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A Song of Ice and Firered weddingEnglishnounA wedding ceremony in the Soviet Union in which the couple pledged loyalty to the state or communism in addition to reciting marriage vows.communism government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciencesdated
A Song of Ice and Firered weddingEnglishnounA situation involving carnage, bloodshed, or chaos; a massacre; a mass culling.figuratively often
Acanthus family plantsmuunjuga-iriaKikuyunounbutterfly bush (Rotheca myricoides, syn. Clerodendrum myricoides); recently reported that decoction of a shoot or roots used for treating STDs, including syphilis and gonorrhea.class-3
Acanthus family plantsmuunjuga-iriaKikuyunounPavetta elliottiiclass-3
Acanthus family plantsmuunjuga-iriaKikuyunounjammy mouth (Ruttya fruticosa)class-3
AccelerationgalEnglishnounAbbreviation of gallon.abbreviation alt-of
AccelerationgalEnglishnounA young woman.colloquial
AccelerationgalEnglishnounA galileo (unit of acceleration).
AfterlifepiekłoPolishnounhell (place of torment in the afterlife)lifestyle religionneuter
AfterlifepiekłoPolishverbthird-person singular neuter past of piecform-of neuter past singular third-person
AfterlifeܗܡܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicintjbelieve me, make no mistake, take it from me
AfterlifeܗܡܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicintjindeed, certainly, for sure
AfterlifeܗܡܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbsecond-person masculine singular imperative of ܡܗܲܡܸܢ (mhammin)form-of imperative masculine second-person singular
AfterlifeܗܡܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundeath
AfterlifeܗܡܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounplace of the dead, hell
AgebabkaSilesiannoundiminutive of babadiminutive feminine form-of
AgebabkaSilesiannouncommon woodlouse, Porcellio scaberfeminine
AgebabkaSilesiannounsmall anvil for striking a scythe or a sicklefeminine
AgebabkaSilesiannounvillage midwifefeminine
AgebabkaSilesiannounbabka (type of cake)feminine
AgebabkaSilesiannouncommon pear, (Pyrus communis)feminine
AgebabkaSilesiannounlast sheaf gathered during a harvestagriculture business lifestylefeminine
AgebabkaSilesiannounblind man's bufffeminine
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo perform or do (a deed): / To fulfil a task or duty.
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo perform or do (a deed): / To fulfil a prophecy or prediction.
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo fill; to make something full: / To suffuse or instill; to fill with.figuratively
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo fill; to make something full: / To satisfy; to make happy or satiated.
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo finish or end; to become or make complete: / To pass or end.
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo finish or end; to become or make complete: / To live (for a specified time)rare
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo replace or supply; to be substituted for.
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo be full of; to spread throughout.
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo hold a position.rare
AgefulfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo cause or accomplish.rare
Agethiếu niênVietnameseadjrelated to adolescence; like an adolescent
Agethiếu niênVietnamesenounan adolescent
Agethiếu niênVietnamesenounan adolescent boydated
AgeܩܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounheight, stature
AgeܩܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounstance, bearing, deportment
AgeܩܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounlifetime, age, old age
AgeܩܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounbodyanatomy medicine sciences
AgeܩܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounfathomnautical transport
AgriculturebúandiOld Norsenounfarmermasculine
AgriculturebúandiOld Norsenounhusbandmasculine
AgriculturebúandiOld Norseverbpresent participle of búaform-of participle present
AgriculturezavlažováníCzechnounverbal noun of zavlažovatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Ajugoideae subfamily plantsblack sageEnglishnounAny member of the species Salvia mellifera of aromatic sage native to California, which are an important nectar source for sage honey.California uncountable usually
Ajugoideae subfamily plantsblack sageEnglishnounWooly bluecurls (Trichostema lanatum)uncountable usually
Ajugoideae subfamily plantsblack sageEnglishnounWild sage (Cordia spp.), especially Cordia curassavica (syn. Cordia macrostachya)uncountable usually
Ajugoideae subfamily plantsblack sageEnglishnounCertain sagebrushes (Artemisia arbuscula and Artemisia tridentata)uncountable usually
Alcoholic beveragespeetEstoniannounbeet
Alcoholic beveragespeetEstoniannouncheap berry or fruit wineslang
Alcoholic beverages茅臺ChinesenameMaotai Town (a town in Renhuai, Guizhou, China)
Alcoholic beverages茅臺ChinesenameMoutai (a brand of Chinese baijiu)
AlphabetsdevanagariItaliannounDevanagari (abugida alphabet of India and Nepal)feminine masculine uncountable
AmericaamerikānisksLatvianadjAmerican (relating to American people or to the United States of America)
AmericaamerikānisksLatvianadjAmerican (relating to the American continents: North America (including Central America) and South America)
Amphibians井守Japanesenoun蠑螈: a salamandrid
Amphibians井守JapanesenounShort for 赤腹井守 (akahara imori, “Japanese fire belly newt”).abbreviation alt-of
Amphibians井守Japanesenouna job title in the Edo period and earlier, referring to an assistant to the 井司 (ishi, literally “well boss”), both jobs in charge of aspects of the irrigation systemhistorical
Anatomybaby fatEnglishnounThe natural fat on the body of a child or young animal that normally disappears at adolescence.uncountable
Anatomybaby fatEnglishnounBodyfat gained by a woman during pregnancy.uncountable
AnatomykotekMalaynounPink Shower Cassia, Cassia grandis
AnatomyplăJarainounpalm of hand
AnatomyplăJarainounsole of foot
AnatomyǂàãǃXóõnounbone (alienated)class-2 tone-2
AnatomyǂàãǃXóõnounlanguage (inalienable), word (possessed), voice (possessed)class-2 tone-2
AnatomyწუპიLaznounAtina and Okordule form of წიპა (ǯip̌a)
AnatomyწუპიLaznounteat, pacifier
Ancient RomeacetabulumLatinnounacetabulum, a saucer for vinegardeclension-2
Ancient RomeacetabulumLatinnounsaucer, any similarly sized and shaped dishdeclension-2
Ancient RomeacetabulumLatinnounacetabulum, a Roman unit of liquid measure equivalent to about 66 mLdeclension-2 historical
Ancient RomeacetabulumLatinnounacetabulum, the hipbone socketanatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-2
Ancient RomeacetabulumLatinnounacetabulum, the suckers or cavities in the arms of polypibiology natural-sciences zoology zootomydeclension-2
Ancient RomeacetabulumLatinnounacetabulum, the cup of a flowerbiology botany natural-sciencesdeclension-2
AndalusiaGranadanEnglishadjFrom Granada, Spainnot-comparable
AndalusiaGranadanEnglishnounSomeone from Granada, Spain
Anemoneae tribe plantsliverwortEnglishnounA type of bryophyte with a leafy stem or leafless thallus characterized by a dominant gametophyte stage and a lack of stomata on the sporophyte stage of the life cycle.countable uncountable
Anemoneae tribe plantsliverwortEnglishnounA common flowering perennial herb of northern woodlands, Hepatica nobilis (syn. Anemone hepatica), used in traditional European herbal medicine.countable uncountable
AngerwaxyEnglishadjResembling wax in texture or appearance.
AngerwaxyEnglishnounA cobbler (shoe repairer).UK obsolete slang
AngerwaxyEnglishadjAngry.colloquial regional
Animal body partsbarbelEnglishnounA freshwater fish of the genus Barbus or other closely related genera.
Animal body partsbarbelEnglishnounWhisker-like sensory organs, located around the mouth of certain fish, including catfish, carp, goatfish, sturgeon, and some types of shark.biology natural-sciences
Animal body partsbarbelEnglishnounA barb or pap under the tongues of horses and cattle.
Animal body partsclawEnglishnounA curved, pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot of a mammal, reptile, or bird.
Animal body partsclawEnglishnounA foot equipped with such.
Animal body partsclawEnglishnounThe pincer (chela) of a crustacean or other arthropod.
Animal body partsclawEnglishnounA mechanical device resembling a claw, used for gripping or lifting.
Animal body partsclawEnglishnounA human fingernail, particularly one extending well beyond the fingertip.colloquial
Animal body partsclawEnglishnounA slender appendage or process, formed like a claw, such as the base of petals of the pink.biology botany natural-sciences
Animal body partsclawEnglishnounThe act of catching a ball overhand.arts hobbies juggling lifestyle performing-arts sports
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo scratch or to tear at.
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo use the claws to seize, to grip.
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo use the claws to climb.
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo perform a claw catch.arts hobbies juggling lifestyle performing-arts sports
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo move with one's fingertips.
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo relieve an uneasy feeling, such as an itch, by scratching (someone or something); hence (figuratively), to flatter or humour (someone); to court, to fawn on.obsolete transitive
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo rail at, revile, or scold (someone or something).obsolete transitive
Animal body partsclawEnglishverbTo do (something) quickly.obsolete transitive
Animal soundsbaaEnglishnounThe characteristic cry or bleating of a sheep.onomatopoeic
Animal soundsbaaEnglishintjThe characteristic cry of a sheep.onomatopoeic
Animal soundsbaaEnglishverbTo make the characteristic cry of a sheep.
Animal soundsbaaEnglishnounThe letter ب in the Arabic script.
Animal soundscroakEnglishnounA faint, harsh sound made in the throat.
Animal soundscroakEnglishnounThe call of a frog or toad. (see also ribbit)
Animal soundscroakEnglishnounThe harsh call of various birds, such as the raven or corncrake, or other creatures.
Animal soundscroakEnglishverbTo make a croak.intransitive
Animal soundscroakEnglishverbTo utter in a low, hoarse voice.transitive
Animal soundscroakEnglishverbTo make its sound.intransitive
Animal soundscroakEnglishverbTo die.slang
Animal soundscroakEnglishverbTo kill someone or something.slang transitive
Animal soundscroakEnglishverbTo complain; especially, to grumble; to forebode evil; to utter complaints or forebodings habitually.
Animal soundscroakEnglishverbTo abort the current program indicating a user or caller error.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesslang
Animal soundskackelSwedishnouncackle, cackling (of a hen or goose)neuter
Animal soundskackelSwedishnouncackle, cackling (cackling, ugly speech or laugh)neuter
Animal soundsskrzeknąćPolishverbto squawkintransitive perfective
Animal soundsskrzeknąćPolishverbto screechintransitive perfective
Animal soundsszczekaćPolishverbto bark (to make loud noise, e.g. a dog, a wolf)imperfective intransitive
Animal soundsszczekaćPolishverbto talk badly about someoneimperfective intransitive offensive
Animal soundsszczekaćPolishverbto slander someoneimperfective intransitive offensive
Animal tissuesenyamaTooronounmeat
Animal tissuesenyamaTooronounmuscle
Animal tissuesraištisLithuaniannounband, bandage
Animal tissuesraištisLithuaniannounlace
Animal tissuesraištisLithuaniannounligamentanatomy medicine sciences
AnimationcosplayEnglishnounThe art or practice of costuming oneself as a (usually fictional) character.uncountable
AnimationcosplayEnglishnounA skit or instance of this art or practice.countable
AnimationcosplayEnglishverbTo costume oneself as a character.intransitive
AnimationcosplayEnglishverbTo costume oneself as (a character).transitive
AnimationcosplayEnglishverbTo adopt the behavior and mannerisms of another.derogatory figuratively often transitive
AnomuransanomuranEnglishnounAny of the Anomura.biology natural-sciences zoology
AnomuransanomuranEnglishadjIrregular in the character of the tail or abdomen.biology natural-sciences zoology
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo bind, fasten; to make a knot or fastening.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo wrap; to enclose in wrapping.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To tie up; to strengthen with a knot.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To connect or link (especially by binding)
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To remember; to keep one's mental connection secure.figuratively
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo secure, strengthen; to make strong: / To strengthen or provide proof for an argument.figuratively
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To restrain a captive; to jail.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To enslave, subordinate, or force.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To enrapture or captivate.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo take away one's agency; to enthrall: / To take into apprenticeship or training.rare
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into a socially binding obligation or agreement: / To enter into a marital relationship; to marry.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into a socially binding obligation or agreement: / To copulate; to have sex.Late-Middle-English rare
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To obligate; to be forced by societal pressure.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To force (into) a socially binding obligation or agreement.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To mete out or proscribe penalties.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo force or compel (to perform an action): / To combine; to join; to make one.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo decorate or adorn; to add ornaments on.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo evacuate; to induce constipation.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo unify or join; to make one.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo enclose or surround; to fold as to completely conceal.
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo cohere; to enjoin with itself.rare
AppearancebindenMiddle EnglishverbTo end or finish; to wrap up (for the sense, compare Modern English wrap up)figuratively rare
AppearanceheweMiddle Englishnounservant, hireling
AppearanceheweMiddle Englishnounrascal, villein
AppearanceheweMiddle Englishnounhue (tone, color)
AppearanceheweMiddle Englishnounbrightness, clarity (tone, color)
AppearanceheweMiddle Englishnounpaint, dye
AppearanceheweMiddle Englishnouncomplexion, appearance, look
AppearanceheweMiddle Englishnounexpression, demeanour
Apple Inc.TranslingualsymbolPlace of interest.
Apple Inc.TranslingualsymbolCommand key on Apple Macintosh computer keyboards.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Apple cultivarsSpartanEnglishnounA citizen of Sparta; a native or inhabitant of Sparta.
Apple cultivarsSpartanEnglishnounA red apple cultivar from British Columbia, Canada
Apple cultivarsSpartanEnglishadjOf or relating to Sparta or its citizens.
Apple cultivarsSpartanEnglishadjAlternative spelling of spartanalt-of alternative
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishadjUnequalled, unrivalled; unique.
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounA person or thing that has no equal; a paragon.countable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounThe blue underwing or Clifden nonpareil (Catocala fraxini), a species of moth distributed across the Palearctic; also (obsolete) any of a number of moths of other species.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounIn full nonpareil parrot: an eastern rosella, of species Platycercus eximius, a rosella (parrot) native to southeastern Australia.biology natural-sciencesAustralia archaic countable uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounA painted bunting (Passerina ciris), a brightly-coloured finch native to North America.biology natural-sciencesUS countable uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounIn full nonpareil apple: an apple tasting both sweet and tart which ripens very late in the season; also, the tree producing this fruit.biology natural-sciencesarchaic countable uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounAny of various types of small food lifestyleUS archaic countable uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounA small pellet of white or coloured sugar used as decoration on baked goods and food lifestyleUS broadly countable dated uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounA small, flat chocolate drop covered with such pellets of sugar, similar to a food lifestyleUS broadly countable uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounA caper (“pickled edible flower bud”) of the smallest food lifestyleUS broadly countable uncountable
Apple cultivarsnonpareilEnglishnounA size of type between ruby and emerald (or, in the United States, between agate and minion), standardized as 6-point; (countable) a slug of this publishing typographyhistorical uncountable
Architectural elementswrotaPolishnoungateplural
Architectural elementswrotaPolishnounlarge barn doorplural
ArchitecturegrenierFrenchnounattic (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof)masculine
Architecture窗口Chinesenounwindow (opening in a wall or roof)
Architecture窗口Chinesenounwindow (opening providing customer service)
Architecture窗口Chinesenounwindow (interval or opportunity)
Architecture窗口Chinesenounwindow (display screen for viewing information)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ArmorcouraçaPortuguesenounany piece of armour made of leatherfeminine
ArtportráidíIrishnounportrait paintermasculine
ArtportráidíIrishnounplural of portráid (“portrait”)feminine form-of plural
Arum family plantscallaItaliannounpassage, passagewayfeminine obsolete
Arum family plantscallaItaliannounweirfeminine obsolete
Arum family plantscallaItaliannouncalla (Calla palustris)feminine
Arum family plantscallaItaliannouncalla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)feminine
Astronomyஅயனம்Tamilnounroad, path, course
Astronomyஅயனம்Tamilnountime of the sun's northward or southward course
Astronomyஅயனம்Tamilnounhalf-year from solstice to solstice
Astronomyஅயனம்Tamilnounsolstitial point, either in kaṭakam or makaram
Astronomy青竜JapanesenameAzure Dragon, one of the Four Symbols in the Chinese constellations
Astronomy青竜JapanesenameAzure Dragon
Astronomy青竜JapanesenameAzure Dragon
AstrophysicsastrofísicaPortuguesenounastrophysicsfeminine uncountable
AstrophysicsastrofísicaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of astrofísicofeminine form-of singular
AstrophysicsastrofísicaPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of astrofísico (“astrophysicist”)feminine form-of
Athleteshockey playerEnglishnounAn ice hockey player.Canada US
Athleteshockey playerEnglishnounA field hockey player.British
Atmospheric phenomenableskCzechnounlightning (flash of light)inanimate masculine
Atmospheric phenomenableskCzechnounlightning (discharge itself)inanimate masculine
Atmospheric phenomenableskCzechnounphotoflashinanimate masculine
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounSomeone or something that bumps.
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA drinking vessel filled to the brim.obsolete
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounAnything large or successful.attributive colloquial
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounParts at the front and back of a vehicle which are meant to absorb the impact of a collision; fender.automotive transport vehicles
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounAny mechanical device used to absorb an impact, soften a collision, or protect against impact.
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA bouncer.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA side wall of a pool table.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sports
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA cylindrical object used (as a substitute for birds) to train dogs to retrieve.
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA short ditty or jingle used to separate a show from the advertisements.broadcasting media
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA covered house at a theatre, etc., in honour of some favourite performer.dated slang
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA woman's posterior, particularly one that is considered full and desirable.Caribbean Jamaica slang
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounAn extra musician (not notated in the score) who assists the principal French horn by playing less-exposed passages, so that the principal can save their 'lip' for difficult solos. Also applied to other sections of the orchestra.entertainment lifestyle music
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounAn object on a playfield that applies force to the pinball when hit, often giving a minor increase in score.
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA cigarette butt.Australia slang
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounIn National Hunt racing, a flat race for horses that have not yet competed either in flat racing or over obstacles.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
Auto partsbumperEnglishnounA shoulder button on a
Auto partsbumperEnglishadjWonderfully large; (as if) filled to the bumpers at the top of a silo.colloquial not-comparable
Auto partsbumperEnglishverbTo drink from the vessels called bumpers.intransitive obsolete
AutomobilesblaszankaPolishnounsheet-iron vesselcolloquial feminine
AutomobilesblaszankaPolishnounvan (covered vehicle used for carrying goods or people, usually roughly cuboid in shape, longer and higher than a car but smaller than a truck/lorry)colloquial feminine
AviationLuftyEnglishnameLufthansa (German national airline)informal
AviationLuftyEnglishnameAny of its fares, particularly a round-the-world special.informal
Baby animalsparrEnglishnounYoung salmon, at a stage between fry and smolt when they feed chiefly on invertebrates but cannot tolerate saltwater.countable uncountable
Baby animalsparrEnglishnounA young leveret.countable uncountable
Baby animalsјагулчеMacedoniannoundiminutive of јагула (jagula, “eel”)diminutive form-of
Baby animalsјагулчеMacedoniannounelver
BacteriaStreptokokkenGermannounplural of Streptokokkusform-of masculine plural
BacteriaStreptokokkenGermannounStreptococcus (genus of bacteria)masculine plural plural-only
Barberry family plantslingaCebuanonounan evergreen shrub, Mahonia philippinensis
Barberry family plantslingaCebuanoverbto engross
Barberry family plantslingaCebuanoadjinattentive
Bathingस्नानHindinounthe act of bathing, ablution
Bathingस्नानHindinouna place for bathing
BeddingjaçCatalannounbed (prepared spot to sleep in)masculine
BeddingjaçCatalannounbed (furniture for sleeping on)masculine
BeestrzmielPolishnounbumblebee (genus of bee)animal-not-person masculine
BeestrzmielPolishnounObsolete form of trzmielina.alt-of inanimate masculine obsolete
BeetlesերևիլOld Armeniannounwheat weevil (Sitophilus granarius)
BeetlesերևիլOld Armeniannounrust, rubigo (disease of plants caused by a reddish-brown fungus)
BerriesკანდღუLaznounstrawberry (Fragaria)
BerriesკანდღუLaznounstrawberry (Fragaria) / wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
BerriesკანდღუLaznouncascara (Frangula purshiana)
Biblical charactersHannaEstoniannameHannah (biblical character)
Biblical charactersHannaEstoniannameAnna (biblical prophetess)
Biblical charactersHannaEstoniannamea female given name of biblical origin, also short form of Johanna
Biblical charactersJeremiaDutchnameJeremiah (Biblical character, Judahite prophet)ChristianityJudaism masculine
Biblical charactersJeremiaDutchnameJeremiah (book of the Hebrew Bible)ChristianityJudaism masculine
Biblical charactersJudīteLatviannameJudith (Biblical figure)feminine
Biblical charactersJudīteLatviannamea female given namefeminine
Biblical charactersPaulusLatinnameA cognomen of the Aemilius clan.declension-2 masculine
Biblical charactersPaulusLatinnamePaul (biblical figure).declension-2 masculine
Biblical charactersThomasDutchnameThomas (biblical figure)masculine
Biblical charactersThomasDutchnamea male given name of biblical originmasculine
Biblical charactersThomasDutchnamea surname originating as a patronymicmasculine
Biblical charactersʻAnaHawaiiannamea female given name originating from the Bible, equivalent to English Ann or Anna
Biblical charactersʻAnaHawaiiannameAnna (biblical character)
BiologybiologiaFinnishnounpartitive singular of biologiform-of partitive singular
BiologyeugenikaPolishnoungenitive singular of eugenikform-of genitive singular
BiologyeugenikaPolishnounaccusative singular of eugenikaccusative form-of singular
Biology生物Chinesenounorganism; living being; lifeform (Classifier: 個/个)biology natural-sciences
Biology生物Chinesenounbiology (study of all life or living matter)
Biology生物Chineseadjbiological; bio-attributive
Birch family plantsalisoSpanishnounalder treemasculine
Birch family plantsalisoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of alisarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
BirdsmergulusLatinnounwick of a lampdeclension-2 masculine
BirdsmergulusLatinnoundiminutive of mergusdeclension-2 diminutive form-of masculine
BirdsmergulusLatinnounSynonym of mergusLate-Latin declension-2 masculine proscribed
BirdssejlerDanishnounsailing shipcommon-gender
BirdssejlerDanishnounswift (bird)common-gender
BirdssejlerDanishverbpresent of sejleform-of present
Birds of preybivråkSwedishnounEuropean honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)common-gender
Birds of preybivråkSwedishnounany bird in the Pernis (honey buzzard) family.common-gender
Birth controlGummiGermannounrubber, gumAustria Eastern Germany Northern Southern Switzerland masculine neuter strong uncountable
Birth controlGummiGermannounrubber band, elastic bandAustria Eastern Germany Northern Southern Switzerland countable masculine neuter strong
Birth controlGummiGermannouncondom, rubberAustria Eastern Germany Northern Southern Switzerland countable informal masculine neuter strong
Bluesazul-petróleoSpanishadjteal (color)feminine masculine
Bluesazul-petróleoSpanishnounteal (color)masculine uncountable
Board gamesᠵᠠᠩᠵᡠManchunounxiangqi; Chinese chess
Board gamesᠵᠠᠩᠵᡠManchunameZhangzhou (a city in Fujian, China)
Bodily fluidsbalăRomaniannounmonster, beast, animalfeminine rare regional
Bodily fluidsbalăRomaniannounslobber, droolcommon feminine rare
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo decompose; to make or become rotten or spoiled: / To become toxic or noxious (of gas or liquid)
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo decompose; to make or become rotten or spoiled: / To putrefy; to become or make infected or gangrenous (in the body).
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo decompose; to make or become rotten or spoiled: / To become rusty; to develop a layer of rust.rare
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo morally degenerate or decay; to become sinful.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo languish; to become weak or feeble due to imprisonment.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo disappear; to lose presence, existence, or vitality.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo become tattered, ragged, or old.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo steep; to immerse in fluid.rare
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo put out roots; to start growing..
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo settle or fix; to put in a permanent state.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo begin or institute; to cause to settle or fix.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo place a value or belief into one's mind.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishverbTo link or connect; to make an attachment.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishadjRotten or spoiled (usually of animal or plant matter): / Toxic, noxious (of gas or liquid)rare
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishadjRotten or spoiled (usually of animal or plant matter): / Collapsing or decomposing into pieces; falling apart.rare
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishadjGangrenous, infected (having necrosis or putrefaction)
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishadjEvil, sinful; morally retrograde.
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishadjElderly, aged (of people)rare
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle EnglishadjDevastated; damaged beyond repair.rare
Bodily fluidsrotenMiddle Englishnounplural of rote (“root”)form-of plural
Bodily fluidsتھوکUrdunounspit
Bodily fluidsتھوکUrdunounsaliva
Bodily fluids💦TranslingualsymbolWatering; sweating.
Bodily fluids💦TranslingualsymbolDrip.Internet figuratively
Bodily fluids💦TranslingualsymbolSemen; ejaculation; sexual intercourse.Internet euphemistic figuratively
Bodily fluids💦TranslingualsymbolWet, naturally lubricated at the lady parts due to sexual arousal.Internet euphemistic figuratively
Bodily fluids💦TranslingualsymbolSweat droplets that appear in-front of a character's face when stressed, working hard or tired.comics literature media publishing
BodymujRomaninounmouthinanimate masculine
BodymujRomaninounfaceinanimate masculine
Body partsmleczarniaPolishnoundairy, dairy farm (enterprise, often on a farm, where milk is processed and turned into products such as butter and cheese) / dairy (dairy building)feminine
Body partsmleczarniaPolishnoundairy, dairy farm (enterprise, often on a farm, where milk is processed and turned into products such as butter and cheese) / people employed at a dairyfeminine
Body partsmleczarniaPolishnoundairy (woman's breasts)colloquial feminine humorous
Body partsraménkoCzechnoundiminutive of ramenodiminutive form-of neuter
Body partsraménkoCzechnouncrus: a shankneuter
Body partsαφαλόςGreeknounnavelcolloquial
Body partsαφαλόςGreeknounhub (of wheel)
Body partsรูโซะUrak Lawoi'nounside
Body partsรูโซะUrak Lawoi'nounribanatomy medicine sciences
Body parts背脊Chinesenounback (of the body)dialectal formal
Body parts背脊Chinesenounrear; behindTaishanese
BonesһөйәкBashkirnouna person's remainsfiguratively
BonesһөйәкBashkirnounstone, (US) kernel; the central part of some fruitbiology botany natural-sciences
BooksдовідникUkrainiannounreference book, manual, handbook
BooksдовідникUkrainiannountelephone directory
Books周禮Chinesenounrites of the Zhou dynasty
Books周禮Chinesenamethe Rites of Zhou
Books of the BibleEsraFinnishnameEzra (Biblical figure)
Books of the BibleEsraFinnishnamethe Book of Ezra
BoronборUkrainiannounboronchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
Boroughs in EnglandSandwellEnglishnameA metropolitan borough of the West Midlands, England.
Boroughs in EnglandSandwellEnglishnameA surname.
BreadsGraham breadEnglishnounBread baked from graham flour, a type of unsifted wheat flour.countable uncountable
BreadsGraham breadEnglishnounA Graham cracker.US countable dated uncountable
BreadsmacekSilesiannounmatzo (thin, unleavened bread)Judaism inanimate masculine
BreadsmacekSilesiannounmatzo (piece of such bread)Judaism inanimate masculine
BreadsmacekSilesiannouna clumsy or inept personCieszyn-Silesia masculine person
BreadsتميزArabicverbto be distinguished, to be characterized
BreadsتميزArabicnounverbal noun of تَمَيَّزَ (tamayyaza) (form V)form-of noun-from-verb
BreadsتميزArabicnounstanding out, uniquity, being distinguished
BreadsتميزArabicnounAlternative form of تَمِيس (tamīs, “pocket bread, pita”)alt-of alternative
BreadsਬੰਦPunjabinounwristband, bracelet
BreadsਬੰਦPunjabinounjoint, limb
BreadsਬੰਦPunjabinounbun, bread rollcolloquial
BreadsਬੰਦPunjabiadjclosed, shut, locked
BreadsਬੰਦPunjabiadjconfined, imprisoned
BreadsਬੰਦPunjabiadjbanned, prohibited
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of VTV (Belarusian TV channel).abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of VTV (Pakistan).abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of VTV (Salvadoran TV channel).abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of VTV (Australian TV station).abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of Vietnam Television.abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of Vale TV.abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of Venezolana de Televisión.abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of VTV (Maldives).abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingVTVEnglishnameInitialism of VTV (Indonesia).abbreviation alt-of initialism
Bromeliads菠蘿Chinesenounpineapple (plant, fruit)
Bromeliads菠蘿Chinesenounpineapple; hand grenade; explosiveCantonese Hong-Kong slang
BrownsalasanCebuanonouna reddish-brown horse; a chestnut
BrownsalasanCebuanonounthe color chestnut
BrownsalasanCebuanoadjof the colour chestnut
Buckwheat family plantssobaEnglishnounA Japanese buckwheat noodle.countable uncountable
Buckwheat family plantssobaEnglishnounA traditional community leader in Angola.
Building materialsсаманRussiannounadobe (unburnt brick)
Building materialsсаманRussiannounair brick
BuildingskindlusEstoniannounfirmness, surety, reliability
BuildingskindlusEstoniannounsecurity, safety
BuildingskindlusEstoniannounfortress, castle, stronghold, citadel
BuildingsospitalCebuanoverbto hospitalize / to send to hospital; to admit (a person) to hospital
BuildingsospitalCebuanoverbto hospitalize / to cause (a person) to require hospitalization
BuildingspalazzoItaliannouna royal palacemasculine
BuildingspalazzoItaliannouna palatial urban building, a palazzomasculine
BurialvespilloLatinnounAn undertaker who buries paupers.declension-3
BurialvespilloLatinnounA ghoul, graverobber.declension-3
BusinesssukiTagalognounregular and long-standing customer or client (who may receive special treatment due to patronage)
BusinesssukiTagalognounregular vendor or dealer (which one buys from)dialectal
BusinesssukiTagalognouncross-like support or prop placed inside housesobsolete
BusinesssukiTagalognounact of propping up or shoring up (something)obsolete
Business市場Chinesenounmarket; bazaar; marketplace (in a town, city)
Business市場Chinesenounmarket (demand for a commodity or service); marketplace
BusinessestársulatHungariannounassociation, society, organization, companydated
BusinessestársulatHungariannountroupe (theatrical company; see its hyponyms below at Derived terms)
Buttercup family plantsukonhattuFinnishnounmonkshood, wolfsbane, aconite (Aconitum napellus)biology botany natural-sciences
Buttercup family plantsukonhattuFinnishnounmonkshood, wolfsbane, aconite (plant; Aconitum)biology botany natural-sciences
ButtocksзадRussiannounback, rear
ButtocksзадRussiannounbottom, buttocks, nates, posterior, seat
Capital punishmentczapaPolishnounAugmentative of czapkaaugmentative feminine form-of
Capital punishmentczapaPolishnounhead, skullfeminine slang
Capital punishmentczapaPolishnoundeath sentencefeminine slang
Capital punishmentczapaPolishnounexecution by firing squadcolloquial feminine historical
Capital punishmentczapaPolishnounoverarching institution that limits the independence of subordinate units, considered unnecessaryderogatory feminine
Capital punishmentimpalementEnglishnounThe act of torturing or executing someone by impaling them on a sharp stake.countable uncountable
Capital punishmentimpalementEnglishnounThe joining of two coats of arms on one shield.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
Capital punishmentimpalementEnglishnounA space fenced in, such as by palings, possibly in the form of an enclosure or cup.countable uncountable
Capital punishmentimpalementEnglishnounIn the sense of an enclosure, the calyx of a flower. (In still older works, also spelt empalement.)biology botany natural-sciencescountable obsolete uncountable
Card gamesalasTagalognounacecard-games games
Card gamesalasTagalognountrump cardbroadly figuratively
Card gamesalasTagalogadvo'clock (except for one o' clock)
Card gamesalasTagalogadjcut short and even
Card gamesalasTagalognounact of cutting or lopping off growth evenly
Card gameskordioIdonounheartanatomy card-games games medicine sciencesusually
Card gameskordioIdonounheart (symbol)figuratively
Card gamesседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounweek
Card gamesседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounseven (digit or figure)
Card gamesседмицаSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered seven (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 7 etc.)
Card gamesكاغدOttoman Turkishnounpaper, a material made of cellulose fibres used for writing or printing
Card gamesكاغدOttoman Turkishnounsheet, a usually rectangular piece of paper that has been prepared for writing or printing
Card gamesكاغدOttoman Turkishnounwritten or printed paper, a letter or document written on a paper sheet
Card gamesكاغدOttoman Turkishnounplaying card, any of the rectangular pieces of card used to play numerous games
Card gamesसत्ताNepalinounauthority, power
Card gamesसत्ताNepalinouna sevencard-games games
CarpentrykukoTagalognounnail; fingernail; toenailanatomy medicine sciences
CarpentrykukoTagalognounhoof (of a horse, cow, etc.)
CarpentrykukoTagalognounclaw; talon (of bird, etc.)
CarpentrykukoTagalognoungroove for fitting
CarpentrykukoTagalognounengraving for inlay; inlaid work or mosaic
CatsiringCebuanonouncat meat (see usage notes)humorous often
CatsiringCebuanointjjust kidding
CatsiringCebuanointjexpression used as a reply expressing disapproval or disbelief to something heard
CattlepullEstoniannounbull, ox (male non-castrated bovine)
CattlepullEstoniannounany male animal, especially a moosebroadly
CattlepullEstonianadjfunny, strangecolloquial
CattlepullEstoniannounjoke, prank, trick (a strange, funny story or incident)colloquial
CattlepullEstoniannounloaf of breadobsolete
CattlepullEstoniannounfloat (fishing, angling)
Celestial bodiesmweziTumbukanounmoonclass-3
Celestial bodiesmweziTumbukanounmonthclass-3
Celestial bodiesꯅꯨꯃꯤꯠManipurinounthe Sunastronomy natural-sciences
Celestial bodiesꯅꯨꯃꯤꯠManipurinounday
CervidsbicheFrenchnoundoe, hindfeminine
CervidsbicheFrenchnoundoe, hind / wapiti (elk)Canada feminine
CervidsbicheFrenchnoundarling, sweetheart (affectionate name for one's girlfriend)feminine
CervidsbicheFrenchverbinflection of bicher: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
CervidsbicheFrenchverbinflection of bicher: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / An enclosed place (such as a container, room etc.)
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / An inhabited place (such as a country, town etc.)
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / An area of the body (either of an organ or of the skin)
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / An estate or property; a house or building (often with its surrounds).
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / A location or position in space (occupied by someone)
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / A location in a written document.
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, station, or position; an appropriate or designated spot: / The seat or office of a high official.
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, station, or position; an appropriate or designated spot: / A successor or heir; that replacing another.rare
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA place, station, or position; an appropriate or designated spot: / A state of being; a circumstance, condition, or situation.
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA location or position in time; time, moment.
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounStrength, effect; capacity for achievement.
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA bedstead or bedframe.rare
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishnounA steed; a fine stallion (especially if suited for war)
ChairsstedeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of stedenalt-of alternative
ChairsстолицаSerbo-Croatiannounstoolmedicine sciences
ChairsстолицаSerbo-Croatiannouncapital cityarchaic
CheesestvarůžkyCzechnounOlomouc cheese, a kind of ripened soft cheese with a strong scent, distinctive pungent taste and yellowish colour, nowadays made in the town of Loštice in the Czech Republicinanimate masculine plural plural-only usually
CheesestvarůžkyCzechnounnominative/accusative/vocative/instrumental plural of tvarůžekaccusative form-of instrumental nominative plural vocative
Chemical elementschloreFrenchnounchlorinemasculine uncountable
Chemical elementschloreFrenchverbinflection of chlorer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Chemical elementschloreFrenchverbinflection of chlorer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Chemical processesdemineralizationEnglishnounThe chemical engineering process in which mineral salts are removed from a liquid.countable uncountable
Chemical processesdemineralizationEnglishnounThe loss of minerals, especially those of calcium, from bone.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
ChemistryaboCebuanonounash; the solid remains of a fire
ChemistryaboCebuanonountephra; volcanic ash
ChemistryaboCebuanoverbto turn into ash (by burning)
ChemistrymetallCatalannounmetalgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
ChessKöniginGermannounqueen (chess piece)archaic dated feminine
ChessVietnamesenouncode (short symbol)
ChessVietnamesenouncipher; code (method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning)
ChessVietnamesenouncode (computer instructions)
ChessVietnamesenounChinese numerals
ChessVietnamesenounyard (unit of length)
ChessVietnamesenounjoss paper
ChessVietnamesenounlemon (defective item)
ChessVietnamesenounplumage on the neck or rear of a rooster
ChessVietnamesenounoutward appearance, looks
ChessVietnamesenounhorizontal bar of a rake, to which teeth are attached
ChessVietnamesenounobject to be weighed on a scale
ChessVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 馬 (“horse”)romanization
ChessVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 瑪romanization
ChessVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 獁romanization
ChessVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 碼romanization
ChessVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 螞romanization
ChessVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 𦄀/𫘖romanization
ChessVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 咩/𠴟romanization
ChessVietnamesenounhorse, a piece labeled with the characters 馬/马 (mǎ, black) and 傌/骂 (red)board-games games xiangqi
ChessVietnamesenounknightboard-games chess games
ChessконBulgariannounhorse, steed
ChessконBulgariannounknight (chess piece)board-games chess games
ChessوزيرSouth Levantine Arabicnounminister
ChessوزيرSouth Levantine Arabicnounbishopboard-games chess games
Children女孩Chinesenounyoung woman; lass
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesenamethe Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches
Chinese earthly branchesJapaneseprefixun-; in- (not yet)morpheme
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesenamethe Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches
Chinese mythologyTemple of HeavenEnglishnameA religious complex in southeastern Beijing, formerly important to Chinese imperial rituals; the present-day park surrounding and preserving the site.
Chinese mythologyTemple of HeavenEnglishnameThe Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the largest building in the complex, commonly confused as its focus.proscribed
ChristianitypadríCatalannoungodfather, godparentmasculine
ChristianitypadríCatalannounprotector, mentorfiguratively masculine
ChristianitypadríCatalannoungrandfatherMallorca masculine
Christianityयहेज़क़ेलHindinameBook of Ezekielbiblical lifestyle religion
Christianityयहेज़क़ेलHindinameEzekiel (Biblical prophet)
ChristmasWesołych ŚwiątPolishintjMerry Christmasidiomatic
ChristmasWesołych ŚwiątPolishintjhappy Easteridiomatic
ChristmasWesołych ŚwiątPolishintjhappy holidaysidiomatic
CinematographycinématographieFrenchverbinflection of cinématographier: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
CinematographycinématographieFrenchverbinflection of cinématographier: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
CircumcisionroundheadEnglishadjHaving a dome-shaped head.not-comparable
CircumcisionroundheadEnglishnounA roundhead screw, one with a domed head.
CircumcisionroundheadEnglishnounAlternative form of Roundheadalt-of alternative
CircumcisionroundheadEnglishnounA male whose penis is circumcised.slang
CircumcisionroundheadEnglishnounA circular platform at the end of a pier or breakwater.
CitiesVinicaEnglishnameA town and municipality in the east of the Republic of Macedonia.
CitiesVinicaEnglishnameA village in Carniola, Slovenia.
Cities in Kentucky, USAジョージタウンJapanesenameGeorge Town
Cities in Kentucky, USAジョージタウンJapanesenameGeorgetown
Cities in MexicoチワワJapanesenameChihuahua
Cities in MexicoチワワJapanesenouna Chihuahua
Citrus subfamily plantsmandarinquatEnglishnounA citrus tree, a cross between a mandarin and a kumquat, Citrus japonica × Citrus reticulata.
Citrus subfamily plantsmandarinquatEnglishnounThe fruit from this tree.
ClothingbaggiesEnglishnounplural of baggieform-of plural
ClothingbaggiesEnglishnounplural of baggyform-of plural
ClothingbaggiesEnglishnounBaggy shorts worn by surfers.plural plural-only
ClothingbaggiesEnglishnounBaggy cycling shorts.plural plural-only slang
ClothingcábaIrishnouncape, cloakmasculine
ClothingkonfekcjaPolishnounready-to-wear clothing (lightweight garments or underwear sewn on a mass scale)feminine uncountable
ClothingkonfekcjaPolishnounready-to-wear clothing productionfeminine uncountable
ClothingkonfekcjaPolishnounready-to-wear clothing shopcountable feminine
ClothingkonfekcjaPolishnounmediocre artistic production intended for a mass audiencederogatory feminine figuratively uncountable
ClothingmanchetDutchnouncuff (part of shirt)feminine
ClothingmanchetDutchnounsabot (munition)feminine
ClothingolejarzPolishnounoilman (person who refines or sells oil)masculine person
ClothingolejarzPolishnounoilman (person who uses oil, e.g. a Catholic priest)Middle Polish derogatory masculine person sometimes
ClothingolejarzPolishnounSynonym of olejówkanautical sailing transportinanimate masculine obsolete
ClothingܓܝܢܣAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounjeans
ClothingܓܝܢܣAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundenim
ClothingܟܘܬܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounany linen garment: tunic, shirt, coat
ClothingܟܘܬܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounalb, surplice
ClothingܟܘܬܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounlayer, shell, tegument
ClothingܟܘܬܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounmembrane, skinanatomy medicine sciences
ClothingܟܘܬܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounsailnautical transport
ClothingܟܘܬܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounnet
ClothingܟܘܬܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounheap
Clothing領袖Chinesenounleader (of a country, a party or an organisation)figuratively
Clothing領袖Chinesenouncollar and sleevesliterally
CoffeecoffiWelshnouncoffeemasculine uncountable
CoffeecoffiWelshnouncoffeecountable masculine
CollectivesagendkaPolishnoundiminutive of agenda (“department”)diminutive feminine form-of
CollectivesagendkaPolishnoundiminutive of agenda (“agenda, notebook”)diminutive feminine form-of
CollectivescopiaeLatinnouninflection of cōpia (“supply”): / nominative/vocative pluralform-of nominative plural vocative
CollectivescopiaeLatinnouninflection of cōpia (“supply”): / genitive/dative singulardative form-of genitive singular
CollectivescopiaeLatinnounnominative plural of cōpia (“troops, forces, resources”) (in the plural)form-of nominative plural
CollectiveshumanityEnglishnounHumankind; human beings as a group.countable uncountable
CollectiveshumanityEnglishnounThe human condition or nature.countable uncountable
CollectiveshumanityEnglishnounThe quality of being benevolent; humane traits of character; humane qualities or aspects.countable uncountable
CollectiveshumanityEnglishnounAny academic subject belonging to the humanities.countable uncountable
CollectiveslegeMiddle Englishnounleague (unit of meaurement)
CollectiveslegeMiddle Englishnounone's subjects or vassals; (one of) those under one's control.
CollectiveslegeMiddle EnglishnounA hireling or servant; one serving under another.
CollectiveslegeMiddle EnglishnounOne's feudal overlords or superiors.rare
CollectiveslegeMiddle EnglishadjAble to command obedience from one's inferiors.
CollectiveslegeMiddle EnglishadjPledged to obey one's superiors; subject to duty by an authority.
CollectiveslegeMiddle EnglishadjOtherwise bound by feudal obligations.rare
CollectivesoutgroupEnglishnounThe group of people who do not belong to one's own social group.human-sciences sciences social-science sociology
CollectivesoutgroupEnglishnounIn cladistics, all the taxa included in a study that do not belong to the ingroup that is of immediate interest.
CollectivesoutgroupEnglishverbTo form an outgroup.
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA person. / A person; an individual.dated slang
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA person. / With to: an accessory, someone who takes part.
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc. / Active player characters organized into a single gamingInternet archaic broadly
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc. / A group of characters controlled by the broadly
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.archaic broadly
CollectivespartyEnglishnounPolitical party; political group considered as a formal whole, united under one specific political platform of issues and campaigning to take part in government.government politics
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA discrete detachment of troops, especially for a particular purpose.government military politics war
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA group of persons collected or gathered together for some particular purpose. / A gathering of usually invited guests for entertainment, fun and socializing.
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA group of persons collected or gathered together for some particular purpose. / A group of people traveling or attending an event together, or participating in the same activity.
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA group of persons collected or gathered together for some particular purpose. / A gathering of acquaintances so that one of them may offer items for sale to the rest of them.
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA group of persons collected or gathered together for some particular purpose.
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA small group of birds or mammals.
CollectivespartyEnglishnounA part or division.obsolete
CollectivespartyEnglishverbTo celebrate at a party, to have fun, to enjoy oneself.intransitive
CollectivespartyEnglishverbTo take recreational drugs.euphemistic intransitive slang
CollectivespartyEnglishverbTo engage in flings, to have one-night stands, to sow one's wild oats.intransitive
CollectivespartyEnglishverbTo form a party (with).games gamingInternet intransitive
CollectivespartyEnglishadjOf a fence or wall: shared by two properties and serving to divide them.not-comparable
CollectivespartyEnglishadjDivided; in part.not-comparable obsolete
CollectivespartyEnglishadjParted or divided, as in the direction or form of one of the ordinaries.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable
CollectivesкомандаUkrainiannouncommand, order
CollectivesкомандаUkrainiannounteam, crew, party
CollectivesкомандаUkrainiannoundetachmentgovernment military politics war
CollectivesкомандаUkrainiannouncrew, ship's companynautical transport
CollectivesкомандаUkrainiannounteamhobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesсоюзUkrainiannounconfederation, confederacy
Collectives船民Chinesenounboat person; boat people (ethnic group that live on boats)
Collectives船民Chinesenounboat person; boat people (refugees fleeing by sea)
Collectives陣容Chinesenounbattle array; troop arrangementgovernment military politics war
Collectives陣容Chinesenounlineup (of a team, etc.); castfiguratively
ColorsamatistaSpanishadjamethyst, amethyst-coloredfeminine masculine
ColorsbarwnyPolishadjcolourful, colorful (having many or bright colors)
ColorsbarwnyPolishadjcolourful, colorful (of a personality)
ColorskasubhiCebuanonounthe color saffron
ColorskasubhiCebuanoadjof the colour saffron
ColorsmelinusLatinadjOf or pertaining to honey.adjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsmelinusLatinadjOf or pertaining to quinces.adjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsmelinusLatinadjOf the colour or color of quinces; quince-yellow.adjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsmelinusLatinadjOf or pertaining to a marten or a badgeradjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsινδικόGreeknounindigo (color/colour)colorformal indeclinable
ColorsινδικόGreekadjAccusative masculine singular form of ινδικός (indikós).accusative form-of masculine singular
ColorsινδικόGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter singular form of ινδικός (indikós).accusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
ColorsئالتۇنUyghurnoungold (chemical element)
ColorsمورOttoman Turkishnounviolet color or dye, violet, purple
ColorsمورOttoman Turkishadjviolet-colored
ColorsᱯᱳᱱᱰSantalinounwhite (colour)
ColorsᱯᱳᱱᱰSantaliverbto whitenintransitive transitive
Colors of the rainbowindygoPolishnounindigo colorindeclinable neuter
Colors of the rainbowindygoPolishnounindigo-colored dyeindeclinable neuter
Colors of the rainbowindygoPolishadjindigonot-comparable
ColumbidsbluetteEnglishnounA short but scintillating play or other work.dated
ColumbidsbluetteEnglishnounA kind of satinette pigeon.
Combretum family plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn umbrella magnolia (Magnolia tripetala).
Combretum family plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn African corkwood (Musanga cecropioides).
Combretum family plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn Australian rainforest tree (Polyscias murrayi).
Combretum family plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn octopus tree (Schefflera actinophylla).
Combretum family plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn Indian almond (Terminalia catappa).
Combretum family plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn umbrella thorn (Vachellia tortilis).
CombustionजलानाHindiverbto burntransitive
CombustionजलानाHindiverbto set fire to, kindle
CombustionजलानाHindiverbto inflame, excite
CombustionजलानाHindiverbto light, turn on a light
ComedysketchEnglishverbTo make a brief, basic drawing.intransitive transitive
ComedysketchEnglishverbTo describe briefly and with very few details.transitive
ComedysketchEnglishnounA rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work, often consisting of a multitude of overlapping lines.
ComedysketchEnglishnounA rough design, plan, or draft, as a rough draft of a book.
ComedysketchEnglishnounA brief description of a person or account of an incident; a general presentation or outline.
ComedysketchEnglishnounA brief, light, or unfinished dramatic, musical, or literary work or idea; especially a short, often humorous or satirical scene or play, frequently as part of a revue or variety show. / A brief musical composition or theme, especially for the piano.
ComedysketchEnglishnounA brief, light, or unfinished dramatic, musical, or literary work or idea; especially a short, often humorous or satirical scene or play, frequently as part of a revue or variety show. / A brief, light, or informal literary composition, such as an essay or short story.
ComedysketchEnglishnounAn amusing person.informal
ComedysketchEnglishnounA lookout; vigilant watch for something.Ireland slang
ComedysketchEnglishnounA humorous newspaper article summarizing political events, making heavy use of metaphor, paraphrase and caricature.UK
ComedysketchEnglishnounA formal specification of a mathematical structure or a data type described in terms of a graph and diagrams (and cones (and cocones)) on it. It can be implemented by means of “models”, which are functors which are graph homomorphisms from the formal specification to categories such that the diagrams become commutative, the cones become limiting (i.e., products), the cocones become colimiting (i.e., sums).category-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ComedysketchEnglishadjSketchy, shady, questionable.informal
CommunicationпроповедMacedoniannounsermon, homily
CommunicationпроповедMacedoniannounpreaching (an instructive speech, usually boring and reluctant to listen)figuratively ironic
Compass pointsNDutchcharacterthe fourteenth letter of the Dutch alphabetletter uppercase
Compass pointsNDutchnounAbbreviation of noord; northabbreviation alt-of
Compass pointslestePortuguesenouneast (compass point)masculine
Compass pointslestePortugueseverbsecond-person singular preterite indicative of lerform-of indicative preterite second-person singular
Compass pointswEnglishcharacterThe twenty-third letter of the English alphabet, called double-u and written in the Latin script.letter lowercase
Compass pointswEnglishnounwatt
Compass pointswEnglishnounwest
Compass pointswEnglishnounwitness
Compass pointswEnglishnounwork
Compass pointswEnglishnounAbbreviation of win.abbreviation alt-of
Compass pointswEnglishadjwideball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
Compass pointswEnglishadjwhite
Compass pointswEnglishadjsuccessful, admirable, good
Compass pointswEnglishprepAbbreviation of with.Internet abbreviation alt-of
Compass pointswEnglishprepwith a wing (on the Enneagram)
CompositesἀστερίσκοςAncient Greeknounlittle star
CompositesἀστερίσκοςAncient Greeknounasterisk, the mark *
CompositesἀστερίσκοςAncient GreeknounItalian aster (Aster amellus)
CompositesἀστερίσκοςAncient Greeknouncapsule of the poppybiology botany natural-sciences
CompositesἀστερίσκοςAncient Greeknounsmall wheel with projections
CompositesἀστερίσκοςAncient Greeknoungeometrical figure shaped like a stargeometry mathematics sciences
ConchologyраковинаBulgariannounshell (exoskeleton of mollusca, typically snails, rapana, mussels)
ConchologyраковинаBulgariannounblister, cavity, blowhole, flaw (formed during the solidification of a melted material, e.g. metal, concrete)science sciencesmaterial
ConstellationsAquariusEnglishnameA constellation of the zodiac, supposedly shaped like a water carrier.astronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsAquariusEnglishnameThe zodiac sign for the water carrier, ruled by Uranus covering January 20 – February 18 (tropical astrology) or February 15 – March 14 (sidereal astrology).astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ConstellationsAquariusEnglishnounSomeone with an Aquarius star sign
ConstellationsDvīņiLatviannamethe constellation of Gemini; astronomical abbreviation: Gemastronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-2 masculine
ConstellationsDvīņiLatviannameGemini (zodiac sign); astrological symbol: ♊)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesdeclension-2 masculine
ConstellationsLauvaLatviannamethe constellation of Leo; astronomical abbreviation: Leoastronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-4 masculine
ConstellationsLauvaLatviannameLeo (zodiac sign); astrological symbol: ♌)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesdeclension-4 masculine
ConstellationsאיינהאָרןYiddishnoununicornhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
ConstellationsאיינהאָרןYiddishnounMonoceros (constellation on the celestial equator)astronomy natural-sciences
ConstructionسقفSouth Levantine Arabicnounceiling
ConstructionسقفSouth Levantine Arabicnounroof
ContainerscajaSpanishnounbox, casefeminine
ContainerscajaSpanishnouncash deskfeminine
ContainerscajaSpanishnouncash register, register, cash boxfeminine
ContainerscajaSpanishnounsnare drumfeminine
ContainerscajaSpanishnouncasemedia publishing typographyfeminine
ContainersjarEnglishnounAn earthenware container, either with two or no handles, for holding oil, water, wine, etc., or used for burial.
ContainersjarEnglishnounA small, approximately cylindrical container, normally made of clay or glass, for holding fruit, preserves, etc., or for ornamental purposes.
ContainersjarEnglishnounA jar and its contents; as much as fills such a container; a jarful.
ContainersjarEnglishnounA pint glassBritish Ireland colloquial
ContainersjarEnglishnounA glass of beer or cider, served by the pint.British Ireland colloquial metonymically
ContainersjarEnglishverbTo preserve (food) in a jar.transitive
ContainersjarEnglishnounA clashing or discordant set of sounds, particularly with a quivering or vibrating quality.countable
ContainersjarEnglishnounA quivering or vibrating movement or sensation resulting from something being shaken or struck.also countable figuratively
ContainersjarEnglishnounA sense of alarm or dismay.broadly countable
ContainersjarEnglishnounThe effect of something contradictory or discordant; a clash.countable
ContainersjarEnglishnounA disagreement, a dispute, a quarrel; (uncountable) contention, discord; quarrelling.archaic countable
ContainersjarEnglishverbTo knock, shake, or strike sharply, especially causing a quivering or vibrating movement.transitive
ContainersjarEnglishverbTo harm or injure by such action.transitive
ContainersjarEnglishverbTo shock or surprise.figuratively transitive
ContainersjarEnglishverbTo act in disagreement or opposition, to clash, to be at odds with; to interfere; to dispute, to quarrel.figuratively transitive
ContainersjarEnglishverbTo (cause something to) give forth a rudely tremulous or quivering sound; to (cause something to) sound discordantly or harshly.intransitive transitive
ContainersjarEnglishverbTo quiver or vibrate due to being shaken or struck.intransitive
ContainersjarEnglishverbOf the appearance, form, style, etc., of people and things: to look strangely different; to stand out awkwardly from its surroundings; to be incongruent.figuratively intransitive
ContainerspapereraCatalanadjfeminine singular of papererfeminine form-of singular
ContainerspapereraCatalannounfemale equivalent of papererfeminine form-of
ContainerspapereraCatalannounwastepaper basketfeminine
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnouncrus, foreleg, shin, shank, thigh; tibia, shinbone; femur, thighboneanatomy medicine sciences
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnoungreave, legging
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounbranch, stem
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounstem, stock, lineage, racefiguratively
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnoundivision, limb
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounside of a trianglegeometry mathematics sciences
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnountongue (of a shoe)
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounline, verse
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounmound of earth
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounsarcophagus
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounmorguebroadly
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounabsolute singular of ܫܩܝܐ (šeqyā, “canal, irrigation”)absolute form-of singular
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounconstruct state singular of ܫܩܝܐ (šeqyā, “canal, irrigation”)construct form-of singular
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounabsolute singular of ܫܩܝܐ (šāqyā, “cupbearer”)absolute form-of singular
ContainersܫܩܐClassical Syriacnounconstruct state singular of ܫܩܝܐ (šāqyā, “cupbearer”)construct form-of singular
Containersប្រអប់Khmernounbox, case
Containersប្រអប់Khmernounpanel, pane
Containersប្រអប់Khmerclassifierclassifier for suits of clothing, sets of tools and equipment
CookingfuinnManxverboverdo (of food)
Cooking煎熬Chineseverbto fry and boil; to cook by boilingliterally literary
Cooking煎熬Chineseverbto produce (something) by prolonged heating; to decoct; to smelt; to refine; to manufactureliterary
Cooking煎熬Chineseverbto torment; to inflict mental suffering (on someone); (of one's heart) to be deeply worried; to be in great distressfiguratively
Cooking米粉Chinesenounrice vermicelli
Cooking米粉Chinesenounrice flour
Cooking米粉ChinesenounXiaomi fanslang
Cookware and bakewarekjevleNorwegian Nynorsknouna rolling pinfeminine neuter
Cookware and bakewarekjevleNorwegian Nynorskverbe-infinitive form of kjevla
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounpot, cooking pot, marmitefeminine
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounmeal prepared in a cooking potfeminine metonymically
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnoun(heavy) shellgovernment military politics warfeminine slang
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounprostitute, especially one past the first youth, the "flesh pot" of the souteneurdated feminine slang
Cookware and bakewarepotaIrishnounpot (vessel for cooking or storing food)masculine
Cookware and bakewarepotaIrishnountubnautical transportmasculine
Coronavirussocial distancingEnglishnounThe practice of maintaining physical distance between people to reduce the spread of communicable diseases by isolating those with such diseases in quarantines, maintaining space between individuals, and prohibiting certain activities.epidemiology medicine sciencesuncountable
Coronavirussocial distancingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of social distanceform-of gerund participle present
CorruptionkecuranganIndonesiannouncheating: an act of deception, fraud, or trickery.
CorruptionkecuranganIndonesiannounfraud / the crime of stealing or otherwise illegally obtaining money by use of deception tactics.uncountable
CorruptionkecuranganIndonesiannounfraud / any act of deception carried out for the purpose of unfair, undeserved or unlawful gain.
CorruptionkecuranganIndonesiannounfraudulence (the condition of being fraudulent)uncountable
CorruptionmafiaEnglishnounA hierarchically structured secret organisation engaged in illegal activities like distribution of narcotics, gambling and extortion.
CorruptionmafiaEnglishnounA crime syndicate.
CorruptionmafiaEnglishnounA trusted group of associates, as of a political leader.
CorruptionmafiaEnglishnounAn entity which attempts to control a specified arena by violence or threats.
CountriesPurtugaliaAromaniannamedefinite nominative of Purtugaliidefinite feminine form-of nominative
CountriesRepublika MakedonijaSerbo-Croatiannameformer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
CountriesRepublika MakedonijaSerbo-CroatiannameRepublic of Macedonia
Countries in EuropeHà LanVietnamesenameHolland (a traditional region in the Netherlands formed by two modern provinces, North Holland and South Holland)
Countries in EuropeHà LanVietnamesenameHolland, the Netherlands (a country in Western Europe)
Countries in EuropeHà LanVietnamesenameHà Lan, a pass in Đắk Lắk
Countries in EuropeKrólestwo PolskiePolishnameCrown of the Kingdom of Poland (a former country in Europe, political and legal idea formed in the Poland in the 14th century, assuming unity, indivisibility and continuity of the state)historical neuter
Countries in EuropeKrólestwo PolskiePolishnameCongress Poland (a former country in Europe, Polish state established 1815 and ruled by the Russian tsar)historical neuter
CraftskloboučnictvíCzechnounhatmaking, millinery (craft)neuter
CraftskloboučnictvíCzechnounhat shop, millinery (shop)neuter
CrimemadaSwahilinountopic, theme, subjectclass-10 class-9
CrimemadaSwahiliverbto murder or finishSheng
CruciferswasabiPolishnounwasabi (plant Eutrema japonicum)indeclinable neuter
CruciferswasabiPolishnounwasabi (green Japanese condiment)indeclinable neuter
CuckoosaniEnglishnounAny bird of the genus Crotophaga in the cuckoo family.
CuckoosaniEnglishnounplural of anusform-of plural
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounThe border of an area of land, especially marshland.dialectal obsolete
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounA strip of meat; a long fleshy piece of beef, cut from the flank or leg; a sort of steak.dialectal obsolete
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounA border, edge or rim.dialectal
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounA strip of leather used to fit the heels of a shoe.
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounA single rod woven in and out of the stakes.
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounA rocky slope, especially the area over a river valley; specifically, the Rand
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounThe currency of South Africa, divided into 100 cents.
CurrenciesrandEnglishverbTo rant; to storm.intransitive obsolete
CurrenciesrandEnglishnounA random number.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
CurrencieszłociszPolishnounone zloty coinanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
CurrencieszłociszPolishverbsecond-person singular present of złocićform-of present second-person singular
CurrenciesгривнеEastern Marinoungrivna (unit of currency in ancient Russia)historical
CurrenciesгривнеEastern Marinounhryvnia (currency of Ukraine)
CurrencyRappenGermannounrappen (a unit of currency in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, equal to one-hundredth of a Swiss franc)masculine strong
CurrencyRappenGermannounplural of Rappeform-of plural
CurrencypeningurIcelandicnouncoincountable masculine
CurrencypeningurIcelandicnounmedalcountable masculine
CurrencypeningurIcelandicnoundomestic animals, livestockmasculine uncountable
CurrencypeningurIcelandicnounmoneyin-plural masculine singular uncountable
Custard apple family plants佛果Chinesenounenlightenment as a result; arhatshipBuddhism lifestyle religion
Custard apple family plants佛果Chinesenounsugar apple (Annona squamosa)
Dairy productscuarcIrishnounquarknatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
Dairy productscuarcIrishnounquark (cheese)masculine
DaydeésPhaluranounpoint in timemasculine
Days of the week水曜Japanesenounplanet Mercuryarchaic
Days of the week水曜JapanesenounWednesday
DeathBrandopferGermannounvictim of a fireneuter strong
DeathBrandopferGermannounburnt offeringlifestyle religionneuter strong
Deathcash inEnglishverbTo exchange for cash.
Deathcash inEnglishverbTo settle one's debts, accounts or bills, especially relating to gambling.intransitive
Deathcash inEnglishverbTo profit from something; to take advantage of an opportunity in order to profit, especially financially.figuratively
Deathcash inEnglishverbTo die.slang
DeathholocaustPolishnounburnt offering, holocaust (slaughtered animal burnt on an altar)biblical lifestyle religionhistorical inanimate literary masculine
DeathholocaustPolishnounholocaust (extensive destruction of a group of animals or people)inanimate literary masculine
DeathmirstībaLatviannounmortality (the quality or state of being mortal)declension-4 feminine
DeathmirstībaLatviannounmortality (in a given population, the number of deaths by 1000 people)declension-4 feminine
DeathpostronekPolishnountether, halterinanimate literary masculine
DeathpostronekPolishnounhanging, the rope (punishment of being sentenced to death by hanging)figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
DemonymsBündnerGermannounalliance membermasculine strong
DemonymsBündnerGermanadjof the Grisons (mountainous region in Switzerland)Switzerland not-comparable relational
DemonymsBündnerGermannouna person from or living in the GrisonsSwitzerland masculine strong
DemonymsFilipinaTagalognounalternative form of Pilipina, female equivalent of Filipino: female Filipino; Filipina (person)alt-of alternative proscribed
DemonymsFilipinaTagalognounfemale equivalent of Filipino: female Philippine-born person of pure or majority Spanish descentfeminine form-of historical
DemonymsLeytehanonCebuanonounresident or inhabitant of Leyte
DemonymsLeytehanonCebuanoadjof or pertaining to Leyte
DemonymsTrojanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the ancient city of Troy.
DemonymsTrojanEnglishnounA student (especially an athlete) of the University of Southern California.
DemonymsTrojanEnglishnounA Trojan asteroid.astrophysics
DemonymsTrojanEnglishnounAn object residing at a Trojan point.astrophysics
DemonymsTrojanEnglishnounShort for Trojan horse.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of
DemonymsTrojanEnglishnounOne who shows great pluck, endurance, strength, etc.
DemonymsTrojanEnglishadjOf, or relating to, the famed city of Troy or its inhabitants.not-comparable
DemonymsTrojanEnglishadjInvolving great strength or endurance.not-comparable
DemonymsTrojanEnglishadjOf, or relating to, a Trojan point.astrophysicsnot-comparable
DemonymsTrojanEnglishadjOf, or relating to, a certain type of malware.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesnot-comparable
DemonymsgavanenseSpanishadjof or from Gavàfeminine masculine
DemonymsgavanenseSpanishnounsomeone from Gavàby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsmarinduqueñoSpanishadjof Marinduquerelational
DemonymsmarinduqueñoSpanishnounresident of Marinduque, an island of the Philippinesmasculine
DemonymsneomexicanoSpanishadjNew Mexican
DemonymsneomexicanoSpanishnounNew Mexicanmasculine
DemonymsocueñoSpanishadjof or from Ocú District
DemonymsocueñoSpanishnounsomeone from Ocú Districtmasculine
DemonymsrionegrinoSpanishadjof Río Negro, Argentinarelational
DemonymsrionegrinoSpanishnounsomeone from Río Negro, Argentinamasculine
DemonymsstrandbuNorwegian Nynorsknouna person who lives by a beach, or is from or lives in a place named Strandmasculine
DemonymsstrandbuNorwegian Nynorsknouna person who lives by a beach, or is from or lives in a place named Strand / a person from Strand municipality in Rogaland, Norwaymasculine
DemonymstresarroyenseSpanishadjof or from Tres Arroyos Partidofeminine masculine
DemonymstresarroyenseSpanishnounsomeone from Tres Arroyos Partidoby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsviguésSpanishadjof Vigorelational
DemonymsviguésSpanishnounsomeone from Vigomasculine
DemonymsооганKyrgyzadjAfghan (of or pertaining to Afghanistan)
DemonymsооганKyrgyzadjPashtun (of or pertaining to the Pashtun ethnic community)
DemonymsооганKyrgyznounAfghan (person from Afghanistan)
DemonymsооганKyrgyznounPashtun (person of Pashtun ethnicity)
DemonymsчехKyrgyzadjCzech (pertaining to the Czech people or the Czech language)
DemonymsчехKyrgyznounCzech (by ethnicity)
DessertshiszpanPolishnoundessert made from meringue and topped with whipped creamanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
DessertshiszpanPolishnounproduct originating from Spainanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
DessertshiszpanPolishnountit fuck, titwank, titjob (mammary intercourse)animal-not-person colloquial masculine vulgar
DessertskompótHungariannouncompote (a dessert made of fresh fruit cooked in sugary syrup)
DessertskompótHungariannounpreserve (preserved and bottled/canned fruit)colloquial
DialectstrøndskNorwegian NynorskadjThrondish, Throwendish (of, from or pertaining to Trøndelag)
DialectstrøndskNorwegian Nynorsknounthe dialect(s) of Trøndelagmasculine uncountable
DipteranstipulidEnglishadjof or pertaining to craneflies (insects of the family Tipulidae)not-comparable
DipteranstipulidEnglishnounA cranefly
DirectionsdirigoLatinverbto lay straight; arrange in lines (especially in military contexts)conjugation-3
DirectionsdirigoLatinverbto direct to a place, guide, steerconjugation-3
DirectionsdirigoLatinverbto distribute, scatterconjugation-3
DisabilityбаттахYakutnouncrutch, walking stick
DiseasecolerikMiddle EnglishadjHaving an extreme and dangerous quantity of yellow bile.
DiseasecolerikMiddle EnglishadjDue to the influence or presence of yellow bile.
DiseasecolerikMiddle EnglishadjHaving one's mood changed by yellow bile; easily angered.
DiseasecolerikMiddle EnglishadjMade of or containing yellow bile or choler.rare
DiseasecolerikMiddle EnglishadjUnder the influence of or governed by yellow bile.rare
DiseasecolerikMiddle EnglishadjHaving a proclivity to promote black bile.rare
DiseaseisifoZulunoundisease, sickness
Distilled beveragescorduroyEnglishnounA heavy fabric, usually made of cotton, with vertical ribs.countable uncountable
Distilled beveragescorduroyEnglishnounCheap and poor-quality whiskey.Ireland countable obsolete slang uncountable
Distilled beveragescorduroyEnglishnounA pattern on snow resulting from the use of a snow groomer to pack snow and improve skiing, snowboarding and snowmobile trail conditions. Corduroy is widely regarded as a good surface on which to ski or ride.countable uncountable
Distilled beveragescorduroyEnglishadjOf a road, path, etc., paved with split or round logs laid crosswise side by side.not-comparable
Distilled beveragescorduroyEnglishverbTo make (a road) by laying down split logs or tree-trunks over a marsh, swamp etc.
Divine epithetsⲟⲩⲉⲛⲟϥⲣⲉCopticnamean epithet of Osiris.Sahidic
Divine epithetsⲟⲩⲉⲛⲟϥⲣⲉCopticnamea male given name
DogskanHungariannounmale pig
DogskanHungariannounmale boar (wild boar)
DogskanHungariannounmale (of dogs or other domestic animals not larger than a pig)
DogskanHungariannounhunk, stud (a man with a sexual life more active than usual)colloquial
DogskardoesDutchnouna package or cartridge containing one charge of black powder for a cannonfeminine historical
DogskardoesDutchnouna pack of tobacco, in particular snuffdated feminine
DogskardoesDutchnouna thick type of paperarchaic neuter
DogskardoesDutchnouna kind of medium-sized dog with curly hair, comparable to a poodle or terrierdated masculine
DrinkingleglesslyEnglishadvIn a legless way: without legs.
DrinkingleglesslyEnglishadvIn a legless way: drunkenly.
Drinkingమందుకొట్టుTelugunounliquor store, wineshop
Drinkingమందుకొట్టుTeluguverbTo drink alcohol.
DucksBergenteGermannoungreater scaup (Aythya marila)feminine
Echinodermscochon de merFrenchnounporpoisemasculine
Echinodermscochon de merFrenchnountriggerfishmasculine
Echinodermscochon de merFrenchnounsea pig (sea cucumber in the genus Scotoplanes)masculine
EcologybiomeEnglishnounAny major regional biological community such as that of forest or desert.
EcologybiomeEnglishnounAll the genomes of such a community.
EconomicsaicmeIrishnounclass (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.)feminine
EconomicsaicmeIrishnounfamily, tribefeminine
EconomicsaicmeIrishnounset, cliquefeminine
EconomicsaicmeIrishnoundenomination (unit in a series of units of weight, money, etc.)feminine
EducationSAT wordEnglishnounA particularly difficult or obscure word.figuratively
EducationSAT wordEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see SAT, word.
EducationburelMiddle Englishnounburel (coarse woolen cloth)
EducationburelMiddle EnglishnounA garment, especially if made of burel.
EducationburelMiddle Englishadjlay, rustic unlearnedfiguratively
EducationburelMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of berylalt-of alternative
Educationgrant-in-aidEnglishnounThe giving of national funds to subsidize a local or regional project.
Educationgrant-in-aidEnglishnounProviding funds to an institution (such as a school) or person to subsidize a specific project or activity, such as a scholarship.
EggsitlogCebuanonountesticleanatomy medicine sciences
EggsitlogCebuanonounovumbiology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciences
EggsitlogCebuanonounzero score (in a game or exam)
EggsitlogCebuanoverbto lay an egg; to produce an egg
EggsitlogCebuanoverbto add an egg when cooking or to prepared food
EggsitlogCebuanoverbto hit in the testicles
Electronicselectro-EnglishprefixCombining form of electricity.form-of in-compounds morpheme
Electronicselectro-EnglishprefixCombining form of electric and electrical.form-of in-compounds morpheme
Electronicselectro-EnglishprefixCombining form of electronic.form-of in-compounds morpheme
EmotionsNostalgieGermannounnostalgia (yearning for the past)feminine
EmotionsNostalgieGermannounhomesicknessarchaic feminine
EmotionsdesideriumLatinnounlonging, desire, wish (especially for something once possessed)declension-2
EmotionsdesideriumLatinnoungrief, regret (desire for something lost)declension-2
EmotionsdesideriumLatinnounneed, necessitydeclension-2
EmotionsdesideriumLatinnounpleasures, desiresdeclension-2 in-plural
Emotionsdo someone proudEnglishverbTo cause someone to feel pride, admiration, or satisfaction.informal transitive
Emotionsdo someone proudEnglishverbTo treat someone extremely well; to honor with a generous contribution.dated transitive
EmotionsdojąćPolishverbto pierce [with accusative ‘who’] (to affect deeply)literary perfective transitive
EmotionsdojąćPolishverbto gripe, to vex [with accusative ‘who’]literary perfective transitive
EmotionsfeelingEnglishadjEmotionally sensitive.
EmotionsfeelingEnglishadjExpressive of great sensibility; attended by, or evincing, sensibility.
EmotionsfeelingEnglishnounSensation, particularly through the skin.
EmotionsfeelingEnglishnounEmotion; impression.
EmotionsfeelingEnglishnounEmotional state or well-being.
EmotionsfeelingEnglishnounEmotional attraction or desire.
EmotionsfeelingEnglishnounAn opinion, an attitude.
EmotionsfeelingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of feelform-of gerund participle present
EmotionswulkanPolishnounvolcano (mountain containing a magma chamber)geography geology natural-sciences volcanologyinanimate masculine
EmotionswulkanPolishnounball of fire (person who is especially hard-working, high-achieving, ambitious, or active)figuratively inanimate masculine
EmotionswulkanPolishnounstrong and intense feelingfiguratively inanimate masculine
Emotions興奮Chineseverbto excite; to stimulate
Emotions興奮Chinesenounstimulation; excitationbiology medicine natural-sciences physiology sciences
EnglandeschekerMiddle EnglishnounA chessboard or checkerboard.
EnglandeschekerMiddle EnglishnounThe Exchequer (English fiscal department)
EnglandeschekerMiddle EnglishnounA municipal treasury.broadly rare
Englishun-EnglishEnglishadjNot English.
Englishun-EnglishEnglishverbTo make no longer English; to divest of English character or language.transitive
English unisex given namesGeorgieEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name George.
English unisex given namesGeorgieEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Georgina
English unisex given namesGeorgieEnglishnameGeorgia (a medieval country in the South Caucasus, approximately coextensive with modern Georgia)obsolete
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameAny of several places: / The capital city of Northern Cape, South Africa, noted for diamond mining.
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameAny of several places: / The northernmost region in Western Australia.
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameAny of several places: / A locality in Meander Valley council area, Tasmania, Australia.
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameAny of several places: / A city in southeast British Columbia, Canada.
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameAny of several places: / A small village and civil parish of South Norfolk district, Norfolk, England (OS grid ref TG0704).
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameAny of several places: / A town in Broxtowe borough, Nottinghamshire, England (OS grid ref SK4944).
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameAny of several places: / A rural area in the Selwyn District, in central Canterbury, New Zealand.
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname or place name (site of a battle in the Boer Wars).
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the surname, variant of Kimberly, popular in the 1960s and the 1970s.
EntertainmentadaptacyjnyPolishadjadaptive (of an algorithm or system that can update its parameters)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technologynot-comparable usually
EntertainmentadaptacyjnyPolishadjadaptation, adaptivenot-comparable relational usually
EntertainmentadaptacyjnyPolishadjadaptation, adaptivenot-comparable relational usually
EntertainmentresursPolishnounremedy (something that corrects or counteracts)archaic in-plural inanimate masculine
EntertainmentresursPolishnounentertainmentinanimate masculine obsolete
EntertainmentresursPolishnounservice lifeaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
EnzymesstremselDutchnounrennet; an enzyme used as the first step in making cheese, to curdle the milk and coagulate the casein in it, derived by soaking the fourth stomach of a milk-fed calf in brineneuter
EnzymesstremselDutchnounany curdled liquid, especially milkneuter obsolete
EquidsciuccioNeapolitannoundonkey, assmasculine
EquidsciuccioNeapolitannounfool, idiotmasculine
EquidsסוסHebrewnouna strong or muscular man; stud, stallion
EthicsvertuouslyMiddle EnglishadvVirtuously; displaying virtue or righteousness.
EthicsvertuouslyMiddle EnglishadvMightily, strongly; in a way displaying strength and power.rare
EthicsvertuouslyMiddle EnglishadvBravely, fearlessly; in a way displaying courageousness or mettle.rare
EthicsvertuouslyMiddle EnglishadvEffectively; in effect or force.rare
EthiopiaabyssinerNorwegian Bokmålnounan Abyssinian (a native or inhabitant of Abyssinia, and older name for Ethiopia)historical masculine obsolete
EthiopiaabyssinerNorwegian Bokmålnounan Abyssinian (a short-haired domestic cat descended from cats of ancient Egypt)masculine
EthnonymsLisuEnglishnounA member of a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group inhabiting the mountainous regions of Yunnan (southwestern China), Arunachal Pradesh (northeastern India), northern Myanmar and Thailand.
EthnonymsLisuEnglishnameA tonal language spoken by the Lisu people.
EthnonymsLisuEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Lisu people or Lisu language.not-comparable
EthnonymscigányHungarianadjGypsynot-comparable usually
EthnonymscigányHungarianadjRomani (written or spoken in the language of the Roma people)not-comparable usually
EthnonymscigányHungarianadjbad, worthlessnot-comparable offensive usually
EthnonymscigányHungariannounGypsy, Roma, Rom, Romanicountable uncountable
EthnonymscigányHungariannounRomani (the language of the Roma people)countable uncountable
EuropeeiropietisLatviannouna European man, a man, person from Europe or of European descentdeclension-2 masculine
EuropeeiropietisLatviannounEuropean; pertaining to Europe and its peoplesdeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
Evenki ordinal numbersгеEvenkiadjother, another
Evenki ordinal numbersгеEvenkiadjsecond
Evenki ordinal numbersгеEvenkiadjfollowing, next, new
Evenki ordinal numbersгеEvenkiadjreverse
Extinct languagesShastaEnglishnameAn extinct Native American language, formerly spoken from northern California into southwestern Oregon.
Extinct languagesShastaEnglishnameA brand of cola.
Extinct languagesShastaEnglishnameA census-designated place in Shasta County, California, United States.
Extinct languagesShastaEnglishnounA member of a Native American tribe of California.
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounA seed; any kind of planting body: / A grain; a cereal seed (especially as food).
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounA seed; any kind of planting body: / The seed of any plant (especially a fruit or nut).
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounA seed; any kind of planting body: / A grain or seed used as a unit of weight.
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounA plant that bears grain (especially wheat).
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounA field planted with such plants.
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounA small mote or speck, especially of valuable substances: / A spice or condiment (especially grains of paradise).
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounA small mote or speck, especially of valuable substances: / A mole or boil; a bodily imperfection.
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounGrain (die made with crushed insects, or a similar long-lasting dye)
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounAn article of fabric dyed with grain.
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of graynalt-of alternative
Fairy talenanoItalianadjdwarfish
Fairy talenanoItaliannoundwarf, midgetmasculine
Fairy talenanoItaliannoundwarfhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesmasculine
Fairy talenanoItaliannounshorty (etc.)informal masculine offensive often
Familyfamily valuesEnglishnounPolitical and social beliefs that hold the traditional nuclear family to be the essential ethical and moral unit of society.plural plural-only
Familyfamily valuesEnglishnounRight-wing values like patriarchy and opposition to gay marriage, to family planning and legal abortion, and to feminism and women working outside the home.euphemistic plural plural-only
FamilyfarëAlbaniannounsperm, semenfeminine
FamilyfarëAlbaniannoundescendants, lineage, progeny, offspringfeminine
FamilyfidanzatoItalianverbpast participle of fidanzareform-of participle past
FamilyfidanzatoItaliannounengaged couplein-plural masculine
FamilypapaFrenchnounpapa, a child's father; also as form of address: dad, daddychildish masculine
FamilypapaFrenchnounpops, any man of roughly fatherly age and appearancemasculine
Familyபுருஷன்Tamilnounmanarchaic literary
FamilyចែKhmernounstump of a tusk, small tusk (of a wild boar, female elephant, and certain bull elephants); horn of a rhinoceros
FamilyចែKhmernouniron hook for picking fruit
FamilyចែKhmernouncomb or crest of a chicken
FamilyចែKhmernounolder sister (term of address or reference for Chinese or Vietnamese women)
FamilyChinesecharactersister-in-law (older brother's wife)
FamilyChinesecharacterfriend's wife
FamilyChinesecharacterAlternative form of socCantonese Hong-Kong alt-of alternative
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA group of people who are closely related to one another (by blood, marriage or adoption); kin; in particular, a set of parents and their children; an immediate family.countable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounAn extended family: a group of people who are related to one another by blood or marriage.countable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA nuclear family: a mother and father who are married and cohabiting and their child or children.countable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounMembers of one's family collectively.uncountable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA (close-knit) group of people related by blood, friendship, marriage, law, or custom, especially if they live or work together.countable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA (close-knit) group of people related by blood, friendship, marriage, law, or custom, especially if they live or work together. / The gay community.LGBTcountable slang uncountable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounLineage, especially honorable or noble lineage.uncountable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA category in the classification of organisms, ranking below order and above genus; a taxon at that rank.biology natural-sciences taxonomycountable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounAny group or aggregation of things classed together as kindred or related from possessing in common characteristics which distinguish them from other things of the same order.countable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA collection of sets, especially of subsets of a given set.mathematics sciences set-theorycountable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA group of instruments having the same basic method of tone production.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
Family membersfamilyEnglishnounA group of languages believed to have descended from the same ancestral language.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable
Family membersfamilyEnglishadjSuitable for children and adults.not-comparable
Family membersfamilyEnglishadjHomosexual.LGBTnot-comparable slang
Family membersfamilyEnglishnameno-gloss
Family membersmamiSpanishnounmommyfeminine informal
Family membersmamiSpanishnounmotherCentral-America Philippines feminine
Family membersmamiSpanishnounattractive woman; mommaBolivia Costa-Rica Cuba Dominican-Republic Nicaragua Panama Puerto-Rico Venezuela feminine
Family membersmamiSpanishnouna term of affection for a womanBolivia Colombia Cuba Dominican-Republic Ecuador Mexico Panama Puerto-Rico Venezuela feminine
Family membersmamiSpanishnouna woman who runs a brothel; a madamePeru feminine
Family membersmamiSpanishnouna homosexual manHonduras derogatory feminine
Fans (people)BNFEnglishnounInitialism of Backus-Naur form. (originally Backus normal form).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
Fans (people)BNFEnglishnounA famous member of fandom; a celebrity fan.lifestyleslang
FashionmoxahuaClassical NahuatlverbTo put on traditional women's makeup.reflexive
FashionmoxahuaClassical NahuatlverbTo ripen.reflexive
FastenersgózdźikLower Sorbiannountack, thumbtackinanimate masculine
FastenersgózdźikLower Sorbiannoundiminutive of gózdźdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FastenersكلیدOttoman Turkishnounlock, a device which requires a key to be opened
FastenersكلیدOttoman Turkishnounlatch, a fastening for a door consisting of a bar
FastenersكلیدOttoman Turkishnounlinchpin, a pin inserted through holes at the end of a shaft
FastenersكلیدOttoman Turkishnounwhite patch on a horse's muzzle and lip
FastenersكلیدOttoman Turkishnounkey, especially a latchkey to an outside door
Fats and oilssadłoPolishnounanimal fat tissueneuter
Fats and oilssadłoPolishnounsalodated neuter
FeartremaPolishnounstage fright (state of nervousness about performing some action in front of a group of people, on or off of a stage; nerves; a lack of self-assurance before an audience)feminine
FeartremaPolishnountrema, diaeresis (diacritic consisting of two dots (¨) placed over a letter, used among other things to indicate umlaut or diaeresis)indeclinable neuter
FeartremaPolishnouninflection of tremo: / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
FeartremaPolishnouninflection of tremo: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
FecestaiCebuanonoundung; animal excrement
FecesگونہہPunjabinounexcrement; faecescolloquial
FemaleGGEnglishnounInitialism of governor general or governor-general.government politicsabbreviation alt-of initialism
FemaleGGEnglishnounInitialism of generative grammar.human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
FemaleGGEnglishnounInitialism of genetic girl or genuine girl.LGBT lifestyle sexualityabbreviation alt-of initialism offensive slang
FemaleGGEnglishnounInitialism of girl/ media pornography sexualityabbreviation alt-of initialism slang
FemaleGGEnglishintjGood game; commonly used at the end of a gaming match; also sometimes used to end an gamingInternet slang
FemaleGGEnglishintjGood going; may be used genuinely or sarcastically.slang
FemaleGGEnglishadjLikely to have an undesirable outcome, which one cannot change or escape from.Singapore colloquial informal not-comparable
Female公共汽車Chinesenounpublic bus (Classifier: 輛/辆 m; 架 c)Mandarin
Female公共汽車Chinesenountown bicyclederogatory slang
Female family membersmadreTagalognounnunCatholicism Christianity
Female family membersmadreTagalognounmother lodegeography geology natural-sciences
Female family membersmadreTagalognounframe; spindle; principal piece, log, or beambusiness carpentry construction manufacturingusually
Female family membersmadreTagalognounprincipal chemical vehicle (in a solution)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Female family membersmadreTagalognounmotherarchaic rare
Female family membersстринаBulgariannounpaternal aunt (father's sister-in-law)dialectal
Female family membersстринаBulgariannounmatroncolloquial
Female family membersਬੀਬੀPunjabinounlady (polite term of address)
Female family membersਬੀਬੀPunjabinounA term of address for one's mother, sister, daughter, or daughter-in-law.colloquial
Female family membersਬੀਬੀPunjabiadjfeminine singular of ਬੀਬਾ (bībā)feminine form-of singular
Female family members弟姫Japanesenouna noblewoman who is younger sister to another one in her familyarchaic
Female family members弟姫JapanesenameRare spelling of 乙姫.alt-of rare
Female family members従姉妹Japanesesoft-redirectno-gloss
Female family members従姉妹Japanesenouna female cousin
Female peopleaspirantkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of aspirant (“aspirant, candidate”)feminine form-of literary
Female peopleaspirantkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of aspirant (“warrant officer”) (in the police)government law-enforcementfeminine form-of
Female peopleaspirantkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of aspirant (“Candidate of Sciences”)feminine form-of historical
Female peopledelikwentkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of delikwent (“culprit”) (female person at fault for a problem or crime)lawfeminine form-of
Female peopledelikwentkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of delikwent (“client”) (female person who receives help or advice from a professional person)feminine form-of
Female peoplefrovvaIngriannounmissus
Female peoplefrovvaIngriannounlady, mistress
Female peopleholkaCzechnoungirlfeminine
Female peopleholkaCzechnoungirlfriendfeminine
Female peopleniepełnoletniaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pełnoletni (“minor”) (someone below the legal age)feminine form-of noun-from-verb
Female peopleniepełnoletniaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of niepełnoletnifeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Fictional characterstribbleEnglishnounA horizontal frame with wires stretched across it for drying paper.
Fictional characterstribbleEnglishnounA fictional alien creature in Star Trek, a fast-breeding, cooing ball of fur.
Fictional characterstritagonistEnglishnounIn Greek drama, the actor who played the third role (after the protagonist and deuteragonist)
Fictional characterstritagonistEnglishnounThe third most important character in a story, after the protagonist and deuteragonist
Fifteen보름Koreannounfifteen days, half month, fortnight
Fifteen보름KoreannounClipping of 보름날 (boreumnal, “fifteenth day of the lunar month”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Figwort family plantsbleneraCatalannounspout, nozzle (of an oil lamp); burner (of a kerosene or gas lamp); floater (of a floating wick oil lamp)feminine
Figwort family plantsbleneraCatalannounmulleinfeminine
Figwort family plantsbleneraCatalannounPhlomis lychnitis, a species of lampwick plantfeminine
Film industriesHollywoodPortuguesenameHollywood (a neighbourhood of Los Angeles)
Film industriesHollywoodPortuguesenameHollywood (the American motion picture industry)
Fingersimpressão digitalPortuguesenounfingerprint (the pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers)feminine
Fingersimpressão digitalPortuguesenounfingerprint (pattern left on surfaces)feminine
FireembersEnglishnounplural of emberform-of plural
FireembersEnglishnounThe smoldering or glowing remains of a fire, smoldering ash.plural plural-only
FirearmsпистолетBulgariannounpistol, handgun
FirearmsпистолетBulgariannounspraying pistol, sprayer
FishalbacoraSpanishnounbreba, an early Ficus carica figfeminine
FishalbacoraSpanishnounswordfish (Xiphias gladius)feminine
FishbikabikaCebuanonouna ladyfish; any of a number of fish in the Pomacentridae family
FishpanchoSpanishadjcalm, relaxed
FishpanchoSpanishnounyoung blackspot sea breammasculine
FishpanchoSpanishnounbellycolloquial masculine
FishpanchoSpanishnounhot dogArgentina Uruguay masculine
Fishpoisson-chienFrenchnounthe tigerfish, in the genus HydrocynusAfrica masculine
Fishpoisson-chienFrenchnounEuropean mudminnow (Umbra krameri)masculine rare
FishsabaloEnglishnounMilkfish (Chanos chanos).
FishsabaloEnglishnounA common fish of southeastern South America, Prochilodus lineatus.
FishsabaloEnglishnounFish of various species in the genus Brycon, native to northern South America.
Flagsblue peterEnglishnounA blue signal flag with a white rectangle in the centre, signifying "P". When flown alone, indicates that a ship is ready to sail, requiring all crew members and passengers to return on board.nautical transport
Flagsblue peterEnglishnounIn whist, a play that calls for trumps by throwing away a higher card of a suit while holding a lower one.card-games gamesintransitive
Flagsblue peterEnglishverbIn whist, to play a blue peter.card-games gamesintransitive
FlowersbuhaiRomaniannounbull (uncastrated male of cattle)masculine regional
FlowersbuhaiRomaniannouncommon twayblade (Neottia ovata)masculine
FlowersbukietPolishnounbunch, bouquetinanimate masculine
FlowersbukietPolishnounbouquet (scent of a particular wine)inanimate masculine
FlowerskotwicaPolishnounanchor (tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a sea or river to resist movement)nautical transportfeminine
FlowerskotwicaPolishnounanchor escapement (metal arch with curved ends that keeps the clock mechanism in uniform motion)feminine
FlowerskotwicaPolishnounanchor (moving part of the magnetic circuit of the relay used to control the contacts)feminine
FlowerskotwicaPolishnounSt. John's wort, goatweed (any plant of the genus Hypericum)feminine rare
FoodsWeckPennsylvania Germannounsmall light cakemasculine
FoodsWeckPennsylvania Germannounbread rollmasculine
FoodsbolleNorwegian Bokmålnouna bowl (deep dish)masculine
FoodsbolleNorwegian Bokmålnouna bun (small cake containing yeast and dried fruit)masculine
FoodscherriedEnglishadjPrepared with cherries.not-comparable
FoodscherriedEnglishadjContinually burning and ready to be smoked, without needing to be reignited before inhalation.not-comparable slang
FoodsleibEstoniannounbread (black bread)
FoodsmainEnglishadjOf chief or leading importance; prime, principal.not-comparable
FoodsmainEnglishadjChief, most important, or principal in extent, size, or strength; consisting of the largest part.not-comparable
FoodsmainEnglishadjFull, sheer, undivided.archaic not-comparable usually
FoodsmainEnglishadjBig; angry.dialectal not-comparable
FoodsmainEnglishadjBelonging to or connected with the principal mast in a vessel.nautical transportnot-comparable
FoodsmainEnglishadjGreat in size or degree; important, powerful, strong, vast.not-comparable obsolete
FoodsmainEnglishadvExceedingly, extremely, greatly, mightily, very, very much.British dialectal
FoodsmainEnglishverbShort for mainline (“to inject (a drug) directly into a vein”).abbreviation alt-of slang transitive
FoodsmainEnglishverbTo mainly play a specific character or side, or with specific equipment, during a gamingtransitive
FoodsmainEnglishverbTo convert (a road) into a main or primary road.obsolete
FoodsmainEnglishnounThat which is chief or principal; the chief or main portion; the bulk, the greater part, gross.
FoodsmainEnglishnounThat which is chief or principal; the chief or main portion; the bulk, the greater part, gross. / The primary character that one plays in a video game in which one can play more than one
FoodsmainEnglishnounA large cable or pipe providing utility service to an area or a building, such as a water main or electric main.
FoodsmainEnglishnounShort for main course (“the principal dish of a meal”).abbreviation alt-of informal
FoodsmainEnglishnounThe high seas.poetic
FoodsmainEnglishnounThe mainland.US archaic dialectal
FoodsmainEnglishnounShort for mainsail.nautical transportabbreviation alt-of
FoodsmainEnglishnounForce, power, strength, violent effort.obsolete
FoodsmainEnglishnounA hand or match in a game of gamingobsolete
FoodsmainEnglishnounThe largest throw in a match at dice; in the game of hazard, a number from one to nine called out by a person before the dice are gamingobsolete
FoodsmainEnglishnounA stake played for at gamingobsolete
FoodsmainEnglishnounA sporting contest or match, especially a cockfighting gaming hobbies lifestyle sportsobsolete
FoodsmainEnglishnounA banker's shovel for coins.
FoodsmainEnglishnounA basket for gathering grapes.obsolete rare
FoodspicaSerbo-Croatiannouncunt, pussyfamiliar vulgar
Foodssledging biscuitEnglishnounA kind of dense, high-energy biscuit eaten in Antarctica.
Foodssledging biscuitEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: A biscuit riding a sledge.
FoodsspaghettiFrenchnounspaghettimasculine plural-normally
FoodsspaghettiFrenchnounstrand of spaghettimasculine
FoodsཕིངTibetannouna kind of earthenware vessel
FoodsარტალაGeorgiannounbeef shank
FoodsარტალაGeorgiannoundish made from beef shank
Foods竹仔枝Chinesenoundried beancurd strips in sticks or rollsHokkien
Foods竹仔枝Chinesenounbamboo stick or whipHokkien
Foods蕎麦Japanesenounsoba, a variety of Japanese noodle made from buckwheat
Foods豬食Chinesenounpig feed; pigwash; swillliterally
Foods豬食Chinesenoundisgusting meal; inedible foodfiguratively
Football (soccer)nikkeNorwegian Bokmålverbto nod (incline the head up and down)
Football (soccer)nikkeNorwegian Bokmålverbto head (hit a football with one's head)
FootwearkaczuszkaPolishnoundiminutive of kaczkadiminutive feminine form-of
FootwearkaczuszkaPolishnounrubber duckfeminine
FootwearkaczuszkaPolishnounpygmy goose (Nettapus)feminine
FootwearkaczuszkaPolishnounkitten heelfeminine
ForestscodruRomaniannounwoods, forestmasculine
ForestscodruRomaniannouna large piece or portion of food, such as of bread, cheese, etc.masculine
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomaniannounrepublicfeminine
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republica: / third-person singular/plural present indicativeform-of indicative plural present singular third-person
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republica: / third-person singular simple perfect indicativeform-of
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republica: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Forms of governmentrepublicăRomanianverbinflection of republicaform-of
FranceFrançaisFrenchnounanybody with French ancestry or who is FrancophoneLouisiana masculine
FranceRivesEnglishnameA surname.
FranceRivesEnglishnameA placename / One of two communes in France.
FranceRivesEnglishnameA placename / A village in Missouri, United States.
FranceRivesEnglishnameA placename / A town in Tennessee, United States.
FranceRivesEnglishnameplural of Riveform-of plural
Franceoutre-QuiévrainFrenchadvin Francejournalism mediaBelgium
Franceoutre-QuiévrainFrenchadvin Belgiumjournalism mediaFrance
FruitsBierLuxembourgishnounlight bulbfeminine
FruitskusuraAfarnounjujube tree (Ziziphus mauritiana)
FruitskusuraAfarnounjujube fruit
FruitskusuraAfarnouncourt session
FruitsnarancsHungariannounorange (fruit)
FruitsnarancsHungariannounorange (colour)
FruitspytangaOld Tupinountint (pale or faint tinge of any color; especially, a variation of a color obtained by adding white)
FruitspytangaOld TupinounSuriname cherry tree (Eugenia uniflora)
FruitspytangaOld TupinounSuriname cherry fruit
FruitsquiviPortuguesenounkiwi fruitmasculine
FruitsquiviPortuguesenounkiwi (bird)masculine
FruitsroiVietnamesenounwhip, rod
FruitsroiVietnamesenounSyzygium samarangense (wax apple)Northern Vietnam
FruitsܪܘܡܢܐClassical Syriacnounpomegranate (tree and fruit)
FruitsܪܘܡܢܐClassical Syriacnounpomegranate-shaped head at the end of a stalkbiology botany natural-sciencesfiguratively
FruitsܪܘܡܢܐClassical Syriacnouncapitalarchitecturefiguratively
Fungal diseasestinyaCatalannounringwormfeminine
Fungal diseasestinyaCatalannounchickweed (Stellaria media)feminine
FurniturecadeiraPortuguesenounchair (item of furniture)feminine
FurniturecadeiraPortuguesenounsubject (at the university)feminine
FurniturecadeiraPortuguesenounseat, chair (central or branch seat of a society)feminine figuratively
FurniturecadeiraPortuguesenounhipsanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine in-plural
FurniturecradelMiddle EnglishnounA cradle (bed for babies)
FurniturecradelMiddle EnglishnounA rack or frame.broadly
FurnitureogródkaPolishnounallusion; circumlocution; euphemism; hinting (indirect expressing of an idea or thought)feminine
FurnitureogródkaPolishnoungenitive singular of ogródekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
FurnituretallboyEnglishnounA tall chest of drawers, or combination of chest on chest, or chest with a small wardrobe on top. Usually with low bracket feet but always resulting in a tall piece of lifestyle
FurnituretallboyEnglishnounA tall beer can, either 16 or 24 ounces (473 or 710ml).US
FurnituretallboyEnglishnounA kind of sail, a spanker.nautical transport
FurnituretallboyEnglishnounA kind of long-stemmed wineglass or cup.
FurnituretallboyEnglishnounA long sheet-metal pipe for a chimney top.
FurnitureשדהHebrewnounfield (wide space for crops)
FurnitureשדהHebrewnounfield (set with two operations)mathematics sciencesbroadly
FurnitureשדהHebrewnoundemon, she-devil
FurnitureשדהHebrewnoundefective spelling of שידהalt-of misspelling
FurnitureرفArabicnounsill; shelf; whatnot
FurnitureرفArabicverbto gleam
FurnitureرفArabicverbto tremble, to flutter, to twitch
FurnitureرفArabicverbto flicker, to glint
FurnitureرفArabicverbto serve diligently (لِ (li) someone)
FurnitureرفArabicnounverbal noun of رَفَّ (raffa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
FurnitureܣܦܣܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounrailing, hand railing, guard railing
FurnitureܣܦܣܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounparapet, balustrade
FurnitureܣܦܣܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbench, seat, footstool
FuturehinaharapTagalognounfuture (time to come)
FuturehinaharapTagalognounfuture; chance to achieve, succeed, etc.
FuturehinaharapTagalognounsomething a person is currently attending or doing
FuturehinaharapTagalogverbprogressive aspect of harapin
GardensخیابانUrdunounavenue, a broad road, a wide street
GardensخیابانUrdunouna parterre, flower garden.
GasesdeionizationEnglishnounThe use of ion exchange to remove ionic substances from a solutionchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
GasesdeionizationEnglishnounThe return of an ionized gas to its neutral statechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
GeeseanseraĵoEsperantonoungoose meatuncountable
GeeseanseraĵoEsperantonoundish made of goose
GemsgranatCatalannoungarnet (the gem and the color)masculine
GemsgranatCatalanverbpast participle of granarform-of participle past
Gender同性Okinawannounsame sex
Genetics遺傳Chineseverbto inherit (genetically)
Genetics遺傳Chineseverbto pass on to the next generation; to transmit to the offspring
Genetics遺傳Chinesenounrumour that is passed down; tradition
GeographyبحرPashtonounmeter, rhythm
Geologyশুক্রBengalinounVenus (planet)astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Geologyশুক্রBengalinounsemen, sperm, seed
GeomorphologyorografíaSpanishnounorography (the scientific study of mountains)feminine
GeomorphologyorografíaSpanishnounorography (the orographic features of a region)feminine
Germanic tribesostrogotCatalanadjOstrogothic
Germanic tribesostrogotCatalannounOstrogothmasculine
GermanySalianEnglishnounA member of the Salii, the chief priests of Mars in ancient Rome.historical
GermanySalianEnglishadjOf or related to the Salii, the priests of Mars in ancient Rome.historical
GermanySalianEnglishnounA person belonging to the German and Frankish tribes near the Ijssel River in antiquity.historical
GermanySalianEnglishnounA member of a German royal dynasty of the 11th–12th centuries.historical
GermanySalianEnglishadjOf or related to the Salii, the Salian people.historical
GermanySalianEnglishadjOf or related to the Salian dynasty.historical
GodsՎահագնArmeniannameVahagnhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesArmenian
GodsՎահագնArmeniannamea male given name, Vahagn
GoldelectrumEnglishnounAmber.countable obsolete uncountable
GoldelectrumEnglishnounAn alloy of gold and silver, used by the ancients; now specifically a natural alloy with between 20 and 50 per cent silver.countable uncountable
GoldelectrumEnglishnounGerman silver plate.countable uncountable
GooglegugloEsperantonoungoogol (10¹⁰⁰)
GooglegugloEsperantonameGoogle / the multinational technology companycapitalized often
GooglegugloEsperantonameGoogle / the search enginecapitalized often
GooglegugloEsperantonameGooglecapitalized often
Gothic ordinal numbers𐌰𐌽𐌸𐌰𐍂Gothicdetthe other of two, the one that is different from the one just mentioned
Gothic ordinal numbers𐌰𐌽𐌸𐌰𐍂Gothicdetthe second (numeral)
Grape cultivarsZweigeltEnglishnounA red wine grape of a variety developed and mostly grown in Austria.countable uncountable
Grape cultivarsZweigeltEnglishnounA wine made with this kind of grape.countable uncountable
GrasseseereMiddle EnglishnounAn ear (bundle of grain fruit)
GrasseseereMiddle EnglishnounA bundle of fruit.rare
GrasseseereMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ere (“ear (hearing organ)”)alt-of alternative
GrassesmilletEnglishnounAny of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food, widely cultivated in the developing world.countable uncountable
GrassesmilletEnglishnounCommon millet, in particular Panicum miliaceum.countable specifically uncountable
GrassesmilletEnglishnounA semi-autonomous confessional community under the Ottoman Empire, especially a non-Muslim one.historical
GrassestigbawCebuanonounbear's breeches; any member of the genus Acanthus
GrassestigbawCebuanonountiger grass (Thysanolaena latifolia, syn. Thysanolaena maxima)
GrebesшуткаBulgariannoungreat crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), western grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis)dialectal
GrebesшуткаBulgariannounfool, bunglerfiguratively
GreeceAegaeLatinnameOne of the twelve towns of Achaiadeclension-1 feminine plural
GreeceAegaeLatinnameA town of Macedonia and the burial place of the local kingsdeclension-1 feminine plural
GreeceAegaeLatinnameA town in Euboea, situated north of Chalcisdeclension-1 feminine plural
GreeceCydoniaLatinnameCydonia (an ancient city on the island of Crete, Greece)declension-1 historical
GreeceCydoniaLatinnameSynonym of Chania, Chania (a city on the island of Crete, Greece, at the site of the ancient Cydonia)declension-1
GreeceHi LạpVietnamesenameGreece
GreeceHi LạpVietnamesenameHellas
GreeceHi LạpVietnameseadjGreek
GreeceHi LạpVietnameseadjHellenic
Greek mythologyⲉⲣⲱⲥCopticnounsexual love.Bohairic Sahidic
Greek mythologyⲉⲣⲱⲥCopticnameEros, the greek god of sexual love.Sahidic
Green algaeporostCzechnounvegetation, growthinanimate masculine
Green algaeporostCzechnoungreen alga of the genus Ulvainanimate masculine
Gums and resinsکماPersiannouncoma, a prolonged state of unconsciousness
Gums and resinsکماPersiannounvarious Ferula and what is now Dorema species
Gums and resinsکماPersiannounthe gum of such a plant, galbanum
Gums and resinsکماPersiannounmace, the envelope of nutmegobsolete
Gums and resinsکماPersiannounoven gloveobsolete
Gums and resinsکماPersiannounsleeveobsolete
GymnasticsὅπλονAncient Greeknountool, instrument
GymnasticsὅπλονAncient Greeknouna ship's tackle, ropein-plural often
GymnasticsὅπλονAncient Greeknouninstruments of war: arms, armour, weapon / specifically the large shield carried by hoplitesin-plural often
GymnasticsὅπλονAncient Greeknouninstruments of war: arms, armour, weapon / place of arms, campin-plural often
GymnasticsὅπλονAncient Greeknounpenishumorous
GymnasticsὅπλονAncient Greeknouna gymnastics exercise
HairbarbaEsperantoadjof or related to beards
HairbarbaEsperantoadjhaving a beard, beardy (of people)
HaircanitiesLatinnounhoar; hoariness ; a grayish-white colordeclension-5
HaircanitiesLatinnoungrey hairdeclension-5
HaircanitiesLatinnounold agedeclension-5
HairshearerEnglishnounA person employed to remove the wool from animals, such as sheep. using shears.
HairshearerEnglishnounA person employed in a roller mill to shear off the uneven side of the hot metal plate.
HairtuyomCebuanonounthe lime sea urchin (Diadema antillarum)
HairtuyomCebuanonounthe longspined sea urchin (Diadema setosum)
HairtuyomCebuanonounany sea urchin except the sand dollar and the common sea urchin (Echinus esculentus)
HairtuyomCebuanonounspiky stiff hair (especially on a man)colloquial
HalogensITranslingualcharacterThe ninth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.letter
HalogensITranslingualcharacterThe letter i without a dot above, in both the upper case and the lower case versions.letter
HalogensITranslingualsymbolSymbol for iodine.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesalt-of symbol
HalogensITranslingualsymbolIsotopic spin.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
HalogensITranslingualsymbolElectrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
HalogensITranslingualsymbolmoment of inertia.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
HalogensITranslingualsymbolIUPAC 1-letter abbreviation for isoleucinebiochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesIUPAC abbreviation alt-of
HalogensITranslingualsymbolidentity matrixlinear-algebra mathematics sciences
HalogensITranslingualsymbolthe (closed) unit interval;mathematical-analysis mathematics sciences topology
HalogensITranslingualsymbolSpecifying an oxidation state of 1chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
HalogensITranslingualsymbolmajor tonic triadentertainment lifestyle music
HalogensITranslingualsymbolA wildcard for a front vowel or a high vowelhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
HalogensITranslingualsymbolarithmetically increasing payments
HalogensITranslingualsymbolBra cup clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
HalogensITranslingualnumcardinal number one.Roman numeral uppercase
HalogensITranslingualnumthe first.Roman especially numeral uppercase
HappinessخرمPersianadjmerry, pleasant, happy
HappinessخرمPersianadjblooming, fresh, green
Haresទន្សាយKhmernounhare (probably Lepus peguensis)
Heads of statepresidentEnglishnounThe head of state of a republic.
Heads of statepresidentEnglishnounIn presidential republics, the head of government and head of state.
Heads of statepresidentEnglishnounPrimary leader of a corporation. Not to be confused with CEO, which is a related but separate position that is sometimes held by a different person.
Heads of statepresidentEnglishnounA person presiding over a meeting; a chair, presiding officer, presider.
Heads of statepresidentEnglishnounObsolete form of precedent.alt-of obsolete
Heads of statepresidentEnglishadjOccupying the first rank or chief place; having the highest authority; presiding.archaic not-comparable
Heads of statepresidentEnglishverbTo act as president; to do presidential duties.
Heads of state皇帝Chinesenounemperor (any monarch ruling an empire, irrespective of gender)
Heads of state皇帝Chinesenounthe Emperorhuman-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenoundiminutive of palhadiminutive feminine form-of
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenoundrinking straw (a long tube through which a drink is drunk)Portugal feminine
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenounroll-your-own cigaretteBrazil feminine informal
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenounNonstandard form of palinha (“impromptu”)Brazil alt-of feminine informal nonstandard
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenounstraw hat, boatermasculine
Headwear白頭Japanesenouna white wig, worn by an actor playing a demon in Noh
Headwear白頭Japanesenouna gray/grey head; a head with gray hair
HealthcarekwarcówkaPolishnounquartz lampfeminine informal
HealthcarekwarcówkaPolishnountreatment that involves irradiating the body or parts of it with a quartz lampfeminine informal
HealthcaremanicomioSpanishnouninsane asylum, lunatic asylum, mental hospitalmasculine offensive
HealthcaremanicomioSpanishnounmadhouse (all senses)masculine
Healthcare occupationsлекарьRussiannoundoctor, medico, physician (feminine form "ле́карша" is usually considered colloquial)colloquial historical
Healthcare occupationsлекарьRussiannouna healer, a remedy
HidespellEnglishnounA fur or hide.
HidespellEnglishnounA lined cloak or its lining.
HidespellEnglishnounA roll of parchment; a record kept on parchment.
HidespellEnglishnounA body of water somewhere between a pond and a lake in size.
HidespellEnglishnounAn upright post, often padded and covered in hide, used to practice strikes with bladed weapons such as swords or glaives.
HidespellEnglishverbTo pelt; to knock about.obsolete transitive
Hindu deitiesMaheshwariEnglishnameThe Hindu goddess Durga.Hinduism
Hindu deitiesMaheshwariEnglishnameA religion in India.
Hindu deitiesMaheshwariEnglishnameA female given name from Sanskrit commonly used in India.
Hindu deitiesMaheshwariEnglishnameA surname from Sanskrit.
Historical currenciesszylingPolishnounshilling (coin formerly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and many other Commonwealth countries)animal-not-person historical masculine
Historical currenciesszylingPolishnounschilling (the old currency of Austria, divided into 100 groschen)animal-not-person historical masculine
Historical currenciesszylingPolishnounshilling (currency of Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda)animal-not-person masculine
Historical numbersbaker's dozenEnglishnounThirteen; a group of thirteen.idiomatic
Historical numbersbaker's dozenEnglishnounA cousin.Cockney slang
History of PolandAKPolishnameAbbreviation of Armia Krajowa.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of historical indeclinable neuter
History of PolandAKPolishnameAbbreviation of Akcja Katolicka.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismabbreviation alt-of indeclinable neuter
History of Polandszlachcic na zagrodzie równy wojewodziePolishproverbevery member of the szlachta (Polish nobility) has equal rights, regardless of his wealthhistorical idiomatic
History of Polandszlachcic na zagrodzie równy wojewodziePolishproverban Englishman's home is his castle, a man's home is his castle (owner can do whatever he wants with his property, disregarding the opinion of others)derogatory idiomatic
Home applianceskályhaHungariannounstove, heater
Home applianceskályhaHungariannounstarting point, square one, beginningfiguratively
Hong Kong999EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Burma, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sudan, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Dominica, Kiribati, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and the Seychelles.
Hong Kong999EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Singapore, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Eswatini, Botswana, Tanzania, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Hong Kong999EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Malawi and Tonga.
Hong Kong999EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Poland.
Hong Kong999EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Hong-Kong Ireland Singapore UK colloquial metonymically uncountable
Hoopoes and hornbillsground hornbillEnglishnounEither of two large African ground-dwelling birds in the family Bucorvidae.
Hoopoes and hornbillsground hornbillEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: ground, hornbill.
HorrorsuccubusEnglishnounA female demon which comes to men, especially monks, in their dreams to seduce them and have sexual intercourse, drawing energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death.
HorrorsuccubusEnglishnounA strumpet, whore or prostitute.
Horse gaitstittupEnglishnounA caper, or canter.
Horse gaitstittupEnglishverbTo prance or frolic; of a horse, to canter easily.intransitive
Horse gaitsvoltEnglishnounIn the International System of Units, the derived unit of electrical potential and electromotive force (voltage); the potential difference across a conductor when a current of one ampere uses one watt of power. Symbol: V
Horse gaitsvoltEnglishnounA circular movement in which the horse goes round in a small circle.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsarchaic
Horse gaitsvoltEnglishnounA sudden movement to avoid a thrust; a parry.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports wararchaic
Horse gaitsvoltEnglishnounA colour similar to lime often used in Nike products.uncountable
Horse gaitsvoltEnglishnounA colour similar to lime often used in Nike products. volt: / voltuncountable
HorticulturehorticultureEnglishnounThe art or science of cultivating gardens; gardening.uncountable usually
HorticulturehorticultureEnglishnounSmall-scale agriculture.uncountable usually
HorticultureyerdMiddle EnglishnounA fenced piece of land; a yard: / The property of a manor or other large rural dwelling.
HorticultureyerdMiddle EnglishnounA fenced piece of land; a yard: / A churchyard; a piece of land around a church.
HorticultureyerdMiddle EnglishnounA fenced piece of land; a yard: / A paddock; a field that has been fenced in.
HorticultureyerdMiddle EnglishnounA plot of land; a piece of property, especially agricultural.
HorticultureyerdMiddle EnglishnounA garden; a plot of horticultural land.
HorticultureyerdMiddle EnglishverbTo beat with a stick.
HorticultureyerdMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ȝerde (“bar”)alt-of alternative
Human behaviourmutableMiddle Englishadjmutable, changeable, variableLate-Middle-English
Human behaviourmutableMiddle Englishadjwavering, fickleLate-Middle-English
HummingbirdsgoldentailEnglishnounEllipsis of blue-throated goldentail.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
HummingbirdsgoldentailEnglishnounEllipsis of goldentail moray.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
IcelodowczykPolishnoundiminutive of lodowiecdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
IcelodowczykPolishnounglacieret (small glacier, or small mass of ice somewhat resembling a glacier)geography geology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
IndiadelhitaSpanishadjof Delhi; Delhiite, Delhian (of or relating to Delhi, India)feminine masculine relational
IndiadelhitaSpanishnounDelhiite, Delhian (native or resident of Delhi, India)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsAbdíasSpanishnameObadiah, Abdias (biblical character)masculine
IndividualsAbdíasSpanishnameObadiah (the book of the Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
IndividualsAbdíasSpanishnamea male given name from Hebrewmasculine
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameThe Roman statesman and orator Mārcus Tullius Cicerō (106–43 BC).uncountable usually
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameA surname.uncountable usually
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Cook County, Illinois.uncountable usually
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Hamilton County, Indiana.uncountable usually
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Sumner County, Kansas.uncountable usually
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Onondaga County, New York.uncountable usually
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An extinct town in Defiance County, Ohio.uncountable usually
IndividualsCiceroEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and unincorporated community in Outagamie County, Wisconsin.uncountable usually
IndividualsLycurgusLatinnameThe name of several kings of Ancient Greecedeclension-2
IndividualsLycurgusLatinnameA famous lawgiver of Spartadeclension-2
IndividualsLycurgusLatinnameAn orator from Athensdeclension-2
IndividualsNóiIcelandicnameNoah (biblical character)masculine
IndividualsNóiIcelandicnamea male given namemasculine
IndividualsPetrusSwedishnamePeter (biblical character).common-gender
IndividualsPetrusSwedishnamea male given name, a latinate variant of the more common Peter and Percommon-gender
Individualsお釈迦Japanesenounpoorly made article; defective article
Individualsお釈迦JapanesenounGautama BuddhaBuddhism lifestyle religion
InjuriesburnEnglishnounA physical injury caused by heat, cold, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals.countable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounA sensation resembling such an injury.countable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounThe act of burning something with fire.countable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounAn intense non-physical sting, as left by shame or an effective insult.countable slang uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounAn effective insult, often in the expression sick burn (excellent or badass insult).countable slang uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounPhysical sensation in the muscles following strenuous exercise, caused by build-up of lactic acid.countable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounTobacco.UK slang uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounThe writing of data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounThe operation or result of burning or baking, as in brickmaking.countable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounA disease in vegetables; brand.uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounThe firing of a spacecraft's rockets in order to change its course.aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishnounA kind of watercourse: a brook or creek.countable uncountable
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo cause to be consumed by fire.transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo be consumed by fire, or in flames.intransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo overheat so as to make unusable.transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo become overheated to the point of being unusable.intransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo make or produce by the application of fire or burning heat.transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo injure (a person or animal) with heat or chemicals that produce similar damage.transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo cauterize.medicine sciences surgerytransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo sunburn.intransitive transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo consume, damage, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat; to affect as fire or heat does.transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo be hot, e.g. due to embarrassment.intransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat; to consume; to oxidize.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo combine energetically, with evolution of heat.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesdated
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo write data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo render subtitles into a video's content while transcoding it, making the subtitles part of the image.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesbroadly transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo betray.slang transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo insult or defeat.slang transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo waste (time); to waste money or other resources.transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbIn certain games, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought.
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo accidentally touch a moving stone.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbIn pontoon, to swap a pair of cards for another pair, or to deal a dead card.card-games gamestransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo increase the exposure for certain areas of a print in order to make them lighter (compare dodge).arts hobbies lifestyle photography
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo be converted to another element in a nuclear fusion reaction, especially in a star.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo discard.card-games gambling gamesintransitive slang
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo shoot someone with a firearm.slang transitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo compromise (an agent's cover story).espionage government military politics wartransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo blackmail.espionage government military politics wartransitive
InjuriesburnEnglishverbTo desire or ache for (something); to focus on attaining (something).US intransitive slang
InjuriesburnEnglishnounA large stream.Northern-England Scotland
InsectsabeSardiniannounbeeLogudorese feminine
InsectsabeSardiniannounAlternative form of apeNuorese alt-of alternative feminine
InsectskokoroYorubanouninsect, bug
InsectskokoroYorubanounpenischildish euphemistic
InsectskokoroYorubanounpathogen, virus, bacteria
InsectskokoroYorubanounkokoro; a Nigerian street snack made from a paste of maize flour mixed with sugar and gàrí (cassava flour) or yam flour which is deep-fried.
InsectsoyinYorubanounsweetness (in comparison to honey)
InsectsoyinYorubanounAfrican mango tree (Irvingia gabonensis), of which the seeds of its fruit are used in soups like ọgbọnọ and ààpọ̀n
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishnounA sow; a female pig.
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishnounA siege engine used to protect assailants.
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishnounA sowbug; a woodlouse.rare
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of sowen (“to sow”)alt-of alternative
InsectssoweMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of sowen (“to torment”)alt-of alternative
InsectszapateiroGaliciannouncobbler, shoemakermasculine
InsectszapateiroGaliciannounwater stridermasculine
InstagramInstagrammerEnglishnounA user of the photo-sharing and social networking service Instagram.Internet
InstagramInstagrammerEnglishnounA content creator or influencer of Instagram.Internet
Internet memesmaidenlessEnglishadjHaving no maidens.literally
Internet memesmaidenlessEnglishadjUncharacteristic of a maiden; (by extension) vulgar, uncouth, unladylike.rare
Internet memesmaidenlessEnglishadjSingle; lacking a girlfriend.Internet
Internet memesmaidenlessEnglishadjGenerally rude, obnoxious, pathetic, or contemptible; incel-like.Internet broadly derogatory
IronrustEnglishnounThe deteriorated state of iron or steel as a result of moisture and oxidation.countable uncountable
IronrustEnglishnounA similar substance based on another metal.countable uncountable
IronrustEnglishnounA reddish-brown color.countable uncountable
IronrustEnglishnounA disease of plants caused by a reddish-brown fungus.countable uncountable
IronrustEnglishnounDamage caused to stamps and album pages by a fungal infection.hobbies lifestyle philatelycountable uncountable
IronrustEnglishverbTo oxidize, especially of iron or steel.intransitive
IronrustEnglishverbTo cause to oxidize.transitive
IronrustEnglishverbTo be affected with the parasitic fungus called rust.intransitive
IronrustEnglishverbTo (cause to) degenerate in idleness; to make or become dull or impaired by inaction.figuratively intransitive transitive
IronrustEnglishverbOf a black cat or its fur, to turn rust-coloured following long periods of exposure to sunlight.intransitive
IslamⲗⲁⲙⲓⲧⲏⲥCopticnounMuslimBohairic Sahidic
IslamⲗⲁⲙⲓⲧⲏⲥCopticnounElamite (a historical and biblical Middle Eastern nation)Bohairic Sahidic
IsraelGalileaDutchnameA hamlet in Noardeast-Fryslân, Friesland, Netherlandsneuter
Japan일식Koreannounsolar eclipseastronomy natural-sciences
Japan일식KoreannounJapanese foodfood lifestyle
JavaScriptJavaScriptEnglishnameA scripting programming language most commonly used to add interactive features to computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
JavaScriptJavaScriptEnglishnounA JavaScript script.informal
JudaismMiriamEnglishnameThe sister of Moses and Aaron and the daughter of Amram and Jochebed.biblical lifestyle religion
JudaismMiriamEnglishnameSynonym of Mary, mother of Jesus, chiefly in contexts emphasizing her historical or Jewish identity.
JudaismMiriamEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew.
JudaismMiriamEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Meriamalt-of alternative
JudaismדרשןHebrewnounan expert in scriptural interpretation
JudaismדרשןHebrewnouna sermonizer, preacher
KitchenegyaadeAkannounumbilical cord
KitchenwareczerpakPolishnounbucket, scoop (part of a piece of machinery that resembles a bucket)inanimate masculine
KitchenwareczerpakPolishnoundipperinanimate masculine
KitchenwareczerpakPolishnoundredgeinanimate masculine
KitchenwareloucheFrenchadjcloudy; obscurebroadly
KitchenwareloucheFrenchadjshady; dubious; seedy; shiftyfiguratively
KitchenwareloucheFrenchnouncloudiness due to a suspension of fine particlesmasculine
KitchenwareloucheFrenchverbinflection of loucher: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
KitchenwareloucheFrenchverbinflection of loucher: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
LGBTqueernessEnglishnounThe quality of being queer or odd.uncountable
LGBTqueernessEnglishnounSomething queer; an oddity.countable
LGBTqueernessEnglishnounThe quality of being queer, in the sense of not conforming to sexual or gender norms.uncountable
LGBTϩⲟⲩⲧ ⲥϩⲓⲙⲉCopticnounA person who is androgynous.Sahidic
LGBTϩⲟⲩⲧ ⲥϩⲓⲙⲉCopticadjandrogyne.Sahidic
Ladin cardinal numberscincantecinchLadinadjfifty-five
Ladin cardinal numberscincantecinchLadinnounfifty-fivemasculine uncountable
LakesヘンリーJapanesenameA transliteration of the English male given name Henry
LandformsfenuaTuvaluannounisland inhabitants, island community
LandformsmoanaTokelauannounopen sea, ocean
LandformsmoanaTokelauannounfishing in the open sea
LandformsпъртинаBulgariannounpath, corridor, trail through deep snow
LandformsпъртинаBulgariannounpassage, pathway through a forest/wasteland/marshland (geological formation)broadly
LanguagelalMokilesenounword, language
LanguagelalMokileseverbto talk, speakintransitive
Language familiesTimoricEnglishnameA subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian spoken on Timor and adjoining islands.
Language familiesTimoricEnglishadjRelating to or belonging to this family.not-comparable
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnounA member of an aboriginal North American people closely related to the Odawa and Ojibwe, and living mainly in Quebec.
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnameThe language spoken by the Algonquins, a transitional language between Ojibwe and Abenaki.
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnameA place name: / A community of Augusta township, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, Canada.
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnameA place name: / A place in the United States: / A village in McHenry County and Kane County, Illinois.
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnameA place name: / A place in the United States: / A township in McHenry County, Illinois.
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnameA place name: / A place in the United States: / A neighbourhood of Louisville, Kentucky.
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnameA place name: / A place in the United States: / A census-designated place in Dorchester County, Maryland.
LanguagesAlgonquinEnglishnameA place name: / A place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Bohemia Township, Ontonagon County, Michigan.
LanguagesBembaEnglishnounA member of an African tribe inhabiting parts of Zambia, Zaire, Tanzania and Malawi.
LanguagesBembaEnglishnameThe language of these people.
LanguagesBicolanoEnglishnounA native inhabitant or resident of the Bicol Region, Philippines.
LanguagesBicolanoEnglishadjOf, relating to, or derived from Bicol Region, Philippines, its people, cuisine, language, or culture.not-comparable
LanguagesBicolanoEnglishnameA language spoken in the Bicol Region, Philippines.
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnameThe Santee branch of the Sioux people.countable uncountable
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnameThe language of these people.countable uncountable
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnameEither of the two states North Dakota or South Dakota.countable uncountable
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnameThe Dakota Territory; an organized incorporated territory of the United States that existed from March 2, 1861, until November 2, 1889, when the final extent of the reduced territory was split and admitted to the Union as the states of North Dakota and South Dakota.countable historical uncountable
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnameA unisex given name transferred from the place name.countable uncountable
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnounA member of the Dakota people
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnounA Douglas DC-3 aircraft
LanguagesDakotaEnglishnounOut of air-to-ground ordinance.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics war
LanguagesPaiwanEnglishnameAn aboriginal people native to Taiwan.collective plural
LanguagesPaiwanEnglishnameThe Formosan language of the Paiwan people.uncountable
LanguagesPaiwanEnglishnounA person of Paiwan descent.countable
LanguagesPaiwanEnglishadjOf or relating to the Paiwan people.not-comparable
LanguagesPaiwanEnglishadjOf or relating to the Paiwan language.not-comparable
LanguagesTurkanaEnglishnameA Nilo-Saharan language of Kenya.
LanguagesTurkanaEnglishnounThe people who speak this language.plural plural-only
LanguagesanambéPortuguesenouna member of the Anambé, a native people of Pará, Brazilmasculine
LanguagesanambéPortuguesenounAnambé (the Tupian language spoken by the Anambé people)masculine uncountable
LanguagesanambéPortuguesenouncotinga (any of the neotropical passerine birds of the genus Cotinga)masculine
LanguagesangielskiPolishadjEnglishnot-comparable relational
LanguagesangielskiPolishnounEnglish (language)inanimate masculine
LanguagesburgundiCatalannounBurgundian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagescomorensePortugueseadjComorian (of or relating to the Comoros)feminine masculine
LanguagescomorensePortuguesenounComorian (person from the Comoros)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagescomorensePortuguesenounComorian (Bantu language spoken in the Comoros)masculine uncountable
LanguagescypryjskiPolishadjCypriot (of or relating to Cyprus)not-comparable relational
LanguagescypryjskiPolishnounCypriot Greek (language)inanimate masculine
LanguagesemiliàCatalanadjEmilian (of, from or relating to Emilia)
LanguagesemiliàCatalannounEmilian (native or inhabitant of Emilia) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesemiliàCatalannounEmilian (language spoken in Emilia)masculine uncountable
LanguagesgalésGaliciannounWelsh (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesgrezeisOld FrenchadjAlternative form of grezoisalt-of alternative masculine
LanguagesgrezeisOld FrenchnounAlternative form of grezoisalt-of alternative
LanguageskašubiFinnishnounKashubian, Kashub (member of ethnic group)
LanguageskašubiFinnishnounKashubian (language)
LanguageslaotiskNorwegian BokmåladjLaotian (relating to Laos and Laotians)
LanguageslaotiskNorwegian BokmålnounLao or Laotian (the language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesodaawaaOjibwenameOttawa person
LanguagesodaawaaOjibwenameOttawa man
LanguagesshqipAlbanianadvin the Albanian language
LanguagesshqipAlbanianadvclear, understandable, comprehensive, unequivocally
LanguagestyrkiskNorwegian NynorskadjTurkish (relating to Turkey and the Turks)
LanguagestyrkiskNorwegian NynorsknounTurkish (the language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesveneciàCatalannounVenetian (language traditionally spoken in Venice)masculine uncountable
LanguagesîtalîNorthern KurdishadjItalian (of or pertaining to Italy)not-comparable
LanguagesîtalîNorthern KurdishnounItalian (person from Italy)masculine
LanguagesîtalîNorthern KurdishnameItalian (language)feminine
LanguagesфинскийRussiannounFinnish languageuncountable
LanguagesفارسیPersianadjPersian, Persic
LanguagesفارسیPersiannounPersian (the language of modern Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, and widely spoken in Uzbekistan).
LanguagesفارسیPersiannounPersian (the language of Ancient Persia).
LanguagesفارسیPersiannounPersian, main ethnic group of Iran.
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicadjfeminine singular of نُرْوِيجِيّ (nurwījiyy, “Norwegian”)feminine form-of singular
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicnounfemale equivalent of نُرْوِيجِيّ (nurwījiyy, “Norwegian”)feminine form-of
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicnounfemale equivalent of نُرْوِيجِيّ (nurwījiyy, “Norwegian”): / Norwegian woman, Norwegian girl
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicnounNorwegian languagedefinite usually
LanguagesअरबीHindinounArab person
LanguagesअरबीHindinounArabian horse
LanguagesअरबीHindinameArabic (language)
LanguagesअरबीHindiadjArabian, Arabindeclinable
LanguagesअरबीHindinountaro root
LanguagesचीनीHindinounChinese person
LanguagesचीनीHindinounporcelain, china
LanguagesचीनीHindinameChinese (language)
LanguagesयूनानीHindinounUnani (a form of traditional medicine practiced in the Middle East and South Asia)
LanguagesयूनानीHindinameGreek (language)
Latin letter namesвэRussiannounThe Cyrillic letter В (V), в (v).indeclinable
Latin letter namesвэRussiannounThe Roman letter V, v.indeclinable
Latin letter namesвэRussiannounThe Roman letter W, w.indeclinable
Latin nomina gentiliaGratidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaGratidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Marcus Gratidius, a Roman statesmandeclension-2
LawlawelesMiddle EnglishadjNot following the law or discipline; unruly, disorderly.
LawlawelesMiddle EnglishadjNot governed by or having information of any law.
LawlawelesMiddle EnglishadjBeing an outlaw or criminal.rare
Lawग्रसतिSanskritverbto affect or controlclass-1 type-p
Lawग्रसतिSanskritverbto seize with the mouth, take into the mouth, swallow, devour, eat, consumeclass-1 type-p
Lawग्रसतिSanskritverbto swallow up, cause to disappearclass-1 type-p
Lawग्रसतिSanskritverbto eclipseclass-1 type-p
Lawग्रसतिSanskritverbto swallow or slur over words, pronounce indistinctlyclass-1 type-p
Lawग्रसतिSanskritverbto suppress, stop or neglect (a lawsuit)class-1 type-p
Lawग्रसतिSanskritverbto consume, swallowclass-1 type-p
Law引渡Chineseverbto extradite
Law引渡Chineseverbto lead across (a river); to guide through
Law enforcementhandjárnIcelandicnounhandcuff (one ring of a locking fetter for the hand)neuter
Law enforcementhandjárnIcelandicnounhandcuffs (metal rings for fastening wrists)in-plural neuter
LegumescieciorkaPolishnounfemale grousefeminine
LegumesfeccheMiddle EnglishnounVetch or tare; a member of the genus Vicia.
LegumesfeccheMiddle EnglishnounThe seed of vetch, especially in reference to something worthless.
LegumesfeccheMiddle EnglishnounA small ball of similar proportion to a vetch seed.
Legumesပဲပုစွန်Burmesenounclusterbean (Cyamopsis psoralloides)
Legumesပဲပုစွန်Burmesenounvariety of lablab (Dolichos lablab)
Legumes鉈豆Japanesenounsword bean, Canavalia gladiata
Legumes鉈豆JapanesenounClipping of 鉈豆煙管 (natamame-giseru, “a type of flat pipe”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Letter nameswynneMiddle Englishnounhappiness, pleasure, delightuncountable
Letter nameswynneMiddle EnglishnounThe letter ƿ; wynn.uncountable
Letter nameswynneMiddle Englishadjhappy, pleasurable
Letter nameswynneMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of winnen (“to win”)alt-of alternative
Letter nameswynneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of whynne (“whin”)alt-of alternative
Letter nameswynneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of win (“benefit, wealth, discord”)alt-of alternative
Letter nameswynneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of wyn (“wine”)alt-of alternative
Letter namesпэRussiannounThe Cyrillic letter П, п.indeclinable
Letter namesпэRussiannounThe Roman letter P, p.indeclinable
Letter namesոArmeniancharacterThe 24th letter of Armenian alphabet, called ո (o). Transliterated as o. Represents а open-mid back rounded vowel: [ɔ] (but [vɔ] word-initially).letter
Letter namesոArmeniancharacterA letter used in Armenian dialectology. Represents the diphthong [u͡o]. Transliterated as uo.letter
LichensskófIcelandicnounlichen (especially one attached to a substrate)feminine
LichensskófIcelandicverbfirst-person singular past indicative of skafafirst-person form-of indicative past singular
LichensskófIcelandicverbthird-person singular past indicative of skafaform-of indicative past singular third-person
LighttornassolCatalannounsheen, iridescencemasculine
LighttornassolCatalannoundyer's croton (Chrozophora tinctoria)masculine
LighttornassolCatalannounturnsole (dyestuff extracted from dyer's croton)historical masculine
LighttornassolCatalannounlitmus (dyestuff extracted from lichens)masculine
Light sourcesمصباحOttoman Turkishnounlamp, especially an oil lamp
Light sourcesمصباحOttoman Turkishnounsort of large bowl for wine
Light sourcesელექთრიღიLaznounelectricity
Light sourcesელექთრიღიLaznounflashlightdialectal
Light sources三日月Japanesenouna crescent moon on the third day of a lunar month, especially on the eighth lunar month
Light sources三日月JapanesenounShort for 三日月形 (mikazuki-gata): a crescent moon in generalabbreviation alt-of broadly
Light sources三日月JapanesenounSynonym of 小爪 (kozume): a claw in the shape of a crescent moon
Light sources三日月Japanesenouna type of mask used in Noh
Light sources三日月Japanesenamea placename
Light sources三日月Japanesenamea surname
Light sources三日月Japanesenamea male given name
Lily family plantsрябчикRussiannounhazel grouse (bird)
Lily family plantsрябчикRussiannounfritillary (plant)
LimbsextremidadSpanishnounend, extremity (most extreme point)feminine
LimbsextremidadSpanishnounextremity (hand or foot)feminine
LiquidsdampnessEnglishnounModerate humidity; moisture; moistness; the state or quality of being damp.uncountable usually
LiquidsdampnessEnglishnounThe degree to which something is damp or moist.uncountable usually
LiquidsimbibenMiddle EnglishverbTo absorb; to sop up.
LiquidsimbibenMiddle EnglishverbTo steep; to cause to absorb liquid.
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo pour out from a container.transitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo flow or gush.intransitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo overflow.reflexive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo emit fluid from the body.medicine sciencestransitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo send out, to send forth; to express.figuratively transitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle Englishverbto administer medication by drop or injection.medicine sciencestransitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo melt or soften; to dissolve.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo cast; to found.transitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo disperse or scatter.transitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo take out for use; to brandish.transitive
LiquidsyetenMiddle EnglishverbTo address someone with "ye", i.e. with formality or politeness
LiteratureavisiounMiddle EnglishnounA vision; an illusory image, apparition or mirage (especially in one's rest).
LiteratureavisiounMiddle EnglishnounA religious experience or event; a divine vision or foretelling (especially in one's rest)
LiteratureavisiounMiddle EnglishnounAn retelling of a vision or foretelling; a narrative about a vision.rare
LittorinimorphsesclopCatalannounclog (footwear)masculine
LittorinimorphsesclopCatalannounslipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata)masculine
LivestockGasconEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Gascony, a region of southwest France.
LivestockGasconEnglishnounA braggart; a bully.obsolete
LivestockGasconEnglishnounA breed of cow from Gascony
LivestockGasconEnglishadjOf or relating to Gascony.not-comparable
LivestockGasconEnglishadjbraggart; swaggeringnot-comparable obsolete
LivestockGasconEnglishnameThe dialect of the Occitan language spoken in Gascony.
LoveflirtPolishnounflirt, flirtation, flirting, coquetry, hanky-panky (coquettish behavior; actions designed to excite erotic attention, without intending to reciprocate such feelings; flirtatious teasing)inanimate masculine
LoveflirtPolishnounromance, affair, love affair, liaison, amour (usually adulterous relationship between people who are not married to each other)inanimate masculine
LoveflirtPolishnounflirt (tentative or brief, passing engagement with something)figuratively inanimate masculine
LoveléïfLimburgishadjlovable; dear; darling; sweet; good-hearted; kind
LoveléïfLimburgishadjgood; well-behaved
LoveparamourEnglishnounAn illicit lover, either male or female.archaic
LoveparamourEnglishnounThe Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ (when addressed by a person of the opposite sex).obsolete
LoveparamourEnglishverbTo go with a paramour; to have an affair.
LoveparamourEnglishadvPassionately, out of sexual desire.not-comparable obsolete usually
Lovetalk toEnglishverbTo show the beginnings of a romantic interest in; to flirt with over a period of time in hopes of developing a romantic relationship.idiomatic
Lovetalk toEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see talk, to.
LoveभावSanskritnounbecoming; being, existing, occurring, appearance
LoveभावSanskritnounturning or transition into
LoveभावSanskritnouncontinuance (opposite to cessation)
LoveभावSanskritnounstate; condition; rank
LoveभावSanskritnountrue condition or state; truth; reality (as the first component in a compound)
LoveभावSanskritnounmanner of being; nature; temperament; character
LoveभावSanskritnounmanner of acting; conduct; behaviour
LoveभावSanskritnounany state of mind or body; way of thinking or feeling; sentiment; opinion; disposition; intention
LoveभावSanskritnounpassion; emotionrhetoric
LoveभावSanskritnounconjecture; supposition
LoveभावSanskritnounpurport; meaning, sense
LoveभावSanskritnounlove; affection; attachment
LoveभावSanskritnounthe seat of the feelings or affections; heart; soul; mind
LoveभावSanskritnounthat which is or exists; thing or substance; being or living creature
LoveभावSanskritnouna discreet or learned man (as a term of address)broadcasting drama dramaturgy entertainment film lifestyle media television theater
LoveभावSanskritnounthe state or condition of a planetastronomy natural-sciences
LoveभावSanskritnounan astrological house or lunar mansionastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
LoveभावSanskritnounname of the 27th kalpa
LoveभावSanskritnounname of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years
LoveभावSanskritnounthe fundamental notion of the verb; the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (the impersonal sense conveyed by the verb)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
MachinespytelPolishnounflour sifting bag (bag made of light, loosely woven fabric, used to sift flour after milling to remove the bran)inanimate masculine
MachinespytelPolishnounmill with such a baginanimate masculine obsolete
MachinespytelPolishnoungrain sorter (mill machine for sorting grain mill products)archaic inanimate masculine
MachinespytelPolishnounsieve (that which filters, i.e. an author's works)figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
MachinespytelPolishnounchatterbox (someone who talks much)colloquial figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
MachinespytelPolishnounsack, bag (object for storing or moving other objects)inanimate masculine obsolete
MachinespytelPolishnounsack, bag (object for storing or moving other objects) / money sackMiddle Polish inanimate masculine obsolete
MachinespytelPolishnouncolander, strainerMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
MachinespytelPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities includeMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
MachinespytelPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / thick, rough fabric that serves as a glove for wiping the bodyMiddle Polish error-lua-exec inanimate masculine
MalebiyudoCebuanonouna widower
MalebiyudoCebuanoverbto become a widower
MalelalakiCebuanonounmale human, especially an adult; a man, boy
MalelalakiCebuanonounmale loverbroadly
MalelalakiCebuanonounmale animal or plantbroadly
MalelalakiCebuanoadjmasculine, boyish
Male先人Chinesenounancestors; forebears; forefathers
Male先人Chinesenounone's deceased father; my late father; my dearly departed father
Male先人Chinesenounthe ancients; people from ancient times; forefathers
Male animalspocánIrishnounbilly goatmasculine
Male animalspocánIrishnounsmall bagmasculine
Male animalspocánIrishnounrind (of roast potato)masculine
Male animalspocánIrishnounpollen basket (of bee)masculine
Male animalspocánIrishnoun(net-)buoynautical transportmasculine
Male childrenszewczykPolishnoundiminutive of szewcdiminutive form-of masculine person
Male childrenszewczykPolishnouncobbler's son, shoemaker's sonmasculine obsolete person
Male childrenszewczykPolishnouncobbler's apprentice, shoemaker's apprenticemasculine obsolete person
Male childrenszewczykPolishnounscholar's mateboard-games chess gamescolloquial inanimate masculine
Male peoplebalachScottish Gaelicnounboy, ladmasculine
Male peoplebalachScottish Gaelicnounjackcard-games gamesmasculine
Male peoplehołdownikPolishnounvassal, serf, tributaryhistorical masculine person
Male peoplehołdownikPolishnounadmirer, enthusiastarchaic masculine person
Male peoplekołtunPolishnountangled, twisted mass of hairmedicine sciencescolloquial inanimate masculine
Male peoplekołtunPolishnounPolish plait, plica polonicahistorical inanimate masculine
Male peoplekołtunPolishnounsomeone who is backwardderogatory masculine person
Male peopleprcekCzechnounkid (child)animate colloquial masculine
Male peopleprcekCzechnounmidget, manikin, shorty (small person)animate colloquial masculine
Male peopleukkeliFinnishnounold mancolloquial
Male peopleukkeliFinnishnounman (little man or man-like creature, especially one from outer space)
Male peoplewładykaPolishnounan honorary title for bishops in the Slavic Orthodox Churchesmasculine person
Male peoplewładykaPolishnouna ruler, lord, especially in Rushistorical masculine person
Male peopleсочинительRussiannounwriter, authorobsolete
Male peopleсочинительRussiannounstoryteller, inventorcolloquial
Male peopleگبھروPunjabinounyoung mancolloquial
Male peopleگبھروPunjabinounman; husbandcolloquial
Male peopleگبھروPunjabinounbridegroomcolloquial
Malpighiales order plantslinenEnglishnounThread or cloth made from flax fiber.uncountable
Malpighiales order plantslinenEnglishnounDomestic textiles, such as tablecloths, bedding, towels, underclothes, etc., that are made of linen or linen-like fabrics of cotton or other fibers; linens.countable
Malpighiales order plantslinenEnglishnounA light beige colour, like that of linen cloth undyed.countable uncountable
Malpighiales order plantslinenEnglishadjMade from linen cloth or thread.not-comparable
Malpighiales order plantslinenEnglishadjHaving the colour linen, light beige.not-comparable
Malvales order plantslehmusFinnishnounlinden, lime (tree from the genus Tilia)
Malvales order plantslehmusFinnishnounlinden (wood from Tilia)
Malvales order plantslehmusFinnishnounsmall-leaved lime, Tilia cordata
MammalsasuTetumnoundog (animal)
MammalssimbaShonaverbbe strong
MammalssimbaShonaverbbe powerful
MammalssimbaShonanounpower, authority
Marijuanaditch weedEnglishnounDatura stramonium (jimsonweed).uncountable
Marijuanaditch weedEnglishnounwild marijuana, usually a type used for hemp production, eg, Cannabis sativa var. sativa.US uncountable
Marijuanaditch weedEnglishnounlow-quality marijuana.US figuratively slang uncountable
MarijuanakyhätäFinnishverbto create hastily and with a poor quality; to slap together.
MarijuanakyhätäFinnishverbto prepare cannabis to be consumed, possibly simultaneously mixing it with tobaccoslang
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of couplenform-of participle present
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe creation of a romantic or marital bond or a marriage.uncommon uncountable
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounA (physical or intellectual) connection.uncommon uncountable
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe act of leashing dogs two by two.rare uncommon uncountable
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe act of sexual intercourse.rare uncommon uncountable
MarriageсвоякRussiannounbrother-in-law (husband of wife’s sister)dated
MarriageсвоякRussiannouncue ballball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sports
MealsπρωινόGreeknounbreakfast, breakfast time
MealsπρωινόGreekadjAccusative masculine singular form of πρωινός (proïnós).accusative form-of masculine singular
MealsπρωινόGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter singular form of πρωινός (proïnós).accusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
Meals夜飯Chinesenoundinner; supper (evening meal)obsolete regional
Meals夜飯Chinesenounlate-night snack; supperHandan Jin Mandarin dialectal
MeatshaggisEnglishnounA traditional Scottish dish made from minced sheep offal with oatmeal and spices, etc., originally boiled in the stomach of a sheep but now often in an artificial casing, and usually served with neeps and tatties (mashed swede and potatoes) and accompanied with whisky.countable uncountable
MeatshaggisEnglishnounplural of haggi (“one who has participated in a hajj”) (alternative spelling of hajjis).form-of plural
MeatsterrineEnglishnounA deep type of dish or pan, typically used for casseroles and made out of pottery.
MeatsterrineEnglishnounA pâté baked in such a dish and served cold.
MeatsאליהHebrewprepForm of אֶל (él) including third-person feminine singular personal pronoun as object.form-of
MeatsאליהHebrewnamea male given name, equivalent to English Elijah
MeatsאליהHebrewnounfat tail, tail fat
Meats魚鮮Chinesenounfresh fish
MetalsπλατίναGreeknounplatinumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
MetalsπλατίναGreeknouncontact breaker (electrical switch in internal combustion engines)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
MilitarycornOld Frenchnounhorn (a bony projection on the head of some animals)
MilitarycornOld Frenchnouncorner, angle, secluded place
MilitarycornOld Frenchnounstrength, powerfiguratively
MilitarycornOld Frenchnounhorn (an instrument used to create sound)
MilitarykasundalohanCebuanonounarmed forces
MilitarykasundalohanCebuanonounplural of sundaloform-of plural
Military𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎫𐎡𐏁Old Persiannounspearfeminine
Military𐎠𐎼𐏁𐎫𐎡𐏁Old Persiannounweaponfeminine
Military vehiclesТагилRussiannameTagil (a river in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia)
Military vehiclesТагилRussiannameNizhny Tagil (a city in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia)
Military vehiclesТагилRussiannameVerkhny Tagil (a town in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia)
Military vehiclesТагилRussiannametype of Russian main battle tank
Milk타락Koreannouncorruption; depravity; degradation
Milk타락Koreannouncow's milkdated
MindconfermenMiddle EnglishverbTo strengthen; to make firm or secure: / To confirm (assure accuracy)
MindconfermenMiddle EnglishverbTo strengthen; to make firm or secure: / To assent to; to approve.
MindconfermenMiddle EnglishverbTo grant land or a title.
MindconfermenMiddle EnglishverbTo confirm (perform the sacrament of confirmation)
MindconfermenMiddle EnglishverbTo decide or resolve to do.rare
MindconfermenMiddle EnglishverbTo claim; to state.rare
MineralogymálmurFaroesenounoremasculine uncountable
MineralogymálmurFaroesenounmetal and mineralsmasculine uncountable
MineralogymálmurFaroesenounpersonality, temperamentmasculine uncountable
MineralogymálmurFaroesenounmetalmasculine uncountable
MonarchyscepterEnglishnounUS and archaic form of sceptreUS alt-of archaic
MonarchyscepterEnglishverbUS form of sceptreUS alt-of
MonarchyvorstinDutchnouna princess, the daughter of a king, elector (in the Holy Roman Empire), emperor, or the wife or daughter of certain princesfeminine
MonarchyvorstinDutchnouna princess, the female reigning monarch of a principalityfeminine
MonarchyvorstinDutchnouna female potentate, such as certain especially mediaeval duchessesfeminine
Monarchy上疏Chineseverbto submit a report to the emperor; to submit a memorial to the thronehistorical
Monarchy上疏Chinesenounreport to the emperor; memorial to the thronehistorical
MonasticismmonasteroItaliannounconvent, nunnerymasculine
MonasticismtrapistaSpanishnounTrappist; a member of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observanceby-personal-gender feminine masculine
MonasticismtrapistaSpanishadjTrappist; of or relating to the monastic orderfeminine masculine
MoneybecikowePolishnounbaby bonus, newborn allowancecolloquial neuter noun-from-verb
MoneybecikowePolishadjinflection of becikowy: / neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
MoneybecikowePolishadjinflection of becikowy: / nonvirile nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative nonvirile plural vocative
MoneycédulaPortuguesenounbanknote (piece of paper currency)feminine
MoneycédulaPortuguesenoundocument, cardfeminine
MoneyquidEnglishnounThe inherent nature of something.
MoneyquidEnglishnounA member of a section of the Democratic-Republican Party between 1805 and 1811, following John Randolph of Roanoke. (From tertium quid.)US historical
MoneyquidEnglishnounPaired with quo, in reference to the phrase quid pro quo (“this for that”): something offered in exchange for something else.
MoneyquidEnglishnounA sovereign or guinea, that is, a certain coin or amount of money.historical
MoneyquidEnglishnounPound sterling. (usually only used with a whole number of pounds)UK colloquial
MoneyquidEnglishnounVarious national currencies typically known by the name "pound".Commonwealth Ireland colloquial historical
MoneyquidEnglishnounEuro.Ireland broadly colloquial
MoneyquidEnglishnounDollar, dollars.Commonwealth broadly colloquial rare
MoneyquidEnglishnounA piece of material for chewing, especially chewing tobacco.
MoneyquidEnglishnounThe act of chewing such tobacco.US colloquial
MoneyquidEnglishverbTo chew tobacco.
MoneyquidEnglishverbTo let food drop from the mouth whilst chewing.
MonthsshëmitërAlbaniannounOctoberarchaic masculine
MonthsshëmitërAlbaniannounNovemberarchaic masculine
MonthsқұтKazakhnounabundance, richness
Moons of JupiterEuropaEnglishnameSeveral characters, most notably a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of JupiterEuropaEnglishnameA moon of Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of JupiterEuropaEnglishname52 Europa, a main belt asteroid; not to be confused with the Jovian moon.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of UranusMabEnglishnameA moon of Uranusastronomy natural-sciences
Moons of UranusMabEnglishnameA female given name, related to Maeve.
MormonismDeseretEnglishnameA state, proposed in 1849 and never recognized, which would have included most of Utah and Nevada and parts of other states.historical
MormonismDeseretEnglishnameThe state of Utah itself, especially the Salt Lake Valley and environs.poetic
MormonismDeseretEnglishnameA script, invented in Utah, conceived of as a radical reform and replacement of the Latin script, intended for writing English phonetically. Example: the word seven in Deseret is 𐑅𐐯𐑂𐐮𐑌.
MosseskerrossammalFinnishnounany moss of genus Hylocomiaceae
MosseskerrossammalFinnishnounthe genus Hylocomiaceaein-plural
MothsngàiVietnamesenounhumanCentral North Vietnam
MothsngàiVietnamesepronhe, him
MothsngàiVietnamesepronshe, herrare
MountainsGiuraItaliannameJura (a department of France)masculine
MountainsGiuraItaliannameJura (a canton of Switzerland)masculine
Mountains形勝Chineseadjprecipitous and located in a superior and strategic positionliterary
Mountains形勝Chineseadjmajestic and beautiful; magnificentliterary
Mountains形勝Chinesenounplace that is precipitous and strategically locatedliterary
MurderHolocaustEnglishnameThe systematic mass murder (genocide) of six million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II.historical uncountable usually
MurderHolocaustEnglishnameThe systematic mass murder (democide) of somewhere between eleven and fourteen million people, namely six million Jews and from five to eight million others (including Romanis, Slavs, homosexuals, and people with physical and mental disabilities), perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II.broadly historical uncountable usually
MurderHolocaustEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of holocaust (“subject to a mass annihilation; destroy en masse”).alt-of
MusicmouthpieceEnglishnounA part of any device that functions in or near the mouth, especially: / The part of a telephone that is held close to the mouth.
MusicmouthpieceEnglishnounA part of any device that functions in or near the mouth, especially: / The part of a wind instrument that is held in or against the mouth.
MusicmouthpieceEnglishnounA spokesman; one who speaks on behalf of someone else.
MusicmouthpieceEnglishnounA lawyer for the defense.slang
Music場面Chinesenounscene (in drama, shows, etc.)
Music場面Chinesenounaccompanying musical instruments and their performers
Music場面Chinesenounimpressive scene; tableau; spectacle
Music場面Chinesenounpomp; appearance (of an event); show
Music演唱會Chinesenounvocal recital (Classifier: 場/场)
Music演唱會Chinesenounconcert (of a vocalist) (Classifier: 場/场)
Musical genresrokoEsperantonounrockgeography geology natural-sciences
Musical genresrokoEsperantonounrock musicentertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA gait of a person or animal faster than a walk but slower than a run.
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA brisk journey or progression.
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA gait of a four-legged animal between walk and canter, a diagonal gait (in which diagonally opposite pairs of legs move together).
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA toddler.
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA moderately rapid dancing hobbies lifestyle sports
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA young animal.obsolete
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounAn ugly old woman, a hag.archaic derogatory
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA succession of heads thrown in a game of two-up.Australia obsolete
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA run of luck or fortune.Australia New-Zealand
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounSynonym of horse (illegitimate study aid)dated slang
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounDiarrhoea.informal
Musical genrestrotEnglishverbTo move along briskly; specifically, to move at a pace between a walk and a run.intransitive
Musical genrestrotEnglishverbTo move at a gait between a walk and a canter.intransitive
Musical genrestrotEnglishverbTo cause to move, as a horse or other animal, in the pace called a trot; to cause to run without galloping or cantering.transitive
Musical genrestrotEnglishverbTo bid against (a person) at an auction, so as to raise the price of the goods.UK archaic slang transitive
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounA genre of Korean pop music employing repetitive rhythm and vocal inflections.uncountable
Musical genrestrotEnglishnounAlternative form of Trot (“Trotskyist”)alt-of alternative
Musical instrumentsσκινδαψόςAncient Greeknounmusical instrument with four strings
Musical instrumentsσκινδαψόςAncient Greeknounword without meaning, so-and-so
Musical instrumentsسريندهPashtonouna musical instrument of the viol family, violin, fiddle
Musical instrumentsسريندهPashtonounlyrepoetic
MusiciansregueiroPortuguesenounSynonym of regueiramasculine
MusiciansregueiroPortuguesenouna fan of reggaemasculine
MusiciansregueiroPortuguesenouna raggae musicianmasculine
MustelidsласкаBelarusiannounleast weasel (Mustela nivalis)
MustelidsласкаBelarusiannouncaress, endearment
MyanmarAchangEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group found in China and
MyanmarAchangEnglishnameA language of China.
Mythological creaturesbabarogaSerbo-Croatiannounbogeyman (fictional monster that scares children), typically in the form of an old hag or witch with a single horn in her forehead
Mythological creaturesbabarogaSerbo-Croatiannounbogeyman (make-believe threat)
Mythological creatureschupacabrasEnglishnounA legendary creature in the folklore of parts of the Americas dating from the 1990s, supposed to attack and drink the blood of livestock, especially goats.biology cryptozoology natural-sciences zoology
Mythological creatureschupacabrasEnglishnounplural of chupacabraform-of plural
Mythological creaturesorkPolishnounorcanimal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturesorkPolishnounRussian soldieranimal-not-person colloquial masculine offensive
Mythological creaturesscorpieRomaniannounscorpioncommon dated feminine
Mythological creaturesscorpieRomaniannouna type of mythological beast or monster, often depicted as a feminine figure with three headsarchaic common feminine
Mythological creaturesscorpieRomaniannounbitch, old hag, virago, shrew; epithet for a bad womanfeminine figuratively
Mythological creaturesstraszydłoPolishnounwraith; a scary supernatural apparitionneuter
Mythological creaturesstraszydłoPolishnounbogeyman; a make-believe threatneuter
Mythological creaturesunicornisLatinadjOne-horned.declension-3 two-termination
Mythological creaturesunicornisLatinnounA unicorn.declension-3
Mythological creatureszjawaPolishnounapparition, phantom, spectrefeminine
Mythological creatureszjawaPolishnounany straw-colored fruit bat of the genus Eidolonfeminine
Mythological creaturesChinesecharacterfish roe; fry; spawnliterary
Mythological creaturesChinesecharacterkun, a large fish that transforms into a roc (鵬/鹏 (péng))human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
Mythologyལྷ་མོTibetannoungoddess, fairy, princess
Mythologyལྷ་མོTibetannounTibetan opera
Mythologyལྷ་མོTibetannamea unisex given name: Lhamo
NarratologyTypusGermannountypemasculine strong
NarratologyTypusGermannouncharacter (theatrical)masculine strong
NarratologyTypusGermannounstock charactermasculine strong
NationalismpendatangMalaynounan immigrant from any other country.
NationalismpendatangMalaynouna Malaysian citizen of Chinese or Indian descent.derogatory ethnic offensive slur
NationalismватаRussiannounabsorbent cotton, cotton wool, wadding, batting
NationalismватаRussiannoundrugstore cotton
NationalismватаRussiannounglass wool
NationalismватаRussiannounRussian nationalists (compare ватник)government politicscollective derogatory slang
NationalitiesbirmanoSpanishadjBurmese (pertaining to Burma or its contemporary name, Myanmar)
NationalitiesbirmanoSpanishnounBurmese (person)masculine
NationalitiesbirmanoSpanishnounBurmese (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesdinamarquêsPortuguesenounDane (person from Denmarks)masculine
NationalitiesdinamarquêsPortuguesenameDanish (national language of Denmark)masculine
NationalitiesengelskaSwedishadjinflection of engelsk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiesengelskaSwedishadjinflection of engelsk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiesengelskaSwedishnounEnglish (language)common-gender uncountable
NationalitiesengelskaSwedishnounan Englishwoman (woman from England)common-gender
NationalitiesespañolSpanishadjSpanish (from or native to Spain)
NationalitiesespañolSpanishadjSpanish (pertaining to Spain or to the language)
NationalitiesespañolSpanishnounSpaniard (man)masculine
NationalitiesespañolSpanishnounSpanish (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitieskambodžietisLatviannouna Cambodian man, a man from Cambodia or of Cambodian descentdeclension-2 masculine
NationalitieskambodžietisLatviannounCambodian, pertaining to Cambodia and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
NationalitieskiprietisLatviannounCypriot, a man from Cyprusdeclension-2 masculine
NationalitieskiprietisLatviannounCypriot; pertaining to Cyprus and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
NationalitiesluxemburgiHungarianadjLuxembourgish (of or relating to Luxembourg, its people or language)not-comparable
NationalitiesluxemburgiHungariannounLuxembourgish (person)countable uncountable
NationalitiesluxemburgiHungariannounLuxembourgish (language)countable uncountable
NationalitiesmonegascRomanianadjMonégasquemasculine neuter
NationalitiesnorvégiaiHungarianadjNorwegian (of, from, or relating to Norway, its people or language)not-comparable
NationalitiesnorvégiaiHungariannounNorwegian (a native of Norway)
NationalitiesאסטוניHebrewadjEstonian: of or pertaining to Estonia
NationalitiesאסטוניHebrewnounEstonian maleEstonian countable masculine
NationalitiesتاجیکPersiannounTajik, Persian
Natureไร่Thainounterrace (on a mountain slope).
Natureไร่Thainounplantation, field (planted in crops other than cereals).
Natureไร่Thainounrai, area of land equal to 4 ngan (งาน), or 400 square wa (ตารางวา), or 1600 square meters.
Nepetinae subtribe plantscreeping CharlieEnglishnounmoneywort, Lysimachia nummulariauncountable
Nepetinae subtribe plantscreeping CharlieEnglishnounground ivy, Glechoma hederaceaUS uncountable
Nepetinae subtribe plantscreeping CharlieEnglishnounSwedish ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus), in the mint family, a popular houseplantUS uncountable
Nepetinae subtribe plantscreeping CharlieEnglishnounPilea nummulariifolia, a houseplant in the nettle familyUS uncountable
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounA bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics.
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounA neuron.colloquial nonstandard
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounA vein in a leaf; a grain in wood.biology botany natural-sciences
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounCourage; boldness; audacity; gall.
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounPatience; stamina; endurance, fortitude.
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounOne's neural structures considered collectively as, and conceptually equated with, one's
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounMental agitation caused by fear, stress or other negative
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounThe elastic resistance of raw rubber or other polymers to permanent deformation during processing.
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishnounSinew, tendon.obsolete
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishverbTo give courage.transitive
NeuroanatomynerveEnglishverbTo give strength; to supply energy or vigour.transitive
NightshadesnieszpułkaPolishnounmedlar (fruit)feminine
NightshadesnieszpułkaPolishnounmedlar (tree)feminine
NobilityArtuqidEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Artuqid dynasty: a Turkmen dynasty that ruled in Western Armenia, Northern Syria and Northern Iraq in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.not-comparable
NobilityArtuqidEnglishnounA member of the Artuqid dynasty.
NobilityдогшинMongolianadjwild (untamed)
NobilityдогшинMongolianadjfierce, ferocious
NobilityдогшинMongolianadjcruel, brutal, ruthless beastly
NobilityдогшинMongolianadjhaughty, arrogant
NobilityдогшинMongolianadjone of the titles among Mongol nobilityhistorical
NobilityдогшинMongolianadjwrathful (of deities)Buddhism lifestyle religion
NobilityдогшинMongolianadjmajestic, sacred
NobilityкнязьUkrainiannounthe monarch of a state or a principality: prince, king, duke
NobilityкнязьUkrainiannouna royal title: prince, duke, etc.
NobilityкнязьUkrainiannoungroom, bridegroom
Noctuoid mothsgraphicEnglishadjDrawn, pictorial.
Noctuoid mothsgraphicEnglishadjVivid, descriptive, often in relation to depictions of sex or violence.
Noctuoid mothsgraphicEnglishadjHaving a texture that resembles writing, commonly created by exsolution, devitrification and immiscibility processes in igneous rocks.geography geology natural-sciences
Noctuoid mothsgraphicEnglishnounA drawing or picture.
Noctuoid mothsgraphicEnglishnounA computer-generated image as viewed on a screen forming part of a game or a film etc.plural
Noctuoid mothsgraphicEnglishnounA moth of the subfamily Melipotini.
NutskaštanCzechnounchestnut treeinanimate masculine
NutskaštanCzechnounchestnut (nut)inanimate masculine
Nymphalid butterfliesheliconiineEnglishadjOf or relating to the Heliconian butterflies.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
Nymphalid butterfliesheliconiineEnglishnounA heliconiine butterfly.biology natural-sciences zoology
Nymphalid butterfliesmapletEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Chersonesia, having map-like marking on the wings.biology entomology natural-sciences
Nymphalid butterfliesmapletEnglishnounA pair which is a member of a mapping.mathematics sciences
Nymphalid butterfliesmapletEnglishnounAn applet written in the computer algebra system Maple.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
OccultfilidechtMiddle Irishnounpoetryfeminine
OccultfilidechtMiddle Irishnoundivinationfeminine
OccultmagicianEnglishnounA person who plays with or practices allegedly supernatural magic.
OccultmagicianEnglishnounA spiritualist or practitioner of mystic arts.derogatory sometimes
OccultmagicianEnglishnounA performer of tricks or an escapologist or an illusionist.
OccultmagicianEnglishnounAn amazingly talented craftsman or scientist.
OccultmagicianEnglishnounA person who astounds; an enigma.
OccupationsUnternehmerGermannounentrepreneurmasculine strong
OccupationsUnternehmerGermannountrader, any natural or legal person who is acting, including through any other person acting in that natural or legal person's name or on that person's behalf, for purposes relating to his trade, business, craft or professionmasculine strong
OccupationsUnternehmerGermannounthe redemptor in a locatio conductio operismasculine strong
OccupationsarhitectăRomaniannounfemale equivalent of arhitectfeminine form-of
OccupationsarhitectăRomaniannouncreator, architect, plannerbroadly feminine
OccupationscărbunarRomaniannouncoalminer, pitmanmasculine
OccupationscărbunarRomaniannouncoal vendormasculine
OccupationsfarinerCatalanadjflour, mealrelational
OccupationsfarinerCatalannounflour merchantmasculine
OccupationsgránCzechnoundoor-to-door peddleranimate archaic colloquial masculine
OccupationsgránCzechnoungrain (unit of weight)inanimate masculine
OccupationsloodsDutchnounpilot, expert who helps navigate to the harbor or coastmasculine
OccupationsloodsDutchnounpilot fishbiology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
OccupationsloodsDutchnounguidebroadly masculine
OccupationsloodsDutchnounshed, protective buildingfeminine
OccupationsloodsDutchverbinflection of loodsen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
OccupationsloodsDutchverbinflection of loodsen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
OccupationsloodsDutchverbinflection of loodsen: / imperativeform-of imperative
OccupationspikoloPolishnounAlternative spelling of piccoloalt-of alternative neuter
OccupationspikoloPolishnounAlternative spelling of piccoloalt-of alternative dated masculine person
OccupationspublicitarioSpanishadjrelating to advertising
OccupationsschererMiddle EnglishnounA harvester; a person who reaps crops.rare
OccupationsschererMiddle EnglishnounA sheep-shearer; one who cuts sheep's wool.rare
OccupationsschererMiddle EnglishnounA haircutter; one who cuts people's hair.rare
OccupationssleuthEnglishnounA detective.
OccupationssleuthEnglishnounA sleuthhound; a bloodhound.archaic
OccupationssleuthEnglishnounAn animal’s trail or track.obsolete
OccupationssleuthEnglishverbTo act as a detective; to try to discover who committed a crime, or, more generally, to solve a mystery.intransitive transitive
OccupationssleuthEnglishnounSlowness; laziness, sloth.obsolete uncountable
OccupationssleuthEnglishnounA group of bears.collective rare
OccupationssotareSwedishnouna chimney sweep (occupation)common-gender
OccupationssotareSwedishnouna dish consisting of Baltic herring grilled at high temperature with the backbone still attachedcommon-gender
Occupationstelephone operatorEnglishnounA person who operates a telephone switchboard.
Occupationstelephone operatorEnglishnounA person who provides assistance in establishing a connection, or who provides information or takes messages via the telephone.
OccupationsδιασκεδαστήςGreeknounreveller, merrymaker
OccupationsσμηναγόςGreeknounan air force rank with the NATO grade OF-2 / flight lieutenant in the RAFgovernment military politics war
OccupationsσμηναγόςGreeknounan air force rank with the NATO grade OF-2 / captain in the USAFgovernment military politics war
OccupationsглиномесRussiannounpotter, clayworkeranimate
OccupationsглиномесRussiannounsodomiser, jockeranimate slang
OccupationsглиномесRussiannounpotter's wheel, clay mixerinanimate
OccupationsглиномесRussiannounoffroader, automobile apt to traverse mudinanimate slang
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounphysician, doctor
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounsage, philosopher
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounone of the 99 names of AllahIslam lifestyle religion
OccupationsكناسArabicnouncovert, den, burrow
OccupationsكناسArabicnounsweeper, scavenger
OccupationsلصArabicnounthief, robber
OccupationsلصArabicverbto stealobsolete transitive
OccupationsلصArabicverbto do secretlyobsolete transitive
OccupationsلصArabicverbto close (the door)obsolete transitive
OccupationsلصArabicverbto be a thief, to be thievish, to steal repeatedlyobsolete
OccupationsلصArabicverbto have teeth close togetherobsolete
OccupationsلصArabicverbto have hunched shoulders, to stoop (of a person or horse)obsolete
OccupationsلصArabicverbto have one's thighs close together (of a woman)obsolete
OccupationsلصArabicverbto be narrow (of one's forehead)obsolete
OccupationsلصArabicverbto have unevenly oriented horns (of a sheep)obsolete
OccupationsلصArabicnounverbal noun of لَصَّ (laṣṣa, “to steal, to do secretly, to close (the door)”) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb obsolete
Occupations舞孃Chinesenounfemale dancer
Occupations舞孃Chinesenounstripper; exotic dancerspecifically
Occupations𐰴𐰆𐰞Old Turkicverbto beg, wish, ask fortransitive
Occupations𐰴𐰆𐰞Old Turkicnouna male slave, servant
Olive family plantsmũcarageKikuyunounEast African olive, Elgon olive (Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa, syn. O. hochstetteri); its timber is traded internationally.class-3
Olive family plantsmũcarageKikuyunounElgon olive (Olea welwitschii, syn. Linociera welwitschii)class-3
Olive family plantsmũcarageKikuyunounCape chestnut (Calodendrum capense)class-3
One一角Japanesenouna point
One一角Japanesenounone horn
One一角Japanesenouna narwhal
OrangesmelokotonCebuanoadjof the color peach
OrangesmelokotonCebuanonounthe peach tree (Prunus persica)
OrangesmelokotonCebuanonounthe color peach
OrangesmelokotonCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
OrgansقارنOttoman Turkishnounbelly, abdomen, the part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis
OrgansقارنOttoman Turkishnounstomach, the organ in the body that stores foodcolloquial
OrgansقارنOttoman Turkishnounwomb, the organ in which the young are conceivedcolloquial
OrgansقارنOttoman Turkishnounthe part of anything which resembles the human bellybroadly
OrgansقارنOttoman Turkishnounhull, the round and protuberant frame of a vessel or ship
Osteoglossomorph fisharuanãPortuguesenounsilver arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)Brazil masculine
Osteoglossomorph fisharuanãPortuguesenounarowana; bonytongue (any fish in the fmily Osteoglossidae)Brazil broadly masculine
Owlsgu'gu'gwesMi'kmaqnounscreech owlanimate
PainukąszeniePolishnounverbal noun of ukąsićform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
PainukąszeniePolishnounbite, sting (bump on skin after having been stung)countable neuter
PalestinepalestinarBasquenounPalestinian (person)animate
Paper sizesA4Norwegian Bokmålnouna standard paper size, defined by ISO 216uncountable
Paper sizesA4Norwegian Bokmålnounindicating that something is standard or unexcitingcolloquial
Paper sizesA4Norwegian Bokmåladjbeing the typical, what one would expect, without deviating from the normcolloquial
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnounA5 (a paper size)feminine
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, half-cuarto, quarter-fanega (a traditional unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 13.9 L)feminine historical
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, quarter-real (a former Mexican coin)feminine historical
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnounpastern (of a horse)feminine
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA long dowel or plank protruding from the ground; a fencepost; a lightpost.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA stud; a construction manufacturing
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA pole in a battery.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA long, narrow piece inserted into a root canal to provide retention for a crown.dentistry medicine sciences
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA prolonged final melody note, among moving harmony notes.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA printing paper size measuring 19.25 inches x 15.5 printing publishing
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA goalpost.hobbies lifestyle sports
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA location on a basketball court near the basket.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounThe doorpost of a victualler's shop or inn, on which were chalked the scores of customers; hence, a score; a debt.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishnounThe vertical part of a crochet stitch.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo hang (a notice) in a conspicuous manner for general review.transitive
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo hold up to public blame or reproach; to advertise opprobriously; to denounce by public proclamation.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo carry (an account) from the journal to the ledger.accounting business finance
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo inform; to give the news to; to make acquainted with the details of a subject; often with up.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo deposit a payment that may or may not be returned. / To pay (a stake or blind).gambling gamestransitive
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo deposit a payment that may or may not be returned. / To pay bail.lawtransitive
Paper sizespostEnglishnounEach of a series of men stationed at specific places along a postroad, with responsibility for relaying letters and dispatches of the monarch (and later others) along the route.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA station, or one of a series of stations, established for the refreshment and accommodation of travellers on some recognized route.dated
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA military base; the place at which a soldier or a body of troops is stationed; also, the troops at such a station.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounSomeone who travels express along a set route carrying letters and dispatches; a courier.historical
Paper sizespostEnglishnounAn organisation for delivering letters, parcels etc., or the service provided by such an organisation.Australia New-Zealand UK
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA single delivery of letters; the letters or deliveries that make up a single batch delivered to one person or one address.Australia New-Zealand UK
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA message posted in an electronic or Internet forum, or on a blog, etc.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA moderate to deep passing route in which a receiver runs 10-20 yards from the line of scrimmage straight down the field, then cuts toward the middle of the field (towards the facing goalposts) at a 45-degree angle.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
Paper sizespostEnglishnounHaste or speed, like that of a messenger or mail carrier.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishnounOne who has charge of a station, especially a postal station.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo travel with relays of horses; to travel by post horses, originally as a courier.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo travel quickly; to hurry.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo send (an item of mail etc.) through the postal service.Australia New-Zealand UK
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, especially in trotting.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo publish (a message) to a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.Internet
Paper sizespostEnglishadvWith the post, on post-horses; by a relay of horses (changing at every staging-post); hence, express, with speed, quickly.not-comparable
Paper sizespostEnglishadvSent via the postal service.not-comparable
Paper sizespostEnglishnounAn assigned station; a guard post.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounAn appointed position in an organization, job.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo enter (a name) on a list, as for service, promotion, etc.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo assign to a station; to set; to place.
Paper sizespostEnglishprepAfter; especially after a significant event that has long-term ramifications.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounPost-production.broadcasting film media televisioninformal uncountable
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA post mortem (an investigation of a body's cause of death).medicine sciencesinformal
ParentsmẹVietnamesenouna mother
ParentsmẹVietnamesepronI/me, your mother
ParentsmẹVietnamesepronyou, my mother
ParentsmẹVietnamesepronyou, a female who I think is being stupidironic
ParentsmẹVietnameseintjShort for địt mẹ (“fuck”).abbreviation alt-of
ParentsпапашаRussiannounsame as (папа) dadcolloquial
ParentsпапашаRussiannounfamiliar term of address for an (elderly) man
ParrotsaraRomanianverbto ploughconjugation-1
ParrotsaraRomaniannounara (bird)masculine uncountable
PathologyflenSwedishnouna cyst, a gout, a tumor, a skin swellingNorthern Sweden common-gender singular usually
PathologyflenSwedishnounheartburn, pyrosisSouthern common-gender singular usually
PathologyflenSwedishnouna kind of cow udder diseasecommon-gender singular usually
PathologyJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
PathologyJapaneseaffixpusmedicine sciences
PathologyJapanesenounpusmedicine sciences
PeopleJuan dela CruzTagalognounJohn Doe (fictitious name used in legal documents for an unknown or anonymous male person)
PeopleJuan dela CruzTagalognounmale national personification of the Philippines, usually representing the Filipino citizenry
PeopleJuan dela CruzTagalognounAlternative spelling of Juan de la Cruz: John of the Crossalt-of alternative
PeopleargonautaPolishnounargonaut (an adventurer on a dangerous but rewarding quest)masculine person
PeopleargonautaPolishnounargonaut (any of several species of shelled octopods of the family Argonautidae)biology natural-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine
Peoplebasement-dwellerEnglishnounAn adult who lives in their parents' house (stereotypically in their basement); often with implications of idleness or social awkwardness.derogatory informal sometimes
Peoplebasement-dwellerEnglishnounA nerd or geek; a person lacking a social life.Internet broadly derogatory informal
PeoplecautivoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cautivarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PeoplecoloayrtaghManxnouninterlocutor, conversationalistmasculine
PeoplecompounderEnglishnounA person who compounds (mixes ingredients, and tests the result)
PeoplecompounderEnglishnounOne who attempts to bring persons or parties to terms of agreement, or to accomplish ends by compromises.
PeoplecompounderEnglishnounOne who compounds a debt, obligation, or crime.
PeoplecompounderEnglishnounOne at a university who pays extraordinary fees for the degree he is to take.UK archaic
PeoplecompounderEnglishnounA Jacobite who favoured the restoration of James II, on condition of a general amnesty and of guarantees for the security of the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of the realm.UK historical
PeoplecongeroLatinverbto bring together; to collect or accumulateconjugation-3
PeoplecongeroLatinverbto compileconjugation-3
PeoplecongeroLatinverbto heap or lavish (upon)conjugation-3
PeoplecrabberEnglishnounA person who catches crabs.
PeoplecrabberEnglishnounA boat used for catching crabs.nautical transport
PeoplecrabberEnglishnounA person who finds fault or criticizes.
PeopleczarnobrewyPolishadjblack-browed (having black or dark eyebrows)not-comparable
PeopleczarnobrewyPolishnounblack-browed personmasculine person
Peoplecái răng cái tóc là góc con ngườiVietnamesephraseteeth and headhair are the human figure
Peoplecái răng cái tóc là góc con ngườiVietnamesephraseteeth and head hair are the most important when it comes to appearance
PeopledemigirlEnglishnounA person who identifies as partially, but not completely, female.neologism
PeopledemigirlEnglishadjIdentifying as partially, but not completely, female.neologism
PeoplefinadoPortugueseadjlate, deceased, dead
PeoplefinadoPortuguesenoundead personmasculine
PeoplefinadoPortugueseverbpast participle of finarform-of participle past
PeoplefucknozzleEnglishnounAn obnoxious or contemptible person.derogatory offensive slang vulgar
PeoplefucknozzleEnglishnounThe penis.slang vulgar
PeopleglasögonormSwedishnounIndian cobra, Naja najacommon-gender
PeopleglasögonormSwedishnounsomeone who wears glasses, a four-eyescolloquial common-gender derogatory
PeoplehoboEnglishnounA wandering homeless person, especially (historical) one illegally travelling by rail or (derogatory) a penniless, unemployed bum.Canada US
PeoplehoboEnglishnounAny migratory laborer, whether homeless or not.Canada US
PeoplehoboEnglishnounA kind of large handbag.
PeoplehoboEnglishverbTo be a hobo, tramp, bum etc.intransitive
PeopleidéalaíIrishadjinflection of idéalach (“ideal”): / genitive singular femininefeminine form-of genitive singular
PeopleidéalaíIrishadjinflection of idéalach (“ideal”): / comparative degreecomparative form-of
PeoplejackstrawEnglishnounOne of the pieces used for the game called jackstraws or pick-up sticks.plural-normally
PeoplejackstrawEnglishnounAn insignificant person.dated
PeoplejackstrawEnglishadjResembling a bundle of jackstraws that has been strewn on a surface.not-comparable
PeoplejackstrawEnglishadjOf no substance or worth.not-comparable obsolete
PeopleleányHungariannounAlternative form of lány, girlalt-of alternative dated literary
PeopleleányHungariannounAlternative form of lány, daughteralt-of alternative dated especially literary
PeoplemaniáticoSpanishadjcranky, crazy
PeoplemaniáticoSpanishadjpedantic, fussy
PeoplemaryEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Mary (“male homosexual”)alt-of
PeoplemaryEnglishintjAlternative form of marry (“indeed, in truth”)alt-of alternative
PeoplemfungajiSwahilinounscorer (one who scores, a skilled footballer)class-1 class-2
PeoplemfungajiSwahilinounfaster (one who habitually fasts)class-1 class-2
PeoplemisericordiosoItaliannouna merciful personmasculine
PeoplenagyHungarianadjbig, great
PeoplenagyHungarianadjcapital, uppercaseletter
PeoplenagyHungariannounan important person
PeoplenagyHungariannounan older child
PeoplenagyHungariannounan adult
PeoplenagyHungariannounthe bulk, majority, greater/better part (of a set)
PeopleneveMiddle EnglishnounA nephew (offspring of one's sibling)
PeopleneveMiddle EnglishnounOne's offspring or descendants.
PeopleneveMiddle EnglishnounA neve or profligate; an overspender.rare
PeopleneveMiddle Englishnounnief, fist (hand with clenched fingers)
PeoplenutterEnglishnounA person who gathers nuts.
PeoplenutterEnglishnounAn eccentric, insane, crazy or reckless person.Ireland UK derogatory informal sometimes
PeoplenutterEnglishnounnut butterobsolete uncountable
PeoplepervertEnglishnounOne who has been perverted; one who has turned to error; one who has turned to a twisted sense of values or morals.dated
PeoplepervertEnglishnounA person whose sexual habits are not considered acceptable.
PeoplepervertEnglishverbTo turn another way; to divert.transitive
PeoplepervertEnglishverbTo corrupt; to cause to be untrue; corrupted or otherwise impuretransitive
PeoplepervertEnglishverbTo misapply, misuse, use for a nefarious purpose
PeoplepervertEnglishverbto misinterpret designedly.
PeoplepervertEnglishverbTo become perverted; to take the wrong course.intransitive
PeopleprinterEnglishnounOne who makes prints.
PeopleprinterEnglishnounThe operator of a printing press or the owner of a printing business; (metonymically) any printing printing publishing
PeopleprinterEnglishnounA device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images onto paper; an analogous device capable of producing three-dimensional computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishadjFavoring fundamental change, or change at the root cause of a matter.
PeopleradicalEnglishadjPertaining to a root (of a plant).biology botany natural-sciencesnot-comparable
PeopleradicalEnglishadjPertaining to the basic or intrinsic nature of something.
PeopleradicalEnglishadjThoroughgoing; far-reaching.
PeopleradicalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the root of a word.human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
PeopleradicalEnglishadjProduced using the root of the tongue.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesnot-comparable
PeopleradicalEnglishadjInvolving free radicals.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
PeopleradicalEnglishadjRelating to a radix or mathematical root.mathematics sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishadjExcellent; awesome.slang
PeopleradicalEnglishnounA member of the most progressive wing of the Liberal Party; someone favouring social reform (but generally stopping short of socialism).government politicshistorical
PeopleradicalEnglishnounA member of an influential, centrist political party favouring moderate social reform, a republican constitution, and secular politics.historical
PeopleradicalEnglishnounA person with radical opinions.
PeopleradicalEnglishnounA root (of a number or quantity).arithmetic
PeopleradicalEnglishnounIn logographic writing systems such as the Chinese writing system, the portion of a character (if any) that provides an indication of its meaning, as opposed to phonetic.human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounIn Celtic languages, the basic, underlying form of an initial consonant which can be further mutated under the Celtic initial consonant mutations.human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounIn Semitic languages, any one of the set of consonants (typically three) that make up a root.human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounA group of atoms, joined by covalent bonds, that take part in reactions as a single unit.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounA free radical.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounGiven an ideal I in a commutative ring R, another ideal, denoted Rad(I) or √, such that an element x ∈ R is in Rad(I) if, for some positive integer n, xⁿ ∈ I; equivalently, the intersection of all prime ideals containing I.algebra mathematics sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounGiven a ring R, an ideal containing elements of R that share a property considered, in some sense, "not good".algebra mathematics sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounThe intersection of maximal submodules of a given module.algebra mathematics sciences
PeopleradicalEnglishnounThe product of the distinct prime factors of a given positive integer.mathematics number-theory sciences
PeoplerevolutionaryEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a revolution in government; tending to, or promoting, revolution
PeoplerevolutionaryEnglishadjpertaining to something that portends of great change; overthrowing a standing mindset
PeoplerevolutionaryEnglishadjpertaining to something that revolvessciences
PeoplerevolutionaryEnglishnounA revolutionist; a person who revolts.
Peopleridge-runnerEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Southern Appalachian region.US
Peopleridge-runnerEnglishnounA descendant of the above population.
PeoplerighterEnglishnounSomeone who puts right; someone who does justice or redresses wrong.
PeoplerighterEnglishadjcomparative form of right: more rightcomparative form-of
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishnounA person regarded as contemptible or insignificant. / An amateur or someone who is underqualified.US countable informal uncountable
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishnounA person regarded as contemptible or insignificant. / Someone who operates unethically; specifically, a small-time conman or crook.US countable informal uncountable
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishnounSomething that is not up to acceptable standards; something regarded as being of low quality.US countable informal
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishnounA miscellaneous object or thing; a thingy.US countable informal
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishnounDeceptive or underhanded rigmarole; deception, trickery; (countable) often preceded by the: an instance of this; a deception, swindle, a trick.US archaic informal uncountable
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishnounAlternative form of rinky-tink (“a tinkling, tinny style of music; honky-tonk”)entertainment lifestyle musicUS alt-of alternative informal uncountable
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishadjOf poor quality; amateurish, shoddy, small-time.US informal
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishadjOld-fashioned, tired; also, shabby, worn-out.US informal
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishadjCrooked, dishonest, underhanded.US informal
Peoplerinky-dinkEnglishadjAlternative form of rinky-tink (“tinkling and tinny”)entertainment lifestyle musicUS alt-of alternative informal
PeopleriválisHungarianadjrival, competingnot-comparable
PeopleriválisHungariannounrival, competitor
PeoplesealgaireIrishnounhunter, huntsmanmasculine
PeoplesealgaireIrishnounsearcher, foragermasculine
PeoplespridIrishnounsprite; spirit, ghostfeminine
PeoplespridIrishnounworn-out, wraithlike, personfeminine
PeoplespridIrishnounspirit, courage; moralefeminine
PeopletráillIrishnounThrall, slavefeminine
PeopletráillIrishnounSlavish person, wretchfeminine
PeoplezibidiTurkishadjoddly dressed
PeoplezibidiTurkishnouna crazy person
PeoplezibidiTurkishnounan eccentric person
PeoplezibidiTurkishnounan oddly dressed person
PeopleβλήμαGreeknounprojectile, missile, shell (anything fired at a target)
PeopleβλήμαGreeknounfool, dimwitcolloquial
PeopleракBulgariannouncrawfish, crayfish
PeopleракBulgariannouncancer (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation)medicine pathology sciences
PeopleракBulgariannouna Cancer (person with the zodiac sign)
PeopleبالمUrdunounlover, beloved
PeopleपुरुषSanskritnounman, male, human being
PeopleपुरुषSanskritnounperson, officer, functionary, attendant, servant
PeopleपुरुषSanskritnounPurusha, the divine being from whom the universe is said to be originatedlifestyle religionVedic
Peopleवैद्यSanskritadjversed in science, learned
Peopleवैद्यSanskritadjrelating or belonging to the Vedas, conformable to the Vedas
Peopleवैद्यSanskritadjmedical, medicinal, relating to medicine
Peopleवैद्यSanskritnouna learned man, Pandit
Peopleवैद्यSanskritnounfollower of the Vedas, well-versed in the Vedas
Peopleवैद्यSanskritnounan expert
Peopleवैद्यSanskritnounskilled in the art of healing
Peopleवैद्यSanskritnounphysician, doctor
PeopleতরুণBengaliadjyoung, tender, juvenile
PeopleতরুণBengalinounyouth, youngster
People助理Chinesenounassistant; helper
People助理Chineseverbto assist
People嬌客Chinesenounson-in-law (used by the wife's family)
People嬌客Chinesenounpampered person
People門下Japanesenounpupil (student)
People門下Japanesenounstudying under a teacher
PeriodicalsمخزنUrdunouna repository
PeriodicalsمخزنUrdunounwarehouse; granary; armoury
PeriodicalsمخزنUrdunouna thesaurus
PeriodicalsمخزنUrdunouna periodical; magazine
PeriodicalsمخزنUrdunounstomach (the crop of a bird)
PersiaRhazèsFrenchnameA male given name of historical usage, equivalent to English Rhazesmasculine
PersiaRhazèsFrenchnameRhazes (Persian physician)masculine
PersonalitykaruOld Tupinounconsumption (the act of eating)
PersonalitykaruOld Tupinounmeal; repast (food served or eaten)
PersonalitykaruOld Tupinounovereating (the act of eating to excess)
PersonalitykaruOld Tupiadjgluttonous (prone to overeating)
PersonalitykaruOld Tupiverbto eatintransitive
PersonalitykaruOld Tupiverbto graze (to eat grass from a pasture)intransitive
PeruoasisEnglishnounA spring of fresh water, surrounded by a fertile region of vegetation, in a desert.
PeruoasisEnglishnounA quiet, peaceful place or situation separated from surrounding noise or bustle.figuratively
PeruoasisEnglishnounA place or situation of fruitfulness or abundance separated from surrounding barrenness or scarcity.figuratively
PhilosophyParfitian survivalEnglishnounThe state of remaining as one's original self after the bodily self has been amalgamated or deconstructed through time and experience.uncountable
PhilosophyParfitian survivalEnglishnounThe question of one's psychological continuity and personal identity surviving through various philosophical thought experiments.uncountable
Phocid sealsSeehundGermannouncommon seal, harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)masculine strong
Phocid sealsSeehundGermannounany sealbroadly masculine strong
PhotographydagerrotípiaHungariannoundaguerreotype (an early photographic process)
PhotographydagerrotípiaHungariannoundaguerreotype (a photograph created by this process)
PhysicscalorigenoItalianadjcalorificmedicine sciences
PhysicscalorigenoItalianadjcalorific, calorigenicnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PiciformsironsmithEnglishnounA blacksmith (who makes articles from iron)
PiciformsironsmithEnglishnounAn East Indian barbet (Psilopogon faber) whose note resembles the sounds made by a smith.
Places in CampaniaHerculaneumLatinnameHerculaneum (former city in Campania)declension-2
Places in CampaniaHerculaneumLatinnameHerculaneum (former city in Samnium)declension-2
Places in ChinaKashmirEnglishnameA region of the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, located between (and de facto divided between) China, India, and Pakistan.
Places in ChinaKashmirEnglishnameAn intermontane valley situated between Pir Panjal Range and Himadri.
Places in ChinaKashmirEnglishnounAlternative form of Cashmere (“type of goat”)alt-of alternative
Places in RussiaBorokEnglishnameName of several rural localities in Russia.
Places in RussiaBorokEnglishnameThe language of the Tripuri.
Planetsബൃഹസ്പതിMalayalamnounJupiter; the planet
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounA holster for a sword; a scabbard.
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounAnything that has a similar shape to a scabbard that is used to hold an object that is longer than it is wide.broadly
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounThe base of a leaf when sheathing or investing a branch or stem, as in grasses.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounThe insulating outer cover of an electrical electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounOne of the elytra of an insect.biology entomology natural-sciences
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounA tight-fitting lifestyle
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounThe foreskin of certain animals (for example, dogs and horses).biology natural-sciences zoology
Plant anatomysheathEnglishnounA condom.British informal
Plant anatomysheathEnglishverbAlternative spelling of sheathealt-of alternative
Plant anatomytrue leafEnglishnounAny leaves of a seed plant other than the cotyledons.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomytrue leafEnglishnounAny leaf containing vascular tissue.biology botany natural-sciences
PlantsbermejuelaSpanishnouna cyprinid fish (Achondrostoma arcasii)feminine
PlantsbermejuelaSpanishnounbell heather (Erica cinerea)feminine
PlantsbermejuelaSpanishnounSpanish heath (Erica australis)feminine
PlantsthevethornMiddle EnglishnounOne of several thorny shrubs, especially: / The European buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)uncountable
PlantsthevethornMiddle EnglishnounOne of several thorny shrubs, especially: / The blackberry thorn (Rubus spp.)uncountable
PlantsthevethornMiddle EnglishnounOne of several thorny shrubs, especially: / The common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)uncountable
PlantsxardónGaliciannounholly (Ilex spp.)masculine regional
PlantsxardónGaliciannounholm oak (Quercus ilex)masculine regional
PlantsxardónGaliciannounocellated lizard (Timon lepidus)masculine regional
PlantsގަސްDhivehinounplant (organism capable of photosynthesis)
Poeae tribe grassesплевелRussiannoundarnel, cockle (Lolium)
Poeae tribe grassesплевелRussiannountares, weedsfiguratively in-plural literary
PolandkuratoriumPolishnounadministrative unit responsible for supervising schools in a given voivodeshipeducationneuter
PolandkuratoriumPolishnounboard of curatorsmanagementneuter
PolandkuratoriumPolishnounthe duties of a legal guardiangovernment law-enforcementliterary neuter
Political subdivisionsгромадаUkrainiannouncommunity; civic society
Political subdivisionsгромадаUkrainiannounassembly (of citizens, people)
Political subdivisionsгромадаUkrainiannounbulk, mass (something big)
Political subdivisionsเมืองThainouncity-state.archaic
Political subdivisionsเมืองThainounfortified polity.archaic
Political subdivisionsเมืองThainounany polity, as district, town, city, state, nation, etc.
Political subdivisionsเมืองThainounregion, sphere, or domain within which someone or something occurs, prevails, or dominates.
Political subdivisionsเมืองThainounurban area.
Political subdivisionsเมืองThainouncivilised polity; modernised polity.
Political subdivisionsเมืองThainameNorthern Thailand.informal
PoliticsαγρεύωGreekverbto huntdated
PoliticsαγρεύωGreekverbto canvass for votesdated
PoliticsЖуковRussiannamea surname, Zhukov
PoliticsЖуковRussiannameZhukov (a town in Kaluga Oblast, Russia, named after Georgy Zhukov)
PolitiesStadtstaatGermannouncity statemasculine mixed
PolitiesStadtstaatGermannouna federal state that comprises only municipal territory, i.e. any of Berlin, Hamburg, and BremenGermany masculine mixed
Pornographyinstant loss 2komaEnglishnounA two-panel comic depicting a character who displays smugness or overconfidence in the first panel, only to be defeated or humiliated in the second.
Pornographyinstant loss 2komaEnglishnounA pornographic variant of this type of comic, in which the losing character is sexually dominated in the second panel.
PortugalportuqalAzerbaijaninounPortuguese (person)
PoultrykòkHaitian Creolenouncock, rooster
PoultrykòkHaitian Creolenouncock, penis
PoultrykòkHaitian Creolenouncoconut
PrayerпомолитисяUkrainianverbto pray (to petition a higher being)
PrayerпомолитисяUkrainianverbto spend some time in prayer
PrimatesобезьянаRussiannounmonkey, ape
PrimatesобезьянаRussiannounthe @ signslang
PrisonbingEnglishnounSolitary confinementcountable slang uncountable with-definite-article
PrisonbingEnglishnounA slag heap, i.e. a man-made mound or heap formed with the waste material (slag) as a by-product of coal mining or the shale oil industryScotland countable uncountable
PrisonbingEnglishnounThe waste by-product from a foundry or furnace, formed into such a moundScotland countable uncountable
PrisonbingEnglishnounA heap or pile, especially of metallic oreBritish Scotland countable uncountable
PrisonbingEnglishverbTo go; walk; come; rundated dialectal slang
PrisonbingEnglishintjThe sound made by a bounce, or by striking a metallic surfaceonomatopoeic
PrisonbingEnglishintjThe high-pitched sound made by a bell being struckonomatopoeic
PrisonbingEnglishnounThe sound made by a bell, an onomatopœia.
PrisonbingEnglishnounThe sound made by a bounce.
PrisonbingEnglishnounA bounce.
PrisonbingEnglishverbTo bounce.
PrisonjailEnglishnounA place or institution for the confinement of persons held against their will in lawful custody or detention, especially (in US usage) a place where people are held for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding.countable uncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounConfinement in a jail.uncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounThe condition created by the requirement that a horse claimed in a claiming race not be run at another track for some period of time (usually 30 days).hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsuncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounIn dodgeball and related games, the area where players who have been struck by the ball are confined.countable uncountable
PrisonjailEnglishnounA kind of sandbox for running a guest operating system instance.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesuncountable usually
PrisonjailEnglishverbTo imprison.
PrisonвежаUkrainiannounprison, jailobsolete
PrisonمعتقلArabicnounprison, jail
PrisonمعتقلArabicnounconcentration camp, detention centre
PrisonمعتقلArabicnounprisoner, detainee
ProstitutionπλύμαAncient Greeknounwater in which something has been washed
ProstitutionπλύμαAncient Greeknounwashings, scum, residue of cinnabar
ProstitutionπλύμαAncient Greeknounlow prostitutefiguratively
ProtestantismAmishEnglishnounA strict Anabaptist sect living mainly in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.plural plural-only
ProtestantismAmishEnglishadjRelating to this sect.not-comparable
Prunus genus plantsnectarineEnglishnounA cultivar of the peach with smooth rather than fuzzy skin.
Prunus genus plantsnectarineEnglishnounA nectar-like liquid medicine.obsolete
Prunus genus plantsnectarineEnglishadjNectarous; like nectar.
Punctuation markstečkaCzechnoundot, point, spotfeminine
Punctuation markstečkaCzechnounperiod, full stop (at the end of a sentence)feminine
Punctuation markstečkaCzechnountittle (such as over i and j)feminine
Punctuation markstečkaCzechnoundot (diacritic), tečkafeminine
RabbitsthỏVietnamesenouna leporid
RabbitsthỏVietnamesenounEllipsis of Thỏ Ngọc (“the Jade Hare”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis poetic
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounA horizontal bar extending between supports and used for support or as a barrier; a railing.
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounThe metal bar forming part of the track for a railroad.
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounA railroad; a railway, as a means of transportation.
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounA conductor maintained at a fixed electrical potential relative to ground, to which other circuit components are electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounA horizontal piece of wood that serves to separate sections of a door or window.
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounOne of the lengthwise edges of a surfboard.hobbies lifestyle sports surfing
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounA vertical section on one side of a web page.Internet
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounA large line (portion or serving of a powdery illegal drug).drugs medicine pharmacology sciences
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounEach of two vertical side bars supporting the rungs of a ladder.
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo travel by railway.intransitive
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo place on a track.rail-transport railways transporttransitive
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo enclose with rails or a railing.transitive
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo range in a line.transitive
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo sexually penetrate in a rough manner.slang transitive vulgar
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounAny of several birds in the family Rallidae.
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo complain violently (against, about).
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounAn item of clothing; a cloak or other garment; a dress.obsolete
Rail transportationrailEnglishnounSpecifically, a woman's headscarf or neckerchief.obsolete
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo gush; to flow.obsolete
Rail transportationrailEnglishverbTo blow.obsolete
Rail transportationvykolejeníCzechnounverbal noun of vykolejitform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Rail transportationvykolejeníCzechnounderailmentneuter
RainwashoutEnglishnounAn act of washing or cleaning the inside of something.countable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounAn appliance designed to wash out the inside of something.countable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounThe erosion of a relatively soft surface by a sudden gush of water; also, a channel produced by this action.countable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounThe erosion of a relatively soft surface by a sudden gush of water; also, a channel produced by this action. / A breach in a railway or road caused by flooding.rail-transport railways road transportcountable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounA sporting fixture or other event that cannot be completed because of rain.countable slang uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounAn overwhelming victory; a landslide.countable slang uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounA total failure; a disappointment.countable slang uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounAn unsuccessful person.countable slang uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounThe aerodynamic effect of a small twist in the shape of an aircraft wing.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounA destroyed aeroplane.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesBritish countable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounA trainee who drops out of a training programme.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesBritish countable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounA period between clinical treatments in which any medication delivered as the first treatment is allowed to be eliminated from a person's body before the second treatment begins.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounThe cleaning of matter from a physiological system using a fluid; also, the fluid used for such cleaning; or the matter cleaned out from the system.biology medicine natural-sciences sciencesalso countable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounThe action whereby falling rainwater cleans particles from the air.climatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
RainwashoutEnglishnounA place in a mine where ore has been washed away by a flow of miningcountable uncountable
RallidsburritoSpanishnoundiminutive of burro (“donkey”)diminutive form-of masculine
RallidsburritoSpanishnounAloysia polystachyamasculine
RallidsburritoSpanishnounAny of certain crakesmasculine
Rays and skatesescritaCatalannounskate (fish)feminine
Rays and skatesescritaCatalanverbfeminine singular of escritfeminine form-of participle singular
Rays and skatestorpedeCatalannountorpedo (fish)masculine
Rays and skatestorpedeCatalannountorpedo (weapon)masculine
Recreational drugsheroïnaCatalannounheroinfeminine
Recreational drugsheroïnaCatalannounheroinefeminine
Recreational drugsکراکPersiannouncrack (drug)
Recreational drugsکراکPersiannouncrack (computing)
RedditNTAEnglishnameInitialism of National Tax Agency (of Japan), the Japanese government agency that collects taxes and enforces tax law.abbreviation alt-of initialism
RedditNTAEnglishnameInitialism of National Transport Authority.Ireland abbreviation alt-of initialism
RedditNTAEnglishnounInitialism of notice to appear.abbreviation alt-of initialism
RedditNTAEnglishphraseInitialism of not the asshole; used as a response to AITA (“am I the asshole?”).Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
RedditNTAEnglishphraseInitialism of (I have) nothing to add.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
RedditNTAEnglishphraseInitialism of not that anon.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
RedslakhaCebuanonounthe egg of red ants
RedslakhaCebuanonouna red coloring, obtained by chewing the eggs of some red ant species, used in tooth-dyeinghistorical
RedslakhaCebuanonounthe color scarlet
RedslakhaCebuanoadjof the colour scarlet
Reference worksशब्दकोशHindinoundictionary
Reference worksशब्दकोशHindinounlexicon
Reference worksशब्दकोशHindinounthesaurus
ReligionblasfemenMiddle Englishverbto blaspheme; to speak against a deityintransitive transitive
ReligionblasfemenMiddle Englishverbto act insultingly towards a deityintransitive transitive
ReligionblasfemenMiddle Englishverbto slander; to defamerare transitive
ReligiontlamacazquiClassical NahuatlnounA god of the Aztec religion
ReligiontlamacazquiClassical NahuatlnounA priest of the Aztec religion
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounWeakness; lack of might, force, or muscular power.uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounFaithlessness; lack of belief or virtuousness.uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounImpoverishment; a lack of wealth or societal power.rare uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounStupidity, speciousness; weak reasoning.rare uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounCowardice; lack of bravery or valour.rare uncountable
RiversגיחוןHebrewnameGihon (a river issuing out of the Garden of Eden)
RiversגיחוןHebrewnameGihon, a valley (or pool) near Jerusalem.
RiversसरयुSanskritnounair, wind
RiversसरयुSanskritnamename of a river (commonly called Surjoo; on which stood the ancient city Ayodhya
RocketryKatyushaEnglishnounA type of artillery rocket launcher consisting of an array of rockets mounted on a truck, originated in the Soviet Union.
RocketryKatyushaEnglishnounA type of rocket which can be launched from a Katyusha.
RocketryKatyushaEnglishnouna Russian folk song composed in 1938.
RoomscomblesFrenchnounplural of combleform-of masculine plural
RoomscomblesFrenchadjplural of combleform-of plural
RoomskwateraPolishnounlodgings, boarding house, quartersfeminine
RoomskwateraPolishnounplot (area of land, especially in a cemetery)feminine
RoomsспальняUkrainiannounsuite of furniture for a bedroom
RoomsспальняUkrainiannoundormitory (room)
Rose family plantspresasTagalognounstrawberry
Rose family plantspresasTagalognounstrawberry red
Russian politicscarstvíCzechnountsardom (the territory ruled by a tsar)neuter
Russian politicscarstvíCzechnountsarism (system of government ruled by a tsar)neuter
Russian space programKorolev crossEnglishnounA strap-on booster rocket separation maneuver, where four strap-on boosters are ejected at the same time in four directions 90-degrees/diametrically opposed to each other, forming a cross of exhaust plumes.
Russian space programKorolev crossEnglishnounThe cross of exhaust plumes formed by the strap-on separation procedure.
Sandwichespeanut butter and jellyEnglishnounPeanut butter and jelly (or jam) that is spread on bread to make a sandwich.US uncountable
Sandwichespeanut butter and jellyEnglishnounA sandwich consisting of bread spread with layers of peanut butter and jelly.US countable
Sandwichespeanut butter and jellyEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see peanut butter, jelly.countable uncountable
SandwichesvoileipäFinnishnounbread and butter, bread with butter (buttered slice of bread)
SandwichesvoileipäFinnishnounopen sandwich (slice of bread with some toppings)
SandwichesvoileipäFinnishnounsandwich (two slices of bread with fillings between them)
SandwichesvoileipäFinnishnounin the game of ducks and drakes, an individual jump of the stone from the surface of water; see heittää leipiä (“to play ducks and drakes”)
SawsbuzzsawEnglishnounA circular saw.
SawsbuzzsawEnglishnounSomeone or something that makes a loud, harsh, grinding or rasping noise, like that of a circular saw.slang
SawsbuzzsawEnglishnounThe MG 42 general-purpose machine gun.slang
SawsbuzzsawEnglishnounA violently destructive attack.slang
SawsbuzzsawEnglishnounOne who attacks violently and/or mindlessly.
SawsbuzzsawEnglishverbTo cut with a circular saw.transitive
SawsbuzzsawEnglishverbTo spin rapidly like the blades of a circular saw.colloquial intransitive
SawsbuzzsawEnglishverbTo produce a loud, harsh noise like that of a circular saw.colloquial intransitive transitive
Saxifragales order plantsarbre de ferroCatalannounPersian ironwood (Parrotia persica)masculine
Saxifragales order plantsarbre de ferroCatalannounwhite milkwood (Sideroxylon inerme)masculine
Saxifragales order plantsκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounany cup shaped hollow or cavity
Saxifragales order plantsκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounhollow of a cup
Saxifragales order plantsκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounsocket of the hip jointanatomy medicine sciences
Saxifragales order plantsκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounnavelwort (Umbilicus rupestris)
Saxifragales order plantsκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounsuckers on the arms of the octopusin-plural
Saxifragales order plantsκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknouncotyledons, foetal and uterine vascolar connectionsin-plural
Science fictionFiverEnglishnounA Zaidi Shi'a Muslim.Islam lifestyle religion
Science fictionFiverEnglishnounA fan of the American science-fiction television series Babylon 5.lifestyleslang
SciencesdalumatTagalognounabstract conception; very deep thought
SciencesdalumatTagalognounfixing of a broken objectobsolete
SciencesgerontologyEnglishnounThe study of the elderly, and of the aging process itself.uncountable usually
SciencesgerontologyEnglishnounThe branch of science that deals with the problems of aged people. It is to be distinguished from geriatrics, which is the study of the diseases of the elderly. Gerontology covers the social, psychological and biological aspects of aging.uncountable usually
ScotlandGrampiansEnglishnameThe Grampian Mountains, a mountain range in the Scottish Highlands.plural plural-only
ScotlandGrampiansEnglishnameA region in western Victoria, Australia.plural plural-only
Seabirdsسقا قوشیOttoman Turkishnounpelican, any of various large seabirds of the family Pelecanidae
Seabirdsسقا قوشیOttoman Turkishnoungoldfinch, any small passerine bird of the species Carduelis carduelis
SeafoodbuladCebuanonoundried fish or squid
SeafoodbuladCebuanoverbto dry, to sun-dry
SeafoodbuladCebuanoverbto dehydrate, to desiccate
SeasonsсезонRussiannounseason (quarter of a year)
SeasonsсезонRussiannounseason (a group of episodes of a television or radio program)broadcasting media television
SeasonsOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
Second Sino-Japanese Warpuppet armyEnglishnounAn army that an invading country forms by recruiting people from already-occupied areas of the country being invaded.
Second Sino-Japanese Warpuppet armyEnglishnounSuch an army in China during the Sino-Japanese War.specifically
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounThe act of offering (an idea) for consideration.uncountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounAn idea or a plan offered.countable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounThe terms of a transaction offered.countable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounIn some states, a proposed statute or constitutional amendment to be voted on by the electorate.government politicsUS countable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounA complete sentence.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounThe content of an assertion that may be taken as being true or false and is considered abstractly without reference to the linguistic sentence that constitutes the assertion; (Aristotelian logic) a predicate of a subject that is denied or affirmed and connected by a copula.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencescountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounAn assertion so formulated that it can be considered true or false.mathematics sciencescountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounAn assertion which is provably true, but not important enough to be called a theorem.mathematics sciencescountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounA statement of religious doctrine; an article of faith; creed.countable uncountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounThe part of a poem in which the author states the subject or matter of it.countable poetic uncountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishnounMisspelling of preposition.alt-of countable misspelling uncountable
SemanticspropositionEnglishverbTo make a suggestion of sexual intercourse to (someone with whom one is not sexually involved).informal transitive
SemanticspropositionEnglishverbTo make an offer or suggestion to (someone).informal transitive
Senecioneae tribe plantscoltsfootEnglishnounAn herbaceous plant, species Tussilago farfara, that grows in Europe and the Middle East; yellow coltsfoot.countable uncountable
Senecioneae tribe plantscoltsfootEnglishnounVarious flowering plants in the genus Petasites native to Europe or Asia.countable uncountable
Senecioneae tribe plantscoltsfootEnglishnounHomogyne alpina (alpine coltsfoot or purple colt's-foot).countable uncountable
Senses鼻根Japanesenounthe nose and the faculty of smelling, one of the 五根 (gokon, “five indriyia”) or 六根 (rokkon, “six indriya”)Buddhism lifestyle religion
Senses鼻根Japanesenounthe root of the nose; the nasal rootanatomy medicine sciences
SerranidsgaperEnglishnounOne who gapes; a starer.
SerranidsgaperEnglishnounAny of several species of burrowing clams.
SerranidsgaperEnglishnounA comber, a fish of the species Serranus cabrilla.
SerranidsgaperEnglishnounA fish of species Champsodon capensis
SerranidsgaperEnglishnounAn inexperienced skier.US slang
SewingనూలితాడుTelugunouncord, rope
SewingనూలితాడుTelugunounA cotton rope.specifically
SewingనూలితాడుTelugunounA measuring line.
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounA group of males masturbating ("jerking off") together (with or without interpersonal contact).slang vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounAny group or group activity indulging in excessive mutual praise.derogatory slang vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounAn environment (especially an online community) in which people express or validate a narrow set of ideas and feelings.Internet vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounA situation in which a group of people engage in self-indulgent or self-gratifying behavior, especially by reinforcing each other's views or attitudes.derogatory slang vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounA person who shares syringes when injecting drugs.vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishverbto participate in a circle jerkslang vulgar
SexpajillaSpanishnoundrinking strawCosta-Rica El-Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua feminine
SexpajillaSpanishnounwank, handjob, masturbationSpain feminine slang vulgar
Sexual orientationsabrosexualEnglishadjHaving a changing or fluid sexual orientation, one that changes over time.not-comparable rare
Sexual orientationsabrosexualEnglishnounOne who is abrosexual.
Shahnameh charactersداراPersianadjpossessing; having; possessed of; with the quality of
Shahnameh charactersداراPersianadjwealthy; rich
Shahnameh charactersداراPersiannameDara, a legendary version of Darius III who was defeated by Alexanderhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesIranian
Shahnameh charactersداراPersiannameAlternative form of داراب (dârâb, a legendary Iranian king).human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesIranian alt-of alternative
Shahnameh charactersداراPersiannamea male given name from Middle Persian
Shaivism𑀪𑀇𑀭𑀯Prakritadjfrightening, terrifying
Shaivism𑀪𑀇𑀭𑀯Prakritnamean epithet of Shivamasculine
ShapescuadroSpanishnounsquare (regular quadrilateral)masculine
ShapescuadroSpanishnounframe (for a painting)masculine
ShapescuadroSpanishnounpicture, paintingmasculine
ShapescuadroSpanishnounframe (of a video)masculine
ShapescuadroSpanishnounframe (of a bicycle)masculine
ShapescuadroSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cuadrarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SheepalaIgalanounidiot, stupid personidiomatic offensive
Shippers (fandom)shipperEnglishnounA seaman; mariner; skipper.archaic
Shippers (fandom)shipperEnglishnounThe person or organization that ships (sends) something.
Shippers (fandom)shipperEnglishnounA box for shipping something fragile, such as bottled beer or wine.
Shippers (fandom)shipperEnglishnounA person who supports a romantic or sexual relationship between fictional characters or real people.lifestyleslang
Shipping (fandom)slow burnEnglishnounSomething that emerges or unfolds slowly or gradually. / A gradually increasing expression of emotion, espeically anger or frustration.idiomatic
Shipping (fandom)slow burnEnglishnounSomething that emerges or unfolds slowly or gradually. / A work of fiction with a slow-paced plot; also, such a storyline.fiction literature media publishingidiomatic
Shipping (fandom)slow burnEnglishnounSomething that emerges or unfolds slowly or gradually. / A work of fiction with a slow-paced plot; also, such a storyline. / A romantic story (especially a work of fan fiction) in which the central relationship develops slowly.fiction lifestyle literature media publishingidiomatic slang
Shipping (fandom)slow burnEnglishnounSomething that emerges or unfolds slowly or gradually.idiomatic
Shipping (fandom)slow burnEnglishadjAlternative form of slow-burn.alt-of alternative
ShopsimprimerieFrenchnounprintingfeminine uncountable
ShopsimprimerieFrenchnounprinting office, print shop, printing housefeminine
Shopspaint shopEnglishnounA shop that sells paint.
Shopspaint shopEnglishnounThe part of a factory where items are painted.
ShopsпончиковаяRussiannoundoughnutery (a doughnut shop)
ShopsпончиковаяRussianadjnominative feminine singular of по́нчиковый (pónčikovyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
SilencespeechlessEnglishadjNot speaking; not knowing what to say; silent, especially due to surprise, amazement, etc.not-comparable
SilencespeechlessEnglishadjSynonym of unspeakable.archaic not-comparable
SixtysexagenarianEnglishnounSynonym of sixtysomething: a person between 60 and 69 years old.
SixtysexagenarianEnglishadjOf or related to sixtysomethings.not-comparable
SizeponderousEnglishadjHeavy, massive, weighty.
SizeponderousEnglishadjSerious, onerous, oppressive.broadly figuratively
SizeponderousEnglishadjClumsy, unwieldy, or slow, especially due to weight.
SizeponderousEnglishadjDull, boring, tedious; long-winded in expression.
SizeponderousEnglishadjCharacterized by or associated with pondering.rare
Size矮小Japaneseadjsmall, little, petty, tiny
Size矮小Japaneseadjdiminutive, petty, slight, trivial
Size矮小Japanesenounsmallness, littleness, tininess, pettiness
Size矮小Japanesenounslightness, triviality, pettiness
SleepخوابUrdunounvision, illusion
SleepخوابUrdunoungood news, glad tidingsfiguratively
SmellcuśLower Sorbianverbto feel (sense by touch; experience an emotion or other mental state about)imperfective
SmellcuśLower Sorbianverbto smell (sense with the nose)imperfective
SmelltrwynWelshnounnose, snoutanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
SmelltrwynWelshnouncape, pointgeography natural-sciencesmasculine
SnackschrupkaPolishnouncorn puff, puffcorn (corn snack, visually similar to popcorn, but made with corn meal and baked)feminine
SnackschrupkaPolishnoungenitive singular of chrupekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
SnackschrupkaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of chrupkifeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
SnowpuszekPolishnoundiminutive of puchdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
SnowpuszekPolishnoungenitive plural of puszkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Social mediaaggregatorEnglishnounSomeone or something which aggregates.
Social mediaaggregatorEnglishnounAn online feed reader used to keep track of updates to blogs, etc.Internet
SocialismdemsocEnglishnounDemocratic socialism.uncountable usually
SocialismdemsocEnglishnounA democratic socialist.countable
SociologymravCzechnounmoresinanimate masculine
SociologymravCzechnouncustominanimate masculine
SoftballflyoutEnglishnounAlternative form of fly outball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsalt-of alternative
SoftballflyoutEnglishnounA popup menu that branches off some other visual element.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
SoftwareappEnglishnounAn application (program), especially a small one designed for a mobile device.communications computing electrical-engineering engineering mathematics mobile-telephony natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences telecommunications telephony
SoftwareappEnglishnounapplication (use, purpose; not a computer program)government military politics war
SoftwareappEnglishnounapplication (to a college etc.)educationinformal
SoftwareappEnglishnounAn appearance in a game.hobbies lifestyle sports
SolanumsoberżynaPolishnounaubergine, eggplant (Solanum melongena)feminine
SolanumsoberżynaPolishnounaubergine, eggplant (fruit of this plant, eaten as a vegetable)feminine
SomaliaszylingPolishnounshilling (coin formerly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and many other Commonwealth countries)animal-not-person historical masculine
SomaliaszylingPolishnounschilling (the old currency of Austria, divided into 100 groschen)animal-not-person historical masculine
SomaliaszylingPolishnounshilling (currency of Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda)animal-not-person masculine
SoundremMiddle EnglishnounA shout or yell; a loud, aggressive, noise.Early-Middle-English mainly
SoundremMiddle EnglishnounA moan; a call of sadness or sorrow.Early-Middle-English
SoundremMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of reme (“cream”)alt-of alternative
SoundremMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of reme (“ream”)alt-of alternative
Sound嗓門Chinesenountrachea; windpipeanatomy medicine sciences
Sound音聲Chinesenounmusic (series of sounds organized in time)literary
Sound音聲ChinesenounsoundACG video-gamesliterary
Southern Ndebele cardinal numbersitjhumiSouthern Ndebelenounten
Southern Ndebele cardinal numbersitjhumiSouthern Ndebelenounthe tenth one
Southern Ndebele cardinal numbersitjhumiSouthern Ndebelenountenth
SpicescorianderEnglishnounThe annual herb Coriandrum sativum, used in many cuisines.Ireland UK uncountable usually
SpicescorianderEnglishnounThe dried fruits thereof, used as a spice.US uncountable usually
SportscochonnetFrenchnounpiglet, young pigmasculine
SportscochonnetFrenchnounjack, jack-ballmasculine
SportsонооMongoliannounhit (a successful shot)hidden-n
SportsонооMongoliannounpoint (unit of scoring)hidden-n
SportsонооMongoliannounscore (measure of success in a game)hidden-n
SportsонооMongoliannounopponentgovernment hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestlinghidden-n
SportsонооMongoliannounorder of fixtures in a tournament (chosen by lot), allotmentgovernment hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestlinghidden-n
SportsонооMongoliannounfate, fortune, lotfiguratively hidden-n
SportsонооMongoliannounopinion, understanding, consciousness (approach to actual events)hidden-n
SportsонооMongoliannounslit (on a garment)
SportsонооMongoliannouncrevice, incision, crack
SportsонооMongoliannoungorge, cavity
SportsонооMongoliannoundock (root of the tail)
SportsонооMongolianverbimperfective participle in -оо (-oo) of онох (onox, “to hit”)participle
SportsонооMongolianverbimperative of оноох (onoox, “to allot”)form-of imperative
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Especially, most species of herb genus Urtica, the stinging nettles: / Most, but not all, subspecies of Urtica dioica (common nettle),
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Especially, most species of herb genus Urtica, the stinging nettles: / Urtica incisa (Australian nettle);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Wood nettle (Laportea canadensis);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Bull nettles and spurge nettles (Cnidoscolus spp.): / Cnidoscolus stimulosus, bull nettle, spurge nettle,
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Bull nettles and spurge nettles (Cnidoscolus spp.): / Cnidoscolus texanus, Texas bull nettle,
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Bull nettles and spurge nettles (Cnidoscolus spp.): / Cnidoscolus urens, bull nettle,
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Bull nettles and spurge nettles (Cnidoscolus spp.): / Nettle trees or tree nettles: / Various species of the genus Dendrocnide
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Bull nettles and spurge nettles (Cnidoscolus spp.): / Nettle trees or tree nettles: / Urera baccifera (scratchbush),
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / Bull nettles and spurge nettles (Cnidoscolus spp.): / Nettle trees or tree nettles: / Urtica ferox (tree nettle);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / rock nettle (Eucnide spp.);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounAny plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash. / small-leaved nettle (Dendrocnide photinophylla).
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain plants that have spines or prickles: / ball nettle (Solanum carolinense);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain plants that have spines or prickles: / Solanum elaeagnifolium, bull nettle, silver-leaf nettle, white horse-nettle;
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain plants that have spines or prickles: / Solanum dimidiatum, western horse-nettle, robust horse-nettle;
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain plants that have spines or prickles: / Solanum rostratum, horse-nettle;
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain plants that have spines or prickles: / Celtis (hackberry).
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica: / dead nettle, dumb nettle (Lamium spp.), particularly Lamium album, white nettle;
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica: / false nettle (Boehmeria spp., family Urticaceae);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica: / flame nettle or painted nettle (Coleus spp.);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica: / hedge nettle (Stachys spp.);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica: / hemp nettle (Galeopsis spp.);
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica: / horse nettle Agastache urticifolia,
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounCertain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica: / nilgiri nettle, Himalayan giant nettle (Girardinia diversifolia, family Urticaceae).
SpurgesnettleEnglishnounLoosely, anything which causes a similarly stinging rash, such as a jellyfish or sea nettle.
SpurgesnettleEnglishverbOf the nettle plant and similar physical causes, to sting, causing a rash in someone.transitive
SpurgesnettleEnglishverbTo pique, irritate, vex or provoke.figuratively transitive
Squirrelsground squirrelEnglishnounAny of a number of medium-sized squirrel-like burrowing rodents of the tribe Marmotini (i.e., excluding the smaller chipmunks and the larger marmots and prairie dogs).countable uncountable
Squirrelsground squirrelEnglishnounAny of the other squirrel-like borrowing rodents of the subfamily Marmotinae.countable uncountable
SquirrelssuisseFrenchadjSwiss (of, from or relating to Switzerland)
SquirrelssuisseFrenchnounchipmunkQuebec masculine
SquirrelssuisseFrenchnoundoormanarchaic masculine
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounSomeone or something that whistles, or who plays a whistle as a musical instrument.
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounAny of several passerine birds of the genera Pachycephala and Coracornis, of Australasia and the western Pacific.
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounAny bird that whistles or is noted for its whistling vocalisations (applied regionally to various specific species).
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounA goldeneye (any of certain ducks of genus Bucephala).
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounA whistling marmot (Marmota caligata).
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounA mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa).
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounAn audio-frequency electromagnetic wave produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning.
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounA broken-winded horse.
SquirrelswhistlerEnglishnounThe keeper of a whistling shop, or shebeen.obsolete slang
Stock characterscrippleEnglishadjcrippledarchaic dated not-comparable
Stock characterscrippleEnglishnounA person who has severely impaired physical abilities because of deformation, injury, or amputation of parts of the body.countable offensive sometimes uncountable
Stock characterscrippleEnglishnounA shortened wooden stud or brace used to construct the portion of a wall above a door or above and below a window.countable uncountable
Stock characterscrippleEnglishnounScrapple.dialectal uncountable
Stock characterscrippleEnglishnounA rocky shallow in a stream.countable uncountable
Stock characterscrippleEnglishverbTo make someone a cripple; to cause someone to become physically impaired.
Stock characterscrippleEnglishverbTo damage seriously; to destroy.figuratively
Stock characterscrippleEnglishverbTo cause severe and disabling damage; to make unable to function normally.figuratively
Stock characterscrippleEnglishverbTo release a product (especially a computer program) with reduced functionality, in some cases, making the item essentially worthless.
Stock characterscrippleEnglishverbTo nerf something which is
Stock marketblockholderEnglishnounA shareholder with noticeable voting power (particularly one who needs to report his 5 % under Schedule 13D)
Stock marketblockholderEnglishnounOne who resides on a block of farmland assigned by the government for cultivation and, except for rates and taxes, exempt of seizure.Australia New-Zealand historical
Stone fruitscréquierFrenchnounblackthorn tree (Prunus spinosa)masculine
Stone fruitscréquierFrenchnounbullace tree (Prunus domestica ssp. insititia)masculine
Stone fruitscréquierFrenchnounhence, Prunus × fruticans, a natural hybrid of the two aforementioned difficult to distinguish from the blackthornmasculine
Stone fruitscréquierFrenchnouna créquier, a stylized tree or thornbush resembling a chandeliergovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
String instrumentsoudEnglishnounA short-necked and fretless plucked stringed instrument of the lute family, of Arab and Turkish origin.entertainment lifestyle music
String instrumentsoudEnglishnounAgarwood.
Suliform birdsmascarellCatalanadjsooty
Suliform birdsmascarellCatalannounthe northern gannet (Morus bassanus)masculine
Suliform birdsmascarellCatalannounany of various others birds in the family Sulidae; the boobies and gannetsmasculine
Sumac family plantsMolleGermannounalternative form of Mulde (“a trough-formed container”)Northern-Germany alt-of alternative feminine regional
Sumac family plantsMolleGermannouna beer glass, glass of beerBerlin Germany Northeastern feminine
Sumac family plantsMolleGermannounbedBerlin Germany Northeastern feminine
Sumac family plantsMolleGermannounpepper tree (Schinus gen. et spp., and especially the Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus molle))masculine no-plural strong
SunարևArmeniannounthe sun
SunարևArmenianadjsunny, bright
SwallowsmartinetEnglishnounA strict disciplinarian.government military politics war
SwallowsmartinetEnglishnounAnyone who lays stress on a rigid adherence to the details of discipline, or to forms and fixed methods or rules.figuratively
SwallowsmartinetEnglishnounA short whip with multiple lashes once used in France.historical
SwallowsmartinetEnglishnounA martin; a swift.
SwallowtailsbluebottleEnglishnounAny of various blowflies of the genus Calliphora that have an iridescent metallic-blue body and make a loud buzzing noise when flying.
SwallowtailsbluebottleEnglishnounA marine jellyfish of the genus Physalia, which includes Physalia physalis, the Portuguese man-of-war, and Physalia utriculus, the Pacific man-of-war; a man-of-war.
SwallowtailsbluebottleEnglishnounA cornflower, a plant that grows in grain fields, Centaurea cyanus, with blue flowers resembling bottles.
SwallowtailsbluebottleEnglishnounA blue ant, Diamma bicolor, a parasitic wasp native to Australia.
SwallowtailsbluebottleEnglishnounAny of various large papilionid butterflies of the genus Graphium, also called triangles, etc.
SwallowtailsbluebottleEnglishnounA police officer.Australia Ireland UK derogatory slang
SwedenLapplandSwedishnameLapland; Sápmi (the land of the Sami)neuter
SwedenLapplandSwedishnameLapland, a historical province (landskap) in Sweden and Finland or either of the two separate parts of this province which were created as all of Finland was ceded to Russianeuter
SwedenLapplandSwedishnameLapland province, a present day province in Finlandneuter
SwordshouwdegenDutchnounbacksword (early modern sabre)masculine
SwordshouwdegenDutchnounswashbuckler, basher (eager but sometimes reckless fighter, violent person)masculine
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjdesolate, deserted, barren
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjdesert, dry, arid, waterless
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjforlorn, destitute, wanting; empty, vain; foolishfiguratively
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjrotten
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjbadinvariable
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounjavelin, spearhead
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounploughshare
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounspearpoint, gunpoint
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundefeat, loss
SwordsܚܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamename of a cometastronomy natural-sciences
Talkingchit-chatEnglishnounLight conversation; casual talk, usually about trivial matters.countable uncountable
Talkingchit-chatEnglishnounGossip.countable uncountable
Talkingchit-chatEnglishverbTo engage in small talk, to discuss unimportant matters.intransitive
TalkingخطبہUrdunounkhutbahIslam lifestyle religion
TalkingخطبہUrdunounsermonlifestyle religion
TalkingخطبہUrdunoundiscourse, speechuncommon
TalkingخطبہUrdunouna lecturebroadly
TalkingخطبہUrdunouna preface of a book
TastegargScottish Gaelicadjacetous, acrid, acrimonious
TastegargScottish Gaelicadjangry, bitter
TastegargScottish Gaelicadjardent
TastegargScottish Gaelicadjbarbarous, brutal, brutish, cruel, ferocious, fierce, gruff, rabid
TastegargScottish Gaelicadjharsh, pungent
TastegargScottish Gaelicadjtart
TastegoryczPolishnounbitterness, bitter (quality of being bitter in taste)feminine
TastegoryczPolishnouna bitter-tasting substancefeminine
TastegoryczPolishnounbitterness (emotion), sadness or acrimonyfeminine figuratively
TasteseedyEnglishadjLiteral senses: / Full of seeds.
TasteseedyEnglishadjLiteral senses: / Seedlike; having the flavour of seeds.
TasteseedyEnglishadjLiteral senses: / Having a peculiar flavour supposed to be derived from the weeds growing among the vines; said of certain kinds of French brandy.colloquial
TasteseedyEnglishadjDisreputable, run-down.figuratively
TasteseedyEnglishadjUntidy; unkempt.
TasteseedyEnglishadjInfirm; unwell; gone to seed.
TasteseedyEnglishadjSuffering the effects of a hangover.
TasteмазенBulgarianadjfatty, oily, pinguid
TasteмазенBulgarianadjgreasy, fatty, mellow (for taste)
TasteмазенBulgarianadjlipidicchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TasteмазенBulgarianadjsmooth, flat, sleekdialectal
TasteмазенBulgarianadjpleasant, glossy, lepidfiguratively obsolete
TasteмазенBulgarianadjdeceitfully pleasant, hypocritical, obsequious, servilefiguratively
TaxationcensitioLatinnountaxation, taxing, taxdeclension-3
TaxationcensitioLatinnoundeclaration of will, commanddeclension-3
TaxationtaxEnglishnounMoney paid to the government other than for transaction-specific goods and services.countable uncountable
TaxationtaxEnglishnounA burdensome demand.figuratively uncountable
TaxationtaxEnglishnounA task exacted from one who is under control; a contribution or service, the rendering of which is imposed upon a subject.countable uncountable
TaxationtaxEnglishnouncharge; censurecountable obsolete uncountable
TaxationtaxEnglishverbTo impose and collect a tax from (a person or company).transitive
TaxationtaxEnglishverbTo impose and collect a tax on (something).transitive
TaxationtaxEnglishverbTo make excessive demands on.transitive
TaxationtaxEnglishverbTo accuse.transitive
TaxationtaxEnglishverbTo examine accounts in order to allow or disallow items.transitive
TeateamakerEnglishnounA person who makes tea (the drink).
TeateamakerEnglishnounA machine that prepares tea (the drink).
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo nourish; to provide with food or nourishment. / To breastfeed; to provide with breastmilk.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo nourish; to provide with food or nourishment. / To provide with healthy and fulfilling food.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo nourish; to provide with food or nourishment. / To consume food or nourishment.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo provide sustenance and necessities for something; to support: / To religiously nourish; to provide with religious sustenance.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo provide sustenance and necessities for something; to support: / To foster; to assist something's growth or development: / To bring up a child; to rear offspring.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo provide sustenance and necessities for something; to support: / To foster; to assist something's growth or development: / To bring up or rear animals; to help raise.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo provide sustenance and necessities for something; to support: / To foster; to assist something's growth or development: / To tend to crops; to perform agricultural labour.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo provide sustenance and necessities for something; to support: / To foster; to assist something's growth or development: / To spread or encourage an idea or belief.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo care about; to like or be affected by.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo give birth; to reproduce or create offspring.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo supply bodily organs with vital substances.medicine physiology sciences
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo heat; to keep at an active temperature.
TemperaturenorischenMiddle EnglishverbTo motivate; to embolden.rare
TemperaturepatelniaPolishnounfrying pan, frypan, skillet (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food)feminine
TemperaturepatelniaPolishnounvery hot place completely exposed to the sunfeminine figuratively
TemperaturepatelniaPolishnounscorching heat (high air temperature)feminine figuratively
TemperaturepatelniaPolishnouncunnilingus (stimulation of the vulva using the mouth as a sexual act)feminine slang vulgar
TemperaturepatelniaPolishnounone hundred percent opportunity to score a goalball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine slang
Temperaturetransition temperatureEnglishnounThe temperature at which one phase of a material changes into another; a transition pointnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Temperaturetransition temperatureEnglishnounThe temperature at which one form of a polymorph changes into anotherchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TemperatureOld Irishadjhot, warm (of temperature)
TemperatureOld Irishadjlustful, wanton
TemperatureOld Irishadjwarm, comfortable, sheltered (of places)
TemperatureOld Irishadjwarm, fervent (of emotions)
TemperatureOld Irishadjfierce, keen (of fights, weapons)
TemperatureOld Irishverbthird-person singular present subjunctive conjunct of téitconjunct form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
TendecadeEnglishnounA group, set, or series of ten / A period of ten years , particularly such a period beginning with a year ending in 0 and ending with a year ending in 9.
TendecadeEnglishnounA group, set, or series of ten / A period of ten days, (history) particularly those in the ancient Egyptian, Coptic, and French Revolutionary calendars.
TendecadeEnglishnounA group, set, or series of ten / A work in ten parts or books, particularly such divisions of Livy's History of Rome.archaic literary
TendecadeEnglishnounA group, set, or series of ten / A series of prayers counted on a rosary, typically consisting of an Our Father, followed by ten Hail Marys, and concluding with a Glory Be and sometimes the Fatima Prayer.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
TendecadeEnglishnounA group, set, or series of ten / Any of the sets of ten sequential braille characters with predictable patterns.
TendecadeEnglishnounA group, set, or series of ten / A set of ten electronic devices used to represent electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TendecadeEnglishnounA group, set, or series of ten , particularly
TendecadeEnglishnounA set of resistors, capacitors, etc. connected so as to provide even increments between one and ten times a base electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TendecadeEnglishnounThe interval between any two quantities having a ratio of 10 to natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TernstarrockEnglishnouna young kittiwake.Northern Scotland
TernstarrockEnglishnounThe common guillemot.UK dialectal
TernstarrockEnglishnounThe common tern.UK dialectal
Texas, USApaseñoSpanishadjEl Pasoan (of or relating to El Paso, Texas)
Texas, USApaseñoSpanishnounEl Pasoan (native or resident of El Paso, Texas)masculine
TextilesdivanFrenchnounany type of undistinguished couchmasculine
TextilesdivanFrenchnouna divan in either of the original Turkish sensesmasculine
TextilespanamàCatalannounPanama hatmasculine
TextilespanamàCatalannouna cotton textile incorporating Panama weavemasculine
ThailandシャムJapanesenameSiamhistory human-sciences sciences
ThailandシャムJapanesenouna Siamese cat
The Handmaid's TaleGileadEnglishnameA region east of the Jordan river.biblical lifestyle religion
The Handmaid's TaleGileadEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew in occasional use.
The Handmaid's TaleGileadEnglishnameAn illiberal and oppressive place, especially on matters related to women's rights, reproduction, or sex (from the theocratic dystopia in Margaret Atwood's novel The Handmaid's Tale).derogatory
TheaterdramatopisarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of dramatopisarz (“playwright, stagewright”) (writer and creator of theatrical plays)feminine form-of
TheaterdramatopisarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of dramatopisarz (“dramatist, dramaturgist”) (playwright who writes dramas)feminine form-of
TheaterpleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who makes entertainment for themselves: / One who participates in a game or sport; a player.
TheaterpleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who makes entertainment for themselves: / One who gambles or bets on a game.
TheaterpleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who makes entertainment for themselves: / A participant in festivities or revelry.
TheaterpleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who provides entertainment (e.g. songs, dance, music)
TheaterpleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who provides entertainment (e.g. songs, dance, music): / A performer or participant in a play or stage show.
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounvarious (Christian) theological meanings, usually as an attribute of God: / the grace of God; divine aid or beneficence.
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounvarious (Christian) theological meanings, usually as an attribute of God: / a gift or sign of God; a demonstration of divine power.
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounvarious (Christian) theological meanings, usually as an attribute of God: / guidance, direction (especially divine)
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounluck, destiny (especially positive or beneficial)
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounniceness, esteem, positive demeanour
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounbeneficence, goodwill, good intentions
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnoungracefulness, elegance; aptness, competence.
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnouna present; a helpful or kind act.
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounrelief, relenting, forgiveness
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnouna prayer of thanks, especially one preceding a meal.
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounrepute, creditrare
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnounmisfortune, misadventure, doomrare
TheologygraceMiddle Englishnoununfairness, partisanshipLate-Middle-English rare
TheologygraceMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of grasalt-of alternative
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounThe quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable.countable uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounThe degree of importance given to something.uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounThat which is valued or highly esteemed, such as one's morals, morality, or belief system.countable uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounThe amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else.countable uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounThe relative duration of a musical note.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounThe relative darkness or lightness of a color in (a specific area of) a painting artscountable uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounAny definite numerical quantity or other mathematical object, determined by being measured, computed, or otherwise defined.mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencescountable uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounPrecise meaning; import.countable uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounThe valuable ingredients to be obtained by treating a mass or compound; specifically, the precious metals contained in rock, gravel, etc.countable in-plural uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounEsteem; regard.countable obsolete uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishnounValour.countable obsolete uncountable
ThinkingvalueEnglishverbTo estimate the value of; judge the worth of something.
ThinkingvalueEnglishverbTo fix or determine the value of; assign a value to, as of jewelry or art work.
ThinkingvalueEnglishverbTo regard highly; think much of; place importance upon.
ThinkingvalueEnglishverbTo hold dear.
ThinkingозначатьRussianverbto mean, to signify
ThinkingозначатьRussianverbto stand for, to represent, to betoken, to denote
ThistlescoleraCatalanadjfeminine singular of colerfeminine form-of singular
ThistlescoleraCatalannounClipping of herba colera.abbreviation alt-of clipping feminine
ThistlescoleraCatalannouncowherb (Gypsophila vaccaria)feminine
TicksचपटीHindinounpalmanatomy medicine sciences
TicksचपटीHindinouna kind of tick
TimeendarrereCatalanadvback, behind, backwards
TimeendarrereCatalanadvearlier, previously
TimenadalGaliciannounChristmas Daymasculine
TimespringScotsnounspring, springtime
TimespringScotsnoungrowth of vegetation in springtime
TimespringScotsverbto spring
TimespringScotsverbto leap over, cross at a bound
TimespringScotsverbto put forth, send up or out
TimespringScotsverbto burst, split, break apart, break into
TimespringScotsverbto dance a reel
TimewhileEnglishnounAn uncertain duration of time, a period of time. / an uncertain long period of timeUS
TimewhileEnglishnounAn uncertain duration of time, a period of time. / an uncertain short momentPhilippines
TimewhileEnglishnounAn uncertain duration of time, a period of time.
TimewhileEnglishconjDuring the same time that.
TimewhileEnglishconjUntil.Northern-England Scotland
TimewhileEnglishconjAs long as.
TimewhileEnglishconjUsed to denote a person experiencing racial profiling when performing a seemingly benign
TimewhileEnglishprepUntil.Northern-England Scotland
TimewhileEnglishverbTo pass (time) transitive
TimewhileEnglishverbTo occupy or entertain (someone) in order to let time pass.transitive
TimewhileEnglishverbTo elapse, to pass.archaic intransitive
TimewhileEnglishverbAlternative spelling or misspelling of wile.alt-of alternative misspelling
Time年紀Chinesenounage (of a person)
Time年紀Chinesenounnumber of years; year countarchaic
Time年紀Chinesenountime (in general)archaic
Time拂曉ChinesenameFuxiao (a township in Dingyuan, Chuzhou, Anhui, China)
Time언제나Koreanadvat some point; eventually
Timekeepingmis GorefenCornishadvin July (month)
Timekeepingmis GorefenCornishnameJuly (month)masculine
Times of daylow tideEnglishnounThe tide at its lowest level for a particular tidal cycle at a certain place.countable uncountable
Times of daylow tideEnglishnounThe time of day when the sea has receded to its lowest level.countable uncountable
TitlesрегентRussiannounprecentor (director of a church choir)
Toilet (room)blackwaterEnglishnounWater containing loam, tannins, etc., giving it a very dark appearance.uncountable usually
Toilet (room)blackwaterEnglishnounBlackwater fever; malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum.uncountable usually
Toilet (room)blackwaterEnglishnounWaste from domestic toilets; water containing fecal matter.uncountable usually
Toilet (room)ladies and gentlemenEnglishnounUsed to address an audience.plural plural-only
Toilet (room)ladies and gentlemenEnglishnounPublic toilets: a ladies' room and a gentlemen's room.euphemistic plural plural-only rare
ToolsaluutaqInupiaqnounnorthern shoveler (Spatula clypeata)
ToolscleșteRomaniannounclaw (mechanical device for gripping)masculine
ToolshalbardIrishnounhalberd, billmasculine
ToolshalbardIrishnounAlternative form of haileabó (“halibut”)alt-of alternative masculine
ToolspacaPolishnountrowel, smoother, skimmer (tool for applying a smooth layer of mortar, plaster, etc.)business construction manufacturingfeminine
ToolspacaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of pacaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
ToolspacaPolishverbthird-person singular present of pacaćform-of present singular third-person
ToolsraddleEnglishnounA red ochre.countable uncountable
ToolsraddleEnglishverbTo mark with raddle; to daub something red.
ToolsraddleEnglishverbTo interweave or twist together.
ToolsraddleEnglishverbTo do work in a slovenly way.
ToolsraddleEnglishnounA long, flexible stick, rod, or branch, interwoven with others between upright posts or stakes, in making a kind of hedge or fence.
ToolsraddleEnglishnounA hedge or fence made with raddles.
ToolsraddleEnglishnounAn instrument consisting of a wooden bar, with a row of upright pegs set in it, used by domestic weavers to keep the warp of a proper width and prevent tangling when it is wound upon the beam of the loom.
ToolsscalpelloItaliannounscalpelmedicine sciences surgerymasculine
ToolsscalpelloItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of scalpellarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ToolsপলAssamesenouna moment
ToolsপলAssamesenouna device placed in a river used to capture fish
ToolsᠠᠨᠠᡴᡡManchunounkey (object designed to open and close locks)
TourismgościniecPolishnounwide rural roaddated inanimate literary masculine
TourismgościniecPolishnoungift brought back from one's travels; souvenirdated inanimate literary masculine regional
TourismgościniecPolishnouninn, taverninanimate masculine
Towns in EnglandAveleyEnglishnamea small town in Thurrock, Essex, England.
Towns in EnglandAveleyEnglishnameA suburb of Perth, Western Australia.
ToyssaltamartinoItaliannoungrasshopper, cricket (or similar jumping insect (or toy based on it))informal masculine
ToyssaltamartinoItaliannounscamp, rascalmasculine
TransgenderpostgenderismEnglishnounA sociopolitical and cultural movement which arose from the eroding of the cultural, biological, psychological and social role of gender, and an argument for why the erosion of binary gender will be liberatory.uncountable
TransgenderpostgenderismEnglishnounA sociopolitical and cultural movement for the voluntary elimination of gender in the human species through the application of biotechnology.uncountable
Transition metalsрӯввьтKildin Saminounironchemistry geography geology natural-sciences physical-sciences
Transition metalsрӯввьтKildin Saminounmetal
TransportقطارPersiannountrain (transportation)
TransportقطارPersiannountrain, row, file
TrappingviscumLatinnounmistletoedeclension-2 neuter
TrappingviscumLatinnounbirdlime made from this plantdeclension-2 neuter
Travel遊學Chineseverbto study abroad; to study overseas
Travel遊學Chineseverbto travel for study or research purposes
Travel遊學Chineseverbto leave home to get an educationarchaic
Treescabbage treeEnglishnounCordyline australis, a hardy, widely branched monocot tree endemic to New Zealand, a traditional source of food and fiber.
Treescabbage treeEnglishnounAny of several other similar trees of the genus Cordyline.
Treescabbage treeEnglishnounThe worm bark tree, Andira inermis.
TreesdurianPolishnoundurian (tree)inanimate masculine
TreesdurianPolishnoundurian (fruit)inanimate masculine
TreesthornMiddle EnglishnounA thorn (spine on a plant with a sharp point)
TreesthornMiddle EnglishnounThorn or eth (the letter þ and/or ð)
TreesthornMiddle EnglishnounA plant having thorns, especially the hawthorn or rosebush.
TreesthornMiddle EnglishnounThorns pulled from the ground for burning.rare
TreesthornMiddle EnglishnounA dish incorporating hawthorn.rare
True sparrowsторғайKazakhnounhouse sparrow, Passer domesticus
True sparrowsторғайKazakhnounsparrow, Passeridae spp.
True sparrowsторғайKazakhnounany small, nondescript bird
TurkeyStratoniceaLatinnameAn important town in Caria situated on the south-east of Mylasadeclension-1
TurkeyStratoniceaLatinnameAn ancient city of Lydia situated on the valley of the river Caicusdeclension-1
TurkmenistanmanatPolishnounmanatee (marine mammal of the family Trichechidae)animal-not-person masculine
TurkmenistanmanatPolishnounmanat (currency of Azerbaijan)inanimate masculine
TurkmenistanmanatPolishnounmanat (currency of Turkmenistan)inanimate masculine
TwitterTGIFEnglishphraseInitialism of thank God it's Friday.abbreviation alt-of initialism
TwitterTGIFEnglishphraseInitialism of Twitter, Google, iPhone/iPad or Instagram, marketingabbreviation alt-of initialism
TwitterTGIFEnglishnounA Friday afternoon beer party.
TwitterTGIFEnglishnounInitialism of transforming growth interacting factor.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
TwitterverifiedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of verifyform-of participle past
TwitterverifiedEnglishadjSubject to positive verification.not-comparable
TwitterverifiedEnglishnounA user of the Twitter microblogging service whose identity has been confirmed by Twitter.Internet
Twitter呟きJapanesenouna murmur
Twitter呟きJapanesenountweet (an entry on Twitter)
TwoᠵᠠᡳManchuadvmore; again
TwoᠵᠠᡳManchuconjas well as; along with; and
TwoᠵᠠᡳManchuconjas for
United KingdomEnglisherEnglishnounSynonym of Englishman: an English person.dated humorous
United KingdomEnglisherEnglishnounA non-Amish person.
United KingdomEnglisherEnglishnounA person who translates works into English.
United KingdomEnglisherEnglishadjcomparative form of English: more English.comparative form-of nonstandard
United KingdompieSpanishnounfoot (a part of the body)masculine
United KingdompieSpanishnounEnglish or American foot (a unit of length equal to 30.48 cm)masculine
United KingdompieSpanishnounpie, a Spanish foot (a former unit of length equivalent to about 27.9 cm)historical masculine
United KingdompieSpanishnounfoot (a part of a poetic line)communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingmasculine
United KingdompieSpanishnounfooter (the bottom of a page or design)arts design media publishing typographymasculine
United KingdompieSpanishverbfirst-person singular preterite indicative of piarfirst-person form-of indicative preterite singular
United KingdompieSpanishnounpieCentral-America South-America masculine
United States國務院ChinesenameState Council of the People's Republic of China
United States國務院ChinesenameUnited States Department of State
Units of measurekabellengdeNorwegian Bokmålnouncable lengthnautical transportmasculine
Units of measurekabellengdeNorwegian Bokmålnounthe length of a particular cablebusiness electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine usually
Units of measureTurkishadjnaked, nude
Units of measureTurkishnounA nude painting.
Units of measureTurkishnounAn old unit of weight.
Units of measureساغراقOttoman Turkishnounglass, a vessel from which one drinks
Units of measureساغراقOttoman Turkishnounsort of wooden container for oil
Units of measureساغراقOttoman Turkishnounkind of unit of measure for liquids
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Dhaka International University (a university in Dhaka, Bangladesh).abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Daffodil International University (a university in Dhaka, Bangladesh).abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Defense Innovation Unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Down-with-Imperialism Union.abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
UraniumtransuranicEnglishadjOf an element: lying beyond uranium in the periodic table; having an atomic number greater than 92.not-comparable
UraniumtransuranicEnglishnounAny element lying beyond uranium in the periodic table.
VehiclesfrenoItaliannouncheck, curb, control, restraintfiguratively masculine
VehiclesfrenoItaliannounbit (of a horse)masculine
VehiclesfrenoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of frenarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
VehiclesкопилUkrainiannounshoe last
VehiclesкопилUkrainiannounstanchion on a sled
Vehiclesកង់Khmernounwheel, tire
Vehiclesកង់Khmernounbicycle (colloquial)
Vehiclesកង់Khmernounchop (of meat), piece (of fish), slice (of fish)
Vehiclesកង់Khmernounround slice
Vehiclesកង់Khmernouncircle, something round
Vehiclesកង់Khmerclassifierclassifier for pipes, logs, slices
VesselssądekPolishnounwooden vessel (container)Poznań inanimate masculine
VesselssądekPolishnounbarrel; quarter barrelinanimate masculine
VesselsблюдцеRussiannoundiminutive of блю́до (bljúdo, “dish, bowl”)diminutive form-of
Veterinary diseasesrougetFrenchnounred mullet (UK), goatfish (US)masculine
Veterinary diseasesrougetFrenchnoungurnardmasculine
Veterinary diseasesrougetFrenchnounswine erysipelas (porcine infectuous disease)masculine
Video game genresidleEnglishadjEmpty, vacant.obsolete
Video game genresidleEnglishadjNot being used appropriately; not occupied; (of time) with no, no important, or not much activity.
Video game genresidleEnglishadjNot engaged in any occupation or employment; unemployed; inactive; doing nothing in particular.
Video game genresidleEnglishadjAverse to work, labor or employment; lazy; slothful.
Video game genresidleEnglishadjOf no importance; useless; worthless; vain; trifling; thoughtless; silly.
Video game genresidleEnglishadjLight-headed; foolish.obsolete
Video game genresidleEnglishverbTo spend in idleness; to waste; to consume.transitive
Video game genresidleEnglishverbTo lose or spend time doing nothing, or without being employed in business.intransitive
Video game genresidleEnglishverbOf an engine: to run at a slow speed, or out of gear; to tick over.intransitive
Video game genresidleEnglishverbTo cause (an engine) to idle(3)transitive
Video game genresidleEnglishnounThe state of idling, of being idle.
Video game genresidleEnglishnounThe lowest selectable thrust or power setting of an mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Video game genresidleEnglishnounAn idle gaming
Video game genresidleEnglishnounAn idle gaming
Video gamesgamelandEnglishnounAn expanse or area on which game can be hunted, or is plentiful.countable uncountable
Video gamesgamelandEnglishnounThe world or sphere of video games.lifestylerare slang uncountable
VietnamChinese numeralEnglishnounA number represented using a Chinese system involving the characters 一, 二, 三, etc.
VietnamChinese numeralEnglishnounThe system using such numerals, still employed in Chinese and Japanese-speaking countries and formerly used in Korean and Vietnamese-speaking
VietnamYuănRadenameKinh ethnicity, the ethnic Vietnamese
VietnamYuănRadenameperson of Kinh ethnicity
ViolencehlavičkaCzechnoundiminutive of hlavadiminutive feminine form-of
ViolencehlavičkaCzechnounheader (information at the top of a column in a table)feminine
ViolencehlavičkaCzechnounhit by a forehead to an opponent’s forehead or nosefeminine
ViolencehlavičkaCzechnounheader (the first part of a file or record that describes its contents)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
ViolencehlavičkaCzechnounheader (an act of playing the ball with the player's head instead of feet)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine
ViolencepugnaLatinnouna fight, battle, combat, actiondeclension-1 feminine
ViolencepugnaLatinnouna line of battle, troops drawn up for battledeclension-1 feminine
ViolencepugnaLatinnouna contest, dispute, quarreldeclension-1 feminine
ViolencepugnaLatinverbsecond-person singular present active imperative of pugnōactive form-of imperative present second-person singular
ViolenceslugEnglishnounAny of many terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks, having no (or only a rudimentary) shell.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA slow, lazy person; a sluggard.obsolete
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA bullet or other projectile fired from a firearm; in modern usage, generally refers to a shotgun slug.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA solid block or piece of roughly shaped metal.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA counterfeit coin, especially one used to steal from vending machines.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA shot of a drink, usually alcoholic.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA title, name or header, a catchline, a short phrase or title to indicate the content of a newspaper or magazine story for editing use.journalism media
ViolenceslugEnglishnounThe imperial (English) unit of mass that accelerates by 1 foot per second squared (1 ft/s²) when a force of one pound-force (lbf) is exerted on it.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsrare
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA discrete mass of a material that moves as a unit, usually through another material.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA motile pseudoplasmodium formed by amoebae working together.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounAn accessory to a diesel-electric locomotive, used to increase adhesive weight and allow full power to be applied at a lower speed. It has trucks with traction motors, but lacks a prime mover, being powered by electricity from the mother locomotive, and may or may not have a control cab.rail-transport railways transport
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA black screen.broadcasting communications editing journalism literature media publishing television writing
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA piece of type metal imprinted by a linotype machine; also a black mark placed in the margin to indicate an error; also said in application to typewriters; type slug.letterpress-typography media publishing typography
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA stranger picked up as a passenger to enable legal use of high occupancy vehicle lanes.regional
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA hitchhiking commuter.US slang
ViolenceslugEnglishnounThe last part of a clean URL, the displayed resource name, similar to a filename.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA hindrance, an obstruction.obsolete
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA ship that sails slowly.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA block of text at the beginning of a scene that sets up the scene's location, characters, etc.
ViolenceslugEnglishverbTo drink quickly; to gulp; to down.
ViolenceslugEnglishverbTo take part in casual carpooling; to form ad hoc, informal carpools for commuting, essentially a variation of ride-share commuting and hitchhiking.
ViolenceslugEnglishverbTo become reduced in diameter, or changed in shape, by passing from a larger to a smaller part of the bore of the barrel.intransitive
ViolenceslugEnglishverbTo move slowly or sluggishly; to lie idle.intransitive obsolete
ViolenceslugEnglishverbTo load with a slug or slugs.transitive
ViolenceslugEnglishverbTo make sluggish.
ViolenceslugEnglishnounA hard blow, usually with the fist.
ViolenceslugEnglishverbTo hit very hard, usually with the fist.transitive
ViolencestichenMiddle EnglishverbTo stab or prick (as to hurt)
ViolencestichenMiddle EnglishverbTo stitch up; to make stitching.
ViolenceszybaćPolishverbto hit, to smite, to strikeimperfective transitive
ViolenceszybaćPolishverbto seize [with instrumental ‘whom’] (to have a sudden and powerful effect upon)imperfective intransitive
ViolenceszybaćPolishverbto bang about, to run around like a headless chickenimperfective reflexive
ViolencezorSerbo-Croatiannounlook, appearance
ViolencezorSerbo-Croatiannounforce, powerBosnia regional
ViolencezorSerbo-CroatiannounstrengthBosnia regional
ViolencezorSerbo-Croatiannountrouble, difficultyBosnia regional
ViolencezorSerbo-Croatiannounrage, violence, forceBosnia regional
VocalizationswarbleEnglishverbTo modulate a tone's frequency.transitive
VocalizationswarbleEnglishverbTo sing like a bird, especially with trills.transitive
VocalizationswarbleEnglishverbTo cause to quaver or vibrate.transitive
VocalizationswarbleEnglishverbTo be quavered or modulated; to be uttered melodiously.intransitive
VocalizationswarbleEnglishnounThe sound of one who warbles; singing with trills or modulations.countable uncountable
VocalizationswarbleEnglishnounIn naval mine warfare, the process of varying the frequency of sound produced by a narrowband noisemaker to ensure that the frequency to which the mine will respond is covered.government military politics warcountable uncountable
VocalizationswarbleEnglishnounA lesion under the skin of cattle, caused by the larva of a bot fly of genus Hypoderma.
VocalizationswarbleEnglishnounA small hard swelling on a horse's back, caused by the galling of the saddle.
VultureskondorHungarianadjAlternative form of göndör (“curly”).alt-of alternative dialectal literary
WarvaleyMiddle Englishnounvalley (depression between hills)
WarvaleyMiddle Englishnounbattlefield (place of battle)
WarvaleyMiddle Englishnoununderworld, hell
WarvaleyMiddle EnglishnounAn indentation or depression.rare
WarshipskadırgaTurkishnoungalleynautical transporthistorical
WaterblackwaterEnglishnounWater containing loam, tannins, etc., giving it a very dark appearance.uncountable usually
WaterblackwaterEnglishnounBlackwater fever; malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum.uncountable usually
WaterblackwaterEnglishnounWaste from domestic toilets; water containing fecal matter.uncountable usually
WaterсэрˮTundra Nenetsnounice
WaterсэрˮTundra Nenetsnounsalt
WaterсэрˮTundra Nenetsadjwhite
WatercraftcangiaItaliannouna kind of sailing boat of up to two masts used for housing and for pleasure-tripsfeminine
WatercraftcangiaItalianverbinflection of cangiare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WatercraftcangiaItalianverbinflection of cangiare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Watercraftmackinaw skiffEnglishnounA cargo boat, with a large flat bottom and sharp ends, formerly used on the Great Lakes and the Missouri River (to a lesser extent, elsewhere).
Watercraftmackinaw skiffEnglishnounA shooner-rigged boat once used on the Great Lakes.
Watercraftmerchant marineEnglishnounSynonym of merchant navy: a fleet of commercial vessels.countable
Watercraftmerchant marineEnglishnounSynonym of merchant ship: a single vessel in such a fleet.countable
Watercraftmerchant marineEnglishnounSynonym of merchant mariner: a sailor in such a fleet.countable nonstandard proscribed
WatercraftwherryEnglishnounA light ship used to navigate inland waterways.countable
WatercraftwherryEnglishnounA flat-bottomed vessel once employed by British merchants, notably in East Anglia, sometimes converted into pleasure boats.countable historical
WatercraftwherryEnglishnounA liquor made from the pulp of crab apples after the verjuice is extracted.countable uncountable
WeaponsiaculusLatinadjthat is thrownadjective declension-1 declension-2
WeaponsiaculusLatinnounSynonym of iaculum (“cast net; net of the gladiator retiarius”)declension-2 masculine
WeaponsiaculusLatinnouna serpent that darts from a tree onto its preydeclension-2 masculine
WeaponsiaculusLatinnounlasso; sling or noose thrown over the horns of oxendeclension-2 masculine
WeaponskulkaCzechnounbullet (projectile)feminine
WeaponskulkaCzechnounsmall ballfeminine
WeaponskulkaCzechnounball (testicle)feminine
WeaponslanzaSpanishnounlance, spear, glaivefeminine
WeaponslanzaSpanishnounClipping of lanzaperfume.abbreviation alt-of clipping masculine
WeaponslanzaSpanishverbinflection of lanzar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WeaponslanzaSpanishverbinflection of lanzar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WeatherfrasIrishnounonset, attackfeminine
WeatherfrasIrishnounrunentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
WeatherfrasIrishadjcopious, plentiful, abundant
WeatherfrasIrishverbAlternative form of frasaigh (“to shower”)alt-of alternative
WeathermoussonFrenchnounmonsoon (extremely strong tropical wind)feminine
WeathermoussonFrenchnounmonsoon (tropical rainy season)feminine
WeatherβρέχωGreekverbto wet, dampenintransitive transitive
WeatherβρέχωGreekverbto wet, dampen / to offer treat (usually a drink) for good luck for newly acquired goodsintransitive transitive
WeatherβρέχωGreekverbto send raintransitive
WeatherβρέχωGreekverbto rain (3rd person singulars are impersonal) βρέχει (vréchei)intransitive
WeatherܠܗܓܐClassical Syriacnounvapor/vapour, steamuncountable
WeatherܠܗܓܐClassical Syriacnounfog, clouduncountable
WeatherܠܗܓܐClassical Syriacnounexhalationuncountable
WeatherܠܗܓܐClassical Syriacnounheat, fireuncountable
WeavingwovenEnglishadjFabricated by weaving.not-comparable
WeavingwovenEnglishadjTo be mentally exhausted. Becoming weary of trials.figuratively not-comparable
WeavingwovenEnglishnounA cloth formed by weaving. It only stretches in the bias directions (between the warp and weft directions), unless the threads are elastic.
WeavingwovenEnglishverbpast participle of weaveform-of participle past
Whitesఅర్జునముTelugunouna tree called Terminalia arjuna
Wiccabroom closetEnglishnounThe metaphorical place in which a Wiccan's religious identity is hidden.figuratively humorous often
Wiccabroom closetEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see broom, closet.
WindchinookEnglishnounThe descending, warm, dry wind on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains that generally blows from the southwest and can rapidly increase the temperature due to the much warmer air it brings.climatology meteorology natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsCanada US
WindchinookEnglishnounThe chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
WindверховикRussiannounsomeone who rides on top of a horsecolloquial
WindверховикRussiannoun(in an area which has height differences of valley and mountain) a wind that comes from aboveregional
WindверховикRussiannounsomeone who works at great heights
WindверховикRussiannountop-roller, i.e. an arm-wrestler who applies the top-roll techniquehobbies lifestyle sportsjargon
WomengiobógIrishnounlittle bit, handful, snippetfeminine
WomengiobógIrishnoungypsy womanfeminine
WomengiobógIrishnoununtidy womanfeminine
WoodsmalmNorwegian Nynorsknounorecountable masculine uncountable
WoodsmalmNorwegian Nynorsknouncast ironcountable masculine uncountable
WoodsmalmNorwegian Nynorsknounheartwood, especially of a conifercountable masculine uncountable
WoodsteakEnglishnounAn extremely durable timber highly valued for shipbuilding and other purposes, yielded by Tectona grandis (and Tectona spp.).countable uncountable usually
WoodsteakEnglishnounA tree of the species in the genus Tectona.countable usually
WoodsteakEnglishnounA yellowish brown colour, like that of teakwood.uncountable usually
WoodsteakEnglishadjOf a yellowish brown colour, like that of teak wood.not-comparable
World War II終戦Japanesenounend of war, war's end
World War II終戦Japanesenounthe end of World War IIspecifically
WritingbukvicaSerbo-Croatiannounalphabet (starting with letter buky)historical
WritingbukvicaSerbo-Croatiannounsoldier's identity cardhistorical
WritingbukvicaSerbo-Croatiannouna small beech-treediminutive
WritingbukvicaSerbo-Croatiannounbetony (Stachys officinalis))
Writing大字Japanesenouna large character
Writing大字Japanesenounformal way of writing numbers (e.g., writing 参 instead of 三 for three)
Writing著述Chineseverbto write; to compile
Writing著述Chinesenounbook; work
Writing instrumentsgessettoItaliannoundiminutive of gessodiminutive form-of masculine
Writing instrumentsgessettoItaliannounpiece of chalk (for use on a blackboard, etc.)masculine
Writing instrumentsyesoTagalognoungypsum; plaster of Paris
Writing instrumentsyesoTagalognounchalk
YellowsKoreannoungold (Au) (in general and as an element); golden...
YellowsKoreannounamount of money (written before the amount)
YellowsKoreannounShort for 금요일(金曜日) (geumyoil, “Friday”).abbreviation alt-of
YellowsKoreannouncrack, fissure, fracture
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 金: gold; money
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 釒
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 今: this; at present
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 禁: prohibition
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 錦: brocade
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 琴: geomungo, a six-stringed Korean zither
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 禽: birds; winged animals
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 襟
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 衾
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 擒
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 衿
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 芩
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 檎
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 昑
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 妗
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 噤
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 嶔
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 笒
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 唫
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鍂
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 琻
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 紟
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 琹
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 顉
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 菳
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 赺
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㯲
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 噙
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 僸
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 耹
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鈙
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 凎
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 澿
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 砛
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 黅
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 庈
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 惍
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 搇
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 肣
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 蠄
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㱽
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鵭
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䶖
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鐢
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㾣
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䃢
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 坅
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 蚙
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 軡
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 靲
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㲐
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㕋
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䑤
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䫴
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 齽
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䋮
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䦦
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㦗
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㩒
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㱈
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䔷
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䥅
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䥆
YellowsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䌝
YouTubeYouTubianEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or characteristic of YouTube.Internet
YouTubeYouTubianEnglishnounA user of video-sharing website YouTube.Internet
YouTubepooperEnglishnounThe anus; often in reference to anal intercourse.slang vulgar
YouTubepooperEnglishnounOne who poops out on an activity; one who dampens the mood by lack of participation or negative attitude. Mostly used in the phrase party pooper.slang
YouTubepooperEnglishnounA selection in a slot machine game that ends the picking bonus.gambling games
YouTubepooperEnglishnounOne who poops; or, poops well.rare
YouTubepooperEnglishnounOne who poops; or, poops well. / An infant.broadly rare
YouTubepooperEnglishnounThe toilet.slang
YouTubepooperEnglishnounClipping of YouTube Pooper.Internet abbreviation alt-of clipping
Zerozero-rateEnglishverbTo subject (a good) to no value-added tax when sold (but in which the supplier can still recover VAT attributable to it).transitive
Zerozero-rateEnglishverbTo provide Internet access without financial cost under certain conditions, such as by permitting access to only certain websites, by subsidizing the service with advertising, or by exempting certain websites from data allowances.transitive
ZoologyilagaCebuanonounrat (medium-sized rodent of Genus Rattus)
ZoologyilagaCebuanonounmouse (small rodent of genus Mus)

This page is a part of the machine-readable Tok Pisin dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-11-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (fbeafe8 and 7f03c9b). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.