All languages combined word senses marked with place category "Republics of Russia"
Parent categories: Republics, Places, Political subdivisions, Names, Polities
Subcategories: Altai Republic, Chechen Republic, Chuvash Republic, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Komi Republic, Mari El Republic, Republic of Adygea, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Karelia, Republic of Khakassia, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Republic of Tatarstan, Sakha Republic, Tuva Republic, Udmurt Republic
Total 389 word senses
- Adiguesia … Baixkíria (12 senses)
- Bashkir … Bouriatie (15 senses)
- Buriacja … Carélia (10 senses)
- Cazã … Csecsenföld (13 senses)
- Czeczen … Hakassia (16 senses)
- Iacútia … Ingúsjetíja (11 senses)
- Jakucja … Karatšai-Tšerkessia (13 senses)
- Karel … Khakàssia (16 senses)
- Komi … Mordvinsko (10 senses)
- Mordwa … Republic of Karelia (12 senses)
- Republika Adygei … Tartaristão (12 senses)
- Tatar … Tuvà (13 senses)
- Tuwa … adygejski (15 senses)
- baixkir … İnquşetiya (17 senses)
- أوفا (Proper name) [Arabic] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- تاتارستان (Proper name) [Persian] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia)
- تاتارستان (Proper name) [Urdu] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia)
- داغستان (Proper name) [Arabic] Dagestan (a republic of Russia, located in the Caucasus region)
- داغستان (Proper name) [Persian] Dagestan (a republic of Russia, located in the Caucasus region)
- داغستان (Proper name) [Punjabi] Dagestan (a republic of Russia, located in the Caucasus region)
- داغستان (Proper name) [Urdu] Dagestan (a republic of Russia, located in the Caucasus region)
- قزان (Proper name) [Tatar] Kazan (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
- Դաղստան (Proper name) [Armenian] Dagestan
- Թաթարստան (Proper name) [Armenian] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; capital: Kazan)
- Կազան (Proper name) [Armenian] Kazan (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
- Կարելիա (Proper name) [Armenian] Karelia (an autonomous republic of Russia)
- Ուֆա (Proper name) [Armenian] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- Չեչնիա (Proper name) [Armenian] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- 卡爾梅克 (Proper name) [Chinese] Kalmykia (a republic of Russia)
- 印古什 (Proper name) [Chinese] Ingushetia
- 哈卡斯 (Proper name) [Chinese] Khakassia (a republic of Russia)
- 喀山 (Proper name) [Chinese] Kazan (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
- 圖瓦 (Proper name) [Chinese] Tuva (a republic of Russia)
- 圖瓦共和國 (Proper name) [Chinese] Tuva Republic (a republic of Russia)
- 布里亞特 (Proper name) [Chinese] Buryatia (a republic of Russia)
- 楚瓦什共和國 (Proper name) [Chinese] Chuvashia (a republic of Russia)
- 烏法 (Proper name) [Chinese] Ufa (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- 科米 (Proper name) [Chinese] Komi (a republic of Russia)
- 車臣 (Noun) [Chinese] A qualifier added in Mongol aristocratic titles.
- 車臣 (Proper name) [Chinese] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- 阿爾泰 (Proper name) [Chinese] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia)
- 阿爾泰共和國 (Proper name) [Chinese] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia)
- 阿迪格 (Proper name) [Chinese] Adygea (a republic of south-west Russia)
- 韃靼斯坦 (Proper name) [Chinese] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; capital: Kazan)
- Ічкерія (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Ichkeria
- Адыгея (Proper name) [Russian] Adygea (a republic of south-west Russia; capital: Maykop)
- Адыгэ (Proper name) [Adyghe] Adygea (a republic of south-west Russia)
- Алтай (Proper name) [Kazakh] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia)
- Алтай (Proper name) [Northern Altai] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia)
- Алтай (Proper name) [Russian] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia)
- Алтай (Proper name) [Southern Altai] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia)
- Башкортостан (Proper name) [Russian] Bashkortostan (a republic of Russia)
- Башкортстан (Proper name) [Tatar] Bashkortostan (a republic of eastern Russia; official name: Republic of Bashkortostan; capital: Ufa)
- Башкыртстан (Proper name) [Kyrgyz] Bashkortostan (a republic of Russia)
- Башҡортостан (Proper name) [Bashkir] Bashkortostan (a republic of Russia)
- Бурятия (Proper name) [Russian] Buryatia (a republic of Russia)
- Гӏалгӏайче (Proper name) [Ingush] Ingushetia (a republic of Russia)
- Дагестан (Proper name) [Russian] Dagestan (a republic of Russian Federation)
- Дагестан (Proper name) [Serbo-Croatian] Dagestan (a republic of Russia)
- Дагестан (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Dagestan (a republic of Russia)
- Доғистон (Proper name) [Tajik] Dagestan (a republic of Russia, located in the Caucasus region)
- Доғистон (Proper name) [Uzbek] Cyrillic spelling of Dogʻiston: Dagestan (a republic of Russia, located in the Caucasus region)
- Ингушетия (Proper name) [Russian] Ingushetia (a republic of Russia)
- Ингәыштәыла (Proper name) [Abkhaz] Ingushetia (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Magas)
- Ичкерия (Proper name) [Russian] Ichkeria
- Кабардино-Балкария (Proper name) [Russian] Kabardino-Balkariya (a republic of Russia)
- Казан (Proper name) [Kyrgyz] Kazan (the capital and largest city of Tatarstan, Russia)
- Казан (Proper name) [Tatar] Kazan (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
- Казань (Proper name) [Russian] Kazan (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
- Калмыкия (Proper name) [Russian] Kalmykia (a republic of Russia)
- Карачаево-Черкесия (Proper name) [Russian] Karachay-Cherkessia (a republic of Russia)
- Карелия (Proper name) [Russian] Karelia (a republic of Russia)
- Карелія (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Karelia (a region and autonomous republic of Russia)
- Карьяла (Proper name) [Russian] Karelia (a republic of Russia)
- Коми (Proper name) [Russian] Short for Респу́блика Ко́ми (Respúblika Kómi, “Komi Republic”).
- Марий Эл (Proper name) [Eastern Mari] Mari El (a republic of Russia; capital: Yoshkar-Ola)
- Марий Эл (Proper name) [Russian] Mari El (a republic of Russia; capital: Yoshkar-Ola)
- Мордовия (Proper name) [Russian] Mordovia (a republic of Russia)
- Нохчийчоь (Proper name) [Chechen] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- Республика Алтай (Proper name) [Russian] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia)
- Северная Осетия (Proper name) [Russian] North Ossetia-Alania, North Ossetia, Alania (a republic of Russia)
- Сыуашстан (Proper name) [Bashkir] Chuvashia (a republic of Russia)
- Татаристон (Proper name) [Uzbek] Cyrillic spelling of Tatariston: Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia)
- Татария (Proper name) [Russian] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; capital: Kazan)
- Татарстан (Proper name) [Bashkir] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; capital: Kazan)
- Татарстан (Proper name) [Kyrgyz] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; capital: Kazan)
- Татарстан (Proper name) [Russian] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; capital: Kazan)
- Татарстан (Proper name) [Tatar] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; official name: Republic of Tatarstan; capital: Kazan)
- Тотористон (Proper name) [Tajik] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia)
- Тува (Proper name) [Mongolian] Tuva (a republic of Russia)
- Тува (Proper name) [Russian] Tuva (a republic of Russia)
- Тыва (Proper name) [Russian] Tyva (a republic of Russia)
- Тыва (Proper name) [Tuvan] Tuva (a republic of Russia)
- Удмуртия (Proper name) [Russian] Udmurtia (a republic of Russia)
- Удмуртия (Proper name) [Udmurt] Udmurtia (a republic of Russia)
- Уфа (Proper name) [Russian] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- Хакасия (Proper name) [Russian] Khakassia (a republic of central south Russia; capital: Abakan)
- Хальмг Таңһч (Proper name) [Kalmyk] the Republic of Kalmykia (subject of the Russian Federation)
- Чечентәыла (Proper name) [Abkhaz] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- Чечентәыла Ареспублика (Proper name) [Abkhaz] Chechen Republic (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- Чечня (Proper name) [Russian] Chechnya (a republic of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- Чечня (Proper name) [Ukrainian] Chechnya (a republic of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- Чувашия (Proper name) [Russian] Chuvashia (a republic of Russia)
- башкир (Noun) [Russian] Bashkir
- башкир (Noun) [Ukrainian] Bashkir
- башкирский (Noun) [Russian] Bashkir (language)
- башкырт (Adjective) [Kyrgyz] Bashkir
- кадирівець (Noun) [Ukrainian] Kadyrovite (armed Chechen man under the control of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov)
- марий (Noun) [Eastern Mari] Mari
- татар (Adjective) [Kyrgyz] Tatar
- ічкерійський (Adjective) [Ukrainian] Ichkerian
- ічкерієць (Noun) [Ukrainian] male Ichkerian person
- Қазан (Proper name) [Kazakh] Kazan (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
- Ҟазан (Proper name) [Abkhaz] Kazan (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
- Ҟалмыҟтәыла (Proper name) [Abkhaz] Kalmykia (a republic in the south-west of the Russia; capital: Elista)
- Үфі (Proper name) [Kazakh] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- Өфө (Proper name) [Bashkir] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- დაღესტანი (Proper name) [Georgian] Dagestan
- ინგუშეთი (Proper name) [Georgian] Ingushetia
- ყაბარდო-ბალყარეთი (Proper name) [Georgian] Kabardino-Balkariya
- ჩეჩნეთი (Proper name) [Georgian] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- Ουφά (Proper name) [Greek] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- બાશકીર (Noun) [Gujarati] Bashkir (member of the Bashkir Turkic people)
- 사하 (Proper name) [Korean] Sakha (a republic of Russia)
- 우파 (Proper name) [Korean] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- אופה (Proper name) [Hebrew] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- בשקורטוסטן (Proper name) [Hebrew] Bashkortostan (a republic of Russia)
- בשקירי (Adjective) [Hebrew] Bashkir
- טשעטשניע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- טשעטשניער (Noun) [Yiddish] a Chechen
- טשעטשעניש (Adjective) [Yiddish] of Chechnya; Chechen
- קאַרעליע (Proper name) [Yiddish] Karelia (a region and republic of Russia)
- ಇಂಗುಶೇಟಿಯಾ (Proper name) [Kannada] Ingushetia (a republic of Russia)
- アディゲ (Proper name) [Japanese] Adygea (a republic of south-west Russia; capital: Maykop)
- ウファ (Proper name) [Japanese] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- チェチェン (Proper name) [Japanese] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- チェチェン共和国 (Proper name) [Japanese] Chechen Republic (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- කල්මීකියා (Proper name) [Sinhalese] Kalmykia
- அடிகேயா (Proper name) [Tamil] Adygea (a republic of south-west Russia; capital: Maykop)
- இங்குஷேத்தியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Ingushetia
- உஃப (Proper name) [Tamil] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- கபர்தினோ-பல்கரீயா (Proper name) [Tamil] Kabardino-Balkariya (a republic of Russia)
- கோமி (Proper name) [Tamil] Komi (a republic of Russia)
- சுவாசியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Chuvashia (a republic of Russia)
- செச்சினியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Chechnya (a republic of the northern Caucasus of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- தாகெஸ்தான் (Proper name) [Tamil] Dagestan
- பாஷ்கொர்டொஸ்தான் (Proper name) [Tamil] Bashkortostan (a republic of Russia)
- புரியாத்தியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Buryatia
- மர்தோவியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Mordovia
- ஹக்காசியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Khakassia
- คัลมืยเคีย (Proper name) [Thai] Kalmykia (a republic of Russia; capital: Elista)
- คาคัสเซีย (Proper name) [Thai] Khakassia (a republic of central south Russia; capital: Abakan)
- คาบาร์ดีโน-บัลคาเรีย (Proper name) [Thai] Kabardino-Balkariya (a republic of Russia; capital: Nalchik)
- คาราชาเยโว-ซีร์คัสเซีย (Proper name) [Thai] Karachay-Cherkessia (a republic of Russia; capital: Cherkessk)
- คาเรเลีย (Proper name) [Thai] Karelia (a republic of Russia; capital: Petrozavodsk)
- ชูวัช (Proper name) [Thai] Chuvashia (a republic of Russia; capital: Cheboksary)
- ชูวาเชีย (Proper name) [Thai] Chuvashia (a republic of Russia; capital: Cheboksary)
- ซาคา (Proper name) [Thai] Sakha (a republic of Russia; capital: Yakutsk)
- ดาเกสตาน (Proper name) [Thai] Dagestan (a republic of Russia; capital: Makhachkala)
- ตาตาร์สตาน (Proper name) [Thai] Tatarstan (a republic of eastern Russia; capital: Kazan)
- ตูวา (Proper name) [Thai] Tuva (a republic of Russia; capital: Kyzyl)
- บัชคอร์โตสตาน (Proper name) [Thai] Bashkortostan (a republic of southern Russia; capital: Ufa)
- บูเรียเตีย (Proper name) [Thai] Buryatia (a republic of Russia; capital: Ulan-Ude)
- มอร์โดเวีย (Proper name) [Thai] Mordovia (a republic of Russia; capital: Saransk)
- มารีเอล (Proper name) [Thai] Mari El (a republic of Russia; capital: Yoshkar-Ola)
- ยาคูเตีย (Proper name) [Thai] Yakutia (a republic of Russia; capital: Yakutsk)
- อะดีเกยา (Proper name) [Thai] Adygea (a republic of south-west Russia; capital: Maykop)
- อัลไต (Proper name) [Thai] Altai Republic (a republic of Russia; capital: Gorno-Altaysk)
- อิงกูเชเตีย (Proper name) [Thai] Ingushetia (a republic of Russia; capital: Magas)
- อุดมูร์ต (Proper name) [Thai] Udmurtia (a republic of Russia; capital: Izhevsk)
- อุดมูร์เตีย (Proper name) [Thai] Udmurtia (a republic of Russia; capital: Izhevsk)
- เชชเนีย (Proper name) [Thai] Chechnya (a republic of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- เชเชน (Proper name) [Thai] Chechnya (a republic of Russia; capital: Grozny)
- โคมี (Proper name) [Thai] Komi (a republic of Russia; capital: Syktyvkar)
- ऊफ़ा (Proper name) [Hindi] Ufa (the capital and largest city of Bashkortostan, Russia)
- दाग़िस्तान (Proper name) [Hindi] Dagestan (a republic of Russian Federation)
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This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-21 using wiktextract (7c21d10 and f2e72e5).
The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.