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unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm

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unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm

abater (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: abater

estar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: estar

um (Galician numeral) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: um

pam (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: pam

ver (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ver

dar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: dar

ir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ir

onze (Galician numeral) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: onze

osso (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: osso

coelho (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: coelho

ser (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ser

saber (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: saber

vir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: vir

beber (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: beber

dizer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: dizer

fazer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: fazer

trazer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: trazer

ouvir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ouvir

caber (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: caber

viver (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: viver

ler (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ler

correr (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: correr

quatro (Galician numeral) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: quatro

pedir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: pedir

comer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: comer

vender (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: vender

querer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: querer

ter (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ter

dormir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: dormir

partir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: partir

abolir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: abolir

lua (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: lua

pão (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: pão

sentir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: sentir

enviar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: enviar

haver (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: haver

perder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: perder

odiar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: odiar

doer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: doer

junta (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: junta

cam (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: cam

avião (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: avião

foder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: foder

rir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: rir

utilizar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: utilizar

abrir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: abrir

doze (Galician numeral) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: doze

saborear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: saborear

juntar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: juntar

adquirir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: adquirir

manhã (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: manhã

sair (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: sair

feder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: feder

vencer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: vencer

prender (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: prender

nacer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: nacer

continuar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: continuar

jantar (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: jantar

jantar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: jantar

inverter (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: inverter

temer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: temer

aparecer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: aparecer

aprender (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: aprender

poder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: poder

coração (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: coração

morder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: morder

permanecer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: permanecer

emitir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: emitir

permitir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: permitir

insistir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: insistir

conceder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: conceder

anunciar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: anunciar

crecer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: crecer

decidir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: decidir

existir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: existir

analizar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: analizar

promover (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: promover

enriquecer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: enriquecer

perseguir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: perseguir

planear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: planear

conseguir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: conseguir

seguir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: seguir

advertir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: advertir

esconder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: esconder

arder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: arder

entender (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: entender

dividir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: dividir

legalizar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: legalizar

romper (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: romper

canção (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: canção

coser (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: coser

volver (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: volver

despedir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: despedir

mão (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: mão

cão (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: cão

morrer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: morrer

não (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: não

começar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: começar

mover (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: mover

vagabundear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: vagabundear

gozar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: gozar

responder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: responder

parir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: parir

opor (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: opor

roer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: roer

punir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: punir

fiar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: fiar

homem (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: homem

golpear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: golpear

fácil (Galician adjective) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: fácil

atrever (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: atrever

criar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: criar

agir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: agir

vestir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: vestir

sumir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: sumir

investir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: investir

putear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: putear

catorze (Galician numeral) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: catorze

esperança (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: esperança

descrição (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: descrição

três (Galician numeral) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: três

suceder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: suceder

invadir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: invadir

definir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: definir

aliviar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: aliviar

bloquear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: bloquear

sacudir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: sacudir

regatear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: regatear

omitir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: omitir

proceder (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: proceder

consumir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: consumir

cachear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: cachear

distinguir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: distinguir

alcançar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: alcançar

guerrear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: guerrear

piratear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: piratear

ofender (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ofender

ondear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: ondear

cabecear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: cabecear

parafrasear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: parafrasear

latir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: latir

lamber (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: lamber

boicotear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: boicotear

chochear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: chochear

bordear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: bordear

boxear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: boxear

convivir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: convivir

clarear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: clarear

consistir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: consistir

pender (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: pender

degenerar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: degenerar

desprender (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: desprender

departir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: departir

franquear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: franquear

fundir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: fundir

incendiar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: incendiar

marear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: marear

treze (Galician numeral) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: treze

rodear (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: rodear

passar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: passar

vermelho (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: vermelho

carvalho (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: carvalho

olhar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: olhar

olhar (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: olhar

guiar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: guiar

pôr (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: pôr

conter (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: conter

esquiar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: esquiar

preferir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: preferir

supor (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: supor

processo (Galician noun) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: processo

miar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: miar

devir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: devir

prever (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: prever

carecer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: carecer

agradecer (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: agradecer

concernir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: concernir

adiar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: adiar

agredir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: agredir

transgredir (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: transgredir

enraizar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: enraizar

piar (Galician verb) unrecognized head form: reintegrationist norm Path: piar

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-05-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-05-02 using wiktextract (f4fd8c9 and c9440ce). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.