All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Law"
Parent categories: Justice, Society
Subcategories: Canon law, Constitutional law, Corporate law, Criminal law, Family law, Freedom of speech, Inheritance law, Intellectual property, International law, Islamic law, Jewish law, Jurisprudence, Law enforcement, Law of obligations, Legal occupations, Patent law, Procedural law, Property law, Scots law, Social security, Standards of identity, Taxation
Words with this category that have not been disambiguated
Word senses with this category
Total 27577 word senses
- A&S … E.D.N.Y. (575 senses)
- EA … O記 (904 senses)
- P … Völkerrechtlerin (753 senses)
- W … adwòkatka (519 senses)
- ael … arwaesav (723 senses)
- as … biblioklept (606 senses)
- bic … civiliter (812 senses)
- cl. … cosurety (583 senses)
- cot … disturb the peace (920 senses)
- dit … envoy (554 senses)
- eo … flying squad (624 senses)
- fnc … hist. n. (912 senses)
- hit … incumbrancer (484 senses)
- incur … kereset (789 senses)
- kes … legătură (650 senses)
- lei … mchopozi (603 senses)
- mdw … novus actus interveniens (786 senses)
- now … pemufakatan (750 senses)
- pen … poliție secretă (603 senses)
- poll … qətl (866 senses)
- r. … riviation (679 senses)
- ro … shuhudia (572 senses)
- si … sucesión (658 senses)
- sud … tisztességtelen (711 senses)
- tit … użytkowanie (698 senses)
- v. … ꝓchein (1178 senses)
- آبهای بینالمللی … اتهام (14 senses)
- اتهم … الغا (20 senses)
- امر … تسريح (20 senses)
- تصرف … جاللات (10 senses)
- جج … حاکمیت (19 senses)
- حبس … حکومت قانون (15 senses)
- خراج … دەلىل (19 senses)
- ذنب … سجل (15 senses)
- سجن … صفائی (21 senses)
- صك … عامالمنفعه (14 senses)
- عده … فرصت (22 senses)
- فرض … قاچاقی (17 senses)
- قتل … لایحه (18 senses)
- لزم … محاكمة (14 senses)
- محام … مراجعه (15 senses)
- مرعی … مقصلة (17 senses)
- مكس … وثیقه (20 senses)
- وصي … چالان (15 senses)
- چور … یاسا (11 senses)
- ԱԱՀ (Noun) [Armenian] Initialism of ավելացված արժեքի հարկ (avelacʻvac aržekʻi hark, “VAT”).
- ագրեսիա (Noun) [Armenian] war of aggression
- ալիբի (Noun) [Armenian] alibi
- ամբաստանել (Verb) [Armenian] to formally accuse a person of a crime in a court of law
- ամբաստանյալ (Noun) [Armenian] accused (defendant)
- ամնիստիա (Noun) [Armenian] amnesty
- անձ (Noun) [Armenian] entity
- անմեղսունակ (Adjective) [Armenian] incompetent (lacking criminal capacity or insane)
- անշարժ (Adjective) [Armenian] immovable, real
- ավելացված արժեքի հարկ (Noun) [Armenian] value added tax
- ատյան (Noun) [Armenian] instance
- արդարացում (Noun) [Armenian] acquittal, vindication
- արդյունաբերական նմուշ (Noun) [Armenian] industrial design right
- արտոնագիր (Noun) [Armenian] patent
- բաժ (Noun) [Armenian] a kind of indirect tax
- բաժ (Noun) [Old Armenian] ransom
- բանդա (Noun) [Armenian] gang (group of criminals)
- բանտ (Noun) [Armenian] prison, jail
- բանտ (Noun) [Old Armenian] prison, jail
- բեկանել (Verb) [Armenian] to annul, to reverse (a decision)
- բերման ենթարկել (Verb) [Armenian] to detain and forcibly bring to the police or court
- բողոքարկել (Verb) [Armenian] to appeal
- բողոքարկում (Noun) [Armenian] appeal
- բռնաբարություն (Noun) [Armenian] rape
- գող (Noun) [Armenian] thief
- գող (Noun) [Old Armenian] thief
- գործ (Noun) [Armenian] case, legal case
- գրպանահատ (Noun) [Armenian] pickpocket
- դավի (Noun) [Armenian] suit, action
- դատ (Noun) [Armenian] trial, judicial proceedings
- դատ (Noun) [Old Armenian] trial, judicial proceedings, litigation, cause, lawsuit
- դատախազ (Noun) [Armenian] prosecutor
- դատապարտել (Verb) [Armenian] to convict, to sentence
- դատարան (Noun) [Armenian] court, court of law/justice
- դիպահ (Noun) [Old Armenian] temporary prison
- եղբայրասպանություն (Noun) [Armenian] fratricide (killing of one's brother)
- զնդան (Noun) [Armenian] dungeon, jail
- զնդան (Noun) [Old Armenian] prison
- ընտրակաշառք (Noun) [Armenian] election bribe
- իրավունք (Noun) [Armenian] right
- կապիճ (Noun) [Old Armenian] a grain measure, equal to 1/10 գրիւ (griw)
- կապիճ (Noun) [Old Armenian] eye socket
- կապիճ (Noun) [Old Armenian] gaiters or some kind of torture instrument for the legs
- կապիճ (Noun) [Old Armenian] a kind of tax
- կողմ (Noun) [Armenian] party
- հայց (Noun) [Armenian] lawsuit, action
- հայցվոր (Noun) [Armenian] plaintiff
- հարկ (Noun) [Armenian] tax
- հարկ (Noun) [Old Armenian] collection (an act of collecting money to help a charity or during a church service)
- հարկահավաք (Noun) [Armenian] tax collector
- հարկատու (Adjective) [Armenian] taxpaying
- հեղինակային իրավունք (Noun) [Armenian] copyright
- հետադարձ (Adjective) [Armenian] retroactive
- հոդված (Noun) [Armenian] article; clause; paragraph; section
- մահապատիժ (Noun) [Armenian] death penalty, capital punishment
- մահապարտ (Adjective) [Armenian] condemned to death
- մահապարտ (Noun) [Armenian] person condemned to death
- մահապարտ (Noun) [Armenian] one who carries out a suicide attack, kamikaze, suicide bomber
- մահապարտ (Adjective) [Old Armenian] condemned to death
- մարդու իրավունք (Noun) [Armenian] human right
- մաքս (Noun) [Armenian] custom, tariff, toll, duty, excise
- մաքս (Noun) [Old Armenian] custom, tariff, toll, duty, excise
- մաքսանենգ (Noun) [Armenian] smuggler, contrabandist
- մաքսանենգություն (Noun) [Armenian] smuggling
- մաքսատուրք (Noun) [Armenian] customs duty, tariff
- մենթ (Noun) [Armenian] cop, policeman
- մտավոր սեփականություն (Noun) [Armenian] intellectual property
- շարժական (Adjective) [Armenian] movable, personal, not real
- շորթում (Noun) [Armenian] extortion
- ուժային (Noun) [Armenian] law enforcement officer, intelligence officer, security service agent, soldier (any employee of a nation's law enforcement, security, or military forces)
- ունեզրկում (Noun) [Armenian] expropriation, deprivation of property
- պատենտ (Noun) [Armenian] patent
- ռազմագերի (Noun) [Armenian] prisoner of war
- ռազմական դրություն (Noun) [Armenian] martial law
- սահմանափակ պատասխանատվությամբ ընկերություն (Noun) [Armenian] limited liability company
- սուրսաթ (Noun) [Armenian] sürsat
- սև ցուցակ (Noun) [Armenian] blacklist
- վերաքննիչ (Adjective) [Armenian] appellate
- վերաքննիչ (Noun) [Armenian] appellate court
- վերաքննիչ դատարան (Noun) [Armenian] appellate court
- վկա (Noun) [Armenian] witness
- վկայություն (Noun) [Armenian] statement, deposition
- վճիռ (Noun) [Armenian] verdict, judgement, ruling
- տարածքային ամբողջականություն (Noun) [Armenian] territorial integrity
- տուժող (Adjective) [Armenian] injured, wronged
- տուժող (Noun) [Armenian] victim
- տուր (Noun) [Old Armenian] giving; donation, gift, presents
- տուրք (Noun) [Armenian] tribute
- փաստաբան (Noun) [Armenian] lawyer, attorney, advocate, barrister, counsel
- փողերի լվացում (Noun) [Armenian] money laundering
- քարկոծել (Verb) [Armenian] to stone, to lapidate, to kill by stoning
- քարկոծեմ (Verb) [Old Armenian] to stone, to lapidate, to kill by stoning
- քարկոծում (Noun) [Armenian] stoning, lapidation
- քարկոծումն (Noun) [Old Armenian] stoning, lapidation
- օգտակար մոդել (Noun) [Armenian] utility model
- օրենք (Noun) [Armenian] law
- օրենքով գող (Noun) [Armenian] thief in law
- օրինագիծ (Noun) [Armenian] bill (a draft of a law, presented to a legislature for enactment; a proposed or projected law)
- ᬮᬸᬭᬄ (Noun) [Balinese] An employee who collects land tax
- অংশনামা (Noun) [Bengali] a deed of partition or share
- অন্যায় (Noun) [Bengali] injustice
- অসিয়ত (Noun) [Bengali] will
- আইন (Noun) [Bengali] law
- আদালত (Noun) [Bengali] court of law
- উইল (Noun) [Bengali] will
- কাজী (Noun) [Bengali] a judge or dispenser of justice under Islamic law; a qadi
- কানুন (Noun) [Bengali] law, legal rules
- কি. (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of কিস্তি (kisti).
- কিঃ (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of কিস্তি (kisti).
- কোতোয়াল (Noun) [Bengali] constable
- গং (Adverb) [Bengali] Abbreviation of গয়রহ (goẏoroho).
- চৌ. (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of চৌহদ্দি (cōuhoddi).
- চৌ. (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of চৌধুরী (cōudhuri).
- চৌং (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of চৌহদ্দি (cōuhoddi).
- চৌং (Proper name) [Bengali] Abbreviation of চৌধুরী (cōudhuri).
- চৌঃ (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of চৌহদ্দি (cōuhoddi).
- চৌঃ (Proper name) [Bengali] Abbreviation of চৌধুরী (cōudhuri).
- জ. (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of জওজ (joōj).
- জং (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of জওজ (joōj).
- জঃ (Noun) [Bengali] Abbreviation of জওজ (joōj).
- জজ (Noun) [Bengali] a judge or justice
- টাউট (Noun) [Bengali] a tout; a tout who serves as an informer between people in the court or government
- ট্রেডমার্ক (Noun) [Bengali] trademark
- ধর্ষণ (Noun) [Bengali] rape
- ধারা (Noun) [Bengali] clause, section, article
- ন্যায় (Noun) [Bengali] justice
- পুলিশ (Noun) [Bengali] police
- বয়ান (Noun) [Bengali] statement
- বাতিল (Adjective) [Bengali] voided, rescinded, annulled
- বিচার (Noun) [Bengali] trial
- বিচার (Noun) [Bengali] judgment, finding
- সংবিধান (Noun) [Bengali] constitution
- সবজজ (Noun) [Bengali] sub-judge
- সমন (Noun) [Bengali] summons
- সিদ্ধান্ত (Noun) [Bengali] judgment
- 𑀘𑁄𑀭 (Noun) [Prakrit] thief, (by extension) any criminal, kidnapper
- ᎠᎦᏔᎯ (Noun) [Cherokee] witness (person bearing testimony)
- ᏗᏓᏍᏚᏗ (Noun) [Cherokee] prison, jail
- 㓾人 … 世界主義 (33 senses)
- 中飽 … 代理權 (61 senses)
- 令 … 供款 (27 senses)
- 供狀 … 偷盜 (44 senses)
- 偷稅 … 公司稅 (48 senses)
- 公堂 … 写し (40 senses)
- 冤案 … 刑部省 (45 senses)
- 刖 … 勞動法 (46 senses)
- 勞改 … 受讓人 (41 senses)
- 受賄 … 告狀 (44 senses)
- 告破 … 国際法 (47 senses)
- 國令 … 報復関税 (41 senses)
- 報案 … 宣誓書 (65 senses)
- 宮 … 專家證人 (24 senses)
- 專政 … 廉政公署 (44 senses)
- 廉署 … 御用大律師 (43 senses)
- 復審 … 懲治 (44 senses)
- 懲罰 … 扼死 (44 senses)
- 扼殺 … 捐 (44 senses)
- 捐稅 … 支架蠕變 (48 senses)
- 收押 … 智慧財產權 (40 senses)
- 暗害 … 検死官 (47 senses)
- 検閲 … 歸案 (41 senses)
- 死 … 民庭 (44 senses)
- 民法 … 法學院 (44 senses)
- 法官 … 法袍 (44 senses)
- 法規 … 濟南慘案 (44 senses)
- 濫刑 … 牽連犯 (50 senses)
- 犯 … 田賦 (58 senses)
- 甲 … 盜墓 (24 senses)
- 盜案 … 破獲 (44 senses)
- 碳稅 … 程序法 (60 senses)
- 税 … 簡易裁判所 (29 senses)
- 簡裁 … 罪魁 (54 senses)
- 罰 … 肥咖條款 (33 senses)
- 背信 … 藐視法庭 (47 senses)
- 虐童 … 裁定 (41 senses)
- 裁決 … 評決 (44 senses)
- 詳題 … 警徽 (44 senses)
- 警探 … 賠款 (44 senses)
- 賣官 … 速裁 (63 senses)
- 造 … 遵循先例 (25 senses)
- 遵法 … 錯誤逮捕 (45 senses)
- 鐵屋 … 面通し (61 senses)
- 項 … 龐氏騙局 (48 senses)
- ⲫⲁⲣⲁⲱ (Proper name) [Coptic] Pharaoh
- АО … ХХК (25 senses)
- а … апеляція (39 senses)
- апс … банкрутство (35 senses)
- бап … буџа (30 senses)
- бык … виправний (32 senses)
- вирок … вәкил (34 senses)
- вӧр … грохнуть (33 senses)
- губа … дьыала (28 senses)
- дьүүл … зарубить (46 senses)
- зарһ … зона (31 senses)
- зэк … казнить (23 senses)
- казнь … кодекс (36 senses)
- козёл … крадій (34 senses)
- кража … көмүскээһин (32 senses)
- көрдөө … медвежатник (42 senses)
- мент … міндет (33 senses)
- мүлк … нарушитель (20 senses)
- нары … обратный (43 senses)
- обшук … оскаржувати (27 senses)
- оскон … паять (36 senses)
- перо … подсудный (38 senses)
- пожар … попечительство (26 senses)
- попка … практикувати (42 senses)
- працэс … провала (31 senses)
- прогон … підсудний (22 senses)
- пірат … рэкет (33 senses)
- ряд … спецназовец (44 senses)
- спор … схоплювати (32 senses)
- съд … товарищ майор (27 senses)
- того … убитый (28 senses)
- убой … фраер (46 senses)
- хаай … чинний (24 senses)
- члан … якудза (34 senses)
- ял … ꙗзꙑкъ (47 senses)
- ኑዛዜ (Noun) [Amharic] testament, will
- ኑዛዜ (Noun) [Amharic] confession
- ጋር (Noun) [Tigrinya] wergeld
- ፖሊስ (Noun) [Amharic] policeman
- ალიბი (Noun) [Georgian] alibi
- აქციზი (Noun) [Georgian] excise
- ბუნებითი სამართალი (Noun) [Georgian] natural law
- გადასახადების შემცირება (Noun) [Georgian] tax cut, tax reduction
- გაუპატიურება (Noun) [Georgian] rape
- გაყიდვების გადასახადი (Noun) [Georgian] sales tax
- დამატებითი ღირებულების გადასახადი (Noun) [Georgian] value added tax
- ექსტერიტორიულობა (Noun) [Georgian] extraterritoriality
- თვითგამორკვევა (Noun) [Georgian] self-determination
- იმუნიტეტი (Noun) [Georgian] immunity
- კანონის უზენაესობა (Noun) [Georgian] rule of law
- მაფუსი (Noun) [Laz] jail, prison
- მახინჯი (Noun) [Mingrelian] thief
- მახირალი (Noun) [Mingrelian] thief
- მესამე მხარე (Noun) [Georgian] third party
- მკვლელი (Noun) [Georgian] murderer
- მსუსხავი ეფექტი (Noun) [Georgian] chilling effect
- პარტია (Noun) [Georgian] party
- პირველი ინსტანციის სასამართლო (Noun) [Georgian] court of first instance
- პროგრესიული გადასახადი (Noun) [Georgian] progressive tax
- პროგრესიული დაბეგვრა (Noun) [Georgian] progressive taxation
- პროპორციული გადასახადი (Noun) [Georgian] flat tax, flat rate tax
- პროპორციული დაბეგვრა (Noun) [Georgian] flat taxation, flat rate taxation
- რეალიზაციის გადასახადი (Noun) [Georgian] sales tax
- რწმუნებული (Noun) [Georgian] attorney
- საავტორო უფლებები (Noun) [Georgian] copyright
- სააპელაციო სასამართლო (Noun) [Georgian] appellate court, court of appeal, court of appeals
- საერთაშორისო წყლები (Noun) [Georgian] international waters
- საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლო (Noun) [Georgian] constitutional court
- სამხედრო დანაშაული (Noun) [Georgian] war crime
- სამხედრო კონფლიქტი (Noun) [Georgian] military conflict
- საპატიმრო (Noun) [Georgian] prison (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes)
- სარჩელი (Noun) [Georgian] lawsuit, counterclaim
- სასამართლო (Noun) [Georgian] court
- სიკვდილით დასჯა (Verb) [Georgian] to execute (kill as punishment)
- სისხლის სამართალი (Noun) [Georgian] criminal law
- სიცოცხლის უფლება (Noun) [Georgian] right to life
- სრულუფლებიანი (Adjective) [Georgian] competent
- ტერიტორიული წყლები (Noun) [Georgian] territorial waters
- უზენაესი სასამართლო (Noun) [Georgian] supreme court
- უნივერსალური იურისდიქცია (Noun) [Georgian] universal jurisdiction
- ფარაონი (Noun) [Georgian] pharaoh
- ფულის გათეთრება (Noun) [Georgian] money laundering (act of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally)
- ქვირთუ (Noun) [Mingrelian] fraudster, swindler, rogue
- ქუ̂ით (Noun) [Svan] thief
- ქურდი (Noun) [Georgian] Synonym of კანონიერი ქურდი (ḳanonieri kurdi)
- შანტაჟი (Noun) [Georgian] blackmail
- შანტაჟისტი (Noun) [Georgian] blackmailer
- შეიარაღებული კონფლიქტი (Noun) [Georgian] armed conflict
- შეწყალება (Noun) [Georgian] pardon, clemency
- ცენზურა (Noun) [Georgian] censorship
- ციხე (Noun) [Georgian] fortress
- ციხჱ (Noun) [Old Georgian] fortress
- ძებნილი (Adjective) [Georgian] wanted
- ხარკი (Noun) [Georgian] tribute
- ჯანდამა (Noun) [Laz] gendarme
- 𐌰𐌹𐌸𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] oath
- 𐌰𐌽𐌳𐌰𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌿𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] adversary
- 𐌰𐍆𐌳𐍉𐌼𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] condemnation
- 𐌰𐍆𐌳𐍉𐌼𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to condemn
- 𐌰𐍆𐌳𐍉𐌼𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to abjure
- 𐌲𐌰𐌻𐌹𐌿𐌲𐌰𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌳𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] false witness
- 𐌲𐌰𐍃𐍄𐍉𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to judge, to sentence
- 𐌲𐌰𐍅𐌰𐍂𐌲𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] condemnation
- 𐌲𐌰𐍅𐌰𐍂𐌲𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to condemn
- 𐌲𐌹𐌻𐌳 (Noun) [Gothic] tax, tribute
- 𐌲𐌹𐌻𐍃𐍄𐍂 (Noun) [Gothic] tax, tribute
- 𐌲𐌹𐌻𐍃𐍄𐍂𐌰𐌼𐌴𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] tax registration, taxation
- 𐌳𐍉𐌼𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to judge, to evaluate
- 𐌳𐍉𐌼𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] judgement, insight
- 𐌷𐌻𐌰𐌿𐍄𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] inheritance
- 𐌷𐌻𐌹𐍆𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to steal
- 𐌷𐌻𐌹𐍆𐍄𐌿𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] thief
- 𐌸𐌹𐌿𐌱𐌹 (Noun) [Gothic] theft
- 𐌸𐌹𐌿𐍆𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] thief
- 𐌺𐌰𐌹𐍃𐌰𐍂𐌰𐌲𐌹𐌻𐌳 (Noun) [Gothic] tax paid to the Roman emperor
- 𐌺𐌰𐍂𐌺𐌰𐍂𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] dungeon, prison
- 𐌺𐌰𐍅𐍄𐍃𐌾𐍉 (Noun) [Gothic] bond, warranty
- 𐌼𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌸𐍂 (Noun) [Gothic] murder
- 𐌼𐌹𐌸𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌳𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to testify together
- 𐌼𐍉𐍄𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] tax, tribute, customs
- 𐌼𐍉𐍄𐌰𐍂𐌴𐌹𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] publican, tax collector, customs officer
- 𐌼𐍉𐍄𐌰𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌸𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] tax booth, publican's office
- 𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌿𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] judge
- 𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌿𐌰𐍃𐍄𐍉𐌻𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] judge's seat, tribunal
- 𐍃𐍄𐌹𐌻𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to steal
- 𐍃𐍄𐍉𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to judge
- 𐍅𐌰𐌳𐌹 (Noun) [Gothic] a sum of money paid in advance as a deposit; a security, an earnest
- 𐍅𐌰𐌳𐌾𐌰𐌱𐍉𐌺𐍉𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] written pledge, debenture, bond
- 𐍅𐌰𐌹𐌳𐌴𐌳𐌾𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] evildoer, criminal, bandit
- 𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌳𐌴𐌹 (Noun) [Gothic] testimony
- 𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌳𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] the act of bearing witness, testifying
- 𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌳𐌹 (Noun) [Gothic] testimony
- 𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌳𐌹𐌸𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] testimony
- 𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌳𐌾𐌰𐌽 (Verb) [Gothic] to testify as a witness
- 𐍅𐌴𐌹𐍄𐍅𐍉𐌸𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] witness
- 𐍅𐌹𐌻𐍅𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] robber, bandit
- 𐍅𐌹𐍄𐍉𐌳𐌰𐌻𐌰𐌹𐍃𐌰𐍂𐌴𐌹𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] law teacher
- 𐍅𐌹𐍄𐍉𐌳𐌰𐍆𐌰𐍃𐍄𐌴𐌹𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] lawyer, law scholar, legist
- 𐍅𐌹𐍄𐍉𐌸 (Noun) [Gothic] law
- 𐍅𐌿𐌻𐍅𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] robbery
- 𐍅𐍉𐌺𐍂𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] usury
- 𐍆𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌹𐌽𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] guilt
- 𐍆𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌹𐌽𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] accusation
- 𐍆𐍂𐌰𐌱𐌰𐌿𐌷𐍄𐌰𐌱𐍉𐌺𐌰 (Noun) [Gothic] deed of sale
- Άρειος Πάγος … αγροφύλακας (15 senses)
- αγωγή … αλογοσούρτης (21 senses)
- αμέλεια … ανασταλτός (18 senses)
- αναστολή … αντίκλητος (16 senses)
- ανταγωγή … ανυπαίτιος (16 senses)
- ανωμοτί … ασέλγεια (25 senses)
- ασελγώ … γκιλοτίνα (18 senses)
- γκλομπ … διάρρηξη (11 senses)
- διάταξη … διώκομαι (22 senses)
- διώκω … εμφάνιση (16 senses)
- εξέταση … κακούργημα (17 senses)
- καλέω … κλοπή (17 senses)
- κοίτη … νεῖκος (19 senses)
- νικάω … πλημμέλημα (19 senses)
- ποινή … συμβόλαιο (21 senses)
- συμμορία … υπόθεση (15 senses)
- φεύγω … ψευδωνυμοποίηση (18 senses)
- όρος … ὑπόθεσις (23 senses)
- અદાલત (Noun) [Gujarati] justice
- અપરાધ (Noun) [Gujarati] crime, offence
- અપરાધી (Noun) [Gujarati] criminal, offender
- કચેરી (Noun) [Gujarati] court
- કાજી (Noun) [Gujarati] qadi
- કાજી (Noun) [Kachchi] qadi
- કાનૂગો (Noun) [Gujarati] person who knows the law
- જન્મટીપ (Noun) [Gujarati] life imprisonment
- જન્મટીપ (Noun) [Gujarati] life sentence
- દાવો (Noun) [Gujarati] lawsuit
- ન્યાય (Noun) [Gujarati] justice
- ન્યાયાલય (Noun) [Gujarati] court
- પાંજરું (Noun) [Gujarati] witness box
- પાંજરું (Noun) [Gujarati] dock
- પાસપોર્ટ (Noun) [Gujarati] passport
- પુરાવો (Noun) [Gujarati] evidence, proof
- પોલીસ (Noun) [Gujarati] police
- માનવવેપાર (Noun) [Gujarati] human trafficking
- વકીલ (Noun) [Gujarati] lawyer, vakil
- શરિયત (Noun) [Gujarati] shari'a
- સગીર (Adjective) [Gujarati] minor, underage
- સબૂત (Noun) [Gujarati] evidence, proof
- ਅਭਿਯੋਗ (Noun) [Punjabi] accusation, charge
- ਇਲਜ਼ਾਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] accusation, allegation
- ਇਲਜ਼ਾਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] charge, indictment
- ਕਜ਼ਾਕ (Noun) [Punjabi] dacoit, robber, plunderer
- ਕਤਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] murder, assassination, manslaughter
- ਕਤਲਾਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] massacre, bloodbath, butchery, carnage, pogrom
- ਗਵਾਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] witness
- ਗਵਾਹੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] testimony, evidence, deposition
- ਘੱਲੂਘਾਰਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] holocaust, massacre, slaughter, genocide, great destruction
- ਜਬਰ ਜ਼ਨਾਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] rape
- ਜੇਲ੍ਹ (Noun) [Punjabi] prison
- ਜੇਲ੍ਹਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] jailer
- ਠੱਗ (Noun) [Punjabi] cheat, swindler, trickster, deceiver, knave, confidence man
- ਦੋਸ਼ੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] culprit
- ਨਸਲਕੁਸ਼ੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] genocide
- ਨਾਬਾਲਗ (Noun) [Punjabi] minor (person below the legal age of adulthood)
- ਨਿਆਂ (Noun) [Punjabi] justice, equity
- ਨਿਆਂਸ਼ੀਲ (Adjective) [Punjabi] just, judicious, equitable
- ਨਿਆਂਹੀਣ (Adjective) [Punjabi] unjust, unfair, inequitable
- ਨਿਯਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] rule, regulation, precept, canon, injunction
- ਨਿਯਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] usage, custome, practice
- ਨਿਯਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] vow, pledge
- ਪੁਲਿਸ (Noun) [Punjabi] police
- ਬਲਾਤਕਾਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] rape (forced sexual intercourse upon a person against their will)
- ਬਸੀਠ (Noun) [Punjabi] attorney
- ਬੰਦੀਖਾਨਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] prison
- ਮੁਲਜ਼ਮ (Noun) [Punjabi] accused, defendant
- ਲੁੱਟ (Noun) [Punjabi] plunder, pillage, piracy, robbery, looting, extortion, exploitation
- ਵਕੀਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] lawyer, attorney, advocate
- ਵਿਧਾਨ (Noun) [Punjabi] law
- ਸ਼ਰੀਅਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] shari'a (Islamic law)
- ਸ਼ਾਹਦ (Noun) [Punjabi] witness, eyewitness
- ਸ਼ਾਹਦੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] testimony, evidence
- ਸੁਧਾਰ ਘਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] reformatory (correctional facility)
- ਸੰਵਿਧਾਨ (Noun) [Punjabi] constitution
- 가석방 … 경찰관 (13 senses)
- 계약 … 과세 (14 senses)
- 과실 … 귀책사유 (15 senses)
- 규정 … 대사 (15 senses)
- 도적 … 민법전 (16 senses)
- 방조 … 보안원 (18 senses)
- 보증 … 사람 (11 senses)
- 사범 … 소송 (15 senses)
- 소원 … 심리 (15 senses)
- 아동 … 우려 (15 senses)
- 우마 … 인지세 (16 senses)
- 자객 … 절도죄 (14 senses)
- 제소 … 집단학살 (17 senses)
- 징역 … 파출소 (16 senses)
- 판결 … 형법전 (21 senses)
- אַדוואָקאַט … בדיעבד (11 senses)
- בחור … גזרה (17 senses)
- גט … דיין (8 senses)
- דין … חורש (14 senses)
- חטא … טילטל (12 senses)
- טמן … כיור (13 senses)
- כלא … מוכשר (14 senses)
- מזיק … משפט מות (15 senses)
- נאמן … סנגור (12 senses)
- סעיף … ערוה (11 senses)
- ערער … פלג המנחה (17 senses)
- פסק … קטגור (12 senses)
- קטל … שודד ים (11 senses)
- שוטר … תקדים (21 senses)
- あやめる (Verb) [Japanese] 危める: to wound
- あやめる (Verb) [Japanese] 危める, 殺める, 害める: to kill
- いころす (Verb) [Japanese] to shoot to death
- うけこ (Noun) [Japanese] person who receives the cash in a bank transfer scam
- うちころす (Verb) [Japanese] 打ち殺す, 打殺す, 撃ち殺す, 撃殺す, 射ち殺す, 射殺す: to kill by shooting
- うらがき (Noun) [Japanese] endorsement
- うらがき (Noun) [Japanese] proof
- うらがき (Verb) [Japanese] to endorse
- うらがき (Verb) [Japanese] to prove
- おだ (Noun) [Japanese] pickpocketing
- おまわりさん (Noun) [Japanese] a policeman, a policewoman, a police officer
- お構い (Noun) [Japanese] 御構: (historical, law enforcement) a punishment in the Edo period: banishing, exile
- けいほう (Noun) [Japanese] 刑法: (law) penal code, criminal law
- けめる (Verb) [Japanese] to steal
- げんごう (Noun) [Japanese] traditional Japanese gambling targeting price movements such as specific stocks and commodity futures
- こうこく (Noun) [Japanese] 抗告: (law) interlocutory appeal
- こくはつ (Noun) [Japanese] 告発: (law) indictment, prosecution
- こそどろ (Noun) [Japanese] petty thief; small-time thief
- しまだ (Noun) [Japanese] raw silk
- しめころす (Verb) [Japanese] to strangle to death
- しろバイ (Noun) [Japanese] "white motorcycle": police motorcycle, which is painted white in Japan
- せんそうはんざいしゃ (Noun) [Japanese] 戦争犯罪者: (law) a war criminal
- そうさいん (Noun) [Japanese] 捜査員: (law) a criminal investigator
- だしこ (Noun) [Japanese] person who withdraws the cash in a bank transfer scam
- とが (Noun) [Japanese] 図画: diagrams and pictures
- どい (Proper name) [Japanese] Tokyo (a major prefecture of Japan).
- はんけつ (Noun) [Japanese] 判決: (law) sentence, judgement, ruling, verdict
- はんざいがく (Noun) [Japanese] 犯罪学: (criminology) criminology
- はんざいがくしゃ (Noun) [Japanese] 犯罪学者: (criminology) a criminologist
- はんざいこうい (Noun) [Japanese] 犯罪行為: (criminology, law) a criminal act, a criminal offense
- はんざいしんり (Noun) [Japanese] 犯罪心理: (criminology, psychology) criminal psychology, that is the criminal mind itself, not the study of it
- はんざいしんりがく (Noun) [Japanese] 犯罪心理学: (criminology, psychology) criminal psychology, that is the study of the criminal mind
- はんざいじじつ (Noun) [Japanese] 犯罪事実: (law) the fact of a crime, the fact of an event that is a crime
- はんざいそうさ (Noun) [Japanese] 犯罪捜査: (law) a criminal investigation
- ひき逃げ (Noun) [Japanese] a hit and run (the crime of causing an accident and leaving)
- ひったくり (Noun) [Japanese] snatch theft
- ぶちころす (Verb) [Japanese] to beat to death
- ほうかざい (Noun) [Japanese] 放火罪: (law, firefighting) the crime of arson
- ほうかはん (Noun) [Japanese] 放火犯: (law, firefighting) arsonist
- みなごろし (Noun) [Japanese] massacre; slaughter
- ಕಂದಾಚಾರ (Noun) [Kannada] policeman
- ಕವಾಯತು (Noun) [Kannada] drill (military exercise)
- ಕಾಯ್ದೆ (Noun) [Kannada] law, rule, regulation
- ಕೊತವಾಲ (Noun) [Kannada] chief officer of the police of a town
- ಗ್ರಾಹಕ (Noun) [Kannada] customer
- ದಂಡನಾಥ (Noun) [Kannada] any senior officer in the government
- ಪೋಲೀಸು (Noun) [Kannada] police, police force
- アリバイ (Noun) [Japanese] an alibi
- アルカーイダ (Proper name) [Japanese] al-Qaeda
- インサイダー取引 (Noun) [Japanese] insider trading
- インターポール (Proper name) [Japanese] Synonym of 国際刑事警察機構 (Kokusai Keiji Keisatsu Kikō, “International Criminal Police Organization”): Interpol
- インフォームドコンセント (Noun) [Japanese] informed consent
- オレオレ詐欺 (Noun) [Japanese] phone scam involving calls from pretended relatives in distress
- ギヨチン (Noun) [Japanese] Alternative form of ギロチン (girochin, “guillotine”)
- ギロチン (Noun) [Japanese] a guillotine (machine used for capital punishment)
- クレーム (Noun) [Japanese] claim; legal demand for ownership or compensation
- ゲシュタポ (Proper name) [Japanese] the Gestapo
- スコットランドヤード (Proper name) [Japanese] Scotland Yard
- セキュリティポリス (Noun) [Japanese] police bodyguard; police officers responsible for close protection
- ゾーニング (Noun) [Japanese] zoning
- タックスヘイブン (Noun) [Japanese] tax haven
- タックスヘブン (Noun) [Japanese] Alternative form of タックスヘイブン (takkusu heibun, “tax haven”)
- ネズミ講 (Noun) [Japanese] a pyramid scheme
- パトロールカー (Noun) [Japanese] a patrol car
- パブリックドメイン (Noun) [Japanese] public domain
- パロディ (Noun) [Japanese] parody (expression making fun of something else)
- フィッシング (Noun) [Japanese] fishing
- フェアユース (Noun) [Japanese] fair use
- プライバシーポリシー (Noun) [Japanese] privacy policy
- ヘイトクライム (Noun) [Japanese] hate crime
- ポア (Noun) [Japanese] phowa, a Tibetan Buddhist term appropriated by the Aum Shinrikyo cult to refer to killing someone to save them from bad karma
- ポリ (Prefix) [Japanese] poly-
- マッポ (Noun) [Japanese] anus
- マネー・ロンダリング (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of 資金洗浄 (“money laundering”)
- マル暴 (Noun) [Japanese] organized crime groups, especially the yakuza
- マル暴 (Noun) [Japanese] a member of such organized crime group
- マル暴 (Noun) [Japanese] a police officer assigned to gang unit
- マーダー (Noun) [Japanese] murder
- メイル・レイプ (Noun) [Japanese] male rape
- ランサムウェア (Noun) [Japanese] ransomware
- レイパー (Noun) [Japanese] rapist
- レイピスト (Noun) [Japanese] rapist
- レイプ (Noun) [Japanese] rape
- レイプ犯 (Noun) [Japanese] rapist
- ロックダウン (Noun) [Japanese] lockdown (confinement of people as a security measure)
- កុងអាន (Noun) [Khmer] police
- ក្តី (Noun) [Khmer] affair, case, matter; lawsuit, litigation
- ចុងចោទ (Noun) [Khmer] defendant
- ចោទកៈ (Noun) [Khmer] plaintiff, accuser
- ឆ្លើយ (Verb) [Khmer] to state, declare
- ជំនុំជំរះក្តី (Noun) [Khmer] trial
- ដើមចោទ (Noun) [Khmer] plaintiff
- តម្រួត (Noun) [Khmer] police
- តុលាការ (Noun) [Khmer] justice, fairness, righteousness
- តុលាការ (Noun) [Khmer] jurisdiction, judiciary
- តុលាការ (Noun) [Khmer] court of justice, court of law
- ទោសប្រហារជីវិត (Noun) [Khmer] death penalty
- បទឧក្រិដ្ឋ (Noun) [Khmer] crime
- រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ (Noun) [Khmer] constitution.
- លក់ (Verb) [Khmer] to fine
- សាលក្រម (Noun) [Khmer] judgment, decision (of a court), verdict, decree
- សេរីភាពបញ្ចេញមតិ (Noun) [Khmer] freedom of speech, freedom of expression
- អសង្ហារិមទ្រព្យ (Noun) [Khmer] immovable property, real estate
- អាវ៉ូកាត៍ (Noun) [Khmer] lawyer
- អាវ៉ូកាត៍ (Noun) [Khmer] avocado
- ການຟອກເງິນ (Noun) [Lao] abstract noun of ຟອກເງິນ (fǭk ngœn): (law) money laundering.
- ກົດໝາຍ (Noun) [Lao] law; statute
- ຄຸກ (Noun) [Lao] jail, prison
- ຄຸກ (Verb) [Lao] to insert
- ປະຊາມະຕິ (Noun) [Lao] plebiscite, referendum
- ລັດຖະທຳມະນູນ (Noun) [Lao] constitution
- ສັນຊາດ (Noun) [Lao] citizenship, nationality
- ອາດຊະຍາກຳ (Noun) [Lao] crime
- അഴിമതി (Noun) [Malayalam] corruption, bribery, seeking bribes or advantages
- ഉടമ്പടി (Noun) [Malayalam] treaty
- കയ്യേറുക (Verb) [Malayalam] An unlawful diminution of someone else's possessions.
- കഴു (Noun) [Malayalam] gallows
- കവർച്ച (Noun) [Malayalam] robbery, stealing
- കൂട്ടക്കൊല (Noun) [Malayalam] genocide
- ജപ്തി (Noun) [Malayalam] foreclosure
- പോലീസ് (Noun) [Malayalam] police
- പ്രതി (Noun) [Malayalam] defendant; accused
- മോഷണം (Noun) [Malayalam] thievery; burglary; stealing
- മോഷ്ടിക്കുക (Verb) [Malayalam] to steal
- വാദി (Noun) [Malayalam] plaintiff, claimant
- വിധി (Noun) [Malayalam] judgment
- സത്യവാങ്മൂലം (Noun) [Malayalam] affidavit
- ဆွေခုနစ်ဆက်မျိုးခုနစ်ဆက် (Noun) [Burmese] seven degrees or generations of kinship (ancestors and descendants) recognized in the traditional Burmese legal system
- တရားခံ (Noun) [Burmese] criminal
- တရားခွင် (Noun) [Burmese] court of law
- တရားစွဲ (Verb) [Burmese] to prosecute; to sue; to litigate
- တရားရုံး (Noun) [Burmese] court of law; court of justice
- တရားလို (Noun) [Burmese] complainant, plaintiff
- တရားလွှတ်တော် (Noun) [Burmese] appellate court
- တရားလွှတ်တော်ချုပ် (Noun) [Burmese] supreme court
- ထောင် (Verb) [Burmese] to set up (a business, etc.)
- ဓမ္မသတ် (Noun) [Burmese] legal code
- နိုင်ငံကူးလက်မှတ် (Noun) [Burmese] passport
- ပြစ်မှု (Noun) [Burmese] crime; offence
- ဖွဲ့စည်းပုံအခြေခံဥပဒေ (Noun) [Burmese] constitution (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions)
- ရာဇဝတ် (Noun) [Burmese] royal edict; state law
- ရာဇသတ် (Noun) [Burmese] criminal or penal law
- ရှေ့တော်ခံ (Noun) [Rakhine] lawyer, attorney
- ရှေ့နေ (Noun) [Burmese] lawyer; attorney
- ရှေ့နေချုပ် (Noun) [Burmese] attorney general
- လူမျိုးတုံးသတ်ဖြတ်မှု (Noun) [Burmese] genocide
- သက်သေ (Noun) [Burmese] witness.
- သက်သေ (Noun) [Burmese] evidence.
- သခိုး (Noun) [Rakhine] Alternative spelling of သူခိုး
- သူခိုး (Noun) [Burmese] thief
- သူခိုး (Noun) [Rakhine] thief
- သေတမ်းစာ (Noun) [Burmese] last will and testament, testament, will
- အကောက် (Noun) [Burmese] tax; duty; toll
- အကောက် (Noun) [Burmese] toll collected by the house from a gaming table
- အကောက် (Noun) [Burmese] interpretation
- အကျဉ်း (Noun) [Burmese] summary, synopsis, abstract
- အကျဉ်း (Noun) [Burmese] prison, jail
- အကျဉ်းထောင် (Noun) [Burmese] prison, jail
- အဆို (Noun) [Burmese] written statement
- အထက်လွှတ်တော် (Noun) [Burmese] upper house of a legislative body
- အပိုဒ် (Noun) [Burmese] clause
- အောက်လွှတ်တော် (Noun) [Burmese] lower house of a legislative body
- အောက်သား (Proper name) [Burmese] children from the present and subsequent marriage
- ဢၵွၵ်ႈ (Noun) [Shan] tax; duty; toll.
- ဥပဒေ (Noun) [Burmese] law, enacted law, customary law
- ဥပဒေ (Noun) [Mon] jurist prudence.
- ପୁଲିସ୍ (Noun) [Odia] police
- ପୁଲିସ୍ବାଲା (Noun) [Odia] police officer
- ବୃଦ୍ଧି (Noun) [Odia] fine
- ମହକୁମା (Noun) [Odia] court of justice, tribunal
- ஆவணம் (Noun) [Tamil] bond, deed
- இராசி (Noun) [Tamil] amicable settlement, reconciliation
- உத்தரம் (Noun) [Tamil] written statement filed by the defendant in a case
- ஊழல் (Noun) [Tamil] corruption
- கச்சேரி (Noun) [Tamil] cutcherry, office for the transaction of any public business, an office of administration, revenue office, courthouse
- கச்சேரி (Noun) [Tamil] business proceeding in a public office
- கொந்தர் (Noun) [Tamil] hacker
- கொள்ளை (Noun) [Tamil] pillage, plunder, robbery
- தண்டனை (Noun) [Tamil] sentence, punishment, penalty
- நன்கொடை (Noun) [Tamil] gift with full power of disposal conferred on the donee
- ராஜிநாமா (Noun) [Tamil] settlement, arbitration, document in writing whereby the parties to a suit agree to adjust their differences
- விபச்சாரம் செய்தல் (Noun) [Tamil] prostitution
- అకృత్యము (Noun) [Telugu] crime
- అదాలతు (Noun) [Telugu] a court of justice
- అప్రమాణము (Noun) [Telugu] perjury
- అభయము (Noun) [Telugu] a warrant or guarantee of safety or shelter
- అభియోగము (Noun) [Telugu] charge, accusation, plaint
- ఆత్మహత్య (Noun) [Telugu] suicide
- ఎల (Noun) [Telugu] witness
- కంచె (Noun) [Telugu] fence
- కచేరి (Noun) [Telugu] a nautch, the ceremony of dancing at a wedding
- కచేరీ (Noun) [Telugu] Alternative form of కచేరి (kacēri)
- కూనీ (Noun) [Telugu] murder
- కేసు (Noun) [Telugu] a legal case, a lawsuit
- ఖూనీ (Noun) [Telugu] murder
- గోహత్య (Noun) [Telugu] cow killing
- ఘాతకుడు (Noun) [Telugu] murderer, villain, destroyer, wretch (one who kills or destroys)
- ఘాతము (Noun) [Telugu] killing, murdering, slaughter
- ఘాతిని (Noun) [Telugu] a murderess
- ఘాతుకము (Noun) [Telugu] cruelty, ferocity, murder
- ఘాతుకము (Adjective) [Telugu] mischievous, hurtful, cruel, savage, violent, ferocious
- చట్టము (Noun) [Telugu] plan, system, rule, regulation, ordinance, statue, law
- చోరుడు (Noun) [Telugu] a thief
- ఠాణా (Noun) [Telugu] thana, police station
- ఠాణాదారుడు (Noun) [Telugu] head police officer
- తస్కరుడు (Noun) [Telugu] thief, robber
- తీర్పరి (Noun) [Telugu] judge
- తీర్పు (Noun) [Telugu] a decision, judgement, sentence, decree
- దడి (Noun) [Telugu] fence; a screen of leaves, bamboos, etc.
- దావా (Noun) [Telugu] lawsuit
- దావా (Noun) [Telugu] claim
- దొంగ (Noun) [Telugu] thief, robber
- దొంగతనము (Noun) [Telugu] theft
- దొంగరికము (Noun) [Telugu] theft
- దోషి (Noun) [Telugu] one who is guilty, a criminal, a sinner
- ధర్మశాల (Noun) [Telugu] court of justice
- ధర్మశాస్త్రము (Noun) [Telugu] law, legal science, jurisprudence
- నామా (Noun) [Telugu] a deed, letters patent
- నాయము (Noun) [Telugu] justice
- నేరము (Noun) [Telugu] crime
- న్యాయము (Noun) [Telugu] justice
- న్యాయమూర్తి (Noun) [Telugu] a public official whose duty is to administer the law, by presiding over trials and rendering justice -judge
- న్యాయవాది (Noun) [Telugu] an attorney
- న్యాయాధిపతి (Noun) [Telugu] a public official whose duty it is to administer the law, by presiding over trials and rendering judgments - judge
- పత్ని (Noun) [Telugu] lawful wife
- పాతకము (Noun) [Telugu] a sin, a crime
- పునర్విచారణ (Noun) [Telugu] retrial
- పోలీసు (Noun) [Telugu] police
- ప్రతివాది (Noun) [Telugu] defendant
- ప్లీడరు (Noun) [Telugu] pleader or lawyer
- మానభంగము (Noun) [Telugu] rape (the act of forcing sexual intercourse or other sexual activity upon another person, without their consent and/or against their will)
- ముచ్చు (Noun) [Telugu] rogue, thief
- రాజీనామా (Noun) [Telugu] a deed of an amicable settlement
- వకాలతు (Noun) [Telugu] agency, attorneyship, power of attorney
- వకీలు (Noun) [Telugu] a vakil or pleader in a court of law
- వాది (Noun) [Telugu] plaintiff, complainant
- సాక్ష్యము (Noun) [Telugu] evidence
- హంతకుడు (Noun) [Telugu] murderer
- హంతకురాలు (Noun) [Telugu] murderess
- హక్కు (Noun) [Telugu] legal right, claim or title
- హత్య (Noun) [Telugu] murder
- ބަންދާރަ ނާއިބު (Noun) [Dhivehi] attorney general
- ފަނޑިޔާރު (Noun) [Dhivehi] judge
- ފުލުސް (Noun) [Dhivehi] police
- ޤާނޫނު (Noun) [Dhivehi] law
- กฎ … กรมธรรม์ (17 senses)
- กรรม … การฆ่าปิดปาก (24 senses)
- การฆ่าฟัน … การฟอกเงิน (18 senses)
- การยักยอก … กินข้าวแดง (23 senses)
- กู้ … ครอบครอง (21 senses)
- ควบคุม … ฆ่าฟัน (25 senses)
- จลาจล … ชำเรา (14 senses)
- ชิง … ตั๋วสัญญาใช้เงิน (22 senses)
- ตำรวจ … นั่งพิจารณา (25 senses)
- นาง … บทบัญญัติ (17 senses)
- บรรพ … ปัญหาข้อเท็จจริง (28 senses)
- ปาก … พนักงานอัยการ (22 senses)
- พยาน … ฟอกเงิน (19 senses)
- ฟ้อง … มูลนิธิ (20 senses)
- ยก … รูปคดี (17 senses)
- ฤชา … ศุภมัสดุ (24 senses)
- สถาน … สุจริต (25 senses)
- สู้ … หมิ่นประมาท (18 senses)
- หมู่ … อั้งยี่ (17 senses)
- อากร … เจ้าหนี้ (21 senses)
- เชลย … เอกเทศสัญญา (28 senses)
- แกงได … โทษประหารชีวิต (14 senses)
- โมฆ … ไหม (15 senses)
- ཉེན་རྟོག་པ (Noun) [Tibetan] police
- པུ་ལི་སི (Noun) [Tibetan] police
- 'eyet … 11th Cir. (17 senses)
- 12 … 419 scam (16 senses)
- 4L … `period`/`period` (15 senses)
- © … ܕܘܪܫܐ (15 senses)
- ܕܬܐ … ܣܢܐܓܪܐ (17 senses)
- ܣܩܪܐ … ܫܘܪܛܝܐ (17 senses)
- ܫܛܪܐ … अधोहस्ताक्षरी (16 senses)
- अपील … कठघरा (17 senses)
- करण … ख़सरा (14 senses)
- खून … ज़ौजा (14 senses)
- जोजे … निर्धारित करना (14 senses)
- न्याय … प्रवृत्त होना (18 senses)
- प्रश्न … महाधिवक्ता (15 senses)
- मानस … वस्तु रूप में (15 senses)
- वाक्य … साधयति (16 senses)
- सासन … 🅯 (27 senses)
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If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.