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Academic degreesB.A.EnglishnounInitialism of Bachelor of Arts (collegiate degree).abbreviation alt-of initialism
Academic degreesB.A.EnglishnounInitialism of Bachelor of Arts (person with the degree).abbreviation alt-of initialism
Acipenseriform fishspoonbillEnglishnounAny of various large, long-legged wading birds in the ibis family Threskiornithidae, that have a large, flat, spatulate bill.
Acipenseriform fishspoonbillEnglishnounA species of fish, Polyodon spathula, native to the Mississippi/Ohio/Missouri river basin, or extinct close relatives.US
Administrative divisionsprovinsiIndonesiannounprovince: / an administrative subdivision of certain countries.government
Administrative divisionsprovinsiIndonesiannounprovince: / first-level administrative division in Indonesia with a gubernur as chief executive.government
AeronauticsविमानMarathinounA chariot of the godshuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
AeronauticsविमानMarathinounAn airplanebroadly
AerospacedespegarSpanishverbto detach, to remove, to unsticktransitive
AerospacedespegarSpanishverbto take off (to leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air)intransitive
AerospacedespegarSpanishverbto become alienatedreflexive
AfghanistankabulíSpanishadjof Kabul; Kabulifeminine masculine relational
AfghanistankabulíSpanishnounKabuli, a native or resident of Kabulby-personal-gender feminine masculine
AfricaNumidiaEnglishnameAn ancient Berber kingdom located in northern Africa.
AfricaNumidiaEnglishnameA female given name.rare
AgeaetasLatinnounthe period of a life: lifetime, lifespandeclension-3
AgeaetasLatinnountime of life, period of life, agedeclension-3
AgeaetasLatinnounan undefined, particularly long period of time: an age, an era, a term, a durationdeclension-3
AgeaetasLatinnouna generationdeclension-3 metonymically
AgezgrzybiałyPolishadjcovered with fungusinformal
AgezgrzybiałyPolishadjof something with tineainformal
AgezgrzybiałyPolishadjdecrepit, senilecolloquial derogatory
AgezgrzybiałyPolishadjcharacterized by maintaining a certain state of affairs and lack of positive changesliterary
AgezgrzybiałyPolishverbthird-person plural nonvirile past of zgrzybiećform-of nonvirile past plural third-person
Age大壽Chinesenounimportant birthday (usually every tenth birthday after the fiftieth)
Age大壽Chinesenouncoffin purchased before one's deathTaiwanese-Hokkien
Age大壽Chinesenounportrait (painting of a person)Taiwanese-Hokkien
AgricultureaoghaireScottish Gaelicnounherdsman, pastor, shepherdmasculine
AgricultureaoghaireScottish Gaelicnounpastor (ecclesiastical)masculine
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto load, to ladetransitive with-accusative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto pile, to stacktransitive with-dative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto build something by putting one thing on top of anothertransitive with-accusative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto fell, to lay prostratetransitive with-dative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto slaytransitive with-dative
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norseverbto throng, to crowd.intransitive reflexive
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenouna storehouse, barn; a place in where something is laid, put, or stacked.feminine
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenounaccusative singular indefinite of hlaðiaccusative form-of indefinite singular
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenoundative singular indefinite of hlaðidative form-of indefinite singular
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenoungenitive singular indefinite of hlaðiform-of genitive indefinite singular
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenounaccusative plural indefinite of hlaðiaccusative form-of indefinite plural
AgriculturehlaðaOld Norsenoungenitive plural indefinite of hlaðiform-of genitive indefinite plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounkindergarten-like institution for very young children, between ages 0 and 3feminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounhayrack, cribfeminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounnutmeg (the playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounnativity scenefeminine plural rare
AgriculturerozkulačenýCzechadjof a farmer or peasant: dekulakized, having been the subject of forced collectivization and dekulakizationhistorical not-comparable
AgriculturerozkulačenýCzechadjof a property of a farmer or peasant: dekulakized, collectivized by forcehistorical not-comparable
AgriculturerozkulačenýCzechnouna dekulakized farmer or peasant, one who has been a subject of forced collectivization and dekulakizationanimate historical masculine
AgriculturexilotlClassical Nahuatlnounimmature, green ear of maize; jilote, baby corn
AgriculturexilotlClassical NahuatlnounOne that cannot keep secrets; a blabber; blabbermouth.
AgricultureпахотаRussiannounplowed field
Agriculture耕耘Chineseverbto plow and weed; to do farm work; to cultivateliterally
Agriculture耕耘Chineseverbto work or study diligentlyfiguratively
Agriculture이랑Koreannounridge (a small hill or pile between two fields or paddies)
Agriculture이랑Koreannounfurrow, windrow
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To blow away; to blow to eliminate or remove.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To breathe (in or out); to inhale or exhale.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To play a wind instrument (by blowing)
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To strengthen a fire by blowing on it.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To inflate or blow up; to expand by blowing.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To gasp; to struggle to breathe.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread a communicable disease (by exhalation).
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo smelt; to extract metal from ore.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo make a sound, especially flatulence.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo insult or brag (talk coarsely)
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo proclaim; to broadly disseminate.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo be blown around (by wind).rare
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blossom; to flower.
AirblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow, to flourish.figuratively
Alcoholic beveragesfineFrenchadjfeminine singular of finfeminine form-of singular
Alcoholic beveragesfineFrenchnounthin space, non-breakable spacemedia publishing typographyfeminine
Alcoholic beveragesfineFrenchnouna number of high grade French brandies (usually AOC certified)feminine
Alcoholic beveragesromCatalannounbrill (Scophthalmus rhombus)masculine
Alcoholic beveragesromCatalannounrummasculine
Alcoholic beveragesromRomaniannouna Romani person, a Rommasculine
Alcoholic beveragesromRomaniannounrumneuter
Alismatales order plantsvelvetleafEnglishnounAny of several plants with a velvety leaf as a most notable feature. / A tall Asian herb, of species Abutilon theophrasti, that has velvety heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers.uncountable usually
Alismatales order plantsvelvetleafEnglishnounAny of several plants with a velvety leaf as a most notable feature. / Tree mallow (Malva eriocalyx), native to Europe.uncountable usually
Alismatales order plantsvelvetleafEnglishnounAny of several plants with a velvety leaf as a most notable feature. / Yellow velvetleaf (Limnocharis flava), an aquatic flowering plant native to southeast Asia.uncountable usually
Alismatales order plantsvelvetleafEnglishnounAny of several plants with a velvety leaf as a most notable feature. / A succulent of species Kalanchoe beharensis, native to Madagascar, often kept as a houseplant.uncountable usually
AmphibianslissamphibianEnglishnounAny of the living amphibians of the subclass Lissamphibia, including the frog and salamander families.
AmphibianslissamphibianEnglishadjCharacteristic of these creatures.
Anarchismanarcho-naturistEnglishadjof, supporting, relating to, or advocating anarcho-naturismeconomics government politics sciencesnot-comparable
Anarchismanarcho-naturistEnglishnouna person who advocates anarcho-naturismeconomics government politics sciences
AnatomyancleMiddle EnglishnounThe ankle or the anklebone.
AnatomyancleMiddle EnglishnounAny joint (analogous to the ankle).
AnatomykviðrOld Norsenounverdictmasculine
AnatomykviðrOld Norsenouninquest, jurymasculine
AnatomykviðrOld Norsenounsaying, wordmasculine
AnatomykviðrOld Norsenounbelly, stomachmasculine
AnatomykviðrOld Norsenounwombmasculine
AnatomyلسانArabicnountongueanatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyلسانArabicnounletter, missive
AnatomyلسانArabicnountongue of a balance
Ancient RomeaggerEnglishnounA double tide, particularly a high tide in which the water rises to a given level, recedes, and then rises again (or only the second of these high waters), but sometimes equally a low tide in which the water recedes to a given level, rises, and then recedes again
Ancient RomeaggerEnglishnounSynonym of earthwork in ancient Roman contexts, particularly a defensive wall or mound.historical
AngeroburzyćPolishverbto outrageperfective transitive
AngeroburzyćPolishverbto resentperfective reflexive
Animal body partssternEnglishadjHaving a hardness and severity of nature or manner.
Animal body partssternEnglishadjGrim and forbidding in appearance.
Animal body partssternEnglishnounThe rear part or after end of a ship or vessel.nautical transport
Animal body partssternEnglishnounThe post of management or direction.figuratively
Animal body partssternEnglishnounThe hinder part of anything.
Animal body partssternEnglishnounThe tail of an animal; now used only of the tail of a dog.
Animal body partssternEnglishverbTo steer, to direct the course of (a ship).intransitive obsolete transitive
Animal body partssternEnglishverbTo propel or move backward or stern-first in the water.nautical transportintransitive transitive
Animal body partssternEnglishnounA bird, the black tern.
Animal dwellingsconilleraCatalannounrabbit warrenfeminine
Animal dwellingsconilleraCatalannounrabbit hutchfeminine
AnimalsanimalGalicianadjanimalfeminine masculine
AnimalsgherenucItaliannounSynonym of gazzella giraffainvariable masculine
AnimalsgherenucItaliannounSynonym of antilope giraffainvariable masculine
ArcheryرميةArabicnounthat which is thrown at, target
ArcheryرميةArabicadjfeminine singular of رَمِيّ (ramiyy)feminine form-of singular
Architectural elementscosterCatalanadjsloping, steep
Architectural elementscosterCatalanadjside; lateralrelational
Architectural elementscosterCatalannounslopemasculine
Architectural elementscosterCatalannounrafter, gable endarchitecturemasculine
Architectural elementsδοκόςAncient Greeknounthe main beam, especially in a house
Architectural elementsδοκόςAncient Greeknounthe main beam, especially in a house / beam
Architectural elementsδοκόςAncient Greeknouna type of meteor
ArtobrazecCzechnounfigureinanimate masculine
ArtobrazecCzechnoundiagraminanimate masculine
ArtobrazecCzechnounpatterninanimate masculine
ArtpinceladaSpanishverbfeminine singular of pinceladofeminine form-of participle singular
Artificial intelligencecosmismEnglishnounA philosophical and cultural movement in Russia in the early 20th century, combining elements of religion and ethics with a history of the origin, evolution and future of the cosmos and humankind.historical uncountable
Artificial intelligencecosmismEnglishnounA moral philosophy regarding the future of artificial intelligence, based on the writings of Hugo de Garis (born 1947).uncountable
Artificial intelligencecosmismEnglishnounThe notion of the cosmos as a self-existing whole.uncountable
Artificial languagesEsperantoEnglishnameAn international auxiliary language designed by L. L. Zamenhof with a base vocabulary inspired by Indo-European languages such as English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Russian, and having a streamlined grammar with completely regular conjugations, declensions, and inflections.
Artificial languagesEsperantoEnglishnameAnything that is used as a single international medium in place of plural distinct national media.figuratively
AsiaहिमालयSanskritnamethe HimalayasClassical-Sanskrit
AsiaहिमालयSanskritnameHimalaya, the personified range, husband of Menaka and father of Parvati (wife of Shiva) and Ganga (the personified Ganges)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesClassical-Sanskrit Hinduism
AstronomyLucinaLatinnameLucina, an epithet of the Roman goddesses Juno or Diana in their role as goddess of childbirth, midwives, and newborns.declension-1
AstronomyLucinaLatinnameLucina, a Roman goddess of childbirth, midwives, and newborns, daughter of Jupiter and Juno.declension-1
AstronomyLucinaLatinnameLucina, a Main Belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciencesNew-Latin declension-1
AstronomySeleniteEnglishnounSynonym of Lunarian (“inhabitant of the Moon”).literature media publishing science-fiction
AstronomySeleniteEnglishadjPertaining to the inhabitants of Luna (Lunarians/Selenites).literature media publishing science-fictionnot-comparable
AstronomyWeltallGermannouncosmosneuter no-plural strong
AstronomyWeltallGermannounouter space; region beyond Earth’s atmosphereneuter no-plural strong
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritadjlimping, lame
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritnounthe act of hearing
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritnounthat which is heard
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritnounacquiring knowledge by hearing, learning, study
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritnounthe determining by means of the six signs the true doctrine of the vedāntahuman-sciences philosophy sciences
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritnounfame, reputation
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritnounthe hypotenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon
Astronomyश्रवणSanskritnamethe star Altair
Astronomy太陰Chinesenounthe moon (largest natural satellite of planet Earth)dialectal literary
Astronomy太陰Chinesenoungreater yin (⚏)
AthletessprinterEnglishnounOne who sprints.
AthletessprinterEnglishnounTransition period between winter and spring: late winter.uncountable
AthletesłącznikPolishnounskybridge, skyway (type of pedway)inanimate masculine
AthletesłącznikPolishnounhyphen (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split)inanimate masculine
AthletesłącznikPolishnouncopula (word, usually a verb, used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate (usually a subject complement or an adverbial), that unites or associates the subject with the predicate)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesinanimate masculine
AthletesłącznikPolishnounbridge (contrasting section)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
AthletesłącznikPolishnounadapteraerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
AthletesłącznikPolishnounliaison officerespionage government military politics warmasculine person
AthletesłącznikPolishnounshortstopball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine person
AtmosphereatmosféraCzechnounatmosphere (the gases surrounding the Earth or any astronomical body)feminine
AtmosphereatmosféraCzechnounatmosphere (the mood or feeling in a situation)feminine
AtmosphereatmosféraCzechnounatmosphere (a unit of measurement for pressure)feminine
AtmosphereilmaIngrianprepAlternative form of ilmanalt-of alternative with-partitive
Atmospheric phenomenasnowenMiddle EnglishverbTo snow; to generate snow.intransitive
Atmospheric phenomenasnowenMiddle EnglishverbTo abound; to rain.intransitive rare
AutismspergEnglishnounAn Aspergerian: a person with Asperger's syndrome.derogatory offensive slang
AutismspergEnglishnounA person who displays awkward, pedantic, or obsessive behavior stereotypically associated with Asperger's syndrome.derogatory offensive slang
AutismspergEnglishverbTo have a tantrum or fit of rage.derogatory intransitive slang
AutismspergEnglishverbTo ramble in excessive detail, as someone with Asperger's syndrome would stereotypically do.derogatory intransitive slang
Auto partsbandDutchnounbond, connection, relationship, liaison, tie (attachment, as in a relation)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounband (all English senses, above, except for group of musicians)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / tire/tyre (e.g. a car tyre)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / tape (magnetic tape, video tape)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / belt (martial arts belt)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / belt (conveyor belt)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnouninterval relating to frequency or wavelength in electromagnetic phenomena / range of energy levels in a solid state materialnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
Auto partsbandDutchnouninterval relating to frequency or wavelength in electromagnetic phenomena / interval in the light spectrumnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounbank (the bank of a pool table)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbonneuter
Auto partsbandDutchnounbandentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
Auto partsboneteSpanishnounbiretta (square cap)masculine
Auto partsboneteSpanishnouncone-shaped hat, clown hatmasculine
AutomotiveDOHCEnglishnounInitialism of double overhead cam.abbreviation alt-of initialism
AutomotiveDOHCEnglishnounInitialism of dual overhead cam.abbreviation alt-of initialism
AzerbaijanazerbaiyanoSpanishadjAzerbaijani (pertaining to Azerbaijan)
AzerbaijanazerbaiyanoSpanishnounAzerbaijani (person)masculine
BabiesmoayawCebuanoverbto cry or to be hysterical when a parent leaves
BabiesmoayawCebuanoadjcries when a parent leaves
Baby animalsvasikkaIngriannouncalf (of any big hoofed animal)
Baby animalsvasikkaIngriannounShort for lehmävasikka (“cow calf”).abbreviation alt-of
BeardschinstrapEnglishnounA strip of leather or material used to fasten a hat or helmet under the chin.
BeardschinstrapEnglishnounA form of beard that follows the jawline but does not cover the rest of the chin.
BeardschinstrapEnglishnounA band of colour below a bird's mouth, resembling the chinstrap of a helmet.
BeekeepingcapisteriumLatinnounvessel used for cleaning, separating seed grain from the restdeclension-2
BeekeepingcapisteriumLatinnounbeehiveMedieval-Latin declension-2
BeekeepingcapisteriumLatinnounsieveMedieval-Latin declension-2
Beerhalf and halfEnglishadjIn equal parts; halfnot-comparable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishadvIn two equal parts.not-comparable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A mixture of cream and milk often used in coffee, defined by the US Food and Drug Administration to contain between 10.5% and 18% milk fat.US countable uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A mixture of two alcoholic beverages, most frequently those brewed from malt, such as porter and ale or mild and bitter beers, in about equal parts; also used for equal parts of an alcoholic beverage and water.countable uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A pizza with two different sets of toppings, one on each half.countable uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A person of mixed race or with dual nationality.countable uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A combination of both rice and chips as an accompaniment to a curry, as opposed to one or the other.Ireland UK countable uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A combination of beer and ale (or similar alcoholic drinks) in equal quantities.UK countable uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / Both oral sex and vaginal sex performed in sequence by a prostitutecountable slang uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A mixture of half lemonade and half iced tea.US countable uncountable
Beerhalf and halfEnglishnounA mixture of two things, generally in about equal proportions. / A cup of coffee with the equivalent of half a packet of sugar and half a creamer of cream.Canada Western countable uncountable
BelarusпогоняRussiannounchase, pursuit
BelarusпогоняRussiannounthe coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which depicts a knight on horseback galloping to chase an enemy.historical
BelarusпогоняRussiannounthe former coat of arms of Belarus.historical
BelarusрушникUkrainiannounrushnyk, rushnik, ruchnik (traditional embroidered towel or cloth, used for ceremonies or holy sites)
BelgiumYproisEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the city of Ypres; (also, more broadly) an inhabitant of the municipality of the same name.
BelgiumYproisEnglishadjOf, comprising, or populated by Yprois.not-comparable
BerriescrowberryEnglishnounEmpetrum; a small genus of dwarf evergreen shrubs that bear edible fruit.
BerriescrowberryEnglishnounEmpetrum; a small genus of dwarf evergreen shrubs that bear edible fruit. / Empetrum nigrum; a species of crowberry.
BerriescrowberryEnglishnounA fruit of this plant.
BeveragesCoca-ColaEnglishnameA particular cola soft drink (type of carbonated drink), produced by the Coca-Cola Company.
BeveragesCoca-ColaEnglishnounA serving of Coca-Cola.
BeveragescaféGaliciannouncoffee beanmasculine
BeveragescaféGaliciannouncoffee plantmasculine
BeveragesקאַקאַאָYiddishnouncocoa (powder)
BeveragesקאַקאַאָYiddishnouncocoa (beverage), hot chocolate
Biblical charactersDinaNorwegiannameDinah (biblical character)
Biblical charactersDinaNorwegiannamea female given name of biblical origin, also short for names like Bernhardine
Biblical charactersPaavaliFinnishnamePaul (biblical character).
Biblical charactersPaavaliFinnishnamea male given name, rather rare in this biblical spellingrare
Biblical charactersאדםHebrewnounman, human
Biblical charactersאדםHebrewnamea male given name, equivalent to English Adam
Biblical charactersאדםHebrewadjdefective spelling of אדום ('adóm, “red”).alt-of misspelling
Biblical charactersאדםHebrewnoundefective spelling of אודם (ódem, “redness”).alt-of misspelling
Biblical charactersयहेज़क़ेलHindinameBook of Ezekielbiblical lifestyle religion
Biblical charactersयहेज़क़ेलHindinameEzekiel (Biblical prophet)
Biblical characters猶大ChinesenameJudah (son of Jacob)
Biblical characters猶大ChinesenameJudasChristianity Protestantism
Biblical characters猶大ChinesenameJudeChristianity Protestantism
Biblical characters約翰ChinesenameJohn (biblical character)Christianity Protestantism
Biblical characters約翰ChinesenameA transliteration of the English male given name and surname John
Biblical characters約翰ChinesenameA transliteration of the German male given name Johann
Bicycle partspata de cabraSpanishnounkickstand (a levered bar that can be folded down from the frame of a bicycle or motorcycle to prop it upright when not being ridden)feminine
Bicycle partspata de cabraSpanishnouncrowbar, wrecking bar, jemmy, jimmy and jemmy bar (UK, Australia), prybar, pinchbar, nail barfeminine
Bicycle typesvelocipedeEnglishnounAn early two-wheeled conveyance upon which one rode astride a wooden frame propelled by means of pushing the feet against the ground.historical
Bicycle typesvelocipedeEnglishnounAny three- or four-wheeled machine driven by foot or hand levers to the rear or front axle.archaic
Bicycle typesvelocipedeEnglishnounA late-1860s bicycle driven by cranks on the front axle.archaic
Bicycle typesvelocipedeEnglishnounA bicycle.humorous
Bicycle typesvelocipedeEnglishverbto ride on velocipede
BirdsgruoEsperantonouncrane (bird)
BirdsgruoEsperantonouncrane (machine)
BirdsparpalhonOccitannounbutterfly (insect)masculine
BirdsparpalhonOccitannouncropanatomy medicine sciencesLimousin masculine
BirdsparpalhonOccitannounbreast, chestanatomy medicine sciencesLimousin masculine
BirdsquetzalSpanishnounquetzal (bird)masculine
BirdsquetzalSpanishnounquetzal (monetary unit)masculine
BirdsridennaItaliannounSynonym of canapiglia (“gadwall (Mareca strepera)”)feminine
BirdsridennaItaliannounSynonym of marzaiola (“garganey”)feminine regional
Birds of preyαρπακτικόGreeknounbird of prey
Birds of preyαρπακτικόGreeknounpredatorbroadly
Birds of preyαρπακτικόGreekadjAccusative masculine singular form of αρπακτικός (arpaktikós).accusative form-of masculine singular
Birds of preyαρπακτικόGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter singular form of αρπακτικός (arpaktikós).
Birth controlspiralaPolishnounspiral (curve that is the locus of a point that rotates about a fixed point while continuously increasing its distance from that point)geometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
Birth controlspiralaPolishnounspiral (helix)feminine
Birth controlspiralaPolishnounspiral (self-sustaining process)feminine
Birth controlspiralaPolishnounspiral (maneuver in aerobatics)aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
Birth controlspiralaPolishnounintrauterine devicefeminine
BlacksitamAcehneseadjblack (absorbing all light)
BlacksitamAcehnesenounblack (colour)
Bodily fluidskusiIngriannounurine
Bodily fluidskusiIngrianverbthird-person singular indicative imperfect of kussaform-of imperfect indicative singular third-person
Bodily fluidsswetiSranan Tongonounsweat
Bodily fluidsswetiSranan Tongoverbto sweat
Bodily fluidsswetiSranan Tongoverbto make an effort
Bodily fluidsچركOttoman Turkishnoundirt, filth, squalor, any foul matter which soils or defiles
Bodily fluidsچركOttoman Turkishnounpus, a liquid substance found in regions of bacterial infection
Bodily fluidsچركOttoman Turkishnounrust, tarnish, the deteriorated state of iron or steel due to oxidation
Body partsnoche buenaCebuanonouna traditional dinner held towards midnight of December 24
Body partsnoche buenaCebuanonounthe penis
Body partsπνεύμωνAncient Greeknounlung
Body partsπνεύμωνAncient Greeknounkind of a mollusk
Body partsніжкаUkrainiannoundiminutive of нога́ (nohá): small leg, footdiminutive form-of
Body partsніжкаUkrainiannounstem, stalk (of a plant, mushroom)
Body partsніжкаUkrainiannounstem (of a glass, vase, etc.)
Body partsніжкаUkrainiannounleg (of furniture, equipment, etc.)
Body partsніжкаUkrainiannounarm (of a pair of compasses or similar device)
Body partsніжкаUkrainiannounleg (of poultry)
Body parts奶嘴Chinesenounpacifier; dummy; soother (a plastic device that goes into a baby's mouth, used to quieten it down)
Body parts奶嘴Chinesenounnipple of a baby bottle
Body parts奶嘴Chinesenounnippleanatomy medicine sciencesdialectal
BookscatechismEnglishnounA book, in question and answer form, summarizing the basic principles of Christianity.
BookscatechismEnglishnounA basic manual in some subject.
BookscatechismEnglishnounA set of questions designed to determine knowledge.
BookstruyệnVietnamesenounSynonym of chuyện (“story; tale”)obsolete
BookstruyệnVietnamesenouna storybook, usually a novel, a comic book or a graphic novel
BooksтэтэрээтYakutnounexercise book
Books of the BibleAmosItaliannameAmoslifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleAmosItaliannamebook of Amosmasculine
Books of the BibleAmosItaliannamea male given namemasculine
Boroughs in EnglandMacclesfieldEnglishnameA market town in Cheshire, England.
Boroughs in EnglandMacclesfieldEnglishnameA former borough in Cheshire, abolished on 1 April 2009 and merged into Cheshire East.
Boroughs in EnglandMacclesfieldEnglishnameA surname
BotanyherbaLatinnoungrass, herbagedeclension-1 feminine
BotanyherbaLatinnounherbdeclension-1 feminine
BotanyherbaLatinnounweedsdeclension-1 feminine
BotanyherbaLatinnounplantdeclension-1 feminine
BotanyspryttenMiddle EnglishverbTo sprout or germinate.Early-Middle-English
BotanyspryttenMiddle EnglishverbTo rile up; to incite.Early-Middle-English
BotanyspryttenMiddle EnglishverbTo jump; to spring.Early-Middle-English rare
BreadstrenchourMiddle EnglishnounA cutting tool; a knife or blade.
BreadstrenchourMiddle EnglishnounA platter; a serving dish.
BreadstrenchourMiddle EnglishnounBread used as such a dish.
BreadsжитнякUkrainiannounrye breadcolloquial
BreadsжитнякUkrainiannouncrested-wheat grass, wheatgrass (Agropyron)
BreadsⲁⲓⲕCopticnounconsecration (of a church, altar, house, etc.)Bohairic
BreadsⲁⲓⲕCopticnouna loaf of breadFayyumic countable
BreadsⲁⲓⲕCopticnounbreadFayyumic uncountable
BrownsbrązowyPolishadjbrown (color)
BrownsnoceItaliannounwalnut (fruit)feminine
BrownsnoceItaliannounnutbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
BrownsnoceItaliannounnut lock (part of a crossbow)archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warfeminine
BrownsnoceItaliannounnut (tumbler of a gunlock)feminine
BrownsnoceItaliannouna part of a spindlehobbies lifestyle spinning sportsfeminine
BrownsnoceItaliannounSynonym of castellettomedia publishing typographyfeminine
BrownsnoceItaliannounthe thicker part at the end of masts and yardarmsnautical transportfeminine
BrownsnoceItaliannouna particular size for solid combustiblesfeminine
BrownsnoceItaliannountop round insidefeminine
BrownsnoceItaliannounwalnutbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine uncountable
BrownsnoceItaliannouna walnut treemasculine
BrownsnoceItaliannounwalnut (wood)masculine uncountable
BrownsnoceItalianadjwalnut (having a dark brown colour/color)invariable
BrownstitianEnglishnounA bright auburn colour, tinted with gold.
BrownstitianEnglishadjOf a bright auburn colour, tinted with gold, especially in reference to hair.
BuildingsBüroGermannounoffice (room for working)neuter strong
BuildingsBüroGermannounoffice, bureau, agency (administrative department or service provider)neuter strong
BuildingsBüroGermannounthe staff of such placescollective informal neuter strong
BuildingsaittaFinnishnoungranary or other unheated farm storehouse of relatively firm build, used as a storage of various goods which are relatively valuable and not too voluminous
BuildingsaittaFinnishnoungranary (fertile area especially suitable for farming; used normally with a modifier as in ruoka-aitta or vilja-aitta)figuratively
BuildingsaittaFinnishnounabessive plural of aaabessive form-of plural
BuildingsboticaPortuguesenoungeneral store (store which sells a large variety of useful things)archaic feminine
BuildingsboticaPortuguesenounpharmacy (place where prescription drugs are dispensed)archaic feminine
BuildingsgangEnglishverbTo go; walk; proceed.Northern-England Scotland intransitive
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA number going in company; a number of friends or persons associated for a particular purpose.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA group of laborers under one foreman; a squad or workgang.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA criminal group with a common cultural background and identifying features, often associated with a particular section of a city.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA group of criminals or alleged criminals who band together for mutual protection and profit.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA group of politicians united in furtherance of a political goal.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA chain gang.US
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA combination of similar tools or implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor; a set.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA set; all required for an outfit.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA number of switches or other electrical devices wired into one unit and covered by one faceplate.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA group of wires attached as a bundle.
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA going, journey; a course, path, track.dialectal
BuildingsgangEnglishnounAn outhouse: an outbuilding used as a lavatory.obsolete
BuildingsgangEnglishnounA term of address for a group, particularly when cautioning them or offering advice.
BuildingsgangEnglishverbTo attach similar items together to form a larger unit.transitive
BuildingsgangEnglishverbPronunciation spelling of gan.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
BuildingsgangEnglishverbSynonym of gangbang
BuildingsgangEnglishnounAlternative form of ganguebusiness miningalt-of alternative countable uncountable
BuildingshutaPolishnounironworks, steelworksengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
BuildingshutaPolishnounglassworks (factory that produces glass)feminine
BuildingslazaretEnglishnounSynonym of lazaretto / A place reserved for people with infectious diseases (especially leprosy or plague) to live on a long-term basis.historical
BuildingslazaretEnglishnounSynonym of lazaretto / A building such as a hospital, or occasionally a ship, used to isolate sick people to prevent the spread of infectious diseases; a quarantine.also figuratively historical
BuildingslazaretEnglishnounSynonym of lazaretto / A place at the front of the tweendecks of a merchant ship where provisions are stored.nautical transport
BuildingsمكتبةSouth Levantine Arabicnounlibrary
BuildingsمكتبةSouth Levantine Arabicnounbookshop
BuildingsสถานีThainountopic; subject; theme; issue; point.archaic formal poetic
BuildingsสถานีThainounstation: base, stopping place.
BuildingsสถานีThainounposition (of a ship whilst in a procession, formation, etc).
Buildings and structuresporumbarRomaniannounpigeon house, dovecote, pigeonhole, columbariumneuter
Buildings and structuresporumbarRomaniannouncorn crib, granaryneuter
Buildings and structuresporumbarRomaniannounblackthorn, sloe treemasculine
BurialpantiyonCebuanonouna mausoleum
BurialpantiyonCebuanonouna graveyard
Burial焼き場Japanesenounplace or building where something is burnt
Burial焼き場Japanesenounespecially, place or building where bodies are cremated; crematory
BusinesspagiEsperantoverbto pay with (a payment)transitive
BusinesspagiEsperantoverbto pay for (a debt)transitive
BusinesspagiEsperantoverbto pay to (a recipient)transitive
BusinesspagiEsperantoverbto payintransitive
BusinessesrelojeríaSpanishnounclock shopfeminine
ButterfliesnoppaperhonenFinnishnounmetalmark (butterfly of the family Riodinidae)
ButterfliesnoppaperhonenFinnishnounDuke of Burgundy, Hamearis lucina (species of butterfly in this family)
ButterfliestauriņšLatviannounbutterflydeclension-1 masculine
ButterfliestauriņšLatviannounbowtiedeclension-1 masculine
ButtonsTabEnglishnounA key on a computer keyboard that typically inserts a tab or moves the input focus.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ButtonsTabEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of tab (“student at Cambridge”)alt-of
Cakes and pastriesbarquetteEnglishnounA kind of small sailboat.
Cakes and pastriesbarquetteEnglishnounA small boat-shaped pastry shell with a sweet or savoury filling.
CalendarArmistice DayEnglishnameNovember 11, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice agreement to end World War I, commemorating the fallen of that war. / Former name of Veterans Day.US
CalendarArmistice DayEnglishnameNovember 11, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice agreement to end World War I, commemorating the fallen of that war. / Former name of Remembrance Day.Canada
CalendarArmistice DayEnglishnameNovember 11, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice agreement to end World War I, commemorating the fallen of that war. / Former name of Poppy Day.
CalendartollaksmesseNorwegian NynorsknounDecember 23rdarchaic feminine
CalendartollaksmesseNorwegian NynorsknounThorlac's mass (also December 23rd)feminine
CalendarبرسیUrdunoundeath anniversary
CalendarبرسیUrdunouna memorial held at one's death anniversaryHinduism
CalligraphycúficoPortuguesenounKufic (oldest form of the various Arabic scripts)masculine uncountable
CalligraphycúficoPortugueseadjKufic (relating to Kufic)
CanidsволчеMacedoniannoundiminutive of волк m (volk)diminutive form-of
CanidsволчеMacedoniannounwolf cub
CanidsאיHebrewnounan island
CanidsאיHebrewnounEgyptian jackal (Canis aureus lupaster)
CanidsאיHebrewintjoh!, ah!
CanidsאיHebrewadvwhereBiblical-Hebrew interrogative stative
Carnivorous plantsnepenthesEnglishnounA drug mentioned in Homer's Odyssey (c. 8th century B.C.E.) as bringing relief from anxiety or grief; hence, any drug or substance seen as bringing welcome forgetfulness or relief.uncountable
Carnivorous plantsnepenthesEnglishnounA Southeast Asian carnivorous plant of the genus Nepenthes; a monkey cup or tropical pitcher plant.uncountable
Carnivorous plantsnepenthesEnglishnounplural of nepenthe.archaic form-of plural
CarpentrydowelEnglishnounA pin, or block, of wood or metal, fitting into holes in the abutting portions of two pieces, and being partly in one piece and partly in the other, to keep them in their proper relative position.
CarpentrydowelEnglishnounA wooden rod, as one to make short pins from.
CarpentrydowelEnglishnounA piece of wood or similar material fitted into a surface not suitable for fastening so that other pieces may be fastened to construction manufacturing
CarpentrydowelEnglishverbTo fasten together with dowels.transitive
CarpentrydowelEnglishverbTo furnish with dowels.transitive
CarpentrylimaItaliannounfile (cutting or smoothing tool)feminine
CarpentrylimaItaliannouna reinforced line at both ends of a dragnetfishing hobbies lifestylefeminine
CarpentrylimaItaliannounKey lime (Citrus aurantiifolia)feminine
CarpentrylimaItalianverbinflection of limare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
CarpentrylimaItalianverbinflection of limare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Caryophyllales order plantsmuchołówkaPolishnounany flycatcher of the genus Muscicapafeminine
Caryophyllales order plantsmuchołówkaPolishnounVenus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)feminine
Caryophyllales order plantsmuchołówkaPolishnounfly bottle, glass flytrapfeminine
CatslongieEnglishnounA Manx cat with a relatively long tail.
CatslongieEnglishnounAlternative form of lungiealt-of alternative
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounThe horny, translucent, mottled covering of the carapace of the hawksbill turtle, used as a veneer etc.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounThe hawksbill turtle.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounA domestic cat (or a rabbit, guinea-pig, etc.) whose fur has black, brown and yellow markings.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounAny of several butterflies, mostly of the genera Nymphalis and Aglais that have similar markings.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishadjMade of the covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle.not-comparable
CatstortoiseshellEnglishadjHaving markings resembling covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle.not-comparable
CatsกระจอกThainoun(นก~) sparrow.biology natural-sciences zoology
CatsกระจอกThainoun(แมว~) a type of cat with an entirely black body, yellow eyes, and grey or white hair around the mouth or nose, traditionally believed to bring good luck.archaic
CatsกระจอกThainounnail, as fingernail, toenail, claw, talon, etc.archaic poetic
CatsกระจอกThaiverbto limp; to hobble.archaic
CatsกระจอกThaiadjlame; crippled; disabled.archaic
CatsกระจอกThaiadjinferior; poor; low.derogatory offensive slang
CatsกระจอกThaiadjinferior; insignificant; good for nothing.derogatory offensive slang
Celestial bodiesbiejvveLule Saminounsun, sunshine
Celestial bodiesbiejvveLule Saminounday
Celestial bodiesbiejvveLule Saminoundate (specific day)
Celestial bodiesmetztliClassical Nahuatlnounthigh
Celestial bodiesmetztliClassical Nahuatlnounmoon
Celestial bodiesmetztliClassical Nahuatlnounmonth
Celestial inhabitantsCererianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Roman goddess Ceres
Celestial inhabitantsCererianEnglishadjOf or relating to the dwarf planet–asteroid Ceres
Celestial inhabitantsCererianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the asteroid Ceres
Celestial inhabitantsEnceladanEnglishadjOf or relating to Enceladus
Celestial inhabitantsEnceladanEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Enceladus (a moon of Saturn).literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsPhobosianEnglishadjPertaining to Phobos.not-comparable
Celestial inhabitantsPhobosianEnglishnounSomeone from Phobos.literature media publishing science-fiction
Ceramics사기Koreannounfraud; swindle
Ceramics사기Koreannounporcelain; chinaware
Ceramics사기KoreannameRecords of the Grand Historian
Ceramics사기Koreannounfinal hour; time of deathformal
CervidsтивTundra Nenetsnounbelly
CervidsтивTundra Nenetsnouncontents of a deer gut
CervidsChinesecharacterfawn; young deer
CervidsChinesecharacteryoung (animal)
Chemical elementshydrogenEnglishnounThe lightest chemical element (symbol H), with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794.countable uncountable
Chemical elementshydrogenEnglishnounThe lightest chemical element (symbol H), with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794. / An atom of the element.countable uncountable
Chemical elementshydrogenEnglishnounMolecular hydrogen (H₂), a colourless, odourless and flammable gas at room temperature.countable uncountable
Chemical elementshydrogenEnglishnounMolecular hydrogen (H₂), a colourless, odourless and flammable gas at room temperature. / A molecule of this molecular speciescountable uncountable
Chemical elementshydrogenEnglishnounThe isotope hydrogen-1 (also symbol H), contrasting with deuterium and tritiumcountable uncountable
Chemical elementshydrogenEnglishnounA sample of the element/molecule.countable uncountable
Chemical elementsklorSwedishnounchlorineneuter uncountable
Chemical elementsklorSwedishnounindefinite plural of kloform-of indefinite plural
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnouncopperuncountable
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounany alloy of copper (bronze, brass, etc.)uncountable
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounaugury, divination
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounaugur, diviner
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounaugur, diviner
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounbrazier (brass worker)
Chickens草雞ChinesenounhenHokkien Jin Mandarin Quanzhou Xiamen dialectal
Chickens草雞ChinesenounChinese landraces of chickenMandarin dialectal
Chickens草雞Chineseadjweak; timid; cowardlyMandarin dialectal
Chickens草雞Chinesenounkatydid (Mecopoda elongata)Hokkien Xiamen
Chickens草雞Chineseadjfickle in doing things and easily making mistakes (of a person)Hokkien Xiamen
ChinaSinesianEnglishadjSynonym of Chinese or Chinese-like, of, related to, or similar to Chinese people, things, or culture.archaic not-comparable
ChinaSinesianEnglishadjSynonym of East Asian, with especial focus on Chinese people and culture: of or related to the Sinosphere.archaic not-comparable
ChinaSinocentrismEnglishnounThe belief, held by the ancient Chinese, that China was literally the centre of the world.historical uncountable
ChinaSinocentrismEnglishnounThe practice of viewing the world from a Chinese perspective, with an implied belief, either consciously or subconsciously, in the pre-eminence of Chinese culture.government politicsuncountable
ChinaSinocentrismEnglishnounEthnocentrism among the Han people of China; Han chauvinism.government politicsuncountable
China公社Chinesenouncommune / primitive communespecifically
China公社Chinesenouncommune / people's commune (administrative unit in China from 1958 to 1983)specifically
Chinese清音Japanesenouna voiceless and unaspirated onset obstruent, including the glottal stophuman-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesChinese traditional
Chinese清音Japanesenounany mora listed on the 五十音図 (gojūonzu, literally “chart of the fifty sounds”), without a voiced onset obstruent or /p/human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesJapanese traditional
Chinese era names嘉靖Chinesenamethe Jiajing Emperor (the twelfth emperor of the Ming dynasty)historical
Chinese era names嘉靖Chinesenamethe Jiajing era (a Chinese era name; the era of that emperor's reign, from 1522 to 1566)historical
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharacterten
Chinese numeral symbolsChinesecharactertopmost; utmostfiguratively
Chinese phonetics平上去入Japanesenounthe four tones of Middle Chinese: / 平声 (hyōshō, “level tone”)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesChinese
Chinese phonetics平上去入Japanesenounthe four tones of Middle Chinese: / 上声 (jōshō, “rising tone”)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesChinese
Chinese phonetics平上去入Japanesenounthe four tones of Middle Chinese: / 去声 (kyoshō, “departing tone”)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesChinese
Chinese phonetics平上去入Japanesenounthe four tones of Middle Chinese: / 入声 (nisshō, “checked tone”)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesChinese
ChristianityP'ent'ayEnglishadjEthiopian and/or Eritrean Protestantnot-comparable
ChristianityP'ent'ayEnglishnounAll denominations and organizations of Protestantism in Ethiopia and Eritrea.uncountable
ChristianitypadreSwahilinounclergyman, priest (especially a Christian one)class-5 class-6
ChristianitypadreSwahilinounbishopboard-games chess gamesclass-5 class-6
ChristianityयहोशूHindinameBook of Joshuabiblical lifestyle religion
ChristianityयहोशूHindinameJoshua (a Biblical figure, the son of Nun, Judge of Israel following Moses; author of the Book of Joshua)
Christianityஆபிரகாம்TamilnameAbraham (Biblical character)
Christianityஆபிரகாம்Tamilnamea male given name
ChristmasEguberriBasquenounChristmas Dayinanimate
ChristmasEguberriBasquenounChristmas seasonin-plural inanimate
ChristmasYule logEnglishnounA large log traditionally burned on Christmas Eve.
ChristmasYule logEnglishnounA log-shaped Christmas sponge cake, covered in chocolate, traditionally from French-speaking countries.
ChristmasnarodzeniePolishnounverbal noun of narodzićform-of neuter noun-from-verb
ChristmasnarodzeniePolishnounbirthneuter uncountable
Cichorieae tribe plantshawksbeardEnglishnounAny of various annual and perennial flowering plants of the genus Crepis, superficially resembling the dandelion.
Cichorieae tribe plantshawksbeardEnglishnounAny of several plants of the genus Youngia, of Asia.
Cichorieae tribe plantslehtisalaattiFinnishnounlettuce (Lactuca sativa)
Cichorieae tribe plantslehtisalaattiFinnishnounleaf lettuce (any loose-leafed cultivar of lettuce that does not form a head)
Cinematography短片Chinesenounshort film; shortHong-Kong Taiwan
Cinematography短片Chinesenounshort video; video clipHong-Kong Taiwan
CitiesΠολίχναAncient GreeknamePolichna, Troad, Turkey
CitiesΠολίχναAncient GreeknamePolichna, Messenia, Greece
CitiesΠολίχναAncient GreeknamePolichna, Laconia, Greece
Cities in SpainCordovaEnglishnameAlternative form of Córdoba.alt-of alternative
Cities in SpainCordovaEnglishnameA surname from Spanish.
Clothingbig-boy pantsEnglishnounPull-up underwear worn by a boy during and after toilet training, as contrasted to the diapers worn during infancy.informal plural plural-only
Clothingbig-boy pantsEnglishnounA notional pair of trousers or underwear worn by a male when acting maturely.figuratively informal plural plural-only
Clothingdinner jacketEnglishnounA jacket, often white, corresponding to a tuxedo jacket.US especially
Clothingdinner jacketEnglishnounThe formal suit, typically black, that includes this type of jacket.British
ClothinggatkiPolishnoundiminutive of gaciecolloquial diminutive form-of plural
ClothinggatkiPolishnouninflection of gatka: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
ClothinggatkiPolishnouninflection of gatka: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
ClothingpanterkaPolishnoundiminutive of panteracountable diminutive feminine form-of
ClothingpanterkaPolishnounhumpback grouper, panther grouper, barramundi cod (Cromileptes altivelis)countable feminine
ClothingpanterkaPolishnounleopard print outfit (dark green military outfit with yellow and brown spots)government military politics warcountable feminine
ClothingpanterkaPolishnounleopard print (pattern in irregular spots, resembling the fur of the panther)colloquial feminine uncountable
Clothingpenguin suitEnglishnounA tuxedo.informal
Clothingpenguin suitEnglishnounA kind of spacesuit worn by Soviet cosmonauts.historical
ClothingriuszkaPolishnounruche (strip of fabric which has been fluted or pleated)business manufacturing textilesfeminine
ClothingriuszkaPolishnounruche (small ruff of fluted or pleated fabric worn at neck or wrist)feminine
ClothingtogaEnglishnounA loose outer garment worn by the citizens of Ancient Rome.
ClothingtogaEnglishnounA loose wrap gown.
ClothingtogaEnglishnouncap and gown; ceremonial gown or robe (worn by a graduate, lawyer, judge, professor etc.)Philippines
CockroachescockroachEnglishnounA black or brown straight-winged insect of the order Blattodea.
CockroachescockroachEnglishnounA person or a member of a group of people regarded as undesirable and rapidly procreating.offensive slang
CockroachescockroachEnglishnounA person from New South Wales.Australia derogatory especially humorous slang
CockroachescockroachEnglishnounA hard lump of brown sugar.Australia obsolete slang
Cocktailstequila sunriseEnglishnounA cocktail made with tequila, crème de cassis, lime juice, and soda water.
Cocktailstequila sunriseEnglishnounA cocktail made with tequila, orange juice, and grenadine syrup.
Coinsold pennyEnglishnounThe pre-decimalisation United Kingdom penny, ¹⁄₂₄₀ of a pound sterling. Symbol: d
Coinsold pennyEnglishnounThe pre-decimalisation Irish penny, ¹⁄₂₄₀ of an Irish pound. Symbol: d
Coinsold pennyEnglishnounA coin worth one old penny.
CollectivesholotaCzechnounthe poor (poor people)collective feminine
CollectivesholotaCzechnounriffraff, rabblecollective derogatory feminine
CollectivesholotaCzechnoundog handleranimate archaic masculine
CollectiveskolumienkaPolishnoundiminutive of kolumnadiminutive feminine form-of
CollectiveskolumienkaPolishnoungynostemiumbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
CollectiveskolumienkaPolishnouncolumellabiology mycology natural-sciencesfeminine
CollectiveskolumienkaPolishnouncolumella aurisbiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
CollectivesniejedenPolishpronnot one, more than onemasculine
CollectivesniejedenPolishnounmore than one personmasculine noun-from-verb person
CollectivesбригадаRussiannouncrew, team, gang (group of people employed to work together on a common task)
CollectivesбригадаRussiannounbrigadegovernment military politics war
CollectivesбригадаRussiannoungang, crew (group of criminals)slang
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannounnumber eight, eight (e.g. cards), figure of eight
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannouneightcard-games games
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannounNo. 8 bus, tram, etc
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannounVAZ-2108 (Lada Samara) 3-door hatchbackcolloquial
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannouneight, octuple (a boat with eight rowers)hobbies lifestyle rowing sports
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannounfigure 8 (belay device)climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannounfigure-eight loopclimbing hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesвосьмёркаRussiannounwisdom toothdentistry medicine sciences
ColorskunengAcehneseadjyellow (having yellow as its colour)
ColorskunengAcehnesenounyellow (colour)
ColorsróssoLiguriannounred (colour)masculine uncountable
ColorsskarlátHungarianadjscarlet, crimson, vermilion (colour)
ColorsskarlátHungariannounscarlet fever, scarlatinamedicine pathology sciencesuncountable
ColorsyiitsóóhNavajoverbhe/she is turning yellow, tan, or light green
ColorsyiitsóóhNavajoverbsecond-person singular imperfective form of yiitsóóhform-of imperfective second-person singular
ColorsyiitsóóhNavajoverbfirst-person duoplural imperfective form of yiitsóóhdual duoplural first-person form-of imperfective plural
ColorsкобальтUkrainiannouncobalt blue, zaffre
ColorsշագանակագույնArmenianadjchestnut-coloured, nut-brown
ColorsշագանակագույնArmeniannounchestnut (colour), nut brown
ColorsকমলাBengalinounorange (fruit and tree)
ColorsকমলাBengaliadjorange (in color)
ComedykuglarzPolishnounillusionist (one who entertains using sleight of hand)masculine person
ComedykuglarzPolishnounitinerant entertainer performing magic tricks, juggling, or puppet showshistorical masculine person
ComedykuglarzPolishnounone who cheats or tricks someonebroadly masculine person
ComedykuglarzPolishnounbateleur (Terathopius ecaudatus)animal-not-person masculine
ComedykuglarzPolishnounmagician (tarot card)animal-not-person masculine
CommunicationkinigTagalognounact of listening to something said or heard
CommunicationkinigTagalognoununcontrollable movement of the body due to cold, fear or anger; shiver; chilldialectal
Compass pointsdeasIrishadvsouth, southerly, to the south
Compass pointsdeasIrishadjright, right-hand (opposite of left)
Compass pointsdeasIrishadjnear, close; convenient (~ do (“to”))predicative
Compass pointsdeasIrishadjright, correct (opposite of wrong)
Compass pointsdeasIrishadjnice
Compass pointsdeasIrishadjpretty
Compass pointsdeasIrishadjhonest
Compass pointsdeasIrishadjstraight
Compass pointssouth-southwestEnglishnounThe compass point halfway between south and southwest; specifically at a bearing of 202.5°.uncountable
Compass pointssouth-southwestEnglishadjOf, in or pertaining to the south-southwest; south-southwestern.not-comparable
Compass pointssouth-southwestEnglishadjSituated toward or in the direction of the south-southwest; south-southwestward; south-southwesterly.not-comparable
Compass pointssouth-southwestEnglishadjComing from the south-southwest; south-southwesterly.not-comparable
Compass pointssouth-southwestEnglishadvTowards or in the direction of the south-southwest; south-southwestwards.not-comparable
CompositesбогородичкаBulgariannounasterbiology botany natural-sciences
CompositesбогородичкаBulgariannounmeek or mousy person
Computer hardwarenäyttöFinnishnounmonitor, display, screencomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Computer hardwarenäyttöFinnishnounshowing (occasion when something is shown, particularly something that is for sale)
Computer hardwarenäyttöFinnishnounevidence
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of change segment status, a GDS code used on older types of airline keyboards.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travelabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of Content Scramble System, a DRM and encryption system for DVDs.DVD mediaabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of Churg-Strauss syndrome.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of Chinese surface-to-surface (missile), a NATO prefix-code for systems developed by the People's Republic of China.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of Confederate States Ship (the designation for a commissioned warship operated by the Confederate States Navy).government military nautical politics transport warabbreviation alt-of countable historical initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of Canadian Survey Ship (the designation for a survey ship operated by the Canadian Hydrographic Service).nautical transportabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of cascading style sheet.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences web-designabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of control stick steering, a method of Space Shuttle flight control.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of critical swim speed.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnounInitialism of chromosome substitution strain.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnameInitialism of Cascading Style Sheets, a style sheet language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences web-designabbreviation alt-of initialism
Computer languagesCSSEnglishnameInitialism of Central Superior Services.Pakistan abbreviation alt-of initialism
Computer languagesCSSEnglishphraseInitialism of can't see shit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Computingdistributed computingEnglishnounThe process of aggregating the power of several computers to collaboratively run a single computational task in a transparent and coherent way.uncountable
Computingdistributed computingEnglishnounThe use of the idle time of large numbers of networked computers to work on projects too large for any single group.uncountable
Condimentstomato sauceEnglishnounA thick sauce made from tomatoes for pasta food lifestyleuncountable usually
Condimentstomato sauceEnglishnounTomato ketchup, used as a condiment.Australia Brunei India Malaysia Myanmar New-Zealand Pakistan Singapore South-Africa UK uncountable usually
ConstructionbyldenMiddle EnglishverbTo lodge: to stay or reside.
ConstructionbyldenMiddle EnglishverbTo make, start, or begin: / To erect, build, or create (a structure or building)
ConstructionbyldenMiddle EnglishverbTo make, start, or begin: / To establish, begin, create (an organisation)
ConstructionbyldenMiddle EnglishverbTo edify; to improve or promote welfare and religion.
ConstructionbyldenMiddle EnglishverbTo furnish; to supply quarters with necessities.
Construction구름다리KoreannounA skywalk.
Construction구름다리KoreannounA pedestrian overpass.North-Korea
ContainersantałekPolishnounkeg, cask (large barrel for the storage of liquid)inanimate masculine
ContainersantałekPolishnouna liquid measure employed by Upper Hungarian tokay merchants which should contain by law about 74 litres, de facto however was as low as 50.5 litresinanimate masculine obsolete
ContainersnigoBikol Centralnouna winnowing basket
ContainersnigoBikol Centraladjfitting; proper; suitable
ContainerstegnebogDanishnounwallet (small case for keeping money, credit cards, etc.)common-gender
ContainerstegnebogDanishnounnotebookcommon-gender obsolete
ContainersкрабииOld Church Slavonicnounchest
ContainersкрабииOld Church Slavonicnouncoffin
ContainersкрабииOld Church Slavonicnounbox
Containersबस्ताHindinounbundle, package
ContainersደምቦTigrenounbowl or basket from palm-wattle
ContainersደምቦTigrenounchamber pot, jordan
Cookware and bakewarecazuelaSpanishnounstewpot, casserolefeminine
Cookware and bakewarecazuelaSpanishnounthe godsentertainment lifestyle theaterfeminine
Cookware and bakewarecazuelaSpanishnounstew (soup with meat and vegetables)Chile feminine
Cookware and bakewareetunNupenounwork
Cookware and bakewareetunNupenountask
Cookware and bakewareetunNupenounjob
Cookware and bakewareetunNupenounpestle
Cookware and bakewareetunNupenounlog
CosmeticsкънаBulgarianverbto tear apart, to renddialectal transitive
CosmeticsкънаBulgarianverbto get torn, to wear out (of clothes, materials)dialectal reflexive
CosmeticsкънаBulgariannounhenna (dye)uncountable
CosmeticsкънаBulgariannounhenna (Lawsonia inermis) (shrub)countable
CountriesЛуксембургMacedoniannameLuxembourg (the capital city of Luxembourg)
Countriesยุ่นThainameJapan.derogatory ethnic slang slur
Countriesยุ่นThainounJapanese person.derogatory ethnic slang slur
CrabscabrellaCatalannoundiminutive of cabradiminutive feminine form-of
CrabscabrellaCatalannounlesser spider crab (Maja crispata)feminine
CrabscabrellaCatalannoungreat crested grebefeminine
CrimegwałcicielkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of gwałciciel (“rapist”)feminine form-of
CrimegwałcicielkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of gwałciciel (“violator”) (person who does not comply with the law)feminine form-of literary
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo pilfer; filch; steal.dialectal transitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo shrink or retire from view; lurk out of sight; skulk.dialectal intransitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo be absent from (school) without a valid excuse; to play truant.Ireland Wales intransitive transitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo grumble secretly.dialectal intransitive
CrimemitchEnglishverbTo pretend poverty.dialectal intransitive
CrimenagrabićPolishverbto rake up (to rake a certain amount of something with a rake)perfective transitive
CrimenagrabićPolishverbto accumulate a certain amount of things by stealingperfective transitive
CrimenagrabićPolishverbto rake something with a rake long enough to feel tiredperfective reflexive
CrimenagrabićPolishverbto steal many things, so much so that the speaker thinks that it is enough alreadyperfective reflexive
CrimenagrabićPolishverbto dig oneself in a hole, to ask for it (to put oneself in even more trouble)colloquial perfective reflexive
CrimeszaberPolishnounlooting (the act of plundering)inanimate masculine
CrimeszaberPolishnounbooty, lootinanimate masculine
CrimeszaberPolishnounauger, crowbarinanimate masculine slang
CrimeszaberPolishnounburglaryinanimate masculine slang
CrimeszaberPolishnounburglarmasculine person slang
CrimeszaberPolishnouncrushed stoneinanimate masculine obsolete
Criminal lawusuraItaliannouninterest (price of credit)business financefeminine obsolete
Criminal lawusuraItaliannounusury (practice of lending money at interest)business financefeminine obsolete
Criminal lawusuraItaliannounusury (exorbitant rate of interest in excess of any legal rates)feminine
Criminal lawusuraItaliannounwear (damage caused by use over time)feminine
Criminal lawusuraItaliannoundeteriorationfeminine figuratively
Criminal lawusuraItalianverbinflection of usurare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Criminal lawusuraItalianverbinflection of usurare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
CroakershardheadEnglishnounOne who is practical or hardheaded.
CroakershardheadEnglishnounA brown diving duck, Aythya australis, native to Australia.
CroakershardheadEnglishnounAny of certain saltwater sciaenid (Sciaenidae) fishes.
CroakershardheadEnglishnounMylopharodon conocephalus of fresh waters in California.
CroakershardheadEnglishnounAny of several weeds in or formerly classified in the genus Centaurea, particularly Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens).
CroakershardheadEnglishnounResidual ore that failed to melt during a smelting metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
CroakershardheadEnglishnounClash or collision of heads in contest.obsolete
CroakershardheadEnglishnounA Scottish billon coin circulated in the reigns of Mary and James VI.historical
CurvessexticEnglishadjOf the sixth degree or order.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
CurvessexticEnglishnounAn algebraic equation or function of the sixth degree, e.g. a polynomial of degree 6; a curve surface etc. describing such an equation or function, especially a quantic of the sixth degree.mathematics sciences
CyclingciclistaSpanishnouncyclist, bikerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
CyclingciclistaSpanishadjcyclingfeminine masculine
Dairy productstejHungariannounmilk (a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young)countable uncountable
Dairy productstejHungariannounmilk (a white or whitish liquid obtained from a vegetable source such as almonds, coconuts, oats, rice, and/or soy beans)countable uncountable
Dairy productstejHungariannoundairycountable uncountable
Dancesgrizzly bearEnglishnounA large North American subspecies, Ursus arctos horribilis, of the brown bear.
Dancesgrizzly bearEnglishnounA dance of the early twentieth century in which dancers mimicked the movements of grizzly bears.
DanceszoukEnglishnounA style of dance music originating in the French Antilles, combining Latin American, African and Western disco rhythms; a dance to this musicentertainment lifestyle music
DanceszoukEnglishverbTo dance to zouk music.
DancesסלסהHebrewnounsalsa (dance)
DancesסלסהHebrewnounsalsa (sauce)
Days of the week화요Koreannameplanet Marsarchaic
Days of the week화요KoreannameTuesday
DeathalémPortugueseadvthere, over there
DeathalémPortugueseadvbeyond (farther along or away)
DeathalémPortuguesenounthe afterlife, the beyond (supposed world or state of existence that is entered after death)masculine uncountable
Death訃告Chinesenounobituary (brief notice of a person’s death)
Death訃告Chineseverbto announce somebody's death
DemographyTFREnglishnounInitialism of total fertility rate.demographics demographyabbreviation alt-of initialism
DemographyTFREnglishnounInitialism of temporary flight restriction.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
DemographyTFREnglishnounInitialism of time-frequency representation.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences signal-processingabbreviation alt-of initialism
DemonymsItalyanoTagalogadjItalian (pertaining to Italy)
DemonymsItalyanoTagalognounItalian (person)
DemonymsItalyanoTagalognounItalian language
DemonymsMordovianEnglishadjFrom, of, or pertaining to, Mordovianot-comparable
DemonymsMordovianEnglishnounSomeone from Mordovia.
DemonymsNorthern EuropeanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Northern Europe, its people, or its culture.not-comparable
DemonymsNorthern EuropeanEnglishnounA Northern European person; one who comes from or lives in Northern Europe.
DemonymsVendanEnglishadjOf or relating to Venda.
DemonymsVendanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Venda.
DemonymsVeroneseEnglishadjOf, from or relating to the city of Verona.
DemonymsVeroneseEnglishnounA person from Verona.
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the United States.
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the Northern United States.Southern-US
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of New England.Northern-US
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounAn Anglo, as opposed to someone with French ancestry; a native or inhabitant of the rest of the United States.Louisiana Southern
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounA large triangular headsail used in light or moderate winds and set on the fore topmast stay. Unlike a genoa it does not fill the whole fore triangle, but is set in combination with the working staysail.nautical transport
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounA player for the New York Yankees.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounA wager on four selections, consisting of 11 separate bets: six doubles, four trebles and a fourfold accumulator. A minimum two selections must win to gain a return.
DemonymsYankeeEnglishnounSomeone on the Union side.
DemonymsYankeeEnglishverbto cheat, trick or swindle somebody; to misrepresent somethingCanada US dated offensive slang sometimes
DemonymsannobonésSpanishadjof Annobónrelational
DemonymsannobonésSpanishnounsomeone from Annobónmasculine
DemonymsarameoSpanishnounAramaic (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsbakuenseSpanishadjof Baku; Bakuvian (of or relating to Baku, Azerbaijan)feminine masculine relational
DemonymsbakuenseSpanishnounBakuvian (native or resident of Baku, Azerbaijan)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymscaaguaceñoSpanishadjof Caaguazúrelational
DemonymscaaguaceñoSpanishnounsomeone from Caaguazúmasculine
DemonymscenagueroSpanishadjswamp; swamp-dwellingrelational
DemonymscenagueroSpanishnounsomeone from a swamp; swamp dwellermasculine
DemonymshawaianoGaliciannounHawaiian (person)masculine
DemonymshawaianoGaliciannounHawaiian (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsokinawenseSpanishadjOkinawanfeminine masculine
DemonymsokinawenseSpanishnounOkinawanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsokinawenseSpanishnounOkinawan (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymspuntarenenseSpanishadjof Punta Arenas (a city in Chile)feminine masculine relational
DemonymspuntarenenseSpanishnounan inhabitant of the city of Punta Arenas, Chileby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymspuntarenenseSpanishadjof Puntarenas (a city in Costa Rica)feminine masculine relational
DemonymspuntarenenseSpanishnounan inhabitant of the city of Puntarenas, Costa Ricaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsquebequèsCatalanadjQuébécois (of, from or relating to Quebec)
DemonymsquebequèsCatalannounQuébécois (native or inhabitant of Quebec)masculine
DemonymsvalónSpanishnouna Walloon personmasculine
DemonymsvalónSpanishnounWalloon (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsਅਰਬPunjabinounArab (inhabitant of Arabia)
DemonymsਅਰਬPunjabinameArabia (region)
DenmarkDaneEnglishnounA person of Danish descent.
DenmarkDaneEnglishnounA person from Denmark.
DenmarkDaneEnglishnounA member of the Danes, a Germanic tribe inhabiting the Danish islands and parts of southern Sweden.historical
DenmarkDaneEnglishnameA surname transferred from the nickname for someone who came from Denmark, also a variant of Dean.
DenmarkDaneEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname, or from the ethnic term Dane (like Scott or Norman).
DenmarkDaneEnglishnameA river, the River Dane, in Cheshire, England, which joins the River Weaver at Northwich.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA royal, imperial or princely headdress; a diadem.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA wreath or band for the head, especially one given as reward of victory or a mark of honor.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounAny reward of victory or mark of honor.broadly
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounImperial or regal power, or those who wield it.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe sovereign (in a monarchy), as head of state.metonymically
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe state, the government (headed by a monarch).broadly especially
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe police (referring to Crown Victoria police cars).
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The topmost part of the head.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The highest part of a hill.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The top section of a hat, above the brim.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The raised centre of a road.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The highest part of an arch.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The upper range of facets in a rose diamond.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The dome of a furnace.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top part of something: / The upper part of certain fruits, as the pineapple or strawberry, that is removed before eating.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA kind of spire or lantern formed by converging flying buttresses.architecture
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounSplendor; culmination; acme.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounAny currency (originally) issued by the crown (regal power) and often bearing a crown (headdress); (translation) various currencies known by similar names in their native languages, such as the koruna, kruna, krone, korona.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA former predecimalization British coin worth five shillings.historical
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA coin or note worth five shillings in various countries that are or were in the British Commonwealth, such as Ireland or Jamaica.broadly historical
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe part of a plant where the root and stem meet.biology botany natural-sciences
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe top of a forestry
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe part of a tooth above the gums.anatomy dentistry medicine sciences
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA prosthetic covering for a tooth.dentistry medicine sciences
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA knot formed in the end of a rope by tucking in the strands to prevent them from unravelling.nautical transport
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe part of an anchor where the arms and the shank meet.nautical transport
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe rounding, or rounded part, of the deck from a level line.nautical transport
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounIn England, a standard size of printing paper measuring 20 × 15 inches.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounIn American, a standard size of writing paper measuring 19 × 15 inches.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA monocyclic ligand having three or more binding sites, capable of holding a guest in a central location.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounDuring childbirth, the appearance of the baby's head from the mother's vagina.medicine sciences
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA rounding or smoothing of the barrel firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe area enclosed between two concentric perimeters.geometry mathematics sciences
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA round spot shaved clean on the top of the head, as a mark of the clerical state; the religion
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA whole bird with the legs and wings removed to produce a joint of white meat.
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounA formal hat worn by women to Sunday church services; a church crown.colloquial
DenmarkcrownEnglishnounThe knurled knob or dial, on the outside of a watch case, used to wind it or adjust the hands.hobbies horology lifestyle
DenmarkcrownEnglishadjOf, related to, or pertaining to a crown.not-comparable
DenmarkcrownEnglishadjOf, related to, pertaining to the top of a tree or trees.not-comparable
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo place a crown on the head of.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo formally declare (someone) a king, queen, emperor, etc.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo bestow something upon as a mark of honour, dignity, or recompense; to adorn; to dignify.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo form the topmost or finishing part of; to complete; to consummate; to perfect.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo declare (someone) a winner.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbOf a baby, during the birthing process; for the surface of the baby's head to appear in the vaginal opening.medicine sciences
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo cause to round upward; to make anything higher at the middle than at the edges, such as the face of a machine pulley.transitive
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo hit on the head.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo shoot an opponent in the back of the head with a shotgun in a first-person shooter video
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbIn checkers, to stack two checkers to indicate that the piece has become a king.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbOf a forest fire or bushfire, to spread to the crowns of the trees and thence move from tree to tree independent of the surface fire.
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo widen the opening of the firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo effect a lodgment upon, as upon the crest of the glacis, or the summit of the breach.government military politics war
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo lay the ends of the strands of (a knot) over and under each other.nautical transport
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbTo be on the point of defecating.intransitive slang
DenmarkcrownEnglishverbpast participle of crowarchaic form-of participle past
Dentistry補牙Chinesenoundental restoration; dental fillings
Dentistry補牙Chineseverbto have a tooth restored; to get a tooth filled
Designer dogsspoodleEnglishnounA utensil midway between a spoon and a ladle, typically used for covering a pizza base with sauce.
Designer dogsspoodleEnglishnounSynonym of cockapoo (“cross between an American cocker spaniel and a miniature poodle”)
Dessertsfloating islandEnglishnounAn aggregation of driftwood, roots, etc., capable of bearing soil, floated out from a river delta or similar.
Dessertsfloating islandEnglishnounA French cold dessert consisting of an "island" of meringue, made of egg whites and sugar, floating in a "sea" of custard.
Dessertsfloating islandEnglishnounSynonym of kitchen island
DessertsယိုBurmesenounjam; candied fruit
DessertsယိုBurmeseverbto leak; shed (tears); drip
DiplomacydiplomaatDutchnounA diplomat, accredited in diplomacy to formally represent a government or equated political party.masculine
DiplomacydiplomaatDutchnounA diplomatic person, who shows tact and insight.masculine
DirectionssinisterLatinadjleftadjective declension-1 declension-2
DirectionssinisterLatinadjperverse, bad; or adverse, hostileadjective declension-1 declension-2
DirectionssinisterLatinadjauspicious (for Romans) or inauspicious (for Greeks)lifestyle religionadjective declension-1 declension-2
DirectivessignEnglishnounA visible fact that shows that something exists or may happen. / An omen.also countable sometimes uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA visible fact that shows that something exists or may happen. / A property of the body that indicates a disease and, unlike a symptom, can be detected objectively by someone other than the patient.medicine sciencesalso countable sometimes uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA visible fact that shows that something exists or may happen.also countable sometimes uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA mark or another symbol used to represent something.countable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounPhysical evidence left by an animal.Australia Canada US uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA clearly visible object, generally flat, bearing a short message in words or pictures.countable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA wonder; miracle; prodigy.countable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounAn astrological sign.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounPositive or negative polarity, as denoted by the + or - sign.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA specific gesture or motion used to communicate by those with speaking or hearing difficulties; now specifically, a linguistic unit in sign language equivalent to word in spoken languages.countable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounSign language in general.uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA semantic unit, something that conveys meaning or information (e.g. a word of written language); (linguistics, semiotics) a unit consisting of a signifier and a signified concept. (See sign (semiotics).)countable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishnounA military emblem carried on a banner or standard.countable uncountable
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / To seal (a document etc.) with an identifying seal or symbol.archaic transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / To mark, to put or leave a mark on.transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / To validate or ratify (a document) by writing one's signature on it.transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / More generally, to write one's signature on (something) as a means of identification etc.transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / To write (one's name) as a signature.reflexive transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / To write one's signature.intransitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / To finalise a contractual agreement to work for a given sports team, record label etc.intransitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make a mark / To engage (a sports player, musician etc.) in a contract.transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make the sign of the cross / To bless (someone or something) with the sign of the cross; to mark with the sign of the cross.transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo make the sign of the cross / To cross oneself.reflexive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo indicate / To communicate using a gesture or signal.intransitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo indicate / To communicate or make known (a meaning, intention, etc.) by a sign.transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo indicate / To communicate using gestures to (someone).transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo indicate / To use sign language.intransitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo indicate / To furnish (a road etc.) with signs.transitive
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo determine the sign of
DirectivessignEnglishverbTo determine the sign of / To calculate or derive whether a quantity has a positive or negative sign.transitive
DisabilitylátássérültHungarianadjvisually impaired, vision impairednot-comparable
DisabilitylátássérültHungariannounvisually impaired person
DiseasesglaucomaLatinnoundimming of the vitreous body in the eye, glaucomadeclension-3
DiseasesglaucomaLatinnounchicanery, con game, swackdeclension-3
Distilled beveragesArmagnacEnglishnameA region and former county of the duchy of Gascony in modern-day France.
Distilled beveragesArmagnacEnglishnameA party prominent in French politics and warfare during the Hundred Years' War.
Distilled beveragesArmagnacEnglishnounA brandy made in the region of Armagnac.countable uncountable
Divine epithetsAll-FatherEnglishnameThe chief god of a pantheon.
Divine epithetsAll-FatherEnglishnameOdin.human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology paganism philosophy religion sciencesGermanic Norse
Divine epithetsAll-FatherEnglishnounA supreme being; a god who rules over all others.
DogsbernhardinarNorwegian NynorsknounCistercian (member of monastic order)masculine
DogsbernhardinarNorwegian NynorsknounSaint Bernard (dog breed)masculine
DogsbernhardinarNorwegian Nynorsknounindefinite plural of bernhardin (non-standard since 2016)form-of indefinite masculine plural
Domestic catsSingapuraEnglishnameA 14th-century Malay kingdom centered in modern-day Singapore.historical
Domestic catsSingapuraEnglishnounA domestic cat of a small breed with large eyes and ears, brown ticked coat and blunt tail.
Donald TrumpTrumpyEnglishadjCharacteristic of Donald Trump.informal
Donald TrumpTrumpyEnglishadjSupportive of Donald Trump.informal
Donald TrumpTrumpyEnglishnounA political supporter of Donald Trump.informal
Donald TrumpChinesecharacterriver; stream; brook
Donald TrumpChinesecharacterShort for 四川 (Sìchuān, “Sichuan Province, China”).abbreviation alt-of
Donald TrumpChinesecharacterplain
Donald TrumpChinesecharacterroad
Donald TrumpChinesecharacterSynonym of 汆 (cuān, “to boil food for a short time in boiled water”)
Donald TrumpChinesecharacterAlternative form of 穿 (chuān)alt-of alternative
Donald TrumpChinesecharacterShort for 川普 (Chuānpǔ, “Donald Trump”).Internet abbreviation alt-of
Donald TrumpChinesecharactera surname
Drinkingdouble-fistEnglishverbTo carry and consume (two glasses of an alcoholic beverage), one in each hand.informal transitive
Drinkingdouble-fistEnglishverbTo insert both hands or forearms into the rectum or vagina.slang transitive
DrinkingintoxicatedEnglishadjStupefied by alcohol, drunk.
DrinkingintoxicatedEnglishadjStupefied by any chemical substance.
DrinkingintoxicatedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of intoxicateform-of participle past
Drinkingpub-crawlEnglishnounAlternative form of pub crawlalt-of alternative
Drinkingpub-crawlEnglishverbto visit, and drink in, numerous pubs or bars in succession.idiomatic
DuckseendDutchnounduck, waterfowl of the family Anatidae excluding the subfamily Anserinae; in non-scientific usage the term may be reserved for only the smaller (not goose-like) members of the Anatidae or reserved for females only.feminine
DuckseendDutchnounCitroën 2CVfeminine
EconomicsveikalniecisksLatvianadjmercantile, shopping; relating to, typical of, shops or shopkeeping
EconomicsveikalniecisksLatvianadjcommercial, financial, businesslike (relating to business and finance)
EducationacademicusDutchnounan academicmasculine
EducationacademicusDutchnounan academicianmasculine
EducationkorepetycjaPolishnounprivate lessonfeminine
EducationkorepetycjaPolishnountuition, tutoringfeminine in-plural
Educationدانش‌آموزPersiannounstudent, a schoolchild, a person who attends school
EelsgulperEnglishnounOne who gulps.
EelsgulperEnglishnounA gulper eel.
EggsitlogBikol Centralnounegg
EggsitlogBikol Centralnountesticlesanatomy medicine scienceseuphemistic
Eightfigure-eightEnglishnounAlternative form of figure eightalt-of alternative
Eightfigure-eightEnglishverbTo move or cause to move in a figure eight pattern.
Elateroid beetlesковаликUkrainiannounendearing form of кова́ль (koválʹ, “smith, blacksmith”)endearing form-of
Elateroid beetlesковаликUkrainiannounclick beetle
Electrical engineeringinterruttoreItaliannounswitch, interrupter, circuit breakermasculine
Electrical engineeringinterruttoreItaliannountoggle switchmasculine
ElevenonzièmeFrenchadjeleventhnumeral ordinal
Emergency services105EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in Mongolia.
Emergency services105EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Peru.
Emergency services105EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Cuba and Hungary.
Emergency services105EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Uruguay.
EmotionsandaOld Englishnounenvy, jealousy; a grudge, enmitymasculine
EmotionsandaOld Englishnounhatred, anger; injury, wrong-doing, mischiefmasculine
EmotionsandaOld Englishnounzealmasculine
EmotionsandaOld Englishnounvexation, annoyancemasculine
EmotionsmalfeliĉeEsperantoadvunfelicitously, unfortunately
EmotionsσυμπάθειαAncient Greeknounfellow feeling, sympathy
EmotionsσυμπάθειαAncient Greeknounaffection, affinityhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
EmotionsσυμπάθειαAncient Greeknounaffection, affinity / (of chords) vibrating togetherentertainment human-sciences lifestyle music philosophy sciences
EmotionsσυμπάθειαAncient Greeknounaffinity, concord of heavenly bodiesastronomy natural-sciences
EmotionsσυμπάθειαAncient Greeknounanalogygrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
EmotionsσυμπάθειαAncient Greeknounsympathetic affection of the bodymedicine sciences
EmotionsсаатYakutverbto be ashamed, to be embarrassedintransitive
EmotionsсаатYakutverb(of the eyes) to be blinded (by light)intransitive
EmotionsحنقArabicverbto be angry (+ عَلَى (ʕalā): at)
EmotionsحنقArabicnounverbal noun of حَنِقَ (ḥaniqa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Emotions作嘔Chineseverbto feel like vomiting; to feel nauseous
Emotions作嘔Chineseverbto feel nauseous (by); to be disgusted byfiguratively
EmotionsChinesecharacterto fear; to be afraid of; to dread
EmotionsChinesecharacterto worry; to be concerned
EmotionsChinesecharacterto be unable to withstand
EmotionsChinesecharacterperhaps; supposedly; fearfully; I'm afraid that
EmotionsChinesecharacteruglyNorthern Wu
EmotionsChinesecharactera surname
EmotionsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 泊 (“indifferent to fame or gain”)alt-of alternative literary
Emotions鬱鬱Chineseadjlush; luxuriantliterary
Emotions鬱鬱Chineseadjdepressed; melancholicliterary
EnglandanglaEsperantoadjEnglish (of or pertaining to England, the English people, or the English language)
EnglandanglaEsperantoadjClipping of la angla lingvo (“the English language”)abbreviation alt-of clipping
English diminutives of male given namesOzzyEnglishnameA male given name
English diminutives of male given namesOzzyEnglishnameA male given name / A diminutive of the male given names Oswald or Oscar
English diminutives of male given namesOzzyEnglishnameA nickname of someone with the surname Osbourne, Osgood.
English male given namesJamieEnglishnameA unisex given name / A diminutive of the male given name James, from English and Scottish, also used as a formal given name.
English male given namesJamieEnglishnameA unisex given name / A female given name from Hebrew derived from James, of modern American usage.
English male given namesJamieEnglishnameA unisex given name / Alternative form of Jaimealt-of alternative
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA small town and civil parish in Rother district, East Sussex, England (OS grid ref TQ9220).
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA hamlet in Odiham parish, Hart district, Hampshire, England (OS grid ref SU7750).
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA river in North Yorkshire, England, that flows through Ryedale to join the Derwent.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA commune in Jura department, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community and census-designated place in Gila County, Arizona.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Cleveland County, Arkansas.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A small statutory town in Pueblo County, Colorado.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Manatee County, Florida.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Adair County, Missouri.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Rockingham County, New Hampshire.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A coastal suburban city in Westchester County, New York.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A large town in Westchester County, New York.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA coastal suburb in the Shire of Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA surname.
English male given namesRyeEnglishnameA nickname of the given name Ryan.
EquestrianismmountureMiddle EnglishnounA mount; a mounture.rare
EquestrianismmountureMiddle EnglishnounA podium or support for mounting.rare
EquidsmulleyEnglishadjAlternative form of muleyalt-of alternative not-comparable
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounA hornless or polled animal.US
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounA cow.UK childish dialectal
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounA mule.UK dialectal
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounA giant Asian catfish, Wallagonia Attu found in India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Indochina, Thailand, Java, and Sumatra.
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounAn upright crank-driven saw with no gate or sash.
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounA light-weight harvest rake.
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounA hipped gable.
EquidsmulleyEnglishnounA mixture of clay and loam.
EspionageprovocateurEnglishnounOne who engages in provocative behavior.
EspionageprovocateurEnglishnounAn undercover agent who incites suspected persons to partake in or commit criminal acts.
EthicslawfullyMiddle EnglishadvLawfully; in a way allowed by the law or legal system.
EthicslawfullyMiddle EnglishadvIn a morally or religiously correct or approved way.
EthicslawfullyMiddle EnglishadvIn an appropriate, justifiable or warrantable way.
EthicslawfullyMiddle EnglishadvIn a way that remains true to one's superiors.rare
EthnonymsSabirEnglishnameAn Italian-based pidgin language used as the lingua franca of Mediterranean trade from roughly the 11th to the 19th centuries.historical
EthnonymsSabirEnglishnounA member of a (possibly Turkic) people or tribe who lived around the Caspian before the arrival of the Avars.historical
EthnonymsSabirEnglishnameThe (probably Turkic) language spoken by these people.
EthnonymsSabirEnglishnameA male given name from Arabic.
EthnonymsSabirEnglishnameA surname.
EthnonymsSabirEnglishnameAny of several places in Azerbaijan.
EthnonymsکٲشُرKashmirinamethe Kashmiri language
EthnonymsکٲشُرKashmiriadjKashmiri, related to or originating from Kashmir
EuagaricsstumpieEnglishnounA Manx cat with a short stump of a tail.
EuagaricsstumpieEnglishnounThe honey fungus.
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounhole, hollow, cavityfeminine
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounseptic tankfeminine
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounoceanic trenchgeography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounfossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)feminine
EupleridsfossaPortugueseverbinflection of fossar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
EupleridsfossaPortugueseverbinflection of fossar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ExplosivesexplosiuCatalannounexplosivemasculine material
Extinct languagesRamaytushEnglishnounOne of eight divisions of the Ohlone Native American people of northern California.plural plural-only
Extinct languagesRamaytushEnglishnameThe spoken language of this people, an Ohlone dialect in the Utian family.
Extinct languagesVeneticEnglishadjOf or related to the Veneti, an ancient people of northeastern Italy.historical not-comparable
Extinct languagesVeneticEnglishadjOf or related to the Veneti, an ancient people of northern Brittany.historical not-comparable
Extinct languagesVeneticEnglishadjOf or related to Venetic, the language of the Adriatic Veneti.human-sciences linguistics scienceshistorical not-comparable
Extinct languagesVeneticEnglishadjOf or related to the Veneto, the mainland opposite Venice.not-comparable
Extinct languagesVeneticEnglishnameAn extinct Indo-European language once spoken by the Veneti people who lived between the Po River delta in northeastern Italy and the southern Alps in Slovenia in antiquity.human-sciences linguistics scienceshistorical
EyeeyedMiddle Englishadjeyed; having (a certain type of) eye.
EyeeyedMiddle EnglishadjHaving holes.rare
FacenöpönenäFinnishnounsmall, round nose; button nose
FacenöpönenäFinnishnounTerm of endearment for a person or animal with a small, round nose.informal
Face顏面Chinesenounperson's face; facial surface
Face顏面Chinesenounface (sociological concept); dignity; prestige
Fagales order plantskafalEnglishnounEither of two trees of the genus Commiphora, which yield a gum resin and a red aromatic wood.
Fagales order plantskafalEnglishnounBayberry, the fruit of Myrica esculenta, a tree or large shrub native to Nepal.
Familybana-ghoistidhScottish Gaelicnoungodmother, female sponsorChristianitymasculine
Familybana-ghoistidhScottish Gaelicnounfemale bosom friendmasculine
Familybana-ghoistidhScottish Gaelicnoungossipmasculine
FamilymaridoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of maridarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Familymẹ tròn con vuôngVietnamesephraseround mother, squared baby
Familymẹ tròn con vuôngVietnamesephraseyou/she (have/has) had a successful delivery, and both you/she and your/her baby are now in good conditionfiguratively
FamilynantliClassical Nahuatlnouna mother.
FamilynantliClassical Nahuatlnounwombinanimate metonymically
FamilyzaadoptowaćPolishverbto adopt (take by choice into relationship)lawperfective transitive
FamilyzaadoptowaćPolishverbto adopt (to obtain (a pet) from a shelter or the wild)perfective transitive
Familyதம்பிTamilverbto become immovable, stiff, stunnedintransitive
Familyதம்பிTamilverbto stop, check, suspend, restrain, counteracttransitive
Familyதம்பிTamilnounyounger brother
Familyதம்பிTamilnounterm of endearment applied to a young male
Family membersmågNorwegian Nynorsknounson-in-lawmasculine
Family membersmågNorwegian Nynorsknounbrother-in-lawmasculine
Family memberstiyaCebuanonounan aunt; the sister of either parent
Family memberstiyaCebuanonouna female cousin of either parent
Family memberstiyaCebuanonounan affectionate or honorific term for a woman of an older generation than oneself
FastenerskolíčekCzechnoundiminutive of kolíkdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FastenerskolíčekCzechnounclothespin, clothes peginanimate masculine
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounpin, peg, pole
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounnail, stake
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounwedge
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounsplinter
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounploughshare
FastenersܣܟܬܐClassical Syriacnounwartmedicine pathology sciences
Fats and oilsSchmalzGermannoungrease, lardmasculine neuter strong uncountable usually
Fats and oilsSchmalzGermannounschmaltz (something cheesy or excessively sentimental, e.g., music), corninessderogatory masculine neuter strong
Fats and oilsSchmalzGermannounimprisonment for illegal activityAustria masculine neuter strong
Fats and oilsSchmalzGermannounenglish (spin imparted on a billiard ball by hitting it on the side)masculine neuter strong
Fats and oilsSchmalzGermannamea surname — famously held by: / a surname — famously held byfeminine masculine proper-noun strong
Fats and oilsSchmalzGermannamea surname — famously held by: / Valentin Schmalz (1572–1622), German Socinian theologianfeminine masculine proper-noun strong
FearمخافةArabicnounverbal noun of خَافَ (ḵāfa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
FecescacIrishnounfaeces, excrementmasculine
FecescacIrishnounshitmasculine offensive vulgar
FecescacIrishnounraw orebusiness miningmasculine
FecescacIrishnounverbal noun of cacform-of masculine noun-from-verb
FecescacIrishintjShit!, Fuck!vulgar
FecescacIrishverbexcrete, defecate
FelidskĩbaũKikuyunounserval cat (Leptailurus serval)Northern class-7
FelidskĩbaũKikuyunouncheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)class-7
FelidsounceEnglishnounAn avoirdupois ounce, weighing ¹⁄₁₆ of an avoirdupois pound, or 28.349523125 grams.
FelidsounceEnglishnounA troy ounce, weighing ¹⁄₁₂ of a troy pound, or 480 grains, or 31.1034768 grams.
FelidsounceEnglishnounA US fluid ounce, with a volume of ¹⁄₁₆ of a US pint, 1.804688 cubic inches or 29.5735295625 millilitres.
FelidsounceEnglishnounA British imperial fluid ounce, with a volume of ¹⁄₂₀ of an imperial pint, 1.733871 cubic inches or 28.4130625 millilitres.
FelidsounceEnglishnounAny small amount, a little bit.figuratively
FelidsounceEnglishnounA large wild feline, such as a lynx or cougar.archaic
FelidsounceEnglishnounSynonym of snow leopard, Panthera uncia.
FelidsounceEnglishnounSynonym of onza, a particularly aggressive cougar or jaguarundi in Mexican folklore.biology cryptozoology natural-sciences zoology
FelidsسبعEgyptian Arabicnounlion
FelidsسبعEgyptian Arabicadjlionesquehumorous slang
FemalebiyudaCebuanonouna widow
FemalebiyudaCebuanoverbto become a widow
Female family membersVroLimburgishnounwoman (adult female human)feminine
Female family membersVroLimburgishnounwife (married woman, especially in relation to her spouse)feminine
Female family membersVroLimburgishnouna title of courtesy, equivalent to Mrs/Ms/Missfeminine
Female family membersVroLimburgishnounmadam (polite form of address for a woman or lady)feminine
Female family membersVroLimburgishnounlady; noblewoman (woman of breeding or higher class)feminine
Female family membersgodmotherEnglishnounA woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner; a female godparent who sponsors the baptism of a child.
Female family membersgodmotherEnglishverbTo act as godmother to.transitive
Female family memberstiyaTagalognounfemale equivalent of tiyo: auntfeminine form-of
Female family memberstiyaTagalognounfemale equivalent of tiyo: stepmotherfeminine form-of
Female family members妹背Japanesenounsister(s) and brother(s)archaic
Female family members妹背JapanesenounSynonym of 夫婦 (fūfu, “married couple”)archaic
Female peopleakolitkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of akolita (“acolyte”)Christianityfeminine form-of
Female peopleakolitkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of akolita (“acolyte”) (attendant, assistant or follower)feminine form-of formal ironic
Female peopleakolitkaPolishnouncandle held by an acolytefeminine
Female peoplebarseynaAfarnounfemale teacher
Female peoplebarseynaAfarnounmale teacher
Female peoplehipsterkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of hipster (“hipster”) (female person interested in the latest trends)feminine form-of
Female peoplehipsterkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of hipster (“hipster”) (female aficionado of jazz who considers himself or herself to be hip)feminine form-of
Female peoplekociaraPolishnounfemale cat loverfeminine
Female peoplekociaraPolishnounAugmentative of kot (cat)archaic augmentative feminine form-of
Female people花花Chineseadjgood-looking; beautiful; prettyliterary
Female people花花Chineseadjbustling; lively; filled with activityliterary
Female people花花Chineseadjnovel; new; original in an interesting waydialectal
Female people花花ChineseadjblurryHakka
Female people花花Chinesenounsing-song girl; woman whose profession involves singing and dancingliterary
Female people花花Chinesenounchild; kid (person who has not yet reached adulthood)dialectal literary
FestivalsAjalemogunYorubanamean Earth spirit (imọlẹ̀) or orisha. He is the guardian spirit of the town of Ìlárá-Mọ̀kín and other Èkìtì townsEkiti
FestivalsAjalemogunYorubanamea festival held in honor of Àjàlémògún.broadly
FeudalismtumawCebuanoverbto emerge
FeudalismtumawCebuanoverbto turn up; to show up; to appear sudenly or unexpectedly
FeudalismtumawCebuanonounthe nobility; the descendants of a datuhistorical
FibersbyssusEnglishnounThe long fine silky filaments excreted by several mollusks (particularly Pinna nobilis) by which they attach themselves to the sea bed, and from which sea silk is manufactured.uncountable usually
FibersbyssusEnglishnounSea silk manufactured from these filaments.uncountable usually
FibersbyssusEnglishnounThe stipe or stem of some fungi which are particularly thin and thread-like.biology mycology natural-sciencesuncountable usually
FibersChinesecharacterkapok (tree, fiber)
FibersChinesecharactercotton (tree, fiber)
FibersChinesecharactercotton-like material
FibersChinesecharactera surname: Mian
Fictional charactersfleshlingEnglishnounA creature made of flesh; a human being.fantasy literature media publishing science-fictionderogatory
Fictional charactersfleshlingEnglishnounA person devoted to sensual pursuits.obsolete
Fictional characters阿QChinesenameAh Q; the main character in Lu Xun's The True Story of Ah Q
Fictional characters阿QChinesenouna person who acts like Ah Q; a person who consoles himself/herself after a defeat by not admitting it but telling himself/herself that he/she is the true victor
Fig treesfigEnglishnounThe fruit of the fig tree, pear-shaped and containing many small seeds.
Fig treesfigEnglishnounA fruit-bearing tree or shrub of the genus Ficus that is native mainly to the tropics.
Fig treesfigEnglishnounThe value of a fig, practically nothing; a fico; a whit.
Fig treesfigEnglishnounThe Lady Finger banana, also known as the "fig banana", (cultivar of Musa acuminata)
Fig treesfigEnglishnounA raisin (dried grape).Newfoundland dated
Fig treesfigEnglishnounA small piece of tobacco.
Fig treesfigEnglishverbTo insult with a fico, or contemptuous motion.obsolete
Fig treesfigEnglishverbTo put into the head of, as something useless or contemptible.obsolete
Fig treesfigEnglishverbTo develop, or cause (a soap) to develop, white streaks or granulations.dated
Fig treesfigEnglishverbTo move suddenly or quickly; rove about.intransitive
Fig treesfigEnglishnounAbbreviation of figure (“diagram or illustration”).abbreviation alt-of
Fig treesfigEnglishnounA person's figure; dress or appearance.colloquial dated
Fig treesfigEnglishverbTo dress; to get oneself up a certain way.colloquial dated transitive
Fig treesfigEnglishverbTo insert a ginger root into the anus, vagina or urethra of (a horse): to perform figging upon; to feague, to feak.rare transitive
Fig treesfigEnglishnounThe piece of ginger root used in figging.
Film industriesHollywoodSpanishnameHollywood (an area in Los Angeles)masculine
Film industriesHollywoodSpanishnameHollywood (the American motion picture industry)masculine
FinancewageMiddle EnglishnounA wage; earnings.
FinancewageMiddle EnglishnounMoney reserved for the payment of salaries.
FinancewageMiddle EnglishnounAn earned positive consequence.
FinancewageMiddle EnglishnounA promise, pact, or agreement.
FinancewageMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of wagenalt-of alternative
FireateşTurkishnounfever, temperature
FireateşTurkishnoungunfire; artillery fire
FireateşTurkishnounlight (flame to create fire)
FireenflammerFrenchverbto set fire to, to set on fire
FireenflammerFrenchverbto inflame, to fuel (e.g. a debate, hatred)
FireenflammerFrenchverbto catch firereflexive
FirefoadManxverbto kindle, light, ignite, set on fire
FirefoadManxverbto switch on
FirefoadManxverbto burn, burn up
FireпепелищеRussiannounthe ashes, smoldering ruinsuncountable
FireпепелищеRussiannounhearth and homefiguratively uncountable
FirearmsstrzelbaPolishnoungun, shotgunfeminine
FirearmsstrzelbaPolishnounfirearmsfeminine obsolete
FirearmsstrzelbaPolishnounshooting (instance of shooting with a gun)feminine obsolete
FirearmsstrzelbaPolishnounhunting (act of finding and killing a wild animal)hobbies hunting lifestylefeminine obsolete
FirearmsдвоцевкаMacedoniannoundouble-barrelled shotgun
FirearmsдвоцевкаMacedoniannounbisexualcolloquial slang
FishskreiðIcelandicverbfirst/third-person singular past indicative active of skríðaactive first-person form-of indicative past singular third-person
FishtruitaCatalannounSpanish omelettefeminine
FishξιφοφόροςGreeknounswordsman, sword carriergovernment military politics war
FishξιφοφόροςGreeknounswordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)biology natural-sciences zoology
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounpin or tongue of a buckle or brooch / buckle or brooch itself
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounpin or tongue of a buckle or brooch / pin for twisting ropes round, on a ship
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounpin or tongue of a buckle or brooch / pivot of doorpost
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounpin or tongue of a buckle or brooch / linchpin
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounpin or tongue of a buckle or brooch / rivet, bolt
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounpin or tongue of a buckle or brooch / rivet, bolt / rivet in the Roman pilum
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounradius; (more frequently) fibula, calf bone / ligament below the knee of a horseanatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoology zootomy
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounradius; (more frequently) fibula, calf bone / outgrowth, excrescence, epiphysisanatomy medicine sciences
FishπερόνηAncient Greeknounradius; (more frequently) fibula, calf bone / splint bonesanatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoology zootomyin-plural
FishπερόνηAncient GreeknounA kind of fish.
FivelustrumEnglishnounA lustration: a ceremonial purification of the people of Rome performed every five years after the census.historical
FivelustrumEnglishnounSynonym of quinquennium: Any 5-year period.broadly literary
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritadjfeminine nominative singular of पञ्चम (pañcama)feminine form-of nominative singular
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnounthe fifth day of the lunar fortnight (tithi)Hinduism
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnoun(short for पञ्चमी विभक्ति (pañcamī vibhakti)) the 5th or ablative case / the 5th or ablative case
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnoun(short for पञ्चमी विभक्ति (pañcamī vibhakti)) the 5th or ablative case / a word in the ablative
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnouna termination of the imperative
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnouna particular रागिणी or मूर्छनाentertainment lifestyle music
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnouna brick having the length of 1/5 (of a पुरुष)
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnamename of द्रौपदी (who was the wife of 5 Pandavas; compare पाञ्चालि)
Fiveपञ्चमीSanskritnamename of a river
FlowersababolAragonesenouna flower of the red poppy (Papaver rhoeas)masculine
FlowersababolAragonesenounan absentminded personmasculine
FlowersababolAragonesenounan effeminate personmasculine
FlowerskubjølleNorwegian Nynorsknouncowbellentertainment lifestyle musicalso feminine
FlowerskubjølleNorwegian Nynorsknounsmall pasqueflower (Pulsatilla pratensis)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
FlowersroojMarshallesenouna rose
FlowersroojMarshallesenouna hibiscus flower
FlowerssnapdragonEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Antirrhinum, with showy yellow, white or red flowers.countable
FlowerssnapdragonEnglishnounA game in which raisins are snatched from a vessel containing burning brandy, and eaten; the substance snatched and eaten during the playing of the game; the vessel used for the game.uncountable
Food and drinkhorkEnglishverbTo foul up; to be occupied with difficulty, tangle, or unpleasantness; to be broken.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
Food and drinkhorkEnglishverbTo steal, especially petty theft or misnomer in jest.regional slang
Food and drinkhorkEnglishverbTo vomit, cough up.slang
Food and drinkhorkEnglishverbTo throw.slang
Food and drinkhorkEnglishverbTo eat hastily or greedily; to gobble.slang
Food and drinkhorkEnglishverbTo move.slang transitive
Food and drink満漢全席JapanesenameManchu–Han Imperial Feast
Food and drink満漢全席Japanesenouna wonderful feastbroadly
FoodsiucciClassical NahuatlverbTo cook.intransitive
FoodsiucciClassical NahuatlverbTo ripen.intransitive
FoodsjědźUpper Sorbiannounmeal, fare (food)feminine
FoodsjědźUpper Sorbianverbsecond/third-person plural imperative of jěsćform-of imperative plural second-person third-person
FoodskalmarPolishnounsquid (sea animal)animal-not-person masculine
FoodskalmarPolishnouncalamari (food)animal-not-person masculine
FoodspaprikásHungarianadjseasoned with paprika
FoodspaprikásHungarianadjirritated, snappish, testy, fieryfiguratively
FoodspaprikásHungariannounA traditional Hungarian dish, pörkölt with sour cream: a paprika-based meat stew, usually made with chicken or optionally with veal.
FoodspashaFinnishnounpaskha (traditional Eastern Orthodox dessert, eaten especially in Easter)
FoodspashaFinnishnounAlternative spelling of pašša.alt-of alternative
FoodssviskeNorwegian Bokmålnouna prune (dried plum)feminine masculine
FoodssviskeNorwegian Bokmålnouna banal melodyfeminine masculine
Foodstea eggEnglishnounAn Asian snack consisting of a boiled egg that is cracked and then boiled again in tea.
Foodstea eggEnglishnounSynonym of tea ball
FoodstésztaHungariannoundough, batter (a soft mixture of various ingredients such as flour, fat, egg, and water used for baking)
FoodstésztaHungariannounpasta, noodles
FoodstésztaHungariannouncake, pastryregional
FoodsvellutataItaliannounvelouté (sauce)feminine
FoodsvellutataItaliannounthick or creamy soupfeminine
FoodsvellutataItalianadjfeminine singular of vellutatofeminine form-of singular
FoodsvellutataItalianverbfeminine singular of vellutatofeminine form-of participle singular
FoodsһурпаBashkirnounbroth, bouillon
FoodsһурпаBashkirnounclear soup
Foodsတညင်းBurmesenoundjenkol beans, jering (Archidendron jiringa, syn. Pithecellobium lobatum); its seeds are edible but smell like garlic and may cause urinary tract stones and haematuria.
Foodsတညင်းBurmesenounManila tamarind, Madras thorn, monkeypod (Pithecellobium dulce, syn. Inga dulcis (Roxb.) Willd.)
Foodsတညင်းBurmesenounspool, reel of a logline
Football (soccer)anti-soccerEnglishadjOpposing the sport of soccer.
Football (soccer)anti-soccerEnglishnounA corrupted or unconventional form of soccer.uncountable
FootwearbalmoralEnglishnounA Scottish cap with a flat top and a plume but no brim; a blue bonnet.
FootwearbalmoralEnglishnounA heavy walking shoe.
FootwearbalmoralEnglishnounAn Oxford shoe.US
FootwearbalmoralEnglishnounA figured woollen petticoat.
FootwearskoNorwegian Nynorsknouna shoemasculine
FootwearskoNorwegian Nynorskverbto shoetransitive
FootwearskoNorwegian Nynorskadjgreedy
FootwearskoNorwegian Nynorskverbto take, grasp greedily
FootwearskoNorwegian Nynorskverbto long for
FootwearđiVietnameseverbto go
FootwearđiVietnameseverbto leave; to set out
FootwearđiVietnameseverbto go by; to board; to get ontransport vehicles
FootwearđiVietnameseverbto go/run/travel
FootwearđiVietnameseverbShort for đi ỉa (“to shit”) or đi ngoài (“to defecate”)abbreviation alt-of euphemistic
FootwearđiVietnameseverbto wear (footwear)Northern Vietnam
FootwearđiVietnameseadvaway; out of sight
FootwearđiVietnameseparticleafter a verb, conveys an urging or commanding tone
ForestryకానTeluguadvthen, therefore
ForestsborekPolishnoundiminutive of bórdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ForestsborekPolishnounborideinanimate masculine
Forms of governmentdemocraciaGaliciannoundemocracy (rule by the people)feminine uncountable
Forms of governmentdemocraciaGaliciannoundemocracy (government under the rule of its people)governmentcountable feminine
FourчетвертьRussiannounquarter, fourth
FourчетвертьRussiannounschool term, quarter
FourчетвертьRussiannounquarter, phase (of the moon)astronomy natural-sciences
FourчетвертьRussiannouncrotchet, quarter noteentertainment lifestyle music
FourTranslingualcharacterUpper-case Dletter
FourTranslingualcharacterδ (d)letter
FourTranslingualcharacterd / дletter
FourTranslingualcharacterд (d)letter
FourTranslingualcharacterד (d)letter
FourTranslingualcharacterد (d)letter
FourTranslingualcharacterደ (d)letter
FourTranslingualcharacterdaBharati-braille letter
FourTranslingualcharacterဒ (da)letter
FourTranslingualcharacterད (da)letter
FourTranslingualcharacterThe onset z- or the rime -àngletter
FourTranslingualcharacterThe onset dChinese letter
FourTranslingualcharacterด dletter
FourTranslingualcharacterInitial ㅍ (p)letter
FourTranslingualnumThe digit 4
FourTranslingualcontraction在 zàicontraction
FranceVauxEnglishnameA surname.
FranceVauxEnglishnameOne of four communes in France
FruitslimonFrenchnounsilt (fine earth deposited by water)masculine
FruitslimonFrenchnounshaft (in a carriage)masculine
FruitslimonFrenchnounlemon (Citrus limon)masculine
FruitslimonFrenchnounKey lime (Citrus aurantiifolia)masculine
FruitsmangaPortuguesenounmango (fruit)feminine
FruitsmangaPortuguesenounmango (tree)feminine
FruitsmangaPortuguesenounmanga (a comic made in Japanese style)Portugal feminine masculine
FruitsmuscadineEnglishnounAn American vine of the subgenus Vitis subg. Muscadinia, Vitis rotundifolia
FruitsmuscadineEnglishnounA grape variety from this vine.
FruitsmuscadineEnglishnounA wine produced from these grapes.
FruitsабрикосаUkrainiannounapricot (tree or fruit)
FruitsабрикосаUkrainiannoungenitive singular of абрико́с (abrykós)form-of genitive singular
FruitsਅੰਜੀਰPunjabinounfig tree
FurniturebwrddWelshnountable, boardmasculine
FurniturebwrddWelshnounfood and drink, daily sustenance, hospitalitymasculine
FurniturebwrddWelshnounboard, body of councillors, committeemasculine
FurniturebwrddWelshnoundeck, board; side of a shipnautical transportmasculine
FurniturebwrddWelshnounboard, plankmasculine
FurniturebwrddWelshnounsuspended scaffolding in a slate-quarry to hold three men against the face of the rock for boring a hole for blastingbusiness miningmasculine
FurnituredaisEnglishnounA raised platform in a room for a high table, a seat of honour, a throne, or other dignified occupancy, such as ancestral statues; a similar platform supporting a lectern, pulpit, etc., which may be used to speak from.
FurnituredaisEnglishnounA bench, a settle, a pew.British Northern historical
FurnituredaisEnglishnounAn elevated table in a hall at which important people were seated; a high table.obsolete
FurnituredaisEnglishnounThe canopy over an altar, etc.
FurnitureкошараBulgariannounsheepfold (enclosure for keeping sheep)
FurnitureкошараBulgariannouncrib (baby's bed)colloquial
FurnitureכורסיאAramaicnounseat, chair
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / Family Monodactylidae (fingerfishes, silver angelfishes)
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / Mene maculata, of tropical coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / Most species of genus Selene
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber)
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / Family Molidae (ocean sunfish)
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / The opahs in the family Lamprididae.
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / The cusk (Brosme brosme), a North Atlantic cod-like fish in the ling family Lotidae, the only species in its genus.
GadiformsmoonfishEnglishnounAny of various flat, oval marine fish species. / The southern platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus)
GadiformsrocklingEnglishnounAny of various fishes of the Lotidae family.
GadiformsrocklingEnglishnounAny of certain fishes from other families.
GaitstraceMiddle EnglishnounA trail, track or road; a pathway or route: / An track that isn't demarcated; an informal pathway.Late-Middle-English
GaitstraceMiddle EnglishnounA trail, track or road; a pathway or route: / A trace; a trail of evidence left of something's presence.Late-Middle-English
GaitstraceMiddle EnglishnounOne's lifepath or decisions; one's chosen actions.Late-Middle-English
GaitstraceMiddle EnglishnounStepping or movement of feet, especially during dancing.Late-Middle-English
GaitstraceMiddle EnglishnounA straight mark.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsLate-Middle-English rare
GaitstraceMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of tracenalt-of alternative
GamesChinese garterEnglishnouna narrow strip of rubber, usually a meter long, used in various jumping gamesPhilippines
GamesChinese garterEnglishnouna game using this garterPhilippines
GasesdeionizationEnglishnounThe use of ion exchange to remove ionic substances from a solutionchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
GasesdeionizationEnglishnounThe return of an ionized gas to its neutral statechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
GemsگوهرPersiannamea female given name, Gohar or Gowhar, from Middle Persian
Genitaliabell-endEnglishnounThe glans penis.British Ireland slang vulgar
Genitaliabell-endEnglishnounA stupid or contemptible person.British Ireland offensive slang vulgar
GeologyapwerteEastern Arrerntenounrock
GeologyapwerteEastern Arrerntenounstone
GeologyapwerteEastern Arrerntenounhill
GeologyapwerteEastern Arrerntenounmoney
Geology地質Chinesenoungeological features
Geology地質Chinesenoungeology (science that studies the structure of the earth)
GeometrylinginCebuanonouna circle
GeometryvolumeFrenchnounvolume (of a book, a written work)masculine
GeometryvolumeFrenchnounvolume (sound)masculine
GeometryvolumeFrenchnounvolume (amount of space something takes up)masculine
GeometryvolumeFrenchnounvolume (amount; quantity)masculine
GeometryvolumeFrenchnounan overly long piece of writingfiguratively masculine
Germanic paganismwightEnglishnounA living creature, especially a human being.archaic
Germanic paganismwightEnglishnounA being of one of the Nine Worlds of Heathen belief, especially a nature spirit, elf or paganism religion
Germanic paganismwightEnglishnounA ghost, deity or other supernatural entity.poetic
Germanic paganismwightEnglishnounA wraith-like creature.fantasy
Germanic paganismwightEnglishadjBrave, valorous, strong.archaic
Germanic paganismwightEnglishadjStrong; stout; active.UK dialectal obsolete
GermanybávaroSpanishnounBavarian personmasculine
Goldpotable goldEnglishnounA theoretical substance which would confer eternal life on the drinker.alchemy pseudoscienceuncountable
Goldpotable goldEnglishnounA preparation consisting of gold particles in oil and alcohol.historical uncountable
Golfgolf clubEnglishnounIn golf, the implement used to hit the golf ball.
Golfgolf clubEnglishnounA club or organization where golf is played.
Goosefoot subfamily plantsJerusalem oakEnglishnounThe weed Dysphania botrys, native to the Mediterranean region and naturalized in North America.countable uncountable
Goosefoot subfamily plantsJerusalem oakEnglishnounThe herb epazote, Dysphania ambrosioides, native to the Americas.countable uncountable
Gourd family plantsοἰνάςAncient Greekadjof wine, vinous
Gourd family plantsοἰνάςAncient Greeknounwild pigeon (Columba livia)
Gourd family plantsοἰνάςAncient Greeknounbryony
GrammargrammaticaDutchnoungrammar (rules for speaking and writing a language)feminine
GrammargrammaticaDutchnoungrammatical manualfeminine metonymically
Greek letter nameszetaItaliannounThe name of the Latin-script letter Z/z.; zed, zeefeminine invariable masculine
Greek letter nameszetaItaliannounthe name of the Greek script letter Ζ/ζ; zetafeminine invariable masculine
Greek mythologyⲧⲩⲭⲏCopticnounfortuneSahidic feminine
Greek mythologyⲧⲩⲭⲏCopticnounluckSahidic feminine
Greek mythologyⲧⲩⲭⲏCopticnameTyche, Lady Luck, Fortuna, goddess of luck and fortune.Sahidic
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishadjEskimo (pertaining to the Eskimo people)not-comparable relational
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishadjEskimo (pertaining to the Eskimo languages)not-comparable relational
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishnouninflection of eskimoska: / genitive singularfeminine form-of genitive singular
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishnouninflection of eskimoska: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
GreenseucalyptusEnglishnounAny of many trees, of genus Eucalyptus, native mainly to Australia.
GreenseucalyptusEnglishnounA greenish colour, like that of eucalyptus leaves.
GreensChinesecharacterblue; green
GreensChinesecharacterwhite; greyish white
GreensChinesecharacterUsed in 蒼莽/苍莽 (cǎngmǎng, “boundless”).
Gun sportsfusilladeFrenchnounshootout; shooting (of a firearm)feminine
Gun sportsfusilladeFrenchnounfusilladefeminine
Gun sportsfusilladeFrenchnounpenaltyhobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsfeminine
HairBrutusEnglishnamea Roman cognomen.
HairBrutusEnglishnameA male given name.
HairBrutusEnglishnounA kind of wig.historical
HairBrutusEnglishnounA hairstyle brushed back from the forehead, popular at the time of the French Revolution, when it was an affectation to admire the Ancient Romans.historical
HaircarecaPortugueseadjbald (having no hair on the head)feminine masculine
HaircarecaPortuguesenounbald patchfeminine
HaircarecaPortuguesenouna shaved headfeminine
HaircarecaPortuguesenounbaldie (a bald person)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
HairdekaCzechnounblanket (cloth)feminine
HairdekaCzechnounmullet (hairstyle)feminine
HairdekaCzechnoundecagramindeclinable neuter plural
HairdekaCzechnouninflection of deko: ## genitive singular ## nominative/accusative/vocative plural / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
HairdekaCzechnouninflection of deko: ## genitive singular ## nominative/accusative/vocative plural / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjUncovered; exposed, visible: / Fully bodily uncovered; naked, clothesless or unclothed.
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjUncovered; exposed, visible: / Partially bodily uncovered or bald; uncovered in a specific area.
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjUncovered; exposed, visible: / Of a melee weapon; lacking a hilt or sheath; openly carried or readied.
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjUncovered; exposed, visible: / Of an wound; exposed; open, showing internals.
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjUncovered; exposed, visible: / Apparent, unveiled, obviously visible (in contrast to a previous state)
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjHaving none of something; bare of a thing or quality: / Having no armour or weapons; unequipped for battle.often
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjHaving none of something; bare of a thing or quality: / Unvegetated; lacking plant growth or ground cover.often
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjHaving none of something; bare of a thing or quality: / Bereft of possessions or accoutrements; without one's or its trappings.often
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjPut in literal form; without decoration or accoutrements.
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjReferring to the core or substance of something.
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjUndiluted, unqualified, unconditional.rare
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjRestrained, unextended, bound.rare
HairnakedMiddle EnglishadjLacking feelings or sympathy.rare
HairnakedMiddle EnglishnounAn exposed part of the body.
HairnakedMiddle EnglishnounThe state of being naked.rare
HairtitianEnglishnounA bright auburn colour, tinted with gold.
HairtitianEnglishadjOf a bright auburn colour, tinted with gold, especially in reference to hair.
HairūsaLatviannounmoustache (hair between the nose and the lips)declension-4 feminine in-plural
HairūsaLatviannounwhiskers (hair-like tactile projections on the sides of the upper lip of certain mammals)declension-4 feminine in-plural
HairūsaLatviannounbarbels, antennae (hair-like feeler organ on fish, insects, etc.)declension-4 feminine
HaresmetrPolishnounmetre, meter (one hundred centimeters)inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnountape measure (graduated flexible ribbon used for measuring lengths)inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnounquintal (metric quintal of 100 kg)colloquial inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnounmeter (overall rhythm of a song or poem; particularly, the number of beats in a measure or syllables in a line)entertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnounteacher of dance, or sometimes music or languageeducationhistorical masculine person
HaresmetrPolishnounfirst-rate thiefmasculine obsolete person slang
HaresmetrPolishnounold hare which is hard to hunthobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Harry PotterDraco in Leather PantsEnglishnounAny fanon interpretation of the character Draco Malfoy that portrays him as a romantic "bad boy" or otherwise downplays his unfavorable qualities.lifestyleslang
Harry PotterDraco in Leather PantsEnglishnounAny fictional character written or reinterpreted by fans as appealingly roguish or evil.lifestylebroadly slang
HeadwearsztajfniŏkSilesiannounbowler, bowler hatinanimate masculine
HeadwearsztajfniŏkSilesiannounbuzzkill, party pooper, stuffed shirt, wet blanketmasculine person
HeadwearturbanEnglishnounA man's headdress made by winding a length of cloth round the head.
HeadwearturbanEnglishnounA woman's close-fitting hat with little or no brim.
HeadwearturbanEnglishnounThe complete set of whorls of a spiral shell.
HeadwearturbanEnglishnounA towel wrapped around long wet hair in a manner resembling a turban.
HeadwearturbanEnglishverbTo cover (a person's head) with a turban.transitive
HeadwearбөкебайKazakhnoundown shawl
HealthcareቻይAmharicnounAlternative form of ሻይ (šay)alt-of alternative
Healthcare occupationsopticianEnglishnounA person who makes, dispenses or sells lenses, spectacles.
Healthcare occupationsopticianEnglishnounA person trained and skilled in examining and testing the eyes for defects, in order to prescribe corrective lenses or treatment; an optometrist.UK
HearingoorDutchnounhandle (of cup, mug)neuter
HematologysangrarSpanishverbto bleed
HematologysangrarSpanishverbto indent (begin a line at a greater or lesser distance from the margin)media publishing typography
HematologysangrarSpanishverbto harvest resin by cutting a tree
HemipteransChinesecharacterOnly used in 蜩蟉.
HeronsbączekPolishnounany bittern of the genus Ixobrychus, especially the little bitternanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / any horsefly of the genus Tabanusanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / any bittern of the genus Botaurusanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / bumblebee or other buzzing insectanimal-not-person masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / child, little oneanimal-not-person endearing masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / dinghy (boat)nautical transportinanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / spinning top (toy)inanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / fart (an emission of digestive gases)colloquial inanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnoundiminutive of bąk: / young shoot of an onioninanimate masculine
HeronsbączekPolishnounbowstring knotinanimate masculine
Hindu deitiesसुरेश्वरSanskritnamea lord of the gods
Hindu deitiesसुरेश्वरSanskritnameof Indra
Historical eventsCoalgateEnglishnameA 1992 controversy around the mishandling of coalfield auctions by the Indian government.informal
Historical eventsCoalgateEnglishnameA small town in Selwyn District, Canterbury, New Zealand, where lignite was mined.
Historical eventsCoalgateEnglishnameA small city, the county seat of Coal County, Oklahoma, United States.
Historical eventsCoalgateEnglishnameA former unincorporated community in Raleigh County, West Virginia, United States.
Historical numbersMandelGermannounalmondfeminine
Historical numbersMandelGermannounamygdalaanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Historical numbersMandelGermannountonsilanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Historical numbersMandelGermannouna quantity of 15archaic feminine mixed neuter strong
Historical politiesAtropateneLatinnameAtropatene (ancient kingdom)declension-1
Historical politiesAtropateneLatinnameAzerbaijan (modern country)New-Latin declension-1
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnounA people of ancient China.plural plural-only
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnameVarious regions of ancient China occupied by this people, including the Fen and Wei valleys
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnameA dynasty of rulers over this people, who conquered the Shang kingdom and nominally ruled China until their conquest by Qin in the 3rd century BC
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnameThe realm of this dynasty, surrounding the Yellow River
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnameThe era of Chinese history during which this dynasty ruled
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnameThe valley of the Luo and Yi Rivers during the Eastern Zhou dynasty
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnameThe short-lived dynasty declared by Wu Zetian during the Tang
History of ChinaZhouEnglishnameA surname. of Chinese origin.
History of GermanytalerEnglishnounA talker; a tellerarchaic
History of GermanytalerEnglishnounGermanic unit of currency used between the 15th and 19th centuries.historical
History of PolandKozakPolishnounCossack (member of a population)historical masculine person
History of PolandKozakPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
History of PolandKozakPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
History of PolandNowa FalaPolishnameNew Wave (influential French film movement of the 1950s and 1960s which experimented radically in editing, visual style and narrative)broadcasting film media televisionfeminine
History of PolandNowa FalaPolishnameNowa Fala (poetic formation present in Polish literature from 1968 to 1976)literature media publishingfeminine
Holidaysரமலான்TamilnameEid ul-Fitr (religious celebration)
Holidaysரமலான்TamilnameRamadan; the ninth month of the Islamic calendar
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounAn item of furniture, often upholstered, for the comfortable seating of more than one person; a sofa.Australia Canada Ireland US
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounA bed, a resting-place.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounThe den of an otter.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounA preliminary layer, as of colour or arts
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounA mass of steeped barley spread upon a floor to germinate, in malting; or the floor occupied by the barley.beverages brewing business food lifestyle manufacturing
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounPsychotherapy.metonymically usually
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounVoters who opt out of voting, usually by staying home on their couch.government politicsfiguratively usually
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lie down; to recline (upon a couch or other place of repose).
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo bend the body, as in reverence, pain, labor, etc.; to stoop; to crouch.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lay something upon a bed or other resting place.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo arrange or dispose as if in a bed.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lay or deposit in a bed or layer; to bed.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lower (a spear or lance) to the position of attack.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbIn the treatment of a cataract in the eye, to displace the opaque lens with a sharp object such as a needle. The technique is regarded as largely obsolete.medicine ophthalmology sciencestransitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo transfer (for example, sheets of partly dried pulp) from the wire mould to a felt blanket for further drying.transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo attach a thread onto fabric with small stitches in order to add manufacturing sewing textilestransitive
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo phrase in a particular style; to use specific wording for.
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishverbTo lie down for concealment; to conceal, to hide; to be concealed; to be included or involved darkly or secretly.archaic
Hordeeae tribe grassescouchEnglishnounCouch grass, a species of persistent grass, Elymus repens, usually considered a weed.uncountable
Horrorhorror storyEnglishnounA fictional narrative of distressing events.fiction literature media publishing
Horrorhorror storyEnglishnounA disturbing rumour.informal
Horrorhorror storyEnglishnounAn unpleasant experience.
Horse colorsdappleEnglishnounA mottled marking, usually in clusters.
Horse colorsdappleEnglishnounAn animal with a mottled or spotted skin or coat.
Horse colorsdappleEnglishadjHaving a mottled or spotted skin or coat, dappled.
Horse colorsdappleEnglishverbTo mark or become marked with mottling or spots.
Horse colorsskewbaldEnglishadjMarked with patches of white and non-black colours.not-comparable
Horse colorsskewbaldEnglishnounA skewbald horse.
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto move [with مِنْ (min) ‘from inside’] (somewhere) to outside; to leave; to exit; to get outintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto go or come [with مِنْ (min) ‘out of’] somewhere physically or otherwise (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside); to go out or come outintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto go or come [with مِنْ (min) ‘out of’] somewhere physically or otherwise (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside); to go out or come out / to go forth or come forth; to issue; to emergeintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto get [with مِنْ (min) ‘out of an unwelcome or undesirable situation, a problem, and so on’] / to getintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto deviate [with عَنْ (ʕan) ‘from’] / to deviateintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto deviate [with عَنْ (ʕan) ‘from’] / to depart or drift away [with عَنْ (ʕan) ‘from conventionality, orthodoxy, a religion, and so on’] / to depart or drift awayintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto march [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘against’], to take up arms against, to fight or rebel againstintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto make go out or come out (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside)transitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto make go out or come out (depending on whether the view is from inside or outside) / to make leave; to push out; to turn out; to force outtransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto draw out or extract the essence or meaning of; to explicate; to distill; to decomposetransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto extract the chains of narrators of (a tradition)Islam lifestyle religiontransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicverbto traintransitive
Horse tackخرجArabicnounexpenditure, outlay, expense, costs
Horse tackخرجArabicnounsaddlebag
Horse tackخرجArabicnounportmanteau
Horsesabere beltzBasquenounpigs as cattleanimate
Horsesabere beltzBasquenounhorses as cattleanimate rare
HorsesissikkaFinnishnounhorse cabdated
HorsesissikkaFinnishnounIcelandic horsecolloquial
HorseskoníkCzechnoundiminutive of kůňanimate diminutive form-of masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounlittle horseanimate masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounobject or device resembling a horse: / hobby horseanimate inanimate masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounobject or device resembling a horse: / wooden horse on a carouselanimate inanimate masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounobject or device resembling a horse: / sliding part of a latheanimate inanimate masculine
HorsesliathIrishadjlight blue
HorsesliathIrishnoungrey (colour)masculine
HorsesliathIrishnoungrey-haired person; grey horsemasculine
HorsesliathIrishnoungrey cowfeminine
HorsesliathIrishverbturn grey; become fadedintransitive
HorsesliathIrishverbgive someone grey hairs, wear someone out; colour water, tea (with milk)transitive
HorsessophomoreEnglishadjThe second in a series, especially, the second of an artist’s albums or the second of four years in a high school (tenth grade) or university.US not-comparable
HorsessophomoreEnglishnounA second-year undergraduate student in a college or university, or a second-year student in a four-year secondary school or high school.Philippines US
HorsessophomoreEnglishnounA three-year-old horse.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsUS
HorticultureolitorLatinnoungardener, vegetable growerdeclension-3 masculine
HorticultureolitorLatinnounseller of vegetablesdeclension-3 masculine
HorticultureolitorLatinnounseller of herbsdeclension-3 masculine
HousingHausGermannounhouseneuter strong
HousingHausGermannounhome (in various phrases)neuter strong
HousingHausGermannountheatreneuter strong
HousingHausGermannameA municipality of Styria, Austrianeuter proper-noun
HousinghousenMiddle EnglishverbTo accommodate or lodge; to have as a guest: / To provide shelter or refuge.
HousinghousenMiddle EnglishverbTo accommodate or lodge; to have as a guest: / To give out accommodations (to someone).
HousinghousenMiddle EnglishverbTo shelter or reside (in a house or building)
HousinghousenMiddle EnglishverbTo house, store; to place in storage.
HousinghousenMiddle EnglishverbTo build, construct (houses or buildings).
HousinghousenMiddle EnglishverbTo set up or arrange accommodation (in a building)
HousinghousenMiddle Englishnounplural of housform-of plural
HumanhumanitéFrenchnounhumanity (human beings as a group)countable feminine uncountable
HumanhumanitéFrenchnounhumanity (state of quality of being human)countable feminine uncountable
Hundredhundreds and thousandsEnglishnounAn indefinite but emphatically large number.plural plural-only
Hundredhundreds and thousandsEnglishnounTiny balls or strands of multicoloured sugar, sprinkled over ice cream, desserts or party foods.Australia British Ireland New-Zealand plural plural-only
HuntingαγρεύωGreekverbto huntdated
HuntingαγρεύωGreekverbto canvass for votesdated
Hydrogenhydrogen airEnglishnounA mixture of hydrogen and air used as fuel to a fuel cell.uncountable
Hydrogenhydrogen airEnglishnounAn early term for hydrogen; hydrogen gas.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete uncountable
Incel communitykróciakPolishnounshort log or plankinanimate masculine
Incel communitykróciakPolishnounshort steel barinanimate masculine
Incel communitykróciakPolishnounmanletInternet derogatory masculine person
IndiaconcaniPortuguesenounKonkani (member of the indigenous people of the Konkan Coast of India)masculine
IndiaconcaniPortuguesenounKonkani (Indo-Aryan language spoken in Konkan)masculine uncountable
IndividualsBenjaminCebuanonamea male given name from English or Spanish
IndividualsBenjaminCebuanonameBenjaminbiblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsBenjaminCebuanonamethe tribe of Benjamin
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameA male given name from Latin.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameA surname.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameChristopher Columbus (1451?–1506), Italian explorer of the Americas.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / The capital city of Ohio, United States and the county seat of Franklin County.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Muscogee County, Georgia, United States, with which it is consolidated.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A village in Adams County, Illinois, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Bartholomew County, Indiana, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Cherokee County, Kansas, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A tiny home rule city in Hickman County, Kentucky, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A small city in Anoka County, Minnesota, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Lowndes County, Mississippi, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Johnson County, Missouri, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A town, the county seat of Stillwater County, Montana, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Platte County, Nebraska, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A village in Luna County, New Mexico, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A town in Chenango County, New York, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A town, the county seat of Polk County, North Carolina, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A tiny city in Burke County, North Dakota, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A small city, the county seat of Colorado County, Texas, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A small city in Columbia County and Dodge County, Wisconsin, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnameAny of various cities, towns and villages in the United States. / A town in Columbia County, Wisconsin, United States.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishnounA person who makes a great discovery.
IndividualsColumbusEnglishverbTo explore; to go around exploring, to go around as an explorer.dated possibly slang
IndividualsColumbusEnglishverbTo appropriate; to lay claim to something, especially a discovery, which is perceived as belonging to someone else.US derogatory slang
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameThe name of various villages in Turkey: / A village in Ahırlı district
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameThe name of various villages in Turkey: / A village in Bulancak district
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameThe name of various villages in Turkey: / A village in Gürün district
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameThe name of various villages in Turkey: / A village in Hamur district
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameThe name of various villages in Turkey: / A village in Kestel district
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameThe name of various villages in Turkey: / A village in Varto district
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameA surname from Turkish.
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameA surname from Turkish. / Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954–), the current President of Turkey.
IndividualsErdoğanEnglishnameA male given name from Turkish.
IndividualsLydiaNorwegiannameLydia (biblical character).
IndividualsLydiaNorwegiannamea female given name
IndividualsNingthoukhombaEnglishnameA Meitei male given name.
IndividualsNingthoukhombaEnglishnameA Meitei emperor of the Ningthouja dynasty, who ruled Kangleipak, in the 15th century CE.
IndividualsPaulusSwedishnamePaul (biblical character).common-gender
IndividualsPaulusSwedishnamea male given name, rare in this formcommon-gender
IndividualsRutItaliannamea female given name, equivalent to English Ruthfeminine
IndividualsRutItaliannameRuth (biblical character)feminine
IndividualsRutItaliannamethe Book of Ruthfeminine
IndividualsSalomonPolishnameSolomonbiblical lifestyle religionmasculine person
IndividualsSalomonPolishnamea male given name from Latin [in turn from Ancient Greek, in turn from Hebrew], equivalent to English Solomonmasculine person
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameSaint Vincent of Saragossa (patron saint of Lisbon)masculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameA village and municipality of Madeira, Portugalmasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameA municipality of São Paulo, Brazilmasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameAn island off the coast of São Paulo, Brazilmasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameA city and municipality of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazilmasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameA city in Cantagalo district, São Tomé and Príncipemasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameAn island and municipality of Cape Verdemasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameA city in Guinea-Bissaumasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenamethe biggest island in Saint Vincent and the Grenadinesmasculine
IndividualsSão VicentePortuguesenameA captaincy in Colonial Brazilhistorical masculine
IndividualsSéamasIrishnamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English James or Jacobmasculine
IndividualsSéamasIrishnameJames (book of the Bible; either of the two apostles)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Individuals比卡超ChinesenounPikachu (Classifier: 隻/只 c)Cantonese
Individuals比卡超ChinesenameJohn Lee Ka-chiuHong-Kong slang
InsectsarañuelaSpanishnounlove-in-a-mist (any flowering plant of the genus Nigella)feminine
InsectsarañuelaSpanishnounthrips (small insect)feminine
InsectsပိုးBurmesenounsilk (fine, soft cloth woven from silk fibers)
InsectsပိုးBurmesenoungerm; microbe
InsectsပိုးBurmesenounobsession, interestslang
InsuranceàrachasScottish Gaelicnouninsurancemasculine
InsuranceàrachasScottish Gaelicnounmansion, dwellingmasculine
IranShiraziEnglishnameA person from, or an inhabitant of, Shiraz.
IranShiraziEnglishnameA surname.
IranصفويArabicnouna Safavi
IslamMuslimEnglishnounA person who is a follower and believer of Islam.
IslamMuslimEnglishadjBeing or relating to a believer of Islam.
IslandsMaltaCatalannameMalta (an island country in Southern Europe) # Malta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago) / Malta (an island country in Southern Europe)feminine
IslandsMaltaCatalannameMalta (an island country in Southern Europe) # Malta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago) / Malta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago)feminine
IslandsislaSpanishnounisland (area of land surrounded by water)feminine
IslandsislaSpanishnounblock (group of urban lots of property)feminine
Italian cardinal numberscentodieciItaliannumone hundred and teninvariable
Italian cardinal numberscentodieciItaliannounthe maximum mark obtainable in an Italian University degree examinationinvariable masculine
Italian cardinal numberscentodieciItaliannounan athletics race of 110 metresinvariable masculine
Japanbánh ránVietnamesenounA deep-fried glutinous rice ball in northern Vietnamese cuisine, filled with mung bean paste, scented with jasmine flower essence, and doused in syrup.
Japanbánh ránVietnamesenoundorayaki
JudaismTorahEnglishnameThe first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, attributed to Moses and therefore also known as the Five Books of Moses.
JudaismTorahEnglishnameThe full body of written Jewish law, including the Tanakh, the Talmud, the Mishnah and the midrashic texts.
JudaismTorahEnglishnameThe whole of Jewish law, both written and unwritten.
JudaismTorahEnglishnameThe encompassing philosophy of Judaism.
JudaismTorahEnglishnounA specially written scroll containing the five books of Moses, such as those used in religious services.
JudaismTorahEnglishnounA book containing the five books of Moses.
KitchenwaresucreraCatalannounfemale equivalent of sucrerfeminine form-of
KitchenwaresucreraCatalanadjfeminine singular of sucrerfeminine form-of singular
KitchenwaresucreraCatalannounsugar refineryfeminine
KitchenwaresucreraCatalannounsugar bowlfeminine
KoreaхёнRussiannounhyung (elder brother, or an affectionate term of address for a somewhat older man)
KoreaхёнRussiannounhyung (older male member of an idol group)
LGBTہم جنس پرستUrduadjhomosexual, gay, lesbian, MLM, WLWindeclinable neologism
LGBTہم جنس پرستUrdunounhomosexual, gay, lesbian, MLM, WLWneologism
Lagomorphs백토Koreannounwhite rabbit
Lagomorphs백토Koreannounwhite clay, chalk; kaolin, terra alba
LandformslodoVepsnounshallow, shoal
LandformslodoVepsnounsand bank, spit
LandformsmorenaSerbo-Croatianverbinflection of moriti: / feminine singular passive past participlefeminine form-of participle passive past singular
LandformsmorenaSerbo-Croatianverbinflection of moriti: / neuter plural passive past participleform-of neuter participle passive past plural
LandformsрътBulgariannounhill, mount
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishnamean extinct language family of the Ancient Near East, comprising only two known languages: Hurrian and Urartian
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishnouna member of the original ethnolinguistic group hypothesized to have spoken Proto-Hurro-Urartian
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishadjof or relating to the languages of the Hurro-Urartian language family
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishadjof or relating to Hurro-Urartians (people)
LanguagesBongoEnglishnameA Central Sudanic language spoken by the Bongo people in sparsely populated areas of Bahr al Ghazal in South Sudan.
LanguagesBongoEnglishnounAn ethnic group living at the eastern side of the Albert Nile River in northwestern Uganda and in neighbouring South Sudan in small, scattered settlements south and east of Wau.plural plural-only
LanguagesBongoEnglishnounAn agricultural people of Gabon in equatorial Africa.plural plural-only
LanguagesCashiboEnglishnounA member of an indigenous people of Peru.
LanguagesCashiboEnglishnameThe language of these people.
LanguagesDano-NorwegianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Denmark and/or Norway, especially referring to the former political entity Denmark-Norway.not-comparable
LanguagesDano-NorwegianEnglishnameA koiné language that evolved among the urban elite in Norwegian cities during the later years of Denmark-Norway (1536–1814).
LanguagesHatticEnglishadjOf or relating to the Hattians, an ancient people of Anatolia, Turkey.
LanguagesHatticEnglishnameAn extinct language once spoken in that region.
LanguagesLitausAfrikaansadjLithuanian (of, from, or pertaining to Lithuania, the Lithuanian people or the Lithuanian language)not-comparable
LanguagesLitausAfrikaansnameLithuanian (language)
LanguagesMulaoEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group found mostly in Guangxi province in southern China.
LanguagesMulaoEnglishnameA Tai-Kadai language spoken by the Mulao people.
LanguagesNooksackEnglishnounA member of a Native American tribe near the Pacific Northwest Coast.
LanguagesNooksackEnglishnameThe language of this tribe.
LanguagesOngeEnglishnounOne of the Andamanese indigenous peoples of the Andaman Islands.plural plural-only
LanguagesOngeEnglishnameAn Ongan language spoken by the Onge people.
LanguagesPalmyreneEnglishadjOf, from or relating to ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena.not-comparable
LanguagesPalmyreneEnglishadjRelating to the Palmyrene dialect or scriptnot-comparable
LanguagesPalmyreneEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena.historical
LanguagesPalmyreneEnglishnameAn extinct Western Aramaic dialect.
LanguagesPalmyreneEnglishnameAlternative form of Palmyrenaalt-of alternative
LanguagesPamonaEnglishnounAn ethnic group of Indonesia.plural plural-only
LanguagesPamonaEnglishnameAn Austronesian language spoken in Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
LanguagesTemneEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group of Sierra Leone
LanguagesTemneEnglishnameThe Mel language spoken by the Temne.
LanguagesWandaEnglishnameA female given name from Polish.
LanguagesWandaEnglishnameA Bantu language of Tanzania.
LanguagesWawaEnglishnameA township in Ontario, Canada
LanguagesWawaEnglishnameA Mambiloid language spoken in Cameroon.
LanguagesasamésSpanishnounAssamese (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesbósnioPortuguesenounBosnian personmasculine
LanguagesbósnioPortuguesenounBosnian (language)masculine
LanguagesbósnioPortugueseadjBosnian (of or relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina)not-comparable
Languagescabo-verdianoPortugueseadjCape Verdean (of, from, or relating to Cape Verde)
Languagescabo-verdianoPortuguesenounCape Verdean (a person from Cape Verde)masculine
Languagescabo-verdianoPortuguesenounKabuverdianu; Cape Verdean Creole (Portuguese-based creole spoken in Cape Verde)masculine uncountable
LanguageshispanaEsperantoadjSpanish (of or pertaining to Spain, the Spanish people, or the Spanish language)
LanguageshispanaEsperantoadjClipping of la hispana lingvo (“the Spanish language”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
LanguageskamassiFinnishnounKamasin (extinct Samoyedic tribe that lived in Siberia)in-plural
LanguageskamassiFinnishnounKamasin (member of this tribe)
LanguageskamassiFinnishnounKamassian (their language)
LanguagesukrainskDanishadjUkrainian (of or pertaining to Ukraine)
LanguagesukrainskDanishnounUkrainian (the Ukrainian language)neuter
LanguagesíslenskaIcelandicnounIcelandic (language)feminine no-plural
LanguagesíslenskaIcelandicnounIcelandic (language class)feminine no-plural
LanguagesíslenskaIcelandicverbto translate into Icelandicweak with-accusative
LanguagesагванскийRussianadjCaucasian Albania (historical region in the Eastern Caucasus)relational
LanguagesагванскийRussiannounCaucasian Albanian (language)uncountable
LanguagesстарофранцузскийRussianadjOld Francerelational
LanguagesстарофранцузскийRussianadjOld French (the Gallo-Romance dialect continuum spoken from the 9th century to the 14th century)relational
LanguagesшпанскиSerbo-CroatianadjSpanishBosnia Serbia
LanguagesшпанскиSerbo-Croatianadjthe Spanish languageBosnia Serbia substantive
LanguagesბელარუსულიGeorgianadjBelarusian (of, from or relating to Belarus)not-comparable
LanguagesბელარუსულიGeorgiannounBelarusian (language)
Languages몽어KoreannounMongolian languagedated
Languages몽어KoreannounClassical Mongolian language, the literary language of the Early Modern Mongolshuman-sciences linguistics scienceshistorical
Latin letter namesทีThainounchance, occasion, opportunity, time; round, turn.
Latin letter namesทีThainounadvantage; upper hand.
Latin letter namesทีThainoungesture, manner, motion, posture; appearance, bearing, demeanor, mien.
Latin letter namesทีThaiclassifierClassifier for occasions or times.
Latin letter namesทีThainounThe name of the Latin-script letter T/t.
Latin nomina gentiliaSenniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaSenniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by: / Sennius Sabinus, a Roman proconsuldeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaVipsaniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVipsaniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, a Roman consuldeclension-2
Latvian nominal numbersseptiņnieksLatviannounseven, number seven (digit or figure; syn. septiņi)declension-1 masculine
Latvian nominal numbersseptiņnieksLatviannounsomething with the number seven on itdeclension-1 masculine
Latvian nominal numbersseptiņnieksLatviannounseven (people, animals, objects) together; a sports team consisting of seven peopledeclension-1 masculine
LawақтауKazakhverbto whitewash
LawақтауKazakhverbto bleach
LawақтауKazakhverbto justify
Lawख़सराHindinounpatwari's list of fields (and their details) of a village
Lawख़सराHindinounsurveyor's field-book
Lawख़सराHindinounAlternative form of खसरा (khasrā); measlesalt-of alternative
Law懲罰Chineseverbto punish; to penalise
Law懲罰Chineseverbto patronize a shop percieved as supportive of the pro-democracy movementHong-Kong neologism
Law懲罰Chinesenounpunishment; penalty
Law enforcementsmerfPolishnounsmurfcomics fiction literature media publishinganimal-not-person masculine
Law enforcementsmerfPolishnouncopanimal-not-person masculine slang
Liliales order plantswakerobinEnglishnounAny of several perennial flowering plants, of the genus Trillium, having flowers with three petals.
Liliales order plantswakerobinEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Arum, especially the cuckoopint.
Lily family plantsEaster lilyEnglishnounLilium longiflorum, a species of flowering plant in the lily family associated with Easter.
Lily family plantsEaster lilyEnglishnounAn emblem of the lily in the Irish colours of green, white, orange: used to commemorate the Easter rebellion of 1916.Ireland
LimbshammeMiddle EnglishnounThe back or inside of the knee.
LimbshammeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ham (“pasture”)alt-of alternative
LimbslámhIrishnounhand (part of the forelimb; pointer of a clock; style of penmanship); armfeminine
LimbslámhIrishnounhand (unit of measurement): (of horses) four inches, (of fish, plants, etc.) three inchesfeminine
Linguisticstân cổ điểnVietnamesenounneoclassicism
Linguisticstân cổ điểnVietnameseadjneoclassical
LinuxCOLAEnglishnounAcronym of cost of living adjustment.abbreviation acronym alt-of
LinuxCOLAEnglishnamecomp.os.linux.advocacy (a Usenet newsgroup promoting the Linux operating system)abbreviation acronym
LiquidspwoaisinMokilesenounlighter fluid
LiquidsshinkEnglishverbTo pour or serve wine or beer; to skink.
LiquidsshinkEnglishintjThe sound of something metal, such as a blade, sliding (along other metal, along a whetstone, etc).
LiquidsshinkEnglishintjThe sound of something metal, such as a blade, sliding (along other metal, along a whetstone, etc). / In particular, the sound of a blade sliding into or out of something.
LiquidsshinkEnglishverbTo slide with the shink sound of metal sliding.
LiquidsܛܘܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundrop (of liquid)
LiquidsܛܘܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundot (small round spot or mark)
LiquidsܛܘܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpunctuation marks or diacritical markscommunications grammar human-sciences journalism linguistics literature media orthography publishing sciences writing
Literary genressword and sorceryEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a genre of narratives—including short stories, novels, television shows, films, and computer games—which combines wizardry and other fantastical supernatural elements with violent combat using pre-modern weaponry.idiomatic not-comparable
Literary genressword and sorceryEnglishnounA genre of narratives—including short stories, novels, television shows, films, and computer games—which combines wizardry and other fantastical supernatural elements with violent combat using pre-modern weaponry.idiomatic uncountable
Loveவிருப்பம்Tamilnounlove, affection
Macauspecial administrative regionEnglishnounDesignation for types of administrative division in China, East Timor, and North Korea.
Macauspecial administrative regionEnglishnounDesignation for types of administrative division in China, East Timor, and North Korea. / In China, an administrative division and a type of dependent territory that is granted de jure autonomy (apart from applicable national laws) except for issues relating to foreign relations and defence.
MachinesmasherEnglishnounOne who, or that which, mashes.
MachinesmasherEnglishnounA machine for making mash.beverages brewing business food lifestyle manufacturing
MachinesmasherEnglishnounA fashionable man.dated informal
MachinesmasherEnglishnounA man who makes often unwelcome advances to women, as in a subway.Australia Canada US dated
Malaysian politicsDAPEnglishnameInitialism of Democratic Action Party. (Malaysian centre-left political party)government politicsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Malaysian politicsDAPEnglishnounInitialism of digital audio player.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Malaysian politicsDAPEnglishnounInitialism of double anal media pornography sexualityabbreviation alt-of countable initialism slang uncountable vulgar
MaleMCPEnglishnounInitialism of male chauvinist pig.abbreviation alt-of dated initialism
MaleMCPEnglishnounInitialism of membrane cofactor protein.biology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MaleMCPEnglishnounInitialism of MetaCarpoPhalangeal, as in joint.biology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MaleMCPEnglishnameInitialism of Microsoft Certified Professional.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MaleMCPEnglishnameInitialism of Malayan Communist Party (“Parti Komunis Malaya”).government politicsMalaysia Singapore abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
MalebałwanPolishnounsnowman (figure made of snow)animal-not-person masculine
MalebałwanPolishnounidol, graven imagelifestyle religionanimal-not-person dated masculine
MalebałwanPolishnounstuffed black grouse or figure used as a lurehobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine
MalebałwanPolishnounbreaker; foamy sea waveinanimate literary masculine
MalebałwanPolishnounlarge block, chunk, or column (of salt, lead, tin, ice, smoke, etc.)archaic historical inanimate masculine
MalebałwanPolishnoungaloot, blockhead, moron, idiotcolloquial derogatory masculine person
MaleYonagunicharacterkanji no-gloss
Male animalskohoutekCzechnouncockerelanimate masculine
Male animalskohoutekCzechnoundiminutive of kohout (cock)animate diminutive form-of masculine
Male animalskohoutekCzechnounfaucetinanimate masculine
Male animalskohoutekCzechnounwithersinanimate masculine
Male animalspollardEnglishnounA pruned tree; the wood of such trees.attributive often
Male animalspollardEnglishnounA buck deer that has shed its antlers.
Male animalspollardEnglishnounA hornless variety of domestic animal, such as cattle or goats.
Male animalspollardEnglishnounA European chub (Squalius cephalus, syn. Leuciscus cephalus), a kind of fish.obsolete rare
Male animalspollardEnglishnounA fine grade of bran including some flour. The fine cell layer between bran layers and endosperm, used for animal feed.Australia
Male animalspollardEnglishnounA 13th-century European coin minted as a debased counterfeit of the sterling silver penny of Edward I of England, at first legally accepted as a halfpenny and then outlawed.hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical
Male animalspollardEnglishverbTo prune a tree heavily, cutting branches back to the trunk, so that it produces dense new growth.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
Male animalstoroItaliannounbullmasculine
Male animalstoroItaliannounTaurusmasculine
Male animalstoroItaliannountorusgeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
Male animalsмъжкарBulgariannounmale animal
Male animalsмъжкарBulgariannounmancolloquial
Male animals牯牛Chinesenounbull; ox (especially castrated)
Male animals牯牛Chinesenouncow (female)literary
Male animals牯牛Chinesenounwater buffaloHefei Mandarin Wuhu
Male family memberspadríCatalannoungodfather, godparentmasculine
Male family memberspadríCatalannounsponsorChristianitymasculine
Male family memberspadríCatalannounprotector, mentorfiguratively masculine
Male family memberspadríCatalannoungrandfatherMallorca masculine
Male family membersമച്ചാൻMalayalamnounbest friend
Male family membersമച്ചാൻMalayalamnounbrother in law
Male peoplebajkopisarzPolishnounfabulist (one who writes or tells fables)literature media publishingmasculine person
Male peoplebajkopisarzPolishnounfabulist, storyteller (liar, fibber)derogatory masculine person
Male peoplegillieEnglishnounA male attendant of a Scottish Highland chief.Scotland
Male peoplegillieEnglishnounA fishing and hunting guide; a man or boy who attends to a person who is fishing or hunting, especially in Scotland.British Ireland Scotland
Male peoplegillieEnglishverbTo be a gillie, a fishing or hunting guide, for (someone).intransitive
Male peoplegillieEnglishnounA gill of an alcoholic drink.Scotland
Male peoplenecatorLatinnounmurderer, killerdeclension-3
Male peoplenecatorLatinverbsecond/third-person singular future passive imperative of necōform-of future imperative passive second-person singular third-person
Male peoplepacholeCzechnounboy (young male)neuter obsolete
Male peoplepacholeCzechnounpage, squirehistorical neuter
Male peoplepasiecznyPolishadjapiarynot-comparable relational
Male peoplepasiecznyPolishnounbeekeeper, apiaristarchaic masculine person
Male peopleutrzymanekPolishnounkept manmasculine person
Male peopleutrzymanekPolishnoungenitive plural of utrzymankafeminine form-of genitive plural
Male peopleразносчикRussiannounpeddler, hawker, delivery man
Male peopleразносчикRussiannounmessenger
Male peopleразносчикRussiannouncarrier (e.g. of a disease)animate inanimate
Male peopleскопецRussiannouneunuch
Male peopleскопецRussiannouncold, passionless manderogatory figuratively
Male peopleскопецRussiannounskopets, a member of a Russian religious eunuch movement practising self-castrationChristianity
Male peopleфантастUkrainiannounfantasist (one who creates fantasies)
Male peopleфантастUkrainiannounfantasist, dreamer (one living in a fantasy world; someone whose beliefs are far from realistic)
Male peopleфантастUkrainiannounfantasy writer, science fiction writer
Mallow subfamily plantshibiskusPolishnounhibiscus (flower)inanimate masculine
Mallow subfamily plantshibiskusPolishnounhibiscus (cocktail)inanimate masculine
MammalsaguarónAsturiannounwater vole (Arvicola sapidus)masculine
MammalsaguarónAsturiannounrat (animal)masculine
MammalsnānāHawaiianverbto look, observetransitive
MammalsសេះKhmernounknightboard-games chess games
ManiasverbomaniaEnglishnounObsession with words.uncountable
ManiasverbomaniaEnglishnounAn abnormal talkativeness; a psychotic flow of speech.uncountable
MarijuanaKushEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of kushalt-of uncountable
MarijuanaKushEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Cushalt-of alternative
MarijuanaKushEnglishnameA surname from German.
MarriagezastolePolishnounplace behind the table with food and drinksarchaic neuter
MarriagezastolePolishnountraditional rural wedding ceremony, combined with songs and dancedated neuter
MarriageженаOld East Slavicnounwomanfeminine
MarriageженаOld East Slavicnounwifefeminine
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicnounmarriage
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicnounwedding
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicnounmarriage feast
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicverbto marry
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicverbto hold a marriage feast
MarsupialscatitaPortuguesenounshort-tailed opossum (any marsupial of the Monodelphis genus)feminine
MarsupialscatitaPortugueseadjpretty (nice-looking)feminine masculine
MassagehydromassageEnglishnounA therapeutic massage in which bubbles of air and jets of water are pumped through a bath in which the recipient lies.countable uncountable
MassagehydromassageEnglishverbTo massage in this way.transitive
Materialsradiation shieldingEnglishnounphysical barriers designed to provide protection from the effects of ionizing radiation, including radioactive materialuncountable
Materialsradiation shieldingEnglishnounthe technology of providing such protectionuncountable
MealsfeastEnglishnounA very large meal, often of a ceremonial nature.
MealsfeastEnglishnounSomething delightful
MealsfeastEnglishnounA festival; a holy day or holiday; a solemn, or more commonly, a joyous, anniversary.
MealsfeastEnglishverbTo partake in a feast, or large meal.intransitive
MealsfeastEnglishverbTo dwell upon (something) with delight.intransitive
MealsfeastEnglishverbTo hold a feast in honor of (someone).transitive
MealsfeastEnglishverbTo serve as a feast for; to feed sumptuously.obsolete transitive
MeatsgoosMiddle Englishnoungoose (especially a female one)
MeatsgoosMiddle EnglishnounThe meat or corpse of a goose; a dead goose.
MeatsgoosMiddle EnglishnounA fool or idiot.
Meatsso'oOld Tupinoungame; beast of venery (wild animal hunted for food; only refers to four-legged mammals)
Meatsso'oOld Tupinounvenison (meat of a hunted animal)
Meatsso'oOld Tupiverbto invitetransitive
Meatsso'oOld TupinounR2 form of o'o
MeatsкотлетаRussiannounmeat patty,
MeatsкотлетаRussiannouncutlet, pork chop
MeatsкотлетаRussiannounbomb, a large sum of moneyslang
Media媒體Chinesenounmedium; media / news mediaspecifically
Media媒體Chinesenounmedium; media / mass mediaspecifically
Media媒體Chinesenounmedium; media
Medical equipmentbombinhaPortuguesenoundiminutive of bombadiminutive feminine form-of
Medical equipmentbombinhaPortuguesenouna type of very small explosivefeminine
Medical equipmentbombinhaPortuguesenouninhaler (canister containing medicine)feminine
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA period of 40 days, particularly / The 40-day period during which a widow is entitled to remain in her deceased husband's home while any dower is collected and returned.lawcountable historical uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA period of 40 days, particularly / The 40-day period of isolation required after 1448 at Venice's lazaret to avoid renewed outbreaks of the bubonic plague and identical policies in other locations.countable historical uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA period of 40 days, particularly / A 40-day period formerly imposed by the French king upon warring nobles during which they were forbidden from exacting revenge or continuing to fight.countable historical uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA period of 40 days, particularlycountable uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA period, instance, or state of isolation from the general public or from native livestock and flora enacted to prevent the spread of any contagious disease.countable uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA similar period, instance, or state of rigidly enforced or self-enforced detention or isolation.countable figuratively uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA place where such isolation is enforced, a lazaret.countable uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounA blockade of trade, suspension of diplomatic relations, or other action whereby one country seeks to isolate another.government politicscountable figuratively uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounAn isolation of one program, drive, computer, etc. from the rest of a computer network to limit the damage from a bug, computer virus, etc..computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable figuratively uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishnounThe program, drive, computer, etc. thus isolated.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable figuratively uncountable
MedicinequarantineEnglishverbTo place into isolation to prevent the spread of any contagious disease.transitive
MedicinequarantineEnglishverbTo enter or stay in quarantine, particularly to self-quarantine to avoid an epidemic disease.intransitive
MedicinequarantineEnglishverbTo impose a quarantine, to establish quarantine regulations.intransitive obsolete
MedicinequarantineEnglishverbSynonym of isolate more generally.figuratively transitive
MedicinequarantineEnglishverbSynonym of restrict.figuratively transitive
MedicinequarantineEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of Quarantine: the Mount of Temptation where Jesus Christ supposedly fasted for 40 days, Jebel Quruntul near Jericho.Christianityalt-of obsolete
MetalworkingweldingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of weldform-of gerund participle present
MetalworkingweldingEnglishnounThe action or process of welding: / joining two materials (especially two metals) together by applying heat, pressure and filler, either separately or in any combination, or
MetalworkingweldingEnglishnounThe action or process of welding: / binding together inseparably; uniting closely or intimately.
MilitaryiureșRomaniannounassault, attackneuter
MilitarykosiarzPolishnounone who reaps crops; reapermasculine person
MilitarykosiarzPolishnounone who cuts grass; mower; haymakermasculine person
MilitarykosiarzPolishnounsoldier armed with a war scythehistorical masculine person
MilitaryასქერიLaznounmilitary service
Military ranksGen.EnglishnounAbbreviation of General (military rank).abbreviation alt-of
Military ranksGen.EnglishnounAbbreviation of general (business or agency description).lawabbreviation alt-of
Military ranksGen.EnglishnameAbbreviation of Genesis.abbreviation alt-of
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounThe head (top portion of an animal): / A headrest; a place for the head.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounThe head (top portion of an animal): / A head-covering; headwear or hair.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounThe head (top portion of an animal): / The head as the origin of thought; intellect or one's brain.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounThe head (top portion of an animal): / The horns or antlers of a cervid.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounA start or origin: / The top of a waterbody or geographical feature.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounA start or origin: / One of the lengthwise ends of a geographical feature.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounA start or origin: / The source of a river; the headwater.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounA start or origin: / The uppermost point of something; the top.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounA start or origin: / The outermost extremity of something.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounThe useful end of a tool.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounA rounded bump or boil.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounOne's ability to survive.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounLack of consideration; impetuousness, rashness.
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounAn individual; someone or somebodybroadly
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounA military force or troop.rare
MindheedMiddle Englishadjmain; head, chief, principle
MindheedMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hed (“heed”)alt-of alternative uncountable
MindheedMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hadde: simple past/past participle of haven (“to have”)alt-of alternative
MollusksседефBulgariannounnacre, mother-of-pearluncountable
MollusksседефBulgariannouncommon rue (Ruta graveolens)uncountable
Monarchyabsolute monarchyEnglishnounA state over which a sole monarch has absolute and unlimited power.countable uncountable
Monarchyabsolute monarchyEnglishnounThe rule of such a monarch, as a form of government.uncountable
MonasticismarchimandritaLatinnounThe superior of a large monastery, or group of monasteries, in the Orthodox Church.declension-1
MonasticismarchimandritaLatinnounA chief or principal of monks; abbot.declension-1
MonasticismkeeillManxnounplace of worshipfeminine
MoneyKreditGermannounloan or anything afforded to someone in the expectation of returnmasculine strong
MoneyKreditGermannouncredibility, informal credit rating, the ability of someone to get loans based on his reputationmasculine strong
MoneybecikowePolishnounbaby bonus, newborn allowancecolloquial neuter noun-from-verb
MoneybecikowePolishadjinflection of becikowy: / neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
MoneybecikowePolishadjinflection of becikowy: / nonvirile nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative nonvirile plural vocative
MoneydettourMiddle EnglishnounOne who is indebted to another (financially, for their help, etc.)
MoneydettourMiddle EnglishnounOne who must atone for their wrongs against another.
MoneyلاگتUrdunounexpense; cost, price (ie. the base cost of an item or service etc.)
MoneyلاگتUrdunounoutlay; expenditure
MonthsчрьвленъOld Church Slavonicadjred
MonthsчрьвленъOld Church SlavonicadjJuly
Moon🌗Translingualsymbola last (waning) quarter moon (northern hemisphere)
Moon🌗Translingualsymbola first (waxing) quarter moon (southern hemisphere)
Moons of SaturnPandoraEnglishnameThe first woman on earth, who had been given a box by the gods and instructed not to open it, but who disobeyed the instructions out of curiosity, releasing all manner of evils into the world.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of SaturnPandoraEnglishnameA moon of the planet Saturn.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of SaturnPandoraEnglishname55 Pandora, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
Morning glory family plantsRievLimburgishnoungraterfeminine
Morning glory family plantsRievLimburgishnouncertain species of plant found in grainfields: / field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)feminine
Morning glory family plantsRievLimburgishnouncertain species of plant found in grainfields: / hairy tare; hairy vetch, tiny vetch (Vicia hirsuta)feminine
Morning glory family plantsRievLimburgishnouncoarse apronfeminine
MothsGluckeGermannounbrooding hen; hen with chicksfeminine
MothsGluckeGermannounoverprotective motherfeminine figuratively
MothsGluckeGermannouneggar (moth of the family Lasiocampidae)feminine
MothsGluckeGermannouncauliflower mushroom (mushroom of the genus Sparassis)feminine
Municipalities of FinlandHaapajärviFinnishnameA Finnish placename, most notably a town in central Ostrobothnia.
Municipalities of FinlandHaapajärviFinnishnamea Finnish surname
MurderkillerEnglishnounOne who or that which kills.countable uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounThat which causes stress or is extremely difficult, especially that which may cause failure at a task.countable figuratively uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounSomething that is so far ahead of its competition that it effectively kills off that competition.countable figuratively uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounA remarkably impressive person or thing.countable figuratively uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounA knockout form of darts or pool involving several players.hobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounEllipsis of killer whale.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounA club used for killing fish.countable uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounA particularly heavy type of handstamp, or portion of one, often obscuring a large part of the postage stamp.hobbies lifestyle philatelycountable uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishnounSynonym of virama (“kind of diacritical mark”)countable uncountable
MurderkillerEnglishadjExcellent, very good, cool.slang
MurderkillerEnglishadjCausing death, destruction, or obliteration.
MurderkillerEnglishadjDistressing, uncomfortable.
MurderotrućPolishverbto poison (to kill or injure using poison)perfective transitive
MurderotrućPolishverbto poison oneself (to kill oneself using poison)perfective reflexive
MusicdaschenMiddle EnglishverbTo hit with a weapon and cause damage; to land a blow or hit.
MusicdaschenMiddle EnglishverbTo run; to move hastily and with a sense of urgency.
MusicdaschenMiddle EnglishverbTo break or fall apart; to cave in.
MusicdaschenMiddle EnglishverbTo hit a percussion instrument as to play it.rare
MusicdaschenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy or ruin by blade or weapon.Late-Middle-English rare
MusicdaschenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin a matrimonial bond; to separate partners.Late-Middle-English rare
Music清唱劇ChinesenouncantataHong-Kong Taiwan
Musical instrumentsampongaMalagasynoundrum (musical instrument)
Musical instrumentsampongaMalagasynounan insect which eats taro leavesdialectal
Musical instrumentsampongaMalagasynounthe pitcher plant species Nepenthes madagascariensisdialectal
Musical instrumentsbahoTagalognounbad smell; stench; stink
Musical instrumentsbahoTagalognoundisgrace; dishonor; shamefiguratively
Musical instrumentsbahoTagalognounbass
Musical instrumentsbahoTagalognounbass instrument
Musical instrumentsπηκτίςAncient Greeknounstringed instrument used by the Lydians
Musical instrumentsπηκτίςAncient Greeknounshepherd's pipe, pipes of Pan
Musical instrumentsπηκτίςAncient Greeknouncage or net for catching birdsin-plural
Musical instrumentsπηκτίςAncient Greeknouncarving knife
Musical instrumentsлираRussiannounlyre (a stringed musical instrument)
Musical instrumentsлираRussiannounhurdy-gurdy
Musical instrumentsлираRussiannounlirahobbies lifestyle numismatics
Musical instrumentsכינורHebrewnounlyre, harpbiblical lifestyle religion
Musical instrumentsכינורHebrewnounviolin (string instrument)
Musical instruments戰鼓Chinesenouna double-headed Chinese drum formerly used in battle
Musical instruments戰鼓Chinesenounany war drum
MusiciansstrykerNorwegian Bokmålnouna string player (musician who plays a string instrument)masculine
MusiciansstrykerNorwegian Bokmålverbpresent of strykeform-of present
MyriapodsскрипяBulgarianverbto squeak, to screech, to crunchintransitive
MyriapodsскрипяBulgarianverbto wedge up, to pinchrare transitive
MyriapodsскрипяBulgarianverbto pinch oneself (while operating with a wrench, a hinge or another winding device)rare reflexive
Mythological creaturesfenixOld Englishnounphoenix
Mythological creaturesfenixOld Englishnoundate tree or palm
Mythological creaturesиктӱканEastern Mariadjone-horned, unicornousbiology natural-sciences zoology
Mythological creaturesиктӱканEastern Marinoununicornhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creatures河童Japanesenouna river-dwelling imp or monster from Japanese folklorearts folklore history human-sciences literature media mysticism mythology philosophy publishing sciencesJapanese
Mythological creatures河童Japanesenouna cucumber
Mythological creatures河童Japanesenounrolled sushi with cucumber inside
Mythological creatures河童Japanesenouna prostitute working from a boat that picks up customers from the banks of a riverdated
Mythological creatures河童Japanesenouna children's hairstyle in the Edo period, similar to the bowl cuthistorical
Mythological creatures河童Japanesenouna strong swimmerdated slang
Mythological creatures河童JapanesenounAlternative spelling of 合羽 (“raincoat”)alt-of alternative
NarratologyantagonisteFrenchnounantagonist (muscle that acts in opposition to another)anatomy medicine physiology sciencesmasculine
NarratologyantagonisteFrenchadjantagonistic; antagonising
NarratologyantagonisteFrenchadjantagonisticanatomy medicine physiology sciences
NationalismHindutvaEnglishnameThe state or quality of being Hindu
NationalismHindutvaEnglishnameThe ideology of Hindu nationalism.
NationalismHindutvaEnglishnounA member of a Hindutva group or a supporter of Hindutva.informal
NationalitiesAfarEnglishnameA Cushitic language spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti.
NationalitiesAfarEnglishnameA region of Ethiopia.
NationalitiesAfarEnglishnounA member of the people who speak this language and reside in these regions.
NationalitiesBritanacSerbo-Croatiannamea Briton
NationalitiesBritanacSerbo-Croatiannamea man of British origin or descent
NationalitiesChileenseDutchadjinflection of Chileens: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
NationalitiesChileenseDutchadjinflection of Chileens: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
NationalitiesChileenseDutchadjinflection of Chileens: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
NationalitiesChileenseDutchnounChilean womanfeminine
NationalitiesbrasileñoSpanishnounBrazilian (person from Brazil)masculine
NationalitiescanadeseItaliannounCanadianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiescypriotiskaSwedishadjinflection of cypriotisk: ## definite singular ## plural / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiescypriotiskaSwedishadjinflection of cypriotisk: ## definite singular ## plural / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiescypriotiskaSwedishnounCypriot; a female person from Cypruscommon-gender
NationalitiesespañolGalicianadjSpanish; pertaining to Spain, its people, culture, or language
NationalitiesespañolGaliciannounSpaniard (man)masculine
NationalitiesespañolGaliciannounSpanish, Castilian (language)masculine
NationalitiesmexicàCatalanadjMexican (pertaining to Mexico or to the inhabitants thereof)
NationalitiesmexicàCatalannounMexican (an inhabitant of Mexico or a descendant thereof)masculine
NationalitiessamoanoItaliannounthe Samoan languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitiessurinamensePortugueseadjSurinamese (of or relating to Suriname)feminine masculine
NationalitiessurinamensePortuguesenounSurinamese (person from Suriname)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesнемисKyrgyznounGerman (by ethnicity)
Native American tribesIowaEnglishnameA state in the Midwestern region of the United States. Capital and largest city: Des Moines.
Native American tribesIowaEnglishnameA tributary of the Mississippi River which flows through Iowa in a southeast direction.
Native American tribesIowaEnglishnameA town in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
Native American tribesIowaEnglishnameUniversity of Iowa.
Native American tribesIowaEnglishnounOne of the Native Americans formerly occupying the region now included in the state of Iowa.
Native American tribesSakonnetEnglishnameA Native American tribe related to the Wampanoags, from the area of Little Compton, Rhode Island.
Native American tribesSakonnetEnglishnameThe area previously inhabited by this tribe; Little Compton.historical
Native American tribesSakonnetEnglishnameEllipsis of Sakonnet River..abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
NauticalawaHawaiiannounchannel, passage
NauticalawaHawaiiannounport, harbor, cove
NazismObergruppenführerEnglishnouna Nazi party paramilitary rank that was first created in 1932 as a rank of the SA and until 1942 it was the highest rank in the SS
NazismObergruppenführerEnglishnounUsed metaphorically for somebody who wields too much power
NeogastropodscornCatalannounhorn (of animal)masculine
NeogastropodscornCatalannounhornentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
NeogastropodscornCatalannounsea snailmasculine
NeogastropodsmuricaceanEnglishnounAny member of the superfamily Muricacea (accepter name: Muricoidea).biology natural-sciences zoology
NeogastropodsmuricaceanEnglishadjOf or relating to the superfamily Myricacea of gastropods.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounSomeone who moderates. / An arbitrator or mediator.
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounSomeone who moderates. / The chair or president of a meeting, etc.
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounSomeone who moderates. / A person who enforces the rules of a discussion forum by deleting posts, banning users, etc.Internet
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounThe person who presides over a synod of a Presbyterian Church.
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounA substance (often water or graphite) used to decrease the speed of fast neutrons in a nuclear reactor and hence increase likelihood of fission.
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounA device used to deaden some of the noise from a firearm, although not to the same extent as a suppressor or silencer.
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounAn examiner at Oxford and Cambridge universities.UK
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounAt the University of Dublin, either the first (senior) or second (junior) in rank in an examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.Ireland
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounSomeone who supervises and monitors the setting and marking of examinations by different people to ensure consistency of standards.UK
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounA mechanical arrangement for regulating motion in a machine, or producing equality of effect.
NeutronmoderatorEnglishnounA kind of lamp in which the flow of the oil to the wick is regulated.historical
New Mexico, USACochitiEnglishnounA people and federally recognized tribe of Pueblo Native Americans in northern New Mexico, speaking a dialect of Eastern Keres.plural plural-only
New Mexico, USACochitiEnglishnameA census-designated place and pueblo inhabited by the Cochiti people located in Sandoval County, New Mexico.
New Year大團圓Chineseverbto be reunited with all of one's family (during the Chinese New Year, etc.)
New Year大團圓Chineseverbto have a happy endingfiguratively usually
Newspapers時報Japanesenounannouncement of the current timebroadcasting media
Newspapers時報Japanesenounreport on current affairs
Newspapers時報Japanesenoun[…] Times (phrase used in newspaper names)
Nobilitygrand duchessEnglishnounThe wife or widow of a grand duke.
Nobilitygrand duchessEnglishnounThe wife of a grand prince.proscribed
Nobilitygrand duchessEnglishnounA daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign (czar or later emperor) of the Russian Empire or a pretender to the throne thereof.
NobilityviscondessaPortuguesenounviscountess (viscount’s wife)feminine
NobilityviscondessaPortuguesenounviscountess (female viscount)feminine
Noble gasesargonEnglishnounThe chemical element (symbol Ar) with an atomic number of 18. The third most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere, it is a colourless, odourless, inert noble gas.countable uncountable
Noble gasesargonEnglishnounA single atom of this element.countable
Nuclear fusionpyrotronEnglishnounA magnetic mirror.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Nuclear fusionpyrotronEnglishnounA notional subatomic particle invented to explain cases of human spontaneous combustion.
NutshazelEnglishnounA tree or shrub of the genus Corylus, bearing edible nuts called hazelnuts or filberts.countable usually
NutshazelEnglishnounThe nut of the hazel tree.countable usually
NutshazelEnglishnounThe wood of a hazelnut tree.uncountable usually
NutshazelEnglishnounA greenish-brown colour, the colour of a ripe hazelnut.countable uncountable usually miningcountable usually
NutshazelEnglishadjOf a greenish-brown colour. (often used to refer to eye colour)
Nymphalid butterfliescourtierEnglishnounA person in attendance at a royal court.
Nymphalid butterfliescourtierEnglishnounA person who flatters in order to seek favour.
Nymphalid butterfliescourtierEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Sephisa.biology entomology natural-sciences
ObesitynawagaPolishnounAlternative form of nadwagaalt-of alternative feminine
ObesitynawagaPolishnouneither of two species of cod in the genus Eleginus, especially: / either of two species of cod in the genus Eleginus, especiallyfeminine
ObesitynawagaPolishnouneither of two species of cod in the genus Eleginus, especially: / navaga (Eleginus nawaga)feminine
OccultasarlaíIrishnounenchanter, magician, medicine man, necromancer, sorcerer, powwow, witch doctor, wizardmasculine
OccultasarlaíIrishnounconjurer, trickstermasculine
OccultasarlaíIrishnounAlternative form of astralaí (“astrologer”)alt-of alternative masculine
Occultevil eyeEnglishnounA wicked look conveying dislike or envy that in many cultures is believed to be able to cause bad luck or injury; also, the ability to cause bad luck or injury through such a look, supposed to be possessed by some people.
Occultevil eyeEnglishnounThe charm used to ward off the evil eye; a nazar.
Occultevil eyeEnglishnounA look conveying disapproval, envy, hostility, etc.humorous often
OccupationsProfessorinGermannounfemale professorfeminine
OccupationsProfessorinGermannounprofessor’s wifedated feminine
OccupationsafkatiSranan Tongonounlawyer, barrister
OccupationsafkatiSranan Tongonounavocado, butter pear
OccupationschiodaioItaliannounnailer (nail maker)masculine
OccupationschiodaioItaliannounnail sellermasculine
OccupationsdeweloperPolishnounreal estate developermasculine person
OccupationsdeweloperPolishnounsoftware developercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine person
OccupationsfilozofPolishnounphilosopher (person devoted to studying philosophy)human-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine person
OccupationsfilozofPolishnounsmart aleck, smarty pants, smug (one who is pretentious about their own cleverness or knowledge)derogatory ironic masculine person
OccupationslehtoriFinnishnounan honorary title of the thirteenth rank granted by the President of Finland
OccupationspinmanEnglishnounOne whose job involves working with pins (any sense).
OccupationspinmanEnglishnounA rudimentary drawing of a figure, such as a stick figure.
OccupationsstrojařCzechnounmachine operatoranimate masculine
OccupationsstrojařCzechnounengineerengineering mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesanimate masculine
OccupationstagsiyaCebuanonouna person presiding over a meeting
OccupationstagsiyaCebuanonounthe head of a corporate or governmental board of directors, a committee, or other formal entity
OccupationstiggamaCebuanonouna maker
OccupationstiggamaCebuanonouna producer; one who produces an artistic production like a CD, a theater production, a film, a TV program and so on
OccupationstipografoEsperantonounprinter (one who works for a press)
OccupationstýðariFaroesenountranslator, interpreterliterature media publishingmasculine
OccupationstýðariFaroeseadjcomparative degree of týðurcomparative form-of
OccupationsդեսպանOld Armeniannounambassador, messenger, envoy
OccupationsդեսպանOld Armeniannounofficial
OccupationsկաւագործOld Armeniannounpotter
OccupationsկաւագործOld Armeniannounbrickmaker
OccupationsկաւագործOld Armeniannounbricklaying, brickwork, masonry
OccupationsمکانیکPersiannounmechanic (a skilled worker in charge of maintenance or repairing machinery)countable
OccupationsمکانیکPersiannoun(physics, mechanics) mechanics, a branch of physicsuncountable
OccupationsܥܠܝܡܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjyoung, youthful, juvenile
OccupationsܥܠܝܡܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounboy, lad, adolescent, young man, teenager
OccupationsܥܠܝܡܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounthe young, youthcollective in-plural
OccupationsकलवारHindinouna caste of alcohol dealers
OccupationsकलवारHindinounalcohol dealer
OfficescaptaincyEnglishnounThe rank or status of a captain.countable uncountable
OfficescaptaincyEnglishnounThe jurisdiction of a captain.countable uncountable
OfficescaptaincyEnglishnounAn administrative division of the former Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires.countable historical uncountable
Old World monkeysmercatEnglishnounMarket; trade.obsolete
Old World monkeysmercatEnglishnounObsolete form of meerkat.alt-of obsolete
Old World monkeysmercatEnglishnounA mermaid cat.
Olive family plantsJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Olive family plantsJapanesenounJapanese ash, Fraxinus japonica
OneéénDutchnumAlternative form of een (“one”)alt-of alternative
OneéénDutchnounAlternative form of een (“one”)alt-of alternative feminine
OrganizationsFOREnglishnounInitialism of field Of research.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsFOREnglishnounInitialism of frame of reference.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsFOREnglishnameInitialism of Fellowship of Reconciliation, any of a number of religious nonviolent organizations, particularly in English-speaking countries.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsbureaucratEnglishnounAn official who is part of a bureaucracy.
OrganizationsbureaucratEnglishnounA wiki user with the right to change user access levels.
OrgansكلیهOttoman Turkishnounkidney, the organ in the body that filters the blood
OrgansكلیهOttoman Turkishnountotality, entirety, the whole
OrthodoxyvladikaItaliannounan Orthodox bishopinvariable masculine
OrthodoxyvladikaItaliannouna Vladikainvariable masculine
PainkatowaćPolishverbto tortureimperfective transitive
PainkatowaćPolishverbto torture oneselfimperfective reflexive
PainkatowaćPolishverbto beat soundlyimperfective reflexive
PainכאבHebrewverbto hurt, acheconstruction-pa'al
Palm treespalmeraCebuanonounthe parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
Palm treespalmeraCebuanonouna palm treeobsolete
PanthersآرسلانOttoman Turkishnounlion, any large felid of the species Panthera leo
PanthersآرسلانOttoman Turkishnounlion, a strong, brave and valiant manfiguratively
PanthersغضنفرOttoman Turkishnounlion, any large felid of the species Panthera leo
PanthersغضنفرOttoman Turkishnounlion, a strong, brave and valiant manfiguratively
ParasitesbétVietnameseadvbe the last, or the worst (at something)
PartiesmarchaSpanishnoungear (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears)feminine
PartiesmarchaSpanishnounparty (social gathering)Spain colloquial feminine
PartiesmarchaSpanishnounmojoSpain colloquial feminine
PartiesmarchaSpanishverbinflection of marchar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
PartiesmarchaSpanishverbinflection of marchar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
PartiesJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
PartiesJapanesenounparty, banquet, feast
PartiesJapanesenounparty, banquet, feast
PartiesJapaneseaffixparty, banquet, feast
Pastlast nightEnglishnounThe evening or night immediately before the present. (This entry is a translation hub.)adverbial often uncountable
Pastlast nightEnglishadvduring the previous day’s nighttime; during the night before today (This entry is a translation hub.)not-comparable
Past舊年Chinesenounlast yearCantonese Gan Hakka Mandarin Min Puxian-Min Southern Wu dialectal literary
Past舊年ChinesenounChinese New Year
Past舊年Chinesenounthe year before last
PastaklusekPolishnounAlternative form of kluska (“noodle”)alt-of alternative inanimate masculine
PastaklusekPolishnounAlternative form of kluska (“fatso”)alt-of alternative masculine person
PastaklusekPolishnoungenitive plural of kluskafeminine form-of genitive plural
PastaspaghettiItaliannounplural of spaghettoform-of masculine plural
PastaspaghettiItaliannouna dish of spaghettimasculine plural
PastaspaghettiItaliannounfine stringsmasculine plural
PeopleALSerEnglishnounA person with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).medicine sciencesinformal
PeopleALSerEnglishnounA participant in the Usenet newsgroup
PeopleblabtaleEnglishnounAn informant.obsolete
PeopleblabtaleEnglishnounA gossip.obsolete
PeopleblabtaleEnglishadjRevealing something, especially something not intended to be known.obsolete
Peopleboots on the groundEnglishnounThe ground forces actually fighting in a war or conflict, rather than troops not engaged or other military action such as air strikes.government military politics warmetonymically plural plural-only
Peopleboots on the groundEnglishnounThe ground forces actually fighting in a war or conflict, rather than troops not engaged or other military action such as air strikes. / The military policy of using ground forces.government military politics warmetonymically plural plural-only
Peopleboots on the groundEnglishnounPersonnel operating in an area of interest.broadly plural plural-only
Peopleboots on the groundEnglishnounThe state or condition of being physically present at a place of interest in order to ascertain the current situation.figuratively informal plural plural-only
Peopleboots on the groundEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see boots, on, ground.plural plural-only
Peoplebrigadier generalEnglishnounA military officer who commands a brigade.government military politics war
Peoplebrigadier generalEnglishnounA one star general.government military politics warUS
Peoplebrigadier generalEnglishnounA military rank between colonel and the second lowest general rank or major general, having an O7 NATO rank scale equivalencygovernment military politics war
PeoplebruteEnglishadjWithout reason or intelligence (of animals).
PeoplebruteEnglishadjCharacteristic of unthinking animals; senseless, unreasoning (of humans).
PeoplebruteEnglishadjUnconnected with intelligence or thought; purely material, senseless.
PeoplebruteEnglishadjCrude, unpolished.
PeoplebruteEnglishadjStrong, blunt, and spontaneous.
PeoplebruteEnglishadjBrutal; cruel; fierce; ferocious; savage; pitiless.
PeoplebruteEnglishnounAn animal seen as being without human reason; a senseless beast.archaic
PeoplebruteEnglishnounA person with the characteristics of an unthinking animal; a coarse or brutal person.
PeoplebruteEnglishnounA kind of powerful spotlight.broadcasting film media television
PeoplebruteEnglishnounOne who has not yet matriculated.UK archaic
PeoplebruteEnglishverbTo shape (diamonds) by grinding them against each other.transitive
PeoplebruteEnglishverbObsolete spelling of bruit.alt-of obsolete
PeoplecatfishEnglishnounAny fish of the order Siluriformes, mainly found in fresh water, lacking scales, and having barbels like whiskers around the mouth.countable uncountable
PeoplecatfishEnglishnounThe meat of such a fish, popular in the Southern U.S. and Central Europe.countable uncountable
PeoplecatfishEnglishverbTo fish for catfish.intransitive
PeoplecatfishEnglishnounSomeone who creates a false profile on a social media platform in order to deceive people.Internet
PeoplecatfishEnglishnounSuch a false profile.Internet
PeoplecatfishEnglishverbTo create and operate a fake online profile to deceive (someone).Internet slang transitive
PeoplechalengereMiddle EnglishnounA slanderer or liar; one who defames.
PeoplechalengereMiddle EnglishnounA claimant; one who claims something.rare
PeoplechalengereMiddle EnglishnounAn objector; one who challenges something.rare
PeoplecircumfetishistEnglishnounA person with a sexual fetish for male circumcision.derogatory
PeoplecircumfetishistEnglishnounAn advocate of routine male circumcision.broadly derogatory
PeoplecommissionaireEnglishnounOne entrusted with a (small) commission, such as an errand; especially, an attendant or subordinate employee in a public office, hotel, etc.
PeoplecommissionaireEnglishnounA uniformed doorman.British
PeoplecommissionaireEnglishnounAn undisclosed agent under European civil
PeopleconvenorEnglishnounOne who assembles people for an official or public purpose.
PeopleconvenorEnglishnounA lecturer who takes on the mantle of managing a specific course.Australia New-Zealand UK
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounSomething that has been created; an entity or object.
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounA living being or creature; an animal or beast.
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounA human being (often as a term of self-abasement).
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounThe whole world, the totality of existence.rare
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounThe process of making or creation.rare
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of creatouralt-of alternative
PeoplecuiditheoirIrishnounhelper, aide, auxiliarymasculine
PeoplecuiditheoirIrishnounsupporter, secondermasculine
PeoplecustomerEnglishnounA habitual patron, regular purchaser, returning client; one who has a custom of buying from a particular business.obsolete
PeoplecustomerEnglishnounA patron, a client; one who purchases or receives a product or service from a business or merchant, or intends to do so.
PeoplecustomerEnglishnounA person, especially one engaging in some sort of interaction with others.informal
PeoplecustomerEnglishnounA native official who exacted customs duties.India historical
PeopledoomsterEnglishnounSomeone who predicts doom.
PeopledoomsterEnglishnounA judge; a deemster.Scotland archaic
PeopleencresMiddle EnglishnounAn increase (usually in power, wealth, or magnitude).uncountable
PeopleencresMiddle EnglishnounMultiplication or spread of a population.uncountable
PeopleencresMiddle EnglishnounThat gained; benefit, profit.uncountable
PeopleencresMiddle EnglishnounThe amount that a quantity is increased by; addition.uncountable
PeopleencresMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of encresenalt-of alternative
PeoplefucksterEnglishnounAn undesirable person.derogatory
PeoplefucksterEnglishnounA person, usually a man, who is an eager and energetic participant in sexual intercourse.vulgar
Peoplegreen thumbEnglishnounA natural skill for gardening.US idiomatic
Peoplegreen thumbEnglishnounA person with this skill.US
Peoplehousehold nameEnglishnounA brand name that is well known to the great majority of households.
Peoplehousehold nameEnglishnounA genericized trademark.
Peoplehousehold nameEnglishnounA very well-known public figure.
PeoplekirolariBasquenounsportsman, sportswomananimate
PeoplekirolariBasquenoundative singular of kiroldative form-of singular
PeoplekiterEnglishnounOne who writes a check while there are insufficient funds in the account, hoping it will be able to clear by the time it is cashed.banking business
PeoplekiterEnglishnounSynonym of kiteboarder
PeoplelambEnglishnounA young sheep.countable uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishnounA young goat; a kid.countable obsolete uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishnounThe flesh of a lamb or sheep used as food.uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishnounA person who is meek, docile and easily led.countable figuratively uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishnounLambskin.countable uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishnounA simple, unsophisticated person.countable uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishnounOne who ignorantly speculates on the stock exchange and is financecountable slang uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishnounA fan of American singer, songwriter, actress, and record producer Mariah Carey (born 1969).countable slang uncountable
PeoplelambEnglishverbOf a sheep, to give birth.intransitive
PeoplelambEnglishverbTo assist (sheep) to give birth.intransitive transitive
PeoplelimeyEnglishadjResembling limes (the fruit); lime-like.
PeoplelimeyEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, limes (the fruit).
PeoplelimeyEnglishnounAn English or British ship.dated derogatory slang
PeoplelimeyEnglishnounAn Englishman or other Briton, or a person of British descent; an English or British immigrant.Australia New-Zealand US derogatory slang
PeoplelokomotywaPolishnounlocomotive (self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails)rail-transport railways transportfeminine
PeoplelokomotywaPolishnounleader (one having authority)feminine figuratively
PeoplemaschiaccioItaliannounPejorative of maschio / rough or wild boyinformal masculine
PeoplemaschiaccioItaliannounPejorative of maschio / macho maninformal masculine
PeoplemaschiaccioItaliannounPejorative of maschio / tomboy (girl)informal masculine
PeoplemattoidEnglishadjDisplaying erratic behaviour
PeoplemattoidEnglishnounA person who displays such behaviour; a person of congenitally abnormal mind bordering on insanity or degeneracy.
PeoplemetalPolishnounmetal (atomic element or material made of such atoms)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
PeoplemetalPolishnounmetal (light tincture used in a coat of arms, specifically argent (white or silver) and or (gold))government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsinanimate masculine
PeoplemetalPolishnounmetal (style of music)inanimate masculine
PeoplemetalPolishnounmetalhead, metaller, metallist (one who listens to heavy metal music)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person slang
PeoplemfadhiliSwahilinounsponsor (person with responsibility (especially with a religious or financial aspect))class-1 class-2
PeoplemfadhiliSwahilinounbenefactorclass-1 class-2
PeoplemoventEnglishadjMoving; that moves; that is being moved.obsolete
PeoplemoventEnglishnounAnything that is moved or that moves, or that gives motion; mover.archaic
PeoplemoventEnglishnounAlternative form of movant.lawalt-of alternative
PeopleműértőHungarianadjartistically competent/skilled/trained, art-aware, art-savvy, art-acquainted, art-mindednot-comparable usually
PeoplepanegiristaItaliannounpanegyristby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplepanegiristaItaliannouneulogistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplepapponeItaliannounpimpinformal masculine
PeoplepapponeItaliannounsleaze, sleazy maninformal masculine
PeoplepetrolheadEnglishnounA person who is overly reliant on the use of their car, resisting any suggestion to use other means of transport.colloquial
PeoplepetrolheadEnglishnounA bogan who is overly fond of their car or motorbike and enjoys showing it off and making noise with it.Australia New-Zealand colloquial derogatory
PeoplepetrolheadEnglishnounA person involved in motor racing as either participant or dedicated spectator.Australia New-Zealand colloquial
PeoplepetrolheadEnglishnounA car enthusiast.UK colloquial
PeoplepolisiIndonesiannounpolice: / a civil force granted the legal authority for law enforcement and maintaining public order.uncountable
PeoplepolisiIndonesiannounpolice: / The staff of such a department or agency, particularly its officers.countable
Peoplepond scumEnglishnounAlgae, especially when growing on the surface of a pond.uncountable
Peoplepond scumEnglishnounWorthless, insignificant person or people.figuratively uncountable
Peoplepower userEnglishnounA person who makes heavy use of computers, running many applications and capable of using advanced functionality.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Peoplepower userEnglishnounA computer user who seeks and uses products having the most features and the fastest performance.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeoplepõgenikEstoniannounescapee, runaway
PeoplepõgenikEstoniannounabsconder, fugitive
PeoplequinquagénaireFrenchadjquinquagenarian, fiftysomething
PeoplequinquagénaireFrenchnounquinquagenarian, fiftysomethingby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplerockandrollowiecPolishnounrock and roll musician, rocker (musician who plays rock and roll music)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person
PeoplerockandrollowiecPolishnounrock and roll fan (person who enjoys listening to rock and roll music)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person
PeoplescalperEnglishnounOne who scalps, or removes the scalp of another.
PeoplescalperEnglishnounOne who scalps tickets to popular entertainment events: buying them in advance and then selling them (e.g. online or just outside the venue of the event), often at inflated prices.Canada US
PeoplescalperEnglishnounOne who scalps any other item with limited availability.broadly
PeoplescalperEnglishnounA gambler who scalps.gambling games
PeoplescalperEnglishnounA person on an open outcry exchange trading floor who buys and sells rapidly for his or her own account, aiming to buy from a seller and a little later sell to a buyer, making a small profit from the difference (roughly the amount of the bid/offer spread, or less).business finance
PeoplescalperEnglishnounA machine for removing the ends of grain, such as wheat or rye, or for separating the different grades of broken wheat, semolina, etc.
PeoplescalperEnglishnounA surgical instrument for scraping carious bones.
PeoplescioccoItalianadjsilly, foolish, stupid, daft
PeoplescioccoItalianadjtasteless, insipid, saltless, unsalted
PeoplescioccoItaliannounfool, simpleton, nitwit, noodlemasculine
PeoplesuthaIrishnoungood, healthy eatermasculine
PeoplethiefEnglishnounOne who carries out a theft.
PeoplethiefEnglishnounOne who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence.
PeoplethiefEnglishnounA waster in the snuff of a candle.obsolete
Peoplewalay sapatosCebuanoadjshoeless
Peoplewalay sapatosCebuanonounan insurgent
PeoplezopencoSpanishadjstupid, idiotic
PeopleściemniaczPolishnoundimmer switch (light switch which can adjust the brightness of the switched lamp from dim to bright, as well as turning it on and off)business electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
PeopleściemniaczPolishnounliar, fibber, storytellermasculine person
PeopleщенокRussiannouncub, whelp
PeopleщенокRussiannounsnot; son of a bitchderogatory
Peopleप्रजाHindinounpeople (as a single entity)
PeopleमानवHindinounhuman being
PeopleमानवHindinounman, male
PeopleमानवHindinounmankind, humanity
PeopleἀσκητήςAncient Greeknounone who practices any art or trade
PeopleἀσκητήςAncient Greeknounathlete trained for the arena
People三哥Chinesenounthird eldest brother
People三哥ChinesenounIndian male; Indian people; Indianeologism slang
People同黨Chinesenounfellow party member; colleague
People同黨Chinesenounaccomplice; co-conspirator
People家醫ChinesenounShort for 家庭醫生/家庭医生 (jiātíng yīshēng, “family doctor”).abbreviation alt-of
People家醫ChinesenounShort for 家庭醫學/家庭医学 (jiātíng yīxué, “family medicine”).abbreviation alt-of
People強人Chinesenounstrong man; person who is competent and achieves the impossible
People強人Chinesenounstrongman (forceful or brutal person)
People旗人Chinesenounbanner person (member of any one of the Eight Banners during the Qing dynasty)historical
People旗人ChinesenounManchu personhistorical
People笨蛋Chinesenounfool; idiot; silly (person)informal
People笨蛋Chinesenounkid; kiddo
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounA circular frill or ruffle on a garment, especially a starched, fluted frill at the neck in Elizabethan and Jacobean England (1560s–1620s).
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounAnything formed with plaits or flutings like a frill.
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounSenses relating to animals. / Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax), a gregarious, medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia; specifically, a male of the species which develops a distinctive ruff of feathers and ear tufts during mating season (the female is called a reeve).
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounSenses relating to animals. / A set of lengthened or otherwise modified feathers on or around the neck of a bird.biology natural-sciences ornithology
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounSenses relating to animals. / A collar of lengthened or distinctively coloured fur on or around the neck of an animal.biology natural-sciences zoology
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounA collar on a shaft or other piece to prevent endwise natural-sciences physical-sciences
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounAn exhibition of haughtiness or pride.obsolete
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounTumultuous or wanton conduct or procedure.obsolete
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbTo shape (fabric, etc.) into a ruff; to adorn (a garment, etc.) with a ruff.transitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbOf a falcon, hawk, etc.: to hit (the prey) without fixing or grabbing hold of it.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyletransitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbTo ruffle; to disorder.rare transitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbOf a bird: to ruffle its feathers.obsolete transitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbTo boast, to brag.obsolete transitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbTo speak in a loud and domineering manner; to bluster, to swagger.intransitive obsolete
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounAlternative spelling of ruffe: a small freshwater fish of the genus Gymnocephalus; specifically the Eurasian ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua or Gymnocephalus cernuus) which has spiny fins; the pope.alt-of alternative
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounArripis georgianus, a fish found in cool waters off the southern coast of Australia; the Australian herring or tommy ruff.
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounA bottom-dwelling carnivorous fish of the family Sparidae found in temperate and tropical waters; a porgy or sea bream.obsolete
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbTo play a trump card to a trick when unable to follow suit (that is, when unable to play a card of the same suit as the previous or leading card).intransitive transitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbEspecially in the form ruff out: to defeat (a card, etc.) by ruffing, thus establishing the master card in the suit led.transitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounAn instance of ruffing, or an opportunity to ruff, when unable to follow suit.
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounA game similar to whist and its predecessor.obsolete
Percoid fishruffEnglishnounA low, vibrating beat of a drum, quieter than a roll; a ruffle.entertainment government lifestyle military music politics waroften
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbTo beat a ruff or ruffle, as on a drum.transitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishverbOf a drum, etc.: to have a ruff or ruffle beaten on it.intransitive
Percoid fishruffEnglishintjThe bark of a dog; arf, woof.
Percoid fishruffEnglishadjAlternative spelling of rough.alt-of alternative
Percussion instrumentspress rollEnglishnounA type of heavy roller, especially as used in papermaking.
Percussion instrumentspress rollEnglishnounA type of drum roll whereby the drumsticks are pressed against the skin of the drum.
PersonalitycabezónSpanishadjpigheaded, stubborn
PersonalitycabezónSpanishnouna big-headed or stubborn personmasculine
PersonalitycabezónSpanishnounAugmentative of cabezaaugmentative form-of masculine
PersonalityweirdEnglishadjHaving an unusually strange character or behaviour.
PersonalityweirdEnglishadjDeviating from the normal; bizarre.
PersonalityweirdEnglishadjRelating to weird fiction ("a macabre subgenre of speculative fiction").
PersonalityweirdEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Fates.archaic
PersonalityweirdEnglishadjConnected with fate or destiny; able to influence fate.archaic
PersonalityweirdEnglishadjOf or pertaining to witches or witchcraft; supernatural; unearthly; suggestive of witches, witchcraft, or unearthliness; wild; uncanny.archaic
PersonalityweirdEnglishadjHaving supernatural or preternatural power.archaic
PersonalityweirdEnglishnounFate; destiny; luck.archaic
PersonalityweirdEnglishnounA prediction.
PersonalityweirdEnglishnounA spell or charm.Scotland obsolete
PersonalityweirdEnglishnounThat which comes to pass; a fact.
PersonalityweirdEnglishnounThe Fates.archaic in-plural
PersonalityweirdEnglishverbTo destine; doom; change by witchcraft or sorcery.transitive
PersonalityweirdEnglishverbTo warn solemnly; adjure.transitive
PersonalityweirdEnglishadvIn a strange manner.nonstandard not-comparable
Pharmacyhorse pillEnglishnounA medicinal pill which is very large in size and is therefore difficult for a person to swallow.humorous idiomatic mildly sometimes
Pharmacyhorse pillEnglishnounA fact, proposal, claim, etc. that is difficult to accept or believe.broadly idiomatic
Pharmacyhorse pillEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see horse, pill: a pill for horses, sometimes a large one.
PhilatelyTimberLuxembourgishnounpostage stampmasculine
PhilatelyTimberLuxembourgishnountimbre (of a voice etc.)masculine
PhilosophyMilesianEnglishnouna native or inhabitant of the ancient city of Miletus in Asia Minor.historical
PhilosophyMilesianEnglishnouna follower of the Milesian school of philosophy founded by Thales
PhilosophyMilesianEnglishadjPertaining to Miletus or its inhabitants.
PhilosophyMilesianEnglishadjPertaining to Milesius or his people; Irish.
PhilosophyMilesianEnglishnounA member of a people in Irish mythology, the descendants of Míl Espáine.
PhilosophyMilesianEnglishnounAn Irishman; someone of Irish origin.dated humorous sometimes
PhilosophyRawlsianEnglishadjOf, relating to, or influenced by John Rawls (1921–2002), American moral and political philosopher.
PhilosophyRawlsianEnglishnounA follower of the theories of John Rawls.
PhilosophyproposicióCatalannounclausegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
PhobiasxylophobiaEnglishnounA fear of wooden objects.uncountable
PhobiasxylophobiaEnglishnounA fear of forests.uncountable
Physicsatomic massEnglishnounThe mass of an atom.countable uncountable
Physicsatomic massEnglishnounatomic weight; the average mass of atoms of an element.countable proscribed uncountable
PlacesośrodekPolishnouncenter (institution or place set aside for some specified function or activity)inanimate masculine
PlacesośrodekPolishnouncenter, hub (place where some function or activity occurs)inanimate masculine
PlacesośrodekPolishnounnerve center (point at which nerves come together for the processing of signals)anatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
PlacesośrodekPolishnouncenter (central point of something)climatology meteorology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
PlacesośrodekPolishnounmedium (physical environment that determines the way in which certain processes take place)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
PlacesośrodekPolishnouncenter (inside part of something)inanimate masculine obsolete
PlacesośrodekPolishnouncenter (inside part of something) / center or inside part of breadMiddle Polish inanimate masculine obsolete
Places of worshipsobórPolishnouncouncilChristianityinanimate masculine
Places of worshipsobórPolishnouncathedralinanimate masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemپرتھویUrdunounEarth (the third planet from our Sun)rare
Planets of the Solar SystemپرتھویUrdunoungroundrare
Planets of the Solar SystemپرتھویUrdunamePrithvi, Mother EarthBuddhism lifestyle religionHinduism
Plantain family plantsvesikuusiFinnishnouncommon mare's tail (Hippuris vulgaris)
Plantain family plantsvesikuusiFinnishnounmare's tail (plant of the genus Hippuris)
Plantain family plantsvesikuusiFinnishnounthe genus Hippurisin-plural
PlantsalgodãoPortuguesenouncotton (plant)masculine
PlantsalgodãoPortuguesenounthe fibre extracted from the plantmasculine uncountable
PlantsalgodãoPortuguesenounthe cloth made from the fibremasculine uncountable
PlantsaṣẹYorubanounaṣẹ, power, authority
PlantsaṣẹYorubanounorder, command, authorization, warranty
PlantsaṣẹYorubanounspell, charm
PlantsaṣẹYorubaintjlet it be so so; may it be so!
PlantsaṣẹYorubanounIodes africana
PlantsbàlsamCatalannounthe cat's claw or sour fig (Carpobrotus edulis)masculine
PlantsgortIrishnounivyliterary masculine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannouncold windmasculine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannounnorth windmasculine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannounintense coldmasculine
PlantsxieiroGaliciannouncold place; frosty placemasculine
PlantsтамырBashkirnounroot (of plant)biology botany natural-sciences
PlantsтамырBashkirnounblood vesselanatomy medicine sciences
PlantsтамырBashkirnounroot (of tooth, of hair)
PlantsтамырBashkirnounroothuman-sciences linguistics sciences
PlantsтамырBashkirnounrootmathematics sciences
PoisonsاتKarakhanidnounmeat, flesh
PoisonsاتKarakhanidnoungrass, vegetation, herbs, weeds
PoisonsاتKarakhanidnounmedicinemedicine sciences
PolandпольськомовнийUkrainianadjPolish-speaking, Polonophoneno-comparative
PolandпольськомовнийUkrainianadjPolish-language (written or spoken in Polish)no-comparative
PoliticsKlubGermannounAlternative spelling of Clubalt-of alternative masculine strong
PoliticsKlubGermannounThe continuation of a political party in the National Council of Austria and the parliament of an Austrian federal state, in other parliaments called Fraktionmasculine strong
PoliticsانقلابUrdunouncoup d'état
Polynesian canoe plantsmeiTongannounbreadfruit
Polynesian canoe plantsmeiTonganprepfrom
PoultrychaponFrenchnouncapon; a castrated cockerel or the meat thereofmasculine
PoultrychaponFrenchnounany castrated male fowlbroadly masculine
PoultrychaponFrenchnouna large crouton served in a lean soupmasculine
PoultrychaponFrenchnoungarlic breadmasculine
PrayerreshutEnglishverbTo shut again.transitive
PrayerreshutEnglishnounAn optional prayer.Judaism
PrisonJapanesecharacterprisonHyōgai kanji
PrisonJapanesecharacterstable, penHyōgai kanji
PrisonJapanesecharactersecureHyōgai kanji
ProstitutionhetaeraEnglishnounA highly cultivated hired female companion who would entertain upper-class male clients and might perform sex acts for them.historical
ProstitutionhetaeraEnglishnounA mistress.
ProstitutionkurwiszonPolishnounolder, experienced prostituteanimal-not-person masculine offensive vulgar
ProstitutionkurwiszonPolishnounwomananimal-not-person masculine offensive vulgar
ProstitutionmichetonneuseFrenchnounoccasional prostitutederogatory feminine slang
ProstitutionmichetonneuseFrenchnoungold diggerbroadly feminine slang
Prunus genus plantsWeinbergpfirsichGermannounEllipsis of roter Weinbergpfirsich.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis masculine strong
Prunus genus plantsWeinbergpfirsichGermannounSynonym of Plattpfirsichbusiness commerce retailinformal masculine strong
Prunus genus plantsсливаRussiannounplum (fruit or tree)
Prunus genus plantsсливаRussiannoungenitive singular of слив (sliv)form-of genitive singular
PsychologygrupptänkSwedishnoungroupthinkneuter uncountable
PsychologygrupptänkSwedishverbimperative of grupptänkaform-of imperative
PsychologynáladaCzechnounmood (mental or emotional state, composure)feminine
PsychologynáladaCzechnounmood (disposition to do something)feminine
Psychology精神衛生Chinesenounmental health
Psychology精神衛生Chinesenounmental hygiene
Pumpshydraulic ramEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see hydraulic, ram.
Pumpshydraulic ramEnglishnounA water pump in which a flow of water is intermittently halted by a valve so that the flow is forced upward through an open pipe, usually into a reservoir.
Pumpshydraulic ramEnglishnounA hydraulic cylinder with a piston activated by pumping hydraulic fluid into the cylinder.
RacismremovalistEnglishnounOne who advocates the removal of native populations from their land.US historical
RacismremovalistEnglishnounOne who removes (by profession).
RacismremovalistEnglishnounA person or company who specialises in domestic removals, that is, the transportation of household contents when moving house.Australia
Racismকৃষ্ণাঙ্গBengalinoundark-skinned person
Racismকৃষ্ণাঙ্গBengalinounAfrican (person from Africa)
Racist names for countriesNazilandEnglishnameAny place populated by Nazis.derogatory
Racist names for countriesNazilandEnglishnameGermany, especially Nazi Germany.derogatory
RainlaćPolishverbto pour (to cause to flow in a stream)imperfective transitive
RainlaćPolishverbto pour down; to rain heavilycolloquial imperfective intransitive
RainlaćPolishverbto beat up; to hitcolloquial imperfective transitive
RainlaćPolishverbto pissimperfective intransitive slang
RainlaćPolishverbto not care; to ignorebroadly imperfective intransitive slang
RainlaćPolishverbto pour forthimperfective reflexive
RainlaćPolishverbto fightcolloquial imperfective reflexive
RallidswaterhenEnglishnounA species of bird in the genus Amaurornis of the family Rallidae.
RallidswaterhenEnglishnounSynonym of turbo chook
RatitesstruțRomaniannounostrich (large flightless bird)masculine
RatitesstruțRomaniannounbouquetneuter regional
RecreationjacuzziPolishnounjacuzzi (hot tub or whirlpool bath with underwater jets that massage the body)indeclinable neuter
RecreationjacuzziPolishnounrelaxing bathing in a jacuzziindeclinable neuter
RecreationjacuzziPolishadjjacuzzi (hot tub)not-comparable postpositional
RecreationkempingPolishnouncampground, campsiteinanimate masculine
RecreationkempingPolishnouncamping (recreational activity)inanimate masculine
Recreational drugsnugEnglishnounlump; blockWest-Country
Recreational drugsnugEnglishnounA piece of marijuana.slang
Recreational drugsnugEnglishnounA chicken nugget.slang
Recreational drugsnugEnglishnounAlternative form of noog (“Guizotia abyssinica”)alt-of alternative uncountable
RedsliverEnglishnounA large organ in the body that stores and metabolizes nutrients, destroys toxins and produces bile. It is responsible for thousands of biochemical reactions.anatomy medicine sciencescountable uncountable
RedsliverEnglishnounThis organ, as taken from animals used as food.countable uncountable
RedsliverEnglishnounA dark brown colour, tinted with red and gray, like the colour of liver.countable uncountable
RedsliverEnglishnounAny of various chemical compounds—particularly sulfides—thought to resemble livers in color.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable obsolete uncountable
RedsliverEnglishadjOf the colour of liver (dark brown, tinted with red and gray).not-comparable
RedsliverEnglishnounSomeone who lives (usually in a specified way). / Someone who is alive: one of the living.uncommon
RedsliverEnglishnounSomeone who lives (usually in a specified way). / Someone who lives in a particular place; an inhabitant, a dweller.uncommon
RedsliverEnglishnounSomeone who lives (usually in a specified way).uncommon
RedsliverEnglishadjcomparative form of live: more livecomparative form-of
Reference worksatlasFinnishnounatlas (collection of maps)
Reference worksatlasFinnishnounatlas (vertebra)anatomy medicine sciences
ReligionJānisLatviannamea very common male given namedeclension-2 masculine
ReligionJānisLatviannameJohn (a biblical character)declension-2 masculine
ReligionprophetEnglishnounSomeone who speaks by divine inspiration.
ReligionprophetEnglishnounSomeone who predicts the future; a soothsayer.
ReligionитэҕэлYakutnounbelief, faith
ReligionനരകംMalayalamnouna hellish place or situationfiguratively
Republics of RussiaKarjalaFinnishnameKarelia (region shared between Russia and Finland)
Republics of RussiaKarjalaFinnishnameA former municipality of Varsinais-Suomi, in southwestern Finland.
Republics of RussiaKarjalaFinnishnamea Finnish surname
RiversCaprasiaLatinnameOne of the mouths of the river Padusdeclension-1
RiversCaprasiaLatinnameAlternative form of Caprāria (“A small island in the Tuscan Sea, near the northern point of Corsica”)alt-of alternative declension-1
RiversHimeraLatinnameA city on the north coast of Sicily, situated between Panormus and Cephaloediumdeclension-2
RiversHimeraLatinnamea river that flows across this town, now called Imeradeclension-1
RoadsdroveEnglishnounA cattle drive or the herd being driven by it; thus, a number of cattle driven to market or new pastures.
RoadsdroveEnglishnounA large number of people on the move.broadly figuratively plural-normally
RoadsdroveEnglishnounA group of hares.collective
RoadsdroveEnglishnounA road or track along which cattle are habitually, used to be or coil be driven; a droveway.
RoadsdroveEnglishnounA narrow drain or channel used in the irrigation of land.
RoadsdroveEnglishnounA broad chisel used to bring stone to a nearly smooth surface.
RoadsdroveEnglishnounThe grooved surface of stone finished by the drove chisel.
RoadsdroveEnglishverbsimple past of driveform-of past
RoadsdroveEnglishverbpast participle of drivedialectal form-of participle past
RoadsdroveEnglishverbTo herd cattle; particularly over a long distance.
RoadsdroveEnglishverbTo finish (stone) with a drove chisel.transitive
RocketrymultistageEnglishadjHaving more than one step or phase.
RocketrymultistageEnglishadjComposed of multiple detachable parts.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
RockscalizaSpanishadjfeminine singular of calizofeminine form-of singular
RocksmillstoneEnglishnounA large round stone used for grinding grain.
RocksmillstoneEnglishnounA coarse-grained sandstone used for making such stones; millstone grit.geography geology natural-sciences
RocksmillstoneEnglishnounEllipsis of millstone round one's neck (referring to Matthew 18:6 in the Bible): a heavy responsibility that is difficult to bear.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis figuratively
Roman EmpireHeliogabalusEnglishnameSynonym of Elagabalus (“Roman emperor, noted for decadence, eccentricity, femininity, and disregard for Roman religious traditions and sexual taboos”).
Roman EmpireHeliogabalusEnglishnameSynonym of Elagabalus (“sun deity”).
Roman deitiesNeptunusDutchnameNeptune, the eighth planet of our solar systemneuter
Roman deitiesNeptunusDutchnameNeptune, the Roman sea godneuter
RoomshalaPolishnounhall, concoursefeminine
RoomshalaPolishnounmountain meadow in the Alpine tundra, above the tree linefeminine
RoomshalaPolishnounpasture in the Tatra mountainsfeminine
RoomskhamaraCimbriannounroomSette-Comuni feminine
RoomskhamaraCimbriannounbedroomSette-Comuni feminine
RoomsصالونSouth Levantine Arabicnounliving room
RoomsصالونSouth Levantine Arabicnounsaloon
Rooms厨房Japanesenounkitchen (especially in a restaurant)
Rooms厨房Japanesenounnewbie, noobInternet derogatory
Rooms厨房JapanesenounInternet trollInternet derogatory
Rosales order plantsконопMacedoniannounhemp
Rosales order plantsконопMacedoniannounstring or twine of hemp
Rose family plantsܘܪܕܐClassical Syriacnounrose, flower
Rose family plantsܘܪܕܐClassical Syriacnouncoagulate; film or skin on the surface of a liquid
RosesalbaEnglishnounA type of lyrical poetry, traditionally Provençal, about lovers who must part at dawn.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
RosesalbaEnglishnounA white-flowered shrub rose of the hybrid Rosa × alba.
RosesalbaEnglishnounA flower of the hybrid Rosa × alba.
RosesalbaEnglishnounplural of albumform-of plural rare
RosesalbaEnglishnounSynonym of alb
RosesdamaskEnglishnounAn ornate silk fabric originating from Damascus.countable uncountable
RosesdamaskEnglishnounLinen so woven that a pattern is produced by the different directions of the thread, without contrast of colour.countable uncountable
RosesdamaskEnglishnounA heavy woolen or worsted stuff with a pattern woven in the same way as the linen damask; made for furniture covering and hangings.countable uncountable
RosesdamaskEnglishnounDamascus steel.countable uncountable
RosesdamaskEnglishnounThe peculiar markings or water of such steel.countable uncountable
RosesdamaskEnglishnounA damask rose, Rosa × damascena.countable uncountable
RosesdamaskEnglishnounA grayish-pink color, like that of the damask rose.countable uncountable
RosesdamaskEnglishadjOf a grayish-pink color, like that of the damask rose.
RosesdamaskEnglishverbTo decorate or weave in damascene patterns
Royal residencespalácioPortuguesenounpalace (large residence where aristocrats usually live)masculine
Royal residencespalácioPortuguesenounpalace (large and lavishly ornate residence)masculine
Royal residencespalácioPortuguesenounmajor government buildingmasculine
RussiarussehandelNorwegian Nynorsknountrading with the Pomorshistorical masculine uncountable
RussiarussehandelNorwegian Nynorsknouncross-border shopping into Russia (especially between 1991 and 2022)masculine uncountable
Sapindales order plantspiliBikol Centralnounthe pili tree (Canarium ovatum)
Sapindales order plantspiliBikol Centralnouna pili nut
Sapindales order plantspiliBikol Centraladjfastidious; selective; particular; fussy
Sapindales order plantspiliBikol Centralnounchoosing; selecting; picking
SaucesbalandraSpanishnounbilandernautical transportfeminine historical
SaucesbalandraSpanishnouna type of sauce from Catalonia, made with bread, vinegar and garlicfeminine
Saucespesto alla trapaneseItaliannounpestoinvariable masculine
Saucespesto alla trapaneseItaliannouna sauce, especially for pasta, originating from the Trapani Sicily in Italy, made from basil, garlic, almond nuts, olive oil and cheese (only pecorino) salt and pepperinvariable masculine
SausagesinsaccatoItalianverbpast participle of insaccareform-of participle past
SciencescyberscienceEnglishnounTraditional scientific study and research carried out in cyberspace.uncountable
SciencescyberscienceEnglishnounAny scientific discipline that relates to cyberspace, such as cyberpsychology.countable
ScolopacidsHudsonianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Hudson Bay.not-comparable
ScolopacidsHudsonianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Hudson River.not-comparable
ScolopacidsHudsonianEnglishnounThe Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica).informal
ScolopacidsHudsonianEnglishnounAn employee of the J. L. Hudson Company (or Hudson's), a department store chain based in Detroit, Michigan.historical informal
ScolopacidspokCebuanonouna foresail
ScolopacidspokCebuanonounthe Swinhoe's snipe (Gallinago megala)
ScolopacidsсвирецBulgariannounpiper, music playerliterally
ScolopacidsсвирецBulgariannouncurlew (wader bird of genus Numenius)broadly
Seasons四時JapanesenounSynonym of 四季 (shiki, “four seasons”)
Seasons四時Japanesenounfour (o'clock)
SevensedmicaSerbo-CroatiannounweekBosnia regional
SevensedmicaSerbo-Croatiannounseven (digit or figure)
SevensedmicaSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered seven (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 7 etc.)
SewingnaaldDutchnounA needle, a pin (for sewing, injections, tattooing etc.).feminine
SewingnaaldDutchnounA needle (leaf of coniferous trees).feminine
SewingnaaldDutchnounThe needle of a record player.feminine
SewingnaaldDutchnounAn obelisk or column (monument, memorial).architecturefeminine
SewingpodšitýCzechadjcunning, sly
SexerotyzmPolishnouneroticism (state of being erotic, or of being sexually aroused)inanimate masculine
SexerotyzmPolishnouneroticism (sexual excitement, especially if abnormally persistent)inanimate masculine
SexerotyzmPolishnouneroticainanimate masculine
SexfrutifantásticoSpanishadjfantasticInternet humorous neologism
SexfrutifantásticoSpanishnounsex; sexual intercourseInternet countable humorous masculine neologism uncountable
Sexฟีเจอริ่งThaiverbto have sex; to engage in a sexual activity.slang
Sexฟีเจอริ่งThaiverbto have as a sexual partner.slang
ShapeskürəAzerbaijaninounsolid sphere
ShapeskürəAzerbaijaninounball (the set of points in a metric space of distance less than (or equal to) a given number)mathematics sciences
ShapeskürəAzerbaijaninounforge, furnace, kiln
ShapessemicírculoSpanishnounpenalty arc, semicircle, the D (an arc whose center is the penalty spot, extending from the top of the penalty area)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsmasculine
SheepSchöpsGermannouncastrated ramAustria Eastern Germany masculine regional strong weak
SheepSchöpsGermannounmuttonAustria Eastern Germany masculine regional strong weak
SheepSchöpsGermannounidiot; moronAustria Eastern Germany masculine regional strong weak
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / a forelegcountable literary
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / the upper limb, the armcountable obsolete
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / a wingcountable literary
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / the covering of the arm, the arm of a garment, the sleevecountable
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / something resembling, likened to, or related to an appendage; including various technical elements perceived as an appendage: / pestle for a mortar (this is the normal term for it in Arabic)broadly countable
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / something resembling, likened to, or related to an appendage; including various technical elements perceived as an appendage: / tiller of a rudderbroadly countable
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / something resembling, likened to, or related to an appendage; including various technical elements perceived as an appendage: / armrest of an armchairbroadly countable
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / something resembling, likened to, or related to an appendage; including various technical elements perceived as an appendage: / handle of an axe or hatchetbroadly countable
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / something resembling, likened to, or related to an appendage; including various technical elements perceived as an appendage: / handle of a quernstonebroadly countable
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal) / something resembling, likened to, or related to an appendage; including various technical elements perceived as an appendage: / tip of an archery bowbroadly countable
Ship partsيدArabicnounan appendage of a body (as of an animal)countable
Ship partsيدArabicnounthe part of the upper limb between the wrist and the fingertips, the terminal portion of the arm, the handcountable
Ship partsيدArabicnounthe part of the upper limb between the wrist and the fingertips, the terminal portion of the arm, the hand / the capacity to handle a thing, ability, power, kingship, ownership, help, grip, control, hand, dexterity, métier and so onbroadly countable
Ship partsيدArabicnouna unit of measure / flock of sheepMorocco al-Andalus countable
Ship partsيدArabicnouna unit of measure / a portion of a meadow snithen by two to three grasscutters or harvestmen in a rowMorocco al-Andalus countable
Ship partsيدArabicnouna unit of measure / a vine row of 30, 40 or 60 cubits depending on the terrain worked by four vignerons one after the otherMorocco al-Andalus countable
Ship partsيدArabicnouna unit of measure / a quire of paperMorocco al-Andalus countable
ShopsgrocerieFrenchnoungrocery storeLouisiana feminine
ShopsgrocerieFrenchnoungroceriesLouisiana feminine in-plural
ShrubsbromMiddle EnglishnounBroom (shrub of the family Fabaceae)
ShrubsbromMiddle EnglishnounA broom (device for sweeping)
ShrubsjałowiecPolishnounjuniper (any shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus)inanimate masculine
ShrubsjałowiecPolishnounjuniper (fruit of this plant)inanimate masculine
SizegarśćPolishnoungrasp, grip (hand understood as a tool to hold something in it)feminine
SizegarśćPolishnounfistful, handful (amount that can be held in a closed fist)feminine
SkinpomadeEnglishnounA greasy or waxy substance that is used to style hair, making it look slick and shiny.countable uncountable
SkinpomadeEnglishnounSynonym of ointment, particularly thick waxy ointments scented with fruit used to beautify the skin or hair.countable historical obsolete uncountable
SkinpomadeEnglishnounSynonym of cider, a soft or hard drink made from apples.countable obsolete uncountable
SkinpomadeEnglishverbTo apply pomade to style hair.transitive
SkinpomadeEnglishverbSynonym of anoint, to apply ointment.historical obsolete transitive
SkinrugburnEnglishnounA painful burn or redness of skin, especially on knees, elbows, and hands, from repetitive friction against a rug or similar surface.countable
SkinrugburnEnglishnounRugburns in general.uncountable
SkinrugburnEnglishverbTo cause a rugburn to form.transitive
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The common rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), a freshwater fish.countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Any of various grass-skippers or hesperiid butterflies of the genus Matapa.countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The red-eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas), which is native to neotropical rainforests.countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / A species of cicada, Psaltoda moerens, native to eastern Australia.Australia countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus), a small American songbird.Canada US countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Any of various round herrings of the genus Etrumeus.South-Africa US countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Either of two subspecies of the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix), a venomous pit viper native to the United States: either the broad-banded copperhead or Texas copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus), or the highland moccasin or northern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen).US countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Any of various sunfishes of the family Centrarchidae, especially the redeye bass (Micropterus coosae) or the rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris).US countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The redeye tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae), a freshwater fish, commonly kept in aquariums, native to South America.countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / A drink made by adding a shot of espresso to a cup of coffee.countable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / A drink consisting of beer with tomato juice.Canada countable regional uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / A strong but poor-quality whiskey.US countable slang uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / Ellipsis of red-eye gravy.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounAn overnight airplane flight or train trip.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travelUS also attributive colloquial countable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounRedness of the conjunctiva; especially when caused by conjunctivitis (pink-eye).medicine sciencescountable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishnounRedness in the eye(s) of someone in a colour photograph, as an unwanted consequence of light from a flash reflecting off blood vessels in the retina.arts hobbies lifestyle photographycountable uncountable
Skippersred-eyeEnglishverbOften followed by it: to travel on a red-eye (“an overnight airplane flight”).aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travelcolloquial intransitive
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe act of abolishing; an annulling; abrogation.
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe state of being abolished.
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe ending of the slave trade or of slavery.UK US capitalized historical often
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe ending of convict transportation.Australia capitalized historical often
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounAn amnesty; a putting out of memory.obsolete
SlaveryservileEnglishadjExcessively eager to please; obsequious.
SlaveryservileEnglishadjSlavish or submissive.
SlaveryservileEnglishadjSlavish or submissive. / Of or pertaining to a slave.
SlaveryservileEnglishadjNot belonging to the original root.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
SlaveryservileEnglishadjNot sounded, but serving to lengthen the preceding vowel, like the e in tune.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
SlaveryservileEnglishnounAn element which forms no part of the original root.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
SlaveryservileEnglishnounA slave; a menial.
SleepposłaniePolishnounverbal noun of posłaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb
SleepposłaniePolishnouna sleeping spot, a bedneuter
SleepposłaniePolishnounverbal noun of posłaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb
SleepposłaniePolishnoundispatch, message, missiveneuter
SleepposłaniePolishnounmessage (underlying theme or conclusion to be drawn from something)literary neuter
Slovene cardinal numbersničSlovenepronnothing
Slovene cardinal numbersničSlovenenumzero
Slovene cardinal numbersničSlovenenounnothing (as a concept)
SmokingkakaCebuanonouna spider; any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order Araneae, most of which spin webs to catch prey
SmokingkakaCebuanonountar; a solid residual byproduct of tobacco smoke
SmokingtubákHungariannounsnuff (finely ground or pulverized tobacco intended for use by being sniffed or snorted into the nose)archaic rare uncountable usually
SmokingtubákHungariannounnominative plural of tubaform-of nominative plural
SnackspoutineEnglishnounA dish consisting of French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy, eaten primarily in Canada.Canada countable uncountable
SnackspoutineEnglishnounChiefly with a qualifying word: any of a number of variations on the basic poutine dish.Canada countable uncountable
SnakescerasteItaliannounhorned viper (of genus Cerastes)feminine
SnakescerasteItalianverbinflection of cerare: / second-person plural past historicform-of historic past plural second-person
SnakescerasteItalianverbinflection of cerare: / second-person plural imperfect subjunctiveform-of imperfect plural second-person subjunctive
Snow降雪Japanesenounfalling snow
Snow降雪Japanesenounsnowfall, either as an instance of falling of snow, or as the accumulated snow itself
Snow降雪Japaneseverbto fall (said of snow), to have a snowfall
Soapberry family plantsbalãozinhoPortuguesenoundiminutive of balãodiminutive form-of masculine
Soapberry family plantsbalãozinhoPortuguesenounballoon plant (Cardiospermum halicacabum, a tropical vine)Brazil masculine
Social justicegay liberationEnglishnounEquality for homosexual people.government politicsuncountable
Social justicegay liberationEnglishnounAn activist movement in the late 1960s to 1980s that advocates better treatment for gay men and lesbian women.government politicsuncountable
Social media커뮤니티Koreannounonline community website, forum website
Social media커뮤니티Koreannouncommunity (in general)
SoundbićPolishverbto beat, to hit [with w (+ accusative) or po (+ locative) ‘where’] / to beat, to hitimperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto beat, to whip (e.g. cream)cooking food lifestyleimperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto mint (produce coins); to forge metalimperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto beat (to be better than someone else in something)imperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto fire, to shoot [with z (+ genitive) or accusative ‘a firearm’] / to fire, to shootimperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto damage, to tarnish [with w (+ accusative) ‘what/whom’] / to damage, to tarnishimperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto slaughter, to kill an animalimperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto beat (a rhythm, such as on a drum or of the heart)imperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto ring (of a sound)imperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto take, to capture a piece (e.g. in chess)gamesimperfective transitive
SoundbićPolishverbto beat, to hit oneselfimperfective reflexive
SoundbićPolishverbto fight (either physically or in some other competition)imperfective reflexive
SoundbićPolishnoungenitive plural of bicieform-of genitive neuter plural
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjclean, clear, bright, without clouds
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjclear, clean (transparent, without dirt or other substances in suspension)
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjclear, simple, sharp, obvious (easy to understand or to perceive, not obscure; already well known)
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjclear (not hampered, not confused or confusing)
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjclear, honest, true, trustworthy
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjclear (well sounding, pure, without noisy parts or elements, without errors or imperfections)
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjsober (not under the influence of alcohol)
SoundskaidrsLatvianadjclear, true, genuine
Sound engineeringозвучитиUkrainianverbto add sound to, to add a soundtrack to, to dub, to postsynctransitive
Sound engineeringозвучитиUkrainianverbto wire for sound (:room, venue etc.)transitive
Sound engineeringозвучитиUkrainianverbto voice, to give voice to, to give utterance to (express in speech: opinions, thoughts etc.)transitive
Sound engineeringозвучитиUkrainianverbto fill with soundtransitive
SoundsкликRussiannounshout, scream
SoundsкликRussiannounmouseclick, click
SoundsкликRussiannoungenitive plural of кли́ка (klíka)form-of genitive plural
SpanishportunholPortuguesenounPortuñol (any unsystematic mixture of Portuguese with Spanish)masculine
SpanishportunholPortuguesenounRiverense Portuñol (a variety of Portuguese with influences from Spanish spoken on the border between Uruguay and Brazil)masculine
SpinningpatulTurkishnounlarge snowflake
SpinningpatulTurkishnountuft, flock of white wool (carded or uncarded)
SpinningpatulTurkishnounvery white, purefiguratively
States of MexicoConchiaSan Juan Atzingo PopolocanameOaxaca (city)
States of MexicoConchiaSan Juan Atzingo PopolocanameOaxaca (state)
StationeryiratmegsemmisítőHungarianadjpaper shreddingnot-comparable
StationeryiratmegsemmisítőHungariannounpaper shredder, shredder (a machine that tears up paper into smaller pieces)
SummereftersommarSwedishnounlate summercommon-gender
SummereftersommarSwedishnounIndian summercommon-gender
SwedenskillingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of skillform-of gerund participle present
SwedenskillingEnglishnounA Scandinavian monetary unit and coin up to the 19th century. (A subdivision of the Swedish riksdaler, the Danish and Norwegian rigsdaler and speciedaler).historical
SwedenskillingEnglishnounA bay of a barn.
SwedenskillingEnglishnounA small addition to a cottage.
SwimmingfajkaPolishnountobacco pipe (small, hand-held device in its simplest form consisting of a bowl and stem; used for inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco)feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnouncigarette, fagcolloquial feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnouncheckmark, tick (mark with a ✓ sign made to indicate agreement, correctness, or acknowledgement)colloquial feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnounsnorkel (hollow tube used for breathing underwater)colloquial feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnounupper fang of a boar bent upwardshobbies hunting lifestylefeminine in-plural
SwimmingfajkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of fajekaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
SwordsespadaTagalognounspadecard-games games
SwordsespadaTagalognounsword plant
SwordsespadaTagalognouna kind of aquatic plant with fibrous roots
SwordsسيفArabicnounsword, sabre, foil, rapier, scimitar
SydneyEngadineEnglishnameAlternative form of Engadinalt-of alternative
SydneyEngadineEnglishnameA southern suburb of Sydney in Sutherland Shire, New South Wales, Australia.
SydneyEngadineEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Garfield Township, Mackinac County, Michigan, United States.
TalkingmluvitCzechverbto speakimperfective
TalkingmluvitCzechverbto butt in [with do (+ genitive)] / to butt inimperfective
Talking密語Chinesenounsecret conversation
Talking密語Chinesenouncodeword; cipher
Talking密語Chineseverbto talk in secret; to converse in private
TasteкиселBulgarianadjsour, vinegary (for taste)
TasteкиселBulgarianadjpickled (for substance, product)
TasteкиселBulgarianadjsulky, scowlingfiguratively
TasteкиселBulgarianadjacidic, acid (having a pH less than 7)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TaxationcheckoffEnglishnounThe collection of union dues or other fees from employees via deductions from their wages.US countable uncountable
TaxationcheckoffEnglishnounThe optional allocation of part of a citizen's income tax towards the presidential election campaign fund.US countable uncountable
TaxationcheckoffEnglishnounA tax on sales of agricultural goods in order to finance a generic commodity marketing program.US countable uncountable
TeacamomileEnglishnounComposite plant with a fragrance reminiscent of apples: / Matricaria recutita (formerly known as Matricaria chamomilla), German chamomile or Hungarian chamomile, with fragrant flowers used for tea, and as an herbal remedy.countable uncountable
TeacamomileEnglishnounComposite plant with a fragrance reminiscent of apples: / Chamaemelum nobile (formerly Anthemis nobilis), English chamomile or Roman chamomile, a ground cover with fragrant foliage.countable uncountable
TeacamomileEnglishnounAny of several other similar plants. (See below)countable uncountable
TeacamomileEnglishnounShort for camomile tea.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
TechnologyassutCatalannounsmall dam, weirmasculine
TechnologyassutCatalannounsluice gatemasculine
TechnologykandaSwahilinounvideo or audiocassette tapeclass-10 class-9
TechnologykandaSwahilinouna zoneclass-10 class-9
TechnologykandaSwahilinounhand oarsclass-10 class-9
TechnologykandaSwahilinouna type of bagclass-10 class-9
TechnologykandaSwahilinouna cheater, a cheating personclass-10 class-9
TechnologykandaSwahilinouna fee paid to a medicine manclass-10 class-9
TechnologykandaSwahiliverbto knead
TechnologykandaSwahiliverbto massage
TeethciosPolishnounhit, blowinanimate masculine
TeethciosPolishnounblow, misfortunefiguratively inanimate masculine
TeethciosPolishnounlarge cut block of stonearchitectureinanimate masculine
TeethciosPolishnountusk of an elephant or a similar animalinanimate masculine
TeethciosPolishnoungenitive plural of ciosafeminine form-of genitive plural
TeethбеззубийUkrainianadjtoothless, edentate (lacking teeth)literally
TeethзъбBulgariannountooth, tusk, fang
TeethзъбBulgariannounprong, tine, tooth, cog
TelecommunicationsodbiórPolishnounreceipt (act of receiving)inanimate masculine
TelecommunicationsodbiórPolishnounreceptionbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
Telephony黒電話Japanesenounrotary dial telephone
Telephony黒電話JapanesenounKim Jong-unslang
TelevisionsiabannScottish Gaelicnounsoapmasculine
TelevisionsiabannScottish Gaelicnounsoap operamasculine
Television電燈柱Chinesenounutility poleHokkien Xiamen
TemperaturevarmeDanishadjdefinite singular of varmdefinite form-of singular
TemperaturevarmeDanishadjplural of varmform-of plural
TemperaturevarmeDanishnounwarmth, heat, heatingmasculine
TemperaturevarmeDanishverbto warm, heat, warm up
TemperatureпідігріватиUkrainianverbto warm up, to heat uptransitive
TemperatureпідігріватиUkrainianverbto fire up, to fuel, to rouse, to stir up, to stoke (:anger, passion, etc.)figuratively transitive
TendecennialsEnglishnounplural of decennialform-of plural
TendecennialsEnglishnounSynonym of decennalia, the festivals and religious rituals held in the 10th year of a Roman emperor's reign.historical plural plural-normally
ThreeトレイJapanesenouna tray (object on which things are carried)
ThreeトレイJapanesenouna three/treycard-games gambling gamesdated
TimeduodecenniumLatinadjgenitive masculine/feminine/neuter plural of duodecennisfeminine form-of genitive masculine neuter plural
TimeduodecenniumLatinnounA duodecade, a 12-year period.declension-2 neuter
TimedziejowyPolishadjhistoric, historical (pertaining to history)not-comparable relational
TimedziejowyPolishadjhistoric (very important; noteworthy: having importance or significance in history)not-comparable
Timehalf-hourEnglishnounA period of time equal to thirty minutes, half an hour.
Timehalf-hourEnglishnounThe time of thirty minutes past any particular hour.
Timehasta ahoraSpanishadvup to now, so far, heretofore
Timehasta ahoraSpanishphrasesee you later
TimeprzerwaKashubiannounbreak, interruption, pause (temporary stop of an action)feminine
TimeprzerwaKashubiannounbreak; recess; intermission (time designated for rest after an activity, e.g. between lessons, acts of a play, at work)feminine
TimewareScotsnounspring, springtime
TimewareScotsnouncold weather in springtime
TimewareScotsnouna type of seaweed
TimeyalagiirrmawuGamilaraayadvat that time
TimeámmohmiChickasawadvnever (used after negative verbs suffixed with -ki)
TimeámmohmiChickasawverbto be out of it (II)intransitive stative
TimeежеминутныйRussianadjoccurring once a minute
TimeежеминутныйRussianadjincessant, constantfiguratively
Time前夜Chinesenouneve; the night before
Time前夜Chinesenounthe evening before last night; the evening before yesterday
Time시각Koreannounangle of visionnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Time시각Koreannountime; a specific point in time
Time시각Koreannouna moment; a brief time
Time시각Koreannounvision (one's visual sense)
Times of dayochtendDutchnounmorningmasculine
Times of dayochtendDutchnounpart of day shortly after awakeningmasculine
TitleswaziriHausanouna traditional title for a ruling official
TitleswaziriHausanouna minister or vizier in government
Titlesश्रीमान्Nepalinounmister (term of address for a man)
TitsmlynaříkCzechnoundiminutive of mlynářanimate diminutive form-of masculine
TitsmlynaříkCzechnounlong-tailed titanimate masculine
Toilet (room)парашаRussiannounclose-stool in a prisonslang
Toilet (room)парашаRussiannounbullshit, nonsense, lies, false rumorsvulgar
Toilet (room)парашаRussiannountoilet room (especially a poorly cleaned or poorly equipped one)colloquial vulgar
ToolsbigoteraCatalannounmoustache snoodfeminine obsolete
ToolsbigoteraCatalannounbow compassfeminine
ToolsforcadoGaliciannounpitchfork (farm tool)masculine
ToolsforcadoGalicianadjforked, bifurcated
ToolsherminetteFrenchnounfemale ermine when its fur is yellow in summer, as opposed to white in winterfeminine
ToolsherminetteFrenchnounits furfeminine
ToolsmotowidłoPolishnounrevolving reel (part of a combine harvester)neuter
Toolspipe tongEnglishnounA tool that uses a scissor action to exert pressure on a pipe or other cylindrical object in order to lift or handle the object. Normally used with a crane or other power equipment.
Toolspipe tongEnglishnounA hand tool consisting of a lever that ends in a toothed surface and an attached chain or strap. In use, the pipe is squeezed between the chain and the teeth, thus gripping the pipe. This version is used more for threading pipe sections together.
ToolspiłkaPolishnounball (object, generally spherical, used for playing games)feminine
ToolspiłkaPolishnoundiminutive of piła (“saw”)diminutive feminine form-of
ToolsroncolaItaliannounbillhook, specifically: / billhook, specificallyfeminine
ToolsroncolaItaliannounan agricultural implement often with a curved or hooked end to the blade used for pruning or cutting thick, woody plantsagriculture business lifestylefeminine
ToolsroncolaItaliannounan agricultural implement often with a curved or hooked end to the blade used for pruning or cutting thick, woody plants / a medieval polearm with a similar construct, fitted to a long handle, sometimes with an L-shaped tine or a spike protruding from the side or the end of the blade for tackling the opponent; a billagriculture business engineering government lifestyle military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryfeminine
ToolsroncolaItalianverbinflection of roncolare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ToolsroncolaItalianverbinflection of roncolare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ToolssahaFinnishnounsaw (tool)
ToolssahaFinnishnounsawmill (plant, production facility)
ToolssahaFinnishnounmusical saw (musical instrument)entertainment lifestyle music
ToolstwibillEnglishnounA two-edged tool used in gate-type hurdle-making for cutting out mortises, with a flat chisel and a mortise chisel or hook, similar to the much larger French carpenter's tool, the besaiguë (or bisaiguë).business carpentry construction manufacturing
ToolstwibillEnglishnounA mattock with one blade like an axe and the other like an adze.British dialectal
ToolstwibillEnglishnounA reaping hook, especially for cutting beans and peas.England dialectal
ToolstwibillEnglishnounA double-bladed halberd or battle-axe.obsolete
ToolsኀጺንGe'eznouniron, iron tool
ToolsኀጺንGe'eznounchain, band
Torture上刑Chineseverbto torture; to put to torture; to apply the third degree
Torture上刑Chinesenounsevere punishment; torture
ToysballoonEnglishnounAn inflatable buoyant object, often (but not necessarily) round and flexible.
ToysballoonEnglishnounSuch an object as a child’s toy or party decoration.
ToysballoonEnglishnounSuch an object designed to transport people or equipment through the air.
ToysballoonEnglishnounA sac inserted into part of the body for therapeutic reasons; such as angioplasty.medicine sciences
ToysballoonEnglishnounA speech bubble.
ToysballoonEnglishnounA type of glass cup, sometimes used for brandy.
ToysballoonEnglishnounA ball or globe on the top of a pillar, church, etc.architecture
ToysballoonEnglishnounA round vessel, usually with a short neck, to hold or receive whatever is distilled; a glass vessel of a spherical form.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToysballoonEnglishnounA bomb or shell.
ToysballoonEnglishnounA game played with a large inflated ball.obsolete
ToysballoonEnglishnounThe outline enclosing words represented as coming from the mouth of a pictured figure.arts crafts engraving hobbies lifestyle
ToysballoonEnglishnounA woman's breast.slang
ToysballoonEnglishnounA small container for illicit drugs made from a condom or the finger of a latex glove, etc.slang
ToysballoonEnglishnounSynonym of balloon finance
ToysballoonEnglishverbTo increase or expand rapidly.intransitive
ToysballoonEnglishverbTo go up or voyage in a balloon.intransitive
ToysballoonEnglishverbTo take up in, or as if in, a balloon.transitive
ToysballoonEnglishverbTo inflate like a balloon.transitive
ToysballoonEnglishverbTo strike (a ball) so that it flies high in the air.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
ToysballoonEnglishverbOf an aircraft: to plunge alternately up and down.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Transition metalsкобальтUkrainiannouncobaltuncountable
Transition metalsкобальтUkrainiannouncobalt blue, zaffre
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualpunctAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape: / ’ (apostrophe)
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualpunctAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape: / ‛ (leading apostrophe)
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualpunctAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape: / A quotation mark, in some languages: see ' '.
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualpunctAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape: / ˈ (primary stress)IPA
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualpunctAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape: / ׳ (Hebrew geresh)
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualpunctAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape: / ꞌ (saltillo)
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualcharacterAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape. / ׳ (Hebrew geresh)diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualcharacterAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape. / ʼ (ejective consonant)IPA diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualcharacterAn ASCII substitute for any of multiple characters with a similar shape. / Used after a letter as a nonstandard representation of an acute or grave accent, when technical limitations prevent the use of one.diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualcharacterAn ASCII substitute for a letter representing a glottal stop, or glottalization: / '' or ʼ' (compare ˀ, ˁ, ʿ, and ʾ)letter
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualcharacterAn ASCII substitute for a letter representing a glottal stop, or glottalization: / ꞌ (the saltillo, used in some languages of Mexico and Guatemala to represent either a glottal stop or a fricative sound).letter
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualcharacterAn ASCII substitute for a letter representing a glottal stop, or glottalization: / ʻ (the Hawaiian okina).letter
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolReplaces one or more letters which have been removed from a written word, often but not always because they are not being pronounced.
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolReplaces one or more letters which have been removed from a written word, often but not always because they are not being pronounced. / Replaces letter(s) when two or more words are contracted into one word.
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolSimilarly replaces one or more numbers which have been removed.
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolAn ASCII substitute for the foot (length unit symbol).
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolAn ASCII substitute for ′ (prime symbol).mathematics sciences
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolAn ASCII substitute for the symbol representing the minute, placed after the value of the seconds in a term to indicate minutes count.time
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolAlternative form of ¯grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesalt-of alternative
Translingual diacritical marks'TranslingualsymbolA pointing mark in Anglican chant, which marks a place in the text where a barline occurs in the chant.entertainment lifestyle music
Translingual numeral symbols3TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number three.
Translingual numeral symbols3TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal.
Translingual numeral symbols3TranslingualsymbolThe cube of a number or a unit.superscript
Translingual numeral symbols3Translingualsymbolthe pitch of a tone, perhaps most commonly mid-pitch, but it may instead be high or low depending on local convention (e.g. the highest or lowest pitch if only the numbers 1–3 are used)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesoften superscript
Translingual numeral symbols3Translingualsymboltone number 3, typically identified with dark rising yin shang (陰上). May be identified with departing qu tone (去) if the yin–yang distinction is not made.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesoften superscript
TransportRERFrenchnameInitialism of Réseau Express Régional., a Parisian tram, train and bus systemabbreviation alt-of initialism masculine
TransportRERFrenchnounA commuter rail or overground system, especially one with relatively high speeds and widely-spaced stations in urban areas.masculine
TransportRERFrenchnounConventional translation of German S-Bahn in German-speaking regions of Switzerland, regardless of whether a system would otherwise be classed as an RER.Switzerland masculine
TransportflutningurIcelandicnounfreight, cargomasculine
TravelcomposteurFrenchnouncomposing stickmedia printing publishingmasculine
TravelcomposteurFrenchnouna composter (garden waste container)agriculture business horticulture lifestylemasculine
TravelcomposteurFrenchnouna machine used for validating ticketsmasculine
Travel遊學Chineseverbto study abroad; to study overseas
Travel遊學Chineseverbto travel for study or research purposes
Travel遊學Chineseverbto leave home to get an educationarchaic
TreesbangkilingTagalognounOtaheite gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus) (tree and fruit)
TreesbangkilingTagalogadjinclined; twisted; turned (of the position of the neck)
TreesdqrEgyptiannounedible fruitcollective
TreesdqrEgyptiannounfruit treescollective
TreesfuruNorwegian Nynorsknouna pine (tree of the genus Pinus)feminine
TreesfuruNorwegian Nynorsknounpine (wood from pine trees)feminine
TreesgranadaCebuanonounthe pomegranate shrub or tree (Punica granatum)
TreesgranadaCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
TreesgranadaCebuanonouna hand grenadegovernment military politics war
TreesgranadaCebuanonouna shellengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
TribesVenetiLatinnameVeneti (a Celtic tribe of Armorica in antiquity)declension-2
TribesVenetiLatinnameVeneti (a tribe of northeastern Italy and Slovenia in antiquity)declension-2
True bugsstenicaSerbo-Croatiannounbedbug
True bugsstenicaSerbo-Croatiannouna member of order Heteropterabiology entomology natural-sciences
TurtlesжелвьRussiannountortoise; turtleobsolete
TurtlesжелвьRussiannouna kind of earth tortoises with a thick shellrare
TwentyduodecadeEnglishnounA period of twelve years.
TwentyduodecadeEnglishnounA period of two decades, a period of 20 years.nonstandard
TwitterغردArabicverbto chirp, to sing, to trill, to warble
TwitterغردArabicverbto tweet, to warble
TwitterغردArabicverbto modulate or fluctuate in frequency
TwitterغردArabicverbto tweet (to post on Twitter)Internet
TwitterغردArabicnounverbal noun of غَرِدَ (ḡarida) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
TwitterغردArabicnoundune, specifically a shifting dune
Typing keyboardsovertypeEnglishnounA feature in wordprocessing whereby each typed character replaces the character after the cursor rather than being inserted before it.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesuncountable
Typing keyboardsovertypeEnglishnounA kind of steam wagon having the engine above the cab.countable historical
Typing keyboardsovertypeEnglishverbTo type on top of something already typed.
UnderwearfaldetaCatalannoundiminutive of falda (“lap”)diminutive feminine form-of
UnderwearfaldetaCatalannounpetticoat, underskirtfeminine often plural
UnderwearfaldetaCatalannounskirtdialectal feminine often plural
UnderwearfaldetaCatalannounskirt steakValencia feminine
UnderwearмайкаRussiannounundershirt, tank top, vest, singlet, wife-beater
United KingdomDidžioji BritanijaLithuaniannamethe island of Great Britain
United KingdomDidžioji BritanijaLithuaniannamethe United Kingdom (syn. Jungtinė Karalystė), or the British Isles (syn. Britų salos)broadly
Units of measureeighthEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number eight.not-comparable
Units of measureeighthEnglishnounThe person or thing in the eighth position.
Units of measureeighthEnglishnounOne of eight equal parts of a whole.
Units of measureeighthEnglishnounAn eighth of an ounce, or approximately 3.5 grams, of marijuana or other drugs.slang
Units of measureeighthEnglishverbto divide by eight
Units of measureforcCatalannouna little span (distance from thumb to forefinger)masculine
Units of measureforcCatalannounstring (bulbs of onion, garlic, etc. tied together in a line for storage)masculine
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounshoulder, arm / shoulder, upper arm
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounshoulder, arm / arm of a person in general, especially when in reference to moving it into a particular configuration
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounshoulder, arm / arms of a balance scale
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounside, half / side of a place, person, mountain, etc.
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounside, half / one side or half of a body of water
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounside, half / row of rowers along one side of a boat, one side of a rowing crew
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounside, half / side of beef
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounside, half / side rails (uprights) of a ladder
Units of measurermnEgyptiannouna measure of length equivalent to 20 ḏbꜥw (“digits”), 5 šzpw (“palms”), or ⁵⁄₇ of a mḥ (“cubit”) (about 37.6 centimetres)
Units of measurermnEgyptiannouna measure of length equivalent to ¹⁄₂ of a ḫt (“rod”) or 50 mḥw (“cubits”) (about 26.25 metres)
Units of measurermnEgyptiannouna measure of area equivalent to ¹⁄₂ of a sṯꜣt (“aroura”) or 50 mḥw-tꜣ (“centarouras”) (about 0.14 hectares)
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounbearer, carrier, supporter (usually a priest), especially of a sacred object such as a cultic image or chapelplural-normally
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounthe supports imagined to hold up the skyin-plural
Units of measurermnEgyptiannounpillars, columnsin-plural
Units of measureslatIrishnounrod, slender stickfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnouncane, switchfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnounwandfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnounslender bar, rodfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnounrailfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnounsapling, slip, scionfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnounpenisanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnounyardfeminine
Units of measureslatIrishnounoutskirtsfeminine in-plural
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanounfootanatomy medicine sciences
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanounfoot (unit of measurement)
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanounfootcommunications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanouna member of a particular Brahmana caste
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanounsecret
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanouna site
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanounanvil
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanounopposition
Units of measureಅಡಿKannadanounobstacle
Units of measureJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Units of measureJapanesenounインチ: inch
Universities民大ChinesenameShort for 中央民族大學.abbreviation alt-of
Universities民大ChinesenameMinda (a residential community of Guanshan, Hongshan district, Wuhan, Hubei, China)
VegetablesmaisEstoniannouncorn, maize
VegetablesmaisEstoniannouninessive plural of maaform-of inessive plural
VegetablesmaisEstoniannouninessive singular of maiform-of inessive singular
VegetablesolitoriusLatinadjOf or related to gardeners.adjective declension-1 declension-2
VegetablesolitoriusLatinadjOf or related to produce and vegetables.adjective declension-1 declension-2
VegetablesપાલકGujaratinounguardian, protector
VehiclesdoczepkaPolishnountrailer, tagalong (attachment for a bicycle)feminine
VehiclesdoczepkaPolishnounextension, hair extensionfeminine
Vehiclesதேர்Tamilnounchariot, vehicle
Vehiclesதேர்TamilnounRohini, the 4th nakshatraastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Vehiclesதேர்Tamilverbto select
VesselsblaszankaPolishnounsheet-iron vesselcolloquial feminine
VesselsblaszankaPolishnounvan (covered vehicle used for carrying goods or people, usually roughly cuboid in shape, longer and higher than a car but smaller than a truck/lorry)colloquial feminine
Veterinary medicinestaggersEnglishnounplural of staggerform-of plural
Veterinary medicinestaggersEnglishnounAny of various diseases of animals that affects the nervous system, characterized by a lack of control of the limbsuncountable
Veterinary medicinestaggersEnglishnounAny of various diseases of animals that affects the nervous system, characterized by a lack of control of the limbs / staggers and jags, delirium tremens or extreme inebriationuncountable
Veterinary medicinestaggersEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of staggerform-of indicative present singular third-person
Vigna beans菜豆Chinesenouncommon bean; kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Vigna beans菜豆Chinesenouncowpea; black-eyed pea (Vigna unguiculata)Hokkien
VillagesSavelaFinnishnamea Finnish surname from landscape
VillagesSavelaFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland.
ViolenceਮਾਰPunjabinounbeating, drubbing, thrashing
ViolenceਮਾਰPunjabinounstroke, strike, blow
ViolenceਮਾਰPunjabinounstriking range
ViolenceਮਾਰPunjabinounprey, game
ViolenceਮਾਰPunjabinounvictim, target
VipersaspEnglishnounA water snake.archaic
VipersaspEnglishnounA venomous viper native to southwestern Europe (Vipera aspis).
VipersaspEnglishnounThe Egyptian cobra (Naja haje).
VipersaspEnglishnounAn evil person; a snake.figuratively
VipersaspEnglishnounA type of European fish (Aspius aspius).
VipersaspEnglishnounAn aspen tree.
VipersaspEnglishnounInitialism of Act of the Scottish Parliament.lawUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
Vision目光Chinesenounline of sight
Vision目光Chinesenounlook (in someone's eyes); gaze
Vision目光Chinesenounvision; aspirationfiguratively
VocalizationsmamrotPolishnounmurmur (soft, indistinct speech)colloquial inanimate masculine
VocalizationsmamrotPolishnounbum winecolloquial derogatory inanimate masculine
VocalizationsmamrotPolishnounone who is taciturnarchaic masculine person
WalesBretnaghManxnounWelshman, Welshwomanmasculine
Walls and fencesmurarPortugueseverbto wall
Walls and fencesmurarPortugueseverbto mouse (hunt or catch mice; usually of cats)
Walls and fencesrailingEnglishnounA fence or barrier consisting of one or more horizontal rails and vertical supports.
Walls and fencesrailingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of railform-of gerund participle present
WarshipsфрегатKazakhnounfrigategovernment military navy politics war
WarshipsфрегатKazakhnounfrigatebird, Fregatidae
WaterwodaSilesiannouncontainer of waterfeminine
Waterນ້ຳLaonounliquid, sauce
Water plantsنىلۇپەرUyghurnounlotus, water lily
Water plantsنىلۇپەرUyghurnamea female given name
WatercraftCanadierGermannounCanadian (person from Canada)dated masculine strong
WatercraftCanadierGermannounCanadian canoe, canoemasculine strong
WatercraftbalenerCatalannounwhaler (one who hunts whales)masculine
WatercraftbalenerCatalannounwhaler (a vessel used for hunting whales)masculine
WaterfallscascataItaliannouncascade, waterfallfeminine
WaterfallscascataItaliannounfallfeminine informal rare
WaterfallscascataItaliannouncascade (hairpiece for women)feminine
WaterfallscascataItalianverbfeminine singular of cascatofeminine form-of participle singular
WealthrichEnglishadjWealthy: having a lot of money and possessions.
WealthrichEnglishadjHaving an intense fatty or sugary flavour.
WealthrichEnglishadjPlentiful, abounding, abundant, fulfilling.
WealthrichEnglishadjYielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful.
WealthrichEnglishadjComposed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients; procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious; sumptuous; costly.
WealthrichEnglishadjNot faint or delicate; vivid.
WealthrichEnglishadjVery amusing.informal
WealthrichEnglishadjRidiculous, absurd, outrageous, preposterous, especially in a galling, hypocritical, or brazen way.informal
WealthrichEnglishadjElaborate, having complex formatting, multimedia, or depth of interaction.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
WealthrichEnglishadjOf a solute-solvent solution: not weak (not diluted); of strong concentration.
WealthrichEnglishadjOf a solute-solvent solution: not weak (not diluted); of strong concentration. / Of a fuel-air mixture: having more fuel (thus less air) than is necessary to burn all of the fuel; less air- or oxygen- rich than necessary for a stoichiometric reaction.
WealthrichEnglishadjTrading at a price level which is high relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or (for derivatives) a theoretical finance
WealthrichEnglishnounThe rich people of a society or the world collectively, the rich class of a society.plural plural-only
WealthrichEnglishverbTo enrich.obsolete transitive
WealthrichEnglishverbTo become rich.intransitive obsolete
WeaponsпетаMacedoniannounpommel (sword)
Weapons破魔矢Japanesenounan arrow used with the 破魔弓 (hama yumi, literally “break-devil bow”), given to boys as a toy at New Yearshistorical
Weapons破魔矢Japanesenouna decorative arrow as part of a set of decorations put out at New Years and at roof raisingsmodern
WeatherbrumaSpanishnounhaze, especially costal fog or haarfeminine
WeatherbrumaSpanishnounwinterarchaic feminine
WeathergiáVietnamesenounbean sproutsSouthern Vietnam
WeathergiáVietnamesenounmount (object on which another object is mounted)
WeathergiáVietnameseadjcoldin-compounds obsolete
WeathergiáVietnameseconjif; in case; supposing; if only; I wish
WeatherwesterlyEnglishadjFacing the west; directed towards the west.
WeatherwesterlyEnglishadjLocated towards or in the west.
WeatherwesterlyEnglishadjComing from the west.
WeatherwesterlyEnglishadvTowards the west.
WeatherwesterlyEnglishnounA westerly wind or storm, one blowing or coming from the west.
WeavingστήμωνAncient Greeknounwarp in the upright loom
WeavingστήμωνAncient Greeknounthread
WindhurricaneEnglishnounA severe tropical cyclone in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or in the eastern North Pacific off the west coast of Mexico, with winds of 119 km/h (74 miles per hour) or greater accompanied by rain, lightning, and thunder that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes.
WindhurricaneEnglishnounA wind scale for quite strong wind, stronger than a storm.climatology meteorology natural-sciences
WindhurricaneEnglishnounA great forceful onrush.figuratively
WindhurricaneEnglishnounA sweet alcoholic drink made with rum, lemon juice, and either passion fruit syrup or fassionola.
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo be violent, with winds of 119 km/h (74 miles per hour) or greater, usually accompanied by rain, lightning, and thunder.intransitive transitive
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo move noisily, quickly, and dramatically, becoming the center of attention.
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo attempt to accomplish a great deal with a frenzied effort.
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo swirl quickly and violently.
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo tear apart in a violent, destructive, and/or chaotic manner.
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo cause an uproar.
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo storm excessivly; to fume and rage violently.
WindhurricaneEnglishverbTo chase violently or rush after and force along.
WindhurricaneEnglishnoun"full—triple-full—full" – an acrobatic maneuver consisting of three flips and five twists, with one twist on the first flip, three twists on the second flip, one twist on the third flipaerial-freestyle hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
WitchcrafttiitäjäIngriannounsage, wise man
WitchcrafttiitäjäIngriannounsorcerer, wizard
WoodsolivewoodEnglishnounThe wood of the olive treecountable uncountable
WoodsolivewoodEnglishnounAny of several ornamental trees of the genus Cassine.countable uncountable
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounA carpenter.Australia British Ireland New-Zealand slang
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounA prostitute or promiscuous woman.US Western slang
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounA fish-and-chip shop.British Ireland informal
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounThe youngest member of a team or group, normally someone whose voice has not yet deepened, talking like a chipmunk.Australia slang
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounA potato chip.New-Zealand
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounA chiptune.computing demoscene engineering lifestyle mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounA chipping sparrow.US
WoodworkingchippyEnglishnounAn occasional drug habit, less than addiction.slang
WoodworkingchippyEnglishadjIll-tempered, disagreeable.Canada UK
WoodworkingchippyEnglishadjInvolving violence or unfair play.hobbies lifestyle sportsCanada
WoodworkingchippyEnglishadjTending to form chips when cut, rather than larger, more usable pieces of wood.
WoodworkingchippyEnglishadjAs dry as a chip of wood.dated
WoodworkingchippyEnglishadjFeeling sick from drinking alcohol; hung over.archaic
WoodworkingchippyEnglishverbTo take drugs (especially heroin) on an occasional basis, rather than as an addict.slang
World War II八紘一宇Japanesenoununifying and controlling the whole world as a single house
World War II八紘一宇Japanesenounduring World War II, used as a nationalistic slogan to rationalize overseas expansion
WormsgujaSerbo-Croatiannounserpent, snake, adder
WormsgujaSerbo-Croatiannounworm, earthwormregional
WormsgujaSerbo-Croatiannounvenomous snake in the family Elapidae
WrassesfatheadEnglishnounAn idiot; a fool.derogatory
WrassesfatheadEnglishnounA cyprinid fish of the Mississippi valley, Pimephales promelas, the black-headed minnow.
WrassesfatheadEnglishnounA labroid food fish of California; the California sheephead. Semicossyphus pulcher.
WrassesfatheadEnglishnounA blobfish, Psychrolutes microporos
WrassesfatheadEnglishnounAny of several species of fish of the genus Cubiceps
WrassestogEnglishnounA cloak.
WrassestogEnglishnounA coat.archaic slang
WrassestogEnglishnounA unit of thermal resistance, being ten times the temperature difference (in °C) between the two surfaces of a material when the flow of heat is equal to one watt per square metre
WrassestogEnglishverbTo dress (often with up or out).transitive
WrassestogEnglishadvAbbreviation of knitting manufacturing textilesabbreviation alt-of not-comparable
WrassestogEnglishnounA tautog, a large wrasse native to the eastern coast of North America.
WrassestogEnglishverbTo fish for tautog.transitive
WrassestogEnglishnounA photographer, especially a professional one.informal
WritingbredeMiddle Englishnoun(Pieces of) roasted meat.collective
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishnounA piece of roasted meat.specifically
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishnounOne of thirty-two choice parts of a boar for roasting.hobbies hunting lifestyle
WritingbredeMiddle Englishnounboard, slab
WritingbredeMiddle Englishnountablet (small board with writing)
WritingbredeMiddle Englishnounbreadth (measure of how wide something is): / A piece of fabric of standard width.uncountable
WritingbredeMiddle Englishnounbreadth (measure of how wide something is): / A circle's diameter.geometry mathematics sciencesuncountable
WritingbredeMiddle Englishnounextent (space to which something extends): / The total extent of a surface or object.uncountable
WritingbredeMiddle Englishnounextent (space to which something extends): / The extent or totality of one's feelings.figuratively uncountable
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of bred (“bread”)alt-of alternative
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of breidalt-of alternative
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of brerdalt-of alternative
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of breden (“to grill”)alt-of alternative
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of breden (“to spread”)alt-of alternative
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of breden (“to breed”)alt-of alternative
WritingbredeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of breidenalt-of alternative
WritinglitteraLatinnounletter (of the alphabet)declension-1 feminine
WritinglitteraLatinnounhandwritingdeclension-1 feminine metonymically
WritinglitteraLatinnounletter, epistledeclension-1 feminine plural-normally
WritinglitteraLatinnounliteraturedeclension-1 feminine plural-normally
WritinglitteraLatinnounletters, knowledge of literature, learning, scholarshipbroadly declension-1 feminine plural-normally
WritinglitteraLatinnounbooks (often a collection of letters, epistles, accounts, records, etc.)declension-1 feminine plural-normally
WritinglitteraLatinnounrecord(s), account(s), document(s)declension-1 feminine plural-normally
WritinglitteraLatinnounedict, ordinancedeclension-1 feminine plural-normally
WritingprooemiumLatinnouna preface, introduction, preludedeclension-2 neuter
WritingprooemiumLatinnouna beginningdeclension-2 neuter poetic
Writingఅక్షరముTelugunouneternal, imperishableliterary
Writingఅక్షరముTelugunounletter (symbol in an alphabet)
WritingMiyakocharacterkanji no-gloss
WritingMiyakocharacter墨 (Jōyō kanji) / 墨kanji
WritingMiyakocharacter墨 (Jōyō kanji)kanji
Writing instrumentsकलमSanskritnouna sort of rice (sown in May and June and ripening in December or January)
Writing instrumentsकलमSanskritnounwriting reed
Writing instrumentsकलमSanskritnounthief
Yoruba religionOfunYorubanameThe sixteenth principal sign of the Ifa divination system
Yoruba religionOfunYorubanameThe sixteenth and final of the àpólà or sixteen categories in the Odù Ifá, consisting of the final principal chapter, (Òfún méjì) and the other fifteen chapters of Òfún.
Yoruba religionOfunYorubanameThe sixteenth chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus, and the last of the major ojú odù
Yoruba religionOfunYorubanameThe spirit and divinity associated with the Òfún divination sign
Yoruba religionirunmọlẹYorubanounprimordial spirits in Ìṣẹ̀ṣe, they are the first group of four hundred and one deities (imọlẹ̀) created after the creation of the world and the ones who live in the sky with Olodumare, such as Ògún, Èṣù, Ọ̀rúnmìlà, Ọbàtálá, and Olókun.
Yoruba religionirunmọlẹYorubanounearth spirit
Zingiberales order plantsکیلهPersiannouna measure (unit of measurement)
Zingiberales order plantsکیلهPersiannounbrook, brooklet
Zingiberales order plantsکیلهPersiannounbananaDari
ZoologyκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounany cup shaped hollow or cavity
ZoologyκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounhollow of a cup
ZoologyκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounsocket of the hip jointanatomy medicine sciences
ZoologyκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounnavelwort (Umbilicus rupestris)
ZoologyκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknounsuckers on the arms of the octopusin-plural
ZoologyκοτυληδώνAncient Greeknouncotyledons, foetal and uterine vascolar connectionsin-plural

This page is a part of the machine-readable Polish dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-07-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-07-20 using wiktextract (0af6c06 and 6aeea9b). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

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