All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "History of Asia"
Parent categories: Asia, History, Earth, Eurasia, Nature
Subcategories: Ancient Asia, Byzantine Empire, History of Bangladesh, History of China, History of Egypt, History of Greece, History of India, History of Iran, History of Israel, History of Japan, History of Jordan, History of Korea, History of Taiwan, History of Turkey, History of Vietnam, History of Yemen, History of the Philippines, Ottoman Empire
Total 9451 word senses
- A-ri-xtốt … Aegisthus (53 senses)
- Aegle … Alkmene (94 senses)
- Almo … Ancient Rome (56 senses)
- Ancyra … Apeliotes (60 senses)
- Apep … Arystoteles (91 senses)
- Arès … Atum (76 senses)
- Até … Bastet (57 senses)
- Bau … Bách niên quốc sỉ (66 senses)
- Bé … Caribdis (65 senses)
- Carie … Chthonia (74 senses)
- Chu … Creusa (53 senses)
- Crio … Demócrito (81 senses)
- Deo … Démétér (67 senses)
- Dớt … Enòuna (83 senses)
- Eol … Erymanthian Boar (43 senses)
- Eryx … Ewropa (71 senses)
- Eón … Gaugamela (78 senses)
- Gea … Hamurábi (59 senses)
- Han … Hermész (84 senses)
- Hero … Hádes (74 senses)
- Hán … Iaszón (58 senses)
- Iau … Jijer (77 senses)
- Jin … Kiang-Sou (65 senses)
- Kim … Learco (69 senses)
- Leda … Mahajanapada (66 senses)
- Maia … Memphis (73 senses)
- Mena … Mimas (54 senses)
- Min … Māhiš (68 senses)
- Nam … Niso (94 senses)
- Nix … Opium War (61 senses)
- Ops … Pallas (58 senses)
- Pan … Pegasus (64 senses)
- Pegaz … Phlégéthon (76 senses)
- Phobos … Plüton (65 senses)
- Pnyx … Príamo (94 senses)
- Príap … Quíron (52 senses)
- Ra … Rzymianin (57 senses)
- Rá … Shemu (72 senses)
- Shu … Suméria (71 senses)
- Susa … Tethys (76 senses)
- Teti … Tonking (78 senses)
- Tot … Tần triều (61 senses)
- Tề … Vertumnus (57 senses)
- Vesta … Yelang (74 senses)
- Yin … akcze (87 senses)
- akh … aquae (70 senses)
- ara … aónio (64 senses)
- ba … byzantinologue (54 senses)
- bḥdt … cireneu (73 senses)
- cist … cyklop (61 senses)
- césar … dromon (71 senses)
- druj … erisäpple (81 senses)
- erma … fire temple (55 senses)
- fisc … gynaeconitis (69 senses)
- génio … humerał (69 senses)
- hwm … konzul (82 senses)
- kori … lotus-eater (85 senses)
- luco … mesopotami (57 senses)
- meta … nexus (61 senses)
- nguỵ … nwklwc (70 senses)
- nymf … paganalie (62 senses)
- pago … phönizisch (75 senses)
- pie … publicà (92 senses)
- pugio … relegate (53 senses)
- ren … sibylla (66 senses)
- sica … sycee (55 senses)
- sykl … tlacamazatl (70 senses)
- toga … uraeus (74 senses)
- urbs … Áyax (86 senses)
- Ân … ꜣḫ-bjt (84 senses)
- آبيس … آس (8 senses)
- آش … أورانيا (11 senses)
- ارد … اهریمن (9 senses)
- اهورا … بلاد الخطا (11 senses)
- بلوتو … خویدوده (10 senses)
- دخمه … رشن (9 senses)
- رع … سفسطائي (10 senses)
- سلوقي … قنطور (10 senses)
- كبر … مهرگان (11 senses)
- موبد … پارسی مذہب (12 senses)
- پری … یشتن (10 senses)
- Ագամեմնոն … Ասորեստան (14 senses)
- Աստղիկ … Բաբելոն (13 senses)
- Բաքոս … Դալմաթիա (14 senses)
- Դելփիք … Զրադաշտ (13 senses)
- Զևս … Թրակիա (8 senses)
- Իլիոն … Հալիկառնաս (17 senses)
- Հեբե … Հեսպերյան (14 senses)
- Հերա … Հորացիոս (12 senses)
- Հռոմ … Միջագետք (10 senses)
- Յասոն … Պոսեյդոն (13 senses)
- Պռիամոս … Վերգիլիոս (13 senses)
- Տավրիս … Քաղկեդոն (12 senses)
- Քանան … գորդյան հանգույց (14 senses)
- դեն … փյունիկեցի (22 senses)
- অশোক (Proper name) [Bengali] Ashoka (an emperor of the Mauryan Empire)
- অ্যাপোলো (Proper name) [Bengali] Apollo
- আওরঙ্গজেব (Proper name) [Bengali] Aurangzeb (17th-century Mughal emperor)
- আফ্রোদিতি (Proper name) [Bengali] Aphrodite
- আলমগীর (Proper name) [Bengali] a male given name from Persian
- আলমগীর (Proper name) [Bengali] Aurangzeb Alamgir (17th-century Mughal emperor)
- জাহাঙ্গীর (Proper name) [Bengali] a male given name from Persian
- জাহাঙ্গীর (Proper name) [Bengali] Jahangir, a 17th-century Mughal emperor
- নওরোজ (Noun) [Bengali] Nowruz (New Year in the Iranian / Zoroastrian calendar, celebrated on the spring equinox)
- প্লুটো (Proper name) [Bengali] Pluto (god of death)
- মুঘল (Noun) [Bengali] Moghul (member of the Muslim Turco-Mongol tribe based in South Asia)
- 𑀘𑀸𑀡𑀓𑁆𑀓 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Chanakya
- 一二·九運動 … 丞相 (18 senses)
- 中史 … 令制国 (30 senses)
- 令和 … 兩河流域 (19 senses)
- 兩漢 … 剿總 (23 senses)
- 劉宋 … 同治 (33 senses)
- 吳 … 唐朝 (15 senses)
- 商 … 夏商周 (26 senses)
- 夏朝 … 大逃港 (22 senses)
- 天佑 … 孔科耳狄亞 (24 senses)
- 宋 … 平安時代 (24 senses)
- 年號 … 戊戌變法 (25 senses)
- 成化 … 斯忒諾 (29 senses)
- 新 … 晉 (18 senses)
- 晉代 … 柯里敘利亞 (28 senses)
- 梁 … 永嘉之亂 (21 senses)
- 永安 … 涅墨西斯 (23 senses)
- 清 … 珀爾修斯 (27 senses)
- 瑞亞 … 租界 (24 senses)
- 秦 … 義和拳 (27 senses)
- 老中 … 蘇格拉底 (26 senses)
- 蜀 … 豐饒之角 (17 senses)
- 赫拉 … 酒神 (23 senses)
- 金代 … 陰陽頭 (25 senses)
- 陳 … 龍鳳 (33 senses)
- ϣⲁϣⲙⲓ … ϩⲁⲡⲉ (9 senses)
- ϩⲁⲡⲓ … Ⲁⲑⲩⲛⲁ (13 senses)
- ⲁⲃⲟⲧ … ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲕⲓ (12 senses)
- ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲡ … ⲁⲫⲣⲟⲇⲓⲧⲏ (16 senses)
- ⲁⲫⲱⲫ … ⲅⲉⲃ (7 senses)
- ⲅⲏ … ⲍⲉⲩⲥ (17 senses)
- ⲏⲣⲁ … ⲑⲟⲩⲏⲣⲓ (9 senses)
- ⲑⲱⲑ … ⲕⲉⲣⲃⲟⲩ (10 senses)
- ⲕⲟⲓⲁⲕ … ⲛⲉⲃⲑⲱ (13 senses)
- ⲛⲏⲑ … ⲡⲁⲁⲡⲓ (13 senses)
- ⲡⲁⲛ … ⲡⲉⲧⲃⲉ (12 senses)
- ⲡⲑⲁϩ … ⲥⲉⲣⲁⲡⲓⲥ (14 senses)
- ⲥⲏⲧ … ⲧⲩⲣⲟⲥ (12 senses)
- ⲧⲩⲭⲏ … ⲭⲣⲩⲥⲁⲱⲣ (9 senses)
- 𒀭𒀀𒆷𒆷 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Alala (Primordial god)
- 𒀭𒀀𒇉 (Proper name) [Sumerian] River, river god (a river personified or deified)
- 𒀭𒀫𒌓 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Marduk (patron deity of Babylon)
- 𒀭𒁀𒌑 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Bau (healing and fertility goddess, daughter of Anu, wife of Ning̃irsuk)
- 𒀭𒁁𒇷𒇷 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Belili (primordial god)
- 𒀭𒂗𒆤 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Enlil (the king of the gods of the Sumerian pantheon)
- 𒀭𒅎 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Ishkur (the Sumerian god of storm)
- 𒀭𒆘 (Proper name) [Sumerian] an alad spirit (a male tutelary deity, corresponding to the Akkadian šēdum)
- 𒀭𒈹 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Inanna
- 𒀭𒊺𒉀 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Nisaba (Also Nidaba. Sumerian goddess of grain, knowledge, and scribal arts, patron deity of the city of Ereš)
- 𒀭𒋀𒆠 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Nanna, the moon god, patron of Ur (corresponding to Akkadian Sin)
- 𒀭𒌓 (Proper name) [Sumerian] the sun god Utu (city-god of Larsa)
- 𒀭𒎏𒄈𒋢 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Ningirsu (chief male god of the Lagaš state)
- 𒀭𒎏𒅁 (Proper name) [Sumerian] Ninurta (Sumerian farmer and warrior god)
- 𒌓𒍣 (Proper name) [Akkadian] Cuneiform spelling of Utnapištim
- Європа … Аполон (16 senses)
- Арго … Афродіта (14 senses)
- Афіна … Геката (21 senses)
- Гера … Диана (13 senses)
- Диона … Зартушт (21 senses)
- Зевс … Луперка (15 senses)
- Марс … Нептун (16 senses)
- Ника … Персефона (16 senses)
- Платон … Стикс (17 senses)
- Сун … Харон (17 senses)
- Хера … Эфир (19 senses)
- Эхо … аўгіевы стайні (18 senses)
- аўгіеў … грация (15 senses)
- гриф … кентаур (17 senses)
- кесар … османський (21 senses)
- пенаты … тисућник (13 senses)
- тога … Ꙁеѵсъ (24 senses)
- ათენა (Proper name) [Georgian] Athena
- აპოლონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Apollo
- არესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Ares
- არტემიდა (Proper name) [Georgian] Artemis
- არტემიდე (Proper name) [Georgian] Alternative form of არტემიდა (arṭemida)
- არტემისი (Proper name) [Georgian] Alternative form of არტემიდა (arṭemida)
- აფროდიტე (Proper name) [Georgian] Aphrodite
- აქილევსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Achilles
- დემეტრა (Proper name) [Georgian] Demeter
- დიანა (Proper name) [Georgian] Diana
- დიონისე (Proper name) [Georgian] Dionysus
- ვენერა (Proper name) [Georgian] Venus (goddess)
- ზევსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Zeus
- იასონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Jason
- იუპიტერი (Proper name) [Georgian] Jove, Jupiter (god)
- კუპიდონი (Proper name) [Georgian] cupid
- მარსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Mars (god)
- მერკური (Proper name) [Georgian] Mercury (god)
- მეტროპოლია (Noun) [Georgian] metropolis
- მოგჳ (Noun) [Old Georgian] Zoroastrian
- ნეპტუნი (Proper name) [Georgian] Neptune (god)
- ოქროს საწმისი (Noun) [Georgian] Golden Fleece
- პერსეფონე (Proper name) [Georgian] Persephone
- პოსეიდონი (Proper name) [Georgian] Poseidon
- პრომეთე (Proper name) [Georgian] Prometheus
- რა (Proper name) [Georgian] Ra (Ancient Egyptian Deity)
- სატურნი (Proper name) [Georgian] Saturn (god)
- ურანი (Proper name) [Georgian] Uranus (god)
- ფარაონი (Noun) [Georgian] pharaoh
- ჰადესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Hades
- ჰერა (Proper name) [Georgian] Hera
- ჰერაკლე (Proper name) [Georgian] Heracles, Hercules
- ჰერმესი (Proper name) [Georgian] Hermes
- ჰესტია (Proper name) [Georgian] Hestia
- ჰეფესტო (Proper name) [Georgian] Alternative form of ჰეფესტოსი (hepesṭosi)
- ჰეფესტოსი (Proper name) [Georgian] Hephaestus
- 𐌹𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌴𐌹𐌺𐍉 (Proper name) [Gothic] Jericho
- 𐌹𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌿𐍃𐌰𐌻𐌴𐌼 (Proper name) [Gothic] Jerusalem
- 𐍆𐌰𐍂𐌰𐍉 (Proper name) [Gothic] Pharaoh
- Άδης … Αθηνά (18 senses)
- Αιγέας … Αχιλλέας (27 senses)
- Αἰαία … Βουκόλος (21 senses)
- Βουτώ … Δεισήνωρ (26 senses)
- Δεύς … Εὐρυσθεύς (21 senses)
- Εὐρώπα … Θρασύμηλος (29 senses)
- Θωΰθ … Κηφεύς (19 senses)
- Κλειώ … Λειώκριτος (20 senses)
- Λητώ … Μονομάχος (26 senses)
- Μορμώ … Νῖσος (23 senses)
- Νῦσα … Πάνθοος (18 senses)
- Πάρις … Πολυμήστωρ (24 senses)
- Πολυξώ … Σεμέλη (24 senses)
- Σθενώ … Τριπτόλεμος (29 senses)
- Τυβί … Φυλεΐδης (24 senses)
- Φόβος … Ωκεανός (16 senses)
- Ωρίων … εἰδοί (24 senses)
- θέμα … Ἀγαπήνωρ (27 senses)
- Ἀγαύη … Ἀμφιτρύων (19 senses)
- Ἀνάγκη … Ἀφροδίτη (20 senses)
- Ἁθύρ … Ἐνδυμίων (29 senses)
- Ἐνυώ … Ἠλέκτρα (18 senses)
- Ἠώς … Ἵππασος (25 senses)
- Ἶλος … Ῥώμη (34 senses)
- અગિયારી (Noun) [Gujarati] fire temple, agiary
- અર્દિબેહશ્ત (Proper name) [Gujarati] Ordibehesht, the second month of the solar Persian calendar.
- અલાઉદ્દીન (Proper name) [Gujarati] Alauddin Khilji
- અવસ્તા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Avesta
- અશોક (Proper name) [Gujarati] Ashoka (an emperor of the Mauryan Empire)
- અશોક (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Ashoka or Ashok
- આતશ બહેરામ (Noun) [Gujarati] Atash Behram
- આતશકદેહ (Noun) [Gujarati] fire temple
- ઉઠમણું (Noun) [Gujarati] A ritual prefromed three days after the deceased's death, marking the departure of the soul, as according to Zoroastrianism, the soul remains in the material world for three days after death.
- ઔરંગઝેબ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Aurangzeb, from Persian
- કબરસ્તાન (Noun) [Gujarati] tower of silence
- ખોરદાદ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Khordad, the third month of the solar Persian calendar.
- ગાથા (Noun) [Gujarati] Gatha
- ચિનવત (Noun) [Gujarati] the Chinvat Bridge, an extremely narrow bridge that Zoroastrians believe all souls will cross on Doomsday, with only the virtuous able to cross, similar to the Islamic concept સિરાત (sirāt).
- જરથુષ્ટ્ર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Zoroaster, Zarathustra
- જરથોસ્તી ધર્મ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Zoroastrianism
- જશન (Noun) [Gujarati] ceremony, festival, celebration
- તરો (Noun) [Gujarati] cow urine
- દરૂન (Noun) [Gujarati] a certain ritual by the Zoroastrians
- દસ્તૂર (Noun) [Gujarati] dastur
- દોખમું (Noun) [Gujarati] dakhma, tower of silence
- દોજખ (Noun) [Gujarati] hell, hellfire
- નવજોત (Noun) [Gujarati] navjote
- નવરોજ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Nowruz, New Year in the Iranian and Zoroastrian calendar, celebrated on the spring equinox.
- પારસી (Proper name) [Gujarati] Pahlavi (a writing system used to write several Iranian languages.)
- ફરવર્દીન (Proper name) [Gujarati] Farvardin, the first month of the solar Persian calendar.
- બહેરામ (Noun) [Gujarati] Behram
- બાબર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Babur (first Mughal emperor, 1483–1530)
- ભસમ (Noun) [Gujarati] the sacred ashes of Atash Behram
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Mehr, the seventh month of the solar Persian calendar.
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Name of the sixteenth day of any month of the solar Persian calendar.
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] the Sun
- મિહર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Mithra, a Zoroastrian deity.
- યઝત (Noun) [Gujarati] yazata, something worthy of veneration.
- વહિશ્ત (Noun) [Gujarati] heaven
- સરોશ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Sraosha, yazata of conscience
- હુમત (Noun) [Gujarati] good thoughts
- ਪਾਰਸੀ (Adjective) [Punjabi] Parsi (pertaining to Indian Zoroastrianism)
- ਮੰਮੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] mummy, momma
- ਹੜੱਪਾ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Indus Valley Civilization (an ancient civilization extant along the river Indus in South Asia)
- 강점기 (Noun) [Korean] Short for 강제점령기 (gangjejeomnyeonggi, “forced occupation period”).
- 건전가요 (Noun) [Korean] geonjeongayo; a genre of propaganda song during the Fourth Republic and Fifth Republic of Korea.
- 국민당 (Noun) [Korean] nationalist party
- 국보위 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 국가보위비상대책위원회 (Gukgabowibisangdaechaegwiwonhoe, “Special Committee for National Security Measures”), the military junta established by Chun Doo-hwan after the Coup d'état of December Twelfth
- 남로당 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 남조선로동당 (namjoseollodongdang, “Workers' Party of South Korea”).
- 노 (Proper name) [Korean] the Lu, an ancient vassal state of China
- 노나라 (Proper name) [Korean] the Lu, an ancient vassal state of China
- 녹화사업 (Proper name) [Korean] forcible conscription of university students to spy on their anti-government peer activists during the Fifth Republic of Korea
- 능지 (Noun) [Korean] slow slicing; lingchi
- 다이몬 (Noun) [Korean] daimon
- 당나라 (Proper name) [Korean] Tang dynasty (Chinese empire between 618 and 907)
- 대일본제국 (Proper name) [Korean] Empire of Japan
- 데메테르 (Proper name) [Korean] Demeter
- 디오니소스 (Proper name) [Korean] Dionysus
- 라 (Proper name) [Korean] [~신(神)] Ra, the Egyptian sun god
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 라 (Syllable) [Korean] More information(eumhun reading: 그물 라 (geumul ra))
(MC reading: 羅 (MC la))(eumhun reading: 벗을 라 (beoseul ra))
(MC reading: 倮)(MC reading: 裸 (MC lwaX))(eumhun reading: 게으를 라 (geeureul ra))
(MC reading: 懶 (MC lanX))(eumhun reading: 나환자 라 (nahwanja ra))
(MC reading: 癩 (MC lajH|lat))(eumhun reading: 소라 라 (sora ra))
(MC reading: 螺 (MC lwa))(eumhun reading: 간능 있을 라 (ganneung isseul ra))
(MC reading: 儸 (…
- 로마 제국 (Proper name) [Korean] Roman Empire
- 마립간 (Noun) [Korean] a royal title of the ancient kings of Silla, used as the kings' chief title from the fourth or fifth to the sixth centuries and attested in various spellings into the tenth century
- 마오쩌둥 사상 (Noun) [Korean] Maoism
- 막부 (Noun) [Korean] shogunate
- 메데이아 (Proper name) [Korean] Medea
- 문혁 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 문화대혁명 (Munhwa Daehyeongmyeong, “Cultural Revolution”).
- 문화대혁명 (Proper name) [Korean] Cultural Revolution (period of social turmoil in Maoist China)
- 반민특위 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 반민족행위특별조사위원회 (Banminjokhaeng'witeukbyeoljosawiwonhoe, “Special Investigation Committee of Anti-National Activities”), a short-lived government committee of the Republic of Korea to investigate pro-Japanese collaborators (chinilpa)
- 백년국치 (Proper name) [Korean] the Century of Humiliation (period of Chinese history between 1839 and 1949 during which Western powers and Japan intervened with China; 1839 refers to the First Opium War, and 1949 refers to the establishment of the People's Republic of China)
- 백련교 (Proper name) [Korean] White Lotus (a religious and political movement that originated in China in the late 13th century)
- 보도연맹 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 국민보도연맹 (gungminbodoyeonmaeng, “National Bodo League”); an organization before the Korean War aiming for the reeducation of supposed communists. It's members are subject to indiscriminate massacre regardless whether they held communist belief.
- 비무장 지대 (Noun) [Korean] demilitarized zone
- 비잔티온 (Proper name) [Korean] Byzantium (ancient Greek city situated on the Bosporus in modern Turkey, later called Constantinople; modern Istanbul)
- 비잔티움 (Proper name) [Korean] Byzantium (ancient Greek city situated on the Bosporus in modern Turkey, later called Constantinople; modern Istanbul)
- 비잔티움 제국 (Proper name) [Korean] Byzantine Empire
- 사고 공화국 (Proper name) [Korean] the Kim Young-sam administration, which was marred with frequent accidents
- 사대주의 (Noun) [Korean] Koreans' historical reverence of the Chinese empire, in which China was honored as the most civilized country on earth and the source of Korea's political legitimacy
- 사사오입 (Noun) [Korean] rounding to the closest number (0.4 being rounded down, 0.5 being rounded up); rounding off
- 사튀로스 (Noun) [Korean] satyr
- 삼청교육대 (Proper name) [Korean] the Samchung re-education camp; a concentration camp established by military dictator Chun Doo-hwan that detained anti-government activists and alleged gangsters.
- 상민 (Proper name) [Korean] a member of the commoner class of the Joseon caste system who were not systematically discriminated
- 서북청년회 (Proper name) [Korean] the North-West Youth Association; an anticommunist organization in South Korea known for perpetrating massacre during the Jeju uprising
- 서하 (Proper name) [Korean] Western Xia dynasty (1038–1227); the Tangut Empire
- 세트 (Proper name) [Korean] Set
- 송나라 (Proper name) [Korean] various Chinese polities named 송 (宋, Song), notably:; the Song state, a small ancient kingdom in central China that was destroyed in 286 BCE
- 송나라 (Proper name) [Korean] various Chinese polities named 송 (宋, Song), notably:; the Liu Song, a dynasty that ruled southern China from 420 to 479 CE
- 송나라 (Proper name) [Korean] various Chinese polities named 송 (宋, Song), notably:; the Song, an empire known for its scientific and cultural achievements that ruled most of China between 960 and 1127 and its southern half between 1127 and 1276; this is the usual referent of the term.
- 시민군 (Noun) [Korean] volunteer army, militia
- 시민군 (Proper name) [Korean] the armed protesters during the Gwangju Uprising
- 신군부 (Proper name) [Korean] the Hanahoe after seizing power, a private group of military officers in the South Korean military who seized power through the Coup d'état of December Twelfth.
- 아레스 (Proper name) [Korean] Ares (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera)
- 아르테미스 (Proper name) [Korean] Artemis
- 아테나 (Proper name) [Korean] Athena
- 아편전쟁 (Proper name) [Korean] Opium War
- 아폴론 (Proper name) [Korean] Apollo
- 아프로디테 (Proper name) [Korean] Aphrodite
- 안기부 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 국가안전기획부(國家安全企劃部) (gukgaanjeon'gihoekbu, “ANSP, the intelligence and counterintelligence agency during the Fifth Republic of Korea”).
- 여순 사건 (Proper name) [Korean] Short for 여수·순천 사건 (yeosu·suncheon sageon, “Yeosu–Suncheon rebellion”).; a communist mutiny in the South Korean Constabulary of Police Reserve
- 오디세이아 (Proper name) [Korean] the Odyssey
- 우라누스 (Proper name) [Korean] Uranus
- 위안부 (Noun) [Korean] comfort woman (woman forced to serve the Japanese military during the Pacific War)
- 을사오적 (Proper name) [Korean] the Five Eulsa Traitors: Yi Wan-yong, Yi Geun-taek, Yi Ji-yong, Pak Chesoon, Gwon Jung-hyeon, who signed the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905 that made the Korean Empire a protectorate of Japan
- 의화단 (Proper name) [Korean] Boxer (a Chinese anti-imperial and xenophobic rebel of the early 1900s)
- 이조 (Noun) [Korean] interest
- 이조 (Proper name) [Korean] Joseon dynasty
- 이조 (Noun) [Korean] two of the temple names, especially 고조(高祖) (Gojo) and 세조(世祖) (Sejo) of the Han dynasty of China
- 이조 (Noun) [Korean] the second Patriarch, especially 혜가(慧可) (Hyega) of Zen Buddhism
- 일민주의 (Proper name) [Korean] Ilminism; the far-right, anticommunist and ultranationalist ideology of Syngman Rhee
- 일본 제국 (Proper name) [Korean] Empire of Japan
- 일제 (Noun) [Korean] being made in Japan
- 일제 강점기 (Proper name) [Korean] Japanese occupation period of Korea from 1910 to 1945.
- 장고 (Noun) [Korean] Original Sino-Korean form of 장구 (janggu, Korean traditional percussion instrument)
- 제우스 (Proper name) [Korean] Zeus
- 중정 (Noun) [Korean] impartial judge (in Imperial China, a local dignitary charged with ranking potential candidates for public service)
- 창씨개명 (Proper name) [Korean] A 1939 Japanese government policy applied to then Korean colony which forced Koreans to change their surnames to Japanese-style surnames; abolished in 1945.
- 천민 (Proper name) [Korean] a member of the lowest caste within the Joseon caste system
- 청나라 (Proper name) [Korean] Qing dynasty
- 친일파 (Noun) [Korean] chinilpa; pro-Japan traitor
- 코리아게이트 (Proper name) [Korean] Koreagate
- 콘스탄티노폴리스 (Proper name) [Korean] Constantinople (the capital city of the Byzantine Empire, in modern Turkey, named after Constantine, Roman emperor)
- 타나토스 (Proper name) [Korean] Thanatos (the god of death)
- 타이탄 (Proper name) [Korean] Titan (moon of Saturn)
- 투탕카멘 (Proper name) [Korean] Tutankhamun
- 티탄 (Noun) [Korean] Titan (mythological giant)
- 파라오 (Noun) [Korean] pharaoh
- 페르세포네 (Proper name) [Korean] Persephone (Greek goddess)
- 포세이돈 (Proper name) [Korean] Poseidon
- 하나회 (Proper name) [Korean] the Hanahoe, a private group of military officers in the South Korean military who seized power through the Coup d'état of December Twelfth.
- 하데스 (Proper name) [Korean] Hades
- 한강의 기적 (Proper name) [Korean] Miracle on the Han River; a period of high-speed economic development of South Korea during the Third to Fifth Republic period
- 한나라 (Proper name) [Korean] Han, a major kingdom in the Central Plain during the Warring States period from 403 BCE to 230 BCE
- 햇볕정책 (Proper name) [Korean] the Sunshine Policy, South Korean reunification policy towards North Korea by the progressive camp involving peacemaking and investment in the North.
- 헤라 (Proper name) [Korean] Hera
- 헤르메스 (Proper name) [Korean] Hermes
- 헤스티아 (Proper name) [Korean] Hestia
- 헤파이스토스 (Proper name) [Korean] Hephaestus
- 헥토르 (Proper name) [Korean] Hector, the Trojan prince and hero in Homer's Iliad
- אַדאָניס (Proper name) [Yiddish] Adonis
- אַטלאַס (Proper name) [Yiddish] Atlas
- אַפּאָלאָ (Proper name) [Yiddish] Apollo
- אַפֿראָדיטע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Aphrodite
- אוראַנוס (Proper name) [Yiddish] Uranus
- אורנוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Uranus; Uranus
- אורפיאוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Orpheus
- אמברוסיה (Noun) [Hebrew] ambrosia (the food of the gods, thought to confer immortality)
- ארוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Eros (the god of love and sexual desire; son of either Erebus and Nyx or Aphrodite and Ares)
- ארס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Ares
- בבֿל (Proper name) [Yiddish] Babylon, Babel
- זיקורת (Noun) [Hebrew] ziggurat
- זרתוסטרא (Proper name) [Hebrew] Zoroaster, Zarathustra
- כּנען (Proper name) [Yiddish] Canaan (ancient region in the Levant)
- מארס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Mars (the Roman god of war)
- מורפאוס (Proper name) [Hebrew] Morpheus
- מערקור (Proper name) [Yiddish] Mercury (Roman god)
- נפטון (Proper name) [Hebrew] Neptune; Neptune
- סוס טרויאני (Proper name) [Hebrew] Trojan horse
- פּרעה (Proper name) [Yiddish] Pharaoh (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)
- פירמידה (Noun) [Hebrew] pyramid
- פרעה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Pharaoh.
- だいもん (Noun) [Japanese] ダイモン: alternate for ダイモーン (daimōn): (Greek mythology) a daimon; a tutelary spirit that guides a person; a genius
- アイオロス … アテーナー (11 senses)
- アトゥム … アレクサンドロス大王 (15 senses)
- アレス … ウゥルカーヌス (13 senses)
- ウェスタ … オデュッセウス (18 senses)
- オプス … キュクロープス (11 senses)
- クヌム … コンスタンティノープル (15 senses)
- サターン … セベク (12 senses)
- セレス … テミス (16 senses)
- テラ … ニオベー (12 senses)
- ニーケー … パンドーラーの箱 (16 senses)
- ヒドラ … プトレマイオス (13 senses)
- プラトン … ベツレヘム (15 senses)
- ペリー … ムネーモシュネー (17 senses)
- ムーサ … ヴィーナス (18 senses)
- 𐎠𐎴𐏃𐎡𐎫 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Anahita
- 𐎠𐎼𐎫 (Noun) [Old Persian] truth
- 𐎭𐎡𐎺 (Noun) [Old Persian] foreign god, false god
- 𐎲𐎥 (Noun) [Old Persian] Alternative form of 𐏎 (baga)
- 𐎶𐎦𐎢𐏁 (Proper name) [Old Persian] The meaning of this term is uncertain. (magūš) It is a hapax legomenon known only from the Behistun inscription where it is used as a title (?) of persons. Sometimes said to be the term for a Zoroastrian priest, or for a magician, or for a sub-tribe of the Medes; these interpretations are formed by Greek Μάγος and μάγος.
- 𐎶𐎦𐏁 (Noun) [Old Persian] Mazdean priest
- 𐎷𐎰𐎼 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Mithra, a Zoroastrian deity
- 𐎺𐏁𐎴𐎠 (Adverb) [Old Persian] by the grace of, by the greatness of, by the will of
- 𐏈 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Ahura Mazda
- 𐏉 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Ahura Mazda
- 𐏊 (Proper name) [Old Persian] Ahura Mazda
- 𐏎 (Noun) [Old Persian] god
- ପବନ (Noun) [Odia] Aeolus
- 𐤀𐤎 (Noun) [Phoenician] Isis
- అపోలో (Proper name) [Telugu] Apollo
- విక్టోరియా (Proper name) [Telugu] Victoria (the Roman goddess of victory)
- హైడ్రా (Proper name) [Telugu] a mythological serpent with seven heads, slain by Hercules - Hydra
- ซีรีส (Proper name) [Thai] (เทพี~): Ceres: Roman goddess of agriculture; equivalent to the Greek goddess Demeter.
- ดีมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Ares, god of terror.
- ดีมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Mars, god of terror.
- พลูโต (Proper name) [Thai] (เทพ~) Pluto.
- ศุกร์ (Noun) [Thai] (พระ~) Venus: god of love.
- เสาร์ (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Saturn: god of agriculture.
- โฟบอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Phobos: A son of Ares.
- โฟบอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Phobos: A son of Mars. Also the Greek god of personification of the fear brought by war.
- ไซเรน (Noun) [Thai] siren.
- ไดมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Ares, god of terror.
- ไดมอส (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Deimos: A son of Mars, god of terror.
- པ་ལུའུ་ཅུན (Proper name) [Tibetan] Eighth Route Army
- 'Phags-pa … ܐܬܝܢܐ (12 senses)
- ܒܒܠ … ܡܥܠܘܠܐ (13 senses)
- ܢܒܘ … ܦܪܥܘܢ (9 senses)
- ܨܘܪ … क्षत्रप (14 senses)
- गुप्त … द्वारका (10 senses)
- नवाब … लुम्बिनी (16 senses)
- संगम … ᠰᠠᡳᠴᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠨ (9 senses)
- ᠰᡠᡵᡝ ᡥᠠᠨ … ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠩᡤᡝ ᠰᠠᠪᡳᠩᡤᠠ (14 senses)
- 𐀀𐀩 … 𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊 (10 senses)
- 𐀳𐀂𐀊 … 𐦠𐦨𐦩𐦧 (14 senses)
- 𐦠𐦫 … 𐬛𐬀𐬉𐬎𐬎𐬀 (10 senses)
- 𐬛𐬭𐬎𐬑𐬱 … 𐭭𐭥𐭥𐭠 (15 senses)
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This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (b81b832 and 633533e).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.