降嫁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降嫁
任す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 任す
装う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 装う
鬱屈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鬱屈
鬱血 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鬱血
鬱積 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鬱積
鬱滞 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鬱滞
掬う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掬う
通じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通じる
召す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 召す
超越 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 超越
対話 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 対話
轍を踏む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 轍を踏む
拭う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拭う
キャッチ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: キャッチ
諾う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 諾う
校訂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 校訂
更訂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 更訂
校定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 校定
唱える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 唱える
称える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 称える
称える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 称える
湛える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 湛える
転送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転送
衝動買い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 衝動買い
道理に適う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 道理に適う
束ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 束ねる
束ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 束ねる
探検 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 探検
詠唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 詠唱
張り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 張り込む
言い逃れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 言い逃れる
分光 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分光
リサイクル (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リサイクル
アップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: アップ
ブロック (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ブロック
領収 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 領収
嫌がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嫌がる
恫喝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恫喝
喝采 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 喝采
開き直る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開き直る
エスカレート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: エスカレート
孤立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 孤立
徒死 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 徒死
遡る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遡る
報いる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 報いる
盗聴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 盗聴
駆使 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駆使
進級 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進級
でれでれ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: でれでれ
主管 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 主管
断水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 断水
太る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 太る
当惑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 当惑
弱る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弱る
洗髪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 洗髪
やがる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: やがる
憧れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 憧れる
鎖国 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鎖国
打付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打付ける
おぼれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: おぼれる
調停 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 調停
同調 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 同調
ラッピング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ラッピング
研ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 研ぐ
磨ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 磨ぐ
詫びる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 詫びる
お詫び (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: お詫び
託つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 託つ
辱める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 辱める
異見 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 異見
呻く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呻く
醸す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 醸す
鼾をかく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鼾をかく
預言 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 預言
いびる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いびる
屈む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 屈む
注記 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 注記
駐車 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駐車
留める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 留める
キャッチボール (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: キャッチボール
がやがや (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: がやがや
穀食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 穀食
足る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 足る
再建 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再建
再建 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再建
延ばす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 延ばす
選出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 選出
寛ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寛ぐ
保有 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 保有
想像が付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 想像が付く
憧憬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 憧憬
憧憬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 憧憬
観戦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 観戦
是正 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 是正
慫慂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 慫慂
羨望 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 羨望
上陸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上陸
増水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増水
垣間見る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 垣間見る
動揺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 動揺
捕獲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 捕獲
築く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 築く
築く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 築く
乱獲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乱獲
懲らしめる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懲らしめる
生じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生じる
説く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 説く
溶く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溶く
天上 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 天上
連鎖 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連鎖
朗読 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 朗読
連ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連ねる
連関 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連関
連座 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連座
連載 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連載
保管 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 保管
相識 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 相識
貯蔵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貯蔵
節電 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 節電
蠢く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蠢く
絡む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絡む
再現 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再現
窄まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窄まる
制覇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 制覇
開闢 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開闢
反映 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反映
展観 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 展観
砕く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 砕く
感知 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 感知
偏向 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 偏向
救済 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 救済
触発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 触発
占拠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 占拠
かたよる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: かたよる
根拠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 根拠
準拠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 準拠
帰順 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰順
視聴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 視聴
試聴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 試聴
漬ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漬ける
点ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 点ける
就ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 就ける
口付け (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 口付け
口付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 口付ける
接吻 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接吻
惑わす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 惑わす
拘留 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拘留
脅かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脅かす
脅かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脅かす
冴える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冴える
下がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下がる
譲る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 譲る
呪う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呪う
呪う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呪う
減収 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 減収
説教 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 説教
没頭 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 没頭
流行る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流行る
数取り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 数取り
愛でる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 愛でる
滞る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 滞る
変革 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変革
憤る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 憤る
撤去 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撤去
測定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 測定
縮写 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縮写
上天 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上天
合成 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合成
剥く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 剥く
剥げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 剥げる
禿げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 禿げる
抜かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抜かる
泥濘る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泥濘る
再来 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再来
享受 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 享受
思考 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思考
寄与 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寄与
夜襲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 夜襲
波及 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 波及
受かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受かる
償う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 償う
腹下し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 腹下し
深耕 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 深耕
侵冦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 侵冦
進航 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進航
進貢 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進貢
進講 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進講
掠め取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掠め取る
授ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 授ける
尊重 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 尊重
行進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 行進
貫徹 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貫徹
容認 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 容認
冷凍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冷凍
残す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 残す
卑しめる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 卑しめる
累計 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 累計
出迎える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出迎える
分乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分乗
鼾睡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鼾睡
収録 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収録
提唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 提唱
多用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 多用
選定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 選定
違約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 違約
彷徨 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 彷徨
放校 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放校
放光 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放光
造成 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 造成
潤ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潤ける
調合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 調合
達観 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 達観
降参 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降参
仕上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕上げる
ぶら下がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぶら下がる
独唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 独唱
風化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 風化
憑依 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 憑依
囁く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 囁く
計上 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 計上
計測 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 計測
めとる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: めとる
取り持つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り持つ
引っ掛ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引っ掛ける
巡らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巡らす
負ぶう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 負ぶう
人見知り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 人見知り
閃く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閃く
うねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: うねる
飛び上がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び上がる
建造 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 建造
上演 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上演
設施 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 設施
捻出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 捻出
満つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 満つ
濡れ衣を着せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 濡れ衣を着せる
破く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 破く
陥る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 陥る
交尾 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交尾
上述 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上述
公布 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 公布
合唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合唱
褒め称える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 褒め称える
提言 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 提言
分課 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分課
取り組む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り組む
刺激 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 刺激
落札 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落札
うちあわせ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: うちあわせ
打ち合わせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち合わせる
踏む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踏む
拠る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拠る
構築 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 構築
似通う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 似通う
摂食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 摂食
節食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 節食
奪い合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奪い合う
撤兵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撤兵
生る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生る
離反 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離反
信託 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 信託
指摘 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 指摘
診断 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 診断
細工 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 細工
危惧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 危惧
退場 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退場
頭の中が真っ白になる (idiom) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 頭の中が真っ白になる
鳴る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鳴る
無駄遣い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 無駄遣い
辞する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 辞する
励ます (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 励ます
共食い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 共食い
おしゃべり (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: おしゃべり
怠ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 怠ける
減らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 減らす
絡める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絡める
競う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 競う
勧誘 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勧誘
勝る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勝る
増さる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増さる
徴発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 徴発
整理整頓 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 整理整頓
廃炉 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 廃炉
誘拐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誘拐
助け合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 助け合う
訪中 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訪中
流れ込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流れ込む
平定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 平定
折衝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 折衝
みなす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: みなす
横断 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 横断
追突 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追突
振り落とす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 振り落とす
見習う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見習う
見届ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見届ける
追い掛ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い掛ける
植える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 植える
加える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 加える
ゆったり (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ゆったり
算出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 算出
たたずむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: たたずむ
早起き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 早起き
売れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 売れる
熟れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熟れる
纏める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 纏める
効率化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 効率化
マイナス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: マイナス
相次ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 相次ぐ
離す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離す
追及 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追及
伸び上がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伸び上がる
検出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 検出
入り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入り込む
入り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入り込む
払拭 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 払拭
努める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 努める
吊り上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吊り上げる
分岐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分岐
重ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 重ねる
死去 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 死去
配備 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配備
受章 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受章
絞り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絞り込む
追求 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追求
焦げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焦げる
焦る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焦る
褪せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 褪せる
焦がす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焦がす
放って置く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放って置く
放って置く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放って置く
下支え (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下支え
損壊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 損壊
配布 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配布
全壊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 全壊
半壊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 半壊
受け取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受け取る
出費 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出費
進む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進む
対する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 対する
複合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 複合
話し合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 話し合う
呼び出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呼び出す
見込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見込む
両立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 両立
済む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 済む
退職 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退職
課税 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 課税
観測 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 観測
屈折 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 屈折
帰国 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰国
妥協 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 妥協
採決 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 採決
祷る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 祷る
採択 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 採択
通報 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通報
巡視 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巡視
除染 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 除染
取り除く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り除く
携わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 携わる
図解 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 図解
飛び散る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び散る
おちば (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: おちば
回収 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 回収
適する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 適する
防水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 防水
受け付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受け付ける
あずける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あずける
駐留 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駐留
及ぶ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 及ぶ
扱う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 扱う
分祀 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分祀
対立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 対立
伴う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伴う
打ち出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち出す
掛け直す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掛け直す
吹き飛ぶ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吹き飛ぶ
節制 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 節制
突き落とす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 突き落とす
散髪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 散髪
貧乏 (noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貧乏
付け加える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付け加える
がる (suffix) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: がる
委託 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 委託
慰安 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 慰安
見通す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見通す
暴行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 暴行
供述 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 供述
引き出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き出す
同じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 同じる
設ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 設ける
抵触 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抵触
整う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 整う
揃う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揃う
暮らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 暮らす
支え合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 支え合う
内定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 内定
担ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 担ぐ
一元化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一元化
給付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 給付
上乗せ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上乗せ
渇く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渇く
扶養 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 扶養
もらす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: もらす
吹き出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吹き出す
消耗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 消耗
発火 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 発火
拭き取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拭き取る
外食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 外食
取り外す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り外す
逆剃り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 逆剃り
ストーカー (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ストーカー
失くす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失くす
追い回す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い回す
摘まむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 摘まむ
解ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解ける
解ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解ける
強まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 強まる
運休 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 運休
停留 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 停留
収束 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収束
立ち入る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち入る
薦める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 薦める
高まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 高まる
排除 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 排除
諮問 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 諮問
相続 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 相続
融合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 融合
きよめる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: きよめる
揉み合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揉み合う
容赦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 容赦
目途が立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 目途が立つ
上気 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上気
進展 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進展
忍耐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 忍耐
猶予う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 猶予う
一見 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一見
潜る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潜る
潜る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潜る
慌てふためく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 慌てふためく
力説 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 力説
記す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 記す
安眠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 安眠
持ち直す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持ち直す
急ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 急ぐ
昇進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 昇進
引き締める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き締める
振り返る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 振り返る
置き換わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 置き換わる
斡旋 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 斡旋
うわづみ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: うわづみ
声明 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 声明
言及 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 言及
応じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 応じる
付帯 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付帯
義務づける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 義務づける
基づく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 基づく
焼失 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焼失
振り払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 振り払う
振り放す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 振り放す
回避 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 回避
愛用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 愛用
抗告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抗告
退ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退ける
退ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退ける
退ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退ける
浸透 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 浸透
圧迫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 圧迫
受け止める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受け止める
引っ込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引っ込む
見直す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見直す
専属 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 専属
まえばらい (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: まえばらい
下げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下げる
先遣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先遣
受け入れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受け入れる
確保 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 確保
跨がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 跨がる
拡充 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拡充
公約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 公約
祝う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 祝う
参賀 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 参賀
記帳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 記帳
撒き散らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撒き散らす
雑居 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 雑居
妥結 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 妥結
宛てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 宛てる
口を割る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 口を割る
鑑みる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鑑みる
繰り出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 繰り出す
馴れ合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 馴れ合う
荒れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 荒れる
否む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 否む
否む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 否む
伐採 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伐採
スリップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スリップ
積む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 積む
飛び回る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び回る
立ち上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち上げる
待ち侘びる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 待ち侘びる
冠雪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冠雪
存命 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 存命
射止める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 射止める
南下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 南下
移設 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 移設
冷やす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冷やす
溶融 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溶融
移管 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 移管
管轄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 管轄
取り纏める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り纏める
受け持つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受け持つ
兼務 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 兼務
掲げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掲げる
見据える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見据える
既存 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 既存
賛同 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 賛同
探る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 探る
炊事 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 炊事
持ち運ぶ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持ち運ぶ
障害 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 障害
変動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変動
据え置く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 据え置く
張り替える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 張り替える
就く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 就く
鼓舞 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鼓舞
貯蓄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貯蓄
言い出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 言い出す
棚卸し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 棚卸し
優越 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 優越
見下ろす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見下ろす
給食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 給食
杜撰 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 杜撰
取り囲む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り囲む
脱却 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱却
買い上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 買い上げる
借り上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 借り上げる
引き上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き上げる
作り上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 作り上げる
造り上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 造り上げる
でっちあげる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: でっちあげる
世襲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 世襲
踏襲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踏襲
送付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 送付
送検 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 送検
転倒 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転倒
使い回す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 使い回す
照れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 照れる
主催 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 主催
拘る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拘る
拘る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拘る
制御 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 制御
施す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 施す
推し進める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 推し進める
退任 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退任
出場 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出場
炊く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 炊く
撞く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撞く
残留 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 残留
下回る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下回る
練り歩く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 練り歩く
見舞う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見舞う
低迷 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 低迷
追い込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い込む
巻き返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巻き返す
飛び出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び出す
取り調べる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り調べる
手配 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手配
出頭 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出頭
向き合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 向き合う
可決 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 可決
盛り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 盛り込む
決済 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 決済
普及 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 普及
標準化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 標準化
飲み込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飲み込む
運び込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 運び込む
歴任 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歴任
遺伝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遺伝
転覆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転覆
投げ出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 投げ出す
差し出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 差し出す
取り残す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り残す
乗り上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗り上げる
喫煙 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 喫煙
混雑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 混雑
対戦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 対戦
密集 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 密集
狙撃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 狙撃
折り返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 折り返す
想定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 想定
潜む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潜む
逃げ込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 逃げ込む
漂着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漂着
出掛ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出掛ける
蹲る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蹲る
消し止める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 消し止める
出火 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出火
躍進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 躍進
圧勝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 圧勝
面会 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 面会
いさちる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いさちる
付加 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付加
来訪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 来訪
貢ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貢ぐ
報う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 報う
晒す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 晒す
差し込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 差し込む
軽んずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 軽んずる
労う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 労う
折る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 折る
慰める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 慰める
願う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 願う
測量 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 測量
摩耗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 摩耗
始末 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 始末
遂げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遂げる
遣り遂げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遣り遂げる
やり遂げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: やり遂げる
併設 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 併設
接岸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接岸
改良 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改良
収賄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収賄
衰弱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 衰弱
見付かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見付かる
見つかる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見つかる
漂流 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漂流
スタンバイ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スタンバイ
出店 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出店
長期化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 長期化
志向 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 志向
指向 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 指向
伺候 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伺候
伺う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伺う
特定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 特定
贈呈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 贈呈
際立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 際立つ
試算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 試算
創出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 創出
叱責 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 叱責
配給 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配給
救出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 救出
加点 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 加点
立案 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立案
支出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 支出
現出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 現出
馳せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 馳せる
整備 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 整備
体感 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 体感
いなす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いなす
追従 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追従
追従 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追従
登坂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 登坂
打ち明ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち明ける
充てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 充てる
出兵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出兵
自重 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自重
スクロール (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スクロール
買収 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 買収
収容 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収容
収得 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収得
収用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収用
没収 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 没収
接収 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接収
増収 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増収
収拾 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収拾
接戦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接戦
チャット (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: チャット
知り合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 知り合う
絞める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絞める
清算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 清算
蓄積 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蓄積
滞在 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 滞在
輪廻 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 輪廻
分布 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分布
先送り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先送り
達する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 達する
代議 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 代議
代わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 代わる
代える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 代える
上回る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上回る
除雪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 除雪
固定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 固定
掘削 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掘削
進捗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進捗
退陣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退陣
前倒し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 前倒し
手放す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手放す
添付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 添付
交付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交付
策定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 策定
染める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 染める
染める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 染める
張る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 張る
調子に乗る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 調子に乗る
取り返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り返す
出荷 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出荷
支度 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 支度
採掘 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 採掘
取り出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り出す
装填 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 装填
前後 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 前後
埋葬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 埋葬
噛む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 噛む
喘ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 喘ぐ
付け込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付け込む
変装 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変装
聞き付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聞き付ける
ぶくぶく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぶくぶく
ズル休み (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ズル休み
透視 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 透視
糊付け (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 糊付け
糊付け (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 糊付け
付言 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付言
付記 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付記
貼付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貼付
貼付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貼付
付着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付着
付属 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付属
付随 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付随
配付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配付
納付 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 納付
歪む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歪む
歪む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歪む
歪む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歪む
付き添う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付き添う
緩む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 緩む
弛む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弛む
飼育 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飼育
逃げ出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 逃げ出す
渡す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渡す
磨く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 磨く
買い物 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 買い物
吸う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吸う
滞留 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 滞留
習慣づける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 習慣づける
排便 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 排便
攪拌 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 攪拌
攪拌 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 攪拌
勝ち誇る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勝ち誇る
苛立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 苛立つ
仰け反る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仰け反る
掻き乱す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掻き乱す
放映 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放映
消去 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 消去
換気 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 換気
換算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 換算
搭載 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 搭載
総称 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 総称
拝み倒す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拝み倒す
抽出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抽出
窄める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窄める
窄める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窄める
返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 返す
無くす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 無くす
仕入れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕入れる
仕送り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕送り
仕える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕える
接待 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接待
節約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 節約
二君に仕える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 二君に仕える
促す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 促す
ぽちゃぽちゃ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぽちゃぽちゃ
揺れ動く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揺れ動く
撥ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撥ねる
流産 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流産
同伴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 同伴
笑い飛ばす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 笑い飛ばす
裂く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 裂く
徹夜 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 徹夜
弄くる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弄くる
焦らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焦らす
撫で回す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撫で回す
紅潮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 紅潮
立ち尽くす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち尽くす
鍛冶 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鍛冶
しっとり (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: しっとり
もちもち (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: もちもち
司る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 司る
厭う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 厭う
妬む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 妬む
嫉む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嫉む
嫉む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嫉む
威張る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 威張る
牽引 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 牽引
荷揚げ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 荷揚げ
静まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 静まる
敬遠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敬遠
漁獲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漁獲
露営 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 露営
研修 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 研修
量産 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 量産
驚嘆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 驚嘆
破損 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 破損
纏う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 纏う
編成 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 編成
返還 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 返還
駆け引き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駆け引き
背信 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 背信
浴する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 浴する
具える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 具える
受注 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受注
還元 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 還元
もたらす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: もたらす
追記 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追記
伝達 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伝達
開口 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開口
誘引 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誘引
沈着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沈着
奪略 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奪略
売り渡す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 売り渡す
口走る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 口走る
消え去る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 消え去る
媒介 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 媒介
嗜む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嗜む
引き分ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き分ける
注射 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 注射
泥棒 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泥棒
懇願 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懇願
合理化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合理化
起因 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 起因
勤務 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勤務
隠蔽 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 隠蔽
隠匿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 隠匿
投獄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 投獄
あわだつ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あわだつ
購う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 購う
購読 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 購読
ひきいる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ひきいる
攻め立てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 攻め立てる
談話 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 談話
編制 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 編制
出演 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出演
阻止 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 阻止
平衡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 平衡
得票 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 得票
用心 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 用心
遊行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遊行
遊行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遊行
予測 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 予測
セックス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: セックス
證明 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 證明
振動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 振動
上京 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上京
変遷 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変遷
台頭 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 台頭
自制 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自制
依據 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 依據
ちょろちょろ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ちょろちょろ
真似 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 真似
降霊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降霊
交霊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交霊
和える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 和える
樹立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 樹立
熟練 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熟練
専念 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 専念
塩茹で (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 塩茹で
散布 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 散布
亡命 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 亡命
増税 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増税
再燃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再燃
連む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連む
援助 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 援助
提議 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 提議
離脱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離脱
創設 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 創設
擬製 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 擬製
散る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 散る
懐く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懐く
懐く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懐く
イン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: イン
法施 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 法施
法施 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 法施
夜遊び (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 夜遊び
全焼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 全焼
逝去 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 逝去
開花 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開花
ねばねば (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ねばねば
汎発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 汎発
ふかふか (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ふかふか
排斥 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 排斥
配合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配合
夭折 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 夭折
溶接 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溶接
遭遇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遭遇
痛心 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 痛心
塞がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 塞がる
マスター (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: マスター
思い浮かべる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思い浮かべる
歩行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歩行
誤訳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誤訳
展開 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 展開
通訳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通訳
拮抗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拮抗
緊縮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 緊縮
連立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連立
敬礼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敬礼
頭を刈る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 頭を刈る
剥がす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 剥がす
通う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通う
因る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 因る
勘繰る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勘繰る
勘ぐる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勘ぐる
漸進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漸進
刻苦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 刻苦
閉じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閉じる
閉じ込める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閉じ込める
挫折 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 挫折
泥沼化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泥沼化
揶揄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揶揄
ぐったり (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぐったり
殺到 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殺到
装丁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 装丁
暗算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 暗算
卓越 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 卓越
異なる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 異なる
イッフ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: イッフ
呆れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呆れる
あずかる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あずかる
記載 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 記載
殲滅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殲滅
編む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 編む
圧縮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 圧縮
著す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 著す
回転 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 回転
往復 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 往復
括弧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 括弧
気を付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 気を付ける
砕ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 砕ける
崩す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 崩す
下る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下る
咥える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 咥える
乗車 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗車
スタート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スタート
全開 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 全開
こごえる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: こごえる
零す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 零す
刺さる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 刺さる
宣伝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 宣伝
揃える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揃える
揃える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揃える
高める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 高める
浸ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 浸ける
繋げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 繋げる
接続 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接続
溜まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溜まる
通勤 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通勤
吊る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吊る
溶ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溶ける
萎む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 萎む
覆蓋 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 覆蓋
飢える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飢える
飢える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飢える
浮かべる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 浮かべる
うすめる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: うすめる
打ち消す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち消す
うっかり (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: うっかり
写る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 写る
埋める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 埋める
埋める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 埋める
裏返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 裏返す
占う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 占う
恨む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恨む
売り切れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 売り切れる
うろうろ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: うろうろ
追い越す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い越す
応ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 応ずる
怠る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 怠る
改札 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改札
卸す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 卸す
開通 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開通
暖める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 暖める
揚げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揚げる
あらためる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あらためる
割引 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 割引
分かれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分かれる
論ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 論ずる
当てはまる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 当てはまる
ぶよぶよ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぶよぶよ
余る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 余る
潰す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潰す
凌辱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 凌辱
議決 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 議決
禁ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 禁ずる
勤労 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勤労
思い込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思い込む
帰す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰す
帰す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰す
反る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反る
反る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反る
ぶら下げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぶら下げる
ぶつかる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぶつかる
すっ込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: すっ込む
感ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 感ずる
着替え (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着替え
生ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生ずる
相違 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 相違
退院 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退院
茂る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 茂る
持参 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持参
鹸化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鹸化
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Japanese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-23 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-21 using wiktextract (fef8596 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.