cholera (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cholera
var (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: var
var (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: var
centrum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: centrum
gradient (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gradient
abakus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: abakus
chlieb (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chlieb
jedlo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jedlo
cestovina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cestovina
Bernard (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bernard
Mach (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mach
layout (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: layout
mikroskop (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mikroskop
pohlavie (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pohlavie
Cuda (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Cuda
diamant (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: diamant
Ernest (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ernest
gitara (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gitara
lipa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lipa
oblak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oblak
štrk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: štrk
množina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: množina
Dragon (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dragon
Franc (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Franc
Frank (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Frank
Gallo (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Gallo
Kata (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kata
Kern (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kern
Kostra (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kostra
Kováč (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kováč
Kočiš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kočiš
Kuna (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kuna
Leo (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Leo
Malina (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Malina
Malý (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Malý
Monako (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Monako
Parma (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Parma
Peta (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Peta
Polka (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Polka
Pán (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pán
Rosa (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rosa
Slovenka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Slovenka
Tomo (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Tomo
Urban (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Urban
Urban (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Urban
Valach (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Valach
Viola (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Viola
Češka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Češka
bislama (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bislama
mach (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mach
daniel (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: daniel
internet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: internet
tábor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tábor
satan (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: satan
satan (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: satan
humbug (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: humbug
automobil (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: automobil
jogurt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jogurt
jež (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jež
slovník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slovník
autostop (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: autostop
strela (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: strela
škola (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: škola
fistula (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fistula
azbuka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: azbuka
abeceda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: abeceda
röntgen (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: röntgen
Bauer (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bauer
bidet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bidet
budova (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: budova
dinosaurus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dinosaurus
sloveso (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sloveso
veverica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: veverica
jablko (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jablko
impetigo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: impetigo
Valas (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Valas
advokát (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: advokát
Trojan (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Trojan
slonica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slonica
holub (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: holub
haruspex (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: haruspex
Pech (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pech
kontinent (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kontinent
Bogdan (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bogdan
delfín (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: delfín
brunet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brunet
bridž (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bridž
abdómen (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: abdómen
východ (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: východ
diva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: diva
stena (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: stena
kakapo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kakapo
večera (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: večera
pšenica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pšenica
existencia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: existencia
líder (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: líder
tendencia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tendencia
utorok (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: utorok
sujet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sujet
diplomacia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: diplomacia
streda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: streda
piatok (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: piatok
bomba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bomba
evidencia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: evidencia
duša (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: duša
Kamas (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kamas
esencia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: esencia
Vik (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vik
brod (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brod
iskra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: iskra
teta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: teta
heraldika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: heraldika
doktor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: doktor
bál (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bál
džin (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: džin
džin (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: džin
encyklopédia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: encyklopédia
večer (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: večer
domovina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: domovina
cep (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cep
Silvia (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Silvia
sob (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sob
chuj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chuj
chuj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chuj
gazela (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gazela
Kos (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kos
farba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: farba
železo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: železo
klas (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: klas
kus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kus
runa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: runa
harfa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: harfa
osa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: osa
zajac (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zajac
zamat (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zamat
paperback (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: paperback
ujec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ujec
vidlička (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vidlička
kosa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kosa
carina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: carina
jazero (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jazero
bronz (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bronz
jahoda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jahoda
javor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: javor
obraz (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obraz
dur (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dur
dur (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dur
Zoltán (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zoltán
Zoltán (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zoltán
izba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: izba
piča (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: piča
rak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rak
rak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rak
huba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: huba
bunda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bunda
cukor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cukor
kocka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kocka
ikra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ikra
kel (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kel
kel (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kel
seno (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: seno
chloroform (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chloroform
zora (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zora
mech (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mech
pavúk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pavúk
lopta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lopta
mak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mak
potok (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: potok
roj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: roj
kunda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kunda
baran (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: baran
baht (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: baht
lev (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lev
lev (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lev
króna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: króna
koruna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: koruna
halier (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: halier
Daniela (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Daniela
kvet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kvet
furfural (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: furfural
kabát (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kabát
káva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: káva
ráz (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ráz
tuk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tuk
pivnica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pivnica
mozog (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mozog
boj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: boj
uhlie (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: uhlie
lúka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lúka
ruda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ruda
mrav (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mrav
obed (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obed
sekunda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sekunda
angličtina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: angličtina
kapor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kapor
blcha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: blcha
čln (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čln
slza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slza
sused (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sused
uhol (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: uhol
hlad (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hlad
hlas (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hlas
hlina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hlina
sneh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sneh
beh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: beh
gazda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gazda
hrad (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrad
lopata (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lopata
losos (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: losos
sloboda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sloboda
sluha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sluha
hloh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hloh
hrach (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrach
hrob (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrob
hviezda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hviezda
pluh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pluh
britva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: britva
hrdlo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrdlo
mohyla (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mohyla
lono (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lono
pusa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pusa
opica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: opica
cer (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cer
hrable (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrable
vlaha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vlaha
straka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: straka
črieda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: črieda
hriech (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hriech
Tamara (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Tamara
lov (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lov
Augusta (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Augusta
zmija (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zmija
Lukas (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Lukas
sekera (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sekera
Podgorica (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Podgorica
úhor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: úhor
hnoj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hnoj
zrno (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zrno
krčma (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krčma
vrh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vrh
cvikla (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cvikla
prah (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: prah
hlt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hlt
čipka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čipka
dvor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dvor
brečtan (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brečtan
jarmo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jarmo
krt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krt
vlas (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vlas
vrša (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vrša
pálenka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pálenka
pleva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pleva
slanina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slanina
tovar (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tovar
plch (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: plch
lanka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lanka
kraj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kraj
pravda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pravda
helma (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: helma
Turan (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Turan
Fürst (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Fürst
Geier (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Geier
Krebs (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Krebs
Müller (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Müller
tvaroh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tvaroh
koberec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: koberec
pozor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pozor
dokument (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dokument
somár (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: somár
laz (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: laz
sih (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sih
škoda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: škoda
oco (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oco
striga (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: striga
čeština (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čeština
firn (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: firn
ryba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ryba
kniha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kniha
granula (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: granula
megawatt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: megawatt
obrad (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obrad
segment (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: segment
dej (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dej
Simona (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Simona
čelo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čelo
kvark (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kvark
chrobák (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chrobák
korma (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: korma
dym (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dym
číslovka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: číslovka
fén (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fén
orchidea (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: orchidea
monarchia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: monarchia
diel (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: diel
nunatak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nunatak
výnos (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: výnos
alkohol (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: alkohol
protivník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: protivník
meč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: meč
hrdinka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrdinka
fyzik (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fyzik
fyzika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fyzika
chemik (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chemik
vlak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vlak
tapeta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tapeta
prostata (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: prostata
ekliptika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ekliptika
Vilma (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vilma
bibliografia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bibliografia
krypta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krypta
klitoris (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: klitoris
pád (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pád
mekáč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mekáč
tužka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tužka
oheň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oheň
ananás (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ananás
katedrála (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: katedrála
obojživelník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obojživelník
čokoláda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čokoláda
kopec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kopec
vodopád (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vodopád
chudoba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chudoba
rozum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rozum
lebka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lebka
sval (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sval
lýtko (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lýtko
kreveta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kreveta
šnek (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šnek
vrabec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vrabec
krk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krk
drozd (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: drozd
trh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: trh
riziko (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: riziko
breza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: breza
palec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: palec
páv (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: páv
chvála (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chvála
láska (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: láska
účel (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: účel
tepna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tepna
slezina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slezina
zázrak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zázrak
žralok (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žralok
rys (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rys
šimpanz (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šimpanz
nádor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nádor
dáma (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dáma
slabika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slabika
pštros (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pštros
šakal (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šakal
šakal (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šakal
Hanus (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hanus
struna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: struna
tuleň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tuleň
botanika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: botanika
nástroj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nástroj
stroj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: stroj
paroh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: paroh
dýka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dýka
počítač (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: počítač
záliv (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: záliv
tlak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tlak
citrón (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: citrón
bažant (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bažant
bažant (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bažant
brázda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brázda
chobot (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chobot
závora (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: závora
čin (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čin
kavka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kavka
stádo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: stádo
plechovka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: plechovka
otrok (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: otrok
rivalita (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rivalita
vráska (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vráska
žehlička (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žehlička
samohláska (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: samohláska
kanec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kanec
gibon (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gibon
traktor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: traktor
srdce (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: srdce
služba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: služba
strach (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: strach
sliz (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sliz
slimák (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slimák
rína (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rína
vyrážka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vyrážka
organizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: organizmus
kmín (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kmín
biskup (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: biskup
arcibiskup (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: arcibiskup
národ (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: národ
západ (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: západ
vydra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vydra
divadlo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: divadlo
hyponymum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hyponymum
hyperonymum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hyperonymum
semafor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: semafor
svár (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: svár
prak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: prak
odpor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: odpor
plyn (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: plyn
triolet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: triolet
papagáj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: papagáj
chod (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chod
režisér (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: režisér
manželka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: manželka
manžel (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: manžel
domov (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: domov
bašta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bašta
socha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: socha
sopka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sopka
Kórea (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kórea
Adela (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Adela
súper (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: súper
genotyp (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: genotyp
fonetika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fonetika
kaktus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kaktus
epilepsia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: epilepsia
kolega (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kolega
mitra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mitra
tona (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tona
algoritmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: algoritmus
eukalyptus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: eukalyptus
jaspis (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jaspis
harvan (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: harvan
gramatika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gramatika
blesk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: blesk
Janis (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Janis
jazdec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jazdec
pešiak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pešiak
Hanko (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hanko
odvaha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: odvaha
lotyština (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lotyština
malta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: malta
Tomáš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Tomáš
Tomáš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Tomáš
Rus (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rus
ložisko (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ložisko
Rosina (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rosina
podnik (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: podnik
univerzita (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: univerzita
gymnázium (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gymnázium
jatka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jatka
rasca (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rasca
dláto (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dláto
vláda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vláda
guvernér (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: guvernér
pomsta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pomsta
kľúč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kľúč
hráč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hráč
herec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: herec
osoba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: osoba
puk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: puk
puk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: puk
gauč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gauč
bratranec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bratranec
prd (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: prd
ťava (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ťava
baterka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: baterka
chlapec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chlapec
vnučka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vnučka
oáza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oáza
pustina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pustina
mena (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mena
ruština (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ruština
motýľ (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: motýľ
motorka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: motorka
pálka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pálka
deista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: deista
Havel (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Havel
okraj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: okraj
synonymum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: synonymum
antonymum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: antonymum
obrubník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obrubník
chodník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chodník
lysina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lysina
stodola (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: stodola
dráha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dráha
Marika (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Marika
jabloň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jabloň
gól (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gól
rozpočet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rozpočet
oslava (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oslava
sirota (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sirota
chlorofyl (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chlorofyl
Japonsko (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Japonsko
Kaja (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kaja
návnada (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: návnada
medián (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: medián
pravítko (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pravítko
bankovka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bankovka
formaldehyd (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: formaldehyd
fasáda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fasáda
kajak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kajak
pilier (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pilier
leptón (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: leptón
hadrón (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hadrón
ateizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ateizmus
protón (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: protón
amnestia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: amnestia
adolescencia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: adolescencia
audiencia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: audiencia
aforizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: aforizmus
názor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: názor
hudba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hudba
zlo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zlo
Marko (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Marko
cín (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cín
krajina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krajina
kýl (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kýl
sokol (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sokol
anekdota (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: anekdota
Vladimír (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vladimír
Ladislav (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ladislav
Alena (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Alena
Veronika (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Veronika
Zuzana (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zuzana
Stanislava (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Stanislava
balkón (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: balkón
Rudolf (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rudolf
Rudolf (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rudolf
cech (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cech
bradavica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bradavica
erb (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: erb
aeronautika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: aeronautika
prezident (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: prezident
amfora (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: amfora
problém (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: problém
rameno (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rameno
nacionalista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nacionalista
heslo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: heslo
akronym (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: akronym
nákup (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nákup
občan (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: občan
koláč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: koláč
tantal (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tantal
dynastia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dynastia
nálada (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nálada
klenot (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: klenot
časopis (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: časopis
etanol (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: etanol
herečka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: herečka
džokej (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: džokej
kros (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kros
imidž (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: imidž
exil (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: exil
chalupa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chalupa
vražda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vražda
biznismen (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: biznismen
orgazmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: orgazmus
partizán (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: partizán
jeseter (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jeseter
štrajk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: štrajk
kongres (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kongres
punč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: punč
-ština (suffix) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: -ština
-stvo (suffix) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: -stvo
princ (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: princ
smeč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: smeč
föhn (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: föhn
balón (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: balón
mineralógia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mineralógia
nonsens (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nonsens
anamnéza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: anamnéza
zločinec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zločinec
koniec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: koniec
komár (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: komár
komár (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: komár
ametyst (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ametyst
marmeláda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: marmeláda
víla (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: víla
výstroj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: výstroj
pokus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pokus
náhrada (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: náhrada
vkus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vkus
hračka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hračka
rasizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rasizmus
pokuta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pokuta
vodič (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vodič
vodič (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vodič
sochor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sochor
mrkva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mrkva
obecenstvo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obecenstvo
Maďarsko (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Maďarsko
slina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slina
šija (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šija
kravata (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kravata
šuškovité teliesko (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šuškovité teliesko
fenotyp (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fenotyp
proletariát (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: proletariát
galaxia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: galaxia
otázka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: otázka
brzda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brzda
skleník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: skleník
kvaka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kvaka
seriál (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: seriál
vaječník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vaječník
lavica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lavica
menšina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: menšina
pokrytec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pokrytec
archa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: archa
astrofyzika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: astrofyzika
byt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: byt
fanatik (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fanatik
zastávka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zastávka
dojem (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dojem
hnus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hnus
sonet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sonet
cikáda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cikáda
jama (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jama
Abrahám (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Abrahám
utilitarizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: utilitarizmus
drevo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: drevo
dievča (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dievča
maternica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: maternica
cér (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cér
glóbus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: glóbus
Teodor (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Teodor
subjekt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: subjekt
lelek (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lelek
okres (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: okres
Lotyšsko (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Lotyšsko
Moldavsko (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Moldavsko
slonovina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slonovina
amalgám (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: amalgám
karburátor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: karburátor
vdova (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vdova
farmácia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: farmácia
sumec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sumec
maňuška (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: maňuška
kôra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kôra
andulka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: andulka
óda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: óda
kôň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kôň
Gera (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Gera
hemisféra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hemisféra
hnida (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hnida
Pravoslav (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pravoslav
Radovan (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Radovan
Slavomír (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Slavomír
Hynek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hynek
Kazimír (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kazimír
Marián (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Marián
frekvencia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: frekvencia
Aneta (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Aneta
Dalibor (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dalibor
Dobroslav (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dobroslav
Vít (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vít
Drahomíra (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Drahomíra
Denisa (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Denisa
Zita (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zita
Sára (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Sára
Sára (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Sára
Zoja (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zoja
Tibor (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Tibor
Romana (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Romana
Zina (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zina
Vratislav (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vratislav
Šimon (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Šimon
Vlasta (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vlasta
Žaneta (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Žaneta
Judita (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Judita
Zora (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zora
Nela (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Nela
Vanda (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vanda
Vanda (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vanda
Miloslava (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Miloslava
Stela (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Stela
Soňa (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Soňa
Hermína (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hermína
vrása (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vrása
Polák (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Polák
Srb (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Srb
Srb (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Srb
ker (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ker
filmografia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: filmografia
rab (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rab
jadro (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jadro
Dunka (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dunka
anténa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: anténa
Sibyla (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Sibyla
Fano (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Fano
Kubus (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kubus
škorec (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: škorec
bumerang (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bumerang
tabak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tabak
Kašpar (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kašpar
žula (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žula
zápalka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zápalka
vojak (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vojak
charita (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: charita
turnaj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: turnaj
próza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: próza
čerpadlo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čerpadlo
pumpa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pumpa
obloha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obloha
pokrok (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pokrok
kladka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kladka
hluk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hluk
šum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šum
látka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: látka
potrat (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: potrat
výbušnina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: výbušnina
výbuch (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: výbuch
anatómia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: anatómia
ústava (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ústava
voňavka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: voňavka
atmosféra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: atmosféra
hovno (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hovno
brokát (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brokát
ruch (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ruch
žezlo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žezlo
konzul (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: konzul
bocian (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bocian
babona (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: babona
cysta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cysta
chabina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chabina
génius (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: génius
vestibul (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vestibul
učeň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: učeň
svetlo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: svetlo
inštrumentál (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: inštrumentál
flautista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: flautista
psica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: psica
jamka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jamka
bambus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bambus
poklad (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: poklad
ohňostroj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ohňostroj
akvárium (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: akvárium
zoznam (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zoznam
rituál (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rituál
pätica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pätica
zástrčka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zástrčka
žeriav (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žeriav
žeriav (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žeriav
čmeľ (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čmeľ
orol (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: orol
kolibrík (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kolibrík
lastovička (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lastovička
mašina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mašina
hranica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hranica
sólista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sólista
palác (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: palác
matrac (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: matrac
bylina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bylina
Albrecht (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Albrecht
osciloskop (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: osciloskop
syr (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: syr
tyrkys (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tyrkys
podnikateľ (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: podnikateľ
píla (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: píla
protihráč (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: protihráč
Jacko (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Jacko
sérum (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sérum
baptista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: baptista
koreň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: koreň
rúno (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rúno
choroba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: choroba
dcéra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dcéra
steh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: steh
volavka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: volavka
úžas (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: úžas
Baran (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Baran
Rak (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Rak
rozpor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rozpor
ceruza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ceruza
pravica (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pravica
maslo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: maslo
monarcha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: monarcha
kofa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kofa
návrh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: návrh
mäta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mäta
raňajky (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: raňajky
obratník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: obratník
pýcha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pýcha
džíp (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: džíp
lutécium (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lutécium
alkoholizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: alkoholizmus
úpal (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: úpal
eugenika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: eugenika
perspektíva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: perspektíva
azbest (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: azbest
fotka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fotka
onomastika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: onomastika
Zeman (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Zeman
Novák (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Novák
Šimek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Šimek
Nováková (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Nováková
Pokorný (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pokorný
Svoboda (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Svoboda
Novotný (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Novotný
Veselý (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Veselý
Horák (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Horák
Pospíšil (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Pospíšil
Hájek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hájek
Jelínek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Jelínek
Beneš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Beneš
Fiala (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Fiala
Sedláček (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Sedláček
Čapek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Čapek
Musil (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Musil
Matoušek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Matoušek
unca (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: unca
sadra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sadra
aperitív (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: aperitív
sadza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sadza
geológia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: geológia
chalan (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chalan
priorita (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: priorita
buddhizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: buddhizmus
láma (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: láma
Jirka (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Jirka
láva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: láva
korzet (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: korzet
producent (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: producent
lieska (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lieska
hrivna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hrivna
kaldera (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kaldera
diskografia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: diskografia
filantropia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: filantropia
kipa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kipa
azyl (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: azyl
frenológia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: frenológia
meteorológia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: meteorológia
radža (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: radža
azimut (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: azimut
marhuľa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: marhuľa
plagiát (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: plagiát
plagiátor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: plagiátor
hurka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hurka
biodiverzita (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: biodiverzita
archeológia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: archeológia
antropológia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: antropológia
tieň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: tieň
basista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: basista
libretista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: libretista
saxofonista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: saxofonista
Kratochvíl (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kratochvíl
cepín (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: cepín
Slovan (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Slovan
sluch (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sluch
gril (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gril
Szabó (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Szabó
oligarchia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oligarchia
plukovník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: plukovník
pluk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pluk
brigáda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: brigáda
jezuita (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jezuita
gladiátor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gladiátor
Fabián (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Fabián
klamár (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: klamár
kábel (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kábel
oje (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oje
lesbička (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: lesbička
fakt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fakt
Duna (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Duna
Antal (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Antal
chrt (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chrt
temnota (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: temnota
gréčtina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gréčtina
starogréčtina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: starogréčtina
neuróza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: neuróza
kandidóza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kandidóza
nobélium (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nobélium
faraón (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: faraón
dna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dna
urda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: urda
krivda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krivda
etnológia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: etnológia
barina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: barina
kalkulačka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kalkulačka
kapsula (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kapsula
dula (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dula
kečup (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kečup
jelša (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: jelša
zápal (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zápal
hystéria (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hystéria
mozaika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mozaika
kremácia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kremácia
nozdra (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nozdra
opar (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: opar
poduška (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: poduška
kóma (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kóma
mykóza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: mykóza
bachor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bachor
pastier (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pastier
chromozóm (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chromozóm
celofán (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: celofán
rebro (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: rebro
nôž (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nôž
divák (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: divák
žumpa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: žumpa
faktoriál (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: faktoriál
vrah (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vrah
ostroh (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: ostroh
srna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: srna
chrup (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chrup
bradavka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bradavka
oligarcha (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: oligarcha
vodca (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: vodca
klenba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: klenba
gejzír (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gejzír
krematórium (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: krematórium
eutanázia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: eutanázia
basketbal (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: basketbal
črevo (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: črevo
škótština (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: škótština
konzerva (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: konzerva
Klimeš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Klimeš
Jakeš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Jakeš
Mikeš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mikeš
kolba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kolba
fön (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fön
dojka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dojka
slad (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: slad
altruizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: altruizmus
šampión (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šampión
kobza (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kobza
dužina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dužina
hradba (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hradba
nehoda (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nehoda
klus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: klus
Dostál (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Dostál
Hruška (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Hruška
Polanský (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Polanský
Kadlec (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kadlec
Navrátil (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Navrátil
Doležal (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Doležal
Mareš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Mareš
Bláha (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bláha
Ševčík (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Ševčík
Kopecký (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kopecký
Bartoš (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bartoš
Čermák (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Čermák
Valenta (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Valenta
Šťastný (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Šťastný
Konečný (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Konečný
Vlček (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vlček
Holub (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Holub
Soukup (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Soukup
Tichý (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Tichý
Vávra (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Vávra
Sýkora (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Sýkora
Blažek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Blažek
sloj (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: sloj
xenofóbia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: xenofóbia
almanach (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: almanach
celebrita (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: celebrita
apokalypsa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: apokalypsa
Bálint (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Bálint
Žid (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Žid
čína (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: čína
filozofia (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: filozofia
partok (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: partok
autizmus (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: autizmus
burina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: burina
narkomanka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: narkomanka
zlomenina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zlomenina
kameraman (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kameraman
prť (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: prť
chvat (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: chvat
bavlna (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bavlna
bojovník (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bojovník
zbor (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zbor
livrej (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: livrej
črta (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: črta
pointa (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: pointa
Horský (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Horský
popol (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: popol
Brož (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Brož
gymnastika (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: gymnastika
artritída (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: artritída
laň (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: laň
kávovar (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: kávovar
zmrd (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: zmrd
fajka (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fajka
léno (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: léno
Málek (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Málek
Kaňa (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: Kaňa
metajazyk (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: metajazyk
hodža (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: hodža
terorista (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: terorista
atóm (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: atóm
šikana (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: šikana
charakter (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: charakter
bankomat (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bankomat
bulharčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: bulharčina
dánčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: dánčina
estónčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: estónčina
-dlo (suffix) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: -dlo
holandčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: holandčina
fínčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: fínčina
francúzština (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: francúzština
nemčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: nemčina
maďarčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: maďarčina
írčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: írčina
taliančina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: taliančina
litovčina (proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: litovčina
maltčina (noun) inflection table: empty tags for nominative Path: maltčina
This page is a part of the machine-readable Slovak dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-01-25 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-01-20 using wiktextract (c15a5ce and 5c11237). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.