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AcidskolsyraSwedishnouncarbonic acid (a weak unstable acid, H₂CO₃)common-gender
AcidskolsyraSwedishverbto carbonate (dissolve carbon dioxide in)
Administrative divisionshundredMiddle EnglishnumA hundred; 100.
Administrative divisionshundredMiddle EnglishnumA large number; a zillion.
Administrative divisionshundredMiddle EnglishnounA hundredweight.
Administrative divisionshundredMiddle EnglishnounA hundred (administrative division)
Administrative divisionshundredMiddle EnglishnounThe assembly or court of such a division.
Administrative divisionshundredMiddle EnglishadjA hundredth.
Administrative divisionslagjeAlbaniannounneighbourhood, ward, quarter, particularly (politics, historical) as a former administrative division of Albanian cities.feminine
Administrative divisionslagjeAlbaniannounlarge number, partfeminine
Administrative divisionsrejonPolishnounarea (place that is distinctive geographically, socially, economically or otherwise)inanimate masculine
Administrative divisionsrejonPolishnounarea (place that is distinctive geographically, socially, economically or otherwise) / area (people living in such a place)inanimate masculine
Administrative divisionsrejonPolishnoundistrict (area designated administratively for the purposes of organizing and managing a specific activity) / district (office managing such an area)inanimate masculine
Administrative divisionsrejonPolishnoundistrict (area designated administratively for the purposes of organizing and managing a specific activity) / district (people managing such an area)inanimate masculine
Administrative divisionsrejonPolishnounarea (place that is part of something)inanimate masculine
Administrative divisionsrejonPolishnounarea (sphere of interests)inanimate literary masculine
AgeadolescentEnglishadjOf, relating to, or at the age of adolescence; at the stage between being a child and an adult.
AgeadolescentEnglishnounA person who is in adolescence; someone who has reached puberty but is not yet an adult.
AgebabinecCzechnounin Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox churches, a vestibule or antechamber which was originally intended for womeninanimate masculine
AgebabinecCzechnouna home for elderly womeninanimate masculine
AgebabinecCzechnounhaycockdialectal inanimate masculine
AgeoldecoEsperantonounthe quality of being old of age, oldnessliterary uncountable
AgeoldecoEsperantonounthe quality of being old (not new)literary uncountable
AgeoldecoEsperantonounthe quality of being old-fashioned or overly conservative in one's manner or point of viewslang uncountable
AgeoldecoEsperantonounoldness, senility, the quality of being both old and out of touchslang uncountable
AgricultureSäidSaterland Frisiannounseedneuter uncountable
AgricultureSäidSaterland Frisiannounsowingneuter uncountable
AgricultureSäidSaterland Frisiannouninsect eggsneuter uncountable
AgricultureharrowEnglishnounA device consisting of a heavy framework having several disks or teeth in a row, which is dragged across ploughed land to smooth or break up the soil, to remove weeds or cover seeds; a harrow plow.
AgricultureharrowEnglishnounAn obstacle formed by turning an ordinary harrow upside down, the frame being buried.government military politics war
AgricultureharrowEnglishverbTo drag a harrow over; to break up with a harrow.transitive
AgricultureharrowEnglishverbTo traumatize or disturb; to frighten or torment.transitive
AgricultureharrowEnglishverbTo break or tear, as if with a harrow; to wound; to lacerate; to torment or distress; to vex.transitive
AgricultureharrowEnglishintjA call for help, or of distress, alarm etc.obsolete
AgriculturesegaderaSpanishnounsickle, scythe, reaphookfeminine
AgriculturesegaderaSpanishadjfeminine singular of segaderofeminine form-of singular
AgricultureselkaCzechnounthe wife of a farmerfeminine
AgricultureselkaCzechnounpeasant woman, peasant girlfeminine
AgricultureأثارArabicverbto arouse, to incite, to stimulate
AgricultureأثارArabicverbto excite, to rouse; to provoke, to stir, to stir up, to spark (a tumult or quarrel)
AgricultureأثارArabicverbto raise, to bring up (an issue, question)
AgricultureأثارArabicverbto irritate (a wound)
AgricultureأثارArabicverbto ploughobsolete
Agricultureไร่Thainounterrace (on a mountain slope).
Agricultureไร่Thainounplantation, field (planted in crops other than cereals).
Agricultureไร่Thainounrai, area of land equal to 4 ngan (งาน), or 400 square wa (ตารางวา), or 1600 square meters.
Alcoholic beveragesleannScottish Gaelicnounale, beermasculine
Alcoholic beveragesleannScottish Gaelicnounliquor, drinkmasculine
Alcoholic beveragesleannScottish Gaelicnounhumours of the bodyin-plural masculine
AlgebraálgebraPortuguesenounalgebra / study of formal manipulations of equations, with the aim of solving certain problems (or the equations themselves)mathematics sciencesfeminine
AlgebraálgebraPortuguesenounalgebra / set of unary and binary operations related to each other by certain propertiesmathematics sciencesfeminine
AlgebraálgebraPortuguesenounalgebra / compendium of this disciplinefeminine
AlgebraálgebraPortuguesenounart of restoring dislocated bonesfeminine obsolete
Alkaloidsbiała damaPolishnounwhite lady (female ghost dressed in white, who is associated with local legends of tragedy)arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencescountable feminine idiomatic
Alkaloidsbiała damaPolishnounwhite lady (cocaine)feminine idiomatic slang uncountable
Alloys星鐵Chinesenounwhite iron; galvanized ironCantonese
Amaranths and goosefootsbarrellaCatalannounperch (small bar in a birdcage for a bird to roost on)feminine
Amaranths and goosefootsbarrellaCatalannounbarilla (all senses)feminine
American Civil WarACWEnglishadjAbbreviation of electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencesabbreviation alt-of not-comparable
American Civil WarACWEnglishnameInitialism of American Civil War.abbreviation alt-of initialism
AmphibiansқосмекендіKazakhadjamphibian, amphibious
AmphibiansқосмекендіKazakhnounamphibian, amphibium
Amusement ridescarouselEnglishnounA merry-go-round (type of ride on rotating platform).
Amusement ridescarouselEnglishnounA continuously revolving device for item delivery.
Amusement ridescarouselEnglishnounThe rotating glass plate in a microwave oven.
Amusement ridescarouselEnglishnounA visual component that displays a horizontal series of items one at a time.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Amusement ridescarouselEnglishnounAn equestrian discipline in which groups of riders make various formations.
Amusement ridescarouselEnglishnounA tilting match or tournament accompanied by games, shows, and allegorical performances.historical
Amusement ridescarouselEnglishverbTo revolve or change places.
AnatomygövdəAzerbaijaninountreetrunk, stem, stalk
AnatomyutiSwahilinouna tree trunkclass-11 class-12 class-14
AnatomyutiSwahilinouna backbone or spineclass-11 class-12 class-14
AnatomyзевRussiannounthroat, gullet, pharynx
AnatomyзевRussiannounspan (of a wrench)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
Ancient GreeceΟλύμπιαGreeknounthe ancient Olympic Games
Ancient GreeceΟλύμπιαGreeknameOlympia (The state capital of Washington, and the county seat of Thurston County)
Ancient RomecareneEnglishnounSynonym of carenum: a reduction of must or sweet wine in ancient European food lifestylehistorical obsolete rare uncountable
Ancient RomecareneEnglishnounA 40-day fast or period of similar abstinence.Catholicism Christianityhistorical rare
Ancient RomecareneEnglishnounAn indulgence from 40 days of fasting or similar abstinence, especially during Lent; (later) various equivalent indulgences against punishment in Purgatory.Catholicism Christianityhistorical rare
Ancient RomecareneEnglishnounThe lower portion of a marine animal's shell, covering its mantle.biology natural-sciences zoologyobsolete
Ancient RomeédileFrenchnounaedilemasculine
Ancient RomeédileFrenchnouncity magistrate or councillormasculine
Angerbiała gorączkaPolishnoundelirium tremensmedicine pathology sciencesfeminine
Angerbiała gorączkaPolishnounfury, ragecolloquial feminine idiomatic
Angerblow a gasketEnglishverbTo become very angry or upset.informal
Angerblow a gasketEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see blow, gasket. To cause the seal made by a gasket to fail.
AngerboosDutchadjmad, angry
AngerboosDutchadjupset, frustrated
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo make (an animal or person) unconscious or cause (an animal or person) death by preventing breathing; to smother, to suffocate.also figuratively transitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo cause (someone) difficulty in breathing, or a choking or gagging feeling.excessive transitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo prevent (a breath, cough, or cry, or the voice, etc.) from being released from the throat.also figuratively transitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo make (something) unable to be heard by blocking it with some medium.transitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo keep in, hold back, or repress (something).figuratively transitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo prevent (something) from being revealed; to conceal, to hide, to suppress.figuratively transitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo treat (a silkworm cocoon) with steam as part of the process of silk production.transitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo die of suffocation.intransitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo smother; to make breathing difficult.excessive intransitive
Animal body partsstifleEnglishnounAn act or state of being stifled.rare
Animal body partsstifleEnglishnounThe joint between the femur and tibia in the hind leg of various four-legged mammals, especially horses, corresponding to the knee in humans.biology natural-sciences zoology zootomy
Animal body partsstifleEnglishnounA bone disease of this region.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoology
Animal body partsstifleEnglishverbTo cause (a dog, horse, or other four-legged mammal) to dislocate or sprain its stifle joint.transitive
Animal body partsластаRussiannounSynonym of ласт (last, “flipper”)
Animal body partsластаRussiannoungenitive singular of ласт (last)form-of genitive singular
Animal soundscuVietnamesenoundove; pigeon (especially the wild ones)
Animal soundscuVietnameseintjcooonomatopoeic
Animal soundscuVietnamesenounpenis; cock; prickanatomy medicine sciencesinformal
Animal soundscuVietnamesenounboycolloquial
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto howl (a wolf or a dog)intransitive
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto howl (the wind)figuratively intransitive
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto howl, to wail (a person)figuratively intransitive
Animal soundsouvearGalicianverbto idlefiguratively intransitive
AnimalsbinatangMongondownounanimal (organism)
AnimalsbinatangMongondownounanimal (organism other than man)
AnimalsholoholonaHawaiiannountrip, excursionrare
AnimalslobopodEnglishnounAny of the numerous stub-legs of a lobopodian; a lobopodium.biology natural-sciences zoology
AnimalslobopodEnglishnounA panarthropod of the extinct phylum †Lobopodia.biology natural-sciences zoology
AnimalsnyokaSwahilinounsnakeclass-10 class-9
AnimalsnyokaSwahilinounwormclass-10 class-9
AnimalsreinNorwegian Bokmåladjclean
AnimalsreinNorwegian Bokmåladjpure
AnimalsreinNorwegian Bokmålnouna reindeermasculine
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA worm or similar small wormlike animal that lives in the ground; especially in the following special senses: / A wormish insect that damages plants or plant-based material (e.g. a termite).
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA worm or similar small wormlike animal that lives in the ground; especially in the following special senses: / A wormish insect that damages human remains.
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA worm or similar small wormlike animal that lives in the ground; especially in the following special senses: / A parasitic worm; especially one living in the stomach.
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA crawling animal; an animal that moves upon the ground.
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounAn animal regarded as harmful and annoying.
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA snake or snake-like monster.
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA dragon, drake, or wyrm (mythological fire-breathing winged lizard)
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA beast that inhabits Hell; causing suffering to its inhabitants.
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA pauper, miser, or other contemptuous individual.
AnimalswormMiddle Englishnounregret, forgiveness; the twanging of the heartstrings.
AnimalswormMiddle Englishnounevil, malice; that which promotes maliciousness.
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounThe snake of Eden.biblical lifestyle religion
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounSatan, the Devil.Christianityrare
AnimalswormMiddle EnglishnounA muscle underneath the tongue of a dog seen as increasing the risk of rabies.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyrare
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto animate (to impart motion or the appearance of motion to)imperfective transitive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto animate (to create an animated film)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesimperfective transitive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto puppeteer (to control puppets in a puppet show)imperfective transitive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto animate (to give spirit or vigour to; to stimulate or enliven; to inspirit)imperfective literary transitive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto animate (to control puppets in a puppet show)lifestyle tourism transportimperfective transitive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto incite, to rouse (especially for battle)imperfective obsolete transitive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto cheer up, to upliftMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto animate each other, to rouse each otherMiddle Polish imperfective reflexive
AnimationanimowaćPolishverbto cheer each other up, to uplift each otherMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
Anthemideae tribe plantsmaghetEnglishnounAny of several types of daisies and camomiles. / feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium
Anthemideae tribe plantsmaghetEnglishnounAny of several types of daisies and camomiles. / stinking chamomile, Anthemis cotula
Anthemideae tribe plantsmaghetEnglishnounAny of several types of daisies and camomiles. / daisy, Bellis perennis
Apiales order plantsbluszczykPolishnoundiminutive of bluszczdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Apiales order plantsbluszczykPolishnounground-ivy (Glechoma hederacea)inanimate masculine
Apieae tribe plantscedowyddWelshnounfleabane (Erigeron or conyza)masculine uncountable
Apieae tribe plantscedowyddWelshnoungiant fennel (several plants of genus Ferula)masculine uncountable
Apieae tribe plantsdillweedEnglishnounDill, an aromatic herb used in cooking and medicine; Anethum graveolens.uncountable
Apieae tribe plantsdillweedEnglishnounA contemptible person; a fool.countable derogatory slang uncountable
AppearancebeauFrenchadjhandsome, fine, attractive
AppearancebeauFrenchadjfair (weather)
AppearancebeauFrenchnounboyfriendLouisiana masculine
AppearancebeauFrenchadvin vain
AppearancebellezaSpanishnounbeauty (the quality of being beautiful)feminine
AppearancebellezaSpanishnounbeauty (beautiful person or object)feminine
AppearanceskankEnglishnounA lewd and disreputable person, often female, especially an unattractive person with an air of tawdry promiscuity.countable derogatory slang uncountable
AppearanceskankEnglishnounAnything that is particularly foul, unhygienic or unpleasant.countable uncountable
AppearanceskankEnglishadjLewd, vulgar, skanky.derogatory slang
AppearanceskankEnglishnounA dance performed to ska, dub, or reggae music.
AppearanceskankEnglishnounA style of rhythmic guitar strumming in ska, reggae, and punk.entertainment lifestyle music
AppearanceskankEnglishverbTo dance the skank.
AppearanceskankEnglishverbTo play guitar with a skank rhythm.
AppearanceskankEnglishverbTo be dishonest or unreliable, to defraud or deceive, to steal.Jamaica intransitive transitive
AppearanceskankEnglishnounThe act of cheating a person.
AppearanceskankEnglishverbTo cheat, especially a friend.transitive
AraucariansdammerEnglishnounOne who builds a dam.
AraucariansdammerEnglishnounAlternative form of damaralt-of alternative countable uncountable
ArcheryarqueroSpanishnoungoalkeeperhobbies lifestyle sportsLatin-America masculine
Architectural elementsbalconataItaliannounbalconyfeminine
Architectural elementsbalconataItaliannouncirclefeminine
Architectural elementsbalconataItaliannounmezzaninefeminine
Architectural elementsbalconataItaliannoundress circlefeminine
Architectural elementsܡܨܛܒܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounestrade, strand; bench, table, mastaba
Architectural elementsܡܨܛܒܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounplatform, stage
Architectural elementsܡܨܛܒܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounterraceagriculture business lifestyle
ArmorarmurieMiddle EnglishnounThe tools of war; arms and armour
ArmorarmurieMiddle EnglishnounAn armory (a weapons storehouse)
ArmorarmurieMiddle EnglishnounA gunsmith; an armorer
ArmorfanMiddle EnglishnounA mechanism or device for removing chaff from grain (i.e. winnowing).
ArmorfanMiddle EnglishnounA training or practice shield manufactured out of twigs or wickerwork.
ArmorfanMiddle EnglishnounA fan; a device for blowing air as to cool.rare
ArmorfanMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of fannenalt-of alternative
ArmorrękawicaPolishnoungauntlet (armor)feminine
ArsenicarsoraneEnglishnounthe arsenic hydride AsH₅, λ⁵-arsanechemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ArsenicarsoraneEnglishnounarsenic pentafluoride, AsF₅chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ArsenicarsoraneEnglishnounany hydrocarbyl derivative of this compoundchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
ArtܬܠܐClassical Syriacnounhill
ArtܬܠܐClassical Syriacnountell, mound, pile, earthwork, embankment
ArtܬܠܐClassical Syriacnounruins
ArtܬܠܐClassical Syriacnounlarge amountfiguratively
ArtܬܠܐClassical Syriacnounneedlework in a reliefbusiness manufacturing sewing textilesin-plural
ArtܬܠܐClassical SyriacnameTela, a city west of Nisibis
Astereae tribe plantstolaEnglishnounA unit of mass used in India, equal to the mass of a silver rupee coin, fixed at 180 troy grains (11.663 8038 grams) in 1833, and of a similar but slightly variable value before that date.
Astereae tribe plantstolaEnglishnounA South American grassland shrub of the genus Parastrephia.
AstrologycabraSpanishnounfemale goatfeminine
AstrologycabraSpanishnoungoat (unknown gender)feminine
AstrologycabraSpanishnoungirlChile colloquial feminine
AstrologyСтрелецRussiannameSagittarius (constellation of the zodiac in the shape of an archer)astronomy natural-sciences
AstrologyСтрелецRussiannameSagittarius (zodiac sign for the archer, covering November 22 — December 21)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
AstronomyearendelOld Englishnamethe morning star
AstronomyearendelOld Englishnamethe dawn
AstronomyhyadiMezquital Otominounsun
AstronomyhyadiMezquital Otominounsunlight
Astronomy軌道Japanesenounorbitastronomy natural-sciences
Astronomy軌道Japanesenounorbitalchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Astronomy軌道Japanesenounrailroad track
Atmospheric phenomenaਪੌਣPunjabinounwind, air, breeze
Atmospheric phenomenaਪੌਣPunjabinounthree-quarters
AustriaHabsburgEnglishnameAn Alpine castle in Aargau canton, northern Switzerland.
AustriaHabsburgEnglishnameA Swabian noble family named after it, which became the ruling (hereditary) dynasty of Austria, at times other countries (mainly in Iberia and the former Burgundian territories) and supplied successive (elected) emperors of the Holy Roman Empire.
AustriaHabsburgEnglishnounA member of the Habsburg noble family.
AustriaHabsburgEnglishadjrelating to the Habsburg family and dynastynot-comparable
Auto partsbremsaIcelandicverbto brakeweak
Auto partsbremsaIcelandicnounbrakefeminine
AutomotiveT-boneEnglishnounA T-bone steak.
AutomotiveT-boneEnglishverbTo collide perpendicularly with the side of another vehicle.Canada US slang transitive
AutomotiveT-boneEnglishnounA vehicular collision of this kind.
BDSMbondageEnglishnounThe state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery.countable uncountable
BDSMbondageEnglishnounThe state of lacking freedom; constraint.broadly countable uncountable
BDSMbondageEnglishnounThe practice of physically restraining people for sexual pleasure, such as by tying up or sex sexualitycountable uncountable
BDSMbondageEnglishnounApplied to clothing with many buckles, zips, etc., associated with punk and goth subcultures.attributive countable uncountable
Baby animalsberánekCzechnoundiminutive of beran, small ram (male sheep)animate diminutive form-of masculine
Baby animalsberánekCzechnounpaschal lamb (the lamb eaten at Passover)animate masculine
Baby animalsberánekCzechnounJesus Christ, symbolized as a sacrificeanimate figuratively masculine
Baby animalsberánekCzechnouna kind of sweet pastry in the shape of a lamb, traditionally prepared for Easteranimate masculine
Baby animalsberánekCzechnouncumulus cloudinanimate masculine
Baby animalsberánekCzechnounsheepskininanimate masculine
Baby animalskáčeCzechnounducklingneuter
Baby animalskáčeCzechnoundative/locative singular of káčadative feminine form-of locative singular
Baby animalsrobaczycaPolishnounhelminthiasis (worm infection)medicine pathology sciencesfeminine
Baby animalsrobaczycaPolishnounammocoete (lamprey larva)feminine
Baby animalszvirbulēnsLatviannounlittle sparrow; diminutive of zvirbulisdeclension-1 masculine
Baby animalszvirbulēnsLatviannounbaby or young sparrowdeclension-1 masculine
Baby animalsждребецMacedoniannounmale foal
Baby animalsждребецMacedoniannounstud, stallion
BacteriaBacteriaTranslingualnameA taxonomic domain comprising the single kingdom also called Bacteria, containing about 25 phyla.
BacteriaBacteriaTranslingualnameA taxonomic kingdom within the superkingdom Prokaryota – single-cell organisms (the bacteria); once divided into the Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.
BagsmošnjaSerbo-CroatiannounpocketChakavian Croatia Kajkavian
BagsmošnjaSerbo-CroatiannounbegChakavian Croatia Kajkavian
Bariumbarium mealEnglishnounA preparation of barium sulfate (a radioopaque compound) which the patient ingests for the purpose of producing clear radiographs of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.medicine sciences
Bariumbarium mealEnglishnounA diagnostic procedure based on observing the barium meal's progress in the digestive tract.medicine sciences
Bariumbarium mealEnglishnounThe deliberate release of traceable information to a suspect to see whether they leak it.espionage government military politics war
BeekeepingკოდიGeorgiannounsourcecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesneologism
BeekeepingკოდიGeorgiannounwooden vessel used as a unit of measure (usually of grain products)historical
BeekeepingკოდიGeorgiannounhollowed tree trunk used as a container
BeekeepingკოდიGeorgiannounvertical beehive
BeekeepingკოდიGeorgiannounbarrel, cask for storing beer or grains
BeekeepingკოდიGeorgiannounwooden pipe that dams up water to a watermill
BeesსკაMingreliannounbee (insect)
BeesსკაMingreliannounbeehive, hive
BeetlescoleopterEnglishnounOne of the Coleoptera; a beetle.biology natural-sciences zoology
BeetlescoleopterEnglishnounA type of VTOL aircraft which uses a ducted fan as the primary fuselage of the entire aircraft.
BeijingYanjingEnglishnameAn ancient city located within present-day Beijing, the capital of Ji and Yan.historical
BeijingYanjingEnglishnameAn epithet of modern Beijing.informal
BeijingYanjingEnglishnameA brand of beer.
BerriesmaasikasEstoniannounlove bite, hickeycolloquial
BeveragescháMacanesenountea plant (Camellia sinensis)
BeveragescháMacanesenountea (infusion made with tea leaves)
BeveragescháMacanesenounany drink made with an infusion of medicinal plants
BeveragescháMacanesenouna late afternoon meal
Biblical charactersAdamAlbaniannamea male given name, equivalent to English Adammasculine
Biblical charactersAdamAlbaniannameAdam (biblical figure)Christianity lifestyle religionmasculine
Biblical charactersAdamAlbaniannameAdem (“Adam”)Islam lifestyle religionmasculine
Biblical charactersEzequielSpanishnameEzekiel (biblical character)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Biblical charactersEzequielSpanishnameEzekiel (the book of the Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Biblical charactersEzequielSpanishnamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Ezekielmasculine
Biblical charactersRafaelSwedishnameRaphael (biblical character)common-gender
Biblical charactersRafaelSwedishnamea male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin; sometimes used as a Christianized form of Ragnvaldcommon-gender
Biblical charactersTobiasDanishnameTobias (biblical character)
Biblical charactersTobiasDanishnamea male given name
BirdsareeiroGaliciannounbeach; sandy groundmasculine
BirdsareeiroGaliciannounsand lance (Ammodytes tobianus)masculine
BirdsareeiroGaliciannounsand shrimp (Crangon vulgaris)masculine
BirdsareeiroGaliciannounsand sole (Pegusa lascaris)masculine
BirdsareeiroGaliciannounlittle ringed plover (Charadrius dubius)masculine
BirdscintezăRomaniannouna finchfeminine
BirdscintezăRomaniannounchaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)feminine
BirdscocoSpanishnountesticleChile colloquial masculine
BirdscocoSpanishnounUS dollarsPeru colloquial masculine
BirdscocoSpanishnounbogeymanarts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesmasculine
BirdscocoSpanishnounbrain; headcolloquial masculine
BirdscocoSpanishnounweevilbiology entomology natural-sciencesmasculine
BirdscocoSpanishnouncoccusbacteriology biology microbiology natural-sciencesmasculine
BirdscocoSpanishnounWood stork (Mycteria americana)Dominican-Republic masculine
BirdskiboboMalagasynounthe Madagascan buttonquail (Turnix nigricollis)
BirdskiboboMalagasynounany quailbroadly
BirdskrahathadërAlbaniannounAccipiter nisusmasculine
BirdskrahathadërAlbaniannounlazy personmasculine
Birdsreabhag-mhonaidhScottish Gaelicnountwitefeminine
Birdsreabhag-mhonaidhScottish Gaelicnounmeadow pipit (Anthus pratensis)feminine
BirdsstenskvättaSwedishnounnorthern wheatear, (Oenanthe oenanthe)common-gender
BirdsstenskvättaSwedishnounAny species in the genus Oenanthecommon-gender
BirdstrốngVietnameseadjempty; vacant
BirdstrốngVietnamesenoundrumentertainment lifestyle music
BirdsהודוHebrewnameIndia (a region of South Asia, traditionally delimited by the Himalayas and the Indus river; the Indian subcontinent)historical proscribed
BirdsהודוHebrewnameIndia (a country in South Asia)
BirdsהודוHebrewnouna turkey (a bird of either of the species Meleagris gallopavo, Meleagris ocellata)
BirdsהודוHebrewnounturkey (the meat of such a bird)
BirdsהודוHebrewverbMasculine plural imperative of הוֹדָה (hodá)form-of imperative masculine plural
BivalvesoysterEnglishnounAny of certain marine bivalve mollusks, especially those of the family Ostreidae (the true oysters), usually found adhering to rocks or other fixed objects in shallow water along the seacoasts, or in brackish water in the mouth of rivers.
BivalvesoysterEnglishnounThe delicate oyster-shaped morsel of dark meat contained in a small cavity of the bone on each side of the lower part of the back of a fowl.
BivalvesoysterEnglishnounA pale beige color tinted with grey or pink, like that of an oyster.
BivalvesoysterEnglishnounA person who keeps secrets.colloquial
BivalvesoysterEnglishnounSomething at one's disposal.figuratively
BivalvesoysterEnglishnounA shoplifter.UK slang
BivalvesoysterEnglishnounEllipsis of Oyster card.UK abbreviation alt-of ellipsis slang
BivalvesoysterEnglishadjOf a pale beige colour tinted with grey or pink, like that of an oyster.
BivalvesoysterEnglishverbTo fish for oysters.intransitive
BlacksکالاUrdunounblack (color/colour)
BlacksکالاUrduadjblack (color/colour)
BlacksکالاUrduadjdark complexioned (derogatory term used by Pakistanis and Indians to describe dark-skinned people)
BloodstasisEnglishnounA slackening or arrest of the blood current, due not to a lessening of the heart’s beat, but to some abnormal resistance of the capillary walls.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
BloodstasisEnglishnounInactivity; a freezing, or state of motionlessness.figuratively uncountable usually
BloodstasisEnglishnounA technology allowing something to be artificially frozen in time, so that it does not age or change.literature media publishing science-fictionuncountable usually
BloodstasisEnglishnounOne of the sections of a cathisma or portion of the psalter.uncountable usually
Bodies of watercamlasWelshnouncanalfeminine
Bodies of watercamlasWelshnounditch, channel, inletfeminine obsolete
Bodies of watersundDanishnouna sound, straitneuter
Bodies of watersundDanishadjhealthy, wholesome
Bodies of waterJapanesecharacterbay, inletkanji
Bodies of waterJapanesenounbay; inlet
Bodies of waterJapanesenamea surname
Bodily fluidsropnyPolishadjpussy, purulentmedicine pathology sciencesnot-comparable
Bodily fluidsropnyPolishadjoil, petroleumnot-comparable relational
Bodily fluidsஜொள்ளுTamilnoundrool; alternative form of சொள்ளு (coḷḷu)
Bodily fluidsஜொள்ளுTamilnouna flirtatious personslang
Body partsọwọYorubanounbroom
Body partsọwọYorubanounrespect, honor, dignity
Body partsọwọYorubanouna name for several herbs in the genus Brillantaisia, including Brillantaisia lamium, Brillantaisia owariensis, and Brillantaisia nitens.
Body partsọwọYorubanounhand
Body partsọwọYorubanoundirection, location, side; either right or left
Body partsọwọYorubanounone hundred naira
Body partsọwọYorubanounimpact, influence, effectidiomatic
Body partsọwọYorubanounhandwriting, penmanshipbroadly
Body partsọwọYorubanouncare, handling
Body partsọwọYorubanountime of action or event; currentusually
Body partsọwọYorubanounpossession (literally, "in the hand of someone")idiomatic
Body partsọwọYorubanounactive engagement, endorsementidiomatic
Body partsọwọYorubanoungrip, power, forceidiomatic
Body partsọwọYorubanounapplause
Body partsọwọYorubanounpatterned group, a homogeneous entity, caravan, series, class
BonesjawboneEnglishnounThe bone of the lower jaw; the mandible.countable
BonesjawboneEnglishnounAny of the bones in the lower or upper jaw.countable
BonesjawboneEnglishnounA shaken musical instrument (an idiophone) made from the jawbone of an animal and shaken such that the teeth vibrate in their sockets to produce sound.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable plural singular
BonesjawboneEnglishnounCredit.archaic slang uncountable
BonesjawboneEnglishverbTo talk persistently in an attempt to persuade somebody to cooperate.
Bones갈비Koreannounribsanatomy medicine sciences
Bones갈비Koreannounkalbi, galbi (a Korean barbecued rib dish)
Bones갈비Koreannouna skinny person, a living skeletonderogatory figuratively
Bookse-bookItaliannoune-readerinvariable masculine
Bookse-bookItaliannoune-bookinvariable masculine
Books of the BibleJobSpanishnameJob (the book of the Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleJobSpanishnameJob (the character in the Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleJudithCebuanonamea female given name from English
Books of the BibleJudithCebuanonamethe book of Judith
Books of the BibleJudithCebuanonamethe protagonist of the Biblical book of Judithbiblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleJudithCebuanonamea wife of Esaubiblical lifestyle religion
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounAlkanna tinctoria, a plant whose root is used as a red dye.countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounThe dyeing matter extracted from the roots of the plant with water or oil, used for cotton especially but also silk and wool, giving a deep red colour.countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounOther plants of the genus Alkanna.countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounAnchusa officinalis (common bugloss), a similar plant.countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounAnchusa ochroleuca (yellow alkanet).countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounCynoglottis barrelieri (syn. Anchusa barrelieri, false alkanet).countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounLithospermum arvense (bastard alkanet or field gromwell).countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounPentaglottis sempervirens (green alkanet), a blue-flowered plant with evergreen leaves.countable uncountable
Borage family plantsalkanetEnglishnounPuccoon (Sanguinaria canadensis).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandKetteringEnglishnameA town with a town council in North Northamptonshire, Northamptonshire, England (OS grid ref SP8678).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandKetteringEnglishnameA former borough in Northamptonshire with its headquarters in the town, abolished 1 April 2021 and merged into North Northamptonshire.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandKetteringEnglishnameA census-designated place in Prince George's County, Maryland, United States.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandKetteringEnglishnameA city in Montgomery County and Greene County, Ohio, United States.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandKetteringEnglishnameA former Free Village in Trelawny parish, Jamaica, now part of Duncans.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandKetteringEnglishnameA coastal town in Kingborough council area, Tasmania, Australia.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandKetteringEnglishnameA surname.countable uncountable
BovinesbuffelAfrikaansnounCape buffalo
BowlingbitllesCatalannounplural of bitllaform-of plural
BowlingbitllesCatalannounbowling, skittles
BreadsperecHungariannounpretzel (a toasted bread or cracker usually in the shape of a loose knot)
BreadsperecHungariannounbracelet, anklet (a band or chain worn around the wrist or ankle as jewelry/jewellery or an ornament)
BreadsάρτοςGreeknounbreaddated literary
BreadsάρτοςGreeknounsacramental bread for the EucharistChristianity
BridgestiltsLatviannounbridge (a structure built to go over an area that is deep or dangerous in some way)declension-1 masculine
BridgestiltsLatviannounbridge (elevated platform over the upper deck of a ship, from which activities can be seen and controlled by the captain)nautical transportdeclension-1 masculine
BridgestiltsLatviannounaxle (part of the chassis which link the wheels of opposing sides)declension-1 masculine
BridgestiltsLatviannounbridge (element of an electric circuit, used to connect a measuring instrument)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsdeclension-1 masculine
BridgestiltsLatviannounnon-removable denture, supported by natural teethmedicine sciencesdeclension-1 masculine
BridgestiltsLatviannounbridge position, backbend (position of the body in which the raised back rests on the hands (or nape) and feet touching the floor)government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports wardeclension-1 masculine
Brownsengelskt röttSwedishnounVenetian red (color/colour)common-gender
Brownsengelskt röttSwedishnouna brown-purple pigment, mainly of iron oxide (color/colour)common-gender dated
Building materialsbackerboardEnglishnounA board used behind or under other material, often as support. / Boards used as underlayment for tile, plaster, or other carpentry construction manufacturing masonry
Building materialsbackerboardEnglishnounA board used behind or under other material, often as support. / A sacrificial board placed behind or under a board being drilled or sawn, so as to prevent blowouts. (Usually scrap ends reused for such purpose.)arts business carpentry construction crafts hobbies lifestyle manufacturing woodworking
Building materialsbackerboardEnglishnounA board used behind or under other material, often as support. / Sheets of cardboard or similar material used to preserve or display books, magazines, art prints, etc.
BuildingsabatedouroPortuguesenounslaughterhouse (place where animals are slaughtered)Brazil masculine
BuildingsabatedouroPortuguesenouna bedroom, referred to as a place for casual sexBrazil masculine slang
BuildingsbagatelaPolishnounbagatelle, triflefeminine literary
BuildingsbagatelaPolishnounbagatelle (short piece of literature or of instrumental music, typically light or playful in character)entertainment lifestyle literature media music publishingfeminine
BuildingsbagatelaPolishnounbagatelle (palace, usually in a garden, fashionable in the 18th and 19th centuries)feminine
BuildingsbagatelaPolishparticleused to emphasize the importance and value of something just said
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA narrow surface projecting horizontally from a wall, cliff, or other surface.
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA shelf on which articles may be laid.
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA shelf, ridge, or reef, of rocks.geography geology natural-sciences
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA layer or stratum.
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA lode; a limited mass of rock bearing valuable mineral.
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA (door or window) lintel.architecture
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA cornice.architecture
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA piece of timber to support the deck, placed athwartship between manufacturing shipbuilding
BuildingsledgeEnglishverbTo cause to have, or to develop, a ledge (during mining, canal construction, building, etc).uncommon
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounAlternative form of lege (“a legend; a person held in high regard”)alt-of alternative slang
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA provincial or territorial legislature building.Canada slang
BuildingsledgeEnglishnounA provincial or territorial legislative assembly.Canada slang
BuildingsoperaTurkishnounoperaentertainment lifestyle music
BuildingsoperaTurkishnounopera house
BuildingssalthousMiddle EnglishnounA salt processing facility
BuildingssalthousMiddle EnglishnounA storehouse for salt
BuildingsscoilIrishnounschool (educational institution)feminine
BuildingsscoilIrishnounschool (followers of a particular doctrine)feminine literary
BuildingsscoilIrishnounassembly, bodyfeminine
BuildingsscoilIrishnounshoal, school (of fish)feminine
BuildingsзамокEastern Marinouncastle
BuildingsзамокEastern Marinounlock
BuildingsзамокEastern Marinounbolt, lockengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
BuildingsзамокEastern Marinounzipper
BuildingsмаякRussiannounUsed as the call sign for some Soyuz missions: Soyuz T-3, Soyuz T-10 & Soyuz T-15.
BuildingsխրճիթArmeniannounhut, hovel, shack
BuildingsխրճիթArmeniannounvillage auditoriumdated
BuildingsխրճիթArmeniannounsmall, unsightly housefiguratively
Buildings and structures선창Koreannounwharf, dock, quay, piernautical transport
Buildings and structures선창Koreannounpontoon bridge
Buildings and structures선창Koreannountaking the lead in advocating something
Buildings and structures선창Koreannounleading a chant, slogan or song
Buildings and structures선창Koreannounairing; broadcasting of one's views
Buildings and structures선창Koreannouncargo hold
Buildings and structures선창Koreannounwindow of a ship, porthole
Buildings and structures선창Koreannounshipyard, dockyard
Buildings and structures선창Koreannounskin disease caused by dermatophytes, including dry and wet forms and mainly involving the facedermatology medicine sciences
BurialomuziikiTooronounburier, one who buries
BurialomuziikiTooronoungrave digger, one who digs a grave for a dead person
BurialomuziikiTooronounfuneralgoer, one who attends a funeralbroadly
BurialrogusLatinnounfuneral pyre, funeral piledeclension-2 masculine
BurialrogusLatinnounthe gravedeclension-2 figuratively masculine
BusinessmangangalakalTagalognountrader; merchant
BusinessmangangalakalTagalogverbcontemplative aspect of mangalakal
ButtockscabooseEnglishnounA small galley or cookhouse on the deck of a small vessel.nautical transportobsolete
ButtockscabooseEnglishnounA small sand-filled container used as an oven on board ship.nautical transporthistorical
ButtockscabooseEnglishnounThe last car on a freight train, having cooking and sleeping facilities for the crew; a guard’s van.rail-transport railways transportUS
ButtockscabooseEnglishnounThe buttocks.childish euphemistic slang
ButtockscabooseEnglishnounThe person or team in last place.hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
ButtockscabooseEnglishnounA youngest child who is born after a long gap in informal often
Cakes and pastriesdammsugareSwedishnounvacuum cleanercommon-gender
Cakes and pastriesdammsugareSwedishnouna punsch-roll; a kind of pastry filled with cake crumbs, butter, and cocoa, flavoured with punsch liqueur, covered in marzipan and with ends coated in chocolatecommon-gender
CalendarܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjunleavened, azymous
CalendarܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjfresh, raw
CalendarܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjuntanned
CalendarܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjsincerefiguratively
CalendarܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacnoununleavened bread
CalendarܦܛܝܪܐClassical SyriacnamePassover, Easter; Lord's SupperChristianityin-plural
Calligraphy墨筆Chinesenouncalligraphy brush; inkbrush (Classifier: 枝)
Calligraphy墨筆Chinesenounbrush pen; fudepen (Classifier: 枝)
Calligraphy墨筆Chineseverbto dab an inkbrush in inkliterary
Caltrop family plantsbean-caperEnglishnounAny perennial herb of genus Zygophyllum
Caltrop family plantsbean-caperEnglishnounAny perennial herb of genus Zygophyllum / especially Zygophyllum fabago (Syrian bean-caper), native to Asia and Eastern Europe, introduced and invasive in arid regions elsewhere.
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Any similarly absolute and 'infallible' authority.broadly ironic often
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Any similar head of a religion.broadly
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / A theocrat, a priest-king, including (at first especially) over the imaginary land of Prester John or (now) in figurative and alliterative uses.uncommon
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / An effigy of the pope traditionally burnt in Britain on Guy Fawkes' Day and (occasionally) at other times.UK
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Pope Day, the present Guy Fawkes Day.US obsolete
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state.
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Coptic bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his church.
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Orthodox bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his autocephalous church.
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAny bishop of the early Christian church.Christianityhistorical obsolete
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounThe ruffe, a small Eurasian freshwater fish (Gymnocephalus cernua); others of its genus.British
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounThe Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica).Cornwall Devon Scotland UK regional
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounThe painted bunting (Passerina ciris).US regional
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounThe red-cowled cardinal (Paroaria dominicana).rare
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishverbTo act as or like a pope.intransitive
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishverbTo convert to Roman Catholicism.colloquial intransitive
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAny mulled wine (traditionally including tokay) considered similar and superior to bishop.
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounAlternative form of pop, a Russian Orthodox priest.alt-of alternative
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounwhippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus, syn. Caprimulgus vociferus).US dialectal obsolete
CaprimulgiformspopeEnglishnounnighthawk (Chordeiles minor).US dialectal rare
CaprinesbaraaliFinnishnounbharal, blue sheep (caprid of the genus Pseudois)
CaprinesbaraaliFinnishnounbharal, Himalayan blue sheep, naur, Pseudois nayaur
Card gamesκούπαGreeknounmug, large cup (drinking vessel)
Card gamesκούπαGreeknountrophy cup
Card gamesκούπαGreeknounhearts (suit of playing cards)
Card gamesκούπαGreeknounliquid measure used in cookery
Card gamesκούπαGreeknouncup (part of a brassiere)
CatsharimauIndonesiannounpanther (big cat of the genus Panthera)
CatsharimauIndonesiannountiger (Panthera tigris)
CatsharimauIndonesiannouncougar (older woman with a younger boyfriend)
CattlecowhandEnglishnounOne who tends free-range cattle, especially in the American West.
CattlecowhandEnglishnounCowman or herdsman, especially to a dairy cattle herd.
Celery family plantskerfillIcelandicnoungarden chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium)masculine
Celery family plantskerfillIcelandicnounchervil (spice)masculine
Celery family plantsνάρθηξAncient Greeknoungiant fennel (Ferula communis)
Celery family plantsνάρθηξAncient Greeknouncasket for unguents
Celery family plantsνάρθηξAncient Greeknounvestibule in a churcharchitecture
Celestial bodies惑星Japanesenounplanetastronomy natural-sciences
Celestial bodies惑星Japanesenouna dark horsearchaic
CervidsewigWelshnoundoe, hind, female deerfeminine
CervidsewigWelshnoungraceful womanfeminine
Chairsrocking stoolEnglishnounA rocking chair.
Chairsrocking stoolEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see rocking, stool.
ChemistryhäkäFinnishnounfumes rich in carbon monoxide caused by partial or incomplete combustion
ChemistryhäkäFinnishnouncarbon monoxidespecifically
ChemistryhäkäFinnishnounmist, fogarchaic
ChemistryhäkäFinnishnounrush, haste (contemporarily used idiomatically in täyttä häkää (“at full speed”) and kuin häkä (“fast”))archaic
ChessvežaSlovaknounrookboard-games chess gamesfeminine
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounservant, attendant, agent, minister
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounartisan
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounsoldiergovernment military politics war
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworker, peasant
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounvintner
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworshipper
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworker
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnountiller, cultivator, farmer, agriculturalist
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounvintner, vinedresser
ChessܦܠܚܐClassical Syriacnounworshipper
Chessமந்திரிTamilnounministerdated rare
Chessமந்திரிTamilnoun(dated, rare) bishop or ministerboard-games chess games
Chessமந்திரிTamilverbto enchant, recite incarnations
ChessโคนThainounthick end of a tapered object.
ChessโคนThainounany mushroom in Termitomyces genus
ChessโคนThainounbishopboard-games chess gamesThailand
ChessโคนThainouncone, conic object.
ChickenscoqueletFrenchnounsmall cockerelmasculine
Childrengrowth spurtEnglishnounA sudden growth in one's body, especially during adolescence.
Childrengrowth spurtEnglishverbTo undergo growth spurts.informal
China滿州JapanesenameManchu (a Tungusic people who inhabited the region of Manchuria).
Chinese cardinal numbers面桶Chinesenounwashbowl; washbasin (Classifier: 個/个 mn)Eastern Min Puxian-Min Southern Wu dialectal
Chinese cardinal numbers面桶ChinesenounmillionHokkien Philippine
ChristianityMoonieEnglishnounA member of the Unification Church; a follower of its founder Sun Myung Mooninformal
ChristianityMoonieEnglishnounA person who shows exceptional enthusiasm for a cause or organization, a zealot.informal
ChristianityMoonieEnglishnounA nickname in English-speaking countries, sometimes for a person who moons around.informal
ChristianityMoonieEnglishnounA fan of the Japanese manga and anime franchise Sailor Moon.lifestyleslang
ChristianityкаятьсяRussianverbto repent (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do)
ChristianityкаятьсяRussianverbto confess (to admit to the truth, particularly in the context of sins or crimes committed)
ChristianityנוצריHebrewnounNazarene (a resident of Nazareth)
ChristianityנוצריHebrewadjChristian (having to do with Christians or Christianity)
ChristianityנוצריHebrewadjNazarene (of or referring to Nazareth)
Cicadasblack princeEnglishnounA butterfly of species Rohana parisatis, family Nymphalidae, of Indomalaya.
Cicadasblack princeEnglishnounA black form of the cicada Psaltoda plaga, of eastern Australia.
Cities in PakistanMultanEnglishnameA city in Punjab, Pakistan
Cities in PakistanMultanEnglishnameA division of Punjab, Pakistan
Cities in SpainPamplonaEnglishnameA city in Navarre of northern Spain famous for the running of the bulls.
Cities in SpainPamplonaEnglishnameA habitational surname from Spanish.
Cities in UkraineKirovohradEnglishnameFormer name of Kropyvnytskyi.
Cities in UkraineKirovohradEnglishnameKirovohrad province (oblast), in central Ukraine.
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto collect, to gather, to pick up, to fetch, to retrieve (something previously left behind)
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto pick up (a person or people by vehicle)
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto clean up (e.g., a room)
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto pack up
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto harvest, reap (fruit)
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto pick up on, glean, capture (e.g., a point, a link, distinction, subtlety, ambiguity, etc.)
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto reflectfiguratively
CleaningrecogerSpanishverbto go to bedreflexive
CleaningводникMacedoniannounwashbasin, sinkdialectal
Climatology旱災Chinesenoundrought (Classifier: 場/场 m; 次 m)
Climatology旱災ChinesenounA combination 三上三下 in the Lingqijing.
ClothingbibEnglishnounAn item of clothing for people (especially babies) tied around their neck to protect their clothes from getting dirty when eating.
ClothingbibEnglishnounSimilar items of clothing such as the Chinese dudou and Vietnamese yem.
ClothingbibEnglishnounA rectangular piece of material, carrying a bib number, worn as identification by entrants in a race.hobbies lifestyle sports
ClothingbibEnglishnounA colourful polyester or plastic vest worn over one's clothes, usually to mark one's team during group activities.hobbies lifestyle sports
ClothingbibEnglishnounThe upper part of an apron or overalls.
ClothingbibEnglishnounEllipsis of bib short.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
ClothingbibEnglishnounA patch of colour around an animal's upper breast and throat.
ClothingbibEnglishnounA north Atlantic fish (Trisopterus luscus), allied to the cod.
ClothingbibEnglishnounA bibb (bibcock).
ClothingbibEnglishverbTo dress (somebody) in a bib.transitive
ClothingbibEnglishverbTo drink heartily; to tipple.archaic intransitive
ClothingbibEnglishverbTo beep (e.g. a car horn).informal
ClothingcombatsEnglishnounplural of combatform-of plural
ClothingcombatsEnglishnounClipping of combat trousers.abbreviation alt-of clipping
ClothingcombatsEnglishnounClipping of combat boots.abbreviation alt-of clipping
ClothingcombatsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of combatform-of indicative present singular third-person
ClothingleggingEnglishnounA covering, usually of leather, worn from knee to ankle.
ClothingleggingEnglishnounStretchy tight-fitting pants often worn by women or for exercise.
ClothingleggingEnglishnounOne of the legs of a pair of trousers.
ClothingleggingEnglishnounThe process of putting a series of three or more options strikes into the stock market.
ClothingleggingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of legform-of gerund participle present
ClothingmanteloEsperantonouncape, cloak or mantle (clothing)
ClothingstraiRomaniannoungarment, clothing, garb, arrayneuter
ClothingstraiRomaniannounbed coverneuter
ClothingܢܚܬܐClassical Syriacnoundescending, descent
ClothingܢܚܬܐClassical Syriacnounrobe, long garment
CoinssolidusLatinadjdense, solid, not hollowadjective declension-1 declension-2
CoinssolidusLatinadjwhole, entire, thorough, fulladjective declension-1 declension-2
CoinssolidusLatinadjfirmadjective declension-1 declension-2
CoinssolidusLatinadjsubstantial, genuine, true, realadjective declension-1 declension-2
CoinssolidusLatinnounA solidus: a Roman ~23-carat gold coin introduced by Diocletian in AD 301.declension-2 masculine
CoinssolidusLatinnounA bezant: the solidus's debased Byzantine successors.Medieval-Latin declension-2 masculine
CoinssolidusLatinnounA shilling, as a unit of account or silver coin.Medieval-Latin declension-2 masculine
Collectivesair forceEnglishnounA branch of the military mainly devoted to air warfare, as opposed to (land) army and (sea) navy.
Collectivesair forceEnglishnounA unit in the U.S. Air Force larger than a division but smaller than a command.
CollectivesdoutheMiddle EnglishnounA group, band, or company of people: / A retinue or comitatus; the personal military of a ruler.uncountable
CollectivesdoutheMiddle EnglishnounA group, band, or company of people: / An army or troop; a group of armed people; an army or troop.uncountable
CollectivesdoutheMiddle EnglishnounPotency, might, worth.rare uncountable
CollectivesdoutheMiddle EnglishnounAn individual person.rare uncountable
CollectivesdoutheMiddle EnglishnounSomething beneficial; a boon.rare uncountable
CollectivesdoutheMiddle EnglishnounMaturity; the state of being mature.rare uncountable
CollectiveskabarangayanCebuanonounplural of barangayform-of plural
CollectiveskabarangayanCebuanonouna group of barangays collectively
CollectivesчастьRussiannoundepartment, section
CollectivesчастьRussiannoununit (regimental or smaller sized and administratively self-contained)government military politics war
CollectivesчастьRussiannounline, branchcolloquial
CollectivesчастьRussiannounpolice stationobsolete
Colorado, USAColoradanEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Colorado in the United States of America.
Colorado, USAColoradanEnglishadjOf or relating to Colorado.
ColorsclerRomanschadjclear, lightPuter Rumantsch-Grischun Surmiran Sutsilvan Vallander masculine
ColorsclerRomanschadjlight-coloured, fairPuter Rumantsch-Grischun Surmiran Sutsilvan Vallander masculine
ColorscărămiziuRomanianadjbrick-coloredmasculine neuter
ColorscărămiziuRomanianadjcrimsonmasculine neuter
ColorsolivaItaliannounolive (fruit)feminine
ColorsolivaItaliannounolive (color)invariable masculine
ColorsolivaItalianadjolive (color)invariable
ColorsputihMalayadjwhite (bright and colourless)
ColorsputihMalaynounwhite (colour)
ColorsᮊᮧᮔᮦᮀSundaneseadjyellow (having yellow as its colour)
ColorsᮊᮧᮔᮦᮀSundanesenounyellow (colour)
Colors草灰Chinesenounplant ash
Colors草灰Chineseadjash grey
Combretum family plantsbroadleafEnglishadjPertaining to trees with relatively broad, flat leaves as opposed to needles, or woodlands made up of such trees.not-comparable
Combretum family plantsbroadleafEnglishadjUsed in the name of a plant or tree: having especially broad leaves.not-comparable
Combretum family plantsbroadleafEnglishnounA tree (Terminalia latifolia, now Terminalia catappa) of Jamaica.
Combretum family plantsbroadleafEnglishnounA type of tobacco having broad leaves, used for making cigars.
CombustioncombustEnglishverbTo burn; to catch fire.
CombustioncombustEnglishverbTo erupt with enthusiasm or boisterousness.figuratively intransitive
CombustioncombustEnglishadjIn close conjunction with the sun (so that its astrological influence is "burnt up"), sometimes specified to be within 8 degrees 30'.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
CombustioncombustEnglishnounThat which undergoes burning.obsolete
Communicationliên lạcVietnameseverbto connect
Communicationliên lạcVietnameseverbto communicate
CommunismBolshevismEnglishnounThe strategy used by the Bolsheviks in attempting to gain power in Russia.countable historical uncountable
CommunismBolshevismEnglishnounThe Communist political ideology adopted by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Marxism-Leninism.countable historical uncountable
CommunismcommunismeDutchnouncommunism (collectivist socialism, ideology)neuter
CommunismcommunismeDutchnouncommunism (classless and stateless international socialist order)neuter
CommunismcommunismeDutchnounany collectivismliterally neuter rare
Compass pointskilènJavanesenounwest, one of compass pointspolite
Compass pointskilènJavaneseadjwesternpolite
Compass pointsקדםHebrewnounfront
Compass pointsקדםHebrewnouneast (cardinal direction)biblical lifestyle religion
Compass pointsקדםHebrewnounancient times
Compass pointsקדםHebrewverbto precede, to come beforeconstruction-pa'al
Compass pointsקדםHebrewprefixpre-morpheme
Compass pointsקדםHebrewverbdefective spelling of קידם.alt-of construction-pi'el misspelling
Compass pointsקדםHebrewprepdefective spelling of קודם.alt-of misspelling
ComputingmachinaPolishnounheavy machineryfeminine
ComputingmachinaPolishnouncomplex systemfeminine
ComputingmachinaPolishnounmachinearchaic feminine
Conservatismfar-rightistEnglishadjAlternative spelling of far rightistalt-of alternative
Conservatismfar-rightistEnglishnounSomeone who holds far-right views.
ConstellationsLeijonaFinnishnameThe constellation Leo, the Lion.
ConstellationsLeijonaFinnishnameThe zodiac sign Leo.
ConstellationsLeijonaFinnishnameA nickname for a player in the Finnish national ice hockey team; the team when in plural.
ConstellationsnáhookǫsNavajoverbto turn over and over, turn around and around, revolve (of a slender stiff object)
ConstellationsnáhookǫsNavajonounBig Dipper
Constellations거문고Koreannoungeomungo (a Korean stringed instrument, made of wood from the Korean paulownia, with six strings which are plucked or flicked to make music)entertainment lifestyle music
Constellations거문고KoreannounLyraastronomy natural-sciences
ContainersMenageGermannouncondiment set (found on dining tables)feminine
ContainersMenageGermannouncontainer for transporting a warm mealdated feminine
ContainersMenageGermannounmilitary food rationsfeminine
ContainersgallipotEnglishnounA small, glazed earthenware jar once used by apothecaries for holding medicine and ointment.
ContainersgallipotEnglishnounSomeone who uses such pots; an apothecary.archaic
ContainerskannuFinnishnounjug, pitcher
ContainerskannuFinnishnounpot (teapot or coffee pot)
ContainerskannuFinnishnoununit of measure for volume equivalent to around 2.6 litreshistorical
ContainerstobolacSerbo-Croatiannounquiver (arrow container)
ContainerstobolacSerbo-Croatiannounpouch, marsupium (a pocket in which a female marsupial carries its young)Croatia
Cooking煮熟Chineseverbto cook thoroughly
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A town in Arizona.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A ghost town in California.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city and town in Iowa.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Wilson County, Kansas.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city and town in Kentucky.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A village and city in New York.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city and village in North Dakota.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A borough of Pennsylvania.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A village and town in Wisconsin.
CountriesFredoniaEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Freedonia.alt-of alternative
CrabskrabPolishnouncrab (crustacean)animal-not-person masculine
CrabskrabPolishnouncrab (food)animal-not-person masculine
CraftsbeadingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of beadform-of gerund participle present
CraftsbeadingEnglishnounA decorative, ornamental molding often used to conceal a joint.architecturecountable uncountable
CraftsbeadingEnglishnounbeadworkcountable uncountable
CraftsbeadingEnglishnounThe beads or bead-forming quality of certain liquors.countable uncountable
CraftsbeadingEnglishnounA Samburu ceremony in which a father gives a necklace to his daughter.countable uncountable
CraftsglovereMiddle EnglishnounA glovemaker; one who makes gloves.
CraftsglovereMiddle EnglishnounA retailer or furnisher of gloves.
CrickettopspinnerEnglishnounA player who applies topspin to the ball.hobbies lifestyle sports
CrickettopspinnerEnglishnounA ball to which topspin is applied.hobbies lifestyle sports
CrimeaferzystaPolishnoungrifter, charlatan, schemer (person involved in criminal affairs)masculine person
CrimeaferzystaPolishnoundrama king (person who likes causing social scandals)colloquial masculine person
CrimeचोरHindinounthief, robber, burglar
CrimeचोरHindinouna dishonest merchant; a stingederogatory figuratively
CrucifershandflowerEnglishnounA Mexican hand tree (Chiranthodendron pentadactylon).sometimes
CrucifershandflowerEnglishnounA wallflower (Erysimum cheiri, syns. Erysimum × cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri).
CrucifershandflowerEnglishnounAn item of jewellery consisting of a bracelet linked to a ring by chains, lace or other elements which cross the back of the hand.
CurrenciesleiFinnishnounlei (Hawaiian garland of flowers)
CurrenciesleiFinnishnounleu (unit of currency of Romania and Moldova)nonstandard obsolete
CurrencyсумUkrainiannounsum, som
CurrencyKoreannounyen (currency of Japan)
CurrencyKoreannounen (name of the letter N, n)
Cycle racinggeneral classificationEnglishnounThe overall standings in a bicycle stage race, based on a rider's total elapsed time in all stages of the race with the lowest time being the leader.
Cycle racinggeneral classificationEnglishnounsuitable for all ages.Australia dated
Dairy productsAnkeAlemannic Germannounbuttermasculine
Dairy productsAnkeAlemannic Germannamea surname
DancedansSwedishnoundance (dancing)common-gender
DancedansSwedishnouna dance (type of dance)common-gender
DancedansSwedishnouna dance (social gathering with dancing)common-gender
DancedansSwedishnoundefinite genitive singular of dagcolloquial definite form-of genitive singular
DanceshakaEnglishnounA group dance of New Zealand's Maori people featuring rhythmic chanting, vigorous facial and arm movements, and foot stamping. Traditionally a war dance, today it is also performed to welcome guests, as a mark of respect at occasions such as commemorations and funerals, as a challenge to opposing teams at sports events, and for artistic purposes.
DanceshakaEnglishverbTo perform the haka.intransitive
DeathataúdSpanishnouncoffin, casketmasculine
DeathataúdSpanishnouna metal or (lined) wooden oven for roasting or smoking food outdoors (compare caja china)Latin-America masculine
DeathtrzebićPolishverbto destroy, to eliminate, to exterminateimperfective transitive
DeathtrzebićPolishverbto cut down, to thin (to remove trees in a forest)business forestryimperfective transitive
DeathtrzebićPolishverbto slaughter wild animalsimperfective transitive
DeathtrzebićPolishverbto geld (to remove genital glands from breeding animals)imperfective transitive
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA crustacean of the infraorder Brachyura, having five pairs of legs, the foremost of which are in the form of claws, and a carapace.countable uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounThe meat of this crustacean, served as food; crabmeat.uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA bad-tempered person.countable uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounAn infestation of pubic lice (Pthirus pubis).countable informal uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounThe angle by which an aircraft's nose is pointed upwind of its groundtrack to compensate for crosswinds during an approach to landing; its crab angle.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA playing card with the rank of three.card-games pokercountable slang uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA position in rowing where the oar is pushed under the rigger by the force of the water.hobbies lifestyle rowing sportscountable uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA defect in an outwardly normal object that may render it inconvenient and troublesome to use.countable uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishnounAn unsold book that is returned to the publisher.countable dated uncountable
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo fish for crabs.intransitive
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo ruin.US slang transitive
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo complain.intransitive
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo complain about.transitive
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo drift or move sideways or to leeward (by analogy with the movement of a crab).intransitive
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo move in a manner that involves keeping low and clinging to surfaces.
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo navigate (an aircraft, e.g. a glider) sideways against an air current in order to maintain a straight-line course.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo move (a camera) sideways.broadcasting film media televisiontransitive
DecapodscrabEnglishverbto fly slightly off the straight-line course towards an enemy aircraft, as the machine guns on early aircraft did not allow firing through the propeller disk.World-War-I obsolete
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo back out of something.rare
DecapodscrabEnglishnounThe crab apple or wild apple.
DecapodscrabEnglishnounThe tree bearing crab apples, which has a dogbane-like bitter bark with medical use.
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA cudgel made of the wood of the crab tree; a crabstick.
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA movable winch or windlass with powerful gearing, used with derricks, etc.
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA form of windlass, or geared capstan, for hauling ships into dock, etc.
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA machine used in ropewalks to stretch the yarn.
DecapodscrabEnglishnounA claw for anchoring a portable machine.
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo irritate, make surly or sourobsolete
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo be ill-tempered; to complain or find fault.
DecapodscrabEnglishverbTo cudgel or beat, as with a crabstickBritish dialectal
DecapodscrabEnglishnounThe tree species Carapa guianensis, native to South America.
DecapodscrabEnglishnounShort for carabiner.abbreviation alt-of informal
DemonymsMarkneukirchenerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Markneukirchenmasculine strong
DemonymsMarkneukirchenerGermanadjof Markneukirchenindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsTallinnerEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to, Tallinnnot-comparable
DemonymsTallinnerEnglishnounSomeone from Tallinn.
DemonymsTuscanEnglishadjOf or relating to Tuscany or its inhabitants.not-comparable
DemonymsTuscanEnglishadjBelonging to the simplest of the five classical orders of architecture, being a Roman modification of the Doric style, with unfluted columns, and without triglyphs.architecturenot-comparable
DemonymsTuscanEnglishnounA person from or inhabitant of Tuscany.countable uncountable
DemonymsTuscanEnglishnounA local variety of Italian spoken in Tuscany, on which Standard Italian is largely based.countable uncountable
DemonymsWuhaneseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Wuhan, China.not-comparable rare
DemonymsWuhaneseEnglishnounA person from Wuhan, China.rare
DemonymsWuhaneseEnglishnameThe dialect of Mandarin Chinese spoken in Wuhan, Tianmen and surrounding areas in Hubei.rare
DemonymsWuhaneseEnglishnameThe people of Wuhan, Hubei, Chinarare
DemonymsbosniàCatalanadjBosnian (pertinent to Bosnia, the people of Bosnia, or the Bosnian language)
DemonymsbosniàCatalannounBosnian; Bosniak (an inhabitant of Bosnia or a Bosniak)masculine
DemonymsbosniàCatalannounBosnian (a Slavic language of the Balkans)masculine uncountable
DemonymschimbotanoSpanishadjof or from Chimbote
DemonymschimbotanoSpanishnounsomeone from Chimbotemasculine
DemonymsleyteñoSpanishadjof Leyterelational
DemonymsleyteñoSpanishnounresident of Leyte, an island of the Philippinesby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsmatosinhensePortugueseadjof Matosinhosfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsmatosinhensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Matosinhosby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsrosianinaMalagasynounRussian (person from Russia)
DemonymsrosianinaMalagasyadjRussian (originating from Russia)
DemonymssanfrancisqueñoSpanishadjof or from San Francisco, Córdoba
DemonymssanfrancisqueñoSpanishnounsomeone from San Francisco, Córdobamasculine
DemonymstegucigalpenseSpanishadjTegucigalpan (of or relating to Tegucigalpa, Honduras)feminine masculine
DemonymstegucigalpenseSpanishnounTegucigalpan (native or resident of Tegucigalpa, Honduras)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsváciHungarianadjOf, from, or pertaining to Vác.not-comparable
DemonymsváciHungariannounA person from Vác.
DemonymsñublinoSpanishadjof Ñublerelational
DemonymsñublinoSpanishnounsomeone from Ñublemasculine
DemonymsΜάγνηςAncient Greeknounone of the Magnetes
DemonymsΜάγνηςAncient Greeknounan inhabitant of Magnesia; a Magnesian
Dental hygienetartreFrenchnountartarmasculine
Dental hygienetartreFrenchnounlimescale, scale, fur (in kettles, etc.)masculine
DessertsખીરGujaratinounAny Indian pudding, often eaten as a dessert; kheer.
DessertsખીરGujaratinameKshira SagaraHinduism
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. / followed by of as an indication of direct cause; general useintransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. / followed by from as an indication of direct cause; general use, though somewhat more common in the context of medicine or the sciencesintransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. / followed by for; often expressing wider contextual motivations, though sometimes indicating direct causesintransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. / followed by with as an indication of direct causearchaic intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. / followed by to as an indication of direct cause (like from)intransitive uncommon
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. / followed by with as an indication of mannerintransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death. / to die in a certain form.intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop living; to become dead; to undergo death.intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo (stop living and) undergo (a specified death).transitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo lose or be eliminated from a game, particularly with a deathlike
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo yearn intensely.figuratively intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo be or become hated or utterly ignored or cut off, as if dead.idiomatic intransitive uncommon
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo become spiritually dead; to lose hope.figuratively intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo be mortified or shocked by a situation.colloquial excessive intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo be so overcome with emotion or laughter as to be incapacitated.excessive figuratively intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo stop working; to break down or otherwise lose "vitality".intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo abort, to terminate (as an error condition).intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo expire at the end of the session of a legislature without having been brought to a vote.intransitive
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo perish; to cease to exist; to become lost or extinct.
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo sink; to faint; to pine; to languish, with weakness, discouragement, love, etc.
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo become indifferent; to cease to be subject.often
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo disappear gradually in another surface, as where mouldings are lost in a sloped or curved face.architecture
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo become vapid, flat, or spiritless, as liquor.
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbTo fail to evoke laughter from the audience.slang
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounThe cubical part of a pedestal; a plinth.
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounA device for cutting into a specified shape.
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounA device used to cut an external screw thread. (Internal screw threads are cut with a tap.)
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounA mold for forming metal or plastic objects.
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounAn embossed device used in stamping coins and medals.
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounAn oblong chip fractured from a semiconductor wafer engineered to perform as an independent device or integrated circuit.dice gamesalso plural
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounAny small cubical or square body.
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounAn isohedral polyhedron, usually a cube, with numbers or symbols on each side and thrown in games of chance.
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounThat which is, or might be, determined, by a throw of the die; hazard; chance.obsolete
Dice gamesdieEnglishnounObsolete spelling of dye.alt-of obsolete
Dice gamesdieEnglishverbObsolete spelling of dye.alt-of obsolete
DictationdictatorEnglishnounA totalitarian leader of a country, nation, or government.
DictationdictatorEnglishnounA magistrate without colleague in republican Ancient Rome, who held full executive authority for a term granted by the Senate, typically to conduct a war.history human-sciences sciences
DictationdictatorEnglishnounA tyrannical boss or authority figure.
DictationdictatorEnglishnounMisspelling of dictater.alt-of misspelling
DictionariesDOEEnglishnounInitialism of Design Of Experiments.mathematics sciences statisticsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DictionariesDOEEnglishverbInitialism of Depends On Experience.abbreviation alt-of initialism
DictionariesDOEEnglishnameInitialism of Dictionary of Old English.abbreviation alt-of initialism
DictionariesDOEEnglishnameInitialism of Department of Energy (Philippines).Philippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
DictionariesDOEEnglishnameInitialism of Department of Energy.US abbreviation alt-of initialism
Dioscoreales order plantsubiCebuanonounpurple yam (Dioscorea alata)
Dioscoreales order plantsubiCebuanonounpurple
Dioscoreales order plantsubiCebuanoadjpurple
DirectionsdroitFrenchnounright (entitlement)masculine
DirectionsdroitFrenchnounlaw (study of law)masculine
DirectionsdroitFrenchnounright anglegeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
DirectionsdroitFrenchadjright (on the right-hand side)
DirectionsdroitFrenchadjstraight (not bent or crooked)
DirectionsdroitFrenchadjright (of an angle)geometry mathematics sciences
DirectionsdroitFrenchadvstraight, straight on
DirectionsdroitFrenchadvupright, straight, not bent or crooked
DirectionsizquierdaSpanishnounleft (side, direction)feminine uncountable
DirectionsizquierdaSpanishnounleftgovernment politicsfeminine uncountable
DirectionsizquierdaSpanishadjfeminine singular of izquierdofeminine form-of singular
DirectivesmaundementMiddle EnglishnounThe entirety of a religion's law or strictures.
DirectivesmaundementMiddle EnglishnounA rule which forms part of a religion's strictures.
DirectivesmaundementMiddle EnglishnounA directive or order (especially a governmental or legal one)
DirectivesmaundementMiddle EnglishnounAuthorisation, permission.rare
DirectivesmaundementMiddle EnglishnounThe act of rule; control.rare
DirectivespraeceptioLatinnountaking or receiving in advance; anticipationdeclension-3
DirectivesܐܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounlamb
DirectivesܐܡܪܐClassical SyriacnameAries (constellation and zodiac sign)
DirectivesܐܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounorder, command
DisabilitygłuchyPolishadjwithout openings
DisabilitygłuchyPolishnoundeaf personmasculine noun-from-verb person
Disease纏綿Chineseadjentangled in; caught up (in relationships)
Disease纏綿Chineseadjmelodious and moving
DiseasessyöpäFinnishnouncancermedicine pathology sciences
DiseasessyöpäFinnishnouncancer, corruption, rot (a spreading evil)figuratively
DiseasessyöpäFinnishverbthird-person singular present indicative of syödä (with enclitic-pä)form-of indicative present singular third-person
DiseasessyöpäFinnishverbsecond-person singular present imperative of syödä (with enclitic-pä)form-of imperative present second-person singular
Diseases皰疹Chinesenounblebmedicine pathology sciences
Diseases皰疹Chinesenounherpesmedicine pathology sciences
Distilled beveragesłychaPolishnounAugmentative of łyżkaaugmentative feminine form-of
Distilled beveragesłychaPolishnounwhisky, whiskeyfeminine slang
Districts of ThailandพนมThainounhill; mountain.formal
Districts of ThailandพนมThainounthing similar to a hill, mountain, or lotus bud, especially in terms of shape or appearance: heap, pile, etc.
Districts of ThailandพนมThaiverbto cause to look like a hill, mountain, or lotus bud, such as พนมมือ (pá-nom mʉʉ; literally "to pá-nom hands"), meaning to press hand palms together in a salute fashion.
Districts of ThailandพนมThainamePhanom District, a district of Surat Thani Province.
DogspieEnglishnounA type of pastry that consists of an outer crust and a filling.countable uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounAny of various other, non-pastry dishes that maintain the general concept of a shell with a filling.countable uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounA pizza.Northeastern US countable uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounA paper plate covered in cream, shaving foam or custard that is thrown or rubbed in someone’s face for comical purposes, to raise money for charity, or as a form of political protest; a custard pie; a cream pie.countable uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounThe whole of a wealth or resource, to be divided in parts.countable figuratively uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounAn especially badly bowled ball.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounA pie chart.countable uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounSomething very easy; a piece of cake.countable informal uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounThe vulva.countable slang uncountable
DogspieEnglishnounA kilogram of drugs, especially cocaine.countable slang uncountable
DogspieEnglishverbTo hit in the face with a pie, either for comic effect or as a means of protest (see also pieing).transitive
DogspieEnglishverbTo go around (a corner) in a guarded manner.transitive
DogspieEnglishverbTo ignore (someone).UK often slang transitive
DogspieEnglishnounThe smallest unit of currency in South Asia, equivalent to ¹⁄₁₉₂ of a rupee or ¹⁄₁₂ of an anna.historical
DogspieEnglishnounEllipsis of pie-dog: an Indian breed, a stray dog in Indian contexts.biology natural-sciences zoologyabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
DogspieEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of length, equivalent to about 27.9 cm.historical
DogspieEnglishnounAlternative form of pi (“metal type that has been spilled, mixed together, or disordered”)letterpress-typography media publishing typographyalt-of alternative
DogspieEnglishverbAlternative form of pi (“to spill or mix printing type”)alt-of alternative transitive
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounThe Persian language, or a family of languages spoken primarily in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA person from Persia.countable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA person of Persian descent.countable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounAn Iranian.countable historical uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA Persian cat.countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA pastry local to the Thunder Bay region in Canada often compared to either a cinnamon bun or a donut topped with pink icing.Canada Northwestern Ontario countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA sheep of the Blackhead Persian breed.countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA thin silk fabric, formerly used for linings.countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounAny of a set of male figures used instead of columns to support an entablature.architecturecountable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Persia.
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Persian people.
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Persian language.
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Persius (Roman writer)
DramaPlautusLatinnamePlautus, a famous Roman comic playwrightdeclension-2 masculine singular
DramaPlautusLatinnamea cognomen used by the gentes Bellia, Rubellia, Sergia, and othersdeclension-2 masculine singular
Drinking泥酔Japanesenounbeing extremely intoxicated, being dead drunk
Drinking泥酔Japaneseverbget extremely drunk
Eastern OrthodoxymenologyEnglishnounThe study of months; the names and system of months within a given calendar.uncommon
Eastern OrthodoxymenologyEnglishnounSynonym of menologium, a monthly record, particularly in Assyriology and certain Christian contexts.capitalized often
Eastern OrthodoxymenologyEnglishnounThe content of a menologium, a liturgical calendar or hagiography.rare
Ecuador911EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Liberia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Anguilla, Palau, and Tonga.
Ecuador911EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Belize Canada Philippines US countable metonymically uncountable
Ecuador911EnglishnounAn emergency phone call.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Ecuador911EnglishnounAn emergency.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Ecuador911EnglishverbTo call emergency services.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial
Ecuador911EnglishnameA prominent family of sports cars manufactured by Porsche.automotive transport vehicles
EcuadorquiteñoSpanishadjfrom or pertaining to Quito
EcuadorquiteñoSpanishnouna person from Quitomasculine
EducationexeatEnglishnounA license or permit for absence from a university or a religious house (such as a monastery).
EducationexeatEnglishnounA permission which a bishop grants to a priest to go out of his diocese.
EducationexeatEnglishnounLeave of absence from a public school or college.UK dated
EducationexeatEnglishnounA stage direction to leave the stage.entertainment lifestyle theaterobsolete
EightвосьмёркаRussiannounnumber eight, eight (e.g. cards), figure of eight
EightвосьмёркаRussiannouneightcard-games games
EightвосьмёркаRussiannounNo. 8 bus, tram, etc
EightвосьмёркаRussiannounVAZ-2108 (Lada Samara) 3-door hatchbackcolloquial
EightвосьмёркаRussiannouneight, octuple (a boat with eight rowers)hobbies lifestyle rowing sports
EightвосьмёркаRussiannounfigure 8 (belay device)climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
EightвосьмёркаRussiannounfigure-eight loopclimbing hobbies lifestyle sports
EightвосьмёркаRussiannounwisdom toothdentistry medicine sciences
ElectrochemistryelectroplateEnglishverbTo coat (an object) with a thin layer of metal using electrolysis.transitive
ElectrochemistryelectroplateEnglishnounElectroplated objects.countable uncountable
ElectrochemistryelectroplateEnglishnounThe layer of metal deposited in the course of electroplating.countable uncountable
ElectronicswirelessEnglishadjNot having any wires.not-comparable
ElectronicswirelessEnglishadjOf or relating to communication without a wired connection, such as by radio waves.not-comparable
ElectronicswirelessEnglishnounThe medium of radio communication.uncountable usually
ElectronicswirelessEnglishnounWireless connectivity to a computer network.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciencesuncountable usually
ElectronicswirelessEnglishnounA radio set.British dated uncountable usually
ElectronicswirelessEnglishverbTo send a message by wireless (by radio)dated obsolete
EmotionsdelitabiliteMiddle EnglishnounDelight, joy, enjoyment; the sensation of delighting.rare uncountable
EmotionsdelitabiliteMiddle EnglishnounJoyfulness, enjoyability; the magnitude of delight.rare uncountable
EmotionsjuroFinnishadjsullen, sulky
EmotionsjuroFinnishverbinflection of juroa: / present active indicative connegativeactive connegative form-of indicative present
EmotionsjuroFinnishverbinflection of juroa: / second-person singular present imperativeform-of imperative present second-person singular
EmotionsjuroFinnishverbinflection of juroa: / second-person singular present active imperative connegativeactive connegative form-of imperative present second-person singular
EmotionsmirienMiddle EnglishverbTo feel merry; to feel joyfulness or gladnessrare
EmotionsmirienMiddle EnglishverbTo cause to be merry; to make merry.rare
EmotionsmirienMiddle EnglishverbTo yell in a happy way.rare
EmotionsnöjdSwedishverbpast participle of nöjaform-of participle past
EmotionsnöjdSwedishadjpleased (with something); satisfied
EmotionsrueEnglishnounSorrow; repentance; regret.archaic dialectal uncountable
EmotionsrueEnglishnounPity; compassion.archaic dialectal uncountable
EmotionsrueEnglishverbTo cause to repent of sin or regret some past action.obsolete transitive
EmotionsrueEnglishverbTo cause to feel sorrow or pity.obsolete transitive
EmotionsrueEnglishverbTo repent of or regret (some past action or event); to wish that a past action or event had not taken place.transitive
EmotionsrueEnglishverbTo feel compassion or pity.archaic intransitive
EmotionsrueEnglishverbTo feel sorrow or regret.archaic intransitive
EmotionsrueEnglishnounAny of various perennial shrubs of the genus Ruta, especially the herb Ruta graveolens (common rue), formerly used in medicines.
EmotionsсрамBulgariannounshame, disgrace
EmotionsсрамBulgariannounembarrassment, ashamedness
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameAn Ancient Egyptian god of fertility and procreation.
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameA river in Fujian, China.
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameA group of related Chinese languages from Fujian, including Hokkien and Eastern Min.
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameA widely construed ethnic group composed of the speakers of those languages.
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameFujian province.
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameA river in Sichuan, China.
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameA male given name
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameA female given name
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameThe Mountain Ok ethnic group of Sandaun, Papua New Guinea.
English diminutives of male given namesMinEnglishnameAlternative form of Mingalt-of alternative obsolete
English numeral symbolsQEnglishcharacterThe seventeenth letter of the English alphabet, called cue and written in the Latin script.letter uppercase
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnumThe ordinal number seventeenth, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called cue and written in the Latin script.alt-of ordinal uppercase
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAbbreviation of question and questions.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAbbreviation of quarter.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAbbreviation of quarter. / A quarter ounce of a drug.UK countable slang uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounShort for Q factor (“quality factor”).business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAbbreviation of quasar.astronomy natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAbbreviation of qualified.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAmerican Library Association abbreviation of quarto (“book size”).countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAbbreviation of queen.board-games card-games chess gamesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of q (“every”).medicine sciencesalt-of countable uncountable
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnameArthur Quiller-Couch.literature media publishing
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnameAbbreviation of Quran.Islam lifestyle religionabbreviation alt-of
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnameThe hypothetical common source (logion collection) of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke (from German Quelle (“source”)); all the non-Marcan shared material in those gospels (not always considered a single document)Christianity lifestyle religion theology
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnameAbbreviation of QAnon (“anonymous poster on anonymous online message boards who originated a pro-Trump conspiracy theory”).government politicsUS abbreviation alt-of
English numeral symbolsQEnglishnounA gadget master, gadget creator.slang
English unisex given namesCheyenneEnglishnounA member of an indigenous people of the Great Plains in North America.
English unisex given namesCheyenneEnglishnameAn Algonquian language spoken by the Cheyenne people.
English unisex given namesCheyenneEnglishnameThe capital and largest city of Wyoming, United States and the county seat of Laramie County; named for the people.
English unisex given namesCheyenneEnglishnameA river in the United States; flowing 295 miles from the confluence of the Antelope and Dry Fork creeks in Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming into Lake Oahe, a reservoir of the Missouri River, at Mission Ridge, South Dakota.
English unisex given namesCheyenneEnglishnameA town, the county seat of Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, United States.
English unisex given namesCheyenneEnglishnameA female or male given name of modern American usage.
EpistemologycontemplativusLatinadjcontemplative, speculativeadjective declension-1 declension-2
EpistemologycontemplativusLatinadjtheoreticaladjective declension-1 declension-2
EspionagecookedEnglishadjOf food, that has been prepared by cooking.
EspionagecookedEnglishadjCorrupted by conversion through a text format, requiring uncooking to be properly listenable.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
EspionagecookedEnglishadjPartially or wholly fabricated, falsified.
EspionagecookedEnglishadjDone in, exhausted, pooped.slang
EspionagecookedEnglishadjIn trouble; in a hopeless situation.slang
EspionagecookedEnglishadjInebriated: drunk, high, stoned; or hungover.Australia especially slang
EspionagecookedEnglishadjOf a person: crazy, insane.Australia derogatory figuratively slang
EspionagecookedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of cookform-of participle past
EthicsdignitasLatinnounworth, worthiness, merit, desertdeclension-3
EthicsdignitasLatinnounfitness, suitabilitydeclension-3
EthicsdignitasLatinnounrank, status, standing, esteem, dignitydeclension-3
EthicsdignitasLatinnoundignity, greatnessdeclension-3
EthicsdignitasLatinnoundignitary (a person of high rank, a person in high office)declension-3 metonymically
EthnicitymaoriNorwegian Nynorsknouna Maori (member of the native people of New Zealand)masculine
EthnicitymaoriNorwegian NynorsknounMaori (the language spoken by the Maori people)masculine uncountable
EthnonymsManxEnglishadjRelating to the Isle of Man and/or its Celto-Germanic people.
EthnonymsManxEnglishadjRelating to the Manx language (also known as Manx Gaelic), a Gaelic language of the Goidelic family.
EthnonymsManxEnglishadjRelating to the Manx cat breed.
EthnonymsManxEnglishnounA member or descendant of the Celto-Germanic people of the Isle of Man; a Manxman or Manxwoman.countable uncountable
EthnonymsManxEnglishnounthe Manx; Manx people.collective countable in-plural uncountable
EthnonymsManxEnglishnounA breed of domestic cat native to the Isle of Man, principally characterized by suppression of the tail, and with a short-haired coat and rounded, cobby body.countable uncountable
EthnonymsManxEnglishnounWith a truncated or missing tail.broadly countable uncountable
EthnonymsManxEnglishnounA cat of the Manx breed; a Manx cat.countable uncountable
EthnonymsManxEnglishnameA Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man.uncountable
EthnonymsSintoEnglishnounA member (especially male) of a Romani people found in Germany and surrounding areas.
EthnonymsSintoEnglishnameDated form of Shinto.alt-of dated
EthnonymsVaringusLatinnameVarangian; an ethnic Norseman with ancestral roots in medieval Scandinavia and other areas of Norse settlement during the Viking AgeMedieval-Latin declension-2 historical masculine
EthnonymsVaringusLatinnameVarangian; a soldier of Nordic or Anglo-Saxon origin, most distinguished for forming the elite Varangian Guard army unit in the Byzantine Empire, serving as the personal bodyguard of the Byzantine Roman Emperor in ConstantinopleMedieval-Latin declension-2 historical masculine
EthnonymsalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquian (speaker of an Algonquian language)masculine
EthnonymsalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquin (member of an aboriginal people living mainly in Quebec)masculine
EthnonymsalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquian (large language family spoken by Native Americans in Canada and the United States)masculine uncountable
EthnonymsalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquin (the Algic language spoken by the Algonquins)masculine uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounA disguise or covering up.countable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounThe act of disguising.countable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounThe use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects, or tactical positions with the aim of confusing, misleading, or evading the enemy.government military politics warcountable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounA pattern on clothing consisting of irregularly shaped patches that are either greenish/brownish, brownish/whitish, or bluish/whitish, as used by ground combat manufacturing textilescountable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounResemblance of an organism to its surroundings for avoiding detection.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounClothes made from camouflage fabric, for concealment in combat or hunting.countable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishverbTo hide or disguise something by covering it up or changing the way it looks.
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounhole, hollow, cavityfeminine
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounseptic tankfeminine
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounoceanic trenchgeography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
EupleridsfossaPortuguesenounfossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)feminine
EupleridsfossaPortugueseverbinflection of fossar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
EupleridsfossaPortugueseverbinflection of fossar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Evolutionary theoryevolutionarilyEnglishadvIn a manner relating to evolution or slow development.
Evolutionary theoryevolutionarilyEnglishadvFrom the perspective of evolution.
ExplosivesgranaatEstoniannoungarnetchemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciences
Faceirun ojuYorubanouneyebrow
Faceirun ojuYorubanouneyelash
Facial expressionssimperEnglishverbTo smile in a foolish, frivolous, self-conscious, coy, obsequious, or smug manner.intransitive
Facial expressionssimperEnglishverbTo glimmer; to twinkle.obsolete
Facial expressionssimperEnglishnounA foolish, frivolous, self-conscious, or affected smile; a smirk.
FamilyBabaMalaynounA male Peranakan (mostly found in Malacca, who speak Baba Malay, and historically descend from colonial Straits-born Chinese)
FamilyBabaMalaynounA male descendant of Peranakans (Baba Nyonya)
FamilytioPortuguesenoununcle (brother of someone's father or mother, or an aunt's husband)masculine
FamilytioPortuguesenoununcle (term of address for any adult) / guy; blokeBrazil colloquial diminutive masculine usually
FamilytioPortuguesenoununcle (term of address for any adult) / an employee who performs a given activityBrazil colloquial masculine
FamilytioPortuguesenounan informal form of address for males of any age; broBrazil masculine slang
FamilyեղբայրOld Armeniannounbrother
FamilyեղբայրOld Armeniannounkinsman, relativefiguratively
FamilyեղբայրOld Armeniannounfriar, monkfiguratively
FamilyեղբայրOld Armeniannounfriend, companionfiguratively
FamilyברתאAramaicnounAlternative form of בְּרֹותָא (bərōṯā, “cypress”)alt-of alternative
FamilyJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
FamilyJapanesenouna woman who breastfeeds and raises a child in place of a parent: a wet nurse
FamilyJapanesenounmommy, mummychildish
Family membersSILEnglishnounInitialism of sibling-in-law.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Family membersSILEnglishnounInitialism of sister-in-law.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Family membersSILEnglishnounInitialism of safety integrity level.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Family membersမြစ်Burmesenounriver
Family membersမြစ်Burmeseverbto prohibit, forbid
Family membersမြစ်Burmesenounrootbiology botany natural-sciences
Family membersမြစ်Burmesenoungizzard
Family membersမြစ်Burmesenoungreat-grandchild
Fans (people)AustenianEnglishadjOf or relating to Jane Austen (1775–1817), English novelist noted for realism and biting social commentary.
Fans (people)AustenianEnglishnounA fan or admirer of Jane Austen; someone who studies the works of Jane Austen.
FantasyduendecilloSpanishnounpixie, spritemasculine
FantasyduendecilloSpanishnounhobgoblin, gremlinmasculine
Fashionfashion plateEnglishnounA picture, usually a full-page advertisement, showing the latest fashion in clothing.
Fashionfashion plateEnglishnounA person who dresses in especially stylish fashions.broadly
FastenersNagelGermannounA nail, the horny plate on fingers and toes of humans and certain animals which mostly consists of keratin.anatomy medicine sciencesmasculine strong
FastenersNagelGermannounA nail, a man-made pointed fastener used for joining different materials by penetrating them.masculine strong
FastenersgraffaItaliannounbrace (punctuation)feminine
FastenersgraffaItaliannounstaple, clipfeminine
FastenersgraffaItalianverbinflection of graffare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FastenersgraffaItalianverbinflection of graffare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FeararghMiddle Englishadjafraid, scared, courageless
FeararghMiddle Englishadjscared, fearful, worried
FeararghMiddle Englishadjbase, wretched, lowly; worthy of contempt or ostracism.
FeararghMiddle Englishadjslothful, unwilling, tired; lacking in energy or motivation.
FeararghMiddle EnglishadjLacking in power or strength.
FeararghMiddle Englishadvamazedly; with a feeling of wonder.
FearfuriousMiddle Englishadjfurious, raging
FearfuriousMiddle Englishadjferocious, frightening
FearfuriousMiddle Englishadjextreme, severe
FearfuriousMiddle Englishadjimpetuous, hastyrare
FecescrottinFrenchnounmanure (especially of horses)masculine
FecescrottinFrenchnouna kind of small goat cheesemasculine
FecesshiteEnglishnounShit; trash; rubbish; nonsenseIreland UK uncountable usually vulgar
FecesshiteEnglishnounA foolish or deceitful person.Ireland UK derogatory uncountable usually vulgar
FecesshiteEnglishadjBad; awful; shit.Ireland UK vulgar
FecesshiteEnglishintjAn expression of annoyance or dismay.Ireland UK vulgar
FecesshiteEnglishverbTo defecate.Ireland Scotland UK vulgar
Femalegooseberry puddingEnglishnounA pudding made with gooseberries.
Femalegooseberry puddingEnglishnounA woman.Cockney slang
Femalegooseberry puddingEnglishnounA wife.Cockney slang
FemaleหลวงThaiadjchief; leading; major; principal.
FemaleหลวงThaiadjgreat; large.
FemaleหลวงThaiadjheavy; weighty; ponderous.
FemaleหลวงThaiadjimportant; significant.
FemaleหลวงThaiadjsevere; serious; crucial.
FemaleหลวงThaiadjgovernmental; state; public.
FemaleหลวงThaiadjroyal; imperial.
FemaleหลวงThainounthe Thai noble rank above ขุน (kǔn) and below พระ (prá); holder of this rank.historical
FemaleหลวงThainouna term of address to or honorific for a priest or religious image.colloquial in-compounds often
FemaleหลวงThainounClipping of เมียหลวง (miia-lǔuang).abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Female王妃Chinesenounwife of a prince; princess consort
Female王妃Chinesenounconcubine of a king
Female animalsмагарицаMacedoniannounjenny (female donkey)
Female animalsмагарицаMacedoniannounan adult woman engaging in childish activities
Female family membersmamaYorubanounmother
Female family membersmamaYorubanouna term of endearment or respect for an older woman or female relative
Female family memberstiaCatalannounauntfeminine
Female family memberstiaCatalannoungalcolloquial feminine
Female family membersਬੀਬੀPunjabinounlady (polite term of address)
Female family membersਬੀਬੀPunjabinounA term of address for one's mother, sister, daughter, or daughter-in-law.colloquial
Female family membersਬੀਬੀPunjabiadjfeminine singular of ਬੀਬਾ (bībā)feminine form-of singular
Female family membersတူမBurmesenounniece
Female family membersတူမBurmesenounsledgehammer
Female peopleawanturnicaPolishnounfemale equivalent of awanturnik (“drama queen, provocateur”)feminine form-of
Female peopleawanturnicaPolishnounfemale equivalent of awanturnik (“troublemaker, hellraiser”)feminine form-of
Female peopleawanturnicaPolishnounfemale equivalent of awanturnik (“risktaker, daredevil, gambler”)feminine form-of
Female peoplekoczowniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of koczownik (“migrant, nomad, traveller”) (member of society or class who wander with their herds)anthropology human-sciences sciencesfeminine form-of
Female peoplekoczowniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of koczownik (“nomad”) (wanderer)colloquial feminine form-of
Female peoplemejdoSudoviannountreebiology botany natural-sciences
Female peoplemejdoSudoviannoungirl
Female peoplemoașăRomaniannounmidwifefeminine
Female peoplemoașăRomaniannounold womancolloquial feminine
Female peopleopiekunkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of opiekun (“carer, caregiver”)feminine form-of
Female peopleopiekunkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of opiekun (“guardian”) (of a minor)lawfeminine form-of
Female peopleopiekunkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of opiekun (“keeper”) (person charged with caring for animals, e.g. at a zoo)feminine form-of
Female peopleprofesjonalistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of profesjonalista (“professional”) (female person who earns their living from a specified activity)feminine form-of
Female peopleprofesjonalistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of profesjonalista (“professional”) (female expert)feminine form-of
Female peoplewybrankaPolishnounfemale equivalent of wybranek (“bashert”)feminine form-of literary
Female peoplewybrankaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of wybranekaccusative form-of genitive masculine person singular
FeminismfeminaziEnglishadjRelating to a radical or militant feminist who is intolerant of opposing views, or a female chauvinist.derogatory
FeminismfeminaziEnglishnounA radical or militant feminist who is intolerant of opposing views or who seeks female superiority over men.derogatory
FernsAlsophilaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Cyatheaceae – certain tree ferns.feminine
FernsAlsophilaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Geometridae – certain moths.feminine
Fictional abilitiessuperwomanEnglishnounA woman who looks after a home and children as well as being employed in a full-time job.informal
Fictional abilitiessuperwomanEnglishnounA woman with superhuman powers.
Fictional charactersBeowulfEnglishnameAn Old English epic poem written circa 1025.
Fictional charactersBeowulfEnglishnameAn Anglo-Saxon personal name, usually with reference to the hero of the poem, or to the poem itself.poetic
Fictional charactersCrusoeEnglishnameA surname from French, famously held by
Fictional charactersCrusoeEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.
Fictional characters傲嬌Chinesenountsundereespecially neologism
Fictional characters傲嬌Chineseadjtsundereespecially neologism
FinancedividendoItalianverbgerund of dividereform-of gerund
FireexardescoLatinverbto flare or blaze upconjugation-3
FireexardescoLatinverbto glowconjugation-3
FireexardescoLatinverbto rage, blaze forth, burst forth, flare up, become fired, inflamed, excitedconjugation-3 figuratively
FireexardescoLatinverbto be provokedconjugation-3
FireexardescoLatinverbto be exasperatedconjugation-3
FirefogónSpanishnounstove, rangemasculine
FirefogónSpanishnoungalley, cuddy, caboosenautical transportmasculine
FirefogónSpanishnounvent (as of a firearm)masculine
FirefogónSpanishnounfirebox, engine furnacerail-transport railways transportmasculine
FireleytMiddle EnglishnounThe striking of lightning; an instance of lightning.uncountable
FireleytMiddle EnglishnounA small spark, jet or stream of fire.uncountable
FireleytMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of led (“lead”)alt-of alternative
FireogniskoPolishnounbonfire, campfire (pile of wood, brushwood, etc., lit in the open air)neuter
FireogniskoPolishnounbonfire (social gathering usually held in the evening around a burning pyre)neuter
FireogniskoPolishnounfocus (place where something is concentrated or from which something spreads)neuter
FireogniskoPolishnouncultural or educational center for the promotion of some field of art, science, etc.neuter
FireogniskoPolishnounfocus, image pointengineering natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physicsneuter
FireogniskoPolishnoundisease focusmedicine pathology sciencesneuter
FireogniskoPolishnounfireplace, hearthdated neuter
FirewildfireEnglishnounA rapidly spreading fire, especially one occurring in a wildland area.countable uncountable
FirewildfireEnglishnounGreek fire, Byzantine fire.countable historical uncountable
FirewildfireEnglishnounA spreading disease of the skin, particularly erysipelas.dermatology medicine sciencescountable uncountable
FirewildfireEnglishnounSomething that acts or spreads quickly and uncontrollably.countable figuratively uncountable
FireотууYakutnouna grass hut
FireотууYakutnouna temporary shelterbroadly
FireотууYakutnounfire, bonfire (in a field)dialectal
FirearmsStenEnglishnounThe Sten gun, a family of British 9-millimeter submachine guns used extensively by British and Commonwealth forces throughout World War II, the Korean War and other conflicts.
FirearmsStenEnglishnameA surname from the North Germanic languages, equivalent to English Stone, equivalent of Peter or Peters (Petros - stone, rock)
FirearmsbullpupEnglishnounA bullpuppy, a bulldog puppy (of either sex).dated
FirearmsbullpupEnglishnounA handgun smaller than a bulldog.US obsolete
FirearmsbullpupEnglishnounA firearm configuration in which the trigger is located forward of the magazine and breech, as opposed to a conventional configuration in which the trigger is located rear of the magazine and firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
FirearmschargeurFrenchnounstoker, firemanmasculine
FirearmschargeurFrenchnouncassette, film-holderbroadcasting film media televisionmasculine
FirearmschargeurFrenchnounloader, shipper, freighter, shipping agentnautical transportmasculine
FirearmschargeurFrenchnounammo clipgovernment military politics warmasculine
FirearmschargeurFrenchnounloader (of canons)government military politics warmasculine
FirearmschargeurFrenchnounchargerbusiness electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
FirearmsпищальRussiannounshepherd's pipeentertainment lifestyle musicdated
FirearmsпищальRussiannounhand cannon, hand bombardhistorical
Firearms長槍Chinesenounspear (Classifier: 支 m)
Firearms長槍Chinesenounlong-barrelled rifledated
FishhailiFinnishnounfresh Baltic herring (Baltic herring that is sold fresh, i.e. not salted, smoked, pickled or preserved in any other way)dated
FishhailiFinnishnounSynonym of silakka (“Baltic herring”)
FishvarSwedishadvwhere; at which placenot-comparable
FishvarSwedishconjwhere; the situation in which
FishvarSwedishdeteach; per person/thing involved
FishvarSwedishnounpus; a mixture of dead bacteria and white blood cells, occurring in areas of infections ncommon-gender neuter uncountable
FishvarSwedishnounpillowcase ncommon-gender neuter
FishvarSwedishnounvarious species of flatfish of the family Scophthalmidae, such as megrim, whiff, butt, turbot ccommon-gender neuter
FishvarSwedishverbpast indicative of vara: was, wereform-of indicative past
FishvarSwedishverbimperative of varaform-of imperative
FishælOld Englishnounawl, hook, forkmasculine
FishælOld EnglishnounAlternative form of æl (“awl”)alt-of alternative
FishælOld Englishnouneel
Fish雑魚Japanesenounsmall fry; small, worthless fishes, Coarse fishes with low market value
Fish雑魚Japanesenouna weak or useless person
Five5TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number five.
Five5TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal.
Five5Translingualsymbolthe pitch of a tone, either high or low depending on local convention; '5' is most commonly the highest or lowest pitch (but see 6)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesoften superscript
Five5Translingualsymboltone number 5, typically identified with dark departing yin qu (陰去)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesoften superscript
FlatwormsсмукалникBulgariannounfluke, trematode (endoparasitic flatworm of class Trematoda)
FlowersconeflowerEnglishnounAny of several similar flowering plants of tribe Heliantheae in order Asterales, in genera Dracopis, Echinacea, Rudbeckia, and Ratibida, that have a cone-shaped disk of florets.
FlowersconeflowerEnglishnounAny of certain species of genus Isopogon, in order Proteales, principally of temperate Australia
Flowersdziurawiec zwyczajnyPolishnounSt. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)countable inanimate masculine
Flowersdziurawiec zwyczajnyPolishnounSt. John's wort (dried, properly prepared inflorescences of St. John's wort, with medicinal use)inanimate masculine uncountable
Flowersdziurawiec zwyczajnyPolishnounSt. John's wort (herb made from dried, properly prepared inflorescences of St. John's wort, with medicinal use)inanimate masculine uncountable
Flowerslilie flourMiddle EnglishnounThe flower of a lily.
Flowerslilie flourMiddle EnglishnounThe colour of such a flower.rare
Flowerslilie flourMiddle EnglishnounSexual abstinence.rare
Flowerslilie flourMiddle EnglishnounThe Virgin Mary.rare
Flowerslilie flourMiddle EnglishnounA fleur-de-lis.rare
FlowersnasturtiumEnglishnounThe popular name of any of the plants in the Tropaeolum genus of flowering plants native to south and central America.
FlowersnasturtiumEnglishnounA plant in this genus, garden nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus).
FlowersnasturtiumEnglishnounAny of the plants in the genus Nasturtium that includes watercress.
FlowerstsédédééhNavajonounColorado four o'clock, Mirabilis multiflora
FlowerstsédédééhNavajonounviolet (flower)
FlowersسنبلArabicnounear, spike (of a crop)collective
FlowersسنبلArabicnounVirgo (a star constellation)collective
FlowersسنبلArabicnounaromatic plant with ear-forming flowers, spikenard, Nardostachys spp., Valeriana spp., Hyacinthus spp. and the likecollective
Flowersపుష్పకముTelugunounfloret, floweret or small flower.
Flowersపుష్పకముTelugunounA chariot, a car, or stately conveyance used by Kūbēra or Krishna.
Foods菜包子Chinesenounvegetable steamed bun
Foods菜包子Chinesenoungood-for-nothing; useless personderogatory
Foods菜蔬Chinesenounvegetables; greens
Foods菜蔬Chinesenounvegetable and meat dishes
FoodsKoreannouncotton (both the fiber and the cloth)
FoodsKoreannounside; aspect
FootwearbutPolishnounshoe (protective covering for the foot, with a bottom part composed of thick leather or plastic sole and often a thicker heel, and a softer upper part made of leather or synthetic material)
FootwearbutPolishnounboot (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg)
FootwearclogEnglishnounA type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole sometimes with an open heel.
FootwearclogEnglishnounA blockage.
FootwearclogEnglishnounA shoe of any type.UK colloquial
FootwearclogEnglishnounA weight, such as a log or block of wood, attached to a person or animal to hinder motion.
FootwearclogEnglishnounThat which hinders or impedes motion; an encumbrance, restraint, or impediment of any kind.
FootwearclogEnglishverbTo block or slow passage through (often with 'up').
FootwearclogEnglishverbTo encumber or load, especially with something that impedes motion; to hamper.
FootwearclogEnglishverbTo burden; to trammel; to embarrass; to perplex.
FootwearclogEnglishverbTo enforce a mortgage lender right that prevents a borrower from exercising a right to
FootwearclogEnglishverbTo perform a clog dance.intransitive
Footwear靴仔Chinesenounboot (footwear)Hakka
Footwear靴仔Chinesenounleather shoe; dress shoe
ForestrygajówkaPolishnoungarden warbler (Sylvia borin)feminine
ForestrygajówkaPolishnounforestkeeper's housefeminine
ForestsholtEnglishnounA small piece of woodland or a woody hill; a copse.
ForestsholtEnglishnounThe lair of an animal, especially of an otter.
Formal sciencesRekenjenSaterland Frisiannounmathematicsneuter uncountable
Formal sciencesRekenjenSaterland Frisiannoungerund of rekenje (“to calculate”)form-of gerund neuter uncountable
Forms of discriminationnumerus claususTranslingualnounAny limitation in number for the admission of newcomers. / Limitation on the number of those who enter a profession
Forms of discriminationnumerus claususTranslingualnounAny limitation in number for the admission of newcomers. / Limitation on the number of those who enter a profession / Limitation on the number of students allowed to enter university based on examination performance, ethnicity or gender.
Forms of discriminationnumerus claususTranslingualnounAny limitation in number for the admission of newcomers. / The limitation of in rem rights under property law to the selection previously devised by the legal system.
FranceBeaujolaisFrenchnounresident or native of Beaujeumasculine
FranceBeaujolaisFrenchnounBeaujolais (historical province)masculine
FranceBeaujolaisFrenchnounBeaujolais (wine)masculine
FruitsKiwiGermannounkiwi, kiwi fruitfeminine
FruitsKiwiGermannounkiwi (bird)masculine strong
FruitsbananeFrenchnounbanana (the fruit)feminine
FruitsbananeFrenchnounchopper, copter, whirlybird (a two-rotor helicopter)feminine slang
FruitsbananeFrenchnounbum bag (UK, Australia), fanny pack (US, Canada), moon bag (South Africa)feminine
FruitsbananeFrenchnounpompadour, quiff (hairstyle)feminine
FruitsbananeFrenchnounidiot, foolfeminine slang
FruitsgłożynaPolishnounjujube (Ziziphus jujuba tree)feminine
FruitsgłożynaPolishnounjujube (Ziziphus jujuba fruit)feminine
FruitskersieAfrikaansnoundiminutive of kers (“candle”)diminutive form-of
FruitskiwiCatalannounkiwi (bird)masculine
FruitskiwiCatalannounkiwi (fruit)masculine
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounA pear (fruit of Pyrus communis)
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounA thing of little import or worth.
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounA pillar or stand of a bridge.rare
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounA peer; one who is equal to or like another.
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounA rival, enemy, or competitor; one who is in opposition.
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounAn individual who is of the same social class or standing as another.
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounAn associate or collaborator; one who works or associates with another.
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounA member of the nobility or ruling class of a country or settlement.
FruitspereMiddle EnglishnounA body part connected or concomitant with another.anatomy medicine sciencesrare
FruitspereMiddle EnglishadjThe same; having no differences from something else.
FruitsκόλουροςAncient Greekadjdock-tailed, stump-tailed
FruitsκόλουροςAncient Greekadjtruncatedusually
FruitsκόλουροςAncient Greeknouncolure, either of two great circles passing through the equinoctial and solstitial points, intersecting at the polesastronomy natural-sciencesin-plural
FruitsκόλουροςAncient Greeknounkind of fig
FruitsרימוןHebrewnounpomegranate (fruit)
FruitsרימוןHebrewnounpomegranate-shaped decoration on the priestly robeJudaism
FruitsרימוןHebrewnoungrenade (a small explosive device, designed to be thrown by hand or launched using a rifle, grenade launcher, or rocket)
Fruitsกล้วยThaiadjeasy; simple.
FruitsJapanesenounpeach tree
FruitsJapanesenamea female given name
FunctionsexponentialEnglishadjRelating to an exponent.
FunctionsexponentialEnglishadjExpressed in terms of an exponent (power of a base), the base often being 10 or e.mathematics sciences
FunctionsexponentialEnglishadjCharacterised by a rate of change that is proportional to the value of the varying quantity, or, equivalently, by a doubling or halving over successive fixed intervals of time or other parameter, described as exponential growth or exponential decay.mathematics sciences
FunctionsexponentialEnglishadjCharacterised by a very rapid rate of change, especially increase, or merely a very large amount or degree.broadly
FunctionsexponentialEnglishnounAny function that has an exponent as an independent variable.mathematics sciences
FungiდალუჲBatsnounyeast, barmplural
FurniturebonnaonadIrishnounbase unit (of an appliance)masculine
FurniturebonnaonadIrishnounbase unit (cordless phone)masculine
FurniturebòrdScottish Gaelicnountable (furniture)masculine
FurniturebòrdScottish Gaelicnounplank, boardmasculine
FurniturebòrdScottish Gaelicnounboard (of directors, etc.)masculine
FurniturebòrdScottish Gaelicnoundeck (of a ship)nautical transportmasculine
FurniturebòrdScottish Gaelicverbtacknautical transport
FurniturebòrdScottish Gaelicverbboard (a ship, etc.)
FurnitureconfidentFrenchnountête-à-tête (love seat in an s-shape)masculine
FurnitureخوانPersiannountable or large tray particularly such one as is fit for dining
FurnitureخوانPersianverbpresent stem form of خواندن (xvândan, “to read”)form-of present stem
FurnitureمكتبSouth Levantine Arabicnounoffice
FurnitureمكتبSouth Levantine Arabicnoundesk
Future明日Chinesenountomorrowdialectal literary
Future明日Chinesenounfuturefiguratively future literary
GaitsкуотYakutverb(with abl.) to flee, to run or shy away (from)intransitive
GaitsкуотYakutverbto advance, to overtake, to distill
GaitsкуотYakutverbto be taller than
Gamblingfan-tanEnglishnounA Chinese gambling game in which coins or other small objects are placed upon a table, usually under a cup, and the players bet as to what remainder will be left when the sum of the counters is divided by four.uncountable
Gamblingfan-tanEnglishnounA card game in which the cards are played in sequences upon the table, and the winner is the first player to have no cards left.uncountable
GemsفیروزهPersiannamea female given name, Firuzeh, Firoozeh, Feroza, Firouzeh, or Firoza
GendercoEnglishnounClipping of company.abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
GendercoEnglishnounAbbreviation of company and related forms of that word.abbreviation alt-of
GendercoEnglishpronGender-neutral subject pronoun, coordinate with gendered pronouns he and she.gender-neutral nonstandard singular third-person
GendercoEnglishpronGender-neutral object pronoun, coordinate with gendered pronouns him and her.gender-neutral nonstandard singular third-person
Generationslost generationEnglishnameThe generation that came of age during World War I.
Generationslost generationEnglishnameA group of American expatriate writers living in Paris during the 1920s.
GenitaliaSchwanzGermannouna tailmasculine strong
GenitaliaSchwanzGermannouna cock, a dick, a penisinformal masculine mildly strong vulgar
GenitaliaSchwanzGermannouna prickderogatory masculine strong
GeographyਦੁਆਬਾPunjabinoundoab (land between two rivers)
GeographyਦੁਆਬਾPunjabinameDoaba (a region of Punjab, India)
GeologykoreAlbaniannounscrub, crust (of baked products, wounds)feminine
GeologykoreAlbaniannountree barkfeminine
GeologykoreAlbaniannounbrain cortex, Earth crustengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technicalfeminine
GeologykoreAlbaniannounscab (crust on a wound)feminine
GeologykoreAlbaniannounshame, disgraceGheg feminine
GeologykoreAlbaniannounquarterTosk feminine
GeologykoreAlbaniannounbogey, scarecrow, maskfeminine
GeologykoreAlbaniannounbedbugArvanitika masculine
GermanyStralsunderGermannouna native or inhabitant of Stralsundmasculine strong
GermanyStralsunderGermanadjof Stralsundindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
GoatsBockGermannounbuck, ram; the male of certain animals, especially goat, sheep, and roedeermasculine strong
GoatsBockGermannouna stubborn personmasculine strong
GoatsBockGermannouna man who is lecherous or sexually activemasculine strong
GoatsBockGermannouna blunder, mistakeinformal masculine strong
GoatsBockGermannouna seat for a coachmantransport vehiclesmasculine strong
GoatsBockGermannounan apparatus for performing jumps, similar to a vaulting horse but shorter.gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine strong
GoatsBockGermannounbock beerneuter strong
GoatsBockGermannounhungermasculine strong
GoatsBockGermannoundesire, interestcolloquial masculine strong
GoatsBockGermannounfun, pleasurecolloquial masculine strong
GoatsNam DươngVietnamesenameSynonym of Ma Kết (“Capricorn”)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
GoatsNam DươngVietnamesenameSynonym of Ma Kết (“Capricornus”)astronomy natural-sciences
GoatsNam DươngVietnamesenameSynonym of In-đô-nê-xi-a: Indonesiaobsolete
GoatsNam DươngVietnamesenameNanyang
GodsMacariaEnglishnameThe goddess of the blessed dead, who go to the Elysian Fields.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
GodsMacariaEnglishnameA daughter of Heracles/Hercules.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
GodsThần NôngVietnamesenameShennonghuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
GodsThần NôngVietnamesenameSynonym of Thiên Yết (“Scorpio”)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
GodsThần NôngVietnamesenameSynonym of Thiên Yết (“Scorpius”)astronomy natural-sciences
Gothic ordinal numbers𐍆𐍂𐌿𐌼𐌹𐍃𐍄𐍃Gothicadjsuperlative degree of 𐍆𐍂𐌿𐌼𐌰 (fruma) / first (preceding all others of a series or kind; the ordinal of one; earliest) (used of the first of more than two, or of an unspecified number)
Gothic ordinal numbers𐍆𐍂𐌿𐌼𐌹𐍃𐍄𐍃Gothicadjsuperlative degree of 𐍆𐍂𐌿𐌼𐌰 (fruma) / first (most eminent or exalted; most excellent; chief; highest)
GovernmentlǫgréttaOld Norsenounan improvement upon the lawfeminine
GovernmentlǫgréttaOld Norsenounthe legislature (in the Icelandic Commonwealth)feminine
GovernmentlǫgréttaOld Norsenounpublic court of law (in Norway, and in Iceland after the Union with Norway)feminine
Grammatical casesabessiveEnglishadjOf, or relating to the grammatical case used in some languages to indicate absence.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
Grammatical casesabessiveEnglishnounThe abessive case, or a word in this case.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Grammatical casesplaatserDutchnounone who placesmasculine
Grammatical casesplaatserDutchnouna word in the locative casegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine obsolete
Gravitygravity waveEnglishnounA wave for which gravity is the restoring force.
Gravitygravity waveEnglishnounA gravitational wave.proscribed
Greek letter namesbetaSwedishnounbeta; the Greek letter Β, βcommon-gender neuter
Greek letter namesbetaSwedishnouna beta version of a programcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescommon-gender neuter
Greek letter namesbetaSwedishnounshort for minnesbetaabbreviation alt-of common-gender neuter slang
Greek letter namesbetaSwedishverbto test software prior to release
Greek letter namesbetaSwedishnounbeetrootcommon-gender
Greek letter namesbetaSwedishverbto graze; to eat grass; to feed on growing herbage.
Greek letter namesbetaSwedishverbto steal
Greek letter nameskoppaEnglishnounThe 18th Ancient Greek letter in early versions of the Greek alphabet, Ϙ (lowercase ϙ).
Greek letter nameskoppaEnglishnounThe Greek numeral Ϟ (lowercase ϟ), descended from the ancient letter and having the numerical value of 90.
Greek letter nameskoppaEnglishnounThe archaic Cyrillic numeral Ҁ (lowercase ҁ), descended from the ancient Greek letter and having the numerical value of 90.
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishadjEskimo (pertaining to the Eskimo people)not-comparable relational
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishadjEskimo (pertaining to the Eskimo languages)not-comparable relational
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishnouninflection of eskimoska: / genitive singularfeminine form-of genitive singular
GreenlandeskimoskiPolishnouninflection of eskimoska: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
Gregorian calendar monthsմարտArmeniannounbattle, fight, action, combat
Gregorian calendar monthsմարտArmeniannounstruggle, fight
Gregorian calendar monthsմարտArmeniannounMarch
Groundcherrieswinter cherryEnglishnounbladder cherry or Chinese lantern (Alkekengi officinarum, syn. Physalis alkekengi)
Groundcherrieswinter cherryEnglishnounother species of Physalis
Groundcherrieswinter cherryEnglishnounSolanum pseudocapsicum (Jerusalem cherry)
Groundcherrieswinter cherryEnglishnounWithania somnifera (ashwagandha)
GymnasticskoziołekPolishnoundiminutive of kozioł; young or small male goatanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
GymnasticskoziołekPolishnouncommon snipe (Gallinago gallinago)animal-not-person masculine
GymnasticskoziołekPolishnounsomersaultanimal-not-person masculine
GymnasticskoziołekPolishnountragus (small pointed eminence of the external ear)inanimate masculine
GymnasticskoziołekPolishnounsawhorse (structure with a crosspiece used to support timber or other material for working)inanimate masculine
GymnospermscicaSpanishnounmoney bagfeminine
GymnospermscicaSpanishnounsago palm, particularly Cycas revolutafeminine
HairchongoSpanishnounbun (hairstyle)masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounhair tie (hairstyle)masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounbrothel; whorehousemasculine
HairchongoSpanishnouna Mexican dessert made with milk, sugar and cinnamon. The milk is scalded and rennet is added to start the formation of curds, like when making cheesein-plural masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounblunt knifeChile masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounfriend with benefits, loverArgentina masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounnasty, mean, or unpleasant personUruguay masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounmonkeyPhilippines masculine obsolete
HairrouquinFrenchadjginger; red-headed
HairrouquinFrenchnounredhead, gingercolloquial masculine
HairrouquinFrenchnounred winecolloquial masculine
HairπλόκαμοςAncient Greeknounlock or braid of hair, tress
HairπλόκαμοςAncient Greeknounlocks, curling hair, especially of womenin-plural
HairπλόκαμοςAncient Greeknounhair of the headcollective
Heads of state임금Koreannounking; monarch
Heads of state임금Koreannounwages
Heads of state임금KoreannounSynonym of 능금 (neunggeum)
HeadwearhuveNorwegian Nynorsknouna cap (without a peak, often knitted), woolly hatfeminine
HeadwearhuveNorwegian Nynorsknouna chimney cowlfeminine
HeadwearhuveNorwegian Nynorsknounreticulumbiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
HeadwearhuveNorwegian Nynorsknounforeskinanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
HeadwearJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
HemipteransفسفسArabicverbto aggravate one's stupidity, to be extremely stupid
HemipteransفسفسArabicnounpredatory bugs particularly of the Triatoma gen.collective
HeraldrygriffounMiddle EnglishnounA griffin (mythological creature; also often found in heraldry)
HeraldrygriffounMiddle EnglishnounA bird of prey, especially a vulture (see modern English griffon vulture)
HeraldrygriffounMiddle EnglishnounA Greek person; someone from Greece or of Greek ethnicity.
HeraldrygriffounMiddle Englishnouna surnamerare
HerbscebolletaSpanishnounspring onionfeminine
HerbscebolletaSpanishnounnoggin; headcolloquial feminine
HerbscebolletaSpanishnounprick; cock; peniscolloquial feminine
HeronsaigretteFrenchnounegret (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea)feminine
HeronsaigretteFrenchnounpappus, thistledownbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
HeronsaigretteFrenchnouncrest (plumage)feminine
HeronsaigretteFrenchnounfeather (atop a hat)feminine
Herons暗光鳥Chinesenounowl (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Hokkien
Herons暗光鳥Chinesenounblack-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Taiwanese-Hokkien
Herons暗光鳥Chinesenounnight owl; someone who goes to bed late (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Hokkien
Heterosexual ships (fandom)M/SEnglishnounInitialism of motor ship. – a ship propelled by an internal combustion engine, such as a diesel engine, in contrast to sailing ships and steamshipsnautical transportabbreviation alt-of initialism
Heterosexual ships (fandom)M/SEnglishnameThe ship of characters Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from the television series The X-Files.lifestyleslang
Hindu deitiesUmaEnglishnameOne of the names of Hindu goddess Parvati.Hinduism
Hindu deitiesUmaEnglishnameA female given name from Sanskrit mainly used in India.
Hindu deitiesUmaEnglishnameAlternative form of Umwa, Banaba, Kiribati (possibly older spelling).alt-of alternative
Historical currenciesC$EnglishnounCanadian dollarbusiness financeinformal
Historical currenciesC$EnglishnounConfederate dollar
Historical currenciesleptonPolishnounleptonnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine particle
Historical currenciesleptonPolishnounlepton (Greek coin)historical inanimate masculine
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameThe capital city of Tuscany, Italy, and capital city of the Metropolitan City of Florence.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA metropolitan city of Tuscany, Italy.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA female given name from Latin.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA male given name from Latinobsolete
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA community of Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA suburb of the city of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Lauderdale County, Alabama.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town, the county seat of Pinal County, Arizona.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Los Angeles County, California.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A statutory city in Fremont County, Colorado.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Pike County, Illinois.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Stephenson County, Illinois.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in York Township, Switzerland County, Indiana.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Marion County, Kansas, named after daughter of Samuel J. Crawford.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A home rule city in Boone County, Kentucky.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in the city of Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A tiny city in Lyon County, Minnesota.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Rankin County, Mississippi.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Morgan County, Missouri.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Ravalli County, Montana.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A neighborhood of Omaha, Nebraska.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township in New Jersey.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Oneida County, New York.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Paint Township, Madison County, Ohio.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A coastal city in Lane County, Oregon.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Hanover Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Florence County, South Carolina.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Codington County, South Dakota.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Rutherford County, Tennessee.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Williamson County, Texas.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in the town of Pittsford, Rutland County, Vermont.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Snohomish County, Washington.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated census-designated place, the county seat of Florence County, Wisconsin.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Florence County, Wisconsin, surrounding the census-designated place of the same name.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A number of other townships in the United States, listed under Florence Township.
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnamea medieval and early modern republic centered on the city of Florence in Italy that existed from 1115 to 1185 and from 1197 to 1569 when the Grand Duchy of Tuscany was formed.historical
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnounAn ancient gold coin of the time of Edward III, coined by Florentines and worth six shillings sterling.historical
Historical politiesFlorenceEnglishnounA kind of silk fabric; florentine.historical
History of GermanyGeneralgouvernementGermannounlarge administrative region, usually of provisional naturegovernmentneuter strong
History of GermanyGeneralgouvernementGermannameGeneral Government (a former occupation zone in Europe)Nazism definite historical proper-noun strong usually
History of sciencerobot revolutionEnglishnounA productivity revolution caused by the large-scale use of robots.
History of sciencerobot revolutionEnglishnounA violent uprising by sapient robots, aimed at overthrowing human government.literature media publishing science-fiction
Home appliancesхладилникBulgariannounrefrigerator, fridge
Home appliancesхладилникBulgariannounicebox
HomeopathyalopataPortugueseadjallopathic (of or relating to allopathy)medicine sciencesfeminine masculine
HomeopathyalopataPortuguesenounallopath (practitioner of allopathy)medicine sciencesby-personal-gender feminine masculine
HorrorстрашилкаRussiannounshort children's horror story
HorrorстрашилкаRussiannouninformation meant to scare or disturbderogatory
Horse tackشليلArabicnounpadding under the rear of a camel's or horse's saddle
Horse tackشليلArabicnounundergarment under a coat of mail
Horse tackشليلArabicnounremaining strains of water in a wadi
Horse tackشليلArabicnounmedulla spinalis
Horse tackلجامArabicnouna bridle bitarchaic countable
Horse tackلجامArabicnouna horse headcollar or headstall along with the reins; a bridlecountable
Horsesdu a gwynWelshadjblack and whitenot-comparable
Horsesdu a gwynWelshadjpiebald (of a horse)not-comparable
HorseskumeļšLatviannounbaby or young horse (or other equid), foal, coltdeclension-1 masculine
HorseskumeļšLatviannounhorse (usually tall, strong)declension-1 masculine poetic
HorsestitEnglishnounA person's breast or slang vulgar
HorsestitEnglishnounAn animal's teat or udder.slang vulgar
HorsestitEnglishnounAn idiot; a fool.Ireland UK derogatory slang
HorsestitEnglishnounA police officer; a "tithead".Ireland UK derogatory slang
HorsestitEnglishnounA light blow or hit (now usually in the phrase tit for tat).archaic
HorsestitEnglishverbTo strike lightly, tap, pat.intransitive obsolete transitive
HorsestitEnglishverbTo taunt, to reproach.obsolete transitive
HorsestitEnglishnounA chickadee; a small passerine bird of the genus Parus or the family Paridae, common in the Northern Hemisphere.
HorsestitEnglishnounAny of various other small passerine birds.
HorsestitEnglishnounA small horse; a nag.archaic
HorsestitEnglishnounA young girl, later especially a minx, hussy.archaic
HorsestitEnglishnounA morsel; a bit.
Horsesబాహ్లికముTeluguadjBrought from Balkh.
Horsesబాహ్లికముTelugunounA horse from Balkh.
Hotels旅社Chinesenounhotel; hostel; inn
Hotels旅社ChinesenounShort for 旅行社 (lǚxíngshè, “travel agency”).abbreviation alt-of
Humanប្រុសKhmernounmale (human)
Humanប្រុសKhmerverbto be male (human)
HummingbirdsuszatekPolishnounany bat of the genus Glyphonycterisanimal-not-person masculine
HummingbirdsuszatekPolishnouna violetear (hummingbird of the genus Colibri)animal-not-person masculine
HummingbirdsuszatekPolishnounsomeone with large, protruding earsmasculine person
HummingbirdsuszatekPolishnoungenitive plural of uszatkaform-of genitive plural
Hydrozoanssea spleenwortEnglishnounThe fern Asplenium marinum.
Hydrozoanssea spleenwortEnglishnounThe hydroid Thuiaria articulata.
Ice creamhokey pokeyEnglishnounAlternative spelling of Hokey Pokey (“dance”)alt-of alternative uncountable usually
Ice creamhokey pokeyEnglishnounA confection made from golden syrup, white sugar, and baking soda; honeycomb toffeeNew-Zealand uncountable usually
Ice creamhokey pokeyEnglishnounVanilla ice cream with small pieces of honeycomb toffee.New-Zealand uncountable usually
IcteridsortolanEnglishnounA small European migratory bunting (Emberiza hortulana), once eaten whole as a delicacy.
IcteridsortolanEnglishnounAny of various similar birds, especially the bobolink, sora, or snow bunting.US
IcteridsortolanEnglishnounThe greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla).
Illinois, USAカンブリアJapanesenameCambria
Illinois, USAカンブリアJapanesenameCumbria
IndividualsAeneasEnglishnameA Trojan hero and the legendary ancestor of Romans.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
IndividualsAeneasEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.
IndividualsMachiavelliEnglishnameNiccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), Italian statesman and writer, whose work The Prince (1532) advises that acquiring and exercising power may require unethical methods.
IndividualsMachiavelliEnglishnounSomeone like Niccolò Machiavelli: a Machiavellian person
IndividualsΘρασύβουλοςAncient Greeknamea male given name, Thrasybulus
IndividualsΘρασύβουλοςAncient Greeknamein particular, the Athenian general Thrasybulus
IndividualsСараBashkirnamea female given name, Sara, from Arabic, equivalent to English Sarah
IndividualsСараBashkirnamethe wife of the Islamic prophet Ibrahim (see Sarah in Islam)Islam lifestyle religion
IndividualsدانيالMalaynameDaniel (biblical person)
IndividualsدانيالMalaynameDaniel; a male given name from Hebrew
Inheritance lawprobateEnglishnounThe legal process of verifying the legality of a will.lawcountable uncountable
Inheritance lawprobateEnglishnounA copy of a legally recognised and qualified will.lawcountable uncountable
Inheritance lawprobateEnglishnounClipping of probate court.abbreviation alt-of clipping countable uncountable
Inheritance lawprobateEnglishnounProof.countable obsolete uncountable
Inheritance lawprobateEnglishverbTo establish the legality of (a will).transitive
Inorganic compoundsلونPunjabinountable salt
Inorganic compoundsلونPunjabinounsaltchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
InsectspapallonaCatalannounbutterfly strokehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingfeminine
InsectspiyaxatCahuillanounA kind of caterpillar that used to be eaten by the Cahuilla, Hyles lineata
InsectsvlinderDutchnounbutterfly, or generally any insect belonging to the order Lepidopteramasculine
InsectsvlinderDutchverbinflection of vlinderen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
InsectsvlinderDutchverbinflection of vlinderen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
InsectsvlinderDutchverbinflection of vlinderen: / imperativeform-of imperative
InsuranceassuranceFrenchnounassurance, guaranteefeminine
InsuranceassuranceFrenchnouninsurance policyfeminine
InsuranceassuranceFrenchnouninsurance companyfeminine
Internet鏈接Chineseverbto connect; to join; to link; to catenate
Internet鏈接Chineseverbto introduce
Internet鏈接Chinesenounlink (on a website); hyperlink
Internet memesTranslingualcharacterThe Sinhalese script velar nasal letter ṅa.letter
Internet memesTranslingualsymbolAn amogus (a crewmate character from the video game Among Us).Internet humorous
IodineperiodicEnglishadjRelative to a period or periods.not-comparable
IodineperiodicEnglishadjHaving repeated cycles.not-comparable
IodineperiodicEnglishadjOccurring at regular intervals.not-comparable
IodineperiodicEnglishadjPertaining to the revolution of a celestial object in its orbit.astronomy natural-sciencesnot-comparable
IodineperiodicEnglishadjFor which any return to it must occur in multiples of k time steps, for some k>1.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
IodineperiodicEnglishadjHaving a structure characterized by periodic sentences.not-comparable rhetoric
IodineperiodicEnglishadjRelating to the highest oxidation state of iodine; of or derived from a periodic acid.not-comparable
IrelandROIEnglishnounInitialism of return on investment.accounting business financeabbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandROIEnglishnounInitialism of region of interest (in digital images, microscopy: in 3-dim-specimen reconstructions by consecutive sectioning).arts hobbies lifestyle photographyabbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandROIEnglishnounInitialism of region of interest.espionage government military politics warabbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandROIEnglishnounInitialism of radius of natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandROIEnglishnounInitialism of release of information.abbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandROIEnglishnameInitialism of Republic of Ireland.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Irish cardinal numberscaogaIrishnumfifty
Irish cardinal numberscaogaIrishnounfifty, a group of fiftymasculine
IslamMusulmanTagalogadjMuslim; Mussulman
IslamMusulmanTagalognounMuslim; Mussulman
IslandsHydraEnglishnameA mythological serpent with many heads, slain by Hercules as one of his twelve labours.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
IslandsHydraEnglishnameA spring constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a serpent. It lies just south of the zodiac and contains the star Alphard.astronomy natural-sciences
IslandsHydraEnglishnameOne of Pluto's moons.astronomy natural-sciences
IslandsHydraEnglishnameOne of the Saronic Islands in the Aegean Sea.
IslandsHydraEnglishnameA commune in Algiers Province, Algeria.geography natural-sciences
IsopodsisopodanEnglishadjOf or relating to the isopods.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
IsopodsisopodanEnglishnounAn isopod.biology natural-sciences zoology
IstanbulbizantyjskiPolishadjByzantium, Byzantine (of or pertaining to Byzantium)historical not-comparable relational
IstanbulbizantyjskiPolishadjluxurious, opulent, splendidfiguratively literary
J. R. R. TolkienNazgulEnglishnounAn evil force which heedlessly destroys everything in its path, and appears like a horseman dressed all in black.fantasy
J. R. R. TolkienNazgulEnglishnounA type of demonic or undead creature.fantasy games role-playing-games
JackfishhorsefishEnglishnounThe moonfish.
JackfishhorsefishEnglishnounThe sauger.
JackfishhorsefishEnglishnounAny of several species of fish in the family Congiopodidae.
JapanJapsneesAfrikaansadjSynonym of Japanneesderogatory humorous not-comparable
JapanJapsneesAfrikaansnounSynonym of Japanneesderogatory humorous
JapanJapsneesAfrikaansnameSynonym of Japanneesderogatory humorous
JapanYayoiEnglishnounAn ethnic group of the Japanese archipelago during the Yayoi period (300 BCE–300 CE).historical plural plural-only
JapanYayoiEnglishnameA female given name from Japanese
JapannipónicoPortugueseadjNipponese (of or relating to Japan)not-comparable poetic
JapannipónicoPortuguesenounNipponesemasculine poetic
Kansas, USAKSEnglishverbInitialism of kill gamingInternet abbreviation alt-of initialism
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnameAbbreviation of Kansas (“US state”).abbreviation alt-of
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnameAbbreviation of South Kalimantan (“a province of Indonesia”).abbreviation alt-of
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnounInitialism of Kaposi's sarcoma.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnounInitialism of Keutel syndrome.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnounInitialism of Kallmann syndrome.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnounInitialism of Klinefelter syndrome.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnounInitialism of kill gamingInternet abbreviation alt-of initialism
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnounInitialism of key stage.educationUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
Kansas, USAKSEnglishnounInitialism of knowledge sharing.abbreviation alt-of initialism
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA slightly curved but almost flat dish from which food is served or eaten.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounSuch dishes collectively.uncountable
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe contents of such a dish.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA course at a meal.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn agenda of tasks, problems, or responsibilitiesfiguratively
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA flat object of uniform thickness.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounVehicle license plates, registration plates.Australia especially metonymically plural plural-only
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA taxi permit, especially of a metal disc.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounPlate armor.historical
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA layer of a material on the surface of something, usually qualified by the type of the material; plating
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA material covered with such a layer.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn ornamental or food service item coated with silver or gold or otherwise decorated.dated
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA weighted disk, usually of metal, with a hole in the center for use with a barbell, dumbbell, or exercise machine.hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn engraved surface used to transfer an image to printing publishing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn image or copy.arts hobbies lifestyle media photography printing publishing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn illustration in a book, either black and white, or colour, usually on a page of paper of different quality from the text printing publishing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA shaped and fitted surface, usually ceramic or metal that fits into the mouth and in which teeth are implanted; a dental plate.dentistry medicine sciences
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA horizontal framing member at the top or bottom of a group of vertical construction manufacturing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA foot, from "plates of meat".Cockney slang
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounHome plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA tectonic plate.geography geology natural-sciences
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAny of various larger scales found in some reptiles.biology herpetology natural-sciences zoology
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA flat electrode such as can be found in an accumulator battery, or in an electrolysis electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe anode of a vacuum electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA prize given to the winner in a contest.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAny flat piece of material such as coated glass or plastic.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA metallic card, used to imprint tickets with an airline's logo, name, and numeric code.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrydated
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe ability of a travel agent to issue tickets on behalf of a particular airline.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrybroadly
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA VIN plate, particularly with regard to the car's year of manufacture.Australia
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounOne of the thin parts of the brisket of an animal.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA very light steel horseshoe for racehorses.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounSkins for fur linings of garments, sewn together and roughly shaped, but not finally cut or fitted.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe fine nap (as of beaver, musquash, etc.) on a hat whose body is made from inferior material.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA record, usually vinyl.entertainment lifestyle music
KitchenwareplateEnglishnountrauma plate.government military politics war
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAny of the potential romantic or sexual partners with whom a person keeps in touch as part of plate seduction-community sexualityslang
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material, usually a metal.
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo place the various elements of a meal on the diner's plate prior to serving.arts cooking food hobbies lifestyle photography
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo score a run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo arm or defend with metal plates.transitive
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo beat into thin plates.transitive
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo specify which airline a ticket will be issued on behalf of.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industry
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbto categorise stamps based on their position on the original sheet, in order to reconstruct an entire sheet.hobbies lifestyle philately
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo identify the printing plate used.hobbies lifestyle philately
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounPrecious metal, especially silver.uncountable usually
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounSilver or gold, in the form of a coin, or less often silver or gold utensils or dishes.obsolete
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA roundel of silver or argent.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
KoreanKonglishEnglishnameKorean pseudo-anglicisms; Korean coinages based on English roots.
KoreanKonglishEnglishnameAny of various varieties of Korean English having distinctive lexis, syntax and phonology.derogatory
KoreanKonglishEnglishnameAlternative form of Kongish.alt-of alternative
KyrgyzstanкыргызKyrgyznouna Kyrgyz (person)
KyrgyzstanкыргызKyrgyznouna Kyrgyz (person) / Kyrgyzattributive
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounOne who kisses.
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounMouth.slang
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounFace.slang
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounThe kissing gourami.
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounA button on a bowstring that indicates consistent height when drawing a bow, for example by being placed against the archer's mouth .archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
LagomorphsкроликRussiannounrabbit (of unspecified gender) (long-eared mammal)
LagomorphsкроликRussiannounmale rabbit
LagomorphsкроликRussiannounfather of many childrenderogatory figuratively
LagomorphsкӧчKomi-Zyriannounglint, glimmer, glare (spot of light as a reflection from a mirror or glass)
LakesTorrensEnglishnameA surname from Catalan.countable uncountable
LakesTorrensEnglishnameA river that flows through Adelaide, South Australia, named after Robert Torrens.countable uncountable
LakesTorrensEnglishnameA salt lake in central South Australia.countable uncountable
Lamiales order plantstaronginaCatalannounorange blossomfeminine
Lamiales order plantstaronginaCatalannounlemon balmfeminine
Lamiales order plantstaronginaCatalannounyellow foot mushroom (Craterellus lutescens)feminine
Lamioideae subfamily plantslion's earEnglishnounAny of various plants with shaggy tomentose leaves / species of Culcitium and Espeletia in Western South America
Lamioideae subfamily plantslion's earEnglishnounAny of various plants with shaggy tomentose leaves / Leonurus cardiaca and Leonotis nepetifolia, both native to Africa, but grown widely as herbal remedies.
LandformsbiizaCimbriannoungrass, lawnSette-Comuni feminine
LandformsbiizaCimbriannounmeadowSette-Comuni feminine
LandformscapeEnglishnounA piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast into a sea or lake; a promontory; a headland.geography natural-sciences
LandformscapeEnglishnounA sleeveless garment or part of a garment, hanging from the neck over the back, arms, and shoulders.
LandformscapeEnglishnounA superhero.slang
LandformscapeEnglishverbTo incite or attract (a bull) to charge a certain direction, by waving a cape.
LandformscapeEnglishverbTo head or point; to keep a course.nautical transport
LandformscapeEnglishverbTo skin an animal, particularly a deer.
LandformscapeEnglishverbTo defend or praise, especially that which is unworthy.US slang
LandformscapeEnglishverbTo cover (as) with or like a cape.transitive
LandformsgrottoEnglishnounA small cave.
LandformsgrottoEnglishnounAn artificial cavern-like retreat.
LandformsgrottoEnglishnounA Marian shrine, usually built in a cavern-like structure.
LandformsgrottoEnglishnounA local organization of cavers that typically organizes trips to caves and provides information and training for caving; a caving club.
LandformsgrottoEnglishnounA secretive name for a local group of underground Satanists.
LandformsgrottoEnglishnounA garden or roadside shrine with a small cave containing a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary (usually Our Lady of Lourdes and sometimes paired with a water feature)Philippines
LandformsmorfaWelshnounsalt marshfeminine masculine
LandformsmorfaWelshnounother marsh, fenfeminine masculine
LandformspramenCzechnounspring (where water emerges from the ground)inanimate masculine
LandformspramenCzechnounsourceinanimate masculine
LandformspramenCzechnounstrand, ply, wispinanimate masculine
LandformssalogCebuanonounfloor; flooring
LandformssalogCebuanonounflooring material
LandformssjøNorwegian Nynorsknouna sea, oceanmasculine
LandformssjøNorwegian Nynorsknouna lakemasculine
LandformssjøNorwegian NynorskintjUsed as a rhetorical question to confirm agreement or understanding at the end of a statement.dialectal
LandformsиздигнатинаMacedoniannounridge, elevated part, elevation
LanguagetaleMiddle Dutchnounspoken or written words, that which someone says
LanguagetaleMiddle Dutchnounlanguage
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishnamean extinct language family of the Ancient Near East, comprising only two known languages: Hurrian and Urartian
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishnouna member of the original ethnolinguistic group hypothesized to have spoken Proto-Hurro-Urartian
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishadjof or relating to the languages of the Hurro-Urartian language family
Language familiesHurro-UrartianEnglishadjof or relating to Hurro-Urartians (people)
Language familiesTupianEnglishnameA language family in South America (the Tupian languages).
Language familiesTupianEnglishadjPertaining to the peoples who speak the Tupian languages.not-comparable
Language familiesTupianEnglishadjOf the Tupi, pertaining to the Tupi peoples of coastal Brazil.not-comparable
LanguagesBaribaYorubanameThe Bariba people
LanguagesBaribaYorubanameThe Bariba language
LanguagesGuambianoEnglishnounA member of an indigenous people of the department of Cauca in Colombia.
LanguagesGuambianoEnglishnameThe Coconucan language of these people.
LanguagesIrishEnglishnameThe Gaelic language indigenous to Ireland, also known as Irish Gaelic.uncountable
LanguagesIrishEnglishnameThe Irish people.
LanguagesIrishEnglishnameA surname.
LanguagesIrishEnglishnameA female given name of chiefly Philippine usage.
LanguagesIrishEnglishnounA board game of the tables family.obsolete uncountable
LanguagesIrishEnglishnounTemper; anger, passion.US uncountable
LanguagesIrishEnglishnounWhiskey, or whisky, elaborated in Ireland.countable uncountable
LanguagesIrishEnglishadjPertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people.
LanguagesIrishEnglishadjPertaining to the Irish language.
LanguagesIrishEnglishadjnonsensical, daft or complex.derogatory
LanguagesMaleisAfrikaansadjMalay, Malayan (of, from, or pertaining to Malaya, the Malay people or the Malay language)not-comparable
LanguagesMaleisAfrikaansadjMalaysian (of, from, or pertaining to Malaysia, the Malaysian people, especially those of Malay descent, or the Malay language)not-comparable
LanguagesMaleisAfrikaansnameMalay, Malaysian (language)
LanguagesPinikuraEnglishnounAlternative form of Biniguraalt-of alternative plural plural-only
LanguagesPinikuraEnglishnameAlternative form of Biniguraalt-of alternative
LanguagesShuswapEnglishnounA member of a First Nations people residing in the Canadian province of British Columbia.
LanguagesShuswapEnglishnameThe traditional language of these people.
LanguagesShuswapEnglishnameThe tribe which this people constitutes.
LanguagesTübatulabalEnglishnounA member of a people of the Kern River Valley, California, United States.
LanguagesTübatulabalEnglishnameThe language of the Tübatulabal people.
LanguagesTübatulabalEnglishadjRelating to the Tübatulabal people.
LanguagesTübatulabalEnglishadjRelating to the Tübatulabal language.
LanguagesUdiEnglishnameA Lezgic language (Northeast Caucasian) spoken by the Udi people who live mostly in Azerbaijan and nearby regions. Probably descended from Caucasian Albanian.
LanguagesUdiEnglishnounA person who belongs to this group, most probably the descendants of the ancient population of Caucasian Albania.
LanguagesbaskírHungariannounBashkir (person)countable uncountable
LanguagesbaskírHungariannounBashkir (language)countable uncountable
LanguagesbrabançonFrenchadjof Brabant; Brabantian, Brabantinerelational
LanguagesbrabançonFrenchnounthe Brabantian languagehuman-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine uncountable
LanguagesetruscoPortuguesenounEtruscan (language)masculine
LanguagesetruscoPortuguesenounEtruscan (person from Etruria)masculine
LanguageslituanienFrenchnounLithuanian, the Lithuanian languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesmacedoneItaliannounMacedonianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagesmacedoneItaliannounMacedonian languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesmontenegrinoPortugueseadjMontenegrin (of or relating to Montenegro)
LanguagesmontenegrinoPortuguesenounMontenegrin (person from Montenegro)masculine
LanguagesmontenegrinoPortuguesenounMontenegrin (Serbo-Croatian variety used in Montenegro)masculine uncountable
Languagespers.Swedishnounperson; Abbreviation of person.abbreviation alt-of
Languagespers.SwedishnounPersian language, Farsi; Abbreviation of persiska.human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of
LanguagesripuarioSpanishnounRipuarian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesslovenskNorwegian NynorskadjSlovenian (relating to Slovenia and Slovenians)
LanguagesslovenskNorwegian NynorsknounSlovenian (the language)masculine neuter
LanguagesthaiFinnishnounThai (person)
LanguagesthaiFinnishnounThai (language)
LanguagesturcăRomanianadjfeminine singular of turcfeminine form-of singular
LanguagesturcăRomaniannounTurkish (language)feminine uncountable
LanguagesукраинскиBulgariannounUkrainian (language)uncountable
LanguagesхорватскийRussiannounCroatian languageuncountable
LanguagesտագալերենArmeniannounTagalog (language)
LanguagesտագալերենArmenianadvin Tagalog
LanguagesտագալերենArmenianadjTagalog (of or pertaining to the language)
Latin letter namesengEnglishadjNarrow.obsolete regional
Latin letter namesengEnglishnounRoman alphabet ŋ: The Latin-based letter formed by combining the letters n and g, used in the IPA, Saami, Mende, and some Australian aboriginal languages. In the IPA, it represents the voiced velar nasal, the ng sound in running and rink. .
Latin nomina gentiliaCorelliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaCorelliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Quintus Corellius Rufus, a Roman senatordeclension-2 masculine singular
Latvian nominal numberspiecnieksLatviannounfive, number five (digit or figure; syn. pieci)declension-1 masculine
Latvian nominal numberspiecnieksLatviannounfive (A, excellent, the best school grade; syn. pieci)declension-1 masculine
Latvian nominal numberspiecnieksLatviannounsomething with the number five on itdeclension-1 masculine
Latvian nominal numberspiecnieksLatviannounfive (people, animals, objects) together; a sports team consisting of five peopledeclension-1 masculine
Lawcounty courtEnglishnounA civil court which deals with civil cases, such as divorce.UK
Lawcounty courtEnglishnounA court which handles both civil and criminal cases.US
Lawcounty courtEnglishnounAn intermediate court; a district court.Australia specifically
Law enforcementawáalyaaíNavajonounprisoner, convict
Law enforcementawáalyaaíNavajonoungangsta
LegumesmanduvíSpanishnounAgeneiosus valenciennesi, a South American catfish.masculine
LegumestremoçoPortuguesenounlupin (any plant of the genus Lupinus)masculine
LegumestremoçoPortuguesenounlupin (bean of the lupin plant)masculine
LiceendaTooronounabdomen, belly
LiceendaTooronounfetus; embryo
LightpromykPolishnounsunbeam, rayinanimate masculine
LightpromykPolishnounglimmer, flicker, spark (brief experience of emotion or feeling)inanimate masculine
LightpromykPolishnounCape figwort, Cape fuchsia (Phygelius)inanimate masculine
Light sourceszorza polarnaPolishnounaurora borealis, northern lights (aurora of the northern hemisphere)feminine
Light sourceszorza polarnaPolishnounaurora australis, southern lights (aurora of the southern hemisphere)feminine
Light sourceségőHungarianverbpresent participle of égform-of participle present
Light sourceségőHungarianadjburning
Light sourceségőHungarianadjflame red (having a brilliant red color reminiscent of flame)
Light sourceségőHungarianadjburning, consuming, intense, inflaming, exciting, powerful
Light sourceségőHungarianadjawkwardslang
Light sourceségőHungariannounlight bulb
Light sourceségőHungariannoungas burner
LinguisticsdobleteSpanishnoundipolenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
LinguisticsdobleteSpanishnoundoubleball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
LiquidseffervescentEnglishadjGiving off bubbles; fizzy.
LiquidseffervescentEnglishadjVivacious and enthusiastic.figuratively
LiquidskaliMalayverbObsolete form of gali.alt-of obsolete
LiquidskaliMalaynounriver (large stream which drains a landmass)
LiquidskaliMalayverbto times, to multiply
LiquidswatertightEnglishadjSo tightly made that water cannot enter or escape.
LiquidswatertightEnglishadjSo devised or planned as to be impossible to defeat, evade or nullify.figuratively
LiteraturedeckareSwedishnouna crime novel, a whodunit (a crime novel or drama)common-gender
LiteraturedeckareSwedishnouna detective, a gumshoecolloquial common-gender
Lobe-finned fishescoelacanthEnglishnounEither of two species of deep-water fish, Latimeria chalumnae of the Indian Ocean and Latimeria menadoensis of Indonesia.
Lobe-finned fishescoelacanthEnglishnounAny lobe-finned fish in the order Coelacanthiformes, thought until 1938 to have been extinct for 70 million years.
LovekochanieńkiPolishadjdiminutive of kochanydiminutive form-of not-comparable
LovekochanieńkiPolishnoundear (male person close to someone)familiar masculine noun-from-verb person
LovekochanieńkiPolishnounpatronizing term of address for someone irritatingmasculine noun-from-verb person sarcastic
LovemīlētLatvianverbto love, to feel love for (to desire a romantic relation with someone, to be romantically attracted to someone)transitive
LovemīlētLatvianverbto love, to feel love for (to have strong positive, non-romantic feelings for someone)transitive
LoveлюбовBulgariannounlove, attachment, affectionuncountable
LoveлюбовBulgariannounlove affair, a romancecountable
LoveлюбовBulgariannouna love, a darling, a sweetheart (the object of one’s romantic feelings)countable
LoveлюбовBulgariannounenthusiasm, fervour, zealuncountable
MachinesMaschineGermannounmotorcyclecolloquial feminine
Maize (food)masaEnglishnounA strong form of paper, smooth on one side and lightly textured on the other, used for drawing and paintingart artsuncountable
Maize (food)masaEnglishnounMaize dough made from freshly prepared hominy, used for making tortillas, tamales, etc.US uncountable usually
MaleojczyznaPolishnounhomeland, motherland, fatherlandfeminine
MaleojczyznaPolishnounmale genitaliafeminine
MaleဦးလေးBurmesenoununcle, specifically mother's younger brother
MaleဦးလေးBurmeseverbto be hesitant
MaleဦးလေးBurmeseverbto be boredarchaic
Male family membersteśćPolishnounfather-in-law (one's spouse's father)masculine person
Male family membersteśćPolishnountest, testosterone (steroid hormone)biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesanimal-not-person humorous masculine slang
Male family membersبندہPunjabinounhuman, person
Male family membersبندہPunjabinounslave, servant
Male family membersبندہPunjabinounmale partnerfiguratively
Male family membersსქირიLaznounson
Male family membersსქირიLaznounbaby (how adults address the little ones)
Male family membersJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Male family membersJapanesenounfather
Male family membersJapanesenouna father figure (male initiator or founder of something)broadly figuratively
Male family membersJapanesenounGod, the Holy FatherChristianity
Male family membersJapanesenounone's own fatherarchaic
Male family membersJapanesenounone's own father: daddychildish
Male family membersJapanesenouna husband, master of the house
Male family membersJapanesenounone's own fatherdialectal informal possibly
Male family membersJapanesenounthe head or master of an establishment such as a teahouse, boathouse, etc.
Male family membersJapaneseaffixfather
Male family membersJapaneseaffixfather figure
Male family membersJapaneseaffixuncle
Male family membersJapaneseaffixold man, elderly man
Male family membersJapaneseaffixold manhonorific
Male family membersJapanesenounone's own fatherobsolete
Male peoplebalôrzKashubiannounfootballermasculine person
Male peoplebalôrzKashubiannounhandballermasculine person
Male peoplebalôrzKashubiannounvolleyballermasculine person
Male peoplecon traiVietnamesenounboy (young male)
Male peoplecon traiVietnamesenounson (a male person in relation to his parents)
Male peoplegrobownikPolishnoungravedigger (person employed to dig graves)masculine obsolete person
Male peoplegrobownikPolishnoungraverobbermasculine obsolete person
Male peoplegrobownikPolishnountomb bat (any of various species of Old World bats of the genus Taphozous)animal-not-person masculine
Male peoplegrobownikPolishnounburial chamber, repository, sepulchre, tombinanimate masculine obsolete
Male peoplekóngurIcelandicnounking (male monarch)masculine
Male peoplekóngurIcelandicnounkingboard-games chess gamesmasculine
Male peoplekóngurIcelandicnounglans penismasculine
Male peopleotrokPolishnounservant, slavedialectal masculine obsolete person
Male peopleotrokPolishnounboy, youngsterdialectal masculine obsolete person
Male peopleparobekPolishnounfarmworker, farmhandhistorical masculine person
Male peopleparobekPolishnounlackeyderogatory masculine person
Male peopleprezesPolishnounchairman, president (the primary leader of a corporation)masculine person
Male peopleprezesPolishnounchairwoman, president (the primary leader of a corporation)feminine indeclinable
MammalsakẹYorubanounnanny goat, a large matured goat
MammalsakẹYorubanounseagull, specifically the Grey-headed gull
MammalsakẹYorubanounrope for tying rafters
MammalsdalfinOccitannoundauphin (the eldest son of the king of France)masculine
MammalsσατύριονAncient Greeknounman orchid (Orchis anthropophora)
MammalsσατύριονAncient Greeknounkind of shrew
MammalsལུགTibetanverbto huddle heads together like timid sheep, to be sheepish in behaviour
MammalsལུགTibetanverbto collapse, to fall down, to fallintransitive
MammalsལུགTibetanverbto make an article from molten iron placed in a form, to pour an impression, to casttransitive
MarcheMarchesEnglishnameplural of Marchform-of plural
MarcheMarchesEnglishnameSynonym of Marche, An administrative region in central Italy.
Marketing單價Chinesenoununit price
Marketing單價Chineseadjunivalent; monovalentchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
MathematicsCauchyEnglishnameA French surname; notably that of prolific mathematician Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857).
MathematicsCauchyEnglishadjWhose terms become arbitrarily close to one another.not-comparable
MathematicsஅணுTamilnounatom, minute particle of matter
MathematicsஅணுTamilnounlife, soul
Mathematics定理Japanesenounprinciple; rulesciences
McDonald'sMcDonald'sEnglishnameA widespread chain of fast food restaurants.
McDonald'sMcDonald'sEnglishnounFood from a McDonald's restaurant.countable uncountable
MealsdisnâLigurianverbto lunch (to have lunch)
MeatsgallimaufryEnglishnounA hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout.countable dated uncountable
MeatsgallimaufryEnglishnounAny absurd medley, an elaborate mishmashcountable figuratively uncountable
MeatslyvereMiddle Englishnounliver (digestive organ): / The liver as the purported origin of love.
MeatslyvereMiddle Englishnounliver (digestive organ): / The liver as food or medicine.
MeatslyvereMiddle EnglishnounA living being.
MeatslyvereMiddle EnglishnounA person who lives in a certain way.
MeatslyvereMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of lyverenalt-of alternative
Meatsmystery meatEnglishnounAny processed meat product whose animal source is not readily identifiable.countable derogatory informal uncountable
Meatsmystery meatEnglishnounAny unidentified or mysterious biological material of animal origin.countable uncountable
Meatsmystery meatEnglishnounAn asset of unknown financecountable uncountable
Meatsmystery meatEnglishnounA person of unknown or undetermined racial or ethnic origin.countable derogatory slang sometimes uncountable
Media傳媒Chinesenounmedia; mass media
Media傳媒Chinesenounmeans of transmission (of a disease); media; vectormedicine sciences
Media傳媒ChinesenameShort for 中國傳媒大學/中国传媒大学 (Zhōngguó Chuánméi Dàxué, “Communication University of China”).abbreviation alt-of
Medical signs and symptomsbrněníCzechnounarmor (artificial body protection)neuter
Medical signs and symptomsbrněníCzechnounverbal noun of brnětform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Medical signs and symptomsbrněníCzechnountinglingneuter
Medical signs and symptomsmaircIrishnoungall (sore or open wound caused by chafing; sore on a horse), sorefeminine
Medical signs and symptomsmaircIrishnouninflection of marc (“horse; mark, shilling”): / vocative/genitive singularform-of masculine
Medical signs and symptomsmaircIrishnouninflection of marc (“horse; mark, shilling”): / nominative/dative pluraldative form-of masculine nominative plural
Medical signs and symptomsгрчSerbo-Croatiannouncramp
Medical signs and symptomsгрчSerbo-Croatiannounspasm
MedicineGynäkologieGermannoungynecology (no plural)feminine
MedicineGynäkologieGermannounthe gynecology department of a hospital (plural possible)feminine
MemoryrecordarPortugueseverbto remember, recall, recollect
MemoryrecordarPortugueseverbto remind
MemoryrecordarPortugueseverbto remember (to recall from one’s memory)reflexive
MetabolismdigerirPortugueseverbto digest (to break down and absorb food in the alimentary canal)
MetabolismdigerirPortugueseverbto digest (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind)figuratively
MetabolismdigerirPortugueseverbto deal with; to come to terms with; to copefiguratively
MetallurgyblacksmithEnglishnounA person who forges iron.
MetallurgyblacksmithEnglishnounA person who shoes horses.informal
MetallurgyblacksmithEnglishnounA blackish fish of the Pacific coast (Chromis punctipinnis).
MetallurgyblacksmithEnglishverbTo work as a blacksmith.intransitive
MetallurgymouldboardEnglishnounA curved blade on a plough that serves to turn over the furrow.
MetallurgymouldboardEnglishnounA follow board.
MetallurgyscobsEnglishnounRaspings of wood, ivory, hartshorn, metals, or other hard substance.plural plural-only
MetallurgyscobsEnglishnounThe dross of metals.plural plural-only
MetallurgyscobsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of scobform-of indicative present singular third-person
MetallurgyscobsEnglishnounplural of scobform-of plural
MetalsaenMarshallesenounan iron (a tool)
MetalsaenMarshallesenouniron (metal)
MetalsaenMarshalleseverbto iron
MicrosoftFAAMGEnglishnounOne or more of the technology companies Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and natural-sciences physical-sciences technologycountable uncountable
MicrosoftFAAMGEnglishnounThe stock of one or more of these technology companies.economics sciencescountable uncountable
MilitaryguerrillaCatalannounguerrilla (small official or unofficial military troop)feminine
MilitaryguerrillaCatalannounguerrilla warfeminine
MilitarymedalhaPortuguesenounmedal (stamped metal disc used as ornament or charm)feminine
MilitarymedalhaPortuguesenounmedal (metal object used as a prize or military decoration)feminine
MilitaryriddareSwedishnouna knight (armored mounted warrior)common-gender
MilitaryriddareSwedishnouna knight (nobleman obligated to provide knight service)common-gender
MilitaryriddareSwedishnouna knight (of an order)common-gender
MilkglastwrWelshnounmilk diluted with watermasculine uncountable
MilkglastwrWelshnouninsipid or feeble talkfiguratively masculine uncountable
MindandgieteOld Englishadjobvious, plain
MindandgieteOld Englishadjmanifest, clear
MindandgieteOld Englishnounintellect, understanding
MindandgieteOld Englishnounperception, cognizance; knowledge
MindandgieteOld Englishnounsense, meaning
MindandgieteOld Englishnounthe senses, one of the five senses (ġesihþ, hlyst, swæċċ, stenċ, hrepung)
MindandgieteOld Englishnounplan, purpose
MineralskiripakaMaorinounflint, quartz
Mint family plantsحاشاArabicprepexcept, save, apart from
Mint family plantsحاشاArabicparticlefar be it, heaven forbid
Mint family plantsحاشاArabicnounthyme (Thymus spp.)obsolete
MonarchyamoytiseAfarverbtie a muzzle around a camel's mouthtransitive
MonarchyarcyksiężnaPolishnounarchduchess (rank)feminine historical
MonarchyarcyksiężnaPolishnounarchduke's wifefeminine historical
MonarchyvorstDutchnounthe generic term for prince, monarch, rulermasculine
MonarchyvorstDutchnouna prince, rendering of tradition-specific title of certain ranks (all below King)masculine
MonarchyvorstDutchnounthe frost, freeze, frosty weathermasculine uncountable
MonarchyvorstDutchnouncopse, grove, woodland (a coppiced land smaller than a forest)masculine
MonarchyvorstDutchnouna ridgepolefeminine
MonarchyvorstDutchverbinflection of vorsen: / second/third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular third-person
MonarchyvorstDutchverbinflection of vorsen: / plural imperativearchaic form-of imperative plural
Monarchy上賓Chinesenoundistinguished guest; the guest of honour
Monarchy上賓Chinesenoundeath of a king or emperorliterary
MonasticismAbteiGermannameA municipality of South Tyrolneuter proper-noun
MonasticismabadetzaBasquenouncondition of being an abbotinanimate
MonasticismabadetzaBasquenounpriesthoodBiscayan inanimate
MonasticismվարդապետArmeniannounvardapetecclesiastical lifestyle religion
MonasticismվարդապետArmeniannounteacherarchaic literary
MoneyplunkEnglishverbTo drop or throw something heavily onto or into something else, so that it makes a dull sound.transitive
MoneyplunkEnglishverbTo land suddenly or heavily; to plump down.intransitive
MoneyplunkEnglishverbTo intentionally hit the batter with a pitch.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
MoneyplunkEnglishverbTo croak.intransitive
MoneyplunkEnglishverbTo pluck and quickly release (a musical string).entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
MoneyplunkEnglishverbTo be a truant from (school).Scotland intransitive transitive
MoneyplunkEnglishnounThe dull thud of something landing on a surface.
MoneyplunkEnglishnounA large sum of money.obsolete slang
MoneyplunkEnglishnounA dollar.US obsolete slang
MoneyzgripțorRomaniannouna mythical powerful bird-like creature, often with two headsarchaic masculine
MoneyzgripțorRomaniannouneastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca)masculine
MoneyzgripțorRomaniannouna seal or coat of arms featuring a double-headed eaglearchaic masculine
MoneyzgripțorRomaniannounan old Austrian coin with this kind of eagle on itarchaic masculine
MoneyzgripțorRomaniannounepithet for someone who is cruel, beastly, vicious; brute, beast; also miserfiguratively masculine
MoneyਨਕਦPunjabinouncash, ready money
MoneyਨਕਦPunjabinoundown payment
MoneyਨਕਦPunjabiadvin cash
MongoliamongolPortuguesenounMongolian (native or inhabitant of Mongolia)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
MongoliamongolPortuguesenounMongolian (language)by-personal-gender feminine masculine uncountable
MongoliamongolPortuguesenounretard; idiot (generic term of abuse)by-personal-gender feminine masculine offensive
MongoliamongolPortugueseadjMongolian (of Mongolia)feminine masculine not-comparable
MongoliamongolPortugueseadjMongolian (of the Mongolian language)feminine masculine not-comparable
Morning glory family plants紅芋JapanesenounSynonym of 大薯 (daisho, “purple yam”) (Dioscorea alata)
Morning glory family plants紅芋Japanesenouna purple variety of sweet potato
Morning glory family plants紅芋Japanesenouna sea snail of species Conus pauperculus
MountainsalpinoItaliannounItalian alpine soldiermasculine
MouthspitholeEnglishnounEuphemistic form of shithole.euphemistic form-of
MouthspitholeEnglishnounOne's mouth.slang
MurderzabićPolishverbto killperfective transitive
MurderzabićPolishverbto obliterate, to exterminateperfective transitive
MurderzabićPolishverbto nail shut, to board upperfective transitive
MurderzabićPolishverbto take (e.g. a piece)gamesperfective transitive
MurderzabićPolishverbto kill oneself, to commit suicideperfective reflexive
MurderzabićPolishverbto kill one anotherperfective reflexive
MurderмокрыйRussianadjwet, damp
MurderмокрыйRussianadjmurder, killingrelational slang
MusclesobliquesEnglishnounCollectively, the abdominal muscles responsible for rotation of the trunk.plural plural-only
MusclesobliquesEnglishnounplural of obliqueform-of plural
MushroomsauriscalpiumEnglishnounAuriscalpium, a genus of mushrooms.
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic (melodic and rhythmic sounds made as art)feminine
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounsong (any musical composition)feminine
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of músico (“female musician”)feminine form-of
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic; musicology (the study of music)feminine
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic (any pleasing arrangement of sounds)feminine figuratively
MusicmúsicaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of músicofeminine form-of singular
MusicskálaHungariannounrange (e.g. of goods)
MusiciansphilharmonicEnglishadjAppreciative of music, but especially to its performance; devoted to music.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
MusiciansphilharmonicEnglishnounA full-size symphony orchestra.entertainment lifestyle music
MusicianssynthesistEnglishnounOne who synthesizes.
MusicianssynthesistEnglishnounA musician who programs or plays a synthesizer.
Myrtales order plantslila de las IndiasSpanishnounazedarachfeminine
Myrtales order plantslila de las IndiasSpanishnouncrape myrtlefeminine
Mythological creaturesfaerieEnglishnounArchaic spelling of fairy.alt-of archaic countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesfaerieEnglishnounRealm of the fays, fairyland.countable uncountable
Named prayerszdrowaśkaPolishnounHail Mary (prayer calling for the intercession of the Virgin Mary)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismcolloquial feminine
Named prayerszdrowaśkaPolishnounapproximately 20 secondsarchaic feminine
NationalitiesGaboneseEnglishnounA person from Gabon or of Gabonese descent.
NationalitiesGaboneseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Gabon or the Gabonese peoplenot-comparable
NationalitiesIvorianEnglishnounA person from Côte d'Ivoire or of Ivorian descent.
NationalitiesIvorianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Côte d'Ivoire or the Ivorian people.not-comparable
NationalitiesSomalilanderEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Somaliland.
NationalitiesSomalilanderEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Somaliland.
NationalitiesbelgaItalianadjBelgian (of, from or relating to Belgium)
NationalitiesbelgaItaliannounBelgian (native or inhabitant of Belgium)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitieskacapPolishnounRusskiderogatory ethnic masculine person slur
NationalitieskacapPolishnounnarrow-minded personderogatory masculine person
NationalitieskamerunskaSwedishadjinflection of kamerunsk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitieskamerunskaSwedishadjinflection of kamerunsk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitieskamerunskaSwedishnounfemale Camerooniancommon-gender
NationalitieskazaĥaEsperantoadjKazakh (of or pertaining to Kazakhstan, the Kazakh people, or the Kazakh language)
NationalitieskazaĥaEsperantoadjClipping of la kazaĥa lingvo (“the Kazakh language”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
NationalitiespalestineseItaliannounPalestinianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiestimorenseSpanishadjEast Timoresefeminine masculine
NationalitiestimorenseSpanishnounEast Timoreseby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Native American tribesApacheEnglishnameThe group of languages used by any of several Athabascan-speaking peoples of the American southwest excluding Navajo, i.e. Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, Mescalero, Plains Apache, or Western Apache.
Native American tribesApacheEnglishnameApache, a town in Oklahoma, United States.
Native American tribesApacheEnglishnameApache HTTP Server, a widely used open source web server software suite.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
Native American tribesApacheEnglishnounAny of several Athabascan-speaking peoples of the American southwest excluding Navajo, i.e., Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, Mescalero, Plains Apache, or Western Apache.
Native American tribesApacheEnglishnounA person belonging to an Apache people.
Native American tribesApacheEnglishnounA Parisian gangster of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.historical
Native American tribesApacheEnglishnounAH-64 Apache, a U.S. military helicopter.government military politics war
Natural materialslepoHawaiiannounsoil, dirt
Natural materialslepoHawaiiannounfilth
NaturedivočinaCzechnoungame (meat)feminine
Nauru112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Nauru112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Nauru112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Nauru112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
NauticallukaSlovenenounharbor; harbour
Nautical occupationsמלחHebrewnounsalt, the common substance used as a condiment
Nautical occupationsמלחHebrewnounpermanence, continuitybiblical lifestyle religionfiguratively
Nautical occupationsמלחHebrewnounsailor, mariner
NeuroanatomyJapanesecharacterbrainkanji shinjitai
NeuroanatomyJapanesenounthe brainanatomy medicine sciences
NeuroanatomyJapanesenounone's brains, one's mental functioningbroadly figuratively
NeuroanatomyJapaneseaffixchief, principal
NeuroanatomyJapanesenounthe brainanatomy medicine sciencesarchaic
NeuroanatomyJapanesenounthe headarchaic broadly
New World sparrowsrascador pardoSpanishnouncanyon towhee (Melozone fusca)masculine
New World sparrowsrascador pardoSpanishnounCalifornia towhee (Melozone crissalis)masculine
Nicknames of individualsIron LadyEnglishnameA nickname given to various female leaders, indicating that they are strong-willed and unyielding.
Nicknames of individualsIron LadyEnglishnameA nickname given to various female leaders, indicating that they are strong-willed and unyielding. / Margaret Thatcher.especially
Nicknames of individualsIron LadyEnglishnameThe iron maiden at Nuremberg.
Nicknames of individuals小鬍子Chinesenounmoustache; particularly toothbrush moustache, Hitler mustache
Nicknames of individuals小鬍子Chinesenounpeople with toothbrush moustachefiguratively
Nicknames of individuals小鬍子ChinesenameAdolf Hitler (German dictator)Internet humorous
Nicknames of individuals鄧公ChinesenameDeng Xiaoping (Chinese politician and ex-leader)
Nicknames of individuals鄧公ChinesenameAn urban village in Tamsui district, New Taipei, Taiwan
Nightshadesതക്കാളിMalayalamnountomato; Solanum lycopersicum, a widely cultivated plant in the nightshade family known for its edible fruit.
Nightshadesതക്കാളിMalayalamnounThe fruit of this plant.
Nuclear warfarenuklearnyPolishadjnuclear (of a weapon: deriving its force from nuclear energy)not-comparable
Nuclear warfarenuklearnyPolishadjnuclear (pertaining to the atomic nucleus)not-comparable relational
NumbersномерRussiannounnominal numbernominal numeral
NumbersномерRussiannounnumber (various senses)
NumbersномерRussiannounsize (of clothes or shoes)
NumbersномерRussiannounroom (in a hotel)
NumbersномерRussiannounnumber, issue (e.g. of a magazine or a newspaper)
NumbersномерRussiannounitem, turn, trick (e.g., in a circus)
Nuts夏威夷果Chinesenounmacadamia nut
Nuts松明糖Chinesenounpine resinMin Northern
Nuts松明糖ChinesenounrosinMin Northern
OakslandraGaliciannounswollen lymph nodefeminine
ObesitygrubasekPolishnoundiminutive of grubascolloquial derogatory diminutive form-of masculine person
ObesitygrubasekPolishnoungenitive plural of grubaskafeminine form-of genitive plural
OccupationsObmannGermannounchairmanmasculine strong
OccupationsObmannGermannounrepresentativemasculine strong
OccupationsObmannGermannounhead referee, official, judgehobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine strong
OccupationscarcerariusLatinadjof or belonging to a prison or its administration, carceraladjective declension-1 declension-2 relational
OccupationscarcerariusLatinnouna jailkeeper, a jailerdeclension-2
OccupationscarcerariusLatinnouna prisonerdeclension-2
OccupationscarcerariusLatinnouna sick or infirm person confined to bed or to a clinicmedicine sciencesMedieval-Latin declension-2
OccupationscotonnierFrenchnouncotton (tree), cotton treemasculine
OccupationscotonnierFrenchnouncotton workermasculine
OccupationsinquisitorEnglishnounA person who inquires, especially searchingly or ruthlessly.
OccupationsinquisitorEnglishnounAn official of the ecclesiastical court of the Inquisition.historical
OccupationskowalkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kowal (“smith, blacksmith”) (person who forges iron)countable feminine form-of
OccupationskowalkaPolishnounsmithery, blacksmithery (trade or craft of a smith)colloquial feminine uncountable
OccupationskowalkaPolishnounthe wife of a smithcountable feminine
OccupationsliniowiecPolishnounfrontliner, front line soldiergovernment military politics warmasculine person
OccupationsliniowiecPolishnounflat tax payereconomics government sciences taxationmasculine person
OccupationsliniowiecPolishnounpassenger linernautical transportinanimate masculine
OccupationsliniowiecPolishnouncargo linernautical transportinanimate masculine
OccupationsliniowiecPolishnounbattleship, ship of the linegovernment military nautical politics transport warinanimate masculine
OccupationsmaestroSpanishnouncraftsman, handyman, contractor, construction workermasculine
OccupationsmaestroSpanishnouna male teacherLatin-America especially masculine
OccupationsmagsisibyaCebuanonouna broadcaster; a person whose job is to broadcast
OccupationsmagsisibyaCebuanonounan announcer
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA person who is trained to preach, to perform religious ceremonies, and to afford pastoral care at a Protestant church.Christianity Protestantism
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA person (either a layperson or an ordained clergy member) who is commissioned to perform some act on behalf of the Catholic Church.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA politician who heads a ministrygovernment
OccupationsministerEnglishnounIn diplomacy, the rank of diplomat directly below ambassador.
OccupationsministerEnglishnounA servant; a subordinate; an officer or assistant of inferior rank; hence, an agent, an instrument.
OccupationsministerEnglishverbTo attend to (the needs of); to tend; to take care (of); to give aid; to give service.transitive
OccupationsministerEnglishverbTo function as a clergyman or as the officiant in church worship.intransitive
OccupationsministerEnglishverbTo afford, to give, to supply.archaic transitive
OccupationsrounderEnglishadjcomparative form of round: more roundcomparative form-of
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounA Methodist preacher traveling a circuit, also referred to as a circuit rider.
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounA railroad man who worked at a roundhouse, operating the turntable.
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounA person who earns a living by playing cards
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounA person who makes the rounds of bars, saloons, and similar establishments; figuratively, a debaucher or roué
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounOne who rounds; one who comes about frequently or regularly.
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounA tool for making an edge or surface round.
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounA fight lasting a specified number of
OccupationsrounderEnglishnounA sports league draft selection in a specified round or the player drafted with that selection.Canada US in-compounds informal
OccupationsschoolmasterEnglishnounA male teacher.
OccupationsschoolmasterEnglishnounA male teacher. / A male teacher in charge of a school, usually a small one.
OccupationsschoolmasterEnglishnounAnything that teaches.figuratively
OccupationsschoolmasterEnglishverbTo teach in the capacity of schoolmaster.
OccupationsweðerkallElfdaliannounweather vanemasculine
OccupationsβαφεύςAncient Greeknoundyer
OccupationsβαφεύςAncient Greeknoungilder
OccupationsπαλιάτσοςGreeknounclown (performance artist associated with the circus)
OccupationsπαλιάτσοςGreeknounclown, buffoon, fool (person who acts in a silly fashion)figuratively
OccupationsբանվորArmeniannounworker performing physical tasks, especially an industrial worker; laborer
OccupationsբանվորArmeniannounconstruction worker
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounphysician, doctor
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounsage, philosopher
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounone of the 99 names of AllahIslam lifestyle religion
OccupationsقصارArabicnounwalker, fuller
OccupationsقصارArabicadjmasculine plural of قَصِير (qaṣīr)form-of masculine plural
OccupationsقصارArabicnounplural of قَصِير (qaṣīr)form-of plural
OccupationsمخرجArabicnounexit, place of issue
OccupationsمخرجArabicnounoutlet, drainpipe
OccupationsمخرجArabicnounescape, loophole, excuse
OccupationsمخرجArabicnountime of exit
OccupationsمخرجArabicnounorgan of voice
OccupationsمخرجArabicnounplace of articulationhuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
OccupationsمخرجArabicnoundenominatormathematics sciences
OccupationsمخرجArabicadjactive participle of أَخْرَجَ (ʔaḵraja)active form-of participle
OccupationsمخرجArabicnoundirectorbroadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theater
OccupationsمخرجArabicadjpassive participle of أَخْرَجَ (ʔaḵraja)form-of participle passive
OccupationsمخرجArabicadjactive participle of خَرَّجَ (ḵarraja)active form-of participle
OccupationsمخرجArabicadjpassive participle of خَرَّجَ (ḵarraja)form-of participle passive
OccupationsโฆษกThainounannouncer; proclaimer.formal
Occupationsくノ一Japanesenouna kunoichi (female ninja)
Occupationsくノ一JapanesenounSynonym of 女 (onna, “woman”)
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishnounEndorsement; approval; acceptance; acquiescence.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishverbTo approve; to accept; to acquiesce to.transitive
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishverbTo confirm by activating a button marked OK.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishadjAll right, acceptable, permitted.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishadjSatisfactory, reasonably good; not exceptional.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishadjSatisfied (with); willing to accept a state of affairs.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishadjIn good health or a good emotional state.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishadvSatisfactorily, sufficiently well.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishintjUsed to indicate acknowledgement or acceptance.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishintjUsed to dismiss a dialog box or confirm a prompt.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishintjUsed to introduce a sentence in order to draw attention to the importance of what is being said.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishintjUsed in turn-taking, serving as a request to the speaker to grant the turn to the interrupter.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishintjUsed to sarcastically or sardonically indicate agreement with the previous statement.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishnameUnited States postal abbreviation for Oklahoma, a state of the United States of America.
Oklahoma, USAOKEnglishnounKaraoke.Hong-Kong no-plural
Opticsမှန်ဘီလူးBurmesenounlens (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it)
Opticsမှန်ဘီလူးBurmesenounmagnifying glass
Oregon, USAOregonianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Oregon in the United States of America.
Oregon, USAOregonianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Oregon.not-comparable
OrganizationsIALAEnglishnameInitialism of International Auxiliary Language Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsIALAEnglishnameInitialism of International Association of Lighthouse Authorities.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Ammophila arenariamasculine
OrganscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Arundo donaxmasculine
OrganscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Elytrigia repensmasculine
OrganscarrizoSpanishnounany of various plants found in reed beds / Phragmites australismasculine
OrganscarrizoSpanishnoundrinking strawColombia Panama Venezuela masculine
OrganscarrizoSpanishnounpeniseuphemistic masculine
OrgansäraElfdalianverbto hear
OrgansвемEastern Marinounbrain
OrgansвемEastern Marinounmarrow
OxygenODSEnglishnameInitialism of OpenDocument Spreadsheet.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
OxygenODSEnglishnameInitialism of Office of Dietary Supplements.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OxygenODSEnglishnounInitialism of operational data store.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OxygenODSEnglishnounInitialism of ozone-depleting substance.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PainἄλυποςAncient Greekadjwithout pain, painless
PainἄλυποςAncient Greekadjcausing no pain or grief
Palm treesogurọYorubanounany raffia palm tree, including the Raphia vinifera, Raphia farinifera, Raphia hookeri, and Raphia sudanica.
Palm treesogurọYorubanouna specific type of palm wine (ẹmu) made from the raffia palm
Palm treesogurọYorubanouna tree of species Distemonanthus benthamianus
Palm treesogurọYorubanoun(Ayédùn-Èkìtì) a plant of species Ficus vallis-choudaeEkiti
Paniceae tribe grassesJapanesecharacterbarnyardgrass, Japanese barnyard milletHyōgai kanji
Paniceae tribe grassesJapanesecharactersmall, minorHyōgai kanji
Paniceae tribe grassesJapanesecharactersundryHyōgai kanji
Paniceae tribe grassesJapanesenounJapanese barnyard millet (Echinochloa esculenta)
PastaمعكرونةArabicnounpasta / macaroni
PastaمعكرونةArabicnounpasta / spaghetti
PathologybuaCatalannounbadnesschildish feminine
PathologybuaCatalannouna unit of length used in measuring ships. Approximately the same as a yard, it was defined as 4 pams (“spans”)metrology nautical transportarchaic feminine
PenguinsпингвинRussiannounPingvin (Soviet anti-zero-G suit)
PeopleSecretary of StateEnglishnounAny of several senior government positions whose function varies from nation to nation.
PeopleSecretary of StateEnglishnounThe chief clerk of a U.S. state.
PeopleairíIrishnounattribute, characteristic, propertymasculine
PeopleairíIrishnounplenty (of)feminine
PeopleairíIrishnoundesert (that which is deserved or merited)feminine
PeopleairíIrishnoundeserving personfeminine
PeopleairíIrishnounplural of aire (“government minister”)form-of masculine plural
PeopleairíIrishadjinflection of aireach: / genitive singular femininefeminine form-of genitive singular
PeopleairíIrishadjinflection of aireach: / comparative degreecomparative form-of
Peopleall-rounderEnglishnounA versatile person, able to do many things well; used especially in reference to being good at various sports.British
Peopleall-rounderEnglishnounA player who is skilled in both batting and bowling.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
Peopleall-rounderEnglishnounA shirt collar going all round the neck and meeting in front.archaic
PeoplearcherEnglishnounOne who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow.
PeoplearcherEnglishnounThe bishop in chess.historical obsolete
PeoplearcherEnglishadjcomparative form of arch: more archcomparative form-of
PeoplebristlerEnglishnounSomeone or something that bristles.
PeoplebristlerEnglishnounA bristled pig.informal
PeoplebristlerEnglishnounA conman.obsolete
PeoplebristlerEnglishnounA person of low social class.derogatory obsolete
PeoplebristlerEnglishnounA soldier who is part of a company that carries pikes.obsolete slang
PeoplecautivoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cautivarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Peoplechrome domeEnglishnounA bald head; a person who is bald.idiomatic offensive
Peoplechrome domeEnglishnounA haircut in which the hair is clipped extremely close to the scalp.government military politics warUS
PeopleclubberEnglishnounOne who partakes in clubbing: one who frequents nightclubs.
PeopleclubberEnglishnounOne who clubs, who hits objects with a club.
Peopleconcern trollEnglishnounSomeone who posts to an internet forum or newsgroup, claiming to share its goals while deliberately working against those goals, typically, by claiming "concern" about group plans to engage in productive activity, urging members instead to attempt some activity that would damage the group's credibility, or alternatively to give up on group projects entirely.Internet
Peopleconcern trollEnglishverbTo troll as a concern troll would.intransitive transitive
PeoplecontemnorEnglishnounA party who commits or is held in contempt of
PeoplecontemnorEnglishnounA party who commits or is held in contempt of Parliament.government parliamentary-procedure
PeopleconvulsionistEnglishnounOne who has convulsions.
PeopleconvulsionistEnglishnounOne who has convulsions. / One of a group of eighteenth-century fanatics in France who went into convulsions under the influence of religious emotion.historical
PeopledeyEnglishnounA servant who has charge of the dairy; a dairymaid.Scotland UK dialectal
PeopledeyEnglishnounThe ruler of the Regency of Algiers (now Algeria) under the Ottoman Empire.historical
PeopledeyEnglishpronPronunciation spelling of they, representing dialects with th-stopping in English.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
PeopledeyEnglishpronPronunciation spelling of there, representing African American Vernacular English or Caribbean English.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
PeopledeyEnglishintjA familiar term of address conveying extra emphasis at the end of sentences.Malaysia Singapore rare slang
PeoplediyabetikoTagalognoundiabetic person
PeopledjinWalloonnounpeople, personmasculine
PeopledjinWalloonnounhuman being,masculine
PeopleelskerDanishverbpresent of elskeform-of present
PeoplefreestylowiecPolishnounfreestyle sport competitorhobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial masculine person
PeoplefreestylowiecPolishnounrapper who freestylesentertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial masculine person
PeoplegwiazdaPolishnounstar (luminous celestial body)feminine
PeoplegwiazdaPolishnounstar (celebrity)feminine figuratively
PeoplegwiazdaPolishnouncartwheel (gymnastic maneuver)gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
PeoplehyklerNorwegian Bokmålnouna hypocritemasculine
PeoplehyklerNorwegian Bokmålverbpresent of hykleform-of present
PeoplejanitorEnglishnounSomeone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a public building.US
PeoplejanitorEnglishnounSomeone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a public building. / A caretaker or custodian; someone who maintains a school building specifically and may serve other administrative roles.Hong-Kong Scotland US
PeoplejanitorEnglishnounA doorman.
PeoplejanitorEnglishnounA moderator for a discussion forum.Internet derogatory sometimes
PeoplemalaPortuguesenounluggagelifestyle tourism transport travelfeminine
PeoplemalaPortuguesenounboot, trunkautomotive transport vehiclesfeminine
PeoplemalaPortuguesenounhandbagPortugal feminine
PeoplemalaPortuguesenounan irritating personBrazil by-personal-gender feminine idiomatic masculine
PeoplenonminorEnglishadjNot minor; significant.not-comparable
PeoplenonminorEnglishnounOne who is not a minor, who has reached the age of majority.
PeoplesacramentarianEnglishnounSomeone who holds that the presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist is purely metaphorical rather than physical or religion theology
PeoplesacramentarianEnglishnounOne who holds a high or extreme view of the efficacy of the religion
PeoplesacramentarianEnglishadjRelating to, or holding, such views.
Peoplesalad dodgerEnglishnounAn overweight person.derogatory informal
Peoplesalad dodgerEnglishnounOne who does not normally eat salad.informal
PeoplespeederEnglishnounOne who speeds, or exceeds the maximum legal speed limit.
PeoplespeederEnglishnounA machine for drawing and twisting slivers to form rovings, in spinning.dated
PeoplespeederEnglishnounA motorized railroad track crew cart.rail-transport railways transport
PeoplespeederEnglishnounA fast worker selected by a company to exemplify the rate of work generally expected; a pacesetter.
PeopletapadoraCatalannounlid, coverfeminine
PeopletapadoraCatalannounaccomplice, fencefeminine
PeopletonsorLatinnounbarber, a person who cuts hair professionally, particularly for men.declension-3
PeopletonsorLatinnoungardener, a person who prunes and trims plants professionally.declension-3
PeopleświrkPolishnounAlternative form of świerk (“spruce”)alt-of alternative dialectal inanimate masculine obsolete
PeopleświrkPolishnounAlternative form of świerszcz (“cricket”)alt-of alternative animal-not-person dialectal masculine
PeopleświrkPolishnounAlternative form of świr (“crazy person”)Lviv alt-of alternative animal-not-person masculine
PeopleαναλφάβητοςGreekadjilliterate person
PeopleαναλφάβητοςGreeknounilliterate person
PeopleредискаRussiannounradish (plant or vegetable)
PeopleредискаRussiannounturd, asshole, twithumorous slang
PeopleستSouth Levantine Arabicnounlady, woman
PeopleستSouth Levantine Arabicnoungrandmother
PeopleستSouth Levantine Arabicnumconstruct state of ستة (sitte)construct form-of
PeopleܐܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjselfish, egoist, egotistical
PeopleܐܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounegoist
PeopleकाकाHindinounany older male
PeopleकाकाHindinounpaternal uncle
PeopleपुरुषSanskritnounman, male, human being
PeopleपुरुषSanskritnounperson, officer, functionary, attendant, servant
PeopleपुरुषSanskritnounPurusha, the divine being from whom the universe is said to be originatedlifestyle religionVedic
PeopleประธานThainounchief; lord; master; leader; head; president; chairperson.
PeopleประธานThainounfourfold effort: / สังวรประธาน (sǎng-wá-rá-bprà-taan), the effort to prevent the arising of evil intentions which have not yet arisen;Buddhism lifestyle religion
PeopleประธานThainounfourfold effort: / ปหานประธาน (bpà-hǎa-ná-bprà-taan), the effort to abandon the evil intentions which have arisen;Buddhism lifestyle religion
PeopleประธานThainounfourfold effort: / ภาวนาประธาน (paa-wá-naa-bprà-taan), the effort to encourage the arising of good intentions which have not yet arisen;Buddhism lifestyle religion
PeopleประธานThainounfourfold effort: / อนุรักขนาประธาน (à-nú-rák-kà-naa-bprà-taan), the effort to maintain the good intentions which have arisen.Buddhism lifestyle religion
PeopleประธานThainounsubject.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeopleประธานThaiadjchief; leading; presiding; principal; main.formal
People紳士Chinesenoungentleman; gentry
People紳士Chinesenoun(male) pervertACG video-gamesInternet ironic
People紳士Chineseadjgentlemanly; courteousinformal
People行商Chinesenounitinerant trader; travelling merchant; pedlar
People行商Chineseverbto engage in commercial activities; to do business; to trade
Percoid fishmusinoItaliannoundiminutive of musodiminutive form-of masculine
Percoid fishmusinoItaliannouna pretty face, especially a female onemasculine
Percoid fishmusinoItaliannounSynonym of verzelatomasculine
Percoid fishmusinoItalianverbinflection of musare: / third-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present subjunctive third-person
Percoid fishmusinoItalianverbinflection of musare: / third-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural third-person
Percoid fishsapsapCebuanonounshortnose ponyfish (Leiognathus brevirostris)
Percoid fishsapsapCebuanoverbto whittle
Percussion instrumentstambourinEnglishnounObsolete form of tambourine (percussion instrument)alt-of obsolete
Percussion instrumentstambourinEnglishnounAn old lively Provençal dance, common on the stage.obsolete
PeriodicalsblaskaSwedishverbmake a fool of oneselfFinland informal reflexive
PeriodicalsblaskaSwedishnounrag (low-quality newspaper)common-gender derogatory informal
PeriodicalsսյունակArmeniannouncolumn (of a table)
PeriodicalsսյունակArmeniannouncolumn (of a periodical)
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannameBahman, the eleventh month of the solar Persian calendar
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannameName of the second day of any month of the solar Persian calendar
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannamea male given name, Bahman
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannounavalanche
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / white behen (Centaurea behen)
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / red behen (Limonium vulgare)
Persian monthsبهمنPersiannouncommon awn-grass (Stipa capensis)
PersonalityattendrissantFrenchverbpresent participle of attendrirform-of participle present
PersonalitybarwiściePolishadvcolorfully (in a way possessing prominent and varied colors)
PersonalitybarwiściePolishadvcolorfully (interestingly, multifacetedly, energeticly, distinctively)figuratively
PersonalitycheerfulEnglishadjNoticeably happy and optimistic.
PersonalitycheerfulEnglishadjBright and pleasant.
PersonalitygalantFrenchverbpresent participle of galerform-of participle present
PersonalitygalantFrenchadjgallant, courteous, gentlemanly
PersonalitygalantFrenchadjflirtatious, amorous; racy
PersonalitygalantFrenchnounsuitor, admirerarchaic humorous masculine
PersonalityhédonisteFrenchnounhedonistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PersonalityjoliFrenchadjpretty; cute
PersonalityjoliFrenchadjjolly, nice, pleasant, agreeableLouisiana
PersonalityspendthriftEnglishadjImprovident, profligate, or wasteful.
PersonalityspendthriftEnglishadjExtravagant or lavish.
PersonalityspendthriftEnglishnounSomeone who spends money improvidently or wastefully.
PersonalityspendthriftEnglishnounAnything that distributes its attributes profusely, without restraint.figuratively
Petroleum紅油Chinesenounchili oilMandarin dialectal
Petroleum紅油Chinesenounundutied diesel for industrial or shipping purposes (which is marked with red dye)Hong-Kong
Petroleum紅油Chinesenounred paint, especially as a tool of vandalismCantonese
Pezizales order fungitruffleEnglishnounAny of various edible fungi, of the genus Tuber, that grow in the soil in southern Europe; the earthnut.
Pezizales order fungitruffleEnglishnounEllipsis of chocolate truffle (“creamy chocolate confection, in the form of a ball, covered with cocoa powder”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
PhiliasclinophiliaEnglishnounThe love of beds.uncountable
PhiliasclinophiliaEnglishnounThe love of going to bed.uncountable
PhiliasclinophiliaEnglishnounIn psychiatry: Tendency to maintain a reclining position.uncountable
PhiliasclinophiliaEnglishnounsomnephilia (the love of going to sleep and/or dream)uncountable
PhilosophyCyrenianEnglishadjOf or related to Cyrene.historical
PhilosophyCyrenianEnglishadjSynonym of Cyrenaic, of or related to Cyrenaicism.historical
PhilosophyCyrenianEnglishadjSynonym of Cyrenaican, of or related to Cyrenaica.historical
PhilosophyCyrenianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Cyrene.historical
PhilosophyCyrenianEnglishnounSynonym of Cyrenaic, an adherent of Cyrenaicism.historical
PhilosophyCyrenianEnglishnounSynonym of Cyrenaican, a native or inhabitant of Cyrenaica.historical
PhilosophyanyoTagalognounform; shape; figure
PhilosophyanyoTagalognounlikeness; appearance
PhilosophyanyoTagalognouncondition; situation
PhilosophyanyoTagalognoungesture (of the body); manner of acting
PhilosophyanyoTagalognounform (primary essence or nature of things)human-sciences philosophy sciences
PhilosophyanyoTagalognounyear (used in certain expressions)
PhoeniciaEuropaSpanishnameEurope (the portion of Eurasia west of the Urals, traditionally considered a continent in its own right, located north of Africa, west of Asia and east of the Atlantic Ocean)feminine
PhoeniciaEuropaSpanishnameEuropa (large moon of Jupiter)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
PhoeniciaEuropaSpanishnameEuropa (asteroid)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
PhoeniciaEuropaSpanishnameEuropa (woman seduced by Zeus)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
PhoneticsfonéticaSpanishnounphoneticsfeminine uncountable
PhoneticsfonéticaSpanishadjfeminine singular of fonéticofeminine form-of singular
PhysicsdesplaçarCatalanverbto displacetransitive
PhysicsdesplaçarCatalanverbto relocate, move awayintransitive pronominal
PhysicsdesplaçarCatalanverbto scrollcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencespronominal
PigssvinNorwegian Nynorsknounpig, hog, swine (member of family Suidae)neuter
PigssvinNorwegian Nynorsknounpork (pig meat)neuter uncountable
PigssvinNorwegian Nynorsknouna despicable person, often in reference to their literal or figurative uncleanlinessderogatory neuter vulgar
PinnipedscielęPolishnouncalf (young bovine)neuter
PinnipedscielęPolishnounyoung of certain other mammals (some cervids, cetaceans, pinnipeds, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, hippopotami, camels)neuter
PinnipedscielęPolishnouna slow-witted person; a dimwit; a doltneuter
PinnipedscielęPolishverbfirst-person singular present of cielićfirst-person form-of present singular
Pipits and wagtailscalandroItaliannountawny pipitmasculine
Pipits and wagtailscalandroItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of calandrarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PlacesskansenPolishnounopen-air museuminanimate masculine
PlacesskansenPolishnounjerkwater town, one-horse town, backwatercolloquial inanimate masculine
PlacesఇరుగుTelugunounnearness, the neighbourhood
PlacesఇరుగుTeluguadjneighbouring, near, adjoining
Places in AustraliaCaisteal NuadhScottish GaelicnameNewcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (a large city and metropolitan borough of Tyne and Wear, in northeastern England)
Places in AustraliaCaisteal NuadhScottish GaelicnameNewcastle (a large city in New South Wales, Australia)
Places in BelgiumLysEnglishnameA river in Hauts-de-France, France and Belgium, and a left tributary of the Scheldt at Gent. This is the French spelling: the Dutch and German spelling is Leie.
Places in BelgiumLysEnglishnameA commune in Nièvre department, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.
Places in BelgiumLysEnglishnameA commune in Pyrénées-Atlantiques department, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
Places in ChinaKuaijiEnglishnameA mountain near Shaoxing, Zhejiang, in China legendarily associated with Yu the Great.
Places in ChinaKuaijiEnglishnameA former Chinese commandery located around Hangzhou Bay.historical
Places in ChinaKuaijiEnglishnameA former name of Suzhou and Shaoxing, held during their time as capital of the commandery.historical
Places in ChinaKuaijiEnglishnameA former Chinese county around Shaoxing.historical
Places in EnglandWrekinEnglishnameA large hill and local landmark in Shropshire, England.
Places in EnglandWrekinEnglishnameFormer name of Telford and Wrekin (“local government district in Shropshire”), renamed in 1998.
Places in ItalyHerculaneumLatinnameHerculaneum (former city in Campania)declension-2
Places in ItalyHerculaneumLatinnameHerculaneum (former city in Samnium)declension-2
Places of worshiporatoryEnglishnounA private chapel or prayer room.
Places of worshiporatoryEnglishnounA Roman Catholic chapel; a building for public or private worship that is not a parish church.
Places of worshiporatoryEnglishnounA Catholic church belonging to the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri.specifically
Places of worshiporatoryEnglishnounThe art of public speaking, especially in a formal, expressive, or forceful manner.uncountable
Places of worshiporatoryEnglishnounEloquence; the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing.uncountable
Places of worshiptampeļMarshallesenouna temple
Places of worshiptampeļMarshallesenounan altar
PlanetologyatmosferaPolishnounatmosphere (the gases surrounding the Earth or any astronomical body)feminine
PlanetologyatmosferaPolishnounatmosphere (the apparent mood felt in an environment)feminine figuratively
PlanetologyatmosferaPolishnounatmosphere (a unit of measurement for pressure equal to 101325 Pa (symbol: atm), approximately the atmospheric pressure at sea level)feminine
Planets of the Solar SystemϩⲣⲙⲏⲥCopticnameHermes, the greek god of roads, athletes, journeys, thieves, trickery, commerce and herding. He is the son of Zeus and Maia.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesBohairic Fayyumic Greek Sahidic
Planets of the Solar SystemϩⲣⲙⲏⲥCopticnamethe planet Mercury.astronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemՅուպիտերArmeniannameJupiterhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesEastern-Armenian Roman
Planets of the Solar SystemՅուպիտերArmeniannameJupiter (planet)Eastern-Armenian
Planets of the Solar SystemՆեպտունArmeniannameNeptunehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesEastern-Armenian Roman
Planets of the Solar SystemՆեպտունArmeniannameNeptune (planet)Eastern-Armenian
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounThe soft, spongy substance inside plant parts; specifically, the parenchyma in the centre of the roots and stems of many plants and trees.biology botany natural-sciencesuncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounThe albedo (“whitish inner portion of the rind”) of a citrus fruit.biology botany natural-sciencesuncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounSenses relating to humans and animals. / The soft tissue inside a human or animal body or one of their organs; specifically, the spongy interior substance of a horn or the shaft of a feather.broadly uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounSenses relating to humans and animals. / Chiefly of animals: the soft tissue inside a spinal cord; the spinal marrow; also, the spinal cord itself.broadly uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounSenses relating to humans and animals. / Synonym of diploe (“the thin layer of soft, spongy, or cancellate tissue between the bone plates which constitute the skull”)broadly obsolete uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounSenses relating to humans and animals. / The soft tissue of the brain.broadly obsolete rare uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounThe soft inner portion of a loaf of bread.Ireland Southern-England West-Country broadly uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounThe central or innermost part of something; the core, the heart.figuratively uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounThe essential or vital part of something; the essence.figuratively uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounPhysical power or strength; force, might.figuratively uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounA quality of courage and endurance; backbone, mettle, spine.figuratively uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounThe energy, force, or power of speech or writing; specifically, such force or power due to conciseness; punch, punchiness.figuratively uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounChiefly in of (great) pith and moment: gravity, importance, substance, weight.figuratively uncountable usually
Plant anatomypithEnglishverbTo render insensate or kill (an animal, especially cattle or a laboratory animal) by cutting, piercing, or otherwise destroying the spinal cord.transitive
Plant anatomypithEnglishverbTo extract the pith from (something or (figurative) someone).transitive
Plant anatomypithEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number pi (π; approximately 3.14159…).mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
Plant anatomypithEnglishnounOne divided by pi, that is, 1/π (approximately 0.31831…).mathematics sciences
PlantsyebeWalloonnounpasture, prairiefeminine
Plants𐀞𐀒𐀸Mycenaean Greeknounsage
Plants𐀞𐀒𐀸Mycenaean Greeknounsalvia
Plot devicesMacGuffinEnglishnounA plot element or other device used to catch the audience's attention and maintain suspense, but whose exact nature has fairly little influence over the storyline.human-sciences linguistics narratology sciences
Plot devicesMacGuffinEnglishnameA surname.
Podocarpus family plantsfern pineEnglishnounAn evergreen tree or shrub native to Africa, with long and narrow leaves, Afrocarpus gracilior (formerly Podocarpus gracilior), widely grown for its attractive foliage.
Podocarpus family plantsfern pineEnglishnounAny plant now or formerly in the genus Podocarpus.
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounpoison, venomsingular singular-only
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounblood poisoningsingular singular-only
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounberiberimedicine pathology sciencessingular singular-only
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounoedema, dropsymedicine pathology sciencessingular singular-only
PolandnalewkaPolishnounnalewka, nastoyka, alcoholate (Polish alcoholic infusion of herbs and/or fruit, consumed as a strong liqueur)feminine
PolandnalewkaPolishnountincture (alcoholic infusion used as medicine)medicine sciencesfeminine
PolandnalewkaPolishnounreservoir, poolfeminine in-plural obsolete
Polish ordinal numberstrzeciPolishadjthirdnot-comparable
Polish ordinal numberstrzeciPolishadjthird (indirect)not-comparable
Polish ordinal numberstrzeciPolishnoundenotes third day of the month; the third
Polish ordinal numberstrzeciPolishnounthird (person or thing in the third position)inanimate masculine
PoliticsมุขมนตรีThainounmember of an advisory body of the state, usually being senior public officer or senior Brahmin priest.historical
PoliticsมุขมนตรีThainounsuch advisory body.historical
Pome fruitshruškaSlovaknounpearfeminine
Pome fruitshruškaSlovaknounpear treefeminine
PostcyfarwyddiadWelshnoundirection, instruction, guidance, advice; recipe, prescriptionmasculine
Postpostage stampEnglishnounA small piece of printed paper stuck on an item to be mailed, indicating that postage has been paid.
Postpostage stampEnglishnounA very small area.colloquial figuratively
Postpostage stampEnglishnounThe upper left- or right-hand corner of the goal.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsslang
Potatoes山藥ChinesenounChinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya)
Potatoes山藥Chinesenounsweet potatoMandarin dialectal
Potatoes山藥ChinesenounpotatoJin Mandarin dialectal
PoultrygâscăRomaniannoungoose (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae)feminine
PoultrygâscăRomaniannoungoose (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae) / female goosefeminine specifically
PoultrygâscăRomaniannoungoose (stupid person, especially a woman)derogatory feminine figuratively
Prefectures of China伊犁ChinesenameIli (river)
Prefectures of China伊犁Chinesename(historical) Ili (a former prefecture of Xinjiang, China)
Prefectures of China伊犁ChinesenameIli (a Kazakh autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang, China)
PregnancyporonieniePolishnounverbal noun of poronićform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
PregnancyporonieniePolishnounmiscarriage (natural termination of pregnancy)countable neuter
PrisoncelluleFrenchnouncellbiology natural-sciencesfeminine
PrisoncelluleFrenchnouncell (of prison)feminine
PrisoncelluleFrenchnouncellbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine
PrisoncelluleFrenchnouncellengineering natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physicsfeminine
PrisoncelluleFrenchnouncellgeometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
PrisoncelluleFrenchnountable cellcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
Procedural lawโจทก์Thainounplaintiff.
Procedural lawโจทก์Thainounprosecutor; prosecuting party.
ProstitutionjazzEnglishnounA musical art form rooted in West African cultural and musical expression and in the African American blues tradition, with diverse influences over time, commonly characterized by blue notes, syncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms and improvisation.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable usually
ProstitutionjazzEnglishnounEnergy, excitement, excitability.figuratively uncountable usually
ProstitutionjazzEnglishnounThe substance or makeup of a thing; unspecified thing(s).uncountable usually
ProstitutionjazzEnglishnounSomething of excellent quality, the genuine article.uncountable usually
ProstitutionjazzEnglishnounNonsense.uncountable usually
ProstitutionjazzEnglishnounSemen, jizz.slang uncountable usually
ProstitutionjazzEnglishnounA red-skinned variety of eating apple.uncountable usually
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo destroy; to ruin.slang
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo play (jazz music).
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo dance to the tunes of jazz music.
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo enliven, brighten up, make more colourful or exciting.
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo complicate.slang
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo have sex for money, to prostitute oneself.US dated intransitive slang
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo move (around/about) in a lively or frivolous manner; to fool around.intransitive slang
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo distract or pester.slang transitive
ProstitutionjazzEnglishverbTo ejaculate.slang
ProstitutionprostitutionEnglishnounEngaging in sexual activity with another person for pay.uncountable usually
ProstitutionprostitutionEnglishnounEngaging in sexual activity with another person in exchange for goods (not necessarily money) or services.broadly uncountable usually
ProstitutionprostitutionEnglishnounDebasement for profit or impure motives.broadly uncountable usually
ProstitutiontrampEnglishnounA homeless person; a vagabond.derogatory sometimes
ProstitutiontrampEnglishnounA disreputable, promiscuous woman; a slut.derogatory
ProstitutiontrampEnglishnounAny ship which does not have a fixed schedule or published ports of call.
ProstitutiontrampEnglishnounA long walk, possibly of more than one day, in a scenic or wilderness area.Australia New-Zealand
ProstitutiontrampEnglishnounClipping of trampoline, especially a very small one.abbreviation alt-of clipping
ProstitutiontrampEnglishnounOf objects, stray, intrusive and unwanted.
ProstitutiontrampEnglishnounA metal plate worn by diggers under the hollow of the foot to save the shoe.
ProstitutiontrampEnglishverbTo walk with heavy footsteps.
ProstitutiontrampEnglishverbTo walk for a long time (usually through difficult terrain).
ProstitutiontrampEnglishverbTo hitchhike.
ProstitutiontrampEnglishverbTo tread upon forcibly and repeatedly; to trample.transitive
ProstitutiontrampEnglishverbTo travel or wander through.transitive
ProstitutiontrampEnglishverbTo cleanse, as clothes, by treading upon them in water.Scotland transitive
ProstitutiontrampEnglishverbTo scram; begone.colloquial intransitive
Proteales order plantsblue lotusEnglishnounA lily-like aquatic flower growing in Asia and North Africa, Nymphaea caerulea, revered by the Ancient Egyptians.
Proteales order plantsblue lotusEnglishnounNymphaea nouchali, an aquatic flower native to the Indian subcontinent.
Proteales order plantsblue lotusEnglishnounA perennial aquatic flower native to tropical Asia and Queensland, Australia, Nelumbo nucifera, having attractive flowers and sometimes used in food.
Provinces of China호남Koreannamethe Honam region of South Korea
Provinces of China호남KoreannameHunan
Provinces of IranمازندرانPersiannameTabaristan, Tapuria
Provinces of IranمازندرانPersiannameMazandaran (a land mentioned in Shahnameh and Avesta) / Mazandaran (A northern province of Iran)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesIranian
Provinces of IranمازندرانPersiannameMazandaran (a land mentioned in Shahnameh and Avesta)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesIranian
Provincial capitalsبصرهOttoman TurkishnameBasra (a port city in Iraq; former capital of Basra)
Provincial capitalsبصرهOttoman TurkishnameBasra (an eyalet in the Ottoman Empire)historical
Prunus genus plantsblackthornEnglishnounA large shrub or small tree, Prunus spinosa, that is native to Europe, western Asia, and north Africa. It has a dark bark and bears thorns.
Prunus genus plantsblackthornEnglishnounA stick or staff taken from this tree.
Prunus genus plantstrešnėLithuaniannounsweet cherry (plant of Prunus avium)
Prunus genus plantstrešnėLithuaniannounsweet cherry (fruit of Prunus avium)
Prunus genus plantsمحلبArabicnounmilking place
Prunus genus plantsمحلبArabicnounPrunus mahaleb
PsychologyvitFaroesenounintelligenceneuter uncountable
PsychologyvitFaroesenounconsciousnessneuter uncountable
PublishingUmschlagGermannounenvelopemasculine strong
PublishingUmschlagGermannounwrapper, cover of a book, dust jacketmasculine strong
PublishingUmschlagGermannouncompressmedicine sciencesmasculine strong
PublishingUmschlagGermannounturnovereconomics sciencesmasculine strong
PublishingUmschlagGermannountransloading, handlingmasculine strong
PurplesporpraCatalanadjpurpuregovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsinvariable
PurplesporpraCatalannounannual mullein (Verbascum boerhavii)feminine
Qur'anQurayshEnglishnounAn ancient Bedouin tribe that controlled Mecca at the time of Muhammad.plural plural-only
Qur'anQurayshEnglishnameThe 106th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an, named after the aforementioned tribe.
RacismbantustanPolishnounbantustan (any of ten former territories defined as homelands for black South Africans under apartheid policy)historical inanimate masculine
RacismbantustanPolishnounbantustan (political entity reminiscent of the old apartheid-era territories of the same name)government politicsderogatory inanimate masculine
RacismquadroonEnglishnounA person considered three-fourths white, having one non-white grandparent.dated historical
RacismquadroonEnglishadjOf or related to quadroons.dated historical not-comparable
Racism種族滅絕Chinesenounethnic cleansing
RadioactivityprimordialEnglishadjFirst, earliest or original.not-comparable
RadioactivityprimordialEnglishadjCharacteristic of the earliest stage of the development of an organism, or relating to a primordium.biology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
RadioactivityprimordialEnglishadjOf an element or isotope: occurring primordially (on Earth) (i.e. inherited from when the Earth was formed); because it is stable, or radioactive but so long-lived that some is left over from when the Earth was formed. For example, primordial radioisotopes (T = half-life in years) include uranium-235 (T = 7×10⁸), potassium-40 (T = 1.25×10⁹), uranium-238 (T = 4.5×10⁹), and thorium-232 (T = 1.4×10¹⁰).not-comparable
RadioactivityprimordialEnglishnounA first principle or element.
Rail transportationvagonoEsperantonouncoach, carriage, wagon
Rail transportationvagonoEsperantonouncar (of a train)
RainchlapaPolishnounrainy weatherfeminine
RainchlapaPolishnounslush (half-melted snow or ice)feminine
RainchlapaPolishnounSynonym of wódkafeminine humorous
RainmotregenDutchnoundrizzle (light rain)masculine
RainmotregenDutchverbinflection of motregenen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
RainmotregenDutchverbinflection of motregenen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
RainmotregenDutchverbinflection of motregenen: / imperativeform-of imperative
RainsilampaSpanishnounAlternative form of cilampa (“drizzle”)alt-of alternative feminine
RainsilampaSpanishnounA wandering female ghost.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesPanama feminine
RainsilampaSpanishnounA tall skinny person.Panama colloquial feminine
RedsgarnetEnglishnounA hard transparent mineral that is often used as gemstones and abrasives.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
RedsgarnetEnglishnounA dark red color, like that of the gemstone.countable uncountable
RedsgarnetEnglishadjOf a dark red colour.
RedsgarnetEnglishnounA tackle for hoisting cargo in or out of a vessel.nautical transport
RedsgarnetEnglishverbTo shred (twisted wool fiber, rags, etc.) so that it can be reused.transitive
RedsకెంపుTelugunounA ruby.
RedsకెంపుTelugunounA deep ruby red colour.
RedsకెంపుTelugunounwine, liquor
RedsకెంపుTelugunounred stripe disease (a disease affecting rice crops)
Reference worksatlasPolishnounatlas (bound collection of maps)inanimate masculine
Reference worksatlasPolishnounatlas (bound collection of maps)inanimate masculine
Reference worksatlasPolishnounatlas (figure of a man used as a column)architectureinanimate masculine
Reference worksatlasPolishnounatlas (the uppermost vertebra of the neck)anatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
Regions of GreeceCreteEnglishnameAn island in the Mediterranean, and the largest in Greece.
Regions of GreeceCreteEnglishnameOne of the thirteen peripheries of Greece, consisting of Chania, Iraklion, Lasithi and Rethymno.
Regions of GreeceCreteEnglishnounA Cretan.archaic
ReligioncrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo be bent; to curve: / To twist; to curve multiple times.
ReligioncrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo be bent; to curve: / To become crippled or distorted.
ReligioncrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo make bent; to crook: / To bow or genuflect.
ReligioncrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo make bent; to crook: / To cripple; to disfigure.rare
ReligioncrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo religiously err; to fall into sin.
ReligioncrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo cause to fall into sin.
ReligioncrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo discuss misleadingly.rare
ReligionhrišćanskiSerbo-CroatianadjChristianBosnia Serbia
ReligionhrišćanskiSerbo-CroatianadvChristianlyBosnia Serbia
ReligionpriestEnglishnounA religious clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson) who is trained to perform services or sacrifices at a church or temple.
ReligionpriestEnglishnounA blunt tool, used for quickly stunning and killing fish.
ReligionpriestEnglishnounThe highest office in the Aaronic priesthood.Mormonism
ReligionpriestEnglishverbTo ordain as a priest.transitive
ReligionreligijnośćPolishnounreligiosity, religiousness (state of having a relation to religion)feminine
ReligionreligijnośćPolishnounreligiosity, religiousness (quality of being religious)feminine
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To rescue from danger or death, or effort.intransitive transitive
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To protect from danger; to safeguard.intransitive transitive
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To deliver from eternal religionintransitive transitive
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To preserve or maintain; to keep intact.intransitive transitive
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To securely keep or lock away (goods or a person)intransitive transitive
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To save (store away or conserve).intransitive transitive
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo adhere to a regulation, agreement or dictate.
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo heal or better; to improve health, emotions, or morals.
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo recover or get back; to have restored.rare
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishverbTo store or accumulate; to be filled with.rare
ReligionsavenMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of savynealt-of alternative
Religion無神Chineseadjsoulless; lacking feelings
ReptilesܐܢܦܐClassical Syriacnounkind of bird: hoopoe; large eagle or vulture
ReptilesܐܢܦܐClassical Syriacnounchameleon
ReptilesܐܢܦܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative form of ܐܦܐalt-of alternative archaic
RestaurantsbialannIrishnouncanteen, mess hall; diner, restaurantfeminine
RiversAenusLatinnameA river of Noricum and tributary river of the Danube, called Inn in Germandeclension-2 masculine singular
RiversAenusLatinnamea city of Thrace situated near the mouth of the river Hebrusdeclension-2 feminine singular
Rivers in CanadaNithEnglishnameThe River Nith, a river in south-west Scotland, mainly in Dumfries and Galloway council area.
Rivers in CanadaNithEnglishnameThe Nith River in south-western Ontario, Canada
Rivers in FranceMoselleEnglishnameA river flowing from France into the Rhine at Koblenz (western Germany).
Rivers in FranceMoselleEnglishnameOne of the départements in Grand Est, France.
Rivers in FranceMoselleEnglishnounA light white wine, made from Riesling grapes originating in the valley of this river.countable uncountable
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA river of England and Wales that flows into the Bristol Channel.
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA long river in northern Ontario which flows into Hudson Bay.
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA short river in central Ontario which flows into Lake Huron.
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA number of other rivers in Australia, New Zealand and the United States.
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA township in Ontario, Canada, created in 1994 on the amalgamation of several smaller communities.
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA census-designated place in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States.
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA small town in Northampton County, North Carolina, United States.
Rivers in WalesSevernEnglishnameA surname.
RoadsdráhaCzechnountrack (for a race or exercise)feminine
RoadsdráhaCzechnounlane (a division of a racetrack)feminine
RoadsdráhaCzechnounrailway (a transport system), railroad (the transportation system)feminine
Roads車路ChinesenounhighwayQuanzhou Tong'an Xiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Roads車路Chinesenounpaved road; streetTaiwanese-Hokkien
RodentsdabarSerbo-Croatiannounvalley, basin, abyssdated regional
RodentsgalapagosinhiiruFinnishnounGalápagos mouse (mouse of the genus Nesoryzomys, native to Galápagos Islands)
RodentsgalapagosinhiiruFinnishnounindefatigable Galápagos mouse, Nesoryzomys indefessus
Roman deitiesIunoLatinnameJuno, queen of the gods, patron of rulers and childbirth, equivalent to the Greek Hera.human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciencesRoman declension-3
Roman deitiesIunoLatinnameJuno, a Main Belt asteroid.New-Latin declension-3
RoofingsklepieniePolishnounverbal noun of sklepićform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
RoofingsklepieniePolishnounvault (roof in the form of an arch or a series of arches)countable neuter
RoofingsklepieniePolishnounfornix (bundle of nerve fibers in the brain)countable neuter
RoomssolariumEnglishnounA room, rooftop, balcony, or terrace, used for its abundant sunlight (especially) when used as a medical treatment.Canada US
RoomssolariumEnglishnounSynonym of tanning salon, a room or business used for its sunlamps or tanning beds.UK
RoomssolariumEnglishnounAn earthen structure constructed by certain ants for the purpose of brood incubation.
RoomssolariumEnglishnounSynonym of sundial.archaic
RoomsܬܘܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounroom (division in a building)
RoomsܬܘܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbedroom, chamber
RoomsܬܘܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncardiac ventricleanatomy medicine sciences
Roomsအခန်းBurmesenounroom, compartment, apartment (of a building)
Roomsအခန်းBurmesenounchapter (of a book); scene or part in a drama or film
Roomsအခန်းBurmesenounsegment of a monk's robe which is patched together from several pieces as prescribed
Rooms暗室Chinesenoundarkroomarts hobbies lifestyle photography
Rooms暗室Chinesenoundark placeliterary
Rue family plantsबेलMarathinounbael fruit tree (Aegle marmelos)
Rue family plantsबेलMarathinounbael leaf
Rue family plantsबेलMarathinounbael fruit, Bengal quince
RussiamoscovitaSpanishadjMuscovitefeminine masculine
RussiamoscovitaSpanishnounMuscoviteby-personal-gender feminine masculine
RussiamoscovitaSpanishnounmuscovitechemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
RussiamoscovitaSpanishnouna type of chocolate biscuitfeminine
Russian fractional numbersпятаяRussianadjfeminine singular nominative of пя́тый (pjátyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
Russian fractional numbersпятаяRussiannounfifth (one of five equal parts of a whole)
SI unitsグラムJapanesenoungram (unit of mass)
SI unitsグラムJapanesecountergram (unit of mass)
Sapote family plantsbully treeEnglishnounAny of several West Indian trees of the family Sapotaceae of tropical trees that yield a milky sap. / Sideroxylon spp.
Sapote family plantsbully treeEnglishnounAny of several West Indian trees of the family Sapotaceae of tropical trees that yield a milky sap. / Manilkara bidentata (bulletwood),
Sapote family plantsbully treeEnglishnounAny of several West Indian trees of the family Sapotaceae of tropical trees that yield a milky sap. / Manilkara spectabilis,
Sapote family plantsbully treeEnglishnounAny of several West Indian trees of the family Sapotaceae of tropical trees that yield a milky sap. / Pouteria multiflora (broad-leaved lucuma)
Saxifragales order plantsmaksaruohoFinnishnounstonecrop; any plant of the genus Sedum
Saxifragales order plantsmaksaruohoFinnishnounthe genus Sedumin-plural
Saxifragales order plantswineberryEnglishnounThe grape (fruit of plants of the genus Vitis).obsolete poetic possibly
Saxifragales order plantswineberryEnglishnounThe plant Rubus phoenicolasius, the Japanese wineberry.
Saxifragales order plantswineberryEnglishnounIts edible fruit, resembling a raspberry.
Saxifragales order plantswineberryEnglishnounThe tree Aristotelia serrata, endemic to New Zealand, with broad rose-coloured leaves.
Saxifragales order plantswineberryEnglishnounIts edible fruit, a small black berry.
Saxifragales order plantswineberryEnglishnounThe red currant.UK obsolete
Seasonsback-endScotsadjRelating to the back end part of a hardware or software system.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To rescue from danger or death, or effort.intransitive transitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To protect from danger; to safeguard.intransitive transitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To deliver from eternal religionintransitive transitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To preserve or maintain; to keep intact.intransitive transitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To securely keep or lock away (goods or a person)intransitive transitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To save (store away or conserve).intransitive transitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo adhere to a regulation, agreement or dictate.
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo heal or better; to improve health, emotions, or morals.
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo recover or get back; to have restored.rare
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo store or accumulate; to be filled with.rare
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of savynealt-of alternative
SexπουτάναGreeknounwhore, hooker (prostitute)colloquial derogatory vulgar
SexπουτάναGreeknounwhore, bitch, slut, trollop (term for a woman)broadly colloquial derogatory offensive
Sex positionsNeunundsechzigGermannounsixty-nine (natural number)feminine
Sex positionsNeunundsechzigGermannounsixty-nine (oral sex position)feminine
Sex positionsNeunundsechzigGermannounA group of sixty-nine people.colloquial feminine
Shahnameh charactersبهمنPersiannameBahman, the eleventh month of the solar Persian calendar
Shahnameh charactersبهمنPersiannameName of the second day of any month of the solar Persian calendar
Shahnameh charactersبهمنPersiannamea male given name, Bahman
Shahnameh charactersبهمنPersiannounavalanche
Shahnameh charactersبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / white behen (Centaurea behen)
Shahnameh charactersبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / red behen (Limonium vulgare)
Shahnameh charactersبهمنPersiannouncommon awn-grass (Stipa capensis)
ShapesзвездаBulgariannounstar (celestial body)
ShapesзвездаBulgariannounstar (celebrity)
ShapesзвездаBulgariannounstargeometry mathematics sciences
ShapesמנסרהHebrewnounprism (geometric solid)
ShapesמנסרהHebrewnounprism (diffractor)
ShapesدايرةSouth Levantine Arabicnouncircle
ShapesدايرةSouth Levantine Arabicnoununit, office, department (of an institution)
Ship partskipaPolishnounlarge basketfeminine
Ship partskipaPolishnoundye vat (tank formerly used in the process of dyeing fabric)business manufacturing textilesfeminine
Ship partskipaPolishnounkippah, skullcap, yarmulke (cloth skullcap or yarmulke traditionally worn by male Jews)Judaism feminine
Ship partskipaPolishnoungrommet (piece of deck hardware on a watercraft equipped with an opening through which a soft rope is passed)nautical sailing transportfeminine
Ship partskipaPolishnounshipowner's unit of cotton cargo, equal to 453.59 kgfeminine
Ship partskipaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of kipaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
Ship partsἄτρακτοςAncient Greeknounspindle
Ship partsἄτρακτοςAncient Greeknounarrow
Ship partsἄτρακτοςAncient Greeknounupper part of a ship's mast
Ship partsἄτρακτοςAncient Greeknounspindle-shaped cauterymedicine sciences surgery
ShopshandelPolishnountrade (buying and selling of goods and services on a market)economics sciencesinanimate masculine
ShopshandelPolishnounsmall restaurant next to a wine storagearchaic inanimate masculine
ShopshandelPolishnounwarehouse (place for storing large amounts of products)inanimate masculine obsolete
ShopshandelPolishnounstreetside junk trader (person who trades in junk by the street)colloquial humorous inanimate masculine obsolete
ShopshandelPolishnounstore; standMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
ShopshandelPolishnouncommodity (that which is traded)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
ShopshandelPolishnountrade (making transactions, activity, conduct, occupation, profession; enterprise, business, matter)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
ShopsмагазинBulgariannounshop, store, market
ShopsмагазинBulgariannounmagazine (detachable ammunition holder enabling multiple rounds of ammunition to be fed to a gun)
ShopsмагазинBulgariannounhoney storehouse/storeroom
ShopsмагазинBulgariannounhopper, dispenser, stacker
ShrubsadieremoLuonounforest star (Mussaenda arcuata)
ShrubsadieremoLuonounspecies of the genus Erythrococca (Euphorbiaceae) / Erythrococca bongensis; tree or shrub
ShrubsadieremoLuonounspecies of the genus Erythrococca (Euphorbiaceae) / Erythrococca trichogyne shrub
SizesubstantialEnglishadjHaving a substance; actually existing.
SizesubstantialEnglishadjNot imaginary; real; actual; true; veritable.
SizesubstantialEnglishadjCorporeal; material; firm.
SizesubstantialEnglishadjHaving good substance; strong; stout; solid; firm.
SizesubstantialEnglishadjPossessed of goods or an estate; moderately wealthy.
SizesubstantialEnglishadjLarge in size, quantity, or value; ample; significant.
SizesubstantialEnglishadjMost important; essential.
SizesubstantialEnglishadjSatisfying; having sufficient substance to be nourishing or filling.
SizesubstantialEnglishnounAnything having substance; an essential part.
SizeთხითხუMingrelianadjthin, slim
SkinmjehurSerbo-Croatiannounbladderanatomy medicine sciences
SlavespeonTagalognounpawnboard-games chess games
SleepڈراؤنیUrduadjfeminine of ڈَراؤنا (ḍarāonā, “scary; terrifying”)feminine form-of indeclinable
SleepڈراؤنیUrdunouna nightmare – Clipping of ڈَراؤنی خْواب (ḍarāonī xvāb).
SlovakiasłowacczyznaPolishnounSlovak (language)feminine
SmellstinkbombEnglishnounA device that produces a burst of unpleasant odors.
SmellstinkbombEnglishnounAn explosion of unpleasant odors, such as rotten eggs or garbage.
SmellzapachPolishnounaroma, smell, fragranceinanimate masculine
SmellzapachPolishnounodour, stink, stenchinanimate masculine
SmellzapachPolishnounessential oil, flavoringcooking food lifestylecolloquial inanimate masculine
SmellzapachPolishnounperfumeinanimate masculine obsolete plural-normally
SmellароматизаторRussiannounaroma compound, odorant
SmellароматизаторRussiannounair freshener, deodorizer
SmellароматизаторRussiannounflavoring (food)
SnakesculebraSpanishnounsnake, serpent (legless reptile of the sub-order Serpentes)feminine
SnakesculebraSpanishnoun(colubrid) snake (snake in the family Colubridae, completely covered in scales and mostly nonvenomous)feminine specifically
SnakesculebraSpanishnouna small snakefeminine specifically
SnowбабаRussiannoungrandma, granny (short for ба́бушка (bábuška))childish
SnowбабаRussiannounold woman (short for ба́бушка (bábuška))archaic informal
SnowбабаRussiannoun(any) woman; countrywomanhistorical
SnowбабаRussiannounwoman, female, broad; countrywomancolloquial derogatory slang
SnowбабаRussiannounpeasant’s wife, peasant womanobsolete
SnowбабаRussiannounmilksop, old woman (weak man)derogatory
SnowбабаRussiannounram (of a pile driver)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
SnowбабаRussiannoundrop weightengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
SnowбабаRussiannounbaba (tall, cylindrical cake), bundt cake, Gugelhupfcooking food lifestyle
SnowбабаRussiannounin expressions
Snow除雪Japanesenounsnow removal
Snow除雪Japaneseverbto clear snow
Soapberry family plantslonganaPortuguesenounlongan (Dimocarpus longan, a tree of southern Asia)feminine
Soapberry family plantslonganaPortuguesenounlongan (the fruit of the longan tree)feminine
Soapberry family plantstubotuboCebuanonouna Chinese trumpetfish (Aulostomus chinensis)
Soapberry family plantstubotuboCebuanonouna hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa)
Sociologyworking classEnglishnounThe social class of those who perform physical work for a living, as opposed to the professional or middle class, the upper class, or others.
Sociologyworking classEnglishadjAlternative spelling of working-classalt-of alternative
SodiumsodiumEnglishnounThe chemical element (symbol Na) with an atomic number of 11 and atomic weight of 22.990. It is a soft, waxy, silvery, reactive alkali metal that is never found unbound in nature.uncountable usually
SodiumsodiumEnglishnounEmploying sodium.attributive uncountable usually
SoricomorphssorexLatinnounshrew, shrewmousedeclension-3
SoricomorphssorexLatinnounmouseLate-Latin Medieval-Latin declension-3
SoundauditorLatinnouna hearerdeclension-3
SoundauditorLatinnounan auditordeclension-3
SoundauditorLatinnouna pupil, disciple; a person who listens to teachingsdeclension-3
SoundauditorLatinnouna reader of a book (books were read aloud)declension-3 metonymically
SoundauditorLatinverbsecond/third-person singular future passive imperative of audiōform-of future imperative passive second-person singular third-person
SoundgroynMiddle EnglishnounA pig or hog's snout.
SoundgroynMiddle EnglishnounA pig snout served as food.
SoundgroynMiddle EnglishnounComplaining, criticism, reprimanding.
SoundgroynMiddle EnglishnounAn nose (usually an unsightly one).rare
SoundgroynMiddle EnglishnounThe trunk of an elephant.rare
SoundgroynMiddle EnglishnounThe head of a military force.rare
SoundludeMiddle Englishnounsound, noise, clamor
SoundludeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of lede (“people”)alt-of alternative
SoundludeMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of lewed (“people”)alt-of alternative
SoundludeMiddle EnglishadvAlternative form of loude (“loudly”)Early-Middle-English alt-of alternative
SoundludeMiddle EnglishnameAlternative form of LydeSouthern alt-of alternative
SoundskaļumsLatviannounloudness, volume (the degree of audible perceptibility that characterizes a certain intensity of sound)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsdeclension-1 masculine
SoundskaļumsLatviannounloud noise, sound (situation in a place, in nature, in an environment, etc., where there is much sound; situation in a place in which many people talk, laugh, sing, etc.)declension-1 masculine
SoundskaļumsLatviannounloudness, noisiness (the quality of that (sound, place, time period, person, etc.) which is loud, noisy)declension-1 masculine
SoundskaļumsLatviannounloudness, noise (strong, perhaps excessive, attention, intensity)declension-1 masculine
SoundvoiceEnglishnounSound uttered by the mouth, especially by human beings in speech or song; sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character
SoundvoiceEnglishnounSound made through vibration of the vocal cords; sonant, or intonated, utterance; tone; — distinguished from mere breath sound as heard in whispering and voiceless consonants.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
SoundvoiceEnglishnounThe tone or sound emitted by an object
SoundvoiceEnglishnounThe faculty or power of utterance
SoundvoiceEnglishnounThat which is communicated; message; meaning.
SoundvoiceEnglishnounAn expressed opinion, choice, will, desire, or wish; the right or ability to make such expression or to have it consideredfiguratively
SoundvoiceEnglishnounCommand; precept.archaic
SoundvoiceEnglishnounOne who speaks; a speaker.
SoundvoiceEnglishnounA particular style or way of writing that expresses a certain tone or feeling.literature media publishing
SoundvoiceEnglishnounA particular way of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
SoundvoiceEnglishnounIn harmony, an independent vocal or instrumental part in a piece of composition.entertainment lifestyle music
SoundvoiceEnglishnounA flag associated with a user on a channel, determining whether or not they can send messages to the channel.IRCInternet
SoundvoiceEnglishverbTo give utterance or expression to; to utter; to publish; to announcetransitive
SoundvoiceEnglishverbTo utter audibly, with tone and not just breath.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciencestransitive
SoundvoiceEnglishverbTo fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone oftransitive
SoundvoiceEnglishverbTo vote; to elect; to appointobsolete transitive
SoundvoiceEnglishverbTo clamor; to cry outintransitive obsolete
SoundvoiceEnglishverbTo assign the voice flag to a user on IRC, permitting them to send messages to the channel.IRCInternet transitive
SoundvoiceEnglishverbTo act as a voice actor to portray a character.broadcasting film media television
SoundsbuzzingEnglishnoungerund of buzzcountable form-of gerund uncountable
SoundsbuzzingEnglishnounThe sound produced by something that buzzes.countable uncountable
SoundsbuzzingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of buzzform-of gerund participle present
SoupschłodnikPolishnouncold soup, summer soup; any soup served chilledinanimate masculine
SoupschłodnikPolishnoungazeboinanimate masculine
SoupschłodnikPolishnounpergolainanimate masculine
SoupschłodnikPolishnouncooling specialistmasculine person
SoupseweduEnglishnounThe jute mallow, Corchorus olitorius.Nigeria uncountable
SoupseweduEnglishnounA Yoruba soup made from this vegetable.Nigeria uncountable
South Carolina, USASICEnglishnounInitialism of second-in-command.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South Carolina, USASICEnglishnounInitialism of School Improvement Council.educationabbreviation alt-of initialism
South Korean politicsYujiKoreannounAlternative form of 유지 (yuji, “retention”)Internet alt-of alternative neologism
South Korean politicsYujiKoreannameKim Keon-hee, South Korean first lady from 2022 to 2027Internet derogatory neologism
SpicesقرنفلArabicnounclove (Syzygium aromaticum)
SpicesقرنفلArabicnounpink, carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)
Spices and herbscardamomoGaliciannouncardamom (plant)masculine
Spices and herbscardamomoGaliciannouncardamom (spice)masculine
Spices and herbswild garlicEnglishnounramsons (Allium ursinum)countable uncountable
Spices and herbswild garlicEnglishnounAllium vinealecountable uncountable
Spices and herbswild garlicEnglishnounAllium canadensecountable uncountable
Spore plantshepàticaCatalannounhepatic, liverwortbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Spore plantshepàticaCatalanadjfeminine singular of hepàticfeminine form-of singular
SportsEisbahnGermannounice rinkfeminine
SportsEisbahnGermannouniced track (for bobsleigh etc.)feminine
SportsanimaciónSpanishnounjauntiness; livelinessfeminine
Sports equipmentpiłka wodnaPolishnounwater polo (water sport consisting of two teams of swimmers who have to throw the ball into the opponent's goal)feminine uncountable
Sports equipmentpiłka wodnaPolishnounwater polo ballcountable feminine
SquirrelsoravaFinnishnounsquirrel (any rodent of the family Sciuridae)
SquirrelsoravaFinnishnounred squirrel, Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)specifically
StarsKeʻalohilaniHawaiiannamea mythical heavenly land
StarsKeʻalohilaniHawaiiannamea female or male given name from Hawaiian
StarsKeʻalohilaniHawaiiannamea name ascribed to a star
StorksmarabouEnglishnounLeptoptilos crumeniferus, a large wading bird native to Africa, with a naked head and neck adapted for scavenging.
StorksmarabouEnglishnounA person having five-eighths black ancestry; the offspring of a mulatto and a griffe.Louisiana US dated
StorksmarabouEnglishnounA kind of thrown raw silk, naturally nearly white, but capable of being dyed without manufacturing textiles
StorksmarabouEnglishnounA thin fabric made from this silk, as for scarves.
SunsłonecznyPolishadjsolar, (relational) sun
SunsłonecznyPolishadjsunny (featuring a lot of sunshine)
Surrey, EnglandEwellianEnglishnounA pupil or alumnus of Ewell Castle School.
Surrey, EnglandEwellianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Ewell.
SwimmingbasenPolishnounpool, swimming poolinanimate masculine
SwimmingbasenPolishnountank, basin (a collection point for liquids)inanimate masculine
SwimmingbasenPolishnounbasin (an area that drains into a larger body of water)inanimate masculine
SwimmingbasenPolishnounwet docknautical transportinanimate masculine
SwimmingbasenPolishnounbasin, bedpaninanimate masculine
SyriafuntPolishnounpound (currency of Egypt)animal-not-person masculine
SyriafuntPolishnounpound (currency of Lebanon)animal-not-person masculine
SyriafuntPolishnounpound (currency of South Sudan)animal-not-person masculine
SyriafuntPolishnounpound (currency of Sudan)animal-not-person masculine
SyriafuntPolishnounpound (currency of Syria)animal-not-person masculine
SyriafuntPolishnounpound (currency of the United Kingdom, including its 9 territories: British Antarctic Territory; British Indian Ocean Territory; Falkland Islands; Gibraltar; Guernsey; Isle of Man; Jersey; Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha; South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands)animal-not-person masculine
SyriafuntPolishnounpound (unit of weight)inanimate masculine
TalkingSprecherGermannouna speaker; one who speaks (male or unspecified sex); especially: / one who speaks in a presentation or performance, such as a radio drama or voiceovermasculine strong
TalkingSprecherGermannouna speaker; one who speaks (male or unspecified sex); especially: / an announcer, newsreaderbroadcasting media radio televisionmasculine strong
TalkingSprecherGermannouna speaker; one who speaks (male or unspecified sex); especially: / a spokesperson, representativegovernment journalism media politicsmasculine strong
TalkingSprecherGermannouna speaker; one who speaks (male or unspecified sex); especially: / a speaker of a given languagehuman-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine strong
TalkingcsevegőHungarianverbpresent participle of csevegform-of participle present
TalkingcsevegőHungarianadjchatty, talkative
TalkingcsevegőHungariannountalker (a person who talks)
TalkingcsevegőHungariannounchat roomInternet
TalkingcsevegőHungariannounchat, chatting, instant messengerInternet
TalkingswadaPolishnounverbiage, volubilityfeminine
TalkingswadaPolishnounzest (great enthusiasm and energy)feminine
TanagerscardinalEnglishadjOf fundamental importance; crucial, pivotal.
TanagerscardinalEnglishadjOf or relating to the cardinal directions (north, south, east and west).nautical transport
TanagerscardinalEnglishadjDescribing a “natural” number used to indicate quantity (e.g., zero, one, two, three), as opposed to an ordinal number indicating relative position.
TanagerscardinalEnglishadjHaving a bright red color (from the color of a Catholic cardinal’s cassock).
TanagerscardinalEnglishadjBeing one of the signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, associated with initiation, creation, and force.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounOne of the officials appointed by the pope in the Roman Catholic Church, ranking only below the pope and the patriarchs, constituting the special college which elects the pope.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismcountable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounAny of a songbird in the genus Cardinalis.countable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounAny of various related passerine birds of the family Cardinalidae (See Wikipedia article on cardinals) and other similar birds that were once considered to be related.countable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounA deep red color, somewhat less vivid than scarlet, the traditional colour of a Catholic cardinal's cassock. (same as cardinal red)countable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounShort for cardinal number, a number indicating quantity, or the size of a set (e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3). (See Cardinal_number.)mathematics sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounShort for cardinal numeral, a word used to represent a cardinal number.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounShort for cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), a flowering plant.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounShort for cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi), a freshwater fish.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounA woman's short cloak with a hood, originally made of scarlet cloth.countable historical uncountable
TanagerscardinalEnglishnounMulled red wine.countable obsolete uncountable
TastegustCatalannountaste (sense)masculine
TastegustCatalannounrelish, pleasuremasculine
TastegustCatalannountaste (aesthetic preference), stylemasculine
TasteприторныйRussianadjsaccharine, syrupy
TasteприторныйRussianadjsentimental, cloying
TaxationmagbubuhisCebuanonouna person who is subject to, liable for, or pays tax as opposed to a nontaxpayer who is neither the subject nor the object of revenue laws
TaxationmagbubuhisCebuanonounall of the people, collectively, in a population who pay tax (especially used in the context of the government financing something using the tax revenue)
TaxationσύμμαχοςAncient Greekadjfighting along with, leagued or allied with
TaxationσύμμαχοςAncient Greekadjallymasculine noun-from-verb
TaxationσύμμαχοςAncient Greekadja kind of public emissary of tax administrationByzantine masculine noun-from-verb
TeethtotheMiddle EnglishnounA tooth (projection of the mouth)
TeethtotheMiddle EnglishnounA tusk (elongated, pointed tooth)
TeethtotheMiddle EnglishnounA protuberance; a sharp point.
TeethtotheMiddle EnglishnounA spine or prickle on a plant.
TeethtotheMiddle EnglishnounA desire or longing (especially for food).figuratively
TeethատամArmeniannouncogengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technology
TemperaturemeltEnglishverbTo change (or to be changed) from a solid state to a liquid state, usually by a gradual heat.ergative
TemperaturemeltEnglishverbTo dissolve, disperse, vanish.figuratively intransitive
TemperaturemeltEnglishverbTo soften, as by a warming or kindly influence; to relax; to render gentle or susceptible to mild influences; sometimes, in a bad sense, to take away the firmness of; to weaken.figuratively transitive
TemperaturemeltEnglishverbTo be discouraged.intransitive
TemperaturemeltEnglishverbTo be emotionally softened or touched.figuratively intransitive
TemperaturemeltEnglishverbTo be very hot and sweat profusely.colloquial intransitive
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounMolten material, the product of melting.countable uncountable
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounThe transition of matter from a solid state to a liquid state.countable uncountable
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounThe springtime snow runoff in mountain regions.countable uncountable
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounA melt sandwich.countable uncountable
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounRock showing evidence of having been remelted after it originally solidified.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounA wax-based substance for use in an oil burner as an alternative to mixing oils and water.countable uncountable
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounAn idiot.UK countable derogatory slang uncountable
TemperaturemeltEnglishnounVariant spelling of milt, the semen of a male fish, used as food.countable uncountable
TemperatureпарливBulgarianadjsteaming, burning, ardent
TemperatureпарливBulgarianadjhurtful, stingy, burning (for pain, feeling)
TemperatureпарливBulgarianadjhot, fiery, piquant (for taste)
TemperatureпарливBulgarianadjtaunting, scornful (for comment)figuratively
TemperatureпарливBulgarianadjcontroversial, contentious, causing hot debates (for discussion, topic)figuratively
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounThe master of a ship.nautical transport
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounA coach, director, or other leader.
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounThe captain of a sports team such as football, cricket, rugby or curling.hobbies lifestyle sports
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishverbTo captain a ship or a sports team.transitive
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounAgent noun of skip: one who skips.agent form-of
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounA person who skips, or fails to attend class.
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounOne who jumps rope.hobbies lifestyle sports
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounAny of various butterflies of the families Hesperiidae and its subfamily Megathyminae, having a hairy mothlike body, hooked tips on the antennae, and a darting flight pattern.
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounAny of several marine fishes that often leap above water, especially Cololabis saira (Pacific saury) and Sprattus sprattus (European sprat).
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounA young, thoughtless person.obsolete
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounThe cheese maggot, the larva of a cheese fly (family Piophilidae), which leaps to escape predators.
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounA barn or shed in which to shelter for the night.
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishverbTo take shelter in a barn or shed.intransitive
Tephritoid fliesskipperEnglishnounA short-sleeved (or long-sleeved) tee-shirt, or sweatshirt.South-Africa
TextilesKashanEnglishnameA city in Isfahan province, Iran.
TextilesKashanEnglishnounA kind of decorative flat carpet.
TextilespředivoCzechnounspinning raw materialneuter
TextilesпердеMacedoniannouncurtain (usually a small one)
TextilesпердеMacedoniannouncataract (of an eye)
Theaterdressing roomEnglishnounA room used for dressing or changing clothes. / A small room adjoining a domestic bedroom where people may dress or undress in privacy.
Theaterdressing roomEnglishnounA room used for dressing or changing clothes. / A room in a theatre or other performance venue in which performers may change costumes and apply makeup.
Theaterdressing roomEnglishnounA room used for dressing or changing clothes. / A changing room at a recreational or sports venue.UK
Theaterdressing roomEnglishnounA room used for dressing or changing clothes.
TheologyassethMiddle EnglishnounRecompense; compensation or indemnity for damages.Late-Middle-English uncountable
TheologyassethMiddle EnglishnounFulfilling; realisation of a duty, request, or question posed.Late-Middle-English uncountable
TheologyassethMiddle EnglishnounExpiation; atoning by performing duties (instead of admission or reflection)Late-Middle-English uncountable
TheologyassethMiddle EnglishnounJesus's death as a sacrifice; the Atonement.Late-Middle-English uncountable
TheologyassethMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of assethenalt-of alternative
ThinkingnahatʼáNavajonounplan, planning, idea
ThinkingnahatʼáNavajonounform of governmentform-of
Thinking懸想Chineseverbto be concerned about (especially someone's welfare)
Thinking懸想Chineseverbto guess; to conjecture
TimekapakaWaujaadvyester-, previous, last
TimematinsEnglishnounTogether with lauds, the earliest of the canonical hours; traditionally prayed at sunrise or earlier.
TimematinsEnglishnounMorning prayers.
TimematinsEnglishnounplural of matinform-of plural
TimeteaEnglishnounThe tea plant (Camellia sinensis); (countable) a variety of this plant.uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounThe dried leaves or buds of the tea plant; (countable) a variety of such leaves.uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounThe drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water.uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounAny drink which is similar to Camellia sinensis tea in some way: / Any similar drink made by infusing parts of various other plants.uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounAny drink which is similar to Camellia sinensis tea in some way: / Meat stock served as a hot uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounAny drink which is similar to Camellia sinensis tea in some waycountable uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounA cup or (East Asia, Southern US) glass of any of these drinks, often with milk, sugar, lemon, and/or tapioca pearls.Commonwealth Northern US countable
TimeteaEnglishnounA light midafternoon meal, typically but not necessarily including tea.UK uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounSynonym of supper, the main evening meal, whether or not it includes tea.Commonwealth Ireland uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounThe break in play between the second and third sessions.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounSynonym of marijuana.countable dated slang uncountable
TimeteaEnglishnounInformation, especially gossip.countable slang uncountable
TimeteaEnglishverbTo drink tea.intransitive
TimeteaEnglishverbTo take afternoon tea (a light meal).intransitive
TimeteaEnglishverbTo give tea to.transitive
TimeteaEnglishnounA moment, a historical unit of time from China, about the amount of time needed to quickly drink a traditional cup of tea. It is now found in Chinese-language historical fiction.
TimeзаходSerbo-CroatiannounwestChakavian Kajkavian archaic
TimeсатSerbo-Croatiannounclock, watch (instrument used to measure or keep track of time)
TimeعندArabicprepnear, with, at the house of
TimeعندArabicprepat the time of
TimeعندArabicprepin one's sight, in one's opinion
TimeعندArabicprepexpresses possession, to have
TimeعندArabicverbto be perverse, diverging or obstinate
TimeعندArabicnounanimus, heart, will
TimeعندArabicadjcommon plural of عَنُود (ʕanūd)common form-of plural
Times of dayзакатитьсяRussianverbto roll (under), to roll (behind)
Times of dayзакатитьсяRussianverbto set
Times of dayзакатитьсяRussianverbto wane, to decline
Times of dayзакатитьсяRussianverbto go off (to)colloquial
Times of dayзакатитьсяRussianverbto go into a fit (of)
Times of dayзакатитьсяRussianverbpassive of закати́ть (zakatítʹ)form-of passive
Times of dayчаасYakutnounhour
Times of dayчаасYakutnounpart, portion, share, lot
Times of dayчаасYakutnounfate, destinybroadly
TinstannaneEnglishnountin hydride, SnH₄chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TinstannaneEnglishnounAny related organotin compoundchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
TissuesχαλινόςGreeknounformal variant of χαλινάρι (chalinári, “bridle; bit”)alt-of alternative formal
TitlesemeritusEnglishadjRetired, but retaining an honorific version of a previous title.not-comparable often postpositional
TitlesemeritusEnglishnounA (male) person who is retired from active service or an occupation, especially one who retains an honorific version of a previous title.
TitlesemeritusEnglishnounAn honorific version of a previous title.rare
TitlesหนูThainounmurid: member of the Muridae family.biology natural-sciences zoology
TitlesหนูThainounmouse; rat.
TitlesหนูThainounyoung person; child.figuratively
TitlesหนูThainounused as a title or term of address / used as a title for or term of address to a young or younger person or person of lower status.colloquial
TitlesหนูThainounused as a title or term of address / used by a person to refer to oneself when speaking to an older person or person of higher status.colloquial humble
TitlesหนูThainoun(อี~) woman who is a mistress, concubine, minor wife, or illicit lover of a much older man; comfort girl, kept woman, prostitute.slang
TitlesหนูThaipronfirst or second person pronoun for lower status person, or just for fun
Toilet (room)carseyEnglishnounAlternative form of khazi: an outhouse; a lavatory.alt-of alternative
Toilet (room)carseyEnglishnounA house.Polari
Toilet (room)jakesEnglishnounA place to urinate and defecate: an outhouse or lavatory.Ireland uncountable usually
Toilet (room)jakesEnglishnounplural of jakeform-of plural
Toilet (room)jakesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of jakeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ToiletrieskilajMarshallesenouna mirror
ToiletrieskilajMarshallesenounglass (material)
ToiletrieskilajMarshallesenouna class
ToiletrieskilajMarshallesenouna category
ToiletrieskilajMarshalleseverbto be in a class
ToiletriesفرچهPersiannounshaving brush
ToiletriesفرچهPersiannounbrush (implement)
ToolsStreichbeinGermannounfolding-bone, folding-stick, bone folderneuter strong
ToolsStreichbeinGermannounmatch to make fireneuter obsolete strong
ToolsaperoSpanishnounhorse tack, riding gearmasculine
ToolsaperoSpanishnountool, instrumentmasculine
ToolsnipperEnglishnounOne who, or that which, nips.
ToolsnipperEnglishnounAny of various devices (as pincers) for nipping.plural-normally
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA child.slang
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA child aged from 5 to 13 in the Australian surf life-saving clubs.Australia
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA boy working as a navvies' assistant.historical
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA mosquito.Canada Newfoundland slang
ToolsnipperEnglishnounOne of four foreteeth in a horse.archaic
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA satirist.obsolete
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA pickpocket; a young or petty thief.obsolete slang
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA fish, the cunner.
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA European crab (Polybius henslowii).archaic
ToolsnipperEnglishnounThe claws of a crab or lobster.
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA young bluefish.
ToolsnipperEnglishnounA machine used by a ticket inspector to stamp passengers' tickets.dated
ToolsnipperEnglishnounOne of a pair of automatically locking handcuffs.
ToolsnipperEnglishnounOne of the gloves or mittens worn by fishermen to protect their hands from cold and abrasion.historical
ToolsnipperEnglishverbTo seize (two ropes) together.nautical transporttransitive
Toolsset squareEnglishnounA flat triangular piece of plastic or other material, having corners of precise angles, used in technical drawingUK
Toolsset squareEnglishnounA right angle tool used to determine if two surfaces join at a 90-degree angle, composed of two arms, usually made from metal.
ToolsstraightenerEnglishnounA pair of metal tongs with heated ceramic plates used for straightening hair.
ToolsstraightenerEnglishnounAnyone or anything which straightens.
ToolsstraightenerEnglishnounA prearranged fight to settle a dispute.slang
ToolsstraightenerEnglishnounA bribe.slang
ToolsбабушкаMacedoniannounbell pepper
ToolsбабушкаMacedoniannouna large needle
ToolsбабушкаMacedoniannountoothless sheep
ToolsбабушкаMacedoniannouna small fish in the river Bregalnica
ToolsܡܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounshovel, spade, hoe, mattock
ToolsܡܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounmallet
Toolsகுயம்Tamilnounjuvenility, youth
Toolsகுயம்Tamilnounbreastanatomy medicine sciences
Toolsகுயம்Tamilnounhalfa grass (Desmostachya bipinnata)
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounA tiny freshwater fish, Poecilia reticulata, popular in home aquariums, that usually has a plain body and black or dark blue tail for the females and a more colorful tail for the males.
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounAny tiny fish.broadly
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounA tube holding paintballs before they are loaded into the paintball
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounA hold across the palm of the hand rather than the fingertips.climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
Towns市集Chinesenouncountry fair; open-air market
Towns市集Chinesenounsmall town
ToyspupaPolishnounbum, rear, buttocksanatomy medicine scienceschildish euphemistic feminine
ToyspupaPolishnoundoll, puppetfeminine obsolete
Tradingblack marketEnglishnounTrade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing, or price controls.
Tradingblack marketEnglishnounThe people who engage in such trade, or that sector of the economy.collective
TransgenderneurogenderEnglishnounThe gender of one's brain.
TransgenderneurogenderEnglishnounA gender type that is linked to neurological factors.
TransgenderneurogenderEnglishadjHaving a gender identity linked to one's neurodivergence (particularly autism).neologism
Translingual diacritical marks◌̏Translingualcharacteran extra-low a.k.a. bottom tone.IPA diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks◌̏Translingualcharactera low falling tone.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesdiacritic
Translingual numeral symbols88Translingualsymbolthe number eighty-eight
Translingual numeral symbols88Translingualsymbol"love"; "hugs and kisses"
Translingual numeral symbols88TranslingualsymbolHeil Hitler (H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.)
TravelprzeprawaPolishnouncrossing, passage, traversal (act of crossing)feminine
TravelprzeprawaPolishnouncrossing, ford (place for crossing)feminine
Travel上路Chineseverbto start a journey; to set off
Travel上路Chineseverbto learn the fundamentalsfiguratively
Travel上路Chineseverbto dieeuphemistic
Travel上路Chineseadjwell-behaved; goodslang
TreesBaumGermannountreemasculine strong
TreesBaumGermannounboomnautical transportmasculine strong
TreesBaumGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
TreesBaumGermannamea German Jewish surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
TreesacajuRomanianadjReddish-brown, mahogany.feminine indeclinable masculine neuter
TreesacajuRomaniannounacajou (mahogany) treemasculine
TreesacajuRomaniannounacajou wood/mahoganymasculine
TreesacajuRomaniannounreddish-brown, mahoganymasculine
TreesałyczaPolishnouncherry plum, myrobalan plum (Prunus cerasifera)feminine
TreesałyczaPolishnouncherry plum, myrobalan plum (fruit of Prunus cerasifera)feminine
TreesdatilisCebuanonounthe calabur tree (Muntingia calabura)
TreesdatilisCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
TreeskamunggayCebuanonounhorseradish tree (Moringa oleifera)
TreeskamunggayCebuanonounclub (playing card suit)card-games games
TurkeyTurco-EnglishprefixTurkey; Turk.morpheme
TwelvezwölfköpfigGermanadjof twelve (people)not-comparable
TypographyfrakturSwedishnounfracture (in a bone)common-gender
TypographyfrakturSwedishnounfraktur (style of black letter type)common-gender
UnderweardessousFrenchadvunderneath; beneath
UnderweardessousFrenchnoununderside; bottommasculine
UnderweardessousFrenchnoun(women's) underwearin-plural masculine
UnderweardessousFrenchnounhidden agendain-plural masculine
UnderweardessousFrenchprepunder; beneath
Underwearhold-upEnglishnounA delay or wait.colloquial
Underwearhold-upEnglishnounA robbery at gunpoint.
Underwearhold-upEnglishnounThe holding back of a card that could win a trick in order to use it later.bridge games
Underwearhold-upEnglishnounWomen's stockings designed to be worn without
Underwearhold-upEnglishnounThe inventory of nuclear material within a separation plant.government military politics war
Underwearhold-upEnglishnounA traffic jam.Nigeria
UnderwearчулокRussiannounempty-gloss no-gloss
United StatesdolarPolishnoundollar (designation for specific currency)animal-not-person masculine
United StatesdolarPolishnoundollar (unit of reactivity equal to the interval between delayed criticality and prompt criticality)animal-not-person masculine
United StatesfanegaGaliciannounEnglish or American bushel, a dry measuremasculine
United StatesfanegaGaliciannounfanega, the Spanish bushel, a traditional dry measure, sometimes varying from the Castilian standards in Galician-speaking areas of Spain and closer to 60 Lhistorical masculine
United StatestoneladaPortuguesenounmetric ton, a unit of mass equal to 1000 kgfeminine
United StatestoneladaPortuguesenounBritish or American ton, a unit of mass equal to 20 hundredweight, 2,240 or 2,000 poundsfeminine
United StatestoneladaPortuguesenountonelada, a traditional unit of mass, usually equivalent to 793 kgfeminine historical
United StatestoneladaPortuguesenouncaskful, a notional unit of mass indicating the full contents of any tun, cask, &c.feminine
Units of measurekiloNorwegian Nynorsknouna kilo (1000 grammes)masculine neuter
Units of measurekiloNorwegian NynorsknounAlternative letter-case form of Kilo from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.alt-of masculine neuter
Units of measuretalentPolishnountalent, giftinanimate masculine
Units of measuretalentPolishnountalent (ancient unit of weight and money)animal-not-person historical masculine
Units of measuretalentPolishnountalented personmasculine metonymically person
VegetablesκρεμμύδιGreeknounonion (plant, bulb and vegetable)
VehicleschariotEnglishnounA two-wheeled horse-drawn cart, used in Bronze Age and Early Iron Age warfare.
VehicleschariotEnglishnounA light (four-wheeled) carriage used for ceremonial or pleasure purposes.
VehicleschariotEnglishnounThe rook piece.board-games games xiangqi
VehicleschariotEnglishverbTo convey by, or as if by, chariot.poetic rare transitive
VehicleschariotEnglishverbTo ride in a chariot.intransitive
VehiclesjeepEnglishadjPertaining to utility or general purpose.government military politics warnot-comparable
VehiclesjeepEnglishnounA small, blocky, military-style vehicle with four-wheel drive, suited to rough terrain.
VehiclesjeepEnglishnounA light utility truck from WWII used by the U.S. Army, and subsequently turned into the trademark Jeep when civilianized by originating manufacturer Willys-Overland.
VehiclesjeepEnglishnounA sport utility vehicle or similar four-wheel-drive vehicle.
VehiclesjeepEnglishnounClipping of jeepneyPhilippines abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
VehiclesjeepEnglishverbTo travel by jeep.intransitive transitive
VehiclesjeepEnglishnounA device for detecting discontinuity in a protective coating, also called a "holiday detector"
VehiclesjeepEnglishnounA covered shopping cart, also called a "shopping stroller".Australia regional
VehiclesвізUkrainiannouncart, wagon
VehiclesвізUkrainiannounAlternative form of виз (vyz)alt-of alternative
VehiclesвізUkrainiannoungenitive plural of ві́за (víza)form-of genitive plural
VehiclesвізUkrainiannounmasculine singular past indicative imperfective of везти́ (veztý)form-of imperfective indicative masculine past singular
VehiclesܡܥܒܪܢܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfeminine of ܡܲܒܪܵܢܵܐ (mabrānā): one who makes crossfeminine form-of
VehiclesܡܥܒܪܢܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounferry, ferryboat
VenetoPaduanEnglishadjOf or relating to Padua in Italy.
VenetoPaduanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Padua.
VenetoPaduanEnglishnounAn imitation coin resembling old Roman bronze coins, made at Padua in the 16th century.historical
VenetoPaduanEnglishnounA stately Spanish dance.
VesselstopetteFrenchnouna small slender flask.feminine obsolete
VesselstopetteFrenchnounflaskLouisiana feminine
VesselstopetteFrenchnouna drinking bout, a spree.Louisiana feminine
VesselstopetteFrenchnounbeer bottlefeminine
Video gamessports gameEnglishnounA video game or arcade game that simulates a sport.
Video gamessports gameEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see sport, game.
Vietnamese numeral symbols𨒒Vietnamesecharacterno-gloss
Vietnamese numeral symbols𨒒VietnamesenumNôm form of mười (“ten”).
Vietnamese numeral symbols𨒒VietnamesenumNôm form of mươi (“about ten”).
VillagesKivinenFinnishnamea Finnish surname from landscape
VillagesKivinenFinnishnameAny of a number of lakes and small places in Finland.
ViolenceduodecimateEnglishnounSynonym of duodecimvirate: a group of rare
ViolenceduodecimateEnglishverbTo kill one twelfth of a group of people, especially by lot.rare
ViolenceduodecimateEnglishverbTo divide into twelfths; to divide duodecimally.rare
ViolenceمضاربةArabicnounverbal noun of ضَارَبَ (ḍāraba) (form III)form-of noun-from-verb
ViolenceمضاربةArabicnounspeculationbusiness finance
ViolenceمضاربةArabicnouna fight
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounverbal noun of amhaircform-of masculine noun-from-verb
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounseeing, viewingmasculine
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounsight, viewmasculine
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounvizzy or sight on a gunmasculine
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounview, sight, observationmasculine
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounbeholdingmasculine
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnouninspectingmasculine
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounlook, appearancemasculine
VisionamharcScottish Gaelicnounfaultmasculine
VocalizationsscreeEnglishnounLoose stony debris on a slope.uncountable
VocalizationsscreeEnglishnounSimilar debris made up of broken building material such as bricks, concrete, etc.broadly uncountable
VocalizationsscreeEnglishnounA slope made up of loose stony debris at the base of a cliff, mountain, etc.countable
VocalizationsscreeEnglishverbTo traverse scree downhill.
VocalizationsscreeEnglishnounA harsh, high-pitched sound or cry (as of a hawk).
VocalizationsscreeEnglishverbTo make a high-pitched cry like that of a hawk.
VocalizationsscreeEnglishverbTo flatten or level concrete while still wet, and remove protruding gravel and stones from the surface.
VocalizationsscreeEnglishnounA coarse sieve.Scotland
WarworstMiddle Englishadjsuperlative degree of yvelform-of superlative
WarworstMiddle Englishadjsuperlative degree of illeform-of superlative
WarworstMiddle Englishadvsuperlative degree of yvel (adverb)form-of superlative
WarworstMiddle Englishadvsuperlative degree of ille (adverb)form-of superlative
WarworstMiddle EnglishnounSomething or someone which is the most yvel or ille; the worst.uncountable
WarworstMiddle EnglishnounThe worst-case scenario or eventuality.specifically uncountable
WarworstMiddle EnglishnounA rout or loss in battle.figuratively uncountable
WatersloughEnglishnounThe skin shed by a snake or other reptile.countable uncountable
WatersloughEnglishnounDead skin on a sore or ulcer.countable uncountable
WatersloughEnglishverbTo shed skin or outer layers.transitive
WatersloughEnglishverbTo slide off or flake off, as an outer layer, such as skin, might do.intransitive
WatersloughEnglishverbTo discard.card-games gamestransitive
WatersloughEnglishverbTo commit truancy, be absent from school without permission.US Western intransitive slang
WatersloughEnglishnounA muddy or marshy area.British
WatersloughEnglishnounA type of swamp or shallow lake system, typically formed as or by the backwater of a larger waterway, similar to a bayou with trees.Eastern US
WatersloughEnglishnounA secondary channel of a river delta, usually flushed by the tide.US Western
WatersloughEnglishnounA state of depression.
WatersloughEnglishnounA small pond, often alkaline, many but not all formed by glacial potholes.Canadian-Prairies
Waterwhite waterEnglishnounAny turbulent or frothy water as found in river rapids or surf.uncountable
Waterwhite waterEnglishnounTurbulent conditions.figuratively uncountable
WatercraftfrégateFrenchnounfrigate (a number of different classes of ships)nautical transportfeminine
WatercraftfrégateFrenchverbinflection of frégater: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
WatercraftfrégateFrenchverbinflection of frégater: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WatercraftТаймырRussiannameTaimyr (a large peninsula in northern Russia)
WatercraftТаймырRussiannameTaymyr (Soviet and Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker)
WatercraftпаромRussiannouninstrumental singular of пар (par)form-of instrumental singular
WeaponsarmataPolishnouncannon, large gunfeminine
WeaponsarmataPolishnounpeniscolloquial feminine figuratively
WeaponsarmataPolishnounnavyfeminine obsolete
WeaponsespadaPortuguesenounépéefencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warfeminine
WeaponsespadaPortuguesenounsingular of espadas (“spades”) (one of the four suits of playing cards)feminine form-of singular
WeaponsgłowniaPolishnounbrand (burning or smoldering wood)feminine
WeaponsgłowniaPolishnounsmut (range of fungi that cause crop disease); fungus of the genus Ustilagofeminine
WeaponsgłowniaPolishnounblade (flat cutting part)feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounaxe, hatchet (tool for felling trees or chopping wood)feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounace, wizard (someone who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field)colloquial feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnouna kind of torch or large candle (often with four sticks)feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnouna kind of wick or fuse (often made with esparto grass and tar), which does not go out easily in the windfeminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounbundle of straw tied up like a strip and often used to help cover huts or other field constructionsfeminine
WeaponshachaSpanishverbinflection of hachar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WeaponshachaSpanishverbinflection of hachar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WeaponsknobkierieEnglishnounA fighting stick, usually with a knob on the end.South-Africa
WeaponsknobkierieEnglishnounA bludgeon.
WeaponsmainaMaorinounmine (explosive device)government military politics war
WeaponsmainaMaoriverbto lay mines
WeaponsmainaMaorinounmyna (species of bird)
WeaponspiloPortuguesenounpilum (Roman javelin)masculine
WeaponspiloPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of pilarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
WeaponssicaLatinnouna poniard, a curved daggerdeclension-1
WeaponssicaLatinnounthe edge of a boar's tuskdeclension-1
WeaponsακόντιοGreeknounspear (weapon)government military politics war
WeaponsακόντιοGreeknounjavelin (the object and the event)athletics hobbies lifestyle sports
WeaponsακόντιοGreeknounaligning pole, levelling staffgeography natural-sciences surveying
WeaponsつわものJapanesenouna war machine; a weapongovernment military politics war
WeaponsつわものJapanesenounmilitary ration
WeaponsつわものJapanesenouna brave and strong warrior
WeaponsつわものJapanesenouna stubborn person
WeatheresikHungarianverbto fallintransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto rain, to snowintransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto fall somewhere, to happen to be at some place or time (of an event on some day of the week or month or the stress on a particular syllable)intransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto go down, to tumble, to drop, drop off, drop away (e.g. price or popularity)intransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto (happen to) be found, to lie, to be situated somewhereintransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto fall into or get into a situation (e.g. falling victim to someone or something)intransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto fall or belong within the scope, force, power, or effect of something, to be subject or liable to some regulation or jurisdictionintransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto be affected, to feel in some way (with -nak/-nek for the person affected)intransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto happen, to come aboutintransitive
WeatheresikHungarianverbto attack, assail (with -nak/-nek)intransitive
WeathergaothIrishnounwind, a breezefeminine
WeathergaothIrishnounempty talk, bombastfeminine
WeathergaothIrishnounhint, suggestionfeminine
WeathergaothIrishnounbreathfeminine literary
WeathergaothIrishnouninlet of sea, estuarymasculine
WeathergaothIrishadjwise, sagacious, shrewd, intelligentliterary
WeatherhelarSpanishverbto freeze, to cooltransitive
WeatherhelarSpanishverbto freezeimpersonal intransitive
WeatherregnDanishnounraincommon-gender no-plural
WeatherregnDanishverbimperative of regneform-of imperative
WeaverbirdsigaIgalanounestate, domain, enclosed area
WeaverbirdsigaIgalanounVillage weaver
WeaverbirdsigaIgalanounA noisy person, chatterbox
WeaverbirdsigaIgalanouniron cage
WetlandsflotantEnglishadjRepresented as flying (fluttering) or floating mid-air or in water.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable
WetlandsflotantEnglishnounA mass of floating vegetation, especially on the waters of the Mississippi delta.
WetlandsflotantEnglishnounAlternative form of floatantalt-of alternative
WiccawiddershinsEnglishadvThe wrong way.not-comparable obsolete
WiccawiddershinsEnglishadvAnticlockwise, counter-clockwise.not-comparable
WindզեփիւռOld Armeniannounwesterly wind
WindզեփիւռOld Armeniannounzephyr, gentle breezepost-Classical
Wine bottlesMethuselahEnglishnameThe oldest person whose age is recorded in the Hebrew Bible, having reportedly lived 969 years.
Wine bottlesMethuselahEnglishnameA planet in PSR B1620-26 star system, Messier 4 globular cluster, Milky Way Galaxy, Scorpius constellation; the oldest planet discovered at the time of discovery in 2003; a circumbinary planet orbiting a pulsar (“PSR B1620-26 A”) and white dwarf (“WD B1620-26 B”).astronomy natural-sciences planets
Wine bottlesMethuselahEnglishnounAny person or thing that has lived to a very old age.broadly
Wine bottlesMethuselahEnglishnounAlternative spelling of methuselah (“large wine bottle”).alt-of alternative
WintersaněCzechnounAlternative form of sáněalt-of alternative feminine plural
WintersaněCzechnouninflection of saň: / genitive singularfeminine form-of genitive singular
WintersaněCzechnouninflection of saň: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
WoodsklacekCzechnounstick, club, branchinanimate masculine
WoodsklacekCzechnounpenisinanimate informal masculine
WoodsklacekCzechnounyoung yob, young lout (ill-mannered boy or adolescent)animate informal masculine
World Wide WebwitrynaPolishnounshop windowfeminine
World Wide WebwitrynaPolishnoundisplay case, vitrinefeminine
World Wide WebwitrynaPolishnounwebsite (especially a commercial one)feminine
WormssagittaEnglishnounThe keystone of an arch.
WormssagittaEnglishnounThe distance from a point in a curve to the chord; also, the versed sine of an arc; so called from its resemblance to an arrow resting on the bow and string.geometry mathematics sciences
WormssagittaEnglishnounThe larger of the two otoliths, or earbones, found in most fishes.biology natural-sciences zoology zootomy
WormssagittaEnglishnounAny arrowworm, of the genus Sagitta.
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAn old woman, later especially one who tells old wives' tales.
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / the alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / A species of perciform fish endemic to the temperate coastal waters of Australia (Enoplosus armatus)
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Balistes vetula (Queen triggerfish)
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Certain spot-tail porgies (Diplodus ascensionis, Diplodus helenae)
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Spondyliosoma cantharus (black seabream)
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Trachinotus goodei (great pompano)
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / A wrasse
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounThe long-tailed duck, Clangula hyemalis.Canada US archaic
Wrassesold wifeEnglishnounA chimney cap to prevent smoking.Scotland
Writing systemsTeluguEnglishnameA Dravidian language of India.
Writing systemsTeluguEnglishnounA member of the Telugu ethnic group.
YellowsgintoTagalognoungoldchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
YellowsgintoTagalognoungold coin
YellowsgintoTagalognoungold (color/colour)
YellowsgintoTagalognounmoneycolloquial figuratively
YellowsgintoTagalognounriches; wealthcolloquial figuratively
YellowsgintoTagalogadjmade of gold
YellowsgintoTagalogadjgolden (color/colour)
YellowsgintoTagalogadjof great valuecolloquial figuratively
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnounkind, species (a type, race or category)in-compounds neuter obsolete
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnoundescendants, lineage (descent in a line from a common progenitor)collective neuter
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnounsex (a category into which sexually-reproducing organisms are divided on the basis of their reproductive roles in their species)countable neuter
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnounsex (the members of such a category, taken collectively)countable neuter
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnounsex (women; the human female sex and those who belong to it)definite literary neuter obsolete uncountable
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnounerotic temperament; sexuality (the quality of being sexual; that which is characterized or distinguished by sex)neuter uncountable
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnoungender (Identification as a man, a woman, or something else, and association with a (social) role or set of behavioral and cultural traits, clothing, etc; a category to which a person belongs on this basis, including a legal category.)countable neuter
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnounsex, genitalia (penis or vagina)countable literary neuter
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnoungender (a division of nouns and pronouns (and sometimes of other parts of speech) into masculine or feminine, and sometimes other categories like neuter or common, and animate or inanimate)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesneuter
ZoologykjønnNorwegian Bokmålnounpronunciation spelling of tjernalt-of dialectal neuter pronunciation-spelling

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