Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

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Administrative divisionsChinesecharactercity; town
Administrative divisionsChinesecharactermarket; fair
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterto trade; to do business
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterto buy
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterto sell
Administrative divisionsChinesecharactermarket situation; especially the stock marketCantonese
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterbusiness situation (buy and sell of goods)Hokkien Quanzhou Xiamen
AdvertisingadvertisingEnglishnounCommunication whose purpose is to influence potential customers about products and services.uncountable usually
AdvertisingadvertisingEnglishnounThe industry or profession made up of such communications.uncountable usually
AdvertisingadvertisingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of advertiseform-of gerund participle present
AfricaÁt-látVietnamesenameAtlashuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AfricaÁt-látVietnamesenameAtlas (placename)
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounspirit, soul (everything psychic in a human being (especially thinking, consciousness) as opposed to the physical)
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounmind, spirit, psyche (inner world, inner being; state of mind, mentality)
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounimagination, mind's eye
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounspirit, mind (a way of thinking that characterises a collective, a period; its characteristic beliefs, inherent mentality)
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounspirit, mind (a way of thinking that characterises a collective, a period; its characteristic beliefs, inherent mentality) / in the spirit of (in a certain way, manner, fashion, kind)
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounperson, soul
AfterlifevaimEstoniannouna corvee labourer at a manorhistorical
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounghost, spirit (a disembodied supernatural being in various religions) / soul of the dead, ghost; phantom
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounghost, spirit (a disembodied supernatural being in various religions) / guardian spirit, tutelary deity
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounghost, spirit (a disembodied supernatural being in various religions) / evil spirit, a malevolent creature
AfterlifevaimEstoniannounspirit (God himself or his creative, life-giving power)Christianity
AgekrakkiIcelandicnounkid, childinformal masculine
AgekrakkiIcelandicnounindefinite dative singular of krakkdative form-of indefinite neuter singular
AgriculturebeiteNorwegian Bokmålnounpasture (land used for grazing by animals)neuter
AgriculturebeiteNorwegian Bokmålverbto graze (of animals)
AgricultureiucciClassical NahuatlverbTo cook.intransitive
AgricultureiucciClassical NahuatlverbTo ripen.intransitive
AgricultureobornikPolishnounmanure (excrement)inanimate masculine
AgricultureobornikPolishnouncowshedarchaic inanimate masculine
AgriculturesguabagScottish Gaelicnoundiminutive of sguabdiminutive feminine form-of
AgriculturesguabagScottish Gaelicnounlittle besom, whiskfeminine
AgriculturesguabagScottish Gaelicnounsmall sheaf of cornfeminine
AgriculturesguabagScottish Gaelicnoungusty wind; smart breeze of windclimatology meteorology natural-sciences weatherfeminine
AgriculturesguabagScottish Gaelicnounwoman who moves with a sweeping gaitfeminine
AgriculturevergerCatalannounhouse gardenmasculine
AlbaniaalbanskaSwedishnounAlbanian; the language spoken in the country of Albaniacommon-gender uncountable
AlbaniaalbanskaSwedishnouna woman from Albania (countable)common-gender
AlbaniaalbanskaSwedishadjinflection of albansk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
AlbaniaalbanskaSwedishadjinflection of albansk: / pluralform-of plural
AlcoholismjuicerEnglishnounA manual or electrical device used for rendering the juice of fruits or vegetables.
AlcoholismjuicerEnglishnounA person who extracts juice for consumption.
AlcoholismjuicerEnglishnounA (citrus) reamer.
AlcoholismjuicerEnglishnounOne who uses steroids.slang
AlcoholismjuicerEnglishnounAn alcoholic.slang
AlcoholismjuicerEnglishnounAn electrician.broadcasting film media televisionslang
AlcoholismjuicerEnglishnounA chess piece.board-games chess gamesslang
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA number of things or persons being in some relation to one another.
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA set with an associative binary operation, under which there exists an identity element, and such that each element has an mathematics sciences
AlgebragroupEnglishnounAn effective divisor on a curve.geometry mathematics sciencesarchaic
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA (usually small) group of people who perform music together.
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA small number (up to about fifty) of galaxies that are near each other.astronomy natural-sciences
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA column in the periodic table of chemical elements.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA functional group.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA subset of a culture or of a society.human-sciences sciences social-science sociology
AlgebragroupEnglishnounAn air force formation.government military politics war
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA collection of formations or rock strata.geography geology natural-sciences
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA number of users with the same rights with respect to accession, modification, and execution of files, computers and peripherals.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
AlgebragroupEnglishnounAn element of an espresso machine from which hot water pours into the portafilter.
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA number of eighth, sixteenth, etc., notes joined at the stems; sometimes rather indefinitely applied to any ornament made up of a few short notes.entertainment lifestyle music
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA set of teams playing each other in the same division, while not during the same period playing any teams that belong to other sets in the division.hobbies lifestyle sports
AlgebragroupEnglishnounA commercial
AlgebragroupEnglishverbTo put together to form a group.transitive
AlgebragroupEnglishverbTo come together to form a group.intransitive
Alliumsgarlic chiveEnglishnounA plant, Allium tuberosum, with long, thin, white-flowering stalks, related to chives.
Alliumsgarlic chiveEnglishnounThe garlic-flavoured leaves of this plant used as a vegetable in
AlloysчеликMacedoniannountipcat (an archaic game in which the players hit, by means of a stick, a wood to each other, and the wood itself)archaic
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicverbto thrust, to prostrate, to pierce, to push, to repel
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicverbto hurt, to gall, to flay, to lash, to assault
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicverbto hurt, to gall, to flay, to lash, to assault / to hurt verbally, to taunt
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicverbto boil without adding any seasoning
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicverbto remove animal's feathers (by boiling it)
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicverbto enkindle, to ignite
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicverbto climb (a wall, etc)
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicnounverbal noun of سَلَقَ (salaqa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Amaranths and goosefootsسلقArabicnounchard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris)
Amaryllis family plantsfire lilyEnglishnounThe orange lily
Amaryllis family plantsfire lilyEnglishnounA flowering plant of the amaryllis family, in the genus Cyrtanthus, native to southern Africa.
American fictionHulkEnglishnameA fictional Marvel Comics character who gains superhuman strength when he becomes angry.
American fictionHulkEnglishnounA person resembling, especially physically, the Hulk in the Marvel Comics Universe.
American fictionHulkEnglishnounA strongman.broadly
AnatomyhazSpanishverbsecond-person singular imperative of hacerform-of imperative second-person singular
AnatomyhazSpanishnounfaçadearchaic feminine
AnatomykwɛɛwrNawdmnoungerm, sprout, seed
AnatomykwɛɛwrNawdmnounfear, anxietyfiguratively
AnatomykwɛɛwrNawdmnouncourage, patiencefiguratively
AnatomykwɛɛwrNawdmnounconsolation, solacefiguratively
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounback (the rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounridge, spine (line or area on a mountain or hill from which one can descend to at least two separate directions)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounback, spine (the side where the pages are bound together)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounopen water (expanse of sea or large lake which is distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions)
AnatomyselkäFinnishnounwatershed area
AnatomyslabinaCzechnoungroin, flankfeminine
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / A vessel; any open container used in the kitchen: / A decorative container; a vase used for adornment.broadly
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / A vessel; any open container used in the kitchen: / A piece of cookware; a container used for cooking.broadly
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / A vessel; any open container used in the kitchen: / Any sort of kitchen tool or utensil.broadly
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / A container used for the storage of medicines; a pharmaceutical container.
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / Any object, especially a container, used in religious ceremonies or rituals.
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / A large container or vat used for bulk storage.
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / Alchemical equipment, ware, or tools.alchemy pseudoscience
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA container or vessel; a box for storage: / Traveling equipment; travel gear.
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounIn several anatomical senses: / A human being or the body of a human being.figuratively
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounIn several anatomical senses: / Blood vessels; the tubes that blood travels in.
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounIn several anatomical senses: / Any sort of tube, duct or canal in the body (e.g. the intestines)
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounIn several anatomical senses: / The heart (as the seat of feelings).figuratively rare
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA seafaring vessel; a boat or ship.
AnatomyvesselMiddle EnglishnounA machine, device, or method.Biblical mainly
AnatomyدستPersiannounhandanatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyدستPersiannounarmanatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyدستPersiannounhand (side; part, camp; direction, either right or left)
AnatomyمچPersiannounjoint (Any part of the body where two bones join)
AnatomyمچPersiannounpart of a garment that covers the wrists or ankles.
Anatomy狗牙Chinesenouncanine tooth; cuspidMin Northern Taiwanese-Hokkien
Anatomy狗牙Chinesenounzigzag; sawtoothCantonese
Anatomy狗牙Chinesenounaliasingcomputer-graphics computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesMandarin humorous
Ancient GreececireneuPortuguesenounCyrenian (person from Cyrene)masculine
Ancient GreececireneuPortugueseadjCyrenian (relating to Cyrene)not-comparable
Andropogoneae tribe grasseshalfa grassEnglishnounA north African and south Asian grass, Desmostachya bipinnata, with tough stems woven into rope, sandals, mats, etc., and sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions.countable uncountable
Andropogoneae tribe grasseshalfa grassEnglishnounOther north African grasses with similar uses, such as sparto (Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum sparticum) and cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica)countable uncountable
Anemoneae tribe plantssmokewoodEnglishnounAny of various plants that are used to produce smoke when burned.uncountable
Anemoneae tribe plantssmokewoodEnglishnounThe virgin's bower (Clematis vitalba), whose porous stems were traditionally smoked by boys.uncountable
AngerhotheadEnglishnounOne who angers easily or goes in search of arguments or fights.derogatory
AngerhotheadEnglishnounOne who reacts quickly and without thinking carefully first.
Animal body partsmũcuthĩKikuyunounfairly long tail of any animalclass-3
Animal body partsmũcuthĩKikuyunounpenisclass-3
Animal body partsгребенSerbo-Croatiannounreef
Animal body partsгребенSerbo-Croatiannouncrest, range (of a mountain), particularly if steep
Animal body partsгребенSerbo-Croatiannounwithers (of a horse)
Animal body partsгребенSerbo-Croatiannouncardbusiness manufacturing textiles
Animal body partsصقاقOttoman Turkishnoundewlap, the pendulous skin under the neck of an ox, or a similar feature on any other animal
Animal body partsصقاقOttoman Turkishnoundouble chin, dewlap, a layer of subcutaneous fat under the chin of a person
Animal body parts魚鰾Chinesenounswim bladder
Animal body parts魚鰾Chinesenounfish testis; miltTaiwanese-Hokkien Zhangzhou
Animal dwellingsbarćPolishnounbeehive tree hollow (natural or artificial hole inside of a log or tree hollow for beehives)agriculture beekeeping business lifestylefeminine
Animal dwellingsbarćPolishnounopening in a beehiveagriculture beekeeping business lifestylefeminine obsolete
Animal dwellingsbarćPolishnounpart of a forest with such hollows for beesagriculture beekeeping business lifestylefeminine obsolete
Animal foodsfodderEnglishnounFood for animals; that which is fed to cattle, horses, and sheep, such as hay, cornstalks, vegetables, etc.countable uncountable
Animal foodsfodderEnglishnounA load: various English units of weight or volume based upon standardized cartloads of certain commodities, generally around 1000 kg.countable historical uncountable
Animal foodsfodderEnglishnounTracing paper.arts design drafting engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable slang uncountable
Animal foodsfodderEnglishnounStuff; material; something that serves as inspiration or encouragement, especially for satire or humour.countable figuratively uncountable
Animal foodsfodderEnglishnounThe text to be operated on (anagrammed, etc.) within a clue.countable uncountable
Animal foodsfodderEnglishnounPeople considered to have negligible value and easily available or expendable.countable uncountable
Animal foodsfodderEnglishverbTo feed animals (with fodder).dialectal
Annelidsmason wormEnglishnounThelepus setosus (synonym: Thelepus spectabilis), a worm that builds a protective tube or case in the tidal zone to which fragments of shell and sand are attached.
Annelidsmason wormEnglishnounA related worm, Pectinaria gouldii
Annelidsmason wormEnglishnounAlternative form of sand mason wormalt-of alternative
AnomuranspaguridEnglishnounAny of the hermit crabs of family Paguridae, a right-handed hermit crab.biology natural-sciences zoology
AnomuranspaguridEnglishnounAny hermit crab, any member of superfamily Paguroidea.biology natural-sciences zoology
AnthropologyCro-MagnonEnglishnameThe rock shelter in Les Eyzies, France, where the first Cro-Magnon Man specimens were found.
AnthropologyCro-MagnonEnglishnounThe earliest known form of modern human (Homo sapiens) in Europe, dating from the late Paleolithic.archaeology history human-sciences sciences
AnthropologyCro-MagnonEnglishnounA backward and stupid person, a knuckle-dragger or troglodyte.derogatory
Apieae tribe plantssedanoItaliannouncelerymasculine
Apieae tribe plantssedanoItalianverbthird-person plural present indicative of sedareform-of indicative plural present third-person
Architectural elementsllotjaCatalannoungalleryfeminine
Architectural elementsllotjaCatalannounmarketfeminine
Architectural elementsllotjaCatalannounloge, boxentertainment lifestyle theaterfeminine
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishnounA covered walk with an open colonnade on one side, running along the walls of buildings that face a quadrangle; especially: / such an arcade in a monastery;
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishnounA covered walk with an open colonnade on one side, running along the walls of buildings that face a quadrangle; especially: / such an arcade fitted with representations of the stages of Christ's Passion.
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishnounA place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion.
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishnounThe monastic life.figuratively
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishverbTo become a Roman Catholic religious.intransitive
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishverbTo confine in a cloister, voluntarily or not.transitive
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishverbTo deliberately withdraw from worldly things.intransitive
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishverbTo provide with a cloister or cloisters.transitive
ArchitecturecloisterEnglishverbTo protect or isolate.transitive
ArchitectureflorMiddle Englishnounfloor (bottom surface of a room or building)
ArchitectureflorMiddle Englishnounfloor (level or story of a building)
ArchitectureflorMiddle EnglishnounA flat area or platform (often for preparation)
ArchitectureflorMiddle EnglishnounThe surface of the earth, especially when flat; a plain.
ArchitectureflorMiddle EnglishnounThe substructure or support of a building.rare
ArchitectureflorMiddle EnglishnounThe bottom of one's eyelid or eyelash.rare
ArchitectureflorMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of flouralt-of alternative
ArithmeticบวกThaiverbto add; to increase; to include.
ArithmeticบวกThaiverbplus sign.
ArithmeticบวกThaiverbto combat, to fight; to strike, to attack; to counter, to oppose; to confront; to clash, to collide.slang
ArithmeticบวกThaiadjpositive: / greater than zero.
ArithmeticบวกThaiadjpositive: / indicating the presence of a substance or condition.
ArithmeticบวกThaiadjpositive: / favourable.
ArithmeticบวกThaiadjpositive: / constructive; creative; optimistic.
ArithmeticบวกThaiadjpositive: / showing progress; showing improvement.
ArithmeticบวกThaiadjpositive: / used of blood, affected tissue, etc.medicine sciences
ArithmeticบวกThaiverbArchaic form of โบก (bòok).alt-of archaic
ArmorkalkanTurkishverbpresent participle of kalkmakform-of participle present
ArmortarczaPolishnountarget (butt or mark to shoot at)feminine
ArmortarczaPolishnounshieldgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
ArmortarczaPolishnounclock facefeminine
ArmortonneFrenchnountonne, metric tonfeminine
ArmortonneFrenchverbinflection of tonner: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
ArmortonneFrenchverbinflection of tonner: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ArmortonneFrenchnouna tonlet; a piece of medieval European armor of articulated lames or long flared metal skirt protecting the hips and thighsfeminine historical
Arsenicarsinic acidEnglishnounThe acid H₂As(=O)OH.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
Arsenicarsinic acidEnglishnounAny hydrocarbyl derivative of this acid.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencescountable uncountable
ArtsilhouetteEnglishnounAn illustrated outline filled in with a solid color(s), usually only black, and intended to represent the shape of an object without revealing any other visual details; a similar appearance produced when the object being viewed is situated in relative darkness with brighter lighting behind it; a profile portrait in black, such as a shadow appears to be.
ArtsilhouetteEnglishnounThe outline of a garment as it appears on the lifestyle
ArtsilhouetteEnglishverbTo represent by a silhouette; to project upon a background, so as to be like a silhouette.
ArtмалюнакBelarusiannounpicture (an image; a representation as in the imagination)
ArthropodssześcionógPolishnounan arthropod belonging to the subphylum Hexapodaanimal-not-person masculine
ArthropodssześcionógPolishnouna hexapod robotinanimate masculine
Arum family plantswater cabbageEnglishnounA floating aquatic plant, Pistia stratioides, with green rosettes of leaves and inconspicuous flowers.
Arum family plantswater cabbageEnglishnounSamolus valerandi, a species of water pimpernel.
AsiaఆసియనుTeluguadjOf or pertaining to Asia.
AsiaఆసియనుTelugunounA person from Asia or person with Asian ancestry.
AssyriaܐܫܘܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjAssyrian (of, from, or pertaining to Assyria, the Assyrian culture or Assyrian people)
AssyriaܐܫܘܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounAssyrian (A person from Assyria or of Assyrian descent)
AssyriaܐܫܘܪܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounan inhabitant of the city of Ashur
AstronauticsLTOEnglishnounInitialism of Linear Tape-Open, an open standard computer storage tape format having a single spooled cartridge with half-inch tape.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
AstronauticsLTOEnglishnounInitialism of link-time optimization.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software-compilationabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
AstronauticsLTOEnglishnounInitialism of lunar transfer orbit.aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences space-scienceabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
AstronauticsLTOEnglishnounInitialism of lithium titanate oxide (“Li₄Ti₅O₁₂”).chemistry electrochemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
AstronauticsLTOEnglishnameInitialism of Land Transportation Office.Philippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
AstronauticsLTOEnglishphraseInitialism of limited time only.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Atmospheric phenomenakulogTagalognounthunder
Atmospheric phenomenakulogTagalognounsound like thunder
Atmospheric phenomenakulogTagalognounperson whom one dislikescolloquial
AustriaRenoItaliannameRhine (river)masculine
AustriaRenoItaliannameReno (river)masculine
AutomobilesRolls-RoyceEnglishnameAny of several British companies that make motor cars, aero engines, etc.
AutomobilesRolls-RoyceEnglishnounA car made by this manufacturer.
AutomobilesRolls-RoyceEnglishnounAnything that is the best of its type; the best quality product possible.British informal
AutomobilesTrabantGermannounbodyguard of a noblehistorical masculine weak
AutomobilesTrabantGermannounsatellite; moonastronomy natural-sciencesmasculine weak
AutomobilesTrabantGermannounfollower of a figure or cause; hanger-onmasculine weak
AutomobilesTrabantGermannounchildhumorous masculine weak
AutomobilesTrabantGermannounan East German make of carmasculine strong
AutomobilesVolkswagenFrenchnameVolkswagen (car manufacturer)masculine
AutomobilesVolkswagenFrenchnouna Volkswagen carfeminine
BabiestutoyCebuanonouneither of the two organs on the front of a woman's chest, which contain the mammary glands; also the analogous organs in men
BabiestutoyCebuanonounthe breasts and upper thorax of a woman; the bust
BabiestutoyCebuanonouna baby bottle
BabiestutoyCebuanoverbto suckle; to give suck to; to nurse at the breast, udder, or dugs
BabiestutoyCebuanoverbto nurse; to suck
BabiestutoyCebuanoverbto fellate a man; to suck offslang
Baby animalslištičkaCzechnoundiminutive of liška, foxdiminutive feminine form-of
Baby animalslištičkaCzechnoundiminutive of liška, genus of fungi in the family Cantharellaceae, chanterellediminutive feminine form-of
Baby animalslištičkaCzechnounHygrophoropsis, genus of fungi in the family Hygrophoropsidaceaefeminine
Baby animalslištičkaCzechnoundiminutive of lištadiminutive feminine form-of
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounOne who, or that which, nips.
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounAny of various devices (as pincers) for nipping.plural-normally
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA child.slang
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA child aged from 5 to 13 in the Australian surf life-saving clubs.Australia
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA boy working as a navvies' assistant.historical
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA mosquito.Canada Newfoundland slang
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounOne of four foreteeth in a horse.archaic
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA satirist.obsolete
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA pickpocket; a young or petty thief.obsolete slang
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA fish, the cunner.
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA European crab (Polybius henslowii).archaic
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounThe claws of a crab or lobster.
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA young bluefish.
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounA machine used by a ticket inspector to stamp passengers' tickets.dated
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounOne of a pair of automatically locking handcuffs.
Baby animalsnipperEnglishnounOne of the gloves or mittens worn by fishermen to protect their hands from cold and abrasion.historical
Baby animalsnipperEnglishverbTo seize (two ropes) together.nautical transporttransitive
Baby animalsутёнокRussiannounduckling
Baby animalsутёнокRussiannountwo little ducks, twenty-two in the lotto gamein-plural slang
BackgammonنردPersiannountree trunkarchaic
BagstaškaCzechnounbag (flexible container)feminine
BagstaškaCzechnounroof tilefeminine
BagsكيسHijazi Arabicnounbag, sack
BagsكيسHijazi Arabicnounplastic bag
Bags배낭Koreannounbackpack, knapsack, rucksack
Bags배낭Koreannounan embryo sack
BahamasBahamianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Bahamas, or the Bahamian people.
BahamasBahamianEnglishnounA person from the Bahamas or of Bahamian descent.
Barangays of San Remigio, Cebu, PhilippinesArgawanonCebuanonamea surname from Cebuano
Barangays of San Remigio, Cebu, PhilippinesArgawanonCebuanonameA barangay of San Remigio, Cebu, Philippines
BasketballbasketCebuanoverbto play basketball
BeesbeeswaxEnglishnounA wax secreted by bees from which they make honeycomb; or, the processed form of this wax used in the manufacture of various goods.uncountable usually
BeesbeeswaxEnglishnoun“Business”, as in such phrases as mind your own beeswax and none of your beeswax.Canada US humorous informal uncountable usually
BeesbeeswaxEnglishverbTo polish with beeswax.transitive
Berriesczarna porzeczkaPolishnounblackcurrant (shrub)feminine
Berriesczarna porzeczkaPolishnounblackcurrant (fruit)feminine
Beveragesready-to-drinkEnglishadjDescribing a packaged beverage sold in a prepared form, ready for consumption, such as ice tea or alcopops.not-comparable
Beveragesready-to-drinkEnglishnounA ready-to-drink beverage.informal
Biblical charactersAnnaDutchnamea female given name, equivalent to English Annfeminine
Biblical charactersAnnaDutchnameAnna (Biblical prophetess)feminine
Biblical charactersیہودیتUrdunameJudaism
Biblical charactersیہودیتUrdunameJudith - Wise Woman of Bethulia and the protagonist of the Biblical book of Judith
Biblical charactersیہودیتUrdunameBook of Judith
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålnouna dove or pigeon; culver (one of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species) / a couple that is very much in lovebiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine humorous in-plural masculine
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålnouna dove or pigeon; culver (one of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species) / a dove (term of endearment for a woman one holds dearly)biology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine masculine poetic
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålnouna dove or pigeon; culver (one of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species) / a symbol of peace and reconciliationbiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine figuratively masculine
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålnouna dove or pigeon; culver (one of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species) / a dove (a person favouring conciliation and negotiation rather than conflict)biology government natural-sciences politics zoologyfeminine masculine
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålnouna dove or pigeon; culver (one of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species) / a symbol of the Holy SpiritChristianity biology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine masculine
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålnouna dove or pigeon; culver (one of several birds of the family Columbidae, which consists of more than 300 species)biology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine masculine
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålnouna clay pigeon (a flying target used as moving target in sport shooting)hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine masculine
BirdsdueNorwegian Bokmålverbto say du (you) to someonecolloquial transitive
BirdsdueNorwegian BokmålverbMisspelling of duge.alt-of misspelling
BirdsdueNorwegian BokmåladvOnly used in a due (“indicating two musicians or sections play together”)
BirdstittlingurIcelandicnounany small passerine birdmasculine
BirdstittlingurIcelandicnounpenis, willyinformal masculine
BirdsviggSwedishnouna tufted duck, Aythya fuligulacommon-gender
BirdsviggSwedishnouna thunderboltcommon-gender
BirdsviggSwedishnounloanarchaic common-gender
BluesakwamarynPolishnounaquamarine (bluish-green colour of the sea)inanimate masculine
BluesakwamarynPolishnounaquamarine (bluish-green variety of beryl)inanimate masculine
Board gamesjeu de damesFrenchnoundraughts; checkers (game)masculine uncountable
Board gamesjeu de damesFrenchnounbox containing checkers and a checkerboardcountable masculine
Bodies of waterسمندرUrdunounsea, ocean
Bodies of waterسمندرUrdunounvast; boundless; limitless (entity, land etc.)figuratively
Bodily functionsziaćPolishverbto pant (to breathe quickly or in a labored manner)imperfective intransitive
Bodily functionsziaćPolishverbto belch, to spewimperfective intransitive
Bodily functionsziaćPolishverbto give offimperfective intransitive
Body partsbodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / The physical structure of a human or animal seen as one single organism.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / The fleshly or corporeal nature of a human, as opposed to the spirit or soul.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / A corpse.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / A person.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounPhysical frame. / A human being, regarded as marginalized or oppressed.human-sciences sciences social-science sociologycountable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMain section. / The torso, the main structure of a human or animal frame excluding the extremities (limbs, head, tail).countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMain section. / The largest or most important part of anything, as distinct from its appendages or accessories.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMain section. / The section of a dress extending from the neck to the waist, excluding the arms.archaic countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMain section. / The content of a letter, message, or other printed or electronic document, as distinct from signatures, salutations, headers, and so on.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMain section. / The code of a subroutine, contrasted to its signature and parameters.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencescountable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMain section. / nave.architecturecountable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMain section.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounCoherent group. / A group of people having a common purpose or opinion; a mass.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounCoherent group. / An organisation, company or other authoritative group.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounCoherent group. / A unified collection of details, knowledge or information.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / Any physical object or material thing.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / Substance; physical presence.uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / Comparative viscosity, solidity or substance (in wine, colours etc.).uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounMaterial entity. / An agglomeration of some substance, especially one that would be otherwise uncountable.countable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounThe shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated).media printing publishingcountable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishnounA three-dimensional object, such as a cube or cone.geometry mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
Body partsbodyEnglishverbTo give body or shape to something.often transitive
Body partsbodyEnglishverbTo construct the bodywork of a car.
Body partsbodyEnglishverbTo embody.transitive
Body partsbodyEnglishverbTo murder someone.slang transitive
Body partsbodyEnglishverbTo murder someone. / To utterly defeat someone.broadly slang transitive
Body partsgambetteFrenchnounlegcolloquial feminine
Body partsgambetteFrenchnounredshank (bird)masculine
Body partsndaꞌaYosondúa Mixtecnounarm
Body partsndaꞌaYosondúa Mixtecnounhand
Body partsndaꞌaYosondúa Mixtecnounpaw
Body partsprsaSerbo-Croatiannounchestanatomy medicine sciencesplural plural-only
Body partsprsaSerbo-Croatiannounbreastsplural plural-only
Body partsprsaSerbo-Croatiannounidiomatic and figurative meanings
Body partsчленMacedoniannounmember
Body partsчленMacedoniannounlimb
Body partsчленMacedoniannounarticlegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Body partsчленMacedoniannounarticlelaw
BooksbiblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology, biblicism (study of the Bible)literary neuter
BooksbiblioznawstwoPolishnounbibliology (study of books)dated neuter
BookssešitCzechnounexercise book (a booklet for students, containing blank, lined or checkered pages for writing answers, drawing graphs etc.)inanimate masculine
BookssešitCzechverbmasculine singular passive participle of sešítform-of masculine participle passive singular
BooksвидавництвоUkrainiannounpublishing house, publisher
Books盜版Chineseverbto pirate (to make unauthorized copies of books, software, recording, or other media)
Books盜版Chineseverbto counterfeit
Books盜版Chinesenounpirated version; cracked version; warez
Books盜版Chineseadjunauthorized; pirated; bootlegattributive
Books of the BibleApocalypseEnglishnameThe written account of a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet.biblical lifestyle religioncountable
Books of the BibleApocalypseEnglishnameRevelation (last book of the Bible, composed of twenty-two chapters, which narrates the end of times)Christianity
Books of the BibleEzechielGermannameEzekiel (biblical character)masculine proper-noun strong
Books of the BibleEzechielGermannamethe book of Ezekielmasculine proper-noun strong
Books of the BibleIonasLatinnameJonah (Old Testament prophet)declension-1
Books of the BibleIonasLatinnameJonah (Book of Jonah)declension-1
Boroughs in EnglandHartlepoolEnglishnameA town and seaport in County Durham, in northeastern England.
Boroughs in EnglandHartlepoolEnglishnameThe Borough of Hartlepool, a unitary authority in County Durham with its headquarters in the town.
BotanyхвойнийUkrainianadjconifersin-plural noun-from-verb
Botany호랑가시Koreannounholly; the holly tree
Botany호랑가시Koreannounhorned holly (Ilex cornuta)
BovinesبوزاغوOttoman Turkishnouncalf, a young cow or bull
BovinesبوزاغوOttoman Turkishnounyoung giraffe, elephant, rhino etc.
Brassicas青菜Chinesenounbok choy; pak choi
Brassicas青菜Chinesenounany green vegetable; greens
Brassicas青菜ChinesenounspinachJin Mandarin dialectal
BreadsBrotGermannounbreadneuter strong uncountable usually
BreadsBrotGermannounloaf of breadcountable neuter strong
BreadsBrotGermannounslice of bread; sandwichcountable neuter strong
BreadsBrotGermannounlivelihood, subsistencefiguratively neuter strong uncountable
BreadsмомаMacedoniannounyoung woman, lass, maiden, damselregional
BreadsмомаMacedoniannoununmarried womanregional
BreadsмомаMacedoniannouna thin slice of bread
BreadsמאַנדלברויטYiddishnounmandelbrot (a sort of cookie-like hard, sweet bread usually containing almonds traditionally eaten by Ashkenazi Jews and often dipped in tea)
BreadsמאַנדלברויטYiddishnounalmond bread
Brown algaePhaeophyceaeTranslingualnameThe brown algae / A taxonomic class within the phylum Heterokontophyta.
Brown algaePhaeophyceaeTranslingualnameThe brown algae / A taxonomic class within the phylum Ochrophyta.
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA refreshingly sharp aroma or flavor.
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA strong or offensive taste; especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself.
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA sharp, specific flavor or tinge.figuratively
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part. / The part of a knife, fork, file, or other instrument or hand tool, which is inserted into the handle.
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part. / The part of a knife, fork, file, or other instrument or hand tool, which is inserted into the handle. / The part of a sword blade to which the handle is fastened.
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part. / The projecting part of the breech of a musket barrel, by which the barrel is secured to the firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part.
Brown algaetangEnglishnounAny of a group of saltwater fish from the family Acanthuridae, especially the genus Zebrasoma.biology natural-sciences zoology
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA shuffleboard
Brown algaetangEnglishnounObsolete form of tongue.alt-of obsolete
Brown algaetangEnglishnounAnything resembling a tongue in form or position, such as the tongue of a buckle.broadly
Brown algaetangEnglishnounA sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang.
Brown algaetangEnglishverbTo strike two metal objects together loudly in order to persuade a swarm of honeybees to land so it may be captured by the beekeeper.agriculture beekeeping business lifestyledated
Brown algaetangEnglishverbTo make a ringing sound; to ring.
Brown algaetangEnglishnounknotted wrack, Ascophyllum nodosum (coarse blackish seaweed)countable rare uncountable
Brown algaetangEnglishnounThe vagina or vulva.countable slang vulgar
Brown algaetangEnglishnounSexual intercourse with a womanslang uncountable vulgar
BrownsbroonEnglishnounThe colour brown.Geordie Scotland countable uncountable
BrownsbroonEnglishadjOf the colour brown.Geordie Scotland
BuildingsSenatPolishnameSenate (the upper house of the bicameral parliament of Poland) / Senate (total number of people who sit in the Senate)governmentinanimate masculine
BuildingsSenatPolishnameSenate (the upper house of the bicameral parliament of Poland) / Senate (building of the Senate)governmentinanimate masculine
BuildingsSenatPolishnameSenate (the upper house of the bicameral parliament of Poland)governmentinanimate masculine
BuildingsSenatPolishnameRoman Senate (the highest and constituting assembly of ancient Rome and its aristocracy)governmentAncient-Rome historical inanimate masculine
BuildingsmenażeriaPolishnounmenagerie (collection of live wild animals on exhibition)feminine
BuildingsmenażeriaPolishnounmenagerie (the enclosure where such animals are kept)feminine
BuildingsmenażeriaPolishnounmenagerie (group of diverse animals kept at home or on a farm)feminine
BuildingsmenażeriaPolishnounmenagerie (diverse or miscellaneous group of people)feminine
BuildingsmenażeriaPolishnouncabinet of curiosities, kunstkammer, panopticon, Wunderkammer (place for the exhibition of novelties)feminine literary
BuildingsmenażeriaPolishnouncabinet of curiosities, hodge-podge, kunstkammer, melange, Wunderkammer (collection of weird and mismatched items)derogatory feminine literary
Buildingsmikhuna wasiQuechuanounrestaurant
Buildingsmikhuna wasiQuechuanoundining room
BuildingsmoziHungariannouncinema, movie theater
BuildingsmoziHungariannounSynonym of film (“movie, film”)informal
BuildingsβασιλικόνAncient Greekadjinflection of βᾰσῐλῐκός (basilikós): / neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
BuildingsβασιλικόνAncient Greekadjinflection of βᾰσῐλῐκός (basilikós): / masculine accusative singularaccusative form-of masculine singular
BuildingsβασιλικόνAncient Greeknountreasury, royal bank
BuildingsβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounpalace
BuildingsβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounroyal decree
BuildingsβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounname for various remedies, including: plaster and eyesalve
BuildingsβασιλικόνAncient Greeknounbasil (Ocimum basilicum)
BurialinferoLatinverbto carry, bring, put, place, or throw in, into, to, or upon somewhere or something; insertconjugation-3 irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto bring forward, introduce, produce, cause, occasion, inspireconjugation-3 irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto set fire to; offer, sacrifice, renderconjugation-3 irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto bury, bring to a place for burial, interconjugation-3 irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto pay, furnishconjugation-3 irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto advance, march, move forwardgovernment military politics warconjugation-3 irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto bear the standards against the enemy, attack, make an attack upon; wage war ongovernment military politics warconjugation-3 irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto bring forward, introduce; produce, occasion, make; conclude; importconjugation-3 figuratively irregular
BurialinferoLatinverbto cause, inflict, imposeconjugation-3 figuratively irregular with-dative
BurialinferoLatinverbto conclude, infer, draw an inferenceconjugation-3 irregular
BurialsírHungariannoungrave, tomb, burial place
BurialsírHungarianverbto cry, to weepintransitive
BurialمومیاPersiannounshilajit, mumijo
BurialمومیاPersiannounthe substance with which mummies are preserved
Burkina FasoBurkinabeEnglishnounA person from Burkina Faso or of Burkinabe descent.
Burkina FasoBurkinabeEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Burkina Faso, the Burkinabe people or the Burkinabe language.not-comparable
BusinessrebaixaCatalannounreduction, rebate, discountfeminine
BusinessrebaixaCatalannounsale (act of selling at a reduced price)feminine
BusinessrebaixaCatalanverbinflection of rebaixar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BusinessrebaixaCatalanverbinflection of rebaixar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BusinessverkaufenGermanverbto sell (something in exchange for money)transitive weak
BusinessverkaufenGermanverbto sell (for a certain amount or at a certain rate)reflexive weak
ButtockskibotCebuanonounthe buttocks
ButtockskibotCebuanonounthe butt cheeks
ButtockskibotCebuanonounthe rectum
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsjatobáPortuguesenouncourbaril (a South American tree, Hymenaea courbaril)masculine
Caesalpinia subfamily plantsjatobáPortuguesenounthe wood of this tree, highly desirable because of its hardnessmasculine
Cakes and pastriesfolhadoPortugueseverbpast participle of folharform-of participle past
Cakes and pastriesfolhadoPortugueseadjleafycomparable
Cakes and pastriesfolhadoPortugueseadjflakycooking food lifestylecomparable
Cakes and pastriesfolhadoPortuguesenounfoliage, leafagemasculine
Cakes and pastriesfolhadoPortuguesenounpuff pastry (pastry that is made by repeatedly folding the rolled pastry into many layers)cooking food lifestylemasculine
Cakes and pastriesfolhadoPortuguesenounlaurestine (Viburnum tinus, a shrub of southern Europe)masculine
Cakes and pastriesfolhadoPortuguesenounClethra arborea, a tree of Macaronesiamasculine
Cakes and pastriesherbatnikPolishnounbiscuit, cookie, shortbread (fine, crisp cookie without flavoring compounds)
Cakes and pastriesherbatnikPolishnounbuddy, mate, palcolloquial humorous masculine person
CalendarSamainOld IrishnameNovemberfeminine
CalendarSamainOld IrishnameHalloweenChristianityfeminine
CalendarSamainOld IrishnameAll Saints' Day, All HallowsChristianityfeminine
CalendarSamainOld IrishnameSamhainlifestyle paganism religionfeminine
CalendarautumnalEnglishadjOf or relating to autumn.
CalendarautumnalEnglishadjPast the middle of life; in the third stage.
CalendarquadranscentennialEnglishnounThe twenty-fifth anniversary of an event or happening.
CalendarquadranscentennialEnglishadjOccurring every twenty-five years.not-comparable
CalendarquadranscentennialEnglishadjOf or related to a twenty-five-year period.not-comparable
CalendarurodzinyPolishnounbirthday (anniversary of one's birth)plural
CalendarurodzinyPolishnounbirthday partyplural
CalendarBurmesecharacterLa, the 29th letter of the Burmese alphabet.letter
CalendarBurmesenounsymbol for ellipsis (see also ပေယျာလ (peyyala.))alt-of symbol
CalendarBurmeseparticleparticle used as an abbreviated form of particles လေ (le), လိမ့် (lim.), လတ် (lat)
CalendarBurmeseparticleparticle prefixed to verbs for emphasis or euphony
CanalsresclosaCatalannounweir, barrage (an obstruction placed across a waterway)feminine
CanalsresclosaCatalannounlock (a segment of a canal or other waterway enclosed by gates, used for raising and lowering boats between levels)feminine
CanidsգայլOld Armeniannounwolf
CanidsգայլOld Armeniannounmuzzle, cover for nose and mouth, bit
Card gamessrceSerbo-Croatiannouna heartanatomy medicine sciences
Card gamessrceSerbo-Croatiannounemotions, heart
Card gamessrceSerbo-Croatiannounterm of endearment; darling, dear
Card gamessrceSerbo-Croatiannounthe conventional shape or symbol ♥, used to represent the heart, love, or emotion
Card gamessrceSerbo-Croatiannoun♥, hearts in card- and boardgames
Card gamessrceSerbo-Croatiannounmost central, characteristic, or essential part; essence, core, heart
Cardamineae tribe plantsjulianaSpanishnounjuliennefeminine
Cardamineae tribe plantsjulianaSpanishnoundame's rocketfeminine
Cardamineae tribe plantsjulianaSpanishadjfeminine singular of julianofeminine form-of singular
CarriagesbriskyEnglishadjSomewhat brisk; lively; energetic.rare
CarriagesbriskyEnglishnounA britchka, a type of horse-drawn carriage.nonstandard possibly rare
Caryophyllales order plantsدعاعArabicnounAizoon canariense
Caryophyllales order plantsدعاعArabicnounMesembryanthemum nodiflorum
Catsmèo khen mèo dài đuôiVietnamesephrasecats who boast of their own long tails
Catsmèo khen mèo dài đuôiVietnamesephraseevery ass loves to hear himself bray; every bird loves to listen to himself singfiguratively
CattledamOld Irishnounoxmasculine
CattledamOld Irishnounstagmasculine
CattledamOld Irishnounhero, championbroadly masculine
CattledamOld Irishnounhind, cow (old feminine form of previous)feminine
CattledamOld Irishverbinflection of daimid: / first-person singular present subjunctive conjunctconjunct first-person form-of present singular subjunctive
CattledamOld Irishverbinflection of daimid: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
CattledamOld Irishverbthird-person singular present indicative conjunct of daimidconjunct form-of indicative present singular third-person
CattledamOld IrishpronAlternative form of dom (“to/for me”)alt-of alternative
CattlepullEstoniannounbull, ox (male non-castrated bovine)
CattlepullEstoniannounany male animal, especially a moosebroadly
CattlepullEstonianadjfunny, strangecolloquial
CattlepullEstoniannounjoke, prank, trick (a strange, funny story or incident)colloquial
CattlepullEstoniannounloaf of breadobsolete
CattlepullEstoniannounfloat (fishing, angling)
CattleJapanesecharactercow, ox, cattlekanji
CattleJapanesenouncow, bull, ox, cattle, a domestic bovine
CattleJapanesenouncow, bull, ox, cattle
CattleJapanesenounOxastronomy natural-sciences
Celestial bodiesmweriKikuyunounmoonclass-3
Celestial bodiesmweriKikuyunounmonthclass-3
Celestial bodiesmweriKikuyunounmenstruationclass-3
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishnounA maker or worker of belts.historical rare
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishnounAnything that is particularly good of its class.UK informal
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishnounA very good-looking person.British informal
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishnounOne who sings forcefully.
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishnounOne who uses the specific vocal technique of belting.
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishnounA song suitable for forceful singing.
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishnounA person who mines asteroids for minerals or lives in the vicinity of an asteroid belt.literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsbelterEnglishadjAlternative spelling of belta (“fantastic; excellent”).Geordie alt-of alternative
CervidsтивTundra Nenetsnounbelly
CervidsтивTundra Nenetsnouncontents of a deer gut
CetaceansroajMokilesenounany aquatic mammal
Chemical elementstalioEsperantonounwaistanatomy medicine sciences
Chemical elementstalioEsperantonounthallium
Chemical elementsஉயிர்வளிTamilnounoxygen
Chemical elementsஉயிர்வளிTamilnounbiogas
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterno-gloss
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterprotactiniumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ChesscavallCatalannounknightboard-games chess gamesmasculine
ChesscavallCatalannounhorse, Hmasculine
ChesslähettiFinnishnounmessenger, courier (person who delivers messages)
ChesslähettiFinnishnounorderly (soldier who carries out minor tasks for a superior officer)
ChesslähettiFinnishnounerrand boy (person who runs errands)
ChesslähettiFinnishnounbishop (chess piece)board-games chess games
ChesslähettiFinnishnounmissionary (person who travels attempting to spread a religion or a creed)
ChesslähettiFinnishverbthird-person singular past indicative of lähettääform-of indicative past singular third-person
ChessആനMalayalamnounbishop; a chess pieceboard-games chess games
ChessโคนThainounthick end of a tapered object.
ChessโคนThainounany mushroom in Termitomyces genus
ChessโคนThainounbishopboard-games chess gamesThailand
ChessโคนThainouncone, conic object.
ChessချေံMonverbbe mischievous unrestrained be faithless wanton or disloyal to one’s spouse.
ChickensngũkũKikuyunounfowlclass-10 class-9
ChickensngũkũKikuyunounchickenclass-10 class-9
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounOne who or that which squeaks.
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounOne who or that which squeaks. / A young user on a voice chat system who has a high-pitched voice.Internet
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounA party toy that uncoils with a squeaking sound when blown; a party puffer.
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn informer.slang
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounA game or election won by a narrow margin.US
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / An Australian grey crow-shrike or grey currawong (Strepera versicolor plumbea).
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A piglet of the wild boar.
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / Any of family Arthroleptidae, of frogs.
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / Any of genus Synodontis, of catfish.
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A young bird; a cheeper.
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A young bird; a cheeper. / A squab or young domestic pigeon still in the nest.
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounAn act of flatulence; a fart.slang
ChildrensqueakerEnglishnounA child, especially an illegitimate one.slang
Children아기Koreannoununweaned baby, child
Children아기Koreannounanimal baby
Children아기Koreannounone's young daughter or daughter-in-lawendearing
Chlorinecarbon chlorideEnglishnouncarbon tetrachlorideuncountable
Chlorinecarbon chlorideEnglishnounany chloride of carbonrare uncountable
ChristianityBody of ChristEnglishnameThe corpse or resurrected body of Jesus Christ.literally
ChristianityBody of ChristEnglishnameThe consecrated bread of the Eucharist, considered to be the flesh of Jesus Christ.broadly
ChristianityBody of ChristEnglishnameAll believers in Jesus Christ as a group; the Church.figuratively
ChristianitycruzPortuguesenouncross (geometrical figure)feminine
ChristianitycruzPortuguesenouncross (the symbol of Christianity)feminine
ChristianitycruzPortuguesenouncross (device to execute criminals)feminine
ChristianitycruzPortuguesenouncross (heraldic charge)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounvarious (Christian) theological meanings, usually as an attribute of God: / the grace of God; divine aid or beneficence.
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounvarious (Christian) theological meanings, usually as an attribute of God: / a gift or sign of God; a demonstration of divine power.
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounvarious (Christian) theological meanings, usually as an attribute of God: / guidance, direction (especially divine)
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounluck, destiny (especially positive or beneficial)
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounniceness, esteem, positive demeanour
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounbeneficence, goodwill, good intentions
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnoungracefulness, elegance; aptness, competence.
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnouna present; a helpful or kind act.
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounrelief, relenting, forgiveness
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnouna prayer of thanks, especially one preceding a meal.
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounrepute, creditrare
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnounmisfortune, misadventure, doomrare
ChristianitygraceMiddle Englishnoununfairness, partisanshipLate-Middle-English rare
ChristianitygraceMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of grasalt-of alternative
ChristianityсиркәүBashkiradjecclesiastical, clerical
ChristmasjulSwedishnounChristmas, Yulecommon-gender
ChristmasjulSwedishnounJuly; abbreviation of juli.common-gender
Chrysomeloid beetlesapple borerEnglishnounAny beetle or moth that bores into the trunks of apple and other fruit trees as larvae / a roundheaded apple borer (Saperda candida, syn. Saperda bivittata)
Chrysomeloid beetlesapple borerEnglishnounAny beetle or moth that bores into the trunks of apple and other fruit trees as larvae / a flatheaded appletree borer (Chrysobothris femorata)
Chrysomeloid beetlesapple borerEnglishnounAny beetle or moth that bores into the trunks of apple and other fruit trees as larvae / a red-belted clearwing, apple clearwing moth (Synanthedon myopaeformis)
Cicadas깽깽이Koreannounhaegeum; violinentertainment lifestyle musicderogatory
Cicadas깽깽이KoreannounAuritibicen japonicus (a type of cicada in East Asia)
Cicadas깽깽이KoreannounShort for 깽깽이걸음 (kkaengkkaeng'igeoreum, “hopping gait”).abbreviation alt-of
Cichorieae tribe plantshäränsilmäFinnishnounbullseye (centre of a target in darts and shooting competitions)
Cichorieae tribe plantshäränsilmäFinnishnoungolden marguerite, yellow chamomile, Anthemis tinctoriabiology botany natural-sciences
Cichorieae tribe plantshäränsilmäFinnishnounsunny side up egg
Cichorieae tribe plantshäränsilmäFinnishnounraw yolk of an egg when used as ingredient in a dish
Cichorieae tribe plantshäränsilmäFinnishnouncat's ear (Hypochaeris)
CitiesḫmEgyptianverbto remain ignorant of; to not know or learntransitive
Cities in Texas, USA비숍Koreannouna bishopboard-games chess games
Cities in Texas, USA비숍KoreannameBishop (names of various cities and towns)
Citrus subfamily plantsbergamotaPolishnounbergamot (tree of the orange family)feminine
Citrus subfamily plantsbergamotaPolishnounbergamot (variety of pear; also, its fruit)feminine
Citrus subfamily plantsނިޔަނދުރުDhivehinouncitrus fruit
Citrus subfamily plantsނިޔަނދުރުDhivehinounorange (colour)
Clerical vestmentscottaItaliannounsurplice, cassock, tabardfeminine
Clerical vestmentscottaItalianadjfeminine singular of cottofeminine form-of singular
Clerical vestmentscottaItaliannouncrush (infatuation)feminine
Clerical vestmentscottaItaliannounbatch (for a kiln or oven)feminine
Clerical vestmentssurplysMiddle EnglishnounA surplice (clerical vestment, also referring to an ephod)
Clerical vestmentssurplysMiddle EnglishnounA tunic similar to a surplice.
ClothingKleidGermannoundress, gown (kind of woman's garment)neuter strong
ClothingKleidGermannoungarmentarchaic neuter strong
ClothingKleidGermannounclothesformal in-plural neuter strong
ClothingZingulumGermannouncincture, girdleneuter strong
ClothingZingulumGermannouncingulumneuter strong
ClothingtogaLatinnountogadeclension-1 feminine
ClothingtogaLatinnouna garmentdeclension-1 feminine
ClothingtogaLatinnouna roofdeclension-1 feminine
ClothingtogaLatinnouna clientdeclension-1 feminine figuratively
ClothingtogaLatinnounpeacedeclension-1 feminine figuratively
ClothingtubalTagalognoundirt on clothes mixed with dried sweatBatangas
ClothingtubalTagalognoundirty clothes needing to be launderedBatangas
ClothingtubalTagalognounputting cotton in oil to be dyed afterBatangas obsolete
ClothingtubalTagalogadjsoiled; already dirty (of clothes)Batangas
ClothingелекMacedoniannounwaistcoat, vest
ClothingронOssetiannounbelt, sash
ClothingշապիկOld Armeniannounshirt
ClothingշապիկOld Armeniannouncoat, overcoat
CnidarianscarvelEnglishnounSynonym of caravel (“a light, usually lateen-rigged sailing ship”)nautical transporthistorical
CnidarianscarvelEnglishnounThe sea blubber (Cyanea capillata).
CnidarianscarvelEnglishnounA jellyfish (Medusozoa).obsolete
CoffeeкофеваркаRussiannouncoffeemaker (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee)
CoffeeкофеваркаRussiannounpercolator, coffee machine
Collective numbersmẹrẹẹrinYorubaadjall four
Collective numbersmẹrẹẹrinYorubanounall four
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounA team; a group of people who work together professionally. / A group of individuals who work together for a common purpose.countable uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounA team; a group of people who work together professionally. / A unit of approximately sixty to one hundred and twenty soldiers, typically consisting of two or three platoons and forming part of a battalion.government military politics warcountable uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounA team; a group of people who work together professionally. / A unit of firefighters and their equipment.countable uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounA team; a group of people who work together professionally. / The entire crew of a ship.nautical transportcountable uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounA team; a group of people who work together professionally. / An intelligence service.espionage government military politics warcountable informal uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounA small group of birds or animals.countable uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounAn entity having legal personality, and thus able to own property and to sue and be sued in its own name; a corporation.lawcountable uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounAny business, whether incorporated or not, that manufactures or sells products (also known as goods), or provides services as a commercial venture.businesscountable uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishnounSocial visitors or companions.uncountable
CollectivescompanyEnglishverbTo accompany, keep company with.archaic transitive
CollectivescompanyEnglishverbTo associate.archaic intransitive
CollectivescompanyEnglishverbTo be a lively, cheerful companion.intransitive obsolete
CollectivescompanyEnglishverbTo have sexual intercourse.intransitive obsolete
CollectivescorporationEnglishnounA body corporate, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.
CollectivescorporationEnglishnounThe municipal governing body of a borough or city.
CollectivescorporationEnglishnounIn Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers' and workers' representatives.historical
CollectivescorporationEnglishnounA protruding belly.dated humorous slang
CollectivesczujkaPolishnounlookout (careful observation of a designated place carried out to warn others of some danger or of someone who might interfere with some covert activity)feminine
CollectivesczujkaPolishnounlookout (soldier or troop on guard duty or sent into the field for reconnaissance purposes)government military politics warfeminine
CollectivesczujkaPolishnounsensor (automatic warning device, sensitive to changes in certain physical quantities)feminine
CollectivesczujkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of czujekaccusative form-of genitive masculine person singular
CollectivesczujkaPolishnoungenitive singular of czujekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
CollectivesstarszeństwoPolishnounseniority (the fact or state of being older)literary neuter
CollectivesstarszeństwoPolishnounantecedence, precedence (the relationship of preceding something in time or order)literary neuter
CollectivesstarszeństwoPolishnouneldersneuter obsolete
CollectivesخلقتUrdunouncreation (ie. creature; people; world)
CollectivesخلقتUrdunounnature, behaviour
ColorsarcobalenoItaliannouna group of many colors or differently colored thingsbroadly masculine
ColorsarcobalenoItalianadjrainbow; specifically: / multicoloredinvariable relational
ColorsarcobalenoItalianadjrainbow; specifically: / made up of several cultural or ideological factionsinvariable relational
ColorsarcobalenoItalianadjrainbow; specifically: / LGBTinvariable relational
ColorscăruntRomanianadjhoarymasculine neuter
ColorscăruntRomanianadjgray-haired, graymasculine neuter
ColorsgråSwedishadjboring, dull; with a boring appearancecolloquial
ColorskunengAcehneseadjyellow (having yellow as its colour)
ColorskunengAcehnesenounyellow (colour)
ColorslaiAromanianadjpoor, miserable, unfortunatefiguratively
ColorslaiAromanianadjwicked, badfiguratively
ColorsmaraagCebuanoadjof the colour orange
ColorsmaraagCebuanonounthe color orange
ColorsperangMalaynounwar (conflict involving organized use of arms)
ColorsperangMalayadjbrown (having brown colour)
ColorsperangMalaynounbrown (colour)
ColorsизумрудныйRussianadjemerald (color)
Comedyclown shoeEnglishnounA comedically oversized shoe, usually brightly colored and with a bulbous front.
Comedyclown shoeEnglishnounAn incompetent or foolish person.derogatory
ComedyhilarityEnglishnounA great amount of amusement, usually accompanied by laughter.uncountable
ComedyhilarityEnglishnounSomething that induces laughter.countable
ComedyśmieszekPolishnoundiminutive of śmiechdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ComedyśmieszekPolishnounfunny personInternet masculine person
ComedyśmieszekPolishnoungenitive plural of śmieszkafeminine form-of genitive plural
CommunicationprohlášeníCzechnounverbal noun of prohlásitform-of neuter noun-from-verb
CommunicationprohlášeníCzechnoundeclaration (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief)neuter
Communication伝言Japaneseverbto send word; to give a message
Compass pointsdayaIlocanonouneast
Compass pointsdayaIlocanonounwedding
Compass pointsdayaIlocanonounfeast
Compass pointsdayaIlocanonounany occasion involving a feast or reunion
Compass pointstimurMalaynouneast (compass point)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (in or towards the east)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (meteorology: wind from the east)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (of or pertaining to the east)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (from the East)
Compass pointsкөнсығышBashkirnouneast
Compass pointsкөнсығышBashkiradjeastern
ComputingпеньRussiannounstump, stub
ComputingпеньRussiannounblockheadanimate derogatory
ComputingпеньRussiannounPentium processorslang
Constellations in the zodiacమీనముTelugunounA fish.
Constellations in the zodiacమీనముTelugunameThe Zodiac sign Pisces.astronomy natural-sciences
Constellations in the zodiacవృషభముTelugunounbull.
Constellations in the zodiacవృషభముTelugunameThe zodiac sign Taurus supposedly shaped like bull.astronomy natural-sciences
ContainersbátVietnamesenouna small bowl that can be held in one hand, chiefly used for eating riceNorthern Vietnam
ContainersbátVietnameseverbto steer a boat rightwardnautical transport
ContainersbátVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 八romanization
ContainersmoutardierFrenchnounmustard jarmasculine
ContainersmoutardierFrenchnounmustard makermasculine
ContainersmoutardierFrenchnounbuttocks (slang)masculine
ContainerspipaPortuguesenounpipe, a wooden barrel, cask, or vat, especially for winefeminine
ContainerspipaPortuguesenounpipe, a traditional unit of liquid volume equal to 400–550 liters depending on the part of Portugalfeminine historical
ContainerspipaPortuguesenountruckload, the volume of a tankerfeminine
ContainerspipaPortuguesenounkite, a flying toy on a stringBrazil feminine
ContainersreceptacleMiddle Englishnounreceptacle, container
ContainersreceptacleMiddle Englishnounplace of refugerare
CookinggorengMalayadjto make things up on the spotcolloquial
CookinggorengMalayverbto fry
CookinggorengMalaynounthe skill of plucking a guitar string at an upbeat temposlang
CookingpieprzniePolishadvpepperily (with much pepper in a meal)
CookingpieprzniePolishadvpepperily; broadly (directly or unkindly; using sharp words)colloquial
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / to burn / [from 712] to set on fire, to light on fire
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / to burn / [from 720] to burn to ashes
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / to burn (to write data to a permanent storage medium)
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 720] to use heat or flame to prepare something for eating or using: / to grillcooking food lifestyle
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 720] to use heat or flame to prepare something for eating or using: / to broilcooking food lifestyle
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 720] to use heat or flame to prepare something for eating or using: / to frycooking food lifestyle
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 720] to use heat or flame to prepare something for eating or using: / to toastcooking food lifestyle
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 720] to use heat or flame to prepare something for eating or using: / to roastcooking food lifestyle
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 720] to use heat or flame to prepare something for eating or using: / to bakecooking food lifestyle
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 720] to use heat or flame to prepare something for eating or using: / to fire
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 850] to apply moxibustion
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 1966] to expose to sunlight and cause to change color: to tan one's skin
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 1908] (photography) to print a photograph by shining a light through a negative
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 1884] to rub chemicals
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change something by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: / [from 1960] to have a sensation, to burn (the heart)
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto convey feelings from the heart: / [from 759] to worryfiguratively
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto convey feelings from the heart: / to carefiguratively
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto convey feelings from the heart: / [from 1687] 妬く: to envy, to be jealousfiguratively
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto convey feelings from the heart: / [from 1662] to make someone happyfiguratively
Cooking焼くJapaneseverbto change on its own by means of fire, light, chemicals, or other means: to burn, to tan, to be cookedobsolete
Cookware and bakewarebarbacoaCatalannounbarbecue (fireplace or pit for grilling food)feminine
Cookware and bakewarebarbacoaCatalannounbarbecue (meat that has been cooked in such an apparatus)feminine
CorruptionplutocracyEnglishnounGovernment by the wealthy.countable uncountable
CorruptionplutocracyEnglishnounA controlling class of the wealthy.countable uncountable
CorvidscornellaCatalannouna crow, especially the carrion crow (Corvus corone)feminine
CorvidscornellaCatalannounadulteressarchaic feminine
CorvidsgaițăRomaniannounjay (bird); Eurasian jayfeminine
CorvidsgaițăRomaniannouna chatty womanfeminine figuratively
CorvidsgaițăRomaniannounlamp oil, petroleumfeminine regional
CorvidsgaițăRomaniannounkind of rustic oil lampfeminine
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA maritime former border county of England, since 1974 absorbed into Cumbria.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA unitary authority in Cumbria, England, created on 1 April 2023, replacing Allerdale borough and Copeland borough, and the city of Carlisle district, with basically the same area as the old county of Cumberland.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Allegany County, Maryland, United States.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA town in Providence County, Rhode Island, United States.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA census-designated place, the county seat of Cumberland County, Virginia, United States.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA river in Kentucky and Tennessee, United States, a tributary to the Ohio River.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA town on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameCumberland City Council, a local government area in the western suburbs of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Counties of EnglandCumberlandEnglishnameA surname.
CountriesܡܐܠܝClassical SyriacnameMali
CountriesܡܐܠܝClassical SyriacnameRepublic of Mali
CrimedecinaItaliannouna quantity of ten or so thingsfeminine
CrimedecinaItaliannounthe tens column (of a decimal number)feminine in-plural
CrimedecinaItaliannoundozen(s)feminine plural-normally
CrimedecinaItaliannouna group of ten menfeminine
CrimedecinaItaliannounan established and authorized branch of an existing crime family geographically distinct from the main body of the familyfeminine
CrimeбойовикUkrainiannounmilitant, insurgent, fighter (a member of an armed group, especially an illegal or unofficial one)personal
CrimeбойовикUkrainiannounaction movie, action filmcolloquial inanimate
CrimeподдельныйRussianadjfalse, counterfeit, fake, forged
CrimeподдельныйRussianadjimitation, artificial
CrucifersirsokkiFinnishnounChorispora tenella
CrucifersirsokkiFinnishnounany plant of the genus Chorispora
CrucifersirsokkiFinnishnounthe genus Chorisporain-plural
CurrencieskrónaEnglishnounThe currency of Iceland, divided into 100 aurar
CurrencieskrónaEnglishnounThe currency of the Faroe Islands, divided into 100 oyru
CurrenciespesetaEnglishnounThe former currency of the Spanish Empire and Andorra, divided into 100 céntimos.
CurrenciespesetaEnglishnounThe Equatorial Guinean peseta, a former currency of Equatorial Guinea
CurrenciespesetaEnglishnounThe Sahrawi peseta, de jure currency of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
CurrenciespesetaEnglishnounThe Catalan peseta, a former currency of Catalonia.
CurrencylibraCzechnounpound (unit of measure)feminine
CurrencylibraCzechnounpound (currency)feminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounmark; trace (visible impression or sign)feminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenouna scar, blemish or bruisefeminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounmark (characteristic feature)feminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounlasting impact (significant or strong influence)feminine figuratively
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounbranding iron; brand (piece of heated metal used to brand livestock)feminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounbrand (mark of ownership made by burning, especially on cattle)feminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounbrand (name, symbol, logo or other item used to distinguish a product or service)feminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenouna number used for reference or measurementfeminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounmark (score for a sporting achievement)hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenouna gold and silver coin previously used in Portugalfeminine
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounboundary; mark; limitfeminine
CurrencymarcaPortugueseverbinflection of marcar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
CurrencymarcaPortugueseverbinflection of marcar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
CurrencymarcaPortuguesenounmarkka (currency unit used in Finland until 2002)feminine
CurrencyгрошіUkrainiannounmoneyplural plural-only
CurrencyгрошіUkrainiannounlocative singular of грош (hroš)form-of locative singular
CurrencyгрошіUkrainiannounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of грош (hroš)accusative form-of nominative plural vocative
CurrencyгрошіUkrainiannounlocative singular of гріш (hriš)form-of locative singular
CurrencyгрошіUkrainiannounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of гріш (hriš)accusative form-of nominative plural vocative
CutlerylíachOld IrishnounAlternative form of líag (“spoon, ladle”)alt-of alternative feminine
CutlerylíachOld Irishadjwretched
Cuts of meatalcatraPortuguesenounrump (cut of meat from the rump of an animal)feminine
Cuts of meatalcatraPortuguesenounbuttock (of a person)feminine vulgar
Cypress family plantsعفصيةArabicnounarborvitae (Thuja gen. and spp., esp. Thuja occidentalis)
Cypress family plantsعفصيةArabicnoungall wasp (Blastophaga psenes, once Cynips psenes)
Cypress family plantsعفصيةArabicadjfeminine singular of عَفْصِيّ (ʕafṣiyy, “tannic”)feminine form-of singular
Cyrillic letter namesчеRussiannounThe Cyrillic letter Ч, ч.indeclinable
Cyrillic letter namesчеRussianpronAlternative spelling of чё (čo)alt-of alternative
Dabbling ducksgreenheadEnglishnounTabanus nigrovittatus, a biting horsefly.
Dabbling ducksgreenheadEnglishnounThe mallard.
Dabbling ducksgreenheadEnglishnounA fish, the striped bass.
Dairy productsմածունArmeniannounmatzoon
Dairy productsմածունArmeniannounyogurtWestern-Armenian colloquial
DanceshóraHungariannounhora (Romanian folk dance or its music)
DanceshóraHungariannounsublative singular of hóform-of singular sublative
DancespericoteSpanishnouna traditional dance of Asturiasmasculine
DancespericoteSpanishnounmouse (animal)Argentina Chile Ecuador Peru masculine
Day中日Japanesenouncentral Japan
Day中日JapanesenounChina and Japan, Sino-Japanese
Day中日Japanesenounthe day of an equinox
Day中日Japanesenounthe middle day
Day中日Japanesenounthe middle day
Day日暝Chineseverbto get dark; to become duskliterary
Day日暝Chineseadvday and nightHokkien
Days of the weekdydd LlunWelshnameMondaymasculine
Days of the weekdydd LlunWelshnameMonday daytimemasculine
Deathbump offEnglishverbTo kill, especially to murder.US idiomatic
Deathbump offEnglishverbTo cut class; to play truant.UK idiomatic
Deathdać życiePolishverbto give birthidiomatic intransitive literary perfective
Deathdać życiePolishverbSynonym of oddać życieidiomatic intransitive perfective
DeathresurrectionismEnglishnounBelief in, or the event of, a person being resurrected from the dead.uncountable
DeathresurrectionismEnglishnounGraverobbing.historical uncountable
DeathܬܓܪܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounskeleton
DeathܬܓܪܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounbody, corpse, cadaver, carcass
Death獄死Japanesenoundie in prison
Death獄死Japaneseverbto die in prison
DemonymsLatinEnglishadjOf or relating to Latin: the language spoken in ancient Rome and other cities of Latium.not-comparable
DemonymsLatinEnglishadjOf or relating to the script of the language spoken in ancient Rome and many modern alphabets.not-comparable
DemonymsLatinEnglishadjOf or relating to ancient Rome or its Empire.not-comparable
DemonymsLatinEnglishadjOf or relating to Latium (modern Lazio), the region around Rome.not-comparable
DemonymsLatinEnglishadjOf or relating to the customs and people descended from the ancient Romans and their Empire.not-comparable
DemonymsLatinEnglishadjOf or from Latin America or of Latin American culture.not-comparable
DemonymsLatinEnglishadjRoman Catholic; of or pertaining to the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.Christianitynot-comparable
DemonymsLatinEnglishnameThe language of the ancient Romans, other Latins and of the Roman Catholic church, especially Classical Latin.uncountable
DemonymsLatinEnglishnameThe Latin alphabet or writing system.countable uncountable
DemonymsLatinEnglishnameThe nonsense placeholder text (often based on real Latin) used in printing publishingcountable uncountable
DemonymsLatinEnglishnounA person native to ancient Rome or its Empire.historical
DemonymsLatinEnglishnounA member of an Italic tribe that included the early inhabitants of the city of Rome, and from about 1000 BC inhabited the region known as Old Latium.historical
DemonymsLatinEnglishnounA person from one of the modern European countries (including Italy, Spain etc.) whose language is descended from Latin.
DemonymsLatinEnglishnounA person from Latin America.
DemonymsLatinEnglishnounA person adhering to Roman Catholic practice.Christianity
DemonymsLatinEnglishnameA surname from Middle English.
DemonymsLeytehanonCebuanonounresident or inhabitant of Leyte
DemonymsLeytehanonCebuanoadjof or pertaining to Leyte
DemonymsTirolerGermannounTyrolean (native or inhabitant of Tyrol)masculine strong
DemonymsTirolerGermanadjof Tyrolindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsdeustoarraSpanishadjof Deustofeminine masculine relational
DemonymsdeustoarraSpanishnounsomeone from Deustoby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsgranadinoSpanishadjof Granadarelational
DemonymsgranadinoSpanishnounGrenadian (person)masculine
DemonymsgranadinoSpanishnounsomeone from Granadamasculine
DemonymslionésSpanishadjof Lyonrelational
DemonymslionésSpanishnounsomeone from Lyonmasculine
DemonymslombardoPortuguesenounLombard (member of a Germanic people who settled in Italy during the Dark Ages)masculine
DemonymslombardoPortuguesenounLombard (native of Lombardy)masculine
DemonymslombardoPortuguesenounLombard (Romance language spoken in Lombardy)masculine uncountable
DemonymslombardoPortugueseadjLombard (of or relating to Lombardy)
Demonymsmesão-friensePortugueseadjof Mesão Friofeminine masculine not-comparable relational
Demonymsmesão-friensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Mesão Frioby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Demonymsnyugat-ázsiaiHungarianadjWest Asian (of, from, or pertaining to West Asia)not-comparable
Demonymsnyugat-ázsiaiHungariannouna West Asian (a person from West Asia)
DemonymspastusoSpanishadjof Pastorelational
DemonymspastusoSpanishnounsomeone from Pastomasculine
DemonymspicardoSpanishnounPicard (person)masculine
DemonymspicardoSpanishnounPicard (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsбашқұртKazakhnounBashkir (by ethnicity)
DentistrylabsideEnglishadjRelating to activities that happen in the dental laboratory, as opposed to chairside activities.not-comparable
DentistrylabsideEnglishadvIn the dental laboratory.not-comparable
DessertsbudyńPolishnounbudino, pudding (type of cake or dessert)inanimate masculine
DessertsbudyńPolishnounpudding powder (pudding ingredients)inanimate masculine
DessertsbudyńPolishnounpiece of puddinginanimate masculine
DessertsbudyńPolishnounpudding packetinanimate masculine
DessertsflawnEnglishnounA flan (custard-based desert)obsolete
DessertsflawnEnglishnounA pancake or hotcake.obsolete
DialectsBoeotianEnglishadjPertaining to Boeotia.historical
DialectsBoeotianEnglishadjStupid, foolish, dull-witted.broadly
DialectsBoeotianEnglishnounAn inhabitant or a resident of Boeotia.historical
DialectsBoeotianEnglishnounA dull or ignorant person.broadly
DialectsBoeotianEnglishnameA dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Boeotia.historical
DialectsalguerèsCatalanadjAlgherese (of, from or relating to Alghero (in Sardinia))
DialectsalguerèsCatalannounnative or inhabitant of Alghero (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
DialectsalguerèsCatalannounAlgherese (Catalan dialect spoken in Alghero)masculine uncountable
DipteranszancudoSpanishnounmosquitoLatin-America masculine
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA tool or device used for manipulation, especially for medical and scientific uses.
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA device used to produce music; a musical instrument.
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA piece of weaponry (such as a siege engine).
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA legal document, such as a contract, deed or will.
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounThe means by which one reaches an end or effect.
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA body part that performs a certain function; an organ.
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounThe human body as a whole.
DirectivesinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounOne of the five senses.
DiscriminationdiscriminateEnglishverbTo make distinctions.intransitive
DiscriminationdiscriminateEnglishverbTo treat or affect differently, depending on differences in traits.
DiscriminationdiscriminateEnglishverbTo treat or affect differently, depending on differences in traits. / To make decisions based on prejudice.intransitive
DiscriminationdiscriminateEnglishverbTo set apart as being different; to mark as different; to separate from another by discerning differences; to distinguish.transitive
DiscriminationdiscriminateEnglishadjHaving the difference marked; distinguished by certain tokens.
DiscriminationupośledzaćPolishverbto discriminate, to handicap, to impair (to place at disadvantage)imperfective transitive
DiscriminationupośledzaćPolishverbto compromise, to cripple, to handicap, to impair, to retard (to cause impairment of)medicine sciencesimperfective transitive
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA malady, disease, or illness; that which makes one sick or ill.
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounDistress or anguish caused by love; the state of being lovesick.
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounIniquity, immorality, wickedness; that which is wrong or against nature.
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA lesion or wounding; the result of being hurt or injured.rare
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounTorment or agony; the experience of being harmed mentally.rare
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA disturbance or sickness of the mind or brain.rare
DiseasesmięśniakPolishnounmyomainanimate masculine
DiseasesmięśniakPolishnounmuscleman, bodybuildercolloquial masculine person
DiseasesmięśniakPolishnounbruiser (heavily built man, prone to physical violence and not very intelligent)colloquial masculine person
Distilled beverageskaoliangEnglishnounA sorghum-based variety of baijiu.countable uncountable
Distilled beverageskaoliangEnglishnounAny of various Chinese varieties of sorghum.countable uncountable
DivinationwieszczekPolishnounprophet, seer, soothsayer (someone who foretells the future)archaic masculine person
DivinationwieszczekPolishnounalpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus)animal-not-person masculine
DivinationwieszczekPolishnoungenitive plural of wieszczkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Divine epithetsరత్నగర్భుడుTelugunounthe sea.
Divine epithetsరత్నగర్భుడుTelugunounepithet of Kubera, the god of wealth.
DominoesdominosEnglishnounplural of dominoform-of plural
DominoesdominosEnglishnounAlternative spelling of dominoesalt-of alternative uncountable
Drinkingpie-eyedEnglishadjWith one's eyes wide open and staring in an expressionless manner; wide-eyed.informal
Drinkingpie-eyedEnglishadj(Extremely) drunk or intoxicated.broadly informal
DucksbiegusPolishnounany wading bird of the genus Calidrisanimal-not-person masculine
DucksbiegusPolishnouna duck used as an egglayeranimal-not-person masculine
DucksbiegusPolishnouna running animal, especially a horseanimal-not-person archaic masculine
EaglesorzełekPolishnoundiminutive of orzeł; eagletanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
EaglesorzełekPolishnounbooted eagle, Hieraaetus pennatusanimal-not-person masculine
EaglesossifrageEnglishnounGypaetus barbatus, the bearded vulture, the diet of which is almost exclusively bone marrow.archaic
EaglesossifrageEnglishnounThe young of the sea eagle or bald eagle.obsolete
EaglesossifrageEnglishnounThe osprey.British
EarthwormsxibuíNheengatunoungiant roundworm
EducationwhiteboardEnglishnounA writing board finished with a hard white material, which can be written upon using special non-permanent markers and subsequently wiped clean.
EducationwhiteboardEnglishnounA collaborative tool allowing several users to write and draw on the same shared display.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesbroadly
EducationwhiteboardEnglishverbTo use a whiteboard, to write on a writeboard
EducationwykładowczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of wykładowca (“lecturer”) (person who gives lectures)feminine form-of
EducationwykładowczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of wykładowca (“lecturer”) (member of university or college)feminine form-of
EducationThaicharacterrɔɔ rʉʉa (ร เรือ), the 35th consonant letter of the Thai alphabetletter
EducationThainounInitialism of รอประเมินผล (“awaiting evaluation; incomplete”), used as a grade.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Education修学Japaneseverbto learn
Education教學Chinesenounteaching; education; instruction
Education教學Chineseverbto teach (especially in a school)
Education研究生Chinesenoungraduate student; postgraduate student (i.e. at a level above an undergraduate degree)
Education研究生Chinesenoungraduate training; postgraduate training
ElectricitywiatrówkaPolishnounwindbreaker (thin outer coat designed to resist wind chill and light rain)countable feminine
ElectricitywiatrówkaPolishnounlightweight summer shoe that does not cover the entire footcolloquial countable feminine
ElectricitywiatrówkaPolishnounair gun (gun that propels a projectile by compressed air)countable feminine
ElectricitywiatrówkaPolishnounfascia, frieze (wide band of material covering the ends of roof rafters, sometimes supporting a gutter in steep-slope roofing, but typically it is a border or trim in low-slope roofing)architecturecolloquial countable feminine
ElectricitywiatrówkaPolishnounwind farm (collection of wind turbines, especially a large-scale array, used to generate electricity)colloquial countable feminine
ElectricitywiatrówkaPolishnounchicken pox, varicella (highly contagious airborne disease caused by initial infection with varicella zoster virus, typically causing a skin rash that forms small itchy blisters)colloquial feminine uncountable
ElectronicslutPolishnounsolder (any of various easily-melted alloys, commonly of tin and lead, that are used to mend, coat, or join metal objects, usually small)inanimate masculine uncountable
ElectronicslutPolishnounsolder jointcountable inanimate masculine
ElectronicsкрокодилRussiannounalligator clip
ElectronicsкрокодилRussiannoun"Clam Shell", low-altitude search and acquisition radar (76N6)government military politics war
ElectronicsкрокодилRussiannounMi-24 "Hind" helicopter gunshipaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics war
ElectronicsкрокодилRussiannounugly personcolloquial
EmotionsexcitementEnglishnounThe state of being excited (emotionally aroused).uncountable
EmotionsexcitementEnglishnounSomething that excites.countable
EmotionsruborCatalannounblush, blushingfeminine masculine
EmotionsruborCatalannounredness (inflammation)feminine masculine
Emotions過不去Chineseverbto be unable to go throughfiguratively literally
Emotions過不去Chineseverbto make things difficult or awkward for (someone)
Emotions過不去Chineseverbto not exceed
Emotions過不去Chineseverbto feel sorry
EnglandmancunianoSpanishadjof Manchester, England; Mancunian (of or relating to Manchester, England)relational
EnglandmancunianoSpanishnounMancunian (native or resident of Manchester, England)masculine
EnglishBritishismEnglishnounA word, phrase, idiom, or expression peculiar to the English language as spoken in Britain.countable uncountable
EnglishBritishismEnglishnounThe practice of British religion or culture.countable uncountable
English diminutives of male given namesRobboEnglishnameA diminutive of the given name Robert or Robin.
English diminutives of male given namesRobboEnglishnameA nickname of surname Roberts, Robertson, Robinns or Robinson.
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnameA male given name, a short form of Anthony/Antony
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnameA female given name
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnameA surname transferred from the given name
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnounAny of the statuettes awarded by the American Theatre Wing.
EntertainmentblackfaceEnglishnounA style of makeup in which a non-black person blackens their face, usually in order to portray a black person.uncountable
EntertainmentblackfaceEnglishnounA sheep of the Scottish Blackface breed.countable
EntertainmentblackfaceEnglishnounSynonym of boldfacecountable uncountable
EspionageܓܫܘܫܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounspying, espionageuncountable
EspionageܓܫܘܫܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounscouting, searching, explorationuncountable
EthicsdéterministeFrenchnoundeterministby-personal-gender feminine masculine
EthicstransgressourMiddle EnglishnounA sinner; an evildoer.Late-Middle-English
EthicstransgressourMiddle EnglishnounA criminal; a lawbreaker.Late-Middle-English
EthnonymsCreeEnglishnameAn aboriginal nation of North America.
EthnonymsCreeEnglishnameThe Algonquian language or dialect continuum spoken by this people.
EthnonymsCreeEnglishnounA member of this people.
EthnonymsCreeEnglishnameA river in Dumfries and Galloway council area, Scotland, which flows into the Solway Firth and Irish Sea.
EthnonymsCreeEnglishnameA surname.
EthnonymsbolivianskaSwedishadjinflection of boliviansk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
EthnonymsbolivianskaSwedishadjinflection of boliviansk: / pluralform-of plural
EthnonymsbolivianskaSwedishnouna female Boliviancommon-gender
EthnonymsмокшаRussiannounMokshas (Moksha people)
EthnonymsмокшаRussiannounMoksha (a person of Moksha ethnicity)
EthnonymsмокшаRussiannounpeople of the Russian Federation.Ukraine derogatory neologism offensive
EthnonymsмокшаRussiannounRussia.Ukraine derogatory neologism offensive
EthnonymsмокшаRussiannounmokshaHinduism Jainism
Evening primrose family plantsvelholehtiFinnishnounenchanter's nightshade (plant in the genus Circaea)
Evening primrose family plantsvelholehtiFinnishnounthe genus Circaeain-plural
Evening primrose family plantsvelholehtiFinnishnounSynonym of pikkuvelholehti
Explosives지뢰Koreannounland mine (explosive device)
Explosives지뢰KoreannounCertain works, characters, organizations, and parties that a particular individual (mainly a speaker) dislikes or hates; DNIlifestyleslang
Extinct languagesNorseEnglishadjOf or relating to the people, language and culture of Scandinavia.
Extinct languagesNorseEnglishadjOf or relating to the North Germanic group of languages.
Extinct languagesNorseEnglishnounThe collective Scandinavian (historically Norwegian) people.plural plural-only
Extinct languagesNorseEnglishnounSpeakers of any of the North Germanic languages.plural plural-only
Extinct languagesNorseEnglishnameSynonym of Old Norse
Extinct languagesNorseEnglishnounA size of type between Saxon and excelsior, 2+¹⁄₂-point printing publishingUS dated rare uncountable
FabricsWalschMiddle EnglishnameA person of Welsh ethnicity; a Welshman.
FabricsWalschMiddle EnglishnameA person living or residing in Wales.
FabricsWalschMiddle EnglishnameWelsh (the Insular Celtic language spoken in Wales)Middle
FabricsWalschMiddle EnglishnameA kind of woollen cloth originating from Wales.
FabricsWalschMiddle EnglishadjWelsh; from or of Wales or its people.
FabricsWalschMiddle Englishadjforeign, exotic, unfamiliar
FabricstoileEnglishnounplain or simple twilled fabriccountable uncountable
FabricstoileEnglishnouna draft garment made of inexpensive cloth for the purposes of fitting and design evaluationcountable uncountable
FacedzióbekPolishnoundiminutive of dzióbbiology natural-sciences zoology zootomydiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FacedzióbekPolishnounspoutinanimate masculine
FacedzióbekPolishnounpout, duckfaceinanimate masculine
FacejoueFrenchverbinflection of jouer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
FacejoueFrenchverbinflection of jouer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnouneyeanatomy medicine sciences
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounfountain, spring, source
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounbulb, budbiology botany natural-sciences
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounsocket
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounguide
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounintelligence, mind's eye
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounview, opinion
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounappearance, aspect
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnouncolor/colour, sparkle, luster, brightness (e.g. of wine or gems)
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnouncapital city, metropolis
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounsurface
FaceܥܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounopening, span, or arch of a bridgearchitecture
Facial expressionswydąćPolishverbto distend (to cause to bloat)perfective transitive
Facial expressionswydąćPolishverbto pout (to puff out one's lips, usually in dissatisfaction)perfective transitive
Facial expressionswydąćPolishverbto balloon out, to billow out, to bulgeperfective reflexive
Fairy talebajecznośćPolishnounfabulousness, fabulosity (the quality of being fabulous; fictitiousness)feminine
Fairy talebajecznośćPolishnounfabulousness, fabulosity (the state of being fabulous or wonderful)feminine
FamilyкопилUkrainiannounshoe last
FamilyкопилUkrainiannounstanchion on a sled
FamilyزوجOttoman Turkishnounmate, one of a pair, a single thing of a couple
FamilyزوجOttoman Turkishnounspouse, a person in a marriage or marital relationship
FamilyزوجOttoman Turkishnounpair, couple, a set of two similar things taken together
FamilyزوجOttoman Turkishnouncouple, two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship
FamilyزوجOttoman Turkishnouneven number, an integer that is divisible by twomathematics sciences
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnounbrother
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnounsibling
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnouncompanion, fellowfiguratively
FamilyقارنداشOttoman Turkishnounalike
Family人家Chinesenounfamily; household
Family人家Chinesenounfamily of a girl's betrothed
Family人家ChinesenounUsed after a noun to specify a type of person.
Family人家Chinesepronothers (i.e. besides the speaker and the listener); everybody elseMandarin Wu
Family人家Chinesepronsomeone specific that the speaker does not wish to name explicitly: he; she; theyMandarin Wu
Family人家ChinesepronI; me (first-person singular pronoun)Mandarin endearing
Family嫂子Chinesenounsister-in-law (elder brother's wife)
Family嫂子Chinesenounfriend's wife
Family memberssecond cousinEnglishnounA grandchild of a grandparent's sibling.
Family memberssecond cousinEnglishnounA relative who has with the other person only two great-grandparents in common, but where the parents and grandparents are different.
Family membersしじゃYaeyamanounolder brother
Family membersしじゃYaeyamanounolder sister
Family membersしじゃYaeyamanounsenior
Fan fictionScullyficEnglishnounA fanfic in which Dana Scully, of the The X-Files television series, is the protagonist.countable
Fan fictionScullyficEnglishnounSuch fan fiction collectively.uncountable
FantasyenchanterEnglishnounOne who enchants or delights.
FantasyenchanterEnglishnounA spellcaster, conjurer, wizard, sorcerer or soothsayer who specializes in enchantments.
FashiondowdyEnglishadjPlain and unfashionable in style or dress.
FashiondowdyEnglishadjLacking stylishness or neatness; shabby.
FashiondowdyEnglishnounA plain or shabby person.
FashiondowdyEnglishverbTo press the crust into the filling during baking, to allow the juices to caramelize on food lifestyletransitive
FelidsloSwedishintjAn intensifier put at the end of a sentence.slang
Felids山貓Chinesenounmountain cat
FemaleعورتUrdunounpudendumIslam lifestyle religion
Female childrencailínIrishnoungirl; young, unmarried womanmasculine
Female childrencailínIrishnoungirlfriendmasculine
Female childrencailínIrishnounfemale servant, maidmasculine
Female childrencailínIrishnounuseful thing (referring to a feminine noun)masculine
Female family membersbabaUpper Sorbiannounmidwife (woman who attends births, helping women in labor)feminine
Female family membersbabaUpper Sorbiannounbundt cakefeminine
Female family membersbabaUpper Sorbiannounold woman (elderly woman)feminine
Female family membersvarăRomaniannounsummerfeminine
Female family membersvarăRomaniannounfemale cousinfeminine
Female peoplebai̯tPolabianverbto beatimperfective transitive
Female peoplebai̯tPolabianverbto threshagriculture business lifestyleimperfective transitive
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA woman who tends free-range cattle, especially in the American West.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA woman who identifies with cowboy culture, including clothing such as the cowboy hat.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA playing card of queen rank.card-games gamesslang
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounA sex position where the receptive partner is on top; the cowgirl position.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishnounThe receptive partner in the cowgirl position.
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishverbTo work as a cowgirl, herding cattle.intransitive rare
Female peoplecowgirlEnglishverbTo mount someone and have sexual intercourse in the cowgirl position.rare transitive
Female peopleihoo hattak ikimikshoꞌChickasawnounspinster, old maidalienable
Female peopleihoo hattak ikimikshoꞌChickasawnounwidowalienable rare
Female peoplemaidEnglishnounA girl or an unmarried young woman; maiden.dated poetic
Female peoplemaidEnglishnounA female servant or cleaner (short for maidservant).
Female peoplemaidEnglishnounA virgin, now female but originally one of either gender.archaic
Female peoplenymphetEnglishnounA small nymph.obsolete
Female peoplenymphetEnglishnounA sexually attractive girl or young woman.
Female peopleroundheelsEnglishnounA sexually promiscuous woman.slang
Female peopleroundheelsEnglishnounplural of roundheelform-of plural
Female peopleлюбимаяRussianverbnominative feminine singular of люби́мый (ljubímyj)feminine form-of nominative participle singular
Female peopleлюбимаяRussianadjnominative feminine singular of люби́мый (ljubímyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
Female peopleлюбимаяRussiannounfemale equivalent of люби́мый (ljubímyj): female beloved, darlingfeminine form-of
FeminismfemellistaCatalanadjfemale chauvinist, misandristfeminine masculine
FeminismfemellistaCatalanadjSynonym of feminazifeminine masculine
FeminismfemellistaCatalannounfemale chauvinist, misandristby-personal-gender feminine masculine
FeminismfemellistaCatalannounSynonym of feminaziby-personal-gender feminine masculine
FeminismfeminaziSpanishadjfeminaziderogatory feminine masculine offensive
FeminismfeminaziSpanishnounfeminaziby-personal-gender derogatory feminine masculine offensive
FeudalismladyEnglishnounThe mistress of a household.historical
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA woman of breeding or higher class, a woman of authority.
FeudalismladyEnglishnounThe feminine of lord.
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA title for someone married to a lord or gentleman.
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA title that can be used instead of the formal terms of marchioness, countess, viscountess, or baroness.
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA woman: an adult female human.polite
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA polite reference or form of address to
FeudalismladyEnglishnounUsed to address a female.slang
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA wife or girlfriend; a sweetheart.informal
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound.
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA queen (the playing card).slang
FeudalismladyEnglishnounWho is a woman.attributive
FeudalismladyEnglishnounAlternative form of Lady.Wicca lifestyle religionalt-of alternative
FeudalismladyEnglishnoungastric mill, the triturating apparatus in the stomach of a lobster, consisting of calcareous plates; so called from a fancied resemblance to a seated female figure.archaic
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA five-pound note. (Rhyming slang, Lady Godiva for fiver.)UK slang
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA woman’s slang
FeudalismladyEnglishnounA queen.board-games chess gamesrare slang
FeudalismladyEnglishverbTo address as “lady”.
FictionfutanariEnglishnounA genre of Japanese anime or manga featuring intersex characters that are depicted as attractive, usually works containing female characters with a penis.anime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing televisionuncountable
FictionfutanariEnglishnounAn intersex character, usually female and with a penis, in such works.anime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing televisioncountable
FictionбайкаUkrainiannounfable, fairy-tale
FilmclaquetteFrenchnounflip-flop, thong, slide (footwear)feminine
FilmclaquetteFrenchnounclapper (music instrument)feminine
FilmclaquetteFrenchnounparryball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine
Film genresmelodramatPolishnounmelodrama (literary genre)inanimate masculine
Film genresmelodramatPolishnounmelodrama (film genre)inanimate masculine
Film genresmelodramatPolishnounmelodrama (dramatic piece with musical accompaniment and melodeclamation, popular in Italy and France in the 17th and 18th centuries)broadcasting drama dramaturgy entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterinanimate masculine
Film genresmelodramatPolishnounmelodrama (any situation or action which is blown out of proportion)colloquial figuratively inanimate masculine
FireflashoverEnglishnounThe near simultaneous ignition of all combustible material in an enclosed area.countable uncountable
FireflashoverEnglishnounAn unintended electric discharge or arc over or around an insulator.countable uncountable
FirekalayoCebuanonoundistance; remoteness
FirekalayoCebuanonounfire; flame
FirekiberitiSwahilinounmatch (device to make fire)class-7 class-8
FirekiberitiSwahilinounsulfur (chemical element)class-7 class-8
Firepilot lightEnglishnounA small, persistent flame used to ignite gas.
Firepilot lightEnglishnounA small telltale lamp on a dynamo or battery circuit whose brightness indicates the voltage of the current.
FirezapalaćPolishverbto ignite, to lightimperfective transitive
FirezapalaćPolishverbto switch on, to turn on, to startimperfective transitive
FirezapalaćPolishverbof a motor vehicle: to burn, to consume fuelimperfective informal intransitive
FirezapalaćPolishverbto catch fire, to combustimperfective reflexive
FirezapalaćPolishverbto come on, to turn onimperfective reflexive
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounOne who or that which repeats.
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA student repeating a course or
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA patient who repeatedly presents with the same symptoms.medicine sciences
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA consumer who repeatedly purchases the same goods or marketing
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounOne who votes more than once at an election.US
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA person who regularly sees unexplained sightings of paranormal phenomena.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences ufology
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA gun that has a store of cartridges and does not need reloading after each firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrydated
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA telegraphic instrument for automatically retransmitting a message.
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounAn electronic device that receives a weak or low-level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA watch with a striking apparatus which, upon pressure of a spring, will indicate the time, usually in hours and quarters.hobbies horology lifestyle
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA frigate appointed to attend an admiral in a fleet, and to repeat the admiral's signals.nautical transport
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA pennant used to indicate that a certain flag in a hoist of signal is duplicated.nautical transport
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounA repeating decimal.mathematics sciences
FirearmsrepeaterEnglishnounIn calico printing, a design repeated at equal intervals in a manufacturing textiles
FirearmssputafuocoItaliannounfirebreatherby-personal-gender feminine invariable masculine
FirearmssputafuocoItaliannounfirearmfeminine informal invariable
FirearmssputafuocoItalianadjfirebreathinginvariable relational
FishAalGermannouneelmasculine strong
FishAalGermannounbad crease or crumplemasculine strong
FishAalGermannountorpedomasculine slang strong
FishуылдырықKazakhnounroe, spawn (of fish), also small eggs of frogs or other amphibia
FlaxgrassEnglishnounAny plant of the family Poaceae, characterized by leaves that arise from nodes in the stem and leaf bases that wrap around the stem, especially those grown as ground cover rather than for grain.countable uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounVarious plants not in family Poaceae that resemble grasses.countable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounA lawn.uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounMarijuana.slang uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounAn informer, police informer; one who betrays a group (of criminals, etc) to the authorities.British countable slang
FlaxgrassEnglishnounSharp, closely spaced discontinuities in the trace of a cathode-ray tube, produced by random interference.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounNoise on an A-scope or similar type of radar display.slang uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounThe season of fresh grass; spring or summer.countable uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounThat which is transitory.countable figuratively obsolete uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounAsparagus; "sparrowgrass".countable
FlaxgrassEnglishnounThe surface of a miningcountable uncountable
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo lay out on the grass; to knock down (an opponent etc.).transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo act as a grass or informer, to betray; to report on (criminals etc) to the authorities.intransitive slang transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo cover with grass or with turf.transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo feed with grass.transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc.transitive
FlaxgrassEnglishverbTo bring to the grass or ground; to land.transitive
FlowersadoniumLatinnouna type of southernwood with a golden or bloodred flower (as if referring to the blood of Adonis)declension-2 possibly
FlowersadoniumLatinnouna method of gardeningdeclension-2 possibly
FlowersadoniumLatinnouna Adonic verse, a verse composed of a dactyl and spondeegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdeclension-2
FlowerslilieMiddle EnglishnounLilium candidum, its flower, or a similar plant (often used medicinally)
FlowerslilieMiddle EnglishnounA pure, good, and holy individual (e.g. Jesus, the Virgin Mary)
FlowerslilieMiddle EnglishnounA representation of a lily; a fleur-de-lis.rare
FlowerslilieMiddle EnglishnounWhiteness; the colour of a lily.rare
FlowerstornasolGaliciannounlitmuschemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine uncountable
FlowerstornasolGaliciannouniridescencemasculine uncountable
FlowersцветRussiannounblossom, bloom, flower
FlowersцветRussiannounflower, cream, pickfiguratively poetic
FlowersChinesecharacterhanging from a treeobsolete
FlowersChinesecharacterflower or calyx of a plant
FlowersChinesecharacterClassifier for flowers, clouds, etc.
FlowersChinesecharacterto moveobsolete
FlowersChinesecharactera surname: Duo
FlowersChinesecharacterClassifier for clusters of fruits.Min Southern
FlowersChinesecharactername; nickname; title (Classifier: 個/个 c)Cantonese
Food and drinksuppertimeEnglishnounThe time when supper takes place.countable uncountable
Food and drinksuppertimeEnglishnounThe time when supper is ready.countable uncountable
Food and drinkхарчBelarusiannounfood, grub
Food and drinkхарчBelarusiannounanimal feeding, fodder
Food and drinkхарчBelarusiannounfood for thoughtfiguratively
Food and drinkܐܘܟܠܐClassical Syriacnounfooduncountable
Food and drinkܐܘܟܠܐClassical Syriacnoungorginguncountable
FoodskašeCzechnounpaste, pulp, mashfeminine
FoodskašeCzechnounpap, porridge, gruel, puree, pudding, especially potato pureefeminine
FoodslinguineItaliannounplural of linguinafeminine form-of plural
FoodslinguineItaliannounlinguine (ribbons of pasta narrower than tagliatelle)feminine plural
Foodsmanjar blancoSpanishnouna dish made of chicken breast, sugar, milk, and rice flourmasculine
Foodsmanjar blancoSpanishnounblancmange, a dessert made with milk, almonds, sugar, and rice flourmasculine
Foodsmanjar blancoSpanishnouna dessert made with milk, sugar, maize flour, and spicesCuba masculine
Foodsmanjar blancoSpanishnouna traditional white-colored confection of condensed milk with sugar and other flavorings, having a consistency similar to peanut butter; not to be confused with dulce de lechePeru masculine
Foodsmanjar blancoSpanishnoundulce de lecheEl-Salvador Panama Peru masculine
FoodsponcheSpanishnounpunch (drink)masculine
FoodsponcheSpanishverbinflection of ponchar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
FoodsponcheSpanishverbinflection of ponchar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
FoodsқұртKazakhnounkashk (a range of dairy products used in cuisines of Iranian Turkish, Mongolian, Central Asian, Transcaucasian and the Levantine peoples)
FoodsܦܘܪܦܥܐClassical Syriacnounwhirlpool, vortex
FoodsܦܘܪܦܥܐClassical Syriacnounsplashing, flopping, floundering
FoodsܦܘܪܦܥܐClassical Syriacnounextravagance, luxury
FoodsܦܘܪܦܥܐClassical Syriacnounpleasure, voluptuousness
FoodsܦܘܪܦܥܐClassical Syriacnoundelicacies, sumptuous foodsin-plural
Foods大炊寮Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for collecting rice and paying it to officialsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Foods大炊寮Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for collecting rice and paying it to officialsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Foods大炊寮Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 宮内省 (Kunaishō, “Ministry of the Imperial Household”), responsible for collecting rice and paying it to officialsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Foods牛雜Chinesenounbeef entrails; beef offals (a common Cantonese dish)
Foods牛雜Chinesenounngiu chap; beef noodle soup with entrails (a local dish in Kota Kinabalu)Hakka Malaysia
FoodsKoreannounA verbal noun of 싸다 (ssada, “to wrap up”).
FoodsKoreannounfood wrapped in leafy vegetables; vegetable wrap
FoodsKoreannounContraction of 싸움 (ssaum, “fight”).abbreviation alt-of contraction slang
FootballripresaItaliannounround, inning, quarter, halfhobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
FootballripresaItaliannounrecovery, comebackfeminine
FootballripresaItaliannounrecovery, uptickeconomics sciencesfeminine
FootballripresaItaliannounrevivalentertainment lifestyle theaterfeminine
FootballripresaItaliannounrepeat (transmission)feminine
FootballripresaItaliannounaccelerationautomotive transport vehiclesfeminine
FootballripresaItaliannounfilmingbroadcasting film media televisionfeminine in-plural
FootballripresaItalianverbfeminine singular of ripresofeminine form-of participle singular
FootwearchaussonFrenchnounslipper (footwear)masculine
FootwearchaussonFrenchnounballet shoe (UK), ballet slipper (US)masculine
FootwearchaussonFrenchnounturnovercooking food lifestylemasculine
FootwearchaussonFrenchnouna sockLouisiana masculine
FootwearchaussonFrenchnounSynonym of savate (martial art)hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
FootwearsandalMiddle Englishnounsandal, thong, slip-on
FootwearsandalMiddle Englishnounepiscopal sandal, papal slipper
FootwearsandalMiddle Englishnounsandalwood or something made with it
ForestsostępPolishnounbackwoodsinanimate literary masculine
ForestsostępPolishnounthe basic unit of systematization of the forest in which felling works are carried outbusiness forestryinanimate masculine
Forms of governmentecclesiarchyEnglishnounA government ruled by or in conjunction with a religion; a church-state.government lifestyle politics religion
Forms of governmentecclesiarchyEnglishnounUnion of church and state.
FowlskohoutCzechnouncock, roosteranimate masculine
FowlskohoutCzechnountap, faucetinanimate masculine
FowlskohoutCzechnounhammerengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryinanimate masculine
FowlsغرغرArabicverbto gargle; to gurgle
FowlsغرغرArabicverbto boil, to seethe
FowlsغرغرArabicverbto reiterate one's voice
FowlsغرغرArabicverbto die with a death rattle in the throat
FowlsغرغرArabicverbto cut the throat of
FowlsغرغرArabicverbto pierce in the throat
FowlsغرغرArabicnounguinea-fowl (Numididae spp.)collective
FranceFrenchificationEnglishnounThe act or process of making French or more French-like, especially in informal contexts.countable uncountable
FranceFrenchificationEnglishnounSomething that has undergone frenchification, something that has frenchified and made more French-like.countable slang uncountable
FranceFrenchificationEnglishnounSynonym of Gallicization, translation into French or a French translation.countable uncountable
FruitsahuacatlCentral NahuatlnounavocadoMilpa-Alta inanimate
FruitsahuacatlCentral NahuatlnountesticleMilpa-Alta inanimate
FruitskumkwatPolishnounkumquat (tree)inanimate masculine
FruitskumkwatPolishnounkumquat (fruit)inanimate masculine
FruitspasaSpanishadjfeminine singular of pasofeminine form-of singular
FruitspasaSpanishverbinflection of pasar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FruitspasaSpanishverbinflection of pasar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FruitsρώγαGreeknounberry (of a grape) (small round fruit)
FruitsρώγαGreeknounfinger tip
Functionsrecursive functionEnglishnounAny function that uses recursion and can call itself until a certain condition is met.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Functionsrecursive functionEnglishnounAny function whose value may be obtained using a finite number of operations using a precisely specified algorithm.mathematics sciences
FungiolszóweczkaPolishnounany fungus of the genus Naucoria (syn. Alnicola)feminine
FungiolszóweczkaPolishnounAmur bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus)feminine obsolete
FurnitureմահիճքOld Armeniannounbed
FurnitureմահիճքOld Armeniannouncoffin
GamblinghasardourMiddle EnglishnounOne who plays hazard (the dice game) or participates in gambling.
GamblinghasardourMiddle EnglishnounA crafty individual who employs trickery.rare
GamesmamordsCebuanoadjsmooth and flawless; without cracks
GamesmamordsCebuanoadjbuxom; having a full, voluptuous figure, especially possessing large breasts
GamesmamordsCebuanoadjhaving flawless skin
GamespatballEnglishnounA particular children's ball game played against a wall with a tennis ball.uncountable
GamespatballEnglishnounA back-and-forth situation.figuratively uncountable
GamespatballEnglishnounThe ball used in the game of patball.countable
GamespatballEnglishnounA pawn, a football.figuratively uncountable
Gemsfirst waterEnglishnounThe highest quality of gemstones, especially of diamonds and pearls.uncountable
Gemsfirst waterEnglishnounThe highest rank or quality or the greatest degree.broadly uncountable
GemsperidotEnglishnounA transparent olive-green form of olivine, used as a gem.countable uncountable
GemsperidotEnglishnounA yellow-green colour, like that of the peridot.countable uncountable
GendertransnormativityEnglishnounNormalization of the existence of diverse transgender people and experiences.countable uncountable
GendertransnormativityEnglishnounThe assumption that transgender people should, and the pressure on them to, fit a cissexist idea of what is "normal". (Compare pass.)countable uncountable
GenitaliacooterEnglishnounA freshwater turtle of the eastern United States of the genus Pseudemys.
GenitaliacooterEnglishnounThe box turtle.
GenitaliacooterEnglishnounA redneck.slang
GenitaliacooterEnglishnounVagina or vulva.colloquial
GenitaliacooterEnglishnounAlternative form of couter (“a sovereign (coin)”)alt-of alternative
GenitaliaтоҡсайBashkirnounsmall bag, pouch
GenitaliaтоҡсайBashkirnounscrotumanatomy medicine sciences
GeometryredondoSpanishadjround (circular, cylindrical, or spherical)
GeometryredondoSpanishadjround (of a number, without fractions)
GeometryredondoSpanishadjcomplete, successful, profitable
Geraniales order plantsblágresiIcelandicnoungeranium (plant of the genus Geranium)neuter no-plural
Geraniales order plantsblágresiIcelandicnoungeranium (plant of the genus Geranium) / specifically, the wood cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum)neuter no-plural
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Ghana国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
GlassglassEnglishnounAn amorphous solid, often transparent substance, usually made by melting silica sand with various additives (for most purposes, a mixture of soda, potash and lime is added).uncountable usually
GlassglassEnglishnounAny amorphous solid (one without a regular crystal lattice).broadly countable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounA vessel from which one drinks, especially one made of glass, plastic, or similar translucent or semi-translucent material.countable
GlassglassEnglishnounThe quantity of liquid contained in such a vessel.countable metonymically uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounA mirror.countable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounA magnifying glass or telescope.countable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounA barrier made of solid, transparent material. / The backboard.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial countable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounA barrier made of solid, transparent material. / The clear, protective screen surrounding a hockey rink.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportscountable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounA barometer.countable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounTransparent or translucent.attributive countable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounAn hourglass.countable obsolete uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounLenses, considered collectively.arts hobbies lifestyle photographyinformal uncountable
GlassglassEnglishnounA pane of glass; a window (especially of a coach or similar vehicle).archaic countable uncountable
GlassglassEnglishverbTo fit with glass; to glaze.transitive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo enclose in glass.transitive
GlassglassEnglishverbClipping of fibreglass. To fit, cover, fill, or build, with fibreglass-reinforced resin composite (fiberglass).abbreviation alt-of clipping transitive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo strike (someone), particularly in the face, with a drinking glass with the intent of causing injury.UK colloquial transitive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo bombard an area with such intensity (by means of a nuclear bomb, fusion bomb, etc) as to melt the landscape into glass.literature media publishing science-fictiontransitive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo view through an optical instrument such as binoculars.transitive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo smooth or polish (leather, etc.), by rubbing it with a glass burnisher.transitive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo reflect; to mirror.archaic reflexive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo make glassy.transitive
GlassglassEnglishverbTo become glassy.intransitive
GodsNgưu LangVietnamesenamethe Cowherdarts folklore history human-sciences literature media mysticism mythology philosophy publishing sciencesChinese
GodsNgưu LangVietnamesenameAltairastronomy natural-sciences
GodsPhúcVietnamesenameFortune (one of the Three Stars)
GodsPhúcVietnamesenamea male given name from Chinese
GoldaurWelshnoungoldmasculine uncountable usually
GoldaurWelshadjgolden (made of gold)not-comparable
GoldaurWelshadjgold (in colour)not-comparable
GoldaurWelshadjgoldenfiguratively not-comparable
Goldgorączka złotaPolishnoungold rush (period of feverish migration into an area in which gold has been discovered)feminine historical
Goldgorączka złotaPolishnoungold rush (feverish obsession with seeking profits, especially in new markets)feminine figuratively idiomatic
Gourd family plantsσικύαAncient Greeknounbottle gourd (Benincasa hispida, syn. Lagenaria vulgaris)
Gourd family plantsσικύαAncient Greeknounround gourd (Cucurbita maxima)
Gourd family plantsσικύαAncient Greeknoungourd used as a calabash
Gourd family plantsσικύαAncient Greeknouncupping-instrument, because it was shaped like a gourd
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / A dean: the head of a cathedral religionhistorical
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / The head of various other ecclesiastical bodies, even (rare, obsolete) religion
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / The minister of the chief Protestant church of a town or region in Germany, the Low Countries, and religion
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / The head of various colleges and higher-educationUK
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / A ruler.obsolete
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / A mayor: the chief magistrate of a town, particularly (Scotland) the head of a burgh or (historical) the former chiefs of various towns in France, Flanders, or (by extension) other Continental European countries.
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A prior: an abbot's religionhistorical
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A senior deputy administrator; a vice-president of academic higher-educationUS
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A steward or seneschal: a medieval agent given management of a feudal estate or charged with collecting fees.historical
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A title of the archangel Michael.obsolete sometimes
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / Any manager or overseer in a medieval or early modern context.historical
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A viceroy.obsolete
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A governor.obsolete
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A reeve.obsolete
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / The head of various Roman offices, such as prefect and praetor.obsolete
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A constable: a medieval or early modern official charged with arresting, holding, and punishing criminals.historical
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / An officer of the military police, particularly provost marshal or provost sergeant.government military politics war
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / An assistant fencing master.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warhistorical
GovernmentprovostEnglishnounA provost cell: a military cell or prison.government military politics warUK obsolete slang
GovernmentprovostEnglishverbTo be delivered to a provost marshal for punishment.government military politics warUK obsolete slang transitive
Governmenttứ trụVietnamesenounthe four highest-ranking court officials in imperial Vietnam and China
Governmenttứ trụVietnamesenounthe four most important bureaucrats in the Communist Party and governmentinformal
GrammarfalVolapüknounthe action of falling
GrammarfalVolapüknoungrammatical case (in classic or original Volapük (Volapük rigik: kimfal (“nominative”), kimafal (“genitive”), borrowed from German Fall (“case”))grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounsheet (thin, flat piece of any solid material)
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounsheet (piece of paper, usually rectangular, that has been prepared for writing, printing or other uses)
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounpage (one side of a written or printed paper sheet)archaic proscribed
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounnewspaper, magazine, periodical (publication issued regularly)
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannoungreeting card, postcard (decorated card made of thick paper that is sent or given to someone)
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounplaying card (one piece out of a pack of cards used to play games)
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounpage (one of many documents opened in a tabbed interface)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounface (any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron)geometry mathematics sciences
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannountop (the flat, horizontal surface of a table or desk)
Graphical user interfacelapHungariannounflat (flat side of something, as opposed to the edge)
GrassesحشيشHijazi Arabicnoungrasscollective
GrassesحشيشHijazi Arabicnounhashishcollective
GreeceIchnaeLatinnameA city of Bottiaea, in Macedoniadeclension-1 feminine plural
GreeceIchnaeLatinnameA town in Mesopotamia situated on the river Balissusdeclension-1 feminine plural
GreeceΚάλυμνοςGreeknameKalymnos (an island in the Dodecanese)
GreeceΚάλυμνοςGreeknameKalymnos (largest town on the above island)
Greek letter namesdeltaSpanishnounGreek letter deltafeminine
Greek letter namesdeltaSpanishnouna deltageography natural-sciencesmasculine
Greensgreen beltEnglishnounSenses relating to an area of land with plants on it. / A strip of land with plants in a place which is otherwise bare.also attributive
Greensgreen beltEnglishnounSenses relating to an area of land with plants on it. / A strip of land on which trees are planted to protect against desertification, soil erosion, etc.also attributive
Greensgreen beltEnglishnounSenses relating to an area of land with plants on it. / A strip of land next to a building, open space, road, etc., with plants on it, intended for exercise or recreation.also attributive
Greensgreen beltEnglishnounSenses relating to an area of land with plants on it. / An area of agricultural land around an urban area that is protected from large-scale building.British also attributive
Greensgreen beltEnglishnounA belt which is green in colour worn by a person who has achieved a certain (usually intermediate) level of skill in a martial art, especially judo or karate; also, the level of skill represented by this belt.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports waralso attributive
Greensgreen beltEnglishnounA person who has earned the rank of green belt in a martial art.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports waralso attributive
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounA room or set of rooms / The private room of an individual, especially of someone wealthy or noble.
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounA room or set of rooms / A bedroom.
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounA room or set of rooms / The private office of a judge.
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounA room or set of rooms / The room used for deliberation by a legislature.
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounA room or set of rooms / A single law office in a building housing several.UK
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounA room or set of rooms / Rooms in a lodging house.dated plural-normally
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounEllipsis of chamber pot: a container used for urination and defecation in one's chambers.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis obsolete
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounThe legislature or division of the legislature itself.figuratively
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounAny enclosed space occupying or similar to a room.
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounAn enlarged space in an underground tunnel of a burrowing animal.biology natural-sciences
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounThe area holding the ammunition round at the initiation of its firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounOne of the bullet-holding compartments in the cylinder of a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounA short piece of ordnance or cannon which stood on its breech without any carriage, formerly used chiefly for celebrations and theatrical cannonades.historical
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishnounOne of the two atria or two ventricles of the heart.
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishverbTo enclose in a room.transitive
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishverbTo reside in or occupy a chamber or chambers.
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishverbTo place in a chamber, as a round of ammunition.transitive
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishverbTo create or modify a gun to be a specific caliber.transitive
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishverbTo prepare an offensive, defensive, or counteroffensive action by drawing a limb or weapon to a position where it may be charged with kinetic energy.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports wartransitive
Gun mechanismschamberEnglishverbTo be lascivious.obsolete
HairGoldieEnglishnameA female given name from English for a girl with golden hair, mostly American usage around 1900. It was further popularized by actress Goldie Hawn
HairGoldieEnglishnameA male or female given name from English for a golden-colored dog or bird
HairGoldieEnglishnameA surname.
HairfringeEnglishnounA decorative border.
HairfringeEnglishnounA decorative border. / A border or edging.broadly
HairfringeEnglishnounA marginal or peripheral part.also figuratively
HairfringeEnglishnounA group of people situated on the periphery of a larger community.
HairfringeEnglishnounA group of people situated on the periphery of a larger community. / Those members of a political party, or any social group, holding extremist or unorthodox views.also attributive
HairfringeEnglishnounThe periphery of an area, especially a town or city.
HairfringeEnglishnounThe periphery of an area, especially a town or city. / Used attributively with reference to Aboriginal people living on the edge of towns etc.Australia
HairfringeEnglishnounSynonym of bangs: hair hanging over the forehead, especially a hairstyle where it is cut straight across.UK
HairfringeEnglishnounA light or dark band formed by the diffraction of light.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
HairfringeEnglishnounNon-mainstream theatre.
HairfringeEnglishnounThe peristome or fringe-like appendage of the capsules of most mosses.biology botany natural-sciences
HairfringeEnglishnounThe area around the greengolf hobbies lifestyle sports
HairfringeEnglishnounA daypart that precedes or follows prime time.broadcasting media radio television
HairfringeEnglishadjOutside the mainstream.
HairfringeEnglishverbTo decorate with fringe.transitive
HairfringeEnglishverbTo serve as a fringe.transitive
HaitiPetroEnglishnounIn Haitian voodoo, a class of loa of uncertain origin, chiefly associated with fierceness or aggression.uncountable
HaitiPetroEnglishnameA surname.
HandballpiłkarzPolishnounfootballermasculine person
HandballpiłkarzPolishnounhandballermasculine person
HandballpiłkarzPolishnounvolleyballermasculine person
Heads of statekongeNorwegian Nynorsknounking / a male monarchmasculine
Heads of statekongeNorwegian Nynorsknounking / a playing piece in chessmasculine
Heads of statekongeNorwegian Nynorsknounking / a playing card with the image of a king on itmasculine
Heads of statekongeNorwegian Nynorskadjfantastic, greatslang
HeadwearmaskaraCebuanonouncut of meat and skin from the face of a pig
HeadwearmaskaraCebuanoverbto wear a mask
HeadwearmaskaraCebuanoverbto conceal
HeadwearمارطغانOttoman TurkishnounA style of turban adopted by sultan Mehmed I.
HeadwearمارطغانOttoman TurkishnounA lily, Turk's cap lily or martagon.
HealthmyschevenMiddle EnglishverbTo hurt, endanger, or injure someone (physically or otherwise)
HealthmyschevenMiddle EnglishverbTo destruct or vanquish; to afflict sorrow on someone.
HealthmyschevenMiddle EnglishverbTo end or finish negatively; to be ruined or ended.
HealthmyschevenMiddle EnglishverbTo decline; to become sick or ill.rare
HealthmyschevenMiddle EnglishverbTo make a mistake; to make a bad decision.rare
HealthcareمارستانArabicnounhospital, infirmaryhistorical
HealthcareمارستانArabicnounmadhouse, bedlamregional
Healthcare occupations密司Chinesenounmiss (title for a young woman)dated
Healthcare occupations密司ChinesenounnurseMalaysia Singapore dialectal
HearingdinigTagalognounhearing; perception of one's ears
HearingdinigTagalognounthings heard
HearingdinigTagalogadjaudible; can be heard
Hearing𐌷𐌰𐌿𐍃𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃Gothicnounsomething heard; a message or reportbroadly
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounThe food of the gods, thought to confer immortality.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounThe anointing-oil of the gods.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounAny food with an especially delicious flavour or fragrance.countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounAnything delightfully sweet and pleasing.countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounAn annual herb historically used medicinally and in cooking, Dysphania botrys.countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounA mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae.countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounAny fungus of a number of species that insects such as ambrosia beetles carry as symbionts, "farming" them on poor-quality food such as wood, where they grow, providing food for the insect.countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounA dessert made of shredded coconuts and tropical fruits such as pineapples and oranges; some recipes also include ingredients such as marshmallow and cream.countable uncountable
Heliantheae tribe plantsambrosiaEnglishnounA plant of the genus Ambrosia.countable uncountable
HerbskekikTurkishnounoregano (leaves used to flavor food)
HerbskekikTurkishnounthyme (plant of the genus Thymus)
HerbsجعفریPersiannamea surname, Jafari
HideskožešinaCzechnounfurgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
HinduismमंदिरHindinounmonastery; temple
HinduismमंदिरHindinounabode, dwelling
Historical periods弘和Japanesenamethe Kōwa era, 1381–1384 by the Southern Court reckoning
Historical periods弘和Japanesenamea male given name
Historical politiesAtropateneEnglishnameAn ancient kingdom established in the 4th century BC in modern-day Iranian Azerbaijan by the satrap Atropates.historical
Historical politiesAtropateneEnglishnamea satrapy of later Parthian and Sasanian empires; Aturpatakan; Adurbadagan; Atrapatakan
Historical politiesMindoroCebuanonamethe province of Mindorohistorical
Historical politiesMindoroCebuanonameAn island in the Philippines
HistoryseanchasIrishnounthe body of historical, genealogical, etc., information that has been handed down by traditionmasculine
HistoryseanchasIrishnounhistory, lore, ancient tale (such as a fairy tale), accountliterary masculine
HistoryseanchasIrishnounancient lawliterary masculine
HistoryseanchasIrishnounstorytelling, gossiping; chatting, inquiring about another's health, etc.masculine
History of China建國Chineseverbto found a country; to establish a nation-state; to build a nationintransitive verb-object
History of China建國Chinesenamethe foundation of the People's Republic of China in 1949Mainland-China
History of China建國ChinesenameShort for 川建國/川建国 (Chuān Jiànguó, “Donald Trump”).abbreviation alt-of humorous neologism slang
History of FranceYsEnglishnameA mythical sunken city in Brittany.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
History of FranceYsEnglishnounplural of Yform-of plural
History of GermanyhalerzPolishnounheller (13th-century coin equivalent to half a pfennig)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of GermanyhalerzPolishnounheller (subdivision of Czech koruna)animal-not-person masculine
History of GermanyhalerzPolishnounheller (subdivision of Slovak koruna)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of Korea年號Chinesenounera name (subdivision in the reign of an emperor); regnal period; regnal year
History of Korea年號Chinesenounage; eraMin Southern
History of LithuanialitPolishnounlithium (soft, silvery metal, the simplest alkali metal, the lightest solid element, and the third lightest chemical element (symbol Li) with an atomic number of 3)inanimate masculine
History of LithuanialitPolishnounlithium carbonate (lithium salt of carbonic acid, Li2CO3, used in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, and medically, in the treatment of bipolar disorder)chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesinanimate informal masculine
History of LithuanialitPolishnounlitas (former unit of currency of Lithuania)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of PolandmarkaPolishnounbrand (consumer identity)feminine
History of PolandmarkaPolishnounconvertible mark (former unit of currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina)feminine historical
History of PolandmarkaPolishnounostmark (former unit of currency of East Germany)feminine historical
History of PolandmarkaPolishnounmark (former unit of currency of Estonia)feminine historical
History of PolandmarkaPolishnounmarkka (former unit of currency of Finland)feminine historical
History of PolandmarkaPolishnounDeutsche Mark (former unit of currency of Germany)feminine historical
History of PolandmarkaPolishnounmark (former unit of currency of Poland)feminine historical
History of PolandmarkaPolishnoungenitive singular of marekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
HolidaysAll HallowsEnglishnameThe saints, taken collectively.archaic
HolidaysAll HallowsEnglishnameAll Saints' Day, the 1st of November; the Christian feast day honoring all Christian saints.archaic
Home appliancesgrecaSpanishnounmoka potCaribbean feminine
Home appliancesgrecaSpanishnounfret, fretworkfeminine
Home appliancesgrecaSpanishadjfeminine singular of grecofeminine form-of singular
Home applianceskrāsnsLatviannounstove (closed device for heating)declension-6 feminine first-person
Home applianceskrāsnsLatviannounoven (closed heated device for baking or roasting food)declension-6 feminine first-person
Home applianceskrāsnsLatviannounfurnace, boiler (device where fuel is burned to as to obtain heated water, vapor, etc. for further use)declension-6 feminine first-person
Home applianceskrāsnsLatviannounoven, furnace, kiln (device for heating material being processed)declension-6 feminine first-person
HominidsbílaʼashdlaʼiiNavajonounHomo sapiens
HominidsbílaʼashdlaʼiiNavajonounClematis ligusticifolia
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA polypeptide hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland in many animals including humans, that promotes growth and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA polypeptide hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland in many animals including humans, that promotes growth and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. / The human homologue specifically: human growth hormone.countable often uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / somatropin, an rhGH (for humans).countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / somatrem, an rhGH (for humans).countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / rBST (for cattle).countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / rBGH (for cattle).countable uncountable
Horse racingsteeplechaseEnglishnounA horse race, either across open country, or over an obstacle course.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsBritish
Horse racingsteeplechaseEnglishnounAn athletics event in which the runners have to run 3000 metres round a track, jumping hurdles and a water obstacle along the way.athletics hobbies lifestyle sports
Horse racingsteeplechaseEnglishverbTo take part in a steeplechase event.
Horse racing馬仔Chinesenounfoal (Classifier: 隻/只 c)Cantonese Min Northern Southern Southwestern-Mandarin
Horse racing馬仔ChinesenounhorseTaiwanese-Hokkien
Horse racing馬仔Chinesenounracehorse (especially for horse betting)Cantonese
Horse racing馬仔Chinesenounsubordinate; underling (Classifier: 個/个 c)Cantonese
Horse racing馬仔Chinesenounerrand runnerMin Southern
Horse racing馬仔Chinesenoungang follower; gang member (Classifier: 個/个 c)
Horse racing馬仔ChinesenounpickpocketMin Northern
Horse racing馬仔ChinesenounsachimaCantonese
Horse racing馬仔Chinesenounbridge (of a stringed instrument, e.g. huqin and guzheng)Cantonese
Horse tackbreechenEnglishnounA rope used to limit the recoil of a cannon on a shiphistorical
Horse tackbreechenEnglishnounThe part of the harness that fits over the horse's rump and holds the load back or permits the horse to back it up
Horse tackπόρπαξAncient Greeknounhandle of a shield, probably a ring or loop inside the shield, which could be taken out at pleasure
Horse tackπόρπαξAncient Greeknounpart of the headgear of a horse
Horse tackπόρπαξAncient Greeknounsurgical fibulamedicine sciences surgery
Horse tackстремяRussiannounstirrup
Horse tackстремяRussiannounstapesanatomy medicine sciences
Horse tackстремяRussianverbpresent adverbial imperfective participle of стреми́ть (stremítʹ)adverbial form-of imperfective participle present
HorseshoppeNorwegian Nynorsknouna mare (adult female horse)feminine
HorseshoppeNorwegian Nynorskverbto jump
Horseswild horseEnglishnounA member of the species Equus ferus, sometimes excluding the domesticated horse.
Horseswild horseEnglishnounA feral horse.
Horseswild horseEnglishnounAn untamed horse.
HorsesխրխնջալArmenianverbto neigh
HorsesխրխնջալArmenianverbto laugh in an unrestrained mannerfiguratively
HygienescourEnglishverbTo clean, polish, or wash (something) by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously, frequently with an abrasive or cleaning agent.transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo remove debris and dirt (from something) by purging; to sweep along or off by a current of water.transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo clear the digestive tract (of an animal) by administering medication that induces defecation or vomiting; to purge.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologytransitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo (cause livestock to) suffer from diarrhoea or dysentery.biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyintransitive transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo cleanse (something) without rubbing.intransitive obsolete transitive
HygienescourEnglishnounThe removal of sediment caused by swiftly moving water.countable uncountable
HygienescourEnglishnounA place scoured out by running water, as in the bed of a stream below a waterfall.countable uncountable
HygienescourEnglishnounA place where wool is washed to remove grease and impurities prior to processing.countable uncountable
HygienescourEnglishverbTo search an area thoroughly.transitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo run with speed; to scurry.intransitive
HygienescourEnglishverbTo move swiftly over; to brush along.transitive
HygieneシャボンJapanesenouna soap bubble
Ibises and spoonbillsespàtulaCatalannounspatula (kitchen utensil)feminine
Ibises and spoonbillsespàtulaCatalannounspoonbill (wading bird)feminine
IceledenicaSerbo-Croatiannounicebox, freezer
IceledenicaSerbo-Croatiannounice cave
Illinois, USAチェスターフィールドJapanesenameChesterfield
Illinois, USAチェスターフィールドJapanesenounSynonym of チェスターフィールドコート (Chesutāfīrudo kōto, “Chesterfield coat”)
IndiarupeeEnglishnounThe common name for the monetary currencies used in modern India, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, the Seychelles, or Sri Lanka, often abbreviated ₨.
IndiarupeeEnglishnounA silver coin circulating in India between the 16th and 20th centuries, weighing one tola (formerly 170–180 troy grains; from 1833, 180 troy grains).historical
IndiarupeeEnglishnounThe primary currency of
IndividualsHomerEnglishnameAncient Greek poet; author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.countable uncountable
IndividualsHomerEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.countable uncountable
IndividualsHomerEnglishnameA town, the county seat of Banks County, Georgia, United States.countable uncountable
IndividualsHomerEnglishnameA town, the parish seat of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, United States.countable uncountable
IndividualsHomerEnglishnameA number of townships in the United States, listed under Homer Township.countable uncountable
IndividualsHomerEnglishnameA surname from Middle English.
IndividualsPeadarIrishnamea male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Petermasculine
IndividualsPeadarIrishnamePeter (Apostle)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
IndividualsPietariFinnishnamePeter (biblical character).
IndividualsPietariFinnishnamea male given name, equivalent to English Peter
IndividualsPietariFinnishnameSaint Petersburg (a federal city of Russia), and former capital (1732–1918).
IndividualsZamenhofoEsperantonamea surname
IndividualsZamenhofoEsperantonameL. L. Zamenhof, inventor of Esperanto.
InjuriesodparzeniePolishnounverbal noun of odparzyćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
InjuriesodparzeniePolishnounchafe, intertrigo (injury or wear caused by friction)countable neuter
Inorganic compoundsугарRussiannouncarbon monoxide
Inorganic compoundsугарRussiannounmetal loss
Inorganic compoundsугарRussiannounfumes (from the exhaust pipe)
Inorganic compoundsугарRussiannounfrenzy, crazefiguratively
Inorganic compoundsугарRussiannounsomething very funnycolloquial
Inorganic compoundsنشادرArabicnounammonium chloride, sal ammoniac
Inorganic compoundsنشادرArabicnounammonia
InsectsmyggNorwegian Nynorsknouna mosquito (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood)biology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
InsectsmyggNorwegian Nynorsknounsomething small (and insignificant)broadly figuratively masculine
InsectsmyggNorwegian Nynorsknouna small microphone that is or can be fit to a personmasculine
InsectsmyggNorwegian Nynorsknouna footballer (soccer) under ten years of ageball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsmasculine
InsectspiolloGaliciannouna certain sickness that causes tongue warts in cattlein-plural masculine
InsectsspāreLatviannounrafterdeclension-5 feminine
InsectsspāreLatviannountrussdeclension-5 feminine
InsectsspāreLatviannoundragonfly, flying adderdeclension-5 feminine
InsectsspāreLatviannounBallerus (a genus of fish)declension-5 feminine
Insectsuk-okCebuanonounshy person
IranSafavidEnglishadjRelating to the Safavid dynasty, a Muslim dynasty which ruled Iran between the 16th and 18th centuries.not-comparable
IranSafavidEnglishnounA member of the Safavid dynasty.
IranSafavidEnglishnounA member of the Safavid Empire, an Iranian.informal
IslamܡܫܠܡܢܐClassical Syriacnounbetrayer, traitor; deserter
IslamܡܫܠܡܢܐClassical SyriacnounMuslim
IslamChinesecharacterto turn around
IslamChinesecharacterto return; to go back
IslamChinesecharacterUsed after a verb to indicate a movement back to the original place; back
IslamChinesecharacterto circle; to wind
IslamChinesecharacterto reply; to respond; to answer
IslamChinesecharacterto decline; to refuse
IslamChinesecharacterto avoid
IslamChinesecharacterClassifier for chapters.
IslamChinesecharacterClassifier for number of occurrences of events: times
IslamChinesecharacterHui ethnic group
IslamChinesecharacterMuslim; anything related to Islamdated
IslamChinesecharacterthatEastern Min
IslamChinesecharacterthenEastern Min
JapankaraokePolishnounkaraoke (form of entertainment)indeclinable neuter
JapankaraokePolishnounkaraoke pubindeclinable neuter
Japanese fictionたねつけJapanesenounmating (causing mating) of animals
Japanese fictionたねつけJapanesenounfucking a woman with the debasing objective of impregnatingfiction lifestyle literature media pornography publishing sexualityslang
JewelryܦܝܘܣܝܓClassical Syriacnouncollar, halter
JewelryܦܝܘܣܝܓClassical Syriacnounnoose, snare
JewelryܦܝܘܣܝܓClassical Syriacnounnecklace
JordanйорданськийUkrainianadjEpiphany, Jordan (both attributive) (of or relating to the traditional blessing of water on a stream or lake (particularly at a hole cut through the ice) conducted on the Eastern Orthodox feast of the Epiphany marking the baptism of Christ in the River Jordan (held on 19 January in the Gregorian calendar))relational
JudaismsefardíSpanishadjSephardicfeminine masculine
JudaismsefardíSpanishnounSephardiby-personal-gender feminine masculine
KitchenwaretemseMiddle Englishnounsieve
KitchenwaretemseMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of temsenalt-of alternative
Kites (birds)каняBulgariannounkite (bird of genus Milvus)
Kites (birds)каняBulgarianverbto invite, to incitetransitive
Kites (birds)каняBulgarianverbto intendreflexive
Ladin cardinal numbersotLadinadjeight
Ladin cardinal numbersotLadinnouneightmasculine uncountable
LandformsdakEastern Mnongnounwater
LandformsdakEastern Mnongnounlake
LandformshegyHungariannounpoint (of pencil, knife), tip (of finger, tongue, nose)
LandformsберегUkrainiannounbank, shore, coast, beach
LandformsберегUkrainiannounThe edge or border of a hole or trench. (compare Middle English brinke)
LandformsберегUkrainiannounThe edge of a cup, glass, bowl, or of a cloth, fabric, tissue. (compare Middle English brinke)in-plural
LandformsберегUkrainiannounmargins (the edges of the paper, typically left blank when printing)in-plural
LandformsвӯннKildin Saminounsea bay
LandformsвӯннKildin Saminounfjord
LandformsबेटMarathinouncluster or clump of bamboo or plantain trees or shrubs
LandformsਵਾਦੀPunjabinounvalley, vale
LanguagesAcholiEnglishnounA member of people in northern Uganda and southern often
LanguagesAcholiEnglishnameA Nilo-Saharan language spoken primarily by this people, in the districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader, a region known as Acholiland in northern Uganda.
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the mythical island of Atlantis.
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishnounA pillar or statue in the form of an architectural atlas.
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishadjOf or like the Greek titan Atlas, who carries the heavens on his shoulders, as in Atlantean strengthnot-comparable
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishadjOf the celestial spheres carried by Atlasfiguratively not-comparable
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishadjOf an architectural atlas or atlantid, or reminiscent of such: atlantean figuresnot-comparable
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishadjOf the mythical island of Atlantis, its people, or its civilization.not-comparable
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishadjflooded or submerged, especially in case of a natural disaster, reminiscent of the way Atlantis sank into the oceanfiguratively not-comparable
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishadjof Saturn's moon Atlasnot-comparable
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishnameThe language supposedly spoken by the inhabitants of Atlantis.
LanguagesAtlanteanEnglishnameA constructed language invented for the 2001 animated film Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
LanguagesIrulaEnglishnounA member of a Dravidian ethnic group living around the Nilgiri mountains in India.
LanguagesIrulaEnglishnameTheir language, written in the Tamil script.
LanguagesLezghianEnglishnameA language spoken by the Lezgin people who live in southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan.
LanguagesLezghianEnglishnounA person who belongs to this group.
LanguagesMandanEnglishnounAn ethnic Native American tribe in North Dakota.plural plural-only
LanguagesMandanEnglishnameThe extinct language of this tribe.
LanguagesMandanEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Morton County, North Dakota.
LanguagesMandanEnglishnameA ghost town in Michigan.
LanguagesMongoljanMaltesenounMongolian (person)masculine
LanguagesMongoljanMaltesenounMongolian (language)
LanguagesMundariEnglishnameA Munda language spoken by tribes in the Indian states of Jharkhand, Odisha, and West Bengal, and in northern Bangladesh.
LanguagesMundariEnglishnameAn Eastern Nilotic language spoken by an ethnic group of South Sudan.
LanguagesNgarrindjeriEnglishnounA member of the Australian Aboriginal group native to the lower Murray River and Coorong area of Australia.
LanguagesNgarrindjeriEnglishnameA Pama-Nyungan Australian Aboriginal suffixing language spoken by the Ngarrindjeri people.
LanguagesNgarrindjeriEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Ngarrindjeri people, culture, or language.not-comparable
LanguagesWandaEnglishnameA female given name from Polish.
LanguagesWandaEnglishnameA Bantu language of Tanzania.
LanguagesacanoSpanishnounAkan (Niger-Congo language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesacanoSpanishnounAkan (language group spoken in Ghana)masculine uncountable
LanguagesgeorgianoItalianadjGeorgian (all senses)
LanguagesgeorgianoItaliannounGeorgian (all senses)masculine
LanguagesgeorgianoItaliannounGeorgian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagespascoensePortuguesenounRapa Nui (Eastern Polynesian language spoken in Easter Island)masculine
LanguagespascoensePortugueseadjof Easter Islandfeminine masculine relational
LanguagespraindoeuropejskiPolishnounProto-Indo-European (reconstructed language)inanimate masculine
LanguagessardoSpanishadjSardinian (relating to Sardinia)
LanguagessardoSpanishnounsardchemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
LanguagessardoSpanishnounSardinian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagestataariFinnishnounTatar (person)
LanguagestataariFinnishnounTatar (language)
LanguagesարևելահայերենArmeniannounEastern Armenian
LanguagesարևելահայերենArmenianadvin Eastern Armenian
LanguagesարևելահայերենArmenianadjEastern Armenian (of or pertaining to the language)
LanguagesબંગાળીGujaratinouna Bengali
LanguagesબંગાળીGujaratinameBengali language
LarksшеваSerbo-Croatiannounsexual intercourseslang
Latin nomina gentiliaVariniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVariniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Publius Varinius, a Roman praetordeclension-2
LatviaLetsAfrikaansadjSynonym of Lettiesnot-comparable
LatviaLetsAfrikaansnameSynonym of Letties
LaughterkomēdijaLatviannouncomedy (an artistic work (play, movie, book, etc.) in which conflicts and characters are portrayed in a way that causes laughter)declension-4 feminine
LaughterkomēdijaLatviannouncomedy (a funny, humorous event)declension-4 feminine figuratively
LaughterkomēdijaLatviannouna celebration in which songs in honor of Dionysius were sung in a processiondeclension-4 feminine
LaughterkomēdijaLatviannounhypocritical, deceitful behaviordeclension-4 feminine
LaundrywasherwomanEnglishnounA woman who washes people's laundry.
LaundrywasherwomanEnglishnounA double drummer, large cicada of Australia, of species Thopha saccata.colloquial
LaundrywasherwomanEnglishnounA weedy plant of the Americas (Alternanthera caracasana).
Laurel family plantsahuacatlCentral NahuatlnounavocadoMilpa-Alta inanimate
Laurel family plantsahuacatlCentral NahuatlnountesticleMilpa-Alta inanimate
LawlibelEnglishnounA written or pictorial false statement which unjustly seeks to damage someone's reputation.countable
LawlibelEnglishnounThe act or tort of displaying such a statement publicly.uncountable
LawlibelEnglishnounAny defamatory writing; a lampoon; a satire.countable
LawlibelEnglishnounA written declaration or statement by the plaintiff of their cause of action, and of the relief they seek.lawcountable
LawlibelEnglishnounA brief writing of any kind, especially a declaration, bill, certificate, request, supplication, etc.countable
LawlibelEnglishverbTo defame (someone), especially in a manner that meets the legal definition of libel.transitive
LawlibelEnglishverbTo proceed against (goods, a ship, etc.) by filing a legal claim.transitive
LawफिरयादAhiraninounlegal action, suitfeminine
Law enforcementLAPDEnglishnameInitialism of Los Angeles Police Department.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Law enforcementLAPDEnglishnounLink Access Procedures, D channel; specified in ITU-T Q.920 and ITU-T Q.921. The second layer protocol on the ISDN protocol stack.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunicationsplural plural-only
LeaderschieftainEnglishnounA leader of a clan or tribe.
LeaderschieftainEnglishnounA leader of a group.broadly
LeadersgeneralEnglishadjIncluding or involving every part or member of a given or implied entity, whole, etc.; common to all, universal.
LeadersgeneralEnglishadjApplied to a person (as a postmodifier or a normal preceding adjective) to indicate supreme rank, in civil or military titles, and later in other terms; pre-eminent.postpositional sometimes
LeadersgeneralEnglishadjPrevalent or widespread among a given class or area; common, usual.
LeadersgeneralEnglishadjNot limited in use or application; applicable across a broad range.
LeadersgeneralEnglishadjGiving or consisting of only the most important aspects of something, ignoring minor details; indefinite.
LeadersgeneralEnglishadjNot of a specific class; miscellaneous.
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounThe holder of a senior military title, originally designating the commander of an army and now a specific rank falling under field marshal (in the British army) and below general of the army or general of the air force in the US army and air forces.government military politics warcountable uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounA great strategist or tactician.countable uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounA general fact or proposition; a generality.archaic countable uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounThe head of certain religious orders, especially Dominicans or Jesuits.Christianitycountable uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounA commander of naval forces; an admiral.nautical transportcountable uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounA general servant; a maid with no specific duties.colloquial countable historical uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounA general anesthetic.countable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounGeneral anesthesia.uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounThe general insurance insuranceuncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishnounA xiangqi piece that is moved one point orthogonally and confined within the palace.board-games games xiangqicountable uncountable
LeadersgeneralEnglishverbTo lead (soldiers) as a general.
LeadersgeneralEnglishadvIn a general or collective manner or sense; in most cases; upon the whole.not-comparable obsolete
LegumespopondoYorubanounA type of clay waterpot
LegumespopondoYorubanounlima bean, jack bean
LegumesφακήGreeknounlentil (leguminous seed and grocery product)
LegumesφακήGreeknoundish made from lentils
LightiluminacjaPolishnounillumination (the act of illuminating, or supplying with light; the state of being illuminated)feminine literary
LightiluminacjaPolishnounbrainwave, brainstorm, light-bulb momentfeminine literary
LightiluminacjaPolishnounenlightenment (concept in spirituality, philosophy, and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason, and knowledge)human-sciences lifestyle philosophy religion sciencesfeminine
LightiluminacjaPolishnounvignette (decorative design at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book)media printing publishingfeminine
LightiluminacjaPolishnounillumination (adornment of books and manuscripts with colored illustrations)feminine historical
LightpellucidEnglishadjAllowing the passage of light; translucent or transparent.literary
LightpellucidEnglishadjEasily understood; clear.figuratively literary
LightpellucidEnglishadjOf music or some other sound: not discordant or harsh; clear and pure-sounding.figuratively literary
LightpellucidEnglishadjOf a person, their mind, etc.: able to think and understand clearly; not confused; clear, sharp.figuratively literary
LightpellucidEnglishadjEasily recognized or seen through; apparent, obvious.archaic figuratively literary
LightpellucidEnglishnounSomething which allows the passage of light; a translucent or transparent object.obsolete rare
Light sourcesSunneSaterland Frisiannamethe Sunfeminine
Light sourcesSunneSaterland Frisiannounsunfeminine
Light sourcesSunneSaterland Frisiannounsunburnfeminine
Light sourcesfósforoSpanishnounphosphorusmasculine
Light sourcesfósforoSpanishnounmatch, matchstickmasculine
Light sourceskandilIndonesiannouncandle
Light sourceskandilIndonesiannounlamp
Light sourceslampaLatviannounlampdeclension-4 feminine
Light sourceslampaLatviannounradio valve, thermionic valvedeclension-4 feminine
Light sourceslampaLatviannounvacuum tubedeclension-4 feminine
Light sourcessoleilFrenchnounsun (star)masculine
Light sourcessoleilFrenchnounsunflowermasculine
Ligurian diacritical marks◌́LiguriancharacterA diacritical mark of the Latin script, called acénto acûto (“acute accent”) in Ligurian, and found on É/é and Ó/ó.diacritic
Ligurian diacritical marks◌́LiguriancharacterA diacritical mark of the Latin script, called acénto acûto (“acute accent”) in Ligurian, and found on É/é and Ó/ó. / Used to denote stressed /e/, /u/diacritic
LiquidsbiflowenMiddle EnglishverbTo overflow, deluge or flood; to cover in water.rare
LiquidsbiflowenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread or bathe (in information); to disseminate.rare
LiquidsfuelEnglishnounSubstance consumed to provide energy through combustion, or through chemical or nuclear reaction.countable uncountable
LiquidsfuelEnglishnounSubstance that provides nourishment for a living organism; food.countable uncountable
LiquidsfuelEnglishnounSomething that stimulates, encourages or maintains an action.countable figuratively uncountable
LiquidsfuelEnglishverbTo provide with fuel.
LiquidsfuelEnglishverbTo exacerbate, to cause to grow or become greater.
LiquidsviscousEnglishadjHaving a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid (that is, a high viscosity).
LiquidsviscousEnglishadjOf or pertaining to viscosity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Literary genresbiographyEnglishnounA person's life story, especially one published.countable uncountable
Literary genresbiographyEnglishnounThe art of writing this kind of story.countable uncountable
Literary genresbiographyEnglishverbTo write a biography of.transitive
LiteratureскороченняUkrainiannounabridgement, abridgment
LiteratureскороченняUkrainiannounabatement, downsizing
Littorinimorphssea trumpetEnglishnounEcklonia buccinalis, a large blackish seaweed of the Southern Ocean, having a hollow and expanding stem and a pinnate frond.countable uncountable
Littorinimorphssea trumpetEnglishnounAny large marine univalve shell of the genus Triton.countable uncountable
LondonBelgravianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Belgravia, London.
LondonBelgravianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the fashionable or aristocratic life; fashionable, aristocratic.broadly
LondonBelgravianEnglishnounA resident of Belgravia, London.
LondonBelgravianEnglishnounA member of the fashionable or aristocratic society assumed to reside in Belgravia.broadly
LondonCheapsideEnglishnameAny of several streets in English towns and cities that were originally marketplaces.
LondonCheapsideEnglishnameA street, and surrounding district, in the City of London; links Newgate Street, Cornhill, Threadneedle Street, Poultry and Lombard Street (and others).
LondonCheapsideEnglishnameA village mostly in Sunninghill and Ascot parish, Windsor and Maidenhead borough, Berkshire, England (OS grid ref SU9469).
LondonCheapsideEnglishnameA hamlet in Anstey parish, East Hertfordshire district, Hertfordshire, England (OS grid ref TL4033).
LondonCheapsideEnglishnameA community of Haldimand County, Ontario, Canada.
LondonCheapsideEnglishnameA ghost town in Gonzales County, Texas, United States.
LondonCheapsideEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Northampton County, Virginia, United States.
Lovelove bombEnglishnounAn attempt to influence a person by lavish demonstrations of attention and affection.
Lovelove bombEnglishverbAlternative form of love-bombalt-of alternative
Love戀愛Chinesenounromantic love; love affair
Love戀愛Chineseverbto love; to be in love; to date
MachinesfresaItaliannounmilling cutter (engineering)feminine
MachinesfresaItalianverbinflection of fresare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
MachinesfresaItalianverbinflection of fresare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MachineshorologiumLatinnoundevice used to measure the time of day, particularly / sundialdeclension-2
MachineshorologiumLatinnoundevice used to measure the time of day, particularly / water clockdeclension-2
MachineshorologiumLatinnoundevice used to measure the time of day, particularly / clock, watchNew-Latin declension-2
MahabharataAnantaEnglishnameOne of the names of Lord Vishnu.Hinduism
MahabharataAnantaEnglishnameIn the Mahabharata, the serpent, or Vasuki, is the son of Kasyapa, through Kadru as her eldest son.
MahabharataAnantaEnglishnameA male given name from Sanskrit, commonly used in India.
MaleSchwagerGermannounbrother-in-lawmasculine strong
MaleSchwagerGermannounin-law; a fairly distant relative by marriagebroadly masculine strong
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA mammal of the family Canidae: / The species Canis familiaris (sometimes designated Canis lupus familiaris), domesticated for thousands of years and of highly variable appearance because of human breeding.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA mammal of the family Canidae: / Any member of the family Canidae, including domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, and their relatives (extant and extinct); canid.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA mammal of the family Canidae: / A male dog, wolf, or fox, as opposed to a bitch or vixen.attributive countable often uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounThe meat of this animal, eaten as food.uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA person: / A dull, unattractive girl or woman.countable derogatory slang uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA person: / A man, guy, chap.countable slang uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA person: / Someone who is cowardly, worthless, or morally reprehensible.countable derogatory uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA person: / A sexually aggressive man.countable slang uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / Any of various mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening something, particularly with a tooth-like projection.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / A click or pallet adapted to engage the teeth of a ratchet wheel, to restrain the back action.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / A metal support for logs in a fireplace.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA mechanical device or support: / A double-ended side spike driven through a hole in the flange of a rail on a tramway.transportcountable historical uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounThe eighteenth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA hot dog: a frankfurter, wiener, or similar sausage; or a sandwich made from this.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounAn underdog.card-games pokercountable slang uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounFoot; toe.countable in-plural slang uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnoun(from "dog and bone") Phone or mobile phone.Cockney countable slang uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounOne of the cones used to divide up a racetrack when training horses.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounSomething that performs poorly.countable informal uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounSomething that performs poorly. / A flop; a film that performs poorly at the box office.broadcasting film media televisioncountable informal uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA cock, as of a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryarchaic countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishnounA dance having a brief vogue in the 1960s in which the actions of a dog were mimicked.countable uncountable
Male animalsdogEnglishverbTo pursue with the intent to catch.transitive
Male animalsdogEnglishverbTo follow in an annoying or harassing way.transitive
Male animalsdogEnglishverbTo fasten a hatch securely.nautical transporttransitive
Male animalsdogEnglishverbTo watch, or participate, in sexual activity in a public place.intransitive
Male animalsdogEnglishverbTo intentionally restrict one's productivity as employee; to work at the slowest rate that goes unpunished.intransitive transitive
Male animalsdogEnglishverbTo criticize.slang transitive
Male animalsdogEnglishverbTo divide (a watch) with a comrade.government military politics wartransitive
Male animalsdogEnglishadjOf inferior quality; dogshit.not-comparable slang
Male animalspullEstoniannounbull, ox (male non-castrated bovine)
Male animalspullEstoniannounany male animal, especially a moosebroadly
Male animalspullEstoniannounbubble
Male animalspullEstonianadjfunny, strangecolloquial
Male animalspullEstoniannounjoke, prank, trick (a strange, funny story or incident)colloquial
Male animalspullEstoniannounloaf of breadobsolete
Male animalspullEstoniannounfloat (fishing, angling)
Male family membersnephewEnglishnounA son of one's sibling, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; either a son of one's brother (fraternal nephew) or a son of one's sister (sororal nephew).
Male family membersnephewEnglishnounA son of one's cousin or cousin-in-law
Male family membersnephewEnglishnounA son of one's child.archaic
Male family membersplemmäänikkaIngriannounnephew
Male family membersplemmäänikkaIngriannounniblingsin-plural
Male family memberswujekPolishnounmaternal unclemasculine person
Male family memberswujekPolishnounpaternal unclemasculine person
Male family memberswujekPolishnounhusband of an auntmasculine person
Male family memberswujekPolishnounany dance fly belonging to the genus Empisanimal-not-person masculine
Male family membersвуйUkrainiannounmaternal uncledialectal
Male family membersвуйUkrainiannoungaffer (an older man)dialectal
Male family membersдідUkrainiannoungrandfather, grandpa, old man
Male family membersдідUkrainiannounone of the mummers in a Malánka group at New Year's
Male family membersдідUkrainiannouna person who pours wax/visk for healing purposes (віск зливати (visk zlyvaty))
Male family membersдідUkrainiannounthe ceremonial sheaf of grain, сніп (snip), at Christmas Eve
Male family membersдідUkrainiannounthe burning snip after Christmas (magúlia)
Male family membersдідUkrainiannounhay under / on table at Christmas Eve supper
Male peopleapostołPolishnounapostle (pioneer or early advocate of a particular cause, prophet of a belief)masculine person
Male peopleapostołPolishnounapostle (missionary, or leader of a religious mission, especially one in the early Christian Church)Christianitymasculine person
Male peopleapostołPolishnounadvisor; caregiver; mentormasculine obsolete person
Male peopleapostołPolishnounmessenger, envoy; spy; eavesdroppermasculine obsolete person
Male peopleapostołPolishnounApostle (any of the group of twelve disciples chosen by Jesus to preach and spread the Gospel)Christianitymasculine person
Male peopleapostołPolishnounlarge, awkward bootsin-plural inanimate masculine obsolete
Male peopleapostołPolishnounliturgical book used in the Orthodox ChurchMiddle Polish
Male peoplechadEnglishnounSmall pieces of paper punched out from the edges of continuous stationery, or from ballot papers, paper tape, punched cards, etc.uncountable
Male peoplechadEnglishnounOne of these pieces of paper.countable
Male peoplechadEnglishcontractionI hadWest-Country contraction obsolete
Male peoplechadEnglishnounAlternative spelling of Chad (“alpha-male; a virile man”)lifestyle seduction-community sexualityInternet alt-of alternative
Male peopleendokrynologPolishnounendocrinologistmasculine person
Male peopleendokrynologPolishnounfemale endocrinologistfeminine indeclinable
Male peoplegamratPolishnouncompanion, friendmasculine obsolete person
Male peoplegamratPolishnounlovermasculine obsolete person
Male peoplegarncarzPolishnounpotter (one who makes pots and other ceramic wares)masculine person
Male peoplegarncarzPolishnounhornero (any bird of the genus Furnarius)animal-not-person masculine
Male peopleherosPolishnounhero (demigod)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine person
Male peopleherosPolishnounhero (person of great bravery)figuratively masculine person
Male peopleožranSlovaknouna highly intoxicated person, a drunkanimate masculine
Male peopleožranSlovaknouna habitual drinker, especially one that is never soberanimate masculine
Male peoplepatałachPolishnounclumsy or inept person; blunderercolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peoplepatałachPolishnounsloven, unkempt personmasculine person
Male peoplezadżumionyPolishadjplague-ridden, infected with plaguenot-comparable
Male peoplezadżumionyPolishnounperson infected with plaguemasculine person
Male peopleబాలుడుTelugunounA boy.
Male peopleబాలుడుTelugunounA prepubescent child - juvenile
MalwaretrojanEnglishnounMalware that appears to perform or actually performs a desired task for a user while performing a harmful task without the user's knowledge or consent.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MalwaretrojanEnglishadjDescribing a satellite (moon or minor planet) that shares an orbit with anotherastronomy natural-sciencesnot-comparable
MalwaretrojanEnglishverbTo infect (a system) with a trojan.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
MammalsgeitNorwegian Nynorsknouna goatfeminine
MammalsgeitNorwegian Nynorsknounteat, breastfeminine
MammalsgeitNorwegian Nynorsknouna nickname for womenfeminine
MammalsgochónAsturiannounbig pigmasculine
MammalsgochónAsturianadjdirty (a person)masculine singular
MammalsgochónAsturianadjwho makes improper or obscene acts or says obscene or lewd things, nastymasculine singular
MarijuanaprerollEnglishnounA period of time during which the camera rolls but before the action begins.broadcasting film media televisionuncountable
MarijuanaprerollEnglishnounAn advertisement that plays before the main content.advertising business marketingInternet countable
MarijuanaprerollEnglishnounA joint which has been preprepared by a cannabis vendor or dispensary.countable uncountable
MarijuanaprerollEnglishverbTo roll something in advance.
MarijuanaprerollEnglishverbTo make or show a preroll.
MarriagebachelorxEnglishnounSomeone who has not yet married; a bachelor or bachelorette of any gender identity, especially one identifying as non-binary.neologism
MarriagebachelorxEnglishnounA bachelorx party.neologism
MarriageмужSerbo-Croatiannounman (an adult human male)regional
MarriageмужSerbo-Croatiannounpeasant, farmer, villagerarchaic regional
MarriageܚܬܢܐClassical Syriacnoungroom, bridegroom
MarriageܚܬܢܐClassical Syriacnounany male affine: son-in-law, brother-in-law (specifically sister's husband), father-in-law
MarriageܚܬܢܐClassical Syriacnounbaptismal candidate
Marriage喜事Chinesenounjoyful occasion
MaterialsmasinahikanPlains Creenounpaperinanimate
MaterialsmasinahikanPlains Creenounletter, bookinanimate
MaterialsเพลาThainounAlternative form of เวลา (wee-laa)alt-of alternative archaic
MaterialsเพลาThainounlap (part of body).anatomy medicine sciences
MaterialsเพลาThainounshaft; flagpole.
MaterialsเพลาThainountissue paper made from paper mulberry, traditionally used in making puppets and as draft papers.
MaterialsเพลาThaiverbto reduce (frequency, hardness, harshness, seriousness, strength, etc).
MathematicsArtinianEnglishadjin which any descending chain of ideals eventually starts repeating.algebra mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
MathematicsArtinianEnglishadjin which any descending chain of submodules eventually starts repeating.algebra mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
MathematicsплюсRussiannounplus sign
MathematicsплюсRussiannounadvantagecolloquial figuratively
MatterчуоNorthern Yukaghirnouniron
MatterчуоNorthern Yukaghirnounmetal
Mealscasse-croûteFrenchnounsnack, light meal taken between larger onesmasculine
Mealscasse-croûteFrenchnounsnack, the food that makes up that meal, usually quite portablemasculine
Mealscasse-croûteFrenchnounsnack bar, a small restaurantmasculine
MealsdobrotaCzechnoungoodness (of people)feminine
MealsdobrotaCzechnoungood mealfeminine in-plural often
MealssouperFrenchnoundinner (the main evening meal)Belgium Congo North-America Rwanda Switzerland masculine
MealssouperFrenchnouna light meal eaten at night, after the main evening mealAfrica France Morocco Vietnam West masculine
MealssouperFrenchverbto dine
Meals급식Koreannounmeal provision at school or work
Meals급식Koreannounschool or work-provided meal
Measuring instrumentsfartsmålerNorwegian Bokmålnounan airspeed indicatoraeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
Measuring instrumentsfartsmålerNorwegian Bokmålnouna speedometerautomotive transport vehiclesmasculine
Measuring instrumentsfartsmålerNorwegian Bokmålnouna device used by the police to measure vehicle speedsmasculine
Meatsthịt cầyVietnamesenouncivet meatliterally
Meatsthịt cầyVietnamesenoundog meateuphemistic
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A glass vial used for examining or storing urine.alchemy medicine pseudoscience scienceshistorical
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A chamber pot specially designed or considered as a device for urination.obsolete
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A device for urination worn by patients suffering incontinence.obsolete
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination / A plumbing fixture intended for standing urination, typically by men and boys.
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA device or fixture used for urination, particularly
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounAny oblong glass vessel shaped like the old alchemist's urinal.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishnounA room or structure used for urination: a latrine; an outhouse; a lavatory.obsolete
Medical equipmenturinalEnglishadjSynonym of urinarynot-comparable
MedicinepulloveriFinnishnounbottled human blood for transfusion, especially as contrasted with fresh blood or, otherwise, with the modern way of storing in plastic bagshistory human-sciences sciences
MedicinepulloveriFinnishnounbottled animal blood sold for cooking
MemoryзгадуватиUkrainianverbto recall, to recollect, to remember (retrieve from memory)
MemoryзгадуватиUkrainianverbto mention, to refer to
MenstruationmiesiączkaPolishnoungenitive singular of miesiączekform-of genitive masculine singular
MetalsargatOld Irishnounmoneyneuter no-plural
MetalsargatOld Irishnounsilverneuter no-plural
MetalsargentoItaliannounsilverchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
MetalsargentoItaliannounargentgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
MetalsargentoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of argentarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MetalsנחושתHebrewnouncopper (a reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol Cu, and atomic number 29)uncountable
MetalsנחושתHebrewnounCopper: the reddish color associated with this metal.
MetalsఇనుముTelugunouniron (metallic chemical element having atomic number 26 and symbol Fe)singular singular-only
MetalsఇనుముTelugunouniron (common metal that rusts, is attracted by magnets, and is used in making steel)singular singular-only
MicrosoftWordEnglishnameScripture; the Bible.
MicrosoftWordEnglishnameThe creative word of God; Logos.
MicrosoftWordEnglishnameMicrosoft Word, word processor software developed by Microsoft.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
MicrosoftbriefcaseEnglishnounA case used for carrying documents, especially for business.
MicrosoftbriefcaseEnglishnounIn Microsoft Windows, a folder that supports file synchronization between itself and another folder.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MicrosoftsubkeyEnglishnounA partial key.computing cryptography engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MicrosoftsubkeyEnglishnounA key located beneath another key in the registry.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MilitaryGarnisonGermannoungarrison (permanent military post)feminine
MilitaryGarnisonGermannoungarrison (troops stationed at such a post)feminine
MilitarybaszaPolishnounpasha (high-ranking Turkish military officer, especially as a commander or regional governor; the highest honorary title during the Ottoman Empire)historical masculine person
MilitarybaszaPolishnounA type of cucumber prized for preserves.biology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
MilitarycacheEnglishnounA store, protected or hidden in some way, of things that may be required in the future, such that they can be retrieved rapidly.
MilitarycacheEnglishnounA fast temporary storage where recently or frequently used information is stored to avoid having to reload it from a slower storage medium.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MilitarycacheEnglishnounA container containing treasure in a global treasure-hunt game.
MilitarycacheEnglishverbTo place in a cache.transitive
MilitarycacheEnglishverbTo store data in a cache.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
MilitarycacheEnglishnounMisspelling of cachet.alt-of misspelling
MilitarydandárHungariannounbrigade (military unit)
MilitarydandárHungariannouncrowd, army, battalion, heaps, piles, bevy, array (of people, animals of things)
MilitarydandárHungariannounbulk, mass, majority, large part (of something)
MilitarydandárHungariannounlion's share, brunt (most important or most intensive part of an activity or process or its time or season)
MilitaryhærNorwegian BokmålnounThat branch of the armed forces concerned mainly with ground (rather than air or naval) operations; the army.especially masculine with-definite-article
MilitaryhærNorwegian BokmålnounA large contingent of armed troops; often a tactical contingent within a larger military force.masculine
MilitaryhærNorwegian BokmålnounThe military as a whole; armed forces.masculine
MilitaryhærNorwegian BokmålnounA multitude, especially of people or social animals working toward a common goal or purpose; an army, horde, swarm, host.figuratively masculine
MilitaryjunakSerbo-Croatiannounyoung manarchaic
MilitaryjunakSerbo-Croatiannounsoldier, knight, warriornarrowly
MilitaryjunakSerbo-Croatiannounhero, brave or strong man
MilitaryjunakSerbo-Croatiannounbrave horse of a heroliterary
Military ranksheneralCebuanonouna generalgovernment military politics war
Military ranksheneralCebuanonounan admiralnautical transport
Military rankslieutenantFrenchnounlieutenantgovernment military politics warmasculine
Military rankslieutenantFrenchnoundeputy, right-hand man, second-in-commandmasculine
Military ranksszeregowiecPolishnounprivate (lowest rank in the army)masculine person
Military ranksszeregowiecPolishnounprivate (lowest rank in the army) / private (soldier of this rank)masculine person
Military ranksszeregowiecPolishnounterraced house, rowhouse, townhouse (type of house which shares both sidewalls with the adjacent houses)colloquial inanimate masculine
Military ranksենթասպաArmeniannouna rank in the Armenian Armed Forces equivalent to Russian пра́порщик (práporščik)government military politics war
Military ranksենթասպաArmeniannounnon-commissioned officergovernment military politics war
MilkmlíkoCzechnounAlternative form of mlékoalt-of alternative informal neuter
MilkmlíkoCzechnounbeer poured in a manner such that foam occupies most of the mug's volumeneuter
MindजवSanskritnounspeed, velocity, swiftness
MindजवSanskritnounhaste, hurry
MindजवSanskritnounimpulse of the mind (Vedic, only in the plural)
MindजवSanskritadjswift, fast
MineralsrutiloSpanishnounrutile (mineral)masculine
MineralsrutiloSpanishnounroach (fish)masculine
MineralsrutiloSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of rutilarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MiningocnăRomaniannounmine, especially salt minefeminine
MiningocnăRomaniannounprison, especially one in which prisoners were forced to mine saltfeminine
MonarchyמלךYiddishnounkingboard-games chess games
Monarchy乙姫JapanesenameOtohime, princess of Ryūgū Castle in the tale of Urashima Tarō
Monarchy乙姫Japanesenounyounger princessobsolete
Monarchy國家Chinesenouncountry; nation; (nation-)state (Classifier: 個/个)
Monarchy國家Chinesenounroyal court; imperial court; imperial household; imperial governmentClassical
Monarchy國家Chinesenouncity or town enfeoffed to a vassal lordClassical
Monarchy國家Chinesenouncapital city (of a country)Classical
MoneycontoPortuguesenountale, story (account of an asserted fact or circumstance)masculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenounshort story (work of fiction shorter than a novel)literature media publishingmasculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / one million reismasculine obsolete
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / a thousand escudosPortugal dated masculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / five eurosPortugal masculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / real (unit of currency)Brazil masculine slang
MoneycontoPortuguesenounthe butt of a spear or polearmmasculine
MoneycontoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of contarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MoneykwaboHausanounkobo (subdivision of the naira)
MoneykwaboHausanounpenny, penceobsolete
MoneykwaboHausanountwo francs
MoneymoolaEnglishnounMoney, cash.informal uncountable
MoneymoolaEnglishnounObsolete form of mullah.alt-of obsolete
MoneymyntIcelandicnouna coinfeminine
MoneymyntIcelandicnouna currencyfeminine
MoneynadgodzinaPolishnounextra hour, overtime (hour of work beyond one's regular working hours)feminine
MoneynadgodzinaPolishnounovertime workcolloquial feminine
MoneynadgodzinaPolishnounovertime (pay for overtime work)colloquial feminine
MoneyoszczędnośćPolishnounfrugality, sparingness, thriftinessfeminine
MoneyoszczędnośćPolishnouneconomy, economicalness, good valuefeminine
MoneyoszczędnośćPolishnounsaving, reductionfeminine
MoneyoszczędnośćPolishnounsimplicity, austerityfeminine
MoneyoszczędnośćPolishnounsavings, fundsfeminine in-plural
MoneytresorieMiddle EnglishnounA treasury (repository for valuables)
MoneytresorieMiddle EnglishnounThe resources of a government.
MoneytresorieMiddle EnglishnounA treasury department; the department in charge of funds.rare
MoneyverdoneItalianadjdark green
MoneyverdoneItaliannoundark green (color/colour)masculine
MoneyverdoneItaliannouna kind of green tomato used for saladsmasculine regional
MoneyverdoneItaliannounEuropean greenfinch, greenfinch (Chloris chloris)masculine
MoneyverdoneItaliannounSynonym of verdesca (“blue shark (Prionace glauca)”)masculine
MoneyverdoneItaliannounSynonym of verdona (“common mora (Mora moro)”)masculine
MoneyverdoneItaliannounSynonym of colombina verde (“green-cracking russula (Russula virescens)”)masculine
MoneyverdoneItaliannounbuck (one US dollar)humorous masculine
MoneyverdoneItaliannounplural of verdonafeminine form-of plural
Moneyvirtual currencyEnglishnounA type of unregulated digital currency that is restricted to a specific community or purpose, such as in-game purchases.countable uncountable
Moneyvirtual currencyEnglishnounSynonym of digital currencybroadly countable uncountable
Moneyប្រាក់Khmernounbutton orchid, string of nickels, kind of epiphytic vine (Dischidia nummularia)
Moneyប្រាក់KhmernamePrak, a surname
MonkeysతరులమెకముTelugunounThe tree beast.literary
MonkeysతరులమెకముTelugunounA monkey.
MoonkulalayingTagalognounblemishes on the face of the moonastronomy natural-sciences
MoonkulalayingTagalognounhorn or conch played between the teeth
Moons of JupiterHegemoneEnglishnameOne of the Charites and a goddess of flowers and fruit, worshipped at Athens along with Auxo and Damia.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of JupiterHegemoneEnglishnameOne of the moons of Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of JupiterKaleEnglishnameDaughter of Zeus.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of JupiterKaleEnglishnameA moon of Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of NeptuneTritonTurkishnameTritonhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of NeptuneTritonTurkishnameTritonastronomy natural-sciences
MoroccocasablanquésSpanishadjof Casablancarelational
MoroccocasablanquésSpanishnounsomeone from Casablancamasculine
MothsarnaCatalannounSynonym of arnotfeminine
MothsarnaCatalannoundandruffMallorca feminine
Municipalities of Apayao, PhilippinesConnerCebuanonamea surname from Irish
Municipalities of Apayao, PhilippinesConnerCebuanonamea male given name from Irish
Municipalities of Apayao, PhilippinesConnerCebuanonameA municipality of Apayao
Municipalities of ItalyTainoEnglishnounA member of a group of pre-Columbian indigenous inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and some of the Lesser Antilles.
Municipalities of ItalyTainoEnglishnameTheir Arawakan language, now extinct.
Municipalities of ItalyTainoEnglishnameA municipality in Lombardy, Italy.
Murderhatchet manEnglishnounA male professional killer or gunman.
Murderhatchet manEnglishnounA male hatchet-wielding participant in a Chinese-American tong war.US historical
Murderhatchet manEnglishnounA male who carries out brutal and unpleasant duties on behalf of another, such as firing dead wood employees.colloquial idiomatic
Murderodebrać życiePolishverbto take someone's lifeidiomatic intransitive perfective
Murderodebrać życiePolishverbto take one's own lifeidiomatic perfective reflexive
MurderσκοτώνωGreekverbto kill, murder, slay
MurderσκοτώνωGreekverbto hurt, injure severely
MurderσκοτώνωGreekverbto ruin (a piece of music, performance, language, etc)figuratively
MurderσκοτώνωGreekverbto sell (goods at a price lower than their worth)figuratively
MusicmamboSpanishnounmambo (music)masculine
MusicmamboSpanishnounmambo (dance)masculine
MusicnhạcVietnamesenounmusic (as a hobby or object of enjoyment)
MusicnhạcVietnamesenouna bell worn on the neck of a domestic animal
Musical genresbasslineEnglishnounThe relatively low-pitched instrumental part of a piece of popular music.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
Musical genresbasslineEnglishnounA music genre, closely related to UK garage, that originated in South Yorkshire and the West Midlands in the early 2000s, having a four-on-the-floor rhythm and a strong emphasis on bass, with chopped-up vocal samples and a pop music aesthetic.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
Musical genresoperaEnglishnounA theatrical work, combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
Musical genresoperaEnglishnounThe score for such a work.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
Musical genresoperaEnglishnounThe genre of such works, the art of composing operas.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
Musical genresoperaEnglishnounA building designed for the performance of such works; an opera house.countable uncountable
Musical genresoperaEnglishnounA company dedicated to performing such works.countable uncountable
Musical genresoperaEnglishnounAny showy, melodramatic or unrealistic production resembling an opera.broadly countable uncountable
Musical genresoperaEnglishnounplural of opus; a collection of work.form-of plural
Musical instrumentsviuluFinnishnounviolin
Musical instrumentsviuluFinnishnouncosts, billin-plural informal
MusiciansпевецBulgariannounmale singer
MusiciansпевецBulgariannounwarbler, babbler (songbird of family Phylloscopidae), particularly leaf warblersfiguratively
Myrtle family plantsemu appleEnglishnounThe plant Kunzea pomifera.
Myrtle family plantsemu appleEnglishnounThe hallucinogenic plant Owenia acidula, found in Australia.
Myrtle family plantsemu appleEnglishnounThe plant Owenia vernicosa, found in Australia.
Mythological creaturesharpíaSpanishnounAlternative form of arpíaalt-of alternative feminine
Mythological creaturesharpíaSpanishnounharpy eaglefeminine
Mythological creaturesалыпKazakhnoungiant, colossus
Mythological creaturesалыпKazakhnoungiantastronomy natural-sciences
Mythological figuresEolPolishnameAeolus, Aiolos (name of a number of characters in Greek mythology, including the founder of the Aeolian race god with power over wind)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine person
Mythological figuresEolPolishnameAeolus, Aiolos (founder of the Aeolian race)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine person
Mythological figuresEolPolishnounAeolian (member of one of the four major tribes in which Greeks divided themselves in the ancient period (along with the Achaeans, Dorians and Ionians))historical masculine person
NarratologyargumentCatalannounargument (reason)masculine
NarratologyargumentCatalannounargumentcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine
NarratologyargumentCatalannounplot, storylinemasculine
NarratologyargumentCatalannounargumentmathematics sciencesmasculine
NarratologyargumentCatalannounargumentgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounA speaker of the various Turkic languages.
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounA person from Turkey or of Turkish ethnic descent.
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounA Muslim.obsolete
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnouna Christian horse-archer in Crusader army (Turcopole).
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounA bloodthirsty and savage person; vandal; barbarian.archaic
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounA member of a Mestee group in South Carolina.
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounA person from Llanelli, Wales.
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounA Turkish horse.
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnounThe plum curculio.
NationalitiesTurkEnglishadjSynonym of Turkic
NationalitiesTurkEnglishadjSynonym of Turkish
NationalitiesTurkEnglishnameA surname.
NationalitiesalbanèsCatalanadjAlbanian (pertaining to Albania, its people, or its language)
NationalitiesalbanèsCatalannounAlbanian (a citizen of Albania or an ethnic Albanian)masculine
NationalitiesalbanèsCatalannounAlbanian (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesbritoEsperantonouna person from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
NationalitiesespañolSpanishadjSpanish (from or native to Spain)
NationalitiesespañolSpanishadjSpanish (pertaining to Spain or to the language)
NationalitiesespañolSpanishnounSpaniard (man)masculine
NationalitiesespañolSpanishnounSpanish (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesjorubaFinnishnounA member of the Yoruba people.
NationalitiesjorubaFinnishnounThe Yoruba language.
NationalitiesperuiHungarianadjPeruvian (of or relating to Peru or its people)not-comparable
NationalitiesperuiHungariannounPeruvian (person)
NationalitiessaskiPolishadjSaxon (of, relating to, or characteristic of the Saxons)historical not-comparable relational
NationalitiessaskiPolishadjSaxon (of, relating to, or characteristic of Saxony)historical not-comparable relational
NationalitiessaskiPolishnounSaxon (language of the ancient Saxons)inanimate masculine
NationalitiessvenskSwedishadjSwedish; of or pertaining to Sweden or the Swedish language
NationalitiessvenskSwedishnouna Swede; person from Swedencommon-gender
NationalitiesبلغاريArabicadjBulgarian (of, from or relating to Bulgaria)
NationalitiesبلغاريArabicnounBulgarian (native or inhabitant of Bulgaria)
NaturehimpapawidTagalognounatmospheric space; firmament; sky
NaturehimpapawidTagalognounclouds in the skyobsolete
New Year開年Chineseverbto begin the Lunar New Year (by doing something)
New Year開年Chineseverbto beat somebody up; to celebrate one's deathderogatory figuratively usually
New Year開年Chinesenounsecond day of the Lunar New Year
New Year開年Chinesenounbeginning of a year; period after new year celebrationsNorthern Wu literary
New Year開年Chinesenounnext yearNorthern Wu literary
NewspapersSCMPEnglishnameInitialism of South China Morning Post, a newspaper published in Hong Kong.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NewspapersSCMPEnglishnounInitialism of software configuration management plan.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareabbreviation alt-of initialism
Nicknames of individualsTurdeauEnglishnameA nickname for Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau.Canada derogatory
Nicknames of individualsTurdeauEnglishnameA nickname for Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau.Canada derogatory
Nobel PrizeNobelitisEnglishnounAn overriding or obsessive desire to win a Nobel Prize.derogatory humorous uncountable
Nobel PrizeNobelitisEnglishnounGrandiosity or hubris in a Nobel laureate.derogatory humorous uncountable
Nobel PrizeNobelitisEnglishnounThe tendency of some Nobel laureates to advance pseudoscientific or fringe ideas, or to claim knowledge beyond their field of expertise.derogatory humorous uncountable
NobilitygołotaPolishnounthe poor (those who have little or no possessions or money, taken as a group)collective feminine rare
NobilitygołotaPolishnounpoor individual (someone with little or no possessions)feminine obsolete
NobilitygołotaPolishnoungroup of impoverished, landless noblesfeminine obsolete
NobilitygołotaPolishnounimpoverished, landless member of the nobilityfeminine obsolete
NobilityкаралеваBelarusiannounfemale equivalent of каро́ль (karólʹ): queenfeminine form-of
NobilityкаралеваBelarusiannounqueen (a woman who stands out something among other attitudes in which she is involved)colloquial figuratively
NobilityкаралеваBelarusiannounqueenboard-games chess gamescolloquial
NobilityսեպուհArmeniannounsepuh (a title of Armenian nobility)
NobilityսեպուհArmenianadjmain, primary
North Yorkshire, EnglandYorkieEnglishnounThe Yorkshire terrier, a small breed of dog weighing 3–7 pounds as adults.informal
North Yorkshire, EnglandYorkieEnglishnounA Yorkshire pudding.informal
North Yorkshire, EnglandYorkieEnglishnounSomeone from York, England.
Nuclear rocketryNSWREnglishnameAbbreviation of New South Wales Government Railways.rail-transport railways transportAustralia abbreviation alt-of
Nuclear rocketryNSWREnglishnounAbbreviation of nuclear salt-water rocket.abbreviation alt-of
Nudibranchssea lemonEnglishnounAny of several species of nudibranchs of the family Dorididae, having a smooth, thick, convex yellow body.
Nudibranchssea lemonEnglishnounXimenia americana, a tree of the tropics, bearing a fruit used for food.
NumberssốVietnamesenounnumbergrammar human-sciences linguistics mathematics sciences
NumberssốVietnamesenounamount; count
NumberssốVietnamesenoundestiny; fate; lot
NumberssốVietnamesenounissue (a single edition of a newspaper or other periodical publication)media publishing
NumberssốVietnamesenoungearautomotive transport vehicles
NumberssốVietnameseadjgangsta-like; with attitudeslang
NutsmaníSpanishnounpeanutCanary-Islands Caribbean Central-America Philippines South-America masculine
NutsmaníSpanishverbinflection of manir: / first-person singular preterite indicativefirst-person form-of indicative preterite singular
NutsmaníSpanishverbinflection of manir: / second-person singular voseo imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular with-voseo
Nuts毛栗子ChinesenounchestnutHandan Jin Mandarin dialectal
Nuts毛栗子Chinesenouna kind of small chestnut (the size of a hazelnut)Gan Xiang
OccupationsSchulmannGermannounpedagoguearchaic masculine strong
OccupationsSchulmannGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
OccupationsaedoItaliannouna professional poet; a bardmasculine
OccupationsariannwrWelshnounfinancier, bankermasculine
OccupationsbeccaioItaliannounone who sells goat meatmasculine obsolete
OccupationsbeccaioItaliannounbutcherbroadly masculine obsolete regional
OccupationsbreederEnglishnounA person who breeds plants or animals (professionally).
OccupationsbreederEnglishnounEllipsis of breeder reactor; a type of nuclear reactor that creates more fissile material than it consumes, often used for the production of atomic weapons.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
OccupationsbreederEnglishnounA pattern that exhibits quadratic growth by generating multiple copies of a secondary pattern, each of which then generates multiple copies of a tertiary pattern.cellular-automata computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
OccupationsbreederEnglishnounA person who has had or who is capable of having children; a person who is focussed on the rearing of their own children.derogatory slang
OccupationsbreederEnglishnounA heterosexual person; one whose sexual intercourse can lead to breeding.derogatory
OccupationsdecoratorEnglishnounSomeone who decorates.
OccupationsdecoratorEnglishnounPainter and wallpaperer of buildings.British
OccupationsdziennikarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of dziennikarz (“journalist”) (female reporter)journalism mediafeminine form-of
OccupationsdziennikarkaPolishnounjournalism (activity or profession of being a journalist)journalism mediacolloquial feminine
OccupationsinformatykPolishnouncomputer scientist (IT specialist)computer computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencesmasculine person
OccupationsinformatykPolishnouncomputer science teachercomputer computing education engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences science sciencesmasculine person
OccupationsinformatykPolishnoungenitive plural of informatykafeminine form-of genitive plural
OccupationspaperoSpanishnounpotato seller or growermasculine
OccupationspasteurFrenchnounone who looks after the flock of the faithful / Christ as the Good ShepherdChristianityfiguratively masculine
OccupationspasteurFrenchnounone who looks after the flock of the faithful / a priest in his function as a spiritual carerChristianityfiguratively masculine
OccupationspasteurFrenchnounone who looks after the flock of the faithful / pastor, reverend (title of a minister)Christianity Protestantismfiguratively masculine
OccupationspósturIcelandicnounpost, mailmasculine
OccupationspósturIcelandicnounpostal servicemasculine
OccupationsrycerzykPolishnoundiminutive of rycerzdiminutive form-of historical masculine person
OccupationsrycerzykPolishnounbrave, valiant persomcolloquial ironic masculine person
OccupationsrycerzykPolishnounany fungus of the genus Tricholomopsisanimal-not-person masculine
OccupationsseignorOld Frenchnounlord (feudal lord)
OccupationsseignorOld Frenchnounsire (term of respect)
OccupationsseignorOld Frenchnounmaster (of a servant or slave)
OccupationsseignorOld Frenchnounhusbandbroadly
OccupationsteacherEnglishnounA person who teaches, especially one employed in a school; preceptor.
OccupationsteacherEnglishnounThe index finger; the forefinger.
OccupationsteacherEnglishnounAn indication; a lesson.
OccupationsteacherEnglishnounThe second highest office in the Aaronic priesthood, held by priesthood holders of at least the age of 14.Mormonism
OccupationsòglachScottish Gaelicnounyouth (male)masculine
OccupationsòglachScottish Gaelicnouncadetmasculine
OccupationsòglachScottish Gaelicnounlad, manservantdated masculine
OccupationsγελαδάρηςGreeknouncattle egret (bird - Bubulcus ibis)
OccupationsγελαδάρηςGreeknounAlternative form of αγελαδάρης (ageladáris)alt-of alternative
OccupationsлетописецRussiannounchronicler, annalistanimate
OccupationsשומרHebrewverbto be preserved, to be conservedconstruction-pu'al
OccupationsשומרHebrewverbto be pickledconstruction-pu'al
OccupationsשומרHebrewnounkeeper, one who keeps
OccupationsשומרHebrewnounguard, protector, one who protects
OccupationsשומרHebrewverbmasculine singular present of שָׁמַרform-of masculine present singular
OccupationsשומרHebrewnameSumer (earliest known civilization of the ancient Near East (4th to 3rd millennia BC), located in lower Mesopotamia)
OccupationsकीनाशSanskritnounagricultural labourer
OctopusesKrakeGermannouna mollusk of the order Octopoda; an octopus in the broader sensesciencescolloquial feminine masculine weak
OctopusesKrakeGermannouna kraken (sea monster)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencescolloquial feminine figuratively masculine weak
Odd-toed ungulateskavioeläinFinnishnounungulatedated
Odd-toed ungulateskavioeläinFinnishnounodd-toed ungulate, perissodactyl
OncologycancerLatinnouna crabdeclension-2 masculine
OncologycancerLatinnouna crab / the constellation Cancerdeclension-2 masculine
OncologycancerLatinnouna tumor, cancerdeclension-2 masculine
OncologycancerLatinnouna lattice, grid, or barrierdeclension-2 masculine
One一個蘿蔔一個坑Chineseproverbeach has his or her own task, and there is nobody to sparefiguratively
One一個蘿蔔一個坑Chineseproverbstubborn; inflexiblefiguratively
OnomasticsgensLatinnounRoman clan (related by birth or marriage and sharing a common name and often united by certain religious rites)declension-3
OnomasticsgensLatinnounstock, tribedeclension-3
OnomasticsgensLatinnounnation, countrydeclension-3
OnomasticsgensLatinnounpeople, familydeclension-3
OnomasticsgensLatinnounthe chief godsdeclension-3
OnomasticsgensLatinnounheathen, paganChristianity biblical lifestyle religionJudaism declension-3
OrchidsllostgyfodWelshnounpriapismmedicine pathology sciencesmasculine
OrchidsllostgyfodWelshnounearly purple orchid (Orchis mascula)masculine
Organizationsป.ป.ช.ThainounInitialism of ป้องกันและปราบปรามการทุจริตแห่งชาติ (bpɔ̂ng-gan lɛ́ bpràap-bpraam gaan-tút-jà-rìt hɛ̀ng-châat, “National Anti-Corruption”, literally “National Corruption Prevention and Suppression”)lawabbreviation alt-of initialism
Organizationsป.ป.ช.ThainounInitialism of คณะกรรมการป้องกันและปราบปรามการทุจริตแห่งชาติ (ká-ná-gam-má-gaan bpɔ̂ng-gan lɛ́ bpràap-bpraam gaan-tút-jà-rìt hɛ̀ng-châat, “National Anti-Corruption Commission”, literally “National Commission for Prevention and Suppression of Corruption”)abbreviation alt-of colloquial initialism
Organizationsป.ป.ช.ThainounInitialism of กรรมการป้องกันและปราบปรามการทุจริตแห่งชาติ (gam-má-gaan bpɔ̂ng-gan lɛ́ bpràap-bpraam gaan-tút-jà-rìt hɛ̀ng-châat, “Member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission”, literally “Member of the National Commission for Prevention and Suppression of Corruption”)abbreviation alt-of colloquial initialism
PaganismхрамRussiannountemple, shrine
PaganismхрамRussiannounchurch, cathedral (a place of Christian worship that has an altar)Christianity
PaganismхрамRussiannounshrinealso figuratively poetic
PaganismшабашRussiannounSaturday, observed in Judaism as a day of rest, Sabbath.
PaganismшабашRussiannounA meeting of witches, presided over by the devil, Sabbath.
PaganismшабашRussiannounAny merry debauched festival.
PaganismшабашRussiannounend of the working day, quitting time (also pronounced šabáš).colloquial
PainਦਰਦPunjabinounpain, ache, affliction, suffering
PainਦਰਦPunjabinounsorrow, grief
PainਦਰਦPunjabinouncompassion, sympathy, pathos
PalestineGazanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Gaza (Gaza City or the Gaza Strip in general).
PalestineGazanEnglishadjOf or from Gaza.not-comparable
Palm treesarengaPolishnounareng (Arenga pinnata)feminine
Palm treesarengaPolishnounpreamble (an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute)lawfeminine
Palm treesarengaPolishnouna document of motives spread by the Churchlifestyle religionfeminine historical
Palm treesguanoEnglishnounDung from a sea bird or from a bat.countable uncountable
Palm treesguanoEnglishnounCoccothrinax borhidiana, a variety of palm tree indigenous to Cuba.countable uncountable
Palm treesguanoEnglishnounA variety of seabird.countable obsolete uncountable
PantherslewPolishnounlionanimal-not-person masculine
PantherslewPolishnounliongovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsanimal-not-person masculine
PantherslewPolishnounlev (currency of Bulgaria)animal-not-person masculine
PantherslewPolishnoungenitive plural of lewafeminine form-of genitive plural
ParasitesleechEnglishnounAn aquatic blood-sucking annelid of class Hirudinea, especially Hirudo medicinalis.
ParasitesleechEnglishnounA person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion.figuratively
ParasitesleechEnglishnounA glass tube designed for drawing blood from damaged tissue by means of a vacuum.medicine sciencesdated
ParasitesleechEnglishverbTo apply a leech medicinally, so that it sucks blood from the patient.literally transitive
ParasitesleechEnglishverbTo drain (resources) without giving back.figuratively transitive
ParasitesleechEnglishnounA physician.archaic
ParasitesleechEnglishnounA paganism religionGermanic
ParasitesleechEnglishverbTo treat, cure or heal.archaic rare
ParasitesleechEnglishnounThe vertical edge of a square sail.nautical transport
ParasitesleechEnglishnounThe aft edge of a triangular sail.nautical transport
ParentsизачаEastern Marinounstepfather
ParentsизачаEastern MarinounSynonym of кресача (kresača)Christianity
PartiesbashEnglishverbTo strike heavily.informal
PartiesbashEnglishverbTo collide; used with into or together.informal
PartiesbashEnglishverbTo criticize harshly.informal transitive
PartiesbashEnglishnounA forceful blow or impact.informal
PartiesbashEnglishnounA large party; a gala event.informal
PartiesbashEnglishnounAn attempt at doing something.UK informal
PartiesbashEnglishverbTo abash (make ashamed)obsolete transitive
Partiescoming-out partyEnglishnounA celebratory social gathering, with music, dancing, and refreshments, at which a young debutante is formally introduced to society.
Partiescoming-out partyEnglishnounA party in celebration of someone who is gay coming out of the closet.humorous sometimes
PeopleFiluLimburgishnounbad person, villainmasculine
PeopleFiluLimburgishnountwo-faced person, flatterermasculine
PeopleFiluLimburgishnounfickle personmasculine
PeopleFiluLimburgishnounsly person, deceiver, hypocritemasculine
PeopleStacyEnglishnameAn English surname, variant of Stacey.
PeopleStacyEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek transferred from the surname.
PeopleStacyEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek derived from the surname, popular in the 1970s.
PeopleStacyEnglishnounAn attractive woman who is sexually active.derogatory
PeopleadyeCebuanonounthe godfather of one's child
PeopleadyeCebuanonounthe father of one's godchild
PeopleasistenteSpanishnounassistantmasculine rare
PeoplebalkezesHungariannounleft-hander (one who is left-handed)
PeoplebattyEnglishadjMad, crazy, silly.slang
PeoplebattyEnglishadjBelonging to, or resembling, a bat (mammal).obsolete
PeoplebattyEnglishnounThe buttocks or anus.Multicultural-London-English
PeoplebattyEnglishnounA homosexual man.Canada Jamaica UK derogatory
PeopleboongEnglishnounAn Australian Aboriginal person.Australia ethnic offensive slang slur
PeopleboongEnglishnounA native of New Guinea or Malaysia.Australia dated slang
PeoplebłazenekPolishnounclownfish (any of colorful fish of the genera Amphiprion and Premnas in the subfamily Amphiprioninae)animal-not-person masculine
PeoplebłazenekPolishnoundiminutive of błazendiminutive form-of masculine obsolete person
PeopledeceiverEnglishnounA person who lies or deceives.
PeopledeceiverEnglishnounAnother name for Satan.
PeopledévoyéFrenchadjastray, perverted, immoral, corrupt (having strayed from what is viewed as moral)figuratively
PeopledévoyéFrenchnounstray, immoral or corrupt person (someone who has strayed from a moral lifestyle)masculine
PeopledévoyéFrenchverbpast participle of dévoyerform-of participle past
PeopleflirtEnglishnounA sudden jerk; a quick throw or cast; a darting motion
PeopleflirtEnglishnounSomeone who flirts a lot or enjoys flirting; a flirtatious person.
PeopleflirtEnglishnounAn act of flirting.
PeopleflirtEnglishnounA tentative or brief, passing engagement with something.
PeopleflirtEnglishnounA brief shower (of rain or snow).dialectal
PeopleflirtEnglishnounRussula vesca, an edible woodland mushroom.with-definite-article
PeopleflirtEnglishverbTo throw (something) with a jerk or sudden movement; to fling.transitive
PeopleflirtEnglishverbTo jeer at; to mock.archaic intransitive
PeopleflirtEnglishverbTo dart about; to move with quick, jerky motions.intransitive
PeopleflirtEnglishverbTo blurt out.transitive
PeopleflirtEnglishverbTo play at courtship; to talk with teasing affection, to insinuate sexual attraction in a playful (especially conversational) way.intransitive
PeopleflirtEnglishverbTo experiment, or tentatively engage, with; to become involved in passing with.intransitive
PeoplefucklingEnglishnounA stupid or annoying person.derogatory slang vulgar
PeoplefucklingEnglishnounA child.derogatory slang vulgar
PeoplehæleOld Englishnounheromasculine poetic
PeoplehæleOld Englishnounmanmasculine poetic
PeoplehæleOld Englishnounwarriormasculine poetic
PeopleimpotentEnglishadjLacking physical strength or vigor; weak
PeopleimpotentEnglishadjLacking in power, as to act effectively; helpless
PeopleimpotentEnglishadjIncapable of sexual intercourse, often because of an inability to achieve or sustain an erection, having impotentia coeundi
PeopleimpotentEnglishadjLacking self-restraintobsolete
PeopleimpotentEnglishnounA man who has erectile dysfunction
PeopleimpotentEnglishnounAn impotent or powerless person
PeoplekonsulEstoniannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
PeoplekonsulEstoniannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
PeoplelifeguardEnglishnounA lifesaver: a rescuer, usually an expert swimmer, employed to save swimmers in trouble or near drowning at a body of water.
PeoplelifeguardEnglishnounA bodyguard or unit of bodyguards, a guard of someone's (especially a king's) life or person.uncommon
PeoplelifeguardEnglishnounA sturdy metal bracket fixed in front of each of the leading wheels of a train to deflect small objects away from the wheels to prevent derailment.rail-transport railways transport
PeoplemusicmongerEnglishnounA seller of music.archaic
PeoplemusicmongerEnglishnounAn inferior musician.archaic derogatory
PeoplenobodyEnglishpronNot any person; the logical negation of somebody.
PeoplenobodyEnglishnounSomeone who is not important or well-known.
PeoplenobodyEnglishnounSomething that has no body or an especially small one.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjEffectual or important.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjFunctional, in working order.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjHaving the power of acting; hence, exerting force, physical or moral; active in the production of effects.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjProducing the appropriate or designed effect; efficacious.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjBased upon, or consisting of, a surgical operation or operations.
PeopleoperativeEnglishnounAn employee or other worker with some particular function or skill.
PeopleoperativeEnglishnounA spy, secret agent, or detective.
PeopleoperativeEnglishnounA participant in an operation.
PeoplepaynymMiddle EnglishnounHeathendom; the non-Christian world.
PeoplepaynymMiddle EnglishnounA heathen; one who is not Christian.
PeoplepedanteSpanishadjpedanticfeminine masculine
PeoplepedanteSpanishnounpedant (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplequerentEnglishnounA complainant; a plaintiff.lawhistorical
PeoplequerentEnglishnounAn inquirer.
Peoplesoldier of fortuneEnglishnounA non-commissioned soldier willing to serve any state or person who will hire him.
Peoplesoldier of fortuneEnglishnounA person willing to work for or ally himself with any person or institution who will take him on.broadly figuratively
PeoplesorcioItaliannounmouse or ratmasculine
PeoplesorcioItaliannouna person with a thorough knowledge of small details of urban geographycolloquial masculine
PeoplesozialistEnglishadjMisspelling of socialist.alt-of misspelling
PeoplesozialistEnglishnounMisspelling of socialist.alt-of misspelling
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounOne who or that which squeaks.
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounOne who or that which squeaks. / A young user on a voice chat system who has a high-pitched voice.Internet
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounA party toy that uncoils with a squeaking sound when blown; a party puffer.
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn informer.slang
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounA game or election won by a narrow margin.US
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / An Australian grey crow-shrike or grey currawong (Strepera versicolor plumbea).
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A piglet of the wild boar.
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / Any of family Arthroleptidae, of frogs.
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / Any of genus Synodontis, of catfish.
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A young bird; a cheeper.
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A young bird; a cheeper. / A squab or young domestic pigeon still in the nest.
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounAn act of flatulence; a fart.slang
PeoplesqueakerEnglishnounA child, especially an illegitimate one.slang
PeoplesömntutaSwedishnounCalifornia poppy (Eschscholzia californica)common-gender
PeoplesömntutaSwedishnounsleepyhead (sleepy person)common-gender informal
PeopletrưởngVietnamesenounhead; leader
PeopletrưởngVietnameseprefixhead; leadermorpheme
PeopletrưởngVietnamesesuffixhead; leadermorpheme
Peopleyoung ladyEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see young, lady.
Peopleyoung ladyEnglishnounA term of endearment or admonishment by adults for a young girl.
PeopleверKomi-Zyriannounman, malearchaic
PeopleверKomi-Zyriannounslave, servantin-compounds
PeopleлюдиUkrainiannounpeople, humansplural plural-only
PeopleлюдиUkrainiannounnominative/vocative plural of люди́на (ljudýna)form-of nominative plural vocative
PeopleسربازPersiannounpawnboard-games chess games
PeopleسربازPersiannameSarbaz (a city and county of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran)
PeopleọwọIgalanounhand; arm
PeopleọwọIgalanounside, part, segment
PeopleọwọIgalanounlineage, pedigree. relation; relative
PeopleọwọIgalanounmastery, skill, specializationidiomatic
PeopleⲥⲁϧCopticnounteacher, scribeBohairic
People主教Chineseverbto mainly teach
People伯仲Chinesenouneldest brother and second eldest brotherliterary
People伯仲Chinesenounseniority; rank; superiority and inferiorityfiguratively literary
People伯仲Chinesenounequally capable individualsfiguratively literary
People攝提Chinesenounprajnapti; prajnaptinyBuddhism lifestyle religion
People攝提Chinesenounname of a star
People攝提ChinesenounShort for 攝提格/摄提格 (“shetige year count”).abbreviation alt-of
People攝提Chinesenoundirector; conductor
People校長Chinesenounprincipal (of a school); headteacher (Classifier: 位)
People校長Chinesenounpresident (of a school or university) (Classifier: 位)
People校長Chinesenounleader of a soldier division
People校長ChinesenameAlan Tam (Cantopop singer)colloquial
PeopleJapanesenouna male person
PeopleJapanesenouna man, an adult malespecifically
PeopleJapanesenoun男, 漢: (specifically) a manly man
PeopleJapanesenouna male lover
PeopleJapanesenouna manservant
PeopleJapanesenouna husband
PeopleJapanesenounan unmarried young manobsolete
PeopleJapanesenamea surname
PeopleJapanesenouna man
PeopleJapanesenouna husband
PeopleJapanesenouna male
PeopleJapanesenounsomething large, powerful, or otherwise masculine
PeopleJapanesenouna boy
PeopleJapanesenouna man
PeopleJapanesenouna son
PeopleJapanesenouna man
PeopleJapanesenouna son
PeopleJapanesenouna young man, especially one who reached adulthood
PeopleJapanesenouna baronhistorical
PeopleJapanesenamea male given name
People英烈Chineseadjbrave; heroic
PepperspaprikaFinnishnounpepper, bell pepper, sweet pepper (the fruit of a sweet variety of Capsicum annuum, used as vegetable)
PepperspaprikaFinnishnounpaprika (spice made of dried, ground fruit of the milder varieties of Capsicum annuum)
Perching birdscistellerCatalannounbasketweavermasculine
Perching birdscistellerCatalannouncanastero, thistletail (bird in the genus Asthenes)masculine
Perching birdsсверчокRussiannouncricket (insect)
Perching birdsсверчокRussiannoungrass warbler (Locustella) (bird)
Percoid fishknorhaanEnglishnounA large bird of the bustard family.
Percoid fishknorhaanEnglishnounThe fish Pomadasys commersonnii.
Percussion instrumentsJapanesecharacterdrumkanji
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenoungeneric name for musical instruments with a leather head that can be struck.
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenouna tsuzumi, hand drum with leather heads at both ends, used in Japanese traditional performing arts: / a 小鼓 (kotsuzumi)
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenouna tsuzumi, hand drum with leather heads at both ends, used in Japanese traditional performing arts: / an 大鼓 (ōtsuzumi)
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenouna style of 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”), like the leather head of a tsuzumi
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenamea surname
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenamea female given name
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenamea surname
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenamea surname
Percussion instrumentsJapanesenamea female given name
PersonalityghoulEnglishnounA demon said to feed on corpses.Islam human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciences
PersonalityghoulEnglishnounA graverobber.
PersonalityghoulEnglishnounA person with an undue interest in death and corpses, or more generally in things that are revolting and repulsive.
PersonalityghoulEnglishnounA person with a callous or uncaring attitude to human life and suffering, particularly when prioritizing economic concerns.derogatory slang
PersonalityюнацтвоUkrainiannounyouth (the period of existence preceding maturity or age)uncountable
PersonalityюнацтвоUkrainiannounyouth (young people)collective uncountable
PersonalityюнацтвоUkrainiannounbravery, courage, audacity, boldnessfiguratively uncountable
PhilosophyPlatonicEnglishadjOf or relating to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato or his philosophies.
PhilosophyPlatonicEnglishadjAlternative letter-case form of platonic (non-sexual).alt-of
PhilosophyPlatonicEnglishnounA Platonist; a follower of Plato's ideas.
PhilosophyPlatonicEnglishnounA Platonic solid.
Phoenician letter namesnunItaliannounnun, specifically: / the name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤍feminine invariable
Phoenician letter namesnunItaliannounnun, specifically: / the name of the Hebrew-script letter נ/ןfeminine invariable
Phoenician letter namesnunItaliannounnun, specifically: / the name of the Arabic-script letter نfeminine invariable
PhysiologyfizioloģijaLatviannounphysiology (branch of biology that studies the processes of life, the functioning of living organisms and their parts)declension-4 feminine
PhysiologyfizioloģijaLatviannounphysiology (the life processes and functioning of living organisms and their parts)declension-4 feminine
Physiology休克Chinesenounshockmedicine sciences
Physiology休克Chineseverbto go into shockmedicine sciences
Pigsbisóodi ałchiníNavajonounwild boar
Pigsbisóodi ałchiníNavajonounpeccary
PinesapwraiajiMokilesenounpine cone
PinesapwraiajiMokilesenounpine tree
PlacesbobrowiskoPolishnounswamp where moose wade for foodhobbies hunting lifestyleneuter
PlacesbobrowiskoPolishnounbeavery (place where beavers live)neuter
PlacesmestoSlovenenounplace, location
PlacesmestoSlovenenountown (settlement)
PlacesچوکیUrdunounchoky, stool, bench
PlacesچوکیUrdunounduty, responsibility of vigilancebroadly
Places of worshipܥܕܬܐClassical Syriacnouncongregation, assembly, company
Places of worshipܥܕܬܐClassical Syriacnounchurch, temple
Planets of the Solar SystemSaturnoGaliciannameSaturn (planet)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemSaturnoGaliciannameCronus, Saturn (the Titan)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemVenusEnglishnameThe second planet in the Solar system, named for the goddess; represented in astronomy and astrology by ♀.astronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemVenusEnglishnameThe goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and sexuality; the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Planets of the Solar SystemVenusEnglishnameA female given name
Planets of the Solar SystemVenusEnglishnounSexual activity or intercourse, sex; lust, love.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingcountable obsolete uncountable
Planets of the Solar SystemVenusEnglishnounCopper (a reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element).alchemy chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences pseudosciencecountable obsolete uncountable
Planets of the Solar SystemVenusEnglishnounAny Upper Palaeolithic statuette portraying a woman, usually carved in the round.countable uncountable
Planets of the Solar SystemЕвропаKyrgyznameEurope (a continent)
Planets of the Solar SystemЕвропаKyrgyznameEuropa (princess abducted to Crete by Zeus in Greek mythology)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Planets of the Solar SystemЕвропаKyrgyznameEuropa (moon of Jupiter)astronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemОберонBulgariannameOberon, moon of Uranusastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemОберонBulgariannameOberon, character of one of Shakespeare's plays
PlantsbalocaGaliciannouna potato plantfeminine
PlantscaneMiddle Englishnounbamboo, sugar cane, flax, or a similar simple-stemmed plant
PlantscaneMiddle Englishnounthe stem or stalk of such a plant, often used to write with
PlantscaneMiddle Englishnouna metal implement used for surgeryrare
PlantscaneMiddle Englishnouna bodily passage or tube, such as the trachearare
PlantscaneMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of cannealt-of alternative
PlantsgenistaSpanishnoungenista (plant)feminine
PlantsgenistaSpanishnounbroom (plant)feminine
PlantssalgueraSpanishnounAny of a number of plants / Rhamnus frangula.masculine
PlantssalgueraSpanishnounAny of a number of plants / Salix albamasculine
PlantssalgueraSpanishnounAny of a number of plants / Salix atrocinereamasculine
PlantssalgueraSpanishnounAny of a number of plants / Salix cantabricamasculine
PlantssalgueraSpanishnounAny of a number of plants / Salix caprea.masculine
PlantssalgueraSpanishnounAny of a number of plants / Salix eleagnosmasculine
PlantssalgueraSpanishnounAny of a number of plants / Salix purpurea.masculine
Podocarpus family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounAny of the tree genus Cladrastis.countable uncountable
Podocarpus family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounFlindersia xanthoxyla, a tall rainforest tree of Australia.countable uncountable
Podocarpus family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounThe Osage orange tree.countable uncountable
Podocarpus family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounAny of the conifer genus Podocarpus.countable uncountable
Podocarpus family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounSarcomelicope simplicifolia, a small rainforest tree of Australia.countable uncountable
Podocarpus family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounZanthoxylum brachyacanthum, thorny yellowwood, of Australiacountable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbeachgrassEnglishnounAny grass of the genus Ammophila.countable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbeachgrassEnglishnounAmmophila arenaria, a coarse grass native to sandy beaches of Europe (north to Iceland) and northwest Africa.countable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbeachgrassEnglishnounAmmophila breviligulata, a coarse grass native to sandy beaches of eastern North America, including the shores of the Great Lakes.countable uncountable
PoetrybardOld Irishnounbardmasculine
PoetrybardOld Irishnounpoetmasculine
PoetrysunanoyCebuanonouna sonnet
PoetrysunanoyCebuanonouna verse
Polish cardinal numberskwintylionPolishnounnonillion (10³⁰)inanimate masculine
Polish cardinal numberskwintylionPolishnounAny very large number, exceeding normal descriptionexcessive figuratively inanimate masculine
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounarea; region; district; locality; territory.archaic
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounprovince: highest administrative division of Thailand, governed by ผู้ว่าราชการ (pûu-wâa-râat-chá-gaan), divided into อำเภอ (am-pəə, “districts”), กิ่งอำเภอ (“minor districts”), and ตำบล (dtam-bon, “subdistrict”), respectively.Thailand
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounprovince: a type of area subject to the territorial jurisdiction of a ศาลจังหวัด (“provincial court”).Thailand
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounsimilar administrative division, as department in France, prefecture in Japan, voivodeship in Poland, etc.
PoliticsabortionistEnglishnounA person who performs abortions, especially illegally or secretly.offensive sometimes
PoliticsabortionistEnglishnounA person who advocates for or supports the legality of abortion.derogatory
PoliticsbrocialismEnglishnounSocialism or progressivism which downplays women's issues or reinforces masculinist attitudes or ideas.derogatory slang uncountable
PoliticsbrocialismEnglishnounAny form of socialism characterised by blokeishness.British derogatory slang uncountable
PoliticscristíCatalanadjsupporting Isabella II of Spain during the Carlist Wars
PoliticscristíCatalannouna supporter of Isabella II of Spain during the Carlist Warsmasculine
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA voice (sound made with the mouth): / The voice of a particular person.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA voice (sound made with the mouth): / A particular type of voice.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA voice (sound made with the mouth): / The sound made by a certain kind of talking.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA voice (sound made with the mouth): / The speech faculty; one's capability to make sound.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA voice (sound made with the mouth): / The vocal organs.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounAn utterance; the use of one's voice: / A sentence (especially a maxim or byword)
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounAn utterance; the use of one's voice: / A prayer (entreaty to a deity).
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA particular sound or noise: / A musical sound; a tune, note, or musical piece or a kind of one.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA particular sound or noise: / The sound an animal makes or their capability to make it.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounIntent, preference (What a person or people want): / A vote (cast by an individual).
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounIntent, preference (What a person or people want): / One's decision-making ability.
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA speech variety (language or dialect)
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounGrammatical voice; the relation a verb or noun has to the subject.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounOne's repute or fame.figuratively
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounA revelator or opiner; someone with a view or information.figuratively
PoliticsvoysMiddle EnglishnounThe concept which a word denotes.rare
PoliticsπολιτικήAncient Greekadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of πολῑτικός (polītikós)feminine form-of nominative singular vocative
PoliticsπολιτικήAncient Greeknounthe art of government, the science of politics
PoliticsπολιτικήAncient Greeknounconcubine, mistress
Politics副主席Chinesenounvice chairperson
Politics副主席Chinesenounvice president (of the People's Republic of China)
PoppiesamapolaTagalognouncotton rosemallow (Hibiscus mutabilis)
PortugalarganilensePortugueseadjof Arganilfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugalarganilensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Arganilby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Present當今Chinesenounnow; at present; nowadays; today; in our time; in this day and age; the present day
Present當今Chinesenounreigning emperordated
PrimatesmacacoMirandesenouna person that imitates others
PrimatesmacacoMirandesenouna treacherous, deceitful person
Primrose family plantscoralberryEnglishnounA species of bromeliad, Aechmea fulgens, of Brazil, and which is often used as an ornamental plant.countable uncountable
Primrose family plantscoralberryEnglishnounAmerican winterberry, Ilex verticillata.countable uncountable
Primrose family plantscoralberryEnglishnounSymphoricarpos orbiculatus, of eastern North America.countable uncountable
Primrose family plantscoralberryEnglishnounArdisia crenata of east Asia.countable uncountable
Prisongood timeEnglishnounA period of time spent doing some pleasant, enjoyable or entertaining activity.countable
Prisongood timeEnglishnounThe reduction of a prisoner's sentence for good conduct while imprisoned.uncountable
Prisongood timeEnglishnounA suitable time; a suitable occasion.countable uncountable
Prisonprison-boundEnglishadjdestined for prison, by leading a life of crime
ProstitutionProstituierterGermannounmale prostituteadjectival masculine uncommon
ProstitutionProstituierterGermannouninflection of Prostituierte: / strong genitive singular/pluralfeminine form-of genitive plural singular strong
ProstitutionProstituierterGermannouninflection of Prostituierte: / strong dative singulardative feminine form-of singular strong
ProstitutionburikatCebuanonouna prostituteoffensive vulgar
ProstitutionburikatCebuanonouna person who is considered to be sexually promiscuous; a whore; a slutderogatory vulgar
PsychoanalysisegoEnglishnounThe self, especially with a sense of self-importance.countable uncountable
PsychoanalysisegoEnglishnounThe most central part of the mind, which mediates with one's surroundings.human-sciences psychology sciencescountable uncountable
PsychoanalysisegoEnglishnounA person's self-esteem and opinion of themselves.countable uncountable
PublishingpublikováníCzechnounverbal noun of publikovatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
PublishingpublikováníCzechnounpublication (the act of publishing printed or other matter)neuter
Publishing本屋Japanesenounbookstore, bookseller
Publishing本屋Japanesenounmain building
Publishing本屋Japanesenounscriptwriter, scenario writer
Publishing本屋Japanesenounmain building, principal residence
PulmonologyдиханняUkrainiannounverbal noun of ди́хати (dýxaty): / breathing, respirationuncountable
PulmonologyдиханняUkrainiannounverbal noun of ди́хати (dýxaty): / breathuncountable
Punctuation marksจุลภาคThainouncomma.formal
Punctuation marksจุลภาคThainounsmall scale or scope.
PurplesíndigoPortuguesenounindigomasculine uncountable
RainsrážkyCzechnouninflection of srážka: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
RainsrážkyCzechnouninflection of srážka: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
RainsrážkyCzechnounprecipitation (various forms of water particles that fall and reach the ground)climatology meteorology natural-sciencesfeminine plural
Rays and skatesrocIrishnounray (fish)masculine
Rays and skatesrocIrishnounwrinkle, ruck, crease, puckermasculine
Rays and skatesrocIrishverbwrinkle, crease, puckerintransitive transitive
Rays and skatesrocIrishverbcorrugateintransitive transitive
Rays and skatesrocIrishverbkinkintransitive transitive
Rays and skatesrocIrishverbcrimpintransitive transitive
Recreational drugsbajzelPolishnounmess, bedlam, fuddlecolloquial inanimate masculine
Recreational drugsbajzelPolishnouncathouse, brothelcolloquial inanimate masculine
Recreational drugsbajzelPolishnoundrughouse (a place where someone can easily get drugs)colloquial inanimate masculine
Recreational drugsheroïnòmanCatalanadjaddicted to heroin
Recreational drugsheroïnòmanCatalannounheroin addictmasculine
Recreational drugsigboYorubanounheadbutt
Recreational drugsigboYorubanounA large headed bird, identified as a species of hornbill in the family Bucerotidae
Recreational drugsigboYorubanouna long whip
Recreational drugsigboYorubanounAlternative form of agbo (“circle, group”)alt-of alternative
Recreational drugsigboYorubanounforest, bush, grove
Recreational drugsigboYorubanouna general term for recreational drugs (in particular) Indian hemp, marijuana, and Cannabis sativa
Recreational drugsigboYorubanounthe plant Solanum incanum
RedstapanCebuanonounthe color emerald green
RedstapanCebuanoadjof the colour emerald green
Relativityquantum gravityEnglishnounA branch of theoretical physics aiming to unite quantum mechanics with general relativity.uncountable
Relativityquantum gravityEnglishnounThe gravitational force modeled as a quantum field.uncountable
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjOf or relating to agnosticism or its adherents.
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjDoubtful or uncertain about the existence or demonstrability of God or other deity.
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjHaving no firmly held opinions on something.informal usually
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjUnaware or noncommittal regarding the specific nature of the components or input with which it interacts.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ReligionagnosticEnglishnounA person who holds to a form of agnosticism, especially uncertainty of the existence of a deity.
ReligionsatanistaPortugueseadjsatanic (relating to Satanism)feminine masculine
ReligionsatanistaPortuguesenounsatanist (one who worships Satan)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
ReligionsatanistaPortuguesenounsatanist (follower of LaVeyan Satanism)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
ReligionനരകംMalayalamnouna hellish place or situationfiguratively
Restaurants켄터키Koreanname[~주(州)] Kentucky (a state of the United States)
Restaurants켄터키KoreannameClipping of 켄터키 프라이드 치킨 (kenteoki peuraideu chikin, “Kentucky Fried Chicken”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Rivers in TibetسندھUrdunameSindh (a province of Pakistan)
Rivers in TibetسندھUrdunameIndus (a river in the provinces of Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the administrative territory of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan, the union territory of Ladakh in India and the autonomous region of Tibet in China)
Rivers in TibetسندھUrdunameSind, Scinde (a province of British India)historical
RoadszajazdPolishnoundrivewayinanimate masculine
RoadszajazdPolishnouninn, taverninanimate masculine
RoadszajazdPolishnounin the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the forcible taking of property from someone who has lost it in a trialhistorical inanimate masculine
RoadszajazdPolishnounarrival by riding a vehicle or animalarchaic inanimate masculine
Rocketryfusion rocketEnglishnouna rocket engine that uses nuclear fusion reactions for propulsive forceaerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Rocketryfusion rocketEnglishnouna spacecraft having a fusion reactor that powers the rocketaerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Rocketryfusion rocketEnglishnouna nuclear-pulse rocket that uses thermonuclear bombs to supply propulsive forceaerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
RocksfelsicEnglishadjEnriched in minerals predominantly composed of the lighter elements such as silicon, oxygen, aluminium, sodium, and potassium.geography geology natural-sciences petrology
RocksfelsicEnglishnounA rock with such properties.
RocksантрацитMacedonianadjanthracite-coloredindeclinable not-comparable
RocksантрацитMacedoniannounanthracite (type of coal)
Roman EmpireGermánieCzechnameGermania (an ancient region in north-central Europe, in modern Germany)feminine historical
Roman EmpireGermánieCzechnameGermanyarchaic derogatory feminine
RoomsHexenkücheGermannounwitches' kitchen (room containing the cauldron)feminine literally
RoomsHexenkücheGermannounwitches' or wizards' cuisine (things which might be cooked up in a cauldron)feminine
RoomsHexenkücheGermannounwitches' cauldronfeminine
RoomskammioFinnishnounchamber (enclosed space)
RoomskammioFinnishnouncell (room in a monastery for sleeping one person)
RoomskammioFinnishnounventricle (one of the lower chambers of the heart)
Roomsseòmar-toisichScottish Gaelicnounantechambermasculine
Roomsseòmar-toisichScottish Gaelicnounfront roommasculine
Root vegetables蓮根Japanesenounlotus root.
Root vegetables蓮根Japanesenounacting straight.LGBTslang
Root vegetables蓮根Japanesenounlotus root.
RugbyruggerEnglishnounrugby playerUS countable uncountable
RussiaPermianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Russian region of Perm; specifically, one belonging to a branch of the Finno-Ugric peoples, including Komis and Udmurts, who speak Permic languages.
RussiaPermianEnglishnounThe language of such people; Permic.
RussiaPermianEnglishadjPertaining to the Perm region of Russia, or its inhabitants.
RussiaPermianEnglishadjPertaining to their language; Permic.
RussiaPermianEnglishadjPertaining to the last geologic period of the Paleozoic era; comprising the Cisuralian, Guadalupian and Lopingian epochs from about 280 to 248 million years ago.geography geology natural-sciences
RussiaPermianEnglishnameThe Permian period.geography geology natural-sciences
Sapindales order plantsرقعArabicverbto patch, to cover with fabric
Sapindales order plantsرقعArabicverbto patch, to cover with fabric
Sapindales order plantsرقعArabicnounverbal noun of رَقَعَ (raqaʕa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Sapindales order plantsرقعArabicnounplural of رُقْعَة (ruqʕa)form-of plural
Sapindales order plantsرقعArabicverbto be sottish, to be doltish, to have a deficit in intellectual capacity
Sapindales order plantsرقعArabicverbto be impertinent, to be inverecund, to have a deficit in character or form
Sapindales order plantsرقعArabicnounTrichilia emetica syn. Trichilia roka
SchoolssalaPolishnounassembly hall (large room where people gather) / assembly hall (those gathered in such a room)feminine
SchoolssalaPolishnounassembly hall (large room where people gather) / seats in an assembly hallfeminine rare
SchoolssalaPolishnoundance studiofeminine obsolete
SchoolssalaPolishnounliving roomfeminine obsolete
SciencesgenéticaSpanishnoungeneticsfeminine uncountable
SciencesgenéticaSpanishadjfeminine singular of genéticofeminine form-of singular
SciencessociolingüísticaCatalannounsociolinguisticsfeminine uncountable
SciencessociolingüísticaCatalanadjfeminine singular of sociolingüísticfeminine form-of singular
ScientistssocjologPolishnounsociologistmasculine person
ScientistssocjologPolishnounfemale equivalent of socjolog (“sociologist”)feminine form-of indeclinable
Scorpaeniform fishcapponeItaliannouncaponmasculine
Scorpaeniform fishcapponeItaliannountub gurnardmasculine
Scorpaeniform fishcottoidEnglishadjOf or pertaining to fish of the genus Cottus.biology natural-sciences zoology
Scorpaeniform fishcottoidEnglishnounA fish belonging to the genus Cottus.biology natural-sciences zoology
Seabirdsandorinha-do-marPortuguesenounany of several seabirds similar to swallows / tern (Sterna hirundo)feminine
Seabirdsandorinha-do-marPortuguesenounany of several seabirds similar to swallows / noddy (Anous stolidus)feminine
Seabirdsandorinha-do-marPortuguesenounany of several seabirds similar to swallows / band-rumped storm petrel; Madeiran storm petrel (Oceanodroma castro)feminine
Seafood牡蠣Japanesenounoyster (edible)
Seafood牡蠣Japanesenounan oyster
Seafood牡蠣Japanesenounroasted and powdered oyster shell, used in antacids, sedatives, and as a bird feed additivemedicine sciencesChinese traditional
SedgessitnikPolishnounsieve-makerarchaic masculine person regional
SedgessitnikPolishnounany mushroom of the order Boletales / Suillus bovinusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany mushroom of the order Boletales / Suillus granulatusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany mushroom of the order Boletales / Caloboletus calopusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Isolepisinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Eleocharisinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Juncusinanimate masculine
SedgessitnikPolishnounany rush of the family Cyperaceae / Scirpusinanimate masculine
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be fortunate
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be propitious
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be happy
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be lucky
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be successful
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be happy
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be lucky
SedgesسعدArabicverbto be successful
SedgesسعدArabicnounverbal noun of سَعَدَ (saʕada, “to be fortunate, propitious”) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
SedgesسعدArabicnounverbal noun of سَعِدَ (saʕida, “to be happy, lucky, successful”) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
SedgesسعدArabicnoungood fortune, luck
SedgesسعدArabicnamea male given name
SedgesسعدArabicnounsedge (Cyperus)
Sexlong timeEnglishintjUsed as part of greeting of two people who have not been in contact for a long time.idiomatic
Sexlong timeEnglishintjUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see long, time.
Sexlong timeEnglishnounA meeting with a sex worker that usually lasts the entire prostitution sexualityIndonesia Thailand
SexzinaIndonesiannounfornicationIslam lifestyle religion
SexzinaIndonesiannounadultery / Sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their
SexzinaIndonesiannounadultery / Faithlessness in religion.biblical lifestyle religion
SexसंगमHindinounmeeting, coming together, association
SexसंगमHindinounconfluence, junction
SexसंगमHindinounconfluence, junction / the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna at AllahabadHinduism
SexसंगमHindinouncompany, amity
SexसंगमHindinounthe Sangam period of ancient Tamil Naduhistorical
SexसंगमHindinounsexual union, sexual intercourseliterary
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA wide, flat receptacle used around the house, especially for cooking.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounThe contents of such a receptacle.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA cylindrical receptacle about as tall as it is wide, with one long handle, usually made of metal, used for cooking in the home.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA deep plastic receptacle, used for washing or food preparation; a basin.Ireland
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA wide receptacle in which gold grains are separated from gravel by washing the contents with water.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounAn expanse of level land located in a depression, especially / A pond or lake, considered as the expanse of land upon which the water sits.geography geology natural-sciences
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounAn expanse of level land located in a depression, especially / A dry lake or playa, especially a salt flat.geography geology natural-sciencesSouth-Africa especially
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounAn expanse of level land located in a depression, especially / Synonym of playa lake: a temporary pond or lake in a playa.geography geology natural-sciencesSouth-Africa
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounAn expanse of level land located in a depression, especially / Short for salt pan: a flat artificial pond used for collecting minerals from evaporated water.geography geology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounShort for hardpan: a hard substrate such as is formed in pans.geography geology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounSynonym of pipe: a channel for lava within a volcano; the cylindrical remains of such channels.geography geology natural-sciencesSouth-Africa obsolete
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounStrong adverse criticism.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA loaf of bread; a pan-loaf.Ireland
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounThe chamber pot in a close stool; (now) the base of a toilet, consisting of the bowl and its support.obsolete
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA bedpan.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA human face, a mug.slang
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounThe bottom flat part of a roofing panel that is between the ribs of the construction manufacturing roofing
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA closed vessel for boiling or evaporating as part of manufacture; a vacuum pan.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounThe part of a flintlock that holds the firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounThe skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the brainpan.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounThe brain, seen as one's intellect.figuratively
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA recess, or bed, for the leaf of a carpentry construction manufacturing
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounShort for steelpan.entertainment lifestyle musicabbreviation alt-of
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo wash in a pan (of earth, sand etc. when searching for gold).transitive
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo disparage; to belittle; to put down; to harshly criticize, especially a work (book, movie, etc.)transitive
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo turn out well; to be successful.intransitive
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo beat one's opposition convincingly.informal transitive
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo turn horizontally.intransitive usually
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo move the camera lens angle while continuing to expose the film, enabling a contiguous view and enrichment of context. In still-photography large-group portraits the film usually remains on a horizontal fixed plane as the lens and/or the film holder moves to expose the film laterally. The resulting image may extend a short distance laterally or as great as 360 degrees from the point where the film first began to be exposed.arts hobbies lifestyle photographyintransitive
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo shift an image relative to the display window without changing the viewing scale.intransitive
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo spread a sound signal into a new stereo or multichannel sound field, typically giving the impression that it is moving across the sound electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA sequence in a film in which the camera pans over an area.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounAlternative form of paanalt-of alternative uncountable
Sexual orientationspanEnglishverbTo join or fit together; to unite.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA part; a portion.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounThe distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle.fortifications government military politics war
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounA leaf of gold or silver.
Sexual orientationspanEnglishadjPansexual or panromantic.informal not-comparable
Sexual orientationspanEnglishnounShort for pantograph.rail-transport railways transportabbreviation alt-of informal
Sexualitybi-curieuxFrenchnouna bi-curious personmasculine
SharksnurseEnglishnounA person trained to provide care for the sick.
SharksnurseEnglishnounA person (usually a woman) who takes care of other people’s young.
SharksnurseEnglishnounOne who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, or fosters.figuratively
SharksnurseEnglishnounA shrub or tree that protects a young plant.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
SharksnurseEnglishnounA lieutenant or first officer who takes command when the captain is unfit for his place.nautical transport
SharksnurseEnglishnounA larva of certain trematodes, which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction.
SharksnurseEnglishnounA wet nurse.archaic
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo breastfeed: to feed (a baby) at the breast; to suckle.transitive
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo breastfeed: to be fed at the breast.intransitive
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo care for (someone), especially in sickness; to tend to.transitive
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo treat kindly and with extra care.transitive
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo manage with care and economy.transitive
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo drink slowly, to make it last.transitive
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo foster, to nourish.transitive
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo hold closely to one's chest
SharksnurseEnglishverbTo strike (billiard balls) gently, so as to keep them in good position during a series of shots.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
SharksnurseEnglishnounA nurse shark or dogfish.
Ship partsantennaLatinnounyard on a shipdeclension-1 feminine
Ship partsantennaLatinnounantenna in insects etc.New-Latin declension-1 feminine
Ship partssoletaCatalannoundiminutive of sola (“sole, bottom”)diminutive feminine form-of
Ship partssoletaCatalannouninsolefeminine
Ship partssoletaCatalannounsole (of a sock)feminine
Ship partssoletaCatalannountipfeminine
Ship partssoletaCatalannoungunwale, top railfeminine
ShopsvinmonopolNorwegian Nynorsknounalcohol monopoly (a government monopoly on manufacturing and/or retailing some or all alcoholic beverages) / the institution itself (of alcohol monopoly)neuter
ShopsvinmonopolNorwegian Nynorsknounalcohol monopoly (a government monopoly on manufacturing and/or retailing some or all alcoholic beverages) / a retailer licensed (through the monopoly) to sell alcohol; government owned liquor storeneuter
ShrikescastricaItaliannounSynonym of culbianco (“northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)”)feminine regional
ShrikescastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla capirossa (“woodchat shrike (Lanius senator)”)feminine regional
ShrikescastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla cenerina (“lesser grey shrike (Lanius minor)”)feminine regional
ShrikescastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla piccola (“red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)”)feminine regional
Shrubs千両Japanesenoun1000 ryō
Shrubs千両Japanesenouna large sum of moneyfiguratively
Shrubs千両Japanesenoun仙蓼: glabrous sarcandra herb, Sarcandra glabra
SizemórIrishadjbig, large, great
SizemórIrishverbmagnify; exalt, extolintransitive transitive
SizemórIrishverbincreaseintransitive transitive
SizemórIrishverbcelebrateintransitive literary transitive
SizemórIrishverbboast aboutintransitive transitive
SizemórIrishverbbegrudge tointransitive transitive
SizeolbrzymPolishnoungiant (mythical creature)masculine person
SizeolbrzymPolishnoungiant (large person)masculine person
SizeolbrzymPolishnoungiant (large object or animal)animal-not-person masculine
SizeolbrzymPolishnoungiant (star that is considerably more luminous than a main sequence star of the same temperature)astronomy natural-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine
SkeletoncrânioPortuguesenoungenius (someone possessing extraordinary intelligence)informal masculine
SkiingMałyszPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
SkiingMałyszPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
SkinpomatumEnglishnounSynonym of ointment, particularly thick waxy ointments scented with fruit used to beautify the skin or hair.countable historical uncommon uncountable
SkinpomatumEnglishnounSynonym of pomade, a kind of thick waxy hair product used as a styling gel.countable uncommon uncountable
SkinpomatumEnglishnounSynonym of cider, a soft or hard drink made from apples.countable obsolete uncommon uncountable
SkinpomatumEnglishverbSynonym of pomade: to apply pomade.transitive uncommon
SkinpomatumEnglishverbSynonym of anoint: to apply ointment.historical obsolete transitive uncommon
Slaveryslave-driverEnglishnounAn overseer of slaves at work; a person who puts slaves to work.
Slaveryslave-driverEnglishnounAn employer or supervisor who demands excessive amounts of work from an employee.colloquial excessive figuratively usually
Slaveryslave-driverEnglishnounAnyone who requests an amount of work from others that is deemed unreasonable.broadly colloquial excessive figuratively humorous often sarcastic usually
SmellsmradSerbo-Croatiannounstench, stink (strong bad smell)
SmellsmradSerbo-CroatiannounTerm of disparagement for a contemptible person; asshole, shit stain, scumbagderogatory informal
SmokingWasserpfeifeGermannounwater pipe / bongfeminine
SmokingWasserpfeifeGermannounwater pipe / hookahfeminine
SnakesnadreddWelshnounplural of neidr (“snake”)feminine form-of not-mutable plural
SnakesnadreddWelshnounsnakescollective feminine not-mutable
Social sciencesтүүхMongolianverbto gather
Social sciencesтүүхMongolianverbto pick
Social sciencesтүүхMongoliannounhistory (aggregate of past events)hidden-n
Social sciencesтүүхMongoliannounhistory (branch of knowledge)hidden-n
Social sciencesтүүхMongoliannounhistory (form of writing) / record of historical eventshidden-n
Social sciencesтүүхMongoliannounhistory (form of writing) / historical storyhidden-n
Social sciencesтүүхMongoliannounhistory (form of writing) / biography, memoirshidden-n
SounddistuneEnglishverbTo put (something) out of tune.transitive
SounddistuneEnglishverbTo cause (something) not to be in harmony or to be poorly adjusted.figuratively transitive
SoundîncetRomanianadjslowmasculine neuter
SoundîncetRomanianadjdullmasculine neuter
SoundîncetRomanianadjsluggishmasculine neuter
SoundîncetRomanianadjleisurelymasculine neuter
SoundîncetRomanianadjlow (as in volume)masculine neuter
SoundsclumpEnglishnounA cluster or lump; an unshaped piece or mass.
SoundsclumpEnglishnounA thick group or bunch, especially of bushes or hair.
SoundsclumpEnglishnounA dull thud.
SoundsclumpEnglishnounThe compressed clay of coal strata.
SoundsclumpEnglishnounA small group of trees or plants.
SoundsclumpEnglishnounA thick addition to the sole of a shoe.historical
SoundsclumpEnglishverbTo form clusters or lumps.intransitive transitive
SoundsclumpEnglishverbTo gather in dense groups.intransitive transitive
SoundsclumpEnglishverbTo walk with heavy footfalls.intransitive
SoundsclumpEnglishverbTo strike; to beat.UK regional transitive
SoundsвытьRussianverbto howl
SoundsвытьRussianverbto wail
SoupssolankaPolishnounany saltwort of the genus Salsolafeminine
SoupssolankaPolishnounsolyanka (a type of soup)feminine
South SudansudsudanésSpanishadjSouth Sudanese (of or relating to South Sudan)
South SudansudsudanésSpanishnounSouth Sudanese (native or resident of South Sudan)masculine
Spicesਕਲ਼ੌਂਜੀPunjabinounnigella (plant)
Spicesਕਲ਼ੌਂਜੀPunjabinounblack caraway (spice)
SportskävelyFinnishnounwalk (trip made by walking)
SportskävelyFinnishnounwalk (distance walked)
SportskävelyFinnishnounwalk (manner of walking)
SportskävelyFinnishnounwalking (act)
SportskävelyFinnishnounracewalking, speedwalking (sport); race walk (event)athletics hobbies lifestyle sports
SportskävelyFinnishnounstroll (leisurely walk)
Sports equipmentpuomiFinnishnounbarrier (rail)
Sports equipmentpuomiFinnishnounboom (horizontal bar of a crane)
Sports equipmentpuomiFinnishnounbalance beamgymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports
Sports equipmentpuomiFinnishnounboom (spar extending the foot of a sail)nautical transport
Sports equipmentpuomiFinnishnounpole (see spinnaker pole; spar supporting a spinnaker)nautical transport
Sports equipmentpuomiFinnishnounboom (barrier closing a harbor, or one used for oil spill containment)nautical transport
Stone fruitsşeftaliTurkishnounpeach (fruit and tree)
Stone fruitsşeftaliTurkishnounsheftaliaCyprus
String instrumentsharpaSwedishnouna harpentertainment lifestyle musiccommon-gender
String instrumentsharpaSwedishnouna grain sievecommon-gender
SuboscinesbreveEnglishnounA semicircular diacritical mark (˘) placed above a vowel, commonly used to mark its quantity as short.communications journalism literature media orthography printing publishing writing
SuboscinesbreveEnglishnounA double whole note; a note twice as long as a semibreve.entertainment lifestyle music
SuboscinesbreveEnglishnounAny writ or precept under seal, issued out of any
SuboscinesbreveEnglishnounA pitta, all of which have more or less short tails.biology natural-sciences zoology
SuboscinesbreveEnglishnounAn equal mix of espresso and half and half cream.
SuicideChinesecharacterto jump; to leap; to hop
SuicideChinesecharacterto pass over; to skip; to bypass
SuicideChinesecharacterto beat; to palpitate; to pulsate
SuicideChinesecharacterto jump (into or from) so as to result in death
SuicideChinesecharacterAlternative form of 逃 (táo, “to flee”)alt-of alternative obsolete
SunدھوپUrdunounsunlight, sunshine; heat of the Sun
SunدھوپUrdunounthe Sunbroadly
SunدھوپUrdunounincense, frankincense
SwansлебёдкаRussiannounpen (female swan)animate
SwedenZweedseDutchnounSwedish womanfeminine
SwedenZweedseDutchadjinflection of Zweeds: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
SwedenZweedseDutchadjinflection of Zweeds: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
SwedenZweedseDutchadjinflection of Zweeds: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
SwimmingnuotoItaliannounswimming (the activity of being moving oneself through water using one's arms and legs, carried out for amusement, exercise, sport or entertainment.)hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
SwimmingnuotoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of nuotarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SydneysidneyesaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of sidneyésfeminine form-of
SydneysidneyesaSpanishadjfeminine singular of sidneyésfeminine form-of singular
SyndromesdownPolishnounDown syndrome (genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21 (a chromosomal excess), whereby the patients typically have a delay in cognitive ability and physical growth, as well as a small head and tilted eyelids)medicine neurology neuroscience sciencesinanimate informal masculine
SyndromesdownPolishnounDownie (person with Down syndrome)colloquial derogatory masculine person
SyndromesdownPolishnoundip, dumbhead, dumb cluck, dummkopf, hammerhead, ignorant (stupid person)colloquial derogatory masculine person
Systems theoryequilibriumEnglishnounThe condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced, resulting in no net change.
Systems theoryequilibriumEnglishnounMental balance.
Systems theoryequilibriumEnglishnounThe state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Systems theoryequilibriumEnglishnounThe state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TaiwanFree ChinaEnglishnameThose areas of China not occupied by Japan, including areas dominated by Communist resistance.historical
TaiwanFree ChinaEnglishnameThe Republic of China in Taiwan as opposed to Communist China, i.e. the People's Republic of China, primarily used during the Cold War prior to 1979.dated
Talkingstage whisperEnglishnounA line that is performed on stage as if it were whispered, but is spoken loud enough that the audience can hear.entertainment lifestyle theater
Talkingstage whisperEnglishnounAny loud whisper intended to be heard.broadly
Talkingstage whisperEnglishverbTo perform a stage whisper.entertainment lifestyle theater
TalkingtwaddleEnglishnounEmpty or silly idle talk or writing; nonsense, rubbish.uncountable
TalkingtwaddleEnglishnounOne who twaddles; a twaddler.countable
TalkingtwaddleEnglishverbTo talk or write nonsense; to prattle.
TalkingverbalizeEnglishverbTo speak or to use words to express.transitive
TalkingverbalizeEnglishverbTo adapt (a word of another part of speech) as a verb.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencestransitive
Talking計較Chineseverbto bother about; to fuss over
Talking計較Chineseverbto argue; to bicker
Talking計較Chineseverbto think over
Talking計較Chineseverbto discuss in detail
TasteәсеBashkiradjspicy, hot
Taste신맛Koreannounsourness, sour taste
Taste신맛Koreannounacetic, acerbicin-compounds
Tea烏龍Chinesenounblack dragonliterally
Tea烏龍Chinesenoundogs in generalfiguratively literary
Tea烏龍Chinesenounhorsefiguratively literary obsolete
Tea烏龍Chinesenoununexpected mistake; mishapcolloquial figuratively
Tea烏龍Chinesenounoolong (tea)
Tea烏龍Chinesenounblack cricketTaiwanese-Hokkien
Tea烏龍Chineseadjmuddled; absent-minded; sillyCantonese
Tea烏龍ChinesenameWulong (a township in Wuxi, Chongqing, China)
Tea烏龍ChinesenameName of a loyal dog owned by Jin-dynasty Zhang Ran.
Tea烏龍Chinesenoun(chiefly Taiwan) udon (noodle)
TechnologyantennaEnglishnounAn appendage used for sensing on the head of an insect, crab, or other animal.
TechnologyantennaEnglishnounAn apparatus to receive or transmit electromagnetic waves and convert respectively to or from an electrical signal.
TechnologyantennaEnglishnounThe faculty of intuitive astuteness.figuratively
TechnologyantennaEnglishnounA fragment of an oligosaccharidebiochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciences
TechnologyantennaEnglishnounThe spar to which a lateen sail is attached, which is then hoisted up the mast.nautical transport
TechnologyколонкаUkrainiannoundiminutive of коло́на f (kolóna)diminutive form-of
TechnologyколонкаUkrainiannouncolumn (of figures, text, etc.)
TechnologyколонкаUkrainiannouncolumn, cylinder (name of various technical devices generally cylindrical in shape)
TechnologyколонкаUkrainiannoungenitive/accusative singular of колоно́к (kolonók)accusative form-of genitive singular
TechnologyпристрійUkrainiannoundevice (piece of equipment)
TeethdantWelshnountoothanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
TeethdantWelshnounSoft mutation of tant (“string”).form-of mutation-soft
Teeth幼齒Chinesenounbaby toothMin Southern
Teeth幼齒Chinesenounminor; kiddie; inexperienced personTaiwan
Teeth幼齒Chinesenoununderaged prostituteTaiwan colloquial
Teeth幼齒Chineseadjyoung; inexperienced; immatureMin Southern
Teeth幼齒Chineseadjfresh and tenderTaiwan
TelephonyswitchboardEnglishnounThe electronic panel that is used to direct telephone calls to the desired recipient.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
TelephonyswitchboardEnglishnounA large piece of power-distribution equipment that directs electricity to multiple electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TextilesścieraPolishnounAugmentative of ścierkaaugmentative colloquial feminine form-of offensive
TextilesścieraPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of ścieraccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
TextilesścieraPolishverbthird-person singular present of ścieraćform-of present singular third-person
TheaterمسرحArabicadjactive participle of سَرَّحَ (sarraḥa)active form-of participle
TheaterمسرحArabicadjpassive participle of سَرَّحَ (sarraḥa)form-of participle passive
ThinkingtahuMalayverbto know (be certain or sure about something)
ThinkingtahuMalayverbto know (have knowledge of)
ThinkingფიქრიGeorgiannounthoughtuncountable usually
ThinkingფიქრიGeorgiannounworryuncountable usually
ThinkingფიქრიGeorgiannounthought, ideauncountable usually
ThreetriliteralEnglishadjOf word roots in Afroasiatic languages: consisting of three letters.not-comparable
ThreetriliteralEnglishnounA word root in an Afroasiatic language that consists of three letters.
ThreeమూడుTelugunum3 (Telugu numeral: ౩ (3))
ThreeమూడుTeluguverbTo happen, to befall.
ThreeమూడుTeluguverbTo end, close, terminate.
Three三戸Japanesenounthree households
Three三戸Japanesenounthe three pairs of head orifices (eye sockets, nostrils, earholes)
Three三戸JapanesenameA district of Aomori Prefecture, Japan, Asia
Three三戸JapanesenameA town in Sannohe district, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, Asia
Timber industrysudiyangCebuanonouna conical fish trap
Timber industrysudiyangCebuanonounCtenolophon parvifolius, a buttressed tree often harvested for timber, mertas
Timede GwenerCornishadvon FridayStandard-Cornish
Timede GwenerCornishnameFridayStandard-Cornish masculine
TimedilatoryEnglishadjIntentionally delaying (someone or something), intended to cause delay, gain time, or adjourn decision.not-comparable
TimedilatoryEnglishadjSlow or tardy.not-comparable
TimedilatoryEnglishadjRelating to dilation; dilative.not-comparable
TimeearlyEnglishadjAt a time in advance of the usual or expected event.
TimeearlyEnglishadjArriving a time before expected; sooner than on time.
TimeearlyEnglishadjNear the start or beginning.
TimeearlyEnglishadjNear the start of the day.
TimeearlyEnglishadjHaving begun to occur; in its early stages.
TimeearlyEnglishadjOf a star or class of stars, hotter than the sun.astronomy natural-sciences
TimeearlyEnglishnounA shift (scheduled work period) that takes place early in the day.informal
TimeearlyEnglishadvAt a time before expected; sooner than usual.
TimeearlyEnglishadvSoon; in good time; seasonably.
TimeholaHawaiianverbto spreadtransitive
TimeholaHawaiiannountime, hour
TimemomentoGaliciannounmoment, instantmasculine
TimemomentoGaliciannounmomentumnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
TimetymelyMiddle EnglishadvDone prior to the right time; early.
TimetymelyMiddle EnglishadvIn a timely manner ; at the right time.
TimetymelyMiddle Englishadvfast, speedily, quickly.
TimetymelyMiddle Englishadvsimultaneously.rare
TimetymelyMiddle EnglishadjIn season; good for the season.
TimetymelyMiddle EnglishadjPrior to the right time; early.
TimetymelyMiddle EnglishadjRelating to time.
TimeվաղիւOld Armenianadvtomorrow
TimeվաղիւOld Armeniannountomorrow
TimeనిమిషముTelugunountwinkling of the eye
TimeనిమిషముTelugunounan instant, a moment.broadly
TimeనిమిషముTelugunounone minute
Time早日Chineseadvat an early date; early; soon; as soon as possible
Time早日Chinesenounthe past; past times; former times
Time traveltime-travelEnglishnounAlternative form of time travelalt-of alternative uncountable
Time traveltime-travelEnglishverbTo travel through time.intransitive
Time traveltime-travelEnglishverbTo sleep.slang
Times of daycockshutEnglishnounA kind of net for catching woodcock.countable obsolete
Times of daycockshutEnglishnounTwilight, when poultry would be shut in for the night.countable obsolete uncountable
Times of daygrySwedishnoungrit (personal trait; in the expression gott gry), courage, spiritneuter
Times of daygrySwedishverbto dawn
TitlesMonsieurFrenchnounAlternative letter-case form of monsieur Used to show respectalt-of masculine
TitlesMonsieurFrenchnounSpecifically, the brother of the French kinghistorical masculine
TitleszꜣbEgyptiannounan official title of uncertain rank
Titlesป้าThainounelder sister of one's parent.
Titlesป้าThainouna title or term of address for any elderly woman, especially that of relative age to an elder sister of one's parent.derogatory offensive sometimes
Titlesป้าThainounaging woman.derogatory offensive sometimes
Titlesป้าThainounaging male homosexual.humorous slang sometimes
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounOne who or that which hops.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA temporary storage bin, filled from the top and emptied from the bottom, often funnel-shaped.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA funnel-shaped section at the top of a drainpipe used to collect water, from above, from one or more smaller drainpipes.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA bin or device that feeds material into a machine.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounVarious insects / A grasshopper or locust, especially
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounVarious insects / A grasshopper or locust, especially: / The immature form of a locust.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounVarious insects / The larva of a cheese fly.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounVarious insects / A leafhopper.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounVarious insects / Any of various hesperiid butterflies.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounAn artificial fishing lure.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA toilet.slang
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounAn escapement lever in a piano.entertainment lifestyle music
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounThe game of hopscotch.obsolete
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA window with hinges at the bottom, opened by tilting vertically.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA hopper car.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA fairy chess piece which moves only by jumping over another piece.board-games chess games
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA person or machine that picks hops.
Toilet (room)hopperEnglishnounA Sri Lankan pancake made from a fermented batter of rice flour, coconut milk, and palm toddy or yeast.
ToolsdalekohledCzechnounbinoculars (hand-held device)inanimate masculine
ToolsdalekohledCzechnountelescope (astronomic device)inanimate masculine
ToolskudlaCzechnounjackknifecolloquial feminine
ToolskudlaCzechnounknifecolloquial feminine
ToolskudlaCzechnountuft of hairdialectal feminine
ToolssimbiShonanouniron (metal)class-9
ToolssimbiShonanounmetalbroadly class-9
ToolssimbiShonanouniron (tool for ironing clothes)class-9
ToolssitoPolishnounfilter (method of eliminating unsuitable people or things)figuratively neuter
ToolstallantóCatalannountile hammer (hammer-like tool with two heads, one horizontal and one vertical, used for removing and laying tile)masculine
ToolstallantóCatalannounjedding axmasculine
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (device used to trim)inanimate masculine
ToolstrymerPolishnountrim tabaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (small capacitor or other component used to tune a circuit)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (member of the crew who trims the sails)nautical transportmasculine person
ToolstrymerPolishnountrimmer (dockworker who arranges cargo)masculine person
ToolsżyletaPolishnounAugmentative of żyletkaaugmentative feminine form-of
ToolsżyletaPolishnounvery demanding and overbearing teachereducationcolloquial derogatory feminine
ToolsżyletaPolishnounbimbo (sexually attractive woman)colloquial feminine
ToolsżyletaPolishnounhigh-resolution photo in which objects have clear contours and are well separated from the backgroundarts hobbies lifestyle photographycolloquial feminine
ToolsżyletaPolishnoununcovered stand in the stadium of a sports club where seats are occupied by ardent fans, loudly and often aggressively expressing their support for the teamhobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial feminine
ToolsżyletaPolishnounaddiction to self-mutilationcolloquial feminine
ToolsсъдBulgariannounvessel (e.g. a ship or a boat)nautical transport
ToolsсъдBulgariannounvessel, container (for fluids)
ToolsсъдBulgariannounvessel (e.g. a blood vessel)biology natural-sciences
ToolsсъдBulgariannounlawcourt, court, court of law, court of justice
ToolsցաքատArmeniannouna machete-like tool common in Artsakh used to cut (thorny) branchesKarabakh
ToolsցաքատArmeniannounrough personKarabakh figuratively
TownsXalixcoClassical NahuatlnameXalisco, town in Nayarit.
TownsXalixcoClassical NahuatlnameJalisco, name of Mexican state.
Towns in Japan平田Japanesenouna rice paddy on flat terrain, so that no terracing is needed
Towns in Japan平田Japanesenamea surname
Towns in Japan平田Japanesenamea place name
ToysbōnkSilesiannounspinning top (toy)inanimate masculine
ToysbōnkSilesiannoundecorative ball, e.g. of a beltinanimate masculine
ToysbōnkSilesiannounbumblebeeanimal-not-person masculine
ToysbōnkSilesiannounpale giant horse-fly, Tabanus bovinusanimal-not-person masculine
ToysbōnkSilesiannountaciturn personanimal-not-person masculine
ToyskaleidoscopeEnglishnounAn instrument consisting of a tube containing mirrors and loose, colourful beads or other objects; when the tube is looked into and rotated, a succession of symmetrical designs can be seen.
ToyskaleidoscopeEnglishnounA constantly changing series of colours or other things.figuratively
ToyskaleidoscopeEnglishverbTo move in shifting (and often attractive or colourful) patterns.intransitive
Toysstuffed animalEnglishnounA soft toy in the form of an animal.Canada US
Toysstuffed animalEnglishnounAn animal that has undergone taxidermy.
TransgenderhormonesEnglishnounHormone replacement therapy.plural plural-only
TransgenderhormonesEnglishnounplural of hormoneform-of plural
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe circumference of, or distance around, any space; the measure of a line around an area.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThat which encircles anything, as a ring or crown.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe space enclosed within a circle, or within limits.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounEnclosed path of an electric current, usually designed for a certain electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA regular or appointed trip from place to place as part of one's job
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe jurisdiction of certain judges within a state or country, whether itinerant or
TravelcircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / The counties at the fringes of the empire, usually with a non-Chinese population, from the Han to the Western Jin.historical
TravelcircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / The 10 or so major provinces of the empire from the Tang to the early Yuan.historical
TravelcircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / Major provincial divisions from the Yuan to early Republican China.historical
TravelcircuitEnglishnounAbbreviation of circuit court.lawabbreviation alt-of
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe basic grouping of local Methodist churches.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounBy analogy to the proceeding three, a set of theaters among which the same acts circulate; especially common in the heyday of vaudeville.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA track on which a race in held; a racetrackhobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA thought that unconsciously goes round and round in a person's mind and controls that person.Scientology lifestyle religion
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA closed path, without repeated vertices allowed.graph-theory mathematics sciences
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA chain of cinemas/movie theaters.
TravelcircuitEnglishverbTo move in a circle; to go round; to circulate.intransitive obsolete
TravelcircuitEnglishverbTo travel around.obsolete transitive
TreesaninRomanianverbfirst-person singular present indicative/subjunctive of aninafirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive
TreesdairScottish Gaelicnounoak (tree)archaic feminine
TreesdairScottish Gaelicnounthe letter D in the Ogham alphabetfeminine obsolete
TreesfirreMiddle Englishnounfir (Abies spp.)
TreesfirreMiddle Englishnounfir wood
TreesfirreMiddle Englishnounfurze, gorse.Late-Middle-English
TreestrunkEnglishnounPart of a body. / The usually single, more or less upright part of a tree, between the roots and the branches.heading
TreestrunkEnglishnounPart of a body. / The torso; especially, the human torso.heading
TreestrunkEnglishnounPart of a body. / The conspicuously extended, mobile, nose-like organ of an animal such as a sengi, a tapir or especially an elephant. The trunks of various kinds of animals might be adapted to probing and sniffing, as in the sengis, or be partly prehensile, as in the tapir, or be a versatile prehensile organ for manipulation, feeding, drinking and fighting as in the elephant.heading
TreestrunkEnglishnounA container. / A large suitcase, chest, or similar receptacle for carrying or storing personal possessions, usually with a hinged, often domed lid, and handles at each end, so that generally it takes two persons to carry a full trunk.heading
TreestrunkEnglishnounA container. / A box or chest usually covered with leather, metal, or cloth, or sometimes made of leather, hide, or metal, for holding or transporting clothes or other goods.heading
TreestrunkEnglishnounA container. / The luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon-style car.automotive heading transport vehiclesCanada US
TreestrunkEnglishnounA container. / A storage compartment fitted behind the seat of a motorcycle.automotive heading transport vehicles
TreestrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A major circuit between telephone switchboards or other switching equipment.communications electrical-engineering engineering heading natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunicationsUS
TreestrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A chute or conduit, or a watertight shaft connecting two or more decks.heading
TreestrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A long, large box, pipe, or conductor, made of plank or metal plates, for various uses, as for conveying air to a mine or to a furnace, water to a mill, grain to an elevator, etc.heading
TreestrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A long tube through which pellets of clay, peas, etc., are driven by the force of the breath. A peashooterheadingarchaic
TreestrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A flume or sluice in which ores are separated from the slimes in which they are heading mining
TreestrunkEnglishnounIn software projects under source control: the most current source tree, from which the latest unstable builds (so-called "trunk builds") are compiled.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
TreestrunkEnglishnounThe main line or body of anything. / A main line in a river, canal, railroad, or highway system.transport
TreestrunkEnglishnounThe main line or body of anything. / The part of a pilaster between the base and capital, corresponding to the shaft of a column.architecture
TreestrunkEnglishnounThe main line or body of anything.
TreestrunkEnglishnounA large pipe forming the piston rod of a steam engine, of sufficient diameter to allow one end of the connecting rod to be attached to the crank, and the other end to pass within the pipe directly to the piston, thus making the engine more compact.
TreestrunkEnglishnounShort for swimming trunks.abbreviation alt-of in-plural
TreestrunkEnglishverbTo lop off; to curtail; to truncate.obsolete transitive
TreestrunkEnglishverbTo extract (ores) from the slimes in which they are contained, by means of a miningtransitive
TreestrunkEnglishverbTo provide simultaneous network access to multiple clients by sharing a set of circuits, carriers, channels, or frequencies.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
TreesবেলAssamesenounbael, wood apple
TreesবেলAssamesenounbael tree
Treesမျောက်ချောBurmesenounBurma lancewood (Homalium tomentosum; Salicaceae)
Treesမျောက်ချောBurmesenounfire-flame bush, shiranjitea, woodfordia (Woodfordia fruticosa, syn. Lythrum fruticosum; Lythraceae)
True sparrowscock-sparrowEnglishnounA male sparrow.
True sparrowscock-sparrowEnglishnounA quarrelsome, cocky person
TurkeyAscaniusLatinnameAscaniusdeclension-2 masculine singular
TurkeyAscaniusLatinnameA river and lake in Bithynia, mentioned by Plinydeclension-2 masculine singular
TwelveduodecadeEnglishnounA period of twelve years.
TwelveduodecadeEnglishnounA period of two decades, a period of 20 years.nonstandard
TwomokõîaOld Tupinumsecond
TwomokõîaOld Tupiadvsecond time
US politicsTrumplandEnglishnameThe United States of America under the presidency of Donald Trump.
US politicsTrumplandEnglishnameThe parts of the United States of America where Donald Trump finds high support; Trump's geographical support base.
US politicsTrumplandEnglishnameThe mental landscape of Donald Trump or a similar mental landscape.
US politicsTrumplandEnglishnameThe associates or inner circle of Donald Trump.
Units of measurecanadaPortuguesenouncaning, a blow from a cane or rodfeminine
Units of measurecanadaPortuguesenountrail, a rural pathway, especially between fieldsfeminine
Units of measurecanadaPortuguesenouncanada, Portuguese quart, a traditional unit of liquid volume equal to 1.3–2.1 liters depending on the area of Portugal, used especially for winefeminine historical
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA division, a portion, a share, a part, a piece.obsolete
Units of measuredealEnglishnounAn indefinite quantity or amount; a lot (now usually qualified by great or good).often
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo distribute among a number of recipients, to give out as one’s portion or share.transitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo administer or give out, as in small portions.transitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo distribute cards to the players in a game.intransitive transitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbdeliver damage, a blow, strike or cut. To inflict.transitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo pitch.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo have dealings or business.intransitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo conduct oneself, to behave.intransitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo take action; to act.intransitive obsolete
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo trade professionally (followed by in).intransitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo sell, especially to sell illicit drugs.intransitive transitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo be concerned with.intransitive
Units of measuredealEnglishverbTo handle, to manage, to cope.intransitive
Units of measuredealEnglishnounAn act of dealing or sharing out.archaic broadly
Units of measuredealEnglishnounThe distribution of cards to players; a player's turn for this.card-games games
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA particular instance of trading (buying or selling; exchanging; bartering); a transaction.
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA transaction offered which is financially beneficial; a bargain.
Units of measuredealEnglishnounAn agreement between parties; an arrangement.
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA situation, occasion, or event.informal
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA thing, an unspecified or unidentified object.informal
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA personality trait, especially a negative one, and the underlying cause of it.slang
Units of measuredealEnglishnounWood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir).uncountable
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA plank of softwood (fir or pine board).countable
Units of measuredealEnglishnounA wooden board or plank, usually between 12 or 14 feet in length, traded as a commodity in shipbuilding.archaic countable
Units of measuredealEnglishadjMade of deal.not-comparable
Units of measurelánCzechnounfieldarchaic inanimate masculine
Units of measurelánCzechnounan old Czech line measureinanimate masculine
Units of measuremarjalSpanishnouna unit of area in various parts of Spain, equivalent to 528.42 m²masculine
Units of measuremarjalSpanishnounseaside marsh, used for agriculturemasculine
Units of measureἄκαιναAncient Greeknounspike, prick, goad
Units of measureἄκαιναAncient Greeknounten foot rod, used as a measure
Units of measureἄκαιναAncient Greeknounsquare measure of 100 ft used in Egypt
UniversitiesUWEnglishnounInitialism of underwriter.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesUWEnglishnounInitialism of underwater.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesUWEnglishnameInitialism of University of Washington.abbreviation alt-of initialism
VegetablesendiiviFinnishnounendive, Cichorium endivia (vegetable)
VegetablesendiiviFinnishnounSynonym of salaattisikuri (“Belgian endive”).colloquial
VegetablesolitorLatinnoungardener, vegetable growerdeclension-3 masculine
VegetablesolitorLatinnounseller of vegetablesdeclension-3 masculine
VegetablesolitorLatinnounseller of herbsdeclension-3 masculine
VegetablesolitoriusLatinadjOf or related to gardeners.adjective declension-1 declension-2
VegetablesolitoriusLatinadjOf or related to produce and vegetables.adjective declension-1 declension-2
VegetablesডিলAssamesenounbanana heart, banana flower
VegetarianismveganistEnglishnounA vegan.rare
VegetarianismveganistEnglishnounA vegan activist, one who campaigns for change regarding animal rights and vegan issues.rare
VehiclesdoczepkaPolishnountrailer, tagalong (attachment for a bicycle)feminine
VehiclesdoczepkaPolishnounextension, hair extensionfeminine
Vehiclesfood truckEnglishnounA van (or wagon) that serves as a restaurant kitchen to sell hot food to customers
Vehiclesfood truckEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see food, truck.
Vehiclesfood truckEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see food, truck. / A food delivery truck
VehiclesgazzellaItaliannoungazelle (mammal)feminine
VehiclesgazzellaItaliannounpolice car (Carabinieri)feminine
VehicleskurierkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of kurier (“courier”) (female person who delivers messages)feminine form-of
VehicleskurierkaPolishnoundiligence, stage-coach, post chaise, mailcoacharchaic feminine
VehiclesstrollerEnglishnounA seat or chair on wheels, pushed by somebody walking behind it, typically used for transporting babies and young children.Australia Canada US
VehiclesstrollerEnglishnounOne who strolls.
VehiclesstrollerEnglishnounA vagrant.
VehiclesstrollerEnglishnounMen's semiformal daytime dress comprising a grey or black single- or double-breasted coat, grey striped or checked formal trousers, a grey or silver necktie, and a grey, black or buff waistcoat.
Vehicles聖駕Chinesenounimperial carriagearchaic
Vehicles聖駕ChinesenounHis Majesty; the emperorarchaic
VertebratesYonagunicharacterkanji no-gloss
VesselschaminicaMacanesenounsmall teacup with no handle, used in Chinese restaurants
VesselschaminicaMacanesenounclay dish formerly used as a mold for homemade cakes
VesselsthermosEnglishnounA bottle, flask or similar vessel having a vacuum between its inner and outer silvered walls; designed to maintain the temperature of its contents
VesselsthermosEnglishnounA unit of measure whose identification remains very unclear.historical
VesselsطيفورArabicnouna small jumping birdobsolete
VesselsطيفورArabicnouna large round plate or tray, such as used as a table for preparing harissa or eating on the groundarchaic
VesselsلنكرOttoman Turkishnounanchor, a tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of the seanautical transport
VesselsلنكرOttoman Turkishnounhospice where poor and indigent people are fed for free every day
VesselsلنكرOttoman Turkishnounkind of large and deep dish with a border four or five inches high or wide
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnouncompany, rank, troop, bandgovernment military politics war
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounchoir, chorus
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounwallarchitecture
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounrampart
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounhedge, mound
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounstone pulpit in church's nave
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounleather bottle
VesselsܓܘܕܐClassical Syriacnounsmall amountfiguratively
VietnamAn NamVietnamesenameAnnam, a former colonial province of China, now part of Vietnam's present-day Tonkinhistory human-sciences sciences
VietnamAn NamVietnamesenameAnnam, one of the French protectorates in Vietnam, located in Central Vietnamhistorical offensive sarcastic
VietnamAn NamVietnamesenameSynonym of Việt Nam (“Vietnam”)historical offensive sarcastic
Viral diseasesçiçekCrimean Tatarnounflower
Viral diseasesçiçekCrimean Tatarnounsmallpox
WarSeekriegGermannounnaval warmasculine strong
WarSeekriegGermannounnaval warfaremasculine strong
WarguerreroSpanishadjbellicose, warlike
WarwarlightEnglishnounThe light produced by acts of war, such as exploding bombs.uncountable
WarwarlightEnglishnounA gleam in the eyes that reflects a fighting spirit.uncountable
WarshipscuirasséFrenchnounbattleshipgovernment military politics warmasculine
WarshipscuirasséFrenchverbpast participle of cuirasserform-of participle past
WarshipscuirasséFrenchadjarmoured (wearing armour, especially a breastplate)
WatermineralvattenSwedishnounmineral water, from a natural springneuter uncountable
WatermineralvattenSwedishnounmineral water, water with added mineralsneuter uncountable
WatermineralvattenSwedishnouncarbonated watercolloquial neuter nonstandard uncountable
WatercraftbacCatalannounAlternative form of obac (“shady spot”)alt-of alternative masculine
WatercraftկուրArmeniannounRare form of կեր (ker).form-of rare
WeaponsaxeEnglishnounA tool for felling trees or chopping wood etc. consisting of a heavy head flattened to a blade on one side, and a handle attached to it.
WeaponsaxeEnglishnounAn ancient weapon consisting of a head that has one or two blades and a long handle.
WeaponsaxeEnglishnounA dismissal or rejection.informal
WeaponsaxeEnglishnounA drastic reduction or cutback.figuratively
WeaponsaxeEnglishnounA gigging musician's particular instrument, especially a guitar in rock music or a saxophone in jazz.entertainment lifestyle musicslang
WeaponsaxeEnglishnounA position, interest, or reason in buying and selling stock, often with ulterior finance
WeaponsaxeEnglishverbTo fell or chop with an axe.transitive
WeaponsaxeEnglishverbTo lay off, terminate or drastically reduce, especially in a rough or ruthless manner; to cancel.figuratively transitive
WeaponsaxeEnglishnounThe axle of a wheel.archaic
WeaponsaxeEnglishverbTo furnish with an axle.
WeaponsaxeEnglishverbAlternative form of askalt-of alternative dialectal obsolete
WeaponsbroadswordEnglishnounA type of early modern sword that has a broad double-edged blade for cutting (as opposed to the more slender thrust-oriented rapier) and typically a basket hilt.history human-sciences sciences
WeaponsbroadswordEnglishnounA person armed with such a sword.
WeaponsbroadswordEnglishnounSynonym of longswordfantasycolloquial often
WeaponsbroadswordEnglishnounA flat, rectangular bread made from corn (maize) and beans by the Cherokee, traditionally by boiling rather than baking it.
WeaponsbroadswordEnglishverbTo attack or kill with a broadsword.rare transitive
WeaponsetuYorubanounhat, capEkiti
WeaponsetuYorubanounduiker; (in particular) Maxwell's duikerEkiti
WeaponsetuYorubanounAlternative form of ẹtù (“guinea fowl”)Ekiti alt-of alternative
Weapons流星Chinesenounmeteor; shooting star (Classifier: 顆/颗 m; 粒 c mn)astronomy natural-sciences
Weapons流星ChinesenounAlternative name for 流星錘/流星锤 (liúxīngchuí).alt-of alternative name
WeathercaelumLatinnounheavendeclension-2 masculine neuter
WeathercaelumLatinnounskydeclension-2 masculine neuter
WeathercaelumLatinnounatmosphere, climate, weatherdeclension-2 masculine neuter
WeathercaelumLatinnounchiseldeclension-2 neuter
WeatherвідлигаUkrainiannounthaw (period of weather warm enough to melt that which is frozen)climatology meteorology natural-sciences weatherliterally
WeatherвідлигаUkrainiannounthaw (period of relaxation, of reduced reserve, tension, or hostility or of increased friendliness or understanding)figuratively
WeatherܡܘܢܚܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounclimate (long term atmospheric conditions)climatology meteorology natural-sciences
WeatherܡܘܢܚܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounThe context in general of a particular political, moral, etc., situation.figuratively
WindwindburnEnglishnounAn irritation of the skin caused by exposure to the wind.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
WindwindburnEnglishnounDamage to a plant caused by cold and windy conditions that dry out the leaves.countable uncountable
WindἀκιρόςAncient Greekadjweak, feeble
WindἀκιρόςAncient GreeknounHesychius' gives the definition as: βορρᾶς (borrhâs, “north wind”).
Wind風見Japanesenounan anemoscope
Wind風見Japanesenamea surname
WineSaint-EstèpheEnglishnameAny of several towns and villages in France, especially Saint-Estèphe in the Gironde and Saint-Estèphe in the Dordogne.
WineSaint-EstèpheEnglishnounA type of rich Bordeaux red wine produced in Saint-Estèphe (Gironde).countable uncountable
WinecloyingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of cloyform-of gerund participle present
WinecloyingEnglishadjUnpleasantly excessive.
WinecloyingEnglishadjExcessively sweet.
WineculeusEnglishnounA Roman unit of liquid measure reckoned as the volume of 1600 Roman pounds of wine and equivalent to about 520 L although differing slightly over time.historical
WineculeusEnglishnounA Roman punishment—chiefly for parricide—involving blindfolding, beating, confinement to a leather sack, and drowning in a river or sea.lawhistorical
WinelipovinaSlovaknounhárslevelű (variety of grape)feminine
WinelipovinaSlovaknounhárslevelű (variety of wine)feminine
WinelipovinaSlovaknounlinden (wood of a linden tree)feminine
WinesburgunderNorwegian Bokmålnounburgundy (wine or colour)masculine
WinesburgunderNorwegian Bokmålnouna Burgundian (member of a Germanic people that settled in the Burgundy region of France)masculine
WoodssuberLatinnouncork oak, cork-treedeclension-3
WritingschreibenGermanverbto write, to write out (use letters to make words and texts)class-1 strong transitive
WritingschreibenGermanverbto spell (use a particular combination of letters to make a word)class-1 strong transitive
WritingschreibenGermanverbto write (use handwriting)class-1 intransitive strong
WritingschreibenGermanverbto write (produce texts, work as an author)class-1 intransitive strong
WritingschreibenGermanverbto be some year or dateclass-1 strong transitive usually
WritingschreibenGermanverbto write, to text (to send written information, communication)class-1 intransitive strong transitive
WritingschreibenGermanverbto write to each other (to exchange correspondence)class-1 dative intransitive reflexive strong transitive
WritingschreibenGermanverbto be spelled/spelt (of a word or a person's name)class-1 reflexive strong
WritingschreibenGermanverbused to express that someone does not know the first thing about somethingclass-1 idiomatic strong
YellowsblondEnglishadjOf a bleached or pale golden (light yellowish) colour.
YellowsblondEnglishadjHaving blond hair.
YellowsblondEnglishadjAlternative spelling of blonde (“stupid”)alt-of alternative
YellowsblondEnglishnounA pale yellowish (golden brown) color, especially said of hair color.
YellowsblondEnglishnounA person with this hair color.
YellowsblondEnglishverbTo color or dye blond.transitive
Yoruba religionXangôPortuguesenameShango (orisha in Yoruba religion)masculine
Yoruba religionXangôPortuguesenamean Afro-Brazilian syncretic religion practiced in Pernambuco, Brazilmasculine
YouTubeshortEnglishadjHaving a small distance from one end or edge to another, either horizontally or vertically.
YouTubeshortEnglishadjOf comparatively small height.
YouTubeshortEnglishadjHaving little duration.
YouTubeshortEnglishadjOf a word or phrase, constituting an abbreviation (for another) or shortened form (of another).
YouTubeshortEnglishadjthat is relatively close to the batsman.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
YouTubeshortEnglishadjbowled so that it bounces relatively far from the batsman.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
YouTubeshortEnglishadjthat falls short of the green or the hobbies lifestyle sports
YouTubeshortEnglishadjOf betting odds, offering a small return for the money wagered.gambling games
YouTubeshortEnglishadjBrittle, crumbly. (See shortbread, shortcake, shortcrust, shortening, hot short, cold-short.)baking cooking engineering food lifestyle metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
YouTubeshortEnglishadjAbrupt; brief; pointed; petulant.
YouTubeshortEnglishadjLimited in quantity; inadequate; insufficient; scanty.
YouTubeshortEnglishadjInsufficiently provided; inadequately supplied, especially with money; scantily furnished; lacking.
YouTubeshortEnglishadjDeficient; less; not coming up to a measure or standard.
YouTubeshortEnglishadjUndiluted; neat.colloquial
YouTubeshortEnglishadjNot distant in time; near at hand.obsolete
YouTubeshortEnglishadjBeing in a financial investment position that is structured to be profitable if the price of the underlying security declines in the finance
YouTubeshortEnglishadjDoubtful of, skeptical of.broadly
YouTubeshortEnglishadjOf money: given in the fewest possible notes, i.e. those of the largest financedated
YouTubeshortEnglishadvAbruptly, curtly, briefly.not-comparable
YouTubeshortEnglishadvWithout achieving a goal or requirement.not-comparable
YouTubeshortEnglishadvRelatively far from the batsman and hence bouncing higher than normal; opposite of full.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsnot-comparable
YouTubeshortEnglishadvWith a negative ownership financenot-comparable
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA short circuit.
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA short film.
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA short film. / A YouTube video that is less than one minute long.
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA short version of a garment in a particular size.
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA shortstop.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA short finance
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA short sale or short finance
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA summary account.
YouTubeshortEnglishnounA short sound, syllable, or vowel.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
YouTubeshortEnglishnounAn integer variable having a smaller range than normal integers; usually two bytes long.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
YouTubeshortEnglishnounAn automobile; especially in crack shorts, to break into automobiles.US slang
YouTubeshortEnglishverbTo cause a short circuit in (something).transitive
YouTubeshortEnglishverbTo short circuit.intransitive
YouTubeshortEnglishverbTo shortchangetransitive
YouTubeshortEnglishverbTo provide with a smaller than agreed or labeled amount.informal transitive
YouTubeshortEnglishverbTo sell something, especially securities, that one does not own at the moment for delivery at a later date in hopes of profiting from a decline in the price; to sell short.businesstransitive
YouTubeshortEnglishverbTo shorten.obsolete
YouTubeshortEnglishprepDeficient in.
YouTubeshortEnglishprepHaving a negative position finance
Zincazo-EnglishprefixContaining nitrogen especially as the divalent group N=N.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesmorpheme
Zincazo-EnglishprefixContaining aluminum-doped zinc oxide.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
ZoologyChinesecharacterpen; enclosure
ZoologyChinesecharacterprison; jail
ZoologyChinesecharacterfirm; fast; durable
ZoologyChinesecharacterdependable; reliable
ZoologyChinesecharacteranimal used for sacrificing
ZoologyChinesecharacterwith grievance and toil
ZoologyChinesecharacterindicates continuous aspectNorthern Wu
ZoologyChinesecharactera surname: Lao

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