Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

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AbortionabortPolishnounabortion (act of inducing abortion)medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
AbortionabortPolishnounforce quit, closing (act of stopping a program)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
AbortionaborterEnglishnounOne who or that which aborts.
AbortionaborterEnglishnounOne who or that which aborts. / One who has an abortion.derogatory
AbortionaborterEnglishnounOne who performs an abortion.rare
Academic degreesM.D.EnglishnounMedicinae Doctor (Latin): Doctor of Medicine.
Academic degreesM.D.EnglishnounMiddle District, used in case citations to identify courts, particularly United States Federal courts designated to cover the central part of a multi-district
ActingcomparseFrenchnounextraentertainment lifestyle theaterby-personal-gender feminine masculine
ActingcomparseFrenchnounaccomplicebroadly by-personal-gender feminine masculine
ActingcomparseFrenchnounsidekickby-personal-gender colloquial feminine masculine
Administrative divisionsdépartementFrenchnoundepartmentmasculine
Administrative divisionsdépartementFrenchnoundépartementmasculine
AfterlifelimbesFrenchnounplural of limbeform-of masculine plural
AfterlifelimbesFrenchnounlimbo (place for innocent souls)masculine plural plural-only
AgeბერობაLaznounchildhood, childness / the state of being a child
AgeბერობაLaznounchildhood, childness / childish behavior
AgriculturewyndEnglishnounA narrow lane, alley or path, especially one between houses.Northumbria Scotland
AgriculturewyndEnglishnounA stack of hay.Ireland dated
AlchemyψάμμοςAncient Greeknounsand
AlchemyψάμμοςAncient Greeknounsomething worthless
AlchemyψάμμοςAncient Greeknounmetallic ore used by alchemists
AlchemyψάμμοςAncient Greeknoundesert
AlcoholismdrunkenEnglishverbpast participle of drinkarchaic form-of participle past
AlcoholismdrunkenEnglishadjDrunk, in the state of intoxication after having drunk an alcoholic beverage.
AlcoholismdrunkenEnglishadjGiven to habitual excessive use of alcohol.derogatory
AlcoholismdrunkenEnglishadjCharacterized by or resulting from drunkenness.
AlcoholismdrunkenEnglishadjSaturated with liquidobsolete
AlcoholismdrunkenEnglishadjSaturated with liquid / Applied to various spicy stir-fried dishes in Asian cuisine.obsolete
AlcoholismdrunkenEnglishverbTo make or become drunk or drunken; intoxicateintransitive transitive
AlcoholismалкогольRussiannounethanol, ethyl alcohol
AlcoholismалкогольRussiannounalcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, booze
AlgebraجبرArabicverbto set (a broken bone)
AlgebraجبرArabicverbto restore
AlgebraجبرArabicverbto force, to compel
AlgebraجبرArabicverbto set (a broken bone)
AlgebraجبرArabicnounverbal noun of جَبَرَ (jabara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
AlgebraجبرArabicnounsetting of broken bones
AlgebraجبرArabicnounforce, compulsion, coercion, duress
AlgebraجبرArabicnoundeterminism, fatalism, predestination, predeterminationhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
AlloysپولاتUyghurnamea male given name
AmbiguityhomonymEnglishnounA word that sounds or is spelled the same as another word (but not necessarily both). / A word that both sounds and is spelled the same as another word.human-sciences linguistics sciences semanticsbroadly
AmbiguityhomonymEnglishnounA word that sounds or is spelled the same as another word (but not necessarily both). / A name for a taxon that is identical in spelling to another name that belongs to a different taxon.biology natural-sciences taxonomybroadly
Americaཨ་མི་རི་ཀDzongkhanameAmerica (a continent)
Americaཨ་མི་རི་ཀDzongkhanamethe United States (a country in North America)
AmericaအမေရိကBurmesenameAmerica (the continents of North America and South America)
AmericaအမေရိကBurmesenameAmerica, United States of America (a country in North America)
AnatomycodoSpanishnouncubit (an informal unit of length based on the distance of a forearm and hand)masculine
AnatomycodoSpanishnouncodo, Spanish cubit (a traditional unit of length equivalent to about 41.6 cm)historical masculine
AnatomycodoSpanishadjselfish, avaricious, stingyCentral-America Mexico Panama colloquial
AnatomyvoetMiddle Dutchnounfoot (bottom of the leg)masculine
AnatomyvoetMiddle Dutchnounpaw (foot of an animal)masculine
AnatomyvoetMiddle Dutchnounfoot, bottom part, basemasculine
AnatomyvoetMiddle Dutchnounfoot, leg, supportmasculine
AnatomyvoetMiddle Dutchnounfoot (unit of measure)masculine
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknouna sling
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknouna sling / a sling as part of a crane used in unloading ships
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknounanything fundiform: / a sling: / for a disabled armmedicine sciences
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknounanything fundiform: / a sling: / a suspensory abdominal bandagemedicine sciences
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknounanything fundiform: / a headband worn by women, broad in front
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknounanything fundiform: / a bezel, a collet (the hoop of a ring in which the gemstone is set as in a sling; especially, the outer or broader part round the stone)
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknounanything fundiform: / a sclera (the white of an eye)
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknouna slingstone (a stone, bullet, or other such missile or projectile thrown by a sling)
AnatomyσφενδόνηAncient Greeknouna slingstone (a stone, bullet, or other such missile or projectile thrown by a sling) / a hailstone
AnatomyأنفArabicverbform-i no-gloss
AnatomyأنفArabicverbform-i no-gloss
AnatomyأنفArabicverbform-i no-gloss
Anatomy跤腕Chinesenounankle (joint between foot and leg)Hainanese Hokkien Quanzhou Singapore Xiamen Zhangzhou
Ancient GreeceXenophanesEnglishnameA Greek given name.
Ancient GreeceXenophanesEnglishnameThe pre-Socratic philosopher Xenophanes of Colophon; by extension or reference, any profound or transformative religious thinker.
Ancient RomelegateEnglishnounA deputy representing the pope, specifically a papal ambassador sent on special ecclesiastical missions.
Ancient RomelegateEnglishnounAn ambassador or messenger.
Ancient RomelegateEnglishnounThe deputy of a provincial governor or general in ancient Rome.
Ancient RomelegateEnglishverbTo leave as a legacy.transitive
Andropogoneae tribe grasses尾花JapanesenounSynonym of 薄 (susuki, “susuki grass, Miscanthus sinensis”)
Andropogoneae tribe grasses尾花Japanesenounbeckoning with one's hand
Andropogoneae tribe grasses尾花Japanesenouna kind of 襲の色目 (kasane no irome, “colour layering”) of white over a light blue
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounHate, hatred, anger, wroth.
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounSomething that causes or induces hate; insults, demeaning words.
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounThe results of hate; enmity, discord, turmoil.
AngerhateMiddle EnglishnounSomething that one hates.rare
AngerhateMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hatenalt-of alternative
AngerimpetuosoSpanishadjimpetuous, rash, heady
AngerimpetuosoSpanishadjspirited, lively
AngerkwaadDutchadjangry, furious
AngerkwaadDutchadjbad, evil, crooked
Animal body partscowtailEnglishnounThe tail of a cow
Animal body partscowtailEnglishnounA coarse wool of low quality, usually shorn from the hind legs of sheep
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounAn ornament such as a garland or chain which hangs loosely from two tacked spots.
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounA bas-relief, painting, or structural motif resembling such an ornament.architecture
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounA raised cable with light globes attached.
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounA cloud on Jupiter that hangs out of its home belt or zone into an adjacent area forming a curved finger-like image or a complete loop back to its home belt or zone.astronomy natural-sciences
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounAny of a series of wrinkles on the backs of some ticks.acarology biology natural-sciences zoology
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounA specific style of electric light bulb consisting of a cylindrical enclosure with two points of contact on either end providing power to the filament or natural-sciences physical-sciences technology
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounTwo sets of rollers used to create a buffer of material on web handling manufacturing
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounAny of various papilionid butterflies of the genus Zerynthia.
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishnounTexturing applied to a denture to simulate human tissue.dentistry medicine sciences
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishverbTo decorate with ornaments, such as garlands or chains, which hang loosely from two tacked spots.
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishverbTo make festoons.
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishverbTo decorate or bedeck abundantly.
Animal body partsfestoonEnglishverbTo apply texturing to (a denture) to simulate human tissue.dentistry medicine sciencestransitive
Animal body partsmušleCzechnounbivalve shellfeminine
Animal body partsmušleCzechnounblue mussel (Mytilus edulis)feminine informal
Animal dwellingsღუ̂ებSvannounbeehive
Animal dwellingsღუ̂ებSvannounbee
Animal dwellingsღუ̂ებSvannounwooden trough, tub
Animal soundskrookkaaIngrianverbto cawintransitive
Animal soundskrookkaaIngrianverbto croakintransitive
Animal soundsmeowEnglishintjThe cry of a cat.
Animal soundsmeowEnglishintjSaid in reply to a spiteful or catty comment.colloquial
Animal soundsmeowEnglishintjExpressing seductiveness, mimicking a growl.colloquial
Animal soundsmeowEnglishnounThe cry of a cat.countable
Animal soundsmeowEnglishnounThe drug mephedrone.UK slang uncountable
Animal soundsmeowEnglishverbOf a cat, to make its cry.intransitive
AnimalsesponghaTagalognounpowder puff
AnomuransikaTokelauannouncoconut crab
AnomuransikaTokelauannounrear end of a canoe
AntsmrówkaPolishnounant, formicid (insect belonging to the family Formicidae)feminine
AntsmrówkaPolishnounsomeone who is hardworking and persistent; a busy beebroadly feminine
AnuranscullerotCatalannounserving spoonmasculine
AnuranscullerotCatalannounnorthern shoveler (a species of duck (Spatula clypeata, formerly Anas clypeata))masculine
AnuranscullerotCatalanadjof, from or relating to Cullera (municipality)
AnuranscullerotCatalannounnative or inhabitant of Cullera (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
Apieae tribe plantsDillGermannoundill (herb of the species Anethum graveolens)masculine strong
Apieae tribe plantsDillGermannameA river flowing through central Hesse; tributary of the Lahndefinite proper-noun usually
Apieae tribe plantsDillGermannameA municipality of Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis district, Rhineland-Palatinateneuter proper-noun
Apieae tribe plantsDillGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
AppearancesvelteEnglishadjAttractively thin; gracefully slender.
AppearancesvelteEnglishadjRefined, delicate.
Architectural elementskariatydaPolishnouncaryatid (sculpted female figure serving as an architectural element)feminine
Architectural elementskariatydaPolishnounathletic womanfeminine
Architectural elementsచావడిTelugunounAn audience hall or audience chamber.
Architectural elementsచావడిTelugunounA lodge, posthouse, caravanserai, or rest house.
Architectural elementsచావడిTelugunounA portico, porch, court.
Architectural elementsచావడిTelugunounA hospital.
Architectural elementsచావడిTelugunounA barrack room.
ArchitecturechodbaCzechnouncorridor (in a building), hall, hallwayfeminine
Architecturetân cổ điểnVietnamesenounneoclassicism
Architecturetân cổ điểnVietnameseadjneoclassical
ArmeniaարևմտահայերենArmeniannounWestern Armenian
ArmeniaարևմտահայերենArmenianadvin Western Armenian
ArmeniaարևմտահայերենArmenianadjWestern Armenian (of or pertaining to the language)
ArmorchaussonEnglishnounA piece of armor for the leg and/or foot, chiefly in the form of chainmail covering the thigh above the knee (with the chausse covering the other half of the leg).historical
ArmorchaussonEnglishnounA kind of slipper or sock.historical
ArmorchaussonEnglishnounA French turnover (food).
ArmorpřilbaCzechnounhard hatfeminine
ArmorpřilbaCzechnounhelmet, helmgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
ArtਕਲਾPunjabinounart, craft
ArtਕਲਾPunjabinountechnique, skill
ArtਕਲਾPunjabinounphase (of moon)
Art絵柄Japanesenounpattern, print, design
Art絵柄Japanesenounstyle of a drawing, art style
ArtillerycircumciseEnglishverbTo surgically remove the foreskin (prepuce) from the penis of.
ArtillerycircumciseEnglishverbTo surgically remove the clitoris (clitoridectomy), clitoral hood, or labia.proscribed sometimes
ArtillerycircumciseEnglishverbTo trim off the portion of the barrel liner of a large-caliber naval gun that protrudes from the end of the barrel as a result of the liner slowly stretching from prolonged fire.government military nautical politics transport warslang
Arum family plantscallalooEnglishnounAny of various tropical plants grown in the Americas, especially of the genera Amaranthus and Xanthosoma, cultivated for their edible leaves.countable uncountable
Arum family plantscallalooEnglishnounA spicy soup or stew made from such leaves.countable uncountable
AsiaAltayEnglishnameAlternative form of Altaialt-of alternative
AsiaAltayEnglishnameA prefecture in northern Xinjiang, China.
AsiaAltayEnglishnameA county-level city in Altay prefecture, in far northern Xinjiang, China.
AstronomyOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
AstronomyOkinawannounthe moon
AstronomyOkinawannouna month
AstronomyOkinawannounmonth of the year
AstronomyOkinawansuffixmonth of the yearmorpheme
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishnounWater or other liquid finely suspended in air. (Compare fog, haze.)countable uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishnounA layer of fine droplets or particles.countable
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishnounAnything that dims, darkens, or hinders vision.countable figuratively uncountable
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishverbTo form mist.
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishverbTo spray fine droplets on, particularly of water.
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishverbTo cover with a mist.
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishverbTo be covered by tears.
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishverbTo disperse into a mist, accompanying operation of equipment at high printing publishing
Atmospheric phenomenamistEnglishverbpast of missform-of obsolete past
Atmospheric phenomenatöckenSwedishnounfog, mist, hazeneuter
Atmospheric phenomenatöckenSwedishpronAlternative form of tocken (“such, like that”)alt-of alternative
Atmospheric phenomenaἀχλύςAncient Greeknounmist
Atmospheric phenomenaἀχλύςAncient Greeknoundarkness, dimness
Auto partskordPolishnounBauernwehr (typical weapon of the common people in the Middle Ages and early modern times, which was particularly widespread in the 15th and 16th centuries)inanimate masculine
Auto partskordPolishnouncutlass (short sword with a curved blade, and a convex edge; once used by sailors when boarding an enemy ship)nautical transportinanimate informal masculine
Auto partskordPolishnouncord (internal structure that reinforces the tyre of a vehicle, made of a layer of fibers or steel mesh)inanimate masculine
Auto partskordPolishnouncord (ribbed fabric used for clothing, especially work clothes)inanimate masculine
AutomobilesVolkswagenEnglishnameA German car manufacturer headquartered in Wolfsburg.
AutomobilesVolkswagenEnglishnounA car manufactured by Volkswagen.
AutomotivewhitewallEnglishadjHaving white sidewalls (of a tyre/tire)not-comparable
AutomotivewhitewallEnglishadjDescribing a hair cut with a closely cropped back and sides and the hair on the top of the head left longer.government military politics warUS not-comparable
AutomotivewhitewallEnglishnounA tyre/tire with white sidewalls.
AutomotivewhitewallEnglishnounA hair cut with a closely cropped back and sides and the hair on the top of the head left longer.government military politics warUS
AutomotivewhitewallEnglishnounThe spotted flycatcher.Northamptonshire UK dialectal rare
BDSMsadisticEnglishadjDelighting in or feeling pleasure from the pain or humiliation of others.
BDSMsadisticEnglishadjOf behaviour which gives pleasure in the pain or humiliation of others.
BDSMsadisticEnglishadjCausing a high degree of pain or humiliation.colloquial
BabiesمهدArabicverbto spread, to expand
BabiesمهدArabicverbto expand, to spread out
BabiesمهدArabicverbto pave
BabiesمهدArabicverbto pave the way, to adjust, to prepare
BabiesمهدArabicnounsowbread (Cyclamen spp., especially Cyclamen persicum the leaves of which are filled and eaten as rolls, the roots are used for saponin)
Baby animalscaprettoItaliannoundiminutive of caprodiminutive form-of masculine
Baby animalscaprettoItaliannounkid (young goat)masculine
Baby animalsjencuSiciliannouncalf (young cow or bull); bullock or heifermasculine
Baby animalsjencuSiciliannounveal (meat)masculine
Baby animalsjencuSiciliannounlarge and strong boyfiguratively masculine
Baby animalstenébrioPortuguesenounmealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor)masculine
Baby animalstenébrioPortuguesenounmealwormmasculine
Baden-WürttembergBadeneseEnglishadjOf or relating to the historical state or territory of Baden, Germany.not-comparable
Baden-WürttembergBadeneseEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the historical state or territory of Baden, Germany.
BakingpečeníCzechnounverbal noun of péctform-of neuter noun-from-verb
BakingpečeníCzechnouninflection of pečeně: / instrumental singularform-of instrumental singular
BakingpečeníCzechnouninflection of pečeně: / genitive pluralform-of genitive plural
BakingpečeníCzechadjanimate masculine nominative/vocative plural of pečenýanimate form-of masculine nominative plural vocative
BarbadosBarbadanEnglishnounAlternative form of Barbadianalt-of alternative
BarbadosBarbadanEnglishadjAlternative form of Barbadianalt-of alternative
Baseballdouble-headerEnglishnounA pair of games played one after another between the same teams.hobbies lifestyle sports
Baseballdouble-headerEnglishnounA pair of sporting events, one after the other, at a single venue.
Baseballdouble-headerEnglishnounA pair of sporting events, one after the other, broadcast on the same television channel.
Baseballdouble-headerEnglishnounThe catching of a single fish simultaneously by two fishermen when fishing hobbies lifestyle
Baseballdouble-headerEnglishnounA double-headed coin.hobbies lifestyle numismatics
Baseballdouble-headerEnglishnounA train pulled by two locomotives.rail-transport railways transport
Baseballdouble-headerEnglishnounDouble penetrationslang
BaseballjockeySpanishnounbaseball capChile masculine
BeddingprzewlekaćPolishverbto pass through, to reeve (to pull something long and thin through something else, e.g. a rope through a hole)imperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlekaćPolishverbto drag, to relocate by draggingimperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlekaćPolishverbto change beddingimperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlekaćPolishverbto drag out, to lengthen, to protract (to extend in duration)imperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlekaćPolishverbto delay, to postpone, to put offimperfective transitive
BeddingprzewlekaćPolishverbto drag oneself along, to tramp, to trudge (to move slowly and with difficulty)imperfective reflexive
BeddingprzewlekaćPolishverbto drag, to go on (to take longer than expected)imperfective reflexive
BeddingsheetingEnglishnounFabric used to make sheets (bedding).countable uncountable
BeddingsheetingEnglishnounThe process of forming material into sheets.countable uncountable
BeddingsheetingEnglishnounA lining of planks or boards for protecting an natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
BeddingsheetingEnglishnounA weathering process in which rock breaks into sheets after compressional stress on it is removed.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
BeddingsheetingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of sheetform-of gerund participle present
BeddingspodekPolishnounsaucerinanimate masculine
BeddingspodekPolishnounSynonym of piernatinanimate masculine
BeddingspodekPolishnounmotionless millstone on which a pole turnsinanimate masculine
BeddingキルトJapanesenouna quilt (bed covering)
BeddingキルトJapanesenouna kilt (traditional Scottish garment)
Benin112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Benin112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Benin112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Benin112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
BerriesframboiseFrenchnounraspberry (fruit)feminine
BerriesframboiseFrenchadjraspberry (colour)invariable
BerriespartridgeberryEnglishnounAny of various plants, including / squaw vine, Mitchella repens
BerriespartridgeberryEnglishnounAny of various plants, including / teaberry, Gaultheria procumbens
BerriespartridgeberryEnglishnounAny of various plants, including / lingonberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
BerriespartridgeberryEnglishnounThe berry of such a plant.
Beveragescafé russeFrenchnounRussian coffee (coffee with vodka)masculine
Beveragescafé russeFrenchnouncafé au laitBelgium masculine
BeveragessokPolishnounjuiceinanimate masculine
BeveragessokPolishnounsapinanimate masculine
Biblical charactersAdamSlovaknameAdam (biblical figure)animate masculine
Biblical charactersAdamSlovaknamea male given nameanimate masculine
Biblical charactersAhasuerusEnglishnameA king of Persia, later identified with Xerxes.
Biblical charactersAhasuerusEnglishnameA name given to the Wandering Jew.
Biblical charactersAmalecEnglishnameThe grandson of Esau through his eldest son, in the Hebrew Bible.biblical lifestyle religion
Biblical charactersAmalecEnglishnameThe nation that purportedly traced their ancestry to this grandson.
Biblical charactersBartoloméSpanishnameBartholomew, the apostlemasculine
Biblical charactersBartoloméSpanishnamea male given name, equivalent to English Bartholomewmasculine
Biblical charactersBartoloméSpanishnamea surname transferred from the given nameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Biblical charactersDaodMaranaonameDavid
Biblical charactersDaodMaranaonamea male given name from Arabic: Daud
Biblical charactersGiacobbeItaliannameJacob (biblical character)masculine
Biblical charactersGiacobbeItaliannamea male given namemasculine
Biblical charactersRebekkaFaroesenameRebekah (biblical character)
Biblical charactersRebekkaFaroesenamea female given name, equivalent to English Rebecca
Birch family plantsAmerican hornbeamEnglishnounCarpinus caroliniana, a species of deciduous tree.countable uncountable
Birch family plantsAmerican hornbeamEnglishnounThe wood of this species.uncountable
Birch family plantsAmerican hornbeamEnglishnounA tree of this species.countable
Birch family plantsblack alderEnglishnounA tree (Alnus glutinosa), of many practical uses, growing in moist conditions in Europe.countable uncountable
Birch family plantsblack alderEnglishnounWood or other product of the tree.uncountable
Birch family plantsblack alderEnglishnounAmerican winterberry, Ilex verticillata.countable uncountable
BirdskakaktuaMalaynouncockatoo (a parrot)
BirdskakaktuaMalaynouna parrotbroadly colloquial
BirdssulinPipilnountoddler, baby learning to walk
BirdssääskikerttuFinnishnoungnatcatcher (bird of the family Polioptilidae)
BirdssääskikerttuFinnishnoungnatcatcher (bird of the genus Polioptila within the family Polioptilidae)
BirdswilutPipilnounpigeon, dove
BirdsπαπαδίτσαGreeknountit (especially great tit)biology natural-sciences ornithology
BirdsπαπαδίτσαGreeknounladybirdbiology entomology natural-sciencesrare
Birds of preyáguilaSpanishnouneaglefeminine
Birds of preyáguilaSpanishnouneaglegovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
Birds of preyáguilaSpanishnouncrack; whizz; shrewd personfeminine figuratively
BivalvesbyssusEnglishnounThe long fine silky filaments excreted by several mollusks (particularly Pinna nobilis) by which they attach themselves to the sea bed, and from which sea silk is manufactured.uncountable usually
BivalvesbyssusEnglishnounSea silk manufactured from these filaments.uncountable usually
BivalvesbyssusEnglishnounThe stipe or stem of some fungi which are particularly thin and thread-like.biology mycology natural-sciencesuncountable usually
BluesJapanesecharacterthe Japanese indigo or Chinese indigo plant, Persicaria tinctoriakanji
BluesJapanesecharacterthe color indigokanji
BluesJapanesecharacterkanji used to transliterate Buddhist terms borrowed from Sanskritkanji
BluesJapanesenounthe Japanese indigo or Chinese indigo plant, Persicaria tinctoria
BluesJapanesenounthe color indigo, from the dye processed from the stems and leaves of various indigo plants
BluesJapanesenounShort for 藍蝋 (airō): indigo pigment made from boiled-down indigo dye liquidabbreviation alt-of
BluesJapanesenamea female given name
BluesJapanesenamea surname
Board gamesmonopolPolishnounmonopoly (situation of exclusive supply)economics sciencesinanimate masculine
Board gamesmonopolPolishnounmonopoly (privilege granting such control)economics sciencesinanimate masculine
Board gamesmonopolPolishnounMonopoly (board game)inanimate masculine
Board gamesmonopolPolishnounliquor store, off-licencecolloquial inanimate masculine
Bodies of water運河Chinesenouncanal (Classifier: 條/条 m)
Bodies of water運河ChinesenameYunhe (a district of Cangzhou, Hebei, China)
Bodies of water運河ChinesenameYunhe (a town in Xiangshui, Yancheng, Jiangsu, China, formerly a township)
Bodily fluidsavikNorthern Kurdishnounsemen, spermfeminine
Bodily fluidsavikNorthern Kurdishnounsaucefeminine
Bodily fluidsteerMiddle EnglishnounA tear (drop of liquid from the eyes): / A tear as a symptom of disease or injury.
Bodily fluidsteerMiddle EnglishnounA tear (drop of liquid from the eyes): / An emotionally-triggered tear (e.g. ecstasy, remorse, sadness, sympathy)
Bodily fluidsteerMiddle EnglishnounA drop of liquid resembling a teardrop.
Bodily fluidsteerMiddle EnglishnounThe feeling of teariness or distress.figuratively
Bodily fluidsteerMiddle EnglishadjOf good quality or manners.
Bodily fluidsteerMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ter (“tar”)alt-of alternative
Bodily fluidsteerMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of teren (“to ruin by removing or splitting”)alt-of alternative
Bodily fluidsشاشPersiannounurine
Bodily fluidsشاشPersiannounpiss
BodykozaPolishnounbooger, bogey (piece of solid or semisolid mucus in the nostril)colloquial feminine humorous
BodykozaPolishnounjail, prisonfeminine slang
BodykozaPolishnounany spined loach (Cobitis, especially Cobitis taenia or golden loach)feminine
BodykozaPolishnountall, strong pine tree with a block on top and rungs for climbingfeminine
BodykozaPolishnounknife used for skinning slaughtered goats and other animalsfeminine obsolete
Body partspingolTagalognounear lobeanatomy medicine sciences
Body partspingolTagalognounact of twisting the ear
Body partspingolTagalogadjearless
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / The peak of a mountain or other landform.
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / The roof or ceil of a house; the top of a fence.
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / A lid or cap; a removable top or topping.
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounThe summit or top of something, especially a vertical object: / The head, especially its top or the hair on its top.
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounA small deck at the dop of a ship's sails.
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounA cluster or bunch of fibres; a tassel.
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounA top or whirligig (spinning toy)
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounThe start or introduction of something.
Body partstopMiddle EnglishnounThe tip or end of something; that which something terminates in.rare
Body partsረሓTigreverbto have open space or open up, to leave room free, to be forlet
Body partsረሓTigreverbto be lapsed, to have passed
BooksknihaCzechnounbook (a collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge)feminine
BooksknihaCzechnounbook (a major division of a published work)feminine
BooksknihaCzechnounomasum (the third portion in the stomach of a ruminant)feminine
BookstomSwedishnounA tome, a volume (in a series of books), a (thick) book.common-gender
BooksஒபதியாTamilnameObadiah (Biblical character)
BooksஒபதியாTamilnamethe book of Obadiahcolloquial
BooksஒபதியாTamilnamea male given name
Books of the BibleActsEnglishnameClipping of Acts of the Apostles.biblical lifestyle religionabbreviation alt-of clipping
Books of the BibleActsEnglishnounplural of Act.form-of plural
Books of the Bible舊約Chinesenounold agreement; former alliance
Books of the Bible舊約ChinesenameOld TestamentChristianity
BoronborideEnglishnounthe B³⁻ anionchemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
BoronborideEnglishnounany binary compound of boron and a more electropositive elementchemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
BotanyဂၞဴMonnounstomach bowels.
BotanyဂၞဴMonnounshell (of palm-tree)
BovinesoureMiddle EnglishdetFirst-person plural genitive determiner: our
BovinesoureMiddle Englishdetmy, mine (This is equivalent to Modern English "royal we", but is also used informally).
BovinesoureMiddle EnglishpronFirst-person plural possessive pronoun: ours, of us
BovinesoureMiddle Englishnounaurochsrare
BovinesoureMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hourealt-of alternative
BovinesoureMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ore (“ore”)alt-of alternative
BovinesoureMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of youralt-of alternative
BramblesreyðberFaroesenounred berry (generic term)neuter
BramblesreyðberFaroesenounblackberry (Rubus fruticosus)neuter
Breadsbrick toastEnglishnounA Taiwanese sweet butter bread shaped in a block and often served with ice cream.uncountable
Breadsbrick toastEnglishnounSynonym of honey toast (“Japanese dessert”)uncountable
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounA person trained to provide care for the sick.
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounA person (usually a woman) who takes care of other people’s young.
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounOne who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, or fosters.figuratively
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounA shrub or tree that protects a young plant.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounA lieutenant or first officer who takes command when the captain is unfit for his place.nautical transport
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounA larva of certain trematodes, which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction.
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounA wet nurse.archaic
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo breastfeed: to feed (a baby) at the breast; to suckle.transitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo breastfeed: to be fed at the breast.intransitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo care for (someone), especially in sickness; to tend to.transitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo treat kindly and with extra care.transitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo manage with care and economy.transitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo drink slowly, to make it last.transitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo foster, to nourish.transitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo hold closely to one's chest
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishverbTo strike (billiard balls) gently, so as to keep them in good position during a series of shots.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
BreastfeedingnurseEnglishnounA nurse shark or dogfish.
Buckwheat family plantsraparperiFinnishnounrhubarb, Rheum rhaponticum
Buckwheat family plantsraparperiFinnishnounrhubarb, Rheum
BuildingsayohananCebuanonouna place where items are repaired and serviced / a workshop
BuildingsayohananCebuanonouna place where items are repaired and serviced / a garage
Buildingsbut and benEnglishnounA two-roomed cottage; a small house or shackScotland
Buildingsbut and benEnglishadvIn the inner and outer parts of a buildingnot-comparable
BuildingsmarabutPolishnounmarabou, marabou stork, adjutant stork (Leptoptilos crumenifer)animal-not-person masculine
BuildingsmarabutPolishnounfeather of a marabou storkinanimate masculine
BuildingsmarabutPolishnounmarabout (tomb or shrine of a marabout)Islam lifestyle religioninanimate masculine
BuildingsmarabutPolishnounmarabout (Muslim holy man or mystic, especially in parts of North Africa)Islam lifestyle religionmasculine person
BuildingsnamasLithuaniannounhouse (residential dwelling)
BuildingsnamasLithuaniannounhome (the place where one lives); family estate, homesteadin-plural
BuildingsnamasLithuaniannounhousehold (the residents of a house)collective in-plural
BuildingsnamasLithuaniannounhouse (public institution)in-plural
BuildingsκάστρονAncient Greeknounfort
BuildingsκάστρονAncient Greeknouncamp (base of a military group)in-plural
BuildingsకోటTelugunounfort, fortress, fortification
BuildingsకోటTelugunamea surname
BusinessveikalniecisksLatvianadjmercantile, shopping; relating to, typical of, shops or shopkeeping
BusinessveikalniecisksLatvianadjcommercial, financial, businesslike (relating to business and finance)
BusinessesobchodCzechnountrade (commercial exchange of goods and services)inanimate masculine
BusinessesobchodCzechnoundeal (instance of buying or selling)inanimate masculine
BusinessesobchodCzechnounshopinanimate masculine
BusinessesvoňavkářstvíCzechnounperfumery (shop selling perfumes)neuter
BusinessesvoňavkářstvíCzechnounperfume industryneuter
ButterfliesFalterGermannounan insect of the order Lepidoptera (i.e., a butterfly or moth)masculine strong
ButterfliesFalterGermannounimago of an insect of the order Lepidopterabiology entomology natural-sciencesmasculine strong
ButterfliesFalterGermannounleaflet, folderAustria masculine strong
CalendarweekdayEnglishnounAny individual day of the week, except those which form the weekend or the single weekly day off; that is: / Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, but not Saturday or Sunday.
CalendarweekdayEnglishnounAny individual day of the week, except those which form the weekend or the single weekly day off; that is: / Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, but not Friday.Islam lifestyle religion
CalendarweekdayEnglishnounAny individual day of the week, except those which form the weekend or the single weekly day off; that is: / Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, but not Sunday. (e.g. in Vietnam)
CalendarweekdayEnglishnounAny individual day of the week, except those which form the weekend or the single weekly day off; that is: / Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, but not Saturday.Judaism
CalendarweekdayEnglishnounAny day of the week (Monday through Sunday).archaic
CalendarκαλοκαιρινόςGreekadjsummery, summer, summer- (occurring during, suitable for or typical of the season of summer)
CalendarκαλοκαιρινόςGreekadjsee vernacular expression: το κάνω καλοκαιρινό (to káno kalokairinó, “I make a lot of damage”)
Calendar人日ChinesenameRenri; Human Day (the seventh of the first month in the Chinese calendar)
CanalsకాలువTelugunounA canal.
CanalsకాలువTelugunounA channel.
CarnivoresfeliformEnglishadjResembling a cat; applied to member of the Feliformia, a suborder within the order Carnivora consisting of cat-like carnivorans, including cats (large and small), hyenas, mongooses, civets, etc.
CarnivoresfeliformEnglishnounAny carnivore of the suborder Feliformia, which are regarded as cat-like.
CatsKittyEnglishnameA diminutive of Katherine and related female given names.
CatsKittyEnglishnameA generic name for a cat.
CattlehärkäIngriannounox, bull, steer (male cow)
CattlehärkäIngriannounShort for merihärkä.abbreviation alt-of
CattlekhüuleCimbriannouncoolnessSette-Comuni feminine
CattlekhüuleCimbriannoundairy cowSette-Comuni neuter
CattlekhüuleCimbriannoundiminutive of khuaSette-Comuni diminutive form-of neuter
CattlekhüuleCimbriannounsore wristneuter
Celtic tribesCeltWelshnounCelt (member of ancient people)masculine
Celtic tribesCeltWelshnounCelt (person of Celtic ancestry)masculine
ChairsسدیهOttoman Turkishnounlitter, stretcher
ChairsسدیهOttoman Turkishnounsedan chair, palanquin
CheesesтварогBelarusiannouncottage cheese, curd cheese, tvoroguncountable
Chemical elementsシリコン manufacturing natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Chemical elementsシリコンJapanesenounAlternative form of シリコーンchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesalt-of alternative
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterOnly used in 鈳䥈/钶䥈.
Chemical elementsChinesecharactercolumbium; niobiumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete
ChessSpringerGermannounjumper, one who jumpsmasculine strong
ChessSpringerGermannounstand inbusinessmasculine strong
ChessSpringerGermannounknightboard-games chess gamesmasculine strong
ChessSpringerGermannounswitchbladeAustria masculine strong
ChessSpringerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
ChildrenjerimweinMokilesenounboy (male child)
ChildrenmeidDutchnoungirl, lassfeminine
ChildrenmeidDutchnounCommonly used as an address for female pets, especially female dogs.feminine
ChildrenmoayawCebuanoverbto cry or to be hysterical when a parent leaves
ChildrenmoayawCebuanoadjcries when a parent leaves
ChildrenдитячийUkrainianadjchild (attributive), childhood (attributive), child's, children's (of or pertaining to children)relational
ChildrenдитячийUkrainianadjbaby (attributive), infantile (of or pertaining to infants)relational
ChildrenдитячийUkrainianadjchildish, puerile, infantile
Children子女Japanesenounsons and daughters; children
Children子女JapanesenounSynonym of 女子 (joshi, “girl”)
Chinachina blueEnglishnounA pale blue-grey colour.countable uncountable
Chinachina blueEnglishadjOf a pale blue-grey colour.
China察爾汗ChinesenameQarhan Playa in the Qaidam Basin in Qinghai Province, China.
China察爾汗ChinesenameQarhan, a region of Golmud in Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai, China.
Chordatesmoénn-aLiguriannounmorainegeography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
Chordatesmoénn-aLiguriannounmoray eelbiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
ChristianityAnglicanEnglishadjRelating to the Church of England, or one of several related churches, such as those in the Anglican Communion.not-comparable usually
ChristianityAnglicanEnglishadjEnglish.archaic not-comparable usually
ChristianityAnglicanEnglishnounA member of an Anglican Church.
ChristianityRomano KatolikoCebuanoadjof or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church
ChristianityRomano KatolikoCebuanoadjof or pertaining to the Roman Rite of the Cagholic Church
ChristianityRomano KatolikoCebuanonouna Roman Catholic
ChristianityneologyEnglishnounThe study or art of neologizing (creating new words).countable uncountable
ChristianityneologyEnglishnounA reformist school of 18th- and 19th-century Christian theology influenced by doctrinal rationalism and the methods of historical criticism.countable historical uncountable
ChristianitypåskedagNorwegian Nynorsknounførste påskedag - Easter Sundaymasculine
ChristianitypåskedagNorwegian Nynorsknounandre påskedag - Easter Mondaymasculine
ChristmasDasherEnglishnameA surname.
ChristmasDasherEnglishnameThe first reindeer of Santa Claus.
ChristmasDasherEnglishnounAn employee of DoorDash, a San Francisco–based company that operates an online food ordering and food delivery platform.
ClothingbabywearEnglishnounCollectively, clothes made for babies.uncountable
ClothingbabywearEnglishverbTo wear a child, to carry them close to the body.rare
ClothingbugleEnglishnounA horn used by hunters.
ClothingbugleEnglishnounA simple brass instrument consisting of a horn with no valves, playing only pitches in its harmonic seriesentertainment lifestyle music
ClothingbugleEnglishnounThe sound of something that bugles.
ClothingbugleEnglishnounA sort of wild ox; a buffalo.
ClothingbugleEnglishverbTo announce, sing, or cry in the manner of a musical bugle.
ClothingbugleEnglishnounA tubular glass or plastic bead sewn onto clothes as a decorative trim
ClothingbugleEnglishnounA plant in the family Lamiaceae grown as a ground cover Ajuga reptans, and other plants in the genus Ajuga.
ClothingcamisetaCatalannoundiminutive of camisa (“shirt”)diminutive feminine form-of
ClothingcamisetaCatalannounmantle (incandescent gauze)feminine
ClothingknickersEnglishnounKnickerbockers.US colloquial plural plural-only rare
ClothingknickersEnglishnounWomen's underpants.Commonwealth Ireland UK plural plural-only
ClothingknickersEnglishintjA mild exclamation of annoyance.Ireland UK colloquial
ClothingpinaforeEnglishnounA sleeveless dress, often similar to an apron, generally worn over other clothes, and most often worn by young girls as an overdress.
ClothingpinaforeEnglishverbTo dress in a pinafore.transitive
ClothingpoloPolishnounpolo (ball game)equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsindeclinable neuter
ClothingpoloPolishnounpolo shirtindeclinable neuter
ClothingtalarEnglishadjRelating to the talusanatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
ClothingtalarEnglishnounAn ankle-length robe.
ClothingtiretaCatalannounstrip, strapfeminine
ClothingtiretaCatalannounband-aid (US), sticking plaster (UK)feminine
ClothingкозачкаUkrainiannouna wife or a daughter of a Cossack
ClothingкозачкаUkrainiannouna female Cossack
ClothingкозачкаUkrainiannouna kind of outerwear made from broadcloth
ClothingتكهOttoman Turkishnounbilly goat, buck, an adult male of the species Capra hircus
ClothingتكهOttoman Turkishnounwaistband, a band or string passed through the hem in the upper part of trousers
ClothingتكهOttoman TurkishnounAlternative form of تكیه (tekye, “convent of dervishes”)alt-of alternative
ClothingยีนThainoungene.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
CockroachesscaraboneItaliannounmember of a criminal gang; ruffianmasculine
CocktailsB-52EnglishnounA cocktail shooter consisting of three distinct layers of coffee liqueur, Baileys and Grand Marnier.
CocktailsB-52EnglishnounA combination of diphenhydramine, 5 mg of haloperidol, and 2 mg of lorazepam, widely used for the sedation of acutely agitated patients.medicine sciencesinformal
CocktailsCape CodderEnglishnounSomeone from Cape Cod.
CocktailsCape CodderEnglishnounA cocktail made with vodka and cranberry juice.
CoinsquartàCatalannouna dry measure equal to four picotins or approximately 6 litreshistorical masculine
CoinsquartàCatalannouna liquid measure equal to eight porrons or approximately 7.5 litreshistorical masculine
CoinsquartàCatalannounany of various coins with the value of one quarter of a realhistorical masculine
CollectivesbrygadaPolishnounbrigade (organized group of people)feminine
CollectivesbrygadaPolishnounbrigade (military unit)government military politics warfeminine
CollectiveschórekPolishnoundiminutive of chórdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
CollectiveschórekPolishnounchorus, backup vocals (chorus and other words and sounds sung by backup vocalists to provide accompaniment to a song)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
CollectiveschórekPolishnounchorus, backup vocals (people who sing these vocals)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes.countable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc. In Britain, society is commonly split into three main classes: upper class, middle class and working class.human-sciences sciences social-science sociologycountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounThe division of society into classes.uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounAdmirable behavior; elegance.uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher.educationcountable uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA series of lessons covering a single subject.countable uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year. A school class.countable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation.countable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA rank in the classification of organisms, below phylum and above order; a taxon of that rank.biology natural-sciences taxonomycountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounBest of its kind.countable uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA grouping of data values in an interval, often used for computation of a frequency distribution.mathematics sciences statisticscountable uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA collection of sets definable by a shared property, especially one which is not itself a set (in which case the class is called proper).mathematics sciences set-theorycountable uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA group of people subject to be conscripted in the same military draft, or more narrowly those persons actually conscripted in a particular draft.government military politics warcountable uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounA set of objects having the same behavior (but typically differing in state), or a template defining such a set in terms of its common properties, functions, etc.countable
CollectivesclassEnglishnounOne of the sections into which a Methodist church or congregation is divided, supervised by a class leader.countable uncountable
CollectivesclassEnglishverbTo assign to a class; to classify.transitive
CollectivesclassEnglishverbTo be grouped or classed.intransitive
CollectivesclassEnglishverbTo divide into classes, as students; to form into, or place in, a class or classes.transitive
CollectivesclassEnglishadjgreat; fabulousGeordie Ireland not-comparable slang
CollectivescommuneEnglishnounA small community, often rural, whose members share in the ownership of property, and in the division of labour; the members of such a community.countable uncountable
CollectivescommuneEnglishnounA local political division in many European countries and in Chile.countable uncountable
CollectivescommuneEnglishnounThe commonalty; the common people.countable obsolete uncountable
CollectivescommuneEnglishnounCommunion; sympathetic conversation between friends.obsolete uncountable
CollectivescommuneEnglishnounA self-governing city or league of citizens.countable historical uncountable
CollectivescommuneEnglishverbTo converse together with sympathy and confidence; to interchange sentiments or feelings; to take counsel.
CollectivescommuneEnglishverbTo communicate (with) spiritually; to be together (with); to contemplate or absorb.intransitive
CollectivescommuneEnglishverbTo receive the communion.Christianityintransitive
CollectivesforceEnglishnounStrength or energy of body or mind; active power; vigour; might; capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect.countable uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounPower exerted against will or consent; compulsory power; violence; coercion.countable uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounAnything that is able to make a substantial change in a person or thing.countable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounA physical quantity that denotes ability to push, pull, twist or accelerate a body and which has a direction and is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass × distance/time² (ML/T²): SI: newton (N); CGS: dyne (dyn)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounSomething or anything that has the power to produce a physical effect upon something else, such as causing it to move or change shape.countable uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounA group that aims to attack, control, or constrain.countable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounThe ability to attack, control, or constrain.uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounA magic trick in which the outcome is known to the magician beforehand, especially one involving the apparent free choice of a card by another person.countable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounLegal validity.lawcountable uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounEither unlawful violence, as in a "forced entry", or lawful compulsion.lawcountable uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounAbility of an utterance or its element (word, form, prosody, ...) to effect a given meaning.human-sciences linguistics pragmatics sciences semanticscountable uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounA metaphysical and ubiquitous power from the fictional Star Wars universe created by George Lucas. See usage note.literature media publishing science-fictioncapitalized countable humorous often uncountable
CollectivesforceEnglishnounSynonym of police forcecountable plural singular uncountable usually with-definite-article
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo violate (a woman); to rape.transitive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo exert oneself, to do one's utmost.intransitive obsolete reflexive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo make someone or something do something, often regardless of their will.transitive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo constrain by force; to overcome the limitations or resistance of.transitive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo drive (something) by force, to propel (generally + prepositional phrase or adverb).transitive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo cause to occur (despite inertia, resistance etc.); to produce through force.transitive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo forcibly open (a door, lock etc.).transitive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo obtain or win by strength; to take by violence or struggle; specifically, to capture by assault; to storm, as a fortress.
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo create an out by touching a base in advance of a runner who has no base to return to while in possession of a ball which has already touched the ground.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo compel (an adversary or partner) to trump a trick by leading a suit that he/she does not hold.
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo put in force; to cause to be executed; to make binding; to enforce.archaic
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo provide with forces; to reinforce; to strengthen by soldiers; to man; to garrison.archaic
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo allow the force of; to value; to care for.obsolete
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo grow (rhubarb) in the dark, causing it to grow early.
CollectivesforceEnglishnounA waterfall or cascade.Northern-England countable
CollectivesforceEnglishverbTo stuff; to lard; to farce.
CollectiveskordonPolishnouncordon (line of people or things placed around an area to enclose or protect it)government law-enforcement military politics warinanimate masculine
CollectiveskordonPolishnouncordon (string of military, police, or border guard posts set up along the state border)government law-enforcement military politics warinanimate masculine
CollectivessynodEnglishnounAn ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters.Christianity
CollectivessynodEnglishnounAn administrative division of churches, either the entire denomination, as in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, or a mid-level division (middle judicatory, district) as in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaChristianity
CollectivessynodEnglishnounAn assembly or council having civil authority; a legislative body.
CollectivessynodEnglishnounA conjunction of two or more of the heavenly bodies.astronomy natural-sciences
Collectives倭寇Chinesenounwokou (pirates from a mixture of ethnicities who raided the coastlines of China and Korea from the 13th to 16th centuries)historical
Collectives倭寇ChinesenounJapanese personethnic slur
ColorsalaangalawCebuanonounthe color ochre
ColorsalaangalawCebuanoadjof the colour ochre
ColorsglasCornishadjgreen (of living things)
ColorsglasCornishadjgray / grey
ColorsvermejoOld Spanishadjredmasculine
ColorsvermejoOld Spanishnounred, crimsonmasculine
ColorsχακίGreekadjkhaki (of color/colour)indeclinable
ColorsχακίGreeknounkhaki (that range of colours from yellow to green/brown)colorindeclinable
ColorsχακίGreeknounthe army; military servicefiguratively indeclinable
Colorsжовто-блакитнийUkrainianadjyellow and blue (the colors of the Ukrainian flag)
Colorsжовто-блакитнийUkrainianadjrelating to pro-independence Ukrainian nationalists, especially during the First World War and the interwar periodhistorical
ColorsплавъOld Church Slavonicadjwhite
ColorsплавъOld Church Slavonicadjpale
ColorsकेसरीHindiadjsaffron colouredindeclinable
ColorsकेसरीHindinounsaffron (colour/dye)
ColorsकेसरीHindinameKesari (the father of Hanuman)Hinduism
ColorsकेसरीHindinameKesari dynasty (an Indian dynasty controlling parts of modern-day Odisha, from c. 9th to c. 12th centuries CE)
CommunismчервонийUkrainianadjcolor rednoun-from-verb
CommunismчервонийUkrainianadjred, communist, revolutionarygovernment politicshistorical
CommunismчервонийUkrainianadjchervonetsarchaic noun-from-verb
Compass pointsauCimbrianadvup, upwardsSette-Comuni
Compass pointsauCimbrianadvnorth, up northSette-Comuni
Compass pointsvestDanishnounthe westcommon-gender no-plural
Compass pointsvestDanishadvtoward the west, westwards
Compass pointsvestDanishnounA vest.common-gender
Compass pointswest-northwestEnglishnounThe compass point halfway between west and northwest; specifically at a bearing of 292.5°.uncountable
Compass pointswest-northwestEnglishadjOf, in or pertaining to the west-northwest; west-northwestern.not-comparable
Compass pointswest-northwestEnglishadjSituated toward or in the direction of the west-northwest; west-northwestward; west-northwesterly.not-comparable
Compass pointswest-northwestEnglishadjComing from the west-northwest; west-northwesterly.not-comparable
Compass pointswest-northwestEnglishadvTowards or in the direction of the west-northwest; west-northwestwards.not-comparable
CompositeslampsaneFrenchnounnipplewort (Lapsana)feminine
CompositeslampsaneFrenchnounnipplewort (Lapsana communis)feminine
CompositesvetriceRomaniannouncommon tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)feminine
CompositesvetriceRomaniannounbrown mayfly (Ephemera vulgata)feminine
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA grouping based on shared characteristics; a class.
ComputingtypeEnglishnounAn individual considered typical of its class, one regarded as typifying a certain profession, environment, etc.
ComputingtypeEnglishnounAn individual that represents the ideal for its class; an embodiment.
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA letter or character used for printing, historically a cast or engraved block. / Such types collectively, or a set of type of one font or printing publishinguncountable
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA letter or character used for printing, historically a cast or engraved block. / Text printed with such type, or imitating its printing publishinguncountable
ComputingtypeEnglishnounSomething, often a specimen, selected as an objective anchor to connect a scientific name to a taxon; this need not be representative or typical.biology natural-sciences taxonomy
ComputingtypeEnglishnounPreferred sort of person; sort of person that one is attracted to.
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA blood group.medicine sciences
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA word that occurs in a text or corpus irrespective of how many times it occurs, as opposed to a token.
ComputingtypeEnglishnounAn event or person that prefigures or foreshadows a later event - commonly an Old Testament event linked to Christian religion theology
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA tag attached to variables and values used in determining which kinds of value can be used in which situations; a data type.computing computing-theory engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ComputingtypeEnglishnounThe original object, or class of objects, scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject of a copy; especially, the design on the face of a medal or a coin.
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA simple compound, used as a mode or pattern to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as being related, and from which they may be actually or theoretically derived.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA part of the partition of the object domain of a logical theory (which due to the existence of such partition, would be called a typed theory). (Note: this corresponds to the notion of "data type" in computing theory.)mathematics sciences
ComputingtypeEnglishnounA symbol, emblem, or example of something.
ComputingtypeEnglishverbTo put text on paper using a typewriter.
ComputingtypeEnglishverbTo enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard.
ComputingtypeEnglishverbTo determine the blood type of.
ComputingtypeEnglishverbTo represent by a type, model, or symbol beforehand; to prefigure.
ComputingtypeEnglishverbTo furnish an expression or copy of; to represent; to typify.
ComputingtypeEnglishverbTo categorize into types.
ComputingtypeEnglishadvVery, extremely.not-comparable rare slang
Computing網絡Chinesenounnetworkcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesHong-Kong Macau Mainland-China Singapore
Computing網絡ChinesenameInternetcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesHong-Kong Macau Mainland-China
Computing網絡Chineseverbto gather; to recruitliterary
CondimentssauceEnglishnounA liquid (often thickened) condiment or accompaniment to food.countable uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounTomato sauce (similar to US tomato ketchup), as inAustralia India New-Zealand UK countable uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounAlcohol, booze.countable slang uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounVitality; capability or talent.countable slang uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounAnabolic steroids.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounA soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the artscountable uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounCheek; impertinence; backtalk; sass.countable dated uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounVegetables.US countable obsolete slang uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishnounAny garden vegetables eaten with meat.UK US countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
CondimentssauceEnglishverbTo add sauce to; to season.
CondimentssauceEnglishverbTo cause to relish anything, as if with a sauce; to tickle or gratify, as the palate; to please; to stimulate.
CondimentssauceEnglishverbTo make poignant; to give zest, flavour or interest to; to set off; to vary and render attractive.
CondimentssauceEnglishverbTo treat with bitter, pert, or tart language; to be impudent or saucy to.colloquial
CondimentssauceEnglishverbTo send or hand over.slang
CondimentssauceEnglishnounAlternative form of source, often used when requesting the source of an image or other posted material.Internet alt-of alternative
Condiments白醋Chinesenounwhite vinegar
ConifersшыршаKazakhnounspruce, Picea
ConifersшыршаKazakhnounChristmas tree
Constellations in the zodiacܡܣܐܬܐClassical Syriacnounbalance, scale
Constellations in the zodiacܡܣܐܬܐClassical SyriacnameLibra (constellation and zodiac sign)astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
ContainersbúcaroSpanishnounclay jug or vasemasculine
ContainersbúcaroSpanishnoundouble-striped thick-knee (Hesperoburhinus bistriatus)Dominican-Republic masculine
ContainersmaundEnglishnounA wicker basket.
ContainersmaundEnglishnounA unit of capacity with various specific local values.
ContainersmaundEnglishnounA handbasket with two lids.regional
ContainersmaundEnglishnounA unit of weight in south and west Asia, whose value varies widely by location.
ContainersmaundEnglishnounbeggingarchaic uncountable
ContainersmaundEnglishverbto begarchaic
ContainersmaundEnglishverbTo mutter; to mumble or speak incoherently; to maunder.obsolete
ContainerspřepravkaCzechnounanimal carrierfeminine
ContainersurnaSpanishnounpoll; ballot boxfeminine
ContainersvatEnglishnounA large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning.
ContainersvatEnglishnounA square, hollow place on the back of a calcining furnace, where tin ore is laid to dry.
ContainersvatEnglishnounA vessel for holding holy water.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
ContainersvatEnglishnounA liquid measure and dry measure; especially, a liquid measure in Belgium and Holland, corresponding to the hectolitre of the metric system, which contains 22.01 imperial gallons, or 26.4 standard gallons in the United States.dated
ContainersvatEnglishverbTo put into a vat.transitive
ContainersvatEnglishverbTo blend (wines or spirits) in a vat; figuratively, to mix or blend elements as if with wines or spirits.transitive
ContainersvatEnglishadjDesignating a vat dye.not-comparable
ContinentsເອີຣົບLaonameEurope (a continent)
CookingsagolCebuanonounan ingredient
CookingsagolCebuanoverbto mix; to blend; to mingle
CookingtorrainaCatalannouna burnt bit of food sticking to a cooking dishdialectal feminine
CookingзаварнийUkrainianadjboiled, infused
CookingзаварнийUkrainianadjcustard (attributive) (of or relating to custard)relational
Cooking鉄板Japanesenouniron plate; hotplate; sheet iron
Cooking鉄板Japanesenouna guaranteed thinginformal
Cookware and bakewareterrineEnglishnounA deep type of dish or pan, typically used for casseroles and made out of pottery.
Cookware and bakewareterrineEnglishnounA pâté baked in such a dish and served cold.
Cookware and bakewareܟܝܕܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounteapot
Cookware and bakewareܟܝܕܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounteakettle
CosmeticslippenstiftDutchnouna lipstickfeminine
CosmeticslippenstiftDutchnounthe material a lipstick is made offeminine
CrabscuaVietnamesenouncrab (a crustacean of the infraorder Brachyura)
CrabscuaVietnameseverbto take out a girlSouthern Vietnam slang
CrabscuaVietnamesenouncorner, curve, bend (point where a route changes sharply)dated informal
CrabscuaVietnamesenounperiod, term, round (period of time required to complete a task)informal
CrabscuaVietnameseadjhaving a buzzcut, crewcutinformal
CraftscarpentryEnglishnounThe trade of cutting and joining timber in order to construct buildings or other structures; woodworking.uncountable
CraftscarpentryEnglishnounA carpenter's workshop.countable
CraftscarpentryEnglishnounA collection of timber connected by being framed together, as the pieces of a roof, floor, etc.; work done by a carpenter.uncountable
Crickets and grasshoppersmuỗmVietnamesenounkatydid, bush-cricket
Crickets and grasshoppersmuỗmVietnamesenounMangifera foetida, a species of flowering plants in the Mangifera (mango genus).
Crickets and grasshoppersmuỗmVietnamesenounspoon
CrimecarnapingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of carnapform-of gerund participle present
CrimecarnapingEnglishnounAlternative form of carnappingalt-of alternative
CrimewyłupićPolishverbto gouge outobsolete perfective transitive
CrimewyłupićPolishverbto goggleobsolete perfective transitive
CrimewyłupićPolishverbto cudgelobsolete perfective transitive
CrimewyłupićPolishverbto rob or pillage completelyobsolete perfective transitive
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounAny of several food fishes of the genus Menticirrhus from the Atlantic; kingcroakers.
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounOther Atlantic fish / opah (Lampris guttatus), of the United Kingdom
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounOther Atlantic fish / white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus), of the United Kingdom
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounOther Atlantic fish / wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), of Barbados
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounOther Atlantic fish / king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla)
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounAny of several similar fishes of the Pacific. / narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) of Australia
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounAny of several similar fishes of the Pacific. / Japanese meagre (Argyrosomus japonicus) of Australia
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounAny of several similar fishes of the Pacific. / yellowtail amberjack (Seriola lalandi) of Australia and New Zealand
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounAny of several similar fishes of the Pacific. / silver gemfish (Rexea solandri) of Australia
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounFish of genus Caranx / crevalle jack (Caranx hippos) of Mauritania
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounFish of genus Caranx / giant trevally or travelli (Caranx ignobilis) of South Africa
CroakerskingfishEnglishnounCobia (Rachycentron canadum), of warm waters globally.
CrustaceansראַקYiddishnouncrawfish, crayfishcountable
CrustaceansראַקYiddishnounCancerastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciencesuncountable
CrustaceansראַקYiddishnouncancermedicine pathology sciencescountable
CryptographysalakirjoitusFinnishnouncipher (method)
CryptographysalakirjoitusFinnishnounciphering, encryption (process)
CryptographysalakirjoitusFinnishnounciphertext, cipher, cryptogram, encryption (encrypted text)
CulturenuachtIrishnounnews (information, current events; news broadcast)feminine
CulturenuachtIrishnounfreshness, noveltyarchaic feminine
Currenciesकौड़ीHindinouna cowry, shell used as a token in barterhistorical
Currenciesकौड़ीHindinounany small amount of money
CurrenciesJapanesecharacterlaw, rulekanji
CurrenciesJapanesenouncode of law
CurrenciesJapanesenoundharmaBuddhism lifestyle religion
CurrenciesJapanesenounmoodgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
CurrenciesJapanesenoundivisormathematics sciences
CurrenciesJapanesenounAlternative spelling of フランalt-of alternative
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA hill or mountain.
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounAny of seven fleshy prominences in the palm of the hand, taken to represent the influences of various heavenly bodies.
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA bulwark for offence or defence; a mound.obsolete
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA bank; a fund.obsolete
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA green hillock in the base of a shield.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounAn animal, usually a horse, used to ride on (unlike a draught horse).
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA car, bicycle, or motorcycle used for racing.figuratively
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA mounting; an object on which another object is mounted.
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA rider in a cavalry unit or division.obsolete
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA step or block to assist in mounting a horse.
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA signal for mounting a horse.
Cycle racingmountEnglishnounA dominant ground grappling position, where one combatant sits on the other combatants torso with the face pointing towards the opponent's head.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo get upon; to ascend; to climb.transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo place oneself on (a horse, a bicycle, etc.); to bestride.transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo cause to mount; to put on horseback; to furnish with animals for riding.transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo cause (something) to rise or ascend; to drive up; to raise; to elevate; to lift up.obsolete transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo sit on a combatant's torso with the face pointing towards the opponent's head; to assume the mount position in ground grappling.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports wartransitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo rise on high; to go up; to be upraised or uplifted; to tower aloft; to ascend; often with up.intransitive rare
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo attach (an object) to a support, backing, framework etc.transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo attach (a drive or device) to the file system in order to make it available to the operating system.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo increase in quantity or intensity.intransitive sometimes with-up
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo attain in value; to amount (to).obsolete
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo get on top of (another) for the purpose of copulation.transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo have or begin sexual intercourse with someone.transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo begin (a campaign, military assault, etc.); to launch.transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo deploy (cannon) for use.archaic transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo prepare and arrange the scenery, furniture, etc. for use in (a play or production).transitive
Cycle racingmountEnglishverbTo incorporate fat, especially butter, into (a dish, especially a sauce to finish it).cooking food lifestyle
Days of the weekсредаSerbo-CroatiannounWednesday
Days of the weekсредаSerbo-Croatiannounmiddle, mean, midstexpressively
DeathџелатMacedoniannounexecutioner, hangman
DeathџелатMacedoniannountormentor, torturerfiguratively
DemocracydemokrātsLatviannoundemocrat (a supporter or advocate of democracy)declension-1 masculine
DemocracydemokrātsLatviannoundemocrat (a member of a democratic party, e.g., in the United States)declension-1 masculine
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnameInitialism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32ⁿᵈ US president.government politicsUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnameEllipsis of FDR Drive.New-York-City abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of Congo. (Federal Democratic Republic of the Congo)abbreviation alt-of
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of Ethiopia. (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia)abbreviation alt-of
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of Nepal. (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)abbreviation alt-of
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of West Germany. (German Federal Democratic Republic)abbreviation alt-of
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of unified Germany. (Federal Democratic Republic of Germany) (post Cold War)abbreviation alt-of
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnounInitialism of false transmit format detection ratio (in UMTS).business communication communications electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnounInitialism of flight data recorder.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnounInitialism of federal democratic republic.government politicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Democratic Republic of the CongoFDREnglishnounInitialism of false discovery rate.mathematics sciences statisticsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DemonymsBelgradianEnglishadjof, from or pertaining to Belgradenot-comparable
DemonymsBelgradianEnglishnounSomeone from Belgrade.
DemonymsCentral AmericanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Central Americanot-comparable
DemonymsCentral AmericanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Central America
DemonymsCilicianEnglishadjPertaining to or originating from Cilicia.historical not-comparable
DemonymsCilicianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Cilicia.
DemonymsDongxiangEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group of Gansu Province in China.
DemonymsDongxiangEnglishnameAn autonomous county of Linxia prefecture, Gansu, China
DemonymsDongxiangEnglishnameThe Mongolic language traditionally spoken by these people.
DemonymsDongxiangEnglishnameA township in Pingtan, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
DemonymsDongxiangEnglishnameAn island in Dongxiang, Pingtan, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
DemonymsJerusalemiteEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Jerusalem.not-comparable
DemonymsJerusalemiteEnglishnounA native or resident of Jerusalem.
DemonymsJerusalemiteEnglishnounA residual mineral of the sands of Jerusalem, as with Trinitite.
DemonymsMadrileneEnglishadjSynonym of Madrilenian; of or pertaining to Madrid.
DemonymsMadrileneEnglishnounSynonym of Madrilenian; someone from Madrid.
DemonymsMadrileneEnglishnameA female given name
DemonymsMadrileneEnglishnameA surname.
DemonymsPisanEnglishadjOf or from Pisa.not-comparable
DemonymsPisanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Pisa.
DemonymsalguerésSpanishadjAlgherese (from Alghero)
DemonymsalguerésSpanishnounAlgherese (person from Alghero)masculine
DemonymsalguerésSpanishnounAlgherese (Catalan dialect)masculine uncountable
DemonymscantonêsPortugueseadjCantonese (relating to Canton)
DemonymscantonêsPortugueseadjCantonese (relating to the Cantonese people)
DemonymscantonêsPortugueseadjCantonese (relating to the Cantonese language)
DemonymscantonêsPortuguesenounCantonese (person from Canton)masculine
DemonymscantonêsPortuguesenounCantonese (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsfriulanoSpanishnounFriulian personmasculine
DemonymsfriulanoSpanishnounFriulian (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsgenfiHungarianadjGenevan (of or relating to Geneva, Switzerland)not-comparable
DemonymsgenfiHungariannounGenevan (person)
DemonymsguayaquileñoSpanishadjfrom Guayaquil
DemonymsguayaquileñoSpanishnounsomeone from Guayaquilmasculine
DemonymsmiamienseSpanishadjof Miamifeminine masculine relational
DemonymsmiamienseSpanishnounan inhabitant of the city of Miamiby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsossetaPortugueseadjOssetian (of or relating to Ossetia)feminine masculine
DemonymsossetaPortuguesenounOssetian (member of the Ossetian people)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymspelluhuanoSpanishadjfrom the Chilean commune of Pelluhue
DemonymspelluhuanoSpanishnounsomeone from Pelluhuemasculine
DemonymssancarleñoSpanishadjof San Carlos (a canton of Costa Rica)relational
DemonymssancarleñoSpanishnounan inhabitant of the canton of San Carlos in Costa Ricamasculine
DemonymszarumeñoSpanishadjof Zaruma (a city in Ecuador)relational
DemonymszarumeñoSpanishnounan inhabitant of the city of Zaruma, Ecuadormasculine
DemonymsÄngländerAlemannic GermannounEnglishmanmasculine
DemonymsÄngländerAlemannic Germannounmonkey wrench, adjustable spannermasculine
DemonymsÄngländerAlemannic GermannounEnglish bicyclemasculine
Departments of FranceJuraGermannameJura Mountains (a mountain range on the border of France, Switzerland and Germany)definite proper-noun strong usually
Departments of FranceJuraGermannamethe Jurassicdefinite proper-noun strong usually
Departments of FranceJuraGermannameJura (a canton of Switzerland)definite proper-noun strong usually
Departments of FranceJuraGermannameJura (a region of France)definite proper-noun strong usually
Departments of FranceJuraGermannameJura (an island of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom)definite proper-noun strong usually
Departments of FranceJuraGermannounlaw (study)neuter plural plural-only
DessertscrumbleEnglishverbTo fall apart; to disintegrate.figuratively intransitive often
DessertscrumbleEnglishverbTo break into crumbs.transitive
DessertscrumbleEnglishverbTo mix (ingredients such as flour and butter) in such a way as to form crumbs.transitive
DessertscrumbleEnglishnounA dessert of British origin containing stewed fruit topped with a crumbly mixture of fat, flour, and sugar.countable uncountable
Detarioideae subfamily plantskopa'ybaOld Tupinouncopaiba tree. Further details are uncertain. Possibilities include
Detarioideae subfamily plantskopa'ybaOld Tupinouncopaiba tree. Further details are uncertain. Possibilities include: / diesel tree (Copaifera langsdorffii)
Detarioideae subfamily plantskopa'ybaOld Tupinouncopaiba (oleoresin extracted from such trees)
DialectsSandiaEnglishnounA Southern Tiwa-speaking people and tribe in New Mexico.plural plural-only
DialectsSandiaEnglishnameThe pueblo of the Sandia people, located in southern Sandoval County and northern Bernalillo County.
DialectsSandiaEnglishnameThe variety of Southern Tiwa spoken by these people.
DialectsSandiaEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Jim Wells County, Texas.
DialectsjoualFrenchnounjoualCanada masculine uncountable
DialectsjoualFrenchnounhorseCanada New-England masculine uncountable
DictationtranscriberEnglishnounA person who transcribes; a transcriptionist.
DictationtranscriberEnglishnounA device or program that transcribes data.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
DietsseaganEnglishadjBeing or relating to a plant-based pescetarian diet in which some seafood (in essence, finned fish and shellfish) is incorporated into an otherwise vegan diet.not-comparable
DietsseaganEnglishnounAn individual who adheres to a seagan diet.
Dioscoreales order plantselephant's footEnglishnounCertain plants resembling the foot of an elephant. of species: / Adenia pechuelii.
Dioscoreales order plantselephant's footEnglishnounCertain plants resembling the foot of an elephant. of species: / Beaucarnea recurvata.
Dioscoreales order plantselephant's footEnglishnounCertain plants resembling the foot of an elephant. of species: / Dioscorea elephantipes.
Dioscoreales order plantselephant's footEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Elephantopus.
Dioscoreales order plantselephant's footEnglishnounAn octagonal design typical of Turkmen rugs.
Dioscoreales order plantselephant's footEnglishnounA half-length, waist-high sleeping bag.
Dioscoreales order plantselephant's footEnglishnounA type of step stool with concealed spring-loaded castors allowing the step to be easily moved.
DirectionstagasiEstonianadvback, backwards / In the opposite direction.not-comparable
DirectionstagasiEstonianadvback, backwards / In the opposite direction. / awaynot-comparable
DirectionstagasiEstonianadvback, backwards / In(to) the starting point, the former situation.not-comparable
DirectionstagasiEstonianadvback, backwards / In response, in return, in retaliationnot-comparable
DirectionstagasiEstonianadvback, backwards / Further back in time towards the past.not-comparable
DirectivesguidelineEnglishnounA non-specific rule or principle that provides direction to action or behaviour.
DirectivesguidelineEnglishnounA plan or explanation to guide one in setting standards or determining a course of action.
DirectivesguidelineEnglishnounA light line, used in lettering, to help align the text.
DirectiveshalalTagalognounact of voting
DirectiveshalalTagalognounenactment of laws and mandates; legislationobsolete
DirectiveshalalTagalognounconstitution; fundamental lawlawobsolete
DirectiveshalalTagalognoundesignation; occupation; livelihoodobsolete
DirectiveshalalTagalogadjelected; chosen in an election
DirectiveshalalTagalogadjhalal (permissible according to Muslim religious custom)
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjMade of or containing black bile or melancholy.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjUnder the influence of or governed by black bile.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjHaving one's mood changed by black bile; depressed or raging.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjDue to the influence or presence of black bile.
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjAffected by a disease caused by too much black bile.rare
DiseasemalencolikMiddle EnglishadjHaving a proclivity to produce black bile.rare
Divine epithetsjꜣkbytEgyptiannounmourning-woman
Divine epithetsjꜣkbytEgyptiannounan epithet for various goddesss
DogsbouvierFrenchnoundrover (person who drives cattle over long distances)masculine
DogsbouvierFrenchnounherdsman, cattleman (man who raises or tends cattle)masculine
DogsbouvierFrenchnouncattle dog (type of dog used for droving cattle)masculine
DogsbouvierFrenchnounplowman (man who plows land with a plough)masculine
DogscarameloPortuguesenouncaramel (confection)masculine uncountable
DogscarameloPortuguesenouncandy made of caramelmasculine
DogscarameloPortuguesenounany candybroadly masculine
DogscarameloPortuguesenounice, iciclemasculine
DogscarameloPortuguesenouna type of mixed-breed dog with a caramel-colored coatBrazil masculine
Donald TrumpTrumpistEnglishadjPertaining to or resembling characteristics of Trumpism. Synonym of Trumpian.government politicsnot-comparable
Donald TrumpTrumpistEnglishnounAn admirer or fan of Donald Trump.government politicsUS
Donald TrumpTrumpistEnglishnounA person exhibiting characteristics of Trumpism.government politics
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA person or animal that sucks, especially a breast or udder; especially a suckling animal, young mammal before it is weaned.
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounAn undesired stem growing out of the roots or lower trunk of a shrub or tree, especially from the rootstock of a grafted plant or tree.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA parasite; a sponger.broadly
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounAn organ or body part that does the sucking; especially a round structure on the bodies of some insects, frogs, and octopuses that allows them to stick to surfaces.
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA thing that works by sucking something.
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounThe embolus, or bucket, of a pump; also, the valve of a pump basket.
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA pipe through which anything is drawn.
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA small piece of leather, usually round, having a string attached to the center, which, when saturated with water and pressed upon a stone or other body having a smooth surface, adheres, by reason of the atmospheric pressure, with such force as to enable a considerable weight to be thus lifted by the string; formerly used by children as a plaything.
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA suction cup.British colloquial
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounAn animal such as the octopus and remora, which adhere to other bodies with such organs.
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounAny fish in the family Catostomidae of North America and eastern Asia, which have mouths modified into downward-pointing, suckerlike structures for feeding in bottom sediments.biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoology
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA lollipop; a piece of candy which is sucked.US informal
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA hard drinker.archaic slang
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Illinois.US obsolete
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA migrant lead miner working in the Driftless Area of northwest Illinois, southwest Wisconsin, and northeast Iowa, working in summer and leaving for winter, so named because of the similarity to the migratory patterns of the North American Catostomidae.US obsolete
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA person who is easily deceived, tricked or persuaded to do something; a naive or gullible person.US slang
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA person irresistibly attracted by something specified.informal
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounThe penis.British obsolete slang vulgar
DrinkingsuckerEnglishverbTo strip the suckers or shoots from; to deprive of suckers.agriculture business horticulture lifestyletransitive
DrinkingsuckerEnglishverbTo produce suckers; to throw up additional stems or shoots.agriculture business horticulture lifestyleintransitive
DrinkingsuckerEnglishverbTo move or attach oneself by means of suckers.intransitive
DrinkingsuckerEnglishverbTo fool someone; to take advantage of someone.informal transitive
DrinkingsuckerEnglishverbTo lure someone.informal transitive usually
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounAny thing or object.emphatic slang
DrinkingsuckerEnglishnounA person.derogatory slang
Drugs鎮静剤Japanesenountranquilizer, sedative
DucksdouckerEnglishnounAny of a number of swimming birds that dive underwater: / grebeUK dialectal
DucksdouckerEnglishnounAny of a number of swimming birds that dive underwater: / diverUK dialectal
DucksdouckerEnglishnounAny of a number of swimming birds that dive underwater: / goldeneyeUK dialectal
DucksdouckerEnglishnounAny of a number of swimming birds that dive underwater: / pochardUK dialectal
DucksdouckerEnglishnounAny of a number of swimming birds that dive underwater: / scaupUK dialectal
DucksdouckerEnglishnounAny of a number of swimming birds that dive underwater: / scoterUK dialectal
DucksdouckerEnglishnounAny of a number of swimming birds that dive underwater: / tufted duckUK dialectal
EaglesnègLouisiana Creolenoun(a) Black person, (a) Negroderogatory
EaglesnègLouisiana Creolenounthe Louisiana Creole languagederogatory
EaglesnègLouisiana Creolenounbuddy, (a) pal, (a) friend, (a) fellow
EaglesnègLouisiana Creolenouneagle
EarthiścemTocharian Bnounclay
EarthiścemTocharian Bnounbrick, tile (made of clay), ceramic
EasterpaskaEnglishnounA traditional Ukrainian egg bread, often decorated, used in Easter traditions.Canada countable uncountable
EasterpaskaEnglishnounAlternative form of paskhaalt-of alternative countable uncountable
EconomicsmicroeconomicEnglishadjOf, or relating to, microeconomics.not-comparable relational
EconomicsmicroeconomicEnglishadjOf, or relating to, a microeconomy.not-comparable relational
EducationceachtIrishnounlessonfeminine masculine
EducationceachtIrishnounrecited passage, episodefeminine masculine
EducationceachtIrishnounexercisefeminine masculine
EducationreaderEnglishnounA person who reads.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA person who reads a publication.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA person who recites literary works, usually to an audience.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA proofreader.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA person employed by a publisher to read works submitted for publication and determine their merits.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA position attached to aristocracy, or to the wealthy, with the task of reading aloud, often in a foreign language.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA university lecturer ranking below a professor.British
EducationreaderEnglishnounAny device that reads something.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA book of exercises to accompany a textbook.
EducationreaderEnglishnounAn elementary textbook for those learning to read, especially for foreign languages.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA literary anthology.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA lay or minor cleric who reads lessons in a church service.
EducationreaderEnglishnounA newspaper advertisement designed to look like a news article rather than a commercial solicitation.advertising business marketing
EducationreaderEnglishnounMarked playing cards used by cheaters.gambling gamesin-plural slang
EducationreaderEnglishnounA wallet or pocketbook.obsolete slang
EducationtunniIngriannounclass, lesson
EducationпредметUkrainiannounsubject, topic
EducationпредметUkrainiannounsubjectliterary subjective
EducationпредметUkrainiannounarticle, commodity, itembusiness commerce commercial
EggsjajceSlovenenounball, testiclemildly plural-normally slang vulgar
EggsܒܝܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounegg
EggsܒܝܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounskull, crown
EggsܒܝܥܬܐClassical Syriacnountesticles
EggsܒܝܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounarch
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixUsed to form the names of metal elements, after the style of early-named elements, as well as the isotopes of hydrogen.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixUsed to form the temporary systematic element name of a metallic or nonmetallic element which is postulated to exist, or which has been newly synthesized and has not yet been assigned a permanent name.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixUsed to form the name of polyatomic cations.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixAppended to common words to create scientific-sounding or humorous-sounding fictional substance names.broadly humorous morpheme
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixUsed to form the name of an aggregation or mass of something, such as biological tissuemorpheme
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixForms the name of biological structures and parts.morpheme
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixUsed to indicate the setting where a given activity is carried outmorpheme
Element nomenclature-iumEnglishsuffixUsed to form names of quaternary ammonium compounds used as neuromuscular blocking agents, cholinergic agents, anticholinergic agents, antibacterials/antiseptics, or other agents.medicine pharmacology sciencesmorpheme
ElephantsgajahIndonesiannounelephant (mammal)
ElephantsgajahIndonesiannounbishopboard-games chess games
ElephantsgajahIndonesiannounbig-sized objectsfiguratively
Emilian cardinal numbersterśeinttrèdeśEmilianadjThree hundred and thirteen.feminine invariable masculine
Emilian cardinal numbersterśeinttrèdeśEmiliannounThree hundred and thirteen.invariable masculine
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounA state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to visualize a happy future.human-sciences psychology sciencesuncountable usually
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounA period of low morale or unhappiness (a period of experiencing the above-mentioned state of mind) which lasts longer than several weeks and may include ideation of self-inflicted injury or suicide.human-sciences psychology sciencescountable
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounAn area that is lower in topography than its surroundings.geography natural-sciencescountable uncountable
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounAn area of lowered air pressure that generally brings moist weather, sometimes promoting hurricanes and tornadoes.climatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounA period of major economic contraction.economics sciencescountable uncountable
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounFour consecutive quarters of negative, real GDP growth. See NBER.economics sciencesUS countable uncountable
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounThe act of lowering or pressing something down.countable uncountable
EmotionsdepressionEnglishnounA lowering, in particular a reduction in a particular biological variable or the function of an organ, in contrast to elevation.biology medicine natural-sciences physiology sciencescountable uncountable
EmotionsemoteEnglishverbTo display or express (emotions, mental states, etc.) openly, particularly while acting, and especially in an excessive manner.transitive
EmotionsemoteEnglishverbTo deliver (a speech), say (lines of a play, words), etc., in a dramatic or emotional manner, especially if overly so.transitive
EmotionsemoteEnglishverbTo display (excessive) emotion, especially while acting.intransitive
EmotionsemoteEnglishverbTo express a virtual action, presented to other users as a graphic or reported speech, rather than sending a straightforward message.Internet intransitive
EmotionsemoteEnglishverbTo perform a short action, such as a gesture or a dance move, which may be seen by other players but does not have any effect on
EmotionsemoteEnglishnounA virtual action expressed to other users as a graphic or reported speech rather than a straightforward message.Internet
EmotionsemoteEnglishnounShort for emoticon.Internet abbreviation alt-of
EmotionsemoteEnglishnounA short action, such as a gesture or a dance move, which may be seen by other players but does not have any effect on
EmotionsfadhaikaSwahiliverbStative form of fadhaa: / to be confusedstative
EmotionsfadhaikaSwahiliverbStative form of fadhaa: / to be troubledstative
EmotionsnepokojCzechnouninquietudeinanimate masculine
EmotionsnepokojCzechnounturmoil, riotinanimate masculine
EmotionsnepokojCzechnounbalance wheelinanimate masculine
EmotionsnáladaCzechnounmood (mental or emotional state, composure)feminine
EmotionsnáladaCzechnounmood (disposition to do something)feminine
EmotionspacienceMiddle Englishnounpatience, equanimity (especially under duress)uncountable
EmotionspacienceMiddle Englishnounpatience dock (Rumex patientia)uncountable
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo spring (burst forth, shoot out): / To issue or gush (water from a water source)
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo spring (burst forth, shoot out): / To grow, sprout, or bear fruit or flowers.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow, emerge or develop: / To rise; to emerge or appear.broadly
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow, emerge or develop: / To overflow or flood; to utterly envelop.broadly
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo move with great speed or energy; to dash: / To spring (jump with great speed or energy).
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo move with great speed or energy; to dash: / To shoot or spurt out; to emerge suddenly and quickly.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo move with great speed or energy; to dash: / To spring back; to return from a force.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo become or cause to become diffused; to spread. / To become or cause to become known or disseminated.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo become or cause to become diffused; to spread. / To establish or normalise; to become or make normal.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo become or cause to become diffused; to spread. / To sprinkle or asperse; to spread in small drops or bits.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo happen or occur; to come to be.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo break into pieces; to fall apart.
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo skip a beat.rare
EmotionsspryngenMiddle EnglishverbTo promote or honour; to make exalted.rare
EmotionsτρόμοςAncient Greeknountrembling, tremor, shudder
EmotionsτρόμοςAncient Greeknounfear, terror
EmotionsरथSanskritnounchariot, car, especially a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the अनस् (anas)), any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods), waggon, cart
EmotionsरथSanskritnounwarrior, hero, champion
EmotionsरथSanskritnounpleasure, joy, delight (compare मनोरथ (manoratha))
EmotionsरथSanskritnounaffection, love
EmotionsびっくりJapaneseadvstartledly, surprisedly, astonishedly
EmotionsびっくりJapaneseverbto be surprised, to be startled, to be frightened, to be astonished
Emotions振作Chineseadjin a good mood; excited
Emotions振作Chineseverbto cheer up; to excite
Emotions振作Chineseverbto rouse oneself; to exert oneself
EnglandangleEsperantoadvin the English language
EnglandangleEsperantoadvin the manner of an English person
English unisex given namesJordynEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew, of modern usage, variant of Jordan.
English unisex given namesJordynEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew, a rare modern spelling variant of Jordan.
EquestrianismamazonaSpanishnouncowgirl position, cowgirllifestyle sex sexualityfeminine
Erotic literaturebaraEnglishnounA genre of homoerotic media, usually manga and often pornographic, made by gay men for gay men in Japan.Internet uncountable
Erotic literaturebaraEnglishnounGay male media of a similar style and aesthetic, regardless of the creator's gender or ethnicity.Internet uncountable
Erotic literaturebaraEnglishnounAny homoerotic media or pornography that accentuates macho masculinity; gay porn.Internet uncountable
Erotic literaturebaraEnglishnounA capybara.informal
EthicsнесправедливийUkrainianadjunjust, wrongful
EthicsнесправедливийUkrainianadjunfair, inequitable
EthiopiarasEnglishnounAn Ethiopian king or prince.
EthiopiarasEnglishnounA headland; a cape.
EthnicitypanyòlHaitian CreoleadjSpanish
EthnicitypanyòlHaitian CreoleadjDominican (pertaining to the Dominican Republic)
EthnicitypanyòlHaitian CreolenounSpaniard
EthnicitypanyòlHaitian CreolenameSpanish (language)
EthnicitypanyòlHaitian CreolenameSpanish-speaking country, especially the Dominican Republic
EthnonymsMalteserGermannounMaltese (male or female inhabitant of Malta)masculine strong
EthnonymsMalteserGermannounmember of the Order [of the Knights] of Maltamasculine strong
EthnonymsMalteserGermannounMaltese (a small breed of dog)masculine strong
EthnonymsфранцузKyrgyzadjFrench (pertaining to the French people or the French language)
EthnonymsфранцузKyrgyznounFrench (by ethnicity)
European UnionunijnyPolishadjunion (of or related to a union)not-comparable relational
European UnionunijnyPolishadjEuropean Union (of or related to the European Union)not-comparable relational
Even-toed ungulatessuillineEnglishadjOf or relating to the suborder Suina of (especially) pigs, peccaries, and hippopotami.biology natural-sciences zoology
Even-toed ungulatessuillineEnglishnounAny artiodactyl of the suborder Suina of pigs, peccaries, and hippopotami.
Extinct languagesFrankishEnglishadjof or pertaining to the Franks
Extinct languagesFrankishEnglishadjin or of the language of the Franks
Extinct languagesFrankishEnglishnameThe language of the Franks, an ancient West Germanic language, ancestral to Dutch.
Extinct languagesLycianEnglishnameAn extinct Indo-European language in the Anatolian group.
Extinct languagesLycianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of ancient Lycia.
Extinct languagesLycianEnglishadjOf, or relating to Lycia, or its people, language or culture.not-comparable
Extinct languagesUnamiEnglishnounA Native American people, one of the three main divisions of the Lenape Nation.plural plural-only
Extinct languagesUnamiEnglishnameThe now-extinct Lenape/Delaware language of these people.
EyeечемикBulgariannounbarley (cereal of the species Hordeum vulgare, or its grains)
EyeечемикBulgariannounstye (a bacterial infection in the eyelash or eyelid)
FabricspelliculeEnglishnounA thin diaphanous fabric.
FabricspelliculeEnglishnounThe skin of an onion or other plant.
FabricsstammelEnglishnounA woolen cloth (used in medieval times to make undergarments).historical uncountable usually
FabricsstammelEnglishnounA bright red colour, like that of the stammel cloth.uncountable usually
FabricsstammelEnglishnounA large, clumsy horse.UK dialectal uncountable usually
FabricsstammelEnglishnounA vigorous girl.UK dialectal uncountable usually
FabricsstammelEnglishadjOf a bright red colour, like that of the stammel cloth.not-comparable
FaceגבהHebrewverbbecome high, tallconstruction-pa'al
FaceגבהHebrewadjdefective spelling of גָּבוֹהַּ (“high, tall; large”).alt-of misspelling
FaceגבהHebrewnoundefective spelling of גּוֹבַהּ (“height ; level, to an extent”).alt-of misspelling
FaceגבהHebrewverbto collect (a debt)construction-pa'al
FaceגבהHebrewverbdefective spelling of גיבהalt-of construction-pi'el misspelling
FaceὄψAncient Greeknounvoicepoetic
FaceὄψAncient Greeknounwordpoetic
FaceὄψAncient Greeknouneye; facerare
Face臉相Chinesenouncomplexion; colour of the face
Face臉相Chinesenounfacial expression; look (on someone's face)
FamilyditseTagalognounterm of address for the second eldest sister
FamilyditseTagalognounterm of address for the second eldest female cousin
FamilyVietnamesenounmaternal aunt, mother's sister
FamilyVietnamesenounstepmother; stepmom
FamilygwaggoHausanounpaternal aunt
FamilygwaggoHausanounold woman
FamilysistaNigerian Pidginnounsister
FamilysistaNigerian Pidginnounnurse
FamilyछोराNepalinounman, male
FamilyछोराNepalinounlarvae of bee
Family一家子Chinesenounone family; a household
Family一家子Chinesenounthe whole family
Family姆仔Chinesenounpaternal aunt (wife of father's elder brother)Hokkien Quanzhou Xiamen
Family姆仔Chinesenounpaternal aunt (wife of father's younger brother)Longyan-Min
Family姆仔Chinesenounold woman who advises and accompanies the bride at a weddingZhangzhou-Hokkien
Family小兒Chinesenounsmall child; infant; childrenliterary
Family小兒Chinesenounmy sondated humble
Family小兒Chinesenounyoungest sondialectal
Family小兒ChinesenounErhua form of 小 (xiǎo).Erhua Mandarin alt-of
Family membersgermà uteríCatalannounuterine brothermasculine
Family membersgermà uteríCatalannounuterine siblingmasculine
Family members누나Koreannounolder sister of a male
Family members누나Koreannounsomewhat older female friend or acquaintance
Fans부채Koreannounfan (hand-held device)
FastenersтапаMacedoniannouncork, plug
FastenersтапаMacedoniannounsomeone unskilled or ignorant, someone disappointingslang
FastenersтапаMacedoniannounsomething disagreeable, unsatisfying or disappointingslang
Fats and oilssfṯEgyptiannounone of the seven sacred oils used in mortuary rituals, made from the resin of the ꜥš-tree
Fats and oilssfṯEgyptiannounthe resin of the ꜥš-tree
Fats and oilsOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
Fats and oilsOkinawannounoil
FeceszullaSpanishnounhuman excrement, fecescolloquial feminine
FeceszullaSpanishnounFrench honeysuckle (Hedysarum coronarium)feminine
FemaleမိထွေးBurmesenounaunt; younger sister of one's mother
Female animalsbakaTagalognouncattle; cow
Female animalsbakaTagalognounbeef
Female animalsbakaTagalogadvmaybe; probably
Female animalsbakaTagalogadvmight
Female animalsbakaTagalognoundeclaration of war (against another nation)
Female animalsbakaTagalognouncampaign against something wrong or immoral
Female animalsbakaTagalognounverbal attack or assault
Female animalsగోవుTelugunouncow, the female bovine animal revered by the Hindus.
Female animalsగోవుTelugunounox
Female family membersanyaHungariannounmother
Female family membersanyaHungariannounnut (piece of metal intended to be screwed onto a bolt)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Female family membersmàthairScottish Gaelicnounmotherfeminine
Female family membersmàthairScottish Gaelicnoundam (of a beast)feminine
Female family membersmàthairScottish Gaelicnouncause, sourcefeminine
Female family membersnéneHungariannoun(chiefly with a possessive suffix) older sisterarchaic
Female family membersnéneHungariannoun(chiefly with a possessive suffix) auntdated dialectal
Female family membersnéneHungariannounsister (female member of a religious community)lifestyle religionarchaic
Female family membersбэргэнYakutadjaccurate, skillful
Female family membersбэргэнYakutadjagile
Female family membersбэргэнYakutnounsister-in-law (wife of the elder brother-in-law)
Female family membersдоченькаRussiannoundiminutive of дочь (dočʹ, “daughter”)diminutive form-of
Female family membersдоченькаRussiannoundiminutive of до́чка (dóčka, “daughter”)diminutive form-of
Female peopleErsatzfrauGermannounfemale substitute, stand infeminine
Female peopleErsatzfrauGermannounfemale replacementhobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
Female peoplebrideEnglishnounA woman in the context of her own wedding; one who is going to marry or has just been married.
Female peoplebrideEnglishnounAn object ardently loved.figuratively obsolete
Female peoplebrideEnglishverbto make a bride ofobsolete
Female peoplebrideEnglishnounan individual loop or other device connecting the patterns in lacework
Female peoplefiqintoAfarnounfemale peer
Female peoplefiqintoAfarnounfemale military
Female peoplefiqintoAfarnounfemale member of a political party
Female peopleleśniczynaPolishnounwife of a forestkeeperfeminine
Female peopleleśniczynaPolishnounfemale equivalent of leśniczy (“forestkeeper, forester”)feminine form-of
Female peopletomboyEnglishnounA girl who behaves in a typically boyish manner.
Female peopletomboyEnglishnounA lesbian; a butch.Philippines colloquial
Female peopleсамицаSerbo-Croatiannounsolitary confinement cell
Female peopleсамицаSerbo-Croatiannounsingle woman (one who is not married)
FiberscottonEnglishnounGossypium, a genus of plant used as a source of cotton fiber.uncountable usually
FiberscottonEnglishnounAny plant that encases its seed in a thin fiber that is harvested and used as a fabric or cloth.uncountable usually
FiberscottonEnglishnounAny fiber similar in appearance and use to Gossypium fiber.uncountable usually
FiberscottonEnglishnounThe textile made from the fiber harvested from a cotton plant, especially manufacturing textilesuncountable usually
FiberscottonEnglishnounAn item of clothing made from cotton.countable usually
FiberscottonEnglishadjMade of cotton.not-comparable
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo provide with cotton. / To supply with a cotton wick.transitive
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo provide with cotton. / To fill with a wad of cotton.transitive
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo provide with cotton. / To wrap with a protective layer of cotton fabric.agriculture business horticulture lifestyletransitive
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo provide with cotton. / To cover walls with fabric.transitive
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo provide with cotton. / To cover with cotton bolls over a layer of tar (analogous to tar and feather )transitive
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo provide with cotton.transitive
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo make or become cotton-like / To raise a nap, providing with a soft, cottony texture.
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo make or become cotton-like / To develop a porous, cottony texture.
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo make or become cotton-like / To give the appearance of being dotted with cotton balls.
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo make or become cotton-like / To enshroud with a layer of whiteness.
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo protect from harsh stimuli, coddle, or muffle.
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo rub or burnish with cotton.
FiberscottonEnglishverbTo get on with someone or something; to have a good relationship with someone.
FiberswolleMiddle Englishnounwool (coat of sheep), especially when used to make fabric
FiberswolleMiddle EnglishnounShorn wool, especially stockpiled in bulk.
FiberswolleMiddle EnglishnounWoollen garments or clothing; woolwear.
FiberswolleMiddle EnglishnounSheepskin; the skin of sheep.
FiberswolleMiddle EnglishnounOther woolen goods; woollens.rare
FiberswolleMiddle EnglishnounOther fibres (substituting wool)rare
FiberswolleMiddle EnglishnounThe flesh or innards of fruit.rare
FibersOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
FibersOkinawannounhair, fur
Fiction武俠Chinesenounwuxia (genre of fiction)
Fictional charactersNô-bi-taVietnamesenameNobita, the main character of the manga series Doraemonanime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing television
Fictional charactersNô-bi-taVietnamesenounnerd eyeglass size
Fictional locationsDuckburgEnglishnameA fictional city, located in the fictional US state of Calisota, that serves as the home of Donald Duck, his surrounding cast, and several other anthropomorphic animals.
Fictional locationsDuckburgEnglishnounA small, rural, or provincial town.derogatory often slang
Fig treessyrup of figsEnglishnounA type of laxative made from figs.countable uncountable
Fig treessyrup of figsEnglishnounA wig.Cockney countable slang
FilmbiografSwedishnouna cinema, a movie theatre; commonly contracted to biocommon-gender
FilmbiografSwedishnouna biographer (one who writes about the life of another)common-gender
FinlandTampereanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Tamperenot-comparable
FinlandTampereanEnglishnounSomeone from Tampere.
Finnish diminutives of male given namesKiiaFinnishnamea female given name, a modern rendering of Kia, a Swedish nickname for Kristina
Finnish diminutives of male given namesKiiaFinnishnameA nickname for the male given names Hiskias and Malakias.dated rare
FirechụmVietnameseverbto gather; to assemble
FirechụmVietnameseverbto put into the fireCentral Southern Vietnam
FirearmsrifleFrenchnounrifle (carabine)masculine
FirearmsrifleFrenchverbinflection of rifler: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
FirearmsrifleFrenchverbinflection of rifler: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FirearmsstormgeweerDutchnounassault rifleneuter
FirearmsstormgeweerDutchnounany weapon or weaponry used for storming a settlement or fortificationChristianity Protestantismarchaic neuter rare
FishankeriasFinnishnouneel (any fish in the order Anguilliformes)
FishankeriasFinnishnounEuropean eel, eel (species Anguilla anguilla)
FishkiipijäkalaFinnishnounclimbing gourami, climbing perch (fish of the family Anabantidae)
FishkiipijäkalaFinnishnounclimbing perch, Anabas testudineus
FishtarusiTernatenounthe wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)
FishtarusiTernatenounany of several fish (mackerels) in the genus Scomberomorus
FishμύλλοςAncient GreeknounA kind of fish brought salted from the Black Sea
FishμύλλοςAncient GreeknounA similar fish found in the Danube
FishingnevvoIngriannounequipment for catching fish
FishingpalangrierFrenchadjlongline fishingrelational
FishingpalangrierFrenchnounlongline fishing boatmasculine
FishingpisáNheengatunouncast net
FishingpisáNheengatunounhand net
FishingpisáNheengatunounloose hammockarchaic
FlatfishdabEnglishverbTo press lightly in a repetitive motion with a soft object without rubbing.transitive
FlatfishdabEnglishverbTo apply a substance in this way.transitive
FlatfishdabEnglishverbTo strike by a thrust; to hit with a sudden blow or thrust.
FlatfishdabEnglishverbTo apply hash oil to a heated surface for the purpose of efficient combustion.slang
FlatfishdabEnglishverbTo perform the dab dance move, by moving both arms to one side of the body parallel with your dancing hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
FlatfishdabEnglishverbSynonym of daub (to mark a bingo card)bingo games
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA soft tap or blow; a blow or peck from a bird's beak; an aimed blow.
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA soft, playful box given in greeting or approval.
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA small amount, a blob of some soft or wet substance.
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA small amount, a blob of some soft or wet substance. / A small amount of hash oil.slang
FlatfishdabEnglishnounFingerprint.British dated in-plural
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA hip hop dance move in which the dancer simultaneously drops the head while raising an arm, briefly resting their face in the elbow, as if sneezing into their dancing hobbies lifestyle sports
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA dabbler.obsolete
FlatfishdabEnglishadvWith a dab, or sudden contact.not-comparable
FlatfishdabEnglishnounOne skilful or proficient; an expert; an adept.
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA small flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae, especially Limanda limanda; a flounder.
FlatfishdabEnglishnounA sand dab, a small flatfish of genus Citharichthys.US
Flatfishteanga chaitIrishnounhornwrack Flustra foliaceabiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
Flatfishteanga chaitIrishnounsole (Solea solea)feminine
Florida, USAFloridanEnglishadjSynonym of Floridian (of or relating to the state of Florida in the United States of America).uncommon
Florida, USAFloridanEnglishnounSynonym of Floridian (a native or resident of Florida).uncommon
FlowersciklámenHungarianadjcyclamen (having a bright deep pink colour)not-comparable
FlowersntjaaꞌSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounnixtamal
FlowersntjaaꞌSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounflower
FlowerstaronginaCatalannounorange blossomfeminine
FlowerstaronginaCatalannounlemon balmfeminine
FlowerstaronginaCatalannounyellow foot mushroom (Craterellus lutescens)feminine
Flowers雛菊Japanesenouna daisy: a wild flowering plant with a yellow head and white petals, family Asteraceae, species Bellis perennis
Flowers雛菊Japanesenamea female given name
FolkloresídOld Irishnounfairy moundneuter
FolkloresídOld Irishnounfairiesin-plural neuter
FolkloresídOld Irishnounpeaceneuter
Food and drinkeat inEnglishverbTo eat a meal at home.
Food and drinkeat inEnglishverbTo eat a purchased meal on the premises where one bought it, rather than taking it away.UK
Food and drinkeat inEnglishverbTo etch or erode a substance. (of acid)
Food and drinkmetteMiddle Englishnountablematerare
Food and drinkmetteMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of mete (“food”)alt-of alternative
FoodsSolomon GundyEnglishnounSalmagundi (a main dish of chopped meat, fish, onions, oil and vinegar, etc).uncountable
FoodsSolomon GundyEnglishnounA pâté of pickled, salted, smoked red herring or other fish, minced and spiced with peppers and seasonings, popular as an appetizer in Jamaican cuisine.uncountable
FoodsbreyðFaroesenounlease, priesthoodneuter
FoodsfrijolSpanishnounbean, bean seedCentral-America Mexico Peru masculine
FoodsfrijolSpanishnounbean plantCentral-America Mexico Peru masculine
FoodsgriskinEnglishnounA lean cut of meat from the loin of a pig.
FoodsgriskinEnglishnounThe bones, particularly the spine, of a pig.rare
FoodsmỡVietnamesenounfat as part of flesh, or grease; compare chất béo (“fat in nutrition”)
FoodsmỡVietnamesenounManglietiabiology botany natural-sciences
FoodsvindalooEnglishnounA blend of chilis, tamarind, ginger, cumin, and mustard seeds, originally from Goa.countable uncountable
FoodsvindalooEnglishnounA hot curry made with this spice.countable uncountable
FoodsпицаSerbo-Croatiannouncunt, pussyfamiliar vulgar
Foods豆沙包Chinesenounhoppang (steamed bun with red bean paste filling)
Football (soccer)doppiettaItaliannountwo goals in a football/soccer game, usually scored by the same playerfeminine
Football (soccer)doppiettaItaliannoundouble-barrelled shotgunengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryfeminine
FootwearostrohaSlovaknounspur (implement for prodding a horse)feminine
FootwearostrohaSlovaknounspur (outgrowth of bone covered in a sheath of horn)biology natural-sciences ornithologyfeminine
FootwearostrohaSlovaknounspur (outgrowth of tissue)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
FootwearshodEnglishadjWearing shoes.not-comparable
FootwearshodEnglishadjHaving tires equipped.not-comparable
FootwearshodEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of shoeform-of participle past
FootwearносBulgariannounbow, head, prow
FootwearносBulgariannouncape, promontory, foreland, goregeography natural-sciences
ForestsборRussiannounpinewood, pine forest
ForestsборRussiannountidal bore
ForestsборRussiannoungenitive plural of бора́ (borá)form-of genitive plural
ForestsборRussiannoungenitive plural of бо́ра (bóra)form-of genitive plural
Forms of governmentדמוקרטיהHebrewnounDemocracy: rule by the people, as a form of government.uncountable
Forms of governmentדמוקרטיהHebrewnounA democracy: a state, or similar entity, whose government takes the form of rule by the people.countable
Forms of governmentسلطويةArabicnounauthoritarianismgovernment politics
Forms of governmentسلطويةArabicnounfemale equivalent of سُلْطَوِيّ (sulṭawiyy)feminine form-of
Forms of governmentسلطويةArabicadjfeminine singular of سُلْطَوِيّ (sulṭawiyy)feminine form-of singular
FowlskurwotaLower Sorbiannounpartridgeanimal-not-person feminine
FowlskurwotaLower Sorbiannoungrey partridge (Perdix perdix)animal-not-person feminine specifically
FranceドルJapanesenouna dollar (designation for specific currency)
FranceドルJapanesenameDole, Jura (place in France)
French punctuation marksFrenchpunct! (exclamation mark)
French punctuation marksFrenchsymbol+ (the addition sign)archaic
FruitsbananaPortuguesenounbanana (fruit)feminine
FruitsbananaPortuguesenounbanana (plant)feminine
FruitsbananaPortuguesenounpenisfeminine informal
FruitsbananaPortuguesenounbras d'honneur (obscene gesture)Brazil feminine informal
FruitsbananaPortuguesenounwimp (a weak or unconfident person)by-personal-gender derogatory feminine masculine slang
FruitsbettieħMaltesenounmelon, melonscollective masculine
FruitsbettieħMaltesenountesticles of a donkeycollective humorous masculine
FruitsceriseFrenchadjcerise colourinvariable
FruitsceriseFrenchnouncherry (fruit)feminine
FruitsceriseFrenchnouncerise (color)feminine
FruitsdendêPortuguesenounthe fruit of the African oil palm (dendezeiro)masculine
FruitsdendêPortuguesenounthe oil produced with that fruitmasculine
FruitsfigaCatalannouncunt; pussy (the vulva)feminine slang vulgar
FruitskiwiPolishnounkiwi (any ratite of the order Apterygiformes)animal-not-person indeclinable masculine
FruitskiwiPolishnounkiwi (any tree of the genus Actinidia)indeclinable neuter
FruitskiwiPolishnounkiwi, kiwi fruit (fruit of the kiwi)indeclinable neuter
FruitsⲃⲏⲛⲛⲓCopticnoundate palm treeFayyumic
Fruits橄欖ChinesenounChinese olive (Canarium album)
Fruits橄欖ChinesenounEuropean olive (Olea europaea)
Fruits橄欖ChineseverbAlternative form of 幹爛/干烂 (“to ruin”)Internet Mainland-China alt-of alternative vulgar
FurnitureбульRussianintjThe sound of liquid bubbling or being poured.
FurnitureбульRussiannounAn encrusted table.obsolete
FurnitureтуалетBelarusiannountoilet, groominguncountable
FurnitureтуалетBelarusiannountoilet, WC, restroom, lavatory
FurnitureтуалетBelarusiannoundressing table
FurnitureבאַנקYiddishnouncounter (place for preparing food in a kitchen)
FurnitureבאַנקYiddishnounbank (institution)
GaitshyenMiddle Englishverbto hie (travel at great speed or with great haste)
GaitshyenMiddle Englishverbto do with haste or speedily; to do when needed
GaitshyenMiddle Englishverbto do with care or fervour; to make a earnest attempt
GaitshyenMiddle Englishverbto make fast; to hurry or expedite someone (including oneself)
GaitshyenMiddle Englishverbto disappear; to pass awayfiguratively
GaitshyenMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hyne (“household”)alt-of alternative
GaitshyenMiddle EnglishadvAlternative form of henne (“hence”)alt-of alternative
GaitshyenMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of heien (“to lift up”)alt-of alternative
Gamblingdead poolEnglishnounA game of prediction or gambling that involves guessing when people, typically celebrities, will die.
Gamblingdead poolEnglishnounThe point at which a reservoir no longer has enough water to flow downstream of its dam, at which point (for example) a dam's turbines are no longer able to generate power.
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounThe process of incrementing, especially back to an initial value.countable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounA road traffic accident in which a vehicle overturns.automotive transport vehiclescountable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounA graphic element that changes its appearance when the cursor moves over it.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounA keyboard feature where each key is scanned independently, so that multiple simultaneous keypresses always register correctly.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounThe sudden ignition of flammable gasses (produced by pyrolysis in an oxygen-poor environment) near the ceiling of a room or other enclosed space.firefighting governmentcountable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounThe reinvestment of funds in a new issue of the same or similar financecountable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounA fee paid by a borrower in order to defer full repayment of a financecountable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounIn the National or European lottery, the situation in which a jackpot that has not been won is carried over to the next week.British countable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishnounA target on the pinball table that is activated when the ball rolls over it.countable uncountable
GamblingrolloverEnglishverbMisspelling of roll over.alt-of misspelling
GeesegiúrannIrishnounshipworm, teredomasculine
GeesegiúrannIrishnounbarnacle goosemasculine
GemsకెంపుTelugunounA ruby.
GemsకెంపుTelugunounA deep ruby red colour.
GemsకెంపుTelugunounwine, liquor
GemsకెంపుTelugunounred stripe disease (a disease affecting rice crops)
Genitaliabonus holeEnglishnounThe vulva or vagina of a trans man.uncommon
Genitaliabonus holeEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see bonus, hole.
GeographybakuludKapampangannounhighland plain; plateau (rocky high ground, usually surrounded by lowlands from which it stands out)
GeographybakuludKapampangannounhillside fortress fenced from lowlands
GeometrylatusLatinverbperfect passive participle of ferō: / borne, carried, having been carrieddeclension-1 declension-2 participle
GeometrylatusLatinverbperfect passive participle of ferō: / suffered, endured, having been suffereddeclension-1 declension-2 participle
GeometrylatusLatinverbperfect passive participle of ferō: / reported, having been reporteddeclension-1 declension-2 participle
GeometrylatusLatinadjwide, broadadjective declension-1 declension-2
GeometrylatusLatinadjspacious, extensiveadjective declension-1 declension-2
GeometrylatusLatinadjwide-rangingadjective declension-1 declension-2
GeometrylatusLatinnounside, flankgovernment military politics wardeclension-3 neuter
GeometrylatusLatinnounside (e.g., of a shape)declension-3 neuter
Ginger family plantspaloypoyCebuanonounthe white turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria)
Ginger family plantspaloypoyCebuanonounthe rhizome of this plant
GodThượng ĐếVietnamesenameShangdihuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
GodThượng ĐếVietnamesenameEllipsis of Ngọc Hoàng Thượng Đế (“the Jade Emperor”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
GodThượng ĐếVietnamesenameSynonym of Chúa (“Lord; God”)broadly
GodsSanamahiEnglishnameAncient Meitei supreme guardian god of mankind and human household. He is the son of God Salailen.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesMeitei
GodsSanamahiEnglishnameA male given name from Manipuri.
Gourd family plantselateriumLatinnouna medicine prepared from the juice of the squirting cucumbermedicine sciencesdeclension-2
Gourd family plantselateriumLatinnounsquirting cucumberNew-Latin declension-2
Gourd family plantskoiranköynnösFinnishnounany plant of the genus Bryonia
Gourd family plantskoiranköynnösFinnishnounthe genus Bryoniain-plural
Gourd family plantspatillaSpanishnoundiminutive of patadiminutive feminine form-of
Gourd family plantspatillaSpanishnounsideburnfeminine
Gourd family plantspatillaSpanishnounarm, sidepiece (of glasses)feminine
Gourd family plantspatillaSpanishnounwatermelonCaribbean Colombia Venezuela feminine
Governmentcentral governmentEnglishnounThe highest level of government in a unitary state.
Governmentcentral governmentEnglishnounThe national government of India, in contrast to government at the state or territorial level.India
GovernmentmyndighetSwedishnounauthority (the quality of being obeyed and respected, by knowledge, age, or status)common-gender
GovernmentmyndighetSwedishnounan authority, a government agency, a central government authoritycommon-gender
GovernmentmyndighetSwedishnounmajority, full age (being old enough to do business without parental consent)common-gender
Government副主席Chinesenounvice chairperson
Government副主席Chinesenounvice president (of the People's Republic of China)
Government𒋼SumeriannounAlternative form of 𒄮 (mul₃ /⁠mul⁠/, “foundations”)alt-of alternative
Government𒋼SumeriannounAlternative form of 𒈨𒋼 (me-te /⁠mete⁠/, “appropriate thing, ornament”)alt-of alternative
Government𒋼SumeriannounAlternative form of 𒋼𒇲 (gal₅-la₂ /⁠galla⁠/, “policeman”)alt-of alternative
Government𒋼Sumerianverbto pierce
Government𒋼Sumerianverbto be near, approach
Government𒋼SumerianverbAlternative form of 𒀯 (mul, “to shine”)alt-of alternative
Government𒋼SumerianverbAlternative form of 𒋼𒂗 (te-en /⁠ten⁠/, “to extinguish”)alt-of alternative
GrainsgerstDutchnounbarley, Hordeum vulgarefeminine masculine uncountable
GrainsgerstDutchnounbarley seed, used for brewing beerfeminine masculine uncountable
Grains金豆Chinesenoungolden bean kumquat
Grains金豆Chinesenounpea (Pisum sativum)Eastern Fuzhou Min
Grains金豆Chinesenouncorn; maizeGan Lichuan
Grains金豆Chinesenoungold beads for making into a chainHokkien
Grains金豆ChinesenounPiloncitos (pea-sized pieces of gold that were once used as a form of currency)Taiwanese-Hokkien historical
GrammarnieodmiennyPolishadjuninflectedgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
GrapevinesaciniformEnglishadjHaving the form of a cluster of grapes; clustered like grapes.
GrapevinesaciniformEnglishadjFull of small kernels like a grape.
GrapevinesaciniformEnglishnounA type of spinneret of a spider formed of spherical particles
Greek mythologyNixEnglishnameOne of the moons of Pluto (named 21 June 2006.)astronomy natural-sciences
Greek mythologyNixEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
Haircua de cavallCatalannounhorsetailbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Haircua de cavallCatalannouncauda equinaanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Haircua de cavallCatalannounponytailfeminine
HairczupurnyPolishadjprotruding, sticky-out
HairdréimreachIrishadjladder-like, stepped, gradual
HairdréimreachIrishadjwavy (of hair)
HairdréimreachIrishadjladder-back (of furniture)
HairܓܒܝܢܐClassical Syriacnouneyebrowanatomy medicine sciences
HairܓܒܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounbrow, ridge, peak, summit
Heads of statemonarchiniPolishnounfemale equivalent of monarcha (“monarch”) (female ruler)feminine form-of
Heads of statemonarchiniPolishnounwife of a monarchfeminine
HeadwearturbánHungariannounturban (a man's headdress made by winding a length of cloth round the head)
HeadwearturbánHungariannounturban (a woman's close-fitting hat with little or no brim)
HealthcrepelMiddle EnglishnounA disabled person; a cripple.
HealthcrepelMiddle Englishadjdisabled, lamerare
HealthsalutCatalanintjhealth! (a general toast)
Heather family plantsandromedaEnglishnounAny shrub of the genus Pieris (family Ericaceae), having leathery leaves and small flowers.countable uncountable
Heather family plantsandromedaEnglishnounBog rosemary.countable uncountable
HerbsserpolSpanishnounmother of thymemasculine
HerbsserpolSpanishnounlemon thymemasculine
HerbsserpolSpanishnounwild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)masculine
HeroinheroinEnglishnounA powerful and addictive drug derived from opium producing intense euphoria, classed as an illegal narcotic in most of the world.countable uncountable
HeroinheroinEnglishnounObsolete form of heroine.alt-of obsolete
HidesшкураUkrainiannounhide, coat, pelt, skin (especially when used as a material)
HidesшкураUkrainiannounbastardderogatory vulgar
HidesшкураUkrainiannounpeel, skincolloquial
Hindu Jovian yearsपराभवSanskritnounvanishing, disappearance, dissolution, separation
Hindu Jovian yearsपराभवSanskritnounoverthrow, defeat, humiliation, mortification, contempt, injury, destruction, ruin
Hindu Jovian yearsपराभवSanskritnounname of the 40th (or 14th) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years
Hindu deitiesthiênVietnameseverbto focus on; to gravitate towards
Hindu deitiesthiênVietnamesenounvolume of a large bookhistorical
Hindu deitiesthiênVietnamesenounpiece of poetry, an article, a songhistorical
Hindu deitiesthiênVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 天romanization
Hindu deitiesthiênVietnameseromanizationSino-Vietnamese reading of 千romanization
Historical eventsY2KEnglishnounAbbreviation of year 2000.abbreviation alt-of uncountable
Historical eventsY2KEnglishnounmillennium bugcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmetonymically uncountable
Historical politiesJudaPolishnamea male given name from Biblical Hebrew, equivalent to English Judah, Yehudamasculine person
Historical politiesJudaPolishnameJudah (fourth son of Jacob, by his wife Leah)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine person
Historical politiesJudaPolishnameJudah (one of the Israelite tribes)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine person
Historical politiesJudaPolishnameJudah (southern Israelite kingdom which continued to be ruled by the Davidic dynasty after Solomon's death and the breakup of the united monarchy, with the northern portion keeping the name Israel)biblical lifestyle religionfeminine
Historical politiesJudaPolishnameAlternative form of Judeaalt-of alternative feminine
History of PolandkanarekPolishnounAtlantic canary (Serinus canaria)animal-not-person masculine
History of PolandkanarekPolishnoundiminutive of kanarcolloquial diminutive form-of historical masculine person
HolidaysPentecostaCatalannounPentecost; ShavuotJudaism feminine
HolidaysPentecostaCatalannounPentecost; WhitsundayChristianityfeminine
Home appliancessarcophagusEnglishnounA stone coffin, often with its exterior inscribed, or decorated with sculpture.
Home appliancessarcophagusEnglishnounThe cement and steel structure that encases the destroyed nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine.broadly informal
Home appliancessarcophagusEnglishnounA type of wine cooler (“a piece of equipment used to keep wine chilled”) shaped like a sarcophagus (sense 1).broadly historical
Home appliancessarcophagusEnglishnounA kind of limestone used by the Ancient Greeks for coffins, so called because it was thought to consume the flesh of corpses.historical
Home appliancessarcophagusEnglishverbTo enclose (a corpse, etc.) in a sarcophagus (noun sense 1).transitive
Home appliancesпечьRussianverbto bake
Home appliancesпечьRussianverbto scorch (only in relation to the Sun or other stars)
Home appliancesпечьRussiannounstove
Home appliancesпечьRussiannounoven
Home appliancesпечьRussiannounfurnace
Home appliancesпечьRussiannounkiln
Hoopoes and hornbills코뿔새Koreannounrhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros)
Hoopoes and hornbills코뿔새Koreannounhornbill (any bird in the family Bucerotidae)
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA polypeptide hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland in many animals including humans, that promotes growth and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA polypeptide hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland in many animals including humans, that promotes growth and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. / The human homologue specifically: human growth hormone.countable often uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / somatropin, an rhGH (for humans).countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / somatrem, an rhGH (for humans).countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / rBST (for cattle).countable uncountable
Hormonesgrowth hormoneEnglishnounA synthetic substance that produces similar effects in the body: / rBGH (for cattle).countable uncountable
Horse tackкөлүүрYakutnounharness
Horse tackкөлүүрYakutnoundraft
Horse tackحلسArabicverbto be attached to, to adhere
Horse tackحلسArabicverbto cover with saddlecloth
Horse tackحلسArabicnounverbal noun of حَلِسَ (ḥalisa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Horse tackحلسArabicnounverbal noun of حَلَسَ (ḥalasa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Horse tackحلسArabicnounsaddlecloth, saddle blanket
Horse tackحلسArabicnounsomeone who is clingy, limpet
HorsesNgọVietnamesenamea unisex given name from Chinese
HorsesNgọVietnamesenamethe seventh earthly branch represented by the Horse
Horsesshow jumpingEnglishnounAn equestrian event in which a rider's horse is jumped over an array of obstacles.uncountable
Horsesshow jumpingEnglishnounA similar event with rabbits instead of ridden horses.uncountable
HorsesآخورPersiannounmanger, crib
HousinghouseEnglishnounA structure built or serving as an abode of human beings.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA structure built or serving as an abode of human beings. / An apartment building within a public housing estate.Hong-Kong countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA container; a thing which houses another.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounSize and quality of residential accommodations; housing.uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA building intended to contain a single household, as opposed to an apartment or condominium or building containing these.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounThe people who live in a house; a household.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA building used for something other than a residence (typically with qualifying word). / A place of business; a company or organisation, especially a printing press, a publishing company, or a couturier.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA building used for something other than a residence (typically with qualifying word). / A place of public accommodation or entertainment, especially a public house, an inn, a restaurant, a theatre, or a casino; or the management thereof.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA building used for something other than a residence (typically with qualifying word). / A workhouse.countable historical uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA building used for something other than a residence (typically with qualifying word).countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounThe audience for a live theatrical or similar performance.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA building where a deliberative assembly meets; whence the assembly itself, particularly a component of a legislature.government politicscountable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA dynasty; a family with its ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble one.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA place of rest or repose.countable figuratively uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA grouping of schoolchildren for the purposes of competition in sports and other activities.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounAn animal's shelter or den, or the shell of an animal such as a snail, used for protection.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounOne of the twelve divisions of an astrological chart.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounThe fourth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA square on a chessboard, regarded as the proper place of a piece.board-games chess gamesarchaic countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounThe four concentric circles where points are scored on the ice.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounLotto; bingo.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA children's game in which the players pretend to be members of a household.uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA small stand of trees in a swamp.US countable dialectal uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishnounA set of cells in a sudoku puzzle which must contain each digit exactly once, such as a row, column, or 3×3 box.countable uncountable
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo keep within a structure or container.transitive
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo admit to residence; to harbor.transitive
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo take shelter or lodging; to abide; to lodge.
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo dwell within one of the twelve astrological houses.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencestransitive
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo contain or cover mechanical parts.transitive
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo contain one part of an object for the purpose of locating the whole.transitive
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo drive to a shelter.obsolete
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo deposit and cover, as in the grave.obsolete
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo stow in a safe place; to take down and make safe.nautical transport
HousinghouseEnglishverbTo eat; especially, to scarf down.Canada US slang transitive
HousinghouseEnglishnounHouse music.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
Human behaviourCapriceGermannouncaprice (an impulsive, seemingly unmotivated action, change of mind, or notion)feminine
Human behaviourCapriceGermannouncapriccioentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
HumanitiesAnglistikGermannounEnglish studiesfeminine
HumanitiesAnglistikGermannouna plurality of institutions at which English studies are practicedfeminine in-plural
HungaryhúngaroSpanishadjHungarian (from or native to Hungary)
HungaryhúngaroSpanishadjHungarian (pertaining to Hungary)
HungaryhúngaroSpanishnouna Hungarian (male)masculine
HungaryhúngaroSpanishnounRom, Gypsy (confused with cíngaro)masculine nonstandard
HungaryhúngaroSpanishnounHungarian (language)masculine uncountable
HygieneunsoiledEnglishadjUncontaminated, undirtied, pure, clean, immaculate.not-comparable
HygieneunsoiledEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of unsoilform-of participle past
Ice creamledasLithuaniannounice
Ice creamledasLithuaniannounice creamin-plural
IdeologiesPalestinianismEnglishnounPalestinian nationalism; advocacy of Palestinian independence and autonomy.
IdeologiesPalestinianismEnglishnounSomething that is peculiar to the Palestinian identity.countable
IdeologiesPalestinianismEnglishnounThe study of Palestinian history, anthropology or archeology.
IndiasamanaEnglishnounAn ascetic, (especially) an ascetic monk who ignores the Vedas in Buddhist and Indian religion
IndiasamanaEnglishnounAn ascetic monk, a Buddhist hermit.Buddhism lifestyle religion
IndividualsJoelPolishnameJoel (prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine person
IndividualsJoelPolishnamea male given name from Latin [in turn from Ancient Greek, in turn from Biblical Hebrew], equivalent to English Joelmasculine person
IndividualsLeaEstoniannameLeah (biblical character).
IndividualsLeaEstoniannamea female given name of biblical origin
IndividualsOlympiasEnglishnameEpirote queen who was the mother of Alexander the Great.
IndividualsOlympiasEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek, of historical usage.
IndividualsSophoclesEnglishnameA Greek dramatic poet (ca. 497 BCE – 405 BCE); Sophocles was one of the three greatest Greek tragedians. In the Athenian dramatic competitions of the Festival of Dionysus, he won more first prizes (around 20) than any other playwright, and placed second in all others he participated in. He is best remembered for his Oedipus Cycle of plays.
IndividualsSophoclesEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to Ancient Greek Σοφοκλῆς (Sophoklês) or Greek Σοφοκλής (Sofoklís).
Individuals中務JapanesenameClipping of 中務省 (Nakatsukasa-shō): the Ministry of the Center under the imperial 律令 (Ritsuryo) systemgovernmentabbreviation alt-of clipping historical
Individuals中務Japanesenamemid-Heian period poet and one of the 三十六歌仙 (Sanjūrokkasen, “thirty-six immortals of poetry”)
InjuriesinjuryEnglishnounDamage to the body of a living thing.countable uncountable
InjuriesinjuryEnglishnounOther forms of damage sustained by a living thing, e.g. psychologically.countable uncountable
InjuriesinjuryEnglishnounThe violation of a person's reputation, rights, property, or interests.countable uncountable
InjuriesinjuryEnglishnounInjustice.archaic countable uncountable
InjuriesinjuryEnglishverbTo wrong, to injure.obsolete transitive
InsectscochinillaSpanishnounpill bug (especially Armadillidium vulgare)feminine
InsectscochinillaSpanishnouncochineal (animal and dye)feminine
Internetred socialSpanishnounsocial networkfeminine
Internetred socialSpanishnounsocial mediafeminine in-plural
Internetred socialSpanishnounsocial networking sitefeminine
Internet吃到飽Chinesenounall-you-can-eat; buffet
Internet吃到飽Chinesenoununlimited service plans, particularly for mobile Internet serviceTaiwan figuratively
Internet memeswomen ☕EnglishintjExpressing disapproval of the actions of a woman, especially one associated with stereotypically feminine traits.Internet derogatory offensive sometimes
Internet memeswomen ☕Englishnounplural of woman ☕form-of plural
IslamemirateEnglishnounA country ruled by an emir.
IslamemirateEnglishnounThe office of an emir.
IslamજિયારતGujaratinounvisiting the grave of and praying for the dead
IslandsPhuketEnglishnamePhuket Province, a province in the southern of Thailand
IslandsPhuketEnglishnameThe island where Phuket Province is located
IslandsPhuketEnglishnameA city on the island of Phuket
IslandsSaarõmaaVõronameSaaremaa, the largest island of Estonia.
IslandsSaarõmaaVõronameSaare County in Estonia.
IslandsSaarõmaaVõronameSaaremaa, historical Estonian eldership.
JackfishbulingitCebuanoadjuntidy; dirty; slovenly
JackfishbulingitCebuanonounthe black jack (Caranx lugubris)
JackfishcarangoidEnglishadjBelonging to the Carangidae, a family of fishes allied to the mackerels.biology natural-sciences zoology
JackfishcarangoidEnglishnounAny fish of the family Carangidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
JewelrypolseraCatalannounsandbox (box for fine sand or pounce)feminine obsolete
JewelrypolseraCatalannoundust coverfeminine
Kagoshima PrefectureしまうたJapanesenountraditional folk song of Amami
Kagoshima PrefectureしまうたJapanesenountraditional folk song of Okinawa
Kentucky, USAbluegrassEnglishnounKentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis.countable uncountable
Kentucky, USAbluegrassEnglishnounA subgenre of country music with roots in Scots-Irish Appalachian folk music, blues, and jazz and characterized by banjos, fiddles, acoustic guitars, dobros, and mandolins; but containing no drums, electric guitars, pianos or other keyboard or wind instruments.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA slightly curved but almost flat dish from which food is served or eaten.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounSuch dishes collectively.uncountable
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe contents of such a dish.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA course at a meal.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn agenda of tasks, problems, or responsibilitiesfiguratively
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA flat object of uniform thickness.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounVehicle license plates, registration plates.Australia especially metonymically plural plural-only
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA taxi permit, especially of a metal disc.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounPlate armor.historical
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA layer of a material on the surface of something, usually qualified by the type of the material; plating
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA material covered with such a layer.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn ornamental or food service item coated with silver or gold or otherwise decorated.dated
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA weighted disk, usually of metal, with a hole in the center for use with a barbell, dumbbell, or exercise machine.hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn engraved surface used to transfer an image to printing publishing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn image or copy.arts hobbies lifestyle media photography printing publishing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAn illustration in a book, either black and white, or colour, usually on a page of paper of different quality from the text printing publishing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA shaped and fitted surface, usually ceramic or metal that fits into the mouth and in which teeth are implanted; a dental plate.dentistry medicine sciences
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA horizontal framing member at the top or bottom of a group of vertical construction manufacturing
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA foot, from "plates of meat".Cockney slang
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounHome plate.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA tectonic plate.geography geology natural-sciences
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAny of various larger scales found in some reptiles.biology herpetology natural-sciences zoology
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA flat electrode such as can be found in an accumulator battery, or in an electrolysis electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe anode of a vacuum electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA prize given to the winner in a contest.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAny flat piece of material such as coated glass or plastic.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA metallic card, used to imprint tickets with an airline's logo, name, and numeric code.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrydated
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe ability of a travel agent to issue tickets on behalf of a particular airline.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industrybroadly
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA VIN plate, particularly with regard to the car's year of manufacture.Australia
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounOne of the thin parts of the brisket of an animal.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA very light steel horseshoe for racehorses.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounSkins for fur linings of garments, sewn together and roughly shaped, but not finally cut or fitted.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounThe fine nap (as of beaver, musquash, etc.) on a hat whose body is made from inferior material.
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA record, usually vinyl.entertainment lifestyle music
KitchenwareplateEnglishnountrauma plate.government military politics war
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounAny of the potential romantic or sexual partners with whom a person keeps in touch as part of plate seduction-community sexualityslang
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material, usually a metal.
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo place the various elements of a meal on the diner's plate prior to serving.arts cooking food hobbies lifestyle photography
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo score a run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo arm or defend with metal plates.transitive
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo beat into thin plates.transitive
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo specify which airline a ticket will be issued on behalf of.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travel-industry
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbto categorise stamps based on their position on the original sheet, in order to reconstruct an entire sheet.hobbies lifestyle philately
KitchenwareplateEnglishverbTo identify the printing plate used.hobbies lifestyle philately
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounPrecious metal, especially silver.uncountable usually
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounSilver or gold, in the form of a coin, or less often silver or gold utensils or dishes.obsolete
KitchenwareplateEnglishnounA roundel of silver or argent.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
LGBTgay upEnglishverbTo make something more appealing to the gay community e.g. by adding gay characters to a soap opera.colloquial transitive
LGBTgay upEnglishverbTo give something gay characteristics.colloquial transitive
LGBTgender minorityEnglishnounA person who is not a binary cisgender person (i.e. a transgender or non-binary person), or these people collectively. (Also used attributively.)countable uncountable
LGBTgender minorityEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see gender, minority.countable uncountable
LGBTtranssexualEnglishadjOf a person, having changed, or being in the process of changing, physical sex by undergoing medical treatment, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and/or optionally sex reassignment surgery (SRS).
LGBTtranssexualEnglishnounA transsexual person.
LGBTфурунџијаSerbo-Croatiannouna bottomhumorous
Ladin cardinal numbersnuefLadinadjnewmasculine
Ladin cardinal numbersnuefLadinadjnine
Ladin cardinal numbersnuefLadinnounninemasculine uncountable
LakesmarEnglishverbTo spoil; to ruin; to scathe; to damage.transitive
LakesmarEnglishnounA blemish.
LakesmarEnglishnounA small lake.
LakesmarEnglishnounAlternative form of mayor and mair.alt-of alternative obsolete
LandformscaislínIrishnounchat (small Old World passerine bird in the muscicapid tribe Saxicolini or subfamily Saxicolinae)masculine
LandformscaivancaGaliciannoungully; hollowfeminine
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishnounA cave or cavern.
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishnounAn underground chamber.broadly
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishnounA cavity; a hollow.
LandformscaveMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of cavenalt-of alternative
LandformsgargantaSpanishnounthroatanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
LandformsgargantaSpanishnoungorgegeography natural-sciencesfeminine
LandformspantanoSpanishnounswamp, marshmasculine
LandformssundSwedishadjsound, healthy (medically or mentally)
LandformssundSwedishnouna strait, a sound (relatively narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water at the same level, or going between an island and the mainland or between two islands)geography natural-sciencesneuter
LanguagesKölschEnglishnameThe Germanic/German dialect spoken in and around Cologne, Germany, part of the Ripuarian language area
LanguagesKölschEnglishnounA type of lager-conditioned ale traditionally brewed in and around Cologne, Germany.countable uncountable
LanguagesNuu-chah-nulthEnglishnounA people indigenous to Vancouver Island in western Canada.plural plural-only
LanguagesNuu-chah-nulthEnglishnameThe polysynthetic Nuu-chah-nulth language, Nootka, which belongs to the Wakashan language group and is still spoken by about 500 people.
LanguagesOld BabylonianEnglishnameThe historical period of the First Babylonian Dynasty.
LanguagesOld BabylonianEnglishnameThe Akkadian language spoken at that time.
LanguagesPalaicEnglishnameAn extinct Indo-European language belonging to Anatolian branch, attested in cuneiform tablets in Bronze Age Hattusa.
LanguagesPalaicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Palaic language or its speakers.not-comparable
LanguagesPortugueseEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Portugal.
LanguagesPortugueseEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the people of Portugal or their culture.
LanguagesPortugueseEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Portuguese language.
LanguagesPortugueseEnglishnounA person native to, or living in,
LanguagesPortugueseEnglishnameA Romance language originating in Portugal, and now the official language of Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guiné Bissau (Guinea-Bissau), Cape Verde, East Timor, and Brazil.
LanguagesamhariqueFrenchadjAmharic (relating to the Amharic language)relational
LanguagesamhariqueFrenchnounAmharic (Ethiopian language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesarameuPortugueseadjAramaic (pertaining to the Aramaic language)
LanguagesarameuPortugueseadjAramaean (pertaining to the Aramaean people)
LanguagesarameuPortuguesenounAramaean (member of a Semitic people native to Aram)masculine
LanguagesarameuPortuguesenounAramaic (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesaserbajdsjanskDanishadjAzerbaijani (of or pertaining to Azerbaijan or its people or language)
LanguagesaserbajdsjanskDanishnounAzerbaijani (the language)neuter
LanguagesassamêsPortugueseadjAssamese (of or relating to Indian state of Assam)
LanguagesassamêsPortugueseadjAssamese (of or in the Assamese language)
LanguagesassamêsPortuguesenounAssamese (someone from Assam)masculine
LanguagesassamêsPortuguesenameAssamese (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagescurdoPortuguesenounKurd (member of an ethnic group native to a region between Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria)masculine
LanguagescurdoPortuguesenounKurdish (an Indo-Iranian language spoken by the Kurds)masculine uncountable
LanguagescurdoPortugueseadjKurdish (relating to the Kurds)not-comparable
LanguagescurdoPortugueseadjKurdish (relating to the Kurdish language)not-comparable
LanguagesgutniskaSwedishnounGutnish (language)common-gender uncountable
LanguagesgutniskaSwedishadjinflection of gutnisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguagesgutniskaSwedishadjinflection of gutnisk: / pluralform-of plural
LanguagespersiskNorwegian BokmåladjPersian (relating to Persia (now Iran), Persians and the Persian language)
LanguagespersiskNorwegian BokmålnounPersian or Farsi (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesukránHungarianadjUkrainian (of, from, or relating to Ukraine, its people or language)not-comparable
LanguagesukránHungariannounUkrainian (person)countable uncountable
LanguagesukránHungariannounUkrainian (language)countable uncountable
LanguagesбелорусскийRussianadjBelorussian (relating to Belorussia, former state of the Soviet Union)
LanguagesбелорусскийRussianadjBelarusian (relating to Belarus, current nation formed from the same territory)
LanguagesбелорусскийRussiannounBelarusian languageuncountable
LanguagesדענישYiddishnounDanish (language)
Languagesজার্মানBengalinounGerman (person from Germany)
Languagesজার্মানBengalinameGerman (language)
Latin nomina gentiliaPontiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaPontiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by: / Pontius Pilatusdeclension-2 masculine singular
Laurel family plantslaurelPortuguesenounlaurelmasculine
Laurel family plantslaurelPortuguesenounreward, prizemasculine
Laurel family plantslaurelPortuguesenounhomagemasculine
LawlawefulMiddle EnglishadjLawful; allowed by the law or legal system.
LawlawefulMiddle EnglishadjMorally correct; allowed by one's moral code.
LawlawefulMiddle EnglishadjLegally or morally required, obligated, or demanded.
LawlawefulMiddle EnglishadjFollowing or respecting the local laws.
LawlawefulMiddle EnglishadjRespectable; highly accepted by society.
LawlawefulMiddle EnglishadjUsual, traditional, normal.rare
LawlawefulMiddle EnglishadjAllowed, accepted, permitted.rare
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnouncommand, orderfeminine
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnounregional police headquartersfeminine
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnounpolice stationfeminine informal
Law enforcementkomendaPolishnouncommandcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
LegumesگزPersiannountamarisk (Tamarix spp.)
LegumesگزPersiannountamarisk gum
LegumesگزPersiannounmilkvetch (Astragalus spp.)
LegumesگزPersiannoungum tragacanth, tragacanth
LegumesگزPersiannouna kind of confectionary which is a speciality of Isfahan and is similar to nougat, gaz – made from tragacanth and other gums of various manna trees
LegumesگزPersiannounmanna ash (Fraxinus ornus)
LegumesگزPersiannouncubit, yard
Legumesပေါက်Burmesenounthe flame of the forest (Butea monosperma)
Legumesပေါက်Burmesenounfacial expression
Legumesပေါက်Burmesenounthe manner or style of speaking
Legumesပေါက်Burmesenounprospect; opportunity; likelihood
Legumesပေါက်Burmesenounpitch (in traditional Myanmar music)entertainment lifestyle music
Legumesပေါက်Burmesenoundrop; droplet, spot, dot; pip
Legumesပေါက်Burmesenounhole; perforation; puncture orifice; opening
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto appear to be; seem to be; look like
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto achieve
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto bribe (with money); lavish money on somebody to gain something
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto throw
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto give a blow; chop; strike; stamp
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto leak (of secrets)
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto have access to (people of position)
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto undergo fermentation; be fermented
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto break; set in
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto gain one's appetite
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto reach; make; come to, sell for, fetch; appear (suddenly)
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto understand
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto sprout; grow erect; break out
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto hatch; give birth
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto win
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto let out; break wind
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseverbto burst; explode
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseadjyoung; fledgling
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseadjadolescent; teenage
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseadjbe breached; be broken; have a puncture
Legumesပေါက်Burmeseclassifiernumerical classifier used in counting dots or drops
Letter namesэсRussiannounThe Cyrillic letter С, с.indeclinable
Letter namesэсRussiannounThe Roman letter S, s.indeclinable
Light sourcesxiubboLoloponounmoonYao'an
Light sourcesxiubboLoloponounmonthYao'an
Light sourcesլապտերArmeniannounlantern, lamp
Light sourcesլապտերArmeniannounflashlight
Light sourcesլապտերArmeniannounheadlight
LinuxKVMEnglishnounInitialism of keyboard-video-mouse: a device allowing these input and output devices to be swapped between a series of server consoles, especially in a rack computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
LinuxKVMEnglishnounInitialism of kilobyte virtual machine: a virtual machine derived from the Java virtual machine specification, written for small devices with limited memory.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
LinuxKVMEnglishnounInitialism of kernel-based virtual machine: a virtualization infrastructure for the Linux kernel that turns it into a hypervisor.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
LiquidsChinesecharacterjealousy; envy; bitternessfiguratively
LiquidsChinesecharactergluttonHainanese figuratively
LiquidsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 酢alt-of alternative obsolete
Literary genresdramaPolishnoundrama (composition, normally in prose, telling a story and intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue)broadcasting drama dramaturgy entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterfeminine
Literary genresdramaPolishnoundrama (type of play)entertainment lifestyle theaterfeminine literary
Literary genresdramaPolishnounroleplay (style of teaching where people act according to an assigned role)educationfeminine
Literary genresdramaPolishnoundrama (situation in real life that has the characteristics of such a theatrical play)colloquial feminine
LiteratureabstractMiddle EnglishadjDrawn away or out of; detached: / Excerpted; quoted from another text.Late-Middle-English rare
LiteratureabstractMiddle EnglishadjDrawn away or out of; detached: / Out of one's mind or detached from reality; temporarily insane.Late-Middle-English rare
LiteratureabstractMiddle EnglishadjDrawn away or out of; detached: / Having been (pulled or moved) above the ground.Late-Middle-English rare
LiteratureabstractMiddle EnglishadjDrawn away or out of; detached: / Barely comprehensible; hard to read.Late-Middle-English rare
LiteratureabstractMiddle EnglishadjDrawn away or out of; detached: / Abstract (of a noun).grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesLate-Middle-English rare
LiteratureabstractMiddle Englishnounabstract, synopsisLate-Middle-English rare
LiteraturetrópusHungariannountropics (region of the Earth lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn)geography natural-sciencesin-plural often
LiteraturetrópusHungariannountropic (either of the two parallels of latitude 23°27′ north and south of the equator)geography natural-sciencesarchaic
LiteraturetrópusHungariannountrope (a figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning)dated rhetoric
LizardsjaszczurPolishnounAugmentative of jaszczurkaanimal-not-person augmentative form-of masculine
LizardsjaszczurPolishnounsaurian (large prehistoric reptile)animal-not-person masculine
LizardsjaszczurPolishnounchagrin, shagreen (a type of leather)animal-not-person masculine rare
LizardsjaszczurPolishnounreptilianhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences ufologyanimal-not-person masculine
Logicabstract nonsenseEnglishnounDetails which are straightforward but so tedious that an author or lecturer would rather skip them (especially those of a category theoretical nature).mathematics scienceshumorous uncountable
Logicabstract nonsenseEnglishnounDetails which involve diagram chasing.mathematics scienceshumorous uncountable
Logicabstract nonsenseEnglishnounCategory theory in general.mathematics scienceshumorous uncountable
LondonLombard StreetEnglishnameA street, and the money and capital market of London.
LondonLombard StreetEnglishnameA street in San Francisco, California with eight hairpin bends.
LovewybranekPolishnounbashertliterary masculine person
LovewybranekPolishnoungenitive plural of wybrankafeminine form-of genitive plural
MachinesblowereMiddle EnglishnounA player of a wind instrument.
MachinesblowereMiddle EnglishnounOne tasked with blows a bellows.rare
MachinesblowereMiddle EnglishnounA tool or instrument used by blowing.rare
MachinesblowereMiddle EnglishnounA person who talks rudely.rare
MachinesvectisLatinnounA strong pole or bar used for leverage; lever; crowbar; handspike.declension-3 masculine
MachinesvectisLatinnounA carrying-pole.declension-3 masculine
MachinesvectisLatinnounA bar or bolt (for fastening a door).declension-3 masculine
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnounAbbreviation of methylisocyanate.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnounInitialism of minor in consumption. (of alcohol)abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnounInitialism of military-industrial complex.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnounInitialism of minimum inhibitory concentration.biology medicine microbiology natural-sciences pharmacology sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnameAbbreviation of Michoacán, A state of Mexicoabbreviation alt-of
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnameInitialism of Microsoft Innovation Center.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnameInitialism of Message Integrity Check. (A technology that is employed to prevent an attacker from capturing data packets, altering them and resending them. The MIC provides a strong mathematical function in which the receiver and the transmitter each compute and then compare the MIC. If it does not match, the data is assumed to have been tampered with and the packet is dropped.)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishnameInitialism of Malaysian Indian Congress. (a political party for Malaysian Indians)abbreviation alt-of initialism
Malaysian politicsMICEnglishadjInitialism of made in China.abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Male animalsđựcVietnameseadjmalemasculine
Male animalsđựcVietnameseadjabsent-mindedcolloquial
Male family membersотецRussiannounfather
Male family membersотецRussiannounancestor
Male family membersотецRussiannounsenior, superior, first of, chief, senseifiguratively
Male family membersотецRussiannounfamiliar term of address for an elderly man
Male family membersотецRussiannounreferring to a man who cares about sоmеbody or something like a fathercolloquial figuratively
Male family membersотецRussiannounfounder, initiator of somethingcolloquial figuratively
Male family membersотецRussiannounroot, basis, sourcefiguratively
Male family members叔伯兄弟Chinesenouncousin (father's brother's son)colloquial
Male family members叔伯兄弟Chinesenounpaternal cousin (father's brother's son younger than oneself)colloquial
Male peoplearesztowanyPolishnounarresteegovernment law-enforcementmasculine noun-from-verb person
Male peoplearesztowanyPolishverbmasculine singular passive adjectival participle of aresztowaćadjectival form-of masculine participle passive singular
Male peoplebeauFrenchadjhandsome, fine, attractive
Male peoplebeauFrenchadjnice
Male peoplebeauFrenchadjfair (weather)
Male peoplebeauFrenchnounboyfriendLouisiana masculine
Male peoplebeauFrenchadvin vain
Male peoplebrunetEnglishadjOf a man's or boy's hair: brown or dark brown.not-comparable rare
Male peoplebrunetEnglishadjOf a man or boy, having brown or dark brown hair.not-comparable rare
Male peoplebrunetEnglishnounA man or boy with brown or dark brown hair.rare
Male peopleczasownikPolishnounverb (grammatical category of words that indicate an action, event or a state)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesinanimate masculine
Male peopleczasownikPolishnounchroniclearchaic inanimate masculine rare
Male peopleczasownikPolishnounforeteller (one who foretells the future)masculine obsolete person
Male peopleuzdrowicielPolishnounhealer, faith healer, witch doctormasculine person
Male peopleuzdrowicielPolishnounreformermasculine person
Male peopleговорникSerbo-Croatiannounorator
Male peopleговорникSerbo-Croatiannounspeaker, talker
Male peopleговорникSerbo-Croatiannounspokesman
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Rhododendron arboreum (tree rhododendron), of southern Asia
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Brachychiton acerifolius (syn. Sterculia acerifolia, Australian flame tree, Illawarra flame tree, lacebark tree)
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Delonix regia (royal poinciana), native to Madagascar
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Alloxylon flammeum (Queensland tree waratah, red silky oak)
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Butea monosperma (flame of the forest), of southern Asia
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Embothrium coccineum (Chilean flame tree, Chilean firebush)
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Erythrina abyssinica, of eastern and southern Africa
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Erythrina spp. (coral trees), of most tropical and subtropical regions
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Koelreuteria bipinnata (Chinese flame tree)
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Nuytsia floribunda (Australian Christmas tree)
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Peltophorum spp. (African flame tree)
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including: / Spathodea campanulata (African tulip tree, African flame tree)
Mallow family plantsflame treeEnglishnounAny tree or shrub with yellow or bright red flowers from several species including
Mallow subfamily plantsambrettaItaliannounmusk mallow (Malva moschata)feminine
Mallow subfamily plantsambrettaItaliannounKnautia gen. et spp.feminine
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesecharacterlotus plant or flower, Nelumbo nuciferaJinmeiyō kanji shinjitai
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenounolder name for hasu below: a lotus plant or flower, Nelumbo nucifera
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenouna lotus bloom in the realm of Sukhāvatī (“Land of Ultimate Bliss”), as an expression of reincarnationBuddhism lifestyle religion
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenounalternate name for 木槿 (mukuge), Hibiscus syriacus: the rose of Sharon, rose mallow, or St. Joseph's rod
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenamethe name of various places in Japan
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenamea surname
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenouna lotus plant or flower
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenamea female given name
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenamea surname
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenouna lotus plant or flower
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenamea female given name
Mallow subfamily plantsJapanesenamea surname
Malpighiales order plantsmammeeEnglishnounAn American fruit tree, Mammea americana.
Malpighiales order plantsmammeeEnglishnounIts large fragrant fruit, with a thick tough ring surrounding bright yellow pulp.
Malpighiales order plantsviolaItalianadjpurple, violetinvariable
Malpighiales order plantsviolaItaliannounviola, violet (plant)feminine
Malpighiales order plantsviolaItaliannounviolet, purple (color)feminine
Malpighiales order plantsviolaItaliannounviolaentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
Malpighiales order plantsviolaItaliannounfiddleentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
Malpighiales order plantsviolaItalianverbinflection of violare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Malpighiales order plantsviolaItalianverbinflection of violare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MammalsfurnicarRomaniannounanthill, formicaryneuter
MammalsfurnicarRomaniannounmultitude, crowd, throngfiguratively neuter
MammalsfurnicarRomaniannounwoodpecker (bird)masculine
MammalsfurnicarRomaniannounanteater (mammal)masculine
MammalspòrcoLiguriannounpig (Sus scrofa)masculine
MammalspòrcoLiguriannounpork (edible meat)masculine uncountable
MammalsبھالوUrdunounbear (mammal)
MammalsبھالوUrdunounsloth bear
ManagementуправлениеRussiannounadministration, direction
ManagementуправлениеRussiannouncontrolengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
ManagementуправлениеRussiannoungovernmentgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
MarijuanaGrasLuxembourgishnounmarijuanainformal neuter
MarriagecilveTurkishnounA behavior meant to please or seem cute, flirtatious or coquettish attitude.
MarriagecilveTurkishnounAn act of appearing, manifesting.figuratively
MarriageженитьсяRussianverbto get married, to take as a wife
MarriageженитьсяRussianverbto get married, to marry (of a couple)
MarsupialshiiriopossumiFinnishnounmouse opossum (opossum of the genus Marmosa)
MarsupialshiiriopossumiFinnishnounLinnaeus's mouse opossum, murine mouse opossum, Marmosa murina
MaterialseweTocharian Bnounskin, hideanatomy medicine sciences
MaterialseweTocharian Bnounleather
Mealsside orderEnglishnounA small dish served as an accompaniment to a main course or entrée.
Mealsside orderEnglishnounAn accompaniment.figuratively informal
Measuring instrumentsmikrométerHungariannounmicrometer (an SI unit of measure, the length of one millionth of a meter; symbol: µm)
Measuring instrumentsmikrométerHungariannounmicrometer (a device used to measure distance very precisely but within a limited range, especially depth, thickness, and diameter)
Measuring instrumentssteelyardEnglishnounA transportable balance with unequal arm lengths.
Measuring instrumentssteelyardEnglishnounA place where steel (and possibly other metals as well) is stored and sold.
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounrope, cord
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounline, row, series
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounnoose
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounsnare, trap
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounmeasuring rope
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounportion, allotment; lot, tract of landbroadly
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounspace, area, zone, district, region
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnountroop, band
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounflame
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnountravail, pang, pain (from childbirth)
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounthroe
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnoundamage, destruction
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnoundesolation
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnouninjury, hurt, harm
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnouncorruption
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounadultery
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnoundestroyer, corrupter
Measuring instrumentsܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounavenger
MeatsdagingMalaynounmeat: / Any sort of flesh.
MeatsdagingMalaynounmeat: / Animal flesh used as food.
MeatsdagingMalaynounmeat: / Animal flesh used as food. / Ellipsis of daging lembu (“beef (lit. "cow meat")”); beef.Malaysia abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
MeatsdagingMalaynounThe edible part of a fruit between the skin and the seed; the mesocarp.
MeatsdagingMalaynounThe human body (in contrast to the mind and soul).
MeatsmartScottish Gaelicnouncow (due for or prepared for slaughter)masculine
MeatsmartScottish Gaelicnouncow (any)masculine
Meatsmeat pieEnglishnounA pie containing food lifestylecountable uncountable
Meatsmeat pieEnglishnounA hand-sized pot pie containing largely minced meat and gravy and typically consumed as a takeaway food snack.Australia New-Zealand countable uncountable
MeatsאליהHebrewprepForm of אֶל (él) including third-person feminine singular personal pronoun as object.form-of
MeatsאליהHebrewnamea male given name, equivalent to English Elijah
MeatsאליהHebrewnounfat tail, tail fat
Meats豬柳Chinesenounpork breakfast sausage patty
Meats豬柳Chinesenounpork fillet
Medical signs and symptomsgyulladásHungariannouninflammationmedicine sciences
Medical signs and symptomsgyulladásHungariannouncombustion, ignition (the starting point of burning; chiefly in phrases like gyulladáspont and öngyulladás)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto give back, to return (to place back into the original owner's possession)ditransitive imperfective
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn in, to pay (to give a sum of money owed to a company, person, or institution)imperfective transitive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto give back, to return (to give a purchased item back to a store in the hopes to regain the money spent)imperfective transitive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn, to shift, to swing (to change one's direction)imperfective transitive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto vomit, to throw upimperfective transitive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto give back, to return, to restore (to cause someone to regain something immaterial)ditransitive imperfective
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto return (to pass data back to the calling procedure)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesimperfective transitive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto be returned, to be given back (to give someone paid costs)imperfective reflexive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn (to point one's body or more specifically one's head in some direction)imperfective reflexive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn to, to address (to begin speaking to someone)imperfective reflexive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn to (to direct a request)imperfective reflexive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn against (to work or act against someone)imperfective reflexive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn to (to become interested in)imperfective reflexive
Medical signs and symptomszwracaćPolishverbto turn around (to change one's direction)imperfective obsolete reflexive
Medical signs and symptoms氣喘Chineseverbto be short of breath; to pant; to be dyspnoeic
Medical signs and symptoms氣喘Chinesenounasthmamedicine sciences
MedicineGynäkologieGermannoungynecology (no plural)feminine
MedicineGynäkologieGermannounthe gynecology department of a hospital (plural possible)feminine
Medicinemedical examinerEnglishnounA physician who examines cadavers on behalf of the
Medicinemedical examinerEnglishnounA physician who examines pilots to ensure that they are medically fit to fly.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
MedicinenietolerancjaPolishnounintolerance (state of being intolerant)feminine
MedicinenietolerancjaPolishnounintolerance (extreme sensitivity to a food or drug)feminine
MedicinewadiSwahilinoungullyclass-10 class-9
MedicinewadiSwahilinounAlternative form of waladi (“son”)alt-of alternative class-10 class-9
MedicinewadiSwahilinounAlternative form of wodi (“ward”)alt-of alternative class-10 class-9
MedicineψυχιατρικήGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative feminine singular form of ψυχιατρικός (psychiatrikós).accusative feminine form-of nominative singular vocative
MedicineאָפּעראַציעYiddishnounsurgery (procedure involving major incisions)
Medicine石膏Chinesenouncast (supportive and immobilising device used to help mend broken bones)medicine sciences
MenstruationdugoCebuanonounmenstrual blood
MenstruationdugoCebuanonounShort for dugo sa laki, dugong puti (“semen”).abbreviation alt-of euphemistic
MephitidsظربانArabicnounskunkArabic Modern Standard
MetalssaturnCatalannounleaddated masculine
MetalssaturnCatalanadjsurly, taciturn
MetalworkingعلاArabicverbto be exalted, high
MetalworkingعلاArabicverbto tower over (someone, something)
MetalworkingعلاArabicverbto exceed
MetalworkingعلاArabicverbto rise
MetalworkingعلاArabicverbto overwhelm
MetalworkingعلاArabicverbto climb (something)
MetalworkingعلاArabicverbto cover
MetalworkingعلاArabicadjfeminine plural of أَعْلَى (ʔaʕlā, “higher, upper; superior”)feminine form-of plural
MetalworkingعلاArabicnounworktop, a rock or iron on which tools are smithed or أَقِط (ʔaqiṭ) cookedcollective obsolete
MicrosoftMICEnglishnounAbbreviation of methylisocyanate.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
MicrosoftMICEnglishnounInitialism of minor in consumption. (of alcohol)abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMICEnglishnounInitialism of military-industrial complex.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMICEnglishnounInitialism of minimum inhibitory concentration.biology medicine microbiology natural-sciences pharmacology sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMICEnglishnameAbbreviation of Michoacán, A state of Mexicoabbreviation alt-of
MicrosoftMICEnglishnameInitialism of Microsoft Innovation Center.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftMICEnglishnameInitialism of Message Integrity Check. (A technology that is employed to prevent an attacker from capturing data packets, altering them and resending them. The MIC provides a strong mathematical function in which the receiver and the transmitter each compute and then compare the MIC. If it does not match, the data is assumed to have been tampered with and the packet is dropped.)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftMICEnglishnameInitialism of Malaysian Indian Congress. (a political party for Malaysian Indians)abbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftMICEnglishadjInitialism of made in China.abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Military擊敗Chineseverbto defeat; to vanquish; to overpowertransitive
Military擊敗ChineseadjAlternative form of 雞掰/鸡掰 (jībāi)Taiwan alt-of alternative slang vulgar
Military ranksαντιναύαρχοςGreeknounvice-admiral in the Royal Navy and in the US navy, a rank with the NATO grade OF-8nautical transport
Military ranksαντιναύαρχοςGreeknounvice-admiral, a rank in the Hellenic Coast Guard
Military vehiclestaneTokelauannountinea
Military vehiclestaneTokelauannounsuckers of a mollusc's tentacle
Military vehiclestaneTokelauannounAlternative form of tonealt-of alternative
Military vehiclestaneTokelauannountank (container for liquids)
Military vehiclestaneTokelauannountank (armoured vehicle)
MilkcijZhuangverbto breastfeed; to nurse
MilkcijZhuangadvonly; only then
MilkcijZhuangverbto end; to finish; to stop
MilkcijZhuangverbto pull
MilkcijZhuangverbto pointdialectal
MindcrazedEnglishadjMaddened; driven insane.
MindcrazedEnglishadjCovered with cracks (generally applied to porcelain, plastics, and paints).
MindcrazedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of crazeform-of participle past
Mint family plantsκονίληAncient Greeknounmarjoram (Origanum majorana)
Mint family plantsκονίληAncient Greeknounoregano (Origanum vulgare)
Mites and tickswheal-wormEnglishnounAny of various insects or arachnids the bites of which produce raised sores.archaic
Mites and tickswheal-wormEnglishnounA harvest mite, Trombicula sp.archaic
Mites and tickswheal-wormEnglishnounAcarus autumnalis, synonym of Neotrombicula autumnalis, a species of miteobsolete
Mobile phones黑莓Chinesenounblackberry
Mobile phones黑莓ChinesenameBlackBerry
MolluskscauriEnglishnounA former monetary subdivision, equivalent to one hundredth of a Guinean syli.
MolluskscauriEnglishnounAn extremely tall tree found exclusively in New Zealand, the kauri.
MolluskscauriEnglishnounA type of seashell found on the western coast of the African continent.
MonarchyDynastieGermannoundynasty / family of rulersfeminine
MonarchyDynastieGermannoundynasty / influential family, e.g. of industrialistsbroadly feminine
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA female member of a royal family other than a queen, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a monarch.
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA woman or girl who excels in a given field or class.
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA female ruler or monarch; a queen.archaic
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounThe wife of a prince; the female ruler of a principality.
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA young girl; used as a term of endearment.
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA young girl or woman (or less commonly a man) who is vain, spoiled, or selfish; a prima donna.US derogatory
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA tinted crystal marble used in children's games.
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA type of court card in the Tarot pack, coming between the 10 and the prince (Jack).
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA female lemur.
MonarchyprincessEnglishnounA Bulgarian open-faced baked sandwich prepared with ground meat.
Monarchyquân chủVietnamesenounmonarch
Monarchyquân chủVietnameseadjmonarchic, monarchical, pertaining to monarchy
MonarchyტახტიGeorgiannounottoman bench
MonarchyტახტიGeorgiannounroyal residencefiguratively
Monarchy女王Japanesenouna Japanese prince's unmarried daughter who is descended from the reigning emperor through no more than five generations ("princes" include 親王 (shinnō) or 王 (ō))historical
Monarchy女王Japanesenouna Japanese prince's unmarried daughter who is descended from the reigning emperor through no more than three generations (thus, the emperor's granddaughter or niece; "princes" only include 親王 (shinnō))
Monarchy女王Japanesenouna queen regnant
Monarchy女王Japanesenouna queen (reproductive female animal in a hive)
Monarchy女王Japanesenouna queen regnant
Monarchy女王Japanesenouna queen regnant
Monarchy皇上Chinesenounthe emperor
Monarchy皇上ChinesenounYour Majesty; His Majesty (when directed to an emperor)
Monarchy황제KoreannounThe Emperor (Tarot card)human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
Monarchy황제Koreannamethe Yellow Emperorhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
MonasticismChartreuxEnglishnounA member of a breed of large, blue, short-haired domestic cats, originating in France.
MonasticismChartreuxEnglishnounA Carthusian monk.
MoneygoldbackEnglishnounA unit of the Goldback currency system containing 1/1000th of a troy ounce of pure gold
MoneygoldbackEnglishnounA kind of gold certificate with an orange back.US countable historical slang
MoneygoldbackEnglishnounAny member of species Pentagramma triangularis of ferns.
MoneygoldbackEnglishnounAny member of genus Pityrogramma of ferns.
MoneyChinesecharacterto wrap up; to enwrap; to bundle up
MoneyChinesecharacterto include; to encompass
MoneyChinesecharacterto cover; to place under cover
MoneyChinesecharacterto assure; to ensure; to guarantee
MoneyChinesecharacterto reserve or dedicate for a specific purpose
MoneyChinesecharacterto make a wrapped item
MoneyChinesecharacterto surround
MoneyChinesecharacterShort for 打包 (dǎbāo, “to take away (food)”).Malaysia Singapore abbreviation alt-of slang
MoneyChinesecharacterbundle; bunch
MoneyChinesecharacterparcel; package
MoneyChinesecharactercannon: 🩬 (on the black side)board-games games xiangqi
MoneyChinesecharactercompensation packageInternet
MoneyChinesecharactercompensation packagecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
MoneyChinesecharacterbag; sack
MoneyChinesecharacterbump; swelling
MoneyChinesecharacterbaozifood lifestyle
MoneyChinesecharacterbun; bread (any small baked good)food lifestyle
MoneyChinesecharacterClassifier for packs or bags.
MoneyChinesecharactera surname
MoneyChinesecharacterOriginal form of 庖 (páo, “kitchen”).obsolete
MoneyChinesecharacterOriginal form of 匏 (páo, “bottle gourd”).obsolete
MoneyChinesecharacterOnly used in 包來/包来.
Money欠賬Chineseverbto owe debtverb-object
Money欠賬Chinesenoundebt; the sum owed
Moschatel family plantsespinheiro-pretoPortuguesenounviburnum (any plant of the genus Viburnum)masculine
Moschatel family plantsespinheiro-pretoPortuguesenounblack hawthorn; European buckthorn (Rhamnus lycioides, a shrub of the Mediterranean region)masculine
Moschatel family plantsespinheiro-pretoPortuguesenounAcacia glomerosa, a tree of Brazilmasculine
Moschatel family plantsespinheiro-pretoPortuguesenounMimosa tenuiflora, a tree or shrub of the Americas known for its medicinal propertiesmasculine
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounOne who, or that which, nips.
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounAny of various devices (as pincers) for nipping.plural-normally
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA child.slang
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA child aged from 5 to 13 in the Australian surf life-saving clubs.Australia
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA boy working as a navvies' assistant.historical
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA mosquito.Canada Newfoundland slang
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounOne of four foreteeth in a horse.archaic
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA satirist.obsolete
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA pickpocket; a young or petty thief.obsolete slang
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA fish, the cunner.
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA European crab (Polybius henslowii).archaic
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounThe claws of a crab or lobster.
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA young bluefish.
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounA machine used by a ticket inspector to stamp passengers' tickets.dated
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounOne of a pair of automatically locking handcuffs.
MosquitoesnipperEnglishnounOne of the gloves or mittens worn by fishermen to protect their hands from cold and abrasion.historical
MosquitoesnipperEnglishverbTo seize (two ropes) together.nautical transporttransitive
Motor racingdragstripEnglishnounA paved straight racetrack used for automotive drag racing.
Motor racingdragstripEnglishnounAny place for high-speed competitive activity.broadly figuratively
MountainstaterniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of taternik (“alpinist, mountaineer”)feminine form-of
MountainstaterniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of taternik (“mountain climber or guide in the Tatra Mountains”)feminine form-of
Municipalities of FinlandKolariFinnishnameKolari
Municipalities of FinlandKolariFinnishnamea Finnish surname
Municipalities of FinlandKustaviFinnishnameA municipality in Western Finland.
Municipalities of FinlandKustaviFinnishnamea male given namerare
MurdermeurtrirFrenchverbto murderobsolete transitive
MurdermeurtrirFrenchverbto injure, hurt; to bruise, especially in reference to fruit; to leave a contusiontransitive
MurdermeurtrirFrenchverbto hurt or injure someone's feelingstransitive
MusiccantorEnglishnounsinger, especially someone who takes a special role of singing or song leading at a ceremony
MusiccantorEnglishnounA prayer leader in a Jewish service; a hazzan
MusicmetallyEnglishadjResembling metal music.
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounany person or device which snuffs or prevents the spread of fire / candle snuffer (tool for extinguishing candles, consisting of a cup on a handle)masculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounany person or device which snuffs or prevents the spread of fire / fire flapper (tool for extinguishing wildfires, consisting of a piece of rubber on a pole)masculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounany person or device which snuffs or prevents the spread of firemasculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenouncosy (covering put on an item to keep it warm)masculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounanything that muffles sound / earmuff (sound-deadening cups worn over the ears)masculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounanything that muffles sound / damper (device in keyboard instruments which deadens the vibrations of the strings)masculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounanything that muffles soundmasculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenouna person whose job is to smother the moribund on their deathbedmasculine
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounthief; robberBrazil masculine slang
Musical instrumentsabafadorPortuguesenounthe biggest marble used in a marble gamemasculine
Musical instrumentslicorice stickEnglishnounA long thin cylindrical confection flavored with licorice.
Musical instrumentslicorice stickEnglishnounA clarinet.slang
Musical instrumentslyraLatinnounlyre, luteentertainment lifestyle musicdeclension-1 feminine
Musical instrumentslyraLatinnounthe northern constellation Lyradeclension-1 feminine
Musical instrumentstromboonEnglishnounA trombone with the reed and bocal of a bassoon placed instead of the usual mouthpiece, which combines the limitations of both instruments, producing a loud comical sound.entertainment lifestyle music
Musical instrumentstromboonEnglishnounAn awkward union of disparate elements combining the disadvantages of both.
Musical instrumentsพิณThainounvīṇā, a string instrument of India.
Musical instrumentsพิณThainounphin, a string instrument of Northeastern Thailand.
Musical instrumentsพิณThainounsimilar instrument, as harp, lute, etc.broadly
MusicianspiewcaPolishnouneulogizer, glorifiermasculine person
MusicianspiewcaPolishnounsongstermasculine person
Musicianssurf rockerEnglishnounA surf rock musician.
Musicianssurf rockerEnglishnounA surf rock fan.
MusicianstrompetaSpanishnountrumpeterby-personal-gender feminine masculine
MyriapodsspirostreptidEnglishnounAny millipede in the order Spirostreptida.biology natural-sciences zoology
MyriapodsspirostreptidEnglishnounAny millipede in the family Spirostreptidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Myrtle family plantswax appleEnglishnouna tropical plant, Syzygium samarangense, bearing an edible fruit
Myrtle family plantswax appleEnglishnounthe fruit of this plant
Mythological creaturesciortPolishnoundevil, demon (creature of hell)
Mythological creaturesciortPolishnoundevil (person)colloquial
Mythological creaturesstrzygaPolishnounstrzyga (female demon similar to a vampire, predominantly found in Polish and Silesian folklore)feminine
Mythological creaturesstrzygaPolishnounhag, harridan, vixen, virago, witch (ugly or unpleasant woman)derogatory feminine
Mythological creaturesstrzygaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of strzygaccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
Mythological figuresAchillesEnglishnameA mythical semidivine hero, the son of Peleus by the nereid Thetis, and prince of the Myrmidons, who features in the Iliad as a central character and the foremost warrior of the Achaean (Greek) camp.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Mythological figuresAchillesEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek.rare
Mythological figuresAchillesEnglishnameThe Greek camp Trojan asteroid 588 Achilles.astronomy natural-sciences
Mythological locationsChimayEnglishnameA city and municipality in Hainault, Belgium.
Mythological locationsChimayEnglishnameAn imaginary lake thought for centuries to exist in southern China or northern Indochina, once believed to be the source of the Brahmaputra or Meghna, the Irrawaddy, the Salween, and the Chao Phraya Rivers.geography natural-scienceshistorical
NarratologyperipeteiaEnglishnounA sudden reversal of fortune as a plot point in Classical tragedy.broadcasting drama dramaturgy entertainment film lifestyle media television theatercountable uncountable
NarratologyperipeteiaEnglishnounAny sudden change in circumstances; a crisis.broadly countable uncountable
NarratologyperipeteiaEnglishnounA turning point in psychosocial development.human-sciences medicine psychoanalysis psychology sciencescountable uncountable
NationalitiesDeutscherGermannounGerman (male or unspecified)adjectival masculine
NationalitiesDeutscherGermannouninflection of Deutsche: / strong genitive/dative singulardative feminine form-of genitive singular strong
NationalitiesDeutscherGermannouninflection of Deutsche: / strong genitive pluralfeminine form-of genitive plural strong
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishnounThe language of Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe and Western Asia.uncountable
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishnounA person or a descendant of a person from Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe and Western Asia.countable
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Georgia in the United States of America.countable
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Eastern European country of Georgia, the Georgian people or the Georgian language.not-comparable
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the U.S. State of Georgia or its Georgian English dialect.not-comparable
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishnounA British citizen during the reign of a king named George.historical
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or characteristic of the reigns of Kings George I and George II of Great Britain, and George III and George IV of the United Kingdom (1714–1830).
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishadjPertaining to a movement in lyric poetry during the reign of King George V of the United Kingdom (1910-1936).
NationalitiesGeorgianEnglishadjPertaining to or characteristic of Stefan George (a German poet).
NationalitiesGhanaianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Ghana or the Ghanaian people.not-comparable
NationalitiesGhanaianEnglishnounA person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent.
NationalitiesKorsikanMaltesenounCorsican (person)masculine
NationalitiesKorsikanMaltesenounCorsican (language)
NationalitiesescocèsCatalanadjScottish (pertaining to Scotland, the Scottish people, or the Scottish language)
NationalitiesescocèsCatalannounScot; Scotsman (an inhabitant of Scotland)masculine
NationalitiesescocèsCatalannounScots (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesescocèsCatalannounScottish Gaelic (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesescocèsCatalannounScottish English (dialect)masculine uncountable
NationalitieslibanusLatinadjLebanese (of Lebanon)adjective declension-1 declension-2
NationalitieslibanusLatinadjfrankincenseadjective declension-1 declension-2
NationalitiesmaķedonietisLatviannouna (male) Macedonian, a man from (the Republic of) North Macedoniadeclension-2 masculine
NationalitiesmaķedonietisLatviannounMacedonian; pertaining to (the Republic of) North Macedonia and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
NationalitiesmaķedonietisLatviannouna (male) Macedonian, a member of the people of ancient Macedoniadeclension-2 masculine
NationalitiesmaķedonietisLatviannounMacedonian; pertaining to ancient Macedonia and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
NationalitiesszudániHungarianadjSudanese (of, from, or pertaining to Sudan)not-comparable
NationalitiesszudániHungariannounSudanese (person from Sudan)
NationalitiesܟܘܫܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjEthiopian (of, from, or pertaining to Ethiopia, the Ethiopian culture or people)
NationalitiesܟܘܫܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjCushite, Kushite (of, from, or pertaining to Cush in ancient northeastern Africa)
NationalitiesܟܘܫܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjCushitic (pertaining to the subfamily of the Afroasiatic family of languages)
NationalitiesܟܘܫܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounEthiopian (A person from Ethiopia or of Ethiopian descent)
NationalitiesܟܘܫܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounCushite, Kushite
Native AmericansrezEnglishnounClipping of reservation (“tract of land set apart for native people”).US abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
Native AmericansrezEnglishnounClipping of reserve.Canada abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
Native AmericansrezEnglishnounClipping of residence; dormitory.Canada abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
Native AmericansrezEnglishnounClipping of resonance.abbreviation alt-of clipping
Native AmericansrezEnglishnounClipping of resurrection.abbreviation alt-of clipping
Native AmericansrezEnglishnounClipping of resolution.abbreviation alt-of clipping
Native AmericansrezEnglishverbClipping of resurrect.abbreviation alt-of clipping
Native AmericansrezEnglishverbTo spawn or load into the
NatureřɣabetTarifitnounforest, woodsfeminine
NatureřɣabetTarifitnounvegetationbroadly feminine
NauticalwodnyPolishadjaquatic, waternot-comparable relational
NauticalwodnyPolishnounskipper's assistant on a ship on the Vistulamasculine noun-from-verb person
NepalnépalaisFrenchadjof Nepal; Nepalese, Nepalirelational
NepalnépalaisFrenchnounNepalese (the language)masculine uncountable
Neutronchain reactionEnglishnounA chemical reaction where the products of the reaction influence the reactants of a following reaction, leading to positive feedback.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
Neutronchain reactionEnglishnounA nuclear reaction in which particles produced by the fission of one atom trigger fissions of other atoms.
Neutronchain reactionEnglishnounA series of events, each one causing or influencing the next.figuratively
Nicknames of individuals臘肉Chinesenouncured (pork) meat; salted and dried meat
Nicknames of individuals臘肉ChinesenameMao Zedong or his corpseInternet derogatory humorous sarcastic
Nightshadesflor del muertoSpanishnounjimsonweed (Datura stramonium)feminine
Nightshadesflor del muertoSpanishnounmanybristle cinchweed (Pectis papposa)feminine
Nightshadesflor del muertoSpanishnounMexican marigold (Tagetes erecta)feminine
Nightshadesflor del muertoSpanishnounGonolobus erianthusfeminine
Nightshadesflor del muertoSpanishnounMatalea pilosafeminine
NobilitygreveSwedishnouna countcommon-gender
NobilitygreveSwedishnounan earlcommon-gender
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounAny of various knots (for string or the like) having some symmetry.
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounLines interwoven with many involutions, fancifully held as an emblem of interwoven affection.
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounA particular species of moth (Lycophotia porphyrea).
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounA particular knot of eight crossings.mathematics sciences
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounA small plant in the family Melanthiaceae (Paris quadrifolia).
Non-binarybachelorxEnglishnounSomeone who has not yet married; a bachelor or bachelorette of any gender identity, especially one identifying as non-binary.neologism
Non-binarybachelorxEnglishnounA bachelorx party.neologism
NorwayNoorsAfrikaansadjNorwegian (of, from, or pertaining to Norway, the Norwegian people or the Norwegian language)not-comparable
NorwayNoorsAfrikaansnameNorwegian (language)
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishadjPertaining to the nucleus of an atom.not-comparable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishadjInvolving energy released by nuclear reactions (fission, fusion, radioactive decay).not-comparable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishadjRelating to a weapon that derives its force from rapid release of energy through nuclear reactions.not-comparable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishadjInvolving an extreme course of action, or one with severe consequences.broadly figuratively not-comparable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishadjPertaining to the nucleus of a cell.biology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishadjPertaining to a centre around which something is developed or organised; central, pivotal.archaic not-comparable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishadjRelating to, being of, or comprising the nuclear family.not-comparable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishnounNuclear power.countable uncountable
Nuclear physicsnuclearEnglishnounNuclear weaponcountable uncountable
NumbersPiGermannounpi (Greek letter)neuter strong
NumbersPiGermannounpi, an important constantmathematics sciencesneuter strong
OccupationsatiradorPortuguesenounmarksman, dead shotmasculine
OccupationscarneficeItaliannountorturer, tormentor, persecutormasculine
OccupationscarneficeItaliannounvictimizer, brutal murderermasculine
OccupationscelníkCzechnouncustoms officeranimate masculine
OccupationscelníkCzechnounplantain, ribwort (plant of the genus Plantago)dialectal inanimate masculine
OccupationscensorEnglishnounOne of the two magistrates who originally administered the census of citizens, and by Classical times (between the 8th century B.C.E. and the 6th century C.E.) was a high judge of public behaviour and morality.Ancient-Rome historical
OccupationscensorEnglishnounA high-ranking official who was responsible for the supervision of subordinate government officials.Ancient-China historical
OccupationscensorEnglishnounAn official responsible for the removal or suppression of objectionable material (for example, if obscene or likely to incite violence) or sensitive content in books, films, correspondence, and other media.
OccupationscensorEnglishnounA college or university official whose duties vary depending on the
OccupationscensorEnglishnounOne who censures or condemns.obsolete
OccupationscensorEnglishnounAn algorithm that approves or rejects something on grounds of taste or morality etc.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
OccupationscensorEnglishverbTo review for, and if necessary to remove or suppress, content from books, films, correspondence, and other media which is regarded as objectionable (for example, obscene, likely to incite violence, or sensitive).transitive
OccupationscensorEnglishnounA hypothetical subconscious agency which filters unacceptable thought before it reaches the conscious mind.human-sciences psychology sciences
OccupationschercheurFrenchnounsearcher (one who searches)masculine
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounA person who repairs, and sometimes makes, shoes.
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounA sheep left to the end to be sheared (for example, because its wool is filthy, or because it is difficult to catch).agriculture business lifestyleAustralia New-Zealand slang
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounA person who cobbles (“to assemble or mend in an improvised or rough way”); a clumsy workman.obsolete
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounAn (iced) alcoholic drink containing spirit or wine, with lemon juice and sugar.US
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounA roadworker who lays cobbles.
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounThe shiny, hard seed of the horse chestnut tree (Aesculus hippocastanum), especially when used in the game of the same name (sense 1.2); a conker, a horse chestnut.British dialectal
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounSynonym of conkers (“a game for two players in which the participants each have a horse-chestnut (known as a cobbler (sense 1.1) or conker) suspended from a length of string, and take turns to strike their opponent's conker with their own with the object of destroying the opponent's conker before their own is destroyed”)gamesBritish dialectal
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounUsed as a name for various animals. / Also estuary cobbler: / The South Australian catfish (Cnidoglanis macrocephalus), a species of catfish native to Australia which has dorsal and pectoral fins bearing sharp, venomous spines.Australia
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounUsed as a name for various animals. / Also estuary cobbler: / The soldier or South Australian cobbler (Gymnapistes marmoratus), a brown fish native to southern Australian estuaries which is not closely related to Cnidoglanis macrocephalus, but also has venemous spines on its dorsal and pectoral fins.Australia
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounUsed as a name for various animals. / Also river cobbler: basa (Pangasius bocourti), an edible species of shark catfish native to the Chao Phraya and Mekong river basins in Southeast Asia.British
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounUsed as a name for various animals. / Pangas catfish (Pangasius pangasius), an edible species of shark catfish native to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and Pakistan.British
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounUsed as a name for various animals. / Condica sutor, an owlet moth native to North America.US
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounA police officer.plural-normally slang
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounOften preceded by a descriptive word as in apple cobbler, peach cobbler, etc.: a kind of pie, usually filled with fruit, originally having a crust at the base but nowadays generally lacking this and instead topped with a thick, cake-like pastry layer.US
OccupationscobblerEnglishnounA testicle.Cockney in-plural slang
OccupationsensemblierFrenchnouninterior designermasculine
OccupationsensemblierFrenchnounset designer (cinema, TV)broadcasting cinematography film media televisionmasculine
OccupationsfusterCatalanadjwood, carpentryrelational
OccupationsfusterCatalannouncarpenter; joinermasculine
OccupationsfusterCatalannoungreen woodpeckermasculine
OccupationsmammyEnglishnounmamma; motherchildish
OccupationsmammyEnglishnounIn the southern United States, a black nanny employed to look after white children; or in the antebellum South, a female slave who was close to the household and looked after the children.US historical often pejorative
OccupationspasiecznyPolishadjapiarynot-comparable relational
OccupationspasiecznyPolishnounbeekeeper, apiaristarchaic masculine person
OccupationspoetEnglishnounA person who writes poems.
OccupationspoetEnglishnounA person with a creative or romantic imagination.
OccupationsslaveEnglishnounA person who is held in servitude as the property of another person, and whose labor (and often also whose body and life) is subject to the owner's volition and control.
OccupationsslaveEnglishnounA drudge; one who labors or is obliged (e.g. by prior contract) to labor like a slave with limited rights, e.g. an indentured servant.figuratively
OccupationsslaveEnglishnounAn abject person.figuratively
OccupationsslaveEnglishnounOne who has no power of resistance to something, one who surrenders to or is under the domination of something.figuratively
OccupationsslaveEnglishnounA submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who consensually submits to, sexually or personally, serving one or more masters or mistresses.BDSM lifestyle sexuality
OccupationsslaveEnglishnounA sex slave, a person who is forced against their will to perform, for another person or group, sexual acts on a regular or continuing basis.
OccupationsslaveEnglishnounA device (such as a secondary flash or hard drive) that is subject to the control of another (a master).arts computing engineering hobbies lifestyle mathematics natural-sciences photography physical-sciences sciences
OccupationsslaveEnglishverbTo work as a slaver, to enslave people.
OccupationsslaveEnglishverbTo work hard.intransitive
OccupationsslaveEnglishverbTo place a device under the control of another.transitive
OccupationssutlerEnglishnounA person who follows an army, selling provisions.
OccupationssutlerEnglishnounA modern business that provides period uniforms and supplies to reenactors.
OccupationsszewczykPolishnoundiminutive of szewcdiminutive form-of masculine person
OccupationsszewczykPolishnouncobbler's son, shoemaker's sonmasculine obsolete person
OccupationsszewczykPolishnouncobbler's apprentice, shoemaker's apprenticemasculine obsolete person
OccupationsszewczykPolishnounscholar's mateboard-games chess gamescolloquial inanimate masculine
OccupationstamkārumAkkadiannounmerchant, tradermasculine
OccupationsumsebenziXhosanounworker, labourer
OccupationsvalachSlovaknouna shepherd assisting a bačaanimate masculine
OccupationsvalachSlovaknoungeldinginanimate masculine
OccupationswinnikPolishnounsauna whisk, bath broom (besom or broom used for bathing in saunas and Russian banyas)historical inanimate masculine
OccupationswinnikPolishnounlees at the bottom of a vat of wineinanimate masculine obsolete
OccupationswinnikPolishnounampelopsis, pepper vine, porcelainberry (any plant of the genus Ampelopsis)inanimate masculine
OccupationswinnikPolishnounOctober (month)inanimate masculine obsolete rare
OccupationswinnikPolishnounbathhouse attendant who provided beatings with a bath broomhistorical masculine person
OccupationsxantreCatalannouna title given to the fourth-ranked canon of a cathedral chapterCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismmasculine
OccupationsممثلArabicnounactorbroadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theater
OccupationsممثلArabicnounrepresentative (in government)
Occupations主播Chinesenounanchor; presenter; broadcaster; host
Occupations主播Chinesenounlive streamer
Occupations仕事Japanesenouna job; an occupation; work
Occupations仕事Japanesenounjob, work (task)
Occupations仕事Japanesenounwork, change of energynatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Occupations仕事Japaneseverbto work
Occupations蔵司JapanesenounAlternative spelling of 蔵主 (“monk overseeing a sutra storehouse”)alt-of alternative
Occupations蔵司Japanesenounthe private room of a 蔵主Buddhism lifestyle religion
Occupations蔵司Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position in the 後宮 (Kōkyū, “Seraglio”) that manages the Emperor and Empress's wardrobebusiness clothing fashion history human-sciences lifestyle manufacturing sciences textiles
Occupations蔵司Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position in the 後宮 (Kōkyū, “Seraglio”) that manages the Emperor and Empress's wardrobebusiness clothing fashion history human-sciences lifestyle manufacturing sciences textiles
Occupations蔵司Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position in the 後宮 (Kōkyū, “Seraglio”) that manages the Emperor and Empress's wardrobebusiness clothing fashion history human-sciences lifestyle manufacturing sciences textiles
Odd-toed ungulatesJapanesecharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
Odd-toed ungulatesJapanesenouna rhinoceros
Old World monkeysbaboonEnglishnounAn Old World monkey of the genus Papio, having dog-like muzzles and large canine teeth, cheek pouches, a short tail, and naked callosities on the buttocks.
Old World monkeysbaboonEnglishnounA foolish or boorish person.colloquial derogatory
Olive family plantsashplantEnglishnounAn ash sapling.
Olive family plantsashplantEnglishnounA walking stick.Ireland
Olive family plantsashplantEnglishnounA stick kept for administering corporal punishment, a cane.
OneenkelDutchadjonly, solenot-comparable
OneenkelDutchadvexclusively, only, solely
Operationsfirst in first outEnglishnounA method of inventory accounting that values items withdrawn from inventory at the cost of the oldest item assumed to remain in inventory.accounting business financeuncountable
Operationsfirst in first outEnglishnounA policy of serving first what has arrived for service first.uncountable
Operationsfirst in first outEnglishnounA type of queue data structure in which the oldest added items are retrieved first.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesuncountable
OrangesfleshEnglishnounThe soft tissue of the body, especially muscle and fat.uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounThe skin of a human or animal.uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounBare arms, bare legs, bare torso.broadly uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounAnimal tissue regarded as food; meat (but sometimes excluding fish).uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnoun2018 May 8, Raj Patel, Jason W Moore, “How the chicken nugget became the true symbol of our era”, in The Guardianuncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnoun2018 May 8, Raj Patel, Jason W Moore, “How the chicken nugget became the true symbol of our era”, in The Guardian: Chicken is already the most popular meat in the US, and is projected to be the planet’s favourite flesh by 2020. / Chicken is already the most popular meat in the US, and is projected to be the planet’s favourite flesh by 2020.uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounThe human body as a physical entity.uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounThe mortal body of a human being, contrasted with the spirit or religionuncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounThe evil and corrupting principle working in religionuncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounThe soft, often edible, parts of fruits or vegetables.uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounTenderness of feeling; gentleness.obsolete uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounKindred; stock; race.obsolete uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishnounA yellowish pink color; the color of some Caucasian human skin.uncountable usually
OrangesfleshEnglishverbTo reward (a hound, bird of prey etc.) with flesh of the animal killed, to excite it for further hunting; to train (an animal) to have an appetite for flesh.transitive
OrangesfleshEnglishverbTo bury (something, especially a weapon) in flesh.transitive
OrangesfleshEnglishverbTo inure or habituate someone in or to a given practice.obsolete
OrangesfleshEnglishverbTo glut.transitive
OrangesfleshEnglishverbTo put flesh on; to fatten.transitive
OrangesfleshEnglishverbTo remove the flesh from the skin during the making of leather.
OrganizationsAMAEnglishnameInitialism of American Medical Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAMAEnglishnameInitialism of Alberta Motor Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAMAEnglishnameInitialism of Australian Medical Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAMAEnglishnameInitialism of American Motorcyclist Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAMAEnglishphraseInitialism of ask me anything: usually attached to the end of a prompt in an “ask me anything” interview session.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAMAEnglishnounInitialism of ask me anything.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAMAEnglishprep_phraseInitialism of against medical advice.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
OrgansутробаMacedoniannoungut, interior of an organism
OrgansутробаMacedoniannounwomb, uterus
OrgansчервоBulgariannounintestine, gut, bowel
OrnithologygrzędaPolishnounperch, roostespecially feminine
OrnithologygrzędaPolishnounpatch, bed (plot in a garden or a field)feminine
OrnithologyпухRussiannoundown (feathers)
OrnithologyпухRussianverbshort masculine singular past indicative imperfective of пу́хнуть (púxnutʹ)form-of imperfective indicative masculine past short-form singular
Otidimorph birdsbustardEnglishnounAny of several large terrestrial birds of the family Otididae that inhabit dry open country and steppes in the Old World.
Otidimorph birdsbustardEnglishnounbastardeuphemistic slang
PaindolourEnglishnounAnguish, grief, misery, or sorrow.UK literary uncountable
PaindolourEnglishnounIn economics and utilitarianism: a unit of pain used to theoretically weigh people's outcomes.economics ethics human-sciences philosophy sciencesUK countable
PaintingcenacoloItaliannouncoterie, circlemasculine
PaintingcenacoloItaliannounthe Last Supper (painting of)masculine
PaintingcenacoloItaliannoundining room, usually in an upper floorarchaic masculine
PakistanPukistaniEnglishnounA Pakistani.derogatory ethnic offensive slang slur
PakistanPukistaniEnglishadjPakistani.derogatory ethnic offensive slang slur
Palm treesniyogTagalognouncoconut (Cocos nucifera)biology botany natural-sciences
Palm treesniyogTagalognounmature coconut
PaperbuvardFrenchnounblotting papermasculine
ParapsychologypsychometryEnglishnounThe paranormal ability to discover information about an object's past, and especially about its past owners, merely by handling it.parapsychology pseudosciencecountable uncountable
ParapsychologypsychometryEnglishnounThe use of psychological tests to measure intelligence, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits.human-sciences psychology sciencescountable uncountable
PartiesimprezaPolishnounparty (gathering of usually invited guests for entertainment, fun and socializing)colloquial feminine
PartiesimprezaPolishnounevent (organized artistic, sporting or entertainment event intended to attract many participants)feminine
PartiesimprezaPolishnounidea; undertaking, venture (project that someone is considering implementing)colloquial feminine
PartiesimprezaPolishnounemblem (representative symbol)feminine obsolete
PartiesimprezaPolishnounwar excursionMiddle Polish feminine
PartiesimprezaPolishnounimpact, influence; oppressionMiddle Polish feminine
PeopleENTJEnglishnounInitialism of extraverted, intuitive, thinking and judging: a personality type in the Myers–Briggs Type Indicatorhuman-sciences psychology sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleENTJEnglishnounA person with this personality type
PeopleJudaizerEnglishnounSomeone who Judaizes.
PeopleJudaizerEnglishnounOne who conforms to or inculcates Judaism.archaic
PeopleJudaizerEnglishnounOne of the Jews who accepted Christianity but still adhered to the law of Moses and worshipped in the temple at Jerusalem.historical
PeopleWDCEnglishnameInitialism of Washington, District of Columbia.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleWDCEnglishnameInitialism of World Driving/Drivers' Championship.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleWDCEnglishnounInitialism of woman detective constable, a former police rank.government law-enforcementUK abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
PeopleadahunṣeYorubanountraditional Yoruba healer or herbalist
PeopleadahunṣeYorubanounIn modern usage; physician, doctor, pharmacist
Peopleanti-ChristianEnglishadjOpposed to Christians or Christianity.
Peopleanti-ChristianEnglishnounOne who opposes Christians or Christianity.
PeopleardcheannIrishnounarch-leader; flighty, frivolous, personderogatory masculine
PeoplearugboYorubanounold age, elderliness
PeoplearugboYorubanounelder, old person
PeoplebansheeEnglishnounA female spirit, usually taking the form of a woman whose mournful wailing warns of an impending death.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesIreland Scotland
PeoplebansheeEnglishnounA noisy or ill-tempered woman.derogatory
PeoplebaveurFrenchnoundribbler (one who dribbles saliva)informal masculine
PeoplechiavaioItaliannounSynonym of chiavaiolo (“keymaker”)masculine
PeoplechiavaioItaliannounkeyholder, keykeepermasculine
PeoplechoisMiddle EnglishnounThe act of choosing or selecting.
PeoplechoisMiddle EnglishnounThe power or opportunity to choose.
PeoplechoisMiddle EnglishnounA selected person.rare
PeoplechoisMiddle Englishadjchoice, fine, select
PeoplecompilerEnglishnounOne who compiles.
PeoplecompilerEnglishnounA computer program which transforms source code into object code.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software-compilation
PeopledivljakSerbo-Croatiannounwild person
PeopledomlasIrishnoungall, bilemasculine
PeopledomlasIrishnounbitterness (of taste)masculine
PeoplegatecrasherEnglishnounA person who enters some event without a ticket or invitation, either by stealth or by deception.slang
PeoplegatecrasherEnglishnounThe groom or one of his groomsmen when partaking in the gatecrashing ritual of a traditional Chinese wedding.
Peoplehard caseEnglishnounA tough person.slang
Peoplehard caseEnglishnounAn amusing, funny, witty, or possibly strange person.New-Zealand slang
PeoplehérétiqueFrenchnounhereticby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopleinfedeleItalianadjunfaithful, faithless, false
PeopleinfedeleItalianadjunfaithful, adulterous
PeopleinfedeleItalianadjunfaithful, inaccurate, inexact
PeopleinfedeleItalianadjnon-believinglifestyle religion
PeopleinfedeleItalianadjunbaptizedlifestyle religionarchaic
PeopleinfedeleItaliannouninfidel, nonbelieverby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopleinfedeleItaliannouna non-Christian, especially a Muslimby-personal-gender derogatory feminine historical masculine
PeopleinfedeleItaliannouna non-Muslim, especially a Christian; giaourby-personal-gender derogatory feminine masculine
Peopleinka̱naꞌChickasawnounfriendship, amityalienable
PeoplekawatanCebuanonounrobber; burglar; thief
PeoplekawatanCebuanonountheft; burglary
PeoplekawatanCebuanoverbto burglarize
PeoplekolekoleYorubanounCrinifer piscator (western plantain-eater)
PeoplekolekoleYorubanounburglar, robber
PeoplelimerEnglishnounA kind of dog kept on a lead; a bloodhound; a mongrel.obsolete
PeoplelimerEnglishnounSomeone who limes; someone who uses bird-lime or who limewashes.
PeoplelimerEnglishnounSomeone who hangs around the streets; someone hanging out.Caribbean
Peopleman among menEnglishnounA man who is accepted on the same terms, and as having the same worth, as other men in society.idiomatic
Peopleman among menEnglishnounA superior or remarkable man who stands out from other men; a leader or exemplar for other men.idiomatic
PeopleniasEnglishnounA young hawk; an eyas.obsolete
PeopleniasEnglishnounAn unsophisticated person.broadly obsolete
PeoplepaparazziEnglishnounA paparazzo.countable nonstandard uncountable
PeoplepaparazziEnglishnounPaparazzi taken as a group.nonstandard uncountable
PeoplepaparazziEnglishnounplural of paparazzoform-of plural
Peoplepassager clandestinFrenchnounstowawaymasculine
Peoplepassager clandestinFrenchnounfree ridereconomics sciencesmasculine
Peoplepoint of contactEnglishnounThe single person who represents an organization, for a specific task.
Peoplepoint of contactEnglishnounA person who is associated with a defined Internet entity.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Peoplepoint of contactEnglishnounA specific intersection; a contact point.sciences
PeopleprzykrywkaPolishnoundiminutive of przykrywadiminutive feminine form-of
PeopleprzykrywkaPolishnouncover, front (person or institution acting as the public face of some other, covert group)feminine
PeoplerobCzechnounslave, serfanimate masculine obsolete
PeoplerobCzechnoungenitive plural of robafeminine form-of genitive plural
PeoplerobCzechverbsecond-person singular imperative of robitform-of imperative second-person singular
PeoplerybkaPolishnoundiminutive of rybadiminutive feminine form-of
PeoplerybkaPolishnounnutmeg (playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine
PeoplerybkaPolishnounsweetieendearing feminine
PeopleselenophileEnglishnounSomething which tends to absorb selenium.biology botany chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
PeopleselenophileEnglishnounA person who is fond of or interested in the Moon.informal
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA person who is held in servitude as the property of another person, and whose labor (and often also whose body and life) is subject to the owner's volition and control.
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA drudge; one who labors or is obliged (e.g. by prior contract) to labor like a slave with limited rights, e.g. an indentured servant.figuratively
PeopleslaveEnglishnounAn abject person.figuratively
PeopleslaveEnglishnounOne who has no power of resistance to something, one who surrenders to or is under the domination of something.figuratively
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA submissive partner in a BDSM relationship who consensually submits to, sexually or personally, serving one or more masters or mistresses.BDSM lifestyle sexuality
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA sex slave, a person who is forced against their will to perform, for another person or group, sexual acts on a regular or continuing basis.
PeopleslaveEnglishnounA device (such as a secondary flash or hard drive) that is subject to the control of another (a master).arts computing engineering hobbies lifestyle mathematics natural-sciences photography physical-sciences sciences
PeopleslaveEnglishverbTo work as a slaver, to enslave people.
PeopleslaveEnglishverbTo work hard.intransitive
PeopleslaveEnglishverbTo place a device under the control of another.transitive
PeoplesmargiassoItaliannounsmartass, smart aleckmasculine
PeoplesmargiassoItaliannounclever dickmasculine
PeoplesmargiassoItalianadjdescribing such a person or actions
PeoplesmargiassoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of smargiassarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PeoplestumblebumEnglishnounA blundering or awkward person.
PeoplestumblebumEnglishnounAn inept prizefighter.
PeoplestumblebumEnglishnounA homeless person.slang
Peoplesub-lieutenantEnglishnounA commissioned officer of the navy whose rank is immediately below that of a lieutenant. / A commissioned officer of the Royal Navy ranking above a midshipman and below a lieutenant.government military navy politics warUK
Peoplesub-lieutenantEnglishnounA commissioned officer of the navy whose rank is immediately below that of a lieutenant. / A commissioned officer of the navy ranking above an acting sub-lieutenant and below a lieutenant.government military navy politics warAustralia Canada New-Zealand
PeoplesvampitoItaliannounairhead (absent-minded person)masculine
PeoplesvampitoItalianverbpast participle of svampireform-of participle past
Peoplethawj saibWhite Hmongnounpresident, of capitalist republic or state
Peoplethawj saibWhite Hmongnounpresident, of a corporation
PeopleóglachIrishnounyoung man; (young) warriorliterary masculine
PeopleóglachIrishnounattendant, servant; vassalliterary masculine
PeopleóglachIrishnounvolunteergovernment military politics warmasculine
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld Church Slavonicnounlanguage
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld Church Slavonicnountongue
PeopleѩзꙑкъOld Church Slavonicnounpeople
PeopleआदमीHindinounhuman being, person
PeopleआदमीHindinounman, male
People代官Japanesenoundeputy officialhistorical
People代官Japanesenounlocal official in the Edo periodhistorical
People友好Chineseadjfriendly; amicable
People友好Chinesenounclose friend
People採編Chineseverbto interview and edit
People採編Chineseverbto procure books and catalogue them
People採編Chinesenouninterviewers and editors
People採編Chinesenounbook procurers and cataloguers
People溜娃子Chinesenounhooligan; scumbag; scoundrelMandarin Ürümqi
People烏狗Chinesenounblack dogliterally
People烏狗Chinesenounstout, especially Guinness Foreign Extra StoutMalaysia
People烏狗Chinesenouna player, a womanizer, a bad boyTaiwanese-Hokkien
People烏狗Chinesenouna man who is fashionable, trendy or popularTaiwanese-Hokkien
Percussion instrumentsбарабанBashkirnoundrumentertainment lifestyle music
Percussion instrumentsбарабанBashkirnoundrum, barrelengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
PersonalitycompatissantFrenchverbpresent participle of compatirform-of participle present
PersonalitydépendantFrenchverbpresent participle of dépendreform-of participle present
PersonalitydépendantFrenchnoundependent; one who is dependentmasculine
Pharmaceutical drugshandlebarEnglishnounThe bar used to steer a bicycle, motorbike, or similar vehicle using the
Pharmaceutical slang
PhobiasheterophobiaEnglishnounFear or resentment of what is different.uncountable
PhobiasheterophobiaEnglishnounFear or resentment of heterosexuals or heterosexuality.uncountable
PhobiasheterophobiaEnglishnounFear or resentment of the opposite sex.uncountable
PhysicsబరువుTelugunounweight, heaviness
PhysicsబరువుTelugunouna load or burden
PhysicsబరువుTelugunounresponsibility, obligatory duty
PigskanHungariannounmale pig
PigskanHungariannounmale boar (wild boar)
PigskanHungariannounmale (of dogs or other domestic animals not larger than a pig)
PigskanHungariannounhunk, stud (a man with a sexual life more active than usual)colloquial
PigspraseCzechnounpig (person who does disgusting things)neuter offensive
Pigsნეზუ̂Svannounsow (female pig)
Pigsნეზუ̂Svannounewe (female sheep)
Pigsნეზუ̂SvannounAlternative form of ნეზუ̂რა (nezûra)alt-of alternative
Pizzacheese pizzaEnglishnounChild pornography.Internet euphemistic humorous uncountable
Pizzacheese pizzaEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: A pizza topped only with cheese and optionally tomato sauce.countable uncountable
PlacesjílovištěCzechnounclay pitneuter
PlacesjílovištěCzechnounplacer mining site, placerneuter
PlaceskuciapaPolishnouncunt (female genitalia)feminine slang vulgar
PlaceskuciapaPolishnouncubbyholecolloquial feminine
PlacespůsobištěCzechnounplace of work, place of businessneuter
PlacespůsobištěCzechnounpointnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsneuter
PlaceszbiegPolishnounfugitivemasculine person
PlaceszbiegPolishnounjunction (place where two or more things meet, e.g. streets or rivers)inanimate masculine
Places in PalestineGolgotaPolishnameCalvary, Golgotha (hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified)biblical lifestyle religionfeminine
Places in PalestineGolgotaPolishnameCalvary (complex of chapels connected by pathways, symbolically commemorating the Way of the Cross of Jesus in Jerusalem, which he passed to Calvary, the place of crucifixion)Christianityfeminine
Places of worship聖堂ChinesenounConfucian temple; temple honoring Confucius and housing schools and testing facilitieslifestyle religion
Places of worship聖堂ChinesenounchurchChristianity
Planets of the Solar SystemערדYiddishnounEarth
Planets of the Solar SystemערדYiddishnounthe ground
Planets of the Solar SystemערדYiddishnounearth; soil
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolfemale.biology natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolpistillate, carpellate.biology botany natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolVenus.astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolcopper.alchemy pseudoscience
Planets of the Solar SystemTranslingualsymbolFriday.rare
Plant anatomytrue leafEnglishnounAny leaves of a seed plant other than the cotyledons.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomytrue leafEnglishnounAny leaf containing vascular tissue.biology botany natural-sciences
PlantsacantăRomaniannounAcanthus-like ornament on the capitols of certain types of columns, such as Corinthian columns.architecturefeminine
PlantsamarantoSpanishadjamaranth, crimson (color/colour)
PlantsamarantoSpanishnounamaranth (herb)masculine
PlantsamarantoSpanishnounamaranth, crimson (color/colour)masculine
PlantsblostmOld Englishnounblossom, bloom; blooming, flowering
PlantsblostmOld Englishnounflower, blossom
PlantsliriOccitannounyellow flag, yellow irismasculine
PlantsmkunguSwahilinounstem of bananas (a complete stem with many fruit, larger than a hand or bunch)class-3 class-4
PlantsmkunguSwahilinounThe Indian almond tree, Terminalia catappa.class-3 class-4
PlantsshrubEnglishnounA woody plant smaller than a tree, and usually with several stems from the same base.
PlantsshrubEnglishnounA word mispronounced by replacing some consonant sounds with others of a similar place of articulation due to interference from one's knowledge of an indigenous Kenyan language.Kenya
PlantsshrubEnglishverbTo lop; to prune.obsolete
PlantsshrubEnglishverbTo mispronounce a word by replacing some consonant sounds with others of a similar place of articulation due to interference from one's knowledge of an indigenous Kenyan language.Kenya transitive
PlantsshrubEnglishverbTo plant a shrub in a yard, garden, etc.; to prune a bush or other plant into a shrub.rare
PlantsshrubEnglishverbTo make or drink a shrub (liquor drink).rare
PlantsshrubEnglishnounA liquor composed of vegetable acid, fruit juice (especially lemon), sugar, sometimes vinegar, and a small amount of spirit as a preservative. Modern shrub is usually non-alcoholic, but in earlier times it was often mixed with a substantial amount of spirit such as brandy or rum, thus making it a liqueur.countable uncountable
PlantsGaliciannounthe shrub Camellia sinsensismasculine
Plantsமுந்திரிTamilnouncashew tree, Anacardium occidentales
Plantsமுந்திரிTamilnounthe fraction ¹⁄₃₂₀
PoisonscyklonPolishnouncyclone (any weather phenomenon consisting of a system of winds rotating around a center of low atmospheric pressure)climatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable inanimate masculine
PoisonscyklonPolishnounZyklon A and Zyklon B (pesticide consisting of hydrocyanic acid absorbed on pellets of diatomaceous earth; when exposed to the air, hydrogen cyanide is released; used most infamously during the Nazi Holocaust in some gas chambers)Nazism historical inanimate masculine uncountable
PoisonscyklonPolishnouncyclone, cyclone separator (separator that employs cyclonic separation)countable inanimate masculine
PolygonstrigonEnglishnounA triangle.geometry mathematics sciencescountable rare
PolygonstrigonEnglishnounAn ancient triangular harp of Oriental origin which had four strings and was often used for banquet music. Also called sabbeka, sackbut, sambuca.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable historical
PolygonstrigonEnglishnounA division consisting of three signs.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable
PolygonstrigonEnglishnounA trine; an aspect of two planets distant 120 degrees from each other.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencescountable
PolygonstrigonEnglishnounAn old ball game played by three people standing in a triangular formation.historical uncountable
PolygonstrigonEnglishnounThe cutting region of the crown of an upper molar, usually the anterior part.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable
PostfakailogaTokelauannounsign, mark
PostfakailogaTokelauannounpostage stamp
PostfakailogaTokelauannounevidence, indication
PostfakailogaTokelauanverbto marktransitive
PostfakailogaTokelauanverbto celebratetransitive
PostfakailogaTokelauanverbto discriminatetransitive
PostfakailogaTokelauanverbto canceltransitive
PostpostcodeEnglishnounA sequence of letters and numbers added to a postal address to aid the sorting and delivery of post or mail.Commonwealth Ireland UK
PostpostcodeEnglishnounThe region denoted by a postcode.broadly
PostpostcodeEnglishverbTo give a postcode to; to mark with a postcode.UK
PostJapanesesymbolThe postal mark (郵(ゆう)便(びん)マーク (yūbin māku)), written before Japanese postal codes.
PostJapanesesymbolA symbol denoting a post office.
Prunus genus plantsChinese plumEnglishnounAny of three species of East Asian trees and their fruit: / A Japanese apricot (Prunus mume).
Prunus genus plantsChinese plumEnglishnounAny of three species of East Asian trees and their fruit: / A Japanese plum (Prunus salicina).
Prunus genus plantsChinese plumEnglishnounAny of three species of East Asian trees and their fruit: / A loquat (Eriobotrya japonica).
Prunus genus plantsalmond treeEnglishnounA tree that bears almonds (Prunus amygdalus).
Prunus genus plantsalmond treeEnglishnounAn Indian almond tree (Terminalia catappa).
Prunus genus plantsgroundcherryEnglishnounAny of various plants in the genus Physalis and their fruits
Prunus genus plantsgroundcherryEnglishnounPrunus fruticosa
PurplesfuksinaEsperantonounfuchsia, magenta
PurplesfuksinaEsperantonounfuchsia, magenta fuchsia: / fuchsia
PurplesfuksinaEsperantonounof or relating to a fuchsia shrub
PurpleslilaCatalanadjlilacfeminine masculine
PurpleslilaCatalannounlilac (color/colour)masculine
Quiz competitionsquizzerEnglishnounA person who quizzes or asks questions.
Quiz competitionsquizzerEnglishnounA person who takes part in a quiz.
Quiz competitionsquizzerEnglishnounOne who chaffs or mocks.dated
RacismgriffeEnglishnounA claw-like ornament at the base of a column.
RacismgriffeEnglishnounA person of mixed (black and white) race, especially the offspring of a mulatto (person of mixed black and white ancestry) and a person of fully black ancestry.US dated dialectal historical
Rail transportationfill-outEnglishnounAn option provided as one of a number of possible answers to a question in a form.
Rail transportationfill-outEnglishnounAn extra car added to a freight train in order to achieve a minimum tonnage.
Rail transportationfill-outEnglishnounSomething extra that is added to increase the size of something.
Rail transportationfill-outEnglishnounThe amount by which a star in a binary system extends beyond its Roche lobe.astronomy natural-sciences
Rail transportationpociągPolishnountrain (mechanical (traditionally steam-powered, now typically diesel or electrical) vehicle carrying a large number of passengers and freight along a designated track or path; a line of connected wagons considered overall as a mode of transport)inanimate masculine
Rail transportationpociągPolishnouninclination, predilection, proclivity, predisposition, penchant (condition of favoring or liking; a tendency towards)inanimate masculine
Rail transportationpociągPolishnountraverse holding up a wooden constructionbusiness construction manufacturingMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Rail transportationpociągPolishnounline that one pulls to close a fowler's netMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Rail transportationpociągPolishnounsail (piece of fabric attached to a boat and arranged such that it causes the wind to drive the boat along; the sail may be attached to the boat via a combination of mast, spars, and ropes)nautical sailing transportMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
Rail transportationpociągPolishnounanimal-drawn vehicleinanimate masculine obsolete
Rail transportationpociągPolishnounpulling (act by which something is pulled)inanimate masculine obsolete
RainchuviñaGalicianverbthird-person singular present indicative of chuviñarform-of indicative present singular third-person
RainpadaćPolishverbto fall (to move downwards under the effect of gravity)imperfective intransitive
RainpadaćPolishverbto fall, to be defeatedimperfective intransitive
RainpadaćPolishverbto rain, to snow, to hailimperfective intransitive
RainpadaćPolishverbto be mentioned, to be brought up, to be askedimperfective intransitive
RainpadaćPolishverbto dieimperfective intransitive
RainpadaćPolishverbto be very tiredexcessive imperfective informal intransitive
RainpadaćPolishverbto break (to stop fuctioning)colloquial imperfective intransitive
RainpadaćPolishverbto fall to someone's lotimperfective impersonal intransitive
RedsviininpunainenFinnishadjA deep purplish shade of red; claret-coloured, burgundy.
RedsviininpunainenFinnishnounclaret, burgundy
ReligioncryminalMiddle EnglishadjRelating to crime or illegal actions; criminal.rare
ReligioncryminalMiddle EnglishadjRelating to unjust or immoral actions; wicked, iniquitous.rare
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounThe Duat, the Egyptian afterworld / In early conceptions, the region in the eastern sky where the sun and stars rise, which serves as the abode of the dead king
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounThe Duat, the Egyptian afterworld / Later, the region underneath the earth through which the sun passes at night, in which Osiris and the dead dwell
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounThe underworld of a city as a place of dead gods
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounEpithet for the grave
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounEpithet for the crypt in the Temple of Dendera
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannamea hippopotamus goddess personifying the afterworld
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounpraise, adoration, worship
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannouna type of medicinal plantmedicine sciences
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounUsed in the phrase pr:Z1-d-wA-dwA:t-pr pr-dwꜣt (“‘House of Morning’, a place of purification”)
ReligiondwꜣtEgyptiannounUsed in the phrase Hr:r-s-S:t*U30-n-pr:Z1-d-wA-dwA*t:pr, referring to a royal cloakroom official
ReligionparamourMiddle EnglishadvIn a loving or sexual way; amorously, passionately.
ReligionparamourMiddle EnglishadvIn a kind or caring way; affectionately.
ReligionparamourMiddle EnglishadvPlease (used to make a request)
ReligionparamourMiddle EnglishnounA lover; a sexual or romantic partner: / A paramour; an illicit sexual or romantic partner.
ReligionparamourMiddle EnglishnounA lover; a sexual or romantic partner: / A term of address for someone that one loves.
ReligionparamourMiddle EnglishnounSexual, romantic or (less often) spiritual passion.
ReligionparamourMiddle EnglishnounUsed of Jesus or Maryfiguratively rare
Religionสงฆ์Thainoun(พระ~) four or more priests that constitute a ritual assembly.Buddhism lifestyle religionformal
Religionสงฆ์Thainoun(พระ~) priest.Buddhism lifestyle religionarchaic
Religionสงฆ์Thainounclergy; ecclesiastical order.Buddhism lifestyle religion
Religionสงฆ์Thainounclergy or ecclesiastical order of any religion.
ReligionカノンJapanesenouna canon
ReligionカノンJapanesenounSynonym of カノン砲 (kanon-hō, “cannon”)engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
ReptilesereYorubanounadvantage, reward
ReptilesereYorubanounprofit, reward
ReptilesereYorubanounpython, specifically the Ball python, regarded as a symbol of the rainbow spirit, Òṣùmàrè
ReptilesereYorubanounstatue, figurine, sculpture
ReptilesereYorubanounphysical play
ReptilesereYorubanounrace, run
ReptilesereYorubanoundrama, musical, play
ReptilesereYorubanountelevision show, movie, film
ReptilesereYorubanounjoke, fun
ReptilesereYorubanouninflamed or swollen part of the body
ReptilesgadPolishnounreptile (cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia)animal-not-person masculine
ReptilesgadPolishnounscoundrel (villain)masculine person
ReptilesnepërkëAlbaniannounadder, viperfeminine
ReptilesnepërkëAlbaniannounsand viper, nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes)feminine
ReptilesnepërkëAlbaniannounsnake-in-the-grass, crafty and dishonorable personfeminine figuratively
ReptilesкайланNanainounidol in the shape of a turtlearchaic
RestaurantshandelPolishnountrade (buying and selling of goods and services on a market)economics sciencesinanimate masculine
RestaurantshandelPolishnounsmall restaurant next to a wine storagearchaic inanimate masculine
RestaurantshandelPolishnounwarehouse (place for storing large amounts of products)inanimate masculine obsolete
RestaurantshandelPolishnounstreetside junk trader (person who trades in junk by the street)colloquial humorous inanimate masculine obsolete
RestaurantshandelPolishnounstore; standMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RestaurantshandelPolishnouncommodity (that which is traded)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
RestaurantshandelPolishnountrade (making transactions, activity, conduct, occupation, profession; enterprise, business, matter)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
RestaurantsстоловаяRussiannoundining room
RestaurantsстоловаяRussiannouncanteen, cafeteria, restaurant
RestaurantsстоловаяRussianadjfeminine nominative singular of столо́вый (stolóvyj)feminine form-of nominative singular
Rhetoric修辭Chineseverbto polish the languageliterary
Rhetoric修辭Chinesenounfigure of speech; rhetoric
RiversالعاصيArabicadjdefinite masculine singular of عَاصٍ (ʕāṣin)definite form-of masculine singular
RiversالعاصيArabicnamethe Orontes
Rivers in FranceRhodanianEnglishadjOf, or aboriginal to, the Rhône valley.not-comparable
Rivers in FranceRhodanianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Rhône valley.
Rivers in the United StatesNiagaraFrenchnameNiagara Rivermasculine uncountable
Rivers in the United StatesNiagaraFrenchnameNiagara Fallsfeminine plural plural-only
RoadsushorobaSwahilinouncorridorclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
RoadsushorobaSwahilinounalleywayclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
RockskameníCzechnounstonescollective neuter singular singular-only
RockskameníCzechverbthird-person singular/plural present indicative of kamenětform-of indicative plural present singular third-person
RocksvolcaniclasticEnglishadjBeing a clastic rock chiefly composed of volcanic materialsgeography geology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
RocksvolcaniclasticEnglishnounA clastic rock chiefly composed of volcanic materialsgeography geology natural-sciences
RocksորձաքարArmeniannounany hard rock, such as granite, basalt, etc.
Roman CatholicismPanPolishnamePan (Greek god of nature)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine person
Roman CatholicismPanPolishnamePan (moon of Saturn)astronomy natural-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine
Roman CatholicismPanPolishnounLord, Sir (title)masculine person
Roman CatholicismPanPolishnameLord (God)masculine person
Roman CatholicismPanPolishnameLord (Jesus)Christianity biblical lifestyle religion theologymasculine person
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo perceive or detect someone or something with the eyes, or as if by sight. / To witness or observe by personal experience.transitive
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo perceive or detect someone or something with the eyes, or as if by sight. / To watch (a movie) at a cinema, or a show on television etc.transitive
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo perceive or detect someone or something with the eyes, or as if by sight.transitive
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo form a mental picture of. / To understand.figuratively
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo form a mental picture of. / To come to a realization of having been mistaken or misled.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo form a mental picture of. / To foresee, predict, or prophesy.transitive
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo form a mental picture of. / Used to emphasise a proposition.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo form a mental picture of.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo meet, to visit. / To have an interview with; especially, to make a call upon; to visit.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo meet, to visit. / To date frequently.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo meet, to visit. / To visit for a medical appointment.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo be the setting or time of.ergative
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbChiefly followed by that: to ensure that something happens, especially by personally witnessing it.broadly
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo wait upon; attend, escort.transitive
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo respond to another player's bet with a bet of equal value.gambling gamestransitive
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo determine by trial or experiment; to find out (if or whether).
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo reference or to study for further details.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo examine something closely, or to utilize something, often as a temporary alternative.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishverbTo include as one of something's experiences.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishintjIntroducing an explanation
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishnounA diocese, archdiocese; a region of a church, generally headed by a bishop or an archbishop.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishnounThe office of a bishop or archbishop; bishopric or archbishopric.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishnounA seat; a site; a place where sovereign power is exercised.
Roman CatholicismseeEnglishnounAlternative form of cee; the name of the Latin-script letter C/c.alt-of alternative
RoomsRuumLimburgishnounspacenatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
RoomsRuumLimburgishnouncapacity, volume, roommasculine
RoomsRuumLimburgishnounroom, chambermasculine
RoomsRuumLimburgishnounplace, area, field, room, spacemasculine
RoomsRuumLimburgishnounfame, glorymasculine uncountable
RoomsamfiladaPolishnounenfilade (series of doors that provide a vista when open)architecturefeminine
RoomsamfiladaPolishnounenfilade (gunfire directed along the length of a target)government military politics warfeminine obsolete
RoomsbuồngVietnamesenouna bunch
RoomscuisineFrenchverbinflection of cuisiner: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
RoomscuisineFrenchverbinflection of cuisiner: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
RoomscusénaEmiliannounfemale cousinfeminine
RoomsguardroomEnglishnounA room used by soldiers when on guard.
RoomsguardroomEnglishnounA jail cell in which military prisoners are kept.
RoomsдневнаMacedonianadjindefinite feminine singular of дневен (dneven)feminine form-of indefinite singular
RoomsдневнаMacedoniannounEllipsis of дневна соба f (dnevna soba): living roomabbreviation alt-of colloquial ellipsis
Rose family plantsdewdropEnglishnounA droplet of water formed as dew.
Rose family plantsdewdropEnglishnounA slow pitch.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsdated slang
Rose family plantsdewdropEnglishnounA plant of species Dalibarda repens.
Royal residencesܩܘܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounvault; dome, cupola
Royal residencesܩܘܒܬܐClassical Syriacnoundomed palace
Royal residencesܩܘܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounapex, top, crown, centre
Royal residencesܩܘܒܬܐClassical Syriacnouncanopy, tent, tabernacle, pavilion
Royal residencesܩܘܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounumbrella
Royal residencesܩܘܒܬܐClassical Syriacnounseat, see
SalmonidsblackfishEnglishnounThe Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, especially a female after spawning.Scotland
SalmonidsblackfishEnglishnounAny of various dark-coloured fish of the Old World, especially the rudderfish (Centrolophus niger).
SalmonidsblackfishEnglishnounA pilot whale, genus Globicephalus (occasionally also used for various other whales).
SalmonidsblackfishEnglishnounEither of two dark-coloured fish of the west Atlantic, the tautog of New England (Tautoga onitis) and the black sea bass (Centropristis striata).Canada US
SalmonidsblackfishEnglishnounAny of various dark-coloured fishes of Australasia, especially the luderick, Girella tricuspidata, and a freshwater fish, Gadopsis marmoratus.Australia New-Zealand
SalmonidsblackfishEnglishverbTo go fishing for hobbies lifestyle
SalmonidsblackfishEnglishverbTo adopt signifiers of black identity (for example, by darkening the skin, or wearing traditionally black hairstyles).Internet derogatory
SandwichesbuttyEnglishnounA sandwich, usually with a hot savoury filling in a barmcake. The most common are chips, bacon, sausage and egg.Ireland New-Zealand Northern-England UK
SandwichesbuttyEnglishnounA friend.UK Wales West-Country colloquial
SandwichesbuttyEnglishnounA miner who works under contract, receiving a fixed amount per ton of coal or mining
SandwichesbuttyEnglishnounA workmate.UK colloquial
SandwichesbuttyEnglishnounA drudge; a cat's paw; someone who does the hard work; someone who is being taken advantage of by someone else.UK archaic dialectal
SandwichesbuttyEnglishnounOne of a pair of shoes or gloves.Shropshire archaic
SandwichesbuttyEnglishverbTo work together; to keep company with.UK archaic dialectal
SandwichesbuttyEnglishverbTo cohabit; to reside with another as a couple.Shropshire archaic
SandwichesbuttyEnglishverbTo act in concert with intent to defraud; to play unfairly.Yorkshire archaic
SandwichesbuttyEnglishadjResembling a heavy cart.Ireland West-Country dated
SausagessausageEnglishnounA food made of ground meat (or meat substitute) and seasoning, packed in a section of the animal's intestine, or in a similarly cylindrical shaped synthetic casing; a length of this food.countable uncountable
SausagessausageEnglishnounA sausage-shaped thing.countable uncountable
SausagessausageEnglishnounThe penis.countable slang uncountable vulgar
SausagessausageEnglishnounA term of endearment.countable informal uncountable
SausagessausageEnglishnounA saucisse.government military politics wararchaic countable uncountable
SausagessausageEnglishnounA dachshund; sausage dog.countable uncountable
SausagessausageEnglishnounShort for sausage roll (“the dole; unemployment”).abbreviation alt-of countable slang uncountable
SausagessausageEnglishverbTo squeeze tightly into something.
SausagessausageEnglishverbTo make into sausage.
SausagessausageEnglishverbTo make sausage-like, especially to give the appearance of barely fitting into the casing or skin.
SausagessausageEnglishverbTo form a sausage-like shape, with a non-uniform cross natural-sciences physical-sciences
SawsjigsawEnglishnounA power saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade which can cut curves in wood or metal.
SawsjigsawEnglishnounA jigsaw puzzle.
SawsjigsawEnglishnounSomething that can be compared to a jigsaw puzzle.
SawsjigsawEnglishverbTo cut something using a jigsaw.transitive
ScombroidsChinesecharacterblack carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)obsolete
ScombroidsChinesecharacterstew or chowder of fish and meat
SeafoodbreallachIrishnounragsin-plural masculine
SeasoningssolTok Pisinnounshoulderanatomy medicine sciences
SeasoningssolTok Pisinnounsalt
SeasoningsóleoPortuguesenounoil (liquid substance extracted from animals, vegetals, or minerals)masculine
SeasoningsóleoPortuguesenounolive oilmasculine
SeasoningsóleoPortuguesenounoil-based paintmasculine
SeasoningsóleoPortuguesenounoil paintingmasculine
SeasoningsóleoPortuguesenounessential oilmasculine
SeasonsrabiEnglishnounThe spring harvest.South-Asia
SedgessegEnglishnounA man; warrior; hero.archaic
SedgessegEnglishnounA man; fellow.UK dialectal
SedgessegEnglishnounA castrated farm animal.Scotland UK dialectal obsolete
SedgessegEnglishnounSegregationUS slang uncountable
SedgessegEnglishadjDesignated for people of colornot-comparable
SedgessegEnglishnounA metal stud or plate fixed to the sole or heel of a shoe to prevent excessive wear.
SedgessegEnglishnounA callus, an area of hardened skin.dialectal
SedgessegEnglishnounGladen, or other species of Iris
SedgessegEnglishnounClipping of segment.broadcasting mediaabbreviation alt-of clipping
Sexlong timeEnglishintjUsed as part of greeting of two people who have not been in contact for a long time.idiomatic
Sexlong timeEnglishintjUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see long, time.
Sexlong timeEnglishnounA meeting with a sex worker that usually lasts the entire prostitution sexualityIndonesia Thailand
SexTranslingualsymbolPerfect (flower), hermaphrodite.biology botany natural-sciences
SexTranslingualsymbolTransgender.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
SexTranslingualsymbolSexual intercourse.
SexualitydommyEnglishadjDominating, dominant.BDSM lifestyle sexualityslang
SexualitydommyEnglishnounSomeone's house or home.dated
ShapesemicicloItaliannounsemicircle, hemicyclemasculine
ShapesemicicloItaliannounfloor (of the Italian parliament)masculine
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounIn pre-modern European folklore: an infant of a magical creature that was secretly exchanged for a human infant. In British, Irish and Scandinavian mythology the exchanged infants were thought to be those of fairies, sprites or trolls; in other places, they were ascribed to demons, devils, or witches.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesEuropean also figuratively
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounA person or object (especially when regarded as inferior) secretly exchanged for something else.broadly
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounAn infant secretly exchanged with another infant deliberately or by mistake; a swapling.broadly informal rare
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounAn organism which can change shape to mimic others; a shape-shifter.fantasy literature media publishing science-fiction
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounA person apt to change their loyalty or thinking; a waverer.also archaic figuratively
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishnounAn idiot, a simpleton.obsolete
ShapeshifterschangelingEnglishadjChangeable, fickle, inconstant, wavering.archaic rare
SharkstintoreraCatalannounfemale equivalent of tintorerfeminine form-of
SharkstintoreraCatalannounblue shark (Prionace glauca)feminine
SharkstintoreraSpanishnouna shark of species Prionace glaucafeminine
SharkstintoreraSpanishnounfemale equivalent of tintorerofeminine form-of
Ship partsղեկOld Armeniannounoar
Ship partsղեկOld Armeniannounrudder
ShopskioskPolishnounkiosk (enclosed structure where cigarettes, magazines, etc. are sold)inanimate masculine
ShopskioskPolishnounkiosk (Turkish garden pavillion)architectureinanimate masculine
ShopskioskPolishnouna sail of a submarinenautical transportinanimate masculine
ShopskioskPolishnoungazebodated inanimate masculine
ShrikescastricaItaliannounSynonym of culbianco (“northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)”)feminine regional
ShrikescastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla capirossa (“woodchat shrike (Lanius senator)”)feminine regional
ShrikescastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla cenerina (“lesser grey shrike (Lanius minor)”)feminine regional
ShrikescastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla piccola (“red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)”)feminine regional
SiblingsshobeEnglishnounthe youngest sisterPhilippines colloquial
SiblingsshobeEnglishnouna younger sister; little sisterPhilippines colloquial informal
SiblingsshobeEnglishnouna young female junior (usually within the Chinese Filipino community)Philippines colloquial familiar
SiblingsshobeEnglishnounterm of address for the youngest sisterPhilippines colloquial
SiblingsshobeEnglishnounterm of address for a younger sisterPhilippines colloquial informal
SiblingsshobeEnglishnounterm of address for a young female junior (usually within the Chinese Filipino community)Philippines colloquial familiar
Simple machinesగసిTelugunounThe dregs of oil or melted butter.
Simple machinesగసిTelugunounA nail.
SixsextupleEnglishnouna sixfold amount
SixsextupleEnglishnounA team that wins 6 titles in the same year or season.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
SixsextupleEnglishadjHaving six parts.not-comparable
SixsextupleEnglishadjBeing six times as great.not-comparable
SixsextupleEnglishadjHaving six beats to the bar.entertainment lifestyle musicnot-comparable
SixsextupleEnglishverbTo make, or to become, six times as much (or as many).
SizemaiorLatinadjcomparative degree of magnuscomparative declension-3 form-of
SizemaiorLatinnounancestors, forefathers; advanced in years, the aged; the eldersdeclension-3 in-plural masculine
SizemaiorLatinnounA mayor (a leader of a city or town).Medieval-Latin declension-3 masculine
SizetallEnglishadjHaving a vertical extent greater than the average. For example, somebody with a height of over 6 feet would generally be considered to be tall.
SizetallEnglishadjHaving its top a long way up; having a great vertical (and often greater than horizontal) extent.usually
SizetallEnglishadjHard to believe, such as a tall story or a tall tale.
SizetallEnglishadjSmaller than grande, usually 8 ounces (~ 230 ml).US
SizetallEnglishadjObsequious; obedient.obsolete
SizetallEnglishadjSeemly; suitable; fitting, becoming, comely; attractive, handsome.obsolete
SizetallEnglishadjBold; brave; courageous; valiant.obsolete
SizetallEnglishadjFine; proper; admirable; great; excellent.archaic
SizetallEnglishnounSomeone or something that is tall.nonstandard possibly
SizetallEnglishnounA clothing size for taller people.
SizetallEnglishnounA tall serving of a drink, especially one from Starbucks, which contains 12 ounces.
Size雄偉Chineseadjmajestic; grand; magnificent
Size雄偉Chineseadjtall and sturdy
SkeletonαμόνιGreeknounanvil (for metal working)
SkeletonαμόνιGreeknounincus, anvil (bone in the ear)anatomy medicine sciences
SkinnaengZhuangnounouter layer of an animal (including a human) or plant: skin; hide; bark
SkinnaengZhuangnounfur; pelt
SkinnaengZhuangnounskin (congealed layer on the surface of a liquid)
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe act of abolishing; an annulling; abrogation.
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe state of being abolished.
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe ending of the slave trade or of slavery.UK US capitalized historical often
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounThe ending of convict transportation.Australia capitalized historical often
SlaveryabolitionEnglishnounAn amnesty; a putting out of memory.obsolete
SleepadormecidoPortugueseadjsleepy, dozy, drowsy
SleepadormecidoPortugueseverbpast participle of adormecerform-of participle past
SleeplunatyczniePolishadvin a somnambulistic mannernot-comparable
SleeplunatyczniePolishadvin a dreamlike mannernot-comparable
Slovene cardinal numbersdevetnajstSlovenenumnineteen
Slovene cardinal numbersdevetnajstSlovenenumnineteencolloquial
Slovene cardinal numbersdevetnajstSlovenenouna group of nineteen things with masculine grammatical gender or a group of people with at least one masculine
Slovene cardinal numbersdevetnajstSlovenenouna group of nineteen things with feminine grammatical gender or a group of people with no males.feminine in-plural
Slovene cardinal numbersdevetnajstSlovenenouna group of nineteen things with neuter grammatical genderin-plural neuter
Slovene cardinal numbersdevetnajstSlovenenounseven o'clock in the afternoonfeminine
Slovene cardinal numbersdevetnajstSlovenenounnumber nineteenneuter
SmelltrącićPolishverbto jostle, to knockperfective transitive
SmelltrącićPolishverbto jostle each otherperfective reflexive
SmelltrącićPolishverbto clink glasses when toastingperfective reflexive
SmelltrącićPolishverbto stink, to smell badimperfective intransitive
SmelltrącićPolishverbto stink, to be fishyimperfective intransitive
SnailsSchnegelGermannounkeelback slug (any of various slugs of the family Limacidae)biology natural-sciences zoologymasculine strong
SnailsSchnegelGermannounSynonym of Schnecke (“slug, snail”)dialectal masculine obsolete strong
SnailsbursztynkaPolishnounprothonotary warblerfeminine
SnailsbursztynkaPolishnoungenitive singular of bursztynekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
SoftwareplugicielFrenchnounplug-in (computer program addon)masculine
SoundssípáníCzechnounverbal noun of sípatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
SpicesקאַריYiddishnouncurry (dish)
SpicesקאַריYiddishnouncurry (spice)
Spices and herbssorrelEnglishnounAny of various plants with acidic leaves of the genus Rumex, especiallycountable uncountable
Spices and herbssorrelEnglishnounAny of various plants with acidic leaves of the genus Rumex, especially / Rumex acetosa (common sorrel, garden sorrel), sometimes used as a salad vegetable.countable uncountable
Spices and herbssorrelEnglishnounMembers of genus Oxalis or family Oxalidaceae, woodsorrels.countable uncountable
Spices and herbssorrelEnglishnounThe roselle, Hibiscus sabdariffa.countable uncountable
Spices and herbssorrelEnglishnounThe roselle, Hibiscus sabdariffa. / A drink, consumed especially in the Caribbean around Christmas, made from the flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa: hibiscus tea.countable uncountable
Spices and herbssorrelEnglishnounA brown colour, with a tint of red.countable uncountable
Spices and herbssorrelEnglishadjOf a brown colour, with a tint of red. (especially: a sorrel horse)not-comparable
SpinningfilosaCatalanadjfeminine singular of filósfeminine form-of singular
SpinningfilosaCatalannounCytinus hypocistisValencia feminine
SportspiedpilkoEsperantonounfootball; soccer balluncountable
Sportsspectator sportEnglishnounA sporting activity which has a relatively high ratio of watchers to direct participants.
Sportsspectator sportEnglishnounSomething, especially a process or activity, which is a popular object of observation; an activity which a person prefers to watch rather than to participate in.idiomatic
Sportsspectator sportEnglishnounAn activity which consists of watching or observing.idiomatic
Sports송구Koreannounthe act of throwing or passing the ballball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Sports송구KoreannounSynonym of 핸드볼 (haendeubol, “handball (sport)”)
Sports송구KoreanrootRoot of 송구하다 (songguhada). Rarely used alone.morpheme
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnameInitialism of Veterans Administration, the government department of Veterans AffairsgovernmentUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnameAbbreviation of Virginia, a state of the United States of America.abbreviation alt-of
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of value analysis.managementabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of various artists.entertainment lifestyle musicabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of voice artist.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of voice actor.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of voice actress.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of volt-ampere.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of virtual assistant.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of visual arts.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishnounInitialism of vertical alignment (“LCD screen technology”).business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
States of the United StatesVAEnglishadjInitialism of voluntary aided.educationUK abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Stick insectsпръчицаBulgariannoundiminutive of прът (prǎt, “staff”)diminutive form-of
Stick insectsпръчицаBulgariannounstick insect, phasmid (polyneopteran insects of order Phasmatodea)broadly
Stock charactersgold diggerEnglishnounSomeone who digs or mines for gold.
Stock charactersgold diggerEnglishnounA person (usually female) who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain wealth.derogatory figuratively
StockholmStockholmerEnglishnounSomeone from Stockholm in Sweden.
StockholmStockholmerEnglishadjOf, from or pertaining to Stockholm.not-comparable
SunsolsideNorwegian Bokmålnounon something, the side which faces the Sunfeminine masculine
SunsolsideNorwegian Bokmålnouna best side; bright sidefeminine figuratively idiomatic masculine
Syngnathiform fishsea adderEnglishnounA European fifteen-spined stickleback, a fish of species Spinachia spinachia (syn. Gasterosteus spinachia).
Syngnathiform fishsea adderEnglishnounA tanglefish, or greater pipefish (Syngnathus acus).
TaiwanFive PoisonsEnglishnameFive animals regarded as poisonous or otherwise hazardous in Chinese folklore: typically snakes, scorpions, centipedes, toads, and spiders.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
TaiwanFive PoisonsEnglishnameFive groups regarded by the Communist Party of China as threats to their rule: Uyghur and Tibetan supporters of respective independence movements, Falun Gong adherents, and supporters of Chinese democracy and the independence of Taiwan.government politics
TalkingbelebeszélHungarianverbto speak into something such as a microphone (with -ba/-be)intransitive
TalkingbelebeszélHungarianverbto interrupt, break into a conversationintransitive
TalkingbelebeszélHungarianverbto stick one's nose into someone else's businessintransitive
TalkingenraonarCatalanverbto talk, chatBalearic Central Valencia intransitive
TalkingenraonarCatalanverbto reason, argue (in a conversation)Balearic Central Valencia transitive
TalkingfrasejarCatalanverbto form phrasesBalearic Central Valencia intransitive
TalkingfrasejarCatalanverbto phraseentertainment lifestyle musicBalearic Central Valencia transitive
TalkingrackleEnglishnounA chain.Northern-England Scotland UK countable dialectal
TalkingrackleEnglishnounNoisy talk.Northern-England Scotland UK dialectal uncountable
TalkingrackleEnglishverbTo talk noisily; rattle on.Northern-England Scotland UK dialectal
TalkingrackleEnglishadjOf a person: rash, impetuous, reckless
TalkingrackleEnglishadjRough, crude
TalkingrackleEnglishadjSturdy in old age
TalkingrozhoworPolishnounSynonym of rozmowadated inanimate masculine
TalkingrozhoworPolishnounSynonym of naradadated inanimate masculine
TalkingrozhoworPolishnounSynonym of narada / Synonym of pertraktacjedated in-plural inanimate masculine
TalkingříkatCzechverbto sayimperfective
TalkingříkatCzechverbto call, to nameimperfective
Tamil cardinal numbersஒன்பதுTamilnumnine
Tamil cardinal numbersஒன்பதுTamilnounA transsexual, person, usually a trans woman.derogatory offensive slang
TasteкислятинаRussiannounsour fruit
TasteкислятинаRussiannounsour fruit drink, citric drink
TaxationonusLatinnounburden, loaddeclension-3 neuter
TaxationonusLatinnouncargo, freightdeclension-3 neuter
TaxationonusLatinnountax, tax burdendeclension-3 figuratively neuter
TaxonomymaterialyMiddle EnglishadjMaterially; with regard to physical things or characteristics.Late-Middle-English
TaxonomymaterialyMiddle EnglishadjWith a material existence or form; in a real manner.Late-Middle-English rare
TaxonomymaterialyMiddle EnglishadjWithin a topic or discipline's traditions (of classification)Late-Middle-English rare
TelevisionchuviscoPortuguesenounsnow (static on a TV screen)Brazil masculine
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto heat (to increase the temperature of something)imperfective transitive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto warm (to radiate heat)imperfective transitive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto hit (to physically beat or hit, such as with one's fists)colloquial imperfective transitive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto shoot (i.e. from a gun)colloquial imperfective transitive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto go away quicklyimperfective intransitive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto drink a large amount of alcoholcolloquial imperfective intransitive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto be heatedimperfective reflexive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto be mulledimperfective reflexive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto be sweaty or become moistimperfective reflexive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto be ruined as a result of too high a temperatureimperfective reflexive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto fight with someone (physically)imperfective reflexive
TemperaturegrzaćPolishverbto be in heat (to be sexually aroused)imperfective reflexive
TemperaturekládaCzechnouncold temperaturefeminine slang
TemperaturekládaCzechnouncock (penis)feminine informal
TemperatureocieplaćPolishverbto insulate (to separate so as to prevent a transfer, e.g. a house)imperfective transitive
TemperatureocieplaćPolishverbto warm (to make or keep warm)imperfective transitive
TemperatureocieplaćPolishverbto warm up (to improve interpersonal relations)figuratively imperfective transitive
TemperatureocieplaćPolishverbto become insulatedimperfective reflexive
TemperatureocieplaćPolishverbto become warmimperfective reflexive
TemperatureocieplaćPolishverbto have better relationsfiguratively imperfective reflexive
Theater導演Chineseverbto direct (a film or play)
Theater導演Chinesenoundirector (of film or theatre) (Classifier: 名 m; 位 m)countable
Theater影戲Chinesenounshadow play; shadow puppets; leather-silhouette show
Theater影戲Chinesenounfilm; moviedialectal
Theater影戲Chinesenounsilent filmEastern Min dated
TheologymoralSpanishadjmoral (relating to right and wrong)feminine masculine
TheologymoralSpanishadjmoral (conforming to a standard of right behaviour)feminine masculine
TheologymoralSpanishnounmorals, standard (modes of conduct)feminine
TheologymoralSpanishnounmorale (the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal)feminine
TheologymoralSpanishnounmulberry treemasculine
ThinkingакаарыYakutadjfoolish, stupid
ThinkingакаарыYakutnounan idiot, fool, ninny
TimehistoricEnglishadjVery important; noteworthy: having importance or significance in history.
TimehistoricEnglishadjOld-fashioned, untouched by modernity.
TimehistoricEnglishadjSynonym of historical: of, concerning, or in accordance with recorded history or the past generally (See usage notes.)uncommon
TimehistoricEnglishadjVarious grammatical tenses and moods specially used in retelling past events.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
TimehistoricEnglishnounA history, a non-fiction account of the past.obsolete
TimehistoricEnglishnounA historian.obsolete
TimenaʼalkidNavajonountime (by the clock)
TimenightlongEnglishadjLasting a night (i.e. the duration of one night); lasting all night.not-comparable
TimenightlongEnglishadvThrough the night.not-comparable
TimeperiodEnglishnounA length of time.
TimeperiodEnglishnounA length of time in history seen as a single coherent entity; an epoch, era.
TimeperiodEnglishnounThe punctuation mark “.” (indicating the ending of a sentence or marking an abbreviation).Canada Philippines US
TimeperiodEnglishnounA decisive end to something; a stop.figuratively
TimeperiodEnglishnounThe length of time during which the same characteristics of a periodic phenomenon recur, such as the repetition of a wave or the rotation of a planet.
TimeperiodEnglishnounFemale menstruation; an episode of this.euphemistic
TimeperiodEnglishnounFemale menstruation; an episode of this. / The set of symptoms associated with menstruation, even if not accompanied by menstruation; an episode of these symptoms.euphemistic
TimeperiodEnglishnounA section of an artist's, writer's (etc.) career distinguished by a given quality, preoccupation etc.
TimeperiodEnglishnounEach of the divisions into which a school day is split, allocated to a given subject or activity.
TimeperiodEnglishnounEach of the intervals, typically three, of which a game is divided.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sports
TimeperiodEnglishnounOne or more additional intervals to decide a tied game, an overtime period.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sports
TimeperiodEnglishnounThe length of time for a disease to run its course.medicine sciencesobsolete
TimeperiodEnglishnounAn end or conclusion; the final point of a process, a state, an event, etc.archaic
TimeperiodEnglishnounA complete sentence, especially one expressing a single thought or making a balanced, rhythmic whole.rhetoric
TimeperiodEnglishnounA specific moment during a given process; a point, a stage.obsolete
TimeperiodEnglishnounA row in the periodic table of the elements.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TimeperiodEnglishnounA geochronologic unit of millions to tens of millions of years; a subdivision of an era, and subdivided into epochs.geography geology natural-sciences
TimeperiodEnglishnounA Drosophila gene, the gene product of which is involved in regulation of the circadian rhythm.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
TimeperiodEnglishnounTwo phrases (an antecedent and a consequent phrase).entertainment lifestyle music
TimeperiodEnglishnounThe length of an interval over which a periodic function, periodic sequence or repeating decimal repeats; often the least such length.mathematics sciences
TimeperiodEnglishadjDesignating anything from a given historical era.not-comparable
TimeperiodEnglishadjEvoking, or appropriate for, a particular historical period, especially through the use of elaborate costumes and scenery.not-comparable
TimeperiodEnglishintjThat's final; that's the end of the matter (analogous to a period ending a sentence); end of story.Canada US
TimeperiodEnglishverbTo come to a period; to conclude.intransitive obsolete
TimeperiodEnglishverbTo put an end to.obsolete rare transitive
TimeperiodEnglishverbTo menstruate; to excrete menstrual blood.colloquial
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA quarter (fourth part of something): / A quarter of a whole chicken.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA quarter (fourth part of something): / One of the four divisions of the earth or sky.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA quarter (fourth part of something): / A quarter of the year; a three-month period.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA quarter (fourth part of something): / A quarter of the night; a three-hour period.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA quarter (fourth part of something): / A quarter of an hour; a 15-minute period.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA quarter (fourth part of something): / One of the moon's four phases.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA quarter (fourth part of something): / A fourth part of a coat of arms.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounOne of various units of measure: / A unit of capacity (being a quarter of another measure).
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounOne of various units of measure: / A unit of weight (often a quarter of an ounce or pound).
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounOne of various units of measure: / A unit of length (nine inches; being quarter of an ell).
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounAny part, portion, or fragment.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA region, locale or place.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA certain fencing maneuver.
TimequarterMiddle EnglishnounA direction; a way.rare
TimeצפראAramaicnounsparrow, finch
TimeجٍيPattani Malaynounclock
TimeجٍيPattani Malaynounhour
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnounmixture, blend, compound
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnounconstitution, composition, makeup
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnounconfusion
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnounmoderation
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnounhealth
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnountime of year, season
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnountemperature, climate
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnounhypostatic unionlifestyle religion theology
TimeܡܘܙܓܐClassical Syriacnounconjunctionastronomy natural-sciences
Timeเย็นThaiadjcold; cool; chill.
Timeเย็นThaiadjcool; calm; composed; serene.
Timeเย็นThaiadjchilled; iced.
Timeเย็นThainounthe period of time from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Timeเย็นThainounevening; late afternoon; early evening.broadly
TimeሰነትTigrenounperiod, time
Time眼見Chineseverbto see with one's own eyes; to witness
Time眼見Chineseadvright away; straight away
Time萬歲Chineseverbto long live (in exclamations); may ... have a long life; hooray
Time萬歲Chineseverbto treat or shout others to a mealCantonese colloquial
Time萬歲ChinesenounYour Majesty; the emperorhistorical
Time traveltimescapeEnglishnounA perspective over a period (particularly a long period) of time.
Time traveltimescapeEnglishnounA multi-dimensional view of time, especially one in which time travel occurs.literature media publishing science-fiction
Times of daybeer o'clockEnglishnounThe time of the first beer (or alcoholic beverage) of the day.humorous slang uncountable
Times of daybeer o'clockEnglishnounTime for a beer (the first of the day or otherwise).humorous slang uncountable
Times of daydarkEnglishadjHaving an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light. / Extinguished.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjHaving an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light. / Deprived of sight; blind.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjHaving an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjTransmitting, reflecting, or receiving inadequate light to render timely discernment or comprehension: caliginous, darkling, dim, gloomy, lightless, sombre.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjDull or deeper in hue; not bright or light.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjAmbiguously or unclearly expressed: enigmatic, esoteric, mysterious, obscure, undefined.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjMarked by or conducted with secrecy: hidden, secret; clandestine, surreptitious.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjMarked by or conducted with secrecy: hidden, secret; clandestine, surreptitious. / Having racing capability not widely known.gambling games
Times of daydarkEnglishadjWithout moral or spiritual light; sinister, malevolent, malign.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjConducive to hopelessness; depressing or bleak.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjLacking progress in science or the arts.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjExtremely sad, depressing, or somber, typically due to, or marked by, a tragic or undesirable event.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjWith emphasis placed on the unpleasant and macabre aspects of life; said of a work of fiction, a work of nonfiction presented in narrative form, or a portion of either.
Times of daydarkEnglishadjOff the air; not transmitting.broadcasting media
Times of daydarkEnglishnounA complete or (more often) partial absence of light.uncountable usually
Times of daydarkEnglishnounIgnorance.uncountable usually
Times of daydarkEnglishnounNightfall.uncountable usually
Times of daydarkEnglishnounA dark shade or dark passage in a painting, engraving, etc.uncountable usually
Times of daydarkEnglishverbTo grow or become dark, darken.intransitive
Times of daydarkEnglishverbTo remain in the dark, lurk, lie hidden or concealed.intransitive
Times of daydarkEnglishverbTo make dark, darken; to obscure.transitive
Times of daysunupEnglishnounThe time of day when the sun appears above the eastern horizon.US countable uncountable
Times of daysunupEnglishnounThe change in color of the sky at sunup.US countable uncountable
TitleslakanTagalognounnobleman; man of noble rank
TitleslakanTagalognounlakan (title of nobility or ruler of polities in the precolonial Philippines)historical
TitleslakanTagalognounblack belt (in Filipino martial arts)government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
ToadsgripauCatalannoungoldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris)masculine
ToolslemieszPolishnounploughshareagriculture business lifestyleinanimate masculine
ToolslemieszPolishnounvomeranatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
ToolsकुठारSanskritnounhoe, spade
ToolsલંગરGujaratinounanchor (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom)nautical transport
ToolsલંગરGujaratinounlangar, a communal kitchenIslam Sufism human-sciences lifestyle mysticism philosophy religion sciencesSikhism
ToolsલંગરGujaratinounankletjewelry lifestyle
Torturepau-de-araraPortuguesenountorture method in which the victim's ankles and wrists are bound to a pole, widely used during the military dictatorship in BrazilBrazil masculine uncountable
Torturepau-de-araraPortuguesenountruck converted to carry passengers in the Northeast Region of BrazilBrazil masculine
Torturepau-de-araraPortuguesenounParkia platycephala, a tree in the family Fabaceae native to Brazilbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Torturepau-de-araraPortuguesenounSalvertia convallariaeodora, a tree native to Brazilbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Towns牡鹿Japanesenouna stag; a buck
Towns牡鹿Japanesenamea place name
Toyspogo stickEnglishnounA toy, used for hopping up and down on, consisting of a pole with a T-bar handle at one end, and spring-loaded footpads on the other.
Toyspogo stickEnglishnounSynonym of tailstandaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinformal
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounOne who or that which squeaks.
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounOne who or that which squeaks. / A young user on a voice chat system who has a high-pitched voice.Internet
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounA party toy that uncoils with a squeaking sound when blown; a party puffer.
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn informer.slang
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounA game or election won by a narrow margin.US
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / An Australian grey crow-shrike or grey currawong (Strepera versicolor plumbea).
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A piglet of the wild boar.
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / Any of family Arthroleptidae, of frogs.
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / Any of genus Synodontis, of catfish.
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A young bird; a cheeper.
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn animal that squeaks. / A young bird; a cheeper. / A squab or young domestic pigeon still in the nest.
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounAn act of flatulence; a fart.slang
ToyssqueakerEnglishnounA child, especially an illegitimate one.slang
TransgendertransgenderalEnglishnounA transgender person.dated rare
TransgendertransgenderalEnglishadjOf a person, transgender (having gender which is different from one's assigned sex).dated not-comparable rare
TransgendertransgenderalEnglishadjOf a person, expressing a different gender role.dated not-comparable rare
Translation studiesspolszczyćPolishverbto Polonizeperfective transitive
Translation studiesspolszczyćPolishverbto translate into Polishperfective transitive
Translation studies邦訳JapanesenounJapanese translation
Translation studies邦訳Japaneseverbto translate into Japanese
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualcharacterThe twenty-fourth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.letter
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualnumThe Roman numeral ten (10).
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualnumThe tenth.especially
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolA strike.bowling hobbies lifestyle sports
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolA fail.hobbies lifestyle sports
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolOne of the tristimulus values which, with Y and Z, defines coordinates in a three-dimensional color space. Pronounced (in English) big X or cap X.
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolA placeholder for any letter or word.
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolA wildcard for any sound (consonant, vowel or tone).human-sciences linguistics sciences
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolSubstituted for the third letter of a currency code to denote the minor unit of that currency.
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolHalogen.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Translingual cardinal numbersXTranslingualsymbolA hazard indicator, sometimes incorporated into standard labeling and signage systems.
Translingual diacritical marks◌́Translingualcharactera high tone.IPA diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks◌́Translingualcharactera rising tone, or, in contrast to low ⟨◌̗⟩, a high rising tone.IPA diacritic obsolete
Translingual diacritical marks◌́TranslingualcharacterMarks a stressed syllable with "falling tone".dialectology human-sciences linguistics sciencesLithuanian diacritic
Translingual diacritical marks◌́TranslingualcharacterA palatalized consonant, and in some conventions a palatal consonant. For example, palatalized t́, d́, ś, ź, ń, ĺ; palatalized or palatal ḱ, ǵ, χ́, γ́ and ŋ́ or ή.UPA diacritic
Translingual numeral symbolsVIIITranslingualnumA Roman numeral representing the number eight (8).
Translingual numeral symbolsVIIITranslingualnumthe eighth.especially
TransporttankvognDanishnountanker (a road vehicle with a tank for carrying liquids)common-gender
TransporttankvognDanishnountank wagon (a rail vehicle with a tank for carrying liquids)common-gender
TravelpúťSlovaknouna wandering, journey, travelfeminine literary
TravelpúťSlovaknouna travel to a place of pilgrimagefeminine
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishnounThe aromatic resin of trees of the genus Commiphora; balsam.
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishnounA soothing ointment, especially one containing balsam.
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishnounOne of several herbs believed to invigorate.
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishnounA substance that refreshes or invigorates.figuratively
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishnounA tree of the genus Commiphora.rare
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishnounA liquid or ointment for embalming.rare
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishnounLamp oil impregnated with balsam.rare
TreesbawmeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of bawmenalt-of alternative
TreescarpinoItaliannounAlternative form of carpinealt-of alternative masculine
TreescarpinoItalianverbinflection of carpare: / third-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present subjunctive third-person
TreescarpinoItalianverbinflection of carpare: / third-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural third-person
TreesgrejpfrutPolishnoungrapefruit (tree)inanimate masculine
TreesgrejpfrutPolishnoungrapefruit (fruit)inanimate masculine
TreespescoItaliannounpeach treemasculine
TreespescoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of pescarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
TreespomorandžaSerbo-CroatiannounorangeBosnia Montenegro Serbia
TreespomorandžaSerbo-Croatiannounorange treeBosnia Montenegro Serbia
TreessuszkaPolishnounblotter (desk item which holds blotting paper)feminine
TreessuszkaPolishnounsiccative, drierchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
TreessuszkaPolishnoundry tree or branch; snagbusiness forestryfeminine regional
TreessuszkaPolishnouna type of mopnautical sailing transportfeminine
TreessuszkaPolishnouneverlasting, immortelle (flower)feminine informal
Treestrứng cáVietnamesenouna fish egg(s); roe
Treestrứng cáVietnamesenounMuntingia calabura
Treestrứng cáVietnamesenounShort for mụn trứng cá (“acne pimple”).abbreviation alt-of
TreesдрвцеSerbo-Croatiannounsmall/tiny tree, especially Christmas tree
TreesдрвцеSerbo-Croatiannounsliver (thin piece of wood)
TreesдрвцеSerbo-Croatiannoundiminutive of дрвоdiminutive form-of
Treesపర్పటముTelugunounA tree called species:Pharnaceum cervianum Rottler.
Treesపర్పటముTelugunounA kind of grass.
Trees나모Middle Koreannountree
Trees나모Middle Koreannounwood
Trifolieae tribe plantsչամանArmeniannouncumin, Cuminum cyminum (plant, seed and paste made from seeds)
Trifolieae tribe plantsչամանArmeniannouncaraway, Carum gen. et spp. (plant, seed and paste made from seeds)
Trifolieae tribe plantsչամանArmeniannounfenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum (plant, seed and paste made from seeds)
TwopârWelshnounpair (two similar or identical things)masculine
TwopârWelshverbinflection of peri: / third-person singular present indicative/futureform-of literary
TwopârWelshverbinflection of peri: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative literary second-person singular
Twotwo-tierEnglishadjHaving or consisting of two tiers.not-comparable
Twotwo-tierEnglishadjRelating to the two-tier system, a payroll system in which one group of workers receives lower wages and/or benefits than another.not-comparable
UkraineOdesiteEnglishadjOf, from, or relating to Odesa (city in Ukraine)
UkraineOdesiteEnglishnounNative or inhabitant of Odesa
United KingdomAnglophileEnglishnounA person who loves or admires the country, culture or people of England.
United KingdomAnglophileEnglishnounA person who loves or admires the country, culture or people of the United Kingdom.broadly
United KingdomAnglophileEnglishadjEnglish loving; admiring English culture.not-comparable
United KingdomAnglophileEnglishadjBritish loving; admiring British culture.broadly not-comparable
United StatesamerikānisLatviannounan American man, a man born in the United States of Americadeclension-2 masculine
United StatesamerikānisLatviannounAmerican; pertaining to the United States of America and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
Units of measurebrasseFrenchnounfathom (unit of measure)feminine
Units of measurebrasseFrenchnounstrokehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingfeminine
Units of measurebrasseFrenchnounbreaststrokehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingfeminine
Units of measuremile a minuteEnglishnounA rate of sixty miles per hour.
Units of measuremile a minuteEnglishphraseVery quickly.informal
Units of measurethưngVietnamesenouna kind of bushel for measuring grains
Units of measurethưngVietnamesenounthe quantity which fills a full thưng, often said to be 1/10 of a đấu but can vary
Units of measurethưngVietnameseverbto use planks or bamboo sheets to separate spaces within a house
Units of measurethưngVietnameseverbto raise; to lift
Units of measureχοῖνιξAncient GreeknounA dry measure for corn, a choenix
Units of measureχοῖνιξAncient GreeknounA kind of stocks for fastening the legs
Units of measureсантиметрRussiannouncentimeter/centimetre (SI unit of measure)
Units of measureсантиметрRussiannountape measure
Units of measureဆံခြည်Burmesenouna strand of hair
Units of measureဆံခြည်Burmesenouna unit of measure equal to 79.375 µm or 0.003125 inch
Units of measureṣankTocharian Bnouna measure of volume, roughly equal to 1.1 liters or 1.2 quartsneuter
Units of measureṣankTocharian Bnouna dry measure, roughly equal to a quart or literneuter
UniversitiesIowaEnglishnameA state in the Midwestern region of the United States. Capital and largest city: Des Moines.
UniversitiesIowaEnglishnameA tributary of the Mississippi River which flows through Iowa in a southeast direction.
UniversitiesIowaEnglishnameA town in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
UniversitiesIowaEnglishnameUniversity of Iowa.
UniversitiesIowaEnglishnounOne of the Native Americans formerly occupying the region now included in the state of Iowa.
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounThe garden where Plato taught.classical-studies history human-sciences sciencescapitalized usually
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounPlato's philosophical system based on skepticism; Plato's followers.classical-studies history human-sciences sciencescapitalized usually
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounAn institution for the study of higher learning; a college or a university; typically a private school.
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounA school or place of training in which some special art is taught.
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounA society of learned people united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science.
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounThe knowledge disseminated in an Academy.obsolete
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounA body of established opinion in a particular field, regarded as authoritative.
UniversitiesacademyEnglishnounA school directly funded by central government, independent of local control.educationUK
Universities湖大ChinesenameShort for 湖南大學.abbreviation alt-of
Universities湖大ChinesenameShort for 湖北大學.abbreviation alt-of
Usenetbottom-postEnglishnounA post on an online forum whose contents are placed below a quoted message which is being replied to.Internet dated
Usenetbottom-postEnglishverbTo make a bottom-post.Internet dated intransitive transitive
VegetablescocomeroItaliannounwatermelon, specifically: / the plant Citrullus lanatusmasculine
VegetablescocomeroItaliannounwatermelon, specifically: / the fruit of the plantbroadly masculine
VegetablescocomeroItaliannounwatermelon, specificallymasculine
VegetablescocomeroItaliannouna foolish or unreliable manfiguratively masculine
VegetablescocomeroItaliannouncucumbermasculine regional
VegetablestaccolaItaliannounflaw, imperfectionfeminine uncommon
VegetablestaccolaItaliannounmangetout (Pisum sativum)Italy Northern feminine
VegetablestaccolaItaliannounWestern jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)feminine
VegetablestaccolaItaliannoungossip, tittle-tattlefeminine figuratively obsolete
VegetablestaccolaItaliannountrifle, bagatellefeminine figuratively obsolete
VegetablestaccolaItaliannounjoke, prankfeminine figuratively obsolete
VegetablestaccolaItaliannounplot, intriguefeminine figuratively obsolete
VegetablestamatisCebuanonouna tomato / a widely cultivated plant, Solanum lycopersicum, having edible fruit
VegetablestamatisCebuanonouna tomato / the savory fruit of this plant, red when ripe, treated as a vegetable in horticulture and cooking
VegetablestopinamburItaliannounJerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)invariable masculine
VegetablestopinamburItaliannounJerusalem artichoke (tuber)invariable masculine
VegetablesморковкаRussiannouncarrot (root vegetable, usually orange)colloquial
VegetablesморковкаRussiannoundiminutive of морко́вь (morkóvʹ); carrotscollective diminutive form-of uncountable
Vegetablesស្អំKhmerverbto warm or to heat by putting something hot close to the object or area to be heated
Vegetablesស្អំKhmernounclimbing wattle, Senegalia pennata
VehiclestruckSwedishnounAbbreviation of gaffeltruck; A forklift truck (used to move and lift goods)abbreviation alt-of common-gender
VehiclestruckSwedishnounAbbreviation of handtruck; A pallet jackabbreviation alt-of common-gender
Vehiclesтук-тукRussianintjknock-knock (verbal knocking sound)
Vehiclesтук-тукRussiannouna tuk-tuk (motorized rickshaw)India Thailand
Video gamesNuzlockeEnglishnounA self-imposed challenge where the player can only catch the first wild Pokémon encountered in each area, and any caught Pokémon that faints cannot be used again.
Video gamesNuzlockeEnglishnounA similarly challenging playthrough of any game other than Pokémon.broadly
VillagesHonkalaFinnishnamea Finnish surname from landscape
VillagesHonkalaFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland.
VisionaareayrtysManxnounreviewgovernment military politics warmasculine no-plural
VisionaareayrtysManxnoundouble visionmasculine no-plural
VisionuitkijkenDutchverbto watch (something) until the endtransitive
VisionuitkijkenDutchverbto look out, to watch out, to be vigilantintransitive
VisionuitkijkenDutchverbto look forward tointransitive
VisionuitkijkenDutchnounplural of uitkijkform-of plural
VisualizationstoryboardEnglishnounA series of drawings that lay out the sequence of scenes in a film or series, especially an animated one.
VisualizationstoryboardEnglishnounAny sequence of drawings or diagrams which illustrate a sequence of events, e.g. in an accident or as a flowsheet for computer programming.
VisualizationstoryboardEnglishverbTo create and arrange storyboard drawings.
VocalizationsкыланYakutverbto screamintransitive
VocalizationsкыланYakutverbto howl
VocalizationsкыланYakutverbto caw
WarvenuMiddle EnglishnounA fight or conflict; a meeting between hostile parties.
WarvenuMiddle EnglishnounThe reaching of one's destination.rare
WarvenuMiddle EnglishnounA collection of imported goods.rare
WaterhrbatSerbo-Croatiannounspine, backbone
WaterhrbatSerbo-Croatiannounridge, crest (hill, mountain, wave)
WaterhrbatSerbo-Croatiannounspine (narrow, bound edge of a book)
WaterбараMacedoniannounsomething that is warm (for liquids)figuratively
WaterбараMacedonianverbto search, look fortransitive
WaterбараMacedonianverbto demand, ask fortransitive
WaterбараMacedonianverbto telephonecolloquial transitive
WaterхреститисяUkrainianverbto be baptized, to be christened, to undergo baptism
WaterхреститисяUkrainianverbto cross oneself, to make the sign of the cross
Water plants田藕Chinesenounarrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia)Hokkien Xiamen
Water plants田藕ChinesenounChinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis)Longyan-Min Zhangzhou-Hokkien
WatercraftCanadierGermannounCanadian (person from Canada)dated masculine strong
WatercraftCanadierGermannounCanadian canoe, canoemasculine strong
WaterfallsNiagara FallsEnglishnameA waterfall in the Niagara river, Niagara region, on the international border between Canada and United States, in both Ontario and New York state; Massive waterfalls located on the Niagara River.
WaterfallsNiagara FallsEnglishnameA city in Niagara county, New York, United States; near the Falls.
WaterfallsNiagara FallsEnglishnameA city in Niagara regional municipality, Ontario, Canada; near the Falls.
WeaponsGarandEnglishnameA surname from French.
WeaponsGarandEnglishnounThe M1 American semiautomatic rifle.informal
WeaponsbróńUpper Sorbiannounweapon (any instrument, cutting, piercing or blunt, used as a form of attack or defense)feminine
WeaponsbróńUpper Sorbianverbsecond/third-person imperative singular of brónićform-of imperative second-person singular third-person
WeaponsminaItaliannounmine, land minefeminine
WeaponsminaItaliannounlead in pencilsfeminine
WeaponsminaItaliannounmine which produces orefeminine
WeaponspiquePortuguesenounhide-and-seek (game)masculine
WeaponspiquePortuguesenountart or acid flavormasculine
WeaponspiquePortuguesenounjab; vaccinationBrazil childish masculine
WeaponspiquePortugueseverbinflection of picar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
WeaponspiquePortugueseverbinflection of picar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
WeaponstanquePortuguesenouna sink used for laundrymasculine
WeaponstanquePortuguesenountank (vehicle)masculine
WeaponsακόντιοGreeknounspear (weapon)government military politics war
WeaponsακόντιοGreeknounjavelin (the object and the event)athletics hobbies lifestyle sports
WeaponsακόντιοGreeknounaligning pole, levelling staffgeography natural-sciences surveying
WeaponsмінаUkrainiannounfacial expression, expression, face
WeaponsмінаUkrainiannounmine (device intended to explode when stepped upon or touched, or when approached by a ship, vehicle, or person)government military politics war
WeaponsмінаUkrainiannounmortar roundgovernment military politics war
WeaponsмінаUkrainiannounexchange (act of exchanging)uncountable
WeaponsὕπεροςAncient Greeknounpestle
WeaponsὕπεροςAncient Greeknounclub, cudgel
WeaponsὕπεροςAncient Greeknounlever for stretching dislocated joints
WeaponsὕπεροςAncient Greeknounpupa of a geometrid mothbiology natural-sciences zoology
WeathercoelusLatinnounsky, heavendeclension-2 masculine
WeathercoelusLatinnounspacedeclension-2 masculine
WeathercoelusLatinnounair, climate, weatherdeclension-2 masculine
WeathergáethmarMiddle Irishadjwindy, tempestuous
WeathergáethmarMiddle Irishadjinclined to cause flatulence
WeatherkroupaCzechnounhulled grainfeminine
WeatheronwerenDutchverbto have a thunderstorm in progressimpersonal
WeatheronwerenDutchnounplural of onweerform-of plural
WeatherslaggSwedishnounSlag (metallurgical waste material).common-gender
WeatherslaggSwedishnounA slushy rain.neuter
WeatherгромRussiannounthunder, thunderboltclimatology meteorology natural-sciences
WeatherгромRussiannounroar, thunderous sound
Weather長閑Japaneseadjcalm, peaceful
Weather長閑Japaneseadjmild (e.g. weather, climate)
Weather長閑Japaneseadjlong leisure
WeaverbirdsfinkEnglishnounA contemptible person.US slang
WeaverbirdsfinkEnglishnounAn informer.US slang
WeaverbirdsfinkEnglishnounA strikebreaker.US slang
WeaverbirdsfinkEnglishverbTo betray a trust; to inform on.US slang
WeaverbirdsfinkEnglishverbPronunciation spelling of think.alt-of dialectal pronunciation-spelling
WeaverbirdsfinkEnglishnounAny of several birds in the family Ploceidae native to southern Africa.South-Africa
WeavingpukoCebuanonounyaws (contagious tropical disease)
WeavingpukoCebuanonouna woven basket with a tapering mouth
WebsitesSnapchatEnglishnameA mobile photo-messaging application, introduced in 2011.Internet
WebsitesSnapchatEnglishnounA user account on Snapchat.Internet
WebsitesSnapchatEnglishnounA visual message sent through the Snapchat application.Internet
WebsitesSnapchatEnglishverbTo send a message on Snapchat.Internet ditransitive intransitive
West GermanyDEUTranslingualsymbolISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Germany since 1990.
West GermanyDEUTranslingualsymbolFormer ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for West Germany from 1974 to 1990.obsolete
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To blow away; to blow to eliminate or remove.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To breathe (in or out); to inhale or exhale.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To play a wind instrument (by blowing)
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To strengthen a fire by blowing on it.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To inflate or blow up; to expand by blowing.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blow (produce a current of air): / To gasp; to struggle to breathe.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread a communicable disease (by exhalation).
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo smelt; to extract metal from ore.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo make a sound, especially flatulence.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo insult or brag (talk coarsely)
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo proclaim; to broadly disseminate.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo be blown around (by wind).rare
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo blossom; to flower.
WindblowenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow, to flourish.figuratively
WindráfagaSpanishnounsudden gust (of wind)feminine
WindráfagaSpanishnounburst or volley of gunfirefeminine
WindráfagaSpanishnounsudden flash (of light)feminine
WindráfagaSpanishnounsudden flurry (of snow)feminine
WinearakIlocanonounwine; liquor; alcoholic beverage
WinearakIlocanonoungathering; congregation; assembly
WinesMaconEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Mâcon, a city in France.alt-of alternative
WinesMaconEnglishnounA dry red or white burgundy wine produced around Mâcon or extremely similar to such wines.countable uncountable
WinesMaconEnglishnameA surname.
WinesMaconEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Bibb County, Georgia, United States, with which it is now consolidated as Macon-Bibb County.
WinesMaconEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Noxubee County, Mississippi, United States.
WinesMaconEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Macon County, Missouri, United States.
WolvesBig Bad WolfEnglishnounAn evil fictional wolf that appears in fairy tales or fables.
WolvesBig Bad WolfEnglishnounSomeone blamed for causing problems; a scapegoat.figuratively
WoodsdaṇḍaPalinounstick, handle, staff, rodmasculine
WoodsdaṇḍaPalinounstem of tree, wood; wood worked into somethingmasculine
WoodsdaṇḍaPalinounpunishment, thrashingmasculine
WoodswaynscotMiddle EnglishnounA variety of foreign oak commonly utilised for furniture and furnishings.
WoodswaynscotMiddle EnglishnounA piece of this variety of wood.
WoodsオークJapanesenounoak (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus)
WoodsオークJapanesenounan orc (evil, monstrous humanoid creature)fantasy
YellowssulfurEnglishnounA chemical element (symbol S) with an atomic number of 16.uncountable usually
YellowssulfurEnglishnounA yellowish green colour, like that of sulfur.countable uncountable usually
YellowssulfurEnglishnounAny of various pierid butterflies of the subfamily Coliadinae, especially the sulfur-coloured species.uncountable usually
YellowssulfurEnglishadjOf a yellowish green colour, like that of sulfur.
YellowssulfurEnglishverbTo treat with sulfur, or a sulfur compound, especially to preserve or to counter agricultural pests.transitive
ZoologySaurierGermannounsaurian, reptile of the Sauriamasculine strong
ZoologySaurierGermannoundinosaurinformal masculine strong
Åland Islands, FinlandÅlandEnglishnameAn archipelago in the Baltic Sea
Åland Islands, FinlandÅlandEnglishnameA region of Finland, consisting of the Aland archipelago.

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