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AbortionabortarPortugueseverbto abort, miscarry
AbortionabortarPortugueseverbto perform an abortion, interrupt pregnancymedicine sciencesintransitive transitive
AbortionabortiveEnglishadjProduced by abortion; born prematurely and therefore unnatural.obsolete
AbortionabortiveEnglishadjComing to nothing; failing in its effect. .
AbortionabortiveEnglishadjImperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile.biology natural-sciences
AbortionabortiveEnglishadjCausing abortion; abortifacient.medicine pharmacology sciencesrare
AbortionabortiveEnglishadjCutting short; acting to halt or slow the progress (of a disease).medicine sciences
AbortionabortiveEnglishadjHaving a short and mild progression, without pronounced symptoms.medicine sciences
AbortionabortiveEnglishadjMade from the skin of a still-born animal.
AbortionabortiveEnglishnounSomeone or something born or brought forth prematurely; an abortion.obsolete
AbortionabortiveEnglishnounA fruitless effort.obsolete
AbortionabortiveEnglishnounA medicine that causes abortion, an abortifacient.obsolete
AbortionabortiveEnglishnounA medicine or treatment acting to halt or slow the progress of a disease.obsolete
AbortionabortiveEnglishverbTo cause an abortion; to render without fruit.obsolete transitive
Acanthus family plantsbungalonCebuanonounthe Indian mangrove (Avicennia officinalis)
Acanthus family plantsbungalonCebuanonounvetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides)
Administrative divisionsаймақKazakhnounaimag (various historical or modern Turkic or Mongolian provinces)
Administrative divisionsаймақKazakhnounprefecture (of PR China)
Administrative divisionsаймақKazakhnounregion; dependency; territory
Adolf HitlerHitlerEnglishnameA surname from Austrian German.
Adolf HitlerHitlerEnglishnameA surname from Austrian German. / Ellipsis of Adolf Hitler; Führer of the Nazi Party and chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945; particularly as the embodiment of Nazism.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Adolf HitlerHitlerEnglishnounA dictatorial person; someone who loves to exert their power and influence over others. (often used as a term of abuse)derogatory
AeronauticsderivaCatalannoundrift (course or direction along which anything is driven; setting)feminine
AeronauticsderivaCatalanverbinflection of derivar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
AeronauticsderivaCatalanverbinflection of derivar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
African insectivoresmrównikPolishnounaardvark, earth piganimal-not-person masculine
African insectivoresmrównikPolishnounTubulidentataanimal-not-person masculine plural plural-only
AfterlifeafterlifeEnglishnounA conscious existence after death; a supernatural life that follows one's natural life, in some worldviews.
AfterlifeafterlifeEnglishnounThe place believed to be inhabited by people who have died.
AfterlifeafterlifeEnglishnounThe part of a person's life that follows a particular stage or event; later life.countable informal uncountable
AfterlifeafterlifeEnglishnounThe effects of a person's actions, or their reputation, after death.
AfterlifeafterlifeEnglishnounThe events or situations that result from a particular event; the later reception, consumption or reworking of something, especially a cultural production such as a film, book, etc.
AlcoholismmıxlamaqAzerbaijaniverbto nailtransitive
AlcoholismmıxlamaqAzerbaijaniverbto fucktransitive vulgar
AlcoholismmıxlamaqAzerbaijaniverbto drink alcohol, to boozeslang transitive
Algebragoat grazing problemEnglishnounThe problem: given a field of radius 1, and a goat tied to a point on the edge of said field; how long a rope should the goat be tied to, so that the goat has access to exactly half of the field? Equivalently: given a unit circle C and a point P on the rim of C, what is the value of r such that exactly half of the area within C, is within distance r of point P?
Algebragoat grazing problemEnglishnounThe same problem generalized to any number of dimensions: given a unit n-sphere (n-dimensional hypersphere) S, and a point P on the edge of S, what is r such that exactly one-half of the space (content) within S, is within distance r of P?
Alismatales order plantsverkkolehtiFinnishnounonline magazine
Alismatales order plantsverkkolehtiFinnishnounany plant of the genus Aponogeton
Alismatales order plantsverkkolehtiFinnishnounthe genus Aponogetonin-plural
Alkali metalsbarPolishnounbar, public house (business selling alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises, or the premises themselves)inanimate masculine
Alkali metalsbarPolishnounbar, luncheon bar, buffet, wet bar (area for the preparation of alcoholic drinks, equipped with a countertop having a sink and running water and usually located in a home, hotel room, or similar quarters)inanimate masculine
Alkali metalsbarPolishnounbarium (chemical element (symbol Ba) with an atomic number of 56)inanimate masculine
Alkali metalsbarPolishnounbar (non-SI unit of pressure equal to 100,000 pascals, approximately equal to atmospheric pressure at sea level)inanimate masculine
Alkaline earth metalsstrontiumEnglishnounThe metallic chemical element (symbol Sr) with an atomic number of 38. It is a soft, reactive, silvery alkaline earth metal.uncountable usually
Alkaline earth metalsstrontiumEnglishnounA single atom of this element.countable usually
AlliumsKikaicharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
AlloysstopPolishnounan alloy; a mixture of metalschemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
AlloysstopPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of stopićform-of imperative second-person singular
AlloysstopPolishintjcool your heels!, cool your jets!, hold your horses!, stop!, whoa! (slow down)
AlloysstopPolishintjstop!, whoa! (you should not have done/said that)
AlloysstopPolishnouna stop signinanimate masculine
AlloysstopPolishnouna vehicle's brake lightcolloquial inanimate masculine
AlloysstopPolishnounhitchhikingcolloquial inanimate masculine
AmericaఅమెరికనుTelugunouna person born in, or a citizen or inhabitant of, the United States of America
AmericaఅమెరికనుTelugunounan indigenous inhabitant of the Americas; an American Indian
AmericaఅమెరికనుTelugunounan inhabitant of the Americas
AmericaఅమెరికనుTeluguadjof or pertaining to America
AmphibiansapodalEnglishadjWithout feet or foot-like body parts; legless.biology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
AmphibiansapodalEnglishnounAny moth of the genus Apoda.
AmphibiansapodalEnglishnounAny caecilian of the order Apoda.
AnatomygambaCatalannounshank (any of various birds in the genus Tringa)feminine
AnatomygambaCatalanverbinflection of gambar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
AnatomygambaCatalanverbinflection of gambar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
AnatomyparpalhonOccitannounbutterfly (insect)masculine
AnatomyparpalhonOccitannouncropanatomy medicine sciencesLimousin masculine
AnatomyparpalhonOccitannounbreast, chestanatomy medicine sciencesLimousin masculine
AnatomyנאָפּלYiddishnounnavel, umbilical cord
AnatomyনখBengalinounnail (of a hand or toe)
Ancient GreeceanaximenoSpanishadjAnaximeneanhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
Ancient GreeceanaximenoSpanishnounAnaximeneanhuman-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine
Ancient Near EastAisiriachIrishadjAssyriannot-comparable
Ancient Near EastAisiriachIrishnounAssyrianmasculine
Ancient RomePlinyEnglishnameAn ancient Roman praenomen.
Ancient RomePlinyEnglishnamePliny the Elder, Gaius Plinius Secundus (23–79 AD): an ancient Roman nobleman, scientist and historian, author of Naturalis Historia, "Pliny's Natural History".
Ancient RomePlinyEnglishnamePliny the Younger, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (63–circa 113): an ancient Roman statesman, orator, and writer, a great-nephew of Pliny the Elder.
Angerflame outEnglishverbTo become suddenly angry; to break out into indignation or similar emotion; to flare up.archaic
Angerflame outEnglishverbTo fail due to extinction of flame.
Angerflame outEnglishverbTo fail, usually spectacularly.figuratively
Angerflame outEnglishverbTo stop due to exhaustion.intransitive
Animal body partsnebEnglishnounA bird's beak or bill.dialectal
Animal body partsnebEnglishnounA person's mouth.obsolete
Animal body partsnebEnglishnounA person's nose.dialectal
Animal body partsnebEnglishnounThe peak of a flat cap.dialectal
Animal body partsnebEnglishnounThe nose or snout of an animal, now especially of a fish.dialectal
Animal body partsnebEnglishnounA projecting extremity; a point or sharp projection.dialectal
Animal body partsnebEnglishnounA nib, as of a pen.dialectal
Animal body partsprackaCzechnounpaw (soft foot of an animal)feminine
Animal body partsprackaCzechnounhandcolloquial feminine
Animal dwellingspolleroSpanishnounone who raises and sells chickens for a livingmasculine
Animal dwellingspolleroSpanishnounsmuggler of illegal immigrantsEl-Salvador Mexico masculine
Animal dwellingspolleroSpanishnounchicken coop; place where chickens are raisedmasculine
Animal soundsdürögHungarianverbto produce its mating call (of a grouse, capercaillie, bustard, or another member of Galliformes)intransitive
Animal soundsdürögHungarianverbto perform its courtship display (of the above birds)intransitive
Animal soundswaouhFrenchintjwow (expression of excitement, pleasure, surprise), yay, yippie; yahoo
Animal soundswaouhFrenchintjwow (expression of amazement, admiration)
Animal soundswaouhFrenchintjwoof, the sound of a dog's barkonomatopoeic
AnimalseläinFinnishnounanimal (any organism in the clade Animalia)biology natural-sciences
AnimalseläinFinnishnounanimal (an animal that is not a human)
AnimalstecuaniClassical NahuatlnounA wild or dangerous animal.animate
AnimalstecuaniClassical NahuatlnounA cruel person.animate
Anthemideae tribe plantssticker grassEnglishnounCertain bur-producing plants / Various species of genus Cenchruscountable uncountable
Anthemideae tribe plantssticker grassEnglishnounCertain bur-producing plants / Various species of genus Solivacountable uncountable
Anthemideae tribe plantssticker grassEnglishnounCertain bur-producing plants / Tribulus terrestriscountable uncountable
AnthropologyإنسانياتArabicnounplural of إِنْسَانِيَّة (ʔinsāniyya)form-of plural
AntsmrówkaPolishnounant, formicid (insect belonging to the family Formicidae)feminine
AntsmrówkaPolishnounsomeone who is hardworking and persistent; a busy beebroadly feminine
Apiales order plantstoothache treeEnglishnounThe tree Aralia spinosa.
Apiales order plantstoothache treeEnglishnounThe tree Zanthoxylum clava-herculis.
Apieae tribe plantsajmodaEnglishnounA plant related to ajwain, Trachyspermum roxburghianum, used as a spice and in Ayurvedic medicine.India uncountable
Apieae tribe plantsajmodaEnglishnounThe seeds of wild celery, used in Indian folk medicine.India uncountable
AppearanceropuchaPolishnountoad (amphibian similar to a frog)feminine
AppearanceropuchaPolishnountoad (ugly, bulky, older woman)derogatory feminine
AppearanceropuchaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of ropuchaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
AppearanceuglyEnglishadjDispleasing to the eye; aesthetically unpleasing.
AppearanceuglyEnglishadjDispleasing to the ear or some other sense.
AppearanceuglyEnglishadjOffensive to one's sensibilities or morality.
AppearanceuglyEnglishadjIll-natured; crossgrained; quarrelsome.Southern-US
AppearanceuglyEnglishadjUnpleasant; disagreeable; likely to cause trouble or loss.
AppearanceuglyEnglishnounUgliness.slang uncountable
AppearanceuglyEnglishnounAn ugly person or thing.countable slang uncountable
AppearanceuglyEnglishnounAny product whose size and shape prevents it from fitting neatly on a pallet.countable informal uncountable
AppearanceuglyEnglishnounA shade for the face, projecting from a bonnet.UK countable dated informal uncountable
AppearanceuglyEnglishverbTo make ugly (sometimes with up).nonstandard transitive
ArachnidsܩܪܕܐClassical Syriacnountick (Ixodes ricinus and others)
ArachnidsܩܪܕܐClassical Syriacnouncastor oil plant (Ricinus communis)
ArachnidsܩܪܕܐClassical Syriacnouncastor bean
Araneoid spidersblack widowEnglishnounAny of several species of venomous and potentially deadly spiders, particularly Latrodectus spp.
Araneoid spidersblack widowEnglishnounA woman who kills one or more of her lovers.
Araneoid spidersblack widowEnglishnounA female suicide bomber, sometimes one intending to avenge her husband who was killed.
ArchitecturegargoyleEnglishnounA carved grotesque figure on a spout which conveys water away from the gutters.
ArchitecturegargoyleEnglishnounAny decorative carved grotesque figure on a building.
ArchitecturegargoyleEnglishnounA fictional winged monster.
ArchitecturegargoyleEnglishnounAn ugly woman.derogatory
ArtdeaccessionEnglishverbTo officially remove an object from a ledger of a museum, art gallery or library so that it may be sold or disposed.
ArtdeaccessionEnglishnounThe disposal of objects in this way, or the disposed object itself.countable uncountable
ArtdřevorytCzechnounwoodcutinanimate masculine
ArtdřevorytCzechnounxylographyinanimate masculine
Art畫圖Chineseverbto draw a picture
Art畫圖Chineseverbto draw designs, maps, etc.; to design
Art畫圖ChinesenounSynonym of 圖畫 /图画 (túhuà, “picture”)literary
Art畫圖ChinesenounHanafuda; Hwatu; Go-Stop; Matgo (card game)
Art畫圖ChinesenameMicrosoft PaintMainland-China
ArthropodsrâuVietnamesenouna beard
ArthropodsrâuVietnamesenouna hair of a beard
ArthropodsrâuVietnamesenouna whiskerbroadly
ArthropodsrâuVietnamesenouna barbelbroadly
ArthropodsrâuVietnamesenounan antennabroadly
ArthropodsrâuVietnamesenouna strand of silkbroadly
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishnounA piece of artwork created by placing colored squares (usually tiles) in a pattern so as to create a picture.countable uncountable
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishnounPixelization. (a method of censorship)countable uncountable
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishnounAn individual composed of two or more cell lines of different genetic or chromosomal constitution, but from the same zygote.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishnounAny of several viral diseases that cause mosaic-like patterns to appear on leaves.biology botany medicine natural-sciences pathology phytopathology sciencescountable uncountable
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishnounA composite picture made from overlapping photographs.countable uncountable
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishnounAny composite structure made from diverse elements.countable figuratively uncountable
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishadjContaining cells of varying genetic constitution.not-comparable
Artistic worksmosaicEnglishverbTo arrange in a mosaic.transitive
Asparagus family plantsarthropodianEnglishnounSynonym of arthropod
Asparagus family plantsarthropodianEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Arthropodium
AstrologyဓနုBurmesenounSagittariusastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
AstrologyဓနုBurmesenameDanu, an ethnic group in Myanmar (Burma)
AstronauticsastronáuticaPortuguesenounastronauticsfeminine uncountable
AstronauticsastronáuticaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of astronáuticofeminine form-of singular
AstronomyirawọYorubanounstar, celestial object, celestial body
AstronomyirawọYorubanounasterisk (*)
AstronomyirawọYorubanounbeetle, specifically the scarab beetle and Goliath beetle
AstronomyⲅⲏCopticnameGaia, the greek goddess of the Earth.Sahidic
Astronomy성좌Koreannounconstellation (formation of stars perceived as figure)
Astronomy성좌KoreannounHoly See
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA person who hoots.
Auto partshooterEnglishnounThe horn in a motor vehicle.
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA siren or steam whistle, especially one in a factory and used to indicate the beginning or the end of a working day or shift.British
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA nose, especially a large one.slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounAn owl.
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA woman's breast.US especially plural-normally slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA penis.slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounA large cannabis cigarette.slang
Auto partshooterEnglishnounThe tiniest amount; a whit or jot.dated
Auto partsneumáticoSpanishadjpneumatic
Auto partsneumáticoSpanishnountyre (of an automobile)masculine
AutomobilesrattletrapEnglishadjMechanically unreliable or in disrepair.not-comparable
AutomobilesrattletrapEnglishnounA mechanical device, particularly an automobile, that is worn out, run down, or mechanically unreliable as indicated by noises it makes in operation.informal
AutomobilesrattletrapEnglishnounAny piece of miscellaneous equipment or junk.dated
AutomobilesrattletrapEnglishnounA type of noisemaker in which the teeth of a gear repeatedly bend and release a stiff tongue.
AutomobilesrattletrapEnglishnounA person's mouth.dated derogatory slang
BabiesmoayawCebuanoverbto cry or to be hysterical when a parent leaves
BabiesmoayawCebuanoadjcries when a parent leaves
Baby animalskoseCzechnounblackbird chickneuter rare
Baby animalskoseCzechadvcrookedly, obliquely
Baby animalskoseCzechnounvocative singular of kosform-of masculine singular vocative
Baby animalskoseCzechnoundative/locative singular of kosadative feminine form-of locative singular
Baby animalskoseCzechverbmasculine singular present transgressive of kositform-of masculine present singular transgressive
Baby animalsفرعArabicverbto ascend, to mount, to overtop; to descend
Baby animalsفرعArabicverbto excel, to surpass, to outdo
Baby animalsفرعArabicverbto branch out
Baby animalsفرعArabicverbto derive, to deduce
Baby animalsفرعArabicverbto slaughter for offering, to sacrifice (a فَرَع (faraʕ))
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounbranch, twig, shoot, limb
Baby animalsفرعArabicnountop of a branch; top
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounsection, subdivision
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounderivation, derivative
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounverbal noun of فَرَعَ (faraʕa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounbranching out
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounramification; corollary
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounbranch office
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounbranch line
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounbranch wirebusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounlong hair
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounfirstling of a camel or goat or sheepcollective
Baby animalsفرعArabicnounlousecollective
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfruit
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounoffspring, childfiguratively
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounincome, revenuebusiness finance
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouneffect, consequence
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounlamb
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea surname
Bacterial diseasesbłonicaPolishnoundiphtheriafeminine
Bacterial diseasesbłonicaPolishnounsea lettuce (any green algae of the genus Ulva)feminine
BagsghirbaItaliannounwater bagfeminine
BagsghirbaItaliannounskin, hidefeminine
BagsmošnjaSerbo-CroatiannounpocketChakavian Croatia Kajkavian
BagsmošnjaSerbo-CroatiannounbegChakavian Croatia Kajkavian
BagsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
BagsJapanesenouna bag; a sack; a pouch
BagsJapanesenouna segment in a fruit such as an orange
BagsJapanesenounan organ whose form is like that of a bag
Ball gamespickleballEnglishnounA racquet sport resembling tennis, played with solid paddles and a perforated ball, which combines elements of badminton, table tennis and wiffleball.uncountable
Ball gamespickleballEnglishnounThe ball used in the sport of pickleball.countable
Bamboos大明竹ChinesenounPleioblastus gramineus
BeddingderkaPolishnounhorse blanket, rug (blanket placed underneath the saddle of a horse)equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsfeminine
BeddingderkaPolishnounworn out blanketfeminine
BeddingderkaPolishverbthird-person singular present of derkaćform-of present singular third-person
BeddingtalamoItaliannounthalamusanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
BeddingtalamoItaliannounreceptacle (part of stem)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
BeddingtalamoItaliannounmarriage bedmasculine
Beech family plantschrástCzechnounabove-ground part of a plantinanimate masculine
Beech family plantschrástCzechnounValonia oak (Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis)inanimate masculine
BeekeepingpuhagTagalognounharvesting comb honey from the beehive
BeesbomboItaliannounbuzzingliterary masculine
BelgiumfrancEnglishnounA former unit of currency of France, Belgium and Luxembourg, replaced by the euro.
BelgiumfrancEnglishnounAny of several units of currency, some of which are multi-national (West African CFA Franc (XOF), Central African CFA Franc (XAF), the Swiss franc (CHF)) while others are national currencies.
BerriesborůvkaCzechnounblueberry, bilberry (plant)feminine
BerriesborůvkaCzechnounblueberry, bilberry, (coll.) huckleberry (fruits)feminine
BerriesborůvkaCzechnounthe blood that amasses underneath a fingernail when one injures a fingerfeminine
Berriesสตรอว์เบอร์รีThaiverbto lie.slang
Beveragesapple juiceEnglishnounThe juice of apples, often used as a drink. (This entry is a translation hub.)countable uncountable
Beveragesapple juiceEnglishnounThe juice of apples, often used as a drink. (This entry is a translation hub.) / Filtered and pasteurized juice of apples, as opposed to apple cider and hard cider.US countable uncountable
Biblical charactersHannaEstoniannameHannah (biblical character)
Biblical charactersHannaEstoniannameAnna (biblical prophetess)
Biblical charactersHannaEstoniannamea female given name of biblical origin, also short form of Johanna
Biblical charactersIsakDanishnameIsaac (biblical character).
Biblical charactersIsakDanishnamea male given name
BirdsแสกThainounmedian line.
BirdsแสกThaiverbto part (the hair)
BirdsแสกThaiadjwide open, broad.
BirdsแสกThainounbarn owl, Tyto alba
BirdsแสกThainameSaek people, a Tai ethnic group in Laos and Thailand
BirdsแสกThainameSaek language, the language spoken by Seak people
Birds of prey魚鷹Chinesenounfish hawk; osprey
Birds of prey魚鷹Chinesenouncormorant
BlacksanthraciteEnglishnounA form of carbonized ancient plants; the hardest and cleanest-burning of all the coals.countable uncountable
BlacksanthraciteEnglishnounA dark grey color.countable uncountable
Bluesazul-petróleoSpanishadjteal (color)feminine masculine
Bluesazul-petróleoSpanishnounteal (color)masculine uncountable
BluesиндигоRussiannounindigo (dye)indeclinable
BluesиндигоRussiannounindigo (color/colour)indeclinable
BluesиндигоRussiannounindigo plantindeclinable
BodyجىسىمUyghurnounbody, matter
BodyجىسىمUyghurnounbody, flesh
Body partscuaitlClassical Nahuatlnounhead (body part)
Body partscuaitlClassical Nahuatlnountop, peak
Body partsnoseMiddle Englishnounnose (protrusion of the human face)
Body partsnoseMiddle Englishnounbeak, nose-shaped protrusion
Body partsnoseMiddle EnglishnounnooseLate-Middle-English rare
BonesraloSlovenenounvomer (facial bone)
BooksBookTokEnglishnameThe community of book- and reading-oriented accounts on TikTok.
BooksBookTokEnglishnounA book- or reading-oriented video on TikTok.
BooksalbumPolishnounalbum (book specially designed to keep photographs, stamps, or autographs)arts hobbies lifestyle photographyinanimate masculine
BooksalbumPolishnounalbum (group of audio recordings, on any medium, intended for distribution as a group)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
BooksalbumPolishnounalbum (white tablet or register on which the praetor's edicts and other public notices were recorded)Ancient-Rome inanimate masculine
BooksalbumPolishnounalbum, diary, journal (book with various photographical or written entries of memories)inanimate masculine
BooksalbumPolishnounregister (list of students at a place of learning)dated inanimate masculine
BooksalbumPolishnounalbum, sketchbook, sketch pad (book or pad with blank pages for sketching)art artsinanimate masculine
BookscumhdachIrishnounverbal noun of cumhdaighform-of masculine noun-from-verb
BookscumhdachIrishnouncover, covering, wrappermasculine
BookscumhdachIrishnounshrine (case, box, or receptacle, especially one in which are deposited sacred relics)masculine
BookscumhdachIrishnounprotection (process of keeping something safe)masculine
BookscumhdachIrishnounbinding (spine of a book)masculine
BookscumhdachIrishnounarmature (protective organ, structure, or covering)biology natural-sciencesmasculine
BookscumhdachIrishnouncustody (temporary possession)masculine
BookscumhdachIrishnounupholstery (materials used in upholstering furniture)masculine
BookscumhdachIrishnounconstructionmasculine obsolete
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A person or thing that translates direct speech or signing.
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of translator, one who translates various forms of texts.obsolete
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of commentator, one who explains laws or scripture.obsolete
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of emissary, particularly in reference to Hermes or angels as messengers between humans and the divine.obsolete
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of guide, one who explains a thing, person, or group of people.uncommon
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A thing that, figuratively speaking, performs a similar role explaining, revealing, or clarifying.figuratively
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of synonymy, the use of one term to explain another.obsolete rhetoric
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / Synonym of dictionary or glossary, a book that explains uncommon terms.obsolete
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A machine that reads the pattern of holes on a punch card and prints its meaning along the top of the card.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences scienceshistorical
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / An analyst of reconnaissance photographs.historical
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A program that converts commands into machine language in real time rather than compiling it in advance.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another / A performer who presents a piece of art in a distinct style, particularly so as to make older works relevant to their audience.entertainment lifestyle music theater
BooksinterpreterEnglishnounA person or thing that interprets the meaning of something for another, particularly
BooksmszalikPolishnoundiminutive of mszałCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
BooksmszalikPolishnounabridged missal containing Masses for Sundays and major feastsCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicisminanimate masculine
BooksكتبخانهOttoman Turkishnounlibrary, an institution which holds books
BooksكتبخانهOttoman Turkishnounbookcase, a piece of furniture for the storage of books
BooksكتبخانهOttoman Turkishnounbookshop, a shop that sells books
Books老子ChinesenameLaozi (604–531 BCE), a Chinese philosopher, and founder of Taoism
Books老子ChinesenameLaozi (also called Tao Te Ching, a book of philosophy supposedly written by Laozi)
Books老子ChinesepronI; mecolloquial humorous sometimes
Books老子Chinesenounold man
Books老子Chinesenounfather; old manslang
Books老子Chinesenounson; young man (i.e. a mother scolding her son)dated regional
Books of the BiblePhi-lípVietnamesenameAlternative form of Phi-líp-phê (“Philip”)Christianity Protestantism biblical lifestyle religionalt-of alternative
Books of the BiblePhi-lípVietnamesenameAlternative form of Phi-líp-phê (“Philippi”)Christianity Protestantismalt-of alternative
Books of the BiblePhi-lípVietnamesenamePhilippiansChristianity Protestantism
BotanyautoînsămănțatRomanianadjself-seeding (that self-seeds)masculine neuter
BotanyautoînsămănțatRomaniannounSynonym of autoînsămânțare (“self-seeding”)neuter rare
BotanyсеменикMacedoniannounseed capsule
BreadsbrutVilamoviannounloaf (of bread)
BreadsחלהHebrewnouna cake
BreadsחלהHebrewverbTo become sick, to be'al
Breakfast cerealsoatmealEnglishnounMeal made from rolled or round oats.uncountable usually
Breakfast cerealsoatmealEnglishnounA breakfast cereal made from rolled oats, cooked in milk and/or water.uncountable usually
Breakfast cerealsoatmealEnglishnounA light greyish brown colour, like that of oatmeal.uncountable usually
Breakfast cerealsoatmealEnglishadjOf a light greyish brown colour, like that of oatmealnot-comparable
BreastfeedingdajkaHungariannounSynonym of szoptatós dajka (“wet nurse”, a woman hired to suckle another woman’s child)dated
BreastfeedingdajkaHungariannounnurse, nanny, fostress (a woman who takes care of other people’s young, especially in a day nursery)
BridgespontlevisEnglishnounA drawbridge.obsolete
BridgespontlevisEnglishnounThe act of a horse that rears up on its hind legs, risking tumbling backward and falling upon the rider.obsolete
Broomrape family plantsenjauladaSpanishnouncow-wheatfeminine uncountable
Broomrape family plantsenjauladaSpanishverbfeminine singular of enjauladofeminine form-of participle singular
Brown algaebladder wrackEnglishnounFucus vesiculosus, seaweed widespread in the cool waters of the Atlantic and Pacific.countable uncountable
Brown algaebladder wrackEnglishnounNereocystis luetkeana, kelp common on the northeastern Pacific coast.countable uncountable
Building materialsgładźPolishnounsmooth surfacefeminine
Building materialsgładźPolishnounundercoat, underlayfeminine
Building materialsgładźPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of gładzićform-of imperative second-person singular
Building materialsштукатуркаUkrainiannounplasteringuncountable
Building materialsштукатуркаUkrainiannounplaster, stuccouncountable
Building materialsштукатуркаUkrainiannounheavy make-up, slapcolloquial figuratively ironic uncountable
BuildingskasteelDutchnouncastle, either palatial or fortifiedneuter
BuildingskasteelDutchnounany large, opulent building, in particular a residencebroadly neuter
BuildingskasteelDutchnounrookboard-games chess gamesdated neuter
BuildingskasteelDutchnouna raised fortification on late mediaeval shipsnautical transporthistorical neuter
BuildingsprzybytekPolishnoungain, incrementinanimate masculine
BuildingsprzybytekPolishnounsanctuary, shrineinanimate literary masculine
BuildingsprzybytekPolishnounrestroom, toilet, WCcolloquial humorous inanimate masculine
BuildingsprzybytekPolishnounbawdy-house, house of ill repute, pushing schoolcolloquial inanimate masculine
Buildingsܒܝܬ ܡܘܣܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounlaundry (place or room where laundering is done)
Buildingsܒܝܬ ܡܘܣܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounlaunderette, laundromat
BuildingsKoreannounjade (precious stone)
BuildingsKoreannamea surname
BuildingsKoreannounprison, jail
Buildings and structuresdrwalnikPolishnounany ambrosia beetle of the genus Trypodendronanimal-not-person masculine
Buildings and structuresdrwalnikPolishnounSynonym of drwalniainanimate masculine
Buildings and structureskasarniaPolishnounbarrack, barracks (building or a group of buildings used by military personnel as housing)government military politics warfeminine obsolete
Buildings and structureskasarniaPolishnounwatchtower, lookout tower (observation tower in which a lookout keeps watch over prisoners, or looks out for fires, etc.)government military politics warfeminine obsolete
Buildings and structureskasarniaPolishnounbuilding used as temporary housingfeminine
Buildings and structurespaśnikPolishnounhay feederinanimate masculine
Buildings and structurespaśnikPolishnoungrove; pasture (meadow for cattle feeding)inanimate masculine
Buildings and structurespentagonEnglishnounA polygon with five sides and five angles.geometry mathematics sciences
Buildings and structurespentagonEnglishnounA fort with five bastions.government military politics war
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A journey; a travelling or trip.
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A military enterprise or operation.
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A battle, fight or conflict.
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / The happenings of life.figuratively
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / Mortality; the final event of one's life.figuratively
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A day of fighting, tilting, or jousting.
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / The amount of work set or completed in a day.
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A day's worth of travel or voyaging.
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A unit of distance equalling a the distance covered in a day of travel (around 20 miles)
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / The fruits or results of a day or its work.rare
BusinessjourneMiddle EnglishnounA day (period of 24 hours).
ButterfliesгъсеницаBulgariannouncaterpillar (larva of butterfies or moths)
ButterfliesгъсеницаBulgariannouncaterpillar trackengineering mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Cakes and pastriesfinancierFrenchadjfinancial
Cakes and pastriesfinancierFrenchnounfinancier (person)masculine
Cakes and pastriesfinancierFrenchnounfinancier (cake)masculine
Cakes and pastriesfinancierFrenchnounbankermasculine
CalendarWhitsundayEnglishnounThe Sunday of the feast of Pentecost, seven weeks after Easter
CalendarWhitsundayEnglishnounA quarter day, falling on 15th MayScotland
CalendarWhitsundayEnglishnameWhitsunday Region, a local government area in northern Queensland, Australia.
Calendarmis KevardhuCornishadvin December (month)
Calendarmis KevardhuCornishnameDecember (month)masculine
CambodiaChamFrenchnounA Cham personmasculine
CambodiaChamFrenchnounAlternative form of Chamsalt-of alternative masculine plural plural-only
Cantons of LuxembourgDiekirchEnglishnameOne of the twelve cantons of Luxembourg, located in the north-east of the country.
Cantons of LuxembourgDiekirchEnglishnameA municipality with city status of Diekirch canton.
Capital punishmentδήμιοςGreeknounexecutioner
Capital punishmentδήμιοςGreeknounhangman
Capital punishmentδήμιοςGreeknounheadsman
Card gameskeritingIndonesianadjcurly
Card gameskeritingIndonesiannounclubs: a playing card marked with the symbol ♣️card-games games
CatfishpangaEnglishnounA large broad-bladed knife.Africa East South-Africa
CatfishpangaEnglishnounAny of various edible freshwater fish of the genus Pangasius, native to southeast Asia, especially an iridescent shark, Pangasius hypophthalmus, now reclassified as Pangasianodon hypophthalmus.
CatfishpangaEnglishnounA type of modest-sized, open, outboard-powered, fishing boat common throughout much of the developing world, including Central America, the Caribbean, parts of Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia.
CatfishpangaEnglishnounA small inflatable motorboat used in Latin America.
CattlebouCatalannounbullock, steermasculine
CattlebouCatalannounthe edible crab (Cancer pagurus)masculine
CattlebouCatalannounseine fishingmasculine uncountable
CattlevitéllaLiguriannounfemale equivalent of vitéllo; young female calffeminine form-of
CattlevitéllaLiguriannounveal (edible calf flesh)feminine uncountable
Cebuano unisex given namesAngelCebuanonamea female given name from English
Cebuano unisex given namesAngelCebuanonamea male given name from Spanish
Celestial bodieskidgaNawdmnounmoon
Celestial bodieskidgaNawdmnounmonth
Cervids馴鹿Japanesenouna reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
Cervids馴鹿Japanesenouna reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)rare
CetaceansseaswineEnglishnounA porpoise.archaic
CetaceansseaswineEnglishnounA ballan wrasse.
CheesesbrousseFrenchnounbush, outback (wild area away from urban area)countable feminine uncountable
CheesesbrousseFrenchnouna kind of fresh cheese from Provence, made mainly from wheycountable feminine uncountable
Chemical elementsairgeadScottish Gaelicnounmoneymasculine no-plural
Chemical elementsairgeadScottish Gaelicnounsilvermasculine no-plural
Chemical elementslitiumLimburgishnounlithiumneuter uncountable
Chemical elementslitiumLimburgishnounA part of lithiumneuter
Chemistry炭氣Chinesenouncarbon dioxide
ChessбэрсMongoliannounqueenboard-games chess gameshidden-n
ChessချေံMonverbbe mischievous unrestrained be faithless wanton or disloyal to one’s spouse.
ChickensgloussementFrenchnouncluck (sound made by a chicken)masculine
ChickensgloussementFrenchnoungobble (sound made by a turkey)masculine
ChickensJapanesecharacterchickenkanji shinjitai
ChickensJapanesecharacterbirdkanji shinjitai
ChickensJapanesenouna domesticated chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)
ChickensJapanesenouna chicken (domesticated fowl)
ChickensJapanesenouna chicken (domesticated fowl)archaic
ChickensJapanesenounAlternative spelling of 鳥 (tori): a chicken (domesticated fowl); chicken meatalt-of alternative
ChildrenlenbánMiddle Irishnounbabymasculine
ChildrenlenbánMiddle Irishnounchildmasculine
ChildrennoriceMiddle EnglishnounA person (usually a woman) employed to take care of one's children; a nanny. / A person who breastfeeds a child; a wet-nurse.
ChildrennoriceMiddle EnglishnounA person (usually a woman) employed to take care of one's children; a nanny. / Mary as the guardian of Jesus.Christianityrare
ChildrennoriceMiddle EnglishnounA proponent or engenderer (of a quality, behaviour, etc.)broadly
ChildrennoriceMiddle EnglishnounAn animal or plant as a caretaker of its offspring.
ChildrennoriceMiddle EnglishnounNourishment, rearing, raising.rare
ChildrennoriceMiddle EnglishnounA provider of religious support or education.rare
Children娃娃Chinesenounyoung child
Children娃娃Chinesenoundoll; toy figurine (especially one shaped as a baby)
Children少年家Chinesenounyoung man; youngsterMin Southern
Children少年家ChinesenouncatamiteMin Southern Zhangzhou-Hokkien
ChinaChinese numeralEnglishnounA number represented using a Chinese system involving the characters 一, 二, 三, etc.
ChinaChinese numeralEnglishnounThe system using such numerals, still employed in Chinese- and Japanese-speaking countries and formerly used in Korean- and Vietnamese-speaking
Chinadrum towerEnglishnounA fortification in the form of a cylindrical tower, typically resembling a drum.
Chinadrum towerEnglishnounA tower in the center of a premodern Chinese city that houses signal drums.
China建國Chineseverbto found a country; to establish a nation-state; to build a nationintransitive verb-object
China建國Chinesenamethe foundation of the People's Republic of China in 1949Mainland-China intransitive
China建國ChinesenameShort for 川建國/川建国 (Chuān Jiànguó, “Donald Trump”).abbreviation alt-of humorous intransitive neologism slang
Chinese earthly branchesChinesecharacterthe seventh of twelve earthly branches: / the seventh year of the Jovian orbital cycleastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy scienceshistorical
Chinese earthly branchesChinesecharacterthe seventh of twelve earthly branches: / the fifth month of the Chinese traditional calendararchaic
Chinese earthly branchesChinesecharacterthe seventh of twelve earthly branches: / the "Chinese" or "double hour" from 11 am to 1 pmarchaic historical
Chinese earthly branchesChinesecharacterthe seventh of twelve earthly branches: / noon (precisely)
Chinese earthly branchesChinesesoft-redirectno-gloss
ChristianityabatijaLithuaniannounabbey (a monastery headed by an abbot, and also the surrounding areas)
ChristianityabatijaLithuaniannouninstrumental singular of abatijaform-of instrumental singular
ChristianityabatijaLithuaniannounvocative singular of abatijaform-of singular vocative
ChristianitykristneNorwegian Bokmåladjdefinite singular of kristendefinite form-of singular
ChristianitykristneNorwegian Bokmåladjplural of kristenform-of plural
ChristianitykristneNorwegian Bokmålverbto Christianise (UK), or Christianize (convert to Christianity)
ChristmasSamichlausAlemannic GermannameSaint Nicholas; Father Christmas (UK), Santa Clausmasculine
ChristmasSamichlausAlemannic GermannameSaint Nicholas Day (6th December)masculine
ClothingaaqanngitsoqGreenlandicnounsleeveless garment (such as a waistcoat, life jacket, or vest)
Clothingbutt-huggersEnglishnounMen's briefs; underwear.Canada US plural plural-only slang vulgar
Clothingbutt-huggersEnglishnounSkin-tight shorts.Canada US plural plural-only slang
Clothingbutton-downEnglishadjOf a collar, able to be buttoned down to the shirt, as over a necktie.
Clothingbutton-downEnglishadjSerious; staid; businesslike.idiomatic
Clothingbutton-downEnglishadjConservative; conventional; unimaginative.idiomatic
Clothingbutton-downEnglishnounA shirt with a button-down collar
ClothingcamixéttaLiguriannoundiminutive of camîxadiminutive feminine form-of
ClothingkangaSwahilinounkanga (garment)
ClothingkangaSwahilinounguinea fowl
Clothingprincess cutEnglishnounA garment style in which vertical panels of material are shaped to follow the outline of the clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
Clothingprincess cutEnglishnounA square multi-faceted cut of a gemstone.gemology geography geology jewelry lifestyle natural-sciences
ClothingremeraSpanishnounfemale equivalent of remerofeminine form-of
ClothingremeraSpanishnounflight featherfeminine
ClothingremeraSpanishnounremexbiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
ClothingremeraSpanishnounfletchingarchery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warfeminine
ClothingremeraSpanishnounT-shirtBolivia Paraguay Rioplatense feminine
ClothingremeraSpanishnounpolo shirtUruguay feminine
ClothingvestaroIdonounclothes, attire, dress, toilet, garb, habiliment
ClothingvestaroIdonounraiment, wearing apparel
ClothingwifebeaterEnglishnounOne who (usually as a repeated practice) beats his wife, or a husband prone to violence.countable uncountable
ClothingwifebeaterEnglishnounA type of sleeveless shirt, often but not exclusively worn as an undershirt.US colloquial countable uncountable
ClothingwifebeaterEnglishnounStella Artois, a brand of lager beer.UK colloquial uncountable
ClothingронOssetiannounbelt, sash
ClothingਜੋਧਪੁਰੀPunjabiadjRelating or pertaining to the city of former princely state of Jodhpur in India.
ClothingਜੋਧਪੁਰੀPunjabinounA native or resident of Jodhpur.
ClothingਜੋਧਪੁਰੀPunjabinounjodhpuri (formal suit)
CocktailscocktailEnglishnounA mixed alcoholic beverage.
CocktailscocktailEnglishnounA mixture of other substances or things.broadly
CocktailscocktailEnglishnounA horse, not of pure breed, but having only one eighth or one sixteenth impure blood in its veins.
CocktailscocktailEnglishnounA mean, half-hearted fellow.UK dated slang
CocktailscocktailEnglishnounA species of rove beetle, so called from its habit of elevating the tail.
CocktailscocktailEnglishadjOstentatiously lacking in manners.obsolete
CocktailscocktailEnglishverbTo adulterate (fuel, etc.) by mixing in other substances.transitive
CocktailscocktailEnglishverbTo treat (a person) to cocktails.transitive
CoinscoachwheelEnglishnounA cartwheel, the wheel of a horse-drawn coach
CoinscoachwheelEnglishnounA crown coin; its value, 5 shillings.UK historical obsolete slang
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounside (a bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape)geometry mathematics sciencesfeminine usually
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounface, side, surface of any three-dimensional objectgeometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounpage (single leaf of any manuscript or book)feminine
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounside (one of the two surfaces of a sheet of paper)feminine
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounone side or half of something or someonefeminine
CollectivesSiLimburgishnouna certain aspect of a conceptfeminine figuratively
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounside, faction or group of competitors in a war, game, conflict or any other competitive situation in opposite to their opponentsfeminine figuratively
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounface of a coin or dicefeminine
CollectivesSiLimburgishnounAny of several parasitic vines, of the genus Cuscuta, having small white flowers but no leaves.feminine
CollectivesconcursusLatinverbflockeddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
CollectivesconcursusLatinverbconcurreddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
CollectivesconcursusLatinverbcoincideddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
CollectivesconcursusLatinnouna convergence of people; an assemblydeclension-4 masculine
CollectivesconcursusLatinnounan uproar, tumultdeclension-4 masculine
CollectivesconcursusLatinnounan attack, charge, an assault (of troops)declension-4 masculine
CollectivesconcursusLatinnouna union, conjunction, combination (of objects)declension-4 masculine
CollectivesorszakPolishnounentourage, retinue, train (group of attendants, associates, or followers accompanying dignitaries during official ceremonies)inanimate masculine
CollectivesorszakPolishnountrain (group of animals, vehicles, or people)dated inanimate masculine
Collectives圈子Chinesenouncircle; ring
Collectives圈子Chinesenouncommunity; clique; social circlefiguratively
Collectives圈子Chinesenounqueen (Q)card-games gamesregional
Collectives圈子ChinesenounearringMandarin Xuzhou
Collectives圈子Chinesenounpork intestine
ColorscorcraIrishnoungenitive singular of corcairfeminine form-of genitive singular
ColorsindigoFinnishnounindigo (color)
ColorsindigoFinnishnounindigo (plant of the genus Indigofera)
ColorsindigoFinnishadjindigo (being of that color)
ColorskanelaCebuanonounthe true cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum verum)
ColorskanelaCebuanonouncinnamon; a spice from the dried aromatic bark of the cinnamon tree, either rolled into strips or ground into a powderobsolete
ColorskanelaCebuanonounthe color cinnamon
ColorskanelaCebuanoadjhaving the colour cinnamon
ColorsغيهبArabicnoundarkness, obscurity
ColorsغيهبArabicnounintense black
ColorsغيهبArabicnounintensely black, of peculiarly dark colour
ColorsغيهبArabicnouninadvertent, heedless, inattentive, inconsiderate
ColorsغيهبArabicnouninert, timid, dull
ColorsغيهبArabicverbto debilitate the sight with darkness
Colors of the rainbowmaviTurkishadjblue
Colors of the rainbowmaviTurkishnounblue
CombustiondymPolishnounsmoke (visible vapor, gases, and fine particles given off by burning or smoldering material)inanimate masculine
CombustiondymPolishnounstir, commotion (agitated disturbance or a hubbub)colloquial inanimate masculine singular
CommunicationnoticeEnglishnounThe act of observing; perception.uncountable
CommunicationnoticeEnglishnounA written or printed announcement.countable
CommunicationnoticeEnglishnounA formal notification or warning.countable
CommunicationnoticeEnglishnounAdvance notification of termination of employment, given by an employer to an employee or vice versa.uncountable
CommunicationnoticeEnglishnounA published critical review of a play or the like.countable
CommunicationnoticeEnglishnounPrior notification.uncountable
CommunicationnoticeEnglishnounAttention; respectful treatment; civility.countable dated uncountable
CommunicationnoticeEnglishverbTo remark upon; to mention.archaic transitive
CommunicationnoticeEnglishverbTo become aware of; to observe.transitive
CommunicationnoticeEnglishverbTo lavish attention upon; to treat (someone) favourably.obsolete transitive
CommunicationnoticeEnglishverbTo be noticeable; to show.intransitive
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfriend
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounboyfriend (male partner in an unmarried romantic relationship)
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfellow, associate, companion, comrade
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounword, lyricdialectal
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounreport, messagedialectal
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounexperience
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounconjurer
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncharmer, enchanter
CommunicationܚܒܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounexorcist
Compass pointsβορειοδυτικάGreeknounnorthwest
Compass pointsβορειοδυτικάGreekadjnominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural of βορειοδυτικός (voreiodytikós)accusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Compass pointsβορειοδυτικάGreekadvnorthwest
Confucianism管子JapanesenameGuanzi (book)
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounA sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from various plants.UK countable uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounA plant or tree yielding such substance.UK countable uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounA soothing ointment.UK countable uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounSomething soothing.UK countable figuratively uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounA flowering plant of the genus Impatiens.countable uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounThe balsam family of flowering plants (Balsaminaceae), which includes Impatiens and Hydrocera.countable uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounA balsam fir Abies balsamea.countable uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishnounCanada balsam, a turpentine obtained from the resin of balsam fir.countable uncountable
ConifersbalsamEnglishverbTo treat or anoint with balsam.transitive
ConifersхвояUkrainiannounneedles (of conifers)biology botany natural-sciencescollective
ConifersхвояUkrainiannounneedle (of conifers)biology botany natural-sciences
ConifersхвояUkrainiannounconifer branchesbiology botany natural-sciencescollective
ConifersхвояUkrainiannounSynonym of со́сна́ f (sósná, “pine”)biology botany natural-sciencesdialectal
ConifersялинкаUkrainiannounendearing diminutive of яли́на f (jalýna, “spruce”)diminutive endearing form-of
ConifersялинкаUkrainiannounChristmas tree, New Year's tree
ConifersялинкаUkrainiannounherringbone milking parlouragriculture business lifestyle
Conlangingauxiliary languageEnglishnounAny language (whether constructed or natural), such as Volapük, Esperanto, Swahili, French, Russian or English, used or intended to be used (locally, regionally, nationally or internationally) for intercommunication by speakers of various other languages.
Conlangingauxiliary languageEnglishnounShort for international auxiliary language.abbreviation alt-of
Conlangingauxiliary languageEnglishnounA local minority language which has official recognition.
Conlangingauxiliary languageEnglishnounA liturgical language, such as Latin, Sanskrit, or Old Church Slavonic, used in religious services.
Constellations in the zodiaczodiakPolishnounzodiac (belt-like region in the sky)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesinanimate masculine
Constellations in the zodiaczodiakPolishnounzodiac (twelve signs in astrology)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesinanimate masculine
ContainersbecherSilesiannoungoblet (drinking vessel with a foot and stem)inanimate masculine
ContainersbecherSilesiannouncup (trophy in the shape of an oversized cup)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
ContainersbecherSilesiannouncup (contest for which a cup is awarded)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
ContainerslaukkuFinnishnounbag, case (firm container made out of cloth, leather, plastic, etc.)
ContainerslaukkuFinnishnounrattle (any plant of the genus Rhinanthus)
ContainerstubaCzechnountube (a cylindrical container)feminine
ContainerstubaCzechnountuba (a large brass musical instrument)feminine
ContainersفوچیOttoman Turkishnounbarrel, cask, a round vessel made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends
ContainersفوچیOttoman Turkishnounbarrel, the quantity which constitutes a full barrel or cask, used as a unit of measure
ContainersܝܪܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounyard, unit of length equal to 3 feet
ContainersܝܪܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounshipyardnautical transport
ContainersܝܪܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounriver, stream, brookgeography natural-sciences
ContainersܝܪܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwell, tank
Cookware and bakewarecaldariumLatinnounwarm bathdeclension-2
Cookware and bakewarecaldariumLatinnouncaldarium (room in Roman baths containing hot water)declension-2
Cookware and bakewarecaldariumLatinnounboiler for heating water for the bathsdeclension-2
Cookware and bakewarecaldariumLatinnounportable stoveLate-Latin declension-2
Corruptionfat catEnglishnounA rich person who contributes to a political campaign.slang
Corruptionfat catEnglishnounAny affluent person who is perceived to have profited from the labor of others; and/or not to care about those of lesser means.derogatory slang
Corruptionfat catEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see fat, cat.
CorvidskuukkeliFinnishnounSiberian jay, Perisoreus infaustus
CorvidskuukkeliFinnishnoungray jay (bird of the genus Perisoreus)
Countries in EuropeRusiaIndonesiannameRussia (A transcontinental country in Eastern Europe and North Asia)
Countries in EuropeRusiaIndonesianadjRussian
CrimecounterfeitEnglishadjFalse, especially of money; intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine.not-comparable
CrimecounterfeitEnglishadjAssuming the appearance of something; deceitful; hypocritical.not-comparable
CrimecounterfeitEnglishnounA non-genuine article; a fake.
CrimecounterfeitEnglishnounOne who counterfeits; a counterfeiter.
CrimecounterfeitEnglishnounThat which resembles another thing; a likeness; a portrait; a counterpart.obsolete
CrimecounterfeitEnglishnounAn impostor; a cheat.obsolete
CrimecounterfeitEnglishverbTo falsely produce what appears to be official or valid; to produce a forged copy of.transitive
CrimecounterfeitEnglishverbTo produce a faithful copy of.obsolete transitive
CrimecounterfeitEnglishverbTo feign; to mimic.obsolete transitive
CrimecounterfeitEnglishverbOf a turn or river card, to invalidate a player's hand by making a better hand on the board.card-games pokertransitive
Crimehot-wireEnglishverbTo start an automobile engine by bypassing the ignition key wiring.slang transitive
Crimehot-wireEnglishverbTo steal a vehicle by bypassing the ignition key's security.slang transitive
CrimepóitseálaíIrishnounpoacherhobbies hunting lifestylemasculine
CrimepóitseálaíIrishnounpoacherball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby soccer sportsmasculine
CrucifersalhelíSpanishnounwallflower (several short-lived herbs or shrubs of the genus Erysimum)masculine
CrucifersalhelíSpanishnounVirginia stock, Malcolmia maritimamasculine
CrustaceansܣܪܛܢܐClassical Syriacnouncrab
CrustaceansܣܪܛܢܐClassical Syriacnouncancermedicine pathology sciences
CrustaceansܣܪܛܢܐClassical SyriacnameCancer (constellation and zodiac sign)astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
CucurbitasбундаваPannonian Rusynnounpumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)feminine
CucurbitasбундаваPannonian Rusynnoungourd, squashfeminine
CucurbitasбундаваPannonian Rusynnouna round headfeminine figuratively
CurrencyleuPortuguesenounleu (currency unit of Romania and Moldova)masculine
CurrencyleuPortugueseverbthird-person singular preterite indicative of lerform-of indicative preterite singular third-person
Cuts of meatvazioPortugueseadjdevoid of content; emptycomparable
Cuts of meatvazioPortugueseadjnot significant; insignificantcomparable
Cuts of meatvazioPortuguesenounvacuum (an empty space)masculine
Cuts of meatvazioPortuguesenounvoidastronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
Cuts of meatvazioPortuguesenounemptiness (state or feeling of being empty)figuratively masculine
Cuts of meatvazioPortuguesenounhypochondriumfamiliar masculine
Cuts of meatvazioPortuguesenounflankin-plural masculine
Cuts of meatvazioPortuguesenounflank steakmasculine
Cuts of meatvazioPortuguesenounyoung wether (castrated ram)masculine
Cuts of meatvazioPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of vaziarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CypruscipriotaPortugueseadjCypriot (of or relating to Cyprus)feminine masculine
CypruscipriotaPortuguesenounCypriot (person from Cyprus)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DC ComicsFlashEnglishnameA multimedia platform, most often used for adding animation and interactivity to webpages.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
DC ComicsFlashEnglishnameAny of various DC Comics superheroes who have the power of superspeed, derived from an energy called the Speed Force.
Dairy productscrèmeDutchnouncream (color/colour)feminine
Dairy productscrèmeDutchnounice creamBelgium colloquial feminine
Dairy productscrèmeDutchnouncream (ointment)feminine
Dairy productsmaiddWelshnounwheymasculine
Dairy productsmaiddWelshnounserummasculine
Dairy productsmaiddWelshverbthird-person singular present indicative/future of meiddioliterary
DanceиграSerbo-CroatiannoundanceBosnia Serbia
Days of the weekřḥeddTarifitnounSundaymasculine
Days of the weekřḥeddTarifitnounlimitmasculine
Days of the weekřḥeddTarifitnounboundary, bordermasculine
Days of the week수요Koreannounplanet Mercuryarchaic
Days of the week수요KoreannounWednesday
Days of the week수요Koreannoundemandeconomics sciences
DeathzdechnąćPolishverbto dieintransitive perfective
DeathzdechnąćPolishverbto die, to croakcolloquial derogatory intransitive perfective
DeathzdechnąćPolishverbto die, to break down, to stop workingcolloquial intransitive perfective
DemocracylýðræðislegaIcelandicadjinflection of lýðræðislegur: / feminine singular accusative strong positive degreeaccusative feminine form-of positive singular strong
DemocracylýðræðislegaIcelandicadjinflection of lýðræðislegur: / masculine plural accusative strong positive degreeaccusative form-of masculine plural positive strong
DemocracylýðræðislegaIcelandicadjinflection of lýðræðislegur: / masculine singular accusative weak positive degreeaccusative form-of masculine positive singular weak
DemocracylýðræðislegaIcelandicadjinflection of lýðræðislegur: / masculine singular dative weak positive degreedative form-of masculine positive singular weak
DemocracylýðræðislegaIcelandicadjinflection of lýðræðislegur: / masculine singular genitive weak positive degreeform-of genitive masculine positive singular weak
DemocracylýðræðislegaIcelandicadjinflection of lýðræðislegur: / feminine singular nominative weak positive degreefeminine form-of nominative positive singular weak
DemocracylýðræðislegaIcelandicadjinflection of lýðræðislegur: / neuter singular weak positive degreeform-of neuter positive singular weak
DemocracyvoteEnglishnounA formalized choice on legally relevant measures such as employment or appointment to office or a proceeding about a legal dispute.
DemocracyvoteEnglishnounAn act or instance of participating in such a choice, e.g., by submitting a ballot.
DemocracyvoteEnglishnounan ardent wish or desire; a vow; a prayerobsolete
DemocracyvoteEnglishnouna formalized petition or requestobsolete
DemocracyvoteEnglishnounany judgment of intellect leading to a formal opinion, a point of viewobsolete
DemocracyvoteEnglishnounany judgment of intellect leading not only to a formal opinion but also to a particular choice in a legally relevant measure, a point of view as published
DemocracyvoteEnglishverbTo cast a vote; to assert a formalized choice in an election.intransitive
DemocracyvoteEnglishverbTo choose or grant by means of a vote, or by general consent.transitive
DemonymsAbydeneEnglishadjOf or relating to Abydos.
DemonymsAbydeneEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Abydos.
DemonymsAmerindianEnglishadjAmerican Indian.
DemonymsAmerindianEnglishnounAn American Indian.
DemonymsBudenheimerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Budenheimmasculine strong
DemonymsBudenheimerGermanadjof Budenheimindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsMadeiranEnglishadjOf, or from Madeira.
DemonymsMadeiranEnglishnounSomeone from Madeira.
DemonymsSurmiranEnglishnameA dialect of the Romansch language, spoken in the canton of Grisons, especially in the region of Surmeir, Switzerland.
DemonymsSurmiranEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or from the region of Surmeir in Switzerland
DemonymsSurmiranEnglishnounSomeone from the region of Surmeir in Switzerland.
DemonymsSwitzerEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Switzerland, a Swiss person.
DemonymsSwitzerEnglishnounA Swiss Guard.
DemonymsSwitzerEnglishnameA surname.
DemonymsandalusíSpanishadjAndalusian (of or relating to Al-Andalus)feminine masculine
DemonymsandalusíSpanishnounAndalusian (someone from Al-Andalus)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymshomsziHungarianadjHomsi (of or pertaining to Homs)
DemonymshomsziHungariannounHomsi (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Homs)
DemonymsibéricoGalicianadjIberian (of or relating to Iberia)
DemonymsibéricoGaliciannounIberian (person from Iberia)masculine
DemonymsmanileñoSpanishadjManileño (of, from or relating to Manila)
DemonymsmanileñoSpanishnounManileño (native or inhabitant of Manila)masculine
DemonymsîtalyayîNorthern KurdishadjItalian (of or pertaining to Italy)not-comparable
DemonymsîtalyayîNorthern KurdishnounItalian (person from Italy)masculine
DemonymsîtalyayîNorthern KurdishnameItalian (language)feminine
DemonymsΜαῦροςAncient GreekadjMauretanian, MoorishByzantine Koine
DemonymsΜαῦροςAncient GreekadjMauretanians, MoorsByzantine Koine masculine noun-from-verb plural
Dental hygienepárátkoCzechnountoothpickneuter
Dental hygienepárátkoCzechnounweakling, beanpole (thin person)neuter
DentistryschaverMiddle EnglishnounA haircutter; one who cuts peoples' hair.Late-Middle-English rare
DentistryschaverMiddle EnglishnounA file for teeth.rare
Diacritical marksakuttNorwegian Nynorskadjacute
Diacritical marksakuttNorwegian Nynorsknounan acute accentcommunications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingmasculine
Diacritical marksakuttNorwegian Nynorsknouna rising tonemasculine
Diacritical marksakuttNorwegian Nynorsknounshort for akuttmottak (“emergency room”) or akuttavdeling (“emergency department”)government healthcareabbreviation alt-of colloquial masculine
DiplomacyambasadorostwoPolishnounambassadorship, embassy (the function or duty of an ambassador)literary neuter
DiplomacyambasadorostwoPolishnounan ambassador and his wifeliterary plural
DiseaseнедъгBulgariannoundisability, handicap (physical or mental)
DiseaseнедъгBulgariannouninborn trauma, vice, weakness
DiseasesbolączkaPolishnoungripe, ill (unfavorable situation as a cause for worry, discomfort, or obstacle to life)feminine
DiseasesbolączkaPolishnounSynonym of wrzóddialectal feminine obsolete rare
DiseasesbolączkaPolishnounulcer stone (semi-translucent, round, quartzite pebble that supposedly causes painful ulcers in one's hand when picked up)feminine
DiseasesbolączkaPolishnounSynonym of choroba / dysentery and feverfeminine
DiseasesbolączkaPolishnounSynonym of choroba / Synonym of suchotafeminine
DiseasesgálicoSpanishnounsyphilismasculine uncountable
DiseasesнежитBulgariannounundead, phantasm, malevolous creaturedialectal
DiseasesнежитBulgariannouncause of disease, miasma, maladybroadly dialectal
DisneyDisneyPortugueseadjeasy, comfortable, or favorableBrazil invariable neologism slang
DisneyDisneyPortuguesenounthe state of forgetting something; blackout; oblivionBrazil feminine neologism slang
DisneyDisneyPortuguesenameDisney (Walt Disney Company)feminine
DisneyDisneyPortuguesenameany of the Walt Disney theme parksfeminine
Distilled beverages泡盛Japanesenounawamori, a kind of strong rice whiskey from Okinawa
Distilled beverages泡盛JapanesenameSatsuma Domain (as it had claims in the Okinawa region)colloquial historical
Dogbane family plantspurple milkweedEnglishnounAsclepias purpurascens, native to the central and midwestern United States.countable uncountable
Dogbane family plantspurple milkweedEnglishnounAsclepias cordifolia, native to the west coast of the United States, the heartleaf milkweed.countable uncountable
DogsbrachEnglishnounA hound; especially a female hound used for hunting, a bitch hound.archaic
DogsbrachEnglishnounA despicable or disagreeable woman.archaic derogatory
DogsbrachEnglishnounbrachiopodbiology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciencesinformal
DogsIrishnounhound, greyhoundfeminine masculine
DogsIrishnounhero, championfeminine figuratively masculine
DogsIrishnounThe name of the Latin-script letter q/Q.
DogshaukkumiinIngrianverbFourth infinitive of haukkuaform-of infinitive-iv
DogsszczenięPolishnounpuppy (young dog)neuter
DogsszczenięPolishnouncub (young wolf)neuter
DogsChinesecharactera dog with short hind legs
DogsChinesecharactera dog with a short neck
DogsChinesecharactera dog under a table
Donald TrumpGod EmperorEnglishnounA god-king; a sovereign worshiped as a god.
Donald TrumpGod EmperorEnglishnounA god-king; a sovereign worshiped as a god. / The Emperor of Japan.historical specific
Donald TrumpGod EmperorEnglishnameDonald Trump, American politician, 45th president and 47th president of the United States.government politicsInternet US humorous
Dragonflies and damselfliesmosquito hawkEnglishnounA crane fly (US) / daddy longlegs (UK), a large, mosquito-like insect in the suborder TipulomorphaUS regional
Dragonflies and damselfliesmosquito hawkEnglishnounA dragonfly.US regional
Dragonflies and damselfliesmosquito hawkEnglishnounAny of various species of dragonfly of the genus Micromidia, endemic to eastern Australia.biology entomology natural-sciences
DragonsJapanesecharacterJinmeiyō kanji kyūjitai no-gloss
DragonsJapanesenounKyūjitai form of 竜: a Chinese dragonform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapanesenounKyūjitai form of 竜: Synonym of ドラゴン (doragon): a Western dragonform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapanesenounKyūjitai form of 竜: (shogi, colloquial) Short for 龍王 (ryūō): dragon king; promoted rookform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapanesenouna 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”) with a Chinese dragon design
DragonsJapaneseaffixKyūjitai form of 竜: dragonform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapaneseaffixKyūjitai form of 竜: heroform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapaneseaffixKyūjitai form of 竜: imperialform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapaneseaffixKyūjitai form of 竜: dinosaurform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapanesenameShort for りゅう座 (Ryūza): the constellation Dracoastronomy natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of
DragonsJapanesenamea male given name
DragonsJapanesenamea surname
DragonsJapanesenounKyūjitai form of 竜: (rare or in Chinese contexts) a Chinese dragonform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapaneseaffixKyūjitai form of 竜: dragonform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapaneseaffixKyūjitai form of 竜: heroform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapaneseaffixKyūjitai form of 竜: imperialform-of kyūjitai
DragonsJapanesenounKyūjitai form of 竜: (mythology) a Japanese dragonform-of kyūjitai
DramadrameFrenchnoundrama (piece of theatre)masculine
DramadrameFrenchnoundrama (something entertaining or action-packed)masculine
DramadrameFrenchnountragedy (shocking and saddening event)masculine
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishnounA person who is addicted to alcohol.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishnounOne who abuses alcohol.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to alcohol.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishadjHaving more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or affected by alcoholism.
Dugongs and manatees美人魚Chinesenounmermaid; merperson; merfolk
Dugongs and manatees美人魚Chinesenoundugong
EarwigsearwormEnglishnounA tune that keeps replaying in one's head or that one keeps thinking about, especially if unwanted.
EarwigsearwormEnglishnounShort for corn earworm (“larva of the moths Helicoverpa zea (syn. Heliothis zea) and Helicoverpa armigera, which are agricultural pests”).abbreviation alt-of
EarwigsearwormEnglishnounAn earwig (“insect of the order Dermaptera”).archaic
EasterpomlázkaCzechnounbraided whip made out of pussy willow twigs, used during traditional Czech Easter celebrationfeminine
EasterpomlázkaCzechnounthe reward (usually Easter eggs) received for the Easter whippingfeminine
EasterpomlázkaCzechnounEaster Monday celebration as a wholefeminine
EducationtāfeleLatviannounblackboard, chalkboard, whiteboard (rectangular surface normally used for writing for others to read)declension-5 feminine
EducationtāfeleLatviannounbar (a small portion of food, especially chocolate, in rectangular form)declension-5 feminine
EducationспудейUkrainiannouna student of a theological school; primary and middle school student of the Kyiv Collegium (later Academy)historical
EducationспудейUkrainiannouna student of the modern Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
EducationспудейUkrainiannouna university studentrare
Education教育Japaneseverbto educate
EggssadzonyPolishadjfried (cooked by frying without breaking the yolk)not-comparable
EggssadzonyPolishverbpassive adjectival participle of sadzićadjectival form-of participle passive
EgyptAbydusLatinnameOne of the most important cities of Egyptdeclension-2
EgyptAbydusLatinnameA city in Mysia, situated opposite to Sestusdeclension-2
EightoctagonEnglishnounA polygon with eight sides and eight angles.geometry mathematics sciencesalso attributive
EightoctagonEnglishnounOften in the form Octagon: the arena for mixed martial arts.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
ElectricityżyłaPolishnounveinanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
ElectricityżyłaPolishnouncore; wire; conductor; a single thread of conducting material in a cablefeminine
ElectricityżyłaPolishnounlode; vein of a mineralfeminine
ElectricityżyłaPolishnounscrooge, meaniecolloquial feminine
ElectricityżyłaPolishnouna person who demands too much from otherscolloquial feminine
ElectricityżyłaPolishverbthird-person singular feminine past of żyćfeminine form-of past singular third-person
ElevenundecagonalEnglishadjHaving eleven sides and angles.not-comparable
ElevenundecagonalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to an undecagon.not-comparable
EmotionsmīlaLatviannounlove (positive romantic feeling for a specific person)declension-4 feminine
EmotionsmīlaLatviannounlove (positive feeling for a group, people, institution, idea, etc.)declension-4 feminine
EmotionsmīlaLatvianadjgenitive masculine singular of mīlsdialectal form-of genitive masculine singular
EmotionsmīlaLatvianadjnominative feminine singular of mīlsdialectal feminine form-of nominative singular
EmotionssorryEnglishadjRegretful or apologetic for one's actions.
EmotionssorryEnglishadjGrieved or saddened, especially by the loss of something or someone.
EmotionssorryEnglishadjPoor, pitifully sad or regrettable.
EmotionssorryEnglishadjPathetic; contemptibly inadequate.
EmotionssorryEnglishintjExpresses regret, remorse, or sorrow.
EmotionssorryEnglishintjUsed as a request for someone to repeat something not heard or understood clearly.
EmotionssorryEnglishintjUsed to correct oneself in speech.
EmotionssorryEnglishintjSaid as a request to pass somebody.
EmotionssorryEnglishnounThe act of saying sorry; an apology.
EmotionssorryEnglishverbTo feel sorry (for someone).intransitive rare transitive
Emotions刺激Chineseverbto stimulate; to excite; to spur
Emotions刺激Chineseverbto provoke; to upset; to irritate
Emotions刺激Chineseadjexciting; stimulating; thrilling
Emotions刺激Chinesenounstimulus; stimulanteconomics human-sciences medicine physiology psychology sciences
Emotions自在Chineseadvcasually; without a care in the world
Emotions自在Chineseadjfree; unrestrained; comfortable; at ease
Emotions自在Chineseadjin-itselfexistentialism human-sciences phenomenology philosophy sciences
Emotions自在Chineseadjcomfortable; carefree
English diminutives of male given namesMickeyEnglishnounA Mickey Finn; a beverage, usually alcoholic, that has been drugged.slang
English diminutives of male given namesMickeyEnglishnounA 375-milliliter (13.2 imperial fluid ounce; 12.7 US fl oz) bottle of liquor, such as whiskey.Canada
English diminutives of male given namesMickeyEnglishnounA Catholic.Ulster derogatory
English diminutives of male given namesMickeyEnglishnounAlternative form of Mick (“an Irishman”)alt-of alternative derogatory slang
English diminutives of male given namesMickeyEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given names Michael, Mike or Mick.
English diminutives of male given namesMickeyEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Michaela.
English given namesShayEnglishnameA surname from Irish.
English given namesShayEnglishnameA unisex given name transferred from the surname.
English given namesShayEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Seamus.
English given namesShayEnglishnounA geared steam locomotive, patented by Ephraim Shay.rail-transport railways transport
English unisex given namesAltaEnglishnameAbbreviation of Alberta, a province of Canada.abbreviation alt-of
English unisex given namesAltaEnglishnameA female given name from Latin possibly from Latin alta (“high”), fairly common in the United States in the nineteenth century.
English unisex given namesAltaEnglishnameA male given name from Latin.rare
English unisex given namesAltaEnglishnameA town with bystatus and municipality of Finnmark, Norway.
English unisex given namesAltaEnglishnameA census-designated place in Placer County, California, United States.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnounradiotelephony clear-code word for the letter G.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameAn English and Welsh surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA French surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA German surname originating as a patronymic, a variant of Georg.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA surname from Irish [in turn originating as a patronymic], an anglicization of Seoirse.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given names Georgina or Georgia; also used in the conjoined name George Ann(e).
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameThe autopilot of an aircraft.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesslang
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameGeneric name for a Pullman porter.Canada US dated slang
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA city in Western Cape province, South Africa; named for George III of the United Kingdom.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A city in Lyon County, Iowa; named for the son of a railroad official.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A minor city in Grant County, Washington; named for George Washington, 1st president of the United States.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A ghost town in Franklin County, Missouri; named for postmaster Stephen H. George.
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnounA coin bearing King George's profile.archaic slang
English unisex given namesGeorgeEnglishnounA jewelled figure of St George slaying the dragon, worn by Knights of the Garter.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnameA giant-hunter, pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos, and killed by Artemis.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnameA constellation on the celestial equator close to Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.astronomy natural-sciences
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnameA surname.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek of modern usage.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnameA female given name.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / A locality in the Central Highlands, Queensland, Australia.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / A hamlet in the Municipal District of County of Forty Mile No. 8, Alberta, Canada.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / A commune of Pyrenées-Atlantiques department, France.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / A municipality of Bataan, Philippines.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / An unincorporated community in Pike County, Alabama, United States, also known as Prospect Ridge.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / A ghost town in Kings County, California, United States.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / A village in Henry County, Illinois, United States.
English unisex given namesOrionEnglishnamePlace names: / A town in Richland County, Wisconsin, United States.
EpistemologyinfinitistEnglishadjRelating to infinitism.not-comparable
EpistemologyinfinitistEnglishnounOne who subscribes to the philosophy of infinitism.
Equestrianismrough riderEnglishnounSomething, such as a steam locomotive, that does not travel smoothly when in motion
Equestrianismrough riderEnglishnounA person whose specialty is the breaking in or training of wild horses.
Equestrianismrough riderEnglishnounAlternative form of roughrideralt-of alternative
EquestrianismsellaLatinnounseat, chair (one that is moveable unlike a sedīle)declension-1 feminine
EquestrianismsellaLatinnounA kind of open or enclosed sedan chairdeclension-1 feminine historical
EquestrianismsellaLatinnounsaddleLate-Latin declension-1 feminine
EquestrianismsellaLatinnounstooldeclension-1 feminine
EquidsմտրուկArmeniannouncolt, young male horse
EquidsմտրուկArmeniannounmale horse in general
Essex, EnglandColcestrianEnglishadjOf or relating to Colchester.
Essex, EnglandColcestrianEnglishnounA person from Colchester.
Essex, EnglandColcestrianEnglishnounA pupil of Colchester Royal Grammar School.
EthicssynnelesMiddle Englishadjsinless (lacking sin, innocent)
EthicssynnelesMiddle Englishadvsinlessly, irreproachablyrare
EthicsнамыҫBashkirnounhonor, one's moral beliefs and standards of behavior
EthicsнамыҫBashkirnounsense of dignity
EthicsнамыҫBashkirnounconscience, the moral sense of right and wrong, as it affects one's own behaviour
EthicsнамыҫBashkirnounone's fair name, moral reputation
EthnonymsChechenEnglishnounA member of a Nakh people of the northern Caucasus and resident in the Russian republic of Chechnya.
EthnonymsChechenEnglishnounSynonym of Chechnyan: a resident of Chechnya.broadly
EthnonymsChechenEnglishnameThe language of the Chechens, a member of the Nakh family.
EthnonymsChechenEnglishadjOf or relating to the Chechen people.not-comparable
EthnonymsChechenEnglishadjOf or relating to the Chechen language.not-comparable
EthnonymsChechenEnglishadjSynonym of Chechnyan: of or relating to Chechnya, a Russian .not-comparable
EthnonymsFrench-CanadianEnglishadjOf or relating to Francophone Canadians or French Canada.
EthnonymsFrench-CanadianEnglishadjOf or relating to Canadians of French ancestry or descent.
EthnonymsTübatulabalEnglishnounA member of a people of the Kern River Valley, California, United States.
EthnonymsTübatulabalEnglishnameThe language of the Tübatulabal people.
EthnonymsTübatulabalEnglishadjRelating to the Tübatulabal people.
EthnonymsTübatulabalEnglishadjRelating to the Tübatulabal language.
EthnonymsжапонKyrgyzadjJapanese (of, from, or pertaining to Japan, the Japanese people or the Japanese language)
EthnonymsжапонKyrgyznounJapanese (by ethnicity)
EthnonymsйӧграKomi-ZyriannounOb-Ugric person
EthnonymsйӧграKomi-ZyriannounOb-Ugric language
EthnonymsорусKyrgyznounRussian (by ethnicity)
EthnonymsতুরুকBengaliadjrapid, fast, quick
EthnonymsতুরুকBengaliadvquickly, rapidly
Eucalyptsblack ashEnglishnounAny tree of species Fraxinus nigra, native to much of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States.
Eucalyptsblack ashEnglishnounAny tree of species Acer negundo (ash-leaved maple), of North America.
Eucalyptsblack ashEnglishnounAny tree of species Eucalyptus sieberi, of Australia.
Evolutionary theoryадаптацияBulgariannounadaptation, adaption, adjustment (the quality of being adapted)formal uncountable
Evolutionary theoryадаптацияBulgariannounadaptation (adjustment to extant conditions)formal uncountable
Evolutionary theoryадаптацияBulgariannounadaptation, variation (something which has been adapted, including e.g. literature, art)countable formal
EyelibatCebuanoadjcross-eyed; squint-eyed
EyelibatCebuanoadjhaving little or no powerslang
EyelibatCebuanoverbto have little or no powerslang
FabricsplunketMiddle Englishnounlight grey-blueuncountable
FabricsplunketMiddle EnglishnounA blanket or cloth of that coloruncountable
FabricsplunketMiddle EnglishnounLight blue dyeuncountable
FabricsplunketMiddle Englishadjlight grey-blue
FabricsplunketMiddle EnglishadjMade of light grey-blue wool
FaceagbọnYorubanounpetulant person
FaceagbọnYorubanounone who is wise or intelligent
FaceagbọnYorubanounone that shakes, shivers, or trembles
Faceబుగ్గTelugunounthe cheek (the inside of the cheek)anatomy medicine sciences
Faceబుగ్గTelugunouna bubble
Faceబుగ్గTelugunouna spring of water, a fountain
FaceტუჩიGeorgiannounlip (part of body)
FaceტუჩიGeorgiannounlip (spout)
FaceტუჩიGeorgiannounsnout, muzzle
Fagales order plantscòinneach dheargScottish Gaelicnounbog-myrtlefeminine
Fagales order plantscòinneach dheargScottish Gaelicnounsphagnumfeminine
Fairy talebajkowyPolishadjfairy talenot-comparable relational
Fairy talebajkowyPolishadjfabulous (very good; wonderful)
FamilygáelMiddle Irishnounrelationship, kinshipmasculine
FamilygáelMiddle Irishnounrelative, kinmasculine
FamilytitoTagalognounadult man exhibiting the stereotypical characteristics of a Filipino uncleslang
FamilytitoTagalognounpig tripe
FamilyvlăstarRomaniannounshoot; runner, stolonneuter
FamilyvlăstarRomaniannounscion, offspringneuter
FamilyyarunguYindjibarndinounwife's sister, sister-in-law
FamilyyarunguYindjibarndinounbrother's wife
FamilyyarunguYindjibarndinounhusband's brother, brother-in-law
FamilyyarunguYindjibarndinounsister's husband
FamilyसालाNepalinounwife's younger brother; brother-in-law
FamilyसालाNepalinouna term of abuse, a swear word.; rascalcolloquial
FamilyចៅKhmernounchief, boss, head
Family女子Chinesenounwoman; female (Classifier: 名 m; 個/个 m)formal
Family女子ChinesenoundaughterDungan Mandarin Wanrong literary
Family女子Chinesenounvirgin girlliterary
Family女子ChinesenoungirlMandarin Waxiang Xi'an
FandomfancruftEnglishnounTrivial or excessively detailed information on a work of fiction added by fans to a general-interest wiki.derogatory uncountable
FandomfancruftEnglishnounLow-quality material (especially literature) produced by fans of a performer, group, author etc.lifestylederogatory slang uncommon uncountable
Fans (people)腹ペコJapaneseadjhungry; I could eat a horseinformal
Fans (people)腹ペコJapanesenouna fan of the rock band Maximum the Hormonelifestyleslang
FantasymagicEnglishnounThe application of rituals or actions, especially those based on occult knowledge, to subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces in order to have some benefit from them. / The supernatural forces which are drawn on in such a ritual.uncountable usually
FantasymagicEnglishnounThe application of rituals or actions, especially those based on occult knowledge, to subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces in order to have some benefit from them. / A specific ritual or procedure associated with such magic; a spell; a magical ability.countable rare usually
FantasymagicEnglishnounThe application of rituals or actions, especially those based on occult knowledge, to subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces in order to have some benefit from them. / The ability to cast a magic gamingcountable usually
FantasymagicEnglishnounThe application of rituals or actions, especially those based on occult knowledge, to subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces in order to have some benefit from them.uncountable usually
FantasymagicEnglishnounSomething producing successful and remarkable results, especially when not fully understood; an enchanting quality; exceptional skill.uncountable usually
FantasymagicEnglishnounSomething producing successful and remarkable results, especially when not fully understood; an enchanting quality; exceptional skill. / Complicated or esoteric code that is not expected to be generally understood.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang uncountable usually
FantasymagicEnglishnounThe art or practice of performing conjuring tricks and illusions to give the appearance of supernatural phenomena or powers.entertainment lifestyleuncountable usually
FantasymagicEnglishnounThe art or practice of performing conjuring tricks and illusions to give the appearance of supernatural phenomena or powers. / One such conjuring trick or illusion.entertainment lifestylecountable usually
FantasymagicEnglishadjHaving supernatural talents, properties or qualities attributed to magic.not-comparable
FantasymagicEnglishadjProducing extraordinary results, as though through the use of magic.not-comparable
FantasymagicEnglishadjPertaining to conjuring tricks or illusions performed for entertainment etc.not-comparable
FantasymagicEnglishadjGreat; excellent.colloquial not-comparable
FantasymagicEnglishadjDescribing the number of nucleons in a particularly stable isotopic nucleus; 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126, and 184.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsnot-comparable
FantasymagicEnglishadjBeing a literal number or string value with no meaning or context, not defined as a constant or variablecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesnot-comparable
FantasymagicEnglishverbTo produce, transform (something), (as if) by magic.transitive
Faster-than-light travelteletransporteSpanishnounteleportationmasculine
Faster-than-light travelteletransporteSpanishverbinflection of teletransportar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
Faster-than-light travelteletransporteSpanishverbinflection of teletransportar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Fats and oilsChinesecharactername of an ancient river
Fats and oilsChinesecharacteroil: fat, grease, lard, etc.
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterpetroleum; fuel
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterto paint
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterShort for 油漆 (“paint”).Cantonese abbreviation alt-of
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterto colour (with crayons, coloured pencils, oil pastel, etc.)Cantonese
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterShort for 油門/油门 (yóumén, “accelerator; gas pedal; throttle”).Cantonese abbreviation alt-of
Fats and oilsChinesecharacteroilyCantonese
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterto be grease-stained
Fats and oilsChinesecharactersly; glib
Fats and oilsChinesecharactervigorous, abundant
Fats and oilsChinesecharactershiny
Fats and oilsChinesecharactersweet-tempered, acquiescent
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterflippant and insincere
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterdark
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterresembling a weeb; obsessive towards ACGTaiwan slang
Fats and oilsChinesecharactera surname
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 釉 (yòu, “to glaze”)alt-of alternative
Fats and oilsChinesecharacterUsed in 浩油.
FearürkmekTurkishverbto fear, be afraid of, dread, winceintransitive
FearürkmekTurkishverbto quail, boggleintransitive
FecesdesideoLatinverbto remain or continue sittingconjugation-2 no-supine
FecesdesideoLatinverbto sit idle or inactive, sit around, hang aboutconjugation-2 no-supine
FecesdesideoLatinverbto go to defecateconjugation-2 no-supine
Female小妮子Chinesenounslave-girl; servant girl; maidobsolete
Female animalsmłódkaPolishnoungirl (young female person)archaic feminine
Female animalsmłódkaPolishnouna young bird that does not yet have feathersfeminine
Female animalsmłódkaPolishnouna female animal that has not yet had offspring or is having offspring for the first timefeminine
Female animalsпаткаMacedoniannounduck (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae)feminine
Female animalsпаткаMacedonianverbto walkchildish intransitive
Female family membersfiHaitian Creolenoungirl
Female family membersfiHaitian Creolenoundaughter
Female peoplebakteriologPolishnounbacteriologistmasculine person
Female peoplebakteriologPolishnounfemale equivalent of bakteriolog (“bacteriologist”)feminine form-of indeclinable
Female peoplebaneachlachIrishnounfemale courier, messengerliterary masculine
Female peoplebaneachlachIrishnounhorsewomanmasculine
Female peoplebelferkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of belfer (“schoolmarm, teacher”)colloquial derogatory feminine form-of
Female peoplebelferkaPolishnounteaching (profession)colloquial derogatory feminine
Female peoplegearránIrishnoungeldingmasculine
Female peoplegearránIrishnoungarronmasculine
Female peoplegearránIrishnounlesbian, dykederogatory masculine
Female peopleheroineEnglishnounA female hero.
Female peopleheroineEnglishnounA female lead character.
Female peopleheroineEnglishadjCharacteristic of a heroine; heroic.rare
Female peopleniepełnoletniaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pełnoletni (“minor”) (someone below the legal age)feminine form-of noun-from-verb
Female peopleniepełnoletniaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of niepełnoletnifeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female people雛菊Chinesenoundaisy (Bellis perennis)
Female people雛菊Chinesenoununderage female prostituteTaiwan figuratively
Fernscommon polypodyEnglishnounPolypodium vulgare, native to western Europe and northern Africa.uncountable
Fernscommon polypodyEnglishnounPolypodium virginianum, native to North America.uncountable
FernsπτέριςAncient Greeknounmale fern (Aspidium filix-mas)
FernsπτέριςAncient Greeknounpolypody (Polypodium vulgare)
FernsπτέριςAncient Greeknounbracken (Pteris aquilina)
Fictional abilitiesmicrokinesisEnglishnounThe ability to move objects and effect matter on a microscopic, molecular, atomic and subatomic level with the power of one's mind.fiction literature media publishinguncountable
Fictional abilitiesmicrokinesisEnglishnounRandom and meaningless movements made by a new-born infant.uncountable
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA northern English and Scottish surname originating as a patronymic.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameAny character who acts as a catalyst for the detective protagonist's mental processes in a mystery story; a consciousness that is privy to facts in the case without being in on the conclusions drawn from them until the proper time. After William L. DeAndrea, discussing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA suburb of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA town in the Rural Municipality of Lakeside No. 338, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Jefferson County, Alabama.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Desha County, Arkansas.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Effingham County, Illinois.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Clark County, Indiana.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Clayton County, Iowa.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community and census-designated place in Livingston Parish, Louisiana.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Chippewa County, Minnesota.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Atchison County, Missouri.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Lewis County, New York.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Seneca County, Ohio.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in McCurtain County, Oklahoma.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Loudoun County, Virginia.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Marion County, West Virginia.
Fictional charactersWatsonEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An electoral division in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Fictional charactersfantrollEnglishnounAn internet troll who is part of a fandom.lifestyleslang
Fictional charactersfantrollEnglishnounA troll original character created by a fan.
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishnameA surname.countable uncountable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishnameA placenamecountable uncountable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishnameA placename: / A locality in Dumfries and Galloway council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NX8681).countable uncountable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishadjDocile, unthinking and conformist.not-comparable
Fictional locationsStepfordEnglishadjAttractive but lacking any character.not-comparable
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnounInitialism of microcontroller electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnounInitialism of multipoint control unit.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunicationsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnounInitialism of memory controller unit.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnounInitialism of master control unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnounInitialism of main control unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnounInitialism of multi-cervical unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnounInitialism of medium close-up.broadcasting media televisionabbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional universesMCUEnglishnameInitialism of Marvel Cinematic Universe (“a shared universe and franchise of films and other media based on Marvel Comics, introduced in 2008”).abbreviation alt-of initialism
FilmbijákCzechnounpart of a flailinanimate masculine
FilmbijákCzechnounbrawler, thuganimate informal masculine
FilmbijákCzechnouncinemainanimate informal masculine
Filmফিল্মিBengaliadjfilmy, filmic
Filmফিল্মিBengalinounfilmi (music written especially for Bollywood films)
Film genrespornoFrenchnounporno; porninformal masculine uncountable
Film genrespornoFrenchnounporn movie, skin flick, blue moviecountable informal masculine
Finance欠債Chineseverbto be in debt; to owe a debtverb-object
Finance欠債Chinesenoundebt; the sum owed
FirechụmVietnameseverbto gather; to assemble
FirechụmVietnameseverbto put into the fireCentral Southern Vietnam
FirefyryMiddle EnglishadjBurning, glowing; on fire.
FirefyryMiddle EnglishadjLike fire; pertaining to fire: / Influenced by fire (as in alchemy)
FirefyryMiddle EnglishadjLike fire; pertaining to fire: / Having the colour of fire; fiery.
FirefyryMiddle EnglishadjLike fire; pertaining to fire: / Having the feeling of fire; hot, inflamed.
FirefyryMiddle EnglishadjEmotionally strong or volatile.
FiregyulladHungarianverbto catch fireintransitive
FiregyulladHungarianverbto inflamemedicine sciencesintransitive
FirearmshuntCimbriannoundogLuserna Sette-Comuni masculine
FirearmshuntCimbriannounfiring pinSette-Comuni masculine
FirearmshuntCimbriannounlarge iron clampSette-Comuni masculine
FirefightingwaterbombEnglishverbTo drop large quantities of water (onto a fire) from the air.transitive
FirefightingwaterbombEnglishnounAlternative form of water bombalt-of alternative
FishfinfishEnglishnounAny fish, but especially fish other than flatfish
FishfinfishEnglishnounShort for finned fish. As in ray-finned fish. Term is used to distinguish them from shellfish, cartilaginous fish and other similar aquatic creatures customarily used as food.abbreviation alt-of informal
FishhopeakylkiFinnishnounsilverside (any small fish of the family Atherinidae that are characterized by bright, silvery scales)
FishhopeakylkiFinnishnounNickname for anything that has silvery sides, especially another fish, such as silakka (“Baltic herring”), lohi (“salmon”), siika (“whitefish”) or meritaimen (“sea trout”).
FishrybkaPolishnoundiminutive of rybadiminutive feminine form-of
FishrybkaPolishnounnutmeg (playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine
FishrybkaPolishnounsweetieendearing feminine
FishwhitefishEnglishnounAny of many fish. / Any of several North American freshwater fish, of the genus Coregonus, used as food.
FishwhitefishEnglishnounAny of many fish. / Any of several other fish, such as whiting (Merlangius merlangus) or menhaden (Brevoortia spp. and Ethmidium spp.).
FishwhitefishEnglishnounAny of many fish. / Any of several species of demersal fish with fins, particularly cod, whiting, and haddock, as opposed to the oily or pelagic fishing food hobbies lifestyle
FishwhitefishEnglishnounThe beluga (both the sturgeon and the whale)
FishwhitefishEnglishverbTo fish for whitefish.
FishμύλλοςAncient GreeknounA kind of fish brought salted from the Black Sea
FishμύλλοςAncient GreeknounA similar fish found in the Danube
FishingredeGaliciannounnet (mesh of strings)feminine
FishingredeGaliciannounfishing net (mesh of strings used to trap fish)feminine
FishingredeGaliciannounnetwork (an interconnected group or system)feminine
FishingredeGaliciannounthe Net; the Web (the Internet)Internet feminine
FishingredeGaliciannounbusiness chain (businesses with the same brand name)feminine
FishingredeGalicianverbinflection of redar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
FishingredeGalicianverbinflection of redar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Flags紅旗Chinesenounred flag; red banner (Classifier: 面 m; 支 c)
Flags紅旗ChinesenounadvancementMainland-China figuratively
Flags紅旗Chinesenouna red banner used by the police: "Stop Charging or We Use Force / 停止衝擊,否則使用武力"Hong-Kong
Flags紅旗ChinesenameHongqi (a village in Yonglong, Jingshan, Jingmen, Hubei, China)
Flags紅旗ChinesenameHongqi (a village in Huilong, Fang, Shiyan, Hubei, China)
Flags紅旗ChinesenameHongqi (a community of Zhucheng, Xinzhou district, Wuhan, Hubei, China)
FlowersaranyesőHungariannoungolden chain, laburnum (any plant of genus Laburnum)biology botany natural-sciences
FlowersaranyesőHungariannoungolden shower (a large, liberal bestowal of money or other financial benefits)literary
FlowersaranyesőHungariannounlaburnums of fire (the falling of golden sparks)figuratively rare
FlowersαγριόκρινοGreeknouniris (flowering plant)
FlowersαγριόκρινοGreeknounwild lily
Flowers부처꽃KoreannounIn particular, Lythrum anceps, sometimes considered a subspecies of purple loosestrife.
FolklorevittraSwedishverbto break down into small particles (often of mountains and the like, through natural processes), to weathersometimes
FolklorevittraSwedishverbto pick up a scent; to smell (also figuratively)
FolklorevittraSwedishnouna mythological, underground-dwelling creature from Scandinavian folklorearts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencescommon-gender
Food and drinksahaniSwahilinounplate (a serving dish)
Food and drinksahaniSwahilinounShort for sahani ya santuri (“phonograph record”).abbreviation alt-of
FoodsFruchtSaterland Frisiannounfruitfeminine
FoodsFruchtSaterland Frisiannouncropfeminine
FoodsFruchtSaterland Frisiannoungrainfeminine
FoodschorrillanaSpanishnounMexican seafood dish with tomatoes, fish, and vegetablesMexico feminine
FoodschorrillanaSpanishnounChilean dish consisting of a bed of french fries topped with sauteed beef strips and onions with two fried eggsChile feminine
FoodschorrillanaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of chorrillano (“native or inhabitant of Chorrillos”)feminine form-of
FoodschorrillanaSpanishadjfeminine singular of chorrillanofeminine form-of singular
FoodsfarfalleItaliannounplural of farfallafeminine form-of plural
Foodshash brownsEnglishnounplural of hash brownform-of plural
Foodshash brownsEnglishnounPotatoes that have been finely chopped (i.e. hashed) and fried until browned.plural plural-only
Foodshột vịt lộnVietnamesenounan egg containing a developing duck embryoSouthern Vietnam
Foodshột vịt lộnVietnamesenouna boiled egg of that kind; a balutSouthern Vietnam
FoodspiaHawaiiannounPolynesian arrowroot, Tacca leontopetaloides
FoodspiaHawaiiannounstarch from any plant in general (corn etc.)
FoodspiaHawaiiannouna variety of taro
FoodspiaHawaiiannouna variety of sweet potato
FoodsпончикRussiannounfat personfiguratively humorous
Foods酸奶Chinesenounyogurt; yoghurtMainland-China
Foods酸奶Chinesenounsour creamTaiwan
FootwearcholewaPolishnounbootleg (top of a high boot)feminine
FootwearcholewaPolishnounSynonym of wszetecznica (“muff”)derogatory feminine obsolete
FootwearcholewaPolishnounmuff (glass bent into a cylinder shape, from which the sheets are made)business glassmaking manufacturingfeminine obsolete
FootwearcholewaPolishnounSynonym of dureńMiddle Polish derogatory feminine
FootwearcholewaPolishintjdagnabbit, damneuphemistic
ForestryposuszPolishnounsnags (standing dead or dying trees)collective inanimate masculine
ForestryposuszPolishnoundry branches or twigscollective inanimate masculine
ForestryposuszPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of posuszyćform-of imperative second-person singular
Forms of discriminationxenófoboPortugueseadjxenophobic (exhibiting or characteristic of xenophobia)
Forms of discriminationxenófoboPortuguesenounxenophobe (person who hates foreigners)masculine
FowlsuszakPolishnouneared pheasant (any pheasant of the genus Crossoptilon)animal-not-person masculine
FowlsuszakPolishnounany jelly fungus of the genus Auriculariainanimate masculine
FruitsapricotEnglishnounA round sweet and juicy stone fruit, resembling peach or plum in taste, with a yellow-orange flesh, lightly fuzzy skin and a large seed inside.countable uncountable
FruitsapricotEnglishnounThe apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca.countable uncountable
FruitsapricotEnglishnounA pale yellow-orange colour, like that of an apricot fruit.countable uncountable
FruitsapricotEnglishnounA dog with an orange-coloured coat.countable uncountable
FruitsapricotEnglishnounThe junction of the brain and brain stem on a target, used as an aiming point to ensure a one-shot kill.countable uncountable
FruitsapricotEnglishnounA testicle.Australia countable dated plural-normally slang uncountable
FruitsapricotEnglishadjOf a pale yellowish-orange colour, like that of an apricot.
Fruitscornelian cherryEnglishnounThe cherry-like fruit of the cornel, Cornus mas.
Fruitscornelian cherryEnglishnounThe tree that bears this fruit.
FruitssalakaPolishnounsalak, salak palm (Salacca zalacca)feminine
FruitssalakaPolishnounsalak, snake fruit (fruit of Salacca zalacca)feminine
FruitsκούμαροGreeknouncane apple, the fruit of the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo)
FruitsκούμαροGreeknounan alcoholic spirit made from the distillation of strawberry tree fruit
FruitsкораBulgariannounbark, rind (of a tree)
FruitsкораBulgariannounrind, peel (of a fruit)
FruitsкораBulgariannouncrust (of bread)
FruitsкораBulgariannounscab (of a wound)
FruitsкораBulgariannounsheet of pastry
FruitsمشمشةArabicnounan apricot (fruit)singulative
FruitsمشمشةArabicnounan apricot treesingulative
FruitsਨਾਰੀਅਲPunjabinouncoconut (fruit)
FruitsਨਾਰੀਅਲPunjabinouncoconut palm
FruitsქვიშნაMingreliannounSynonym of ქვიშნაბული (kvišnabuli, “sour cherry”)
FruitsქვიშნაMingreliannounbitter vetch (Vicia ervilia)
Fruits佛手ChinesenounBuddha's hand; fingered citron
Fruits佛手Chinesenouna variety of tea leafHokkien Quanzhou
Fungal diseasesпаршаRussiannounfavus (fungal skin disease)medicine sciences
Fungal diseasesпаршаRussiannounscab (fungal disease of plants)biology botany medicine natural-sciences pathology phytopathology sciences
FungimurzynekPolishnoundiminutive of murzyndiminutive form-of masculine person usually
FungimurzynekPolishnouncocoa cakecolloquial inanimate masculine
FungimurzynekPolishnounvariegated bolete (Suillus variegatus)colloquial inanimate masculine
FungimurzynekPolishnoungenitive plural of murzynkafeminine form-of genitive plural
FurnitureestantePortuguesenounrack (series of shelves)feminine
FurniturekrevetacSerbo-Croatiannounbeddiminutive familiar
FurniturekrevetacSerbo-Croatiannounchild's bed; cot
FurnitureتختOttoman Turkishnounany raised structure used for sitting or reclining on, such as a bench, sofa or bier, but especially
FurnitureتختOttoman Turkishnounany raised structure used for sitting or reclining on, such as a bench, sofa or bier, but especially: / throne, an impressive seat used by a monarch
FurnitureܦܬܘܪܐClassical Syriacnountable, tray
FurnitureܦܬܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncourse, dish
FurnitureܦܬܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounpaten, eucharistic plate
FurnitureܦܬܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounbanquet, feast
FurnitureܦܬܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncontribution, gift
FurnitureܦܬܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounmoneychanger's table
Furry fandomshiEnglishnounAbbreviation of shibire.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of uncountable
Furry fandomshiEnglishpronAlternative form of sie (gender-neutral pronoun)lifestylealt-of alternative rare slang
Furry fandomshiEnglishnounApocopic form of shitabbreviation alt-of apocopic uncountable
Furry fandomshiEnglishintjApocopic form of shitabbreviation alt-of apocopic
GaitsswengenMiddle EnglishverbTo hit or beat; to land a blow.
GaitsswengenMiddle EnglishverbTo beat or whip (eggs or milk)cooking food lifestyle
GaitsswengenMiddle EnglishverbTo dash, rush or charge.
GaitsswengenMiddle EnglishverbTo (violently) hurl or fling.
Gaitstake a turnEnglishverbChange in direction, tone, or tendency.idiomatic
Gaitstake a turnEnglishverbTo walk around; to stroll.
Gaitstake a turnEnglishverbTo participate in an activity involving two or more participants.
Gamesbaril-barilanTagalognountoy gun
Gamesbaril-barilanTagalognounchildren's game played with toy guns
Gamesczarny ludPolishnounbogeymananimal-not-person idiomatic masculine
Gamesczarny ludPolishnouna children's game where one child is blindfolded and must catch the other childrenanimal-not-person idiomatic masculine
Games닭쌈Koreannoun닭싸움, a popular children's game in which the players hop on one leg and try to knock each other over.
Games닭쌈KoreannounA cockfight.
Games닭쌈KoreannounA dish in which strips of chicken are served, dipped in sauce, garnished with vegetables, and eaten wrapped in lettuce or perilla leaves (‘sesame leaves’).
Geckos守宮Japanesenouna gecko
Geckos守宮Japanesenouna gecko
GenitaliaebiraOld Tupinounbuttocks
GenitaliaebiraOld Tupinounhindquarters (the rear half of a quadruped)
GenitaliaebiraOld Tupinounvagina; vulva
GenitaliaebiraOld Tupinounbottom (lowest part of an object)
GenitaliaebiraOld Tupinounstern (rear part of a ship)nautical transport
GenitaliašulínCzechnoundick (penis)inanimate masculine vulgar
GenitaliašulínCzechnoundick, fucker (objectionable person)inanimate masculine vulgar
Gentianales order plantsស្លែងKhmeradjto be harmful to the health.
Gentianales order plantsស្លែងKhmeradjgruff, blunt, brusque.
Gentianales order plantsស្លែងKhmernounstrychnine (Strychnos nux-vomica)
GeographyпустеляUkrainiannounwasteland, waste, wilderness, barren, heath
GeographyпустеляUkrainiannoununpopulated areacolloquial figuratively
Geometry三角Chinesenountrianglegeometry mathematics sciences
Geometry三角ChinesenounShort for 三角學/三角学 (sānjiǎoxué, “trigonometry”).abbreviation alt-of
Geometry三角ChinesenounShort for 三角洲 (sānjiǎozhōu, “river delta”).abbreviation alt-of
Geometry三角ChinesenameSanjiao (a town in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China)
GermanySchwerinerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Schwerinmasculine strong
GermanySchwerinerGermanadjof Schwerinindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
GhostsโสมThainounJewels of Opar, flameflower (Talinum paniculatum, family Portulacaceae)biology botany natural-sciences
GhostsโสมThainounsweetheart (Talinum fruticosum, family Portulacaceae).biology botany natural-sciences
GhostsโสมThainounany of the various plants of the genus Panax (family Araliaceae).biology botany natural-sciences
GhostsโสมThainouna kind of beverage made from the juice of an ivy plant mixed with clarified butter, traditionally offered to Indra and other gods.Hinduism
GhostsโสมThainounalcoholic beverage; intoxicating beverage.figuratively formal
GhostsโสมThainouna type of ghost which guards a treasure trove.
GlassܙܓܘܓܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounglass
GlassܙܓܘܓܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounglass vessel; bottle; flaskbroadly
Gold金銀Japanesenoungold and silver
Gold金銀Japanesenoungold and silver coins
Gold金銀Japanesenounmoney; fortune
Gold金銀Japanesenoungold general and silver generalboard-games games shogi
Gourd family plantsmirlitonEnglishnounA pear-shaped vegetable or its vine; the chayote.
Gourd family plantsmirlitonEnglishnounThe eunuch flute, a kind of kazoo or membranophone.entertainment lifestyle music
Gourd family plantsmirlitonEnglishnounAn 18th-century hussar hat resembling a slightly conical shako or tall fez.
Gourd family plantsmirlitonEnglishnounA tartlet or biscuit garnished with almond, first produced in Rouen around 1800.
Gourd family plants糸瓜Japanesenouna sponge gourd; a dishrag gourd; a rag gourd
Gourd family plants糸瓜Japanesenouna loofah (dried fibrous interior used as a sponge)
GovernmentministryEnglishnounGovernment department, at the administrative level normally headed by a minister (or equivalent rank, e.g. secretary of state), who holds it as portfolio, especially in a constitutional monarchy, but also as a polity
GovernmentministryEnglishnounThe complete body of government ministers (whether or not they are in cabinet) under the leadership of a head of government (such as a prime minister)
GovernmentministryEnglishnounA ministration
GovernmentministryEnglishnounThe active practice and education of the minister of a particular religion or faith.
GovernmentministryEnglishnounThe clergy of nonapostolic Protestant churches.Christianity
GovernmentministryEnglishnounWork of a spiritual or charitable nature.Christianity
GovernmenttalmanSwedishnounspeaker of the riksdag (“parliament”)common-gender
GovernmenttalmanSwedishnouna president (in the European Union)common-gender
GrainsmpungaSwahilinounrice plant
GrainsmpungaSwahilinounraw unhusked rice
GrainsriceEnglishnounCereal plants, Oryza sativa of the grass family whose seeds are used as food.uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishnounA specific variety of this plant.countable
GrainsriceEnglishnounThe seeds of this plant used as food.uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishnounThe types of automobile modifications characteristic of a rice burner.ethnic humorous slang slur uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishnounAn instance of customization of a user interface.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo squeeze through a ricer; to mash or make into rice-sized pieces (especially potatoes).transitive
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo harvest wild rice (Zizania sp.)intransitive
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo throw rice at a person (usually at a wedding).rare
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo customize the user interface of a computer system, e.g. a desktop environment. (derived from rice out)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
GrainsriceEnglishnounA twig or stick.Ireland Scotland dialectal
GrainsriceEnglishnounA bobbin or manufacturing textiles weavingobsolete
GrainsقصلArabicverbto mow, to cut off or small
GrainsقصلArabicverbto mow, to cut off or small
GrainsقصلArabicnouncut off awns of grain, shucks or husks of a cereal plantcollective
GrainsقصلArabicverbto feed with قَصِيل (qaṣīl)
Grains白米Chinesenounwhite rice; polished rice
Grains白米Chinesenounhusked uncooked riceusually
GrapevinesгроженкоPannonian Rusynnoundiminutive of грозно (hrozno): little grapescollective diminutive form-of neuter uncountable
GrapevinesгроженкоPannonian Rusynnoungrapecountable neuter
GrapevinesгроженкоPannonian Rusynnounraisincountable neuter
GreececretenseSpanishadjCretanfeminine masculine
GreececretenseSpanishnounCretanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Greek letter namesszigmaHungariannounsigma (Greek letter)
Greek letter namesszigmaHungariannounsigmoid (relating to the sigmoid flexure of the large intestine)medicine sciences
Greysash blondEnglishadjGreyish blonde.
Greysash blondEnglishnounA shade of blond with a hint of grey to it.countable uncountable
Greysash blondEnglishnounA person with such hair.countable uncountable
GreyspinilakanTagalogadjsilvered (coated with silver)
GreyspinilakanTagalogadjsilver (having a color/colour like silver)
GreyspinilakanTagalogverbcomplete aspect of pilakan
GroundcherriesCape gooseberryEnglishnounA tropical South American plant of species Physalis peruviana, with a bright yellow, edible fruit.
GroundcherriesCape gooseberryEnglishnounThe fruit of this plant.
GroundcherriesJapanese lanternEnglishnounbladder cherry (Alkekengi officinarum, syn. Physalis alkekengi).
GroundcherriesJapanese lanternEnglishnounA tropical East African shrub of species Hibiscus schizopetalus.
Grousepoule d'eauFrenchnounmoorhen (Gallinula spp.)
Grousepoule d'eauFrenchnounorbicular batfish (Platax orbicularis)
Grousepoule d'eauFrenchnounAmerican coot (Fulica americana)Louisiana
Gums and resinspitturaItaliannounpaintingfeminine
Gums and resinspitturaItalianverbinflection of pitturare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Gums and resinspitturaItalianverbinflection of pitturare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Gymnastics体操Japanesenoungymnastics, exercises, calisthenics
Gymnastics体操Japanesenounphysical education, PE (replaced by the term 体育 (taiiku))educationarchaic
Gymnastics体操Japaneseverbdo gymnastics, exercises, calisthenics
HaircropEnglishnounA plant, grown for it, or its fruits or seeds, to be harvested as food, livestock fodder, or fuel or for any other economic purpose.agriculture business lifestyle
HaircropEnglishnounThe production amount of such an output for a specific season or year, particularly of plants.
HaircropEnglishnounA group, cluster, or collection of things occurring at the same time.figuratively
HaircropEnglishnounA group of vesicles at the same stage of development in a disease.
HaircropEnglishnounThe lashing end of a whip.
HaircropEnglishnounAn entire short whip, especially as used in horse-riding.
HaircropEnglishnounA rocky outcrop.
HaircropEnglishnounThe act of cropping.
HaircropEnglishnounA photograph or other image that has been reduced by removing the outer parts.
HaircropEnglishnounA short haircut.
HaircropEnglishnounA pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds (and some other animals), used to store food before digestion or for regurgitation.anatomy medicine sciences
HaircropEnglishnounThe foliate part of a finial.architecture
HaircropEnglishnounThe head of a flower, especially when picked; an ear of corn; the top branches of a tree.archaic dialectal
HaircropEnglishnounTin ore prepared for mining
HaircropEnglishnounAn outcrop of a vein or seam at the mining
HaircropEnglishnounAn entire oxhide. slang
HaircropEnglishverbTo remove the top end of something, especially a plant.transitive
HaircropEnglishverbTo mow, reap or gather.transitive
HaircropEnglishverbTo cut (especially hair or an animal's tail or ears) short.transitive
HaircropEnglishverbTo remove the outer parts of a photograph or other image, typically in order to frame the subject better.transitive
HaircropEnglishverbTo yield harvest.intransitive
HaircropEnglishverbTo cause to bear a crop.transitive
HaircropEnglishverbTo beat with a crop, or riding-whip.transitive
HairfrizziesEnglishnounplural of frizzyform-of plural
HairfrizziesEnglishnounUnkempt curly hair, especially of women.colloquial
HairhorripilatingEnglishadjCausing horripilation.
HairhorripilatingEnglishadjHorrendous, horrifying, terrifying.figuratively
HairhorripilatingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of horripilate.form-of gerund participle present
HairkrepinaPolishnouncrêpe paperfeminine
HairkrepinaPolishnounwebbing (sturdy, woven fabric)feminine
HairkrepinaPolishnouncrêpe hairentertainment lifestyle theaterfeminine
HairplatinareItalianverbto platinize, to coat with platinumtransitive
HairplatinareItalianverbto dye or bleach the hair platinum blondarts crafts hairdressing hobbies lifestyletransitive
HairroachedEnglishadjHaving a style of trimming a horse's mane so that the hair stands straight up from the neck, similar to the natural growth pattern of a zebra's mane, or a mohawk haircut on a human.US not-comparable
HairroachedEnglishadjOf hair: cut or styled in such a way that it stands straight up.broadly not-comparable
HairroachedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of roachform-of participle past
HairufarbowaćPolishverbto dye (to color with dye)perfective transitive
HairufarbowaćPolishverbto dye one's hair a different colorperfective reflexive
HairufarbowaćPolishverbto get one's hair dyedperfective reflexive
Hairकपर्दSanskritnounbraid, lock (of hair)
Hair頭摠Chinesenounhair worn in a bun or coil; bunTaiwanese-Hokkien Xiamen
Hair頭摠Chinesenounmain thread; outline (of an affair)Taiwanese-Hokkien
Hair龍鬚Chinesenoundragon's beardliterally
Hair龍鬚Chinesenounsomething long and thin, resembling dragon's beardfiguratively
Hair龍鬚Chinesenounbeard of emperorsfiguratively historical literary
Hair龍鬚Chinesenouncloth pulled on a coffin during a funeral processionMin Southern
Hair龍鬚ChinesenounShort for 龍鬚草/龙须草 (“Chinese alpine rush; sabaigrass”).abbreviation alt-of
Hair龍鬚ChinesenounShort for 龍鬚席/龙须席 (“mat made from sabaigrass”).abbreviation alt-of
HeadwearhelmenMiddle Englishnounplural of helmform-of plural
HeadwearhelmenMiddle EnglishverbTo behelm; to put a helmet on; to safeguard.rare
HeadwearจุมพฏThainouncoil; ring.formal
HeadwearจุมพฏThainouncoaster or saucer made from woven grasses or leaves.formal
HeadwearจุมพฏThainounเทริด (sə̂ət); รัดเกล้า.formal
HeadwearJapanesecharacterAsian conical hatJinmeiyō kanji
HeadwearJapanesenounAsian conical hat
HealthshouldingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of shouldform-of gerund participle present
HealthshouldingEnglishnounThe cognitive distortion of making statements of what should be true, as opposed to reality.uncountable
HearingdengarIndonesianverbto hear / to perceive sounds through the earintransitive stative
HearingdengarIndonesianverbto hear / to perceive (a sound, or something producing a sound) with the ear, to recognize (something) in an auditory waystative transitive
HearingdengarIndonesianverbto hear / to listen favourably to; to grant (a request etc.)transitive
HearingdengarIndonesianverbto hear / to receive information about; to come to learn oftransitive
HearingdengarIndonesianverbto listen / to use one's sense of hearing in an intentional way; to make deliberate use of one's ears; to pay attention to or wait for a specific soundcolloquial transitive
HearingdengarIndonesianverbto listen / to accept advice or obey instruction; to agree or assentcolloquial transitive
Heather family plantsәлпеншекKazakhnounRhododendron
Heather family plantsәлпеншекKazakhnounswing (hanging seat)
Hemp family plantsneckweedEnglishnounAn American annual weed (Veronica peregrina), with small white flowers and a roundish pod.uncountable usually
Hemp family plantsneckweedEnglishnounThe hemp plant, which furnishes ropes for hanging criminals.archaic humorous uncountable usually
HerbsfelonwortEnglishnounBittersweet nightshade (Solanum dulcamara).uncountable
HerbsfelonwortEnglishnounOther plants traditionally used to treat the type of bacterial infection known as a felon, such as celandineuncountable
Hindu deitiesकृष्णHindinameKrishna, eighth avatar of VishnuHinduism
Hindu deitiesकृष्णHindinamea male given name, Krishna, from Sanskrit
Hindu deitiesकृष्णHindinameKrishna (a river in India)
Hindu deitiesकृष्णHindiadjblackindeclinable uncommon
Historical currenciesrosaryEnglishnounPrayer beads, a string of beads used to keep track of repetitions in prayer, particularly in the Roman Catholic Marian prayer "Hail Mary" (Ave Maria)
Historical currenciesrosaryEnglishnounA Roman Catholic devotion involving the repetition of a series of Marian prayers, usually 5, 15, or 20 decades of "Hail Marys", each decade beginning with "Our Father" and ending with "Glory Be to the Father", but sometimes including other Roman Catholic, Anglican, or Lutheran prayers.
Historical currenciesrosaryEnglishnounA series or collection of thoughts, literary pieces, etc. intended for similar contemplation.broadly
Historical currenciesrosaryEnglishnounA 13th-century coin minted in Europe as a counterfeit debased form of the sterling silver penny of Edward I, at first accepted as a halfpenny and then outlawed.hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical
Historical currenciesrosaryEnglishnounA rose garden.
Historical periods養老Japanesenounmaking provision for retirement or the elderly
Historical periods養老Japanesenounliving comfortably in old age
Historical periods養老JapanesenounClipping of 養老絞 (yōrōshibori).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Historical periods養老JapanesenameThe Yōrō era, 717-724
Historical politiesTuyuhunEnglishnameA powerful Mongolic kingdom established by nomadic tribes related to the Xianbei in the Qilian Mountains and upper Yellow River valley.historical
Historical politiesTuyuhunEnglishnounThe language of the Tuyuhun kingdom.historical uncountable
HistoryirmandiñoSpanishnouna member of any of the brotherhoods which revolted against nobility in 15th century Galiciahistorical masculine
HistoryirmandiñoSpanishadjof the brotherhoods which revolted against nobility in 15th century Galiciarelational
HistoryПугачёвRussiannamea surname, Pugachev or Pugachovanimate
HistoryПугачёвRussiannamePugachyov (a town in Saratov Oblast, Russia)inanimate
History of China抗美援朝ChinesenameKorean War (1950–1953)
History of China抗美援朝ChinesenameChina's intervention in the Korean War
History of LatviałatPolishnounlat (former unit of currency of Latvia)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of LatviałatPolishnoungenitive plural of łatafeminine form-of genitive plural
History of PolandwiciPolishnounwici (call to arms in medieval Poland)government military politics warhistorical plural
History of PolandwiciPolishnoungrapevine, word of mouthfiguratively plural
History of PolandwiciPolishnouninflection of wić: / genitive/dative/locative/vocative singulardative form-of genitive locative singular vocative
History of PolandwiciPolishnouninflection of wić: / nominative/genitive/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of genitive nominative plural vocative
History of PolandwiciPolishverbvirile nominative/vocative plural of wityform-of nominative participle plural virile vocative
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishnounThe language of Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe and Western Asia.uncountable
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishnounA person or a descendant of a person from Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe and Western Asia.countable
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Georgia in the United States of America.countable
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Eastern European country of Georgia, the Georgian people or the Georgian language.not-comparable
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the U.S. State of Georgia or its Georgian English dialect.not-comparable
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishnounA British citizen during the reign of a king named George.historical
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or characteristic of the reigns of Kings George I and George II of Great Britain, and George III and George IV of the United Kingdom (1714–1830), sometimes also including the brief reign of William IV (1830-1837).
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishadjPertaining to a movement in lyric poetry during the reign of King George V of the United Kingdom (1910-1936).
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishadjPertaining to or characteristic of Stefan George (a German poet).
History of the United KingdomGeorgianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Saint George.
History of the United Kingdomtime immemorialEnglishnounTime that extends beyond memory or record.countable uncountable usually
History of the United Kingdomtime immemorialEnglishnounTime before 6 July 1189.lawUK uncountable usually
HolidaysostatekPolishnounremainder, restinanimate masculine
HolidaysostatekPolishnounShrovetide, Shrove Tuesday (three days immediately preceding Lent: Shrove Sunday, Shrove Monday, and Shrove Tuesday, preceding Ash Wednesday)Christianityin-plural inanimate masculine
Honeysuckle family plantsdriakiewPolishnounscabious (any plant of the genus Scabiosa)feminine
Honeysuckle family plantsdriakiewPolishnountheriac (universal antidote against all poisons, particularly medicines considered to derive from a recipe of the Roman physician Andromachus and representing an improvement on mithridate)medicine sciencesfeminine historical obsolete
HorsescourserMiddle EnglishnounA charger (large horse for battle)
HorsescourserMiddle EnglishnounAny stallion; any horse.broadly
HorseskoníkCzechnoundiminutive of kůňanimate diminutive form-of masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounlittle horseanimate masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounobject or device resembling a horse: / hobby horseanimate inanimate masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounobject or device resembling a horse: / wooden horse on a carouselanimate inanimate masculine
HorseskoníkCzechnounobject or device resembling a horse: / sliding part of a latheanimate inanimate masculine
HousingkayHaitian Creolenounhouse
HousingkayHaitian Creolenounquail
HousingkayHaitian Creolenounkey (small island)
HumanmaðurIcelandicnounhuman being, person, humanity, mankind, man (generic)masculine
HumanmaðurIcelandicnounman, adult male individualmasculine
HumanmaðurIcelandicnounhusbandmainly masculine
HumanmaðurIcelandicnounchess piece, chessmanboard-games chess gamesmasculine
HumanmaðurIcelandicpronone, youmasculine no-plural
Human migrationvisaFrenchnouna mark or stamp attesting to the performance of an official actionmasculine
Human migrationvisaFrenchnouna travel visamasculine
Human migrationvisaFrenchverbthird-person singular past historic of viserform-of historic past singular third-person
Human migration在中Japanesenounbeing within
Human migration在中Japaneseverbto be within
Human migration在中JapanesenounSynonym of 在住 (zaijuu)proscribed
Human migration在中JapaneseverbSynonym of 在住 (zaijuu)proscribed
Human migration在中Japanesenounstaying, residing in China
Human migration在中Japaneseverbto stay, to reside in China
Huntingjucking timeEnglishnounEarly morning or late evening, when partridges crow.hobbies hunting lifestylerare
Huntingjucking timeEnglishnounThe season of imitating crows to lure partridges out at such a time.hobbies hunting lifestylerare
HuntingmyśliwiecPolishnounfighter (aircraft type)government military politics warinanimate masculine
HuntingmyśliwiecPolishnounfighter pilotgovernment military politics wararchaic masculine person
HuntingmyśliwiecPolishnounhunter, huntsmanmasculine obsolete person
HygienesterilizeEnglishverbTo deprive of the ability to procreate.transitive
HygienesterilizeEnglishverbTo make unable to produce; to make unprofitable.transitive
HygienesterilizeEnglishverbTo kill, deactivate (denature), or destroy (break apart) all living, viable microorganisms and spores on a surface, in a fluid, or contained in a compound, such as culture media or a medical product.biology natural-sciencestransitive
HygienesterilizeEnglishverbTo redact (a document), removing classified or sensitive material.transitive
HygienesujeiraPortuguesenounfilth; dirtfeminine uncountable
HygienesujeiraPortuguesenounsomething which causes things to become dirty, such as a speck of dust or a stainfeminine
HygienesujeiraPortuguesenouncorruption; disloyalty; dishonestyBrazil feminine figuratively uncountable
IcehagelSwedishnounhail; a kind of weatherneuter uncountable
IcehagelSwedishnouna hail; a grain of the precipitationneuter
IcehagelSwedishnouna shot (small metal balls used as ammunition)neuter
IcehummockEnglishnounA small hill; a hillock; a knoll.
IcehummockEnglishnounA ridge or hill of ice in an ice field.
IcehummockEnglishnounA fistful.Scotland
IndiaIndienFrenchnounIndian (resident or native of India)masculine
IndiaIndienFrenchnounIndian (indigenous person of the Americas)masculine
Indian politicssavarnaEnglishnounA member of the Savarna gotra (lineage) of the Brahmin caste.Hinduism India
Indian politicssavarnaEnglishadjFrom the four varnas (social castes) in Hinduism.Hinduism India not-comparable
Indian politicssickularEnglishadjLeftist; in Indian politics, a supposed secularist partaking in tokenism, or opposed to Hindu nationalism.India derogatory slang
Indian politicssickularEnglishnounA leftist; in Indian politics, a secularist, either partaking in tokenism, or opposed to Hindu nationalism.government politicsIndia derogatory slang
IndividualsHeraclitusLatinnameAn ancient Greek given name.declension-2
IndividualsHeraclitusLatinnameThe philosopher Heraclitus.declension-2
IndividualsLukasDanishnameLuke (biblical character).
IndividualsLukasDanishnamea male given name, also spelled Lucas
IndividualsRakelNorwegiannameRachel (biblical character).
IndividualsRakelNorwegiannamea female given name
IndividualsStefansLatviannameStephen (Biblical figure)masculine
IndividualsStefansLatviannamea male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Stephen or Stevenmasculine
IndividualsZhukovEnglishnameA transliteration of the Russian surname Жу́ков (Žúkov).
IndividualsZhukovEnglishnameMarshall Georgy Zhukov, a Soviet Russian career officer in the Red Army, was one of the most decorated generals in the history of the Soviet Union and Russia.
IndividualsZhukovEnglishnameA town in Kaluga Oblast, Russia, named after Georgy Zhukov.
IndividualsΣωκράτηςAncient Greeknamea male given name, equivalent to English Socrates
IndividualsΣωκράτηςAncient Greeknamein particular, the 5th century BCE philosopher Socrates
InternetdagitpukotCebuanonouninternet / any set of computer networks that communicate using the Internet Protocolobsolete
InternetdagitpukotCebuanonouninternet / the Internet, the largest global internetobsolete
InternetdagitpukotCebuanonouninternet / an internet connection, internet connectivity, access to the internetobsolete
Internetnet-raisingEnglishnounFundraising, soliciting and gathering resources through or with the use of the internet.uncountable
Internetnet-raisingEnglishnounConducting marketing, advocacy, community organization and other awareness or consensus-building campaigns, through the internet.uncountable
Internet電商Chineseverbto consult using telegram or telephone
Internet電商ChinesenounShort for 電子商務/电子商务 (diànzǐ shāngwù, “e-commerce”).abbreviation alt-of
Internet memesin this essay I willEnglishphraseA hackneyed phrase used to begin an essay.literally
Internet memesin this essay I willEnglishphraseUsed after stating a controversial or absurdist opinion.Internet humorous sometimes
Irelandbean UltachIrishnounwitchfeminine
Irelandbean UltachIrishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see bean, Ultach: Ulsterwomanfeminine
IslamالإسلامArabicnameIslam, the religious system advocated by Muhammad
IslamالإسلامArabicnamedefinite singular of إِسْلَام (ʔislām)definite form-of singular
IslamismGhazwa-e-HindEnglishnameA prophecy in some hadiths where an Islamic army invades and conquers the Indian subcontinent, as part of the events leading to the eventual apocalypse.Islam lifestyle religion
IslamismGhazwa-e-HindEnglishnameAlleged attempts by Islamist groups to conquer the Republic of India.government politicsSouth-Asia
ItalyolaszHungarianadjItalian (of, from, or relating to Italy, its people or language)not-comparable
ItalyolaszHungariannounItalian (person)countable uncountable
ItalyolaszHungariannounItalian (language)countable uncountable
JapanmonEnglishnounThe former currency of Japan until 1870, before the yen.historical
JapanmonEnglishnounThe badge or emblem of a Japanese family, especially a family of the ancient feudal nobility; typically circular and consists of conventionalized forms from nature.
JapanmonEnglishnounMan; used in places such as Jamaica, and Lancashire, Shropshire and the Black Country in England.colloquial
JapanmonEnglishnounA creature in a video game, usually one which is captured, trained up and used in battles.lifestyleslang
JapanmonEnglishnounA video game or anime in which catching and battling creatures is an important element.lifestyleslang
JapanmonEnglishintjcome on; come along with meScotland
JapanmonEnglishintjcome on! Part of a chant for a team or band.Scotland
JapanmonEnglishintjAn expression of defiance or as a challenge; often as "mon then"Scotland
JewelrytorcOld Irishnounboarmasculine
JewelrytorcOld Irishnounchieftain, heromasculine
JewelrytorcOld Irishnountorque (necklace)masculine
KitchenwarechochlaPolishnounladle, dipper, scoop (deep-bowled spoonlike utensil with a long, usually curved, handle)feminine
KitchenwarechochlaPolishnounwooden poles for guiding and supporting nets under the icefishing hobbies lifestylefeminine
KitchenwarechochlaPolishnounlarge, clumsy personanimate derogatory feminine inanimate masculine person
KitchenwaremetlaCzechnounscourgefeminine literary
KitchenwaremetlaCzechnounrod (instrument of corporal punishment)feminine historical
KitchenwaremetlaCzechnounwhisk, balloon whiskfeminine
KitchenwaremetlaCzechnounbroomfeminine obsolete
KitchenwaremetlaCzechverbinflection of mést: / feminine singular past active participleactive feminine form-of participle past singular
KitchenwaremetlaCzechverbinflection of mést: / neuter plural past active participleactive form-of neuter participle past plural
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA long, narrow hollow dug from the ground to serve as a boundary marker.UK historical
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA long, narrow hollow dug from the ground to conduct water.UK
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAny navigable watercourse.UK dialectal
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAny watercourse.UK dialectal
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAny small body of water.UK dialectal
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAny hollow dug into the ground.UK obsolete
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA place to urinate and defecate: an outhouse or lavatory.Australia UK slang
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAn embankment formed by the spoil from the creation of a ditch.UK
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA wall, especially (obsolete outside heraldry) a masoned city or castle wall.UK
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA low embankment or stone wall serving as an enclosure and boundary marker.Scotland UK
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAny fence or hedge.UK dialectal
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAn earthwork raised to prevent inundation of low land by the sea or flooding rivers.UK
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounAny impediment, barrier, or difficulty.UK figuratively
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA beaver's dam.UK
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA jetty; a pier.UK dialectal
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA raised causeway.UK
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA fissure in a rock stratum filled with intrusive rock; a miningUK dialectal
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA body of rock (usually igneous) originally filling a fissure but now often rising above the older stratum as it is eroded away.geography geology natural-sciencesUK
LGBTQdykeEnglishverbTo dig, particularly to create a ditch.UK intransitive transitive
LGBTQdykeEnglishverbTo surround with a ditch, to entrench.UK transitive
LGBTQdykeEnglishverbTo surround with a low dirt or stone wall.Scotland UK transitive
LGBTQdykeEnglishverbTo raise a protective earthwork against a sea or river.UK intransitive transitive
LGBTQdykeEnglishverbTo scour a watercourse.UK transitive
LGBTQdykeEnglishverbTo steep [fibers] within a watercourse.UK transitive
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA lesbian, particularly one with masculine or butch traits or behavior.UK derogatory offensive slang usually
LGBTQdykeEnglishnounA non-heterosexual woman.UK broadly derogatory offensive slang usually
Ladin cardinal numbersdejessetLadinadjseventeen
Ladin cardinal numbersdejessetLadinnounseventeenmasculine uncountable
Lamioideae subfamily plantsrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Daucus pusillus.
Lamioideae subfamily plantsrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Euphorbia albomarginata.
Lamioideae subfamily plantsrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Hieracium venosum.
Lamioideae subfamily plantsrattlesnake weedEnglishnounAny of several plants used in folk medicine to treat snakebites. / Stachys floridana.
LandformsLandLimburgishnounlandneuter uncountable
LandformsLandLimburgishnouncountry (territory of a nation)countable neuter
LandformsLandLimburgishnounstate, province (political division of a federation retaining a notable degree of autonomy)countable neuter
LandformsLandLimburgishnounland (real estate or landed property)countable neuter
LandformsLandLimburgishnounland (part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water)neuter uncountable
LandformsLandLimburgishnouncountry, countryside (rural area, as opposed to a town or city)neuter uncountable
LandformsgapEnglishnounAn opening in anything made by breaking or parting.
LandformsgapEnglishnounAn opening allowing passage or entrance.
LandformsgapEnglishnounAn opening that implies a breach or defect.
LandformsgapEnglishnounA vacant space or time.
LandformsgapEnglishnounA hiatus, a pause in something which is otherwise continuous.
LandformsgapEnglishnounA vacancy, deficit, absence, or lack.
LandformsgapEnglishnounA mountain or hill pass.
LandformsgapEnglishnounA sheltered area of coast between two cliffs (mostly restricted to place names).
LandformsgapEnglishnounThe regions between the outfielders.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
LandformsgapEnglishnounThe shortfall between the amount the medical insurer will pay to the service provider and the scheduled fee for the item.Australia
LandformsgapEnglishnounThe disparity between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities with regard to life expectancy, education, health, etc.Australia literary usually
LandformsgapEnglishnounAn unsequenced region in a sequence alignment.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
LandformsgapEnglishnounThe vagina.euphemistic slang
LandformsgapEnglishverbTo notch, as a sword or knife.transitive
LandformsgapEnglishverbTo make an opening in; to breach.transitive
LandformsgapEnglishverbTo check the size of a gap.transitive
LandformsgapEnglishverbTo surpass (someone or something) by a considerable margin.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports video-gamesespecially intransitive slang transitive
LandformsgapEnglishverbTo leave suddenly.New-Zealand slang
LandformsgapEnglishverbTo fall or spill open so as to leave a gap.intransitive
LandformsgapEnglishnounAlternative form of gup (elected head of a gewog in Bhutan)alt-of alternative
LandformsgapEnglishverbTo stare or gape.US dated intransitive slang transitive
LandformsmoreSerbo-Croatiannounseaside or shore (any area or place near the sea where the sea is seen as the defining feature)broadly
LandformsmoreSerbo-Croatiannouna vast expanse or quantity of something, usually detrimental or unwelcomefiguratively
LandformsmoreSerbo-Croatianintjwhen spoken sharply, asserts that the speaker is stronger or older or more powerful than the addressee, sometimes expressing contempt or superioritySerbia
LandformsmoreSerbo-Croatianintjwhen not spoken sharply, functions as a term of endearment or generic intensifier, cf. breSerbia
LandformsmoreSerbo-CroatianintjAlternative form of možeCroatia Kajkavian alt-of alternative colloquial
LandformsmoreSerbo-Croatiannouninflection of mora: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
LandformsmoreSerbo-Croatiannouninflection of mora: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
LandformsmoreSerbo-Croatianverbthird-person plural present of moritiform-of plural present third-person
LandformsnahalEnglishnounSynonym of wadi
LandformsnahalEnglishnounA civilian settlement established by the military in Israel and Israeli-occupied territories to support growth and expansion.
LandformsrimeNorwegian Nynorskverbto rhyme
LandformsrimeNorwegian Nynorskverbto match, line up
LandformsrimeNorwegian Nynorskverbto rime
LandformsrimeNorwegian Nynorsknounan elongated row of hills or low mountains
LandformswerũKikuyunounplain, grasslandclass-14
LandformsпровлакBulgariannounstretch, expand → narrow strip, bandliterary
LandformsпровлакBulgariannounisthmus (narrow sleeve of land surrounded by water)
LandformsหุบThaiverbto enclose.
LanguageChinesecharacterspeaking with an accent, especially a non-local onedialectal
LanguageChinesecharacterbig and clumsydialectal
Language familiesGoidelicEnglishadjRelating to the Gaels.not-comparable
Language familiesGoidelicEnglishnounDivision of the Celtic languages including Irish Gaelic, Manx Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic.uncountable
Language familiesmayaSpanishadjMayan (from Maya)feminine masculine
Language familiesmayaSpanishnounMaya (person)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
Language familiesmayaSpanishnounMaya (language family)masculine uncountable
Language familiesmayaSpanishnounYucatec Maya language.Mexico masculine uncountable
Language familiesmayaSpanishverbinflection of mayar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Language familiesmayaSpanishverbinflection of mayar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
LanguagesAcheronEnglishnameA river in the infernal regions; also, the infernal regions themselves. By some of the English poets, it was supposed to be a flaming lake or gulf.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
LanguagesAcheronEnglishnameA small town in Victoria, Australia.
LanguagesAcheronEnglishnameA language of Sudan.
LanguagesAlbaneesDutchnounAlbanian (person from Albania)masculine
LanguagesAlbaneesDutchnamethe Albanian languageneuter
LanguagesAlbaneesDutchadjAlbanian (Of or pertaining to Albania or the Albanian language)
LanguagesCarpathian RusynEnglishnounAn ethnic Rusyn of Carpathian Ruthenia. (Contrasted with Pannonian Rusyn.)
LanguagesCarpathian RusynEnglishnameThe largely mutually-intelligible Hutsul, Lemko, Prešov, and Subcarpathian dialects of the Rusyn language. (Contrasted with Pannonian Rusyn.)collective
LanguagesCarpathian RusynEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Carpathian Rusyns.not-comparable
LanguagesCarpathian RusynEnglishadjOf, in, or pertaining to the Carpathian Rusyn language or dialect continuum.not-comparable
LanguagesGuoyuEnglishnameThe standardized spoken Chinese language, also referred to as Standard Mandarin. The term remains in common use in the Republic of China (Taiwan) and colloquially in Hong Kong (along with Putonghua). In mainland China, Guoyu or Taiwan Guoyu is used to refer to Taiwanese Mandarin (standard), as opposed to mainland standard Mandarin.
LanguagesGuoyuEnglishnameThe language the Emperor of China spoke.historical
LanguagesIndonesischDutchadjIndonesian (of or pertaining to Indonesia or the Indonesian language)
LanguagesIndonesischDutchnameIndonesian; the language of Indonesianeuter
LanguagesKondaEnglishnameA South Bird's Head language, the westernmost mainland Trans-New Guinea language.
LanguagesKondaEnglishnameSynonym of Konda-Dora
LanguagesKondaEnglishnameA Mansi language, also known as the Eastern Mansi, (was) spoken in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in Russia
LanguagesKondaEnglishnameA river in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in Russia
LanguagesKondaEnglishnameA surname.
LanguagesOromoEnglishnounA member of a people of eastern Africa, Ethiopia and northern Kenya.
LanguagesOromoEnglishnameThe Cushitic language of this people.
LanguagesTetelaEnglishnounA member of a Bantu ethnic group of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
LanguagesTetelaEnglishnameThe Bantu language of these people.
LanguagesemiliàCatalanadjEmilian (of, from or relating to Emilia)
LanguagesemiliàCatalannounEmilian (native or inhabitant of Emilia) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesemiliàCatalannounEmilian (language spoken in Emilia)masculine uncountable
LanguagesfinskaSwedishadjinflection of finsk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguagesfinskaSwedishadjinflection of finsk: / pluralform-of plural
LanguagesfinskaSwedishnounFinnish (language)common-gender uncountable
LanguagesfinskaSwedishnouna female Finn; a woman from Finlandcommon-gender
LanguageskrioluKabuverdianunounCape Verdean Creole, Kabuverdianu (language)
LanguageskrioluKabuverdianunounCape Verdean (someone from Cape Verde)
LanguageskrioluKabuverdianuadjCape Verdean (relating to people, language, or culture of Cape Verde)
LanguagesrigsdanskDanishadjStandard Danish (pertaining to the standard language of Denmark)
LanguagesrigsdanskDanishnounStandard Danish (the standard language of Denmark, based on the dialect of Copenhagen)neuter
LanguagessomaliPortuguesenounSomali (person from Somalia)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagessomaliPortuguesenounSomali (a language of the Horn of Africa)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagessomaliPortugueseadjSomali (of Somalia or the Somali people)feminine masculine not-comparable
LanguagessomaliPortugueseadjSomali (of the Somali language)feminine masculine not-comparable
LanguagesíslenskaIcelandicnounIcelandic (language)feminine no-plural
LanguagesíslenskaIcelandicnounIcelandic (language class)feminine no-plural
LanguagesíslenskaIcelandicverbto translate into Icelandicweak
LanguagesաֆարերենArmeniannounAfar (language)
LanguagesաֆարերենArmenianadvin Afar
LanguagesաֆարերենArmenianadjAfar (of or pertaining to the language)
LanguagesեբրայերենArmeniannounHebrew (language)
LanguagesեբրայերենArmenianadvin Hebrew
LanguagesեբրայերենArmenianadjHebrew (of or pertaining to the language)
LanguagesאַראַמישYiddishnameAramaic (language)
LanguagesថៃKhmernameThailand (a country in Southeast Asia)
LanguagesថៃKhmernameThai person
LanguagesថៃKhmernameThai, a surname from Vietnamese
LarksskowronekPolishnounlark (any bird of the family Alaudidae)animal-not-person masculine
LarksskowronekPolishnounlark (person who likes to get up early in the morning and is then very active)masculine person
Latin letter namessilent hEnglishnounA letter ⟨h⟩ that is written but not pronounced.communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writing
Latin letter namessilent hEnglishnounnon-aspiration of a glottal consonanthuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesliterally
Laurel family plantscanforaItaliannouncamphorfeminine
Laurel family plantscanforaItalianverbinflection of canforare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Laurel family plantscanforaItalianverbinflection of canforare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Laurel family plantsrosewoodEnglishnounThe fragrant wood of Dalbergia nigra, a Brazilian tree in the legume family, which has a sweet smell.countable uncountable
Laurel family plantsrosewoodEnglishnounAny of several dozen woods, resembling that of Dalbergia nigra in some respect.countable uncountable
Laurel family plantsrosewoodEnglishnounThe wood of a South American tree, Aniba rosaeodora, in the laurel family, with fragrant wood from which an essential oil is distilled.countable uncountable
Laurel family plantsrosewoodEnglishnounWood and plant of Pterocarpus spp., for example African rosewood or mukula or Burmese rosewood (Pterocarpus indicus, syn. Pterocarpus santalinus).countable uncountable
LeaderskacykPolishnouncacique (tribal chief)masculine person
LeaderskacykPolishnounan official, especially provincial, who abuses his authority or uses his position for personal gaincolloquial derogatory masculine person
LeaderskacykPolishnounNew World oriole (bird of the genus Icterus)animal-not-person masculine
LeftismmilitantePortuguesenounmilitantby-personal-gender feminine masculine
LeftismmilitantePortuguesenounsocial justice warrior, wokieby-personal-gender derogatory feminine masculine neologism usually
LeftismmilitantePortugueseadjmilitantfeminine masculine
LeftismmilitantePortugueseadjrelating to social justice warriorsderogatory feminine masculine neologism usually
LegumesਨੀਲPunjabinounindigo (plant and dye)
LegumesਨੀਲPunjabinameNile (a river in Africa)
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo roll, toss, or turn.
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo go or continue on a journey: / To journey in or through (a place)
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo go or continue on a journey: / To walk, especially for recreation.
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo move; to be in motion: / To move around; to be mobile.
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo move; to be in motion: / To be active; to operate.
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo be living; to be alive: / To reside or live somewhere.
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo be living; to be alive: / To live (in a certain way).
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo full or beat (cloth).Late-Middle-English
LifeformswalkenMiddle EnglishverbTo perform (tasks or jobs).rare
LightþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounThe state or quality of being dark; lack of light or brightness.uncountable
LightþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounA location that is dark; especially used of Hell.uncountable
LightþesternesseMiddle EnglishnounImmorality, paganism, iniquity; bad religious behaviour (from a Christian viewpoint).uncountable
Light sourcesfeuFrenchnounfiremasculine
Light sourcesfeuFrenchnounlighter, something to light a cigarette withinformal masculine uncountable
Light sourcesfeuFrenchnountraffic lightmasculine
Light sourcesfeuFrenchnounheadlightsmasculine
Light sourcesfeuFrenchadjdeceased, the late
Light sourceskûaraOld Tupinounhole; puncture
Light sourceskûaraOld Tupinounburrow; den; refuge
Light sourceskûaraOld Tupinounvagina
Light sourceskûaraOld Tupinoungrave
Light sourceskûaraOld Tupinounmine (excavation from which ore or solid minerals are taken)
Light sourceskûaraOld Tupinounthe Sun
Light sourcesmjasecLower Sorbiannounmonthinanimate masculine
Light sourcesmjasecLower Sorbiannounmooninanimate masculine
Light sourcesrawiMalaynounhadith narrator.
Light sourcesrawiMalaynounstoryteller and story writer
Light sourcesrawiMalaynounsunarchaic
Light sourcesвогоньUkrainiannounfire
Light sourcesвогоньUkrainiannounhearth, fireplace
Light sourcesвогоньUkrainiannounsunlight, light, lights
Light sourcesвогоньUkrainiannounsparkle in the eyes (as a reflection of an emotional state)figuratively
Light sourcesвогоньUkrainiannounspiritual exaltation, inspirationfiguratively uncountable
Light sourcesвогоньUkrainiannounbody heatcolloquial uncountable
Light sourcesвогоньUkrainiannounshooting, firing (of guns)uncountable
Light sourcesջահArmeniannounchandelier
Light sourcesջահArmeniannountorch
Light sourcesջահArmeniannounfaculaastronomy natural-sciences
Light sourcesջահArmeniannounfire, lightfiguratively
Light sourcesջահArmeniannounenlightened personfiguratively
Light sourcesջահArmeniannounheavenly/celestial body (especially the sun)figuratively
Liliales order plantsparnikPolishnounfairy bell (any plant of the genus Disporum)inanimate masculine
Liliales order plantsparnikPolishnouna type of device used for steaming vegetables in stockfeed productionagriculture business lifestyleinanimate masculine
LiquidsalkoholHungariannounalcohol (an organic compound)
LiquidsalkoholHungariannounalcohol (an intoxicating beverage)
LiquidsdilutionEnglishnounThe process of making something dilute.countable uncountable
LiquidsdilutionEnglishnounA solution that has had additional solvent, such as water, added to it into order to make it less concentrated.countable uncountable
LiquidsdilutionEnglishnounThe process of bringing in unskilled workers to replace skilled ones, for example during wartime.countable uncountable
LiquidsdilutionEnglishnounShort for share financeabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
LiquidsdilutionEnglishnounShort for trademark dilution.copyright intellectual-property lawabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
LiquidsnaftaSpanishnounpetroleum etherfeminine
LiquidsnaftaSpanishnounpetrol, gasoline, gasParaguay Rioplatense feminine
LiquidsprądKashubiannouncurrent (flow of electricity)inanimate masculine
LiquidsprądKashubiannounpower (electricity powering some building or place)inanimate masculine
LiquidsprądKashubiannouncurrent (part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction)inanimate masculine
LiquidssungaiIndonesiannounriver (a large and often winding stream which drains a land mass)
LiquidssungaiIndonesiannounriver (any large flow of a liquid in a single body)
Literary genreskomedia romantycznaPolishnounromantic comedy (love story in film)feminine
Literary genreskomedia romantycznaPolishnounromantic comedy (love story in fiction)feminine
Literary genreskomedia romantycznaPolishnounromantic comedy (instance of such a love story)feminine
Literatureholisso pisaChoctawnounstudent
Literatureholisso pisaChoctawnounlearner
LithiumlithiumEnglishnounThe simplest alkali metal, the lightest solid element, and the third lightest chemical element (symbol Li) with an atomic number of 3. It is a soft, silvery metal.uncountable
LithiumlithiumEnglishnounA single atom of this element.countable
LithiumlithiumEnglishnounLithium carbonate or other preparations of lithium metal used as a mood stabiliser to treat manic depression and bipolar disorders.medicine pharmacology sciencesuncountable
LithiumlithiumEnglishnounA lithium battery.countable
LondonIslingtonianEnglishnounA resident of Islington in north London, England.
LondonIslingtonianEnglishnounRelating to Islington, London, and its residents.attributive
LovehubičkaCzechnoundiminutive of hubadiminutive feminine form-of
MacaqueswanderooEnglishnounAny of various langur monkeys (of genus Semnopithecus), from Sri Lanka
MacaqueswanderooEnglishnounThe lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus)
Magic: The GatheringmonogreenEnglishadjBeing a card which is green and no other colors.not-comparable
Magic: The GatheringmonogreenEnglishadjBeing a deck composed of only green or colorless cards.not-comparable
Malefemale-to-maleEnglishadjUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see female, to, male.not-comparable
Malefemale-to-maleEnglishadjTransitioning or having transitioned (in gender identity or presentation, physically, etc) from being female to being male.not-comparable
Malefemale-to-maleEnglishadjThat changes a female end (usually a socket) of a connection into a male one (with pins, usually a plug).business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsnot-comparable
Malefemale-to-maleEnglishnounA female-to-male transsexual or transgender person; a trans man.
MalemužskýSlovakadjmasculinegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
MaleဦးလေးBurmesenoununcle, specifically mother's younger brother
MaleဦးလေးBurmeseverbto be hesitant
MaleဦးလေးBurmeseverbto be boredarchaic
Male animalsleopardEnglishnounPanthera pardus, a large wild cat with a spotted coat native to Africa and Asia, especially the male of the species (in contrast to leopardess).
Male animalsleopardEnglishnounA similar-looking, large wild cat named after the leopard. / A clouded leopard (either Neofelis nebulosa or Neofelis diardi), a large wild cat native to Asia.
Male animalsleopardEnglishnounA similar-looking, large wild cat named after the leopard. / The snow leopard (Panthera uncia), a large wild cat native to Asia.
Male animalsleopardEnglishnounA similar-looking, large wild cat named after the leopard.
Male animalsleopardEnglishnounA lion passant guardant.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
Male animalsleopardEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Phalanta, having black markings on an orange base.
Male animalsobukọIgalanounhe-goat, billy goat
Male animalsobukọIgalanounwomanizerderogatory idiomatic offensive
Male animalsмедведьRussiannounbear
Male animalsмедведьRussiannounmale bear
Male animalsмедведьRussiannounbear (of any bear-like animal)informal
Male animalsмедведьRussiannounbear (on a stock market)business finance
Male animalsмедведьRussiannounlarge and clumsy personfiguratively
Male animalsмедведьRussiannounsafe (see also медвежа́тник (medvežátnik))slang
Male family membersbãrbatAromaniannounmanmasculine
Male family membersbãrbatAromaniannounhusbandmasculine
Male family memberskumSerbo-Croatiannoungodfather
Male family memberskumSerbo-Croatiannounbest man
Male family memberskumSerbo-Croatiannounsanduncountable
Male peoplekoksPolishnouncoke (solid residue from roasting coal in a coke oven)inanimate masculine
Male peoplekoksPolishnoundoping, especially anabolic steroidshobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial inanimate masculine
Male peoplekoksPolishnounpowder cocaineinanimate masculine slang
Male peoplekoksPolishnouna bodybuilder, especially one who uses steroidsderogatory masculine person slang
Male peoplematematykPolishnounmathematicianmathematics sciencesmasculine person
Male peoplematematykPolishnoungenitive plural of matematykafeminine form-of genitive plural
Male peoplepatronPolishnounpatron, sponsormasculine person
Male peoplepatronPolishnounpatron saintChristianitymasculine person
Male peoplepatronPolishnounguardian, protectormasculine person
Male peoplepiegowatyPolishadjfreckled (having freckles; covered with freckles)not-comparable
Male peoplepiegowatyPolishnounfreckleface (person with many freckles)colloquial masculine noun-from-verb person
Male peopleżydPolishnounJew (person of the Jewish faith)Judaism masculine person
Male peopleżydPolishnounpenny pincher, skinflint, scrooge, tightwadcolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peopleвиконавецьUkrainiannounaccomplisher, doer, performer (one who performs or does anything)
Male peopleвиконавецьUkrainiannounperformer (one who performs for, or entertains, an audience)art arts
Male peopleвиконавецьUkrainiannounexecutant, executor (person who carries out some task, especially on behalf of an authority)
Male peopleзапрошенийUkrainianverbpassive adjectival past participle of запроси́ти pf (zaprosýty)adjectival form-of participle passive past
Male peopleзапрошенийUkrainiannouninviteenoun-from-verb
Male peopleносачMacedoniannouncarrier, porter, baggage clerk, skycap
Male peopleносачMacedoniannoungirder
Male peopleспадарожнікBelarusiannouna fellow traveller; companionalso figuratively
Male peopleспадарожнікBelarusiannounsatellite, moon (a natural satellite of a planet)
Male peopleспадарожнікBelarusiannounan artificial satellite of a planet or moon, sputnik
Malvales order plantsurukuOld Tupinounachiote (Bixa orellana)
Malvales order plantsurukuOld Tupinounachiote (orange-red dye obtained from the anchiote seed)
MammalsiroYorubanouna cloth wrapped around a woman's lower body, usually made with six yards of fabric
MammalsiroYorubanounsound; noise
MammalsiroYorubanoundistant news or information on someone or somethingbroadly
MammalsiroYorubanounspeech soundhuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
MammalsiroYorubanouna general term for any species of great ape; gorilla, chimpanzee
MammalsiroYorubanounthinking; the process of thinking
MammalsiroYorubanounmeanness, cruelty
MammalsiroYorubanounbrass bell
MammalsламаRussiannounllama (South American mammal of the camel family, Llama glama)
MammalsламаRussiannounlamaBuddhism lifestyle religion
MammalsламаRussiannounlama, Sumerian beneficent protective female deityhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
MarriagemátkaHungariannounfiancéearchaic dialectal
MarriagemátkaHungariannounfiancéarchaic dialectal
MarriageبوینوزلوOttoman Turkishadjhorned, provided with horns
MarriageبوینوزلوOttoman Turkishnouncuckold, wittol, a man married to an unfaithful wife
Martial artshuyệtVietnamesenoungrave (excavation for burial)
Martial artshuyệtVietnamesenounpressure point
Martial artshuyệtVietnamesenounacupoint
Martial artshuyệtVietnamesenouncloacabiology natural-sciences zoology
Masturbationlu2Cebuanoverbto masturbateInternet
Masturbationlu2Cebuanoverbto cookInternet
Masturbationlu2Cebuanonounto cookInternet
MatebombaPortuguesenounbomb (explosive device)feminine
MatebombaPortuguesenounpump (device for moving or compressing a liquid or gas)feminine
MatebombaPortuguesenounpump (device for dispensing liquid or gas to be sold)feminine
MatebombaPortuguesenounbombillaSouth-Brazil feminine
MatebombaPortuguesenounbombshell (an unforeseen event with important consequences)colloquial feminine
MatebombaPortuguesenounthe bomb (a success; something excellent)Brazil feminine slang
MatebombaPortuguesenountrash (something worthless or of poor quality)Brazil derogatory feminine slang
MatebombaPortuguesenounsteroid (any anabolic hormone used to promote muscle growth or athletic performance)bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportsBrazil feminine slang
MatebombaPortuguesenounstrong shotball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsBrazil feminine slang
MatebombaPortuguesenounEllipsis of bomba de chocolate (“éclair”).Brazil abbreviation alt-of colloquial ellipsis feminine
MatebombaPortugueseverbinflection of bombar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
MatebombaPortugueseverbinflection of bombar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MatterdeatachIrishnounvapour, steammasculine
MatterdeatachIrishnounoccupied housefiguratively masculine
Mealsഊണ്MalayalamnounKerala thali, rice meals, usually eaten at noon
Meals包飯Chineseverbto get meals at a fixed rateintransitive verb-object
Meals包飯Chinesenounmeal at a mutually agreed-upon monthly rateintransitive
Meals包飯Chinesenounboxed meal; takeaway meal; bentoPenang-Hokkien intransitive
Measuring instrumentscephalometerEnglishnounSynonym of cephalostat.medicine sciences surgery
Measuring instrumentscephalometerEnglishnounSynonym of craniometer.
MeatsbakaTagalognouncattle; cow
MeatsbakaTagalogadvmaybe; probably
MeatsbakaTagalognoundeclaration of war (against another nation)
MeatsbakaTagalognouncampaign against something wrong or immoral
MeatsbakaTagalognounverbal attack or assault
MeatsբուդArmeniannounthigh, especially of an animalcolloquial dialectal
MeatsբուդArmeniannounhaunch; hindquarter (as a food)
MechanismsfreewheelEnglishnounA device in a transmission that disengages the driveshaft from the driven shaft when the driven shaft rotates faster than the driveshaft.
MechanismsfreewheelEnglishnounThe mode or state of operation thus produced: Synonym of neutral.
MechanismsfreewheelEnglishverbTo continue spinning after mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciences
MechanismsfreewheelEnglishverbTo ride a bicycle without pedalling, e.g. downhill.
MechanismsfreewheelEnglishverbTo operate a motor vehicle which is coasting without power, e.g. downhill.automotive transport vehicles
MechanismsfreewheelEnglishverbTo operate free from constraints.broadly figuratively
Medical equipmentszprycaPolishnounsyringecolloquial feminine
Medical equipmentszprycaPolishnouninjection (something that is injected)colloquial feminine
MedicinewychłodzeniePolishnounverbal noun of wychłodzićform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Medicineyellow cardEnglishnouna yellow-coloured card, shown to a player (especially in association football) as a caution that he or she has committed a flagrant foul; a further such foul would result in a red card.hobbies lifestyle sports
Medicineyellow cardEnglishnounone of various yellow-colored cards used to verify the healthiness, vaccination status or other medical info of travelers.medicine sciences
Medicineyellow cardEnglishnouna form to record safety concerns and adverse reactions to medicinal drugs.medicine sciencesUK
Medicineyellow cardEnglishnounA card sent out by a travelling dance or theatre company to request temporary personnel from a local labor union.attributive often
Medicineyellow cardEnglishnounA yellow ticket.historical
Medicineyellow cardEnglishnouna card given to British Army personnel during The Troubles.historical
MemoryanamnesePortuguesenounanamnesis; history (list of past and continuing medical conditions of a patient)medicine sciencesfeminine
MemoryanamnesePortuguesenounanamnesis; recollection (ability to remember past events)feminine
MetallurgyafinarCatalanverbto refinetransitive
MetallurgyafinarCatalanverbto tune (to modify a musical instrument)transitive
MetallurgyafinarCatalanverbto approachpronominal
MeteorologydepressionSwedishnoundepressionhuman-sciences psychology sciencescommon-gender
MeteorologydepressionSwedishnouna depressioneconomics sciencescommon-gender
MeteorologydepressionSwedishnouna depressiongeography geology natural-sciencescommon-gender
MilitaryTiffyEnglishnameDiminutive of the female given name Tiffanydiminutive form-of
MilitaryTiffyEnglishnounA Hawker Typhoon fighter-bomber aircraft.UK
MilitaryTiffyEnglishnounA military mechanic.South-Africa
MilitarypaszaPolishnounAlternative form of baszaalt-of alternative historical masculine person
MilitaryreclutaItaliannouna recruit, sprogfeminine
MilitaryreclutaItalianverbinflection of reclutare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
MilitaryreclutaItalianverbinflection of reclutare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MilitaryżołnierkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of żołnierz (“soldier”)feminine form-of
MilitaryżołnierkaPolishnounmilitary servicecolloquial feminine
MiningкопёрRussiannounpile driver
Mint family plantsgmelinaCebuanonounany member of the genus Gmelina
Mint family plantsgmelinaCebuanonounthe wood from this tree
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounfeeling, sensation, sense
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounpain, suffering
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnoundisease, sickness
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounsadness, sorrow, mourning
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounremorse, contrition
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnoundisturbance, impulse
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical SyriacnounPassionChristianity
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounpassion, lust, desire, affection
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounambition, zeal
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounsin, vice
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounpassive voicegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Mint family plantsܚܫܐClassical Syriacnounthymeuncountable
Mites and ticksptaszyniecPolishnounbird's-foot (Ornithopus)archaic inanimate masculine
Mites and ticksptaszyniecPolishnounaviaryinanimate masculine obsolete
Mites and ticksptaszyniecPolishnounred mite (Dermanyssus gallinae)animal-not-person masculine
MolluskslitorinaPortuguesenounperiwinkle (any mollusc of the genus Littorina)feminine
MolluskslitorinaPortuguesenounrailcar (self-propelled railroad wagon)rail-transport railways transportBrazil feminine
MollusksmoscardinoItaliannouna mollusc similar to a small octopusmasculine
MollusksmoscardinoItaliannoundormouse, common dormouse, hazel dormousemasculine
MollusksmoscardinoItaliannouna fop, a dandymasculine
MonarchismсамодержецRussiannounautocrat (ruler with absolute power)
MonarchismсамодержецRussiannounthe tsar or emperor of Russiahistorical
MonarchyкнязівствоUkrainiannounprincipality (a dominion or region ruled by a prince or princess)
MonarchyкнязівствоUkrainiannounduchy (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess)
Monarchy関白Japanesenounchief advisor to the Emperorhistorical
Monarchy関白Japanesenoundomineering, hectoring
Monarchy関白Japanesenouna nickname for Toyotomi Hideyoshihistorical
MoneycalderillaSpanishnounsmall change (coins of little value)feminine
MoneycalderillaSpanishnounpeanuts, (UK) shrapnel (A very small or insufficient amount (especially of a salary))US feminine
MoneyआनाHindiverbto come, approach, arrive, reach (a place or point)
MoneyआनाHindiverbto enter, appear
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be acquired or known [with dative ‘by’]; to be fluent
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be perceived or felt
MoneyआनाHindiverbto come to pass, befall
MoneyआनाHindiverbto grow (of crops, fruit), develop, come into vogue (of a word or usage), be inflamed (of a boil)
MoneyआनाHindiverbto take on a form or guise
MoneyआनाHindiverbto rise, overflow
MoneyआनाHindiverbto sit well [with में (mẽ) ‘on’], to fit
MoneyआनाHindiverbto beseem, grace
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be intent
MoneyआनाHindiverbto issue, be voided
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be completed, perfected (of a dish, work, etc)
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be contained, held
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be contained, held / to be taken in or deceived byfiguratively
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be obtained, purchased
MoneyआनाHindiverbauxiliary verb: gives a sense of perfective aspect (completed action) but also the doer returns after doing the action
MoneyआनाHindinouncoming, arrival
MoneyआनाHindinounan anna (¹⁄₁₆ of an Indian rupee)
MoneyआनाHindinounone sixteenth of any itembroadly
Money折錢Chineseverbto lose money in businessdialectal literary
Money折錢Chineseverbto convert into (currency); to exchange (a commodity) with (money)Hokkien
MonotremespīļknābisLatviannounduckbilldeclension-2 masculine
MonotremespīļknābisLatviannounplatypusdeclension-2 masculine
MonotremespīļknābisLatviannounornithorhynchusdeclension-2 masculine
Monthstháng mộtVietnamesenounJanuary (first month of the Gregorian calendar)
Monthstháng mộtVietnamesenounthe eleventh month of the lunar year
Monthsகார்த்திகைTamilnounThe 3rd nakṣatra
Monthsகார்த்திகைTamilnounthe constellation Pleiades, part of mēṭa-rāci and iṭapa-rāci
Monthsகார்த்திகைTamilnounkārttika, the eighth month of the Hindu calendar
Monthsகார்த்திகைTamilnounkārttika: the full-moon day in the month of Kārttikai when every house is beautifully lit with lamps.Hinduism
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounAmpelopsis japonica
Morning glory family plants鏡草Japanesenounthe round slices of daikon placed atop the 鏡餅 (kagami mochi) at the New Yeararchaic
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 大根 (daikon, “daikon radish, mooli”)broadly
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 朝顔 (asagao, “morning glory, Ipomoea nil”)
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 一薬草 (ichiyakusō, “Pyrola japonica”)
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 蘿藦 (gagaimo, “Metaplexis japonica”)archaic
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 浮草 (ukikusa, “duckweed, Spirodela polyrhiza”)archaic
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 山吹 (yamabuki, “kerria rose, Kerria japonica”)archaic
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 豆蔦 (mamezuta, “Lemmaphyllum microphyllum”)historical
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 伊予葛 (Iyo kazura, “Vincetoxicum japonicum”)historical
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 酢漿草 (katabami, “creeping woodsorrel, Oxalis corniculata”)historical
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 血止草 (chidomegusa, “Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides”)historical
Morning glory family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 一薬草 (ichiyakusō, “Pyrola japonica”)archaic
Mothsapple borerEnglishnounAny beetle or moth that bores into the trunks of apple and other fruit trees as larvae / a roundheaded apple borer (Saperda candida, syn. Saperda bivittata)
Mothsapple borerEnglishnounAny beetle or moth that bores into the trunks of apple and other fruit trees as larvae / a flatheaded appletree borer (Chrysobothris femorata)
Mothsapple borerEnglishnounAny beetle or moth that bores into the trunks of apple and other fruit trees as larvae / a red-belted clearwing, apple clearwing moth (Synanthedon myopaeformis)
Murder被害Chineseverbto be murdered; to be assassinated
Murder被害Chineseverbto be persecuted
Murder被害Chineseverbto become an injured partylaw
Murder被害Chineseverbto suffer a disasterliterary
MuscicapidscabdillCatalannountody-flycatcherbiology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
MuscicapidsgobemoucheFrenchnounflycatcher (bird)masculine
MuscicapidsgobemoucheFrenchnouna naive, gullible personmasculine
MusicmusicaLatinnounmusic (art form)declension-1
MusicmusicaLatinadjinflection of mūsicus (“musical, of or pertaining to music”): / nominative/vocative feminine singularfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
MusicmusicaLatinadjinflection of mūsicus (“musical, of or pertaining to music”): / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
MusicmusicaLatinadjablative feminine singular of mūsicusablative feminine form-of singular
MusicvientoSpanishnounwind (the movement of air)masculine
MusicvientoSpanishnounwoodwind section (of an orchestra)masculine
MusicvientoSpanishnounguy ropemasculine
MusicvientoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of ventarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MusicxlaWestern Highland Chatinoverbcause to play music
MusicxlaWestern Highland Chatinoverbmelt, dissolve
MusicxlaWestern Highland Chatinoverbwhisk, beat
MusicxlaWestern Highland Chatinoverbrub
MusicxlaWestern Highland Chatinonounschool
MusicxlaWestern Highland Chatinonounchocolate
MusicتركیOttoman Turkishnounsaddle straps, game straps, anything strapped to the back of a saddle to carry packages or dead games
MusicتركیOttoman TurkishadjTurkic, Turk, of or relating to the Turkic peoples or the Turkic languages
MusicتركیOttoman TurkishnameTurkic, the large language family spoken by Turkic people
MusicتركیOttoman TurkishnameTurk, a person or speaker of the various Turkic languages
MusicتركیOttoman Turkishnounfolk song, a song, especially a Turkish one, originating among common people and handed down by oral tradition
Musical instrumentsbasynMiddle EnglishnounA basin (large bowl): / A washbasin; a sink.
Musical instrumentsbasynMiddle EnglishnounA basin (large bowl): / A basin-shaped gong.rare
Musical instrumentsbasynMiddle EnglishnounAny dish or bowl.rare
Musical instrumentsbasynMiddle EnglishnounA helmet.rare
Musical instrumentsdilníNavajonounmusical instrument
Musical instrumentsdilníNavajonountrumpet, cornet
Myrtales order plantsmirtoItaliannouncommon myrtle (Myrtus communis)masculine
Myrtales order plantsmirtoItaliannounmyrtle (plant of the genus Myrtus )masculine
Myrtales order plantsхнаRussiannounhenna (Lawsonia inermis)biology botany natural-sciences
Myrtales order plantsхнаRussiannounhenna coloring
Mythological creaturesborowyPolishadjconifer forestnot-comparable relational
Mythological creaturesborowyPolishadjconifer forest / risiding in a conifer forestMiddle Polish dialectal not-comparable relational
Mythological creaturesborowyPolishadjSynonym of leśnynot-comparable relational
Mythological creaturesborowyPolishnounforestkeeper, forestermasculine noun-from-verb person
Mythological creaturesborowyPolishnounconifer forest spirit (evil spirit that lives in a conifer forest that leads people astray, etc.)arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesanimal-not-person dialectal masculine noun-from-verb obsolete
Mythological creaturesborowyPolishadjboric, boron (of, pertaining to, or containing the element boron)not-comparable relational
Mythological creaturesเสื้อThaiadjtutelar.
Mythological creaturesเสื้อThainountutelar spirit.
Mythological creaturesเสื้อThainounshirt.
MythologymythicismEnglishnounThe scholarly opinion that the gospels are mythological expansions of historical religion theologycountable uncountable
MythologymythicismEnglishnounThe habitual practice of attributing everything to mythological causes; superstition, the opposite of rationalism, or of realism.countable uncountable
MythologymythicismEnglishnounThe creative potential for the creation of mythology; the faculty of mythopoeia.countable uncountable
MythologymythicismEnglishnounThe view that a certain figure or event is unhistorical or mythical, chiefly in the context of pseudo-scholarship or conspiracy theories.countable uncountable
MythologymythicismEnglishnounThe view that a certain figure or event is unhistorical or mythical, chiefly in the context of pseudo-scholarship or conspiracy theories. / The opinion that Jesus of Nazareth did not exist.countable uncountable
NationalitiesFaroeseEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Faroe Islands, Faroese people or language.not-comparable
NationalitiesFaroeseEnglishnameThe language of the Faroe Islands, closely related to Icelandic, and more distantly to Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.
NationalitiesFaroeseEnglishnounA person from the Faroe Islands; a Faroe
NationalitiesNormanMiddle EnglishnounA member of the mixed Scandinavian and Frankish peoples who, in the 11th century, were a major military power in Western Europe and who conquered the English in 1066.
NationalitiesNormanMiddle EnglishnounA person from Norway; a Norwegian.
NationalitiesabhasialainenFinnishnounAbkhaz (person from Abkhazia)
NationalitiesgambianoItalianadjGambian (of, from or relating to the Gambia)
NationalitiesgambianoItaliannounGambian (person from the Gambia)masculine
NationalitiesitaliarBasquenounAn Italian person (man or woman)animate
NationalitiesportuguésSpanishadjPortuguese (from or native to Portugal)
NationalitiesportuguésSpanishadjPortuguese (pertaining to Portugal)
NationalitiesportuguésSpanishnounPortuguese (person)masculine
NationalitiesportuguésSpanishnounPortuguese (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiestadžiksLatviannouna (male) Tajik, a man from Tajikistan or of Tajik descentdeclension-1 masculine
NationalitiestadžiksLatviannounTadjik, pertaining to Tajikistan and its peopledeclension-1 genitive masculine plural
NationalitiesÉireannachIrishadjIrish (nationality, ethnicity, language, culture, etc.)
NationalitiesÉireannachIrishnounAn Irish person, male or femalemasculine
NaturehümblCimbriannounskyLuserna masculine
NaturehümblCimbriannounheavenLuserna masculine
NatureܫܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjsteep, precipitous
NatureܫܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacadjheadlong, stubborn, difficult
NatureܫܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacnounprecipice, cliff, crag
NatureܫܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacnounlarge rock, stone
NatureܫܩܝܦܐClassical Syriacnouncave, cavern
NauticalpływakPolishnounswimmermasculine person
NauticalpływakPolishnoundiving beetle (any of beetle of the genus Dytiscus)animal-not-person masculine
NauticalpływakPolishnounfloat on a floatplane or seaplaneaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
NauticalpływakPolishnounfloat, bobberfishing hobbies lifestyleinanimate masculine
NauticalpływakPolishnounbuoy, floatnautical transportinanimate masculine
NauticalpływakPolishnounfloat of a fishing rod or netfishing hobbies lifestyleinanimate masculine
Nautical occupationssailorEnglishnounA person who sails; one whose occupation is sailing or navigating ships or other waterborne craft. / In particular, a member of the crew of a (civilian or military) vessel, as opposed to a captain, admiral, etc.; a mariner; a common seaman.
Nautical occupationssailorEnglishnounA person who sails; one whose occupation is sailing or navigating ships or other waterborne craft. / A person who sails sailing boats (as opposed to boats powered by other means) as a sport or recreation.
Nautical occupationssailorEnglishnounA person who sails; one whose occupation is sailing or navigating ships or other waterborne craft.
Nautical occupationssailorEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Neptis, Pseudoneptis and Phaedyma, having white markings on a dark base and commonly flying by gliding.
Nautical occupationssailorEnglishnounA stiff straw hat with a flat, circular brim and a low, flat crown.
Nautical occupationssailorEnglishnounA brick, for example in a course of brickwork, that is laid vertically on its shortest end (smallest face), with its widest face facing the outside of the wall.
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounThe V-1 flying bomb.British informal
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounAn automobile converted into a cheap tractor for a small farm during the Second World War.historical
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounAn antlion larva (Myrmeleontidae).biology entomology natural-sciences
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounA cockchafer (genus Melolontha).biology entomology natural-sciencesUK
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounA woodlouse.biology entomology natural-sciencesregional
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounA term of endearment.informal
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounA slackard or time-waster.informal
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounAn idiot.informal
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounSomeone who draws constantly.informal
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounA divining rod or similarly intended device.informal
NeuropteransdoodlebugEnglishnounIndividual self-propelled train cars.obsolete
Neutron starskilonovaEnglishnounA type of supernova that is underluminous, caused by the merger of two neutron starsastronomy natural-sciences
Neutron starskilonovaEnglishnounA radiation pattern typical of a kilonova.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinformal
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / Any of the two extant small nocturnal mammals in the genus Bassariscus, somewhat like raccoons, native to the southwestern United States and Central America. / A North American ringtail, Bassariscus astutus
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / Any of the two extant small nocturnal mammals in the genus Bassariscus, somewhat like raccoons, native to the southwestern United States and Central America. / A cacomistle, Bassariscus sumichrasti
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A capuchin monkey (Cebus spp.)
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A raccoon (Procyon spp, especially Procyon lotor)
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A ringtail possum (family Pseudocheiridae)
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / Any of various damselflies of the genus Austrolestes, of Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific islands
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ringsail.nautical transport
New World monkeysringtailEnglishnounA ring-in.Australia slang
NightveilleuseFrenchnounfemale equivalent of veilleurfeminine form-of
NightveilleuseFrenchnounnight lightfeminine
NightveilleuseFrenchnounsidelight (on a car)feminine
NightveilleuseFrenchnounpilot lightfeminine
Noctuoid mothsearwormEnglishnounA tune that keeps replaying in one's head or that one keeps thinking about, especially if unwanted.
Noctuoid mothsearwormEnglishnounShort for corn earworm (“larva of the moths Helicoverpa zea (syn. Heliothis zea) and Helicoverpa armigera, which are agricultural pests”).abbreviation alt-of
Noctuoid mothsearwormEnglishnounAn earwig (“insect of the order Dermaptera”).archaic
Norse mythologyHelDanishnameHel (goddess)
Norse mythologyHelDanishnameHel (realm)
NorwaynorskNorwegian NynorsknounNorwegian (language)masculine uncountable
NorwaynorskNorwegian NynorskadjNorwegian (of or relating to Norway, Norwegians or the Norwegian language)feminine masculine
Nudibranchssea swallowEnglishnounThe common tern (Sterna hirundo).UK
Nudibranchssea swallowEnglishnounThe storm petrel.
Nudibranchssea swallowEnglishnounA mollusc of genus Glaucus.
NutscobnutEnglishnounA nut of a common hazel (Corylus avellana); hazelnut.
NutscobnutEnglishnounA specific cultivated variety of hazelnut, also known as the Kentish cobnut.
NutscobnutEnglishnounA game played by children with nuts.
NutskarangaSwahilinounsoft groundnut, peanut
NutskarangaSwahilinounclubs (suit of cards)
Nymphalid butterfliesheliconianEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Heliconia, called lobster claws, toucan beaks, wild plantain, or false birds of paradise.
Nymphalid butterfliesheliconianEnglishnounAny butterfly of the genus Heliconius, family Nymphalidae, native to the American tropics and subtropics.
OaksφηγόςAncient Greeknounoak
OaksφηγόςAncient Greeknounacorn
ObesitypudgeEnglishnounSomething short and fat.countable uncountable
ObesitypudgeEnglishnounExcess body fat.countable uncountable
OccupationsDönermannGermannouna male person who sells doner kebabGermany colloquial masculine strong
OccupationsDönermannGermannouna snack bar in which doner kebab is soldGermany colloquial masculine metonymically strong
OccupationsballeneroSpanishnounwhaling ship; whalermasculine
OccupationsbladerCatalannounwheat merchantmasculine
OccupationschapmanMiddle EnglishnounA merchant; a seller of goods.
OccupationschapmanMiddle EnglishnounA negotiator or dealer.figuratively
OccupationschapmanMiddle EnglishnounA purchaser of goods.broadly
OccupationsknaveMiddle Englishnounson, male child (offspring)
OccupationsknaveMiddle Englishnounboy, lad, male child or baby
OccupationsknaveMiddle Englishnounguy, bloke, man
OccupationsknaveMiddle Englishnounservant, hireling, menial
OccupationsknaveMiddle Englishnounpeasant, lowly individual
OccupationsknaveMiddle Englishnouninfantryman, soldier
OccupationsknaveMiddle Englishnounknave, caitiff, despicable individual
OccupationskonzulSlovenenounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
OccupationskonzulSlovenenounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
OccupationskonzulSlovenenounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)historical
OccupationsnajemnikPolishnounmercenary (person employed to fight)masculine person
OccupationsnajemnikPolishnounhireling, seasonal laborermasculine person rare
OccupationsoirfideachIrishadjmusical, harmonious
OccupationsoirfideachIrishnounminstrel, musicianmasculine
OccupationsoirfideachIrishnounentertainer, playermasculine
OccupationspysgotwrWelshnounfisherman, anglermasculine
OccupationspysgotwrWelshnounkingfisher (bird of the suborder Alcedines)masculine
OccupationspysgotwrWelshnounkingfisher (bird of the suborder Alcedines) / common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)masculine
OccupationsκαθηγήτριαGreeknounprofessor, university teacher, lecturereducation
OccupationsκαθηγήτριαGreeknounsecondary school/high school teacher, schoolmistresseducation
OccupationsκαθηγήτριαGreeknounlanguage tutoreducation
OccupationsσυντάκτριαGreeknouneditor, copy editor
OccupationsσυντάκτριαGreeknouncompiler, draftsman
OccupationsعسكريArabicnounprivategovernment military politics war
OccupationsعسكريArabicnounenlisted menin-plural
OccupationsچاپارOttoman Turkishnouna Persian mounted courier or messenger
OccupationsچاپارOttoman Turkishadjthat runs or gallops
Occupationsमंत्रीHindinounhead / ministergovernment
Occupationsमंत्रीHindinounhead / chiefgovernment
Occupationsमंत्रीHindinounhead / commandergovernment
Occupationsमंत्रीHindinounqueenboard-games chess games
Ogham letter namesbeithIrishnounbirch (tree)feminine
Ogham letter namesbeithIrishnounthe letter B in the Ogham alphabetfeminine
Ogham letter namesbeithIrishverbObsolete form of beadh.alt-of obsolete
Old World monkeyskindaEnglishadvKind of; somewhat.colloquial not-comparable
Old World monkeyskindaEnglishcontractionContraction of kind of.abbreviation alt-of colloquial contraction
Old World monkeyskindaEnglishintjYes in some respects but no in other respects.
Old World monkeyskindaEnglishnounA subspecies of baboon, Papio cynocephalus kindae, primarily found in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, and possibly western Tanzania.
Olive family plantsжасминRussiannounjasmine (genus Jasminum)biology botany natural-sciences
Olive family plantsжасминRussiannounjasmine flowers (esp. used for tea, etc.)collective
Olive family plantsоливаUkrainiannounolive (tree and fruit)biology botany natural-sciences
Olive family plantsоливаUkrainiannounolive (color/colour)
Olive family plantsоливаUkrainiannouna kind of olive oil used as lubricant or fuel, lampante olive oil
Olive family plantsоливаUkrainiannounmineral oil
OnomasticsMiyakocharacterkanji no-gloss
Organ systemsodpornośćPolishnounresistance, resilience, toughness, hardiness, endurance (physical property of material that can resume its shape after being stretched or deformed; elasticity)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine uncountable
Organ systemsodpornośćPolishnounresistance, resilience (mental ability to recover quickly from depression, illness, or misfortune)human-sciences medicine neuroscience psychology sciencesfeminine uncountable
Organ systemsodpornośćPolishnounimmunity (protective resistance against disease)immunology medicine sciencescountable feminine
Organ systemsodpornośćPolishnounimmune system (system that differentiates self from non-self and protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing an immune response; it includes organs such as the thymus, the spleen, and lymph nodes; tissue such as bone marrow, and lymphoid tissues such as the tonsils; cells such as lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells; and cell products such as antibodies)anatomy immunology medicine sciencescolloquial feminine uncountable
OrgansreinFrenchnounkidneyanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
OrgansreinFrenchnounsmall of the back, waistin-plural masculine
OrgansulokCebuanonounthe glans penisanatomy medicine sciences
OrgansulokCebuanonounthe penisanatomy medicine sciencesbroadly
OrgansвантробаBelarusiannounliveranatomy medicine sciences
OwlskulagoCebuanonounPhilippine eagle-owl (Bubo philippensis)
OwlskulagoCebuanonounbarn owl (Tyto sp.)
PainbolećPolishverbto hurt (to cause physical or mental pain)imperfective intransitive
PainbolećPolishverbto pain over, (to worry about something)imperfective intransitive obsolete
PainbolećPolishverbto pain over, (to worry about something)imperfective intransitive
PainbolećPolishverbto hurt (to cause physical or mental pain)imperfective intransitive obsolete
PainbolećPolishverbto hurt (to cause physical or mental pain) / to birth; to be in laborMiddle Polish imperfective intransitive obsolete
PainbolećPolishverbSynonym of chorowaćimperfective intransitive obsolete
PainbolećPolishverbSynonym of smucić się / Synonym of żałowaćMiddle Polish imperfective intransitive
PainbolećPolishverbSynonym of smucić się / Synonym of narzekaćMiddle Polish imperfective intransitive
PainbolećPolishverbSynonym of smucić się / Synonym of współczućMiddle Polish imperfective intransitive
PainnaggingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of nagform-of gerund participle present
PainnaggingEnglishnounThe action of the verb nag.
PainnaggingEnglishadjCausing persistent mild pain, or annoyance.
PaintingpłótnoPolishnounlinen (a type of cloth made from flax fiber)neuter
PaintingpłótnoPolishnouncanvas (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint)neuter
PaintingpłótnoPolishnounpainting (an illustration or artwork using paint)neuter
Palm treespalmaItaliannounpalm tree, palmfeminine
Palm treespalmaItaliannounpalm (of the hand)feminine
Palm treespalmaItaliannounpalm (corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal)feminine
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounA blade for tying to the foot of a gamecock.countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounGrass of species (Echinochloa crus-galli).uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounA hawthorn of species (Crataegus crus-galli).countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounOrchard grass, a widely grown tall stout hay and pasture grass (Dactylis glomerata) of Eurasia.uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounA small West Indian tree (Pisonia aculeata).countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounAny of several spiny trees, formerly all of the genus Acacia, such as Vachellia cookii (cockspur acacia).countable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounBurgrass of species Cenchrus echinatus.uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounAn annual European weed of species Centaurea melitensis, naturalized in North and South America.uncountable
Paniceae tribe grassescockspurEnglishnounAny plant of species Casearia aculeata, of the tropical Americas.countable uncountable
Paperplain paperEnglishnounPaper that has no ruled lines or other markings on it.uncountable usually
Paperplain paperEnglishnounNon-glossy photographic paper.uncountable usually
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounside (a bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape)geometry mathematics sciencesfeminine usually
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounface, side, surface of any three-dimensional objectgeometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounpage (single leaf of any manuscript or book)feminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounside (one of the two surfaces of a sheet of paper)feminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounone side or half of something or someonefeminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnouna certain aspect of a conceptfeminine figuratively
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounside, faction or group of competitors in a war, game, conflict or any other competitive situation in opposite to their opponentsfeminine figuratively
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounface of a coin or dicefeminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounAny of several parasitic vines, of the genus Cuscuta, having small white flowers but no leaves.feminine
ParasitessandflyEnglishnounAny of various small flies of the genera Lutzomyia and Phlebotomus whose females suck the blood of vertebrates and thus spread leishmaniasis.
ParasitessandflyEnglishnounA small fly of the genus Austrosimulium.New-Zealand
ParasitessandflyEnglishnounA biting midge (family Ceratopogonidae).US
ParrotsamazonaCatalannounAmazon (mythological female warrior)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
ParrotsamazonaCatalannounamazon (athletic female)feminine
ParrotsamazonaCatalannounriding habit (equestrian outfit with a long skirt)feminine
ParrotsamazonaCatalannounany of various species of parrot in the genus Amazonafeminine
ParrotsпопугайYakutnounparrot (bird of the order Psittaciformes)
ParrotsпопугайYakutnounparrot (one who blindly imitates others' words)
Particle physics粒子Japanesenouna particle (body with very small size)
Particle physics粒子Japanesenouna particle (elementary particle or subatomic particle)
PathologyքոսArmeniannounitch, scab, mange
PathologyքոսArmeniannounlichen; moss
Pear cultivarsananasówkaPolishnounpineapple liqueurfeminine
Pear cultivarsananasówkaPolishnountype of pearfeminine
Pear cultivarsananasówkaPolishnountype of applefeminine
Pear cultivarsananasówkaPolishnountype of strawberryfeminine
PeoplealbinoEnglishadjCongenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); born with albinism.not-comparable
PeoplealbinoEnglishnounA person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); one born with albinism.countable
Peopleall-nighterEnglishnounSomething that lasts throughout the whole night.
Peopleall-nighterEnglishnounSomething that lasts throughout the whole night. / An instance of studying or working throughout the night without sleep.specifically
Peopleall-nighterEnglishnounA session with a prostitute covering the entire night.UK slang
Peopleall-nighterEnglishnounA client of a prostitute who has paid for the entire night.UK slang
Peopleall-nighterEnglishnounA criminal or other person kept in jail over night.US slang
PeoplebranderEnglishnounA person who brands.
PeoplebranderEnglishnounAn implement used to brand something; a branding iron.
PeoplebranderEnglishverbTo cook (meat, etc.) on a gridiron.obsolete transitive
PeopleburnoutEnglishnounThe experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest, especially in one's career.human-sciences psychology sciencescountable uncountable
PeopleburnoutEnglishnounA person who has the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest.countable uncountable
PeopleburnoutEnglishnounSomeone whose brains have figuratively been burned out by drugs.US countable slang uncountable
PeopleburnoutEnglishnounThe shutoff of a rocket motor after exhausting its fuel or having been irreversibly throttled after the application of a planned delta-v.aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
PeopleburnoutEnglishnounThe failure of an electrical device, usually through overheating due to the application of excessive power.countable uncountable
PeopleburnoutEnglishnounUse of the throttle to spin the wheels of a vehicle being held stationary, causing the spinning tires to produce smoke and burn rubber.automotive transport vehiclescountable uncountable
PeoplecailleraFrenchverbthird-person singular future of caillerform-of future singular third-person
PeoplecailleraFrenchnounrabble, riffraff, thugfeminine
PeoplechaserEnglishnounSomething or someone who chases.
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA horse trained for steeplechasing; a steeplechaser.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sports
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA hunter (a horse bred and trained for use in hunting).equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsobsolete
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA drink consumed after another of a different kind.slang
PeoplechaserEnglishnounSomeone who follows logs out of the forest in order to signal a yarder engineer to stop them if they become fouledobsolete
PeoplechaserEnglishnounOne who unhooks chokers from the logs at the landing.
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA piece of music played after a performance while the audience leaves.obsolete slang
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA long piece of flexible wire used to draw an electrical cable through a wall cavity.
PeoplechaserEnglishnounOne of a series of adjacent light bulbs that cycle on and off to give the illusion of movement.
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA person who guards military prisoners on fatigue duty; a prison guard.
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA person who is attracted to and seeks out sexual partners with a particular quality, usually in a fetishistic manner. / A chaser for transgender people; a tranny chaser.slang
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA person who is attracted to and seeks out sexual partners with a particular quality, usually in a fetishistic manner. / A chaser for overweight or obese people; a chubby chaser.slang
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA person who is attracted to and seeks out sexual partners with a particular quality, usually in a fetishistic manner. / A person who seeks partners with HIV in order to become infected.slang
PeoplechaserEnglishnounIn the sport of Quidditch or Muggle quidditch, a player responsible for passing the quaffle and scoring goals with it.fiction literature media publishingHarry-Potter
PeoplechaserEnglishnounAny dragonfly of family Libellulidae.biology natural-sciences taxonomy
PeoplechaserEnglishnounSomeone who chases (decorates) metal; a person who decorates metal by engraving or embossing.
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA tool used for cleaning out screw threads, either as an integral part of a tap or die to remove waste material produced by the cutting tool, or as a separate tool to repair damaged threads.
PeoplechaserEnglishnounA chase gun.nautical transport
Peopleco-ghnèitheachScottish Gaelicadjgay, homosexual
Peopleco-ghnèitheachScottish Gaelicnoungay, homosexualmasculine
PeoplecocksackEnglishnounThe scrotum.slang vulgar
PeoplecocksackEnglishnounA term of abuse.derogatory offensive slang vulgar
PeoplecocksackEnglishnounClothing that covers the scrotum in a manner similar to a codpiece.slang vulgar
PeoplecrippleEnglishadjcrippledarchaic dated not-comparable
PeoplecrippleEnglishnounA person who has severely impaired physical abilities because of deformation, injury, or amputation of parts of the body.countable offensive sometimes uncountable
PeoplecrippleEnglishnounA shortened wooden stud or brace used to construct the portion of a wall above a door or above and below a window.countable uncountable
PeoplecrippleEnglishnounScrapple.dialectal uncountable
PeoplecrippleEnglishnounA rocky shallow in a stream.countable uncountable
PeoplecrippleEnglishverbTo make someone a cripple; to cause someone to become physically impaired.
PeoplecrippleEnglishverbTo damage seriously; to destroy.figuratively
PeoplecrippleEnglishverbTo cause severe and disabling damage; to make unable to function normally.figuratively
PeoplecrippleEnglishverbTo release a product (especially a computer program) with reduced functionality, in some cases, making the item essentially worthless.
PeoplecrippleEnglishverbTo nerf something to the point of being
PeoplecsaposHungarianadjfurnished with a tapnot-comparable
PeoplecsaposHungariannounbarman, bartender, barkeeper, barkeep (a person preparing and serving drinks at a bar)
PeoplecâmaraPortuguesenounAlternative form of câmara municipalPortugal alt-of alternative feminine
PeoplecâmaraPortuguesenouncameraman, camerawomanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopledrabEnglishnounA fabric, usually of thick cotton or wool, having a dull brownish yellow, dull grey, or dun colour.also attributive countable uncountable
PeopledrabEnglishnounThe color of this fabric.also attributive countable uncountable
PeopledrabEnglishnounOften in the plural form drabs: apparel, especially trousers, made from this fabric.also attributive countable uncountable
PeopledrabEnglishnounA dull or uninteresting appearance or situation, unremarkable.also attributive broadly countable uncountable
PeopledrabEnglishadjOf the color of some types of drabcloth: dull brownish yellow or dun.also attributive
PeopledrabEnglishadjParticularly of color: dull, uninteresting.also attributive broadly
PeopledrabEnglishnounA dirty or untidy woman; a slattern.also attributive dated
PeopledrabEnglishnounA promiscuous woman, a slut; a prostitute.also attributive dated
PeopledrabEnglishverbTo consort with prostitutes; to whore.also attributive intransitive obsolete
PeopledrabEnglishnounA small amount, especially of money.also attributive
PeopledrabEnglishnounA box used in a saltworks for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling pans.also attributive
PeopledrabEnglishnounAn instance of a transgender or non-binary person presenting as the gender corresponding to their sex assigned at birth instead of that corresponding to their internal gender identity (most commonly a trans woman dressed as a man).also attributive uncountable
PeopledrabEnglishnounPoison.also attributive obsolete slang uncountable
PeopledrabEnglishverbTo poison.also attributive obsolete slang
PeopleenfoiréFrenchnoundickhead, fuckhead, shitheadmasculine vulgar
PeopleenfoiréFrenchverbpast participle of enfoirerform-of participle past
PeopleeulogistEnglishnounA speaker who delivers a funeral oration (eulogy) for a deceased person.
PeopleeulogistEnglishnounA person who praises another person or thing.
PeopleingordoItalianadjgreedy or avid (for)
Peopleloup de merFrenchnounseadog, old saltcolloquial masculine
Peopleloup de merFrenchnounseal (pinniped)masculine
Peopleloup de merFrenchnounsea bass, especially European seabassmasculine
PeoplemùrnScottish Gaelicnoundarlingmasculine
PeoplemùrnScottish Gaelicnounmaiden, damsel, girlmasculine
PeoplemērgaLatviannounbridedeclension-4 feminine uncommon
PeoplemērgaLatviannounmaiden, young woman, virgindeclension-4 feminine uncommon
Peoplenews correspondentEnglishnounA person who supplies news to a newspaper or a magazine; journalist.
Peoplenews correspondentEnglishnounA person who sends audio or visual reports to radio or television stations.
PeoplepacifistEnglishnounOne who loves, supports, or favours peace. / One who prefers to avoid violence in daily life.
PeoplepacifistEnglishnounOne who loves, supports, or favours peace. / One who is anti-war.
PeoplepacifistEnglishnounOne who loves, supports, or favours peace. / One who both abstains from inflicting violence on others and opposes others doing so.
PeoplepacifistEnglishnounOne who loves, supports, or favours peace.
PeoplepacifistEnglishnounA player who attempts the challenge of winning a game without attacking any enemy characters.roguelikes video-games
PeoplepacifistEnglishadjOf or relating to pacifism; pacifistic.
PeoplepaletoSpanishadjuncouth, ignorant, unsophisticated, tasteless, illiterate, clumsy, country bumpkincolloquial derogatory
PeoplepaletoSpanishnounhick, yokel, hillbilly (illiterate person, clumsy with no style or manners, an unskilled peasant)colloquial derogatory masculine
PeoplepandoerDutchnouna member of an 18th-century Habsburg imperial Croatian regiment to fight the Ottoman Turksmasculine neuter
PeoplepandoerDutchnouna ruffian, abusive personfiguratively masculine neuter
PeoplepandoerDutchnounThe name of a card game where a player can call pandoer!also in-plural masculine neuter
PeoplepandoerDutchverbinflection of pandoeren: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PeoplepandoerDutchverbinflection of pandoeren: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
PeoplepandoerDutchverbinflection of pandoeren: / imperativeform-of imperative
PeopleprognostykPolishnounforecastermasculine person proscribed
PeopleprognostykPolishnounforetoken, omen, prognosticinanimate masculine
PeoplereprobateEnglishadjRejected; cast off as worthless.rare
PeoplereprobateEnglishadjRejected by God; damned, sinful.
PeoplereprobateEnglishadjImmoral, having no religious or principled character.
PeoplereprobateEnglishnounOne rejected by God; a sinful person.
PeoplereprobateEnglishnounA person with low morals or principles.
PeoplereprobateEnglishverbTo have strong disapproval of something; to reprove; to condemn.
PeoplereprobateEnglishverbOf God: to abandon or reject, to deny eternal bliss.
PeoplereprobateEnglishverbTo refuse, set aside.
PeoplerústicoSpanishadjcrude, unsophisticated, clumsy
PeoplesarlatánHungariannouncharlatan (malicious trickster)
PeoplesarlatánHungariannounquack (fraudulent healer)
PeopleschijtertDutchnouncoward, wussmasculine slang
PeopleschijtertDutchnounMisspelling of schijterd.alt-of masculine misspelling
Peoplestarting pitcherEnglishnounA pitcher who is usually used to start a game; a member of a team's rotation. Compare relief pitcher.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Peoplestarting pitcherEnglishnounA pitcher who is recorded to begin the game.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
PeoplestrailleIrishnounmat; mopmasculine
PeoplestrailleIrishnoununtidy person or thingmasculine
Peoplestring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / A common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Peoplestring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / An immature runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus)
Peoplestring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / A yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
Peoplestring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean. / A hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
Peoplestring beanEnglishnounAny long, slender green bean.
Peoplestring beanEnglishnounA tall and thin person.figuratively
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjvirtuous, godly, without sin: / guiltless, blameless
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjvirtuous, godly, without sin: / humble, unassuming, mild
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjsimple, spartan, perfunctory, regular / uncompounded, simplex, singular; composed of one part.
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjsimple, spartan, perfunctory, regular / Without extra conditions; unconditioned.human-sciences law philosophy sciences
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjsimple, spartan, perfunctory, regular / transparent, apparentrare
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjpoor, miserable, needy
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjnon-noble, popular, peasantly
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjdumb, unlearned, stupid
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjunimportant, insignificant: / meager, powerless, lacking
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjunimportant, insignificant: / cheap, inexpensive; of little value.
PeoplesympleMiddle Englishadjdour, depressed, unhappy
PeoplesympleMiddle EnglishnounA pauper or peasant.
PeoplesympleMiddle EnglishnounThat which is uncompounded, simplex, singular; composed of one part.
PeoplesympleMiddle EnglishnounAn individual who is virtuous, godly, or without sin: / One who is guiltless, or blameless.rare
PeoplesympleMiddle EnglishnounAn individual who is virtuous, godly, or without sin: / One who is humble, unassuming, or mild.rare
PeoplesympleMiddle EnglishnounThat which is unimportant, insignificant or meager.rare
PeoplesympleMiddle EnglishnounA document without extra complications or conditions.lawrare
PeopleszczygiełPolishnounEuropean goldfinch, Eurasian goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)animal-not-person masculine
PeopleszczygiełPolishnounpublic messanger wearing a red capanimal-not-person dated figuratively humorous masculine
PeopletalaiòticCatalannounParticipant in the Talaiotic culture on the Balearic Islands.masculine
PeopletankieEnglishnounA member of the Communist Party of Great Britain who supported the Soviet Union's policy of crushing revolts in Hungary in the 1950s and Czechoslovakia in the 1960s by sending tanks into those countries.government politicsUK historical slang
PeopletankieEnglishnounA supporter of policies and actions by the Soviet Union, China, Cuba or other authoritarian socialist (chiefly Marxist-Leninist) governments.government politicsbroadly derogatory slang
PeopletankieEnglishnounA soldier from a tank regiment.government military politics warslang
PeopletankieEnglishnounA tank engine.rail-transport railways transportslang
PeopletankieEnglishadjSupporting the policies of the Soviet Union or other Marxist-Leninist governments.government politicsderogatory not-comparable slang
PeopleunitaskerEnglishnounA person who does a single thing at a time.
PeopleunitaskerEnglishnounA tool, particularly a kitchen utensil, which is useful only for performing a particular, specialized task
PeopleverdaderoSpanishadjtrue, real
PeopleverdaderoSpanishnouna person who tells the truthmasculine
PeoplewantedCebuanonouna wanted personlaw
PeopleμαθητήςGreeknounpupil, student, schoolboy
PeopleасистентBulgariannounassistant professor (entry-level academic position in higher education)
PeopleасистентBulgariannouna skilled assistant, e.g. a director's assistant, a surgical assistant, an assistant conductor, etc.
PeopleасистентBulgariannounassistant (software tool)
PeopleдуракUkrainiannounfool, simpleton, idiot (stupid person with poor judgment)colloquial
PeopleдуракUkrainiannoundurak (a simple card game in which the last player holding cards in their hand is the loser)card-games gamescolloquial
PeopleхолуйUkrainiannounlackey, flunky (servant who loyally fulfils demeaning or unpleasant orders)colloquial derogatory
PeopleхолуйUkrainiannounlackey, groveller, toady (fawning, servile follower)broadly colloquial derogatory
PeopleرفیقOttoman Turkishnounfellow traveller, one who travels together with another
PeopleرفیقOttoman Turkishnouncompanion, fellow, mate, comradebroadly
People男人Chineseadjmanly; masculinecolloquial
People老外Chinesenounforeigner, particularly a white Westerner (Classifier: 個/个 m)colloquial humorous sometimes
People老外Chinesenounlayman; amateur (Classifier: 個/个 m)informal
People老外Chinesenounfather-in-law (wife's father)Cantonese
People雜碎Chinesenouninternal organs of animals; offal; entrails
People雜碎Chinesenounchop suey
People雜碎Chinesenounbastard; jerkderogatory
People雜碎Chineseadjtrivial and complicated; trifling and cumbersomeHokkien Mainland-China literary
People雜碎Chineseadjmiscellaneous; sundry (of objects)Hokkien
Perch and dartersglasseyeEnglishnounA fish, the walleyed pike.
Perch and dartersglasseyeEnglishnounA form of blindness in horses in which the eye is bright and the pupil dilated; a sort of amaurosis.
Perching birdsзавирушкаBulgariannounfemale wailerliterally
Perching birdsзавирушкаBulgariannounaccentor, hedge warbler (passerine bird of genus Prunella)
Percoid fishkasboCebuanonounthe nankeen night heron (Nycticorax caledonicus)
Percoid fishkasboCebuanonounthe common silver-biddy (Gerres oyena)
PersonalitymaniacEnglishnounAn insane person, especially one who suffers from a mania.
PersonalitymaniacEnglishnounA fanatic, a person with an obsession.figuratively
PersonalitymaniacEnglishnounShort for sex maniac.Philippines abbreviation alt-of
PersonalitypoliticEnglishadjOf or relating to polity, or civil government; political.archaic
PersonalitypoliticEnglishadjRelating to, or promoting, a policy, especially a national policy; well-devised; adapted to its end, whether right or wrong.archaic
PersonalitypoliticEnglishadjSagacious in promoting a policy; ingenious in devising and advancing a system of management; devoted to a scheme or system rather than to a principle; hence, in a good sense, wise; prudent; sagaciousarchaic
PersonalitypoliticEnglishadjShrewd, prudent and expedient; showing policy.
PersonalitypoliticEnglishadjDiscreet and diplomatic.
PersonalitypoliticEnglishadjArtful, crafty or cunning.
PersonalitypoliticEnglishnounA politician.archaic
PersonalitypoliticEnglishnounA politics; a set of political beliefs.
PersonalitypoliticEnglishverbAlternative spelling of politickalt-of alternative
PersonalityspritaEsperantoadjwitty, ingenious
PersonalityspritaEsperantoadjclever, sharp
PhiliaszoofiliaItaliannounzoophilybiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Pierid butterflies雲粉蝶ChinesenounPontia daplidice
Pierid butterflies雲粉蝶ChinesenounPontia
PinesharmoçAlbaniannounmortar mixed with small rock fragments from a wallmasculine
PinesharmoçAlbaniannounstone pine (Pinus pinea)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
PinesharmoçAlbaniannounhollow in a creek bed, part of a brook where the water poolsmasculine regional
PinnipedsuchatekPolishnounSteller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)animal-not-person masculine
PinnipedsuchatekPolishnoungenitive plural of uchatkafeminine form-of genitive plural
PlacesgradSerbo-Croatiannouncity, town
PlacesgradSerbo-Croatiannounfortress, castle
PlacesgradSerbo-Croatiannoundowntown, city center
PlacesgradSerbo-Croatiannoungradianmathematics sciences
PlacesgradSerbo-Croatiannoundegree (measuring unit in various systems; the more usual and general term is stȅpēn or stȗpanj)
PlacesprzestworzePolishnounexpanse, vastness (unlimited space)literary neuter
PlacesprzestworzePolishnounfragment of the world characterized by unlimited spaceliterary neuter
PlacesprzestworzePolishnounlocative/vocative singular of przestwórform-of inanimate locative masculine singular vocative
Places in PolandPodolePolishnamePodolianeuter
Places in PolandPodolePolishnameany of several villages in Polandneuter
Places of worshipshrineEnglishnounA holy or sacred place dedicated to a specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, or similar figure of awe and respect, at which said figure is venerated or worshipped.
Places of worshipshrineEnglishnounA case, box, or receptacle, especially one in which are deposited sacred relics, as the bones of a saint.
Places of worshipshrineEnglishnounA place or object hallowed from its history or associations.figuratively
Places of worshipshrineEnglishverbTo enshrine; to place reverently, as if in a shrine.
Planets of the Solar SystemNevyonCornishnameNeptune (planet)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemNevyonCornishnameNeptune (Roman god)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemमंगलुSindhinameThe planet Marsastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemमंगलुSindhinameTuesday
Planets of the Solar SystemमंगलुSindhinameThe deity Angaraka
Plant anatomysquamaEnglishnounA scale cast off from the skin; a thin dry shred of epithelium.medicine sciences
Plant anatomysquamaEnglishnounThe bract of a deciduous spike.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomysquamaEnglishnounAny scaly bracted leaf.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomysquamaEnglishnounA calypter.biology entomology natural-sciences
Plantain family plantsdigitaleItaliannounfoxglovefeminine
Plantain family plantsdigitaleItaliannoundigitalis (plant and drug)feminine
Plantain family plantsdigitaleItalianadjdigital
PlantspakuSundanesenounnail (fastener with a sharp point on one end)
PlantssurbiaGaliciannounwhite hellebore (Veratrum album)feminine
PlantssurbiaGaliciannounspurge (Euphorbia lathyris and Euphorbia helioscopia)feminine
PlantswortEnglishnounNow chiefly as the second element in the names of plants: a plant used for food or medicine.archaic historical
PlantswortEnglishnounChiefly in the plural: a plant of the genus Brassica used as a vegetable; a brassica; especially, a cabbage (Brassica oleracea).historical specifically
PlantswortEnglishnounA non-vascular plant growing on land from the division Anthocerotophyta (the hornworts) or Marchantiophyta (liverworts); an anthocerotophyte or marchantiophyte.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly
PlantswortEnglishnounAlso worts: a liquid extracted from mash (ground malt or some other grain soaked in hot water), which is then fermented to make beer, or fermented and distilled to make a malt liquor such as whisky.beverages brewing business food lifestyle manufacturingcountable uncountable
PlantsтӕрсOssetiannounplane, Platanus
PlantsਬੂਟੀPunjabinounherb, weed
PlantsਬੂਟੀPunjabinounAny intoxicating plant
PoetrytabernacleFrenchintjAlternative form of tabarnakQuebec alt-of alternative
PoisonsاتKarakhanidnounmeat, flesh
PoisonsاتKarakhanidnoungrass, vegetation, herbs, weeds
PoisonsاتKarakhanidnounmedicinemedicine sciences
PokerrebluffEnglishnounAct of responding to a bluff with another bluff.gambling gamesrare
PokerrebluffEnglishverbTo respond to a bluff with another bluff.rare
PolandzłotówaPolishnounAugmentative of złotówkaaugmentative feminine form-of
PolandzłotówaPolishnountaxi driverderogatory feminine slang
PoliticsotanistaSpanishadjNATOfeminine masculine relational
PoliticsotanistaSpanishnounSomeone supporting, or works for NATOby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Pome fruits林檎Japanesenounapple
Pome fruits林檎Japanesenounthe company Apple Inc. or its productsslang
Pome fruits林檎Japanesenounan appleobsolete rare
Pome fruits林檎Japanesenounan appleobsolete rare
PoppiessanguináriaPortuguesenounbloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis, a North American poppy)masculine
PoppiessanguináriaPortuguesenouncommon knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare, widespread herb native to Eurasia)masculine
PoppiessanguináriaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of sanguináriofeminine form-of singular
PoppiestetterwortEnglishnounA plant used as a remedy for tetter, Chelidonium majusUK uncountable
PoppiestetterwortEnglishnounSanguinaria canadensis, the bloodroot.US uncountable
PortugalescudoEnglishnounThe state currency formerly used in Portugal, divided into 100 centavos. The symbol is $ which is positioned between the escudos & centavos, 2$50.
PortugalescudoEnglishnounThe currency formerly used in Chile and replaced by the Peso.
PortugalescudoEnglishnounThe current currency of Cape Verde.
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortuguesenumonemasculine
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortuguesearticlea, an / some; a few (a small number of)in-plural indefinite
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortuguesearticlea, an / a bit ofindefinite
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortuguesearticlea, an / indicates that what follows is exceptional; quite a; quite theemphatic feminine indefinite usually
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortuguesearticlea, anindefinite
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortuguesenounthe figure or digit "1": onemasculine
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortugueseprona person; one; someonefeminine masculine
Portuguese cardinal numbersumPortuguesepronelement(s) of a previously mentioned class: one; some (in the plural)feminine masculine
PovertySNAPEnglishnameAcronym of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.US abbreviation acronym alt-of
PovertySNAPEnglishnameAcronym of Subnetwork Access Protocol.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of
PovertySNAPEnglishnameAcronym of Scalable Network Application Package.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of
PovertySNAPEnglishnameAcronym of Symbolic Network Analysis Program.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of
PovertySNAPEnglishnounAcronym of soluble NSF attachment protein.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of
PregnancyenceinteEnglishnounAn enclosure.
PregnancyenceinteEnglishnounThe line of works forming the main enclosure of a fortress.
PregnancyenceinteEnglishnounThe area or town enclosed by a line of fortification.
PregnancyражданеBulgarianverbverbal noun of ра́ждам (ráždam)form-of noun-from-verb
PregnancyражданеBulgarianverbverbal noun of ра́ждам се (ráždam se)form-of noun-from-verb
Pregnancy娩出Japaneseverbto birth
PrintingpapyrographyEnglishnounSynonym of papyrotype, a form of photolithography using paper.obsolete uncountable
PrintingpapyrographyEnglishnounSynonym of mimeography by means of a stencil called a papyrograph.historical obsolete uncountable
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounAnything which cools.
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounAn insulated bin or box used with ice or freezer packs to keep food or beverages cold while picnicking or camping.
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounA device for refrigerating dead bodies in a morgue.
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounA type of drink made with alcohol, especially wine, mixed with fruit juice.Canada South-Africa countable uncountable
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounsamalamig drink (sweet chilled beverage, such as chilled fruit juice or other flavors like chocolate, coffee, sweet corn, etc., usually mixed with either shredded jelly and/or sago pearls or tapioca pearls)Philippines countable
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounShort for air cooler; evaporative cooler; desert cooler; swamp coolerIndia abbreviation alt-of countable
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounA prison.US slang
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounA bouncer or doorman.US slang
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounA cold deck.card-games gambling games pokercolloquial
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounA loss suffered while holding a hand which is ordinarily strong, especially one which involves the loss of many chips.card-games poker
PrisoncoolerEnglishnounA final glass of porter after a session drinking spirits and water.obsolete slang
PrisoncoolerEnglishadjcomparative form of cool: more coolcomparative form-of
PrisonвиправнийUkrainianadjcorrigible, correctable, rectifiable
PrisonвиправнийUkrainianadjcorrectional, reformatory
Procedural lawdispositifEnglishnounA part of a document that communicates the decisions taken by some organization or nation on a particular issue.
Procedural lawdispositifEnglishnounAccording to Michel Foucault, the aggregate of institutional, physical and administrative mechanisms and knowledge structures that enhance and maintain the exercise of power within society.human-sciences sciences social-science sociology
ProstitutionβίζιταGreeknounvisit, house call (a professional or friendly one)dated
ProstitutionβίζιταGreeknounA house call by a prostitute.broadly derogatory
ProstitutionβίζιταGreeknouncall girlbroadly
Prostitution男色Chinesenounmen being favoured by their superior for their appearanceliterary
Prostitution男色Chinesenounmale prostituteliterary
Prostitution男色Chinesenounmale homosexuality; male homosexual sexliterary
Proteales order plantsguardafuegoSpanishnounfender (for fire)nautical transportmasculine
Proteales order plantsguardafuegoSpanishnounLomatia dentata, a Chilean tree.masculine
ProtestantismprotestantPolishnounProtestantmasculine person
ProtestantismprotestantPolishnounprotest participantarchaic masculine person
Prunus genus plantsծիրանArmeniannounapricot (the fruit of Prunus armeniaca)
Prunus genus plantsծիրանArmeniannounapricot treebroadly colloquial
Prunus genus plantsծիրանArmeniannounvulvadialectal euphemistic
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounpoint (a position, place, or spot)neuter
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounpoint (moment in time)neuter
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounpoint (central idea, argument, or opinion of a discussion or presentation)neuter
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounpoint (tally of worth or score, such as in a game)neuter
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounpoint (mark, note, or grade, as in for a class)neuter
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounpointgeometry mathematics sciencesneuter
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounthe terminal point of somethingmasculine
Punctuation markspuntDutchnoundotmasculine
Punctuation markspuntDutchnounfull stop, periodmasculine
Punctuation markspuntDutchnouna pointy slice of a cake, pie or pizzamasculine
RadioactivityradiologyEnglishnounThe specialty of medical imaging and its interpretation, originally and especially radiography but now including all imaging modalities, including ones that use no radiation (such as ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging).medicine sciencesuncountable
RadioactivityradiologyEnglishnounThe use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment (which today is the province of nuclear medicine).medicine sciencesobsolete uncountable
Rail transportationrozjazdPolishnounrailroad switch, set of points, turnout (track system allowing the passage of railway vehicles or their combinations from one track to another)inanimate masculine
Rail transportationrozjazdPolishnouninterchange (arrangement of roads allowing the passage of vehicles from one traffic route to another)inanimate masculine
Rail transportationčelebijaSerbo-Croatiannoungentleman, gallant man, young noblemanarchaic
Rail transportationčelebijaSerbo-Croatiannounlearned man, effendiarchaic
Rail transportationčelebijaSerbo-Croatiannouna piece of wood used in weaving (unlike other uses, in feminine gender)historical
Rail transportationčelebijaSerbo-Croatiannoun(historical) supervisor of a train stationKosovo
Rail transportation鐵老大Chinesenamethe Ministry of Railways, which has a parallel system of governance as opposed to local governmentsMainland-China informal
Rail transportation鐵老大ChinesenameChina Railway, the successor of the Ministry of RailwaysMainland-China informal
Ranunculales order plantsIndian berryEnglishnounAnamirta cocculus, a climbing plant of India and southeast Asia.
Ranunculales order plantsIndian berryEnglishnounThe fruit of this plant.
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenouncoca plant
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenounCoca-Cola; cola (drink)
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenounkola nut
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenouncocaine
Recreational drugsdilerPolishnoundealer, middleman (person who deals in goods, especially automobiles)masculine person
Recreational drugsdilerPolishnoundrug dealer (person who illegally sells recreational drugs)masculine person
RedsmagangCebuanoadjhaving a bright red color
RedsmagangCebuanonounthe bright red color of some fruits
RedsпурпурныйRussianadjTyrian purple (relating to the dye)historical relational
RedsпурпурныйRussianadjcrimson, purple
RedsпурпурныйRussianadjmagenta (e.g. in the CMYK color model)
RedsпурпурныйRussianadjpurpuricchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Regions of AsiaKaschmirGermannamethe region of Kashmirneuter proper-noun strong
Regions of AsiaKaschmirGermannouncashmere (wool)masculine no-plural strong
ReligionbogSlovenenounparagon^([→SSKJ])figuratively uncommon
ReligionbogSlovenenounhighest value^([→SSKJ])figuratively uncommon
ReligionbénédictionFrenchnounblessing (some kind of divine or supernatural aid, or reward)feminine
ReligionhoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A pet dog; a dog kept for companionship.
ReligionhoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A hunting or sporting dog; a hound.
ReligionhoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A male or fully-grown dog.specifically
ReligionhoundMiddle EnglishnounA strong term of abuse, especially used against enemies of one's religion
ReligionhoundMiddle EnglishnounA heraldic portrayal of a dog.rare
ReligionhoundMiddle EnglishnounThe forces of evil; the infernal army.rare
ReligionhoundMiddle EnglishnounSirius (star)rare
ReligionseanmóiríIrishnounplural of seanmóirform-of plural
ReligionвјераSerbo-Croatiannounbelief, faith
RiversEridanusLatinnameSynonym of Padus (“the River Po”)communications human-sciences journalism literature media mysticism mythology philosophy poetry publishing sciences writingGreek declension-2
RiversEridanusLatinnameEridanus (constellation lying between Orion and Cetus)astronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-2
RiversThapsusLatinnameThapsus (ancient city near Bekalta in modern Tunisia)declension-2 feminine singular
RiversThapsusLatinnameThapsos (ancient city near Priolo Gargallo in modern Sicily)declension-2 feminine singular
RiversThapsusLatinnameA small river of Numidia, now the Saf Safdeclension-2 feminine singular
Rivers in RussiaЭрхүүBuryatnameIrkut, left tributary of the Angara River
Rivers in RussiaЭрхүүBuryatnameIrkutsk (a city in Russia)
Rivers in the NetherlandsMeuseEnglishnameA river in Europe that flows about 901 km (560 mi) from France through Belgium and the Netherlands to the North Sea.
Rivers in the NetherlandsMeuseEnglishnameA department in Grand Est, France. Capital: Bar-le-Duc (INSEE code 55).
Rocketrysoft launchEnglishnounThe launch of a missile in such a way that the rocket motor ignites outside of the launch tube, ejecting the missile non-explosively.aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Rocketrysoft launchEnglishnounThe release of a product or service (particularly software) to a limited audience, often in order to gain data on the product's usage and acceptance by marketing
Rocketrysoft launchEnglishnounThe subtle or ambiguous announcement of a romantic relationship, often via social media.informal
Rocketrysoft launchEnglishverbAlternative form of soft-launch.alt-of alternative
RockskredaPolishnounchalk (sedimentary rock)feminine
RockskredaPolishnounchalk (for writing on a blackboard)feminine
RockskredaPolishnounCretaceousgeography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
RodentsܩܣܛܘܪClassical Syriacnounbeaver (animal)
RodentsܩܣܛܘܪClassical Syriacnounquaestor, secretary
Role-playing gamesRPGPolishnounroleplaying game, RPG (type of game where one or more players assume the roles of characters (usually one each) to interact with a fictional world either defined by themselves or through the moderation of a neutral judge (usually referred to as the game master))indeclinable neuter
Role-playing gamesRPGPolishnounroleplaying game, RPG (type of computer game where the player takes the role of a character or party, normally lacking tests of physical skill and including more story-telling and narrative aspects than traditional action games)indeclinable neuter
RomaniaRoemeensAfrikaansadjRomanian (of, from, or pertaining to Romania, the Romanian people or the Romanian language)not-comparable
RomaniaRoemeensAfrikaansnameRomanian (language)
RoomsgrubaPolishnounpregnant womanfeminine noun-from-verb
RoomsgrubaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of grubyfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
RoomsgrubaPolishnounSynonym of piwnicafeminine
RoomsgrubaPolishnounfurnace that is lit from a hallwayfeminine
RoomshallHungarianverbto hear (to perceive sounds through the ear)intransitive
RoomshallHungarianverbto hear (to perceive with the ear)transitive
RoomshallHungariannounmiddle-sized, windowless room, entryway, hallway (in a private flat/apartment, with a size not smaller than 8 m² [86 sq ft], with space for people, but without affording them privacy due to its being an entry to other rooms)
RoomshallHungariannounlobby, foyer, lounge (e.g. in a hotel or an opera house)
RoomsصنفOttoman Turkishnounkind, sort, type, variety, a class of entities that have common characteristics such that they may be grouped together
RoomsصنفOttoman Turkishnounclass, category, a group, collection, or set to which items are assigned based on similarity or defined criteria
RoomsصنفOttoman Turkishnounclassroom, schoolroom, a room, often in a school, where classes take place and in which both children and adults learn
RoomsصنفOttoman Turkishnounguild, corporation, any association of artisans and merchants who oversee the practice of their craft or trade
Rosales order plantsStechdornGermannounChrist's thorn (Paliurus gen. et spp., especially Paliurus spina-christi)dated masculine strong
Rosales order plantsStechdornGermannounsea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)archaic masculine strong
Rosales order plantsStechdornGermannounholly, European holly (Ilex or Ilex aquifolium)masculine obsolete strong
RussiainguchePortuguesenounIngush (person from Ingushetia, Russia)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
RussiainguchePortugueseadjIngush (of or relating to Ingushetia)feminine masculine
Russian politicsPamyatEnglishnameA right-wing Russian political movement.
Russian politicsPamyatEnglishnounA member of this movement.
SI unitsvoltPolishnounAlternative spelling of woltalt-of alternative inanimate masculine
SI unitsvoltPolishnoungenitive plural of voltafeminine form-of genitive plural
SalmonidshumpbackEnglishnounA humped back (deformity in humans caused by abnormal curvature of the upper spine). / A hump or protuberance on the shoulders or back of an animal.broadly
SalmonidshumpbackEnglishnounA humped back (deformity in humans caused by abnormal curvature of the upper spine). / A rounded topographical feature, such as a mountain or hill.figuratively
SalmonidshumpbackEnglishnounA humped back (deformity in humans caused by abnormal curvature of the upper spine).
SalmonidshumpbackEnglishnounA person with a humpback; a person who suffers from kyphosis.derogatory offensive
SalmonidshumpbackEnglishnounA humpback whale.
SalmonidshumpbackEnglishnounA humpback salmon.
SalmonidshumpbackEnglishverbTo hunt humpback whales.
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishnounA frankfurter sausage.
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishnounA food item (dish) consisting of a frankfurter or wiener and (usually) a hot dog bun, with toppings such as ketchup, mustard, relish, sauerkraut, onions, cheese, etc.
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishnounA show-off or daredevil, especially in such sports as surfing, skateboarding, or skiing.
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishnounA battered, deep-fried sausage or saveloy on a stick; a corn dog.New-Zealand
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishnounThe penis.slang
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishnounA sexually suggestive physical gesture involving hip movement.
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishnounDescribing the shape of a rectangular piece of paper folded in half so that it forms a long rectangle.educationUS informal
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishverbTo perform a dangerous or difficult act or stunt as a display of skill or daring, especially in surfing and other sports.intransitive slang
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishintjAn expression of delight or enthusiasm.
Sandwicheshot dogEnglishintjAn expression of disappointment.
SawspuukkosahaFinnishnounreciprocating saw
SawspuukkosahaFinnishnounSynonym of pistosaha
SciencesdalumatTagalognounabstract conception; very deep thought
SciencesdalumatTagalognounfixing of a broken objectobsolete
Scorpaeniform fish獅子魚Chinesenounsnailfish, member of the family Liparidae
Scorpaeniform fish獅子魚Chinesenounlionfish, member of the genus Pterois
SeabirdsterneDanishnountern (Sternidae)common-gender
SeabirdsterneDanishnounmaid, young female servantcommon-gender historical
SeabirdstimmikGreenlandicnounnorthern gannet (Morus bassanus)
SecuritysavaciounMiddle EnglishnounSecurity; the act of making or state of being protected.uncountable
SecuritysavaciounMiddle EnglishnounReligious salvation; deliverance from eternal doom.uncountable
SecuritysavaciounMiddle EnglishnounAn individual who acts as security or salvation.uncountable
SecuritysavaciounMiddle EnglishnounPreservation, maintenance, or that which ensures it.uncountable
SecuritysavaciounMiddle EnglishnounDeliverance from or remediation of a wrong.rare uncountable
SecuritysavaciounMiddle EnglishnounMedical remediation; the restoration of health.medicine sciencesrare uncountable
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To rescue from danger or death, or effort.ambitransitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To protect from danger; to safeguard.ambitransitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo save (prevent from harm or difficulty): / To deliver from eternal religionambitransitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To preserve or maintain; to keep intact.ambitransitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To securely keep or lock away (goods or a person)ambitransitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo preserve or store: / To save (store away or conserve).ambitransitive
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo adhere to a regulation, agreement or dictate.
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo heal or better; to improve health, emotions, or morals.
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo recover or get back; to have restored.rare
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishverbTo store or accumulate; to be filled with.rare
SecuritysavenMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of savynealt-of alternative
SedgessitnikPolishnounsieve-makerarchaic masculine person regional
SedgessitnikPolishnounany mushroom of the order Boletales / Suillus bovinusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany mushroom of the order Boletales / Suillus granulatusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany mushroom of the order Boletales / Caloboletus calopusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Isolepisinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Eleocharisinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Juncusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Scirpusinanimate masculine
SemanticsتعريفArabicnounverbal noun of عَرَّفَ (ʕarrafa) (form II)form-of noun-from-verb
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus bicolor (mottled soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus bistrispinus (freckled soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus bornoi (largespotted soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus carpenteri (slope soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus courtenayi (Socorran soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus maculatus (whitespotted soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus nigripinnis (blackfin soapfish, twice-spotted soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus randalli (plain soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus saponaceus (greater soapfish, three-spined soapfish, soapy jack)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Rypticus spp. / Rypticus subbifrenatus (spotted soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Grammistes sexlineatus (golden stripe soapfish, goldenstriped soapfish, six-lined soapfish, skunkfish
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Aulacocephalus temminckii (goldribbon soapfish, goldstripe grouper)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Pogonoperca ocellata (Indian soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Pogonoperca punctata (leaflip soapfish, spotted soapfish, snowflake soapfish, leaflip grouper)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Diploprion bifasciatum (barred soapfish, two-banded soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounAny of a number of serranid fish that can secrete a toxic soaplike mucus / Diploprion drachi (yellowfin soapfish)
SerranidssoapfishEnglishnounA species of lizardfish (Synodus foetens)
SerranidssunoCebuanoverbto copy
SerranidssunoCebuanoverbto imitate
SerranidssunoCebuanonounany of several fish species in the family Serranidae including
SerranidssunoCebuanonounany of several fish species in the family Serranidae including: / the leopard coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus)
SexHöhepunktGermannounhighlight; climax; high; high pointmasculine strong
SexHöhepunktGermannounorgasm, climaxmasculine strong
SexagamiaPolishnounagamy (state of being unmarried)feminine literary
SexagamiaPolishnounagamy (inability to sexually reproduce) (as seen in worker bees or ants)biology natural-sciencesfeminine
Sexhappy endingEnglishnounA conclusion to a story in which all the loose ends of the plot are tied up, and all the main characters are left in a state of contentment or happiness.human-sciences linguistics narratology sciences
Sexhappy endingEnglishnounA hand job, especially one provided by a masseuse to a client at or towards the end of a massage.broadly euphemistic slang vulgar
SexkinkEnglishverbTo laugh loudly.
SexkinkEnglishverbTo gasp for breath as in a severe fit of coughing.
SexkinkEnglishnounA convulsive fit of coughing or laughter; a sonorous indraft of breath; a whoop; a gasp of breath caused by laughing, coughing, or crying.Scotland dialectal
SexkinkEnglishnounA tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, hair etc.countable uncountable
SexkinkEnglishnounA difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in a plan or system.countable uncountable
SexkinkEnglishnounAn unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice.countable uncountable
SexkinkEnglishnounPeculiarity or deviation in sexual behaviour or taste.countable informal uncountable
SexkinkEnglishnounA person with peculiar sexual tastes.countable informal
SexkinkEnglishnounA positive 1-soliton solution to the sine-Gordon equation.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
SexkinkEnglishverbTo form a kink or twist.transitive
SexkinkEnglishverbTo be formed into a kink or twist.intransitive
SexraisataIngrianverbspoil, ruintransitive
Sexism女嫌いJapanesenounmisogyny (of an attitude)
Sexism女嫌いJapanesenounmisogynist (of a person)
Sexual orientationsheterossexualPortugueseadjheterosexualfeminine masculine not-comparable
Sexual orientationsheterossexualPortuguesenouna heterosexual personby-personal-gender feminine masculine
SexualitynormosexualEnglishadjHaving a normal amount of sexual drive.not-comparable
SexualitynormosexualEnglishadjHaving a socially normative sexuality.not-comparable
Sexually transmitted diseasessyfPolishnoundirt, filth, grimecolloquial inanimate masculine
Sexually transmitted diseasessyfPolishnounmess, disarraycolloquial inanimate masculine
Sexually transmitted diseasessyfPolishnounpimple, spotdermatology medicine sciencescolloquial inanimate masculine
Sexually transmitted diseasessyfPolishnounsomething of low qualitycolloquial inanimate masculine
Sexually transmitted diseasessyfPolishnounsyphilisinanimate masculine vulgar
Sexually transmitted diseases淋病Chinesenoungonorrhea
Sexually transmitted diseases淋病ChinesenameCarrie Lam, 4th Chief Executive of Hong KongHong-Kong derogatory
ShapessquareMiddle EnglishnounA square (tool used to ensure a right angle)
ShapessquareMiddle EnglishnounA square (equilateral rectangle); a square plot of land.
ShapessquareMiddle EnglishnounOne of the edges of a square.
ShapessquareMiddle EnglishnounIn late medieval English, an esquire.
ShapesמשולשHebrewnountrianglegeometry mathematics sciences
ShapesמשולשHebrewnameTriangulumastronomy natural-sciences
Sharksblind sharkEnglishnounEither of two bottom-dwelling sharks constituting the family Brachaeluridae.
Sharksblind sharkEnglishnounBrachaelurus waddi, of eastern Australia.
SharkssharkEnglishnounAny scaleless, predatory fish of the superorder Selachimorpha, with a cartilaginous skeleton and 5 to 7 gill slits on each side of its head.biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoologycountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounFlesh of this animal, consumed as food.uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounVarious other fishes that resemble true sharks in appearance and/or behaviour: / A ghost shark, also called a chimaera (any fish in order Chimaeriformes)countable uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounVarious other fishes that resemble true sharks in appearance and/or behaviour: / A spiny shark (any extinct fish in the paraphyletic grade †Acanthodii, which is also considered a class.)countable uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounVarious other fishes that resemble true sharks in appearance and/or behaviour: / A freshwater shark. / Any fish in the genus Epalzeorhynchos.countable uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounVarious other fishes that resemble true sharks in appearance and/or behaviour: / A freshwater shark. / Any fish in the genus Balantiocheilos.countable uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounVarious other fishes that resemble true sharks in appearance and/or behaviour: / A freshwater shark. / An iridescent shark (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus).countable uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounVarious other fishes that resemble true sharks in appearance and/or behaviour: / A freshwater shark. / A roseline shark (Dawkinsia denisonii).countable uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounVarious other fishes that resemble true sharks in appearance and/or behaviour: / A freshwater shark. / A paroon shark (Pangasius sanitwongsei).countable uncountable
SharkssharkEnglishnounA noctuid moth of species Cucullia umbratica.countable
SharkssharkEnglishnounA university student who is not a fresher that has engaged in sexual activity with a fresher; usually habitually and with multiple people.UK countable
SharkssharkEnglishverbTo fish for sharks.rare
SharkssharkEnglishverbOf a university student who is not a fresher: to engage in sexual activity with a fresher, or to be at a bar or club with the general intention of engaging in such activity.UK
SharkssharkEnglishnounSomeone who exploits others, for example by trickery, lies, usury, extortion.
SharkssharkEnglishnounA sleazy and amoral lawyer.derogatory informal
SharkssharkEnglishnounAn ambulance chaser.derogatory informal
SharkssharkEnglishnounA relentless and resolute person or group, especially in business.informal
SharkssharkEnglishnounA person that excels in a particular field.
SharkssharkEnglishnounA person that excels in a particular field. / A very good poker or pool player. Compare fish (a bad poker player).informal
SharkssharkEnglishnounA person who feigns ineptitude to win money from hobbies lifestyle sports
SharkssharkEnglishverbTo steal or obtain through fraud.obsolete
SharkssharkEnglishverbTo play the petty thief; to practice fraud or trickery; to swindle.intransitive obsolete
SharkssharkEnglishverbTo live by shifts and stratagems.intransitive obsolete
SharkssharkEnglishverbTo pick or gather indiscriminately or covertly.obsolete
SheepgrannyEnglishnounA grandmother.colloquial
SheepgrannyEnglishnounAny elderly woman, regardless of if she has grandchildren.colloquial
SheepgrannyEnglishnounA granny knot.
SheepgrannyEnglishnounAn older ewe that may lure a lamb away from its mother.agriculture business lifestylecolloquial
SheepgrannyEnglishadjtypically or stereotypically old-fashioned, especially in clothing and accessories worn by or associated with elderly women.informal not-comparable
SheepgrannyEnglishverbTo be a grandmother.informal intransitive
SheepgrannyEnglishverbTo act like a stereotypical grandmother; to fuss.informal intransitive
SheepgrannyEnglishnounA grand final.Australia colloquial
SheeplambkinEnglishnounA young lamb, a very young sheep.
SheeplambkinEnglishnounA term of endearment.
SheepweanerEnglishnounAn animal that has been recently weaned.
SheepweanerEnglishnounA device used to help wean a young animal by keeping it from suckling.
ShorebirdsmeriharakkaFinnishnounEurasian oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus
ShorebirdsmeriharakkaFinnishnounoystercatcher (bird of the family Haematopodidae)
ShorebirdsmeriharakkaFinnishnounThe taxonomic family Haematopodidae, or, the genus Haematopus, the only genus in the
SixᠨᡳᠩᡤᡠᡨᠠManchuadvAlternative spelling of ᠨᡳᠩᡤᡠᡨᡝ (ninggute)alt-of alternative
SixᠨᡳᠩᡤᡠᡨᠠManchunameNingguta, a region of the Qing dynastyhistorical
SizemamuciPolishadjmammoth (pertaining to mammals of the genus Mammuthus)not-comparable relational
SizemamuciPolishadjmammoth, colossal, enormous, giganticcolloquial not-comparable
SizewhoppingEnglishadjExceptionally great or large.colloquial not-comparable
SizewhoppingEnglishadvExceedingly, extremely, very.colloquial not-comparable
SizewhoppingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of whop.form-of gerund participle present
SizewhoppingEnglishnounA beating.
Skeletonin̄Marshalleseadjangry, upset
Skeletonin̄Marshallesenounspine (of fish)
SlaveryescravidãoPortuguesenounservitude, subjectionfeminine
SleeptuluganTagalognounsleeping area; area for sleeping
SleeptuluganTagalogverbto be slept on
SmellאַראָמאַטYiddishnounaroma (a pleasant smell)
Smell구리다Koreanadjto be foul-smelling, foul
Smell구리다Koreanadjto be disgusting, nasty
Smell구리다Koreanadjto be shady, suspicious
SnakesπυρρίαςAncient Greeknounkind of red-colored serpent
SnakesπυρρίαςAncient Greeknounnickname given to red-haired slaves from Thrace
SnowpoudreuseFrenchadjfeminine singular of poudreuxfeminine form-of singular
SnowpoudreuseFrenchnounpowder, powder snowfeminine uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounThat which represents something else.countable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounThe act of representing.countable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounThe appearance(s) of a particular demographic group in a piece of media, particularly in regards to how such appearances are treated.broadly uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounThe lawyers and staff who argue on behalf of another in court.lawcountable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounThe ability to elect a representative to speak on one's behalf in government; the role of this representative in government.government politicscountable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounAn action of some algebraic structure (typically a group or algebra, particularly a Lie algebra) on a vector space, such that each element acts by a linear endomorphism.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounA figure, image or idea that substitutes reality.countable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounA theatrical performance.countable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounA statement; a presentation of opinion or position, or an utterance made to influence the opinions or actions of otherscountable uncountable
Social justicerepresentationEnglishnounAn act of representing, i.e. presenting again.medicine sciences
SoundhangosHungarianadjloud, noisy
SoundhangosHungarianadjhaving sound, with sound
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjHappy, joyful, pleased; in a good mood or state of mind: / Tending to be happy; jovial, merry, good-natured, blissful.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjHappy, joyful, pleased; in a good mood or state of mind: / Creating or pertaining to happiness; nice, good, delightful.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjHappy, joyful, pleased; in a good mood or state of mind: / Happy, nice, good, bounteous.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjHappy, joyful, pleased; in a good mood or state of mind: / Useful, entertaining, appealing.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjAttractive, good-looking; pleasing to one's eyes.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjHaving a good, nice or pleasing scent or smell.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjPowerful, mighty, tough; having much strength.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjFull of humor (due to drink).rare
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjActive, fast, vigorous.rare
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadjIntelligent, smart, learned.rare
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadvMerrily, gladly, jovially; in a happy or merry way.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadvPleasingly, delightfully; in a way causing happiness.
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadvAttractively, nicely.rare
SoundmeryMiddle EnglishadvWithout strength or harshness.rare
SoundկարկաչելArmenianverbto purl, to babble, to sough (of water)
SoundկարկաչելArmenianverbto chirrup, to twitter, to chirp (of birds)
SoundկարկաչելArmenianverbto laugh boisterously, to cackle, to guffawfiguratively
SoundկարկաչելArmenianverbto resound, to reverberatefiguratively
SoundկարկաչելArmenianverbto chatter (of teeth)
SoundChinesecharacterto sigh
SoundChinesecharacterto chantin-compounds literary
SoundChinesecharacterto praise; to exclaim in admirationin-compounds literary
SoundChinesecharacterShort for 嘆詞/叹词 (tàncí, “interjection”).grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of
SoundChinesecharacterto enjoyCantonese Nanning Pinghua
SoundsbellowingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of bellowform-of gerund participle present
SoundsbellowingEnglishnounThe sound produced when someone or something bellows
SoundszahuczećPolishverbto make a low, resonant soundintransitive perfective
SoundszahuczećPolishverbto pound (to hurt very badly)intransitive perfective
SparidsporgyEnglishnounAny of several fish of the family Sparidae; the seabream.
SparidsporgyEnglishnounAny of several fish of the family Sparidae; the seabream. / In particular, the scup (paugie, Stenotomus chrysops).
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnoundiscoloration of woodfeminine
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounhay, fur, straw, or tow for covering furniturefeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounrouge; lipstick; whiteningcosmetics lifestylefeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounwoodruff (Galium odoratum)feminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnounchromatosismedicine pathology sciencesfeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnouncolor of fabricfeminine obsolete
Spices and herbsbarwicaPolishnoundye, pigmentMiddle Polish feminine
Spices and herbsbawangTagalognoungarlic
Spices and herbsbawangTagalognounbig firecracker shaped like garlic
Spices and herbsbawangTagalognounfat personderogatory slang
Spices and herbsbawangTagalognounthickly forested mountain region with uneven terrain
Spices and herbsمصالحہUrdunounspices, seasoning
Spices and herbsمصالحہUrdunounmasala
Spices and herbsمصالحہUrdunoungossip, talkslang
SpinningkòłoKashubiannouncircle (part of the plane bounded by a curve)neuter
SpinningkòłoKashubiannounwheel (round simple machine allowing vehicles to move)neuter
SpinningkòłoKashubiannouncircle (anything round)neuter
SpinningkòłoKashubiannouncircle (specific groups of persons; especially one who shares a common interest)neuter
SpinningkòłoKashubiannounbicycle (two wheeled vehicle, usually powered with the feet)neuter
SpinningkòłoKashubiannounring of light around the Moonneuter
Sportsjooł iih nálniihíNavajonounbasketball (game)
Sportsjooł iih nálniihíNavajonounbasketball (the ball)
Sportsjooł iih nálniihíNavajonounbasketball hoop
SportsmotorsportEnglishnounauto racingcountable uncountable
SportsmotorsportEnglishnounAny sport involving automobiles (motor cars) other than racing; e.g. time trialscountable uncountable
SportsmotorsportEnglishnounAny sport involving motor vehiclescountable uncountable
SportsrozbićPolishverbto break, to shatterperfective transitive
SportsrozbićPolishverbto pitch (to assemble a tent or make a camp)perfective transitive
SportsrozbićPolishverbto rout, to decisively beat enemy forcesgovernment military politics warperfective transitive
SportsrozbićPolishverbto break (make the first shot in a cue sport game)intransitive perfective
SportsrozbićPolishverbto crashperfective reflexive
SportsrozbićPolishverbSynonym of upaśćperfective reflexive
Spurgesrubber treeEnglishnounA tropical South American tree, Hevea brasiliensis, the principal source of natural rubber.
Spurgesrubber treeEnglishnounA tropical fig with broad, glossy leaves, often grown as a house plant, Ficus elastica
StarsAlcíoneCatalannameAlcyone (daughter of Atlas)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
StarsAlcíoneCatalannameAlcyone (daughter of Aeolus)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
StarsAlcíoneCatalannameAlcyone (brightest star in the Pleiades)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
StarsṢonLimburgishnamethe Sunastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
StarsṢonLimburgishnouna sun (a star, especially when being the center of a solar system)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
StarsṢonLimburgishnounsunshine, sunlight (the light and warmth we receive on Earth from the sun)feminine uncountable
Stock charactersseerEnglishnounOne who foretells the future; a clairvoyant, prophet, soothsayer or diviner.
Stock charactersseerEnglishnounOne who sees something; an eyewitness.
Stock charactersseerEnglishnounAlternative form of sihralt-of alternative
Stock charactersübermenschEnglishnounAn overman (“higher” man) who has overcome (transcended) his (mere) humanity. (There is no consensus regarding the exact nature of the figure of the übermensch in Nietzsche’s philosophy.)
Stock charactersübermenschEnglishnounA member of the proposed Aryan super race.
String instrumentstì bàVietnamesenounpipa (pear-shaped plucked lute) or one of its derivatives (Vietnamese dan ty ba, Japanese biwa, Korean bipa)
String instrumentstì bàVietnamesenounloquat
Suicide自死Japaneseverbto commit suicide
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishnounA stupid person.
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishnounAny of various large tropical seabirds from the genera Sula and Papasula in the gannet family Sulidae, traditionally considered to be stupid.
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishnounIn the game of croquet, a ball that has not passed through the first wicket.
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishverbTo behave stupidly; to act like a booby.intransitive rare
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishverbTo install a booby trap on or at (something); to attack (someone) with a booby trap.transitive
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishadjStupid; unintelligent.obsolete slang
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishnounA breast.childish colloquial
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishadjDisplaying breasts prominently.informal
Suliform birdsboobyEnglishadjHaving large breasts.informal
Suliform birdsfregataPolishnounfrigatefeminine
Suliform birdsfregataPolishnounfrigatebirdfeminine
SurfingboardEnglishnounA relatively long, wide and thin piece of any material, usually wood or similar, often for use in construction or furniture-making.countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounA device (e.g., switchboard) containing electrical switches and other controls and designed to control lights, sound, telephone connections, etc.countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounA flat surface with markings for playing a board game.countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounShort for blackboard, whiteboard, chessboard, surfboard, circuit board, message board (on the Internet), bulletin board, etc.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounA committee that manages the business of an organization, e.g., a board of directors.countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounRegular meals in a place of lodging; the price paid for them.uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounThe side of a ship.nautical transportcountable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounThe distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward.nautical transportcountable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounThe wall that surrounds an ice hockey rink.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportscountable in-plural often uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounA long, narrow table, like that used in a medieval dining hall.archaic countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounPaper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers, etc.; pasteboard.countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounA level or stage having a particular two-dimensional uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounThe portion of the playing field where creatures or minions can be placed (or played, summoned, etc.).countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounA container for holding pre-dealt cards that is used to allow multiple sets of players to play the same cards.bridge gamescountable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishnounA provincial assembly or council.Philippines countable uncountable
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo step or climb onto or otherwise enter a ship, aircraft, train or other conveyance.transitive
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo provide someone with meals and lodging, usually in exchange for money.transitive
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo receive meals and lodging in exchange for money.transitive
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo (at least attempt to) capture an enemy ship by going alongside and grappling her, then invading her with a boarding party.nautical transporttransitive
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensationintransitive
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo approach (someone); to make advances to, accost.archaic transitive
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo cover with boards or boarding.
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo hit (someone) with a wooden board.
SurfingboardEnglishverbTo write something on a board, especially a blackboard or whiteboard.transitive
SurfingboardEnglishnounA rebound.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsinformal
Surfingsurf's upEnglishphraseA phrase used in surfing when a nearby wave is passing.
Surfingsurf's upEnglishphraseIt's time (to do something).idiomatic
SushifuguPolishnounspot-fin porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix)feminine indeclinable
SushifuguPolishnounfugu (delicacy popular in Japan served raw as sushi that may, if improperly prepared, contain deadly levels of neurotoxins)feminine indeclinable
SwanselkeEnglishnounThe European wild, whistling, or common swan (Cygnus cygnus, syn. Cygnus ferus).obsolete
SwanselkeEnglishnounObsolete form of elk.alt-of obsolete
SweetsSchokoladeGermannounchocolate (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans)feminine
SweetsSchokoladeGermannouncocoa drinkfeminine
SweetsшоколадRussiannounluxury, success, fortuneslang
Sweets과편Koreannouna form of music found in "Jeongupsa" (정읍사)
TaiwanDPPEnglishnameInitialism of Democratic Progressive Party (“political party in Taiwan”).abbreviation alt-of initialism
TaiwanDPPEnglishnameInitialism of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.lifestyleabbreviation alt-of initialism slang
TaiwanDPPEnglishnameInitialism of Democratic Party of the Philippines.government politicsPhilippine abbreviation alt-of initialism
TaiwanDPPEnglishnounInitialism of direct participation program/plan.abbreviation alt-of initialism
TaiwanDPPEnglishnounInitialism of Director of Public Prosecutions.lawCommonwealth abbreviation alt-of initialism
TaiwanDPPEnglishnounInitialism of Deputy Public Prosecutor.abbreviation alt-of initialism
TalkingtwaddleEnglishnounEmpty or silly idle talk or writing; nonsense, rubbish.uncountable
TalkingtwaddleEnglishnounOne who twaddles; a twaddler.countable
TalkingtwaddleEnglishverbTo talk or write nonsense; to prattle.
TasteاكشیOttoman Turkishadjacid, sour, tart, sharp or biting to the taste, having the taste of vinegar
TasteاكشیOttoman Turkishnounacid, any compound capable of either donating a proton, or forming a covalent bond with an electron pairchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TasteܛܥܡܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounthe sense of taste
TasteܛܥܡܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountaste, flavor
TasteܛܥܡܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountasting, relish
TasteܛܥܡܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounvalue, profit, benefitfiguratively
TaxonomyríkiFaroesenounstateindependent neuter
TaxonomyríkiFaroesenounkingdom, regnum (taxon)biology natural-sciencesneuter
Technologytechnology transferEnglishnounThe movement of (especially new) technology from one field or region to another, especially from a research institution to the marketplace in order to allow commercialization.countable uncountable
Technologytechnology transferEnglishnounThe use of a concept or product from one technology to solve a problem in an unrelated one.countable uncountable
TeethрезецRussiannouncutter, cutting tool, chisel, draw knife
TeethрезецRussiannounincisor (tooth)
TeethрезецRussiannoundrill bit, tool bit
TeethрезецRussiannounplow colter
TelephonytelefonSerbo-Croatiannountelephone numbercolloquial
TelevisionטעלעוויזיעYiddishnountelevision (medium)
TelevisionטעלעוויזיעYiddishnountelevision (device)US especially
TemperaturezamarzaćPolishverbto freezeimperfective intransitive
TemperaturezamarzaćPolishverbto freeze overimperfective intransitive usually
TemperaturezamarzaćPolishverbto die from cold, to freeze to deathimperfective intransitive
TemperaturezamarzaćPolishverbto starve to death or to weaken by starvationimperfective transitive
TemperaturezamarzaćPolishverbto kill a silkworm pupae with hot air or steamimperfective transitive
TemperaturezamarzaćPolishverbto starve oneself to death or to weaken oneself by starvationimperfective reflexive
TemperatureгорещBulgarianadjfierce, heatedfiguratively
TheaterszínházHungariannountheater (a place or building, consisting of a stage and seating, in which an audience gathers to watch plays, musical performances, public ceremonies, and so on)
TheaterszínházHungariannountheater (a branch of performing arts)
TheaterszínházHungariannountheater (the entire staff of a theater, or more narrowly, the ensemble of actors contracted to the theater)
TheaterszínházHungariannountheater (a conspicuous but unproductive display of action)colloquial derogatory figuratively
ThinkingakiliSwahilinouncommon senseno-plural
ThinkingcogitatioLatinnounthinking, meditation, reflectiondeclension-3
ThinkingcogitatioLatinnounintention, plan, designdeclension-3
ThinkingпознатьRussianverbto cognizehuman-sciences philosophy sciences
ThinkingпознатьRussianverbto get to know, to learn
ThinkingпознатьRussianverbto experience, to get to know
ThinkingἀναμιμνήσκωAncient Greekverbto remindactive
ThinkingἀναμιμνήσκωAncient Greekverbto remember
ThreeᡤᡡᠰᡳᠨManchunounthe thirtieth day of a month of the Chinese lunar calendar
TimecontinuoItaliannounthat which has continuity or continuousnessmasculine
TimecontinuoItaliannounthat which has continuity or continuousness / that whose perception cannot be broken down into various distinct elementary perceptionshuman-sciences natural-sciences philosophy physical-sciences physics sciencesmasculine
TimecontinuoItaliannouna prolonged seriesbroadly masculine
TimecontinuoItaliannouncontinuum (set of real numbers)mathematics sciencesmasculine
TimecontinuoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of continuarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
TimepokoleniePolishnoungeneration (period of around thirty years, the average amount of time before a child takes the place of its parents)neuter
TimepokoleniePolishnoungeneration (group of people born in a specific range of years and whose members can relate culturally to one another)neuter
TimeрокBelarusiannounyear (time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun)obsolete
TimeрокBelarusiannounrock musicuncountable
TimeآیOttoman Turkishnounmoon
TimeآیOttoman Turkishnounmonth
TimeدنUrdunounday (from one midnight to another)
TimeدنUrdunounday (a period of 24-hours)
TimeدنUrdunouna period of timebroadly
TimeدنUrdunounage; erabroadly
TimeدنUrdunounday; daytime (the period from sunrise till sunset)
TimeدنUrdunounday; occasion
TimeدنUrdunounseason; circumstance (ie. these days)in-plural
TimeدنUrdunounluck; fate (ie. to have good or bad luck)figuratively
TimeساعتOttoman Turkishnounhour, a time period of sixty minutes; one twenty-fourth of a day
TimeساعتOttoman Turkishnounwatch, clock, an instrument that measures the time of day
Time階段Chinesenounphase; stage (Classifier: 個/个)
Time階段Chinesenounlevel (Classifier: 個/个)business mining
Times of dayentardecerPortugueseverbto become late or close to night
Times of dayentardecerPortuguesenounevening (the transition period between afternoon and night)masculine
Times of daypagiIndonesiannounmorning
Times of daypagiIndonesianintjShort for selamat pagi.abbreviation alt-of
Times of daytwilightEnglishnounThe soft light in the sky seen before the rising and (especially) after the setting of the sun, occasioned by the illumination of the earth’s atmosphere by the direct rays of the sun and their reflection on the earth.countable uncountable
Times of daytwilightEnglishnounThe time when this light is visible; the period between daylight and darkness.countable uncountable
Times of daytwilightEnglishnounAny faint light through which something is seen.countable uncountable
Times of daytwilightEnglishnounThe time when the sun is less than 18° below the horizon.astronomy natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Times of daytwilightEnglishnounAn in-between or fading condition through which something is perceived.broadly countable figuratively uncountable
Times of daytwilightEnglishadjPertaining to or resembling twilight; faintly illuminated; obscure.not-comparable
Times of daytwilightEnglishadjSynonym of mesopelagic (“Describing the pelagic zone of the ocean between the photic epipelagic and the aphotic bathypelagic zones, characterized by very minimal light.”)not-comparable
Times of daytwilightEnglishverbTo illuminate faintly.poetic transitive
Times of daywječorUpper Sorbiannounevening (vague time of day sometime between sunset and midnight)inanimate masculine
Times of daywječorUpper Sorbiannounwest (area of the horizon where the Sun sets)inanimate masculine
TitlesM.EnglishnounAlternative form of M (“Monsieur”).alt-of alternative
TitlesM.EnglishnounA gender-neutral honorific, comparable to Mx., used instead of Mr., Mrs., etc.rare
TitlesM.EnglishnounAbbreviation of model.abbreviation alt-of
TitlesسرعسكرOttoman Turkishnouncommander in chief, the supreme commander of the armed forces of a country
TitlesسرعسكرOttoman Turkishnounseraskier, a title formerly given to a vizier who commanded an armyhistorical
TitlesဦးBurmeseverbto be ahead (of others)
TitlesဦးBurmeseverbto preempt, forestall
TitlesဦးBurmeseverbto refine (gold)
TitlesဦးBurmesenounprow, bow
TitlesဦးBurmesenounhead, fore, frontage
TitlesဦးBurmesenounfront part
TitlesဦးBurmesenounvan, fore
TitlesဦးBurmesenouncommencement, inception, onset, earlier part
TitlesဦးBurmeseparticletitle prefixed to the name of a man or a monk
TitlesဦးBurmeseparticlehonorific term prefixed to the name of a monk
TitlesဦးBurmeseparticleform of address for older men, roughly the average age of one's uncle; sirhonorific
TitlesဦးBurmeseparticleparticle suffixed to a verb or adjective to denote something offered first (as to a monk in deference); first (in season); first (sale of the day)
TitlesဦးBurmeseparticleparticle suffixed to verbs to denote a prerequisite, definite or imperative condition
TitlesဦးBurmeseclassifiernumerical classifier used with counting people
Toads癩蛤蟆Chinesenountoad (Classifier: 隻/只 m)
Toads癩蛤蟆Chinesenounugly person
Tobacco煙草Chinesenountobacco leaf
Tobacco煙草Chinesenountobacco product
Toilet (room)kibelPolishnounbog, john, can, lavatory, toiletcolloquial inanimate masculine
Toilet (room)kibelPolishnounmess, disorderinanimate masculine slang
Toilet (room)kibelPolishnounprisoninanimate masculine slang
Toilet (room)kibelPolishnounmotor scooterderogatory inanimate masculine slang
Toilet (room)kibelPolishnounPKP class EN57 electric multiple unitrail-transport railways transportinanimate masculine slang
Tonga911EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Liberia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Anguilla, Palau, and Tonga.
Tonga911EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Belize Canada Philippines US countable metonymically uncountable
Tonga911EnglishnounAn emergency phone call.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Tonga911EnglishnounAn emergency.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Tonga911EnglishverbTo call emergency services.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial
Tonga911EnglishnameA prominent family of sports cars manufactured by Porsche.automotive transport vehicles
ToolsaxMiddle EnglishnounAn axe (tool)
ToolsaxMiddle EnglishnounAn axe (weapon)
ToolsaxMiddle EnglishnounAn axle, axletree, polerare
Toolscha'alCahuillanounA sieve
Toolscha'alCahuillanounA trap
ToolskiVietnamesenouna pinbowling hobbies lifestyle sports
ToolskiVietnamesenoundog (animal)colloquial euphemistic
ToolskiVietnamesenouncommon Vietnamese name for dogs
ToolskiVietnamesenouna dustpan
ToolsorogunYorubanounco-wife, the other wives of one's husband in a polygamous marriage
ToolsorogunYorubanounA wooden stirring stick used to prepare foods like àmàlà and ẹ̀kọ, similar to a spatula and smaller than the ọmọ odó used for pounding.
ToolstrivetEnglishnounA stand with three short legs, especially for cooking over a fire.
ToolstrivetEnglishnounA stand, sometimes with short, stumpy feet, used to support hot dishes and protect a table; a coaster.
ToolstrivetEnglishnounA weaver's knife used to cut out the wire that was used to form a pile.
TourismreisijuhtEstoniannounguide, tour guide (a person guiding tourists on a trip)
TourismreisijuhtEstoniannounguide book, travel guide
TownsAegiraLatinnamea town of Achaia and member of the Achean leaguedeclension-1
TownsAegiraLatinnameanother name of the island of Lesbosdeclension-1
ToxicologytoxinEnglishnounA toxic substance, specifically a poison produced by the biological processes of organisms.
ToxicologytoxinEnglishnounSynonym of toxicant: a toxic substance in a body requiring removal.broadly proscribed usually
Toy dogsbolończykPolishnounBolognese (breed of dog)animal-not-person masculine
Toy dogsbolończykPolishnounBolognese (male inhabitant of Bologna)masculine person
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenouninterpreter (a person who orally or gesturally translates)animate inanimate
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenounexegeteanimate inanimate
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenounindicatoranimate inanimate
Translation studiesadierazleBasquenounsignificanthuman-sciences linguistics sciencesanimate inanimate
Translingual cardinal numbersVIITranslingualnumA Roman numeral representing seven (7).
Translingual cardinal numbersVIITranslingualnumthe seventh.especially
Translingual cardinal numbersVIITranslingualsymbolmajor subtonic triadentertainment lifestyle music
Translingual diacritical marks◌́Translingualcharactera high tone.IPA diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks◌́Translingualcharactera rising tone, or, in contrast to low ⟨◌̗⟩, a high rising tone.IPA diacritic obsolete
Translingual diacritical marks◌́TranslingualcharacterMarks a stressed syllable with "falling tone".dialectology human-sciences linguistics sciencesLithuanian diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks◌́TranslingualcharacterA palatalized consonant, and in some conventions a palatal consonant. For example, palatalized t́, d́, ś, ź, ń, ĺ; palatalized or palatal ḱ, ǵ, χ́, γ́ and ŋ́ or ή.UPA diacritic
TransportmetroTurkishnounmeter, metre
TravelпогостRussiannounrural cemetery
TravelпогостRussiannounvillage church located away from the settlement, with a graveyard, its own land and a house for the clergydated
TravelпогостRussiannouncoaching inn for princes and important church officialshistorical
TravelпогостRussiannounpogost, former administrative-territorial unit in Russia, up through the 18th century, consisting of several villageshistorical
TravelпогостRussiannounpogost, a large village in the center of such an administrative-territorial unithistorical
TreesdalapotCebuanonouncamphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora)
TreesdalapotCebuanonounNgai camphor (Blumea balsamifera)
TreeslubaszkaPolishnoundamson, damson plum (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)feminine
TreeslubaszkaPolishnoundamson, damson plum (fruit of Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)feminine
TreespiennyPolishadjtrunked (having trunk)not-comparable
TreespiennyPolishadjfoamy, frothyrare
TreespiennyPolishadjlitigious (pertaining to litigation)not-comparable obsolete relational
TreespilNorwegian Nynorsknounan arrow (projectile)feminine masculine
TreespilNorwegian Nynorsknounan arrow (graphic symbol)feminine masculine
TreespilNorwegian Nynorsknouna willow (tree of genus Salix)
TreesplatanerCatalannouna plane treemasculine
TreesplatanerCatalannouna banana treemasculine
Treeswild celeryEnglishnounGarden angelica (Angelica archangelica)
Treeswild celeryEnglishnounLovage (Levisticum officinale)
Treeswild celeryEnglishnounRadhuni (Psammogeton involucratus, syn. Trachyspermum roxburghianum)
Treeswild celeryEnglishnounTape grass (Vallisneria americana)
TreesתמרHebrewnoundate (the fruit of the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera, somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft, sweet pulp and enclosing a hard kernel)
TreesתמרHebrewnoundate palm, palm tree in general
TreesתמרHebrewnamea female given name, Tamar
TreesתמרHebrewnameTamar (a daughter-in-law of Judah) / Tamar (a daughter of David)biblical lifestyle religion
TreesתמרHebrewnameTamar (a daughter-in-law of Judah) / Tamar (a daughter of Absalom)biblical lifestyle religion
Trees𐍅𐌰𐌿𐍂𐍄𐍃Gothicnounroot (part of a plant)plural-normally
Trees𐍅𐌰𐌿𐍂𐍄𐍃Gothicnounroot (primary source)figuratively
Trees𐍅𐌰𐌿𐍂𐍄𐍃Gothicnounlineage (descent)figuratively
True finchesGimpelGermannounbullfinchmasculine strong
True finchesGimpelGermannounsimpletonmasculine slang strong
True sparrowsչիտMiddle Armeniannounsparrow
True sparrowsչիտMiddle Armeniannouna kind of musical tuneentertainment lifestyle music
Turtlesకూర్మముTelugunouna tortoise, turtle
Turtlesకూర్మముTelugunounone of the five auxiliary winds in the human body (the other four being నాగము, కృకరము, దేవదత్తము and ధనంజయము)
TwodoubleEnglishadjMade up of two matching or complementary elements.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjOf twice the quantity.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjOf a family relationship, related on both the maternal and paternal sides of a family.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjDesigned for two (people, cars, etc.).not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjFolded in two; composed of two layers.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjStooping; bent over.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjHaving two aspects; ambiguous.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjFalse, deceitful, or hypocritical.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjOf flowers, having more than the normal number of petals.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjOf an instrument, sounding an octave lower.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadjOf time, twice as fast.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadvTwice over; twofold; doubly.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadvTwo together; two at a time.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishadvInto two halves or sections.not-comparable
TwodoubleEnglishnounTwice the number, amount, size, etc.
TwodoubleEnglishnounA person who resembles and stands in for another person, often for safety purposes
TwodoubleEnglishnounA drink with two portions of alcohol.
TwodoubleEnglishnounA ghostly apparition of a living person; a doppelgänger.
TwodoubleEnglishnounA sharp turn, especially a return on one's own tracks.
TwodoubleEnglishnounA redundant item for which an identical item already exists.
TwodoubleEnglishnounA two-base hit.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
TwodoubleEnglishnounA call that increases certain scoring points if the last preceding bid becomes the contract.bridge games
TwodoubleEnglishnounA strike in which the object ball is struck so as to make it rebound against the cushion to an opposite pocket.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle snooker sports
TwodoubleEnglishnounA bet on two horses in different races in which any winnings from the first race are placed on the horse in the later race.
TwodoubleEnglishnounThe narrow outermost ring on a dartboard.darts games
TwodoubleEnglishnounA hit on this ring.darts games
TwodoubleEnglishnounA tile that has the same value (i.e., the same number of pips) on both sides.dominoes games
TwodoubleEnglishnounA double-precision floating-point number.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
TwodoubleEnglishnounTwo competitions, usually one league and one cup, won by the same team in a single season.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
TwodoubleEnglishnounA boat for two scullers.hobbies lifestyle rowing sports
TwodoubleEnglishnounThe feat of scoring twice in one game.hobbies lifestyle sports
TwodoubleEnglishnounThe feat of winning two events in a single meet or competition.hobbies lifestyle sports
TwodoubleEnglishnounThe achievement of 1000 runs and 100 wickets taken in a single season.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
TwodoubleEnglishnounA former French coin worth one-sixth of a sou.historical
TwodoubleEnglishnounA copper coin worth one-eighth of a penny.Guernsey historical
TwodoubleEnglishnounPlaying the same part on two instruments, alternately.entertainment lifestyle music
TwodoubleEnglishnounA double feast.Christianity
TwodoubleEnglishnounSynonym of double-quick (“fast marching pace”)
TwodoubleEnglishnounA secondary instrument with which a musician is skilled.entertainment lifestyle music
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo multiply by two.transitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo increase by 100%, to become twice as large in size.intransitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo be the double of; to exceed by twofold; to contain or be worth twice as much as.
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo fold over so as to make two folds.transitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo clench (a fist).sometimes transitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo get a two-base hit.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo join or couple.often transitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo repeat exactly; copy.transitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo serve a second role or have a second purpose.intransitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo act as substitute for (another theatrical performer in a certain role, etc).ambitransitive sometimes
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo play (both one part and another, in the same play, etc).entertainment lifestyle theater
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo turn sharply, following a winding course.intransitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo sail around (a headland or other point).nautical transport
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo duplicate (a part) either in unison or at the octave above or below it.entertainment lifestyle music
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo be capable of performing (upon an additional instrument).entertainment lifestyle musicintransitive usually
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo make a call that will double certain scoring points if the preceding bid becomes the contract.bridge games
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo double down.card-games gamesintransitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo cause (a ball) to rebound from a cushion before entering the pocket.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle pool snooker sports
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo go or march at twice the normal speed.intransitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo multiply the strength or effect of by two.transitive
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two.government military politics war
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo transmit simultaneously on the same channel as another station, either unintentionally or deliberately, causing interference.broadcasting media radioinformal
TwodoubleEnglishverbTo operate as a double agent.espionage government military politics warintransitive
TwoKoreannumtwo (as a determiner before a noun or classifier)
TwoKoreancounterCounter for animals, usually cattle: "head"
Underwater divingfree-divingEnglishnounAny of various aquatic disciplines in which divers attempt to stay underwater without a breathing apparatus for as long as possible.uncountable
Underwater divingfree-divingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of free-diveform-of gerund participle present
UnderwearundiesEnglishnoununderwear, underpantsinformal plural plural-only
UnderwearundiesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of undieform-of indicative present singular third-person
Units of measuremarcoEnglishintjAlternative letter-case form of Marcoalt-of
Units of measuremarcoEnglishnounA traditional Spanish and Portuguese unit of mass, usually equivalent to 230 g and particularly used for trade in gold and silver.historical
Units of measuretonaCatalannountun (cask with a capacity of more than 500 liters)feminine
Units of measuretonaCatalannounton, tonnefeminine
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounany thick liquid substance, of various consistency
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounmixture offered to the gods and the dead, of meal, honey and oil
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounmixture offered to the gods and the dead, of meal, honey and oil / meal made from barley and wheat, of which this mixture was made
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounround cake offered to the gods
Units of measureπέλανοςAncient Greeknounmeasure of weight
Units of measureстенRussiannounsthène (unit of measure)obsolete
Units of measureстенRussiannoungenitive plural of стена́ (stená)form-of genitive plural
Ursids熊猫JapanesenounAbbreviation of 熊麝香猫.abbreviation alt-of
UsenetxpostEnglishnounAbbreviation of crosspost.abbreviation alt-of
UsenetxpostEnglishverbAbbreviation of crosspost.abbreviation alt-of
VegetablespatataItaliannounpussy (vagina)feminine slang
VegetablesцаревицаBulgariannounmaize (Zea mays), corn (in the sense of maize)uncountable
VegetablesцаревицаBulgariannounan ear of corn, especially sweet corncountable
Vegetablesร้านThainounplatform for a certain activity, as stand, stage, stall, etc.
Vegetablesร้านThainounstand for supporting a plant, especially a climbing plant.
Vegetablesร้านThainouncucumber: the plant Cucumis sativus of the gourd family
Vegetablesร้านThainounthe fruit of this plant.
Vegetablesร้านThainounplace for selling goods, as shop, store, etc.
Vegetablesร้านThaiclassifierClassifier for places for selling goods, as shop, store, etc. ⇒ all nouns using this classifier
VegetablesเผือกThainountaro: the plant Colocasia esculenta of the family Araceae. (Classifiers: ต้น or หัว)
VegetablesเผือกThaiadjalbino; white.
VegetablesเผือกThaiverbto meddle; to interfere officiously, unduly, or unwantedly (used for avoiding vulgarity).humorous slang
VehiclesbobHungariannouna type of sled (a flat-bottomed concave plastic sled with no runners, equipped with brakes)
VehiclesbobHungariannouna car used on the track of an alpine slide or bobsled rollercoaster (mountain coaster)
VehiclescarRomaniannountank (military vehicle)archaic neuter
VehiclescarRomanianverbfirst-person singular present indicative/subjunctive of cărafirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive
VehiclescarRomaniannoundeath-watch beetlemasculine
Vehicles車囝ChinesenounrickshawEastern Hainanese Min Teochew
Vehicles車囝Chinesenountrain carriageTaiwanese-Hokkien
VesselsgrapaPolishnounSynonym of naczyniefeminine
VesselsgrapaPolishnouniron pot with three legsfeminine
Viral diseaseschicken poxEnglishnounThe blisters formed by the varicella zoster virus (VZV).medicine pathology sciencesarchaic uncountable usually
Viral diseaseschicken poxEnglishnounThe highly contagious airborne disease caused by initial infection with varicella zoster virus, typically causing a skin rash that forms small itchy blisters.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
Viral diseaseschicken poxEnglishnounAny disease causing similar symptoms.medicine pathology sciencesproscribed sometimes uncountable usually
VisionvererRomanschverbto lookVallander
VisionvererRomanschverbto seeVallander
VisionvisibilityEnglishnounThe condition of being visible.uncountable
VisionvisibilityEnglishnounThe degree to which things may be seen.countable
VisionvisibilityEnglishnounThe scope within which a variable or function is able to be accessed directly.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencescountable uncountable
VisionvisibilityEnglishnounSomething worthy of being seen; a sight.countable obsolete rare uncountable
Vladimir PutinpoutinisteFrenchnounPutinistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Vladimir PutinpoutinisteFrenchadjPutinist
VocalizationsmamrotPolishnounmurmur (soft, indistinct speech)colloquial inanimate masculine
VocalizationsmamrotPolishnounbum winecolloquial derogatory inanimate masculine
VocalizationsmamrotPolishnounone who is taciturnarchaic masculine person
VocalizationsskellochEnglishverbTo cry out with a shrill voice.Scotland intransitive
VocalizationsskellochEnglishnounA squeal.Scotland
Walls and fencespariétalFrenchadjwall; parietalrelational
Walls and fencespariétalFrenchadjparietal (relating to the wall of a body part, organ or cavity)anatomy medicine sciencesrelational
WarshipssottomarinoItalianadjsubmarine, underwater
WarshipssottomarinoItaliannounsubmarinenautical transportmasculine
WarshipssottomarinoItaliannounwaterboardingmasculine slang
WaterbahaTagalognounflood; inundation
WaterbahaTagalognouncurrent; stream of the riverobsolete
WaterbahaTagalognounlower part of something
WaterbahaTagalognoundecrease in value or price
WaterbahaTagalognounstoppage (of ration, installment, subscription, etc.)
WaterводопойRussiannounwatering hole, pond, horse pond
Water走水Chineseverbto flow
Water走水Chineseverbto leak water
Water走水Chineseverbto catch on fire; to be on fireeuphemistic
Water走水Chineseverbto swimobsolete
Water走水Chineseverbto leave by boatobsolete
Water走水Chineseverbto manage accountsfiguratively obsolete
Water走水Chineseverbto divulge secretsfiguratively obsolete
Water走水Chineseverbto travel around trading on one's own; to be an itinerant traderdialectal figuratively
Water走水Chinesenounrunning water
Water走水Chineseverbto be in heatTeochew
Water走水Chineseverbto smuggleTeochew
Water sportsesqui aquáticoPortuguesenounwater ski (type of ski used for skiing on water)masculine
Water sportsesqui aquáticoPortuguesenounwater skiing (the sport of skiing on water)masculine uncountable
WatercraftchataSpanishnounpick-up truckArgentina Chile feminine
WatercraftchataSpanishnounwherry (type of ship)nautical transportfeminine
WatercraftchataSpanishadjfeminine singular of chatofeminine form-of singular
WatercraftflagshipEnglishnounThe ship occupied by the fleet's commander (usually an admiral); it denotes this by flying his flag.government military nautical politics transport war
WatercraftflagshipEnglishnounThe ship regarded as most important out of a group, e.g. a nation's navy or company's fleet.nautical transport
WatercraftflagshipEnglishnounThe most important one out of a related group.attributive broadly often
WatercraftflagshipEnglishverbTo act as a flagship for.
WatercraftvèrchCimbriannounwoodSette-Comuni neuter
WatercraftvèrchCimbriannountree trunkSette-Comuni neuter
WatercraftvèrchCimbriannounwatercraftSette-Comuni neuter
WatercraftܡܟܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounlownessuncountable
WatercraftܡܟܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounhumility, meeknessuncountable
WatercraftܡܟܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounship, boatcolloquial uncountable
WatercraftܡܟܘܬܐClassical Syriacnouninflated-skin raft used by fishermenfishing hobbies lifestyleuncountable
WatercraftܡܟܘܬܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative form of ܡܚܘܬܐalt-of alternative uncountable
WatercraftܡܟܘܬܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative form of ܡܟܘܬܬܐalt-of alternative uncountable
WatercraftܡܟܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounabsolute singular of ܡܟܘܬܬܐabsolute form-of singular uncountable
WeaponsfonaCatalannounsling (weapon)feminine
WeaponsfonaCatalanverbinflection of fonar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WeaponsfonaCatalanverbinflection of fonar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WeaponspilDanishverbimperative of pileform-of imperative
WeaponspilDanishverbimperative of pilleform-of imperative
WeaponsܙܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounweapons, arms
WeaponsܙܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounarmour, shield
WeaponsܙܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounarmed force
WeaponsܙܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounimplements, ornaments
WeaponsܙܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounharness, trappings
WeaponsつわものJapanesenouna war machine; a weapongovernment military politics war
WeaponsつわものJapanesenounmilitary ration
WeaponsつわものJapanesenouna brave and strong warrior
WeaponsつわものJapanesenouna stubborn person
Weapons炸彈Chinesenounbomb (Classifier: 顆/颗 m; 個/个 c)
Weapons炸彈Chinesenoun"bomb"; 4 cards of the same rank, which can beat any other category and individual card except "king bomb" (王炸) or another bomb with a higher or equal rank
Weapons炸彈Chinesenounfrigate tuna (Auxis thazard)Hokkien Xiamen
WineγλεῦκοςAncient Greeknounsweet new wine, must
WineγλεῦκοςAncient Greeknounsweet new wine, must / grape juice
WineγλεῦκοςAncient Greeknounsweetness
WineκρασίονAncient GreeknounwinecupByzantine
WineκρασίονAncient GreeknounwineByzantine
WinesUsakhelauriEnglishnamea semisweet Georgian wine
WinesUsakhelauriEnglishnamea kind of grape used to make that wine
Wines熱燗Japanesenounheating up sake; warmed sake
Wines熱燗Japanesenounsame as abovearchaic
WoodsზესხრაSvannounlime-tree, linden, an alternative form of ზა̈სხუ̂ (zäsxû)
WoodsზესხრაSvannounthis tree's collectible materials (log, timber)
Woodwind instrumentswiatrownicaPolishnounfascia, frieze (wide band of material covering the ends of roof rafters, sometimes supporting a gutter in steep-slope roofing, but typically it is a border or trim in low-slope roofing)architecturefeminine
Woodwind instrumentswiatrownicaPolishnounwind girder (truss built of thick steel beams, stiffening the bridge structure and protecting it from strong wind gusts)business construction manufacturingfeminine
Woodwind instrumentswiatrownicaPolishnounsmoke deflector (device fitted to either side or on top of the smokebox of some steam locomotives, the purpose of which was to lift smoke clear of the locomotive at speed, so it wouldn't obscure the driver's vision)rail-transport railways transportfeminine
Woodwind instrumentswiatrownicaPolishnounwindchest (chest or reservoir of wind in an organ)feminine
World War IIlagerPolishnounlager (type of beer, brewed using a bottom-fermenting yeast)
World War IIlagerPolishnounAlternative form of lagieralt-of alternative historical inanimate masculine
WormsглистRussiannounparasitic worm, helminth
WormsглистRussiannoungenitive/accusative plural of глиста́ (glistá)accusative form-of genitive plural
WritingchartariumLatinnounarchive, a place where paper records are keptMedieval-Latin declension-2
WritingchartariumLatinnounaccusative singular of chartārius, a papermaker, stationer, or archivistaccusative form-of singular
WritingchartariumLatinadjinflection of chartārius: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
WritingchartariumLatinadjinflection of chartārius: / accusative masculine singularaccusative form-of masculine singular
Writingਖ਼ੁਲਾਸਾPunjabinounsummary, precis
Writingਖ਼ੁਲਾਸਾPunjabinounabridged or annotated book
WritingమసిTelugunounAlternative form of మషి (maṣi)alt-of alternative
WritingమసిTeluguadjAlternative form of మషి (maṣi)alt-of alternative
Yellowsharvest goldEnglishnounA brownish gold color.countable uncountable
Yellowsharvest goldEnglishadjOf a brownish gold color.not-comparable
Yoruba religionOgbesaYorubanameThe twenty-fifth sign of the Ifa divination system, it is one of the signs of the ọmọ odù; the 240 minor signs
Yoruba religionOgbesaYorubanameThe twenty-fifth chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus. It is one of the sixteen chapters in the Ogbè category (àpólà) and one of the 240 minor chapters, or àmúlù of the Odù Ifá.
Yoruba religionOgbesaYorubanameThe spirit associated with this chapter
Zingiberales order plantsbananowiecPolishnounbanana (plant)
Zingiberales order plantsbananowiecPolishnounbanana boat (ship designed to transport bananas)
Zingiberales order plantsbananowiecPolishnounbanana cake (cake with bananas in it)colloquial
Zingiberales order plantsbananowiecPolishnounnouveau riche, rich kid, spoiled kid (young person who has rich parents and brags about it)derogatory masculine person slang
ZombiesghoulfriendEnglishnounA girlfriend who enjoys horror, Halloween, or the macabre.humorous informal
ZombiesghoulfriendEnglishnounA monstrous or undead girlfriend.humorous informal
ZombiesghoulfriendEnglishnounThe girlfriend of a monster or undead creature.humorous informal
ZombiesghoulfriendEnglishnounAn obnoxious or contemptible girlfriend.derogatory informal

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