsBennyEnglishnounSynonym of eggs Benedictcountable informal uncountable
DemonymsBennyEnglishnameA surname.
DemonymsBennyEnglishnameA community in Sudbury District, Ontario, Canada, named after W. W. Benny.
DemonymsEshnunnanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Eshnunna.
DemonymsEshnunnanEnglishadjOf or relating to Eshnunna.
DemonymsHatranEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the culture of Hatra, the capital of the small kingdom of Araba.
DemonymsHatranEnglishnouna native or inhabitant of Hatra, the capital of the small kingdom of Araba.
DemonymsHatranEnglishnameThe extinct dialect of Middle Aramaic spoken in Hatra and Assur from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century CE..
DemonymsRatingerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Ratingenmasculine strong
DemonymsRatingerGermanadjof Ratingenindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsTongererGermannouna native or inhabitant of Tongernmasculine strong
DemonymsTongererGermanadjof Tongernindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsarratianoSpanishadjof or from Arratia-Nerbioi
DemonymsarratianoSpanishnounsomeone from Arratia-Nerbioimasculine
DemonymseurópaiHungariannounEuropean (person)
DemonymsgotemburguésSpanishadjof Gothenburg, Swedenrelational
DemonymsgotemburguésSpanishnouna Gothenburger (a resident of native of Gothenburg, Sweden)masculine
DemonymsnicoyanoSpanishadjof Nicoya, Costa Ricarelational
DemonymsnicoyanoSpanishadjof Nicoya (a pre-Columbine culture)relational
DemonymsnicoyanoSpanishnounsomeone from Nicoyamasculine
DemonymsnicoyanoSpanishnouna member of the Nicoyamasculine
DemonymssalacencoSpanishnounSalazaresemasculine uncountable
DemonymssalacencoSpanishnouna person from Salazarmasculine
DemonymszaragozanoSpanishadjfrom Saragossa (Zaragoza); Saragossan
DemonymszaragozanoSpanishnouna person from Saragossa (Zaragoza); Saragossanmasculine
DemonymsΑιγυπτιώτηςGreeknameEgyptiot, a Greek of Egyptdemonym
DemonymsΑιγυπτιώτηςGreeknamefor adjectival use, see αιγυπτιώτης (aigyptiótis)
DemonymsиталянKyrgyzadjItalian (pertaining to the Italian people or the Italian language)
DemonymsиталянKyrgyznounItalian (by ethnicity)
DemonymsнемисKyrgyznounGerman (by ethnicity)
DentistrycalceSpanishnounwedge, shimmasculine
DentistrycalceSpanishnountyre (steel)masculine
DentistrycalceSpanishnounbottom, foot, lower margin (of a page)Mexico Puerto-Rico masculine
DentistrycalceSpanishnounfilling (of a tooth)Andalusia masculine
DentistrycalceSpanishnounchance, opportunityRioplatense masculine
DentistrycalceSpanishverbinflection of calzar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
DentistrycalceSpanishverbinflection of calzar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
DessertsostyaHungariannounwafer, waffle (biscuit)
DessertsostyaHungariannounhost (Communion wafer)Christianity
Diacritical marksogonekPolishnoundiminutive of ogondiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Diacritical marksogonekPolishnounstem, stalk, petiolebiology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
Diacritical marksogonekPolishnounqueueinanimate masculine
Diacritical marksogonekPolishnounogonek (diacritical mark)communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writinginanimate masculine
Diacritical marksogonekPolishnounany diacritical markcommunications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingbroadly inanimate masculine nonstandard
DialectsanconetanoItalianadjof, from or relating to Ancona
DialectsanconetanoItaliannounnative or inhabitant of Ancona (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
DialectsanconetanoItaliannouna silver coin once minted in Anconahistorical masculine
DialectsanconetanoItaliannounthe dialect spoken in the area of Anconamasculine uncountable
DialectslucanoItalianadjof, from or relating to Lucania
DialectslucanoItaliannounnative or inhabitant of Lucania (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
DialectslucanoItaliannoundialect of the Lucania regionalt-of dialectal masculine uncountable
DialectslucanoItalianverbinflection of lucere: / third-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present subjunctive third-person
DialectslucanoItalianverbinflection of lucere: / third-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural third-person
DialectssendinêsPortugueseadjof the Mirandese dialect spoken in Sendimrelational
DialectssendinêsPortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of the village of Sendim, Portugalmasculine
DialectssendinêsPortuguesenounthe dialect of Mirandese spoken around Sendimmasculine uncountable
Dictionaries爾雅ChinesenameErya (the oldest surviving Chinese dictionary or Chinese encyclopedia known)
Dictionaries爾雅Chineseadjstandard; correctliterary
Dictionaries爾雅Chineseadjupright; righteousliterary
Dictionaries爾雅Chineseadjelegant; gentle; refined; culturedliterary
DinosaursmarginocephalianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Marginocephalia, a clade of ornithischian dinosaurs.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
DinosaursmarginocephalianEnglishnounAny member of the Marginocephalia.biology natural-sciences zoology
Diseasesвълчи гладBulgariannounravenous hungeruncountable
Diseasesвълчи гладBulgariannounbulimiamedicine pathology sciencesuncountable
Distilled beveragesajenjoSpanishnounwormwoodmasculine
Distilled beveragesajenjoSpanishnounabsinthemasculine
DogswarrigalEnglishnounA wild dingo.
DogswarrigalEnglishnounA wild horse.
Dragons翼龍Chinesenounwinged dragon
DrinkingbachantkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of bachant (“Bacchanalian”)archaic feminine form-of
DrinkingbachantkaPolishnounbacchante (a priestess of Bacchus)feminine
Dutch ordinal numbersvierdeDutchadjfourthnot-comparable
Dutch ordinal numbersvierdeDutchnouna fourth in rankingfeminine masculine
Dutch ordinal numbersvierdeDutchnounone in four parts, a quarterneuter
Dutch ordinal numbersvierdeDutchverbinflection of vieren: / singular past indicativeform-of indicative past singular
Dutch ordinal numbersvierdeDutchverbinflection of vieren: / singular past subjunctivedated form-of formal past singular subjunctive
EaglesάρπυιαGreeknounharpyhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
EaglesάρπυιαGreeknounharpy eagle
EcologyUmweltGermannounenvironment; milieu; surroundingsfeminine
EcologyUmweltGermannounenvironment; ecosystembiology ecology natural-sciencesfeminine
EcologybrushyEnglishadjHaving a similar texture to a fox’s tail; brushlike, bushy.
EcologybrushyEnglishadjOf the countryside: having thick vegetation, taller than grass but shorter than trees; having abundant brush; shrubby.
EducationakademiaPolishnounacademy (institution or building for the study of higher learning)feminine
EducationakademiaPolishnounacademia (group of people collectively learning at an academy)feminine
EducationakademiaPolishnounacademia (studies at an academy)feminine
EducationakademiaPolishnounacademy (society of learned people united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science)feminine
EducationakademiaPolishnounfunction, ceremony (organized celebration for some holiday)feminine
EducationakademiaPolishnounacademy (garden where Plato taught)classical-studies history human-sciences sciencesfeminine
EducationakademiaPolishnounacademy (Plato's philosophical system based on skepticism; Plato's followers)classical-studies history human-sciences sciencesfeminine
EducationstudiumPolishnounlearned society, learned academy, scholarly society, academic associationneuter
EducationstudiumPolishnounstudy (academic publication)sciencesneuter
EducationstudiumPolishnounstudy (meticulous analysis of something)neuter
EducationstudiumPolishnounpreparatory work (work that does not have a finished character)neuter
EducationstudiumPolishnounstudy, character study (movie that is analysis of a type of person)neuter
EducationstudiumPolishnounstudy (artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique)art artsneuter
EducationstudiumPolishnounendgame studyboard-games chess gamesneuter
EducationstudiumPolishnouneffort; willingness; zealMiddle Polish neuter
EgyptمصریUrdunounEgyptian (person)
Elapid snakestricotFrenchnounknittingmasculine
Elapid snakestricotFrenchnounsweater, jumpermasculine
Elapid snakestricotFrenchnounsea krait (snake)masculine
EmotionsLiebeGermannounlove (tender feeling of affection)feminine uncountable
EmotionsLiebeGermannouna feeling of love for someone or something particularcountable feminine
EmotionsLiebeGermannouna love relationshipcountable feminine
EmotionsLiebeGermannounsex; sexual relations; sexual intercourseeuphemistic feminine uncountable
EmotionsLustGermannoundesire; the wish to do or have somethingfeminine
EmotionsLustGermannounsatisfaction of desire; pleasure; funfeminine
EmotionsafecteCatalanadjattached (a to), fond (a of)
EmotionsafecteCatalanadjinclined (a to), subject (a to)
EmotionsafecteCatalannounaffectionmasculine uncountable
EmotionsafecteCatalannounaffecthuman-sciences medicine psychiatry psychology sciencesmasculine uncountable
EmotionsfleoLatinverbto weep, cryconjugation-2 intransitive
EmotionsfleoLatinverbto lament, bewail, grieve forconjugation-2 transitive
EmotionsgrunrOld Norsenoundoubt, uncertaintymasculine
EmotionsgrunrOld Norsenouncause of suspicionmasculine
EmotionsgrunrOld Norsenounaspersionmasculine
Emotions倦怠感Japanesenounmalaise, weariness, lethargy
Emotions倦怠感Japanesenounboredom, listlessness
Emotions尷尬Chineseadjawkward; embarrassing; uncomfortable
Emotions尷尬Chineseadjembarrassed; uneasy; sheepish; flustered
Emotions尷尬Chineseadjunusual; sneaky; strangedated
Emotions尷尬Chineseadjimpoverished; poorEastern Min
Emotions尷尬Chineseadjirresolute; unreasonableHakka
EnglishanglaisFrenchnounEnglish languagemasculine uncountable
EnglishanglaisFrenchadjAnglo-American or AnglophoneLouisiana
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishadjThe ordinal numeral form of ten; next in order after that which is ninth.not-comparable
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishadjBeing one of ten equal parts of a whole.not-comparable
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishnounThe person or thing coming next after the ninth in a series; that which is in the tenth position.
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishnounOne of ten equal parts of a whole.
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishnounThe interval between any tone and the tone represented on the tenth degree of the staff above it, as between one of the scale and three of the octave above; the octave of the third.entertainment lifestyle music
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishnounA temporary aid issuing out of personal property, and granted to the king by Parliament; formerly, the real tenth part of all the movables belonging to the subject.lawUK historical in-plural
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishnounA tenth of a mil; a ten-thousandth of an machining mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
English ordinal numberstenthEnglishverbTo divide by ten, into tenths.
EquestrianismacicateSpanishnounspur (implement for prodding a horse)masculine
EquestrianismacicateSpanishnounincentive, spur (anything that inspires or motivates)figuratively masculine
EritreaRed SeaEnglishnameA long, narrow sea between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula; links the Suez Canal with the Arabian Sea.
EritreaRed SeaEnglishnameThe states of the western and southern United States which consistently vote Republican in presidential elections.government politicsUS
EritreaRed SeaEnglishnounA great quantity of blood.
EritreaRed SeaEnglishnoun(A quantity of) blood discharged through the vagina during menstruation.slang vulgar
EritreaRed SeaEnglishnounA great quantity of reddish liquid, such as wine.broadly
EthnicityotomitlClassical NahuatlnounAn Otomi.
EthnicityotomitlClassical NahuatlnounA member of an elite class of soldiers.
EthnonymsEyagiNupenameYoruba people
EthnonymsEyagiNupenameYoruba language
EthnonymsIssaEnglishnounA member of a Somali clan, mainly residing in Djibouti; it is the larger of the two dominant ethnic groups.
EthnonymsIssaEnglishnounAlternative form of Iswa (the Catawba, a Native American people who inhabit the Carolinas).alt-of alternative plural plural-only
EthnonymsKetuYorubanameThe Ketu (Benin), a subgroup of the Yoruba people in the country of Benin.
EthnonymsKetuYorubanameThe dialect of the Yoruba language spoken by those people.
EthnonymsKetuYorubanameKétou (a town in Benin).
EthnonymsfinnoItalianadjof or pertaining to the Finnshistorical
EthnonymsਜਰਮਨPunjabinameGermany (a country in Western Europe)colloquial
EthnonymsਜਰਮਨPunjabinamethe German language
EthnonymsਜਰਮਨPunjabiadjGerman; or relating to Germany
EthnonymsਜਰਮਨPunjabiadjrelating to people of German descentbroadly
EthnonymsਜਰਮਨPunjabiadjrelating to the German languagebroadly
EthnonymsᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠManchunounManchu, Manchus (people)collective
EthnonymsᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠManchunounManchu (person)
Euagarics萌黄茸Japanesenounverdigris agaric, Stropharia aeruginosa, a woodland mushroom
Euagarics萌黄茸JapanesenounStrophariaceae, a taxonomic family of mushrooms
Eucalypts黃金樹Chinesenouncatalpa speciosa
EurasiaeurázsiaiHungarianadjEurasian (of or pertaining to the continent of Eurasia)not-comparable
EurasiaeurázsiaiHungariannounEurasian (a person native to the Eurasian continent)
ExplosivesгранатаSerbo-Croatiannoungrenade, hand grenade
ExplosivesгранатаSerbo-Croatiannounshell (projectile fired from a siege mortar or a smoothbore cannon)
Extinct languagesTonkawaEnglishnounA Midwestern Native American tribe indigenous to present-day Oklahoma and Texas.plural plural-only
Extinct languagesTonkawaEnglishnameThe extinct language once spoken by these people.
Extinct languagesTonkawaEnglishnameA city in Kay County, Oklahoma, United States.
Extinct languagesgalaicoportuguésSpanishadjGalician-Portuguese
Extinct languagesgalaicoportuguésSpanishnounGalician-Portuguese (the ancestral language of modern Galician and Portuguese)masculine uncountable
EyemascaraEnglishnounA cosmetic used to darken and thicken the eyelashes.countable uncountable
EyemascaraEnglishverbTo apply mascara to the eyelashes
EyesuborbitalEnglishadjNot reaching orbit; having a trajectory that does not reach orbital velocity and so must return to ground eventually.not-comparable
EyesuborbitalEnglishadjBelow the orbit of the eye.anatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
EyesuborbitalEnglishnounA suborbital boneanatomy medicine sciences
FabricsclòScottish Gaelicnounclothmasculine
FabricsclòScottish Gaelicnountweedmasculine specifically
FabricsclòScottish Gaelicnounprintmasculine
FabricsclòScottish Gaelicnounprinting pressmasculine
FabricsclòScottish Gaelicnountypemasculine
FabricsnaperieMiddle EnglishnounFabric or textiles; napery.uncountable
FabricsnaperieMiddle EnglishnounA storage room containing fabrics or textiles.uncountable
Face紅顏Chinesenounpretty face; rosy complexionliterary
Face紅顏Chinesenounbeautiful womanfiguratively literary
Face紅顏Chinesenounyouthfiguratively literary
FamilyfarëAlbaniannounsperm, semenfeminine
FamilyfarëAlbaniannoundescendants, lineage, progeny, offspringfeminine
FamilyfrendmanMiddle Englishnounfriendrare
FamilyfrendmanMiddle Englishnounrelativerare
FamilygoistidhScottish Gaelicnoungodfather, sponsorChristianitymasculine
FamilygoistidhScottish Gaelicnounbosom friendmasculine
FamilygoistidhScottish Gaelicnoungossipmasculine
FamilymooinjerManxnounpeoplefeminine no-plural
FamilymooinjerManxnounfamilyfeminine no-plural
FamilymooinjerManxnounkinfeminine no-plural
FamilymooinjerManxnountribefeminine no-plural
FamilymooinjerManxnounrelationsfeminine no-plural
FamilymooinjerManxnouninhabitantsfeminine no-plural
FamilymooinjerManxnounentouragefeminine no-plural
FamilytiaPortuguesenounaunt (sister of someone's father or mother, or an uncle's wife)feminine
FamilytiaPortuguesenounaunt (colloquial term of address for an older woman)feminine slang
FamilytiaPortuguesenouncolloquial term of address for any female personbroadly feminine slang
FamilytiaPortuguesenouna female clerk who performs a regular activityBrazil feminine slang
FamilyкүйеуKazakhnounhusband (in the early years of marriage)
FamilyкүйеуKazakhnounthe husband of one's younger female blood relative; son-in-law, younger brother-in-law, younger cousin-in-law, etc.
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnounbrother
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnounsibling
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnouncompanion, fellowfiguratively
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnounalike
FamilyひこJapanesenouna boy, young man; especially: / a princeeuphemistic poetic
FamilyひこJapanesenouna boy, young man; especially: / a chieftain in ancient Japaneuphemistic historical poetic
Family근친Koreannounclose relatives
Family근친KoreannounShort for 근친상간(近親相姦) (geunchinsanggan, “incest”).abbreviation alt-of
Family신랑Koreannoungroom, bridegroom
Family신랑Koreannoundear husbandcolloquial
Family membersnevewMiddle EnglishnounA nephew (son of one's sibling)
Family membersnevewMiddle EnglishnounA grandson (son of one's children).
Family membersnevewMiddle EnglishnounAny other relative or kinfolk.
Family memberswodiYe'kwananounwoman, female human being
Family memberswodiYe'kwananounfemale cross-cousin (of a man)
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounA water-borne vessel generally larger than a boat.nautical transport
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounA vessel which travels through any medium other than across land, such as an airship or
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounA spaceship.cellular-automata computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesin-compounds
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounA particular still life consisting of an empty cell surrounded by six live cells.cellular-automata computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounA sailing vessel with three or more square-rigged masts.nautical transportarchaic formal
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounA dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense.
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounThe third card of the Lenormand deck.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounAn aircraft.dated
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo send by water-borne transport.transitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo send (a parcel or container) to a recipient (by any means of transport).transitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo release a product (not necessarily physical) to vendors or customers; to launch.intransitive transitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo engage to serve on board a vessel.intransitive transitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo embark on a ship.intransitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo put or secure in its place.nautical transporttransitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo take in (water) over the sides of a vessel.transitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbLeave, depart, scram.colloquial
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo pass (from one person to another).colloquial transitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo go all in.card-games pokerintransitive slang transitive
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo trade or send a player to another team.hobbies lifestyle sports
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo bungle a kick and give the opposing team possession.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sports
Fan fictionshipEnglishnounA fictional romantic relationship between two characters, either real or themselves fictional, especially one explored in fan fiction.lifestyleslang
Fan fictionshipEnglishverbTo support or approve of a fictional romantic relationship between two characters, typically in fan fiction or other fandom contexts.lifestyleslang
FandomkinEnglishnounRace; family; breed; kind.countable uncountable
FandomkinEnglishnounPersons of the same race or family; kindred.collective countable uncountable
FandomkinEnglishnounOne or more relatives, such as siblings or cousins, taken collectively.countable uncountable
FandomkinEnglishnounRelationship; same-bloodedness or affinity; near connection or alliance, as of those having common descent.countable uncountable
FandomkinEnglishadjRelated by blood or marriage, akin. Generally used in "kin to".not-comparable
FandomkinEnglishnounAlternative form of qin (“Chinese string instrument”)alt-of alternative
FandomkinEnglishverbTo identify with; as in spiritually connect to a fictional or non-fictional being.lifestyleslang transitive
FandomkinEnglishnounA fictional or non-fictional being whom one spiritually connects to.lifestyleslang
FandomkinEnglishnounSomeone who identifies with a certain fictional character.lifestyleslang
FandomkinEnglishnounAlternative form of k'inalt-of alternative
FandomkinEnglishverbPronunciation spelling of can.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
FandomkinEnglishnounShort for kinesiology.abbreviation alt-of colloquial uncountable
FandomукраїнізаторUkrainiannounA person who does Ukrainization; who causes something or someone to become more Ukrainian.uncountable
FandomукраїнізаторUkrainiannounLocalizing software into the Ukrainian language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesuncountable
FandomукраїнізаторUkrainiannounA program, mod, or user who translates a movie, game, or similar artistic work into the Ukrainian language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang uncountable
Fandomติ่งThainounsmall flesh or bodily organ that hangs down from, grows out of, protrudes from, or is connected to a larger organ, as a vermiform appendix or the lobe of an ear.
Fandomติ่งThainounsimilar thing.
Fandomติ่งThainounperson that joins or accompanies a group as an additional and usually unwanted or unexpected member.slang
Fandomติ่งThainounshingle bob cut.slang
Fandomติ่งThainounstan: obsessive fan.lifestylederogatory humorous slang sometimes
Fandomติ่งThaiverbto stan: to act as a stan (for).lifestylederogatory humorous slang sometimes
Fandomติ่งThainounHimalayan mole: the mammal Talpa micrura of the family Talpidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
FantasyбардRussiannounauthor singer
FastenersgraffettaItaliannounclip, staplefeminine
Fats and oilsminyakIndonesiannounoil: / liquid fat.
Fats and oilsminyakIndonesiannounoil: / petroleum-based liquid used as fuel or lubricant.
Fats and oilsminyakIndonesiannoungasoline (US), petrol (UK)Medan
FecesfumierFrenchnounmanure, dungmasculine
FecesfumierFrenchnounbastard, shitmasculine slang vulgar
FecesstoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A seat for one person without a back or armrests.countable uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A footstool.countable uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A seat with a back; a chair.Scotland countable dialectal uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A throne.Scotland countable dialectal figuratively literally uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA close-stool; a seat used for urination and defecation: a chamber pot, commode, outhouse seat, or toilet.countable dated uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA plant that has been cut down until its main stem is close to the ground, resembling a stool, to promote new growth.agriculture business horticulture lifestylecountable uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounFeces, excrement.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA production of feces or excrement, an act of defecation, stooling.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA decoy; a portable piece of wood to which a pigeon is fastened to lure wild birds.archaic countable uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounA small channel on the side of a vessel, for the deadeyes of the backstays.nautical transportcountable uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishnounMaterial, such as oyster shells, spread on the sea bottom for oyster spat to adhere to.US countable dialectal uncountable
FecesstoolEnglishverbTo produce stool: to defecate.medicine sciences
FecesstoolEnglishverbTo cut down (a plant) until its main stem is close to the ground, resembling a stool, to promote new growth.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
FecesstoolEnglishnounA plant from which layers are propagated by bending its branches into the soil.
FecesstoolEnglishverbTo ramify; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers.agriculture business lifestyle
FecesгівноUkrainiannounshit, excrement, fecesuncountable vulgar
FecesгівноUkrainiannounshithead, assholeoffensive uncountable vulgar
FecesгівноUkrainiannounbullshit, liesuncountable vulgar
Femaleแม่ย่าThainounfemale deity; female guardian angel.colloquial
Femaleแม่ย่าThainounmother-in-law (husband's mother).colloquial dialectal
Female animalsbicheFrenchnoundoe, hindfeminine
Female animalsbicheFrenchnoundoe, hind / wapiti (elk)Canada feminine
Female animalsbicheFrenchnoundarling, sweetheart (affectionate name for one's girlfriend)feminine
Female animalsbicheFrenchnouncutiefeminine
Female animalsbicheFrenchverbinflection of bicher: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Female animalsbicheFrenchverbinflection of bicher: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Female animalsjennetEnglishnounA female ass or donkey; a jenny.
Female animalsjennetEnglishnounA small Spanish horse.
Female animalsmáiVietnameseadjfemalefeminine
Female animalsmáiVietnameseadjfemalefeminine
Female animalsmáiVietnamesenounroof
Female animalsmáiVietnamesenounbangs; fringe
Female animalsmáiVietnameseclassifierindicates all of someone's headhair
Female family membersstepgranddaughterEnglishnounThe daughter of one's stepchild.
Female family membersstepgranddaughterEnglishnounThe stepdaughter of one's child.
Female peoplepresbyteressEnglishnounA presbyter or priest's wife.historical
Female peoplepresbyteressEnglishnounA female presbyter (elder of the congregation in early Christianity).obsolete
Female peoplestylistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of stylista (“stylist”) (female designer)feminine form-of
Female peoplestylistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of stylista (“stylist”) (female writer or speaker distinguished for excellence or individuality of style)feminine form-of literary
Female peopleкрасавицаRussiannounfemale equivalent of краса́вец (krasávec): beautiful woman, beautyfeminine form-of
Female peopleкрасавицаRussiannounany beautiful object referred to with the feminine gender
Female peopleпопередницяUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of попере́дник (poperédnyk): / predecessor
Female peopleпопередницяUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of попере́дник (poperédnyk): / precursor, forerunner
Festivals月見Japanesenounmoon viewing, generally of the full moon
Festivals月見Japanesenouna celebration of the harvest moon in autumn
Festivals月見Japanesenouna type of cuisine, with one egg in the center of the dish, either raw or sunny-side up, with the yolk representing the full moon
FeudalismhomagerMiddle EnglishnounA vassal; one who pledges allegiance to a feudal superior.
FeudalismhomagerMiddle EnglishnounA believer in or adherent of a divinity; a worshipper.
FibersпреденоMacedoniannounyarn (fiber strand for knitting or weaving)
FibersпреденоMacedonianverbperfect participle of преде (prede)form-of participle perfect
FibersпреденоMacedonianverbneuter singular of преден (preden)form-of neuter participle singular
Fictional abilitiesmetamorphosisEnglishnounA transformation, such as one performed by magic.countable uncountable
Fictional abilitiesmetamorphosisEnglishnounA noticeable change in character, appearance, function or condition.countable uncountable
Fictional abilitiesmetamorphosisEnglishnounA change in the form and often habits of an animal after the embryonic stage during normal development. (e.g. the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly or a tadpole into a frog.)biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Fictional abilitiesmetamorphosisEnglishnounA change, usually degenerative, in the structure of a specific body tissue.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
Fictional abilitiesshapeshiftingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of shapeshiftform-of gerund participle present
Fictional abilitiesshapeshiftingEnglishnounA change in shape; a transformation.countable uncountable
Fictional charactersLazarusEnglishnameLazarus of Bethany, a man supposedly raised from the dead by Jesus Christ and later (Christianity) revered as a saint.biblical lifestyle religion
Fictional charactersLazarusEnglishnameA beggar in a parable by Jesus Christ, traditionally (Christianity) believed to have been a leper and often conflated with Lazarus of Bethany.biblical lifestyle religion
Fictional charactersLazarusEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.rare
Fictional charactersLazarusEnglishnounA person who was dead and has been resurrected; a dead person who could potentially be resurrected.figuratively usually
Fictional charactersLazarusEnglishnounA poor person, a beggar.
Fictional charactersLazarusEnglishverbTo rescue a dying person.
Fictional charactersLazarusEnglishverbTo raise from the dead.
Fictional charactersTiny TimEnglishnameA poor disabled boy whose death is ultimately averted by Ebenezer Scrooge in the classic tale A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Fictional charactersTiny TimEnglishnameA United States rocket, used in World War II and the Korean War.government military politics warcountable historical
Fictional charactersલયલાGujaratinounbeloved
Fictional charactersલયલાGujaratinounJuliet (sense 3)
Fictional charactersલયલાGujaratinamea female given name, Layla, from Arabic, equivalent to English Leila
Fictional charactersલયલાGujaratinameLayla (the heroine of the romance Layla and Majnun)
FingersאגודלHebrewnounthumb (the short thick digit of the hand that for humans has the most mobility and can be made to oppose (moved to touch) all of the other fingers)
FireadustCatalanadjscorched, parched
FireadustCatalanadjsullen, grimfiguratively
Fire火災Japanesenounfire, conflagration (as in a disaster)
Fire火災Japanesenounone of the three major calamities that destroy the worldBuddhism lifestyle religion
FishdonaxLatinnounreeddeclension-3 masculine
FishdonaxLatinnounA kind of marine fishdeclension-3 masculine
FishdonaxLatinnounThe male scallop or pectendeclension-3 masculine
FishkookvisDutchnouna culinary dish based on boiled fishmasculine
FishkookvisDutchnouna fish species commonly used for the abovemasculine
FishsabaloEnglishnounMilkfish (Chanos chanos).
FishsabaloEnglishnounA common fish of southeastern South America, Prochilodus lineatus.
FishsabaloEnglishnounFish of various species in the genus Brycon, native to northern South America.
FishtampalTagalognounslap with the flat of the palm of the hand (may be playful, not exclusively on someone's face, lighter in force than a sampal)
Fishপাঙ্গাশBengalinounA yellowtail catfish (Pangasius pangasius)
Fishপাঙ্গাশBengalinounthe genus Pangasiusbroadly
FleaschiggerEnglishnounA chigoe (Tunga penetrans), a kind of flea found in tropical climates.
FleaschiggerEnglishnounA harvest mite (Trombiculidae spp.), a very small, red mite endemic to the Midwestern and Southeastern US, the infestation of which causes intense itching.
FleaschiggerEnglishnounAn East Asian person who behaves in ways similar to a stereotypical urban African American.US derogatory offensive slang
FlowersSchwarzkümmelGermannounnigella (any plant of the genus Nigella)masculine strong
FlowersSchwarzkümmelGermannounblack caraway, nigella (seeds of the plant Nigella sativa, used as a culinary spice)masculine strong
Flowersdziurawiec zwyczajnyPolishnounSt. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)countable inanimate masculine
Flowersdziurawiec zwyczajnyPolishnounSt. John's wort (dried, properly prepared inflorescences of St. John's wort, with medicinal use)inanimate masculine uncountable
Flowersdziurawiec zwyczajnyPolishnounSt. John's wort (herb made from dried, properly prepared inflorescences of St. John's wort, with medicinal use)inanimate masculine uncountable
FlowersmonkshoodEnglishnounAny of various poisonous plants, of the genus Aconitum, with blue or white flowers in the shape of a hood.countable
FlowersmonkshoodEnglishnounThe dried leaves or flowers of these plants formerly used as a source of medicinal alkaloids.uncountable
FlowersโสนThainounsasbania pea (Sesbania javanica) of the family Fabaceae, whose flowers are traditionally used as food.biology botany natural-sciences
FlowersโสนThainounred coffee borer: the moth Polyphagozerra coffeae of the family Cossidae, often found in the above-said tree and traditionally used as food.biology natural-sciences zoology
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo stretch out, open out (a material etc.) so that it more fully covers a given area of space.transitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo extend (individual rays, limbs etc.); to stretch out in varying or opposing directions. simple past and past participle of spreadtransitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo disperse, to scatter or distribute over a given area.transitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo proliferate; to become more widely present, to be disseminated.intransitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo disseminate; to cause to proliferate, to make (something) widely known or present.transitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo take up a larger area or space; to expand, be extended.intransitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo smear, to distribute in a thin layer.transitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo cover (something) with a thin layer of some substance, as of butter.transitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo prepare; to set and furnish with provisions.
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo open one’s legs, especially for sexual favours.intransitive slang
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe act of spreading.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounSomething that has been spread.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounA layout, pattern or design of cards arranged for a reading.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounAn expanse of land.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounA large tract of land used to raise livestock; a cattle ranch.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounA piece of material used as a cover (such as a bedspread).countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounA large meal, especially one laid out on a table.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounAny form of food designed to be spread, such as butters or jams.countable uncountable usually
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounA set of multiple torpedoes launched on side-by-side, slowly-diverging paths toward one or more enemy ships.government military politics warcountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounFood improvised by inmates from various ingredients to relieve the tedium of prison food.slang uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounAn item in a newspaper or magazine that occupies more than one column or page.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounTwo facing pages in a book, newspaper etc.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounA numerical difference.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounA measure of how far the data tend to deviate from the average.mathematics sciences statisticscountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe difference between the wholesale and retail economics sciencescountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe difference between the price of a futures month and the price of another month of the same economics finance sciences tradingcountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe purchase of a futures contract of one delivery month against the sale of another futures delivery month of the same finance tradingcountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe purchase of one delivery month of one commodity against the sale of that same delivery month of a different finance tradingcountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounAn arbitrage transaction of the same commodity in two markets, executed to take advantage of a profit from price finance tradingcountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe difference between bidding and asking finance tradingcountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe difference between the prices of two similar financecountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounAn unlimited expanse of discontinuous points.geometry mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe surface in proportion to the depth of a cut gemstone.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounExcessive width of the trails of ink written on overly absorbent paper.countable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounThe difference between the teams' final scores at the end of a sport match.gambling gamescountable uncountable
Food and drinkspreadEnglishverbTo speedread; to recite one's arguments at an extremely fast pace.intransitive transitive
Food and drinkspreadEnglishnounAn act or instance of spreading (speedreading).
FoodsaranScottish Gaelicnounbread, loafmasculine no-plural
FoodsaranScottish Gaelicnounlivelihood, sustenancemasculine no-plural
FoodsflautaSpanishnounfluteentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
FoodsflautaSpanishnouna type of fried cylindrical tortilla or tacoMexico feminine
FoodsgrøtNorwegian Bokmålnounporridge (breakfast cereal dish)masculine
FoodsgrøtNorwegian Bokmålnounsomething having similar consistency to porridge, a mushmasculine
FoodsgạoVietnamesenoundehusked, uncooked rice
FoodsgạoVietnamesenouncotton tree
FoodsgạoVietnameseadjengrossed in studies
FoodsgạoVietnamesenouncyst such as those in Cysticerus cellulosae or those caused by Myxosporea in fish
FoodsinyamaZulunounmeat, flesh
FoodsinyamaZulunounskin (of a human)
FoodskanapéHungariannouncanapé (elegant sofa)
FoodskanapéHungariannouncanapé (an open-faced sandwich)
FoodsranskalaisetFinnishnounnominative plural of ranskalainenform-of nominative plural
FoodsranskalaisetFinnishnounEllipsis of ranskalaiset perunat (“French fries”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
FoodsranskalaisetFinnishadjnominative plural of ranskalainenform-of nominative plural
FoodstutinaFinnishnounshudder, quiver
FoodstutinaFinnishnounbrawn, head cheese (pig's head terrine)dialectal
FoodsκριθαράκιGreeknounorzo pasta
Foodsகஞ்சிTamilnouncooked and soaked day old rice eaten with spiced spreads and condiments
Foodsகஞ்சிTamilnounconjee, gruel
Foodsகஞ்சிTamilnounsemen, jizz, spunkslang vulgar
Foods焼肉Japanesenoungrilled meat; meat, especially red meat, that has been grilled, broiled, or cooked with similar methods
Foods焼肉JapanesenounKorean-style barbecue, meat and sometimes vegetables cooked on a grill, often served with a sauce or marinade
Football (soccer)đá banhVietnameseverbto play association football; soccerSouthern Vietnam colloquial
Football (soccer)đá banhVietnamesenounassociation football; soccerSouthern Vietnam colloquial
Footwear波鞋Chinesenounsneakers; trainers; athletic shoes (Classifier: 隻/只 c; 對/对 c)Cantonese Hainanese Hakka Min Pinghua Teochew Zhongshan dialectal
Footwear波鞋Chinesenounlight-up shoes; shoes that light up when walking
ForestryвирубкаUkrainiannouncutting down, felling, deforestation
ForestryвирубкаUkrainiannounglade, cleared space, clearing
Forms of governmentdiarchyEnglishnounRule by two people.countable uncountable
Forms of governmentdiarchyEnglishnounA state under the rule of two people; the form of government of such state.countable uncountable
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounempire / State ruled by an emperor or empressmasculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounempire / time of rule of an emperor or empressmasculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounempire / political unit that covers a vast territorial extension and that integrates people with different cultures under a single power, regardless of the form of governmentmasculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenountype of chapel, in masonry or wood, where the insignia of the Holy Spirit are displayed and where part of the ceremonies of the festivals dedicated to him take placemasculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounset of festivals dedicated to the Holy Spiritmasculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounpredominance; absolute dominationfiguratively masculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounpowerfiguratively masculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounarrogancefiguratively masculine
Forms of governmentimpérioPortuguesenounlarge company or economic groupfiguratively masculine
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjintelligent, smart, well-thought, sagacious, judicious
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjadept, competent, well-taught
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjdeceptive, cunning, tricky
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjrenowned, notable, recognisable
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjsophisticated, complicated, detailed
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjpolite, kind, of good manners.
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjstylish, trendy, beautiful, attractive
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjwonderful, amazing, extraordinary
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjbizarre, odd, weird
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjesoteric, unknown, unfamiliar
ForteanaqueynteMiddle EnglishadjRelated to witchcraft or the paranormal
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjboastful, prideful
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishnounvulva
Four나흘Koreannounfour days
Four나흘Koreannounthe fourth day of the monthdated rare
FowlsquagliaItaliannounquail; properly the common quailfeminine
FowlsquagliaItalianverbinflection of quagliare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FowlsquagliaItalianverbinflection of quagliare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FruitslomboyCebuanonounSyzygium cumini; an evergreen tree in the family Myrtaceae
FruitslomboyCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
FruitslomboyCebuanonountobacco rolled in a leaf of this treecolloquial
Fruitsร้านThainounplatform for a certain activity, as stand, stage, stall, etc.
Fruitsร้านThainounstand for supporting a plant, especially a climbing plant.
Fruitsร้านThainouncucumber: the plant Cucumis sativus of the gourd family
Fruitsร้านThainounthe fruit of this plant.
Fruitsร้านThainounplace for selling goods, as shop, store, etc.
Fruitsร้านThaiclassifierClassifier for places for selling goods, as shop, store, etc. ⇒ all nouns using this classifier
FurnitureκαριόλαGreeknounbitch, whore, trollop, slut, harlot (general term of abuse for a promiscuous woman)colloquial offensive
FurnitureκαριόλαGreeknounold-fashioned wooden bedliterally obsolete
FurnitureκρεβάτιGreeknounA marriage custom, usually some days before the marriage, during which friends and relatives throw money onto the marriage bed.
GaitspanBambaraverbto fly
GaitspanBambaraverbto jump
GamesתשבץHebrewnouncrossword puzzle
GamesתשבץHebrewnouncheckered or tessellated materialBiblical-Hebrew
GasconyAquitanianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Aquitania or Aquitaine
GasconyAquitanianEnglishadjof or pertaining to the Aquitanian Age, in the Miocene epoch.geography geology natural-sciences
GasconyAquitanianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Aquitania or Aquitaine.
GasconyAquitanianEnglishnounThe extinct Vasconic language of Aquitania. See Wikipedia
Gender67FrenchadjSynonym of cishetinvariable slang
Gender67FrenchnounSynonym of cishetfeminine masculine slang
GenderzenanaEnglishnounA harem on the Indian subcontinent; a part of the house reserved for high-caste women; a system of segregating women into harems.
GenderzenanaEnglishnounAn effeminate or crossdressing male in northern India or Pakistan. (Also spelled zanána.)
GenitaliachodaEnglishnounBastard, son of a bitch.slang vulgar
GenitaliachodaEnglishnounPenis.slang vulgar
GenitaliafujarkaPolishnoundiminutive of fujaradiminutive feminine form-of
GenitaliafujarkaPolishnounsmall, simple folk instrument, usually made of fresh willow bark, typically a kind of short folk pipefeminine
GenitaliafujarkaPolishnounpeniseuphemistic feminine slang
GenitaliafujarkaPolishnounmoronderogatory feminine
GenresepicEnglishnounAn extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a deity, demigod (heroic epic), other legend or traditional hero.
GenresepicEnglishnounA series of events considered appropriate to an epic.
GenresepicEnglishnounA large or extended user story.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
GenresepicEnglishadjOf or relating to an epic.
GenresepicEnglishadjMomentously heroic; grand in scale or character
GenresepicEnglishadjExtending beyond the usual or ordinary.colloquial informal slang
GenresepicEnglishadjThat is an epimorphism.category-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
GeographyҷӯйTajiknounirrigation channel
GeologySchtéïnLimburgishnounstone, rockmasculine
GeologySchtéïnLimburgishnounstone (unit of weight)historical masculine
GeologySchtéïnLimburgishnounplural of Schtéïform-of plural
GeologycuencaSpanishnouneye socketanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
GeologycuencaSpanishnounwatershed, catchment basinfeminine
GeologypoggioItaliannounhill, hillockmasculine
GeologypoggioItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of poggiarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
GeometryparábolaSpanishnounparabolamathematics sciencesfeminine
Geraniales order plantstroedruddWelshnouncranesbill, geranium (Geranium)feminine masculine uncountable
Geraniales order plantstroedruddWelshnouncranesbill, geranium (Geranium) / herb Robert, stinking crane's-bill (Geranium robertianum)feminine masculine uncountable
Geraniales order plantstroedruddWelshnounblack nightshade (Solanum nigrum)feminine masculine uncountable
Germanic paganismgyðjaOld Norsenoungoddessfeminine
Germanic paganismgyðjaOld Norsenounpriestessfeminine
Goldgold pointEnglishnounThe values above and below the mint par of two monetary units on a shared metallic standard at which it became equally cheap to import or export gold or silver bullion instead of resolving trades through credit instruments such as bills of financehistorical
Goldgold pointEnglishnoun1036°C, the melting point of gold.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
Goldதங்கம்Tamilnouna term of endearment
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishadjOf or relating to a monarch or his (or her) family.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishadjHaving the air or demeanour of a monarch; illustrious; magnanimous; of more than common size or excellence.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishadjIn large sailing ships, of a mast right above the topgallant mast and its sails.nautical transport
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishadjFree-for-all, especially involving multiple combatants.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishadjUsed as an intensifier.informal
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishadjDescribing a piece which, if captured, results in loss of game.board-games chess games
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounA royal person; a member of a royal family.capitalized informal often
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounA standard size of printing paper, measuring 25 by 20 printing publishing
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounA standard size of writing paper, measuring 24 by 19 inches.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounThe Australian decimal currency intended to replace the pound in 1966; was changed to "dollar" before it was actually circulated.dated
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounAny of various lycaenid butterflies.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounThe fourth tine of an antler's beam.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounA stag with twelve points (six on each antler).
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounIn large sailing ships, square sail over the topgallant sail.nautical sailing transport
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounAn old English gold coin, the rial.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounA small mortar.government military politics war
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounIn auction bridge, a royal spade.card-games games
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounA tuft of beard on the lower lip.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesroyalEnglishnounBell changes rung on ten bells.campanology history human-sciences sciences
GovernmentHouse of CommonsEnglishnameThe lower house of the British Parliament.government politicsUK
GovernmentHouse of CommonsEnglishnameThe lower house of the Canadian Parliament.government politicsCanada
GovernmentHouse of CommonsEnglishnounA session of the House of Commons.
GovernmentHouse of CommonsEnglishnounAn outhouse: an outbuilding used as a lavatory.Canada euphemistic humorous slang
GovernmentpotestatMiddle EnglishnounA powerful individual; a ruler or potentate.
GovernmentpotestatMiddle EnglishnounA power (rank of angel).lifestyle religion theology
Governmentஅமைச்சர்Tamilnouna person elected to govern various departments in a government; minister
Governmentஅமைச்சர்Tamilnounbishop or ministerboard-games chess games
Grainsज्वारHindinountide, rise, swelling of the ocean
Grainsసజ్జలుTelugunounpearl millet
Grainsసజ్జలుTelugunounplural of సజ్జ (sajja)form-of plural
Grammatical casesbaarderDutchnounone who begetsmasculine rare
Grammatical casesbaarderDutchnounthe genitive casegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine obsolete
GrapevinesvineaLatinnounA vine, especially a grapevinedeclension-1
GrapevinesvineaLatinnouna moveable bower used as a shelter, see testudogovernment military politics wardeclension-1
GrassesfogEnglishnounA thick cloud that forms near the ground; the obscurity of such a cloud.uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishnounA mist or film clouding a surface.uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishnounA state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion.countable figuratively uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishnounA silver deposit or other blur on a negative or developed photographic image.arts hobbies lifestyle photographycountable uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishnounDistance computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo become covered with or as if with fog.intransitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo become obscured in condensation or water.intransitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo become dim or obscure.arts hobbies lifestyle photographyintransitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo make dim or obscure.arts hobbies lifestyle photographytransitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo spoil (film) via exposure to light other than in the normal process of taking a photograph.arts hobbies lifestyle photographytransitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo cover with or as if with fog.transitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo disperse insecticide into (a forest canopy) so as to collect organisms.transitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo obscure in condensation or water.transitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo make confusing or obscure.transitive
GrassesfogEnglishnounA new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed.uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishnounTall and decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season.UK dialectal uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishnounMoss.Scotland uncountable
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo pasture cattle on the fog (of), or aftergrass, of; to eat off the fog from (a field).transitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo become covered with the kind of grass called fog.intransitive
GrassesfogEnglishverbTo practice in a small or mean way; to pettifog.intransitive obsolete
GreensbiruMakasaradjgreen (having green as its colour)
GreensbiruMakasarnoungreen (colour)
Gregorian calendar monthsMayoCebuanonameMay
Gregorian calendar monthsMayoCebuanoverbto do something in May
Gregorian calendar monthsMayoCebuanoverbto write May in something
HairhairEnglishnounA pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals.countable
HairhairEnglishnounThe collection or mass of such growths growing from the skin of humans and animals, and forming a covering for a part of the head or for any part or the whole body.uncountable
HairhairEnglishnounA slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Such hairs are totally unlike those of vertebrates in structure, composition, and mode of growth.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable
HairhairEnglishnounA cellular outgrowth of the epidermis, consisting of one or of several cells, whether pointed, hooked, knobbed, or stellated.biology botany natural-sciencescountable
HairhairEnglishnounAny slender, flexible outgrowth, filament, or fiber growing or projecting from the surface of an object or organism.countable
HairhairEnglishnounA locking spring or other safety device in the lock of a rifle, etc., capable of being released by a slight pressure on a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable
HairhairEnglishnounAny very small distance, or degree; a hairbreadth.countable
HairhairEnglishnounComplexity; difficulty; the quality of being hairy.slang uncountable
HairhairEnglishverbTo remove the hair from.transitive
HairhairEnglishverbTo grow hair (where there was a bald spot).intransitive
HairhairEnglishverbTo cause to have or bear hair; to provide with hairtransitive
HairhairEnglishverbTo string the bow for a violin.
HairhýjungurIcelandicnouna down, a sparse beard, usually present during adolescencemasculine no-plural
HairhýjungurIcelandicnounsparse grassmasculine no-plural
HairlouroPortuguesenounblond (fair haired person)masculine
HairlouroPortuguesenounblond (pale golden brown colour)masculine
HairlouroPortuguesenounlaurel (plant)masculine
HairlouroPortuguesenounlaurel leaf, used as foodmasculine
HairlouroPortugueseadjblonde (having blonde hair)
HairlouroPortugueseadjblonde (blonde coloured)
HairratEnglishnounA medium-sized rodent belonging to the genus Rattus.biology natural-sciences zoology
HairratEnglishnounAny of the numerous members of several rodent families (e.g. voles and mice) that resemble true rats in appearance, usually having a pointy snout, a long, bare tail, and body length greater than about 12 cm, or 5 inches.informal
HairratEnglishnounA person who is known for betrayal; a scoundrel; a quisling.informal
HairratEnglishnounAn informant or snitch.informal
HairratEnglishnounA scab: a worker who acts against trade union policies.informal
HairratEnglishnounA person who routinely spends time at a particular location.slang
HairratEnglishnounA wad of shed hair used as part of a hairstyle.
HairratEnglishnounA roll of material used to puff out the hair, which is turned over it.
HairratEnglishnounVagina, vulva.UK slang vulgar
HairratEnglishnounShort for muskrat.abbreviation alt-of informal
HairratEnglishverbTo hunt or kill rats.usually
HairratEnglishverbTo betray a political party, cause or principle; to betray someone, to desert a person or thing.intransitive
HairratEnglishverbTo work as a scab, going against trade union policies.informal intransitive
HairratEnglishverbTo backcomb (hair).US
HairratEnglishverbTo inform on someone; to betray someone to the police or authorities.intransitive
HairratEnglishnounA scratch or a score.regional
HairratEnglishnounA place in the sea with rapid currents and crags where a ship is likely to be torn apart in stormy weather.nautical transportregional
HairratEnglishverbTo scratch or score.regional
HairratEnglishverbTo tear, rip, rend.obsolete rare regional
HairratEnglishverbDamn, drat, blast; used in oaths.
HairratEnglishnounA ration.government military politics warslang
HamburgHamburgerGermanadjof Hamburgindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
HamburgHamburgerGermannounHamburger (person)masculine strong
HamburgHamburgerGermannounhamburger (food)masculine strong
HappinessszczęściePolishnounhappiness (emotion of being happy; joy)neuter
HappinessszczęściePolishnounhappiness (emotion of being happy; joy) / happiness (something that causes such an emotion)neuter
HappinessszczęściePolishnounluck, good luck (good coincidence)neuter
HappinessszczęściePolishnounluck (success, prosperity)neuter
Harry PotterHogwartsianEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of Hogwarts.comparable
Harry PotterHogwartsianEnglishadjOf or relating to Hogwarts.not-comparable
Heads of stateконсулUkrainiannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
Heads of stateконсулUkrainiannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
Heads of stateконсулUkrainiannounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804.)historical
Heads of stateקיסרHebrewnounan epithet applied to Roman emperors, Caesar
Heads of stateקיסרHebrewnounemperor
Heads of stateקיסרHebrewnounKaiser, a title of German emperors
HeadwearmantellinaCatalannoundrunkennesscolloquial feminine
HeadwearmantellinaCatalannouna ray, especially a butterfly ray or devil rayfeminine
HeadwearקרויןYiddishnouncrown (royal headdress)
HeadwearקרויןYiddishnoundarling, dear
HealthconstitutionalEnglishadjBelonging to, or inherent in, the constitution or structure of one's body or mind.
HealthconstitutionalEnglishadjFor the benefit of one's constitution or health.
HealthconstitutionalEnglishadjRelating to the constitution or composition of something; essential, fundamental.
HealthconstitutionalEnglishadjRelating to a legal or political constitution (“the basic law of a nation or institution; the formal or informal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institution”).law
HealthconstitutionalEnglishadjIn compliance with or valid under a legal or political
HealthconstitutionalEnglishadjOf a monarch: having a purely ceremonial role, or possessing powers limited by a constitution rather than plenary or unlimited powers.government law politicsalso
HealthconstitutionalEnglishnounA walk that is taken regularly for good health and wellbeing.
HealthconstitutionalEnglishnounAn act of defecation.euphemistic
HearingéistIrishverblisten (le (“to”))intransitive
HearingéistIrishverbhear / give formal hearing totransitive
HearingéistIrishverbhear / pay particular attention totransitive
HearingéistIrishverbhear / heed, granttransitive
HearingéistIrishverbbe silentintransitive transitive
HearingéistIrishverbdesist fromintransitive transitive
Heraldic chargesgravSwedishnouna gravecommon-gender
Heraldic chargesgravSwedishadjsevere, as in a mistake or a congenital disorder
Heraldic chargesgravSwedishadjgrave (accent)
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events.countable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A plausible story set in the historical past, but whose historicity is uncertain.countable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A story in which a kernel of truth is embellished to an unlikely degree.countable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A fabricated backstory for a spy, with associated documents and records.countable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounA person related to a legend or legends. / A leading protagonist in a historical legend.countable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounA person related to a legend or legends. / A person of extraordinary fame or accomplishments.countable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounA person related to a legend or legends. / A person of extraordinary fame or accomplishments. / A cool, nice or helpful person, especially one who is male.Australia Ireland New-Zealand UK colloquial countable slang uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounA key to the symbols and color codes on a map, chart, etc.cartography geography natural-sciencescountable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounAn inscription, motto, or title, especially one surrounding the field in a medal or coin, or placed upon a heraldic shield or beneath an engraving or illustration.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility numismatics politicscountable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounA musical composition set to a poetical story.countable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishnounThe design and specification of a vessel.government military naval navy politics warcountable uncountable
HeraldrylegendEnglishverbTo tell or narrate; to recount.archaic transitive
Herringspickle-herringEnglishnounA herring preserved in brine; a pickled herring.obsolete
Herringspickle-herringEnglishnounA Merry Andrew; a buffoon.obsolete
Hindi cardinal numbersएकHindinumone; 1cardinal
Hindi cardinal numbersएकHindiadjsole, onlyindeclinable
Hindi cardinal numbersएकHindiadjunitedindeclinable
Hindu deitiesCát TườngVietnamesenameShri (another name for Lakshmi)
Hindu deitiesCát TườngVietnamesenamea unisex given name from Chineserare
Historical currenciessixpenceEnglishnounThe value of six old pence; half of a shilling; or one-fortieth of a pound sterling.British obsolete uncountable
Historical currenciessixpenceEnglishnounA former British coin worth sixpence, first minted in 1551.countable historical uncountable
Historical politiesAmburayanCebuanonameAmburayan; a former Spanish commandancyhistorical
Historical politiesAmburayanCebuanonamea subprovince of Lepanto-Bontochistorical
Historical politiesГетьманщинаUkrainiannameHetmanate (name retroactively given to the territories in central Ukraine governed by Cossack hetmans in the 17th and 18th centuries)historiography history human-sciences sciencescapitalized uncountable
Historical politiesГетьманщинаUkrainiannameAlternative form of гетьма́нщина f (hetʹmánščyna, “hetmanate”) (government by a hetman; any period of such government)alt-of alternative uncountable
HistoryRenaissanceEnglishnameThe 14th-century revival of classical art, architecture, literature and learning that originated in Italy and spread throughout Europe over the following two centuries.historical
HistoryRenaissanceEnglishnameThe period of this revival, typically lasting from the late 14th to the late 16th centuries; the transition from medieval to modern times.
HistoryRenaissanceEnglishnounAny similar artistic or intellectual revival.broadly
HistoryRenaissanceEnglishadjOf, or relating to the Renaissance.not-comparable
HistoryRenaissanceEnglishadjOf, or relating to the style of art or architecture of the Renaissance.not-comparable
HistoryỌrọnpọtọYorubanamea female given name, Alternative form of Ọ̀rọ̀m̀pọ̀tọ̀
HistoryỌrọnpọtọYorubanameAlternative form of Ọ̀rọ̀m̀pọ̀tọ̀ (“Orompoto”)alt-of alternative
History of FranceD-DayEnglishname6 June 1944, the date when the Allies invaded western Europe in World War II.historical
History of FranceD-DayEnglishnounThe date of any major event planned for the future.government military politics warfiguratively
History of IrelandszylingPolishnounshilling (coin formerly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and many other Commonwealth countries)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of IrelandszylingPolishnounschilling (the old currency of Austria, divided into 100 groschen)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of IrelandszylingPolishnounshilling (currency of Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda)animal-not-person masculine
History of the United KingdomsixpenceEnglishnounThe value of six old pence; half of a shilling; or one-fortieth of a pound sterling.British obsolete uncountable
History of the United KingdomsixpenceEnglishnounA former British coin worth sixpence, first minted in 1551.countable historical uncountable
HomeкутокUkrainiannounangle, corner, nook
HomeкутокUkrainiannounhome, dwellingcolloquial
Home appliancestelevizorAzerbaijaninountelevision set
Home appliancestelevizorAzerbaijaninountelevisioncolloquial
HominidsgorillaEnglishnounThe largest of the apes, belonging to the genus Gorilla, native to the forests of central Africa and known for their trait of knuckle-walking.
HominidsgorillaEnglishnounA big and brutish man or a thug; a goon or ruffian.
HominidsgorillaEnglishnounA powerful person or organization; a heavyweight or behemoth.informal
Honeysuckle family plantsfield saladEnglishnounA salad made of assorted greens such as one might find growing wild in fields
Honeysuckle family plantsfield saladEnglishnounA plant used in salads, corn salad or mâche, Valerianella locusta
Hordeeae tribe grasseswitchgrassEnglishnounAny of several grasses, of the genus Panicum, often found as a weed.uncountable usually
Hordeeae tribe grasseswitchgrassEnglishnounCouch grass (a European grass that spreads rapidly, Elymus repens).uncountable usually
Horrorhorror showEnglishnounA horror movie or television show or other performance which depicts gruesome, horrible, or disgusting events, especially in a vividly visual manner.
Horrorhorror showEnglishnounA horrifying, appalling, or sickening experience, set of events, or visual spectacle.broadly idiomatic
Horse tackarsounMiddle Englishnounsaddlebow
Horse tackarsounMiddle Englishnounsaddle
Horse tackfreioPortuguesenounbrake (device used to slow or stop a vehicle)masculine
Horse tackfreioPortuguesenounfrenulumanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
Horse tackfreioPortuguesenounbit (piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to reins to direct the animal)masculine
Horse tackfreioPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of frearfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Horse tackfreioPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of freiarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Horse tackpodkowaPolishnounhorseshoefeminine
Horse tackpodkowaPolishnounanything horseshoe-shapedfeminine
Horse tackpodkowaPolishnounshiner, black eyefeminine
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of bindenform-of participle present
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe creation of a tie or binding: / Bookbinding; the making of a book's spine.rare
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe creation of a tie or binding: / The application of a bandage or dressing.rare
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe creation of a tie or binding: / The construction of a boat.rare
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounA tie, binding or knot; that which binds: / A pale that supports a plant.
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounA tie, binding or knot; that which binds: / A restraint for a prisoner.
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounA tie, binding or knot; that which binds: / A link or bond between two people.figuratively
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounA proscription or penalisation.
HorticulturebyndyngeMiddle EnglishnounA stoppage or blockage.rare
HousinghajlékHungariannounhome, abodeliterary
HousinghajlékHungariannounshelter, cover, roof
HousingвилаBulgariannounvila (mythological creature from Slavic mythology similar to nymphs and fairies)
HousingвилаBulgariannounvilla, mansion
HousingотууYakutnouna grass hut
HousingотууYakutnouna temporary shelterbroadly
HousingотууYakutnounfire, bonfire (in a field)dialectal
HumanσῶμαAncient Greeknounbody (both that of people and animals)
HumanσῶμαAncient Greeknounbody (both that of people and animals) / dead body
HumanσῶμαAncient GreeknounOne's life in the physical world
HumanσῶμαAncient GreeknounThat which is material (as opposed to spiritual)
HumanσῶμαAncient Greeknounperson
HumanσῶμαAncient GreeknounAn entire thing
HumanσῶμαAncient Greeknounthree-dimensional objectmathematics sciences
Human behaviourroupCzechnounpinwormanimate masculine
Human behaviourroupCzechnounfoolishness, capricein-plural inanimate masculine
Human behaviourstroutMiddle EnglishnounA conflict or dispute.
Human behaviourstroutMiddle EnglishnounThe flaunting of fine clothes.rare
HundredcentennialEnglishadjRelating to, or associated with, the commemoration of an event that happened a hundred years before.not-comparable
HundredcentennialEnglishadjHappening once in a hundred years.not-comparable
HundredcentennialEnglishadjLasting or aged a hundred years.not-comparable
HundredcentennialEnglishnounThe hundredth anniversary of an event or happening.
HuntingaavarpaaGreenlandicverbis hunting reindeer in the regiontransitive
HuntingaavarpaaGreenlandicverbsearches it for reindeertransitive
HuntingbaytyngeMiddle EnglishnounBaiting (of an animal using hounds)Late-Middle-English
HuntingbaytyngeMiddle EnglishnounTormenting; aggravationLate-Middle-English rare
HuntingbaytyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe nourishment of an animal.Late-Middle-English rare
HymenopteransmatcăRomaniannounqueen beefeminine
Hyraxesrock badgerEnglishnounAny of species Procavia capensis of mammals with a rodent-like appearance, but not closely related, related instead to the elephant, found in Africa and the Middle East.
Hyraxesrock badgerEnglishnounAny of species Procavia capensis of mammals with a rodent-like appearance, but not closely related, related instead to the elephant, found in Africa and the Middle East. / An animal of this kind of the subpopulation found in Southern/South Africa.
Ice creammint chocolate chipEnglishnounAn ice cream flavor with a spearmint or peppermint base and chocolate chips.uncountable
Ice creammint chocolate chipEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see mint, chocolate chip.uncountable
Ice creamsorvetePortuguesenounsorbet (frozen fruit juice)masculine
Ice creamsorvetePortuguesenounice cream (dessert)masculine
Immunology免疫Japanesenounimmunityimmunology medicine sciences
IndividualsAmalecEnglishnameThe grandson of Esau through his eldest son, in the Hebrew Bible.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsAmalecEnglishnameThe nation that purportedly traced their ancestry to this grandson.
IndividualsDanielSwedishnameDaniel (biblical book and prophet)common-gender
IndividualsDanielSwedishnamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Danielcommon-gender
IndividualsHiacyntPolishnameHyacinthus (Spartan youth loved and accidentally killed by Apollo)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine person
IndividualsHiacyntPolishnamea male given name, equivalent to English Hyacinthmasculine person
IndividualsHorácioPortuguesenameHorace (Roman poet)masculine
IndividualsHorácioPortuguesenamea male given name from Latin, equivalent to English Horacemasculine
IndividualsRhazèsFrenchnameA male given name of historical usage, equivalent to English Rhazesmasculine
IndividualsRhazèsFrenchnameRhazes (Persian physician)masculine
InsectsbruchusLatinnouna kind of wingless locust or grasshopper as indeclension-2
InsectsbruchusLatinnouna bean weevilNew-Latin declension-2
InsectsdronningNorwegian Nynorsknounqueen (a female monarch)feminine
InsectsdronningNorwegian Nynorsknounqueen (chess piece)feminine
InsectsdronningNorwegian Nynorsknounqueen (reproductive female of certain insects)feminine
InsectsorugaSpanishnouncaterpillar (insect or vehicle)feminine
InsectsorugaSpanishnounarugula, rocket (plant)feminine
InsectsosaSerbo-CroatiannounaxisBosnia Serbia
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishnounA sow; a female pig.
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishnounA siege engine used to protect assailants.
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishnounA sowbug; a woodlouse.rare
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of sowen (“to sow”)alt-of alternative
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of sowen (“to torment”)alt-of alternative
InsectsզատիկArmeniannounPassoverJudaism capitalized often
InsectsզատիկArmeniannounEasterChristianitycapitalized often
InsectsզատիկArmeniannounholiday, feastbroadly
InsectsզատիկArmeniannounladybird, ladybug
InsectsਭੂੰਡPunjabinounirascible personslang
IslandsΦάροςAncient GreeknamePharos (a former island off Alexandria, Egypt)
IslandsΦάροςAncient GreeknameThe Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe basic unit of currency in Turkey.
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe currency of Lebanon (also pound), Syria (also pound), Jordan (also dinar)
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe former currency of Italy, Malta, San Marino, Cyprus and the Vatican City, superseded by the euro
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe former currency of Israel, superseded by the sheqel.
ItalyliraEnglishnounA Ukrainian folk musical instrument similar to the hurdy-gurdy.
ItalyliraEnglishnounAny of a set of fine ridges on the shells of some molluscs
ItalyliraEnglishnounAlternative form of lyraalt-of alternative
Jainismஓம்Tamilnounom; aum (the sacred syllable)
JapanNikkeiEnglishnounoverseas ethnic Japanese person (usually has no Japanese citizenship living as citizens of other countries as immigrants or descendants of Japanese immigrants)
JapanNikkeiEnglishnounEllipsis of Nikkei index.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
JapanNikkeiEnglishadjoverseas Japanese
Japan倭奴国JapanesenameSynonym of 奴国 (Na no Kuni)history human-sciences sciences
Japan倭奴国JapanesenameSynonym of 奴国 (Na no Kuni)history human-sciences sciences
JewelryperledMiddle EnglishadjAdorned with pearls (or fake pearls)rare
JewelryperledMiddle EnglishadjHaving a macula or spot.Late-Middle-English rare
JewelrytaxraṣtTarifitnounlink (in a chain)feminine
Job titles in Romance of the Three Kingdoms司徒ChinesenounMinister over the Masses (one of the three most important official posts during the Han Dynasty).historical
Job titles in Romance of the Three Kingdoms司徒Chinesenamea surname
JudaismsheenyEnglishnounA Jew.ethnic offensive slang slur
JudaismsheenyEnglishnounA cheat or fraudster.slang
JudaismsheenyEnglishadjHaving a sheen; glossy.
JudaismsheenyEnglishadjBright; radiant; shining.
Kazakhstan112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Kazakhstan112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Kazakhstan112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Kazakhstan112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnoundiminutive of maszynadiminutive feminine form-of
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounsmall devicefeminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounsmall stovecolloquial feminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounsmall vehiclecolloquial feminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounmachine (person who does something automatically, without thinking, but efficiently and without much fatigue)feminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounmachine (complex organizational structure that performs specific activities and to which the speaker has a negative attitude)derogatory feminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounmachine head (geared apparatus for tuning stringed musical instruments by adjusting string tension)feminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounsafety razorfeminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounsteering engine (power steering device for ships)nautical transportfeminine
KitchenwaremaszynkaPolishnounmeatgrinder (device for cutting meat)feminine
KitchenwaremattarelloItaliannounAlternative form of matterello (“rolling pin”)alt-of alternative masculine regional
KitchenwaremattarelloItaliannounSynonym of muggine (“mullet”)masculine
KitchenwareplechCzechnounsheet metalinanimate masculine
KitchenwareplechCzechnounbaking paninanimate masculine
KitchenwareطوقماقOttoman Turkishnounlarge wooden rod for pestle, used in conjunction with a large mortar of stone called دیبك (dibek)
KitchenwareطوقماقOttoman Turkishnounmallet, beetle, a type of hammer with a larger-than-usual head made of wood, used for driving a tool
KitchenwareطوقماقOttoman Turkishnounknocker, doorknocker, a device, usually hinged with a striking plate, used for knocking on a door
KitchenwareطوقماقOttoman Turkishnounhammer, a moving part of a firearm that strikes the firing pin to discharge a gunengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
KniveskozaPolishnounbooger, bogey (piece of solid or semisolid mucus in the nostril)colloquial feminine humorous
KniveskozaPolishnounjail, prisonfeminine slang
KniveskozaPolishnounany spined loach (Cobitis, especially Cobitis taenia or golden loach)feminine
KniveskozaPolishnountall, strong pine tree with a block on top and rungs for climbingfeminine
KniveskozaPolishnounknife used for skinning slaughtered goats and other animalsfeminine obsolete
Korea고려KoreannameGoryeohistory human-sciences sciences
Korea고려Koreannounconsideration; reflection
LandformsQuelleGermannounwell (oil, gas)feminine
LandformsgardłoPolishnounthroat (front part of the neck)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
LandformsgardłoPolishnouncorridor, gorge, neck (narrow, tight passage, e.g. between rocks or buildings)neuter
LandformsgardłoPolishnounthroat (opening in a bag or sack)neuter
LandformshavDanishnounsea, ocean (large body of salt water)neuter
LandformshavDanishnounmultitude, large amountfiguratively neuter
LandformshavDanishverbimperative of haveform-of imperative
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounA seam (in fabric).business manufacturing sewing textiles
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounA depression or indentation: / A furrow or trench; a depression in the ground.
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounA depression or indentation: / A seam (scar or cicatrix).
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounA depression or indentation: / A seam (suture or stitching).
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounA depression or indentation: / A bodily depression or furrow.anatomy medicine sciences
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounClinching construction manufacturing
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounA load for a pack-horse.
LandformsseemMiddle EnglishnounA seam (unit of weight or volume)
LandformstimbaCatalannoungambling housefeminine
LandformstimbaCatalannouna game of cards where money is wageredcolloquial feminine
LandformsآطهOttoman Turkishnounisland, an area of land totally surrounded by water
LandformsآطهOttoman Turkishnounpeninsula, a piece of land projecting into water
LandformsبورونOttoman Turkishnounnose, a protuberance on the face housing the nostrils
LandformsبورونOttoman Turkishnounbeak, a rigid structure projecting from the face of a bird
LandformsبورونOttoman Turkishnountip, the extreme end of something, especially when pointed
LandformsبورونOttoman Turkishnounheadland, cape, promontory, any projecting piece of land
LandformsJapanesenounriver: a player's discard pileboard-games games mahjong
Language familiesEskimo-AleoetischDutchadjEskimo-Aleutnot-comparable
Language familiesEskimo-AleoetischDutchnamethe Eskimo-Aleut language familyneuter
LanguagesHigh GermanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the southern highlands of Germany; a High German speaker.countable
LanguagesHigh GermanEnglishnounAny of a group of West Germanic languages or dialects spoken in the southern highlands of Germany.countable uncountable
LanguagesHigh GermanEnglishnounThe standard variety of High German as spoken and written throughout the German language area.countable uncountable
LanguagesHigh GermanEnglishadjFrom or pertaining to the southern region of Germany; speaking High German.not-comparable
LanguagesHigh GermanEnglishadjWritten or spoken in High German; pertaining to High German.not-comparable
LanguagesKumykEnglishnounA member of a Turkic-speaking ethnic group living predominantly in Dagestan.
LanguagesKumykEnglishnamea Turkic language spoken by the Kumyks in the Dagestan region of the Russian Federation.
LanguagesOneidaEnglishnounA member of a tribe of Native Americans formerly inhabiting the region near Oneida Lake in New York, now often found in modern New York, Wisconsin, or Canada.
LanguagesOneidaEnglishnameTheir Iroquoian language.
LanguagesOneidaEnglishnameA lake and river in New York.
LanguagesOneidaEnglishnameA city in Madison County, New York.
LanguagesSkidiEnglishnounA member of a band of Pawnee people who, in historical times, lived mainly along the Platte River, and now live in the Pawnee Nation, in Oklahoma.
LanguagesSkidiEnglishnameTheir language.
LanguagesbengalíSpanishadjBengalifeminine masculine
LanguagesbengalíSpanishnounBengali (person)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagesbengalíSpanishnounBengali (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesgalegoGalicianadjGalician (pertaining to Galicia or the Galician language)
LanguagesgalegoGaliciannouna person from Galicia, or a person with Galician ancestrymasculine
LanguagesgalegoGaliciannounthe Galician languagemasculine uncountable
LanguageshaussaCatalanadjHausafeminine masculine relational
LanguageshaussaCatalannounHausa personby-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguageshaussaCatalannounHausa languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesindonésienFrenchnounIndonesian (language)masculine uncountable
Languageskajin Pi En JiMarshallesenameTok Pisin
Languageskajin Pi En JiMarshallesenameone of the languages of Papua New Guinea
LanguageskirghisoItaliannounthe Kirghiz languagemasculine uncountable
LanguageslappHungarianadjLappish, Lapp (of, or pertaining to the Lapps, their language, or Lapland)not-comparable
LanguageslappHungariannounLapp (person)
LanguageslappHungariannounLapp, Lappish (language)
LanguagesoroszHungarianadjRussian (of or relating to Russia, its people or language)not-comparable usually
LanguagesoroszHungarianadjSlovak (19th century)archaic not-comparable usually
LanguagesoroszHungariannounRussian (person)countable uncountable
LanguagesoroszHungariannounRussian (language)countable uncountable
LanguagespicardoPortuguesenounPicard (person)masculine
LanguagespicardoPortuguesenounPicard (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagespoitevinoSpanishnounPoitevin (person)masculine
LanguagespoitevinoSpanishnounPoitevin (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesspansktFaroesenounSpanish (language)neuter
LanguagesspansktFaroeseadjinflection of spanskur: / neuter singular nominativeform-of neuter nominative singular
LanguagesspansktFaroeseadjinflection of spanskur: / neuter singular accusativeaccusative form-of neuter singular
LanguagestoharskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Tocharian languagesubstantive
LanguagesкитайскиBulgarianadvin Chinesenot-comparable
LanguagesкитайскиBulgariannounChinese (language)uncountable
LanguagesциганскиMacedonianadjGypsy, Romani
LanguagesциганскиMacedonianadjfaulty, flimsyderogatory slur
LanguagesциганскиMacedonianadvin the manner of a Gypsyderogatory
LanguagesקאָרעיִשYiddishadjKorean (of or pertaining to Korea)
LanguagesקאָרעיִשYiddishnameKorean (language)
Latin nomina gentiliaGratidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaGratidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Marcus Gratidius, a Roman statesmandeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaLuciliusLatinnameA Roman masculine nōmen— famously held by: / Gaius Ennius Lucilius (circa 180–103/2 BC), the earliest Roman satirist and a member of the Scipionic Circledeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaLuciliusLatinnameA Roman masculine nōmen— famously held by: / Lucilius Bassus, a writer mentioned by Cicero as being “of no merit”declension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaLuciliusLatinnameA Roman masculine nōmen— famously held by: / Quintus Lucilius Balbus (fl. 40 BC), Stoic philosopher and pupil of Panaetiusdeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaLuciliusLatinnameA Roman masculine nōmen— famously held by: / Lucilius Junior (fl. AD 1st C.), procurator of Sicily during the reign of the Emperor Nero, a friend and correspondent of L. Annaeus Seneca, and the possible author of the poem Aetnadeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVennoniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVennoniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Vennonius, a Roman historiandeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVitelliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaVitelliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Vitellius, a Roman emperordeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaVitelliusLatinadjof or pertaining to the gens Vitellia.adjective declension-1 declension-2
Laughterhagik-ikCebuanonouna chortle; a joyful, somewhat muffled laugh, rather like a snorting chuckle
Laughterhagik-ikCebuanoverbto chortle
LaughterضحكArabicnounverbal noun of ضَحِكَ (ḍaḥika) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
LaughterضحكArabicverbto laugh
LaughterضحكArabicverbto jeer, to scoff
LaughterضحكArabicverbto make (someone) laugh
LaundryбельёRussiannoununderwear, skivvies, underclothes, undergarment, undiesuncountable
LaundryбельёRussiannounbedclothes, linenuncountable
LaundryбельёRussiannounwashing (textiles that have been or are to be washed)uncountable
LawtamenɣiwtTarifitnounaccident, misfortunefeminine
Law enforcementLEOEnglishnameAcronym of Lyons Electronic Office (an early British computer).abbreviation acronym alt-of
Law enforcementLEOEnglishnounAcronym of low Earth orbit.abbreviation acronym alt-of
Law enforcementLEOEnglishnounAcronym of law enforcement officer.abbreviation acronym alt-of
LeaderschiefEnglishnounThe leader or head of a tribe, organisation, business unit, or other group.
LeaderschiefEnglishnounHeadship, the status of being a chief or leader.uncountable
LeaderschiefEnglishnounThe top part of a shield or escutcheon; more specifically, an ordinary consisting of the upper part of the field cut off by a horizontal line, generally occupying the top third.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
LeaderschiefEnglishnounThe principal part or top of anything.
LeaderschiefEnglishnounAn informal term of address.ironic sometimes
LeaderschiefEnglishnounAn informal term of address. / An informal term of address for a Native American or First Nations man.Canada US ironic offensive sometimes
LeaderschiefEnglishadjPrimary; principal.
LeaderschiefEnglishadjIntimate, friendly.Scotland
LeaderschiefEnglishverbTo smoke cannabis.slang
LeadersδιοικητήςGreeknounchief administrator, governor (person in charge of administration)
LeadersδιοικητήςGreeknouncommandergovernment military politics war
LichenslitmusEnglishnounA dyestuff extracted from certain lichens, that changes color when exposed to pH levels greater than or less than certain critical levels.uncountable
LichenslitmusEnglishnounA simple test of acidity in a liquid using litmus, usually in the form of litmus paper.countable uncountable
LichenslitmusEnglishnounA simple test of any attribute; a litmus test.countable uncountable
LightreflectirGalicianverbto reflect (of light, images)
LightreflectirGalicianverbto show or reveal
LightéclairementFrenchnounilluminancenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
Light sourcesglowwormEnglishnounThe larva or wingless grub-like female of a beetle from the families Phengodidae or Lampyridae that gives out a green light from its abdomen.
Light sourcesglowwormEnglishnounA carnivorous gnat larva in the keroplatid genus Arachnocampa that spins threads to capture insects attracted by its glow.Australia New-Zealand
Light sourcesognikPolishnoundiminutive of ogieńdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Light sourcesognikPolishnounwill-o'-the-wisp (strange light)arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesinanimate masculine
Light sourcesognikPolishnounfirethorn, pyracanthainanimate masculine
Liliales order plants重樓Chinesenounmulti-storeyed building
Liliales order plants重樓Chinesenounthroat; windpipe
Liliales order plants重樓ChinesenounParis (genus of plants)
LimbsногаOld East Slavicnounlegfeminine
LimbsногаOld East Slavicnounfootfeminine
LiteratureOgbeyẹkuYorubanameThe seventeenth sign of the Ifa divination system, it is the first and most important, of the signs of the ọmọ odù; the 240 minor signs
LiteratureOgbeyẹkuYorubanameThe seventeenth chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus. It is one of the sixteen chapters in the Ogbè category (àpólà) and the first and most important of the 240 minor chapters, or àmúlù of the Odù Ifá.
LiteratureOgbeyẹkuYorubanameThe spirit associated with this chapter
LondonBig BenEnglishnameThe hour bell in the Elizabeth Tower (formerly known as the Clock Tower), adjacent to the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London, United Kingdom.
LondonBig BenEnglishnameThe clock tower itself.metonymically
LovemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA malady, disease, or illness; that which makes one sick or ill.
LovemaladieMiddle EnglishnounDistress or anguish caused by love; the state of being lovesick.
LovemaladieMiddle EnglishnounIniquity, immorality, wickedness; that which is wrong or against nature.
LovemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA lesion or wounding; the result of being hurt or injured.rare
LovemaladieMiddle EnglishnounTorment or agony; the experience of being harmed mentally.rare
LovemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA disturbance or sickness of the mind or brain.rare
LovevalentineEnglishnounAn expression of affection, especially romantic affection, usually in the form of greeting card, gift, or message given the object of one's affection, especially on February 14th.
LovevalentineEnglishnounA person to whom a valentine is given or from whom it is received, especially on February 14th.
LoveجانانUyghurnounbeautiful woman
LoveجانانUyghurnounsweetheart, darling
Love愛人Japanesenouna lover, a mistress
Love愛人Japanesenouna sweetheart, a loved onearchaic
Love愛人Japanesenounloving people in generaldated
Madder family plantsmarzannaPolishnounA straw effigy symbolizing winterfeminine
Madder family plantsmarzannaPolishnounAlternative form of marzanaalt-of alternative feminine
Madder family plantsకదంబముTelugunounkadam, common bur-flower tree (Neolamarckia cadamba, syn. Nauclea cadamba)
Madder family plantsకదంబముTelugunounmixture, olio
MaleôngVietnamesenouna grandfather
MaleôngVietnamesenounan old man
MaleôngVietnamesenouna man, old or younghonorific
MaleôngVietnamesepronyou, my grandfather
MaleôngVietnamesepronyou, an old manfamiliar
MaleôngVietnamesepronyou, a man about 40 or olderformal
MaleôngVietnamesepronyou, a dudeinformal
MaleôngVietnamesepronI/me, your grandfather
MaleôngVietnamesepronI/me, an old manfamiliar
MaleôngVietnamesepronhe/him, an admirable/lovable old or deceased manhuman-sciences linguistics narratology sciences
MaleôngVietnameseclassifierIndicates starsliterary
MaleôngVietnameseclassifierused for lime container
Maleမတ်Burmeseadjsteep, upright, vertical
Maleမတ်Burmeseverbto right, make right
Maleမတ်Burmesenounbrother-in-law, specifically younger sister's husband, or husband's younger brother
Maleမတ်Burmesenouna quarter of a monetary unit (e.g., kyat, dollar)
Maleမတ်Burmesenounmat, a former Burmese coin equal to 25 pya (a quarter of a kyat)historical
Maleမတ်Burmesenounmark (currency unit)
Male士人Chinesenounscholar; intellectualliterary
Male士人Chinesenounthe peoplearchaic
Male士人Chinesenountroops; soldiers; privatesarchaic
Male孝子Chinesenounfilial son
Male孝子Chinesenounson in mourning
Male孝子Chinesenoununfilial sonironic slang
Male孝子Chinesenounlackey; stanInternet derogatory often
Male animalscoileachScottish Gaelicnouncock, roostermasculine
Male animalscoileachScottish Gaelicnounbarn-cockmasculine
Male animalscoileachScottish Gaelicnounrill of watermasculine
Male animalscoileachScottish Gaelicnouneddy, rapidsmasculine
Male animalscoileachScottish Gaelicnounwhite crest on the wavesWest masculine
Male animalscoileachScottish Gaelicnounthe apex of a thatched hay- or corn-stackmasculine
Male childrenmłodzieniecPolishnouna young manliterary masculine person
Male childrenmłodzieniecPolishnouninfantmasculine obsolete person
Male family membersпулутSouthern Yukaghirnounold man
Male family membersпулутSouthern Yukaghirnounhusband
Male family membersමස්සිනාSinhalesenouncousin
Male family membersමස්සිනාSinhalesenounbrother-in-law
Male family membersလုင်းShannounparent's older brother or brother-in-law; uncle
Male family membersလုင်းShannouna title of respect to any elderly man
Male family membersလုင်းShannounround thing
Male peoplecorránachIrishadjtwilled (having diagonal ribs)
Male peoplecorránachIrishadjlantern-jawed
Male peoplecorránachIrishnouna lantern-jawed young manmasculine
Male peopleiluzionistaCzechnounillusionistanimate masculine
Male peopleiluzionistaCzechnoundreamer, daydreameranimate masculine
Male peopleimitatorPolishnounimitator, ape, copycat, mimic (person who imitates or apes another)masculine person
Male peopleimitatorPolishnounsimulator (machine or system that simulates an environment (such as an aircraft cockpit), often for training purposes)inanimate masculine
Male peoplemacc coímOld IrishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see macc, cóem.masculine
Male peoplemacc coímOld Irishnounboy, lad, servant?masculine
Male peoplepiechurPolishnouna person going somewhere on foot; a pedestrian; a walker; a footgoermasculine person
Male peoplepiechurPolishnounan infantrymangovernment military politics warmasculine person
Male peoplerytietisLithuaniannounOriental (person from the Orient)
Male peoplerytietisLithuaniannouneasterner (native or inhabitant of the east of a region)
Male peopleлохRussiannounoleaster, silverberry (Elaeagnus)
Male peopleлохRussiannounmale Atlantic salmonregional
Male peopleлохRussiannounstiff, simpleton, dummy; bogan, chav, redneckderogatory slang
Male peopleлохRussiannounloserderogatory slang
Male peopleлохRussiannounsucker, mark, someone who is easy to swindle or conderogatory slang
Male peopleпобратимMacedoniannounblood brother
Male peopleпобратимMacedoniannounclose friend
Male peopleпобратимMacedoniannounbest man, groomsman (close friend of the bridegroom at the wedding)
Mallow subfamily plantsokraEnglishnounThe edible immature mucilaginous seed pod (properly, capsule) of the Abelmoschus esculentus.countable uncountable
Mallow subfamily plantsokraEnglishnounThe flowering mallow plant Abelmoschus esculentus itself, now commonly grown in the tropics and warmer parts of the temperate zones.countable uncountable
MammalselgurIcelandicnounmoose, elkmasculine
MammalselgurIcelandicnounslush (mixture of snow and water)masculine no-plural
MammalsfocaGaliciannounhole, piercingfeminine
MammalsfocaGaliciannounsealbiology mammals natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
MammalsmousMiddle Englishnounmouse or shrew (small rodent)
MammalsmousMiddle EnglishnounA coward; one lacking courage.figuratively
MammalsmousMiddle EnglishnounA feeble or unimportant individual.figuratively
MammalsاونٹUrdunouncamel, dromedary
MammalsاونٹUrduadjtallfiguratively indeclinable
MammalsاونٹUrduadjfool, foolishfiguratively indeclinable
MammalsTibetancharacterTibetan letter waletter
MarriagematrimonialSpanishadjmatrimonialfeminine masculine
MarriagematrimonialSpanishadjmarriagefeminine masculine relational
MarriagezaręczaćPolishverbto swear (to take an oath)imperfective transitive
MarriagezaręczaćPolishverbto get engaged, to get betrothedimperfective reflexive
MarriageկալանArmeniannounsheath, scabbarddialectal
MarriageկալանArmeniannounbride pricedialectal
MarriageկալանArmeniannounsea otter (Enhydra lutris)
MateкалебасRussiannouncalabash tree (Crescentia cujete)
MateкалебасRussiannouncalabash vine (Lagenaria siceraria)
MateкалебасRussiannouna vessel made from the fruit of a plant denoted by this word
MateкалебасRussiannouna vessel from which the mate beverage is properly intaken independently from its material
MateкалебасRussiannouna musical instrument made from the fruit of a plant denoted by this word worked into a resonating body
MateкалебасRussiannoungenitive plural of калеба́са (kalebása)form-of genitive plural
MealsagapePolishnounagape (love feast, especially one held in the early Christian Church in connection with the Eucharist)Christianityfeminine indeclinable
MealsagapePolishnounagape (love of God for mankind, or the benevolent love of Christians for others)Christianityfeminine indeclinable
MealsagapePolishnounagape (spiritual, altruistic, beneficial love which wills good for others)human-sciences philosophy sciencesfeminine indeclinable
Measuring instrumentsvezneTurkishnounkind of balance used to measure weights
Measuring instrumentsvezneTurkishnounany institution where money is received and given, like a bankbroadly
Measuring instrumentsvezneTurkishnounpowder flask, a small flask for carrying gunpowder
MeatsrandEnglishnounThe border of an area of land, especially marshland.dialectal obsolete
MeatsrandEnglishnounA strip of meat; a long fleshy piece of beef, cut from the flank or leg; a sort of steak.dialectal obsolete
MeatsrandEnglishnounA border, edge or rim.dialectal
MeatsrandEnglishnounA strip of leather used to fit the heels of a shoe.
MeatsrandEnglishnounA single rod woven in and out of the stakes.
MeatsrandEnglishnounA rocky slope, especially the area over a river valley; specifically, the Rand
MeatsrandEnglishnounThe currency of South Africa, divided into 100 cents.
MeatsrandEnglishverbTo rant; to storm.intransitive obsolete
MeatsrandEnglishnounA random number.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
MedicineinfirmaryEnglishnounA place where sick or injured people are cared for, especially a small hospital; sickhouse.
MedicineinfirmaryEnglishnounA clinic or dispensary within another institution.
MedicineгоїтиUkrainianverbto heal (:injury, wound, etc.)transitive
MedicineгоїтиUkrainianverbSynonym of лікува́ти impf (likuváty).rare transitive
MedicineقانOttoman Turkishnounblood, a vital bodily fluid flowing in the bodies of many types of animals
MedicineقانOttoman Turkishnounvenesection, phlebotomy, the cutting open or exposing a veinbroadly
MedicineقانOttoman Turkishnounbloodshed, bloodbath, carnage, any slaughter on a large scalebroadly
MetallurgypilingEnglishnounA structural support comprising a length of wood, steel, or other construction material.
MetallurgypilingEnglishnounThe act of heaping up.
MetallurgypilingEnglishnounThe process of building up, heating, and working fagots or piles to form bars, etc.arts crafts hobbies ironworking lifestyle
MetallurgypilingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of pileform-of gerund participle present
MetalsاسربOttoman Turkishnounlead, a heavy, pliable, inelastic metal
MetalsاسربOttoman Turkishnounseal applied for transit in a custom house
MeteorologyneulaCatalannounfog, mistfeminine rare uncountable
MeteorologyneulaCatalannouna stupid personfeminine slang
MilitarypatrulleroSpanishadjrelated to patrolling
MilitarypatrulleroSpanishnounpatrol boatmasculine
MilitaryбоецRussiannounfighter, soldier
MonarchyThronGermannounthronemasculine strong
MonarchyThronGermannounthe monarchyfiguratively masculine strong
MonarchykongNorwegian Nynorsknounboil, carbuncle, abscessmasculine
MonarchykongNorwegian Nynorsknounking / a male monarchmasculine
MonarchykongNorwegian Nynorsknounking / a playing piece in chessmasculine
MonarchykongNorwegian Nynorsknounking / a playing card with the image of a king on itmasculine
MonarchykongNorwegian NynorsknounThe titular prefix given to a kingmasculine
MonarchyregeringDutchnoungoverning (act of; ruling a state or similar political entity)feminine
MonarchyregeringDutchnoungovernment (a governing council: especially the executive branch of government)lawfeminine
MonarchyregeringDutchnounrule, reign (of a prince etc.)feminine
MonarchyszejkPolishnounsheik (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe)Islam lifestyle religionmasculine person
MonarchyszejkPolishnounsheik (official title for members of the royal family in some Arab Gulf countries)masculine person
MonarchyszejkPolishnounAlternative spelling of shakealt-of alternative inanimate masculine
MonarchyحاکمPersianadjruling; governing
MonarchyحاکمPersiannounsovereign; sovereign ruler
MonarchyحاکمPersiannounmagistrate; judge
MonasticismpostulantEnglishnounA person seeking admission to a religious religion
MonasticismpostulantEnglishnounA person who submits a petition for something; a petitioner.
MonasticismпослушникMacedoniannounnovitiate, noviceChristianity
MonasticismпослушникMacedoniannounyes manderogatory
MoneysukliTagalognounchange (balance of money returned after a purchase)
MoneysukliTagalognoungiving of change (after a purchase)
MoneysukliTagalognounchange (small denominations given in exchange for a larger denomination)
MoneysukliTagalognounanything given in returnbroadly
Money資本Chinesenouncapitalbusiness economics finance sciences
Money資本Chinesenounright; privilege; prerogative; capital (valuable resource of a particular kind)figuratively
Moschatel family plantssambucoItaliannounelder, elderberry (the tree, Sambucus nigra)masculine
Moschatel family plantssambucoItaliannounsambuq (Arabian boat)masculine
Mothschʼosh ałchozhiiNavajonounclothes moth
Mothschʼosh ałchozhiiNavajonounskin beetle (Dermestidae)
MouthkoparaPolishnounAugmentative of koparkaaugmentative feminine form-of
MouthkoparaPolishnounyap (the mouth)colloquial derogatory feminine
Mulberry family plantsfruta-pãoPortuguesenounbreadfruitfeminine
Mulberry family plantsfruta-pãoPortuguesenounbreadfruit treefeminine
Murdersecond-degree murderEnglishnounThe criminal offence of murder in a form defined as less serious than first-degree murder; the precise distinction may vary by jurisdiction but typically involves second-degree murder being intentional but not premeditated.lawCanada US countable uncountable
Murdersecond-degree murderEnglishnounAn act that constitutes the crime of second-degree murder.lawCanada US countable uncountable
MushroomsmesisieniFinnishnounhoney fungus, mushrooms of the genus Armillaria
MushroomsmesisieniFinnishnounArmillaria borealis
MushroomsпечерицяUkrainiannounchampignon, Agaricus bisporus
MushroomsпечерицяUkrainiannounan old, wrinkled or short, fat personderogatory
Musical genresviraPortuguesenouna traditional music and dance genre of northern Portugalmasculine
Musical genresviraPortugueseverbinflection of virar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Musical genresviraPortugueseverbinflection of virar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Musical genresviraPortugueseverbfirst/third-person singular pluperfect indicative of verfirst-person form-of indicative pluperfect singular third-person
Musical instrumentskūtaMarshallesenouna guitaralienable
Musical instrumentskūtaMarshalleseverbto play the guitarintransitive
Musical instrumentsorganeMiddle EnglishnounA device used to produce music; a musical instrument.
Musical instrumentsorganeMiddle EnglishnounA keyboard instrument that produces sound by air moved through pipes; an organ.entertainment lifestyle music
Musical instrumentsorganeMiddle EnglishnounA melody sung in counterpoint or descant; organum.entertainment lifestyle music
Musical instrumentsorganeMiddle EnglishnounA body part which performs a certain function; an organ.
Musical instrumentsorganeMiddle EnglishnounA tool.
Musical instrumentstamjaTarifitnounpipefeminine
Musical instrumentstamjaTarifitnounflutefeminine
MusicianspsalmistaPolishnounpsalmist (composer of one of the Biblical Psalms)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine person
MusicianspsalmistaPolishnounchorister or choirmastermasculine person
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounSomeone or something that whistles, or who plays a whistle as a musical instrument.
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounAny of several passerine birds of the genera Pachycephala and Coracornis, of Australasia and the western Pacific.
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounAny bird that whistles or is noted for its whistling vocalisations (applied regionally to various specific species).
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounA goldeneye (any of certain ducks of genus Bucephala).
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounA whistling marmot (Marmota caligata).
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounA mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa).
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounAn audio-frequency electromagnetic wave produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning.
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounA broken-winded horse.
MusicianswhistlerEnglishnounThe keeper of a whistling shop, or shebeen.obsolete slang
MustelidsدلهPersianadjstray, wanderingIran
MustelidsدلهPersiannounpine marten
My Little PonycloppingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of clopform-of gerund participle present
My Little PonycloppingEnglishnounThe sound or action of something that clops.countable uncountable
My Little PonycloppingEnglishnounThe act of masturbating to erotic fanart of My Little Pony characters.countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesnicorOld Englishnounwater demon, water monstermasculine
Mythological creaturesnicorOld Englishnounhippopotamusmasculine
Mythological creatures白虎Japanesenounwhite tiger (tiger with white fur)
Mythological creatures白虎JapanesenameWhite Tiger, one of the Four Symbols in the Chinese constellations
Mythological creatures白虎Japanesenounwhite tiger (tiger with white fur)
Mythological creatures白虎JapanesenameWhite Tiger, one of the Four Symbols in the Chinese constellations
MythologypăcurăRomaniannounoil (fuel)feminine uncountable
MythologypăcurăRomaniannountarfeminine uncountable
MythologypăcurăRomaniannounnaphthafeminine uncountable
MythologypăcurăRomaniannounhellarchaic feminine rare uncountable
NationalismutaifaSwahilinounnationhoodclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
NationalismutaifaSwahilinounnationalismclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
NationalitiesSpaanseDutchnounfemale Spanish personSpanish feminine person
NationalitiesSpaanseDutchadjinflection of Spaans: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
NationalitiesSpaanseDutchadjinflection of Spaans: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
NationalitiesSpaanseDutchadjinflection of Spaans: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
NationalitiesalemanBasquenounA German person (man or woman)animate inanimate
NationalitiesalemanBasquenounThe German languageinanimate
NationalitiesarapTurkmenadjArab, Arabic, Arabian
NationalitiescameruneseItaliannounCameroonianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitieschinuAsturianadjChinesemasculine singular
NationalitieschinuAsturiannounChinese personmasculine
NationalitieschinuAsturiannounChinese (language)masculine uncountable
Nationalitiesdél-szudániHungarianadjSouth Sudanese (of, from, or pertaining to South Sudan)not-comparable
Nationalitiesdél-szudániHungariannounSouth Sudanese (person from South Sudan)
NationalitiesgrecoItaliannounGreek (individual)masculine
NationalitiesgrecoItaliannounGreek (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesgrecoItaliannounwind from the northeastmasculine uncountable
NationalitiesgrecoItaliannounnortheast (direction)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesgrecoItaliannountype of vine with golden-yellow clusters, known for producing certain famous winesmasculine uncountable
NationalitiesmalawianoPortugueseadjMalawian (of or relating to Malawi)
NationalitiesmalawianoPortuguesenounMalawian (a person from Malawi)masculine
NationalitiessiameseItalianadjSiamese, Thai
NationalitiessiameseItaliannounSiamese personby-personal-gender feminine historical masculine
NationalitiessiameseItaliannounSiamese catmasculine
NationalitiessiameseItaliannounthe Siamese language; Thaimasculine uncountable
NationalitiesskotlantilainenFinnishnounA Scottish person.
NationalitiesukrainalainenFinnishnounA Ukrainian person.
NationalitiesтүркKyrgyznounTurk (by ethnicity)
Native American tribesChinookEnglishnameA Native American language of the Penutian family of Oregon and Washington.
Native American tribesChinookEnglishnameChinook Jargon, a pidgin trade language of the Pacific Northwest composed primarily of words from Chinook proper, English, and French, with some borrowings from other languages.
Native American tribesChinookEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Blaine County, Montana, United States.
Native American tribesChinookEnglishnounA member of a Native American people whose traditional tribal grounds were along the lower and middle Columbia River.
Native American tribesChinookEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of chinookalt-of
Native American tribesKirikuruksPawneenounWichita tribe
Native American tribesKirikuruksPawneenounWichita male
Native AmericansFirst NationsEnglishnounThe indigenous peoples of Canada (typically not including Inuit or Metis); Indians.Canada plural plural-only
Native AmericansFirst NationsEnglishnounThe indigenous peoples of any country or region.Canada plural plural-only uncommon
Native AmericansFirst NationsEnglishnounThe Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) peoples of Australia.Australia plural plural-only
Native AmericansFirst NationsEnglishadjAlternative form of First Nationalt-of alternative not-comparable
Native AmericansFirst NationsEnglishnounplural of First Nationform-of plural
NatureybakaOld Tupinounsky
NatureybakaOld TupinounheavenChristianity
Nightshadeskiss-me-quickEnglishnounThe flowering plant Brunfelsia pauciflora.countable uncountable
Nightshadeskiss-me-quickEnglishnounA bump in a road.US countable obsolete slang
Nightshadeskiss-me-quickEnglishnounA kind of bonnet for women, fashionable in the 19th century.countable historical
NightshadesلساسArabicnoungrass short by reason of grazingcollective obsolete
NightshadesلساسArabicnounboxthorn (Lycium gen. et spp.)collective
NobilityempericeMiddle EnglishnounAn empress; a female ruler of an empire.
NobilityempericeMiddle EnglishnounThe wife or partner of an empire's ruler.
NorwayoslenseSpanishadjOslovian (of or relating to Oslo, Norway)feminine masculine
NorwayoslenseSpanishnounOslovian (native or resident of Oslo, Norway)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
Nuclear energynuclear energyEnglishnounThe energy released by a nuclear reaction; either through nuclear fission or nuclear fusionuncountable
Nuclear energynuclear energyEnglishnounSuch energy used as a power source.uncountable
Numbers三六Chinesenounthree sixes; eighteen
Numbers三六Chinesenoundog meatCantonese
Numbers三六ChinesenoundogLiuzhou Mandarin Pinghua
NutscocoPortuguesenouncoconut (fruit of coco palm)masculine
NutscocoPortuguesenounheadinformal masculine
NutscocoPortuguesenountesticleinformal masculine vulgar
NutscocoPortuguesenounpopular dance from Alagoasdance dancing hobbies lifestyle sportsBrazil masculine
NutscocoPortuguesenouncoccusbacteriology biology microbiology natural-sciencesmasculine
NutscocoPortuguesenounkokuhistorical masculine
NutslandraGaliciannounswollen lymph nodefeminine
NutsկակալArmeniannounwalnut (together with the shell)dialectal
OaksдубRussiannounoak (Quercus) (tree and wood)
OaksдубRussiannountan, bark of an oak or other tree used to obtain tannic acid
OaksдубRussiannounboat made from oak boards or a single oak-tree trunk
OaksдубRussiannounstupid man, blockhead, numskullcolloquial figuratively
ObstetricsمشيمةArabicnouna sac that encloses the embryo or the fetus during gestation, the amnion or the chorion, the fetal membranecountable
ObstetricsمشيمةArabicnounthe round or disk-shaped organ that grows during pregnancy in the wombs of the females of many species of child-bearing mammals (placental mammals) so as to transfer nutrients to the child, the placentaArabic Modern Standard countable
OccultczarPolishnounspell (magic)inanimate masculine
OccultczarPolishnounallure, charm (quality of inspiring delight or admiration)inanimate masculine
OccultczarPolishnounsorcery (magical power)in-plural inanimate masculine
OccultczarPolishnoungenitive plural of czarafeminine form-of genitive plural
OccultwitchdomEnglishnounThe exercise of witchcraft or of supernatural powers; witcherycountable uncountable
OccultwitchdomEnglishnounThe world of witches or of witchcraft; witches collectivelycountable uncountable
OccupationsSchneiderGermannounagent noun of schneiden: cutter (a person or device that cuts)agent form-of masculine strong
OccupationsSchneiderGermannountailor (male or of unspecified gender)masculine strong
OccupationsSchneiderGermannoundaddy-longlegs, harvestman, water strider, cranefly, etc. (any long-legged arachnid or insect)masculine strong
OccupationsSchneiderGermannamea common surname originating as an occupationfeminine masculine proper-noun surname
OccupationsalalẹYorubanounancestor, local earth spirit (imọlẹ̀), the guardian spirit of a specific town or people
OccupationsalalẹYorubanounlandowner, landlord
OccupationsapuntadorCatalannounpointer (stick used to point at things)masculine
OccupationsapuntadorCatalannounprompterentertainment lifestyle theatermasculine
OccupationsapuntadorCatalannounclerk (person who keeps track of cargo loaded and unloaded)nautical transportmasculine
OccupationsastronàuticCatalannounan expert in astronauticsmasculine
OccupationsbailarinoPortuguesenounballet dancermasculine
OccupationsdigterDanishnounauthor, writercommon-gender
OccupationsdigterDanishverbpresent of digteform-of present
OccupationspopaLatinnounA priest's assistant (at a sacrifice)declension-1 masculine
OccupationspopaLatinnounA woman who sold animals for sacrificedeclension-1 feminine
Occupationssoldier of fortuneEnglishnounA non-commissioned soldier willing to serve any state or person who will hire him.
Occupationssoldier of fortuneEnglishnounA person willing to work for or ally himself with any person or institution who will take him on.broadly figuratively
OccupationssommelierEnglishnounThe member of staff at a restaurant who keeps the wine cellar and advises the guests on a choice of wines; a wine steward / stewardess, a wine waiter / waitress / server.
OccupationssommelierEnglishverbTo act as a sommelier.rare
OccupationswerbownikPolishnounrecruiterdated masculine person
OccupationswerbownikPolishnouncanvasserdated masculine person
OccupationsòpticCatalanadjoptic, optical
OccupationsελληνιστήςGreeknouna person studying Ancient and Hellenistic Greek literature and language.
OccupationsελληνιστήςGreeknouna writer, especially a Jewish or non-Greek one, of the Hellenistic period.
OccupationsοἰνοχόηAncient Greeknounvessel for taking wine from the krater and pouring it into the cups
OccupationsοἰνοχόηAncient Greeknounkind of sideboard to range the wine-cups on
OccupationsοἰνοχόηAncient Greeknounfemale cupbearer
OccupationsхәбәрсеBashkirnounreporter, correspondentjournalism media
OccupationsхәбәрсеBashkirnounmessenger, herald
Occupationsछात्रHindinounstudent, pupil, disciple
OccupationsশাহবানুBengalinounqueen consort, queen
OccupationsশাহবানুBengalinounempress, queen regnant, regina
Occupationsਜਹਾਜ਼ੀPunjabiadjship, shipping; nautical, navalrelational
OccupationsసాలెTelugunounA caste of weavers.
OccupationsọdẹYorubanounstupid person, idiotderogatory offensive
OccupationsọdẹYorubanounsecurity guard
OccupationsọdẹYorubanounA prefix for Yoruba given names given to descendants of hunters, (ex. Ọdẹ́gbàmí)
Occupations代書Chinesenounsomeone who writes legal documents for others
Occupations代書Chineseverbto write legal documents for others
Occupations參贊Chinesenouncounsellor; councillor; attaché; diplomatic officergovernment politics
Occupations參贊Chineseverbto act as an adviserhistorical literary
Occupations교사Koreannouna teacher, the profession, especially in a primary or secondary school, of being a teacher (not used to address an individual directly)
Occupations교사Koreannounschool building; school house
Occupations교사Koreannouninstigation; incitement
Occupations교사Koreannoundeath by hanging
OnemononymEnglishnounA single name by which a person, thing, etc., is known.
OnemononymEnglishnounA single term for a thing or concept, allowing for no synonyms.
Organizations国会Japanesenounparliament; congress
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe National Diet (Japan's bicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe Cortes Generales (Spain's bicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe Parliament (France's bicameral legislature; Sri Lanka's and Singapore's unicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe House of Nation (Bangladesh's unicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (South Korea's unicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (Vietnam's unicameral legislature)
OrgansacayotlClassical Nahuatlnounpiping
OrgansacayotlClassical Nahuatlnounmale genitalia
OrganscocoxquiClassical NahuatlnounSomeone or something sick, ill.
OrganscocoxquiClassical NahuatlnounA gay man who is the passive partner in sex; a bottom.
OrganscocoxquiClassical Nahuatlnounvulva
OwlschouetteFrenchnounowl (specifically, those species of owls without ear tufts; those with ear tufts are hiboux)feminine
OwlschouetteFrenchadjgreat, cool, swellinformal
OwlschouetteFrenchintjExclamation when one learns of something pleasinginformal
PaganismGodEnglishnameThe first deity of various theistic religions, and the only deity in the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.uncountable usually
PaganismGodEnglishnameThe first deity of various theistic religions, and the only deity in the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. / God the Father as distinguished from Jesus Christ, God the Son.uncountable usually
PaganismGodEnglishnameThe single male deity of various bitheistic or duotheistic religions.uncountable usually
PaganismGodEnglishnameThe transcendent principle, for example the ultimate cause or prime mover, often not considered as a person.human-sciences philosophy sciencesuncountable usually
PaganismGodEnglishnounA being such as a monotheistic God: a single divine creator and ruler of the universe.
PaganismGodEnglishintjShort for oh God: expressing annoyance or frustration.abbreviation alt-of
PainболезненныйRussianadjsickly, ailing, unhealthy
PainماتمUrdunounmourning, grief
PainماتمUrdunounlamentation, beating the chest
PainماتمUrdunounregret, sorrowbroadly
PainماتمUrdunouna women's gathering for a good deed or bad occasion
PainماتمUrdunounritual mourning (for Imam Hussain's martydom)Islam lifestyle religionShia
Palm treesPalmeGermannounpalm treefeminine
Palm treesPalmeGermannouna palm branchfeminine
PaperدستArabicnounboiler, cauldron, kettle, cupola etc.
PaperدستArabicnounseat, throne, cathedra etc.archaic
PaperدستArabicnouna cushioning, carpeting, resting place, place of honorobsolete
PaperدستArabicnounpack of clothes, apparel, dress that accompanies a man of honourobsolete
PaperدستArabicnounassembly, companyobsolete
PaperدستArabicnounplain; desertobsolete
PaperدستArabicnouna match of playing cards or chess or contest fighting etc.obsolete
PaperدستArabicnounhand, power, authority; lead in a game of cards etc.; pompfiguratively obsolete
PaperدستArabicnounquire of paperobsolete
ParasitestävawKhumi Chinnounbird
ParasitestävawKhumi Chinnounstream
ParasitestävawKhumi Chinnounleech
ParasitesштркSerbo-CroatiannounstorkBosnia Serbia
ParasitesштркSerbo-Croatiannounan insect of the families Oestridae, especially subfamily Gasterophilinae, a parasite in the body of a mammal; gadfly, botfly, warble fly
PastacaputxetaCatalannoundiminutive of caputxa (“hood”)diminutive feminine form-of
PastacaputxetaCatalannouncappelletto (filled pasta in the shape of a hat or hood)feminine
PathologyteismoEsperantonountheism (belief in a deity, often personal and active in the world)uncountable
PathologyteismoEsperantonountheism (morbid condition resulting from excessive tea consumption)uncountable
PeopleBengelGermannouna club wielded as a weaponarchaic masculine strong
PeopleBengelGermannouna young rascalmasculine strong
PeopleBengelGermannouna knave, a boyderogatory endearing masculine strong
PeopleCaroleanEnglishadjPertaining to a person named Charles or its variants and cognates; or places, things, or eras so named.
PeopleCaroleanEnglishadjOf or relating to King Charles I, Charles II, or Charles III.
PeopleCaroleanEnglishnounA contemporary of King Charles I, II, or III.
PeopleCaroleanEnglishnounA soldier (or war veteran) of the Swedish kings Charles XI and Charles XII.historical
PeopleCaroleanEnglishadjOf or relating to the Swedish kings Charles XI and Charles XII.historical
PeopleVroLimburgishnounwoman (adult female human)feminine
PeopleVroLimburgishnounwife (married woman, especially in relation to her spouse)feminine
PeopleVroLimburgishnouna title of courtesy, equivalent to Mrs/Ms/Missfeminine
PeopleVroLimburgishnounmadam (polite form of address for a woman or lady)feminine
PeopleVroLimburgishnounlady; noblewoman (woman of breeding or higher class)feminine
PeopleadoptionistEnglishnounOne who believes in or supports adoptionism.Christianity
PeopleadoptionistEnglishnounOne who supports adoption.uncommon
PeopleadoptionistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to adoptionism.not-comparable
PeopleasfaltPolishnounasphaltinanimate masculine
PeopleasfaltPolishnounasphalt concreteinanimate masculine
PeopleasfaltPolishnouncoon, nigger, tar babyderogatory ethnic masculine person slur
PeopleaspirantFrenchnounofficer candidate, officer designate, midshipmangovernment military politics warmasculine
PeopleaspirantFrenchadjsucking, extracting
PeopleaspirantFrenchverbpresent participle of aspirerform-of participle present
PeopleassayngeMiddle EnglishnounThe running of a test or assay.
PeopleassayngeMiddle EnglishnounLiving through something.
PeopleawenkeEastern Arrerntenounyoung woman
PeopleawenkeEastern Arrerntenounteenage girl
PeoplebatologistEnglishnounA botanist who studies the genus Rubus, i.e. brambles.
PeoplebatologistEnglishnounSomeone who studies bats (the flying mammal).colloquial humorous
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounbarrel (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop)feminine
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounbarrel (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) / drunkennessMiddle Polish feminine
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounbarrel rollaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounbarrelful, barrel (contents of such a container)feminine
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounbarrel vault (simple roof having a curved, often semicircular cross section; used to span large distances in railway stations, churches, etc. Usually supported on columns)architecturefeminine obsolete
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounfatso (fat person)derogatory feminine obsolete
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounend of a row on a chessboardboard-games chess gamesfeminine obsolete
PeoplebeczkaPolishnounorca (Orcinus orca)Middle Polish feminine
PeoplecaraduraSpanishadjcheeky, shamelesscolloquial feminine masculine
PeoplecaraduraSpanishnouncheeky person, cheekby-personal-gender colloquial feminine masculine
PeoplecsempészHungarianverbto smuggletransitive
PeopledesperadoEnglishnounA bold outlaw, especially one from southern portions of the Wild West.
PeopledesperadoEnglishnounA person in desperate circumstances or who is at the point of desperation, such as a down-and-outer, an addict, etc.colloquial
PeopledesperadoEnglishnounA person who is desperately in love or is desperate for a romantic or sexual relationship.colloquial
PeopledesperadoEnglishnounA piece that seems determined to give itself up, typically to bring about stalemate or perpetual check.board-games chess games
PeoplediadochusEnglishnounAny of the rival families who fought for control over Alexander the Great's empire after his death.historical
PeoplediadochusEnglishnounHeir to the Crown of Greece.historical
PeopleestúpidCatalannoundolt, idiot, simpletonmasculine
PeoplegeebagEnglishnounAn irritating or obnoxious person.Ireland slang
PeoplegeebagEnglishnounA person of a lower class.Ireland derogatory slang
PeoplehospesLatinnounhostdeclension-3 feminine masculine
PeoplehospesLatinnounguest, visitordeclension-3 feminine masculine
PeoplehospesLatinnounstranger, foreignerdeclension-3 feminine masculine
PeoplehospesLatinnoununaware, inexperienced, untraineddeclension-3 feminine masculine
PeoplehypothecaryEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or arising from hypothecation, the pledging of property or mortgage as surety for a loannot-comparable
PeoplehypothecaryEnglishnounThe holder of a hypothec, or pledgelaw
PeoplekopciuchPolishnounAugmentative of kopciuszekaugmentative derogatory form-of masculine person
PeoplekopciuchPolishnouna dirty, grimy personcolloquial masculine person
PeoplekopciuchPolishnouna cigarette produced from poor-quality tobaccocolloquial inanimate masculine
PeoplekopciuchPolishnouna smoke-emitting vehicle or other machinecolloquial inanimate masculine
PeoplelyvereMiddle Englishnounliver (digestive organ): / The liver as the purported origin of love.
PeoplelyvereMiddle Englishnounliver (digestive organ): / The liver as food or medicine.
PeoplelyvereMiddle EnglishnounA living being.
PeoplelyvereMiddle EnglishnounA person who lives in a certain way.
PeoplelyvereMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of lyverenalt-of alternative
PeoplemarginadoSpanishadjostracized, cast out, marginalized
PeoplemarginadoSpanishverbpast participle of marginarform-of participle past
PeoplematasieteSpanishnounbully, thugmasculine
PeoplematasieteSpanishnounloudmouth, blowhardmasculine
PeoplemzushiSwahilinounslanderer, gossipmonger, telltaleclass-1 class-2
PeoplemzushiSwahilinouninventor, innovatorclass-1 class-2
PeoplepandoerDutchnouna member of an 18th-century Habsburg imperial Croatian regiment to fight the Ottoman Turksmasculine neuter
PeoplepandoerDutchnouna ruffian, abusive personfiguratively masculine neuter
PeoplepandoerDutchnounThe name of a card game where a player can call pandoer!also in-plural masculine neuter
PeoplepandoerDutchverbinflection of pandoeren: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PeoplepandoerDutchverbinflection of pandoeren: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
PeoplepandoerDutchverbinflection of pandoeren: / imperativeform-of imperative
PeoplepiemanEnglishnounA man who sells pies.
PeoplepiemanEnglishnounThe man who called heads or tails in street gambling games of coin tossing.UK obsolete slang
PeoplereisijuhtEstoniannounguide, tour guide (a person guiding tourists on a trip)
PeoplereisijuhtEstoniannounguide book, travel guide
PeoplesbruffoneItaliannounboaster, braggartmasculine
PeoplesbruffoneItaliannounplural of sbruffonafeminine form-of plural
PeopleskaterEnglishnounA person who skates.
PeopleskaterEnglishnounA member of skateboarding subculture, characterized by dingy and baggy clothes, and often wallet chains.
PeopleskaterEnglishnounA skateboarder
PeopleskaterEnglishnounA player who is not a goaltender.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sports
PeopleskaterEnglishnounAny of numerous hemipterous insects in the family Gerridae, which run rapidly over the surface of the water, as if skating.
PeoplesuscipientEnglishadjReceiving; admitting.obsolete
PeoplesuscipientEnglishnounOne who takes or admits; one who receives.obsolete
PeopleterpsichoreanEnglishadjOf or relating to dancing hobbies lifestyle sports
PeopleterpsichoreanEnglishnounA person who dances, especially professionally.
PeoplevillanelloItaliannoundiminutive of villanodiminutive form-of masculine
PeoplevillanelloItaliannouna young peasant or farmerarchaic literary masculine
PeoplevitalistEnglishadjOf or espousing vitalism, the doctrine that life cannot be entirely reduced to physical and chemical factors.
PeoplevitalistEnglishnounSomeone who believes in vitalism, the doctrine that life cannot be entirely reduced to physical and chemical factors.
PeopleyounglingEnglishadjYoung; youthful.archaic
PeopleyounglingEnglishnounA young person, animal, or plant; chit.
PeopleαγριάνθρωποςGreeknounrough, savage or brutish man
PeopleміліцыяBelarusiannounmilitsia (administrative body in the USSR for the protection of public order and security)
PeopleমানুষBengalinounperson, human
PeopleমানুষBengalinounpeople, mankind, humanity
People一人Japanesenounone person
People一人Japanesenounsingleness, singularity
People一人Japanesenounone's own efforts or strengths
People一人Japanesenounan unmarried person, single
People一人Japaneseadvonly, simply
People一人Japaneseadvalone, automatically, by itself, naturally
People一人Japanesenamea female given name
People一人Japanesenounone person
People一人Japanesenounthe first or top person in a particular place or field
People一人JapanesenounSynonym of 右大臣 (udaijin): a minister of the right in the imperial Council of State
People一人Japanesenouna ruler with a heavenly mandate, especially the Emperor of Japan
People一人Japanesenamea male given name
People人物Chinesenounfigure; personage
People人物Chinesenouncharacter (in a story)
People人物Chinesenounfigure painting; painting of a person; portraitart arts
People人物Chinesenounpeople and thingsClassical
People同學Chinesenounschoolmate; classmate
People同學Chinesenouna term of address for a student
People同學Chineseverbto study in the same school or classintransitive verb-object
People替班Chineseverbto take someone's shift
People替班Chinesenounsomeone who takes someone's shift
People老虎乸Chinesenounshrewish woman; vixen; termagantCantonese
Percoid fishtoxotesEnglishnounAny fish of genus Toxotes, the archerfishes.
Percoid fishtoxotesEnglishnounA Greek archer armed with a short Greek bow and a short sword.historical
Percussion instrumentscymbałkiPolishnounDiminutive of cymbałydiminutive form-of plural
Percussion instrumentscymbałkiPolishnounglockenspiel, bells (musical instrument of the percussion idiophone family of instruments; like the xylophone, it has tuned bars arranged like the keys on a piano, and is also smaller in size and higher in pitch)plural
Percussion instrumentscymbałkiPolishnounnominative/vocative plural of cymbałekderogatory form-of masculine nominative person plural vocative
PersiaRhazèsFrenchnameA male given name of historical usage, equivalent to English Rhazesmasculine
PersiaRhazèsFrenchnameRhazes (Persian physician)masculine
PersonalityperversFrenchadjsexually perverted, raunchy
PersonalityperversFrenchnouna lechermasculine
PersonalityмуҥнаахYakutadjhard, difficult, burdensome
PersonalityмуҥнаахYakutnounmartyrlifestyle religion
Phaseoleae tribe plants大豆Chinesenounsoybean (Glycine max)
Phaseoleae tribe plants大豆Chinesenounbroad bean; fava bean (Vicia faba)regional
Phaseoleae tribe plants大豆Chinesenounpeanut (Arachis hypogaea)Guangdong Min Northern Southern
PhiliasephebophiliaEnglishnounA sexual preference for adolescent boys.dated uncountable
PhiliasephebophiliaEnglishnounPrimary adult sexual attraction towards postpubescent adolescents, usually between 15 and 19 years old.uncountable
PhoneticsKontraktionGermannouncontractionfeminine formal literary
PhoneticsKontraktionGermannouncontractionmathematics sciencesfeminine
PhotographydaguerreotypeEnglishnounAn early type of photograph created by exposing a silver surface which has previously been exposed to either iodine vapor or iodine and bromine vapors; such a photograph.
PhotographydaguerreotypeEnglishnounThe process of making such photographs.
PhotographydaguerreotypeEnglishnounA faithful or exact representation or description.figuratively obsolete
PhotographydaguerreotypeEnglishverbTo make a photograph using this process, to make a daguerreotype (of).intransitive transitive
PhotographydaguerreotypeEnglishverbTo describe or represent exactly or faithfully; depict.figuratively obsolete transitive
PhotographyretratoCebuanonouna photograph; a picture made using a camera
PhotographyretratoCebuanonouna portrait
PhotographyretratoCebuanoverbto take a photograph
PhotographyretratoCebuanoverbto have one's photograph's taken
Physiologyknee-jerkEnglishadjUnthinking, not carefully considered, (nearly) automatic, spontaneous, easily predictable.
Physiologyknee-jerkEnglishnounA sudden reflexive movement of the leg below the knee, as a reaction to a tap to the tendon just below the patella (kneecap).
PigmentsachioteEnglishnounA tropical American evergreen shrub, Bixa orellana; the lipstick tree.countable uncountable
PigmentsachioteEnglishnounThe seed of this tree used as a colouring or in Latin American cooking.countable uncountable
PigmentsachioteEnglishnounAn orange-red dye obtained from this seed.countable uncountable
PigspurchiriSassaresenounpigsty (enclosure where pigs are kept)invariable masculine
PigspurchiriSassaresenounpigsty (dirty or very untidy place)figuratively invariable masculine
PigsrobaPolishnounadult womandialectal feminine
PigsrobaPolishnounwifedialectal feminine
PigsrobaPolishnoundisorderly womandialectal feminine
PigsrobaPolishnounsowdialectal feminine
PigsrobaPolishnounfemale slavefeminine obsolete
PigsrobaPolishnounattire, clothes, clothingfeminine
PigsrobaPolishnountype of exquisite, ornate gownfeminine historical
PlacesanghyfanneddWelshadjuninhabited, empty, desolate
PlacesanghyfanneddWelshadjlonely, solitary, forsaken, abandoned
PlacesanghyfanneddWelshnoununinhabited place, desolationmasculine
Places in SwedenLappiFinnishnameLapland (geographical area that covers the northmost parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland plus a Northwestern corner of Russia)uncountable
Places in SwedenLappiFinnishnameLapland (the northernmost maakunta (“region”) of Finland)uncountable
Places in SwedenLappiFinnishnameA former municipality of Satakunta, Finland, merged with Rauma in 2009.
Places in SwedenLappiFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland outside Lapland (named for ancient Sami residence).
Places in SwedenLappiFinnishnamea Finnish surname transferred from the nickname derived from lappi (“a Sami”)
Places of worshipmonasteroItaliannounmonasterymasculine
Places of worshipmonasteroItaliannounconvent, nunnerymasculine
Places of worship西園寺Japanesenamea surname
Places of worship西園寺JapanesenameXiyuan Temple
Planets of the Solar SystemSatarnIrishnameSaturnhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemSatarnIrishnameSaturn (planet)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemⲍⲉⲩⲥCopticnameZeus, king of the greek gods and god of the sky.
Planets of the Solar SystemⲍⲉⲩⲥCopticnameJupiter, king of the roman gods and god of the sky.
Planets of the Solar SystemⲍⲉⲩⲥCopticnamethe planet Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
PlantsappendixLatinnounsupplement, additiondeclension-3 feminine
PlantsappendixLatinnounappendagedeclension-3 feminine
PlantsappendixLatinnounbarberry (shrub)declension-3 feminine
PlantscampanetaOccitannounnettle-leaved bellflower (Campanula trachelium L.)feminine
PlantscampanetaOccitannounfield bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.)feminine
PlantscampanetaOccitannounsea daffodil (Pancratium maritimum L.)feminine
PlantsmodhëAlbaniannounbrome (Bromus)feminine
PlantsmodhëAlbaniannounryegrass (Lolium)feminine
PlantsmodhëAlbaniannounvetchling, vetchdialectal feminine
PlantsnghệVietnamesenounoccupation, employment, trade, profession
PoetrymakarEnglishnounA poet writing in Scots.
PoetrymakarEnglishnounThe national poet laureate of Scotland.
PoetrymakarEnglishnounAlternative form of mugger (“type of crocodile”)alt-of alternative
PoisonsزهرOttoman Turkishnounpoison, venom
PoisonsزهرOttoman Turkishnounanything very disagreeable
PoisonsزهرOttoman Turkishnoungrief, anxiety, care
PoisonsزهرOttoman Turkishnounanger, rage, chafe
PokerparSlovenenounsome, a couple (of)
PokerparSlovenenouncouple (two partners)
PokerparSlovenenounpargolf hobbies lifestyle sports
PokerparSlovenenoun(poker) paircard-games games
Political sciencevotarSpanishverbto vote
Political sciencevotarSpanishverbto throwLatin-America
PoliticseduskuntaFinnishnounthe Finnish Parliament
PoliticseduskuntaFinnishnounany parliamentbroadly rare
PoliticsนิติบัญญัติThainounthe legislative.
Politics政府Chineseadjgovernment; governmentalattributive
Politics革命Japanesenouna revolution; a coup d'état
Politics革命Japanesenounone of the sankaku in traditional cosmology; a year often accompanied by change
PolygonstetragonEnglishnounQuadrilateral.geometry mathematics sciencesrare
PolygonstetragonEnglishnounAn aspect of two planets with regard to the Earth when they are distant from each other ninety degrees, or a quarter-circle.
Pome fruitsskalníkCzechnouncotoneasteranimate masculine
Pome fruitsskalníkCzechnounrock thrushanimate masculine
PortugalfreguesiaPortuguesenounparish; an administrative division in Portugal, Macau, and Cape Verdegovernmentfeminine
PortugalfreguesiaPortuguesenounthe customers of a business, taken collectivelybusinessfeminine
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo quickly lower the head or body, often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.intransitive
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo quickly lower (the head or body), often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.transitive
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo lower (something) into water; to thrust or plunge under liquid and suddenly withdraw.transitive
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to plunge one's head into water or other liquid.intransitive
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo bow.intransitive
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo evade doing something.figuratively transitive
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo lower the volume of (a sound) so that other sounds in the mix can be heard more clearly.transitive
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo enter a place for a short moment.colloquial intransitive
PoultryduckEnglishnounA cave passage containing water with low, or no, airspace.caving hobbies lifestyle
PoultryduckEnglishnounAn aquatic bird of the family Anatidae, having a flat bill and webbed feet.countable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounSpecifically, an adult female duck; contrasted with drake and with duckling.countable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounThe flesh of a duck used as food.uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA batsman's score of zero after getting out. (short for duck's egg, since the digit "0" is round like an egg.)ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA playing card with the rank of two.countable slang uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA building intentionally constructed in the shape of an everyday object to which it is related.countable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA marble to be shot at with another marble (the shooter) in children's games.countable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA cairn used to mark a trail.US countable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounOne of the weights used to hold a spline in place for the purpose of drawing a curve.countable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounSynonym of lame duck (“one who cannot fulfil their contracts”)business financecountable dated slang uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA long-necked medical urinal for men; a bed urinal.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA faggot; a meatball made from offal.UK countable obsolete slang uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounSynonym of bitch (“a man forced or coerced into a homosexual relationship, especially in prison”).LGBT lifestyle sexualityUS countable slang uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA tightly-woven cotton fabric used as sailcloth.countable uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounTrousers made of such material.countable in-plural uncountable
PoultryduckEnglishnounA term of endearment; pet; darling.
PoultryduckEnglishnounDear, mate (informal way of addressing a friend or stranger).Midlands
PoultryduckEnglishverbTo surreptitiously leave a rubber duck on someone's parked Jeep as an act of kindness (see Jeep ducking).transitive
Poultry火雞Chinesenounturkey (Meleagris)
Poultry火雞Chinesenouncassowary (Casuarius)
Poultry火雞Chinesenounbusybody; meddlerXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien figuratively
Poultry火雞Chinesenounsoldering toolQuanzhou Xiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Poultry火雞ChineseadjmeddlesomeXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien figuratively
PrayermodlitwaPolishnounprayer (practice of communicating with one's God)feminine
PrayermodlitwaPolishnounprayer (the specific words or methods used for praying)feminine
PregnancyrodzićPolishverbto give birthimperfective transitive
PregnancyrodzićPolishverbto yield, to give a cropimperfective transitive
PregnancyrodzićPolishverbto be bornimperfective reflexive
PrimatesouistitiFrenchnounweirdoinformal masculine
PrimatesouistitiFrenchintjcheesearts hobbies lifestyle photography
Procedural lawdispositifFrenchnounarrangement, lay-outmasculine
Procedural lawdispositifFrenchnounmeasures, expedient, means to an endmasculine
Procedural lawdispositifFrenchnoundevice, machine, systemmasculine
Procedural lawdispositifFrenchnounoperation, planmasculine
Procedural lawdispositifFrenchnoundispositiflawmasculine
ProstitutionตัวThainounfigure; form; shape; body; embodiment.
ProstitutionตัวThainounfigure, number; character; letter.
ProstitutionตัวThainounmain part; material part; essence.
ProstitutionตัวThainounused as a prefix to indicate the state of being, of having a form, or of being an individual, animal, object, etc.
ProstitutionตัวThainoun(อี~) prostitute.derogatory offensive slang
ProstitutionตัวThaiprona second person pronoun, used to address a person of equal or lower status: you.
ProstitutionตัวThaiclassifierClassifier for animals. ⇒ all nouns using this classifier
ProstitutionตัวThaiclassifierClassifier for digits, letters, and certain objects. ⇒ all nouns using this classifier
ProstitutionตัวThaiclassifierClassifier for certain nouns prefixed with ตัว. ⇒ all nouns using this classifier
PsychoanalysisFreudEnglishnameA surname from German.
PsychoanalysisFreudEnglishnameSigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist, psychotherapist, and founder of psychoanalysis.
Punctuation marksguionSpanishnounscript, scenariobroadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatermasculine
Punctuation marksguionSpanishnounhyphen, dashcommunications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingmasculine
Punctuation marksguionSpanishnounscriptcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesmasculine
Punctuation marksточкаBulgariannoundot, spot
Punctuation marksточкаBulgariannounpointmathematics sciences
Punctuation marksточкаBulgariannounpoint, place, locationalso figuratively
Punctuation marksточкаBulgariannounperiod, full stop (punctuation)
Punctuation marksточкаBulgariannounitem (e.g. in a list)
Punctuation marksточкаBulgariannounsource, spring, spout (point where some flow starts from)obsolete
PuppetshampelmannCimbriannounpuppetSette-Comuni masculine
PuppetshampelmannCimbriannounannoying personSette-Comuni masculine
Racismhard REnglishnouna movie that is intentionally written to be R-rated ("Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.") by the Motion Picture Association (MPA), typically due to having multiple scenes of violence or nudity.broadcasting film media televisionUS
Racismhard REnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of hard r.alt-of
Rail transportationdraisineEnglishnounA light auxiliary rail vehicle (train) or tram.rail-transport railways transport
Rail transportationdraisineEnglishnounSynonym of draisiennecycling hobbies lifestyle sportshistorical
Rail transportation検札Japanesenounticket inspection on a train
Rail transportation検札Japaneseverbto inspect a passenger's ticket
RainlashingEnglishnounSomething used to tie something or lash it to something.countable uncountable
RainlashingEnglishnounThe act of one who, or that which, lashes; castigation; chastisement.countable uncountable
RainlashingEnglishnounAs lashings: lots.countable uncountable
RainlashingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of lashform-of gerund participle present
Ranunculales order plantsmákHungariannounpoppy, poppyseeduncountable usually
Ranunculales order plantsmákHungariannounfluke, a stroke of luckslang uncountable usually
RedstapanCebuanonounthe color emerald green
RedstapanCebuanoadjof the colour emerald green
Regions of EuropeTransnistriaEnglishnameA governorate of Romania during World War II, established in 1941 and captured by Soviet forces in 1944.historical
Regions of EuropeTransnistriaEnglishnameAn autonomous territory within Moldova that claims statehood as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, but is not internationally recognized as a sovereign state.
ReligionmerveileMiddle EnglishnounSomething that induces wonder or astonishment; a marvel: / A supernatural or miraculous event; an act of God.
ReligionmerveileMiddle EnglishnounSomething that induces wonder or astonishment; a marvel: / Something odd or unusual; that which is out of the ordinary.
ReligionmerveileMiddle EnglishnounOne's recollection or recounting of a marvel.
ReligionmerveileMiddle EnglishnounAstoundedness, disbelief, awe.
ReligionmerveileMiddle EnglishadjAmazing, astonishing, exceptional, noteworthy; causing marvel or awe.
ReligionmerveileMiddle EnglishadjSupernatural; put into effect by divine or godly forces.rare
Religionples bilong klautTok Pisinnounsky
Religionples bilong klautTok Pisinnounheaven
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophetnot-comparable relational
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophesy; propheticnot-comparable relational
ReligionworldlyMiddle EnglishadjOf the material world: / Made of matter; material, physical.
ReligionworldlyMiddle EnglishadjOf the material world: / Not eternal; temporal.
ReligionworldlyMiddle EnglishadjOf the material world: / Subject to death; mortal.
ReligionworldlyMiddle EnglishadjMundane, secular; unrelated to religion: / Versed in the ways of the world.
ReligionworldlyMiddle EnglishadjMundane, secular; unrelated to religion: / Impious, irreverent.
ReligionworldlyMiddle EnglishadvIn the way of the material world.
ReligionworldlyMiddle EnglishadvIn a mundane or secular way.
ReptilesgadSerbo-Croatiannouna repulsive person
ReptilesgadSerbo-Croatiannounsnake; lizard
ReptilesܚܪܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounagama
ReptilesܚܪܕܢܐClassical Syriacnouncrocodile
RiversオームJapanesenounomBuddhism lifestyle religionHinduism
Rivers in EgyptNileEnglishnameA large river in Africa flowing through Khartoum and Cairo into the Mediterranean Sea, usually considered to be the longest river in the world.
Rivers in EgyptNileEnglishnameNile Township, Scioto County, Ohio, a township in Ohio, United States, named after the river.
Rivers in NorwayVinstraNorwegian Nynorsknamea river in Nord-Fron, Oppland, Norway, running from the lake Vinstre down to Lågen
Rivers in NorwayVinstraNorwegian Nynorsknamea town (with city status) placed on the mouth of this river
RoadsavenueEnglishnounA broad street, especially one bordered by trees or, in cities laid out in a grid pattern, one that is on a particular side of the city or that runs in a particular direction.
RoadsavenueEnglishnounA way or opening for entrance into a place; a passage by which a place may be reached; a way of approach or of exit.
RoadsavenueEnglishnounThe principal walk or approach to a house which is withdrawn from the road, especially, such approach bordered on each side by trees; any broad passageway thus bordered.
RoadsavenueEnglishnounA method or means by which something may be accomplished.
RoadsbollanManxnounlittle roadfeminine
RoadsbollanManxnounherb, wortfeminine
RoadsboulevardEnglishnounA broad, well-paved and landscaped thoroughfare.
RoadsboulevardEnglishnounThe landscaping on the sides of a boulevard or other thoroughfare.
RoadsboulevardEnglishnounA strip of land between a street and sidewalk.
RoadsboulevardEnglishnounThe grassy area in the middle of some streets; A refuge island.
RoadscontournementFrenchnounbypass (road)masculine
RoadscontournementFrenchnounworkaround (computing)masculine
Roadsexpress laneEnglishnounA traffic lane on a limited-access road, intended for faster traffic, that has even more limited access.US
Roadsexpress laneEnglishnounIn a supermarket or other large retail enterprise, a checkout aisle reserved for customers with relatively few items to purchase, allowing them to be served more quickly.
RoadsroadbedEnglishnounThe prepared location for a road, including its foundation.
RoadsroadbedEnglishnounA trackbed.
Rock paper scissorsnożycePolishnounscissors (tool used for cutting)plural
Rock paper scissorsnożycePolishnounshears, snips (tool consisting of two blades with bevel edges)plural
Rock paper scissorsnożycePolishnounhydraulic shearsplural
Rock paper scissorsnożycePolishnounprice scissorseconomics sciencesliterary plural
Rock paper scissorsnożycePolishnounscissors (exercise in which the legs are switched back and forth, suggesting the motion of scissors)gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsplural
Rock paper scissorsnożycePolishnounscissors (hand with the index and middle fingers open in the game of rock paper scissors)plural
RocksطاشOttoman Turkishnounstone, rock, a hard, naturally occurring aggregate of solid mineral matter
RocksطاشOttoman Turkishnounstone, rock, a single piece of rock, including boulders, pebbles and cobbles
RocksطاشOttoman Turkishnoungame piece, a hand-held object representing a player or entity in a board game
RodentsծովախոզArmeniannounporpoise, sea hog
RodentsծովախոզArmeniannounguinea pig
RomeRô-maVietnamesenameRome (the capital city of Italy)
RomeRô-maVietnamesenameRome (an empire in Europe)
RomeRô-maVietnamesenameRomansChristianity Protestantism
RoofingwiatrownicaPolishnounfascia, frieze (wide band of material covering the ends of roof rafters, sometimes supporting a gutter in steep-slope roofing, but typically it is a border or trim in low-slope roofing)architecturefeminine
RoofingwiatrownicaPolishnounwind girder (truss built of thick steel beams, stiffening the bridge structure and protecting it from strong wind gusts)business construction manufacturingfeminine
RoofingwiatrownicaPolishnounsmoke deflector (device fitted to either side or on top of the smokebox of some steam locomotives, the purpose of which was to lift smoke clear of the locomotive at speed, so it wouldn't obscure the driver's vision)rail-transport railways transportfeminine
RoofingwiatrownicaPolishnounwindchest (chest or reservoir of wind in an organ)feminine
RoomshalaPolishnounhall, concoursefeminine
RoomshalaPolishnounmountain meadow in the Alpine tundra, above the tree linefeminine
RoomshalaPolishnounpasture in the Tatra mountainsfeminine
RoomshůraCzechnounAlternative form of horaalt-of alternative dialectal feminine
RoomshůraCzechnounattic, garret, loftdialectal feminine
RoomspodzemíCzechnoununderground (regions beneath the surface of the earth)geography natural-sciencesneuter
RoomspodzemíCzechnounundergroundgovernment politicsneuter
RoomspodzemíCzechnounbasement (floor below ground level)neuter
Rose family plantshanhikkiFinnishnounpotentilla (plant of the genus Potentilla consisting of more than 300 species)biology botany natural-sciences
Rose family plantshanhikkiFinnishnounMore generally, a plant in the closely related genera Potentilla, Argentina, Dasiphora, Drymocallis and Sibbaldiopsis.
Roses春仔花ChinesenounChina rose (Rosa chinensis)Xiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Roses春仔花Chinesenounsmall flower, especially made of red silk, inserted in a woman's hair bun during joyous occasions (used to express joy and good fortune)Xiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Roses春仔花ChinesenounazaleaMin Northern
RowingrowerEnglishnounOne who rows.
RowingrowerEnglishnounA rowing machine.
Russian politicsYeltsinismEnglishnounthe political and economic policies of Boris Yeltsin, after he became the effective ruler of Russia following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991 / the outward appearance of democracy, while actually concentrating power in a form of authoritarianismdisapproving uncountable
Russian politicsYeltsinismEnglishnounthe political and economic policies of Boris Yeltsin, after he became the effective ruler of Russia following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991 / the economic and social chaos as a result of the decline of the authority of the Russian statedisapproving uncountable
Saxifragales order plantsred currantEnglishnounA deciduous shrub, Ribes rubrum, native to western Europe; any of certain cultivars of the shrub.
Saxifragales order plantsred currantEnglishnounThe bright red translucent edible berry of this plant.
SeabirdstimmikGreenlandicnounnorthern gannet (Morus bassanus)
Seabirdsسقا قوشیOttoman Turkishnounpelican, any of various large seabirds of the family Pelecanidae
Seabirdsسقا قوشیOttoman Turkishnoungoldfinch, any small passerine bird of the species Carduelis carduelis
Seasoningsчервен пиперBulgariannounpaprika (ground spice)uncountable
Seasoningsчервен пиперBulgariannounred pepper (ripe red bell pepper)uncountable
SeasonsjaraSerbo-Croatiannounspring (season)archaic
SeasonsjaraSerbo-Croatiannounbarley sown in summer
SeasonsjaraSerbo-Croatiannoungreat heat, often from an oven or furnace
SeasonsjaraSerbo-Croatiannounvehemence, intensity, ferocity
SeasonsjaraSerbo-Croatiannounwinter stabling for cattle
Serbiadouble eagleEnglishnounA gold coin with a face value of $20 formerly used in the United States, the double of the US eagle coin.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsUS
Serbiadouble eagleEnglishnounThree under par, one stroke short of an ace (a hole in one) on a par-five hobbies lifestyle sports
Serbiadouble eagleEnglishnounA representation of an eagle with two heads, as in the heraldic arms of Russia and Austria and in iconography from Antiquity onward (especially in the Roman Empire).
SevenседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounseven (digit or figure)
SevenседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered seven (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 7 etc.)
SewingsnaidManxnounpointer, indicatorfeminine
SexsexperimentEnglishnounAn instance of sexual experimentation.
SexsexperimentEnglishverbTo experiment sexually.intransitive
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto embrace, hug, hold in one's arms
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto sleep with someoneeuphemistic
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto sit on eggs, to brood on a nest (said of a bird)
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto hold something in mind, to harbor some feeling about, to entertain a thought aboutarchaic
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto involve someone in one's own actions or thoughts, particularly in negative contexts
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto take a gigolo as a lover (said of a woman working in a brothel as support staff)archaic
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto hold something in mind, to harbor some feeling about, to entertain a thought about
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto embrace, hug, hold in one's armsliterary
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto hug, embraceobsolete
Sex抱くJapaneseverbto hold something in mind, to harbor some feeling about, to entertain a thought about
Sex雄起Chineseverbto rise vigorously
Sex雄起Chineseverbto have an erectionSichuanese
Sex雄起Chineseintjcome on!; go!Sichuanese
Sexual orientationsskoliosexualEnglishadjSexually attracted to transgender or non-binary and genderqueer people.rare
Sexual orientationsskoliosexualEnglishnounOne who is skoliosexual.
Sexually transmitted diseases檨仔ChinesenounmangoHokkien
Sexually transmitted diseases檨仔ChinesenounsyphilisHokkien
ShanghaiSuzhouFrenchnameSuzhou (a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu, China)feminine
ShanghaiSuzhouFrenchnameSuzhou Creekfeminine
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounIn pre-modern European folklore: an infant of a magical creature that was secretly exchanged for a human infant. In British, Irish and Scandinavian mythology the exchanged infants were thought to be those of fairies, sprites or trolls; in other places, they were ascribed to demons, devils, or witches.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesEuropean also figuratively
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounA person or object (especially when regarded as inferior) secretly exchanged for something else.broadly
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounAn infant secretly exchanged with another infant deliberately or by mistake; a swapling.broadly informal rare
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounAn organism which can change shape to mimic others; a shape-shifter.fantasy literature media publishing science-fiction
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounA person apt to change their loyalty or thinking; a waverer.also archaic figuratively
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounAn idiot, a simpleton.obsolete
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishadjChangeable, fickle, inconstant, wavering.archaic rare
SheepטלהHebrewnounlamb (a young sheep)
SheepטלהHebrewnameAries (a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a ram) / Aries (the zodiac sign for the ram, ruled by Mars and covering March 20 – April 20 (tropical astrology) or April 15 – May 15 (sidereal astrology))astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Shi'ismઇસ્માઇલીGujaratiadjOf, or relating to Ismailism.indeclinable
Ship partslayarMalaynounsail (a piece of fabric attached to a boat)nautical transport
Ship partslayarMalaynounscreen (the viewing surface or area of a movie, or moving picture or slide presentation)
Ship partslayarMalayverbto sail (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat)intransitive
Ship partslayarMalayverbto browse (the Internet)transitive
ShorebirdsSäbelschnäblerGermannounavocet (bird in the family Recurvirostridae)masculine strong
ShorebirdsSäbelschnäblerGermannounpied avocet (bird of the species Recurvirostra avosetta)masculine strong
SixsixteMiddle Englishadjsixth
SixsixteMiddle EnglishnounA sixth; something which is sixth.
SixsixteMiddle EnglishnounA musical sixth; a note a sixth away from another given note.rare
Sizeun pocoSpanishadva bit, a little, kind of, slightly, somewhat, kinda
Sizeun pocoSpanishadvsome, a bit, a little
Sizeun pocoSpanishadva little bit, a little, a bit, some (when followed by de)
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounfreedom, emancipation, enfranchisement, manumission, deliverance, dischargein-plural
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncertificate of emancipationin-plural
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounhole, opening, perforation
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouneye (of a needle)
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncell (of a honeycomb)
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounrictus
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounpore (of the skin)anatomy medicine sciences
SkinܚܪܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounliberator
SlaveryθεράπωνAncient Greeknouncompanion of lower rank, comrade, attendant, aide
SlaveryθεράπωνAncient Greeknounservant, slave
Slavery奴隸Chinesenounslave (enslaved person)
Slavery奴隸Chinesenounslave (to); drudge; minion (person completely controlled by someone or something)figuratively
Slavery奴隸Chinesenounslave (submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who consensually submits to, sexually or personally, serving one or more masters or mistresses)BDSM lifestyle sexuality
SleepbecadaCatalannounfeminine singular of becat (“beaked”)feminine form-of singular
SleepbecadaCatalannounlongspine snipefishfeminine
SleepbecadaCatalannounnod (caused by sleepiness); a nap, a dozefeminine
SleepbecadaCatalanverbfeminine singular of becatfeminine form-of participle singular
SmellanghitBikol Centralnounsmell or odor of a goat
SmellanghitBikol Centralnounbody odor (of armpits)broadly
SmellmuskeMiddle Englishnounmusk (substance derived from a musk deer's glands)uncountable
SmellmuskeMiddle EnglishnounA kind of plant juice.rare uncountable
SmellprofumoItaliannounperfume, scent, fragrancemasculine
SmellprofumoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of profumarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SmellstynkenMiddle EnglishverbTo emit a smell or stench; to stink (almost always an unpleasant smell)
SmellstynkenMiddle EnglishverbTo be morally indefensible or wrong; to be totally detestable or loathable.
SmellstynkenMiddle EnglishverbTo (be able to) detect or discern a displeasing scent or smell.rare
SmellstynkenMiddle EnglishverbTo produce or create a displeasing scent, stench or smell.rare
Soapberry family plantshorse chestnutEnglishnounAny of several tree species of genus Aesculus, especially Aesculus hippocastanum, common in temperate northern hemisphere.
Soapberry family plantshorse chestnutEnglishnounThe large nutlike seed of these trees.
Sociology文化JapanesenameThe Bunka era, 1804-1818
Soil sciencepůdaCzechnounearth, land, soilfeminine
Soil sciencepůdaCzechnoungrounds, landfeminine
Soil sciencepůdaCzechnounattic, garret, loftfeminine
SoricomorphsshrewEnglishnounAny of numerous small, mouselike, chiefly nocturnal, mammals of the family Soricidae (order Soricomorpha).
SoricomorphsshrewEnglishnounCertain other small mammals that resemble true shrews.
SoricomorphsshrewEnglishnounAn ill-tempered, nagging woman: a scold.derogatory
SoricomorphsshrewEnglishverbTo beshrew; to curse.obsolete transitive
SoundesquellotadaCatalannouncharivari for a someone who remarriesarts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesfeminine
SoundesquellotadaCatalannounbanging of pots (as a form of protest, etc.)feminine
SoundleiseGermanadjquiet, soft, low
SoundleiseGermanadjslight, faint, light
SoundleiseGermanadvquietly, softly, low
SoundleiseGermanadvslightly, faintly, lightly
SoundshumEnglishnounA hummed tune, i.e. created orally with lips closed.
SoundshumEnglishnounAn often indistinct sound resembling human humming.
SoundshumEnglishnounBusy activity, like the buzz of a beehive.
SoundshumEnglishnounUnpleasant odour.UK slang
SoundshumEnglishnounAn imposition or hoax; humbug.dated
SoundshumEnglishnounA kind of strong drink.obsolete
SoundshumEnglishnounA phenomenon, or collection of phenomena, involving widespread reports of a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people.
SoundshumEnglishverbTo make a sound from the vocal cords without pronouncing any real words, with one's lips closed.intransitive
SoundshumEnglishverbTo express by humming.transitive
SoundshumEnglishverbTo drone like certain insects naturally do in motion, or sounding similarly.intransitive
SoundshumEnglishverbTo buzz, be busily active like a beehiveintransitive
SoundshumEnglishverbTo produce low sounds which blend continuouslyintransitive
SoundshumEnglishverbTo reek, smell bad.British slang
SoundshumEnglishverbTo flatter by approving; to cajole; to deceive or impose upon; to humbug.UK dated slang transitive
SoundshumEnglishintjSynonym of hmm: a noise indicating thought, consideration, &c.
SoundshumEnglishintjSynonym of um: a noise indicating doubt, uncertainty, &c.
SpicesallspiceEnglishnounA spice; the dried and ground unripe fruit of Pimenta dioica, thought to combine the flavours of several spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.uncountable
SpicesallspiceEnglishnounPimenta dioica, an evergreen tree of tropical America with aromatic berries.countable
SpicesgyngebredMiddle Englishnounginger (especially if preserved)uncountable
SpicesgyngebredMiddle Englishnoungingerbreadrare uncountable
SpicesсминдухBulgariannounfenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)uncountable
SpicesсминдухBulgariannounfenugreek (spice)uncountable
Spices and herbsanísSpanishnounanisemasculine uncountable
Spices and herbsanísSpanishnounanise liquor, pure or combinedmasculine uncountable
Spices and herbsanísSpanishnounthe anus (because of similar sound, compare ano)Mexico euphemistic masculine uncountable
Spices and herbscardamomEnglishnounThe Elettaria cardamomum, an Indian herb.countable uncountable
Spices and herbscardamomEnglishnounThe seed of E. cardamomum, used as a medicine and spice, especially in curry powder.countable uncountable
Spices and herbscardamomEnglishnounSynonym of grains of paradise, the seeds or seed capsules of Aframomum melegueta, of East Africa.countable uncommon uncountable
Spices and herbsseleriWelshnouncelerymasculine not-mutable uncountable
Spices and herbsseleriWelshnounplural of selerfeminine form-of not-mutable plural
SpinningvärttinäFinnishnounspindle; distaff (rod in spinning and winding thread)
SpinningvärttinäFinnishnounradiusanatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoology
SportsjalkapalloFinnishnounassociation football, football, soccer (association football)
SportsjalkapalloFinnishnounfootball (the ball used in association football)
SportsܐܬܠܝܛܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounathlete, champion, combatant, fighter, warrior
SportsܐܬܠܝܛܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounphysical sport, athleticsin-plural
Spurgesrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Daucus pusillus.
Spurgesrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Euphorbia albomarginata.
Spurgesrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Hieracium venosum.
Spurgesrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Stachys floridana.
SquirrelsdoeEnglishnounA female deer; also used of similar animals such as antelope (less commonly a goat, as nanny is also used).
SquirrelsdoeEnglishnounA female rabbit.
SquirrelsdoeEnglishnounA female hare.
SquirrelsdoeEnglishnounA female squirrel.
SquirrelsdoeEnglishnounA female kangaroo.
SquirrelsdoeEnglishverbObsolete spelling of do.alt-of obsolete
SquirrelsdoeEnglishadvthoughMulticultural-London-English not-comparable
SquirrelsmeksikonsiiseliFinnishnounring-tailed ground squirrel, Spermophilus annulatus
SquirrelsmeksikonsiiseliFinnishnounSynonym of teksasinsiiseli.dated
StarsantisunEnglishnounA hypothetical sun composed of antimatter.astrophysicscountable
StarsantisunEnglishnounSunblock, sunscreen.countable uncountable
Stock charactersheraldEnglishnounA messenger, especially one bringing important news.
Stock charactersheraldEnglishnounA harbinger, giving signs of things to come.
Stock charactersheraldEnglishnounAn official whose speciality is heraldry, especially one between the ranks of pursuivant and king-of-armsgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
Stock charactersheraldEnglishnounA moth of the species Scoliopteryx libatrix.biology entomology natural-sciences
Stock charactersheraldEnglishnounA handbill consisting of an advertisement.advertising business marketing
Stock charactersheraldEnglishverbTo proclaim or announce an event.transitive
Stock charactersheraldEnglishverbTo greet something with excitement; to hail.passive transitive usually
Stock charactersheraldEnglishnounAlternative form of hareld (“long-tailed duck”)alt-of alternative
SulfurvitriolEnglishnounAny of various metal sulphates.countable dated uncountable
SulfurvitriolEnglishnounoil of vitriol (sulfuric acid).countable dated uncountable
SulfurvitriolEnglishnounBitterly abusive language.broadly countable uncountable
SulfurvitriolEnglishverbTo subject to bitter verbal abuse.transitive
SulfurvitriolEnglishverbTo dip in dilute sulfuric acid; to metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
SulfurvitriolEnglishverbTo vitriolize.colloquial transitive
SunsunnCimbriannounsunLuserna feminine
SunsunnCimbriannounsonLuserna masculine
SurgeryπλάστιγξAncient Greeknounscale of a balance
SurgeryπλάστιγξAncient Greeknoundisk poised on the top of the rhabdus, in the game of cottabus
SurgeryπλάστιγξAncient Greeknounvalve of an oyster shellbiology natural-sciences zoology
SurgeryπλάστιγξAncient Greeknouncollar for horses
SurgeryπλάστιγξAncient Greeknounsurgical splintsin-plural
SwallowtailsclubtailEnglishnounAny of a number of species of dragonfly in the family Gomphidae.
SwallowtailsclubtailEnglishnounAny of various papilionid butterflies of the genus Losaria, having a club-like extension to each hindwing.
SwimwearmaillotEnglishnounA one-piece swimsuit (for women)
SwimwearmaillotEnglishnounA leotard or tights of stretchable jersey fabric, generally worn by dancers, gymnasts or cyclists.
SwitzerlandEilvéiseachIrishadjSwiss, Helvetian, Helveticnot-comparable
SwitzerlandEilvéiseachIrishnounSwiss personmasculine
Systems theoryfitness modelEnglishnounA good-looking person (usually a man) with a well-developed physique who is paid as a model to demonstrate exercises or related equipment.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
Systems theoryfitness modelEnglishnounA mathematical model for evaluating the development of a system.biology mathematics natural-sciences sciences
TalkingrenCimbrianverbto speak
TalkingrenCimbrianverbto talk
TalkingsalarCatalanverbto salttransitive
TalkingsalarCatalanverbto speak the salat variety of Catalanintransitive
TalkingverbiageEnglishnounOverabundance of words.countable uncountable
TalkingverbiageEnglishnounThe manner in which something is expressed in words.countable uncountable
TasteheerlijkDutchadjwonderful (when referring to a sensation), great
TasteheerlijkDutchadjlordly, suzerain (pertaining to a feudal lord)
TasteheerlijkDutchadjglorious, magnificent
TaxationVATPolishnounVAT (value added tax)inanimate indeclinable masculine
TaxationVATPolishnounVAT (form that is used to account for value added tax)inanimate indeclinable masculine
TeaurnEnglishnounA vase with a footed base.
TeaurnEnglishnounA metal vessel for serving tea or coffee.
TeaurnEnglishnounA vessel for the ashes or cremains of a deceased person.
TeaurnEnglishnounAny place of burial; the grave.figuratively
TeaurnEnglishnounA measure of capacity for liquids, containing about three gallons and a half, wine measure. It was half the amphora, and four times the congius.Roman historical
TeaurnEnglishnounA hollow body shaped like an urn, in which the spores of mosses are contained; a spore case; a theca.biology botany natural-sciences
TeaurnEnglishverbTo place in an urn.transitive
TeethtuskEnglishnounOne of a pair of elongated pointed teeth that extend outside the mouth of an animal such as walrus, elephant or wild boar, and which continue to grow throughout the animal's life.
TeethtuskEnglishnounA small projection on a (tusk) tenon.
TeethtuskEnglishnounA tusk shell.
TeethtuskEnglishnounA projecting member like a tenon, and serving the same or a similar purpose, but composed of several steps, or offsets, called carpentry construction manufacturing
TeethtuskEnglishnounA sharp point.
TeethtuskEnglishnounThe share of a plough.
TeethtuskEnglishverbTo dig up using a tusk, as boars do.
TeethtuskEnglishverbTo gore with the tusks.
TeethtuskEnglishverbTo bare or gnash the teeth.obsolete
TeethtuskEnglishnounA fish, the torsk (Brosme brosme).
TemperaturebumpingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of bumpform-of gerund participle present
TemperaturebumpingEnglishadjRocking, excellent, great.informal
TemperaturebumpingEnglishnounThe sound or action of a bump.
TemperaturebumpingEnglishnounThe violent boiling when an homogenous liquid is superheated to the point that the bubbles are formed at pressure greater than atmospheric pressure and be expelled from the containerchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
TemperaturebumpingEnglishnounForm of racing for coxed fours traditional at Oxford and Cambridge Universities; bumps raceform-of
TemperaturechaufenMiddle EnglishverbTo warm or heat: / To become hot or inflamed.
TemperaturechaufenMiddle EnglishverbTo warm or heat: / To chafe (rub to make warm)
TemperaturechaufenMiddle EnglishverbTo rub as to magnetise.
TemperaturechaufenMiddle EnglishverbTo emotionally inflame.figuratively
TemperaturechaufenMiddle EnglishverbTo scold.figuratively rare
TemperaturechaufenMiddle EnglishverbTo decompose.rare
TemperaturejaraSerbo-Croatiannounspring (season)archaic
TemperaturejaraSerbo-Croatiannounbarley sown in summer
TemperaturejaraSerbo-Croatiannoungreat heat, often from an oven or furnace
TemperaturejaraSerbo-Croatiannounvehemence, intensity, ferocity
TemperaturejaraSerbo-Croatiannounwinter stabling for cattle
Ten열흘Koreannounten days
Ten열흘Koreannountenth day of the monthdated rare
TextilestaisPortuguesedetplural of talform-of plural
TextilestaisPortuguesenountais (a traditional woven textile of East Timor)masculine rare uncountable
TextilestaisPortugueseverbEye dialect spelling of estais.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
TextilesおりものJapanesenountextile, fabric
TextilesおりものJapanesenounvaginal discharge
Textual divisionطومارArabicnouna piece of paper or skin on which something is written, roll of papyrus, scrollarchaic
Textual divisionطومارArabicnounconcerning a certain style of Arabic calligraphy (خَطّ الطُومَار (ḵaṭṭ aṭ-ṭūmār), قَلَم الطُومَار (qalam aṭ-ṭūmār))
The X-FilesM/SEnglishnounInitialism of motor ship. – a ship propelled by an internal combustion engine, such as a diesel engine, in contrast to sailing ships and steamshipsnautical transportabbreviation alt-of initialism
The X-FilesM/SEnglishnameThe ship of characters Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from the television series The X-Files.lifestyleslang
ThinkingcerebroSpanishnounbrainanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto rejectimperfective transitive
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto reject (e.g. a transplant)medicine sciencesimperfective transitive
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto disavow; to abandonimperfective transitive
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto reply, to retortimperfective transitive
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto throw backimperfective transitive
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto throw awayimperfective transitive
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto take abackimperfective transitive
ThinkingodrzucaćPolishverbto end a relationshipimperfective reflexive
ThinkingtheorizeEnglishverbTo formulate a theory, especially about some specific subject.intransitive
ThinkingtheorizeEnglishverbTo speculate.intransitive
ThinkingпознаватьRussianverbto cognizehuman-sciences philosophy sciences
ThinkingпознаватьRussianverbto get to know, to learn
ThinkingпознаватьRussianverbto experience, to get to know
ThinkingрассчитатьRussianverbto calculate, to compute
ThinkingрассчитатьRussianverbto dismiss, to pay off; to sack; to discharge, to fire
ThinkingрассчитатьRussianverbto number off, to order to number
ThinkingతలచుTeluguverbTo think, reflect, imagine.
ThinkingతలచుTeluguverbTo intend, propose, plan.intransitive
ThinkingతలచుTeluguverbTo seek, plan.transitive
ThinkingతలచుTeluguverbTo consider, weigh, care for.
ThinkingతలచుTeluguverbTo meditate.
Thinking曉得Chineseverbto knowcolloquial
Thinking曉得Chineseverbto understandcolloquial
Thinking沉陷Chineseverbto sink; to cave in; to settle
Thinking沉陷Chineseverbto get bogged down in; (figurative) to indulge in; to be lost in
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounA set of 30 requiem masses, said once a day for a month or all in one day.Christianity
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounThe payment for this service.Christianity
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounSynonym of triacontad, any set of thirty things.figuratively obsolete rare
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounSynonym of elegy, any funeral or funereal song or poem.figuratively obsolete
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounSynonym of month's mind, the commemorative service held on the 30th day after burial.Christianityarchaic
TimebèartCimbriannounworth, valueSette-Comuni masculine
TimebèartCimbrianadvAlternative form of vèartalt-of alternative
TimebèartCimbrianverbinflection of bèaran (“to defend, protect”): / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
TimebèartCimbrianverbinflection of bèaran (“to defend, protect”): / second-person plural present indicativeform-of indicative plural present second-person
TimebèartCimbrianverbinflection of bèaran (“to defend, protect”): / second-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present second-person subjunctive
TimebèartCimbrianverbinflection of bèaran (“to defend, protect”): / second-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural second-person
TimedobaPolishnounday (full 24 hours), nychthemeronfeminine
TimedobaPolishnounage, era, periodfeminine
Timehigh timeEnglishnounA point in time at which something is considered to be utterly due or even overdue to occur; well past timeidiomatic uncountable
Timehigh timeEnglishnounA very enjoyable or exciting experience or period of time.countable idiomatic
TimejiuManxpronsecond-person plural/form of jeh
TimevoorgeschiedenisDutchnounprehistory (prior history, history of people or events before a certain reference point)feminine
TimevoorgeschiedenisDutchnounprehistory (human history before writing)feminine
TimeчасBulgariannounhour (unit of time)
TimeчасBulgariannountime, hour (pinpointed instant in the day-night cycle)
TimeчасBulgariannounsuitable moment (to undertake something)poetic
TimeчасBulgariannounlesson, class, periodeducation
TimeਆਦਿPunjabiadjexisting since the beginning, old, early
TimeਆਦਿPunjabinounthe beginning
Time沒世Chinesenounlifelong; all one's life
Time沒世Chineseverbto dieliterary
Time오늘날Koreannounthese days; modern times
Times of dayanoitecerPortugueseverbto darken (as night approaches)
Times of dayanoitecerPortuguesenoundusk, eventidemasculine
Times of dayвойKomi-Zyriannounnight
Times of dayвойKomi-Zyriannounnorth
TintinmanEnglishnounA maker of tinware; a tinsmith.
TintinmanEnglishnounA dealer in tinware.
TintinmanEnglishnounAn uncaring or heartless man; a man lacking, or seeming to lack, feelings, emotions, or concern for others.
TintinmanEnglishnounA master gene in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, whose absence causes the fly to develop without a heart.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
TitlesọlọjaYorubanounking, monarcharchaic
TitlesọlọjaYorubanounhead or leader of a market
TitlesọlọjaYorubanounmarket person; someone who sells at a market
TitsmlynaříkCzechnoundiminutive of mlynářanimate diminutive form-of masculine
TitsmlynaříkCzechnounlong-tailed titanimate masculine
TobaccoدخانArabicnounevil, mischiefobsolete
TobaccoدخانArabicnoundearth, drought, sterility, unfruitfulness, hungerobsolete
Toilet (room)sráčCzechnountoiletinanimate masculine vulgar
Toilet (room)sráčCzechnounfucker (objectionable person)animate masculine vulgar
TongaTongaansAfrikaansadjTongan (of, from, or pertaining to Tonga, the Tongan people or the Tongan language)not-comparable
TongaTongaansAfrikaansnameTongan (Austronesian language)
ToolsSeiHunsriknounstrainer; sievefeminine
ToolsSeiHunsriknounplural of Saufeminine form-of plural
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA device to assist in motion as a cane, especially one that provides support under the arm to reduce weight on a leg.
ToolscrutchEnglishnounSomething that supports, often used negatively to indicate that it is not needed and causes an unhealthful dependency; a prop
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA crotch; the area of body where the legs fork from the trunk.
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA form of pommel for a woman's saddle, consisting of a forked rest to hold the leg of the rider.
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA knee, or piece of knee timber.nautical transport
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA forked stanchion or post; a crotch.nautical transport
ToolscrutchEnglishverbTo support on crutches; to prop up.transitive
ToolscrutchEnglishverbTo move on crutches.intransitive
ToolscrutchEnglishverbTo shear the hindquarters of a sheep; to dag.transitive
ToolscrutchEnglishverbto stir with a crutch.transitive
ToolskruhCzechnoundisc (circular plate)geometry mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine
ToolskruhCzechnounwheelinanimate masculine
ToolskruhCzechnouncircle (group of associated people)inanimate masculine
ToolssawEnglishnounA tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal.
ToolssawEnglishnounA tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal. / Such a tool with an abrasive coating instead of teeth.
ToolssawEnglishnounA musical saw.
ToolssawEnglishnounA sawtooth wave.
ToolssawEnglishnounThe situation where two partners agree to trump a suit alternately, playing that suit to each other for the express purpose.
ToolssawEnglishverbTo cut (something) with a saw.transitive
ToolssawEnglishverbTo make a motion back and forth similar to cutting something with a saw.intransitive
ToolssawEnglishverbTo be cut with a saw.intransitive
ToolssawEnglishverbTo form or produce (something) by cutting with a saw.transitive
ToolssawEnglishnounSomething spoken; speech, discourse.obsolete
ToolssawEnglishnounA saying or proverb.archaic
ToolssawEnglishnounOpinion, idea, belief.obsolete
ToolssawEnglishnounProposal, suggestion; possibility.obsolete
ToolssawEnglishnounDictate; command; decree.obsolete
ToolssawEnglishverbsimple past of seeform-of past
ToolssawEnglishverbpast participle of seecolloquial form-of nonstandard participle past
ToolsstrugPolishnounplane (tool for smoothing wood by removing thin layers from the surface)business carpentry construction manufacturinginanimate masculine
ToolsstrugPolishnoungenitive plural of strugafeminine form-of genitive plural
ToolsпреслицаSerbo-Croatiannoundistaff (device for spinning)
ToolsпреслицаSerbo-Croatiannounequisetum, horsetail plant
ToolsܡܪܣܣܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwatering can (A utensil for watering plants, consisting of a container with a handle and long spout, the spout sometimes being fitted with a perforated nozzle)
ToolsܡܪܣܣܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsprinkler (irrigation device that sprays water into the air whilst moving back and forth)
ToothcarpsplatyEnglishadjResembling plates.
ToothcarpsplatyEnglishadjSemy of plates (roundels argent).government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
ToothcarpsplatyEnglishadjComposed of thin plate-like pieces of rock or mineral.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToothcarpsplatyEnglishnounAny of two species (and hybrids) of tropical fish of the genus Xiphophorus (which also includes the swordtails).
TortoisesîabotiOld Tupinounred-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius)
TortoisesîabotiOld Tupinounyellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus)
TorturekonwejerPolishnounbelt conveyor (system used to convey material on a conveyor belt)inanimate masculine
TorturekonwejerPolishnouninterrogation that lasts for hours and during which the interrogated person is subjected to mental or physical torturelawinanimate masculine slang
TortureچنكللمكOttoman Turkishverbto hook, to attach or hang something with a hook
TortureچنكللمكOttoman Turkishverbto execute someone with an iron hook passed through the body
TownsAtraxLatinnameA town of Thessaly, situated above the river Peneusdeclension-3 masculine singular
TownsAtraxLatinnameA river in Aetolia, mentioned by Plinydeclension-3 masculine singular
TownsMyrinaLatinnameAn Aeolian city on the western coast of Mysiadeclension-1
TownsMyrinaLatinnameA town in Cretedeclension-1
ToysCare BearEnglishnounAny of a brand of cheerful bear figures, seen on greeting cards and as stuffed toys.
ToysCare BearEnglishnounA kind and caring person.
ToysgyerekjátékHungariannounchild's toy
ToysgyerekjátékHungariannounchild's play (something particularly simple or easy)idiomatic
Translation studiesfasiriSwahilinountranslationclass-10 class-9
Translation studiesfasiriSwahilinouninterpretation, explanationclass-10 class-9
Translation studiesfasiriSwahiliverbto translate
Translation studiesfasiriSwahiliverbto interpret, explain
TreeslauroItaliannounany plant of the genus Laurusmasculine
TreesluyloyCebuanoverbto droop; to sag
TreesluyloyCebuanoverbto languish; to lose strength and become weak; to be in a state of weakness or sickness
TreesluyloyCebuanonounthe white popinac (Leucaena leucocephala)
TreesMiyakocharacterkanji no-gloss
TreesMiyakonounbranch (of a tree or plant); bough
Trifolieae tribe plantsنفلArabicverbto gift, to munerate
Trifolieae tribe plantsنفلArabicverbto gift, to munerate
Trifolieae tribe plantsنفلArabicnounbooty; gift
Trifolieae tribe plantsنفلArabicnounclover, trefoil
TurkeyLibyssaLatinnameA town of Bithynia situated on the road from Nicaea to Chalcedondeclension-1 feminine singular
TurkeyLibyssaLatinadjinflection of Libyssus: / nominative/vocative feminine singularfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
TurkeyLibyssaLatinadjinflection of Libyssus: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
TurkeyLibyssaLatinadjablative feminine plural of Libyssusablative feminine form-of plural
Twelve12moEnglishnounAbbreviation of duodecimo, a page size (5"-5.5" x 7.125"-7.5")abbreviation alt-of uncountable usually
Twelve12moEnglishnounA book size using duodecimo-sized printing publishinguncountable usually
Twentydwudziesta trzeciaPolishnouneleven o'clock (start of the twenty-fourth hour of the day; 11:00 p.m. (23:00))feminine
Twentydwudziesta trzeciaPolishnuminflection of dwudziesty trzeci: / feminine nominative singularfeminine form-of nominative singular
Twentydwudziesta trzeciaPolishnuminflection of dwudziesty trzeci: / feminine vocative singularfeminine form-of singular vocative
TwoduetPolishnounduet (group of two musicians)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
TwoduetPolishnounduet (piece of music written for two musicians)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
TwoduetPolishnounduet (group of two people or things)inanimate masculine
UltimateforehandEnglishnounA stroke in which the palm of the hand faces the direction of the stroke.
UltimateforehandEnglishnounA throw similar to a sidearm throw in baseball, where the disc remains on the throwing-arm side of the body and is led by the middle finger.
UltimateforehandEnglishnounAll of the part of a horse which is before the rider.
UltimateforehandEnglishnounThe chief or most important part.archaic
UltimateforehandEnglishnounSuperiority; advantage; start; precedence.
UltimateforehandEnglishnounThe hand towards the front of the board.hobbies lifestyle sports surfing
UltimateforehandEnglishadjBeforehand; paid in advance.not-comparable
UltimateforehandEnglishverbTo strike with a forehand stroke.transitive
United KingdomvelsietisLatviannouna Welshman, a man from Walesdeclension-2 masculine
United KingdomvelsietisLatviannounWelsh, pertaining to Wales and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
United StatesUS-AmericanEnglishadjrare spelling of U.S. Americanalt-of rare
United StatesUS-AmericanEnglishnounrare spelling of U.S. Americanalt-of rare
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA concave vessel for drinking, usually made of opaque material (as opposed to a glass) and with a handle.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounThe contents of said vessel.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA customary unit of measure / A US unit of liquid measure equal to 8 fluid ounces (¹⁄₁₆ of a US gallon; 236.5882365 mL) or 240 mL.US
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA customary unit of measure / A Canadian unit of measure equal to 8 imperial ounces (¹⁄₂₀ imperial gallon; 227.3 mL) or 250 mL.Canada
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA customary unit of measure / A British unit of measure equal to ¹⁄₂ imperial pint (10 imperial ounces; 284 mL) or 300 mL.UK dated
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA customary unit of measure / A metric unit of measure equal to 250 mL.Australia New-Zealand
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA trophy in the shape of an oversized cup.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA contest for which a cup is awarded.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounThe main knockout tournament in a country, organised alongside the league.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA cup-shaped object placed in the target hobbies lifestyle sports
Units of measurecupEnglishnounAny of various sweetened alcoholic
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA rigid concave protective covering for the male genitalia.Canada US
Units of measurecupEnglishnounOne of the two parts of a brassiere which each cover a breast.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounOne of the two parts of a brassiere which each cover a breast. / Prefixed with a letter, used as a measurement of bra or breast size.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounThe symbol ∪ denoting union and similar operations.mathematics sciences
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA suit of the minor arcana in tarot, or one of the cards from the suit.human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA defensive style characterized by a three player near defense cupping the thrower; or those three players.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA flexible concave membrane used to temporarily attach a handle or hook to a flat surface by means of suction.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounAnything shaped like a cup.
Units of measurecupEnglishnounA cupping glass or other vessel or instrument used to produce the vacuum in cupping.medicine scienceshistorical
Units of measurecupEnglishnounThat which is to be received or indured; that which is allotted to one; a portion of blessings and afflictions.figuratively
Units of measurecupEnglishverbTo form into the shape of a cup, particularly of the hands.transitive
Units of measurecupEnglishverbTo hold something in cupped hands.transitive
Units of measurecupEnglishverbTo pour (a liquid, drink, etc.) into a cup.transitive
Units of measurecupEnglishverbTo supply with cups of wine.obsolete transitive
Units of measurecupEnglishverbTo apply a cup or cupping apparatus to; to subject to the operation of cupping.medicine sciences surgeryarchaic transitive
Units of measurecupEnglishverbTo make concave or in the form of a natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
Units of measuredekaCzechnounblanket (cloth)feminine
Units of measuredekaCzechnounmullet (hairstyle)feminine
Units of measuredekaCzechnoundecagramindeclinable neuter plural
Units of measuredekaCzechnouninflection of deko: / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
Units of measuredekaCzechnouninflection of deko: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Units of measuredobaPolishnounday (full 24 hours), nychthemeronfeminine
Units of measuredobaPolishnounage, era, periodfeminine
Units of measurezettabitEnglishnounOne sextillion (10²¹, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) bits or 1,000 exabits.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Units of measurezettabitEnglishnouna zebibit.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
Units of measureساعةSouth Levantine Arabicnounhour
Units of measureساعةSouth Levantine Arabicnounclock, watch
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounrising, rising up, standing, standing still
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounstaying, remaining, rest
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounposition, state
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounbase, station
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounabode, dwelling
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnouninsurrection
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnountroop, throng, crowd, group
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounopposition
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounconstancy, stability, abiding, balance
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnouncategory
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnouncolumn, pillararchitecture
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounfathomnautical transport
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounstation, watch, vesper (of the night)ecclesiastical lifestyle religiondialectal
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounphase (of the moon, stars, etc.)astronomy natural-sciences
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounresurrection
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnouncourse, office, tenure
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounadministration
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnounagein-plural
Units of measureܩܘܡܐClassical Syriacnoungum particularly of acaciauncountable
Units of measureधूरHindinoundhur (a unit of land area, equivalent to 1/20th of a बिसवा (bisvā) / कट्ठा (kaṭṭhā))
Units of measureधूरHindinounRegional form of धूल (dhūl, “dust”)form-of regional
Universities北科大ChinesenameShort for 北京科技大學.abbreviation alt-of
Universities北科大ChinesenameShort for 國立臺北科技大學.abbreviation alt-of
VaishnavismNarayanaEnglishnameA male given name from Sanskrit used in India.
Vector-borne diseaseskedaniEnglishnounA mite of species (Trombicula akamushi), found in Japan.countable uncountable
Vector-borne diseaseskedaniEnglishnounA disease for which this mite is the vector; tsutsugamushi.countable uncountable
VegetablesܓܘܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounpea
VegetablesܓܘܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounemmer
VegetablesJapanesecharacteramaranth; amaranthusHyōgai kanji
VegetablesJapanesenounAmaranthus tricolor (Joseph's coat); tampala, specifically Amaranthus tricolor var. mangostanus
VehiclescartEnglishnounA small, open, wheeled vehicle, drawn or pushed by a person or animal, more often used for transporting goods than passengers.
VehiclescartEnglishnounA small motor vehicle resembling a car; a go-cart.
VehiclescartEnglishnounA shopping cart.Internet
VehiclescartEnglishverbTo carry or convey in a cart.transitive
VehiclescartEnglishverbTo carry goods.informal transitive
VehiclescartEnglishverbTo remove, especially involuntarily or for disposal.transitive
VehiclescartEnglishverbTo expose in a cart by way of punishment.obsolete transitive
VehiclescartEnglishnounA tape cartridge used for pre-recorded material such as jingles and advertisements.broadcasting media radioinformal
VehiclescartEnglishnounA cartridge for a computer or video game system.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences video-gamesinformal
VehiclescartEnglishnounA cartridge containing cannabis oil used in vape pens.slang
VehiclescyclerEnglishnounAnything with a cyclic (repetitious) behaviour. Something that cycles between different states.
VehiclescyclerEnglishnounAn orbit that approaches two astronomical bodies on a regular basis.astronomy natural-sciences
VehiclescyclerEnglishnounA, usually man-made, object that follows such an orbit.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesbroadly
VehiclescyclerEnglishnounA person with bipolar disorder, often used when comparing the speed of mood swings.human-sciences psychology scienceseuphemistic
VehiclescyclerEnglishnounA device for performing dialysis; for mechanically purifying blood.medicine sciences
VehiclescyclerEnglishnounEllipsis of thermal cycler.; a machine for creating multiple copies of DNA sequences.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
VehiclescyclerEnglishnounA task in a cycle of tasks where the status of being active task is passed around the loop.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
VehicleskaʻaHawaiiannouncar (automobile)
VehicleskaʻaHawaiiannouncart, buggy
VehicleskaʻaHawaiianverbto roll, revolveintransitive
VehicleskaʻaHawaiianverbto turn, twistintransitive
VehicleskaʻaHawaiianverbto pass, to reachintransitive
VertebratesburungIndonesiannounbird (animal)
VertebratesburungIndonesiannounpenischildish colloquial
VesselsblaszankaPolishnounsheet-iron vesselcolloquial feminine
VesselsblaszankaPolishnounvan (covered vehicle used for carrying goods or people, usually roughly cuboid in shape, longer and higher than a car but smaller than a truck/lorry)colloquial feminine
VesselskaltekTagalognoundipper made out of plastic motor oil or gasoline containerscolloquial dated
VesselskaltekTagalognounSynonym of tabobroadly colloquial dated
VesselsкупаBulgariannounbowl (container used to hold, mix or present food)
VesselsкупаBulgariannouncup (ornate trophy presented to the winner)hobbies lifestyle sports
VesselsкупаBulgariannouncup (ornate trophy presented to the winner) / a contest for which a cup is awardedhobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
VesselsкупаBulgariannoun♥, the suit of heartscard-games games
VesselsкупаBulgariannoun♥, the suit of hearts / a card of that suitcard-games games
VesselsкупаBulgariannouna stack (of hay or straw)
ViolencerammelenDutchverbto shakeintransitive transitive
ViolencerammelenDutchverbto clatter, to rattleintransitive transitive
ViolencerammelenDutchverbto beat, to hit, to beat up, (historically) to whipregional transitive
ViolencerammelenDutchverbto be shaky, to be incoherentintransitive
ViolencerammelenDutchverbto growl, to have one's stomach growlintransitive
ViolencerammelenDutchverbto copulateintransitive transitive
Violencerough upEnglishverbto manhandle or beat up
Violencerough upEnglishverbTo make rough, to roughen (especially doing so to wood while raising the grain)
ViolencerváčekCzechnoundiminutive of rváč (“brawler”)animate diminutive form-of masculine
ViolencerváčekCzechnounflankerball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sportsanimate masculine
ViolencerváčekCzechnounposition of flankerball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sportsinanimate masculine
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto chop, to hewimperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto fell, to cut downimperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto chow downcolloquial imperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto hit, to beatcolloquial imperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto steal, to pinchcolloquial imperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto down, to shot, to neckcolloquial imperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto kill, to do incolloquial imperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto shoot, to firecolloquial imperfective intransitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto throw, to chuckcolloquial imperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto neck, to down, to drinkcolloquial imperfective transitive
ViolencerąbaćPolishverbto hit each other, to beat each othercolloquial imperfective reflexive
ViolenceکوڑوGojriadjbitter tasting
ViolenceکوڑوGojrinounwhip, lashmasculine
Violet family plantsvaioletiTokelauannounviolet (flower)
Violet family plantsvaioletiTokelauanverbto be violet; to be purplestative
VisionesáNheengatunounvision; sight
VocalizationsвойRussiannounhowl, wail
VocalizationsвойRussianverbsecond-person singular imperative imperfective of выть (vytʹ)form-of imperative imperfective second-person singular
Walls and fenceshormaSpanishnounform, moldfeminine
Walls and fenceshormaSpanishnounshoe treefeminine
Walls and fenceshormaSpanishnounlast (for shoes)feminine
Walls and fenceshormaSpanishnounhat blockfeminine
Walls and fenceshormaSpanishnoundry stone wallfeminine
Walls and fencesmurarPortugueseverbto wall
Walls and fencesmurarPortugueseverbto mouse (hunt or catch mice; usually of cats)
Walls and fencessetoSpanishnounfencemasculine
Walls and fencessetoSpanishnounhedgemasculine
WaterdrizzleEnglishverbTo rain lightly.impersonal
WaterdrizzleEnglishverbTo shed slowly in minute drops or particles.intransitive transitive
WaterdrizzleEnglishverbTo pour slowly and evenly, especially oil or honey in food lifestyletransitive
WaterdrizzleEnglishverbTo cover by pouring in this food lifestyletransitive
WaterdrizzleEnglishverbTo urinate.slang
WaterdrizzleEnglishverbTo carry out parfilage, the process of unravelling.dated
WaterdrizzleEnglishnounLight rain.countable uncountable
WaterdrizzleEnglishnounVery small, numerous, and uniformly dispersed water drops, mist, or sprinkle. Unlike fog droplets, drizzle falls to the ground.climatology meteorology natural-sciences physical-sciences physics weathercountable uncountable
WaterdrizzleEnglishnounWater.countable slang uncountable
WaterdrizzleEnglishnounA cake onto which icing, honey or syrup has been drizzled in an artistic manner.baking cooking food lifestylecountable uncountable
WaterключKomi-Zyriannounspring, source
Water綠水Chinesenouncrystal-clear water
Water綠水ChinesenameLüshui (a town in Laifeng, Enshi prefecture, Hubei, China, formerly a township)
Water plants蓮花Chinesenounlotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
Water plants蓮花Chinesenounwater lily (Nymphaea)
Water plants蓮花ChinesenameLianhua (a county of Pingxiang, Jiangxi, China)
Water plants蓮花ChinesenameLianhua (a village in Wenquan, Yingshan, Huanggang, Hubei, China)
WatercraftjolaPolishnounsmall sailing yacht with at most two sailsnautical sailing transportfeminine
WatercraftjolaPolishnoundinghy (small boat with a pair of oars used on warships to communicate with land)feminine
WatercraftjolaPolishnoungenitive singular of jolform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
WatercraftܓܡܘܨܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfemale equivalent of ܓܵܡܘܿܨܵܐ (gāmōṣā)feminine form-of
WatercraftܓܡܘܨܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsubmarine (undersea boat)
WealthrichEnglishadjWealthy: having a lot of money and possessions.
WealthrichEnglishadjHaving an intense fatty or sugary flavour.
WealthrichEnglishadjPlentiful, abounding, abundant, fulfilling.
WealthrichEnglishadjYielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful.
WealthrichEnglishadjComposed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients; procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious; sumptuous; costly.
WealthrichEnglishadjNot faint or delicate; vivid.
WealthrichEnglishadjVery amusing.informal
WealthrichEnglishadjRidiculous, absurd, outrageous, preposterous, especially in a galling, hypocritical, or brazen way.informal
WealthrichEnglishadjElaborate, having complex formatting, multimedia, or depth of interaction.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
WealthrichEnglishadjOf a solute-solvent solution: not weak (not diluted); of strong concentration.
WealthrichEnglishadjOf a solute-solvent solution: not weak (not diluted); of strong concentration. / Of a fuel-air mixture: having more fuel (thus less air) than is necessary to burn all of the fuel; less air- or oxygen- rich than necessary for a stoichiometric reaction.
WealthrichEnglishadjTrading at a price level which is high relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or (for derivatives) a theoretical finance
WealthrichEnglishnounThe rich people of a society or the world collectively, the rich class of a society.plural plural-only
WealthrichEnglishverbTo enrich.obsolete transitive
WealthrichEnglishverbTo become rich.intransitive obsolete
WeaponsetuYorubanounhat, capEkiti
WeaponsetuYorubanounduiker; (in particular) Maxwell's duikerEkiti
WeaponsetuYorubanounAlternative form of ẹtù (“guinea fowl”)Ekiti alt-of alternative
WeaponshachaSpanishnounaxe, hatchet (tool for felling trees or chopping wood)feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounace, wizard (someone who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field)colloquial feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnouna kind of torch or large candle (often with four sticks)feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnouna kind of wick or fuse (often made with esparto grass and tar), which does not go out easily in the windfeminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounbundle of straw tied up like a strip and often used to help cover huts or other field constructionsfeminine
WeaponshachaSpanishverbinflection of hachar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WeaponshachaSpanishverbinflection of hachar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WeaponsslingshotEnglishnounA Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles.Philippines US
WeaponsslingshotEnglishnounA stationary, often triangular object that launches any ball that hits its longest side back at a high force, now usually located above the flipper and between it and the inlane, with one each for both lower flippers.
WeaponsslingshotEnglishnounA sling bikini.
WeaponsslingshotEnglishnounAn implement of a broad fabric worn around and connecting both bicipites brachii to support benching the most heavy weights.
WeaponsslingshotEnglishverbTo move or cause to move in a manner resembling a projectile shot from a slingshot.
WeaponsslingshotEnglishverbTo use the gravity of a moving planet to add momentum to a spacecraft.especially
Weaponsthrowing stickEnglishnounA wooden tool used to throw a dart, spear or other missile; a spear thrower; (Australia) a woomera.
Weaponsthrowing stickEnglishnounA simple weapon consisting of a stick (often curved) that is thrown, often so that it spins in flight; an early type of boomerang.
WeaponsтесакRussiannouna fascine knife, a cutlassgovernment military politics warhistorical
WeaponsтесакRussiannouna hatchet; an axe for shaving wood
Weapons竹刀Japanesenounbamboo sword used in martial arts such as 剣道 (kendō)
Weapons竹刀Japanesenounkatana with a bamboo blade
Weapons竹刀Japanesenounbamboo comb used to comb a horse's mane
Weapons竹刀Japanesenounkatana with a bamboo blade
Weapons竹刀Japanesenounshinai (bamboo sword used in martial arts such as kendo)
WeatherWolkeGermannouncloud, a visible mass of condensed water droplets in the airfeminine
WeatherWolkeGermannouncloud, made of steam, ash, smoke or anything that resembles such a mass (may also be Schwaden or Schwade in this sense)feminine
WeatherWolkeGermannounnebula, enormous masses of interstellar dust and hydrogen in outerspace (may also be Nebel in this sense)feminine
WeathergaleEnglishverbTo cry; groan; croak.dialectal intransitive
WeathergaleEnglishverbTo talk.dialectal intransitive
WeathergaleEnglishverbTo sing; utter with musical modulations.dialectal transitive
WeathergaleEnglishnounA very strong wind, more than a breeze, less than a storm; number 7 through to 9 winds on the 12-step Beaufort scale.climatology meteorology natural-sciences
WeathergaleEnglishnounAn outburst, especially of laughter.
WeathergaleEnglishnounA light breeze.archaic literary
WeathergaleEnglishverbTo sail, or sail fast.nautical transport
WeathergaleEnglishnounA shrub, also called sweet gale or bog myrtle (Myrica gale), that grows on moors and fens.
WeathergaleEnglishnounA periodic payment, such as is made of a rent or annuity.archaic
WeatherlaiksLatviannountime, eradeclension-1 masculine
WeatherlaiksLatviannounweatherdeclension-1 masculine
WeatherlaiksLatviannountensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdeclension-1 masculine
WeatherlietusLithuaniannounaccusative plural of lietusaccusative form-of plural
WeathertrovoadaPortugueseverbfeminine singular of trovoadofeminine form-of participle singular
WeatherমেঘAssamesenoundark cloud
WeatherమించుTeluguverbTo surpass, excel.transitive
WeatherమించుTeluguverbTo shine, flash.transitive
WeavingутокRussiannounweft, woof
WeavingутокRussiannoungenitive/accusative plural of у́тка (útka)accusative form-of genitive plural
WhalesวาฬThainounAlternative form of พาฬ (paan)alt-of alternative
Winter sportssnowboardPolishnounsnowboard (board, somewhat like a broad ski, or a very long skateboard with no wheels, used in the sport of snowboarding)countable inanimate masculine
Winter sportssnowboardPolishnounsnowboarding (sport of sliding downhill on a snowboard)inanimate masculine uncountable
WomenClarissaEnglishnameA female given name from Latin or Italian.
WomenClarissaEnglishnounSynonym of Poor Clare: a nun of the Order of Saint Clare.Catholicism Christianity
WoodsbansalaginCebuanonouna bansalaguin tree (Mimusops parvifolia, now Mimusops elengi or Manilkara spp.)
WoodsbansalaginCebuanonounfruit of this tree
WoodsbansalaginCebuanonounwood from this tree
WoodsfagotMiddle EnglishnounA piece of wood for burning; firewood.
WoodsfagotMiddle EnglishnounA faggot or bavin (bundled sticks of wood)
WoodssoftwoodEnglishnounThe wood from any gymnosperm, without regard to how soft this wood is.biology botany natural-sciencesuncountable
WoodssoftwoodEnglishnounWood of this kind, but limited to those that are commercial timbers.countable
WoodssoftwoodEnglishnounThe tree or tree species that yields this forestrycountable
WoodssoftwoodEnglishnounAny commercial timber.uncountable
WoodsదేవదారువుTelugunounCedrus deodara
World War IIJour JFrenchnameD-Day (“6 June 1944”) (WWII)masculine
World War IIJour JFrenchnameThe date of any major event planned for the future.figuratively masculine
World War IImilch cowEnglishnounA cow kept for milking; a dairy cow.
World War IImilch cowEnglishnounA cow that produces milk (having had at least one calf).
World War IImilch cowEnglishnounA cash cow.figuratively
World War IImilch cowEnglishnounA German WWII submarine designed to carry large cargoes of supplies and transfer them to other submarines.government military politics warslang
WormsܚܡܪܐClassical Syriacnoundonkey, ass, jack
WormsܚܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounearthworm
WormsܚܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounbridge (of a stringed instrument)entertainment lifestyle musicfiguratively
WormsܚܡܪܐClassical Syriacnoundonkey driver
WormsܚܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounwine
WormsܚܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounvintner
WritingauctorLatinnounseller, vendordeclension-3 feminine masculine
WritingauctorLatinnounauthor, originatordeclension-3 feminine masculine
WritingauctorLatinnounauthorship, agency, encouragementdeclension-3 feminine figuratively masculine
WritingauctorLatinnounsponsor, advocatedeclension-3 feminine masculine
WritingauctorLatinnounsurety, witness, voucherdeclension-3 feminine masculine
WritingauctorLatinnounthe Creator, Goddeclension-3 feminine masculine poetic
WritingauctorLatinnounone who gives increase (hence: an originator, causer, doer, founder)Medieval-Latin also declension-3 feminine masculine
Writingnhật kíVietnamesenoundiary
Writingnhật kíVietnamesenounjournal
Writing instrumentskolorkrajonoEsperantonouncolored pencil
Writing instrumentskolorkrajonoEsperantonouncrayon
YellowsmieleItaliannounhoney (pale yellow colour/color)invariable masculine

This page is a part of the machine-readable Venetian dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-11-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (fbeafe8 and 7f03c9b). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.