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Academic degreesdouble EEnglishnounAlternative form of EE / Abbreviation of electrical electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of
Academic degreesdouble EEnglishnounAlternative form of EE / Abbreviation of electrical electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of
Academic degreesdouble EEnglishnounAlternative form of EE / Abbreviation of degree (diploma) in electrical electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of
AfghanistanserdarPolishnounserdarhistorical masculine person
AfghanistanserdarPolishnounSardar (title of Persian origin used for military or political leaders in Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan)masculine person
AgepostarzyćPolishverbto age (to make someone look old)perfective transitive
AgepostarzyćPolishverbto age (to make oneself look old)perfective reflexive
Age老人Chinesenounold person; the old; the elderly
Age老大媽Chinesenounmadam (affectionate term for an elderly lady)
Age老大媽Chinesenoungreat-great-grandmother (grandparent's grandmother)Eastern Min
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenouna harrow (farm implement)
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenouna rake (farm implement)
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenouna kind of light plow (farm implement)
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenouna harrow (farm implement)
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenouna rake (farm implement)
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenouna kind of light plow (farm implement)
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenounalternative form of 馬鍬 (maguwa)alt-of alternative
Agriculture馬鍬Japanesenounalternative form of 馬鍬 (maguwa)alt-of alternative rare
Alcelaphine antelopeskokoonEnglishnounA gnu; a brindled gnu.archaic
Alcelaphine antelopeskokoonEnglishnounA tree of the genus Kokoona.uncommon
Alcoholic beveragessiderMiddle EnglishnounHard cider or an analogous beverage made of other fruits.uncountable
Alcoholic beveragessiderMiddle EnglishnounAny alcoholic beverage of great strength and potency.uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesstrong waterEnglishnounA strong solvent, (specifically) nitric acid.historical
Alcoholic beveragesstrong waterEnglishnounAlcoholic spirit; a strong alcoholic drink.historical
Alliumssibuyas dahonanCebuanonounleek
Alliumssibuyas dahonanCebuanonounscallion, spring onion
AnatomybusalKoyraboro Senninounthigh
AnatomybusalKoyraboro Senninounfemur
AnatomyeddinManxnounfaçade, surfacefeminine
AnatomyeddinManxnounapron (of dam)feminine
AnatomyeddinManxnouneffrontery, cheekfeminine
AnatomyepidermisEnglishnounThe outer, protective layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis
AnatomyepidermisEnglishnounThe similar outer layer of cells in invertebrates and plants
AnatomyjariBrunei Malaynounfinger
AnatomyjariBrunei Malaynountoe
AnatomyjariBrunei Malaynounhand (of watch)
AnatomymarógIrishnounpaunch, spare tyrefeminine
AnatomymarógIrishnounpaunchy personfeminine
AnatomynwaLouisiana Creoleadjblack (of a black color)
AnatomynwaLouisiana Creoleadjdark (after nightfall)
AnatomynwaLouisiana CreolenounBlack person
AnatomynwaLouisiana Creolenoun(a) walnut
AnatomynwaLouisiana Creolenoun(a) nutbroadly
AnatomynwaLouisiana Creolenountesticles, nuts
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounback (the rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounridge, spine (line or area on a mountain or hill from which one can descend to at least two separate directions)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounback, spine (the side where the pages are bound together)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounopen water (expanse of sea or large lake which is distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounwatershed area
AnatomyáʼázhoozhNavajonounphalanges of the hand
AnatomyáʼázhoozhNavajonounmetacarpals of the hand
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacadjfeminine emphatic singular of ܟܰܠܒܳܐemphatic feminine form-of singular
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacadjfeminine emphatic plural of ܟܰܠܒܶܐemphatic feminine form-of plural
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacnoundog, hound, bitch
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounpincers, tongs, tweezers, nippers, forkfiguratively
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounarm, claw
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounplate, thin piece of metal
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounstitch
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacnouncrack
AnatomyܟܠܒܬܐClassical Syriacnoundog keeper, dog trainer; one who hunts with dogs
Anatomyబుడ్డTelugunoungroundnut, peanut
Anatomyబుడ్డTelugunounsmall, little
Anatomy子宮Chinesenounwomb; uterus
Ancient GreecealopekisEnglishnounA Thracian cap made from a fox scalp.
Ancient GreecealopekisEnglishnounA small, foxlike Greek dog breed.
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounHate, hatred, anger, wroth.
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounSomething that causes or induces hate; insults, demeaning words.
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounThe results of hate; enmity, discord, turmoil.
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounSomething that one hates.rare
AngerhateMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hatenalt-of alternative
Animal body partsgëthepAlbaniannouniron or steel hook (for hanging things)feminine
Animal body partsgëthepAlbaniannounhook-shaped gnarl (in a tree or its branches)feminine
Animal body partsgëthepAlbaniannounstump (of corn plant or shrub after being cut)feminine
Animal body partsgëthepAlbaniannounclaw (of birds of pray)feminine
Animal body partsgëthepAlbaniannounprong (of a pitchfork)feminine
Animal body partsgëthepAlbaniannouncrenel (of battlement)feminine
Animal body partsgëthepAlbaniannoundoorjambfeminine
Animal body partsouïeFrenchnounhearing, auditionfeminine
Animal body partsouïeFrenchnoungill (breathing organ of fish and other aquatic animals)feminine
Animal body partsouïeFrenchnounf-hole, sound holearts crafts entertainment hobbies lifestyle lutherie musicfeminine
Animal body partsseptomaxillaryEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the nasal septum and the maxilla.anatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
Animal body partsseptomaxillaryEnglishnounseptomaxilla (small bone between the nasal septum and the maxilla in many reptiles and amphibians.)anatomy medicine sciences
Animal soundsblateroLatinverbto babble, gibber, speak foolishly or in an animalistic mannerconjugation-1
Animal soundsblateroLatinverbto croakconjugation-1
Animal soundsblateroLatinverbto bleatconjugation-1
Animal soundschasquidoSpanishnouna whipping, crackling, clicking or similar soundmasculine
Animal soundschasquidoSpanishnounclick (the sound a dolphin makes)masculine
Animal soundsけろJapaneseintjribbitonomatopoeic
Animal soundsけろJapaneseverbDialect form of くれ (kure, “please”)form-of
AnimalsbūrumAkkadiannounyoung calf (of either sex)Babylonian Standard masculine
AnimalsbūrumAkkadiannounfoal, kid (the young of quadrupeds)Babylonian Standard masculine
Antimatter-oniumEnglishsuffixDesignating an onium particle.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmorpheme particle
Antimatter-oniumEnglishsuffixUsed to form names of quaternary ammonium compounds used as neuromuscular blocking agents, cholinergic agents, anticholinergic agents, antibacterials/antiseptics, or other agents.medicine pharmacology sciencesmorpheme
AppearancebeldameEnglishnounA grandmother.obsolete
AppearancebeldameEnglishnounAn old woman, particularly an ugly one.archaic
Arabic fictionmagic carpetEnglishnounA carpet capable either of magical flight, or instantaneous transport from one place to another, used as a means of travel.fiction literature media publishing
Arabic fictionmagic carpetEnglishnounA conveyor belt to transport skiers/snowboarders.hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
ArachnidsscorpiusLatinnouna scorpiondeclension-2 masculine
ArachnidsscorpiusLatinnouna kind of prickly sea fishdeclension-2 masculine
ArachnidsscorpiusLatinnouna kind of prickly plantdeclension-2 masculine
ArachnidsscorpiusLatinnouna scorpion, a small catapultgovernment military politics wardeclension-2 masculine
ArcheryquiverMiddle EnglishnounA quiver (a receptacle for arrows)
ArcheryquiverMiddle EnglishnounA vulva.rare vulgar
ArcheryquiverMiddle Englishadjfast, speedy, rapid
ArcheryquiverMiddle Englishadjenergetic, vigourous, vibrant
Architectural elementsmarxapeuCatalannoundoorstep, thresholdmasculine
Architectural elementsmarxapeuCatalannouncurtail step (a larger step at the bottom of a staircase)masculine
Architectural elementsmarxapeuCatalannounhorse (rope for standing on)nautical transportmasculine
Architectural elementsmarxapeuCatalannounrunning boardmasculine
Architectural elementsmarxapeuCatalannountreadlemasculine
ArchitectureOratoriumGermannounoratorioneuter strong
ArchitectureOratoriumGermannounoratory, small private chapelneuter strong
ArchitectureargeaRomaniannounloom (for weaving).feminine
ArchitectureargeaRomaniannountwo transverse wooden boards that link one vertical extremity of a loom to the other.feminine
ArchitectureargeaRomaniannouna rudimentary wooden construction in which a loom is kept when not in use (usually in the summer).feminine
ArchitectureargeaRomaniannounvault or roof of an edifice.feminine
ArchitecturekivukoSwahilinouna bridge or crossingclass-7 class-8
ArchitecturekivukoSwahilinouna ferryclass-7 class-8
Arkansas, USAArkansianEnglishadjOf or from Arkansas.
Arkansas, USAArkansianEnglishnounA native or resident of Arkansas.
ArmorسپرOttoman Turkishnounshield, a broad piece of defensive armor held in hand
ArmorسپرOttoman Turkishnounshield, anything that acts as a protection, or guard
ArmorسپرOttoman Turkishnounside smudge of ink made by typemedia printing publishing
ArmorこうてつJapanesenoun鋼鉄: steel
ArmorこうてつJapanesenoun更迭: reshuffle
ArmorこうてつJapanesenoun甲鉄: armor
ArmorこうてつJapaneseverb更迭: to reshuffle
ArtportretiEsperantoverbto portray (to paint or draw the likeness of something)
ArtportretiEsperantoverbto describe in words; to conveyfiguratively
ArthropodshexapodEnglishnounAny organism, being or robot with six legs.
ArthropodshexapodEnglishnounAn arthropod with six feet; a member of subphylum Hexapoda.
ArthropodshexapodEnglishnounAn insect.dated
ArthropodshexapodEnglishadjHaving six feet, six-footed; belonging to the subphylum Hexapoda; hexapodous.not-comparable
Artilleryanti-aérienFrenchadjanti-aircraft (weapon)
Artilleryanti-aérienFrenchadjair-raid (shelter)
Asparagus family plantsἀκανθίαςAncient Greeknounspiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
Asparagus family plantsἀκανθίαςAncient Greeknounkind of grasshopper
Asparagus family plantsἀκανθίαςAncient Greeknounasparagus (Asparagus officinalis)
AsteroidsAlcmeneEnglishnameDescendant of Perseus and Andromeda, the wife of Amphitryon, and mother, by Zeus, of Heracles/Hercules.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsAlcmeneEnglishname82 Alkmene, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
AsteroidsHygieaEnglishnameAncient Greek goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation. Her Roman name is Hygēa/Hygīa or Salus.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsHygieaEnglishnamethe tenth asteroid discovered, and fourth largest, (10) Hygiea.astronomy natural-sciences
AstrologyहोराSanskritnounthe rising of a zodiac sign
AstrologyहोराSanskritnouna part of the duration of a zodiac sign
AstrologyहोराSanskritnounan hour
AstrologyहोराSanskritnouna mark, line
AstrologyहोराSanskritnounan astrological work; astrology; horoscopy
AsturiasgijonésSpanishadjof Gijónrelational
AsturiasgijonésSpanishnounsomeone from Gijónmasculine
Atmospheric phenomenaبرفUrdunounice
Atmospheric phenomenaبرفUrdunounsnow
Atmospheric phenomenaبرفUrdunounthe cold, frigidfiguratively
Atmospheric phenomenaبرفUrdunounwhite, shiningfiguratively
AuksskoutEnglishnounAlternative spelling of scout (“guillemot”).alt-of alternative archaic
AuksskoutEnglishnounAlternative spelling of shout (“boat”).Scotland alt-of alternative obsolete possibly
AutismautistEnglishnounAn autistic person, a person with autism.
AutismautistEnglishnounA person characterized by abnormal and unhealthy focus or persistence, low self-awareness and unhealthy hatred of opposition or criticism.Internet derogatory offensive
Auto partsbandDutchnounbond, connection, relationship, [[liaison, tie (attachment, as in a relation)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounband (all English senses, above, except for group of musicians)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / tire / tyre (e.g., a car tyre)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / tape (magnetic tape, video tape)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / belt (martial arts belt)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbon or object of similar shape / belt (conveyor belt)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnouninterval relating to frequency or wavelength in electromagnetic phenomena / range of energy levels in a solid state materialnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
Auto partsbandDutchnouninterval relating to frequency or wavelength in electromagnetic phenomena / interval in the light spectrumnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounbank (the bank of a pool table)masculine
Auto partsbandDutchnounribbonneuter
Auto partsbandDutchnounbandentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
AutomobilesVolkswagenEnglishnameA German car manufacturer headquartered in Wolfsburg.
AutomobilesVolkswagenEnglishnounA car manufactured by Volkswagen.
Automotiveno volantePortugueseadjbehind the wheel (driving a vehicle)invariable
Automotiveno volantePortugueseadjbehind the wheel (in control of something)figuratively invariable
AviationlotnikPolishnounflyer, aviatormasculine person
AviationlotnikPolishnounairmanmasculine person
Baby animalsveulenDutchnouna foal, the young of any equine and some other quadrupeds, either colt (male) or filly (female); unless specified, usually a horse'sneuter
Baby animalsveulenDutchnouna young person, especially behaving naively; foolfiguratively neuter
Baby animalsܒܪܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkneeanatomy medicine sciences
Baby animalsܒܪܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounlamb (young sheep)
Baby animalsܒܪܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpool, pond
Baby animalsܒܪܟܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounswimming pool
Bacterial diseasestaunAzerbaijaninounplague
Bacterial diseasestaunAzerbaijaninounused as a curse
BagsmoteteSpanishnounpackDominican-Republic masculine slang
BagstornisterSwedishnounfeedbag, nosebag (for horses to eat from)common-gender
BagstornisterSwedishnounknapsack, haversack, an older form of rigid military backpack or bag for carrying supplies of food or ammunitioncommon-gender
BagsчувалBulgarianverbindefinite masculine singular past active aorist participle of чу́вам (čúvam)active aorist form-of indefinite masculine participle past singular
BagsчувалBulgarianverbmasculine singular past active imperfect participle of чу́вам (čúvam)active form-of imperfect masculine participle past singular
BalletκαρυοθραύστηςGreeknounnutcracker (implement for cracking nuts)
BalletκαρυοθραύστηςGreeknounnutcracker ("Nucifraga caryocatactes" the eurasian bird)
BalletκαρυοθραύστηςGreeknounthe Nutcracker (opera)capitalized
Bankingreserve bankEnglishnounA central bank.Australia India New-Zealand South-Africa
Bankingreserve bankEnglishnounA regional bank operating under and implementing the policies of the Federal Reserve.US
Barangays of Lope de Vega, Northern Samar, PhilippinesMagsaysayCebuanonamea surname from Cebuano
Barangays of Lope de Vega, Northern Samar, PhilippinesMagsaysayCebuanonamea barangay in Lope de Vega, Northern Samar, Philippines
Bars酒樓Chinesenounrestaurant (Classifier: 家 m; 間/间 c)
Bars酒樓Chinesenounliquor store; bottle shop (Classifier: 家 m)
Bars酒樓Chinesenounbar; pub; tavern (Classifier: 家 m)
Bars酒樓Chinesenounhotel (Classifier: 家 m)
Basque fractional numberserdiBasqueadvhalfnot-comparable
Basque fractional numberserdiBasqueadvsomewhatnot-comparable
Basque fractional numberserdiBasquenounhalfanimate inanimate
Basque fractional numberserdiBasquenounmiddle, centeranimate inanimate
Basque fractional numberserdiBasquenouna boat's centerlinenautical transportanimate inanimate
Basque fractional numberserdiBasqueverbto give birth
BathingбаняBulgariannounbath, bathing
BeardsBartGermannounbeardmasculine strong
BeardsBartGermannounbit (the part of a key which interacts with the lock)masculine strong
Beijing東城ChinesenameDongcheng (a district of Beijing, China)
Beijing東城ChinesenameDongcheng (a subdistrict of Zengdu district, Suizhou, Hubei, China)
Beijing東城ChinesenameDongcheng (a subdistrict of Jingzhou district, Jingzhou, Hubei, China)
Beijing東城ChinesenameDongcheng (a subdistrict of Lichuan, Enshi prefecture, Hubei, China)
BerriesJapanesecharacterstrawberryJinmeiyō kanji
BerriesJapanesenouna strawberry (plant of genus Fragaria, or its fruit)
BerriesJapanesenamea female given name
BeverageskvassNorwegian Nynorsknounkvassmasculine
BeverageskvassNorwegian Nynorskadjsharp
BeverageskvassNorwegian Nynorskadjsharp, clever, witty
BeverageskvassNorwegian Nynorskadjsharp, abrupt, acute
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA deity worshiped across many traditions of Hinduism.Hinduism countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA river in southern India.countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA district of Andhra Pradesh.countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA male given name from Sanskrit.countable uncountable
Bhagavata PuranaKrishnaEnglishnameA surname from Sanskrit.countable uncountable
BiblebiblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology, biblicism (study of the Bible)literary neuter
BiblebiblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology (study of books)dated neuter
Biblical charactersElisabetFinnishnameElizabeth, mother of John the Baptist.
Biblical charactersElisabetFinnishnamea female given name
Biblical charactersIsaakGermannameIsaac (biblical character)masculine proper-noun strong
Biblical charactersIsaakGermannamea male given name of rare usagemasculine proper-noun strong
Biblical charactersMáriaHungariannamea female given name
Biblical charactersMáriaHungariannameMary (the mother of Christ)Christianity
Biblical charactersSan Juan BautistaSpanishnamethe name Saint John the Baptist
Biblical charactersSan Juan BautistaSpanishnameany of a number of places named after Saint John the Baptist
BirdsvulturiusLatinnounvulturedeclension-2 masculine
BirdsvulturiusLatinnouna rapacious persondeclension-2 masculine
BirdsvulturiusLatinnounan unlucky throwdice gamesdeclension-2 masculine
BirdsκιρκινέζιGreeknounlesser kestrel (specifically)
BirdsκιρκινέζιGreeknounsmall bird of prey (more generally)
BirdsξεφτέριGreeknounEurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
BirdsξεφτέριGreeknounbright spark, quickwitted, intelligentfiguratively
BirdsกีวีThainounshoe polish.slang
Birds of preyfálkiIcelandicnounfalcon (bird of the genus Falco)masculine
Birds of preyfálkiIcelandicnoungyrfalconmasculine
BirthstonesrubiTagalognounruby (precious stone)
BirthstonesrubiTagalognounruby (color/colour)
BirthstonesrubiTagalogadjruby (color/colour)
Bodies of watercalaItaliannouninlet, covefeminine
Bodies of watercalaItaliannounholdnautical transportfeminine
Bodies of watercalaItalianverbinflection of calare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Bodies of watercalaItalianverbinflection of calare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Bodies of watercanalEnglishnounAn artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation.
Bodies of watercanalEnglishnounA tubular channel within the body.anatomy medicine sciences
Bodies of watercanalEnglishnounOne of the faint, hazy markings resembling straight lines on early telescopic images of the surface of Mars; see Martian canalsastronomy natural-sciences
Bodies of watercanalEnglishverbTo dig an artificial waterway in or to (a place), especially for drainage
Bodies of watercanalEnglishverbTo travel along a canal by boat
Bodies of waterмореMacedoniannounsea
Bodies of waterмореMacedonianintjAn interjection used to threaten someone or reprimand him jokingly.
Bodies of waterмореMacedonianintjAn interjection used to reinforce a vocative phrase directed at a man.
Bodily fluidschámCzechnouncommoner, peasantanimate masculine
Bodily fluidschámCzechnounsperm, semeninanimate masculine
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjsweet, pleasant-tasting
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjsweet in smell
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjpleasant, likeable
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjloved, dear, precious
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounsweetness in taste or smell
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounpleasantness, euphoria, bliss
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounblood
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounsweat, perspiration
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of suetalt-of alternative
Bodily fluidssângeRomaniannounbloodneuter uncountable
Bodily fluidssângeRomaniannounoriginfiguratively neuter uncountable
Bodily fluidssângeRomaniannounbreedfiguratively neuter uncountable
Bodily fluidssângeRomaniannounmurder, killingarchaic countable neuter
BodyoqaasaqGreenlandicnounLapland rosebay (Rhododendron lapponicum)
Body partsarmrOld Norsenounarmmasculine
Body partsarmrOld Norsenounthe wing of a bodymasculine
Body partsarmrOld Norseadjpoor, unhappy
Body partsarmrOld Norseadjwretched, wicked
Body partsishkinChickasawnouneyeinalienable
Body partsishkinChickasawnounhard head on a pimplealienable
Body partslimbăRomaniannountonguefeminine
Body partslimbăRomaniannounlanguagefeminine
Body partsկռճիկArmeniannouncartilage
Body partsկռճիկArmeniannounear lobedialectal
Body parts𐌺𐌹𐌽𐌽𐌿𐍃Gothicnouncheek
Body parts𐌺𐌹𐌽𐌽𐌿𐍃Gothicnounchin, jaw
Book sizesOEnglishcharacterThe fifteenth letter of the English alphabet, called o and written in the Latin script.letter uppercase
Book sizesOEnglishnounSomething shaped like the letter O.
Book sizesOEnglishnounA blood type that lacks A or B antigens and may only receive transfusions of similar type O blood, but may donate to all (neglecting Rh factor). Synonym: universal donor.uncountable
Book sizesOEnglishnumThe ordinal number fifteenth, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called o and written in the Latin script.alt-of ordinal uppercase
Book sizesOEnglishparticleThe vocative particle, used for direct address.
Book sizesOEnglishnounAn utterance of the vocative O.
Book sizesOEnglishprepAbbreviation of out, letter/sound sequence out.abbreviation alt-of
Book sizesOEnglishnounAmerican Library Association abbreviation of octavo, a book size (20-25 cm).media printing publishingcountable uncountable
Book sizesOEnglishnounSomeone associated with Leyton Orient Football Club, as a player, coach, supporter etc.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportscountable uncountable
Book sizesOEnglishnounThe number of overs bowled.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
Book sizesOEnglishnounOrgasm.countable slang uncountable
Book sizesOEnglishnounOpium.slang uncountable
Book sizesOEnglishadjAbbreviation of morally offensive. (film classification of the National Legion of Decency)abbreviation alt-of historical not-comparable
Book sizesOEnglishadjAbbreviation of Orthodox.Judaism abbreviation alt-of not-comparable
Book sizesOEnglishnameA surname from Korean.
Book sizesOEnglishnameA surname from Mandarin Chinese.
Book sizesOEnglishnameAlternative form of E (Ancient Chinese Kingdom)alt-of alternative
Book sizesOEnglishadjWith sugar and no condensed milk added.Singapore colloquial not-comparable
BooksbibliofilskiPolishadjbibliophilicliterary not-comparable relational
BooksbibliofilskiPolishadjbibliophile'sliterary not-comparable relational
BooksknjižurinaSerbo-CroatiannounAugmentative of knjȉga (“book”) / A big, unwieldy book
BooksknjižurinaSerbo-CroatiannounAugmentative of knjȉga (“book”) / A long or poorly written book
Booksஎஸ்தர்TamilnameEsther (Biblical character)
Booksஎஸ்தர்Tamilnamethe book of Esthercolloquial
Booksஎஸ்தர்Tamilnamea female given name
Books聖典Chinesenouncanonical texts of the sageshistorical
Books聖典Chinesenounholy book; scared text; scripturelifestyle religion
Borage family plantsviperinaSpanishnounviper's buglossfeminine
Borage family plantsviperinaSpanishadjfeminine singular of viperinofeminine form-of singular
Boroughs in EnglandElmbridgeEnglishnameA local government district with borough status in northern Surrey, England.
Boroughs in EnglandElmbridgeEnglishnameA village in Worcestershire, England.
BotanylëstKashubiannounleafinanimate masculine
BotanylëstKashubiannounletterinanimate masculine
BotanystocIrishnountrunk (of tree)masculine
BotanystocIrishnounroothuman-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
BotanystocIrishnounstock (broth)cooking food lifestylemasculine
BotanystocIrishnounbreeding stockmasculine
BotanystocIrishnountrumpet, bugleentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
BotanyботаникRussiannoungenitive plural of бота́ника (botánika)form-of genitive plural
Brown algaewakameEnglishnounUndaria pinnatifida, an edible seaweed.uncountable
Brown algaewakameEnglishnounLoosely, any seaweed in the family Alariaceae.uncountable
BrownstubaonCebuanonounthe brown cuckoo-dove (Macropygia phasianella)
BrownstubaonCebuanonounthe color of tuba
BryozoanspolyzoaryEnglishnounA colony of polyzoa.biology natural-sciences zoology
BryozoanspolyzoaryEnglishnounThe polypary of such a colony.biology natural-sciences zoology
Buckthorn family plantskruszynaPolishnouncrumb (small piece of food)feminine
Buckthorn family plantskruszynaPolishnouncrumb (a bit, a small amount of something)broadly feminine
Buckthorn family plantskruszynaPolishnounsmall, delicate childendearing feminine
Buckthorn family plantskruszynaPolishnounbuckthorn (any plant of the genus Frangula)feminine
Buddhismबुद्धSanskritadjenlightened, conscious, intelligent, clever, wise
Buddhismबुद्धSanskritnameBuddha, the enlightened one
BuildingscarseyEnglishnounAlternative form of khazi: an outhouse; a lavatory.alt-of alternative
BuildingscarseyEnglishnounA house.Polari
BuildingschummeryEnglishnounThe building in which unmarried British army officers were quartered during the British Raj.India historical
BuildingschummeryEnglishnounThe shared home of a group of men who are unmarried or working at a distance from their families.South-Asia
BuildingsintosanCebuanonouna sugarcane mill; a building that processes sugarcane
BuildingsintosanCebuanonounthe apparatus employed to process sugarcane
BuildingsscoillManxnounschooling, learning, educationfeminine
BuildingsseraglioEnglishnounA palace of a sultan.
BuildingsseraglioEnglishnounA palace of a sultan. / The palace of the Grand Seignior in Constantinople.
BuildingsseraglioEnglishnounA profligate or decadent residence of a rich person.
BuildingsseraglioEnglishnounThe sequestered living quarters used by wives and concubines (odalisques) in a Turkish Muslim household.
BuildingsseraglioEnglishnounA brothel or place of debauchery.
BuildingsseraglioEnglishnounAn interior cage or enclosed courtyard for keeping wild beasts.
BuildingsбиблиотекаRussiannounlibrary (in all senses)
BuildingsсветилникMacedoniannounlight fixture, luminaire
BuildingsсветилникMacedoniannounlighthouse (a tower with a beacon by the shore)
BuildingsपुरSanskritnounfortress, castle, city, town
BuildingsपुरSanskritnounhouse, abode, residence, receptacle
BurialepitaphEnglishnounAn inscription on a gravestone in memory of the deceased.
BurialepitaphEnglishnounA poem or other short text written in memory of a deceased person.
BurialepitaphEnglishverbTo write or speak after the manner of an epitaph.intransitive
BurialepitaphEnglishverbTo commemorate by an epitaph.transitive
BusinessfintechEnglishnounFinancial technology, that is, technology (usually information technology) that is focused on finance.uncountable
BusinessfintechEnglishnounA company in the finance sector, such as one dealing with payments, fundraising or loans.countable
BusinesseschipperEnglishadjExhibiting a lively optimism; in high spirits, cheerful.
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounSomeone who or something which chips (e.g. wood). / A machine that reduces organic matter to compost; depending on size, whole tree trunks are reduced to sawdust; a woodchipper.US
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounSomeone who or something which chips (e.g. wood). / A machine that chips potatoes into pieces that are ready to be fried and made into chips.
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounSomeone who or something which chips (e.g. wood).
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounA fish and chip shop, or more generally a cheap fast food outlet, typically selling chips and other deep-fried foods.Ireland slang
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounA company that manufactures potato chips/potato crisps.
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounA player who chips the ball.hobbies lifestyle sports
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounA golf club for making chip hobbies lifestyle sports
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounA deep frier.slang
BusinesseschipperEnglishnounAn occasional tobacco user, or more generally drug smokingUS
BusinesseschipperEnglishverbTo chirp or chirrup.UK dialectal
ButtocksnalgadaSpanishnounspanking, a beating on the bottomfeminine
ButtocksnalgadaSpanishnouna hit received on the buttocksfeminine
ButtocksnalgadaSpanishnouna hit given with the buttocksfeminine
ButtocksnalgadaSpanishnouna pig's ham legarchaic feminine
Cakes and pastriesciastoPolishnoundough, batterneuter
Cakes and pastriesciastoPolishnouncake, pieneuter
Cakes and pastriescucaPortuguesenounheadfamiliar feminine
Cakes and pastriescucaPortuguesenounStreuselkuchen (a cake of German origin made of yeast dough covered with sweet crumb topping)South-Brazil feminine
Cakes and pastriescucaPortuguesenouna skilled cook or chefhumorous masculine
Cakes and pastriessernikPolishnouncheesecake (pie made of sweetened and flavored cottage cheese or cream cheese, eggs, and milk on a crunchy base)countable
Cakes and pastriessernikPolishnouncheese room (room designed to dry cheese in the process of its traditional production)inanimate masculine uncountable
Cakes and pastriessernikPolishnouncasein (protein present in both milk and in the seeds of leguminous plants)inanimate masculine uncountable
Cakes and pastriessękaczPolishnounšakotis (traditional spit cake)inanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriessękaczPolishnountree covered with multiple knotsinanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriessękaczPolishnounknotted stickdated inanimate masculine
CalendarkrossmessNorwegian NynorsknounMay 3feminine
CalendarkrossmessNorwegian NynorsknounSeptember 14feminine
Calendarnew moonEnglishnounThe phase of the moon when it is in conjunction with the sun and is therefore obscured.
Calendarnew moonEnglishnounThe moon when it is in conjunction with the sun.
Calendarnew moonEnglishnounThe phase of the moon when it is waxing.
Calendarnew moonEnglishnounThe moon when it is waxing.
Calendarnew moonEnglishnounThe day when the new moon is first seen or is expected to appear.
Calendar中元Chinesenounthe fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month; Ghost Day, one of the 三元 (sānyuán, “three Taoist festivals”)
Calendar中元ChinesenounGhost Festival
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnounInitialism of net domestic product.economics sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnounInitialism of neutron depth profiling.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnounInitialism of nucleoside diphosphate.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnounInitialism of Norrie disease protein.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of National Democratic Party.government politicsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of Newfoundland Democratic Party.government politicsCanadian abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of New Democratic Party.Canada abbreviation alt-of initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of National Day Parade.Singapore abbreviation alt-of initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of National Development Plan.Ireland abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of Neighbour Discovery Protocol.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of National Defense Panel.government military politics warUS abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
Canadian politicsNDPEnglishnameInitialism of Nortel Discovery Protocol.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Canals水道Chinesenouncanal; ditch
Canals水道Chinesenounwater course; waterway
Canals水道Chinesenounlane in swimming pool
Canals水道Chinesenounwater supplyTaiwanese-Hokkien
CapitalismkapitalizowaćPolishverbto capitalize (to add interest to invested capital after a certain period of time, which causes the amount of interest in the next period)economics sciencesimperfective transitive
CapitalismkapitalizowaćPolishverbto capitalize (to convert into capital, i.e., to get cash or similar immediately fungible resources for some less fungible property or source of future income)economics sciencesimperfective transitive
CapitalismkapitalizowaćPolishverbto capitalize (to acquire a pool of knowledge, experience and skills)imperfective literary transitive
CapitalismkapitalizowaćPolishverbto be capitalizedeconomics sciencesimperfective reflexive
CapitalismkapitalizowaćPolishverbto capitalize (to convert an economy or part of it to a capitalist structure)economics sciencesimperfective transitive
CapitalismkapitalizowaćPolishverbto capitalize (in writing or editing, to write in capital letters, in upper case)media publishing typographyimperfective transitive
Card gamesqueen of heartsEnglishnounOne of the 52 playing cards in a standard deck.card-games games
Card gamesqueen of heartsEnglishnounA woman who has gained the adoration of the public.endearing
Card gamesqueen of heartsEnglishnounA (usually black) woman who has a sexual preference for white men.slang
Card gamesrommiFinnishnounrum (liquor)
Card gamesrommiFinnishnounrummy (card game)
CartographyQuiviraEnglishnamea province of the Wichita tribe's lands; it was probably located in present-day state of Kansas
CartographyQuiviraEnglishnamea toponym in old maps of America, located north of Mexico or south of Anian
CatsKaterGermannountomcat, tom, male catmasculine strong
CatsKaterGermannounhangovermasculine strong
CatsKaterGermannounEllipsis of Muskelkater (“sore muscle”).abbreviation alt-of colloquial ellipsis masculine strong
CattlecrummyEnglishadjBad; poor.informal
CattlecrummyEnglishadjFull of crumb or crumbs.dated
CattlecrummyEnglishadjSoft, like the crumb of bread; not crusty.dated
CattlecrummyEnglishnounA small van, bus, or railway car used to transport loggers or other resource workers to and from the worksite.British-Columbia Northwestern US informal
CattlecrummyEnglishnounA cow with a crumpled horn.
CattlevitéllaLiguriannounfemale equivalent of vitéllo; young female calffeminine form-of
CattlevitéllaLiguriannounveal (edible calf flesh)feminine uncountable
Celery family plantscheroviaPortuguesenounparsnip (the plant Pastinaca sativa)feminine
Celery family plantscheroviaPortuguesenounparsnip (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa)feminine
Celery family plantsmarchwejLower Sorbiannouncarrotfeminine inanimate
Celery family plantsmarchwejLower Sorbiannouncarrotscollective feminine inanimate
Celery family plantsբոխիArmeniannouna kind of bitter field-plant, probably horse fennel, Hippomarathrum or a kind of fennel or wild parsley (in different dialects may refer to different plants)dialectal
Celery family plantsբոխիArmeniannounhornbeam (tree)
Celestial bodiesgiizisOjibwenounsunanimate
Celestial bodiesgiizisOjibwenounmoonanimate
Celestial bodiesgiizisOjibwenounmonthanimate
Celestial inhabitants우주인Koreannounastronaut
Celestial inhabitants우주인Koreannounalien (a life form from another planet)
CheerleadinganimaciónSpanishnounjauntiness; livelinessfeminine
Cheeses乳酪ChinesenounyogurtHong-Kong Macau
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnouncopperuncountable
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounany alloy of copper (bronze, brass, etc.)uncountable
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounaugury, divination
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounaugur, diviner
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounaugur, diviner
Chemical elementsנחשאAramaicnounbrazier (brass worker)
Chemical formulaeD₂OTranslingualsymbolA molecule of heavy water, comprising two deuterium atoms and an oxygen atom.
Chemical formulaeD₂OTranslingualsymbolheavy waterinformal uncountable
Chemical reactionsparaffinEnglishnounA petroleum-based thin and colourless fuel oil.Ireland UK countable uncountable
Chemical reactionsparaffinEnglishnounAny member of the alkane hydrocarbons.chemistry geography geology natural-sciences organic-chemistry petrochemistry petrology physical-sciencescountable uncountable
Chemical reactionsparaffinEnglishnounParaffin wax.countable uncountable
Chemical reactionsparaffinEnglishverbTo impregnate or treat with paraffin.
Chemical reactionsparaffinEnglishverbTo embed in paraffin wax.
ChemistryརྫསDzongkhanounchemical, substance, material
ChickenskogutPolishnounrooster (male chicken)animal-not-person masculine
ChickenskogutPolishnounmale phasianidanimal-not-person masculine
ChickenskogutPolishnounemergency vehicle lighting, flashing light (emergency vehicle lighting)colloquial inanimate masculine
ChickenskogutPolishnouncowlickcolloquial inanimate masculine
ChickenskogutPolishnouna person who is pugnaciouscolloquial masculine person
ChickensmanokCebuanonounbet; preferred candidate
Childrenbatang tigulangCebuanoadjprecocious
Childrenbatang tigulangCebuanonouna precocious child
ChildrenfigliolettoItaliannounlittle childmasculine
ChildrenfigliolettoItaliannounlittle sonmasculine
ChildrenfosterMiddle EnglishnounA child; one of one's progeny.
ChildrenfosterMiddle EnglishnounFood or other care.Early-Middle-English
ChildrenfosterMiddle EnglishnounA foster child or adopted child.rare
ChildrenfosterMiddle EnglishnounA foster parent or adoptee.rare
ChildrenfosterMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of foresteralt-of alternative
ChildrenfosterMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of fostrenalt-of alternative
ChildrenkunumĩOld Tupinounboy (male child)
ChildrenkunumĩOld Tupinounyoung man; youngster
ChildrenkunumĩOld Tupinounboyhood
ChildrenmeiskenDutchnoungirlneuter obsolete
ChildrenmeiskenDutchnounmaidenneuter obsolete
ChildrennorturenMiddle EnglishverbTo rear or foster children; to nurture.Late-Middle-English
ChildrennorturenMiddle EnglishverbTo teach; to make one learn.Late-Middle-English
Children少女Chinesenounyoung woman; girl
Children少女Chinesenounyoungest daughterClassical
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterAlternative form of 漆alt-of alternative
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharacterAlternative form of 七 (“seven”) (used normally in official documents or checks to avoid forgery)business finance financialalt-of alternative
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesecharactera surname
Chinese cardinal numbersChinesesoft-redirectno-gloss
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesecharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenamethe fifth of the ten heavenly stems
Chinese heavenly stemsJapanesenamethe fifth of the ten heavenly stems
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnameA festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ and incorporating various Christian, pre-Christian, pagan, and secular customs, which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 (Christmas Day) in most places.also attributive countable uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnameShort for Christmas season (“the period of time before and after Christmas Day, during which people prepare for and celebrate Christmas”); marketingabbreviation also alt-of attributive countable often uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An uninhabited mining community in Gila County, Arizona.also attributive countable uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A census-designated place in Orange County, Florida.also attributive countable uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Au Train Township, Alger County, Michigan.also attributive countable uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Bolivar County, Mississippialso attributive countable uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnameA surname.also attributive countable uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishnounSprigs of holly and other evergreen plants used as Christmas decorations; also (generally), any Christmas decorations.British informal regional uncountable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishadjRed and green in colour.US not-comparable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishadjOf a dish: having a sauce made with red (ripe) and green (unripe) chili food lifestyleUS not-comparable
ChristianityChristmasEnglishverbTo decorate (a place) with Christmas (“sprigs of holly and other evergreen plants used as Christmas decorations, or any Christmas decorations”).informal transitive
ChristianityChristmasEnglishverbTo bring (someone) Christmas cheer.obsolete rare transitive
ChristianityChristmasEnglishverbTo celebrate Christmas.intransitive
ChristianityChristmasEnglishverbTo spend Christmas or the Christmas season in some place.intransitive
ChristianityChristmasEnglishverbTo subject to Christmas celebrations.colloquial
ChristianityChristmasEnglishintjAn expression of annoyance or surprise: Christ, Jesus Christ, Jiminy Cricket, Jiminy Crickets.euphemistic
ChristianityfrareCatalannounbrotherarchaic masculine
ChristianityfrareCatalannounfriar, monkmasculine
ChristianityfrareCatalannounbroomrape (Orobanche spp.)masculine
ChristianitystiftSwedishnouna small, thin (metal) object (often used to fasten or connect something) / a prong, a tongue (of a belt buckle)neuter
ChristianitystiftSwedishnouna small, thin (metal) object (often used to fasten or connect something) / a prong (on an electric plug or the like)neuter
ChristianitystiftSwedishnouna small, thin (metal) object (often used to fasten or connect something) / a pinbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsneuter
ChristianitystiftSwedishnouna small, thin (metal) object (often used to fasten or connect something) / a lead (in a pencil, especially a mechanical pencil (stiftpenna))neuter
ChristianitystiftSwedishnouna small, thin (metal) object (often used to fasten or connect something) / a stick (of lipstick, deodorant, mosquito repellent, or the like)neuter
ChristianitystiftSwedishnouna small, thin (metal) object (often used to fasten or connect something) / a needle, a stylus (on a phonograph or the like)neuter
ChristianitystiftSwedishnounthe style of a pistilbiology botany natural-sciencesneuter
ChristianitystiftSwedishnouna diocese, a bishopric, a see (region administered by a bishop, especially in Sweden)neuter
Chrysomeloid beetlessawyerEnglishnounOne who saws timber, especially in a sawpit.
Chrysomeloid beetlessawyerEnglishnounA large trunk of a tree brought down by the force of a river's current.US
Chrysomeloid beetlessawyerEnglishnounA beetle, mostly in the genus Monochamus, that lives and feeds on trees, including timber.
Chrysomeloid beetlessawyerEnglishnounThe bowfin.US dialectal
Cimbrian ordinal numbersölbteCimbrianadjAlternative form of ölvtealt-of alternative not-comparable
Cimbrian ordinal numbersölbteCimbriannounAlternative form of ölvtealt-of alternative
CircusringmasterEnglishnounThe person who manages the performers in a circus ring.
CircusringmasterEnglishnounThe person who maintains a webring.Internet
CircusringmasterEnglishverbTo act as ringmaster.
CircusringmasterEnglishverbTo control (a group of people).figuratively
Clerical vestmentscalotteEnglishnounA skullcap worn by Roman Catholic priests.
Clerical vestmentscalotteEnglishnounThe vertical central area of the crown of a bird's head.archaic
Clerical vestmentscalotteEnglishnounA round cavity or depression, in the form of a cup or cap, lathed and plastered; used to diminish the rise or elevation of a moderate chapel, alcove, etc. which would otherwise be too high for other pieces of the apartment.architecture
Clerical vestmentscalotteEnglishnounThe upper (superior) or lower (inferior) half of the globe of the eye.anatomy medicine sciences
ClothingarmellaSpanishnouna braceletdated feminine
ClothingbarjolaCatalannounshoulder bagfeminine
ClothingbarjolaCatalannounwicker basketfeminine
ClothingbarjolaCatalannouninterior pocket of a jacketfeminine
ClothingbarjolaCatalannounbellyValencia colloquial feminine
ClothingbratEnglishnounA human child. / A child who is regarded as mischievous, unruly, spoiled, or selfish.countable derogatory slang uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounA human child. / The qualities possessed by a confident and assertive woman.neologism slang uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounA human child. / A child (at any age) of an active member of the military or the diplomatic service.countable slang uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounA human child. / A submissive partner who is disobedient and unruly.BDSM lifestyle sexualitycountable slang uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounA human child.countable slang uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounA turbot or flatfish.countable uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounA rough cloak or ragged garment.countable historical uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounA coarse kind of apron for keeping the clothes clean; a bib.Scotland UK countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishnounThe young of an animal.countable obsolete uncountable
ClothingbratEnglishverbTo act in a bratty manner as the submissive.BDSM lifestyle sexualityintransitive
ClothingbratEnglishadjCharacteristic of a confident and assertive woman.neologism
ClothingbratEnglishnounA thin bed of coal mixed with pyrites or carbonate of mining
ClothingcasacaSpanishnounjacketPeru Spain feminine
ClothingcasacaSpanishnounlies, bullshitEl-Salvador Guatemala colloquial feminine uncountable
ClothingcolțunRomaniannounsockmasculine regional
ClothingcolțunRomaniannounstockingmasculine regional
ClothingruryPolishnounAugmentative of rurkiaugmentative colloquial form-of plural
ClothingruryPolishnouninflection of rura: / genitive singularfeminine form-of genitive singular
ClothingruryPolishnouninflection of rura: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
ClothingстрелкаRussiannounhand, pointer, indicator
ClothingстрелкаRussiannounrailroad switch
ClothingстрелкаRussiannounarrow (in a drawing)
ClothingстрелкаRussiannounpromontory at a confluence of two rivers
ClothingстрелкаRussiannouncrease (of trousers)
ClothingстрелкаRussiannounfrogequestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sports
ClothingстрелкаRussiannounbusiness meeting for sorting things outslang
ClothingстрелкаRussiannounEurasian bluet (Coenagrion gen. et spp.)
ClothingстрелкаRussiannoungenitive/accusative singular of стрело́к (strelók)accusative form-of genitive singular
ClothingفرملةArabicnounverbal noun of فَرْمَلَ (farmala) (form Iq)form-of noun-from-verb
ClothingفرملةArabicnouna kind of traditional vest with gold braid ornaments resembling a صَدْرِيَّة (ṣadriyya), kirtle, gilet, plastron
CoffeepercolateEnglishverbTo pass a liquid through a porous substance; to filter.transitive
CoffeepercolateEnglishverbTo drain or seep through a porous substance.intransitive
CoffeepercolateEnglishverbTo make (coffee) in a percolator.transitive
CoffeepercolateEnglishverbTo spread slowly or gradually; to slowly become noticed or realised.figuratively intransitive
CoffeepercolateEnglishnounA liquid that has been percolated.rare
CoinsskidEnglishnounAn out-of-control sliding motion as would result from applying the brakes too hard in a car.
CoinsskidEnglishnounA shoe or clog, as of iron, attached to a chain, and placed under the wheel of a wagon to prevent its turning when descending a steep hill.
CoinsskidEnglishnounA hook attached to a chain, used for the same purpose.broadly
CoinsskidEnglishnounA piece of timber or other material used as a support, or to receive pressure. / A runner of a sled.
CoinsskidEnglishnounA piece of timber or other material used as a support, or to receive pressure. / A ski-shaped runner or supporting surface as found on a helicopter or other aircraft in place of wheels.
CoinsskidEnglishnounA piece of timber or other material used as a support, or to receive pressure. / A basic platform for the storage and transport of goods, machinery or equipment, later developed into the pallet.
CoinsskidEnglishnounA piece of timber or other material used as a support, or to receive pressure. / One of a pair of horizontal rails or timbers for supporting anything, such as a boat or barrel.
CoinsskidEnglishnounA banked sideslip where the aircraft's nose is yawed towards the low wing, often due to excessive rudder input.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
CoinsskidEnglishnounA losing streak.hobbies lifestyle sports
CoinsskidEnglishverb(of a wheel, sled runner, or vehicle tracks) To slide along the ground, without the rotary motion that wheels or tracks would normally have.intransitive
CoinsskidEnglishverbTo slide in an uncontrolled manner as in a car with the brakes applied too hard, the wheels sliding with limited spinning.intransitive
CoinsskidEnglishverbTo operate an aircraft in a banked sideslip with the nose yawed towards the low wing.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesintransitive transitive
CoinsskidEnglishverbTo protect or support with a skid or skids.transitive
CoinsskidEnglishverbTo cause to move on skids.transitive
CoinsskidEnglishverbTo check or halt (wagon wheels, etc.) with a skid.transitive
CoinsskidEnglishnounA stepchild.Internet
CoinsskidEnglishnounA script kiddie.Internet
CoinsskidEnglishverbTo steal or copy, especially computer code.Internet
CoinsskidEnglishnounA sovereign (old coin).UK obsolete slang
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishadjUsed or accepted broadly rather than by small portions of population, market, scientific community, etc.
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishnounThe principal current in a flow, such as a river or flow of air
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishnounThat which is common; the norm.usually
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishverbTo popularize, to normalize, to render mainstream.transitive
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishverbTo become mainstream.intransitive
CollectivesmainstreamEnglishverbTo educate (a disabled student) together with non-disabled students.educationUS transitive
CollectivesposiedzeniePolishnounverbal noun of posiedziećform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
CollectivesposiedzeniePolishnounsitting; session, plenary (meeting held by a group of people in order to discuss some topic or topics)countable neuter
CollectivesposiedzeniePolishnounsituation, job, position, post, occupationcountable neuter obsolete
CollectivesposiedzeniePolishnouncompany, fellowship, groupcountable neuter obsolete
CollectivesrajHungariannounswarm, (of birds) flock
CollectivesrajHungariannounsquad, section, squadron (with approx. 13 people)government military politics war
Collectives選民Chinesenounvoter (one who votes); elector
Collectives選民Chinesenounconstituency; electorate
Collectives選民Chinesenounchosen peoplelifestyle religion
ColorscoklatMalaynounchocolate (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans)
ColorscoklatMalaynounchocolate (dark brown color similar to chocolate)
ColorscoklatMalayadjchocolate (made of or containing chocolate)
ColorscoklatMalayadjchocolate (having a dark brown color)
ColorsаквамариновийUkrainianadjaquamarine (color)
ColorsկապուտակOld Armenianadjblue; sky-blue, light blue; navy-blue; having the blue color of the hyacinth lily
ColorsկապուտակOld Armenianadjlivid
ColorsկապուտակOld Armenianadjreddish, blackberry-colored, violet
ColorsկապուտակOld Armeniannounblue matter, blue dyed wool, flower
ColorsկապուտակOld Armeniannounblue mineral, from which a blue dye is produced
ColorsկապուտակOld Armeniannounhyacinth (gem)
ColorsմոռArmeniannounAlternative form of մոր (mor)alt-of alternative dialectal
ColumbidsܝܘܢܐClassical Syriacnoundove (bird)
ColumbidsܝܘܢܐClassical SyriacnameJonah
ComedynarDutchnouncourt jesterhistory human-sciences sciencescommon-gender masculine
ComedynarDutchnounfoolcommon common-gender masculine
CommunismشيوعيةArabicnounfemale equivalent of شُيُوعِيّ (šuyūʕiyy)feminine form-of
CommunismشيوعيةArabicadjfeminine singular of شُيُوعِيّ (šuyūʕiyy)feminine form-of singular
Compass pointsnorth-northeastEnglishnounThe compass point halfway between north and northeast; specifically at a bearing of 22.5°.uncountable
Compass pointsnorth-northeastEnglishadjOf, in or pertaining to the north-northeast; north-northeastern.not-comparable
Compass pointsnorth-northeastEnglishadjSituated toward or in the direction of the north-northeast; north-northeastward; north-northeasterly.not-comparable
Compass pointsnorth-northeastEnglishadjComing from the north-northeast; north-northeasterly.not-comparable
Compass pointsnorth-northeastEnglishadvTowards or in the direction of the north-northeast; north-northeastwards.not-comparable
Compass pointsnorðurFaroesenounnorthneuter uncountable
Compass pointsnorðurFaroeseadvnorth, northward
CompositessaulėgrąžaLithuaniannounsunflower (Helianthus)
CompositessaulėgrąžaLithuaniannounsunflower (Helianthus) / sunflower seedsin-plural
CompositessaulėgrąžaLithuaniannounsolsticeastronomy natural-sciences
ComputinginstruksiIndonesiannouninstruction / The act of instructing, teaching, or providing with information or knowledge.uncountable
ComputinginstruksiIndonesiannouninstruction / An instance of the information or knowledge so furnished.countable
ComputinginstruksiIndonesiannouninstruction / An order or command.countable
ComputinginstruksiIndonesiannouninstruction / A set of directions provided by a manufacturer for the users of a product or
ComputinginstruksiIndonesiannouninstruction / A single operation of a processor defined by an instruction set architecture.countable
ComputinginstruksiIndonesianverbto instruct / To teach by giving instructions.transitive
ComputinginstruksiIndonesianverbto instruct / To tell (someone) what they must or should do.transitive
ComputinginstruksiIndonesianverbto instruct / To give (one's own lawyer) legal instructions as to how they should act in relation to a particular issue; thereby formally appointing them as one's own legal representative in relation to it.transitive
CondimentsMostrichGermannounmustardGerman Northeastern masculine no-plural regional strong
CondimentsMostrichGermannouna kind of mustard made with must instead of vinegarmasculine no-plural specifically strong
ContainersbùskaKashubiannouncase (something for holding things)feminine
ContainersbùskaKashubiannounflash panengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryfeminine
ContainersbùskaKashubiannounbox, coffer (square container)feminine
ContainersbùskaKashubiannouncan (more or less cylindrical and often metal container or vessel)feminine
ContainersbùskaKashubiannounglass (container for drinking liquid from)feminine
ContainersbùskaKashubiannouncasing (that which encases)feminine
ContainersghiveciRomaniannounflowerpot (a container in which plants are grown)neuter
ContainersghiveciRomaniannouna Romanian dish, a kind of vegetable stewneuter
ContainerspurkkiFinnishnounjar (small, approximately cylindrical container)
ContainerspurkkiFinnishnouncan (cylindrical container)
ContainerspurkkiFinnishnouncanister (lightweight cylindrical container)
ContainerspurkkiFinnishnounkick the can (children's game; a game similar to hide-and-seek or tag in which a ball or other object is kicked away at the start of the game, and "it" is only allowed to catch players while the ball is back where it started)
ContainerspurkkiFinnishnouna BBScomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescolloquial dated
ContainersthúngVietnamesenouna semiglobular bamboo-woven basket, for storing grains or maize.
ContainersthúngVietnamesenounthe quantity which fills up a thúng, varies without an exact standard unit.obsolete
ContainersthúngVietnamesenounClipping of thuyền thúng.abbreviation alt-of clipping
ContainerstubaPolishnountube (cylindrical container)feminine
ContainerstubaPolishnountuba (large brass musical instrument)feminine
ContainerstubaPolishnountube scarf (shawl in which the ends are stitched together, interposed several times around the neck when put on in order to surround this part of the body with a thick and high layer of knitted or woven fabric to protect against the cold)feminine
ContainersאָרוןYiddishnounark (box)
ContainersאָרוןYiddishnouncoffin, casketJudaism
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounpot, cooking pot, marmitefeminine
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounmeal prepared in a cooking potfeminine metonymically
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnoun(heavy) shellgovernment military politics warfeminine slang
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounprostitute, especially one past the first youth, the "flesh pot" of the souteneurdated feminine slang
Cookware and bakewareκανθόςAncient Greeknouncorner of the eye
Cookware and bakewareκανθόςAncient Greeknouneyelids
Cookware and bakewareκανθόςAncient Greeknouneyepoetic
Cookware and bakewareκανθόςAncient Greeknounrim or tire of a wheel
Cookware and bakewareκανθόςAncient Greeknounchimney
Cookware and bakewareκανθόςAncient Greeknounpot, pan
Cornales order plantscornelEnglishnounAny tree or shrub of the dogwood subgenera, Cornus subg. Arctocrania (syn. Cornus subg. Chamaepericlymenum) or Cornus subg. Cornus, especially Cornus mas, the European cornel.
Cornales order plantscornelEnglishnounThe cherry-like fruit of such plants, certain of which are edible.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA bend; turn; curve; curvature; a flexure.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA bending of the knee; a genuflection.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA bent or curved part; a curving piece or portion (of anything).
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA lock or curl of hair.obsolete
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA support beam consisting of a post with a cross-beam resting upon it; a bracket or truss consisting of a vertical piece, a horizontal piece, and a strut.obsolete
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA specialized staff with a semi-circular bend (a "hook") at one end used by shepherds to control their herds.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA bishop's standard staff of office.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounAn artifice; a trick; a contrivance.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA person who steals, lies, cheats or does other dishonest or illegal things; a criminal.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA pothook.
CorruptioncrookEnglishnounA small tube, usually curved, applied to a trumpet, horn, etc., to change its pitch or key.entertainment lifestyle music
CorruptioncrookEnglishverbTo bend, or form into a hook.transitive
CorruptioncrookEnglishverbTo become bent or hooked.intransitive
CorruptioncrookEnglishverbTo turn from the path of rectitude; to pervert; to misapply; to twist.
CorruptioncrookEnglishadjBad, unsatisfactory, not up to standard.Australia New-Zealand slang
CorruptioncrookEnglishadjIll, sick.Australia New-Zealand slang
CorruptioncrookEnglishadjAnnoyed, angry; upset.Australia New-Zealand slang
CorruptioncuñadismoSpanishnounthe tendency to talk about any subject implying to be smarter than anyone else, with total confidence, and without truly knowing anything about it; arroganceSpain derogatory informal masculine uncountable
CorruptioncuñadismoSpanishnounnepotismmasculine uncountable
Cosmetics乳液Japanesenounlatex (milky sap)
Cosmetics乳液Japanesenounmilky lotion
CountriesIndiëDutchnamethe Indies / the West Indieshistorical neuter
CountriesIndiëDutchnamethe Indies / the East Indies / the Dutch East Indies; Indonesia in the context of Dutch colonial ruleIndonesia Netherlands dated historical informal neuter
CountriesIndiëDutchnamethe Indies / the East Indies / the Indonesian War of IndependenceNetherlands colloquial dated historical neuter
CountriesIndiëDutchname(chiefly historical, proscribed in modern use) India (a region of South Asia, traditionally delimited by the Himalayas and the Indus river; the Indian subcontinent)dated neuter
CountriesKāmoaHawaiiannameSamoa (A country consisting of the western part of the Samoan archipelago in Polynesia, in Oceania)
Country nicknamesOld DartEnglishnameBritain, England, London, or Ireland; the Old Country.Australia New-Zealand
Country nicknamesOld DartEnglishnameDartmouth Royal Navy College.government military naval navy politics warUK colloquial
CraftsmộcVietnamesenounWood, one of the Wu Xing
CraftsmộcVietnamesenounstamp (imprint or mark made by stamping)
Cranes (birds)tranaSwedishnouncommon crane, Grus gruscommon-gender
Cranes (birds)tranaSwedishnounany bird of the crane (Gruidae) familycommon-gender
Crickets and grasshopperskraśnikPolishnounany moth of the genus Zygaenaanimal-not-person masculine
Crickets and grasshopperskraśnikPolishnounany grasshopper of the genus Celesanimal-not-person masculine
Crimeひき逃げJapanesenouna hit and run (the crime of causing an accident and leaving)
Crimeひき逃げJapaneseverbto hit and run (hit someone with a vehicle then leave)
Criminal lawdożywociePolishnounlife sentenceneuter
Criminal lawdożywociePolishnounnotarial contract ceding real estate in exchange for lifelong carelawneuter
CrucifershandflowerEnglishnounA Mexican hand tree (Chiranthodendron pentadactylon).sometimes
CrucifershandflowerEnglishnounA wallflower (Erysimum cheiri, syns. Erysimum × cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri).
CrucifershandflowerEnglishnounAn item of jewellery consisting of a bracelet linked to a ring by chains, lace or other elements which cross the back of the hand.
CrucifersjenabeSpanishnounmustard (a plant of genus Brassica)masculine
CrucifersjenabeSpanishnounmustard seedmasculine
CrustaceansראַקYiddishnouncrawfish, crayfishcountable
CrustaceansראַקYiddishnounCancerastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciencesuncountable
CrustaceansראַקYiddishnouncancermedicine pathology sciencescountable
Cuckoos烏鵑Chinesenounsquare-tailed drongo-cuckoo, Surniculus lugubris
CurrenciesrandNorwegian Nynorsknounstripefeminine
CurrenciesrandNorwegian Nynorsknountype, nature, tendency (to do something)feminine
CurrenciesrandNorwegian Nynorsknounbrim (e.g. of a glass)feminine
CurrenciesrandNorwegian Nynorsknounedgefeminine
CurrenciesrandNorwegian Nynorsknounrand (monetary unit of South Africa)masculine
CurrenciesrandNorwegian Nynorsknounmantelpiecefeminine
CutleryܬܪܘܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounspoon (scooped utensil for eating or serving)
CutleryܬܪܘܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounspoonful, small teaspoon
CutleryܬܪܘܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounprobe (instrument used to explore wounds or organs)
CyprinidsbarbiFinnishnounbarb (type of cyprinid fish)
CyprinidsbarbiFinnishnounBarbie (type of doll)
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The common rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), a freshwater fish.countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Any of various grass-skippers or hesperiid butterflies of the genus Matapa.countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The red-eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas), which is native to neotropical rainforests.countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / A species of cicada, Psaltoda moerens, native to eastern Australia.Australia countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus), a small American songbird.Canada US countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Any of various round herrings of the genus Etrumeus.South-Africa US countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Either of two subspecies of the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix), a venomous pit viper native to the United States: either the broad-banded copperhead or Texas copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus), or the highland moccasin or northern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen).US countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / Any of various sunfishes of the family Centrarchidae, especially the redeye bass (Micropterus coosae) or the rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris).US countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAny of various animals that have red eyes. / The redeye tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae), a freshwater fish, commonly kept in aquariums, native to South America.countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / A drink made by adding a shot of espresso to a cup of coffee.countable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / A drink consisting of beer with tomato juice.Canada countable regional uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / A strong but poor-quality whiskey.US countable slang uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounTypes of beverages or sauces. / Ellipsis of red-eye gravy.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounAn overnight airplane flight or train trip.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travelUS also attributive colloquial countable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounRedness of the conjunctiva; especially when caused by conjunctivitis (pink-eye).medicine sciencescountable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishnounRedness in the eye(s) of someone in a colour photograph, as an unwanted consequence of light from a flash reflecting off blood vessels in the retina.arts hobbies lifestyle photographycountable uncountable
Cyprinidsred-eyeEnglishverbOften followed by it: to travel on a red-eye (“an overnight airplane flight”).aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travelcolloquial intransitive
DancessicilianaEnglishnounA Sicilian dance, resembling the pastorale, set to a slow and graceful melody in 12-8 or 6-8 dancing hobbies lifestyle sports
DancessicilianaEnglishnounThe music to this dance.entertainment lifestyle music
DeathcatafaltiquesFrenchadjmasculine plural of catafaltiqueform-of masculine plural
DeathcatafaltiquesFrenchadjfeminine plural of catafaltiquefeminine form-of plural
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of something'e presence; disappearance.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of one's life; death or passing away.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of a literary piece or work.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The last or final part of something.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The conclusion or aftermath of something.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The irrevocable or last destiny of something.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / A successful conclusion or finishing.rare
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe marginal or outlying part of something: / The extreme terminus or point of an object or thing (including something that was formerly one)
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe marginal or outlying part of something: / The margins or surrounds of a nation or settlement; the border.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounA part of a settlement, province, or nation.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe limitations or boundaries of something.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounOne's ends, aims, goals, or purpose; the direction one chooses.
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounA section or portion of something.rare
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounA family member; one's kin.rare
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounThe deeper facts or realness of something.rare
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounWhat makes something important, purposeful or meaningful.rare
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounOne of the four cardinal directions.rare
DeathendeMiddle EnglishnounA duck (usually referring to the female)
DeathendeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of endenalt-of alternative
DeathgenocideEnglishnounThe systematic and deliberate destruction of a group of people, typically by killing substantial numbers of them, on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, or nationality.countable uncountable
DeathgenocideEnglishnounThe systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on other grounds.broadly countable uncountable
DeathgenocideEnglishnounThe systematic suppression of ideas or practices on the basis of cultural or ethnic origin; culturicide.broadly countable uncountable
DeathgenocideEnglishnounThe elimination of an entire class of monsters by the player.roguelikes video-gamescountable uncountable
DeathgenocideEnglishverbTo commit genocide (against); to eliminate (a group of people) completely.transitive
Deathlubong taposCebuanoadjhaving the day of funeral and last day of the novena fall on the same day
Deathlubong taposCebuanonounan instance where the funeral and last day of the novena fall on the same day
DeathsztywnyPolishadjrigid, stiff
DeathsztywnyPolishadjbrought to such a consistency that it is impossible to pourinformal
DeathsztywnyPolishadjdevoid of flexibilityinformal
DeathsztywnyPolishadjstrictly definedinformal
DeathsztywnyPolishadjdrunkardderogatory informal
DeathsztywnyPolishadjstiff, goner (dead person)derogatory informal
Death孝子Chinesenounfilial son
Death孝子Chinesenounson in mourning
Death孝子Chinesenoununfilial sonironic slang
Death孝子Chinesenounlackey; stanInternet derogatory often
Death處決Chineseverbto handle; to deal with; to resolve
Death處決Chineseverbto put to death; to execute
Death處決Chineseverbto handle resolutelyliterary
DeathChinesecharacterto avoid mentioning
DeathChinesecharacterto avoid; to regard as taboo
DeathChinesecharactername of a deceased emperor or elderhistorical
DeathChinesecharacterto fear; to dreadobsolete
DeathChinesecharacterto dieeuphemistic obsolete
Death遺體Chinesenounremains; body of the dead
Death遺體Chinesenounone's body (as handed down from one's parents)
DemocracyMPEnglishnounMember of Parliamentgovernment politicscountable uncountable
DemocracyMPEnglishnounMilitary Police; military policemangovernment military politics warcountable uncountable
DemocracyMPEnglishnounmana points or magic pointsfantasy video-gamescountable uncountable
DemocracyMPEnglishnounMegapixelcountable uncountable
DemocracyMPEnglishnounMachine Pistolcountable uncountable
DemocracyMPEnglishnounInitialism of morning prayer.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DemocracyMPEnglishnameInitialism of Mandatory Palestine.abbreviation alt-of initialism
DemocracyMPEnglishnameInitialism of Madhya Pradesh.India abbreviation alt-of initialism
DemocracyMPEnglishadjInitialism of alt-of initialism not-comparable
DemonymsBarbudianEnglishnounA person from Barbuda in Antigua and Barbuda, or of Barbudian descent.
DemonymsBarbudianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Barbuda, or the Barbudian people.not-comparable
DemonymsGosfordianEnglishnameAn inhabitant or resident of Gosford, New South Wales
DemonymsGosfordianEnglishnameAn inhabitant or resident of Gosford, New South Wales / A Central Coasterbroadly
DemonymsIndianEnglishadjOf or relating to India or its people; or (formerly) of the East Indies.
DemonymsIndianEnglishadjEastern; Oriental.obsolete
DemonymsIndianEnglishadjOf or relating to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
DemonymsIndianEnglishadjMade with Indian corn or maize.Canada US
DemonymsIndianEnglishadjDesignating any of various chess openings now characterised by black's attempt to control the board through knights and fianchettoed bishops rather than with a central pawn advance.board-games chess games
DemonymsIndianEnglishnounA person from India.
DemonymsIndianEnglishnounAn American Indian, a member of one of the indigenous peoples of the Americas (generally excluding the Aleut, Inuit, Metis, or Yupik).
DemonymsIndianEnglishnounAn indigenous inhabitant of Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific islands.archaic historical
DemonymsIndianEnglishnounIndian cuisine; traditional Indian food.uncountable
DemonymsIndianEnglishnounA meal at (or taken away from) an Indian restaurant.UK colloquial
DemonymsIndianEnglishnounAn Indian restaurant.UK colloquial
DemonymsIndianEnglishnounShort for Mardi Gras Indian.abbreviation alt-of
DemonymsIndianEnglishnameAny of the (unrelated) languages spoken by American Indians.nonstandard
DemonymsIndianEnglishnameAny language spoken by natives of India, especially Hindi.nonstandard rare
DemonymsKoreanoTagalognounKorean (person)
DemonymsKoreanoTagalognounKorean language
DemonymsKoreanoTagalogadjKorean (pertaining to Korea or Korean people, language, or culture)
DemonymsKosraeanEnglishnameA language spoken in the Pacific, in the island of Kosrae and the Caroline Islands. It is a member of the Austronesian family of languages, and belongs to the Micronesian group.
DemonymsKosraeanEnglishnounSomeone from Kosrae.
DemonymsKosraeanEnglishadjFrom Kosraenot-comparable
DemonymsKyiviteEnglishadjOf, from or pertaining to Kyiv.not-comparable
DemonymsKyiviteEnglishnounSomeone living in or originating from Kyiv.
DemonymsariqueñoSpanishadjof Aricarelational
DemonymsariqueñoSpanishnounsomeone from Aricamasculine
DemonymsbejaranoSpanishadjof Béjarrelational
DemonymsbejaranoSpanishnounsomeone from Béjarmasculine
DemonymsestagiritaSpanishadjof Stagirafeminine masculine relational
DemonymsestagiritaSpanishnounsomeone from Stagiraby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymslisboetaPortugueseadjLisbonerfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymslisboetaPortuguesenounLisbonerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsmixeSpanishadjMixefeminine masculine
DemonymsmixeSpanishnounMixe (people)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsmixeSpanishnounMixe (macrolanguage)masculine uncountable
DemonymsmorazánicoSpanishadjof Morazánrelational
DemonymsmorazánicoSpanishnounsomeone from Morazánmasculine
DemonymsmurcensePortugueseadjof Murçafeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsmurcensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Murçaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsoborniczankaPolishnounfemale equivalent of oborniczanin (“native or resident of Oborniki”)feminine form-of
DemonymsoborniczankaPolishnounfemale equivalent of oborniczanin (“native or resident of Oborniki Śląskie”)feminine form-of
DemonymsчехRussiannounmale Czech (person)
DemonymsчехRussiannouna Chechen man, especially during the two Russian-Chechen conflictsgovernment military politics warslang
DemonymsөзбекKyrgyzadjUzbek (pertaining to the Uzbek people or the Uzbek language)
DemonymsөзбекKyrgyznounUzbek (by ethnicity)
Derogatory names for countriesWest TaiwanEnglishnamePeople's Republic of China or mainland China.Internet derogatory
Derogatory names for countriesWest TaiwanEnglishnameWestern Taiwan.
DialectsTadjiksAfrikaansadjTajik (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language)not-comparable
DialectsTadjiksAfrikaansnameTajik, Tajiki (Persian dialect spoken in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)
DialectsTadjiksAfrikaansnounplural of Tadjikform-of plural
Dim sum蝦餃Chinesenounhar gow (traditional Cantonese shrimp dumpling) (Classifier: 個/个 m c; 隻/只 c; 粒 c; 籠/笼 c)
Dim sum蝦餃Chinesenounpresident. Phono-semantic matching of Japanese 社長 (shachō).ACG video-gamesslang
DisabilityинвалидRussiannouna disabled person, an invalid
DisabilityинвалидRussiannounan invalid (a retired soldier unfit for active duty because of age or injury)historical
DisabilityఅవుడుTelugunoundisability, crippleness, deformitymedicine pathology sciencessingular singular-only uncountable
DisabilityఅవుడుTelugunounverbal noun of అవు (avu)form-of noun-from-verb
DiseasesхлъпкаBulgariannounknobble of fleece, wool, cottondialectal diminutive
DiseasesхлъпкаBulgariannounlarge snowflake, small lump of snowdialectal
DiseasesхлъпкаBulgariannouncataract (clouding of the lens in the eye)medicine sciencesdialectal
DiseasesܩܘܠܘܢClassical Syriacnounmembers, limbsanatomy medicine sciencesin-plural
DiseasesܩܘܠܘܢClassical Syriacnouncolicmedicine pathology sciences
DiseasesܩܘܠܘܢClassical Syriacnouncolon (last part of the digestive system)anatomy medicine sciences
DiseasesមួលKhmerverbto turn, twist, screw
DiseasesមួលKhmerverbto distort
Distributive numbersmẹfa mẹfaYorubaadvsix by six
Distributive numbersmẹfa mẹfaYorubaadjsix each (followed by nouns to be distributed to)
Dogbane family plantsعفارArabicnoundust, grime, ash
Dogbane family plantsعفارArabicnounpossibly a generic term for plants that become ash / Buddleja spp.
Dogbane family plantsعفارArabicnounpossibly a generic term for plants that become ash / Cynanchum viminale
Dogbane family plantsعفارArabicnounAfar, a people of the Horn of Africa
DogslabradoriFinnishnounLabrador retriever
DogslabradoriFinnishnounlabradoritechemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciences
DogssuniaPolishnoundiminutive of sukadiminutive feminine form-of
DogssuniaPolishnounbitch (a female dog)endearing feminine
DogssuniaPolishnounbabe (an attractive woman)colloquial feminine
Domestic catsBurmeseEnglishadjOf or relating to Burma (Myanmar) or its people or language.not-comparable
Domestic catsBurmeseEnglishnounA person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent.
Domestic catsBurmeseEnglishnounA medium-sized, short-haired domestic cat breed, originating in Thailand.biology natural-sciences zoology
Domestic catsBurmeseEnglishnameThe Sino-Tibetan official language of the country Burma. Also known as Myanmar (which is the name preferred by the country's current government).
Domestic catsBurmeseEnglishnameThe script in which the Burmese language is written.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA male monarch; a man who heads a monarchy; in an absolute monarchy, the supreme ruler of his nation.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounThe monarch with the most power and authority in a monarchy, regardless of sex.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA powerful or majorly influential person.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounSomething that has a preeminent position.countable uncountable
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA component of certain games. / The principal chess piece, that players seek to threaten with unavoidable capture to result in a victory by checkmate. It is often the tallest piece, with a symbolic crown with a cross at the top.board-games chess games
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA component of certain games. / A playing card with the letter "K" and the image of a king on it, the thirteenth card in a given suit.card-games games
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA component of certain games. / A checker (a piece of checkers/draughts) that reached the farthest row forward, thus becoming crowned (either by turning it upside-down, or by stacking another checker on it) and gaining more freedom of movement.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA component of certain games. / The central pin or skittle in bowling games.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA king skin.UK slang
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA male dragonfly; a drake.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA king-sized bed.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounA vertex in a directed graph which can reach every other vertex via a path with a length of at most 2.graph-theory mathematics sciences
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishverbTo crown king, to make (a person) king.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishverbTo rule over as king.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishverbTo perform the duties of a king.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishverbTo assume or pretend preeminence (over); to lord it over.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishverbTo promote a piece of draughts/checkers that has traversed the board to the opposite side, that piece subsequently being permitted to move backwards as well as forwards.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishverbTo dress and perform as a drag king.
Dragonflies and damselflieskingEnglishnounAlternative form of qing (“Chinese musical instrument”)alt-of alternative
DrinkingborratxoCatalannoundrunkard, drunkmasculine
DrinkingborratxoCatalannouna dessert of sponge cake soaked in spirits and syrupmasculine
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto stuff with stuffing materialtransitive
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto completely fill by shoving intransitive
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto make to eat a lottransitive
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto force-feedtransitive
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto hit someoneslang transitive
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto get drunkreflexive slang
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto bingepronominal slang
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto jam by way of excessive accumulationintransitive
DrinkingbourrerFrenchverbto rushcolloquial intransitive
DrinkingspiffedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of spiffform-of participle past
DrinkingspiffedEnglishadjNeat, attractive, in good condition; spiffed up.
DrinkingspiffedEnglishadjHaving an associated spiff for selling.
DrinkingпияBulgarianverbto drink, to imbibe (to consume liquid through the mouth)transitive
DrinkingпияBulgarianverbto drink, to tope (to consume alcoholic beverages)intransitive
DyeslitmusEnglishnounA dyestuff extracted from certain lichens, that changes color when exposed to pH levels greater than or less than certain critical levels.uncountable
DyeslitmusEnglishnounA simple test of acidity in a liquid using litmus, usually in the form of litmus paper.countable uncountable
DyeslitmusEnglishnounA simple test of any attribute; a litmus test.countable uncountable
EaglesорлёнокRussiannouneaglet (an eagle chick)
EaglesорлёнокRussiannouna member of a Soviet pioneer camp Орлёнок (or it's modern equivalent) or a boy who is acting like one
EaglesорлёнокRussiannouna teenager who was fighting on the Red side during the Civil War in Russia, Belarussia and Ukraine (1917-24)historical
EaglesорлёнокRussiannouna teenager who took part in the defence of Lemberg fighting on the Polish side during the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918-19)historical
EarwigsearwigEnglishnounAny of various insects of the order Dermaptera that have elongated bodies, large membranous wings folded underneath short leathery forewings and a pair of large pincers protruding from the rear of the abdomen.
EarwigsearwigEnglishnounOne who whispers insinuations; a secret counsellor.
EarwigsearwigEnglishnounA flatterer.
EarwigsearwigEnglishverbTo fill the mind of with prejudice by insinuations.transitive
EarwigsearwigEnglishverbTo attempt to influence by persistent confidential argument or talk.transitive
EarwigsearwigEnglishverbTo eavesdrop.UK intransitive slang
EarwigsearwigEnglishverbTo eavesdrop on.UK slang transitive
EducationscoillManxnounschooling, learning, educationfeminine
EducationбезграмотністьUkrainiannounignorance, unletterednessuncountable
Eels바다뱀Koreannounyellow-bellied sea snake, pelagic sea snake (Pelamis platura)
Eels바다뱀KoreannounA snake eel, particularly the species Ophisurus macrorhynchos.
EmotionsconceyvenMiddle EnglishverbTo become pregnant; to conceive.
EmotionsconceyvenMiddle EnglishverbTo cause, lead to.
EmotionsconceyvenMiddle EnglishverbTo absorb (draw up)
EmotionsconceyvenMiddle EnglishverbTo feel (an emotion)
EmotionsconceyvenMiddle EnglishverbTo notice; to observe
EmotionsconceyvenMiddle EnglishverbTo understand; to comprehend: / To develop a viewpoint.
EmotionsconceyvenMiddle EnglishverbTo understand; to comprehend: / To plan; to plot.
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo put a crown on one's head (often as a symbol of power or might): / To crown; to perform a crowning or install as monarch.
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo put a crown on one's head (often as a symbol of power or might): / To crown with a chaplet in recognition of winning or achievement.
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo put a crown on one's head (often as a symbol of power or might): / To raise a god or saint to a religion theologyrare
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo instill or cause a condition, feeling or mental state; to grant.
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo let or allow into a monastic community or grouping.
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo raise a virtuous people to religion theology
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo install a high ecclesiastical figure.Christianity
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo wear a crown; to have a crown on one's head.rare
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo grant an influential office or duty.rare
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo have a specified kind of flower.rare
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo put the top portion of a brick wall on.rare
EmotionscorounenMiddle EnglishverbTo glorify or recognise.rare
EmotionsimníIrishnounanxiety, worry, concernfeminine
EmotionsimníIrishnouneagerness, diligence, carefeminine
EmotionsmodestEnglishadjNot bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements; unpretentious, humble.
EmotionsmodestEnglishadjSmall, moderate in size.
EmotionsmodestEnglishadjPure and delicate from a sense of propriety.
EmotionsmodestEnglishadjIntending to avoid the encouraging of sexual attraction in others.especially
EmotionsqualmMiddle EnglishnounPlague, disease or sickness; that which afflicts.
EmotionsqualmMiddle EnglishnounThe effects, fruits, or ravages of plague.
EmotionsqualmMiddle EnglishnounKilling (as a concept or as an instance)rare
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To become overweight or chubby.
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To display visible signs of pregnancy.
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To become swollen due to illness or injury.medicine sciences
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To become distended or excrescent.
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo experience intense emotions: / To become prideful or vain.
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo experience intense emotions: / To become distressed, worried, or concerned.rare
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo rise, to go above its previous position.
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo become gassy or windy.euphemistic
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo become aroused.euphemistic rare
EmotionsswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo enliven; to make more lively.rare
Emotions焦慮Chineseadjanxious; worried
Emotions焦慮Chinesenounconcern; anxiety
EngineeringגלגלHebrewverbdefective spelling of גילגל.alt-of misspelling
English diminutives of male given namesTadEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Thaddeus or Thaddaeus.
English diminutives of male given namesTadEnglishnameTadcaster.UK colloquial
EpistemologydogmaEnglishnounAn authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true and indisputable, regardless of evidence or without evidence to support it.countable uncountable
EpistemologydogmaEnglishnounA doctrine (or set of doctrines) relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth authoritatively by a religious organization or leader.countable uncountable
EquidsåsnaSwedishnoundonkey, ass (domestic animal)common-gender
EquidsåsnaSwedishnouna stupid person, a jackasscommon-gender
EthicscharityEnglishnounAn organization, the objective of which is to carry out a charitable purpose.countable
EthicscharityEnglishnounThe goods or money given to those in need.countable
EthicscharityEnglishnounBenevolence to others less fortunate than ourselves; the providing of goods or money to those in need.uncountable
EthicscharityEnglishnounIn general, an attitude of kindness and understanding towards others, now especially suggesting generosity.countable uncountable
EthicscharityEnglishnounChristian love; representing God's love of man, man's love of God, or man's love of his fellow-men.Christianityarchaic countable uncountable
EthicscharityEnglishnounA free throw.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsPhilippines US countable informal uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnameThe language of France, shared by the neighboring countries Belgium, Monaco, and Switzerland and by former French colonies around the world.uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnameThe ability of a person to communicate in French.uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnameFrench language and literature as an object of study.uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnameVulgar language.euphemistic ironic often uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnameA surname.countable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnounThe people of France; groups of French people.collective countable in-plural uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnounSynonym of oral sex, especially sex sexualitydated slang uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishnounEllipsis of French vermouth, a type of dry vermouth.abbreviation alt-of dated ellipsis slang uncountable
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to France.
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to the people or culture of France.
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishadjOf or relating to the French language.
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishadjOf or related to oral sex, especially sexualityslang
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishadjUsed to form names or references to venereal diseases.euphemistic informal often
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishadjUsed to form names or references to an unconventional or fancy style.
EthnonymsFrenchEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of frenchalt-of
EthnonymsGreekEnglishadjOf or relating to Greece, its people, its language, or its culture
EthnonymsGreekEnglishadjSynonym of incomprehensible, used for foreign speech or text, technical jargon, or advanced subjects.colloquial figuratively
EthnonymsGreekEnglishadjOf or relating to collegiate fraternities, sororities, and/or (uncommon) honor societies.US not-comparable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnameThe language spoken by people of Greece, particularly, depending on context, Ancient Greek or Modern Greek.countable uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnameThe written form of these languages.countable uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnameA surname.countable uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounA person from Greece or of Greek descent.countable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounGreek cuisine, traditional or representative Greek food.uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounSynonym of gibberish, used for foreign speech or text, technical jargon, or advanced subjects.colloquial figuratively uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounSynonym of lorem ipsum, dummy placeholder text used in greeking.colloquial figuratively uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounA member of a collegiate fraternity or sorority.US colloquial countable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounA cunning rogue.archaic countable slang
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounA merry fellow.archaic countable slang
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounAnal sex.slang uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishnounOne of the Greeks, measures of derivative price financecountable in-plural uncountable
EthnonymsGreekEnglishverbTo cheat at cards.obsolete
EthnonymsGreekEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of greek.alt-of uncommon
EthnonymsбашқұртKazakhnounBashkir (by ethnicity)
EthnonymsઅફઘાનGujaratiadjOf, from, or pertaining to Afghanistan.
EthnonymsઅફઘાનGujaratinounAfghan; a person from Afghanistan
Extinct languageslícioPortugueseadjLycian (of or relating to Lycia)
Extinct languageslícioPortuguesenounLycian (native of Lycia)masculine
Extinct languageslícioPortuguesenounLycian (Anatolian language spoken in ancient Lycia)masculine uncountable
FacengươiVietnamesepronyou (to address perceived inferiors)archaic literary
FacengươiVietnameseparticleprefixes someone's name, functioning either as a vocative or focus marker.literary obsolete
FacengươiVietnamesenounpupil (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye)
FalconidstarseEnglishnounThe penis.archaic
FalconidstarseEnglishnounThe tarsus (seven bones in the ankle).
FalconidstarseEnglishnounA male falcon.falconry hobbies hunting lifestyle
FalconidsChinesecharacterdull and not speakingZhangzhou-Hokkien
FalconidsChinesecharactersound made by a fast-moving object: zoomZhangzhou-Hokkien
FalconidsChinesecharactersound of sniffing one's nose: sniffleZhangzhou-Hokkien
FalconidsJapanesecharacterfalconJinmeiyō kanji
FalconidsJapanesenouna peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
FalconidsJapanesenouna falcon (in general)
FalconidsJapanesenounthe act of being quick and brave
FalconidsJapanesenounthe act of being quick and brave / a person that is quick and brave
FalconidsJapanesenounthe Nakajima Ki-43: a name of a World War II fighter jet
FamilyachcolliClassical Nahuatlnoungreat-grandfather
FamilyachcolliClassical Nahuatlnounancestor
Familyanak hitamMalaynounseventh child
Familyanak hitamMalaynouneighth child
FamilycoesposoSpanishnounco-husband: the relationship of two men who are married to the same womanmasculine
FamilycoesposoSpanishnounthe Holy Spirit and Joseph as co-spouses of the Virgin Marylifestyle religionmasculine
FamilyfoEwenounbrother (older brother)
FamilyfoEwenouncousin (older male cousin)
FamilyfoEweverbto peel (remove skin)
FamilygermanoPortuguesenounGerman (member of a Germanic tribe)masculine
FamilygermanoPortuguesenouna brother or sister with the same mother and father (as opposed to a stepbrother or sister)masculine
FamilygermanoPortugueseadjlegitimate; genuine
FamilyhiwcuþOld Englishadjfamiliar (+ dative with something)
FamilyhiwcuþOld Englishadjof the family or household: familial, domestic
FamilysposatoItalianadjmarried, wedded
FamilysposatoItalianverbpast participle of sposareform-of participle past
FamilystirpsLatinnounrootstock; the lowest part of the trunk of a plant, including the roots.declension-3 feminine
FamilystirpsLatinnouna plant, shrub, shoot, sproutdeclension-3 feminine
FamilystirpsLatinnounlineage, race, family, stockdeclension-3 feminine
FamilystirpsLatinnounscion, offspring, progenydeclension-3 feminine
FamilystirpsLatinnounsource, origin, causedeclension-3 feminine
FamilyαδέλφιGreeknouna general term of close relationship
FamilyباجیPersiannounsister (usually older sister)Classical-Persian dialectal
FamilyباجیPersiannounwomanClassical-Persian dialectal
FamilyܒܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounbuilder, founder, constructor
FamilyܒܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounbuilding, erecting, constructing
FamilyܒܢܝܐClassical Syriacnounemphatic plural of ܒܪܐemphatic form-of plural
FamilyತರೆTulunounhair (on the head)
Family membersanh emVietnamesenounolder brother and younger sibling (with brothers only, or with one sister who is the youngest)collective
Family membersanh emVietnamesenounsiblingsbroadly collective
Family membersanh emVietnamesenounfamily; brethrenbroadly collective
Family membersanh emVietnameseprony'all, you guys, my bros, my pals
Family membersكویاكوKipchaknounbridegroom
Family membersكویاكوKipchaknounson-in-law
FandomfandomEnglishnounThe fans of a sport, activity, work, person etc., taken as a group.countable uncountable
FandomfandomEnglishnounThe subculture of fans.countable uncountable
FandomfandomEnglishnounThe state, quality, or condition of being a fan.countable uncountable
FansvēdeklisLatviannounhand fan (hand-held device that can be waved back and forth to move air and cool oneself)declension-2 masculine
FansvēdeklisLatviannounfan (something having the shape of a fan)declension-2 masculine
Fans (people)headbangerEnglishnounOne who dances by violently shaking the head in time to the music.
Fans (people)headbangerEnglishnounOne who enjoys heavy metal (rock) music, to which this sort of dance is usually performed.broadly
Fans (people)headbangerEnglishnounA mad or eccentric person.
Fans (people)headbangerEnglishnounA mad or eccentric person. He walks down the street with his trolley. Fuckin' headbanger. / He walks down the street with his trolley. Fuckin' headbanger.
Fans (people)headbangerEnglishnounA political hardliner, especially an obstructive one.
Fans (people)headbangerEnglishnounA person who engages in street violence, especially in support of a political group.Northern-Ireland
Fans (people)headbangerEnglishnounA kind of chin-up or pull-up exercise where the head is kept in line with the bar.
FashionDisneyboundingEnglishnounIncorporating Disney-themed elements in one's fashion.lifestyleslang uncountable
FashionDisneyboundingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of Disneyboundform-of gerund participle present
FastenersամրակArmeniannounclamp; tie; band; brace; clip; fastening
FastenersամրակArmeniannounpaper clip
FearkoszmarekPolishnoundiminutive of koszmardiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FearkoszmarekPolishnounsomething very uglycolloquial inanimate masculine
FearkoszmarekPolishnounsomething very unpleasantcolloquial inanimate masculine
FelidsjɨkoMurui Huitotonoundog
FelidsjɨkoMurui Huitotonounoncilla, spotted cat
FemalebanwWelshadjno-gloss not-comparable
FemalebanwWelshnounfemale, femininefeminine
FemalefeminaLatinnounfemaledeclension-1 feminine
FemalefeminaLatinnounthe feminine gendergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdeclension-1
FemalefeminaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of femuraccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
FemalefeminaLatinverbsecond-person singular present active imperative of feminōactive form-of imperative present second-person singular
FemalewommanMiddle EnglishnounA female adult person; a woman.
FemalewommanMiddle EnglishnounThe female sex in general.
FemalewommanMiddle EnglishnounThe state of being a woman; womanhood.
FemalewommanysshMiddle EnglishadjResembling or characteristic of a woman; feminine, womanly.
FemalewommanysshMiddle EnglishadjEffeminate, womanish.
Female animalskapallIcelandicnounhorse, maremasculine
Female animalskapallIcelandicnouna horseload of haymasculine
Female animalskapallIcelandicnounrope, cablemasculine
Female animalskapallIcelandicnouncable, cordbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
Female animalskapallIcelandicnouna game of solitaire (card game played by a single player), (UK) patiencemasculine
Female animalsմարիArmeniannounhen, female chicken
Female animalsմարիArmeniannounthe female of any bird
Female animalsմարիArmeniannounsow, female pigKarabakh dialectal
Female animalsרחלHebrewnounewe
Female animalsרחלHebrewnameRachelbiblical lifestyle religion
Female animalsרחלHebrewnamea female given name, equivalent to English Rachel
Female family membersmamaSwahilinounmother (female parent)class-10 class-9
Female family membersmamaSwahilinounRespectful term of address for an older woman.class-10 class-9
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounA mother; the female direct ancestor of someone or some creature.
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounThe indirect female ancestor of someone or some creature.
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounThe Virgin Mary as mother (as of Jesus or as of humanity).
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounA woman who performs the duties of a mother; a female caretaker or guardian.
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounA woman who heads a female monastic community; an abbess.
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounA polite appellation to an elderly woman, or a ruder one to a younger one.
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounSomething, somewhere or someone likened to a mother (in begetting, caring, or nourishing): / A behaviour, attribute, virtue, or vice likened to a mother (in begetting, caring, or nourishing)
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounSomething, somewhere or someone likened to a mother (in begetting, caring, or nourishing): / The womb (as the organ which protects and nourishes the baby).
Female family membersmoderMiddle EnglishnounSomething, somewhere or someone likened to a mother (in begetting, caring, or nourishing)
Female peopleco-edEnglishadjOf an educational institution, teaching both males and females.
Female peopleco-edEnglishadjMixing males and females; unisex; mixed-gender.
Female peopleco-edEnglishnounA young woman who attends college.US dated informal
Female peopleco-edEnglishnounA (generally young) woman, especially on the campus of a college or other educational institute.US dated informal
Female peopleco-edEnglishnounA student of either sex at a co-educational institution.
Female peopledyżurnaPolishnounfemale equivalent of dyżurny (“duty officer”) (person who is on duty)feminine form-of noun-from-verb
Female peopledyżurnaPolishnounfemale equivalent of dyżurny (“monitor, prefect”) (student leader in a class)educationfeminine form-of noun-from-verb
Female peopledyżurnaPolishverbfeminine nominative/vocative singular of dyżurnyfeminine form-of nominative participle singular vocative
Female peoplepsiaraPolishnounfemale dog lovercolloquial feminine
Female peoplepsiaraPolishnounmatgrass (grass Nardus stricta)feminine
Female peoplereformistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of reformista (“reformist”) (advocate of reformism as a workers' movement)feminine form-of
Female peoplereformistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of reformista (“reformist”) (advocate of reformism as a social movement)feminine form-of
Female peopleskivvyEnglishnounA female domestic servant, especially one employed for menial work.dated
Female peopleskivvyEnglishnounA prostitute.government military politics warslang
Female peopleskivvyEnglishnounA close-fitting, long-sleeved T-shirt with a rolled collar.Australia New-Zealand US
Female peopleskivvyEnglishverbTo perform menial work; to do chores, like a servant.intransitive
Female peopleкројачицаSerbo-Croatiannounseamstress
Female peopleкројачицаSerbo-Croatiannountailoress
Female peopleмовознавицяUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of мовозна́вець (movoznávecʹ): / linguist
Female peopleмовознавицяUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of мовозна́вець (movoznávecʹ): / philologist
Female peopleроженицаRussiannounwoman in childbirth
Female peopleроженицаRussiannounwoman recently confined (gave birth)
FeudalismhomageEnglishnounA demonstration of respect, such as towards a person after their retirement or death.countable uncountable
FeudalismhomageEnglishnounAn artistic work imitating another in a flattering style.countable
FeudalismhomageEnglishnounIn feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to honor his or her lord's rights.countable historical uncountable
FeudalismhomageEnglishverbTo pay reverence to by external action.obsolete transitive
FeudalismhomageEnglishverbTo cause to pay homage.obsolete transitive
FiberscànnavuSiciliannounhemp (Cannabis sativa)masculine uncountable
FiberscànnavuSiciliannouna hemp plantmasculine
FiberscànnavuSiciliannounthe fibers of the hemp plantcollective masculine
FiberscànnavuSiciliannouna fabric made from the hemp fibersmasculine
FiberskangasIngriannounfabric, cloth
FiberskangasIngriannouna type of soil, consisting of moraine ground covered by podzol
FiberskangasIngriannouna type of forest growing on such soil
FibersقنبOttoman Turkishnounhemp (Cannabis sativa)
FibersقنبOttoman Turkishnounhemp-fibre or hemp-rope, or yarn or twine in general
Fibers棉花ChinesenameMianhua Islet (an islet in Zhongzheng district, Keelung, Taiwan)
FinanceairgeadaíIrishnounvariant plural of airgead (“silver; money, sum of money”)form-of masculine plural variant
FinanceairgeadaíIrishverbpresent subjunctive of airgeadaigh (“silver, electroplate”)form-of present subjunctive
FinanceestinguereItalianverbto put out, extinguishtransitive
FinanceestinguereItalianverbto pay off (a debt)transitive
FinanceestinguereItalianverbto close (an account)transitive
FinanceestinguereItalianverbto quenchtransitive
FinanceestinguereItalianverbto slaketransitive
FingersfingerEnglishnounA slender jointed extremity of the human hand, (often) exclusive of the thumb.anatomy medicine sciences
FingersfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals / The lower, smaller segment of an arthropod claw.biology natural-sciences zoology
FingersfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals / One of the supporting structures of wings in birds, bats, etc. evolved from earlier toes or fingers.biology natural-sciences zoology
FingersfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals / One of the slender bony structures before the pectoral fins of gurnards and sea robins (Triglidae).biology natural-sciences zoology
FingersfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals, particularlybiology natural-sciences zoology
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger / Finger-shaped pieces of food lifestyle
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger / A tube extending from a sealed system, or sometimes into one in the case of a cold finger.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger / Synonym of foxglove (D. purpurea).biology botany natural-sciencesUK obsolete plural-normally regional
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger, particularly
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / Various protruding plant structures, as a banana from its hand.biology botany natural-sciences
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / A lobe of the liver.anatomy medicine sciencesobsolete
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / The teeth parallel to the blade of a scythe, fitted to a wooden frame called a crade.historical
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / The projections of a reaper or mower which similarly separate the stalks for cutting.
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / Clipping of finger pier: a shorter, narrower pier projecting from a larger dock.nautical transportabbreviation alt-of clipping
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / Synonym of jet bridge: the narrow elevated walkway connecting a plane to an airport.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / A leaf in a finger tree data structure.computing computing-theory engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body, particularly
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / Synonym of hand, the part of a clock pointing to the hour, minute, or second.obsolete
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / A policeman or prison guard.US obsolete slang
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / An informer to the police, (especially) one who identifies a criminal during a lineup.US rare slang
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / A criminal who scouts for prospective victims and targets or who performs reconnaissance before a crime.US rare slang
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / That which points; an indicator, as of guilt, blame, or suspicion.figuratively
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing.
FingersfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / Synonym of digit: former units of measure notionally based on its width but variously standardized, (especially) the English digit of ¹⁄₁₆ foot (about 1.9 cm).units-of-measurehistorical
FingersfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / A unit of length notionally based on the length of an adult human's middle finger, standardized as 4½ inches (11.43 cm).units-of-measurehistorical
FingersfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / Synonym of digit: ¹⁄₁₂ the observed diameter of the sun or moon, (especially) with regard to eclipses.units-of-measurehistorical
FingersfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / An informal measure of alcohol based on its height in a given glass compared to the width of the pourer's fingers while holding it.units-of-measure
FingersfingerEnglishnounA part of a glove intended to cover a lifestyle
FingersfingerEnglishnounSkill in the use of the fingers, as in playing upon a musical instrument.informal obsolete
FingersfingerEnglishnounSomeone skilled in the use of their fingers, (especially) a pickpocket.informal rare
FingersfingerEnglishnounA person.UK slang
FingersfingerEnglishnounAn obscene or insulting gesture made by raising one's middle finger towards someone with the palm of one's hand facing inwards.especially
FingersfingerEnglishnounAny of the individual receivers used in a rake receiver to decode signal components.broadcasting media radio
FingersfingerEnglishnounAn act of fingering (inserting a finger into someone's vagina or rectum for sexual pleasure).vulgar
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo identify or point out; to blame for something.transitive
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo report to or identify for the authorities; to inform on.transitive
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo poke, probe, feel, or fondle with a finger or fingers.transitive
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo use the fingers to penetrate or sexually stimulate one's own or another person's vulva, vagina, or sex sexualitytransitive
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo use specified finger positions in producing notes on a musical instrument.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo provide instructions in written music as to which fingers are to be used to produce particular notes or passages.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo query (a user's status) using the Finger protocol.Internet transitive
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo steal; to purloin.obsolete
FingersfingerEnglishverbTo execute, as any delicate work.obsolete transitive
FireaflameEnglishadjIn flames, on fire, flaming, with flames coming from it.
FireaflameEnglishadjShowing anger or contempt.
FireaflameEnglishadjHaving the colour of flames.
FirecrematCatalannounthe burnt part of somethingmasculine
FirecrematCatalannounEllipsis of rom cremat (“burnt rum”).; an alcoholic cocktail containing rum, coffee, sugar, and spices, which is flambéed before drinkingabbreviation alt-of ellipsis masculine
FirecrematCatalanverbpast participle of cremarform-of participle past
FirewoheńUpper Sorbiannounfire (simultaneous production of heat, light, smoke and gases, as a result of the combustion of a substance)inanimate masculine
FirewoheńUpper Sorbiannounfire, blazeinanimate masculine
FireανάβωGreekverbto ignite, to set alight, to set on fire, to light uptransitive
FireανάβωGreekverbto catch fireintransitive
FireανάβωGreekverbto light, to switch on, to turn on (to activate a light)transitive
FireανάβωGreekverbto get fired up (to become very emotional or excited)figuratively intransitive
FireανάβωGreekverbto arouse, to turn on (sexually)figuratively transitive
FireανάβωGreekverbto excite, to arouse, to ignite (strong emotions)figuratively transitive
FirearmssidearmEnglishnounA personal weapon, such as a handgun or sword, carried on the hip in a belt, sheath, holster, etc., for rapid access.
FirearmssidearmEnglishverbTo throw a ball with one's arm roughly parallel to the ground.
FirearmssidearmEnglishadvWith one's arm roughly parallel to the ground.
FishchondropterygianEnglishadjHaving a cartilaginous skeleton.obsolete
FishchondropterygianEnglishnounAny member of the obsolete taxon Chondropterygii, which included both the cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) such as sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras, and the more primitive bony fishes such as sturgeons that have some bones made of cartilage.biology natural-sciences zoologyobsolete
FishVietnamesenouna fish (vertebrate animal)
FishVietnameseverbto betcolloquial
Fishsac-à-laitFrenchnouna white perch (Morone americana)Louisiana masculine
Fishsac-à-laitFrenchnouna white or black crappie (Pomoxis)Louisiana masculine
FishsilWelshnounfry (of fish, especially salmon, trout or minnow)masculine not-mutable
FishsilWelshnounspawn (of fish, frogs, etc.)masculine not-mutable
FishingrùngVietnameseverbto shake, to tremble, to shiver
FishingrùngVietnamesenounoffshore fishing net
FlaxscutchEnglishverbTo beat or whip; to drub.Northern-England Scotland UK dialectal obsolete
FlaxscutchEnglishverbTo separate the woody fibre from (flax, hemp, etc.) by beating; to swingle.
FlaxscutchEnglishnounA wooden implement shaped like a large knife used to separate the valuable fibres of flax or hemp by beating them and scraping from it the woody or coarse portions.countable
FlaxscutchEnglishnounThe woody fibre of flax or hemp; the refuse of scutched flax or hemp.uncountable
FlaxscutchEnglishnounA bricklayer's small picklike tool with two cutting edges (or prongs) for dressing stone or cutting and trimming bricks.countable
FlaxscutchEnglishnounA tuft or clump of grass.
FlowersрозаRussiannounrose (shrub, flower)
FlowersрозаRussiannounrose-coloured/colored complexion on the skindated
Fluid dynamicsaerodynamicznyPolishadjaerodynamic (of or relating to the science of aerodynamics)not-comparable relational
Fluid dynamicsaerodynamicznyPolishadjaerodynamic (having a shape that reduces drag when moving through the air)comparable
Food and drinktuckerEnglishverbTo tire out or exhaust a person or animal.slang
Food and drinktuckerEnglishnounOne who or that which tucks.countable
Food and drinktuckerEnglishnounFood; tuck.Australia New-Zealand colloquial uncountable
Food and drinktuckerEnglishnounWork that scarcely yields a living wage.countable dated slang uncountable
Food and drinktuckerEnglishnounLace or a piece of cloth in the neckline of a dress.countable
Food and drinktuckerEnglishnounA fuller; one who fulls cloth.obsolete
Food and drinkབྱི་རིལTibetannounmolasses made into pill form
Food and drinkབྱི་རིལTibetannouncandy, sweets
FoodscàrneLiguriannounflesh, meatfeminine uncountable
FoodscàrneLiguriannounmeat (a type of meat, by anatomic position and provenance)feminine
FoodskašeCzechnounpaste, pulp, mashfeminine
FoodskašeCzechnounpap, porridge, gruel, puree, pudding, especially potato pureefeminine
FoodssalaóCatalannounsalting (preserving with salt)feminine
FoodssalaóCatalannounmeat, fish, etc. preserved by saltingfeminine
FoodstameǧatcTarifitnounflower budmasculine
FoodsventrescaItaliannounbellyarchaic feminine
FoodsventrescaItaliannounventresca (flesh from the belly of a tuna)feminine
FoodsventrescaItaliannounstreaky baconfeminine
FoodsventrescaItaliannouna salume made of pork belly (stuffed with meat, eggs, cheese, and ground spices, then pressed)archaic feminine
FoodsvisAfrikaansnounfish (aquatic organism)
FoodsvisAfrikaansnounfish (multiple fish collectively)collective
FootwearpatynMiddle Englishnounpatten, clog
FootwearpatynMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of patenealt-of alternative
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounThe agent noun of to walk: a person who walks or a thing which walks, especially a pedestrian or a participant in a walking race.
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA walking frame or baby walker.
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA shoe designed for comfortable often
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA zombie.fiction literature media publishing
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA male escort who accompanies a woman to an event.
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA gressorial bird.
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA kind of military robot or mecha with legs for locomotion.literature media publishing science-fiction
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA batsman or batswoman who directly walks off the field when out without waiting for the umpire's decision.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounA prostitute, streetwalker.Philippines
FootwearwalkerEnglishnounAlternative form of waulkeralt-of alternative
ForestryleśniczyPolishadjforestrynot-comparable relational
ForestryleśniczyPolishnounforestkeeper, forestermasculine noun-from-verb person
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjintelligent, smart, well-thought, sagacious, judicious
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjadept, competent, well-taught
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjdeceptive, cunning, tricky
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjrenowned, notable, recognisable
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjsophisticated, complicated, detailed
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjpolite, kind, of good manners.
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjstylish, trendy, beautiful, attractive
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjwonderful, amazing, extraordinary
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjbizarre, odd, weird
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjesoteric, unknown, unfamiliar
ForteanaqueynteMiddle EnglishadjRelated to witchcraft or the paranormal
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishadjboastful, prideful
ForteanaqueynteMiddle Englishnounvulva
FourcuartillaSpanishnounA5 (a paper size)feminine
FourcuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, half-cuarto, quarter-fanega (a traditional unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 13.9 L)feminine historical
FourcuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, quarter-real (a former Mexican coin)feminine historical
FourcuartillaSpanishnounpastern (of a horse)feminine
FourquadriviumLatinnouna crossroads; place where four ways meet.declension-2 neuter
FourquadriviumLatinnounthe quadrivium (the four mathematical liberal arts)Medieval-Latin declension-2 neuter
FourquartFrenchnounquarter (fraction)masculine
FourquartFrenchnounshift (period of work)masculine
Fowlsಮಯ್ಲKannadanouna peacock
Fowlsಮಯ್ಲKannadanounblue vitriol
FruitsbaelEnglishnounA tropical fruit tree from India, Aegle marmelos.
FruitsbaelEnglishnounThe fruit of the tree, also called the wood apple.
FruitsbananPolishnounbanana (plant)inanimate masculine
FruitsbananPolishnounbanana (fruit)animal-not-person masculine
FruitsbananPolishnouncheeser (wide smile)colloquial
FruitsbananPolishnounbanana boat (boat resembling a banana)colloquial
FruitsbananPolishnounnouveau riche, rich kid, spoiled kid (young person who has rich parents and brags about it)derogatory masculine person slang
FruitsblåbærNorwegian Bokmålnouna bilberry (berry fruit)neuter
FruitsblåbærNorwegian Bokmålnouna bilberry (dwarf bush that bears bilberries, Vaccinium myrtillus)neuter
FruitsblåbærNorwegian Bokmålnounblueberry (when referring to the North American blueberry)neuter
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicnounrespectmasculine
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicverbthink, reckon, consider
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicverbrespect, esteem
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicverbevaluate, assess
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicnounfruitmasculine
FruitsnaVietnamesenounsugar apple (Annona squamosa)Northern Vietnam
FruitsnaVietnameseverbto carry, to move something laboriouslytransitive
FruitsnaVietnameseparticleinterrogative particleinterrogative particle
FruitsperaFaroesenounpear (fruit)feminine
FruitsperaFaroesenounlight bulbfeminine
Fruitstai chuaVietnamesenounGarcinia pedunculata
Fruitstai chuaVietnamesenounGarcinia cowa
FurniturealacenaSpanishnounwardrobe set in a wallfeminine
FurniturealacenaSpanishnounpantry, larderMexico feminine
GadiformslotteFrenchnounburbot (a freshwater fish, Lota lota)feminine
GadiformslotteFrenchnounthe tail meat of an anglerfish (a marine fish, Lophius piscatorius)cooking food lifestylefeminine
GaitspranceEnglishverbTo spring forward on the hind legs.
GaitspranceEnglishverbTo strut about in a showy manner.colloquial figuratively
GaitspranceEnglishnounA prancing movement.
GamesdobbyEnglishnounA device in some looms that allows the weaving of small geometric patterns.countable uncountable
GamesdobbyEnglishnounThe patterns so woven, or the fabric containing the patterns.countable uncountable
GamesdobbyEnglishnounAn evil or mischievous fairy or ghost sometimes said to haunt a building or household.countable uncountable
GamesdobbyEnglishnounA dotard.archaic countable uncountable
GamesdobbyEnglishnounThe children's game of tag.countable uncountable
GamingrozegraćPolishverbto play out (to play a game to its conclusion)perfective transitive
GamingrozegraćPolishverbto finalize the matter, to wrap up (to finish off a task completely)perfective transitive
GamingrozegraćPolishverbto play a role in a specific waybroadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterperfective transitive
GamingrozegraćPolishverbto play a sport in a specific wayhobbies lifestyle sportsperfective transitive
GamingrozegraćPolishverbto play out (to occur in a certain manner)perfective reflexive
GamingrozegraćPolishverbto gain momentum in actingbroadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterperfective reflexive
GamingrozegraćPolishverbto gain momentum in a sporthobbies lifestyle sportsperfective reflexive
GastropodscaracolaSpanishnounshell of a marine snail (the kind that can be blown as a musical instrument)feminine
GastropodscaracolaSpanishnouna bun in the shape of a snail shellfeminine
Geese鴻雁Chinesenounswan goose
Geese鴻雁Chinesenounrefugee; displaced peoplefiguratively literary
Geese鴻雁Chinesenounletterfiguratively literary
Geese鴻雁Chinesenounbrotherfiguratively literary
GemschrysolithusLatinnountopazClassical-Latin declension-2
GemschrysolithusLatinnounchrysolitedeclension-2 obsolete
Gender-critical feminismgender ideologyEnglishnounThe set of roles and assumptions in a particular culture that are associated with gender and pertain to non-sexual activities, such as occupation, appropriate expressions of emotion, etc.countable uncountable
Gender-critical feminismgender ideologyEnglishnounLGBT identities and the movements to further LGBT rights, as framed as an ideology or conspiracy theory.derogatory uncountable
GenitaliagenitalPortugueseadjgenitalfeminine masculine not-comparable
GenitaliapisiorPolishnounwieneranimal-not-person colloquial masculine
GenitaliapisiorPolishnounmember of the Law and Justice partygovernment politicsmasculine offensive person slang
GenitaliapisiorPolishnounsupporter of the Law and Justice partygovernment politicsmasculine offensive person slang
Genresspace operaEnglishnounA subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that emphasizes space travel, romantic adventure, and larger-than-life characters often set against vast exotic settings.countable uncountable
Genresspace operaEnglishnounA subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that uses serialization.countable uncountable
Genresspace operaEnglishnounA work or production in this style.countable
GeographyܬܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounwasteland, desert, wilderness
GeographyܬܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounwandering
GeographyܬܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounerror
Geometrid mothsmallowEnglishnounAny of a group of flowering plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae, especially of the genus Malva. Several species are edible by humans.countable uncountable
Geometrid mothsmallowEnglishnounLarentia clavaria, an uncommon moth found across Eurasia.countable uncountable
GeometryпандаUkrainiannounpandabiology natural-sciences zoology
GeometryпандаUkrainiannounpanda / red panda (Ailurus fulgens)biology natural-sciences zoology
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnounA member of a Germanic people who invaded Italy in the 6th century.historical
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Lombardy.
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnounA banker or moneylender.rare
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnounA Lombard house.obsolete
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnounA kind of Spanish cannon of the 16th century.government military politics warhistorical
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnameA Romance language spoken in northern Italy and southern Switzerland.countable uncountable
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnameA surname.countable
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishnameA ghost town in Broadwater County, Montana, United States, named after A. G. Lombard.countable uncountable
Germanic tribesLombardEnglishadjOf or relating to Lombardy, or the inhabitants of Lombardy.
GermanyhessianoSpanishadjHessian (of, from or relating to Hesse)
GermanyhessianoSpanishnounHessian (person from Hesse)masculine
GodPanginoonTagalognamethe Lord; GodChristianity
GodPanginoonTagalognameterm of address for a lord or master, one of the members of the maginoo ruling class or nobility of the precolonial polities of the Philippines, especially one with many slaves and other valuable property like houses and boats.historical
Godsဣန္ဒာBurmesenounlord; king
Godsဣန္ဒာBurmesenounSakraBuddhism lifestyle religion
GodsⲃⲁⲕⲭⲟⲥCopticnameDionysus, Greco-Roman god of wine
GodsⲃⲁⲕⲭⲟⲥCopticnamea male given name from Greek
GodsⲅⲏCopticnameGaia, the greek goddess of the Earth.Sahidic
GoogleGooglerEnglishnounA full-time Google corporation employee.
GoogleGooglerEnglishnounA regular or habitual user of the Google search engine.
GoogleGooglerEnglishnounA device used to regularly access the Google search engine.
Gourd family plantsܦܛܝܚܐClassical Syriacnounwatermelon, melon
Gourd family plantsܦܛܝܚܐClassical Syriacnounpumpkin
GovernmentbarangayTagalognounbarangay (the smallest administrative division in the Philippines, a subdivision of cities and municipalities)
GovernmentbarangayTagalognounlocal polity or settlement during the Philippine precolonial periodhistorical
GovernmentutrikesministerSwedishnouna minister for foreign affairscommon-gender
GovernmentutrikesministerSwedishnounForeign Secretary (UK)common-gender
GovernmentutrikesministerSwedishnounSecretary of State (US)common-gender
GovernmentܛܪܘܢܐClassical Syriacnountyrant
GovernmentܛܪܘܢܐClassical Syriacnounlord, ruler
GovernmentܛܪܘܢܐClassical Syriacnounrebel
GovernmentܛܪܘܢܐClassical Syriacadjhard, cruel
GovernmentܛܪܘܢܐClassical Syriacadjcontumacious, rebellious, refractory
GovernmentܛܪܘܢܐClassical Syriacadjfresh
GovernmentܛܪܘܢܐClassical Syriacadjdry
Government事業Chinesenouncareer; occupation
Government事業Chinesenounundertaking; cause (goal, aim or principle); project; activity
Government事業Chinesenounpublicly-funded enterprise or foundation; state-run institution; facility; utility; service
Government事業Chinesenounfarming and forced laborClassical
GrainsriceEnglishnounCereal plants, Oryza sativa of the grass family whose seeds are used as food.uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishnounA specific variety of this plant.countable
GrainsriceEnglishnounThe seeds of this plant used as food.uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishnounThe types of automobile modifications characteristic of a rice burner.ethnic humorous slang slur uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishnounAn instance of customization of a user interface.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo squeeze through a ricer; to mash or make into rice-sized pieces (especially potatoes).transitive
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo harvest wild rice (Zizania sp.)intransitive
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo throw rice at a person (usually at a wedding).rare
GrainsriceEnglishverbTo customize the user interface of a computer system, e.g. a desktop environment.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
GrainsriceEnglishnounA twig or stick.Ireland Scotland dialectal
GrainsriceEnglishnounA bobbin or manufacturing textiles weavingobsolete
Grains舎利Japanesenounthe ashes of a cremated body
Grains舎利Japanesenounwhite rice grains; rice
GrammarendyngMiddle EnglishnounAn ending, termination, or conclusion. / The end of one's life; death or dying.
GrammarendyngMiddle EnglishnounAn ending, termination, or conclusion. / The end of the current world; the biblical Apocalypse.Christianity
GrammarendyngMiddle EnglishnounAn ending, termination, or conclusion. / The ending point of a literary creation or work.
GrammarendyngMiddle EnglishnounAn ending, termination, or conclusion. / A grammatical ending; a suffix.
GrammarendyngMiddle EnglishnounAccomplishment or successful completing of a duty or action.
GrammarendyngMiddle EnglishnounThe conclusion or aftermath of something; its repercussions.
GrammarendyngMiddle EnglishnounThe real meaning or worth of something; one's lot in life.
Grape cultivarssylvanerEnglishnounA variety of white grape originally from central Europe.
Grape cultivarssylvanerEnglishnounA white wine made from this grape.
GrapevinesbrandyEnglishnounAn alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.uncountable
GrapevinesbrandyEnglishnounAny variety of brandy.countable
GrapevinesbrandyEnglishnounA glass of brandy.countable
GrapevinesbrandyEnglishverbTo preserve, flavour, or mix with brandy.transitive
GrassesrengoGaliciannouncouch grass (Elymus repens)masculine
GrassesܙܝܙܢܐClassical Syriacnounweed, tare, darnel
GrassesܙܝܙܢܐClassical Syriacnounwicked manfiguratively
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEurope, the westernmost part of the Eurasian continent, north of Africa and west of Asianeuter
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEuropa (goddess)common-gender
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEuropa, a moon of Jupitercommon-gender
GreyssiwyPolishadjgrey, grey-hairednot-comparable
HairстрижкаUkrainiannounhaircut (act of cutting, clipping, cropping hair)
HairстрижкаUkrainiannounshearing (act of shearing a sheep, etc.)
HairरोआँHindinounbody hair
HairरोआँHindinounfur, hair (of animals)
HairरोआँHindinounfibre of one's beingfiguratively
Hairไดร์Thaiverbto blow-dry.colloquial
Hair colorsblondEnglishadjOf a bleached or pale golden (light yellowish) colour.
Hair colorsblondEnglishadjHaving blond hair.
Hair colorsblondEnglishadjAlternative spelling of blonde (“stupid”)alt-of alternative
Hair colorsblondEnglishnounA pale yellowish (golden brown) color, especially said of hair color.
Hair colorsblondEnglishnounA person with this hair color.
Hair colorsblondEnglishverbTo color or dye blond.transitive
Heads of stateFührerEnglishnounAdolf Hitler when he was the chancellor of Nazi Germany.Nazism definite historical
Heads of stateFührerEnglishnounA leader, especially one exercising the powers of a tyrant.broadly
Heads of stategovernor-generalEnglishnounAn official appointed by the reigning British monarch to govern a Commonwealth realm as the monarch's representative.UK
Heads of stategovernor-generalEnglishnounAn official in a similar position in other countries.
Heads of stategovernor-generalEnglishnounA zongdu.
Heads of stateконсулRussiannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
Heads of stateконсулRussiannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
Heads of stateконсулRussiannounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)historical
Healthcordon sanitaireFrenchnouncordon sanitaire (a barrier (physical or administrative) to prevent the spread of disease)masculine
Healthcordon sanitaireFrenchnounThe agreement amongst Belgian political parties to not govern with the party Vlaams Belang.government politicsBelgium figuratively masculine
HealthsaúdePortuguesenounhealth (state of being free from disease)feminine
HealthsaúdePortugueseintjcheers (toast when drinking)
HealthsaúdePortugueseintjgesundheit; bless you (said to someone who has just sneezed)
HealthsaúdePortugueseverbinflection of saudar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
HealthsaúdePortugueseverbinflection of saudar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
HealthcarehospitalEnglishnounA large medical facility, usually in a building with multiple floors, where seriously ill or injured patients are given extensive medical and/or surgical treatment.countable uncountable
HealthcarehospitalEnglishnounA building founded for the long-term care of its residents, such as an almshouse. The residents may have no physical ailments, but simply need financial support.countable uncountable
HealthcarehospitalEnglishnounA place of lodging.countable obsolete uncountable
HeraldryhertMiddle EnglishnounA hart (red deer, usually the male)
HeraldryhertMiddle EnglishnounA depiction of a hart, including in heraldry.
HeraldryhertMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hertealt-of alternative
HeraldryhertMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of herde (“herder”)alt-of alternative
HeraldryhertMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hird (“household”)alt-of alternative
HeraldryhertMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hurtalt-of alternative
HerbscebollinoSpanishnounspring onionmasculine
Hindu deitiesకాలుడుTelugunounthe god of Hell, Yama.
Hindu deitiesకాలుడుTelugunounSaturn.
Hindu deitiesకాలుడుTelugunounthe incarnation of time as the universal destroyer; lord Siva.
Hindu deitiesకుమారస్వామిTelugunounA name of Kārtikēya, the god of war.Hinduism
Hindu deitiesకుమారస్వామిTelugunouna prince of blood; the heir apparent.
Historical and traditional regionsNumidiaEnglishnameAn ancient Berber kingdom located in northern Africa.
Historical and traditional regionsNumidiaEnglishnameA female given name.rare
Historical currenciesfrancoEnglishnounA former currency of Lucca in Tuscany, Italy, issued between 1805 and 1808.historical
Historical currenciesfrancoEnglishnounThe CFA franc as used in Equatorial Guinea, worth 4 ekwele.
Historical currenciesfrancoEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Franco (“French person”).alt-of
Historical politiesCandiaEnglishnameThe Mediterranean island of Crete.historical
Historical politiesCandiaEnglishnameThe Cretan city of Heraklion.historical
Historical politiesCandiaEnglishnameA town in Rockingham County, New Hampshire, United States.
Historical politiesCandiaEnglishnameThe Kingdom of Kandy on the island now known as Sri Lanka.historical
Historical politiesCandiaEnglishnameThe city of Kandy, the capital of that kingdom.historical
Historical politiesWest GermanyEnglishnameThe Federal Republic of Germany, distinguished from the German Democratic Republic ("East Germany").historical
Historical politiesWest GermanyEnglishnameThe former areas of the Republic during that time, distinguished from the former East German areas.
Historical politiesWest GermanyEnglishnameCollectively, the British-, French-, and American-occupied zones of Germany, distinguished from the Soviet-occupied zone.historical uncommon
Historical settlementsPrypećPolishnamePripyat (a city in Ukraine)feminine
Historical settlementsPrypećPolishnamePripyat (a river in Belarus and Ukraine)feminine
HistoryAganjuYorubanameA former Aláàfin, believed to be the son of Àjàká and grandson of Ọ̀rànmíyàn, he was deified as an orisha upon his death
HistoryAganjuYorubanameThe orisha of volcanoes, the wilderness, and the desert
HistoryAganjuYorubanamea male given name meaning “The one with the stiff face”rare
History of PolandendecjaPolishnounNational Democracygovernment politicscolloquial feminine historical
History of PolandendecjaPolishnounnational conservatismgovernment politicscolloquial feminine
History of sciencesputnikPolishnounsputnik (Soviet robotic space satellite)historical inanimate masculine
History of sciencesputnikPolishnounsputnik (any artificial satellite)colloquial inanimate masculine
History of the United KingdomnobelPolishnounnobelium (chemical element, No, atomic number 102)inanimate masculine
History of the United KingdomnobelPolishnounnoble (medieval coin of England in the 14th and 15th centuries)historical inanimate masculine
HomekayHaitian Creolenounhouse
HomekayHaitian Creolenounquail
HomekayHaitian Creolenounkey (small island)
HomelykillIcelandicnouna keymasculine
HomelykillIcelandicnouna clefentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
HomelykillIcelandicnouna key; one of several small, usually square buttons on a typewriter or computer keyboardcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine
HomelykillIcelandicnouna cryptographic key, a keycomputing cryptography engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine
HomelykillIcelandicnounprimula, primrose (plant of the genus Primula)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
HomeбланэAdyghenumone seventh
Honeysuckle family plantsembriacOccitannounred valerianmasculine
Honeysuckle family plantsembriacOccitannounbush jasmine (Chrysojasminum fruticans, syn. Jasminum fruticans L.)masculine
Honeysuckle family plantswolfberryEnglishnounAny of flowering species of the genus Lycium.
Honeysuckle family plantswolfberryEnglishnounLycium barbarum or Lycium chinense
Honeysuckle family plantswolfberryEnglishnounThe berry of this plant.
Honeysuckle family plantswolfberryEnglishnounThe western snowberry, Symphoricarpos occidentalis, a shrub native to nothern and central North America.
Hordeeae tribe grassesmiežisLithuaniannounbarley
Hordeeae tribe grassesmiežisLithuaniannounstye
Hordeeae tribe grassesбидайKazakhnounwheat, Triticum
Hordeeae tribe grassesбидайKazakhnounlining (a layer of different material covering the inside surface of something)
Horse racingtrotterEnglishnounOne who trots.
Horse racingtrotterEnglishnounIn harness racing, a horse with a gait in which the front and back legs on opposite sides take a step together alternating with the other set of opposite legs; as opposed to a pacer.
Horse racingtrotterEnglishnounThe foot of a pig, sheep, or other quadruped, especially when prepared as meat.
Horse racingtrotterEnglishnounA person's foot.slang
Horse racingtrotterEnglishnounA tailor's assistant who goes around to receive orders.UK historical
Horse tackestriboPortuguesenounstirrupmasculine
Horse tackestriboPortuguesenounstapesanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
Horse tackἄμπυξAncient Greeknounwoman's diadem, frontlet
Horse tackἄμπυξAncient Greeknounhorse's headband
Horse tackἄμπυξAncient Greeknounrim of a wheel
HorsescavalluccioItaliannounsmall horsemasculine
HorsescavalluccioItaliannouna traditional anise cookie from Siena typically consumed at Christmasmasculine
HorsesneighEnglishnounThe cry of a horse.
HorsesneighEnglishverbTo make its cry.
HorsesneighEnglishverbTo make a sound similar to a horse's cry.
HorsesneighEnglishverbTo scoff or sneer.obsolete
HorticultureplećPolishverbto weedimperfective transitive
HorticultureplećPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of pleśćform-of imperative second-person singular
HorticulturesadCzechnounorchardinanimate masculine
HorticulturesadCzechnoungenitive plural of sadaform-of genitive plural
HousingkollégiumHungariannoun(Protestant or other) boarding school (especially for high school students)education
HousingkollégiumHungariannoundormitory (complex), student residence, student(s') hostel, hall of residence, residence halleducation
HousingkollégiumHungariannoun(college or university) courseeducation
HousingkollégiumHungariannounhigh-level council (of cardinals, judges), board, panel, committeelaw lifestyle religion
HundredJejunounwhite (used solely in compounds)
HuntinguccellagioneItaliannounhunting or shooting birdsfeminine
HuntinguccellagioneItaliannounthe season for doing thisfeminine
HuntinguccellagioneItaliannounthe birds killedfeminine
HydrologypřelivCzechnounspillwayinanimate masculine
HydrologypřelivCzechverbmasculine singular past transgressive of přelítform-of masculine past singular transgressive
HygieneمسواکPersiannounmiswak (a teeth-cleaning twig made from the toothbrush tree (Salvadora persica))archaic
IcesarmaLatviannounfrost (thin ice crystals that form on plant leaves, twigs, or also on wires, cables, etc. when the air temperature is below the freezing point)declension-4 feminine
IcesarmaLatviannoungray hair, graying hairdeclension-4 feminine figuratively
IceبوزKarakhanidadjgray (color/colour)
IndiaLudhianaEnglishnameThe largest city in the Indian state of Punjab.
IndiaLudhianaEnglishnameThe district in the Ropar division which encompasses this city.
IndividualsBrendaEnglishnameA female given name.
IndividualsBrendaEnglishnameQueen Elizabeth II.UK humorous
IndividualsBrendaEnglishnameA former rural municipality of Manitoba.
IndividualsChagataiEnglishnameA male given name of historical usage, most famously borne by the Mongol ruler Chagatai Khan (1183–1242), second son of Genghis Khan and first khan of the Chagatai Khanate, a medieval Mongol and later Turkicized khanate of Central Asia (divided after the 14th century).
IndividualsChagataiEnglishnameAn extinct literary Turkic language used in Central Asia and Bashkortostan between the 15th and the 20th century.
IndividualsChagataiEnglishnameAn ethnic group of Uzbekistan.collective
IndividualsChristEnglishnameThe anointed one, the Messiah predicted by the Old Testament.Christianity
IndividualsChristEnglishnameA title given to Jesus of Nazareth, seen as the fulfiller of the messianic prophecy.Christianity
IndividualsChristEnglishnameA surname.
IndividualsChristEnglishnounA figure or other artistic depiction of Jesus arts
IndividualsChristEnglishintjAn expletive.
IndividualsDanielSwedishnameDaniel (biblical book and prophet)common-gender
IndividualsDanielSwedishnamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Danielcommon-gender
IndividualsIssátNorthern SaminameIsaac (Biblical figure)
IndividualsIssátNorthern Saminamea male given name, equivalent to English Isaac
IndividualsLysandreFrenchnamea unisex given namemasculine
IndividualsNathanaelEnglishnameAn Apostle in the Gospel of John; usually identified with Bartholomew.
IndividualsNathanaelEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew; more common in the form Nathaniel.
IndividualsRachelEnglishnameYounger daughter of Laban, sister to Leah, and second wife of Jacob.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsRachelEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew.
IndividualsRachelEnglishnameA census-designated place in Lincoln County, Nevada, United States; named for the first baby born in the town.
IndividualsRachelEnglishnameA census-designated place in Marion County, West Virginia, United States; named for the daughter of a local mine owner.
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameMary; the mother of Jesus
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameany of several places in the Philippines named after the Virgin Mary: / A municipality of Davao Occidental
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameany of several places in the Philippines named after the Virgin Mary: / A municipality of Romblon
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameany of several places in the Philippines named after the Virgin Mary: / A municipality of Pangasinan
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameany of several places in the Philippines named after the Virgin Mary: / A municipality of Isabela
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameany of several places in the Philippines named after the Virgin Mary: / A municipality of Ilocos Sur
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameany of several places in the Philippines named after the Virgin Mary: / A municipality of Laguna
IndividualsSanta MariaCebuanonameany of several places in the Philippines named after the Virgin Mary: / A municipality of Bulacan
IndividualsThoibiEnglishnameA female given name from Meitei; A transliteration of the Manipuri female given name ꯊꯣꯏꯕꯤ (thoʼibee).
IndividualsThoibiEnglishnameA princess of Moirang kingdom; daughter of Crown Prince Chingkhu Akhuba, the younger brother of King Chingkhu Telheiba (1083-1138 CE). She was the heroine and the female protagonist of the Khamba-Thoibi epic.
IndividualsἽππαρχοςAncient Greeknamea male given name, equivalent to English Hipparchus
IndividualsἽππαρχοςAncient Greeknamein particular, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea
Individuals孫郎ChinesenameSun Ce
Individuals孫郎ChinesenameSun Quan
Individuals孫郎Chinesenoungrandson-in-law (granddaughter's husband)Gan Hakka Leizhou-Min Luchuan Pingxiang Zhao'an
Individuals孫郎Chinesenounnephew-in-law (husband of brother's daughter)Leizhou-Min
InsectsbarataSpanishadjfeminine singular of baratofeminine form-of singular
InsectsbarataSpanishverbinflection of baratar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
InsectsbarataSpanishverbinflection of baratar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
InsectsbarataSpanishnouncockroachChile feminine
InsectswaṉkaPitjantjatjaranounspider, caterpillar
InsectsбубаMacedoniannounbug, beetle
InsectsбубаMacedoniannounVolkswagen Beetlecolloquial
InsectsбубаMacedonianverbto cram, memorizetransitive
Internet.aiTranslingualsymbolThe ccTLD for Anguilla as assigned by the IANA.
Internet.aiTranslingualnounThe file extension for "Adobe Illustrator"
Internetme tooEnglishphraseThat applies to me as well.
Internetme tooEnglishverbTo agree with someone.Internet
IslamқұдіретKazakhnounGod, Omnipotent
IslamқұдіретKazakhnounpotency, power
IslamTranslingualsymbolSymbol of the Ottoman Empire.
IslamTranslingualsymbolSymbol of Islam.
IslamTranslingualsymbolMarks a mosque on a map.
IsraelIsraelitaTagalognounIsraelite (person)
IsraelJerusalemiteEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Jerusalem.not-comparable
IsraelJerusalemiteEnglishnounA native or resident of Jerusalem.
IsraelJerusalemiteEnglishnounA residual mineral of the sands of Jerusalem, as with Trinitite.
ItalypastaPolishnounpaste (soft mixture)feminine
ItalypastaPolishnounItalian pastafeminine
ItalypastaPolishnouncopypasta (block of text which has been copied and pasted from somewhere else)Internet feminine
Jainismவில்லன்TamilnameManmatha or Kamadeva, the god of loveHinduism Jainism
Jainismவில்லன்TamilnameArjuna, one of the PandavasHinduism Jainism
Jainismவில்லன்TamilnameVeerabhadraHinduism Jainism
Jainismவில்லன்Tamilnouna person of the Irula tribemasculine
Jainismவில்லன்Tamilnouna wicked person; a villainmasculine
JudaismSuccothEnglishnounAlternative spelling of Sukkotalt-of alternative
JudaismSuccothEnglishnameA village near Arrochar in Argyll and Bute council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NN2905).
Kashmiri cardinal numbersअखKashmirinumone
Kashmiri cardinal numbersअखKashmirinuma, an
Kyphosid fishbrassyEnglishadjResembling brass.
Kyphosid fishbrassyEnglishadjImpudent; impudently bold.informal
Kyphosid fishbrassyEnglishadjUnfeeling; pitiless.
Kyphosid fishbrassyEnglishadjHarsh in tone.
Kyphosid fishbrassyEnglishnounAlternative form of brassie (“type of golf club”)alt-of alternative
Kyphosid fishbrassyEnglishnounKyphosus vaigiensis, a fish found in southeast Asia.
LGBTLatineEnglishnounObsolete spelling of Latin.alt-of obsolete
LGBTLatineEnglishnameObsolete spelling of Latin.alt-of obsolete
LGBTLatineEnglishnounSomeone of Latin American descent; a Latino or Latina.gender-neutral neologism
LGBTLatineEnglishadjHispanic; Latino or Latina.gender-neutral neologism not-comparable
LGBTkoloušekCzechnounfawn (young deer)animate diminutive masculine
LGBTkoloušekCzechnountwink, chicken (young, slim and hairless gay man)LGBTanimate masculine slang
LandformsglionManxnounvalley, glen, valefeminine
LandformsvagaLithuaniannounfurrow, groove, channel
LandformsvagaLithuaniannounscooped chuck of earth
LandformsvagaLithuaniannounwatercourse (direction of flow)
Landformsကန်Burmesenounlake, pond, tank
Landformsကန်Burmesenounto hold
Landformsကန်Burmeseverbto kick
Landformsကန်Burmeseverbto prop, buttress
Landformsကန်Burmeseverbto shove off (with a pole, etc.)
Landformsကန်Burmeseverbto erupt
Landformsကန်Burmeseverbto designate
Landformsကန်BurmesenameVirgo (the sixth sign of the Zodiac)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
LandformsἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck, narrow passage of the body
LandformsἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck, narrow passage of the body / pharynx, faucesanatomy medicine sciences
LandformsἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck of land between two seas; isthmus / narrow ridge
LandformsἰσθμόςAncient Greeknounneck of land between two seas; isthmus / strait, narrow channel (of the sea)
LandformsὄχθηAncient Greeknounbank, riverbank, dyke by the side of a river (either natural or artificial)
LandformsὄχθηAncient Greeknounhigh and rocky edge by the sea
LanguageпортугаломовнийUkrainianadjPortuguese-speaking, Lusophoneno-comparative
LanguageпортугаломовнийUkrainianadjPortuguese-language (written or spoken in Portuguese)no-comparative
Language familiesGallo-RomanceEnglishnameA language family, comprising Romance languages spoken in France, northern Italy and northern Spain. Specifically Walloon, Picard, Norman, French, Franco-Provençal, although broader definitions include Occitano-Romance, Rhaeto-Romance (Romansch, Ladin, Friulian) and/or Gallo-Italic (e.g. Lombard) languages
Language familiesGallo-RomanceEnglishnameThe ancestor language of the Gallo-Romance languages.
Language familiesGallo-RomanceEnglishadjOf or relating to the Gallo-Romance language family or the Gallo-Romance languages.not-comparable
LanguagesDegemaEnglishnameA local government area in Rivers State, Nigeria.
LanguagesDegemaEnglishnameA Nigerian Delta Edoid language spoken on Degema Island, Nigeria.
LanguagesLaotianEnglishnounA person from the Lao People's Democratic Republic or of Lao descent.
LanguagesLaotianEnglishnameSynonym of Lao (“the official language of Laos”)
LanguagesLaotianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Laotian people or the Laotian language.not-comparable
LanguagesMistassiniEnglishnounA member of a Cree people living around Lake Mistassini.
LanguagesMistassiniEnglishnameThe language of these people.
LanguagesSaniEnglishnameA Loloish language spoken in China.
LanguagesSaniEnglishnameA surname.
LanguagesSloveneEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Slovenia, the Slovenes or the Slovene language.not-comparable
LanguagesSloveneEnglishnounA person from Slovenia.
LanguagesSloveneEnglishnameThe official language of Slovenia.
LanguagesYorubaEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group or tribe living mainly in southwest Nigeria, southern Benin, and eastern Togo and, as well as in communities elsewhere in West Africa, Brazil and
LanguagesYorubaEnglishnameA sub-Saharan language. It belongs to the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family, and has nearly 40 million speakers in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Sierra Leone, as well as communities in Brazil and Cuba.
LanguagesYorubaEnglishnameAn African traditional religion which spawned various offshoots in the Americas in the 15th to 19th centuries, including santería and Lucumí. (See Yoruba religion.)
LanguagesZuniEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Zuni people or their traditional language.not-comparable
LanguagesZuniEnglishnounA member of a Native American Pueblo people, native to the Zuni River valley.
LanguagesZuniEnglishnameThe language traditionally spoken by members of this tribe.
LanguagesangielszczyznaPolishnounEnglish (language)feminine
LanguagesbantuHungariannounBantu (group or person)countable uncountable
LanguagesbantuHungariannounBantu (language)countable uncountable
LanguagescecoItaliannounClipping of cecoslovacco (“Czechoslovak”).abbreviation alt-of clipping masculine
LanguagescecoItaliannamethe Czech languagemasculine
LanguageselmanîNorthern KurdishadjGerman (of or pertaining to Germany)
LanguageselmanîNorthern KurdishnounGerman (language)feminine
LanguageskirgiziskaSwedishadjinflection of kirgizisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguageskirgiziskaSwedishadjinflection of kirgizisk: / pluralform-of plural
LanguageskirgiziskaSwedishnouna female Kyrgyz, a woman from Kyrgyzstancommon-gender
LanguageskirgiziskaSwedishnounKyrgyz (language)common-gender uncountable
LanguagesmandingueFrenchnounManding (dialect continuum)masculine
LanguagesmoldovskNorwegian BokmåladjMoldovan or Moldavian (relating to Moldova (or Moldavia) and Moldovans (Moldavians))
LanguagesmoldovskNorwegian BokmålnounMoldavian (the officially recognised language in Moldova, a Romanian dialect)masculine
LanguagesmontenegrinskNorwegian BokmåladjMontenegrin (relating to Montenegro and Montenegrins)
LanguagesmontenegrinskNorwegian BokmålnounMontenegrin (the language)uncountable
LanguagesniemczyznaPolishnounGerman (language)feminine
LanguagespolonêsPortugueseadjPolish (of Poland or its language)Brazil not-comparable
LanguagespolonêsPortuguesenounPole (someone from Poland)Brazil masculine
LanguagespolonêsPortuguesenounPolish (language)Brazil masculine uncountable
LanguagesprussienFrenchnounPrussian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagestatarskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Tatar languagesubstantive
LanguagesсамоанскиSerbo-Croatianadjthe Samoan languagesubstantive
LanguagesтајскиSerbo-CroatianadjThai (referring to Thai people or Thai language)
LanguagesтајскиSerbo-Croatianadjthe Thai languagesubstantive
LanguagesчешкиSerbo-Croatianadjthe Czech languagesubstantive
LanguagesإنكليزيSouth Levantine ArabicadjEnglish
LanguagesإنكليزيSouth Levantine ArabicnounEnglishman
LanguagesإنكليزيSouth Levantine ArabicnounBritish (person)colloquial
LanguagesإنكليزيSouth Levantine ArabicnounEnglish language
Languagesউর্দুBengalinameUrdu language
Languagesউর্দুBengalinamearmy camp, cantonment
Latin nomina gentiliaPoeniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaPoeniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by: / Poenius Postumus, a Roman prefectdeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaRosciusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Roscius Fabatus, a Roman politiciandeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaRosciusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Roscius Otho, a Roman tribunedeclension-2 masculine singular
Latvian diacritical marks◌̌Latviancharacterháčekdiacritic
Latvian diacritical marks◌̌Latviancharacterháček / marking partial palatalization: / C, [t͡s] → Č,diacritic
Latvian diacritical marks◌̌Latviancharacterháček / marking partial palatalization: / S, [s] → Š,diacritic
Latvian diacritical marks◌̌Latviancharacterháček / marking partial palatalization: / Z, [z] → Ž,diacritic
LaughterriséeFrenchnounoutburst of laughterfeminine
LaughterriséeFrenchnounmockery, mockingfeminine
LaughterriséeFrenchnounlaughing stock (an object of ridicule, someone who is publicly ridiculed)feminine
LaughterriséeFrenchnounsmall, sudden gust of windfeminine
LaughterriséeFrenchnounripple caused by suchfeminine
Laughter哈哈Chineseadjthe sound of someone laughing out loudonomatopoeic
Laughter哈哈Chineseadvthe sound of someone laughing out loudonomatopoeic
Laughter哈哈Chinesenounbra; brassierehumorous
Law enforcementaguzzinoItaliannounjailermasculine
Law enforcementaguzzinoItaliannountorturer, persecutor, tyrantbroadly masculine
Law enforcementaguzzinoItalianverbinflection of aguzzare: / third-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present subjunctive third-person
Law enforcementaguzzinoItalianverbinflection of aguzzare: / third-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural third-person
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishadjfourthnumeral ordinal
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth (in a series)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / quarter-hour (one of four equal divisions of an hour)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / watch (one of the four approximately equal divisions of the night, especially for shifts of watchmen)historical masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / watch (one of the four equal divisions of soldiers, guards, police, &c. for routine patrols)government military politics warmasculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / English or American quart (a unit of liquid measure equal to ¹⁄₄ galón, equivalent to about 0.95 L)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / cuarto, quarter-sack (a traditional unit of dry measure equal to ¹⁄₄ saco, equivalent to about 27.8 L)historical masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / quarter (one of the four main divisions of the body of quadrapeds and birds)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / quarter (one of the four main divisions of the body of criminals for public display)historical masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / quarter (one of four main pieces of cloth used to tailor a garment)business manufacturing sewing textilesmasculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / quarter (one of the four main phases of a heavenly body as it waxes and wanes in the sky)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounfourth, quarter (one of four equal divisions of a whole) / line, lineage (any of the four main lines of ancestry through one's various grandparents)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounquarters (various structures used for dwelling) / Synonym of sala (“room”)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounquarters (various structures used for dwelling) / Synonym of habitación (“bedroom”)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounquarters (various structures used for dwelling) / Synonym of piso (“apartment”)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounwatch, shift (the time that a soldier, guard, police, etc. spends on patrol)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounlot (a piece of real estate, especially one of the divisions of a large piece of land being put to sale)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounservice (particularly to a king or queen)masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounwell-proportioned limbs (especially in discussion of art and horses)in-plural masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnouncuarto (a former copper Spanish coin)historical masculine
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounSynonym of dinero (“money”)Andalusia Dominican-Republic in-plural masculine slang
Law enforcementcuartoSpanishnounSynonym of dinero (“a fortune”)in-plural masculine slang
Law enforcementpervencheFrenchnounperiwinklefeminine
Law enforcementpervencheFrenchnounfemale traffic warden, meter maid (US)feminine
Law enforcementwantedEnglishadjWished for; desired; sought.
Law enforcementwantedEnglishadjSubject to immediate detainment by law enforcement authorities on sight.government law-enforcement
Law enforcementwantedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of wantform-of participle past
Law enforcementполицейскийRussianadjpolicerelational
Law enforcementполицейскийRussiannounpoliceman
LeadersquarterbackEnglishnounAn offensive back whose primary job is to pass the ball in a play.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsCanadian
LeadersquarterbackEnglishnounAn offensive back who receives the snap (hike) and then blocks the defense from crossing the line of scrimmage; a blocking back.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportshistorical
LeadersquarterbackEnglishnounA position just behind the forwards, or one who plays this position.ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle rugby sportshistorical
LeadersquarterbackEnglishverbTo play the position of quarterback.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
LeadersquarterbackEnglishverbTo lead a team or group; to be primarily responsible for some group project or activity.broadly
LegumesglicineItaliannounwistaria, wisteriamasculine
LegumesglicineItaliannounany plant of the genus Glycinebiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
LegumessweetrootEnglishnounliquoricecountable uncountable
LegumessweetrootEnglishnounwestern sweet cicely, western sweetroot (Osmorhiza occidentalis)countable uncountable
Leuciscine fishleuciscineEnglishadjOf or relating to the cyprinid subfamily Leuciscinaebiology ichthyology natural-sciences zoology
Leuciscine fishleuciscineEnglishnounAny fish in the cyprinid subfamily Leuciscinaebiology ichthyology natural-sciences zoology
LichenscenWelshnounscurf, dandruffdermatology medicine sciencesmasculine
LichenscenWelshnounscale (on fish, bud)biology natural-sciencesmasculine
LichenscenWelshnounscale, scurf, fur (in pipe, boiler, furnace, kettle)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
LichenscenWelshnounlichenbiology mycology natural-sciencesmasculine
Lightelectric lightEnglishnounArtificial light using electricity as a source of illumination.countable uncountable
Lightelectric lightEnglishnounA device producing such light.countable uncountable
LightradianteSpanishadjradiant, radiatingfeminine masculine
LightradianteSpanishadjbright (light, day, weather)feminine masculine
LightradianteSpanishadjbeaming, glowing, bright, shining (appearance)feminine masculine
LightхараҥаYakutnoundark, darkness
Light sourcesllantióCatalannoundiminutive of llàntiadiminutive form-of masculine
Light sourcesllantióCatalannounChinese lanternmasculine
Light sourcesllantióCatalannounvotive lampmasculine
Light sourcesllantióCatalannounbluetail (damselfly of the genus Ischnura)masculine
Light sourcesელექთრიღიLaznounelectricity
Light sourcesელექთრიღიLaznounflashlightdialectal
Light sourcesチュㇷ゚Ainunounluminary (Sun or Moon)
Light sourcesチュㇷ゚Ainunounmonth
LinguisticsпереноснийUkrainianadjfigurative, metaphorical
LiquidsanglaisIrishnounmilk and waterfeminine
LiquidsanglaisIrishnounmilksop (of person)feminine
LiquidsslapjumsLatviannounwetness, moisture (a certain amount of liquid in a medium, or in a place)declension-1 masculine
LiquidsslapjumsLatviannounliquid (usually in relatively large amounts)declension-1 masculine
LiquidssucusLatinnounstrength, vitality, rigor, energy, lifedeclension-2 figuratively
LoveumukunziRwanda-Rundinouna beloved friend
LoveαμόρεGreeknounlove (romantic)dated indeclinable
LoveαμόρεGreeknounlover, flamecolloquial indeclinable
LoveوجدArabicverbto find, to hit upon, to come across
LoveوجدArabicverbto find (constructed with أن)
LoveوجدArabicverbto meet with
LoveوجدArabicverbto get, to obtain
LoveوجدArabicverbto exist, to be there, to bestative
LoveوجدArabicverbto experience, to feel, to sensetransitive
LoveوجدArabicverbto suffer
LoveوجدArabicverbto love (بِ (bi))
LoveوجدArabicverbto languish
LoveوجدArabicverbto be angry, to have a grudge
LoveوجدArabicnounverbal noun of وَجَدَ (wajada) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
LoveوجدArabicnounstrong emotion, strong enthusiasm, affection, fancy, liking, love, fantasy, fancy
LoveوجدArabicnounemotional upset
LoveوجدArabicnounpassion, ardor, fondness, attachment
MachinesstrojSerbo-Croatiannounmachine, engine
MachinesstrojSerbo-Croatiannounformationgovernment military politics war
MachinesstrojekCzechnoundiminutive of strojdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
MachinesstrojekCzechnounmachineinanimate masculine
Madder family plantsmatalafiEnglishnounA shrub, Psychotria insularum, used for medicine and found in American Samoa, Niue, Samoa, and Tonga.
Madder family plantsmatalafiEnglishnounMedicine made from the shrub.
MalezeņķisLatviannounboy (male child, especially of school age; also, male adolescent)colloquial declension-2 masculine
MalezeņķisLatviannounyoung man, guycolloquial declension-2 masculine
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounA male domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) or other gallinaceous bird.Australia Canada Kent New-Zealand US
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounA bird or bat which roosts or is roosting.
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounAn informer.figuratively obsolete slang
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounA violent or disorderly person.figuratively obsolete slang
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounA powerful, prideful, or pompous person.figuratively
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounA man.New-Zealand figuratively
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounA wild violet, when used in a children's game based on cockfighting.US historical regional
Male animalsroosterEnglishnounLegislation solely devised to benefit the legislators proposing it.US obsolete slang
Male family memberspapiFrenchnoungrandad, grandpachildish informal masculine usually
Male family memberspapiFrenchnounold man, grampsbroadly derogatory informal masculine
Male family membersépouxFrenchnounspousemasculine
Male family membersépouxFrenchnounmale spouse, husbandmasculine
Male family membersதம்பிTamilverbto become immovable, stiff, stunnedintransitive
Male family membersதம்பிTamilverbto stop, check, suspend, restrain, counteracttransitive
Male family membersதம்பிTamilnounyounger brother
Male family membersதம்பிTamilnounterm of endearment applied to a young male
Male family members伯仲Chinesenouneldest brother and second eldest brotherliterary
Male family members伯仲Chinesenounseniority; rank; superiority and inferiorityfiguratively literary
Male family members伯仲Chinesenounequally capable individualsfiguratively literary
Male peoplealfonsPolishnounpimp, procurercolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peoplealfonsPolishnounjerk, punk (male to whom the speaker holds negative regard)colloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peopleczarownikPolishnounsorcerer, warlock, wizardmasculine person
Male peopleczarownikPolishnountwelve-wired bird-of-paradise (Seleucidis melanoleucus)animal-not-person masculine
Male peopleimbecylPolishnounimbecile (fool, idiot)derogatory masculine person
Male peopleimbecylPolishnounimbecile (person with limited mental capacity)medicine pathology sciencesmasculine obsolete person
Male peoplelady-killerEnglishnounA man unusually attractive to women.colloquial
Male peoplelady-killerEnglishnounAn uncaring womanizer.colloquial
Male peopletsarevichEnglishnounA son of a tsar, a prince in Russia or Bulgaria.
Male peopletsarevichEnglishnounThe firstborn son of a tsar
Male peopletsarevichEnglishnounThe tsesarevich (crown prince of the Russia Empire)
Male peopleевропалыKumyknouna European (person from Europe)
Male peopleевропалыKumykadjEuropean
Male peopleпринцRussiannounprince, crown prince (a son or other male family member of a king or a non-Russian emperor)
Male peopleпринцRussiannounprince (the holder of a princely title, especially in the Kingdom of France)historical rare
Male peopleспутникRussiannouna fellow traveller; companionalso figuratively
Male peopleспутникRussiannounsatellite, moon (a natural satellite of a planet)astronomy natural-sciences
Male peopleспутникRussiannounan artificial satellite of a planet or moon, sputnik
Mallow subfamily plantsglobe mallowEnglishnounAny of many North American plants of the genus Sphaeralcea in the mallow family, Malvaceae.
Mallow subfamily plantsglobe mallowEnglishnounPlants of the genus Iliamna in the mallow family, Malvaceae, more commonly known as wild hollyhocks.
Mallow subfamily plants形見草JapanesenounSynonym of 菊 (kiku, “chrysanthemum”).
Mallow subfamily plants形見草JapanesenounSynonym of 銭葵 (zeniaoi, “common mallow”).
Mallow subfamily plants形見草JapanesenounSynonym of 立葵 (tachiaoi, “hollyhock”).
Mallow subfamily plants形見草JapanesenounSynonym of 撫子 (nadeshiko, “carnation, pink”).
Mallow subfamily plants形見草JapanesenounSynonym of 冬葵 (fuyuaoi, “Chinese mallow”).
Malvales order plantseskubaCebuanonouna brush
Malvales order plantseskubaCebuanonounthe common wireweed (Sida acuta)
MammalsasuTetumnoundog (animal)
MammalsoureMiddle EnglishdetFirst-person plural genitive determiner: our
MammalsoureMiddle Englishdetmy, mine (This is equivalent to Modern English "royal we", but is also used informally).
MammalsoureMiddle EnglishpronFirst-person plural possessive pronoun: ours, of us
MammalsoureMiddle Englishnounaurochsrare
MammalsoureMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hourealt-of alternative
MammalsoureMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ore (“ore”)alt-of alternative
MammalsoureMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of youralt-of alternative
Mammalsமான்Tamilnoundeer, stag, hart, fawn, antelope
Mammalsமான்Tamilnounthe zodiac Capricornastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
MammalsẹmọYorubanounAlternative form of ẹmu (“palm wine”)alt-of alternative
MammalsẹmọYorubanounbush rat; (in particular) Tullberg's soft-furred mouse
Mantids蟷螂Japanesenouna mantis (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea)
Mantids蟷螂Japanesenouna skinny person or horsebroadly
Mantids蟷螂Japanesenouna fourspine sculpin, a fish of species Cottus kazikarare
Mantids蟷螂Japanesenouna mantis
Maori cardinal numbersruaMaorinumtwo
Maori cardinal numbersruaMaorinounpit
Maori cardinal numbersruaMaorinouncavity
Maplesmaple syrupEnglishnounSyrup made from the sap of the sugar maple, Acer saccharum.countable uncountable
Maplesmaple syrupEnglishnounSyrup flavored with artificial maple flavoring; though legally in the United States cannot be labelled as such when for sale.countable uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounCrude oil.countable slang uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounMotor oil.countable slang uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounA video slot machine that has a Texas oil industry theme.countable uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounA variation of Long Island Iced Tea, a highly potent mixed drink made of a variety of alcoholic ingredients, without any actual iced tea.countable uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounIced tea.Texas countable uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounStrong coffee.countable uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounMarijuana.countable slang uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounPurple drank.countable slang uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounDiluted fertilizer filtered through manure.countable uncountable
MarijuanaTexas teaEnglishnounA mixture of drugs (pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and sodium thiopental) used to execute a person by lethal injection.US countable slang uncountable
MarketingაქციაGeorgiannounsharebusiness finance
MarketingაქციაGeorgiannounaction / protest, demonstration
MarketingაქციაGeorgiannounpromotion, campaign; special offer
MarriageSSMEnglishnounInitialism of surface-to-surface missile.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MarriageSSMEnglishnounInitialism of same-sex marriage.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MarriageSSMEnglishnounInitialism of start-up, shutdown or malfunction.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MarriagebiaGaropronhe, shenominative singular third-person
MarriagebiaGaroverbto wed
MarriagerelicteMiddle EnglishnounwidowLate-Middle-English uncommon
MarriagerelicteMiddle Englishadjundamaged, left aloneLate-Middle-English uncommon
MarriageсупругUkrainiannounhusband, (male) spouserare
MarriageсупругUkrainiannoungenitive/accusative plural of супру́га (suprúha)accusative form-of genitive plural
MarsupialsOpossumGermannounan opossum of the genus Didelphisbiology natural-sciencesneuter strong
MarsupialsOpossumGermannounVirginia opossum, the North American opossumneuter strong
MarsupialsOpossumGermannounSynonym of Beutelratte (“any opossum”)neuter strong
Mass mediabulvárCzechnounyellow press, tabloidinanimate masculine
Mass mediabulvárCzechnounboulevardinanimate masculine
MathematicsалуKazakhverbto take
MathematicsалуKazakhverbto subtract
MathematicsалуKazakhverbto be able, can
Measuring instrumentsletsehanCebuanonouna milk can, especially when used as a measuring instrumenthistorical
Measuring instrumentsletsehanCebuanonouna unit of measure equivalent to the contents of such canhistorical
MeatsμπούτιGreeknounthigh (human or animal)anatomy medicine sciences
MeatsμπούτιGreeknounlegfood lifestyle meat meats
MedicinepanaceaEnglishnounA remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists; a cure-all.
MedicinepanaceaEnglishnounA solution to all problems.
MedicinepanaceaEnglishnounThe plant allheal (Valeriana officinalis), believed to cure all ills.obsolete
MedicineسرطانPersiannouncancer, carcinomamedicine pathology sciences
MedicineسرطانPersiannouncrab (crustaceans)
MetalsrũbũaKikuyunounflaky solderclass-11
MetalsrũbũaKikuyunounbee's sting left in skinclass-11
MetalsrũbũaKikuyunounpeel of sugar-cane chipped off before eatingclass-11
MetalsKoreannoungold (Au) (in general and as an element); golden...
MetalsKoreannounamount of money (written before the amount)
MetalsKoreannounShort for 금요일(金曜日) (geumyoil, “Friday”).abbreviation alt-of
MetalsKoreannouncrack, fissure, fracture
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 金: gold; money
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 釒
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 今: this; at present
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 禁: prohibition
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 錦: brocade
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 琴: geomungo, a six-stringed Korean zither
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 禽: birds; winged animals
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 襟
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 衾
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 擒
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 衿
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 芩
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 檎
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 昑
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 妗
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 噤
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 嶔
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 笒
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 唫
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鍂
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 琻
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 紟
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 琹
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 顉
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 菳
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 赺
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㯲
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 噙
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 僸
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 耹
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鈙
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 凎
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 澿
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 砛
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 黅
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 庈
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 惍
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 搇
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 肣
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 蠄
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㱽
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鵭
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䶖
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 鐢
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㾣
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䃢
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 坅
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 蚙
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 軡
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 靲
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㲐
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㕋
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䑤
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䫴
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 齽
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䋮
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䦦
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㦗
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㩒
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 㱈
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䔷
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䥅
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䥆
MetalsKoreansyllableMore information(eumhun reading: 쇠 금 (soe geum)) (MC reading: 金 (MC kim))(MC reading: 釒)(eumhun reading: 이제 금 (ije geum)) (MC reading: 今 (MC kim))(eumhun reading: 금할 금 (geumhal geum)) (MC reading: 禁 (MC kim|kimH))(eumhun reading: 비단 금 (bidan geum)) (MC reading: 錦 (MC kimX))(eumhun reading: 거문고 금 (geomun'go geum)) (MC reading: 琴 (MC gim))(eumhun reading: 날짐승 금 (naljimseung geum)) (MC reading: 禽 (MC gim))(MC reading: 襟 (MC kim))(MC reading: 衾 (MC khim))(MC reading: 擒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 衿 (MC kim))(MC reading: 芩 (MC gim))(MC reading: 檎 (MC gim))(MC reading: 昑)(MC reading: 妗 (MC tsyhem|xem|xeam))(MC reading: 噤 (MC gimX|gimH))(MC reading: 嶔 (MC khim))(MC reading: 笒 (MC dzrim|gimH))(MC reading: 唫 (MC ngim|gimX))(MC reading: 鍂)(MC reading: 琻)(MC reading: 紟 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 琹)(MC reading: 顉 (MC khim|khimX|ngomX))(MC reading: 菳 (MC khim))(MC reading: 赺)(MC reading: 㯲 (MC kimH))(MC reading: 噙)(MC reading: 僸 (MC ngimX|kimH))(MC reading: 耹 (MC gim))(MC reading: 鈙 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 凎)(MC reading: 澿 (MC gim))(MC reading: 砛)(MC reading: 黅 (MC kim))(MC reading: 庈 (MC gim))(MC reading: 惍)(MC reading: 搇 (MC khjimH))(MC reading: 肣 (MC hom|homX))(MC reading: 蠄)(MC reading: 㱽 (MC gim|trimX))(MC reading: 鵭 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䶖 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 鐢)(MC reading: 㾣)(MC reading: 䃢)(MC reading: 坅 (MC khjimX))(MC reading: 蚙)(MC reading: 軡)(MC reading: 靲 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㲐)(MC reading: 㕋 (MC gim))(MC reading: 䑤)(MC reading: 䫴 (MC gimX|himH))(MC reading: 齽 (MC gimH))(MC reading: 䋮)(MC reading: 䦦)(MC reading: 㦗 (MC kim))(MC reading: 㩒 (MC gim))(MC reading: 㱈)(MC reading: 䔷 (MC ging|gim))(MC reading: 䥅)(MC reading: 䥆)(MC reading: 䌝) / 䌝
MicrosoftBSODEnglishnounInitialism of blue screen of death.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftBSODEnglishnounInitialism of black screen of death.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftBSODEnglishverbTo fail critically and display a blue screen of death.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MicrosoftNSISEnglishnameInitialism of Network Store Interface Service (a Microsoft Windows service)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftNSISEnglishnameInitialism of Next Steps in Signaling (an Internet Engineering Task Force working group)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftNSISEnglishnameInitialism of Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (a script-driven Windows installation system)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosofthiveEnglishnounA structure, whether artificial or natural, for housing a swarm of honeybees.
MicrosofthiveEnglishnounThe bees of one hive; a swarm of bees.
MicrosofthiveEnglishnounA place swarming with busy occupants; a crowd.
MicrosofthiveEnglishnounA section of the registry.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MicrosofthiveEnglishverbTo collect (bees) into a hive.transitive
MicrosofthiveEnglishverbTo store (something other than bees) in, or as if in, a hive.transitive
MicrosofthiveEnglishverbTo form a hive-like entity.intransitive
MicrosofthiveEnglishverbTo take lodging or shelter together; to reside in a collective body.intransitive
MicrosofthiveEnglishverbOf insects: to enter or possess a hive.biology entomology natural-sciences
MicrosofthiveEnglishnounAn itchy, red, swollen area of the skin; singular or attributive form of hives.
MilitaryclassisLatinnounany one of the five divisions into which Servius Tullius divided the Roman citizenrydeclension-3 feminine
MilitaryclassisLatinnounthe armed forcesdeclension-3 feminine
MilitaryclassisLatinnounfleetdeclension-3 feminine
MilitaryclassisLatinnouna group, rank, or classdeclension-3 feminine
MilitaryclassisLatinnouna class (of students)declension-3 feminine
MilitarydovolenkaSlovaknounfurlough (leave of absence in the army)feminine
Military rankslieutenantFrenchnounlieutenantgovernment military politics warmasculine
Military rankslieutenantFrenchnoundeputy, right-hand man, second-in-commandmasculine
Mimosa subfamily plantsMadeira woodEnglishnounThe mahogany tree (Swietenia mahagoni).
Mimosa subfamily plantsMadeira woodEnglishnounA West Indian leguminous tree (Lysiloma latisiliquum) whose wood is used for boat trimming.
MiningrębaczPolishnounminer extracting coal at the mine facemasculine person
MiningrębaczPolishnounone skilled with a sabre and fond of fightingarchaic masculine person
MiningrębaczPolishnounlumberjackmasculine obsolete person
MiningrębaczPolishnounany longhorn beetle belonging to the genus Rhagiumanimal-not-person masculine
Mint family plantsscutellaireFrenchadjscutellar
Mint family plantsscutellaireFrenchnounskullcap (Scutellaria)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Mobile phonescellular phoneEnglishnounA mobile phone using cellular technology.
Mobile phonescellular phoneEnglishnounA mobile phone using any technology (such as PCS).informal
MonarchyreinaCatalannounqueenboard-games chess gamesfeminine
MonarchyreinaCatalannoundarlingendearing feminine
Monarchy二宮Japanesenamethe 中宮 (Chūgū, “Empress Consort's Palace at the center”) and 東宮 (Tōgū, “Crown Prince's Palace to the east”)
Monarchy二宮Japanesenamea place name / A town in Haga district, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, Asia
Monarchy二宮Japanesenamea place name / A town in Naka district, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, Asia
Monarchy二宮Japanesenamea surname
MoneybenOccitannoungood, possessionmasculine
MoneymakarnaTurkishnounItalian liraobsolete slang
MoneypieniężnyPolishadjfinancial, moneynot-comparable relational
MoneypieniężnyPolishadjamusing, entertainingInternet not-comparable
MoneyransomEnglishnounMoney paid for the freeing of a hostage.uncountable usually
MoneyransomEnglishnounThe release of a captive, or of captured property, by payment of a consideration.uncountable usually
MoneyransomEnglishnounA sum paid for the pardon of some great offence and the discharge of the offender; also, a fine paid in lieu of corporal punishment.lawUK historical uncountable usually
MoneyransomEnglishverbTo deliver, especially in context of sin or relevant penalties.obsolete
MoneyransomEnglishverbTo pay a price to set someone free from captivity or punishment.
MoneyransomEnglishverbTo exact a ransom (payment) in exchange for the freedom of.
MoneyzapłacićPolishverbto pay (to give money in exchange for goods or services)perfective transitive
MoneyzapłacićPolishverbto pay (suffer the consequences)perfective transitive
Money理財Chineseverbto manage money matters
Money理財Chinesenounfinancial products
Moons of NeptuneNesoEnglishnameA moon of Neptune.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of NeptuneNesoEnglishnameAny of various figures in Greek mythology. See Neso (mythology).human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of NeptuneNesoEnglishnameAcronym of National Energy System Operator.abbreviation acronym alt-of
Moons of SaturnEpimetheusEnglishnameSon of Iapetus and Clymene, brother to Atlas, Menoetius and Prometheus, of whom he ignored warnings to beware of any gifts from Zeus. He accepted Pandora as his wife, thereby bringing sorrow to the world; father to Pyrrha.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of SaturnEpimetheusEnglishnameA moon of the planet Saturn.astronomy natural-sciences
MountainsgóralkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of góral (“inhabiting mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia”)feminine form-of
MountainsgóralkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of góralekaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
MountainsשריוןHebrewnounarmour, armor
MountainsשריוןHebrewnounarmouring, armoring
MountainsשריוןHebrewnameSynonym of חֶרְמוֹן (khermón)
MurderhorcruxEnglishnounIn the Harry Potter series, an object in which a wizard has concealed a part of their soul through magic, rendering them immortal until the object is irreparably damaged or destroyed.
MurderhorcruxEnglishnounSomething in which one has invested a part of one's self; an object which allows for the preservation of memory, culture, etc.broadly
MuscicapidsrobinEnglishnounAny of various passerine birds (about 100 species) of the families Muscicapidae, Turdidae and Petroicidae (formerly Eopsaltriidae), typically with a red breast. / A European robin, Erithacus rubecula.
MuscicapidsrobinEnglishnounAny of various passerine birds (about 100 species) of the families Muscicapidae, Turdidae and Petroicidae (formerly Eopsaltriidae), typically with a red breast. / An American robin, Turdus migratorius.
MuscicapidsrobinEnglishnounA trimming in front of a dress.historical
MuscicapidsrobinEnglishnounA toxalbumin obtained from the locust tree.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesuncountable
MushroomsślimakPolishnounsnail, slug (gastropod)animal-not-person masculine
MushroomsślimakPolishnounescargotanimal-not-person masculine
MushroomsślimakPolishnounslowpoke, snail (slow person)broadly colloquial derogatory masculine person
MushroomsślimakPolishnouncochlea (part of the inner ear)inanimate masculine
MushroomsślimakPolishnounvolutearchitectureinanimate masculine
MushroomsślimakPolishnounscrollarts crafts hobbies lifestyle lutherieinanimate masculine
MushroomsślimakPolishnounworm (element of a worm drive)inanimate masculine
MushroomsślimakPolishnounslimy spike-cap (Gomphidius glutinosus)inanimate masculine regional
MushroomsślimakPolishnounslippery jack (Suillus luteus)inanimate masculine obsolete
Mushrooms黑木耳ChinesenounJew's-ear; wood ear (Auricularia auricula-judae)
Mushrooms黑木耳Chinesenoun(from the shape of the mushroom) sexually-experienced young female; promiscuous female or a young female who masturbates oftenderogatory neologism slang
MusicScheibeGermannounflat piece or surface / discfeminine
MusicScheibeGermannounflat piece or surface / slice (e.g. of bread)feminine
MusicScheibeGermannounflat piece or surface / pane (of glass)feminine
MusicScheibeGermannounrecord, song, albumcolloquial feminine
MusicScheibeGermannounpuckcolloquial feminine
MusicScheibeGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
MusicScheibeGermanintjdarn it, heckdated
MusicẸyọYorubanameThe culture, people, language, and customs of historically the Àwórì subethnic group of the Yoruba, and now the Lagosians. / The Ẹ̀yọ̀ festival, an Egúngún festival celebrated by the people of Lagos.
MusicẸyọYorubanameThe culture, people, language, and customs of historically the Àwórì subethnic group of the Yoruba, and now the Lagosians. / Àwórì people; now also refers to the modern inhabitants of the city of Lagos
MusicẸyọYorubanameThe culture, people, language, and customs of historically the Àwórì subethnic group of the Yoruba, and now the Lagosians. / The Yoruba dialect historically spoken by the Àwórì people
MusicẸyọYorubanameThe culture, people, language, and customs of historically the Àwórì subethnic group of the Yoruba, and now the Lagosians. / A genre of music and drumming unique to the people of Lagos.
MusicẸyọYorubanameThe culture, people, language, and customs of historically the Àwórì subethnic group of the Yoruba, and now the Lagosians. / The modern Yoruba dialect of the people of Lagos, not directly related to the dialect of the Àwórì.
MusicẸyọYorubanameThe culture, people, language, and customs of historically the Àwórì subethnic group of the Yoruba, and now the Lagosians. / Any language that is not one's own native language
Musical instrumentsaccordionEnglishnounA box-shaped musical instrument with means of keys and buttons, whose tones are generated by play of the wind from a squeezed bellows upon free metallic reeds.
Musical instrumentsaccordionEnglishnounA vertical list of items that can be individually expanded and collapsed to reveal their contents.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Musical instrumentsaccordionEnglishnounA set of items (concepts, links, or otherwise) that can be packed and unpacked cognitively, or their representation as a set of virtual objects.figuratively
Musical instrumentsaccordionEnglishverbTo fold up, in the manner of an accordionintransitive transitive
Musical instrumentscnámhIrishnounboneanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine masculine
Musical instrumentscnámhIrishnounbones (musical instrument)feminine in-plural masculine
Musical instrumentsפלגאAramaicnounhalf, middle
Musical instrumentsפלגאAramaicnoundivision
Musical instrumentsפלגאAramaicnoundrum, tambourine
Mygalomorph spiderstarantulaPolishnounwolf spider (any spider of the family Lycosidae)feminine
Mygalomorph spiderstarantulaPolishnountarantula, theraphosid (any spider of the family Theraphosidae)colloquial feminine
Myrtales order plantsμυρσίνηAncient Greeknounmyrtle (Myrtus communis)
Myrtales order plantsμυρσίνηAncient Greeknounwreath or branch of myrtle
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAn evil supernatural spirit. / An evil spirit resident in or working for Hell; a devil.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAn evil supernatural spirit. / A false god or idol; a Satanic divinity.historical
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAn evil supernatural spirit. / A very wicked or malevolent person; also (in weakened sense) a mischievous person, especially a child.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAn evil supernatural spirit. / A source (especially personified) of great evil or wickedness; a destructive feeling or character flaw.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAn evil supernatural spirit. / A person's fears or
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounA neutral supernatural spirit. / A person's inner spirit or genius; a guiding or creative impulse.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounA neutral supernatural spirit. / A tutelary deity or spirit intermediate between the major Olympian gods and mankind, especially a deified hero or the entity which supposedly guided Socrates, telling him what not to do.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounA neutral supernatural spirit. / A spirit not considered to be inherently evil; a (non-Christian) deity or supernatural being.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounA neutral supernatural spirit. / A hypothetical entity with special abilities postulated for the sake of a thought experiment in philosophy or physics.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounSomeone with great strength, passion or skill for a particular activity, pursuit etc.; an enthusiast.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounA type of patience or solitaire (card game) played in the UK and/or US.card-games games
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAny of various hesperiid butterflies of the genera Notocrypta and Udaspes.
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAcronym of distinct electron motion particle: A quasiparticle, a type of massless neutral electron excitation associated with superconductivity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation acronym alt-of
Mythological creaturesdemonEnglishnounAlternative spelling of daemoncomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesalt-of alternative
Mythological creaturessuccubusEnglishnounA female demon which comes to men, especially monks, in their dreams to seduce them and have sexual intercourse, drawing energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death.
Mythological creaturessuccubusEnglishnounA strumpet, whore or prostitute.
Mythological creaturesرخArabicverbto dilute, to mix with water
Mythological creaturesرخArabicverbto break or crush so as to make soft
Mythological creaturesرخArabicnounlight showercollective
Mythological creaturesرخArabicnounverbal noun of رَخَّ (raḵḵa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Mythological creaturesرخArabicadjsoft, relaxed, irresolute
Mythological creaturesرخArabicnouncastle, rookboard-games chess games
Mythological creaturesرخArabicnounroc (mythical bird)
Mythological creatures贔屭Chinesenounbixi (a mythological turtlelike animal)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
Mythological creatures贔屭Chineseadjstrenuous; with a lot of strengthliterary
Mythological creatures𗵃Tangutcharacterdragon
Mythological creatures𗵃Tangutcharacterthe Dragon, the fifth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 辰 (chén)).
MythologybogeyEnglishnounThe Devil.archaic capitalized often usually with-definite-article
MythologybogeyEnglishnounA ghost, goblin, or other hostile supernatural creature.
MythologybogeyEnglishnounA bugbear: any terrifying thing.figuratively
MythologybogeyEnglishnounA standard of performance set up as a mark to be aimed at in natural-sciences physical-sciences
MythologybogeyEnglishnounAn unidentified aircraft, especially as observed as a spot on a radar screen and suspected to be hostile.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics war
MythologybogeyEnglishnounSynonym of bandit: an enemy aircraft.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warslang
MythologybogeyEnglishnounA score of one over par on a hobbies lifestyle sports
MythologybogeyEnglishnounAlternative form of booger: a piece of mucus in or removed from the nostril.UK alt-of alternative
MythologybogeyEnglishverbTo make a bogey on (a particular hole).golf hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive transitive
MythologybogeyEnglishnounA bog-standard (representative) specimen taken from the center of natural-sciences physical-sciencesUK
MythologybogeyEnglishverbTo swim; to bathe.Australia
MythologybogeyEnglishnounA swim or bathe; a bath.Australia
MythologybogeyEnglishnounAlternative spelling of bogie (“one of two sets of wheels under a locomotive or railcar; also, a structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi which provides support and reduces vibration for the vehicle”)alt-of alternative
MythologybogeyEnglishnounAlternative spelling of bogie (“hand-operated truck or trolley”)alt-of alternative
MythologybogeyEnglishnounAlternative spelling of bogie (“railway carriage”)rail-transport railways transportBritish India alt-of alternative dated
MythologyeuhemerizationEnglishnounThe fanciful invention of plausible historical figures and events as an attempt to rationalize mythology and legendsderogatory uncountable
MythologyeuhemerizationEnglishnounThe fanciful invention of plausible historical figures and events as an attempt to rationalize mythology and legends / an instance of thiscountable derogatory
MythologyeuhemerizationEnglishnounSynonym of deification: the actual creation of mythology and legends from historical figures and events; (countable) an instance of this.uncountable
NationalitiesAlheryanoTagalognounAlgerian (person from Algeria)
NationalitiesAlheryanoTagalogadjAlgerian (of Algeria or its people)
NationalitiesAngolanoTagalogadjAngolan (of, from or pertaining to Angola or its people)
NationalitiesAngolanoTagalognounAngolan (person from Angola or of Angolan descent)
NationalitiesLaosachIrishnounLaotian, Laomasculine
NationalitiesTiongkokIndonesiannameChina: the principal state in this country, including (historical) an empire under various dynasties and (since 1949) the People's Republic of China.
NationalitiesTiongkokIndonesianadjChinese (of, from, or related to the People's Republic of China)
NationalitiesVjetnamiżMalteseadjVietnamese (of, from or relating to Vietnam)
NationalitiesVjetnamiżMaltesenounVietnamese (native or inhabitant of Vietnam) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
NationalitiesVjetnamiżMaltesenounVietnamese (language)
NationalitiescypryjskiPolishadjCypriot (of or relating to Cyprus)not-comparable relational
NationalitiescypryjskiPolishnounCypriot Greek (language)inanimate masculine
NationalitieskenialainenFinnishnounKenyan (person)
NationalitieskenialainenFinnishadjKenyan (of or pertaining to Kenya)
NationalitiesrumanoSpanishadjRomanian (from or native to Romania)
NationalitiesrumanoSpanishadjRomanian (pertaining to Romania)
NationalitiesrumanoSpanishnouna Romanian personmasculine
NationalitiesrumanoSpanishnounRomanian (language)masculine uncountable
Native American tribesKiowaEnglishnounA member of an indigenous people of North America, currently in Oklahoma.
Native American tribesKiowaEnglishnameA language of the Kiowa-Tanoan language family.
Native American tribesKiowaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A town, the county seat of Elbert County, Colorado.
Native American tribesKiowaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A minor city in Barber County, Kansas.
Native American tribesKiowaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Glacier County, Montana.
Native American tribesKiowaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A ghost town in Thayer County, Nebraska.
Native American tribesKiowaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A town in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma.
Native American tribesTonkawaEnglishnounA Midwestern Native American tribe indigenous to present-day Oklahoma and Texas.plural plural-only
Native American tribesTonkawaEnglishnameThe extinct language once spoken by these people.
Native American tribesTonkawaEnglishnameA city in Kay County, Oklahoma, United States.
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnounfruit, producemasculine
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnounprofit, advantagemasculine
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnounconsequence, effect, resultmasculine
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnounanswermasculine
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnounmilkingmasculine
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnountakingmasculine
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnounsupplymasculine
NaturetoradhScottish Gaelicnounproduction, produce, yield, outputmasculine
NauticalcabinEnglishnounA small dwelling characteristic of the frontier, especially when built from logs with simple tools and not constructed by professional builders, but by those who meant to live in it.US
NauticalcabinEnglishnounA chalet or lodge, especially one that can hold large groups of people.informal
NauticalcabinEnglishnounA private room on a ship.
NauticalcabinEnglishnounThe interior of a boat, enclosed to create a small room, particularly for sleeping.
NauticalcabinEnglishnounThe passenger area of an airplane.
NauticalcabinEnglishnounThe section of a passenger plane having the same class of service.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel
NauticalcabinEnglishnounA signal box.rail-transport railways transportinformal
NauticalcabinEnglishnounA small room; an enclosed place.
NauticalcabinEnglishnounA private office; particularly of a doctor, businessman, lawyer, or other professional.India
NauticalcabinEnglishverbTo place in a cabin or other small space.transitive
NauticalcabinEnglishverbTo limit the scope of.broadly
NauticalcabinEnglishverbTo live in, or as if in, a cabin; to lodge.intransitive obsolete
NauticalkakawanYaminounreef; submerged rock
NauticalпловкаBulgariannounfloater, flotsamliterally
NauticalпловкаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of пловъ́к (plovǎ́k): duck, anatiddialectal feminine form-of
NauticalпловкаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of пловъ́к (plovǎ́k): mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)feminine form-of
Neutron starsblitzarEnglishnounA phenomenon that emits a fast radio burst.astronomy natural-sciencesneologism
Neutron starsblitzarEnglishnounThe object type that generates the phenomenon which emits the burst.astronomy natural-sciencesneologism
Niconico歌い手Japanesenounamateur singer who uploads performances to online video platforms.Internet
NobilitycondeSpanishnouncount, earl (nobility); countess in the feminine sensemasculine
NobilitycondeSpanishverbinflection of condir: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
NobilitycondeSpanishverbinflection of condir: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
NobilitydróttinnOld Norsenouna lord, mastermasculine
NobilitydróttinnOld Norsenouna king, chief, heathen priestmasculine
NobilitydróttinnOld Norsenounthe Lord, God, ChristChristianitymasculine
Norse deitiesFreyaEnglishnameAlternative form of Freyjaalt-of alternative
Norse deitiesFreyaEnglishnameA female given name from Old Norse of mostly British usage.
NumbersJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
NumbersJapanesenumfour, 4
NumbersJapanesenumfour, 4
NumbersJapanesenumfour, 4
NumbersJapanesenounthe fourth
NumbersJapaneseaffixhere and there
NumbersJapanesenumfour, 4board-games games mahjong
NutspüstəAzerbaijaninounpistachio / a deciduous tree
NutspüstəAzerbaijaninounpistachio / the nutlike fruit of this tree
Nutsभल्लातकSanskritnounthe marking nut plant, Semecarpus anacardium (from which is extracted an acid juice used for medicinal purposes, and a black liquid used for marking linen)
Nutsभल्लातकSanskritnounthe acajou or cashew nutNew-Sanskrit
OaksrebollCatalannounsprout, shootbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
OaksrebollCatalannounPyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica)masculine
OaksrobleSpanishnounoak, several species of the genus Quercus.masculine
OaksrobleSpanishnounthe English oak, Quercus roburmasculine
OaksrobleSpanishnounoak (the wood)masculine
OaksrobleSpanishnounstrong object or personmasculine
OaksrobleSpanishverbinflection of roblar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
OaksrobleSpanishverbinflection of roblar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
ObesityfetknoppSwedishnounstonecrop, Sedumcommon-gender
ObesityfetknoppSwedishnounsomeone fatcolloquial common-gender derogatory
OccultdrochshúilIrishnounevil eyefeminine
OccultdrochshúilIrishnounglare, dirty lookfeminine
OccultfaierieMiddle EnglishnounThe land or domain in which magical or mythological creatures live; the Otherworld.uncountable
OccultfaierieMiddle EnglishnounThe occult, esoteric, or magical arts or a product of them used for illusion (e.g. a phantasm).uncountable
OccultfaierieMiddle EnglishnounMagical or mythological beings, beasts, or creatures.uncountable
OccultfaierieMiddle EnglishnounA magical or mythological being, beast, or creature.uncountable
OccultfaierieMiddle EnglishnounSomething which is untrue, invented, or fictional.rare uncountable
OccultհուռութArmeniannounmagic, charm, enchantment
OccultհուռութArmeniannouncharm, talisman, amulet
OccultܢܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnounwakening, arousing
OccultܢܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnounresuscitation
OccultܢܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnounrecovery, revival, resurrection
OccultܢܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnounraising the dead, necromancy
OccultܢܘܚܡܐClassical Syriacnouncomfort, consolation
OccupationsSchwöschterAlemannic Germannounsisterfeminine
OccupationsSchwöschterAlemannic Germannounnursefeminine
OccupationsWimmerGermannounwine-maker; person who gathers grapes and processes them into wineSwitzerland masculine strong
OccupationsWimmerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
OccupationsWimmerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
OccupationsagentDutchnouna police officermasculine
OccupationsagentDutchnouna police officer / a police officer of the low(est) rank, constable, junior officermasculine
OccupationsagentDutchnounan undercover agent; intelligence officer, secret agentmasculine
OccupationsagentDutchnounan agent (one who acts on behalf of another) / a brokermasculine
OccupationsagentDutchnounan agent (one who acts on behalf of another) / a middleman, surrogatemasculine
OccupationsanticucheroSpanishnounanticucho chefmasculine
OccupationsbondeSwedishnouna farmercommon-gender
OccupationsbondeSwedishnouna pawnboard-games chess gamescommon-gender
OccupationsbondeSwedishnouna husbandcommon-gender obsolete
OccupationskoniuchPolishnounhorseherdmasculine obsolete person
OccupationskoniuchPolishnounservant or farmworker responsible for horsesmasculine obsolete person
Occupationslife coachEnglishnounA professional who helps clients to achieve their personal goals.
Occupationslife coachEnglishverbTo help someone achieve their personal goals.rare
OccupationsnannyEnglishnounA child's nurse.
OccupationsnannyEnglishnounA grandmother.colloquial
OccupationsnannyEnglishnounA godmother.US colloquial
OccupationsnannyEnglishnounA female goat.
OccupationsnannyEnglishverbTo serve as a nanny.intransitive transitive
OccupationsnannyEnglishverbTo treat like a nanny's charges; to coddle.derogatory transitive
OccupationspalatynPolishnouncount palatine (ruler of a county palatine)historical masculine person
OccupationspalatynPolishnouncount palatine, palsgrave (count palatinate of the Holy Roman Empire, possessing near-royal powers within his county)historical masculine person
OccupationspaparazziPolishnounAlternative form of paparazzoarts hobbies journalism lifestyle media photographyalt-of alternative indeclinable masculine person
OccupationspaparazziPolishnounnominative/vocative plural of paparazzoform-of masculine nominative person plural vocative
Occupationsporn starEnglishnounAn actor or actress famous for appearing in pornographic films.
Occupationsporn starEnglishnounA person who performs sex acts in a pornographic film.
OccupationstailorEnglishnounA person who makes, repairs, or alters clothes professionally, especially suits and men's clothing.
OccupationstailorEnglishnounThe bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix).Australia
OccupationstailorEnglishverbTo make, repair, or alter clothes.intransitive transitive
OccupationstailorEnglishverbTo make or adapt (something) for a specific need.transitive
OccupationstailorEnglishverbTo restrict (something) in order to meet a particular need.transitive
OccupationstaoiseachEnglishnounA chieftain or leader.Ireland historical
OccupationstaoiseachEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Taoiseach (“head of the government of Ireland”)alt-of
OccupationstelefonistaSpanishnountelephone operator, telephonist (person who operates a telephone switchboard)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationstelefonistaSpanishnountelephone operator, telephonist (person who provides information or takes messages via the telephone)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsvoilierFrenchnounsailboat (a boat propelled by sails)nautical transportmasculine
OccupationsvoilierFrenchnounsailfishbiology ichthyology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
OccupationsvoilierFrenchnounsailmaker (profession)masculine
OccupationsķeizarieneLatviannounempress (female ruler of an empire; her title; syn. imperatore)declension-5 feminine
OccupationsķeizarieneLatviannounempress (wife of an emperor; syn. imperatrise)declension-5 feminine
OccupationsšvecCzechnounshoemakeranimate masculine
OccupationsšvecCzechnouncobbleranimate masculine
OccupationsσυνθέτιδαGreeknouncomposerentertainment lifestyle music
OccupationsσυνθέτιδαGreeknouncompositormedia printing publishing
OccupationsперекладачкаUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of переклада́ч (perekladáč): / translator
OccupationsперекладачкаUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of переклада́ч (perekladáč): / interpreter
OccupationsтөҙөүсеBashkirnounbuilder, constructor
OccupationsтөҙөүсеBashkirnounbuilder, constructor / construction worker
OccupationsтөҙөүсеBashkirnouncompilor; author of a collection of texts, digest, anthology etc.
OccupationsขุนนางThainounpublic servant; public official; mandarin; bureaucrat.historical
OccupationsขุนนางThainounnobleperson; person of noble rank; member of nobility.historical
OccupationsเปาThainoun(ท่าน~) judge: judicial officer, referee, umpire.slang
OncologyមហារីកKhmernounheat lightning
OnemunaTagalogadvfor a while; for a moment; for the time being; a minute (when the nature of the anticipated change is not expressed)
OnemunaTagalogadvfirst (when the nature of the anticipated change is expressed or clearly implied)
OnemunaTagalogadvyet (used after negative imperatives and hortatives)
OnemunaTagalogverbAlternative form of umuna: to go first; to go aheadalt-of alternative obsolete
OrangesOrangeGermannounorange (fruit)feminine
OrangesOrangeGermannounorange (color)neuter no-plural strong
Orbitsescape velocityEnglishnounThe minimum speed needed to escape the gravitational field of a planet or other body.astrophysics
Orbitsescape velocityEnglishnounA major breakthrough or milestone; momentum.figuratively
OrganizationsFFAEnglishnounInitialism of free fatty acid.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsFFAEnglishnounInitialism of Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries (professional qualification).British abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsFFAEnglishnounInitialism of free-for-all.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsFFAEnglishnameInitialism of Future Farmers of America: former name of the National FFA Organization.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsGreat ChurchEnglishnameThe orthodox Christian church of antiquity, after 380 C.E. the established church of the Roman Empire, especially as distinct from smaller Christian movements or heresies.historical
OrganizationsGreat ChurchEnglishnameHagia Sophia before the fall of the Byzantine Empire or one of the churches that previously occupied its site, the Great Church of Constantinople.historical
OrganizationsGreat ChurchEnglishnameThe Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
OrgansልብAmharicnountruth, fact
OrgansልብAmharicnounmind, intelligence
Organs𒃲𒄭𒀀𒅖Hittitenounhole (of a sieve or needle?)
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishnounCereal plants, Oryza sativa of the grass family whose seeds are used as food.uncountable
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishnounA specific variety of this plant.countable
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishnounThe seeds of this plant used as food.uncountable
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishnounThe types of automobile modifications characteristic of a rice burner.ethnic humorous slang slur uncountable
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishnounAn instance of customization of a user interface.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishverbTo squeeze through a ricer; to mash or make into rice-sized pieces (especially potatoes).transitive
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishverbTo harvest wild rice (Zizania sp.)intransitive
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishverbTo throw rice at a person (usually at a wedding).rare
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishverbTo customize the user interface of a computer system, e.g. a desktop environment.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishnounA twig or stick.Ireland Scotland dialectal
Oryzeae tribe grassesriceEnglishnounA bobbin or manufacturing textiles weavingobsolete
Otidimorph birdsszyszakPolishnounlobster-tailed pot, zischägge (European combat helmet, worn especially from the 1600s into the 1700s, consisting of a rounded skull-piece, often cheek guards and a nasal or face-guard, and a laminated defence (or single plate ridged to imitate lames) to protect the back of the neck that resembled a lobster's tail)historical inanimate masculine
Otidimorph birdsszyszakPolishnoungreat blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata)animal-not-person masculine
PaleontologyfossielDutchnounsomeone with very old fashioned ideas, a dinosaurderogatory figuratively neuter
Palm treesmariwoYorubanounpalm frond (in particular) young unwilted palm fronds tied around the body at festivals, such as the Ọlọ́jọ́ festival, by Ògún worshippers.
Palm treesmariwoYorubanounraffia, (in particular) the dried fronds of the raffia palm
PangolinsbalintongCebuanoverbto somersault
PangolinsbalintongCebuanonouna somersault
PangolinsbalintongCebuanonounthe Philippine pangolin (Manis culionensis)
PangolinsbalintongCebuanonounthe bullet tuna (Auxis rochei rochei)
PangolinsbalintongCebuanonounthe frigate tuna (Auxis thazard)
PangolinsbalintongCebuanonounthe kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis)
ParentsbọVietnamesenouninsect; bug
ParentsbọVietnamesenounguinea pigSouthern Vietnam
ParentsbọVietnamesenounfather; dadHà-Tĩnh Nghệ-An
Parties酒水Chinesenounbeverage; drink
Parties酒水Chinesenounfeast; banquetWu
PeopleHellenistEnglishnounA specialist in the study of Greek language, literature, culture, or history, or an admirer of the Greek culture and civilization.
PeopleHellenistEnglishnounA person who adopted the Greek customs, language and culture during the Hellenistic period, especially a Hellenized Jew.
PeopleHellenistEnglishnounA follower and practitioner of Hellenic religion (aka Hellenism, Olympianism etc.)
PeopleappellantEnglishadjof or relating to appeals; appellatelawnot-comparable
PeopleappellantEnglishadjin the process of appealingnot-comparable
PeopleappellantEnglishnouna litigant or party that is making an appeal in courtlaw
PeopleappellantEnglishnounOne who makes an earnest entreaty of any kind.
PeopleappellantEnglishnounOne who challenges another to single combat.obsolete
PeopleappellantEnglishnounOne of the clergy in the Jansenist controversy who rejected the bull Unigenitus issued in 1713, appealing to a pope "better informed", or to a general council.historical
PeoplebaronEnglishnounThe male ruler of a barony.
PeoplebaronEnglishnounA male member of the lowest rank of English nobility (the equivalent rank in Scotland is lord).
PeoplebaronEnglishnounA person of great power in society, especially in business and politics.broadly
PeoplebaronEnglishnounA prisoner who gains power and influence by lending or selling goods such as tobacco.UK slang
PeoplebaronEnglishnounA baron of beef, a cut made up of a double sirloin.
PeoplebaronEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Euthalia.
PeoplebaronEnglishnounA husband.lawobsolete
PeoplecaraduraSpanishadjcheeky, shamelesscolloquial feminine masculine
PeoplecaraduraSpanishnouncheeky person, cheekby-personal-gender colloquial feminine masculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounstump (of a tree)masculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounlog (to burn)masculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounhabitually late personderogatory informal masculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounblocks of wood used to immobilize prisoners / shackles, fettersbroadly figuratively masculine plural plural-only
PeopleceppoItaliannounblocks of wood used to immobilize prisoners / imprisonment, slavery, unfreedombroadly figuratively masculine plural plural-only
PeopleceppoItaliannouncatheadnautical transportmasculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounstrainbiology natural-sciencesmasculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounphylum; stockhuman-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounbrake shoeautomotive transport vehiclesmasculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounsedimentary rockgeography geology natural-sciencesmasculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounlineage; descentliterary masculine
PeopleceppoItaliannounbox for the collection of dutiesarchaic masculine
PeopleclavigerEnglishnounOne who carries a club; a club bearer.
PeopleclavigerEnglishnounA group within genus Lasius (formerly considered a subgenera Acanthomyops) of bright yellow to orange species of ant that have 3 maxillary palps and give off a distinctive citronella odor when disturbed. The group name comes from their club-shaped palps.biology entomology natural-sciences
PeopleclavigerEnglishnounA species of mosquito, Anopheles claviger.biology entomology natural-sciences
PeopleclavigerEnglishnounOne who carries the keys to a place; a keyholder.
PeopledrafterEnglishnounA person who prepares technical drawings and plans.
PeopledrafterEnglishnounA person who prepares drafts.
PeopledrafterEnglishnounA person who writes a legislative bill.US
PeoplehangdogEnglishnounA base, degraded person.
PeoplehangdogEnglishadjLow; sneaking; ashamed.not-comparable
PeoplehangdogEnglishverbTo move or loiter in a sneaking or ashamed manner.
Peoplehard deterministEnglishadjOf, pertaining to or supporting hard determinism, the belief that free will and determinism are incompatible ideas.human-sciences philosophy sciences
Peoplehard deterministEnglishnounA supporter of hard determinism.human-sciences philosophy sciences
PeoplemethEnglishnounMethamphetamine, especially in the form of the crystalline hydrochloride.countable informal uncountable
PeoplemethEnglishnounMethadone.countable informal uncountable
PeoplemethEnglishnounA tramp.derogatory
PeoplemethEnglishnounA spiced mead, originally from Wales.countable uncountable
PeoplemethEnglishnounMarijuana.countable slang uncountable
PeoplemuzaraSerbo-Croatiannounmilch cow, dairy cow, or other animal kept for milk production, e.g. dairy goat, dairy sheepfeminine
PeoplemuzaraSerbo-Croatiannounperson as a source of profit, cash cowfeminine
PeopleoctogenaryEnglishadjOf or related to the number 80, particularlynot-comparable obsolete
PeopleoctogenaryEnglishadjOf or related to the number 80, particularly / Synonym of octogenarian: lasting or aged 80 years; 80-year-old.not-comparable obsolete
PeopleoctogenaryEnglishnounSynonym of eightysomething: a person 80 to 89 years old.obsolete
PeoplepaynimEnglishnounA pagan or heathen, especially a Muslim, or a Jew.archaic
PeoplepaynimEnglishnoun1530, Thomas More, The Confutation of Tyndale's Answer, Preface to the Christian reader
PeoplepaynimEnglishnoun1964, Anthony Burgess, Nothing Like The Sun
PeoplepaynimEnglishnoun1964, Anthony Burgess, Nothing Like The Sun: St Helen’s bell rang reminders that she lived, a paynim or Mahometan, in the church’s shadow. / St Helen’s bell rang reminders that she lived, a paynim or Mahometan, in the church’s shadow.
PeoplepeataIrishnounpet (animal kept as a companion; person or animal especially cherished)masculine
PeoplepeataIrishnounspoiled childmasculine
PeopleprognostykPolishnounforecastermasculine person proscribed
PeopleprognostykPolishnounforetoken, omen, prognosticinanimate masculine
PeoplerockandrollowiecPolishnounrock and roll musician, rocker (musician who plays rock and roll music)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person
PeoplerockandrollowiecPolishnounrock and roll fan (person who enjoys listening to rock and roll music)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine person
PeoplespeedsterEnglishnounOne who is noted for being very fast.
PeoplespeedsterEnglishnounA person who speeds (drives fast).
PeoplespeedsterEnglishnounA vehicle or other device used for racing.
PeoplespeedsterEnglishnounA fast bowler.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
PeoplestvůraCzechnounmonsterfeminine informal
PeoplestvůraCzechnounbeast (objectionable person)feminine offensive
PeopletardEnglishnounA person with mental retardation.derogatory offensive slang
PeopletardEnglishnounA person who acts stupidly.derogatory offensive slang
Peopleteam playerEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see team, player.
Peopleteam playerEnglishnounA person who can function effectively with others in a group, sharing information and striving towards a common
PeopletramperEnglishnounOne who tramps.
PeopletramperEnglishnounA recreational hiker.New-Zealand
PeopletramperEnglishnounA mechanism which pounds material into a more compact form for further processing; found for example in cotton gins and trash manufacturing
PeopletramperEnglishnounA ship, typically a bulk freighter, which does not travel on a fixed route; compare liner.nautical transport
PeopleunderstudyEnglishverbTo study or know a role to such an extent as to be able to replace the normal performer when required.
PeopleunderstudyEnglishverbTo act as an understudy (to someone).
PeopleunderstudyEnglishverbTo act in a similar manner to some known person.
PeopleunderstudyEnglishnounA performer who understudies; a standby for a study (9).
PeoplevampireEnglishnounA mythological creature (usually humanoid and undead) said to feed on the blood or life energy of the living.
PeoplevampireEnglishnounA person with the medical condition Porphyria cutanea tarda, colloquially known as vampirism, with effects such as photosensitivity and brownish-red stained teeth.colloquial
PeoplevampireEnglishnounA blood-sucking bat; vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus)
PeoplevampireEnglishnounA person who drains one's time, energy, money, etc.derogatory figuratively
PeoplevampireEnglishnounA vamp: a seductive woman who exploits men.dated
PeoplevampireEnglishnounA medical technician who works with patients' blood.US slang
PeoplevampireEnglishnounSynonym of anti-ship missile (ASM), particularly an incoming hostile one.government military naval navy politics warUS jargon
PeoplevampireEnglishverbTo drain of energy or resources.figuratively transitive
PeopleúrHungariannounmaster (someone who has control over something or someone)
PeopleúrHungariannounLordChristianityJudaism capitalized
PeopleúrHungariannounsir, gentleman (term of address)
PeopleúrHungariannounMr, Mr. (or omitted in English)
PeopleپٹواریUrdunouna member or supporter of the PML-N party
PeopleپٹواریUrdunouna Tory, or a politically conservative person.broadly
PeopleپٹواریUrdunouna village accountant; patwari
PeopleܕܪܓܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounstep, stair (rest for the foot in ascending or descending)
PeopleܕܪܓܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounorder, rank, level
PeopleܕܪܓܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundegree (unit of measurement of angle equal to 1⁄360 of a circle's circumference)geometry mathematics sciences
PeopleܕܪܓܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundegree (unit of measurement of temperature)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PeopleܕܪܓܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncyclist, biker (person who rides a cycle, especially a bicycle, or who habitually engages in cycling)
PeopleܕܪܓܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfrancolin
PeopleⲡⲏCopticnounpatricians, eliteOld-Coptic
PeopleⲡⲏCopticnounAlternative form of ⲡⲓ (pi, “kiss”)Sahidic alt-of alternative
People小人Chinesenounscoundrel or villain
People小人Chinesenounperson of low positionarchaic
People小人Chinesenounsmall-minded person or person of low moral qualitiesarchaic
People小人Chinesenounchild; kidMandarin Wu dialectal
People小人ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 小 (xiǎo), 人 (rén).
People故友Chinesenounold friend
People故友Chinesenoundeceased friend; late friend
People송사리KoreannounThe Asiatic ricefish, Oryzias latipes.
People송사리KoreannounA weak or powerless person.
PeriodicalsmonitorPolishnounmonitor, screen (output device that displays information in pictorial or textual form)computer-hardware computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
PeriodicalsmonitorPolishnounofficial magazine or news program having the word “monitor” in the title in which resolutions and orders of state authorities are publishedinanimate masculine
PeriodicalsmonitorPolishnounmonitor (one of a class of relatively small armored warships with only one or two turrets (but often carrying unusually large guns for a warship of its size), usually designed for shore bombardment or riverine warfare rather than open-ocean combat)government military politics warinanimate masculine
PeriodicalsżurnalPolishnounfashion magazineinanimate masculine
PeriodicalsżurnalPolishnounany newspaper or magazinearchaic inanimate masculine
PersonalityadventurousEnglishadjInclined to adventure; willing to take risks; prone to embark on hazardous enterprises; daring.
PersonalityadventurousEnglishadjFull of risks; risky; liable to be in danger; requiring courage; rash.
PersonalitybarwistośćPolishnouncolorfulness (the quality of possessing prominent and varied colors)feminine
PersonalitybarwistośćPolishnouncolorfulness, character (the quality of being interesting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive)feminine figuratively
PersonalitycynicEnglishnounA person whose outlook is scornfully negative.
PersonalitycynicEnglishnounA person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness.
PersonalitycynicEnglishadjcynical (in all senses)
PersonalitycynicEnglishadjRelating to the Dog Star.not-comparable
PersonalityhaïssableFrenchadjhatable, detestable, insufferable, unbearable, worthy of being hated
PersonalityknølNorwegian Bokmålnouna heavy, twisted wooden block; a lumpdialectal masculine
PersonalityknølNorwegian Bokmålnouna heavy, clumsy and limp manderogatory masculine
PersonalityknølNorwegian Bokmålnouna heavy, clumsy and limp man / Used as a suffix to form nouns denoting a clumsy and dumb man.derogatory masculine
PersonalityknølNorwegian Bokmålnouna stingy personmasculine
PersonalityobtrusiveEnglishadjOf a person: overly assertive, bold, or domineering; pushy; also, ostentatious.figuratively
PersonalityobtrusiveEnglishadjOf a thing: noticeable or prominent, especially in a displeasing way.figuratively
PersonalityobtrusiveEnglishadjProtruding or sticking out, especially in a way that obstructs.obsolete
PersonalityvillainousEnglishadjOf, relating to, or appropriate to a villain.
PersonalityvillainousEnglishadjWicked, offensive, or reprehensible in nature or behaviour; nefarious.
Personalitywell-roundedEnglishadjOf a person's development or education, having a balanced variety of attributes.
Personalitywell-roundedEnglishadjOf a person's body shape, being plump, shapely or curvaceous.
Personalitywell-roundedEnglishadjOf language, using words which have been carefully chosen.
Phaseoleae tribe plantssea-purseEnglishnounThe egg case of skate, shark or ratfish; a mermaid's purse.
Phaseoleae tribe plantssea-purseEnglishnounThe sea bean Dioclea reflexa.
Phaseoleae tribe plantssea-purseEnglishnounAlternative form of sea puss (“dangerous current”)alt-of alternative rare
PhiliaspedopilyaCebuanonouna pedophile
PhiliaspedopilyaCebuanonounpedophilia; sexual activity between adults and children
PhiliaspedopilyaCebuanonounsexual attraction to children by adultsbroadly
PhotographyautofocusItaliannounautofocus (lens system)invariable masculine
PhotographyautofocusItaliannounautofocus (camera)feminine invariable
PhotographyfotózásHungariannounphoto shoot (session in which a photographer takes shots of an individual or group)
PhotographyfotózásHungariannounphotography (the act and process of taking photographs)
PhotographysepyaTagalognounsepia (color/colour)
PhotographysepyaTagalognounsepia-colored photographic print
PhotographysepyaTagalogadjsepia (color/colour)
PhotographysepyaTagalogadjprinted in sepia (of a photograph)
Photography치즈Koreanintjcheese (said while being photographed)
PigmentssepiaEnglishnounA dark brown pigment made from the secretions of the cuttlefish.countable uncountable
PigmentssepiaEnglishnounA dark, slightly reddish, brown colour.countable uncountable
PigmentssepiaEnglishnounA sepia-coloured drawing or photograph.broadly countable
PigmentssepiaEnglishnounThe cuttlefish.archaic countable
PigmentssepiaEnglishadjOf a dark reddish-brown colour.
PigsFrischlingGermannounA young/immature wild boar. The generic term is Wildschwein.masculine strong
PigsFrischlingGermannounfreshmancolloquial masculine strong
PigsFrischlingGermannounadolescent girlarchaic masculine strong
PigsFrischlingGermannounyoung animalarchaic masculine strong
PinkslimbaCebuanonounthe color pink
PinkslimbaCebuanoadjhaving a pink colour
Piperales order plantswater dragonEnglishnounAny of various agamid lizards of eastern Asia and Australasia, including the genera Physignathus, Intellagama, and Tropicagama, all of subfamily Amphibolurinae.
Piperales order plantswater dragonEnglishnounA marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
Piperales order plantswater dragonEnglishnounThe lizard's tail plant (Saururus cernuus)
Piperales order plantswater dragonEnglishnounA knucker, a lizard of English folklore.
Places in the West Midlands, EnglandEarlswoodEnglishnameA suburb of Redhill in Reigate and Banstead borough, Surrey, England (OS grid ref TQ2749).
Places in the West Midlands, EnglandEarlswoodEnglishnameA village in Tanworth-in-Arden parish, Stratford-on-Avon district, Warwickshire, also partly in Tidbury Green parish, Metropolitan Borough of Solihull, West Midlands, England (OS grid ref SP1174).
Places in the West Midlands, EnglandEarlswoodEnglishnameA scattered village in Shirenewton community, Monmouthshire, Wales (OS grid ref ST4595).
Planets of the Solar SystemЕнцеладBulgariannameEnceladus, moon of Saturnastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemЕнцеладBulgariannameEnceladushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Planets of the Solar SystemジュピターJapanesenameJupiter, the planet
Planets of the Solar SystemジュピターJapanesenameJupiter, the ancient Roman god.
Plant diseasesmurszPolishnounrotting wood, woodrotinanimate masculine
Plant diseasesmurszPolishnounsapric, boggy soilinanimate masculine
PlantsjuncoSpanishnounreed, rushmasculine
PlantsjuncoSpanishnounjunk (a Chinese ship)nautical transportmasculine
PlantsramadaCatalannouncluster of branches, foliagefeminine
PlantsramadaCatalannounherd, especially of sheep, livestockfeminine
PlantsramadaCatalannounflock (of birds)feminine
PlantsramónSpanishnounbreadnut (tree or shrub)masculine
PlantsramónSpanishnounhackberry (tree or shrub)masculine
PlantstorgoGaliciannountrunk and roots of heather, traditionally used in the production of coalmasculine
PlantstorgoGaliciannounvoice; tonemasculine
PlantstorgoGalicianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of torgarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PlantswortMiddle EnglishnounA plant (not including trees, shrubs, etc.): / A plant that is wild or not cultivated or harvested.
PlantswortMiddle EnglishnounA plant (not including trees, shrubs, etc.): / A plant that harvested or grown; often as a herb or vegetable.
PlantswortMiddle EnglishnounA plant (not including trees, shrubs, etc.): / A plant employed for supposed curative or medical properties.
PlantswortMiddle EnglishnounA plant (not including trees, shrubs, etc.): / A leaf as part of a salad or other vegetable dish.
PlantswortMiddle EnglishnounA plant (not including trees, shrubs, etc.)
PlantswortMiddle EnglishnounWort (as in brewing) or an analogous mixture (e.g. used for mead)uncountable
Plantsஓமம்Tamilnounoffering an oblation to the gods with ghee, etc. into a consecrated fire
Plantsஓமம்Tamilnounbishop's weed (Trachyspermum ammi)
PlutoCharonPolishnameCharon (ferryman of Hades, who rowed the shades of the dead across the river Styx)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine person
PlutoCharonPolishnameCharon (largest of the five moons of Pluto)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine person
PoliticsխմբակցությունArmeniannounfaction (inside a political party)
PoliticsխմբակցությունArmeniannoungroup (in a parliament)
Poppies芥子JapanesenounSynonym of 芥子菜 (karashina): the Indian mustard, Brassica juncea
Poppies芥子Japanesenouna spice made from the kneaded seeds of the Indian mustard
Poppies芥子Japanesenounthe seed of the Indian mustard, Brassica junceaespecially
Poppies芥子Japanesenounsomething tiny
Poppies芥子JapanesenounSynonym of 芥子菜 (karashina): the Indian mustard, Brassica junceaarchaic
Poppies芥子Japanesenounthe opium poppy, Papaver somniferum; more broadly, any other species of the Papaver genus; a poppy
Poppies芥子JapanesenounShort for 芥子玉 (keshidama): a dyeing pattern with lined rows of dotsabbreviation alt-of
Poppies芥子Japanesenounan armor decoration in the form of studs resembling poppy seeds
Poppies芥子JapanesenounShort for 芥子坊主 (keshi bōzu): an infant hairstyle with only the hair in the top of the head unshaven, resembling the hull remains of a poppy fruitabbreviation alt-of
Poppies芥子Japanesenamea surname
PortugaltoneladaEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of mass, equivalent to about 920 kg.historical
PortugaltoneladaEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of mass, equivalent to about 793 kg.historical
PostkorespondencjaPolishnouncorrespondence (reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially by letters)feminine
PostkorespondencjaPolishnouncorrespondence (newspaper or news stories, generally)feminine
PostkorespondencjaPolishnouncorrespondence (agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome)mathematics sciences set-theoryfeminine
PostłańcuszekPolishnoundiminutive of łańcuchdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
PostłańcuszekPolishnounchain (warp threads of a web)business manufacturing textiles weavinginanimate masculine
PostłańcuszekPolishnounchain letterinanimate masculine
PoultryhüuneCimbriannounpoultrySette-Comuni plural
PoultryhüuneCimbriannounplural of huunform-of plural
Pregnancy大肚Chinesenounbroad-mindedness; great capacity
Pregnancy大肚Chineseverbto be pregnantCantonese Min Southern
Pregnancy大肚Chineseverbto be paunchy; to be potbelliedMin Southern
Pregnancy大肚ChinesenameDadu (a district of Taichung, Taiwan)
Pregnancy大肚ChinesenameDadu River (a river on Taiwan Island)
Pregnancy大肚ChinesenameKingdom of Middag (an ancient aboriginal kingdom situated near Dadu district of Taichung)
Present今夜Japanesenounthis evening; tonight
Present今夜Japanesenounthis evening; tonight
PrisonحبسOttoman Turkishnounimprisonment, confinement
PrisonحبسOttoman Turkishnounprison, jail
PrisonحبسOttoman Turkishadjimprisoned
Prostitution밤일Koreannounnight work, night shift
Prostitution밤일Koreannounsexual intercourse, sex work, prostitutioneuphemistic
Prunus genus plantsprunyonerCatalannoundamson plum (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia) (tree)masculine
Prunus genus plantsprunyonerCatalannounsloe (tree)Balearic Valencia masculine
Pukapukan ordinal numbersvaluPukapukannumeight
Pukapukan ordinal numbersvaluPukapukannumeighth
Punctuation marksangle bracketEnglishnounAny of a number of angle-shaped brackets. / Either of the inequality signs < and >, when used as brackets in programming languages and markup languages.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Punctuation marksangle bracketEnglishnounAny of a number of angle-shaped brackets. / Either of a pair of symbols, ⟨ ⟩, used to enclose text in various technical contexts, and in mathematical formulas to denote an interval, a continuous parameter or an inner product.mathematics media publishing sciences typography
Punctuation marksangle bracketEnglishnounAny of a number of angle-shaped brackets. / Either of a pair of symbols, 〈 〉, used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean publishing typography
Punctuation marksangle bracketEnglishnounAny of a number of angle-shaped brackets. / Either of a pair of symbols, 〈 〉, used to enclose the name of the domain in which a concept and a term is used.
Punctuation marksangle bracketEnglishnounAny of a number of angle-shaped brackets. / an object used to connect two other objects at an angleengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
PuppetskukiełkaPolishnoundiminutive of kukładiminutive feminine form-of
PuppetskukiełkaPolishnoundupe, front man, puppet, stooge, straw man (one who knowingly allows himself or herself to be used for another's profit)derogatory feminine
QuakerismbroadbrimEnglishnounA hat with a very broad brim.
QuakerismbroadbrimEnglishnounA Quaker.capitalized dated derogatory humorous often
QuakerismbroadbrimEnglishnounA quiet, sedate, respectable old man.archaic broadly humorous
Rail transportationчугункаRussiannouncast-iron stove
Rail transportationчугункаRussiannounrailroadobsolete
Rail transportationчугункаRussiannoungenitive singular of чугуно́к (čugunók)form-of genitive singular
RainबरसातHindinounthe rainy season
Ramayanaఅహల్యTelugunameunploughed field.literary
Ramayanaఅహల్యTelugunameAhalya : Name of the wife of sage Gautama. In the epic Ramayana, she was seduced by Indra, cursed by her husband and liberated by the lord Rāma.Hinduism
Ramayanaఅహల్యTelugunamea female given name
RecreationSchokkelLimburgishnounswing (seat hanging on two lines)feminine
RecreationSchokkelLimburgishnounany swinging construction, including seesaws and similar devicesbroadly feminine
RecreationesbarjoCatalannounbreak, recessmasculine
Recreational drugsjunkieEnglishnounA narcotics addict, especially a heroin user.derogatory slang
Recreational drugsjunkieEnglishnounAn enthusiast of something.broadly slang
RedscochbryfWelshnouncochineal beetle (Dactylopius coccus)masculine
RedscochbryfWelshnouncochineal dyemasculine uncountable
Regions of EuropeScandinaviaLatinnameScandinaviadeclension-1
Regions of EuropeScandinaviaLatinnamea large and fertile island in Northern Europe, perhaps Zealand or Scaniadeclension-1
ReligionagnosticallyEnglishadvIn an agnostic manner; not having or expressing a firm opinion on something.
ReligionagnosticallyEnglishadvToward, or from the perspective of, agnosticism.
ReligionaungelMiddle EnglishnounAn angel; a heavenly messenger or deputy (usually Christian)
ReligionaungelMiddle EnglishnounA fallen angel; an angel turned to the forces of evil.
ReligionaungelMiddle EnglishnounA depiction or image of an angel or bearing an angel.
ReligionaungelMiddle EnglishnounA coin made of gold with an image of an angel.
ReligionaungelMiddle EnglishnounThe lowest rank of angels.Late-Middle-English rare
ReligionparpalhòuOccitannounbutterflyLanguedoc Limousin masculine
ReligionparpalhòuOccitannouncunt, pussyLanguedoc Limousin masculine
ReligionparpalhòuOccitannounProtestantLimousin masculine
ReligionteístaSpanishadjtheisticfeminine masculine
ReligionteístaSpanishnountheistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
ReligionобрядникRussiannouna ritualist, one who takes part in ritualsliterally
ReligionобрядникRussiannouna book describing how rites are properly done
Religion祭獻Chinesenounoffering; sacrificeliterary
Religion祭獻Chineseverbto offer sacrifices (to gods, one's ancestors, etc.)literary
RiversCaprasiaLatinnameOne of the mouths of the river Padusdeclension-1
RiversCaprasiaLatinnameAlternative form of Caprāria (“A small island in the Tuscan Sea, near the northern point of Corsica”)alt-of alternative declension-1
RiversالعاصيArabicadjdefinite masculine singular of عَاصٍ (ʕāṣin)definite form-of masculine singular
RiversالعاصيArabicnamethe Orontes
Road transportturvaväliFinnishnounsafe following distance, assured clear distance ahead (recommended distance a driver should maintain between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them)automotive transport vehicles
Road transportturvaväliFinnishnounsafe distance
RoadsCresEnglishnameA town in Croatia.
RoadsCresEnglishnameAn island in the Adriatic Sea
RoadsCresEnglishnameAbbreviation of crescent.UK abbreviation alt-of
RoadscrosaireIrishnouncrossing, crossroadsmasculine
Roadsfast laneEnglishnounOn a multilane road, the lane intended or reserved for vehicles moving at faster speeds.
Roadsfast laneEnglishnounAny situation or activity where the pace is very rapid.broadly figuratively
Roadsfast laneEnglishnounthe overtaking lane or passing lane.broadly
RoadsσταυροδρόμιGreeknouncrossroads (meeting point; critical point)figuratively
RockscalcárioPortuguesenounlimestonegeography geology natural-sciencesmasculine
RockscalcárioPortugueseadjcalcareous, chalky
RocksintrusiveEnglishadjTending to intrude; doing that which is not welcome; interrupting or disturbing; entering without permission or welcome.
RocksintrusiveEnglishadjOf rocks: forced, while in a plastic or molten state, into the cavities or between the cracks or layers of other rocks.geography geology natural-sciences
RocksintrusiveEnglishadjepenthetichuman-sciences linguistics sciences
RocksintrusiveEnglishnounAn igneous rock that is forced, while molten, into cracks or between other layers of rockgeography geology natural-sciences
RodentsmúsIcelandicnounmouse (rodent)feminine
RodentsmúsIcelandicnounmouse (input device)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
RodentsmúsIcelandicnounmashed potatoesfeminine no-plural
RodentsmúsIcelandicnounmousse (airy pudding)feminine no-plural
RodentsκαστόριονAncient Greeknouncastoreum
RodentsκαστόριονAncient Greeknounbeaver
RodentsκαστόριονAncient Greeknounthe fur of the beaver
Rodentsশলিয়াAssameseclassifierMale = -টো, female = -জনী.
Roman CatholicismconfiteorLatinverbto confess, admitconjugation-2 deponent
Roman CatholicismconfiteorLatinverbto acknowledge, agreeconjugation-2 deponent
Roman CatholicismconfiteorLatinverbto reveal, showconjugation-2 deponent figuratively
Roman CatholicismconfiteorLatinverbto praise, give thanksEcclesiastical Latin conjugation-2 deponent
RoomsdispensaItaliannoundistribution, handing outfeminine
RoomsdispensaItaliannounlarder, pantryfeminine
RoomsdispensaItaliannounsideboardfurniture lifestylefeminine
RoomsdispensaItaliannounexemption, dispensation (from)feminine
RoomsdispensaItalianverbinflection of dispensare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
RoomsdispensaItalianverbinflection of dispensare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
RoomshomeroomEnglishnounA classroom where school pupils of the same age gather for registration, or for other purposes that are unrelated to class content.US countable uncountable
RoomshomeroomEnglishnounThe collection of pupils who gather in such a room.US countable uncountable
RoomsinfæreldOld Englishnounentrance, entry or entrywayneuter
RoomsinfæreldOld Englishnounright or permission of going in an entryway; ingressneuter
RussiaRed ArmyEnglishnameName of the Soviet army in the period 1918–1946.government military politics warhistorical
RussiaRed ArmyEnglishnameThe Soviet Armed Forces.government military politics warhistorical informal
RussiaRed ArmyEnglishnameThe Chinese Red Army.government military politics warhistorical
RussiaRed ArmyEnglishnameThe Russian Armed Forces, especially the Ground Forces component.government military politics warinformal
Russian politicsDecembristEnglishnounA participant in, or sympathizer with, the Decembrist revolt.historical
Russian politicsDecembristEnglishadjAccording to or derived from the politics or philosophy of the Decembrists.not-comparable
SaladssalátaHungariannounlettuce (an edible plant, Lactuca sativa and its close relatives, having a head of green and/or purple leaves)
SaladssalátaHungariannounlettuce (the leaves of the lettuce plant, eaten as a vegetable)
SaladssalátaHungariannounsalad (a food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise)
SaladssalátaHungariannouna tattered, well-thumbed, worn book (a book showing signs of frequent or heavy use, falling apart into individual pages)colloquial figuratively
SandwichescheeseburgerEnglishnounA hamburger containing cheese (usually one or more slices of processed cheese).
SandwichescheeseburgerEnglishnounThe BLU-82 bomb.government military politics warslang
Santalales order plantsmistletoeEnglishnounAny of numerous hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales with white berries that grow in the crowns of apple trees, oaks, and other trees, such as the European mistletoe (Viscum album) and American mistletoe or eastern mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum).countable uncountable
Santalales order plantsmistletoeEnglishnounA sprig of one such plant used as a Christmas decoration, associated with the custom that a man may kiss any woman standing beneath it.uncountable
SausageskiszkaPolishnounintestine, bowel, gutcolloquial feminine
SausageskiszkaPolishnounkaszanka (a type of blood sausage)feminine
SausageskiszkaPolishnounleather bag stuffed with hairfeminine
SawsseghettoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of seghettarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ScoutingdenEnglishnounA small cavern or hollow place in the side of a hill, or among rocks; especially, a cave used by a wild animal for shelter or concealment.
ScoutingdenEnglishnounA squalid or wretched place; a haunt.
ScoutingdenEnglishnounA comfortable room not used for formal entertaining.
ScoutingdenEnglishnounSynonym of fort (“structure improvised from furniture, etc. for playing games.”)
ScoutingdenEnglishnounA narrow glen; a ravine; a dell.Scotland UK obsolete
ScoutingdenEnglishnounA group of Cub Scouts of the same age who work on projects together.
ScoutingdenEnglishverbTo ensconce or hide oneself in (or as in) a den.reflexive
ScoutingdenEnglishverbOf an animal, to use as a den; to take up residence in.biology natural-sciences zoologyintransitive
ScoutingdenEnglishnounAbbreviation of denier (a unit of weight)abbreviation alt-of
ScoutingdenEnglishnounAlternative form of dene.Northumbria alt-of alternative
ScoutingdenEnglishadvPronunciation spelling of then, representing AAVE, Bermuda English.alt-of not-comparable pronunciation-spelling
SeafoodrybkaPolishnoundiminutive of rybadiminutive feminine form-of
SeafoodrybkaPolishnounnutmeg (playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine
SeafoodrybkaPolishnounsweetieendearing feminine
SeasonsauctumnusLatinnounautumndeclension-2 masculine
SeasonsauctumnusLatinadjautumn; autumnaladjective declension-1 declension-2 relational
SeasonspavasarisLatviannounspring (season of the year between winter and summer, from March 21 to June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, characterized by increasing temperature and by the blooming of flowers)declension-2 masculine
SeasonspavasarisLatviannounspring, typical of spring, used in springdeclension-2 masculine
SeasonspavasarisLatviannounspring; early stagedeclension-2 figuratively masculine
SeasonsสารทThainounthe festival at the end of the tenth lunar month, in which corps derived from the harvest are cooked and presented to priests.Buddhism lifestyle religion
SeasonsสารทThainounharvest season.broadly
SeismologyicequakeEnglishnounThe concussion that occurs when large masses of ice break up due to contraction.
SeismologyicequakeEnglishnounSynonym of cryoseism
SensessluchSlovaknounhearinginanimate masculine
SensessluchSlovaknounearinanimate masculine
SexblowjobEnglishnounAn act of fellatio, or sucking a penis or other phallic object (such as a dildo).slang vulgar
SexblowjobEnglishnounExcessive praise.derogatory figuratively slang vulgar
Sexgo at itEnglishverbAs go at + it; spoken emphasis typically on 'go'.
Sexgo at itEnglishverbAs go + at it; spoken emphasis typically on 'at'. / To engage in some activity, especially vigorously or enthusiastically.informal
Sexgo at itEnglishverbAs go + at it; spoken emphasis typically on 'at'. / To fight.intransitive slang
Sexgo at itEnglishverbAs go + at it; spoken emphasis typically on 'at'. / To have sex.euphemistic intransitive slang
SexmiętosićPolishverbto rumple (to make something wrinkled by squeezing it with one's hand for a while, nervously or without thinking about it)colloquial imperfective transitive
SexmiętosićPolishverbto caress a person or animal by squeezing them hardcolloquial imperfective transitive
SexmiętosićPolishverbto have sexual intercourse with someone while squeezing them hard to satisfy one's sexual desirecolloquial imperfective reflexive transitive
SexmiętosićPolishverbto get rumpled (to get wrinkled)colloquial imperfective reflexive
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / A vibrating device used for massage or sexual stimulation.
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / A device designed to electromechanically interrupt current flowing to the step-up transformer which was used to generate the high tension positive supply in old battery-operated (automotive) valve radios.historical
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / A trembler, as of an electric bell.
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / A vibrating reed for transmitting or receiving pulsating currents in a harmonic telegraph system.
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / A device for vibrating the pen of a siphon recorder to diminish frictional resistance on the paper.
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / An oscillator.
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / An ink-distributing roller in a printing machine, having an additional vibratory motion.
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / A vibrating reed in a musical instrument, especially a reed organ.
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / Any of various vibrating devices, such as one for slackening the warp as a shed manufacturing textiles weaving
SexvibratorEnglishnounA device that vibrates or causes vibration. / An attachment, usually pneumatic, in a moulding machine to shake the pattern loose.
Sexमस्तीHindinounecstasy, merriment
Sexหมูกะโจ๊กThainounfellatio.humorous slang
Sexหมูกะโจ๊กThaiverbto fellate.humorous slang
SexismshrimpEnglishnounAny of many swimming, often edible, crustaceans, chiefly of the infraorder Caridea or the suborder Dendrobranchiata, with slender legs, long whiskers and a long abdomen.countable uncountable
SexismshrimpEnglishnounThe flesh of such crustaceans.uncountable
SexismshrimpEnglishnounA small, puny or unimportant person.countable slang uncountable
SexismshrimpEnglishnounSynonym of butterface: a person with an attractive body but unattractive face.countable slang uncommon uncountable
SexismshrimpEnglishverbTo fish for shrimp.intransitive
SexismshrimpEnglishverbTo contract; to shrink.
SheepShropshireEnglishnameAn inland county of England bordered by the English counties of Cheshire, Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire and the Welsh county of Powys and county borough of Wrexham.
SheepShropshireEnglishnameShropshire Council, a local government unitary authority which replaced the county council in 2009 in all of Shropshire except Telford and Wrekin.
SheepShropshireEnglishnounOne of an English breed of black-faced hornless sheep similar to the Southdown, but larger.
Sheepblack sheepEnglishnounA nonconformist; an unusual or unconventional person, who may be rejected or disdained by others for this reason.idiomatic
Sheepblack sheepEnglishnounA person who is not wholesome, honest, or trustworthy.idiomatic
Sheepblack sheepEnglishnounA worker who refuses to strike; a scab.idiomatic
Sheepblack sheepEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see black, sheep.
Ship partsmlingotiSwahilinounpoleclass-3 class-4
Ship partsmlingotiSwahilinounmastclass-3 class-4
Sierra LeonesierraleonésSpanishadjSierra Leonian
Sierra LeonesierraleonésSpanishnounSierra Leonianmasculine
SiliconquartzEnglishnounThe most abundant mineral on the earth's surface, of chemical composition silicon dioxide, SiO₂. It occurs in a variety of forms, both crystalline and amorphous. Found in every environment.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
SiliconquartzEnglishnounCrystal meth: methamphetamine hydrochloride.slang uncountable
SingingпесньRussiannounalternative form of пе́сня (pésnja): songalt-of alternative dated poetic
Sixhalf a dozenEnglishnumSix (6); often used approximatively.
Sixhalf a dozenEnglishnumsixbingo games
SixKoreannounyeot: a kind of Korean traditional confectionery
SizeweenyEnglishnounA wiener, a hot dog.
SizeweenyEnglishnounA penisslang
SizeعظيمArabicadjmagnificent, grandiose
Sleepflat outEnglishadjUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see flat, out.not-comparable
Sleepflat outEnglishadjComplete, total, downright.not-comparable
Sleepflat outEnglishadjVery busy.not-comparable
Sleepflat outEnglishadjLazy, sleeping.Australia not-comparable
Sleepflat outEnglishadvAt top speed.idiomatic not-comparable
Sleepflat outEnglishadvWithout hesitation or reservation, bluntly, no holds barred, totally, outright.idiomatic not-comparable
Sleepflat outEnglishnounA total failure.US dated
Sleepflat outEnglishnounA baked portion of flatbread; a baked item that is not meant to rise.
Sleepflat outEnglishnounA wrap, an item of food consisting of various ingredients wrapped in a tortilla or lifestyle
Sleepflat outEnglishnounA section of piste that is relatively flat, causing or allowing skiers to slow down.hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
Sleepflat outEnglishnounA uncambered corner of racetrack; a racetrack whose corners are uncambered.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle motor-racing pets racing sports
Sleepflat outEnglishverbTo fail after a promising beginning; to disappoint expectations.intransitive
Sleepflat outEnglishverbSynonym of flatten out (to make flat)archaic transitive
SleepśpikPolishnounsnot (nasal mucus)colloquial inanimate masculine
SleepśpikPolishnoundoze, nap, snoozearchaic inanimate masculine
SleepśpikPolishnounsleepinessarchaic inanimate masculine
SleepśpikPolishnounAlternative form of szpikalt-of alternative inanimate masculine rare
SmellkhaiVietnameseverbto declare, to state, to testify
SmellkhaiVietnameseverbto openin-compounds
SmellkhaiVietnameseverbto dredge upin-compounds
SmellkhaiVietnameseadjhaving the smell of urine
SmellperfumedEnglishadjScented, having been given a pleasant smell.
SmellperfumedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of perfumeform-of participle past
SmokingcigizikHungarianverbto smoke cigarette (to inhale and exhale the smoke from a burning cigarette)colloquial intransitive
SmokingcigizikHungarianverbto smoke (to inhale and exhale cigarette smoke regularly or habitually)colloquial intransitive
SnakeswężykPolishnoundiminutive of wąż; small or young snake, snakeletanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
SnakeswężykPolishnoundiminutive of wążdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
SnakeswężykPolishnounwavy lineinanimate masculine
SnakeswężykPolishnounhose (flexible tube)inanimate masculine
SnookerSnookerGermannounsnooker (game)neuter strong
SnookerSnookerGermannounsnooker (situation)countable neuter strong
SocietyperōniOld Prussiannounthe community, company
SocietyperōniOld Prussiannounsociety
SoundлунатиUkrainianverbto sound (produce a sound)intransitive
SoundлунатиUkrainianverbto ring out (sound clearly and loudly)intransitive
SoundлунатиUkrainianverbto echo, to resound, to ringintransitive
SoundлунатиUkrainianverbto resoundfiguratively intransitive
SoundJapanesecharacterShort for 音楽 (ongaku): musicabbreviation alt-of kanji
SoundJapanesecharacterspeech (phonetics)kanji
SoundJapanesecharacterShort for 字音 (jion): Chinese-derived reading of a kanjiabbreviation alt-of kanji
SoundJapanesecharacternews, tidingskanji
SoundJapanesenounspeech soundhuman-sciences linguistics sciences
SoundJapanesenounShort for 音読み (on'yomi): the Chinese-derived reading of a kanjiabbreviation alt-of
SoundJapanesenounreading of a Chinese character outside the Japanese language; rimebroadly
SoundJapanesenounShort for 音楽 (ongaku): musicabbreviation alt-of
SoundJapanesenouna sound
SoundJapanesenounwhen used with a "hear" verb, a rumor or fame
SoundJapanesenounnews, tidings
SoundJapanesenouna reply, response
SoundJapanesenounsound; echo; voice
SoundJapanesenouna sound, voice
SoundJapanesenounthe cry of an animal
SoundJapaneseaffixAlternative form of 音 (on) / sounduncommon
SoundJapaneseaffixAlternative form of 音 (on) / news; tidings; worduncommon
SoundsшумRussiannounnoise, radio static
SoundsшумRussiannounsound, murmur
SoundsшумRussiannounuproar, din, blare, clamour, hubbub
SoundsшумRussiannounsensation, stir, bustle
SoupsbotwinaPolishnounbeet greensfeminine
SoupsbotwinaPolishnounchard (Beta vulgaris)feminine
SoupslocroSpanishnouna stew consisting of squash, common beans, corn and/or potatoes, sometimes with meatmasculine
SoupslocroSpanishnounanal sexPeru masculine vulgar
South African politicsCPSAEnglishnameInitialism of Canadian Professional Sales Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South African politicsCPSAEnglishnameInitialism of Canadian Political Science Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South African politicsCPSAEnglishnameInitialism of Church of the Province of Southern Africa.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South African politicsCPSAEnglishnameInitialism of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South African politicsCPSAEnglishnameInitialism of Commission of Public Service Appointments.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South African politicsCPSAEnglishnameInitialism of Concrete Pipelines Systems Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South African politicsCPSAEnglishnameInitialism of Communist Party of South Africa.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South AmericafrancoguayanésSpanishadjFrench Guianese
South AmericafrancoguayanésSpanishnounFrench Guianese (man or person of unspecified gender)masculine
SpearsdzidaPolishnounpike, spearfeminine historical
SpearsdzidaPolishnounshaft (penis)anatomy medicine sciencesfeminine humorous
SpearsdzidaPolishnouncathetermedicine sciencesfeminine slang
SpearsdzidaPolishnounairhead, bimbocolloquial derogatory feminine
Spices and herbspurløgDanishnounchive (the plant Allium schoenoprasum)common-gender
Spices and herbspurløgDanishnounchives (leaves of this plant used as a herb)neuter no-plural uncountable
Spices and herbsseleriWelshnouncelerymasculine not-mutable uncountable
Spices and herbsseleriWelshnounplural of selerfeminine form-of not-mutable plural
SpinningпреслицаSerbo-Croatiannoundistaff (device for spinning)
SpinningпреслицаSerbo-Croatiannounequisetum, horsetail plant
SportspentathlonEnglishnounAn ancient athletics discipline, featuring five events: stadion, wrestling, long jump, javelin and discus
SportspentathlonEnglishnounEllipsis of women's pentathlon.; A 20th-century athletics discipline for women, the women's counterpart of the men's decathlon, the predecessor to the women's heptathlon, featuring five events: hurdles, shot put, high jump, long jump, and a run.athletics hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
SportspentathlonEnglishnounEllipsis of modern pentathlon.; a discipline with five events based on late-19th century basic military skills.athletics hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
SportsגימנאַסטיקYiddishnounphysical education, PE
SportsגימנאַסטיקYiddishnoungym (class subject)US
SquirrelsтарбағанKhakasnountarbagan, Mongolian marmot (mammal)
SquirrelsтарбағанKhakasnounmarmot (mammal)
Starsसूर्यSanskritnounthe sun
Starsसूर्यSanskritnameSurya, the Vedic solar deityBuddhism lifestyle religionHinduism Jainism Vedic
Starsसूर्यSanskritnamea male given name
Stock charactersBöseGermannounevil, malice, wickednessneuter strong
Stock charactersBöseGermannounangerneuter strong
Stock charactersBöseGermannounthe Evil Onemasculine weak
Stock charactersBöseGermannounbad guy, baddiemasculine weak
Stock charactersBöseGermannounbad boymasculine weak
SweetsσοκολατάκιGreeknounfancy chocolates, confectionery chocolate
SweetsσοκολατάκιGreeknounbox of chocolates
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnoundiminutive of motýl (“butterfly”)animate diminutive form-of masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounany bird from genus Uraeginthusanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbowtie (a man's necktie tied in a bow around the throat)animate inanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbutterfly strokeinanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbutterfly knifeinanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbutterfly tapeinanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnoundiminutive of moteldiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Swimming水性Chinesenounswimming ability
Swimming水性Chinesenouncharacteristics of a body of water
Swimming水性Chineseadjaqueous; water-basedattributive
TalkingdigressiveEnglishadjMarked by digression; rambling
TalkingdigressiveEnglishadjBeing a digression; off-topic
TalkinggadułkaPolishnoundiminutive of gaduładiminutive feminine form-of rare
TalkinggadułkaPolishnounchat (informal conversation)archaic feminine
TalkinggadułkaPolishnoundiminutive of gaduładiminutive form-of masculine person rare
TalkinggadułkaPolishnounAlternative form of gydułkaalt-of alternative feminine
TalkingmuteEnglishadjNot having the power of speech; dumb.
TalkingmuteEnglishadjSilent; not making a sound.
TalkingmuteEnglishadjNot uttered; unpronounced; silent; also, produced by complete closure of the mouth organs which interrupt the passage of breath; said of certain letters.
TalkingmuteEnglishadjNot giving a ringing sound when struck; said of a metal.
TalkingmuteEnglishnounA stopped consonant; a stop.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesobsolete
TalkingmuteEnglishnounAn actor who does not speak; a mime performer.entertainment lifestyle theaterobsolete
TalkingmuteEnglishnounA person who does not have the power of speech.
TalkingmuteEnglishnounA hired mourner at a funeral; an undertaker's assistant.
TalkingmuteEnglishnounAn object for dulling the sound of an instrument, especially a brass instrument, or damper for pianoforte; a sordine.entertainment lifestyle music
TalkingmuteEnglishnounAn electronic switch or control that mutes the sound.
TalkingmuteEnglishnounA mute swan.
TalkingmuteEnglishverbTo silence, to make quiet.transitive
TalkingmuteEnglishverbTo turn off the sound of.transitive
TalkingmuteEnglishverbOf a bird: to defecate.archaic
TalkingmuteEnglishnounThe faeces of a hawk or falcon.
TalkingmuteEnglishverbTo cast off; to moult.transitive
Tapesduct tapeEnglishnounA generally gray waterproof adhesive tape used for many purposes and easy to cut with the hands.countable uncountable
Tapesduct tapeEnglishverbTo use duct tape in order to tape one object to another.transitive
TastesweteMiddle Englishadjsweet, pleasant-tasting
TastesweteMiddle Englishadjsweet in smell
TastesweteMiddle Englishadjpleasant, likeable
TastesweteMiddle Englishadjloved, dear, precious
TastesweteMiddle Englishnounsweetness in taste or smell
TastesweteMiddle Englishnounpleasantness, euphoria, bliss
TastesweteMiddle Englishnounblood
TastesweteMiddle Englishnounsweat, perspiration
TastesweteMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of suetalt-of alternative
TaxationexactorLatinnounexactor, tax collectordeclension-3
TaxationpenyMiddle EnglishnounA penny or other silver coin (including ancient coins)
TaxationpenyMiddle EnglishnounThe weight corresponding to that coin.
TaxationpenyMiddle EnglishnounMoney or coinage (especially that with little value).
TaxationpenyMiddle EnglishnounA tax, fee, or
Taylor SwiftSwiftianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Jonathan Swift (1667–1745), Anglo-Irish satirist and essayist, or his works.
Taylor SwiftSwiftianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Taylor Swift (1989–), American singer-songwriter, or her musical and lyrical style.
TechnologymechanizeEnglishverbTo equip something with machinery.
TechnologymechanizeEnglishverbTo equip a military unit with tanks and other armed vehicles.
TechnologymechanizeEnglishverbTo make something routine, automatic or monotonous.
TeethcordalSpanishnountailpiece (of a violin, etc.)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
TeethcordalSpanishnounrange; mountain range, sierrageography natural-sciencesmasculine
TeethcordalSpanishnounEllipsis of muela cordal; wisdom toothdentistry medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis feminine
TheaterсценарійUkrainiannounscript (text of a stage play, movie, or other performance)
TheologytheologyEnglishnounThe study of God, a god, or gods; and of the truthfulness of religion in general.uncountable usually
TheologytheologyEnglishnounSynonym of religious studiesuncountable usually
TheologytheologyEnglishnounAn organized method of interpreting spiritual works and beliefs into practical form.countable usually
TheologytheologyEnglishnounA particular belief within a religion.countable usually
TheologytheologyEnglishnounSubjective marginal details.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang uncountable usually
ThinkingαἰσθάνομαιAncient Greekverbto perceive, apprehend, noticetransitive
ThinkingαἰσθάνομαιAncient Greekverbto understandintransitive transitive
ThinkingαἰσθάνομαιAncient Greekverbto learntransitive
ThistlesartichokeEnglishnounA plant related to the thistle with enlarged flower heads eaten as a vegetable while immature, Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus.
ThistlesartichokeEnglishnounA dull green colour, like that of an artichoke.
Timber industryrębaczPolishnounminer extracting coal at the mine facemasculine person
Timber industryrębaczPolishnounone skilled with a sabre and fond of fightingarchaic masculine person
Timber industryrębaczPolishnounlumberjackmasculine obsolete person
Timber industryrębaczPolishnounany longhorn beetle belonging to the genus Rhagiumanimal-not-person masculine
TimecetyaaqYup'iknounany other small unit of measurement
TimeinyangaZulunountraditional doctor or healer
TimekoránHungarianadvearly (at a time before expected)
TimekoránHungariannounsuperessive of koraform-of superessive
TimeprzerwaKashubiannounbreak, interruption, pause (temporary stop of an action)feminine
TimeprzerwaKashubiannounbreak; recess; intermission (time designated for rest after an activity, e.g. between lessons, acts of a play, at work)feminine
TimesegundoTagalognounsecond (unit of time)
TimesegundoTagalognounsecond place
TimesegundoTagalognounEllipsis of segundo almuwerso: midmorning snack; second breakfastabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
TimesegundoTagalogadjsecond; in second place
TimečasSlovenenountensehuman-sciences linguistics sciences
TimeநொடிTamilnounsecond, instant; a moment of time
TimeநொடிTamilnounblink of an eye; snap of a finger
TimeநொடிTamilnouncrack, snap, noise
TimeநொடிTamilnounspeech, phrase, word, languagearchaic
TimeநொடிTamilnounriddle, enigmaarchaic
TimeநொடிTamilverbto say, tell, speak, declare
Time年歲Chinesenounage (of a person)
Time年歲Chinesenounlong period of time
Time年歲Chinesenounage; era; period
Time年歲Chinesenounyear's harvest
Time眨眼Chineseadvin a blink
Time眨眼Chineseverbto wink; to blink
TimekeepingकालSanskritadjblack, dark blue
TimekeepingकालSanskritnounblack, dark blue colour
TimekeepingकालSanskritnounpupil (dark part of the eye)
TimekeepingकालSanskritnouna black kind of agarwood from Agallochum (now Aquilaria)
TimekeepingकालSanskritnouna kind of perfume (कक्कोलक (kakkolaka))
TimekeepingकालSanskritnouna fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time (in general)
TimekeepingकालSanskritnounthe proper time or season for (+genitive, dative, locative, in compound, infinitive, or subjunctive with यद् (yad)
TimekeepingकालSanskritnounoccasion, circumstance
TimekeepingकालSanskritnouna period of time, time of the world (युग (yuga))
TimekeepingकालSanskritnounmeasure of time, prosody
TimekeepingकालSanskritnouna section, part
TimekeepingकालSanskritnounthe end
TimekeepingकालSanskritnoundeath by age
TimekeepingकालSanskritnountime (as leading to events, the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man), destiny, fate
TimekeepingकालSanskritnountime (as destroying all things), death, time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama, regent of the dead, or even identified with him
TimekeepingकालSanskritnounKāla, personified is also a देवर्षि (devarṣi) in Indra's court, and a son of Dhruva
Times of daynighttimeEnglishnounThe hours of darkness between sunset and sunrise; the night.countable uncountable
Times of daynighttimeEnglishadjPertaining to nighttime; appropriate to the night.not-comparable
Times of daynighttimeEnglishadjHappening during the night.not-comparable
TitlesMissesEnglishnounplural of Missform-of plural
TitlesMissesEnglishnounEye dialect spelling of Mrs; alternative spelling of Missus.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
TitlesbaronPolishnounbaron, lord (male ruler of a barony)historical masculine person
TitlesbaronPolishnounbaron, lord (person of great power in society, especially in business and politics)figuratively masculine person
TitlesពញាKhmernounprince (used in ancient time before change to អង្គ or ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់)
TitlesពញាKhmernounmarquess, marquis (used in ancient times)
TitlesពញាKhmernouncommune chief (used in French colony)
TobaccoтәмәкеBashkirnounsmoking (as a habit)
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounA group of birds that have suddenly started up from undergrowth, trees, etc.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo cause to take flight from concealment.transitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo take suddenly to flight, especially from cover.intransitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishadjSmooth, even, aligned; not sticking out.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishadjWealthy or well off.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishadjShort for flush left and right: a body of text aligned with both its left and right publishing typographyabbreviation alt-of
Toilet (room)flushEnglishadjFull of vigour; fresh; glowing; bright.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishadjAffluent; abounding; well furnished or suppled; hence, liberal; prodigal.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishadvSuddenly and completely.not-comparable
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounA sudden flowing; a rush which fills or overflows, as of water for cleansing purposes.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounParticularly, such a cleansing of a toilet.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounThe process of clearing the contents of a buffer or cache.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounA suffusion of the face with blood, as from fear, shame, modesty, or intensity of feeling of any kind; a blush; a glow.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounAny tinge of red colour like that produced on the cheeks by a sudden rush of blood.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounA sudden flood or rush of feeling; a thrill of excitement, animation, etc.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounA line of poles or obstacles that a skier must weave between.hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid.transitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbParticularly, to cleanse a toilet by introducing a large amount of water.transitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo become suffused with reddish color due to embarrassment, excitement, overheating, or other systemic disturbance, to blush.intransitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo cause to blush.transitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo cause to be full; to flood; to overflow; to overwhelm with water.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo excite, inflame.transitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo be cleansed by being flooded with generous quantities of water.intransitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo clear (a buffer or cache) of its contents.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo write (the data) to primary storage, clearing it from the buffer or cache.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo flow and spread suddenly; to rush.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo show red; to shine suddenly; to glow.
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo fill in (joints); to point the level; to make them construction manufacturing masonry
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo operate a placer mine, where the continuous supply of water is insufficient, by holding back the water, and releasing it periodically in a miningintransitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo fill underground spaces, especially in coal mines, with material carried by water, which, after drainage, constitutes a compact mining
Toilet (room)flushEnglishverbTo dispose or be disposed of by flushing down a toiletintransitive transitive
Toilet (room)flushEnglishnounA hand consisting of all cards with the same suit.card-games poker
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A glass vial used for examining or storing urine.alchemy medicine pseudoscience scienceshistorical
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A chamber pot specially designed or considered as a device for urination.obsolete
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A device for urination worn by patients suffering incontinence.obsolete
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A plumbing fixture intended for standing urination, typically by men and boys.
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination, particularly
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishnounAny oblong glass vessel shaped like the old alchemist's urinal.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishnounA room or structure used for urination: a latrine; an outhouse; a lavatory.obsolete
Toilet (room)urinalEnglishadjSynonym of urinarynot-comparable
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA device to assist in motion as a cane, especially one that provides support under the arm to reduce weight on a leg.
ToolscrutchEnglishnounSomething that supports, often used negatively to indicate that it is not needed and causes an unhealthful dependency; a prop
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA crotch; the area of body where the legs fork from the trunk.
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA form of pommel for a woman's saddle, consisting of a forked rest to hold the leg of the rider.
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA knee, or piece of knee timber.nautical transport
ToolscrutchEnglishnounA forked stanchion or post; a crotch.nautical transport
ToolscrutchEnglishverbTo support on crutches; to prop up.transitive
ToolscrutchEnglishverbTo move on crutches.intransitive
ToolscrutchEnglishverbTo shear the hindquarters of a sheep; to dag.transitive
ToolscrutchEnglishverbto stir with a crutch.transitive
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (device used to trim)inanimate masculine
ToolstrymerPolishnountrim tabaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (small capacitor or other component used to tune a circuit)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (member of the crew who trims the sails)nautical transportmasculine person
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (dockworker who arranges cargo)masculine person
ToolsджагаBulgariannounAlternative form of жа́га (žága, “large saw”)alt-of alternative
ToolsджагаBulgariannounfoosball (US), table football (UK)figuratively in-plural
ToolsломUkrainiannounscrap, waste, debris (broken items, or fit only for recycling, usually of metal)uncountable
ToolsломUkrainiannoundry branches or twigs that have fallen on the grounduncountable
ToolsמחדדHebrewnounpencil sharpener
ToolsاوراقOttoman Turkishnounsickle, a tool having a semicircular knife, used for cutting long grass
ToolsاوراقOttoman Turkishnounharvest, the process of gathering the ripened cropsbroadly
ToolsاوراقOttoman Turkishnounplural of ورق (varak, “leaf”): / leaves of flowers or trees
ToolsاوراقOttoman Turkishnounplural of ورق (varak, “leaf”): / skins or folios of parchment
ToolsاوراقOttoman Turkishnounplural of ورق (varak, “leaf”): / sheets of paper
ToolsاوراقOttoman Turkishnounplural of ورق (varak, “leaf”): / papers, letters, documents
ToolsἡθμόςAncient Greeknounstrainer, colander, especially wine strainer
ToolsἡθμόςAncient Greeknounwicker basket
ToolsἡθμόςAncient Greeknounsluice, weir, dam
ToolsハンマーJapanesenounhammer (tool)
ToolsハンマーJapanesenounhammer (device made of a heavy steel ball attached to a length of wire, and used for throwing)hobbies lifestyle sports
TownsleprosariaEnglishnounSynonym of leprosarium.uncommon
TownsleprosariaEnglishnounplural of leprosariumform-of plural
TownsサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fe
TownsサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fé (a municipality of Paraná, Brazil)
Toy dogsPomeranianEnglishadjOf or relating to Pomerania.
Toy dogsPomeranianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Pomerania.
Toy dogsPomeranianEnglishnounA breed of small, fluffy, energetic toy dogs in the canine family of spitzes.
Toy dogsPomeranianEnglishnamePomeranian Low German.
Toy dogsPomeranianEnglishnameThe Kashubian language.
ToysσβούραGreeknounspinning top, top
ToysσβούραGreeknounlive wirefiguratively
TransgendertransseksecoEsperantonounthe state of being transgender; transgenderism; transgenderness.
TransgendertransseksecoEsperantonountranssexuality; gender dysphoria.medicine sciences
Translation studiessubtitleEnglishnounA heading below or after a title.authorship broadcasting communications film journalism literature media publishing television writing
Translation studiessubtitleEnglishnounTextual versions of the dialogue in films (and similar media such as television or video games), usually displayed at the bottom of the screen.broadcasting cinematography film media television
Translation studiessubtitleEnglishverbTo create subtitles for the dialogue in a film.
TreescsemeteHungariannounsapling, seedling (a young tree grown from seed)biology botany natural-sciences
TreescsemeteHungariannounchild (a young child, mostly a boy)colloquial humorous sarcastic
TreescsemeteHungariannoun(male) offspring (a person's son)sarcastic
Treesma'anunuSamoannounA tree species of the family Rubiaceae, Tarenna sambucina var. sambucina.
Treesma'anunuSamoannounA kind of gelatinous sea animal.
TreesmonolithEnglishnounA large, single block of stone which is a natural feature; or a block of stone or other similar material used in architecture and sculpture, especially one carved into a monument in ancient times.also attributive
TreesmonolithEnglishnounAnything massive, uniform, and unmovable, especially a towering and impersonal cultural, political, or social organization or structure.also attributive figuratively
TreesmonolithEnglishnounA substrate having many tiny channels that is cast as a single piece, which is used as a stationary phase for chromatography, as a catalytic surface, etc.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TreesmonolithEnglishnounA dead tree whose height and size have been reduced by breaking off or cutting its branches.agriculture business horticulture lifestyleBritish
TreesmonolithEnglishverbTo create (something) as, or convert (one or more things) into, a monolith. / To cast (one or more concrete components) in a single piece with no construction manufacturingtransitive
TreesmonolithEnglishverbTo create (something) as, or convert (one or more things) into, a monolith. / To reduce the height and size of (a dead tree) by breaking off or cutting its branches.agriculture business horticulture lifestyleBritish transitive
TreesmonolithEnglishverbTo create (something) as, or convert (one or more things) into, a monolith.transitive
TreesmorušeCzechnounmulberry (tree)feminine
TreesmorušeCzechnounmulberry (fruit)feminine
TreespiñeiroGaliciannounpine (any coniferous tree of the genus Pinus, or similar)masculine
TreespiñeiroGaliciannouncrestless roostermasculine
TreesתאנהHebrewnounA fig tree.
TreesתאנהHebrewnounA fig: the fruit of this tree.
TreesبلوطSouth Levantine Arabicnounoakscollective
TreesبلوطSouth Levantine Arabicnounacornscollective
Treesകമ്പ്Malayalamnouna branch of a tree, a long piece of wood
Treesകമ്പ്Malayalamnouna wooden stick
TribesGeorgiLatinnameA tribe of Asia mentioned by Plinydeclension-2
TribesGeorgiLatinnamevocative singular of Geōrgiusform-of singular vocative
TurkeyMyrinaLatinnameAn Aeolian city on the western coast of Mysiadeclension-1
TurkeyMyrinaLatinnameA town in Cretedeclension-1
TwitterhashtagEnglishnounA metadata tag, signaled by a preceding hash sign (#), used to label content.Internet
TwitterhashtagEnglishnounThe hash sign itself, when used as part of a hashtag.Internet informal
TwitterhashtagEnglishverbTo label (a message) with a hashtag.Internet intransitive transitive
Two2foldEnglishadjAbbreviation of twofold.abbreviation alt-of informal not-comparable
Two2foldEnglishadvAbbreviation of twofold.abbreviation alt-of informal not-comparable
Types of chemical elementhalogenEnglishnounAny element of group 17, i.e. fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine and tennessine.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Types of chemical elementhalogenEnglishnounA light fixture in which the filament is surrounded by an atmosphere of a halogen gas.
UnderwearбельёRussiannoununderwear, skivvies, underclothes, undergarment, undiesuncountable
UnderwearбельёRussiannounbedclothes, linenuncountable
UnderwearбельёRussiannounwashing (textiles that have been or are to be washed)uncountable
Units of measurearrobaSpanishnounarroba (a traditional unit of mass generally equivalent to about 11.5 kg)feminine historical
Units of measurearrobaSpanishnounat (the symbol @)media publishing typographyfeminine
Units of measurearrobaSpanishverbinflection of arrobar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Units of measurearrobaSpanishverbinflection of arrobar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Units of measureköbölHungariannouna measure of volume for grain crop, lumpy material, or liquid (comprising 62, 94, or 125 liters, or 64–125 liters, or (of wine) 12–42 liters)obsolete
Units of measureköbölHungariannouna measure of land area, which can hold the above amount of seed grain, approx. 4000–4300 square meters, i.e., approx. one acreobsolete
Units of measuremedioEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 2.3 L.historical
Units of measuremedioEnglishnounAny of various former Spanish and Latin American half-pieces, particularly the half-real both as a coin and a notional unit of account.historical
Units of measuremileEnglishnounThe international mile: a unit of length precisely equal to 1.609344 kilometers established by treaty among Anglophone nations in 1959, divided into 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards.
Units of measuremileEnglishnounAny of several customary units of length derived from the 1593 English statute mile of 8 furlongs, equivalent to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards of various precise values.
Units of measuremileEnglishnounAny of many customary units of length derived from the Roman mile (mille passus) of 8 stades or 5,000 Roman feet.
Units of measuremileEnglishnounThe Scandinavian mile: a unit of length precisely equal to 10 kilometers defined in 1889.
Units of measuremileEnglishnounAny of many customary units of length from other measurement systems of roughly similar values, as the Chinese mile or Arabic mile.
Units of measuremileEnglishnounAn airline mile in a frequent flyer tourism transport travel
Units of measuremileEnglishnounAny similarly large distance.informal
Units of measuremileEnglishnounA race of 1 mile's length; a race of around 1 mile's length (usually 1500 or 1600 meters)slang
Units of measuremileEnglishnounOne mile per hour, as a measure of speed.slang
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounAny of various evergreen trees from the family Palmae or Arecaceae, which are mainly found in the tropics.
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounA branch or leaf of the palm, anciently borne or worn as a symbol of victory or rejoicing.
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounTriumph; victory.broadly figuratively
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounAny of 23 awards that can be earned after obtaining the Eagle Scout rank, but generally only before turning 18 years old.
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounThe inner and somewhat concave part of the human hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers.
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounThe corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal.
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounSynonym of hand, any of various units of length notionally derived from the breadth of the palm, formalized in England as 4 inches and now chiefly used for the height of horseshistorical
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounAny of various units of length notionally derived from the length of the palm from the wrist to the base of the fingers.historical
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounA metallic disk attached to a strap and worn in the palm of the hand; used to push the needle through the canvas, in sewing sails, etc.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle nautical sailmaking transport
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounThe broad flattened part of an antler, as of a full-grown fallow deer; so called as resembling the palm of the hand with its protruding fingers.
Units of measurepalmEnglishnounThe flat inner face of an anchor fluke.nautical transport
Units of measurepalmEnglishverbTo hold or conceal something in the palm of the hand, e.g, for an act of sleight of hand or to steal something.
Units of measurepalmEnglishverbTo hold something without bending the fingers significantly.
Units of measurepalmEnglishverbTo move something with the palm of the hand.
Units of measurepalmEnglishverbTo use one's palm as identification to get through a door or security checkpoint.intransitive transitive
Units of measurepalmEnglishverbTo bribe.UK obsolete slang transitive
Units of measureroczekPolishnoundiminutive of rokcolloquial diminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Units of measureroczekPolishnouncelebration of a child's first birthday (especially in Silesia)inanimate masculine
Units of measureκόροςAncient Greeknounboy, youth
Units of measureκόροςAncient Greeknounsoldier
Units of measureκόροςAncient Greeknounson
Units of measureκόροςAncient Greeknounpuppet, doll
Units of measureκόροςAncient Greeknounbeing satisfied, satiety, surfeit
Units of measureκόροςAncient Greeknouninsolence, petulance
Units of measureκόροςAncient Greeknounkor (a dry measure containing 10 medimnes)
Units of measureذراعArabicnounthe limb of any animal, an arm or leg / the portion of the upper appendage from the shoulder to wrist, the armanatomy medicine sciencescountable
Units of measureذراعArabicnounthe limb of any animal, an arm or leg / something resembling, likened to, or related to an arm or arms (such as a lever, a shift lever, a lever arm, a crank arm, a jib, a boom, a branch or division, power, might, influence, and so on)anatomy medicine sciencesbroadly countable
Units of measureذراعArabicnounthe limb of any animal, an arm or leganatomy medicine sciencescountable
Units of measureذراعArabicnounthe portion of the upper appendage from the elbow to the wrist, the lower arm, the forearmanatomy medicine sciencescountable
Units of measureذراعArabicnouna cubit, especially the Arabian cubit variously standardized by place, time, and item from 25–75 cm (10 in–2 ft 6 in).countable
Units of measureمرحلةArabicnounphase, stage
Units of measureمرحلةArabicnounroundhobbies lifestyle sports
Units of measureمرحلةArabicnouna stage, a levelvideo-games
Units of measureمرحلةArabicnouna linear measure – 46.080 kmobsolete
Units of measureمرحلةArabicnouna linear measure, 8 فَرْسَخ (farsaḵ) – 19.320 kmobsolete
VegetablesarbeyuAsturiannounkid, childmasculine
VegetablespapaSpanishnounpope (an honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome)masculine
VegetablespapaSpanishnounpotatoAndalusia Canary-Islands Latin-America US feminine
VegetablespapaSpanishnounvery bland soup, or more broadly, food in generalchildish familiar feminine
VegetablespapaSpanishnounnonsense, trifle, rubbishfeminine figuratively
VegetablespapaSpanishverbinflection of papar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
VegetablespapaSpanishverbinflection of papar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
VehiclesмусоркаRussiannoundumpster (large trash receptacle)colloquial
VehiclesмусоркаRussiannounrubbish bin, garbage cancolloquial
VehiclesмусоркаRussiannoungarbage truckcolloquial
VehiclesмусоркаRussiannouninflection of мусоро́к (musorók): / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
VehiclesмусоркаRussiannouninflection of мусоро́к (musorók): / animate accusative singularaccusative animate form-of singular
Venerida order molluskspippieEnglishnounA cockle.Australia New-Zealand
Venerida order molluskspippieEnglishnounThe penis.childish colloquial
VesselsسقاءArabicnounwater carrier, water vendor, who organizes water
VesselsسقاءArabicnounpelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)
Video games東方Japanesenouneast, east area
Video games東方JapanesenameShort for 東方Project (Tōhō Purojekuto, “Touhou Project, a popular bullet hell video game series”).abbreviation alt-of
Video games東方Japanesenouneast (compass point, direction)
Video games東方Japanesenounthe fighters on the east side in a match
VillagesKauppiFinnishnamea Finnish surname transferred from the given name
VillagesKauppiFinnishnamea male given namerare
VillagesKauppiFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland.
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto nosh (to eat a snack or light meal)colloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto put something somewherecolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto persuade someone to accept or buy something against their willcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto contribute to creating a difficult situation for someonecolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto beat someone up (to give a severe beating to someone; to assault someone violently with repeated blows)colloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto piss off (to annoy, to anger)colloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto place someone in some place against their willcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto meddle in someone's affairscolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto interfere in someone's conversationcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto clash with somethingcolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto enter somewhere without someone's permissioncolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczaćPolishverbto find oneself in a difficult situation as a result of making a bad decisioncolloquial euphemistic imperfective mildly reflexive vulgar
VocalizationsстогнатиUkrainianverbto groan, to wail, to weep, to moanintransitive
VocalizationsстогнатиUkrainianverbto groan out, to moan outtransitive
VocalizationsстогнатиUkrainianverbto suffer, to languishfiguratively intransitive
Walls and fencesriukuaitaFinnishnounroundpole fence (traditional Scandinavian wooden pole fence)
Walls and fencesriukuaitaFinnishnounlog fence
Walls and fencesriukuaitaFinnishnounsplit rail fence
WatermaniiqSemaiverbto rain
Water徹底Chineseadjthorough; thoroughgoing
Water徹底Chineseadjso clear that one can see down to the bottomliterary
WatercraftgaleraCatalannoungalleynautical transportfeminine
WatercraftgaleraCatalannoungalleymedia printing publishingfeminine
WatercraftgaleraCatalannounmantis shrimpfeminine
WatercraftτρεχαντήριGreeknountrehantiri (small, double-ended boat, chiefly used for fishing)
WatercraftτρεχαντήριGreeknouncaique (a small sea-going vessel used for trading or fishing, originally made of wood and powered by sail)broadly
Watercraft帆船Japanesenounsailing ship, sailboat, sail
Watercraft帆船Japanesenounsailing ship, sailboat, sail
Watercraft輪船Chinesenounsteamship; steamer (Classifier: 艘)
Watercraft輪船Chinesenounany large ship propelled by an engine (Classifier: 艘)broadly
Watercraft輪船Chinesenouna kind of ship propelled by wheels (Classifier: 艘)historical
WeaponslanceFrenchnouna spear, lancefeminine
WeaponslanceFrenchnouna lancer (a soldier armed with a lance)government military politics warfeminine
WeaponslanceFrenchnouna hosefeminine
WeaponslanceFrenchverbinflection of lancer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
WeaponslanceFrenchverbinflection of lancer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WeaponsnóżPolishnounknife (utensil or a tool designed for cutting, consisting of a flat piece of hard material, usually steel or other metal (the blade), usually sharpened on one edge, attached to a handle; the blade may be pointed for piercing)inanimate masculine
WeaponsnóżPolishnounknife, dagger (weapon designed with the aforementioned specifications intended for slashing or stabbing but too short to be called a sword)inanimate masculine
Weaponson stunEnglishprep_phraseAn intensity setting of the fictional phaser energy weapon, from the television series Star Trek (1966–69), which non-lethally stuns its target.literature media publishing science-fiction
Weaponson stunEnglishprep_phrase(usually after a plural noun), to a degree that is stunning.idiomatic informal
WeaponsնրանArmenianpronher (objective form)
WeaponsնրանArmenianpronit (objective form)
Weaponsখঞ্জরBengalinouna kind of short dagger or scimitar
WeathersłonecznyPolishadjsolar, (relational) sun
WeathersłonecznyPolishadjsunny (featuring a lot of sunshine)
WeatherвідлигаUkrainiannounthaw (period of weather warm enough to melt that which is frozen)climatology meteorology natural-sciences weatherliterally
WeatherвідлигаUkrainiannounthaw (period of relaxation, of reduced reserve, tension, or hostility or of increased friendliness or understanding)figuratively
WeatherܥܪܦܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfog, mist, cloud
WeatherܥܪܦܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoungloom, darkness
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To blow away; to blow to eliminate or remove.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To breathe (in or out); to inhale or exhale.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To play a wind instrument (by blowing)
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To strengthen a fire by blowing on it.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To inflate or blow up; to expand by blowing.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To gasp; to struggle to breathe.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread a communicable disease (by exhalation).
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo smelt; to extract metal from ore.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo make a sound, especially flatulence.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo insult or brag (talk coarsely)
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo proclaim; to broadly disseminate.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo be blown around (by wind).rare
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blossom; to flower.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow, to flourish.figuratively
WindcuaifeachIrishnounblast (of wind)..masculine
WindcuaifeachIrishnounwhirlwind, eddying windmasculine
WindcuaifeachIrishnounflurry (sudden and brief blast or gust), squall (sudden storm)masculine
WindcuaifeachIrishnounswipe (strong blow given with a sweeping motion), roundhouse (punch or kick delivered with an exaggerated sweeping movement)masculine
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounspirit, specter/spectre, ghost, demon
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounlife, breath
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounwind, vapor/vapour
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnouncardinal directiongeography natural-sciences
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounflatulence
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounsmell, odor/odour
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounpain
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounjoyuncountable
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounname of a vowel mark equivalent to /o/communications grammar human-sciences journalism linguistics literature media orthography publishing sciences writinguncountable
WindܪܘܚܐClassical Syriacnounspace, interstice
Wind疾風Chinesenoungale; strong blast of wind
Wind疾風Chinesenounforce 7 wind on the Beaufort scaleclimatology meteorology natural-sciences
WinelampkaPolishnoundiminutive of lampadiminutive feminine form-of
WinelampkaPolishnounwine glassfeminine
WinelampkaPolishnoundiode (electronic device that allows current to flow in one direction only; used chiefly as a rectifier)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics technologyfeminine
WinesSpätburgunderGermannamePinot Noir (a red wine grape variety mostly cultivated in relatively cool areas)masculine proper-noun strong
WinesSpätburgunderGermannamePinot Noir (a rosé or red wine made from this grape)masculine proper-noun strong
WintersnewenMiddle EnglishverbTo snow; to generate snow.intransitive
WintersnewenMiddle EnglishverbTo abound; to rain.intransitive rare
WoodpeckersdzięciołekPolishnoundiminutive of dzięciołanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
WoodpeckersdzięciołekPolishnounlesser spotted woodpeckeranimal-not-person masculine
WoodswodeMiddle Englishnounmadness, insanity, an overmastering emotion, rage, furyuncountable
WoodswodeMiddle EnglishverbTo be or go mad; be or go out of one's mind; behave wildly; be frenzied; go out of control.
WoodswodeMiddle Englishverbto be or become furious, enraged.
WoodswodeMiddle Englishadvfrantically
WoodswodeMiddle Englishadvferociously, fiercely
WoodswodeMiddle Englishadvintensely, furiously
WoodswodeMiddle Englishadvfuriously enraged, irate, angry
WoodswodeMiddle Englishadjmad, insane, possessed, furious, frantic, mentally deranged, of unsound mind, out of one's mind.
WoodswodeMiddle Englishadjrabid
WoodswodeMiddle Englishadjwild, not tamed
WoodswodeMiddle Englishnounwood (material).
WoodswodeMiddle EnglishverbTo hunt.
WoodswodeMiddle EnglishverbTo take to the woods; hide oneself in the woods (also reflexive: ben woded).
WoodswodeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of wadenalt-of alternative
Woodworking腕木Japanesenounwooden crossarm
Woodworking腕木Japanesenounbracketing, a bracket
WormsвъгарецBulgariannounparasitic bug, worm, creepobsolete
WormsвъгарецBulgariannounparasitic larva of botflies (which causes myiasis on ungulates and other large mammals)
WormsвъгарецBulgariannoun(adult) botfly, gadfly, warble fly (dipteran insect of family Oestridae)broadly
Writing-장Koreansuffixaccount book, ledgermorpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffixnotebook, jottermorpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffixvilla, luxury inn; mansionmorpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffixhead, chief, leadermorpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffixplace, site, areamorpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffixsenior personhonorific morpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffixcertain type of funeral or burialmorpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffixcertificate; letter, correspondencemorpheme
Writing-장Koreansuffix-most, -estmorpheme
Writing-장KoreansuffixJeolla dialect form of 지 (-ji), used in questionsJeolla alt-of dialectal morpheme
WritingobejeYorubanounthe Yoruba alphabet of the ajami script (as adapted for writing Yoruba).
Writing instrumentsbútVietnamesenounany piece of equipment used for writing with one's hand, except chalk
Writing instrumentsbútVietnamesenounsomeone who writes for a living, such as a professional writer, editorialist or journalistcommunications journalism literature media publishing writingfiguratively
Writing instrumentscanetaPortuguesenounpen (writing tool)feminine
Writing instrumentscanetaPortuguesenounleg (lower limb)Portugal colloquial feminine
Writing instrumentscanetaPortuguesenounnutmeg (action of playing the ball between the legs of an opponent)Brazil feminine
YellowsbuffEnglishnounUndyed leather from the skin of buffalo or similar animals.countable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounA tool, often one covered with buff leather, used for polishing.countable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounA brownish yellow colour.countable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounA military coat made of buff leather.countable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounA person who is very interested in a particular subject.countable informal uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounAn effect that makes a character or item uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounCompressive coupler force that occurs during a slack bunched condition.rail-transport railways transportcountable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounThe bare skin.colloquial countable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounThe greyish viscid substance constituting the buffy coat.countable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounAny substance used to dilute (street) drugs in order to increase profits.countable uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishadjOf the color of buff leather, a brownish yellow.
YellowsbuffEnglishadjUnusually muscular.colloquial
YellowsbuffEnglishadjPhysically attractive.Multicultural-London-English slang
YellowsbuffEnglishverbTo polish and make shiny by rubbing.
YellowsbuffEnglishverbTo make a character or an item
YellowsbuffEnglishverbTo modify a medical chart, especially in a dishonest manner.
YellowsbuffEnglishverbTo remove a piece of graffiti by cleaning or removal, especially by someone who is not a graffiti writer.arts graffiti visual-artsslang
YellowsbuffEnglishverbTo strike.
YellowsbuffEnglishnounA strike; a blow.obsolete
YellowsbuffEnglishverbTo stammer, stutterdialectal obsolete
YellowsbuffEnglishnounA buffalo, or the meat of a buffalo.countable informal uncountable
YellowsbuffEnglishnounAlternative form of buffe (“face armor”)alt-of alternative uncommon
Zerozero-point energyEnglishnounThe lowest possible energy of a given quantum mechanical system.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Zerozero-point energyEnglishnounThe kinetic energy possessed by (the particle constituents of) a substance at absolute zero temperature.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsphysical
ZoroastrianismMithraEnglishnameA particular divinity (yazata) in Zoroastrianism and later Iranian history and culture, the hypostasis of "contract", "oath".
ZoroastrianismMithraEnglishnameRoman Mithras.rare

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