Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

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AbortionabortSwedishnounabort, abortion (the process of ending a pregnancy)common-gender
AbortionabortSwedishnounan abort, a miscarriagecommon-gender obsolete
AccountingзаборгованістьUkrainiannounoutstanding debt, arrears, liability
Afghanistan119EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Jamaica, Mozambique, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka.
Afghanistan119EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea and on Taiwan.
Afghanistan119EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in China, Bolivia, Japan, and South Korea.
Afghanistan119EnglishnameThe telephone number for antiterrorist services in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan119EnglishnameThe telephone number for COVID-19 emergencies in the United Kingdom's Home Counties.
AgerocznyPolishadjyearnot-comparable relational
AgerocznyPolishadjyearly, annualnot-comparable
AgeܩܘܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounheight, stature
AgeܩܘܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounstance, bearing, deportment
AgeܩܘܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounlifetime, age, old age
AgeܩܘܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfigure, stature
AgeܩܘܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfathom, height of a man
AgeܩܘܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounmound of snow
AgeܩܘܡܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncase, instance, occurrence, event
Age長けるJapaneseverbto rise high / for the sun to rise high
Age長けるJapaneseverbto rise high / to grow late; to come to an end
Age長けるJapaneseverbto rise high / to have a high ability; to be talented
Age長けるJapaneseverbto rise high / to grow old
Age長けるJapaneseverbto rise high
Alcoholic beveragesmeáIrishnounA scale, measurefeminine
Alcoholic beveragesmeáIrishnounweightsfeminine
Alcoholic beveragesmeáIrishnounA balancefeminine
Alcoholic beveragesmeáIrishnounverbal noun of meáighfeminine form-of noun-from-verb
Alcoholic beveragesmeáIrishnounmeadfeminine
AlgebraendomorphismEnglishnounThe assimilation of surrounding rock by an intrusive igneous rockgeography geology natural-sciences
AlgebraendomorphismEnglishnounA homomorphism that maps a system to itselfmathematics sciences
Alkaline earth metalsMgTranslingualsymbolmagnesium.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Alkaline earth metalsMgTranslingualsymbolSymbol for megagram, an SI unit of mass equal to 10⁶ grams.metrologyalt-of symbol
AlphabetsalphabeticalEnglishadjPertaining to, furnished with, or expressed by letters of the alphabet.not-comparable
AlphabetsalphabeticalEnglishadjAccording to the sequence of the letters of the alphabet.not-comparable
AlphabetsalphabeticalEnglishadjliteralnot-comparable obsolete
American Civil WarGettysburgEnglishnameA borough, the county seat of Adams County, Pennsylvania, United States.
American Civil WarGettysburgEnglishnameA small city, the county seat of Potter County, South Dakota, United States.
American Civil WarGettysburgEnglishnameThe Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 military engagement in American Civil War.
AmphibiansrupūžėLithuanianintjA swear word.
AnatomyeygaFaroesenounfaceneuter plural plural-only
AnatomyeygaFaroesenounsmall hollow in a cliffneuter
AnatomyfenékHungariannounbottom, buttock (of a living thing)
AnatomyfenékHungariannounbottom, seat (the lower part of an object)
AnatomyfenékHungariannounnominative plural of feneform-of nominative plural rare
AnatomykrinkariNgarrindjerinounwhite man
AnatomykrinkariNgarrindjerinoununderlayer of skin
AnatomyծունկArmeniannounname for one of the khazes in Hampartsoum Limondjian's notation, indicating a note one eighth of a beat long
AnatomyկնճիթArmeniannounsnout, muzzle, nose (of a pig or boar)
AnatomyկնճիթArmeniannountrunk (of an elephant)
AnatomyկնճիթArmeniannounproboscis (of insects)
Ancient GreeceagogeEnglishnounIn ancient Greek music, tempo or pace; rhythmical movement.countable uncountable
Ancient GreeceagogeEnglishnounMelodic motion upward or downward by successive scale-steps: same as ductus in medieval music.countable uncountable
Ancient GreeceagogeEnglishnounA rigorous training regimen for Spartan men in preparation for army service.countable historical uncountable
Ancient RomecognomenEnglishnounA personal epithet or clan name added to the given name and family name of Ancient Romans.historical
Ancient RomecognomenEnglishnounSynonym of nickname, any epithet used similar to the Roman cognomina.humorous literary
Ancient RomecognomenEnglishnounSynonym of surname, a family name.humorous literary uncommon
Ancient RomeconsulshipEnglishnounThe office of a consul, in its various senses.countable uncountable
Ancient RomeconsulshipEnglishnounThe term of office of a consul.countable uncountable
Animal body partsaguijónSpanishnounstinger of an insectmasculine
Animal body partsaguijónSpanishnounthorn of a plantmasculine
Animal body partsaguijónSpanishnounspurmasculine
Animal body partsmorroCatalannounsnout (long nose of an animal)masculine
Animal body partsmorroCatalannounnose (of a vehicle)masculine
Animal body partsnosSwedishnouna nose of an animalcommon-gender
Animal body partsnosSwedishnounthe (area around the) nose and mouth of a humancolloquial common-gender humorous
Animal body partsnosSwedishnounsomething that resembles a nosecommon-gender
Animal dwellingsbagolyvárHungariannounowlery
Animal dwellingsbagolyvárHungariannounowl-haunted castle ruins
Animal soundshee-hawEnglishnounThe cry of an ass or donkey.countable
Animal soundshee-hawEnglishnounNothing.Scotland slang uncountable
Animal soundshee-hawEnglishintjThe cry of an ass or donkey.
Animal soundshee-hawEnglishverbTo utter the cry of an ass or donkey.intransitive
Animal soundsrietLatvianverbto bark (to produce short, loud noises with the vocal organs)dogs lifestyle petsespecially transitive
Animal soundsrietLatvianverbto bark (to shoot rapidly)transitive
Animal soundsrietLatvianverbto bark (to talk loud, usually angrily)transitive
AnimalsSchlånganBavariannounqueue, line (a line of people)feminine
AnimalsSchlånganBavariannouna treacherous personderogatory feminine
AnimalsცხოველიGeorgiannounbeastly animal
AnimalsცხოველიGeorgianadjlively, keen, strong, passionate
Anthemideae tribe plantsgoldingEnglishnounA gold coin.obsolete
Anthemideae tribe plantsgoldingEnglishnounA kind of apple; a goldling.obsolete
Anthemideae tribe plantsgoldingEnglishnounThe corn marigold (Glebionis segetum).Midlands North UK dialectal
Anthemideae tribe plantsgoldingEnglishnounThe ladybird (family Coccinellidae).
Anthemideae tribe plantsgoldingEnglishnounA kind of red hop, a sub-variety of the Canterbury hop.
Anthemideae tribe plantsgoldingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of goldform-of gerund participle present
Anthropologyassortiment matrimonialFrenchnounassortative matingmasculine
Anthropologyassortiment matrimonialFrenchnounpositive assortative matingmasculine
AntsformigónAsturiannounbig antmasculine
AntsformigónAsturiannounconcrete (building material)masculine
Architectural elementsعارضةArabicnounfemale equivalent of عَارِض (ʕāriḍ)feminine form-of
Architectural elementsعارضةArabicnouna cross-piece of wood, beam, lintel, girder and the like
Architectural elementsعارضةArabicnounpower of speech, eloquence, oratory determination and perspicuity, energy in wording
Architectural elementsعارضةArabicnounan object of need, a want
ArchitecturebalkonikPolishnoundiminutive of balkon; small balconydiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ArchitecturebalkonikPolishnounwalking frame, Zimmer frameinanimate masculine
ArchitecturerepresaPortuguesenoundam (structure placed across a flowing body of water)feminine
ArchitecturerepresaPortuguesenounreservoir of a damfeminine
ArchitecturerepresaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of represofeminine form-of singular
ArchitecturerepresaPortugueseverbinflection of represar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ArchitecturerepresaPortugueseverbinflection of represar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ArithmeticحسابUrdunouncalculation; arithmetic
ArithmeticحسابUrdunounbill (a list of items needed to paid for)
ArithmeticحسابUrdunounviewpoint, perspective
ArmeniaArmeenseDutchadjinflection of Armeens: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
ArmeniaArmeenseDutchadjinflection of Armeens: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
ArmeniaArmeenseDutchadjinflection of Armeens: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
ArmeniaArmeenseDutchnounArmenian womanfeminine
Armormain de ferFrenchnouniron fistfeminine figuratively
Armormain de ferFrenchnounmanifer (“gauntlet for jousting”)feminine historical obsolete possibly
ArmoruchtachIrishnounbreastplate; (ecclesiastical, pharmacy, armour) pectoral; chest-protector, plastronmasculine
ArmoruchtachIrishnounbreast of hill, upward slope, risemasculine
ArmoruchtachIrishnouncourage, encouragement, hope, spiritmasculine
ArmoruchtachIrishnounstrength of voice, vigor of speechmasculine
ArmorChinesecharacterhelmet; hood
ArmorChinesecharacterto wrap in a bag; to encase; to carry in a wrap
ArmorChinesecharacterbag; pouch; plastic bag
ArmorChinesecharacterto pocket; to keep; to retain; to acquire dishonestly
ArmorChinesecharacterto reach
ArmorChinesecharacterto move around; to move in a circle
ArmorChinesecharacterto canvass; to solicit
ArmorChinesecharacterto take responsibility for
ArmorChinesecharacterto relate in detail
ArmorChinesecharacterto peddle; to hawk
ArmorChinesecharacterplace; side; locationHokkien Singapore
ArmorChinesecharacterflat or shallow container; flat or shallow bowlCantonese
ArmorChinesecharacterto contain; to hold in a container; to hold with one's hand(s) in a horizontal positionalCantonese
ArmorChinesecharacterto make a detour; to bypass; to deviateCantonese
ArmorChinesecharacterindirect; lengthy; with detours or deviationsCantonese
ArmorChinesecharacterto explain one's way out of a bad situationCantonese
ArmorChinesecharacterClassifier for things put in a flat or shallow container.Cantonese
ArmorChinesecharacterto scoop with a flat or shallow containerCantonese
ArmorChinesecharacterto hit with one's limbs, in a curved trajectory; to slap (someone); to kickCantonese
ArmorChinesecharactersome; a few; a little; a bit (an indefinite amount)Hakka
ArmorChinesecharacterPlural marker for pronouns.Hakka
Arthropodspetlasoli̱Tetelcingo Nahuatlnounold, worn mat
Arthropodspetlasoli̱Tetelcingo Nahuatlnouncentipede
Asparagus family plantscreamh-na-muice-fiadhaichScottish Gaelicnounasparagusmasculine
Asparagus family plantscreamh-na-muice-fiadhaichScottish Gaelicnounhart's tongue fernmasculine
Asterales order plantsволошкаUkrainiannouncornflowerbiology botany natural-sciences
Asterales order plantsволошкаUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of воло́х (volóx)feminine form-of
AstronauticskocPolishnounblanket (heavy, loosely woven fabric, usually large and woollen, used for warmth while sleeping or resting)inanimate masculine
AstronauticskocPolishnounemergency blanket, Mylar blanket, space blanket, thermal blanket (piece of special material used for rescue from fire or to maintain a constant body temperature)inanimate masculine
AstronauticskocPolishnounnets made of reed mats used for betting and ice fishingfishing hobbies lifestyleinanimate masculine
AstronomyplanetaCatalannoundestiny; fatefeminine
Astronomyआदित्यमंडलHindinounthe sphere or region of the sun
Astronomyआदित्यमंडलHindinounthe sun's orbit
Atmosphere空氣Chinesenounairclimatology meteorology natural-sciences
Atmosphere空氣Chinesenounempty qi; pneuma
Atmosphere空氣Chinesenounatmosphere; ambience; environmentfiguratively
Atmosphere空氣Chinesenounpublic opinion; information; rumourfiguratively
Atmosphere空氣Chinesenounthing; matter; affair (bad)Hokkien
Atmospheric phenomenaᱫᱟᱜSantalinounwater
Atmospheric phenomenaᱫᱟᱜSantalinounrain
Atmospheric phenomenaᱫᱟᱜSantalinounclimate
Atmospheric phenomenaᱫᱟᱜSantaliverbto rain
AustraliaAustralischeDutchadjinflection of Australisch: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
AustraliaAustralischeDutchadjinflection of Australisch: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
AustraliaAustralischeDutchadjinflection of Australisch: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
AustraliaAustralischeDutchnounAustralian (female inhabitant of Australia)feminine
Australian politicsAlboEnglishnameA surname.
Australian politicsAlboEnglishnameA nickname of the surname Albanese.
Australian politicsAlboEnglishnameA nickname of the surname Albanese. / Anthony Albanese, the 31st Prime Minister of Australia.Australia informal
AutomobilesMGEnglishnameInitialism of Morris Garages, a British sports-car manufacturer.abbreviation alt-of initialism
AutomobilesMGEnglishnameInitialism of Minas Gerais, a state of Brazil.abbreviation alt-of initialism
AutomobilesMGEnglishnounA sports car manufactured by Morris Garages.countable uncountable
AutomobilesMGEnglishnounAbbreviation of machine gun.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
AutomobilesMGEnglishnounInitialism of myasthenia gravis.medicine pathology sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
AutomobilesMGEnglishadjInitialism of machine-glazed.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle papermakingabbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
AutomobilesSelbstfahrerGermannouna person who drives his or her own vehicle, rather than being driven by a chauffeurmasculine strong
AutomobilesSelbstfahrerGermannounan elevator that is operated by the passengers themselves, without the need for an elevator operatormasculine strong
AutomobilesSelbstfahrerGermannounany vehicle that a physically disabled person can operate without assistancemasculine strong
AutomobilesSelbstfahrerGermannounan automobiledated masculine strong
Baby animalscagnettaItaliannoundiminutive of cagna: (female) little dog, doggy, doggiediminutive feminine form-of
Baby animalscagnettaItaliannounpuppyfeminine
Baby animalscagnettaItaliannounfreshwater blenny (Salaria fluviatilis)feminine
BagskosmetyczkaPolishnountoilet bag, washbag (small bag used to hold toiletries and personal washing items)feminine
BagskosmetyczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kosmetyk (“cosmetician, beautician”) (person skilled at applying cosmetics)feminine form-of
BakingobwinMarshallesenouna stove
BakingobwinMarshallesenounan oven
Ball gamespushballEnglishnounA team game where players attempt to push a large inflatable lightweight ball into the opponent's goal.uncountable
Ball gamespushballEnglishnounThe large ball used for this game.countable
BathingbathhouseEnglishnounA building with baths for communal use.
BathingbathhouseEnglishnounA building where swimmers can change clothes.
BathingbathhouseEnglishnounA business with bath-like facilities, which chiefly serves as a place for sexual encounters, especially among men.
BathingskąpaćPolishverbto bathe (to hold someone or something in a liquid for some time)perfective transitive
BathingskąpaćPolishverbto douse, to drenchperfective transitive
BathingskąpaćPolishverbto plunge (to violently drop into water)perfective transitive
BathingskąpaćPolishverbto become doused, to become drenchedperfective reflexive
BeddinglůžkovinyCzechnouninflection of lůžkovina: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
BeddinglůžkovinyCzechnouninflection of lůžkovina: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
BeddingpilweMiddle EnglishnounA soft stuffed bag; a cushion or pillow.
BeddingpilweMiddle EnglishnounA pad; a piece of cushioning.rare
BeddingpilweMiddle EnglishnounA supporting piece of metal.rare
Beddingplump upEnglishverbTo make plumper
Beddingplump upEnglishverbTo shake or arrange (a pillow etc) so as to be fatter or more evenly distributed
BeddingمخدةArabicnounpillow, cushion, bolster
BeekeepingσίμβλοςAncient Greeknounbeehive, hive
BeekeepingσίμβλοςAncient Greeknounstore, hoardfiguratively
BeesbeeswaxEnglishnounA wax secreted by bees from which they make honeycomb; or, the processed form of this wax used in the manufacture of various goods.uncountable usually
BeesbeeswaxEnglishnoun“Business”, as in such phrases as mind your own beeswax and none of your beeswax.Canada US humorous informal uncountable usually
BeesbeeswaxEnglishverbTo polish with beeswax.transitive
BeveragesKaffiLuxembourgishnouncoffee (plant)masculine uncountable
BeveragesKaffiLuxembourgishnouncoffee (beverage)masculine uncountable
BeveragesKaffiLuxembourgishnouna serving, cup of coffeecountable masculine
BeveragesKaffiLuxembourgishnouna kind, blend of coffeecountable masculine
BeveragesKaffiLuxembourgishnouna light, cold meal, especially breakfast, but also (depending on the context) at any other time of daymasculine uncountable
Beverageschanh muốiVietnamesenouna salted, pickled lime or lemon
Beverageschanh muốiVietnamesenounthe beverage made of this ingredient; salty lemonade, salty limeade
BhutantimbuenseSpanishadjThimphuan (of or relating to Thimphu, Bhutan)feminine masculine
BhutantimbuenseSpanishnounThimphuan (native or resident of Thimphu, Bhutan)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
Biblical charactersAbraomasLithuaniannameAbraham (biblical character).
Biblical charactersAbraomasLithuaniannamea male given name, equivalent to English Abraham
Biblical charactersBaalEnglishnameA storm and fertility god of the Phoenician and Canaanite pantheons, reckoned as chief of the gods by the 1st millennium BC.biblical human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciencescountable uncountable
Biblical charactersBaalEnglishnameVarious other Baalim, understood as distinct patron gods or as local patron aspects the great god Baal.biblical human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciencescountable lowercase sometimes uncountable
Biblical charactersBaalEnglishnameOne of the demons or fallen angels of Satan.Christianitycountable uncountable
Biblical charactersGideonFinnishnameGideon (biblical character)
Biblical charactersGideonFinnishnamea male given namerare
Biblical charactersGideonFinnishnameThe letter G in the Finnish spelling alphabet.
Biblical charactersMariaFinnishnameMary (Biblical character)
Biblical charactersMariaFinnishnamea female given name
Biblical charactersMariaFinnishnameSynonym of Marianpäiväcolloquial
Biblical charactersMariaFinnishnamepartitive singular of Mariform-of partitive singular
Biblical charactersRebeckaSwedishnameRebekah (biblical character).common-gender
Biblical charactersRebeckaSwedishnamea female given name, equivalent to English Rebecca, and today often spelled socommon-gender
Biblical charactersRuubenFinnishnameReuben (Biblical figure)
Biblical charactersRuubenFinnishnamea male given name of biblical originuncommon
Biblical charactersTimoteusNorwegiannameTimothy. Given name form: Tim. (biblical character)
Biblical charactersTimoteusNorwegiannamea male given name from Ancient Greek
Biblical charactersΜιχαίαςAncient GreeknameMicah (prophet)
Biblical charactersΜιχαίαςAncient GreeknameBook of Micah
Biblical charactersܙܟܪܝܐClassical SyriacnameZechariah, Zacharias, Zacharybiblical lifestyle religion
Biblical charactersܙܟܪܝܐClassical Syriacnamea male given name
Bicycle partscampanillaSpanishnounsmall bell, handbellfeminine
Bicycle partscampanillaSpanishnounbubblefeminine
Bicycle partscampanillaSpanishnounuvulaanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Bicycle partscampanillaSpanishnounRutland beauty (Calystegia sepium)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
BiologyमानMarathinounthe back of the neckanatomy medicine sciences
BirdsMacropsalisTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Caprimulgidae – long-trained nightjar.feminine
BirdsMacropsalisTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Neopilionidae – Synonym of Megalopsalis, certain daddy longlegs spiders.feminine
BirdsdunnaFaroesenoundomestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos)feminine
BirdsdunnaFaroesenounfemale mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)feminine
BirdsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
BirdsJapanesenounthe portion of a feather where the quill attaches to the skinarchaic
BirdsJapanesenouna feather, down, plume
BirdsJapanesenouna wing (as of a bird, bat, insect, or airplane)
BirdsJapanesenouna fletching on an arrow
BirdsJapanesenouna shuttlecock
BirdsJapanesenouna blade (of a fan)
BirdsJapanesenamea female given name
BirdsJapanesenamea surname
BirdsJapanesenouna feather (including synthetic feathers, as on a modern shuttlecock)
BirdsJapanesenouna wing (as of a bird, bat, insect, or airplane)
BirdsJapanesenouna fletching on an arrow
BirdsJapanesenounwhen a bow is strung, the distance between the grip and the serving (nocking point) on the bowstringarchery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
BirdsJapanesenounthe thin, flange-like overhanging part of a tea ceremony kettle
BirdsJapanesenounShort for 羽振り (haburi)abbreviation alt-of
BirdsJapanesenouna 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”) with various designs of bird feathers
BirdsJapanesecountercounter for birds
BirdsJapanesecountercounter for leporids
BirdsJapanesenounthe fifth and highest note in the Chinese pentatonic scaleentertainment lifestyle music
BirdsJapaneseaffixwing (of a bird or insect)
BirdsJapaneseaffixShort for 出羽国 (Dewa-no-kuni): Dewa Provinceabbreviation alt-of historical
BluesbławatkowyPolishadjcornflowernot-comparable relational
BluesbławatkowyPolishadjcornflower, cornflower blue
Bodies of waterhavSwedishnounsea, oceanneuter
Bodies of waterhavSwedishverbimperative of havaform-of imperative
Bodies of waterحوضArabicnounbasin, pool, tank
Bodies of waterحوضArabicnounpelvis
Body partsbaniaPolishnounjug (large, bulging, domed vessel, usually made of glass)feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounlarge can, container, churn (metal container for liquids with handles)feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounpumpkin (domesticated plant, in the species Cucurbita pepo)colloquial feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounnoggin, nut, beaner (head)colloquial feminine humorous
Body partsbaniaPolishnounserving of alcoholcolloquial feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounF (failing grade)colloquial feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounbanya (type of steam bath)feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnouncupolaarchitecturefeminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnounbasket for holding live, caught fishfishing hobbies lifestylefeminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnounalembic for distilling vodkafeminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnounround lampshadefeminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnounfat personderogatory feminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnounplaypen used in a particular gamefeminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnounround fieldfeminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnouniron ore minebusiness miningfeminine obsolete
Body partsbaniaPolishnounballgeometry mathematics sciences topologyMiddle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnouninsect hiveMiddle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounorca (Orcinus orca)Middle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounspring (place where water comes out from under the ground with healing properties)Middle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounsalt minebusiness miningMiddle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounround seafaring shipMiddle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounspiny balloonfish (Diodon)Middle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnounsalt boiling houseMiddle Polish feminine
Body partsbaniaPolishnoungenitive singular of banieform-of genitive neuter singular
Body partsdzukoNupenounmarket
Body partsdzukoNupenounvagina
Body partsgienzZhuangnounfist
Body partsgienzZhuangnounboxing
Body partsgienzZhuangclassifierblow of a fist; punch
Body partsgienzZhuangnounauthority; power
Body partsgienzZhuangnounright; prerogative
Body partsrurimiShonanountongue
Body partsrurimiShonanounlanguage
Body partsπαλάμηGreeknounpalm, hand
Body partsπαλάμηGreeknoundecimetre
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnounsole of the foot
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnounsole of a shoe
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnounfundament, basis
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnouncrossbeam, wallplate
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnounroller in agriculture
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnounfirmness, determination, courage, intentness
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnounlevel as an instrument for evening in construction work
Body partsطبانOttoman TurkishnounIndian or Damascus steel of a special kind
Body partsطبانOttoman Turkishnounflat, levelattributive
Body partsಕೈKannadanounhandanatomy medicine sciences
Body partsಕೈKannadanounelephant's trunk
Body partsಕೈKannadanounhandle
Body partsእዝንTigrenounearsingulative
Body partsእዝንTigrenountribe, stem of a peoplesingulative
Body partsእዝንTigrenounherd of beastssingulative
Body partsእዝንTigrenountip, protruding shapesingulative
Body partsẹpọnYorubanounscrotum, testes
Body partsẹpọnYorubanounblood
Body partsẹpọnYorubanounsomething that is the color red
Body partsẹpọnYorubanounmodifiergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Bonesᄌᆞᆫ가시Jejunounsmall thorns (of plants)
Bonesᄌᆞᆫ가시Jejunounsmall bones (of fish)
BooksdiwaniSwahilinounadvisor, councillorclass-5 class-6
BooksdiwaniSwahilinounanthology (collection of literary works)class-10 class-9
Booksturn-upEnglishnounFabric turned up at the bottom of trousers to make them shorter.
Booksturn-upEnglishnounA fight or disturbance.dated
Booksturn-upEnglishnounThe next card taken from the top of a pack of cards and displayed.card-games games
Booksturn-upEnglishnounA stroke of good luck; something that appears unexpectedly; especially in turn up for the book.figuratively
Booksturn-upEnglishnounA book, intended for children, with flaps that can be lifted to reveal underlying text or images.historical
BookswyprawkaPolishnoundiminutive of wyprawa (“bridal trousseau”)diminutive feminine form-of
BookswyprawkaPolishnounlayette (clothing and accessory kit for newborns and pets)feminine
BookswyprawkaPolishnounschoolbook and workbook set for a classeducationfeminine
BookswyprawkaPolishnounallowance paid to a beginning worker to help them get establishedfeminine
BooksܢܒܝܐClassical Syriacnounprophet
BooksܢܒܝܐClassical Syriacnouninterpreter
BooksܢܒܝܐClassical Syriacnounspeaker, spokesman
BooksܢܒܝܐClassical Syriacnouncodex
Books群經Chinesenounclassic books; classic textsliterary
Books群經ChinesenounConfucian classicsliterary
Books of the BibleColasaeighIrishnounnominative/dative plural of Colasaech (“Colossian”)dative form-of nominative plural
Books of the BibleColasaeighIrishnameColossians, the twelfth book of the New Testament of the Bible, an epistle to the people of Colossae which is attributed to Paul the Apostlebiblical lifestyle religionmasculine plural
Books of the BibleEsterNorwegiannameEsther (biblical character)
Books of the BibleEsterNorwegiannamethe book of Esther
Books of the BibleEsterNorwegiannamea female given name from Hebrew, also spelled Esther
Books of the Bibleസങ്കീർത്തനംMalayalamnounpsalmChristianity
Books of the Bibleസങ്കീർത്തനംMalayalamnounreligious song
Books of the Bible創世紀ChinesenameAlternative form of 創世記/创世记 (Chuàngshìjì)alt-of alternative
Books of the Bible創世紀ChinesenameAlternative form of 創世記/创世记 (Chuàngshìjì) / A Bible volumeCatholicism Christianity
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnounthe tonguedeclension-1 feminine literally
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnouna tongue, utterance, language, speech / the tongue or language of a peopledeclension-1 feminine metonymically
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnouna tongue, utterance, language, speech / the tongue or language of a people / a dialect, idiom or mode of speechdeclension-1 feminine metonymically obsolete
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnouna tongue, utterance, language, speech / a voice, note, song, bark, etc.declension-1 feminine metonymically poetic
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnouna tongue, utterance, language, speech / an utterance, expressiondeclension-1 feminine metonymically
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnouna tongue, utterance, language, speech / to hold one's tongue (linguam comprimere, linguam tenēre)declension-1 feminine metonymically
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnouna tongue, utterance, language, speechdeclension-1 feminine metonymically
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnountongue-shaped things: / Ranunculus lingua (a flowering plant)declension-1 feminine
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnountongue-shaped things: / the oxtongue, buglossdeclension-1 feminine
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnountongue-shaped things: / the houndstonguedeclension-1 feminine
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnountongue-shaped things: / a tongue of landdeclension-1 feminine
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnountongue-shaped things: / a spoonfuldeclension-1 feminine
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnountongue-shaped things: / the tongue or reed of a Roman tibiaeentertainment lifestyle musicdeclension-1 feminine
Borage family plantslinguaLatinnountongue-shaped things: / the short arm of a leverdeclension-1 feminine
BotanydaunMalaynounleaf (part of a plant)
BotanydaunMalaynouncard / any playing cardarchaic
BotanydaunMalaynounany flappy or blade-like part of something
BreadstostPolishnountoast (toasted bread)inanimate masculine
BreadstostPolishnoungrilled cheese, toastie, meltinanimate masculine
BroadcastingkanalNorwegian Bokmålnounchannel (narrow body of water)masculine
BroadcastingkanalNorwegian Bokmålnounchannel (radio / TV frequency)masculine
BroadcastingkanalNorwegian Bokmålnounchannel (method of communication)masculine
BroadcastingkanalNorwegian Bokmålnouncanal (artificial waterway)masculine
BroadcastingkanalNorwegian Bokmålnounduct (in the body; air duct, cable duct etc.)masculine
BrominebromateEnglishnounthe anion BrO₃⁻¹, derived from bromic acid; any salt containing this anionchemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
BrominebromateEnglishverbTo treat with bromic acid or a bromate
Building materialsgipsPolishnounplaster, cast (paste applied to the skin for healing)inanimate masculine
Building materialsgipsPolishnounplaster (mixture for coating)inanimate masculine
Building materialsgipsPolishnoungypsum (CaSO₄·2H₂O)inanimate masculine
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounOne who, or that which, stretches.
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person.
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA frame on which a canvas is stretched for painting.
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA device to stretch shoes or gloves.
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA brick laid with the longest (but least tall) side exposed.
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA piece of timber used in building.architecture
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA lie; an overstretching of the truth.slang
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA board against which a rower places his feet.nautical transport
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounOne of the rods in an umbrella, attached at one end to one of the ribs, and at the other to the tube sliding upon the handle.
Building materialsstretcherEnglishnounA penis, especially a long penis.obsolete
Building materialsstretcherEnglishverbTo carry (an injured person) on a stretcher.transitive
Building materialsштукатуркаRussiannounplastering
Building materialsштукатуркаRussiannounplaster, stucco
Building materialsштукатуркаRussiannounheavy make-up, slapcolloquial ironic
BuildingsmuntDutchnountails (side of a coin)feminine
BuildingsmuntDutchnounmint (institution)feminine
BuildingsmuntDutchnounmint (plant), of genus Menthafeminine
BuildingsmuntDutchnounconfection flavored with mintdiminutive feminine
BuildingsmuntDutchverbinflection of munten: / first/second/third-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present second-person singular third-person
BuildingsmuntDutchverbinflection of munten: / imperativeform-of imperative
BuildingsszpitalPolishnounhospital (medical facility for sick people)inanimate masculine
BuildingsszpitalPolishnounpoorhouse, almshousearchaic inanimate masculine
Buildingstown hallEnglishnounA building that houses the local government offices of a town.
Buildingstown hallEnglishnounThe town councilbroadly
Buildingstown hallEnglishnounA widely accessible meeting, particularly where the audience is allowed to interact with the speakers.
Buildingsالبيت الأبيضArabicnameWhite House (The official residence of the President of the United States of America)
Buildingsالبيت الأبيضArabicnameWhite House (The United States presidency)metonymically
BuildingsدخمهOttoman Turkishnounvault, an underground burial chamber for the dead
BuildingsدخمهOttoman Turkishnounmausoleum, a large stately tomb housing various graves
BuildingsدخمهOttoman Turkishnoundakhma, tower of silenceZoroastrianism lifestyle religion
BuildingsدخمهOttoman TurkishnounRoman candle, a traditional type of firework
BuildingsكارخانهOttoman Turkishnounfactory, workshop
BuildingsكارخانهOttoman Turkishnounwhorehouse, brothelcolloquial
Buildings and structuresmonumentPolishnounmonument (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons)inanimate masculine
Buildings and structuresmonumentPolishnounmonument (exceptional or prideful achievement)inanimate masculine
Buildings and structuresnasipSerbo-Croatiannounlevee
Buildings and structuresnasipSerbo-Croatiannounembankment
Buildings and structuresnasipSerbo-Croatiannoundike
BusinesstirgotājaLatviannoungenitive singular of tirgotājsform-of genitive masculine singular
BusinesstirgotājaLatviannounmerchant, dealer, trader (a woman who works in commerce, who sells and buys goods)declension-4 feminine
ButterfliesJudyEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Judith, also used as a formal female given name.
ButterfliesJudyEnglishnounA girl or woman.UK slang
ButterfliesJudyEnglishnounAny of various riodinid butterflies of the genus Abisara.
ButterfliesJudyEnglishnameA surname transferred from the given name.
ButterfliesJudyEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.rare
ButterfliesJudyEnglishintjAircrew has radar/visual contact on the correct target, has taken control of the intercept, and only requires situation awareness information.government military politics war
ButtockspygalEnglishadjSituated in the region of the rump, or posterior end of the backbone; applied especially to the posterior median plates in the carapace of chelonians.anatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
ButtockspygalEnglishnounThe posterior median or supracaudal plate of a chelonian carapace.anatomy medicine sciences
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishnounA small cake baked in a usually paper container shaped like a cup, often with icing on top.
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishnounAn attractive young woman.slang
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishnounA weak or effeminate man.slang
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishnounTerm of endearment.informal
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbTo flirt; to talk or act amorously or intimately.intransitive slang
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbTo flirt with; to talk or act amorously or intimately to.rare slang transitive
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbTo mash a cupcake at; to cover with cupcake.transitive
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbTo handle easily and successfully.slang transitive
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbTo cover or be abundant with cake-like decorations such as frills.intransitive transitive
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbTo feed cupcakes.informal rare transitive
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbWith out: to saturate by cupcakes.informal intransitive
Cakes and pastriescupcakeEnglishverbTo make cupcakes.informal intransitive
Cakes and pastriesoreilletteFrenchnounearphone (transducer, earpiece or headphone)feminine
Cakes and pastriesoreilletteFrenchnounauricle (part of the heart)anatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Cakes and pastriesoreilletteFrenchnounasarabacca, European wild ginger (Asarum europaeum)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Cakes and pastriesoreilletteFrenchnounbeignet, frittercooking food lifestylefeminine
Cakes and pastriesoreilletteFrenchnounan oreillette (ear-covering on a medieval helmet, civilian hood, etc)feminine historical
Cakes and pastriespicenWelshnounsmall round cake, loaf or bun baked on a bakestone or griddle, griddle cakemasculine
Cakes and pastriespicenWelshnounWelsh cakemasculine
Cakes and pastriestartaPolishnountart (type of small open pie, or piece of pastry, now typically containing jam or conserve, or sometimes other fillings (chocolate, custard, egg, butter, historically even meat or other savory fillings))feminine
Cakes and pastriestartaPolishverbfeminine nominative/vocative singular of tartyfeminine form-of nominative participle singular vocative
Cakes and pastriesלעקעךYiddishnouna Jewish spiced honeycake, lekach
Cakes and pastriesלעקעךYiddishnounsponge cake, pound cake
Cakes and pastriesלעקעךYiddishnouncakebroadly
Cakes and pastriesלעקעךYiddishnouncoffee cakeUS
Cakes and pastriesלעקעךYiddishnoundiamond (shape), rhombusgeometry mathematics sciences
Cakes and pastriesלעקעךYiddishnoundiamondcard-games games
CalendarcalendsEnglishnounOften with initial capital: the first day of a month.plural plural-only
CalendarcalendsEnglishnounOften with initial capital: the first day of a month. / The first day of a month of the Roman calendar.Ancient-Rome historical plural plural-only
CalendarcalendsEnglishnounA day for settling debts and other accounts.broadly plural plural-only
CalendarcalendsEnglishnounSynonym of Rosh Hodesh (“the Jewish festival of the new moon, which begins the months of the Hebrew calendar”)biblical lifestyle religionJudaism broadly obsolete plural plural-only
CalendarcalendsEnglishnounSynonym of calendar; (figurative) an account, a record.plural plural-only rare
CalendarcalendsEnglishnounThe first day of something; a beginning.figuratively obsolete plural plural-only
CalendarcalendsEnglishnounplural of calendform-of obsolete plural rare
CanidstanukiEnglishnounThe raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides.
CanidstanukiEnglishnounA folkloric figure in the form of a tanuki, regarded as a shapeshifter and renowned for its enormous scrotum and testicles.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesJapanese
CanidstanukiEnglishnounThe joining of a living bonsai tree to a piece of dead wood for aesthetic effect.
CanidsсармикTundra Nenetsnounwolf
CanidsсармикTundra Nenetsnounwild animal
Card gamesburroCatalanadjstupid, dumb
Card gamesburroCatalannoundonkeymasculine
Card gamesburroCatalannounbedwarmermasculine
Card gamesburroCatalannoundonkeygamesmasculine
Carnation family plantsmouse-earEnglishnounA type of small hawkweed native to Eurasia (Pilosella officinarum), commonly found on dry grasslands.
Carnation family plantsmouse-earEnglishnounA plant of the genus Cerastium (mouse-ear chickweed).
Carnation family plantsmouse-earEnglishnounA forget-me-not (genus Myosotis).
CarpentryfusterejarCatalanverbto do carpentryBalearic Central Valencia
CarpentryfusterejarCatalanverbto do woodworkingBalearic Central Valencia
CarpentrytoenailEnglishnounThe thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a toe.
CarpentrytoenailEnglishverbTo fasten two pieces of lumber together by applying nails or screws into both boards at an angle.transitive
Caryophyllales order plantssea pinkEnglishnounAny of various plants in the genus Armeria; a thrift.countable uncountable
Caryophyllales order plantssea pinkEnglishnounThe flowering plant Sabatia stellaris.countable uncountable
Catfish鯰魚Chinesenouncatfish / Amur catfish (Silurus asotus)
CattleтәкәBashkirnounram, male sheep
CattleтәкәBashkirnounbilly goat, he-goat, male goat
CavingледеницаSerbo-Croatiannounicebox, freezer
CavingледеницаSerbo-Croatiannounice cave
Celery family plantsقنةArabicnounany Ferula plant, as well as the gum of such a plant (galbanum)
Celery family plantsقنةArabicnounpeak, summit
Celestial bodies金丸Chinesenoungolden pelletliterary
Celestial bodies金丸Chinesenounthe moonliterary
Celestial inhabitants우주인Koreannounastronaut
Celestial inhabitants우주인Koreannounalien (a life form from another planet)
CervidssarnaPolishnounroe deer (any member of the genus Capreolus)feminine
CervidssarnaPolishnounSarcodon imbricatuscolloquial feminine
CervidssarnaPolishnounHydnum repandumcolloquial feminine
ChairsdaybedEnglishnounA couch that can be used as a sofa by day and a bed by night.
ChairsdaybedEnglishnounA long chair for reclining.
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain insects / A small wingless insect of species Lepisma saccharinum, with silvery scales; a type of bristletail.
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain insects / Other similar insects in the order Zygentoma, including: / Ctenolepisma lineata (four-lined silverfish).
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain insects / Other similar insects in the order Zygentoma, including: / Ctenolepisma longicaudata (grey silverfish).
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Megalops atlanticus (Atlantic tarpon, tarpum).
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Raiamas senegalensis (silver fish).
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarcticum.
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / A white variety of the goldfish.
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Aphareus rutilans (rusty jobfish)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Argentina sphyraena (herring smelt)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Argyrozona argyrozona (carpenter sea bream)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Labeobarbus bynni (Niger barb, barbel, Nile barb)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Enteromius mattozi (papermouth)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Callorhinchus milii (elephant shark)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Elops saurus (ladyfish)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Leptatherina presbyteroides (hardyhead, prettyfish)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Pseudocaranx dentex (white trevally)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Steindachnerina argentea (toothless characin)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Trachinotus ovatus (pompano)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Trichiurus lepturus (largehead hairtail)
CharacinssilverfishEnglishnounCertain fish / Ulaema lefroyi (mottled mojarra)
Chemical elementspraseodimiumLimburgishnounpraseodymiumneuter uncountable
Chemical elementspraseodimiumLimburgishnounA part of praseodymiumneuter
ChesséchiquierFrenchnountreasury, exchequermasculine
ChessконBulgariannounhorse, steed
ChessконBulgariannounknight (chess piece)board-games chess games
ChinaCàiEnglishnameA state of China during the Zhōu Dynasty.
ChinaCàiEnglishnameAnglicized form of a common Chinese A surname.
ChinaCàiEnglishnameAnglicized form of a Korean A surname.
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterfine hair
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterwriting brush
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterslightest bit; least amountespecially
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactera measure of length, equal to 100 micrometres
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactermilli- (SI unit prefix)
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactera unit of weight equal to one tenth of a 釐 (lí, “cash”)
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacter0.0001 dollars, yuan, etc.; 0.01 cents, fen, etc. (currency unit)
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterone tenth of a yuan or dollar; 10 cents; dimeCantonese Hakka Teochew
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesecharactersign of the snakeJinmeiyō kanji
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesenamethe Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches (by extension): / a year corresponding to the year of the Snake
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesenamethe Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches (by extension): / south-southeast: a direction pointed thirty degrees from south to east
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesenamethe Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches (by extension): / 10 am
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesenamethe Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches (by extension): / April
Chinese earthly branchesJapanesenamethe Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches (by extension)
Chinese earthly branchesJapaneseaffixthe Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches
Chinese era namesKiến AnVietnamesenameKiến An (an urban district of Haiphong, Vietnam)
Chinese era namesKiến AnVietnamesenameKiến An (a rural commune of Chợ Mới district, An Giang, Vietnam)
Chinese era namesKiến AnVietnamesenameKiến An (a former province in Northern Vietnam, which is nowadays a part of Haiphong)historical
Chinese era namesKiến AnVietnamesenameJian'an (a district of Xuchang, Henan, China)
Chinese era namesKiến AnVietnamesenamethe Jian'an era / Chinese era name from the reign of Emperor Xian of Han, 196–220historical
Chinese era namesKiến AnVietnamesenamethe Jian'an era / Chinese era name from the reign of Emperor Baoding of Dali, 1083–1091historical
ChristianityvêpresFrenchnounplural of vêprefeminine form-of plural plural-only
ChristianityvêpresFrenchnounvespersfeminine plural plural-only
ChristianityvêpresFrenchnounevensongfeminine plural plural-only
ChristianityहोशेHindinameBook of Hoseabiblical lifestyle religion
ChristianityहोशेHindinameHosea (Biblical figure)
Cities in MyanmarPeguEnglishnameDated form of Bago.alt-of dated
Cities in MyanmarPeguEnglishnounA pony from the Burmese city of Bago.historical
Citrus subfamily plantscytrusPolishnouncitrus (shrub or tree)inanimate masculine
Citrus subfamily plantscytrusPolishnouncitrus fruitinanimate masculine
ClothingbadoIlocanonounclothing; attire
Clothingcuieyi̱tlTetelcingo Nahuatlnounskirt
Clothingcuieyi̱tlTetelcingo Nahuatlnoundress
Clothingcuieyi̱tlTetelcingo Nahuatlnounchincuete
ClothingfaldraGaliciannounthe part of a shirt below the waistfeminine
ClothingfaldraGaliciannounby extension, skirtfeminine
ClothingfaldraGaliciannounfoot and lower side of a mountain or hillfeminine
ClothingfaldraGaliciannounflankanatomy cooking food lifestyle medicine sciencesfeminine
ClothinghaterMiddle EnglishnounA piece of clothing.
ClothinghaterMiddle EnglishnounA rag; worn clothing.
ClothinglumberjackEnglishnounA person whose work is to fell trees.
ClothinglumberjackEnglishnounA lumberjacket.
ClothinglumberjackEnglishverbTo work as a lumberjack, cutting down trees.transitive
ClothingoverallsEnglishnounA loose-fitting garment worn over regular clothes to protect them.UK plural plural-only
ClothingoverallsEnglishnounLoose-fitting pants with supporting cross-straps and a panel of material in the chest (called a bib), often associated with farm work.Australia Canada US plural plural-only
ClothingoverallsEnglishnounTrousers traditionally worn by cavalry.government military politics warUK plural plural-only
ClothingoverallsEnglishnounplural of overallform-of plural
ClothingrufaIrishnounruff, frillmasculine
ClothingrufaIrishnounsea belt (Saccharina latissima)in-plural masculine
ClothingserekPolishnoundiminutive of ser (“cheese”)colloquial diminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ClothingserekPolishnounmallow (any plant of the genus Malva)inanimate informal masculine
ClothingserekPolishnounV-neck (V-shaped neckline on a garment such as a pullover, usually at the front of the garment)inanimate masculine
ClothingsobretudoPortugueseadvespecially, above allnot-comparable
ClothingρούχοGreeknounclothes, clothing, dressin-plural
Cloudsകാറ്Malayalamnounrain cloudrare
Cloudsകാറ്Malayalamverbimperative of കാറുക (kāṟuka)form-of imperative
CoinsportcullisEnglishnounA gate in the form of a grating which is lowered into place at the entrance to a castle, fort, etc.
CoinsportcullisEnglishnounAn old English coin from the reign of Elizabeth I, minted for the use of the East India Company, and bearing the picture of a portcullis on the reverse.historical
CoinsportcullisEnglishverbTo obstruct with, or as with, a portcullis; to shut; to bar.passive usually
CollectiveschrystianizmPolishnounSynonym of chrześcijaństwo (“Christianism”) (religion of Christians)inanimate literary masculine
CollectiveschrystianizmPolishnounSynonym of chrześcijaństwo (“Christianism”) (Christians collectively)inanimate literary masculine
CollectiveszamieszkaPolishnounriot, riotinggovernment politicsfeminine in-plural
CollectiveszamieszkaPolishverbthird-person singular future of zamieszkaćform-of future singular third-person
Collectives兒孫Chinesenounchildren and grandchildren
Collectives兒孫Chinesenoundescendant; posterity
Collectives皇家Chinesenounroyal family; imperial household
Collectives皇家Chinesenounimperial court
ColorshitamMinangkabauadjblack (absorbing all light)
ColorshitamMinangkabaunounblack (colour)
ColorslakhaCebuanonounthe egg of red ants
ColorslakhaCebuanonouna red coloring, obtained by chewing the eggs of some red ant species, used in tooth-dyeinghistorical
ColorslakhaCebuanonounthe color scarlet
ColorslakhaCebuanoadjof the colour scarlet
ColorsputiqSasakadjwhite (bright and colourless)
ColorsputiqSasaknounwhite (colour)
ColorsδαφοινόςAncient Greekadjblood red, reddish, tawny
ColorsδαφοινόςAncient Greekadjbloodstained, covered in blood
ColorsδαφοινόςAncient Greekadjbloodthirsty, bloodlusty
ColorsφλόγινοςAncient Greekadjflaming, fiery
ColorsφλόγινοςAncient Greekadjflame coloured
ColorsبرماMalayadjred (having red as its colour)
ColorsبرماMalaynounred (colour)
ColorsकालSanskritadjblack, dark blue
ColorsकालSanskritnounblack, dark blue colour
ColorsकालSanskritnounpupil (dark part of the eye)
ColorsकालSanskritnouna black kind of agarwood from Agallochum (now Aquilaria)
ColorsकालSanskritnouna kind of perfume (कक्कोलक (kakkolaka))
ColorsकालSanskritnouna fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time (in general)
ColorsकालSanskritnounthe proper time or season for (+genitive, dative, locative, in compound, infinitive, or subjunctive with यद् (yad)
ColorsकालSanskritnounoccasion, circumstance
ColorsकालSanskritnouna period of time, time of the world (युग (yuga))
ColorsकालSanskritnounmeasure of time, prosody
ColorsकालSanskritnouna section, part
ColorsकालSanskritnounthe end
ColorsकालSanskritnoundeath by age
ColorsकालSanskritnountime (as leading to events, the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man), destiny, fate
ColorsकालSanskritnountime (as destroying all things), death, time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama, regent of the dead, or even identified with him
ColorsकालSanskritnounKāla, personified is also a देवर्षि (devarṣi) in Indra's court, and a son of Dhruva
Colorsⲁ̀ⲥⲓⲗⲱⲛCopticnouna blueBohairic
ColorsKoreannoundong, the currency of Vietnam
Colubrid snakesracerEnglishnounSomeone who takes part in a race.
Colubrid snakesracerEnglishnounA racehorse.
Colubrid snakesracerEnglishnounA vehicle or other device used for, or designed specifically for, racing.
Colubrid snakesracerEnglishnounAn animal known for its fast speed, or suitable for racing; applied especially to a number of North American snakes, certain kinds of lake trout, etc.
Colubrid snakesracerEnglishnounAny of several genera of colubrid snakes.
Colubrid snakesracerEnglishnounA video game involving racing of any
CombustioncockleEnglishnounAny of various edible European bivalve mollusks, of the family Cardiidae, having heart-shaped shells.
CombustioncockleEnglishnounThe shell of such a mollusk.
CombustioncockleEnglishnounOne’s innermost feelings (only in the expression “the cockles of one’s heart”).in-plural
CombustioncockleEnglishnounA wrinkle, pucker
CombustioncockleEnglishnounA defect in sheepskin; firm dark nodules caused by the bites of keds on live sheepbroadly
CombustioncockleEnglishnounThe mineral black tourmaline or miningCornwall UK
CombustioncockleEnglishnounThe fire chamber of a furnace.UK
CombustioncockleEnglishnounA kiln for drying hops; an oast.UK
CombustioncockleEnglishnounThe dome of a heating furnace.UK
CombustioncockleEnglishverbTo cause to contract into wrinkles or ridges, as some kinds of cloth after a wetting; to pucker.transitive
CombustioncockleEnglishnounAny of several field weeds, such as the common corncockle (Agrostemma githago) and darnel ryegrass (Lolium temulentum).
CombustioncockleEnglishverbTo wobble, shake; to be unsteady.Midlands Northern-England Scotland
CombustioncockleEnglishnounA £10 note; a tenner.Cockney slang
CommunismcomunistaSpanishadjcommunist, Communistfeminine masculine
CommunismcomunistaSpanishadjcommunisticfeminine masculine
CommunismcomunistaSpanishnouncommunist, Communistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
CompositesnagietekPolishnounmarigold, any flower of the genus Calendulainanimate masculine
CompositesnagietekPolishnoungenitive plural of nagietkafeminine form-of genitive plural
ComputingtárolóHungarianverbpresent participle of tárolform-of participle present
ComputingtárolóHungariannounstorage, container
CondimentscondimentoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of condimentarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CondimentssojaSerbo-Croatiannounsoya, soybean
CondimentssojaSerbo-Croatiannounsoy (soy sauce)
CondimentsvinegarEnglishnounA sour liquid formed by the fermentation of alcohol used as a condiment or preservative; a dilute solution of acetic acid.uncountable
CondimentsvinegarEnglishnounAny variety of vinegar.countable
CondimentsvinegarEnglishnounVigor; vitality.US countable informal uncountable
CondimentsvinegarEnglishverbTo season or otherwise treat with vinegar.transitive
ConflictpotyczkaPolishnounclash, encounter, skirmish (brief battle between small groups)government military politics warfeminine
ConflictpotyczkaPolishnounargument, quarrelfeminine
ConifersjedlinaPolishnounfir (any tree of the genus Abies)feminine
ConifersjedlinaPolishnounfir woodfeminine
ConifersjedlinaPolishnounfresh fir branchesfeminine
ConstellationsHeminisTagalognounGemini (constellation)astronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsHeminisTagalognounGemini (zodiac sign)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ConstellationsⲥⲁⲣⲇⲱⲟⲛCopticnounCancer (sign of the zodiac)
ConstructionбалкаRussiannounbeam, girder, bar, baulk
ConstructionбалкаRussiannoungully, (narrow) gorge
Construction vehiclescarregadoraPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of carregadorfeminine form-of
Construction vehiclescarregadoraPortuguesenounloader, front-end loader, front loader, endloader, payloader, bucket loader, wheel loader (construction equipment)Portugal feminine
ContainerskassiFaroesenounbox, case of iron, wood, etc.; bigger than an eskjamasculine
ContainerskassiFaroesenouncash box, cash registermasculine
ContainerskassiFaroesenouncash desk in a supermarket, bank, etc.masculine
ContainersθήκηAncient Greeknounbox, chest
ContainersθήκηAncient Greeknoungrave, tomb
ContainersθήκηAncient Greeknounsword sheath
ContainersκίλλιξAncient Greeknounox with crooked horns
ContainersκίλλιξAncient Greeknounjar
ContainersܣܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbasket
ContainersܣܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounshopping basket
ContainersụdẹYorubanounbronze, brassEkiti
Cook IslandsRarotonganEnglishnameCook Islands Maori, the official language of the Cook Islands.
Cook IslandsRarotonganEnglishadjOf or relating to the island of Rarotonga.
Cook IslandsRarotonganEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the island of Rarotonga.
CookingprzepisPolishnounrecipe (set of instructions for preparing a mixture of ingredients)inanimate masculine
CookingprzepisPolishnounrecipe (plan or procedure to obtain a given end result; a prescription)inanimate masculine
CookingprzepisPolishnounprescription, regulation, rule, code, bylaw (law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization)inanimate masculine
CookingprzepisPolishnounprescription (doctor's instructions)inanimate masculine
CookingprzepisPolishnouncopy; rewriteinanimate masculine obsolete
CookingprzepisPolishnounprescribing; establishing rulesinanimate masculine obsolete
CookingprzepisPolishnounsuggestion, tip, clueinanimate masculine obsolete
CookingprzepisPolishnountithe for beesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
CookingtorrainaCatalannouna burnt bit of food sticking to a cooking dishdialectal feminine
Cornales order plantscornelian cherryEnglishnounThe cherry-like fruit of the cornel, Cornus mas.
Cornales order plantscornelian cherryEnglishnounThe tree that bears this fruit.
CosmeticsmaquillarSpanishverbto apply makeup or cosmetics totransitive
CosmeticsmaquillarSpanishverbto fiddle, massage (numbers, data)transitive
CosmeticsmaquillarSpanishverbto disguise, dress upfiguratively transitive
CosmeticsmaquillarSpanishverbto put on makeup, to apply cosmeticsreflexive
CraftscistellaCatalannounbaskethobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
CraftscistellaCatalannounshopping basketInternet feminine
CraftsремеслоRussiannountrade, craft (skilled practice)
CraftsремеслоRussiannounprofession, occupationcolloquial
CraftsремеслоRussiannoununcreative work, unimaginative work, work according to a templatederogatory
CrimehijackEnglishverbTo forcibly seize control of some vehicle in order to rob it or to reach a destination (especially an airplane, truck or a boat).
CrimehijackEnglishverbTo seize control of some process or resource to achieve a purpose other than its originally intended one.
CrimehijackEnglishverbTo seize control of a networked computer by means of infecting it with a worm or other malware, thereby turning it into a zombie.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CrimehijackEnglishverbTo change software settings without a user's knowledge so as to force that user to visit a certain web site.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CrimehijackEnglishverbTo introduce an amendment deleting the contents of a bill and inserting entirely new provisions.government politics
CrimehijackEnglishnounAn instance of hijacking; the illegal seizure of a vehicle; a hijacking.
CrimehijackEnglishnounAn instance of a seizure and redirection of a process.
CrimehijackEnglishnounAn amendment which deletes the contents of a bill and inserts entirely new provisions.government politics
CrimehijackEnglishnounPreflop, the position two before the dealer.card-games pokerslang
CrimehijackEnglishnounA highwayman, robber.obsolete
CrimeразбойникRussiannounbrigand, highwayman, robber
CrimeразбойникRussiannounrogue, wretchcolloquial
CrucifersجرجيرArabicnounarugula, rocket (Eruca gen. et spp.)
CulturecultureEnglishnounThe arts, customs, lifestyles, background, and habits that characterize humankind, or a particular society or nation.countable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounThe beliefs, values, behaviour, and material objects that constitute a people's way of life.countable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounThe conventional conducts and ideologies of a community; the system comprising the accepted norms and values of a society.countable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounAny knowledge passed from one generation to the next, not necessarily with respect to human beings.anthropology human-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounCultivation.agriculture biology botany business lifestyle natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounThe process of growing a bacterial or other biological entity in an artificial medium.biology microbiology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounThe growth thus produced.countable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounA group of bacteria.countable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounThe details on a map that do not represent natural features of the area delineated, such as names and the symbols for towns, roads, meridians, and parallels.cartography geography natural-sciencescountable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounShort for archaeological culture (“recurring assemblage of artifacts from a specific time and place that may constitute the material culture remains of a particular past human society”).archaeology history human-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishnounEthnicity, race (and its associated arts, customs, etc.)countable euphemistic uncountable
CulturecultureEnglishverbto maintain in an environment suitable for growth (especially of bacteria) (compare cultivate)transitive
CulturecultureEnglishverbto increase the artistic or scientific interest (in something) (compare cultivate)transitive
CurrenciesरुपयाHindinounUS dollarUS
CurrencydolaSwahilinoundollarclass-10 class-9
CurrencydolaSwahilinounstate (sovereign polity)class-5 class-6
Custard apple family plantsylang ylangEnglishnounThe fragrant flower of a tropical tree (Cananga odorata) native to southeast Asia.countable
Custard apple family plantsylang ylangEnglishnounAn essential oil derived from this flower used in aromatherapy and perfumes.uncountable
Custard apple family plantsylang ylangEnglishnounThe tree (Cananga odorata) on which ylang ylang flowers grow.countable
CyclingjalkajarruFinnishnounfoot brake
CyclingjalkajarruFinnishnouncoaster brake
CytologycytosomeEnglishnounThe cytoplasm within a cell; the cell outside of the nucleus.biology natural-sciencesuncountable
CytologycytosomeEnglishnounA type of cellular organelle which is enclosed by a membrane.biology natural-sciencescountable
Czechoslovakiaкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (possessor of a Candidate of Sciences degree)
Czechoslovakiaкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in Russia and some of the Commonwealth of Independent States)
Czechoslovakiaкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in the USSR and Czechoslovakia)historical
Dabbling duckssprigtailEnglishnounThe pintail duck.US dialectal
Dabbling duckssprigtailEnglishnounThe sharp-tailed grouse.US dialectal
DancesdougieEnglishnounA hip-hop dance generally performed by moving one's body in a shimmy style and passing a hand through or near the hair on one's own head.
DancesdougieEnglishverbTo perform this dance.intransitive
DancesgavotteEnglishnounA French dance, in either 4/4 or 2/2 time.
DancesgavotteEnglishverbTo perform this dance.
DanceskadrylPolishnounquadrille (dance originating in the mid-1700s with four couples forming a square, rather much like the modern square dance)animal-not-person masculine
DanceskadrylPolishnounquadrille (dance originating in the mid-1700s with four couples forming a square, rather much like the modern square dance) / quadrille (music for this dance)animal-not-person masculine
DanceskadrylPolishnounquadrille (choreographed dressage ride, commonly performed to music, with a minimum of four horses)dressage hobbies horses lifestyle pets sports
DanceskadrylPolishnounbrawn of inferior quality made from blood and meat wastearchaic inanimate masculine
DeathкатRussiannouncatnautical transport
DeathкатRussiannounkhatbiology botany natural-sciences
DeathкатRussiannouncut (livejournal cut, , which allows you to hide all or part of your entry behind a link)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
DeathкатRussiannoungat (a traditional Korean hat made of horsehair, once worn by married gentlemen)
Death遺體Chinesenounremains; body of the dead
Death遺體Chinesenounone's body (as handed down from one's parents)
DemonymsBatangueñoEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to Batangas.not-comparable
DemonymsBatangueñoEnglishnounA person from Batangas.
DemonymsGóóhníiniiNavajonameHualapai (in the Western Navajo dialect)
DemonymsHessianEnglishadjOf, from or relating to Hesse in Germany.
DemonymsHessianEnglishadjOf or relating to the German mathematician Otto Hesse (1811–1874).
DemonymsHessianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Hesse.countable uncountable
DemonymsHessianEnglishnounA mercenary soldier, especially a German one who fought with the British in the American Revolutionary War.countable historical uncountable
DemonymsHessianEnglishnounEllipsis of Hessian lifestyleabbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
DemonymsHessianEnglishnounEllipsis of Hessian cloth/Hessian fabric.: burlap, jute.British abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
DemonymsHessianEnglishnounEllipsis of Hessian matrix.mathematics sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
DemonymsHessianEnglishnameThe Rhine Franconian dialect spoken in Hesse.
DemonymsJakartanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to, Jakartanot-comparable
DemonymsJakartanEnglishnounSomeone from Jakarta.
DemonymsKhersoniteEnglishadjOf or relating to the city of Kherson, Ukraine.not-comparable
DemonymsKhersoniteEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Kherson, Ukraine.
DemonymsSugboanonCebuanonouna person born and native to the island of Cebu, Philippines
DemonymsSugboanonCebuanonouna speaker of the Cebuano language
DemonymsSugboanonCebuanonouna resident of or a person from Cebu Cityrare
DemonymsSuwisaTagalognameSwitzerland (a country in Western Europe and Central Europe)
DemonymsSuwisaTagalognounfemale equivalent of Suwiso: female Swiss (person)feminine form-of
DemonymsTourainianEnglishadjOf or relating to Touraine, one of the traditional provinces of France.
DemonymsTourainianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Touraine.
DemonymsWeißenbergerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Weißenbergmasculine strong
DemonymsWeißenbergerGermanadjWeißenbergindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsWeißenbergerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
DemonymsYugoslavianEnglishadjOf or relating to Yugoslavia.historical not-comparable
DemonymsYugoslavianEnglishnounA native of Yugoslavia.historical
DemonymsbrémaiHungarianadjof or relating to Bremennot-comparable
DemonymsbrémaiHungariannounBremer (native or inhabitant of Bremen)
DemonymsciudarrealeñoSpanishadjof Ciudad Realrelational
DemonymsciudarrealeñoSpanishnounsomeone from Ciudad Realmasculine
DemonymsdácioPortugueseadjDacian (of or relating to Dacia or the Dacians)
DemonymsdácioPortuguesenounDacian (member of an ancient ethnic group from Dacia)masculine
DemonymsdácioPortuguesenameDacian (language)masculine
DemonymsmedoItalianadjMedian (pertaining to Media or Medes)historical
DemonymsmedoItaliannounMede, Median (person from Media)historical masculine
DemonymsmedoItaliannounMedian (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsoceânicoPortugueseadjoceanic (relating to the ocean)
DemonymsoceânicoPortugueseadjOceanian; Oceanic (of or relating to Oceania)
DemonymsoceânicoPortuguesenounOceanian (person from Oceania)masculine
DemonymsrosarinoSpanishadjof Rosariorelational
DemonymsrosarinoSpanishadjof Litueche (a city in Chile, formerly named Rosario Lo Solís)relational
DemonymsrosarinoSpanishnounsomeone from Rosariomasculine
DemonymsrosarinoSpanishnounsomeone from the Chilean city of Litueche, formerly named Rosario Lo Solísmasculine
DemonymstonquinêsPortugueseadjTonkinese (of or relating to Tonkin)
DemonymstonquinêsPortuguesenounTonkinese (person from Tonkin)masculine
DemonymstonquinêsPortuguesenounTonkinese (a cat breed)masculine
DemonymstonquinêsPortuguesenounTonkinese (the Vietnamese dialect spoken in Tonkin)masculine
DemonymstroianoGalicianadjTrojan; or or pertaining to the city of Troy
DemonymstroianoGaliciannouna Trojan (male person from Troy)masculine
DemonymstyskSwedishadjGerman (of or pertaining to Germany, Germans, or the German language)not-comparable
DemonymstyskSwedishnouna German (person from Germany)common-gender
DemonymsøsttyskDanishadjEast German (relating to the German Democratic Republic or the eastern part of modern Germany)
DemonymsøsttyskDanishadjEast German (relating to the eastern provinces of pre-1945 Germany)rare
DermatologyalaAzerbaijaniadjblue (of eyes)poetic
DermatologyalaAzerbaijaninounvitiligo (the patchy loss of skin pigmentation.)
Derogatory names for countriesNazilandEnglishnameAny place populated by Nazis.derogatory
Derogatory names for countriesNazilandEnglishnameGermany, especially Nazi Germany.derogatory
Derogatory names for countries契哥Chinesenounblood brother; sworn (elder) brotherliterary
Derogatory names for countries契哥Chinesenounmale bestie (of a girl)Cantonese
Derogatory names for countries契哥Chinesenounmale lover; extramarital lover of a womanHakka
Derogatory names for countries契哥Chinesenounbugger; sodomiteEastern Min derogatory
Derogatory names for countries契哥ChinesenameRussiaCantonese Hong-Kong Internet neologism
Diacritical markskvakaSerbo-Croatiannounhandle (especially of a door)
Diacritical markskvakaSerbo-CroatiannounA decisive detail in a legal document, computer program, algorithm etc. that enables or disables something; a catch.
Diacritical markskvakaSerbo-Croatiannounháček
Diacritical marks濁点Japanesenouna voicing diacritical mark, such as ゛ on が, used to: / derive the kana for a voiced-onsetted mora from the kana for a base voiceless-onsetted mora;
Diacritical marks濁点Japanesenouna voicing diacritical mark, such as ゛ on が, used to: / orthographically convey a guttural tone, such as that of a cry or screaminformal
DialectsIfọnYorubanameIfon Osun (a town in Nigeria)
DialectsIfọnYorubanameIfọ́n (a town in Nigeria)
DialectsIfọnYorubanameA Yoruba subethnic group whom live in the city of Ifọ́n in Oǹdó state
DialectsIfọnYorubanameA Yoruba dialect spoken by the Ifọ́n people of Oǹdó state
DiplomacykonsulPolishnounconsul (official representative of the government of one state in the territory of another)government politicsmasculine person
DiplomacykonsulPolishnounconsul (either of the two highest-ranking officials of the Roman republic)Ancient-Rome historical masculine person
DiplomacykonsulPolishnounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)historical masculine person
DirectivesprocedendoEnglishnounA prerogative writ that sends a case from an appellate court to a lower court with an order to proceed to
DirectivesprocedendoEnglishnounA writ by which the commission of the Justice of the Peace is revived, after having been
DiseasesGerstenkornGermannounbarleycornagriculture business lifestyleneuter strong
DiseasesGerstenkornGermannounstye (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid)medicine sciencesneuter strong
Dogbane family plantsἀπόκυνονAncient Greeknoundogbane (Cionura erecta)
Dogbane family plantsἀπόκυνονAncient Greeknounpoisoned cake for dogs
Dogs柴柴Chinesenounshiba (dog)endearing slang
Dogs柴柴ChineseadjMin Southern empty-gloss no-gloss
DrinkingborrachuzoSpanishadjoften drunken
DrinkingborrachuzoSpanishnounwino; lush; drunkmasculine
DrinkingsharpenerEnglishnounA device for making things sharp.
DrinkingsharpenerEnglishnounThat which makes something sharp.figuratively
DrinkingsharpenerEnglishnounAn alcoholic drink taken at the start of the day, or just before a meal.informal
DyespurpurinEnglishnounA red anthraquinone dye, extracted from madder, that is used as a biological staincountable uncountable
DyespurpurinEnglishnounA protein of the lipocalin familybiochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
DyespurpurinEnglishnounA brownish or deep red decorative glass used in ancient timescountable historical uncountable
EaglesorlikPolishnoundiminutive of orzeł; small or young eagleanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
EaglesorlikPolishnouncertain species of eagleanimal-not-person masculine
EaglesorlikPolishnouncolumbine (any plant of the genus Aquilegia)inanimate masculine
EaglesorlikPolishnounsoccer field (a modern field with an artificial surface, where you can play soccer and other sports games, designed for schoolchildren)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportscolloquial inanimate masculine
EaglesorlikPolishnounbold, clever young manliterary masculine person
East TimordolarPolishnoundollar (designation for specific currency)animal-not-person masculine
East TimordolarPolishnoundollar (unit of reactivity equal to the interval between delayed criticality and prompt criticality)animal-not-person masculine
EducationstudentEnglishnounA person who studies or learns about a particular subject.
EducationstudentEnglishnounA person who is formally enrolled at a school, a college or university, or another educational institution.
EducationstudentEnglishnounA person who is formally enrolled at a school, a college or university, or another educational institution. / A person who is enrolled at a college or university (as contrasted with a pupil or schoolchild attending a primary or secondary school).
EducationдидактикаUkrainiannounSynonym of дидакти́зм m (dydaktýzm, “didacticism”)literary uncountable
EducationمکتبUrdunounschool, maktab
EducationمکتبUrdunounprimary school
EducationمکتبUrdunounschool of thought
Education口傳Chineseverbto teach through oral instruction; to instruct orally
Education口傳Chineseverbto pass on by word of mouth
Education口傳Chinesenounoral instruction; hearsay
Education文盲Chinesenounilliterate (person unable to read)
Education文盲Chinesenounilliteracy (inability to read)
EggsfanBambaranoundirection, side
EggsяйцоRussiannountesticle, ball, nut, nad, gonadcolloquial
EggsܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnounshuddering, trembling, quaking
EggsܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnountremor
EggsܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnounhalf-cooked egg
EightochavoSpanishadjSynonym of octavo: eighth (one of eight equal parts)obsolete
EightochavoSpanishadjSynonym of octavo: eighth (in eighth position)obsolete
EightochavoSpanishnounSynonym of octavo: one-eighthmasculine obsolete
EightochavoSpanishnounochavo (a former Spanish coin from the 17th to 19th centuries, notionally equivalent to ⅛ Spanish ounce)historical masculine
EightochavoSpanishnountrifle, bauble (anything worthless or useless)figuratively masculine
EightochavoSpanishnounoctave (a weeklong saint's feast or local party)Catholicism Christianitymasculine
EightochavoSpanishnounoctagon (an octagonal building or place)architecturemasculine
Elapid snakesokularnikPolishnounfour-eyes, speckycolloquial masculine person
Elapid snakesokularnikPolishnounIndian cobraanimal-not-person masculine
ElephantsفيلةArabicnounfemale equivalent of فِيل (fīl) : female elephantfeminine form-of
ElephantsفيلةArabicnounplural of فِيل (fīl)form-of plural
EmotionslangweiligGermanadjboring, dull, tedious
EmotionszgnębionyPolishadjdejected, depressed, downbeat, gloomy, miserable
EmotionszgnębionyPolishverbpassive adjectival participle of zgnębićadjectival form-of participle passive
EmotionsבזHebrewnounbooty, spoilsBiblical-Hebrew
EmotionsבזHebrewverbto take spoilconstruction-pa'al
EmotionsבזHebrewverbto despise, to loatheconstruction-pa'al
Emotions羨望Japaneseverbto envy
EnergyathermicEnglishadjresistant to heat passing through; heat-resistant, heatproof
EnergyathermicEnglishadjwithout an increase in temperaturemedicine sciences
EnergyathermicEnglishadjinvolving no enthalpy exchangechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
Energynuclear energyEnglishnounThe energy released by a nuclear reaction; either through nuclear fission or nuclear fusionuncountable
Energynuclear energyEnglishnounSuch energy used as a power source.uncountable
English cardinal numberstwentyEnglishnumThe cardinal number 20, occurring after nineteen and before twenty-one.
English cardinal numberstwentyEnglishnounA banknote with a denomination of 20.colloquial
English cardinal numberstwentyEnglishnoun10-20 (location).
English cardinal numberstwentyEnglishnounAn old English division of infantry.government military politics warUK historical
English unisex given namesAlexEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.
English unisex given namesAlexEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek.
English unisex given namesAlexEnglishnameA nickname for Alexandria. (city in Egypt)
English unisex given namesJesseEnglishnameThe son of Obed and the father of king David.biblical lifestyle religion
English unisex given namesJesseEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin.
English unisex given namesJesseEnglishnameA female given name, variant of Jessie.
English unisex given namesJesseEnglishnounA representation of the genealogy of Christ, in decorative art, such as a genealogical tree in stained glass or a branched candlestick.architecture
English unisex given namesVijayaEnglishnameOne of the two demigod gatekeepers (Dvarapala) of the abode of Vishnu, known as Vaikuntha.
English unisex given namesVijayaEnglishnameName of the Arjuna in Mahabharata.
English unisex given namesVijayaEnglishnameA male given name from Sanskrit commonly used in India.
English unisex given namesVijayaEnglishnameName of Hindu goddess Parvati.
English unisex given namesVijayaEnglishnameA female given name from Sanskrit commonly used in India.
English unisex given namesVijayaEnglishnameThe twenty-seventh year of the 60 year cycle of the Tamil calendar.
EquidsPéërtLimburgishnounknightboard-games chess gamesneuter
ErinaceidsёжикRussiannoundiminutive of ёж (jož)diminutive form-of
ErinaceidsёжикRussiannouncrew cut
EthicssalubritasLatinnoungood health, healthiness, healthfulness, salubrity, salubriousnessdeclension-3
EthicssalubritasLatinnounwholesomeness, soundnessdeclension-3
EthnonymsBasqueEnglishnounA member of a cultural and ethnic people living in the western Pyrenees and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain.
EthnonymsBasqueEnglishnameThe language of the Basque people.
EthnonymsBasqueEnglishadjRelating to the Basque people or their language.not-comparable
EthnonymsBay MiwokEnglishnounA division of the Miwok people, who resided east of the San Francisco Bay.plural plural-only
EthnonymsBay MiwokEnglishnameThe Utian (Penutian) language spoken by this people.
EthnonymsManchuEnglishnounA person belonging to or descended from the indigenous people of Manchuria.
EthnonymsManchuEnglishnounA person belonging to the Qing Dynasty (Manchu Dynasty) of China.obsolete
EthnonymsManchuEnglishnameThe indigenous language of the Manchu people, spoken in Manchuria.
EthnonymsManchuEnglishnameThe Qing Dynasty (Manchu Dynasty).obsolete
EthnonymsManchuEnglishnameA surname.
EthnonymsManchuEnglishadjManchurian, referring to the Manchu(rian) people.not-comparable
EthnonymsManchuEnglishadjManchurian, referring to the Manchu language.not-comparable
EthnonymsкыргызKyrgyznouna Kyrgyz (person)
EthnonymsкыргызKyrgyznouna Kyrgyz (person) / Kyrgyzattributive
EthnonymsশামীBengaliadjRelating to the Levant or Greater Syria
EthnonymsশামীBengalinounLevantine, Syrian.
Eupatorieae tribe plantsbonesetEnglishnounAny of several plants of the genera Eupatorium and Ageratina.
Eupatorieae tribe plantsbonesetEnglishnounThe herb common boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum).
Eupatorieae tribe plantsbonesetEnglishnounComfrey.
EyeacsLatviannouneye (organ of vision)anatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-6 feminine
EyeacsLatviannounvision, capacity to see, field of vision, attentiondeclension-6 feminine
EyeacsLatviannounsomething similar to an eye in formdeclension-6 feminine
EyeacsLatviannouna hole or loop with a specific purposedeclension-6 feminine
EyeacsLatviannounvalue unit (when playing cards)card-games gamesdeclension-6 feminine
FabricsсолоҥдоYakutnounthe Siberian weasel (Mustela siberica) or kolinsky
FabricsсолоҥдоYakutnounits fursynecdoche
FacebéalIrishnounmouth (of the face, etc.)masculine
FacebéalIrishnounedge (of knife)masculine
FacebéalIrishnounmuzzle (of weapon)masculine
FacedercOld Irishnouneyeneuter
FacedercOld Irishnounhole, aperture, cavity, hollowneuter
FacedercOld Irishnounberryneuter
Facial expressionsglassyEnglishadjOf or like glass, especially in being smooth and somewhat reflective.
Facial expressionsglassyEnglishadjOf or like glass, especially in being smooth and somewhat reflective. / Lacking any chop; smooth and mostly flat.hobbies lifestyle nautical sailing sports surfing transportnot-comparable
Facial expressionsglassyEnglishadjIncluding a lot of glass.
Facial expressionsglassyEnglishadjIncluding a lot of glass. / Extensively glazed.
Facial expressionsglassyEnglishadjDull; expressionless; lifeless.
Facial expressionsglassyEnglishnounGlass marble.Ulster
FalconidsfalcoItaliannounhawk, falconmasculine
FalconidsfalcoItaliannounfierce and astute personfiguratively masculine
FalconidsfalcoItaliannounwarmonger, bellicist, hawk, war hawkgovernment politicsderogatory figuratively masculine
FalconidsfalcoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of falcarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FamilybabaYorubanounfather, dad
FamilybabaYorubanounA term of respect or endearment for an older man, male relative, or a higher ranking man.
FamilybabaYorubanounA title for a man of a specific occupation (ex. bàbá-alágbẹ̀dẹ (“blacksmith”)).
FamilybabaYorubanounelderly man of wisdom, sage, elder
FamilybabaYorubanounrevered or senior leader or entity
FamilybabaYorubanounmale ancestor
FamilybabaYorubanounA prefix for given names in the class orúkọ àmútọ̀runwá, given to children who are believed to be reincarnations of a male ancestor. (ex. Babájídé, Babátúndé).
FamilybabaYorubanouncopper (chemical element, Cu, atomical number 29)
FamilybabaYorubanounsorghum, millet, (in particular) Sorghum bicolor
FamilybabaYorubanoundark red color, in comparison to the color of sorghum
FamilybabaYorubanounto be quickly and rapidly hovering
FamilybinalayeCebuanonounsister-in-law (brother's wife)dated
FamilymosterDanishnounmaternal aunt (the sister of one's mother)common-gender
FamilymosterDanishverbpresent of mosteform-of present
FamilyqueanScotsnounyoung woman, girl
FamilyqueanScotsnounfemale sweetheart
FamilyqueanScotsnounA ram incapable of procreation, a hermaphrodite sheep.Shetland
FamilyبوبوPersiannounmotherDari childish endearing usually
FamilyبوبوPersiannoungrandmotherchildish informal
Family灶雞Chinesenouncave cricketHokkien
Family灶雞ChinesenoundaughterZhangzhou-Hokkien derogatory
Family memberskadafoAmisnounchild-in-law
Family memberskadafoAmisnoundaughter-in-law
Family memberspaternal cousinEnglishnounA child of one's father's sibling
Family memberspaternal cousinEnglishnounA more distant relative of one's father who is not a direct ancestor
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounAny inorganic material containing calcium, usually calcium oxide (quicklime) or calcium hydroxide (slaked lime).chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounAny gluey or adhesive substance; something which traps or captures someone; sometimes a synonym for birdlime.countable poetic uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounA spotlight.entertainment lifestyle theatercountable uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishverbTo treat with calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide (lime).transitive
Fan fictionlimeEnglishverbTo smear with birdlime.transitive
Fan fictionlimeEnglishverbTo smear with birdlime. / To ensnare, catch, entrap.rare transitive
Fan fictionlimeEnglishverbTo apply limewash.transitive
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounA deciduous tree of the genus Tilia, especially Tilia × europaea; the linden tree.countable uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounThe wood of this tree.countable uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounAny of several green citrus fruit, somewhat smaller and sharper-tasting than a lemon.countable uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounAny of the trees that bear limes, especially Key lime, Citrus aurantiifolia.countable uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounA brilliant, sometimes yellowish, green colour associated with the fruits of a lime tree.uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounA fan fiction story which contains sexual references, but stops short of full, explicit descriptions of sexual activity (coined by analogy with lemon).lifestylecountable slang uncountable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishadjContaining lime or lime juice.not-comparable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishadjHaving the aroma or flavor of lime.not-comparable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishadjLime-green.not-comparable
Fan fictionlimeEnglishverbTo hang out/socialize in an informal, relaxed environment, especially with friends, for example at a party or on the beach.Caribbean
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounA casual gathering to socialize.Caribbean
Fan fictionlimeEnglishnounAlternative form of lyam (“a leash”)alt-of alternative
Fan fictionslasherEnglishnounOne who slashes.
Fan fictionslasherEnglishnounA machine for applying size to warp yarns.
Fan fictionslasherEnglishnounA horror movie with graphic blood and violence; a slasher movie.broadcasting film media televisioninformal
Fan fictionslasherEnglishnounA murderer in such a film.
Fan fictionslasherEnglishnounOne who self-injures by cutting.
Fan fictionslasherEnglishnounA tool for cutting undergrowth.
Fan fictionslasherEnglishnounOne who writes slash fiction and/or supports male/male ships.lifestyleslang
Fans (people)oviedismoSpanishnounCollectively, the fans of Real Oviedomasculine
Fans (people)oviedismoSpanishnounThe state of being a fan of Real Oviedomasculine
FastenersModderLimburgishnounnut (fastener)
Fats and oilsأليةArabicnounfat tail, tail fat
Fats and oilsأليةArabicnounbuttock.anatomy medicine sciences
Fats and oilsأليةArabicnouna falling short, remissnessobsolete
Fats and oilsأليةArabicnounoathobsolete
FearzaniepokojeniePolishnounverbal noun of zaniepokoićform-of neuter noun-from-verb
FearzaniepokojeniePolishnounanxiety, disquiet, disquietudeneuter
FecescatholeEnglishnounA small pit, dug in the earth by hikers etc. in order to bury feces.
FecescatholeEnglishnounEither of two circular holes cut in the stern of a sailing man of war on the level of the capstan, used for the passage of stern hawsers.nautical transport
FecesدمنةArabicnoundunghill, droppings of wild beasts
FecesدمنةArabicnounremains of a campsite in the desert, of a settlement, or of a fortress, ruins
FelidsocelotlClassical Nahuatlnouna jaguar (Panthera onca).animate
FelidsocelotlClassical Nahuatlnounthe fourteenth of the twenty day signs of the tonalpohualli; a jaguar or disembodied jaguar's head.animate
FemaledoncellaSpanishnounmaid, maiden, damsel (girl or an unmarried young woman)feminine
FemaledoncellaSpanishnounabigail, lady's maid (female servant employed by an upper-class woman to attend to her personal needs)feminine
FemaledoncellaSpanishnounMediterranean rainbow wrasse (Coris julis)feminine
FemaleChinesecharacterslave woman
FemaleChinesecharacterI; me (used by women to show modesty)archaic humble
FemaleChinesecharactera surname
FemaleChinesecharacterfemale (describing animals and plants)formal
FemaleChinesecharacterweak; delicateliterary
Female animalsлисичкаUkrainiannoundiminutive of лиси́ця (lysýcja, “fox”): little fox, foxiediminutive form-of
Female animalsлисичкаUkrainiannoungirolle, chanterelle
Female animalsхохлушкаRussiannounUkrainian femalecolloquial diminutive
Female animalsхохлушкаRussiannounfemale equivalent of хохо́л (xoxól, “khokhol”)ethnic feminine form-of offensive slur
Female animalsхохлушкаRussiannouncrested hen or any other bird, tappit-hen
Female animalsхохлушкаRussiannounpochard (Netta)
Female animalsхохлушкаRussiannoungreat crested grebe (Colymbus cristatus)
Female animalsхохлушкаRussiannounlittle auk (Alle alle)
Female animalsхохлушкаRussiannounliddialectal
Female family membersabsumaAfarnounsororal nephew (son of one's sister)
Female family membersabsumaAfarnounpaternal cousin (one's father's sororal nephew)
Female family membersabsumaAfarnounpaternal second uncle (one's father's paternal cousin)
Female family membersabsumaAfarnounsororal niece (daughter of one's sister)
Female family membersabsumaAfarnounpaternal cousin (one's father's sororal niece)
Female family membersabsumaAfarnounpaternal second aunt (one's father's paternal cousin)
Female family membersmadreSpanishnounmotherfeminine
Female family membersmadreSpanishnounmother (source or origin)feminine figuratively
Female family membersmadreSpanishnounmother (nun)Christianityfeminine
Female family membersmadreSpanishnounriverbedgeography hydrology natural-sciencesfeminine
Female family membersmadreSpanishnoundregs (of a drink)feminine
Female family membersmadreSpanishnounthingMexico colloquial feminine slang vulgar
Female family membersજાGujaratinounco-sister-in-law (sister-in-law of a woman; husband's younger brother's wife)
Female family membersજાGujaratinounplace, location
Female peopleRosieEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Rose, Rosemary and other female names related to the rose. Also used as a formal given name.
Female peopleRosieEnglishnounA female factory worker during World War II (after the 1942 song Rosie the Riveter).US countable informal
Female peopleRosieEnglishnounEllipsis of Rosie Lee (“tea”).UK abbreviation alt-of ellipsis slang uncountable
Female peopleSchlampeGermannoununkempt woman, one who is lazy in grooming her body or her domestic environmentderogatory feminine
Female peopleSchlampeGermannounsexually promiscuous woman, slutderogatory feminine vulgar
Female peoplebabaCzechnouncrone, hagfeminine
Female peoplebabaCzechnouncoward, milksopfeminine
Female peoplebabaCzechnoungirl, chickfeminine informal
Female peoplemedalistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of medalista (“medalist”) (person who has received a medal)hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine form-of
Female peoplemedalistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of medalista (“dog sports medalist”)hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine form-of
Female peopleкукумявкаBulgariannounlittle owl (bird of genus Athene), screech owl (bird of genus Megascops)
Female peopleкукумявкаBulgariannounsqueaky woman (who is prone to complain and to growl)figuratively
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishnounA measurement, especially a count or enumeration.
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishnounAn account (monetary registry)
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishnounThe reckoning of one's deeds at Judgement Day.figuratively
FeudalismcounteMiddle Englishnouncount, earl (noble rank)rare
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishnounA county or earldom (domain of a count)Late-Middle-English
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishnounA traditional county or shire of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales.Late-Middle-English
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishnounA session of the shire court.lawLate-Middle-English
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of cuntealt-of alternative
FeudalismcounteMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of countenalt-of alternative
FictionCare BearEnglishnounAny of a brand of cheerful bear figures, seen on greeting cards and as stuffed toys.
FictionCare BearEnglishnounA kind and caring person.
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounSoft, moist earth or clay, having an adhesive quality; viscous mud; any substance of a dirty nature, that is moist, soft, and adhesive; bitumen; mud containing metallic ore, obtained in the preparatory dressing.countable uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounAny mucilaginous substance; or a mucus-like substance which exudes from the bodies of certain animals, such as snails or slugs.countable uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounSynonym of flubber (“kind of rubbery polymer”)countable uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounA sneaky, unethical person; a slimeball.countable derogatory informal uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounA monster having the form of a slimy blob.fantasy video-gamescountable uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounHuman flesh, seen disparagingly; mere human form.countable figuratively obsolete uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounJew’s slime (bitumen).countable obsolete uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishnounA friend; a homie.countable slang uncountable
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishverbTo coat with slime.transitive
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishverbTo besmirch or disparage.figuratively transitive
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishverbTo carve (fish), removing the offal.
Fictional charactersslimeEnglishverbTo move like slime, like slimy things or like a slimy person.figuratively intransitive often
Fictional locationsMayberryEnglishnameA surname.
Fictional locationsMayberryEnglishnameA utopian setting, such as a small town; a perfect place to live.figuratively
Fictional locationsMayberryEnglishadjUtopian; perfect for dwelling.figuratively not-comparable
FifteenquindecennialEnglishadjLasting fifteen years.not-comparable
FifteenquindecennialEnglishadjHappening once in fifteen years.not-comparable
FinanceamerwasTarifitnoundebt, arrearmasculine
FinanceamerwasTarifitnounobligation, commitmentmasculine
FinancetradelineEnglishnounAny credit account as shown on a consumer credit report.
FinancetradelineEnglishnounA line of credit.
FirefireEnglishnounA (usually self-sustaining) chemical reaction involving the bonding of oxygen with carbon or other fuel, with the production of heat and the presence of flame or smouldering.uncountable
FirefireEnglishnounAn instance of this chemical reaction, especially when intentionally created and maintained in a specific location to a useful end (such as a campfire or a hearth fire).countable
FirefireEnglishnounThe occurrence, often accidental, of fire in a certain place, causing damage and danger.countable
FirefireEnglishnounThe aforementioned chemical reaction of burning, considered one of the Classical elements or basic elements of alchemy.alchemy human-sciences philosophy pseudoscience sciencesuncountable
FirefireEnglishnounA heater or stove used in place of a real fire (such as an electric fire).British countable
FirefireEnglishnounThe elements necessary to start a fire.countable
FirefireEnglishnounThe bullets or other projectiles fired from a gun or other ranged weapon.uncountable
FirefireEnglishnounA planned bombardment by artillery or similar weapons, or the capability to deliver such.countable
FirefireEnglishnounA firearm.countable slang
FirefireEnglishnounA barrage, volleycountable figuratively
FirefireEnglishnounAn instance of firing one or more rocket engines.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
FirefireEnglishnounStrength of passion, whether love or hate.countable uncountable
FirefireEnglishnounLiveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral enthusiasm.countable uncountable
FirefireEnglishnounSplendour; brilliancy; lustre; hence, a star.countable uncountable
FirefireEnglishnounA severe trial; anything inflaming or provoking.countable uncountable
FirefireEnglishnounRed coloration in a piece of opal.countable uncountable
FirefireEnglishadjAmazing; excellent.not-comparable predicative slang
FirefireEnglishverbTo set (something, often a building) on fire.transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo heat as with fire, but without setting on fire, as ceramic, metal objects, etc.transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo drive away by setting a fire.transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo terminate the employment contract of (an employee), especially for cause (such as misconduct, incompetence, or poor performance).transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo terminate a contract with a client; to drop a client.broadly transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo shoot (a gun, rocket/missile, or analogous device).transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo shoot a gun, cannon, or similar weapon.intransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo operate a rocket engine to produce thrust.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
FirefireEnglishverbTo set off an explosive in a miningtransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo shoot; to attempt to score a goal.hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo cause an action potential in a cell.medicine physiology sciencesintransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo forcibly direct (something).transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo initiate an event (by means of an event handler).computer-sciences computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareintransitive transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo inflame; to irritate, as the passions.transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo be irritated or inflamed with passion.dated intransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo animate; to give life or spirit to.
FirefireEnglishverbTo feed or serve the fire of.
FirefireEnglishverbTo light up as if by fire; to illuminate.transitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo cauterize.farriery hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportstransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo catch fire; to be kindled.dated intransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo work as a fireman, one who keeps the fire under a steam boiler on a steam-powered ship or train.dated intransitive
FirefireEnglishverbTo start (an engine).slang usually
FirefireEnglishintjCommand to shoot with firearms.
FiremudarelRomaniverbto kill
FiremudarelRomaniverbto murder
FiremudarelRomaniverbto terminate (a contract, etc)
FiremudarelRomaniverbto turn off (an appliance), extinguish (a flame)
FiremudarelRomaniverbto finish off (the last of some food, etc)
FiremudarelRomaniverbto wear out (a tire, etc)
FiremudarelRomaniverbto defeat (a purpose)
FiremudarelRomaniverbto put out of business
FiremudarelRomaniverbto pass or kill (time)
FiremudarelRomaniverbto impress (someone), to blow awayfiguratively
Fireopen fireEnglishverbTo begin firing (weapons) at something or someone.idiomatic
Fireopen fireEnglishnounAn uncovered fire.
FireswealEnglishverbTo burn slowly.intransitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo melt and run down, as the tallow of a candle; waste away without feeding the flame.intransitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo singe; scorch; dress (as a hog) with burning or singeing.transitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo consume with fire; burn.dialectal transitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo make disappear; cause to waste away; diminish; reduce.dialectal transitive
FireжарSerbo-Croatiannounfervor, ardor
FirearmslámhachIrishnounfiring, shooting (discharge of a firearm)masculine
FirearmslámhachIrishnounhurling (throwing a missile)masculine
FirearmslámhachIrishnounfire (in-flight bullets)masculine
FirearmslámhachIrishnoundexteritydated masculine
FishmarucaGaliciannounling, common ling (Molva molva)feminine
FishmarucaGaliciannounSpanish ling (Molva macrophthalma)feminine
FishyelloweyeEnglishnounThe yelloweye mullet, a fish in the family Mugilidae.
FishyelloweyeEnglishnounThe yelloweye rockfish, a fish in the family Sebastidae.
FishingtiliTokelauanverbto bind around somethingtransitive
FishingtiliTokelauannounA certain type of fishing net.
FishingtiliTokelauanverbto cast this fishing netintransitive
FishingtiliTokelauannounmessenger that brings emergency messages
FishingtiliTokelauanverbto hurryintransitive
Five.....TranslingualpunctElongated form of …. (the ellipsis, which indicates a pause or an omission)
Five.....TranslingualnumVisual rendering of Morse code for 5.alt-of morse-code visual-rendering
FiveπεντάφυλλοςAncient Greekadjfive-leavedByzantine
FiveπεντάφυλλοςAncient Greeknouna cinquefoilByzantine
FlamingosflamingoEnglishnounA wading bird of the family Phoenicopteridae.
FlamingosflamingoEnglishnounA deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.
FlamingosflamingoEnglishadjOf a deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.not-comparable
FlaxwigwamEnglishnounA dwelling having an arched framework overlaid with bark, hides, or mats, used by Native Americans in the northeastern United States.
FlaxwigwamEnglishnounAny more or less similar dwelling used by indigenous people in other parts of the world.dated possibly
FlaxwigwamEnglishverbTo dry (flax or straw) by standing it outside in the shape of a wigwam.transitive
FlowerslucernaPolishnounalfalfa, burclover, lucerne, medick (any plant of the genus Medicago)feminine
FlowerslucernaPolishnounalfalfa, burclover, lucerne, medick (flower)feminine
FlowerspäivänkakkaraFinnishnounox-eye daisy, oxeye daisy, dog daisy, marguerite, Leucanthemum vulgare
FlowerspäivänkakkaraFinnishnoundaisy (any resembling wild flowering plant of the Asteraceae family, with a yellow head and white petals)
FlowersçiçekCrimean Tatarnounflower
FlowersçiçekCrimean Tatarnounsmallpox
FlowersपाटलHindiadjof a pink or rose colorindeclinable
FlowersपाटलHindinounpale-red hue
FlowersपाटलHindinounthe trumpet flower (Stereospermum chelonoides, syn. Bignonia suaveolens)
FlowersⲃⲉⲣⲧCopticnounrose (flower)Bohairic
Flowers梅花Chinesenounplum blossom (Prunus mume)
Flowers梅花Chinesenounclub (♣)card-games games
Flowers梅花ChinesenameMeihua (a town in Changle district, Fuzhou, Fujian, China)
FogfoggyEnglishadjObscured by mist or fog; unclear; hazy
FogfoggyEnglishadjConfused, befuddled, etc.figuratively
FogfoggyEnglishadjBeing, covered with, or pertaining to fog (“tall grass etc that grows after, or is left after, cutting; moss”)
Food and drinkcuisineFrenchnounkitchenfeminine
Food and drinkcuisineFrenchnouncuisinefeminine
Food and drinkcuisineFrenchverbinflection of cuisiner: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Food and drinkcuisineFrenchverbinflection of cuisiner: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto provide for; to maintain (oneself or others): / to feed (supply with nourishment)
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto provide for; to maintain (oneself or others): / to raise; to support young
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto provide for; to maintain (oneself or others): / to satisfy or comfort (spiritually, emotionally)
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto provide (someone) with a (positive) emotion
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto feed (consume nourishment)
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto fatten (to make fat)
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto supply (a fire)rare
Food and drinkfedenMiddle Englishverbto mislead; to lead astrayrare
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo make or cause to be full; to fill: / To fill up; to make a container or cavity full.
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo make or cause to be full; to fill: / To supply, provide or cover with (often of people)
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo make or cause to be full; to fill: / To suffuse or instill; to cause to spread.
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo satisfy; to make happy or satiated: / To alleviate or cure; to remove a condition.
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo satisfy; to make happy or satiated: / To feed (sufficiently); to serve food.
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo do or execute (a task): / To satisfy a duty or prediction; to fulfil.
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo do or execute (a task): / To be fulfilling or satisfying.rare
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo be or become full of; to spread throughout.
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo pour beverages (wine, beer) into glasses.
Food and drinkfillenMiddle EnglishverbTo pass; to become complete.rare
FoodsRaïntLimburgishnounedge, brink, rim (outer part of something)masculine
FoodsRaïntLimburgishnounledge, marginmasculine
FoodsRaïntLimburgishnounskin (layer of solid matter that forms on top of a liquid in a vessel)masculine
FoodsRaïntLimburgishnouncow; bull; ox; head of cattle (any bovine animal)countable neuter
FoodsRaïntLimburgishnounbeefneuter uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounA Chinese preserve.countable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounAn American relish, containing pickled green tomatoes, cabbage, and often other vegetables.countable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounA fruit ketchupcountable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounGossip.countable obsolete slang uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishnounAlternative form of Chow Chow (“type of dog”)alt-of alternative countable uncountable
FoodschowchowEnglishverbTo gossip.obsolete slang
FoodschowchowEnglishadjConsisting of several kinds mingled together; mixed.not-comparable obsolete slang
FoodscraquelinFrenchnouncracker (biscuit)Quebec masculine
FoodscraquelinFrenchnouna type of brioche that is filled with nib sugarBelgium masculine
FoodsnibblyEnglishadjProne to, or suitable for, nibbling.informal
FoodsnibblyEnglishnounAny food suitable for nibbling, snack food.informal
FoodspretzelEnglishnounA toasted bread or cracker usually in the shape of a loose food lifestyle
FoodspretzelEnglishnounAnything that is knotted, twisted, or tangled.broadly
FoodspretzelEnglishverbTo bend, twist, or contort.Canada US informal transitive
FoodsמליתHebrewnouna particlegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
FoodsמליתHebrewnounstuffing, filling
FoodsลาบThainounlap: a dish of minced meat mixed with such ingredients as lime juice, chilies, fish sauce, etc, served with fresh vegetables and herbs.
FoodsลาบThaiverbto cook into this dish.
FoodsẹbaYorubanouna swallow made with cassava flour (gàrí)
FoodsẹbaYorubanounfood, sustenancebroadly idiomatic
FoodsẹbaYorubanounside, edge
FoodsẹruYorubanounthe plant Astraea lobata
FoodsẹruYorubanounload, luggage, baggage
FoodsẹruYorubanounhaft, handle of a weapon or tool
FoodsẹruYorubanouna piece of boiled or cooked yam
FoodsẹruYorubanounthe tree Cassia fistula
FoodsἄλφιτονAncient Greeknounbarley-groats, barley flourin-plural
FoodsἄλφιτονAncient Greeknounmeal, groatsin-plural
FoodsἄλφιτονAncient Greeknounone's daily bread, bread and cheesefiguratively in-plural
Foods梅干しJapanesenounumeboshi: salt-dried or pickled Japanese ume (a kind of plum); very sour, and often used as a condiment in Japanese cooking
Foods梅干しJapanesenounan elderly person (from the similarity of wrinkled skin to a wrinkled umeboshi; compare usage of English prune)slang
Foods梅干しJapanesenounan unripe Japanese ume that has been smoked over a fire until black, used in traditional medicines and as a pigmentmedicine sciences
FootwearbốtVietnamesenounbootfashion lifestyle
FootwearbốtVietnamesenounpost; troop stationgovernment military politics warobsolete
Footweardown at heelEnglishadjIn poor condition, especially due to having worn heels; worn-out, shabby.literally
Footweardown at heelEnglishadjShabbily dressed, slovenly; impoverished; shabby, dilapidated.broadly idiomatic
FootweartoffelSwedishnounslipper (footwear)common-gender
FootweartoffelSwedishnouna henpecked guycommon-gender derogatory informal
ForestsłęgPolishnounflood-meadowinanimate masculine
ForestsłęgPolishnounriparian forestinanimate masculine
Forms of discriminationfattistEnglishnounAn advocate of fattism.
Forms of discriminationfattistEnglishadjOf, relating to, or advocating fattism.
Forms of discriminationmentalismEnglishnounThe doctrine that physical reality exists only because of the mind's awareness.countable uncountable
Forms of discriminationmentalismEnglishnounActivities such as mind-reading, especially by performers.countable uncountable
Forms of discriminationmentalismEnglishnounOppression on the basis of neurological type or perceived intelligence.countable uncountable
FourběrtylLower Sorbiannounquarter (one fourth)inanimate masculine
FourběrtylLower Sorbiannounquarter, neighborhoodinanimate masculine
FourběrtylLower Sorbiannounpeck (quarter of a bushel)historical inanimate masculine
FourčetriLatviannumfour (the cipher, the cardinal number four; sometimes undeclined)
FourčetriLatviannumfour (B, good, a school grade; syn. četrinieks)
FourčetriLatviannumfour (an amount equal to four)
FourčetriLatviannumfour o'clock (a moment in time; four hours after midnight, or after noon)
FowlsіндичаUkrainiannounturkey chick
FowlsіндичаUkrainianadjnominative feminine singular of інди́чий (indýčyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
FowlsὄρτυξAncient Greeknouncommon quail (Coturnix coturnix)
FowlsὄρτυξAncient Greeknounharefoot plantain (Plantago lagopus)
FrancekarlistaCzechnounCarlist (supporter of Carlism)government politicsanimate masculine
FrancekarlistaCzechnounCarlist (partisan of Charles X of France)animate historical masculine
French cardinal numbersquadrillionFrenchnumseptillion (10²⁴)masculine
French cardinal numbersquadrillionFrenchnumquadrillion (10¹⁵)dated masculine
FruitsacerolaEnglishnounAny tree of species Malpighia glabra, of the West Indies and northern South America.
FruitsacerolaEnglishnounFruit of this tree.
FruitsappleEnglishnounA common, round fruit produced by the tree Malus domestica, cultivated in temperate climates.
FruitsappleEnglishnounAny fruit or vegetable, or any other thing produced by a plant such as a gall or cone, especially if produced by a tree and similar to the fruit of Malus domestica; also (with qualifying words) used to form the names of specific fruits such as custard apple, rose apple, thorn apple etc.
FruitsappleEnglishnounSomething which resembles the fruit of Malus domestica, such as a globe, ball, or breast. / The ball in baseball.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsobsolete slang
FruitsappleEnglishnounSomething which resembles the fruit of Malus domestica, such as a globe, ball, or breast. / When smiling, the round, fleshy part of the cheeks between the eyes and the corners of the mouth.informal
FruitsappleEnglishnounSomething which resembles the fruit of Malus domestica, such as a globe, ball, or breast. / The Adam's apple.
FruitsappleEnglishnounSomething which resembles the fruit of Malus domestica, such as a globe, ball, or breast.
FruitsappleEnglishnounThe fruit of the tree of knowledge, eaten by Adam and Eve according to modern Christian tradition; the forbidden fruit.Christianity
FruitsappleEnglishnounA tree of the genus Malus, especially one cultivated for its edible fruit; the apple tree.
FruitsappleEnglishnounThe wood of the apple tree.
FruitsappleEnglishnounShort for apples and pears (“stairs”).Cockney abbreviation alt-of in-plural slang
FruitsappleEnglishnounA Native American or redskinned person who acts or thinks like a white (Caucasian) person.derogatory ethnic slur
FruitsappleEnglishnounAn assist.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsslang
FruitsappleEnglishnounA CB radio enthusiast.slang
FruitsappleEnglishnounThe surface of revolution of a circular arc of angle greater than 180° rotated about the straight line passing through the arc’s two endpoints.geometry mathematics sciences
FruitsappleEnglishverbTo make or become apple-like.intransitive transitive
FruitsappleEnglishverbTo form buds, bulbs, or fruit.obsolete
FruitsmorumLatinnounmulberry (fruit)declension-2
FruitsmorumLatinnoungenitive plural of mōsform-of genitive plural
FruitsnektarynaPolishnounnectarine (cultivar of the peach distinguished by its skin being smooth, not fuzzy)feminine
FruitsnektarynaPolishnounnectarine (fruit)feminine
FruitsሎሚTigrinyanounlime, lemon, citrus
FuneralsalmaItaliannounbody, corpsefeminine
FungiCryptococcusTranslingualnamePrincipally soil-dwelling yeast fungi, but certain species cause cryptococcosis or meningitis in mammals including humans: / A taxonomic genus within the family Tremellaceae.masculine
FungiCryptococcusTranslingualnamePrincipally soil-dwelling yeast fungi, but certain species cause cryptococcosis or meningitis in mammals including humans: / A taxonomic genus within the family Cryptococcaceae.masculine
FungiCryptococcusTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Eriococcidae – certain scale insects, soft scales, some of which are pests in agriculture.masculine
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounram, wether
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounpressure
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounassault, conquest, taking by storm
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounsap of mustard plant
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounpickle preserved with mustard
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounhead of end of a bridgearchitecture
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounspindle
FurnitureܟܒܫܐClassical Syriacnounfootstool, step
GadiformshadogWelshadjseed-bearing, seedy (full of seeds)not-comparable not-mutable
GadiformshadogWelshnounhaddockmasculine not-mutable
GadiformsmorueFrenchnouna whore; a broadderogatory feminine
GadiformsmorueFrenchnounan ugly person; an oafderogatory feminine
GaitssompolyogHungarianverbto sidle, sneak, edge up (to move slowly, in a furtive manner, with ill intentions, shame, or guilty conscience)colloquial derogatory intransitive
GaitssompolyogHungarianverbto sidle (to move around someone wheedling, clinging, e.g. hoping to get some food)colloquial intransitive
GamescrisscrossEnglishverbTo move back and forth over or through.transitive
GamescrisscrossEnglishverbTo mark with crossed lines.transitive
GamescrisscrossEnglishnounA pattern of crossed lines.countable
GamescrisscrossEnglishnounA mark or cross, such as the signature of a person who is unable to write.countable
GamescrisscrossEnglishnounA kind of crossword puzzle having no clues or definitions, but only a list of words that must be fitted into the grid.countable
GamescrisscrossEnglishnounA child's game played on paper or on a slate, consisting of lines arranged in the form of a cross.obsolete uncountable
GamescrisscrossEnglishadjMarked with crossed lines.not-comparable
GamescrisscrossEnglishadvCrossing one another.not-comparable
GamesstopPortuguesenounstop (function or button that causes a device to stop operating)masculine
GamesstopPortuguesenouna game in which the players write on paper one word from each category (animal, fruit, etc.), all beginning with the same letter, as quickly as possible. In Spanish: tutti fruttimasculine uncountable
GamesstopPortuguesenounstop loss order (order to close one’s position if the market drops to a specified price level)business finance stock-marketmasculine
GamesstopPortuguesenounstop; end (the act of putting a stop to something)Brazil colloquial masculine
GamesstopPortuguesenounstop signPortugal masculine
GamesstopPortugueseintjsaid by a player of the game of stop to cease the current turn, after which the players count how many words they wrote
GamesкозёлRussiannoungoat, he-goat, billygoat
GamesкозёлRussiannounidiot, blockhead; jerk, bastard, assderogatory slang
GamesкозёлRussiannounan inmate who is an informer and collaborates with authoritiesslang
GamesкозёлRussiannounhomosexual (usually passive)slang
GamesкозёлRussiannoungame of dominoescolloquial
GamesкозёлRussiannounbuck, a leather-covered frame used for gymnastic vaultinggymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports
GamesкозёлRussiannounstack of arms (e.g. rifles)government military politics war
GasesaerozolPolishnounaerosol (mixture of fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
GasesaerozolPolishnounaerosol, aerosol can (container of aerosol)colloquial inanimate masculine
GeesegâscăRomaniannoungoose (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae)feminine
GeesegâscăRomaniannoungoose (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae) / female goosefeminine specifically
GeesegâscăRomaniannoungoose (stupid person, especially a woman)derogatory feminine figuratively
GemsلاجوردOttoman Turkishnounlapis lazuli, a deep-blue stone, used in making jewelry
GemsلاجوردOttoman Turkishnounazure, the blue colour of the sky on a clear day
Gems珍珠Chinesenounpearl (gem) (Classifier: 粒; 顆/颗 m)
Gems珍珠Chinesenountapioca pearl (Classifier: 粒; 顆/颗 m)
Gems珍珠Chinesenountear; teardropfiguratively
Gems翡翠Japanesenounjade (gem)
Gems翡翠JapanesenounAlternative spelling of 川蝉 (“common kingfisher”)alt-of alternative
Gendercot-queanEnglishnounA man who performs tasks that traditionally belong to a woman; an effeminate man.derogatory obsolete
Gendercot-queanEnglishnounA female cuckold; a cuckquean.derogatory obsolete
Genisteae tribe plantsgolden chainEnglishnounlaburnum
Genisteae tribe plantsgolden chainEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see golden, chain.
Genitaliau'ubaOld Tupinounarrow (projectile that is shot from a bow)
Genitaliau'ubaOld Tupinounpenisfiguratively
GeographytetãGuaranínouncountry, nation
GeographytetãGuaranínounfatherland, homeland
GeographyврвMacedoniannountop, peak, summit
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounEarth; the world
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounThe Earth's people or inhabitants
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnouncountry, realm
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnounland, terrain
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnounground, earth, dirt, soil, clay
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnounearth (one of the alchemical elements)
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounThe ploughing of soil.rare uncountable
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounThe amount of land ploughable in a day.rare uncountable
GerontologycentenarianEnglishnounOne who or that which is at least 100 years old.
GerontologycentenarianEnglishadjAged 100 years or more; extremely old.
GerontologycentenarianEnglishadjOf or relating to centenarians or a centenary celebration.
GhostsโสมThainounJewels of Opar, flameflower (Talinum paniculatum, family Portulacaceae)biology botany natural-sciences
GhostsโสมThainounsweetheart (Talinum fruticosum, family Portulacaceae).biology botany natural-sciences
GhostsโสมThainounany of the various plants of the genus Panax (family Araliaceae).biology botany natural-sciences
GhostsโสมThainouna kind of beverage made from the juice of an ivy plant mixed with clarified butter, traditionally offered to Indra and other gods.Hinduism
GhostsโสมThainounalcoholic beverage; intoxicating beverage.figuratively formal
GhostsโสมThainouna type of ghost which guards a treasure trove.
GoatsgootMiddle Englishnoungoat (especially a female)
GoatsgootMiddle EnglishnounThe meat or flesh of goats
GoatsgootMiddle EnglishnounA chamois or antelope
GoatsgootMiddle EnglishnounA lustful individual; lust as a concept
GoatsgootMiddle EnglishnounCapricornastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
GoatsкозетинаSerbo-CroatiannounAugmentative of ко̀за (“goat”)augmentative derogatory form-of
GoatsкозицаSerbo-Croatiannoundiminutive of ко̀за (“goat”)diminutive form-of
GoatsալոջArmeniannounAlternative form of ալոճ (aloč)alt-of alternative
Grainsमक्काHindinouncorn, maize
Grainsमक्काHindinameMecca (a city in Saudi Arabia)
Grainsव्रीहिSanskritnoungrains of ricein-plural
Grainsव्रीहिSanskritnouna field of rice
Grainsव्रीहिSanskritnounrice ripening in the rainy season
Grainsव्रीहिSanskritnounany grain
GrainsქერექენიMingrelianadjvery long, tallfiguratively
GrainsქერექენიMingreliannounAlternative form of ქერი (keri, “barley”)alt-of alternative
GrainsქერექენიMingreliannounmullein (Verbascum spp.)
GrammaradjektivSwedishadjadjective (of a dye)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
GrammaradjektivSwedishnounan adjectiveneuter
Grammatical moodsܬܫܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounnarrative, tale, story, account
Grammatical moodsܬܫܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounhistory, biography
Grammatical moodsܬܫܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncomposition, piece
Grammatical moodsܬܫܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounrelation
Grammatical moodsܬܫܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnoundeclarative statement; indicative moodgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Grammatical moodsܬܫܥܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounpredicategrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
GrassessianoPolishnounhay (grass, cut and dried)neuter
GrassessianoPolishnounmoneyneuter slang
GrassessianoPolishverbimpersonal past of siaćform-of impersonal past
GreeceLusiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
GreeceLusiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Lusius Geta, a Roman politiciandeclension-2 masculine singular
GreeceLusiusLatinnamea river of Arcadia and tributary of the Alpheusdeclension-2
GreecegrieķisLatviannounGreek, a man born in Greece; also, an Ancient Greek, a man born in Ancient Greece (synonym: sengrieķis)declension-2 masculine
GreecegrieķisLatviannounGreek; pertaining to Greece and its people; also, pertaining to Ancient Greece and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
GreysпепелявBulgarianadjashy, ashen, cinereous
GreysпепелявBulgarianadjash gray (color)
HairkilayTagalognouneyebrow; browanatomy medicine sciences
HairkilayTagalognounact of defining the eyebrow
HairpamadaCebuanonouna pomade; a greasy or waxy substance that is used to style hair, making it look slick and shiny
HairpamadaCebuanoverbto use pomade to style hair
HairplechaPolishnounthallus (undifferentiated plant body, such as in algae)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
HairplechaPolishnountonsure (bald patch)feminine obsolete
HairtwistyEnglishadjCharacterised by a twist or twists; twisting.
HairtwistyEnglishnounSomething that is twisty, such as a road
HairtwistyEnglishnounA strand of hair twisted together in a braid-like fashion
HairtwistyEnglishnounA collapsible element having a marker such as a small triangle that rotates between horizontal and vertical positions to indicate whether the content is currently hidden or expanded.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
HairχαίτηAncient Greeknounloose, flowing hair; used especially of back hair
HairχαίτηAncient Greeknouna mane of a horse or of a lion (also, metaphorically, of Aeschylus); opposed to λοφιά
HairχαίτηAncient Greeknouna helmet’s crest
HairχαίτηAncient Greeknounfoliagefiguratively
Hairగడ్డముTelugunounbeard; facial hair on the chin, cheeks, and jaw
Hairగడ్డముTelugunounthe chin
HaitiHaytianEnglishadjArchaic spelling of Haitian.alt-of archaic
HaitiHaytianEnglishnounArchaic spelling of Haitian.alt-of archaic
HaresdroveEnglishnounA cattle drive or the herd being driven by it; thus, a number of cattle driven to market or new pastures.
HaresdroveEnglishnounA large number of people on the move.broadly figuratively plural-normally
HaresdroveEnglishnounA group of hares.collective
HaresdroveEnglishnounA road or track along which cattle are habitually, used to be or coil be driven; a droveway.
HaresdroveEnglishnounA narrow drain or channel used in the irrigation of land.
HaresdroveEnglishnounA broad chisel used to bring stone to a nearly smooth surface.
HaresdroveEnglishnounThe grooved surface of stone finished by the drove chisel.
HaresdroveEnglishverbsimple past of driveform-of past
HaresdroveEnglishverbpast participle of drivedialectal form-of participle past
HaresdroveEnglishverbTo herd cattle; particularly over a long distance.
HaresdroveEnglishverbTo finish (stone) with a drove chisel.transitive
Heads of stateประมุขThainounchief; head; leader.formal
Heads of stateประมุขThainounClipping of ประมุขแห่งรัฐ (bprà-múk-hɛ̀ng-rát, “head of state”).lawabbreviation alt-of clipping
Heads of stateประมุขThainounbishop.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismarchaic
Heads of stateმეფეGeorgiannounking
Heads of stateმეფეGeorgiannounkingboard-games chess games
HeadwearkiczkaPolishnouna sheaf of rye straw for a thatch rooffeminine plural-normally
HeadwearkiczkaPolishnouna game, now rare, using sticks sharpened at both endsfeminine plural-normally
HeadwearkiczkaPolishnouna stick (piece of wood) used in such a gamefeminine
HeadwearkiczkaPolishnouna type of headwear worn by married women in some parts of Russiafeminine historical
HeadwearkołpakPolishnounhubcapinanimate masculine
HeadwearkołpakPolishnouncalpackinanimate masculine
Healthcare occupationsakuszerPolishnounaccoucheur, man-midwife, midhusbandmasculine person
Healthcare occupationsakuszerPolishnouninitiator, instigator (person or phenomenon that somehow causes a state of affairs)literary masculine person
Heather family plantsборовинкаBulgariannounblueberry bush (bush of genus Vaccinium)
Heather family plantsборовинкаBulgariannounblueberry fruit (black or reddish acidic berry used for food, for making drinks, in medicine)
Heather family plantsعجرمArabicnounAnabasis gen. et spp.collective
Heather family plantsعجرمArabicnounArthrocnemum spp.collective
Heather family plantsعجرمArabicnounErica gen. et spp.collective
HerbschuchupateSpanishnouna wild plant related to lovage, Ligusticum porteri, which is used in traditional medicinemasculine uncountable
HerbschuchupateSpanishnounbalsam of Peru, Myroxylon balsamumMexico masculine uncountable
HerbschuchupateSpanishnouna wild plant used in traditional medicine, Lomatium californicumCalifornia masculine uncountable
Hindu deitiesจักรีThainamean epithet of the god Viṣṇu, whose weapon is the discus Sudarśana.Hinduism
Hindu deitiesจักรีThainamean epithet of Rāma, an incarnation of this god.Hinduism poetic
Hindu deitiesจักรีThainameused as a title of the king of Siam or Thailand, influenced by the belief of the cult of divine monarchy in which the king is regarded as an incarnation of this god.figuratively poetic
Hindu deitiesจักรีThainamethe noble title of สมุหนายก (sà-mù-hà-naa-yók), the chancellor for civil affairs.historical
Hindu deitiesจักรีThainameChakri Dynasty, a royal family of Thailand, named after the noble title once held by its founder, Rama I.
Historical politiesGerman ReichEnglishnameSynonym of Second Reichhistory human-sciences sciences
Historical politiesGerman ReichEnglishnameSynonym of Weimar Republichistory human-sciences sciencesformal
Historical politiesGerman ReichEnglishnameSynonym of Third Reichhistory human-sciences sciencesformal
History of ChinaGoFEnglishnameAbbreviation of Gang of Four.government politicsabbreviation alt-of
History of ChinaGoFEnglishnameAbbreviation of Goblet of Fire.abbreviation alt-of
History of LithuaniaszóstakPolishnounstag possessing antlers with six pointshobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine
History of LithuaniaszóstakPolishnounsilver coin, equal to six grosz, produced in Poland and Lithuania from the 16th to 18th centuriesanimal-not-person historical masculine
HolidaysferiaeLatinnounA holy day, a festival, a holiday.declension-1
HolidaysferiaeLatinnounA vacation.declension-1
HolidaysferiaeLatinnounAny occasion of rest, peace, or leisure.declension-1 figuratively
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounstove (cooker)masculine
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounstove (heater)masculine
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounchamber (of a tobacco pipe)masculine
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounbeggar, hoboarchaic masculine slang
Home appliancessecadorSpanishadjdrying
Home appliancessecadorSpanishadjdryer
Home appliancessecadorSpanishnounhair dryer, blow dryer (An electric device for drying hair by blowing hot air on it)masculine
Home appliancessecadorSpanishnoundryer (any other device, household or industrial, designed to remove water or humidity)masculine
Horse colorssiwekPolishnoungrey horseanimal-not-person masculine
Horse colorssiwekPolishnoungenitive plural of siwkafeminine form-of genitive plural
HorsefliesgreenflyEnglishnounAny of several kinds of common insects green in color: / Certain aphids (Aphidoidea), commonly known as greenfly in Britain and the Commonwealth
HorsefliesgreenflyEnglishnounAny of several kinds of common insects green in color: / Certain aphids (Aphidoidea), commonly known as greenfly in Britain and the Commonwealth / especially, Myzus persicae, green peach aphid
HorsefliesgreenflyEnglishnounAny of several kinds of common insects green in color: / Lucilia sericata, common green bottle fly
HorsefliesgreenflyEnglishnounAny of several kinds of common insects green in color: / Tabanus nigrovittatus, a biting horsefly more commonly known as the greenhead horsefly, greenhead fly, or greenhead
HorsefliesgreenflyEnglishnounAny of several kinds of common insects green in color: / Odontomyia chloris (syn. Musca chloris)
HorsefliesgreenflyEnglishnounAny of several kinds of common insects green in color
HousinghajlékHungariannounhome, abodeliterary
HousinghajlékHungariannounshelter, cover, roof
HundredcentipedeEnglishnounAny arthropod of class Chilopoda, which have a segmented body with one pair of legs per segment and from about 20 to 300 legs in total.
HundredcentipedeEnglishnounA many-oared Chinese smuggling boat.obsolete
HuntingzłajaPolishnouna pack of hunting dogsfeminine
HuntingzłajaPolishnouna pack of barking dogsfeminine obsolete
HuntingzłajaPolishnounwolfpack (group of wolves)feminine obsolete
HydrologyprzepływPolishnounflow (movement of a fluid)inanimate masculine
HydrologyprzepływPolishnounflow (rate of fluid movement)inanimate masculine
HydrologyprzepływPolishnounflowhuman-sciences psychology sciencesinanimate masculine
HygienesabuniSwahilinounsoap (substance)class-10 class-9
HygienesabuniSwahilinounbar of soapclass-10 class-9
Ice冰山Chinesenounice-covered mountainliterally
Ice冰山Chinesenouniceberg (floating mass of ice in the sea)figuratively literally
Ice冰山Chinesenoun(political) backer that cannot be relied on for longfiguratively
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishadjFast; quick; rapid.
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishadjCapable of moving at high speeds.
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishnounA small plain-colored bird of the family Apodidae that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight.
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishnounAny of certain lizards of the genus Sceloporus.
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishnounA moth of the family Hepialidae, swift moth, ghost moth.biology entomology natural-sciences
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishnounAny of various fast-flying hesperiid butterflies.biology entomology natural-sciences
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishnounA light, collapsible reel used to hold a hank of yarn in order to wind off skeins or manufacturing textiles
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishnounThe main cylinder of a carding-machine.
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishnounThe current of a stream.obsolete
Iguanoid lizardsswiftEnglishadvSwiftly.obsolete poetic
IndividualsBriseisEnglishnameA legendary figure who features in the Iliad; a princess granted as concubine to Achilles after the sacking of her city, Lyrnessus, before the beginning of the story.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
IndividualsBriseisEnglishnameThe minor planet 655 Briseïs.astronomy natural-sciences
IndividualsDeborahCebuanonouna female given name
IndividualsDeborahCebuanonounDeborahbiblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsHyperionEnglishnameA Titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus and the father of Helios, Selene and Eos.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
IndividualsHyperionEnglishnameHelios himself, the incarnation of light and beauty.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
IndividualsHyperionEnglishnameOne of the moons of Saturn.astronomy natural-sciences
IndividualsTelheibaEnglishnameA Meitei ethnic male given name.
IndividualsTelheibaEnglishnameA Meitei emperor of the Ningthouja dynasty, who ruled Kangleipak, in the 14th century CE.
IndividualsTelheibaEnglishnameA king who ruled Moirang from 1083 CE to 1138 CE, and a contemporary of Khamba and Thoibi.
IndividualsTelheibaEnglishnameA king who ruled Moirang from 1764 CE to 1768 CE, and a maternal uncle of Bhagyachandra of Ningthouja dynasty.
IndividualsTelheibaEnglishnameA deified chief of Phunal region of Kangleipak.
IndividualsअनारकलीHindinounthe bud of a pomegranate
IndividualsअनारकलीHindinameAnarkali (a legendary courtesan from the Mughal era)
IndividualsઅલીGujaratinameAli, the fourth Caliph of Islam and the son-in-law and cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad
IndividualsઅલીGujaratinamea male given name, Ali, from Arabic
IndividualsઅલીGujaratinounfemale friend
IndividualsઅલીGujaratiintjterm of address to a female friend
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnameSunda Islands, a group of islands in the western part of the Malay archipelago
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnameSunda Strait, the strait between Java and Sumatra
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnameSunda Shelf, part of the continental shelf of Southeast Asia
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnameSundaland, a biogeographical region of Southeastern Asia
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnamea kingdom that existed in west part of Java island from the 7th century to the 16th century
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnamethe Sundanese people
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnamethe language of the Sundanese
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnamethe Sundanese script
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnameSunda Kommuna, a municipality in the Faroe Islands
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnamea clan (gotra) of Jats in India
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnamea clan (gotra) of Nath in India
IndonesiaSundaEnglishnamean Asura brother of Upasunda
InsectsbubukIndonesiannounpowder; powdered substance
InsectscedronellaItaliannounlemon balm (plant)feminine
InsectscedronellaItaliannounbrimstone butterfly (insect)feminine
InsectstizitTarifitnounmosquitofeminine uncountable usually
InsectstizitTarifitnoungnatfeminine uncountable usually
InsurancedemographicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to demography.
InsurancedemographicEnglishnounA demographic criterion: a characteristic used to classify people for statistical purposes, such as age, race, or
InsurancedemographicEnglishnounA demographic group: a collection of people sharing a value for a certain demographic criterion.
InsurancedemographicEnglishnounAn individual person's characteristic, encoded for the purposes of statistical analysis.
IrelandIerseDutchadjinflection of Iers: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
IrelandIerseDutchadjinflection of Iers: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
IrelandIerseDutchadjinflection of Iers: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
IrelandIerseDutchnounIrishwoman; woman from Irelandfeminine
IslamقبلةArabicnoundirection, trend, drift
IslamقبلةArabicnounqibla, the direction towards the Kaaba, towards which Muslims pray.
IslamقبلةArabicnounsomething or somewhere which people ought to seekbroadly
JackfishmamsaCebuanonounAfrican pompano (Alectis ciliaris)
JackfishmamsaCebuanonounblack jack (Caranx lugubris)
JackfishmamsaCebuanonoungiant trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
JackfishmamsaCebuanonouna schoolmarm; a woman who is a teacher, especially a teacher in a schoolhouse; may carry the connotation she is severehumorous
JackfishpàmpolCatalannounvine leafmasculine
JackfishpàmpolCatalannounpilot fishmasculine
JackfishpàmpolCatalannounblack ruffmasculine
Japan上野ChinesenameUeno (Japanese place name, surname)
Japan上野ChinesenameKōzuke (an old province of Japan)
JewelrybroszaPolishnounbrooch (jewellery with pin)feminine
JewelrybroszaPolishnounboss (knob or protrusion)architecturefeminine
JewelryfibulaEnglishnounAn ancient kind of brooch used to hold clothing together, similar in function to the modern safety pin.
JewelryfibulaEnglishnounThe smaller of the two bones in the lower leg.anatomy medicine sciences
JewelryprívesSlovaknounpendantinanimate masculine
JewelryprívesSlovaknountrailer (vehicle)inanimate masculine
JudaismxuetaCatalanadjXuetafeminine masculine relational
JudaismxuetaCatalannounXuetaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
KitchenwareحلةSouth Levantine Arabicnounlarge pot, saucepan
KitchenwareحلةSouth Levantine Arabicnounend of the working day / school dayregional
Korean훈민정음KoreannameHunmin Jeongeum (the book introducing the Korean script)
Korean훈민정음Koreannounhangul, the Korean script, especially in its Middle Korean form
Korean훈민정음Koreannouna Korean drinking game where one must drink whenever one uses a 외래어(外來語) (oeraeeo), i.e. a non-native and non-Sino-Korean loanword such as from English
KyrgyzstanкыргызстандыкKyrgyznounKyrgyzstani (citizen of Kyrgyzstan)
Lampriform fishkiiltolahnaFinnishnounLampris guttatus
Lampriform fishkiiltolahnaFinnishnounopah
LandformsMarschGermannounmarchmasculine strong
LandformsMarschGermannounmarchentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine strong
LandformsMarschGermannounmarsh, marshland, fengeography natural-sciencesfeminine
LandformskumaiKokotaverbto drink
LandformskënetëAlbaniannounstagnationfiguratively masculine
LandformsripaItaliannounbank, riparian (of a river)feminine literary regional
LandformsripaItaliannounshorefeminine literary regional
LandformsджерелоUkrainiannounspring (place where water emerges from the ground)
LandformsगुफाNepalinounden, lair
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounprotection or shelter for cows, cow-pen, cow-shed, stable for cattle, stable (in general), hurdle, enclosure RV. (once m. viii, 50, 10)
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnoun‘family enclosed by the hurdle’, family, race, lineage, kin ChUp. ṠāṅkhṠr. Kauṡ. &c. (a polysyllabic fem. in ई shortens this vowel before गोत्र in comp. [e.g. ब्राह्मणिगोत्रा, ‘a Brahman woman only by descent or name’ Kāṡ.] Pāṇ. 6-3, 43 ff.)
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounthe family name ĀṡvGṛ. MBh. xiii, 548 VarBṛS.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounname (in general) Ṡak. vi, 5 Ragh. &c.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounthe grandson and his descendants if no older offspring of the same ancestor than this grandson lives (if the son lives the grandson is called युवन्) Pāṇ. 2-4, 63 ; iv, 1, 89 ff. and 162 ff. ; 2, 111 and 3, 80 and 126
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounan affix used for forming a patr. L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna tribe, subdivision (in the Brahman caste 49 गोत्रs are reckoned and supposed to be sprung from and named after celebrated teachers, as शाण्डिल्य, कश्यप, गौतम, भरद्-वाज, &c.) W.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna genus, class, species W.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna multitude L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounincrease L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounpossession L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna forest L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna field L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounan umbrella or parasol L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnounknowledge of probabilities L.
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna mountain (a meaning probably derived fr. -भिद्) BhP. ii, iii, vi
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna cloud (cf. -भिद्) Naigh. i, 10
Landformsगोत्रSanskritnouna road L.
LandformsसागरHindinounocean, sea
LandformsसागरHindinouna repository, store, or collection of somethingfiguratively
LandformsसागरHindinameSagar (a city in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh, India)
LandformsसागरHindinameSagar (a district of Madhya Pradesh, India, containing the city of the same name)
LandformsChinesecharacterlake; loch
LandformsChinesecharacterbasinMin Southern
LandformsChinesecharacterShort for 湖北 (Húběi, “Hubei Province”).abbreviation alt-of
LandformsChinesecharacterShort for 湖南 (Húnán, “Hunan Province”).abbreviation alt-of
Landforms蒼山Chinesenoungreen mountains; mountains with lush forests
Landforms蒼山ChinesenounA mountain in Dali.
LanguageречьRussiannounspeech, language (spoken)
LanguageречьRussiannoundiscourse, talk, conversation
Language familiesModern South ArabianEnglishnameAn independent branch in the Semitic languages, niece to the Old South Arabian lects, situated in the east of Yemen and in Oman, the largest being the Mehri language extending over both countries with a six-digit speaker number, bordering, while thus embosoming the intermediary Hobyot, the Shehri (syn.: Jibbali) language in Oman, and further containing the small Bathari and Harsusi languages in Oman, + the larger Soqotri language on Soqotra.
Language familiesModern South ArabianEnglishadjRelated or belonging to the aforementioned language groupnot-comparable
LanguagesBaltiEnglishnounA people who live in Baltistan, Gilgit and Kargil.
LanguagesBaltiEnglishnameTheir language.
LanguagesCantoneseEnglishadjRelating to the city of Guangzhou (Canton) or the province of Guangdong.not-comparable
LanguagesCantoneseEnglishadjRelating to Cantonese people.not-comparable
LanguagesCantoneseEnglishadjRelating to Cantonese language.not-comparable
LanguagesCantoneseEnglishadjRelating to Cantonese food/cuisine.not-comparable
LanguagesCantoneseEnglishnounA Sinitic language mainly spoken in the south-eastern part of Mainland China, Guangdong (Canton), Hong Kong, Macau, by the Chinese minorities in Southeast Asia and by many overseas Chinese worldwide.uncountable
LanguagesCantoneseEnglishnounA dialect of the Cantonese language, spoken in Guangzhou (Canton), Hong Kong, Macau, and treated as the standard dialect of the Cantonese language.uncountable
LanguagesCantoneseEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Canton; a person of Canton descent.countable in-plural
LanguagesCayubabaEnglishnameA moribund language of the Bolivian Amazon.
LanguagesCayubabaEnglishnounAn ethnic group in the Beni Department of Bolivia.plural plural-only
LanguagesMangarevaEnglishnameThe central island of the Gambier Islands in French Polynesia.
LanguagesMangarevaEnglishnameThe Polynesian language of the Gambier Islands.
LanguagesMistassiniEnglishnounA member of a Cree people living around Lake Mistassini.
LanguagesMistassiniEnglishnameThe language of these people.
LanguagesTataarsDutchadjrelating to the Tatars, their country or polities (now Tataristan)
LanguagesTataarsDutchadjin or relating to the Tatar language
LanguagesTataarsDutchnameTatar (language)neuter
LanguagesafgaaniFinnishnounAfghan (person of Pashtun ethnicity or of Pashtun descent)
LanguagesafgaaniFinnishnounAfghan, Pashto (language)
LanguagesafgaaniFinnishnounAfghanistani, Afghan (citizen of Afghanistan)proscribed
LanguagesafgaaniFinnishnounAfghan hound, Afghan (breed of dog)
LanguagesafgaaniFinnishnounafghani, Afghani (currency of Afghanistan)
LanguageseslovacoGalicianadjSlovak (of Slovakia)
LanguageseslovacoGaliciannounSlovak (person from Slovakia)masculine
LanguageseslovacoGaliciannameSlovak (language)masculine
LanguagesgadduresuSardinianadjGallurese (of or pertaining to Gallura)Logudorese
LanguagesgadduresuSardinianadjGallurese (of or pertaining to Gallura)Campidanese Logudorese
LanguagesgadduresuSardiniannounGallurese (male native or inhabitant of Gallura)Logudorese masculine
LanguagesgadduresuSardiniannounGallurese (language)Logudorese masculine uncountable
LanguagesgadduresuSardiniannounGallurese (male native or inhabitant of Gallura)Campidanese Logudorese masculine
LanguagesgadduresuSardiniannounGallurese (language)Campidanese Logudorese masculine uncountable
LanguagesgagauzoSpanishnounGagauz (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesgalCatalanadjGaulish, Gallic (of or pertaining to Gaul)
LanguagesgalCatalannounGaul (a person from Gaul)masculine
LanguagesgalCatalannounGaulish (Celtic language that was spoken in Gaul)masculine uncountable
LanguagesjapanskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Japanese languagesubstantive
LanguageskviterussiskNorwegian NynorskadjBelarusian (relating to Belarus and Belarusians)
LanguageskviterussiskNorwegian NynorsknounBelarusian (the language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesmacèduniSiciliannounMacedonian (inhabitant of Macedonia)masculine
LanguagesmacèduniSiciliannounMacedonian (language)masculine
LanguagesmaltesiskDanishadjPertaining to Malta, the Maltese people, culture, or language.
LanguagesmaltesiskDanishnounThe Maltese language.
LanguagesserbokroatiskNorwegian BokmåladjSerbo-Croatian (relating to the language, and to Serbs and Croats)
LanguagesserbokroatiskNorwegian BokmålnounSerbo-Croatian (language)masculine neuter
LanguagesugrofinnicoItaliannounFinno-Ugric (language group)masculine uncountable
LanguagesvotjákHungarianadjUdmurtdated not-comparable
LanguagesvotjákHungariannounUdmurt (person)dated
LanguagesvotjákHungariannoun(only singular) Udmurt (language)dated
LanguagesídixCatalanadjYiddish (of or pertaining to the Yiddish language)invariable
LanguagesídixCatalannounYiddish languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesολλανδέζικαGreeknounDutch (language)
LanguagesολλανδέζικαGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter plural form of ολλανδέζικος (ollandézikos).accusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
LanguagesтоҷикӣTajiknounTajik (language)
LanguagesтоҷикӣTajiknounTajik (person)
LanguagesفلسطينيSouth Levantine ArabicadjPalestinian
LanguagesفلسطينيSouth Levantine ArabicnounPalestinian
LanguagesفلسطينيSouth Levantine ArabicnounPalestinian Arabic
LanguagesپنجابیUrdunamePunjabi (language)
LanguagesโปรตุเกสThainamePortugal (a country in Europe)
Latin nomina gentiliaCestiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaCestiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Cestius Pius, a Roman rhetoriciandeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaDurmiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaDurmiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Marcus Durmius, a Roman minter under Augustusdeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaGessiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaGessiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Gessius Florus, a Roman procuratordeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaSaufeiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaSaufeiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Saufeius, a Roman equesdeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVestoriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVestoriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Gaius Vestorius, a friend of Cicerodeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVibulliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVibulliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Vibullius Hipparchus, a Greek aristocratdeclension-2
Law enforcementผู้บัญชาการThainounchief; leader; commander. Abbreviation: ผบ. (pɔ̌ɔ-bɔɔ)especially
Law enforcementผู้บัญชาการThainounhead (of a university), as rector, president, chancellor, etc.historical
Leadersпрем'єрUkrainiannounEllipsis of прем'є́р-міні́стр m (premʺjér-minístr): prime minister, premierabbreviation alt-of colloquial ellipsis
Leadersпрем'єрUkrainiannounlead actorentertainment lifestyle theaterdated
Leadersпрем'єрUkrainiannoungenitive plural of прем'є́ра (premʺjéra)form-of genitive plural
LegumesnilaTagalogdettheir (postposed)
LegumesnilaTagalogadjindigo (color/colour)
LegumesnilaTagalognountrue indigo (Indigofera tinctoria)
LegumesnilaTagalognounindigo (color/colour)
LexicographyanglismiFinnishnounAnglicism (word or feature borrowed from English to another language).
LexicographyanglismiFinnishnounBriticism, Anglicism (word or figure of speech used in Britain exclusively or primarily).
Library scienceStBGermannounAbbreviation of Steuerberater.abbreviation alt-of masculine strong
Library scienceStBGermannounAbbreviation of Stadtbibliothek.abbreviation alt-of feminine
LicekutoTagalognounlouse (insect)
LicekutoTagalognounsound of bursting bubbles (as created by the stomach or rice being cooked)
LicekutoTagalognounswarm; crowd; throng; swarming; crowding
LicekutoTagalognounsound produced by the swarming of many tiny insects together
LicekutoTagalognounteeming or swarming movements (of small ants, worms, etc.)
LightflareEnglishnounA sudden bright light.
LightflareEnglishnounA source of brightly burning light or intense heat. / A type of pyrotechnic that produces a brilliant light without an explosion, used to attract attention in an emergency, to illuminate an area, or as a decoy.
LightflareEnglishnounA source of brightly burning light or intense heat. / A flame produced by a burn-off of waste gas (flare gas) from a flare tower (or flare stack), typically at an oil refinery.
LightflareEnglishnounA source of brightly burning light or intense heat.
LightflareEnglishnounA sudden eruption or outbreak; a flare-up.figuratively
LightflareEnglishnounA widening of an object with an otherwise roughly constant width.
LightflareEnglishnounA widening of an object with an otherwise roughly constant width. / The increase in width of most ship hulls with increasing height above the waterline.nautical transport
LightflareEnglishnounThe transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
LightflareEnglishnounA low fly ball that is hit in the region between the infielders and the outfielders.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
LightflareEnglishnounA route run by the running back, releasing toward the sideline and then slightly arcing upfield looking for a short pass.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
LightflareEnglishnounShort for lens flare.arts hobbies lifestyle photographyabbreviation alt-of
LightflareEnglishnounAn inflammation such as of tendons (tendonitis) or joints (osteoarthritis).
LightflareEnglishnounA breakdance move of someone helicoptering his torso on alternating arms.
LightflareEnglishverbTo cause to burn; in particular, to burn off excess gas.transitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo cause inflammation; to inflame.transitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo open outward in shape.intransitive transitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo (operate an aircraft to) transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesintransitive transitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo blaze brightly.intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo shine out with a sudden and unsteady light; to emit a dazzling or painfully bright light.intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo shine out with gaudy colours; to be offensively bright or showy.figuratively intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo suddenly happen or intensify.figuratively intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo suddenly erupt in anger.figuratively intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo be exposed to too much light.intransitive obsolete
LightfulgirPortugueseverbto flashBrazil Portugal intransitive third-person
LightfulgirPortugueseverbto shine, (in)to glowBrazil Portugal intransitive third-person
LightfulgirPortugueseverbto stand outBrazil Portugal figuratively intransitive third-person
LightfulgirPortugueseverbto make shineBrazil Portugal third-person transitive
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA weapon's shaft; the body of a polearm.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA spear or similar weapon based around its shaft.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA missile, projectile, or the shaft of one.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounThe handle or pole of a bladed tool or implement.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA flagstaff; a pole for a flag or banner.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounThe central support, pillar, or beam of a tree; the trunk.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA tunnel or passage (e.g. a mineshaft).rare
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA kind of balance or scale.rare
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounThe central pillar or beam of a candleholder.rare
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA ray or pillar of light.rare
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounSomething that has been created (by a deity)
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA creature or animal (especially a certain species)
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounThe form or appearance of something; how something looks.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounA chemical building block or component; an element.
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounThe totality of the universe (viewed as a divine creation).rare
LightschaftMiddle EnglishnounOne's primary sexual organs.rare
LightþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounThe state or quality of being dark; lack of light or brightness.uncountable
LightþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounA location that is dark; especially used of Hell.uncountable
LightþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounImmorality, paganism, iniquity; bad religious behaviour (from a Christian viewpoint).uncountable
Light光明Chinesenounlight; illumination; brightness; brilliance
Light光明Chineseadjbright; shining
Light光明Chineseadjpromising; brightfiguratively
Light光明Chineseadjopen-hearted; frank; straightforwardfiguratively
Light光明ChinesenameGuangming (a district of Shenzhen, Guangdong, China)
Light光明ChinesenameGuangming (a community of Chengzhong, Yingcheng, Xiaogan, Hubei, China)
Light光明ChinesenameGwangmyeong (a city in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea)
Light sourcescastizalGaliciannouncandlestick, candleholderarchaic masculine
Light sourcescastizalGaliciannounsea fan (Eunicella Verrucosa)masculine
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounA stick of wood or plant fibres twisted together, with one end soaked in a flammable substance such as resin or tallow and set on fire, which is held in the hand, put into a wall bracket, or stuck into the ground, and used chiefly as a light source. / A similarly shaped implement with a replaceable supply of flammable material; specifically, a pole with a lamp at one end.broadly
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounA stick of wood or plant fibres twisted together, with one end soaked in a flammable substance such as resin or tallow and set on fire, which is held in the hand, put into a wall bracket, or stuck into the ground, and used chiefly as a light source. / In full electric torch: synonym of flashlight (“a battery-powered hand-held light source”)Commonwealth broadly
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounA stick of wood or plant fibres twisted together, with one end soaked in a flammable substance such as resin or tallow and set on fire, which is held in the hand, put into a wall bracket, or stuck into the ground, and used chiefly as a light source.
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounA flower which is red or red-orange in colour like a flame.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounA spike (“kind of inflorescence”) made up of spikelets.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounThe common mullein, great mullein, or torchwort (Verbascum thapsus).biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly in-plural
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounA cactus with a very elongated body; a ceroid cactus; a torch cactus or torch-thistle.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly obsolete
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounA source of enlightenment or guidance.figuratively
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounIn carry, hand on, or pass on the torch: a precious cause, principle, tradition, etc., which needs to be protected and transmitted to others.figuratively
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounShort for torch drive (“a spacecraft engine which produces thrust by nuclear fusion”).literature media publishing science-fictionabbreviation alt-of
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounShort for blowtorch (“a tool which projects a controlled stream of a highly flammable gas over a spark in order to produce a controlled flame”).Canada US abbreviation alt-of
Light sourcestorchEnglishnounAn arsonist.US slang
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbTo illuminate or provide (a place) with torches (noun sense 1).transitive
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbTo set fire to (something), especially by use of a torch; specifically, to intentionally destroy (something) by setting on fire to try and claim compensation on a fire insurance.slang transitive
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbTo make damaging claims about (someone or something); to ruin the reputation of (someone or something); to disparage, to insult.figuratively transitive
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbOf a fire: to burn.intransitive
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbTo travel in a spacecraft propelled by a torch drive (“an engine which produces thrust by nuclear fusion”).literature media publishing science-fictionintransitive
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbTo (appear to) flare up like a torch.UK dialectal figuratively intransitive
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbTo catch fish or other aquatic animals by torchlight; to go hobbies lifestyleUS intransitive
Light sourcestorchEnglishverbTo point (“fill up and bring to a smooth finish”) (inside joints of slates laid on laths) using lime hair construction manufacturing masonryarchaic historical transitive
Light sources형광Koreannounthe light of a firefly
Light sources형광Koreannounfluorescencenatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Liliales order plantsشنبلیلهPersiannounfenugreek
Liliales order plantsشنبلیلهPersiannouncolchicum (at least variants ending in -id or -it)
LiqueursamarettoDutchnouna glass or other serving of amarettomasculine
LiquidsflushEnglishnounA group of birds that have suddenly started up from undergrowth, trees, etc.
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo cause to take flight from concealment.transitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo take suddenly to flight, especially from cover.intransitive
LiquidsflushEnglishadjSmooth, even, aligned; not sticking out.
LiquidsflushEnglishadjWealthy or well off.
LiquidsflushEnglishadjShort for flush left and right: a body of text aligned with both its left and right publishing typographyabbreviation alt-of
LiquidsflushEnglishadjFull of vigour; fresh; glowing; bright.
LiquidsflushEnglishadjAffluent; abounding; well furnished or suppled; hence, liberal; prodigal.
LiquidsflushEnglishadvSuddenly and completely.not-comparable
LiquidsflushEnglishnounA sudden flowing; a rush which fills or overflows, as of water for cleansing purposes.
LiquidsflushEnglishnounParticularly, such a cleansing of a toilet.
LiquidsflushEnglishnounThe process of clearing the contents of a buffer or cache.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
LiquidsflushEnglishnounA suffusion of the face with blood, as from fear, shame, modesty, or intensity of feeling of any kind; a blush; a glow.
LiquidsflushEnglishnounAny tinge of red colour like that produced on the cheeks by a sudden rush of blood.
LiquidsflushEnglishnounA sudden flood or rush of feeling; a thrill of excitement, animation, etc.
LiquidsflushEnglishnounA line of poles or obstacles that a skier must weave between.hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid.transitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbParticularly, to cleanse a toilet by introducing a large amount of water.transitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo become suffused with reddish color due to embarrassment, excitement, overheating, or other systemic disturbance, to blush.intransitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo cause to blush.transitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo cause to be full; to flood; to overflow; to overwhelm with water.
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo excite, inflame.transitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo be cleansed by being flooded with generous quantities of water.intransitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo clear (a buffer or cache) of its contents.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo write (the data) to primary storage, clearing it from the buffer or cache.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo flow and spread suddenly; to rush.
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo show red; to shine suddenly; to glow.
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo fill in (joints); to point the level; to make them construction manufacturing masonry
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo operate a placer mine, where the continuous supply of water is insufficient, by holding back the water, and releasing it periodically in a miningintransitive
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo fill underground spaces, especially in coal mines, with material carried by water, which, after drainage, constitutes a compact mining
LiquidsflushEnglishverbTo dispose or be disposed of by flushing down a toiletintransitive transitive
LiquidsflushEnglishnounA hand consisting of all cards with the same suit.card-games poker
LiquidstissNorwegian Nynorsknounpee-pee, willymasculine
LiquidstissNorwegian Nynorsknounpeeneuter
Literary genresopowiadaniePolishnounverbal noun of opowiadaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
Literary genresopowiadaniePolishnounshort story (work of fiction that is shorter than a novella)countable neuter
LiteratureeuphuismEnglishnounAn ornate style of writing (in Elizabethan England) marked by the excessive use of alliteration, antithesis and mythological similes.uncountable
LiteratureeuphuismEnglishnounAn instance of euphuism.countable uncountable
Literature作品Chinesenounwork (literary, artistic, or intellectual production); composition
Literature作品Chinesenounwork of art; art piece; artwork
LithuaniaLitwinPolishnounLithuanian (person from Lithuania)masculine person
LithuaniaLitwinPolishnounLitvin (person from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania)historical masculine person
LithuaniaLitwinPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
LithuaniaLitwinPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
LondonNorthernEnglishadjCharacteristic of the North of England (usually capitalised).British
LondonNorthernEnglishnameThe Northern Line of the London Underground.
LondonNorthernEnglishnameA surname.
LondonNorthernEnglishnouna steam locomotive of the 4-8-4 wheel arrangement.rail-transport railways transport
LovecałowaćPolishverbto kiss (to touch with the lips)imperfective transitive
LovecałowaćPolishverbto kiss each other (to touch each other’s lips)imperfective reflexive
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounlove, desire (usually of a romantic/sexual nature) (often personified)
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounattraction, (sexual) desire
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounthe object of such love/desire
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounpassionate joy
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknouna funeral wreath at Nicaea
Madder family plantscafèCatalannouncoffeemasculine
Madder family plantscafèCatalannouncafemasculine
MalechàngVietnamesenounan admirable/lovable young/young adult manfiction literature media publishingendearing
MalechàngVietnamesepronyou (referring to beloved man)fiction literature media publishingarchaic endearing literary
MalechàngVietnamesepronhe/him, that admirable or lovable young manhuman-sciences linguistics narratology sciencesendearing literary
MalechàngVietnamesepronhe/him, my male romantic partnerendearing humorous literary usually
Male animalsRüdeGermannounmale dog (male dog, wolf or fox, as opposed to a bitch (often attributive), also used for certain other mammals)masculine weak
Male animalsRüdeGermannounhound, foxhoundhobbies hunting lifestylemasculine weak
Male animalsRüdeGermannounherding dog, guard dog (strong male dog used for certain tasks)archaic masculine weak
Male animalskucykPolishnoundiminutive of kucanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
Male animalskucykPolishnounyoung or small ponyanimal-not-person masculine
Male animalskucykPolishnounponytailinanimate masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnountap (device to dispense liquid)inanimate masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnounhammerengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryinanimate masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnounchanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)colloquial inanimate masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnouna figure of a roosterarchaic inanimate masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnounweathercock (a rooftop weather vane in the shape of a rooster)inanimate masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnoundiminutive of kuranimal-not-person archaic diminutive form-of masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnoungurnard, sea robin (marine fish of the family Triglidae)animal-not-person masculine
Male animalskurekPolishnoungenitive plural of kurkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Male animalspesCzechnoundoganimate masculine
Male animalspesCzechnounmale doganimate masculine
Male animalspesCzechnounscoundrel, bad personanimate masculine
Male animalspesCzechnoungenitive plural of pesoform-of genitive plural
Male animalsvulpanRomaniannounmale fox, dog-foxmasculine
Male animalsvulpanRomaniannounfox cubmasculine
Male family membersбратUkrainiannounbrother (biological sibling)
Male family membersбратUkrainiannounbrother (member of the Christian brotherhood)
Male family membersбратUkrainiannounpal, mate
Male family membersвуйUkrainiannounmaternal uncledialectal
Male family membersвуйUkrainiannoungaffer (an older man)dialectal
Male peopleTurekPolishnounTurk (person from Turkey)masculine person
Male peopleTurekPolishnameTurek (a town in the Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland)inanimate masculine
Male peopleTurekPolishnameTurek (a village in the Gmina of Jakubów, Mińsk County, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland)inanimate masculine
Male peopleTurekPolishnameTurek (a village in the Gmina of Poświętne, Białystok County, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland)inanimate masculine
Male peopleTurekPolishnameTurek (a village in the Gmina of Środa Wielkopolska, Środa Wielkopolska County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland)inanimate masculine
Male peopleTurekPolishnameTurek (a village in the Gmina of Jakubów, Mińsk County, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland)inanimate masculine
Male peopleTurekPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
Male peopleTurekPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
Male peopleakolitaPolishnounacolyteChristianitymasculine person
Male peopleakolitaPolishnounacolyte (attendant, assistant or follower)formal ironic masculine often person
Male peoplejunakSerbo-Croatiannounyoung manarchaic
Male peoplejunakSerbo-Croatiannounsoldier, knight, warriornarrowly
Male peoplejunakSerbo-Croatiannounhero, brave or strong man
Male peoplejunakSerbo-Croatiannounhusbandarchaic
Male peoplejunakSerbo-Croatiannounbrave horse of a heroliterary
Male peoplemetalowiecPolishnounmetalworkerengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine person
Male peoplemetalowiecPolishnounmetalhead, metaller, metallist (one who listens to heavy metal music)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person slang
Male peoplemobáliLingalanounmanclass-1
Male peoplemobáliLingalanounhusbandclass-1
Male peoplepoiguLivvinounboy
Male peoplepoiguLivvinounson
Male peopleukkeliFinnishnounold mancolloquial
Male peopleukkeliFinnishnounman (little man or man-like creature, especially one from outer space)
Male peoplewychowawcaPolishnouneducator, pedagogue, didactmasculine person
Male peoplewychowawcaPolishnounhomeroom teachermasculine person
Male peopleškudlilCzechnounscrooge, miseranimate masculine
Male peopleškudlilCzechverbmasculine singular past active participle of škudlitactive form-of masculine participle past singular
Male peopleмомакSerbo-Croatiannouna young man, lad
Male peopleмомакSerbo-Croatiannounboyfriend
Male peopleнищийRussianadjpoor, beggarly, destitute
Male peopleнищийRussiannounbeggar, pauper
Mallow family plantsၜဝ်ကဒါတ်Monnounequivalent of Thai กระเจี๊ยบ (grà-jíiap) / okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
Mallow family plantsၜဝ်ကဒါတ်Monnounequivalent of Thai กระเจี๊ยบ (grà-jíiap) / roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa)Pak-Kret-District
Malpighiales order plantsnamorzynPolishnounmangrove (tree of the genus Rhizophora)inanimate masculine
Malpighiales order plantsnamorzynPolishnounmangal, mangrove (mangrove forest)in-plural inanimate masculine
MammalsserelepePortugueseadjpeppy; energetic; livelyBrazil feminine masculine
MammalsserelepePortuguesenounBrazilian squirrel (Sciurus aestuans)Brazil masculine
MammalsserelepePortuguesenounpeppy personBrazil masculine
MammalsthúVietnamesenouna hobby
MammalsthúVietnameseadjinteresting; intriguingliterary
MammalsthúVietnamesenouna non-avian beastdated literary
MammalsthúVietnamesenouna mammalbiology natural-sciences zoology
MammalsthúVietnamesenounan animal (organism)
MammalsthúVietnameseverbto confess; to admit; to own to
MammalsthúVietnameseverbShort for đầu thú (“to surrender oneself”).abbreviation alt-of colloquial
MammalsžurkaLatviannoungenitive singular of žurksdialectal form-of genitive masculine singular
MammalsžurkaLatviannounrat (esp. genus Rattus)declension-4 feminine masculine
ManganesemanganumLatinnounmanganese (chemical element 25)declension-2 neuter
ManganesemanganumLatinnounmangonel (type of balista)declension-2 neuter
ManganesemanganumLatinnounsiege enginedeclension-2 neuter
MarijuanaloudEnglishadjOf great intensity.
MarijuanaloudEnglishadjNot subtle or reserved, brash.usually
MarijuanaloudEnglishadjHaving unpleasantly and tastelessly contrasting colours or patterns; gaudy.usually
MarijuanaloudEnglishadjHigh-quality; premium; (by extension) having a strong or pungent odour indicating good quality.slang
MarijuanaloudEnglishnounA loud sound or part of a sound.colloquial countable uncountable
MarijuanaloudEnglishnounHigh-quality marijuana.slang uncountable
MarriagefelawshipenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into a companionship, partnership, alliance, or fellowship.
MarriagefelawshipenMiddle EnglishverbTo connect, link, or associate two ideas.
MarriagefelawshipenMiddle EnglishverbTo cause to enter into a fellowship.rare
MarriagefelawshipenMiddle EnglishverbTo entertain; to make merry.rare
MarriagefelawshipenMiddle EnglishverbTo marry; to make a couple.rare
MarriagemaccheMiddle EnglishnounA bride or mate; a romantic or sexual partner.
MarriagemaccheMiddle EnglishnounAn equal or match.
MarriagemaccheMiddle EnglishnounSomething equivalent or corresponding.
MarriagemaccheMiddle EnglishnounA comrade or companion.rare
MarriagemaccheMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of mecchealt-of alternative
MarriagemaccheMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of macchenalt-of alternative
Marriageo·biteGaronounbrother of father-in-lawformal
MarriagepageboyEnglishnounA boy who serves as a page.
MarriagepageboyEnglishnounA young male attendant at a wedding, generally between five and ten years of age.
MarriagepageboyEnglishnounA shoulder-length hairstyle with the ends of the hair curled under.
Marriage新婦Chinesenounbridedialectal literary
Marriage新婦Chinesenoundaughter-in-lawCantonese Gan Hakka Min Pinghua Wu literary
Marriage新婦Chinesenounsister-in-law (younger brother's wife)literary
Marriage新婦Chinesenounmarried womanliterary
Marshall IslandsKuajleenMarshallesenameKwajalein atoll
Marshall IslandsKuajleenMarshallesenameKwajalein, Kwajalein atoll
MaterialspléhHungariannountin (in a loose sense, e.g. as a material of plates or sheeting)uncountable usually
MaterialspléhHungarianadjtin (made of tin)not-comparable
Measuring instrumentsartificial horizonEnglishnounAn instrument that displays the pitch and roll of an aircraft in flight by comparing its attitude to a gyroscopically-maintained indication of the flat horizon line.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Measuring instrumentsartificial horizonEnglishnounA small trough containing mercury, the surface of which shows a reflection of the celestial bodies.obsolete
Measuring instrumentsrulerEnglishnounA (usually rigid), flat, rectangular measuring or drawing device with graduations in units of measurement; a straightedge with markings.
Measuring instrumentsrulerEnglishnounA person who rules or governs; someone or something that exercises dominion or controlling power over others.
Measuring instrumentsrulerEnglishverbTo beat with a ruler (as a traditional school punishment).transitive
MeatsgallimaufryEnglishnounA hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout.countable dated uncountable
MeatsgallimaufryEnglishnounAny absurd medley, an elaborate mishmashcountable figuratively uncountable
MeatskéejYucatec Mayanoundeer
MeatskéejYucatec Mayanounvenison
Media紙媒Chinesenounprint media
Media紙媒Chinesenounpaper rolled into a thin stick used to light a pipe, etc.Hakka Mandarin
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnounear (of corn)masculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnouncowlickmasculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnounspica (bandage)masculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnoungroyne, groin (US)architecturemasculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnounfinialbusiness construction manufacturing roofingmasculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnounopus spicatummasculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnounangle parkingmasculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnounshelf or storage unit with storage areas on both sides, placed in the middle of a room, notably found in librariesmasculine
Medical equipmentépiFrenchnounvegetablesLouisiana in-plural masculine
MedicinepanaceaEnglishnounA remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists; a cure-all.
MedicinepanaceaEnglishnounA solution to all problems.
MedicinepanaceaEnglishnounThe plant allheal (Valeriana officinalis), believed to cure all ills.obsolete
MemeticsmemePortuguesenounmeme (unit of cultural information)masculine
MemeticsmemePortuguesenounmeme (humorous image, video or other media shared in the Internet)Internet masculine
MenstruationprzekwitPolishnounclimacteriuminanimate masculine rare
MenstruationprzekwitPolishnounwitheringinanimate literary masculine
MetallurgyforjaPortuguesenounforge (workshop in which metals are shaped)feminine
MetallurgyforjaPortugueseverbinflection of forjar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
MetallurgyforjaPortugueseverbinflection of forjar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MetalsstánIrishnountin vesselmasculine
MetalsstánIrishverbAlternative form of stánáil (“beat, trounce; stuff”)alt-of alternative transitive
MetalsstánIrishverbAlternative form of staon (“stop, desist; abstain, forbear; draw back, flinch”)alt-of alternative intransitive
MetalszłotoLower Sorbiannoungoldinanimate neuter
MetalszłotoLower Sorbiannoungold coininanimate neuter
Metalsजस्ताHindinounspelter, pewter
MetalworkingweldingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of weldform-of gerund participle present
MetalworkingweldingEnglishnounThe action or process of welding: / joining two materials (especially two metals) together by applying heat, pressure and filler, either separately or in any combination, or
MetalworkingweldingEnglishnounThe action or process of welding: / binding together inseparably; uniting closely or intimately.
Meteorologyvòi rồngVietnamesenouna tornado
Meteorologyvòi rồngVietnamesenouna high-pressure water hose
MilitarysoldatNorwegian Nynorsknounsoldier (member of an army)masculine
MilitarysoldatNorwegian Nynorsknounsoldier (member of the Salvation Army)masculine
MilitarytruckEnglishnounA small wheel or roller, specifically the wheel of a gun carriage.countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounThe ball on top of a flagpole.countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounOn a wooden mast, a circular disc (or sometimes a rectangle) of wood near or at the top of the mast, usually with holes or sheaves to reeve signal halyards; also a temporary or emergency place for a lookout. "Main" refers to the mainmast, whereas a truck on another mast may be called (on the mizzenmast, for example) "mizzen-truck".nautical transportcountable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounA heavier motor vehicle designed to carry goods or to pull a semi-trailer designed to carry goods.Australia Canada US countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounA lorry with a closed or covered carriage.road transportMalaysia Singapore countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounA railroad car, chiefly one designed to carry goodsrail-transport railways transportUK countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounAny smaller wagon/cart or vehicle of various designs, pushed or pulled by hand or (obsolete) pulled by an animal, used to move and sometimes lift goods, like those in hotels for moving luggage or in libraries for moving books.countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounAbbreviation of railroad truck or wheel truck; a pivoting frame, one attached to the bottom of the bed of a railway car at each end, that rests on the axle and which swivels to allow the axle (at each end of which is a solid wheel) to turn with curves in the track.rail-transport railways transportUS abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounThe part of a skateboard or roller skate that joins the wheels to the deck, consisting of a hanger, baseplate, kingpin, and bushings, and sometimes mounted with a riser in between.countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounA platform with wheels or casters.entertainment lifestyle theatercountable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishnounDirt or other messiness.countable uncountable
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo drive a truck.intransitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo convey by truck.transitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo travel, to proceed.US intransitive slang
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo persist, to endure.Canada US intransitive slang
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo move a camera parallel to the movement of the subject.intransitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo fight or otherwise physically engage with.slang transitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo run over or through a tackler in American football.slang transitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo fail; run out; run short; be unavailable; diminish; abate.dialectal intransitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo give in; give way; knuckle under; truckle.dialectal intransitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo deceive; cheat; defraud.dialectal intransitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo tread (down); stamp on; trample (down).Scotland UK dialectal transitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo trade, exchange; barter.transitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo engage in commerce; to barter or deal.intransitive
MilitarytruckEnglishverbTo have dealings or social relationships with; to engage with.intransitive
MilitarytruckEnglishnounSmall, humble items; things, often for sale or obsolete often
MilitarytruckEnglishnounThe practice of paying workers in kind, or with tokens only exchangeable at a shop owned by the employer [forbidden in the 19th century by the Truck Acts].historical
MilitarytruckEnglishnounGarden produce, groceries (see truck garden).US attributive often
MilitarytruckEnglishnounSocial intercourse; dealings, relationships.usually
MilitarytruckEnglishnounRelevance, bearing.usually
MilitaryστρατήγημαAncient Greeknounact of a general, piece of generalship
MilitaryστρατήγημαAncient Greeknountrick, device, ploy, stratagem, tactic
Military ranksdesetnikSerbo-Croatiannouncorporalarmy government military politics warCroatia
Military ranksdesetnikSerbo-Croatiannounpetty officer second classgovernment military navy politics warCroatia
Military ranksdesetnikSerbo-Croatiannoundecuriongovernment military politics warAncient-Rome
Military ranksανθυποπλοίαρχοςGreeknouna naval rank with the NATO grade OF-1 / sub-lieutenant in the Royal Navynautical transport
Military ranksανθυποπλοίαρχοςGreeknouna naval rank with the NATO grade OF-1 / lieutenant (junior grade) in the US Navynautical transport
MilkmaitoFinnishnounmilk (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals)
MilkmaitoFinnishnounmilk (individual serving of milk)
MilkmaitoFinnishnounmilk, non-dairy milk, plant milk (white liquid obtained from a vegetable source by processing it)
MollusksperlorodkaCzechnounpearl shellfish (any shellfish creating pearls)feminine
MollusksperlorodkaCzechnounMargaritifera (genus of freshwater mussels)feminine
MollusksvanneauFrenchnounlapwing (bird)masculine
MollusksvanneauFrenchnounqueen scallop (mollusc)masculine
Monarchyquân chủVietnamesenounmonarch
Monarchyquân chủVietnameseadjmonarchic, monarchical, pertaining to monarchy
Monarchyvạn tuếVietnameseintjlong livearchaic
Monarchyvạn tuếVietnamesenounsago palm (Cycas revoluta)
MonarchyкраљицаSerbo-Croatiannounqueen (chess)
MonarchyкраљицаSerbo-Croatiannounqueen (card games)
MonarchyมเหสีThainounwife of a king; wife of a male monarch; queen consort; empress consort.
MonasticismconventEnglishnounA religious community whose members live under strict observation of religious rules and self-imposed vows.
MonasticismconventEnglishnounThe buildings and pertaining surroundings in which such a community lives.
MonasticismconventEnglishnounSynonym of nunnery, a female religious community and its residence.especially
MonasticismconventEnglishnounA Christian school.India
MonasticismconventEnglishnounA gathering of people lasting several days for the purpose of discussing or working on topics previously selected.
MonasticismconventEnglishnounA coming together; a meeting.
MonasticismconventEnglishverbTo call before a judge or judicature; to summon; to convene.obsolete
MonasticismconventEnglishverbTo meet together; to concur.obsolete
MonasticismconventEnglishverbTo be convenient; to serve.obsolete
MoneymionairgeadIrishnounsmall changemasculine
MoneymionairgeadIrishnounpetty cashmasculine
MoneyризницаMacedoniannounchurch sacristy, vestry (church room for the storage of vestments and other valuables)
MongoliaMNTranslingualsymbolSymbol for meganewton, an SI unit of force equal to 10⁶ newtons.metrologyalt-of symbol
MongoliaMNTranslingualsymbolISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Mongolia.
MonthsਜੂਨPunjabinameJune (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar)
MonthsਜੂਨPunjabinounspecies, form
Morning glory family plants女蘿Chinesenoundodder
Morning glory family plants女蘿Chinesenounbeard moss
MuridsmousekinEnglishnounA little mouse.
MuridsmousekinEnglishnounA baby mouse.
MuscicapidsvitracCatalannounEuropean stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)masculine
MuscicapidsvitracCatalannounthree-cornered leek (Allium triquetrum)Mallorca masculine
MusickengeleSwahilinounbell (metallic resonating object)class-10 class-9
MusickengeleSwahilinounring, ringing (a resonant sound, like that produced by a bell)class-10 class-9
MusicsporenMiddle EnglishverbTo spur (prod a horse to haste it)
MusicsporenMiddle EnglishverbTo spur (impel, drive, urge)rare
MusicsporenMiddle EnglishverbTo equip spurs.rare
MusicsporenMiddle Englishnounplural of sporeform-of plural
MusicμόθωνAncient Greeknounchildren of helots, brought up as foster-brothers of the young Spartans
MusicμόθωνAncient Greeknounpresumptuous, impudent fellow
MusicμόθωνAncient Greeknounkind of licentious dance
MusicμόθωνAncient Greeknounkind of tune for the flute
Musical genresrock and rollPolishnounrock and roll (style of music)inanimate masculine
Musical genresrock and rollPolishnounrock and roll (style of vigorous dancing associated with this genre of music)inanimate masculine
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameAn island in the Dodecanese, Greece, in the Aegean Sea.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA city on the island of Rhodes, Greece, and the capital of the Dodecanese.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA topographic surname for a person who lived near woodland clearings, or a habitational one for someone from a place so named.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.countable rare uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA village in northern Eastern Cape province, South Africa; named for Cecil Rhodescountable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Clinton Township, Vermillion County, Indiana.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Marshall County, Iowa; named for Conway B. Rhodes.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Bentley Township, Gladwin County, Michigan; named for Murry Bentley Rhodes.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Flathead County, Montana.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA village near Middleton, Rochdale borough, Greater Manchester, England (OS grid ref SD8505).countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA small commune in Moselle department, Lorraine, Grand Est, France.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameA suburb of Sydney, in the City of Canada Bay, New South Wales, Australia.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsRhodesEnglishnameAn electric piano which produces soft, harmonic-like sounds; a Rhodes piano; named for inventor Harold Rhodes.countable uncountable
Musical instrumentsgbẹduYorubanounlarge sonorous type of drum with a skin made from ẹ̀kìrì (black duiker) or ìgalà hide. It is one of the 4 main families of drums among the Yoruba, and is mainly played for the king and by elders including the Ògbónientertainment lifestyle music
Musical instrumentsgbẹduYorubanounsomeone who speaks with a deep, resounding, voice (in comparison to the gbẹ̀du drum)
Musical instrumentsgbẹduYorubanoundrum heavy music such as Afrobeats and Jùjú (in comparison to the gbẹ̀du drum)entertainment lifestyle musicslang
Musical instrumentsgbẹduYorubanounparty (where drum heavy music is played)slang
Musical instrumentssopranPolishnounsoprano (musical part or section higher in pitch than alto and other sections)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
Musical instrumentssopranPolishnounsoprano (instrument that performs the soprano part)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
Musical instrumentssopranPolishnounsoprano (person that performs the soprano part)entertainment lifestyle musicanimal-not-person masculine
Musical instrumentsডঙ্কাBengalinouna large kettledrum
Musical instrumentsডঙ্কাBengalinountrumpet
Musical instrumentsডঙ্কাBengalinoundrum
Musicians樂團Chinesenounmusical group; band
MustelidsfisherEnglishnounA person who catches fish, especially for a living or for sport; a person engaging in the pastime of fishing.
MustelidsfisherEnglishnounA North American marten (Pekania pennanti, syn. Martes pennanti), that has thick brown fur.
MustelidsfisherEnglishnounFur of specimens of species Pekania pennanti.
Myrtales order plantssầmVietnamesenouna tall hill
Myrtales order plantssầmVietnameseadjtall
Myrtales order plantssầmVietnamesenouncertain plants of the family Memecylaceae
Myrtales order plantssầmVietnameseintjThe sound something makes when tumbles
Myrtales order plantssầmVietnameseintjThe sound of heavy rain
Myrtales order plantssầmVietnameseverbto darken one's face
Myrtales order plantssầmVietnameseadvsuddenly very dark
Mythological creaturesLilithPolishnameLilith (mythological demon)biblical lifestyle religionJudaism feminine indeclinable
Mythological creaturesLilithPolishnameLilith (first wife of Adam in Jewish folklore)Judaism feminine indeclinable
Mythological creaturesnàng tiênVietnamesenouna young-looking female fairyhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturesnàng tiênVietnamesenouncocaineinformal slang
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA long, slender, chiefly terrestrial amphibian of the order Caudata, superficially resembling a lizard.
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA creature much like a lizard that is resistant to and lives in fire (in which it is often depicted in heraldry), hence the elemental being of fire.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA metal utensil with a flat head which is heated and put over a dish to brown the food lifestyle
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA small broiler (North America) or grill (Britain) that heats the food from above, used in professional cookery primarily for food lifestyle
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA pouched gopher (Geomys pinetis etc.)archaic
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA large poker.UK obsolete
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounSolidified material in a furnace metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA portable stove used to heat or dry buildings under construction manufacturing
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishnounA fire-eater (performer who pretends to swallow fire).UK obsolete slang
Mythological creaturessalamanderEnglishverbTo use a salamander (cooking utensil) in a cooking process.transitive
Mythological creaturestrpaslíkCzechnoundwarf (a being from folklore)animate masculine
Mythological creaturestrpaslíkCzechnoundwarf (a person of short stature)animate masculine
Mythological creaturestrpaslíkCzechnoundwarf (a star of relatively small size)astronomy natural-sciencesanimate masculine
Mythological figuresΕὔηνοςAncient GreeknameEvenus, the name of more than one figure in Greek mythology and history
Mythological figuresΕὔηνοςAncient Greeknamethe river Evenus
MythologymythologicalEnglishadjOf, or relating to myths or mythology.not-comparable
MythologymythologicalEnglishadjImaginary.colloquial not-comparable
NarratologydescriptionEnglishnounA sketch or account of anything in words; a portraiture or representation in language; an enumeration of the essential qualities of a thing or species.countable uncountable
NarratologydescriptionEnglishnounThe act of describing; a delineation by marks or signs.countable uncountable
NarratologydescriptionEnglishnounA set of characteristics by which someone or something can be recognized.countable uncountable
NarratologydescriptionEnglishnounA scientific documentation of a taxon for the purpose of introducing it to science.biology natural-sciences taxonomycountable uncountable
NarratologydescriptionEnglishnounThe act or practice of recording and describing actual language usage in a given speech community, as opposed to prescription, i.e. laying down norms of language usage.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
NarratologydescriptionEnglishnounA descriptive linguistic survey.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
NationalitiesKachinEnglishnounAny of a number of non-Burman ethnolinguistic groups in Kachin State, Burma, including the Jingpho people.plural plural-only
NationalitiesKachinEnglishnameA state of Myanmar.
NationalitiesKachinEnglishnameThe Jingpho language.
NationalitieshorvátHungarianadjCroatian (of or relating to Croatia, its people or language)not-comparable
NationalitieshorvátHungariannounCroatian (person)countable uncountable
NationalitieshorvátHungariannounCroatian (language)countable uncountable
NationalitiespaquistaníSpanishadjAlternative form of pakistaníalt-of alternative feminine masculine
NationalitiespaquistaníSpanishnounAlternative form of pakistaníalt-of alternative by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesperuanoSpanishadjPeruvian (from or native to Peru)
NationalitiesperuanoSpanishadjPeruvian (pertaining to Peru)
NationalitiesperuanoSpanishnouna Peruvianmasculine
NationalitiestirkNorthern KurdishnounTurk (person from Turkey)feminine masculine
NationalitiestirkNorthern KurdishnounTurk (person of ethnic group)feminine masculine
NationalitiesляхRussiannounPole, Polish man, Polackethnic historical slur
NationalitiesляхRussiannoungenitive plural of ля́ха (ljáxa)form-of genitive plural
Native American tribesPowhatanEnglishnounA member of a Native American confederation of tribes in Virginia.
Native American tribesPowhatanEnglishnameTheir eastern Algonquian language.
Native American tribesPowhatanEnglishnameAn unincorporated community, the county seat of Powhatan County, Virginia, United States.
Native American tribesSaukEnglishnameA tribe or group of Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands culture group.
Native American tribesSaukEnglishnameThe lect (variously considered a language or a member of a group of dialects) spoken by these Native Americans.
Native American tribesSaukEnglishnounAny member of this group of Native Americans.
NatureloučkaCzechnoundiminutive of loučdiminutive feminine form-of
NatureloučkaCzechnoundiminutive of loukadiminutive feminine form-of
NauticaliskeleTurkishnounframework; scaffolding
NauticaliskeleTurkishnounpier, quay, port
NauticalstremereMiddle EnglishnounA flag used to identify one's loyalty (especially at sea).
NauticalstremereMiddle EnglishnounA train (trailing part of clothing)rare
NauticalstremereMiddle EnglishnounA symbol resembling a star.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsrare
Nawdm diacritical marksˋNawdmcharacterA tone diacritic of the Nawdm alphabet. Tone is usually only written for pronouns. Although the acute is placed over vowel letters, as in the pronoun ɦà, it appears after the consonant letter in the pronouns bˋ, dˋ, lˋ, mˋ, nˋ, tˋ, vˋ.diacritic
Nawdm diacritical marksˋNawdmpronthou (2sg. subject)
NeckwearpodbródekPolishnounchin (bottom of a face)inanimate masculine
NeckwearpodbródekPolishnounkerchief tied under the chindialectal inanimate masculine
NeckwearpodbródekPolishnounbib (item of clothing for babies tied around their neck to protect their clothes from getting dirty when eating)dialectal inanimate masculine
NeckwearpodbródekPolishnounneckbeard (style of facial hair wherein the beard is allowed to grow down the chin)inanimate masculine obsolete
NigeriaనైజీరియనుTelugunounA person from Nigeria or of Nigerian descent.
NigeriaనైజీరియనుTeluguadjOf or pertaining to Nigeria or its people.
Nightshadestabaco cimarrónSpanishnounsmall-flowered tobacco (Nicotiana paniculata)masculine
Nightshadestabaco cimarrónSpanishnounSchwenckia americanamasculine
NobilitybaróCatalannounhigh-ranking manmasculine
NobilitybaróCatalannounman who has reached the age of maturitymasculine
Noctuoid mothslooperEnglishnounAn instrument or tool, such as a bodkin, for forming a loop in yarn or cord, etc.
Noctuoid mothslooperEnglishnounA moth having a caterpillar which arches its body into a loop in order to bring the back part of the body forward as it walks due to having fewer prolegs, including inchworms or measuring worms in the family Geometridae and some species in the family Noctuidae.
Noctuoid mothslooperEnglishnounA (usually electronic) tool for creating music loops.
Noctuoid mothslooperEnglishnounSynonym of blooper (“a fly ball that is weakly hit just over the infielders”).ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Noctuoid mothslooperEnglishnounA golf caddyslang
Noctuoid mothslooperEnglishnounA crazy person; a maniac.Ireland derogatory slang
OaksJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
OaksJapanesenounChinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis)
OccupationsavdelningschefSwedishnouna deputy director-general (in Swedish government agencies)common-gender
OccupationsavdelningschefSwedishnouna head of division (in the European Union)common-gender
OccupationsdejotājsLatviannoundancer (a man who knows how to dance)declension-2 masculine
OccupationsdejotājsLatviannounprofessional dancerdeclension-2 masculine
OccupationsempregadaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of empregadofeminine form-of singular
OccupationsempregadaPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of empregadofeminine form-of
OccupationsempregadaPortuguesenounmaid (women employed to keep a house clean)feminine
OccupationsempregadaPortugueseverbfeminine singular of empregadofeminine form-of participle singular
OccupationsfùcadairScottish Gaelicnounfullermasculine
OccupationsfùcadairScottish Gaelicnounnapper of clothmasculine
OccupationsgęsiarzPolishnoungosherd, gooseherddialectal masculine person rare
OccupationsgęsiarzPolishnounred fox with patches of white furhobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine
OccupationsgęsiarzPolishnounwolf that preys on geesehobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine
OccupationsmzalishajiSwahilinounproducerclass-1 class-2
OccupationsmzalishajiSwahilinounmidwifeclass-1 class-2
OccupationspastorEnglishnounSomeone who tends to a flock of animals: synonym of shepherd.archaic
OccupationspastorEnglishnounSomeone with spiritual authority over a group of people.
OccupationspastorEnglishnounA minister or priest in a church.Christianity Protestantism
OccupationspastorEnglishnounThe main priest serving a parish.Catholicism Christianity Roman-CatholicismUS
OccupationspastorEnglishnounA bird, the rosy starling.
OccupationspastorEnglishverbTo serve a congregation as pastorChristianityintransitive stative transitive
OccupationsܡܘܣܝܩܪܐClassical Syriacnounmusician, singer
OccupationsܡܘܣܝܩܪܐClassical Syriacnounpoet
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounancient, ancestor, foremother
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounelder, grandmother
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounpriestess, pastoress, presbyteressChristianity
OccupationsܩܫܝܫܬܐClassical Syriacnounchief or presider of a banquet; host
OccupationsਮੰਤਰੀPunjabinounsecretary, adviser
OccupationsรัฐมนตรีThainouncounsellor of state.historical
OccupationsรัฐมนตรีThainouncabinet minister.
OccupationsჭონიGeorgiannounhatter, hat-maker, milliner
Occupations忍者Chinesenounninja (covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan)historical
Occupations忍者Chinesenounperson trained primarily in stealth, espionage, assassination
Occupations董事Chinesenoundirector; board member (of a company, organization, etc.)
Occupations董事Chineseverbto manage an affairliterary
Occupations鬻人Japanesenouna person who sells items; a peddler
Occupations鬻人Japanesenouna person who sells items; a peddler
Olive family plantsaskurIcelandicnounash (tree)masculine
Olive family plantsaskurIcelandicnouna wooden bowl-like vessel (often with a lid), once common in Icelandhistorical masculine
Olive family plantsblack ashEnglishnounAny tree of species Fraxinus nigra, native to much of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States.
Olive family plantsblack ashEnglishnounAny tree of species Acer negundo (ash-leaved maple), of North America.
Olive family plantsblack ashEnglishnounAny tree of species Eucalyptus sieberi, of Australia.
One110EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in Iran.
One110EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in China, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Latvia, Bolivia, Guatamala, Andorra, Nauru, and the Ivory Coast and on Taiwan.
One110EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Jamaica, Syria, and Sri Lanka.
One110EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Norway, Jamaica, Suriname, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Papua New Guinea.
OneonlyEnglishadjAlone in a category.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadjSingularly superior; the best.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadjWithout sibling; without a sibling of the same gender.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadjMere.not-comparable obsolete
OneonlyEnglishadvWithout others or anything further; exclusively.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadvNo more than; just.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadvAs recently as.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadvEmphasizing something that is just or necessary.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadvUsed to express surprise or consternation at an action.British not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadvIntroduces a disappointing or surprising outcome that renders futile something previously mentioned.not-comparable
OneonlyEnglishadvAbove all others; particularly.not-comparable obsolete
OneonlyEnglishconjUnder the condition that; but.informal
OneonlyEnglishconjBut; except.
OneonlyEnglishnounAn only child.
OnomasticsmatronymEnglishnounThe name of someone's mother.
OnomasticsmatronymEnglishnounA matronymic surname.
OperationslistaPolishnouninventory, list (register or roll of paper consisting of an enumeration or compilation of a set of possible items)feminine
OperationslistaPolishnouninventory, list (acodified representation of a list, used to store data or in processing)feminine
OphthalmologyamblyopiaEnglishnounDimness or blurring of the eyesight due to a fault in transmission of signals to the brain from an otherwise healthy eye.countable uncountable
OphthalmologyamblyopiaEnglishnounA disorder of visual development in which the brain partially or wholly ignores input from one or both eyes.countable uncountable
OrganizationsABTAEnglishnameInitialism of American Brain Tumor Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsABTAEnglishnameInitialism of Association of British Travel Agents.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrgansahọnYorubanounspeech, tonguebroadly
OrgansfülHungariannounear (organ of hearing in humans and animals)
OrgansfülHungariannounear (acuteness of hearing or skill in music)figuratively
OrgansfülHungariannounhandle in a semicircle shape, such as that of a bag, pot, mug, etc.
OrgansfülHungariannounflap (anything broad and flexible that hangs loose)
OrgansfülHungariannountab (navigational widget for switching between documents or panels)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Otocephalan fishpurakéOld Tupinounelectric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
Otocephalan fishpurakéOld Tupinounchola guitarfish (Pseudobatos percellens)
Otocephalan fishpurakéOld Tupinounelbow (joint between upper arm and forearm)
Otocephalan fishpurakéOld Tupiadjdeceptive
PainὀδύνηAncient Greeknounpain of body
PainὀδύνηAncient Greeknounpain of mind, grief, distress
ParksBeihaiEnglishnameA prefecture-level city in Guangxi, in southern China.
ParksBeihaiEnglishnameA lake in Beijing, China.
ParrotsrosellaEnglishnounA parrot belonging to any of the five to eight species in the genus Platycercus (originally specifically Platycercus eximius) which is native to Australia and nearby islands.
ParrotsrosellaEnglishnounAlternative form of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa)alt-of alternative countable uncountable
PastalazaniePolishnounAlternative spelling of lasagnealt-of alternative indeclinable plural
PastalazaniePolishnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of lazaniaaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
PeopleFreundGermannounfriendmasculine strong
PeopleFreundGermannounboyfriendmasculine strong
PeopleFreundGermannounblood relative (in the sense of a person that is or should be one’s friend by nature)masculine obsolete strong
PeopleFreundGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
PeopleactorEnglishnounSomeone who institutes a legal suit; a plaintiff or complainant.lawobsolete
PeopleactorEnglishnounSomeone acting on behalf of someone else; a guardian.obsolete
PeopleactorEnglishnounSomeone or something that takes part in some action; a doer, an agent.
PeopleactorEnglishnounA person who acts a part in a theatrical play or (later) in film or television; a dramatic performer.
PeopleactorEnglishnounAn advocate or proctor in civil courts or causes.Ancient-Rome obsolete
PeopleactorEnglishnounThe subject performing the action of a verb.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeopleactorEnglishnounThe entity that performs a role (in use case analysis).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
PeoplealcooloFrenchadjalcoholic (person)derogatory informal
PeoplealcooloFrenchnounalcoholic (person); alkieby-personal-gender derogatory feminine informal masculine
PeopleanimatorEnglishnounOne who creates an animation or cartoon; a arts
PeopleanimatorEnglishnounOne who animates something; one who brings something to life or the appearance of life.
PeoplebambaryłaPolishnounnumbnutsanimate feminine inanimate masculine person
PeoplebambaryłaPolishnounfatsoanimate feminine inanimate masculine person
PeoplebezpieczniakPolishnounsafety officialcolloquial masculine person
PeoplebezpieczniakPolishnounsafety official / safety official within the Ministry of Public Security (Poland) during the Polish People's Republic eracolloquial derogatory masculine person
PeoplebéotienFrenchadjof Boeotia; Boeotianhistorical relational
PeoplebéotienFrenchadjBoeotian, philistine (lacking in appreciation for art or culture)broadly derogatory
PeoplebéotienFrenchnounBoeotian (dialect)masculine
PeoplebéotienFrenchnounBoeotian, philistinederogatory masculine
PeoplebéotienFrenchnounlaypersoninformal masculine
PeoplecarpetbaggerEnglishnounA migrant from the Northern to the Southern States after the American Civil War of 1861–5, especially one who went South to gain political influence.government history human-sciences politics sciencesUS offensive
PeoplecarpetbaggerEnglishnounOne who comes to a place or organisation with which they have no previous connection with the sole or primary aim of personal gain, especially political or financial gain.broadly derogatory
Peoplechien de pocheFrenchnouna dog who always insist to follow its master as closely as possibleQuebec masculine
Peoplechien de pocheFrenchnounsomeone whose behaviour reminds of such a dogQuebec masculine
PeoplecookMiddle Englishnouncook, chef, restaurateur
PeoplecookMiddle Englishnounnourisher, nourishmentfiguratively
PeopleecumenopolitanEnglishadjOf or conducive to the development, befitting the scale, or characteristic of an ecumenopolis or ecumenopoleis.not-comparable
PeopleecumenopolitanEnglishnounAn inhabitant of an ecumenopolis, especially one actively involved in its political arena.
PeopleempleadoSpanishverbpast participle of emplearform-of participle past
PeopleempollónSpanishnounwonk, swot, nerdSpain derogatory masculine
PeoplegafferEnglishnounA chief lighting technician for a motion-picture or television production.broadcasting film media television
PeoplegafferEnglishnounA glassblower.
PeoplegafferEnglishnounSomeone aboard a boat whose duty is to gaff a (large) fish once the angler has reeled it in.
PeoplegafferEnglishnounAn old man.colloquial
PeoplegafferEnglishnounThe leader of a group or team, such as a boss, foreman, coach, or publican.UK informal
PeoplegafferEnglishnounA sailor.
PeoplegafferEnglishnounThe baby in the house.Canada
PeoplegafolgieldaOld Englishnountaxpayer
PeoplegafolgieldaOld Englishnounrenter, tenant
PeoplegafolgieldaOld Englishnountributary
PeoplegafolgieldaOld Englishnoundebtor
PeopleheirEnglishnounSomeone who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another.
PeopleheirEnglishnounOne who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office.
PeopleheirEnglishnounA successor in a role, representing continuity with the predecessor.
PeopleheirEnglishverbTo inherit.intransitive transitive
PeoplekiddlywinkEnglishnounA small pub only licensed to sell beer or cider.Cornwall historical
PeoplekiddlywinkEnglishnounA small village shop.historical
PeoplekiddlywinkEnglishnounA child.humorous
PeoplelíodóirIrishnounsweet talker, flatterer, toadymasculine
PeoplemorosoGalicianadjdefaulting, delinquent (late or failing to pay a debt)
PeoplemumchanceEnglishadjMute, or not speaking; silent.
PeoplemumchanceEnglishnounAn old game of chance played with cards in silence.countable uncountable
PeoplemumchanceEnglishnounA silent, stupid person.countable uncountable
PeoplenarcotraficanteSpanishnoundrug traffickerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplenarcotraficanteSpanishnoundrug baron, druglord, drug kingpinby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplepargoSpanishnounred porgymasculine
PeoplepargoSpanishnouna flamboyant homosexual man, queer, faggotCuba Venezuela derogatory masculine offensive slang vulgar
PeoplerotherMiddle EnglishnounA rudder or till; a steering implement for a ship.
PeoplerotherMiddle EnglishnounAn oar; a long stick used for a boat's propulsion.
PeoplerotherMiddle EnglishnounOne who steers a boat (i.e. using a rudder)rare
PeoplerotherMiddle EnglishnounA stick for mixing malt during brewing.rare
PeoplerotherMiddle EnglishnounAn administrator or director.figuratively rare
PeoplerotherMiddle EnglishnounAny kind or gender of bovine or bovid.
PeoplesabandijaSpanishnounpest; bug; small reptilefeminine
PeoplesabandijaSpanishnounrascal, scoundrel, weasel, punkfeminine
PeoplesingelkaPolishnounAlternative spelling of singielkaalt-of alternative feminine
PeoplesingelkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of singel (“single”)feminine form-of
PeoplesquareheadEnglishnounAn honest person; a non-criminal.slang
PeoplesquareheadEnglishnounA foreigner of Germanic origin, especially a German, Dutch, or Scandinavian person.slang
PeoplesquareheadEnglishnounA socially conventional or boring person.slang
PeoplevictorEnglishnounThe winner in a fight or contest.
PeoplevictorEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Victor from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.alt-of
PeoplewyprzedzaczPolishnouncut off-er (person who cuts someone off on the road)colloquial masculine person
PeoplewyprzedzaczPolishnounengine control unit (part in an engine that changes the ignition timing in the engine stroke cycle)inanimate masculine
PeopleôfiaraSilesiannounoffering; sacrifice; donationfeminine
PeopleасистентBulgariannounassistant professor (entry-level academic position in higher education)
PeopleасистентBulgariannouna skilled assistant, e.g. a director's assistant, a surgical assistant, an assistant conductor, etc.
PeopleасистентBulgariannounassistant (software tool)
PeopleюургйийригChechennouna cook as a profession
PeopleюургйийригChechennounanyone who is cooking something
PeopleپٹواریUrdunouna member or supporter of the PML-N party
PeopleپٹواریUrdunouna Tory, or a politically conservative person.broadly
PeopleپٹواریUrdunouna village accountant; patwari
PeopleἀσκητήςAncient Greeknounone who practices any art or trade
PeopleἀσκητήςAncient Greeknounathlete trained for the arena
People惚けJapanesenouna fool; an idiot
People惚けJapanesenouna funnyman (character who does or says stupid things and is called out by a straight man)comedy entertainment lifestyle
People搭客Chineseverbto take passengers on board; to carry passengers
People搭客ChinesenounpassengerCantonese Hakka Teochew
People文人Japanesenamea male given name
People武俠Chinesenounwuxia (genre of fiction)
People草民Chinesenounordinary people; commoner; plebeian; civilian; everyday person; person of humble birth
People草民ChinesepronI (used by a commoner when addressing the emperor or an official)historical humble
Percussion instrumentsKuhschelleGermannouncowbellfeminine
Percussion instrumentsKuhschelleGermannounpasqueflowerfeminine
PersonalityпумпалBulgariannounspinning top (usually as a children's toy)
PersonalityпумпалBulgariannouna person who doesn't sit still; who is quick to get things donefiguratively
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnameA festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ and incorporating various Christian, pre-Christian, pagan, and secular customs, which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 (Christmas Day) in most places.also attributive countable uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnameShort for Christmas season (“the period of time before and after Christmas Day, during which people prepare for and celebrate Christmas”); marketingabbreviation also alt-of attributive countable often uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An uninhabited mining community in Gila County, Arizona.also attributive countable uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Orange County, Florida.also attributive countable uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Au Train Township, Alger County, Michigan.also attributive countable uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Bolivar County, Mississippialso attributive countable uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnameA surname.also attributive countable uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishnounSprigs of holly and other evergreen plants used as Christmas decorations; also (generally), any Christmas decorations.British informal regional uncountable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishadjRed and green in colour.US not-comparable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishadjOf a dish: having a sauce made with red (ripe) and green (unripe) chili food lifestyleUS not-comparable
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishverbTo decorate (a place) with Christmas (“sprigs of holly and other evergreen plants used as Christmas decorations, or any Christmas decorations”).informal transitive
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishverbTo bring (someone) Christmas cheer.obsolete rare transitive
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishverbTo celebrate Christmas.intransitive
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishverbTo spend Christmas or the Christmas season in some place.intransitive
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishverbTo subject to Christmas celebrations.colloquial
PersonificationsChristmasEnglishintjAn expression of annoyance or surprise: Christ, Jesus Christ, Jiminy Cricket, Jiminy Crickets.euphemistic
Phaseoleae tribe plantsyam beanEnglishnounA tropical vine, Pachyrhizus erosus, grown for its crisp, starchy edible root, the jicama.
Phaseoleae tribe plantsyam beanEnglishnounAny of the plants in the genus Pachyrhizus, including several similar cultivated species.
PhobiasgayphobiaEnglishnounFear, dislike, or hatred of gay men.uncountable
PhobiasgayphobiaEnglishnounFear, dislike, or hatred of gay people in general.rare uncountable
PhoneticsfogharachScottish Gaelicadjautumnal (related to autumn)
PhoneticsfogharachScottish Gaelicadjrelated to harvest
PhoneticsfogharachScottish Gaelicadjloud, noisy
PhoneticsfogharachScottish Gaelicadjechoing
PhoneticsfogharachScottish Gaelicadjphonetichuman-sciences linguistics sciences
PhoneticshäälEstoniannounvoice / voice (a melody in a musical composition, performed by a (group of) singer(s) or (a) musical instrument(s))entertainment lifestyle music
PhoneticshäälEstoniannounsound, noise
PhysiologyఉసురుTelugunounstrength, vigour
PhysiologyఉసురుTelugunounaffliction, plague
PigmentsbermellónSpanishnounvermillion (pigment)masculine uncountable
PigmentsbermellónSpanishnounvermillion (color)masculine uncountable
Pines松明糖Chinesenounpine resinMin Northern
Pines松明糖ChinesenounrosinMin Northern
Piperales order plantsகறிTamilnouncurry
Piperales order plantsகறிTamilnounthick sauce
Piperales order plantsகறிTamilnounmeat
Piperales order plantsகறிTamilnounpepper (Piper nigrum)
PlacesChinesecharacterto press down; to suppress; to repress; to subdue
PlacesChinesecharacterto guard; to garrison
PlacesChinesecharacterto calm; to tranquilize; to sedate
PlacesChinesecharacterto awe; to frighten
PlacesChinesecharacterto cool; to chill
PlacesChinesecharacterstronghold; garrison
PlacesChinesecharactertown; township
PlacesChinesecharacterwhole; entire (day)
PlacesChinesecharacterfor a long time; enduringly; frequentlyarchaic
PlacesChinesecharacterUsed in 鎮星/镇星 (Zhènxīng, “Saturn”).
PlacesChinesecharacterto block; to impede; to be a hindranceHokkien Teochew
PlacesChinesecharactera surname
Places in GreeceΖάραξAncient GreeknameZarax, Laconia, Greece
Places in GreeceΖάραξAncient GreeknameMount Zarax, Euboea, Greece
Places of worshipчеркваBulgariannounchurch (religious group)
Places of worshipчеркваBulgariannounchurch (house of worship)
PlanetsPlutóCatalannamePluto (dwarf planet)masculine
PlanetsPlutóCatalannamePluto (god)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemVénusFrenchnameVenus (Roman goddess)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman feminine
Planets of the Solar SystemVénusFrenchnameVenus (planet)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
Plant anatomylobuleEnglishnoundiminutive of lobe: / A small lobe; a subdivision of a lobe.anatomy medicine sciences
Plant anatomylobuleEnglishnoundiminutive of lobe: / In liverworts with bilobed leaves, the smaller of the two lobes, sometimes modified to form a sac.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomystipeEnglishnounThe stem of a mushroom, kelp, etc.
Plant anatomystipeEnglishnounThe trunk of a tree.
Plant anatomystipeEnglishnounThe caudicle within the pollinarium of an orchid flower
Plant anatomystipeEnglishnounThe petiole of the frond of a fern or palm
Plant anatomystipeEnglishnounA stipendiary magistrate.historical slang
Plantain family plantsmare's tailEnglishnounAny plant of various species with inflorescences resembling a horse's tail. / Any of the water plants in the genus Hippuris,
Plantain family plantsmare's tailEnglishnounAny plant of various species with inflorescences resembling a horse's tail. / Any of the water plants in the genus Hippuris, / especially Hippuris vulgaris, common mare's tail;
Plantain family plantsmare's tailEnglishnounAny plant of various species with inflorescences resembling a horse's tail. / Conyza canadensis, an annual weed also known as horseweed and Canadian fleabane;
Plantain family plantsmare's tailEnglishnounAny plant of various species with inflorescences resembling a horse's tail. / Equisetum spp., fern allies also known as horsetail and pipeweed.
PlantsayoYorubanounAny of a variety of plants including Guilandina bonduc and Corchorus olitorius (ewédú)
PlantsayoYorubanounThe seeds of the ayò plant
PlantsayoYorubanounThe strategy game ayo, a variety of the mancala or oware game played by the Yoruba, of which the seeds of the ayò plant are used in the game
PlantsayoYorubanounA general term for any strategic game, competition, or pastime, hobbybroadly
PlantsfenugrecFrenchnounfenugreek (plant)masculine
PlantsfenugrecFrenchnounfenugreek (seed)masculine
PlantsquỳnhVietnamesenounred, crimson, dark red, deep red
PlantsquỳnhVietnamesenounEpiphyllum (a genus of cactus)
PlantstijmDutchnounthyme, plant of the genus Thymusmasculine uncountable
PlantstijmDutchnounthyme, herb from these plantsmasculine uncountable
Playground gamestetherballEnglishnounA two-person sport where players hit a ball on the end of a tether attached to the top of a pole in opposite directions, and the winner is the one who manages to make the tether wrap all the way round the pole.uncountable usually
Playground gamestetherballEnglishnounThe ball in the sport of tetherball.uncountable usually
PnictogensbismuthEnglishnounA chemical element (symbol Bi) with an atomic number of 83: a brittle silvery-white metal.countable uncountable
PnictogensbismuthEnglishnounA single atom of this element.countable
Polish cardinal numberskwintylionPolishnounnonillion (10³⁰)inanimate masculine
Polish cardinal numberskwintylionPolishnounAny very large number, exceeding normal descriptionexcessive figuratively inanimate masculine
PoliticsfiqintoAfarnounfemale peer
PoliticsfiqintoAfarnounfemale military
PoliticsfiqintoAfarnounfemale member of a political party
PoliticssuffragistEnglishnounA person who promotes suffrage.
PoliticssuffragistEnglishnounOne who votes.
PoliticsujamaaSwahilinounbrotherhoodclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
PoliticsujamaaSwahilinounsocialismclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
Politics参政Japanesenounparticipation in politics
Politics参政Japaneseverbto participate in politics
PolyhedradisphenoidEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a wedge-shaped crystal form of the tetragonal or orthorhombic system.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
PolyhedradisphenoidEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a crystal form bounded by eight scalene triangles arranged in pairs, constituting a tetragonal scalenohedron.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
PolyhedradisphenoidEnglishnounA non-regular tetrahedron whose four faces are congruent acute-angled triangles.geometry mathematics sciences
PolymerdendrimerEnglishnounAny polymer or oligomer having multiple branches of atoms strung off a central spine.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
PolymerdendrimerEnglishnounA graph formed of branches from a central core.graph-theory mathematics sciences
PostPPHEnglishnounAlternative form of PP&Halt-of alternative uncountable
PostPPHEnglishnounInitialism of postpartum hemorrhage.medicine obstetrics sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
PostPPHEnglishnounInitialism of permanent private hall.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism
PotatoesIdahoEnglishnameA state in the western United States. Capital and largest city: Boise.
PotatoesIdahoEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Pike County, Ohio, United States, named for Idaho Territory.
PotatoesIdahoEnglishnameUniversity of Idaho
PotatoesIdahoEnglishnounIn full Idaho potato: a variety of potato grown in Idaho, especially the Russet Burbank.
PoultrygallinellaItaliannounyoung henfeminine
PoultrygallinellaItaliannoungurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna)feminine
PoultrypalomaSpanishnoundove, pigeonfeminine
PoultrypalomaSpanishnounpenisCentral-America Venezuela feminine
ProstitutionburikatCebuanonouna prostituteoffensive vulgar
ProstitutionburikatCebuanonouna person who is considered to be sexually promiscuous; a whore; a slutderogatory vulgar
ProstitutionharbatCebuanoverbto appropriate another person's property
ProstitutionharbatCebuanoverbto haul
ProstitutionharbatCebuanoverbto prostitute
ProstitutionharbatCebuanonounappropriation; an act or instance of appropriating
ProstitutionharbatCebuanonouna prostitute
ProstitutionlupanariaLatinnounprostituteMedieval-Latin declension-1
ProstitutionlupanariaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of lupānaraccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
Prostitution龜精Chinesenouncunning and crafty personHokkien
Prostitution龜精Chinesenounmale prostituteTaiwanese-Hokkien
Prostitution龜精Chinesenounperson that wears bizarre or exotic clothingTaiwanese-Hokkien
Prunus genus plantsnectarineEnglishnounA cultivar of the peach with smooth rather than fuzzy skin.
Prunus genus plantsnectarineEnglishnounA nectar-like liquid medicine.obsolete
Prunus genus plantsnectarineEnglishadjNectarous; like nectar.
PseudosciencepyrotronEnglishnounA magnetic mirror.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PseudosciencepyrotronEnglishnounA notional subatomic particle invented to explain cases of human spontaneous combustion.
PsychologyallocentricEnglishadjConcerned with the interests of others more than one's own; community-minded.
PsychologyallocentricEnglishadjOf spatial representations: linked to a reference frame based on the external environment and independent of one's current location in it (for example, giving a direction as "north" as opposed to "right").
PsychologyallocentricEnglishadjOf a tourist: tending to be adventurous and preferring novel and unfamiliar tourism transportalso
PsychologyallocentricEnglishnounA tourist who tends to be adventurous and to prefer novel and unfamiliar experiences.human-sciences lifestyle psychology sciences tourism transport
Psychology自我Japanesenounself; oneself
Punctuation marksexclamation pointEnglishnounThe symbol !; an exclamation mark.
Punctuation marksexclamation pointEnglishnounAn elongated shape like an exclamation point.figuratively
Punctuation marksשטערנדלYiddishnoundiminutive of שטערן (shtern): little stardiminutive form-of
Punctuation marksשטערנדלYiddishnounasterisk (*)
Punctuation marksשטערנדלYiddishnounstar (star-shaped ornament worn on the breast to indicate rank or honour)government military politics war
Punctuation marksשטערנדלYiddishnounsprocket wheelengineering mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Punctuation marksשטערנדלYiddishnounstarwort, chickweed (Stellaria)biology botany natural-sciences
PurplesByzantineEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Byzantium.
PurplesByzantineEnglishadjBelonging to the civilization of the Eastern Roman Empire between 331, when its capital was moved to Constantinople, and 1453, when that capital was conquered by the Turks and ultimately renamed Istanbul.history human-sciences sciences
PurplesByzantineEnglishadjOf a style of architecture prevalent in the Eastern Empire down to 1453, marked by the round arch springing from columns or piers, the dome supported upon pendentives, capitals elaborately sculptured, mosaic or other encrustations, etc.architecture
PurplesByzantineEnglishadjOverly complex or intricate, especially of bureaucracy.figuratively lowercase often
PurplesByzantineEnglishadjOf a devious, usually stealthy, manner or practice.figuratively lowercase often
PurplesByzantineEnglishadjOf or relating to the Byzantine Rite or any of the many Eastern Orthodox churches and Greek Catholic churches that use this rite for their liturgical celebrations.Catholicism Christianity
PurplesByzantineEnglishnounA native of Byzantium (modern-day Istanbul) or of the Byzantine empirecountable historical uncountable
PurplesByzantineEnglishnounAlternative form of byzantine (coin)hobbies lifestyle numismaticsalt-of alternative countable uncountable
PurplesByzantineEnglishnounA dark, metallic shade of violet.countable uncountable
Pyraloid mothscabbage headEnglishnounAlternative form of cabbagehead / Head of cabbage
Pyraloid mothscabbage headEnglishnounAlternative form of cabbagehead / Style of smokestack
Pyraloid mothscabbage headEnglishnounAlternative form of cabbagehead / Foolish person
Pyraloid mothscabbage headEnglishnounAlternative form of cabbagehead / Type of jellyfish
Pyraloid mothscabbage headEnglishnounAlternative form of cabbagehead / Mineral formation
Pyraloid mothscabbage headEnglishnounAlternative form of cabbagehead / Type of caterpillar.
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounOne who, or that which, buzzes; an insect that buzzes.
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA device that makes a buzzing sound.
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA police badge.US slang
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA run scored from an overthrow.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA gossip.obsolete
Qur'anProhibitionEnglishnameAny of several periods during which the manufacture, transportation, import, export, and sale of alcoholic beverages were restricted or illegal.history human-sciences sciences
Qur'anProhibitionEnglishnameAny of several periods during which the manufacture, transportation, import, export, and sale of alcoholic beverages were restricted or illegal. / The period from 17 January 1920 through 5 December 1933 in the United States, between the effective dates of the Eighteenth and Twenty-First Amendments to the United States Constitution.history human-sciences sciencesUS
Qur'anProhibitionEnglishnameThe 66th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an.Islam lifestyle religion
RabbitsHollanderEnglishnounSomebody from Holland.
RabbitsHollanderEnglishnounA Dutch person.archaic
RabbitsHollanderEnglishnounA very hard, semi-glazed, green or dark brown brick, which will not absorb water.
RabbitsHollanderEnglishnounShort for Hollander beater.abbreviation alt-of
RabbitsHollanderEnglishnounA Dutch rabbit.
RabbitsHollanderEnglishnameA surname.
RabbitswarrenEnglishnounA system of burrows in which rabbits live.
RabbitswarrenEnglishnounA mazelike place of passages and/or rooms in which it's easy to lose oneself; especially one that may be overcrowded.figuratively
RabbitswarrenEnglishnounThe class of small game such as hare, pheasants, stoats, etc., as opposed to beasts of chase such as deer, bear, and foxes.archaic
RabbitswarrenEnglishnounA place legally authorized for the keeping, breeding and hunting of beasts of warren, especially rabbits.
RabbitswarrenEnglishnounThe right to maintain and hunt an area of small beasts, similar to a free warren, but with certain limitations, such as restricting the right to hunt on parts of the land held by freeholders.historical
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo send out (heat, light, or some other form of radiation) in the form of rays; to radiate.transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo make (someone or something) bright by shining light on them or it; to brighten, to illuminate.literary often poetic transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo apply radiation other than visible light to (someone or something). / To treat (food) with ionizing radiation to destroy natural-sciences physical-sciences technologytransitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo apply radiation other than visible light to (someone or something). / To treat (a patient, or a cancerous growth or tumour) with medicine natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences technologytransitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo animate or enliven (one's mood, or soul or spirit).figuratively literary often poetic transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo cause (one's face) to look beautiful, happy, or lively; to light up.figuratively literary often poetic transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo decorate (a place) splendidly.figuratively literary often poetic transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo enlighten (someone, their mind, etc.) intellectually or spiritually; to illuminate, to shed light on.figuratively literary often poetic transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo send out (something) as if in the form of rays; to diffuse, to radiate, to shed.figuratively literary often poetic transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo influence (something) as if with rays of heat, light, etc.figuratively obsolete transitive
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo become bright; to brighten, to light up.intransitive literary often poetic
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbOften followed by on or upon: to emit rays of light; to shine.intransitive literary often poetic
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo emit something other than light; to radiate.figuratively intransitive literary often poetic
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishverbTo diverge or be sent out in the form of rays.intransitive literary obsolete often poetic
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishadjMade brilliant or bright; irradiated, illuminated.literary poetic
RadioactivityirradiateEnglishadjMade splendid or wonderful.figuratively literary poetic
RadishesSakurajimaEnglishnameA volcano in Kagoshima Bay, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan, one of the IAVCEI's 17 Decade Volcanoes.
RadishesSakurajimaEnglishnameA former island and peninsula in Kagoshima Bay, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. The volcano's surrounding area, an island prior to the 1914 explosion and now a peninsula.
RadishesSakurajimaEnglishnameA neighbourhood and former town in Kagoshima, Kagoshima Bay, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan
RadishesSakurajimaEnglishnameAn asteroid in Main Belt, Solar System
RadishesSakurajimaEnglishnounIts eponymous giant white radish (“桜島大根”), cultivated nearby since at least the 18th century.cuisine food lifestyleJapanese
RadishesSakurajimaEnglishnounIts eponymous citrus fruit (“桜島小みかん”), an orange cultivated nearby.cuisine food lifestyleJapanese
Rail transportationmotorvognNorwegian Nynorsknouna motor vehicle (for road use)feminine
Rail transportationmotorvognNorwegian Nynorsknouna motorised rail vehiclefeminine
RainmrholeníCzechnounverbal noun of mrholitform-of neuter noun-from-verb
RainmrholeníCzechnoundrizzle (light rain)neuter
Recreational drugscocainómanoSpanishadjcocaine-addicted
Recreational drugscocainómanoSpanishnouncocaine addict, cokeheadmasculine
Recreational drugssäljareSwedishnounsellercommon-gender
Recreational drugssäljareSwedishnoundrug dealercommon-gender
Reference worksनिघण्टुSanskritnounglossary
Reference worksनिघण्टुSanskritnounnighantu
Reference worksनिघण्टुSanskritnounname of several works
Reference worksनिघण्टुSanskritnounname of the Vedic glossary explained by यास्क (Yāska) in his निरुक्त (nirukta)
Regions of Europe北欧JapanesenameSynonym of 北ヨーロッパ (“Northern Europe”)
Regions of Europe北欧JapanesenameSynonym of スカンジナビア (“Scandinavia”)broadly
Regions of Europe北欧Japanesenamethe Nordicsbroadly
ReligionJozuaLatviannamea very rare male given namedeclension-4 masculine
ReligionJozuaLatviannameJoshua (biblical character).declension-4 masculine
ReligionbogSlovenenounparagon^([→SSKJ])figuratively uncommon
ReligionbogSlovenenounhighest value^([→SSKJ])figuratively uncommon
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjAstounding, breathtaking, unexpected; resulting in awe and marvel.
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjExceptional, fantastic, noteworthy; worthy of awe and marvel.
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjMiraculous or occult; involving paranormal or divine forces.
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjOut of the ordinary, unusual, or odd; not regular or expected.
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjBeastly, ghastly; outside the usual natural order.
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjScary, frightening, horrific; inducing fear or dread.
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjErratic, inconstant, wavering.Late-Middle-English rare
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadjScared, frightened.rare
ReligionmerveilousMiddle EnglishadvMarvellously, amazingly, fantastically.
ReligionþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounThe state or quality of being dark; lack of light or brightness.uncountable
ReligionþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounA location that is dark; especially used of Hell.uncountable
ReligionþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounImmorality, paganism, iniquity; bad religious behaviour (from a Christian viewpoint).uncountable
Religion摩爾門ChinesenameMormon (the prophet)
ReptilesrèptilCatalanadjcreepingfeminine masculine
Reptilesក្រពើKhmernounkrapeu, a plucked, three-stringed zither in the shape of a crocodile used in classical Cambodian music; similar to the Thai จะเข้ (jà-kêe).entertainment lifestyle music
RestaurantsrobataEnglishnounA charcoal grill used to prepare Japanese food for customers seated around the cooking area.
RestaurantsrobataEnglishnounA restaurant featuring such a grill.
RiversMetaurusLatinnameOne of the most important rivers of Umbria flowing into the Adriatic Sea near Fano, now still called Metaurodeclension-2 masculine singular
RiversMetaurusLatinnameA river in the Bruttian territory, now Marrodeclension-2 masculine singular
RoboticsandroidEnglishnounA robot that is designed to look and act like a human being (not necessarily a male one).
RoboticsandroidEnglishnounAn artificial human.
RoboticsandroidEnglishadjPossessing human qualities.
RoboticsandroidEnglishadjOf the pelvis, having a narrow anterior segment and a heart-shaped brim, typically found in the male.anatomy medicine sciences
RoboticsandroidEnglishadjCharacteristic of men.
Rocketryliquid rocketEnglishnounA rocket that uses liquid propellants.
Rocketryliquid rocketEnglishnounA rocket engine that uses liquid propellants.
RodentspiikkisikaFinnishnounSynonym of piikikäs (porcupine - rodent of the Old World family Hystricidae)dated
RodentspiikkisikaFinnishnounSynonym of piikikkö (porcupine - rodent of the New world family Erethizontidae)dated
Roman deitiesⲍⲉⲩⲥCopticnameZeus, king of the greek gods and god of the sky.
Roman deitiesⲍⲉⲩⲥCopticnameJupiter, king of the roman gods and god of the sky.
Roman deitiesⲍⲉⲩⲥCopticnamethe planet Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
RomaniarumānisLatviannouna Romanian man, a man born in Romaniadeclension-2 masculine
RomaniarumānisLatviannounRomanian; pertaining to Romania and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
RoofingstrzechaPolishnounthatched rooffeminine
RoofingstrzechaPolishnounthatch (straw or similar material used for covering roofs)feminine
RoofingstrzechaPolishnouncottage (a small house, mostly one with a thatched roof)broadly dated feminine
RoofingstrzechaPolishnounbushy hair (hair similar to a thatch)colloquial feminine figuratively
RoomscleafaOld Englishnounthat which is cloven or separated
RoomscleafaOld Englishnouna cleft, chasm
RoomscleafaOld Englishnounden; chamber, cubicle, cell; compartment
RoomscleafaOld Englishnouna room
RoomscleafaOld Englishnouna cellar
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA vessel or fixture for washing / A laver: a washbasin.
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA vessel or fixture for washing / A bathtub.archaic
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA vessel or fixture for washing / A piscina: the basin used for washing communion vessels.Christianity
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA vessel or fixture for washing / A lavabo: the basin used for washing one's hands before handling the Eucharist.Christianity
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA vessel or fixture for washing / A baptismal font: the basin used for baptism, used figuratively for the washing away of sins.Christianityfiguratively usually
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA vessel or fixture for washing / A plumbing fixture used for washing: a construction manufacturing
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA vessel or fixture for washing, particularly
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounHandwashing as an act, particularly / The lavabo: the ritual washing of hands before handling the eucharist.Christianity
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounHandwashing as an act, particularly / The ritual washing of hands after using the piscina to clean the communion vessels.Christianity
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounHandwashing as an act, particularly
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA liquid used in washing; a lotion; a wash; a rinse.obsolete
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA washroom: a room used for washing the face and hands.dated
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA room containing a toilet: a bathroom (US) or WC (UK).euphemistic
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA plumbing fixture for urination and defecation: a toilet.New-England UK
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA place to wash clothes: a laundry.dated
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA place where gold is panned.obsolete
RoomslavatoryEnglishnounA paved room in a mortuary where corpses are kept under a shower of disinfecting fluid.obsolete
RoomslavatoryEnglishadjWashing, or cleansing by washing.dated not-comparable
RoomsonfæreldOld Englishnounentrance, ingressneuter
RoomsonfæreldOld Englishnounincursionneuter
RoomssqbbwjEgyptiannounA room of some kind found in luxurious houses. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / cool room for storing food and drink
RoomssqbbwjEgyptiannounA room of some kind found in luxurious houses. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / bathroom
RoomssqbbwjEgyptiannounA room of some kind found in luxurious houses. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include
RoomsодаяBulgariannounstorage room, guestroom (in village houses)dialectal
RoomsодаяBulgariannounclassroom in old-style schooldialectal obsolete
Root vegetablesayọIgbonounonion (Ngwa: ayọ), (Abịrịba: ayō)
Root vegetablesayọIgbonounto beg (Ọnịcha: ayọ)
Root vegetablesayọIgbonounelephant grass (Nsukka)
Root vegetablesyampyEnglishnounA vegetable, the Indian white yam.
Root vegetablesyampyEnglishadjBarmy; mad; daft.West-Midlands
Root vegetablesyampyEnglishnounA foolish person.West-Midlands
Rosales order plantsժանտափուշArmeniannounPaliurus
Rosales order plantsժանտափուշArmeniannounChrist's thorn, Jerusalem thorn, Paliurus spina-christi
Rose family plantsмалинаSerbo-Croatiannounraspberry (fruit)
Rose family plantsмалинаSerbo-Croatiannounraspberry (plant)
RushesgeataireIrishnounlong rushmasculine
RushesgeataireIrishnounrushlight, rush candlemasculine
RushesgeataireIrishnounperson of slight buildmasculine
RushesgeataireIrishnounsmall missilemasculine
RussiaKadyroviteEnglishnounA member of the 141st Special Motorized Regiment, or any other formation subordinate to Ramzan Kadyrov.
RussiaKadyroviteEnglishnounAny other supporter of or a person close to Ramzan Kadyrov or his father, Akhmad Kadyrov.
RussiaKadyroviteEnglishadjSupporting or pertaining to the Kadyrovs or their ideas.not-comparable
RussiaNashiEnglishnameA political youth movement in Russia.
RussiaNashiEnglishnameA northeast wind which occurs in winter on the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf.
RussiaNashiEnglishnounA fruit, the Nashi pear, Pyrus pyrifolia.
RussiaNashiEnglishnounAlternative form of Nakhi (“ethnic group”)alt-of alternative plural plural-only
RussiapetersburguésSpanishadjof St. Petersburg; Petersburgian (of or relating to Saint Petersburg, Russia)relational
RussiapetersburguésSpanishnounPetersburgian (native or resident of Saint Petersburg, Russia)masculine
Sagessauge du TexasFrenchnounblood sage (Salvia coccinea Buc'hoz ex Etl.)feminine
Sagessauge du TexasFrenchnounTexas sage (Leucophyllum frutescens)feminine
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritnumone
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadjalone, solitary, single, happening only once, that one only
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadjthe same, one and the same, identical
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadjone of two or many
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadjsingle of its kind, unique, singular, chief, pre-eminent, excellent
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadjsincere, truthful
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadjlittle, small
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadja, ansometimes
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritadjsome, certain onesin-plural
Sanskrit cardinal numbersएकSanskritnoununity, a unit (at the end of a compound)
Santalales order plantsچندنUrdunounsandalwood (the aromatic heartwood of sandalwood trees)
Santalales order plantsچندنUrdunounsandalwood (any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum)
Santali letter namesᱚᱜSantaliverbto smoke
Santali letter namesᱚᱜSantalinounthe name of an Ol Chiki letter, ᱜ (k’).
ScienceslawEnglishnounThe body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities. / The body of such rules that pertain to a particular topic.countable uncountable usually with-definite-article
ScienceslawEnglishnounThe body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities. / Common law, as contrasted with equity.countable uncountable usually with-definite-article
ScienceslawEnglishnounThe body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities.countable uncountable usually with-definite-article
ScienceslawEnglishnounA binding regulation or custom established in a community in this way.countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / Any rule that must or should be obeyed, concerning behaviours and their consequences. (Compare mores.)broadly countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A rule or principle regarding the construction of language or art.broadly countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A statement (in physics, etc) of an (observed, established) order or sequence or relationship of phenomena which is invariable under certain conditions. (Compare theory.)broadly countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A statement (of relation) that is true under specified conditions; a mathematical or logical rule.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesbroadly countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / Any statement of the relation of acts and conditions to their consequences.broadly countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A sound law; a regular change in the pronunciation of a language.human-sciences linguistics sciencesbroadly countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / One of the official rules of cricket as codified by the its (former) governing body, the MCC.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsbroadly countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounThe control and order brought about by the observance of such rules.countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA person or group that act(s) with authority to uphold such rules and order (for example, one or more police officers).countable informal uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounThe profession that deals with such rules (as lawyers, judges, police officers, etc).countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounJurisprudence, the field of knowledge which encompasses these rules.countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounLitigation; legal action (as a means of maintaining or restoring order, redressing wrongs, etc).countable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounAn allowance of distance or time (a head start) given to a weaker (human or animal) competitor in a race, to make the race more fair.countable uncommon uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounA mode of operation of the flight controls of a fly-by-wire aircraft.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounOne of two metaphysical forces ruling the world in some fantasy settings, also called order, and opposed to chaos.fantasycountable uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishnounAn oath sworn before a court, especially disclaiming a debt. (Chiefly in the phrases "wager of law", "wage one's law", "perform one's law", "lose one's law".)lawcountable historical uncountable
ScienceslawEnglishverbTo work as a lawyer; to practice law.obsolete
ScienceslawEnglishverbTo prosecute or sue (someone), to litigate.dialectal intransitive transitive
ScienceslawEnglishverbTo rule over (with a certain effect) by law; to govern.nonstandard
ScienceslawEnglishverbTo enforce the law.informal
ScienceslawEnglishverbTo subject to legal restrictions.
ScienceslawEnglishnounA tumulus of stones.obsolete
ScienceslawEnglishnounA hill.Northern-England Scotland archaic
ScienceslawEnglishnounA score; share of expense; legal charge.dialectal obsolete
ScienceslawEnglishintjAn exclamation of mild surprise; lawks; in interjections, a minced oath for Lord.dated
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA looping of a piece of string or of any other long, flexible material that cannot be untangled without passing one or both ends of the material through its loops.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA tangled clump.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA maze-like pattern.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA non-self-intersecting closed curve in (e.g., three-dimensional) space that is an abstraction of a knot (in sense 1 above).mathematics sciences
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA difficult situation.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounThe whorl left in lumber by the base of a branch growing out of the tree's trunk.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounLocal swelling in a tissue area, especially skin, often due to injury.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA tightened and contracted part of a muscle that feels like a hard lump under the skin.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA protuberant joint in a plant.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounAny knob, lump, swelling, or protuberance.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounThe swelling of the bulbus glandis in members of the dog family, Canidae.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounThe point on which the action of a story depends; the gist of a matter.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA node (point at which the lines of a funicular machine meet from different angular directions)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA kind of epaulet; a shoulder knot.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA group of people or things.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA bond of union; a connection; a tie.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA unit of speed, equal to one nautical mile per hour.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences nautical physical-sciences transport
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA unit of indicated airspeed, calibrated airspeed, or equivalent airspeed, which varies in its relation to the unit of speed so as to compensate for the effects of different ambient atmospheric conditions on aircraft performance.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounA nautical mile.nautical transport
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounThe bulbus glandis.slang
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounIn omegaverse fiction, a bulbus glandis-like structure on the penis of a male alpha, which ties him to an omega during intercourse.lifestyleslang
ScolopacidsknotEnglishverbTo form into a knot; to tie with a knot or knots.transitive
ScolopacidsknotEnglishverbTo form wrinkles in the forehead, as a sign of concentration, concern, surprise, etc.transitive
ScolopacidsknotEnglishverbTo unite closely; to knit together.
ScolopacidsknotEnglishverbTo entangle or perplex; to puzzle.obsolete rare transitive
ScolopacidsknotEnglishverbTo form knots.intransitive
ScolopacidsknotEnglishverbTo knit knots for a fringe.intransitive
ScolopacidsknotEnglishnounOne of a variety of shore birds; red-breasted sandpiper (variously Calidris canutus or Tringa canutus).
ScombroidsChinesecharacterblack carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)obsolete
ScombroidsChinesecharacterstew or chowder of fish and meat
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounOne who screams; one who shouts; one who sings harshly.
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounAny bird in the taxonomic family Anhimidae, endemic to South America, being large, bulky birds with a small downy head, long legs and large feet.
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA healthy, vigorous animal.hobbies hunting lifestyleUS obsolete
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA healthy, vigorous person.
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounSomething exceptionally good.
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA difficult catch.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA very hard hit.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA particularly high mark (clean catch of a kicked ball).hobbies lifestyle sports
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA powerful shot.ball-games games golf hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA very large wave.hobbies lifestyle sports surfing
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA march played at a circus to enliven the crowd.entertainment lifestyle music
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA video that unexpectedly frightens the viewer by cutting to a loud scream and disturbing image.Internet
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounAn effeminate gay man; a man who is obviously homosexual.slang
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA bouncer.US dated slang
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounAn exclamation mark.journalism mediaslang
ScreamersscreamerEnglishnounA large, attention-getting headline.journalism mediaslang
SeafoodpunawCebuanonouna venus clam, Marcia hiantina
SeafoodpunawCebuanonouna bittersweet clam, Glycymeris reevei
SeasDavaoCebuanonameDavao (a former province of the Philippines)
SeasDavaoCebuanonamea surname from Giangan
SeasDavaoCebuanonamethe Davao River
SeasDavaoCebuanonamethe Davao Gulf
SemiconductorskośćPolishnounbone (composite material consisting largely of calcium phosphate and collagen and making up the skeleton of most vertebrates)feminine
SemiconductorskośćPolishnoundie (isohedral polyhedron, usually a cube, with numbers or symbols on each side and thrown in games of chance)feminine in-plural
SemiconductorskośćPolishnounchip, microchip, computer chip, integrated circuit (small electronic device made up of multiple interconnected electronic components such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors)business computing electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencescolloquial feminine
SemiconductorskośćPolishnounremains, corpse (what is left after a person (or any organism) dies)feminine in-plural
SemiconductorskośćPolishnoundice (gaming with one or more dice)feminine
SemiconductorskośćPolishnounfishbonefeminine obsolete
SemiconductorskośćPolishnouncuttlebonefeminine obsolete
SemiconductorskośćPolishnounfingers; hands;feminine in-plural obsolete
SerbiaSerbia and MontenegroEnglishnameFormer country on the Balkan Peninsula, formerly part of Yugoslavia. It disbanded in 2006.historical
SerbiaSerbia and MontenegroEnglishnameThe Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.US nonstandard
SerbiaSerbia and MontenegroEnglishnameUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Serbia, Montenegro.
SexkantaCebuanoverbto sing
SexkantaCebuanoverbto fellate; to perform oral sex (on a man)slang
Sexpiece of meatEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see piece, of, meat.
Sexpiece of meatEnglishnounThe penis.slang
Sexpiece of meatEnglishnounA person considered to exist only for sexual gratification.slang
Sexà secFrenchadjdry, dried upinvariable
Sexà secFrenchadjbroke (lacking money; bankrupt)informal invariable
Sexà secFrenchadvwithout waiting for proper lubricationlifestyle sex sexualityvulgar
SexยสตนThainoununprotected sex.slang
SexยสตนThainouncreampie: the discharge of semen in a vagina or anus.slang
SexยสตนThaiverbto engage in unprotected sex.slang
SexยสตนThaiverbto creampie: to discharge semen in a vagina or anus.slang
ShapespedronglWelshnounrectanglearchaic masculine
ShapespedronglWelshnounsquarearchaic masculine
ShapesympyräFinnishnouncirclegeometry mathematics sciences
ShapesympyräFinnishnounroundelgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
ShapesympyräFinnishnounkroužek, ringmedia publishing typography
ShapesympyräFinnishnounorb (sphere of action)in-plural
SheepgeldingurIcelandicnouncastrated male animal, especially a wether (castrated ram) or gelding (castrated horse)masculine
SheepgrannyEnglishnounA grandmother.colloquial
SheepgrannyEnglishnounAny elderly woman, regardless of if she has grandchildren.colloquial
SheepgrannyEnglishnounA granny knot.
SheepgrannyEnglishnounAn older ewe that may lure a lamb away from its mother.agriculture business lifestylecolloquial
SheepgrannyEnglishadjtypically or stereotypically old-fashioned, especially in clothing and accessories worn by or associated with elderly women.informal not-comparable
SheepgrannyEnglishverbTo be a grandmother.informal intransitive
SheepgrannyEnglishverbTo act like a stereotypical grandmother; to fuss.informal intransitive
SheepgrannyEnglishnounA grand final.Australia colloquial
Shipping (fandom)MSREnglishnounInitialism of molten salt reactor.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Shipping (fandom)MSREnglishnounInitialism of Mars Sample Return mission.NASA aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences space-scienceUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
Shipping (fandom)MSREnglishnounMulder/Scully romance; a fanfic involving a romantic relationship between the characters Fox Mulder and Dana Scully of the The X-Files.countable
Shipping (fandom)MSREnglishnounSuch fan fiction collectively.lifestyleslang uncountable
Shipping (fandom)MSREnglishnameInitialism of Microsoft Research.abbreviation alt-of initialism
SilverposrebrzyćPolishverbto silver (to cover with silver)perfective transitive
SilverposrebrzyćPolishverbto get silveredperfective reflexive
Simple machinespalancaCatalannoungangplankfeminine
Simple machinespalancaCatalannounleverfeminine
Simple machinespalancaCatalannouncrowbarfeminine
Simple machinespalancaCatalannoundiving boardfeminine
Simple machinespalancaCatalannounsee-sawfeminine
SkinomugutaTooronoununcured skin
SkinomugutaTooronounskin (of animals), hide
SkinomugutaTooronounskin (of animals), hide / fresh cow skin when slaughtered
SkinomugutaTooronouncorpse of a monarch
SkinwągierPolishnounblackhead, comedo, whiteheaddermatology medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
SkinwągierPolishnouncysticercusinanimate masculine
SlaveryniewolićPolishverbto compel, to forceimperfective literary transitive
SlaveryniewolićPolishverbto enslave, to subjugateimperfective literary transitive
SleepsoundEnglishadjComplete, solid, or secure.
SleepsoundEnglishadjHaving the property of soundness.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
SleepsoundEnglishadjGood; acceptable; decent.British Ireland slang
SleepsoundEnglishadjQuiet and deep.
SleepsoundEnglishadjHeavy; laid on with force.
SleepsoundEnglishadjFounded in law; legal; valid; not defective.
SleepsoundEnglishintjYes; used to show agreement or understanding.British Ireland slang
SleepsoundEnglishnounA sensation perceived by the ear caused by the vibration of air or some other medium.countable uncountable
SleepsoundEnglishnounA vibration capable of causing such sensations.countable uncountable
SleepsoundEnglishnounA distinctive style and sonority of a particular musician, orchestra etc.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
SleepsoundEnglishnounNoise without meaning; empty noise.countable uncountable
SleepsoundEnglishnounEarshot, distance within which a certain noise may be heard.countable uncountable
SleepsoundEnglishnounA segment as a part of spoken language, the smallest unit of spoken language, a speech sound.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencescountable uncountable
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo produce a sound.intransitive
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo convey an impression by one's sound.copulative
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo be conveyed in sound; to be spread or published; to convey intelligence by sound.intransitive
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo resound.intransitive obsolete
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo arise or to be recognizable as arising in or from a particular area of law, or as likely to result in a particular kind of legal remedy.lawintransitive often
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo cause to produce a sound.transitive
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo pronounce.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencestransitive
SleepsoundEnglishnounA long narrow inlet, or a strait between the mainland and an island; also, a strait connecting two seas, or connecting a sea or lake with the ocean.geography natural-sciences
SleepsoundEnglishnounThe air bladder of a fish.
SleepsoundEnglishverbOf a whale, to dive downwards.intransitive
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo ascertain, or to try to ascertain, the thoughts, motives, and purposes of (a person); to examine; to try; to test; to probe.
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo fathom or test; to ascertain the depth of water with a sounding line or other device.
SleepsoundEnglishverbTo examine with the instrument called a sound or sonde, or by auscultation or percussion.medicine sciences
SleepsoundEnglishnounA long, thin probe for sounding or dilating body cavities or canals such as the urethra; a sonde.medicine sciences
SleepululaćPolishverbto lull, cradle (a baby to sleep)perfective transitive
SleepululaćPolishverbto get someone drunkcolloquial perfective transitive
SleepululaćPolishverbto get drunk (intoxicate oneself with alcohol)colloquial perfective reflexive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto awaken (ie. from sleep)transitive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto lift uptransitive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto pick up; removetransitive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto raisetransitive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto bear (burden; expenses; responsibility etc.)transitive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto answer (a phonecall)transitive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto nick, take (ie. steal)colloquial transitive
SleepاٹھاناUrduverbto kidnap; abduct (a person)colloquial transitive
SleepChinesecharacterto become aware; to dawn on; to awaken to
SleepChinesecharacterto feel; to think
SleepChinesecharactersense; sensation; feeling
SleepChinesecharactera surname: Jue
SleepChinesecharacterto wake up from sleepliterary
SleepChinesecharactersleep; nap
SleepChinesecharacterClassifier for periods of sleep.
SleepChinesecharacterAlternative form of 較/较 (“to compare”)alt-of alternative obsolete
SmellgraveolensLatinadjStrong-smellingdeclension-3 one-termination
SmellgraveolensLatinadjFoul-smelling; rank.declension-3 one-termination
SmellgraveolensLatinadjUsed as a specific epithet in taxonomic names.New-Latin declension-3 one-termination
Snacks약식Koreannouninformality; simplicity; casualness
Snacks약식Koreannounyaksik (Sweet rice with nuts and jujubes, a Korean dish made by steaming glutinous rice mixed with honey, sugar, jujubes, soy sauce, sesame oil, chestnuts, pine nuts, etc.)
SoftwareCOLAEnglishnounAcronym of cost of living adjustment.abbreviation acronym alt-of
SoftwareCOLAEnglishnamecomp.os.linux.advocacy (a Usenet newsgroup promoting the Linux operating system)abbreviation acronym
SoricomorphsmygaleEnglishnounA shrew or ferret.obsolete
SoricomorphsmygaleEnglishnounAny of the former genus Mygale of large, hairy trapdoor spiders with four lungs and four spinnerets, now distributed in Mygalomorphae.
SoundsbukSerbo-Croatiannouncascade, rapids, cataract
SoundsbukSerbo-Croatiannounthe sound of a strong water stream
SoundsłomotPolishnounthud, thudding (dull sound of impact or a series of such sounds)inanimate masculine
SoundsłomotPolishnounwipeout (heavy beating)colloquial inanimate masculine
SoundsкликRussiannounshout, scream
SoundsкликRussiannounmouseclick, click
SoundsкликRussiannoungenitive plural of кли́ка (klíka)form-of genitive plural
SpainESTranslingualsymbolSymbol for exasiemens, an SI unit of electrical conductance equal to 10¹⁸ siemens.metrologyalt-of symbol
SpainESTranslingualsymbolISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Spain.
SpainestadalEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of length, equivalent to about 3.3 m.historical
SpainestadalEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of area, equivalent to about 11.2 m².historical
SpainmanchegoPortugueseadjof, from or relating to La Mancha
SpainmanchegoPortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of La Manchamasculine
SpainmanchegoPortuguesenounManchego (a firm, compact cheese from La Mancha)masculine
SpicesgingivereMiddle Englishnounginger (Zingiber officinale or its root, often used as a spice)uncountable
SpicesgingivereMiddle EnglishnounA kind of sauce made with ginger.uncountable
Sports areashřištěCzechnounplaygroundneuter
Sports areashřištěCzechnounfield, playing fieldneuter
Sports areasskating rinkEnglishnounA specially prepared ice surface on which people skate or play ice hockey; the building that houses such a surface.
Sports areasskating rinkEnglishnounA roller-skating rink; the building that houses such a surface.
SquirrelsmeksikonsiiseliFinnishnounring-tailed ground squirrel, Spermophilus annulatus
SquirrelsmeksikonsiiseliFinnishnounSynonym of teksasinsiiseli.dated
Squirrelstree ratEnglishnounAny of very many diverse rodents
Squirrelstree ratEnglishnounA squirrel.derogatory
Staff vine family plantsbochecha-de-velhoPortuguesenounplant of the species Salacia impressifoliaBrazil feminine
Staff vine family plantsbochecha-de-velhoPortuguesenounthe fruit of this treeBrazil feminine
StarlingskottarainenFinnishnounEuropean starling, common starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
StarlingskottarainenFinnishnounstarling (any bird of the family Sturnidae)
StarlingskottarainenFinnishnounwomanfiguratively informal
SugarszuccheroItaliannounsugar (all senses)masculine
SugarszuccheroItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of zuccherarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Suicidegoodbye, cruel worldEnglishphraseAn exclamation made before committing suicide, in speech, text, or in a suicide note.
Suicidegoodbye, cruel worldEnglishphraseA call said before taking a stiff drink, especially a shot of vodka.humorous
SurgeryislamCebuanonouncircumcision according to Muslim khitan ritehistorical
SurgeryislamCebuanoverbto perform such circumcisionhistorical
SymbolsplusEnglishprepAnd; sum of the previous one and the following one.
SymbolsplusEnglishprepWith; having in addition.colloquial
SymbolsplusEnglishconjAnd also; in addition; besides (which).
SymbolsplusEnglishnounA positive quantity.
SymbolsplusEnglishnounAn asset or useful addition.
SymbolsplusEnglishnounA plus sign: +.arithmetic
SymbolsplusEnglishnounAbbreviation of LGBT+abbreviation alt-of
SymbolsplusEnglishadjBeing positive rather than negative or zero.not-comparable
SymbolsplusEnglishadjPositive, or involving advantage.not-comparable
SymbolsplusEnglishadjElectrically positive.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsnot-comparable
SymbolsplusEnglishadj(Of a quantity) Equal to or greater than; or more; upwards.informal not-comparable postpositional
SymbolsplusEnglishadjAnd more.informal not-comparable
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo add; to subject to addition.informal
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo increase in magnitude.often
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo improve.
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo provide critical feedback by giving suggestions for improvement rather than criticisms.
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo sell additional related items with an original purchase.
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo frame in a positive light; to provide a sympathetic interpretation.human-sciences psychology sciences
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo give a mark of approval on Google+.dated
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo increase the potency of a remedy by diluting it in water and stirring.homeopathy medicine sciences
SymbolsplusEnglishverbTo increase a correction.
TalkinghomilyEnglishnounA sermon, especially concerning a practical matter.Christianity
TalkinghomilyEnglishnounA moralizing lecture.
TalkinghomilyEnglishnounA platitude.
TalkinghomilyEnglishadvIn a homey manner.
TalkingyabbleEnglishverbTo vocalize in a meaningless or incomprehensible manner.
TalkingyabbleEnglishverbTo talk excessively; to babble.
TalkingyabbleEnglishnounMeaningless vocalizations or garbled speech.uncountable
TalkingyabbleEnglishnounBabbling; nonsensical talk.uncountable
TalkingyabbleEnglishnounChaotic confusion.uncountable
TalkingyabbleEnglishadjAble; capable.dialectal
TalkingφημίAncient Greekverbto speak, say / to think
TalkingφημίAncient Greekverbto speak, say / to write
TalkingφημίAncient Greekverbto speak, saysometimes
TalkingφημίAncient Greekverbto say yes, agree, affirm, assert / to say no, deny, refuse
TalkingφημίAncient Greekverbto say yes, agree, affirm, assert / yes, to would say so
TalkingლაპარაკობსGeorgianverbto talk, to speakindicative present singular third-person
TalkingლაპარაკობსGeorgianverbto speakindicative present singular third-person
Talking咕嘰Chineseverbto talk in a low voice; to whisper
Talking咕嘰Chineseverbto mutter; to mumble
Talking咕嘰Chineseverbto grumble; to mumble complaints
Talking咕嘰Chineseverbto drip; to squelch
TastesavorEnglishnounAlternative spelling of savourUS alt-of alternative countable uncountable
TastesavorEnglishverbAlternative spelling of savourUS alt-of alternative
Taxationpoll taxEnglishnounA tax determined as a uniform, fixed amount per individual.
Taxationpoll taxEnglishnounA tax that must be paid in order to vote.US
Teared teaEnglishnounA beverage made from the rooibos plant.countable uncountable
Teared teaEnglishnounBlack tea.countable uncountable
TeethбеззубыйRussianadjinsipidderogatory figuratively
TeethяснаUkrainiannoungums (the flesh around the teeth)plural plural-only
TeethяснаUkrainianadjfeminine nominative singular of я́сни́й (jásnýj)feminine form-of nominative singular
TemperatureкуйаасYakutadjhot, sultry
TensesconditionalEnglishadjLimited by a condition.not-comparable
TensesconditionalEnglishadjStating that one sentence is true if another is.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesnot-comparable
TensesconditionalEnglishadjExpressing a condition or supposition.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
TensesconditionalEnglishnounA conditional sentence; a statement that depends on a condition being true or false.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
TensesconditionalEnglishnounThe conditional mood.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
TensesconditionalEnglishnounA statement that one sentence is true if another is.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
TensesconditionalEnglishnounAn instruction that branches depending on the truth of a condition at that point.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
TensesconditionalEnglishnounA condition (a limitation or restriction).
Textual divisionقنداقArabicnounscroll, roll of writing, volumenobsolete
Textual divisionقنداقArabicnounprayer book, missal, kontakionChristianity
Textual divisionقنداقArabicnouncloths wrapped around an infant, “baby roll”, swaddling-clothescolloquial
Textual divisionقنداقArabicnoungun carriage, mount of a cannonengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycolloquial
Textual divisionقنداقArabicnoungunstock, rifle buttengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycolloquial
ThinkingprzemyśliwaćPolishverbto think over (thoroughly), to chew onimperfective transitive
ThinkingprzemyśliwaćPolishverbto rethinkimperfective transitive
ThinkingprzemyśliwaćPolishverbto ponder, to ruminateimperfective intransitive
Thinkingstream of consciousnessEnglishnounThe continuous flow of thoughts that makes up an individual's conscious experience.
Thinkingstream of consciousnessEnglishnounA literary device that seeks to describe this process by means of a long, unstructured soliloquy.
ThinkingλογίζομαιAncient Greekverbto count, reckon
ThinkingλογίζομαιAncient Greekverbto calculate, computemathematics sciences
ThinkingλογίζομαιAncient Greekverbto consider, ponder, take into account
ThinkingλογίζομαιAncient Greekverbto count on, expect
ThinkingλογίζομαιAncient Greekverbto think, believe
ThistlespopłochPolishnounpanic; scareinanimate masculine
ThistlespopłochPolishnounstampedeinanimate masculine
ThistlespopłochPolishnouncotton thistle; any plant of the genus Onoporduminanimate masculine
ThistlestakjasEstoniannounburdock (plant of the genus Arctium)biology botany natural-sciences
ThistlestakjasEstoniannounburr, bur (seed pod of a burdock that sticks in fur or clothing)biology botany natural-sciences
ThreetrójliśćPolishnounbogbean, buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata)inanimate masculine
ThreetrójliśćPolishnountrefoil (symbol)inanimate masculine
Three三字經ChinesenameThree Character Classic (classic Chinese text)
Three三字經Chinesenounswear wordsidiomatic
TimeajanlaskuFinnishnounchronology (science)
TimeajanlaskuFinnishnounCommon Era
TimeayAzerbaijaninoundate (day of the month)
TimechwilaPolishnouninstant, moment (very short period of time)feminine
TimechwilaPolishnouninstant, moment (single, usually precise, point in time)feminine
TimechwilaPolishnounweather, especially bad weatherfeminine regional
TimechwilaPolishnounfree time, time offMiddle Polish feminine
TimechwilaPolishintjwait a minute, wait a moment, wait a second (used when the speaker expects to refrain from speaking or acting for a short time)colloquial
TimedobaPolishnounday (full 24 hours), nychthemeronfeminine
TimedobaPolishnounage, era, periodfeminine
TimekhắcVietnamesenouna unit of time, equal to 15 minutesarchaic
TimekhắcVietnamesenouna unit of time, equal to 4 hoursarchaic
TimekhắcVietnameseverbto make something by carvingtransitive
TimekhắcVietnameseverbto carve something (onto the surface of something else)transitive
TimekhắcVietnameseverbto be engraved in somethingfiguratively intransitive
TimekwartierDutchnouna quarter of an hour, i.e. 15 minutesneuter
TimekwartierDutchnounthe quarter(s) at (a) person(s)'s disposal to live in; one's living quartersneuter
TimekwartierDutchnouna neighborhood, defined part of a town or cityneuter
TimekwartierDutchnouna quarter of an heraldic fieldgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsneuter
TimekwartierDutchnounall of one's ancestors up to a specified degree, indicated by the maximum number of possible ancestors at a given level (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.), generally listed on a document; originally used for nobles whose coats of arms would be displayed on such a documentgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsneuter plural
TimekwartierDutchnouna regionneuter
TimekwartierDutchnounSynonym of kwart (“quarter; one-fourth”)archaic neuter
Timemis DuCornishadvin November (month)
Timemis DuCornishnameNovember (month)masculine
TimemweziMaore Comoriannounmoonclass-3
TimemweziMaore Comoriannounmonthclass-3
TimemweziMaore Comoriannounmenstruationclass-3
TimemēnesisLatviannounmonth (one of the 12 divisions of the year)declension-2 masculine
TimemēnesisLatviannounmonth (a period of approximately 30 days)declension-2 masculine
TimepraeteritumLatinverbinflection of praeteritus: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative participle singular vocative
TimepraeteritumLatinverbinflection of praeteritus: / accusative masculine singularaccusative form-of masculine participle singular
TimepraeteritumLatinnounpast, the pastdeclension-2 neuter
TimereciénSpanishadvrecently; new-, newly-
Timesopta-Garoclassifierclassifier for weeks
TimetráthIrishnounday, periodmasculine
TimetydyMiddle Englishadjtimely, prompt
TimetydyMiddle Englishadjexcellent, adept, noble
TimetydyMiddle Englishadjhealthy, fertile
Timevampire timeEnglishnounA schedule in which a person sleeps during the day and spends much of the night awake.informal
Timevampire timeEnglishnounNight; the time when there is no sunlight.informal
Timevampire timeEnglishnounA woman's menstrual period.euphemistic slang
Timevampire timeEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see vampire, time. / Time, when considered relative to a vampire's immortal lifespan.
Timevampire timeEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see vampire, time. / The manner in which a vampire perceives or measures time.
Timevampire timeEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see vampire, time. / The time at which one encounters a vampire.
TimeнядзеляBelarusiannounweeknonstandard rare
TimeتسوPersiannounthe twenty-fourth part of a weight, measure, or day
TimeمساءArabicadvin the evening
TimeمساءArabicadvp.m., after noon (often shortened as م (m))
TimeمساءArabicnounverbal noun of سَاءَ (sāʔa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
TimeదినముTelugunounThe day time.
TimeโมงThainounhour; o'clock.colloquial
TimeโมงThainountime.broadly colloquial
TimeსაატიLaznounhour; clock; time / unit of time equal to one 24th of a day; hour
TimeსაატიLaznounhour; clock; time / time
TimeსაატიLaznounhour; clock; time / a device that displays time units such as hours, minutes, etc.; clock
TimeსაატიLaznouneach of the time points shown on clocks
TimeსაატიLaznounstandard time, which may vary by country or region and by season; time zone
Time一度Japanesenounonce; one time
Time一度Japanesenounonce; one time
Time연소KoreanrootRoot of 연소(年少)하다 (yeonsohada, “to be young”). Rarely used alone.morpheme
Times of daygiórnoLiguriannounday (period of 24 hours)masculine
Times of daygiórnoLiguriannounday (period between sunrise and sunset)masculine
Times of daytráthnónaIrishnounafternoon, eveningmasculine
Times of daytráthnónaIrishadvin the afternoon, in the evening
Times of dayyigidiNupenounafternoon
Times of dayyigidiNupenoundaytime
Times of dayyigidiNupenoundaylight
Times of dayyigidiNupenounsun
Times of dayкиэһэYakutadvin the evening
Times of dayкиэһэYakutnounevening
Times of day黃昏Chinesenoundusk; twilight
Times of day黃昏ChineseadjSynonym of 昏黄 (hūnhuáng, “pale yellow; dim”)
TitlesMonsieurFrenchnounAlternative letter-case form of monsieur Used to show respectalt-of masculine
TitlesMonsieurFrenchnounSpecifically, the brother of the French kinghistorical masculine
TitlesSaintEnglishnounA title given to a saint, often prefixed to the person's name.
TitlesSaintEnglishnounA Latter-day Saint, a Mormon.Mormonism
TitlesSaintEnglishnounSomeone connected with any of the sports teams known as the Saints, such as a player or coach, or sometimes a fan.hobbies lifestyle sports
TitlesSaintEnglishnounSaint class, a class of steam locomotives used on the GWR.rail-transport railways transportUK
TitlesSaintEnglishnameA surname.
TitlesSaintEnglishnameA nickname, given to someone of very good character.
TitlesSaintEnglishnameA nickname, given to someone of extreme religiosity.
TitlesasessoriFinnishnounan honorary title of the thirteenth rank granted by the President of Finland
TitleskenttäpiispaFinnishnounmilitary bishop, field bishop
TitleskenttäpiispaFinnishnounan honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland given to accomplished military bishops
Titlesright honourableEnglishadjA courtesy title applied to a peer below the rank of marquess.not-comparable
Titlesright honourableEnglishadjA courtesy title applied to a privy counsellor, to the lord mayor of various cities, governor general, and to the prime minister of certain Commonwealth countries.not-comparable
TitlesshehuHausanounA great scholar, especially in religious matters.Islam lifestyle religion
TitlesshehuHausanounA great scholar, especially in religious matters. / A traditional title of the emir of Borno.Islam lifestyle religion
Titlesเด็กหญิงThainouna formal title which an unmarried woman under 15 years of age is required to use. Abbreviation: ด.ญ. (dɔɔ-yɔɔ)law
TitlesꜥqytEgyptiannouna kind of female servant
TitlesꜥqytEgyptiannameepithet of Hathor
TobaccopivatCahuillanountobacco, originally referring to any one of the native species of Nicotiana, which were important in traditional rituals and ceremonies.
Toolslock pickEnglishnounAny device used to unlock a lock without the use of a key.
Toolslock pickEnglishnounA person who picks locks.
Toolslock pickEnglishverbTo use tools to unlock locks without a key; to pick locks.
ToolsrampugollCatalannoungafffishing hobbies lifestylemasculine
ToolsrampugollCatalannounpike polefirefighting governmentmasculine
ToolsripperEnglishnounSomething that rips something else.
ToolsripperEnglishnounSomeone who rips something.
ToolsripperEnglishnounA legislative bill or act that transfers powers of appointment from the usual holders to a chief executive or a board of officials.
ToolsripperEnglishnounA murderer who kills and often mutilates victims with a blade or similar sharp weapon.
ToolsripperEnglishnounA hook-like tool used to tear away ore, rock, mining
ToolsripperEnglishnounA person employed to tear away ore, rock, etc. to make a passage for material to be carried to the mining
ToolsripperEnglishnounSomething that is an excellent example of its kind.Australia British slang
ToolsripperEnglishnounSoftware that extracts content from files or storage media.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ToolsripperEnglishnounA tool or plant used to reduce soil compaction.agriculture business lifestyle
ToolsripperEnglishnounA hot dog deep-fried in oil until the casing bursts.New-Jersey US slang
ToolsripperEnglishnounA foghorn.
ToolsripperEnglishadjVery good; excellent; fantastic.Australia British not-comparable slang
ToolsripperEnglishnounOne who brings fish from the seacoast to markets in inland towns.obsolete
ToolstzappaSardiniannounhoe (agricultural tool)Campidanese Logudorese feminine
ToolstzappaSardiniannountheftNuorese feminine
ToolstzappaSardinianverbsecond-person singular imperative of tzappareform-of imperative second-person singular
ToolsгумаBulgariannounrubber (material)uncountable
ToolsгумаBulgariannouneraser, rubbercountable
ToolsبیلPersiannounshovel, spade
ToolsبیلPersiannoun12 hoursSistani
Toolsقارغه بورونOttoman Turkishnounaquiline nose, Roman nose, a nose with a hooked shape
Toolsقارغه بورونOttoman Turkishnounpliers, a pincer-like tool often used for bending things
ToolsكرمانOttoman Turkishnouncastle, fortress, stronghold, any fortified place built to withstand attack
ToolsكرمانOttoman Turkishnounspindle, a rod used for spinning and then winding fibres, especially wool
ToolsكرمانOttoman TurkishnameKerman (a province in Iran) / Kerman (a city, the provincial capital of Kerman Province, Iran)
Tools扳手Chinesenounspanner; wrench (Classifier: 把)
Tools扳手Chinesenounmachine lever
ToolsKoreannounability, method; how todependent
ToolsKoreannouna perceived fact (see Usage notes)dependent
ToolsKoreannounstring, rope
ToolsKoreannounline, row, column, queue
ToolsKoreannounline, crack (on a surface)
ToolsKoreannounline on a written page
ToolsKoreannounstring of a musical instrument
ToolsKoreannounpersonal connectionsfiguratively
ToolsKoreannounSynonym of 현(絃) (hyeon, “chord of a circle”)mathematics sciencesNorth-Korea
ToolsKoreannounfile (cutting tool)
ToolsKoreannounManchurian wild rice (Zizania latifolia)
ToolsKoreancounterjoule (measure of energy)
ToolsKoreannounDialectal form of 귤(橘) (gyul, “orange, clementine”)Gyeongsang Jeolla dialectal form-of
ToolsKoreanverbfuture adnominal of 주다 (juda, “to give; to act for”): which will give; which will be given; which will be for the sake of someoneadnominal form-of future
ToolsKoreanverbfuture adnominal of 줄다 (julda, “to decrease”): which will decreaseadnominal form-of future
ToolsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 싹 줄 (ssak jul)) (MC reading: 茁 (MC trwit|tsrweat|tsrjwet)) / 茁: sprout
TorturebaranPolishnounram (male sheep)animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounramskin, sheepskin (leather of this animal)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounfrizz (very curly, short hair)animal-not-person colloquial masculine plural-normally
TorturebaranPolishnounram (image of this animal as used in coats of arms)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsanimal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnountype of rabbitanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounbattering ramanimal-not-person historical masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounpile driver (machine for forcing a pile, a long beam, into the ground)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounmilk skin, skin (congealed layer on the surface of a liquid)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounstag beetle (Lucanus cervus)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounwagon hub, nave (the central part of a wheel of a wagon)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnountype of gameanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounlong roll of straw; large saddle of straw on a roofanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounlarge place (tool for smoothing wood by removing thin layers from the surface moved by two people)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
TorturebaranPolishnounram meatMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounlarge sea fishMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnountype of corporal punishment deviceMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounchurn (device for making butter)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounlamb (virtuous person)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounlamb (follower of Christ)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounlift (device for raising heavy objects)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnouncrank stock; oil pressMiddle Polish animal-not-person masculine
TorturebaranPolishnounbonehead (idiot)colloquial derogatory masculine person
Toy dogsLöwchenGermannoundiminutive of Löwediminutive form-of neuter strong
Toy dogsLöwchenGermannounLöwchen (dog)neuter strong
Toysjo-joPolishnounyo-yo (toy consisting of a spheroidal or cylindrical spindle having a circular groove in which string is wound; it is used by holding the string in the fingers and reeling the spindle up and down by movements of the wrist)indeclinable neuter
Toysjo-joPolishnounyo-yo dieting, weight cycling (rapid weight gain after a previous rapid weight loss)colloquial indeclinable neuter
ToysドールJapanesenounSynonym of 人形 (ningyō, hitogata, “doll”) (toy in the form of a human)
ToysドールJapanesenouna dhole
TransgenderZwischengeschlechtlichkeitGermannounintersexualityfeminine no-plural
TransgenderZwischengeschlechtlichkeitGermannounthe state of being non-binaryLGBT lifestyle sexualityfeminine no-plural
TransgenderboymodeEnglishnounThe state of presenting as a boy, regardless of one's actual gender identity.especially uncountable
TransgenderboymodeEnglishverbTo present as a boy, regardless of one's actual gender identity.especially intransitive
TransgendershimEnglishnounA wedge.
TransgendershimEnglishnounA thin piece of material, sometimes tapered, used for alignment or support.
TransgendershimEnglishnounA small library that transparently intercepts and modifies calls to an API, usually for compatibility purposes.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
TransgendershimEnglishnounA kind of shallow plow used in tillage to break the ground and clear it of weeds.
TransgendershimEnglishnounA small metal device used to pick open a lock.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo fit one or more shims to a piece of machinery.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo adjust something by using shims.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo adjust the homogeneity of a magnetic field, after the mechanical devices once used for the purpose.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo intercept and modify calls to (an API), usually for compatibility purposes.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
TransgendershimEnglishnounA transsexual person, especially a trans woman; (loosely) a drag queen or transvestite.derogatory informal often
TransgendershimEnglishnounA person characterised by both male and female traits, or by ambiguous male-female traits; a hermaphrodite.derogatory informal often
Translingual numeral symbols߆TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number six.
Translingual numeral symbols߆TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal. Unlike naturally developed instances of the Hindu-Arabic decimal number system, N'ko numbers have the most significant digit on the right. It is Unicode policy to store the most significant digit first, so these digits have right-to-left ordering just like the consonants of the N'ko script.
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterjletter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterUpper-case Jletter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterω (ô)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterj / јletter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterж (zh)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterי (y)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterج (j)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterጀ (ǧ)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterjaBharati-braille letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterထ (tha)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterཡ (ya)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterThe onset r (spelled ⟨j⟩ in Wade-Giles)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterThe onset bi- or the rime -àletter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterThe onset c or q, depending on the rimeletter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterThe onset j (pronounced y) and rime oeyletter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualcharacterจ c (j)letter
Translingual numeral symbolsTranslingualnumThe digit 0.
TreesmangostanPolishnoungarcinia, mangosteen, saptree (any tree of the genus Garcinia)inanimate masculine
TreesmangostanPolishnounmangosteen, monkey fruit (fruit)inanimate masculine
TreesoleYorubanounthe tree Canarium schweinfurthiiEkiti
TreesolivaLatinnounan olive (fruit)declension-1
TreesolivaLatinnounan olive treedeclension-1
TreesolivaLatinnounan olive branchdeclension-1 poetic
TreespochotlClassical Nahuatlnounsilk-cotton tree, ceiba.
TreespochotlClassical NahuatlnounCeiba pentandra.
TreespochotlClassical Nahuatlnoun1645, Horacio Carochi, Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaración de los adverbios della, f. 121r
TreespochotlClassical Nahuatlnoun1645, Horacio Carochi, Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaración de los adverbios della, f. 121r: mā ihuicpatzinco tihuiān intlàtòcācihuāpilli, in màyuhqui pochōtl, āhuēhuētl, ma itlantzinco titocehuālhuīcān vamonos à Nueſtra Señora; es à manera de arbol grande, y ſabino, pongamonos à ſu ſombra. Let us go to our Lady, she is like a great tree and cypress, let us put ourselves in her shade. / mā ihuicpatzinco tihuiān intlàtòcācihuāpilli, in màyuhqui pochōtl, āhuēhuētl, ma itlantzinco titocehuālhuīcān
TreespochotlClassical Nahuatlnoun1645, Horacio Carochi, Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaración de los adverbios della, f. 121r: mā ihuicpatzinco tihuiān intlàtòcācihuāpilli, in màyuhqui pochōtl, āhuēhuētl, ma itlantzinco titocehuālhuīcān vamonos à Nueſtra Señora; es à manera de arbol grande, y ſabino, pongamonos à ſu ſombra. Let us go to our Lady, she is like a great tree and cypress, let us put ourselves in her shade. / vamonos à Nueſtra Señora; es à manera de arbol grande, y ſabino, pongamonos à ſu ſombra.
TreespochotlClassical Nahuatlnoun1645, Horacio Carochi, Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaración de los adverbios della, f. 121r: mā ihuicpatzinco tihuiān intlàtòcācihuāpilli, in màyuhqui pochōtl, āhuēhuētl, ma itlantzinco titocehuālhuīcān vamonos à Nueſtra Señora; es à manera de arbol grande, y ſabino, pongamonos à ſu ſombra. Let us go to our Lady, she is like a great tree and cypress, let us put ourselves in her shade. / Let us go to our Lady, she is like a great tree and cypress, let us put ourselves in her shade.
TreespìnLigurianadjfull (containing the maximum possible amount)
TreespìnLiguriannounpine, pine treeinvariable masculine
TreespìnLiguriannounpine, pinewoodinvariable masculine
TreesturareHausanounperfume, incense, scent
Treesपर्कटीSanskritnounFicus infectoria
Treesपर्कटीSanskritnouna fresh betel-nut
True bugskowalikPolishnoundiminutive of kowal: smith, blacksmithdiminutive form-of masculine person
True bugskowalikPolishnoundiminutive of kowal: firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus)animal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
True bugskowalikPolishnounany nuthatch belonging to the genus Sittaanimal-not-person masculine
TwelveduodecenniumLatinadjgenitive masculine/feminine/neuter plural of duodecennisfeminine form-of genitive masculine neuter plural
TwelveduodecenniumLatinnounA duodecade, a 12-year period.declension-2 neuter
UltimatehandlerEnglishnounOne who handles something (especially manually) or someone.literally
UltimatehandlerEnglishnounA controller, trainer, someone who handles a specified thing, animal or person (especially a prizefighter).in-compounds
UltimatehandlerEnglishnounAn advisor or manager providing guidance to a person occupying public office or a prominent
UltimatehandlerEnglishnounA subroutine that handles a particular situation such as an event or exception.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
UnderwearbandeauEnglishnounA band for the hair.
UnderwearbandeauEnglishnounA band.medicine sciences
UnderwearbandeauEnglishnounA narrow, tight bra, especially when strapless; hence, any women's top made from a similar band of fabric.
United KingdomIrishEnglishnameThe Gaelic language indigenous to Ireland, also known as Irish Gaelic.uncountable
United KingdomIrishEnglishnameThe Irish people.
United KingdomIrishEnglishnameA surname.
United KingdomIrishEnglishnameA female given name of chiefly Philippine usage.
United KingdomIrishEnglishnounA board game of the tables family.obsolete uncountable
United KingdomIrishEnglishnounTemper; anger, passion.US uncountable
United KingdomIrishEnglishnounWhiskey, or whisky, elaborated in Ireland.countable uncountable
United KingdomIrishEnglishadjPertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people.
United KingdomIrishEnglishadjPertaining to the Irish language.
United KingdomIrishEnglishadjnonsensical, daft or complex.derogatory
Units of measurecuerdaSpanishadjfeminine singular of cuerdofeminine form-of singular
Units of measurecuerdaSpanishnounrope, cord, stringfeminine
Units of measurecuerdaSpanishnounchordaeronautics aerospace architecture business engineering geometry mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
Units of measurecuerdaSpanishnounstring (of a musical stringed instrument)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
Units of measurecuerdaSpanishnounclockworkfeminine
Units of measurecuerdaSpanishnounSynonym of cordel (a traditional unit of distance)feminine historical
Units of measurecuerdaSpanishnouncuerda (unit of land area)Caribbean feminine historical
Units of measuregraoGaliciannoundegree (of temperature)masculine
Units of measuregraoGaliciannoundegreemasculine
Units of measuregraoGaliciannounacademic degreemasculine
Units of measuregraoGaliciannoundegree (of angle measure)masculine
Units of measuregraoGaliciannoundegree of a polynomialmathematics sciencesmasculine
Units of measuregraoGaliciannounAlternative form of gran (“grain”)alt-of alternative masculine
Units of measureslatScottish Gaelicnounstick, rod, twig, switch, wandfeminine
Units of measureslatScottish Gaelicnounyard (unit of length)feminine
Units of measureslatScottish Gaelicnounpenisanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine slang vulgar
Units of measureရတီBurmesenamea female given name from Pali
Units of measureရတီBurmesenounmeasure of weight used in weighing gems, equivalent to 0.388 carats or 20 ဗီဇဝါ (bija.wa)
VegetablescanónigoSpanishnouncanon (ecclesiastic who has a canonry)masculine
VegetablescanónigoSpanishnouncorn salad (any of the small plants in genus Valerianella, used in salads)masculine
VegetablesvellutCatalannounedible amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor)in-plural masculine
Vegetablesប្រពាយKhmernounwinged bean
Vegetablesប្រពាយKhmernouncompass; French curve
VehiclesvanDanishnounone of the Vanircommon-gender
VehiclesvanDanishadvpleje van – nurse, take care ofdated
VehiclesδίφροςAncient Greeknounchariot-board, on which the warrior and the driver stood
VehiclesδίφροςAncient Greeknounchariot itself, travelling car, litter
VehiclesδίφροςAncient Greeknounseat, couch, stool
VehiclesδίφροςAncient Greeknounroyal throne
VespidsدبورArabicnounwasp, hornet
VespidsدبورArabicnounverbal noun of دَبَرَ (dabara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
VesselscyathusLatinnouncyathus, Roman cup, a Roman unit of liquid measure equivalent to about 45 mLdeclension-2 historical masculine
VesselscyathusLatinnounladle, especially (historical) a small wine ladle in Roman contextsdeclension-2 masculine
VesselscyathusLatinnounkyathos, a small wine ladle and serving beaker in ancient Greece and Romedeclension-2 masculine
VesselsچمچهOttoman Turkishnoundrinking-tray, bowl, nap
VesselsچمچهOttoman Turkishnounscoop, ladle, spattle
Video gamesvideo gameEnglishnounA type of game, existing as and controlled by software, usually run by a video game console or a computer, played on a monitor or television screen, and controlled by a joypad, joystick, keyboard, mouse, touchscreen or paddle.
Video gamesvideo gameEnglishverbTo play video games.rare
ViolencecoupFrenchnounblow, hit, strike / sound of the actionmasculine
ViolencecoupFrenchnounblow, hit, strike / physical consequences of the action (marks)masculine
ViolencecoupFrenchnounfast and instantaneous actionbroadly masculine
ViolencecoupFrenchnounload, shotengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrymasculine
ViolencecoupFrenchnounbit (small quantity)masculine
ViolencecoupFrenchnounplanned actionmasculine
ViolencecoupFrenchnounlaymasculine slang
VisionпоглядыватьRussianverbto cast a glance (from time to time)
VisionпоглядыватьRussianverbto look (after), to keep an eye (on)
VisionਨਿਗਾਹPunjabinounvision, sight
VisionਨਿਗਾਹPunjabinounlook, glance
VisionਨਿਗਾਹPunjabinouncustody, care
Visualizationlogic diagramEnglishnounA diagram in the field of logic.
Visualizationlogic diagramEnglishnounAny non-spatial, abstract diagram.
Visualizationlogic diagramEnglishnounAny schematic display of the logical relationships of project activities.
Visualizationlogic diagramEnglishnounA graphical representation of a program using formal logic.
Visualizationlogic diagramEnglishnounA flow chart of hardware circuits or program logic.
VisualizationschemaEnglishnounAn outline or image universally applicable to a general conception, under which it is likely to be presented to the mind (for example, a body schema).
VisualizationschemaEnglishnounA formal description of the structure of a database: the names of the tables, the names of the columns of each table, and the data type and other attributes of each column.computing databases engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
VisualizationschemaEnglishnounA formal description of data, data types, and data file structures, such as XML schemas for XML files.
VisualizationschemaEnglishnounA formula in the metalanguage of an axiomatic system, in which one or more schematic variables appear, which stand for any term or subformula of the system, which may or may not be required to satisfy certain conditions.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
VisualizationschemaEnglishnounA monastic habit in the Greek Orthodox Church.Christianity
Washington, USAニュートンJapanesenounnewton
Washington, USAニュートンJapanesecounternewton
Washington, USAニュートンJapanesenameNewton
WaterπόντοςAncient Greeknounthe sea
WaterπόντοςAncient Greeknounthe sea
Water河水Chinesenounriver water
Water河水ChinesenameYellow Riverarchaic
WatercraftbirlingManxnoungalley, longshipfeminine
WatercraftpattugliatoreItaliannounpatrol boatmasculine
WeaponspilDanishverbimperative of pileform-of imperative
WeaponspilDanishverbimperative of pilleform-of imperative
Weapons火箭Chinesenounfire arrowhistorical
Weapons火箭Chinesenounrocket (non-guided missile or vehicle propelled by a rocket engine) (shape resembles arrow)figuratively
Weapons火箭ChinesenameDemocratic Action Party (from the rocket party symbol)Malaysia colloquial
WeatherجوSouth Levantine Arabicnounair
WeatherجوSouth Levantine Arabicnounatmosphere
WeatherجوSouth Levantine Arabicnounweather
Weaver finchesmniszkaPolishnounnun (member of a Christian religious community of women)feminine
Weaver finchesmniszkaPolishnounmonk seal (Monachus)feminine
Weaver finchesmniszkaPolishnounany bird of the genus Lonchurafeminine
Weaver finchesmniszkaPolishnounnun moth (Lymantria monacha)feminine
Weaver finchesmniszkaPolishnountype of concave roof tilefeminine
Weaver finchesmniszkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of mniszekaccusative form-of genitive singular
Weaver finchesmniszkaPolishnoungenitive singular of mniszekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
WeavingιστόςGreeknounmast, spar on a ship
WeavingιστόςGreeknounaerial, antennaengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technology
WeavingιστόςGreeknounloom, warp, woven fabric
WeavingιστόςGreeknounspiderweb, spider web
WeavingιστόςGreeknounstructure (of novel, film script, etc)figuratively
WeavingιστόςGreeknountissue, bundle (grouping of similar cells)anatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences
Western AustraliaヨークJapanesenameYork
Western AustraliaヨークJapanesenounyoke
WindHurrikanzentrumGermannouncenter, midpoint, focal point of a hurricaneneuter strong
WindHurrikanzentrumGermannoundepartment, agency for hurricanesneuter strong
WindfoehnEnglishnounA warm dry wind blowing down the north sides of the Alps, especially in Switzerland.
WindfoehnEnglishnounA similar katabatic wind developing on the lee side of a mountain.climatology meteorology natural-sciences
WindνότοςAncient Greeknounthe south(west) wind (which brings mist and wetness)
WindνότοςAncient Greeknounthe south
WindմրրիկArmeniannounstorm, hurricane
Wind風見Japanesenounan anemoscope
Wind風見Japanesenamea surname
ZimbabwezimbabweanoPortugueseadjZimbabwean (of, from, or pertaining to Zimbabwe)
ZimbabwezimbabweanoPortuguesenounZimbabwean (person from Zimbabwe)masculine

This page is a part of the machine-readable Rwanda-Rundi dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-11-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (fbeafe8 and 7f03c9b). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.