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Acipenseriform fishspadefishEnglishnounAny of several marine fish of the family Ephippidae
Acipenseriform fishspadefishEnglishnounPolyodon spathula, the paddlefish.
Adolf Hitler88Translingualsymbolthe number eighty-eight
Adolf Hitler88Translingualsymbol"love"; "hugs and kisses"
Adolf Hitler88TranslingualsymbolHeil Hitler (H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.)
AgeFloridizationEnglishnounThe process of coming to resemble the US state of Florida in some respect.British English Oxford US uncountable
AgeFloridizationEnglishnounThe phenomenon of the percentage of seniors in a specific region progressively increasing as the population ages.demographics demographyBritish English Oxford US uncountable
AgebimusLatinadjtwo years oldadjective declension-1 declension-2
AgebimusLatinadjlasting two yearsadjective declension-1 declension-2
AgechicoSpanishnounboy; kidmasculine
AgechicoSpanishnounwhite-nosed coati (Nasua Narica)Mexico masculine
AgechicoSpanishnounraccoon (Procyon lotor)Mexico masculine
AgeܥܘܠܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounwrong, injustice, iniquity, unrighteousness, wickedness
AgeܥܘܠܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounirreverence, insolence, impiety
AgeܥܘܠܘܬܐClassical Syriacnoungestation, fetal state
AgeܥܘܠܘܬܐClassical Syriacnouninfancy
AgeܥܘܠܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounbeginning, early stagefiguratively
AgriculturefalciareItalianverbto mow, scythe, slash, harvesttransitive
AgriculturefalciareItalianverbto mow down, decimate, wipe out, claimfiguratively transitive
Alcoholic beveragesмёдRussiannounhoneyuncountable usually
Alcoholic beveragesмёдRussiannounmeaduncountable usually
Alcoholic beveragesशराबHindinounalcohol
Alcoholic beveragesशराबHindinounalcoholic drink
Alcoholic beveragesशराबHindinounwine
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounThe act or process of regaining or repossession of something lost.countable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounA return to normal health.countable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounA return to former status or position. / The act of regaining the natural position after curtseying.countable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounA return to former status or position. / The act of regaining the position of guard after making an attack, in fencing, sparring, etc.countable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounRenewed growth after a slump.economics sciencescountable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounThe recovery of financecountable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounA verdict giving somebody the right to recover debts or costs.lawcountable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounThe extraction of an ore from a mine, or of a metal from an orebusiness miningcountable uncountable
AlcoholismrecoveryEnglishnounThe ability to recover or regain gamingcountable uncountable
Alismatales order plantsajokaskasviFinnishnounplant of the family Zosteraceaebiology botany natural-sciences
Alismatales order plantsajokaskasviFinnishnounZosteraceae (taxonomic family)in-plural
AmphipodsscudEnglishadjNaked.Scotland slang
AmphipodsscudEnglishverbTo race along swiftly (especially used of clouds).intransitive
AmphipodsscudEnglishverbTo run, or be driven, before a high wind with no sails set.nautical transportintransitive transitive
AmphipodsscudEnglishverbTo hit or slap.Northumbria
AmphipodsscudEnglishverbTo speed.Northumbria
AmphipodsscudEnglishverbTo skim flat stones so they skip along the water.Northumbria
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounThe act of scudding.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounClouds or rain driven by the wind.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounA loose formation of small ragged cloud fragments (or fog) not attached to a larger higher cloud layer.uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounA gust of wind.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounA scab on a wound.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounA small flight of larks, or other birds, less than a flock.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounAny swimming amphipod.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounA swift runner.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounA form of garden hoe.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounA slap; a sharp stroke.countable uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounPornography.Scotland slang uncountable
AmphipodsscudEnglishnounThe drink Irn-Bru.Scotland slang uncountable
AnatomybjedroUpper Sorbiannounloin (fleshy part next to the backbone of an animal)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
AnatomybjedroUpper Sorbiannounhip, hips (lateral prominence of the human body from the waist to the thigh)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
AnatomycaufScotsnouncalf (young cow)
AnatomycaufScotsnouncalf (area behind the shin)rare
AnatomycaufScotsnounAlternative form of caffalt-of alternative
AnatomyfaigheanScottish Gaelicnounvaginamasculine vulgar
AnatomyfaigheanScottish Gaelicnounsheathmasculine
AnatomyдышKomi-Zyriannounlazybones, loafer, idler, slacker, sluggard
AnatomyхырбетCarpathian Rusynnounspine, spinal column
AnatomyхырбетCarpathian Rusynnounbackbone
AnatomyхырбетCarpathian Rusynnounmountain ridge
AnatomyڤروتMalaynounbelly (abdomen)
AnatomyڤروتMalaynounstomach (digestive organ)
AnatomyẓeṭṭuTarifitnounstrand (of wool, thread)masculine
AnatomyẓeṭṭuTarifitnounpubic hairmasculine
Anatomy肚子Chinesenounabdomen; belly; stomach (Classifier: 個/个 m)anatomy medicine sciences
Anatomy肚子Chinesenounheart; gut; innermost being (Classifier: 個/个 m)figuratively
Anatomy肚子Chinesenounobject shaped like a belly; round and protruding object (Classifier: 個/个 m)
Ancient RomecongiusLatinnouncongius, a Roman unit of liquid measure equivalent to about 3.3 Ldeclension-2 historical masculine
Ancient RomecongiusLatinnouncongius, a Roman unit of mass equivalent to about 3.3 kg, the weight of a congius of waterdeclension-2 historical masculine
Ancient RomevicennaleItalianadjvicennial, occurring once every twenty years
Ancient RomevicennaleItaliannounvicennial, a twentieth anniversary, particularlymasculine
Ancient RomevicennaleItaliannounvicennial, a twentieth anniversary, particularly / vicennalia, a festival and religious ritual marking the 20th year of a Roman emperor's reignhistorical masculine
Andropogoneae tribe grassesज्वारHindinountide, rise, swelling of the ocean
Andropogoneae tribe grassesज्वारHindinounsorghum
AngerwkurzyćPolishverbto piss off, to enragecolloquial perfective transitive
AngerwkurzyćPolishverbto get pissed offcolloquial perfective reflexive
Animal body partsHoudenSaterland Frisiannounhorn (animal body part)neuter
Animal body partsHoudenSaterland Frisiannounhorn (musical instrument)neuter
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounA biological structure found in many animals that is used for locomotion and that is frequently a separate organ at the terminal part of the leg.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounSpecifically, a human foot, which is found below the ankle and is used for standing and walking.anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounTravel by walking.attributive often
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe base or bottom of anything.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe part of a flat surface on which the feet customarily rest.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe end of a rectangular table opposite the head.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounA short foot-like projection on the bottom of an object to support it.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounA unit of measure equal to twelve inches or one third of a yard, equal to exactly 30.48 centimetres. / Ellipsis of square foot. A unit of area.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounA unit of measure equal to twelve inches or one third of a yard, equal to exactly 30.48 centimetres. / Ellipsis of cubic foot. A unit of volume.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounA unit of measure equal to twelve inches or one third of a yard, equal to exactly 30.48 centimetres.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounA unit of measure for organ pipes equal to the wavelength of two octaves above middle C, approximately 328 mm.entertainment lifestyle music
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounFoot soldiers; infantry.government military politics warcollective
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe end of a cigar which is lit, and usually cut before lighting.cigars lifestyle
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe part of a sewing machine which presses downward on the fabric, and may also serve to move it manufacturing sewing textiles
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe bottommost part of a typed or printed printing publishing
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe base of a piece of type, forming the sides of the printing publishing
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe basic measure of rhythm in a poem.human-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciences
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe parsing of syllables into prosodic constituents, which are used to determine the placement of stress in languages along with the notions of constituent heads.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciences
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe bottom edge of a sail.nautical transport
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe end of a billiard or pool table behind the foot point where the balls are racked.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sports
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounIn a bryophyte, that portion of a sporophyte which remains embedded within and attached to the parent gametophyte plant.biology botany natural-sciences
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe muscular part of a bivalve mollusc or a gastropod by which it moves or holds its position on a surface.biology malacology natural-sciences
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe globular lower domain of a protein.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounThe point of intersection of one line with another that is perpendicular to it.geometry mathematics sciences
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounFundamental principle; basis; plan.
Animal body partsfootEnglishnounRecognized condition; rank; footing.
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo use the foot to kick (usually a ball).transitive
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo pay (a bill).transitive
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo tread to measure of music; to dance; to trip; to skip.
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo walk.
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo set foot on; to walk on.archaic
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo set on foot; to establish; to land.obsolete
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo renew the foot of (a stocking, etc.).
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo sum up, as the numbers in a column; sometimes with up.
Animal body partsfootEnglishverbTo spread out and stack up (turf sods) to allow them to dry.Ireland transitive
Animal body partsгагаBulgariannouneider (sea duck of genus Somateria)
Animal body partsгагаBulgariannounduck's/goose's billdialectal
Animal body partsгагаBulgariannounproboscisfiguratively
Animal body partsܨܨܐClassical Syriacnounnail, spike
Animal body partsܨܨܐClassical Syriacnounwart, whitlow
Animal body partsܨܨܐClassical Syriacnounfeather
Animal body partsܨܨܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative spelling of ܨܐܨܐ (ṣāṣā)alt-of alternative
Animal body partsਤੱਕਲ਼ਾPunjabinounspindle
Animal body partsਤੱਕਲ਼ਾPunjabinounquill
Animal body partsਤੱਕਲ਼ਾPunjabinounshaft (of a Persian wheel)
Animal foodssilageEnglishnounFermented green forage fodder stored in an airtight silo or clamp.uncountable usually
Animal foodssilageEnglishverbTo ensile.
Animal soundsbrummaSwedishverbto make a deep, humming or growling sound (of for example a bear, an engine, or a fan)
Animal soundsbrummaSwedishverbto sing monotonously and out of tune (in a low voice)
AnimalsبسSouth Levantine Arabicadvonly, just
AnimalsبسSouth Levantine Arabicconjbut
AnimalsبسSouth Levantine Arabicconjas soon as, once (with subjunctive verb)
AnimalsبسSouth Levantine Arabicintjthat's enough!, stop it!
AnimalsبسSouth Levantine Arabicnouncat
AnimalsცხოველიGeorgiannounbeastly animal
AnimalsცხოველიGeorgianadjlively, keen, strong, passionate
AnimalsẹwiriYorubanounbellows (used by blacksmiths)
AnimalsẹwiriYorubanounturtle, sea turtle
AppearanceadonisPolishnounAdonis (beautiful man)literary masculine person
AppearanceadonisPolishnounfalse hellebore, spring pheasant's eye, yellow pheasant's eye (Adonis vernalis)
AppearancezapuszczaćPolishverbto grow (to let hair or nails grow without cutting them off)imperfective transitive
AppearancezapuszczaćPolishverbto neglect, to not clean or tidy somethingimperfective transitive
AppearancezapuszczaćPolishverbto lead in, to lead to the inside ofimperfective transitive
AppearancezapuszczaćPolishverbto lower something in order to cover itcolloquial imperfective transitive
AppearancezapuszczaćPolishverbto venture, to take a distant and dangerous journeyimperfective reflexive
AppearancezapuszczaćPolishverbto talk at length about somethingimperfective reflexive
Appearance鬇鬡Chineseadjmessy; unkempt; disheveledideophonic usually
Appearance鬇鬡Chineseadjugly; repulsiveideophonic
Archery사수Koreannounshooter; bowman; gunman; marksman; archer
Archery사수Koreannoundefending to the death
Architectural elementsdoorknobEnglishnounA circular device attached to a door, the rotation of which permits the unlatching of the door.
Architectural elementsdoorknobEnglishnounA stupid person.derogatory informal
Architectural elementsveletaSpanishnounweather vanefeminine
Architectural elementsveletaSpanishnounweathercock (person who constantly changes their mind)feminine
Architectural elementsveletaSpanishnounveleta (dance)feminine
Architectural elementsveletaSpanishadjfeminine singular of veletofeminine form-of singular
Architectural elementsJapanesecharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
Architectural elementsJapanesenouna beam
Architectural elementsJapanesenounthe central figure or person, a pillarfiguratively
Architectural elementsJapanesenounbeam, joist
Architectural elementsJapanesenounfish trap, fish weir
Architectural elementsJapanesenameLianghistorical
ArchitectureTriumphbogenGermannountriumphal archmasculine strong
ArchitectureTriumphbogenGermannameArc de Triomphemasculine proper-noun strong
ArchitecturebabinecCzechnounin Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox churches, a vestibule or antechamber which was originally intended for womeninanimate masculine
ArchitecturebabinecCzechnouna home for elderly womeninanimate masculine
ArchitecturebabinecCzechnounhaycockdialectal inanimate masculine
ArmormayleMiddle EnglishnounA ring or plate that forms mail.
ArmormayleMiddle EnglishnounMail; armour composed of such rings.
ArmormayleMiddle EnglishnounA lesion of the eye.rare
ArmormayleMiddle EnglishnounThe chest plumage of an adult hawk.falconry hobbies hunting lifestylerare
ArsenicarsenicatedEnglishadjTreated with arsenate or other arsenic compound.
ArsenicarsenicatedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of arsenicateform-of participle past
ArtPlastikLuxembourgishnounplasticmasculine uncountable
ArthropodsanomalocaridEnglishnounA member of the extinct arthropod clade †Anomalocarida.
ArthropodsanomalocaridEnglishnounMisspelling of anomalocaridid.alt-of misspelling
Arum family plantscerimanEnglishnounA large, herbaceous vine of species Monstera deliciosa, native to Mexico, but grown throughout the tropics for its edible fruit, and also grown indoors as an ornamental under the name of Swiss cheese plant.
Arum family plantscerimanEnglishnounFruit of this vine.
AsiaasiáticoSpanishnounAsian (person from or descended from people from the Asian continent)masculine
AsiaÁ ĐôngVietnamesenameYadong (a county of the Tibet Autonomous Region, China)
AsiaÁ ĐôngVietnameseadjSynonym of Đông Á (“East Asian”), which the Vietnamese culturally identify themselves asliterary
AsiaÁ ĐôngVietnamesenameSynonym of Đông Á (“East Asia”)
AstronauticsweightlessEnglishadjWithout weight.
AstronauticsweightlessEnglishadjNot affected by gravity.
AstronomyMiyakocharacterkanji no-gloss
AstronomyMiyakonounthe moon
AstronomyMiyakonouna month
AthletesrowerEnglishnounOne who rows.
AthletesrowerEnglishnounA rowing machine.
AustraliaaustraliskaSwedishadjinflection of australisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
AustraliaaustraliskaSwedishadjinflection of australisk: / pluralform-of plural
AustraliaaustraliskaSwedishnouna woman from Australiacommon-gender
AutomobilesPeugeotEnglishnameA surname from French.
AutomobilesPeugeotEnglishnameA French manufacturer of cars.
AutomobilesPeugeotEnglishnounA car manufactured by Peugeot.
AutomotivecontaquilómetrosGaliciannounmilometer (UK), odometer (US)invariable masculine
AutomotivecontaquilómetrosGaliciannounspeedometerinvariable masculine
AviationtaxiFrenchnountaxi driverbroadly masculine
AviationtaxiFrenchnounhelicopter or plane used for transportbroadly masculine
AviationtaxiFrenchnounact of transporting troopsgovernment military politics warmasculine
BabiespapooseEnglishnounA Native American baby.US dated offensive
BabiespapooseEnglishnounA backpack for carrying a baby, or specifically a cradleboard.UK
Baby animalschiênVietnameseverbto frySouthern Vietnam
Baby animalschiênVietnamesenounlamb; young sheeparchaic in-compounds
Baby animalschiênVietnamesenounChristian; sheepChristianity
Baby animalschiênVietnameseadjmade of animal fur or of imitation fur
Baby animalsdzieckoSilesiannounchild (person in relation to their parents)neuter
Baby animalsdzieckoSilesiannounchild (non-adult animal)neuter
Baby animalsdzieckoSilesiannounchild (non-adult person)neuter
Baby animalsdzieckoSilesiannounchild (form of address towards someone younger than the speaker towards which the speaker feels fondly)neuter
Baby animalspinkyEnglishadjPinkish.
Baby animalspinkyEnglishnounMethylated spirits mixed with red wine or Condy's crystals.Australia historical slang uncountable
Baby animalspinkyEnglishnounA baby mouse, especially when used as food for a snake, etc.countable uncountable
Baby animalspinkyEnglishnounA white person.countable ethnic offensive slang slur uncountable
Baby animalspinkyEnglishnounThe Australasian snapper or pink snapper (Chrysophrys auratus).Australia countable informal uncountable
Baby animalspinkyEnglishnounA kind of fishing schooner of New England.countable historical uncountable
Baby animalspinkyEnglishnounThe smallest finger or toe of a hand or foot.Australia Canada Scotland US informal
Baby animalspinkyEnglishadjwinking
Baby animalsцицалчеMacedoniannounsuckling (infant that is still breastfeeding)
Baby animalsцицалчеMacedoniannounsuckling (young mammal which isn't weaned yet)
BacteriapaciorkowiecPolishnounstreptococcusanimal-not-person masculine
BacteriapaciorkowiecPolishnounbrown alga of the genus Cystoseirainanimate masculine
Bagsbitch bagEnglishnounA bag sized for a party woman to contain her provisions of a licentious night, a standard back pack or weekender.derogatory slang uncommon vulgar
Bagsbitch bagEnglishnounA term of abuse, implying that someone is bitchy.derogatory slang uncommon vulgar
BagscặpVietnamesenounpair; duo; couple
BagscặpVietnameseverbto pair
BagscặpVietnameseverbto date someonebroadly
BagscặpVietnamesenounwooden satchel used to hold bookshistorical
Ball gamesracquetsEnglishnounplural of racquetform-of plural
Ball gamesracquetsEnglishnouna game for two or four players, played in an enclosed court with a small hard fast-moving balluncountable
Ball gamesracquetsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of racquetform-of indicative present singular third-person
BaseballChinese home runEnglishnounA home run hit to the minimum distance possible, usually just over the outfield fence closest to home plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsUS dated derogatory slang
BaseballChinese home runEnglishnounA foul ball hit high and far, usually over the back of the plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsNew-England US slang
BatsputkikuonoFinnishnountube-snout, tubesnout, Aulorhynchus flavidus (small fish found on the Pacific coast of North America, the only species in family Aulorhynchidae)
BatsputkikuonoFinnishnounAulorhynchidae (family of fish)in-plural
BatsputkikuonoFinnishnountube-nosed fruit bat (bat of the genus Nyctimene)
BatsputkikuonoFinnishnountube-nosed bat (bat of the genus Murina)
BeardsmoucheEnglishnounA soul patch, especially in a historical (pre-modern) context.
BeardsmoucheEnglishnounSmall stickers or patches affixed to the face as a beauty mark.
BeerSan MiguelCebuanonameMichael, an archangel associated with defending Israel in the tribulationbiblical lifestyle religion
BeerSan MiguelCebuanonamea San Miguel beer
BeerSan MiguelCebuanonamea surname from Spanish
BeerfolkisSwedishnounColloquial form of of folkhögskola.alt-of colloquial common-gender
BeerfolkisSwedishnounColloquial form of of folköl.alt-of colloquial common-gender
BeerhoppedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of hopform-of participle past
BeerhoppedEnglishadjImpregnated with hops.
BeesbărzăunRomaniannounEuropean hornet (Vespa crabro)masculine
BeetlesloksiꞌChickasawnountortoise, turtle
BeetlesloksiꞌChickasawnouncombination lock, padlock
Beetles甲蟲Chinesenounbeetle (any of numerous species of insect in the order Coleoptera)
BerriesaverinEnglishnouncloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus.Scotland
BerriesaverinEnglishnouncloudberry, fruit of Rubus chamaemorus.Scotland
BeveragesбозаBulgariannounboza (weakly fermented beverage)uncountable
BeveragesбозаBulgariannouna serving or bottle of bozacountable
BeveragesбозаBulgariannounsomething insipid or vacuousderogatory figuratively
BeveragesчагаRussiannounbirch canker, chaga, clinker polypore, Inonotus obliquus
BeveragesчагаRussiannounchaga tea (a tea- or coffee-like beverage made by brewing chaga)
BibleBiblijŏSilesiannameBible (Christian holy book)Christianityfeminine
BibleBiblijŏSilesiannameBible (Jewish holy book)Judaism feminine
Biblical charactersBenjaminGermannameBenjamin (Biblical figure)masculine proper-noun strong
Biblical charactersBenjaminGermannamea male given namemasculine proper-noun strong
Biblical charactersBenjaminGermannounyoungest childmasculine strong
Biblical charactersHabacucSpanishnameHabakkuk (book)masculine
Biblical charactersHabacucSpanishnameHabakkuk (prophet)masculine
Biblical charactersMaríaSpanishnamea female given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Maryfeminine
Biblical charactersMaríaSpanishnameMary; Miriam (biblical character)feminine
Biblical charactersMaríaSpanishnamea surname originating as a matronymicby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Biblical charactersSampsonEnglishnameSamson (semi-legendary Biblical judge).
Biblical charactersSampsonEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin.
Biblical charactersSampsonEnglishnameA surname.
Biblical charactersSampsonEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Webster County, Missouri.
Biblical charactersSampsonEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A town in Chippewa County, Wisconsin.
Biblical charactersSampsonEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Oconto County, Wisconsin
Biblical charactersThomasGermannameThomas (biblical figure)masculine proper-noun strong
Biblical charactersThomasGermannamea male given name originating from the Biblemasculine proper-noun strong
Biblical charactersThomasGermannamea surname originating as a patronymicfeminine masculine proper-noun surname
Bicycle partsramaPolishnounframe (connected strips surrounding a mirror, picture or glass)feminine
Bicycle partsramaPolishnounframe (main structural element of a vehicle to which other parts are attached)feminine
Bicycle partsramaPolishnounframe (main structural element of a vehicle to which other parts are attached) / crossbar (tube of a bicycle frame)feminine
Bicycle partsramaPolishnounframe (rectangular object made of strips or tubing used to hold something in place)feminine
Bicycle partsramaPolishnounframe (specific conventional limit of something)feminine
Bicycle partsramaPolishnounpackage containing 250 matchboxesfeminine obsolete
Bicycle partsramaPolishnounedge (outside most part of something, particularly of fabric)feminine obsolete
Bilibili鬼畜Chinesenounpreta and beastBuddhism lifestyle religion
Bilibili鬼畜Chinesenouna kind of MAD video primarily featuring excessive repetitions from one or multiple source materials to achieve parodic effect; analogous to YouTube poop.ACG video-gamesInternet especially
BirdsossifragusLatinadjbone-breakingadjective declension-1 declension-2
BirdsossifragusLatinnounosprey, sea eagledeclension-2 masculine
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakannounelephant
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakannounknob-billed goose
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakannounrainy season
BirdssàmaEastern Maninkakanverbto present, gift
BirdsChinesecharacterchick; fledgling
BirdsChinesecharacterinfant; toddler
BirdsChinesecharacteryoung; small
BirdsChinesecharacterUsed in 鵷雛/鹓雏.
BirdsChinesecharactera surname
Birds of preyhiirihaukkaFinnishnounbuzzard, buteo (any bird of the genus Buteo)
Birds of preyhiirihaukkaFinnishnouncommon buzzard, Buteo buteo (type species of the genus)
Birds of preyبومArabicnounowl, owlscollective
Birds of preyبومArabicnouna kind of sailing ship for trade in the Gulf (built in Kuwait and India)
Bivalves牡蠣Japanesenounoyster (edible)
Bivalves牡蠣Japanesenounan oyster
Bivalves牡蠣Japanesenounroasted and powdered oyster shell, used in antacids, sedatives, and as a bird feed additivemedicine sciencesChinese traditional
Black holesISCOEnglishnameAbbreviation of International Standard Classification of Occupations.abbreviation alt-of
Black holesISCOEnglishnounAcronym of innermost stable circular orbit.astrophysicsabbreviation acronym alt-of
BlacksчёрныйRussianadjrough, coarse
BlacksчёрныйRussianadjback (stairs, entrance, etc.)
BlacksчёрныйRussianadjunskilled, manual
BlacksчёрныйRussianadjferrous; iron and steelengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
BlacksчёрныйRussianadjdark, swarthy; dark-haired, black-hairedcolloquial
BlacksчёрныйRussianadjlacking a chimney to exhaust the smoke (of buildings or rooms heated by a fire)historical
BlacksчёрныйRussiannounblack (man)
BlacksчёрныйRussiannouna darker-skinned immigrantethnic offensive slur
BloodspairtIrishnounturf that has been left exposed to the rain for a yearfeminine
BloodspairtIrishnounwet, heavy clodfeminine
BloodspairtIrishnounblood clotfeminine
BloodspairtIrishnouninert, lazy personfeminine
BluescelesteItalianadjpale blue, sky blue
BluescelesteItaliannounpale blue, sky bluemasculine
Board gamescờ tướngVietnamesenounxiangqi; Chinese chess
Board gamescờ tướngVietnamesenounshogi
Board gamescờ tướngVietnamesenounjanggi
Bodies of watergolfCatalannoungulfmasculine
Bodies of watergolfCatalannoungolfmasculine uncountable
Bodies of waterzatoczkaPolishnoundiminutive of zatokadiminutive feminine form-of
Bodies of waterzatoczkaPolishnounbay (parking space)feminine
Bodies of waterzatoczkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of zatoczekaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
Bodies of waterканалUkrainiannounchannel
Bodies of waterканалUkrainiannouncanal (artificial waterway)
Bodily fluidsborůvkaCzechnounblueberry, bilberry (plant)feminine
Bodily fluidsborůvkaCzechnounblueberry, bilberry, (coll.) huckleberry (fruits)feminine
Bodily fluidsborůvkaCzechnounthe blood that amasses underneath a fingernail when one injures a fingerfeminine
Bodily fluidscrawnWelshnounstore, hoard,masculine
Bodily fluidscrawnWelshnounaccumulationmasculine
Bodily fluidscrawnWelshnounpus, mattermasculine
Bodily functionsbździnaPolishnounfart, flatulencecolloquial feminine mildly vulgar
Bodily functionsbździnaPolishnounpoppycockcolloquial feminine mildly vulgar
Body partsbody partEnglishnounAny part of an animal organism, such as an organ, limb or extremity.anatomy medicine sciences
Body partsbody partEnglishnounAny part of the body of a vehicle.
Body partsgamEnglishnounA person's leg, especially an attractive woman's leg.slang
Body partsgamEnglishnounCollective noun used to refer to a group of whales, or rarely also of porpoises; a pod.
Body partsgamEnglishnounA social gathering of whalers (whaling ships).broadly
Body partsgamEnglishverbTo pay a social visit on another ship at sea.nautical transportintransitive transitive
Body partsgamEnglishverbTo engage in social intercourse anywhere.US dialectal
Body partstułówPolishnountorso, trunkinanimate masculine
Body partstułówPolishnoungenitive plural of tułform-of genitive plural
BooksdiariuszPolishnoundiary, journal, record (type of diary or journal in which the events described are arranged chronologically; the information given there describes the most important events in the daily life of the person describing them; its characteristic feature is that the literary form used is not important)inanimate masculine
BooksdiariuszPolishnounparliamentary recordgovernment politicsinanimate masculine
Books校註Chineseverbto check and annotate
Books校註Chinesenounannotated edition
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA male given name
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameLuke the Evangelist, an early Christian credited with the authorship of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameThe Gospel of St. Luke, a book of the New Testament of the Bible. Traditionally the third of the four gospels.biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameAn English surname originating as a patronymic, a variant of Luck.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameAn Irish surname originating as a patronymic, a later anglicization of Lúcás (Lucas).
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA village in Čajniče, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA village in Hadžići, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA village in Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA village in Tartu, Estonia.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA village in Kriva Palanka, North Macedonia.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA village in Moravica district, Serbia.
Books of the BibleLukeEnglishnameA town in Maryland, United States; named for papermaker William Luke.
Borage family plantsanongCebuanonounan Assyrian plum (Cordia myxa)
Borage family plantsanongCebuanonounfruit of this tree
Borage family plantstournesolFrenchnounsunflowermasculine
Borage family plantstournesolFrenchnounheliotropemasculine
Borage family plantstournesolFrenchnounlitmuschemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA city and local government district in Cambridgeshire, England famous for its university.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameEllipsis of University of Cambridge.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA village in Slimbridge parish, Stroud district, Gloucestershire, England, situated on the local River Cam (OS grid ref SO7403).
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA village, the county seat of Henry County, Illinois, United States.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Dorchester County, Maryland, United States.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA city in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States, famous for being the location of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was formerly one of the county seats.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Isanti County, Minnesota, United States.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Guernsey County, Ohio, United States.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA town and village in Lamoille County, Vermont, United States.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA city in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA local government area (the Town of Cambridge) in Perth, Western Australia.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA town in the Waikato, New Zealand.
Boroughs in EnglandCambridgeEnglishnameA royal dukedom.
Boroughs in EnglandKnowsleyEnglishnameA village in Knowsley borough, Merseyside, England, originally in Lancashire (OS grid ref SJ4395).
Boroughs in EnglandKnowsleyEnglishnameThe Metropolitan Borough of Knowsley, a local government district in Merseyside created in 1974 which takes its name from the village.
BotanyokaroTocharian Bnounsweet flag; Acorus calamus
BotanyokaroTocharian Bnounagarwood; Aquilaria malaccensis (possibly)
BowlingboleraSpanishnounbowling alleyfeminine
BowlingboleraSpanishnounfemale equivalent of bolerofeminine form-of
BroadcastingtransmissionEnglishnounThe act of transmitting, e.g. data or electric power.countable uncountable
BroadcastingtransmissionEnglishnounThe fact of being transmitted.countable uncountable
BroadcastingtransmissionEnglishnounSomething that is transmitted, such as a message, picture, or a disease; the sending of such a thing.countable uncountable
BroadcastingtransmissionEnglishnounThe passage of a nerve impulse across synapses.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
BroadcastingtransmissionEnglishnounA device, usually an assembly of gears (gearbox) plus a clutch or torque converter, through which power is sent from the engine to the driveshaft in an automobile (motor car or motor truck).automotive transport vehiclescountable uncountable
BroadcastingtransmissionEnglishnounThe right possessed by an heir or legatee of transmitting to his successor(s) any inheritance, legacy, right, or privilege, to which he is entitled, even if he should die without enjoying or exercising it.lawcountable uncountable
BroadcastingtransmissionEnglishnounThe passing of a communicable disease from an infected host individual or group to a conspecific individual or group.biology medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
BrownsbarnaHungarianadjhaving dark complexion/skin, tanned
BrownsbarnaHungarianadjbrown-haired, brunette
BrownsburlywoodEnglishnounA brown sandy colour, of RGB hexadecimal value #DEB887.uncountable
BrownsburlywoodEnglishadjOf a brown sandy colour.not-comparable
Buckthorn family plantsalmesCebuanonounthe lotus shrub (Ziziphus lotus)
Buckthorn family plantsalmesCebuanonounthe fruit of this plant
Buckthorn family plantsgreenheartEnglishnounA type of tree (Chlorocardium rodiei) native to Guyana.countable uncountable
Buckthorn family plantsgreenheartEnglishnounTimber from the greenheart tree.countable uncountable
Buckthorn family plantsgreenheartEnglishnounA type of shrub (Colubrina arborescens) native to Florida and the Caribbean.countable uncountable
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounA tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town.
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounA fortress at the end of a bridge.
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounAn opening in the wall of a fortress through which the guns are levelled; a narrow loophole through which arrows and other missiles may be shot.
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounA temporary wooden tower built for defensive purposes.
BuildingshutEnglishnounA small, simple one-storey dwelling or shelter, often with just one room, and generally built of readily available local materials.
BuildingshutEnglishnounA small wooden shed.
BuildingshutEnglishnounA small stack of grain.agriculture business lifestyleobsolete
BuildingshutEnglishverbTo provide (someone) with shelter in a hut.archaic transitive
BuildingshutEnglishverbTo take shelter in a hut.archaic intransitive
BuildingshutEnglishverbTo stack (sheaves of grain).agriculture business lifestyleobsolete transitive
BuildingshutEnglishintjCalled by the quarterback to prepare the team for a play.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
BuildingsosservatorioItaliannounlookout (military structure)masculine
BuildingsosservatorioItaliannounany institution that makes forecasts, especially economic or commercial onesmasculine
BuildingspankkiFinnishnounbank (institution, branch office and derived meanings)
BuildingspankkiFinnishnounbank (e.g. of memory)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
BuildingsαὐλήAncient Greeknounopen court, courtyard
BuildingsαὐλήAncient Greeknounquadrangle
BuildingsαὐλήAncient Greeknounhall, chamber
BuildingsαὐλήAncient Greeknoundwelling, house
BuildingsهیكلOttoman Turkishnounany gigantic form or figure, colossus
BuildingsهیكلOttoman Turkishnounany huge or colossal building, especially a temple
BuildingsهیكلOttoman Turkishnounstatue, a three-dimensional artwork usually created by sculpting
BuildingsهیكلOttoman Turkishnounossature, the skeletal framework of the human body
BulgariatsarEnglishnounAn emperor of Russia (1547 to 1917) and of some South Slavic states.historical
BulgariatsarEnglishnounA person with great power; an autocrat.figuratively
BurialпохованняUkrainiannounverbal noun of похова́ти pf (poxováty, “to bury, to inter, to inhume”)form-of noun-from-verb
BurialпохованняUkrainiannounburial, interment, inhumation
BurialпохованняUkrainiannounburial place, burial sitearchaeology history human-sciences sciences
BusinessdetallistaCatalanadjdetail-oriented, meticulousfeminine masculine
BusinessdetallistaCatalannouna detail-oriented person, perfectionistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
BusinessdetallistaCatalannounretailer, shopkeeperby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Business協議Chineseverbto agree on; to negotiate
Business協議Chinesenounagreement; accord; bargain; settlement
Business協議Chinesenounprotocolcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesMainland-China
Business門市Chinesenounretail sales
Business門市Chinesenounretail outlet; store
Buttercup family plantsakonitPolishnounaconite, monkshood, wolfsbane (any plant of the genus Aconitum)inanimate masculine
Buttercup family plantsakonitPolishnounaconite (extract or tincture obtained from Aconitum napellus, used as a poison and medicinally)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriesreligieuseEnglishnounA nun.dated
Cakes and pastriesreligieuseEnglishnounA type of eclair made of two choux pastry cases, the smaller fixed atop of the other.
Cakes and pastriessruánIrishnoungriddlecakemasculine
Cakes and pastriessruánIrishnouncocklemasculine
CalendarlịchVietnamesenouna calendar
CalendarlịchVietnamesenouna timetable or schedule with specific dates rather than days of the week
CalendarlịchVietnamesenounCentral Vietnam and Southern Vietnam form of lệch (“eel of the genus Pisodonophis”)Central Southern Vietnam alt-of
CalendarlịchVietnameseadjSouthern Vietnam form of lệch (“inclined; uneven; aberrant”)Southern Vietnam alt-of
CalendaryoołkááłígííNavajonounday/days of the week
CalendaryoołkááłígííNavajonouna particular day, date
CamelidspacoItaliannounSynonym of alpacamasculine
CamelidspacoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of pacarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CanidskutaAfarnounmale dog
CanidskutaAfarnounfemale dog; bitch
Canidslion's providerEnglishnounThe jackal, from its supposed practice of finding prey for the lion.
Canidslion's providerEnglishnounAny humble friend or follower.figuratively
CaprinescamurçaPortuguesenounchamois (species of goat)feminine
CaprinescamurçaPortuguesenounsuede (type of leather)feminine
Card gamesболванRussiannounblockhead, dimwit (stupid person)derogatory
Card gamesболванRussiannoundummy (in card games)
Card gamesболванRussiannounblock (for hats or wigs)
Card gamesболванRussiannounan idollifestyle paganism religionhistorical
Card gamesкозирUkrainiannountrump (suit which outranks the others)card-games games
Card gamesкозирUkrainiannountrump (card of such suit)card-games games
Card gamesкозирUkrainiannountrump (something which gives an advantage)figuratively
Card gamesग़ुलामHindinounslave, servant
Card gamesग़ुलामHindinounjackcard-games games
Card gamesசூட்Tamilnounsuit
Card gamesசூட்Tamilnounany of the divided sets in a pack of playing cards. (hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs)
Carnation family plantsdusty millerEnglishnounA formulaic phrase for a miller, related to the dust generated in the milling process.idiomatic
Carnation family plantsdusty millerEnglishnounAny of several species of plants with leaves of a dusty appearance: Centaurea cineraria, Jacobaea maritima, Artemisia stelleriana, Spyridium parvifolium, and Silene coronaria, syn. Lychnis coronaria.
CatfishsomSerbo-Croatiannoungrand (a thousand of something, especially but not only money)colloquial
CatfishtamûatáOld Tupinounarmored catfish. Further details are uncertain. Possibilities include: / Callichthys callichthys
CatfishtamûatáOld Tupinounarmored catfish. Further details are uncertain. Possibilities include: / Hoplosternum littorale
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounThe horny, translucent, mottled covering of the carapace of the hawksbill turtle, used as a veneer etc.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounThe hawksbill turtle.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounA domestic cat (or a rabbit, guinea-pig, etc.) whose fur has black, brown and yellow markings.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishnounAny of several butterflies, mostly of the genera Nymphalis and Aglais that have similar markings.uncountable usually
CatstortoiseshellEnglishadjMade of the covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle.not-comparable
CatstortoiseshellEnglishadjHaving markings resembling covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle.not-comparable
CatsਬਿੱਲਾPunjabinountomcat, male cat.
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA city and civil parish (with a city council) in and the county town of Herefordshire, England (OS grid ref SO5140).countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A locality in Cochise County, Arizona, named after Frank Hereford.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Weld County, Colorado.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Baltimore County, Maryland.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An extinct town in Grant County, Minnesota, named for Hereford cattle.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Callaway County, Missouri.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Baker County, Oregon, supposedly named for a Hereford bull.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township and census-designated place therein, in Berks County, Pennsylvania.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Meade County, South Dakota, named for Hereford cattle.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Deaf Smith County, Texas, United States, named for Hereford cattle raised there.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Jackson County, West Virginia.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA breed of cattle used for high-quality beef, see Hereford (cattle).countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnameA surname.countable uncountable
CattleHerefordEnglishnounA cow of the Hereford breed.
CattlekrowaPolishnouncow (adult female of the species Bos taurus, especially one that has calved)feminine
CattlekrowaPolishnouncow (any member of the species Bos taurus regardless of sex or age, including bulls and calves)feminine informal
CattlekrowaPolishnouncow (female member of other large species of mammal, including the bovines, moose, whales, seals, hippos, rhinos, manatees, and elephants)feminine
CattlekrowaPolishnouncow, whale (woman considered unpleasant in some way, particularly one considered nasty, stupid, fat, lazy, or difficult)colloquial feminine offensive
CattlekrowaPolishnounlarge bottle of vodka (0.7 litre or more)colloquial feminine
CattlekrowaPolishnounobject that is too large or too heavy and therefore of little usecolloquial derogatory feminine
CattlekrowaPolishnounNebelwerfer (World War II German series of mortar weapons)feminine historical informal
Celestial inhabitantsworlderEnglishnounOne who supports a certain idea of the
Celestial inhabitantsworlderEnglishnounOne from a certain (figurative or literal)
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounA short, or deliberately shortened tail.
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounAn animal that has a bobtail, such as certain canines or nags.
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounA tractor which performs without its trailer.agriculture business lifestyle
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounA tractor-trailer that is relatively short in length.
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounA tractor-trailer that is relatively short in length. / The tractor unit of a semi-truck without a trailer
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounAn open-ended straight or four flush.card-games pokerattributive often
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounA bobtail squid
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishnounA bobtail skink
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishverbTo drive a tractor without its trailer.agriculture business lifestyle
CephalopodsbobtailEnglishverbTo drive a truck or other vehicle without its trailer.
CeramicshovelEnglishnounAn open shed for sheltering cattle, or protecting produce, etc., from the weather.
CeramicshovelEnglishnounA poor cottage; a small, mean house; a hut.derogatory
CeramicshovelEnglishnounIn the manufacture of porcelain, a large, conical brick structure around which the firing kilns are grouped.
CeramicshovelEnglishverbTo put in a hovel; to shelter.transitive
CeramicshovelEnglishverbTo construct a chimney so as to prevent smoking, by making two of the more exposed walls higher than the others, or making an opening on one side near the top.transitive
CervidsalcePortuguesenounelk (UK), moose (US) (Alces alces, a large northern-hemisphere deer)masculine
CervidsalcePortugueseverbinflection of alçar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
CervidsalcePortugueseverbinflection of alçar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
CervidsܛܒܝܐClassical Syriacnoungazelle
CervidsܛܒܝܐClassical Syriacnounroe, deer, buck
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishnounA member of a Nakh people of the northern Caucasus and resident in the Russian republic of Chechnya.
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishnounSynonym of Chechnyan: a resident of Chechnya.broadly
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishnameThe language of the Chechens, a member of the Nakh family.
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishadjOf or relating to the Chechen people.not-comparable
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishadjOf or relating to the Chechen language.not-comparable
Chechen RepublicChechenEnglishadjSynonym of Chechnyan: of or relating to Chechnya, a Russian .not-comparable
Chemical elementselohopeaFinnishnounmercury, quicksilver (Hg)
Chemical elementselohopeaFinnishnounthermometer (in which the level of mercury indicates temperature)figuratively
Chemical elementselohopeaFinnishnounlively thing or person, especially a childfiguratively
Chemical elementsكبریتOttoman Turkishnounsulfur, a chemical element with an atomic number of 16chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Chemical elementsكبریتOttoman Turkishnounmatch, a device made of wood or paper which ignites through friction
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo form cracks.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo break apart under force, stress, or pressure.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo become debilitated by psychological pressure.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo break down or yield, especially under interrogation or torture.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo make a cracking sound.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo change rapidly in register.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo alternate between high and low register in the process of eventually lowering.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo make a sharply humorous comment.intransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo realize that one is transgender.intransitive slang
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo make a crack or cracks in.transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo break open or crush to small pieces by impact or stress.transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo strike forcefully.transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo open slightly.transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo cause to yield under interrogation or other pressure.figuratively transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo solve a difficult problem.figuratively transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo overcome a security system or component.transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo cause to make a sharp sound.transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo tell (a joke).transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo break down (a complex molecule), especially with the application of heat: to pyrolyse.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo circumvent software restrictions such as regional coding or time limits.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo open a canned beverage, or any packaged drink or food.informal transitive
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo brag; to boast.obsolete
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo be ruined or impaired; to fail.archaic colloquial
Chemical processescrackEnglishverbTo barely reach or attain (a measurement or extent).colloquial
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA narrow opening.countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA sharply humorous comment; a wisecrack.countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounCrack cocaine, a potent, relatively cheap, addictive variety of cocaine; often a rock, usually smoked through a crack-pipe.countable slang uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounCrack cocaine, a potent, relatively cheap, addictive variety of cocaine; often a rock, usually smoked through a crack-pipe. / Something good-tasting or habit-forming.countable figuratively humorous slang uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounThe sharp sound made when solid material breaks.countable onomatopoeic uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounAny sharp sound.countable onomatopoeic uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA sharp, resounding blow.countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounAn attempt at something.countable informal uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounThe vagina.countable slang uncountable vulgar
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounThe space between the buttocks.countable informal uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounConviviality; fun; good conversation, chat, gossip, or humorous storytelling; good company.Ireland Northern-England Scotland countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounBusiness; events; news.Ireland Northern-England Scotland countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA program or procedure designed to circumvent restrictions or usage limits on software.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounAn expanding circle of white water surrounding the site of a large explosion at shallow depth, marking the progress of the shock wave through the air above the water.geography hydrodynamics hydrology natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsUS countable dated uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnouna meaningful chat.Cumbria countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounExtremely silly, absurd or off-the-wall ideas or prose.Internet countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounThe tone of voice when changed at puberty.countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA mental flaw; a touch of craziness; partial insanity.archaic countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA crazy or crack-brained person.archaic countable uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA boast; boasting.countable obsolete uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounBreach of chastity.countable obsolete uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA boy, generally a pert, lively boy.countable obsolete uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounA brief time; an instant; a jiffy.UK countable dated slang uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounThe act of hitting on someone.countable dated uncountable
Chemical processescrackEnglishadjHighly trained and competent.not-comparable
Chemical processescrackEnglishadjExcellent, first-rate, superior, top-notch.not-comparable
Chemical processescrackEnglishnounOne who excels; the best.obsolete
ChemistryGleichgewichtGermannounequilibriumneuter strong
ChemistryGleichgewichtGermannounbalance, poiseneuter strong
ChessმხედარიGeorgiannounequestrian, horseman, rider
ChessმხედარიGeorgiannounknightboard-games chess games
Childrenanak laki-lakiIndonesiannounson
Childrenanak laki-lakiIndonesiannounboy
ChildrenlatoroślPolishnounscion (young plant shoot or young plant)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine literary
ChildrenlatoroślPolishnounsprig (youth)feminine figuratively humorous literary
ChildrenlatoroślPolishnounscion (descendant)feminine figuratively humorous literary
ChildrenpoppetEnglishnounAn endearingly sweet or beautiful child.informal
ChildrenpoppetEnglishnounA young woman or girl.informal
ChildrenpoppetEnglishnounThe stem and valve head in a poppet valve.
ChildrenpoppetEnglishnounA doll (such as a voodoo doll) made in witchcraft to represent a person, used in casting spells on that person.
ChildrenpoppetEnglishnounOne of certain upright timbers on the bilge ways, used to support a vessel in launching.nautical transport
ChildrenpoppetEnglishnounAn upright support or guide fastened at the bottom natural-sciences physical-sciences
ChildrentoddlerEnglishnounA young child who has started walking but not fully mastered it, typically between one and three years old.
ChildrentoddlerEnglishnounOne unsteady on their feet.
Children髫齔Chinesenounchildhood; infancyliterary
Children髫齔Chinesenounyoung childliterary
ChinaMạnh TửVietnamesenameMencius (Chinese philosopher)
ChinaMạnh TửVietnamesenameMencius (one of the Four Books of Confucianism)
ChineseTeochewEnglishnameA variety of Southern Min Chinese, spoken in the Chaoshan region of eastern Guangdong and its diaspora.
ChineseTeochewEnglishnameA city in the eastern part of China's Guangdong province, now more commonly called Chaozhou.dated uncommon
ChineseTeochewEnglishnameThe Chaoshan region where Teochew is spoken.
ChineseTeochewEnglishnounA person of Chaoshan heritage.
ChineseTeochewEnglishadjRelating to the Chaoshan region of China or its people.not-comparable
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterOriginal form of 蠆/虿 (chài, “scorpion”).obsolete
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterA ritual dance in ancient China.historical
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactermyriad, ten thousand, 10000
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactera great number; myriad; numerousfiguratively
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactervery; extremely; absolutely
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactera surname
ChristianityAbrahamicEnglishadjPertaining to Abraham, the patriarch.not-comparable
ChristianityAbrahamicEnglishadjDescended from the religious tradition of Abraham.not-comparable
ChristianityAbrahamicEnglishnounA member of an Abrahamic religion (usually Christians and Muslims, and also Jews).
ChristianityCristienMiddle EnglishadjChristian; of those who believe in Christ.
ChristianityCristienMiddle Englishadjecclesiastical, of the church.
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounA manifestation of the divinity of Jesus Christ, especially to the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12), but also at his baptism and the Wedding at Cana.Christianitycountable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounAn annual Christian feast celebrating these events, usually on January 6, the twelfth day after Christmas.Christianitycountable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounThe day of the celebration, January 6, or sometimes (in Western Christianity), the Sunday between January 2 and 8.Christianitycountable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounThe season or time of the Christian church year, either from the Epiphany feast day to Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent), or from the Epiphany feast day to the feast of Candlemas (marking the presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple in Jerusalem).Christianitycountable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnameA female given name.Christianity
ChristianitymatynsMiddle Englishnounmatins (earliest canonical hour)uncountable
ChristianitymatynsMiddle EnglishnounA morning service preceding Mass.uncountable
ChristianityuhtsangOld Englishnouna liturgical service held at nocturnsmasculine
ChristianityuhtsangOld Englishnouna liturgical service held at matins (earliest canonical hour)masculine
ChristianityرسولUrdunounMessenger, prophetIslam lifestyle religion
ChristianityرسولUrdunounProphet Muhammadbroadly
ChristianityસલામGujaratiintjAn interjection used by Muslims and Christians to greet someone.
ChristianityસલામGujaratiintjAn interjection used by Muslims and Christians to greet someone. / Clipping of સલામ અલૈકુમ (salām alaikum).abbreviation alt-of clipping
ChristianityસલામGujaratinoungreeting, salutation
ChristianityસલામGujaratinounsalute (chiefly military but not limited to)
ChristianityસલામGujaratinounpeaceliterally rare
Christmasคริสต์มาสThainouna Christmas tree.
Christmasคริสต์มาสThainounpoinsettia.biology botany natural-sciences
Circusfreak showEnglishnounAn intentionally shocking exhibition of people with unusual characteristics, and which may include people who are gigantic, dwarfish, intersex, physically deformed or who have other extraordinary diseases, conditions and talents.
Circusfreak showEnglishnounA freakish person, or a group thereof.derogatory slang
Citiescapital cityEnglishnounA city that is a seat of government.
Citiescapital cityEnglishnounA city (or cities) much larger or more important to a country than all others, regardless of the actual seat of government (cf., Moscow and Saint Petersburg regardless of moves of the Russian government; Amsterdam despite the Dutch government having been situated in The Hague since 1588).
Citiescapital cityEnglishnounThe major metropolitan areas of Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide), all of which happen to be state capitals, and by extension the major metropolitan areas of other countries; note that other state capitals Hobart, Darwin, and national capital Canberra are often excluded.Australia
Cities in CambodiaSvay RiengEnglishnameA province in southeastern Cambodia.
Cities in CambodiaSvay RiengEnglishnameThe capital city of that province.
Cities in VietnamSóc TrăngVietnamesenameSóc Trăng, a Vietnamese province in the Mekong Delta
Cities in VietnamSóc TrăngVietnamesenameSóc Trăng, the capital city of Sóc Trăng Province
CleaningSchwabberGermannounscrubber, mop, swab, wherewith parts of the ship are wipednautical transportmasculine strong
CleaningSchwabberGermannounepaulettehumorous masculine strong
CleaningrusztowaćPolishverbto scaffold (to set up scaffolding)business construction manufacturingimperfective transitive
CleaningrusztowaćPolishverbto clean the oven gratesimperfective transitive
Clerical vestmentsdalmaticEnglishnounA long wide-sleeved tunic, which serves as a liturgical vestment in the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches and is worn by a deacon at the Eucharist or Mass and, although infrequently, by bishops as an undergarment above the alb.
Clerical vestmentsdalmaticEnglishadjAlternative form of Dalmaticalt-of alternative
Climate changelukewarmistEnglishnounA person who has an indifferent or unenthusiastic attitude.
Climate changelukewarmistEnglishnounSynonym of lukewarmer (“one who believes that climate change is due to human activity but who does not think it is a serious problem”)
ClocksгодзинкаPannonian Rusynnounwatch (portable timepiece)feminine
ClocksгодзинкаPannonian Rusynnoundiminutive of годзина (hodzina, “clock”): small clockdiminutive feminine form-of
ClothingVatermörderGermannounpatricide (murderer of their own father)masculine strong
ClothingVatermörderGermannounstiff wing collarinformal masculine strong
ClothingayateSpanishnouna cloth made from the fiber of the maguey plant, similar to henequen or sisalMexico masculine
ClothingayateSpanishnouna cloak-like garment made from this clothhistorical masculine
ClothingbúclaIrishnounringlet (of hair)masculine
ClothingcasaqueFrenchnounjersey (of a jockey)feminine
ClothingwycierusPolishnounvagrantderogatory masculine person
ClothingwycierusPolishnounslovenderogatory masculine person
ClothingwycierusPolishnoundenim that has been mechanically damaged in placescolloquial inanimate masculine
ClothingwycierusPolishnoundestroyed jeanscolloquial inanimate masculine
ClothingφόρμαGreeknounform (the shape or visible structure of a thing or person)
ClothingφόρμαGreeknounform (established method of expression or practice)
ClothingφόρμαGreeknounform (level of performance)
ClothingφόρμαGreeknounshape (condition of personal health, especially muscular health)
ClothingφόρμαGreeknountraining kit (clothing worn during training)exercise hobbies lifestyle sports
ClothingφόρμαGreeknounromper suit, onesie (one-piece infant bodysuit)
ClothingφόρμαGreeknounform (a thing that gives shape to other things as in a mold)
ClothingմուշտակArmeniannounfur, pelt (of an animal)
ClothingմուշտակArmeniannounfur coat
ClothingچاپرازOttoman Turkishnounclasp, a fastener or holder made of metal, particularly one that clasps
ClothingچاپرازOttoman Turkishnounbelt fastening with a metal clasp, formerly used by certain of the janissaries
ClothingچاپرازOttoman Turkishnounfrog, a fastener for clothing consisting of an oblong button that fits through a loop
ClothingچاپرازOttoman Turkishnounkind of waistcoat or jacket adorned with frogs or similar fastenersbroadly
ClothingچاپرازOttoman Turkishnounany pair of things that join after the manner of clasps or frogsusually
ClothingچاپرازOttoman Turkishnounsquare of a chessboard; table on a backgammon board
ClothingܒܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounfront of a shirt
ClothingܒܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounbosom, breastanatomy medicine sciences
ClothingܒܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounstirring, shaking
Clothing裙裾Chinesenounskirt; dress (Classifier: 條/条 m)
Clothing裙裾Chinesenounskirt edge (Classifier: 條/条 m)
CloudscloudletEnglishnounA little cloud.
CloudscloudletEnglishnounA small-scale cloud data center deployed at the edge.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CoffeeBraunerGermannounbrown horseadjectival masculine
CoffeeBraunerGermannouncoffee with cream or milkAustria adjectival masculine
CoffeecupperEnglishnounSomeone with a specific bra
CoffeecupperEnglishnounA coffee aficionado.slang
CoffeecupperEnglishnounA cupbearer.obsolete
CoffeecupperEnglishnounOne who performs the operation of cupping.medicine sciencesarchaic
CoffeecupperEnglishnounAn intercollegiate sporting competition, open to all colleges.
CoffeecupperEnglishnounAlternative spelling of cuppaalt-of alternative
CoinseagleEnglishnounAny of several large carnivorous and carrion-eating birds in the family Accipitridae, having a powerful hooked bill and keen vision.
CoinseagleEnglishnounA gold coin with a face value of ten dollars, formerly used in the United States.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsUS historical
CoinseagleEnglishnounA 13th-century coin minted in Europe and circulated in England as a debased sterling silver penny, outlawed under Edward I of England.hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical
CoinseagleEnglishnounA score of two under par for a hobbies lifestyle sports
CoinseagleEnglishverbTo score an hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectiveskynredeMiddle EnglishnounA family relationship; kinship: / Ancestry; one's ancestors.
CollectiveskynredeMiddle EnglishnounA family relationship; kinship: / The state of having a noble bloodline.
CollectiveskynredeMiddle EnglishnounOne's relations; family, lineage.
CollectiveskynredeMiddle EnglishnounOne's descendants or offspring.
CollectiveskynredeMiddle EnglishnounA sodality or fraternity.
CollectiveskynredeMiddle EnglishnounA nation or people.
CollectivesnowożeniecPolishnounnewlywed manmasculine person
CollectivesnowożeniecPolishnounnewlyweds (newly married couple)in-plural masculine person
CollectivesprzedstawicielstwoPolishnounrepresentation, representativescollective neuter
CollectivesprzedstawicielstwoPolishnounagency, branch, missionbusiness diplomacy finance government politics tradingneuter
CollectivesprzedstawicielstwoPolishnounplenipotentiary powerslawneuter
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To move forward quickly upon two feet by alternately making a short jump off either foot. (Compare walk.)intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To go at a fast pace; to move quickly.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To cover (a course or a distance) by running.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To complete a running course or event in (a given time).transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To move briskly or smoothly with a motion of sliding, rolling, sweeping etc.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To cause to move quickly or lightly.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To compete in a race.intransitive transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To transport (someone or something), notionally at a brisk pace.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / Of a means of transportation: to travel (a route).intransitive transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To transit (a length of a river), as in whitewater rafting.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / Of fish, to migrate for spawning.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To carry (a football) down the field, as opposed to passing or kicking.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To achieve or perform by running or as if by running.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To flee from a danger or towards help.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To pass (without stopping), typically a stop signal, stop sign, or duty to yield the right of way.figuratively transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo move swiftly. / To juggle a pattern continuously, as opposed to starting and stopping quickly.arts hobbies juggling lifestyle performing-arts sportscolloquial transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo flow. / Of a liquid, to flow.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo flow. / To move or spread quickly.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfiguratively intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo flow. / Of an object, to have a liquid flowing from it.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo flow. / To make a liquid flow; to make liquid flow from or into an object.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicstransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo flow. / To become liquid; to melt.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo flow. / To leak or spread in an undesirable fashion; to bleed (especially used of dye or paint).chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsintransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo flow. / To fuse; to shape; to mould; to cast.chemistry engineering fluids natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo sail before the wind, in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled.nautical transport
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo control or manage; to be in charge of.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo be a candidate in an election.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo make participate in certain kinds of competitions. / To make enter a race.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo make participate in certain kinds of competitions. / To make stand in an election.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo exert continuous activity; to proceed.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo be presented in the media.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo print or broadcast in the media.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo smuggle (illegal goods).transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo sort through a large volume of produce in quality control.agriculture business lifestyletransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To extend in space or through a range (often with a measure phrase).intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To extend in time, to last, to continue (usually with a measure phrase).intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To make (something) extend in space.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / Of a machine, including computer programs, to be operating or working normally.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. / To make a machine operate.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo execute or carry out a plan, procedure, or program.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo pass or go quickly in thought or conversation.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo become different in a way mentioned (usually to become worse).copulative
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo cost an amount of money.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbOf stitches or stitched clothing, to unravel.intransitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo cause stitched clothing to unravel.transitive
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo pursue in thought; to carry in contemplation.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo cause to enter; to thrust.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo drive or force; to cause, or permit, to be driven.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo cause to be drawn; to mark out; to indicate; to determine.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo encounter or incur (a danger or risk).
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo put at hazard; to venture; to risk.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo tease with sarcasms and ridicule.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo sew (a seam) by passing the needle through material in a continuous line, generally taking a series of stitches on the needle at the same time.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo control or have precedence in a card game.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo be in form thus, as a combination of words.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo be popularly known; to be generally received.archaic
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo have growth or development.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo tend, as to an effect or consequence; to incline.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo have a legal course; to be attached; to continue in force, effect, or operation; to follow; to go in company.
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo encounter or suffer (a particular, usually bad, fate or misfortune).
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo strike (the ball) in such a way as to cause it to run along the ground, as when approaching a hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesrunEnglishverbTo eject from a game or match.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsespecially
CollectivesrunEnglishnounAct or instance of running, of moving rapidly using the feet.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounAct or instance of hurrying (to or from a place) (not necessarily on foot); dash or errand, trip.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA pleasure trip.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounFlight, instance or period of fleeing.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounMigration (of fish).
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA group of fish that migrate, or ascend a river for the purpose of spawning.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A (regular) trip or route.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / The route taken while running or skiing.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A single trip down a hill, as in skiing and bobsledding.hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / The distance sailed by a ship.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A voyage.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A trial.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / The execution of a program or modelcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA literal or figurative path or course for movement relating to: / A playthrough, or attempted playthrough; a session of
CollectivesrunEnglishnounUnrestricted use. Only used in have the run of.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounAn enclosure for an animal; a track or path along which something can travel.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA rural landholding for farming, usually for running sheep, and operated by a runholder.Australia New-Zealand
CollectivesrunEnglishnounState of being current; currency; popularity.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A continuous period (of time) marked by a trend; a period marked by a continuing trend.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A series of tries in a game that were successful.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A production quantity (such as in a factory).
CollectivesrunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / The period of showing of a play, film, TV series, etc.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A period of extended (usually daily) drug use.slang
CollectivesrunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A sequence of cards in a suit in a card game.card-games games
CollectivesrunEnglishnounContinuous or sequential / A rapid passage in music, especially along a scale.entertainment lifestyle music
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA flow of liquid; a leak.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA small creek or part thereof. (Compare Southern US branch and New York and New England brook.)Pennsylvania Virginia West
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA quick pace, faster than a walk.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA quick pace, faster than a walk. / A fast gallop.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA sudden series of demands on a bank or other financial institution, especially characterised by great withdrawals.banking business
CollectivesrunEnglishnounAny sudden large demand for something.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounVarious horizontal dimensions or surfaces / The top of a step on a staircase, also called a tread, as opposed to the rise.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounVarious horizontal dimensions or surfaces / The horizontal length of a set of stairs
CollectivesrunEnglishnounVarious horizontal dimensions or surfaces / Horizontal dimension of a construction manufacturing
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA standard or unexceptional group or category.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounIn sports / A score when a runner touches all bases legally; the act of a runner scoring.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesrunEnglishnounIn sports / The act of passing from one wicket to another; the point scored for this.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesrunEnglishnounIn sports / A running play.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesrunEnglishnounIn sports / The movement communicated to a golf ball by running hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesrunEnglishnounIn sports / The distance a ball travels after touching the ground from a hobbies lifestyle sports
CollectivesrunEnglishnounIn sports / The distance drilled with a bit, in oil drilling.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA line of knit stitches that have unravelled, particularly in a nylon stocking.
CollectivesrunEnglishnounThe stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve upward and inward.nautical transport
CollectivesrunEnglishnounThe horizontal distance to which a drift may be carried, either by licence of the proprietor of a mine or by the nature of the formation; also, the direction which a vein of ore or other substance mining
CollectivesrunEnglishnounA pair or set of millstones.
CollectivesrunEnglishadjIn a liquid state; melted or molten.not-comparable
CollectivesrunEnglishadjCast in a mould.not-comparable
CollectivesrunEnglishadjExhausted; depleted (especially with "down" or "out").not-comparable
CollectivesrunEnglishadjTravelled, migrated; having made a migration or a spawning run.not-comparable
CollectivesrunEnglishverbpast participle of rinform-of participle past
CollectivesósemkaPolishnouneight (digit or figure)feminine
CollectivesósemkaPolishnouneight (a set or group with eight elements)feminine
CollectivesósemkaPolishnounsomething assigned the number eight: bus line, road, candidate on a ballot, etc.feminine metonymically
CollectivesósemkaPolishnounquaverentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
CollectivesósemkaPolishnounwisdom toothfeminine
Collectives公眾Chinesenoungeneral public; public
Collectives公眾Chineseadjpublic; communalattributive
ColorsBlutrotGermannounvery red, deep redneuter strong
ColorsBlutrotGermannouncrimson (colour)neuter strong
ColorsalboItaliannounnotice board, bulletin boardmasculine
ColorsalboItaliannounhonours/honors boardmasculine
ColorsalboItaliannounroll or register, especially of an organization or professionmasculine
ColorsalboItaliannounvolume or booklet of comic book storiesmasculine
ColorscatetvCreekverbto be redstative
ColorscatetvCreekverbto bleedintransitive
ColorscatetvCreekverbto blushintransitive
ColorsgroguGallureseadjyellow (having a yellow colour)
ColorsgroguGalluresenounyellow (colour)invariable masculine
ColorsκατάλευκοςGreekadjall white, pure, white, completely whiteadjective emphatic
ColorsκατάλευκοςGreekadjsnow-white, lily-white
ColorsναρκίσσινοςAncient Greekadjmade of narcissus, daffodil
ColorsναρκίσσινοςAncient Greekadjof the color of daffodil
ColorsChinesecharactermadder (Rubia cordifolia)
ColorsChinesecharacterdark redliterary
ColorsChinesecharacterto dye red
ColorsChinesecharacterUsed in personal names and transcription.
ColorsChinesecharacterOnly used in 芫茜.
Colubrid snakesheterodontEnglishadjHaving teeth of different types (like most mammals).biology natural-sciences zoology zootomynot-comparable
Colubrid snakesheterodontEnglishadjOf bivalves or their hinge teeth: having two to three wedge-shaped cardinal teeth set in the centre near the umbones, generally also with elongated lateral teeth on the anterior and posterior margins.biology malacology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
Colubrid snakesheterodontEnglishnounA heterodont animal.biology natural-sciences zoology
Colubrid snakesheterodontEnglishnounA heterodont animal. / A heterodont bivalve.biology malacology natural-sciences zoology
Colubrid snakesheterodontEnglishnounA snake of the genus Heterodon which is native to North America.
Communism共青團ChinesenounCommunist Youth League of China
Communism共青團ChinesenounKomsomol (Soviet Union)
Compass pointsదక్షిణముTelugunounThe right-hand side while facing the east.
Compass pointsదక్షిణముTelugunounThe south.
CompositesperpetuaSpanishnounglobe amaranthfeminine
CompositesperpetuaSpanishadjfeminine singular of perpetuofeminine form-of singular
ComputingディスプレイJapanesenoundisplay (computer display, cathode ray tube or LCD...)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ComputingディスプレイJapanesenoundisplay, exhibition
CondimentsFrench dressingEnglishnounA mixture of vinegar, oil and other herbs or flavourings (vinaigrette).uncountable usually
CondimentsFrench dressingEnglishnounA salad dressing that is a uniform viscous sauce with a tangy sweet flavor. It is generally made from vegetable oil, vinegar, ketchup (or tomato puree), water, paprika, other spices, and sweeteners.US uncountable usually
CondimentsFrench dressingEnglishnounA salad dressing that is a uniform viscous sauce with a tangy sweet flavour. It is generally made from vegetable oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, water, and spices.Canada uncountable usually
CondimentsgravyEnglishnounA thick sauce made from the fat or juices that come out from meat or vegetables as they are being cooked. / A dark savoury sauce prepared from stock and usually meat juices; brown gravy.countable uncountable usually
CondimentsgravyEnglishnounA thick sauce made from the fat or juices that come out from meat or vegetables as they are being cooked. / A pale sauce prepared from a roux with meat fat; a type of béchamel sauce.Southern-US countable uncountable usually
CondimentsgravyEnglishnounSauce used for pasta.uncountable usually
CondimentsgravyEnglishnounCurry sauce.India Singapore uncountable usually
CondimentsgravyEnglishnounUnearned gain; extra benefit.informal uncountable usually
CondimentsgravyEnglishverbTo make gravy.
Conifersyew pineEnglishnounA black spruce (Picea mariana).
Conifersyew pineEnglishnounAn evergreen tree or shrub with long, narrow leaves, native to China and Japan, of species Podocarpus macrophyllus, widely grown for its attractive foliage.
Conifersyew pineEnglishnounAny plant now or formerly in the genus Podocarpus.
Conifersyew pineEnglishnounA red spruce, of species Picea abies (syn. Picea rubra).Appalachia
ConservatismTea PartyEnglishnounAny of various independent, fiscally conservative political groups in the twenty-first-century United States.
ConservatismTea PartyEnglishnameVarious independent, fiscally conservative political groups in the twenty-first-century United States, taken as a whole.
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnameA male given name from Latin, borne by numerous saints and 13 popes.
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnameA constellation of the zodiac, shaped approximately like a lion and containing the stars Regulus and Denebola.astronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnameThe zodiac sign for the Lion, ruled by the Sun and covering July 23 - August 22 (tropical astrology) or August 16 - September 15 (sidereal astrology).astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnameA surname.
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Jackson Township, Jackson County, Ohio, United States.
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnameA ghost town in Roane County, West Virginia, United States.
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnounSomeone with a Leo star sign
ConstellationsLeoEnglishnounA Leonberger
Construction vehicleswalecPolishnouncylinder (surface)geometry mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine
Construction vehicleswalecPolishnouncylinder (solid)geometry mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine
Construction vehicleswalecPolishnounroad roller, steamrollerinanimate masculine
Consumer electronicscdPolishnounAlternative spelling of CD (“CD, compact disc”)computing engineering entertainment lifestyle mathematics music natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesalt-of alternative indeclinable
Consumer electronicscdPolishnounAlternative spelling of CD (“CD player”)computing engineering entertainment lifestyle mathematics music natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesalt-of alternative inanimate indeclinable masculine neuter
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounticket office, (UK) booking office (an office or booth where tickets may be purchased to allow admittance or for travel, in train station)Portugal feminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounbox office (a place where tickets are sold in a theatre/theater or cinema)Portugal feminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounticket booth (a small stall for the sale of tickets)Portugal feminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenouna container for holding ticketsfeminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenouna wallet for holding ticketsfeminine
ContainersbilheteiraPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of bilheteirofeminine form-of
ContainersdonicaPolishnounflowerpot, plant pot, vasefeminine
ContainersdonicaPolishnounmixing bowlfeminine
ContainersdonicaPolishnounkneading troughfeminine
ContainersdonicaPolishnounlarge and deep clay bowlfeminine
ContainerskalkkiFinnishnounlime (any inorganic material consisting chiefly of calcium)
ContainerskalkkiFinnishnounquicklime, calcium oxide, CaO
ContainerskassiFaroesenounbox, case of iron, wood, etc.; bigger than an eskjamasculine
ContainerskassiFaroesenouncash box, cash registermasculine
ContainerskassiFaroesenouncash desk in a supermarket, bank, etc.masculine
ContainersleiteiraFalanounmilk churnfeminine
ContainersleiteiraFalanoungreater celandinefeminine
ContainersmehSerbo-Croatiannounblower, bellows
ContainersmehSerbo-Croatiannoungoatskin, wineskin
ContainersnieckaPolishnounbasin, depressiongeography natural-sciencesfeminine
ContainersnieckaPolishnouna wooden tub used for bathing a small child or as a kneading troughfeminine
ContainersܓܪܘܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounone who pulls; puller, tower, drawer
ContainersܓܪܘܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundrawer (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing)
ContinentsEŭropoEsperantonameEurope (continent)
ContinentsEŭropoEsperantonameEuropa (moon of Jupiter)astronomy natural-sciences
Cosmetics濃妝Chineseverbto put on heavy and thick make-up
Cosmetics濃妝Chinesenounheavy make-up
CrabsungkogCebuanonouna vine in the gourd family, Cucumis sativus
CrabsungkogCebuanonounthe edible fruit of this plant, having a green rind and crisp white flesh; cucumber
CrabsungkogCebuanonounthe brown land crab (Cardisoma carnifex)
Crickets and grasshoppersچكركهOttoman Turkishnoungrasshopper, any insect of the order Orthoptera
Crickets and grasshoppersچكركهOttoman Turkishnouncricket, any insect of the family Gryllidae
Crickets and grasshoppersچكركهOttoman TurkishnameA village in Bursa, Turkey, modern Çekirge.
CrimekriminaaliFinnishnounA criminal person.
CrucifersChinese indigoEnglishnounDyer's woad (Isatis tinctoria, syn. Isatis indigotica).uncountable
CrucifersChinese indigoEnglishnounIndigofera decora, a kind of indigo plant (summer wisteria).uncountable
CrucifersChinese indigoEnglishnounJapanese indigo (Persicaria tinctoria), a flowering plant in the buckwheat family.uncountable
CultureobyczajPolishnouncustominanimate masculine
CultureobyczajPolishnounhabitinanimate masculine
CultureobyczajPolishnounmoresinanimate masculine
CurrencieskafelPolishnountile (on walls or floors, not roof tile)inanimate masculine
CurrencieskafelPolishnounthousand zlotyinanimate masculine slang
CurrencyguaraníCatalanadjGuaranífeminine masculine
CurrencyguaraníCatalannounGuaraní personby-personal-gender feminine masculine
CurrencyguaraníCatalannounguaraní (currency of Paraguay)masculine
CurrencyguaraníCatalannounGuaraní (language)masculine uncountable
Custard apple family plantsylang ylangEnglishnounThe fragrant flower of a tropical tree (Cananga odorata) native to southeast Asia.countable
Custard apple family plantsylang ylangEnglishnounAn essential oil derived from this flower used in aromatherapy and perfumes.uncountable
Custard apple family plantsylang ylangEnglishnounThe tree (Cananga odorata) on which ylang ylang flowers grow.countable
CutlerykapustaKareliannounladle (deep-bowled spoon)
CyclingbackpedalEnglishverbTo pedal backwards on a bicycle.intransitive
CyclingbackpedalEnglishverbTo step backwards.intransitive
CyclingbackpedalEnglishverbTo distance oneself from an earlier claim or statement; back off from an idea.idiomatic intransitive
CyclingbackpedalEnglishnounAn act of backpedalling (in any sense).
CyprinidsnosáľSlovaknounsomeone with a large nosemasculine person
CyprinidsnosáľSlovaknouna large, long, or crooked noseinanimate masculine
CyprinidsnosáľSlovaknounvimba (cyprinid fish)animal-not-person masculine
CyprinidsnosáľSlovaknouncoati (procyonid mammal)animal-not-person masculine
Days of the weekལྷག་པTibetannounEllipsis of གཟའ་ལྷག་པ (gza' lhag pa, “Wednesday”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Days of the weekལྷག་པTibetannameMercuryastronomy natural-sciences
Days of the weekལྷག་པTibetannamea unisex given name: Lhakpa
DeathdeathyEnglishadjRelating to death.archaic poetic
DeathdeathyEnglishadjMisspelling of deathly.alt-of misspelling
DeathkorkowaćPolishverbto cork (to seal or stop up, especially with a cork stopper)imperfective transitive
DeathkorkowaćPolishverbto jam (to cause congestion or blockage)colloquial imperfective transitive
DeathkorkowaćPolishverbto kick the bucket (to die)imperfective intransitive slang
DeathmarfachIrishadjdeadly, fatal
DeathmarfachIrishnounkiller, slayerliterary masculine
Death最期Japanesenoundeath; downfall, collapse; end of life; last moment
Death最期Japanesenounthe extinction of a family
Death𐌿𐍂𐍂𐌿𐌽𐍃Gothicnounrise (of a celestial body: appearance of moving from behind the horizon) (particularly of the Sun)
Death𐌿𐍂𐍂𐌿𐌽𐍃Gothicnounthe east (compass point)broadly uncountable
Death𐌿𐍂𐍂𐌿𐌽𐍃Gothicnountoilet, latrine (fixture used for urination and defecation) (translating ἀφεδρών (aphedrṓn))
Death𐌿𐍂𐍂𐌿𐌽𐍃Gothicnoundeparture (death)
DemocracydemocratacristiàCatalanadjChristian Democratic
DemocracydemocratacristiàCatalannounChristian Democratmasculine
DemonymsBadeneseEnglishadjOf or relating to the historical state or territory of Baden, Germany.not-comparable
DemonymsBadeneseEnglishnounThe natives or inhabitants of the historical state or territory of Baden, Germany.plural plural-only
DemonymsBalineesDutchadjBalinese; of, from or related to Bali or the Balinese peoplenot-comparable
DemonymsBalineesDutchnouna Balinese personmasculine
DemonymsBalineesDutchnamethe Balinese languageneuter
DemonymsHagareneEnglishnounAn (early) Arab Muslim.archaic historical
DemonymsHagareneEnglishadjOf or pertaining to (early) Arab Muslims.archaic historical not-comparable
DemonymsPfaffenhofenerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Pfaffenhofenmasculine strong
DemonymsPfaffenhofenerGermanadjof Pfaffenhofenindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsSyracusanEnglishadjOf or belonging to Syracuse, a city in Sicily, Italy, or of the city of Syracuse in central New York State.not-comparable
DemonymsSyracusanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Syracuse, Sicily, or of Syracuse, New York.
DemonymsTurineseEnglishadjof or relating to Turin in Italynot-comparable
DemonymsTurineseEnglishnouna person from Turin
DemonymsanaasázíNavajonounancient people, Anasazi
DemonymsanaasázíNavajonounenemy ancestors, ancient enemy
DemonymsberguedàCatalanadjof, from or relating to Berga
DemonymsberguedàCatalanadjof, from or relating to Berguedà
DemonymsberguedàCatalannounnative or inhabitant of Berga (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
DemonymsberguedàCatalannounnative or inhabitant of Berguedà (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
DemonymscalabrêsPortugueseadjCalabrian (of or from Calabria)
DemonymscalabrêsPortuguesenounCalabrian (inhabitant of Calabria)masculine
DemonymscalabrêsPortuguesenounCalabrian (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsflorentinoPortugueseadjFlorentine (of, from, or pertaining to Florence, Italy)not-comparable
DemonymsflorentinoPortugueseadjof Flores Island, Azoresnot-comparable relational
DemonymsflorentinoPortuguesenounFlorentine (person from Florence)masculine
DemonymsflorentinoPortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Flores Islandmasculine
DemonymskaliforniskaSwedishadjinflection of kalifornisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
DemonymskaliforniskaSwedishadjinflection of kalifornisk: / pluralform-of plural
DemonymskaliforniskaSwedishnounfemale equivalent of kaliforniercommon-gender feminine form-of
DemonymslamecensePortugueseadjof Lamegofeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymslamecensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Lamegoby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DessertsambrosiaPortuguesenounambrosia (food of gods or delicious foods)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman feminine
DessertsambrosiaPortuguesenounPortuguese-Brazilian dessert made with sugar, milk, and eggscooking food lifestylefeminine
Diacritical marksదీర్ఘముTeluguadjlong
Diacritical marksదీర్ఘముTelugunounA long vowel.
Diacritical marksదీర్ఘముTelugunounThe sign or the conjunct form of a long vowel, particularly of ఆ (ā).
DialectspiccardoItalianadjof, from or relating to Picardy
DialectspiccardoItaliannounnative or inhabitant of Picardy (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
DialectspiccardoItaliannoundialect of Picardyalt-of dialectal masculine uncountable
DictationkropkaPolishnounperiod (punctation mark)feminine
DietsveganEnglishadjNot containing animal products (meat, eggs, milk, leather, etc) or inherently involving animal lifestyleespecially not-comparable
DietsveganEnglishadjCommitted to avoiding any product or practice that inherently involves animal use.not-comparable
DietsveganEnglishadjRelating to vegans or veganism.not-comparable
DietsveganEnglishnounA person who does not eat, drink or otherwise consume any animal products
DietsveganEnglishnounA person committed to avoiding products and practices that inherently involve animal use, including all foods containing animal products, and to abstaining from direct and intentional harm to animals as far as possible; an adherent to veganism.
DisabilitytardletEnglishnounA young or inconsequential fool.derogatory offensive slang
DisabilitytardletEnglishnounA child with a cognitive disability.derogatory offensive slang
DiseasesmajataYorubanounpeptic ulcermedicine pathology sciencesidiomatic
DiseasesmătriceRomaniannounwomb, uterusdated feminine
DiseasesmătriceRomaniannouncramp in a newbornfeminine
DiseasesmătriceRomaniannounrheumatismTransylvania feminine regional
DiseasesmătriceRomaniannouncamomile, German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
DiseasesmătriceRomaniannounfeverfew (Pyrethrum parthenium)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
DiseasesmătriceRomaniannounlichwort (Parietaria officinalis)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
DiseasesmătriceRomaniannounveronica (Veronica officinalis)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
DogsScooby-DooEnglishnameAn American cartoon franchise, named for one of the main characters, a large dog, and featuring as protagonists four "meddling" teenagers who unravel seemingly supernatural mysteries.
DogsScooby-DooEnglishnameThe cartoon dog from that cartoon, noted for his trouble-causing lack of sense and almost understandable vocalization.
DogsScooby-DooEnglishnounA Subaru automobile.slang
DogsScooby-DooEnglishnounA clue.slang
DogsScooby-DooEnglishnounA slang
DogsScooby-DooEnglishnounA screw (a prison warder)slang
DogsσκύλαξAncient Greeknounyoung dog, whelp, puppy / dog
DogsσκύλαξAncient Greeknounyoung dog, whelp, puppy / whelp
DogsσκύλαξAncient Greeknounyoung dog, whelp, puppy
DogsσκύλαξAncient Greeknouna chain, a chain or collar for the neck
DogsσκύλαξAncient Greeknounerotic dance? / sex position?
DrugskrekaLatviannouncrack cocaine
DrugsܣܡܐClassical Syriacnoundrug, medicine, remedy
DrugsܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounpoison
DrugsܣܡܐClassical Syriacnoundye, color/colour, pigment
EaglesiolarIrishnounmultitude, plurality, abundance; much, manyliterary masculine
EaglesiolarIrishnounmanifold requirements, accessories, furnituremasculine
EducationprógvFaroesenounproof, evidenceneuter
EducationprógvFaroesenountestimony, diplomaneuter
EducationseminariumPolishnounseminary (theological school)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismneuter
EducationseminariumPolishnounseminar (class held for advanced studies)neuter
EducationدبستانUrdunounschool of thought
EmotionsloathingEnglishnounSense of revulsion, distaste, detestation, extreme hatred or dislike.countable uncountable
EmotionsloathingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of loatheform-of gerund participle present
EmotionsloathingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of loathform-of gerund obsolete participle present
EmotionsmīlaLatviannounlove (positive romantic feeling for a specific person)declension-4 feminine
EmotionsmīlaLatviannounlove (positive feeling for a group, people, institution, idea, etc.)declension-4 feminine
EmotionsmīlaLatvianadjgenitive singular masculine of mīlsdialectal form-of genitive masculine singular
EmotionsmīlaLatvianadjnominative singular feminine of mīlsdialectal feminine form-of nominative singular
Emotionszůstat stát s otevřenou pusouCzechverbto be very amazed, to gape in surpriseidiomatic perfective
Emotionszůstat stát s otevřenou pusouCzechverbto not know what to sayidiomatic perfective
EmotionsæfestOld Englishnounjealousy, envymasculine
EmotionsæfestOld Englishnounzealmasculine
EmotionsæfestOld Englishnounrivalry, emulationmasculine
EmotionsæfestOld EnglishadjAlternative form of ǣfæstalt-of alternative
EmotionsүпкәBashkirnounoffense, resentment, grudge
EnergydoomerEnglishnounOne who believes that petroleum depletion will inevitably lead to a severe recession or depression, followed by a Malthusian catastrophe.
EnergydoomerEnglishnounSomeone who is apathetic or has a negative prospect towards the world.capitalized neologism sometimes
EnergydoomerEnglishnounOne who, or that which, dooms.rare
English diminutives of male given namesSpenceEnglishnameShort form of the male given name Spencer.
English diminutives of male given namesSpenceEnglishnameA surname.
English diminutives of male given namesSpenceEnglishnameA suburb of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
English diminutives of male given namesSpenceEnglishnameA locality in the Limestone Coast region of South Australia.
English diminutives of male given namesSpenceEnglishnameA ghost town in Magnetawan township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, Canada.
English female given namesJoneEnglishnameObsolete form of Joan.alt-of obsolete
English female given namesJoneEnglishnameA surname.
English ordinal numberstwenty-thirdEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number twenty-three.not-comparable
English ordinal numberstwenty-thirdEnglishnounThe person or thing in the twenty-third position.
English ordinal numberstwenty-thirdEnglishnounOne of twenty-three equal parts of a whole.
English unisex given namesWrenEnglishnameA surname transferred from the nickname.
English unisex given namesWrenEnglishnameSir Christopher Wren, English architect
English unisex given namesWrenEnglishnameA male or female given name from English from the noun wren.rare
English unisex given namesWrenEnglishnounA female member of the Royal Navy (a member of the WRNS)UK informal
EntertainmentdistraccióCatalannoundiversion, pastimefeminine
EquidsonageriFinnishnounAn onager, Equus hemionus onager or Equus hemionus hemionus (Asian wild ass).
EquidsonageriFinnishnounAn onager (siege weapon).
EthicscomitasLatinnounpoliteness, courtesydeclension-3
EthicscomitasLatinnounkindness, kindlinessdeclension-3
EthicscomitasLatinnounfriendliness, affabilitydeclension-3
EthicscomitasLatinnouncomplaisance, obligingnessdeclension-3
EthicscomitasLatinnounliberality, prodigality, generositydeclension-3
EthicscomitasLatinverbsecond-person singular present active indicative of comitōactive form-of indicative present second-person singular
Ethnicitydân tộcVietnamesenounan ethnic group
Ethnicitydân tộcVietnamesenounShort for dân tộc thiểu số (“ethnic minority in Vietnam”).abbreviation alt-of
Ethnicitydân tộcVietnamesenouna nation; a people
EthnonymsBajauEnglishnounAn island in Indonesia (part of the Riau Islands) with the coordinate location 3°7'31.84"N, 106°18'38.30"E.geography natural-sciences
EthnonymsBajauEnglishnounThe indigenous people native to Bajau island (part of modern-day Indonesia), these ethnic group nowadays predominantly inhabit the Bajau island and its adjacent regions in Indonesia and also expanded to the southern Philippines.anthropology ethnology human-sciences sciences
EthnonymsBajauEnglishnameThe native language spoken by the Bajau people (the indigenous of Bajau island in Indonesia).human-sciences linguistic linguistics sciences
EthnonymsCeanadach FrancachIrishadjFrench-Canadian (relating to French-speaking Canadians)not-comparable
EthnonymsCeanadach FrancachIrishnounFrench Canadian (Canadian who speaks French as a first language)masculine
EthnonymsNupeNupenameThe Nupe ethnic group
EthnonymsNupeNupenameThe Nupe language
EthnonymsayahciyiniwPlains Creenounoutsider, strangeranimate
EthnonymsayahciyiniwPlains CreenounBlackfoot personanimate
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounA disguise or covering up.countable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounThe act of disguising.countable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounThe use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects, or tactical positions with the aim of confusing, misleading, or evading the enemy.government military politics warcountable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounA pattern on clothing consisting of irregularly shaped patches that are either greenish/brownish, brownish/whitish, or bluish/whitish, as used by ground combat manufacturing textilescountable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounResemblance of an organism to its surroundings for avoiding detection.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishnounClothes made from camouflage fabric, for concealment in combat or hunting.countable uncountable
EthologycamouflageEnglishverbTo hide or disguise something by covering it up or changing the way it looks.
EyegỉVietnameseadjrustedNorthern Vietnam
EyegỉVietnamesenounboogers or rheumNorthern Vietnam
Fabrics생초KoreannounChinese zodiac
Fabrics생초Koreannoungauze, silk gossamer
Fabrics생초Koreannounfresh grass, herbs
FamilykakaTurkmennounpaternal grandfather
FamilytanteFrenchnounhomosexual (man); faggot, fag (US); poof (UK)derogatory feminine
FamilyܟܢܬܐClassical Syriacnouncolleague, co-worker
FamilyܟܢܬܐClassical Syriacnounfellow, equal (male or female)
FamilyܟܢܬܐClassical Syriacnounfruit basket
Family membersmbesëAlbaniannounniecefeminine
Family membersmbesëAlbaniannoungranddaughterfeminine
FantasyadivinaciónSpanishnoundivination, fortune-tellingfeminine
FantasyadivinaciónSpanishnounforesight, guessingfeminine
Fastenerscotter pinEnglishnounA split pin, the ends of which project through an object being fastened and are bent back to hold it in place.US
Fastenerscotter pinEnglishnounA pin or wedge inserted through a slot to hold machine parts together; a cotter.UK
FastenershårklämmaSwedishnouna hair clip, a barrette (when a device that presses or grasps – see klämma)neuter
FastenershårklämmaSwedishnouna hair clip, a barrette (when a device that presses or grasps – see klämma) / a claw clipneuter
FastenersцепьRussiannounrow, series
FastenersцепьRussiannounelectric circuit
FastenersцепьRussiannounline, filegovernment military politics war
FastenersقایشOttoman Turkishnounstrap, thong, a long, narrow, pliable strip or flap of leather, or the like
FastenersقایشOttoman Turkishnounbelt, a band that is used in a machine to help transfer motion or power
FastenersقایشOttoman Turkishnounpilfering, petty theft, a theft of property having a lower valuefiguratively
Fats and oilssaloSerbo-Croatiannounlard
Fats and oilssaloSerbo-Croatiannounfat (specialized animal tissue with a high oil content, used for long-term storage of energy)
Fats and oilssaloSerbo-Croatiannounvocative singular of salaform-of singular vocative
FemaleleitheIrishnounbroadness, stoutnessfeminine
FemaleleitheIrishnounstout lowsized womanfeminine
FemaleleitheIrishnoungenitive singular of leithfeminine form-of genitive singular
FemaleleitheIrishnoungenitive singular of leathfeminine form-of genitive singular
Female神女Chinesenoungoddesslifestyle religion
Female神女Chinesenounfemale prostitutedated euphemistic
Female animalschevretteFrenchnounkid (young goat)feminine
Female animalschevretteFrenchnoundoefeminine
Female animalschevretteFrenchnounshrimpLouisiana feminine
Female family membersfiliaLatinnoundaughterdeclension-1
Female family membersfiliaLatinnounany female offspringbroadly declension-1
Female family membersgranEnglishnounA grandmother.informal
Female family membersgranEnglishnounA grandfather.rare
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounwoman (adult female human)feminine
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounwoman (adult female human) / promiscuous womanMiddle Polish derogatory feminine
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounwoman (wife or lover)colloquial dialectal feminine
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounhired female workerfeminine obsolete
Female family membersθείαGreeknounaunt (a sister or sister-in-law of a parent)
Female family membersθείαGreekadjnominative/accusative/vocative feminine singular of θείος (theíos)accusative feminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female family membersθείαGreekadjnominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural of θείος (theíos)accusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Female peopleautokratkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of autokrata (“autocrat”) (an absolute ruler with infinite power)government politicsfeminine form-of literary
Female peopleautokratkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of autokrata (“autocrat”) (a person showing absolute power in a situation)feminine form-of literary
Female peoplecaptivaLatinadjinflection of captīvus: / nominative/vocative feminine singularfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female peoplecaptivaLatinadjinflection of captīvus: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Female peoplecaptivaLatinadjablative feminine singular of captīvusablative feminine form-of singular
Female peoplecaptivaLatinnouna (female) captive, prisoner, prisoner of wardeclension-1
Female peopledenatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of denat (“deceased person”)lawfeminine form-of
Female peopledenatkaPolishnounsuicide (person who has killed herself)lawfeminine
Female peopledenatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of denat (“drunkard”)colloquial feminine form-of
Female peopledenatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of denat (“wreck”) (very tired person)colloquial feminine form-of
Female peoplepartnerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of partner / female equivalent of partner (“partner”) (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest)feminine form-of
Female peoplepartnerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of partner / female equivalent of partner (“partner”) (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner)feminine form-of
Female peoplepartnerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of partner / female equivalent of partner (“equal”) (someone of equal status to others)feminine form-of
Female peoplepucaSerbo-CroatiannoungirlKajkavian
Female peoplepucaSerbo-Croatianverbthird-person singular present of pucatiform-of present singular third-person
Female peoplesestraSlovaknounsisterfeminine
Female peoplesestraSlovaknounnunfeminine
Female peoplesestraSlovaknounnursefeminine
Female peopleженаRussiannounwife
Female peopleженаRussiannounwomanobsolete
Female peopleрибаSerbo-Croatiannounfish (animal)
Female peopleрибаSerbo-Croatiannoungirl, chickslang
Female peopleрибаSerbo-Croatiannounvaginaslang
Female peopleఅతివTelugunounone that has a big mouthliterary
Female peopleఅతివTelugunouna woman
Female people神人Japanesenouna low-ranking position at a shrine, helping to conduct the yearly ceremonies and patrolling the grounds, among other responsibilitiesarchaic
Female people神人Japanesenounfrom the Heian period through the Muromachi period, a low-ranking position at a shrine, helping to conduct the yearly ceremonies and patrolling the grounds, among other responsibilities
Female people神人Japanesenoungods and humans
Female people神人Japanesenouna person of god-like nobility
Female people神人Japanesenouna person with mystical or god-like power
Female people神人Japanesenounalternate for jinin above: a low-ranking position at a shrine, helping to conduct the yearly ceremonies and patrolling the grounds, among other responsibilities
Female people神人JapanesenameJesus, Jesus ChristChristianity
Female people神人Japanesenouna priestShinto lifestyle religionarchaic
Female people神人JapanesenounSynonym of 巫女 (miko, “shrine maiden”)Shinto lifestyle religion
FeminismantiwomanistEnglishadjOpposing womanism.
FeminismantiwomanistEnglishnounOne who opposes womanism.
FiberscànemCatalannouncannabismasculine uncountable
FiberscànemCatalannounhempmasculine uncountable
Fig treesfikeEnglishverbTo feign; dissemble; flatter.intransitive transitive
Fig treesfikeEnglishverbTo move about in a quick, uneasy way; be constantly in motion.intransitive
Fig treesfikeEnglishverbTo give trouble to; vex; perplex.transitive
Fig treesfikeEnglishnounRestlessness or agitation caused by trifling annoyance.
Fig treesfikeEnglishnounAny trifling peculiarity in regard to work which causes unnecessary trouble; teasing exactness of operation.UK dialectal
Fig treesfikeEnglishnounA fig.obsolete
Fig treesfikeEnglishnounA sore place on the foot.UK dialectal
FinlandSamiEnglishnounA member of an indigenous Finno-Ugric people of Lapland.
FinlandSamiEnglishnameThe Sami people, collectively.
FinlandSamiEnglishnameAny of the languages of the Sami people.countable
FinlandSamiEnglishadjRelating to the Sami people of northern Scandinavia, or the Sami languages.not-comparable
FinlandSamiEnglishnameA male given name from Arabic, feminine equivalent Samiyah.
FinlandSamiEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Samantha.
FinlandSamiEnglishnounAlternative form of swami.alt-of alternative
FirekalayoCebuanonoundistance; remoteness
FirekalayoCebuanonounfire; flame
FireшәмBashkirnounlamp (device producing light, esp. using oil or kerosene as fuel)
Firefightingfire hoseEnglishnounA hose designed to deliver water to douse a fire, usually much stronger and wider in diameter than a garden hose.
Firefightingfire hoseEnglishnounAny fast, heavy stream (e.g. of information).idiomatic
Firefightingfire hoseEnglishnounA feed of all updates to a website.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Firefightingfire hoseEnglishnounA human penis.colloquial idiomatic
Firefightingfire hoseEnglishnounAn fast-flowing unsupported flow of lava escaping from a solid rockface.
Firefightingfire loadEnglishnounThe anticipated amount of wildfire control necessary in a given period and region, based on the number of current fires, the probable number of new fires, and their anticipated intensity.
Firefightingfire loadEnglishnounThe quantity of combustible matter in a given area, or the quantity of heat that can be generated by its combustion.
FishActinopterygiiTranslingualnameThe ray-finned fishes / A taxonomic class within the superclass Osteichthyes.
FishActinopterygiiTranslingualnameThe ray-finned fishes / A taxonomic superclass within the infraphylum Gnathostomata.
FishalbacoraSpanishnounbreba, an early Ficus carica figfeminine
FishalbacoraSpanishnounswordfish (Xiphias gladius)feminine
FishbërWolofverbto close school for a vacation or holidaytransitive
FishbërWolofnounA kind of fish.
FishfishifyEnglishverbTo change (flesh) to fish; to transform into a fish.transitive
FishfishifyEnglishverbTo make as wet as a fish; to drench with water.figuratively transitive
FishpetoankeriasFinnishnouncutthroat eel (eel of the family Synaphobranchidae)
FishpetoankeriasFinnishnounKaup's arrowtooth eel, Kaup's cut-throat eel, Gray's cutthroat, longnosed eel, northern cutthroat eel, Slatjaw cutthroat eel, Synaphobranchus kaupii (deepwater eel present in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans)
FishpetoankeriasFinnishnounthe taxonomic family Synaphobranchidaein-plural
FishsampiFinnishnounsturgeon (any fish of the family Acipenseridae)
FishsampiFinnishnounEuropean sea sturgeon, Baltic sturgeon, common sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) (type species of that family)
FishфратарSerbo-Croatiannounfriar (usually Franciscan)
FishфратарSerbo-Croatiannounthe two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris)
Fish旗魚Chinesenounsailfish; billfish
FishingsharkerEnglishnounOne who lives by trickery; a conman.archaic
FishingsharkerEnglishnounA shark fisher
FishingسكارArabicnounlock (for a door, etc.)dialectal
FishingسكارArabicnouna kind of fish-catching plant where the coast is lockeddialectal
FivequintaryEnglishadjSynonym of quinary, fifth.not-comparable proscribed sometimes
FivequintaryEnglishnounA multiple of five.obsolete rare
FivequintaryEnglishnounA thing of the 5th rank.proscribed rare sometimes
FlowerskulleroFinnishnounglobeflower (Trollius europaeus), a flowering plant of family Ranunculaceae, native to Europe and western Asia
FlowerskulleroFinnishnounglobeflower, any plant of the genus Trollius
FlowerszłotogłówPolishnounasphodel (any plant of the genus Asphodelus)inanimate masculine
FlowerszłotogłówPolishnounkincob (silk fabric interspersed with gold threads)inanimate masculine
FlowerszłotogłówPolishnoungold threadinanimate masculine
FlowersⲃⲉⲣⲧCopticnounrose (flower)Bohairic
Fluid dynamicsturbulencjaPolishnounturbulence (chaotically moving vortices and air streams in the Earth's atmosphere)feminine
Fluid dynamicsturbulencjaPolishnounturbulence (disturbance in gas, fluid)feminine
Food and drink酒菜Chinesenounfood and drink
Food and drink酒菜Chinesenounfood to go with alcoholic drink
Foodshột vịt lộnVietnamesenounan egg containing a developing duck embryoSouthern Vietnam
Foodshột vịt lộnVietnamesenouna boiled egg of that kind; a balutSouthern Vietnam
FoodskrepIndonesiannouncrepe, crêpe: / crêpe paper
FoodskrepIndonesiannouncrepe, crêpe: / A soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface.
FoodskrepIndonesiannouncrepe, crêpe: / A flat round pancake-like pastry from Lower Brittany, made with wheat.
FoodsriisiFinnishnounrice (plant and seeds)
FoodsriisiFinnishnounream (quantity of 500 sheets of paper)
FoodsriisiFinnishnounrickets, rachitismedicine pathology sciencesdated
FoodsriisiFinnishnounany (childhood) diseasemedicine pathology sciencesobsolete
FoodsriisiFinnishnounanimal diseasemedicine pathology sciencesobsolete
Foodsငှက်သိုက်Burmesenounbird's nest
Foodsငှက်သိုက်Burmesenounedible bird's nest, commonly used as a cooking ingredient in Asian cuisines
FootwearmoonbootsitFinnishnounnominative plural of moonbootsiform-of nominative plural
FootwearmoonbootsitFinnishnounA pair of moon boots.colloquial
FootwearunshodEnglishadjNot shod; without shoes.not-comparable
FootwearunshodEnglishadjOf a vehicle, not fitted with tyres on the wheels.colloquial not-comparable
FootwearunshodEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of unshoeform-of participle past
Forms of governmentเผด็จการThaiverbto be a dictator or behave like a dictator; to be dictatorial; to exercise total power without control; to behave in an autocratic way.
Forms of governmentเผด็จการThainoundictator; dictatorship.
Forms of governmentเผด็จการThainounautocrat; autocracy.
FortyquadrageneEnglishnounAn indulgence from 40 days of fasting or similar abstinence, especially during Lent; (later) various equivalent indulgences against punishment in Purgatory.Catholicism Christianityhistorical
FortyquadrageneEnglishnounAn indulgence provided by 40 days of fasting.Catholicism Christianityhistorical
Four o'clock family plantsumbrellawortEnglishnounAny of various plants in the genus Mirabilis.
Four o'clock family plantsumbrellawortEnglishnounAny of various plants in the genus Tauschia.
FruitsbilberryEnglishnounVaccinium myrtillus, the wild European blueberry of the cowberry family.
FruitsbilberryEnglishnounThe shrub of the above-mentioned plant.
FruitsgourdeMiddle EnglishnounA plant of the family Cucurbitaceae; a gourd or similar plant.
FruitsgourdeMiddle EnglishnounThe fruit of such a plant.
FruitsборовинкаBulgariannounblueberry bush (bush of genus Vaccinium)
FruitsборовинкаBulgariannounblueberry fruit (black or reddish acidic berry used for food, for making drinks, in medicine)
FruitsܙܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounolive (tree and fruit)
FruitsܙܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounolive oil
FruitsܙܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounolive grove or gardenin-plural
FungigładyszPolishnounan overly well-mannered, refined, or good-looking man, dandy, coxcombmasculine obsolete person
FungigładyszPolishnounany fungus of the genus Ionaspisinanimate masculine
FungigładyszPolishnounfile, tool used to smoothen or polisharchaic inanimate masculine
FungigładyszPolishnounsnowdrop (plant of the genus Galanthus)archaic inanimate masculine
FungigładyszPolishnouna handleless jugdialectal inanimate masculine
FungivolvaCatalannounmote, speckfeminine
FungivolvaCatalannounflake (of snow)feminine
FungivolvaCatalannounvolvabiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
FurniturelectrumLatinnounA lecternMedieval-Latin declension-2
FurniturelectrumLatinnounA stand to support a lecturer's notesMedieval-Latin declension-2
FurnituresecretaryEnglishnounSomeone entrusted with a secret; a confidant.obsolete
FurnituresecretaryEnglishnounSomeone employed as a scribe for personal correspondence.obsolete
FurnituresecretaryEnglishnounA person who keeps records, takes notes and handles general clerical work.
FurnituresecretaryEnglishnounThe head of a department of government.capitalized often
FurnituresecretaryEnglishnounA managerial or leading position in certain non-profit organizations, such as political parties, trade unions, international organizations.
FurnituresecretaryEnglishnounA type of desk, secretary desk; a secretaire.US
FurnituresecretaryEnglishnounA secretary bird, a bird of the species Sagittarius serpentarius.
FurnituresecretaryEnglishverbTo serve as a secretary of.transitive
FurnitureкреветацSerbo-Croatiannounbeddiminutive familiar
FurnitureкреветацSerbo-Croatiannounchild's bed; cot
FurnitureテーブルJapanesenountable (furniture)
FurnitureテーブルJapanesenountable (grid of data)
FutureeventuallyEnglishadvIn the end; at some later time, especially after a long time, a series of problems, struggles, delays or setbacks.not-comparable
FutureeventuallyEnglishadvFor some tail; for all terms beyond some term; with only finitely many exceptions.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
FutureeventuallyEnglishadvPossibly, potentially, perhapsnot-comparable proscribed
FutureایرتهOttoman Turkishnountomorrow, morrow, the day after the current day, just beyond the present
FutureایرتهOttoman Turkishadvtomorrow, on the day after the present day or on future periods of time
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To twist, wind, or coil.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To encircle; to wrap around.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To wind around; to repeatedly encircle.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To operate the mechanism of a winch or clock.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move or toss about: / To free from captivity.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move or toss about: / To meander; to wind.rare
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move or toss about: / To knead or mix into a food lifestylerare
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wrap; to enclose or cover: / To clothe; to dress.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wrap; to enclose or cover: / To blanket; to surround.figuratively
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move ahead; to advance: / To charge or launch ahead.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move ahead; to advance: / To spring; to fly out.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move ahead; to advance
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo plait; to weave.rare
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo ventilate; to air.
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wind (perceive by scent)
GaitswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wind (cause to lack breath)rare
GameslotekPolishnounlotto (game of chance similar to bingo)colloquial inanimate masculine
GameslotekPolishnoungenitive plural of lotkafeminine form-of genitive plural
GasesgaVietnamesenountrain station
GasesgaVietnamesenoungas, such as propane and/or butane, used for a gas stove; compare khí (“gas as a chemical substance”)
GasesgaVietnamesenouncarbon dioxide used for a carbonated drink
GasesgaVietnamesenounlighter fluid
GasesgaVietnamesenounthe ignited mixture of fuel and air that powers an engine; not to be confused with xăng (“gasoline”)automotive transport vehicles
GasesgaVietnamesenounPronunciation spelling of ra (“bed sheet”).Southern Vietnam alt-of pronunciation-spelling
GeeseوزMoroccan Arabicnoungeesecollective
GeeseوزMoroccan Arabicnounthingcollective singulative slang usually
Gendertrans maleEnglishadjMale and trans; that is, being a male who was assigned female at birth.not-comparable
Gendertrans maleEnglishnounA trans man.rare
GenderzenanaEnglishnounSynonym of harem, a area of a house or palace for high-caste women or for the wives of a wealthy man; the women thus kept; the system of segregating women in this way.South-Asia
GenderzenanaEnglishnounSynonym of sissy, an effeminate man.South-Asia
GenderzenanaEnglishnounSynonym of bottom, the passive partner in male homosexual sex.South-Asia
GenderzenanaEnglishnounSynonym of trans woman, a person assigned male at birth who identifies as female.South-Asia
Genisteae tribe plantsavlêkNorthern Kurdishnounbroom (domestic utensil)feminine
Genisteae tribe plantsavlêkNorthern Kurdishnounbroom (shrub of the family Fabaceae)feminine
GenitalianutsackEnglishnounA bag in which nuts are carried or stored.
GenitalianutsackEnglishnounThe scrotum.slang vulgar
GenitalianutsackEnglishnounAn objectionable person (especially a man).slang vulgar
GenitaliaसुपारीHindinounbetel nut, supari
GenitaliaसुपारीHindinounglans penisfiguratively
GenitaliaसुपारीHindinouna contract put on someone to be killed by a hired assassin
Genitalia雛尖Japanesenounclitoris; a small protrusion in the female reproductive system
Genitalia雛尖Japanesenounthe central protrusion of a 立烏帽子 (tate-eboshi)'s folds
GeographydabarSerbo-Croatiannounvalley, basin, abyssdated regional
GeographyقطبArabicverbto gather, to collect, to bind together, to contract
GeographyقطبArabicverbto mix the wine, to fill it into its vessels in a blended stateobsolete
GeographyقطبArabicverbto knit the eyebrows, to scowl
GeographyقطبArabicverbto scowl, to glower; to knit the brow, to frown
GeographyقطبArabicverbto mix the wine, to fill it into its vessels in a blended stateobsolete
GeographyقطبArabicverbto bind or sew together
GeographyقطبArabicnounaxis, axle
GeographyقطبArabicnounpivot, hub
GeographyقطبArabicnounpoleastronomy business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering geography natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
GeographyقطبArabicnounleader, authority, leading personality, celebrityplural-normally
GeographyقطبArabicnounverbal noun of قَطَبَ (qaṭaba) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
GeographyقطبArabicnounpuncture-vine (Tribulus spp.)
GeometryपादSanskritnounthe foot (of men and animals)
GeometryपादSanskritnounthe foot or leg of an inanimate object, column, pillar
GeometryपादSanskritnouna foot as a measure
GeometryपादSanskritnounthe foot or root of a tree
GeometryपादSanskritnounthe foot or a hill at the foot of a mountain
GeometryपादSanskritnouna ray or beam of light (considered as the foot of a heavenly body)
GeometryपादSanskritnounquarter, fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4)
GeometryपादSanskritnounquadrant (of a circle)
GeometryपादSanskritnouna verse or line (as the fourth part of a regular stanza)
GeometryपादSanskritnounthe caesura of a verse agni-purāṇa, the chapter of a book
Geraniales order plantscargolaCatalannounstorksbill (various flowering plants of the genus Erodium)feminine
Geraniales order plantscargolaCatalanverbinflection of cargolar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Geraniales order plantscargolaCatalanverbinflection of cargolar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
GermanyHohenzollernEnglishnamea noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings, and emperors of Brandenburg, Prussia, Germany, and Romania.historical
GermanyHohenzollernEnglishnamea mountain and castle in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, from which the family takes its name.
GermanyHohenzollernEnglishnouna member of the Hohenzollern family and dynasty.historical
GermanyHohenzollernEnglishadjrelating to the Hohenzollern family and dynasty.not-comparable
Ginger family plantsهيلArabicnounverbal noun of هَالَ (hāla) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Ginger family plantsهيلArabicnounpiled sand
Ginger family plantsهيلArabicverbto pile, to dumptransitive
Ginger family plantsهيلArabicnouncardamom
GlassჭიქაჲOld Georgiannounglass (material)
GlassჭიქაჲOld Georgiannounglass (drinking vessel)
Gourd family plantspipiánSpanishnouna kind of zucchinimasculine
Gourd family plantspipiánSpanishnouna type of sauce made with pumpkin seeds or almonds, toasted corn and green chiliMexico masculine
Gourd family plantspipiánSpanishnouna type of stew made with such sauceMexico masculine
Gourd family plantspipiánSpanishnoungay man; homosexual manEl-Salvador colloquial derogatory masculine
GovernmentremissSwedishnouna referral, especially as a general practitioner refers a patient to another medical specialistcommon-gender
GovernmentremissSwedishnouna proposal referred for considerationcommon-gender
GovernmentrespublicaLatinnouna republic, commonwealth; the state, nationdeclension-5
GovernmentrespublicaLatinnounpolitics, civil affairsdeclension-5
GovernmentسیاستOttoman Turkishnounadministration, management, the use of resources combined with planning, leadership and execution skills to achieve predetermined goals
GovernmentسیاستOttoman Turkishnoungovernment, rule, the system or group of people governing an organized community, generally a state, and administering the law inside of it
GovernmentسیاستOttoman Turkishnounpolitics, a methodology and set of activities associated with making decisions and running a government, an organization, or a movement
GovernmentسیاستOttoman Turkishnoundiplomacy, the art and practice of conducting international relations by negotiations between states and sometimes international organizations
GovernmentسیاستOttoman Turkishnounexecution, capital punishment, death penalty, the legal practice of putting a person to death as a punishment for a crime or misconduct
GrainsbarSlovenenounpublic house, bar
GrainsbarSlovenenounbar (unit of pressure)
GrainsbarSloveneadvat least
GrainsbarSloveneadveven though
GrainsbarSloveneadvotherwise, for else
GrainsbarSlovenenounfoxtail millet (Setaria italica)
GrainsbarSlovenenounpearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
GrammarنكرArabicverbto feel unfamiliar about
GrammarنكرArabicverbto deny
GrammarنكرArabicverbto become difficult and intense (of an issue)
GrammarنكرArabicverbto be objectionable and abhorrent (of an issue)
GrammarنكرArabicverbto be ambiguous, to be indefinite (of an issue)
GrammarنكرArabicverbto mask
GrammarنكرArabicverbto use (a noun) as indefinitegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
GrammarنكرArabicnounverbal noun of نَكِرَ (nakira) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
GrammarنكرArabicadjgrave, abominable
GrammarنكرArabicverbform-i no-gloss
GrammarنكرArabicverbform-i no-gloss
GrapevinesողկույզArmeniannounbunch of grapes
GrapevinesողկույզArmeniannounbunch, cluster of other fruits or flowers growing on a single stalk
Grasseshalfa grassEnglishnounA north African and south Asian grass, Desmostachya bipinnata, with tough stems woven into rope, sandals, mats, etc., and sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions.countable uncountable
Grasseshalfa grassEnglishnounOther north African grasses with similar uses, such as sparto (Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum sparticum) and cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica)countable uncountable
GrassesharjasheinäFinnishnounsandbur (any plant of the genus Cenchrus)
GrassesharjasheinäFinnishnounthe genus Cenchrusin-plural
GrassesბალახიGeorgiannounmarijuana; hashishslang
GreeceΔάφνηGreeknameDafni (southeast Athenian neighbourhood)
GreeceΔάφνηGreeknameDafni (any other so-named towns across Greece)
GreeceΔάφνηGreeknameDafni, Dafnion (forest west of Athens)
GreeceΔάφνηGreeknamea female given name, Dafni, equivalent to English Daphne
Greek letter namesiotaEnglishnounThe ninth letter of the Greek alphabet.
Greek letter namesiotaEnglishnounA jot; a very small, insignificant quantity.
Greek mythologyⲇⲓⲟⲙⲏⲇⲏⲥCopticnamea male given name from Greek, equivalent to English Diomedes
Greek mythologyⲇⲓⲟⲙⲏⲇⲏⲥCopticnamein particular, a mythological figure of the Iliad
Green algae海松Japanesenoungreen sea or dead man's fingers of species Codium fragile
Green algae海松JapanesenounShort for 海松色 (miruiro): a dark yellowish-green colorabbreviation alt-of
Green algae海松Japanesenouna pine tree on the seashore
Green algae海松JapanesenounSynonym of 海唐松 (umi karamatsu): a coral of the family Antipathidae
Green algae海松Japanesenoungreen sea or dead man's fingers, of species Codium fragilecolloquial
Greensmint creamEnglishnounA very faint green colour, like that of crème de menthe.countable uncountable
Greensmint creamEnglishnounA chocolate filled with peppermint fondant.countable uncountable
Greensmint creamEnglishadjOf a very faint green colour, like that of crème de menthe.not-comparable
GreensverdaEsperantoadjgreen in color
GreensverdaEsperantoadjgreen in color green: / green
Greysabu-abuMalayadjgrey (colour)Indonesia
Greysabu-abuMalaynoungrey (colour)Indonesia
Greysabu-abuMalaynounA kind of fish, Thunnus tonggolJakarta
Greysdove greyEnglishnounA medium grey colour with a slight tint of pink or blue, like that of a dove.UK
Greysdove greyEnglishadjOf a medium grey colour with a slight tint of pink or blue, like that of a dove.UK not-comparable
Guinea-BissauMaioEnglishnameOne of the ten islands of Cape Verde
Guinea-BissauMaioEnglishnameOne of the islands of the Bissagos Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Soviet watch brand)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (series of Soviet 35 mm half-frame cameras)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Soviet luxury automobile)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Soviet sesquiplane fighter)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChayka (Soviet turboprop-powered amphibious aircraft)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Russian amphibious aircraft)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChayka (Soviet and Russian terrestrial radio navigation system)
GullsчайкаRussiannoungenitive singular of чаёк (čajók)form-of genitive singular
Gymnosperms銀杏Chinesenounginkgo (Ginkgo biloba, tree)
Gymnosperms銀杏Chinesenounginkgo nut
HairberdlesMiddle EnglishadjBeardless; having no beard.
HairberdlesMiddle EnglishadjNot (a legal) adult.rare
HairchongoSpanishnounbun (hairstyle)masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounhair tie (hairstyle)masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounbrothel; whorehousemasculine
HairchongoSpanishnouna Mexican dessert made with milk, sugar and cinnamon. The milk is scalded and rennet is added to start the formation of curds, like when making cheesein-plural masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounblunt knifeChile masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounfriend with benefits, loverArgentina masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounnasty, mean, or unpleasant personUruguay masculine
HairchongoSpanishnounmonkeyPhilippines masculine obsolete
HairfloofEnglishverbTo make something fluffy; to fluff (up).humorous informal often transitive
HairfloofEnglishverbTo move in a floofy or fluffy manner.informal intransitive
HairfloofEnglishintjUsed to indicate the (supposed) sound of moving air, as in an explosion, a puff of smoke, etc.
HairfloofEnglishnounA long-haired dog, cat, or similar furry pet animal.Internet countable endearing
HairfloofEnglishnounThe fur of such an animal.Internet endearing uncountable
HairfloofEnglishnounHair that looks fluffy, like fur from such an animal.Internet endearing uncountable
HairmeaylManxadjbald, hairless
HairmeaylManxadjbleak (as place)
HairвласаPannonian Rusynnounsingle strand of hairfeminine
HairвласаPannonian Rusynnounhairfeminine in-plural
Heads of statebanríonIrishnounqueen, (female monarch; wife of a king)feminine
Heads of statebanríonIrishnounqueen (chess; cards)feminine
Heads of stateحاکمPersianadjruling; governing
Heads of stateحاکمPersiannounsovereign; sovereign ruler
Heads of stateحاکمPersiannounmonarch
Heads of stateحاکمPersiannoungovernor
Heads of stateحاکمPersiannounmagistrate; judge
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounA type of hat, once worn by women or children, held in place by ribbons tied under the chin.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounA traditional Scottish woollen brimless cap; a bunnet.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounThe polishing head of a power buffer, often made of wool.broadly
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounThe hinged cover over the engine of a motor car; a hood.automotive transport vehiclesAustralia British Commonwealth New-Zealand South-Africa
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounA length of canvas attached to a fore-and-aft sail to increase the pulling power.nautical transport
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounAn accomplice of a gambler, auctioneer, etc., who entices others to bet or to bid.obsolete slang
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounThe second stomach of a ruminant.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounA ducat, an old Scottish coin worth 40 shillings.historical
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounAnything resembling a bonnet (hat) in shape or use. / A small defence work at a salient angle; or a part of a parapet elevated to screen the other part from enfilade fire.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounAnything resembling a bonnet (hat) in shape or use. / A metallic canopy, or projection, over an opening, as a fireplace, or a cowl or hood to increase the draught of a chimney, etc.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounAnything resembling a bonnet (hat) in shape or use. / A frame of wire netting over a locomotive chimney, to prevent escape of sparks.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounAnything resembling a bonnet (hat) in shape or use. / A roofing over the cage of a mine, to protect its occupants from objects falling down the shaft.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounAnything resembling a bonnet (hat) in shape or use. / In pumps, a metal covering for the openings in the valve chambers.
HeadwearbonnetEnglishnounAnything resembling a bonnet (hat) in shape or use. / A mushroom of the genus Mycena.biology mycology natural-sciences
HeadwearbonnetEnglishverbTo put a bonnet on.transitive
HeadwearbonnetEnglishverbTo take off the bonnet or cap as a mark of respect; to uncover.obsolete
HeadwearbonnetEnglishverbTo pull the bonnet or cap down over the eyes of.dated transitive
HeadwearfeutreFrenchnounfelt hat; trilby (UK), fedora (US)masculine
HeadwearfeutreFrenchnounfelt-tip (pen)masculine
HeadwearнавушнікBelarusiannounearphones, headphonesbroadcasting media radioplural-normally
HeadwearአክሊልAmharicnamethe Gurage Zone
Hebrew letter namesbethEnglishnounThe second letter of the Aramaic alphabet, 𐡁
Hebrew letter namesbethEnglishnounThe second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, ב
Hebrew letter namesbethEnglishnounThe second letter of the Syriac alphabet, ܒ
Heraldry儀仗Chinesenounceremonial implement for use by the emperor or a senior official, including flags, weapons, etc.historical
Heraldry儀仗Chinesenounimplements (such as flags, weapons, etc.) carried by guards of honour
HerbsܐܘܓܐClassical Syriacnounsumac (tree and fruit)
HerbsܐܘܓܐClassical SyriacnounMisconstruction of ܚܘܟܐ (ḥawkā, “basil”)alt-of misconstruction
HerpestidsmangustiFinnishnounherpestid, mongoose (any of several species of predatory carnivores in the family Herpestidae)biology natural-sciences zoology
HerpestidsmangustiFinnishnounbanded mongoose, Mungos mungo
HidesgolecPolishnounpoor manderogatory masculine person
HidesgolecPolishnounnaked mancolloquial masculine person
HidesgolecPolishnounnaked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber)animal-not-person archaic masculine
HidesgolecPolishnounsaibling, Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)animal-not-person masculine
HidesgolecPolishnounscaleless carpanimal-not-person masculine
HidesgolecPolishnounhide (animal skin after the hair has been removed)inanimate masculine
HidespeltEnglishnounThe skin of an animal with the hair or wool on; either a raw or undressed hide, or a skin preserved with the hair or wool on it (sometimes worn as a garment with minimal modification).
HidespeltEnglishnounThe skin of an animal (especially a goat or sheep) with the hair or wool removed, often in preparation for tanning.also figuratively
HidespeltEnglishnounThe fur or hair of a living animal.
HidespeltEnglishnounHuman skin, especially when bare; also, a person's hair.Ireland humorous informal
HidespeltEnglishnounA garment made from animal skins.obsolete
HidespeltEnglishnounThe body of any quarry killed by a hawk; also, a dead bird given to a hawk for food.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyleobsolete
HidespeltEnglishverbTo remove the skin from (an animal); to skin.transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbChiefly followed by from: to remove (the skin) from an animal.transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo remove feathers from (a bird).obsolete rare transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo bombard (someone or something) with missiles.transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo force (someone or something) to move using blows or the throwing of missiles.transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbOf a number of small objects (such as raindrops), or the sun's rays: to beat down or fall on (someone or something) in a shower.transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbChiefly followed by at: to (continuously) throw (missiles) at.transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo repeatedly beat or hit (someone or something).dialectal transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo assail (someone) with harsh words in speech or writing; to abuse, to insult.figuratively transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbEspecially of hailstones, rain, or snow: to beat down or fall forcefully or heavily; to rain down.intransitive transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo move rapidly, especially in or on a conveyance.figuratively intransitive transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbChiefly followed by at: to bombard someone or something with missiles continuously.also archaic figuratively intransitive transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo throw out harsh words; to show anger.intransitive obsolete transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounA beating or falling down of hailstones, rain, or snow in a shower.transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounA blow or stroke from something thrown.transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounA verbal insult; a jeer, a jibe, a taunt.figuratively transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounA fit of anger; an outburst, a rage.figuratively transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounAn act of moving quickly; a rush.transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounA tattered or worthless piece of clothing; a rag.transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounAnything in a ragged and worthless state; rubbish, trash.broadly transitive
HidespeltEnglishverbTo bargain for a better deal; to haggle.intransitive obsolete transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounAlternative form of pelta / A small shield, especially one of an approximately elliptical form, or crescent-shaped.historical obsolete rare transitive
HidespeltEnglishnounAlternative form of pelta / A flat apothecium with no rim.biology botany natural-sciencesobsolete rare transitive
Historical currencieslivreEnglishnounA unit of currency formerly used in France, divided into 20 sols or sous.historical
Historical currencieslivreEnglishnounAn ancient French unit of weight, equal to about 1 avoirdupois pound.historical
Historical periodsStone AgeEnglishnameA broad prehistoric period during which humans widely used stone for toolmaking.archaeology biology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciences
Historical periodsStone AgeEnglishnameAny extremely primitive or undeveloped era.figuratively informal
Historical periodsStone AgeEnglishnameThe time a particular field was introduced and was in its earliest stages of development.figuratively
HistoryirmandiñoGaliciannouna member of any of the brotherhoods which revolted against nobility in 15th century Galiciahistorical masculine
HistoryirmandiñoGalicianadjof the brotherhoods which revolted against nobility in 15th century Galiciarelational
History of China洋涇浜ChinesenameYangjingbang, a former tributary of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, now filled and known as Yan'an East Road (延安東路/延安东路)
History of China洋涇浜ChinesenameShort for 洋涇浜英語/洋泾浜英语 (Yángjīngbāng Yīngyǔ, “Chinese Pidgin English”).abbreviation alt-of
History of China洋涇浜Chinesenouna person who does not speak proper Shanghainese (or another language); a non-local who speaks Shanghainese with an accentWu
History of China洋涇浜Chineseadjimproper; with an accentWu
History of PolandguldenPolishnoungolden guilder (coin)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of PolandguldenPolishnoungulden (former unit of currency of Austria-Hungary)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of PolandguldenPolishnounguilder, gulden (former unit of currency of the Netherlands)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of PolandguldenPolishnoungulden (former unit of currency of the Free City of Danzig)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of PolandguldenPolishnounguilder (former unit of currency of Suriname)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of the United StatesWatergateEnglishnameAn American political scandal (beginning with a burglary in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC, in 1972) that eventually led to the resignation of US President Richard Nixon.
History of the United StatesWatergateEnglishverbTo treat in a manner reminiscent of the Watergate scandal.transitive
History of the United StatesWatergateEnglishverbTo engage in activities associated with the Watergate scandal.intransitive rare
HolidaysПокровRussiannamePokrov (a city in Vladimir Oblast, Russia)
HolidaysПокровRussiannamePokrov (a city in Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine)
HolidaysПокровRussiannameShort for Покро́в Пресвято́й Богоро́дицы (Pokróv Presvjatój Bogoródicy, “Intercession of the Theotokos”).abbreviation alt-of
HolidaysПокровRussiannamePokrov day, Intercession of the Theotokos (feast on 14 October)
Horse tackшлемRussiannounhelmet
Horse tackшлемRussiannounheadpiece (as in a horse's)
HorsesjineteSpanishnounhorseman, horsewoman, rider (someone who rides a horse)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
HorsesjineteSpanishnounlight cavalrygovernment military politics warby-personal-gender feminine masculine obsolete
HorsesstableEnglishnounA building, wing or dependency set apart and adapted for lodging and feeding (and training) ungulates, especially horses.
HorsesstableEnglishnounAll the racehorses of a particular stable, i.e. belonging to a given owner.metonymically
HorsesstableEnglishnounA set of advocates; a barristers' chambers.Scotland
HorsesstableEnglishnounAn organization of sumo wrestlers who live and train together.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports sumo war wrestling
HorsesstableEnglishnounA group of wrestlers who support each other within a wrestling storyline.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestling
HorsesstableEnglishnounA group of prostitutes managed by one pimp.slang
HorsesstableEnglishnounA group of people who are looked after, mentored, or trained in one place or for a particular purpose or profession.
HorsesstableEnglishnounA coherent or consistent set of things (typically abstract) available or presented; array.
HorsesstableEnglishverbTo put or keep (an animal) in a stable.transitive
HorsesstableEnglishverbTo dwell in a stable.intransitive
HorsesstableEnglishverbTo park (a rail vehicle).rail-transport railways transporttransitive
HorsesstableEnglishadjRelatively unchanging, steady, permanent; firmly fixed or established; consistent; not easily moved, altered, or destroyed.
HorsesstableEnglishadjOf software: established to be relatively free of bugs, as opposed to a beta version.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
HorsesstableEnglishadjThat maintains the relative order of items that compare as computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciences
HorsesstableEnglishadjEventually satisfying the identity IM_n=M_n+1.
HorticultureсадRussiannoungarden, orchard
HorticultureܡܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounshovel, spade, hoe, mattock
HorticultureܡܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounmallet
Housingchokkaꞌ á̠aꞌChickasawnounRV, recreational vehiclealienable
Housingchokkaꞌ á̠aꞌChickasawnouncamperalienable
Housingchokkaꞌ á̠aꞌChickasawnounmobile homealienable
Human migrationaliyahEnglishnounThe calling up of someone to the bimah for the reading of the Torah.Judaism countable
Human migrationaliyahEnglishnounThe immigration of Jews to Israel.uncountable
Human migrationaliyahEnglishnounOne of the major waves of immigration of Jews to Israel.countable
Human migrationaliyahEnglishverbTo make aliyah, to immigrate to Israel.intransitive rare
HymenopteransBombusTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Apidae – bumblebees.masculine
HymenopteransBombusTranslingualnameA taxonomic subgenus within the family Apidae – Bombus (Bombus).masculine
HyraxeshyracoidEnglishnounAn animal of the order Hyracoidea, i.e. a hyrax.
HyraxeshyracoidEnglishadjOf or relating to the hyraxes (order Hyracoidea).biology natural-sciences zoology
HyraxeshyracoidEnglishadjDisplaying characteristics typical of hyraxes.
ImmunologyimdhíonadhIrishnounverbal noun of imdhíonform-of masculine noun-from-verb
ImmunologyimdhíonadhIrishverbinflection of imdhíon: / past indicative autonomousautonomous form-of indicative past
ImmunologyimdhíonadhIrishverbinflection of imdhíon: / past habitual analytic dependentanalytic dependent form-of habitual past
ImmunologyimdhíonadhIrishverbinflection of imdhíon: / past subjunctive analyticanalytic form-of past subjunctive
ImmunologyimdhíonadhIrishverbinflection of imdhíon: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Indiana, USAIndiananEnglishnounSynonym of Hoosier (“a native or inhabitant of Indiana”)proscribed uncommon
Indiana, USAIndiananEnglishadjOf or relating to Indiana.not-comparable
IndianapolisIndyEnglishnameThe fictional character Indiana Jones.informal
IndianapolisIndyEnglishnameThe Independent, a British newspaper.UK informal
IndividualsArystotelesPolishnameAristotle (Ancient Greek philosopher, logician, and scientist, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great)human-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine person uncountable
IndividualsArystotelesPolishnamea male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Aristotlecountable masculine person rare
IndividualsElkanahEnglishnameAny of several minor characters in the Old Testament, including the father of Samuel.
IndividualsElkanahEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew of Biblical origin.rare
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA former town in Manchester, England, now absorbed into Chorlton-cum-Hardy.historical
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA common surname transferred from the nickname, originally a nickname for a hardy person.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameThomas Hardy (1840-1928), English novelist and poet.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Sharp County and Fulton County, Arkansas.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Mendocino County, California.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Humboldt County, Iowa.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community and coal town in Pike County, Kentucky.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Grenada County, Mississippi.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Cascade County, Montana.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Nuckolls County, Nebraska.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township in Holmes County, Ohio.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Franklin County, Virginia.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA township in Parry Sound District, Ontario, Canada.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA hamlet in Rural Municipality of The Gap No. 39, Saskatchewan, Canada.
IndividualsHardyEnglishnameA locality east of Peterborough, South Australia.
IndividualsHorácioPortuguesenameHorace (Roman poet)masculine
IndividualsHorácioPortuguesenamea male given name from Latin, equivalent to English Horacemasculine
IndividualsPicassoSpanishnounPicasso (work of art by Pablo Picasso)masculine
IndividualsPicassoSpanishnamea surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsPicassoSpanishnamePablo Picasso, Spanish artistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsRaphaelLatinnameRaphael (biblical character)declension-3
IndividualsRaphaelLatinnamea male given name, equivalent to English Raphaeldeclension-3
InsectsdaolIrishnouninsect, wormmasculine
InsectsdaolIrishnounsharp sting; sudden start; fit, whimmasculine usually
Internet伊妹兒Chinesenounemaildated humorous
Internet伊妹兒Chineseverbto emaildated humorous
IrelandNIEnglishintjInitialism of no idea.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandNIEnglishnameInitialism of Northern Ireland.UK abbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandNIEnglishnameLower Saxony, a federal state of Germany.
IrelandNIEnglishnameAcronym of national financeUK abbreviation acronym alt-of
Iris family plantsmečíkCzechnoundiminutive of mečdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Iris family plantsmečíkCzechnoungladiolus, gladiola (any plant of the genus Gladiolus)inanimate masculine
IronsideremiaEnglishnounThe presence of iron in the blood serum (which is always true, in some amount or other).medicine physiology sciencesuncountable
IronsideremiaEnglishnounThe presence of iron in the blood serum (which is always true, in some amount or other). / The presence of excess iron in the blood serum.medicine physiology sciencesuncountable
IslandsMegarisLatinnameA country in Greece, between Attica and Phocisdeclension-3 feminine singular
IslandsMegarisLatinnameAn island situated near Naplesdeclension-3 feminine singular
ItalytriestinoPortugueseadjTriestine (of or relating to Trieste)
ItalytriestinoPortuguesenounTriestine (person from Trieste)masculine
JackfishبياضArabicnounwhiteness, whiteuncountable usually
JackfishبياضArabicnoungap in a text, empty spaceuncountable usually
JackfishبياضArabicnounwhite leadrare uncountable usually
JackfishبياضArabicnounleprosyobsolete uncountable usually
JackfishبياضArabicnounBagrus bajad, a species or genus of bagrid catfishuncountable usually
JackfishبياضArabicnountrevally (fish of the Carangidae fam. and spp. and particularly Caranx and Carangoides)uncountable usually
JackfishبياضArabicnounConvulvulus lanatusuncountable usually
JackfishبياضArabicnounbleacher of clothes
JackfishبياضArabicnounseller of eggs
JackfishبياضArabicnounwhite soil
JackfishبياضArabicnounmule, body pusher, one whose occupation it is to smuggle controlled substances in his tewelslang
Japanese male given namesだいじろうJapanesename大二郎: a male given name
Japanese male given namesだいじろうJapanesename大治朗: a male given name
JusticedlighIrishverbto deserve
JusticedlighIrishverbto merit, earn
JusticedlighIrishverbto owe, be obliged
KitchenwareвертелRussiannounspit, skewer
KitchenwareвертелRussianverbmasculine singular past indicative imperfective of верте́ть (vertétʹ, “to turn, to twist”)form-of imperfective indicative masculine past singular
Kitchenware杓子Japanesenouna flat rice scoop, shamoji
Kitchenware杓子Japanesenounladle, scoop
KnittingπλέκωGreekverbto knit, plait, weave
KnittingπλέκωGreekverbto tangle, intertwine
KnittingπλέκωGreekverbto praisefiguratively
LGBTQbougreFrenchnounchap, guyLouisiana colloquial masculine
LGBTQbougreFrenchnounwretch (miserable, luckless person)masculine
LGBTQbougreFrenchnounimbecile; idiot (general pejorative)masculine
LGBTQbougreFrenchnounsodomite, bugger, homosexualdated masculine
LGBTQbougreFrenchnounbloody (intensifier)invariable masculine
LGBTQsirenaCebuanonouna mermaid
LGBTQsirenaCebuanonouna siren; a device that creates a loud sound as an alarm or signal; the sound it creates
LGBTQsirenaCebuanonouna male homosexual, especially one who is effeminateoffensive slang
LGBTQsirenaCebuanonouna feminine man, regardless of sexualitybroadly offensive slang
LGBTQsirenaCebuanoverbto sound the siren
Ladin cardinal numberstredescLadinadjthirteen
Ladin cardinal numberstredescLadinnounthirteenmasculine uncountable
LandformsbootheelEnglishnounThe heel of a boot.
LandformsbootheelEnglishnounAn area of land protruding south of the eastern or western end of a southern border.
LandformsdeneMiddle Englishnounvalley
LandformsdeneMiddle Englishnumtennonce-word
LandformsdeneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of den (“dean”)alt-of alternative
LandformsdeneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of dynnealt-of alternative
LandformsdeneMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of deynen (“to disdain”)alt-of alternative
LandformsгребенBulgariannouncomb, hair-comb, curry-comb, hackle (toothed implement for grooming the hair)
LandformsгребенBulgariannouncomb, crest, caruncle (of a bird)
LandformsгребенBulgariannouncrest (of a wave)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
LandformsгребенBulgariannounridge, crest (of a mountain)geography geology natural-sciences
LandformsгребенBulgarianadjrowing, paddlingrelational
LandformsтерасаUkrainiannounterrace (a raised, flat-topped bank of earth with sloping sides)agriculture business lifestyle
LandformsтерасаUkrainiannounterrace (a step-like landform)geography geology natural-sciences
LandformsтерасаUkrainiannounterrace (a platform that extends outwards from a building)architecture
LandformsმდინარეGeorgiannounriver, stream
LandformsმდინარეGeorgianadjflowing, running (water)uncommon
Language familiesIranianEnglishnounA person from Iran or of Iranian descent.
Language familiesIranianEnglishadjPertaining to the Iranian languages or their speakers.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
Language familiesIranianEnglishadjOf or related to Iran.not-comparable
Language familiesIranianEnglishnamePersian (the language).nonstandard
LanguagesAranamaEnglishnounA Native American people formerly living along the San Antonio and Guadalupe rivers of present-day Texas, near the Gulf Coast.historical plural plural-only
LanguagesAranamaEnglishnameThe extinct language of these people, possibly a Coahuiltecan language.
LanguagesMarshalleseEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Marshall Islands, its people, or its language.not-comparable
LanguagesMarshalleseEnglishnameThe Austronesian language of the Marshall Islands.
LanguagesMarshalleseEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Marshall Islands.countable in-plural uncountable
LanguagesMongoljanMaltesenounMongolian (person)masculine
LanguagesMongoljanMaltesenounMongolian (language)
LanguagesMurcianEnglishadjFrom, or pertaining to, Murcia
LanguagesMurcianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Murcia.countable
LanguagesMurcianEnglishnameA dialect of the Spanish language spoken in Murcia.
LanguagesOsseteEnglishnounOssetian (one who is from Ossetia)
LanguagesOsseteEnglishnameOssetian (language)
LanguagesThaoEnglishnounA member of an aboriginal people of central Taiwan.
LanguagesThaoEnglishnameAn Austronesian language spoken by the Thao people.
LanguagesWolofEnglishnameA West African people, mostly in Senegal.
LanguagesWolofEnglishnameThe language traditionally spoken by those people.
LanguagesWolofEnglishnameThe former realm of the Wolof, maintained from the 14th to the 19th centuries.historical
LanguagesWolofEnglishnounAn individual member of the Wolof people.
LanguagesbelarúsCatalannounBelarusian personmasculine
LanguagesbelarúsCatalannounBelarusian languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesensktFaroesenounEnglish (language)neuter
LanguagesensktFaroeseadjinflection of enskur: / neuter singular nominativeform-of neuter nominative singular
LanguagesensktFaroeseadjinflection of enskur: / neuter singular accusativeaccusative form-of neuter singular
LanguagesespanhòlOccitannounthe Spanish languagemasculine
LanguagesespanhòlOccitannouna Spaniardmasculine
LanguagessânscritoPortuguesenounSanskrit (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagessânscritoPortugueseadjof the Sanskrit languagenot-comparable relational
LanguagessânscritoPortugueseadjrelating to the Proto-Indo-European languagenonstandard not-comparable
LanguagesčeškiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Czech languagesubstantive
LanguagesमैथिलीMarathinameMaithili (language)
LanguagesमैथिलीMarathinamea female given name, Maithili, from India
LanguagesमैथिलीMarathinamea name of Sita
Latin nomina gentiliaNumitoriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaNumitoriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Numitorius, a Roman tribunedeclension-2
LaundrylabhononCebuanoadjunwashed; needs washing; needs to be washed
LaundrylabhononCebuanonounlaundry; that which needs to be laundered
Law凶器Chinesenounlethal weapon
Law凶器Chinesenounweapon for criminal purposes
Law凶器ChinesenounAlternative form of 胸器 (xiōngqì)alt-of alternative humorous
Law凶器Chinesenounfunerial implement; burial devicearchaic
Law enforcementкипешRussiannounnoise; quarrelslang
Law enforcementкипешRussiannounexcitement, commotioncolloquial slang
Law enforcementкипешRussiannounhouse search, police raidslang
Law enforcementಕಂದಾಚಾರKannadanounmilitary
Law enforcementಕಂದಾಚಾರKannadanounpolice
Law enforcementಕಂದಾಚಾರKannadanounpoliceman
Law enforcementಕಂದಾಚಾರKannadanounservant
LeadersгенералитетRussiannounsupreme command, generalsgovernment military politics warcollective
LeadersгенералитетRussiannounhigher authoritiescolloquial figuratively
Legal occupationsюристYakutnounlawyer
Legal occupationsюристYakutnounjurist
Leuciscine fish丸太Japanesenouna log: unsawn lumber (UK) or timber (US), a section of a tree cut to a length and with the bark removed, but otherwise round and unfinisheduncommon
Leuciscine fish丸太JapanesenounSynonym of 似鯉 (nigoi, “Hemibarbus barbus”)uncommon
Leuciscine fish丸太Japanesenounthe Pacific redfin, Pseudaspius brandtiiuncommon
Leuciscine fish丸太Japanesenounduring the Edo period, derogatory term for an unlicensed prostitute dressed as a Buddhist nun as a form of disguise from the authorities (from the way the shaven head looks a bit like a debarked log, and from the way that they both roll around)historical slang uncommon
Leuciscine fish丸太Japanesenounhuman test subjects of Unit 731historical uncommon
LifepoisonousEnglishadjContaining sufficient poison to be dangerous to touch or ingest.
LifepoisonousEnglishadjOf an animal such as a snake or spider, or parts of its body: producing a toxin intended for defensive or offensive use which is usually injected into an enemy or prey by biting or stinging; hence, of a bite or sting: injecting poison.
LifepoisonousEnglishadjNegative, harmful.figuratively
LightsolarEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the sun; proceeding from the sunnot-comparable
LightsolarEnglishadjBorn under the predominant influence of the sun.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesnot-comparable obsolete
LightsolarEnglishadjMeasured by the progress or revolution of the sun in the ecliptic; as, the solar year.not-comparable
LightsolarEnglishadjProduced by the action of the sun, or peculiarly affected by its influence.not-comparable
LightsolarEnglishadjEmploying solar power.not-comparable
LightsolarEnglishnounsolar energyuncountable
LightsolarEnglishnounA loft or upper chamber forming the private accommodation of the head of the household in a medieval hall; a garret room.obsolete
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto cause to appear, bring to light; to show, uncover, reveal / to make known, reveal, disclosetransitive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto cause to appear, bring to light; to show, uncover, revealtransitive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto cause to appear, bring to light; to show, uncover, reveal / Ι show forth, expoundtransitive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto cause to appear, bring to light; to show, uncover, reveal / to denouncetransitive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto cause to appear, bring to light; to show, uncover, revealtransitive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto shine, give lightintransitive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto appear; to shine / to come into beingmediopassive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto appear; to shine / to come aboutmediopassive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto appear; to shine / to appear (to be) / yes; so it appears; apparentlymediopassive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto appear; to shine / to appear (to be) / it seemsimpersonal mediopassive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto appear; to shine / to appear (to be)mediopassive
LightφαίνωAncient Greekverbto appear; to shinemediopassive
Light sourceslámparaSpanishnounlampfeminine
Light sourceslámparaSpanishnountorch, flashlightfeminine
Light sourceslámparaSpanishnounclothing stainfeminine
Light sourceslámparaSpanishnounsmart cookie (clever person)Cuba El-Salvador Nicaragua feminine
Light sourcesсвечкаBelarusiannouncandle (a light source, usually of wax)
Light sourcesсвечкаBelarusiannounspark plug / sparking plugautomotive transport vehicles
Light sourcesсвечкаBelarusiannounsuppositorymedicine sciences
LightningelveEnglishnounObsolete form of elf.alt-of obsolete
LightningelveEnglishnounA rapidly expanding disk-shaped region of red luminosity in the ionosphere, lasting less than a thousandth of a second, which occurs high above energetic cloud-to-ground lightning of positive or negative polarity.astronomy climatology meteorology natural-sciences
Limburg, NetherlandsLimburgerEnglishnounLimburger cheese.uncountable usually
Limburg, NetherlandsLimburgerEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Limburg.countable usually
LinguisticsetymologyEnglishnounThe scientific study of the origin and evolution of a word's semantic meaning across time, including its constituent morphemes and phonemes.human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable
LinguisticsetymologyEnglishnounThe entire catalogue of meanings that a word, morpheme, or sign has carried throughout its history.countable
LinguisticsetymologyEnglishnounAn account of the origin and historical development of a word as presented in a dictionary or the like.countable
LinguisticsetymologyEnglishnounThe direct origin of a name, as in who someone was named after.countable
LiquidsmannaNorwegian Nynorsknounmannabiblical lifestyle religionmasculine
LiquidsmannaNorwegian Nynorsknouna sweetish tree sap, especially of the manna ashmasculine
LiquidsmannaNorwegian Nynorskverbto man
Liquids注すJapaneseverbserve drinks
Liquids注すJapaneseverbAlternative form of 差すalt-of alternative
LiteraturestafflikeMiddle EnglishadjLiteral; non-figurative.Ormulum rare
LiteraturestafflikeMiddle EnglishadvIn a literal or non-figurative manner.Ormulum rare
LovelovesomeEnglishadjWorthy of love; having qualities that inspire love; lovable.
LovelovesomeEnglishadjAffectionate; friendly.Ireland archaic
LovelovesomeEnglishadjLovable on account of beauty; lovely, beautiful.
LovelovesomeEnglishadjAmorous; showing or feeling love.archaic
MalaysiaHari KebangsaanMalaynameNational Day of Brunei, which is held on February 23.Brunei
MalaysiaHari KebangsaanMalaynameIndependence Day of Malaysia, which is held on August 31.Malaysia
MalaysiaHari KebangsaanMalaynameNational Day of Singapore, which is held on August 9.Singapore
Maleలక్ష్మణుడుTelugunounA fortunate man.
Maleలక్ష్మణుడుTelugunameLakshmana, the younger brother of Rama.Hinduism
Male animalsjakeEnglishadjAdequate; satisfactory; acceptable.slang
Male animalsjakeEnglishnounA juvenile male turkey.US countable uncountable
Male animalsjakeEnglishnounpolice, a federal government officer.Multicultural-London-English New-York countable slang uncountable
Male animalsjakeEnglishnounA police officer, a cop (on foot, rather than in a patrol car).countable slang uncountable
Male animalsjakeEnglishnounJamaica ginger.US slang uncountable
Male animalsjakeEnglishnounA Discordian prank involving a large number of people sending bizarre letters or parcels to a targeted individual.countable uncountable
Male animalsjakeEnglishverbTo play a Discordian prank on (somebody), involving a large number of people sending bizarre letters or parcels to that person.transitive
Male animalskrólPolishnounking (male monarch; a man who heads a monarchy)masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnounking (person that is the best within a given group)masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnounking (tycoon or magnate of a particular industry)masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnouna term of endearment for a romantic partnermasculine obsolete person
Male animalskrólPolishnounbridegroommasculine obsolete person
Male animalskrólPolishnouncharacter of a comedyMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnouncharacter of a comedy / The meaning of this term is uncertain.Middle Polish masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnounqueen beeagriculture beekeeping business lifestyleMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities includeMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / queen antMiddle Polish masculine person
Male animalskrólPolishnounking (thing that is the best within a given group)animal-not-person masculine
Male animalskrólPolishnounking (principal chess piece, that players seek to threaten with unavoidable capture to result in a victory by checkmate)board-games chess gamesanimal-not-person masculine
Male animalskrólPolishnounking (playing card with the letter "K" and the image of a king on it, the thirteenth card in a given suit)card-games gamesanimal-not-person masculine
Male animalskrólPolishnounking (central pin or skittle in bowling games)bowling hobbies lifestyle sportsanimal-not-person masculine
Male animalskrólPolishnounAugmentative of królik.animal-not-person augmentative colloquial form-of masculine
Male animalskrólPolishnounmain column of a tent or toweranimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Male animalskrólPolishnouna type of card gamecard-games gamesanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Male animalskrólPolishnouna type of children's ball game.animal-not-person masculine obsolete
Male animalskrólPolishnounbevel shaft in a smock millengineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Male family membersgodfatherEnglishnounA man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner; a male godparent who sponsors the baptism of a child.Christianity
Male family membersgodfatherEnglishnounSomeone who plays a key role in fostering the development of something.figuratively
Male family membersgodfatherEnglishnounA mafia leader.
Male family membersgodfatherEnglishnounA small post which is used in repairing a fence. For instance attached to and supporting an existing broken fence post.
Male family membersgodfatherEnglishverbTo act as godfather or guardian to.figuratively often transitive
Male family membersgranddadEnglishnoungrandfatherinformal
Male family membersgranddadEnglishnounA familiar or disparaging term of address to an old man.
Male family membersphralVlax RomaninounbrotherBanatiski-Gurbet Gurbet Kalderaš Lovara Macedonian-Džambazi Sremski-Gurbet masculine
Male family membersphralVlax Romaninounbrother / stepbrotherBanatiski-Gurbet Gurbet Kalderaš Lovara Macedonian-Džambazi Sremski-Gurbet masculine
Male family membersphralVlax Romaninounfellow man (also for a peer or friend)Gurbet Macedonian-Džambazi masculine
Male family membersдедRussiannoungrandfather
Male family membersдедRussiannounold mancolloquial
Male family membersдедRussiannounforefathersin-plural
Male family membersдедRussiannounsoldier who is approaching demobilizationgovernment military politics warslang
Male family members二男Japanesenountwo sons
Male family members二男Japanesenounthe second son
Male family members二男Japanesenamea male given name
Male peopleBluebeardEnglishnameA famous fairy tale written by Charles Perrault in 1697 about a violent nobleman who has the habit of murdering his wives and the attempts of his current wife to avoid the same fate.
Male peopleBluebeardEnglishnameThe nobleman who is the title character of the story.
Male peopleBluebeardEnglishnounA man who marries and then murders one wife after another.
Male peopleblagajnikSerbo-Croatiannouncashier
Male peopleblagajnikSerbo-Croatiannountreasurer
Male peopledeklamatorPolishnounreciter, declaimerliterary masculine person
Male peopledeklamatorPolishnoundeclaimer, a person who makes big talk or empty promisesderogatory literary masculine person
Male peoplelegislatorPolishnounlegal expertlawmasculine person
Male peoplelegislatorPolishnounlegislator (person who creates or enacts laws)government lawmasculine person
Male peopleleworękiPolishadjleft-handed (preferring the left hand over the right)not-comparable
Male peopleleworękiPolishnounleft-handed personmasculine noun-from-verb person
Male peoplemążKashubiannounman (male human)masculine person rare
Male peoplemążKashubiannounhusbandmasculine person rare
Male peopleobłąkanyPolishadjderanged, insane
Male peopleobłąkanyPolishnounmadman, lunaticmasculine noun-from-verb person
Male peopleobłąkanyPolishverbmasculine singular passive adjectival participle of obłąkaćadjectival form-of masculine participle passive singular
Male peopleożywicielPolishnounanimator, revitalisermasculine person
Male peopleożywicielPolishnounlife-giver, vivifierChristianitycapitalized masculine often person
Male peoplepaniczPolishnounlordling (unimportant or petty lord)archaic masculine person
Male peoplepaniczPolishnounlord's sonarchaic masculine person
Male peoplepaniczPolishnounlordling (someone who demands to be served)derogatory masculine person
Male peopleszarlatanPolishnouncharlatan, quackmasculine person
Male peopleszarlatanPolishnountrickster, fraudmasculine person
Male peoplethiếu niênVietnameseadjrelated to adolescence; like an adolescent
Male peoplethiếu niênVietnamesenounan adolescent
Male peoplethiếu niênVietnamesenounan adolescent boydated
Male peopletowarzyszPolishnouncompanion (someone present with another person)masculine person
Male peopletowarzyszPolishnouncomrade (member of the socialist or communist party)communism government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciencesmasculine person
Male peopletowarzyszPolishnouncompanion (object frequently with a person or activity)masculine person
Male peopletowarzyszPolishnouncompanion (something inextricably linked with something else)masculine person
Male peopletowarzyszPolishnounnobleman that enlists to the hussars or under an armored banner with his own posthistorical masculine obsolete person
Male peopletowarzyszPolishnounjourneymanmasculine obsolete person
Male peopletowarzyszPolishnounstag beginning to rut driven out of the herd by a more dominant staghobbies hunting lifestylemasculine obsolete person
Male peoplewołchwPolishnounvolkhv (pre-Christian shaman or priest from Slavic cultures)historical masculine person
Male peoplewołchwPolishnounvolkhv (priest from Slavic neopaganism)lifestyle paganism religionmasculine person
Male peopleкасінерBelarusiannouna war scythemanhistorical
Male peopleкасінерBelarusiannounspecifically, one of the scythemen that partook in the January Uprising
Mallow family plantsmonkey breadEnglishnounA type of gourd, the fruit of a baobab tree (Adansonia digitata), eaten by monkeys.countable uncountable
Mallow family plantsmonkey breadEnglishnounThe tree itself.countable uncountable
Mallow family plantsmonkey breadEnglishnounA soft, sweet, sticky pastry sprinkled with cinnamon, often served at fairs and festivals.US countable uncountable
Malpighiales order plantslliCatalannounflax (both the plant and the fibers produced from it)masculine
Malpighiales order plantslliCatalannounlinenmasculine
MammalsaguanaGaliciannounwater volefeminine
MammalsaguanaGaliciannoundesman (Galemys pyrenaicus)feminine
MammalsпырысEastern Mariintjshoo! (said to cats)
MammalsпырысEastern Marinouncat
MammalsпырысEastern Marinoungrapnelfiguratively
MarriagematrimonyEnglishnounMarriage; the state of being married.uncountable
MarriagematrimonyEnglishnounThe ceremony of marriage.countable
MarriagematrimonyEnglishnounA particular solitaire card game using two decks of cards.uncountable
Marriage琴瑟Chinesenounthe qin and the se (traditional Chinese zither-like instruments)entertainment lifestyle music
Marriage琴瑟Chinesenounmarital harmonyfiguratively
Marxismcộng sảnVietnameseadjcommunist
Marxismcộng sảnVietnamesenouncommunists; commiescollective informal
Mathematics가감Koreannounaddition and subtraction
Mathematics가감Koreannounadjustment, increasing and decreasing (a quantity), regulation
MealsbraaiEnglishnounA barbecue (grill), especially an open outdoor grill built specifically for the purpose of braaing.South-Africa
MealsbraaiEnglishnounA social meeting, including the braaing of meat; a cookout.Botswana South-Africa Zimbabwe
MealsbraaiEnglishverbTo grill meat over an open flame (not on a gas grill).South-Africa
MeatsJägerschnitzelGermannounA dish consisting of schnitzel (fried veal or pork cutlet) with a mushroom sauce.neuter strong
MeatsJägerschnitzelGermannounA dish consisting of a slice of Jagdwurst breaded and fried and served with a tomato sauce.East Germany neuter strong
MeatsaffettatoItalianadjaffected, stilted (simulated in order to impress)
MeatsaffettatoItalianadjsliced (bread)
MeatsaffettatoItaliannounsliced meat such as salamimasculine
MeatsaffettatoItaliannoundeli meatsmasculine
MeatsaffettatoItaliannouncold cutsmasculine
MeatsaffettatoItalianverbpast participle of affettareform-of participle past
MedicineblodprøveNorwegian Nynorsknouna blood testfeminine masculine
MedicineblodprøveNorwegian Nynorsknouna blood samplefeminine masculine
MedicinepeniculusLatinnamea brush [for removing dust] (for which ox-tails and horse-tails were used)declension-2
MedicinepeniculusLatinnamea sponge (a soft kind used for medical purposes)declension-2
MedicinepeniculusLatinnamea painter’s brush or pencildeclension-2
MedicinepeniculusLatinnamepenis, membrum viriledeclension-2
MedicinepeniculusLatinnamea scourge (kind of whip)Medieval-Latin declension-2
MedicinewadiSwahilinounAlternative form of waladi (“son”)alt-of alternative
MedicinewadiSwahilinounAlternative form of wodi (“ward”)alt-of alternative
Medicine바이러스Koreannounvirus (disease-causing pseudo-organism)
Medicine바이러스Koreannouncomputer virus
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenounopossum (any species in the family Didelphidae)feminine masculine
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenounskunk (any species in the family Mephitidae)Brazil feminine masculine
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenoundrunkardBrazil feminine figuratively masculine
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenouna player or supporter of Corinthians football teamball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsBrazil derogatory feminine figuratively masculine
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenouna stinky person, stinkerSouth-Brazil feminine figuratively masculine
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenouna kind of drum consisting of a hollow log covered at one endmasculine
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenouna kind of dance whose music uses this drummasculine
MephitidsgambáPortuguesenounrabble (mass of common people)collective derogatory feminine usually
MephitidsgambáPortugueseadjdrunk as a skunkfeminine masculine slang
MetalsferruFalaverbfirst-person singular present indicative of ferral (“to horseshoe”)first-person form-of indicative present singular
MetalsرصاصSouth Levantine Arabicnounleadcollective uncountable
MetalsرصاصSouth Levantine Arabicnounbulletscollective uncountable
Meteorology和風ChinesenounJapanese styleTaiwan attributive often
Militaryavion de chasseFrenchnounfighter planemasculine
Militaryavion de chasseFrenchnouna hottie, a bombshell (a very attractive woman)informal masculine
MilitarycastellCatalannouncastle (fortified structure)masculine
MilitarycastellCatalannouncastle (enclosed area located above the top deck)nautical transportmasculine
MilitarycastellCatalannounchâteau (large house)masculine
MilitarycastellCatalannouncastell (human tower)masculine
MilitaryhukboTagalognounarmy; troop; legiongovernment military politics war
MilitaryhukboTagalognounposse; crowd; large group of people (such as workers)figuratively
MilitaryhukboTagalognounthe militarygovernment military politics war
MilitarykhuttaCimbriannouncrowdSette-Comuni feminine
MilitarykhuttaCimbriannounrank (line of soldiers)Sette-Comuni feminine
MindGedächtnisGermannounmemory (ability to recall)neuter strong
MindGedächtnisGermannounremembranceChristianityneuter poetic strong
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounWit, shrewdness, judiciousness; the state of being wise.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounAdeptness, expertise; knowledge in a certain area.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounTactics, plans, preparation; the act of readying.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounA tactic, approach, method, or accomplishment.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounWork, labour, might; that which is expended on a task.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounDetail; the finer or more intricate points of something.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounCunning, sleight; craft; artful practice.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounAn artful or deceiving trick; a sly artifice.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishnounSomething of extreme attractiveness.rare
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishadjJudicious, considered, shrewd; having or indicative of great wisdom.
MindsleighteMiddle EnglishadjSly, artful, wily; employing or being an example of deception.
MiningcoalEnglishnounA black or brownish black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and burned as a fuel.uncountable
MiningcoalEnglishnounA black or brownish black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and burned as a fuel. / A type of coal, such as bituminous, anthracite, or lignite, and grades and varieties thereof, as a fuel commodity ready to buy and burn.countable
MiningcoalEnglishnounA piece of coal used for burning (this use is less common in American English)countable
MiningcoalEnglishnounA glowing or charred piece of coal, wood, or other solid fuel.countable
MiningcoalEnglishnounCharcoal.countable uncountable
MiningcoalEnglishnounContent of low quality.Internet countable uncountable
MiningcoalEnglishnounBombs emitting black smoke on impact.government military politics warcountable slang uncountable
MiningcoalEnglishnounMoney.countable obsolete slang uncountable
MiningcoalEnglishverbTo take on a supply of coal (usually of steam ships or locomotives).intransitive
MiningcoalEnglishverbTo supply with coal.transitive
MiningcoalEnglishverbTo be converted to charcoal.intransitive
MiningcoalEnglishverbTo burn to charcoal; to char.transitive
MiningcoalEnglishverbTo mark or delineate with charcoal.transitive
MiningcoalEnglishadjFailing to be humorous or of extremely poor quality.Internet
MiningcoalEnglishadjBlack like coal; coal-black.
MiningcoalEnglishverbTo post low-quality content online.Internet
MonarchykoninklijkDutchadvroyally (in the manner of royalty)
Monarchy尊號Chinesenounregnal name
Monarchy尊號Chinesenounname of your shophonorific
MonasticismabbéNorwegian Bokmålnounan abbé (a French abbot, the (male) head of an abbey)Christianitymasculine
MonasticismabbéNorwegian Bokmålnounan abbé (an honorific title for a member of the French clergy)masculine
MonasticismkeeillManxnounplace of worshipfeminine
MonasticismаббатскийRussianadjabbot, priestrelational
Moonhalf-moonEnglishnounThe moon in its first or last quarter when only half the visible face is illuminated; a quarter moon.
Moonhalf-moonEnglishnounAnything shaped like a crescent, especially the base of a fingernail.
Moonhalf-moonEnglishnounA semicircular or crescent-shaped Filipino butter cookie.
Moonhalf-moonEnglishnounSynonym of black and white (“type of cookie”)
Moon🌕TranslingualsymbolA full moon.
Moon🌕TranslingualsymbolOxygen (Daltonian symbol).chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
MotorcyclesautocyklPolishnounautocycle (vehicle resembling a moped)inanimate masculine
MotorcyclesautocyklPolishnounmotorcyclearchaic inanimate masculine
MotorcycleswheelieEnglishnounAn action or stunt where a bicycle, motorcycle, or other vehicle is ridden for a short period while it is standing only on its rear wheel or wheels.informal
MotorcycleswheelieEnglishnounA wheelchair user.Australia informal
MotorcycleswheelieEnglishverbTo ride, or perform the stunt of riding, a vehicle on its rear wheel or wheels.informal intransitive
MotorcycleswheelieEnglishadjAlternative spelling of wheely (“having wheels; mounted on wheels”).alt-of alternative informal
MountainsApenninusLatinname(in plural) The Apenninesgeography natural-sciencesdeclension-2
MountainsApenninusLatinnameA particular portion of the Apennines.declension-2
MurdermamumunoCebuanonounkiller; murderer
MurderwhooshEnglishnounA breathy sound like that of an object passing at high speed.
MurderwhooshEnglishnounA homicide by shooting.Multicultural-London-English slang
MurderwhooshEnglishnounA gun.Multicultural-London-English slang
MurderwhooshEnglishverbTo make a breathy sound like a whoosh or extrude with such a sound.intransitive
MurderwhooshEnglishverbTo pass by quickly and more or less close or away.intransitive transitive
MurderwhooshEnglishverbTo pass by quickly and more or less close or away. / To happen while bypassing someone's detailed awareness, to have someone miss the point.figuratively intransitive transitive
MurderwhooshEnglishverbTo cause to pass quickly.transitive
MurderwhooshEnglishverbTo kill by gun, to shoot.Multicultural-London-English slang transitive
MurderwhooshEnglishintjImitates anything passing by quickly and more or less close.
MurderwhooshEnglishintjIndicating that somebody has missed the point (i.e. it went over their head).sarcastic
MuridspacPolishnounlarge rat (rodent)animal-not-person dialectal masculine
MuridspacPolishintjplunk, thud, flump (sound)regional
MuridspacPolishnoungenitive plural of pacafeminine form-of genitive plural
MusclesداليةArabicnounnoria, waterwheel
MusclesداليةArabicnounespalier, railing
MusclesداليةArabicnoundeltoidanatomy medicine sciences
MusclesداليةArabicnounvarix; varicosismedicine sciences
MusicsultanaEnglishnounA pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape.
MusicsultanaEnglishnounA wife or mistress of a sultan.
MusicsultanaEnglishnounA female ruler of a sultanate.
MusicsultanaEnglishnounA type of viol, a cither viol.
MusicsultanaEnglishnounAn old form of necklace.
MusicwagnertarBasquenounAn admirer of Richard Wagner or his music.animate
Musical instrumentstambourFrenchnoundrum (instrument)masculine
Musical instrumentstambourFrenchnountambour (sports / real tennis)masculine
Musical instrumentstambourFrenchnounrevolving doormasculine
Myrtales order plantspleromaEnglishnounA plant of the genus Pleroma.biology botany natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Myrtales order plantspleromaEnglishnounSynonym of plerome (“the central portion of the apical meristem in a growing plant root or stem which, according to the histogen theory, gives rise to the endodermis and stele”)biology botany natural-sciencesarchaic countable obsolete rare uncountable
Myrtales order plantspleromaEnglishnounA state of perfect fullness, especially of God's being as incarnated in Jesus Christ.Christianitycountable uncountable
Myrtales order plantspleromaEnglishnameOften preceded by the: the spiritual universe seen as the totality of the essence and powers of God.Gnosticism lifestyle religionhistorical
Myrtales order plantsrantakukkaFinnishnounpurple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria (semi-aquatic herbaceous plant)
Myrtales order plantsrantakukkaFinnishnouna plant of the genus Lythrum
Myrtales order plantsгранатRussiannounpomegranate
Myrtales order plantsгранатRussiannoungarnet
Myrtales order plantsгранатRussiannoungenitive plural of грана́та (granáta)form-of genitive plural
Mythological creaturescacodemonEnglishnounAn evil or malevolent spirit.
Mythological creaturescacodemonEnglishnounThe twelfth astrological House, from which only evil prognostics are alleged to proceed.
Mythological creaturesfadaPortuguesenounfairyfeminine
Mythological creaturesfadaPortugueseverbinflection of fadar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Mythological creaturesfadaPortugueseverbinflection of fadar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Mythological creaturespoukeMiddle EnglishnounA malign spirit or creature.
Mythological creaturespoukeMiddle EnglishnounA malign person.figuratively rare
Mythological creaturesxenioGaliciannoungenius (extraordinary mental capacity)masculine uncountable
Mythological creaturesxenioGaliciannoungenius (someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill)countable masculine
Mythological creaturesxenioGaliciannountempermasculine
Mythological creaturesxenioGaliciannounirritability (the tendency of getting angry, annoyed)masculine uncountable
Mythological creaturesxenioGaliciannoungenie, Jinn (a spirit, either good or evil, of pre-Islamic and Islamic mythology)masculine
Mythological figuresὈρχομενόςAncient Greeknamem a male given name, Orchomenus
Mythological figuresὈρχομενόςAncient Greeknamef Orchomenus, the name of multiple places
NationalismnationalistEnglishadjOf or relating to nationalism.
NationalismnationalistEnglishnounAn advocate of nationalism.
NationalitiesBotswanianEnglishnounBotswanan; a person from Botswana or of Botswanan descent.
NationalitiesBotswanianEnglishadjBotswanan; of, from, or pertaining to Botswana, the Botswanan people or the Botswanan language.
NationalitiesYunanlıTurkishnameGreek (a person from Greece)
NationalitiesfinlandeseItaliannounFinnishby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesfinlandeseItaliannounthe Finnish languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitiesgambiaiHungarianadjGambian (of or pertaining to Gambia)not-comparable
NationalitiesgambiaiHungariannounGambian (person from Gambia or of Gambian descent)
NationalitieskomoriskaSwedishadjinflection of komorisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitieskomoriskaSwedishadjinflection of komorisk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitieskomoriskaSwedishnouna female Comorian, a woman from the Comoroscommon-gender
NationalitieskomoriskaSwedishnounComorian; an official language in the Comoroscommon-gender uncountable
NationalitiesmontenegrinoItaliannounthe Montenegrin languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitiesomanskaSwedishadjinflection of omansk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiesomanskaSwedishadjinflection of omansk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiesomanskaSwedishnounfemale equivalent of omaniercommon-gender feminine form-of
NationalitiesugandalainenFinnishnounA Ugandan.
Natural materialshaqqeSidamonountreescollective feminine
Natural materialshaqqeSidamonounwoodcollective feminine
NauticaledSwedishnounan oath (solemn pledge)common-gender
NauticaledSwedishnounan oath (curse, curse word)common-gender
NauticaledSwedishnounAn isthmus; a strip of land between two bodies of waterneuter
NauticaledSwedishnounA portage; a route used for carrying boats between two waterwaysneuter
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounAn outsider; a guest; one from an unfamiliar land.rare
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounA thrall; a hireling.rare
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounA wooden board used for creating the exterior of a vessel; planking.
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounA welt; an injury created by use of a whip or a similar weapon.rare
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounA lesion; a boil.rare
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounA selection or possibility; a decision.
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounA preference; something chosen due to its quality.rare
NauticalwaleMiddle Englishadjamazing, of great quality or talent.
NauticalwaleMiddle Englishadjpleasing, nice, enjoyable, benevolent
NauticalwaleMiddle Englishadjstrong, firm, strengthy
NauticalwaleMiddle Englishadjimpactful, grievous, melancholy
NauticalwaleMiddle Englishadjdecided, resolved, picked.rare
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of valealt-of alternative
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of walalt-of alternative
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of walenalt-of alternative
NauticalwaleMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of whalealt-of alternative
NeckweargolfPolishnoungolf (ball game)golf hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
NeckweargolfPolishnounturtleneck, polo-neckbusiness clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textilesinanimate masculine
NeckweargolfPolishnounVolkswagen Golf caranimal-not-person masculine
NeckweargolfPolishnoungulf (deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land)inanimate masculine obsolete
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA tree, Olea europaea, cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean for its fruit and the oil obtained from it.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounThe small oval fruit of this tree, eaten ripe (usually black) or unripe (usually green).
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounThe wood of the olive tree.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA dark yellowish-green color, that of an unripe olive.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounAn olivary body, part of the medulla oblongata.anatomy medicine neuroanatomy neurology neuroscience sciences
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA component of a plumbing compression joint; a ring which is placed between the nut and the pipe and compressed during fastening to provide a seal.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA small slice of meat seasoned, rolled up, and food lifestyle
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounAny shell of the genus Oliva and allied genera; so called from the shape.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounAn oystercatcher, a shore bird.UK dialectal
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishadjOf a grayish green color, that of an unripe olive.
Neurology痴呆Chineseadjstupid; dull
Neurology痴呆Chinesenoundementiamedicine sciences
NightshadeshulluruohoFinnishnounthorn apple (Datura stramonium)
NightshadeshulluruohoFinnishnounAny plant in the genus Datura.
NobilitydróttningOld Norsenouna mistressfeminine
NobilitydróttningOld Norsenouna queenfeminine
NobilitydróttningOld Norsenouna princessfeminine
North Korea北鮮JapanesenameKankyōnan-dō and Kankyōhoku-dōhistorical
North Korea北鮮JapanesenameSynonym of 北朝鮮 (Kita Chōsen, “North Korea”)derogatory
ObesityfattyEnglishadjContaining, composed of, or consisting of fat.
ObesityfattyEnglishadjContaining, composed of, or consisting of fat. / Sometimes, especially, containing excess fat.
ObesityfattyEnglishadjLike fat; greasy.
ObesityfattyEnglishadjOf or related to fat.
ObesityfattyEnglishadjLiterally or figuratively large.slang
ObesityfattyEnglishnounAn obese person.derogatory slang
ObesityfattyEnglishnounA large marijuana cigar; a blunt.slang
ObesityfattyEnglishnounA type of game played with marbles.
OccupationsBerichterstatterGermannounrapporteur (male or of unspecified gender)government politicsmasculine strong
OccupationsBerichterstatterGermannounreporter, correspondent (male or of unspecified gender)journalism mediamasculine strong
OccupationsarchitektkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of architekt (“architect”) (a professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction)feminine form-of
OccupationsarchitektkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of architekt (“architect”) (a person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result)feminine form-of
OccupationsartesanaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of artesano, craftswoman, artisanfeminine form-of
OccupationsartesanaSpanishadjfeminine singular of artesanofeminine form-of singular
OccupationscoperoSpanishadjcuphobbies lifestyle sportsrelational
OccupationscoperoSpanishnouncabinet for glassesmasculine
OccupationsdobrodziejPolishnounbenefactor (beneficent person; someone who helps others)archaic masculine person
OccupationsdobrodziejPolishnounChristian priestChristianityarchaic dialectal masculine person regional
OccupationsdoughyEnglishadjHaving the characteristics of dough especially in appearance or consistency: as / Pale and flabby,
OccupationsdoughyEnglishadjHaving the characteristics of dough especially in appearance or consistency: as / Soft and heavy.
OccupationsdoughyEnglishadjHaving the characteristics of dough especially in appearance or consistency: as
OccupationsdoughyEnglishnounA baker.archaic slang
OccupationsladdeMiddle EnglishnounA (male) servant or hireling (usually of a noble)
OccupationsladdeMiddle EnglishnounA male commoner; a man with a low position in society.
OccupationsladdeMiddle EnglishnounA man of low morals or behaviour (used derogatorily)
OccupationsladdeMiddle EnglishnounAny man (without qualification); an adult male human being.
OccupationsladdeMiddle EnglishnounA lad or boy; a male human child (including babies)
OccupationsladdeMiddle EnglishnounA infantryman; a fighter who isn't mounted.rare
OccupationspublicitarioSpanishadjrelating to advertising
OccupationssotameesIngriannounSynonym of valetti (“jack”)
OccupationstrinitariCatalanadjtrinitary, Trinitarian
OccupationstrinitariCatalanadjTrinitarian (relating or pertaining to the Trinitarian Order)
OccupationstrinitariCatalannounTrinitarian (member of the Trinitarian Order)masculine
OccupationstunnariusLatinnountun maker, barrel fixer, cooperMedieval-Latin declension-2
OccupationstunnariusLatinnounalternative form of thynnāriusMedieval-Latin alt-of alternative declension-2
OccupationsακουαρελίσταςGreeknounwatercolourist (UK), watercolorist (US)art arts
OccupationsακουαρελίσταςGreeknoungenitive singular of ακουαρελίστα (akouarelísta)feminine form-of genitive singular
OccupationsαρχιθαλαμηπόλοςGreeknounchief stewardnautical transport
OccupationsαρχιθαλαμηπόλοςGreeknounchief flight attendant
OccupationsконсулBulgariannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
OccupationsконсулBulgariannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
OccupationsконсулBulgariannounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804.)historical
OccupationsпитомецMacedoniannounpupil, ward (a person who is brought up by someone or trained, who learns in a suitable institution)
OccupationsпитомецMacedoniannouncadet (student in a military school)government military politics war
OccupationsզորականArmeniannounsoldier, military man
OccupationsզորականArmeniannountroops, armycollective rare
OccupationsզորականArmenianadjmilitary, martial, war
OccupationsզորականArmenianadjrelated to an army or troops
Occupationsجبه‌جیOttoman Turkishnouna maker or seller of robes, gown-dealer
Occupationsجبه‌جیOttoman Turkishnouna keeper of the robes, page
Occupationsجبه‌جیOttoman Turkishnouna member of a certain corps of the Ottoman Empire belonging to the Janissaries consisting of armoured units who had the job of maintaining the cuirasses and other arms in the weaponry, armourer, cuirassier
OccupationsقزازEgyptian Arabicnounglass
OccupationsقزازEgyptian Arabicnounwindow pane
OccupationsقزازEgyptian Arabicnounwindow pane and mirror seller
OccupationsقزازEgyptian Arabicnounweaverobsolete
OccupationsمهندسPersiannounUsed to describe one who is educated; Dr., Mr., Sir, Lord.Iran informal
OccupationsمهندسPersiannoungeometer, geometricianarchaic
OccupationsܛܚܢܬܐClassical Syriacnoungrinder, miller; baker
OccupationsܛܚܢܬܐClassical Syriacnounmolarsanatomy medicine sciencesin-plural
Occupations教練Chinesenouncoach; instructor
Occupations教練Chineseverbto coach; to instruct
Occupations編審Chinesenounsenior editor
Occupations編審Chineseverbto read and edit
Occupations총장Koreannounpresident of a university
Occupations총장KoreannounThe head of any large organization.
OctopuseséaPaicîverbto laugh
OctopuseséaPaicîverbto marry
Old World oriolespitohuiEnglishnounA bird of the genus Pitohui in the family Oriolidae (formerly in Pachycephalidae), endemic to New Guinea, some of which have powerful batrachotoxins in skin and feathers.
Old World oriolespitohuiEnglishnounOne of several poisonous birds of similar appearance, now taxonomically separated from Pitohui proper.
Olive family plantsياسمينArabicnounjasmine
Olive family plantsياسمينArabicnamea female given name, equivalent to English Jasmine
OnomasticsnazwaćPolishverbto call, to name (to consider as a true representative of a category)perfective transitive
OnomasticsnazwaćPolishverbto call, to name (to give a name or term of address)perfective transitive
OnomasticsnazwaćPolishverbto be calledperfective reflexive
Opera崑曲ChinesenounKunqu (a form of Chinese opera that originated in Kunshan, Jiangsu)
Opera崑曲ChinesenounKunqu melodies
OrangestawnyEnglishadjOf a light brown to brownish orange colour.
OrangestawnyEnglishverbTo cause (someone or something) to have a light brown to brownish orange colour; to tan, to tawn.transitive
OrangestawnyEnglishverbTo become a light brown to brownish orange colour; to tan, to tawn.intransitive
OrangestawnyEnglishnounA light brown to brownish orange colour.countable uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounA light brown to brownish orange colour. / Synonym of tenné (“a rarely-used tincture of orange or bright brown”)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable specifically uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounSomething of a light brown or brownish orange colour (particularly if it has the word tawny in its name).countable uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounSomething of a light brown or brownish orange colour (particularly if it has the word tawny in its name). / The common bullfinch or Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula).countable uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounIn full tawny port: a sweet, fortified port wine which is blended and matured in wooden casks.countable uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounA fabric of a light brown to brownish orange colour.countable obsolete uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounA person with skin of a brown colour.countable obsolete uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounTawny frogmouth.countable uncountable
OrangestawnyEnglishnounTawny owl.countable uncountable
OrganshasletEnglishnounThe internal organs of an animal, especially the heart and liver of a pig.
OrganshasletEnglishnounA meatloaf made of these organs.
OrgansiweYorubanoundocument, letter
OrgansiweYorubanounbook, publication
OrgansiweYorubanouna scientific or academic research document
OrgansiweYorubanounlearning, educationbroadly
OrgansiweYorubanoungizzardbiology natural-sciences zoology zootomy
OrgansčukaSerbo-Croatiannounhill or hillock on one side extremely steep, and the other milder slopedregional
OrgansčukaSerbo-Croatiannounclock, watchregional slang
OrgansčukaSerbo-Croatiannounhourregional slang
OrgansčukaSerbo-Croatiannounheart, tickerregional slang
OwlsSchleiereuleGermannounbarn owlfeminine
OwlsSchleiereuleGermannounGoliath webcap (Cortinarius praestans)feminine
OwlsSchleiereuleGermannouna woman wearing a veil, usually an Islamic niqabderogatory feminine slang
PaganismპირიმზეGeorgiannounPhelypaea coccinea
PaganismპირიმზეGeorgiannounwoman with a beautiful face
PaganismპირიმზეGeorgiannounpagan God of sky and hail
PaganismპირიმზეGeorgiannounsunny place
PainagonizeEnglishverbTo writhe with agony; to suffer violent anguish.intransitive
PainagonizeEnglishverbTo struggle; to wrestle; to strive desperately, whether mentally or physically.intransitive
PainagonizeEnglishverbTo cause agony or anguish in someone.transitive
Pain難受Chineseadjuncomfortable; difficult to bear
Pain難受Chineseadjill; unwell
Pain難受Chineseadjsad; unhappy
PantherstigerEnglishnounPanthera tigris, a large predatory mammal of the cat family, indigenous to Asia.
PantherstigerEnglishnounPanthera tigris, a large predatory mammal of the cat family, indigenous to Asia. / A male tiger; as opposed to a tigress.
PantherstigerEnglishnounA representation of a large mythological cat, used on a coat of arms.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
PantherstigerEnglishnounA leopard.South-Africa
PantherstigerEnglishnounA relatively small country or group of countries with a fast-growing economy.
PantherstigerEnglishnounA servant in livery, who rides with his master or mistress.obsolete
PantherstigerEnglishnounA person who is very athletic during sexual intercourse.US slang
PantherstigerEnglishnounA ferocious, bloodthirsty and audacious person.figuratively
PantherstigerEnglishnounA pneumatic box or pan used in refining sugar.
PantherstigerEnglishnounA tiger moth in the family Arctiidae.
PantherstigerEnglishnounA tiger beetle.
PantherstigerEnglishnounAny of the three Australian species of black-and-yellow striped dragonflies of the genus Ictinogomphus.
PantherstigerEnglishnounA tiger butterfly in tribe Danaini, especially subtribe Danaina
PantherstigerEnglishnounA final shouted phrase, accompanied by a jump or outstretched arms, at the end of a cheer.
ParapsychologymicrokinesisEnglishnounThe ability to move objects and effect matter on a microscopic, molecular, atomic and subatomic level with the power of one's mind.fiction literature media publishinguncountable
ParapsychologymicrokinesisEnglishnounRandom and meaningless movements made by a new-born infant.uncountable
ParasitesкомарRussiannounhollow punch, punch pressengineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciences
ParasitesкомарRussiannounnibbling machine, blank-cutting machineengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
ParentsakamínuZáparonounbrave person
ParentsakamínuZáparonounold person, grandfather
ParrotsbayanIndonesiannounparrot (kind of bird)uncountable
Partieshouse partyEnglishnounA social gathering at someone's house, generally with music, drinking etc.
Partieshouse partyEnglishnounThe guests staying at a given house, as opposed to those visiting for the day.archaic
Pasta意大利麵ChinesenounspaghettiMainland-China specifically
PeopleAbydeneEnglishadjOf or relating to Abydos.
PeopleAbydeneEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Abydos.
PeopleDFLEnglishnouna person who has moved from their previous home in London to live in southern England.Kent
PeopleDFLEnglishnounInitialism of Democratic–Farmer–Labor.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleDFLEnglishverbTo come in last place.hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
PeopleErsatzmannGermannounsubstitute, stand inmasculine person strong
PeopleErsatzmannGermannounreplacementhobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine person strong
PeopleamateurEnglishnounA lover of something.archaic
PeopleamateurEnglishnounA person attached to a particular pursuit, study, science, or art (such as music or painting), especially one who cultivates any study, interest, taste, or attachment without engaging in it professionally.
PeopleamateurEnglishnounSomeone who is unqualified or insufficiently skillful.
PeopleamateurEnglishadjCreated, done, or populated by amateurs or non-professionals.
PeopleamateurEnglishadjShowing a lack of professionalism, experience or talent.
PeoplebacachScottish Gaelicadjcrippled, lame, limping
PeoplebacachScottish Gaelicadjrugged
PeoplebacachScottish Gaelicnouna crippled personmasculine
Peoplebar-lambEnglishnounA barristerhumorous obsolete
Peoplebar-lambEnglishnounA customer at a bar (place that sells alcoholic drinks)humorous obsolete
PeoplebarflyEnglishnouna person who spends much time in a bar or similar drinking establishmentderogatory slang
PeoplebarflyEnglishnouna promiscuous person, especially a woman, who frequents bars hoping to find sexual partnersderogatory slang
Peoplebig manEnglishnounA male individual in a tribe who has great status and influence, especially in Melanesia and Polynesia.anthropology human-sciences sciences
Peoplebig manEnglishnounA corrupt, autocratic ruler.government politics
Peoplebig manEnglishnounSynonym of big guy (“term of endearment”)
Peopledevil's advocateEnglishnounOne who debates from a viewpoint which one may not actually hold, usually to determine its validity or simply for the sake of argument.idiomatic
Peopledevil's advocateEnglishnounA canon lawyer appointed by the Church to argue against the canonization of the proposed candidate.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismhistorical
Peopledevil's advocateEnglishverbTo play devil's advocate.informal intransitive
PeopleesteCreekpronsomeone, one
PeopleforskerDanishnounresearcher, scientist occupied with researchcommon-gender
PeopleforskerDanishverbpresent of forskeform-of present
PeoplegainsayerEnglishnounOne who contradicts or denies what is alleged; an opposer.
PeoplegainsayerEnglishnounA person who gainsays others; a disagreeable person.
PeoplekickerEnglishnounOne who kicks.
PeoplekickerEnglishnounOne who takes kicks.hobbies lifestyle sports
PeoplekickerEnglishnounOne who takes kicks. / A placekicker: a player who kicks the football during free kicks, kick offs, field goals, and extra point tries.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
PeoplekickerEnglishnounThe kicking strap.nautical transport
PeoplekickerEnglishnounAn outboard motor.nautical transportinformal
PeoplekickerEnglishnounAn unexpected situation, detail or circumstance, often unpleasant, serving as a punchline or clincher.colloquial
PeoplekickerEnglishnounAn enticement for investors, e.g. warranty added to the investment finance
PeoplekickerEnglishnounAn unpaired card which is part of a pair, two pair, or three of a kind poker hand.card-games poker
PeoplekickerEnglishnounSmall text above a headline that indicates the topic of the story.journalism media
PeoplekickerEnglishnounThe last one or two paragraphs of a story.journalism media
PeoplekickerEnglishnounSynonym of lead-in (“start of photo caption”)journalism media
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA lighthearted or humorous item used to round off a news broadcast.broadcasting media radio television
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA device that periodically displaces a newspaper from the print production line, to aid in gathering the newspapers into fixed-size printing publishing
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA launch ramp.hobbies lifestyle sports
PeoplekickerEnglishnounThe fermenting mass of fruit that is the basis of pruno, or "prison wine".slang
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA relaxed party.informal
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA backlight positioned at an angle.broadcasting film media television
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA rubber pad that propels the ball away upon impact, like a bumper, but usually a horizontal side of a wall.
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA practitioner of the kicking performance art.
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA complainer.US archaic slang
PeoplekickerEnglishnounA particular type of Texan who is associated with country/western attire, attitudes, and/or philosophy.Southern-US slang
PeoplelenabOld Irishnounbabymasculine
PeoplelenabOld Irishnounchildmasculine
PeoplelenabOld Irishnouninfantmasculine
PeoplemaciekPolishnounbelly, paunchanatomy medicine sciencescolloquial inanimate masculine
PeoplemaciekPolishnounanimal's bellyinanimate masculine
PeoplemaciekPolishnounSynonym of żarłokmasculine person
PeoplemeezVoticnounman (adult male human being)
PeoplemeezVoticnounman, husband
PeoplenáměstekCzechnounassistant, deputyanimate masculine
PeoplenáměstekCzechnoungenitive plural of náměstkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Peopleold folksEnglishnounOne's elderly relations.informal plural plural-only
Peopleold folksEnglishnounThe old people of a particular place or social situation.informal plural plural-only
Peopleold folksEnglishnounSenior citizens.informal plural plural-only
PeoplepanpsychistEnglishadjPertaining to, or in accordance with, the doctrine of panpsychism.
PeoplepanpsychistEnglishnounA proponent of panpsychism.
PeoplephilosophizerEnglishnounA philosopher, a person who writes or reasons in philosophy.
PeoplephilosophizerEnglishnounA person who creates superficial arguments or offers meaningless solutions, instead of practical ones.derogatory
PeopleprocreationistEnglishnounSomeone who believes that sexual activity should only be done for the purpose of procreation.rare
PeopleprocreationistEnglishnounSomeone who supports creationism.rare
PeoplepsyopEnglishnounAn instance of psyops: a psychological operation, usually of a clandestine sort.
PeoplepsyopEnglishnounA psychological operative; a person who participates in psychological operations.
PeoplesatelaytTagalognounsatellite (a body orbiting a larger one)astronomy natural-sciences
PeoplesatelaytTagalognounsatellite (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body)
PeoplesatelaytTagalognounsatellite television
PeoplesatelaytTagalognounsatellite (attendant on an important person); henchperson
PeoplesatelaytTagalognounsatellite (country, state, office, building etc. under the control of another body)government politics
PeoplesmargiassoItaliannounsmartass, smart aleckmasculine
PeoplesmargiassoItaliannounclever dickmasculine
PeoplesmargiassoItalianadjdescribing such a person or actions
PeoplesmargiassoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of smargiassarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PeoplesnáthadánIrishnounnetting-needleUlster masculine
PeoplesnáthadánIrishnouncraneflyUlster masculine
PeoplesnáthadánIrishnounvery thin personUlster masculine
PeoplesubscriberEnglishnounA person who subscribes to a publication or a service.
PeoplesubscriberEnglishnounA system or component that subscribes to something, such as an event, made available by a publisher.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
PeopleεμπειρογνώμωνGreeknounexpert, connoisseur
PeopleгостьOld East Slavicnounguestmasculine
PeopleгостьOld East Slavicnounstranger, foreignermasculine
PeopleгостьOld East Slavicnounmerchantmasculine
PeopleприятельRussiannounfriend, chum
PeopleприятельRussiannounbuddy, pal, mate (informal address)colloquial
PeopleпророкMacedoniannounclairvoyant, diviner
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld East Slavicnouna tonguemasculine
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld East Slavicnouna language, speechmasculine
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld East Slavicnounnation, folk, tribemasculine
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld East Slavicnoungentiles, pagans, heathensin-plural masculine
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld East Slavicnouna prisoner for interrogation, captive that can reveal information on the enemymasculine
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld East Slavicnounwitness testimonymasculine
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld East Slavicnounwill, testamentmasculine
PeopleرجلSouth Levantine Arabicnounfoot
PeopleرجلSouth Levantine Arabicnounleg
PeopleرجلSouth Levantine Arabicnounmanformal
PeopleشاگردUrdunounpupil, disciple, apprentice
PeopleشاگردUrdunounservant; helper
People布衣Chinesenouncotton clothes
People布衣Chinesenounordinary people; commonershistorical
People秫秫Chinesenoun(glutinous) sorghumMandarin dialectal
People秫秫Chinesenouncatamite; gigoloarchaic figuratively
People모르모트Koreannouna guinea pig (tailless rodent)dated
People모르모트Koreannouna guinea pig (an experimental subject)idiomatic informal
Percoid fishpolynemoidEnglishadjCharacteristic of the family Polynemidae.
Percoid fishpolynemoidEnglishnounAny fish in the family Polynemidae: a polyneme or threadfin
Percussion instrumentsnattuvangamEnglishnounA South Indian form of rhythmic recitation.uncountable
Percussion instrumentsnattuvangamEnglishnounCymbals played to accompany a Bharatanatyam performance.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
PersiaпарсыKazakhadjPersian (pertaining to the Persian people or the Persian language)
PersiaпарсыKazakhnounPersian (by ethnicity)
PersonalityairheadEnglishnounAn area of hostile territory that has been seized for use as an airbase to ensure the further safe landing of troops and materiel.government military politics war
PersonalityairheadEnglishnounA (usually temporary) landing area for aircraft for supplying a non-military operation.broadly
PersonalityairheadEnglishnounAlternative form of air-head (“a horizontal channel providing ventilation in a mine.”)business miningalt-of alternative archaic
PersonalityairheadEnglishnounA foolish, silly, or unintelligent person.derogatory informal
PersonalitybelligerentEnglishadjEngaged in warfare, warring.
PersonalitybelligerentEnglishadjEager to go to war, warlike.
PersonalitybelligerentEnglishadjOf or pertaining to war.
PersonalitybelligerentEnglishadjAggressively hostile, eager to fight.broadly
PersonalitybelligerentEnglishadjActing violently towards others.
PersonalitybelligerentEnglishnounA state or other armed participant in warfare
PersonalitybenigniteMiddle EnglishnounKindness, mildness, good will.uncountable
PersonalitybenigniteMiddle EnglishnounA kind or good act.rare uncountable
PersonalitybenigniteMiddle EnglishnounA benefit or advantage.rare uncountable
PersonalitybenigniteMiddle EnglishnounA term of address.rare uncountable
PersonalitycompulsiveEnglishadjUncontrolled or reactive and irresistible.
PersonalitycompulsiveEnglishadjHaving power to compel; exercising or applying compulsion.
PersonalitycompulsiveEnglishnounOne who exhibits compulsive behaviours.
PersonalityconnivingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of conniveform-of gerund participle present
PersonalityconnivingEnglishadjThat connives; conspiratorial.
PersonalityearnestEnglishnounGravity; serious purpose; earnestness.uncountable
PersonalityearnestEnglishnounSeriousness; reality; actuality (as opposed to joking or pretence)uncountable
PersonalityearnestEnglishverbTo be serious with; use in earnest.transitive
PersonalityearnestEnglishadjSerious, sincere, ingenuous.
PersonalityearnestEnglishadjFocused in the pursuit of an objective; honestly eager to obtain or do.
PersonalityearnestEnglishadjIntent; focused; showing a lot of concentration.
PersonalityearnestEnglishadjPossessing or characterised by seriousness.
PersonalityearnestEnglishadjStrenuous; diligent.
PersonalityearnestEnglishadjSerious; weighty; of a serious, weighty, or important nature; important.
PersonalityearnestEnglishnounA sum of money paid in advance as a deposit; hence, a pledge, a guarantee, an indication of something to come.
PersonalityearnestEnglishverbsecond-person singular simple present indicative of earnarchaic form-of indicative present second-person singular
PersonalityhilariousEnglishadjVery funny; causing great merriment and laughter.
PersonalityhilariousEnglishadjFull of hilarity; merry.
PersonalitysauvageFrenchadjwild, untouched, unspoiled, pristine
PersonalitysauvageFrenchadjwild, untamed, not domesticated (often used to qualify a wild alternative or pendant for a cultivated plant or domestic animal)
PersonalitysauvageFrenchadjprimitive, uncivilized
PersonalitysauvageFrenchadjcoarse, unrefined
PersonalitysauvageFrenchadjuncontained, anarchic; unregulated; unauthorized
PersonalitysauvageFrenchadjasocial, recluse (living in an eccentric, isolated way, not interested in social contact or appealing to others)
PersonalitysauvageFrenchadjAmerindianNorth-America obsolete offensive
PersonalitysauvageFrenchnounbarbarian, savagederogatory masculine
PersonalitysauvageFrenchnounhermit, reclusederogatory masculine
PersonalitysauvageFrenchnounAmerindianNorth-America masculine obsolete offensive
PersonalitysauvageFrenchnounan Amerindian languageLouisiana masculine
Pharmaceutical drugsساذجArabicadjsimple, unrefined, crude, artless
Pharmaceutical drugsساذجArabicadjnaive, unsophisticated, gullible, artless
Pharmaceutical drugsساذجArabicnounmalabathrum, folium indicum, leaves of various cinnamon species
PharmacyfarmacèuticCatalanadjpharmaceutic, pharmaceutical
PharmacyпрепаратUkrainiannounprepared specimen (substance prepared for analysis)biology chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
PharmacyпрепаратUkrainiannounpreparation, medicine, drug (a prepared medicinal substance)medicine pharmacology sciences
PhilanthropyMạnh Thường quânVietnamesenameLord Mengchang, an aristocrat who was well known for his generosity
PhilanthropyMạnh Thường quânVietnamesenouna generous, charitable personfiguratively literary
PhilanthropyfundowaćPolishverbto endow, to fund (to give property to (someone) as a gift; specifically, to provide (a person or institution) with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits)imperfective transitive
PhilanthropyfundowaćPolishverbto treat (to pay for as celebration or reward)colloquial imperfective transitive
Phoenician letter namestetFinnishpronyou (plural; in archaic English: ye)dialectal personal
Phoenician letter namestetFinnishnounteth (ninth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)dialectal
Physicsஆட்டம்Tamilnoungame, sport
Physicsஆட்டம்Tamilnounmotion, rocking, swinging, shaking
Physicsஆட்டம்Tamilnouninfluence, power
PigsChinesecharacterlong-haired animalobsolete
PigsChinesecharacterleopard cathistorical obsolete
PlacesbaileIrishnouna settlement.masculine
PlacesbaileIrishnouna town or a village.masculine
PlacesbaileIrishnoungenitive singular of bailfeminine form-of genitive singular
PlacesgnojówkaPolishnounliquid manurefeminine
PlacesgnojówkaPolishnounmanure spot (place in front of a barn where manure is thrown out)feminine
Places in ParisPola ElizejskiePolishnameElysium, Elysian, Elysian Fields, Elysian Plains (home of the blessed after death)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman plural
Places in ParisPola ElizejskiePolishnameChamps-Élysées (major boulevard in Paris, running between the Place de la Concorde and the Arc de Triomphe)plural
Places of worshipabadiaPortuguesenounabbeyfeminine
Places of worshipabadiaPortuguesenounabbeysteadfeminine
Places of worshipܟܢܘܫܬܐClassical Syriacnouncongregation, assembly, community
Places of worshipܟܢܘܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounchoir, company
Places of worshipܟܢܘܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounhouse of worship; temple, synagogue, church
Places of worshipܟܢܘܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounschool
Planets of the Solar SystemErisWelshnameErishuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemErisWelshnameErisastronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
Plant anatomyputamenEnglishnounThe shell of a nut; the stone of a drupe fruit; endocarp.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomyputamenEnglishnounA round structure located at the base of the forebrain, regulating movement and learning.anatomy medicine neuroanatomy neurology neuroscience sciences
PlantsidiYorubanouneagle, usually referring to African species of the genera Aquila and Haliaeetus, (in particular) the African crowned eagle
PlantsidiYorubanounbundle, package
PlantsidiYorubanounbuttocks, bottom
PlantsidiYorubanounreason, cause, base, purpose, secret
PlantsidiYorubanounsurroundings, environs
PlantsidiYorubanounThe name for a variety of similar plants, including Terminalia schimperiana, Terminalia macroptera, Microdesmis puberula, and Terminalia avicennioides
PlantsnocellaGaliciannountuber oatgrass (Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. bulbosum)feminine
PlantsnocellaGaliciannouncrocusarchaic feminine
PlantsnocellaGaliciannountop (spinning toy)feminine regional
PlantsnyihaTernatenounthe kenari (Canarium ovatum)
PlantsnyihaTernatenounleftovers, remains
PlantssésamoSpanishnounsesame (tropical Asian plant Sesamum indicum)masculine
PlantssésamoSpanishnounsesame, sesame seed (the seed of this plant)masculine
PlantsyucaSpanishnounyucca plantfeminine
PlantsyucaSpanishadjdifficult, hard, often serious.El-Salvador Guatemala Honduras Peru colloquial feminine masculine
PlantsyucaSpanishadjstrict, severe in discipline.El-Salvador Guatemala Honduras colloquial feminine masculine
PlantsyucaSpanishadjsmart and skillful.El-Salvador colloquial feminine masculine
PlantsłajnVilamovianverbto lend
PlantsłajnVilamovianverbto borrow
PlantsκολοκάσιGreeknountaro (edible tuber)
PlantsκολοκάσιGreeknounColocasia esculenta, Κολοκασία η εδώδιμος (the taro plant)
PlantsунтаахайMongolianadjsleepy, snoozy, slumbersome
PlantsунтаахайMongoliannounOxalis triangularis
PlantsזאַפֿרעןYiddishnounsaffron (spice)
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounpoison, venomsingular singular-only
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounblood poisoningsingular singular-only
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounberiberimedicine pathology sciencessingular singular-only
PoisonsనంజుTelugunounoedema, dropsymedicine pathology sciencessingular singular-only
PolandpisankaPolishnounpisanka (dyed Easter egg with intricate designs)feminine
PolandpisankaPolishnounscriptmedia publishing typographyfeminine
Political subdivisionsܡܪܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounpasturing, grazing
Political subdivisionsܡܪܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounpasture
Political subdivisionsܡܪܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounflock, herd
Political subdivisionsܡܪܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounassembly, congregation, subjects
Political subdivisionsܡܪܥܝܬܐClassical SyriacnoundioceseChristianity
Political subdivisionsܡܪܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounprovince
Politicsمجلس الأمةArabicnameKuwait's Parliament, officially known in English as the Kuwait National AssemblyKuwait
Politicsمجلس الأمةArabicnameJordanian Parliament
PolitiesdominionEnglishnounPower or the use of power; sovereignty over something; stewardship, supremacy.countable uncountable
PolitiesdominionEnglishnounpredominance; ascendancycountable uncountable
PolitiesdominionEnglishnounA kingdom, nation, or other sphere of influence; governed territory.countable figuratively sometimes uncountable
PolitiesdominionEnglishnounkingdombiology natural-sciences taxonomycountable uncountable
PolitiesdominionEnglishnounAn order of angel in Christian angelology, ranked above virtues and below thrones.Christianitycountable uncountable
Pome fruitsscrogEnglishnounA stunted or shrivelled bush.countable uncountable
Pome fruitsscrogEnglishnounBrushwood.countable uncountable
Pome fruitsscrogEnglishnounThe branch of a tree, especially one used as a charge in Scottish heraldry.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable
Pome fruitsscrogEnglishnounThe crab-apple tree.Scotland countable
Pome fruitsscrogEnglishnounA blackthorn.countable dialectal uncountable
Pome fruitsگلابیPersiannounpearIran
Pome fruitsگلابیPersianadjpinkDari Tajik
Portugalponte-limensePortugueseadjof Ponte de Limafeminine masculine not-comparable relational
Portugalponte-limensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Ponte de Limaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PoultrycaponEnglishnounA cockerel which has been gelded and fattened for the table.
PoultrycaponEnglishverbTo castrate; to make a capon of.transitive
PovertyнезаможнийUkrainianadjpoor, deprived, badly off, of little means (having few financial resources)
PovertyнезаможнийUkrainianadjpoor person, have-notnoun-from-verb
PrayerتهجدArabicverbto sleep in the night, or in the latter part of the night
PrayerتهجدArabicverbto stay up at night, to be awake nocturnally
PrayerتهجدArabicverbto perform prayer in the nightIslam lifestyle religion
PrayerتهجدArabicnounverbal noun of تَهَجَّدَ (tahajjada) (form V)form-of noun-from-verb
Primates𘂶Tangutnounmonkey; ape
Primates𘂶Tangutnounthe Monkey, the ninth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 申 (shēn)).
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounA fabric, usually of thick cotton or wool, having a dull brownish yellow, dull grey, or dun colour.also attributive countable uncountable
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounThe colour of this fabric.also attributive countable uncountable
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounOften in the plural form drabs: apparel, especially trousers, made from this fabric.also attributive countable uncountable
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounA dull or uninteresting appearance or situation, unremarkable.also attributive broadly countable uncountable
ProstitutiondrabEnglishadjOf the colour of some types of drabcloth: dull brownish yellow or dun.also attributive
ProstitutiondrabEnglishadjParticularly of colour: dull, uninteresting.also attributive broadly
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounA dirty or untidy woman; a slattern.also attributive dated
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounA promiscuous woman, a slut; a prostitute.also attributive dated
ProstitutiondrabEnglishverbTo consort with prostitutes; to whore.also attributive intransitive obsolete
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounA small amount, especially of money.also attributive
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounA box used in a saltworks for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling pans.also attributive
ProstitutiondrabEnglishnounAn instance of a transgender or non-binary person presenting as the gender corresponding to their sex assigned at birth instead of that corresponding to their internal gender identity (for instance, a trans woman dressed as a man).also attributive uncountable
ProstitutionjaneEnglishnounA silver Genovese coin, first used in England in the 14th century.obsolete
ProstitutionjaneEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Jane, a woman.alt-of
ProstitutionjaneEnglishnounAlternative spelling of jeanalt-of alternative
ProstitutionjaneEnglishnounA female client of a prostitute.
Provincial capitalsAlbaceteEnglishnameA city in Castile-La Mancha, Spain.
Provincial capitalsAlbaceteEnglishnameA province of Castile-La Mancha, Spain, around the city.
RacismracistEnglishnounA person who believes in or supports racism; a person who believes that a particular race is superior to others, or who discriminates against other races.
RacismracistEnglishadjConstituting, exhibiting, advocating, or pertaining to racism.
RacismracistEnglishadjDiscriminatory.broadly colloquial proscribed
Rail transportationmétropolitainFrenchadjmetropolitan
Rail transportationmétropolitainFrenchnounsubway, underground (train system)masculine
Rail transportationmétropolitainFrenchnounPerson from metropolitan FranceFrance masculine
Real estateatẹgunYorubanounwind, breeze
Real estateatẹgunYorubanounthe act of stepping on something to climbliterally
Real estateatẹgunYorubanounstaircase, stairway, ladder
RedspresasTagalognounstrawberrybiology botany natural-sciences
RedspresasTagalognounstrawberry redbiology botany natural-sciences
RedsrubyEnglishnounA clear, deep, red variety of corundum, valued as a precious stone.countable uncountable
RedsrubyEnglishnounA red spinel.countable obsolete uncountable
RedsrubyEnglishnounA deep red colour.countable uncountable
RedsrubyEnglishnounThe tincture red or gules.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
RedsrubyEnglishnounThe size of type between pearl and nonpareil, standardized as 5½ printing publishingUK dated uncountable
RedsrubyEnglishnounA ruby hummer, a South American hummingbird, Clytolaema rubricauda.countable uncountable
RedsrubyEnglishnounA red bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea rubra.countable uncountable
RedsrubyEnglishadjOf a deep red colour.
RedsrubyEnglishverbTo make red; to redden.poetic transitive
RedsrubyEnglishnounA pronunciation guide written above or beside Chinese publishing typography
Reference worksਕੋਸ਼Punjabinountreasury, storehouse, repository
Reference worksਕੋਸ਼Punjabinoundictionary, lexicon
Religion'amna'aCahuillanounThat which is big, great
Religion'amna'aCahuillanounGod, spirit
ReligionglossolaliaEnglishnounSpeaking a language one does not know, or speaking elaborate but apparently meaningless speech, while in a trance-like state (or, supposedly, under the influence of a deity or spirits); speaking in tongues.
ReligionglossolaliaEnglishnounSynonym of xenoglossy (“knowledge of a language one has never learned”).
ReligionдуховнийUkrainianadjspiritual (of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul)
ReptileskaplumbağaTurkishnounturtle, tortoise / kara kaplumbağası tortoise
ReptileskaplumbağaTurkishnounturtle, tortoise / su kaplumbağası freshwater turtle
ReptileskaplumbağaTurkishnounturtle, tortoise / deniz kaplumbağası sea turtle
Restaurantsile-ounjẹYorubanoundining room
RiversతుంగTelugunounA kind of coarse grass or bulrush.
RiversతుంగTeluguadjMade of bulrush.
RiversతుంగTelugunameName of a river in South India.
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA river in Ayrshire, Scotland, which flows into the Firth of Clyde near the town of Irvine.countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA town in North Ayrshire council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NS3238).countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA hamlet in Alberta, Canadacountable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city in Orange County, California.countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Marion County, Florida.countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Estill County, Kentucky.countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A township in Benson County, North Dakota.countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Converse County, Wyoming.countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA surname from Scottish Gaelic derived from the place name.countable uncountable
Rivers in ScotlandIrvineEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.countable uncountable
RoadsalejkaPolishnoundiminutive of alejadiminutive feminine form-of
RoadsdrogaLower Sorbiannounstreetfeminine
RoadsdrogaLower Sorbiannounroadfeminine
RoadsdrogaLower Sorbiannoundrugfeminine
RoadsdrogaLower Sorbianadjfeminine nominative singular of drogifeminine form-of nominative singular
RoadsprzejściePolishnounverbal noun of przejśćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
RoadsprzejściePolishnouncrossingcountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnounpassage, alleycountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnounaislecountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnouninterludecountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnounordealcountable neuter
RoadstorPolishnountrack, course, pathinanimate masculine
RoadstorPolishnounrail trackinanimate masculine
RoadstorPolishnounlane (a part of a sports track)inanimate masculine
RoadstorPolishnountrajectoryinanimate masculine
RoadstorPolishnounthoriuminanimate masculine
RoadstorPolishnountorrinanimate masculine
RoadstorPolishnoungenitive plural of toraform-of genitive plural
RocksmármorePortuguesenounmarble (crystalline limestone)masculine
RocksmármorePortuguesenounmarble sculpturemasculine
RocksrudusLatinnounlump (especially of copper or bronze)declension-3
RocksrudusLatinnountilebusiness construction manufacturing roofingdeclension-3
RocksrudusLatinnoundebris, rubbledeclension-3
Rocks白土Chinesenounchalk (the stone)literary
Rocks白土Chinesenounwhite potter's clay; kaolin; china clayarchaic
Rocks白土ChinesenounAlternative name for 冀州 (Jìzhōu, “Ji Province (one of the Nine Provinces of ancient China)”).alt-of alternative archaic name
RodentsMuusLimburgishnounmouse (animal)feminine
RodentsMuusLimburgishnounmouse (computer input device)feminine
Ronald ReaganSDIEnglishnounInitialism of single-document interface.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Ronald ReaganSDIEnglishnameInitialism of Strategic Defense Initiative.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Ronald ReaganSDIEnglishnameInitialism of Steel Deck Institute.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Ronald ReaganSDIEnglishnameInitialism of Scuba Diving International.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
RoomsballroomEnglishnounA large room used for dancing and banquets.
RoomsballroomEnglishnounA type of elegant dance.
RoomsballroomEnglishverbTo take part in ballroom dancing.intransitive
RoomscockloftEnglishnounA small attic or garret.
RoomscockloftEnglishnounA horizontal void between a building's uppermost ceiling and its roof, with no habitable or accessible space.
RoomspsiarniaPolishnounkennel, a room or building where dogs are keptdated feminine
RoomspsiarniaPolishnounpolicecollective feminine offensive slang uncountable
RoomspsiarniaPolishnounpack of hunting dogs belonging to one ownerfeminine historical
RoomswarderobeMiddle EnglishnounA small room or other location where clothing is stored for use; a wardrobe.
RoomswarderobeMiddle EnglishnounA division of an aristocratic residence which organises the procurement of supplies; the location which contains one.
RoomswarderobeMiddle EnglishnounA toilet or the room or building containing it.
Rooms法庭Chinesenouncourt; court of law; tribunallaw
Root vegetables番薯Chinesenounsweet potato
Root vegetables番薯Chinesenounthe hell (usually in a question in mild disdain)Hokkien Mainland-China
Root vegetables番薯Chinesenounfan (e.g. of music, movies, celebrities)Cantonese humorous
Russian politics皇俄ChinesenounRussian monarchist after 1991neologism
Russian politics皇俄ChinesenounRussian monarchism after 1991neologism
Saudi ArabiaRed SeaEnglishnameA long, narrow sea between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula; links the Suez Canal with the Arabian Sea.
Saudi ArabiaRed SeaEnglishnameThe states of the western and southern United States which consistently vote Republican in presidential elections.government politicsUS
Saudi ArabiaRed SeaEnglishnounA great quantity of blood.
Saudi ArabiaRed SeaEnglishnoun(A quantity of) blood discharged through the vagina during menstruation.slang vulgar
Saudi ArabiaRed SeaEnglishnounA great quantity of reddish liquid, such as wine.broadly
SausagesmorcillaSpanishnounmorcilla; Spanish blood sausage, black puddingfeminine
SausagesmorcillaSpanishadjfeminine singular of morcillofeminine form-of singular
SausagesparówkaPolishnounVienna sausage (hot dog)feminine
SausagesparówkaPolishnounyoung, delicate grass that grows in autumn on ploughed stubble favored by cattle acquired from grain that has been crushed by harvestfeminine
SausagesparówkaPolishnounSynonym of lokomobilafeminine
SausagesカルパスJapanesenouna dry or semidry type of sausage
SausagesカルパスJapanesenounkarpas (a traditional Jewish dish)
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Chinesenountree peony (Paeonia sect. Moutan)
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Chinesenounmarlberryobsolete
Saxifragales order plants牡丹ChinesenameMudan (a district of Heze, Shandong, China)
Saxifragales order plants牡丹ChinesenameMudan (a mountain indigenous township in Pingtung County, Taiwan)
SciencestipoloģijaLatviannountypology (method for grouping entities based on a finite number of abstract or idealized types)declension-4 feminine singular
SciencestipoloģijaLatviannountypology (a specific classification obtained with this method)declension-4 feminine
ScientistsученийUkrainianverbpast passive participle of учи́ти (učýty)form-of participle passive past
ScientistsученийUkrainianadjlearned, scholarly, erudite
ScientistsученийUkrainianadjacademic, scientific
ScientistsученийUkrainiannounscholar, scientistnoun-from-verb
ScientologyclamEnglishnounA bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible; for example soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria), hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria), sea clams or hen clam (Spisula solidissima), and other species, possibly originally applied to clams of species Tridacna gigas, a huge East Indian bivalve.
ScientologyclamEnglishnounA type of strong pincers or forceps.
ScientologyclamEnglishnounA kind of vise, usually of wood.
ScientologyclamEnglishnounA dollar.US in-plural slang
ScientologyclamEnglishnounA Scientologist.derogatory slang
ScientologyclamEnglishnounA vagina or vulva.slang vulgar
ScientologyclamEnglishnounIn musicians' parlance, a wrong or misplaced note.slang
ScientologyclamEnglishnounOne who clams up; a taciturn person, one who refuses to speak.informal
ScientologyclamEnglishnounmouth (Now found mostly in the expression shut one's clam)US dated slang
ScientologyclamEnglishverbTo dig for clams.
ScientologyclamEnglishnounA crash or clangor made by ringing all the bells of a chime at once.
ScientologyclamEnglishverbTo produce, in bellringing, a clam or clangor; to cause to clang.
ScientologyclamEnglishnounclamminess; moisture
ScientologyclamEnglishverbTo be moist or glutinous; to stick; to adhere.
ScientologyclamEnglishverbTo clog, as with glutinous or viscous matter.
ScientologyclamEnglishnounAlternative form of CLAMhobbies lifestyle rowing sportsalt-of alternative
ScientologyclamEnglishnounAlternative form of clem (“to starve”)alt-of alternative
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA device that skims. / A sieve-like, slotted spoon.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA device that skims. / A device for removing organic matter from an aquarium.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA device that skims. / A device used to read and record the magnetic code from a credit card for later fraudulent use.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA person who skims.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounAny of three species of bird in the genus Rynchops of the family Laridae, that feed by skimming the surface of water bodies with their bills in flight.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounAny of several large bivalve shells, sometimes used for skimming milk, such as the sea clam (Spisula solidissima) and large scallops.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA ballet flat shoe.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA loose-fitting one-piece dress, similar to a shift but with slightly more fitting.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounAny of the dragonflies in the family Libellulidae.biology entomology natural-sciences
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA sailor in the surface forces, as opposed to a submariner.government military naval navy politics war
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA surface ship.government military naval navy politics war
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishnounA small, fast-moving spacecraft.literature media publishing science-fiction
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishverbTo shimmer.
SeabirdsskimmerEnglishverbTo move quickly, to flutter.
SeafoodøðaFaroesenounnorthern horsemussel (Modiolus modiolus)feminine
SeafoodøðaFaroesenounto make someone angry
SeasoningscroghManxnouncross, crucifixfeminine
SeasoningscroghManxverbhang, hoist
SeasoningscroghManxverbclimb, cling
SeasoningscroghManxverbhinge (as story)
SeasoningscroghManxverbsheernautical transport
SeasonssumraOld Norseverbto become summerimpersonal
SeasonssumraOld Norseadjmasculine/feminine/neuter genitive plural of sumrfeminine form-of genitive masculine neuter plural
Sedgeswild cottonEnglishnounA tall weed, resembling milkweed, with a ball-shaped seed pod, Gomphocarpus fruticosus (syn. Asclepias fruticosa) and Gomphocarpus physocarpus (syn. Asclepias physocarpa).Australia informal uncountable
Sedgeswild cottonEnglishnounCotton grass (Eriophorum spp.).uncountable
Sedgeswild cottonEnglishnounA shrubby herb (Gossypium thurberi) of southern Arizona and Mexico.uncountable
Sedgeswild cottonEnglishnounAny of the cultivated cottons that have escaped and established themselves in the wild.uncountable
Sedgeswild cottonEnglishnounAny of several plants of the genera Abutilon and Hibiscus, especially Hibiscus moscheutos.uncountable
SedgesحلفاءArabicnounplural of حَلِيف (ḥalīf)form-of plural
SedgesحلفاءArabicnounStipa tenacissima
SedgesحلفاءArabicnounCladium mariscus
SedgesحلفاءArabicnounCortaderia selloana
SewingwszyćPolishverbto sew inperfective transitive
SewingwszyćPolishverbto implant (insert surgically into the body)perfective transitive
SewingనూలితాడుTelugunouncord, rope
SewingనూలితాడుTelugunounA cotton rope.specifically
SewingనూలితాడుTelugunounA measuring line.
SexbattuoLatinverbto beat, hit, pound, beat up, strikeconjugation-3 no-supine rare
SexbattuoLatinverbto fence, play fencing; to fightconjugation-3 no-supine
SexbattuoLatinverbto bang (have sex with)conjugation-3 no-supine
SexbicotaPortuguesenounpeck (short and noisy kiss)Brazil feminine informal
SexbicotaPortugueseverbinflection of bicotar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
SexbicotaPortugueseverbinflection of bicotar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Sexhave sexEnglishverbTo engage in sex.
Sexhave sexEnglishverbTo engage in any sexual act.
SexjwiHaitian Creoleverbto enjoytransitive
SexjwiHaitian Creoleverbto climax, to orgasmtransitive
SexkurwićPolishverbto reek, to stink, to be rankimperfective intransitive vulgar
SexkurwićPolishverbto swear, to say kurwaimperfective intransitive vulgar
SexkurwićPolishverbto whore oneself outimperfective reflexive vulgar
SexkurwićPolishverbto sleep with many partnersimperfective reflexive vulgar
SexkurwićPolishverbto humiliate oneselfimperfective reflexive vulgar
SexpistiLithuanianverbto fucktransitive vulgar
SexpistiLithuanianverbto beat, to fighttransitive vulgar
SexsuccubusEnglishnounA female demon which comes to men, especially monks, in their dreams to seduce them and have sexual intercourse, drawing energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death.
SexsuccubusEnglishnounA strumpet, whore or prostitute.
Sexमर्कटSanskritnouna monkey, ape
Sexमर्कटSanskritnouna mode of coitus
Sexमर्कटSanskritnouna kind of bird (the adjutant or Indian crane)
Sexमर्कटSanskritnouna monkey-shaped iron bolt
Sexमर्कटSanskritnouna spider
Sexमर्कटSanskritnouna sort of poison or venom
Sexual orientationsbiseksualAlbanianadjbisexual
Sexual orientationsbiseksualAlbaniannounbisexualmasculine
SexualityISDEnglishnounInitialism of intermediate school district.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SexualityISDEnglishnounInitialism of independent school district.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SexualityISDEnglishnounInitialism of inhibited sexual desire.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
SexualityséduisantFrenchverbpresent participle of séduireform-of participle present
SexualityséduisantFrenchadjseductive, capable of seducing
ShapesheeneezNavajoverbit is tapered, heart-shaped
ShapespolígonoSpanishnounindustrial parkmasculine
SharksseadogEnglishnounA sailor accustomed to the sea.
SharksseadogEnglishnounA pirate.
SharksseadogEnglishnounA seal. (marine mammal)archaic
SharksseadogEnglishnounA charge resembling the talbot but with scales, webbed feet and a broad tail.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
SharksseadogEnglishnounA dogfish.
SharksseadogEnglishnounAn omen of bad luck.uncommon
SharksseadogEnglishnounA white-topped wave in an estuary.uncommon
SharksseadogEnglishnounA fogbow, as seen by mariners.uncommon
Sheepmountain sheepEnglishnounThe argali.
Sheepmountain sheepEnglishnounThe bighorn (Ovis canadensis) of the Rocky Mountains.
Sherlock HolmesSherlockEnglishnameAn English surname transferred from the nickname.
Sherlock HolmesSherlockEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname, of rare usage.
Sherlock HolmesSherlockEnglishnameA detective (from Sherlock Holmes), especially used sarcastically to address somebody who has stated the obvious.humorous
Sherlock HolmesSherlockEnglishverbTo deduce.informal
Sherlock HolmesSherlockEnglishverbTo search.informal
Sherlock HolmesSherlockEnglishverbTo obsolete a unique feature in third-party software by introducing a similar or identical feature to the OS or a first-party program/app.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
Shipping (fandom)little black dressEnglishnounA simply cut and often quite short evening or cocktail dress.
Shipping (fandom)little black dressEnglishnounSomething simple, versatile, and elegant; something that pairs well with many other things.figuratively
Shipping (fandom)little black dressEnglishnounA character who is shipped with many other characters.lifestyleslang
ShrubsmirtiloPortuguesenounblueberry (berry)masculine
ShrubsmirtiloPortuguesenounblueberry (shrub)masculine
ShrubsmirtiloPortuguesenounbilberry (berry)masculine
ShrubsmirtiloPortuguesenounbilberry (shrub)masculine
SingingchoirEnglishnounA group of people who sing together; a company of people who are trained to sing together.
SingingchoirEnglishnounUncommon form of quire (“one quarter of a cruciform church, or the architectural area of a church used by the choir, often near the apse”).architectureform-of uncommon
SingingchoirEnglishnounOne of the nine ranks or orders of angels.angelology lifestyle religion theologyChristian
SingingchoirEnglishnounSet of strings (one per note) for a harpsichord.
SingingchoirEnglishverbTo sing in concert.intransitive
SixsexfoilEnglishnounA stylized flower or leaf with six lobesgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
SixsexfoilEnglishadjHaving six lobesnot-comparable
SkeletonGerigelAlemannic GermannounframeUri neuter
SkeletonGerigelAlemannic GermannounskeletonUri neuter
SkeletonGerigelAlemannic GermannounbonesUri neuter plural plural-only
SkeletonmalleusEnglishnounThe small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear.anatomy medicine sciences
SkeletonmalleusEnglishnounThe tripus (ossicle in cypriniform fishes).biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoology
SkeletonmalleusEnglishnounOne of the paired calcareous structures within the mastax of rotifers.biology natural-sciences zoology
SkinφακόςAncient Greeknounlentil (Lens culinaris) and its seed
SkinφακόςAncient Greeknounanything shaped like a lentil: / sort of hot water bottle
SkinφακόςAncient Greeknounanything shaped like a lentil: / mole, birthmark, spot on the skin
SkinφακόςAncient Greeknounanything shaped like a lentil: / ornament on beds
SleepdamgoCebuanonouna dream; imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping
SleepdamgoCebuanonouna hope or wish
SleepdamgoCebuanoverbto dream; to see imaginary events in one's mind while sleeping
SleepdamgoCebuanoverbto hope; to wish
SleepdamgoCebuanoverbto daydream
SleepforsleepEnglishverbTo be overcome with sleep.archaic intransitive
SleepforsleepEnglishverbTo neglect through sleep or by sleeping; sleep through; oversleep; sleep off.archaic transitive
SleepkomaPolishnouncoma (deep sleep)medicine sciencesfeminine literary
SleepkomaPolishnouncoma (cloud surrounding a comet nucleu)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
SleepnarcolepticEnglishnounOne who suffers from narcolepsy ("a disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable attacks of deep sleep").
SleepnarcolepticEnglishadjPertaining to or affected by narcolepsy.
SleepnarcolepticEnglishadjLacking activity; drowsy, lethargic.figuratively
SleepnarcolepticEnglishadjTending to "put someone to sleep"; extremely boring or tedious.figuratively
SmellodourMiddle EnglishnounA smell or scent; a nasal sensation (often intrinsic): / A pleasant or appealing smell or scent.
SmellodourMiddle EnglishnounA smell or scent; a nasal sensation (often intrinsic): / The scent of living matter or substances.
SmellodourMiddle EnglishnounA sensation or quality; the feeling produced by something.figuratively
SmellodourMiddle EnglishnounThe power of discerning scents.rare
SnakesodzeLatviannounviper, adder (poisonous snake with triangular head, especially Vipera berus)declension-5 feminine
SnakesodzeLatviannounbad, evil persondeclension-5 feminine figuratively
Social justicestochastic terrorismEnglishnounThe use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which / Incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random,human-sciences sciences social-science sociologyneologism uncountable
Social justicestochastic terrorismEnglishnounThe use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which / Perpetuates fear through coverage of seemingly random acts of terrorism.human-sciences sciences social-science sociologyneologism uncountable
Social justiceвестернUkrainiannounwesternbroadcasting film media television
Social justiceвестернUkrainiannouna "westerner" or "westoid" (an activist or online user, usually from English-speaking countries, who disregards actual concerns from Ukrainians and Eastern European people; or hates Ukraine for ideological reasons)Internet derogatory neologism
SoftwarepakaPolishnounAugmentative of paczkaaugmentative feminine form-of
SoftwarepakaPolishnounslammer (prison)colloquial feminine
SoftwarepakaPolishnounsemi-trailer (trailer without a front axle)colloquial feminine
SoftwarepakaPolishnounhundred (banknote)colloquial feminine
SoftwarepakaPolishnouncrate for transporting potatoesfeminine
SoftwarepakaPolishnounpaca (any rodent of the genus Cuniculus)feminine
SoftwarepakaPolishnounPaka (Sepik language)feminine
SoundassobioPortuguesenounwhistle (shrill, high-pitched sound made by whistling)masculine
SoundassobioPortuguesenounbirdsong (musical sound made by a bird)masculine
SoundassobioPortuguesenounthe sound of rushing windmasculine
SoundassobioPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of assobiarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SoundklusumsLatviannounsilence, quiet (state in which there are no strong, no hearable sounds, noises)declension-1 masculine
SoundklusumsLatviannounsilence, calm (a state in a process where there is little or no intense activity)declension-1 figuratively masculine
SoundklusumsLatviannounpiece, quiet, calm (the quality of that which is silent, peaceful, calm)declension-1 masculine
SoundsłopotaćPolishverbto flap, to flutter (cause to emit a flapping sound)imperfective intransitive
SoundsłopotaćPolishverbto flap, to flutter (emit a flapping sound)imperfective intransitive
SoundsłopotaćPolishverbto flap (move up and down)imperfective intransitive
SoundsłopotaćPolishverbto flutter (be in a state of agitation or uncertainty)imperfective intransitive
SoundsчухRussianintjthe sound of a locomotive, choo
SoundsчухRussianintjused to drive swine, soo wee
SoundsчухRussiannoungenitive plural of чуха́ (čuxá)form-of genitive plural
SoundsчухRussiannouninflection of чу́ха (čúxa): / genitive pluralform-of genitive plural
SoundsчухRussiannouninflection of чу́ха (čúxa): / animate accusative pluralaccusative animate form-of plural
SoupsboćwinaPolishnounchard (Beta vulgaris)feminine
SoupsboćwinaPolishnounchard soupfeminine
SoupszacierkaPolishnounzatiruha (kind of soup with handmade noodles)feminine singular
SoupszacierkaPolishnounzatiruha noodlefeminine in-plural
South Korea한강KoreannameHan River (in Seoul, South Korea)
South Korea한강KoreannameHan River (Shaanxi and Hubei, China)
South Korea한강KoreannameHan River (in Guangdong, China)
Soviet UnionміліцыяBelarusiannounmilitsia (administrative body in the USSR for the protection of public order and security)
Soviet UnionміліцыяBelarusiannounpolicemencollective
SpanishportunholPortuguesenounPortuñol (any unsystematic mixture of Portuguese with Spanish)masculine
SpanishportunholPortuguesenounRiverense Portuñol (a variety of Portuguese with influences from Spanish spoken on the border between Uruguay and Brazil)masculine
SpanishšpanělštinářCzechnounteacher of Spanishanimate masculine
SpanishšpanělštinářCzechnounstudent of Spanishanimate masculine
SpanishšpanělštinářCzechnounHispanistanimate masculine
SpearssparusLatinnounhunting spear; a small missile weapon with a curved bladedeclension-2 masculine
SpearssparusLatinnoungilt-head bream; a kind of fishdeclension-2 masculine
SpeedrunningspeedrunningEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of speedrunform-of gerund participle present
SpeedrunningspeedrunningEnglishnounThe practice of making speedruns.uncountable
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounA seed; any kind of planting body: / A grain; a cereal seed (especially as food).
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounA seed; any kind of planting body: / The seed of any plant (especially a fruit or nut).
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounA seed; any kind of planting body: / A grain or seed used as a unit of weight.
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounA plant that bears grain (especially wheat).
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounA field planted with such plants.
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounA small mote or speck, especially of valuable substances: / A spice or condiment (especially grains of paradise).
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounA small mote or speck, especially of valuable substances: / A mole or boil; a bodily imperfection.
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounGrain (die made with crushed insects, or a similar long-lasting dye)
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounAn article of fabric dyed with grain.
SpicesgreynMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of graynalt-of alternative
SpiceskardamonPolishnouncardamom (E. cardamomum)countable inanimate masculine
SpiceskardamonPolishnouncardamom (spice)inanimate masculine uncountable
Spicesਕਲ਼ੌਂਜੀPunjabinounnigella (plant)
Spicesਕਲ਼ੌਂਜੀPunjabinounblack caraway (spice)
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounA building or institution where money (originally, only coins) is produced under government licence.
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounA vast sum of money; (by extension) a large amount of something.informal
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounAny place regarded as a source of unlimited supply; the supply itself.figuratively
Spices and herbsmintEnglishverbTo reproduce (coins), usually en masse, under licence.transitive
Spices and herbsmintEnglishverbTo invent; to forge; to fabricate; to fashion.
Spices and herbsmintEnglishverbTo create a crypto cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency financetransitive
Spices and herbsmintEnglishadjLike new.not-comparable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishadjIn near-perfect condition; uncirculated.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsnot-comparable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishadjUnused with original gum; as issued originally.hobbies lifestyle philatelynot-comparable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishadjVery good, excellent.Geordie Northern-England not-comparable slang
Spices and herbsmintEnglishadjAttractive; beautiful; handsome.Australia Ireland New-Zealand UK not-comparable slang
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounAny plant in the genus Mentha in the family Lamiaceae, typically aromatic with square stems.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounThe flavouring of the plant, either a sweet, a jelly or sauce.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounA green colour, like that of mint.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounA mint-flavored candy, often eaten to sweeten the smell of the breath.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishadjOf a green colour, like that of the mint plant.not-comparable
Spices and herbsmintEnglishverbTo try, attempt; take aim.Northern-England Scotland intransitive
Spices and herbsmintEnglishverbTo try, attempt, endeavor; to take aim at; to try to hit; to purpose.Northern-England Scotland transitive
Spices and herbsmintEnglishverbTo hint; suggest; insinuate.Scotland intransitive
Spices and herbsmintEnglishnounIntent, purpose; an attempt, try; effort, endeavor.Northern-England Scotland
SpinningkużelPolishnounthin linen cloth the best of which made by peasantsdialectal inanimate masculine obsolete
SpinningkużelPolishnounsliver (bundle of unspun fibres)inanimate masculine obsolete
SpinningkużelPolishnounspinning topinanimate masculine obsolete
SpinningkużelPolishnounrough, coarse clothinanimate masculine obsolete
SpinningpatulTurkishnounlarge snowflake
SpinningpatulTurkishnountuft, flock of white wool (carded or uncarded)
SpinningpatulTurkishnounvery white, purefiguratively
SpinningspinnenDutchverbto spin: make yarn by twisting and winding fibres together
SpinningspinnenDutchverbto purr
SpinningspinnenDutchverbto tell stories, fib, lie
SpinningspinnenDutchverbto whirr
SpinningspinnenDutchnounplural of spinform-of plural
SpinningJapanesecharactersplashed dye patternHyōgai kanji
SpinningJapanesenouna reel, a unit of measure for a standard length of thread in a spool. A kase of cotton thread is 840 yards, one of wool is 560 yards.
SpinningJapanesenounClipping of 綛糸 (kaseito, “reeled thread”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
SpinningJapanesenounClipping of 綛車 (kasekuruma, “a skein-winder; a rotating tool for winding thread into skeins or winding it onto reels”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
SportsireYorubanoungood fortune, good luck
SportsireYorubanoungoodness, kindness
SportsireYorubanounA prefix used in unisex given names (ex. Irégbèmí)
SportsireYorubanounthe tree Funtumia elastica
SportsireYorubanountail feather
SportsireYorubanounfarm produce, harvest
SportsireYorubanounplay, sport
SportsmotorsportEnglishnounauto racingcountable uncountable
SportsmotorsportEnglishnounAny sport involving automobiles (motor cars) other than racing; e.g. time trialscountable uncountable
SportsmotorsportEnglishnounAny sport involving motor vehiclescountable uncountable
Sports観戦Japanesenounspectating a sports event
Sports観戦Japanesenounobserving a competition
Sports観戦Japaneseverbto spectate a sports event
Sports観戦Japaneseverbto observe a competition
Sports areasサードJapanesenouna third gear
Sports areasサードJapanesenounSynonym of 三塁 (sanrui, “third base”)ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sports
Sports areasサードJapanesenounSynonym of 三塁手 (sanruishu, “third baseperson”)ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sports
Sports areasサードJapanesenounthirdAnglicism attributive
SpringربيعArabicnounspring (season)
SpringربيعArabicnounspring grain
SpringربيعArabicnounspring vegetation, verdure, pasture
SpurgesἄπιοςAncient Greeknounpear tree (Pyrus communis)
SpurgesἄπιοςAncient Greeknounkind of spurge (Euphorbia apios)
Sri LankaરૂપિયોGujaratinounrupee, the common name for the monetary currencies used in several countries, often abbreviated ૱.
Sri LankaરૂપિયોGujaratinouna foreign currency (usually of where the speaker is currently residing)colloquial
Sri LankaરૂપિયોGujaratinounmoney, wealth, riches
Star WarsジェダイJapanesenounJedi (fictional being)fiction literature media publishing
Star WarsジェダイJapanesenounJedi (follower of Jediism)fiction lifestyle literature media publishing religion
StarsblitzarEnglishnounA phenomenon that emits a fast radio burst.astronomy natural-sciencesneologism
StarsblitzarEnglishnounThe object type that generates the phenomenon which emits the burst.astronomy natural-sciencesneologism
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameAbbreviation of Pennsylvania, a state of the United States of America.abbreviation alt-of
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameAbbreviation of Papua, a province of Indonesia.abbreviation alt-of
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameAbbreviation of Pará, a state of Brazil.abbreviation alt-of
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameInitialism of Palestinian Authority.abbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameInitialism of Proto-Algonquian. (sometimes abbreviated PAn to distinguish it from Proto-Algic, but usually just abbreviated PA with Proto-Algic being abbreviated PAc)human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameInitialism of Proto-Algic. (sometimes abbreviated PAc to distinguish it from Proto-Algonquian)human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameInitialism of Proto-Athapaskan.human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnameInitialism of Prince Albert (“Saskatchewan city”).abbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of public address.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of production assistant.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of personal assistant.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of personal appearance. (when a celebrity visits a public event)abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of power amplifier.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of Prince Albert (“genital piercing”).abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of public accountant.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of public act.lawabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of physician assistant.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of physician associate.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of polyamide.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of pyrrolizidine alkaloid.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of Peano arithmetic.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of pulmonary artery.anatomy medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of Parental Accompaniment.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of precision agriculture.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishnounInitialism of points against.American-football ball-games fantasy football games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishadjInitialism of posteroanterior.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
States of the United StatesPAEnglishphraseInitialism of per annum.abbreviation alt-of initialism
StatisticsсереднєUkrainianadjneuter nominative/accusative singular of сере́дній (serédnij)accusative form-of neuter nominative singular
StatisticsсереднєUkrainiannounaverage, mean, average value, mean value
Stock charactersconscienceEnglishnounThe ethical or moral sense of right and wrong, chiefly as it affects a person’s own behaviour and forms their attitude to their past actions.countable uncountable
Stock charactersconscienceEnglishnounA personification of the moral sense of right and wrong, usually in the form of a person, a being or merely a voice that gives moral lessons and advices.fiction human-sciences linguistics literature media narratology publishing sciencescountable uncountable
Stock charactersconscienceEnglishnounConsciousness; thinking; awareness, especially self-awareness.countable obsolete uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishnounThe realm of faerie; enchantment, illusion.obsolete uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishnounA mythical being of human form with magical powers, known in many sizes and descriptions, although often depicted in modern illustrations only as a small sprite with gauze-like wings, especially one that is female. Fairies are revered in some modern forms of paganism.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishnounAn enchantress, or creature of overpowering charm.countable uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishnounAn attractive young woman.British colloquial countable obsolete uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishnounA male homosexual, especially one who is effeminate.Northern-England US colloquial countable derogatory uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishnounA member of two species of hummingbird in the genus Heliothryx.countable uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishnounA legendary Chinese immortal.countable uncountable
Stock charactersfairyEnglishadjLike a fairy; fanciful, whimsical, delicate.
Stock charactersvillanoSpanishadjpeasant
Stock charactersvillanoSpanishadjvillainous, rude, bad-mannered
Stock charactersvillanoSpanishnounvillain, bad guymasculine
Stock marketstock marketEnglishnounA market for the trading of company stock.
Stock marketstock marketEnglishnounA cattle market.rare
Swallowshouse martinEnglishnounA migratory passerine bird of the swallow family, genus Delichon
Swallowshouse martinEnglishnounA migratory passerine bird of the swallow family, genus Delichon / The common house martin (Delichon urbicum).
SwedenthalerEnglishnounA monetary unit used in a number of central and northern European countries, known locally as daalder (Netherlands), daler (Scandinavia), Taler, Thaler (Germany), etc.hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical
SwedenthalerEnglishnounThe currency of Baden from 1829 to 1837, valued at 100 Kreuzer.hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical
SweetsмармеладкаUkrainiannoundiminutive of мармела́д (marmelád): fruit jelly candydiminutive form-of
SweetsмармеладкаUkrainiannounany gummy or jelly candycolloquial
SwimmingfajkaPolishnountobacco pipe (small, hand-held device in its simplest form consisting of a bowl and stem; used for inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco)feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnouncigarette, fagcolloquial feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnouncheckmark, tick (mark with a ✓ sign made to indicate agreement, correctness, or acknowledgement)colloquial feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnounsnorkel (hollow tube used for breathing underwater)colloquial feminine
SwimmingfajkaPolishnounupper fang of a boar bent upwardshobbies hunting lifestylefeminine in-plural
SwimmingfajkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of fajekaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
Swimming擊水Chineseverbto strike waterliterally literary
Swimming擊水Chineseverbto row; to strokefiguratively literary
Swimming擊水Chineseverbto swimfiguratively literary
Systems theoryreductionismEnglishnounAn approach to studying complex systems or ideas by reducing them to a set of simpler components.countable uncountable
Systems theoryreductionismEnglishnounA philosophical position which holds that a complex system is nothing but the sum of its parts, and that an account of it can be reduced to accounts of individual constituents. In a reductionist framework, the phenomena that can be explained completely in terms of relations between other more fundamental phenomena, are called "epiphenomena".human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
Systems theory生態Chinesenounecology (the totality or pattern of relationships of components of a system with their environment and with each other)
Systems theory生態Chinesenounecosystem
Systems theory生態Chinesenounway of life
TaiwanAlishanEnglishnameMount Ali, a famous mountain in Taiwan.
TaiwanAlishanEnglishnameAlishan National Scenic Area, a mountain resort in Chiayi County, Taiwan.
TalkinggaffleEnglishnounA lever used to bend a crossbow.obsolete
TalkinggaffleEnglishnounA steel spur attached to a gamecock (sometimes used figuratively).
TalkinggaffleEnglishnounA portable fork of iron or wood in which the heavy musket formerly in use was rested that it might be accurately aimed and government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryhistorical
TalkinggaffleEnglishverbTo equip with a gaffle or similar weapon.
TalkinggaffleEnglishverbTo grab or seize
TalkinggaffleEnglishverbTo get hold of, to find.
TalkinggaffleEnglishverbTo arrest for criminal activity.
TalkinggaffleEnglishverbTo steal
TalkinggaffleEnglishverbTo swindle or bully (someone)
TalkinggaffleEnglishverbTo talk without a purpose, usually about inane or pointless topics; to babble.
TalkinggęgnąćPolishverbto gaggle (to make the sound of a goose)intransitive perfective
TalkinggęgnąćPolishverbto speak inanely, to speak nonsense, to jabbercolloquial derogatory intransitive perfective
TalkinghateMiddle EnglishnounHate, hatred, anger, wroth.
TalkinghateMiddle EnglishnounSomething that causes or induces hate; insults, demeaning words.
TalkinghateMiddle EnglishnounThe results of hate; enmity, discord, turmoil.
TalkinghateMiddle EnglishnounSomething that one hates.rare
TalkinghateMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hatenalt-of alternative
TastechewyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of chewenform-of participle present
TastechewyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe act of chewing (mashing with one's teeth).uncountable
TastechewyngeMiddle EnglishnounOne's ability to detect flavour.rare uncountable
TastechewyngeMiddle EnglishnounRuminating; thinking about.rare uncountable
TastesłodkawyPolishadjsomewhat sweet, sweetishnot-comparable
TastesłodkawyPolishadjsomewhat nauseousfiguratively literary not-comparable
TastesłodkawyPolishadjsugary (exaggeratedly sweet and pleasant, often to the point of aversion)literary not-comparable
TastesłodkawyPolishadjcorny, syrupy (overly sentimental)ironic literary not-comparable
TaxationimpositivoSpanishadjimpressive, dominating
TaxationimpositivoSpanishadjtaxation, taxrelational
TeaзаваркаRussiannounthe process of brewing
TeaзаваркаRussiannountea (dried tea leaves for brewing)
TeaзаваркаRussiannountea (brewed tea leaves)
TeaзаваркаRussiannounthe process of welding
TelluriumtelluricEnglishadjPertaining to the Earth, earthly.
TelluriumtelluricEnglishadjContaining tellurium in a lower valency than in tellurous compounds.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TelluriumtelluricEnglishnounSynonym of telluric current
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbEspecially of a liquid, to become solid due to low temperature.copulative intransitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo lower something's temperature to the point that it freezes or becomes hard.transitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo drop to a temperature below zero degrees celsius, where water turns to ice.intransitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo be affected by extreme cold.informal intransitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverb(of machines and software) To come to a sudden halt, stop working (functioning).intransitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverb(of people and other animals) To stop (become motionless) or be stopped due to attentiveness, fear, surprise, etc.intransitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo cause someone to become motionless.transitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling; to shut out; to ostracize.figuratively
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill.
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo prevent the movement or liquidation of a person's financial assetstransitive
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbOf prices, spending etc., to keep at the same level, without any increase.
TemperaturefreezeEnglishverbTo prevent from showing any visible change.Internet
TemperaturefreezeEnglishnounA period of intensely cold weather.
TemperaturefreezeEnglishnounA halt of a regular operation.
TemperaturefreezeEnglishnounThe state when either a single computer program, or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
TemperaturefreezeEnglishnounA precise draw weight shot where a delivered stone comes to a stand-still against a stationary stone, making it nearly impossible to knock out.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
TemperaturefreezeEnglishnounA block on pay rises or on the hiring of new employees finance
TemperaturefreezeEnglishnounObsolete form of frieze.alt-of obsolete
TemperaturefreezingEnglishadjSuffering or causing frostliterally
TemperaturefreezingEnglishadjVery coldbroadly excessive
TemperaturefreezingEnglishadjZero °C, the freezing point of water.
TemperaturefreezingEnglishnounThe change in state of a substance from liquid to solid by cooling to a critically low temperature.uncountable
TemperaturefreezingEnglishnounThe action of numbing with anesthetics.medicine sciencescountable
TemperaturefreezingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of freezeform-of gerund participle present
TheologymoralSpanishadjmoral (relating to right and wrong)feminine masculine
TheologymoralSpanishadjmoral (conforming to a standard of right behaviour)feminine masculine
TheologymoralSpanishnounmorals, standard (modes of conduct)feminine
TheologymoralSpanishnounmorale (the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal)feminine
TheologymoralSpanishnounmulberry treemasculine
Thinking冥思Chineseverbto think hard; to cudgel one's brains
Thinking冥思Chinesenoundelusion; fantasyliterary
Thinking念想兒ChinesenounErhua form of 念想 (niànxiǎng, “thought; idea”).Erhua Mandarin alt-of
Thinking念想兒Chinesenounsouvenir (that reminds one of something)Mandarin dialectal
TimeBlütezeitGermannounblossoming time, budding time; florescence (of flowers and other plants)feminine
TimeBlütezeitGermannounheyday, prime (someone's youth or most productive years of life)feminine
TimeBlütezeitGermannoungolden age (of a civilization, country or other social group)feminine
TimeBronze AgeEnglishnameA period in a civilization's development when the most advanced metalworking has developed the techniques of smelting copper from natural outcroppings and alloys it to cast bronze.archaeology history human-sciences sciences
TimeBronze AgeEnglishnameOne of the Classical Ages of Man, associated with warfare.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
TimePeriodeGermannounperiod (length of time with start and end point)feminine
TimePeriodeGermannounage (particular period of time in history)feminine
TimearúIrishparticleused with words denoting a unit of time in the past or future to indicate one unit further away from the present; see derived terms
TimearúIrishintjso! indeed!
TimebulanIlocanonounmoon (largest natural satellite of planet Earth)
TimebulanIlocanonounmoon (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet)
TimebulanIlocanonounmonth (period into which a year is divided)
Timerotational periodEnglishnounThe time taken to rotate about its axis relative to the background stars.
Timerotational periodEnglishnounThe time taken to rotate about its axis relative to the earth (assumed fixed).
TimeviertelGermannuma quarter of something (used as an indeclinable adjective)
TimeviertelGermannumthree-quarters of an hour before, 45 minutes before (used with the number of the following hour)Austria Bavaria East Germany
TimeпингеErzyanounage, epoch
TimeчасовойRussianadjone-hour, hour-long
TimeчасовойRussianadjby the hour
TimeчасовойRussianadjwatch, clockrelational
TimeчасовойRussiannounsentry, sentinel
TimeسنةArabicnounslumber; nap
TimeسنةArabicnouna usual, recurrent, continual, determinable, or constant thing / a common, habitual, popularized, or enforced practice; a custom, convention, or ritual; a social norm or standardcountable
TimeسنةArabicnouna usual, recurrent, continual, determinable, or constant thing / the conduct, habits, behavior, or mannerisms of a person (viewed collectively)uncountable
TimeسنةArabicnouna usual, recurrent, continual, determinable, or constant thing / a determinate or predetermined universal law (either normative or historical)countable
TimeسنةArabicnounthe body of narratives attributed to Islamic religious figures (viewed collectively)Islam lifestyle religionuncountable
TimeسنةArabicnouna religiously canonized tradition or practice / the set of canonical traditions whence orthodoxy and orthopraxy are derived (viewed collectively)Islam lifestyle religionuncountable
TimeسنةArabicnouna religiously canonized tradition or practice / adherence to the religious traditions, traditionalism; orthodoxy and orthopraxyIslam lifestyle religionuncountable
TimeسنةArabicnouna religiously canonized tradition or practice / a traditional religious practice for which there is a divine reward but for whose omission there is no punishment, a commendable supererogatory act often done as an expression of faith, a religious work of supererogationIslam lifestyle religioncountable
TimeسنةArabicnounthe Sunni sect or the adherents thereof (viewed collectively); SunnismIslam lifestyle religion
TimeسنةArabicnounan image, a form, an appearance, a lookcountable obsolete
Timeपक्षHindinounfaction, side, party
Timeपक्षHindinounaspect, quality
Timeपक्षHindinounsupport, approval
Timeपक्षHindinounlunar fortnight
Timeകാലത്ത്Malayalamnounat time
TimeKoreannounweek (unit of time)
TimeKoreancountercounter for weeks
TimeKoreannamethe LordChristianity
TimeKoreannounmain/principal part
TimeKoreandetmain; principal
TimeKoreansuffixowner; proprietormorpheme
TimeKoreannounpolitical divisions of some countries, variously corresponding to canton, county, department, state, oblast, province, region, etc.
TimeKoreannounstock (in a company)
TimeKoreannounShort for 주식회사(株式會社) (jusikhoesa, “stock company”): inc.abbreviation alt-of
TimeKoreancountercounter for trees
TimeKoreancountercounter for stocks
TimeKoreannounannotation; explanatory notes
TimeKoreannounsandbank; sandbar
TimeKoreanprefixresident; stationed (in)...morpheme
TimeKoreansuffixalcohol; alcoholic beveragemorpheme
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 主
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 注
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 住
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 朱
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 宙
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 走
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 酒
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 晝
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 舟
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 周
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 株
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 州
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 洲
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 柱
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 奏
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 珠
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 鑄
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 冑
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 湊
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 炷
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 註
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 疇
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 週
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 遒
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 駐
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 妵
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 澍
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 姝
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 侏
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 做
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 呪
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 嗾
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 廚
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 籌
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 紂
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 紬
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 綢
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 蛛
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 誅
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 躊
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 輳
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 酎
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 燽
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 鉒
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 拄
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 皗
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 邾
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 䎻
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 絑
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 䝬
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 椆
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 㫶
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 珘
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 紸
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 調
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 晭
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 丟
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 侜
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 儔
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 尌
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 幬
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 硃
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 籒
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 鼄
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 胕
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 腠
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 蔟
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 蛀
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 裯
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 詋
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 賙
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 趎
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 輈
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 霌
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 霔
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 胄
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 逎: Alternative form of 遒
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 凑: Alternative form of 湊
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 丶
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 伷
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 咒
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 咮
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 唒
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 喌
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 噣
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 壴
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 婤
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 嵀
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 幮
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 徟
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 怞
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 懤
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 揍
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 斢
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 族
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 枓
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 楱
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 樦
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 櫥
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 殶
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 洀
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 淍
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 㴤
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 烐
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 犨
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 疰
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 盩
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 砫
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 祝
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 祩
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 簇
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 粙
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 罜
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 䎷
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 肘
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 菗
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 葤
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 薵
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 蟕
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 袾
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 譸
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 足
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 跓
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 跦
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 躕
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 軴
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 輖
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 銂
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 銩
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 馵
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 騆
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 鮢
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 鴸
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 鵃
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 麈
TimeKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 主 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 注 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 住 (MC drjuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 朱 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 宙 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 走 (MC tsuwX|tsuwH))(MC reading: 酒 (MC tsjuwX))(MC reading: 晝 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 舟 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 周 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 株 (MC trju))(MC reading: 州 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 洲 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 柱 (MC drjuX|trjuX))(MC reading: 奏 (MC tsuwH))(MC reading: 珠 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鑄 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 冑 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 湊 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 炷 (MC tsyuX|tsyuH))(MC reading: 註 (MC tsyuH|trjuH))(MC reading: 疇 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 週)(MC reading: 遒 (MC tsjuw|dzjuw))(MC reading: 駐 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 妵 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 澍 (MC dzyuH|tsyuH))(MC reading: 姝 (MC tsyhu))(MC reading: 侏 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 做)(MC reading: 呪 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 嗾 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 廚 (MC drju))(MC reading: 籌 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 紂 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 紬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 綢 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蛛 (MC trju))(MC reading: 誅 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躊 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 輳 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 酎 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 燽 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 鉒 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 拄 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 皗)(MC reading: 邾 (MC trju))(MC reading: 䎻)(MC reading: 絑 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 䝬)(MC reading: 椆 (MC drjuw|tsyuwH))(MC reading: 㫶)(MC reading: 珘)(MC reading: 紸)(MC reading: 調 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 晭 (MC tsyuwX))(MC reading: 丟)(MC reading: 侜 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 儔 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 尌 (MC dzyuH))(MC reading: 幬 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 硃 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 籒)(MC reading: 鼄 (MC trju))(MC reading: 胕 (MC -))(MC reading: 腠 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蔟 (MC tshuwH))(MC reading: 蛀 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 裯 (MC drju|drjuw))(MC reading: 詋)(MC reading: 賙 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 趎 (MC drju))(MC reading: 輈 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 霌)(MC reading: 霔 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 胄 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 逎 (MC tsjuw))(MC reading: 凑)(MC reading: 丶 (MC trjuX))(MC reading: 伷 (MC drjuwH))(MC reading: 咒 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 咮 (MC tsyu|trjuH))(MC reading: 唒)(MC reading: 喌 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 噣 (MC trjuwH))(MC reading: 壴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 婤 (MC trhjuw|tsyuw))(MC reading: 嵀 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 幮 (MC drju))(MC reading: 徟)(MC reading: 怞 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 懤 (MC drjuw|drjuwH))(MC reading: 揍)(MC reading: 斢 (MC thuwX))(MC reading: 族 (MC -))(MC reading: 枓 (MC tuwX))(MC reading: 楱 (MC tshuwH|dzuwH))(MC reading: 樦)(MC reading: 櫥)(MC reading: 殶)(MC reading: 洀)(MC reading: 淍)(MC reading: 㴤)(MC reading: 烐)(MC reading: 犨 (MC tsyhuw))(MC reading: 疰 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 盩 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 砫)(MC reading: 祝 (MC tsyuwH))(MC reading: 祩 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 簇 (MC -))(MC reading: 粙)(MC reading: 罜 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 䎷 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 肘 (MC trjuwX))(MC reading: 菗 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 葤 (MC drjuwX))(MC reading: 薵 (MC drjuw))(MC reading: 蟕)(MC reading: 袾 (MC trju|tsyhu))(MC reading: 譸 (MC trjuw))(MC reading: 足 (MC tsjuH))(MC reading: 跓 (MC drjuX))(MC reading: 跦 (MC trju))(MC reading: 躕)(MC reading: 軴 (MC trjuH))(MC reading: 輖 (MC tsyuw))(MC reading: 銂)(MC reading: 銩)(MC reading: 馵 (MC tsyuH))(MC reading: 騆)(MC reading: 鮢 (MC tsyu))(MC reading: 鴸 (MC trju|tsyu))(MC reading: 鵃 (MC tsyew))(MC reading: 麈 (MC tsyuX))(MC reading: 黈 (MC thuwX)) / 黈
Toilet (room)κήλωνAncient Greeknounswape, swing-beam for drawing water
Toilet (room)κήλωνAncient Greeknounstallion, male ass
ToolscyrkielPolishnouncompass, pair of compasses (device used with a pencil to draw an arc or circle on paper)inanimate masculine
ToolscyrkielPolishnounpolice stationdated dialectal inanimate masculine
ToolscyrkielPolishnounlower horizontal part of a dress or coatdated inanimate masculine
ToolskopyśćPolishnounflat wooden spoon for food preparationfeminine regional
ToolskopyśćPolishnounold, worn-out spadefeminine
ToolskątownikPolishnounsquare (tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles)inanimate masculine
ToolskątownikPolishnounangle bar, angle ironinanimate masculine
ToolskątownikPolishnounangle bracket (fastener)inanimate masculine
ToolskątownikPolishnounangle plateinanimate masculine
ToolsniiļMarshallesenouna needle
ToolsniiļMarshallesenouna straight pin
ToolsܡܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounrazor
ToolsܡܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounscissors, shears
ToolsܡܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnouncandle snuffer
ToolsܫܡܘܥܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounheadphone, headphones, headset (cushioned speaker placed over the ear)
ToolsܫܡܘܥܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounearphone, earphones, earpiece (speaker or receiver of a telephone placed inside or held near to the ear)
ToolsܫܡܘܥܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounstethoscope (medical instrument used for listening to sounds produced within the body)medicine sciences
ToolsかまJapanesenouna sickle
ToolsかまJapanesenouna sickle-shaped weapon, such as a polearm with a sickle-shaped blade, or a 鎖鎌 (kusarigama)
ToolsかまJapanesenounshort for 火打鎌 (hiuchigama): a striker for lighting fires (from the way that pieces of a broken kama blade were used for this purpose)abbreviation alt-of
ToolsかまJapanesenouna perverse or bent tendency or way of thinking (from the way a kama blade bends)slang
ToolsかまJapanesenouna person with a perverse or bent tendency or way of thinkingslang
ToolsかまJapanesenouna category of 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”) featuring a sickle
ToolsかまJapanesenounshort for 鎌継ぎ (kamatsugi): a hammer-headed tenon (from the way the sickle blade sticks out perpendicular to the handle, similar to the sides of the hammer head on this kind of tenon)arts business carpentry construction crafts hobbies lifestyle manufacturing woodworkingabbreviation alt-of
ToolsかまJapanesenounexcessive talkativeness (probably by sound association with the word 喧しい (yakamashii, “noisy”))slang
ToolsかまJapanesenounan excessively talkative personslang
ToolsかまJapanesenouna penis (probably from the way that a sickle blade sticks out perpendicular to the handle)slang
ToolsかまJapanesenounarea of a fish around the gills
ToolsかまJapanesenoun釜: a rice-cooker
ToolsかまJapanesenoun窯: a kiln, an oven
ToolsかまJapanesenoun竃, 竈: a kitchen range
ToolsかまJapanesenoun缶: a boiler, as for a steam engine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna kernel of dried unripened cornLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna kernel of unpopped popcorn, an old maidLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna crumb, a bitLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna marble, especially one made of agateLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna short personLouisiana derogatory masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnounAlternative form of grelotalt-of alternative dialectal masculine
Toyspop gunEnglishnounA toy gun that emits a loud pop by firing a cork from a barrel in which a piston slides, compressing the air and forcing the cork out. The cork is traditionally attached to the toy by a piece of string.
Toyspop gunEnglishnounA firearm of unimpressive appearance.
ToysшарикYakutnounball, balloon
TransgendertransnormativeEnglishadjPertaining to, exhibiting, or consistent with transnormativity.
TransgendertransnormativeEnglishadjCrossing norms.
TransgendertranspopulationEnglishnounThe population of transgender people, particularly in a specific region.
TransgendertranspopulationEnglishnounThe act of altering one or more populations by the introduction of a different population or the removal of a particular subpopulation.
TreesapelsīnsLatviannounorange (subtropical fruit tree of genus Citrus, esp. Citrus sinensis, with round, succulent, aromatic fruits)declension-1 masculine
TreesapelsīnsLatviannounorange (the fruit of that tree)declension-1 masculine
TreescamagonEnglishnounA kind of persimmon tree (Diospyros blancoi) from the Philippine Islands, now introduced into the East and West Indies.countable uncountable
TreescamagonEnglishnounThe reddish wood of this tree.countable uncountable
TreescytronPolishnouncitron (tree)inanimate masculine
TreescytronPolishnouncitron (fruit)inanimate masculine
TreesmangoLatviannountree of the genus Mangifera with aromatic, sweet fruitsinvariable masculine
TreesmangoLatviannounmango fruit (the fruit of this tree)invariable masculine
TreesontanoItaliannounalder (tree of the genus Alnus)masculine
TreesontanoItaliannouncommon alder, black alder, European alder (tree, Alnus glutinosa)masculine
TreesontanoItaliannounthe wood of such treesmasculine
TreespetäjäFinnishnounSynonym of mänty (“pine”)
TreespetäjäFinnishnouna large pine treespecifically
TreestiliaLatinnounlinden or lime treedeclension-1 feminine
TreestiliaLatinnounthe inner bark of the linden or lime treedeclension-1 feminine
TreesypyOld Tupiadjoriginal; initial (pertaining to the beginning, cause or origin)
TreesypyOld Tupiadjbased (having a basis)
TreesypyOld Tupiadvfirstly; in the first place
TreesypyOld Tupinounorigin; beginning; start
TreesypyOld Tupinounfirst (person or thing in the first position)
TreesypyOld Tupinounbase; basis; foundation (supporting, lower or bottom component of a structure or object)
TreesypyOld Tupinountop (uppermost part)
TreesypyOld Tupinounstalk; tree trunk
TreesypyOld Tupinumfirst
TreesypyOld Tupinoundepth
TreesypyOld Tupinounbottom
TreesypyOld Tupiadjdeep
TreesypyOld Tupiverbto starttransitive
TreesсикомораRussiannounsycomore (Ficus sycomorus)
TreesсикомораRussiannoungenitive/accusative singular of сикомо́р (sikomór)accusative form-of genitive singular
TreesܦܢܝܟܣClassical Syriacnounphoenixhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
TreesܦܢܝܟܣClassical Syriacnounpalm tree
TreesܦܢܝܟܣClassical Syriacnounkind of grass
TreesJapanesecharactersacred anise tree, Japanese star aniseHyōgai kanji
TreesJapanesenounAlternative spelling of 樒 (shikimi, “Japanese star anise, Illicium anisatum”)alt-of alternative
True fincheshýlCzechnoungrosbeakanimate masculine
True fincheshýlCzechnounbullfinchanimate masculine
Trypanosomal diseasessleeping sicknessEnglishnounAny of several diseases of which lethargy is a major symptom: / Especially, African sleeping sickness, an endemic infectious disease of humans and animals in tropical Africa, caused by a parasitic trypanosome, transmitted by the tsetse fly and characterized by fever, severe headache, joint pains and lymph node swelling in the early stages, followed by a neurological phase of extreme weakness, sleepiness, and deep coma leading to death.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
Trypanosomal diseasessleeping sicknessEnglishnounAny of several diseases of which lethargy is a major symptom: / Also, animal trypanosomiasis, also known as nagana or animal African trypanosomiasis.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
Trypanosomal diseasessleeping sicknessEnglishnounAny of several diseases of which lethargy is a major symptom: / Eastern equine encephalitis, caused by a zoonotic alphavirus and arbovirus present in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
Trypanosomal diseasessleeping sicknessEnglishnounAny of several diseases of which lethargy is a major symptom: / Encephalitis lethargica, a form of encephalitis, of unknown cause, that swept the world in the 1920s.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
TwoIrishpronthird-person singular masculine of doform-of masculine singular third-person
TwoIrishpronthird-person singular masculine of deCois-Fharraige form-of masculine singular third-person
TwoIrishnounburn, scaldmasculine
TwoIrishnounburning, scalding, scorchingmasculine
TwoIrishnounverbal noun of dóighform-of masculine noun-from-verb
TwoIrishverbpresent subjunctive analytic of dóigh (“burn”)analytic form-of present subjunctive
TypographyapostropheEnglishnounThe text character ’, which serves as a punctuation mark in various languages and as a diacritical mark in certain rare contexts.communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writing
TypographyapostropheEnglishnounA sudden exclamatory piece of dialogue addressed to someone or something, especially absent.countable rhetoric uncountable
TypographyapostropheEnglishnounAn arrangement of chlorophyll grains perpendicular to the outer surface of plant cells, as opposed to epostrophe (an arrangement on the outer surface).biology botany natural-sciences
UkraineKozakEnglishnameA surname.
UkraineKozakEnglishnameA Cossack.
UltimateFrisbeeEnglishnameA trademarked brand name of disc-shaped gliding toy.
UltimateFrisbeeEnglishnounA disk-shaped gliding toy, sold under the brand name Frisbee.countable uncountable
UltimateFrisbeeEnglishnounA frisbee, a disk-shaped gliding toy of any brand.broadly countable uncountable
UltimateFrisbeeEnglishnounfrisbee: the sport involving Frisbees.hobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
UltimateFrisbeeEnglishverbTo throw something in the manner of a Frisbee.
Units of measuremátFaroesenounmeasureneuter
Units of measuremátFaroesenounmeasuring tool / device / instrumentneuter
Units of measuremátFaroesenoununit of measurementneuter
Units of measuremátFaroesenouncheckmateboard-games chess gamesneuter uncountable
Units of measuremátFaroesenounmate, friendneuter
Units of measurescrupleEnglishnounHesitation to act from the difficulty of determining what is right or expedient; doubt, hesitation or unwillingness due to motives of conscience.
Units of measurescrupleEnglishnounA weight of ¹⁄₂₈₈ of a pound, that is, twenty grains or one third of a dram, about 1.3 grams (symbol: ℈).
Units of measurescrupleEnglishnounA Hebrew unit of time equal to ¹⁄₁₀₈₀ hour.
Units of measurescrupleEnglishnounA very small quantity; a particle.broadly obsolete
Units of measurescrupleEnglishnounA doubt or uncertainty concerning a matter of fact; intellectual perplexity.obsolete
Units of measurescrupleEnglishverbTo hesitate or be reluctant to act due to considerations of conscience or expedience.intransitive
Units of measurescrupleEnglishverbTo excite scruples in; to cause to scruple.intransitive
Units of measurescrupleEnglishverbTo regard with suspicion; to question.transitive
Units of measurescrupleEnglishverbTo question the truth of (a fact, etc.); to doubt; to hesitate to believe, to question.intransitive obsolete
Units of measureσίγλοςAncient Greeknounshekel, an ancient unit of weight
Units of measureσίγλοςAncient Greeknounshekel, a currency used in ancient Israel
Units of measureσίγλοςAncient Greeknounearring
Units of measureдRussiancharacterThe fifth letter of the Russian alphabet, called дэ (dɛ), and written in the Cyrillic script.letter lowercase
Units of measureдRussianprefixd, deci- (0.1)morpheme
UniversitiesPKUEnglishnounAbbreviation of phenylketonuria.abbreviation alt-of uncountable
UniversitiesPKUEnglishnameSynonym of Peking University
Uranium鈾礦Chinesenounuranium ore
Uranium鈾礦Chinesenounuranium mine
UrsidspandaEnglishnounThe red panda (Ailurus fulgens), a small raccoon-like animal of northeast Asia with reddish fur and a long, ringed tail.archaic
UrsidspandaEnglishnounShort for giant panda (“Ailuropoda melanoleuca”).abbreviation also alt-of attributive colloquial
UrsidspandaEnglishnounShort for panda car (“a black-and-white police car”).government law-enforcementBritish abbreviation alt-of colloquial
UrsidspandaEnglishnounA brahmin who acts as the hereditary superintendent of a particular ghat or temple, and is regarded as knowledgeable in matters of genealogy and ritual.Hinduism
VegetablesarvejaSpanishnounpeaCanary-Islands Latin-America feminine
VegetableslungaCebuanonounthe plant Sesamum indicum
VegetableslungaCebuanonounsesame seed
VegetablespyraPolishnounpotatoPoznań feminine
VegetablespyraPolishnounresident of Poznańfeminine humorous
VegetablespyraPolishnounpotato enthusiastfeminine
Vegetableswinter squashEnglishnounAny of numerous cultivars of four species of summer-growing vegetable of the genus Cucurbita / Cucurbita maxima
Vegetableswinter squashEnglishnounAny of numerous cultivars of four species of summer-growing vegetable of the genus Cucurbita / Cucurbita argyrosperma
Vegetableswinter squashEnglishnounAny of numerous cultivars of four species of summer-growing vegetable of the genus Cucurbita / Cucurbita moschata
Vegetableswinter squashEnglishnounAny of numerous cultivars of four species of summer-growing vegetable of the genus Cucurbita / Cucurbita pepo
VehiclesdraglineEnglishnounA cable, cord, or rope used to drag an object; specifically, the line of a dragline excavator that drags the bucket.
VehiclesdraglineEnglishnounShort for dragline excavator.abbreviation alt-of
VehiclesdraglineEnglishnounA strong supporting line of silk produced by a spider.
VehiclesgęsiarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of gęsiarz (“gosherd, gooseherd”)dialectal feminine form-of rare
VehiclesgęsiarkaPolishnounoval roaster (elongated, oval dish with a lid for baking food in it)feminine
VehiclesgęsiarkaPolishnounrailroad car for transporting geesefeminine obsolete
VehicleswózKashubiannounwagon, cart (four-wheeled vehicle typically drawn by a horse)inanimate masculine
VehicleswózKashubiannouncart, wagon; wagonful, cartful, wagonload, cartload (amount carried by a wagon)inanimate masculine
VehiclesчелнокRussiannouna small retail trader travelling from one place or country to another
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna core (the central part of a fruit, containing the kernels or seeds)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a cell nucleus, nucleus (large membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells which contains genetic material)biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencesfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a cell nucleus, nucleus (large membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells which contains genetic material) / a nucleus (cluster of many neuronal bodies where synapsing occurs)biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciencesfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a nucleus (innermost and brightest part of a comet)astronomy natural-sciencesfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / an atomic nucleus (a nucleus of an atom; consisting of protons and neutrons, surrounded by an electron cloud)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / heartwood (the wood nearer the heart of a stem or branch)biology botany natural-sciencesfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a core (the interior of a workpiece or tool, especially when it is of a different material than the rest)figuratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a core (the interior of a workpiece or tool, especially when it is of a different material than the rest) / a core (the portion of a mold that creates an internal cavity within a casting or that makes a hole in or through a casting)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a mother-of-pearl (the hard pearly inner layer of certain mollusk shells)figuratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a core (the innermost non-luminous part of a flame)figuratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something) / a hard soap or curd soap (a kind of soap, with a hard texture and common salt added to the liquid soap mass)figuratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna center or core (innermost part of something)figuratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna core or essence (the most important part of a thing) / a core or spirit (the soul of a person or other creature)figuratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna core or essence (the most important part of a thing) / a person being the backbone of a group, community or societyfiguratively in-compounds masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna core or essence (the most important part of a thing) / a musical core (the central, most prevalent sound)entertainment lifestyle musicfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna core or essence (the most important part of a thing) / the actual content; a deeper meaningfiguratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna core or essence (the most important part of a thing)figuratively masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna head (a morpheme that determines the category of a compound or the word that determines the syntactic type of the phrase of which it is a member)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna nucleus (the central part of a syllable, most commonly a vowel)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesmasculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålnouna churn (a vessel used for churning, especially for producing butter)feminine masculine
VesselskjerneNorwegian Bokmålverbto churn (to agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion, specifically to create butter)transitive
VesselsܩܢܝܢܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbottle (container typically made of glass or plastic and having a tapered neck used primarily for holding liquids)
VesselsܩܢܝܢܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounthe contents of a bottlebroadly
VetigastropodspauaEnglishnounA large, edible abalone, Haliotis iris, native to New Zealand, whose shell is used to make jewelry.
VetigastropodspauaEnglishnounThe shell of this mollusc.
VetigastropodspauaEnglishnounA fish hook made from this shell.
Video game genresbrawlerEnglishnounOne who brawls, engages in noisy, unseemly fights.
Video game genresbrawlerEnglishnounA beat 'em up
Video gameszockenGermanverbto gambleweak
Video gameszockenGermanverbto play video gamesvideo-gamesweak
Vietnamese numeral symbolsVietnamesecharacterChữ Hán form of Ba (“used in placenames”).
Vietnamese numeral symbolsVietnamesecharacterChữ Hán form of ba (“to adhere; to stick to”).
Vietnamese numeral symbolsVietnamesecharacterNôm form of bơ (“used in compounds”).
ViolencefightEnglishverbSenses relating to physical conflict: / To engage in combat with; to oppose physically, to contest with.transitive
ViolencefightEnglishverbSenses relating to physical conflict: / To conduct or engage in (battle, warfare, a cause, etc.).transitive
ViolencefightEnglishverbSenses relating to physical conflict: / To contend in physical conflict, either singly or in war, battle etc.intransitive
ViolencefightEnglishverbSenses relating to physical conflict: / To contend in physical conflict with each other, either singly or in war, battle etc.reciprocal
ViolencefightEnglishverbSenses relating to physical conflict: / To cause to fight; to manage or manoeuvre in a fight.causative
ViolencefightEnglishverbTo strive for something; to campaign or contend for success.intransitive
ViolencefightEnglishverbTo try to overpower; to fiercely counteract.transitive
ViolencefightEnglishverbOf colours or other design elements: to clash; to fail to harmonize.intransitive
ViolencefightEnglishnounAn occasion of fighting.countable uncountable
ViolencefightEnglishnounA battle between opposing armies.archaic countable uncountable
ViolencefightEnglishnounA physical confrontation or combat between two or more people or groups.countable uncountable
ViolencefightEnglishnounA boxing or martial arts match.hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
ViolencefightEnglishnounA conflict, possibly nonphysical, with opposing ideas or forces; strife.countable uncountable
ViolencefightEnglishnounThe will or ability to fight.uncountable
ViolencefightEnglishnounA screen for the combatants in ships; an arming.countable obsolete uncountable
ViolencekułakPolishnounkulak (wealthy peasant who owned land and hired workers; in Poland, the term became more widespread during the 1950s)agriculture business lifestylederogatory historical masculine person usually
ViolencekułakPolishnountightly-clenched fistdated inanimate masculine
ViolencekułakPolishnounpunch (hit or a strike with one's fist)dated inanimate masculine
ViolencepytaPolishnounlash (thick leather rope used for corporal punishment)dated dialectal feminine
ViolencepytaPolishnounpenisdated feminine vulgar
ViolencepytaPolishverbthird-person singular present of pytaćform-of present singular third-person
Violenceм'ясорубкаUkrainiannounmassacre (killing of a large number of people, especially in war)
VisionblindismEnglishnounAn idiosyncratic behaviour associated with blind people.
VisionblindismEnglishnounAn idiosyncratic behaviour associated with blind people. / A stereotypy characteristic of blind people, such as eye-rubbing or hand-flapping.
VisionосмотретьсяRussianverbto look about, to look around
VisionосмотретьсяRussianverbto look round, to get one's bearings, to see how the land lies
VisionосмотретьсяRussianverbpassive of осмотре́ть (osmotrétʹ)form-of passive
WarbrochenMiddle EnglishverbTo impale or stab; to make a wound in something.
WarbrochenMiddle EnglishverbTo prod or poke (especially an equine)
WarbrochenMiddle EnglishverbTo put (meat) on a skewer or pole for cooking.
WarbrochenMiddle EnglishverbTo broach (a barrel); to extract fluid.rare
WarbrochenMiddle EnglishverbTo perform sewing to close a gap.rare
WarbrochenMiddle EnglishverbTo launch into battle.rare
WarbrochenMiddle EnglishverbTo cover in fat or grease.rare
WarcombatFrenchnouncombat (hostile interaction)masculine
WarcombatFrenchnouncombat (contest; competition)figuratively masculine
WarcombatFrenchnounbattle; military combatin-plural masculine
WarcombatFrenchverbthird-person singular present indicative of combattreform-of indicative present singular third-person
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A journey; a travelling or trip.
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A military enterprise or operation.
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A battle, fight or conflict.
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / The happenings of life.figuratively
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / Mortality; the final event of one's life.figuratively
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A day of fighting, tilting, or jousting.
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / The amount of work set or completed in a day.
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A day's worth of travel or voyaging.
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A unit of distance equalling a the distance covered in a day of travel (around 20 miles)
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / The fruits or results of a day or its work.rare
WarjourneMiddle EnglishnounA day (period of 24 hours).
Warయుద్ధముTelugunounbattle, fight
WaterbrimOld Englishnounthe edge of the sea or a body of waterneuter poetic
WaterbrimOld Englishnounsurf; the surface of the seaneuter poetic
WaterbrimOld Englishnounsea, ocean, waterneuter poetic
WaterheahflodOld Englishnounhigh tide
WaterheahflodOld Englishnoundeep water
WatermolhaduraPortuguesenounthe process of wetting somethingfeminine
WatermolhaduraPortuguesenouna bribe or tip given in exchange for a favour or informationBrazil feminine slang
WaterspringOld Englishnouna spring (source of water)masculine
WaterspringOld Englishnounan ulcer, sore, pustulemasculine
WaterкисеүBashkirverbto put one's feet in water
WaterкисеүBashkirverbto ford; walk/pass through water
WaterкисеүBashkirnounford, a river crossing; a location where a river is shallow so it is possible to cross it walking or riding an animal or vehicle
WaterChinesecharacterdam; embankment; dike
WaterChinesecharacterAlternative form of 垻 /坝 (“plain; beach”)alt-of alternative
WaterChinesecharacterbeach (sandy, on a river, lake or coast, used chiefly in place names)
Water水魔Japanesenoundisastrous flood
Water水魔Japanesenounwater demon
WatercraftsleppHungariannountrain (elongated back portion of a dress or skirt)
WatercraftsleppHungariannounbarge, towboat
WatercraftsleppHungariannounattendants, entourage, retinuederogatory
WatercraftvaltisLithuaniannounpanicle (of oats)
WatercraftvaltisLithuaniannouncommon wild oat (Avena fatua)
WatercraftvaltisLithuaniannounfishing netarchaic masculine
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA lash; a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod (commonly of cane or rattan) or a plaited or braided rope or thong (commonly of leather) used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA lash; a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod (commonly of cane or rattan) or a plaited or braided rope or thong (commonly of leather) used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals. / The same instrument used to strike a person or animal for corporal punishment or torture.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA blow administered with a whip.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA whipper-in.hobbies hunting lifestyle
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA member of a political party who is in charge of enforcing the party's policies in votes.government politics
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA document distributed weekly to MPs by party whips informing them of upcoming votes in parliament.government politicsUK with-definite-article
WeaponswhipEnglishnounThe regular status of an MP within a parliamentary party, which can be revoked by the party as a disciplinary measure.government politicsUK broadly
WeaponswhipEnglishnounWhipped cream.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA purchase in which one block is used to gain a 2:1 mechanical advantage.nautical transport
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA mode of personal motorized transportation; an automobile, all makes and models including motorcycles, excluding public transportation.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA move in which one player transfers momentum to another.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA whipping motion; a thrashing about.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounThe quality of being whiplike or flexible; suppleness, as of the shaft of a golf club.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounAny of various pieces that operate with a quick vibratory motion / A spring in certain electrical devices for making a circuit
WeaponswhipEnglishnounAny of various pieces that operate with a quick vibratory motion / A wippen, a rocking component in certain piano actions.entertainment lifestyle music
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA coach driver; a coachman.historical
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo hit with a whip.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo hit with any flexible object.broadly transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo defeat, as in a contest or game.slang transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo mix in a rapid aerating fashion, especially food.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo urge into action or obedience.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo enforce a member voting in accordance with party policy.government politicstransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo bind the end of a rope with twine or other small stuff to prevent its unlaying: fraying or unravelling.nautical transporttransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo hoist or purchase by means of a whip.nautical transporttransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo sew lightly; specifically, to form (a fabric) into gathers by loosely overcasting the rolled edge and drawing up the thread.
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo throw or kick an object at a high velocity.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo fish a body of water especially by making repeated casts.intransitive transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo snap back and forth like a whip.intransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo move very fast.intransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo move (something) very fast; often with up, out, etc.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo transfer momentum from one skater to another.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo lash with sarcasm, abuse, etc.figuratively
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo thrash; to beat out, as grain, by striking.
WeatherimvulaZulunounforerunner, precursor, foreshadowing
WeatherimvulaZulunounadvance payment
WeatherslotaCzechnounbad weatherfeminine
WeavingماسورهOttoman Turkishnounbobbin, spool, a cylinder or spindle around which threads, wires or cables are wound
WeavingماسورهOttoman Turkishnounspout, a tube or duct through which a liquid, especially water, is poured or discharged
WeavingماسورهOttoman Turkishnounmasura, a unit of measure of volumetric flow equivalent approximatively to 4.5 L/min
WeavingماسورهOttoman Turkishnounduct, a vessel that conveys lymph or secretions such as tears, bile or salivaanatomy medicine sciences
WetlandsbogueEnglishnounA species of seabream fish native to the eastern Atlantic (Boops boops).
WetlandsbogueEnglishnounA bayou or waterway.Southern-US especially
WetlandsbogueEnglishverbTo fall off from the wind; to edge away to leeward.nautical transport
WetlandsswamplandEnglishnounLow-lying land that is regularly flooded; especially such land that is drier than a bog or a marsh.countable uncountable
WetlandsswamplandEnglishnounThe set of effective low-energy physical theories that are not compatible with quantum gravity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable
WhalesWalfischGermannounwhalemasculine strong
WhalesWalfischGermannounCetusastronomy natural-sciencesmasculine strong
WhitesalvorPortuguesenounthe first light of the morningmasculine
Willows and poplarsmũigaiguaKikuyunounshrub or tree of the genus Oncoba; branches with axillary spines. / Oncoba routledgeiclass-3
Willows and poplarsmũigaiguaKikuyunounshrub or tree of the genus Oncoba; branches with axillary spines. / snuff-box tree, fried egg tree (Oncoba spinosa)class-3
Willows and poplarsvrbkaCzechnoundiminutive of vrbadiminutive feminine form-of
Willows and poplarsvrbkaCzechnounany willowherb or fireweed of the genus Chamaenerionfeminine
WindմրրիկArmeniannounstorm, hurricane
Wind竜巻Japanesenouna tornado, a twister
Wind竜巻Japanesenouna whirlwind, a dust devil (smaller than a tornado)
Wind竜巻Japanesenouna waterspout
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA village and civil parish in West Berkshire district, Berkshire, England (OS grid ref SU5073).
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA hamlet in Dorset, England, previously in West Dorset district (OS grid ref ST6407).
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA village in the Scottish Borders council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NY5095).
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA small city in Bradley County, Arkansas, United States.
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA former settlement in Mendocino County, California, United States.
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA former community in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, United States.
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA small city, the county seat of Hickory County, Missouri, United States.
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA city in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, United States.
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Nashville, Tennessee, United States.
WinesHermitageEnglishnameA settlement in Saint Croix, United States Virgin Islands.
WinesHermitageEnglishnounA wine produced near Valence, Drôme.uncountable
WrassesdoncellaEnglishnounA fish of Florida and the West Indies (Halichoeres radiatus).
WrassesdoncellaEnglishnounA ladyfish (Bodianus rufus) of the same region.
WritingphilyraLatinnounlinden, lime-tree (Tilia × europaea)declension-1 feminine
WritingphilyraLatinnounbass underneath its bark (used to write upon as a writing-tablet)declension-1 feminine
WritingphilyraLatinnounthe skin or rind of the papyrusdeclension-1 feminine
WritingpisacKashubianverbto write (to form letters, words or symbols)imperfective intransitive transitive
WritingpisacKashubianverbto write (to convey a fact to someone via writing)imperfective intransitive transitive
WritingክታብGe'eznounbook, leaflet, document, chit
WritingክታብGe'eznouncharm, spell, amulet, fetish
Writing systemsLimbuEnglishnounA member of a tribal people of Nepal (and to a lesser extent India and Bhutan).
Writing systemsLimbuEnglishnameTheir Tibeto-Burman language, written in a unique script.

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