All languages combined word senses marked with place category "Bodies of water"
Parent categories: Landforms, Water, Earth, Places, Liquids, Nature, Names, Matter, Chemistry, Sciences
Subcategories: Bays, Lakes, Rivers, Seas, Straits
Total 11542 word senses
- Aa … Afon Merswy (70 senses)
- Aga … Amystis (111 senses)
- Ana … Anárjávri (45 senses)
- Ao … Ashop (100 senses)
- Asi … Avara (70 senses)
- Ave … Bangali River (88 senses)
- Bann … Bejna (67 senses)
- Bela … Boca do Tigre (95 senses)
- Bode … Buffalo River (94 senses)
- Bug … Calycadnus (83 senses)
- Cam … Caystrus (61 senses)
- Caí … Chengcing Lake (77 senses)
- Cher … Cluentus (89 senses)
- Clun … Conțeasca (64 senses)
- Cook … Culfor Dofr (92 senses)
- Culm … Deben (86 senses)
- Dee … Domoșița (73 senses)
- Don … Dąbrowa Wielka (101 senses)
- E … Enza (92 senses)
- Eo … Estreito de Taiwan (47 senses)
- Ete … Fowey (104 senses)
- Fox … Georgian Bay (87 senses)
- Ger … Golden Horn (47 senses)
- Golf … Gwili (86 senses)
- Gwy … Hinda Oceano (80 senses)
- Hinds … Hồng Hải (96 senses)
- IJ … Inguri (83 senses)
- Inn … Issyk-Kul (63 senses)
- Ister … Julevädno (82 senses)
- Junc … Kesusjön (91 senses)
- Ket … Kuparí (69 senses)
- Kur … Lake of the Woods (109 senses)
- Lakså … Ledus (53 senses)
- Lee … Llynfi (99 senses)
- Loa … Lungșoara (68 senses)
- Luo … Manjira (95 senses)
- Mank … Marmarské moře (91 senses)
- Marna … Memel (76 senses)
- Men … Minsmere (64 senses)
- Mira … Mouze (109 senses)
- Moy … Mĩ Tho (82 senses)
- Mže … Nepean (67 senses)
- Ner … Nkhata (68 senses)
- No … Ocinarus (101 senses)
- Ock … Ontário (67 senses)
- Oos … Oulton Broad (72 senses)
- Oulu … Patoka (98 senses)
- Paz … Plym (94 senses)
- Po … Prunelli (49 senses)
- Prut … Rawa (104 senses)
- Ray … Rimouski (75 senses)
- Rin … Rupel (70 senses)
- Rur … Sajgon (77 senses)
- Sajó … Sarius (74 senses)
- Sark … Semirus (91 senses)
- Sen … Siutghiol (104 senses)
- Sië … Sovata (68 senses)
- Sow … Stymphalus (76 senses)
- Styx … Sèina (78 senses)
- Sòna … Tamyras (77 senses)
- Tana … Tenojoki (85 senses)
- Ter … Tiliaventum (75 senses)
- Till … Touws River (75 senses)
- Tove … Tygrys (82 senses)
- Tym … Uyaan (91 senses)
- Uz … Vidöstern (95 senses)
- Vie … Vyrnwy (69 senses)
- Váh … Waver (67 senses)
- Wda … Xingu (114 senses)
- Y … Yèvre (52 senses)
- Yên … batis (89 senses)
- bay … dak Lak (74 senses)
- dam … gaoth (88 senses)
- gat … kolam (91 senses)
- koy … lough (63 senses)
- lum … mooir (84 senses)
- mor … pellg (81 senses)
- phá … râu (74 senses)
- ría … sông Đồng Nai (92 senses)
- sø … xẻo (83 senses)
- y … Ọṣun (128 senses)
- آب … اروند (10 senses)
- اقن … الدانوب (13 senses)
- السند … المحيط الهندي (10 senses)
- النيل … بحر لوط (11 senses)
- بحيرة … تالاب (9 senses)
- ترك … خلیج (11 senses)
- خور … راوی (11 senses)
- رود … سنہہ (11 senses)
- شليل … لاءوْء (11 senses)
- لوگر … ناصر (13 senses)
- ندي … پونچھ (9 senses)
- چای … یمنا (14 senses)
- Աարե … Ամուդարյա (13 senses)
- Ամուր … Բալթիկ ծով (9 senses)
- Բայկալ … Դեղին ծով (13 senses)
- Դի … Թեմզա (11 senses)
- Թուն … Ծովինար (13 senses)
- Կամա … Հորդանան (15 senses)
- Հուանհե … Մագելանի նեղուց (9 senses)
- Մայն … Նեղոս (11 senses)
- Նևա … Ռիցա (12 senses)
- Ռոն … Տիգրիս (15 senses)
- Օբ … ավազան (8 senses)
- արխ … օվկիանոս (16 senses)
- অন্টারিও (Proper name) [Bengali] Lake Ontario (a lake in North America)
- অর্ণব (Noun) [Bengali] sea
- আরব সাগর (Proper name) [Bengali] Arabian Sea
- উপসাগর (Noun) [Bengali] bay, gulf
- কেৰিবিয়ান সাগৰ (Noun) [Assamese] Caribbean
- খাল (Noun) [Bengali] canal
- গঙ্গা (Proper name) [Bengali] Ganges
- তটিনী (Proper name) [Bengali] a female given name, Totini or Tatini, from Sanskrit
- দরিয়া (Noun) [Bengali] sea
- নদী (Noun) [Bengali] river
- নৈ (Noun) [Assamese] river
- পদ্মা (Proper name) [Bengali] Padma (river in Bangladesh)
- পুকুর (Noun) [Bengali] pond
- প্ৰশান্ত মহাসাগৰ (Proper name) [Assamese] Pacific Ocean
- ফোরাত (Noun) [Bengali] the Euphrates
- বঙ্গোপসাগর (Proper name) [Bengali] Bay of Bengal
- বন্দর (Noun) [Bengali] port, harbour
- বিপাশা (Proper name) [Bengali] Beas (a river in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh in India)
- ব্রহ্মপুত্র (Proper name) [Bengali] Brahmaputra (a river in China, India and Bangladesh)
- ভাৰত মহাসাগৰ (Proper name) [Assamese] Indian Ocean
- ভূমধ্যসাগর (Proper name) [Bengali] Mediterranean Sea (a sea between Europe, Africa and Asia)
- মহাসাগর (Noun) [Bengali] ocean
- মহাসাগৰ (Noun) [Assamese] ocean
- মহাসিন্ধু (Noun) [Bengali] ocean
- মেঘনা (Proper name) [Bengali] Meghna (river in Bangladesh)
- যমুনা (Proper name) [Bengali] Brahmaputra (a river in China, India and Bangladesh)
- যমুনা (Proper name) [Bengali] Yamuna (a river in India)
- সমুদ্র (Noun) [Bengali] sea, ocean
- সমুদ্র (Noun) [Bishnupriya Manipuri] sea
- সাগর (Noun) [Bengali] sea
- সিন্ধু (Proper name) [Assamese] Indus (a large river in South Asia, rising in Tibet and flowing through India and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea.)
- সিন্ধু (Noun) [Bengali] ocean, sea
- সিন্ধু (Proper name) [Bengali] Indus (a large river in South Asia, rising in Tibet and flowing through India and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea.)
- সিন্ধু (Proper name) [Bengali] Sindh (a province of Pakistan, encompassing the lower Indus valley region; capital: Karachi)
- সৰস্বতী (Proper name) [Assamese] Saraswati (Hindu deity)
- সৰস্বতী (Proper name) [Assamese] Sarasvati River
- হ্রদ (Noun) [Bengali] lake
- 𑀘𑀁𑀤𑀪𑀸𑀕𑀸 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Chenab (a river in Punjab, Pakistan and the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the state of Himachal Pradesh in India)
- 𑀡𑀫𑁆𑀫𑀬𑀸 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Narmada (a river in India)
- 𑀲𑀸𑀕𑀭 (Noun) [Prakrit] sea
- ᓴᑲᐃᑭᓐ (Noun) [Naskapi] lake
- 七つの海 … 保障湖 (25 senses)
- 信濃 … 北氷洋 (22 senses)
- 北江 … 印度洋 (21 senses)
- 右江 … 團結 (25 senses)
- 土 … 大江 (17 senses)
- 大洋 … 山海 (32 senses)
- 岷 … 年楚河 (14 senses)
- 幹流 … 昭拍耶河 (25 senses)
- 晉江 … 桜面都川 (21 senses)
- 梅江 … 汾河 (23 senses)
- 沃 … 泰晤士河 (23 senses)
- 泿 … 浿水 (29 senses)
- 涇 … 渦河 (18 senses)
- 渫 … 滆湖 (23 senses)
- 滇 … 濟水 (22 senses)
- 濰 … 瓊州海峽 (27 senses)
- 瓦埠 … 秦淮河 (19 senses)
- 程海 … 艾依河 (30 senses)
- 芥川 … 蘭陽溪 (17 senses)
- 虹口 … 通天河 (22 senses)
- 運河 … 長谷川 (28 senses)
- 閩 … 鯨海 (24 senses)
- 鰲 … 龍目 (24 senses)
- ⲉⲓⲉⲣⲟ (Proper name) [Coptic] the Nile river
- ⲓⲁⲣⲟ (Proper name) [Coptic] the Nile river
- ⲓⲟⲣⲇⲁⲛⲏⲥ (Proper name) [Coptic] River Jordan (a river in Jordan)
- 𒌑𒅁𒊏𒌅𒅖 (Proper name) [Elamite] Euphrates
- Єзуч … Алазань (23 senses)
- Алакөл … Арктички Океан (20 senses)
- Арыс … Балтійське море (17 senses)
- Балқаш … Висла (24 senses)
- Виче … Дністер (22 senses)
- Дон … Егејско море (15 senses)
- Едо … Исеть (29 senses)
- Иҙел … Керченська протока (18 senses)
- Китай … Луара (17 senses)
- Луга … Нарын (25 senses)
- Нева … Оңтүстік Қытай теңізі (24 senses)
- Пад … Північний Льодовитий океан (15 senses)
- Рава … Северский Донец (19 senses)
- Сейм … Тарым өзені (25 senses)
- Тасу … Хамни (26 senses)
- Хаш … Шексна (19 senses)
- Шу … Юл (14 senses)
- Юта … затон (30 senses)
- кам … пливалиште (17 senses)
- порт … тинӗс (24 senses)
- ты … Әмудария (22 senses)
- ሀይቅ (Proper name) [Amharic] Lake Hayq (a lake in Ethiopia)
- ባሕር (Noun) [Amharic] sea
- ወንዝ (Noun) [Amharic] river, stream
- ወደብ (Noun) [Amharic] haven
- ወደብ (Noun) [Amharic] harbor
- ውቅያኖስ (Noun) [Amharic] ocean
- ዐባይ (Proper name) [Amharic] Blue Nile (a river in Africa)
- ጣና (Proper name) [Amharic] Tana (a lake in Ethiopia)
- ალაზანი (Proper name) [Georgian] Alazani (river in the Caucasus and main tributary of the Kura)
- ანტარქტიკის ოკეანე (Proper name) [Georgian] Southern Ocean, Antarctic Ocean
- არაბეთის ზღვა (Proper name) [Georgian] Arabian Sea
- არაგვი (Proper name) [Georgian] Aragvi
- არხი (Noun) [Georgian] canal
- არხი (Noun) [Georgian] channel
- ატლანტის ოკეანე (Proper name) [Georgian] Atlantic Ocean
- აუზი (Noun) [Georgian] catchment basin
- გუბე (Noun) [Georgian] puddle
- დიდი ტბები (Proper name) [Georgian] the Great Lakes
- დინება (Noun) [Georgian] current, flux, stream, flow, stream
- ენგური (Proper name) [Georgian] Inguri river
- ერის ტბა (Proper name) [Georgian] Lake Erie
- ვიქტორიას ტბა (Proper name) [Georgian] Lake Victoria
- ვორონეჟი (Proper name) [Georgian] Voronezh (a left tributary of the Don in Tambov, Lipetsk and Voronezh Oblasts, Russia)
- ზემო ტბა (Proper name) [Georgian] Lake Superior
- ზუღა (Noun) [Laz] sea
- ზღვა (Noun) [Georgian] sea
- ზღვა (Noun) [Georgian] sea
- ზღუაჲ (Noun) [Old Georgian] sea
- ინდოეთის ოკეანე (Proper name) [Georgian] Indian Ocean
- იორდანე (Proper name) [Georgian] Jordan (a river in Western Asia, in the Middle East, that empties into the Dead Sea, flowing through Israel, the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Jordan)
- კოდორი (Proper name) [Georgian] Kodori (a river in Georgia)
- ლა-მანში (Proper name) [Georgian] English Channel, La Manche
- ლექსიკა (Noun) [Georgian] vocabulary
- მდინარე (Adjective) [Georgian] flowing, running (water)
- მიჩიგანის ტბა (Proper name) [Georgian] Lake Michigan
- მკვდარი ზღვა (Proper name) [Georgian] Dead Sea (a highly saline lake in Israel, Palestine and Jordan)
- მტკვარი (Proper name) [Georgian] Kura river
- ნავსადგური (Noun) [Georgian] harbour, harbor; port
- ნაკადული (Noun) [Georgian] bourn, bourne, brook, rivulet, streamlet
- ოკეანე (Noun) [Georgian] ocean
- პორტი (Noun) [Georgian] waterfront, port
- რუ (Noun) [Georgian] runnel
- სამხრეთის ოკეანე (Proper name) [Georgian] Southern Ocean
- სრუტე (Noun) [Georgian] strait
- სურა (Proper name) [Georgian] A river in Russia
- ტბა (Noun) [Georgian] lake
- ტბორი (Noun) [Georgian] pond, puddle, pool
- ტობა (Noun) [Laz] small potholes where water has accumulated due to rain; puddle
- უბე (Noun) [Georgian] bosom
- უჩამზუღა (Proper name) [Laz] Black Sea
- ყურე (Noun) [Georgian] bight
- ჩრდილოეთის ყინულოვანი ოკეანე (Proper name) [Georgian] Arctic Ocean
- წყნარი ოკეანე (Proper name) [Georgian] Pacific Ocean
- ჭოროხი (Proper name) [Georgian] Çoruh
- ხრამი (Proper name) [Georgian] Khrami (a river in Georgia)
- ჰურონის ტბა (Proper name) [Georgian] Lake Huron
- Άρκανσας … Βαθυνίας (16 senses)
- Βαῖτις … Γρανικός (14 senses)
- Γύνδης … Θύαμις (14 senses)
- Ινδός … Καϊκός (13 senses)
- Κεβρήν … Λάμος (15 senses)
- Λίξος … Νάπαρις (16 senses)
- Νέδη … Περμησσός (16 senses)
- Πηνειός … Σαγγάριος (14 senses)
- Σαιπρός … Τάναϊς (14 senses)
- Τέτιος … κόλπος (17 senses)
- λίμνη … ωκεανός (13 senses)
- όρμος … Ἄκιρις (18 senses)
- Ἄκις … Ἐχείδωρος (16 senses)
- Ἕβρος … Ἰσμηνός (12 senses)
- Ἴναχος … Ὕψαρνος (18 senses)
- Ὕψας … Ῥύνδακος (8 senses)
- અરબી સમુદ્ર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Arabian Sea (part of the Indian Ocean)
- આમુદરિયા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Amu Darya (a major river in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan)
- કાળો સમુદ્ર (Proper name) [Gujarati] the Black Sea
- ખાડી (Noun) [Gujarati] bay, gulf
- ગંગા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Ganges, Ganga (a major river in the states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal, India; major river in Rajshahi, Dhaka, Chittagong and Barisal Divisions, Bangladesh)
- ચિનાબ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Chenab (a river in Punjab, Pakistan and the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the state of Himachal Pradesh in India)
- જેલમ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Jhelum (a river in the Punjab of Pakistan and the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, India)
- તળાવ (Noun) [Gujarati] pond, lake
- તાપી (Proper name) [Gujarati] Tapti, Tapi (a river in India)
- તાપી (Proper name) [Gujarati] Tapi (a river in Thailand)
- દરિયો (Noun) [Gujarati] sea
- નદી (Noun) [Gujarati] river
- નદી (Noun) [Kachchi] river
- પાવની (Proper name) [Gujarati] Ganges, Ganga (a major river in the states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal, India; major river in Rajshahi, Dhaka, Chittagong and Barisal Divisions, Bangladesh)
- બંગાળની ખાડી (Proper name) [Gujarati] Bay of Bengal (large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean)
- બ્રહ્મપુત્ર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Brahmaputra (a river in China, India and Bangladesh)
- ભૂમધ્ય સમુદ્ર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Mediterranean Sea
- મેઘના (Proper name) [Gujarati] Meghna (a river in Bangladesh)
- યમુના (Proper name) [Gujarati] Yamuna, Jumna (a river in the states of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana and union territory of Delhi, India)
- વિપાશા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Beas (a river in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh in India)
- સમુદ્ર (Noun) [Gujarati] ocean, sea
- સાયર (Noun) [Gujarati] ocean, sea
- સાહેર (Noun) [Gujarati] ocean, sea
- સિંધ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Indus (a river in the provinces of Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the administrative territory of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan, the union territory of Ladakh in India and the autonomous region of Tibet in China)
- સિંધુ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Indus, Sindhu (a large river in South Asia, rising in Tibet and flowing through India and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea.)
- ਖਲੀਜ (Noun) [Punjabi] gulf, bay
- ਖਾੜੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] bay, gulf
- ਚਨਾਬ (Proper name) [Punjabi] A river in Punjab, Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh
- ਛੱਪੜ (Noun) [Punjabi] pond, pool, unlined tank
- ਜੇਹਲਮ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Jhelum (a river in Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir)
- ਝਨਾਂ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Chenab (A river of Punjab in India and Pakistan)
- ਝੀਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] lake
- ਤਵੀ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Tawi (a river in Jammu and Kashmir)
- ਦਰਿਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] river
- ਦਹਾਨਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] estuary, delta
- ਨਦੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] river
- ਨੀਲ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Nile (a river in Africa)
- ਪਣਜੋੜ (Noun) [Punjabi] strait
- ਬਾਲਟਿਕ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Baltic Sea (a sea in Northern Europe)
- ਬਿਆਸ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Beas (A river of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh)
- ਰਾਵੀ (Proper name) [Punjabi] A river of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh in India and Punjab in Pakistan
- ਲਾਲ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Red Sea (A sea between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa)
- ਸਤਲੁਜ (Proper name) [Punjabi] A river in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Tibet
- ਸਮੁੰਦਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] ocean, sea
- ਸਿੰਧ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Indus (A river in Pakistan)
- 가람 (Noun) [Korean] Buddhist temple; Buddhist monastery
- 강 (Noun) [Korean] a kang; a traditional long platform used for heating in colder parts of China and suitable sleeping on
- 강어귀 (Noun) [Korean] estuary (of a river)
- 남극해 (Proper name) [Korean] the South Polar Ocean; the Antarctic Ocean
- 남빙양 (Proper name) [Korean] Synonym of 남극해 (Namgeukhae)
- 남중국해 (Proper name) [Korean] South China Sea (a sea in Asia)
- 남해 (Proper name) [Korean] South Sea (from Jeju to Busan)
- 내 (Pronoun) [Korean] allomorph of 나 (na, plain first-person pronoun) before 가 (-ga, nominative suffix)
- 내 (Pronoun) [Korean] Gyeongsang form of 나 (na, “I, me”)
- 내 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 안 내 (an nae))
(MC reading: 內 (MC nwojH))(eumhun reading: 이에 내 (ie nae))
(MC reading: 乃 (MC nojX))(eumhun reading: 어찌 내 (eojji nae))
(MC reading: 奈 (MC najH))(eumhun reading: 견딜 내 (gyeondil nae))
(MC reading: 耐 (MC nojH))
More information(MC reading: 來 (MC loj)); 內: inside; within
- 내 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 안 내 (an nae))
(MC reading: 內 (MC nwojH))(eumhun reading: 이에 내 (ie nae))
(MC reading: 乃 (MC nojX))(eumhun reading: 어찌 내 (eojji nae))
(MC reading: 奈 (MC najH))(eumhun reading: 견딜 내 (gyeondil nae))
(MC reading: 耐 (MC nojH))
More information(MC reading: 來 (MC loj)); 乃: then; really, indeed; after all
- 내 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 안 내 (an nae))
(MC reading: 內 (MC nwojH))(eumhun reading: 이에 내 (ie nae))
(MC reading: 乃 (MC nojX))(eumhun reading: 어찌 내 (eojji nae))
(MC reading: 奈 (MC najH))(eumhun reading: 견딜 내 (gyeondil nae))
(MC reading: 耐 (MC nojH))
More information(MC reading: 來 (MC loj)); 奈: but; how
- 내 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 안 내 (an nae))
(MC reading: 內 (MC nwojH))(eumhun reading: 이에 내 (ie nae))
(MC reading: 乃 (MC nojX))(eumhun reading: 어찌 내 (eojji nae))
(MC reading: 奈 (MC najH))(eumhun reading: 견딜 내 (gyeondil nae))
(MC reading: 耐 (MC nojH))
More information(MC reading: 來 (MC loj)); 耐: endure; resist; patient
- 내 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 안 내 (an nae))
(MC reading: 內 (MC nwojH))(eumhun reading: 이에 내 (ie nae))
(MC reading: 乃 (MC nojX))(eumhun reading: 어찌 내 (eojji nae))
(MC reading: 奈 (MC najH))(eumhun reading: 견딜 내 (gyeondil nae))
(MC reading: 耐 (MC nojH))
More information(MC reading: 來 (MC loj)); 來
- 대동강 (Proper name) [Korean] Taedong River (a river in North Korea)
- 대서양 (Proper name) [Korean] the Atlantic Ocean
- 대양 (Noun) [Korean] ocean
- 동중국해 (Proper name) [Korean] East China Sea (a sea in Asia)
- 동해 (Proper name) [Korean] Sea of Japan; East Sea
- 두만강 (Proper name) [Korean] Tumen River (river marking the northeastern border of Korea)
- 만 (Noun) [Korean] indicates that an action is expected, reasonable, or justified
- 만 (Noun) [Korean] indicates that an action is possible or accepted
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 만 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(MC reading: 晚 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 滿 (MC manX))(MC reading: 慢 (MC maenH))(MC reading: 漫 (MC manH))(MC reading: 曼 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 蔓 (MC man|mjonH))(MC reading: 鏋 (MC manX))(MC reading: 卍)(MC reading: 娩 (MC mjonX|mjenX|mjunH|mjonH|phjonH))(MC reading: 巒 (MC lwan))(MC reading: 彎 (MC 'waen))(MC reading: 挽 (MC mjonX))(MC reading: 瞞 (MC man))(MC reading: 輓 (MC mjonX|mjonH…
- 멕시코 만 (Proper name) [Korean] Gulf of Mexico
- 못 (Noun) [Korean] callosity, callus, blister
- 못 (Noun) [Korean] pond
- 못 (Adverb) [Korean] cannot
- 못 (Adverb) [Korean] poorly
- 바다 (Noun) [Korean] sea, ocean
- 바당 (Noun) [Jeju] sea, ocean
- 바렌츠 해 (Proper name) [Korean] Barents Sea
- 바를 (Noun) [Jeju] sea
- 발트해 (Proper name) [Korean] Baltic Sea (a sea in Europe)
- 백해 (Proper name) [Korean] White Sea (a sea to the northwest of Russia)
- 북극해 (Proper name) [Korean] the Arctic Ocean
- 북빙양 (Proper name) [Korean] Synonym of 북극해 (Bukgeukhae)
- 비숍 (Proper name) [Korean] Bishop (names of various cities and towns)
- 사해 (Proper name) [Korean] Dead Sea (a highly saline lake in Israel, Palestine and Jordan)
- 산호해 (Proper name) [Korean] Coral Sea (a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean)
- 삼도천 (Proper name) [Korean] the Sanzu River (a mythological river in Japanese Buddhist tradition similar to the Hindu Vaitarna or Ancient Greek Styx)
- 상류 (Noun) [Korean] upper reaches; upper portion of a river
- 서해 (Proper name) [Korean] the Yellow Sea (the western sea)
- 시내 (Noun) [Korean] downtown, city centre
- 아무르강 (Proper name) [Korean] Amur (a river forming the border between China and Russia in the Far East)
- 연못 (Noun) [Korean] pond
- 염호 (Noun) [Korean] salt lake, saline lake
- 영국 해협 (Proper name) [Korean] English Channel (a sea in the North Sea)
- 오대호 (Proper name) [Korean] Great Lakes
- 오호츠크해 (Proper name) [Korean] Sea of Okhotsk
- 우수리강 (Proper name) [Korean] Ussuri (A river that flows through the Russian Far East and Northeast China)
- 운하 (Noun) [Korean] canal (artificial waterway)
- 인도양 (Proper name) [Korean] the Indian Ocean
- 일본해 (Proper name) [Korean] Sea of Japan (not a preferred name in both Koreas)
- 지중해 (Proper name) [Korean] the Mediterranean Sea
- 창강 (Proper name) [Korean] Yangtze (the chief river of central China)
- 청천강 (Proper name) [Korean] Chongchon River (a river in North Korea)
- 태평양 (Proper name) [Korean] the Pacific Ocean
- 풀 (Noun) [Korean] herbaceous plants, particularly grass
- 풀 (Noun) [Korean] glue
- 풀 (Noun) [Korean] pool
- 피오르 (Noun) [Korean] fjord
- 피오르드 (Noun) [Korean] fjord
- 하류 (Noun) [Korean] lower reaches of a river
- 하천 (Noun) [Korean] river, rivers
- 한강 (Proper name) [Korean] Han River (in Seoul, South Korea)
- 한강 (Proper name) [Korean] Han River (Shaanxi and Hubei, China)
- 한강 (Proper name) [Korean] Han River (in Guangdong, China)
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 막을 항 (mageul hang))
(MC reading: 抗 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 항상 항 (hangsang hang))
(MC reading: 恒 (MC ɦəŋ))(eumhun reading: 항구 항 (hanggu hang)))(eumhun reading: 배 항 (bae hang))
(MC reading: 航 (MC hang))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC reading: 亢 (MC kang|khangH))(eumhun reading: 짝 항 (jjak hang))
(MC reading: 伉 (MC khangH))(eumhun reading: 목 항 (mok hang))
(MC r…
- 항구 (Noun) [Korean] port, harbour
- 해양 (Noun) [Korean] ocean, sea
- 해협 (Noun) [Korean] strait; channel
- 협만 (Noun) [Korean] fjord
- 호수 (Noun) [Korean] lake
- 홍해 (Proper name) [Korean] Red Sea (sea between Africa and Arabia)
- 황하 (Proper name) [Korean] Yellow River (a major river of Central China)
- 황해 (Proper name) [Korean] Yellow Sea (a sea in Asia)
- 흑해 (Proper name) [Korean] the Black Sea
- אָזערע (Noun) [Yiddish] lake
- אָזערע מאַדזשאָרע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Lake Maggiore, Lago Maggiore
- אגם (Noun) [Hebrew] reed, bulrush
- אוד (Proper name) [Hebrew] Aude (a river in the Aude department, France); Aude (a department of Occitanie, France)
- אולי (Proper name) [Aramaic] Ulai
- אוקיינוס (Noun) [Hebrew] ocean
- אוקיינוס הקרח הצפוני (Proper name) [Hebrew] the Arctic Ocean
- ארנון (Proper name) [Aramaic] Arnon river
- אײַז־ים (Proper name) [Yiddish] Arctic Ocean
- באַכר־על־כאַזאַל (Proper name) [Yiddish] Bahr el Ghazal (river in South Sudan)
- באַכר־על־כאַזאַל (Proper name) [Yiddish] Bahr el Ghazal (region of South Sudan named for the river)
- באָלדאַ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Bolda (a river in Astrakhan)
- בוספורוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Bosphorus (The narrow strait beside Istanbul, Turkey connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, the northern end of the Turkish Straits connecting the Black Sea with the Aegean and Mediterranean)
- גיחון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Gihon (a river issuing out of the Garden of Eden)
- דאָן (Proper name) [Yiddish] Don (the river)
- דקלת (Proper name) [Aramaic] Tigris
- האוקיינוס האטלנטי (Proper name) [Hebrew] the Atlantic Ocean
- האוקיינוס הדרומי (Proper name) [Hebrew] the Southern Ocean
- האוקיינוס ההודי (Proper name) [Hebrew] the Indian Ocean
- האוקיינוס השקט (Proper name) [Hebrew] the Pacific Ocean
- הים הכספי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Caspian Sea (A landlocked sea (properly a saline lake) between Eastern Europe and Asia, and the Earth’s largest inland body of water)
- הים הצפוני (Proper name) [Hebrew] the North Sea
- הים השחור (Proper name) [Hebrew] the Black Sea (an inland sea bound by Southeastern Europe in the west, Eastern Europe in the north and northeast, and Turkey in the south)
- הים התיכון (Proper name) [Hebrew] the Mediterranean Sea (The sea between Europe and Africa)
- וואָלגאַ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Volga (a river in Russia)
- וויליִע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Neris (a river of Belarus and Lithuania)
- זבא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Zab river
- זבא עליא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Upper Zab river
- זבא תחתיא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Lower Zab river
- זרם (Noun) [Hebrew] a religious or ideological movement
- חידקל (Proper name) [Hebrew] Tigris (a river in Southwest Asia flowing 1,150 miles east-southeast from the Armenian Highland in Turkey through Iraq)
- יאור (Noun) [Hebrew] A river, stream, or canal, especially in Egypt, especially the Nile.
- יורדנן (Proper name) [Aramaic] Jordan river
- ים (Noun) [Hebrew] sea
- ים (Noun) [Yiddish] sea, ocean
- ים המלח (Proper name) [Hebrew] Dead Sea (a lake in the Middle East in Palestine and Jordan, noted for high salinity and for its banks being the lowest land-based elevation on Earth)
- ים סוף (Proper name) [Hebrew] Red Sea
- ירדן (Proper name) [Hebrew] Jordan (a river in Western Asia, in the Middle East, that empties into the Dead Sea, flowing through Israel, the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Jordan)
- ירקון (Proper name) [Aramaic] Yarkon river
- ירקון (Noun) [Hebrew] A greenfinch, a European greenfinch: a member of the species Chloris chloris of small songbirds in the finch family.
- כנרת (Proper name) [Hebrew] Kinneret, Sea of Galilee (a lake in northern Israel, located next to the ancient city of Tiberias).
- מיסיסיפי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Mississippi (a state of the United States); Mississippi (a major river in the United States, that flows from north-central Minnesota into the Gulf of Mexico)
- מיצר (Noun) [Hebrew] strait, isthmus
- נהר (Verb) [Hebrew] to surge
- נחל (Noun) [Hebrew] a valley
- נילוס (Proper name) [Aramaic] Nile
- נילוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Nile (A large river in Africa flowing through Khartoum and Cairo into the Mediterranean Sea, usually considered to be the longest river in the world)
- נעמאַן (Proper name) [Yiddish] Neman
- נעסטער (Proper name) [Yiddish] Dniester
- עלבע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Elbe
- פְֿלוּמוֹ (Noun) [Judeo-Italian] river
- פּאָרט (Noun) [Yiddish] port
- פישון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Pishon (one of the four rivers in Eden)
- פלג (Proper name) [Hebrew] a male given name, equivalent to English Peleg
- פרפר (Proper name) [Aramaic] Pharpar river
- פרת (Proper name) [Aramaic] Euphrates
- פרת (Proper name) [Hebrew] Euphrates
- קוטום (Proper name) [Yiddish] Kutum (a river in Astrakhan)
- רון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Rhone (A river in Switzerland and France that flows from the Alps to the Mediterranean Sea)
- ריין (Proper name) [Yiddish] Rhein (the river)
- תעלה (Noun) [Hebrew] a ditch, a moat, a canal
- ꦧꦿꦤ꧀ꦠꦱ꧀ (Proper name) [Javanese] A river in eastern Java
- ಅಘನಾಶಿನಿ (Proper name) [Kannada] A river in Karnataka, India
- ಜಮುನೆ (Proper name) [Kannada] Yamuna
- ನರ್ಮದ (Proper name) [Tulu] Narmada River
- ಸುದೆ (Noun) [Tulu] river
- アイオワ … アマゾン川 (7 senses)
- アラバマ … イナリ湖 (9 senses)
- イリノイ … エーゲ海 (9 senses)
- オタワ … グロスター (9 senses)
- ケルビン … サンアントニオ (9 senses)
- サンタフェ … セントジョンズ (10 senses)
- セーヌ … ドナウ川 (8 senses)
- ドン川 … バーモント (9 senses)
- パース … ヘレン (9 senses)
- ヘンリー … ミネソタ (12 senses)
- メイン … ヴィクトリア (8 senses)
- កុងហ្គោ (Proper name) [Khmer] Congo (a country in Central Africa, larger and to the east of the Republic of the Congo); Congo (a country in Central Africa, smaller and to the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- កុងហ្គោ (Proper name) [Khmer] Congo (a country in Central Africa, larger and to the east of the Republic of the Congo); Congo (a large river in Africa, which flows for about 4,380 km (2,720 miles) to the Atlantic Ocean in the Democratic Republic of Congo)
- កូប (Noun) [Khmer] pool; pond
- កំពង់ (Noun) [Khmer] port, landing
- កំពង់ផែ (Noun) [Khmer] harbour; port; wharf
- ត្រពាំង (Noun) [Khmer] pond; swamp; lagoon
- ទន្លេ (Noun) [Khmer] large river.
- ទន្លេសាប (Proper name) [Khmer] Tonle Sap (a large freshwater lake in Cambodia)
- នីល (Proper name) [Khmer] the Nile (a river in Africa)
- បឹង (Noun) [Khmer] lake; pond; swamp; marsh
- ប្រឡាយ (Noun) [Khmer] canal, ditch, trench
- មហាសមុទ្រ (Noun) [Khmer] ocean
- មហាសមុទ្រប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិក (Proper name) [Khmer] Pacific Ocean
- មហាសមុទ្រអាកទិក (Proper name) [Khmer] Arctic Ocean
- មហាសមុទ្រអាត្លង់ទិក (Proper name) [Khmer] Atlantic Ocean
- មហាសមុទ្រឥណ្ឌា (Proper name) [Khmer] Indian Ocean
- សមុទ្រ (Noun) [Khmer] sea, ocean
- សមុទ្រចិនខាងត្បូង (Proper name) [Khmer] South China Sea
- សាគរ (Noun) [Khmer] sea, ocean
- ស្ទឹង (Noun) [Khmer] stream, small river
- អូរ (Noun) [Khmer] small stream, channel, creek, ditch
- ທະເລ (Noun) [Lao] sea
- ທະເລສາບ (Proper name) [Lao] Tonlé Sap, a lake of fresh water in Cambodia.
- ທ່າເຮືອ (Noun) [Lao] port, harbor, jetty, dock
- ນ້ຳຂອງ (Proper name) [Lao] the Mekong
- ບຶງ (Noun) [Lao] pond
- ມະຫາສະໝຸດ (Noun) [Lao] ocean
- ສະມຸດ (Noun) [Lao] sea, ocean
- ເມນ (Proper name) [Lao] A river in southern Germany, flowing from Bavaria to the Rhine.
- ແມ່ນ້ຳ (Noun) [Lao] river
- ແມ່ນ້ຳຂອງ (Proper name) [Lao] the Mekong River
- ໜອງ (Noun) [Lao] pus
- അളക്കർ (Noun) [Malayalam] sea
- അഴുവം (Noun) [Malayalam] sea
- ആഴക്കടൽ (Noun) [Malayalam] deep sea.
- ആഴി (Noun) [Malayalam] sea, ocean
- ഉൾക്കടൽ (Noun) [Malayalam] bay, body of water surrounded by land on three sides.
- ഏരി (Noun) [Malayalam] lake, tank, reservoir
- കടലിടുക്ക് (Noun) [Malayalam] strait, narrow strip of water connecting two larger water bodies.
- കടൽ (Noun) [Malayalam] sea
- കരിങ്കടൽ (Proper name) [Malayalam] Black Sea
- ചാവുകടൽ (Proper name) [Malayalam] Dead Sea, a hypersaline lake located on the border between Israel and Jordan.
- ചെങ്കടൽ (Proper name) [Malayalam] Red Sea
- നടുകടൽ (Noun) [Malayalam] open sea.
- നൎമദ (Noun) [Tulu] Alternative form of നർമദ (naṟmada)
- നൎമദ (Adjective) [Tulu] Alternative form of നർമദ (naṟmada)
- നർമദ (Proper name) [Tulu] Narmada River
- മധ്യധരണ്യാഴി (Proper name) [Malayalam] Mediterranean Sea
- വെള്ളച്ചാട്ടം (Noun) [Malayalam] waterfall; Water falling from a height, caused by the flow of water over a cliff or precipice.
- സുദെ (Noun) [Tulu] a river
- ꯁꯃꯨꯗ꯭ꯔ (Noun) [Manipuri] sea, ocean
- ꯂꯣꯛꯇꯥꯛ (Proper name) [Manipuri] Loktak (a lake in Manipur, India)
- ꯄꯥꯠ (Noun) [Manipuri] lake
- ꯇꯨꯔꯦꯟ (Noun) [Manipuri] river
- ꯕꯔꯥꯛ (Proper name) [Manipuri] Barak (a river in India and Bangladesh)
- ကစ္ဆပနဒီ (Proper name) [Burmese] Kaladan (a river in Burma)
- ကန် (Proper name) [Burmese] Virgo (the sixth sign of the Zodiac)
- ကပ္ပလီပင်လယ် (Proper name) [Burmese] Andaman Sea
- ကုလားတန် (Proper name) [Burmese] Kaladan (a river in Burma)
- ကျာန်ထၜေါအ်ရဳ (Proper name) [Mon] Chanthaburi (a river in Thailand)
- ချင်းတွင်း (Proper name) [Burmese] Chindwin (a river in Burma)
- ဂင်္ဂါ (Proper name) [Burmese] Ganges (a river in India and Bangladesh)
- စစ်တောင်း (Proper name) [Burmese] Sittaung (a river in Burma)
- ဆိပ်ကမ်း (Noun) [Burmese] harbour, wharf, jetty, port
- တူးမြောင်း (Noun) [Burmese] canal
- တောင်ပိုင်းသမုဒ္ဒရာ (Proper name) [Burmese] Southern Ocean
- ပင်လယ် (Noun) [Burmese] sea (expanse of water)
- ပင်လယ်အော် (Noun) [Burmese] bay (body of water)
- ပစိဖိတ်သမုဒ္ဒရာ (Proper name) [Burmese] Pacific Ocean
- ဗြဟ္မာပုတ္တ (Proper name) [Burmese] Brahmaputra (a major river in India and Bangladesh, in south-central Asia, rising in Tibet)
- မဏိပူရ (Proper name) [Burmese] Manipur (a river in Burma and India)
- မူး (Proper name) [Burmese] Mu (a river in Burma)
- မဲခေါင်မြစ် (Proper name) [Burmese] Mekong
- မြစ် (Noun) [Burmese] root
- မႄႈၼမ်ႉ (Noun) [Shan] river
- သင်္ဘောဆိပ် (Noun) [Burmese] landing place for ships, harbour, quay
- သတ္တသိန္ဓု (Proper name) [Burmese] Sapta Sindhu, the seven sacred rivers in Indian mythology
- သမုဒ္ဒရာ (Noun) [Burmese] ocean
- သိန္ဓု (Proper name) [Burmese] Indus (a major river in China, India and Pakistan, rising in Tibet and flowing into the Arabian Sea)
- သံလွင် (Proper name) [Burmese] Salween (a river in Burma and Thailand)
- အင်း (Noun) [Burmese] a pond, lake, or creek where fishing by means of putting up weirs, damming, and bailing out water is carried out
- အင်းလေး (Proper name) [Burmese] Inle Lake (a lake in Burma)
- အင်းလျား (Proper name) [Burmese] Inya Lake (a lake in Yangon, Burma)
- အဏ္ဏဝါ (Noun) [Burmese] sea, ocean
- အတ္တလန္တိတ်သမုဒ္ဒရာ (Proper name) [Burmese] Atlantic Ocean
- အာတိတ်သမုဒ္ဒရာ (Proper name) [Burmese] Arctic Ocean
- အိန္ဒိယသမုဒ္ဒရာ (Proper name) [Burmese] Indian Ocean
- ဧရာဝတီ (Proper name) [Burmese] Irrawaddy (a river in Myanmar)
- ၼွင် (Noun) [Shan] pus
- ᦐᦸᧂ (Noun) [Lü] pus
- ᱜᱚᱝᱜᱚ (Proper name) [Santali] Ganges
- ᱜᱟᱰᱟ (Noun) [Santali] river
- ᱥᱟᱹᱢᱩᱫᱽ (Noun) [Santali] sea
- 𐎢𐎳𐎼𐎠𐎬𐎢 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Euphrates
- 𐎫𐎡𐎥𐎼𐎠 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Tigris
- 𐎱𐎡𐎼𐎠𐎺 (Proper name) [Old Persian] the Nile
- ଗଙ୍ଗା (Proper name) [Odia] Ganges, Ganga (a major river in the states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal, India; major river in Rajshahi, Dhaka, Chittagong and Barisal Divisions, Bangladesh)
- ଧାତ୍ରୀ (Proper name) [Odia] Ganges (a river in India and Bangladesh)
- ବ୍ରହ୍ମପୁତ୍ର (Proper name) [Odia] Brahmaputra (a river in India, Bangladesh and China)
- ମେଘନା (Proper name) [Odia] Meghna (a river in Bangladesh)
- 𐤌𐤋𐤈 (Proper name) [Phoenician] Grand Harbor (a bay on the island of Malta, Malta)
- ගඟ (Noun) [Sinhalese] river, stream
- මුහුදු (Noun) [Sinhalese] sea
- විල (Noun) [Sinhalese] wrinkle
- සයුර (Noun) [Sinhalese] sea, ocean
- ᮜᮅᮒ᮪ ᮏᮨᮕᮀ (Proper name) [Sundanese] Sea of Japan
- ஆறு (Verb) [Tamil] to heal
- ஆழி (Noun) [Tamil] sea, ocean
- ஆழ்கடல் (Noun) [Tamil] the deepest part of the sea or ocean; deep sea
- இந்தியப் பெருங்கடல் (Proper name) [Tamil] Indian Ocean
- இந்து மகாசமுத்திரம் (Noun) [Tamil] Indian Ocean
- உந்தி (Noun) [Tamil] sea
- ஏரி (Noun) [Tamil] lake, tank, reservoir
- கங்கை (Proper name) [Tamil] Ganga, Ganges (a river in India and Bangladesh)
- கடல் (Noun) [Tamil] ocean, sea
- காவேரி (Proper name) [Tamil] Kaveri (a river flowing through the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, India) (also known as Cauvery)
- கிருஷ்ணா (Proper name) [Tamil] Krishna (a river in southern India)
- கோதாவரி (Proper name) [Tamil] Godavari (a river in India)
- சமுத்திரம் (Noun) [Tamil] ocean, sea
- தாமிரபரணி (Proper name) [Tamil] Thamirabarani (a river in Tamil Nadu, India)
- துறைமுகம் (Noun) [Tamil] harbor, seaport, port
- நதி (Noun) [Tamil] bowing, salutation
- நருமதை (Proper name) [Tamil] Narmada (a river in India)
- பெருங்கடல் (Noun) [Tamil] ocean
- பொன்னி (Proper name) [Tamil] Ponni (a river flowing through Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, India) (also known as Kaveri or Cauvery)
- யமுனை (Proper name) [Tamil] Yamuna (a river in India)
- అండమాన్ సముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Andaman Sea (a marginal sea of the Indian Ocean, to the southeast of the Bay of Bengal, south of Burma (Myanmar), west of Thailand, north-west of the Malay Peninsula, north of Sumatra, and east of the Andaman Islands)
- అంతర్వాహిని (Noun) [Telugu] an underground river
- అట్లాంటిక్ మహాసముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Atlantic Ocean
- అమెజాన్ (Proper name) [Telugu] Amazon (a river in South America) that flows through Brazil for about 4000 miles to the South Atlantic
- అలబామా (Proper name) [Telugu] Alabama (a state of the United States); Alabama (a river in Alabama; flowing 318 miles from the confluence of the Tallapoosa and Coosa near Coosada until its confluence with the Tombigbee, forming the Mobile, near Calvert)
- అసి (Proper name) [Telugu] name of river flowing on the southern side of Varanasi
- ఆర్కిటిక్ మహాసముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Arctic Ocean
- ఎర్ర సముద్రం (Proper name) [Telugu] Red Sea
- ఏటిరేడు (Noun) [Telugu] Alternative form of ఏటిఱేడు (ēṭiṟēḍu)
- ఏటిఱేడు (Noun) [Telugu] the lord of rivers, the ocean
- కాళింది (Proper name) [Telugu] a name of the river Yamuna
- కావేరి (Proper name) [Telugu] Kaveri river
- కృష్ణ (Proper name) [Telugu] a river in South India
- కృష్ణవేణి (Proper name) [Telugu] the Krishna river
- కృష్ణానది (Proper name) [Telugu] the Krishna river
- కొలరాడో (Proper name) [Telugu] Colorado (A state in the western United States, the 38th state); Colorado (A major river of western North America, running from the Rocky Mountains in the United States to the Gulf of California in Mexico.)
- కోనసీమ (Noun) [Telugu] a place of gardens
- కోలు (Noun) [Telugu] Alternative form of క్రోలు (krōlu)
- కోవి (Noun) [Telugu] Alternative form of క్రోవి (krōvi)
- క్రోలు (Noun) [Telugu] Synonym of క్రోవి (krōvi)
- క్రోవి (Noun) [Telugu] a flute
- క్షీరాబ్ధి (Noun) [Telugu] the sea of milk
- గంగ (Noun) [Telugu] the river Ganga
- గంగానది (Proper name) [Telugu] the river Ganges
- గోదా (Proper name) [Telugu] name of a Vaishnava female saint, Andal (one of the 12 Alwars) said to have been married to god Ranganatha
- గోదావరి (Proper name) [Telugu] Godavari, a river in South India
- తుంగ (Proper name) [Telugu] name of a river in South India
- తుంగభద్ర (Proper name) [Telugu] Tungabhadra river
- దక్షిణ చైనా సముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] South China Sea
- దక్షిణ మహాసముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Southern Ocean
- నదము (Noun) [Telugu] a river that flows from east to west
- నది (Noun) [Telugu] a river or stream, which flows from west to east
- నర్మద (Proper name) [Telugu] Narmada (a long river in central India)
- నల్ల సముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Black Sea
- నాగావళి (Proper name) [Telugu] Nagavali river
- నైలు (Proper name) [Telugu] Nile (A large river in Africa flowing through Khartoum and Cairo into the Mediterranean Sea, usually considered to be the longest river in the world)
- పసిఫిక్ మహాసముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Pacific Ocean
- పసిఫిక్కు (Adjective) [Telugu] related to the Pacific Ocean
- పాయ (Noun) [Telugu] a clove or division of an onion or of garlic
- పాలకడలి (Noun) [Telugu] an ocean of milk
- పినాకిని (Noun) [Telugu] the Sanskrit name of the river Pennar which rises near Nandidroog and falls into the sea near Nellore
- బంగాళాఖాతము (Proper name) [Telugu] Bay of Bengal
- బైకలు (Noun) [Telugu] the vomiting and other signs of pregnancy
- బ్రహ్మపుత్ర (Proper name) [Telugu] Brahmaputra river
- మంజీర (Proper name) [Telugu] name of a river in South India
- మందాకిని (Proper name) [Telugu] a female given name
- మధ్యధరా సముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Mediterranean Sea
- మలక్కా (Proper name) [Telugu] a narrow stretch of water or strait between the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian island of Sumatra
- మహానది (Proper name) [Telugu] Mahanadi river
- మహాసముద్రము (Noun) [Telugu] ocean
- మహోదధి (Noun) [Telugu] the great sea
- మానససరోవరము (Proper name) [Telugu] name of the lake Manasarovar
- మృత సముద్రం (Noun) [Telugu] Alternative form of మృత సముద్రము (mr̥ta samudramu, “Dead Sea”), a highly saline lake in Israel, Palestine and Jordan
- మృత సముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Dead Sea (a highly saline lake in Israel, Palestine and Jordan)
- యమున (Proper name) [Telugu] the river Yamuna
- యమునానది (Noun) [Telugu] name of the river Yamuna
- రత్నాకరము (Noun) [Telugu] the abode of gems, that is, the ocean
- రావి (Noun) [Telugu] the name of a river in North India
- వరణ (Proper name) [Telugu] a small river flowing on the northern side of Varanasi
- సంగమము (Noun) [Telugu] coming together, meeting, union, junction, conjunction
- సంగమము (Noun) [Telugu] sexual intercourse
- సంగమము (Noun) [Telugu] confluence of rivers
- సరయు (Proper name) [Telugu] the name of a river in North India
- సింధు (Proper name) [Telugu] Sindhu or Indus river
- సింధువు (Proper name) [Telugu] the river Indus or the country on its banks
- సుడి (Noun) [Telugu] whirlpool
- స్రవంతి (Noun) [Telugu] a river
- హిందూ మహాసముద్రము (Proper name) [Telugu] Indian Ocean
- ހިންދު ކަނޑު (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Indian Ocean
- คงคา (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~, พระแม่~, แม่~, แม่พระ~) Gaṅgā: the river Ganges personified as a goddess.
- คลอง (Noun) [Thai] canal.
- คองโก (Proper name) [Thai] Congo (a country in Central Africa, larger and to the east of the Republic of the Congo); Congo (a country in Central Africa, smaller and to the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- คองโก (Proper name) [Thai] Congo (a country in Central Africa, larger and to the east of the Republic of the Congo); Congo (a large river in Africa, which flows for about 4,380 km (2,720 miles) to the Atlantic Ocean in the Democratic Republic of Congo)
- คองโก (Proper name) [Thai] Congo (a country in Central Africa, larger and to the east of the Republic of the Congo)
- คอนเนทิคัต (Proper name) [Thai] Connecticut (a state of the United States)
- คอนเนทิคัต (Proper name) [Thai] Connecticut (a river in the United States)
- จันทบุรี (Proper name) [Thai] Chanthaburi (a river in Thailand)
- ชาด (Proper name) [Thai] Lake Chad, Chad (a freshwater lake at the junction of Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon in Central Africa)
- ชี (Noun) [Thai] (แม่~, นาง~, ยาย~) female lay renunciant: laywoman who has her own hair and eyebrows shaved, vows to adhere to ศีลแปด (“Eight Precepts”), and is often seen wearing a white robe.
- ชี (Noun) [Thai] mayfly: any insect of the order Ephemeroptera.
- ชี (Noun) [Thai] coriander: the plant Coriandrum sativum of the family Apiaceae.
- ชี (Proper name) [Thai] Chi River, the longest river in Thailand.
- ชี (Pronoun) [Thai] a third person pronoun, originally used to address a woman or effeminate man, now used irrespective of the sex of the addressee: he, she, they, etc.
- ช่องแคบ (Noun) [Thai] strait.
- ดานูบ (Proper name) [Thai] Danube River.
- ตาปี (Proper name) [Thai] Tapi River (a river in Thailand)
- ตาปี (Proper name) [Thai] Tapti River, Tapi River (a river in India)
- ทะเล (Noun) [Thai] sea.
- ทะเล (Noun) [Thai] any large body of water.
- ทะเล (Noun) [Thai] Clipping of อาหารทะเล (aa-hǎan-tá-lee, “seafood”), meal or dish with several kinds of seafood.
- ทะเลจีนใต้ (Proper name) [Thai] South China Sea
- ทะเลสาบ (Proper name) [Thai] Tonlé Sap, a lake in Cambodia.
- ท่าเรือ (Noun) [Thai] port, harbor, jetty, dock.
- น่าน (Proper name) [Thai] Nan (a province of Thailand)
- น่าน (Proper name) [Thai] Nan (a river in Thailand)
- น่าน (Noun) [Thai] territory.
- บ่อน้ำ (Noun) [Thai] pond.
- ปากน้ำ (Noun) [Thai] estuary.
- พอร์ต (Noun) [Thai] port.
- ฟยอร์ด (Noun) [Thai] fjord.
- มหาสมุทร (Noun) [Thai] ocean.
- มหาสมุทรอาร์กติก (Proper name) [Thai] Arctic Ocean.
- มหาสมุทรอินเดีย (Proper name) [Thai] Indian Ocean.
- มหาสมุทรแปซิฟิก (Proper name) [Thai] Pacific Ocean.
- มหาสมุทรแอตแลนติก (Proper name) [Thai] Atlantic Ocean.
- มหาสมุทรใต้ (Proper name) [Thai] Southern Ocean.
- มินนิโซตา (Proper name) [Thai] Minnesota River (a river in the United States)
- มิสซิสซิปปี (Proper name) [Thai] Mississippi River (a river in the United States)
- มิสซูรี (Proper name) [Thai] Missouri (a river in the United States)
- ลำธาร (Noun) [Thai] brook, stream
- ลี้ (Proper name) [Thai] Li River (a river in Lamphun province)
- วิสคอนซิน (Proper name) [Thai] Wisconsin River (a river in the United States)
- สมุทร (Noun) [Thai] sea.
- สมุทร (Noun) [Thai] sea god.
- สมุทร (Noun) [Thai] the sea itself.
- สระ (Classifier) [Thai] Classifier for ponds.
- สระน้ำ (Noun) [Thai] pond.
- สระว่ายน้ำ (Noun) [Thai] swimming pool.
- สาบ (Noun) [Thai] facings around the edges of a coat on which buttons are sewn or buttonholes cut.
- ห้วงน้ำ (Noun) [Thai] sea.
- อาร์คันซอ (Proper name) [Thai] Arkansas River (a river in the United States)
- อิลลินอยส์ (Proper name) [Thai] Illinois River (a river in the United States)
- อ่าว (Noun) [Thai] bay, gulf.
- เคนทักกี (Proper name) [Thai] Kentucky River (a river in the United States)
- เจ้าพระยา (Proper name) [Thai] Chao Phraya, a river in Central Thailand.
- เดดซี (Proper name) [Thai] Dead Sea (a highly saline lake in Israel, Palestine and Jordan)
- เดลาแวร์ (Proper name) [Thai] Delaware River (a river in the United States)
- เทนเนสซี (Proper name) [Thai] Tennessee River (a river in the United States)
- เพชรบุรี (Proper name) [Thai] Phet Buri (a river in Thailand)
- แคนซัส (Proper name) [Thai] Kansas River (a river in the United States)
- แคว (Proper name) [Thai] Kwai (river)
- แซคราเมนโต (Proper name) [Thai] Sacramento.
- แม่ (Noun) [Thai] body of water, as river, canal, etc.
- แม่ (Noun) [Thai] used as a term of address or title; used as a term of address to or title for a female parent, mother-in-law, or person regarded as a female parent, and used by such person to refer to oneself.
- แม่ (Noun) [Thai] used as a term of address or title; used as a title for a body of water, as river, canal, etc.
- แม่น้ำ (Noun) [Thai] river.
- แม่น้ำโขง (Proper name) [Thai] Mekong river.
- แม่โขง (Proper name) [Thai] Mekong river.
- แอละแบมา (Proper name) [Thai] Alabama River (a river in the United States)
- โก-ลก (Proper name) [Thai] Golok (a river in Thailand and Malaysia)
- โขง (Proper name) [Thai] Mekong river.
- โคโลราโด (Proper name) [Thai] Colorado River (a river in the United States)
- โอไฮโอ (Proper name) [Thai] Ohio River (a river in the United States)
- ไนเจอร์ (Proper name) [Thai] Niger (a major river in West Africa)
- ไอโอวา (Proper name) [Thai] Iowa River (a river in the United States)
- གནམ་མཚོ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Namtso (a lake in the Tibet Autonomous Region, China)
- ཙང་ཆུ (Noun) [Kurtöp] river
- 'y … ܓܡܒܝܐ (9 senses)
- ܝܘܪܕܢܢ … ܢܝܠܘܣ (15 senses)
- ܦܪܬ … एड्रियाटिक सागर (14 senses)
- ऑब … खाड़ी (10 senses)
- गंगा … झरना (12 senses)
- झील … ताल (9 senses)
- तालाब … नीरधि (14 senses)
- नील … बागमती (12 senses)
- बेतवा … शुतुद्री (14 senses)
- सगर … सागर (8 senses)
- सिंध … ᠪᠠᠯᡤᠠᡧᡳ ᠨᠣᠣᡵ (12 senses)
- ᠪᠠᡳᡥᠠᠯ … 𐱃𐰞𐰆𐰖 (21 senses)
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This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (7c21d10 and f2e72e5).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.