All languages combined word senses marked with place category "United Kingdom"
Parent categories: British Isles, Europe, Islands, Earth, Eurasia, Places, Nature, Names
Subcategories: Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Anguilla, Ascension Island, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, England, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Northern Ireland, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Scotland, South Sandwich Islands, Tristan da Cunha, Turks and Caicos Islands, Wales
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 2899 word senses
- AC … Anglíya (49 senses)
- Angol … Ałnánoodǫ́ǫ́z Dineʼé Bikéyah (26 senses)
- BM … Birtaniya (40 senses)
- Blaby … Bristolium (51 senses)
- Brit … Brycgstow (43 senses)
- Bryste … Cambro- (33 senses)
- Camden … Church of Scotland (44 senses)
- Circle … Còrn (44 senses)
- DDJ … Dùn Èideann (44 senses)
- Dún … Eilean Mhanainn (43 senses)
- Ejro … Eskozia (40 senses)
- Essex … Förenade kungariket (37 senses)
- GI … Glaswegian (34 senses)
- Glesca … Gŵyl Dewi (36 senses)
- HS1 … I.W. (50 senses)
- IO … Irelander (44 senses)
- Irish … Jungtinė Karalystė (34 senses)
- KY … Learpholl (48 senses)
- Ledes … Londinium (33 senses)
- London … Malvíny (49 senses)
- Man … Mertonian (31 senses)
- Met … Newgate (41 senses)
- Newham … Old Kent Road (54 senses)
- Oldham … Piccadilly Circus (38 senses)
- Pict … RAF (29 senses)
- Reading … Rānetāna (47 senses)
- SCP … Scotocentric (41 senses)
- Scots … Skírisskógur (44 senses)
- Skócia … St. Paul's (48 senses)
- Stafford … Svētās Helēnas Sala (30 senses)
- Swale … Tewkesbury (38 senses)
- TfL … Uelese (41 senses)
- Uels … Voreda (42 senses)
- Vålši … Wielka Brytania (55 senses)
- Wigan … Wyrcestreschire (26 senses)
- Wyre … bifalhada (53 senses)
- bife … double Gloucester (40 senses)
- earl … gallois (30 senses)
- galês … perfide Albion (58 senses)
- pie … skotisks (22 senses)
- skoto … škotė (68 senses)
- إسكتلندا (Proper name) [Arabic] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- إنجلترا (Proper name) [Arabic] England (a country in Europe)
- إنقلترا (Proper name) [Hijazi Arabic] England (a country in Europe)
- إنكلترا (Proper name) [Arabic] England
- إنكلترا (Proper name) [South Levantine Arabic] Britain, United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- إنكلترة (Proper name) [Arabic] England (a country in Europe)
- اسكتلندي (Noun) [Arabic] Scottish (person)
- اسکاٹ لینڈ (Proper name) [Urdu] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom, located in northwest Europe).
- المملكة المتحدة (Proper name) [Arabic] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- المملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا العظمى وأيرلندا الشمالية (Proper name) [Arabic] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (a country in Europe)
- انگلستان (Proper name) [Persian] England (The largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom; established in southern Britain by Aethelstan of Wessex in 927)
- انگلستان (Proper name) [Urdu] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom), Inglistan
- انگلینڈ (Proper name) [Urdu] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ایڈنبرا (Proper name) [Urdu] Edinburgh (the capital city of Scotland)
- برطانیہ عظمی (Proper name) [Urdu] the United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe; capital: London)
- بريطانيا (Proper name) [South Levantine Arabic] Britain, United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- بريطانيا العظمى (Proper name) [Arabic] Great Britain
- جبرالٹر (Noun) [Urdu] Gibraltar (a peninsula and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- جبل طارق (Proper name) [Arabic] Gibraltar (a peninsula and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- لندن (Proper name) [Arabic] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- لندن (Proper name) [Persian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- لندن (Proper name) [Urdu] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- لوندره (Proper name) [Ottoman Turkish] London (the capital of England, United Kingdom)
- لیورپول (Proper name) [Persian] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- مانچسٹر (Proper name) [Punjabi] Manchester (a city in England)
- مانچسٹر (Proper name) [Urdu] Manchester (a city in England)
- مملکت متحدہ (Proper name) [Urdu] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- منچسٹر (Proper name) [Pahari-Potwari] Manchester (a city in England)
- وستمینستر (Proper name) [Persian] Westminster
- ويلز (Proper name) [Hijazi Arabic] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- کاخ باکینگهام (Proper name) [Persian] Buckingham Palace (the London residence and principal workplace of the monarchy of the United Kingdom)
- کاخ وستمینستر (Proper name) [Persian] the Palace of Westminster
- کمری (Proper name) [Urdu] Wales (a country in the United Kingdom)
- گڏيل بادشاھت (Proper name) [Sindhi] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- یونائٹڈ کنگڈم (Proper name) [Urdu] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Ակրոտիրի և Դեկելիա (Proper name) [Armenian] Akrotiri and Dhekelia (an overseas territory of the United Kingdom on the island of Cyprus)
- Թեմզա (Proper name) [Armenian] Thames
- Լիվերպուլ (Proper name) [Armenian] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- Լոնդոն (Proper name) [Armenian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Մանչեստր (Proper name) [Armenian] Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- Մեծ Բրիտանիա (Proper name) [Armenian] Great Britain
- Միացյալ Թագավորություն (Proper name) [Armenian] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Ջիբրալթար (Proper name) [Armenian] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- Սուրբ Հեղինեի կղզի (Proper name) [Armenian] Saint Helena (An island of volcanic origin in the South Atlantic Ocean, and an overseas territory of the United Kingdom)
- Օրկադյան կղզիներ (Proper name) [Armenian] Orkney Islands
- անգլիական (Adjective) [Armenian] British
- անգլոսաքսոներեն (Noun) [Armenian] Old English, Anglo-Saxon (language)
- անգլոսաքսոներեն (Adverb) [Armenian] in Old English, in Anglo-Saxon
- անգլոսաքսոներեն (Adjective) [Armenian] Old English, Anglo-Saxon (of or pertaining to the language)
- բրիտանացի (Noun) [Armenian] Briton, Brit
- կիմրերեն (Noun) [Armenian] Synonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
- կիմրերեն (Adverb) [Armenian] Synonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
- կիմրերեն (Adjective) [Armenian] Synonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
- կոռներեն (Noun) [Armenian] Cornish (language)
- հին անգլերեն (Noun) [Armenian] Old English, Anglo-Saxon (language)
- հին անգլերեն (Adverb) [Armenian] in Old English, in Anglo-Saxon
- հին անգլերեն (Adjective) [Armenian] Old English, Anglo-Saxon (of or pertaining to the language)
- շոտլանդերեն (Noun) [Armenian] Scottish Gaelic (language)
- ուելսերեն (Noun) [Armenian] Synonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
- ուելսերեն (Adverb) [Armenian] Synonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
- ուելսերեն (Adjective) [Armenian] Synonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
- վալլիերեն (Noun) [Armenian] Welsh (language)
- ইংল্যান্ড (Proper name) [Bengali] England (a country in the United Kingdom)
- ইংল্যান্ড (Proper name) [Bengali] the United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- উত্তর আয়ারল্যান্ড (Proper name) [Bengali] Northern Ireland (a country in the United Kingdom)
- এডিনবরা (Proper name) [Bengali] Edinburgh (the capital of Scotland)
- ওয়েল্স্ (Proper name) [Bengali] Wales (a country in the United Kingdom)
- বাকিংহাম (Proper name) [Bengali] the Buckingham Palace.
- ব্রিটেন (Proper name) [Bengali] the United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- যুক্তরাজ্য (Proper name) [Bengali] the United Kingdom (a country in Europe; official name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- লন্ডন (Noun) [Bengali] London (the capital and largest city of the United Kingdom)
- লন্ডনবাসী (Noun) [Bengali] Londoner, inhabitant of London
- লন্ডনী (Noun) [Bengali] Londoner, inhabitant of London
- লিভারপুল (Proper name) [Bengali] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- স্কটল্যান্ড (Proper name) [Bengali] Scotland (a country in the United Kingdom)
- ᎩᎵᏏ (Noun) [Cherokee] English language
- 下環 (Proper name) [Chinese] Ha Wan (a district of Victoria, Hong Kong, United Kingdom)
- 不列顛 (Proper name) [Chinese] Britain (island); Great Britain
- 不列顛戰役 (Proper name) [Chinese] Battle of Britain
- 保守党 (Proper name) [Japanese] the Conservative Party (party with conservative views in various countries)
- 倫敦 (Proper name) [Chinese] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- 利物浦 (Proper name) [Chinese] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- 利茲 (Proper name) [Chinese] Leeds (a city in England, United Kingdom)
- 加的夫 (Proper name) [Chinese] Cardiff (a city and county, the capital and largest city of Wales)
- 北アイルランド (Proper name) [Japanese] Northern Ireland
- 北海 (Proper name) [Chinese] Bohai Sea
- 北海 (Proper name) [Chinese] Beihai (a prefecture-level city in Guangxi, China)
- 北海 (Proper name) [Chinese] Kingdom of Beihai (west of present-day Changle County, Shandong)
- 南喬治亞島與南桑威奇群島 (Proper name) [Chinese] Alternative name for 南喬治亞與南桑威奇群島/南乔治亚与南桑威奇群岛 (Nán Qiáozhìyà yǔ Nán Sāngwēiqí Qúndǎo).: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (Two archipelagos comprising an overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the southern Atlantic Ocean)
- 唐 (Character) [Chinese] Used in transcription.; Down (a county of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom)
- 圭內斯 (Proper name) [Chinese] Gwynedd (a county of Wales, in the north-west of the country)
- 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國 (Proper name) [Chinese] the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- 大笨鐘 (Proper name) [Chinese] Big Ben
- 大英帝国 (Proper name) [Japanese] the British Empire
- 威斯敏斯特 (Proper name) [Chinese] Westminster
- 威爾士 (Proper name) [Chinese] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- 威爾斯 (Proper name) [Chinese] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- 安圭拉 (Proper name) [Chinese] Anguilla (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, in the Caribbean Sea)
- 安格斯 (Proper name) [Chinese] Angus (a council area of Scotland)
- 尼斯湖水怪 (Proper name) [Chinese] Loch Ness monster
- 巨石陣 (Proper name) [Chinese] Stonehenge
- 布里斯托 (Proper name) [Chinese] Bristol (a city, county, and unitary authority in southwest England)
- 布里斯托爾 (Proper name) [Chinese] Bristol (a city, county, and unitary authority in southwest England)
- 庶民院 (Proper name) [Japanese] the House of Commons
- 康和 (Proper name) [Chinese] Cornwall (a county of England, United Kingdom)
- 斯塔福德郡 (Proper name) [Chinese] Staffordshire (a ceremonial county of West Midlands, England)
- 日英 (Proper name) [Japanese] Japan and the UK
- 曼島 (Proper name) [Chinese] Isle of Man (an island and Crown dependency of the United Kingdom in the Irish Sea)
- 曼徹斯特 (Proper name) [Chinese] Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- 根德 (Proper name) [Chinese] (Cantonese) Kent (a county of England, United Kingdom)
- 格拉斯哥 (Proper name) [Chinese] Glasgow (a major city and council area of Scotland, largest city in Scotland)
- 格溫內斯 (Proper name) [Chinese] Gwynedd (a county of Wales, in the north-west of the country)
- 森麻實 (Proper name) [Chinese] Somerset (a ceremonial county of England, United Kingdom)
- 水晶宮 (Proper name) [Japanese] the Crystal Palace
- 泰恩河畔紐卡斯爾 (Proper name) [Chinese] Newcastle upon Tyne (a large city and metropolitan borough of Tyne and Wear, in northeastern England)
- 泰恩河畔紐卡素 (Proper name) [Chinese] Newcastle upon Tyne (a large city and metropolitan borough of Tyne and Wear, in northeastern England)
- 渭州 (Proper name) [Chinese] (~郡) Wiltshire (a county of England)
- 白廳 (Proper name) [Chinese] Whitehall (the street, or metonymically)
- 白金漢宮 (Proper name) [Chinese] Buckingham Palace
- 百慕大 (Proper name) [Chinese] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- 百慕達 (Proper name) [Chinese] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- 皮特凱恩群島 (Proper name) [Chinese] Pitcairn Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the southern Pacific Ocean)
- 盎撒 (Adjective) [Chinese] Short for 盎格魯-撒克遜人/盎格鲁-撒克逊人 (Ànggélǔ-Sākèxùnrén).
- 盎格魯-撒克遜人 (Noun) [Chinese] Anglo-Saxon person
- 直布羅陀 (Proper name) [Chinese] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- 碧仙桃 (Proper name) [Chinese] Bristol (a city, county, and unitary authority in southwest England)
- 福克蘭群島 (Proper name) [Chinese] Falkland Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, located in the South Atlantic)
- 米字旗 (Proper name) [Chinese] Union Jack
- 聖赫勒拿 (Proper name) [Chinese] Saint Helena (An island of volcanic origin in the South Atlantic Ocean, and an overseas territory of the United Kingdom)
- 聯合王國 (Proper name) [Chinese] the United Kingdom
- 肯特 (Proper name) [Chinese] Kent (a county of England, United Kingdom)
- 肯特 (Proper name) [Chinese] Kent (a county of Rhode Island, United States)
- 英仏 (Proper name) [Japanese] the UK and France
- 英倫海峽 (Proper name) [Chinese] English Channel
- 英吉利 (Proper name) [Chinese] Alternative name for 英格蘭/英格兰 (Yīnggélán, “England”).
- 英吉利 (Proper name) [Vietnamese] chữ Hán form of Anh Cát Lợi (“(obsolete) England”).
- 英吉利海峽 (Proper name) [Chinese] English Channel
- 英国 (Proper name) [Japanese] Synonym of イギリス (“United Kingdom”)
- 英国 (Proper name) [Japanese] Synonym of ブリテン (“Britain, Great Britain, United Kingdom”)
- 英國 (Proper name) [Chinese] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- 英屬印度洋領地 (Proper name) [Chinese] British Indian Ocean Territory (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Indian Ocean)
- 英屬維京群島 (Proper name) [Chinese] British Virgin Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom)
- 英屬維爾京群島 (Proper name) [Chinese] British Virgin Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- 英屬處女群島 (Proper name) [Chinese] British Virgin Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- 英格蘭 (Proper name) [Chinese] England (region of Great Britain)
- 蒙塞拉特 (Proper name) [Chinese] Montserrat (an island and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- 蘇格蘭 (Proper name) [Chinese] Scotland
- 蘇格蘭威士忌酒 (Noun) [Chinese] Scotch whisky
- 蘇獨 (Proper name) [Chinese] Scottish independence movement
- 衡州 (Proper name) [Chinese] (~郡) Hampshire (a county of England)
- 訪英 (Noun) [Japanese] visiting the United Kingdom
- 訪英 (Verb) [Japanese] to visit the United Kingdom
- 諳厄利亜 (Proper name) [Japanese] England (a country in Europe)
- 連合王国 (Proper name) [Japanese] the United Kingdom
- 開曼群島 (Proper name) [Chinese] Cayman Islands (three islands constituting an overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean Sea)
- 雅息士 (Proper name) [Chinese] (Hong Kong) Essex (a county of England, United Kingdom)
- 馬恩島 (Proper name) [Chinese] Isle of Man (an island and Crown dependency of the United Kingdom in the Irish Sea)
- Ўэльс (Proper name) [Belarusian] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Ангельшчына (Proper name) [Belarusian] Taraškievica spelling of А́нглія (Ánhlija): England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom in Europe)
- Ангилья (Proper name) [Russian] Anguilla (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, in the Caribbean Sea)
- Англия (Proper name) [Bulgarian] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom in Europe)
- Англия (Proper name) [Russian] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom in Europe)
- Англызтәыла (Proper name) [Abkhaz] England (a country in Europe)
- Англія (Proper name) [Belarusian] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom in Europe)
- Англія (Proper name) [Ukrainian] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom in Europe)
- Бермуди (Proper name) [Macedonian] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- Бристоль (Proper name) [Russian] Bristol (a city, county, and unitary authority in southwest England)
- Британская империя (Proper name) [Russian] British Empire (a former empire ruled by the United Kingdom)
- Біріккен Корольдік (Proper name) [Kazakh] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Велика Британія (Proper name) [Ukrainian] the United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe)
- Велика Брітанія (Proper name) [Carpathian Rusyn] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Великобритания (Proper name) [Bulgarian] the United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe)
- Великобритания (Proper name) [Russian] the United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe; capital: London)
- Великобританія (Proper name) [Ukrainian] the United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe)
- Вялікабрытанія (Proper name) [Belarusian] the United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe)
- Гибралтар (Proper name) [Bulgarian] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- Гибралтар (Proper name) [Russian] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- Гибралтар (Proper name) [Serbo-Croatian] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- Глазго (Proper name) [Russian] Glasgow (a major city and council area of Scotland, largest city in Scotland)
- Единбург (Proper name) [Macedonian] Edinburgh (the capital city of Scotland)
- Единбург (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Edinburgh (the capital city of Scotland, a city in the United Kingdom)
- Зєдинєне Кральовство (Proper name) [Pannonian Rusyn] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Ингилистон (Proper name) [Tajik] England (The largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom; established in southern Britain by Aethelstan of Wessex in 927)
- Ингылызшәабла (Proper name) [Ubykh] England (a country in Europe)
- Кардифф (Proper name) [Russian] Cardiff (the capital city of Wales)
- Лондан (Proper name) [Belarusian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Лондон (Proper name) [Bulgarian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Лондон (Proper name) [Macedonian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Лондон (Proper name) [Mongolian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Лондон (Proper name) [Russian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Лондон (Proper name) [Serbo-Croatian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Лондон (Proper name) [Ukrainian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Ліверпуль (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- Лідс (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Leeds (a city in the United Kingdom)
- Манчестер (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Name for various places called Manchester, including:; Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- Обединено кралство (Proper name) [Bulgarian] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Обединето Кралство (Proper name) [Macedonian] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Північна Ірландія (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Northern Ireland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom; capital: Belfast)
- Соединённое Королевство (Proper name) [Russian] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- Сполучене Королівство (Proper name) [Ukrainian] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Стоунхендж (Proper name) [Russian] Stonehenge
- Уалыс (Proper name) [Abkhaz] Wales (a country in Europe)
- Уельс (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Улуу Британия (Proper name) [Kyrgyz] Great Britain
- Уэльс (Proper name) [Russian] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Уједињено Краљевство (Proper name) [Serbo-Croatian] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Шатландыя (Proper name) [Belarusian] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Шкотска (Proper name) [Macedonian] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Шкотска (Proper name) [Serbo-Croatian] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Шотландия (Proper name) [Bashkir] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Шотландия (Proper name) [Kazakh] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Шотландия (Proper name) [Russian] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Шотландія (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- Эдинбург (Proper name) [Russian] Edinburgh (the capital city of Scotland)
- англис (Adjective) [Kyrgyz] English
- англисче (Proper name) [Kyrgyz] English (language)
- англо- (Prefix) [Russian] Anglo- (relating to England or English)
- англо- (Prefix) [Ukrainian] Anglo- (relating to England or English)
- англо-американский (Adjective) [Russian] Anglo-American (of relating to England and USA)
- англо-египетский (Adjective) [Russian] Anglo-Egyptian
- англо-российский (Adjective) [Russian] Anglo-Russian (relating to both England and Russia)
- англомания (Noun) [Russian] anglomania
- англомовний (Adjective) [Ukrainian] English-speaking, Anglophone
- англосакс (Noun) [Russian] English-speaking Western countries; especially the United States and Britain.
- англосаксонский (Adjective) [Russian] Anglo-Saxon (related to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or the historical Germanic language in Britain)
- англосаксонський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Anglo-Saxon (related to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or language)
- англосаксонський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Anglo-Saxon (related to nations which speak primarily English and are influenced by English culture and customs)
- англосаксонський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Anglo-Saxon (favouring a liberal free-market economy)
- англофил (Noun) [Russian] anglophile
- англофоб (Noun) [Russian] anglophobe
- англофобия (Noun) [Russian] Anglophobia
- англізація (Noun) [Ukrainian] anglicization
- англізувати (Verb) [Ukrainian] to anglicize, to Englishify
- англійський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] English (of or pertaining to England)
- англійський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] English (of or pertaining to the English language)
- англієць (Noun) [Ukrainian] Englishman
- британський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] British
- валлійський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Welsh
- валлієць (Noun) [Ukrainian] Welsh, Welshman
- викторианский (Adjective) [Russian] Victorian era (a period in British history)
- георгианский (Adjective) [Russian] Georgian era (a period in British history)
- давньоанглійський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Old English (of or relating to the Old English language or the period of English history when it was spoken)
- иңглиш (Adjective) [Kyrgyz] English
- иңглишче (Proper name) [Kyrgyz] English (language)
- леди (Noun) [Russian] lady (usually in British context; title of a woman of breeding and authority)
- лейборист (Noun) [Russian] Labourist, a supporter of the Labour Party of the United Kingdom.
- лондонец (Noun) [Macedonian] Londoner
- лондонец (Noun) [Russian] Londoner
- лондонець (Noun) [Ukrainian] Londoner
- лондонка (Noun) [Macedonian] a female Londoner
- лондонски (Adjective) [Macedonian] London
- лондонский (Adjective) [Russian] London
- лондонський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] London (attributive)
- ліверпульський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Liverpool (attributive), Liverpudlian
- острова Питкэрн (Proper name) [Russian] Pitcairn Islands (a small archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the southern Pacific Ocean)
- острів Вознесіння (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Ascension Island (an island, in the South Atlantic and part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha)
- шотландець (Noun) [Ukrainian] Scot, Scotsman
- шотландський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Scottish (of or pertaining to Scotland)
- эдвардианский (Adjective) [Russian] Edwardian era (a period in British history)
- Ұлыбритания (Proper name) [Kazakh] Great Britain (an island in Western Europe)
- ბრიტანული ინგლისური (Proper name) [Georgian] British English
- გაერთიანებული სამეფო (Proper name) [Georgian] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- გიბრალტარი (Proper name) [Georgian] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- გლაზგო (Proper name) [Georgian] Glasgow (a major city and council area of Scotland, largest city in Scotland)
- დიდი ბრიტანეთი (Proper name) [Georgian] Great Britain (a country in Europe)
- ინგილთერე (Proper name) [Laz] England
- ინგლისელი (Noun) [Georgian] English person, Englishman or Englishwoman
- ინგლისი (Proper name) [Georgian] England
- ინგლისური (Proper name) [Georgian] English language
- ინგლისური ენა (Noun) [Georgian] English (language)
- ლივერპული (Proper name) [Georgian] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- ლონდონი (Proper name) [Georgian] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- მანჩესტერი (Proper name) [Georgian] Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- უელსელი (Noun) [Georgian] Welsh (person)
- უელსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Wales
- უელსური (Proper name) [Georgian] Welsh language
- უელსური ენა (Proper name) [Georgian] Welsh language
- შოტლანდია (Proper name) [Georgian] Scotland
- შოტლანდიელი (Adjective) [Georgian] Scot, Scottish (person)
- შოტლანდიური ინგლისური (Proper name) [Georgian] Scottish English
- Ανγκουίλα (Proper name) [Greek] Anguilla (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, in the Caribbean Sea)
- Βερμούδες (Proper name) [Greek] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- Βρετανία (Proper name) [Greek] Great Britain, United Kingdom
- Βρετανικές Παρθένοι Νήσοι (Proper name) [Greek] British Virgin Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- Γιβραλτάρ (Proper name) [Greek] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- Γιορκ (Proper name) [Greek] York (a city in northern England)
- ΗΒ (Proper name) [Greek] UK, initialism of Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (Inoméno Vasíleio, “United Kingdom”)
- Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (Proper name) [Greek] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- Κάρντιφ (Proper name) [Greek] Cardiff (a city and county, the capital and largest city of Wales)
- Κεντ (Proper name) [Greek] Kent (a maritime county in southeast England)
- Λίβερπουλ (Proper name) [Greek] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- Ληντς (Proper name) [Greek] Leeds (a large city and metropolitan borough of West Yorkshire, England)
- Λονδίνο (Proper name) [Greek] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- Λονδρέζα (Noun) [Greek] Londoner (a female person from London).
- Λονδρέζος (Noun) [Greek] Londoner (a person, usually male, from London).
- ΜΒ (Proper name) [Greek] GB (part of the UK); initialism of Μεγάλη Βρετανία (Megáli Vretanía, “Great Britain”)
- Μάντσεστερ (Proper name) [Greek] Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- Μεγάλη Βρετανία (Proper name) [Greek] Great Britain
- Μοντσερράτ (Proper name) [Greek] Montserrat (an island and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- Μπρίστολ (Proper name) [Greek] Bristol (a city, ceremonial county, and unitary authority in southwest England)
- Νήσοι Κέιμαν (Proper name) [Greek] Cayman Islands (three islands constituting an overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean Sea)
- Νήσοι Φάλκλαντ (Proper name) [Greek] Alternative form of Νήσοι Φώκλαντ (Nísoi Fóklant): Falkland Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, located in the South Atlantic)
- Νήσοι Φώκλαντ (Proper name) [Greek] Falkland Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, located in the South Atlantic)
- Νήσος του Μαν (Proper name) [Greek] Isle of Man (an island and Crown dependency of the United Kingdom in the Irish Sea)
- Νησιά Κέυμαν (Proper name) [Greek] Cayman Islands (three islands constituting an overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean Sea)
- Νησιά Φώκλαντ (Proper name) [Greek] Falkland Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, located in the South Atlantic)
- Υόρκη (Proper name) [Greek] York (a city in northern England)
- λονδρέζικος (Adjective) [Greek] London; of London, from London
- νήσος Αγίας Ελένης (Proper name) [Greek] Saint Helena (An island of volcanic origin in the South Atlantic Ocean, and an overseas territory of the United Kingdom)
- બ્રિટન (Proper name) [Gujarati] the United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- યુનાઇટેડ કિંગડમ (Proper name) [Gujarati] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- સ્કોટલંડ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom, located in northwest Europe to the north of England)
- ਯੂਨਾਈਟਡ ਕਿੰਗਡਮ (Proper name) [Punjabi] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- ਸੰਯੁਕਤ ਬਾਦਸ਼ਾਹੀ (Proper name) [Punjabi] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- 그레이트브리튼 북아일랜드 연합 왕국 (Proper name) [Korean] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (a country in Europe)
- 대브리텐 및 북아일랜드 련합 왕국 (Proper name) [Korean] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (a country in Europe)
- 더럼 (Proper name) [Korean] [~주(州)] County Durham (a county in the Northeast of England).
- 런던 (Proper name) [Korean] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom)
- 런던 (Proper name) [Korean] London (a city in Ontario, Canada)
- 버뮤다 (Proper name) [Korean] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- 스코틀랜드 (Proper name) [Korean] Scotland (a country in Europe)
- 스톤헨지 (Proper name) [Korean] Stonehenge
- 에든버러 (Proper name) [Korean] Edinburgh (the capital city of Scotland)
- 영국 (Proper name) [Korean] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- 웨일스 (Proper name) [Korean] Wales (a country in Europe)
- 유니언 잭 (Proper name) [Korean] Union Jack
- 잉글랜드 (Proper name) [Korean] England (a country in Europe)
- 켄트 (Proper name) [Korean] [~주(州)] Kent (a county of England)
- אנגליה (Proper name) [Hebrew] England
- וויילז (Proper name) [Yiddish] Wales (a constituent nation of the UK)
- ויילס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Wales (One of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom, formerly a principality)
- לאָנדאָן (Proper name) [Yiddish] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- לונדון (Proper name) [Hebrew] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- מאַנטשעסטער (Proper name) [Yiddish] Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- סקוטיה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Scotland
- סקוטלנד (Proper name) [Hebrew] Scotland
- ענגלאַנד (Proper name) [Yiddish] England
- ענגליש (Noun) [Yiddish] English (language)
- ענגליש (Noun) [Yiddish] English (person from England)
- ענגליש (Adjective) [Yiddish] English (from or pertaining to England)
- פֿאַראייניקט קעניגרײַך (Proper name) [Yiddish] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- קמבריה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom, Europe)
- שאָטלאַנד (Proper name) [Yiddish] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ಯುನೈಟೆಡ್ ಕಿಂಗ್ಡಂ (Proper name) [Kannada] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- アクロティリおよびデケリア (Proper name) [Japanese] Akrotiri and Dhekelia (an overseas territory of the United Kingdom on the island of Cyprus)
- アンギラ (Proper name) [Japanese] Anguilla (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, in the Caribbean Sea)
- アントリム (Proper name) [Japanese] Antrim (a county of Northern Ireland)
- アーマー (Proper name) [Japanese] Armagh (a county of Northern Ireland)
- イギリス (Proper name) [Japanese] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- イギリス帝国 (Proper name) [Japanese] the British Empire
- イギリス英語 (Proper name) [Japanese] British English
- イギリス諸島 (Proper name) [Japanese] Synonym of ブリテン諸島 (Buriten Shotō, “British Isles”)
- イギリス連邦 (Proper name) [Japanese] the British Commonwealth; the Commonwealth of Nations
- イギリス領インド洋地域 (Proper name) [Japanese] British Indian Ocean Territory (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Indian Ocean)
- イギリス領ソマリランド (Proper name) [Japanese] British Somaliland
- イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 (Proper name) [Japanese] British Virgin Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- イギリス領南極地域 (Proper name) [Japanese] British Antarctic Territory (an overseas territory in the Antarctic administered by the United Kingdom, and also including the South Orkney Islands and South Shetland Islands)
- イングランド (Proper name) [Japanese] England (region of Great Britain)
- ウェールズ (Proper name) [Japanese] Wales
- ウォリック (Proper name) [Japanese] Warwick
- ウスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Worcester
- エディンバラ (Proper name) [Japanese] Edinburgh (the capital city of Scotland)
- カレドニア (Proper name) [Japanese] Caledonia
- カンブリア (Proper name) [Japanese] Cumbria
- カーディフ (Proper name) [Japanese] Cardiff (a city and county, the capital and largest city of Wales)
- カーナーヴォン (Proper name) [Japanese] Caernarfon
- カーライル (Proper name) [Japanese] Carlisle
- クリーブランド (Proper name) [Japanese] Cleveland
- グウィネズ (Proper name) [Japanese] Gwynedd (a county of Wales, in the north-west of the country)
- グラスゴー (Proper name) [Japanese] Glasgow (a major city and council area of Scotland, largest city in Scotland)
- グランドケイマン (Proper name) [Japanese] Grand Cayman
- グランド・ブルターニュ (Proper name) [Japanese] A French exonym of Great Britain (an island in Western Europe), or Great Britain, United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe)
- グレートブリテン (Proper name) [Japanese] Great Britain
- グレートブリテン及びアイルランド連合王国 (Proper name) [Japanese] the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
- グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 (Proper name) [Japanese] the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- グレートブリテン王国 (Proper name) [Japanese] the Kingdom of Great Britain
- グレート・ヤーマス (Proper name) [Japanese] Great Yarmouth
- ケイマンブラック (Proper name) [Japanese] Cayman Brac
- ケイマン諸島 (Proper name) [Japanese] Cayman Islands (three islands constituting an overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean Sea)
- ケルビン (Proper name) [Japanese] Kelvin
- コーンウォール (Proper name) [Japanese] Cornwall (a county of England)
- サウサンプトン (Proper name) [Japanese] Southampton
- ジブラルタル (Proper name) [Japanese] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- ジャージー (Proper name) [Japanese] Jersey (an island dependency of the United Kingdom)
- スコットランド (Proper name) [Japanese] Scotland
- スコットランドヤード (Proper name) [Japanese] Scotland Yard
- スコットランド英語 (Proper name) [Japanese] Scottish English
- ストーンヘンジ (Proper name) [Japanese] Stonehenge
- タイロン (Proper name) [Japanese] Tyrone (a county of Northern Ireland)
- ダウエン (Proper name) [Japanese] Down (a county of Northern Ireland)
- チェシャー (Proper name) [Japanese] Cheshire (a county in northwestern England)
- チェスターフィールド (Proper name) [Japanese] Chesterfield
- デリー (Proper name) [Japanese] Derry (a county of Northern Ireland)
- トーキー (Proper name) [Japanese] Torquay
- トーベイ (Proper name) [Japanese] Torbay
- ニューイングランド (Proper name) [Japanese] New England
- ニューカッスル・アポン・タイン (Proper name) [Japanese] Newcastle upon Tyne (a large city and metropolitan borough of Tyne and Wear, in northeastern England)
- ニュージーランド (Proper name) [Japanese] New Zealand (a country and archipelago in Oceania, to the east of Australia)
- ニュートン (Proper name) [Japanese] Newton
- ネス湖 (Noun) [Japanese] Loch Ness
- ノバスコシア (Proper name) [Japanese] Nova Scotia (a province of Canada)
- ノーサンプトン (Proper name) [Japanese] Northampton
- バッキンガムシャー (Proper name) [Japanese] Buckinghamshire (a county of South East England, England, United Kingdom)
- バミューダ (Proper name) [Japanese] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- バーミューダ (Proper name) [Japanese] Alternative form of バミューダ (Bamyūda): Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean)
- ピトケアン諸島 (Proper name) [Japanese] Pitcairn Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the southern Pacific Ocean)
- ファーマナ (Proper name) [Japanese] Fermanagh (a county of Northern Ireland)
- フォークランド諸島 (Proper name) [Japanese] Falkland Islands (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, located in the South Atlantic)
- フリント (Proper name) [Japanese] Flint
- ブリカス (Noun) [Japanese] Britain, British person
- ブリテン諸島 (Proper name) [Japanese] the British Isles
- ベリック・アポン・ツイード (Proper name) [Japanese] Berwick-upon-Tweed
- ボーンマス (Proper name) [Japanese] Bournemouth
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a city in Meriwether County and Talbot County, Georgia)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a city, the county seat of Delaware County, Iowa)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a tiny city in Dickinson County, Kansas)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a home rule city, the county seat of Clay County, Kentucky)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a tiny city in Freeborn County, Minnesota)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a city in St. Louis County, Missouri)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (the largest city in New Hampshire, United States and one of the two county seats of Hillsborough County)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a city, the county seat of Coffee County, Tennessee)
- マンチェスター (Proper name) [Japanese] Any of several towns and cities in the United States of America:; Manchester (a former independent city in Chesterfield County, Virginia)
- マン島 (Proper name) [Japanese] Isle of Man (an island and Crown dependency of the United Kingdom in the Irish Sea)
- モントセラト (Proper name) [Japanese] Montserrat (an island and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the Caribbean)
- リトルケイマン (Proper name) [Japanese] Little Cayman
- リヴァプール (Proper name) [Japanese] Liverpool (a city in England)
- レディング (Proper name) [Japanese] Redding
- ロンドン (Proper name) [Japanese] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- ロンドン (Proper name) [Japanese] London (a city in southwestern Ontario, Canada)
- ロンドンデリー (Proper name) [Japanese] Alternative form of デリー (Derī, “Derry”)
- ヴィクトリア (Proper name) [Japanese] Victoria
- ចក្រភពអង់គ្លេស (Proper name) [Khmer] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- វ៉ែល (Proper name) [Khmer] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- សហរាជាណាចក្រ (Proper name) [Khmer] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- ស្កុតលែនដ៍ (Proper name) [Khmer] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ឡុងដ៍ (Proper name) [Khmer] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- អង់គ្លេស (Proper name) [Khmer] Great Britain, British
- អេកូស (Noun) [Khmer] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ລອນດອນ (Proper name) [Lao] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- ສະຫະລາຊະອານາຈັກ (Proper name) [Lao] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- ອັງກິດ (Proper name) [Lao] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom in Europe), English
- ഇംഗ്ലണ്ട് (Proper name) [Malayalam] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- യുണൈറ്റഡ് കിങ്ഡം (Proper name) [Malayalam] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- စကော့တလန် (Proper name) [Burmese] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ယူနိုက်တက်ကင်းဒမ်း (Proper name) [Burmese] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- လန်ဒန် (Proper name) [Burmese] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- ဝေလ (Proper name) [Burmese] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ଇଂଲଣ୍ଡ (Proper name) [Odia] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ବିଲାତ୍ (Proper name) [Odia] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- ବିଲାତ୍ (Proper name) [Odia] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom)
- ଯୁକ୍ତରାଜ୍ୟ (Proper name) [Odia] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- ଲଣ୍ଡନ୍ (Proper name) [Odia] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- එක්සත් රාජධානිය (Proper name) [Sinhalese] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- இங்கிலாந்து (Proper name) [Tamil] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- இலண்டன் (Noun) [Tamil] London (the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom)
- ஐக்கிய இராச்சியம் (Proper name) [Tamil] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- జెర్సీ (Proper name) [Telugu] Jersey (an island, a crown dependency of the United Kingdom; the largest of the Channel Islands in the English Channel between France and England)
- బ్రిటను (Proper name) [Telugu] the island of Great Britain, consisting of England, Scotland and Wales
- యునైటెడ్ కింగ్డమ్ (Proper name) [Telugu] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- లండను (Proper name) [Telugu] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- บริเตนใหญ่ (Proper name) [Thai] Great Britain.
- ยิบรอลตาร์ (Proper name) [Thai] Gibraltar (a peninsula, city, and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, at the southern end of Iberia)
- ราชอาณาจักรบริเตนใหญ่ (Proper name) [Thai] Kingdom of Great Britain.
- ราชอาณาจักรเกรตบริเตน (Proper name) [Thai] Kingdom of Great Britain.
- ลอนดอน (Proper name) [Thai] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- สกอตแลนด์ (Proper name) [Thai] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- สหราชอาณาจักร (Proper name) [Thai] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- สหราชอาณาจักรบริเตนใหญ่ (Proper name) [Thai] United Kingdom of Great Britain.
- สหราชอาณาจักรบริเตนใหญ่และไอร์แลนด์ (Proper name) [Thai] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
- สหราชอาณาจักรบริเตนใหญ่และไอร์แลนด์เหนือ (Proper name) [Thai] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- สหราชอาณาจักรเกรตบริเตน (Proper name) [Thai] United Kingdom of Great Britain.
- สหราชอาณาจักรเกรตบริเตนและนอร์เทิร์นไอร์แลนด์ (Proper name) [Thai] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- สหราชอาณาจักรเกรตบริเตนและไอร์แลนด์ (Proper name) [Thai] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
- อังกฤษ (Proper name) [Thai] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom); English.
- เกรตบริเตน (Proper name) [Thai] Great Britain.
- เบอร์มิวดา (Proper name) [Thai] Bermuda (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the North Atlantic Ocean).
- เมืองผู้ดี (Proper name) [Thai] England.
- เวลส์ (Proper name) [Thai] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- เอดินบะระ (Proper name) [Thai] Edinburgh (the capital city of Scotland)
- แองกวิลลา (Proper name) [Thai] Anguilla (an archipelago and overseas territory of the United Kingdom, in the Caribbean Sea).
- དབྱིན་ཇི་མཉམ་འབྲེལ (Proper name) [Tibetan] the United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- ལོན་ཊོན (Proper name) [Tibetan] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- སི་ཁོ་ཁྲི་ལན་ཌི (Proper name) [Tibetan] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- .ac (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for Ascension Island as assigned by the IANA.
- .ai (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for Anguilla as assigned by the IANA.
- .bm (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for Bermuda as assigned by the IANA.
- .fk (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for Falkland Islands as assigned by the IANA.
- .gi (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for Gibraltar as assigned by the IANA.
- .gs (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands as assigned by the IANA.
- .io (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for British Indian Ocean Territory as assigned by the IANA.
- .ky (Symbol) [Translingual] The ccTLD for Cayman Islands as assigned by the IANA.
- 10 Downing Street (Proper name) [English] The address of the residence in London of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
- 10 Downing Street (Proper name) [English] The government of the United Kingdom.
- 11 Downing Street (Proper name) [English] The address of the residence in London of the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom.
- 11 Downing Street (Proper name) [English] HM Treasury of the United Kingdom.
- 112 (Proper name) [English] The telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and S…
- 2.4 children (Noun) [English] A stereotypical characteristic of normal family life; frequently used ironically.
- 911 (Proper name) [English] The telephone number for emergency services in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Liberia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Anguilla, Palau, and Tonga.
- 999 (Proper name) [English] The telephone number for emergency services in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Burma, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sudan, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Dominica, Kiribati, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and the Seychelles.
- ʻEnelani (Proper name) [Hawaiian] England
- ܠܘܢܕܘܢ (Proper name) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- ܣܟܘܛܝܐ (Proper name) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- इंगलिस्तान (Proper name) [Hindi] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- इंगलैंड (Noun) [Hindi] Alternative spelling of इंग्लैंड (iṅglaiṇḍ): England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- इंग्लैंड (Proper name) [Hindi] England (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- कार्डिफ़ (Proper name) [Hindi] Cardiff (a city and county, the capital and largest city of Wales)
- ग्लासगो (Proper name) [Hindi] Glasgow (a major city and council area of Scotland, largest city in Scotland)
- बकिंघम (Proper name) [Hindi] the Buckingham Palace.
- मैनचेस्टर (Proper name) [Hindi] Manchester (a major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England)
- मैनचेस्टर (Proper name) [Hindi] Manchester (a city in New Hampshire, United States)
- युनायटेड किंगडम (Proper name) [Konkani] United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe)
- युनायटेड किंग्डम (Proper name) [Marathi] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- यूनाइटेड किंगडम (Proper name) [Hindi] United Kingdom (a country in Western Europe)
- लंदन (Proper name) [Hindi] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- लंदन (Proper name) [Hindi] London (a city in Ontario, Canada)
- लण्ड्र (Proper name) [Sanskrit] London (the capital city of the United Kingdom; capital city of England)
- लिवरपूल (Proper name) [Hindi] Liverpool (a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England)
- लीड्स (Proper name) [Hindi] Leeds (a large city and metropolitan borough of West Yorkshire, England)
- वेल्स (Proper name) [Hindi] Wales (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
- संयुक्त अधिराज्य (Proper name) [Nepali] United Kingdom (a country in Europe; capital: London)
- संयुक्त राजशाही (Proper name) [Hindi] United Kingdom (a country in Europe)
- सरी (Proper name) [Hindi] Surrey (a county of England)
- स्कॉटलैंड (Proper name) [Hindi] Scotland (a constituent country of the United Kingdom)
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