Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

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Academic gradesdyniaPolishnounpumpkin, gourd, squash (any plant of the genus Cucurbita)feminine
Academic gradesdyniaPolishnounpumpkin, gourd, squash (fruit of this plant)feminine
Academic gradesdyniaPolishnounhead, noggin (part of the body of an animal or human which contains the brain, mouth and main sense organs)colloquial feminine humorous slang
Academic gradesdyniaPolishnounfatso, butterball (overweight person)feminine
Academic gradesdyniaPolishnounF (failing grade, with the next best grade being either a D or an E)feminine
Academic gradesdyniaPolishnounfist (hand with the fingers clenched or curled inward)feminine slang
Administrative divisionsgemeenteDutchnounmunicipality, communefeminine
Administrative divisionsgemeenteDutchnouncongregationfeminine
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounregionneuter
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounone of the three regions constituting the equivalent of a state in the federal structure of Belgiumneuter
Administrative divisionsgewestDutchnounan older term for provincie (“province”)neuter
AfterlifeдушаRussiannoungenitive singular of душ (duš)form-of genitive singular
AfterlifeдушаRussianverbpresent adverbial imperfective participle of души́ть (dušítʹ)adverbial form-of imperfective participle present
AgebzdykPolishnounold man, doddererderogatory masculine mildly person vulgar
AgebzdykPolishnounsomeone who farts often; fartermasculine mildly person vulgar
AgeoctogenaryEnglishadjOf or related to the number 80, particularlynot-comparable obsolete
AgeoctogenaryEnglishadjOf or related to the number 80, particularly / Synonym of octogenarian: lasting or aged 80 years; 80-year-old.not-comparable obsolete
AgeoctogenaryEnglishnounSynonym of eightysomething: a person 80 to 89 years old.obsolete
AgricultureheyMiddle Englishnounhayuncountable
AgricultureheyMiddle Englishintjhey
AgricultureheyMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of heye (“hedge”)alt-of alternative
AgricultureheyMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hye (“haste”)alt-of alternative uncountable
AgricultureheyMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of he (“he”)alt-of alternative
AgricultureheyMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of he (“they”)alt-of alternative
AgricultureheyMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of heien (“to lift up”)alt-of alternative
AgricultureheyMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of heigh (“high”)alt-of alternative
AgriculturezasiewPolishnouninsemination (act of sowing seed)inanimate masculine
AgriculturezasiewPolishnounsown plantsinanimate masculine
AgricultureǫnnOld Norsenounwork, business, troublefeminine
AgricultureǫnnOld Norsenounworking seasonfeminine plural plural-only
AgricultureстрнSerbo-Croatiannounstubble, what is left on the field after its being mowed down
AgricultureстрнSerbo-Croatiannounalternative form of стр̑нalt-of alternative
AgricultureأندرArabicadjelative degree of نَادِر (nādir): / rarer; rarest
AgricultureأندرArabicadjelative degree of نَادِر (nādir): / stranger; strangest
AgricultureأندرArabicverbto deduct, to subtract, to cut off
Agriculture이랑Koreannounridge (a small hill or pile between two fields or paddies)
Agriculture이랑Koreannounfurrow, windrow
Alcoholic beveragessnapsNorwegian Nynorsknounschnaps (also spelled schnapps)masculine
Alcoholic beveragessnapsNorwegian NynorsknounA dram or shot of such a drink.masculine
AlcoholismܪܘܝܐClassical Syriacnounsharp razor
AlcoholismܪܘܝܐClassical Syriacadjdrunk, drunken, intoxicated, inebriated
AlcoholismܪܘܝܐClassical Syriacadjinebriatingpossibly
AlcoholismܪܘܝܐClassical Syriacadjthirsty
AlcoholismܪܘܝܐClassical Syriacadjinflamed, aroused, enthusiastic
AlcoholismܪܘܝܐClassical Syriacadjardent
AlcoholismܪܘܝܐClassical Syriacnoundrunk, drunkard, alcoholic
AlgaeganggangMalaynounwater plant
AlliumsoignonFrenchnounonion (Allium cepa)masculine
AlliumsoignonFrenchnounbulb (of a plant)masculine
AlliumsoignonFrenchnounone's own businesscolloquial in-plural masculine
AlloysbułatPolishnounscimitar (sword with curved blade)inanimate masculine
AlloysbułatPolishnounbulat (kind of steel alloy)inanimate masculine
AlphabetsArmenianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Armenia, the Armenian people, the Armenian language, or the Armenian alphabet.not-comparable
AlphabetsArmenianEnglishnounA person from Armenia or of Armenian descent.
AlphabetsArmenianEnglishnameThe language of Armenia and the Armenian people, whose older stages are Old Armenian and Middle Armenian.uncountable
AlphabetsArmenianEnglishnameA branch of Indo-European languages, which includes the various stages of the Armenian language.uncountable
Amaryllis family plantsgładyszPolishnounan overly well-mannered, refined, or good-looking man, dandy, coxcombmasculine obsolete person
Amaryllis family plantsgładyszPolishnounany fungus of the genus Ionaspisinanimate masculine
Amaryllis family plantsgładyszPolishnounfile, tool used to smoothen or polisharchaic inanimate masculine
Amaryllis family plantsgładyszPolishnounsnowdrop (plant of the genus Galanthus)archaic inanimate masculine
Amaryllis family plantsgładyszPolishnouna handleless jugdialectal inanimate masculine
AnatomyartelloGaliciannounankleanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
AnatomyartelloGaliciannounknuckleanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
AnatomyartelloGaliciannounjointanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
AnatomyartelloGaliciannounhockanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
AnatomybutzaCatalannounpaunch, large bellyfeminine
AnatomybutzaCatalannountripefeminine in-plural
AnatomyfóturFaroesenoun0,5 alin = 31,385 cmmasculine
AnatomyhanTok Pisinnounhand
AnatomyhanTok Pisinnounarm
AnatomyhanTok Pisinnounforeleg (of an animal)
AnatomyhanTok Pisinnounwing (of a bird)
AnatomyhanTok Pisinnounbranch (of a tree)
AnatomyhanTok Pisinnounbranch (figurative)
AnatomymandíbulaPortuguesenounmandible, the lower jawboneanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
AnatomymandíbulaPortuguesenounmandible of an anthropodfeminine
AnatomyplăRadenounpalm of hand
AnatomyplăRadenounsole of foot
AnatomyschankeMiddle Englishnounleg, limb
AnatomyschankeMiddle Englishnounshank, shin
AnatomyschankeMiddle Englishnounleg fur
AnatomyэлэгMongoliannounliver (organ)hidden-n
AnatomyэлэгMongoliannounblood relationhidden-n
AnatomyэлэгMongoliannounmockery, derision
Anatomyหน้าThainounface; surface; front.
Anatomyหน้าThainounreputation; dignity.figuratively
Anatomyหน้าThainounpage (as of a book).
Anatomyหน้าThainounoccasion; season; period.
Anatomyหน้าThaiprepin front of
AnatomyẓeṭṭuTarifitnounstrand (of wool, thread)masculine
AnatomyẓeṭṭuTarifitnounpubic hairmasculine
Anatomy마디Koreannounjoint, knuckle
Anatomy마디Koreannounwordshuman-sciences linguistics sciences
Ancient GreeceEpicureanismEnglishnounThe philosophical belief that pleasure is the highest good, particularly as advocated by Epicurus with a focus on mental pleasures and on avoidance of pain (ataraxia) through moderation and common virtue.ethics human-sciences philosophy sciencesuncountable usually
Ancient GreeceEpicureanismEnglishnounSynonym of hedonism, general pursuit of pleasure, particularly refined and knowledgeable enjoyment of good food, drink, and similar sensual pleasures.proscribed sometimes uncountable usually
Ancient GreeceEpicureanismEnglishnounSynonym of atheism.obsolete uncountable usually
Ancient GreeceHellenisticEnglishadjOf or relating to the period of the Greek culture, history, or art after the death of Alexander the Great (323 B.C.) to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony by Octavian (31 B.C.) – though this end-point is often debated, and can range from 146BC to 330AD [*].
Ancient GreeceHellenisticEnglishadjOf or relating to a Hellenist.
Ancient GreecegammalgrekiskSwedishadjAncient Greek (of or pertaining to the language)not-comparable
Ancient GreecegammalgrekiskSwedishadjAncient Greek (of or pertaining to Ancient Greece)not-comparable
Ancient RomeculeusEnglishnounA Roman unit of liquid measure reckoned as the volume of 1600 Roman pounds of wine and equivalent to about 520 L although differing slightly over time.historical
Ancient RomeculeusEnglishnounA Roman punishment—chiefly for parricide—involving blindfolding, beating, confinement to a leather sack, and drowning in a river or sea.lawhistorical
Ancient RomelibraEnglishnounA Roman unit of mass, usually equivalent to 327 g.historical
Ancient RomelibraEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of mass, usually around 460 g.historical
Ancient RomelibraEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of mass, usually equivalent to 345 g and particularly used for trade in medicines.historical
Ancient RomelibraEnglishnounSynonym of arratel, a separate Portuguese unit of mass, usually around 460 g.historical
Ancient RomelibraEnglishnounAlternative spelling of libbra, a traditional Italian unit of mass.alt-of alternative historical
Ancient RomelibraEnglishnounSynonym of pound, a notional pound of silver as a money of account, especially in medieval contexts.historical
AndalusiaCordovanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Córdoba.
AndalusiaCordovanEnglishnounA person from Córdoba.
AndorraandorraiHungarianadjAndorran (of or pertaining to Andorra)not-comparable
AndorraandorraiHungariannounAndorran (native or inhabitant of Andorra)
AngerbroygesEnglishadjAngry or resentful.Jewish
AngerbroygesEnglishnounA falling out or feud.Jewish
AngerenfellonirCatalanverbto provoke to anger, to rile uptransitive
AngerenfellonirCatalanverbto get riled up, become iratepronominal
AngeroburzyćPolishverbto outrageperfective transitive
AngeroburzyćPolishverbto resentperfective reflexive
AngertemperEnglishnounA general tendency or orientation towards a certain type of mood, a volatile state; a habitual way of thinking, behaving or reacting.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounState of mind; mood.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounA tendency to become angry.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounAnger; a fit of anger.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounCalmness of mind; moderation; equanimity; composure.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounConstitution of body; the mixture or relative proportion of the four humours: blood, choler, phlegm, and melancholy.countable obsolete uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounMiddle state or course; mean; medium.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounThe state of any compound substance which results from the mixture of various ingredients; due mixture of different qualities.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounThe heat treatment to which a metal or other material has been subjected; a material that has undergone a particular heat treatment.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounThe state of a metal or other substance, especially as to its hardness, produced by some process of heating or cooling.countable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounMilk of lime, or other substance, employed in the process formerly used to clarify sugar.countable historical uncountable
AngertemperEnglishnounA non-plastic material, such as sand, added to clay to prevent shrinkage and cracking during drying or firing; tempering.architecturecountable uncountable
AngertemperEnglishverbTo moderate or control.
AngertemperEnglishverbTo strengthen or toughen a material, especially metal, by heat treatment; anneal.
AngertemperEnglishverbTo adjust the temperature of an ingredient (e.g. eggs or chocolate) gradually so that it remains smooth and food lifestyle
AngertemperEnglishverbTo sauté spices in ghee or oil to release essential oils for flavouring a dish in South Asian cuisine.
AngertemperEnglishverbTo mix clay, plaster or mortar with water to obtain the proper consistency.
AngertemperEnglishverbTo adjust, as the mathematical scale to the actual scale, or to that in actual use.entertainment lifestyle music
AngertemperEnglishverbTo govern; to manage.Latinism obsolete
AngertemperEnglishverbTo combine in due proportions; to constitute; to compose.archaic
AngertemperEnglishverbTo mingle in due proportion; to prepare by combining; to modify, as by adding some new element; to qualify, as by an ingredient; hence, to soften; to mollify; to assuage.archaic
AngertemperEnglishverbTo fit together; to adjust; to accommodate.obsolete
Anguimorph lizardsvidriolCatalannounsulfatemasculine obsolete
Anguimorph lizardsvidriolCatalannounslowwormmasculine
Animal body partschelaEnglishnounA pincer-like claw of a crustacean or arachnid.
Animal body partschelaEnglishnounA pupil or disciple, especially in Hinduism.
Animal body partschřestidloCzechnounrattle (musical instrument)neuter
Animal body partschřestidloCzechnounrattle (organ that produces a rattling sound)biology natural-sciences zoologyneuter
Animal body partscingleraCatalannouna long cliff or series of cliffsfeminine
Animal body partscingleraCatalannoungirth (part of equines where the cinch is attached)feminine
Animal body partsmorellaCatalannounblack nightshade (Solanum nigrum)feminine
Animal body partsmorellaCatalannoungizzardfeminine
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknounthe tail of a beast
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknouna penis
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknouna handle
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknouna small animal that attacks grapevines
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknouna small animal that attacks grapevines / Synonym of ἀλεκτρυών (alektruṓn)
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknouna tongue of flame
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknouna stake, picket, or paleByzantine
Animal body partsκέρκοςAncient Greeknouna burin (a chisel-like tool used for engraving)Byzantine
Animal dwellingskûaraOld Tupinounhole; puncture
Animal dwellingskûaraOld Tupinounburrow; den; refuge
Animal dwellingskûaraOld Tupinounvagina
Animal dwellingskûaraOld Tupinoungrave
Animal dwellingskûaraOld Tupinounmine (excavation from which ore or solid minerals are taken)
Animal dwellingskûaraOld Tupinounthe Sun
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo give (someone or something) food to eat.transitive
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo eat (usually of animals).intransitive
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo give (someone or something) to (someone or something else) as food.ditransitive
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo give to a machine to be processed.transitive
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo satisfy, gratify, or minister to (a sense, taste, desire, etc.).figuratively
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo supply with something.
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo graze; to cause to be cropped by feeding, as herbage by cattle.
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo pass to.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo create the environment where another phonological rule can apply; to be applied before another rule.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciences
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbTo create the syntactic environment in which another syntactic rule is applied; to be applied before another syntactic rule.human-sciences linguistics sciences syntax
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounFood given to (especially herbivorous) non-human animals.uncountable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounSomething supplied continuously.countable uncountable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounThe part of a machine that supplies the material to be operated upon.countable uncountable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounThe forward motion of the material fed into a machine.countable uncountable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounA meal.Australia New-Zealand UK colloquial countable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounA gathering to eat, especially in large quantities.countable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounonline content presented sequentially: / antichronological sequence of posts or articles from a single source, especially as consumable on a platform other as originally published.Internet countable uncountable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounonline content presented sequentially: / content intended for consumption by scrolling or swiping, especially as a home page and from multiple publishers followed or algorithmically curatedInternet countable often uncountable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishnounA straight man who delivers lines to the comedian during a performance.countable uncountable
Animal foodsfeedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of feeform-of participle past
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounA brief, sharp, not particularly loud, relatively high-pitched sound produced by the impact of something small and hard against something hard, such as by the operation of a switch, a lock, or a latch.
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounThe act of snapping one's fingers.British
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounAn ingressive sound made by coarticulating a velar or uvular closure with another closure.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounSound made by a dolphin.
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounThe act of operating a switch, etc., so that it clicks.
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounThe act of pressing a button on a computer mouse or similar input device, both as a physical act and a reaction in the software.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounA single instance of content on the Internet being accessed.broadly
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounA pawl or similar catch.
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounA knock or blow.UK obsolete slang
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounA limb contortion at the joint, part of vogue dancing.
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo cause to make a click; to operate (a switch, etc) so that it makes a click.transitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo emit a click.intransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo snap one's fingers.British
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo press and release (a button on a computer mouse).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo select a software item using, usually, but not always, the pressing of a mouse button.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo visit (a website).advertising business computing engineering marketing mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo navigate by clicking a mouse button.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesintransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo make sense suddenly.intransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo get along well.intransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo tick.dated intransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo take (a photograph) with a camera.India transitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo achieve success in one's career or a breakthrough, often the first time.India intransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbOf a film, to be successful at the box office.India intransitive
Animal soundsclickEnglishintjThe sound of a click.
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounAlternative spelling of klick (“kilometers; kilometers per hour”)alt-of alternative
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounA detent, pawl, or ratchet, such as that which catches the cogs of a ratchet wheel to prevent backward motion.
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounThe latch of a door.UK dialectal
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbTo snatch.obsolete
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounA kind of throw.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestling
Animal soundsclickEnglishnounMisspelling of clique.US alt-of misspelling
Animal soundsclickEnglishverbMisspelling of clique.US alt-of misspelling
Animal soundslatroLatinnounmercenarydeclension-3
Animal soundslatroLatinnounhighwayman; brigand, bandit; robberdeclension-3
Animal soundslatroLatinnounchessman, pawndeclension-3
Animal soundslatroLatinnounthe game of latrunculi (somewhat similar to chess)Classical-Latin Late-Latin declension-3 plural plural-only
Animal soundslatroLatinverbto bark, bayconjugation-1
Animal soundslatroLatinverbto rant, blusterconjugation-1
Animal soundslatroLatinverbto roarconjugation-1
Animal soundslatroLatinverbto demand vehementlyconjugation-1
Animal soundspieniePolishnounsongneuter plural-normally
Animal soundspieniePolishnounpoetry, versearchaic broadly neuter plural-normally
Animal soundspieniePolishnounsingingneuter obsolete
Animal soundspieniePolishnouncrowing (of a rooster)neuter obsolete
Animal soundsronzioItaliannounbuzzing, hummingmasculine
Animal soundsronzioItaliannounringing (in the ears)masculine
Animal soundsγαβγίζωGreekverbto bark, woof, yelp, yap
Animal soundsγαβγίζωGreekverbto yell, shout, barkfiguratively
AnimalskustonisLatviannounanimal (living being that feeds on organic matter and is capable of moving but not of abstract thinking)declension-2 masculine
AnimalskustonisLatviannounparasitescolloquial declension-2 masculine
Anomuransblue crabEnglishnounA crab of species Callinectes sapidus
Anomuransblue crabEnglishnounEllipsis of blue king crab. (Paralithodes platypus)abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Apieae tribe plantskoperPolishnoundill (Anethum)inanimate masculine
Apieae tribe plantskoperPolishnounpeach fuzz (sparsely grown hair, especially facial hair of a teenager)inanimate masculine
Apieae tribe plantskoperPolishnounSynonym of miedźinanimate masculine
Apieae tribe plantssangkiCebuanonounthe clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum)obsolete
Apieae tribe plantssangkiCebuanonounthe spice from the treeobsolete
Apieae tribe plantssangkiCebuanonounthe anise or aniseed plant (Pimpinella anisum)
Apieae tribe plantssangkiCebuanonounthe star anise
Apieae tribe plantssangkiCebuanonounthe seed of star anise
AppearancegeseonOld Englishverbto see
AppearancegeseonOld Englishverbto appear, look
AppearancelindoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of lindarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
AppearancesmethenesseMiddle EnglishnounSmoothness; the state of being smooth.
AppearancesmethenesseMiddle EnglishnounWoodwork with a smooth surface.
ArachnidsкърлежBulgariannountick (arachnid)
ArachnidsкърлежBulgariannounleech, bloodsucker (person who exploits or lives off others)figuratively
ArachnidsкърлежBulgariannouncastor oil plant (Ricinus communis)dialectal
ArchitecturealpendrePortuguesenounterrace (platform that extends outwards from a building)masculine
ArchitecturealpendrePortuguesenounoverhang (portion of the roof structure that extends beyond the exterior walls of a building)masculine
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounA step, pace (movement of the foot)
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounA step or stair; an individual landing of a set of stairs.
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounAn imprint or sign of something; that which something leaves as evidence: / The imprint left by a step; a footprint or track.
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounAn imprint or sign of something; that which something leaves as evidence: / The imprint left by a thing, person or phenomenon (extant or former)
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounAn imprint or sign of something; that which something leaves as evidence: / The remains left by an injury or disease.figuratively
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounThe bottom region of the foot; the sole.
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounA phase, step or tier as part of a scale or process.
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounA move, action or direction (towards an objective).figuratively
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounThe length covered by a step (as a unit of length, ~2.5 feet)rare
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounThe ground; a foothold or stepping-place.rare
ArchitecturesteppeMiddle EnglishnounA group or a thing that is part of it.rare
ArchitectureокноMacedoniannounshaft, pit (in mines)
ArchitectureокноMacedoniannouncompartment (in a granary)
ArmorhelmetEnglishnounA hard, protective head covering, typically part of clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
ArmorhelmetEnglishnounA hard, protective head covering, typically part of armour. / Such a helm when placed above a shield on a coat of clothing fashion government heraldry hobbies lifestyle manufacturing monarchy nobility politics textiles
ArmorhelmetEnglishnounThat which resembles a helmet in form, position, etc. / The upper part of a chemist's retort.
ArmorhelmetEnglishnounThat which resembles a helmet in form, position, etc. / The hood-shaped upper sepal or petal of some flowers, as of the monkshood or the snapdragon.
ArmorhelmetEnglishnounThat which resembles a helmet in form, position, etc. / A naked shield or protuberance on the top or fore part of the head of a bird.
ArmorhelmetEnglishnounThat which resembles a helmet in form, position, etc. / The glans penis.
ArmorhelmetEnglishnounThat which resembles a helmet in form, position, etc. / The glans penis. / A contemptible or stupid person.broadly derogatory
ArmorhelmetEnglishverbTo cover with, or as if with, a helmet.transitive
ArmorkneepieceEnglishnounThe piece of armour that covers the knee.
ArmorkneepieceEnglishnounAn angular piece of timber strengthening a joint where two roof timbers construction manufacturing
ArtdebuxoGaliciannouna drawing, sketch, picturemasculine
ArtdebuxoGaliciannoundrawing (activity)masculine
ArtdebuxoGalicianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of debuxarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ArtnaʼachʼąąhNavajoverbto draw, to design, to paint pictures
ArtnaʼachʼąąhNavajoverbto be an artist
Arthropodssnow fleaEnglishnounHypogastrura nivicola, a kind of springtail, often seen jumping about on the surface of snow.
Arthropodssnow fleaEnglishnounAny of the family Boreidae of scorpionflies, especially Boreus hyemalis.
Arthropodssnow fleaEnglishnounAny of various springtails of the family Isotomidae and the genus Desoria.
ArthropodsܫܪܛܐClassical Syriacnounmillipede
ArthropodsܫܪܛܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative form of ܫܘܪܛܐalt-of alternative
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA device used to power electric devices, consisting of a set of electrically connected electrochemical or, archaically, electrostatic cells. A single such cell when used by electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounThe infliction of unlawful physical violence on a person, legally distinguished from assault, which includes the threat of impending violence.lawcountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA coordinated group of artillery weapons.government military politics warcountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounAn elevated platform on which cannon could be placed.archaic countable historical uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounAn array of similar things.countable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA set of small cages where hens are kept for the purpose of farming their eggs.countable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounThe catcher and the pitcher togetherball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounTwo or more pieces working together on the same rank, file, or diagonalboard-games chess gamescountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA marching percussion ensemble; the section of the drumline that marches on the field during a performance.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounThe state of a firearm when it is possible to be fired.countable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounApparatus for preparing or serving meals.archaic countable uncountable
Asparagus family plantsπαγκράτιονAncient Greeknounpankration, a complete contest, an exercise of the Greek youths which combined both wrestling and boxing
Asparagus family plantsπαγκράτιονAncient Greeknounsea onion (Drimia maritima)
AsteroidsLedaEnglishnameThe wife of Tyndareus and mother of Helen, Clytemnestra and Castor and Pollux hatched from eggs as a result of a seduction by Zeus in the guise of a swanhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsLedaEnglishnameA moon of Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
AsteroidsLedaEnglishname38 Leda, a main belt asteroid; not to be confused with the Jovian moon.astronomy natural-sciences
AstronauticsweightlessEnglishadjWithout weight.
AstronauticsweightlessEnglishadjNot affected by gravity.
Aulopiform fishlagartoPortuguesenounlizard (any reptile of the order Squamata other than snakes)masculine
Aulopiform fishlagartoPortuguesenounlizardfishAzores masculine
Aulopiform fishlagartoPortuguesenounlarge lizard, crocodileGuinea-Bissau masculine
Aulopiform fishlagartoPortuguesenountopside (outer side of a round of beef)cooking food lifestylemasculine
Aulopiform fishlagartoPortuguesenouna supporter, player or coach of Sporting Clube de Portugalball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsPortugal derogatory masculine
AustraliapomEnglishnounAn Englishman; a Briton; a person of British descent.Australia New-Zealand South-Africa derogatory mildly slang
AustraliapomEnglishnounA cocktail containing pomegranate juice and vodka.
AutomobilesSEATEnglishnounAcronym of single-engine air tanker.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering firefighting government natural-sciences physical-sciencesUS abbreviation acronym alt-of
AutomobilesSEATEnglishnameSociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo, a Spanish automobile manufacturer.
AutomobilesSEATEnglishnounAn automobile from Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo
AutomotivebiegPolishnounrun, joginanimate masculine
AutomotivebiegPolishnounrace, run, sprint (competition)athletics hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
AutomotivebiegPolishnouncourse, trajectory, sequenceinanimate masculine
AutomotivebiegPolishnouncourse, watercourseinanimate masculine
AutomotivebiegPolishnoungear (a configuration of the transmission of an motor car)inanimate masculine
BabiesbibEnglishnounAn item of clothing for people (especially babies) tied around their neck to protect their clothes from getting dirty when eating.
BabiesbibEnglishnounSimilar items of clothing such as the Chinese dudou and Vietnamese yem.
BabiesbibEnglishnounA rectangular piece of material, carrying a bib number, worn as identification by competitors.hobbies lifestyle sports
BabiesbibEnglishnounA colourful polyester or plastic vest worn over one's clothes, usually to mark one's team during group activities.hobbies lifestyle sports
BabiesbibEnglishnounThe upper part of an apron or overalls.
BabiesbibEnglishnounEllipsis of bib short.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
BabiesbibEnglishnounA patch of colour around an animal's upper breast and throat.
BabiesbibEnglishnounA north Atlantic fish (Trisopterus luscus), allied to the cod.
BabiesbibEnglishnounA bibb (bibcock).
BabiesbibEnglishverbTo dress (somebody) in a bib.transitive
BabiesbibEnglishverbTo drink heartily; to tipple.archaic intransitive
BabiesbibEnglishverbTo beep (e.g. a car horn).informal
BabiesmakawatCebuanoadjcan be stolen
BabiesmakawatCebuanoadjlets new people hold him or her; doesn't cry when held by others or taken away from parents, especially the motheridiomatic
Baby animalskölyökHungariannounyoung, cubbiology mammals natural-sciences zoologyespecially
Baby animalskölyökHungariannounbrat, kidcolloquial
Baby animalstartarughinaItaliannoundiminutive of tartarugadiminutive feminine form-of
Baby animalstartarughinaItaliannounsmall or young turtlefeminine
Baby animalsuhorSlovaknountapeworm larvaanimal-not-person masculine
Baby animalsuhorSlovaknounblackhead, comedoinanimate masculine
Baby animalsщенокRussiannounpuppy
Baby animalsщенокRussiannouncub, whelp
Baby animalsщенокRussiannounsnot; son of a bitchderogatory
Baby animalsხუნდიGeorgiannounshackles, stocks
Baby animalsხუნდიGeorgiannountrap
Baby animalsხუნდიGeorgiannounbrake shoeengineering mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Baby animalsხუნდიGeorgiannounsquab (baby pigeon)
Bacterial diseasestaunAzerbaijaninounplague
Bacterial diseasestaunAzerbaijaninounused as a curse
Bacterial diseaseszołzaPolishnounharpy, shrew (shrewish woman)colloquial derogatory feminine
Bacterial diseaseszołzaPolishnounscrofulamedicine pathology sciencesdated feminine
BagsкалитаRussiannounmoney bag, burse, pursearchaic
BagsкалитаRussiannouna small pastry with potato or cabbage fillingNorthern Russia
BagsكارةArabicnouna pad, bolster, a padding or bundle surrounding and holding a thing preliminarilyobsolete
BagsكارةArabicnouna dry measure containing 97 ½ kg wheatIraq obsolete
BathingfolcadhIrishnounverbal noun of folcform-of masculine noun-from-verb
BathingfolcadhIrishnounbath, washmasculine
BathingfolcadhIrishnoundipping, steeping; immersion, submersionmasculine
BathingfolcadhIrishverbinflection of folc (“to bathe”): / past indicative autonomousautonomous form-of indicative past
BathingfolcadhIrishverbinflection of folc (“to bathe”): / past subjunctive analyticanalytic form-of past subjunctive
BathingfolcadhIrishverbinflection of folc (“to bathe”): / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
BathingvanaCzechnounbathtub, tubfeminine
BathingvanaCzechverbmasculine singular present transgressive of vanoutform-of masculine present singular transgressive
Bats蝙蝠Japanesenouna bat (small flying mammal of order Chiroptera)
Bats蝙蝠Japanesenounan opportunist
Bats蝙蝠JapanesenounShort for 蝙蝠傘 (kōmori-gasa): a Western-style umbrellaabbreviation alt-of
Bats蝙蝠JapanesenounShort for 蝙蝠羽織 (kōmori-baori): a haori with long sleeves similar to the wings of a batabbreviation alt-of
Bats蝙蝠Japanesenouna bat (small flying mammal of order Chiroptera)archaic
Bats蝙蝠JapanesenounShort for 蝙蝠扇 (kawahori-ōgi): a paper folding fanabbreviation alt-of
Bats蝙蝠JapanesenounShort for 蝙蝠羽織 (kawahori-baori): a haori with long sleeves similar to the wings of a batabbreviation alt-of
Bats蝙蝠Japanesenouna bat (small flying mammal of order Chiroptera)
BeerporterEnglishnounA person who carries luggage and related objects.
BeerporterEnglishnoun2022 December 14, David Turner, “The Edwardian Christmas getaway...”, in RAIL, number 972, page 35
BeerporterEnglishnoun2022 December 14, David Turner, “The Edwardian Christmas getaway...”, in RAIL, number 972, page 35: Tips were an important part of porters' income, and at Christmas passengers felt there was extra pressure to give them - despite some perceiving the level of service to be poor. / Tips were an important part of porters' income, and at Christmas passengers felt there was extra pressure to give them - despite some perceiving the level of service to be poor.
BeerporterEnglishnounAn ant having the specialized role of carrying.biology entomology natural-sciences
BeerporterEnglishnounOne who ports software (makes it usable on another platform).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
BeerporterEnglishnounA person in control of the entrance to a building.countable
BeerporterEnglishnounAn employee who clears and cleans tables and puts bowling balls away.bowling hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
BeerporterEnglishnounA strong, dark ale, originally favored by porters (etymology 1, sense 1), similar to a stout but less beverages food lifestylecountable uncountable
BeerporterEnglishnounStout (malt brew).beer beverages food lifestyleIreland countable uncountable
BeerporterEnglishverbTo serve as a porter; to carry.
BerriesjałowiecPolishnounjuniper (any shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus)inanimate masculine
BerriesjałowiecPolishnounjuniper (fruit of this plant)inanimate masculine
BerrieslāceneLatviannounfemale bear, she-beardeclension-5 feminine
BerrieslāceneLatviannouncloudberry, sp. Rubus chamaemorus; a cloudberry plant; a fruit of a cloudberry plantdeclension-5 feminine
BeveragesjagodnikPolishnouncluster of European blueberry/bilberry bushesinanimate masculine
BeveragesjagodnikPolishnounberry plantationinanimate masculine
BeveragesjagodnikPolishnounEuropean blueberry juice or wineinanimate masculine
BeveragesjagodnikPolishnounblueberry buninanimate masculine regional
BeveragesjagodnikPolishnouneastern crested berrypecker (Paramythia montium)animal-not-person masculine
BibleapocalipsMiddle EnglishnounThe book of Revelation (the last book of the New Testament)uncountable
BibleapocalipsMiddle EnglishnounThe biblical Apocalypse; the events of the book of Revelation.rare uncountable
BibleapocalipsMiddle EnglishnounA revelation or trance.rare uncountable
BiblebiblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology, biblicism (study of the Bible)literary neuter
BiblebiblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology (study of books)dated neuter
Biblical charactersEsterDanishnameEsther (biblical character)
Biblical charactersEsterDanishnamethe book of Esther
Biblical charactersEsterDanishnamea female given name from Hebrew, usually spelled Esther
Biblical charactersGideonFinnishnameGideon (biblical character)
Biblical charactersGideonFinnishnamea male given namerare
Biblical charactersGideonFinnishnameThe letter G in the Finnish spelling alphabet.
Biblical charactersJakobNorwegiannameJacob (biblical character)
Biblical charactersJakobNorwegiannameJames (biblical character)
Biblical charactersJakobNorwegiannamea male given name, also spelled Jacob
Biblical charactersNoahDanishnameNoah (biblical character)
Biblical charactersNoahDanishnamea male given name
Biblical charactersПетроUkrainiannamePeter, one of the twelve apostles.
Biblical charactersПетроUkrainiannamea male given name, Petro, equivalent to English Peter
Birch family plantscollOld Irishnounhazel (tree or shrub of the genus Corylus)masculine
Birch family plantscollOld Irishnoundestruction, injury, violationneuter
BirdspiscaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of pisco (“turkey”)feminine form-of
BirdspiscaSpanishnounharvesting (of coffee, cotton and corn in particular)Mexico masculine
BirdssothönaSwedishnounEurasian coot, Fulica atracommon-gender
BirdssothönaSwedishnounany bird of the Fulica genuscommon-gender
BirdsпапугайBelarusiannounparrot, parroter (a person who does not have their own point of view, always repeating other people's words and thoughts)colloquial figuratively offensive sometimes
Board gamesdamspelDutchnounthe board game checkersneuter
Board gamesdamspelDutchnouna set of board and pieces used for that gameneuter
Bodies of waterbassinFrenchnounpond, ornamental lake, basinmasculine
Bodies of waterbassinFrenchnounbowl, bedpanmasculine
Bodies of waterbassinFrenchnounbasingeography geology natural-sciencesmasculine
Bodies of waterbassinFrenchnounpelvisanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
Bodies of waterbassinFrenchnoundocknautical transportmasculine
Bodily fluidsgitatCatalannounvomit, sick, throwupmasculine
Bodily fluidsgitatCatalanverbpast participle of gitarform-of participle past
Bodily fluidsmjølkNorwegian Nynorsknounmilkfeminine
Bodily fluidsmjølkNorwegian Nynorsknounjuice (from plants that look like milk)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Bodily fluidsmjølkNorwegian Nynorskverbimperative of mjølkaform-of imperative
Bodily fluidsχολήAncient Greeknoungall, bile
Bodily fluidsχολήAncient Greeknoungall bladderin-plural
Bodily fluidsχολήAncient Greeknounbitterness, wrath, anger
Bodily fluidsχολήAncient Greeknoundisgust, aversion
Bodily fluidsẹpọnYorubanounscrotum, testes
Bodily fluidsẹpọnYorubanounblood
Bodily fluidsẹpọnYorubanounsomething that is the color red
Bodily fluidsẹpọnYorubanounmodifiergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Bodily fluidsChinesecharacterthe roar of surging wavesonomatopoeic
Bodily fluidsChinesecharacternasal mucusHakka
Bodily fluidsChinesecharacterUsed in place names.
Bodily functionswydalaniePolishnounverbal noun of wydalaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Bodily functionswydalaniePolishnounexcretion (process of removing or ejecting material that has no further utility, especially from the body; the act of excreting)neuter
BodygrundleEnglishnounA big bunch, lots.slang
BodygrundleEnglishnounA small grumble.colloquial
BodygrundleEnglishverbTo emit a grumble, or a lesser version thereofcolloquial
BodygrundleEnglishnounThe perineum; the area between the anus and genitals.US slang
BodygrundleEnglishnounA holloway; a kind of ancient road or track.UK dialectal
BodyikhandaZulunounhead (top part of the body)
Body partscuideogIrishnounearthwormfeminine
Body partscuideogIrishnounpeniseuphemistic feminine
Body partsebiraOld Tupinounbuttocks
Body partsebiraOld Tupinounhindquarters (the rear half of a quadruped)
Body partsebiraOld Tupinounvagina; vulva
Body partsebiraOld Tupinounbottom (lowest part of an object)
Body partsebiraOld Tupinounstern (rear part of a ship)nautical transport
Body partsramenoCzechnounshoulderanatomy medicine sciencesneuter
Body partsramenoCzechnounanything resembling a shoulder: / branch (of a river)neuter
Body partsramenoCzechnounanything resembling a shoulder: / arm (of a cross; mechanical arm; moment arm [in physics]; etc.)neuter
Body partsramenoCzechnounanything resembling a shoulder: / leg (of an isosceles triangle)geometry mathematics sciencesneuter
Body parts奶頭Chinesenounnipplecolloquial
Body parts奶頭Chinesenounnipple of a baby bottle
Body parts奶頭Chinesenounbreastdialectal
Body parts𑜍𑜥Ahomverbto know
Body parts𑜍𑜥Ahomnounhead
Books of the BibleObadiahEnglishnameA book of the Old Testament of the Bible, and of the Tanakh.biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleObadiahEnglishnameA minor prophet.biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleObadiahEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew, of biblical origin.
Books of the BibleYesayaIndonesiannameIsaiah (prophet)ChristianityJudaism
Books of the BibleYesayaIndonesiannameIsaiah (book of the Bible)ChristianityJudaism
Books of the Bible歐瑟亞ChinesenameHosea (prophet)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible歐瑟亞ChinesenameHosea (book of the Bible)Catholicism Christianity
Botany落葉Chinesenounfallen leaves
Botany落葉Chineseverbto lose leaves
Brass instrumentsbazookaEnglishnounA primitive trombone having wide tubes.entertainment lifestyle music
Brass instrumentsbazookaEnglishnounA shoulder-held rocket launcher used as an antitank weapon, developed by America during World War II and so-called from its resemblance to the bazooka musical government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Brass instrumentsbazookaEnglishnounAny shoulder-fired rocket grenade launcher.broadly
Brass instrumentsbazookaEnglishnounA woman's breast, especially a big one.slang
Brass instrumentsbazookaEnglishnounA large rescue or stimulus financeslang
Brass instrumentsbazookaEnglishverbTo shoot with a bazooka.
Brass instrumentsbazookaEnglishnounCrack cocaine.slang uncountable
Brassicasdrum headEnglishnounThe thin circle of material attached to the top of a drum shell for the purpose of striking, sometimes made of skin and in such occurrences sometimes referred to as a skin, or drum-skin, but often synthetic.
Brassicasdrum headEnglishnounA drumhead cabbage.
Buckwheat family plantsJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Buckwheat family plantsJapanesenounknotweed (Polygonaceae); jointweed, smartweed
Buckwheat family plantsJapanesenounwater pepper (Persicaria hydropiper)
Buddhas阿彌陀佛Vietnamesenamechữ Hán form of A Di Đà Phật (“Amitābha Buddha”).
Buddhas阿彌陀佛Vietnamesephrasechữ Hán form of A Di Đà Phật (“Clipping of 南無阿彌陀佛 (Nam mô A Di Đà Phật).”).
BuddhismekṣalyeTocharian Bnounseason
BuddhismekṣalyeTocharian Bnounan appropriate time for Buddha-like actions
Building materialsπῶροςAncient Greeknountuff
Building materialsπῶροςAncient Greeknounkind of marble used in building
Building materialsπῶροςAncient Greeknounstalactite in caverns
Building materialsπῶροςAncient Greeknounstone in the bladdermedicine pathology sciences
BuildingsgaleriaPolishnoungallery (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art)feminine
BuildingsgaleriaPolishnounshopping center, shopping mall, mall (area hosting multiple retail stores, especially one with outdoor common areas)feminine
BuildingsgaleriaPolishnoungods, paradise (the upper gallery in a theatre)architecture entertainment lifestyle theaterfeminine
BuildingsgangganganCebuanonouna hut for smoke-drying copra
BuildingsgangganganCebuanonouna tray or table for drying items
BuildingskomendaPolishnouncommand, orderfeminine
BuildingskomendaPolishnounregional police headquartersfeminine
BuildingskomendaPolishnounpolice stationfeminine informal
BuildingskomendaPolishnouncommandcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
BuildingsposterunekPolishnounpost, outpost, sentryinanimate masculine
BuildingsposterunekPolishnounpolice stationinanimate masculine
BuildingsstajenkaPolishnoundiminutive of stajniadiminutive feminine form-of
BuildingsstajenkaPolishnounnativity scene, crèche (depiction — which may be pictorial, dramatic, or by means of figurines — of the birth of Jesus Christ in a manger, as described in the New Testament account)Christianityfeminine
BuildingsшіркеуKazakhnounveil, cover-up for embarrassment
Buildings and structuresдамбаUkrainiannounlevee, dyke (UK), dike (US), embankment, seawall (earthwork raised to prevent inundation of low land by the sea or flooding rivers)
Buildings and structuresдамбаUkrainiannoundam (structure placed across a flowing body of water to retain or divert some of the water)
Buttercup family plantssvalörtSwedishnounlesser celandine, Ranunculus ficarianeuter
Buttercup family plantssvalörtSwedishnounwhite swallow-wort, Vincetoxicum hirundinarianeuter uncommon
Butterflies芋虫Japanesenouna hairless caterpillar
Butterflies芋虫Japanesenounan angry person (from the way that a person may puff up when angry and go red and swollen in the face, similar to the defense behaviors of some caterpillars)figuratively
Butterflies芋虫Japanesenouna dummy; a term used to ridicule a personderogatory figuratively
Butterflies芋虫Japanesenouna children's song and game, played by everyone squatting and holding onto the waist or shoulders of the person in front, and the whole group trying to move like a caterpillar
Butterflies芋虫Japanesenouna kind of traditional toy made to look and move like a caterpillar
Cakes and pastriesватрушкаRussiannounvatrushka (a sort of small, round cottage cheese-filled pastry)
Cakes and pastriesватрушкаRussiannouna round, inflatable snow saucer
Cakes and pastriesпечивоUkrainiannounpastry (baked good)
Cakes and pastriesпечивоUkrainiannounbiscuit (UK), cookie (US)
Cakes and pastriesпечивоUkrainiannounroast meatrare
Cakes and pastriesпечивоUkrainiannounbatch (the quantity of bread or other baked goods baked at one time)
Cakes and pastriesпечивоUkrainiannounbakingcolloquial rare
Calendartropical yearEnglishnounThe time that it takes for the Sun to return to the same position along the ecliptic, as viewed from the Earth, especially, completing a full cycle of seasons.
Calendartropical yearEnglishnounA vernal equinox year; the time between two successive vernal equinoxes.
Calendartropical yearEnglishnounThe time it takes for any astronomical object (such as a planet, dwarf planet, small Solar System body, or comet) in direct orbit around a star (such as the Sun) to make one revolution around the star, taking into account orbital precession.broadly
CanadaCanadienFrenchnounCanadian (male or of unspecified sex) (boy or man).masculine
CanadaCanadienFrenchnameThe Montreal Canadiens hockey club.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsmasculine
CanidsволчокRussiannoundiminutive of волк (volk): little wolf, wolf cubanimate diminutive form-of
CanidsволчокRussiannounspinning top (toy)inanimate
CanidsволчокRussiannounlittle bittern (bird)animate
CanidsволчокRussiannounwater sprout, epicormic shootinanimate regional
CanidsволчокRussiannounpeephole in a prison cell doorcolloquial inanimate
CaprineskelZouverbto climbtransitive
Card gameskupaSerbo-Croatiannouncup, goblet
Card gameskupaSerbo-Croatiannounconegeometry mathematics sciencesSerbia
Card gameskupaSerbo-Croatiannouncups in Spanish playing cards
Card gameskupaSerbo-Croatianverbthird-person singular present of kupatiform-of present singular third-person
CarnivorescarnívoroPortugueseadjcarnivorous; meat-eatingbiology ecology natural-sciences
CarnivorescarnívoroPortugueseadjcarnivoranbiology ecology natural-sciences
CarnivorescarnívoroPortuguesenouncarnivore (meat-eating animal)biology ecology natural-sciencesmasculine
CarnivorescarnívoroPortuguesenouncarnivoran (mammal belonging to the order Carnivora)biology ecology natural-sciencesmasculine
CarnivorescarnívoroPortuguesenouncarnivore (a person who is not a vegetarian)biology ecology natural-sciencesinformal masculine
CatholicismMadonnaEnglishnameSynonym of Mary, mother of Jesus, especially in Catholic contexts.Christianitysometimes with-definite-article
CatholicismMadonnaEnglishnameA female given name from Italian.
CatholicismMadonnaEnglishnounAn artistic representation of the Virgin Mary, chiefly when holding the infant Jesus.
CatholicismMadonnaEnglishnounA morally pure woman.
CatspussyEnglishnounA cat.countable endearing informal uncountable
CatspussyEnglishnounThe female genitalia; the vulva or vagina.colloquial countable uncountable vulgar
CatspussyEnglishnounAnything soft and furry; a bloom form, or catkin, as on the pussy willow.countable uncountable
CatspussyEnglishnounSexual intercourse with a woman.slang uncountable vulgar
CatspussyEnglishnounA coward; a weakling; an ineffectual, timid, or pathetic person.countable derogatory slang uncountable vulgar
CatspussyEnglishnounA woman or girl, seen as having characteristics associated with cats such as sweetness.archaic colloquial countable endearing uncountable
CatspussyEnglishnounThe anus of a man, usually the passive participant in gay sex.countable uncountable vulgar
CatspussyEnglishnounThe anus of a trans woman.countable uncountable vulgar
CatspussyEnglishnounUsed in blends to form deliberately grotesque and unwieldy words referring to cavities. See -ussy.Internet countable humorous uncountable vulgar
CatspussyEnglishnounA notional part of the body used during exertion of effort; usually in the form put one's whole pussy into.Internet countable humorous uncountable vulgar
CatspussyEnglishnounA game of tipcat.countable dated uncountable
CatspussyEnglishadjContaining or exuding pus.medicine sciences
CatspussyEnglishadjAlternative form of pursyalt-of alternative dated slang
CattlekrávaCzechnouncow (female domesticated ox or other bovine, especially an adult after she has had a calf)feminine
CattlekrávaCzechnounbitch (objectionable woman)derogatory feminine informal offensive
CattlekrávaCzechnounbig, large objectfeminine informal
CattletáinIrishnouncattle-raid, plundering expeditionfeminine literary
CattletáinIrishnouna story about a cattle-raid or plundering expeditionfeminine literary
CattletáinIrishnounthe cattle plundered in a cattle-raidfeminine literary
CattletáinIrishnounflock, herdfeminine literary
CattletáinIrishnounwealth, fortunefeminine in-plural literary
CattletáinIrishnouna large amount, a great numberfeminine in-plural literary
CattletáinIrishnouna crowdfeminine literary
Celery family plantsкотрљанSerbo-Croatiannounchav, ned, gopnikregional
Celery family plantsкотрљанSerbo-Croatiannounscarab (any Scarabaeus beetle or specifically Scarabaeus sacer)
Celery family plantsкотрљанSerbo-Croatiannouneryngo (any Eryngium umbellifer or specifically Eryngium campestre)
CephalopodsgunnadóirIrishnoungunner, gunmanmasculine
CephalopodsgunnadóirIrishnounrapid talker, sharp-tongued personmasculine
Characters from folkloreSaciEnglishnameA black, one-legged, prankster youngster in Brazilian folklore, who smokes a pipe and wears a magical red hat that enables him to disappear.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
Characters from folkloreSaciEnglishnameThe goddess of wrath and jealousy in Hindu mythology.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesHinduism
Chemical elementswàngMuongadjyellow
Chemical elementswàngMuongnoungold
ChemistryabuIndonesiannounash (solid remains of a fire)uncountable
ChemistryabuIndonesiannounSynonym of debu (“dust”)rare uncountable
ChemistryabuIndonesianverbto have defeatobsolete
ChemistryabuIndonesiannounSynonym of ayah (“father”)dialectal
ChemistryabuIndonesiannounAlternative form of abuanalt-of alternative
ChesscavadduSiciliannounknightboard-games chess gamesmasculine
Chess openingsbongcloudEnglishnounA chess opening in which white's king is advanced to the second rank on the second move, for example, 1.e4 e5 2.Ke2, thus preventing white from being able to castle and allowing black to develop with tempo.
Chess openingsbongcloudEnglishverbTo play such an opening.intransitive
Chess openingsbongcloudEnglishverbTo advance one's king to the second rank without first castling.intransitive
ChildrenaniołeczekPolishnoundiminutive of aniołekChristianity Islam biblical lifestyle religionJudaism animal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
ChildrenaniołeczekPolishnounlittle childanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (percussive musical instrument spanned with a thin covering on at least one end for striking, forming an acoustic chamber)inanimate masculine
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (any similar hollow, cylindrical object) / drum (rotating wooden drum filled with tannin extract which is used to saturate leather)figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (any similar hollow, cylindrical object) / reel (rolling device for winding string)figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (any similar hollow, cylindrical object) / reel for separating seeds from pineconesfiguratively inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (any similar hollow, cylindrical object) / reel of a thresherfiguratively inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (any similar hollow, cylindrical object) / cylinder in a watch that holds the springfiguratively inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnountholobate (substructure on which a dome or cupola rests)architectureinanimate masculine
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (any of the cylindrical blocks that make up the shaft of a pillar)architectureinanimate masculine
ChildrenbębenPolishnounpaunch (large belly)colloquial derogatory inanimate masculine
ChildrenbębenPolishnounsquirt; rugrat (small child, especially one feels negatively toward)colloquial inanimate masculine
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrumming (sound of drums)inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnounauction; forced saleinanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnounrecruitment, recruiting; conscriptiongovernment military politics warinanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnounrear end (one's behind)humorous inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnoundrum (vessel for liquid)inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnountambour (embroidery hoop)inanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnouneardrum (tympanic membrane)anatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnounwheel cover of a steam shipnautical sailing transportinanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnounsifter (mill machine for sorting grain milling products)agriculture business lifestyleinanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnounwax-coated cord used in making candlesinanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrenbębenPolishnounglutton; drunkardinanimate masculine obsolete
ChildrensmrodekPolishnoundiminutive of smróddiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ChildrensmrodekPolishnounbad atmospherecolloquial inanimate masculine
ChildrensmrodekPolishnoununruly child or a very young personanimal-not-person derogatory masculine
Children囝仔ChinesenounchildMin Northern
Children囝仔ChinesenounsonMin Northern
Children囝仔Chinesenounsons and daughtersMin Northern
Children囝仔ChinesenounAlternative form of 囡仔Hokkien alt-of alternative
ChinaچینیPunjabinounChinese (language)
Chinese dynasties北魏ChinesenameNorthern Wei
Chinese dynasties北魏Chinesenamea calligraphy style, especially prominent on traditional Hong Kong shop signage
Chinese mythology福祿壽ChinesenameFu Lu Shou (the Three Lucky Gods in Chinese mythology)
Chinese mythology福祿壽Chinesenounhappiness, wealth and longevity
Chinese mythology福祿壽Chinesenounhappy life
ChristianitySan Juan BautistaSpanishnamethe name Saint John the Baptist
ChristianitySan Juan BautistaSpanishnameany of a number of places named after Saint John the Baptist
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A person or thing that translates direct speech or signing.
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of translator, one who translates various forms of texts.obsolete
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of commentator, one who explains laws or scripture.obsolete
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of emissary, particularly in reference to Hermes or angels as messengers between humans and the divine.obsolete
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of guide, one who explains a thing, person, or group of people.uncommon
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A thing that, figuratively speaking, performs a similar role explaining, revealing, or clarifying.figuratively
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of synonymy, the use of one term to explain another.obsolete rhetoric
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of dictionary or glossary, a book that explains uncommon terms.obsolete
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A machine that reads the pattern of holes on a punch card and prints its meaning along the top of the card.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences scienceshistorical
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / An analyst of reconnaissance photographs.historical
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A program that converts commands into machine language in real time rather than compiling it in advance.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A performer who presents a piece of art in a distinct style, particularly so as to make older works relevant to their audience.entertainment lifestyle music theater
ChristianityinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another, particularly
ChristianityrrëfyesAlbaniannouncatholic priest who takes a believes into a confessionalmasculine
ChristmasNoëlFrenchnameChristmas, Christmas timemasculine
ChristmasNoëlFrenchnamea male given name, equivalent to English Noelmasculine
ChristmasNoëlFrenchnamea female given name, more common in the form Noëllefeminine rare
ChristmasNoëlFrenchnamea surname originating as a patronymicby-personal-gender feminine masculine
ChristmasNoëlFrenchintjhuzzah, hurrah (cry of celebration in portrayals of medieval people)obsolete
ChristmasrabanadaPortuguesenouna kind of French toast, prepared as dessert during Christmas periodcooking food lifestylefeminine
ChristmasrabanadaPortuguesenounblast; gust (strong, abrupt rush of wind)feminine
CircusrepryzaPolishnounreprise (section of a sonata that is a repetition of the first theme)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
CircusrepryzaPolishnounreprise (repetition of a phrase, or a return to an earlier theme)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
CircusrepryzaPolishnounreprise (use of a previously created work or its elements in another work)feminine
CircusrepryzaPolishnounreprise (short scene that fills the time between circus show numbers)feminine
Citrus subfamily plantsarancioItalianadjorange (color/colour)invariable
Citrus subfamily plantsarancioItaliannounorange (color/colour)masculine rare uncountable
Citrus subfamily plantsarancioItaliannounorange (tree)masculine
Citrus subfamily plantsarancioItaliannounorange (fruit)dated masculine
City nicknames帝都Chinesenounimperial capital
City nicknames帝都ChinesenounBeijing (lit. "capital of the Emperor; capital of the Celestial Ruler")humorous ironic literally
CleaningeṣiṣilọọYorubanouna single grass strand which make up a broomEkiti
CleaningeṣiṣilọọYorubanounbroom; (literally) the bundle of grass strand that form a broomEkiti broadly
ClothingfittingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of fitform-of gerund participle present
ClothingfittingEnglishverbGetting ready; preparing.US informal with-infinitive
ClothingfittingEnglishadjAppropriate; suitable.
ClothingfittingEnglishnounA small part, especially a standardized or detachable part of a device or machine.countable uncountable
ClothingfittingEnglishnounA tube connector; a standardized connecting part of a piping system to attach sections of pipe together, such as a couplingengineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
ClothingfittingEnglishnounThe act of trying on clothes to inspect or adjust the fit.countable uncountable
ClothingfittingEnglishnounThe process of fitting up; especially of applying craft methods such as skilled filing to the making and assembling of machines or other manufacturingcountable uncountable
ClothingfittingEnglishnounA removable item in a house or other building, which can be taken with one when one moves out, such as a moveable piece of furniture, a carpet, picture, etc.; US furnishing; compare fixture.British countable often plural uncountable
ClothingfittingEnglishnounThe action or condition of having fits in the sense of seizures or convulsions.uncountable
ClothingmantleEnglishnounA piece of clothing somewhat like an open robe or cloak, especially that worn by Orthodox bishops.
ClothingmantleEnglishnounA figurative garment representing authority or status, capable of affording protection.figuratively
ClothingmantleEnglishnounAnything that covers or conceals something else; a cloak.figuratively
ClothingmantleEnglishnounThe body wall of a mollusc, from which the shell is secreted.biology malacology natural-sciences
ClothingmantleEnglishnounThe back of a bird together with the folded wings.biology natural-sciences ornithology
ClothingmantleEnglishnounThe zone of hot gases around a flame.
ClothingmantleEnglishnounA gauzy fabric impregnated with metal nitrates, used in some kinds of gas and oil lamps and lanterns, which forms a rigid but fragile mesh of metal oxides when heated during initial use and then produces white light from the heat of the flame below it. (So called because it is hung above the lamp's flame like a mantel.)
ClothingmantleEnglishnounThe outer wall and casing of a blast furnace, above the hearth.
ClothingmantleEnglishnounA penstock for a water wheel.
ClothingmantleEnglishnounThe cerebral cortex.anatomy medicine sciences
ClothingmantleEnglishnounThe layer between Earth's core and crust.geography geology natural-sciences
ClothingmantleEnglishnounAlternative spelling of mantel (“shelf above fireplace”)alt-of alternative
ClothingmantleEnglishnounA mantling.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
ClothingmantleEnglishverbTo cover or conceal (something); to cloak; to disguise.transitive
ClothingmantleEnglishverbTo become covered or concealed.intransitive
ClothingmantleEnglishverbTo spread like a mantle (especially of blood in the face and cheeks when a person flushes).intransitive
ClothingmantleEnglishverbTo climb over or onto something.
ClothingmantleEnglishverbThe action of stretching out the wings to hide food.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyle
ClothingmantleEnglishverbThe action of stretching a wing and the same side leg out to one side of the body.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyle
ClothingmarynarkaPolishnounsuit jacketfeminine
ClothingmarynarkaPolishnounnavy (a country's entire sea force, including ships and personnel)feminine
ClothingmarynarkaPolishnounmerchant navyfeminine
ClothingmitónSpanishnounfingerless glovemasculine
ClothingmitónSpanishnounmittenSouth-America masculine
ClothingодягUkrainiannounclothes, clothing, garmentsuncountable
ClothingодягUkrainianverbmasculine singular past perfective of одягти́ (odjahtý)form-of masculine past perfective singular
ClothingрухоBulgariannounclothing, dress, robedialectal
ClothingрухоBulgariannoungarment, cloth, linendialectal
ClothingقفازArabicnounverbal noun of قَفَزَ (qafaza) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
ClothingगोटHindinounpiece, gamepiecegames
ClothingगोटHindinounstrip of gold or silver applied to the hem of a garment
Clothing행장Koreannountraveling outfit, traveling equipment
Clothing행장Koreannounmilitary attire
CockroachesChinesecharactera type of small cicadaobsolete
CoinslegendEnglishnounthe life story of a saint (such stories are often embellished, but any kind is called a legend)countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events.countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A plausible story set in the historical past, but whose historicity is uncertain.countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A story in which a kernel of truth is embellished to an unlikely degree.countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounAn unrealistic story depicting past events. / A fabricated backstory for a spy, with associated documents and records.countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounA person related to a legend or legends. / A leading protagonist in a historical legend.countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounA person related to a legend or legends. / A person of extraordinary fame or accomplishments.countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounA person related to a legend or legends. / A person of extraordinary fame or accomplishments. / A cool, nice or helpful person, especially one who is male.Australia Ireland New-Zealand UK colloquial countable slang uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounA key to the symbols and color codes on a map, chart, etc.cartography geography natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounAn inscription, motto, or title, especially one surrounding the field in a medal or coin, or placed upon a heraldic shield or beneath an engraving or illustration.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility numismatics politicscountable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounA musical composition set to a poetical story.countable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishnounThe design and specification of a vessel.government military naval navy politics warcountable uncountable
CoinslegendEnglishverbTo tell or narrate; to recount.archaic transitive
CollectivesquintupletEnglishnounA group of five, particularly (music) a tuplet of five notes to be played in the time for four.
CollectivesquintupletEnglishnounOne of a group of five, particularly babies born from the same mother during the same birth.
CollectivesquintupletEnglishnounA cycle adapted for five riders, all of whom can assist in the propulsion.
CollectivessindicatoSpanishnountrade unionmasculine
CollectivessindicatoSpanishnounlabor unionmasculine
CollectivestawiSwahilinounbranch (of a tree)
CollectivestawiSwahilinounbranch (of an organisation or company)
CollectivestawiSwahilinounclade (of organisms derived from a common ancestor species)
CollectivesugrupowaniePolishnounverbal noun of ugrupowaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
CollectivesugrupowaniePolishnoungrouping, party (group of people or organizations with similar views and common goals)government politicscountable neuter
CollectivesugrupowaniePolishnounarmy, grouping (way of deploying troops to perform a common task; also: troops deployed in some way)government military politics warcountable neuter
ColorsbiancuGallureseadjwhite (having a white colour)
ColorsbiancuGalluresenounwhite (colour)masculine uncountable
ColorsbiancuGalluresenounwhite (Caucasian person)masculine
ColorscochWelshadjred, ginger (of hair)
ColorscochWelshadjbay (of a horse)
ColorscochWelshadjsmutty, dirty
ColorscítricoSpanishadjgreenish yellow in colour
ColorscítricoSpanishnouncitrus fruitmasculine
ColorscítricoSpanishnoungreenish yellowmasculine
ColorsibolyaHungarianadjviolet (colour)
ColorsibolyaHungariannounviolet (flower)
ColorsindigóHungariannounanil, indigo (plant)
ColorsindigóHungariannounindigo (colour)
ColorsindigóHungariannouncarbon paper
ColorsumaszczeniePolishnounverbal noun of umaścićform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
ColorsumaszczeniePolishnouncolorationbiology natural-sciences zoologycountable neuter
Colorsuphag pulaCebuanonounthe color auburn
Colorsuphag pulaCebuanoadjof the colour auburn
ColorswꜣḏEgyptiannounpapyrus stem (with an umbel)
ColorswꜣḏEgyptiannounsymbol of Lower Egypt
ColorswꜣḏEgyptiannouna papyriform column or pillarplural-normally
ColorswꜣḏEgyptiannouna papyrus-stem-shaped amulet conveying freshness and vigour
ColorswꜣḏEgyptianverbto be(come) greenintransitive
ColorswꜣḏEgyptianverbto be(come) freshintransitive
ColorswꜣḏEgyptianverbto thrive, to flourishintransitive
ColorswꜣḏEgyptianadjperfective active participle of wꜣḏ: green, fresh, thriving, vigorousactive form-of participle perfective
ColorswꜣḏEgyptiannounthe happy or fortunate
ColorswꜣḏEgyptiannounoffspring, generally in reference to the king as son of a god or Horus as son of Osiris
ColorswꜣḏEgyptiannoungreen plants in general
ColorsšspEgyptianverbAlternative form of sšp (“to be(come) bright, to illuminate”)alt-of alternative
ColorsšspEgyptiannounAlternative form of sšp (“illumination, light of dawn”)alt-of alternative
ColorsšspEgyptianromanizationAlternative transliteration of šzp.romanization
ColorsμπλεGreekadjblueindeclinable neuter
ColorsگلابیPersianadjpinkDari Tajik
Colors蒼白Chineseadjpale; wan; pallidusually
Colors蒼白Chineseadjlifeless; flatart artsusually
ColorsꦲꦶꦗꦺꦴJavaneseadjgreen (having green as its colour)informal
ColorsꦲꦶꦗꦺꦴJavanesenoungreen (colour)informal
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe seed within the drupe of a small deciduous tree in family Rosaceae, Prunus amygdalus, considered a culinary nut.countable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe tree that produces almonds.countable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / bitter almond. of variety Prunus amygdalus var. amara, (syn. Prunus dulcis var. amara), that only produces bitter fruitscountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Prunus japonica, flowering almond, an ornamental shrub in family Rosaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Prunus andersonii, desert almond, a North American shrub in family Rosaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Prunus fasciculata, desert range almond or wild almond, North American shrub in family Rosaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Terminalia catappa, Indian almond or tropical almond, in family Combretaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Brabejum stellatifolium or bitter almond, in family Proteaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe colour of the kernel of an almond without its shell and thin seed coat, a creamy off-white colour.uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe colour of an almond still covered by its skin, a shade of brown.uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounFlavour or other characteristics of almond.uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounAnything shaped like an almond; specifically, (anatomy, archaic) a tonsil.countable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishadjBrownish, resembling the colour of an almond nut.
CommelinidsարմաւOld Armeniannoundate (fruit)
CommelinidsարմաւOld Armeniannounbunch of dates, cluster of dates
CommelinidsարմաւOld Armeniannoundate palm
CommelinidsարմաւOld Armeniannounleave of the date palm
CommelinidsարմաւOld Armeniannounkind of grass
CommelinidsարմաւOld Armeniannounphoenix (mythical bird)
Compass pointsnordeGaliciannounnorth (cardinal direction)masculine uncountable
Compass pointsnordeGaliciannounthe northern portion of a territory or regionmasculine uncountable
Compass pointsnordeGaliciannouna northern; a wind blowing from the northcountable masculine
CompositesturtlebackEnglishnounAnything having the shape of a turtle's back (that is, its shell).
CompositesturtlebackEnglishnounA convex deck at the bow or stern of a vessel, designed to shed seawater quickly.nautical transport
CompositesturtlebackEnglishnounAn armor layout with an armored deck which slopes downwards towards the sides of the ship and connects to the lower edge of the main belt armor, designed to deflect shells striking the ship on trajectories close to horizontal.government military nautical politics transport war
CompositesturtlebackEnglishnounA primitive stone celt of a form suggesting the back of a turtle.
CompositesturtlebackEnglishnounA library binding of a mass market paperback with a generic hardcover.
CompositesturtlebackEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Psathyrotes of annual and perennial forbs and low subshrubs native to dry areas of southwestern North America.
Computer hardwaremokkulaFinnishnoungadget, widget, contrivance (any unknown device)
Computer hardwaremokkulaFinnishnounwireless USB modem
Computer hardwaremokkulaFinnishnounA machine or device working poorly or not at all.dialectal
ComputingscreenieEnglishnounA screenshot.informal
ComputingscreenieEnglishnounA screensaver.informal
ComputingscreenieEnglishnounSomeone who spends a lot of time in front of a (television or computer) screen.informal
CondimentsCurryGermannouncurry (sauce or relish flavored with curry powder)neuter strong
CondimentsCurryGermannouncurry powderneuter strong
Confucianism孝敬Chineseverbto show filial respect
Confucianism孝敬Chineseverbto give presents to one's elders or superiors
Confucianism孝敬Chineseverbto offer sacrifices (to gods and spirits)Min Southern
Confucianism孝敬Chineseverbto give someone somethingHokkien Mainland-China derogatory
ConservatismtraditionalismEnglishnounThe adherence to traditional views or practices, especially with regard to cultural or religious matters.countable uncountable
ConservatismtraditionalismEnglishnounThe continuation of theological rituals on the basis that the ritual has always completed, rather than the ritual being a manifestation of theology.countable uncountable
ConservatismtraditionalismEnglishnounA philosophical system which makes tradition the supreme criterion and rule of certitude; the doctrine that human reason is of itself radically unable to know with certainty any truth or, at least, the fundamental truths of the metaphysical, moral, and religious order.countable uncountable
ConstellationskalbumAkkadiannoundog also as an invectivemasculine
ConstellationskalbumAkkadiannoundog figurinemasculine
ConstellationskalbumAkkadiannounHercules (the constellation)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
Constellations in the zodiacleonInterlinguanounlion
Constellations in the zodiacleonInterlinguanounLeo
Constellations in the zodiacܥܩܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounscorpion
Constellations in the zodiacܥܩܪܒܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameScorpio (constellation and zodiac sign)astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Constellations in the zodiacవృశ్చికముTelugunounscorpion
Constellations in the zodiacవృశ్చికముTelugunameThe Zodiac sign Scorpio.astronomy natural-sciences
ConstructionhousenMiddle EnglishverbTo accommodate or lodge; to have as a guest: / To provide shelter or refuge.
ConstructionhousenMiddle EnglishverbTo accommodate or lodge; to have as a guest: / To give out accommodations (to someone).
ConstructionhousenMiddle EnglishverbTo shelter or reside (in a house or building)
ConstructionhousenMiddle EnglishverbTo house, store; to place in storage.
ConstructionhousenMiddle EnglishverbTo build, construct (houses or buildings).
ConstructionhousenMiddle EnglishverbTo set up or arrange accommodation (in a building)
ConstructionhousenMiddle Englishnounplural of housform-of plural
Construction窗口Chinesenounwindow (opening in a wall or roof)
Construction窗口Chinesenounwindow (opening providing customer service)
Construction窗口Chinesenounwindow (interval or opportunity)figuratively
Construction窗口Chinesenounwindow (display screen for viewing information)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ContainersolieraCatalanadjfeminine singular of olierfeminine form-of singular
ContainersolieraCatalannounfemale equivalent of olierfeminine form-of
ContainersolieraCatalannouna cruet for oilfeminine
Cookware and bakewarepoteSpanishnounpotmasculine
Cookware and bakewarepoteSpanishnounstewmasculine
Cookware and bakewarepoteSpanishnounglass of wine (drunk in a bar)Navarre masculine
Cookware and bakewarepoteSpanishverbinflection of potar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
Cookware and bakewarepoteSpanishverbinflection of potar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
CoronaviruscovinaziSpanishadjrelating to the radical and liberticide measures against the coronavirus, such as the green passSpain derogatory feminine masculine offensive
CoronaviruscovinaziSpanishnouna person or politician in favor of the radical and liberticide measures against the coronavirus, such as the green passSpain by-personal-gender derogatory feminine masculine offensive
CoronavirusdeltacronEnglishnounA double infection of the Delta variant and Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.medicine sciencesinformal neologism uncountable
CoronavirusdeltacronEnglishnounA recombinant form of SARS-CoV-2 resulting from Omicron and Deltamedicine sciencesinformal neologism uncountable
CorvidsbranIrishnounravenliterary masculine
CorvidsbranIrishnounbream (Abramis brama)masculine
CorvidsbranIrishnounClipping of bran (mór) (“bran”).abbreviation alt-of clipping masculine
CorvidsbranIrishnounClipping of bran beag (“pollard”).abbreviation alt-of clipping masculine
CorvidsmohínoSpanishadjgloomy; downbeat; sulky
CorvidsmohínoSpanishadjdark black
CorvidsmohínoSpanishnounhinny (offspring of a horse and donkey)masculine
CorvidsmohínoSpanishnounIberian azure-winged magpiemasculine
CosmeticscieńPolishnounshade (darkness where light, particularly sunlight, is blocked)inanimate masculine
CosmeticscieńPolishnounshadow (dark image projected onto a surface where light is blocked by an object)inanimate masculine
CosmeticscieńPolishnounshadow, outline (faintly visible object)inanimate masculine
CosmeticscieńPolishnounshadow, husk (inferior or faint representation)figuratively inanimate masculine
CosmeticscieńPolishnounshadow, shade, ghostinanimate literary masculine
CosmeticscieńPolishnouneyeshadowinanimate masculine
CosmeticscieńPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of cienićform-of imperative second-person singular
Countriesܣܢ ܡܪܝܢܘClassical SyriacnameSan Marino
Countriesܣܢ ܡܪܝܢܘClassical SyriacnameRepublic of San Marino
CraftsalfareríaSpanishnounpottery workshopfeminine
CraftsalfareríaSpanishnounpottery craft; earthenwarefeminine uncountable
CrimeatracamentCatalannounholdup, heist, robbery, muggingmasculine
CrimeatracamentCatalannounmooringnautical transportmasculine
Crimechop shopEnglishnounA facility where stolen motor vehicles are disassembled in order to sell their mechanical parts.US
Crimechop shopEnglishverbAlternative form of chop-shopalt-of alternative
CrimepoachingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of poachform-of gerund participle present
CrimepoachingEnglishnounIllegal procurement of protected wildlife such as fish, game, logging, or plant collecting.countable uncountable
Criminal law刑法Japanesenouncriminal law
Criminal law刑法Japanesenouncriminal code; penal codespecifically
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / Any of genus Sebastes, or edible red rockfishs.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / Any of genus Sebastes, or edible red rockfishs. / especially Sebastes norvegicus, found in North American waters, also called rosefish or ocean perch.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / A large red edible fish, Sciaenops ocellatus, also called channel bass or red drum.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / Lutjanus spp., snappers.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / Centroberyx affinis, eastern nannygai.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / Etelis oculatus, queen snapper.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / Rhomboplites aurorubens, vermillion snapper.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / A slimehead, of family Trachichthyidae.
CroakersredfishEnglishnounAny of several species fish with red skin or flesh: / Oncorhynchus nerka, sockeye salmon.
Croakers紅瓜Chinesenounyellow croakerXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
CrustaceansracRomaniannouncancerdated masculine
CrustaceansracRomaniannounCancerastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesmasculine
CrustaceansrakCzechnouncrayfishanimate masculine
CrustaceansrakCzechnouncanceranimate archaic colloquial masculine
CulturemodernizmPolishnounmodernisminanimate masculine
CulturemodernizmPolishnounmodernismCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicisminanimate masculine
CurrencieshalerzPolishnounheller (13th-century coin equivalent to half a pfennig)animal-not-person historical masculine
CurrencieshalerzPolishnounheller (subdivision of Czech koruna)animal-not-person masculine
CurrencieshalerzPolishnounheller (subdivision of Slovak koruna)animal-not-person historical masculine
CurrencychwecheiniogWelshnounsixpencefeminine historical not-mutable
CurrencychwecheiniogWelshnounsixpenny bitfeminine historical not-mutable
CurrencylibraGaliciannounEnglish or American pound, a unit of mass equivalent to 453.6 gfeminine
CurrencylibraGaliciannounGalician pound, a unit of mass equivalent to about 575 gfeminine historical
CurrencylibraGaliciannounlibra, Spanish pound, a unit of mass equivalent to about 460 gfeminine historical
CurrencylibraGaliciannounBritish pound, a unit of British currency originally notionally equal to a pound of sterling silverfeminine
CurrencylibraGaliciannounpound, other similar currencies originally notionally equal to a pound of gold or silverfeminine historical
CurrencylibraGaliciannounLibra (someone with the Libra star sign)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
CurrencylibraGalicianverbinflection of librar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
CurrencylibraGalicianverbinflection of librar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
DancechoreographyEnglishnounThe art of creating, arranging and recording the dance movements of a work, such as a ballet. / The art of creating and arranging sequences of movement for performances of any kind, such as in fight choreography.broadly countable uncountable
DancechoreographyEnglishnounThe art of creating, arranging and recording the dance movements of a work, such as a ballet. / The art of creating and arranging any activities that involve social coordination or orchestration.broadly countable figuratively uncountable
DancechoreographyEnglishnounThe art of creating, arranging and recording the dance movements of a work, such as a ballet.uncountable
DancechoreographyEnglishnounThe dance steps, sequences or styles peculiar to a work, group, performance or institution.uncountable
DancechoreographyEnglishnounThe representation of these movements by a series of symbols.countable uncountable
DancechoreographyEnglishnounThe notation used to construct this record.countable uncountable
Dancesmorris danceEnglishnounA traditional English folk dance performed by a team of costumed dancers, often men but also men and women together or women only, who often wield sticks or handkerchiefs.
Dancesmorris danceEnglishverbTo perform in such a dance.intransitive
Days of the week木曜Koreannounhanja form of 목요 (“(archaic) planet Jupiter”)form-of hanja
Days of the week木曜Koreannounhanja form of 목요 (“Thursday”)form-of hanja
DeathRIPEnglishintjInitialism of requiescat in pace, requiescant in pace, and rest in peace (a blessing or expression of hope that a deceased person is at peace). / Expressing disappointment at the fact that someone or something has come to an end or gone away.broadly informal ironic often
DeathRIPEnglishintjInitialism of requiescat in pace, requiescant in pace, and rest in peace (a blessing or expression of hope that a deceased person is at peace). / Expressing concern about something bad happening to someone or something.excessive humorous ironic often slang
DeathRIPEnglishintjInitialism of requiescat in pace, requiescant in pace, and rest in peace (a blessing or expression of hope that a deceased person is at peace). / Expressing mild disappointment or embarrassment.broadly slang
DeathRIPEnglishintjInitialism of requiescat in pace, requiescant in pace, and rest in peace (a blessing or expression of hope that a deceased person is at peace).abbreviation alt-of initialism
DeathRIPEnglishintjInitialism of rest in piss.abbreviation alt-of derogatory initialism
DeathRIPEnglishintjInitialism of rest in power.abbreviation alt-of initialism rare
DeathRIPEnglishnameRouting information protocol, a dynamic routing protocol used in local and wide area networks.
DeathRIPEnglishnounRepeat-induced point mutation, a process by which both copies of duplicated sequences are mutated.uncountable
DeathRIPEnglishnounInitialism of reduction in pay.government law-enforcementUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
DeathRIPEnglishnounInitialism of ribosome-inactivating protein.biology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
DeathmatarSpanishverbto kill, slay
DeathmatarSpanishverbto put out, extinguish (a flame or light)
DeathmatarSpanishverbto butcher
DeathmatarSpanishverbto injure, damage
DeathmatarSpanishverbto fatigue, exhaust, tire out
DeathmatarSpanishverbto dull (render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish)
DeathmatarSpanishverbto round off
DeathmatarSpanishverbto ruin
DeathmatarSpanishverbto kill (to annoy)colloquial
DeathmatarSpanishverbto kill (to get mad at)colloquial
DeathmatarSpanishverbto kill (to amaze, exceed, stun)colloquial
DeathmatarSpanishverbto beat (to be better than)colloquial
DeathmatarSpanishverbto postmark
DeathmatarSpanishverbto kill oneself, to commit suicidereflexive
DeathmatarSpanishverbto be killed, to meet one’s deathreflexive
DeathmatarSpanishverbto become galled, to become chafed, to get sores (said of horses)reflexive
DeathmatarSpanishverbto wear oneself outreflexive
DeathregicideEnglishnounThe killing of a king.
DeathregicideEnglishnounOne who kills a king.
DeathਮਰਨਾPunjabiverbto die, to perishintransitive
DeathਮਰਨਾPunjabiverbto wither, to decay (of plants)intransitive
DeathਮਰਨਾPunjabiverbto die down, to subside (of wind)intransitive
DeathおぼれじにJapanesenoundeath by drowning
DeathおぼれじにJapaneseverbto die by drowning
DeceptionoszukaćPolishverbto deceiveperfective transitive
DeceptionoszukaćPolishverbto be delusionalperfective reflexive
DeceptionoszukaćPolishverbto deceive each otherperfective reflexive
DeceptionoszukaćPolishverbto make a wrong judgementperfective reflexive
DelhiDelhiteEnglishadjAlternative form of Delhiitealt-of alternative not-comparable
DelhiDelhiteEnglishnounAlternative form of Delhiitealt-of alternative
DemocracyπλουτοκρατίαAncient GreeknounAn oligarchy of wealth
DemocracyπλουτοκρατίαAncient GreeknounA plutocracy
DemonymsAnglianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Angles (Germanic people).not-comparable
DemonymsAnglianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to East Anglia.not-comparable
DemonymsAnglianEnglishnounAn Angle (member of a Germanic people).
DemonymsAnglianEnglishnameAn Old English dialect from Mercia or Northumbria.
DemonymsBelgraderGermannouna native or inhabitant of Belgrademasculine strong
DemonymsBelgraderGermanadjof Belgradeindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsChaldeanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Chaldea specifically, or ancient Babylonia in general.not-comparable
DemonymsChaldeanEnglishnounA native of Chaldea; a Chaldee.
DemonymsChaldeanEnglishnounA member of the Chaldean Catholic Church.
DemonymsChaldeanEnglishnounA diviner or astrologer.biblical lifestyle religion
DemonymsChaldeanEnglishnameThe West Semitic language of the ancient Chaldeans.
DemonymsChaldeanEnglishnameSynonym of Biblical Aramaic (now considered a misnomer).historical
DemonymsChaldeanEnglishnameSynonym of Chaldean Neo-Aramaic
DemonymsKhersoniteEnglishadjOf or relating to the city of Kherson, Ukraine.not-comparable
DemonymsKhersoniteEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Kherson, Ukraine.
DemonymsMecklenburgerGermannounMecklenburger, Mecklenburgian (native or resident of Mecklenburg)masculine strong
DemonymsMecklenburgerGermannounMecklenburger (horse breed)masculine strong
DemonymsNew YorkerinGermannouna New Yorker (a female native or inhabitant of New York state)feminine
DemonymsNew YorkerinGermannouna New Yorker (a female native or inhabitant of New York City)feminine
DemonymsViseagotachIrishadjVisigothichistory human-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
DemonymsViseagotachIrishnounVisigothhistory human-sciences sciencesmasculine
DemonymsWalonWalloonnounperson from or living in Wallonia, Belgiummasculine
DemonymsWalonWalloonnamea surname
DemonymsalijoensePortugueseadjof Alijófeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsalijoensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Alijóby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsgadduresuGallureseadjGallurese (of or pertaining to Gallura)
DemonymsgadduresuGalluresenounGallurese (male native or inhabitant of Gallura)masculine
DemonymsgadduresuGalluresenounGallurese (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymstadjikCatalanadjTajik (pertaining to Tajikistan, to the Tajik people, or to Tajikistan)feminine masculine
DemonymstadjikCatalannounTajik (an inhabitant of Tajikistan or a member of the Tajik people)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymstadjikCatalannounTajik (an Indo-Aryan language used in Tajikistan and northern Afghanistan)masculine uncountable
DemonymstrójaiHungarianadjTrojan (relating to the city of Troy)not-comparable
DemonymstrójaiHungariannounTrojan (person from Troy)
Departments of FranceSommeEnglishnameOne of the départements of Picardy, now Hauts-de-France, France. Capital: Amiens.
Departments of FranceSommeEnglishnameA river in northern France.
Departments of FranceSommeEnglishnameA major battle of the First World War in 1916 in this area.history human-sciences sciences
DesignszablonPolishnountemplate (physical object)inanimate masculine
DesignszablonPolishnountemplate (generic model)inanimate masculine
Diacritical marksdiaeresisEnglishnounA separation of one syllable (especially a vowel which is a diphthong, that is, beginning with one sound and ending with another) into two distinct syllables; distraction.human-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciences
Diacritical marksdiaeresisEnglishnounA separation of one syllable (especially a vowel which is a diphthong, that is, beginning with one sound and ending with another) into two distinct syllables; distraction. / The diacritical mark consisting of two dots (¨) placed over a letter (especially the second of two consecutive vowels) to indicate that it is sounded separately, usually as a distinct syllable.communications human-sciences journalism linguistics literature media orthography phonology prosody publishing sciences writing
Diacritical marksdiaeresisEnglishnounAn occurrence of separate vowel sounds in adjacent syllables without an intervening consonant; a hiatus.human-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciences
Diacritical marksdiaeresisEnglishnounA division, a separation.figuratively rare
Diacritical marksdiaeresisEnglishnounA natural break in rhythm when a word ends at the end of a metrical foot in a line of verse.human-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciences
Diacritical marksdiaeresisEnglishnounAn act of separating body parts or tissues which are normally together.medicine sciences surgeryarchaic
DialectsGenoeseEnglishnounAn inhabitant or resident of Genoa.
DialectsGenoeseEnglishnameThe inhabitants of Genoa, collectively.
DialectsGenoeseEnglishnameThe dialect of Ligurian spoken in Genoa
DialectsGenoeseEnglishadjOf, from or relating to Genoa.not-comparable
DiplomacylegatioLatinnounambassador (office, not person)declension-3
DiplomacylegatioLatinnounembassy; member of an embassy; mission; (cf. Whitaker's Words)declension-3
DiplomacylegatioLatinnoundeputy commanddeclension-3
DiplomacylegatioLatinnoundonation, bequest (medieval)declension-3
DisabilitydiabetesEnglishnounDiabetes mellitus; any of a group of metabolic diseases whereby a person (or other animal) has high blood sugar due to an inability to produce, or inability to metabolize, sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable
DisabilitydiabetesEnglishnounAny food or beverage with a high amount of sugar.humorous slang uncountable
DisabilitydiabetesEnglishnounDiabetes insipidus; any condition characterized by excessive or incontinent urine, now specifically as caused by impaired production of, or response to, the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin.uncountable
DiseasesakitTagalognoundisease; sickness; illness; ailment
DiseasesakitTagalognounpain; painfulness
DiseasesakitTagalognoundiligence; perseverance; consistent effort
DiseasesakitTagalognouninterest; concern (for)
Diving跳水Chineseverbto dive; to jump into waterverb-object
Diving跳水Chineseverbto decrease speedilyverb-object
Diving跳水Chineseverbto plummetbusiness financeverb-object
Diving跳水Chineseverbto commit suicide by jumping into a body of waterQuanzhou Sichuanese Zhangzhou-Hokkien verb-object
Diving跳水Chinesenoundiving (jumping into water)
Donald TrumpSharpiegateEnglishnameA 2019 controversy around US president Donald Trump presenting a modified weather map indicating that Alabama would be hit by Hurricane Dorian, in opposition to official forecasts.informal
Donald TrumpSharpiegateEnglishnameA conspiracy theory claiming that ballots marked with Sharpie pens were unfairly disqualified in the 2020 US presidential election.informal
DramadramaEnglishnounA composition, normally in prose, telling a story and intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialoguecountable
DramadramaEnglishnounSuch a work for television, radio or the cinema, usually one that is not a comedy.countable
DramadramaEnglishnounTheatrical plays in general.uncountable
DramadramaEnglishnounA situation in real life that has the characteristics of such a theatrical play.countable uncountable
DramadramaEnglishnounRumor, lying or exaggerated reaction to life or online events; melodrama; an angry dispute or scene; a situation made more complicated or worse than it should be; intrigue or spiteful interpersonal maneuvering.slang uncountable
DrinkingFahneGermannounflag, banner (any cloth or fabric used as a symbol)feminine
DrinkingFahneGermannounidea, idealfeminine figuratively
DrinkingFahneGermannounthe noticeable smell of alcohol on one's breathcolloquial feminine
DrinkingFahneGermannoungalley proofmedia printing publishingfeminine
DrinkingFahneGermannounvane (flattened, web-like part of a feather)biology natural-sciences ornithologyfeminine
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemCeresoEsperantonameCeres (1 Ceres), a dwarf planet orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemCeresoEsperantonameThe Roman goddess of agriculture.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
EarthwormsxibuíNheengatunoungiant roundworm
EducationaflerenDutchverbto unlearntransitive
EducationaflerenDutchverbto correct (often a bad habit)transitive
EducationطالبPersiannouna member of the Talibanproscribed
EggsآنڈاPunjabinounovumbiology natural-sciences zoology
Elapid snakessea snakeEnglishnounAny of several snakes, of the subfamily Hydrophiinae, that live in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Elapid snakessea snakeEnglishnounAny snake that lives in the sea.
Elapid snakessea snakeEnglishnounA sea serpent.
EmotionsvoloLatinverbto wish, to pleaseirregular
EmotionsvoloLatinverbto wantirregular
EmotionsvoloLatinverbto mean, to intendirregular
EmotionsvoloLatinverbto be willing, to consentirregular
EmotionsvoloLatinverbto be going to, to intend, to be about to, to be on the point ofirregular
EmotionsvoloLatinverbto flyconjugation-1 impersonal
EmotionszapłonąćPolishverbto catch fire, to combust (to start burning)intransitive literary perfective
EmotionszapłonąćPolishverbto catch fire, to combust (to become engulfed in flames)intransitive literary perfective
EmotionszapłonąćPolishverbto start glowing with fireintransitive literary perfective
EmotionszapłonąćPolishverbto glow, to light up (to start illuminating)intransitive literary perfective
EmotionszapłonąćPolishverbto light up (to become visible as something fiery bright, especially bright red)intransitive literary perfective
EmotionszapłonąćPolishverbto blush, to flush (to become suffused with reddish color)intransitive literary perfective
EmotionszapłonąćPolishverbto flame up, to flare up (to experience sudden feelings)intransitive literary perfective
EmotionsਵਿੱਸPunjabinounpoison, venom, toxin
EmotionsਵਿੱਸPunjabinounanger, sullennessfiguratively
Emotions愁悶Chineseadjglum; downcast; gloomy
Emotions愁悶Chinesenounlow spirits; gloominess
Emotions迷惑Chineseadjconfused; confounded
Emotions迷惑Chineseverbto confuse; to delude
Emotions鬱積Japanesenounbuildup of emotions, especially anger or stress
Emotions鬱積Japaneseverbaccumulate, suppress, or smother emotions, especially anger or stress; let emotions build up
EnglishIndian EnglishEnglishnounA major dialect of the English language, spoken in many varieties in India and by people from India.countable uncountable
EnglishIndian EnglishEnglishnounOne of the specific varieties of Indian English.countable uncountable
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given names Vance, Ivan, or Evan.
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnameA city in Van Zandt County, Texas, United States.
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Vanessa.
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnameA large saline tectonic lake of the Armenian Highland in eastern Turkey, famous for its Chalcalburnus tarichi (syn. Alburnus tarichi) fish and the 10th century Armenian cathedral on Akhtamar Island.
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnameVan (a city on the shore of that lake, the capital of Van province, Turkey).
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnameVan (a province of Turkey).
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnameAbbreviation of Vancouver.abbreviation alt-of
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnounA Van cat.
English diminutives of male given namesVanEnglishnounA Turkish Van cat.
EquestrianismcursusLatinnounThe act of running; race.declension-4 masculine
EquestrianismcursusLatinnounCourse, way, passage, journey, voyage, marchdeclension-4 masculine
EquestrianismcursusLatinnounCourse, progress, direction, development, succession, passage, tendency; careerdeclension-4 figuratively masculine
EquestrianismcursusLatinverbrun, having been rundeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
EquestrianismcursusLatinverbtravelled through, traversed, ran, having been traverseddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
EthnonymsChehalisEnglishnounA Native American people of Western Washington State.plural plural-only
EthnonymsChehalisEnglishnameEither of the two Tsamosan languages spoken by this people, Upper Chehalis and Lower Chehalis.
EthnonymsChehalisEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Lewis County, Washington, United States.
EthnonymsChehalisEnglishnameA river in Washington, United States, flowing into the Pacific Ocean.
EthnonymsChehalisEnglishnounA Native American people of the Lower Mainland, British Columbia.plural plural-only
EthnonymsChehalisEnglishnameA small community in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada.
EthnonymsChehalisEnglishnameA river in British Columbia, Canada, flowing into the Harrison River.
EthnonymsbrasiguaioPortuguesenouna person of Brazilian descent who lives or works in Paraguaymasculine
EthnonymsbrasiguaioPortugueseadjof the people of Brazilian descent in Paraguayrelational
EthnonymsجرمنPunjabinameGermany (a country in Central Europe, formed in 1949 as West Germany, with its provisional capital Bonn until 1990, when it incorporated East Germany)
EthnonymsجرمنPunjabinamethe German language
EthnonymsجرمنPunjabiadjGerman; or relating to Germany
EthnonymsجرمنPunjabiadjrelating to people of German descentbroadly
EthnonymsجرمنPunjabiadjrelating to the German languagebroadly
EuagaricsstumpieEnglishnounA Manx cat with a short stump of a tail.
EuagaricsstumpieEnglishnounThe honey fungus.
EuropeEuropaPolishnameEurope (a continent)feminine
EuropeEuropaPolishnameEuropa (princess abducted to Crete by Zeus)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
EuropeEuropaPolishnameEuropa (moon of Jupiter)feminine
Even-toed ungulatesבהמותHebrewnounbehemoth
Even-toed ungulatesבהמותHebrewnounhippopotamus
Evening primrose family plantsaljabaSpanishnounquiver (for arrows)feminine
Evening primrose family plantsaljabaSpanishnounhummingbird fuchsia, Fuchsia magellanicafeminine
ExplosivesminaPolishnounmine (device intended to explode when stepped upon or touched, or when approached by a ship, vehicle, or person)government military politics warfeminine
ExplosivesminaPolishnounface, facial expression (expression or countenance that seems to an onlooker to be represented by the appearance of a person or animal's face, resulting from specific use of that person's facial muscles)feminine
FaceogórPolishnounAugmentative of ogórekaugmentative form-of inanimate masculine
FaceogórPolishnounnoseinanimate masculine slang
FaceոսպնOld Armeniannounlentil
FaceոսպնOld Armeniannounlentigo
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto lead, conduct, bring or draw towards, before, forward or againstconjugation-3
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto cover by drawing over; cover over, overlay, overspread, surround, envelop; heal; concealconjugation-3
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto close, shut up, bar; blockconjugation-3
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto draw in, drink down, swallow, downconjugation-3
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto swallow up, overwhelmconjugation-3
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto wrinkle, contractconjugation-3
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto injure, harmLate-Latin conjugation-3
Facial expressionsobducoLatinverbto draw out, pass, spendconjugation-3 figuratively
FamilyachcocolliClassical Nahuatlnouna great-grandfather.animate
FamilyachcocolliClassical Nahuatlnounan ancestor; forefather.animate
FamilymarriageEnglishnounThe state of being married.countable uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA union of two or more people that creates a family tie and carries legal, social, and/or religious rights and responsibilities. / The union of only two people, to the exclusion of all others.countable sometimes specifically uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA union of two or more people that creates a family tie and carries legal, social, and/or religious rights and responsibilities. / The union of two people of opposite sex, to the exclusion of all others.countable often specifically uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA union of two or more people that creates a family tie and carries legal, social, and/or religious rights and responsibilities.countable uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA wedding; a ceremony in which people wed.countable uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA close union.countable figuratively uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA joining of two parts.countable uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA king and a queen, when held as a hand in some versions of poker or melded in pinochle.card-games gamescountable uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounIn solitaire or patience games, the placing a card of the same suit on the next one above or below it in value.card-games gamescountable uncountable
FamilymarriageEnglishnounA homosexual relationship between male prisoners.countable slang uncountable
FamilynetCatalanadj(of a castell) built without a pinya, or without a folre or manilles when it would normally have theseacrobatics arts castells hobbies lifestyle performing-arts sports
FamilyدادیUrdunounpaternal grandmother
FamilyدادیUrdunounan old womanpolite
FamilyدوماPersiannounbridegroomDashtestan Khesht Konartakhteh dialectal
FamilyدوماPersiannounson-in-lawDashtestan Khesht Konartakhteh dialectal
FamilyܚܬܢܐClassical Syriacnoungroom, bridegroom
FamilyܚܬܢܐClassical Syriacnounany male affine: son-in-law, brother-in-law (specifically sister's husband), father-in-law
FamilyܚܬܢܐClassical Syriacnounbaptismal candidate
FamilyܫܪܒܬܐClassical Syriacnoungeneration, genealogy
FamilyܫܪܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounfamily, tribe, nation, stock, race
FamilyܫܪܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounorder, rank
FamilyܫܪܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounetymologyhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
Familyഅത്തMalayalamnounfather's sister
Familyഅത്തMalayalamnouneldest sister
Familyഅത്തMalayalamnounmother in law
FamilyJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
FamilyJapanesenouna house
FamilyJapanesenounone's own home
FamilyJapanesenouna home, household
FamilyJapanesenouna family
FamilyJapanesenouna house
FamilyJapanesenounone's house
FamilyJapanesenouna house
FamilyJapanesesuffixan expert, professional, performermorpheme
FamilyJapanesesuffixrepresenting relationship to a familymorpheme
Family教父ChinesenounChurch FatherChristianity
Family memberscomaltaMiddle Irishnounfoster brothermasculine
Family memberscomaltaMiddle Irishnounfoster sistermasculine
Family memberscousinFrenchnouncousin (male)masculine
Family memberscousinFrenchnounmosquitoarchaic masculine regional
Family membersndaNupenounfather
Family membersndaNupenounolder male relative
Family membersndaNupenounsenior
Family membersuɔfaAkannoununcle
Family membersuɔfaAkanverbThey take.
FastenersklipsPolishnounclip-on earring, lobe-pinching earringinanimate masculine
FastenersklipsPolishnounclip (small metal, wooden, or plastic object consisting of two spring-loaded parts, used to fasten something together)inanimate masculine
FastenersklipsPolishnounclip (metal or plastic holder next to a pen, fountain pen, or automatic pencil, used for hooking up)inanimate masculine
FastenersklipsPolishnounclip (electronic device to protect store merchandise from theft, in the form of a plastic disc attached to the item)inanimate masculine
FearadreadEnglishverbTo dread, fear greatly.obsolete transitive
FearadreadEnglishverbTo fear, be afraid.intransitive obsolete reflexive
FearadreadEnglishadjAffected by or full of dread; fearful.archaic
Fecesboom-boomEnglishverbTo make a loud, low-pitched sound.
Fecesboom-boomEnglishverbTo strike or beat.
Fecesboom-boomEnglishverbTo have sexual intercourse.
Fecesboom-boomEnglishnounLoud, resonant sound; a repeated loud sound.countable uncountable
Fecesboom-boomEnglishnounA strike; an act of beating.countable figuratively slang uncountable
Fecesboom-boomEnglishnounExcrement.childish euphemistic uncountable
Fecesboom-boomEnglishnounSexual intercourse.euphemistic uncountable
Fecesboom-boomEnglishadjResonant; producing a booming sound.not-comparable
Fecesboom-boomEnglishintjUsed to draw attention to a pun or weak joke.British
FeceskotoranIndonesiannoundung, excrement (human and animal solid waste from the bowels)
FeceskotoranIndonesiannounfilth, dirt (that which soils or defiles)
FecesгомноMacedoniannounshit, usually humancolloquial vulgar
FecesгомноMacedoniannouna despicable person, shitheadcolloquial vulgar
Femalebean UltachIrishnounwitchfeminine
Femalebean UltachIrishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see bean, Ultach: Ulsterwomanfeminine
FemaleنارPunjabinounwoman (a beautiful woman)
Female animalscățeaRomaniannounfemale dog; bitchfeminine
Female animalscățeaRomaniannounbitchderogatory feminine
Female childrenдівчинаUkrainiannounyoung girl, girl
Female childrenдівчинаUkrainiannoungirlfriend
Female family memberssorellastraItaliannounstepsisterfeminine
Female family memberssorellastraItaliannounhalf sisterfeminine
Female family membersবউBengalinounwife
Female family membersবউBengalinounbride
Female family membersবউBengalinoundaughter-in-law
Female peoplekráľovnáSlovaknounqueenfeminine
Female peoplekráľovnáSlovaknounqueenbiology entomology natural-sciencesfeminine
Female peoplekráľovnáSlovaknounqueenboard-games chess gamesfeminine
Female peopleodpowiedzialnaPolishnounfemale equivalent of odpowiedzialny (“responsible”) (person bearing the responsibility for something)feminine form-of
Female peopleodpowiedzialnaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of odpowiedzialnyfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female peopleplanistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of planista (“planner”)feminine form-of
Female peopleplanistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of planista (“scheduler”)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine form-of
Female peoplepodwładnaPolishnounfemale equivalent of podwładny (“subordinate, underling”)feminine form-of noun-from-verb
Female peoplepodwładnaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of podwładnyfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female peoplepřítelkyněCzechnoungirlfriend (female partner in a romantic relationship)feminine
Female peoplepřítelkyněCzechnoungirl friend (female friend)feminine
Female peoplevaginoidEnglishnounA surgically-constructed vagina created in male-to-female sexual reassignment surgery.medicine sciences
Female peoplevaginoidEnglishadjResembling a vagina.not-comparable rare
Female peoplevaginoidEnglishnounOne who possesses a vagina; a female.derogatory rare slang
Female peoplełowczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of łowczy (“member of a hunting organization”)hobbies hunting lifestylefeminine form-of
Female peoplełowczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of łowczy (“official of the Polish royal court in charge of organizing hunts”)hobbies hunting lifestylefeminine form-of historical
FernssamambaîaOld TupinounSpanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides)
FernssamambaîaOld Tupinounforked fern (any fern in the genus Dicranopteris)
FeudalismcommonerEnglishadjcomparative form of common: more commoncomparative form-of
FeudalismcommonerEnglishnounA member of the common people who holds no title or rank.
FeudalismcommonerEnglishnounSomeone who is not of noble rank.British
FeudalismcommonerEnglishnounA student who is not dependent on any foundation for support, but pays all university charges.UK obsolete
FeudalismcommonerEnglishnounSomeone who has a right over another's land. They hold common rights because of residence or land ownership in a particular manor, especially rights on common land. eg: centuries-old grazing rights
FeudalismcommonerEnglishnounOne sharing with another in anything.obsolete
FeudalismcommonerEnglishnounA prostitute.obsolete
FibersflaxMiddle EnglishnounFlax (Linum usitatissimum) or its fibersuncountable
FibersflaxMiddle EnglishnounLinen; fabric made out of flaxuncountable
FibersflaxMiddle EnglishnounFlax or straw used as a firestarter; tinderuncountable
FiberstextileEnglishnounAny material made of interlacing fibres, including carpeting and geotextiles.plural-normally
FiberstextileEnglishnounA naturism
FiberstextileEnglishadjClothing naturism
FibersChinesecharacterkapok (tree, fiber)
FibersChinesecharactercotton (tree, fiber)
FibersChinesecharactercotton-like material
FibersChinesecharactera surname: Mian
Fictional abilitiesbroomstickEnglishnounThe handle of a broom (sweeping tool).
Fictional abilitiesbroomstickEnglishnounA broom imbued with magic, enabling one to fly astride the handle.
Fictional abilitiesbroomstickEnglishnounA controlstick of an airplane.government military politics warslang
Fictional abilitiesbroomstickEnglishnounA gun.rare slang
Fictional abilitiesbroomstickEnglishverbTo fly on a broomstick, as witches are said to.intransitive
Fictional abilitiesillusionistEnglishnounOne who works with illusion or sleight of hand.
Fictional abilitiesillusionistEnglishnounOne who deceives by magical or mystical means.
Fictional charactershobbitHungariannounaccusative singular of hobbiaccusative form-of singular
Fictional charactershobbitHungariannounhobbit (a member of a fictional race of small humanoids with shaggy hair and hairy feet)
Fictional charactersunderpants gnomeEnglishnounSomeone who makes incomplete plans with missing steps; someone who plans unsuccessfully.derogatory slang
Fictional charactersunderpants gnomeEnglishnounA plan with missing steps; an incomplete plan.attributive derogatory slang
Fictional locationsAcacia AvenueEnglishnameA placeholder name for a residential street.UK
Fictional locationsAcacia AvenueEnglishnameAn archetypal middle-class suburban residential street.UK
FiftyfittyEnglishnumAlternative form of fifty.alt-of alternative nonstandard pronunciation-spelling
FiftyfittyEnglishnounAlternative form of fifty, especially a 50-caliber machine gun.alt-of alternative nonstandard pronunciation-spelling
FinanceداراییPersiannounproperty, assets
FinanceداراییPersiannouna red silken stuff, similar to ikat in Southeast Asia
FireanglisLithuaniannouncharcoal (charred remains after a fire)
FireanglisLithuaniannouncoal (fuel mined from the earth)plural sometimes
FireanglisLithuaniannouncarbon (chemical element with atomic number 6 and symbol C)
FireflaughtMiddle EnglishnounA snowflake; a piece of snow.Northern uncommon
FireflaughtMiddle EnglishnounA bolt or arc of fire.Northern uncommon
FireflaughtMiddle EnglishnounTurf or a piece of it.Northern uncommon
FiretiɣarɣartTarifitnouncookhouse, kitchenfeminine
Firearmssplatter-gunEnglishnounA shotgun, assault weapon, or other gun that repeatedly fires quickly and in an imprecise fashion.
Firearmssplatter-gunEnglishadjNot systematic; Characterized by trying many different things.not-comparable
FishonoHawaiiannounwahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)
FishщукаRussiannounpike (any freshwater fish of the genus Esox, a relatively large, predatory fish)
FishщукаRussiannounKSShch (Soviet anti-ship cruise missile)
Fivelow fiveEnglishnounA gesture of celebration or victory in which two people slap their hands together at waist level.
Fivelow fiveEnglishverbTo perform the low five gesture with someone.informal transitive
FlagsdefaceEnglishverbTo damage or vandalize something, especially a surface, in a visible or conspicuous manner.
FlagsdefaceEnglishverbTo void or devalue; to nullify or degrade the face value of.
FlagsdefaceEnglishverbTo alter a coat of arms or a flag by adding an element to it.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
FlaxfluviationEnglishnounDeposition of silt etc. by the action of a river or stream.geography geology natural-sciencesuncountable usually
FlaxfluviationEnglishnounPreparation of flax by soaking it in a stream.obsolete uncountable usually
FlaxgrassEnglishnounAny plant of the family Poaceae, characterized by leaves that arise from nodes in the stem and leaf bases that wrap around the stem, especially those grown as ground cover rather than for grain.countable uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounVarious plants not in family Poaceae that resemble grasses.countable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounA lawn.uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounMarijuana.slang uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounAn informer, police informer; one who betrays a group (of criminals, etc) to the authorities.British countable slang
FlaxgrassEnglishnounSharp, closely spaced discontinuities in the trace of a cathode-ray tube, produced by random interference.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounNoise on an A-scope or similar type of radar display.slang uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounThe season of fresh grass; spring or summer.countable uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounThat which is transitory.countable figuratively obsolete uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounAsparagus; "sparrowgrass".countable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounThe surface of a miningcountable uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo lay out on the grass; to knock down (an opponent etc.).transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo act as a grass or informer, to betray; to report on (criminals etc) to the authorities.intransitive slang transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo cover with grass or with turf.transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo feed with grass.transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc.transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo bring to the grass or ground; to land.transitive
FlowersnellikNorwegian Nynorsknouna clove (spice)masculine
FlowersnellikNorwegian Nynorsknouna carnation or pink (flower: Dianthus species)masculine
FlowersritarinkukkaFinnishnounany plant of the genus Hippeastrum
FlowersritarinkukkaFinnishnounthe genus Hippeastrumin-plural
FlowersзвјезданSerbo-Croatianadjstarry (full of stars)
FlowersзвјезданSerbo-Croatianadjstars; stellardefinite relational
FlowersзвјезданSerbo-Croatiannounan appellation for a dear (male) person
FlowersзвјезданSerbo-Croatiannounaster (plant, genus Aster)biology botany natural-sciences
FlowersзвјезданSerbo-Croatiannounthe name of several trefoils of the genus Lotusbiology botany natural-sciences
FlowersচামেলিBengalinounroyal jasmine, Jasminum grandiflorum
FlowersচামেলিBengalinamea female given name, Chameli
FolkloretautietisLatviannouncountryman, compatriot (a man with the same ethnicity or nationality as the speaker)declension-2 masculine
FolkloretautietisLatviannouna young man from another region or from another family or group of familiesdeclension-2 masculine
FoodsburritoSpanishnoundiminutive of burro (“donkey”)diminutive form-of masculine
FoodsburritoSpanishnounAloysia polystachyamasculine
FoodsburritoSpanishnounAny of certain crakesmasculine
FoodsclotxaCatalannounsmall pitCatalonia feminine
FoodsclotxaCatalannounpopcornValencia feminine
FoodsclotxaCatalannounfilled bread crustfeminine
FoodsnóżkiPolishnounaspic, jelly (dish)plural
FoodsnóżkiPolishnouninflection of nóżka: / genitive singularfeminine form-of genitive singular
FoodsnóżkiPolishnouninflection of nóżka: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
FoodsoriYorubanountop, leader
FoodsoriYorubanounthe metaphysical concept of one's spiritual intuition, destiny, and consciousness, deified as a divinity, Orí.
FoodsoriYorubanounshea butter, lard, butter
FoodsoriYorubanounblack plum (Vitex doniana)
FoodsoriYorubanounA type of Yoruba food made from cornflour, also known as ẹ̀kọEkiti
FoodsrigatoniItaliannounplural of rigatoneform-of masculine plural
FoodsverðurFaroesenounration, portionmasculine
FoodsverðurFaroeseadjvaluable; obsolete form of verdur.masculine
FoodsverðurFaroeseverbsecond-person singular present indicative of verðaform-of indicative present second-person singular
FoodsverðurFaroeseverbthird-person singular present indicative of verðaform-of indicative present singular third-person
FoodsотраваRussiannounexecrable/abominable/repulsive food
FoodsἀγαθίςAncient Greeknounball of thread, clew
FoodsἀγαθίςAncient GreeknounHesychius' gives the definition as: σησᾰμῐ́ς (sēsămĭ́s, “mixture of sesame seeds, roasted and pounded with honey”).
Foods大炊寮Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for collecting rice and paying it to officialsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Foods大炊寮Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for collecting rice and paying it to officialsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Foods大炊寮Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for collecting rice and paying it to officialsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Foods藪蕎麦Japanesenounyabusoba, a type of soba noodles made from green buckwheat flour with its endocarp
Foods藪蕎麦Japanesenouna shop selling yabusoba
Foods𑀧𑀽𑀭Prakritadjfull, filled
FootweartsinelasCebuanonouna rubber slipper; a flip-flop
FootweartsinelasCebuanoverbto put on slippers
FootweartsinelasCebuanoverbto hit with a slipper
FourربعArabicnounone fourth, one quarter
FourربعArabicnounquarter (area or region)
Four߄TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number four.
Four߄TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal. Unlike naturally developed instances of the Hindu-Arabic decimal number system, N'ko numbers have the most significant digit on the right. It is Unicode policy to store the most significant digit first, so these digits have right-to-left ordering just like the consonants of the N'ko script.
FowlsmoaTokelauannounspinning top
FranceFrenchificationEnglishnounThe act or process of making French or more French-like, especially in informal contexts.countable uncountable
FranceFrenchificationEnglishnounSomething that has undergone frenchification, something that has frenchified and made more French-like.countable slang uncountable
FranceFrenchificationEnglishnounSynonym of Gallicization, translation into French or a French translation.countable uncountable
FrancebretoneItalianadjBreton (of, from or relating to Brittany)
FrancebretoneItaliannounBreton (native or inhabitant of Brittany)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
FrancebretoneItaliannounBreton (language)masculine uncountable
Freshwater birdsdokeMiddle Englishnounduck, drake
Freshwater birdsdokeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of dokkealt-of alternative
Freshwater whitefishroundfishEnglishnounAny fish that is not a flatfish.
Freshwater whitefishroundfishEnglishnounA round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum).
Freshwater whitefishroundfishEnglishnounA common carp (Cyprinus carpio).
FrogsfroglyEnglishadjOf, relating to, or pertaining to frogs; froglike.
FrogsfroglyEnglishadvIn a frog-like manner.humorous nonce-word
FrogsżabkaPolishnoundiminutive of żaba; a young or small frogdiminutive feminine form-of
FrogsżabkaPolishnounterm of affection for a girl or womanendearing feminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnounbreaststrokehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingcolloquial feminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnountongue-and-groove pliersfeminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnounfrog jumpexercise hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnounfrog (part of a string instrument's bow)feminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnounclothes peg, clothespinfeminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnounsplit jumpfeminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnounranulamedicine pathology sciencesfeminine
FrogsżabkaPolishnounfrog (part of a sheath or scabbard)feminine
FruitschokeberryEnglishnounEither of two species in Aronia, formerly and sometimes in Photinia, deciduous shrubs, native to Russia and eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps.
FruitschokeberryEnglishnounThe fruit of such a shrub.
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounA high government bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire.historical
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounA pedantic or elitist bureaucrat.
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounA pedantic senior person of influence in academia or literary circles.derogatory sometimes
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounEllipsis of mandarin duck.biology natural-sciences ornithologyabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounA senior civil servant.British informal
FruitsmandarinEnglishadjPertaining to or reminiscent of mandarins; deliberately superior or complex; esoteric, highbrow, obscurantist.
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounEllipsis of mandarin orange.: / A small, sweet citrus fruit.
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounEllipsis of mandarin orange.: / A tree of the species Citrus reticulata.
FruitsmandarinEnglishnounAn orange colour.
FruitsorzechPolishnounnut (seed)inanimate masculine
FruitsorzechPolishnounwalnut (tree)inanimate masculine
FruitsorzechPolishnounwalnut (wood)inanimate masculine
FruitstaronjaCatalannounorange (fruit of an orange tree)feminine
FruitstaronjaCatalannounorange (colour of a ripe orange fruit)masculine
FruitsमौसमीHindinounCitrus limetta
FungichytridEnglishnounAny fungus of the phylum Chytridiomycota.
FungichytridEnglishnounAbbreviation of chytridiomycosis.medicine pathology sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Furnituregalán de nocheSpanishnounvalet (frame to hang clothes on)masculine
Furnituregalán de nocheSpanishnounnight-blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum)masculine
Furnituregalán de nocheSpanishnounA cactus of the genus Epiphyllum.masculine
Furniture茶几Chinesenouncoffee table
Furniture茶几Chinesenountray-table; folding table
Furniture茶几Chinesenounteapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)
Futurefuture historyEnglishnounA postulated history of the future that is used by authors in the subgenre of science fiction to construct a common background for fiction.countable
Futurefuture historyEnglishnounFuture events perceived or analyzed chronologically, as compared to history.literature media publishing science-fictionhumorous often uncountable
Future来年Japanesenounnext year, coming year
Future来年Japanesenounnext year, coming yearKagoshima dialectal
Galician ordinal numbersnonoGalicianadjninth
Galician ordinal numbersnonoGaliciannounninthmasculine
GamespikCebuanonounrock paper scissors
GamespikCebuanoverbto play rock paper scissors
GamespikCebuanoverbto pick an it; to take turns picking a team or members of a team using rock paper scissors
GamessinucaPortuguesenounsnooker (a variety of snooker in which, on a rectangular table covered in green felt and with six holes, eight balls of different colors and values are rolled with a wooden cue, the winner scoring the most points by using the white ball to put all the others into any of the holes.)Brazil feminine
GamessinucaPortuguesenounsnooker (a variety of snooker in which, on a rectangular table covered in green felt and with six holes, eight balls of different colors and values are rolled with a wooden cue, the winner scoring the most points by using the white ball to put all the others into any of the holes.) / snooker (square table or establishment where this game is played.)Brazil feminine
GardenshotbedEnglishnounA low bed of earth covered with glass, and heated with rotting manure, used for the germination of seeds and the growth of tender plants, like a miniature hothouse.
GardenshotbedEnglishnounAn environment that is ideal for the growth or development of something, especially of something undesirable.broadly
GardenshotbedEnglishnounAn iron platform in a rolling mill, on which hot bars, rails, etc., are laid to cool.
GastropodsтурбанSerbo-Croatiannouna sea urchin of the family Cidaridae
GastropodsтурбанSerbo-Croatiannounturban snail (family Turbinidae, esp. Bolma rugosa)
Geesehồng maoVietnamesenounbean goose feathersarchaic collective poetic
Geesehồng maoVietnamesenounone of the nine groups of hair of the mane of the horse that Sơn Tinh offered the reigning Hùng king to propose to his princesshuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
GendertomboyTagalognountomboy; boyish girlcolloquial
GendertomboyTagalognounbutch; lesbiancolloquial
GenitaliapindíkCzechnounpeniscolloquial inanimate masculine
GenitaliapindíkCzechnounmidget, manikin, shorty (small person)animate colloquial inanimate masculine
GenitaliapindíkCzechnounpawn (chess piece)animate colloquial inanimate masculine
GeographygloboTagalognounglobe (spherical object, especially a model of the Earth)
GeographyгубаRussiannounlipanatomy medicine sciences
GeographyгубаRussiannountip of certain instruments (e.g. forceps)plural
GeographyгубаRussiannounpolyporebiology botany natural-sciencescolloquial
GeographyгубаRussiannounspongebiology natural-sciences zoologyobsolete
GeographyгубаRussiannounbay or inlet of a sea or lake (usually at the mouth of a large river)geography natural-sciencesEastern Northern Russia
GeographyгубаRussiannounstockade (prison)government military politics warslang uncountable
GeographyгубаRussiannoundetention in a stockade (as a punishment)government military politics warslang uncountable
GeographyгубаRussiannountype of judicial district in Russia in the 16th and 17th centurieshistorical
Germanic tribesanglarNorwegian Nynorsknounan Angle (member of Germanic tribe).historical masculine
Germanic tribesanglarNorwegian Nynorsknounindefinite plural of angelform-of indefinite masculine plural
GermanypomeranoItaliannounPomeranian (a person from Pomerania)masculine
GermanypomeranoItaliannounPomeranian; Kashubian (a Slavic language spoken in Pomerania)masculine uncountable
GoatsjageAlemannic Germanverbto huntUri
GoatsjageAlemannic Germanverbto be in heatUri
GodܐܠܗܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoungod, deitylifestyle religion
GodܐܠܗܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameGod
GodsтворецьUkrainiannouncreator, maker (something or someone which creates or makes something)
GodsтворецьUkrainiannouncreator (deity that created the world)lifestyle religion
Gourd family plantsβουβάλιονAncient Greeknounsquirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium)
Gourd family plantsβουβάλιονAncient Greeknounkind of braceletin-plural
Gourd family plantsκολοκύθιGreeknounsquash (vegetable family)
Gourd family plantsκολοκύθιGreeknounmarrow, courgette
GovernmentoifigeachIrishnounofficer (of police; military; business)masculine
GovernmentoifigeachIrishnounofficial (executive; of government)masculine
Governmentstarve the beastEnglishverbTo progressively weaken or destroy a dangerous or powerful entity through attrition.US
Governmentstarve the beastEnglishverbTo deprive the federal government of revenue by cutting taxes in an effort to force it to limit spending.government politicsUS
GovernmentประธานาธิบดีThainounpresident, presiding person, presiding officer; person in supreme authority, supreme chief, supreme lord.archaic
GovernmentประธานาธิบดีThainounpresident: the highest executive officer of a modern republic.
GovernmentṯꜣtjEgyptiannounvizier; the head of Egypt’s national administration
GovernmentṯꜣtjEgyptiannounthe highest official in enumerations
GovernmentṯꜣtjEgyptiannouna sub-official of the vizier
GovernmentṯꜣtjEgyptiannounUsed of various gods: Thoth, Amon, and Har-wer.
GovernmentṯꜣtjEgyptiannounUsed of the king.rare
Government行政Chinesenounadministration; administration of government
Government行政Chinesenounexecutive (branch of government)
Government行政Chineseverbto execute power; to administer (of a nation-state)
GrainsbugasHanunoonounmilled rice; husked rice; white riceliterary
GrainsbugasHanunoonounscrotumanatomy medicine sciencesliterary
GrainsקינוואַYiddishnounquinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)biology botany natural-sciences
GrainsקינוואַYiddishnounquinoa seedscooking food lifestyle
Grammarmorpho-syntaxEnglishnounThe system of the internal structure of words (morphology) and the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences (syntax).human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable
Grammarmorpho-syntaxEnglishnounGrammar.human-sciences linguistics sciencesformal uncountable
GrassescanyotCatalannouncommon reedmasculine
GrassescanyotCatalannounJohnson grassmasculine
GrassesspeargrassEnglishnounAny of several not closely related grasses in some way reminiscent of a spear. / Species of Aristida (three-awn wiregrass)countable uncountable
GrassesspeargrassEnglishnounAny of several not closely related grasses in some way reminiscent of a spear. / Heteropogon contortus (tanglehead)countable uncountable
GrassesspeargrassEnglishnounAny of several not closely related grasses in some way reminiscent of a spear. / Imperata cylindrica (cogon grass)countable uncountable
GrassesspeargrassEnglishnounAny of several not closely related grasses in some way reminiscent of a spear. / Species of Poa (bluegrass etc)countable uncountable
GrassesspeargrassEnglishnounAny of several not closely related grasses in some way reminiscent of a spear. / Species of Stipa (feathergrass), typically Stipa calamagrostiscountable uncountable
GrassesspeargrassEnglishnounSpecies of Aciphylla (Spaniard grass)countable uncountable
Greek letter namesmiItalianpronclitic accusative of io. meaccusative clitic first-person form-of objective
Greek letter namesmiItalianpronclitic dative of io. (to) meclitic dative first-person form-of objective
Greek letter namesmiItalianpronUsed as ethical dative.colloquial first-person objective
Greek letter namesmiItaliannounthe third note, mientertainment lifestyle music
Greek letter namesmiItaliannounE (musical note or key)
Greek letter namesmiItaliannounmu (Greek letter)feminine invariable masculine
Greek letter namespsiPolishadjcanine, dognot-comparable relational
Greek letter namespsiPolishnounpsi (Greek letter Ψ, ψ)indeclinable neuter
Greek letter namespsiPolishintjused to call young dogsoften repeated
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEurope, the westernmost part of the Eurasian continent, north of Africa and west of Asianeuter
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEuropa (goddess)common-gender
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEuropa, a moon of Jupitercommon-gender
Green algaewatermelon snowEnglishnounSnow stained with patches of red and green, naturally caused by Chlamydomonas nivalis.uncountable
Green algaewatermelon snowEnglishnounChlamydomonas nivalis, a species of green algae containing the red pigment astaxanthin, secondary to green chlorophyll, sometimes encountered as reddish streaks in snow.uncountable
GreensturkesaTagalognounturquoise (gemstone)
GreensturkesaTagalognounturquoise (color/colour)
GreensπράσινοGreeknounthe green color/colourcolor
GreensπράσινοGreeknounlawn, grassbroadly
GreensπράσινοGreeknoungreen lightbroadly
GreensπράσινοGreekadjaccusative masculine singular of πράσινος (prásinos) (green)accusative form-of masculine singular
GreensπράσινοGreekadjnominative/accusative/vocative neuter singular of πράσινος (prásinos)accusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
GreensмиртаBulgariannounmyrtle (Myrtus gen. et spp.)
GreensмиртаBulgariannounmyrtle, myrtle green (color/colour)
Gums and resinsварRussiannountar, pitchuncountable
Gums and resinsварRussiannouncobbler's waxuncountable
Gums and resinsварRussiannounboiling watercolloquial uncountable
Gums and resins蘇合香Japanesenounoriental sweetgum, Liquidambar orientalis
Gums and resins蘇合香Japanesenounstorax; the resinous exudate of the oriental sweetgum (Liquidambar orientalis)
Gums and resins蘇合香Japanesenounan incense made from storax and agarwood (沈香)
HairconkEnglishnounThe shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a bracket fungus (also called a shelf fungus), i.e. a mushroom growing off a tree trunk.
HairconkEnglishnounA nose, especially a large one.slang
HairconkEnglishnounAlternative spelling of conchalt-of alternative
HairconkEnglishverbTo hit, especially on the head.slang
HairconkEnglishnounA hairstyle involving the chemical straightening and styling of kinky hair.US dated
HairconkEnglishverbTo chemically straighten tightly curled hair.US dated
HairconkEnglishverbTo fail or show signs of failing, cease operating, break down.colloquial often
HairconkEnglishverbTo become unconscious.colloquial often
HairdreszczPolishnounchills, goose bumps, heebie-jeebies, horripilation (light shivers)medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
HairdreszczPolishnounthrill, shiver, shudderinanimate masculine
HairosełedecPolishnountopknot (hairstyle favored by Ukrainian Cossacks)historical inanimate masculine
HairosełedecPolishnounsichel, ziege, sabre carp, sabrefish (Pelecus cultratus)animal-not-person masculine
Hairqueue-de-chevalFrenchnounponytail (hairstyle)feminine
Hairqueue-de-chevalFrenchnounhorsetailbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
HairπυρρόςAncient Greekadjflame-coloured, yellowish-red
HairπυρρόςAncient Greekadjred-haired, redheaded
HairπυρρόςAncient Greekadjtawnyusually
HairπυρρόςAncient Greekadjred
HairπυρρόςAncient Greekadjblushing, blush
HairпътBulgariannounpath, road, way, alley (infrastructure on which one travels)
HairпътBulgariannounroute, course, track, trajectory (direction of travel)
HairпътBulgariannounjourney, voyage, flight
HairпътBulgariannounway, means
HairпътBulgariannounparting, part (the dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions)
HairпътBulgariannountime (an instance or occurrence)
HappinessfelicityEnglishnounHappiness; (countable) an instance of this.uncountable
HappinessfelicityEnglishnounAn apt and pleasing style in speech, writing, etc.; (countable) an apt and pleasing choice of words.uncountable
HappinessfelicityEnglishnounGood luck; success; (countable) An instance of unexpected good luck; a stroke of luck; also, a lucky characteristic.rare uncountable
HappinessfelicityEnglishnounReproduction of a sign with fidelity.human-sciences linguistics sciences semioticsuncountable
HappinessfelicityEnglishnounSomething that is either a source of happiness or particularly apt.countable
HarescuttieEnglishnounA cutback.hobbies lifestyle sports surfingslang
HarescuttieEnglishnounA T-shirt that has had the sleeves removed.colloquial
HarescuttieEnglishnounAlternative spelling of cutty (“someone or something common and short or small”)Scotland alt-of alternative
HarescuttieEnglishnounA hare.Scotland archaic
HarescuttieEnglishnounThe black guillemot.Scotland archaic
HarescuttieEnglishadjAlternative spelling of cutty short, shortened or small.Scotland alt-of alternative
HaresJapanesecharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
HaresJapanesenounrabbit; hare; leporid
Heads of stateempressEnglishnounThe female monarch (ruler) of an empire.
Heads of stateempressEnglishnounThe wife or widow of an emperor or equated ruler.
Heads of stateempressEnglishnounThe third trump or major arcana card of most tarot decks.human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
Heads of stateempressEnglishnounA female chimpanzee.rare
Heads of stateempressEnglishnounA deciduous tree, Paulownia tomentosa
Heads of stateempressEnglishverbRare form of impress.form-of rare
Heads of stateفرعونArabicnamePharaoh
Heads of stateفرعونArabicnouna pharaoh (an ancient Egyptian ruler)
Heads of stateจักรพรรดิThainounchakravartin.Buddhism lifestyle religionHinduism
Heads of stateจักรพรรดิThainounking of kings; high king; emperor.
HeadwearKopftuchGermannounheadscarf, kerchiefneuter strong
HeadwearKopftuchGermannounhijabneuter strong
HeadwearwideawakeEnglishnounA bird, the sooty tern.
HeadwearwideawakeEnglishnounA type of hat with a broad brim made of black or brown felt.historical
HearingჸუჯაMingrelianadjdumb, silly
HearingჸუჯაMingrelianadjdeaf, earless
HearingჸუჯაMingrelianadjbig eared
HideswolleMiddle Englishnounwool (coat of sheep), especially when used to make fabric
HideswolleMiddle EnglishnounShorn wool, especially stockpiled in bulk.
HideswolleMiddle EnglishnounWoollen garments or clothing; woolwear.
HideswolleMiddle EnglishnounSheepskin; the skin of sheep.
HideswolleMiddle EnglishnounOther woolen goods; woollens.rare
HideswolleMiddle EnglishnounOther fibres (substituting wool)rare
HideswolleMiddle EnglishnounThe flesh or innards of fruit.rare
HidesłasicaPolishnounleast weasel (Mustela nivalis)feminine
HidesłasicaPolishnounweasel (Mustela)feminine
HidesłasicaPolishnounweasel furfeminine plural-normally
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianounThe 11th of the scriptural years
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianounlord; master
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianounking; ruler
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianouna great man
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianouna rich man
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianamethe supreme Lord; God
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianamethe essential or universal Brahma
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianameShiva
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianameCupid
Hindu deitiesଈଶ୍ୱରOdianameVishnu
Hindu deitiesహరిప్రియTelugunounThe holy basil plant.
Hindu deitiesహరిప్రియTelugunounEpithet of Lakshmi.
Hindu mythologyPragjyotishaEnglishnameA mythological kingdom that later came to be associated with the historical Kamarupa.
Hindu mythologyPragjyotishaEnglishnameSynonym of Kamarupa.
HinduismsamadhiEnglishnounA state of transcendent union supposed to be assumed by a holy man or yogi at his death.countable uncountable
HinduismsamadhiEnglishnounThe highest state of meditation, at which complete unity is reached.countable uncountable
HinduismsamadhiEnglishnounThe tomb of a holy person or saint in India.countable uncountable
Historical currenciesmanehEnglishnounAn obsolete unit of Hebrew currency, larger than a shekel.
Historical currenciesmanehEnglishnounAn obsolete Middle Eastern unit of weight, the mina.
Historical eventsחורבןYiddishnoundestruction, ruin
Historical eventsחורבןYiddishnameAbbreviation of חורבן אייראָפּע (Khurbn Eyrope): Holocaustabbreviation alt-of
Historical eventsחורבןYiddishnameThe sociolect of Yiddish spoken in camps during the Holocaust.
History of AsiafocèuOccitanadjPhocaeanLanguedoc masculine
History of AsiafocèuOccitanadjSynonym of marselhés (“Marseillais”)Languedoc masculine
History of India百乘Chinesenamethe Satavahana dynasty of southern India, extant from the 1st century BCE to the 3rd century CE
History of India百乘Chinesenouna hundred chariotsliterary
History of PolandgierkowiecPolishnounsupporter of Edward Gierek's politicsgovernment politicscolloquial masculine person
History of PolandgierkowiecPolishnounapartment building built during the administration (1970-1980) of Edward Gierekcolloquial inanimate masculine rare
HolidaysbarbórkaPolishnounadditional salary that mining employees receive on the occasion of Barbórkacolloquial feminine
HolidaysbarbórkaPolishnameAlternative letter-case form of Barbórka.alt-of feminine
Honeysuckle family plantssnowberryEnglishnounA shrub bearing white berries: / now especially of the genus Symphoricarpos
Honeysuckle family plantssnowberryEnglishnounA shrub bearing white berries: / also Gaultheria, especially Gaultheria oppositifolia, and
Honeysuckle family plantssnowberryEnglishnounA shrub bearing white berries: / Schizomeria ovataAustralia
Honeysuckle family plantssnowberryEnglishnounThe fruit of shrubs of these genera.
Horse breedswalerEnglishnounA breed of light saddle horse from Australia, once favoured as a warhorse.Australia India
Horse breedswalerEnglishnounA plank of wood, block of concrete, etc., used for support or to maintain required separation between components in order to help maintain the form of a construction under stress.
Horse tackheybeTurkishnounsaddlebag
Horse tackheybeTurkishnounshoulderbag
Horse tackmartingalaCatalannounmartingalehobbies lifestyle mathematics nautical sciences sports transportfeminine
Horse tackmartingalaCatalannountrickfeminine
Horse tackmartingalaCatalannounscheme, griftfeminine
HorsesdırnaqAzerbaijaninounnail, fingernailanatomy medicine sciences
HorsesdırnaqAzerbaijaninounhoof (the tip of a toe of an ungulate such as a horse)
HorsesdırnaqAzerbaijaninounquotation mark
HorseskoniskoPolishnounAugmentative of końaugmentative form-of neuter
HorseskoniskoPolishnouna weak or sickly horseneuter
HorseskoniskoPolishnouna tall youthneuter
HorticulturebudEnglishnounA newly sprouted leaf or blossom that has not yet unfolded.countable uncountable
HorticulturebudEnglishnounSomething that has begun to develop.countable figuratively uncountable
HorticulturebudEnglishnounA small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism.countable uncountable
HorticulturebudEnglishnounPotent cannabis taken from the flowering part of the plant (the "bud"), or marijuana generally. / Cannabis that has been taken from the flowering part of the plant intended to be smoked.Australia Canada US countable plural-normally slang uncountable usually
HorticulturebudEnglishnounPotent cannabis taken from the flowering part of the plant (the "bud"), or marijuana generally. / Marijuana.Australia Canada US slang uncountable usually
HorticulturebudEnglishnounA weaned calf in its first year, so called because the horns are then beginning to bud.countable uncountable
HorticulturebudEnglishnounA pretty young girl.countable dated uncountable
HorticulturebudEnglishverbTo form buds.intransitive
HorticulturebudEnglishverbTo reproduce by splitting off buds.intransitive
HorticulturebudEnglishverbTo begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a horn.intransitive
HorticulturebudEnglishverbTo be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or growth and promise.intransitive
HorticulturebudEnglishverbTo put forth as a bud.transitive
HorticulturebudEnglishverbTo graft by inserting a bud under the bark of another tree.transitive
HorticulturebudEnglishnounBuddy, friend.Canada US informal
HorticulturebudEnglishnounSynonym of guy, term of address for a man or person.Canada informal
HorticultureгнојSerbo-Croatiannounmanure, dung
HorticultureгнојSerbo-Croatiannounfertilizer, compost
HorticultureгнојSerbo-Croatiannounpus, suppuration
Hundredphần trămVietnamesenounpercent
Hundredphần trămVietnamesenounthe hundredths placearithmetic
HuntingегерьRussiannounhunter, gamekeeper
HuntingегерьRussiannounjaeger, chasseur (kind of infantryman)government military politics war
HuntingọhịaIgbonounforest, bush, woods
IceйидіKomi-Zyriannounfirst-person singular direct past indicative of йидны (jidny)direct first-person form-of indicative past singular
IndividualsBenjaminDanishnameBenjamin (Biblical figure)
IndividualsBenjaminDanishnamea male given name
IndividualsCeolwaldOld Englishnamea male given name
IndividualsCeolwaldOld EnglishnameCeolwald of Mercia
IndividualsDalíEnglishnameA surname from Catalan.
IndividualsDalíEnglishnameSalvador Dalí (1904–1989), Spanish artist.
IndividualsEliezerEnglishnameAny of a number of men in the Old Testament, including a son of Moses.
IndividualsEliezerEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin.
IndividualsIssacharEnglishnameNinth son of Jacob, by his wife Leah.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsIssacharEnglishnameOne of the Israelite tribes, descended from Issachar.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsIssacharEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew
IndividualsPtolemyEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek of Greek origin, borne by historical persons in ancient Egypt. / Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90 – c. 168 AD), a Greek-speaking mathematician, geographer, astronomer, and astrologer who lived in the Hellenistic culture of Alexandria in Roman Egypt. His most important works were the Almagest and the Geography
IndividualsPtolemyEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek of Greek origin, borne by historical persons in ancient Egypt. / Ptolemy I Soter ("Ptolemy the Savior", 367 BC—283 BC), a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great who was the ruler of Egypt (323 B.C.E—283 B.C.E) and founder of the Ptolemaic Empire. In 305 BC he took the role of King.
IndividualsPtolemyEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek of Greek origin, borne by historical persons in ancient Egypt. / The Egyptian ruling dynasty of peoples who held the given name Ptolemy.
IndividualsRutaHawaiiannameRuth (biblical character)
IndividualsRutaHawaiiannamethe Book of Ruth
IndividualsUncle JoeEnglishnameJoseph Stalin.informal
IndividualsUncle JoeEnglishnameJoe Biden.informal
IndividualsアントニウスJapanesenameAntonyhistory human-sciences sciences
IndividualsアントニウスJapanesenameAlternative form of アントニオス (Antoniosu, “Anthony”)alt-of alternative
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounAny of several bluish-grey varieties of stone used for construction: / A form of dolerite which appears blue when wet or freshly broken.UK countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounAny of several bluish-grey varieties of stone used for construction: / Any of the several (massive) kinds of non-local stone (particularly dolerite) used to construct Stonehenge.UK countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounAny of several bluish-grey varieties of stone used for construction: / A feldspathic sandstone found in the US and Canada.Canada US countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounAny of several bluish-grey varieties of stone used for construction: / A form of limestone found in the Shenandoah Valley and some other places.US countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounAny of several bluish-grey varieties of stone used for construction: / A bluish-grey basalt or olivine basalt.Australia New-Zealand countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounAny of several bluish-grey varieties of stone used for construction: / Slate, such as comes from quarries in or near Adelaide.Australia South countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounAny of several bluish-grey varieties of stone used for constructioncountable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounEither of two related copper- and sulfur-based bright blue stones: / Copper(II) sulfate, CuSO₄(H₂O)ₓ where x is 0-5, used as a coloring agent in glass-making and pottery and for other purposes.countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounEither of two related copper- and sulfur-based bright blue stones: / Chalcanthite, a water-soluble sulfate mineral, CuSO₄·5H₂O.countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishnounLapis lazuli, or its core constituent, lazurite.countable uncountable
Inorganic compoundsbluestoneEnglishverbTo treat or dose with copper sulfate.transitive
InsectsdrugysLithuaniannounmalaria, fever
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwasp, hornet, drone
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounguide, leader
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncarrier, pallbearer
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnoundriver
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncharioteer
InsectsܕܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounrower
InsuranceबीमाHindinouninsurance premium
IntersexHermaphroditusEnglishnameThe son of Hermes and Aphrodite who merged bodies with a naiad.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
IntersexHermaphroditusEnglishnameA male Aphrodite (Aphroditus), represented as a herm with a phallus, the symbol of fertility.
IronitáOld Tupinounrock; stone
IronitáOld Tupinouncrag
IronitáOld Tupinounboulder
IronitáOld Tupinouniron
IronitáOld Tupinounany metalbroadly
IronitáOld Tupinounchains; shackles (restraint fit over a human or animal appendage)
IronitáOld Tupinounstone, when refering to pieces used to make tools
IslandsskärSwedishadjpink (having a color between red and white, sometimes with a hint of beige, as in the skin color of white people)
IslandsskärSwedishnouna skerry (small rocky island, often elongated)neuter
IslandsskärSwedishadjpure, cleandated
IslandsskärSwedishverbinflection of skära: / present indicativeform-of indicative present
IslandsskärSwedishverbinflection of skära: / imperativeform-of imperative
ItalyflorentinoSpanishadjFlorentine (of, from or relating to Florence, Italy)
ItalyflorentinoSpanishadjof, from or relating to Florencia, Caquetá
ItalyflorentinoSpanishnounFlorentine (native or inhabitant of Florence) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
ItalyflorentinoSpanishnounnative or inhabitant of Florencia, Caquetá (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
Japanese female given namesその実Japaneseadvin fact
Japanese female given namesその実JapanesenameSonomi, a female Japanese given name
Japanese fictionJapanesesymbolThe number 9 enclosed in a circle, used in enumerating lists.
Japanese fictionJapanesenounThe Touhou character Cirno, known affectionately as an idiot.lifestyleendearing slang
JargonneeperyEnglishnounTechnological jargon.slang uncountable
JargonneeperyEnglishnounTrivia or highly-detailed information, especially that which an author includes in a work of fiction as a result of research.slang uncountable
JewelrykasaTagalognounact of cocking a gun
JewelrykasaTagalognouncovering bet or acceptance of a betgambling games
JewelrykasaTagalognounacceptance of a challenge
JewelrykasaTagalognounpreparation for something
JewelrykasaTagalogadjset; cocked
JewelrykasaTagalognounauto shop; dealership; establishment; firm; commercial house
JewelrykasaTagalognounhouse; dwellingarchaic
JewelrykasaTagalognounsquare of a checkerboard
JewelrykasaTagalognounsuit of playing cards
JewelrykasaTagalognounbracelet of blue and green stones (commonly worn by women)obsolete
JewelrykasaTagalognounjump out of joyobsolete
JewelrykasaTagalognounjumping of caught fish to get out of the netobsolete
JewelrytorcIrishnounwild boar (Sus scrofa)masculine
JewelrytorcIrishnounportly, corpulent, person; man of substancemasculine
JewelrytorcIrishnountorque (braided necklace or collar)masculine
JewelrytorcIrishnountorquenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
JewelryܩܢܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounearring (piece of jewelry worn on the ear)
JewelryܩܢܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounnose ring (ring worn as jewellery on the nose)
JewelryজহরBengalinounAlternative form of জওহর (joōhor)alt-of alternative
JugglingballeFrenchnounfranc (French franc), eurocolloquial feminine
JugglingballeFrenchnounbundle of goods; packet tied and held together with stringfeminine
JugglingballeFrenchnounchaff (inedible casing of a grain seed)feminine uncountable
KitchenwarecoladorSpanishnounsieve (only the strainer kind of sifter, not the cup-shaped sifter)masculine
KoreabulgogiEnglishnounA Korean dish of shredded (usually marinated) beef with vegetables.uncountable usually
KoreabulgogiEnglishnounAny of various Korean dishes of grilled meat in this style.broadly uncountable usually
KoreabulgogiEnglishnounThe meat in these dishes, traditionally grilled at the table.uncountable usually
LGBTQinvertedEnglishadjHaving the order or direction changed; for example, turned upside down, reversed, or in any other way opposite or contrary.
LGBTQinvertedEnglishadjHaving the lowest note transposed an octave higher.entertainment lifestyle music
LGBTQinvertedEnglishadjHaving its polarization changed by hydrolysis; see invert sugar.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
LGBTQinvertedEnglishadjHomosexual, in terms of the sexual inversion theory.human-sciences psychology sciencesdated
LGBTQinvertedEnglishadjAssumed to be transgender, in the terms of transvestigation.Internet
LGBTQinvertedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of invertform-of participle past
LGBTQChinesecharacterto step across; to stride
LGBTQChinesecharacterto cross over (a wall, river, etc.)transitive
LGBTQChinesecharacterto overstep; to exceed; to surpass
LGBTQChinesecharacterto straddle; to bestride; to ride
LGBTQChinesecharacterto occupy; to hold
LGBTQChinesecharactertransgender; trans
LGBTQChinesecharacterto transition to (gender)
LGBTQChinesecharacterAlternative form of 胯 (kuà, “crotch; groin”)alt-of alternative
LGBTQChinesecharacterfragmentary; scattered
LGBTQChinesecharacterfraction; remainder
LGBTQChinesecharacterUsed after a number or a classifier to express a small remaining quantity.Cantonese Eastern Hakka Min Northern
LGBTQChinesecharacterto fallliterary
LGBTQChinesecharacterto wither and fall
LGBTQChinesecharactera surname
LGBTQChinesecharacterOnly used in 先零/先零 and 西零/西零 (Xīlián).
Lacertoid lizardsDracaenaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Asparagaceae – dragon trees, of the Canary Islands.feminine
Lacertoid lizardsDracaenaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Teiidae – caiman lizards, of the tropical Americas.feminine
LandformsbăltoacăRomaniannounswamp, marsh, muddy puddle or poolfeminine
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishnounA cave or cavern.
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishnounAn underground chamber.broadly
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishnounA cavity; a hollow.
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of cavenalt-of alternative
LandformsforrásHungariannounverbal noun of forr: boiling (the process of changing the state of a substance from liquid to gas by heating it to its boiling point)countable form-of noun-from-verb uncountable
LandformsforrásHungariannounspring, source (place where water emerges from the ground)countable uncountable
LandformsforrásHungariannounsourcecountable uncountable
LandformslochScottish Gaelicnounlake, lochfeminine
LandformslochScottish Gaelicnounarm of the seafeminine
LandformslochScottish Gaelicnounfjordfeminine
LandformsriberaCatalannounbank, riverbankfeminine
LandformsγουνόςAncient Greeknounfruitful land, terrace
LandformsγουνόςAncient Greeknounhill, height, elevated place
LanguagesDakotanEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, North Dakota or South Dakota or their culturenot-comparable
LanguagesDakotanEnglishnounAn inhabitant or a resident of the state of North Dakota or South Dakota.
LanguagesDakotanEnglishnameThe language of the native Dakota people.
LanguagesGalicianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the region of Galicia in Iberia.
LanguagesGalicianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the people of Galicia (in Iberia) or their culture.
LanguagesGalicianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Galician language.
LanguagesGalicianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Galicia, a region of the northwestern Iberian peninsula.countable
LanguagesGalicianEnglishnounThe language of Galicia; a Romance language spoken in the northwestern corner of the Iberian peninsula.uncountable
LanguagesGalicianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the historical region of Galicia in Central Europe.
LanguagesGalicianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Galicia, a region in Poland and Ukraine.
LanguagesKaroEnglishnounAn ethnic group from Ethiopia.plural plural-only
LanguagesKaroEnglishnounThe indigenous people of the Karo Plateau in North Sumatra.plural plural-only
LanguagesKaroEnglishnameA Tupian language.
LanguagesKaroEnglishnameAn Omotic language.
LanguagesKaroEnglishnameA Nilotic language of Uganda, South Sudan and the DRC.
LanguagesKroatMalteseadjCroatian (of, from or relating to Croatia)
LanguagesKroatMaltesenounCroatian (native or inhabitant of Croatia) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesKroatMaltesenounCroatian (language)
LanguagesTajlandiżMalteseadjThai (of, from or relating to Thailand)
LanguagesTajlandiżMaltesenounThai (native or inhabitant of Thailand) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesTajlandiżMaltesenounThai (language)
LanguagesavarHungariannounleaf litter (layer of fallen dry leaves on the ground)
LanguagesavarHungarianadjAvar (of or relating to the Avar language or people)not-comparable
LanguagesavarHungariannounAvar (people)countable uncountable
LanguagesavarHungariannounAvar (language)countable uncountable
LanguageseveeniFinnishnounEven (person)
LanguageseveeniFinnishnounEven (language)
LanguageskatalońskiPolishadjCatalan (of or relating to Catalonia)not-comparable relational
LanguageskatalońskiPolishnounCatalan (language)inanimate masculine
LanguagesłacińskiPolishnounLatin (language)inanimate masculine
LanguagesиндонезијскиSerbo-Croatianadjthe Indonesian languagesubstantive
LanguagesкитайскийRussiannounthe Chinese language (short for кита́йский язы́к (kitájskij jazýk))colloquial
LanguagesآشوريةArabicadjfeminine singular of آشُورِيّ (ʔāšūriyy, “Assyrian”)feminine form-of singular
LanguagesآشوريةArabicnounfemale equivalent of آشُورِيّ (ʔāšūriyy, “Assyrian man”)feminine form-of
LanguagesآشوريةArabicnounfemale equivalent of آشُورِيّ (ʔāšūriyy, “Assyrian man”): / Assyrian woman
LanguagesآشوريةArabicnounAssyrian languagedefinite usually
Languagesकुँड़ुख़Kurukhnamethe Kurukh language
Languagesकुँड़ुख़KurukhadjRelating to the Kurukh.
Languagesတဳတိတ္ထိMonnameBurmese, Burmese people.historical
Languagesတဳတိတ္ထိMonnounnon-religious person.
Latin letter namesцэRussiannounThe Cyrillic letter Ц, ц.indeclinable
Latin letter namesцэRussiannounThe Roman letter C, c.indeclinable
Latin nomina gentiliaVolniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaVolniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Volnius, a Roman tragedy writerdeclension-2 masculine singular
Laundryblue bagEnglishnounA lawyer's bag made of blue fabric to carry briefs, now as typically carried by a junior barrister.
Laundryblue bagEnglishnounA bag containing alkaline blue laundry powder, used for whitening clothes.
Laurel family plantscinnamonEnglishnounA small evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka and southern India, Cinnamomum verum or Cinnamomum zeylanicum, belonging to the family Lauraceae.countable
Laurel family plantscinnamonEnglishnounSeveral related trees, notably the Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni) and Chinese cinnamon or cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum or Cinnamomum cassia).countable uncountable
Laurel family plantscinnamonEnglishnounA spice from the dried aromatic bark of the cinnamon tree, either rolled into strips or ground into a powder. The word is commonly used as trade name for spices made of any of the species above.uncountable
Laurel family plantscinnamonEnglishnounA spice from the dried aromatic bark of the cinnamon tree, either rolled into strips or ground into a powder. The word is commonly used as trade name for spices made of any of the species above. / true cinnamon, the product made of Cinnamomum verumcountable uncountable
Laurel family plantscinnamonEnglishnounA warm yellowish-brown color, the color of cinnamon.countable
Laurel family plantscinnamonEnglishadjContaining cinnamon, or having a cinnamon taste.not-comparable
Laurel family plantscinnamonEnglishadjOf a yellowish-brown color.not-comparable
LawrenonciationFrenchnounrenunciation (all senses)feminine
LeadersprezioPolishnounSynonym of prezescolloquial emphatic masculine person
LeadersprezioPolishnounSynonym of prezydentcolloquial emphatic masculine person
LeatherworkingfalcPolishnounfold (paper or cloth strip connecting the book cover with the endpaper)media printing publishinginanimate masculine
LeatherworkingfalcPolishnounstrip (piece of paper pasted into a book in place of a missing page)inanimate masculine
LeatherworkingfalcPolishnounridge (bump of a crease of the printing sheet when folding)inanimate masculine
LeatherworkingfalcPolishnounfolding (act of joining two sheets of metal by folding the edge of one sheet into the other)engineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
LeatherworkingfalcPolishnounrabbet (groove along the side edges of a wooden or stone element, enabling it to be connected to another element)arts business carpentry construction crafts hobbies lifestyle manufacturing masonry woodworkinginanimate masculine
LeatherworkingfalcPolishnounA type of tanning tool for cutting leather.inanimate masculine
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounA professional person with a graduate law degree that qualifies for legal work (such as Juris Doctor)
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounA professional person qualified (as by a law degree or bar exam) and authorized to practice law as an attorney-at-law, solicitor, advocate, barrister or equivalent, i.e. represent parties in lawsuits or trials and give legal advice.
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounA legal layman who argues points of law.broadly
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounThe burbot.UK colloquial
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounThe stem of a bramble.UK dialectal
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounAny of various plants that have hooked thorns. / A relative of the raspberry found in Australia and New Zealand, Rubus australis
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounAny of various plants that have hooked thorns. / Various species of Calamus, including Calamus australis, Calamus muelleri, Calamus obstruens, Calamus vitiensis, Calamus warburgii, and Calamus moti.
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishnounAny of various plants that have hooked thorns. / A woody climbing rainforest vine, Flagellaria indica.
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishverbTo practice law.informal intransitive
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishverbTo perform, or attempt to perform, the work of a lawyer.intransitive
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishverbTo make legalistic arguments.intransitive
Legal occupationslawyerEnglishverbTo barrage (a person) with questions in order to get them to admit something.informal transitive
LeprosylazarEnglishnounSynonym of leper: a person suffering from Hansen's disease; a person suffering any contagious disease requiring similar isolation.archaic
LeprosylazarEnglishadjSynonym of leprous: afflicted by Hansen's disease; afflicted by any contagious disease requiring similar isolation.archaic not-comparable
LicemialScottish Gaelicnounlousefeminine
LicemialScottish Gaelicnountick (insect)feminine
LifeformsamebaPolishnounamoeba (member of the genus Amoeba)feminine
LifeformsamebaPolishnounamoeba, amoeboid (unicellular organism which has the ability to alter its shape)broadly feminine
LifeformsamebaPolishnounamoeba (unintelligent or spineless person)colloquial derogatory feminine
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounA soul or spirit; an animating force: / The human soul (seen as granting sapience and surviving after death).
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounA soul or spirit; an animating force: / The (characteristic) soul of animals or plants.
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounA soul or spirit; an animating force: / A refined animating substance akin to the soul.alchemy pseudoscience
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounLife, energy; earthly existence.
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounA person or human being.biblical lifestyle religion
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounThe mind or heart; one's capacity for thought or emotion.
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounOne's intent or goal; that which one wants.
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of sowel (“food”)alt-of alternative
LifeformssouleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of sowel (“staff, stake”)alt-of alternative
LightpenombraCatalannounhalf-light, semi-darknessfeminine
Light sourcesfaroSpanishnounlighthousemasculine
Light sourcesfaroSpanishnounbeaconmasculine
Light sourcesfaroSpanishnounheadlight, headlamp (of a vehicle)masculine
Light sourcesfaroSpanishnounlight (bicycle accessory)masculine
Light sourcesmagetsiChichewanounelectric light(s)class-6
Light sourcesmagetsiChichewanounelectricityclass-6
Liliales order plantsفشاغArabicnounSmilax gen. et spp.
Liliales order plantsفشاغArabicnouna piece of hide wherewith a waterskin is patched
LimbsكوعSouth Levantine Arabicnounelbow
LimbsكوعSouth Levantine Arabicverbto stop working, to break down
LimbsكوعSouth Levantine Arabicverbto fail (in school, etc.)
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo recite numbers in sequence.intransitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo determine the number of (objects in a group).transitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo amount to, to number in total.intransitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo be of significance; to matter.intransitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo be an example of something: often followed by as and an indefinite noun.intransitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo consider something as an example of something or as having some quality; to account, to regard as.transitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo reckon in, to include in consideration.transitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo take account or note (of), to care (for).intransitive obsolete
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo recount, to tell.obsolete transitive
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishverbTo plead orally; to argue a matter in court; to recite a count.lawUK intransitive obsolete
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounThe act of counting or tallying a quantity.
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounThe result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set; a quantity counted.
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounA countdown.
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounA charge of misconduct brought in a legal
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounThe number of balls and strikes, respectively, on a batter's in-progress plate appearance.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounAn object of interest or account; value; estimation.obsolete
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounCunt (the taboo swear word)euphemistic slang
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishadjCountable.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishadjUsed to show the amount of like items in a economics marketing sciences shipping transportnot-comparable
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounThe male ruler of a county.
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounA nobleman holding a rank intermediate between dukes and barons.
Limenitidine butterfliescountEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Tanaecia. Other butterflies in this genus are called earls and viscounts.biology entomology natural-sciences
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounA daughter of the same parents as another person; a female sibling.
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounA female member of a religious order; especially one devoted to more active service; (informal) a nun.
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounAny butterfly in the genus Adelpha, so named for the resemblance of the dark-colored wings to the black habit traditionally worn by nuns.
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounA senior or supervisory nurse, often in a hospital.British
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounAny woman or girl with whom a bond is felt through the same biological sex, gender or common membership in a community, race, profession, religion, organization, or ism.
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounA black woman.capitalized slang sometimes
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounA form of address to a woman.informal
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounA female fellow member of a religious community, church, trades union etc.
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounAn entity that has a special or affectionate, non-hierarchical relationship with another.attributive
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounA node in a data structure that shares its parent with another node.computing computing-theory engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishnounSomething in the same class.attributive usually
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishverbTo strengthen (a supporting beam) by fastening a second beam alongside construction manufacturingtransitive
Limenitidine butterfliessisterEnglishverbTo be sister to; to resemble closely.obsolete transitive
LiquidswateryEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of water.
LiquidswateryEnglishadjWet, soggy or soaked with water.
LiquidswateryEnglishadjDiluted or having too much water.
LiquidswateryEnglishadjThin and pale therefore suggestive of water.
LiquidswateryEnglishadjWeak and insipid.
LiquidswateryEnglishadjDischarging water or similar substance as a result of disease etc.
LiquidswateryEnglishadjContaining many bodies of water.
Literature主題Japanesenounsubject, theme, main topic
Literature主題Japanesenounmusical motif
LogiclógicaSpanishnounrationale, logicfeminine
LogiclógicaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of lógico (“logician”)feminine form-of
LogiclógicaSpanishadjfeminine singular of lógicofeminine form-of singular
LogicmorphismEnglishnoun(formally) An arrow in a category; (less formally) an abstraction that generalises a map from one mathematical object to another and is structure-preserving in a way that depends on the branch of mathematics from which it arises.category-theory computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
LogicmorphismEnglishnounBeing or having distinct variants of a plant or animal species in the same locale; polymorphism.biology natural-sciences
LovedoteMiddle EnglishnounAn idiot or imbecile; a dotard.
LovedoteMiddle EnglishnounA senile individual; an elderly person lacking sound mind.
LovedoteMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of dotenalt-of alternative
Lunar monthsuNtulikaziZulunounJuly
Lunar monthsuNtulikaziZulunounthe thirteenth month of the Zulu lunar calendar, beginning with the new moon in June
MagnoliidsribbonwoodEnglishnounAny of various plants from Australia and New Zealand in the genera Hoheria, Idiospermum and Plagianthus.countable uncountable
MagnoliidsribbonwoodEnglishnounAdenostoma sparsifolium of southern California in the US and northern Baja California in Mexico. Also called redshankscountable uncountable
Mahabharataआदिपर्वन्Sanskritnounfirst chapter
Mahabharataआदिपर्वन्Sanskritnounthe first book of the Mahabharata
Male匹夫Chinesenounordinary manliterary
Male匹夫Chinesenounthe common people; the masses; ordinary citizensliterary
Male匹夫Chinesenounordinary person; unexceptional individualliterary
Male匹夫Chinesenounignorant personderogatory literary
Male animalsкозёлRussiannoungoat, he-goat, billygoat
Male animalsкозёлRussiannounidiot, blockhead; jerk, bastard, assderogatory slang
Male animalsкозёлRussiannounan inmate who is an informer and collaborates with authoritiesslang
Male animalsкозёлRussiannounhomosexual (usually passive)slang
Male animalsкозёлRussiannoungame of dominoescolloquial
Male animalsкозёлRussiannounbuck, a leather-covered frame used for gymnastic vaultinggymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports
Male animalsкозёлRussiannounstack of arms (e.g. rifles)government military politics war
Male childrenmlyczŏkSilesiannounboy, youngstermasculine person
Male childrenmlyczŏkSilesiannounmilk toothanimal-not-person masculine
Male family membersзетSerbo-Croatiannounson-in-law
Male family membersзетSerbo-Croatiannounbrother-in-law (husband of one's sibling)
Male family membersшовґорPannonian Rusynnounbrother-in-lawmasculine person
Male family membersшовґорPannonian Rusynnoununcle, uncle-in-law (brother-in-law of one's parent)masculine person
Male family membersبھیناUrdunounAlternative form of بَہَن (bahan, “sister”)alt-of alternative diminutive
Male family membersبھیناUrdunounyounger sisterendearing
Male family membersبھیناUrdunounAlternative form of بَہْنوئِی (bahnoī, “brother-in-law, sister's husband”)alt-of alternative
Male peoplebombardierPolishnounbombardier (military rank in the rocket and artillery troops of the Polish Army)historical masculine person
Male peoplebombardierPolishnounbombardier (military rank in the rocket and artillery troops of the Polish Army) / bombardier (soldier of this rank)historical masculine person
Male peoplebombardierPolishnounbombardier, artilleryman, gunner (person in the army who operated a bombard or other type of gun)historical masculine person
Male peoplebombardierPolishnounbombardier, bomb aimer (crew member of a bomber aircraft responsible for the targeting of aerial bombs)masculine person
Male peoplebombardierPolishnounathlete who, during a match, makes many decisive and accurate blows, or strikes with the ball or puck, thus scoring many pointscolloquial masculine person
Male peoplebombardierPolishnounbombardier beetle (beetle whose defence mechanism enables it to eject a hot aqueous mixture of chemicals at predators)animal-not-person masculine
Male peoplebombardierPolishnountram or train car manufactured by a company belonging to the Bombardier Inc. multinationalrail-transport railways transportanimal-not-person masculine
Male peoplebrązownikPolishnounbronzesmithmasculine person
Male peoplebrązownikPolishnounidealizermasculine person
Male peoplemacherPolishnounexpert, specialistcolloquial masculine person
Male peoplemacherPolishnounfraudster, trickster, swindlercolloquial masculine person
Male peoplepadalecPolishnounslowworm (any lizard of the genus Anguis)animal-not-person masculine
Male peoplepadalecPolishnounscum, lowlifecolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peoplepysgotwrWelshnounfisherman, anglermasculine
Male peoplepysgotwrWelshnounkingfisher (bird of the suborder Alcedines)masculine
Male peoplepysgotwrWelshnounkingfisher (bird of the suborder Alcedines) / common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)masculine
Male peoplerewizorPolishnouninspector, auditor, comptrollerhistorical masculine person
Male peoplerewizorPolishnounticket inspectorliterary masculine person
Male peoplerewizorPolishnounlanded estate scribehistorical masculine obsolete person
Male peopleбродоломецMacedoniannouncastaway (shipwrecked sailor)nautical transport
Male peopleбродоломецMacedoniannouncastaway (a person who has experienced some sort of breakdown, a major failure)figuratively
Male peopleводичSerbo-Croatiannounconductor
Male peopleводичSerbo-Croatiannounguide, leader, head
Male peopleводичSerbo-Croatiannounguidebook
Male peopleлетописецRussiannounchronicler, annalistanimate
Male peopleлетописецRussiannounchronicleinanimate
Malpighiales order plantsbarba de cabraSpanishnounJerusalem star (Hypericum calycinum)feminine
Malpighiales order plantsbarba de cabraSpanishnoungoatsbeard, common salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius)feminine
Malpighiales order plantsbarba de cabraSpanishnounbaneberry (Actaea spicata)feminine
Malpighiales order plantskamunggay insikCebuanonounthe star gooseberry (Sauropus androgynus)
Malpighiales order plantskamunggay insikCebuanonounthe leaves of this plant
Malpighiales order plantskamunggay insikCebuanonounthe fruit of this plant
MammalskááʼtsʼiníNavajonouncrocodile, alligator
MammalsفرسSouth Levantine Arabicnounmare
MammalsفرسSouth Levantine Arabicnounplural of فارسي (fārsi, “Persian”)form-of plural
MammalsفرسSouth Levantine Arabicadjplural of فارسي (fārsi, “Persian”)form-of plural
MaplessugarbushEnglishnounA wooded area with sugar maples or other trees tapped for sugaring.Canada US
MaplessugarbushEnglishnounProtea repens (common sugarbush)
MaplessugarbushEnglishnounProtea spp.
MarijuanazielarzPolishnounherbalistmasculine person
MarijuanazielarzPolishnounuser or dealer of marijuanacolloquial masculine person
Marijuana🍁TranslingualsymbolMarijuana; weed.Internet euphemistic
Marriageగర్భాదానముTelugunounthe nuptial ceremony
Marriageగర్భాదానముTelugunounimpregnation (the act of making pregnant)
MarseilleMassaliaEnglishnameAn ancient Greek city and colony in modern southern France; modern Marseille.historical
MarseilleMassaliaEnglishname20 Massalia, an asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
Materialsਸ਼ੀਸ਼ਾPunjabinounreal-life situation, factfiguratively
Materials琉璃Chinesenouna kind of blue and translucent natural precious stone, probably lapis lazuliliterary
Materials琉璃Chinesenouncoloured glaze similar to this kind of stone
Materials琉璃ChinesenounSynonym of 玻璃 (“glass”)literary
Materials琉璃Chinesenounlamp made from glassliterary
Materials琉璃Chinesenounany translucent objectfiguratively literary
Materials琉璃ChinesenoundragonflyBeijing Mandarin
MathematicsEuclideFrenchnameA male given name of historical usage, equivalent to English Euclidmasculine
MathematicsEuclideFrenchnameEuclid (ancient Greek mathematician)masculine
MathematicsEuclideFrenchnameEuclid of Megara (ancient Greek philosopher)masculine
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounMatter or stuff; that which things are composed of: / Primordial, crude or essential matter; matter without complication.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounMatter or stuff; that which things are composed of: / The real essence or body of something (as opposed to its form or permutations)rare
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounMatter or stuff; that which things are composed of: / The physical actions or part of a Christian religion theologyrare
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA material or substance; something which things are created or made from: / A thing or substance which forms part of a larger whole; a component.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA material or substance; something which things are created or made from: / An ingredient or part of a recipe; that which is used to make alongside other things.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA material or substance; something which things are created or made from: / The germ of something; something which other things are developed or grown from.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounOne of a human body's liquids or fluids; a biofluid: / A harmful, disease-bringing, or deleterious bodily fluid.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounOne of a human body's liquids or fluids; a biofluid: / Partially digested food while sitting in the stomach.rare
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA pursuit, occurrence, condition, or event, especially when problematic: / A debate, argument, or contestation between two sides.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA pursuit, occurrence, condition, or event, especially when problematic: / A lawsuit or litigation; legal action or
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA pursuit, occurrence, condition, or event, especially when problematic: / A recounting, recollection, or narration of an event (whether written or verbal)
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / The primary area or topic discussed in a piece of literature.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / The primary theme, point or thesis of a piece of literature.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / A science; a discipline, branch, or area of formal knowledge.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA topic or theme; an area of knowledge or discussion: / The information or informants one draws upon for a work; the matter used as source.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounThe (usually intrinsic or innate) state or characteristics of something.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounOne's motivation, justification, or reasoning for an action.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounWood or timber, especially when used to stoke a fire.
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA twig or bough; a portion of a plant or tree.rare
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounThe internal liquids of a plant or tree.rare
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounA specific, fully-formed object.rare
MattermatereMiddle EnglishnounwombLate-Middle-English rare
MealsобідUkrainiannoundinner, lunch (midday meal)
MealsобідUkrainiannounrim, felly
MeatspoitrineFrenchnounchest, thorax, torsoanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
MeatspoitrineFrenchnounbreast, bosomfeminine
MeatspoitrineFrenchnounbreast (of poultry, as meat)feminine
MeatspoitrineFrenchverbfirst-person singular indicative/present of poitriner
MeatspoitrineFrenchverbfirst-person singular subjunctive present of poitrinerfirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive
MeatspoitrineFrenchverbsecond-person singular imperative of poitrinerform-of imperative second-person singular
MeatspoitrineFrenchverbthird-person singular indicative present of poitrinerform-of indicative present singular third-person
MeatspoitrineFrenchverbthird-person singular subjunctive present of poitrinerform-of present singular subjunctive third-person
MeatsquijadaSpanishnounjaw, jawbone (of an animal)feminine
MeatsquijadaSpanishnounjowl (meat)feminine
MeatsquijadaSpanishnounjawbone (musical instrument)feminine
MeatssardynkaPolishnounsardine (fish)feminine
MeatssardynkaPolishnounsardine (meat)feminine
MechanicsvelocityEnglishnounA vector quantity that denotes the rate of change of position with respect to time, combining speed with a directional component.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
MechanicsvelocityEnglishnounRapidity of motion.countable uncountable
MechanicsvelocityEnglishnounThe rate of occurrence.countable uncountable
MechanicsvelocityEnglishnounThe number of times that an average unit of currency is spent during a specific period of time.economics sciencescountable uncountable
Medical equipmentjeringaSpanishnounsyringefeminine
Medical equipmentjeringaSpanishverbinflection of jeringar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Medical equipmentjeringaSpanishverbinflection of jeringar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A glass vial used for examining or storing urine.alchemy medicine pseudoscience scienceshistorical
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A chamber pot specially designed or considered as a device for urination.obsolete
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A device for urination worn or used by patients suffering urinary incontinence.
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A plumbing fixture intended for standing urination, typically by men and boys.
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination, particularly
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounAny oblong glass vessel shaped like the old alchemist's urinal.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA room or structure used for urination: a latrine; an outhouse; a lavatory.obsolete
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishadjSynonym of urinarynot-comparable
Medical signs and symptomstemperaturaPolishnountemperature (measure of cold or heat, often measurable with a thermometer)feminine
Medical signs and symptomstemperaturaPolishnountemperature (state of heat of an organism or of one's body)feminine
Medical signs and symptomstemperaturaPolishnountemperature (elevated body temperature, as present in fever and many illnesses)feminine
Medical signs and symptomstemperaturaPolishnountemperature (intensity of something, especially of emotions; general mood)feminine
Medical signs and symptomstemperaturaPolishnountemperature (strong emotions)feminine
MephitidspolecatEnglishnounA weasel-like animal of the genus Mustela.
MephitidspolecatEnglishnounA weasel-like animal of the genus Mustela. / notably, the European polecat, Mustela putorius.
MephitidspolecatEnglishnounA skunk.Appalachia Texas
MephitidspolecatEnglishnounA tubular device used to support lights on a set.broadcasting media television
MetalsరజతముTeluguadjWhite, silvery, argent.
MetalsరజతముTelugunounSilver: A lustrous, white, metallic element, atomic number 47, symbol Ag.singular singular-only
Metalsചെമ്പ്Malayalamnouncopper (metallic chemical element having atomic number 29 and symbol Cu)
Metalsചെമ്പ്Malayalamnouna type of copper vessel
Military戎馬Chinesenounmilitary horseliterary
Military戎馬Chinesenounmilitary mattersliterary metonymically
MindventerLatinnounthe bellydeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnouna paunch, maw, conveying the accessory idea of greediness or gormandizingdeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnounthe stomachanatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnounthe body, trunkdeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnounthe wombdeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnounthe womb / an unborn offspring, especially a sondeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnounthe bowels, entrailsdeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnouna swelling, protuberancedeclension-3 masculine
MindventerLatinnounsensual lustdeclension-3 figuratively masculine
MindventerLatinnoungluttonydeclension-3 figuratively masculine
MineralogyдендритUkrainiannoundendritebiology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciences
MineralogyдендритUkrainiannoundendritechemistry crystallography engineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA person or animal that sucks, especially a breast or udder; especially a suckling animal, young mammal before it is weaned.
MiningsuckerEnglishnounAn undesired stem growing out of the roots or lower trunk of a shrub or tree, especially from the rootstock of a grafted plant or tree.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA parasite; a sponger.broadly
MiningsuckerEnglishnounAn organ or body part that does the sucking; especially a round structure on the bodies of some insects, frogs, and octopuses that allows them to stick to surfaces.
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA thing that works by sucking something.
MiningsuckerEnglishnounThe embolus, or bucket, of a pump; also, the valve of a pump basket.
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA pipe through which anything is drawn.
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA small piece of leather, usually round, having a string attached to the center, which, when saturated with water and pressed upon a stone or other body having a smooth surface, adheres, by reason of the atmospheric pressure, with such force as to enable a considerable weight to be thus lifted by the string; formerly used by children as a plaything.
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA suction cup.British colloquial
MiningsuckerEnglishnounAn animal such as the octopus and remora, which adhere to other bodies with such organs.
MiningsuckerEnglishnounAny fish in the family Catostomidae of North America and eastern Asia, which have mouths modified into downward-pointing, suckerlike structures for feeding in bottom sediments.biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoology
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA lollipop; a piece of candy which is sucked.US informal
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA hard drinker.archaic slang
MiningsuckerEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Illinois.US obsolete
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA migrant lead miner working in the Driftless Area of northwest Illinois, southwest Wisconsin, and northeast Iowa, working in summer and leaving for winter, so named because of the similarity to the migratory patterns of the North American Catostomidae.US obsolete
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA person who is easily deceived, tricked or persuaded to do something; a naive or gullible person.US slang
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA person irresistibly attracted by something specified.informal
MiningsuckerEnglishnounThe penis.British obsolete slang vulgar
MiningsuckerEnglishverbTo strip the suckers or shoots from; to deprive of suckers.agriculture business horticulture lifestyletransitive
MiningsuckerEnglishverbTo produce suckers; to throw up additional stems or shoots.agriculture business horticulture lifestyleintransitive
MiningsuckerEnglishverbTo move or attach oneself by means of suckers.intransitive
MiningsuckerEnglishverbTo fool someone; to take advantage of someone.informal transitive
MiningsuckerEnglishverbTo lure someone.informal transitive usually
MiningsuckerEnglishnounAny thing or object.emphatic slang
MiningsuckerEnglishnounA person.derogatory slang
Mint family plantsboþenOld Englishnounrosemarymasculine neuter
Mint family plantsboþenOld Englishnoundarnelmasculine neuter
Mint family plantsboþenOld Englishnounthymemasculine neuter
MintspeppermintEnglishnounA hybrid herb of the mint family (Mentha × piperita), formed by crossing watermint and spearmint, which has a high menthol content and a sharp flavor and is used in cooking, especially in herb teas and in confections.countable uncountable
MintspeppermintEnglishnounAny of various eucalypts of southeastern Australia whose leaves yield peppermint-like essential oils.Australia countable uncountable
MintspeppermintEnglishnounAny of various sweets containing extract of the peppermint herb; peppermint confectionery.countable
MolluskssusoBikol Centralnounbreast; teat
MolluskssusoBikol Centralnounudder
MolluskssusoBikol Centralnouninsertion
MolluskssusoBikol Centralnounmanner of pushing through
MolluskssusoBikol Centralnounsnuggle; nestle
MolluskssusoBikol Centralnounshellfish
MonarchydelfinKashubiannoundolphin (mammal of the subfamilies Delphinoidea or Platanistoidea)animal-not-person masculine
MonarchydelfinKashubiannoundauphin (eldest son of the king of France)animal-not-person masculine
Monarchy乘龍Chineseverbto get a good son-in-lawfiguratively
Monarchy乘龍Chineseverbto pass away; to dieeuphemistic literary
MonasticismBenediktinerGermannounBenedictine (monk)masculine strong
MonasticismBenediktinerGermannounBenedictine (liqueur)masculine strong
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounsquare with side length of 1 zhangliterary
Monasticism方丈Chinesenouna square-zhang table full of food; plentiful foodliterary
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounabbot's room or quarter, i.e. a small square-zhang room, as Vimalakīrti's room is described in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra / residence of Buddhist abbots, including the bedroom and its accessory facilitiesBuddhism lifestyle religionbroadly
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounabbot's room or quarter, i.e. a small square-zhang room, as Vimalakīrti's room is described in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra / Buddhist abbotBuddhism lifestyle religionbroadly
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounabbot's room or quarter, i.e. a small square-zhang room, as Vimalakīrti's room is described in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra / narrow-minded person; petty personBuddhism lifestyle religionCantonese Hong-Kong neologism slang
Monasticism方丈ChineseclassifierClassifier for the number of areas covered by a square of side length 1 zhang.
Monasticism方丈Chinesenamea mystical mountain island in the seahuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
MoneyọrọYorubanounword, phrase, uttering
MoneyọrọYorubanounmatter, affair
MoneyọrọYorubanouna supernatural fairy or spirit, believed to reside in physical objects and possess people
MoneyọrọYorubanounwealth, riches
MoneyọrọYorubanounmatters, a concern of great urgency, issue
MoneyọrọYorubanounthe tree Antiaris toxicaria
MoneyọrọYorubanounThe plants of the Euphorbia genus, specifically Euphorbia kamerunica, often misidentified as a cactus due to their similar appearances
MoneyọrọYorubanounAny of the various species of cactus, or a variety of other species of the Euphorbia genus and other genera erroneously identified as cactus
MoneyọrọYorubanounThe plants Nesogordonia papaverifera and Sterculia rhinopetala of the former Sterculiaceae family
MoneyọrọYorubanounthe plant Strophanthus hispidus
MonkeyskhỉVietnamesenounmonkey (primate)
MonkeyskhỉVietnamesenounape (animal)broadly
MonthsстуденMacedonianadjcold, chilly
MoonswaxyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of waxenform-of participle present
MoonswaxyngeMiddle Englishnoungrowth, development
MoonswaxyngeMiddle Englishnounwaxing (of the moon); rising (of tides)
MoonswaxyngeMiddle Englishnounenlargementrare
MoonswaxyngeMiddle Englishnounincrease, plentyrare
MormonismMantiEnglishnameOne of the four Nephite spies in the Book of Mormon.
MormonismMantiEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Sanpete County, Utah.
MuscicapidsbluetailEnglishnounEither of two species of passerine bird in the genus Tarsiger.
MuscicapidsbluetailEnglishnounAny of several species of damselfly in the genus Ischnura.
MuscicapidsbluetailEnglishnounAn organism with a blue tail.
MushroomsrogetaCatalannounwild madder (Rubia peregrina)feminine
MushroomsrogetaCatalannounentire russula (Russula integra)feminine
MusicFunkGermannounradio (technology)masculine no-plural strong
MusicFunkGermannounfunk (music)masculine no-plural strong
MusiccarmenLatinnouna composition in verse, a poem; poetry, verse, songdeclension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnounpoem, poetry (strictly any poem or poetry that can be sung), verse (esp. lyric or epic verse)declension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnounincantation, charm, spelldeclension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnounplay, playing (of music)declension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnounprayer (refers to prayers being composed in verse)declension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnounformula (refers to the formula of verse found in ancient prayers or magical spells)declension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnounoracle (infrequent but used to refer to the poetic form in which prophecies were spoken)declension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnounritual (involving verse)declension-3 neuter poetic usually
MusiccarmenLatinnouncard for flax or wooldeclension-3 neuter
Music奉奏Japanesenounperforming a songhumble
Music奉奏Japaneseverbto perform a songhumble
Music打鼓Chineseverbto play the drums
Music打鼓Chineseverbto be nervous; to feel uneasyfiguratively
Music𐍃𐌹𐌲𐌲𐍅𐌰𐌽Gothicverbto sing
Music𐍃𐌹𐌲𐌲𐍅𐌰𐌽Gothicverbto recite
Musical instrumentssonallCatalannounjingle (metal disc of a tambourine)masculine
Musical instrumentssonallCatalannounrattlemasculine
Myrtales order plantsܪܘܡܢܐClassical Syriacnounpomegranate (tree and fruit)
Myrtales order plantsܪܘܡܢܐClassical Syriacnounpomegranate-shaped head at the end of a stalkbiology botany natural-sciencesfiguratively
Myrtales order plantsܪܘܡܢܐClassical Syriacnouncapitalarchitecturefiguratively
Myrtle family plants香桃木Chinesenouncommon myrtle (Myrtus communis)biology botany natural-sciences
Myrtle family plants香桃木Chinesenounmyrtle (evergreen shrub of the genus Myrtus)biology botany natural-sciences
Mythological creaturesdobbyEnglishnounA device in some looms that allows the weaving of small geometric patterns.countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesdobbyEnglishnounThe patterns so woven, or the fabric containing the patterns.countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesdobbyEnglishnounAn evil or mischievous fairy or ghost sometimes said to haunt a building or household.countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesdobbyEnglishnounA dotard.archaic countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesdobbyEnglishnounThe children's game of tag.countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesثعبانOttoman Turkishnounspecies of large snake said to hunt rats
Mythological creaturesثعبانOttoman Turkishnounfabulous serpent of enormous size, dragon
Mythological locationsKalevalaEnglishnameThe Finnish national epic.
Mythological locationsKalevalaEnglishnameThe mythical location where the heroes of Kalevala live.
Mythological locationsKalevalaEnglishnameAn urban-type settlement, the administrative capital of the Kalevalsky District, Republic of Karelia, in northwestern Russia; also historically known as Uhtua.
MythologyviganAlbaniannouna very big person, a giantmasculine
MythologyviganAlbaniannounleading lightfiguratively masculine
MythologyviganAlbaniannounflagshipfiguratively masculine
MythologyviganAlbaniannoungianthuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesmasculine
Named roadsGazastreifenGermannameGaza Strip (A region in Palestine between Egypt and Israel)masculine
Named roadsGazastreifenGermannamethe Sonnenallee (due to its many Arab locations)Berlin masculine slang
NationalismfalangaPolishnounphalanx (ancient Greek military unit)government military politics warfeminine historical
NationalismfalangaPolishnounphalanx (large group of animals, plants, or people)feminine
NationalismfalangaPolishnounphalanx (in Charles Fourier's theory of utopian socialism: a community of about 1,600 people, engaged in agriculture and production, living in settlements)government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciences socialismfeminine
NationalismfalangaPolishnounradical nationalist or fascist organizationfascism government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciencesfeminine
NationalismfalangaPolishnounsymbol of Polish nationalists in the form of a schematic representation of a hand holding an upraised swordfascism government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciencesfeminine
NationalismfalangaPolishnounphalanx (type of plant growth characterized by the formation of clumps)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
NationalismрусорезRussiannounslaughter, destruction, or murder of ethnic Russiansoffensive slang
NationalismрусорезRussiannounone who murders ethnic Russiansoffensive slang
NationalismхохолRussiannoun(birds) crest, (human hair) topknot, tuft of hairinanimate
NationalismхохолRussiannouna Ukrainian, khokholanimate derogatory ethnic offensive slur
NationalismхохолRussiannouna Ukrainian nationalistanimate derogatory ethnic offensive slur specifically
NationalitiesLuxembourgerEnglishnounA person from the independent Grand Duchy of Luxembourg or of Luxembourgish descent.
NationalitiesLuxembourgerEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the former duchy (originally county) of Luxembourg (originally Letzeburg)historical
NationalitiesLuxembourgerEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Belgian province of Luxembourg.
NationalitiesLuxembourgerEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the city of Luxembourg, the capital of all the above territories.
NationalitiesarmeanRomaniannounan Armenian personmasculine
NationalitiesarmeanRomanianadjArmenianmasculine neuter
NationalitiesiemenitaCatalanadjYemenifeminine masculine
NationalitiesiemenitaCatalannounYemeniby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesiranianoSpanishadjIranian, Irani
NationalitiesiranianoSpanishnounIranian, Iranimasculine
NationalitieskazakoItaliannounthe Kazakh languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitieskašubiFinnishnounKashubian, Kashub (member of ethnic group)
NationalitieskašubiFinnishnounKashubian (language)
NationalitiesluxemburguésGaliciannouna person from Luxembourgmasculine
NationalitiesluxemburguésGaliciannounLuxembourgish, the language of Luxembourgmasculine uncountable
NationalitiespolacoPortugueseadjPolish (of or relating to Poland)Portugal
NationalitiespolacoPortuguesenounPole (person from Poland)Portugal masculine
NationalitiespolacoPortuguesenouna descendant of Polish immigrantsSouth-Brazil masculine
NationalitiespolacoPortuguesenouna person who is very white; pastySouth-Brazil humorous masculine offensive sometimes
NationalitiespolacoPortuguesenounPolish (West Slavic language spoken in Poland)Portugal masculine uncountable
NationalitiesspanyolHungarianadjSpanish (of or pertaining to Spain, its people or culture)not-comparable
NationalitiesspanyolHungarianadjSpanish (of or pertaining to the Spanish language)not-comparable
NationalitiesspanyolHungariannounSpaniard (person)countable uncountable
NationalitiesspanyolHungariannounSpanish (language)countable uncountable
NationalitiesugandésGaliciannounUgandan, a person from Ugandamasculine
NationalitiesبغدانلیOttoman TurkishadjMoldavian
NationalitiesبغدانلیOttoman TurkishnounMoldavian (person)
NationalitiesܒܘܠܓܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameBulgaria (a country in southeastern Europe)
NationalitiesܒܘܠܓܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjBulgarian (of, from, or pertaining to Bulgaria)
NationalitiesܒܘܠܓܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjBulgar, Bulgaric (relating to the migratory Turkic people)
NationalitiesܒܘܠܓܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounBulgarian (person from Bulgaria or of Bulgarian descent)
NationalitiesܒܘܠܓܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounBulgar (member of the migratory Turkic people)
Native American tribesCatawbaEnglishnounA member of a Native American people who inhabit the Carolinas: the Iswa.
Native American tribesCatawbaEnglishnounA reddish American dessert grape.
Native American tribesCatawbaEnglishnameThe now-extinct language of this people.
Native American tribesCatawbaEnglishnameA river in the Carolinas which rises in the Blue Ridge Mountains and flows approximately 220 miles (350 km) before joining the Wateree River and ultimately flowing into the Atlantic.
Natural materialspedraCatalannounstonefeminine
Natural materialspedraCatalannounstone, calculusmedicine sciencesfeminine
Natural materialspedraCatalannounhailstonefeminine
NauticaloreMiddle Englishnounoar (lever for propelling a boat)
NauticaloreMiddle Englishnounhonour, respect (recognition of value)uncountable
NauticaloreMiddle Englishnoungrace, favour (positivity towards someone):: / permission, approval (to engage in a behaviour)uncountable
NauticaloreMiddle Englishnoungrace, favour (positivity towards someone):: / mercy, clemency (remission of punishment)uncountable
NauticaloreMiddle Englishnounrespite, security (safety from harm)uncountable
NauticaloreMiddle Englishnounore (rock that contains metal)
NauticaloreMiddle Englishnounedge, shore
NauticaloreMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of oure (“aurochs”)alt-of alternative
NauticaloreMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of oure (“our”)alt-of alternative
NauticaloreMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of youralt-of alternative
NauticaloreMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of here (“their”)Early-Middle-English West-Midlands alt-of alternative
NauticaloreMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hore (“muck”)alt-of alternative
New ZealandMaoriEnglishnounA member of the indigenous people of New Zealand.
New ZealandMaoriEnglishnameThe language of these people.
New ZealandMaoriEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Maori.
Newfoundland and LabradorNewfieEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the island of Newfoundland.Canada informal sometimes
Newfoundland and LabradorNewfieEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Newfoundland.not-comparable
Nicknames of individuals689ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 6, 8, 9, 六, 八 (bā), 九 (jiǔ).
Nicknames of individuals689ChinesenounLeung Chun-ying, or his supportersneologism slang
Nicknames of individuals689Chinesenounsupporters of Ma Ying-jeouneologism slang
Nicknames of individuals689Chinesenounsupporters of Tsai Ing-wenneologism slang
NightshadesтоматRussiannountomato sauce
NobilityOrbelianEnglishnameA surname from Armenian.
NobilityOrbelianEnglishnamea member of the Armenian Orbelian noble family, the lords of the province of Syunik.historical
NobilitycarevnaCzechnountsarina (empress of several Eastern European countries, especially Russia)feminine historical
NobilitycarevnaCzechnountsarina (wife of a tsar)feminine historical
Noble gasesargonEnglishnounThe chemical element (symbol Ar) with an atomic number of 18. The third most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere, it is a colourless, odourless, inert noble gas.countable uncountable
Noble gasesargonEnglishnounA single atom of this element.countable
Northern IrelandOrangemanEnglishnounA member of the Orange Order, a Protestant society in the United Kingdom (especially Northern Ireland).
Northern IrelandOrangemanEnglishnounAny Protestant unionist Irishman.
NorwayLapplandSwedishnameLapland; Sápmi (the land of the Sami)neuter
NorwayLapplandSwedishnameLapland, a historical province (landskap) in Sweden and Finland or either of the two separate parts of this province which were created as all of Finland was ceded to Russianeuter
NorwayLapplandSwedishnameLapland province, a present day province in Finlandneuter
OaksilexEnglishnounHolm oak (Quercus ilex).
OaksilexEnglishnounAny of the numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex.
ObesityBBWEnglishnounInitialism of big beautiful woman: used as a positive description for women who are (sometimes slightly) overweight and physically attractivelifestyle sexualityabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ObesityBBWEnglishnounInitialism of big beautiful woman: used as a positive description for women who are (sometimes slightly) overweight and physically attractive / Initialism of big-boned woman: recoinage of the acronym, making fun of the typical term for overweight women.anatomy body human-sciences lifestyle linguistics medicine morphology sciences sexualityabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ObesityBBWEnglishnounInitialism of Big Bad Wolfabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ObesityBBWEnglishnounInitialism of brake-by-wire.automotive transport vehiclesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ObstetricsobstétriqueFrenchadjobstetric, obstetrical
OccultlougarouHaitian Creolenounwerewolf
OccultlougarouHaitian Creolenoundevil
OccultlougarouHaitian Creolenounsorcerer
OccupationscauponaLatinnouna female shopkeeper, landlady or hostessdeclension-1
OccupationscauponaLatinnounan inndeclension-1
OccupationscauponaLatinnouna tavern, saloondeclension-1
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounA soldier engaged in designing or constructing military works for attack or defence, or other engineering works.government military politics waralso figuratively
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounA soldier in charge of operating a weapon; an artilleryman, a gunner.government military politics waralso figuratively obsolete
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounA person professionally engaged in the technical design and construction of large-scale private and public works such as bridges, buildings, harbours, railways, roads, etc.; a civil engineer.broadly
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounOriginally, a person engaged in designing, constructing, or maintaining engines or machinery; now (more generally), a person qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering, or studying to do so.broadly
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounA person trained to operate an engine; an engineman. / A person who operates a steam engine; specifically (nautical), a person employed to operate the steam engine in the engine room of a ship.broadly historical
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounA person trained to operate an engine; an engineman. / A person who drives or operates a fire engine.firefighting governmentUS broadly
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounA person trained to operate an engine; an engineman. / A person who drives or operates a locomotive; a train driver.rail-transport railways transportUS broadly
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounPreceded by a qualifying word: a person who uses abilities or knowledge to manipulate events or people.broadly
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounA person who formulates plots or schemes; a plotter, a schemer.broadly derogatory often
OccupationsengineerEnglishnounAn honorific title given to engineers before their name.
OccupationsengineerEnglishverbTo employ one's abilities and knowledge as an engineer to design, construct, and/or maintain (something, such as a machine or a structure), usually for industrial or public use.transitive
OccupationsengineerEnglishverbTo use genetic engineering to alter or construct (a DNA sequence), or to alter (an organism).specifically transitive
OccupationsengineerEnglishverbTo plan or achieve (a goal) by contrivance or guile; to finagle, to wangle.transitive
OccupationsengineerEnglishverbTo formulate plots or schemes; to plot, to scheme.intransitive
OccupationsengineerEnglishverbTo work as an engineer.intransitive rare
OccupationsensercherMiddle EnglishnounA researcher; a studier.
OccupationsensercherMiddle EnglishnounA finder or looker; one who hunts for something.rare
OccupationsensercherMiddle EnglishnounA searcher; an investigator or scrutiniser.Late-Middle-English rare
OccupationshurrierEnglishnounA person who hurries.
OccupationshurrierEnglishnounA child employed in a coal mine to drag baskets or small wagons full of coal from the coal face where it was mined, up to the miningUK obsolete
OccupationskapenMarshallesenouna captain
OccupationskapenMarshallesenounan officer of high rank
OccupationskrysařCzechnounratcatcher (person who catches rats)animate masculine
OccupationskrysařCzechnounPied Piperanimate masculine
OccupationskömürcüTurkishnoundealer in coal or charcoal
OccupationskömürcüTurkishnounperson who throws or carries coal in a furnace
OccupationskömürcüTurkishnouncoalminer, one who mines for coal
OccupationslatinářCzechnounteacher of Latin, Latinistanimate masculine
OccupationslatinářCzechnounstudent of Latinanimate masculine
OccupationsratownikPolishnounlifeguardmasculine person
OccupationsratownikPolishnounrescuer, life savermasculine person
OccupationsratownikPolishnounparamedicmasculine person
OccupationsrelatorCatalannounnarrator, storytellermasculine
OccupationsrelatorCatalannouncourt reporterlawmasculine
OccupationsstadnikPolishnounsomeone who looks after a herd or group of animals, such as horsesmasculine obsolete person
OccupationsstadnikPolishnounstud (male animal kept for breeding)animal-not-person masculine
OccupationstkaczPolishnounweaver (male person)masculine person
OccupationstkaczPolishnounsociable weaver (Philetairus socius)animal-not-person masculine
OccupationstkaczPolishnounweaver ant (Oecophylla spp.)animal-not-person masculine
OccupationsטומלערYiddishnounAn entertainer.
OccupationsܚܒܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounfriend, companion, mate, comrade
OccupationsܚܒܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounneighbor/neighbour, fellow, peer
OccupationsܚܒܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounequivalent, equal
OccupationsܚܒܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounalternate, other, another
OccupationsܚܒܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounprostitute
OccupationsܚܒܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounbruise, sore, wound
OccupationsܚܒܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounscribal errorfiguratively
OccupationsคณบดีThainoundean: chief of a faculty or equivalent body in a higher education institution, such as คณบดีคณะนิติศาสตร์ (ká-ná-bɔɔ-dii-ká-ná-ní-dtì-sàat, “dean of law”).education
OccupationsคณบดีThainoundean: senior member of a group, organisation, etc, such as คณบดีคณะทูต (ká-ná-bɔɔ-dii-ká-ná-tûut, “dean of a diplomatic corps”).
OccupationsคณบดีThainamean epithet of the god Gaṇeśa.Hinduism
Occupations博士Chinesenoundoctorate; Ph.D.
Occupations博士Chinesenoundoctor (someone with a Ph.D.)
Occupations博士Chinesenouncourt academician (in feudal China)history human-sciences sciences
Occupations博士Chinesenounmaster; person with a particular skillhistory human-sciences sciences
Occupations博士Chinesenounlearned scholar; polymathhistory human-sciences sciences
Occupations博士Chinesenouncarpenter; woodworkerdialectal
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnounthe cheek, the whole side of the face including the temple
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnouna side
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnouna bubble, boil, pimple
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnouna goiter or any other excrescence of the neck
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnouna joint, bone
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnounthe bladder
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnouna mark, spot
Odd-toed ungulatesगण्डSanskritnounrhinoceros
Olive family plantslillàItaliannounlilac (plant)feminine invariable
Olive family plantslillàItaliannounlilac (color)feminine invariable
Olive family plantslillàItalianadjlilacinvariable
One一行Chinesenouna group travelling or working together; a party
One一行Chinesenounone row; one line
One一行Chinesenouna (kind of) profession; same profession
Orchidscarrion flowerEnglishnounAny of a wide variety of plants that have a scent of carrion that attracts certain animals to the plants from which they disperse pollen, seeds. or spores. / Amorphophallus spp., arums of the Old World tropics.
Orchidscarrion flowerEnglishnounAny of a wide variety of plants that have a scent of carrion that attracts certain animals to the plants from which they disperse pollen, seeds. or spores. / Rafflesia spp., of southeast Asia.
Orchidscarrion flowerEnglishnounAny of a wide variety of plants that have a scent of carrion that attracts certain animals to the plants from which they disperse pollen, seeds. or spores. / Stapelia spp., of Africa, especially South Africa.
Orchidscarrion flowerEnglishnounAny of a wide variety of plants that have a scent of carrion that attracts certain animals to the plants from which they disperse pollen, seeds. or spores. / Smilax (syn. Nemexia), herabaceous vines of North America
Orchidscarrion flowerEnglishnounAny of a wide variety of plants that have a scent of carrion that attracts certain animals to the plants from which they disperse pollen, seeds. or spores. / Bulbophyllum spp., certain orchids
Orchidscarrion flowerEnglishnounAny of a wide variety of plants that have a scent of carrion that attracts certain animals to the plants from which they disperse pollen, seeds. or spores. / Other plants, including Aristolochia clematitis, Arum maculatum, Asimina spp. (pawpaws), Crescentia alata, Dracunculus vulgaris, Helicodiceros muscivorus, Huernia spp., Hydnora spp., Lysichiton americanum, Sterculia foetida, Symplocarpus foetidus, Trillium sessile, Tiputinia foetida, Satyrium pumilum, Moraea lurida, Ferraria crispa
OrganizationsBSAAEnglishnameInitialism of Business Software Association of Australia.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesAustralia abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsBSAAEnglishnameInitialism of British South American Airways.abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
OrganizationsNVAEnglishnameInitialism of North Vietnamese Army.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsNVAEnglishnameInitialism of National Volleyball Association.US abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsNVAEnglishnameInitialism of Normandy Veterans' Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsNVAEnglishadjInitialism of no value added.businessabbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
OrganizationsсурһульKalmyknounclass, lesson
OrgansHerzGermannounheartalso neuter rare
OrgansHerzGermannounheartscard-games gamesalso neuter rare
OrgansHerzGermannounsweetheart, darlingalso neuter rare
OrganstäriKhumi Chinnounspear
OrganstäriKhumi Chinnounintestine
Otocephalan fishsandfishEnglishnounAny of genus Gonorynchus (also called beaked sandfishes), long, thin ray-finned fishes (family Gonorychidae)
Otocephalan fishsandfishEnglishnounAny of several marine fishes that burrow into sandy seabeds / in Trichodontidae, a family of perch-like fish
Otocephalan fishsandfishEnglishnounAny of several marine fishes that burrow into sandy seabeds / of species Awaous tajasica, usually sand fish, a species of goby fish (family Gobiidae)
Otocephalan fishsandfishEnglishnounAny of several marine fishes that burrow into sandy seabeds / of species Malacanthus plumieri (sand tilefish, family Malacanthidae)
Otocephalan fishsandfishEnglishnounAny of several marine fishes that burrow into sandy seabeds / of species Diplectrum formosum (sand perch, family Serranidae)
Otocephalan fishsandfishEnglishnounOther animals that notably burrow in sand: / sandfish skink (Scincus scincus), a land-dwelling lizard that swims in sand
Otocephalan fishsandfishEnglishnounOther animals that notably burrow in sand: / a sea cucumber of species Holothuria scabra or Thelenota ananas.
PainpostrzałPolishnoungunshot wound or arrow woundinanimate masculine
PainpostrzałPolishnounlow back pain, lumbagomedicine pathology sciencesinanimate masculine
Palm treesibyokCebuanonounthe sugar palm (Arenga pinnata); an economically important feather palm native to tropical Asia
Palm treesibyokCebuanonounthe immature fruit of this tree used as a fruit preserve
Palm treesniyogTagalognouncoconut (Cocos nucifera)biology botany natural-sciences
Palm treesniyogTagalognounmature coconut
Palm treessaw palmettoEnglishnounA sprawling-stemmed spiny-leaved dwarf palm (Serenoa repens) forming large colonies, especially by sprouting, native to Florida and the coastal plains of other southeastern states of the United States.
Palm treessaw palmettoEnglishnounA similar plant (Chamaerops humilis), native to Europe and north Africa
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounA blade for tying to the foot of a gamecock.countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounGrass of species (Echinochloa crus-galli).uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounA hawthorn of species (Crataegus crus-galli).countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounOrchard grass, a widely grown tall stout hay and pasture grass (Dactylis glomerata) of Eurasia.uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounA small West Indian tree (Pisonia aculeata).countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounAny of several spiny trees, formerly all of the genus Acacia, such as Vachellia cookii (cockspur acacia).countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounBurgrass of species Cenchrus echinatus.uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounAn annual European weed of species Centaurea melitensis, naturalized in North and South America.uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounAny plant of species Casearia aculeata, of the tropical Americas.countable uncountable
PantherslleopardCatalannounleopard (lion passant guardant)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
ParentsdượngVietnamesenounstepfather; stepdad
ParentsdượngVietnamesenounpaternal uncle-in-law, father's sister's husband
ParentsdượngVietnamesenounmaternal uncle-in-law, mother's sister's husband
ParentsбатенькаRussiannounfamiliar and affectionate term of address
PartieswbitaPolishnounmeasure of the amount of marijuana per one pipe fillfeminine slang
PartieswbitaPolishnounspontaneous partyfeminine slang
Pasta粉絲Chinesenouncellophane noodles; Chinese vermicelli (transparent noodle made from starch)
Pasta粉絲Chinesenounfan (e.g. of music, movies, celebrities)informal
Pasta粉絲Chineseadjin small, thin piecesEastern Min
Peninsulas伊豆JapanesenameIzu (a city in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan)
Peninsulas伊豆JapanesenameIzu Province, an old province of Japan
Peninsulas伊豆JapanesenameIzu Peninsula
Peninsulas伊豆Japanesenamea surname
PeopleAdamiteEnglishnounA person descended from the biblical Adam.
PeopleAdamiteEnglishnounOne of a sect of visionaries, who, professing to imitate the state of the biblical Adam, discarded the use of clothing in their assemblies.historical
PeopleAdamiteEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Biblical Adam.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameThe Apollo Lunar Module of Apollo 11.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA surname transferred from the nickname, from the name of the bird as a byname. See eagle.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameAny of a number of rivers in the United States and Canada.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Alaska.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town, the county seat of Eagle County, Colorado.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city in Idaho.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Michigan.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Nebraska.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and hamlet in Wyoming County, New York.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Wisconsin.
PeopleEagleEnglishnameA village in Eagle and Swinethorpe parish, North Kesteven district, Lincolnshire, England (OS grid ref SK8767).
PeopleEagleEnglishnounAn Eagle Scout.
PeopleEagleEnglishnounAn advancement to the Eagle Scout rank.
PeopleSinophoneEnglishadjSpeaking one or more Sinitic or Chinese language(s), Chinese-speakingnot-comparable
PeopleSinophoneEnglishnounA person who speaks one or more of the Sinitic or Chinese language(s), usually natively; a Chinese-speaking person.
PeopleabortionistEnglishnounA person who performs abortions, especially illegally or secretly.offensive sometimes
PeopleabortionistEnglishnounA person who advocates for or supports the legality of abortion.derogatory
PeopleadjuvantEnglishadjHelping; helpful; assisting.
PeopleadjuvantEnglishadjDesignating a supplementary form of treatment, especially a cancer therapy administered after removal of a primary tumor.medicine sciences
PeopleadjuvantEnglishnounSomeone who helps or facilitates; an assistant, a helper.
PeopleadjuvantEnglishnounSomething that enhances the effectiveness of a medical treatment; a supplementary treatment.medicine sciences
PeopleadjuvantEnglishnounAn additive (as in a drug) that aids or modifies the action of the principal ingredient.medicine pharmacology sciences
PeopleadjuvantEnglishnounAn additive (often a separate product) that enhances the efficacy of pesticide products, but has little or no pesticidal activity itself.agriculture business lifestyle
PeopleadjuvantEnglishnounA substance enhancing the immune response to an antigen.immunology medicine sciences
PeoplealchemistaPolishnounalchemist (person involved in the field of alchemy)alchemy pseudosciencedated masculine person
PeoplealchemistaPolishnoundoctor who heals with mineral substancesmedicine sciencesMiddle Polish masculine person
PeoplealchemistaPolishnounherbalist capable of making plant extractsmedicine sciencesMiddle Polish masculine person
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA person who is intentionally physically or emotionally cruel to others, especially to those whom they perceive as being vulnerable or of less power or privilege.countable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA noisy, blustering, tyrannical person, more insolent than courageous; one who is threatening and quarrelsome.countable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA hired thug.countable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA sex worker's minder.countable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounBully beef.uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA brisk, dashing fellow.countable obsolete uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounThe small scrum in the Eton College field game.countable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounAny of various small freshwater or brackishwater fish of the family Eleotridae; sleeper gobies.countable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounAn (eldest) brother; a fellow workman; comradeIreland Northern-England countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA companion; mate (male or female).countable dialectal uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA darling, sweetheart (male or female).countable obsolete uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA standoff between two players from the opposing teams, who repeatedly hit each other's hockey sticks and then attempt to acquire the ball, as a method of resuming the game in certain circumstances.countable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishnounA miner's miningcountable uncountable
PeoplebullyEnglishverbTo intimidate (someone) as a bully.transitive
PeoplebullyEnglishverbTo act aggressively towards.transitive
PeoplebullyEnglishadjVery good.US dated slang
PeoplebullyEnglishadjJovial and blustering.obsolete slang
PeoplebullyEnglishintjWell done!often
PeoplecarhopEnglishnounA waiter or waitress who serves customers, especially in their vehicles, at a drive-in restaurant, sometimes on rollerskates.US
PeoplecarhopEnglishverbTo work as a carhop.intransitive
PeoplecockyEnglishadjOverly confident; arrogant and boastful.
PeoplecockyEnglishnounUsed as a term of endearment, originally for a person of either sex, but later primarily for a man.British Ireland Newfoundland colloquial dated
PeoplecockyEnglishnounA familiar name for a cockatoo.Australia New-Zealand informal
PeoplecockyEnglishnounShort for cockatoo farmer (“small-scale farmer”); (by extension) any farmer or owner of rural land.Australia New-Zealand abbreviation also alt-of attributive informal
PeoplecockyEnglishverbTo operate a small-scale farm.Australia New-Zealand historical informal intransitive
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounOne who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization.
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounA naval officer whose rank is above that of a lieutenant commander and below that of captain.
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounOne who exercises control and direction over a group of persons.
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounA designation or rank in certain non-military organizations such as NASA and various police forces.
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounThe chief officer of a commandry.obsolete
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounA heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, in sail lofts, etc.
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounA rank within an honorary order: e.g. Commander of the Legion of Honour.
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Moduza.
PeoplecommanderEnglishnounA soldier who has attained the rank of sergeant or highergovernment military politics warSingapore
PeopleconsortEnglishnounThe spouse of a monarch.countable uncountable
PeopleconsortEnglishnounA husband, wife, companion or partner.countable uncountable
PeopleconsortEnglishnounAn informal, usually well-publicized sexual companion of a monarch, aristocrat, celebrity, etc.countable euphemistic humorous sometimes uncountable
PeopleconsortEnglishnounA ship accompanying another.countable uncountable
PeopleconsortEnglishnounAssociation or partnership.uncountable
PeopleconsortEnglishnounA group or company, especially of musicians playing the same type of instrument.countable uncountable
PeopleconsortEnglishnounHarmony of sounds; concert, as of musical instruments.countable obsolete uncountable
PeopleconsortEnglishadjof a title, by virtue of one's (living) spouse; often contrasted with regnant and dowagernot-comparable postpositional
PeopleconsortEnglishverbTo associate or keep company (with).intransitive
PeopleconsortEnglishverbTo be in agreement.intransitive
PeoplecooperEnglishnounA craftsman who makes and repairs barrels and similar wooden vessels such as casks, buckets and tubs.countable uncountable
PeoplecooperEnglishnounA drink of half stout and half porter.countable obsolete uncountable
PeoplecooperEnglishverbTo make and repair barrels etc.archaic
PeoplecooperEnglishverbTo forge or imitate (writing).obsolete slang transitive
PeoplecooperEnglishverbTo intentionally injure (a racehorse) to spoil its chances of winning.obsolete slang transitive
PeoplecooperEnglishnounAlternative form of coper (“floating grog shop”)alt-of alternative
PeoplecooperEnglishverbAlternative form of coper (“operate as floating grog shop”)alt-of alternative
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounAny plant that bears grain, especially wheat.
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounA field planted with such plants.
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounAny kind of grain (especially as food)
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounA seed of a non-grain plant.
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounA grain or seed used as a unit of weight.
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounThe optimum product; the superior portion.
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounThe deserving; those who are morally right.
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounA bole (external tumourous growth).
PeoplecornMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of corne (“callus”)alt-of alternative
PeopledrudgeEnglishnounA person who works in a low servile job.
PeopledrudgeEnglishnounSomeone who works for (and may be taken advantage of by) someone else.derogatory
PeopledrudgeEnglishverbTo labour in (or as in) a low servile job.intransitive
PeopledziubasPolishnounfriend, boyfriendcolloquial masculine person
PeopledziubasPolishnounkiss, smackeroocolloquial inanimate masculine
PeopledziubasPolishnounAlternative form of dubasnautical transportalt-of alternative historical inanimate masculine
PeopledévoyéFrenchadjastray, perverted, immoral, corrupt (having strayed from what is viewed as moral)figuratively
PeopledévoyéFrenchnounstray, immoral or corrupt person (someone who has strayed from a moral lifestyle)masculine
PeopledévoyéFrenchverbpast participle of dévoyerform-of participle past
Peopleexotic dancerEnglishnounA stripper.euphemistic
Peopleexotic dancerEnglishnounA pole dancer.euphemistic
Peopleexotic dancerEnglishnounA belly dancer.euphemistic
Peoplefree agentEnglishnounA professional athlete who is free to play for or sign a contract to play for any team.hobbies lifestyle sports
Peoplefree agentEnglishnounA person who acts freely, or without constraint to a higher power.
PeoplegyermekHungariannounchild (one’s son or daughter, irrespective of age, or a young human being in general, irrespective of familial relation)
PeoplehomeownerEnglishnounSomeone who owns a house.
PeoplehomeownerEnglishnounSomeone who does not have title to a house, but has possession and is paying for it by instalments.
PeoplekeenoEnglishnounA pupil who works hard; a swot.derogatory slang
PeoplekeenoEnglishnounAlternative form of keno (“gambling game”)alt-of alternative uncountable
Peoplelady of light virtueEnglishnounA female prostitute.euphemistic
Peoplelady of light virtueEnglishnounA woman with lax sexual morals; a slut.euphemistic
PeoplemeatarianEnglishnounOne who eats meat.rare
PeoplemeatarianEnglishnounA person who only eats meat.rare
PeoplemiśPolishnounbearanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
PeoplemiśPolishnounteddy bearanimal-not-person masculine
PeoplemiśPolishnounnatural or synthetic furcolloquial inanimate masculine
PeoplemiśPolishnoungreeting involving an embrace and clapping each other's backcolloquial inanimate masculine
PeoplemiśPolishnounsweetie; babyendearing masculine person
PeoplemiśPolishnounstout, often slow, man or boycolloquial humorous masculine person
PeoplemorkinisSouthern Ohlonenounskeleton
PeoplemorkinisSouthern Ohlonenouncorpse
Peoplemud-kickerEnglishnounA racehorse.slang
Peoplemud-kickerEnglishnounStreetwalker; a prostitute who looks for customers in public places, especially one who works for a pimp.slang
Peoplemud-kickerEnglishnounAn unskilled laborer; One who makes his living by outdoor manual labor.slang
Peoplemud-kickerEnglishnounA workboot designed for outdoor work, especially one that can be worn on muddy ground.slang
PeoplemultitheistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to multitheism
PeoplemultitheistEnglishnounA follower of advocate of multitheism
PeoplenonspecialistEnglishadjNot specialist in nature; not exhibiting or requiring specialisation.not-comparable
PeoplenonspecialistEnglishnounA person who is not a specialist in a given field
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounEither of a pair of people or things that belong together.
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounSomeone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest. / A member of a business or law partnership.
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounSomeone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest. / A spouse or other person with whom one shares a domestic, romantic or sexual bond.
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounSomeone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest. / Someone with whom one dances in a two-person dance.
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounSomeone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest. / Someone with whom one plays on the same side in a game, such as card games or doubles tennis.
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounSomeone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest.
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounOne of the pieces of wood comprising the framework which strengthens the deck of a wooden ship around the holes through which the mast and other fittings pass.nautical transport
PeoplepartnerEnglishnounA group financial arrangement in which each member contributes a set amount of money over a set period.Jamaica
PeoplepartnerEnglishverbTo join as a partner.transitive
PeoplepartnerEnglishverbTo work or perform as a partner.intransitive often
PeopleshortieEnglishnounSomething or someone that is shorter than normal.informal
PeopleshortieEnglishnounA short-handed goal.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsinformal
PeopleshortieEnglishnounAlternative form of shorty (“child”)alt-of alternative
PeopleshortieEnglishnounAlternative form of shorty (“attractive young female”)alt-of alternative
PeopleshortieEnglishnounAlternative form of shorty (“girlfriend”)alt-of alternative
PeopleshortieEnglishadjShorter than normal, especially of clothing.informal not-comparable
PeoplezareHausanounthread, string
PeoplezareHausanounGoods rejected because of poor quality.
PeoplezareHausanounoutcast (person)
PeoplezareHausaverbto snatch from
PeoplezareHausaverbto pull out, to unsheathe, to disengage
PeoplezareHausaverbto withdraw from, to be unconcerned with
PeopleкитаSerbo-Croatiannounbunch, bouquet
PeopleкитаSerbo-Croatiannounpretty girl, chickslang
PeopleтиранRussiannountyrant (also figurative)
PeopleحامیUrdunounsupporter, defender, helper, ally
PeopleحامیUrdunameA person from the lineage of Hām bin Nūh
PeopleحامیUrdunameA group of African languages including Egyptian and the Berber languages
PeopleحامیUrdunameA black person
Peopleமண்ணீட்டாளர்Tamilnounthose who make images, etc. in cement or plaster
People保管Chineseverbto take care of; to safeguard; to ensure safekeeping
People保管Chineseadvcertainly; surely
People保管Chinesenounguardian; storeman; stockman; storekeeper; custodian
People奇人Chinesenounrare talentliterary
People奇人Chinesenouneccentric individual; strange person; odd manliterary
People師長Chinesenounteacherhonorific polite
People師長Chinesenoundivision commander; major generalgovernment military politics war
People東人Chinesenounsomeone from the east; easternerliterally literary
People東人Chinesenounlandlord; master; bossarchaic
People東人Chinesenounhost (person who receives or entertains other people as guests)archaic
People東人Chinesenamea political faction in the Korean court which emerged in a dispute over the appropriate powers of royal in-laws in the 1570s, opposing the 西人 (xīrén, “Westerner”) faction; around 1589, they split into the 北人 (běirén, “Northerner”) and 南人 (nánrén, “Southerner”) factionshistorical
People馬鹿Japaneseadjfoolish, idiotic, stupid, ridiculous
People馬鹿Japaneseadjuseless, futile
People馬鹿Japanesenouna fool, an idiot
People馬鹿Japanesenounuselessness, futility
People馬鹿Japanesenouna tool used for counting coins
People馬鹿Japanesesuffixenthusiast, freakmorpheme
Percoid fishcastanyolaCatalannounAtlantic pomfretfeminine
Percoid fishcastanyolaCatalannouncastanetfeminine
Percoid fishsailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / sailor's grunt (Haemulon parra),
Percoid fishsailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides),
Percoid fishsailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / spottail pinfish (Diplodus holbrookii),
Percoid fishsailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / margate (Haemulon album),
Percoid fishsailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera),
Percoid fishsailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
PersonalityambitiousEnglishadjHaving or showing ambition; wanting a lot of power, honor, respect, superiority, or other distinction.
PersonalityambitiousEnglishadjVery desirous
PersonalityambitiousEnglishadjResulting from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition
PersonalityambitiousEnglishadjHard to achieve.
PersonalityengreídoSpanishadjconceited, smug, self-satisfied, self-important, stuck-up, cocky, full of oneself
PersonalityengreídoSpanishverbpast participle of engreírform-of participle past
PersonalityquixoticEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of the Spanish chivalric hero Don Quixote; possessed with or resulting from the desire to do noble and romantic deeds, without thought of realism and practicality; exceedingly idealistic.
PersonalityquixoticEnglishnounA quixotic person or sentiment.rare
Personalityspace cadetEnglishnounA person in training to be a (generally military) astronaut, especially in science fiction.
Personalityspace cadetEnglishnounOne who deals with reality in a way consistent with being under the influence of (or "spaced out on") drugs.derogatory slang
Personalityspace cadetEnglishnounOne who forgets, daydreams, or otherwise is distracted from reality more often than most.derogatory slang
Phoenician letter namespeFinnishnounAbbreviation of perjantai (“Friday”).abbreviation alt-of
Phoenician letter namespeFinnishnounpe (seventeenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
PhoneticsünlüTurkishnouna great
PhoneticsünlüTurkishnounvowel (abbreviated)human-sciences linguistics sciences
Phosphorusadenosine phosphateEnglishnounAny phosphorylated adenosine.
Phosphorusadenosine phosphateEnglishnounCollectively, adenosine monophosphate, adenosine diphosphate, adenosine triphosphate.
PhotographytintypeEnglishnounAn early, remarkably durable form of photograph (technically a photographic negative), printed on a tin plate, then varnished.
PhotographytintypeEnglishverbTo produce a tintype image of.transitive
PhysicscurrentEnglishnounThe generally unidirectional movement of a gas or fluid.countable uncountable
PhysicscurrentEnglishnounThe part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction, especially (oceanography) short for ocean current.countable uncountable
PhysicscurrentEnglishnounThe amount of electric charge flowing in each unit of electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
PhysicscurrentEnglishnounA tendency or a course of events.countable uncountable
PhysicscurrentEnglishadjExisting or occurring at the moment.
PhysicscurrentEnglishadjGenerally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment; having currency.
PhysicscurrentEnglishadjElectric; of or relating to electricity.South-Asia
PhysicscurrentEnglishadjRunning or moving rapidly.obsolete
PigsκάπροςAncient Greeknounboar, especially wild boar
PigsκάπροςAncient Greeknounboarfish (Capros aper)
PigsմարիArmeniannounhen, female chicken
PigsմարիArmeniannounthe female of any bird
PigsմարիArmeniannounsow, female pigKarabakh dialectal
PinksφούξιαGreekadjfuchsia (color/colour)indeclinable
PinksφούξιαGreeknounfuchsia (plant)indeclinable
PinksφούξιαGreeknounfuchsia (color/colour)indeclinable
PinnipedsтюленьRussiannounseal (pinniped)
PinnipedsтюленьRussiannounA clumsy person, an oafcolloquial
Pipits and wagtailsbarley-birdEnglishnounAny of several birds distinguished by their appearance in England at the time of barley-sowing. / The yellow wagtail. (Motacilla spp.)
Pipits and wagtailsbarley-birdEnglishnounAny of several birds distinguished by their appearance in England at the time of barley-sowing. / The wryneck. (Jynx spp.)
Pipits and wagtailsbarley-birdEnglishnounAny of several birds distinguished by their appearance in England at the time of barley-sowing. / The Eurasian siskin.obsolete
Places in FranceInsulaLatinnameA district in Rome encircled by the Tiber Riverdeclension-1
Places in FranceInsulaLatinnameLille, a city in France, the capital of Nord-Pas-de-Calaisdeclension-1
Places in LadakhLehEnglishnameA town and capital of Ladakh, India.
Places in LadakhLehEnglishnameA surname.
Planets of the Solar SystemJupiterAfrikaansnameJupiterastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemJupiterAfrikaansnameJupiterhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Plant anatomytubercleEnglishnounA round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth, especially those found on bones for the attachment of a muscle or ligament or small elevations on the surface of a tooth.anatomy medicine sciences
Plant anatomytubercleEnglishnounA small rounded wartlike protuberance of the roots of some leguminous plants; the lip of certain orchids, cacti.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomytubercleEnglishnounA small rounded nodule forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis.medicine pathology sciences
Plant diseasespardduWelshnounsoot, smutmasculine uncountable
Plant diseasespardduWelshnounsmut (fungi in the class Ustilaginomycetes and the diseases that they cause in plants)biology botany medicine natural-sciences pathology phytopathology sciencesmasculine uncountable
PlantsortigaSpanishnounnettle (plant)feminine
PlantsortigaSpanishverbinflection of ortigar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
PlantsortigaSpanishverbinflection of ortigar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
PlantssesamoidesLatinadjsesamoidanatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-3 one-termination
PlantssesamoidesLatinnouna name given to various plants resembling sesamedeclension-3
PoetryballadEnglishnounA kind of narrative poem, adapted for recitation or singing; especially, a sentimental or romantic poem in short stanzas.
PoetryballadEnglishnounA slow romantic song.
PoetryballadEnglishverbTo make mention of in ballads.obsolete
PoetryballadEnglishverbTo compose or sing ballads.intransitive
PoisonstheriacEnglishnounA universal antidote against all poisons, particularly medicines considered to derive from a recipe of the Roman physician Andromachus and representing an improvement on mithridate.medicine pharmacology sciencescountable historical uncountable
PoisonstheriacEnglishnounA hyponym of panacea.countable figuratively uncountable
PoisonstheriacEnglishnounSynonym of antidote, particularly (pseudoscience) those incorporating snakemeat to cure snakebite.medicine pharmacology sciencesarchaic countable uncountable
PoisonstheriacEnglishnounSynonym of molasses.countable obsolete uncountable
PoisonstheriacEnglishadjSynonym of theriacal: of or related to theriac.medicine sciences
PoisonstheriacEnglishadjSynonym of medicinal.medicine sciencesobsolete
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA flowering plant of species Stachys arvensis, which causes staggers in livestock that consume it.countable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Consolida regalis (syn. Delphinium consolida)countable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Corydalis cavacountable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Delphinium spp. (larkspurs)countable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Delphinium spp. (larkspurs) / Delphinium tricorne (dwarf larkspur)countable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Dicentra spp. (bleeding hearts) / Dicentra eximia (syn. Fumaria eximia)countable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Dicentra spp. (bleeding hearts) / Dicentra canadensis (squirrel corn)countable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Dicentra spp. (bleeding hearts) / Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman's breeches)countable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Helenium autumnalecountable uncountable
PoppiesstaggerweedEnglishnounA plant of other species, for similar reasons: / Jacobaea vulgaris (syn. Senecio jacobaea, staggerwort)countable uncountable
PornographybukkakeEnglishnounA method of pouring broth over cold noodles, commonly udon.uncountable
PornographybukkakeEnglishnounA sex act in which multiple people ejaculate on another person.uncountable
PortugalfarensePortugueseadjof Farofeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugalfarensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Faroby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PortugaltoneladaEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of mass, equivalent to about 920 kg.historical
PortugaltoneladaEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of mass, equivalent to about 793 kg.historical
PrayerпомолитисяUkrainianverbto pray (to petition a higher being)
PrayerпомолитисяUkrainianverbto spend some time in prayer
Present今天Chinesenounnowadays; the present time
PrisonlaggingEnglishadjfalling behind, not keeping up the pace
PrisonlaggingEnglishadjOccurring after; indicating the later phase of
PrisonlaggingEnglishnounThe covering of something with strips of felt, wood etc, either as insulation or for protection.uncountable usually
PrisonlaggingEnglishnounThe material so used.uncountable usually
PrisonlaggingEnglishnounA prison sentence, originally one of at least three years.countable slang usually
PrisonlaggingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of lagform-of gerund participle present
ProstitutionharlotEnglishnounA female prostitute.dated derogatory offensive
ProstitutionharlotEnglishnounA female who is considered promiscuous.derogatory offensive
ProstitutionharlotEnglishnounA churl; a common man; a person, male or female, of low birth, especially one given to low conduct.obsolete
ProstitutionharlotEnglishverbTo play the harlot; to practice lewdness.
ProstitutionharlotEnglishadjWanton; lewd; low; base.uncommon
ProteinsחלבוןHebrewnounprotein (any of numerous large, complex naturally-produced molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids, in which the amino acid groups are held together by peptide bonds) / protein (one of three major classes of food or source of food energy (4 kcal/gram) abundant in animal-derived foods (meat) and some vegetables, such as legumes)biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
ProteinsחלבוןHebrewnounalbumen (the white part of an egg; being mostly the protein albumin and water)
Prunus genus plantsbird cherryEnglishnounPrunus padus or any deciduous species of Prunus subg. Padus that is closely related to it (tree or fruit).
Prunus genus plantsbird cherryEnglishnounPin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica)
Prunus genus plantsbird cherryEnglishnounSweet cherry (Prunus avium).rare
PublishingNeuauflageGermannounreprint (book, pamphlet, or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again)feminine
PublishingNeuauflageGermannounrerun, rehashcolloquial feminine figuratively
Purples桔梗Japanesenounplatycodon or Chinese bellflower, Platycodon grandiflorus
Purples桔梗Japanesenoundried roots of Platycodon grandiflorus used in medicinesmedicine sciencesChinese traditional
Purples桔梗Japanesenouna 襲の色目 (kasane no irome, “colour layering”) of 二藍 (futai, “overdyed-purple”) and 青 (ao, “blue-green”)
Purples桔梗JapanesenounShort for 桔梗色 (kikyō-iro, “a shade of bluish purple”).abbreviation alt-of
Purples桔梗Japanesenouna 紋 (mon, “crest”) in a Chinese bellflower pattern
Purples桔梗JapanesenounSynonym of 桔梗 (kikyō, “platycodon or Chinese bellflower, Platycodon grandiflorus”)obsolete possibly
Purples桔梗Japanesenouna 襲の色目 (kasane no irome, “colour layering”) of 二藍 (futai, “overdyed-purple”) and 青 (ao, “blue-green”)
QAnonThe StormEnglishnameQAnon (conspiracy theory)
QAnonThe StormEnglishnameThe purportedly planned mass arrests which form an integral part of the QAnon conspiracy theory.
QuakerismFriendEnglishnounA Quaker; a member of the Society of Friends. (See also Friends.)
QuakerismFriendEnglishnounBrand name of a spring-loaded camming device, now used to refer to any such device, often uncapitalized, as friend.
QuakerismFriendEnglishnameA surname transferred from the common noun.
QuakerismFriendEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Terry Township, Finney County, Kansas.
QuakerismFriendEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A minor city in Saline County, Nebraska, named after Charles E. Friend.
QuakerismFriendEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A ghost town in Wasco County, Oregon, named after George J. Friend.
Rail transportationKTMEnglishnameInitialism of Keretapi Tanah Melayu (“Malayan Railways, the main rail operator in the Malay Peninsula”).Malaysia abbreviation alt-of initialism
Rail transportationKTMEnglishnameShortening of KathmanduNepal colloquial
Rail transportationrapideFrenchadjfast, rapid
Rail transportationrapideFrenchadvfast; rapidly; quicklyinformal
Rail transportationrapideFrenchnounrapid (stretch of river)especially masculine plural
Rail transportationrapideFrenchnounexpress (fast train)masculine
Rays and skatesTorpedoGermannountorpedo (weapon)government military politics warmasculine strong
Rays and skatesTorpedoGermannountorpedo (fish)biology natural-sciences zoologymasculine strong
RecreationcampingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of campform-of gerund participle present
RecreationcampingEnglishnounThe recreational or educational activity of temporarily living in a tent or similar accommodation.uncountable
RecreationcampingEnglishnounThe act of setting up a camp.countable
Recreational drugssosDutchnounsocialistBelgium derogatory masculine
Recreational drugssosDutchnounSynonym of cocaïneNetherlands masculine slang uncountable
RedsczerwonyPolishnoungulesgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsanimal-not-person masculine noun-from-verb
RedsczerwonyPolishadjred (color)
RedspersikanpunainenFinnishadjpeach red
RedspersikanpunainenFinnishnounpeach red (color)
RedspuolukanpunainenFinnishadjlingonberry red
RedspuolukanpunainenFinnishnounlingonberry red (color)
RedsvermelhoPortugueseadjred (having red as its color)
RedsvermelhoPortugueseadjred (socialist or communist)
RedsvermelhoPortuguesenounred (color)masculine
RedsvermelhoPortuguesenounred (socialist or communist)masculine
RedsvermelhoPortuguesenounred cardhobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
RedsvermelhoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of vermelharfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ReligionconversoSpanishnounconvert; conversomasculine
ReligionconversoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of conversarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ReligionlustrateEnglishverbSynonym of purify, to ritually cleanse or renew, particularly to do so with a propitiatory offering or (historical) the lustration, quinquennial ritual of the Roman censor to cleanse the city after a census.transitive
ReligionlustrateEnglishverbSynonym of pass through, traverse.intransitive transitive
ReligionlustrateEnglishverbSynonym of look, look over, survey.obsolete transitive
ReligionlustrateEnglishverbSynonym of luster, to impart luster to, to make lustrous.obsolete transitive
ReligionpoutníkCzechnounwayfareranimate literary masculine
ReligionpoutníkCzechnounpilgrimanimate masculine
ReligionदुआHindinounprayer, wish
ReligionਯਹੂਦੀPunjabinounJew, Jewish person
ReligionਯਹੂਦੀPunjabiadjHebraic, Hebrew
Religionஇப்ராஹிம்TamilnameThe prophet Abraham (as known in Islam)Islam lifestyle religion
Religionஇப்ராஹிம்Tamilnamea male given name from Arabic.
RhetoricsophismEnglishnounThe school of the sophists in antiquity; their beliefs and method of teaching philosophy and rhetoric.historical uncountable
RhetoricsophismEnglishnounA flawed argument, superficially correct in its reasoning, usually designed to deceive.countable
RhetoricsophismEnglishnounAn intentional fallacy.countable
RhetoricsophismEnglishnounSophistic, fallacious reasoning or argumentation.uncountable
RhetoricsophismEnglishnounArchaic spelling of Sufism.alt-of archaic uncountable
Rivers in IndiaBrahmaputraEnglishnameA river which flows through Tibet, India and Bangladesh.
Rivers in IndiaBrahmaputraEnglishnounA domestic fowl, the Brahmapootra.
Road transportאָמניבוסYiddishnounomnibus (horse-drawn carriage)
Road transportאָמניבוסYiddishnounbus
RoadschòdnikKashubiannounpavement, sidewalkinanimate masculine
RoadschòdnikKashubiannounfloormatinanimate masculine
RoadsramblaCatalannounavenue, promenadefeminine
RoadssignpostEnglishnounA post bearing a sign that gives information on directions.
RoadssignpostEnglishnounA word or phrase within a clue that serves as an indicator, rather than being fodder.
RoadssignpostEnglishverbTo install signposts on.transitive
RoadssignpostEnglishverbTo direct (somebody) to services, resources, etc.transitive
RoadssignpostEnglishverbTo indicate logical progress of a discourse using words or phrases such as now, right, to recap, to sum up, as I was saying, etc.
RoadssignpostEnglishverbTo signal, as if with a signpost.
RockstarterCatalannounpile of stonesmasculine
RocksстенаMacedoniannounrock (mass of projecting rock)
RodentsунтаахайMongolianadjsleepy, snoozy, slumbersome
RodentsунтаахайMongoliannounOxalis triangularis
Roman Catholicismteach pobailIrishnounchurch (building)masculine
Roman Catholicismteach pobailIrishnounchapelmasculine
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / The peak of a mountain or other landform.
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / The roof or ceil of a house; the top of a fence.
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / A lid or cap; a removable top or topping.
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / The head, especially its top or the hair on its top.
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounA small deck at the dop of a ship's sails.
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounA cluster or bunch of fibres; a tassel.
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounA top or whirligig (spinning toy)
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounThe start or introduction of something.
RoofingtopMiddle EnglishnounThe tip or end of something; that which something terminates in.rare
RoomstamnicaSerbo-Croatiannounprison, jail
Roomswater closetEnglishnounA room containing a flush toilet.Europe
Roomswater closetEnglishnounA flush toilet itself.UK
Roomswater closetEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see water, closet.
RoomsمكتبSouth Levantine Arabicnounoffice
RoomsمكتبSouth Levantine Arabicnoundesk
RoomsⲥⲓⲱⲟⲩⲛⲓCopticnounbath, bathroomBohairic
Root vegetablescush-cushEnglishnounSynonym of couche-coucheuncountable
Root vegetablescush-cushEnglishnounA tropical American yam with small yellow-skinned edible tubers: Dioscorea trifidauncountable
Rosales order plantstáo taVietnamesenounIndian jujube; Indian plum; Chinese apple; dunks (of the species Ziziphus mauritiana)
Rosales order plantstáo taVietnamesenounjharber (of the species Ziziphus nummularia)
Rosales order plantstáo taVietnamesenouna tree of the genus Ziziphus (generally)
Rose family plantsสตรอว์เบอร์รีThainounstrawberry.
Rose family plantsสตรอว์เบอร์รีThainounliar.slang
Rose family plantsสตรอว์เบอร์รีThaiverbto lie.slang
Royal residencespalacioSpanishnounpalacemasculine
Royal residencespalacioSpanishnounmansionmasculine
Rue family plantsmock orangeEnglishnounAny shrub of the genus Philadelphus, particularly Philadelphus coronarius (sweet mock orange).
Rue family plantsmock orangeEnglishnounBursaria spinosa (Australian blackthorn), a small tree from Australia.
Rue family plantsmock orangeEnglishnounChoisya ternata (Mexican orange), an aromatic shrub native to North America.
Rue family plantsmock orangeEnglishnounMaclura pomifera (Osage orange), a small tree from North America.
Rue family plantsmock orangeEnglishnounMurraya paniculata (orange jessamine), a small tree ranging from East Asia to Australasia.
Rue family plantsmock orangeEnglishnounPittosporum undulatum (sweet pittosporum), a small tree native to Australia.
RussiaRed RussiaEnglishnameThe former USSR.dated derogatory
RussiaRed RussiaEnglishnameFormer Soviet Russiadated derogatory
RussiaRussianismEnglishnounA word or other feature originating in the Russian language that has been borrowed by another language.countable
RussiaRussianismEnglishnounA nationalist and militarist ideology that promotes Russia.uncountable
SadnesssmutekCzechnounsadnessinanimate masculine
SadnesssmutekCzechnounsorrowinanimate masculine
Santalales order plantsmetlaSerbo-Croatiannounbroom
Santalales order plantsmetlaSerbo-CroatiannounOsyris alba
Sapote family plantsarganEnglishnounA tree of species Sideroxylon spinosum (formerly Argania spinosa), of southwestern Morocco, particularly prized for its oil.
Sapote family plantsarganEnglishnounFruit of this tree.
Science fictionmarzianoItalianadjMartian (of, from or relating to Mars)
Science fictionmarzianoItaliannounMartian (native or inhabitant of Mars) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDivision; the act of dividing or splitting: / Apportionment; division into sections.rare
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDivision; the act of dividing or splitting: / The mathematical operation of division.mathematics sciencesrare
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDivision; the act of dividing or splitting: / Separation from the mortal world; death.figuratively rare
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / A section, group, or class (especially of people)
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / Strife, dissension, or separation resulting from it.
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / A portion or division; a demarcated part.rare
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / A border; a division between territories.rare
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounA distinguishing, defining or identifying attribute.
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDescription or delineation; the act of determining.
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounInconsistency, unharmony; that which contradicts or grates.rare
SciencesdivisiounMiddle EnglishnounA pause or halt; the act of stopping.rare
Scorpaeniform fishJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Scorpaeniform fishJapanesenounflathead, a type of fish
ScorpionsescorpíCatalannounScorpioastronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
ScotlandScotusLatinnounGael (person from Ireland or Scotland)declension-2
ScotlandScotusLatinnounScot (person from Scotland)declension-2
ScotlandScotusLatinnameErebus (god of darkness)declension-2
Sea urchinskeyhole urchinEnglishnounAny of numerous clypeastroid sea urchins (sand dollars) of the genus Melitta
Sea urchinskeyhole urchinEnglishnounAny of various notched sand dollars of genera Rotula and Encope.dated
SerranidssalingukodCebuanonounany of several fishes / the small-scaled terapon (Terapon puta)
SerranidssalingukodCebuanonounany of several fishes / the highfin coralgrouper (Plectropomus oligacanthus)
SerranidssalingukodCebuanonounany of several fishes / the barred soapfish (Diploprion bifasciatum)
SerranidssalingukodCebuanonounany of several fishes / the white-edged lyretail (Variola albimarginata)
SerranidssalingukodCebuanonounany of several fishes / the longfin grouper (Epinephelus quoyanus)
SerranidssalingukodCebuanonounany of several fishes / the slender grouper (Anyperodon leucogrammicus)
SerranidssalingukodCebuanonounany of several fishes / the sixbar grouper (Epinephelus sexfasciatus)
SewinghemstitchEnglishnounan embroidery stitch in which parallel threads are drawn together in groups
SewinghemstitchEnglishverbto sew or embroider using this stitch
SewingibreTurkishnounneedle, a sharp implement used in sewing and knitting
SewingibreTurkishnounneedle, a measurement indicator
SewingibreTurkishnounneedle, a sharp leaf found in conifersbiology botany natural-sciences
SewingnićUpper Sorbiannounthreadfeminine
SewingnićUpper Sorbiannounfiberfeminine
Sexdouble-fistEnglishverbTo carry and consume (two glasses of an alcoholic beverage), one in each hand.informal transitive
Sexdouble-fistEnglishverbTo insert both hands or forearms into the rectum or vagina.slang transitive
SexfascinumLatinnouna charm, spell, witchcraftdeclension-2 neuter
SexfascinumLatinnouna phallus-shaped amulet worn around the neck as a preventive against witchcraft / a penis, phallus, especially that of a humanbroadly declension-2 neuter
SexfascinumLatinnouna phallus-shaped amulet worn around the neck as a preventive against witchcraft / an artificial phallus, dildobroadly declension-2 neuter
SexfascinumLatinnouna phallus-shaped amulet worn around the neck as a preventive against witchcraft / a kind of seashellbroadly declension-2 neuter
SexfoursomeEnglishnounA group of four, a quartet or a game (such as golf) played by four players, especially by two teams of two.
SexfoursomeEnglishnounA sex act between four people.
SexindriTocharian Bnounsensory organ
SexindriTocharian Bnounpeniseuphemistic
SexminetteFrenchnounfemale equivalent of minet: female kittenfeminine form-of
SexminetteFrenchnounfemale puss, female pussycatfeminine
SexminetteFrenchnouncool chick, very young girlcolloquial feminine
SexminetteFrenchnounmuff diving, cunnilingusfeminine slang
SexminetteFrenchnounKind of iron mineralchemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
SexscortillumLatinnounlittle whore (a young, small, inexperienced, cute, or unesteemed prostitute)declension-2 neuter
SexscortillumLatinnounlittle slut (a young, small, inexperienced, cute, or unesteemed sexually active woman)declension-2 neuter
Sexualityhall passEnglishnounA permit to be out of class during school hours.US
Sexualityhall passEnglishnounAn agreement to temporarily or conditionally relax monogamy in a relationship.broadly informal
SheepbaranKashubiannounram (male sheep)animal-not-person masculine
SheepbaranKashubiannounbonehead (idiot)colloquial derogatory masculine person
SheepbaranKashubiannounbadly cut windrowinanimate masculine
SheepjiipMarshallesenouna jeep
SheepjiipMarshallesenouna sheep
ShopshaberdasheryEnglishnounRibbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods sold in a haberdasher's shop.countable uncountable
ShopshaberdasheryEnglishnounA shop selling such goods.countable uncountable
ShopshaberdasheryEnglishnounA shop selling clothing and accessories for men, including hats.countable uncountable
SikhismسيخيArabicadjrelated to Sikhs or Sikhism
SikhismسيخيArabicnounSikh (person)
Singingသီချင်းBurmesenounsong (music with words)
SizegiganticEnglishadjVery large.
SizegiganticEnglishadjExcellent; very good or exciting.slang
SizegiganticEnglishadjIn the manner of a giant.
SizeknypekPolishnounmidget, shortycolloquial derogatory masculine person
SizeknypekPolishnounfolding knife; small clasp-knife, pocketknifeinanimate masculine
SkeletonmartellCatalannounhammer (tool)masculine
SkeletonmartellCatalannounhammer (bone)masculine
SkeletonturbinateEnglishadjShaped or spinning like a top (spinning top).
SkeletonturbinateEnglishadjIn the shape of a coil.
SkeletonturbinateEnglishadjSpiral and decreasing sharply in diameter from base to apex.biology natural-sciences zoology
SkeletonturbinateEnglishadjOf, or relating to, the turbinate bone.anatomy medicine sciences
SkeletonturbinateEnglishnounA turbinal or turbinate bone.anatomy medicine sciences
SkeletonturbinateEnglishverbTo revolve or spin like a top; to whirl.
SleepvegliaItaliannounvigil, watchfeminine
SleepvegliaItaliannounall-night party or other gatheringfeminine
SleepvegliaItaliannounwake (feast after a person's death)feminine
SleepvegliaItaliannounwake (period after a person's death before the body is buried)feminine
SleepvegliaItalianverbinflection of vegliare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
SleepvegliaItalianverbinflection of vegliare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SleepvegliaItalianadjfeminine singular of vegliofeminine form-of obsolete poetic singular
SleepvegliaItaliannounfemale equivalent of veglio: old womanfeminine form-of obsolete poetic
SnakesիժOld Armeniannounviper
SnakesիժOld Armenianadjmalicious like a viperfiguratively
Social justiceliberationEnglishnounThe act of liberating or the state of being liberated.countable uncountable
Social justiceliberationEnglishnounSynonym of conquest or theft.countable euphemistic ironic uncountable
Social justiceliberationEnglishnounThe achievement of equal rights and status, particularly as seen as freedom from historic and structural oppression.government politicscountable uncountable
Social justicestochastic terrorismEnglishnounThe use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which / Incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random,human-sciences sciences social-science sociologyneologism uncountable
Social justicestochastic terrorismEnglishnounThe use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which / Perpetuates fear through coverage of seemingly random acts of terrorism.human-sciences sciences social-science sociologyneologism uncountable
SoundcalladoSpanishadjquiet, silent
SoundcalladoSpanishverbpast participle of callarform-of participle past
SoundcharivariEnglishnounThe noisy banging of pots and pans as a mock serenade to a newly married couple, or similar occasion.countable uncountable
SoundcharivariEnglishnounAny loud, cacophonous noise or hubbub.broadly countable uncountable
SounddynneMiddle Englishnoundin (loud noise)uncountable
SounddynneMiddle Englishnounnoise, sounduncountable
SounddynneMiddle Englishnounshouting (loud voices)uncountable
SoundweykMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of weke (“wick”)alt-of alternative
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Weak or feeble due to illness, affliction or aging.
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Tired; weak or feeble due to overexertion (physical or not)
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Vulnerable, inflexible, frail.
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (feeble; lacking bodily strength, might, or energy): / Lacking competency in combat or on the battlefield.rare
SoundweykMiddle EnglishadjLacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Weak religiously; in danger of sinning or moral failure.
SoundweykMiddle EnglishadjLacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Fearing, afraid; lacking bravery, heart, or courage.
SoundweykMiddle EnglishadjLacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Unintelligent; lacking intelligence or mental willpower.
SoundweykMiddle EnglishadjLacking mental strength, force, power or endurance: / Lazy, indolent, slothful; unwilling to exert.rare
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Lacking military force or might; militarily weak.
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Useless or ineffectual; lacking effect, utility or power.
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Helpless; lacking authority or control.rare
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Weakened; lacking presence or magnitude.rare
SoundweykMiddle Englishadjweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Hard to hear or detect; quiet.rare
SoundweykMiddle EnglishadjLacking physical rigidity, permanence, or solidness. / Bendable; able to be plied or flexed.rare
SoundweykMiddle EnglishadjLacking physical rigidity, permanence, or solidness. / Easily damaged, attacked, or destroyed; fragile.rare
SoundweykMiddle EnglishadjHaving a tendency to be ill or sick; infirm or frail.
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounknocker (one who knocks)
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounpulsating, throbbing
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounsound
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounmusician, player
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounmusical instrument
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounpick, plectrum
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounclapper, bell, church bell
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounsemantron
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounpestle
SoundܢܩܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounache, pain; illnessmedicine pathology sciences
SoundsłomotnąćPolishverbto batter, to poundcolloquial perfective transitive
SoundsłomotnąćPolishverbto clunk, to thudcolloquial intransitive perfective
SoundsгромRussiannounthunder, thunderboltclimatology meteorology natural-sciences
SoundsгромRussiannounroar, thunderous sound
SoupsborschtEnglishnounA beetroot soup that can be served hot or cold, usually with sour cream, called borsch in its countries of origin.countable uncountable
SoupsborschtEnglishnounAny similar sour soup made of other ingredients such as sorrel, cabbage, hogweedcountable uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounA type of pastry that consists of an outer crust and a filling. (Savory pies are more popular in the UK and sweet pies are more popular in the US, so "pie" without qualification has different connotations in these dialects.)countable uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounAny of various other, non-pastry dishes that maintain the general concept of a shell with a filling.countable uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounA pizza.Northeastern US countable uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounA paper plate covered in cream, shaving foam or custard that is thrown or rubbed in someone’s face for comical purposes, to raise money for charity, or as a form of political protest; a custard pie; a cream pie.countable uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounThe whole of a wealth or resource, to be divided in parts.countable figuratively uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounAn especially badly bowled ball.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounA pie chart.countable uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounSomething very easy; a piece of cake.countable informal uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounThe vulva.countable slang uncountable
SpainpieEnglishnounA kilogram of drugs, especially cocaine.countable slang uncountable
SpainpieEnglishverbTo hit in the face with a pie, either for comic effect or as a means of protest (see also pieing).transitive
SpainpieEnglishverbTo go around (a corner) in a guarded manner.transitive
SpainpieEnglishverbTo ignore (someone).UK often slang transitive
SpainpieEnglishnounA former low-denomination coin of northern India.historical
SpainpieEnglishnounEllipsis of pie-dog: an Indian breed, a stray dog in Indian contexts.biology natural-sciences zoologyabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
SpainpieEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of length, equivalent to about 27.9 cm.historical
SpainpieEnglishnounAlternative form of pi (“metal type that has been spilled, mixed together, or disordered”)letterpress-typography media publishing typographyalt-of alternative
SpainpieEnglishverbAlternative form of pi (“to spill or mix printing type”)alt-of alternative transitive
SparidskaranteenEnglishnounA saltwater fish of any of several varieties found in the waters near southern Africa. / A strepie, bamboo fish or striped karanteen (Sarpa salpa).
SparidskaranteenEnglishnounA saltwater fish of any of several varieties found in the waters near southern Africa. / A white karanteen or karanteen sea bream (Crenidens crenidens).
SparidssúgachIrishnounsea bream (fish of the family Sparidae)masculine
SparidssúgachIrishadjmellow with drink, tipsy, merry, convivial
SparidssúgachIrishadjcheerful, happy
SpicesكركمArabicnounCurcuma and especially Curcuma longa, turmeric, Indian saffron
Spices and herbstrzemuchaPolishnounramsons, bear garlic (Allium ursinum)archaic feminine
Spices and herbstrzemuchaPolishnounbird cherry (Prunus padus)feminine informal
SportsjalkapalloFinnishnounassociation football, football, soccer (association football)
SportsjalkapalloFinnishnounfootball (the ball used in association football)
Sportswhiff-whaffEnglishnounTable tennis.archaic uncountable
Sportswhiff-whaffEnglishnounThe breathy sound of something rushing quickly; whoosh.
Sportswhiff-whaffEnglishnounNonsense, words or deeds of little import.obsolete uncountable
Sportswhiff-whaffEnglishnounUnnecessary items or additions.uncountable
Sports areasサードJapanesenouna third gear
Sports areasサードJapanesenounSynonym of 三塁 (sanrui, “third base”)ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sports
Sports areasサードJapanesenounSynonym of 三塁手 (sanruishu, “third baseperson”)ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sports
Sports areasサードJapanesenounthirdAnglicism attributive
Sports nicknamesEaglesEnglishnounplural of Eagleform-of plural
Sports nicknamesEaglesEnglishnameA surname.
Sports nicknamesEaglesEnglishnameThe Philadelphia Eagles
SpurgesدغموسArabicnounEuphorbia spp. (important: Euphorbia mellifera, Euphorbia resinifera, Euphorbia officinarum, Euphorbia echinus)
SpurgesدغموسArabicnounCytinus spp.
SpurgesدغموسArabicnounApteranthes spp.
Squidgiant squidEnglishnounAny of the very large squid, of the genus Architeuthis (family Architeuthidae), that live at great depths, and of which little is known.
Squidgiant squidEnglishnounAny of other large squid of other families, about which less is known.
Squidgiant squidEnglishnounSynonym of Kraken (Norse sea monster)informal
Squidgiant squidEnglishnounSynonym of Cthulhu (Lovecraftian horror monster)informal
Star TrekklingonaEsperantoadjof or relating to Klingons, a fictional extraterrestrial warrior race in the Star Trek universe
Star TrekklingonaEsperantoadjClipping of la klingona lingvo (“the Klingon language”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
StarsبقارArabicnounsomebody who slits / grave-digger
StarsبقارArabicnounsomebody who slits / a worker in iron, blacksmith
StarsبقارArabicnounsomebody who has many بَقَر (baqar) or sells them
StarsبقارArabicnounthe star β Boötis
States of the United StatesINEnglishnameAbbreviation of Indiana, a state of the United States of America.abbreviation alt-of
States of the United StatesINEnglishnounAbbreviation of integrase.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of uncountable
States of the United StatesINEnglishnouninternegative; a type of film stock, most commonly used regarding 35mm motion picture negativeuncountable
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishnameVarious small towns in Germany.countable uncountable
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishnameA former name of Ząbkowice Śląskie, a town in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland.countable historical uncountable
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishnameA surname from German.countable
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishnameVictor Frankenstein, a fictional character and the main protagonist and title character in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.fiction literature media publishingcountable uncountable
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishnameThe unnamed monster created by Victor Frankenstein: a fictional character who first appeared in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus as the main antagonist.fiction literature media publishingcountable proscribed sometimes uncountable
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishnounA monster composed of body parts from various corpses attached and brought back to life by a mad scientist, typically strong, unable to speak clearly, and misunderstood.proscribed sometimes
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishnounSynonym of mad scientist
Stock charactersFrankensteinEnglishverbTo combine two or more similar elements into a consistent entity, or a cohesive idea.colloquial transitive
Stock charactersartificial intelligenceEnglishnounIntelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity. / The branch of computer science dealing with the reproduction or mimicking of human-level intelligence, self-awareness, knowledge, conscience, thought in computer computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencescountable uncountable
Stock charactersartificial intelligenceEnglishnounIntelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity. / The essential quality of a machine which thinks in a manner similar to or on the same general level as a real human being.countable uncountable
Stock charactersartificial intelligenceEnglishnounIntelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity. / A character or entity controlled by the game instead of a player; uncountable
Stock charactersartificial intelligenceEnglishnounIntelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity. / A computer system or software package which is artificially intelligent.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable
Stock charactersartificial intelligenceEnglishnounIntelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity. / An intelligent, self-aware computer or computer program.literature media publishing science-fictioncountable
StorksmarabutPolishnounmarabou, marabou stork, adjutant stork (Leptoptilos crumenifer)animal-not-person masculine
StorksmarabutPolishnounfeather of a marabou storkinanimate masculine
StorksmarabutPolishnounmarabout (tomb or shrine of a marabout)Islam lifestyle religioninanimate masculine
StorksmarabutPolishnounmarabout (Muslim holy man or mystic, especially in parts of North Africa)Islam lifestyle religionmasculine person
StorksrodaSerbo-Croatiannoungenitive singular of rodform-of genitive singular
SuboscineskusaczkaPolishnounany antpitta of the genus Grallariafeminine
SuboscineskusaczkaPolishnouninflection of kusaczek: / genitive singularanimal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
SuboscineskusaczkaPolishnouninflection of kusaczek: / accusative singularaccusative animal-not-person form-of masculine singular
SugarszuccheroItaliannounsugar (all senses)masculine
SugarszuccheroItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of zuccherarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Sumac family plantsElefantenlausGermannounthe elephant louse, Haematomyzus elephantis, being a parasite of elephantsfeminine
Sumac family plantsElefantenlausGermannouncertain Anacardiaceae species: / ostindische Elefantenlaus, Semecarpus anacardium, marking-nutfeminine
Sumac family plantsElefantenlausGermannouncertain Anacardiaceae species: / westindische Elefantenlaus, Anacardium occidentale, cashew-nutfeminine
SweetsmakaronikPolishnoundiminutive of makarondiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
SweetsmakaronikPolishnounmacaroon (soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough)inanimate masculine
SweetsmakaronikPolishnounpool noodlehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingcolloquial inanimate masculine
SwitzerlandSchweizerGermannounSwiss person, Swiss (male)masculine strong
SwitzerlandSchweizerGermannounSwiss Guardmasculine strong
SwitzerlandSchweizerGermannounsacristanCatholicism Christianitymasculine strong
SwitzerlandSchweizerGermannounmilker (a person or man who milks cows)masculine strong
SwitzerlandSchweizerGermannoundoormanmasculine strong
SwitzerlandSchweizerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
SwitzerlandSchweizerGermanadjof Switzerlandindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
TajikistanтажикстандыкKyrgyznounTajikistani (citizen of Tajikistan)
TalkingblabEnglishverbTo tell tales; to gossip without reserve or discretion.intransitive transitive
TalkingblabEnglishverbto speak carelessly or excessively
TalkingblabEnglishnounOne who blabs; a babbler; a telltale; a gossip or gossiper.countable
TalkingblabEnglishnounGossip; prattle.uncountable
TalkinggronderFrenchverbto rumble, roar; to growlintransitive
TalkinggronderFrenchverbto tell off, scoldtransitive
TalkingparolontoEsperantoverbsingular future nominal active participle of paroliactive form-of future nominal participle singular
TalkingparolontoEsperantonounone who is going to speak
TalkingpierdzielićPolishverbto fib, to talk nonsenseimperfective mildly transitive vulgar
TalkingpierdzielićPolishverbto disregard, to not give a shitimperfective mildly transitive vulgar
TalkingpierdzielićPolishverbto get mixed upimperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
TalkingânonnementFrenchnounstumbling (during a lesson, text etc.)masculine
TalkingânonnementFrenchnoundroning, reading aloud in a dronemasculine
TalkingвисокомовнийUkrainianadjhigh-flown, high-sounding
TalkingразговоренBulgarianadjcolloquial (only used in conversational language)
TalkingразговоренBulgarianadjconversational (in a conversational form)
TalkingразговоренBulgarianadjchatty, talkative
TalkingܒܓܠܐClassical Syriacnounchattering, babble, idle talk
TalkingܒܓܠܐClassical Syriacnounmule
TastemelysWelshadjsweet, sugary
TasteschärrepLimburgishadjsharp; able to cut (knife, edge)
TasteschärrepLimburgishadjsharp (criticism, perception, intellect)
TasteschärrepLimburgishadjsharp; in focus (picture, script)
TasteschärrepLimburgishadjhot; spicy; pungent (taste)
TasteschärrepLimburgishadjattractive (said of looks)
TaxationcatchpoleEnglishnounA taxman, one who gathers taxes.obsolete
TaxationcatchpoleEnglishnounA sheriff’s officer, usually one who arrests debtors.
TaxationcatchpoleEnglishnounAn implement formerly used for seizing and securing a person who would otherwise be out of reach.historical
Taxation報稅Chineseverbto lodge a tax return; to file an income tax returnintransitive verb-object
Taxation報稅Chineseverbto declare dutiable goods; to make a statement of dutiable goodsintransitive verb-object
TeamatéEnglishnounAn evergreen tree, Ilex paraguariensis, native to South America, cultivated for its leaves.countable
TeamatéEnglishnounA beverage, resembling tea, made from the dried leaves of this plant.uncountable
TeamatéEnglishnounA cup of this drink.countable
TeamatéEnglishnounThe container used to prepare this drink, traditionally a small calabash.countable uncommon
Telephony*67EnglishnameThe telephone number used to block caller ID.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications telephonyCanada US
Telephony*67EnglishverbTo use the telephone number prefix to block caller ID.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications telephonyCanada US
TelephonyknapptelefonSwedishnouna push-button telephone, keypad telephone, a fixed-line telephone that does not have a rotary dialcommon-gender
TelephonyknapptelefonSwedishnouna featurephone, a mobile telephone (after the 2007 introduction of the iPhone) that is not a smartphonecommon-gender
TelevisiontelevizeCzechnountelevision, TVfeminine
TelevisiontelevizeCzechnountelevision set, TV setfeminine
TemperatureferventlyMiddle Englishadvhotly, hot
TemperatureferventlyMiddle Englishadvfervently (ardently, enthusiastically)
TemperatureferventlyMiddle Englishadvfiercely, intensely, painfully
TenseskestämäFinnishnounpresent tensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdated present
TenseskestämäFinnishverbagent participle of kestääagent dated form-of participle
Textilesdiamond twillEnglishnounAn even-sided twill, in which the weave produces a diamond (rhomboid) pattern.countable uncountable
Textilesdiamond twillEnglishnounA fabric woven with this pattern.countable
Theodore RooseveltmuckrakerEnglishnounOne who investigates and exposes issues of corruption that often violate widely held values; e.g. one who exposes political corruption or the poor conditions in prisons.US
Theodore RooseveltmuckrakerEnglishnounOne of a group of American investigative reporters, novelists and critics of the Progressive Era (the 1890s to the 1920s).US historical
Theodore RooseveltmuckrakerEnglishnounA sensationalist, scandalmongering journalist, one who is not driven by any social principles.British derogatory
TimeCDTEnglishnounInitialism of Central Daylight Time.abbreviation alt-of initialism
TimeCDTEnglishnouninitialism of C/C++ Development Toolkit of Eclipsecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
TimeCDTEnglishnounInitialism of clock draw task.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
TimeCDTEnglishnouncraft, design, and technologyeducationUK historical
TimeежедневноRussianadvdaily (every day)
TimeежедневноRussianadjshort neuter singular of ежедне́вный (ježednévnyj)form-of neuter short-form singular
TimeטאדריLadinonounafternoon, eveningHebrew feminine
Time提前Chineseverbto shift to an earlier date
Time提前Chineseadvin advance; earlier
Time月份Chinesenounfull term (for a pregnant woman)colloquial specifically
TimekeepingKlockLimburgishnounsomething bell-shapedfeminine
Times of daymatìnn-aLiguriannounmorning (period from dawn to noon)feminine
Times of daymatìnn-aLiguriannounmorning (period from midnight to dawn)feminine
TitlesEich Uchelder YmerodrolWelshpronYour Imperial Highnessformal
TitlesEich Uchelder YmerodrolWelshpronYour Imperial Highnessesformal
TitlesܡܠܟܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkingdom, realm
TitlesܡܠܟܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundynasty, majesty
TitlesܡܠܟܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkingship/queenship, dominion, reign, rule
TitlesܡܠܟܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkingdombiology natural-sciences taxonomy
Titles𐤔𐤓Phoeniciannounheadman, princeps
TobaccocigarroCatalannounAlternative form of cigaralt-of alternative masculine
TobaccocigarroCatalannouncigarettecolloquial masculine
ToolsenclumeFrenchnounanvil (block used in blacksmithing)feminine
ToolsenclumeFrenchnounanvil, incusanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
ToolslaminaLatinnouna thin piece or sheet of metal, wood, marble, etc.; a plate, leaf, layerClassical-Latin declension-1 literally
ToolslaminaLatinnouna red-hot plate used as torture devices for slavesdeclension-1
ToolslaminaLatinnounmoney, coin, gold, precious metaldeclension-1
ToolslaminaLatinnouna saw (cutting device)declension-1
ToolslaminaLatinnounthe flap of the earanatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-1
ToolslaminaLatinnounthe tender shell of an unripe nutdeclension-1
ToolslaminaLatinnounmoney coin, minted by the Pontiffs of Romedeclension-1
ToolsploughEnglishnounA device pulled through the ground in order to break it open into furrows for planting.agriculture business lifestyle
ToolsploughEnglishnounThe use of a plough; tillage.
ToolsploughEnglishnounAlternative form of Plough (Synonym of Ursa Major)alt-of alternative
ToolsploughEnglishnounAlternative form of ploughland, an alternative name for a carucate or hide.alt-of alternative
ToolsploughEnglishnounA joiner's plane for making grooves.
ToolsploughEnglishnounA bookbinder's implement for trimming or shaving off the edges of books.
ToolsploughEnglishnounA yoga pose resembling a traditional plough, halāsana.
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo use a plough on soil to prepare for planting.transitive
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo use a plough.intransitive
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo move with force.
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo knock over or run over (someone) without stopping.colloquial transitive
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo furrow; to make furrows, grooves, or ridges in.
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo run through, as in sailing.nautical transport
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo trim, or shave off the edges of, as a book or paper, with a plough.arts bookbinding crafts hobbies lifestyle
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo cut a groove in, as in a plank, or the edge of a board; especially, a rectangular groove to receive the end of a shelf or tread, the edge of a panel, a tongue, etc.
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo fail (a student).UK transitive
ToolsploughEnglishverbTo sexually penetrate, typically in a vigorous manner.transitive vulgar
ToolsحدأةArabicnounkite (bird)
ToolsحدأةArabicnoundouble-headed axe
ToolsدوكنOttoman Turkishnounthreshing sledge, a rectangular wooden plank designed to separate grain from chaff
ToolsدوكنOttoman Turkishnounflail, a threshing tool consisting of a long handle with a shorter stick attached with a piece of chain
ToolsدوكنOttoman TurkishnounAlternative spelling of دوگون (düğün, “wedding cerimony”)alt-of alternative
ToolsشنهPersiannounsound, voiceobsolete
ToolsشنهPersiannounneigh, cry of an equidobsolete
ToolsشنهPersiannounwinnowing forkobsolete
ToolsشنهPersiannounAlternative form of سنه (sanah, “malediction, imprecation, curse”)alt-of alternative obsolete
Tools刀兒ChinesenounErhua form of 刀 (dāo, “knife”).Erhua Mandarin alt-of
Tools刀兒Chinesenounpocketknife; penknifeSichuanese
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounA tiny freshwater fish, Poecilia reticulata, popular in home aquariums, that usually has a plain body and black or dark blue tail for the females and a more colorful tail for the males.
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounAny tiny fish.broadly
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounA tube holding paintballs before they are loaded into the paintball
ToothcarpsguppyEnglishnounA hold across the palm of the hand rather than the fingertips.climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
Towns大同ChinesenounGreat Unity (utopian vision of the world in which everyone and everything is at peace)human-sciences philosophy sciencesChinese
Towns大同Chinesenounsignificant similaritiesformal
Towns大同ChinesenounA combination 四上三中四下 in the Lingqijing.
Towns大同Chinesenoungreen pepperTaiwanese-Hokkien
Towns大同ChinesenameDatong (a prefecture-level city in Shanxi, China)
Towns大同Chinesename(historical) Datong (a former county of Datong, Shanxi, China; modern Yunzhou District)
Towns大同ChinesenameDatong (a district of Taipei, Taiwan)
Towns大同ChinesenameDatong District (a district of Daqing, Heilongjiang, China)
Towns大同ChinesenameDatong Township (various townships in Mainland China)
Towns大同ChinesenameDatong (a mountain indigenous township in Yilan County, Taiwan)
Towns大同ChinesenameDatong Town (various towns in Mainland China)
Towns大同ChinesenameDatong (a residential community of Zhicheng, Yidu, Yichang, Hubei, China)
Towns大同Chinesenamethe Datong era (a Chinese era name): / The fifth era of Emperor Wu of Liang, from 535 to 546.historical
Towns大同Chinesenamethe Datong era (a Chinese era name): / The third era of Emperor Wuxuan of Dafengmin (formerly Nanzhao), ending in 888.historical
Towns大同Chinesenamethe Datong era (a Chinese era name): / The third era of Emperor Taizong of Liao, in 947.historical
Towns大同Chinesenamethe Datong era (a Chinese era name): / The second era of Puxian Wannu as emperor of Eastern Xia, from 1224 to 1233.historical
Towns大同Chinesenamethe Datong era (a Chinese era name): / The era of Puyi as chief executive of the Japanese puppet state of the State of Manchuria (Manchukuo), from 1932 until his enthronement as emperor with the establishment of the Empire of Manchuria in 1934.historical
ToysChinesecharactergreat; extraordinaryobsolete
ToysChinesecharacterextremely talented person
ToysChinesecharacterbold; unrestrained; straightforward
ToysChinesecharacterheroic; powerful
ToysChinesecharacterdespotic; tyrannical; cruel
ToysChinesecharacterdespot; tyrant; bully
ToysChinesecharacterrich; wealthy; luxurious
ToysChinesecharacterkite (toy)Mandarin dialectal
ToysChinesecharacterAlternative form of 毫 (háo, “fine hair; slightest amount”)alt-of alternative
ToysChinesecharactera surname
TransgendertransgenderdomEnglishnounThe state of being transgender; transgenderness.countable uncountable
TransgendertransgenderdomEnglishnounThe world or sphere of transgender individuals, often collectively.countable uncountable
TransporttunnelItaliannountunnelinvariable masculine
TransporttunnelItaliannounnutmegball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsinvariable masculine
TreesfeàrnaScottish Gaelicnounalder treefeminine
TreesfeàrnaScottish Gaelicnounthe letter F in the Gaelic alphabetfeminine obsolete
TreesfeàrnaScottish Gaelicnounshieldfeminine
TreesfeàrnaScottish Gaelicnounmastnautical transportfeminine
TreeskadamEnglishnounA tropical evergreen tree, Neolamarckia cadamba (syn. Anthocephalus indicus, Nauclea cadamba), native to South and Southeast Asia.India
TreeskadamEnglishnounA unit of distance, equal to 10 miles.South-Asia historical
TreessorbeiraGaliciannounsorb; service tree (Sorbus domestica)feminine
TreessorbeiraGaliciannounwild service tree (Sorbus torminalis)feminine
TreessorbeiraGaliciannounrowan (Sorbus aucuparia)feminine
TreessorbeiraGaliciannoungooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa)feminine
TreesпӱнчӧEastern Marinounpine (Pinus)biology botany natural-sciences
TreesпӱнчӧEastern Marinounpine forestbiology botany natural-sciences
TreesяктеEastern Mariadjtall and slenderfiguratively
TreesяктеEastern Mariadjbright, light
TreesяктеEastern Marinounpine, pine tree (Pinus)biology botany natural-sciences
TreesJapanesecharactersacred anise tree, Japanese star aniseHyōgai kanji
TreesJapanesenounAlternative spelling of 樒 (shikimi, “Japanese star anise, Illicium anisatum”)alt-of alternative
TribesزیبكOttoman Turkishnouna Turkish tribe in the region of İzmir
TribesزیبكOttoman Turkishnouna kind of light infantryman
TribesزیبكOttoman Turkishnounguerrillero, partisan, Robin Hood, vagabond, highland swashbuckler
True finchesfinchEnglishnounAny Eurasian goldfinch (of species Carduelis carduelis, syn. Fringilla carduelis).
True finchesfinchEnglishnounAny bird of the family Fringillidae, seed-eating passerine birds, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and usually having a conical beak.
True finchesfinchEnglishnounAny bird of other families of similar appearance to members of family Fringillidae.
True finchesfinchEnglishverbTo hunt for finches, to go finching.
TurkeyLamponiaLatinnameAn island situated off the coast of Thracedeclension-1
TurkeyLamponiaLatinnameA town of Troaddeclension-1
UkraineEuromaidanDutchnameEuromaidan (antigovernment protests in Ukrainein 2013 and 2014)masculine neuter
UkraineEuromaidanDutchnameMaidan Nezalezhnosti, the square in Kiev that was the site of antigovernment protests in 2013 and 2014masculine neuter
Units of measurehondDutchnoundog (Canis lupus familiaris)masculine
Units of measurehondDutchnounA derogatory term for a human; a reprehensible personderogatory masculine
Units of measurehondDutchnounan old unit of area measuring 100 roeden, approximately 0.14 hectaresneuter obsolete
Units of measurehundredEnglishnumA numerical value equal to 100 (10²), occurring after ninety-nine.
Units of measurehundredEnglishnumThe pronunciation of “00” for the two digits denoting the minutes.
Units of measurehundredEnglishnounA hundred-dollar bill, or any other note denominated 100 (e.g. a hundred euros).
Units of measurehundredEnglishnounAn administrative subdivision of southern English counties formerly reckoned as comprising 100 hides (households or families) and notionally equal to 12,000 acres.historical
Units of measurehundredEnglishnounSimilar divisions in other areas, particularly in other areas of Britain or the British Empirebroadly historical
Units of measurehundredEnglishnounA score of one hundred runs or more scored by a batsman.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
Units of measurejutroSerbo-Croatiannounmorning
Units of measurejutroSerbo-CroatiannounOld unit for measurement of area, similar to acre.
Units of measuremanoqueFrenchnounroll of tobaccofeminine
Units of measuremanoqueFrenchnounsmall pieces of wood bound together, a unit of 30 to 60 fathomsnautical transportfeminine
Units of measureporróCatalannounporron (glass container for wine for table use)masculine
Units of measureporróCatalannouna liquid measure equivalent to 0.94 litreshistorical masculine
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounany thick liquid substance, of various consistency
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounmixture offered to the gods and the dead, of meal, honey and oil
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounmixture offered to the gods and the dead, of meal, honey and oil / meal made from barley and wheat, of which this mixture was made
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounround cake offered to the gods
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounmeasure of weight
UniversitiesամբիոնArmeniannounpulpit, podium, lectern
UniversitiesամբիոնArmeniannoundepartment, school, or college at a university or institute; chair
UniversitiesամբիոնArmeniannounthe staff of such a division at a university or institute
UrsidsмечкаSerbo-Croatiannounshe-bear, female bear
UrsidsмечкаSerbo-Croatiannounshow-bear, trained bear that performs at fairs
UrsidsмечкаSerbo-CroatiannounA Mercedes-Benz carslang
UzbekistanuzbeksLatviannouna (male) Uzbek, a man from Uzbekistan or of Uzbek descentdeclension-1 masculine
UzbekistanuzbeksLatviannounUzbek, pertaining to Uzbekistan and its peopledeclension-1 genitive masculine plural
VegetablesahosCebuanonoungarlic (Allium sativum); a plant related to the onion, having a pungent bulb much used in cooking
VegetablesahosCebuanoverbto flavor with garlic
VegetablesmorotSwedishnounincentivecommon-gender figuratively
VegetablesπικρίςAncient Greeknounbristly oxtongue (Helminthotheca echioides)
VegetablesπικρίςAncient Greeknounkind of chicory
VegetablesπικρίςAncient Greeknounsour soil
VegetablesJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
VehicleshorseboxEnglishnounA motor vehicle for transporting horses.UK
VehicleshorseboxEnglishnounA container for transporting horses in, whether by road, rail, or sea.
VehicleshorseboxEnglishnounA van-type railway vehicle specially built for the carriage of horses.rail-transport railways transportUK obsolete
VehiclesܩܛܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbinding, knotting, tying
VehiclesܩܛܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountrain (mechanical vehicle carrying a large number of passengers along a designated track)
VehiclesܩܛܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountie, knot, bondage
VehiclesܩܛܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounproblem
VehiclesܩܛܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounstem node, leaf node
VehiclesܩܛܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounjointanatomy medicine sciences
Vehicles車子Chinesenounland vehicle; including car, bus, (historical) cart, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.
Vehicles車子Chinesenounland vehicle; including car, bus, (historical) cart, bicycle, motorcycle, etc. / bicyclespecifically
Vehicles車子Chinesenounsewing machine
Vehicles車子Chinesenouncart driver; coachmanClassical
Vehicles車子Chinesenouncarriage; rail carHakka
VesselsgloineIrishnounglass (material; drinking vessel)feminine masculine
VesselsgloineIrishadjObsolete form of glaine.alt-of obsolete
Vessels水杯Chinesenounglass (for holding water); tumbler (Classifier: 個/个 m)
Vessels水杯Chinesenounwater bottle (Classifier: 隻/只 m)
Vessels水杯Chinesenounthermos; vacuum flask (Classifier: 隻/只 m)
VetigastropodspauaEnglishnounA large, edible abalone, Haliotis iris, native to New Zealand, whose shell is used to make jewelry.
VetigastropodspauaEnglishnounThe shell of this mollusc.
VetigastropodspauaEnglishnounA fish hook made from this shell.
ViolenceamenɣiTarifitnounfight, brawl, combatmasculine
ViolenceamenɣiTarifitnoundisagreement, disputemasculine
WarਜੰਗPunjabinounnuqtaless form of ਜ਼ੰਗ (zaṅg)
WaterisMiddle Englishnounice (frozen water): / A layer of frozen water as a surface.uncountable
WaterisMiddle Englishnounice (frozen water): / An individual portion of ice.rare uncountable
WaterisMiddle EnglishnounThat which is short-lived like ice.figuratively rare uncountable
WaterisMiddle Englishnounicy conditionsrare uncountable
WaterisMiddle Englishverbthird-person singular present indicative of beenform-of indicative present singular third-person
WaterisMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of his (“his”)alt-of alternative
WaterisMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of his (“his”)alt-of alternative
WaterisMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of his (“her”)alt-of alternative
WaterisMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of his (“them”)alt-of alternative
WaterisMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of iren (“iron”)alt-of alternative
WaterprzybórPolishnounutensil, tool, accessoryinanimate masculine plural-normally
WaterprzybórPolishnounspate (sudden flood or inundation of water; specifically, a flood in or overflow of a river or other watercourse due to heavy rain or melting snow)inanimate masculine
WaterprzybórPolishnounincrease, incrementinanimate literary masculine proscribed
Water大水Chinesenounflood (usually disastrous overflow from a body of water)
Water大水Chinesenounsea or river
Water大水Chinesenounheavy rain; downpourTaishanese
Water大水Chineseverbto flood
WatercraftknarrEnglishnounA kind of Norse merchant ship used by the Vikings.historical
WatercraftknarrEnglishnounA type of modern long-keeled sailing boat.
WeaponsPeacemakerEnglishnounAn early type of American revolver, particularly the Colt 1873 Single Action Army model.
WeaponsPeacemakerEnglishnounThe B-36 bomber.
WeaponsglizzyEnglishnounGlock, handgun.slang
WeaponsglizzyEnglishnounHot dog (food).US slang
WeaponsmineNorwegian Bokmålnouna mine (excavation or explosive)feminine masculine
WeaponsmineNorwegian Bokmåldetplural of minform-of plural
WeaponstoporzyskoPolishnounAugmentative of topóraugmentative form-of neuter
WeatherheiðurFaroesenounhonour, honor, awardmasculine uncountable
WeatherheiðurFaroesenounblue skies and sunmasculine uncountable
WeatherheiðurFaroeseadjbright, clear, cloudless
Weather低沉Chineseadjovercast; gloomy
Weather低沉Chineseadjdeep and low
Weather低沉Chineseadjdepressed; gloomy; downcast; blue
WeavingpleśćPolishverbto plaitimperfective transitive
WeavingpleśćPolishverbto weaveimperfective transitive
WeavingpleśćPolishverbto not quite come to mind; to be on the tip of one's tongue; to be in the back of one's mindimperfective impersonal reflexive
WeavingpleśćPolishverbto blather, to talk drivel or nonsenseimperfective transitive
WeavingpîjNorthern Kurdishnounsplinter, slivermasculine
WeavingpîjNorthern Kurdishnounknitting needlemasculine
WeavingpîjNorthern Kurdishnounhangnailmasculine
WeavingpîjNorthern Kurdishnounawl, chiselmasculine
WeavingpîjNorthern Kurdishnounfork used in weavingmasculine
WeavingpîjNorthern Kurdishadjsharp
WeavingκρόκηAncient Greeknounthread which is passed between the threads of the warp, woof
WeavingκρόκηAncient Greeknounthreadusually
WeavingκρόκηAncient Greeknounpebble on the seashore
WhitescandoreItaliannounwhite (an immaculate or bright white colour/color)masculine
WhitescandoreItaliannouncandor (US), candour (British)masculine
WhitescandoreItaliannounnaivety, ingenuousnessmasculine
WhitesmagnoliaEnglishnounA tree or shrub in any species of the genus Magnolia, many with large flowers and simple leaves.countable
WhitesmagnoliaEnglishnounThe flower of a magnolia tree.countable
WhitesmagnoliaEnglishnounA native or resident of the American state of Mississippi.countable
WhitesmagnoliaEnglishnounA creamy white colour, like that of some magnolia flowers.countable uncountable
WhitesmagnoliaEnglishadjOf a creamy white colour, like that of some magnolia flowers.not-comparable
Willows and poplarsmũhũriKikuyunounshrub or tree of the genus Oncoba / Oncoba routledgeiclass-3
Willows and poplarsmũhũriKikuyunounshrub or tree of the genus Oncoba / fried egg tree, snuff-box tree (Oncoba spinosa)class-3
WindburaSerbo-Croatiannounbora (wind)
WindburaSerbo-Croatiannounan event that causes much stir, passion and changesfiguratively
WindgustEnglishnounA strong, abrupt rush of wind.
WindgustEnglishnounAny rush or outburst (of water, emotion, etc.).broadly
WindgustEnglishverbTo blow in gusts.intransitive transitive
WindgustEnglishnounThe physiological faculty of taste.archaic uncountable
WindgustEnglishnounRelish, enjoyment, appreciation.uncountable
WindgustEnglishnounIntellectual taste; fancy.uncountable
WindgustEnglishverbTo taste.obsolete transitive
WindgustEnglishverbTo have a relish for.obsolete transitive
WineBacchusLatinnameBacchushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman declension-2 masculine
WineBacchusLatinnamewinedeclension-2 masculine
WineBacchusLatinnamethe vinedeclension-2 masculine
WitchcraftnoitiaIngrianverbto bewitch (cast a spell on)transitive
WitchcraftnoitiaIngrianverbto practice magicintransitive
WitchcraftnoitiaIngriannounpartitive plural of noitaform-of partitive plural
WoodsgemelinaCebuanonounany member of the genus Gmelina
WoodsgemelinaCebuanonounthe wood from this tree
WoodsklocekPolishnoundiminutive of klocdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
WoodsklocekPolishnountoy brick, building blockinanimate masculine
WoodsklocekPolishnounchock, wedgeinanimate masculine
WoodsklocekPolishnounlog (piece of feces)colloquial inanimate masculine vulgar
Woodwind instrumentslapaEnglishnounAn open structure in South Africa, typically a thatched roof supported by wooden poles.South-Africa
Woodwind instrumentslapaEnglishnounA metal wind instrument of 19th-century China, resembling the oboe.entertainment lifestyle music
WormsчервьRussiannounworm (invertebrate)
WormsчервьRussiannouncaterpillar, maggot, helminth, grub, larvainformal
WormsчервьRussiannouna gnawing feeling, often with the verb точи́ть (točítʹ)broadly figuratively
WormsчервьRussiannounmere worm, an insignificant personbroadly
WormsчервьRussiannounworm (a computer program)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
WormsчервьRussiannounname of the letter Ч.alt-of archaic inanimate letter name
WormsчервьRussiannounsame as че́рвы (čérvy)inanimate
WormsчервьRussiannounpart of cerebellum (vermis cerebelli)anatomy medicine sciencesinanimate
WrenscucaracheroSpanishnounwren (bird)masculine
WrenscucaracheroSpanishnounwren (bird) / any of various wrens or wren-like birdsmasculine
WrenscucaracheroSpanishnouna cockroach-infested locationColombia Cuba masculine
WrestlingکشتیUrdunounboat, ship
WritingskrifiSranan Tongoverbto write
WritingskrifiSranan Tongoverbto be written
Writing instrumentsकलमSanskritnouna sort of rice (sown in May and June and ripening in December or January)
Writing instrumentsकलमSanskritnounwriting reed
Writing instrumentsकलमSanskritnounthief
Writing systemsब्राह्मीHindinameBrahmi (script)
Writing systemsब्राह्मीHindinounwater hyssop (Bacopa monnieri)

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