敗訴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敗訴
消音 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 消音
勝訴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勝訴
下野 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下野
血に飢える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 血に飢える
噴霧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 噴霧
交接 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交接
敬畏 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敬畏
講説 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 講説
苦悩 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 苦悩
受胎 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受胎
溺死 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溺死
感光 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 感光
制動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 制動
渾名 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渾名
渾名 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渾名
布施 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 布施
離間 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離間
採集 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 採集
悔恨 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悔恨
開講 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開講
易化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 易化
燐酸化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 燐酸化
復古 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 復古
理財 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 理財
手を上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手を上げる
開創 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開創
警邏 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 警邏
入構 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入構
落着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落着
一件落着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一件落着
雀躍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 雀躍
萌芽 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 萌芽
欣喜雀躍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欣喜雀躍
整形 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 整形
沈殿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沈殿
肥大 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 肥大
ごまかす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ごまかす
出動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出動
崇敬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 崇敬
入航 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入航
入行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入行
唾棄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 唾棄
排尿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 排尿
稟告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 稟告
稟告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 稟告
鮴押し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鮴押し
抱擁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抱擁
成文化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 成文化
自薦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自薦
掃海 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掃海
齷齪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 齷齪
マッサージ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: マッサージ
スペルミス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スペルミス
酩酊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 酩酊
脱落 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱落
耕耘 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 耕耘
殺鼠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殺鼠
展翅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 展翅
殺虫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殺虫
雨下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 雨下
泥濘む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泥濘む
羽化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 羽化
焦思 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焦思
嚥下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嚥下
嚥下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嚥下
及第 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 及第
開場 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開場
孵化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 孵化
助力 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 助力
嗤笑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嗤笑
粧す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 粧す
こうる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: こうる
擽る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 擽る
鑑別 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鑑別
高翔 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 高翔
滑空 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 滑空
性的虐待 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 性的虐待
遅刻 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遅刻
竹篦返し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 竹篦返し
聾する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聾する
膨れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 膨れる
狐疑逡巡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 狐疑逡巡
逡巡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 逡巡
根絶 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 根絶
ひき逃げ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ひき逃げ
狐疑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 狐疑
逃逸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 逃逸
快走 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 快走
精算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 精算
急進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 急進
出没 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出没
緩衝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 緩衝
離合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離合
鼾く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鼾く
鼾臥す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鼾臥す
呟く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呟く
黙考 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 黙考
嘲笑う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嘲笑う
小憩 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 小憩
紊乱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 紊乱
紊乱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 紊乱
着火 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着火
通用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通用
毒害 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 毒害
開頭 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開頭
敵視 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敵視
可視化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 可視化
耀眼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 耀眼
でんぐり返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: でんぐり返す
でんぐり返り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: でんぐり返り
でんぐり返し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: でんぐり返し
でんぐり返る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: でんぐり返る
小鍋立て (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 小鍋立て
嵌頓 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嵌頓
尾行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 尾行
合歓 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合歓
衛護 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 衛護
ときめく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ときめく
ときめく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ときめく
詠嘆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 詠嘆
ミスる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ミスる
ランチ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ランチ
お腹が空く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: お腹が空く
脚色 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脚色
現実逃避 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 現実逃避
完封 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 完封
ゲット (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ゲット
越境 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 越境
訝しむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訝しむ
退散 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退散
縫合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縫合
よぎる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: よぎる
呪詛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呪詛
呪詛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呪詛
メモる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: メモる
鬧事 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鬧事
窃取 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窃取
得道 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 得道
減じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 減じる
検針 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 検針
懸垂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懸垂
スクラップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スクラップ
大観 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 大観
卑下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 卑下
キックオフ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: キックオフ
伸長 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伸長
着地 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着地
ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ずる
眺める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 眺める
かげろう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: かげろう
解せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解せる
哀痛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 哀痛
返答 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 返答
盲信 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 盲信
直立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直立
魅了 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 魅了
処罰 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 処罰
とど (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: とど
止血 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 止血
埋設 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 埋設
亢進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 亢進
監護 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 監護
草食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 草食
落雪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落雪
熱中 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熱中
服用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 服用
ノック (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ノック
矯正 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 矯正
造形 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 造形
日光浴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 日光浴
欲求 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欲求
苦汁を嘗める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 苦汁を嘗める
ヤフる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ヤフる
顧慮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 顧慮
デッサン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: デッサン
シャッフル (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: シャッフル
恋に落ちる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恋に落ちる
息抜き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 息抜き
聞き取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聞き取る
予断 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 予断
感応 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 感応
折半 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 折半
軍事化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 軍事化
動擾 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 動擾
同乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 同乗
剥離 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 剥離
奪回 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奪回
遠回り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遠回り
議定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 議定
議定 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 議定
包容 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 包容
でこぴん (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: でこぴん
邦訳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 邦訳
フォトショ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: フォトショ
謀叛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 謀叛
直視 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直視
論駁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 論駁
併科 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 併科
併課 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 併課
劣後 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 劣後
空気を読む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 空気を読む
立項 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立項
侵襲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 侵襲
陸行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 陸行
陸行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 陸行
力行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 力行
力行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 力行
力行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 力行
消灯 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 消灯
解凍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解凍
飢凍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飢凍
帰東 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰東
帰島 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰島
額を突く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 額を突く
避退 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 避退
窘迫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窘迫
寝付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝付く
風靡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 風靡
苦杯を嘗める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 苦杯を嘗める
雁首を揃える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 雁首を揃える
立ちション (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ちション
診察 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 診察
恋い焦がれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恋い焦がれる
恋焦れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恋焦れる
論破 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 論破
食らう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 食らう
品題 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 品題
脳漿を絞る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脳漿を絞る
似合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 似合う
下りる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下りる
力になる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 力になる
存じ上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 存じ上げる
投擲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 投擲
加俸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 加俸
三振 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 三振
乱反射 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乱反射
直筆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直筆
直筆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直筆
テレポート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: テレポート
欠落 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欠落
抗う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抗う
睨む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 睨む
頓死 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 頓死
渦巻く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渦巻く
便乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 便乗
宣戦布告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 宣戦布告
離島 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離島
兼摂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 兼摂
累進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 累進
欠乏 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欠乏
乱立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乱立
陳謝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 陳謝
服膺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 服膺
概説 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 概説
阿る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 阿る
殉教 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殉教
阿諛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 阿諛
殉職 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殉職
頓写 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 頓写
殉難 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殉難
メイク (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: メイク
爆笑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爆笑
求職 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 求職
特記 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 特記
アーカイブ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: アーカイブ
ポップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ポップ
誤算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誤算
局限 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 局限
孤棲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 孤棲
雑魚寝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 雑魚寝
超絶 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 超絶
ハモる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ハモる
死にかける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 死にかける
凝固 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 凝固
爆擊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爆擊
失せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失せる
造字 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 造字
生まれ変わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生まれ変わる
畏懼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 畏懼
熱唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熱唱
迍邅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 迍邅
屯邅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 屯邅
対談 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 対談
リレー (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リレー
膠す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 膠す
株分け (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 株分け
反則 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反則
反側 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反側
蕃息 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蕃息
歯を没す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歯を没す
プロポーズ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: プロポーズ
炸裂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 炸裂
奉伺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奉伺
改題 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改題
作り出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 作り出す
連なる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連なる
終始 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 終始
蛇行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蛇行
旅立ち (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 旅立ち
大言壮語 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 大言壮語
爬行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爬行
ストリーキング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ストリーキング
流下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流下
硫化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 硫化
模写 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 模写
即発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 即発
新着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 新着
模造 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 模造
暗転 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 暗転
縊殺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縊殺
流離 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流離
同床 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 同床
小食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 小食
除草 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 除草
淘去 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 淘去
正常化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 正常化
淘来 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 淘来
出獄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出獄
性転換 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 性転換
校正 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 校正
速読 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 速読
もやもや (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: もやもや
読み出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 読み出す
温存 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 温存
着席 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着席
曝白 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 曝白
停まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 停まる
デフォルメ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: デフォルメ
猫を被る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 猫を被る
駆る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駆る
轢く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 轢く
排卵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 排卵
貯金 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貯金
接骨 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接骨
借用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 借用
統帥 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 統帥
帰宅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰宅
相対 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 相対
相対 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 相対
凌駕 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 凌駕
寝落ち (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝落ち
はやめる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: はやめる
出納 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出納
卒乳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 卒乳
嘆願 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嘆願
矛楯 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 矛楯
祭る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 祭る
屠る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 屠る
歯磨き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歯磨き
爆睡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爆睡
落第 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落第
退化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退化
ドラッグ&ドロップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ドラッグ&ドロップ
タバコを吸う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: タバコを吸う
大人買い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 大人買い
全勝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 全勝
はらはら (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: はらはら
漉く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漉く
身につける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 身につける
シャットダウン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: シャットダウン
扶翼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 扶翼
腫らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 腫らす
気がする (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 気がする
盟誓 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 盟誓
接客 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接客
拘禁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拘禁
hshs (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: hshs
救命 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 救命
たそがれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: たそがれる
直滑降 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直滑降
誤読 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誤読
雑談 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 雑談
服毒 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 服毒
把捉 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 把捉
冷え切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冷え切る
脱稿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱稿
だっこう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: だっこう
なきくずれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: なきくずれる
一目 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一目
舞い落ちる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 舞い落ちる
見下す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見下す
灯る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 灯る
灯る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 灯る
閉校 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閉校
廃校 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 廃校
傳道 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 傳道
声を上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 声を上げる
ぶちころす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぶちころす
蹴飛ばす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蹴飛ばす
転回 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転回
悲鳴を上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悲鳴を上げる
倦怠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 倦怠
予期 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 予期
折れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 折れる
退部 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退部
出水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出水
出家 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出家
周知 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 周知
漂白 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漂白
過食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 過食
自問 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自問
整除 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 整除
吸血 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吸血
割愛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 割愛
痛惜 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 痛惜
ちびる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ちびる
ちびる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ちびる
閉館 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閉館
裨益 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 裨益
ハント (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ハント
下達 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下達
抑圧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抑圧
下垂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下垂
イメチェン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: イメチェン
目頭が熱くなる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 目頭が熱くなる
苦笑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 苦笑
団結 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 団結
分かち合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分かち合う
補導 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 補導
除名 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 除名
ひれ伏す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ひれ伏す
自製 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自製
融解 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 融解
欠勤 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欠勤
筆談 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 筆談
攻城 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 攻城
参上 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 参上
供える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 供える
明ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 明ける
横転 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 横転
八百長 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 八百長
空ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 空ける
空ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 空ける
溺愛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溺愛
潜める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潜める
ざっとう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ざっとう
緘黙 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 緘黙
停学 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 停学
どろん (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: どろん
音写 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 音写
連投 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連投
爆誕 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爆誕
返済 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 返済
声援 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 声援
配電 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配電
サボタージ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: サボタージ
サボタージュ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: サボタージュ
窃盗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窃盗
破壊活動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 破壊活動
カキコ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カキコ
クソカキコ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: クソカキコ
頬が落ちる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 頬が落ちる
頬っ辺が落ちる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 頬っ辺が落ちる
遊弋 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遊弋
囚われる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 囚われる
お休みになる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: お休みになる
蔓延る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蔓延る
蔓延る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蔓延る
蟠る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蟠る
再撮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再撮
凍らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 凍らす
系列化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 系列化
就塒 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 就塒
吐血 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吐血
封殺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 封殺
世俗化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 世俗化
除隊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 除隊
頭角を現す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 頭角を現す
西進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 西進
あぎとう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あぎとう
抱締める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抱締める
招撫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 招撫
探りを入れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 探りを入れる
物色 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 物色
葬送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 葬送
打っ潰す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打っ潰す
倒置 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 倒置
生還 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生還
影印 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 影印
満載 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 満載
訪日 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訪日
渡日 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渡日
来阪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 来阪
帰阪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰阪
帰日 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰日
震撼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 震撼
来京 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 来京
探訪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 探訪
製鋼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 製鋼
珠算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 珠算
追想 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追想
節水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 節水
盛り上がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 盛り上がる
癖になる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 癖になる
息継ぎ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 息継ぎ
研磨 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 研磨
酌量 (noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 酌量
みくびる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: みくびる
むかつく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: むかつく
刷り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 刷り込む
向きになる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 向きになる
尊崇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 尊崇
見掛ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見掛ける
租借 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 租借
中和 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 中和
髣髴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 髣髴
周遊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 周遊
白熱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 白熱
概算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 概算
送葬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 送葬
幽閉 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 幽閉
永眠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 永眠
騰貴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 騰貴
製炭 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 製炭
縫製 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縫製
常備 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 常備
請待 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 請待
翻字 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 翻字
迎合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 迎合
養生 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 養生
こなす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: こなす
粘着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 粘着
謁見 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 謁見
創唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 創唱
知れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 知れる
明細 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 明細
括約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 括約
開票 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開票
止す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 止す
組閣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 組閣
下船 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下船
訓令 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訓令
審問 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 審問
行商 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 行商
献策 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 献策
斜視 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 斜視
諧和 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 諧和
諧和 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 諧和
熟睡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熟睡
遺贈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遺贈
嚮導 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嚮導
右折 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 右折
密通 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 密通
手に入る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手に入る
手に入る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手に入る
左折 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 左折
乱交 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乱交
異化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 異化
登攀 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 登攀
重合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 重合
弔慰 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弔慰
臆測 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 臆測
自壊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自壊
鄙薄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鄙薄
脱漏 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱漏
脱色 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱色
レベルアップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: レベルアップ
熱望 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熱望
宥める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 宥める
通達 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通達
ダビング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ダビング
放電 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放電
腐乱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 腐乱
孵卵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 孵卵
跳梁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 跳梁
提挈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 提挈
失職 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失職
拾遺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拾遺
失敬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失敬
割り出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 割り出す
割出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 割出す
へたる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: へたる
聳立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聳立
繁盛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 繁盛
砒化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 砒化
進駐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進駐
男を磨く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 男を磨く
褒貶 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 褒貶
曲解 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 曲解
修練 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 修練
敬重 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敬重
上す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上す
停職 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 停職
設問 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 設問
連泊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連泊
鳥瞰 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鳥瞰
誤診 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誤診
陳情 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 陳情
前置 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 前置
改選 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改選
抹消 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抹消
判別 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 判別
配色 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配色
気触れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 気触れる
自乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自乗
二乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 二乗
二乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 二乗
流布 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流布
消長 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 消長
減刑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 減刑
連れ来たる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連れ来たる
放任 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放任
じゃん拳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: じゃん拳
立式 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立式
レペゼン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: レペゼン
落伍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落伍
感傷 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 感傷
倒閣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 倒閣
弘法 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弘法
盟約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 盟約
爛熟 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爛熟
エゴサ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: エゴサ
忖度 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 忖度
急降下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 急降下
急上昇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 急上昇
恥じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恥じる
放水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放水
自認 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自認
リジェクト (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リジェクト
浮漂 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 浮漂
輪唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 輪唱
誇耀 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誇耀
交合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交合
合掌 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合掌
凌虐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 凌虐
流竄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流竄
流竄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流竄
むちむち (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: むちむち
籠絡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 籠絡
直感 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直感
赤茶ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 赤茶ける
口に出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 口に出す
総括 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 総括
失格 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失格
困厄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 困厄
看破 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 看破
除湿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 除湿
来園 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 来園
酷似 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 酷似
再刊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再刊
発出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 発出
ボトルキープ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ボトルキープ
お見えになる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: お見えになる
切り裂く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 切り裂く
加害 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 加害
着替える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着替える
着替える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着替える
虫取り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 虫取り
精製 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 精製
聚積 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聚積
訣別 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訣別
諂媚 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 諂媚
絞殺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絞殺
芳心 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 芳心
兼備 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 兼備
臣服 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 臣服
萌える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 萌える
降級 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降級
創る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 創る
眷顧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 眷顧
引かれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引かれる
機が熟する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 機が熟する
突っ走る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 突っ走る
完売 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 完売
下番 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下番
通校 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通校
重版 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 重版
セットアップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: セットアップ
ぬぎすてる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぬぎすてる
家出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 家出
リフレッシュ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リフレッシュ
ちらつく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ちらつく
丸呑み (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 丸呑み
他界 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 他界
桜咲く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 桜咲く
縮約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縮約
絶叫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絶叫
退室 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退室
別売 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 別売
別売 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 別売
泣かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泣かす
改姓 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改姓
審察 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 審察
はみだす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: はみだす
寝かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝かす
斉唱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 斉唱
見当たる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見当たる
混在 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 混在
ハイライト (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ハイライト
避暑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 避暑
ふうふう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ふうふう
助走 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 助走
絶賛 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絶賛
さんざめく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: さんざめく
夜行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 夜行
見返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見返す
冷蔵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冷蔵
贅沢 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 贅沢
宥和 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 宥和
豫告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 豫告
充牣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 充牣
開城 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開城
膨張 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 膨張
翻案 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 翻案
自炊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自炊
対峙 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 対峙
貶す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貶す
全敗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 全敗
北進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 北進
東進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 東進
南進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 南進
めまい (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: めまい
飛び去る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び去る
奉還 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奉還
奉送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奉送
凋落 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 凋落
色づく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 色づく
立身出世 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立身出世
追い打つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い打つ
フラグが立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: フラグが立つ
蝟集 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蝟集
プレイ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: プレイ
見慣れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見慣れる
見飽きる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見飽きる
独断 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 独断
沈思 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沈思
訓戒 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訓戒
芟除 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 芟除
芟除 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 芟除
模倣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 模倣
模倣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 模倣
フルボッコ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: フルボッコ
巡り会う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巡り会う
上書き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上書き
腹這う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 腹這う
弾む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弾む
意地張る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 意地張る
リフォーム (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リフォーム
電解 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 電解
左遷 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 左遷
懐妊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懐妊
労苦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 労苦
増幅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増幅
正規化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 正規化
交う (suffix) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交う
鞭打つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鞭打つ
手繰り寄せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手繰り寄せる
悪食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悪食
悪食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悪食
設営 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 設営
車軸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 車軸
迎春 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 迎春
狡休み (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 狡休み
参政 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 参政
おすすめ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: おすすめ
補正 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 補正
カンスト (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カンスト
悲咽 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悲咽
屈曲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 屈曲
筆算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 筆算
板書 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 板書
棒引き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 棒引き
生い立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生い立つ
伸暢 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伸暢
染まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 染まる
思い浮かぶ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思い浮かぶ
垢抜ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 垢抜ける
垢抜け (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 垢抜け
着水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着水
出前 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出前
均霑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 均霑
宿る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 宿る
卸売 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 卸売
相席 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 相席
チェックイン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: チェックイン
言い回す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 言い回す
配線 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配線
失念 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失念
病む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 病む
差し支える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 差し支える
悩ます (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悩ます
安産 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 安産
締め切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 締め切る
片付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 片付く
滅金 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 滅金
種明かし (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 種明かし
連れ去る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連れ去る
被せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 被せる
中略 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 中略
まみれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: まみれる
布教 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 布教
破ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 破ける
あらたまる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あらたまる
殊更めく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殊更めく
甘やかす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 甘やかす
破れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 破れる
散らかす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 散らかす
甘える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 甘える
ちかづける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ちかづける
含羞む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 含羞む
はにかむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: はにかむ
恵まれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恵まれる
更かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 更かす
吹かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吹かす
蒸かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蒸かす
縮れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縮れる
蒸す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蒸す
愛玩 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 愛玩
掛売り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掛売り
掛け買い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掛け買い
商う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 商う
郵送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 郵送
勤しむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勤しむ
黒ずむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 黒ずむ
掛買い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掛買い
掛け売り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掛け売り
洒落る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 洒落る
混ざる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 混ざる
うろたえる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: うろたえる
待ち合わせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 待ち合わせる
火傷 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 火傷
火傷 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 火傷
まごまご (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: まごまご
黒ばむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 黒ばむ
匿う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 匿う
蹴散らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蹴散らす
時化る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 時化る
歩き回る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歩き回る
追い散らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い散らす
追い払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い払う
聞き捨てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聞き捨てる
旋転 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 旋転
ターン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ターン
張り倒す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 張り倒す
撒く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撒く
プリント (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: プリント
落ち着ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落ち着ける
トッピング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: トッピング
錯和 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 錯和
煮やす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 煮やす
業を煮やす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 業を煮やす
話し掛ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 話し掛ける
沸き上がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沸き上がる
膨らます (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 膨らます
映写 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 映写
書き取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 書き取る
損なう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 損なう
煮える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 煮える
逃がす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 逃がす
舶来 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 舶来
溶け込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溶け込む
泊める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泊める
特売 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 特売
手入れ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手入れ
治す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 治す
喋々 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 喋々
回覧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 回覧
いかれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いかれる
検尿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 検尿
回送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 回送
継ぎ合わせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 継ぎ合わせる
転学 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転学
照合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 照合
差し掛かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 差し掛かる
転校 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転校
聴講 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聴講
にらめっこ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: にらめっこ
呼び止める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呼び止める
前置き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 前置き
よみあげる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: よみあげる
独創 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 独創
駆け出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駆け出す
譲歩 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 譲歩
発病 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 発病
伝う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伝う
前売 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 前売
前売り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 前売り
埋蔵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 埋蔵
見落とす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見落とす
交わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交わる
結わえ付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 結わえ付ける
満ち足りる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 満ち足りる
満腹 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 満腹
恥じらう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恥じらう
仲立ち (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仲立ち
弁解 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弁解
果てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 果てる
結び付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 結び付ける
朽ち果てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 朽ち果てる
照り返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 照り返す
仕返し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕返し
揺蕩う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揺蕩う
揺蕩う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揺蕩う
着目 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着目
白状 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 白状
橋渡し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 橋渡し
長電話 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 長電話
尽きる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 尽きる
遣り通す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遣り通す
よりかかる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: よりかかる
養護 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 養護
和らげる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 和らげる
引っ掻く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引っ掻く
変性 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変性
反照 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反照
生やす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生やす
全滅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 全滅
増進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増進
持ち去る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持ち去る
傍観 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 傍観
進呈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進呈
抱き抱える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抱き抱える
介抱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 介抱
持ち来る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持ち来る
懐抱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懐抱
立ち勝る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち勝る
熟眠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熟眠
覚ます (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 覚ます
悶着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悶着
吹聴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吹聴
伸び伸び (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伸び伸び
へだてる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: へだてる
立ち上がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち上がる
気を取り直す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 気を取り直す
乗り過ごす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗り過ごす
気の毒 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 気の毒
済ませる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 済ませる
開け放す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開け放す
立ち退く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち退く
量る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 量る
死に損なう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 死に損なう
明け暮れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 明け暮れる
すます (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: すます
引き払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き払う
計る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 計る
靡かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 靡かす
翻る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 翻る
隔たる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 隔たる
覆る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 覆る
省く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 省く
配達 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配達
すっと (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: すっと
分け隔て (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分け隔て
満ち満ちる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 満ち満ちる
槪括 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 槪括
作字 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 作字
寝返る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝返る
測る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 測る
裏返る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 裏返る
埋め合わせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 埋め合わせる
追い付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追い付く
翻す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 翻す
推し量る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 推し量る
張り合わせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 張り合わせる
張り合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 張り合う
埋め合わせ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 埋め合わせ
競り上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 競り上げる
迫り上がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 迫り上がる
貼り合わせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貼り合わせる
持ち上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持ち上げる
寝返り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝返り
競り合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 競り合う
思い立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思い立つ
いじける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いじける
傷つける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 傷つける
縮かまる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縮かまる
縮こまる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縮こまる
縮かむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縮かむ
練り直す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 練り直す
縮まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縮まる
命拾い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 命拾い
惑う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 惑う
取り留める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り留める
卑しむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 卑しむ
乳離れ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乳離れ
乳離れ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乳離れ
費える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 費える
思い迷う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思い迷う
思い惑う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思い惑う
やり繰り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: やり繰り
遣り繰り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遣り繰り
離乳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離乳
給仕 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 給仕
奮発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奮発
覆面 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 覆面
哀れむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 哀れむ
かげる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: かげる
移り変わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 移り変わる
濁す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 濁す
拗ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拗ねる
偽る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 偽る
客扱い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 客扱い
損ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 損ねる
哀願 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 哀願
渇望 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渇望
快諾 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 快諾
縦貫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縦貫
閉山 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閉山
開山 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開山
This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Japanese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-12-15 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-12-04 using wiktextract (8a39820 and 4401a4c). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.