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AbortionmisoEnglishnounA thick paste made by fermentation of soybeans with the mold Aspergillus oryzae, used in making soups and sauces.uncountable usually
AbortionmisoEnglishnounClipping of misoprostol.medicine pharmacology sciencesabbreviation alt-of clipping informal uncountable
Accounting報銷Chineseverbto apply for reimbursement; to get one's expenses reimbursed; to submit one's expenses
Accounting報銷Chineseverbto report as unusable
Accounting報銷Chineseverbto wipe out; to eliminatefiguratively humorous
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualcharacterThe twenty-first letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.letter
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualsymbolSymbol for uranium.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesalt-of symbol
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualsymbolIUPAC 1-letter abbreviation for uracilbiology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesIUPAC abbreviation alt-of
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualsymbolvoltagenatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualsymboluniform distributionmathematics sciences statistics
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualsymbolunitary groupalgebra mathematics sciences
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualsymbolA wildcard for a rounded vowel or a back vowelhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
Actinide series chemical elementsUTranslingualsymbolrack unit, the unit of length defined as 1.75 inches
Adephagan beetleswhirligigEnglishnounAnything that whirls or spins around, such as a toy top or a merry-go-round.
Adephagan beetleswhirligigEnglishnounA device incorporating spinning, wind-driven propellers or pinwheels, used as whimsical outdoor decoration in a garden or on a porch.
Adephagan beetleswhirligigEnglishnounA whirligig beetle.
Adephagan beetleswhirligigEnglishnounA device for punishing prisoners, comprising a wooden cage that rapidly spins around to induce nausea.historical
Administrative divisionsգաւառOld Armeniannoundistrict, region, canton
Administrative divisionsգաւառOld Armeniannouna political subdivision of ancient Armenia, smaller than նահանգ (nahang, “province”)historical
Administrative divisionsնահանգOld Armeniannounprovince, region, state
Administrative divisionsնահանգOld Armeniannounthe largest political subdivision of ancient Armenia, consisting of several գաւառ (gawaṙ, “canton”)
AfghanistanafegãoPortugueseadjAfghan; Afghani; Afghanistani (of or relating to Afghanistan)not-comparable
AfghanistanafegãoPortuguesenounAfghan; Afghani; Afghanistani (person from Afghanistan)masculine
AfghanistanafegãoPortuguesenounPashto; Afghani (a language spoken in parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan)masculine
AgejovencitaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of jovencito; young ladyfeminine form-of
AgejovencitaSpanishadjfeminine singular of jovencitofeminine form-of singular
Age年歲Chinesenounage (of a person)
Age年歲Chinesenounlong period of time
Age年歲Chinesenounage; era; period
Age年歲Chinesenounyear's harvest
AgricultureասլիMiddle Armenianadjrooted, taken root
AgricultureասլիMiddle Armenianadjnoble, pure, true-born
AgricultureمضمدةArabicnounyoke, a frame around the neck of beasts to pull a ploughMorocco West Yemen al-Andalus
AgricultureمضمدةArabicadjfeminine singular of مُضَمِّد (muḍammid)feminine form-of singular
AgricultureمضمدةArabicadjfeminine singular of مُضَمَّد (muḍammad)feminine form-of singular
AircraftpikowaćPolishverbto dive in flying (to fly down a steep track towards the ground)imperfective intransitive
AircraftpikowaćPolishverbto sew together (two sheets of fabric with some insulation between them) in a patternimperfective transitive
AircraftpikowaćPolishverbto replant (seedlings) into larger flowerpotsimperfective transitive
AkkadacádioPortugueseadjAkkadian (of or relating to Akkad)
AkkadacádioPortuguesenounAkkadian (language of the Akkadians)masculine uncountable
AkkadacádioPortuguesenounAkkadian (person from Akkad)masculine
Alcoholic beveragesrestorativeEnglishadjServing to restore.
Alcoholic beveragesrestorativeEnglishnounSomething with restoring properties.
Alcoholic beveragesrestorativeEnglishnounAn alcoholic drink, especially with tonic.euphemistic
Alcoholic beveragesChinesesoft-redirectno-gloss
Alcoholic beveragesChinesesoft-redirectno-gloss
AlcoholismjoodikEstoniannoundrunkard, drunk, alcoholic (excessive drinker of alcohol)
AlcoholismjoodikEstoniannoundrunkardly (drinking alcohol to excess)attributive
AlcoholismopityPolishverbpassive adjectival participle of opićadjectival form-of participle passive
AlkaloidscygnineEnglishadjBeing of the genus Cygnus (swan), within subfamily Anserinae of the family Anatidae, though sometimes considered a distinct subfamily, Cygninae.biology natural-sciences zoology
AlkaloidscygnineEnglishadjOf, concerning, pertaining to, resembling, or having the characteristics of a swan or swans.
AlkaloidscygnineEnglishnounAn alkaloid from plants of genus Gastrolobium, found in Australia, principally Western Australia, highly toxic to introduced animals.dated uncountable
AlphabetsabesedaryoTagalognounSpanish alphabet
AlveolatestheileriosisEnglishnounAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / East Coast fever, a disease of cattle, sheep, and goats caused by the parasite Theileria parva, transmitted by Rhipicephalus appendiculatuscountable uncountable
AlveolatestheileriosisEnglishnounAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / Human theileriosis, caused by Theileria microti, transmitted by deer ticks.countable uncountable
AlveolatestheileriosisEnglishnounAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / Tropical theileriosis, a theileriosis of cattle from the Mediterranean and Middle East area, from Morocco to Western parts of India and China, caused by Theileria annulata, transmitted by ticks of Hyalomma.countable uncountable
Amaranths and goosefootskulitisTagalognounslender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis)
Amaranths and goosefootskulitisTagalognouna type of nettle
Amaranths and goosefootsحاذArabicnounback, part behind the saddle-cloth of a horse
Amaranths and goosefootsحاذArabicnounthe part of a leg already belonging to the back
Amaranths and goosefootsحاذArabicnounCornulaca gen. et spp., especially Cornulaca monacanthacollective
American fictionSupermanEnglishnameA fictional comic-book superhero with superhuman strength and speed, X-ray vision, and the ability to fly.countable uncountable
American fictionSupermanEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of superman: a man of extraordinary or seemingly superhuman powers.alt-of countable uncountable
American fictionSupermanEnglishnounA stunt in which the rider releases both hands from the handlebars in mid-air.hobbies lifestyle motorcyclingcountable uncountable
American fictionSupermanEnglishnounAn exercise in which one lies prone and lifts one's arms and legs, with only the abdomen touching the ground.countable uncountable
American fictionSupermanEnglishnounA flavor of ice cream that is a mixture of blue moon ice cream, and other ice cream flavors that are colored red and yellow.uncountable
AnatomykenAfrikaansverbTo know (a person, a thing), be acquainted withtransitive
AnatomysliasaidScottish Gaelicnounthighfeminine
AnatomysliasaidScottish Gaelicnounhamfeminine
AnatomysynwyMiddle EnglishadjTendonous; having tendons or a large amount of them.Late-Middle-English
AnatomysynwyMiddle EnglishadjPossessing nerves; nerved.Late-Middle-English literary rare
AnatomysynwyMiddle EnglishadjPossessing veins; veined.biology botany natural-sciencesLate-Middle-English rare
AnatomyсеменикMacedoniannounseed capsule
AnatomyшӏуAdyghecharacterThe fifty-seventh letter of the Adyghe alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.letter lowercase
Anatomyमस्तिष्कSanskritnounany medicine acting upon the brain
AnatomyਗਿੱਚੀPunjabinounnape (back of the neck)
Anatomy腸子Chinesenounintestines; guts
Anatomy腸子Chinesenoundisposition; temper; temperamentfiguratively
Ancient GreeceTheronEnglishnameTheron of Akragas (died 473 BC), a tyrant of Akragas in Sicily.
Ancient GreeceTheronEnglishnameA surname.
Ancient GreeceTheronEnglishnameCharlize Theron (born 1975), South African actress.
Ancient GreecekoinéCatalannounkoine (a lingua franca)feminine
Ancient GreecekoinéCatalannounKoine (language)feminine uncountable
Ancient Near EastכּנעןYiddishnameCanaan (biblical character)
Ancient Near EastכּנעןYiddishnameCanaan (ancient region in the Levant)
Ancient RomeRomaPortuguesenameRome (the capital city of Italy)feminine
Ancient RomeRomaPortuguesenameRome, Ancient Rome (an ancient civilisation centred in Rome)feminine
Ancient RomeRomaPortuguesenamethe Catholic Church (Christian church centred in the Vatican)feminine
Ancient RomeasFrenchnounace (card of value 1)masculine
Ancient RomeasFrenchnounace (expert or pilot)masculine
Ancient RomeasFrenchnounas (Roman coin)masculine
Ancient RomeasFrenchverbsecond-person singular present indicative of avoirform-of indicative present second-person singular
Angergrit one's teethEnglishverbTo clench one's teeth together tightly because of pain, anger, frustration, or self-assurance.
Angergrit one's teethEnglishverbTo face up to a difficult or disagreeable situation and deal with it.idiomatic
Angerhot under the collarEnglishadjAngry; agitated.idiomatic
Angerhot under the collarEnglishadjSexually aroused.colloquial idiomatic slang
AngerwkurwiaćPolishverbto piss off, to enrageimperfective transitive vulgar
AngerwkurwiaćPolishverbto get pissed offimperfective reflexive vulgar
Animal body partsgaskinEnglishnounTrousers,
Animal body partsgaskinEnglishnounPart of the hind leg of a horse, between the stifle and the hock.
Animal body partsgaskinEnglishnounA gasket.
Animal soundsciurkaćPolishverbto drip, to tricklecolloquial imperfective intransitive
Animal soundsciurkaćPolishverbto chirpcolloquial imperfective intransitive
Animal soundsmuSwedishintjmoo
Animal soundsmuSwedishnounmoo; the sound of a cow or a bullneuter
Animal soundsookEnglishintjUsed to represent the sound of the cry of an ape or monkey.onomatopoeic
Animal soundsookEnglishverbTo make the cry of an ape or monkey.intransitive onomatopoeic
Animal soundsookEnglishverbOf a black person: to speak gibberish or nonsense.ethnic intransitive offensive slang slur
Animal soundsحمحمArabicverbto whinny, to snicker
Animal soundsحمحمArabicnounborage (any plant in Borago gen., especially Borago officinalis, and the genus itself)
Animal soundsحمحمArabicnounanchusa (any plant in Anchusa gen.)
Animal soundsحمحمArabicnounechium (any plant in Echium gen.)
AnimalslamaLatviannounllamadeclension-4 feminine
AnimalslamaLatviannounlamadeclension-4 masculine
AnimalsselkäjänteinenFinnishnounchordate (member of the phylum Chordata)
AnimalsselkäjänteinenFinnishnounChordata (taxonomic phylum)in-plural
AnimalsselkäjänteinenFinnishadjchordate (of or pertaining to chordates or Chordata)not-comparable
AnimalsܪܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounany creeping thing: insects (especially ants), vermin, reptiles, etc.; a creepercollective
AnimalsܪܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounhoarseness, sore throatmedicine pathology sciencesin-plural
AnimalsܪܚܫܐClassical Syriacnoungangrenemedicine sciences
AnimalsܪܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounhard plant skinbiology botany natural-sciences
AnimalsܪܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounsandal
AnimalsܪܚܫܐClassical Syriacnoundecay
AnimalsܪܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounmalignant tumor/tumourmedicine oncology sciences
AnimalsആമMalayalamnounterrapin, small turtles that live in fresh or brackish water.
AnimalsആമMalayalamnountortoise, a land reptile with shell. കരയാമ (karayāma)
AnimalsആമMalayalamnounturtle, aquatic reptile with shell. കടലാമ (kaṭalāma)
Animals𐀸Mycenaean GreekcharacterThe Linear B syllabic letter ⟨we⟩.letter
Animals𐀸Mycenaean GreekcharacterAn adjunct to 𐀘 (mu) 'ox' for the combined meaning 'βοῦς ἐργάτης', with 𐀸 an abbreviation of we-ka-ta for Ancient Greek ϝεργάται (wergátai) 'worker'.letter
Animals𐀸Mycenaean GreekcharacterAn adjunct or phonetic complement to 𐂕 'oil'.letter
Animals𐀸Mycenaean GreekcharacterAn adjunct or phonetic complement to 𐂮.letter
Animals𐀸Mycenaean GreekcharacterAn element superimposed upon the logogram 𐂞.letter
Animals𐀸Mycenaean GreeknounPossibly an abbreviation of the Mycenaean reflex of ϝέταλον (wétalon) yearling.
Apiales order plantsமல்லிTamilnouncoriander
Apiales order plantsமல்லிTamilnounAlternative spelling of மல்லிகை (mallikai)alt-of alternative
AppearanceclamorousEnglishadjOf or pertaining to clamor. / Of great intensity. (of sounds)
AppearanceclamorousEnglishadjOf or pertaining to clamor. / Creating a loud noise. (of people, animals or things)
AppearanceclamorousEnglishadjOf or pertaining to clamor. / Expressed loudly. (of emotions or feelings)
AppearanceclamorousEnglishadjOf or pertaining to clamor. / Filled with or accompanied by a great deal of noise. (of times, places, events or activities)
AppearanceclamorousEnglishadjOf or pertaining to clamor. / Insistently expressing a desire for something.
AppearanceclamorousEnglishadjHaving especially (and often unpleasantly) bright or contrasting colours or patterns.
AppearanceestéticaSpanishnounaestheticshuman-sciences philosophy sciencesfeminine
AppearanceestéticaSpanishnounhair salon, beauty parlorMexico feminine
AppearanceestéticaSpanishadjfeminine singular of estéticofeminine form-of singular
AppearancesnyrtilegurIcelandicadjneat, smart, trim
Appearance美貌Japanesenounbeautiful countenance
Appearance美貌Japanesenoungood looks
Arabic letter namesnoonEnglishnounThe time of day when the Sun seems to reach its highest point in the sky; solar noon.countable uncountable
Arabic letter namesnoonEnglishnounThe time of day when the Sun seems to reach its highest point in the sky; solar noon. / The mean time of solar noon, marked as twelve o'clock on most clocks.countable uncountable
Arabic letter namesnoonEnglishnounThe corresponding time in the middle of the night; midnight.archaic countable uncountable
Arabic letter namesnoonEnglishnounThe ninth hour of the day counted from sunrise; around three o'clock in the afternoon.countable obsolete uncountable
Arabic letter namesnoonEnglishnounThe highest point; culmination.countable figuratively uncountable
Arabic letter namesnoonEnglishverbTo relax or sleep around midday.intransitive
Arabic letter namesnoonEnglishnounThe letter ن in the Arabic script.
ArachnidsaraneaLatinnounspider's web, cobwebdeclension-1
ArachnidsaraneaLatinnounthreads similar to spiders' websdeclension-1 figuratively
Architectural elementsद्वारHindinoundoor
Architectural elementsद्वारHindinoungate, opening; any means of entrance
Architectural elementsद्वारHindinounway, means
ArchitecturechevronEnglishnounA V-shaped pattern; used in architecture, and as an insignia of military or police rank, on the sleeve.
ArchitecturechevronEnglishnounA wide inverted V placed on a shield.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
ArchitecturechevronEnglishnounOne of the V-shaped markings on the surface of roads used to indicate minimum distances between vehicles.British
ArchitecturechevronEnglishnounA guillemet, either of the punctuation marks “«” or “»”, used in several languages to indicate passages of speech. Similar to typical quotation marks used in the English language such as ““” and “””.
ArchitecturechevronEnglishnounAn angle bracket, either used as a typographic or a scientific symbol.
ArchitecturechevronEnglishnounA háček, a diacritical mark that may resemble an inverted circumflex.informal
ArchitecturechevronEnglishnounA wedge-shaped sediment deposit observed on coastlines and continental interiors around the world.
ArchitecturechevronEnglishverbTo form or be formed into chevrons
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA tier of a structure; a floor or storey: / The topmost story of a building; a rooftop.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA tier of a structure; a floor or storey: / A deck (surface of a ship)
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA tier of a structure; a floor or storey: / A floor of a vehicle or on a mount.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA raised floor; a platform or podium. / A ledge or shelf (projecting storage platform)
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA raised floor; a platform or podium. / A stage; a platform facing the audience.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA raised floor; a platform or podium. / A box seat; a premium seat for an audience member.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA duration or period; an amount of time.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA stage or phase; a sequential part.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA tier or grade; a place in a hierarchy.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA locale or place; a specified point in space.
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounHeaven (home of (the Christian) God)
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounThe cross-beam of a window.rare
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA seat or chair.rare
ArchitecturestageMiddle EnglishnounA state of being.rare
ArmorceladaCatalannounsalletfeminine historical
ArmorceladaCatalannountrapboard-games chess gamesfeminine
ArmorplastronPolishnounplastron, neckcloth (men's shirt-bosom)inanimate masculine
ArmorplastronPolishnounplastron (stiffened front of dress shirt)inanimate masculine
ArmorplastronPolishnounplastron (half-jacket worn under the jacket for padding or for safety)fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warinanimate masculine
ArmorplastronPolishnounplastron (nearly flat part of the shell structure of a tortoise or other animal, similar in composition to the carapace)inanimate masculine
ArmorplastronPolishnounplastron, breastplatehistorical inanimate masculine
ArmorplastronPolishnounplastron (film of air trapped by specialized hairs against the body of an aquatic insect, and which acts as an external gill)biology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
ArmorplateEnglishnounA slightly curved but almost flat dish from which food is served or eaten.
ArmorplateEnglishnounSuch dishes collectively.uncountable
ArmorplateEnglishnounThe contents of such a dish.
ArmorplateEnglishnounA course at a meal.
ArmorplateEnglishnounAn agenda of tasks, problems, or responsibilitiesfiguratively
ArmorplateEnglishnounA flat object of uniform thickness.
ArmorplateEnglishnounVehicle license plates, registration plates.Australia especially metonymically plural plural-only
ArmorplateEnglishnounA taxi permit, especially of a metal disc.
ArmorplateEnglishnounPlate armor.historical
ArmorplateEnglishnounA layer of a material on the surface of something, usually qualified by the type of the material; plating
ArmorplateEnglishnounA material covered with such a layer.
ArmorplateEnglishnounAn ornamental or food service item coated with silver or gold or otherwise decorated.dated
ArmorplateEnglishnounA weighted disk, usually of metal, with a hole in the center for use with a barbell, dumbbell, or exercise machine.hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
ArmorplateEnglishnounAn engraved surface used to transfer an image to printing publishing
ArmorplateEnglishnounAn image or copy.arts hobbies lifestyle media photography printing publishing
ArmorplateEnglishnounAn illustration in a book, either black and white, or colour, usually on a page of paper of different quality from the text printing publishing
ArmorplateEnglishnounA shaped and fitted surface, usually ceramic or metal that fits into the mouth and in which teeth are implanted; a dental plate.dentistry medicine sciences
ArmorplateEnglishnounA horizontal framing member at the top or bottom of a group of vertical construction manufacturing
ArmorplateEnglishnounA foot, from "plates of meat".Cockney slang
ArmorplateEnglishnounHome plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
ArmorplateEnglishnounA tectonic plate.geography geology natural-sciences
ArmorplateEnglishnounAny of various larger scales found in some reptiles.biology herpetology natural-sciences zoology
ArmorplateEnglishnounA flat electrode such as can be found in an accumulator battery, or in an electrolysis electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ArmorplateEnglishnounThe anode of a vacuum electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ArmorplateEnglishnounA prize given to the winner in a contest.
ArmorplateEnglishnounAny flat piece of material such as coated glass or plastic.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ArmorplateEnglishnounA metallic card, used to imprint tickets with an airline's logo, name, and numeric code.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrydated
ArmorplateEnglishnounThe ability of a travel agent to issue tickets on behalf of a particular airline.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrybroadly
ArmorplateEnglishnounA VIN plate, particularly with regard to the car's year of manufacture.Australia
ArmorplateEnglishnounOne of the thin parts of the brisket of an animal.
ArmorplateEnglishnounA very light steel horseshoe for racehorses.
ArmorplateEnglishnounSkins for fur linings of garments, sewn together and roughly shaped, but not finally cut or fitted.
ArmorplateEnglishnounThe fine nap (as of beaver, musquash, etc.) on a hat whose body is made from inferior material.
ArmorplateEnglishnounA record, usually vinyl.entertainment lifestyle music
ArmorplateEnglishnountrauma plate.government military politics war
ArmorplateEnglishnounAny of the potential romantic or sexual partners with whom a person keeps in touch as part of plate seduction-community sexualityslang
ArmorplateEnglishverbTo cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material, usually a metal.
ArmorplateEnglishverbTo place the various elements of a meal on the diner's plate prior to serving.arts cooking food hobbies lifestyle photography
ArmorplateEnglishverbTo score a run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
ArmorplateEnglishverbTo arm or defend with metal plates.transitive
ArmorplateEnglishverbTo beat into thin plates.transitive
ArmorplateEnglishverbTo specify which airline a ticket will be issued on behalf of.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industry
ArmorplateEnglishverbto categorise stamps based on their position on the original sheet, in order to reconstruct an entire sheet.hobbies lifestyle philately
ArmorplateEnglishverbTo identify the printing plate used.hobbies lifestyle philately
ArmorplateEnglishnounPrecious metal, especially silver.uncountable usually
ArmorplateEnglishnounSilver or gold, in the form of a coin, or less often silver or gold utensils or dishes.obsolete
ArmorplateEnglishnounA roundel of silver or argent.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
ArtapuntCatalannounrough sketch, abbozzomasculine
ArtapuntCatalannounnote, jotting, annotationmasculine
ArtapuntCatalannounpost, entryInternet masculine
ArtdescriptioLatinnoundiagram, plandeclension-3
ArtdescriptioLatinnountranscript, copydeclension-3
ArtdescriptioLatinnoundrawing, sketchdeclension-3
ArtgaleriiEstoniannoungallery (an institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art)
ArtgaleriiEstoniannoungallery (an establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art)
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA (written) narrative, recounting, or chronicle; events in writing.
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA history; a historical work or description of the past.rare
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA visual depiction or representation of historical happenings.rare
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounHistory; the discipline of studying and recording the past.rare
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA portion of the Bible covering history.rare
Artificial intelligencelemmatizzazioneItaliannounlisting in a dictionaryfeminine
Artificial intelligencelemmatizzazioneItaliannounlemmatizationfeminine
ArtillerybasiliscoPortuguesenounbasilisk (snake-like dragon type)human-sciences literature media mysticism mythology philosophy publishing science-fiction sciencesmasculine
ArtillerybasiliscoPortuguesenounbasilisk (any lizard of the genus Basiliscus)masculine
ArtillerybasiliscoPortuguesenounbasilisk (a type of large brass cannon)masculine
ArtistsimpressionistEnglishnounOne who adheres to the theory or method of impressionism.
ArtistsimpressionistEnglishnounA performer who does impressions; a mimic.
Asparagus family plantsStechpalmeGermannounholly (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex)feminine
Asparagus family plantsStechpalmeGermannounknee holly, butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus, “kleine Stechpalme”)feminine obsolete
Atmospheric phenomenaglaçadaCatalannounfrost, freezefeminine
Atmospheric phenomenaglaçadaCatalanverbfeminine singular of glaçatfeminine form-of participle singular
Atmospheric phenomenakroazCimbriannouncircleLuserna masculine
Atmospheric phenomenakroazCimbriannounhalo (atmospheric phenomenon)Luserna masculine
Auto partscrankshaftEnglishnounA rotating shaft that drives (or is driven by) a crank.
Auto partscrankshaftEnglishverbTo deform in such a manner that part of the rod or bolt is displaced sideways, offset from the longitudinal axis of the part, but remains parallel with the part's main longitudinal axis, with the final shape somewhat resembling a crankshaft.
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA person who hoots.
Auto partshooterEnglishnounThe horn in a motor vehicle.
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA siren or steam whistle, especially one in a factory and used to indicate the beginning or the end of a working day or shift.British
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA nose, especially a large one.slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounAn owl.
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA woman's breast.US especially plural-normally slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA penis.slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA large cannabis cigarette.slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounThe tiniest amount; a whit or jot.dated
Automotiveback-seat driverEnglishnounAn occupant of a large vehicle, such as a firetruck, who helps steer the vehicle from far in the back.dated
Automotiveback-seat driverEnglishnounA person sitting (typically) in the back seat of a car issuing (unsolicited and usually unwanted) instructions to the driver.
Automotiveback-seat driverEnglishnounAn opinionated person who offers (unsolicited and often unwanted) advice on the best way to handle a situation.figuratively
Automotive大燈Chinesenounstrong lamp or light
Automotive大燈Chinesenounheadlight of a car
Automotive車速Chinesenounspeed of a vehicle
Automotive車速Chinesenounspeed of a lathe
BabieshuntuIngriannounSynonym of kapalo (“swaddling clothes”)
BabieshuntuIngriannouna headwear worn by ägrämöin women
Baby animalsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounworm, tapeworm
Baby animalsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounwormscollective
Baby animalsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnoungrub, larva, embryo
Baby animalsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounfirefly
Baby animalsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounmurex
Baby animalsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnouncochineal kermes, scarlet dye
BagsترکشPersiannounshrapnel, fragment (of an artillery shell, bomb, grenade, etc.)
Bangladesh999EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Burma, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sudan, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Dominica, Kiribati, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and the Seychelles.
Bangladesh999EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Singapore, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Eswatini, Botswana, Tanzania, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Bangladesh999EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Malawi and Tonga.
Bangladesh999EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Poland.
Bangladesh999EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Hong-Kong Ireland Singapore UK colloquial metonymically uncountable
BarsガルバJapanesenounShort for ガールズバー.abbreviation alt-of
BarsガルバJapanesenounShort for ガルバリウム.abbreviation alt-of
BathingbathenMiddle EnglishverbTo put or cover in water: / To bath or wash (especially for medicinal reasons)
BathingbathenMiddle EnglishverbTo put or cover in water: / To dip; to quickly immerse someone.
BathingbathenMiddle EnglishverbTo put or cover in water: / To shower or drench something or someone (usually in liquid).
BathingbathenMiddle EnglishverbTo bathe; to have a bath or immerse oneself in liquid
BathingbathenMiddle EnglishverbTo enjoy or relax in something; to benefit from something.
BathingbathenMiddle EnglishverbTo immerse, steep, or absorb.rare
BathingbathenMiddle EnglishverbTo swim; to move in water.rare
BatskelawarMalaynounclubscard-games games
BatsvespertilionineEnglishnounAny bat of the family Vespertilionidae or subfamily Vespertilioninaebiology natural-sciences zoology
BatsvespertilionineEnglishadjof or relating to the bats of the subfamily Vespertilioninaenot-comparable
BelarusbiałoruskiPolishadjBelarusiannot-comparable relational
BelarusbiałoruskiPolishnounBelarusian (language)inanimate masculine
BerriesborowinaPolishnounfango, peloidfeminine
BerriesborowinaPolishnounbushes or branches of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)feminine
Biblical charactersMakHaitian CreolenameMark (biblical character)
Biblical charactersMakHaitian CreolenameMark (book of the Bible)
Biblical charactersMakHaitian Creolenamea male given name from Latin, equivalent to English Mark
Biblical charactersMariBretonnameMarybiblical lifestyle religion
Biblical charactersMariBretonnamea female given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Mary
Biblical charactersTobiasGermannameTobias (biblical character)
Biblical charactersTobiasGermannamea male given name
BiochemistryzoochemicalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to zoochemistry.not-comparable
BiochemistryzoochemicalEnglishnounAny chemical substance characteristic of, or derived from, animals.
BirdsкууTuvannoungrey (colour)
Bodies of waterJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Bodies of waterJapanesenouna sluice; a section of a river to let water in and out
Bodies of waterJapanesenouna port, harbour; a place where boats can unload
Bodies of waterJapanesenouna stopfiguratively
Bodies of waterJapanesenameMinato (one of 23 special wards in Tokyo prefecture, Japan)
Bodies of waterJapanesenamean administrative district in Nagoya prefecture
Bodies of waterJapanesenamean administrative district in Osaka Prefecture
Bodies of waterJapanesenamea male given name
Bodily fluidsгнійUkrainiannounpusuncountable
Bodily fluidsгнійUkrainiannounmanureuncountable
Bodily fluidsJapanesecharactersweatkanji
Bodily fluidsJapanesenounsweat
Bodily fluidsJapaneseaffixsweat
Bodily fluidsJapanesenounSynonym of ハン (han): khan
Bodily functionssiknąćPolishverbto spout (to release a thin, strong stream of water or other liquid from something)colloquial intransitive perfective
Bodily functionssiknąćPolishverbto spout (to gush forth in a jet or stream)colloquial intransitive perfective
Bodily functionssiknąćPolishverbto piss (to urinate)colloquial intransitive perfective
Bodily functionsдьааһыйYakutverbto yawnintransitive
Bodily functionsдьааһыйYakutverb(of thunder) to rumbleclimatology meteorology natural-sciences
Bodyfuil mhíostaIrishnounmenstruationfeminine
Bodyfuil mhíostaIrishnounmenstrual fluidfeminine
Bodyherte bloodMiddle Englishnounheart-blood, lifeblooduncountable
Bodyherte bloodMiddle Englishnounlife, livelihoodrare uncountable
Bodyküüds'Võronounnail (on finger or toe)
Bodyküüds'Võronounclove (part of a plant)
BodyਭੁੱਖPunjabinounhunger, appetite
BodyਭੁੱਖPunjabinounstrong desire, fondnessfiguratively
Body partsalijMokilesenounbeard
Body partsalijMokileseverbto aimintransitive
Body partsbiciNupenounleg
Body partsbiciNupenounfoot
Body partspoGuaranínounhand
Body partspoGuaranínumfive
Body partspoGuaraníverbjump
Body partsطبانجهOttoman Turkishnounpalm of the hand
Body partsطبانجهOttoman Turkishnounslap, box with the flat hand
Body partsطبانجهOttoman Turkishnountrigger, lock of a gun, what the hand reaches for on a firearm to launch itengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Body partsطبانجهOttoman Turkishnounpistol, handgunengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Body partsكوبكOttoman Turkishnounnavel, bellybutton, the indentation or bump on the abdomen
Body partsكوبكOttoman Turkishnounboss, the convex and rounded projection in the centre of a shield
Body partsكوبكOttoman Turkishnouncore, the central part of a fruit, containing the kernels or seeds
Body partsكوبكOttoman Turkishnoungeneration, a rank or degree in genealogyfiguratively
Body partsمقذOttoman Turkishnounthe hind part of the head located between the ears, where the lower fringe of the hair is commonly clipped
Body partsمقذOttoman Turkishnounkind of clipping instrument used to cut into strips
BonesمصفاتOttoman Turkishnounstrainer, sile, colander, filter, any device through which a liquid is passed for purification
BonesمصفاتOttoman Turkishnounethmoid, a light, spongy, cubical bone at the root of the nose, through which the olfactory nerves pass
BooksرحلهOttoman Turkishnounlectern, bookrest, a support used to maintain a book or sheet when reading
BooksرحلهOttoman Turkishnoundesk, a table, frame, or case for the use of writers and readers
Books of the BibleFilemónSpanishnamePhilemon (the book of the Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleFilemónSpanishnamea male given name, equivalent to English Philemonmasculine
Books of the BiblePetrusIndonesiannamePeterbiblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BiblePetrusIndonesiannamea male given name from Dutch [in turn from Latin], equivalent to English Peter
BotanybloemDutchnounflower, bloom of flowering plantfeminine
BotanybloemDutchnounflour of wheat or cornfeminine uncountable
BotanyусRussiannounfeeler, antenna
BotanyусRussiannountendril, awn
BovinesanwangTagalognouncarabao, water buffalodialectal
BovinesanwangTagalognounKyllinga nemoralis (a type of sedge)
BovinesbrúfolCatalannounEurasian eagle owlmasculine
BovinesbrúfolCatalanadjAlternative form of rúfolalt-of alternative
BrazilbrasileñoSpanishnounBrazilian (person from Brazil)masculine
BrownstitianEnglishnounA bright auburn colour, tinted with gold.
BrownstitianEnglishadjOf a bright auburn colour, tinted with gold, especially in reference to hair.
BuddhasBụtVietnamesenameBuddhalifestyle religion
BuddhasBụtVietnamesenamea wise and kind old man, usually depicted with a white beard and white clothes, who often appears when the protagonist of a folkloric tale is crying aloud for help and who grants them wishes, comparable to the fairy godmother in Western fairy talesarts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
Building materials木頭Chinesenounwood; log; timber (Classifier: 塊/块 m; 根 m)
Building materials木頭ChinesenounAlternative name for 木頭人/木头人 (mùtourén).alt-of alternative name
Building materials木頭Chinesenouncoffindialectal euphemistic
Building materials木頭Chinesenounwooden clappers (small, rectangular, high-pitched wood block used in Jin opera)entertainment lifestyle musicJin
BuildingspytelPolishnounflour sifting bag (bag made of light, loosely woven fabric, used to sift flour after milling to remove the bran)inanimate masculine
BuildingspytelPolishnounmill with such a baginanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingspytelPolishnoungrain sorter (mill machine for sorting grain mill products)archaic inanimate masculine
BuildingspytelPolishnounsieve (that which filters, i.e. an author's works)figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingspytelPolishnounchatterbox (someone who talks much)colloquial figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingspytelPolishnounsack, bag (object for storing or moving other objects)inanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingspytelPolishnounsack, bag (object for storing or moving other objects) / money sackMiddle Polish inanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingspytelPolishnouncolander, strainerMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
BuildingspytelPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities includeMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
BuildingspytelPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / thick, rough fabric that serves as a glove for wiping the bodyMiddle Polish error-lua-exec inanimate masculine
BuildingssecaCatalanadjfeminine singular of secfeminine form-of singular
BuildingssecaCatalannounsandbar, shoal, reeffeminine
BuildingssecaCatalannounmint (building or workshop where money is produced)feminine
BuildingssecaCatalanverbinflection of secar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BuildingssecaCatalanverbinflection of secar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BuildingsskyscraperEnglishnounA very tall building with a large number of floors.architecture
BuildingsskyscraperEnglishnounA small sail atop a mast of a ship; a triangular skysail.nautical transportarchaic
BuildingsskyscraperEnglishnounAnything very tall or high.figuratively
BuildingssądPolishnouncourt (institution that metes out justice)lawinanimate masculine
BuildingssądPolishnouncourt (seat where justice is meted out)inanimate masculine
BuildingssądPolishnouncourt (group of people working in such an institution)inanimate masculine
BuildingssądPolishnountrial (meeting or series of meetings in a court of law at which evidence is presented to a judge or jury to allow them to decide on a legal matter)lawinanimate masculine
BuildingssądPolishnounjudgment (opinion)inanimate masculine
BuildingssądPolishnounproposition (meaning of an opinion that states a specific state of affairs, or the opinion itself)human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesinanimate masculine
BuildingssądPolishnounreason (ability to draw logical conclusions)inanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingssądPolishnounsentence, judgmentlawinanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingssądPolishnouncarrying pole, shoulder poledialectal in-plural inanimate masculine
BuildingssądPolishnounvessel, especially one for collecting milkinanimate masculine obsolete
BulgariaבולגריתHebrewadjfeminine singular indefinite form of בּוּלְגָּרִיfeminine form-of indefinite singular
BulgariaבולגריתHebrewnounBulgarian femaleBulgarian countable feminine
BulgariaבולגריתHebrewnameBulgarian (the official language of Bulgaria)uncountable
BusinessbisnesFinnishnounbusiness (commercial, industrial, or professional activity)
BusinessbisnesFinnishnounbusiness (volume or amount of commercial trade)
BusinessbisnesFinnishnounbusiness (management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management)
BusinessbisnesFinnishnounbusiness class
BusinessmangangalakalTagalognountrader; merchant
BusinessmangangalakalTagalogverbcontemplative aspect of mangalakal
Businessచిల్లరTeluguadjretail, as a shop
Businessచిల్లరTeluguadjmiscellaneous, sundry, stray, trifling, mean, of no note or importance, subordinate
Businessచిల్లరTeluguadjvile, base
Businessచిల్లరTelugunounchange, loose money, small coins or money of smaller denominations
BusinessesапотекаSerbo-Croatiannounapothecary (place)
Buttercup family plantsarañuelaSpanishnounlove-in-a-mist (any flowering plant of the genus Nigella)feminine
Buttercup family plantsarañuelaSpanishnounthrips (small insect)feminine
Byzantine EmpireByzanceFrenchnameByzantium (ancient Greek city)feminine
Byzantine EmpireByzanceFrenchnameopulencefeminine figuratively
Calendar一號Chinesenounfirst day of the month
Calendar一號Chinesenountoilet; bathroomeuphemistic
Calendar一號Chinesenountop (in a homosexual relationship)LGBTslang
Card gamestrójkaPolishnounthree (digit or figure)feminine
Card gamestrójkaPolishnounthree (a set or group with three elements)feminine
Card gamestrójkaPolishnounsomething assigned the number three: bus line, road, candidate on a ballot, etc.feminine metonymically
Card gamestrójkaPolishnounan academic grade equivalent to a Cfeminine
Card gamestrójkaPolishnounthreecard-games gamesfeminine
Card gamestrójkaPolishnounthree of a kindcard-games pokerfeminine
Card gamestrójkaPolishnouna triplefeminine
Card gamesunggoyCebuanonouna primate especially a monkey or ape
Card gamesunggoyCebuanonounthe player with the unpaired card in a game of unggoyunggoy
Carnation family plantstinyaCatalannounringwormfeminine
Carnation family plantstinyaCatalannounchickweed (Stellaria media)feminine
CatfishselkäuimariFinnishnounbackstroke swimmer
CatfishselkäuimariFinnishnounblotched upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris)
CatfishselkäuimariFinnishnounSynonym of ripsimonni (“mochokid, upside-down catfish”)biology natural-sciences zoologyarchaic
CatskočkaCzechnouncat (domestic animal)feminine
CatskočkaCzechnounattractive womancolloquial feminine
CattlenghéVietnameseintjThe cry of a water buffalo calfonomatopoeic
CattlenghéVietnamesenounwater buffalo calf; baby water buffalo
CattleterAlbanianverbto dry, dry off
Celestial inhabitantsSolarianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Sun.literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsSolarianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Solar System.literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsSolarianEnglishadjOf or relating to the inhabitants of the Solar system.literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsSolarianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Sun.literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsSolarianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of any part of the solar system of the Sun.literature media publishing science-fiction
CheesesカマンベールJapanesenameCamembert (a commune of the Orne department, France)
CheesesカマンベールJapanesenounCamembert cheese
Chemical elementsسزیمPersiannouncaesium
Chemical elementsسزیمPersiannounPrevious: زنون
Chemical elementsسزیمPersiannounNext: باریوم
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterwar chariotobsolete
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterbarbed arrowobsolete
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 耙 (pá, “rake”)alt-of alternative
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterrake (an ancient Chinese weapon, developed from the agricultural tool)historical
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterpalladiumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ChickensHoneSaterland Frisiannouncock, roostermasculine
ChickensHoneSaterland Frisiannountap, faucet, spigotmasculine
ChickensHoneSaterland Frisiannouncock, hammer (of a firearm)masculine
ChickenspipkaSlovaknounhen (female chicken)feminine
ChickenspipkaSlovaknoungirlfeminine slang
ChickensخروسOttoman Turkishnounrooster, cock, an adult male of the species Gallus gallus
ChickensخروسOttoman Turkishnounleader of a flock of birds during migrationsbiology natural-sciences zoology
ChildrenkruszynaPolishnouncrumb (small piece of food)feminine
ChildrenkruszynaPolishnouncrumb (a bit, a small amount of something)broadly feminine
ChildrenkruszynaPolishnounsmall, delicate childendearing feminine
ChildrenkruszynaPolishnounbuckthorn (any plant of the genus Frangula)feminine
ChildrenчедоBulgariannounchild, kid
ChildrenчедоBulgariannouncitizen, subject, resident
ChildrenчедоBulgariannounform of address used by elderly people towards younger people or childrenarchaic
Children小孩Chinesenounchild; kid (person who has not yet reached adulthood) (Classifier: 個/个)
Children小孩Chinesenounchild; kid (someone's son or daughter, regardless of age) (Classifier: 個/个)
ChinaChicomEnglishnounA member of the Communist Party of China, a Chinese cadre.government politicsinformal offensive sometimes
ChinaChicomEnglishnounA proponent of Chinese Communism, whether Maoist or its subsequent development.government politicsinformal offensive sometimes
ChinaChicomEnglishnounAny citizen of the People's Republic of China.government politicsethnic informal offensive slur sometimes
ChineseLiterary ChineseEnglishnameThe written Chinese language used from the end of the Han Dynasty (220 C.E.) to the early 20th century. In Chinese, 文言 (wényán, “literary writing”).
ChineseLiterary ChineseEnglishnameThe written Chinese language used from the Zhou Dynasty (1045 B.C.E.) (especially the Spring and Autumn Period), through to the end of the Han Dynasty (220 C.E.). In Chinese, 古文 (gǔwén, “Ancient Writing”). The language of many classics of Chinese literature.
ChineseLiterary ChineseEnglishnameWritten Chinese for this entire period, without distinction.
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterone
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactereach; every
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactersingle; alone
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterwhole; entire; all: throughout
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactersame; identical
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacteranother; alternativeClassical
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactercertain aforementionedformal
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterWith the verb modified reduplicated, expressing the transience of the verb: / Indicating that the action has occurred only once
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterWith the verb modified reduplicated, expressing the transience of the verb: / Indicating the intention to try
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacteronce; as soon as; upon
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterfor the first time; at the beginningobsolete
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactersurprisingly; unexpectedlyobsolete
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactertopLGBTslang
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterto dieCantonese euphemistic
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterextremely; very; highlyHokkien Xiamen
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterKunqu gongche notation for the note low ti (7̣).entertainment lifestyle music
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacteroneMin
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactereach; everyMin
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterwhole; entire; allMin
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacteroneBeijing Mandarin
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterclear; limpid
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterclean; unstained
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterpure; unmixed
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterdistinct; clear; apparent
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterfair and honest; upright
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterquiet; still
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterunaspiratedhuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterto clear (throat, etc.); to clean
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterto settle; to sort out
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterthe Qing (Ching) dynasty (Manchu) (1644-1911)
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharactera surname
Chinese dynastiesChinesecharacterSynonym of 師兄/师兄 (si¹ hing¹)Cantonese Hong-Kong Internet Leet
Chinese mythologyHuyền VũVietnamesenameXuanwu
Chinese mythologyHuyền VũVietnamesenamethe Black Tortoise
ChristianitykumaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kum (“godmother”)feminine form-of
ChristianitykumaPolishnounneighbor, neighbourcolloquial feminine
ChristianitykumaPolishnounfriendcolloquial feminine
ChristianitykumaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of kumaccusative form-of genitive masculine person singular
ChristianitykumaPolishverbthird-person singular present of kumaćform-of present singular third-person
ChristianityпричастиеRussiannounparticiplegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesparticiple
ChristianityпричастиеRussiannouncommunion; Eucharist (ceremony, sacrament, or substances)lifestyle religion
Christianityநீதிமொழிகள்Tamilnamethe book of Proverbs
Christianityநீதிமொழிகள்Tamilnoun; maxims
ChristianityഅമീൻMalayalamnamea male given name
ChristianityഅമീൻMalayalamnouna police officer
Christianity上帝ChinesenameShangdi (sky deity in Chinese traditional religions)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
Christianity上帝Chinesenouncustomer; consumerslang
CleaningseprőHungariannounlees, dregs, grounds (the sediment that settles during fermentation of wine)uncountable usually
CleaningseprőHungariannounthe dregs (the worst and lowest part of something)figuratively uncountable usually
CleaningseprőHungarianverbpresent participle of seper: sweepingform-of participle present
CleaningseprőHungariannounAlternative form of seprű (“broom”) (a domestic utensil with fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping)alt-of alternative dated
CleaningseprőHungariannounsweeper (a person or a machine who sweeps floors)
CleaningszlamowaćPolishverbto desludge (to remove silt from water reservoirs)imperfective transitive
CleaningszlamowaćPolishverbto clean the intestines of slaughtered animals from mucous membranes, mucus, and food remainsimperfective transitive
Cleaning掃帚Chinesenounbroom (Classifier: 把 m c)
Cleaning掃帚ChinesenounAlternative name for 地膚/地肤 (“Bassia scoparia”).alt-of alternative name
ClocksperpendykułPolishnounpendulum (body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity, commonly used to regulate various devices such as clocks)engineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine obsolete
ClocksperpendykułPolishnounpendulum clockinanimate masculine obsolete
ClocksperpendykułPolishnounvertical, vertical lineinanimate masculine obsolete
Clocksघड़ीHindinounclock, watch (a timekeeper)
Clocksघड़ीHindinouna short period of time, specifically 24 minutes
Clothingbig-girl pantsEnglishnounPull-up underwear worn by a girl during and after toilet training, as contrasted to the diapers worn during infancy.informal plural plural-only
Clothingbig-girl pantsEnglishnounA notional pair of trousers or underwear worn by a female when acting maturely.figuratively informal plural plural-only
ClothingflannelEnglishnounA soft cloth material originally woven from wool, today often combined with cotton or synthetic fibers.uncountable
ClothingflannelEnglishnounA washcloth.British New-Zealand countable
ClothingflannelEnglishnounA flannel shirt.US countable
ClothingflannelEnglishnounSoothing, plausible untruth or half-truth; claptrap.slang uncountable
ClothingflannelEnglishadjMade of flannel.not-comparable
ClothingflannelEnglishverbTo rub with a flannel.transitive
ClothingflannelEnglishverbTo wrap in flannel.transitive
ClothingflannelEnglishverbTo flatter; to suck up to.transitive
ClothingflannelEnglishverbTo waffle or prevaricate.slang transitive
ClothinglibsaMaltesenoungarment, piece of clothingfeminine
ClothinglibsaMaltesenoundress (kind of women's garment)feminine usually
ClothingoilyEnglishadjRelating to or resembling oil.
ClothingoilyEnglishadjCovered with or containing oil.
ClothingoilyEnglishadjExcessively friendly or polite but insincere.figuratively
ClothingoilyEnglishnounA marble with an oily lustre.
ClothingoilyEnglishnounOilskins. (waterproof garment)in-plural informal
ClothingpanyuweloTagalognounneckerchief; shawl
ClothingshrugEnglishnounA lifting of the shoulders to signal indifference or a casual lack of knowledge.
ClothingshrugEnglishnounA cropped, cardigan-like garment with short or long sleeves, typically knitted.
ClothingshrugEnglishverbTo raise (the shoulders) to express uncertainty, lack of concern, (formerly) dread, etc.intransitive transitive
ClothingtutaItaliannounsweatsuit, tracksuit, jumpsuitfeminine
ClothingtutaItaliannounoveralls, coveralls, boiler suitfeminine
ClothingστρόφιονAncient Greeknounband worn by women around the breasts
ClothingστρόφιονAncient Greeknounheadband worn by priests
ClothingστρόφιονAncient Greeknounboxing glove
ClothingбушлатRussiannounpea coatnautical transport
ClothingбушлатRussiannouna warm uniform jacket (worn by soldiers, construction workers, prisoners, etc.)broadly
CocktailsamericanoEnglishnounA drink made of espresso coffee diluted with hot water.countable uncountable
CocktailsamericanoEnglishnounA cocktail made with Campari, sweet vermouth, and club soda.countable uncountable
CoffeegrecaSpanishnounmoka potCaribbean feminine
CoffeegrecaSpanishnounfret, fretworkfeminine
CoffeegrecaSpanishadjfeminine singular of grecofeminine form-of singular
CoffeewhitenerEnglishnounAny substance used to whiten something; a bleach.countable uncountable
CoffeewhitenerEnglishnounA person employed to whiten or bleach.countable
CoffeewhitenerEnglishnounA powder added to tea or coffee in place of milk. A "non-dairy creamer".Canada countable uncountable
CollectivesSejmPolishnameSejm (the lower house of the bicameral parliament of Poland) / Sejm (total number of people who sit in the Sejm)governmentinanimate masculine
CollectivesSejmPolishnameSejm (the lower house of the bicameral parliament of Poland) / Sejm (building of the Sejm)governmentinanimate masculine
CollectivesSejmPolishnameSejm (the lower house of the bicameral parliament of Poland)governmentinanimate masculine
CollectivesSejmPolishnamethe whole Polish parliament, including both housesgovernmenthistorical inanimate masculine
CollectivesSejmPolishnounany specific gathering of the Sejmgovernmenthistorical inanimate masculine
CollectivesSejmPolishnameSeym (a river in Russia and Ukraine)inanimate masculine
CollectivesklubPolishnounclub (association of members) / club (people in such an association)inanimate masculine
CollectivesklubPolishnounclub (association of members) / club (place of such an association)inanimate masculine
CollectivesklubPolishnounclub, nightclub (establishment that is open late at night)inanimate masculine
CollectivesklubPolishnounclub (fraction of parliamentarians of the Polish parliament)government politicsinanimate masculine
CollectivesklubPolishnounclub (former political organization grouping the most active politicians, replaced over time by a political party)government politicsinanimate masculine
CollectivesklubPolishnounclub couch (couch in a club)inanimate masculine obsolete rare
CollectivesklubPolishnoungenitive plural of klubafeminine form-of genitive plural
CollectiveskółkoPolishnoundiminutive of kołodiminutive form-of neuter
CollectiveskółkoPolishnounsocial circle, group (group of people sharing a hobby or similar common interest)neuter
CollectiveskółkoPolishnounsteering wheelcolloquial neuter
CollectiveskółkoPolishnounflax spinning wheelhobbies lifestyle spinning sportsneuter
CollectivessynodEnglishnounAn ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters.Christianity
CollectivessynodEnglishnounAn administrative division of churches, either the entire denomination, as in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, or a mid-level division (middle judicatory, district) as in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaChristianity
CollectivessynodEnglishnounAn assembly or council having civil authority; a legislative body.
CollectivessynodEnglishnounA conjunction of two or more of the heavenly bodies.astronomy natural-sciences
CollectivesтрупаUkrainiannountroupe, company (collective of theatrical or circus performers)
CollectivesтрупаUkrainiannoungenitive singular of труп (trup)form-of genitive singular
ColorsargentFrenchnounmoney, cashmasculine
ColorsargentFrenchnounargent (white in heraldry)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
ColorsbalandanCebuanonounlinen; thread or cloth made from flax fiberobsolete
ColorsbalandanCebuanonounthe color linen; a light beige colour
ColorsbalandanCebuanoadjhaving the colour linen
ColorsreodOld Englishadjred
ColorsreodOld Englishnounred
ColorsroseusLatinadjpink, rose-colored, rosyadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsroseusLatinadjrose-, of or pertaining to rosesadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsroseusLatinadjany thing blooming with youth; rosy, ruddy, bloomingadjective declension-1 declension-2 especially
ColorsChinesecharacterpurple; violet; blackish red
ColorsChinesecharacternavy blue; dark blueTaiwanese-Hokkien
Columbids白鴿Chinesenounwhite pigeon
Columbids白鴿Chinesenounpigeon; dove (regardless of colors)Cantonese Eastern Hainanese Hakka Min Northern Southwestern-Mandarin Zhongshan
ComedyjibeEnglishnounA facetious or insulting remark; a jeer, a taunt.
ComedyjibeEnglishverbTo reproach with contemptuous words; to deride, to mock, to taunt.transitive
ComedyjibeEnglishverbTo say in a mocking or taunting manner.transitive
ComedyjibeEnglishverbTo make a mocking remark or remarks; to jeer.intransitive
ComedyjibeEnglishverbTo accord or agree.Canada US informal intransitive
ComedyjibeEnglishnounAlternative spelling of gybenautical transportUS alt-of alternative
ComedyjibeEnglishverbAlternative spelling of gybenautical transportUS alt-of alternative
ComedykomischGermanadjcomedic, comic, pertaining to comedy
ComedykomischGermanadjfunny, comical (chiefly dated, but still usual with certain intensifiers as in urkomisch, zu komisch, wahnsinnig komisch)
ComedykomischGermanadjpeculiar, weird, strange, funnyinformal
Communism通共Chineseverbto collude with or have correspondence to communist force; to be associated with or secretly support communist ideologies or activities (as a serious offence or charge against somebody in certain Western Bloc countries.)
Communism通共Chineseadvaltogether; in total; in all; in sumcolloquial
Compass pointsaminhanHiligaynonnounnorth
Compass pointsaminhanHiligaynonadjnorthern
Compass pointsaminhanHiligaynonadjnortherly
Compass pointslesteGaliciannouneast (cardinal direction)masculine uncountable
Compass pointslesteGaliciannounthe eastern portion of a territory or regionmasculine uncountable
Compass pointslesteGaliciannounan eastern; a wind blowing from the eastcountable masculine
Compass pointslesteGalicianverbsecond-person singular preterite indicative of lerform-of indicative preterite second-person singular
Compositescanapa del CanadaItaliannounhemp dogbane, (US) Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)feminine uncountable
Compositescanapa del CanadaItaliannounone such plantfeminine
ComputingDatensicherungGermannounbackup (the act of making a backup copy)feminine
ComputingDatensicherungGermannounbackup (the result of making a backup copy)feminine
ComputingaksesoTagalognounaccess; entry
ComputingaksesoTagalognounattack; fit (sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom)medicine sciences
CondimentsJapanesesyllableThe hiragana syllable す (su). Its equivalent in katakana is ス (su). It is the thirteenth syllable in the gojūon order; its position is さ行う段 (sa-gyō u-dan, “row sa, section u”).
CondimentsJapanesenoun巣, 栖, 窼: nest, hive, den
CondimentsJapanesenoun酢, 醋, 酸: vinegar (condiment)
CondimentsJapanesenoun州, 洲: sandbank, sandbar
CondimentsJapaneseverbto doarchaic
CondimentsJapaneseverbto cause, becomearchaic
CondimentsJapanesesuffixAlternative form of せる (seru, “causative suffix”)alt-of alternative colloquial dialectal morpheme
ConstellationsOrioneItaliannameOrion (a giant-hunter, pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine
ConstellationsOrioneItaliannameOrion (a constellation on the celestial equator close to Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel)masculine
ConstellationsการเวกThainoun(นก~) a mythical bird said to be immortal, living in the Himavanta Forest, having an enchanting melodious cry, having feathers that can turn into gold, and having a long flowing tail, also believed by the East Asians to have a human's head and a bird's torso.Buddhism Buddhist human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciences
ConstellationsการเวกThainoun(นก~) fenghuang: Chinese phoenix.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese broadly
ConstellationsการเวกThainoun(นก~) phoenix.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesbroadly
ConstellationsการเวกThainoun(นก~) bird-of-paradise: any of various birds of the family Paradisaeidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
ConstellationsการเวกThainounclimbing ylang-ylang: the plant Artabotrys hexapetalus of the family Annonaceae.biology botany natural-sciences
ConstellationsการเวกThainouna type of traditional Thai songs.entertainment lifestyle music
ConstellationsการเวกThainamethe constellation Apus.astronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsმორიელიGeorgiannounScorpioastronomy natural-sciences
ContainersDoseGermannounbox (container made from metal or plastic, less often wood)feminine
ContainersDoseGermannountin, can (air-tight container for food)feminine
ContainersDoseGermannounvagina, vulvadiminutive feminine informal often
ContainersjoierCatalannounjewellery armoire, jewel boxmasculine
ContainerslidMiddle EnglishnounA lid; a piece of material used to cover a container.
ContainerslidMiddle EnglishnounThe exterior of a gravesite, ditch, or pit.
ContainerslidMiddle EnglishnounThe covering over one's eyes; an eyelid.
ContainerslidMiddle EnglishnounThe top layer of a pastry dish.rare
ContainerssafeEnglishadjNot in danger; out of harm's reach.
ContainerssafeEnglishadjFree from risk.
ContainerssafeEnglishadjProviding protection from danger; providing shelter.
ContainerssafeEnglishadjWhen a batter successfully reaches first base, or when a baserunner successfully advances to the next base or returns to the base he last occupied; not out.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
ContainerssafeEnglishadjIn a location that renders it difficult to pot.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle snooker sports
ContainerssafeEnglishadjProperly secured.
ContainerssafeEnglishadjNot susceptible to a specified source of harm.
ContainerssafeEnglishadjGreat, cool, awesome, respectable; a term of approbation, often as interjection.UK slang
ContainerssafeEnglishadjLenient, usually describing a teacher that is easy-going.slang
ContainerssafeEnglishadjReliable; trusty.
ContainerssafeEnglishadjOf a programming language, type-safe or more generally offering well-defined behavior despite programming errors.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
ContainerssafeEnglishnounA box, usually made of metal, in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping.
ContainerssafeEnglishnounA condom.slang
ContainerssafeEnglishnounA ventilated or refrigerated chest or closet for securing provisions from noxious animals or insects.dated
ContainerssafeEnglishnounA safety bicycle.colloquial dated
ContainerssafeEnglishverbTo make something safe.transitive
ContainersstaioItaliannounbushel (container)masculine
ContainersstaioItaliannounan ancient unit of surface areahistorical masculine
ContainersαγγείοGreeknounvessel, pot, urn, vase (especially ancient one)
ContainersαγγείοGreeknounblood vesselanatomy medicine sciences
ContainersπλυνόςAncient Greeknountrough, tank or pit in which dirty clothes were washed by treading
ContainersπλυνόςAncient Greeknounwashing tubs, fuller's tubs
ContainersяслаUkrainiannounmangeragriculture business lifestyleplural plural-only
ContainersяслаUkrainiannounnursery, crèche (daytime institution caring for toddlers)plural plural-only
ContainersJapanesecharacterkanji kyūjitai no-gloss
ContainersJapanesenouna cage
ContainersJapanesenouna basket
ContainersJapanesenamea surname
ContainersJapanesenouna basket, especially one made of bamboo
ContainersJapanesenounShort for 伏籠 (fusego): a clothes airer, or chicken coopabbreviation alt-of
ContainersJapanesenounAlternative spelling of 牢 (rō): a jail, prison; a cage; food (usually meat) used in offeringsalt-of alternative
ContainersJapaneseaffixbring in
ContainersJapaneseaffixseclude oneself
Cookingasam garamMalaynounseasoning
Cookingasam garamMalaynounexperiencefiguratively idiomatic
CookingtalowMiddle Englishnounsuet (the adipose tissues of an animal).uncountable
CookingtalowMiddle Englishnountallow (in cooking, candlemaking, and greasing)uncountable
CookingtalowMiddle EnglishnounThe inner matter of a seed.rare uncountable
Cookingလှော်Burmeseverbto row or paddle (a boat)
Cookingလှော်Burmeseverbto roast
Cookingလှော်Burmeseverbto importune somebody on someone's behalf
Cookware and bakewarediableEnglishnounAn unglazed earthenware casserole dish.
Cookware and bakewarediableEnglishadjFlavored with hot spices.not-comparable postpositional
Cookware and bakewarekociołPolishnouncauldroninanimate masculine
Cookware and bakewarekociołPolishnounboiler in a machineinanimate masculine
Cookware and bakewarekociołPolishnounkettledruminanimate masculine
Cookware and bakewarekociołPolishnouncommotion, hubbubcolloquial inanimate masculine
Cookware and bakewarekociołPolishnouncirque, combe, corrie, cwminanimate masculine
CorvidscheccaItaliannounfairy, poof, faggot (homosexual who thinks or behaves effeminately)derogatory feminine slang vulgar
CorvidscheccaItaliannounSynonym of gazza (“magpie”)Italy Northern feminine
CorvidscheccaItaliannounice block to cool an iceboxfeminine obsolete
CosmeticsleppestiftNorwegian Nynorsknounlipstick (make-up worn on the lips)masculine
CosmeticsleppestiftNorwegian Nynorsknouna lipstick (stick of lipstick)masculine
Cosmetics指甲水Chinesenounnail polishCantonese Guangzhou
Cosmetics指甲水Chinesenounnail polish removerCantonese Hong-Kong
CosmologyFifth WorldEnglishnameA world in a number of American mythologies: / Synonym of Fifth Sun (“The present and final world, which will not be recreated once the Earth is destroyed.”)
CosmologyFifth WorldEnglishnameA world in a number of American mythologies: / The world which will succeed the destruction of the present world, which is the Túwaquachi (also known as the Fourth World).
CosmologyFifth WorldEnglishnameA world in a number of American mythologies: / The present world, which the Navajo travelled through four worlds to reach.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesNavajo
CosmologyFifth WorldEnglishnameCollectively, micronations which are advanced or developed; above the Sixth World and Seventh Worlds.obsolete
CosmologyFifth WorldEnglishnameCollectively, micronations which are advanced or developed; above the Sixth World and Seventh Worlds. / Collectively, all micronations.broadly dated obsolete rare
Country nicknamesДжорджияRussiannameGeorgia (a state in the Southern United States)
Country nicknamesДжорджияRussiannameGeorgia (A transcontinental country in the Caucasus region of Europe and Asia, on the coast of the Black Sea, often considered to belong politically to Europe)colloquial rare
CrimecrucifierMiddle EnglishnounOne who crucifies.Late-Middle-English
CrimecrucifierMiddle EnglishnounAn enemy of Christianity.Late-Middle-English figuratively
CrimeposądzeniePolishnounverbal noun of posądzićform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
CrimeposądzeniePolishnoundefamation, libel (baseless accuasation)countable neuter
CrimeвӧрKomi-Zyriannounforest, wood
CroatiaKroatiesAfrikaansadjCroatian (of, from, or pertaining to Croatia, the Croatian people or the Croatian language)not-comparable
CroatiaKroatiesAfrikaansnameCroatian (standardised variety of Serbo-Croatian spoken in Croatia)
CucurbitasbaniaKashubiannounhead, nogginanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine obsolete
DancesbachataEnglishnounA genre of music originating in the Dominican Republic.countable uncountable
DancesbachataEnglishnounA style of dance accompanying this music.countable uncountable
Days of the weeksinghgizZhuangnounweek
Days of the weeksinghgizZhuangnounSunday
Days of the week月曜Japanesenounthe moonarchaic
Days of the week月曜JapanesenounMonday
DeathhalottHungarianadjdead, deceasednot-comparable usually
DeathhalottHungariannouna dead person
DeathhalottHungariannoun… (people) were killed (in a disaster or attack) (literally, “it had … deads”)
DeathhellEnglishnameA place of torment where some or all sinners and evil spirits are believed to go after death.uncountable
DeathhellEnglishnounA place or situation of great suffering in life.countable excessive figuratively
DeathhellEnglishnounA place for gambling.countable
DeathhellEnglishnounAn extremely hot place.countable figuratively uncountable
DeathhellEnglishnounUsed as an intensifier in phrases grammatically requiring a noun.countable sometimes uncountable vulgar
DeathhellEnglishnounA place into which a tailor throws shreds, or a printer discards broken type.countable obsolete uncountable
DeathhellEnglishnounIn certain games of chase, a place to which those who are caught are carried for detention.countable uncountable
DeathhellEnglishnounSomething extremely painful or harmful (to)colloquial countable uncountable with-on
DeathhellEnglishintjUsed to express discontent, unhappiness, or anger.colloquial sometimes vulgar
DeathhellEnglishintjUsed to emphasize.colloquial sometimes vulgar
DeathhellEnglishintjUsed to introduce an intensified statement following an understated one; nay; not only that, but.colloquial sometimes vulgar
DeathhellEnglishadvAlternative form of the hell or like hell.alt-of alternative not-comparable postpositional
DeathhellEnglishadvVery; used to emphasize strongly.Australia New-Zealand colloquial not-comparable sometimes vulgar
DeathhellEnglishverbTo make hellish; to place (someone) in hell; to make (a place) into a hell.
DeathhellEnglishverbTo hurry, rush.
DeathhellEnglishverbTo move quickly and loudly; to raise hell as part of motion.intransitive
DeathhellEnglishverbTo add luster to; to burnish (silver or gold).rare
DeathhellEnglishverbTo pour.rare
DeathstoningEnglishnounlapidation: punishment by throwing stones, usually resulting in death
DeathstoningEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of stoneform-of gerund participle present
DeathtricenaryEnglishadjOf or related to the number thirty.not-comparable obsolete
DeathtricenaryEnglishadjLasting thirty days.not-comparable obsolete
DeathtricenaryEnglishnounSynonym of trental, a set of 30 requiem masses.Christianity
DeathумиратьRussianverbto die of natural causes
DeathумиратьRussianverbto disappear, to ceasefiguratively
DeathумиратьRussianverbto become inoperable, to stop workingcolloquial figuratively
DeathумиратьRussianverbto feel an emotion extremely stronglyfiguratively
DeceptionsvindlaSwedishverbfeel dizzy
DeceptionsvindlaSwedishverbswindle, defraud
DemocracyhlasSlovaknounvoiceinanimate masculine
DemocracyhlasSlovaknounvoteinanimate masculine
DemocracypollingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of pollform-of gerund participle present
DemocracypollingEnglishnounThe action of taking a poll.countable uncountable
DemocracypollingEnglishnounA technique that continually interrogates a peripheral or service to see if it has data to transfer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
DemocracypollingEnglishnounthe process of voting in an election.government politicsuncountable
DemographyTFREnglishnounInitialism of total fertility rate.demographics demographyabbreviation alt-of initialism
DemographyTFREnglishnounInitialism of temporary flight restriction.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
DemographyTFREnglishnounInitialism of time-frequency representation.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences signal-processingabbreviation alt-of initialism
DemonymsFæroeseEnglishadjObsolete form of Faeroese.alt-of not-comparable obsolete
DemonymsFæroeseEnglishnounObsolete form of Faeroese.alt-of obsolete
DemonymsFæroeseEnglishnameObsolete form of Faeroese.alt-of obsolete
DemonymsSieneseEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Siena in central Italy, or its school of painting in the 13th and 14th centuries.
DemonymsSieneseEnglishnounNative or inhabitant of Siena in Tuscany, Italy.
DemonymsWürzburgerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Würzburgmasculine strong
DemonymsWürzburgerGermanadjof Würzburgindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsZanzibariEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Zanzibar.
DemonymsZanzibariEnglishadjof, or relating to Zanzibar or its inhabitantsnot-comparable
DemonymsanglosajónSpanishnounAnglo-Saxon (person)masculine
DemonymsanglosajónSpanishnounAnglo-Saxon; Old English (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsarandinoSpanishadjof Aranda de Duerorelational
DemonymsarandinoSpanishadjof Aranda de Moncayorelational
DemonymsarandinoSpanishnounsomeone from Aranda de Dueromasculine
DemonymsarandinoSpanishnounsomeone from Aranda de Moncayomasculine
DemonymsfriulanuSiciliannounFriulian (person from Friulia)masculine
DemonymsfriulanuSiciliannounFriulian (language)masculine
DemonymshyperboreanEnglishnounOne of a race of people living in the extreme north, beyond the north wind.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek capitalized usually
DemonymshyperboreanEnglishnounAny person living in a northern country, or to the north.humorous usually
DemonymshyperboreanEnglishadjPertaining to the extreme north of the earth, or (usually jocular) to a specific northern country or area.
DemonymsleperoSpanishadjof Lepe (a town in Huelva, Spain)relational
DemonymsleperoSpanishnounsomeone from Lepemasculine
DemonymsnordvietnamitaItalianadjNorth Vietnamese
DemonymsnordvietnamitaItaliannounNorth Vietnameseby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsromblomanoSpanishadjof Romblonrelational
DemonymsromblomanoSpanishnounresident of Romblon, of province of the Philippinesmasculine
DemonymsromblomanoSpanishnounRomblomanon (language)masculine
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Ardèche.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Manche.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Saône-et-Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr, in the department of Vienne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-de-Salerne, in the department of Eure.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-de-Valorges, in the department of Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-des-Gâts, in the department of Vendée.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-du-Doret, in the department of Charente-Maritime.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-du-Gault, in the department of Loir-et-Cher.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-du-Ronceray, in the department of Calvados.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies, in the department of Val-d'Oise.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Bourg, in the department of Maine-et-Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Talmondais, in the department of Vendée.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-en-Val, in the department of Loiret.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Campagne, in the department of Eure.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Lande, in the department of Deux-Sèvres.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Rivière, in the department of Essonne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-la-Roche, in the department of Corrèze.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-le-Chatoux, in the department of Rhône.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-le-Gravelais, in the department of Mayenne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-les-Champagnes, in the department of Dordogne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-les-Colons, in the department of Yonne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-l'École, in the department of Yvelines.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sous-Dourdan, in the department of Essonne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, in the department of Indre-et-Loire.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Menthon, in the department of Ain.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, in the department of Var.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-Morin, in the department of Seine-et-Marne.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to several French communes containing Saint-Cyr in their names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cyr-sur-le-Rhône, in the department of Rhône.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to other French communes with similar sounding names: / Of or relating to Saint-Ciers-d'Abzac, in the department of Gironde.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to other French communes with similar sounding names: / Of or relating to Saint-Ciers-sur-Gironde, in the department of Gironde.
Demonymssaint-cyrienFrenchadjOf or relating to other French communes with similar sounding names: / Of or relating to Saint-Cirq-Madelon, in the department of Lot.
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishadjof San Lorenzo, Valle, Hondurasrelational
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishadjof San Lorenzo, Paraguayrelational
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishnounsomeone from San Lorenzo, Hondurasmasculine
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishnounsomeone from San Lorenzo, Paraguaymasculine
DemonymsseulenseSpanishadjSeoulite (of or relating to Seoul, South Korea)feminine masculine
DemonymsseulenseSpanishnounSeoulite (native or resident of Seoul, South Korea)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymssiamèsCatalanadjSiamese; Thai
DemonymssiamèsCatalannounSiamese person; Thai personmasculine
DemonymszamoranoSpanishadjof a number of places bearing the name "Zamora," including those in Spain, Venezuela, and Mexicorelational
DemonymszamoranoSpanishnounan inhabitant of any of a number of places bearing the name "Zamora," including those in Spain, Venezuela, and Mexicomasculine
DemonymsჭყონდარიMingreliannounMartvilian (someone from Martvili)
DentistrysâuVietnameseadjdeep (having its bottom far down)
DentistrysâuVietnamesenouna caterpillar (larva of a butterfly)
DentistrysâuVietnameseadjwith a cavity
Derogatory names for countriesNiggerlandEnglishnameAfrica.ethnic offensive slur
Derogatory names for countriesNiggerlandEnglishnameAny country in Sub-Saharan Africa.ethnic offensive slur
Derogatory names for countriesNiggerlandEnglishnameAny black-majority country or area.ethnic offensive slur
DessertsbudinTagalognouncassava cake with pudding-like consistency
DessertstsampoyTagalognounyangmei (tree and fruit)
DessertstsampoyTagalognounsweetened or salted preserved yangmei (or other fruit)
DialectsCommonwealth EnglishEnglishnounThe generalised variety of English spoken and written primarily in the United Kingdom and its former colonies, sometimes excluding Canada (especially in the context of pronunciation); always excluding the United States of America. (i.e. non-American English)uncommon uncountable
DialectsCommonwealth EnglishEnglishnounThe group of varieties of English used in the ex-colonial member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, in distinction to the varieties used in Britain itselfrare uncountable
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounright (direction)
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounright handanatomy medicine sciences
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounpledge, promise, oath, compact
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounordination
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounarranging, ordering
DirectiveswymówieniePolishnounverbal noun of wymówićform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
DirectiveswymówieniePolishnounnotice (notification of termination of employment)countable neuter
DiscordianismErisCzechnameEris, the goddess of discord, confusion, and strifehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
DiscordianismErisCzechnameEris, a dwarf planet and a large Kuiper belt objectastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine indeclinable
DiseaseenvenymenMiddle EnglishverbTo envenom; to use venom or poison to kill or injure.uncommon
DiseaseenvenymenMiddle EnglishverbTo smear with venom or poison; to make poisonous.uncommon
DiseaseenvenymenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread disease or malignancy; to bring ruin or discord.uncommon
DiseaseenvenymenMiddle EnglishverbTo plant sinful ideas, corruption, or evil in a person or group of people.uncommon
DiseaseslukulukuYorubanounmalaria, fever
DiseaseslukulukuYorubanouna term for extremely deadly childhood diseases, such as bird fluEkiti
DiseaseslukulukuYorubanounSpanish influenzaEkiti historical
DiseasesσῦκονAncient Greeknounfig, the fruit of the συκῆ (sukê)
DiseasesσῦκονAncient Greeknouna large wart on the eyelids
DiseasesσῦκονAncient Greeknouna large wart on the eyelids / hemorrhoids
DiseasesσῦκονAncient Greeknounvulva
DiseasesपोंकनाHindiverbto have diarrheaintransitive
DiseasesपोंकनाHindiverbto be fear-strickenfiguratively intransitive
DiseasesपोंकनाHindinoundiarrheal disease in quadrupeds
DiseasesपोंकनाHindiadjone who has diarrhea
DiseasesपोंकनाHindiadjfearful, timid, cowardfiguratively
DogsAfghaneGermannounAfghan, person from Afghanistan or of Pashtun descentmasculine weak
DogsAfghaneGermannounAfghan hound (Afghanischer Windhund)masculine weak
DogsAfghaneGermannouna type of black hashish (Schwarzer Afghane "Black Afghan")masculine weak
DogslabEnglishnounA laboratory.colloquial
DogslabEnglishnounLaboratory experiment, test, investigation or result.colloquial
DogslabEnglishnounA Labrador retriever.colloquial
DogssforaPolishnouna large pack of canids, especially feral dogs or wolvesfeminine
DogssforaPolishnounpack; unruly group of peoplebroadly derogatory feminine
DogssforaPolishnouna pair of hunting dogs working togetherfeminine
DogssforaPolishnouna leash for hunting dogsfeminine obsolete
DrinkingcrapulousEnglishadjCharacterized by excessive eating or drinking.
DrinkingcrapulousEnglishadjSuffering physically from the consequences of excessive eating or drinking.
DrinkingcrapulousEnglishadjSurcharged with liquor; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating.
DrinkingzootedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of zootform-of participle past
DrinkingzootedEnglishadjDrunk or intoxicated; stoned; zonked.slang
DrinkingمیخانهPersiannounpub, tavern, bar
DucksпловкаBulgariannounfloater, flotsamliterally
DucksпловкаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of пловъ́к (plovǎ́k): duck, anatiddialectal feminine form-of
DucksпловкаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of пловъ́к (plovǎ́k): mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)feminine form-of
EaglesorleCzechnounvocative singular of orelform-of masculine singular vocative
EaglesάρπυιαGreeknounharpyhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
EaglesάρπυιαGreeknounharpy eagle
Eastern OrthodoxyфофудьяRussiannounan oriental precious cloth worn by royalty in the Byzantine Empire and medieval East Slavshistorical
Eastern OrthodoxyфофудьяRussiannouna name for warm outerwear, later known as фуфайка (fufajka)dated
Eastern OrthodoxyфофудьяRussiannounextreme Orthodox Christian views; especially supporting Russian ultranationalismInternet Ukraine derogatory
EducationprofessorEnglishnounThe most senior rank for an academic at a university or similar institution.
EducationprofessorEnglishnounA teacher or faculty member at a college or university regardless of formal rank.Philippines US informal
EducationprofessorEnglishnounOne who professes something, such as a religious doctrine.archaic
EducationprofessorEnglishnounA pianist in a saloon, brothel, etc.US slang
EducationprofessorEnglishnounThe puppeteer who performs a Punch and Judy show; a Punchman.
EducationчетвртицаSerbo-Croatiannounfour (digit or figure)
EducationчетвртицаSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered four (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 4 etc.)
EducationчетвртицаSerbo-Croatiannounthe school grade '4'
Education學費Chinesenountuition fee; tuition
Education學費Chinesenouneducational expenses (all expenses incurred during a student's study period)
Education學費Chinesenouncost; pricefiguratively
ElephantsควาญThainounkeeper or driver (of any animal).archaic
Elopomorph fishladyfishEnglishnounA coastal dwelling fish (Elops saurus), found throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Elopomorph fishladyfishEnglishnounSpanish hogfish (Bodianus rufus)
Elopomorph fishladyfishEnglishnounAlbula vulpes, one of the fish called bonefish.
EmotionsagreenMiddle EnglishverbTo ingratiate or please; to make content or favoured.Late-Middle-English
EmotionsagreenMiddle EnglishverbTo agree; to give one's approval or permission.Late-Middle-English
EmotionsagreenMiddle EnglishverbTo recompense; to pay a charge or perform an obligation.Late-Middle-English
EmotionsagreenMiddle EnglishverbTo make a bilateral compact.Late-Middle-English rare
EmotionsajabuSwahilinounwonder, amazementclass-10 class-5 class-6 class-9
EmotionsajabuSwahilinounsomething which is wondrous or amazingclass-10 class-5 class-6 class-9
EmotionsajabuSwahiliverbto be amazed or surprised
EmotionslaipnībaLatviannounkindness, friendliness, warmthdeclension-4 feminine singular singular-only
EmotionslaipnībaLatviannounkind, polite talk, behavior, actiondeclension-4 feminine
EmotionsnevoľaSlovaknounslaveryfeminine literary
EmotionsnevoľaSlovaknounAlternative form of nevôľa (“aversion”)alt-of alternative feminine
EmotionsporuszaćPolishverbto move (cause to change place or posture), to stirimperfective transitive
EmotionsporuszaćPolishverbto bring up, to mention, to touch on, to broachimperfective transitive
EmotionsporuszaćPolishverbto move emotionally, to touch, to affectimperfective transitive
EmotionsporuszaćPolishverbto move (change place or posture), to stirimperfective reflexive
EmotionsseknesseMiddle EnglishnounIllness, sickness; the state of being (physically or mentally) unwell.
EmotionsseknesseMiddle EnglishnounA disease or sickness; a medical condition.
EmotionsseknesseMiddle EnglishnounInfirmity, weakness; a lack of strength. / Spiritual weakness or decay.broadly
EmotionsseknesseMiddle EnglishnounInfirmity, weakness; a lack of strength. / Emotional distress or turmoil.broadly
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounAn outsider; a guest; one from an unfamiliar land.rare
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounA thrall; a hireling.rare
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounA wooden board used for creating the exterior of a vessel; planking.
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounA welt; an injury created by use of a whip or a similar weapon.rare
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounA lesion; a boil.rare
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounA selection or possibility; a decision.
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounA preference; something chosen due to its quality.rare
EmotionswaleMiddle Englishadjamazing, of great quality or talent.
EmotionswaleMiddle Englishadjpleasing, nice, enjoyable, benevolent
EmotionswaleMiddle Englishadjstrong, firm, strengthy
EmotionswaleMiddle Englishadjimpactful, grievous, melancholy
EmotionswaleMiddle Englishadjdecided, resolved, picked.rare
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of valealt-of alternative
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of walalt-of alternative
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of walenalt-of alternative
EmotionswaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of whalealt-of alternative
Emotionszůstat stát s otevřenou pusouCzechverbto be very amazed, to gape in surpriseidiomatic
Emotionszůstat stát s otevřenou pusouCzechverbto not know what to sayidiomatic
EmotionsغۇرۇرUyghurnounself-praise, self-esteem
EmotionsغۇرۇرUyghurnounpride, arrogance, conceit
EngineeringclockworkEnglishnounA mechanism powered by a coiled spring and regulated by some form of escapement; the power is transmitted through toothed gearwheels and used to drive a mechanical clock, toy, or other device.uncountable usually
EngineeringclockworkEnglishnounThe action of behaving mechanically in the manner of a clock.uncountable usually
EngineeringclockworkEnglishadjDriven by clockwork.attributive not-comparable
EngineeringclockworkEnglishadjVery smooth and regular.attributive not-comparable
EnglandMiddle EnglandEnglishnameThe English Midlands.
EnglandMiddle EnglandEnglishnameThe conservative white middle classes who live outside London, considered as a group.
EnglandonçaPortuguesenounEnglish or American ounce, a unit of mass equal to 28.35 gfeminine
EnglandonçaPortuguesenounonça, Portuguese ounce, a traditional unit of mass, usually equivalent to 28.7 gfeminine historical
EnglandonçaPortuguesenounonça, ounce, a former gold coin weighing one Portuguese ouncefeminine historical
EnglandonçaPortuguesenounjaguar (Panthera onca, a feline of Latin America)Brazil feminine
EnglandonçaPortuguesenounleopard (Panthera pardus, a feline of Africa and Asia)Angola feminine
EnglandonçaPortuguesenouncougar (Puma concolor, a pan-American feline)feminine uncommon
EnglandonçaPortuguesenouna R$50 bill, which bears the image of a jaguarBrazil feminine slang
English abbreviated euphemismse-wordEnglishnounAny word beginning with e, especially one referring to something electronic, or one that is (often humorously) treated as controversial in a given context (for example, evolution, evangelical or enlightenment).
English abbreviated euphemismse-wordEnglishnounThe word Eskimo, which is considered offensive in Northern Canada.
English abbreviated euphemismsh-wordEnglishnounThe word hell/Hell.euphemistic
English abbreviated euphemismsh-wordEnglishnounAny word beginning with h that is not normally taboo but is considered to be so in the given context, such as horny.humorous
English abbreviated euphemismsl-wordEnglishnounAny word beginning with l that is not normally taboo but is considered (often humorously) to be so in the given context. / The word love.euphemistic humorous
English abbreviated euphemismsl-wordEnglishnounAny word beginning with l that is not normally taboo but is considered (often humorously) to be so in the given context. / The word lesbian.euphemistic humorous
English abbreviated euphemismsl-wordEnglishnounAny word beginning with l that is not normally taboo but is considered (often humorously) to be so in the given context. / The word lawyer.euphemistic humorous
English abbreviated euphemismsl-wordEnglishnounAny word beginning with l that is not normally taboo but is considered (often humorously) to be so in the given context.euphemistic humorous
English abbreviated euphemismsm-wordEnglishnounThe word motherfucker, regarded as a vulgar or taboo word.euphemistic
English abbreviated euphemismsm-wordEnglishnounAny word beginning with m that is not normally taboo but is considered (often humorously) to be so in the given context, like midget.
English minced oathsson of a gunEnglishnounson of a bitcheuphemistic
English minced oathsson of a gunEnglishnounUsed encouragingly or to compliment.
English minced oathsson of a gunEnglishintjUsed to express anger, contempt, disgust, astonishment, disappointment, etc.euphemistic
English unisex given namesAmariEnglishnameA surname.
English unisex given namesAmariEnglishnameA male or female given name of modern usage.
English unisex given namesAugustEnglishnameThe eighth month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars, following July and preceding September.
English unisex given namesAugustEnglishnameA female given name from English derived from the month (rare modern usage).
English unisex given namesAugustEnglishnameA male given name from Latin.
English unisex given namesAugustEnglishnameA surname from Latin.
English unisex given namesAugustEnglishnameA census-designated place in San Joaquin County, California, United States.
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A river in Western Asia, in the Middle East, that empties into the Dead Sea, flowing through Israel, the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Jordan.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A country in Western Asia, in the Middle East. Official name: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Capital and largest city: Ammancountable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / The name of other rivers around the world, listed under Jordan River (disambiguation).countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Washington Township, Daviess County, Indiana.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Boone County, Iowa.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Fulton County, Kentucky.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A city in Scott County, Minnesota.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Hickory County, Missouri.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A small town, the county seat of Garfield County, Montana.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A village in Onondaga County, New York.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Johnston County, North Carolina.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Linn County, Oregon.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town in Green County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Hull, Portage County, Wisconsin.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A number of townships in the United States, listed under Jordan Township.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A community of Lincoln, Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario, Canada.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A small suburb of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England (OS grid ref SK4092).countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / An area in Yau Tsim Mong district, Kowloon, Hong Kong.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA placename: / A municipality, the capital of Guimaras province, Western Visayas, Philippines.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA unisex given name from Hebrew / A male given name from Hebrew; in the Middle Ages given to children baptized with Jordan water brought by crusaders.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA unisex given name from Hebrew / A female given name from Hebrew, of mid-20th century and later usage.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesJordanEnglishnameA surname transferred from the given name derived from the male given name.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Samuel, or rarely of Samson. Also used as a formal given name.
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Samantha.
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA surname from Cantonese, a romanization of 岑 (cén) or 沈 (shěn).
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA town in the Alibori department, Benin.
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA town in Boulkiemdé, Burkina Faso.
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA town in the Bourzanga department, Bam, Burkina Faso.
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA village in the Kongoussi department, Bam, Burkina Faso.
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA Trans-New Guinea language of Papua New Guinea.
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameA surname from Khmer
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnameThe Sam Maguire Cup awarded to the All-Ireland GAA football winning team.Ireland informal
English unisex given namesSamEnglishnounSynonym of Dicky Sam (“a man from Liverpool”)UK informal
English unisex given namesSteveEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Steven and Stephen; also used as a formal male given name.
English unisex given namesSteveEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Stephanie.
English unisex given namesSteveEnglishnounAlternative form of STEVE (an atmospheric optical phenomenon, appearing as a ribbon of light in the sky)alt-of alternative
EntertainmentcabaretItaliannouncabaret (nightclub)invariable masculine
EntertainmentcabaretItaliannouncabaret (live entertainment)invariable masculine uncountable
EntertainmentcabaretItaliannountray, platterinvariable masculine regional
EquidshorseMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of horsalt-of alternative
EquidshorseMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of hosalt-of alternative
EquidshorseMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of horsen (“to provide with a horse”)alt-of alternative
EthicsaequitasLatinnoununiformity, evenness, equalnessdeclension-3
EthicsaequitasLatinnounequality, equanimitydeclension-3
EthicsaequitasLatinnounimpartiality, equity, fairness, justicedeclension-3
EthnicityKhơ-meVietnamesenounthe Khmer ethnic groupcollective
EthnonymsMiwokEnglishnounA member of a linguistic group of indigenous people, native to central California.
EthnonymsMiwokEnglishnameThe Utian (Penutian) languages spoken by these groups.
EthnonymsSantalEnglishnounA member of an aboriginal ethnic group living in what is now the eastern states of India, and Bangladesh and Nepal. They are a Munda people speaking the Santali language.
EthnonymsSantalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Santals.not-comparable
Ethnonyms선비Koreannounclassical scholarhistorical
EuropeContinentEnglishnameThe Old World.obsolete
EuropeContinentEnglishnameSynonym of Europe (including Britain)
EuropeContinentEnglishnameMainland Europe, as seen from the British Isles.Ireland UK
EuropeContinentEnglishnounAn Encratite.
Extinct languagesFenicischDutchadjPhoeniciannot-comparable
Extinct languagesFenicischDutchnamePhoenician (language)neuter
Extinct languagesTainoEnglishnounA member of a group of pre-Columbian indigenous inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and some of the Lesser Antilles.
Extinct languagesTainoEnglishnameTheir Arawakan language, now extinct.
Extinct languagesTainoEnglishnameA municipality in Lombardy, Italy.
EyesúilIrishnounhope, expectationfeminine
FabricsflaxMiddle EnglishnounFlax (Linum usitatissimum) or its fibersuncountable
FabricsflaxMiddle EnglishnounLinen; fabric made out of flaxuncountable
FabricsflaxMiddle EnglishnounFlax or straw used as a firestarter; tinderuncountable
Fabrics蕾絲Chinesenounlace (fabric)
Fabrics蕾絲ChinesenounShort for 蕾絲邊/蕾丝边 (lěisībiān, “lesbian”).abbreviation alt-of
Facelúm đồng tiềnVietnamesenouna "coin depression"
Facelúm đồng tiềnVietnamesenouna facial dimple
FacenosCzechnounnoseanatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
FacenosCzechverbsecond-person singular imperative of nositform-of imperative second-person singular
FaceskułaPolishnouncheekboneanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine rare
FaceskułaPolishnouncheek (part of face)archaic feminine
FaceskułaPolishnounulcer (open sore)medicine pathology sciencesarchaic feminine
FaceskułaPolishnounlameness in cattlebiology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyarchaic feminine
FaceskułaPolishverbthird-person singular feminine past of skućfeminine form-of past singular third-person
FamilyNyonyaMalaynounA female Peranakan (mostly found in Malacca, who speak Baba Malay, and historically descend from colonial Straits-born Chinese)
FamilyNyonyaMalaynounA female descendant of Peranakans (Baba Nyonya)
FamilybaBambaranounriver, stream, lake
FamilybaBambaranumone thousand
FamilycéileOld Irishnounservant, bondsman, subjectmasculine
FamilycéileOld Irishnounliege, vassal, the recipient of a fieflawmasculine
FamilycéileOld Irishnounfellow, companion, neighbourmasculine
FamilycéileOld Irishnounhusbandmasculine
FamilycéileOld Irishnounwifemasculine rare
FamilycéileOld Irishnounone, the othermasculine
FamilykarıTurkishnounaccusative singular of karaccusative form-of singular
FamilykarıTurkishnounthird-person singular possessive of karform-of possessive singular third-person
FamilystamtavleNorwegian Nynorsknouna genealogical table, family treefeminine
FamilystamtavleNorwegian Nynorsknounpedigreealso feminine
FamilytíaGaliciannounwomancolloquial feminine
Familyव्हडKonkaniadjbig, large
Familyव्हडKonkaninounthe eldest brother
FamilyἀγχιστείαAncient Greeknounclose kinship
FamilyἀγχιστείαAncient Greeknounright of inheritance
FamilyἀγχιστείαAncient Greeknounexclusion by descent
Family姑奶Chinesenoungreat-aunt (paternal grandfather's sister)dialectal
Family姑奶Chinesenounsister-in-law (husband's elder sister)Cantonese
Family小姑Chinesenounsister-in-law (husband's younger sister)
Family小姑Chinesenounyoungest paternal aunt (father's youngest sister)
Family membershallëAlbaniannounpaternal auntfeminine
Family membershallëAlbaniannounarmpitanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Family memberstambuTok Pisinadjforbidden, not allowed
Family memberstambuTok Pisinadjholy
Family memberstambuTok Pisinnountaboo
Family memberstambuTok Pisinnounin-law
Family membersϭⲟϩCopticverbto touchBohairic
Family membersϭⲟϩCopticnountouchBohairic
Family membersϭⲟϩCopticnounkinsman, relativeBohairic
Fan fictionpodficEnglishnounFan fiction read aloud and made into audio files available for streaming or download.lifestyleslang uncountable
Fan fictionpodficEnglishnounAn individual work of recorded fanfic.lifestylecountable slang
FastenersвинтRussiannounvint (card game, variety of whist)
FastenersвинтRussiannounhard disk (from Winchester, the codename of IBM 3340 drive)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
Fats and oilsweiļMarshalleseadjoily
Fats and oilsweiļMarshalleseadjoiled
Fats and oilsweiļMarshallesenounoil
FearਸਾਇਆPunjabinounshadow, shade
FearਸਾਇਆPunjabinounprotection, shelter, patronagefiguratively
FearਸਾਇਆPunjabinounfear, awefiguratively
FearਸਾਇਆPunjabinounevil influencefiguratively
FecesbovinaItaliannounfemale equivalent of bovinofeminine form-of uncommon
FecesbovinaItaliannouncow dungfeminine uncountable
FecesbovinaItaliannouncowpat, cowpiefeminine
FecesbovinaItalianadjfeminine singular of bovinofeminine form-of singular
FecesthostMiddle Englishnounfecal matter; dung or feces, especially that of animals
FecesthostMiddle Englishnounsomething without worthrare
FemaleBlumenverkäuferinGermannounflower seller, flowergirl (a female person who sells flowers)feminine
FemaleBlumenverkäuferinGermannounflorist (female)feminine
FemalemuliebrisLatinadjof a woman, womanly, feminine, femaledeclension-3 two-termination
FemalemuliebrisLatinadjeffeminate, womanish, unmanlydeclension-3 derogatory two-termination
FemaleलघुSanskritadjlight, quick, swift, active, prompt, nimble etc. also said of a particular mode of flying peculiar to birds; applied to the नक्षत्र (nakṣatra), हस्त (hasta), अश्विनी (aśvinī) and पुष्य (puṣya)
FemaleलघुSanskritadjlight, easy, not heavy or difficult
FemaleलघुSanskritadjlight in the stomach, easily digested
FemaleलघुSanskritadjeasy in mind, light-hearted
FemaleलघुSanskritadjcausing easiness or relief
FemaleलघुSanskritadjwell, in good health, healthy
FemaleलघुSanskritadjunimpeded, without attendance or a retinue
FemaleलघुSanskritadjshort (in time, as a suppression of the breath)
FemaleलघुSanskritadjshort or light (as a vowel or syllable, as opposed to गुरु (guru))human-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciences
FemaleलघुSanskritadjeasily pronounced or articulated (said of the pronunciation of व (va), as opposed to मध्यम (madhyama) and गुरु (guru))grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
FemaleलघुSanskritadjsmall, minute, slight, little, insignificant
FemaleलघुSanskritadjweak, feeble, wretched, humble, mean, low (said of persons)
FemaleलघुSanskritadjyoung, younger
FemaleलघुSanskritadjclean, pure
FemaleलघुSanskritadjsoft, gentle (as sound)
FemaleलघुSanskritadjpleasing, agreeable, handsome, beautiful
FemaleलघुSanskritadvlightly, quickly, easily
FemaleलघुSanskritnounTrigonella corniculatabiology botany natural-sciences
FemaleलघुSanskritnounlight carriage
FemaleलघुSanskritnounslender or delicate woman
FemaleलघुSanskritnouna particular measure of time (= 15 of काष्ठा (kāṣṭhā) 1÷15 नाडिका (nāḍikā))
FemaleलघुSanskritnouna particular species of Agalochum
FemaleलघुSanskritnounthe root of Chrysopogon zizanioides, formerly Andropogon muricatus
Female animalsbrebisFrenchnounewefeminine
Female animalsbrebisFrenchnounflocklifestyle religionfeminine in-plural
Female animalsحمارةArabicnounfemale equivalent of حِمَار (ḥimār, “ass, donkey”)feminine form-of
Female animalsحمارةArabicnounplural of حَمَّار (ḥammār)form-of plural
Female family membersलड़कीHindinoungirl
Female family membersलड़कीHindinoundaughter
Female peopledrottningSwedishnouna queencommon-gender
Female peopledrottningSwedishnounqueenboard-games chess gamescommon-gender
Female peopledrottningSwedishnounqueenbiology entomology insects natural-sciencescommon-gender
Female peoplemedicaLatinnouna female doctor, healer, physiciandeclension-1 feminine
Female peoplemedicaLatinadjinflection of medicus: / nominative/vocative feminine singularfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female peoplemedicaLatinadjinflection of medicus: / nominative neuter pluralform-of neuter nominative plural
Female peoplenapastniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of napastnik (“attacker, assailant”)feminine form-of
Female peoplenapastniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of napastnik (“forward”) (player nearest to the opposing team)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine form-of
Female peopleramaKashubiannounframe (connected strips surrounding a mirror, picture or glass)feminine
Female peopleramaKashubiannounframe (main structural element of a vehicle to which other parts are attached)feminine
Female peopleramaKashubiannounframe (rectangular object made of strips or tubing used to hold something in place)feminine
Female peopleramaKashubiannounobese womanfeminine figuratively
Female peopleramaKashubiannounold cowfeminine
Female peoplestarościnaPolishnounfemale equivalent of starostafeminine form-of
Female peoplestarościnaPolishnounthe wife of a starostafeminine
Female peoplezawodniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of zawodnik (“competitor, player, contender, contestant”) (female participant in a competition)hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine form-of
Female peoplezawodniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of zawodnik (“competitor”) (female person against whom one is competing)feminine form-of obsolete
Female peopleпослушничкаMacedoniannounfemale novitiateChristianity
Female peopleпослушничкаMacedoniannounfemale servant, maidderogatory
Female peopleпослушничкаMacedoniannounfemale yes manderogatory
FeudalismfiefEnglishnounLand held of a superior, particularly on condition of homage, fealty, and personal service, especially military service.lawcountable historical uncountable
FeudalismfiefEnglishnounSynonym of estate: any land, when considered as a region over which the owner exercises lordly control.countable figuratively uncountable
FeudalismfiefEnglishnounA territory, a domain, an area over which one exercises lordly control, particularly with regard to corporate or governmental bureaucracies.countable figuratively uncountable
FeudalismmanredeMiddle EnglishnounHomage; feudal allegiance or dependence.uncountable
FeudalismmanredeMiddle EnglishnounVassals; the men pledged to a feudal lord.Late-Middle-English rare uncountable
FeudalismmanredeMiddle EnglishnounThe act of sexual intercourse.Early-Middle-English rare uncountable
FibersخيزرانArabicnounbamboo, rattancollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnounreed, canecollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnounspear, shaftcollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnounany limber or pliable stickcollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnounscepter, a pointercollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnounoar, a pole used to propel a boatcollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnounrudder, till, tiller, helm of a shipcollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnounreed, pipesentertainment lifestyle musiccollective
FibersخيزرانArabicnouna beautiful woman; comparably slender and supplecollective figuratively
Fifteen보름Koreannounfifteen days, half month, fortnight
Fifteen보름KoreannounClipping of 보름날 (boreumnal, “fifteenth day of the lunar month”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Figures of speechఉపమేయముTelugunounThe object which is compared to another.
Figures of speechఉపమేయముTelugunounThe antitype or thing meant in a parable or comparison.
Finance換金Japanesenounconversion into cash
Finance換金Japaneseverbto convert into cash
FiredaigOld Irishnounflame, blaze, conflagration, firefeminine
FiredaigOld Irishnounpang, stitch, or other painfeminine
FirezniczPolishnoungrave candleCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicisminanimate masculine
FirezniczPolishnouneternal flameinanimate masculine
Fireఅగ్నిTelugunameAgni, Hindu god of fire.
FirearmsRugerEnglishnameAn American surname.
FirearmsRugerEnglishnounA firearm manufactured by the Ruger company.
FirearmskokotekSilesiannoundiminutive of kokot (“rooster”)animal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
FirearmskokotekSilesiannountap, faucetinanimate masculine
FirearmskokotekSilesiannounfirearm dischargeinanimate masculine
FirearmskokotekSilesiannountype of Upper Silesian dancearchaic inanimate masculine
FishrayaSpanishnoundash (punctuation mark)feminine
FishrayaSpanishnounray (fish)feminine
FishrayaSpanishverbinflection of rayar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FishrayaSpanishverbinflection of rayar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FishrayaSpanishverbinflection of raer: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
FishrayaSpanishverbinflection of raer: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
FishsturgiunMiddle EnglishnounSturgeon or its meat.
FishsturgiunMiddle EnglishnounA dish made of veal made to resemble sturgeon.
FishsturgiunMiddle EnglishnounA brown cloth.
FishingartCatalannounart (something pleasing to the mind)feminine masculine
FishingartCatalannounfishing netmasculine
FlowersfaffCimbriannounpriestLuserna Sette-Comuni masculine
FlowersfaffCimbriannounlily (flower)Luserna
FlowersmeelespeaEstoniannounmemo, memorandum (brief piece of writing intended to assist the memory)
FlowersmeelespeaEstoniannounforget-me-not, myosotis (any plant of the genus Myosotis)colloquial
FlowersचंपाHindinounchampa flower (Magnolia champaca)
FlowersचंपाHindinameChampa (an ancient kingdom in Vietnam)
Flowers蓮花Chinesenounlotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
Flowers蓮花Chinesenounwater lily (Nymphaea)
Flowers蓮花ChinesenameLianhua (a county of Pingxiang, Jiangxi, China)
Flowers蓮花ChinesenameLianhua (a village in Wenquan, Yingshan, Huanggang, Hubei, China)
Food and drinkantaŭmanĝaĵoEsperantonounappetizer
Food and drinkantaŭmanĝaĵoEsperantonounhors d'oeuvre
Food and drinkishkoChickasawverbto drinkactive transitive
Food and drinkishkoChickasawverbto take (of liquid medicine)active transitive
FoodschowchowEnglishnounA Chinese preserve.countable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounAn American relish, containing pickled green tomatoes, cabbage, and often other vegetables.countable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounA fruit ketchupcountable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounGossip.countable obsolete slang uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounAlternative form of Chow Chow (“type of dog”)alt-of alternative countable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishverbTo gossip.obsolete slang
FoodschowchowEnglishadjConsisting of several kinds mingled together; mixed.not-comparable obsolete slang
FoodscompotaPortuguesenounjam (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar)feminine
FoodscrepeEnglishnounA flat round pancake-like pastry from Lower Brittany, made with wheat.countable uncountable
FoodscrepeEnglishnounA soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface.countable uncountable
FoodscrepeEnglishnounCrepe paper; thin, crinkled tissue paper.countable uncountable
FoodscrepeEnglishnounRubber in sheets, used especially for shoe soles.countable uncountable
FoodscrepeEnglishnounA death notice printed on white card with a background of black crepe paper or cloth, placed on the door of a residence or business.Ireland countable uncountable
FoodscrepeEnglishverbTo crease (paper) in such a way to make it look like crepe papertransitive
FoodscrepeEnglishverbTo frizz (the hair).transitive
FoodscurryPolishnouncurry (dish)indeclinable neuter
FoodscurryPolishnouncurry powderindeclinable neuter
FoodslaatikkoFinnishnounbox (cuboid space; container; compartment)
FoodslaatikkoFinnishnoundrawer (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing)
FoodslaatikkoFinnishnouncasserole (food consisting of vegetables, meat and starchy binder, cooked in a high-walled dish or pan)
FoodsolladaCatalannouna type of hearty soup or stewfeminine
Foodsred beanEnglishnounThe azuki bean (Vigna angularis), most common in East Asia.countable
Foodsred beanEnglishnounThe rice bean (Vigna umbellata).countable
Foodsred beanEnglishnounAny of various red varieties of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), including the kidney bean, Honduran red bean, and Salvadoran red bean.countable
Foodsred beanEnglishnounA paste made of azuki beans.uncountable
Foodsstir-fryEnglishverbTo fry quickly in hot oil whilst constantly stirring, especially in a wok or similar pan.transitive
Foodsstir-fryEnglishnounFood cooked in this manner.countable uncountable
FoodsświęconkaPolishnountraditional Polish Easter celebration where baskets full of Easter food are blessedfeminine
FoodsświęconkaPolishnounfood blessed on such an occasionfeminine
FoodsшәрбатKazakhnounsharbat, sherbet
FootwearbačkoraCzechnouncoward, milksop
Footweardown at heelEnglishadjIn poor condition, especially due to having worn heels; worn-out, shabby.literally
Footweardown at heelEnglishadjShabbily dressed, slovenly; impoverished; shabby, dilapidated.broadly idiomatic
FootwearчешкаRussiannounfemale equivalent of чех (čex): Czech woman or girlanimate feminine form-of
FootwearчешкаRussiannouna shoe used in gymnastics or balletinanimate plural-normally
Forms of governmentpapiestwoPolishnounpapacy (office of the pope)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismneuter uncountable
Forms of governmentpapiestwoPolishnounecclesiastical state (government under the rule of a pope)countable neuter
FowlsmusterEnglishnounA gathering. / An assemblage or display; a gathering, collection of people or things.
FowlsmusterEnglishnounA gathering. / An assembling or review of troops, as for parade, verification of numbers, inspection, exercise, or introduction into service.government military politics war
FowlsmusterEnglishnounA gathering. / The sum total of an army when assembled for review and inspection; the whole number of effective men in an army.
FowlsmusterEnglishnounA gathering. / A roundup of livestock for inspection, branding, drenching, shearing etc.Australia New-Zealand
FowlsmusterEnglishnounShowing. / Something shown for imitation; a pattern.obsolete
FowlsmusterEnglishnounShowing. / A sample of goods.obsolete
FowlsmusterEnglishnounShowing. / An act of showing something; a display.obsolete
FowlsmusterEnglishnounShowing. / A collection of peafowl. (not a term used in zoology)
FowlsmusterEnglishverbTo show, exhibit.obsolete transitive
FowlsmusterEnglishverbTo be gathered together for parade, inspection, exercise, or the like (especially of a military force); to come together as parts of a force or body.intransitive
FowlsmusterEnglishverbTo collect, call or assemble together, such as troops or a group for inspection, orders, display etc.transitive
FowlsmusterEnglishverbTo enroll (into service).US transitive
FowlsmusterEnglishverbTo gather or round up livestock.Australia New-Zealand transitive
FowlsmusterEnglishnounSynonym of mustee
FrancegendarmeEnglishnounA member of the gendarmerie, a military body charged with police duties.
FrancegendarmeEnglishnounA policeman.
FrancegendarmeEnglishnounA rock pinnacle on a mountain ridge.
FrogsbékaHungariannounpallet jack, pallet truckcolloquial
FruitsIndian appleEnglishnounPunica granatum (pomegranate).
FruitsIndian appleEnglishnounPodophyllum peltatum (mayapple), a toxic, herbaceous perennial plant with edible fruit.
FruitsIndian appleEnglishnounDatura inoxia (angel's trumpet), a hallucinogenic plant.
FruitsbagazoGaliciannounpomace, marc (grape pulp and residues after being pressed)masculine
FruitshồngVietnamesenounpersimmon (Diospyros kaki)
FruitsperaCatalannounpear (fruit)feminine
FruitssalaccaItaliannounsalted fishfeminine
FruitssalaccaItaliannounstroke, hit, bangfeminine
FruitssalaccaItaliannounsalak (Salacca zalacca) (fruit)feminine
FruitsբալMiddle Armeniannounsweet cherry (fruit)
FruitsբալMiddle Armeniannounsour cherry (fruit)
FruitsडाळिंबMarathinounpomegranate (tree)
FruitsडाळिंबMarathinounpomegranate (fruit)
Fruits甜瓜JapanesenounOriental melon
Fruits甜瓜JapanesenounOriental melon
FuneraleulogyEnglishnounAn oration to honor a deceased person, usually at a funeral.
FuneraleulogyEnglishnounSpeaking highly of someone or something; the act of praising or commending someone or something.
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA card with two pips, one of four in a standard deck of playing cards.card-games games
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA side of a die with two spots.dice games
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA cast of dice totalling two.dice games
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounThe number two. / A piece of excrement; number two.Canada US slang
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounThe number two. / A two-year prison sentence.Canada slang
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA hand gesture consisting of a raised index and middle fingers, a peace sign.
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA tied game where either player can win by scoring two consecutive points.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports tennis volleyball
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA curveball.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA 1932 Ford.
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounTwo-barrel (twin choke) carburetors (in the phrase three deuces: an arrangement on a common intake manifold).in-plural
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA table seating two diners.slang
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounA twopence coin.archaic slang
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounThe Devil, used in exclamations of confusion or anger.
FurnituredeuceEnglishnounSynonym of devil (“something awkward or difficult”)
FurnitureescritorioSpanishnounwriting deskmasculine
FurnitureescritorioSpanishnounstudy (room where writing is done)masculine
FurnitureescritorioSpanishnoundesktop, desktop computer (the main graphical user interface of an operating system)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine
GaitssietHungarianverbto hurryintransitive
GaitssietHungarianverbto be fast (of clock or watch: ahead of the correct time)intransitive
GastropodsխլեզArmeniannounworthless persondialectal figuratively
GeesehouseCzechnounhouse music, house (a genre of music)inanimate masculine
GemsमणिSanskritnounjewel, gem, pearl; any ornament or amulet, globule, crystal
GemsमणिSanskritnounmagnet, lodestone
GemsमणिSanskritnounglans penisanatomy medicine sciences
GemsमणिSanskritnounname of the jewel-lotus prayer
GemsमणिSanskritnounthe hump (of a camel)
GemsमणिSanskritnounthe dependent fleshy excrescences on a goat's neck
GemsमणिSanskritnouna male given name
GemsบุษราคัมThainountopaz; yellow sapphire
GemsบุษราคัมThainameBusarakham (female name)
GenealogygenealógiaHungariannoungenealogy (study of ancestry)
GenealogygenealógiaHungariannoungenealogy (descent, ancestry)
GeneticsgenèticaCatalannoungeneticsfeminine uncountable
GeneticsgenèticaCatalanadjfeminine singular of genèticfeminine form-of singular
Genisteae tribe plantsقنديلArabicnounlamp
Genisteae tribe plantsقنديلArabicnouncandlestick, candelabrum
Genisteae tribe plantsقنديلArabicnounthorny broom (Calicotome)
Gentianales order plantsجوز القيءArabicnounmafura (Trichilia emetica)
Gentianales order plantsجوز القيءArabicnounvomit nut (Strychnos nux-vomica)
GermanyRigomagusLatinnameA town of Germania on the Rhine, now Remagendeclension-2 masculine singular
GermanyRigomagusLatinnameA town in Cisalpine Gauldeclension-2 masculine singular
GhanaGhaneesAfrikaansadjGhanaian (of, from, or pertaining to Ghana or the Ghanaian people)not-comparable
GhanaGhaneesAfrikaansnounGhanaian (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent)
GodPanginoonTagalognamethe Lord; GodChristianity
GodPanginoonTagalognameterm of address for a lord or master, one of the members of the maginoo ruling class or nobility of the precolonial polities of the Philippines, especially one with many slaves and other valuable property like houses and boats.historical
Goosefoot subfamily plantsszpinakPolishnounspinach (any plant of the genus Spinacia)inanimate masculine
Goosefoot subfamily plantsszpinakPolishnounspinach (edible leaves of this plant)inanimate masculine
Gossamer-winged butterflieselfinEnglishnounAn elf; an inhabitant of fairy-land.
Gossamer-winged butterflieselfinEnglishnounA little urchin or child.
Gossamer-winged butterflieselfinEnglishnounAny of the butterflies in the subgenus Incisalia of the North American lycaenid genus Callophrys.
Gossamer-winged butterflieselfinEnglishadjRelating to or resembling an elf or elves, especially in tiny size or features.
GovernmentانقلابUrdunouncoup d'état
GovernmentรัฐมนตรีThainouncounsellor of state.historical
GovernmentรัฐมนตรีThainouncabinet minister.
GrainsChinesecharacterfoodgrain as a giftliterary
GrainsChinesecharacterfoodgrain (in general)literary
GrainsChinesecharacterliving livestockliterary
GrainsChinesecharacterraw meatliterary
GrainsChinesecharactersalary; provisionsliterary
GrainsChinesecharacterto feed (an animal)Cantonese
GrammarvendoreAlbanianadjfeminine singular of vendorfeminine form-of singular
GrammarvendoreAlbanianadjfeminine plural of vendorfeminine form-of plural
GrammarvendoreAlbaniannounlocative casegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
GrapevinesviñaGalicianverbfirst/third-person singular imperfect indicative of virfirst-person form-of imperfect indicative singular third-person
Grasseska'aOld Tupinounwoods; forest (dense collection of trees)
Grasseska'aOld Tupinounbranch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk)
Grasseska'aOld Tupinounherb (plant whose stem is not woody)
Grasseska'aOld Tupinounleaf (green, flat organ of most vegetative plants)
Grasseska'aOld Tupinounfoliage
Grasseska'aOld Tupinounplant
Grasseska'aOld Tupinounhunting ground (area used for hunting)
GrassesすすきJapanesenounsusuki grass, Japanese pampas grass
GrassesすすきJapanesenouna suit in 花札 (hanafuda), representing the month of Augustcard-games games
GrassesすすきJapanesenamea female given name
Greek mythologyⲧⲁⲩⲣⲟⲥCopticnounbull, oxSahidic
Greek mythologyⲧⲁⲩⲣⲟⲥCopticnameAn epithet of Dionysus, relating to his association with bulls.Sahidic
Greensgrass-greenEnglishnounA bright green color, like that of grass.countable uncountable
Greensgrass-greenEnglishadjOf a bright green color, like that of grass.not-comparable
GroundcherriesCape gooseberryEnglishnounA tropical South American plant of species Physalis peruviana, with a bright yellow, edible fruit.
GroundcherriesCape gooseberryEnglishnounThe fruit of this plant.
GullsblackbackEnglishnounAn adolescent male gorilla or chimpanzee.biology natural-sciences zoology
GullsblackbackEnglishnounthe great black-backed gull.UK
GymnasticshyppyFinnishnounjump (instance of jumping)
GymnasticshyppyFinnishnounleap (instance of leaping)
GymnasticshyppyFinnishnounvault (gymnastics event)
GymnasticshyppyFinnishnounhopcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
HairlocksEnglishnounplural of lockform-of plural
HairlocksEnglishnounA head of hair; tresses.plural plural-only
HairlocksEnglishnounDreadlocks.colloquial plural plural-only
HairlocksEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of lockform-of indicative present singular third-person
HairmouserEnglishnounA cat that catches mice, kept specifically for the purpose.
HairmouserEnglishnounA moustache.Scotland US
HairquiffEnglishnounA puff or whiff, especially of tobacco smoke.British dialectal
HairquiffEnglishnounA trick or ploy; a stratagem.regional slang
HairquiffEnglishnounA hairstyle whereby the forelock is brushed and/or gelled upward, often associated with the styles of the 1950s.UK
HairquiffEnglishverbTo arrange (the hair) in such a manner.UK
HairquiffEnglishnounA young girl, especially as promiscuous; a prostitute.slang
HairquiffEnglishnounThe vulva or vagina.slang
HairstylableEnglishadjCapable of being styled.
HairstylableEnglishadjCapable of being formatted with styles.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Heads of stateخانOttoman Turkishnouninn, caravanserai
Heads of stateخانOttoman Turkishnounkhan
HeadwearcalashEnglishnounAlternative form of calèche (“type of carriage with low wheels”)alt-of alternative historical
HeadwearcalashEnglishnounA silk and whalebone hood worn by ladies to shade the face.historical
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenoundiminutive of palhadiminutive feminine form-of
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenoundrinking straw (a long tube through which a drink is drunk)Portugal feminine
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenounroll-your-own cigaretteBrazil feminine informal
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenounNonstandard form of palinha (“impromptu”)Brazil alt-of feminine informal nonstandard
HeadwearpalhinhaPortuguesenounstraw hat, boatermasculine
HeadweartupetPolishnountoupeeinanimate masculine
HeadweartupetPolishnouncheek, nerve, brass neckinanimate masculine
HealthcareszpëtôlKashubiannounhospital (medical facility for sick people)inanimate masculine
HealthcareszpëtôlKashubiannounpoorhouse, almshouseinanimate masculine obsolete
Healthcare occupationsapothecaryEnglishnounSynonym of pharmacist: a person who sells medicine, especially (historical) one who made and sold their own medicines in the medieval or early modern eras.archaic dated
Healthcare occupationsapothecaryEnglishnounSynonym of pharmacy: an apothecary's shop, a drugstore.archaic historical
Healthcare occupationsapothecaryEnglishnounA glass jar of the sort once used for storing medicine.uncommon
HearingdinigTagalognounhearing; perception of one's ears
HearingdinigTagalognounthings heard
HearingdinigTagalogadjaudible; can be heard
HearingئىشىتمەكUyghurverbto heartransitive
HearingئىشىتمەكUyghurverbto listentransitive
Heather family plantsstrawberry treeEnglishnounA cane apple, an evergreen shrub or small tree (Arbutus unedo), in family Ericaceae, native to the Mediterranean region and western Europe north to western France and Ireland, which bears fruits which resemble strawberries.
Heather family plantsstrawberry treeEnglishnounA cane apple, an evergreen shrub or small tree (Arbutus unedo), in family Ericaceae, native to the Mediterranean region and western Europe north to western France and Ireland, which bears fruits which resemble strawberries. / Any of the other species of Arbutus, native to Europe and temperate North America, especially
Heather family plantsstrawberry treeEnglishnounA cane apple, an evergreen shrub or small tree (Arbutus unedo), in family Ericaceae, native to the Mediterranean region and western Europe north to western France and Ireland, which bears fruits which resemble strawberries. / Any of the other species of Arbutus, native to Europe and temperate North America, especially / A madrone (Arbutus menziesii), an evergreen tree with rich orange-red bark which naturally peels away in thin sheets when mature, and which bears berries which are astringent but edible if prepared properly.
Heather family plantsstrawberry treeEnglishnounA calabur tree (Muntingia calabura), in the family Malvaceae, native to the American tropics
Heather family plantsstrawberry treeEnglishnounA Chinese strawberry tree (Myrica rubra), in the family Myricaceae
HerpestidsherpesLatinnounan unknown sort of animal, perhaps a kind of mongoosedeclension-3
HidescowskinEnglishnounLeather made from the hide of a cow or similar animal.countable uncountable
HidescowskinEnglishnounA whip made of that material.countable uncountable
Hindu deitiesSuryaEnglishnameThe chief solar deity, one of the Adityas, son of Kasyapa and one of his wives Aditi, of Indra, or of Dyaus Pita (depending by the versions). Portrayed with golden arms and hair, Surya drives through the heaven in his triumphal chariot harnessed by seven horses or one horse with seven heads, which represent the seven colours of the rainbow or the seven chakras.Hinduism
Hindu deitiesSuryaEnglishnameA male given name from Sanskrit used in India.
Hindu lunar calendar monthsज्येष्ठHindinameJyeshth (third month of the Hindu lunar calendar)
Hindu lunar calendar monthsज्येष्ठHindiadjchief, supremeindeclinable
Historical eventsHolocaustEnglishnameThe systematic mass murder (genocide) of six million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II.historical uncountable usually
Historical eventsHolocaustEnglishnameThe systematic mass murder (democide) of somewhere between eleven and fourteen million people, namely six million Jews and from five to eight million others (including Romanis, Slavs, homosexuals, and people with physical and mental disabilities), perpetrated by Nazi Germany shortly before and during World War II.broadly historical uncountable usually
Historical eventsHolocaustEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of holocaust (“subject to a mass annihilation; destroy en masse”).alt-of
Historical periods正治Japanesenamethe Shōji era, 1199-1201
Historical periods正治Japanesenamea male given name
Historical periods正治Japanesenamea male given name
Historical periods正治Japanesenamea male given name
HolidaysostatekPolishnounremainder, restinanimate masculine
HolidaysostatekPolishnounShrovetide, Shrove Tuesday (three days immediately preceding Lent: Shrove Sunday, Shrove Monday, and Shrove Tuesday, preceding Ash Wednesday)Christianityin-plural inanimate masculine
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo sit or stand with a leg on each side of something; to sit astride.transitive
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo be on both sides of something; to have parts that are in different places, regions, etc.transitive
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo consider or favor two apparently opposite sides; to be noncommittal.transitive
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo form a disorderly sprawl; to spread out irregularly.transitive
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo fire successive artillery shots in front of and behind of a target, especially in order to determine its range (the term "bracket" is often used instead).government military politics war
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo place a voluntary raise prior to receiving cards (only by the first player after the blinds).card-games poker
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo stand with the ends staggered; said of the spokes of a wagon wheel where they join the hub.intransitive
Horse tackstraddleEnglishverbTo execute a commodities market spread.economics sciences
Horse tackstraddleEnglishnounA posture in which one straddles something.
Horse tackstraddleEnglishnounA pair or salvo of successive artillery shots falling both in front of and behind a target.government military politics war
Horse tackstraddleEnglishnounAn investment strategy involving simultaneous trade with put and call options on the same security at the same strike price, giving a non-directional position sensitive to finance
Horse tackstraddleEnglishnounA voluntary raise made prior to receiving cards by the first player after the blinds.card-games poker
Horse tackstraddleEnglishnounA vertical mine-timber supporting a mining
Horse tackstraddleEnglishnounA part of a harness placed on the back of a beast of burden (such as a horse or donkey) to carry the weight of a load.
Horse tackstraddleEnglishadvAstride.not-comparable
HorsesgiddyupEnglishintjMove on!, go faster!
HorsesgiddyupEnglishverbTo cause a horse or similar mount to speed up.
HorsesgiddyupEnglishverbTo start moving or move faster; to get a move on.broadly
HorsesryssaFaroesenounnine of diamonds or heartscard-games cardsfeminine
Horticultureآب‌پاشPersiannounwatering can
HouseholdcavatappiItaliannouna type of pasta in the form of spiral macaronimasculine
HousingcourtMiddle EnglishnounA courtyard; an enclosed space.
HousingcourtMiddle EnglishnounA grand residence, especially that of a ruler or noble.
HousingcourtMiddle EnglishnounThe household or retinue of a ruler; a ruler's court.
HousingcourtMiddle EnglishnounA (royal) assembly; a deliberative body.
HousingcourtMiddle EnglishnounA court of law; the body which administers justice: / A court building; the place where justice is administered.
HousingcourtMiddle EnglishnounA court of law; the body which administers justice: / A session of a judicial assembly.
HousingcourtMiddle EnglishnounA court of law; the body which administers justice: / A legal action.rare
HousingpionPolishnounthe verticalinanimate masculine
HousingpionPolishnounplumb lineinanimate masculine
HousingpionPolishnounsection; departmentinanimate masculine
HousingpionPolishnounduct; riser; any installations or spaces running vertically in a buildinginanimate masculine
HousingpionPolishnounflats in an apartment block sharing those installationsbroadly inanimate masculine
HousingpionPolishnounpawnboard-games chess gamesinanimate masculine
HousingpionPolishnounpionnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
HousingpionPolishnoungenitive plural of pionafeminine form-of genitive plural
HungarywęgierPolishnounpeddler (itinerant vendor)masculine obsolete person
HungarywęgierPolishnounHungarian wineinanimate masculine obsolete
HygienecleaningEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of cleanform-of gerund participle present
HygienecleaningEnglishnounThe process of making something clean.countable gerund uncountable
HygienecleaningEnglishnounThe afterbirth of cows, ewes, etc.countable uncountable
HygienehalazoneEnglishnounp-sulphondichloraminobenzoic acid, a disinfectant used to sterilize water.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencescountable uncountable
HygienehalazoneEnglishnounA tablet of this disinfectant.countable
Hygienespring cleaningEnglishnounA systematic cleaning of a residence at the end of wintercountable uncountable
Hygienespring cleaningEnglishnounA systematic cleaning, reorganization, or weeding out of a systembroadly countable uncountable
HymenopteranslapinigCebuanonouna wasp
HymenopteranslapinigCebuanonouna yellowjacket
IchthyologyChinesecharacterfish gill
IchthyologyChinesecharacterOnly used in 鰓鰓/鳃鳃.
Incel community-celEnglishsuffixDenoting a type of incel (often through a stereotype).morpheme
Incel community-celEnglishsuffixUsed tongue-in-cheek for a wide range of effects unrelated to romance.Internet broadly ironic morpheme
IndiaPuducherryEnglishnameUnion territory in southern India, consisting of four exclaves of former French India, namely its capital, Karaikal, Yanam, and Mahe.
IndiaPuducherryEnglishnameCapital of the union territory of Puducherry (Pondicherry).alt-of uppercase
IndividualsNapoleoneItaliannameNapoleon (Bonaparte)masculine
IndividualsNapoleoneItaliannamea male given name; a saint's name, rare todaymasculine
IndividualsRebeckaSwedishnameRebekah (biblical character).common-gender
IndividualsRebeckaSwedishnamea female given name, equivalent to English Rebecca, and today often spelled socommon-gender
IndividualsSeljoukEnglishnameObsolete form of Seljuk, Seljuk Bey.alt-of historical obsolete
IndividualsSeljoukEnglishnounObsolete form of Seljuk, a member of the dynasty or person of the empire.alt-of historical obsolete
IndividualsSeljoukEnglishadjObsolete form of Seljuk, of or related to Seljuk, his dynasty, their empire, or their period of rule.alt-of historical not-comparable obsolete
IndividualsΣπιθάμηςAncient Greeknamea male given name from Old Median: Spithames
IndividualsΣπιθάμηςAncient Greeknamea male given name from Old Median: Spithames / father of Satrabates
IndividualsისაLazadjcorrect, right, true
IndividualsისაLaznameChrist, Jesus
InsectsanayCebuanonounbrood sow
InsectsanayCebuanonounsow (female pig)broadly
InsectsanofelinoPortugueseadjanopheline (pertaining to the anopheles mosquitoes)biology entomology natural-sciences
InsectsanofelinoPortuguesenounanopheles (member of the Anopheles genus of mosquitos)biology entomology natural-sciencesmasculine
InsectsbalangTagalogdetevery; each; everyone
InsectsbalangTagalogdetany; anyone; some
InsectsbalangTagalogdetwhoever; whichever; whatever
InsectssambasambaTagalognounpraying mantis
InsectssambasambaTagalognouna type of bitter herb
InsectsulatBrunei Malaynounlarva (young of an insect)
InsectsulatBrunei Malaynouncaterpillar (young of a butterfly or moth)
InsectsulatBrunei Malaynounmaggot (young of a fly)
Insectsதட்டான்Tamilnounsmith (goldsmith, silversmith, etc.)
InsurancerentaPolishnoundisability benefitfeminine
InsurancerentaPolishnounbenefit of certain other kinds, e.g. for a disabled childfeminine
InsurancerentaPolishnounrent; profit made from one's capital or wealtheconomics sciencesfeminine rare
International lawsuzeraintyEnglishnounA relation between states in which a subservient nation has its own government, but is unable to take international action independent of the superior state; a similar relationship between other entities.countable uncountable
International lawsuzeraintyEnglishnounThe status or power of a suzerain.countable uncountable
IranAjamEnglishnameA non-Arab.historical
IranAjamEnglishnameA Persian.historical
IranAjamEnglishnamePersia, land of the Iranian peoples.historical
IranAjamEnglishnameThe name of a maqam.entertainment lifestyle music
IranAjamEnglishnameKuwaiti citizens of Iranian origin.
IronজংBengalinounAbbreviation of জওজ (joōj).lawabbreviation alt-of
IronজংBengalinounAbbreviation of জংশন (joṅśon).abbreviation alt-of
IslamintifadaEnglishnounAn insurrection; a usually violent attempt to take control of a government.
IslamintifadaEnglishnounAn uprising, resistant struggle, or rebellious protest.
IslamintifadaEnglishnounAn uprising, resistant struggle, or rebellious protest. / The Palestinian uprisings against Israel.capitalized often
Islamturn TurkEnglishverbTo go to the bad; to become hopelessly obstinate.
Islamturn TurkEnglishverbTo convert to Islam.obsolete
IslamⲗⲁϩⲙⲓCopticnounElamite (a historical and biblical Middle Eastern nation)Bohairic
IslandsHelgolandNorwegian BokmålnameHeligoland
IslandsHelgolandNorwegian BokmålnameUsed in various phrases as a bowdlerization of helvete.
IslandsʻĀina HauHawaiiannameIceland (a country in northern Europe)
IslandsʻĀina HauHawaiianverbIcelandicstative
IsraelprutahEnglishnounA bronze coin, equivalent to the Roman quadrans, used in ancient Palestine.
IsraelprutahEnglishnounAn aluminium coin, worth one thousandth of a pound, used in Israel until 1960.
JapankimonoPolishnounkimono (traditional Japanese T-shaped, wrapped-front garment with square sleeves and a rectangular body, now generally worn only on formal occasions)neuter
JapankimonoPolishnounkimono (sports outfit worn by people training in certain martial arts, consisting of pants and a blouse with a slit in the front, the parts of which are worn one over the other and tied rigidly at the waist with a belt)government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warneuter
JapankimonoPolishadjkimono (traditional Japanese T-shaped, wrapped-front garment with square sleeves and a rectangular body, now generally worn only on formal occasions)not-comparable relational
JapankimonoPolishnounnap (short period of sleep, especially one during the day)humorous neuter slang
Japan与那国YaeyamanameYonaguni, Okinawa
Japan与那国YaeyamanameYonaguni, Okinawa
Japanese fictionecchiEnglishadjErotic, lascivious, lewd, naughty, sexy, suggestive.
Japanese fictionecchiEnglishnounA genre, especially of anime and manga, featuring playful, tongue-in-cheek usage of sexualized scenes and situations such as double entendre or flirtation, while remaining non-pornographic. Often used to differentiate from hentai which features overt sexual themes.uncountable
Japanese fictionecchiEnglishnounA situation within a story, especially anime and manga, which ventures into the ecchi genre.countable rare
Japanese given names実理Japanesenounpractical theory or principle
Japanese given names実理Japanesenamea female given name
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterricekanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharactermeterateji kanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterAmericaateji kanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterUnited Statesateji kanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenounrice (husked grains of the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa), one of the five grains
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenamea female given name
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenamea surname
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenounthe Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenounrice (husked grains of the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa)
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenounan eighty-eight-year-oldcolloquial
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenamea female given name
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenamea surname
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenounrice (husked grains of the rice plant)colloquial
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenounRare spelling of メートル (mētoru): metre (SI unit of length)alt-of rare
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenounRare spelling of メーター (mētā): meter (a device or implement used for measurement)alt-of rare
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixrice
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixShort for アメリカ合衆国/亜米利加合衆国 (Amerika Gasshūkoku, “United States (a country)”).abbreviation alt-of
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixShort for アメリカ/亜米利加 (Amerika, “the Americas (a region)”).abbreviation alt-of
KazakhstancazaquePortugueseadjKazakh (of or relating to Kazakhstan)feminine masculine
KazakhstancazaquePortuguesenounKazakh (person from Kazakhstan)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
KazakhstancazaquePortuguesenounKazakh (language spoken in Kazakhstan)masculine uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounA vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food, often flat with a depressed region in the middle.countable uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounThe contents of such a vessel.countable uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounA specific type of prepared food.countable metonymically uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounTableware (including cutlery, etc, as well as crockery) that is to be or is being washed after being used to prepare, serve and eat a meal.countable in-plural uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounA type of antenna with a similar shape to a plate or bowl.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunicationscountable uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounA sexually attractive person.countable slang uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounThe state of being concave, like a dish, or the degree of such concavity.countable dated uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounA hollow place, as in a field.countable uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounThe home plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable slang uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounA trough in which ore is miningarchaic countable uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounThat portion of the produce of a mine which is paid to the land owner or miningarchaic countable uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishnounGossip.slang uncountable
KitchenwaredishEnglishverbTo put in a dish or dishes; serve, usually food.transitive
KitchenwaredishEnglishverbTo gossip; to relay information about the personal situation of another.informal slang
KitchenwaredishEnglishverbTo make concave, or depress in the middle, like a dish.transitive
KitchenwaredishEnglishverbTo frustrate; to beat; to outwit or defeat.archaic slang transitive
KitchenwareobieraczkaPolishnounpeeler (device for peeling fruits or vegetables)feminine
KitchenwareobieraczkaPolishnounpeeler (woman or girl who peels fruits or vegetables)feminine
LGBTcatcherEnglishnounSomeone or something that catches.
LGBTcatcherEnglishnounThe player that squats behind home plate and receives the pitches from the pitcherball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
LGBTcatcherEnglishnounThe bottom partner in a homosexual relationship or sexual encounter between two men.US colloquial
LGBTcatcherEnglishnounA wrestler.archaic
LakesThirlmereEnglishnameA reservoir created on the site of a natural lake in Allerdale borough, Cumbria, England.
LakesThirlmereEnglishnameA town in Wollondilly Shire, New South Wales, Australia.
LandformsgardzielPolishnounthroat (especially of an animal)anatomy medicine sciencesfeminine literary
LandformsgardzielPolishnouncorridor, gorge, neck (narrow, tight passage, e.g. between rocks or buildings)feminine literary
LandformsseasideEnglishnounThe area by and around the sea; including the beach, promenade or cliffsUK
LandformsseasideEnglishadjRelated to a seaside.not-comparable
LandformswoldMiddle Englishnounwood (wooded area), forest
LandformswoldMiddle Englishnounclearing, plain (open land)
LandformswoldMiddle Englishnounupland, hill country
LandformswoldMiddle Englishnounland, the worldpoetic
LandformswoldMiddle EnglishverbAlternative spelling of woldealt-of alternative
Landformsᦐᦸᧂnounpond; lake
LanguagesBrahuiEnglishnounA pastoral people of Eastern Baluchistan.plural plural-only
LanguagesBrahuiEnglishnameThe Dravidian language of this people.
LanguagesEEnglishcharacterThe fifth letter of the English alphabet, called e and written in the Latin script.letter uppercase
LanguagesEEnglishnumThe ordinal number fifth, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called e and written in the Latin script.alt-of ordinal uppercase
LanguagesEEnglishsymbolAbbreviation of everyone.abbreviation alt-of
LanguagesEEnglishnounThe drug ecstasy (MDMA), particularly in pill form.slang
LanguagesEEnglishnounAbbreviation of estrogen or estradiol.LGBT lifestyle sexualityabbreviation alt-of
LanguagesEEnglishnounThe grade below D in some grading systems. In most such systems, it is a failing grade.
LanguagesEEnglishnounAbbreviation of episode. (installment of a series)abbreviation alt-of
LanguagesEEnglishnameAbbreviation of religionabbreviation alt-of
LanguagesEEnglishnameA state in ancient China of varying location in present-day Shanxi, Henan, and Hubei.history human-sciences sciences
LanguagesEEnglishnameIts capital, also known as Echeng and Ezhou.history human-sciences sciences
LanguagesEEnglishnameA surname from Mandarin Chinese.
LanguagesEEnglishnameA Tai-Chinese mixed language spoken primarily in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, Guangxi, China; Kjang E.
LanguagesEEnglishnameA river in Highland council area, Scotland.
LanguagesGedeoEnglishnounA member of a people of Highland Ethiopia
LanguagesGedeoEnglishnameThe Cushitic language spoken by this people
LanguagesGedeoEnglishnameA zone of Oromia, Ethiopia
LanguagesHaidaEnglishnounA member of an indigenous people of the Northwest Coast of North America who live primarily in British Columbia and Alaska.
LanguagesHaidaEnglishnameThe indigenous language of this people.
LanguagesMiddle High GermanEnglishadjConcerning the Middle High German language.not-comparable
LanguagesMiddle High GermanEnglishnameAn ancestor to the modern (High) German language, spoken from 1050 to about 1500. Some linguists prefer to use 1350 as the end of the Middle High German period, calling the period from 1350 to 1650 Early New High German in a broad sense.
LanguagesTagbanwaEnglishnounA member of one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Philippines, mainly found in central and northern Palawan.
LanguagesTagbanwaEnglishnameAny of the mutually unintelligible languages spoken by the Tagbanwa: Aborlan Tagbanwa, Calamian Tagbanwa, and Central Tagbanwa.
LanguagesafarPortuguesenounAfar (language)invariable masculine uncountable
LanguagesafarPortuguesenounone of the Afar, a people of eastern Africainvariable masculine
LanguagesaimaraSpanishadjAymarafeminine masculine
LanguagesaimaraSpanishnounAymara (indigenous person of South America)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagesaimaraSpanishnounAymara (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesarabOccitannounArabic (language)masculine uncountable
LanguageschecoPortuguesenounCzech (person)masculine
LanguageschecoPortuguesenameCzech (language)masculine
LanguageschecoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of checarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
LanguagesetruscoPortuguesenounEtruscan (language)masculine
LanguagesetruscoPortuguesenounEtruscan (person from Etruria)masculine
LanguagesfranskaSwedishadjinflection of fransk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguagesfranskaSwedishadjinflection of fransk: / pluralform-of plural
LanguagesfranskaSwedishnounFrench; a language spoken in e.g. France and parts of Canadacommon-gender uncountable
LanguagesfranskaSwedishnouna kind of white breadcommon-gender
LanguagesgæliskDanishadjGaelic (relating to the Goidelic group of Celtic languages, the users of these languages and their culture)
LanguagesgæliskDanishnounGaelic (the language)neuter
LanguageshititaCatalannounHittiteby-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguageshititaCatalannounHittite (language)masculine uncountable
LanguageshititaCatalanadjHittitefeminine masculine
LanguagesombrienFrenchnounUmbrian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesombrienFrenchadjUmbrian (of or relating to Umbria)
LanguagespisinTok Pisinnounbird
LanguagespisinTok Pisinnounclan
LanguagespisinTok Pisinnounany pidgin or creole
LanguagespisinTok Pisinnounthe Tok Pisin language
LanguagestupiFrenchnounTupi (the Tupi language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesíslendsktFaroesenounIcelandic (language)neuter
LanguagesíslendsktFaroeseadjinflection of íslendskur: / neuter singular nominativeform-of neuter nominative singular
LanguagesíslendsktFaroeseadjinflection of íslendskur: / neuter singular accusativeaccusative form-of neuter singular
LanguagesиндонезијскиSerbo-Croatianadjthe Indonesian languagesubstantive
Languagesհին անգլերենArmeniannounOld English, Anglo-Saxon (language)
Languagesհին անգլերենArmenianadvin Old English, in Anglo-Saxon
Languagesհին անգլերենArmenianadjOld English, Anglo-Saxon (of or pertaining to the language)
LanguagesأكديArabicnounan Akkadian
LanguagesأكديArabicverbform-ii no-gloss
LanguagesيهوديSouth Levantine ArabicadjJewish
LanguagesيهوديSouth Levantine ArabicnounJew
LaughterzviedziensLatviannounneigh, whinny (the cry of a horse)declension-1 masculine
LaughterzviedziensLatviannounloud laughterdeclension-1 masculine
LaundryhangoTagalogadjadapted (from); based (on); derived (from)
LaundryhangoTagalognounliterary adaptationliterature media publishing
LaundryhangoTagalognounremoval of cooked food from the fire or stovecooking food lifestyle
LaundryhangoTagalognounquantity of food cooked at a time (especially of cakes)cooking food lifestyle
LaundryhangoTagalognoundelivery from poverty, suffering, or difficultieshuman-sciences sciences social-science sociology
LaundryhangoTagalognountake clothes hanging on a clothesline
LaundryhangoTagalognounact of takingobsolete
LaundryhangoTagalognounexhumation; unearthing; extractionobsolete
LaundryhangoTagalognounredemptionfiguratively obsolete
LaundryhangoTagalognounderivative (rate of change)calculus mathematics sciencesneologism
LaundryhangoTagalogadjdelivered from poverty, suffering, or difficultieshuman-sciences sciences social-science sociology
LaundryhangoTagalogadjremoved from the fire or stove (of cooked food)cooking food lifestyle
Laurel family plantslauroItaliannounlaurelmasculine
Laurel family plantslauroItaliannounany plant of the genus Laurusmasculine
LawdraconicEnglishadjRelating to or suggestive of dragons.
LawdraconicEnglishadjVery severe or strict; draconian.dated rare
Lawஆவணம்Tamilnoundocument, record
Lawஆவணம்Tamilnounbond, deed
Law懲罰Japaneseverbto punish
Law懲罰Japaneseverbto discipline
Law enforcementbourreFrenchnounany material used for stuffingfeminine uncountable
Law enforcementbourreFrenchnountufts or masses of hair removed from the skin of short-haired animals before tanningfeminine
Law enforcementbourreFrenchnounwaste from hackling or spinning of wool or silk; linters, flockfeminine uncountable
Law enforcementbourreFrenchnoundown or floss on plants, especially buds; burrfeminine uncountable
Law enforcementbourreFrenchnouna wad for use in firearms or cannonsfeminine
Law enforcementbourreFrenchnouna copdated feminine slang
Law enforcementbourreFrenchverbinflection of bourrer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Law enforcementbourreFrenchverbinflection of bourrer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Law enforcementmaderoSpanishnouna piece of wood, a piece of timbermasculine
Law enforcementmaderoSpanishnounpolice officer, compare pigSpain derogatory masculine
Law enforcementmaderoSpanishnouna clumsy personSpain derogatory masculine
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA double-ended vessel, generally of stainless steel or other metal, one end of which typically measures 1½ fluid ounces (approx. 44 ml), the other typically 1 fluid ounce (approx. 30 ml).US
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA measure of 1½ fluid ounces (approx. 44 ml) of liquor.US
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA drink of whiskey.US slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounThe sieve used in sorting or separating mining
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounOne who jigs; a miner who sorts or cleans ore by the process of mining
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA horizontal lathe used in producing flatware.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA device used in the dyeing of manufacturing textiles
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA pendulum rolling machine for slicking or graining leather.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA bicycle.UK dated slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA golf club used to play low flying shots to the putting green from short hobbies lifestyle sportsdated
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA warehouse crane.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA light tackle, consisting of a double and single block and the fall, used for various purposes, as to increase the purchase on a topsail sheet in hauling it home; the watch tackle.nautical transport
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA jiggermast.nautical transport
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA small fishing vessel, rigged like a yawl.nautical transportNew-England
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA device used by fishermen to set their nets under the ice of frozen hobbies lifestyle
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounOne who dances jigs; an odd-looking person.archaic
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA short board or plank inserted into a tree for a person to stand on while cutting off higher branches.New-Zealand
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA placeholder name for any small mechanical device.US
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA railway jigger, a small motorized or human powered vehicle used by railway workers to traverse railway tracks.rail-transport railways transportNew-Zealand
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounThe bridge or rest for the cue in billiards.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounAn illicit electric shock device used to urge on a horse during a race.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA streetcar drawn by a single horse.archaic
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA kind of early electric cash register.archaic
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA total station or its predecessor, a theodolite.geography natural-sciences surveyingAustralia slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishverbTo alter or adjust, particularly in ways not originally intended.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishverbTo use a jigger.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishverbTo move, send, or drive with a jerk; to jerk; also, to drive or send over with a jerk, as a golf ball.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA sandflea, Tunga penetrans, of the order Siphonaptera; chigoe.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA larva of any of several mites in the family Trombiculidae; chigger, harvest mite.
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA prison; a jail cell.archaic slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounAn alleyway separating the backs of two rows of houses.dated dialectal
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounThe penis.dated euphemistic slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA vagina.euphemistic slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounA door.UK obsolete
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounAn illegal distillery.slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishnounShort for jigger gun (“lock pick”).UK abbreviation alt-of slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishverbTo imprison.obsolete slang
LeatherworkingjiggerEnglishverbTo confound; to damn.archaic slang
LegumesgatovellCatalannounLaunaea cervicornismasculine
LegumesgatovellCatalannounBalearic milkvetchmasculine
LibertarianismLFLEnglishnameInitialism of Learning for Life.abbreviation alt-of initialism
LibertarianismLFLEnglishnameInitialism of Libertarians for Life.abbreviation alt-of initialism
LibertarianismLFLEnglishnameInitialism of Lingerie Football League.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
LibertarianismLFLEnglishnameInitialism of Legends Football League.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
LibertarianismLFLEnglishadjInitialism of like-for-like.abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Light sourcesլապտերArmeniannounlantern, lamp
Light sourcesլապտերArmeniannounflashlight
Light sourcesլապտերArmeniannounheadlight
LiquidsފަނިDhivehinounsweet juice, juice, syrup, treacle, nectar
Liquids汁水Chinesenounslops; swill; hogwashHakka
Liquids白醋Chinesenounwhite vinegar
LiteratureOgbekanranYorubanameThe twenty-third sign of the Ifa divination system, it is one of the signs of the ọmọ odù; the 240 minor signs
LiteratureOgbekanranYorubanameThe twenty-third chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus. It is one of the sixteen chapters in the Ogbè category (àpólà) and one of the 240 minor chapters, or àmúlù of the Odù Ifá.
LiteratureOgbekanranYorubanameThe spirit associated with this chapter
LiteraturedepenMiddle EnglishverbTo submerge or place in water or another liquid.
LiteraturedepenMiddle EnglishverbTo submerge or place in water in order to colour an object; to tint.
LiteraturedepenMiddle EnglishverbTo engage oneself in a narrative.rare
LiteraturedepenMiddle EnglishverbTo christen by submersion.rare
LiteraturedepenMiddle EnglishverbTo make deep by digging.rare
LiteraturedepenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into a depth.rare
LiteraturestoriyngMiddle EnglishnounA historical narrative or chronicle.Late-Middle-English rare
LiteraturestoriyngMiddle EnglishnounThe making of such a narrative or chronicle.Late-Middle-English rare
LiteraturestāstnieceLatviannounstory writerdeclension-5 feminine
LiteraturestāstnieceLatviannounstorytellerdeclension-5 feminine
LoveamatoEsperantonounone who is loved
LoveamatoEsperantoverbsingular present nominal passive participle of amiform-of nominal participle passive present singular
LovekochanieńkaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of kochanieńkifeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
LovekochanieńkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kochanieńki (“dear”) (female person close to someone)familiar feminine form-of noun-from-verb
LovekochanieńkaPolishnounpatronizing term of address for someone irritatingfeminine noun-from-verb sarcastic
LoveéprendreFrenchverbto burnobsolete reflexive
LoveéprendreFrenchverbto become enamoured with, fall in love withliterary reflexive
MacauavoEnglishnounA subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of a Macanese pataca.
MacauavoEnglishnounClipping of avocado.Australia South-Africa abbreviation alt-of clipping informal
MachinescercatresorsCatalannounmetal detectorinvariable masculine
MachinescercatresorsCatalannountreasure-hunterby-personal-gender feminine invariable masculine
MaleไสThaiverbto move or cause to move (as by driving, pushing, shoving, etc) along an even floor.
MaleไสThainounfourth son.archaic
Male animalshoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A pet dog; a dog kept for companionship.
Male animalshoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A hunting or sporting dog; a hound.
Male animalshoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A male or fully-grown dog.specifically
Male animalshoundMiddle EnglishnounA strong term of abuse, especially used against enemies of one's religion
Male animalshoundMiddle EnglishnounA heraldic portrayal of a dog.rare
Male animalshoundMiddle EnglishnounThe forces of evil; the infernal army.rare
Male animalshoundMiddle EnglishnounSirius (star)rare
Male animalskanecCzechnounmale wild boaranimate masculine
Male animalskanecCzechnounmale pig, boaranimate masculine
Male animalskanecCzechnoungood in sex (colloquial)animate masculine
Male animalspupilPolishnounfavorite son, favored student, protégé, teacher's pet (student who is perceived to be favored by the teacher)masculine person
Male animalspupilPolishnounpupil (learner at a school under the supervision of a teacher)educationarchaic masculine person
Male animalspupilPolishnounpet (animal kept as a companion)animal-not-person masculine
Male animalstarseEnglishnounThe penis.archaic
Male animalstarseEnglishnounThe tarsus (seven bones in the ankle).
Male animalstarseEnglishnounA male falcon.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyle
Male family membersbroEnglishnounBrother (a male sibling).slang
Male family membersbroEnglishnounBrother (a comrade or friend; one who shares one’s ideals).slang
Male family membersbroEnglishnounBrother used to address a male.slang
Male family membersbroEnglishnounA frat boy or someone who espouses the fraternity bro culture.slang
Male family membersbroEnglishnounSomeone, usually male, who aggressively evangelizes a person, concept or technology.derogatory in-compounds slang usually
Male family membersbroEnglishpronA person previously mentioned, usually male. Chiefly equivalent to he and him.masculine nominative objective singular third-person
Male family membersTàyadjmale (buffalos and cows)
Male family membersTàyadjall
Male family membersTàynounoldest brother
Male family membersTàynounelder brother
Male family membersTàypronI/me, your father
Male family membersTàypronyou, someone presumably older than me
Male family membersTàynounShort for pja cá.abbreviation alt-of
Male family membersdědečekCzechnoungrandfatheranimate masculine
Male family membersdědečekCzechnounold mananimate masculine
Male family memberspraotecCzechnounforefather, progenitoranimate literary masculine
Male family memberspraotecCzechnounpatriarchanimate literary masculine
Male peopleJanuszPolishnounAlternative letter-case form of januszalt-of derogatory masculine person slang
Male peopleJanuszPolishnamea male given namemasculine person
Male peopleJanuszPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
Male peopleJanuszPolishnamea female surnamemasculine person
Male peopleantrokasLithuaniannounA pupil who is in second grade.masculine
Male peopleantrokasLithuaniannounA second-year student at a gymnasium.colloquial masculine
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack (the darkest color)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack (unlit and dark)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack; dark (standing out from the lighter background with its dark color)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack; dark (very dirty)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack (belonging to or descended from any of various (African, Aboriginal, etc) ethnic groups which typically have dark pigmentation of the skin)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack (belonging to or descended from any of various (African, Aboriginal, etc) ethnic groups which typically have dark pigmentation of the skin) / black (related or coming from with this group)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack; dark (pessimistic)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjblack; dark (unfortunate; filled with misfortune)
Male peopleczarnyPolishadjdark (i.e. of humor or a character; evil or somber)
Male peopleczarnyPolishnounblack personcolloquial masculine noun-from-verb person
Male peopleczarnyPolishnounCatholic priestderogatory masculine noun-from-verb person
Male peopleczarnyPolishnounsablegovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine noun-from-verb person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnoundirector (person in charge of a directorate)masculine person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnoundirector (person who manages the work of an institution or enterprise)masculine person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnoundirector (person who manages the work of an institution or enterprise) / principal (director of a school)masculine person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounconductor (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble)archaic masculine person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounhome teacher (teacher who comes to someone's house)masculine obsolete person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounrural teachermasculine obsolete person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnouncouncilor (teacher who guides children, especially in moral development)masculine obsolete person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounconfessor (priest who hears confession and then gives absolution)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismmasculine obsolete person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounroyal council (one who advises the king or queen)Middle Polish masculine person
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounfemale equivalent of dyrektor (“head, principal, headmaster”)feminine form-of indeclinable
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounfemale equivalent of dyrektor (“director, supervisor, manager”)feminine form-of indeclinable
Male peopledyrektorPolishnounfemale equivalent of dyrektor (“conductor”) (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble)archaic feminine form-of indeclinable
Male peopledzikPolishnounwild boar (Sus scrofa)animal-not-person masculine
Male peopledzikPolishnoununmannerly, uncivilized, or antisocial personcolloquial masculine person
Male peoplegawędziarzPolishnounraconteur, storyteller (person who relates stories to an audience)masculine person
Male peoplegawędziarzPolishnounauthor of gawędasmasculine person
Male peoplelegatusLatinnounenvoy, ambassador, legatedeclension-2
Male peoplelegatusLatinnoundeputydeclension-2
Male peoplelegatusLatinnouncommander, lieutenantdeclension-2
Male peoplelegatusLatinverbsent, despatched, having been sent.declension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
Male peoplepopielnikPolishnounashpan, ashpitinanimate masculine
Male peoplepopielnikPolishnouncinerariainanimate masculine
Male peoplepopielnikPolishnouna person born from ashesliterary masculine person
Male peopleżercaPolishnouna type of priest in Slavic pagan religionlifestyle paganism religionmasculine person
Male peopleżercaPolishnounone who devours; a devourerarchaic masculine person
Male peopleżercaPolishnounan animal that devoursanimal-not-person archaic masculine
Male peopleżercaPolishnounsomething that devoursarchaic inanimate masculine
Mallow family plantscupuaçuPortuguesenouncupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum, a tree of South America)Brazil masculine
Mallow family plantscupuaçuPortuguesenounthe fruit of the cupuassu tree, used to make a confectionery similar to chocolateBrazil masculine
MammalssvínIcelandicnounpig, swine (animal of the family Suidae)neuter
MammalssvínIcelandicnounswine (contemptible person); one who is chauvinist, exploitative, very ill-mannered or uncleanlyneuter
MammalsغنمSouth Levantine Arabicnounsheepcollective
MammalsغنمSouth Levantine Arabicnounsheep and goatscollective
MarijuanapotheadEnglishnounA person who smokes cannabis frequently, or to excess.derogatory slang
MarijuanapotheadEnglishnounAn electric motor's terminal connection or wiring box.Canada
MarijuanapotheadEnglishnounA stupid individual; a fool.derogatory obsolete slang
MarriageܢܣܘܒܐClassical Syriacnountaker, receiver, recipient
MarriageܢܣܘܒܐClassical Syriacnounpartaker, participant
MarriageܢܣܘܒܐClassical Syriacnouncommunicant, faithfullifestyle religion
MarriageܢܣܘܒܐClassical Syriacnounhusband, spouse
MarriageܢܣܘܒܐClassical Syriacnounperceiver
Mealsafternoon teaEnglishnounA formal afternoon meal comprising light snacks, accompanied by tea.UK countable uncountable
Mealsafternoon teaEnglishnounA small meal or snack eaten between lunch and dinner (supper); a period of time set aside for this purpose, taken as a break from work or from a conference.Australia Hong-Kong New-Zealand countable uncountable
Meals식사Koreannounspeech (at a ceremony); oration
Measuring instrumentsstupniceCzechnounscaleentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
Measuring instrumentsstupniceCzechnounscale (means of assigning a magnitude)feminine
Measuring instrumentsszalaPolishnounscale (dish of a balance)feminine
Measuring instrumentsszalaPolishnoungenitive singular of szalform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
MeatsgallimaufryEnglishnounA hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout.countable dated uncountable
MeatsgallimaufryEnglishnounAny absurd medley, an elaborate mishmashcountable figuratively uncountable
MeatsсобачинаUkrainiannouna dogcolloquial
Medical signs and symptomsaurugoLatinnounjaundicedeclension-3
Medical signs and symptomsaurugoLatinnounsickly look, palenessbroadly declension-3
Medical signs and symptomsaurugoLatinnounmildewdeclension-3
Medical signs and symptomskolkaPolishnounstitch (intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage)feminine
Medical signs and symptomskolkaPolishnouncolic (form of acute pain)feminine
Medical signs and symptomskolkaPolishnounthorn (a sharp protective spine of a plant)feminine
Medical signs and symptomskolkaPolishnounneedle (leaf of conifers)feminine
Medical signs and symptomskolkaPolishnounthree-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)feminine
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounAn outsider; a guest; one from an unfamiliar land.rare
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounA thrall; a hireling.rare
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounA wooden board used for creating the exterior of a vessel; planking.
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounA welt; an injury created by use of a whip or a similar weapon.rare
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounA lesion; a boil.rare
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounA selection or possibility; a decision.
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounA preference; something chosen due to its quality.rare
MedicinewaleMiddle Englishadjamazing, of great quality or talent.
MedicinewaleMiddle Englishadjpleasing, nice, enjoyable, benevolent
MedicinewaleMiddle Englishadjstrong, firm, strengthy
MedicinewaleMiddle Englishadjimpactful, grievous, melancholy
MedicinewaleMiddle Englishadjdecided, resolved, picked.rare
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of valealt-of alternative
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of walalt-of alternative
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of walenalt-of alternative
MedicinewaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of whalealt-of alternative
MemoryبھولناUrduverbto forgetintransitive
MemoryبھولناUrduverbto neglectintransitive
MenstruationniddahEnglishnounSomeone whom Halacha considers menstruant.Judaism
MenstruationniddahEnglishnounThe menstrual period.Judaism
Menstruationrag weekEnglishnounAn annual event in many universities where students engage in unusual activities to raise money for charity.British Ireland
Menstruationrag weekEnglishnounThe days of the month when a woman has her period.British slang vulgar
MetalssonneMiddle EnglishnounThe brightest and warmest celestial body, considered to be a planet in the Ptolemic system; the Sun.
MetalssonneMiddle EnglishnounThe light and warmth that radiates from the sun; sunlight.
MetalssonneMiddle EnglishnounA heavy, yellow metal; gold.rare
MetalssonneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of sone (“son”)alt-of alternative
MetalsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
MetalsJapanesenounsilver (lustrous, white, metallic element; symbol Ag)
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 銀貨 (ginka): a silver coinabbreviation alt-of
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 銀色 (gin'iro): silvery, silver-coloredabbreviation alt-of
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 銀将 (ginshō): a silver generalboard-games games shogiabbreviation alt-of
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 銀メダル (gin medaru): a silver medalhobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of usually
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 丁銀 (chōgin): an Edo-period silver coin in the shape of a sea cucumberabbreviation alt-of historical
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 銀煙管 (gin kiseru): a silver 煙管 (kiseru, “tobacco pipe”)abbreviation alt-of
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 銀葉 (gin'yō): a censerabbreviation alt-of
MetalsJapanesenounShort for 銀蜻蜓 (gin'yanma): the lesser emperor, Anax parthenopeabbreviation alt-of
MetalsJapanesenounany other object made of silver
MetalsJapaneseaffixsilvery, silver-colored
MetalsJapaneseaffixcash, moneybroadly
MetalsJapaneseaffixShort for 銀行 (ginkō): bankabbreviation alt-of
MetalsJapanesenounsilver (lustrous, white, metallic element)
MetalsJapanesenounsilvery, silver-colored
MetalsJapanesenouna silver thread
MetalsJapanesenounsilver paint or lacquer
MetalsJapanesenouna silver coin
MetalsJapanesenouna metal
MilitaryArmeeGermannounarmy (large tactical contingent consisting of several divisions)feminine
MilitaryArmeeGermannounmilitary; a country’s armed forces as a whole; particularly of countries where a cognate term is commonly used in this sense, e.g. Francefeminine
MilitaryArmeeGermannounarmy; ground forces; now only of countries where a cognate term is commonly used in this sense, e.g. the U.S.archaic feminine
MilitaryστρατιάAncient Greeknounarmy
MilitaryστρατιάAncient Greeknounhost, company, band
MilitaryστρατιάAncient Greeknounexpedition
MilitaryзагінUkrainiannounenclosure, cote, corral, kraal, pen, fold
MilitaryзагінUkrainiannoununit, detachment, squad, force, brigade, unit
Military特種兵Chinesenouncommando; special forces soldier
Military特種兵Chinesenounone who travels with a very low budgetneologism
Military ranksprivate first classEnglishnounAn enlisted rank in the United States Army, of rank E-3, ranking above a private and below a corporal or specialist.US
Military ranksprivate first classEnglishnounAn enlisted rank in the United States Marine Corps, of rank E-2, ranking above a private and below a lance corporal.US
MollusksmuscoloItaliannounmuscleanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
MonarchyEwiYorubanameThe title of the traditional ruler of the town of Ado Ekiti
MonarchyEwiYorubanamethe historic ruler of the Adó Kingdomhistorical
MonarchytlahtocayotlCentral Nahuatlnounkingdom, rulership.
MonarchytlahtocayotlCentral Nahuatlnounstate
MonasticismcistercienseSpanishadjCistercianfeminine masculine
MonasticismcistercienseSpanishnounCistercianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
MoneyϩⲁⲧCopticnounsilverBohairic Sahidic uncountable
MoneyϩⲁⲧCopticnounsilver / a (silver) coin; moneyBohairic Sahidic broadly uncountable
MoneyϩⲁⲧCopticadjwhiteBohairic Sahidic
MoneyϩⲁⲧCopticadjsilverBohairic Sahidic
MonthsmasHaitian CreolenounMarch
MonthsmasHaitian Creolenounmass
Monthsசித்திரைTamilnounThe 14th nakṣatra, part of the constellation Virgo
Monthsசித்திரைTamilnounthe first month of the Tamil year, occurring in April-May in the Gregorian Calendar
Months二月ChinesenounThe modern name for the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
MoonKoreannounmoon; the Moonastronomy natural-sciences
MoonKoreannounThe Moon (Tarot card)human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
MoonKoreannounthe common reed (Phragmites communis)
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 達: to reach; achieve
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 撻
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 獺: otter
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 疸
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 澾
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 妲
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 怛
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 闥
MoonKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 통달할 달 (tongdalhal dal)) (MC reading: 達 (MC that|dat))(MC reading: 撻 (MC that))(eumhun reading: 수달 달 (sudal dal)) (MC reading: 獺 (MC that|trhaet))(MC reading: 疸 (MC tanX|tanH))(MC reading: 澾 (MC that))(MC reading: 妲 (MC tat))(MC reading: 怛 (MC tat))(MC reading: 闥 (MC that))(MC reading: 靼 (MC tat|tsyet)) / 靼
Moons of UranusCordeliaEnglishnameA female given name from Latin.
Moons of UranusCordeliaEnglishnameA moon of Uranusastronomy natural-sciences
Mountainsجبل النارArabicnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see جَبَل (jabal), نَار (nār).
Mountainsجبل النارArabicnounvolcano
Mountainsجبل النارArabicnameEtna (a volcano in Sicily)
Municipalities of FinlandRiihimäkiFinnishnameA town in Tavastia Proper, Finland.
Municipalities of FinlandRiihimäkiFinnishnamea Finnish surname
Municipalities of FinlandSaarijärviFinnishnameA town in Central Finland.
Municipalities of FinlandSaarijärviFinnishnameAny of the several lakes with that name.
Municipalities of FinlandSaarijärviFinnishnamea Finnish surname
MusicostinatoRomaniannounostinatoneuter uncountable
MusicpražecCzechnountie, railroad tierail-transport railways transportinanimate masculine
MusicpražecCzechnounfret (on a string instrument)inanimate masculine
Musical instrumentstrompetePortuguesenountrumpet (brass instrument)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
Musical instrumentstrompetePortuguesenountrumpetermasculine
Musical instrumentsزخمهOttoman Turkishnounplectrum
Musical instrumentsزخمهOttoman Turkishnounbow (of a stringed instrument)
Musical voices and registersBassGermannounbass (low spectrum of sound)masculine strong
Musical voices and registersBassGermannounbass (singer; section of musical group)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine strong
Musical voices and registersBassGermannounbass, double bass (stringed instrument)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine strong
MyriapodsscolopendraEnglishnounA mythical sea-creature, reputed to be able to disgorge its bowels to dislodge any fishing-hook.obsolete
MyriapodsscolopendraEnglishnounA centipede of the genus Scolopendra.
Mythological creaturesPukPolishnamePuck (mischievous sprite in Celtic mythology and English folklore)animal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturesPukPolishnamePuck (moon of Uranus)animal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturesundineEnglishnounA female water-sprite or nymph.
Mythological creaturesundineEnglishnounThe elemental being of water.
Mythological creaturesundineEnglishnouna small flask used to apply lotions to the eye.medicine sciences
Narratology別傳Chinesenounanecdotal biographyhistoriography history human-sciences sciences
Narratology別傳Chinesenounrequelhuman-sciences linguistics narratology sciences
Nationalism괴뢰Koreannounpuppet; marionette
Nationalism괴뢰KoreannounA puppet regime; especially used in North Korea to refer to South Korea.government politicsNorth-Korea
NationalitiesMkongoSwahilinounA member of the Kongo people.class-1 class-2
NationalitiesMkongoSwahilinounA Congolese person, from the Congo region, Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Republic of the Congo.class-1 class-2
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounThe Persian language, or a family of languages spoken primarily in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.uncountable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounA person from Persia.countable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounA person of Persian descent.countable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounAn Iranian.countable historical uncountable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounA Persian cat.countable uncountable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounA pastry local to the Thunder Bay region in Canada often compared to either a cinnamon bun or a donut topped with pink icing.Canada Northwestern Ontario countable uncountable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounA sheep of the Blackhead Persian breed.countable uncountable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounA thin silk fabric, formerly used for linings.countable uncountable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishnounAny of a set of male figures used instead of columns to support an entablature.architecturecountable uncountable
NationalitiesPersianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Persia.
NationalitiesPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Persian people.
NationalitiesPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Persian language.
NationalitiesPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Persius (Roman writer)
NationalitiesanglicusLatinnounan EnglishmanMedieval-Latin New-Latin declension-2 masculine
NationalitiesanglicusLatinnouna type of English coinMedieval-Latin New-Latin declension-2 masculine
NationalitiesanglicusLatinadjEnglishMedieval-Latin New-Latin adjective declension-1 declension-2
NationalitiescongoleñoSpanishnounCongolese (either those from the DRC or the RoC)masculine
NationalitiescongoleñoSpanishadjCongolese (relating to either the Democratic Republic of the Congo or the Republic of the Congo)
NationalitiesespainiarBasquenounA Spanish person (man or woman)animate
NationalitiessiameseItalianadjSiamese, Thai
NationalitiessiameseItaliannounSiamese personby-personal-gender feminine historical masculine
NationalitiessiameseItaliannounSiamese catmasculine
NationalitiessiameseItaliannounthe Siamese language; Thaimasculine uncountable
NationalitiessârbRomaniannouna Serbmasculine
NationalitiessârbRomanianadjSerbianmasculine neuter
NationalitiestayikoSpanishadjTajik, Tajikistani (of or relating to the nation of Tajikistan)
NationalitiestayikoSpanishadjTajik (of or relating to the Tajik ethnic group or the Tajik language)
NationalitiestayikoSpanishnounTajik (person of the Tajik ethnic group)masculine
NationalitiestayikoSpanishnounTajikistani (native or inhabitant of Tajikistan)masculine
NationalitiestayikoSpanishnounTajik, Tajiki (language)masculine uncountable
Native American tribesEdistoEnglishnameA subtribe of the now-extinct Cusabo, a Native American tribal group who lived in what is now South Carolina.historical
Native American tribesEdistoEnglishnameOne of South Carolina's Sea Islands, the larger part of which lies in Charleston County, with its southern tip in Colleton County.
Native American tribesEdistoEnglishnameA free-flowing blackwater river in South Carolina, flowing from its sources in Saluda and Edgefield counties, to its Atlantic Ocean mouth at Edisto Beach.
Native American tribesEdistoEnglishnameAn unincorporated community and census-designated place in Orangeburg County, South Carolina, United States.
Native American tribesEdistoEnglishnounA member of the Native American subtribe of South Carolina.historical
NauticalferrymanEnglishnounA man who operates a ferry.
NauticalferrymanEnglishnounCharon.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
NazismGreater German ReichEnglishnameThe Third Reich’s official name from June 26, 1943 to 1945.history human-sciences sciencesformal
NazismGreater German ReichEnglishnameThe Third Reich since March 12, 1938.history human-sciences sciencesinformal
NeckwearљептирSerbo-Croatiannounlepidopteran; butterfly or moth (but prototypically a butterfly)
NeckwearљептирSerbo-Croatiannounbutterfly (swimming style)
NeckwearљептирSerbo-Croatiannounbutterfly door (of a car)
NeckwearљептирSerbo-Croatiannouna fickle, flighty personfiguratively
Nettle family plants蕁麻JapanesenounSynonym of 刺草 (irakusa, “nettle, Urtica thunbergiana”)
Nettle family plants蕁麻JapanesenounAlternative spelling of 刺草 (irakusa, “nettle, Urtica thunbergiana”)alt-of alternative
NeurologymotricityEnglishnounA motor impulse sent efferently down a nerve towards a musclecountable uncountable
NeurologymotricityEnglishnounThe motor function.countable uncountable
New World monkeysmarmosetEnglishnounA small monkey, now specifically a Central and South American monkey of the genera Callithrix, Mico, Cebuella, or Callibella, with claws instead of nails, and a rather primitive layout.
New World monkeysmarmosetEnglishnounA hideous figure; a grotesque.obsolete
New World monkeysmarmosetEnglishnounAn unappealing or foolish man.archaic derogatory
NobilitySafavidEnglishadjRelating to the Safavid dynasty, a Muslim dynasty which ruled Iran between the 16th and 18th centuries.not-comparable
NobilitySafavidEnglishnounA member of the Safavid dynasty.
NobilitySafavidEnglishnounA member of the Safavid Empire, an Iranian.informal
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnouna lady, the mistress of a household
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnounnoblewoman; queen
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnouna form of courteous address; lady
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnounthe Virgin Mary
NobilityဗညားBurmesenouna male given name
NobilityဗညားBurmesenouna title used by Mon nobles and royalshonorific
Northern IrelandUlsterEnglishnameThe northern province of Ireland, made up of all six Northern Irish counties and three counties in the Republic of Ireland.
Northern IrelandUlsterEnglishnameThe six counties that make up Northern Ireland.government politicsproscribed
Northern IrelandUlsterEnglishnameA county named after the Irish province in New York State: see Ulster County.
Northern IrelandUlsterEnglishnameA township in Floyd County, Iowa, United States.
Northern IrelandUlsterEnglishnameA town in Ulster County, New York, United States.
Northern IrelandUlsterEnglishnameA township in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, United States.
Northern IrelandUlsterEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of ulster (“men's heavy overcoat”)alt-of
NorwayNoorweegsAfrikaansadjSynonym of Noorsnot-comparable
NorwayNoorweegsAfrikaansnameSynonym of Noors
NumbersthươngVietnamesenounlong-handled spear
NumbersthươngVietnameseverbto love non-romantically
NumbersthươngVietnameseverbto feel sorry for
NumbersthươngVietnameseverbto be in love with; to love romanticallySouthern Vietnam colloquial euphemistic
NumbersthươngVietnamesenouna quotientarithmetic
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 商romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 傷romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 艙romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 蹡romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 瑲romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 殤romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 鏘romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 戧romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 槍romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 倉romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 蒼romanization
NumbersthươngVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 觴romanization
NutsElefantenlausGermannounthe elephant louse, Haematomyzus elephantis, being a parasite of elephantsfeminine
NutsElefantenlausGermannouncertain Anacardiaceae species: / ostindische Elefantenlaus, Semecarpus anacardium, marking-nutfeminine
NutsElefantenlausGermannouncertain Anacardiaceae species: / westindische Elefantenlaus, Anacardium occidentale, cashew-nutfeminine
NutspistácieCzechnounpistachio (tree)feminine
NutspistácieCzechnounpistachio (fruit)feminine
OccultmážkaCzechnouna female magician, witch, sorceress, female magefeminine literary
OccultmážkaCzechnounfemale wizard (one who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field)feminine
OccupationsasystenturaPolishnounassistantscollective feminine
OccupationsbagarinoItaliannounticket tout, scalpermasculine
OccupationsbagarinoItaliannounresellerdated masculine
OccupationsbańkarzPolishnounglassblowermasculine person
OccupationsbańkarzPolishnouna person who blows bubbles to entertain othersmasculine person
Occupationsbread makerEnglishnounA household appliance which makes bread or dough from raw ingredients.
Occupationsbread makerEnglishnounOne who makes bread; a baker of bread.
OccupationsbrewsterEnglishnounA unit of stress optical coefficient which is equal to 10⁻¹² m²/N or 10⁻¹² Pa⁻¹. Symbol: natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physics
OccupationsbrewsterEnglishnounA female brewer.archaic
OccupationsbrewsterEnglishnounA brewer (of either sex).British Scotland
Occupationsbảo vệVietnameseverbto protect
Occupationsbảo vệVietnameseverbto defend (an idea, a dissertation, etc.)education
Occupationsbảo vệVietnamesenouna security guard; compare vệ sĩ (“bodyguard”)
OccupationscamioneiroGalicianadjrelated to trucks
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenounholm oak (Quercus ilex, a tree of the Mediterranean)masculine
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenounkermes oak (Quercus coccifera, a tree of the western Mediterranean)masculine
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenounexecutioner (person who carries out a capital punishment)masculine
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenouna very cruel personfiguratively masculine
OccupationscladhaireScottish Gaelicnouncoward, poltroonmasculine
OccupationscladhaireScottish Gaelicnounheromasculine
OccupationscladhaireScottish Gaelicnounone superintending the burying of soldiers in an armymasculine
OccupationscladhaireScottish Gaelicnoungravediggermasculine
OccupationscladhaireScottish Gaelicnounroguemasculine
OccupationsdziedonisLatviannounprofessional singerdeclension-2 masculine
OccupationsdziedonisLatviannounsongbirddeclension-2 masculine poetic
OccupationsgrafterEnglishnounOne who inserts scions on other stocks, or propagates fruit by engrafting.
OccupationsgrafterEnglishnounAn instrument by which grafting is facilitated.
OccupationsgrafterEnglishnounThe original tree from which a scion has been taken for grafting upon another tree.
OccupationsgrafterEnglishnounSomeone who works in market stalls.slang
OccupationsgrafterEnglishnouna hard worker who puts in long hoursEnglish slang
OccupationsgrafterEnglishnounA corrupt person, one who receives graft.
OccupationslypsäiLivviadjmilking (giving milk)
OccupationsárbitroPortuguesenounreferee (umpire, judge, the supervisor of a game)hobbies lifestyle sports
OccupationsárbitroPortuguesenounreferee (person who settles a dispute)
OccupationsçalgıcıTurkishnouninstrumentalist; a person whose job is to play a musical instrument.
OccupationsçalgıcıTurkishnoundefinite accusative singular of çalgıçaccusative definite form-of singular
OccupationsčarovnikSlovenenounwizard (person skilled with magic)
OccupationsčarovnikSlovenenounwizard (program or script used to simplify complex operations)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
OccupationsزجاجArabicnounglass (substance)collective
OccupationsزجاجArabicnounpieces of glasscollective
OccupationsزجاجArabicnounglass vesselscollective
OccupationsکردPersianverbpast stem of کردن (kardan)form-of past stem
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounrecess, nook, inner chamberarchitecture
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounshrine
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounlining, inside of garment
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounsecret, mystery
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounmachination, snare
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounanything laid up: layer, treasure
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounturban, fillet
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnoundeparture
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounstripping, tearing off
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounarmful, sheaf
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnouncaravan
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnouninnkeeper
OccupationsܩܦܠܐClassical Syriacnounchapter
Occupationsವೈದ್ಯKannadaadjmedical, medicinal
Occupationsವೈದ್ಯKannadanoundoctor, physician
Occupations甲士Chinesenounsoldiers clad in armorarchaic
Occupations甲士Chinesenounsoldiers (in general)archaic
Occupations의장Koreannounchairperson; speaker (in a parliament)
Occupations의장Koreannounwardrobe, closet
Olive family plantsφθίναAncient Greeknounmildew
Olive family plantsφθίναAncient Greeknounkind of olive
OnemộtVietnamesenounthe eleventh lunar monthcolloquial
OnemộtVietnameseadjonly; sole
OnemộtVietnameseadjfor one person; single
Operationsproject managementEnglishnounThe discipline of organizing and managing resources (e.g. people) in such a way that a project is completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints.uncountable
Operationsproject managementEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see project, management.uncountable
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounA man; a male human or animal.
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounA "male" gem or plant.rare
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounManhood; the state of being male.rare
OrgansmaleMiddle Englishadjmale (of masculine sex or gender)
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishadjUsed in extended reference to supposedly "male" gems, plants, or astrological portents.
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounA bag, pack, or wallet.
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounThe belly or one of its contents; a gut.
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounThe appletree (Malus domestica) or its fruit.Late-Middle-English uncommon
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of maylealt-of alternative
OrgansmaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of melNorthern alt-of alternative
OrgansдреболияBulgariannountrifle, bagatelle (tiny, insignificant detail or nuance)
OrgansдреболияBulgariannounhaslet, intestinesplural plural-only
OwlskulíšekCzechnoundiminutive of kulich (“owl”)animate diminutive form-of masculine
OwlskulíšekCzechnounpygmy owlanimate masculine
OwlskulíšekCzechnounchild with a shaved headanimate masculine
Oxalidales order plantskhếVietnamesenouncarambola, star fruit
Oxalidales order plantskhếVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 憩romanization
Oxalidales order plantskhếVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 契romanization
Oxalidales order plantskhếVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 瘈romanization
PainowieEnglishintjSynonym of ow
PainowieEnglishnounA painful but minor injury.Canada US childish colloquial
Paper sizesthirty-twomoEnglishnounA paper size, (3.75"-5" x 2.5"-3.125"), one thirty-second of an uncut free printing publishing
Paper sizesthirty-twomoEnglishnounA book size, corresponding to the paper printing publishing
ParapsychologyespíritoPortuguesenounspirit (the soul of a person or other living being)masculine
ParapsychologyespíritoPortuguesenounnature; characteristicmasculine
ParentsfaderSwedishnounfathercommon-gender formal
ParentsfaderSwedishnounfather, a term of address for a Christian priestcommon-gender
ParentsfaderSwedishnounfather, creatorcommon-gender
ParentsпапашаRussiannounsame as (папа) dadcolloquial
ParentsпапашаRussiannounfamiliar term of address for an (elderly) man
PathologyசளிTamilnouncommon cold, catarrh
PathologyசளிTamilnounnasal mucus, phlegm
PeopleCommieEnglishnounA Communist.derogatory slang
PeopleCommieEnglishadjCommunist.derogatory slang
PeopleCommieEnglishnounA Commodore computer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
PeopleErsatzmannGermannounsubstitute, stand inmasculine person strong
PeopleErsatzmannGermannounreplacementhobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine person strong
PeopleFIBEnglishnounInitialism of focused ion beam.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleFIBEnglishnounInitialism of fucking Illinois bastard.abbreviation alt-of derogatory initialism offensive
PeopleFIBEnglishnounInitialism of flying inflatable boat.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleFreundGermannounfriendmasculine strong
PeopleFreundGermannounboyfriendmasculine strong
PeopleFreundGermannounblood relative (in the sense of a person that is or should be one’s friend by nature)masculine obsolete strong
PeopleFreundGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
PeopleMOCEnglishnounInitialism of man of color or men of color.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleMOCEnglishnounInitialism of my own creation.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleMOCEnglishadjInitialism of masculine of center.abbreviation alt-of initialism masculine not-comparable
PeopleObmannGermannounchairmanmasculine strong
PeopleObmannGermannounrepresentativemasculine strong
PeopleObmannGermannounhead referee, official, judgehobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine strong
PeopleadikTagalogadjaddicted; obsessed (usually with drugs)
PeoplealalayCebuanonouna handmaidobsolete
PeoplealalayCebuanonounan assistant; a person who assists or helps someone else, especially as an occupation
PeoplealcooloFrenchadjalcoholic (person)derogatory informal
PeoplealcooloFrenchnounalcoholic (person); alkieby-personal-gender derogatory feminine informal masculine
PeopleanorecticEnglishadjCharacterised by a lack of appetite, especially as suffering from anorexia nervosa.
PeopleanorecticEnglishadjCausing a loss of appetite.
PeopleanorecticEnglishnounA person suffering from anorexia nervosa; an anorexic.
PeopleanorecticEnglishnounA drug or dietary supplement that reduces the appetite so as to promote weight loss.
PeopleassclownEnglishnounA jerk; a buffoon; a person who is inept or ill-behaved to the point of being found laughable by others.Canada US humorous often slang sometimes vulgar
PeopleassclownEnglishnounA jerk; a buffoon; a person who uses their nature to bring humor to others, but ends up being the butt of a joke.Canada US humorous often slang sometimes vulgar
PeoplebitnikPolishnounbeatnik (person associated with the Beat Generation of the 1950s and 1960s or its style)historical masculine person
PeoplebitnikPolishnounbattler, combatant, fighter, scrapper (person prone to start fights)masculine person
PeopleboarderEnglishnounA pupil who lives at school during term time.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who pays for meals and lodging in a house rather than a hotel.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounOne who boards a vehicle.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounA sailor attacking an enemy ship by boarding her, or one repelling such attempts by an enemy.nautical transport
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who takes part in a boardsport, such as surfing or snowboarding. / Clipping of skateboarder.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of clipping
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who takes part in a boardsport, such as surfing or snowboarding. / Clipping of snowboarder.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of clipping
PeopleboarderEnglishnounSomeone who takes part in a boardsport, such as surfing or snowboarding.
PeopleboarderEnglishnounMisspelling of border.alt-of misspelling
PeoplecanvasserEnglishnounSomeone who goes through a region soliciting votes in an election, or conducting a public opinion poll.
PeoplecanvasserEnglishnounA person who scrutinizes the ballot in an election.government politicsPhilippines
PeoplecaptiveEnglishnounOne who has been captured or is otherwise confined.
PeoplecaptiveEnglishnounOne held prisoner.
PeoplecaptiveEnglishnounOne charmed or subdued by beauty, excellence, or affection; one who is captivated.figuratively
PeoplecaptiveEnglishnounA captive insurance company, a subsidiary of a company used as its internal insurer.
PeoplecaptiveEnglishadjHeld prisoner; not free; confined.not-comparable
PeoplecaptiveEnglishadjSubdued by love; charmed; captivated.not-comparable
PeoplecaptiveEnglishadjOf or relating to bondage or confinement; serving to confine.not-comparable
PeoplecaptiveEnglishverbTo capture; to take captive.archaic transitive
PeoplecraosachScottish Gaelicadjgluttonous, voracious
PeoplecraosachScottish Gaelicadjwide-mouthed
PeoplecraosachScottish Gaelicadjbibulous
PeoplecraosachScottish Gaelicnounbonfiremasculine
PeoplecraosachScottish Gaelicnounwide-mouthed womanfeminine
PeoplecrutterEnglishnounA worker who drills blasting holes, prepares the explosive charge, and removes blasted mining
PeoplecrutterEnglishnounAlternative form of creeturalt-of alternative
PeopledzwoniecPolishnoungreenfinchanimal-not-person masculine
PeopledzwoniecPolishnoundoorkeepermasculine person
PeopledzwoniecPolishnounmoron, dimwitderogatory masculine person
PeopleegresadoSpanishverbpast participle of egresarform-of participle past
PeopleexplorerEnglishnounOne who explores something
PeopleexplorerEnglishnounA person who by means of travel (notably an expedition) searches out new information.
PeopleexplorerEnglishnounAny of various hand tools, with sharp points, used in dentistry.
PeopleexplorerEnglishnounA visual representation of a file system etc. through which the user can navigate.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeopleexplorerEnglishnounSomeone who is adventurous and free-thinking.figuratively
PeoplegigglemugEnglishnounA smiling facedated rare slang
PeoplegigglemugEnglishnounA perpetually smiling and optimistic person
PeoplegigglemugEnglishnounA person who deceitfully behaves in a happy manner
PeoplegigoloEnglishnounA man who has a sexual relationship with a woman from whom he receives payment.
PeoplegigoloEnglishnounA hired escort or dancing partner for a woman.
PeoplegirlfriendEnglishnounA female partner in an unmarried romantic relationship.
PeoplegirlfriendEnglishnounA female friend of a woman or girl.
PeoplegirlfriendEnglishnounA fellow gay man, especially a friend as opposed to a sexual partner.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
PeoplegirlfriendEnglishnounA term of address for a female friend or among gay men.
PeoplehagardCebuanonouna motorcycle cophistorical
PeoplehagardCebuanonouna big bike
Peoplehalf bloodEnglishnounA person who shares one parent with another; a
Peoplehalf bloodEnglishnounSomeone whose parents are of different races; a half-breed.
Peoplehappy-go-luckyEnglishadjcarefree or untroubled
Peoplehappy-go-luckyEnglishnounOne who is happy-go-lucky.
Peoplehappy-go-luckyEnglishnounA person who does odd jobs.obsolete
Peoplehappy-go-luckyEnglishadvAs luck will have it.obsolete
PeoplehobbyistEnglishnounA person who is interested in an activity or a subject as a hobby.
PeoplehobbyistEnglishnounA client in a girlfriend experience.slang
PeopleinterfectorLatinnounkiller, murderer, slayerdeclension-3 masculine
PeopleinterfectorLatinnoundestroyerdeclension-3 masculine
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA large breviary (as a book that "lies" in situ)rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA support, base, or foundation: / A particular sort of saddletree.rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA support, base, or foundation: / A particular sort of mattress.rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA resident or lurker; one who frequents something.rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA sort of cape (perhaps as it "lies" on the back).rare
Peopleman-eaterEnglishnounAn animal that attacks and kills humans for food, such as certain tigers or sharks; any animal that consumes human flesh.
Peopleman-eaterEnglishnounA cannibal; a human that eats other humans.
Peopleman-eaterEnglishnounA seductive dangerous woman, often readily taking and discarding male romantic partners.broadly slang
PeoplemuinterOld Irishnouncommunity (group of persons connected by a bond)feminine
PeoplemuinterOld Irishnounfamily or household (including servants)feminine
PeoplemuinterOld Irishnounfollowers, attendantsfeminine
Peoplenon-CatholicEnglishadjNot Catholic.not-comparable
Peoplenon-CatholicEnglishnounOne who is not Catholic.
PeoplenoodlerEnglishnounA practitioner of hobbies lifestyle
PeoplenoodlerEnglishnounOne who improvises.entertainment lifestyle musicderogatory sometimes
PeoplenoodlerEnglishnounA fossicker, someone who scours mine dumps for miningAustralia
PeopleoptimistEnglishnouna person who expects a favourable outcome
PeopleoptimistEnglishnouna believer in optimism
PeoplepaïenFrenchadjpagan, heathen
PeoplepaïenFrenchnounpagan, heathenmasculine
PeoplepaïenFrenchnounan uneducated person, a hickmasculine
PeopleprofiteerEnglishnounOne who makes an unreasonable profit not justified by cost or risk, a rent-seeker.derogatory
PeopleprofiteerEnglishverbTo make an unreasonable profit not justified by cost or risk.
PeoplequackEnglishnounThe sound made by a duck.
PeoplequackEnglishverbTo make a noise like a duck.
PeoplequackEnglishverbOf a queen bee: to make a high-pitched sound during certain stages of development.intransitive
PeoplequackEnglishnounA fraudulent healer, especially a bombastic peddler in worthless treatments, a doctor who makes false diagnoses for monetary benefit, or an untrained or poorly trained doctor who uses fraudulent credentials to attract patientsderogatory
PeoplequackEnglishnounAny similar charlatan or incompetent professional.derogatory figuratively
PeoplequackEnglishnounAny doctor.derogatory humorous mildly slang
PeoplequackEnglishverbTo practice or commit quackery (fraudulent medicine).
PeoplequackEnglishverbTo make vain and loud pretensions.obsolete
PeoplequackEnglishadjFalsely presented as having medicinal powers.
PeoplequeanScotsnounyoung woman, girl
PeoplequeanScotsnounfemale sweetheart
PeoplequeanScotsnounA ram incapable of procreation, a hermaphrodite sheep.Shetland
PeoplesemeEnglishnounAnything which serves for any purpose as a substitute for an object of which it is, in some sense, a representation, sign, or symbol.human-sciences linguistics sciences semiotics
PeoplesemeEnglishverbObsolete form of seem.alt-of obsolete
PeoplesemeEnglishnounObsolete form of seam.alt-of obsolete
PeoplesemeEnglishadjObsolete form of semé.alt-of obsolete
PeoplesemeEnglishnounAn active or dominant male character in a same-sex relationship; a top.fiction lifestyle literature media publishingJapanese slang
PeopleskankEnglishnounA lewd and disreputable person, often female, especially an unattractive person with an air of tawdry promiscuity.countable derogatory slang uncountable
PeopleskankEnglishnounAnything that is particularly foul, unhygienic or unpleasant.countable uncountable
PeopleskankEnglishadjLewd, vulgar, skanky.derogatory slang
PeopleskankEnglishnounA dance performed to ska, dub, or reggae music.
PeopleskankEnglishnounA style of rhythmic guitar strumming in ska, reggae, and punk.entertainment lifestyle music
PeopleskankEnglishverbTo dance the skank.
PeopleskankEnglishverbTo play guitar with a skank rhythm.
PeopleskankEnglishverbTo be dishonest or unreliable, to defraud or deceive, to steal.Jamaica intransitive transitive
PeopleskankEnglishnounThe act of cheating a person.
PeopleskankEnglishverbTo cheat, especially a friend.transitive
PeoplesloucherEnglishnounA person who slouches.
PeoplesloucherEnglishnounA slouch hat.
PeoplestrumpetEnglishnounA female prostitute.
PeoplestrumpetEnglishnounA woman who is very sexually active.
PeoplestrumpetEnglishnounA female adulterer.
PeoplestrumpetEnglishnounA mistress.
PeoplestrumpetEnglishnounA trollop; a whore.derogatory
PeoplestrumpetEnglishverbTo debauch.obsolete transitive
PeoplestrumpetEnglishverbTo dishonour with the reputation of being a strumpet; to belie; to slander.obsolete transitive
PeoplewackadooEnglishadjCrazy, wacky.slang
PeoplewackadooEnglishnounA crazy person; wacko.slang
PeopleбичRussiannounwhip, scourge
PeopleбичRussiannounscourge (a source of trouble, suffering, or destruction)figuratively
PeopleбичRussiannounswippleRussia Southern
PeopleбичRussiannounbum, hobo (impoverished, homeless person)colloquial
PeopleнадувалаRussiannounswindler, cheat, trickstercolloquial
PeopleнадувалаRussianverbfeminine singular past indicative imperfective of надува́ть (naduvátʹ)feminine form-of imperfective indicative past singular
PeopleروحUrdunounsoul, spirit
PeopleروحUrdunounessence, quintessence
PeopleمولىArabicnounchief, lord, master
PeopleمولىArabicnounpatron, client
PeopleمولىArabicnounally, friend, follower
PeopleકાચંડોGujaratinouna person with inconstant behaviorfiguratively
Peopleពេទ្យKhmernoundoctor; physician
People寡妻Chinesenounfirst wifeliterary
People虎將Chinesenoun"tiger general", a particularly successful general.idiomatic
People虎將Chinesenoun"tiger general", anyone similarly talented and successful in any competitive field.figuratively idiomatic
Percoid fishfusilierEnglishnounAn infantryman armed with a form of flintlock musket.
Percoid fishfusilierEnglishnounA soldier in any of several regiments that once fought with such weapons.British
Percoid fishfusilierEnglishnounA fish in family Caesionidae, related to snappers.
PersonalitypeleónSpanishadjscrappy, quarrelsome
PersonalitysagaxLatinadjof quick perception, having acute senses; keen-scenteddeclension-3 one-termination
PersonalitysagaxLatinadjintellectually quick, keen, acute, shrewd, sagaciousdeclension-3 one-termination
PersonalitysagaxLatinadjmagicaldeclension-3 one-termination rare
PersonificationsJohnny TurkEnglishnameAn Ottoman soldier in World War One, particularly a Turkish one.government military politics warinformal obsolete slang
PersonificationsJohnny TurkEnglishnameThe Ottoman Empire in general.broadly
Pharmacology藥品Chinesenounpharmaceuticals; drugs; medicines
Pharmacology藥品Chinesenounchemical used in laboratories
Philanthropy厚重Chineseadjthick and heavy; massive
Philanthropy厚重Chineseadjgenerous; munificent
Philanthropy厚重Chineseadjkind and generous; generous and discreet
Philanthropy厚重Chineseverbto overemphasizeZhangzhou-Hokkien
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounInitialism of magnetic resonance tomography.sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounInitialism of malicious (software) removal tool.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of mass rail transit.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of mass rapid transit.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of mass rail transport.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of mass rapid transport.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metro rail transport.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metro rapid transit.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metropolitan rapid transport.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore South-Korea Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metropolitan rapid transit.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore South-Korea Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metro rail transit.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metropolitan rail transit.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metro rapid transport.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations. / Initialism of metropolitan rail transport.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
PhilippinesMRTEnglishnounA form of heavy-rail rapid-transit system that utilizes modern Electric Multiple Units to transport commuters between stations.transportIndia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand UK uncountable
PhobiasxenophobiaEnglishnounA hatred of strangers or foreigners.countable uncountable
PhobiasxenophobiaEnglishnounA fear of strangers or foreigners.countable uncountable
PhobiasxenophobiaEnglishnounA strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.countable uncountable
PhobiasxenophobiaEnglishnounA fear of aliens.countable uncountable
PhoneticsfonētisksLatvianadjphilosophical (relating to philosophy)
PhoneticsfonētisksLatvianadjphonetic (relating to the sounds of language, or of a language variety)
PhotographynochdScottish Gaelicverbappear, show up
PhotographynochdScottish Gaelicverbshow, reveal
PhotographynochdScottish Gaelicverbexpose (film)
PhysicsfysikDanishnounphysics (the science studying the laws of the physical world)common-gender no-plural
PhysicsfysikDanishnounphysics (a course in physics)common-gender no-plural
PhysicsfysikDanishnounphysique (the physical constitution of a person)common-gender no-plural
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe ability to do or undergo something.countable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe ability to coerce, influence, or control. / The ability to affect or influence.countable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe ability to coerce, influence, or control. / Control or coercion, particularly legal or political (jurisdiction).countable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe ability to coerce, influence, or control. / The people in charge of legal or political power, the government.countable in-plural metonymically uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe ability to coerce, influence, or control. / An influential nation, company, or other such body.countable metonymically uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe ability to coerce, influence, or control. / An army, a military force.archaic countable metonymically uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe ability to coerce, influence, or control.countable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounEffectiveness. / Physical force or strength.countable physical uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounEffectiveness. / Electricity or a supply of electricity.countable physical uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounEffectiveness. / A measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy.countable physical uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounEffectiveness. / The strength by which a lens or mirror magnifies an optical image.countable physical uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounEffectiveness.physical uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounA large amount or number.colloquial countable dated uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounAny of the elementary forms or parts of machines: three primary (the lever, inclined plane, and pulley) and three secondary (the wheel-and-axle, wedge, and screw).countable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounA tractor.countable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounA measure of the effectiveness that a force producing a physical effect has over time. If linear, the quotient of: (force multiplied by the displacement of or in an object) ÷ time. If rotational, the quotient of: (force multiplied by the angle of displacement) ÷ mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounA product of equal factors (and generalizations of this notion): xⁿ, read as "x to the power of n" or the like, is called a power and denotes the product x×x×⋯×x, where x appears n times in the product; x is called the base and n the exponent.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounCardinality.mathematics sciences set-theorycountable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounThe probability that a statistical test will reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true.mathematics sciences statisticscountable uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishnounIn Christian angelology, an intermediate level of angels, ranked above archangels, but exact position varies by classification scheme.biblical lifestyle religioncountable in-plural uncountable
PhysicspowerEnglishverbTo provide power for (a mechanical or electronic device).transitive
PhysicspowerEnglishverbTo hit or kick something forcefully.transitive
PhysicspowerEnglishverbTo enable or provide the impetus for.
PhysicspowerEnglishverbTo move or advance with great force or speed.intransitive
PhysicspowerEnglishadjImpressive.Singapore colloquial
PhysicspowerEnglishintjcheer used to express supportPhilippines colloquial
PigmentsпурпурRussiannounTyrian purple (dye or dyed cloth)historical
PinnipedsmunkkihyljeFinnishnounmonk seal (seal of the genus Monachus)
PinnipedsmunkkihyljeFinnishnounMediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus
Placescontinental United StatesEnglishnameThe portion of the United States which is located on the North American continent; the United States exclusive of Hawaii and other overseas territories.geography natural-sciencesUS
Placescontinental United StatesEnglishnameThe largest portion of the United States which is not separated by any ocean or non-U.S. land; the United States exclusive of Alaska, Hawaii, and other overseas territories.geography natural-sciencesUS colloquial
Places in IsraelMount of TemptationEnglishnameThe supposed location of the Temptation of Christ in the early 1st century.Christianity human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Places in IsraelMount of TemptationEnglishnameJebel Quruntul, a mountain near Jericho traditionally associated with this event since at least the 4th century.
Places in PalestineGolgotaPolishnameCalvary, Golgotha (hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified)biblical lifestyle religionfeminine
Places in PalestineGolgotaPolishnameCalvary (complex of chapels connected by pathways, symbolically commemorating the Way of the Cross of Jesus in Jerusalem, which he passed to Calvary, the place of crucifixion)Christianityfeminine
Places of worshipalterDanishnounaltar, a table or a platform for making religionneuter
Places of worshipalterDanishnounaltar, the ritual space of a Christian church.Christianityneuter
Places of worshipmonasteroItaliannounmonasterymasculine
Places of worshipmonasteroItaliannounconvent, nunnerymasculine
Places of worshipטעמפּלYiddishnountemple (worship place)
Places of worshipטעמפּלYiddishnamea surname; Temple
Planetsကမ္ဘာBurmesenoun(~ဂြိုဟ်) Earthastronomy natural-sciences
Planetsကမ္ဘာBurmesenouneon; eternity
Planetsကမ္ဘာBurmesenamethe Earth.
Plantain family plantskilkkaFinnishnounjingle belldialectal
Plantain family plantskilkkaFinnishnounany plant of the genus Cymbalaria
Plantain family plantskilkkaFinnishnounthe genus Cymbalariain-plural
PlantsGrasLuxembourgishnounmarijuanainformal neuter
PlantsbigeHungariannountipcat (a children's toy, a stick about 8 inches long, sharpened at both ends. When it is placed on the ground and hit with another stick on one end, it springs up in the air. At that point, it is hit with the other stick like a ball.)
PlantsbigeHungariannounbush, shrub
PlantsherbaGaliciannounherb (plant lacking wood)feminine
PlantsherbaGaliciannoungrass, herbage, pasturefeminine uncountable
PlantshjelmNorwegian Nynorsknouna helmetmasculine
PlantshjelmNorwegian Nynorsknounmonkshoodbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
PlantstrateMacanesenounlotus, water lily
PlantstrateMacanesenounlotus seed
PlantsγόνοςAncient GreeknounThat which is begotten: child, grandchild, offspringfeminine
PlantsγόνοςAncient Greeknounfruit, productmasculine
PlantsγόνοςAncient Greeknounrace, stock, descent
PlantsγόνοςAncient Greeknounprocreation, begetting
PlantsγόνοςAncient Greeknounseed
PlantsγόνοςAncient Greeknoungenitals
PlantsаӡахәаAbkhaznoungrapevine (vine of genus Vitis, on which grapes grow)
PlantsаӡахәаAbkhaznounliana (climbing woody vine)
PlantsতেঁতেলীAssameseclassifierFruit = -টো, tree = -ডাল.
PoetryHomeroSpanishnameHomer (poet)masculine
PoetryHomeroSpanishnamea male given name from Latin, equivalent to English Homermasculine
PokerkwadroCebuanonouna frame; a rigid, generally rectangular mounting for paper, canvas or other flexible material
PokerkwadroCebuanonouna four of a kindcard-games games
PokerkwadroCebuanonounfour cornersbingo games
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto nosh (to eat a snack or light meal)colloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto put something somewherecolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto persuade someone to accept or buy something against their willcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto contribute to creating a difficult situation for someonecolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto beat someone up (to give a severe beating to someone; to assault someone violently with repeated blows)colloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto piss off (to annoy, to anger)colloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto place someone in some place against their willcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto meddle in someone's affairscolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto interfere in someone's conversationcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto clash with somethingcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto enter somewhere without someone's permissioncolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
Polish minced oathswpierniczyćPolishverbto find oneself in a difficult situation as a result of making a bad decisioncolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
PoliticsCNVEnglishnounInitialism of copy-number variant, Initialism of copy number variation.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
PoliticsCNVEnglishnounInitialism of choroidal neovascularization.medicine ophthalmology sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
PoliticsKlubGermannounAlternative spelling of Clubalt-of alternative masculine strong
PoliticsKlubGermannounThe continuation of a political party in the National Council of Austria and the parliament of an Austrian federal state, in other parliaments called Fraktionmasculine strong
PoliticscivilCatalanadjcivilfeminine masculine
PoliticscivilCatalanadjcivilianfeminine masculine
PoliticscivilCatalannouna member of the guàrdia civilby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PoliticscivilCatalannouna preserved sardinecolloquial masculine
PoliticssuffrageEnglishnounThe right or chance to vote, express an opinion, or participate in a decision, especially in a democratic election.uncountable usually
PoliticssuffrageEnglishnounThe right or chance to vote, express an opinion, or participate in a decision, especially in a democratic election. / The right of women to vote.US uncountable usually
PoliticssuffrageEnglishnounA vote in deciding a particular question.countable usually
PoliticssuffrageEnglishnounA prayer, for example a prayer offered for the faithful dead.Christianitycountable usually
PoliticssuffrageEnglishnounA short petition, as those after the creed in matins and evensong.Christianitycountable usually
PoliticssuffrageEnglishnounAid, intercession.uncountable usually
PoliticssuffrageEnglishnounTestimony; attestation; witness; approval.uncountable usually
PoliticstrafikaCzechnounnewsstand, newsagentfeminine
PoliticstrafikaCzechnounsinecure of a politicianfeminine
Pome fruitsalmaTurkishverbsecond-person singular negative imperative of almakform-of imperative negative second-person singular
Pome fruitsalmaTurkishnounverbal noun of almakform-of noun-from-verb
Pome fruitsalmaTurkishnounverbal noun of almak / taking, picking up, buying
Pome fruitsalmaTurkishnounObsolete form of elma (“apple”).alt-of obsolete
PostadresowaćPolishverbto address (to mark post to a specific location)imperfective transitive
PostadresowaćPolishverbto address (to direct one's remarks to someone)imperfective literary transitive
PostadresowaćPolishverbto address (to notice some issue)imperfective literary transitive
PostadresowaćPolishverbto send somewhere [with dative] orMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
PostadresowaćPolishverbto be addressed (to be markedto a specific location)imperfective reflexive
PostadresowaćPolishverbto address (to use the correct title when speaking to someone)imperfective literary reflexive
PostadresowaćPolishverbto head somewhereMiddle Polish imperfective reflexive
Postܨܢܕܘܩ ܒܝܠܕܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounletterbox, mailbox
Postܨܢܕܘܩ ܒܝܠܕܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpost office box
Postܨܢܕܘܩ ܒܝܠܕܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouninboxcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Post收信Chineseverbto receive a letter (post, e-mail, document, etc., more generally information, signal)verb-object
Post收信Chineseadjreceivingbroadcasting media radioattributive
PoultrybobocRomaniannounbud (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded)masculine
PoultrybobocRomaniannounduckling or goslingmasculine
Pregnancymother-to-beEnglishnounA pregnant woman, especially one expecting her first child.
Pregnancymother-to-beEnglishnounA woman whose partner is pregnant.
PregnancynonparturientEnglishadjHaving never given birth.not-comparable
PregnancynonparturientEnglishadjNot the one who gave birth to the child or children.not-comparable
PregnancyүөскээYakutnounto be bornintransitive
PregnancyүөскээYakutnoun(biology) to bear fruit, to be fruitful, to multiply
PregnancyүөскээYakutnounto be descended from (see descent, descendant), (figurative) to be due to
PregnancyүөскээYakutnounto grow up (pass through childhood and adolescence)
PrintingمصفArabicnounrank, row (particularly figurative as a place whereupon one is elevated)
PrintingمصفArabicnouncomposing stick
Prisondetention centreEnglishnounA facility in which people are detained (held in custody); a jail.
Prisondetention centreEnglishnounAn immigration detention facility; a facility in which people who have attempted to enter Australia without prior authorisation are detained, pending a decision on whether they are to be accepted as refugees or returned to their country of origin.Australia
Prisondetention centreEnglishnounA concentration camp.
Property lawทรัสต์Thainountrust: / arrangement by which a person, called ทรัสตี (trás-dtii, “trustee”), holds property as its nominal owner for the good of another, called ผู้รับประโยชน์ (pûu-ráp-bprà-yòot, “beneficiary”).law
Property lawทรัสต์Thainountrust: / property so
Property lawทรัสต์Thainountrust: / entity managed by trusteeslaw
ProstitutionFSSWEnglishnounInitialism of full-service sex work.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
ProstitutionFSSWEnglishnounInitialism of full-service sex worker.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism
Punctuation markscalderóCatalannoundiminutive of caldera (“cauldron”)diminutive form-of masculine
Punctuation markscalderóCatalannouncasting ladleengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
Punctuation markscalderóCatalannounpilcrowmedia publishing typographymasculine
Punctuation markscalderóCatalannounfermataentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
PurplesارغوانیPersianadjcolour of the blossom of Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree)
PurplesارغوانیPersianadjamethystine (colour)
RacismHerrenvolkGermannouna master race, a herrenvolkNazism especially neuter strong
RacismHerrenvolkGermannounA class of general officers in the Prussian and German armies (c. 1870–1945).government military politics warneuter obsolete strong uncountable
Radio報話Chineseverbto relay messages via radio
Radio報話Chinesenounmessages relayed by radio
RadioactivityemanacjaPolishnounemanation (act of flowing)feminine
RadioactivityemanacjaPolishnounemanation (that which flows)feminine
RadioactivityemanacjaPolishnounemanation (natural radioactive isotope of radon)feminine
Rail transportationfogaskerekűHungarianadjcogwheeled (equipped with and operated by a gear)not-comparable
Rail transportationfogaskerekűHungariannouncog railway, rack railway
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounline, a string, a threadfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounline, a straight path through two or more pointsmathematics sciencesfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounline, a thin wrinkle or crease in skin, fabric, &c.feminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounline, a straight marking of longitude or latitudefeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounline, a queue or sequence of people or objectsfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounline, a row of textarts design media publishing typographyfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounproduct line, a series of related productsfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenountelephone line, a physical telephone connection or a single telephony accountfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounfishing line, a line used to catch or hang fishfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounrailroad track, whether straight or notfeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounline, a railroad or other mass transportation routefeminine
Rail transportationlinhaPortuguesenounlinha, Portuguese line, a former small unit of length about equal to 2.3 mmfeminine historical
Rail transportationвовчеMacedoniannoundiminutive of воз m (voz, “train”)diminutive form-of
Rail transportationвовчеMacedoniannoundiminutive of вошка f (voška, “louse”)diminutive form-of
Ramayanaఊర్మిళTelugunounA woman that has separated from her husband.
Ramayanaఊర్మిళTelugunameName of the wife of Lakshmana in Ramayana.
Ramayanaఊర్మిళTelugunamea female given name
RastafariitalEnglishnounPure, natural food suiting a Rastafari lifestyle.Iyaric Jamaica countable uncountable
RastafariitalEnglishadjAbbreviation of italic.abbreviation alt-of not-comparable
RatitesنغضArabicverbto wobble, to wag, to shake, to nod, to vacillate
RatitesنغضArabicnounshaking, vacillating, wobbling while walking
RatitesنغضArabicnounmale ostrich
RatitesنغضArabicnouncartilage of the shoulder blades, or rotator cuffs
RedspoziomkowyPolishadjwild strawberry, woodland strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry, European strawberry (Fragaria vesca)not-comparable relational
RedspoziomkowyPolishadjwild strawberry, woodland strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry, European strawberry (fruit of Fragaria vesca)not-comparable relational
RedspoziomkowyPolishadjmade with wild strawberriesnot-comparable
RedspoziomkowyPolishadjwild strawberry (having the color of a wild strawberry)comparable
Regions of EuropeFrankenGermannouninflection of Franke: / genitive/dative/accusative singularaccusative dative form-of genitive singular
Regions of EuropeFrankenGermannouninflection of Franke: / nominative/genitive/dative/accusative pluralaccusative dative form-of genitive nominative plural
Regions of EuropeFrankenGermannameFranconia (a region of Germany)neuter proper-noun
Regions of EuropeFrankenGermannameFranciahistorical neuter proper-noun
Regions of EuropeFrankenGermannounfranc (Swiss currency)masculine strong
Regions of EuropeFrankenGermannounfranc (former Belgian currency)masculine strong
Regions of EuropeScandinaviaLatinnameScandinaviadeclension-1
Regions of EuropeScandinaviaLatinnamea large and fertile island in Northern Europe, perhaps Zealand or Scaniadeclension-1
ReligionSunniEnglishadjBelonging or relating to the branch of Islam based on the Qur'an, the Kutub al-Sittah (the hadiths which record the Sunnah) and that places emphasis on the Sahabah.
ReligionSunniEnglishnounA follower of Sunni Islam.
ReligionSunniEnglishnameEllipsis of Sunni Islam.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
ReligionkamuyAinunouna god (deity)
ReligionkamuyAinunouna bear (large mammal of family Ursidae)broadly
ReligionkamuyAinuadjan honorific-like title applied to anything great, important, or terrible, not necessarily implying divinity
ReligionreligijnośćPolishnounreligiosity, religiousness (state of having a relation to religion)feminine
ReligionreligijnośćPolishnounreligiosity, religiousness (quality of being religious)feminine
ReligionカノンJapanesenouna canon
ReligionカノンJapanesenounSynonym of カノン砲 (kanon-hō, “cannon”)engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
ReptilestiníléítsohNavajonounKomodo dragon
ReptilestiníléítsohNavajonounmonitor lizardbroadly
RestloungeEnglishverbTo relax; to spend time lazily; to stand, sit, or recline, in an indolent manner.intransitive
RestloungeEnglishverbTo walk or go in a leisurely manner.
RestloungeEnglishnounA place where one can lounge; an area, establishment, house etc. where loungers gather and where one can relax and be at ease.archaic
RestloungeEnglishnounThe act of someone who lounges; idle reclining.
RestloungeEnglishnounThe living room or sitting room of a house.British
RestloungeEnglishnounA large comfortable seat for two or three people or more, a sofa or couch; also called lounge chair.
RestloungeEnglishnounA waiting room in an office, airport etc.
RestloungeEnglishnounAn establishment, similar to a bar, that serves alcohol and often plays background music or shows television.
Restaurantsdine and dashEnglishnounThe crime of eating a meal in a restaurant and leaving without paying.Canada US informal
Restaurantsdine and dashEnglishverbTo commit such an act.Canada US informal
RiversẹriYorubanounriver, stream
RiversẹriYorubanounevidence, proof, testimony, confirmation, data
RiversẹriYorubanounconfidence, assurance
RoadskonSwedishnouna conegeometry mathematics sciencescommon-gender
RoadskonSwedishnouna cone / a traffic conegeometry mathematics sciencescommon-gender
RoadskonSwedishnoundefinite singular of kodefinite form-of singular
Roads大道Chinesenounavenue (four-lane street); boulevard (multi-lane arterial thoroughfare)
Roads大道Chinesenounexpressway; motorwayMalaysia
Roads大道Chinesenounthe ultimate Tao
Roads大道Chinesenounmajor arts
RocksscreeEnglishnounLoose stony debris on a slope.uncountable
RocksscreeEnglishnounSimilar debris made up of broken building material such as bricks, concrete, etc.broadly uncountable
RocksscreeEnglishnounA slope made up of loose stony debris at the base of a cliff, mountain, etc.countable
RocksscreeEnglishverbTo traverse scree downhill.
RocksscreeEnglishnounA harsh, high-pitched sound or cry (as of a hawk).
RocksscreeEnglishverbTo make a high-pitched cry like that of a hawk.
RocksscreeEnglishverbTo flatten or level concrete while still wet, and remove protruding gravel and stones from the surface.
RocksscreeEnglishnounA coarse sieve.Scotland
Roman EmpiretetrarchyEnglishnounA government where power is shared by four people, especially (historical) the Herodian tetrarchy established in Judea after the death of Herod and the Tetrarchy of Diocletian which ruled the Roman Empire in the years 293-313.government politics
Roman EmpiretetrarchyEnglishnounThe land ruled by such a government, either together or separately.geography natural-sciences
RomanialeuEnglishnounThe unit of currency of Romania, equal to one hundred bani.
RomanialeuEnglishnounThe unit of currency of Moldova, equal to one hundred bani.
Romantic orientationshomoromanticEnglishadjRomantically attracted to those of the same gender.
Romantic orientationshomoromanticEnglishnounOne who is romantically attracted to people of the same gender.
RoomsambienteSpanishnounenvironment (used with medio when talking about nature)masculine
RoomsambienteSpanishnounthe LGBT+ (gay, trans, etc) social scenemasculine slang
RoomsambienteSpanishverbinflection of ambientar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
RoomsambienteSpanishverbinflection of ambientar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
RoomsваннаUkrainiannounbath, bathtub
RoomsваннаUkrainiannounbathing (process of washing oneself)
RoomsваннаUkrainiannounEllipsis of ва́нна кімна́та f (vánna kimnáta, “bathroom”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
RoomsзалRussiannounliving roomcolloquial
RoomsзалRussiannounClipping of тренажёрный зал (trenažórnyj zal, “gym”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
RoomsзалRussiannoungenitive plural of за́ла (zála)form-of genitive plural
RoomsсинфTajiknoungrade, year in school
RoomsդասարանArmeniannounclassroom, schoolroom
RoomsդասարանArmeniannoungrade (United States); form (British)education
RoomsحمامOttoman Turkishnounhammam, Turkish baths, a communal bathhouse in Islamic countries
RoomsحمامOttoman Turkishnounbathroom, a room usually containing a shower or bathtub and a toilet
RoomsحمامOttoman Turkishnounbath, baths, the single act of bathing or taking a bathusually
Root vegetables山藥豆Chinesenounbulbil of the Chinese yam; yamberry
Root vegetables山藥豆ChinesenounpotatoMandarin dialectal
RussiapajariFinnishnounboyar (rank of aristocracy in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania)historical
Russian politicsстрана 404RussiannounUkraine.Internet derogatory offensive
Russian politicsстрана 404RussiannounRussia.Internet Ukraine derogatory offensive
SailingsafranFrenchnounrudder blademasculine
Salmonidssea troutEnglishnounA fish of the species Salmo trutta morpha trutta, closely related to salmon and a subspecies of brown trout. It is lighter in colour than the brown trout, and lives in salt water, returning to fresh water only to spawn.
Salmonidssea troutEnglishnounThe weakfish, Cynoscion regalisUS
SandwichesSchinkenbrotGermannounopen ham sandwichneuter strong
SandwichesSchinkenbrotGermannounham sandwichneuter strong
Sapindales order plantswild rueEnglishnounThe plant Peganum harmala.countable uncountable
Sapindales order plantswild rueEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see wild, rue.countable uncountable
Sapindales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounCommiphora gen. et spp., syns. Balsamodendron, Balsamea
Sapindales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounImpatiens gen. et spp.
Sapindales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounSambucus nigra (black elder, tree and fruit)
Sapindales order plantsبيلسانArabicnounMyroxylon, especially Myroxylon balsamum
Sauces沙茶Chinesenounsatay sauce (a southeast Asian peanut-based sauce)
Sauces沙茶Chinesenounshacha sauce (a Chinese sauce adapted from satay sauce)
SchoolsunibersidadBikol Centralnoununiversity
SchoolsunibersidadBikol Centralnouncollege
ScientistsepidermologistEnglishnounA scientist whose speciality is epidermology.
ScientistsepidermologistEnglishnounA cosmetologist whose speciality is epidermology.
ScientistsichtiologPolishnounichthyologistmasculine person
ScientistsichtiologPolishnounfemale equivalent of ichtiolog (“ichthyologist”)feminine form-of indeclinable
ScombroidspintadoEnglishnounA fine cotton cloth; chintz.archaic countable historical uncountable
ScombroidspintadoEnglishnounThe Cape petrel, Daption capense.countable uncountable
ScombroidspintadoEnglishnounA guinea fowl, especially as food.countable uncountable
ScombroidspintadoEnglishnounAny of various spotted fishes in tropical waters of the west Atlantic, especially the cero, Scomberomorus regalis.countable uncountable
SculpturescalpellatoreItaliannounstonecutter, chiselmasculine
SculpturescalpellatoreItaliannoundrill bitmasculine
Sea cucumbersespardenyaCatalannounespadrillefeminine
Sea cucumbersespardenyaCatalannounroyal sea cucumber (Parastichopus regalis)feminine
Sea cucumberssea pigEnglishnounA sea cucumber in the genus Scotoplanes.
Sea cucumberssea pigEnglishnounA porpoise or dolphin.colloquial dated
Sea cucumberssea pigEnglishnounA dugong.colloquial uncommon
Seafoodteem̧buraMarshallesenounfish, basted in flour and deep-fried
Seafoodteem̧buraMarshalleseverbto cook food tempura-style
Seafoodteem̧buraMarshallesenounillicit sexual relationseuphemistic vulgar
Seafoodteem̧buraMarshalleseverbto have illicit sexual relationseuphemistic vulgar
SeasonskakaHausanoungrandfather, grandmother
SeasonskakaHausanounharvest season
SeasonspanaunKapampangannountime (abstract)
SeasonspanaunKapampangannounweatherclimatology meteorology natural-sciences
Seduction communityalpha maleEnglishnounThe dominant male in a group of animals.biology natural-sciences zoology
Seduction communityalpha maleEnglishnounA dominant, assertive, protective, oftentimes successful, leadership-type man or male.broadly
Seduction communityalpha maleEnglishadjExhibiting the characteristics of a dominant male; dominant, assertive, and protective.
Sexhanky-pankyEnglishnounMischievous behaviour, dishonest or shady activity.uncountable
Sexhanky-pankyEnglishnounAmorous behaviour, smooching, making out, necking, sexual intercourse or other sexual activity, especially if illicit.uncountable
Sexhanky-pankyEnglishnounA debaucherous act; a sexual act that is considered inappropriate.uncountable
SexpannaFinnishverbto put, set, placetransitive
SexpannaFinnishverbto send [with illative of third infinitive ‘to’] (make someone go somewhere)transitive
SexpannaFinnishverbto have or make someoneauxiliary transitive
SexpannaFinnishverbto start doingintransitive
SexpannaFinnishverbto deposit (put money or funds into an account)transitive
SexpannaFinnishverbto brew (make beer)transitive
SexpannaFinnishverbto fuck, screw, shagtransitive vulgar
SexpannaFinnishnounban, anathema (law; clerical)
SexsexeFrenchnounsex (the act)masculine
SexsexeFrenchnounsex organmasculine
SexsexeFrenchadjhorny, sexually arousedinvariable
SexsexeFrenchverbinflection of sexer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
SexsexeFrenchverbinflection of sexer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Sex positionsscissoringEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of scissorform-of gerund participle present
Sex positionsscissoringEnglishnounAn act or instance of cutting (removing) with or as if with scissors, especially an act of cutting and censoring a film.figuratively often uncommon
Sex positionsscissoringEnglishnounA clipping; something cut out (e.g. of a newspaper) with scissors.dated possibly uncommon
Sex positionsscissoringEnglishnounA sex act in which two women intertwine their legs and rub their vulvas against each sex sexuality
Shahnameh charactersسیامکPersiannameSiamakhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesIranian
Shahnameh charactersسیامکPersiannamea male given name, Siamak or Siyamak
ShapesRautLuxembourgishnounruefeminine uncountable
ShapesRautLuxembourgishnounlozengegovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
SheepaguɖãIfènounewe, female sheep
ShopsdelikatesyPolishnoundelicatessen (shop selling prepared foods)plural
ShopsdelikatesyPolishnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of delikatesaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
ShorebirdsἱμαντόπουςAncient Greeknounspindleshanks
ShorebirdsἱμαντόπουςAncient Greeknounstilt (bird of the genus Himantopus)
Simple machinesమేకుTelugunounA wooden or iron peg.
Simple machinesమేకుTelugunounA stake or spike.
Simple machinesమేకుTelugunounA nail.
Sixషష్ఠిTelugunounThe sixth day of the lunar fortnight.
Sixషష్ఠిTelugunounThe sixth possessive case.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Sixషష్ఠిTelugunounThe epithet of Parvati.
SkeletonστέρνοGreeknounsternum, breastboneanatomy medicine sciences
SkinsrhSerbo-Croatiannoungoose fleshCroatia masculine
SleepspátCzechverbto sleep (to rest in a state of reduced consciousness)imperfective
SleepspátCzechverbto sleep (to have sex)imperfective
Sleep落枕Chineseverbto have a stiff and painful neck after sleeping; to have a crick in the neck
Sleep落枕Chineseverbto touch the pillow (when one intends to sleep)
SleepKoreannounsleep, nap
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 潛
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 暫
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 箴
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 岑
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 簪
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 蠶
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 涔
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 潜: Alternative form of 潛
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 啿
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 喒
SleepKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 潛 (MC dzjem|dzjemH))(MC reading: 暫 (MC dzamH))(MC reading: 箴 (MC tsyim))(MC reading: 岑 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 簪 (MC tsrim|tsom))(MC reading: 蠶 (MC dzom))(MC reading: 涔 (MC dzrim))(MC reading: 潜)(MC reading: 啿)(MC reading: 喒)(MC reading: 蚕 (MC thenX)) / 蚕: Alternative form of 蠶
SmellhircusLatinnouna buck, male goatdeclension-2 masculine
SmellhircusLatinnounthe rank smell of the armpitsbroadly declension-2 masculine
SmellhircusLatinnouna filthy persondeclension-2 figuratively masculine
SmellmuffenGermanverbto have a moldy smellcolloquial weak
SmellmuffenGermanverbto stinkcolloquial weak
SmellmuffenGermanverbto apply sleeves to or in sleeve techniqueweak
SmellstęchłyPolishverbthird-person plural nonvirile past of stęchnąćform-of nonvirile past plural third-person
SmokingcachimboPortuguesenounpipe (smoking tool)masculine
SmokingcachimboPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cachimbarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SmokingfumadorCatalannounsmoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)masculine
SmokingfumadorCatalannouna place designated for smokingmasculine
SmokingfumadorCatalannounsmokeragriculture beekeeping business lifestylemasculine
SmokingskyfEnglishnounA cigarette.South-Africa slang
SmokingskyfEnglishverbTo smoke cigarettes.South-Africa slang
SocietyeñcilTocharian Bnounlevy, tax
SocietyeñcilTocharian Badjtaxable
SocietyplemięPolishnountribe (group of people)neuter
SocietyplemięPolishnountribebiology natural-sciences taxonomyneuter
Softwareелектронна таблицяUkrainiannounspreadsheet (produced by a computer program or application)
Softwareелектронна таблицяUkrainiannouncomputer program or application used to create a spreadsheet
SoundssmoktaćPolishverbto suck with a slurping sound (to use the mouth and lips to pull in)colloquial imperfective transitive
SoundssmoktaćPolishverbto smack (to make a smacking sound)colloquial imperfective intransitive
SoundssmoktaćPolishverbto kiss with a smacking soundcolloquial imperfective transitive
SoupssopaSpanishnounnoodlesMexico feminine
SoupssopaSpanishverbinflection of sopar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
SoupssopaSpanishverbinflection of sopar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SoupsокрошкаRussiannounto say yes (to), to assent (to), to echocolloquial
South AfricaRSAEnglishnameInitialism of Royal Society of artsUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
South AfricaRSAEnglishnameInitialism of Republic of South Africa.South-Africa abbreviation alt-of initialism
South AfricaRSAEnglishnameInitialism of Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (“an encryption algorithm”).computing cryptography engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
South AfricaRSAEnglishnounInitialism of Responsible Service of Alcohol (a qualification and permit for bar staff).Australia abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
South AfricaRSAEnglishnounInitialism of runway safety area.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
South AfricaRSAEnglishnounInitialism of recreational sea hobbies lifestyleabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
South AfricaRSAEnglishnounInitialism of road safety authority.transportabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
South SudanSuid-SoedanneesAfrikaansadjSouth Sudanesenot-comparable
South SudanSuid-SoedanneesAfrikaansnounSouth Sudanese
Soviet UnionGULAGEnglishnameThe government agency in charge of the Soviet Union's network of forced labour camps, which was established in 1918 and formally abolished in 1960.historical
Soviet UnionGULAGEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of gulagalt-of
SpicesspiskumminSwedishnouncumin, the plant Cuminum cyminumcommon-gender
SpicesspiskumminSwedishnouncumin, the spice based on the seeds of the plantcommon-gender
Spices and herbsají criolloSpanishnounan Ecuadoran hot sauce made from ajísmasculine
Spices and herbsají criolloSpanishnouna variety of hot pepper (Capsicum)masculine
SpiderspaboukCzechnounAlternative form of pavouk (“spider”)alt-of alternative animate masculine rare
SpiderspaboukCzechnounbackpackinanimate masculine slang
SportsgolfDutchnounwavenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine
SportsgolfDutchnoungulfgeography natural-sciencesfeminine
SportsgolfDutchverbinflection of golven: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SportsgolfDutchverbinflection of golven: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
SportsgolfDutchverbinflection of golven: / imperativeform-of imperative
SportsgolfDutchnoungolfneuter uncountable
SportsgolfDutchverbinflection of golfen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SportsgolfDutchverbinflection of golfen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
SportsgolfDutchverbinflection of golfen: / imperativeform-of imperative
SportskosárlabdaHungariannounbasketball (sport)countable uncountable
SportskosárlabdaHungariannounbasketball (the ball used in this sport)countable uncountable
Sports areasrinkEnglishnounA man, especially a warrior or hero.UK dialectal
Sports areasrinkEnglishnounA ring; a circle.UK dialectal
Sports areasrinkEnglishnounA sheet of ice prepared for playing certain sports, such as hockey or curling.
Sports areasrinkEnglishnounA surface for roller skating.
Sports areasrinkEnglishnounA building housing an ice rink.
Sports areasrinkEnglishnounA team in a competition.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
States of the United StatesOREnglishconjInclusive or; either one proposition or the other is true or both.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
States of the United StatesOREnglishconjA lexical symbol to implement inclusive or in a computer computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciences
States of the United StatesOREnglishconjA logical gate to implement inclusive electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounThe binary operator inclusive or, true if one at least one of two inputs is true. In infix notation.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesuncountable
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of operating room.government healthcareabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of official receipt.accounting business financePhilippines abbreviation alt-of countable initialism
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of operations research.sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of Olympic Record.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of odorant receptor.anatomy medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of olfactory receptor.anatomy medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of original research.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesOREnglishnounInitialism of other ranks.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesOREnglishnameOregon, a state of the United States of America.
States of the United StatesOREnglishnameOrissa, a state of India.
Stick insectswalking stickEnglishnounA tool, such as a cane, used to ease pressure on the legs, and to aid stability, when walking.
Stick insectswalking stickEnglishnounA stick insect (order Phasmida).
Stick insectswalking stickEnglishnounA playing card with the rank of seven.card-games gamesslang
Stony coralselkhornEnglishnounThe horn of an elk.
Stony coralselkhornEnglishnounA highly-branched coral (Acropora palmata) supposed to resemble the horns of an elk.
String instrumentschikaraEnglishnounAn Indian antelope (Gazella bennettii).
String instrumentschikaraEnglishnounThe Indian four-horned antelope (Tetracerus quadricornis).
String instrumentschikaraEnglishnounA Hindu musical instrument of the violin class.
SunخورPersiannounbay, estuary, cove
SunخورPersianverbpresent stem form of خوردن (xordan, “to eat”)form-of present stem
SwallowtailsapolloEnglishnounA very handsome young man.
SwallowtailsapolloEnglishnounAny of several papilionid butterflies of the genus Parnassius, especially Parnassius apollo of Eurasia (also known as the mountain apollo).biology entomology natural-sciences
Swedish cardinal numbersartonhundraSwedishnumeighteen hundred
Swedish cardinal numbersartonhundraSwedishnumthe year 1800
SwordsסיפאAramaicnounend, distant region
SwordsסיפאAramaicnounsword, blade
SwordsסיפאAramaicnounAlternative spelling of סִפָּא (sippā, “threshold; doorpost”)alt-of alternative
Systems theoryredundancyEnglishnounThe state of being redundantcountable uncountable
Systems theoryredundancyEnglishnounA superfluity; something redundant or excessive; a needless repetition in languagecountable uncountable
Systems theoryredundancyEnglishnounDuplication of components or circuits to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single components.countable uncountable
Systems theoryredundancyEnglishnounDuplication of parts of a message to guard against transmission errors.countable uncountable
Systems theoryredundancyEnglishnounThe state of being unemployed because one's job is no longer necessary; the dismissal of such an employee; a layoff.Australia New-Zealand UK countable uncountable
Systems theoryredundancyEnglishnounsurplusage inserted in a pleading which may be rejected by the court without impairing the validity of what remains.lawcountable uncountable
Taiwan臺灣ChinesenameTaiwan (island)
Taiwan臺灣ChinesenameTaiwan Province (administrative division in both the Republic of China and People's Republic of China)
Taiwan臺灣ChinesenameTaiwan Area (Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and some minor islands, which are de facto governed by the Republic of China)
TalkingbalbucejarCatalanverbto stutter, to stammerBalearic Central Valencia intransitive
TalkingbalbucejarCatalanverbto stammer (out), babble, bleat outBalearic Central Valencia transitive
TalkingdywanikPolishnoundiminutive of dywandiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
TalkingdywanikPolishnounconversation to which a superior calls their subordinate in order to admonish themcolloquial figuratively inanimate masculine
TalkingdywanikPolishnountop layer of an asphalt, tar, or cobblestone road directly exposed to trafficinanimate masculine
TalkingutterEnglishadjOuter; furthest out, most remote.literary not-comparable poetic
TalkingutterEnglishadjOutward.not-comparable obsolete
TalkingutterEnglishadjAbsolute, unconditional, total, complete.not-comparable
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo produce (speech or other sounds) with one's voice.transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo reveal or express (an idea, thought, desire, etc.) with speech.transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo produce (a noise) (of an inanimate object).figuratively transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo spit or blow (something) out of one's mouth.obsolete transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo emit or give off (breath).obsolete transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo shed (a tear or tears).archaic transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo offer (something) for sale; to sell.obsolete transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo put (currency) into circulation.lawtransitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo show (something that has been hidden); to reveal the identity of (someone).obsolete transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo send or put (something) out.obsolete transitive
TalkingutterEnglishverbTo commit the crime of uttering (knowingly presenting forged documentation).lawtransitive
Talking動嘴Chineseverbto open one's mouth
Talking動嘴Chineseverbto start talking
Talking結巴Chineseverbto stutter; to stammer
Talking結巴Chinesenounstutterer; stammerer
TaxationdaňCzechverbsecond-person singular imperative of danitform-of imperative second-person singular
TeaлипаSerbo-Croatiannounany part of a linden/lime tree
TeaлипаSerbo-Croatiannountea made from linden flowers
TechnologymferejiSwahilinouncanal, channel, ditch (for water)class-3 class-4
TechnologymferejiSwahilinounpipe for water, or the tap which dispenses itclass-3 class-4
TelecommunicationspagerEnglishnounA wireless telecommunications device that receives text or voice messages.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
TelecommunicationspagerEnglishnounA computer program running in a text terminal, used to view (but not modify) the contents of a text file moving down the file one line or one screen at a time.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
TelecommunicationspagerEnglishnounSomething (a document, book etc.) that has a specified number of
TelecommunicationspagerEnglishnounOne who makes up type into pages of a book; one who binds or sorts pages into a book.arts bookbinding crafts hobbies lifestyle
TelephonycelularSpanishadjcellularfeminine masculine
TelephonycelularSpanishnouncell phone (US), mobile phone (UK, Australia)Latin-America Philippines masculine
TemperaturechladnoCzechadvcold (of weather)
TemperaturefuarScottish Gaelicadjcold, chilly, bleak, frigid, sober, stingy
TemperaturefuarScottish Gaelicadjstinging
TemperatureشوبSouth Levantine Arabicverbto be hot (of the weather)
TemperatureشوبSouth Levantine Arabicnounheat (of the weather)
Tenđêm tháng năm chưa nằm đã sáng, ngày tháng mười chưa cười đã tốiVietnameseproverbduring May nights you can barely rest before the sun rises, and during October days you can barely have fun before it sets
Tenđêm tháng năm chưa nằm đã sáng, ngày tháng mười chưa cười đã tốiVietnameseproverbMay nights are shorter and October days are longer than usualfiguratively
TextilesfarrapoGaliciannountatter; ragmasculine
TextilesfarrapoGaliciannouncarpet or blanket made of clean ragsmasculine
TextilesfarrapoGaliciannouncord (of a bagpipe)masculine plural-normally
TheatercomèdiaCatalannouncomedy (play)feminine
TheatercomèdiaCatalannouncomedy (genre)feminine
Theater劇院Chinesenountheater (building where performances are given); playhouse; centre for the performing arts (Classifier: 家 m; 座 m; 間/间 c)
Theater劇院Chinesenountheatrical company; troupe
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounA set of 30 requiem masses, said once a day for a month or all in one day.Christianity
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounThe payment for this service.Christianity
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounSynonym of triacontad, any set of thirty things.figuratively obsolete rare
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounSynonym of elegy, any funeral or funereal song or poem.figuratively obsolete
ThirtytrentalEnglishnounSynonym of month's mind, the commemorative service held on the 30th day after burial.Christianityarchaic
ThistlesлопухRussiannounburdockbiology botany natural-sciencesinanimate
ThistlesлопухRussiannounsimpletonanimate informal
ThreetrzecioosobowyPolishadjthird-personhuman-sciences linguistics narratology sciencesnot-comparable third-person
ThreetrzecioosobowyPolishadjthird-personvideo-gamesnot-comparable third-person
ThreetrójnikPolishnountee (pipe fitting)inanimate masculine
ThreetrójnikPolishnountee connectorbusiness electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
Three三日Japanesenounthe third day of the month
Three三日Japanesenounthree days
ThrushesJapanesecharactera thrush (bird)Hyōgai kanji
ThrushesJapanesenouna thrush: a bird of genus Turdus
ThrushesJapanesenouna dusky thrush: Turdus eunomus
TimediachronicEnglishadjOccurring over or changing with time.
TimediachronicEnglishadjOf, pertaining to or concerned with changes that occur over time.
TimeecheMiddle Englishadjeternal, everlastingEarly-Middle-English
TimeecheMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of echalt-of alternative
TimeecheMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of echalt-of alternative
TimeecheMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ache (“aching”)alt-of alternative
TimenightlyEnglishadjHappening or appearing in the night; night-time; nocturnal.not-comparable
TimenightlyEnglishadjPerforming, occurring, or taking place every night.not-comparable
TimenightlyEnglishadjUsed in the night.not-comparable
TimenightlyEnglishadvEvery night.not-comparable
TimenightlyEnglishnounA build of a software program with the latest changes, released every night.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Timep.m.EnglishadvIn the 12-hour period from noon to midnight (the latter half of the day) when using the 12-hour clock.
Timep.m.Englishadvafter death
TimereneszánszHungarianadjoldstyle (in the traditional style of typefaces designed to mimic the handwriting of scribes)media publishing typographynot-comparable
Timetime vampireEnglishnounA person, obligation, or activity that drains one's time; a time-waster.derogatory informal
Timetime vampireEnglishnounA variety of vampire that feeds off time or potential years of life.literature media publishing science-fiction
TimevuosiFinnishverbthird-person singular past indicative of vuotaaform-of indicative past singular third-person
TimeđiểmVietnamesenouna metric for evaluation; a point, a mark, a grade, a score, etc.
TimeđiểmVietnamesenouna point (a focus of conversation or consideration)
TimeđiểmVietnamesenouna pointgeometry mathematics sciences
TimeđiểmVietnameseverbto list to report or reevaluate
TimeđiểmVietnameseverbto ring to tell time
TimeđiểmVietnameseverbto startbroadly figuratively literary
TimeآخرOttoman Turkishadjanother
TimeآخرOttoman Turkishadjother
TimeآخرOttoman Turkishadjlast
TimeآخرOttoman Turkishadvat last
TimeآخرOttoman Turkishadvfinally
TimeآخرOttoman Turkishnounend, conclusion
TimeتسوPersiannounthe twenty-fourth part of a weight, measure, or day
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacadjwhite, silvery; clear, bright
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite (color)
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounsilver coinhobbies lifestyle numismatics
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite pepper
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounvarious trees and plants: white alder, white vine
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite metal, tin
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounsheep
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwhite garmentsin-plural
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounsclera, white of the eyeanatomy medicine sciences
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounvarious trees: white poplar, alder
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncinder, burnt out coal
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounyearling lamb
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounvision, sight, gaze
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounaspect, look, appearance
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounspectacle
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounpattern
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounlikeness, example, model, copy
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnountime
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacadjenvious, jealous, gluttonous, greedy
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounlook, glance, gazing
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounconsideration, contemplation
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounaim, intention
TimeܚܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounhole, aperture
Time年限Chinesenounage limit
Time年限Chinesenounfixed number of years; duration; period
Time早暗Chinesenounmorning and eveningMin Southern
Time早暗Chineseadvsooner or later; in timeHakka
TimeKoreancharacterhanja form of 월 (“month”)form-of hanja
TimeKoreancharacterhanja form of 월 (“moon”)form-of hanja
TimeKoreancharacterhanja form of 월 (“Short for 월요일(月曜日) (woryoil, “Monday”).”)form-of hanja
Times of dayromi'adAmisnounday
Times of dayromi'adAmisnounperiod of time
Times of dayromi'adAmisnounweather
Times of dayromi'adAmisnoundaytime
Times of dayсабахъKaraimnountomorrow.
Times of dayсабахъKaraimnounmorning
TitlesSinjoroEsperantonamethe Lord (God)lifestyle religion
TitlesSinjoroEsperantonounAlternative letter-case form of sinjoro (“sir, mister”)alt-of
Toilet (room)facilitiesEnglishnounplural of facilityform-of plural
Toilet (room)facilitiesEnglishnounSynonym of facility in certain contexts.plural plural-only
Toilet (room)facilitiesEnglishnounFacilities for urination and defecation: a toilet; a lavatory.euphemistic plural plural-only
ToolsfalceItaliannounscythe (larger tool than sickle); sickle (smaller tool than scythe)feminine
ToolsfalceItaliannounwar scythe, scythefeminine
ToolsfalceItaliannouncrescentastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
ToolskielniaPolishnounbeaver's tailhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
ToolslāpstaLatviannounshovel, spade (a tool for digging with a metal blade and a long handle)declension-4 feminine
ToolslāpstaLatviannounspadeful, shovelful (the amount that can be moved with a spade, a shovel)declension-4 feminine
ToolslāpstaLatviannounblade (a part of certain machines that resembles the blade of a shovel)declension-4 feminine
ToolslāpstaLatviannounblade (the flat end of an oar or paddle)declension-4 feminine
ToolslāpstaLatviannouna flat, wide, shovel-like horn structure (e.g., on an elk)declension-4 feminine
ToolsradialSpanishadjradialfeminine masculine
ToolsradialSpanishadjradiofeminine masculine relational
ToolsradialSpanishnounangle grinder, disc grinder, side grinder (power tool with a perpendicular abrasive disc)feminine
ToolsradialSpanishnounradiangeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
ToolsstruhCzechnounincisor of a beaver or lagomorphhobbies hunting lifestyleinanimate masculine plural-normally
ToolsstruhCzechnoungenitive plural of strouhafeminine form-of genitive plural
ToolsσκέπαρνονAncient Greeknouncarpenter's axe, adze, for hewing and smoothing the trunks of trees
ToolsσκέπαρνονAncient Greeknounslightly oblique surgical bandagemedicine sciences
ToolsрөлKazakhnounrole, part
ToolsрөлKazakhnounsteering wheel
ToolsNuosuverbto go
ToolsNuosunouncheek (of a child)
ToolsNuosuclassifierportion; heap; pile; stack
ToolsNuosunounfraction; part; multiple
ToolsNuosuclassifierClassifier for trees.
ToolsNuosunounflat-bladed rake
TownsOnchestusLatinnamea town of Boeotia situated in the territory of Haliartusdeclension-2
TownsOnchestusLatinnamea river of Thessaly that flows into the lake Boebeisdeclension-2
ToxicologypoisonEnglishnounA substance that is harmful or lethal to a living organism when ingested.countable uncountable
ToxicologypoisonEnglishnounAnything harmful to a person or thing.countable figuratively uncountable
ToxicologypoisonEnglishnounAn alcoholic drink. (Mainly in the phrases "name your poison" and "what's your poison?")countable idiomatic informal uncountable
ToxicologypoisonEnglishnounAny substance that inhibits catalytic activity.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
ToxicologypoisonEnglishverbTo use poison to kill or paralyse (somebody).transitive
ToxicologypoisonEnglishverbTo pollute; to cause to become poisonous.transitive
ToxicologypoisonEnglishverbTo cause to become much worse.transitive
ToxicologypoisonEnglishverbTo cause (someone) to hate or to have unfair negative opinions.transitive
ToxicologypoisonEnglishverbTo inhibit the catalytic activity of.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToxicologypoisonEnglishverbTo place false information into (a cache) as part of an exploit.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
ToysbiVietnamesenouna marble (spherical ball)
ToysbiVietnamesenouna ballball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle snooker sports
ToysbiVietnamesenouna ball (testicle)slang
ToysbiVietnamesenounbig concrete sewer
ToysbiVietnamesenouna type of water tank made from concretebroadly
ToysbiVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 悲romanization
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknounbullroarer, an instrument whirled on the end of a stringlifestyle religion
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknounanything which may be turned or spun
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknountop (toy)
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknounmagical wheel used by magicians
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknountype of tambourineentertainment lifestyle music
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknounpenis
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknouna spinning motion
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknounrhombusgeometry mathematics sciences
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknountype of fish including the turbot and brill
ToysῥόμβοςAncient Greeknouna surgeon's bandagemedicine sciences
TradingspicerieMiddle EnglishnounA spice or spices; ground substances used as flavouring: / Spices used for their scents, aromas, or smells.
TradingspicerieMiddle EnglishnounA spice or spices; ground substances used as flavouring: / Spices used for their (purported) medical effects.
TradingspicerieMiddle EnglishnounA spice or spices; ground substances used as flavouring: / Spices used for the embalmment dead bodies.
TradingspicerieMiddle EnglishnounA spice or spices; ground substances used as flavouring: / Spices considered as a trade good.
TradingspicerieMiddle EnglishnounA branch of a wealthy estate ensuring the provision or victualling of food.
TradingspicerieMiddle EnglishnounA delicious or tasty food or meal.
Transgender2EnglishprepAbbreviation of to.Internet abbreviation alt-of informal
Transgender2EnglishprepAbbreviation of to; designating conversion from one format to anothercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Transgender2EnglishadvAbbreviation of too.Internet abbreviation alt-of informal not-comparable pronunciation-spelling
Transgender2EnglishadjAlternative form of 2S; Abbreviation of two-spirited.abbreviation alt-of alternative
Transgender2EnglishnounAlternative form of 2S; Abbreviation of two-spirit.abbreviation alt-of alternative
Translingual punctuation marksTranslingualpunctUsed as a quotation mark in some languages.
Translingual punctuation marksTranslingualpunctUsed as a quotation mark in some languages. / 〝 〞
TrappingtenusLatinnounsome sort of snare or trapdeclension-3 neuter
TrappingtenusLatinpostpRight up to, as far as, just as far asablative with-genitive
TrappingtenusLatinpostpUp to (a given stage of)ablative with-ablative with-genitive
TrappingtenusLatinpostpTo the maximum extent of, withinablative with-genitive
TrappingtenusLatinpostpLengthwise, alongEcclesiastical Latin ablative with-genitive
TrappingνεφέληAncient Greeknouncloud, mass of clouds
TrappingνεφέληAncient Greeknouncloud in urine
TrappingνεφέληAncient Greeknouncloud on a mirror
TrappingνεφέληAncient Greeknounfine bird-netin-plural
TrappingνεφέληAncient Greeknounsublimatealchemy pseudoscience
TravelbilecikPolishnoundiminutive of bilet (“ticket, pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.”)diminutive form-of inanimate masculine
TravelbilecikPolishnoundiminutive of bilet (“ticket, note, piece of paper with a short message”)diminutive form-of inanimate masculine
TreesbogOld Englishnounbranch or bough (of a tree)
TreesbogOld Englishnountendril or sprig (of a plant)
TreesbogOld Englishnounarm or shoulder
TreeskitaSerbo-Croatiannounbunch, bouquet
TreeskitaSerbo-Croatiannounpretty girlarchaic
TreeskitaSerbo-Croatiannounbranch (of a tree)Kajkavian
TreesslěwkaLower Sorbiannounplum (fruit of the plum tree)feminine inanimate
TreesslěwkaLower Sorbiannounplum tree (Prunus domestica)feminine inanimate
TreesturareHausanounperfume, incense, scent
TreesveraSpanishnounside, facefeminine poetic
TreesveraSpanishnounshore, bank (of a watercourse)feminine
TreesveraSpanishnounedge, borderfeminine
TreesveraSpanishnounverawood (Plectrocarpa arborea, syn. Bulnesia arborea)feminine
TreesveraSpanishadjfeminine singular of verofeminine form-of singular
TreesаҷандарAbkhaznounoriental plane (Platanus orientalis)
TreesբալատուրArmeniannouncashew nut
TreesբալատուրArmeniannounmarking-nut tree, Semecarpus anacardium
TreesอโศกThainameAśoka, an ancient Indian emperor.
TreesอโศกThainounany of the various plants of the genus Saraca and the family Leguminosae.biology botany natural-sciences
TreesอโศกThainameAsok, an economic zone in Bangkok, Thailand.colloquial
TribesAlaniLatinnameAlans (a Scytho-Sarmatian tribe dwelling near the river Tanais)declension-2
TribesAlaniLatinnouninflection of Alānus: / nominative/vocative pluralform-of nominative plural vocative
TribesAlaniLatinnouninflection of Alānus: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
Tyrant flycatchersteyrnWelshnounsovereign, monarchmasculine
Tyrant flycatchersteyrnWelshnounkingboard-games chess gamesmasculine
Tyrant flycatchersteyrnWelshnouna tyrant bird in the family Tyrannidaemasculine
UnderwearcotillonFrenchnounpetticoatarchaic masculine
UnderwearcotillonFrenchnouncotillion, cotillondance dancing hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
UnderwearcotillonFrenchnounparty novelties (e.g. paper hats, streamers etc.)in-plural masculine
United KingdomWelshDutchnameWelsh (language)neuter uncountable
United KingdomWelshDutchnounthe Welsh (people of Wales)plural plural-only
United KingdomWelshDutchadjWelsh
United KingdomWelshEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Wales.not-comparable
United KingdomWelshEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Celtic language of Wales.not-comparable
United KingdomWelshEnglishadjDesignating plants or animals from or associated with Wales.not-comparable
United KingdomWelshEnglishadjIndigenously British; pertaining to the Celtic peoples who inhabited much of Britain before the Roman occupation.historical not-comparable
United KingdomWelshEnglishnounThe Welsh language.uncountable
United KingdomWelshEnglishnounThe people of Wales.collective countable in-plural uncountable
United KingdomWelshEnglishnounA breed of pig, kept mainly for bacon.countable uncountable
United KingdomWelshEnglishnameAn English and Scottish surname transferred from the nickname for someone who was a Welshman or a Celt.
United KingdomWelshEnglishnameAn Irish surname, a variant of Walsh.
United KingdomWelshEnglishnameA town in Louisiana, United States, named for early landowner Henry Welsh.
United KingdomWelshEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Ohio, United States, named for an early settler.
United KingdomtwopenceEnglishnounA British or Irish coin worth two (old or new) pence.British Ireland countable uncountable
United KingdomtwopenceEnglishnounA cost or value of two pence.British Ireland countable uncountable
United KingdomtwopenceEnglishnounA small amount or value.British Ireland broadly countable uncountable
United StateslatinoFrenchadjLatino
United StateslatinoFrenchnounLatinomasculine
Units of measuremigliuCorsicannounmilemasculine
Units of measuremigliuCorsicannounmilletmasculine
Units of measurerEgyptiannounmouth (of humans or animals)
Units of measurerEgyptiannounspeaker, mouthpiecefiguratively
Units of measurerEgyptiannounutterance, statement
Units of measurerEgyptiannounespecially, ritual utterance, spell
Units of measurerEgyptiannounlanguage, manner of speechrare
Units of measurerEgyptiannounopening, hole
Units of measurerEgyptiannounbodily orifice, opening of the human body in general, including eyes, ears, nostrils, the vulva, and open wounds
Units of measurerEgyptiannounentrance to a building or other enclosed structure, doorway
Units of measurerEgyptiannounentrance to a land or place in general
Units of measurerEgyptiannounmouth of a river
Units of measurerEgyptiannounwater’s edge, waterline
Units of measurerEgyptiannounplace or thing seen as an opening from one point to another, passage, thoroughfareespecially in-compounds
Units of measurerEgyptiannouna measure of volume equivalent to ¹⁄₃₂ of a hnw or ¹⁄₃₂₀ of a ḥqꜣt (about 15 millilitres); mouthful
Units of measurerEgyptiannounpart, piece, fraction
Units of measurerEgyptiannounused as a numerator of 1 in fractions, literally “piece of (the denominator)”.mathematics sciences
Units of measurerEgyptianprepregarding, with respect to, concerning, according to
Units of measurerEgyptianprepin order to, for (the purpose of)
Units of measurerEgyptianprepforms the periphrastic prospective of a verbwith-infinitive
Units of measurerEgyptianprepto, towards
Units of measurerEgyptianprepheaded for, destined for, bound for
Units of measurerEgyptianprepat, in, on
Units of measurerEgyptianprepagainst, in opposition to
Units of measurerEgyptianprepfrom, apart from (ablative)
Units of measurerEgyptianprepthan, by comparison to
Units of measurerEgyptianprepintroduces the protasis of a conditional sentence; if, when, as
Units of measurerEgyptianprepuntil
Units of measurerEgyptianparticleso, regarding (that, you, me, etc.), as for (that, you, me, etc.)
Units of measurespatEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of spitform-of participle past
Units of measurespatEnglishnounThe spawn of shellfish, especially oysters and similar molluscs.countable uncountable
Units of measurespatEnglishnounA juvenile shellfish which has attached to a hard surface.countable uncountable
Units of measurespatEnglishverbTo spawn. Used of shellfish as above.intransitive transitive
Units of measurespatEnglishnounA covering or decorative covering worn over a often
Units of measurespatEnglishnounA piece of bodywork that covers the upper portions of the rear tyres of a car.automotive transport vehiclesAustralia UK
Units of measurespatEnglishnounA drag-reducing aerodynamic fairing covering the upper portions of the tyres of an aeroplane equipped with non-retractable landing gear.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Units of measurespatEnglishnounA brief argument, falling out, quarrel.
Units of measurespatEnglishverbTo quarrel or argue briefly.
Units of measurespatEnglishnounA light blow with something flat.
Units of measurespatEnglishverbTo strike with a spattering sound.intransitive transitive
Units of measurespatEnglishverbTo slap, as with the open hand; to clap together, as the hands.US dialectal
Units of measurespatEnglishnounAn obsolete unit of distance in astronomy (symbol S), equal to one billion kilometres.
Units of measureлRussiancharacterThe thirteenth letter of the Russian alphabet, called эль (elʹ) or эл (el), and written in the Cyrillic script.letter lowercase
Units of measureлRussiannounabbreviation of литр (litr, “liter”)abbreviation alt-of indeclinable
Units of measureлRussianadjabbreviation of лёгкий (ljóxkij, “lightweight”)abbreviation alt-of indeclinable
Units of measureKoreannounmuscle; nerve
Units of measureKoreannounA geun, catty, or Korean pound, a unit of weight equivalent to about 600 grams.units-of-measure
VegetablesaubergineEnglishnounAn Asian plant, Solanum melongena, cultivated for its edible purple, green, or white ovoid fruit; eggplant.British Ireland
VegetablesaubergineEnglishnounThe fruit of this plant, eaten as a vegetable.British Ireland
VegetablesaubergineEnglishnounA dark purple colour; eggplant.
VegetablesmáléHungarianadjlumpish, loutish, clumsy
VegetablesmáléHungarianadjdoltish, dull, stupid
VegetablesmáléHungariannoundolt (a weak-willed, helpless, simple-minded person)derogatory informal
VehiclesamfibiaPolishnounamphibious vehicle, amphibianfeminine
VehiclesamfibiaPolishnounamphibious aircraftnautical transportfeminine
VehiclesamfibiaPolishnounamphibianbiology natural-sciencesfeminine
VehiclesamfibiaPolishnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of amfibiumaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Vehiclespanel vanEnglishnounA large van without side windows or rear seats, with a chassis too big for a car; compare car-body van.
Vehiclespanel vanEnglishnounA further development of the Australian ute, also based on a car chassis, and often highly decorated and fitted out for sleeping.Australia
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfaradvon the right
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfaradvto the right
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfarnounright
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfarnounright hand
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfarnounblackleg (Clostridium chauvoei)
VillageswioskaPolishnounsmall villagefeminine
VillageswioskaPolishnounthe residents of a small villagecollective feminine
ViolencebuntPolishnounmutiny, revoltgovernment politicsinanimate masculine
ViolencebuntPolishnounrebellion (attitude of rejecting authority)inanimate masculine
ViolencetłucPolishverbto break; to shatterimperfective transitive
ViolencetłucPolishverbto flail; to hit against something repeatedlyimperfective transitive
ViolencetłucPolishverbto beat; to beat upcolloquial imperfective reflexive
Violenceм'ясорубкаUkrainiannounmassacre (killing of a large number of people, especially in war)
ViolenceсутичкаUkrainiannounclash (hostile encounter)
ViolenceсутичкаUkrainiannounengagement (instance of active hostilities)government military politics war
Violence殘害Chineseverbto damage; to harm; to injureliterary
Violence殘害Chineseverbto kill; to slaughter; to put to death
Violet family plantsJapanesecharacterthe violetJinmeiyō kanji
Violet family plantsJapanesenounViola mandshurica, a species of violet
Violet family plantsJapanesenouna viola (any of several flowering plants of the genus Viola)
Violet family plantsJapanesenounClipping of 菫色 (sumire iro).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Violet family plantsJapanesenouna 紋 (mon, “crest”) in the shape of violet leaves or flowers
Violet family plantsJapanesenamea female given name
VisionподглядыватьRussianverbto watch furtively, to spy (on), to peep (at)colloquial
VisionподглядыватьRussianverbto notice, to spotcolloquial
VisionуглядетьRussianverbto find while looking intensely or attentively
VisionуглядетьRussianverbto save from the danger by watching
ViverridssivettiFinnishnouncivet (cat-like carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae)
ViverridssivettiFinnishnouncivet (musky perfume)
WaterbataqAzerbaijaninounswamp mud
WaterbataqAzerbaijaninounquagmire, bog, morass
WaterbeachEnglishnounThe shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.
WaterbeachEnglishnounA horizontal strip of land, usually sandy, adjoining water.
WaterbeachEnglishnounThe loose pebbles of the seashore, especially worn by waves; shingle.Kent UK dialectal
WaterbeachEnglishnounSynonym of gravel traphobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportseuphemistic
WaterbeachEnglishnounA dry, dusty pitch or situation, as though playing on sand.hobbies lifestyle sports
WaterbeachEnglishnounEuphemistic form of bitch (taboo swear word).euphemistic form-of
WaterbeachEnglishverbTo run aground on a beach.intransitive
WaterbeachEnglishverbTo run (something) aground on a beach.transitive
WaterbeachEnglishverbTo run into an obstacle or rough or soft ground, so that the floor of the vehicle rests on the ground and the wheels cannot gain traction.
Waterhot washEnglishnounAlternative form of hotwashalt-of alternative
Waterhot washEnglishnounThe act of washing laundry in hot water, or the setting on a washing machine for such a wash.
WaterкладенецBulgariannounwell, draw-well, shaft, pit
WaterкладенецBulgariannounspring, fountain
WatercraftclipperFrenchnounheavy sailing shipnautical transportmasculine
WatercraftclipperFrenchnountransatlantic airplaneaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
WatercraftclipperFrenchverbto cliptransitive
WatercraftcúterCatalannounutility knife, box cutter, Stanley knife (tool used to cut)masculine
WatercraftcúterCatalannouncutter (a type of small, single-masted ship)nautical transportmasculine
WeaponsnalepaPolishnounin old rural homes, part of a stove for warming oneselffeminine historical
WeaponsnalepaPolishnouna layer of plaster, clay, or other material coating a wallarchaic feminine
WeaponsnalepaPolishnouna poisoned arrowfeminine obsolete
WeathergāzeLatviannoungas (state of matter), gaseous substancechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesdeclension-5 feminine genitive irregular plural
WeathergāzeLatviannounheavy rain, downpourdeclension-5 feminine
WeathergāzeLatviannoungauze, gossamer (fabric)declension-5 feminine
WeatherinkunguZulunounfog, mist
WeatherpancadaPortuguesenounblow; strikefeminine
WeatherpancadaPortuguesenounsudden rainBrazil feminine
Western AustraliaWestern AustralianEnglishadjOf or relating to Western Australia.
Western AustraliaWestern AustralianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Western Australia.
WhitesսերArmeniannounaffection, caring
Wikimagic wordEnglishnounAny word that has a magical effect when uttered.
Wikimagic wordEnglishnounOne of the words please, thank you, or hello.
Wikimagic wordEnglishnounAny word that is considered very significant in a certain situation or context.broadly
Wikimagic wordEnglishnounA string of text having some special function or purpose.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
WoodpeckersSpechtGermannounpicid (member of the Picidae family of birds)masculine strong
WoodpeckersSpechtGermannounwoodpecker (member of the Picinae subfamily of birds)masculine specifically strong
WoodpeckersSpechtGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
WoodsbanitlongCebuanonounthe Christmas kurrajong (Commersonia bartramia)
WoodsbanitlongCebuanonounthe wood from the Christmas kurrajong
WoodsbanitlongCebuanonouna tree, Cleistanthus pilosus
World War IJohnny TurkEnglishnameAn Ottoman soldier in World War One, particularly a Turkish one.government military politics warinformal obsolete slang
World War IJohnny TurkEnglishnameThe Ottoman Empire in general.broadly
WrassesspottyEnglishadjHaving spots; spotted.
WrassesspottyEnglishadjOccurring in non-contiguous positions or locations.
WrassesspottyEnglishadjOf inconsistent quality.
WrassesspottyEnglishnounA common New Zealand fish, Notolabrus celidotus
Writing instrumentsलेखनीSanskritnounSaccharum spontaneum (a sort of reed of which pens are made)
Writing instrumentsलेखनीSanskritnounpen
Writing instrumentsปากกาThainounpen: instrument for writing or drawing with ink or similar substance.
Writing instrumentsปากกาThainounfastener, as clothes peg.
ZeroseroTagalognounnothing; naught
Zeroไข่Thainounegg; roe; spawn: / roundish reproductive body.
Zeroไข่Thainounegg; roe; spawn: / ovum.
Zeroไข่Thainounovoid or round object: ball, bead, etc.
Zeroไข่Thainounzero (of score).colloquial
Zeroไข่Thaiverbto lay an egg or eggs.
Zeroไข่Thaiverbto procreate or father through sexual intercourse.slang

This page is a part of the machine-readable Sranan Tongo dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-11-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (fbeafe8 and 7f03c9b). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.