All languages combined word senses marked with lifeform category "Fish"
Parent categories: Vertebrates, Chordates, Animals, Lifeforms, Life, Nature
Subcategories: Acanthuroid fish, Acipenseriform fish, Anglerfish, Argentiniform fish, Atheriniform fish, Aulopiform fish, Beloniform fish, Blennies, Catfish, Characins, Chimaeras (fish), Cyprinids, Elopomorph fish, Flatfish, Gadiforms, Gasterosteiform fish, Gobies, Herrings, Holostean fish, Jawless fish, Labroid fish, Labyrinth fish, Lampriform fish, Loaches, Lobe-finned fishes, Osteoglossomorph fish, Otocephalan fish, Percoid fish, Pikes (fish), Placoderms, Rays and skates, Salmonids, Scombroids, Scorpaeniform fish, Sharks, Smelts, Stromateoid fish, Sturgeons, Suckers (fish), Syngnathiform fish, Tetraodontiforms, Toothcarps, Trachinoid fish, Zoarcoid fish
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 12253 word senses
- Aal … Knurrhahn (339 senses)
- Koi … akysid (408 senses)
- al … barwena (493 senses)
- bas … bölgə (489 senses)
- bú … coastrange sculpin (358 senses)
- cob … eithre (511 senses)
- ek … footballfish (266 senses)
- for … görgicse (389 senses)
- gös … jesotr (406 senses)
- jew … lawyer (560 senses)
- lax … lépisostée (282 senses)
- lín … mæcefisc (542 senses)
- mè … oysterfish (323 senses)
- oâ … phyllolepidid (394 senses)
- pia … riäl (595 senses)
- rm … sampimonni (225 senses)
- sams … solraig (559 senses)
- som … sìol (322 senses)
- síl … tẹjumalejo (542 senses)
- uba … ꜣbḏw (533 senses)
- آترینه … اوزون برون (9 senses)
- ايکن … بېلىق (14 senses)
- ترس … حنش (8 senses)
- خمسی … سلور (14 senses)
- سمك … شندره (9 senses)
- شيم … قایش بالغی (10 senses)
- قرش … كدی بالغی (13 senses)
- كفال … مارماسی (12 senses)
- ماسی … مچھلی (11 senses)
- مڇي … چاپاق بالغی (11 senses)
- چنعد … ییلان بالغی (14 senses)
- անձրուկ (Noun) [Armenian] anchovy, Engraulis
- բիլ (Adjective) [Old Armenian] light-blue
- գայլաձուկ (Noun) [Armenian] pike (fish)
- գեղարքունի (Noun) [Armenian] gegharkuni, one of the four subspecies of Sevan trout
- դուղուպալըխ (Noun) [Kipchak] sturgeon
- զիգն (Noun) [Old Armenian] hammerhead shark
- զմիւռնեա (Noun) [Middle Armenian] moray eel
- զութխի (Noun) [Armenian] sturgeon
- թառափ (Noun) [Armenian] sturgeon, Acipenser
- թարթ (Noun) [Armenian] sturgeon
- թիւնոս (Noun) [Old Armenian] tuna (fish)
- թյունիկ (Noun) [Armenian] mackerel
- թյունոս (Noun) [Armenian] tuna (fish)
- թուխու (Noun) [Armenian] a kind of sturgeon
- թունա (Noun) [Armenian] tuna (fish)
- թուր (Noun) [Old Armenian] swordfish
- իշխան (Noun) [Armenian] Sevan trout, Salmo ischchan
- լոսդի (Noun) [Armenian] a kind of river salmon
- լոք (Noun) [Old Armenian] wels catfish, sheatfish, Silurus glanis
- լոքո (Noun) [Armenian] catfish, any fish of Siluriformes
- ծածան (Noun) [Armenian] carp
- ծովաձի (Noun) [Armenian] seahorse
- ծովատառեխ (Noun) [Armenian] herring
- կապուտ (Noun) [Armenian] European bullhead (Cottus gobio)
- կարմրախայտ (Noun) [Armenian] brown trout, Salmo trutta fario
- կարմրախայտ (Noun) [Old Armenian] brown trout, Salmo trutta fario
- կողակ (Noun) [Armenian] khramulya (Varicorhinus capoeta)
- ձիաձուկ (Noun) [Armenian] seahorse
- ձողաձուկ (Noun) [Armenian] cod (fish)
- ձուկ (Noun) [Armenian] fish
- ձուկն (Noun) [Old Armenian] fish
- մանրաձուկ (Noun) [Armenian] juvenile fish
- մանրաձուկն (Noun) [Old Armenian] small fish
- մող (Noun) [Armenian] a kind of fish in the river Euphrates
- շամայի (Noun) [Armenian] Caspian shemaya, Danube bleak (Alburnus chalcoides, syn. Chalcalburnus chalcoides)
- շապպոթ (Noun) [Armenian] a kind of whitish tasty flying fish in Aratsani that is difficult to catch
- շապպութ (Noun) [Middle Armenian] common carp, Cyprinus carpio
- շնաձուկ (Noun) [Armenian] shark
- չուքա (Noun) [Armenian] sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus
- պերկես (Noun) [Armenian] perch (fish in the genus Perca)
- սաղմոն (Noun) [Armenian] salmon
- սիգ (Noun) [Armenian] whitefish (Coregonus)
- սկարոս (Noun) [Old Armenian] parrotfish
- սկումբրիա (Noun) [Armenian] mackerel
- սուրխամահի (Noun) [Middle Armenian] a kind of anadromous fish, probably a kind of salmon, perhaps the Salmo ciscaucasicus or Salmo caspius
- ստերլետ (Noun) [Armenian] sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus
- տառեխ (Noun) [Armenian] tarek, pearl mullet, Van fish, Alburnus tarichi (especially in a dried and salted form)
- տարեխ (Noun) [Middle Armenian] tarek, pearl mullet, Van fish, Alburnus tarichi (especially in a dried and salted form)
- փրփրուկ (Noun) [Armenian] a cod-like fish of genus Eleginus
- փրփրուկ (Noun) [Armenian] a cod-like fish of genus Eleginus; a navaga (Eleginus nawaga)
- օձաձուկ (Noun) [Armenian] eel
- ইঁচা (Noun) [Bengali] shrimp, prawn
- ইলিছ (Noun) [Assamese] hilsa
- ইলিশ (Noun) [Bengali] hilsa
- ইলীহ (Noun) [Assamese] hilsa
- ইলীহি (Noun) [Assamese] hilsa
- কই (Noun) [Bengali] Gangetic koi, Anabas cobojius
- কুঁচিয়া (Classifier) [Assamese] Male = -টো, female = -জনী.
- খলিহনা (Noun) [Assamese] banded gourami (Trichogaster fasciata)
- খলিহা (Noun) [Assamese] Trichogaster fasciata
- গঙাটোপ (Noun) [Assamese] ocellated puffer, common pufferfish (Leiodon cutcutia, syn. Tetraodon cutcutia)
- চিতল (Noun) [Bengali] a variety of flatfish
- চিলাকেন্থ (Noun) [Assamese] coelacanth
- টেংরা (Noun) [Bengali] naked catfish (family Bagridae), especially of the genera Batasio and Mystus
- পাঙ্গাশ (Noun) [Bengali] the genus Pangasius
- পিৰানা (Noun) [Assamese] piranha
- পুঁটি (Noun) [Bengali] swamp barb, Puntius
- ফিছা (Noun) [Assamese] caudal fin of a fish
- বাঁহপাতী (Noun) [Assamese] ailia coila
- বামী (Noun) [Assamese] spiny eel (Mastacembelidae spp.)
- বাহু (Noun) [Assamese] arm
- বাহু (Noun) [Assamese] catla
- বৰালি (Noun) [Assamese] wallago attu
- ভকুৱা (Noun) [Assamese] catla catla
- মাগুর (Noun) [Bengali] catfish, sheatfish
- মাগুৰ (Noun) [Assamese] walking catfish
- মাছ (Noun) [Bengali] fish
- রূপচাঁদা (Noun) [Bengali] rupchanda, Pampus chinensis.
- শল (Noun) [Assamese] striped snakehead (Channa striata)
- শল (Noun) [Assamese] snakehead (Channidae spp.)
- শাল (Noun) [Assamese] bullseye snakehead (Channa marulius)
- শাল (Noun) [Assamese] cobra snakehead (Channa aurantimaculata)
- শাল (Noun) [Assamese] Shorea assamica (makai)
- শ’ল (Noun) [Assamese] striped snakehead (Channa striata)
- শ’ল (Noun) [Assamese] snakehead (Channidae spp.)
- শ’ল (Classifier) [Assamese] Male = -টো, female = -জনী.
- সরষে ইলিশ (Noun) [Bengali] sorshe ilish
- হাঙর (Noun) [Bengali] shark
- হাঙ্গর (Noun) [Bengali] shark
- ৰৌ (Noun) [Assamese] rohu fish
- ৰৌ মাছ (Noun) [Assamese] rohu fish
- 𑀫𑀘𑁆𑀙 (Noun) [Prakrit] fish
- ᐃᔭᒐᐤ (Noun) [Naskapi] white sucker (Catostomus commersonii)
- ᐃᖃᓗᒃ (Noun) [Inuktitut] fish
- ᐅᒐᓱᒪᒄ (Noun) [Naskapi] sea salmon (Salmo salar)
- ᐊᑎᐧᑭᒪᒄ (Noun) [Naskapi] whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis)
- ᐳᑎᒪᑯᔅ (Noun) [Naskapi] round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum)
- ᑮᑰᓒ (Noun) [Ojibwe] fish
- ᑯᑭᒪᔅ (Noun) [Naskapi] lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
- ᑲᐧᑲᒋᐅᓯᑉ (Noun) [Naskapi] cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus)
- ᒋᓄᓴᐤ (Noun) [Naskapi] pike (Esox lucius)
- ᒥᒂᔭᓯᔾ (Noun) [Naskapi] red sucker (Moxostoma macrolepidotum)
- ᒥᔨᔾ (Noun) [Naskapi] ling, burbot (Lota lota)
- ᒪᑎᒪᒄ (Noun) [Naskapi] speckled trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
- ᓂᒪᔅ (Noun) [Naskapi] fish
- ᓱᓴᓱᐤ (Noun) [Naskapi] arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
- 𑄟𑄌𑄴 (Noun) [Chakma] fish
- ᎠᏣᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] fish
- ᎣᎵᎦ (Noun) [Cherokee] redhorse (genus Moxostoma)
- ᎤᏃᎦ (Noun) [Cherokee] bass
- ᎤᏅᏣᏛ ᎠᏣᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] speckled trout
- ᎤᏍᏗ ᎠᏣᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] minnow
- ᏎᎼᏂ (Noun) [Cherokee] salmon
- ᏓᎶᎨ (Noun) [Cherokee] hogsucker
- ᏛᏰᏆ (Noun) [Cherokee] eel (fish)
- ᏢᏕᎦ (Noun) [Cherokee] eel
- ᏧᎶᎸᏗ ᎠᏣᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] rainbow trout
- ᏧᏂᎶᎸᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- 丁字雙髻鯊 … 刺穿仔 (18 senses)
- 刺魚 … 塘鱧 (23 senses)
- 墨付鮫 … 孔雀鯛 (24 senses)
- 安康 … 扁舵鰹 (22 senses)
- 扁魚 … 板魚 (23 senses)
- 柊 … 沙甸魚 (24 senses)
- 沙鯭 … 溪鰮 (22 senses)
- 火片 … 生魚 (26 senses)
- 甩 … 目白鮫 (22 senses)
- 盲鰻 … 箬鰨魚 (24 senses)
- 箭魚 … 網白 (20 senses)
- 綿魚 … 芳魚 (23 senses)
- 草魚 … 螳螂 (23 senses)
- 蟷螂 … 金線鰱 (31 senses)
- 金魚 … 鋸鯊 (15 senses)
- 鋸鱏 … 食人魚 (23 senses)
- 香魚 … 魟魚 (27 senses)
- 魧 … 鮢鱖 (20 senses)
- 鮥 … 鯊魚牙 (22 senses)
- 鯎 … 鰅鱅 (25 senses)
- 鰆 … 鰹魚 (21 senses)
- 鰻 … 鱟魚 (23 senses)
- 鱢 … 𫙧 (29 senses)
- ⲕⲏⲧⲟⲥ (Noun) [Coptic] sea monster
- ⲗⲉⲓϥⲓ (Noun) [Coptic] a kind of fish that lives in the Nile river (Labeo niloticus)
- ⲣⲁⲙⲉ (Noun) [Coptic] tilapia (Tilapia nilotica)
- ⲧⲃⲧ (Noun) [Coptic] fish
- ⲧⲉⲃⲧ (Noun) [Coptic] fish
- ⲧⲏⲃⲉⲧ (Noun) [Coptic] fish
- ⲫⲟⲣⲓ (Noun) [Coptic] mullet, Mugil cephalus
- а̄һклэӈӈк … атбалық (20 senses)
- ацу́ … берш (16 senses)
- бил … віз (17 senses)
- гаг … зубатка (26 senses)
- иичэ … караш (13 senses)
- карп … кркушка (21 senses)
- куввч … лефер (17 senses)
- лещ … могой загас (24 senses)
- мойва … мунду (16 senses)
- мус … окунь (16 senses)
- олло … пиранья (24 senses)
- писа … піскар (15 senses)
- пӧк … сардинка (21 senses)
- саруки … синець (17 senses)
- сир … суртан (18 senses)
- суси … тул (19 senses)
- туна … ханос (20 senses)
- хап … чери (22 senses)
- чир … ыуылдырыҡ (22 senses)
- юш … ӡэли (18 senses)
- ანჩქარჲა (Noun) [Laz] a freshwater fish, about the size of anchovy, without scales and inedible
- გელაქნური (Noun) [Georgian] gegharkuni, one of four subspecies of Sevan trout
- ვირთევზა (Noun) [Georgian] cod, codfish
- ზვიგენი (Noun) [Georgian] shark
- ზინთხუ (Noun) [Mingrelian] sturgeon
- ზუთხი (Noun) [Georgian] sturgeon
- თართი (Noun) [Georgian] sturgeon
- თინუსი (Noun) [Georgian] tuna
- იშხანი (Noun) [Georgian] Sevan trout
- კალმახ (Noun) [Svan] fish
- კალმახა (Noun) [Laz] Borghola form of კარმახა (ǩarmaxa)
- კალმახი (Noun) [Georgian] trout
- კალმახი (Noun) [Mingrelian] trout
- კამბალა (Noun) [Georgian] brill, flatfish, plaice
- კარმახა (Noun) [Laz] trout
- კობრი (Noun) [Georgian] carp
- ლოქო (Noun) [Georgian] sheatfish, Silurus glanis
- ორაგული (Noun) [Georgian] salmon
- სვია (Noun) [Georgian] hop (Humulus lupulus)
- ტაფელა (Noun) [Georgian] European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus amarus)
- ტობი (Proper name) [Georgian] a male given name, equivalent to English Tobias
- ტობი (Noun) [Georgian] nase (Chondrostoma spp. esp. Chondrostoma colchicum, Chondrostoma cyri)
- ტოფუ (Noun) [Mingrelian] nase (Chondrostoma spp. esp. Chondrostoma colchicum, Chondrostoma cyri)
- ფონწო (Noun) [Laz] freshwater whiskered fish
- ღლავი (Noun) [Georgian] young boy
- ღლამი (Noun) [Mingrelian] sheatfish (Silurus glanis)
- შამაია (Noun) [Georgian] Danube bleak
- ჩხამა (Noun) [Georgian] A certain species of fish with red dots.
- ჩხომი (Noun) [Laz] fish
- ცუზ (Noun) [Svan] fish
- წიპი (Noun) [Laz] alevin, young fish
- ჭანარი (Noun) [Georgian] Bulatmai barbel, Luciobarbus capito
- ხრამული (Noun) [Georgian] a kind of cyprinid in the Khrami river in Georgia
- 𐍆𐌹𐍃𐌺𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] fish (animal)
- έσοξ … βακαλάος (11 senses)
- βατίς … ζύγαινα (15 senses)
- θáʔtχ … κίνερμοι (15 senses)
- κίχλη … κυπρῖνος (13 senses)
- κωβιός … λυκόστομος (12 senses)
- λύρα … μύλλος (12 senses)
- μύξων … παλαμίδα (12 senses)
- περόνη … ρέγγα (11 senses)
- ροφός … σκύλιον (18 senses)
- σκύλος … ταραμάς (9 senses)
- τράγος … χάραξ (12 senses)
- χάφτης … ἀλλοπίας (16 senses)
- ἀμία … ἔγχελυς (11 senses)
- ἔλλοψ … ῥόμβος (20 senses)
- ઇલીષ (Noun) [Gujarati] sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)
- એરંગ (Noun) [Gujarati] herring
- માછલી (Noun) [Gujarati] fish
- ਜਲਤੋਰੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] fish
- ਮੱਛੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] fish
- ਰੋਹੂ (Noun) [Punjabi] rohu (Labeo rohita), a South Asian species of carp.
- ᄃᆞᆫ물장의 … 감돌고기 (14 senses)
- 감성돔 … 기름종개 (22 senses)
- 기어 … 꾹저구 (16 senses)
- 끄리 … 당멸치 (23 senses)
- 대구 … 돌고기 (14 senses)
- 돌돔 … 떡붕어 (21 senses)
- 링어 … 모샘치 (12 senses)
- 모오케 … 민물장어 (22 senses)
- 민어 … 뱀장어 (17 senses)
- 뱅어 … 분홍꼼치 (19 senses)
- 붕어 … 송사리 (16 senses)
- 송어 … 야레 (16 senses)
- 양태 … 우럭볼락 (19 senses)
- 웅어 … 전갱이 (18 senses)
- 전어 … 줄납자루 (17 senses)
- 줄농어 … 참중고기 (21 senses)
- 참치 … 큰가시고기 (15 senses)
- 큰귀상어 … 한둑중개 (20 senses)
- 해마 … 흰줄납줄개 (15 senses)
- אמנון (Proper name) [Hebrew] a male given name, Amnon
- אנשובי (Noun) [Hebrew] anchovy
- דאָרש (Noun) [Yiddish] cod (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
- הערינג (Noun) [Yiddish] herring (fish in Clupea)
- הײַפֿיש (Noun) [Yiddish] shark
- ווײַספֿיש (Noun) [Yiddish] dace (Leuciscus leuciscus and more generally, whitefish)
- טונה (Noun) [Hebrew] tuna
- טונפֿיש (Noun) [Yiddish] tuna (fish)
- כריש (Noun) [Hebrew] shark
- לאַקס (Noun) [Yiddish] salmon (fish)
- מושט (Noun) [Hebrew] tilapia
- סלמון (Noun) [Hebrew] salmon (one of several species of fish, typically of the Salmoninae subfamily, brownish above with silvery sides and delicate pinkish-orange flesh; they ascend rivers to spawn)
- סלתנית (Noun) [Hebrew] A certain food fish mentioned in the Talmud.
- סנדל (Noun) [Hebrew] sole
- ענגעלפֿיש (Noun) [Yiddish] angelfish
- צלופח (Noun) [Hebrew] eel
- קאַרפּ (Noun) [Yiddish] carp (Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae)
- שווערד-פֿיש (Noun) [Yiddish] swordfish
- שטאָקפֿיש (Noun) [Yiddish] cod (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
- שפּראָט (Noun) [Yiddish] sprat
- שפמנון (Noun) [Hebrew] catfish
- あかみーばゆ (Noun) [Okinawan] 赤鮴: Japanese seaperch
- あかむつ (Noun) [Japanese] Doederleinia berycoides (fish)
- あやかし (Noun) [Japanese] a yokai that appears above seawater during shipwrecks
- あやかし (Noun) [Japanese] a mystery; an unexplained phenomenon
- あやかし (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 妖怪 (yōkai)
- あやかし (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of コバンザメ (kobanzame, “live sharksucker”)
- あやかし (Noun) [Japanese] a type of Noh mask representing ghosts or spirits
- かんぱち (Noun) [Japanese] amberjack (fishes of genus Seriola)
- きす (Noun) [Japanese] sillaginid (fish); whiting
- ぐち (Noun) [Japanese] croaker, drum, drumfish (any of various fish species in the family Sciaenidae)
- だしこ (Noun) [Japanese] dried small sardines (used to make fish stock)
- だしこ (Noun) [Japanese] person who withdraws the cash in a bank transfer scam
- にべ (Noun) [Japanese] 鮸: nibe croaker, honnibe croaker, Nibea mitsukurii
- のどぐろ (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of あかむつ (akamutsu, “Doederleinia berycoides”)
- はなざめ (Noun) [Japanese] spinner shark, long-nose grey shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
- ふな (Noun) [Japanese] 鮒, 鯽: crucian carp, any fish of the genus Carassius
- ほこさき (Noun) [Japanese] hardnose shark, Carcharhinus macloti
- ꦥꦺ (Noun) [Javanese] ray (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail)
- ꦲꦶꦪꦸ (Noun) [Javanese] shark
- アイコッチェㇷ゚ (Noun) [Ainu] ray
- アイナメ (Noun) [Japanese] fat greenling, Hexagrammos otakii
- アブラハヤ (Noun) [Japanese] An Amur minnow (Rhynchocypris lagowskii)
- アラレガコ (Noun) [Japanese] the fourspine sculpin (Cottus kazika)
- アンチョビ (Noun) [Japanese] anchovy
- イコクエイラクブカ (Noun) [Japanese] tope shark, soupfin shark, Galeorhinus galeus
- エレクㇱ (Noun) [Ainu] Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
- オジサン (Noun) [Japanese] a manybar goatfish
- オニダルマオコゼ (Noun) [Japanese] 鬼達磨鰧, 鬼達磨虎魚: stonefish
- カムイチェㇷ゚ (Noun) [Ainu] salmon
- カムルチー (Noun) [Japanese] northern snakehead, Channa argus
- カンカイ (Noun) [Japanese] 寒海: Synonym of 氷下魚 (komai, “saffron cod”)
- キンキ (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 喜知次 (kichiji): the broadbanded thornyhead, Sebastolobus macrochir
- ギギ (Noun) [Japanese] 義義: Pelteobagrus nudiceps, a species of catfish
- グッピー (Noun) [Japanese] a guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
- コウタイ (Noun) [Japanese] Channa asiatica
- サーモン (Noun) [Japanese] salmon (fish)
- シーラカンス (Noun) [Japanese] a coelacanth (any lobe-finned fish in the order Coelacanthiformes)
- スサㇺ (Noun) [Ainu] shishamo smelt (Spirinchus lanceolatus)
- スピナーシャーク (Noun) [Japanese] spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna
- チポㇿ (Noun) [Ainu] roes
- チリアンシーバス (Noun) [Japanese] Chilean sea bass, Dissostichus eleginoides or similar species of fish served as meat
- ツマジロ (Noun) [Japanese] silvertip shark, Carcharhinus albimarginatus
- バス (Noun) [Japanese] bass (fish)
- ピラニア (Noun) [Japanese] a piranha
- ピラルクー (Noun) [Japanese] arapaima (Arapaima gigas)
- フィッシュイーター (Noun) [Japanese] piscivorous fish
- ブラックバス (Noun) [Japanese] a black bass
- プヤプヤチェッポ (Noun) [Ainu] lamprey
- ホキ (Noun) [Japanese] the hoki or blue grenadier (Macruronus novaezelandiae)
- マジェランアイナメ (Noun) [Japanese] Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides); Chilean sea bass
- メロ (Noun) [Japanese] Chilean sea bass; the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)
- ヤジブカ (Noun) [Japanese] sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus
- ヨゴレザメ (Noun) [Japanese] 汚鮫: oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus
- ヨーロッパ鮒 (Noun) [Japanese] crucian carp, Carassius carassius
- ヨーロッパ鰻 (Noun) [Japanese] European eel
- ヨーロッパ鱮 (Noun) [Japanese] European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus
- កញ្ចុះ (Noun) [Khmer] a type of catfish, Macrones nemurus
- កញ្ជនជៃ (Noun) [Khmer] forest snakehead, a kind of carp (Channa lucius)
- កន្ធរ (Noun) [Khmer] the snakeskin gourami (Trichopodus pectoralis)
- កាហែ (Noun) [Khmer] the red-tailed tinfoil barb, Barbonymus altus
- កំភ្លាញ (Noun) [Khmer] a kind of small freshwater fish (either Trichogaster or Trichopodus), used especially for making fish paste
- ក្រឹម (Noun) [Khmer] fighting fish (Betta splendens)
- ក្អែក (Noun) [Khmer] black sharkminnow (Labeo chrysophekadion)
- គល់រាំង (Noun) [Khmer] the giant barb (Catlocarpio siamensis)
- ចង្វា (Noun) [Khmer] the pale rasbora (Rasbora aurotaenia)
- ច្រកែង (Noun) [Khmer] a kind of fish, Puntioplites proctozystron
- ឆ្លាម (Noun) [Khmer] Pondicherry shark (Carcharhinus hemiodon)
- ឆ្លាម (Noun) [Khmer] spadenose shark (Scoliodon laticaudus)
- ឆ្លាំង (Noun) [Khmer] a kind of catfish (Macrones sp.)
- ឆ្លូញ (Noun) [Khmer] peacock eel (Macrognathus siamensis)
- ថ្ករ (Noun) [Khmer] sawfish (Pristidae spp.)
- ធូណា (Noun) [Khmer] tuna
- បបែល (Noun) [Khmer] a ray or skate, specifically Himantura uarnak or Dasyatis zugei
- ប្រមា (Noun) [Khmer] porcupine fish
- ប្រា (Noun) [Khmer] a type of fish, Pangasius pangasius
- ផ្ទក់ (Noun) [Khmer] a type of small fish, the striped snakehead (Channa striata)
- រ៉ស់ (Noun) [Khmer] the striped snakehead (Channa striata)
- សាលម៉ុន (Noun) [Khmer] salmon
- អន្ទង់ (Noun) [Khmer] eel
- ດຸກ (Noun) [Lao] catfish
- ປາ (Noun) [Lao] fish
- ᰅᰫ (Noun) [Lepcha] fish
- അയക്കൂറ (Noun) [Malayalam] narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, medium-sized marine fish belonging to the family Scombridae.
- അയല (Noun) [Malayalam] Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta, small marine fish belonging to the family Scombridae.
- അരാപ്പൈമ (Noun) [Malayalam] arapaima, Arapaima gigas.; A large predatory freshwater fish indigenous to South America.
- ആറ്റുണ്ട (Noun) [Malayalam] Malabar dwarf pufferfish, Carinotetraodon travancoricus.
- ആവോലി (Noun) [Malayalam] pomfret, medium-sized flat marine fish belonging to the family Bramidae.
- കടൽക്കുതിര (Noun) [Malayalam] seahorse.
- കടൽമീൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] marine fish.
- കന്നൽ (Noun) [Malayalam] fish
- കാക്കത്തിരണ്ടി (Noun) [Malayalam] eagle ray
- കാളാഞ്ചി (Noun) [Malayalam] barramundi, Lates calcarifer, a large demersal euryhaline fish belonging to the family Latidae.
- കേവർത്തം (Noun) [Malayalam] fish
- ചാള (Noun) [Malayalam] sardine, small oily epipelagic fish belonging to the family Clupeidae.
- ചൂര (Noun) [Malayalam] tuna, large pelagic fish belonging to the family Scombridae.
- തിരച്ചി (Noun) [Malayalam] ray, cartilagenous fish belonging to the superorder Batoidea
- തിരണ്ടി (Noun) [Malayalam] ray, cartilagenous fish belonging to the superorder Batoidea
- തിരണ്ടിസ്രാവ് (Noun) [Malayalam] guitarfish
- തിരുത (Noun) [Malayalam] flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus small euryhaline fish belonging to the family Mugilidae.
- നങ്ക് (Noun) [Malayalam] sole, a variety of flatfish.
- മത്തി (Noun) [Malayalam] sardine, small oily epipelagic fish belonging to the family Clupeidae.
- മത്തി (Noun) [Malayalam] small fish
- മാന്തൾ (Noun) [Malayalam] tongue sole, small flat marine fish belonging to the family Cynoglossidae.
- മീൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] an aquatic animal; commonly just fish
- വരാൽ (Noun) [Malayalam] snakehead murrel, Channa striata, an edible freshwater fish belonging to the family Channidae.
- വറ്റ (Noun) [Malayalam] giant trevally, Caranx ignobilis large marine fish belonging to the family Carangidae.
- സ്രാവ് (Noun) [Malayalam] shark, a predatory fish
- ꯄꯦꯡꯕ (Noun) [Manipuri] Osteobrama belangeri (a species of freshwater fish)
- ကကနန် (Noun) [Mon] banded snakehead or immature banded snakehead. (Channa striata, syn. Ophiocephalus striatus)
- ကကနန် (Noun) [Mon] immature banded snakehead (Channa striata)
- ကဂနန် (Noun) [Mon] Alternative form of ကကနန် (ka kanan)
- ကပလှု (Noun) [Mon] mullet fish.
- ကဘီလူး (Noun) [Burmese] large mullet
- ကဝဲ (Verb) [Mon] twirl, twist.
- ကာဝဲါ (Noun) [Eastern Pwo] shark
- က်ုသှ်ေထီ့ (Noun) [Eastern Pwo] sea horse
- ငါး (Noun) [Burmese] fish
- ငါးခူ (Noun) [Burmese] catfish
- ငါးပုဏ္ဏား (Noun) [Burmese] mango fish, paradise threadfin (Polynemus paradiseus)
- ငါးဖယ် (Noun) [Burmese] fish cake (food)
- ငါးဖျင်းသလက် (Noun) [Burmese] banded gourami (Trichogaster fasciata, syn. T. fasciatus, Colisa fasciata)
- ငါးမန်း (Noun) [Burmese] shark (fish)
- ငါးမြစ်ချင်း (Noun) [Burmese] rohu (Labeo rohita)
- ငါးရံ့ (Noun) [Burmese] common snakehead fish, striped snakehead, chevron snakehead, banded snakehead (Channa striata, syn. Ophiocephalus striatus)
- ငါးသလောက် (Noun) [Burmese] hilsa, ilish (Tenualosa ilisha, syn. Clupea palasah, Hilsa ilisha)
- ညၣ် (Noun) [S'gaw Karen] fish
- ညၣ်ပျၤ (Noun) [S'gaw Karen] mahseer fish
- ရေနဂါး (Noun) [Burmese] sea horse
- ရေမြင်း (Noun) [Burmese] sea horse
- လိပ်ကျောက် (Noun) [Burmese] ray; skate
- အာပဲ့ခြောက် (Noun) [Burmese] Bombay duck
- ᱦᱟᱹᱠᱩ (Noun) [Santali] fish
- ଭେକଟା (Noun) [Odia] barramundi (Lates calcarifer)
- මාළුවා (Noun) [Sinhalese] fish
- ꠁꠟꠤꠡꠣ (Noun) [Sylheti] hilsa
- ꠚꠥ (Noun) [Sylheti] dolphin
- அட்டவண்ணைத்திருக்கை (Noun) [Tamil] smooth butterfly ray, Gymnura micrura
- இராமமுழியன் (Noun) [Tamil] long-spined tripodfish, Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer
- உள்ளா (Noun) [Tamil] sharpfin barracuda, Sphyraena acutipinnis
- ஓங்கில் (Noun) [Tamil] dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
- ஓங்கில் (Noun) [Tamil] tuna
- கடற்குதிரை (Noun) [Tamil] seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus)
- கரிவாளன்கோலா (Noun) [Tamil] red sea houndfish, Tylosurus choram
- கவலை (Noun) [Tamil] distress
- கார்த்திகைவாளை (Noun) [Tamil] savilai hairtail, Lepturacanthus savala
- குழல் (Noun) [Tamil] any tube-shaped thing
- குழல் (Noun) [Tamil] flute, pipe
- குழல் (Noun) [Tamil] tubularity, hollowness
- குழல் (Noun) [Tamil] milkfish, Chanos chanos
- கொடுந்தலைப்பொருவா (Noun) [Tamil] a type of anchovy, Thryssa kammalensis
- கொழுத்தமுரல் (Noun) [Tamil] congaturi halfbeak, Hyporhamphus limbatus
- கோணம் (Noun) [Tamil] a species of seer fish, narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson
- சாளை (Noun) [Tamil] oil sardine, a species of Clupea
- சுறா (Noun) [Tamil] shark
- செத்தை (Noun) [Tamil] putrefied flesh
- செலுப்பட்டி (Noun) [Tamil] ovate sole, (solea ovata), a species of flatfish
- தங்கமீன் (Noun) [Tamil] goldfish (Carassius auratus)
- திருக்கை (Noun) [Tamil] stingray (Telatrygon)
- நெய்த்தோலி (Noun) [Tamil] indian anchovy, Stolephorus indicus
- பசுங்கோலா (Noun) [Tamil] houndfish, Tylosurus crocodilus
- பீசுகோலா (Noun) [Tamil] freshwater garfish, Xenentodon cancila
- பொருவாய் (Noun) [Tamil] gangetic anchovy, Thryssa mystax
- மீன்வெட்டி (Noun) [Tamil] shark
- முள்ளம்பலாச்சை (Noun) [Tamil] porcupinefish, Diodon hystrix
- முள்வாளை (Noun) [Tamil] Dorab wolf-herring (Chirocentrus dorab)
- மெத்தம்பாரை (Noun) [Tamil] Pinjalo
- வாணியன்பொருவா (Noun) [Tamil] a type of anchovy, Coilia ramcarati
- வாளை (Noun) [Tamil] cutlassfish, (Trichiurus lepturus)
- வெள்ளரா (Noun) [Tamil] a species of seer fish, Scomberomorus guttatus
- ఉడవ (Noun) [Telugu] a sort of fish, Gerres mentosus, a species of Zues
- ఉప్పుచేప (Noun) [Telugu] a salted fish
- కంటకము (Noun) [Telugu] goose pimple
- చేప (Noun) [Telugu] fish
- జెల్ల (Noun) [Telugu] a kind of fish; the river mullet
- నాలుకచేప (Noun) [Telugu] the fish called a sole, a species of Rhombus, or Pleuronectes
- పిట్టకాసు (Noun) [Telugu] miller's thumb (small kind of fish)
- పిల్లిచేప (Noun) [Telugu] catfish
- పొలస (Noun) [Telugu] a sea fish like the bream
- బొంత (Noun) [Telugu] the mullet fish, Mugil cephalus
- బొచ్చె (Noun) [Telugu] the fish called Roball
- బొమ్మిడము (Noun) [Telugu] the great loach, or tobacco-pipe fish (Cobitis fossilis), which has a very long head and a body like an eel
- మచ్చెము (Noun) [Telugu] a fish
- మచ్ఛము (Noun) [Telugu] a fish
- మట్ట (Noun) [Telugu] a bough or stem (of the palm cocoanut, or date tree)
- మట్ట (Noun) [Telugu] the tail of an animal
- మట్ట (Noun) [Telugu] the suckerfish or remora or genus Echeneis
- మత్స్యము (Noun) [Telugu] fish
- మద్గువు (Noun) [Telugu] a kind of fish
- మార్పు (Noun) [Telugu] a kind of fish
- మాఱ్పు (Noun) [Telugu] a kind of fish
- మీనము (Noun) [Telugu] a fish
- మేవ (Noun) [Telugu] a fish called silvery pomfret; Stromateoides argenteus
- ހަނދި (Noun) [Dhivehi] bluefin trevally
- ހަނދުފަޅި ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] raccoon butterflyfish
- ހިންދުކޮކާ ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] Indian vagabond butterflyfish
- ހިބަރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] spearfish
- ނަރުވާ ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] threadfin butterflyfish
- ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] a butterflyfish
- ބޯރީނދޫ ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] yellowhead butterflyfish
- ކަށިވާލި (Noun) [Dhivehi] doublespotted queenfish
- ކަންނެލި (Noun) [Dhivehi] tuna
- ކަޅަލި ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] black-backed butterflyfish
- ކަލަރު ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] red-tailed butterflyfish
- ކިރުޅިޔަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] fish of the genus Pinjalo
- ކިރުޅިޔަ ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] Indian butterflyfish
- ކުރު މަސް (Noun) [Dhivehi] wahoo
- ކޮލި (Noun) [Dhivehi] blackspotted pufferfish
- އަލަނާސި ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] sunburst butterflyfish
- އަސްދާނު ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] blackwedged butterflyfish
- އޮއިރޮނގު ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] scrawled butterflyfish
- އޮއިމަތީ ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] brown-and-white butterflyfish
- ވެން (Noun) [Dhivehi] an eel
- މަސް (Noun) [Dhivehi] fish
- މަސް ހިބަރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] marlin
- މަޑަގަސްކަރަ ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] Seychelles butterflyfish
- މަޑި (Noun) [Dhivehi] ray
- މާސްކު ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] masked bannerfish
- މިޔަރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] shark
- މުގުރާން (Noun) [Dhivehi] fusilier
- ފަތްމިނި ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] bluelashed butterflyfish
- ފެހުރިހި (Noun) [Dhivehi] whale shark
- ދިދަ ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] schooling bannerfish
- ދިދަމަސް ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] pennant coralfish
- ދޮން ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] teardrop butterflyfish
- ތިނެސްކަން ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] triangle butterflyfish
- ތުން ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] yellow longnose butterflyfish
- ތުންދިގު ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] big longnose butterflyfish
- ތުންގަނޑު ހިބަރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] swordfish
- ތޯރާމަސް (Noun) [Dhivehi] wahoo
- ލައްޓި (Noun) [Dhivehi] kawakawa
- ލައްޖެހި ބިބީ (Noun) [Dhivehi] peppered butterflyfish
- กระเบน (Noun) [Thai] ray; skate
- กะพง (Noun) [Thai] any of various fishes of the order Perciformes.
- กัด (Noun) [Thai] fighting fish; betta (Classifier: ตัว)
- ข้าหลวง (Noun) [Thai] the fish Channa marulioides of the family Channidae
- ฉนาก (Noun) [Thai] sawfish (Pristidae spp.)
- ฉลาม (Noun) [Thai] mackerel shark: any marine fish of the order Lamniformes.
- ซิว (Noun) [Thai] minnow.
- ดาบ (Noun) [Thai] (classifier ตัว) cutlassfish: any of the sea fish of the family Trichiuridae.
- ดุก (Noun) [Thai] catfish
- ตุ๊กแก (Noun) [Thai] any of the freshwater fish of the genus Bagarius and the family Sisoridae.
- ทู (Noun) [Thai] short mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysoma).
- ทูน่า (Noun) [Thai] tuna.
- นิล (Noun) [Thai] (classifier ตัว) (ปลา~) Nile tilapia: the fish Oreochromis niloticus of the family Cichlidae.
- บึก (Noun) [Thai] (classifier ตัว) (ปลา~) Mekong giant catfish: the fish Pangasianodon gigas.
- บ้า (Noun) [Thai] the fish sultan barb (Leptobarbus hoevenii), of the family Cyprinidae.
- ปลา (Noun) [Thai] fish.
- ปลายาว (Noun) [Thai] eel.
- ปักเป้า (Noun) [Thai] (zoology) pufferfish.
- ปารี (Noun) [Urak Lawoi'] stingray
- พรม (Noun) [Thai] the freshwater fish Thynnichthys thynnoides of the family Cyprinidae.
- พวง (Noun) [Thai] (ปลา~) sultan fish: the fish Leptobarbus hoeveni of the family Cyprinidae.
- ม้า (Noun) [Thai] (Classifier: ตัว); Boeseman croaker: the fish Boesemania microlepis of the family Sciaenidae.
- ราหู (Noun) [Thai] (ปลา~) any of the various marine fish of the genus Mobula (syn. Manta) in the family Mobulidae or subfamily Mobulinae.
- ลัง (Noun) [Thai] Indian mackerel: the fish Rastrelliger kanagurta of the family Scombridae.
- สร้อย (Noun) [Thai] some of the various fish in the family Cyprinidae.
- สวาย (Noun) [Thai] (classifier ตัว) (ปลา~) iridescent shark: the fish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus.
- อีกัด (Noun) [Urak Lawoi'] fish (vertebrate animal)
- ฮยู (Noun) [Urak Lawoi'] shark
- เกด (Noun) [Thai] the plant, Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard, of the family Sapotaceae.
- เกด (Noun) [Thai] any of various fish of the family Siluridae.
- เกด (Noun) [Thai] the fish, Platytropius siamensis (Sauvage), of the family Schilbidae.
- เข็ม (Noun) [Thai] the fish Dermogenys pusillus van Hasselt of the family Hemiramphidae.
- เตอกฺีรี (Noun) [Urak Lawoi'] seerfish
- แก้ว (Noun) [Thai] (ปลา~) the sea fish, Otolithoides biauritus (Cantor), of the family Sciaenidae. (Classifier: ตัว)
- แค้ยักษ์ (Noun) [Thai] Bagarius, catfish.
- แซลมอน (Noun) [Thai] salmon.
- แดง (Noun) [Thai] the freshwater fish of Phalacronotus bleekeri (syn. Micronema bleekeri)
- แรด (Noun) [Thai] giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy)
- โอ (Noun) [Thai] a type of lacquerware, being a bowl, sometimes found with a pedestal, used for containing various objects.
- โอ (Noun) [Thai] pomelo: Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. of the family Rutaceae.
- โอ (Noun) [Thai] tuna.
- โอ (Noun) [Thai] The name of the Latin-script letter O/o.
- ꉛ (Noun) [Nuosu] fish
- 'aelaw (Noun) [Saisiyat] fish
- ʻahi (Noun) [Hawaiian] yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
- ʻahi (Noun) [Hawaiian] bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
- ʻamaʻama (Noun) [Hawaiian] flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus)
- ʻanae (Noun) [Hawaiian] mullet (fish)
- ʻanae (Noun) [Samoan] mullet (fish)
- ʻanae (Noun) [Tahitian] mullet (fish)
- ʻaʻā (Verb) [Hawaiian] to burn, glow
- ʻā (Verb) [Hawaiian] to burn
- ˀé·wy- (Noun) [Central Sierra Miwok] small fish
- ܙܠܒܪܝܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] eel
- ܡܣܪܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] sawfish (Pristidae spp.), dolphin
- ܢܘܢܐ (Noun) [Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] fish
- ܢܘܢܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] fish
- ܣܝܪܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] dried and fermented river fish
- ܣܠܘܪܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] kind of river fish; catfish; shad
- ܩܘܦܕܐ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] kind of fish
- ܬܘܢܘܣ (Noun) [Classical Syriac] tuna, tunny
- गाङ्गट (Noun) [Sanskrit] shrimp, prawn
- चतुर (Noun) [Sanskrit] Labeo rohita, a fish of the carp family Cyprinidae, found in the Ganges river
- चिंगळ (Noun) [Marathi] a fish
- चिङ्गट (Noun) [Sanskrit] shrimp
- चीतल (Noun) [Hindi] a freshwater fish
- छागल (Noun) [Hindi] a type of fish
- ना (Noun) [Bodo (India)] fish
- नाग (Noun) [Sanskrit] a snake, especially of species Naja naja
- नाग (Noun) [Sanskrit] one of the five airs of the human body (which is expelled by eructation)
- नाग (Noun) [Sanskrit] any of several plants (Mesua roxburghii, Rottlera tinctoria etc.)
- नाग (Adjective) [Sanskrit] formed of snakes, relating to serpents or serpents-demons, snaky, serpentine, serpent-like
- नाग (Noun) [Sanskrit] name of the 3rd invariable करण (karaṇa)
- बांगडो (Noun) [Konkani] mackerel
- बालक (Noun) [Sanskrit] a kind of fish
- मच्छ (Noun) [Hindi] fish
- मच्छ (Noun) [Sanskrit] fish
- मच्छी (Noun) [Dogri] fish
- मच्छी (Noun) [Hindi] fish
- मछली (Noun) [Hindi] fish
- मत्स्य (Noun) [Sanskrit] a fish
- मासळी (Noun) [Konkani] a fish
- मासा (Noun) [Marathi] fish
- मीन (Noun) [Sanskrit] a fish
- रोहित (Noun) [Sanskrit] rohu fish, Labeo rohita
- रोही (Noun) [Marathi] a fish
- रोहू (Noun) [Hindi] rohu fish (Labeo rohita)
- शफर (Noun) [Sanskrit] a species of carp
- शार्क (Noun) [Hindi] shark (scaleless cartilaginous fish)
- सामन (Noun) [Hindi] salmon
- सूकर (Noun) [Sanskrit] pig, hog, swine, boar
- हाँगर (Noun) [Hindi] shark
- हिलसा (Noun) [Hindi] hilsa fish
- ᠨᡳᠮᠠᡥᠠ (Noun) [Manchu] fish
- ᠵᡝᠯᡠ (Noun) [Manchu] trout
- ᡶᡠᠰᡝᠯᡳ (Noun) [Manchu] mackerel
- 𐕐𐕒𐕡 (Noun) [Aghwan] fish
- 𑂧𑂰𑂏𑂳𑂩 (Noun) [Magahi] walking catfish, Clarias batrachas
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