Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

inflection table

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inflection table: empty tags for instrumental

huriavk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: huriavk

virvar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: virvar

hurhaj (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hurhaj

podbeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: podbeľ

betlehem (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: betlehem

akančina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: akančina

aleutčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: aleutčina

ainčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ainčina

asýrčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: asýrčina

mančina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mančina

arandčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: arandčina

avarčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: avarčina

araukánčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: araukánčina

Demjanič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Demjanič

Radena (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Radena

Herco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Herco

Strapko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Strapko

Valiček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Valiček

Grós (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Grós

ranžír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ranžír

raubír (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: raubír

Dubček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dubček

Botka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Botka

hrebenačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hrebenačka

mieň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mieň

Čukan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čukan

Digoň (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Digoň

Ružinský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ružinský

Leskovjanský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Leskovjanský

Jorík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jorík

Macík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Macík

Turňa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Turňa

predskokan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: predskokan

rozhodca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rozhodca

putika (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: putika

kamoš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kamoš

Rybák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rybák

grádovňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: grádovňa

galícijčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: galícijčina

ergatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ergatív

pohrobok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pohrobok

lokatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: lokatív

reparát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: reparát

Huňa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Huňa

Hrušč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrušč

lámka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: lámka

šťastena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: šťastena

úhrada (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: úhrada

tácňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: tácňa

tráčtina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: tráčtina

Oleň (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Oleň

perzština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: perzština

deistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: deistka

konečná (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: konečná

chyžná (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chyžná

Vužňák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vužňák

allatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: allatív

illatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: illatív

elatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: elatív

komitatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: komitatív

Vaľo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vaľo

Piovarči (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Piovarči

Miškech (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Miškech

Jankech (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jankech

Jurových (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jurových

Mikulášových (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mikulášových

Kotleba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kotleba

Krajči (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krajči

Pobrežie Slonoviny (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pobrežie Slonoviny

žalospev (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žalospev

vestník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vestník

devla (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: devla

trúchlospev (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: trúchlospev

paplón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: paplón

šachor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: šachor

všeobecné meno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: všeobecné meno

Vall (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vall

kryptonym (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kryptonym

zastávka na znamenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zastávka na znamenie

chňapka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chňapka

Pulčár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pulčár

téglik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: téglik

dlaha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dlaha

Ivanič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ivanič

Behýl (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Behýl

futrál (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: futrál

čerkáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: čerkáč

krauliar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: krauliar

janičiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: janičiar

prielom (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: prielom

drúk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: drúk

Vláčil (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vláčil

čereň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: čereň

súčiastka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: súčiastka

Lábaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lábaj

spojler (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: spojler

vierozvestca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vierozvestca

Lacho (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lacho

clivota (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: clivota

Argaláš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Argaláš

vierozvest (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vierozvest

výmera (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: výmera

Čevela (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čevela

Matejovič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Matejovič

Bolgáč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bolgáč

súrodenec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: súrodenec

Kačala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kačala

Šamo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šamo

sebaklam (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: sebaklam

tatárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: tatárka

Tatárka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tatárka

Kaprálik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kaprálik

Levický (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Levický

Vančo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vančo

Krajčovič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krajčovič

špičiak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: špičiak

Zálešák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zálešák

Huňady (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Huňady

týždenník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: týždenník

Palkovič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Palkovič

stierka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: stierka

motocykel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: motocykel

motorkár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: motorkár

Kajaba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kajaba

Cinkota (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cinkota

Kimlička (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kimlička

Hrochotský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrochotský

Kolarič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolarič

okáľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: okáľ

Tapušík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tapušík

zlomok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zlomok

okulár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: okulár

lexikón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: lexikón

Dulka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dulka

Čacho (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čacho

Mrnka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mrnka

Pališčák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pališčák

Belaník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Belaník

Hranica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hranica

Iľko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Iľko

Minárik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Minárik

Vaľko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vaľko

Belko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Belko

Javorček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Javorček

Gubo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gubo

vazektómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vazektómia

Bajer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bajer

Feňák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Feňák

Škarda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Škarda

Šuster (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šuster

diskár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: diskár

Ballek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ballek

Rázus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rázus

plachetnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: plachetnica

Švec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Švec

Taliga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Taliga

Václavik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Václavik

Svačina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Svačina

inštruktor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: inštruktor

polčas (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: polčas

Kliment (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kliment

Fiľko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Fiľko

Eľko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Eľko

Buľko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Buľko

Cibuľka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cibuľka

Pavlák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pavlák

Janúch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Janúch

nadšenkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nadšenkyňa

Daniška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Daniška

Vachút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vachút

Jurkovič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jurkovič

válov (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: válov

Fapšo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Fapšo

Bašo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bašo

Jančať (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jančať

Palúch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Palúch

Macúch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Macúch

Mitúch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mitúch

Martinát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Martinát

Ondruch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ondruch

Mišút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mišút

Benčať (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Benčať

Vašút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vašút

Valuš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Valuš

Miartuš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Miartuš

Adamať (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Adamať

bordelár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bordelár

Machyniak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Machyniak

Machút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Machút

Marônek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Marônek

Martvoň (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Martvoň

Michút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Michút

Maťuga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Maťuga

Mertan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mertan

Ferianc (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ferianc

Martinusík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Martinusík

Machala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Machala

Machovič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Machovič

mediácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mediácia

Bárta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bárta

Chudomel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Chudomel

Slavík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Slavík

Bílek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bílek

Lesník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lesník

Ďurčo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ďurčo

Dolník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dolník

gudžarátčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: gudžarátčina

Horáček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Horáček

Polonec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Polonec

Muška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Muška

jask (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: jask

výškomer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: výškomer

uhlomer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: uhlomer

teplomer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: teplomer

ježohlav (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ježohlav

Pálka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pálka

Dzurilla (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dzurilla

páľava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: páľava

skrutínium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: skrutínium

Jesenský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jesenský

Pukač (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pukač

Horeš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Horeš

Bednár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bednár

Tesár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tesár

Vinár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vinár

Kuchár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kuchár

Záhradník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Záhradník

Solár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Solár

Zámočník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zámočník

Antl (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Antl

Šoltés (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šoltés

Rábik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rábik

Krasnovský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krasnovský

hladovkár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hladovkár

Šandor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šandor

kopček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kopček

Gont (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gont

Kravec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kravec

Kolár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolár

Markech (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Markech

nekresťan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nekresťan

Trubač (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Trubač

nefajčiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nefajčiar

Šmíd (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šmíd

Bruško (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bruško

Laš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Laš

Lepšík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lepšík

Zachar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zachar

Čonka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čonka

Hambalko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hambalko

Vaňo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vaňo

Oračko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Oračko

Galko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Galko

Bujalko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bujalko

Krnáč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krnáč

Baráth (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Baráth

Švač (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Švač

Brdár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Brdár

Baník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Baník

Bojtár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bojtár

Drotár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Drotár

Čochráč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čochráč

Cestár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cestár

Čipkár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čipkár

Garbiar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Garbiar

Hrnčiar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrnčiar

Kostolník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kostolník

Gondáš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gondáš

Juhás (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Juhás

Kosáč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kosáč

Kamenár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kamenár

Kramár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kramár

Košikár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Košikár

Krpčiar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krpčiar

Kušnier (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kušnier

Maliar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Maliar

Krajčo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krajčo

Mydlár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mydlár

Paliar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Paliar

Pohančeník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pohančeník

Prachár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Prachár

Remenár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Remenár

Hrabáč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrabáč

Pekár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pekár

Piliar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Piliar

Murár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Murár

Uhliar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Uhliar

Pastier (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pastier

Oráč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Oráč

Rybnikár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rybnikár

Sečkár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sečkár

Sladovník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sladovník

Obročník (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Obročník

Voliar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Voliar

Stupár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Stupár

Mlacek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mlacek

Rešetár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rešetár

Sviniar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sviniar

Vidlár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vidlár

Tlmač (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tlmač

Buzga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Buzga

Baudyš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Baudyš

Vretenár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vretenár

Teliar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Teliar

Richtár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Richtár

Voštinár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Voštinár

Vilhan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vilhan

Jaloviar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jaloviar

Hošták (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hošták

Roštár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Roštár

Želiar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Želiar

Lančarič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lančarič

Venglár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Venglár

Čatloš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čatloš

Čakloš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čakloš

Braxatoris (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Braxatoris

Cimerman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cimerman

Lévai (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lévai

Tokár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tokár

Habán (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Habán

Gereg (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gereg

Zvalený (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zvalený

Staroň (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Staroň

Sumec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sumec

Klčo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Klčo

Leňo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Leňo

Zatroch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zatroch

Hlísta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hlísta

Kolibab (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolibab

Parikrupa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Parikrupa

Horeháj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Horeháj

Kazinota (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kazinota

Varivoda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Varivoda

Skovajsa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Skovajsa

Pomajbo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pomajbo

Parimucha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Parimucha

Demikát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Demikát

Sršeň (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sršeň

Kolivoška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolivoška

Motýľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Motýľ

Pivoda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pivoda

Lapihuska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lapihuska

Tumidaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tumidaj

Hrajnoha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrajnoha

Kosinoha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kosinoha

Pivoluska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pivoluska

Valihora (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Valihora

Strašifták (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Strašifták

Švikruha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Švikruha

Vengloš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vengloš

Ranostaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ranostaj

Cicholes (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cicholes

Gajer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gajer

Gahér (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gahér

Darmovzal (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Darmovzal

Bolebruch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bolebruch

Vindiš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vindiš

Zimnikoval (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zimnikoval

Bukva (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bukva

Sarka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sarka

Farkaš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Farkaš

Husivarga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Husivarga

Mastihuba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mastihuba

Kropáč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kropáč

Žabka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Žabka

Pirošík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pirošík

Múčka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Múčka

Škvarenina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Škvarenina

Brejcha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Brejcha

Jakubech (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jakubech

Zaňát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zaňát

Bartovic (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bartovic

Varjú (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Varjú

Matušovic (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Matušovic

Mišovic (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mišovic

Mičkovic (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mičkovic

Janco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Janco

Ihnatco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ihnatco

Petrech (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Petrech

Fedorco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Fedorco

Veréb (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Veréb

Mišeje (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mišeje

Mateides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mateides

Igaz (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Igaz

Vasilco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vasilco

Andreides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Andreides

Martinides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Martinides

Bauco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bauco

Nemčok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Nemčok

Štraus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Štraus

Ivanides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ivanides

Marcinech (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Marcinech

Vnenčák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vnenčák

Šimonides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šimonides

Turčok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Turčok

Ľach (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ľach

Jurco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jurco

Vnučko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vnučko

Sasák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sasák

Vnenk (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vnenk

Mrenica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mrenica

Gašparides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gašparides

Prusák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Prusák

Görög (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Görög

Vnučka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vnučka

Porubän (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Porubän

Jankových (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jankových

Kostiviar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kostiviar

Michalides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Michalides

Charvátová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Charvátová

Michalco (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Michalco

Nemčovič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Nemčovič

Motaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Motaj

Tatár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tatár

Rusín (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rusín

Svätojánsky (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Svätojánsky

Zubaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zubaj

Trimaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Trimaj

Žbirka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Žbirka

Šuľaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šuľaj

Máčaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Máčaj

Taraj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Taraj

Čomaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čomaj

Kišš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kišš

Detvai (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Detvai

Nikolaides (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Nikolaides

Bártfai (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bártfai

Ruttkay (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ruttkay

Tibenský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tibenský

Zdravecký (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zdravecký

Lumnitzer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lumnitzer

Kišidaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kišidaj

Schmögner (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Schmögner

Ratica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ratica

dražoba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dražoba

Škrtel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Škrtel

bytie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bytie

čítanie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: čítanie

Kalianko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kalianko

Šošovica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šošovica

antuka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: antuka

dejepisár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dejepisár

Rozboril (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rozboril

Tešlár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tešlár

Viszlay (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Viszlay

Pač (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pač

Bába (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bába

Ratkoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ratkoš

Tóbik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tóbik

eurokomisár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: eurokomisár

europarlament (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: europarlament

Bobka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bobka

Sačko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Sačko

Menda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Menda

Palúš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Palúš

Dikoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dikoš

halfvolej (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: halfvolej

Ivčič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ivčič

Lužný (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lužný

Mazúch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mazúch

Klamár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Klamár

Muľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Muľ

malajálamčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: malajálamčina

rušňovodič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rušňovodič

Lackovič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Lackovič

absolútna hodnota (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: absolútna hodnota

Cedzo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cedzo

Pupík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pupík

Mitka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mitka

rebrina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rebrina

ribstol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ribstol

Čupeľa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čupeľa

Vanta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vanta

Rohaľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rohaľ

Knap (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Knap

Snak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Snak

Kučeravý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kučeravý

Kučeravý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kučeravý

Čaniga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čaniga

Halmo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Halmo

nadbrušie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nadbrušie

skejtpark (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: skejtpark

nadbruško (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nadbruško

Ťažký (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ťažký

Ptáček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ptáček

Vidlička (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vidlička

Ľahký (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ľahký

odber (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: odber

poslucháč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: poslucháč

lojalita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: lojalita

lojálnosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: lojálnosť

Dragula (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dragula

preklep (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: preklep

prieklep (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: prieklep

Zervan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zervan

Michalanský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Michalanský

Biely (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Biely

predklonka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: predklonka

Dlhá (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dlhá

Krátka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krátka

Dlhý (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dlhý

Jánošík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jánošík

Možný (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Možný

Úškrt (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Úškrt

Hajdúch (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hajdúch

priestupný rok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: priestupný rok

Ďateľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ďateľ

Labaško (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Labaško

kolobežka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kolobežka

Ružička (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ružička

pozostatok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pozostatok

Bátorove Kosihy (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bátorove Kosihy

Hubinský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hubinský

Hronský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hronský

Ondrejov (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ondrejov

faktúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: faktúra

pľušť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pľušť

čákov (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: čákov

zákruta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zákruta

garád (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: garád

jahňada (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: jahňada

mláka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mláka

kaluža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kaluža

hlúb (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hlúb

Letko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Letko

sopeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: sopeľ

Gráčik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gráčik

hrvoľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hrvoľ

Zuzík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zuzík

hubertus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hubertus

zurvalec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zurvalec

mostnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mostnica

zúzik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zúzik

paholok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: paholok

česadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: česadlo

česák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: česák

česadielko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: česadielko

otep (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: otep

Čaputová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čaputová

Kluvánek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kluvánek

sústo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: sústo

svák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: svák

ciciak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ciciak

Hanzelová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hanzelová

Hirka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hirka

Hroncová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hroncová

Hrk (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrk

Haľko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Haľko

Haška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Haška

Hrubík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrubík

Hrudka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrudka

Hlavinka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hlavinka

Hajko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hajko

Híreš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Híreš

Hnilica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hnilica

Horniak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Horniak

Halás (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Halás

Hraško (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hraško

Holič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Holič

Huraj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Huraj

Hrivňák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrivňák

Hurák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hurák

Hutira (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hutira

Hruškár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hruškár

Hýl (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hýl

Hurtala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hurtala

Huďan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Huďan

Herceg (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Herceg

Hevera (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hevera

Havaš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Havaš

prostredník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: prostredník

prostredník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: prostredník

dlžtek (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dlžtek

Cukor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cukor

Baťala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Baťala

akurátnosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: akurátnosť

Bečák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bečák

člnok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: člnok

Bajko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bajko

Skokan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Skokan

bačnosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bačnosť

závitovka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: závitovka

Macháč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Macháč

kutáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kutáč

pôjd (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pôjd

povala (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: povala

Pitvor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pitvor

bodyček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bodyček

pitvor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pitvor

kľamka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kľamka

holohumnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: holohumnica

maštaľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: maštaľ

hoblica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hoblica

pokrovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pokrovec

priesyp (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: priesyp

kapsľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kapsľa

bočnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bočnica

hrant (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hrant

vekňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vekňa

cedák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: cedák

hambálok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hambálok

snúbenica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: snúbenica

kiahne (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kiahne

hrotok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hrotok

cumlík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: cumlík

hrkálka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hrkálka

Šara (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šara

šúľanec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: šúľanec

opálka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: opálka

mladucha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mladucha

šechtár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: šechtár

Povala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Povala

čugaňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: čugaňa

čarbanica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: čarbanica

trúba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: trúba

dilino (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dilino

frk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: frk

Trúba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Trúba

škamra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: škamra

Štúr (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Štúr

Štúr (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Štúr

paholča (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: paholča

bajúz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bajúz

Hrvoľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrvoľ

keťas (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: keťas

Kubov (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kubov

Ličák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ličák

frkan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: frkan

hrča (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hrča

mladoženích (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mladoženích

chajda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chajda

trubiroh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: trubiroh

chmuľo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chmuľo

Čučo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čučo

Jelíneková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jelíneková

Valentová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Valentová

Raus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Raus

Laliková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Laliková

tácka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: tácka

chujavica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chujavica

chujava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chujava

golierik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: golierik

Kopček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kopček

Klinec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Klinec

vankúšik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vankúšik

Kŕč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kŕč

kašlík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kašlík

pagáčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pagáčik

grúnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: grúnik

Koterec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Koterec

nebožiečik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nebožiečik

Langoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Langoš

kašlisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kašlisko

Štrbová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Štrbová

pagáčisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pagáčisko

motocyklík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: motocyklík

kŕmidlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kŕmidlo

Adamecová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Adamecová

Adámeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Adámeková

Hrča (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrča

Machová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Machová

anciáš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: anciáš

Nerer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Nerer

baranček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: baranček

bruchovravec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bruchovravec

ujko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ujko

Slováková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Slováková

kentaurus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kentaurus

Princ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Princ

junáčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: junáčik

Fako (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Fako

kňazík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kňazík

Kňaz (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kňaz

Kňazík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kňazík

jazykoveda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: jazykoveda

Dolné Sasko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dolné Sasko

nebožtíček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nebožtíček

Mučka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mučka

Hamburgová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hamburgová

Botová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Botová

Botková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Botková

Zvončeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zvončeková

zámočník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zámočník

rezeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rezeň

paštéta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: paštéta

Ižipová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ižipová

Pavlo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pavlo

zámočníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zámočníčka

Štefanidesová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Štefanidesová

Čuvan (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čuvan

víťazka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: víťazka

rybárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rybárka

utečenka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: utečenka

smetiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: smetiarka

garbiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: garbiarka

baníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: baníčka

mäsiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mäsiarka

lekárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: lekárka

zubárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zubárka

riaditeľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: riaditeľka

chvastúnka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chvastúnka

diakonka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: diakonka

robotníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: robotníčka

pretekárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pretekárka

krajčírka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: krajčírka

súdružka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: súdružka

dejepisárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dejepisárka

žiačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žiačka

eurokomisárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: eurokomisárka

bordelárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bordelárka

hladovkárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hladovkárka

diskárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: diskárka

advokátka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: advokátka

janičiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: janičiarka

výškarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: výškarka

kamoška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kamoška

zverolekárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zverolekárka

nekresťanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nekresťanka

archeologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: archeologička

motorkárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: motorkárka

stípliarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: stípliarka

povaľačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: povaľačka

haviarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: haviarka

rušňovodička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rušňovodička

colníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: colníčka

astrologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: astrologička

psychologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: psychologička

politologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: politologička

geologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: geologička

filologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: filologička

etymologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: etymologička

ekologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ekologička

mykologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mykologička

tokárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: tokárka

lapajka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: lapajka

gynekologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: gynekologička

beťárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: beťárka

správkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: správkyňa

rozhodkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rozhodkyňa

hádzanárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hádzanárka

futbalistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: futbalistka

vládkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vládkyňa

huslistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: huslistka

zradkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zradkyňa

predsedníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: predsedníčka

bedmintonistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bedmintonistka

sudkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: sudkyňa

scenáristka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: scenáristka

gitaristka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: gitaristka

výrobkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: výrobkyňa

teroristka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: teroristka

libretistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: libretistka

vodkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vodkyňa

opátka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: opátka

sociologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: sociologička

flautistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: flautistka

baptistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: baptistka

nefajčiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nefajčiarka

fotografistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: fotografistka

ostreľovačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ostreľovačka

dobrovoľníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dobrovoľníčka

mučiteľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mučiteľka

dôstojníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: dôstojníčka

súčasníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: súčasníčka

Bačovský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bačovský

votrelkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: votrelkyňa

felčiarka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: felčiarka

žoldnierka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žoldnierka

páchateľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: páchateľka

veliteľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: veliteľka

-kyňa (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: -kyňa

spotrebiteľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: spotrebiteľka

Šuhaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šuhaj

žobráčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žobráčka

hrobárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hrobárka

spolužiačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: spolužiačka

huncútka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: huncútka

spolupáchateľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: spolupáchateľka

domorodkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: domorodkyňa

kacírka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kacírka

Hrobár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hrobár

Ďurčová (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ďurčová

Franeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Franeková

rukojemníčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rukojemníčka

teologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: teologička

Jelínková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jelínková

horská dráha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: horská dráha

Szobi (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Szobi

altsaxofón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: altsaxofón

Krajíček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Krajíček

Michalák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Michalák

Kvaka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kvaka

Kolega (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolega

Majer (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Majer

Trabalík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Trabalík

prímeno (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: prímeno

Pluhár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pluhár

Goralka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Goralka

Fúzik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Fúzik

Dúha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dúha

jarmok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: jarmok

Kolba (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolba

Farda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Farda

oštiepok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: oštiepok

Kolka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolka

vincúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vincúr

Kukola (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kukola

Vincúr (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vincúr

Ročkár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ročkár

Kostolanský (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kostolanský

Kršiak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kršiak

Tabačiar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Tabačiar

pandrava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pandrava

Mlaka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mlaka

Rehák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rehák

Kapuš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kapuš

Mácsai (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mácsai

Škuta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Škuta

Kókai (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kókai

Meleg (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Meleg

Ravasz (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ravasz

chrústik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: chrústik

Pénzes (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pénzes

Kormoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kormoš

Vlčko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vlčko

Ázijka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ázijka

Varecha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Varecha

pandúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: pandúr

Pálinkáš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pálinkáš

žoch (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žoch

Mistrík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mistrík

žúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žúr

ostrovček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: ostrovček

Dedina (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dedina

žižiavka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žižiavka

Mikolaj (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mikolaj

Ferenčík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ferenčík

Binčík (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Binčík

konzílium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: konzílium

retuš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: retuš

luteránstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: luteránstvo

svetadiel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: svetadiel

presbyteriánka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: presbyteriánka

kontajner (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kontajner

konfúzia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: konfúzia

kontráš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kontráš

konkordát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: konkordát

kolagén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kolagén

kólia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kólia

kója (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kója

žufaňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: žufaňa

konfety (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: konfety

Kohút (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kohút

bosniak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bosniak

brandža (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: brandža

Brečka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Brečka

špachtľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: špachtľa

brečka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: brečka

Bobor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bobor

Cibuľa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Cibuľa

plávka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: plávka

rádioaparát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: rádioaparát

kolaudácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kolaudácia

papiernictvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: papiernictvo

nočná zmena (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: nočná zmena

hobeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: hobeľ

vodičský preukaz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: vodičský preukaz

posunková reč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: posunková reč

paštčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: paštčina

izbietka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: izbietka

List Filemonovi (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: List Filemonovi

Šišila (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šišila

sihoť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: sihoť

Zuberec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Zuberec

srdciar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: srdciar

stôs (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: stôs

klamárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: klamárka

avestčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: avestčina

Pašeková (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pašeková

kraviar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: kraviar

štós (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: štós

zvonár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: zvonár

soľnička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: soľnička

Slanička (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Slanička

Šuma (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šuma

bedrovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: bedrovník

Kosovčan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kosovčan

Kosovčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kosovčanka

Daxner (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Daxner

Giertl (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Giertl

Pokoš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pokoš

Godla (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Godla

Ridzoň (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ridzoň

záporka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: záporka

jelenička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: jelenička

jelenček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: jelenček

Gunár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gunár

Beňa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Beňa

Ozorák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Ozorák

Dráfi (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dráfi

Munka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Munka

Smoľak (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Smoľak

Turik (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Turik

Vadkerti (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Vadkerti

Rosič (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Rosič

Kolcun (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kolcun

Salgó (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Salgó

Mitro (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Mitro

Macejka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Macejka

Čulen (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čulen

Antálek (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Antálek

Hačunda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Hačunda

Dobák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dobák

Melko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Melko

Poleč (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Poleč

mladoň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: mladoň

Kresila (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kresila

Pariža (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Pariža

Kvietok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Kvietok

Bačko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bačko

Bobček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Bobček

štôs (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: štôs

Jalový (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Jalový

Dzurko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Dzurko

Grundza (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Grundza

Olej (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Olej

Čerman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Čerman

špička ľadovca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: špička ľadovca

Gála (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gála

Gaľa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Gaľa

Múcska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Múcska

Papala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Papala

Šagát (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Šagát

Leška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: Leška

darebáčka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: darebáčka

živôtik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental Path: živôtik

inflection table: empty tags for instrumental singular բլերբ

բլուր (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental singular բլերբ Path: բլուր

inflection table: empty tags for instrumental singular ջուրբ

ջուր (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental singular ջուրբ Path: ջուր

inflection table: empty tags for instrumental singular քուերբ

քոյր (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for instrumental singular քուերբ Path: քոյր

inflection table: empty tags for in·fét

infét (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for in·fét Path: infét

inflection table: empty tags for in·ngnin

ingnin (Old Irish verb) inflection table: empty tags for in·ngnin Path: ingnin

inflection table: empty tags for is attested

ցորեան (Old Armenian noun) inflection table: empty tags for is attested Path: ցորեան

inflection table: empty tags for is formed with corresponding form of լուալ

լուանալ (Armenian verb) inflection table: empty tags for is formed with corresponding form of լուալ Path: լուանալ

inflection table: empty tags for it was only considered feminine. ²Prior to 1938

dåd (Norwegian Nynorsk noun) inflection table: empty tags for it was only considered feminine. ²Prior to 1938 Path: dåd

inflection table: empty tags for itzak

izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for itzak Path: izan

inflection table: empty tags for itzazu

izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for itzazu Path: izan

inflection table: empty tags for itzazue

izan (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for itzazue Path: izan

inflection table: empty tags for išla

ísť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for išla Path: ísť

inflection table: empty tags for išla by

ísť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for išla by Path: ísť

inflection table: empty tags for išla si

ísť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for išla si Path: ísť

inflection table: empty tags for išla som

ísť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for išla som Path: ísť

inflection table: empty tags for jachtala

jachtať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jachtala Path: jachtať

inflection table: empty tags for jachtala by

jachtať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jachtala by Path: jachtať

inflection table: empty tags for jachtala si

jachtať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jachtala si Path: jachtať

inflection table: empty tags for jachtala som

jachtať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jachtala som Path: jachtať

inflection table: empty tags for janedön

janedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for janedön Path: janedön

inflection table: empty tags for jasala

jasať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jasala Path: jasať

inflection table: empty tags for jasala by

jasať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jasala by Path: jasať

inflection table: empty tags for jasala si

jasať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jasala si Path: jasať

inflection table: empty tags for jasala som

jasať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jasala som Path: jasať

inflection table: empty tags for jasnomódri

czôrny (Kashubian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for jasnomódri Path: czôrny

inflection table: empty tags for jatön

jatön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for jatön Path: jatön

inflection table: empty tags for javân

جوان (Persian adjective) inflection table: empty tags for javân Path: جوان

inflection table: empty tags for jebala

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jebala by

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala by Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jebala by sa

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala by sa Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jebala sa

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala sa Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jebala si

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala si Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jebala si sa

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala si sa Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jebala som

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala som Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jebala som sa

jebať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jebala som sa Path: jebať

inflection table: empty tags for jedla

jesť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jedla Path: jesť

inflection table: empty tags for jedla by

jesť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jedla by Path: jesť

inflection table: empty tags for jedla si

jesť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jedla si Path: jesť

inflection table: empty tags for jedla som

jesť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jedla som Path: jesť

inflection table: empty tags for jeifön

jeifön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for jeifön Path: jeifön

inflection table: empty tags for jelön

jelön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for jelön Path: jelön

inflection table: empty tags for jenön

jenön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for jenön Path: jenön

inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala

jestvovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala Path: jestvovať

inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala by

jestvovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala by Path: jestvovať

inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala si

jestvovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala si Path: jestvovať

inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala som

jestvovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for jestvovala som Path: jestvovať

inflection table: empty tags for jiedön

jiedön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for jiedön Path: jiedön

inflection table: empty tags for jinön

jinön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for jinön Path: jinön

inflection table: empty tags for jm

m (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for jm Path: m

inflection table: empty tags for jmjtw-nj

jmjtw (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for jmjtw-nj Path: jmjtw

inflection table: empty tags for joz, joz'

جز (Persian noun) inflection table: empty tags for joz, joz' Path: جز

inflection table: empty tags for jr

r (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for jr Path: r

inflection table: empty tags for jrj

r (Egyptian preposition) inflection table: empty tags for jrj Path: r

inflection table: empty tags for jäfön

jäfön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for jäfön Path: jäfön

inflection table: empty tags for ka'apîasoaba/ka'apîasosaba

ka'apîasó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for ka'apîasoaba/ka'apîasosaba Path: ka'apîasó

inflection table: empty tags for ka'apîasoara/ka'apîasosara

ka'apîasó (Old Tupi verb) inflection table: empty tags for ka'apîasoara/ka'apîasosara Path: ka'apîasó

inflection table: empty tags for kabiri

biri (Tooro numeral) inflection table: empty tags for kabiri Path: biri

inflection table: empty tags for kana

na (Tooro numeral) inflection table: empty tags for kana Path: na

inflection table: empty tags for kanitön

kanitön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for kanitön Path: kanitön

inflection table: empty tags for kapaba

kab (Old Tupi adjective) inflection table: empty tags for kapaba Path: kab

inflection table: empty tags for kapılabilerek

kapılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for kapılabilerek Path: kapılmak

inflection table: empty tags for kapılabilirken

kapılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for kapılabilirken Path: kapılmak

inflection table: empty tags for kapılamayarak

kapılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for kapılamayarak Path: kapılmak

inflection table: empty tags for kapılamazken

kapılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for kapılamazken Path: kapılmak

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-12-21 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-12-04 using wiktextract (d8cb2f3 and 4e554ae). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.