All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "History"
Subcategories: Alternate history, Ancient history, Classical studies, Genealogy, Heraldry, Historical events, Historical periods, Historiography, History of Africa, History of Asia, History of Europe, History of North America, History of South America, History of science, History of the United States, Nostalgia
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 19495 word senses
- A-ri-xtốt … A級戦犯 (606 senses)
- BD … Cao Lệ (272 senses)
- Cap … Echo (472 senses)
- Eco … HUAC (522 senses)
- Ha … Jüpiter (507 senses)
- KV … Mezopotamio (522 senses)
- Meá … Oğlak (436 senses)
- P … Pô-dê-i-đông (456 senses)
- QE … Sư Tử (548 senses)
- T … Vuohi (469 senses)
- Vx … aríbalo (667 senses)
- as … bnw (335 senses)
- bo … czyn społeczny (617 senses)
- cáo … eightpence (308 senses)
- eld … gorm (536 senses)
- got … jpj-jpj (454 senses)
- jpt … mammy (473 senses)
- man … opwekking (509 senses)
- or … ptolémaïque (486 senses)
- pu. … srebrny (579 senses)
- ss … tể tướng (505 senses)
- tự … ꜣḫ-bjt (555 senses)
- آبيس … أثينا (14 senses)
- أسد … استا (12 senses)
- اسد … القرون الوسطى (18 senses)
- القوس … اوستا (12 senses)
- اڤي … بهرام (11 senses)
- بوغا … جنگ جهانی دوم (15 senses)
- حح … دلو (13 senses)
- دول … زردشت (17 senses)
- سانڈ … سگدید (13 senses)
- شجره … قنطور (14 senses)
- قوس … مشتری (13 senses)
- مغ … میزد (14 senses)
- میش … پرندہ (17 senses)
- پری … یشتن (17 senses)
- Ագամեմնոն … Ապոլոնիա (14 senses)
- Առյուծ … Բարդուղիմեոսյան գիշեր (17 senses)
- Բաքոս … Դելփիք (15 senses)
- Դիանա … Զրադաշտ (13 senses)
- Զևս … Խեցգետին (17 senses)
- Խոյ … Հայրենական մեծ պատերազմ (14 senses)
- Հեբե … Հեսպերյան (14 senses)
- Հերա … Մարաց աշխարհ (17 senses)
- Մարս … Նիկիա (11 senses)
- Նինվե … Վահագն (17 senses)
- Վաղես … Փյունիկիա (14 senses)
- Փոկեա … ատրուշան (18 senses)
- բասաճ … ժամանակագիր (12 senses)
- խեթ … նախարարություն (17 senses)
- նվիրակ … ֆրանկ (16 senses)
- অংশ (Noun) [Bengali] one of twelfth or thirtieth part of the zodiac
- অক্ষ (Noun) [Bengali] position in a zodiac
- অক্ষশক্তি (Noun) [Bengali] Axis Power (the coalition of Germany, Italy and Japan during World War II)
- অয়ন (Noun) [Assamese] the movement of a sun
- অশোক (Proper name) [Bengali] Ashoka (an emperor of the Mauryan Empire)
- অ্যাপোলো (Proper name) [Bengali] Apollo
- আওরঙ্গজেব (Proper name) [Bengali] Aurangzeb (17th-century Mughal emperor)
- আফ্রোদিতি (Proper name) [Bengali] Aphrodite
- আলমগীর (Proper name) [Bengali] a male given name from Persian
- আলমগীর (Proper name) [Bengali] Aurangzeb Alamgir (17th-century Mughal emperor)
- কর্কট (Noun) [Bengali] Cancer
- কুম্ভ (Noun) [Assamese] the zodiac Aquarius
- কুম্ভ (Noun) [Bengali] the zodiac Aquarius
- কেতু (Proper name) [Bengali] Ketu (a mythical planet, believed to have a tremendous impact on human lives)
- গ্রহ (Noun) [Bengali] planet
- চন্দ্রগ্রহণ (Noun) [Bengali] lunar eclipse
- চৌধুরি (Noun) [Bengali] a revenue collector during Muslim rule
- জাহাঙ্গীর (Proper name) [Bengali] a male given name from Persian
- জাহাঙ্গীর (Proper name) [Bengali] Jahangir, a 17th-century Mughal emperor
- ঠান্ডা যুদ্ধ (Proper name) [Bengali] the Cold War
- নওরোজ (Noun) [Bengali] Nowruz (New Year in the Iranian / Zoroastrian calendar, celebrated on the spring equinox)
- প্লুটো (Proper name) [Bengali] Pluto (god of death)
- বাদশাহ (Proper name) [Bengali] padishah, badshah
- বুধ (Proper name) [Bengali] Mercury (planet)
- বৃশ্চিক (Noun) [Bengali] Scorpio (a person born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio)
- বৃশ্চিক (Proper name) [Bengali] Scorpio (zodiac sign)
- বৃহস্পতি (Proper name) [Bengali] Jupiter (planet)
- মুঘল (Noun) [Bengali] Moghul (member of the Muslim Turco-Mongol tribe based in South Asia)
- মেষ (Noun) [Bengali] Aries
- যুক্তরাজ্য (Proper name) [Bengali] the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1801–1922)
- যোগ (Noun) [Bengali] conjunction, lucky conjuncture
- রাশি (Noun) [Bengali] a zodiac sign
- রাহু (Proper name) [Bengali] Rāhu (mythical planet that causes the solar eclipse)
- শনি (Proper name) [Bengali] Saturn (planet)
- শুক্র (Noun) [Bengali] Venus (planet)
- সংক্রান্তি (Noun) [Bengali] the transit of the sun from one zodiac to another
- সূর্য (Proper name) [Bengali] a male given name
- সূর্যগ্রহণ (Noun) [Bengali] solar eclipse
- হোরা (Noun) [Bengali] an hour
- 𑀘𑀸𑀡𑀓𑁆𑀓 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Chanakya
- 𑀡𑀓𑁆𑀔𑀢𑁆𑀢 (Noun) [Prakrit] nakshatra
- 一二·九運動 … 不平等條約 (31 senses)
- 世家 … 二十四史 (31 senses)
- 二戰 … 伊塔事件 (38 senses)
- 伏羲 … 元暦 (32 senses)
- 元朝 … 兵衛府 (36 senses)
- 兵部 … 十月革命 (47 senses)
- 午 … 古代希臘語 (29 senses)
- 古典 … 吏部 (29 senses)
- 吳 … 嘉禄 (34 senses)
- 嘉禎 … 夏商周 (36 senses)
- 夏朝 … 大粛清 (34 senses)
- 大義 … 天正 (35 senses)
- 天永 … 威瑪共和國 (36 senses)
- 子 … 寛和 (34 senses)
- 寛喜 … 巴特寮 (35 senses)
- 巴統 … 延久 (35 senses)
- 延享 … 後漢書 (37 senses)
- 従 … 戸部 (33 senses)
- 承久 … 數字人文 (35 senses)
- 文中 … 斷代史 (35 senses)
- 斷限 … 昭和 (37 senses)
- 晉 … 東南互保 (36 senses)
- 東周 … 正嘉 (32 senses)
- 正安 … 水逆 (35 senses)
- 水門 … 淳維 (49 senses)
- 清 … 無產階級文化大革命 (22 senses)
- 牛 … 白蓮教 (35 senses)
- 白虎 … 租界 (38 senses)
- 秦 … 紹興 (31 senses)
- 終戦 … 義和拳 (35 senses)
- 義安 … 葛柏 (36 senses)
- 葵 … 豐饒之角 (46 senses)
- 豬 … 遣隋使 (37 senses)
- 遼 … 鎌倉街道 (23 senses)
- 鎖国 … 陰陽頭 (37 senses)
- 陳 … 香港 (38 senses)
- 馬 … 龍鳳 (25 senses)
- ϣⲁϣⲙⲓ … ϩⲉⲣⲙⲁⲛⲟⲩⲡ (13 senses)
- ϩⲉⲣⲙⲏⲥ … ⲁⲑⲏⲛⲁ (12 senses)
- ⲁⲑⲱⲙ … ⲁⲣⲇⲩⲙⲓⲥ (14 senses)
- ⲁⲣⲏⲥ … ⲃⲉⲗⲓⲥⲁⲣⲁⲓⲟⲥ (15 senses)
- ⲃⲏⲥ … ⲇⲓⲟⲛⲩⲥⲟⲥ (10 senses)
- ⲉⲑⲱⲙ … ⲍⲉⲩⲥ (11 senses)
- ⲏⲣⲁ … ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ ⲡⲓⲟ ⲡⲓⲟ (13 senses)
- ⲑⲱⲧⲑ … ⲙⲓⲑⲣⲁⲥ (14 senses)
- ⲙⲓⲛ … ⲟⲩⲥⲉⲣϩⲁⲡⲓ (14 senses)
- ⲟⲩⲥⲓⲣⲉ … ⲡⲁⲱⲛⲓ (11 senses)
- ⲡⲁⲱⲡⲉ … ⲣⲏ (13 senses)
- ⲣⲙⲟⲩϯ … ⲧⲁⲩⲣⲟⲥ (14 senses)
- ⲧⲏ … ⲭⲣⲩⲥⲁⲱⲣ (15 senses)
- 𒀭𒀀𒆷𒆷 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Alala (Primordial god)
- 𒀭𒀀𒇉 (Proper name) [Sumerian] River, river god (a river personified or deified)
- 𒀭𒀫𒌓 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Marduk (patron deity of Babylon)
- 𒀭𒁀𒌑 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Bau (healing and fertility goddess, daughter of Anu, wife of Ning̃irsuk)
- 𒀭𒁁𒇷𒇷 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Belili (primordial god)
- 𒀭𒂗𒆤 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Enlil (the king of the gods of the Sumerian pantheon)
- 𒀭𒅎 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Ishkur (the Sumerian god of storm)
- 𒀭𒆘 (Proper name) [Sumerian] an alad spirit (a male tutelary deity, corresponding to the Akkadian šēdum)
- 𒀭𒈹 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Inanna
- 𒀭𒊺𒉀 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Nisaba (Also Nidaba. Sumerian goddess of grain, knowledge, and scribal arts, patron deity of the city of Ereš)
- 𒀭𒋀𒆠 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Nanna, the moon god, patron of Ur (corresponding to Akkadian Sin)
- 𒀭𒌓 (Proper name) [Sumerian] the sun god Utu (city-god of Larsa)
- 𒀭𒎏𒄈𒋢 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Ningirsu (chief male god of the Lagaš state)
- 𒀭𒎏𒅁 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Ninurta (Sumerian farmer and warrior god)
- 𒌓𒍣 (Proper name) [Akkadian] Cuneiform spelling of Utnapištim
- Європа … Арабская весна (18 senses)
- Арго … Британская империя (34 senses)
- Буға … Вторая мировая война (18 senses)
- Вулкан … Деметра (22 senses)
- Диана … Зартушт (28 senses)
- Зевс … Кутузов (22 senses)
- Лев … Ніка (29 senses)
- ОУН … Первая мировая война (15 senses)
- Персей … Семибоярщина (27 senses)
- Сет … Телец (21 senses)
- Тен … Церера (33 senses)
- Цин … Ющенко (21 senses)
- Япет … аҕын (20 senses)
- бар … везни (22 senses)
- век … геній (24 senses)
- герб … дацзыбао (29 senses)
- дев … ийэ дойду (22 senses)
- казак … курляндский (31 senses)
- лав … микенский (16 senses)
- муза … протектор (32 senses)
- рак … слобода (21 senses)
- совет … тисућник (22 senses)
- тога … флёр-де-лис (21 senses)
- форум … штитче (26 senses)
- щит … Ꙁеѵсъ (19 senses)
- ሚዛን (Verb) [Ge'ez] Libra
- აგვისტოს ომი (Proper name) [Georgian] Russo-Georgian War
- ათენა (Proper name) [Georgian] Athena
- ამხანაგი (Noun) [Georgian] A common word used to address countrymen in the period of USSR (male or female)
- აპოლონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Apollo
- არესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Ares
- არტემიდა (Proper name) [Georgian] Artemis
- არტემიდე (Proper name) [Georgian] Alternative form of არტემიდა (arṭemida)
- არტემისი (Proper name) [Georgian] Alternative form of არტემიდა (arṭemida)
- აფროდიტე (Proper name) [Georgian] Aphrodite
- აქილევსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Achilles
- აღმოსავლეთ რომის იმპერია (Proper name) [Georgian] Eastern Roman Empire
- ახლო აღმოსავლეთი (Proper name) [Georgian] Near East (a region of West Asia, North Africa and Southeast Europe, encompassing former Ottoman Empire territories)
- ბიზანტიის იმპერია (Proper name) [Georgian] Byzantine Empire
- გერბი (Noun) [Georgian] blazon
- გერმანელი ერის საღვთო რომის იმპერია (Proper name) [Georgian] Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
- დასავლეთ რომის იმპერია (Proper name) [Georgian] Western Roman Empire
- დემეტრა (Proper name) [Georgian] Demeter
- დიანა (Proper name) [Georgian] Diana
- დიონისე (Proper name) [Georgian] Dionysus
- ვენერა (Proper name) [Georgian] Venus (goddess)
- ვერძი (Noun) [Georgian] Aries
- ზადენი (Proper name) [Georgian] A pagan god of fruitfulness in a pre-Christian pantheon of ancient Georgians of Kartli — Zaden
- ზევსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Zeus
- თხის რქა (Noun) [Georgian] Capricorn
- იასონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Jason
- ისტორიკოსი (Noun) [Georgian] historian
- იუპიტერი (Proper name) [Georgian] Jove, Jupiter (god)
- კირჩხიბი (Noun) [Georgian] Cancer
- კუპიდონი (Proper name) [Georgian] cupid
- კურო (Noun) [Georgian] Taurus
- ლომი (Noun) [Georgian] Leo
- მარსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Mars (god)
- მარჩბივი (Noun) [Georgian] Gemini
- მეორადი წყარო (Noun) [Georgian] secondary source
- მერკური (Proper name) [Georgian] Mercury (god)
- მერწყული (Noun) [Georgian] Aquarius
- მესამეული წყარო (Noun) [Georgian] tertiary source
- მეტროპოლია (Noun) [Georgian] metropolis
- მოგჳ (Noun) [Old Georgian] Zoroastrian
- მშვილდოსანი (Noun) [Georgian] Sagittarius
- ნეპტუნი (Proper name) [Georgian] Neptune (god)
- ოქროს საწმისი (Noun) [Georgian] Golden Fleece
- პერსეფონე (Proper name) [Georgian] Persephone
- პირველადი წყარო (Noun) [Georgian] primary source
- პირველწყარო (Noun) [Georgian] primary source
- პოსეიდონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Poseidon
- პრომეთე (Proper name) [Georgian] Prometheus
- რომის რესპუბლიკა (Proper name) [Georgian] Roman Republic
- სამთავრო (Noun) [Georgian] principality
- სასწორი (Proper name) [Georgian] Libra
- სატურნი (Proper name) [Georgian] Saturn (god)
- ურანი (Proper name) [Georgian] Uranus (god)
- ფარაონი (Noun) [Georgian] pharaoh
- ქალწული (Noun) [Georgian] Virgo
- ქართლი (Proper name) [Georgian] Caucasian kingdom of Iberia
- წინარეისტორია (Noun) [Georgian] prehistory
- ჰადესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Hades
- ჰერა (Proper name) [Georgian] Hera
- ჰერაკლე (Proper name) [Georgian] Heracles, Hercules
- ჰერმესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Hermes
- ჰესტია (Proper name) [Georgian] Hestia
- ჰეფესტო (Proper name) [Georgian] Alternative form of ჰეფესტოსი (hepesṭosi)
- ჰეფესტოსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Hephaestus
- 𐌹𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌴𐌹𐌺𐍉 (Proper name) [Gothic] Jericho
- 𐌹𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌿𐍃𐌰𐌻𐌴𐌼 (Proper name) [Gothic] Jerusalem
- 𐍆𐌰𐍂𐌰𐍉 (Proper name) [Gothic] Pharaoh
- Άδης … Αγαμέμνονας (19 senses)
- Αθηνά … Αχιλλέας (31 senses)
- Αἰαία … Βουκόλος (23 senses)
- Βουτώ … Δεισήνωρ (27 senses)
- Δεύς … Εὐρυσθεύς (23 senses)
- Εὐρώπα … Θρασύμηλος (31 senses)
- Θωΰθ … Κηφεύς (25 senses)
- Κλειώ … Λάχεσις (17 senses)
- Λέων … Μενοίτιος (25 senses)
- Μερόπη … Νέφθυς (24 senses)
- Νίκη … Πάν (24 senses)
- Πάνας … Πολυμήστωρ (29 senses)
- Πολυξώ … Σέλαγος (21 senses)
- Σήθ … Τιτάνας (33 senses)
- Τμῶλος … Φαμενώθ (18 senses)
- Φαραώ … Χοίακ (29 senses)
- Ψ … αστρομαντική (24 senses)
- αἰγίς … ζώδιο (23 senses)
- θέμα … νυκτερινός (33 senses)
- νωναί … ταύρος (23 senses)
- τμῆμα … Ἀγαπήνωρ (21 senses)
- Ἀγαύη … Ἀπόμυιος (28 senses)
- Ἀρήτη … Ἄρτεμις (25 senses)
- Ἄτη … Ἐπιμηθεύς (18 senses)
- Ἐπιφί … Ἰφικλῆς (30 senses)
- Ἰώ … Ὄσιρις (21 senses)
- Ὅρκος … Ῥώμη (27 senses)
- અગિયારી (Noun) [Gujarati] fire temple, agiary
- અનલ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Kṛttikā
- અર્દિબેહશ્ત (Proper name) [Gujarati] Ordibehesht, the second month of the solar Persian calendar.
- અલાઉદ્દીન (Proper name) [Gujarati] Alauddin Khilji
- અવસ્તા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Avesta
- અશોક (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Ashoka or Ashok
- આતશ બહેરામ (Noun) [Gujarati] Atash Behram
- આતશકદેહ (Noun) [Gujarati] fire temple
- ઉઠમણું (Noun) [Gujarati] A ritual prefromed three days after the deceased's death, marking the departure of the soul, as according to Zoroastrianism, the soul remains in the material world for three days after death.
- ઔરંગઝેબ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Aurangzeb, from Persian
- કબરસ્તાન (Noun) [Gujarati] tower of silence
- ખોરદાદ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Khordad, the third month of the solar Persian calendar.
- ગાથા (Noun) [Gujarati] Gatha
- ઘર (Noun) [Gujarati] house
- ચિનવત (Noun) [Gujarati] the Chinvat Bridge, an extremely narrow bridge that Zoroastrians believe all souls will cross on Doomsday, with only the virtuous able to cross, similar to the Islamic concept સિરાત (sirāt).
- જરથુષ્ટ્ર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Zoroaster, Zarathustra
- જરથોસ્તી ધર્મ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Zoroastrianism
- જશન (Noun) [Gujarati] ceremony, festival, celebration
- તરો (Noun) [Gujarati] cow urine
- તુલા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Libra
- દરૂન (Noun) [Gujarati] a certain ritual by the Zoroastrians
- દસ્તૂર (Noun) [Gujarati] dastur
- દોખમું (Noun) [Gujarati] dakhma, tower of silence
- દોજખ (Noun) [Gujarati] hell, hellfire
- નવજોત (Noun) [Gujarati] navjote
- નવરોજ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Nowruz, New Year in the Iranian and Zoroastrian calendar, celebrated on the spring equinox.
- પરિયા (Noun) [Gujarati] family tree; a book with the names of one's ancestors
- પારસી (Proper name) [Gujarati] Pahlavi (a writing system used to write several Iranian languages.)
- ફરવર્દીન (Proper name) [Gujarati] Farvardin, the first month of the solar Persian calendar.
- બહેરામ (Noun) [Gujarati] Behram
- બાબર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Babur (first Mughal emperor, 1483–1530)
- ભસમ (Noun) [Gujarati] the sacred ashes of Atash Behram
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Mehr, the seventh month of the solar Persian calendar.
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Name of the sixteenth day of any month of the solar Persian calendar.
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] the Sun
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Mithra, a Zoroastrian deity.
- મૂળ (Noun) [Gujarati] the 19th lunar mansion
- મેષ (Noun) [Gujarati] Aries
- યઝત (Noun) [Gujarati] yazata, something worthy of veneration.
- વહિશ્ત (Noun) [Gujarati] heaven
- સરોશ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Sraosha, yazata of conscience
- સિંહ (Noun) [Gujarati] A Leo
- હુમત (Noun) [Gujarati] good thoughts
- ਅਰਲਾ ਕੋਟ (Noun) [Punjabi] coat of arms
- ਕਰਕ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Cancer (zodiac sign)
- ਕੁੰਭ (Noun) [Punjabi] the zodiac Aquarius
- ਗ੍ਰਹਿ (Noun) [Punjabi] evil effect of a planet or star
- ਨਛੱਤਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] nakshatra (lunar mansion)
- ਪਾਰਸੀ (Adjective) [Punjabi] Parsi (pertaining to Indian Zoroastrianism)
- ਮੰਮੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] mummy, momma
- ਸਿੰਘ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Leo (constellation)
- ਹੜੱਪਾ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Indus Valley Civilization (an ancient civilization extant along the river Indus in South Asia)
- 강점기 … 궁수자리 (12 senses)
- 근대 … 대일본제국 (14 senses)
- 대한 … 모우좌 (15 senses)
- 문혁 … 봉건제도 (17 senses)
- 북송 … 사수자리 (13 senses)
- 사자궁 … 생초 (10 senses)
- 샴 … 시민군 (14 senses)
- 신군부 … 아르테미스 (15 senses)
- 아테나 … 오디세이아 (14 senses)
- 왜국 … 일본사 (15 senses)
- 일제 … 조국해방전쟁 (14 senses)
- 중세 … 천칭자리 (13 senses)
- 천칭좌 … 포세이돈 (15 senses)
- 하나회 … 후한서 (18 senses)
- אַדאָניס (Proper name) [Yiddish] Adonis
- אַטלאַס (Proper name) [Yiddish] Atlas
- אַפּאָלאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Apollo
- אַפֿראָדיטע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Aphrodite
- אבן החכמים (Noun) [Hebrew] philosopher's stone
- אוראַנוס (Proper name) [Yiddish] Uranus
- אורנוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Uranus; Uranus
- אורפיאוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Orpheus
- אמברוסיה (Noun) [Hebrew] ambrosia (the food of the gods, thought to confer immortality)
- אמרא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Aries
- ארוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Eros (the god of love and sexual desire; son of either Erebus and Nyx or Aphrodite and Ares)
- אריא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Leo
- אריה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Leo (a constellation of the zodiac, shaped approximately like a lion and containing the stars Regulus and Denebola)
- אריה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Leo (the zodiac sign for the Lion, ruled by the Sun and covering July 23 - August 22 (tropical astrology) or August 16 - September 15 (sidereal astrology))
- ארס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Ares
- בבֿל (Proper name) [Yiddish] Babylon, Babel
- בתולא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Virgo
- בתולה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Virgo (: A constellation in the zodiac, imagined in the shape of a maiden, that contains the bright binary star Spica)
- בתולה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Virgo (: The zodiac sign for the virgin, ruled by Mercury, that covers August 23 – September 23 (tropical astrology) or September 16 – October 15 (sidereal astrology))
- גדי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Capricorn (: Capricornus)
- גדי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Capricorn (: The zodiac sign for the goat, ruled by Saturn and covering December 22 – January 20 (tropical astrology) or January 15 – February 14 (sidereal astrology))
- דגים (Proper name) [Hebrew] Pisces (The Fish, a Greco-Roman constellation of the zodiac named for its presumed resemblance to a pair of fish)
- דגים (Proper name) [Hebrew] Pisces (the zodiac sign for the fish, supposed to be ruled by Neptune and to influence events occurring between February 20 and March 20 (tropical) or, less often, between March 15 and April 14 (sidereal))
- דולא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Aquarius
- דלי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Aquarius (a constellation of the zodiac, supposedly shaped like a water carrier)
- דלי (Proper name) [Hebrew] Aquarius (the zodiac sign for the water carrier, ruled by Uranus covering January 20 – February 18 (tropical astrology) or February 15 – March 14 (sidereal astrology))
- היסטוריה (Noun) [Hebrew] history
- הערב (Noun) [Yiddish] coat of arms, badge, crest
- השואה (Proper name) [Hebrew] The Holocaust, Shoah
- זיקורת (Noun) [Hebrew] ziggurat
- זרתוסטרא (Proper name) [Hebrew] Zoroaster, Zarathustra
- חורבן (Proper name) [Yiddish] Abbreviation of חורבן אייראָפּע (Khurbn Eyrope): Holocaust
- חורבן (Proper name) [Yiddish] The sociolect of Yiddish spoken in camps during the Holocaust.
- חורבן אייראָפּע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Holocaust
- טלה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Aries (a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a ram); Aries (the zodiac sign for the ram, ruled by Mars and covering March 20 – April 20 (tropical astrology) or April 15 – May 15 (sidereal astrology))
- ימי הביניים (Proper name) [Hebrew] Middle Ages
- כּנען (Proper name) [Yiddish] Canaan (ancient region in the Levant)
- כראָניק (Noun) [Yiddish] chronicle
- מאזניים (Proper name) [Hebrew] Libra
- מאזניים (Proper name) [Hebrew] Libra
- מארס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Mars (the Roman god of war)
- מורפאוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Morpheus
- מזל (Noun) [Hebrew] planet: any of the seven major celestial bodies that move relative to the stars in the night sky; that is, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, or Mars
- מזל (Noun) [Hebrew] astrological sign (any of twelve signs, corresponding to constellations, that are used as the basis of astrology)
- מזל (Noun) [Yiddish] astrological sign
- מסאתא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Libra
- מערקור (Proper name) [Yiddish] Mercury (Roman god)
- נונא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Pisces
- נפטון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Neptune; Neptune
- סוס טרויאני (Proper name) [Hebrew] Trojan horse
- סרטן (Proper name) [Hebrew] Cancer (a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a crab)
- סרטן (Proper name) [Hebrew] Cancer (the zodiac sign for the crab, ruled by the Moon and covering June 22–July 22 (tropical astrology) or July 16–August 15 (sidereal astrology))
- סרטנא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Cancer
- עקרב (Proper name) [Hebrew] Scorpio (Scorpius)
- עקרב (Proper name) [Hebrew] Scorpio (the zodiac sign for the scorpion, ruled by Mars and covering October 23 - November 22 (tropical astrology) or November 16 - December 15 (sidereal astrology))
- עקרבא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Scorpio
- פּרעה (Proper name) [Yiddish] Pharaoh (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)
- פירמידה (Noun) [Hebrew] pyramid
- פרושי (Noun) [Hebrew] Pharisee
- פרעה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Pharaoh.
- קשת (Proper name) [Hebrew] Sagittarius (a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a centaur who is an archer)
- קשת (Proper name) [Hebrew] Sagittarius (the zodiac sign for the archer, ruled by Jupiter and covering November 23 - December 21 (tropical astrology) or December 16 - January 14 (sidereal astrology))
- ראַק (Noun) [Yiddish] Cancer
- שואה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Shoah (the systematic mass murder of six million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II)
- שור (Proper name) [Hebrew] Taurus (a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a bull and containing the star Aldebaran)
- שור (Proper name) [Hebrew] Taurus (the zodiac sign for the bull, ruled by Venus and covering April 21 - May 21 (tropical astrology) or May 16 - June 15 (sidereal astrology))
- תאומים (Proper name) [Hebrew] Gemini (a constellation of the zodiac traditionally taken to represent the pair of twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology)
- תאומים (Proper name) [Hebrew] Gemini (the zodiac sign for the twins, ruled by Mercury and covering May 22 – June 21 (tropical astrology) or June 16 – July 15 (sidereal astrology))
- תאמא (Noun) [Aramaic] Gemini
- תורא (Proper name) [Aramaic] Taurus
- תנוחה (Noun) [Hebrew] A posture, a position: the orientation and configuration of a person or animal in a heraldic sign.
- いて座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Sagittarius (constellation)
- うお座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Pisces (constellation)
- おうし座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Taurus (constellation)
- おとめ座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Virgo (constellation)
- おひつじ座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Aries (constellation)
- かに座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Cancer (constellation)
- さそり座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Scorpius (constellation)
- しし座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Leo (constellation)
- だいもん (Noun) [Japanese] ダイモン: alternate for ダイモーン (daimōn): (Greek mythology) a daimon; a tutelary spirit that guides a person; a genius
- てんびん座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Libra (constellation)
- ふたご座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Gemini (constellation)
- へびつかい座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Ophiuchus (constellation)
- やぎ座 (Proper name) [Japanese] Capricornus (constellation)
- ꦧꦸꦢ (Noun) [Javanese] pre-Islamic period.
- ಋಷಭ (Noun) [Kannada] the zodiac sign Taurus
- ಚುಕ್ಕೆ (Noun) [Kannada] venus
- ಮೇಷ (Noun) [Kannada] the zodiac Aries
- ರೇವತಿ (Proper name) [Kannada] the twenty-seventh and the final nakshatra
- ವೃಶ್ಚಿಕ (Noun) [Kannada] the zodiac Scorpio
- ಸಿಂಹ (Noun) [Kannada] Leo
- ಹರಿ (Noun) [Kannada] the zodiac Leo
- アイオロス … アナトリア (13 senses)
- アヌビス … アレクサンドロス大王 (20 senses)
- アレス … イシス (11 senses)
- イヒ … エレキテル (18 senses)
- エレボス … オーリーオーン (16 senses)
- カシャグ … ギルガメッシュ (15 senses)
- クヌム … サンダカン死の行進 (22 senses)
- シャム … セクメト (16 senses)
- セト … タレイア (11 senses)
- タレス … トラヤヌス (21 senses)
- トート … ネーデルラント (12 senses)
- ノーム … パンドーラーの箱 (15 senses)
- ヒドラ … プラトン (14 senses)
- プリニウス … ペトログラード (16 senses)
- ペリー … ムネーモシュネー (22 senses)
- ムーサ … ラムセス (12 senses)
- ラー … ヴィーナス (15 senses)
- កុរ (Noun) [Khmer] the Pig, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ខាល (Noun) [Khmer] the Tiger, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ច (Noun) [Khmer] the Dog, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ឆ្លូវ (Noun) [Khmer] the Ox, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ជូត (Noun) [Khmer] the Rat, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ថោះ (Noun) [Khmer] the Rabbit, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ពារ (Noun) [Khmer] day
- មមី (Noun) [Khmer] the Horse, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- មមែ (Noun) [Khmer] the Goat, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- ម្សាញ់ (Noun) [Khmer] the Snake, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- យុគកណ្ដាល (Proper name) [Khmer] the Middle Ages
- យុគថ្ម (Proper name) [Khmer] Stone Age
- យុគថ្មបំបែក (Proper name) [Khmer] Stone Age
- រកា (Noun) [Khmer] the Rooster, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- រាសីចក្រ (Noun) [Khmer] zodiac, especially the Chinese 12-year lunar cycle.
- រោង (Noun) [Khmer] the Dragon, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- វក (Noun) [Khmer] the Monkey, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- សាធារណរដ្ឋប្រជាមានិតកម្ពុជា (Proper name) [Khmer] People's Republic of Kampuchea
- ກັນຍາ (Proper name) [Lao] (ລາສີ~) Virgo.
- ງົວ (Proper name) [Lao] (ລາສີ~) Taurus.
- ຕຸລາ (Proper name) [Lao] (ລາສີ~) Libra.
- ພະຈິກ (Proper name) [Lao] (ລາສີ~) Scorpio, Scorpius.
- ມັງກອນ (Proper name) [Lao] (ລາສີ~) Capricorn.
- ສິງ (Proper name) [Lao] (ລາສີ~) Leo.
- ສົງຄາມໂລກຄັ້ງທີສອງ (Proper name) [Lao] World War II
- ເມກ (Proper name) [Lao] (ລາສີ~) Aries.
- അനുഷം (Noun) [Malayalam] the seventeenth nakshatra
- അബ്ജം (Noun) [Malayalam] water sign
- ഓണം (Noun) [Malayalam] an astrology star in Malayalam language
- ഗ്രഹം (Noun) [Malayalam] celestial object that move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky
- ജ്യോത്സ്യൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] astrologer
- ദശ (Noun) [Malayalam] the position of stars
- നക്ഷത്രം (Noun) [Malayalam] horoscope star sign, nakshatra
- പഞ്ചാംഗം (Noun) [Malayalam] panchangam; Hindu calendar and almanac
- പൊരുത്തം (Noun) [Malayalam] matchingness; the 10 matching requirements needed for a good married life
- ബുധൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] a planet
- മകയിരം (Proper name) [Malayalam] head of Orion, the 5th constellation
- മേഷം (Noun) [Malayalam] the zodiac Aries
- വാവ് (Noun) [Malayalam] a religious function to honor deceased people, that occur on a new moon
- ကန် (Proper name) [Burmese] Virgo (the sixth sign of the Zodiac)
- ကရကဋ် (Noun) [Burmese] Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac
- ကိတ် (Noun) [Burmese] the twenty-eighth lunar asterism; though the lunar asterism, i.e. nakshatra (နက္ခတ် (nakhkat)) consists of twenty-seven lunar mansions, indeed.
- ကုန်းဘောင် (Proper name) [Burmese] Konbaung, the name of a Burmese kingdom and dynasty that ruled from 1752 to 1885
- ကုံ (Noun) [Burmese] Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac
- ကျား (Noun) [Burmese] tiger
- ကျီးတာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] Perseus (constellation)
- ကျောက်ခေတ် (Noun) [Burmese] Stone Age
- ကြက် (Noun) [Burmese] chicken, fowl
- ကြွက် (Noun) [Burmese] mouse, rat
- ချိန်တာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] constellation of stars from the hind legs of Ursa Major
- ခွေး (Noun) [Burmese] dog
- စန် (Noun) [Mon] moon
- စန်း (Noun) [Burmese] the moon (represented by the numeral two "ဋ္ဌ" on a horoscope)
- ဆင်တာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] Cygnus (constellation)
- ဆိတ် (Noun) [Burmese] goat (animal)
- ဆံကျင်တာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] Coma Berenices (constellation)
- ဉာဏ်သစ်အရေးတော်ပုံ (Proper name) [Burmese] Renaissance
- တူ (Proper name) [Burmese] Libra (zodiacal sign)
- တံငါတာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] Hercules (constellation)
- ဒန် (Noun) [Burmese] copper
- ဒုတိယကမ္ဘာစစ် (Proper name) [Burmese] World War II
- ဓနု (Noun) [Burmese] Sagittarius
- နက္ခတ် (Noun) [Burmese] asterism, lunar mansion
- နဂါး (Noun) [Burmese] naga
- နာ (Noun) [Burmese] lead (metal)
- နွား (Noun) [Burmese] cleat supporting the wall plate of a frame house
- ပထမကမ္ဘာစစ် (Proper name) [Burmese] World War I
- ပန်းခုနစ်မည် (Noun) [Burmese] seven kinds of flowers, each having an astrological significance for one of the seven days of the week.
- ပုစွန်တာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] constellation comprising stars from the head, and forelegs of the Great Bear (Ursa Major)
- ပူး (Verb) [Burmese] to be in conjunction
- ပြင်သစ်တော်လှန်ရေး (Proper name) [Burmese] French Revolution
- ပြိဿ (Noun) [Burmese] Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac
- ပြဿဒါး (Noun) [Burmese] inauspicious day; ill-fated day
- ဗေဒင် (Noun) [Burmese] astrology, fortune-telling
- ဗေဒင်ဆရာ (Noun) [Burmese] astrologer
- ဗျိုင်းတာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] Cassiopeia (constellation)
- ဗြိစ္ဆာ (Noun) [Burmese] Scorpio (the eighth sign of the zodiac)
- ဘိန်းစစ်ပွဲ (Proper name) [Burmese] Opium War
- မကရ (Noun) [Burmese] Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac
- မဟာဘုတ် (Noun) [Burmese] one of the basic methods of casting a horoscope
- မိန် (Noun) [Burmese] Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac
- မိဿ (Noun) [Burmese] Aries, the first sign of the zodiac
- မြင်း (Noun) [Burmese] knight (both in Western chess and in Burmese chess, also known as sittuyin)
- မြင်းတာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] Cepheus (constellation)
- မြွေ (Noun) [Burmese] snake
- ယုန် (Noun) [Burmese] rabbit, hare
- ရက်ရာဇာ (Noun) [Burmese] auspicious day
- ရာသီရုပ် (Noun) [Burmese] zodiac sign
- ရႃႇဝၢင်ႇ (Noun) [Shan] history
- လွန်း (Noun) [Burmese] term for a particular celestial abode
- လွှတ်ရုံးငါးရပ် (Noun) [Burmese] the five governing bodies that formed the basis of pre-colonial administration in Burmese kingdoms
- ဝက် (Noun) [Burmese] pig
- သိဟ် (Noun) [Burmese] Leo
- သိုက် (Proper name) [Mon] Shukra
- သံခေတ် (Noun) [Burmese] Iron Age
- ဟင်္သာတာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] Auriga (constellation)
- အတွင်းတာရာ (Noun) [Burmese] nine constellations within the apparent orbit of the 27 lunar mansions
- အဒိုတ် (Noun) [Mon] Surya
- အလယ်ခေတ် (Proper name) [Burmese] the Middle Ages
- အၚာ (Noun) [Mon] Mangala
- ᱱᱟᱜᱟᱢ (Noun) [Santali] history
- 𐎠𐎴𐏃𐎡𐎫 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Anahita
- 𐎠𐎼𐎫 (Noun) [Old Persian] truth
- 𐎭𐎡𐎺 (Noun) [Old Persian] foreign god, false god
- 𐎲𐎥 (Noun) [Old Persian] Alternative form of 𐏎 (baga)
- 𐎶𐎦𐎢𐏁 (Proper name) [Old Persian] The meaning of this term is uncertain. (magūš) It is a hapax legomenon known only from the Behistun inscription where it is used as a title (?) of persons. Sometimes said to be the term for a Zoroastrian priest, or for a magician, or for a sub-tribe of the Medes; these interpretations are formed by Greek Μάγος and μάγος.
- 𐎶𐎦𐏁 (Noun) [Old Persian] Mazdean priest
- 𐎷𐎰𐎼 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Mithra, a Zoroastrian deity
- 𐎺𐏁𐎴𐎠 (Adverb) [Old Persian] by the grace of, by the greatness of, by the will of
- 𐏈 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Ahura Mazda
- 𐏉 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Ahura Mazda
- 𐏊 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Ahura Mazda
- 𐏎 (Noun) [Old Persian] god
- କୁମ୍ଭ (Noun) [Odia] the zodiac Aquarius
- ପବନ (Noun) [Odia] Aeolus
- ପ୍ରାପ୍ତି (Proper name) [Odia] the 11th house computed from the house occupied by the Moon in one's horoscope
- ବୃଦ୍ଧି (Noun) [Odia] one of the planetary conjunctions
- ମେଷ (Noun) [Odia] the zodiac Aries
- ରାଶି (Noun) [Odia] a zodiac sign
- ସାଧିବା (Verb) [Odia] to determine the result by calculation
- 𐤀𐤎 (Noun) [Phoenician] Isis
- ꠌꠣꠘ꠆ꠖ (Proper name) [Sylheti] Moon
- ꠌꠦꠙ꠆ꠐꠣ ꠙꠤꠕꠤꠛꠤ (Adjective) [Sylheti] flat-earth
- ꠡꠥꠇ꠆ꠇꠥꠞ (Proper name) [Sylheti] Venus (planet)
- ꠡꠥꠞꠥꠎ (Proper name) [Sylheti] sun
- ஆடவை (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Gemini
- ஆயிழை (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Virgo
- இடபம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Taurus
- இரட்டை (Noun) [Tamil] Gemini
- இரட்டையர் (Noun) [Tamil] the zodiac Gemini
- இறால் (Noun) [Tamil] Taurus, bull
- உதள் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Aries
- உவா (Noun) [Tamil] sea
- ஏற்றியல் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Taurus
- கடகம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Cancer
- கதிரவன் (Proper name) [Tamil] the Sun
- கன்னி (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Virgo
- காண்டீவம் (Noun) [Tamil] Sagittarius, a constellation of the zodiac
- கார்த்திகை (Noun) [Tamil] The 3rd nakṣatra
- குடங்கர் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Aquarius
- கும்பம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Aquarius
- குருவி (Noun) [Tamil] the 19th nakshatra (lunar asterism)
- கொடுமரம் (Noun) [Tamil] Sagittarius
- கொடும்புலி (Noun) [Tamil] Leo
- கொண்டல் (Noun) [Tamil] the zodiac sign Ares.
- கொறி (Noun) [Tamil] the zodiac Aries
- சந்திரன் (Noun) [Tamil] moon
- சிம்மம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Leo
- சுறவம் (Proper name) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Capricorn
- செம்மீன் (Noun) [Tamil] the 6th nakshatra Ardra (Betelgeuse)
- செய்யோன் (Proper name) [Tamil] the god of Tuesday.
- ஜாதகம் (Noun) [Tamil] horoscope
- ஞாயிறு (Noun) [Tamil] the Sun
- தனுசு (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Sagittarius
- தராசு (Noun) [Tamil] Libra
- தானம் (Noun) [Tamil] a house in a horoscope
- துலாம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Libra
- தூக்கு (Noun) [Tamil] Libra
- தூமகேது (Noun) [Tamil] comet, tailed star
- தேர் (Noun) [Tamil] Rohini, the 4th nakshatra
- நண்டு (Noun) [Tamil] Cancer
- நள்ளி (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Cancer
- நிறுப்பான் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Libra
- நுகம் (Noun) [Tamil] the 15th nakshatra
- நுகம் (Noun) [Tamil] the 10th nakshatra
- பஃறி (Noun) [Tamil] Revati; the 27th lunar asterism (nakṣatra)
- பதுமம் (Noun) [Tamil] the 15th nakshatra
- பறப்பன் (Noun) [Tamil] the constellation Scorpio
- புலி (Noun) [Tamil] Leo
- மகரம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Capricorn
- மடங்கல் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Leo
- மயிலை (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Pisces
- மா (Noun) [Tamil] Leo
- மான் (Noun) [Tamil] the zodiac Capricorn
- மிதுனம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Gemini
- மிருகசீருடம் (Noun) [Tamil] The 5th nakṣatra
- மீனம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Pisces
- மேஷம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Aries
- யோகம் (Noun) [Tamil] lucky conjunction (as of planets)
- யோகம் (Noun) [Tamil] auspicious or inauspicious conjunction of week days with lunar asterisms
- ரிஷபம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Taurus
- ரேவதி (Proper name) [Tamil] the twenty-seventh and the final nakshatra (part of Pisces)
- ரோகிணி (Noun) [Tamil] The 4th nakshatra
- வால்வெள்ளி (Noun) [Tamil] comet; tailed-star
- விடிவெள்ளி (Noun) [Tamil] morningstar; the planet Venus
- விருச்சிகம் (Noun) [Tamil] the Zodiac sign Scorpio
- வேதி (Noun) [Tamil] transmuting (metals)
- అపోలో (Proper name) [Telugu] Apollo
- కన్య (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Virgo
- కన్యారాశి (Noun) [Telugu] Virgo, a constellation in the zodiac, supposedly shaped like a maiden
- కన్యారాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the virgin
- కర్కాటకము (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign of Cancer
- కర్కాటకరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the crab
- కుంభము (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Aquarius
- కుంభరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the water carrier
- క్రీస్తు పూర్వము (Noun) [Telugu] before Christ
- క్రీస్తు శకము (Noun) [Telugu] Christian Era
- గ్రహగతి (Noun) [Telugu] the movement of the planets (chiefly in horoscopy)
- తుల (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Libra
- తులారాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign of Libra
- ధనుస్సు (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius
- ధనూరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Sagittarius
- పాదుషా (Noun) [Telugu] Padishah, an emperor
- భరణి (Proper name) [Telugu] the second lunar mansion consisting of three stars in a triangle
- మకరము (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Capricorn
- మకరరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Capricorn
- మిథునము (Proper name) [Telugu] the constellation of Gemini
- మిథునరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the twins
- మీనము (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Pisces
- మీనరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the fish
- మేషము (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Aries
- మేషరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the ram, ruled by Mars
- మొదటి ప్రపంచ యుద్ధము (Proper name) [Telugu] first world war or World War I
- రసవాదము (Noun) [Telugu] alchemy
- రసవాది (Noun) [Telugu] an alchemist
- రసాయనుడు (Noun) [Telugu] alchemist
- రాజయోగము (Noun) [Telugu] a particular combination of planets or stars in a horoscope which predicts kingship or high authority
- రాశి (Noun) [Telugu] a constellation or sign of the Zodiac
- రెండవ ప్రపంచ యుద్ధము (Proper name) [Telugu] second world war or World War II
- విక్టోరియా (Proper name) [Telugu] Victoria (the Roman goddess of victory)
- వృశ్చికము (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign Scorpio
- వృశ్చికరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the scorpion
- వృషభము (Proper name) [Telugu] the zodiac sign Taurus supposedly shaped like bull
- వృషభరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign for the bull
- సంక్రమణము (Noun) [Telugu] the passage of the Sun or planetary body from one sign of the zodiac into another
- సింహము (Proper name) [Telugu] the Zodiac sign of Leo
- సింహరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] Leo, a constellation of the zodiac, shaped approximately like a lion
- సింహరాశి (Noun) [Telugu] the zodiac sign for the Lion
- హైడ్రా (Proper name) [Telugu] a mythological serpent with seven heads, slain by Hercules - Hydra
- ނަކަތް (Noun) [Dhivehi] lunar mansion
- ކަރުކަށަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Cancer
- ކާންޏަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Virgo
- ކުންބަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Aquarius
- އިސަބަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Taurus
- ވިރުސިކަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Scorpio
- މަކަރަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Capricorn
- މިތުނަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Gemini
- މީންޏަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] pisces
- މޭސަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] aries
- ދަނަ (Proper name) [Dhivehi] Sagittarius
- ތާރީޚު (Noun) [Dhivehi] history
- ތުލަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] Libra
- ގިނިކަނދު (Noun) [Dhivehi] meteorite
- ސިންހަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] Leo
- กรกฎ (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Cancer.
- กันย์ (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Virgo.
- กุน (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Pig, the twelfth year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- กุน (Proper name) [Thai] Pig, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- กุนศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Pig, the twelfth year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- กุมภ์ (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Aquarius.
- ขาล (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Tiger, the third year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- ขาล (Proper name) [Thai] Tiger, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ขาลศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Tiger, the third year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- จอ (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Dog, the eleventh year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- จอ (Proper name) [Thai] Dog, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ฉลู (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Ox, the second year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- ฉลู (Proper name) [Thai] Ox, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ฉลูศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Ox, the second year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- ชง (Verb) [Thai] to be adversary, hostile, or opponent; to be in conflict (with).
- ชง (Adjective) [Thai] inauspicious; unfavourable; unfortunate.
- ชวด (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Rat, the first year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- ชวด (Proper name) [Thai] Rat, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ชวดศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Rat, the first year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- ซีรีส (Proper name) [Thai] (เทพี~): Ceres: Roman goddess of agriculture; equivalent to the Greek goddess Demeter.
- ดีมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Ares, god of terror.
- ดีมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Mars, god of terror.
- ดูดวง (Verb) [Thai] to foretell; to augur
- ตุล (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Libra.
- ตุลย์ (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Misspelling of ตุล (dtun, “Virgo”)..
- ธนู (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Sagittarius.
- นพเคราะห์ (Noun) [Thai] (ดาว~) nine astrological bodies.
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; อัศวินี (àt-sà-wí-nii)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; ภรณี (pá-rá-nii)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; กฤติกา (grì-dtì-gaa)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; โรหิณี (roo-hì-nii)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; มฤคศิระ (má-rʉ́k-ká-sì-rá)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; อารทรา (aa-rá-traa)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; ปุนัพสุ (bpù-náp-pá-sǔu)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; บุษยะ (bùt-sà-yá)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; อาศเลษา (aa-sà-lee-sǎa)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; มฆะ (má-ká)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; บุรพผลคุนี (bpù-rá-pá pǒn-lá-kú-nii)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; อุตรผลคุนี (ùt-dtà-rá pǒn-lá-kú-nii)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; หัสต (hàt-sà-dtà)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; จิตระ (jìt-dtrà)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; สวาดิ (sà-wàat)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; วิศาขา (wí-sǎa-kǎa)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; อนุราธ (à-nú-râat)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; เชษฐะ (chêet-tà)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; มูล (muun)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; ปุรพษาฒ (bpù-rá-pá-sàat)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; อุตราษาฒ (ùt-dtà-raa-sàat)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; ศรวณะ (sà-rá-wá-ná)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; ธนิษฐะ (tá-nít-tà)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; ศตภิษัช (sà-dtà-pí-sàt)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; บุรพภัทรบท (bù-rá-pá-pát-trá-bòt)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; อุตรภัทรบท (ùt-dtà-rá-pát-trá-bòt)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] lunar mansion, consisting of the following 27 constellations:; เรวดี (ree-wá-dii)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; ชวด (chûuat)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; ฉลู (chà-lǔu)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; ขาล (kǎan)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; เถาะ (tɔ̀)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; มะโรง (má-roong)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; มะเส็ง (má-sěng)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; มะเมีย (má-miia)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; มะแม (má-mɛɛ)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; วอก (wɔ̂ɔk)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; ระกา (rá-gaa)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; จอ (jɔɔ)
- นักษัตร (Noun) [Thai] cycle of 12 years under the lunar calendar, consisting of:; กุน (gun)
- ปฐมฤกษ์ (Noun) [Thai] the first part of an auspicious or opportune period of time according to traditional belief.
- ประคองข้าง (Noun) [Thai] supporter.
- พฤษภ (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Taurus.
- พลูโต (Proper name) [Thai] (เทพ~) Pluto.
- พิจิก (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Scorpio.
- พูนสวัสดิ์ (Noun) [Thai] a period of time not accompanied by any zero when calculated according to the science of อุบากอง (ù-baa-gɔɔng), traditionally believed to be the period of uselessness as any action or effort undertaken during such a period is said to give no result, either good or bad, or is destined for naught.
- พู่ประดับ (Noun) [Thai] mantling.
- มกร (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Capricorn.
- มน (Verb) [Thai] to be fixed; to be stationary.
- มะเมีย (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Horse, the seventh year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- มะเมีย (Proper name) [Thai] Horse, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- มะเมียศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Horse, the seventh year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- มะเส็ง (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~) year of the Snake, the sixth year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- มะเส็ง (Proper name) [Thai] the Snake, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- มะแม (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~) year of the Goat, the eighth year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- มะแม (Proper name) [Thai] the Goat, one of the twelve lunar zodiac signs.
- มะแมศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Goat, the eighth year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- มะโรง (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Dragon, the fifth year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- มะโรง (Proper name) [Thai] Dragon, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- มะโรงศก (Noun) [Thai] year of the Dragon, the fifth year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- มังกร (Noun) [Thai] makara.
- มังกร (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Alternative form of มกร (má-gɔɔn)
- มัชฌิมยุค (Proper name) [Thai] the Middle Ages.
- มีน (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Pisces.
- ยุคกลาง (Noun) [Thai] the Middle Ages.
- ยุคหิน (Proper name) [Thai] Stone Age
- รสายนเวท (Noun) [Thai] alchemy.
- ระกา (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Rooster, the tenth year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- ระกา (Proper name) [Thai] Rooster, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ระกาศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Rooster, the tenth year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- ราศี (Noun) [Thai] any of the twelve divisions of the ecliptic under the solar system of astrology, each divided into 30 degrees and represented by a constellation.
- ราศี (Noun) [Thai] any of the twelve solar zodiac signs, named after the said twelve constellations.
- ราหู (Noun) [Thai] (ดาว~, ดาวพระ~, พระ~) Rāhu: the seventh of the nine influential stars navagraha.
- ฤกษ์ (Noun) [Thai] (พระ~) time or point of time believed to bring good or bad outcomes, as determined by an astrologer.
- ฤกษ์ (Noun) [Thai] planet; star.
- วอก (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Monkey, the ninth year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- วอก (Proper name) [Thai] Monkey, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- ศุกร์ (Noun) [Thai] (พระ~) Venus: god of love.
- สมัยกลาง (Proper name) [Thai] the Middle Ages.
- สัน (Noun) [Thai] Year of the Monkey, the ninth year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- สิงห์ (Proper name) [Thai] (ราศี~) Leo.
- หมวกเกราะ (Noun) [Thai] helmet.
- อธิบดี (Noun) [Thai] auspiciousness; opportuneness; propitiousness.
- อายุวัฒนะ (Noun) [Thai] elixir of life.
- อุน (Noun) [Thai] day on which auspicious activities ought not to be held.
- เกตุ (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Ketu: the last of the nine influential stars navagraha.
- เครื่องยอด (Noun) [Thai] crest.
- เถาะ (Noun) [Thai] (ปี~, ~ศก) Year of the Rabbit, the fourth year in the cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- เถาะ (Proper name) [Thai] Rabbit, one of the twelve zodiac signs under the lunar calendar.
- เถาะศก (Noun) [Thai] a year of the Rabbit, the fourth year under the twelve-year lunar cycle.
- เมถุน (Proper name) [Thai] (astrology, astronomy) Gemini.
- เมษ (Proper name) [Thai] (ราศี~) Aries.
- เศรษฐี (Noun) [Thai] a name of the fixed star Dhaniṣṭhā, corresponding to Alpha Delphini to Delta Delphini.
- เสาร์ (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Saturn: god of agriculture.
- เสาร์ (Proper name) [Thai] (ดาว~, ดาวพระ~, พระ~) Śani: the fifth of the nine influential stars navagraha.
- แพรประดับ (Noun) [Thai] torse.
- แฟรงก์ (Noun) [Thai] Frank
- แมงป่อง (Noun) [Thai] year of the scorpion, sign of the scorpion
- โฟบอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Phobos: A son of Ares.
- โฟบอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Phobos: A son of Mars. Also the Greek god of personification of the fear brought by war.
- ไซ (Proper name) [Thai] (ดาว~) Synonym of ธนิษฐา
- ไซเรน (Noun) [Thai] siren.
- ไดมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Ares, god of terror.
- ไดมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Mars, god of terror.
- ไส้ (Noun) [Thai] Year of the Snake: the sixth year in a cycle of twelve years under the lunar calendar.
- ཁྱི (Noun) [Tibetan] dog
- གླང (Noun) [Tibetan] ox
- པ་ལུའུ་ཅུན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Eighth Route Army
- ཕག (Noun) [Tibetan] pig
- བྱ (Suffix) [Tibetan] placed after certain verbs to produce nouns
- བྱི་བ (Noun) [Tibetan] mouse
- འབྲུག (Noun) [Tibetan] dragon
- འབྲུག (Noun) [Tibetan] thunder
- ཡོས (Noun) [Tibetan] rabbit, hare
- སེང་གེ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Leo
- སེངྒེ (Proper name) [Tibetan] Leo
- སྟག (Noun) [Tibetan] tiger
- སྤྲེལ (Noun) [Tibetan] monkey
- སྦྲུལ (Noun) [Tibetan] snake
- % … 9/11 (18 senses)
- ° … ܕܪܡܣܘܩ (27 senses)
- ܗܠܣ … ܡܬܫܥܝܢܐ (20 senses)
- ܢܒܘ … ܩܪܘܢܘܣ (24 senses)
- ܩܫܬܐ … कन्या (26 senses)
- करण … चालुक्य (18 senses)
- चोल … बिच्छू (30 senses)
- बैल … मृत्यु (16 senses)
- मेख … सातवाहन (23 senses)
- सिंह … ᡥᡡᠸᠠᠯᡳᠶᠠᠰᡠᠨ ᡨᠣᠪ (27 senses)
- ᡩᠠᡳ᠌ᠴᡳᠩ … ☉⃞ (21 senses)
- ☊ … ♃⃞ (21 senses)
- ♄ … ⚩ (23 senses)
- ⚭ … ⯗ (23 senses)
- ⯘ … ⯷ (23 senses)
- ⯸ … 𐦠𐦨𐦩𐦧 (25 senses)
- 𐦠𐦫 … 𐾀𐽰𐽲𐽶𐽲𐽳 (30 senses)
- 𗀋 … 🌞 (14 senses)
- 🜁 … 🜕 (23 senses)
- 🜖 … 🜫 (23 senses)
- 🜬 … 🝂 (23 senses)
- 🝃 … 🝙 (23 senses)
- 🝚 … 🞢 (30 senses)
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If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.