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Acanthus family plants木藍Japanesenounplants from the genus Indigofera used in dyeing, more specifically Synonym of インド藍 (indo-ai, “Indigofera suffruticosa”)
Acanthus family plants木藍JapanesenounSynonym of 琉球藍 (ryūkyūai, “Strobilanthes cusia”)
Acipenseriform fishкалугаBulgariannounAugmentative of кал (kal, “mud, sludge”)augmentative dialectal form-of
Acipenseriform fishкалугаBulgariannounmudtrap, quicksand (liquified mud in which one could sink)colloquial dialectal
Acipenseriform fishкалугаBulgariannounkaluga (type of sturgeon: Huso dauricus)
AdvertisingProspektGermannounbrochuremasculine neuter strong
AdvertisingProspektGermannounbackdropmasculine neuter strong
AgebimusLatinadjtwo years oldadjective declension-1 declension-2
AgebimusLatinadjlasting two yearsadjective declension-1 declension-2
AgriculturewarzywnikPolishnounvegetable grower; vegetable farmermasculine person
AgriculturewarzywnikPolishnounvegetable gardeninanimate masculine
AircraftbaloiBasquenounballhobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate
AircraftbaloiBasquenounballoon (inflatable object to transport people through the air)inanimate
AlchemyàileScottish Gaelicnounairmasculine
AlchemyàileScottish Gaelicnounatmospheremasculine
AlchemyàileScottish Gaelicnounozonemasculine
AlchemyàileScottish Gaelicnounscentmasculine
Alcoholic beveragesevajBretonnoundrink; beveragemasculine
Alcoholic beveragesevajBretonnounalcoholic beveragemasculine
AlcoholismmonopolowyPolishnounliquor store, off-licencecolloquial inanimate masculine relational
AlcoholismmonopolowyPolishadjmonopolynot-comparable relational
AlgaeZygnematalesTranslingualnameThe conjugating green algae, usually found in fresh water, the extant algae most closely related to flowering plants / A taxonomic order within the division Charophyta.
AlgaeZygnematalesTranslingualnameThe conjugating green algae, usually found in fresh water, the extant algae most closely related to flowering plants / A taxonomic order within the class Conjugatophyceae.
AlliumsvitracCatalannounEuropean stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)masculine
AlliumsvitracCatalannounthree-cornered leek (Allium triquetrum)Mallorca masculine
AlloysnielloEnglishnounAny of various black metal alloys, made of sulphur with copper, silver or lead, used to create decorative designs on other metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
AlloysnielloEnglishnounAn impression on paper taken from the engraved or incised surface before the niello alloy has been inlaid.countable uncountable
AlloysnielloEnglishverbTo decorate (a surface) using this technique.transitive
Amaranths and goosefootsverdolaga de puercoSpanishnounwater hyssop (Bacopa monnieri)feminine
Amaranths and goosefootsverdolaga de puercoSpanishnounmat chaff-flower (Alternanthera caracasana)feminine
American Civil WarAppomattoxPortuguesenameAppomattox (a town in Virginia, United States)feminine
American Civil WarAppomattoxPortuguesenameAppomattox (a river in Virginia, United States)masculine
AmphibianscócVietnamesenouna toad
AmphibianscócVietnamesenounspecies in the genus Spondias, such as Spondias dulcis
AmphibianscócVietnameseverbto be aware of; to knowobsolete
AmphibiansжабокBulgariannounmale frog
AmphibiansжабокBulgariannounmale toad
AnatomyaǧiTarifitnounbrainmasculine uncountable usually
AnatomyaǧiTarifitnounintelligencemasculine uncountable usually
AnatomyaǧiTarifitnounreason, common sensemasculine uncountable usually
AnatomyeyaTorres Strait Creolenounhead hair
AnatomyeyaTorres Strait Creolenounfur
AnatomyhishiꞌChickasawnounbody hairalienable
AnatomyhishiꞌChickasawnounleaf, needlealienable
AnatomysínEastern Maninkakannounbreast
AnatomysínEastern Maninkakanverbto face, be opposite
AnatomyπυγμήAncient Greeknounfist
AnatomyπυγμήAncient Greeknounfist / boxing
AnatomyπυγμήAncient Greeknouna measure of length, the distance from the elbow to the knuckles (= 18 δάκτυλοι (dáktuloi), about 34 centimetres or 13+¹⁄₂ inches)
AnatomyминдалинаRussiannountonsilformal plural-normally
AnatomyམགུལTibetannounneck, throathonorific
AnatomyམགུལTibetannounslope (of a hill or mountain)
AnatomyJapanesecharacterdark, gloomykanji
AnatomyJapanesecharacterhidden, invisiblekanji
AnatomyJapanesecharacternegative, yin (in contrast to yang)kanji
AnatomyJapanesenounshadow, shade
AnatomyJapanesenounhidden side
AnatomyJapaneseaffixshade; shadow
AnatomyJapaneseaffixshadow of the sun; (figuratively) time
AnatomyJapaneseaffixhidden; invisible; secret
AnatomyJapaneseaffixnegative; “female”; quiescent; minus
AnatomyJapaneseaffixyinhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
AnatomyJapaneseaffixnorth side of mountain; south side of water
AnatomyJapaneseaffixthe moon
AnatomyJapanesenounyinhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
AnatomyJapanesenounshady area; (陰に) in the shade; secretly; in privateliterary
AnatomyJapanesenounfemale genitalia
AnatomyJapanesenounmale genitaliabroadly
Ancient RomevelariumEnglishnounThe marginal membrane of certain medusae belonging to the Discophora.biology natural-sciences zoology
Ancient RomevelariumEnglishnounAn awning that stretched over the seating area of the Colosseum in Ancient Rome and other Roman amphitheaters.historical
Ancient RomevelariumEnglishnounA cloth stretched over another space, such as that stretched below the roof of the Royal Albert Hall.
AngerغضبPashtonounrage; fury; irritation
Animal body partspedicelEnglishnounA stalk of an individual flower (or fruit, e.g., once fertilised); a stalk bearing a single flower or spore-producing body within a cluster.biology botany natural-sciences
Animal body partspedicelEnglishnounA stalk of a fungus fruiting body.biology mycology natural-sciences
Animal body partspedicelEnglishnounA stalk-shaped body part; an anatomical part that resembles a stem or stalk.anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partspedicelEnglishnounA narrow stalk-like body part connecting specific segments in certain insects and some other arthropods. / A petiole; the connection between the thorax and abdomen of an insect of suborder Apocrita.biology natural-sciences zoology
Animal body partspedicelEnglishnounA narrow stalk-like body part connecting specific segments in certain insects and some other arthropods. / The connection between the cephalothorax and abdomen of a spider.biology natural-sciences zoology
Animal body partspedicelEnglishnounA narrow stalk-like body part connecting specific segments in certain insects and some other arthropods. / The second segment of the antenna of an insect, between the scape and the flagellum.biology natural-sciences zoology
Animal body partspedicelEnglishnounThe segment of an antler that attaches to the head of a cervid.biology natural-sciences zoology
Animal body partsślepiePolishnouneye of an animalneuter plural-normally
Animal body partsślepiePolishnouneye of a personderogatory neuter plural-normally
Animal dwellingsporcherieFrenchnounpigsty, pigpen (enclosure where pigs are kept)feminine
Animal dwellingsporcherieFrenchnounpigsty (very dirty and untidy place)derogatory feminine figuratively informal
Animal soundsкрякотBulgariannounscreech, shriek
Animal soundsкрякотBulgariannounscreeching call of some songbirds (particularly corvids and shrikes)broadly
AnimalscíocrachánIrishnoungreedy, hungry person or animalmasculine
AnimalstayarziztTarifitnounfemale rabbitfeminine
AnimalstayarziztTarifitnounfemale harefeminine
AnimalsticfartTarifitnounfemale turtlefeminine
AnimalsticfartTarifitnounlock, padlockfeminine
AnimalsuǧiTarifitnounflock of sheepcollective masculine
AnimalsuǧiTarifitnounewescollective masculine
AnimationklatkaPolishnouncage (enclosure)feminine
AnimationklatkaPolishnounframe (piece of photographic film containing an image)feminine
AnnelidsOkinawancharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
AntarcticaMount AlexanderEnglishnameA mountain in Antarctica.
AntarcticaMount AlexanderEnglishnameA mountain in Victoria, Australia.
AntarcticaMount AlexanderEnglishnameThe Shire of Mount Alexander, a local government area in central Victoria, Australia, which takes its name from the mountain.
AntelopeskidEnglishnounA young goat.countable uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounThe meat of a young goat.uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounA young antelope.countable uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounA child (usually), teenager, or young adult; a juvenile.countable informal uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounA person whose childhood took place in a particular time period or area.countable informal uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounOne's son or daughter, regardless of age.countable informal uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounUsed as a form of address for a child, teenager or young adult.countable uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounAn inexperienced person or one in a junior position.colloquial countable uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounA deception; an act of kidding somebody.countable dated uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishnounA small wooden mess tub in which sailors received their food.nautical transportcountable uncountable
AntelopeskidEnglishverbTo make a fool of (someone).colloquial transitive
AntelopeskidEnglishverbTo dupe or deceive (someone).colloquial transitive
AntelopeskidEnglishverbTo make a joke with (someone).colloquial transitive
AntelopeskidEnglishverbOf a goat: to give birth.intransitive
AntelopeskidEnglishverbTo joke.colloquial intransitive
AntelopeskidEnglishnounA fagot; a bundle of heath and furze.
AppearancekształtnyPolishadjshapely (having a pleasing shape)
AppearancekształtnyPolishadjshapely (having a pleasing figure)
ArabicAraboTagalognounArab (person of Arab descent)
ArabicAraboTagalognounArabic (language)
ArabicAraboTagalognounMiddle Eastern person (or resembling one)broadly colloquial
ArabicAraboTagalogadjArab (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations)
ArabicAraboTagalogadjwith Middle Eastern features (of a person)broadly colloquial
ArcheryarcherEnglishnounOne who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow.
ArcheryarcherEnglishnounThe bishop in chess.historical obsolete
ArcheryarcherEnglishadjcomparative form of arch: more archcomparative form-of
Architectural elementscosterCatalanadjsloping, steep
Architectural elementscosterCatalanadjside; lateralrelational
Architectural elementscosterCatalannounslopemasculine
Architectural elementscosterCatalannounrafter, gable endarchitecturemasculine
Architectural elementsfustCatalannounbeammasculine
Architectural elementsfustCatalannounshaftmasculine
Architectural elementsrotondaCatalannounrotundaarchitecturefeminine
Architectural elementsrotondaCatalannounroundabout, traffic circlefeminine
ArchitecturecolonnadeEnglishnounA series of columns at regular intervals.
ArchitecturecolonnadeEnglishnounA peristyle.
ArchitecturecolonnadeEnglishnounA portico or stoa.
ArchitecturecolonnadeEnglishnounA regular row of anything, such as trees.
ArchitectureстубSerbo-Croatiannouncolumn (upright supporting beam)
ArchitectureChinesecharacterlatticework; carved or patterned lattices on windows, doors, or balustrades
ArmeniaաբեղաArmeniannounhermit, reclusefiguratively
ArmorjackEnglishnounA coarse mediaeval coat of defence, especially one made of leather.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA man. / A name applied to a hypothetical or typical man.capitalized
ArmorjackEnglishnounA man. / A man, a fellow; a typical man; men in general.US countable
ArmorjackEnglishnounA man. / A sailor.colloquial
ArmorjackEnglishnounA man. / A policeman or detective; (Australia) a military policeman.slang
ArmorjackEnglishnounA man. / A manual laborer.archaic
ArmorjackEnglishnounA man. / A lumberjack.Canada US colloquial
ArmorjackEnglishnounA man. / A sepoy.India historical slang
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A device for turning a spit; a smokejack or roasting jack.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / Each of a series of blocks in a harpsichord or the earlier virginal, communicating the action of the key to the quill; sometime also, a hopper in a modern piano.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A support for wood being sawn; a sawhorse or sawbuck.obsolete
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A device used to hold a boot by the heel, to assist in removing the boot.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A mechanical device used to raise and (temporarily) support a heavy object, now especially to lift one side of a motor vehicle when (e.g.) changing a tyre.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / Any of various levers for raising or lowering the sinkers which push the loops down on the needles in a knitting machine or stocking frame.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A wedge for separating rocks rent by miningarchaic
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A grating device used to separate and guide the threads in a warping machine; a heck box.obsolete
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A machine for twisting the sliver as it leaves a carding machine, in the preparation of yarn.obsolete
ArmorjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A switch for a jack plug, a jackknife switch; (more generally) a socket used to connect a device to a circuit, network electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A pitcher or other vessel for holding liquid, especially alcoholic drink; a black-jack.historical regional
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / The lowest court card in a deck of standard playing cards, ranking between the 10 and queen, with an image of a knave or pageboy on it.card-games games
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A small, typically white, ball used as the target ball in bowls; a jack-ball.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A small ship's flag used as a signal or identifying device; a small flag flown at the bow of the vessel.nautical transport
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A measure of liquid corresponding to a quarter of a pint.UK archaic historical regional
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A fake coin designed to look like a sovereign.obsolete slang
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A jack crosstree.nautical transportarchaic historical
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A small, six-pointed playing piece used in the game of
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A torch or other light used in hunting to attract or dazzle game at night.US
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / Money, cash.US slang
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A strong alcoholic liquor, especially home-distilled or illicit.Canada US
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / Nothing, jack shit.colloquial euphemistic
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / The eleventh batsman to come to the crease in an innings.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
ArmorjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A smooth often ovoid large gravel or small cobble in a natural water course.slang
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A pike, especially when young.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A male ass, especially when kept for breeding.US
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Any of the marine fish in the family Carangidae.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A jackrabbit.US
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A large California rockfish, the bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Mangifera caesia, related to the mango tree.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Plant in the genus Arisaema, also known as Jack-in-the-pulpit, and capitalized Jack.colloquial
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Spadix of a plant (also capitalized Jack).colloquial
ArmorjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Plant of the genus Emex, also considered synonymous to Rumex, if not then containing two species lesser jack and little jack for Emex spinosa syn. Rumex spinosus, Australian English three-corner jack and prickly jack for Emex australis syn. Rumex hypogaeus.
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo physically raise using a jack.transitive
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo raise or increase.transitive
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo increase the potency of an alcoholic beverage similarly to distillation by chilling it to below the freezing point of water, removing the water ice crystals that form, and leaving the still-liquid alcoholic portion.
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo steal (something), typically an automobile; to rob (someone).colloquial transitive
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo dance by moving the torso forward and backward in a rippling motion.intransitive
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo jack off, to masturbate.colloquial vulgar
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo fight.
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo jerk or move by jerking; to remove or move (something).informal intransitive transitive
ArmorjackEnglishadjTired, disillusioned; fed up (with).Australia
ArmorjackEnglishnounThe edible fruit of the Asian tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus); also the tree itself.
ArmorjackEnglishnounThe related tree Mangifera caesia.
ArmorjackEnglishnounA home run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
ArmorjackEnglishverbTo hit (the ball) hard; especially, to hit (the ball) out of the field, producing a home run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang transitive
Arum family plantspapagaiCatalannounparrotmasculine
Arum family plantspapagaiCatalannounheart of Jesus (Caladium bicolor)masculine
AsiaভুটানীBengaliadjOf or relating to Bhutan or its people; Bhutanese.
AsiaভুটানীBengalinounA native or inhabitant of Bhutan; a Bhutanese person.
Asparagus family plantsnazarenoSpanishadjNazarene
Asparagus family plantsnazarenoSpanishadjfrom Dos Hermanas, a city in Seville
Asparagus family plantsnazarenoSpanishnounNazarenemasculine
Asparagus family plantsnazarenoSpanishnounsomeone from Dos Hermanas, a city in Sevillemasculine
Asparagus family plantsnazarenoSpanishnounthe grape hyacinthmasculine
AstrologyтелецBulgariannouncalf (young bull)archaic poetic
AstrologyтелецBulgariannouna Taurus (person with the zodiac sign)
Astronomyചൊവ്വMalayalamnamethe planet Marsastronomy natural-sciences
AthletesfægterDanishverbpresent of fægteform-of present
Atmospheric phenomenabangawCebuanonounbuffet; party; feast
Atmospheric phenomenabangawCebuanonounrainbow
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknounround ball
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknounspinning top
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknouncyclone, whirlwind
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknountwist or turn in music
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknounwhirling dance, pirouette
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknounpineconebiology botany natural-sciences
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknounfir, pine, especially the Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra)
Atmospheric phenomenaστρόβιλοςAncient Greeknounwinch or perhaps rotating shaft
AustraliaOstreliaTok PisinnameAustralia (A country in Oceania comprising the islands of Australia, Tasmania and other smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as its precursor colony in the British Empire) # (geology) Australia (a continent consisting of the islands of Australia, New Guinea and intervening islands) / Australia (A country in Oceania comprising the islands of Australia, Tasmania and other smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as its precursor colony in the British Empire)
AustraliaOstreliaTok PisinnameAustralia (A country in Oceania comprising the islands of Australia, Tasmania and other smaller islands in the Pacific Ocean, as well as its precursor colony in the British Empire) # (geology) Australia (a continent consisting of the islands of Australia, New Guinea and intervening islands) / Australia (a continent consisting of the islands of Australia, New Guinea and intervening islands)geography geology natural-sciences
Auto partssidebladeEnglishnounA lateral blade; a blade protruding from the side of a weapon.
Auto partssidebladeEnglishnounA panel immediately behind the rear door of a car, often contrasting in colour with the bodywork.
AutomobilesChedengTagalognamea diminutive of the female given name Mercedes
AutomobilesChedengTagalognounMercedes-Benz carslang
AutomobilesgratPolishnounpiece of junk; useless or broken itemanimal-not-person derogatory informal masculine
AutomobilesgratPolishnounclunker, decrepit caranimal-not-person derogatory informal masculine
AutomobilesgratPolishnoungear, equipmentanimal-not-person colloquial masculine plural-normally
BabiesfontanelleEnglishnounA soft membraneous spot on the head of a baby due to incomplete fusion of the cranial bones.anatomy medicine sciences
BabiesfontanelleEnglishnounA structural component of some woodwind instruments, such as recorders and shawms, resembling a barrel with holes bored into it, designed to protect the keywork and to allow the sound to project.entertainment lifestyle music
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA projectile, usually of metal, shot from a gun at high speed.countable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounAn entire round of unfired ammunition for a firearm, including the projectile, the cartridge casing, the propellant charge, etc.countable informal uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounAmmunition for a sling or slingshot which has been manufactured for such use.countable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA printed symbol in the form of a solid circle, “•”, often used to mark items in a publishing typographycountable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA large scheduled repayment of the principal of a loan; a balloon payment.banking business financecountable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA rejection letter, as for employment, admission to a school or a competition.countable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounOne year of prison time.countable slang uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounAn ace (the playing card).countable slang uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounAnything that is projected extremely fast.countable figuratively uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounVery fast (speedy).attributive countable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounShort for bullet chess.board-games chess gamesabbreviation alt-of uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA plumb or hobbies lifestylecountable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounThe heavy projectile thrown in a game of road bowling.Ireland countable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA roughly bullet-shaped sweet consisting of a cylinder of liquorice covered in chocolate.Australia countable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA small ball.countable obsolete uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA cannonball.countable obsolete uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounThe fetlock of a horse.countable obsolete uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA notation used on pop music charts to indicate that a song is climbing in the rankings.countable uncountable
Baby animalsbulletEnglishverbTo draw attention to (text) by, or as if by, placing a graphic bullet in front of it.informal transitive
Baby animalsbulletEnglishverbTo speed, like a bullet.informal intransitive
Baby animalsbulletEnglishverbTo make a shot, especially with great speed.informal transitive
Baby animalsbulletEnglishverbTo inflict bullet shots upon.rare slang transitive
Baby animalsbulletEnglishnounA young or little bull; a male calf.rare
Baby animalskáčeCzechnounducklingneuter
Baby animalskáčeCzechnoundative/locative singular of káčadative feminine form-of locative singular
Baby animalsкроляUkrainiannounrabbit kitten
Baby animalsкроляUkrainiannoungenitive/accusative singular of кріль (krilʹ)accusative form-of genitive singular
Baby animalsпрасеBulgariannounpiglet
Baby animalsпрасеBulgariannounpig, hog (usually a male one)
Baby animalsщенокRussiannounpuppy
Baby animalsщенокRussiannouncub, whelp
Baby animalsщенокRussiannounsnot; son of a bitchderogatory
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐClassical Syriacnounfruit
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐClassical Syriacnounoffspring, childfiguratively
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐClassical Syriacnounincome, revenuebusiness finance
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐClassical Syriacnounknot (swelling in flesh)
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐClassical Syriacnouneffect, consequence
Baby animalsܦܐܪܐClassical Syriacnounlamb
BagstorbaSerbo-Croatiannounpouch, purse
BagsvakCzechnounbaginanimate masculine
BagsvakCzechnounpouch (cheek pocket in which some animals carry food)inanimate masculine
BagsvakCzechnounpouch (pocket in which a marsupial carries its young)inanimate masculine
BakingabsitEnglishnounFormal permission to be away from a college for the greater part of the day or more.UK
BakingabsitEnglishnounA portion of fermenting dough diluted to a paste with water and then cooked.
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonameSaint Joseph
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonamea surname from Spanish
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonamea barangay in Catmon, Cebu, Philippines
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonamea barangay in Compostela, Compostela Valley, Philippines
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonameA municipality, the capital of the Dinagat Islands, Caraga, Philippines
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonameA municipality of Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonameA municipality of Tarlac, Philippines
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonameA municipality of Batangas, Philippines
Barangays of Catmon, Cebu, PhilippinesSan JoseCebuanonamethe city of San Jose, California
Barsbeer cellarEnglishnounA cellar in which beer is kept.
Barsbeer cellarEnglishnounAn underground bar, typically in German-speaking countries, that specialises in beers.
Baseball빠따Koreannounbaseball batslang
Baseball빠따Koreannounbaseball batterslang vulgar
Baseball빠따Koreannounbaseballslang vulgar
Baseball빠따Koreannounphysical abuse involving hitting someone with a bat or club (in the military, gangs, etc.)slang
Baseball빠따Koreancounter-th; position in order (with Sino-Korean numerals)possibly slang vulgar
Basque pelotapelotazaleSpanishadjBasque pelotacountry location regionBasque feminine masculine
Basque pelotapelotazaleSpanishnounBasque pelota playerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
BeddingblanketEnglishnounA heavy, loosely woven fabric, usually large and woollen, used for warmth while sleeping or resting.
BeddingblanketEnglishnounA layer of anything.
BeddingblanketEnglishnounA thick rubber mat used in the offset printing process to transfer ink from the plate to the paper being printed.
BeddingblanketEnglishnounA streak or layer of blubber in whales.
BeddingblanketEnglishadjGeneral; covering or encompassing everything.attributive not-comparable
BeddingblanketEnglishverbTo cover with, or as if with, a blanket.transitive
BeddingblanketEnglishverbTo traverse or complete thoroughly.transitive
BeddingblanketEnglishverbTo toss in a blanket by way of punishment.transitive
BeddingblanketEnglishverbTo take the wind out of the sails of (another vessel) by sailing to windward of it.transitive
BeddingblanketEnglishverbTo nullify the impact of (someone or something).transitive
BeddingblanketEnglishverbOf a radio signal: to override or block out another radio signal.
BeerLagerGermannouna place where one sleeps, such as a bed or a spot in a barn, etc.neuter strong
BeerLagerGermannouna lair of an animal (but not usually underground, for which Bau)neuter strong
BeerLagerGermannouna camp (accommodation of tents or quickly built houses)neuter strong
BeerLagerGermannounan army, especially but not exclusively when encampedneuter obsolete strong
BeerLagerGermannouna camp, party (group of people sharing some interest or opinion)figuratively neuter strong
BeerLagerGermannouna stock; storage; depot; repository (building or room used for keeping goods)neuter strong
BeerLagerGermannouna measure (of some resource)business geography geology mining natural-sciencesneuter strong
BeerLagerGermannouna bearingengineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencesneuter strong
BeerLagerGermannounShort for Lagerbier: lager (beer of low fermentation)abbreviation alt-of neuter strong
BeeraltEnglishnounHigh pitch, of a voice or instrument; especially, the octave above the top line of the treble stave.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
BeeraltEnglishnounA state of excitement, a heightened emotional condition.archaic uncountable
BeeraltEnglishadjClipping of alternate.abbreviation alt-of clipping not-comparable
BeeraltEnglishadjClipping of alternative, especially as a cultural phenomenon seen as being outside the mainstream of its genre.abbreviation alt-of clipping not-comparable
BeeraltEnglishnounClipping of altitude.abbreviation alt-of clipping
BeeraltEnglishnounAn alternate or secondary gamingInternet
BeeraltEnglishnounAn alternate account.Internet
BeeraltEnglishnounAn alternative investment or alternative finance
BeeraltEnglishnounSynonym of altbier
BeerlättölSwedishnounsmall beer, containing less than 2.25 % alcohol by volume ncommon-gender neuter
BeerlättölSwedishnouna glass or bottle of small beer ccommon-gender neuter
BelgiumwallonFrenchnounWalloon languagemasculine uncountable
BeverageskókIcelandicnouncoke (Coca-Cola or a similar soft drink)neuter
BeverageskókIcelandicnouncocaine, cokeneuter slang
Biblical charactersAchazEnglishnameThe New Testament form of Ahaz.
Biblical charactersAchazEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.rare
Biblical charactersJokūbasLithuaniannameJacob (biblical character).
Biblical charactersJokūbasLithuaniannameJames (biblical character).
Biblical charactersJokūbasLithuaniannamea male given name, equivalent to English Jacob or James
Biologykjerne-Norwegian Bokmålprefixnuclear (pertaining to the nucleus of an atom)morpheme
Biologykjerne-Norwegian Bokmålprefixnuclear (involving energy released by nuclear reactions, such as fission, fusion and radioactive decay)morpheme
Biologykjerne-Norwegian Bokmålprefixof or related to the production of nuclear energymorpheme
Biologykjerne-Norwegian Bokmålprefixwhich utilizes the energy or explosive power of nuclear fissionmorpheme
BiologyқоректікKazakhnounfeed; aliment
BirdsavióCatalannounaeroplane, airplane, planemasculine
BirdsavióCatalannounmartin, swallowmasculine
BirdsdykkerNorwegian Bokmålnouna diver (person who dives under water as a profession or sport)masculine
BirdsdykkerNorwegian Bokmålnouna diver (seabird that dives under water)masculine
BirdsdykkerNorwegian Bokmålverbpresent of dykkeform-of present
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishadjcorrupt, bribetakinggovernment politicsVenezuela
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishnounan extortionist or bribe taker (a government official who demands bribes to speed things up)government politicsVenezuela masculine
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishnounOne who sells matracas (wooden rattles)Mexico masculine
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishnouna bird of the genus Manacusmasculine
BirdsكروانOttoman Turkishnouncaravan
BirdsكروانOttoman TurkishnounA kind of bird, possibly a bustard or stone curlew.
BirdsღორღონჯიMingreliannoungosling (baby goose)
Birds of preysecretariCatalannounsecretarymasculine
Birds of preysecretariCatalannounsecretary birdmasculine
Birds of preysenénMiddle Irishnounhawkmasculine
Birds of preysenénMiddle Irishnouncrowmasculine
BivalvescapizEnglishnounThe windowpane oyster.
BivalvescapizEnglishnounThe shell of this mollusk used in window panes and jewelry.
Blueberry tribe plantsmountain cranberryEnglishnounCowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)l
Blueberry tribe plantsmountain cranberryEnglishnounMountain bearberry (Actous alpina (syn. Arctostaphylos alpina).
Board gamestốtVietnameseadjgood, as in high-quality, well-made, well executed, good-natured or ethical; compare hay (“good as in inventive, brilliant or entertaining”) and giỏi (“good as in skilled or competent”)
Board gamestốtVietnameseadjvery dense or long, more so than it should be
Board gamestốtVietnamesenounsoldier, a piece labeled with the characters 卒 (black) and 兵 (binh, red)board-games games xiangqi
Board gamestốtVietnamesenounpawnboard-games chess gamesbroadly
Board gamestốtVietnamesenounpawnfiguratively
Bodies of waterbandarIndonesiannounharbour, port
Bodies of waterbandarIndonesiannouncoastal town
Bodies of waterbandarIndonesiannounbookmaker, bookie: a person (or a business) who calculates odds and accepts bets.
Bodies of waterbandarIndonesiannouncroupier, banker: the person who collects bets and pays out winnings at a gambling table.
Bodies of waterbandarIndonesiannoundealer of somethingusually
Bodies of waterbandarIndonesiannounwatercourse, ditch
Bodily fluidsgroolEnglishnounVaginal lubrication derived from sexual arousal.informal uncountable
Bodily fluidsgroolEnglishnounAlternative form of gruelalt-of alternative
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjsweet, pleasant-tasting
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjsweet in smell
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjpleasant, likeable
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishadjloved, dear, precious
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounsweetness in taste or smell
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounpleasantness, euphoria, bliss
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounblood
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle Englishnounsweat, perspiration
Bodily fluidssweteMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of suetalt-of alternative
Body partsαἰδοῖονAncient Greeknounthe genitals, pudenda, vulva, penis
Body partsαἰδοῖονAncient Greekadjinflection of αἰδοῖος (aidoîos): / accusative singular masculineaccusative form-of masculine singular
Body partsαἰδοῖονAncient Greekadjinflection of αἰδοῖος (aidoîos): / nominative/accusative/vocative singular neuteraccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
Body partsхуйBelarusiannoundick, prick, cockslang taboo vulgar
Body partsхуйBelarusiannoundick, prick, cock (referring to a person)animate slang taboo vulgar
BooksהעפֿטYiddishnounnotebook (book)
BooksהעפֿטYiddishverbinflection of העפֿטן (heftn): / first-person singularfirst-person form-of singular
BooksהעפֿטYiddishverbinflection of העפֿטן (heftn): / second-person pluralform-of plural second-person
BooksהעפֿטYiddishverbinflection of העפֿטן (heftn): / imperative singular/pluralform-of imperative plural singular
Books of the BibleNehemíasSpanishnameNehemiah (the book of the Bible)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleNehemíasSpanishnamea male given namemasculine
Books of the Bible哈蓋ChinesenameHaggai (prophet)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible哈蓋ChinesenameHaggai (book of the Bible)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible岳厄爾ChinesenameJoel (prophet)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible岳厄爾ChinesenameJoel (book of the Bible)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible舊約Chinesenounold agreement; former alliance
Books of the Bible舊約ChinesenameOld TestamentChristianity
Boroughs in EnglandNorthumberlandEnglishnameThe most northerly county of England bordered by County Durham, Cumbria, Tyne and Wear, Scotland and the North Sea.
Boroughs in EnglandNorthumberlandEnglishnameA unitary authority in England which includes all of the traditional county except the area around Newcastle upon Tyne.
Boroughs in EnglandNorthumberlandEnglishnameAn English dukedom.
Bosnia and HerzegovinakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (one of the states comprising the Swiss Confederation)inanimate masculine
Bosnia and HerzegovinakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (subdivision of an arrondissement of France)inanimate masculine
Bosnia and HerzegovinakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of Luxembourg)inanimate masculine
Bosnia and HerzegovinakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of Ecuador)inanimate masculine
Bosnia and HerzegovinakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of Costa Rica)inanimate masculine
Bosnia and HerzegovinakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)inanimate masculine
Bosnia and HerzegovinakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (subdivision of a county, of Quebec, Canada; equivalent to a township)inanimate masculine
Brassicales order plantsmeadowfoamEnglishnounAny of the plants in the genus Limnanthes, flowering annuals native to the western US, especially white meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba), which is grown for the oil in its seeds.countable uncountable
Brassicales order plantsmeadowfoamEnglishnounThe industrially useful oil produced by Limnanthes alba.uncountable
BrownsteakEnglishnounAn extremely durable timber highly valued for shipbuilding and other purposes, yielded by Tectona grandis (and Tectona spp.).countable uncountable usually
BrownsteakEnglishnounA tree of the species in the genus Tectona.countable usually
BrownsteakEnglishnounA yellowish brown colour, like that of teakwood.uncountable usually
BrownsteakEnglishadjOf a yellowish brown colour, like that of teak wood.not-comparable
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounside
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounedge; limit; boundary
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounshore, coast
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounembrace, hug; (metonymically) chest, bosompoetic
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersianprepnext to, besides
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersianadvaside
Buckthorn family plantsکنارPersiannounZiziphus, especially of species Ziziphus spina-christi
Building materialsشندرهOttoman Turkishnounshingle, a thin piece of building material for laying in overlapping rows as a covering for the roof
Building materialsشندرهOttoman Turkishnounstave, a narrow strip of wood placed edge to edge to form the covering of a barrel or other vessel
Building materialsشندرهOttoman Turkishnounstriped red mullet, surmullet, any kind of goatfish of the species Mullus surmuletus
BuildingscabaneFrenchnouncabin, hut, shack; shedfeminine
BuildingscabaneFrenchnounprisonfeminine slang
BuildingscabaneFrenchnounbedLouisiana feminine
BuildingscabaneFrenchnounworkshopLouisiana feminine
BuildingskasinoFinnishnounA card game, casino, cassino; see Kasino (korttipeli) in Finnish Wikipedia
BuildingsokaOld Tupinounhouse
BuildingsokaOld Tupinounden, burrow
BuildingsokaOld Tupinounrefuge, hiding placefiguratively
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounThe act of pulling back or withdrawing, as from something dangerous, or unpleasant. / The act of reversing direction and receding from a forward position.
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounThe act of pulling back or withdrawing, as from something dangerous, or unpleasant. / Withdrawal by a military force from a dangerous position or from enemy attack.government military politics war
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounA peaceful, quiet place affording privacy or security.
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounA peaceful, quiet place in which to urinate and defecate: an outhouse; a lavatory.euphemistic obsolete rare
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounA period of retirement, seclusion, or solitude.
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounA period of meditation, prayer or study.
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounA signal for a military withdrawal.government military politics war
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounA bugle call or drumbeat signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset, as on a military base.government military politics war
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounA military ceremony to lower the flag.government military politics war
BuildingsretreatEnglishnounThe move of a piece from a threatened position.board-games chess games
BuildingsretreatEnglishverbTo withdraw from a position, go back.intransitive
BuildingsretreatEnglishverbTo withdraw from a position, go back. / To withdraw military forcesintransitive
BuildingsretreatEnglishverbTo shrink back due to generally warmer temperatures. (of a glacier)intransitive
BuildingsretreatEnglishverbTo slope back.intransitive
BuildingsretreatEnglishverbAlternative spelling of re-treatalt-of alternative
BuildingsໂຮງLaonounbuilding, premises
BuildingsໂຮງLaonouncoffin; grave
Buildings庵子Chinesenounthatched hutregional
Buildings庵子ChinesenounBuddhist nunneryregional
Buildings잡상KoreannounChinese imperial roof figure or charm
Buildings잡상Koreannounpeddler selling miscellaneous items without a fixed store
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA (smaller) piece of fabric; a shred: / A patch (fabric for mending).
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA (smaller) piece of fabric; a shred: / A bandage or dressing (for wounds)
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA (smaller) piece of fabric; a shred: / rag, tatter (piece of clothing)
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA (larger) piece of fabric; a cloth: / Threadbare or inferior clothing.
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA (larger) piece of fabric; a cloth: / Cloth for wrapping babies; swaddling clothes.
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA (larger) piece of fabric; a cloth: / A burial shroud.
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA washer; a round metal panel.
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA fragment or shred.
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishnounA strike, blow or hit.
BurialcloutMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of cloutenalt-of alternative
BusinessindustrializowaćPolishverbto industrialize (to develop industry; to become industrial)imperfective literary transitive
BusinessindustrializowaćPolishverbto industrialize (to make a region of a country industrial)imperfective literary transitive
BusinessindustrializowaćPolishverbto industrialize (to become an industry)imperfective literary reflexive
BusinessindustrializowaćPolishverbto industrialize (to become industrial)imperfective literary reflexive
BusinesslodaLower Sorbiannounchest (large strong box)feminine inanimate
BusinesslodaLower Sorbiannounshop, storecolloquial feminine inanimate
BusinesslodaLower Sorbiannouninflection of lod: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
BusinesslodaLower Sorbiannouninflection of lod: / nominative/accusative dualaccusative dual form-of nominative
BusinessみせばんJapanesenounperson in charge of receiving customers
BusinessみせばんJapaneseverbto be in charge of receiving customers
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounThe act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounThe circumference of, or distance around, any space; the measure of a line around an area.
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounThat which encircles anything, as a ring or crown.
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounThe space enclosed within a circle, or within limits.
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounEnclosed path of an electric current, usually designed for a certain electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounA regular or appointed trip from place to place as part of one's job
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounThe jurisdiction of certain judges within a state or country, whether itinerant or
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / The counties at the fringes of the empire, usually with a non-Chinese population, from the Han to the Western Jin.historical
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / The 10 or so major provinces of the empire from the Tang to the early Yuan.historical
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / Major provincial divisions from the Yuan to early Republican China.historical
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounAbbreviation of circuit court.lawabbreviation alt-of
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounThe basic grouping of local Methodist churches.
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounBy analogy to the proceeding three, a set of theaters among which the same acts circulate; especially common in the heyday of vaudeville.
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounA track on which a race in held; a racetrackhobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounA thought that unconsciously goes round and round in a person's mind and controls that person.Scientology lifestyle religion
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounA closed path, without repeated vertices allowed.graph-theory mathematics sciences
BusinessescircuitEnglishnounA chain of cinemas/movie theaters.
BusinessescircuitEnglishverbTo move in a circle; to go round; to circulate.intransitive obsolete
BusinessescircuitEnglishverbTo travel around.obsolete transitive
BusinessesradnjaSerbo-Croatiannounact, action
BusinessesradnjaSerbo-Croatiannounplot (of a novel, movie, etc.)
BusinessesradnjaSerbo-Croatiannounshop, store
ButtocksduffEnglishnounDough.countable dialectal uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounA stiff flour pudding, often with dried fruit, boiled in a cloth bag, or steamed.countable uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounA pudding-style dessert, especially one made with plums.countable uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounDecaying vegetable matter on the forest floor.British-Columbia Northwestern Scotland US countable uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounCoal dust, especially that left after screening or combined with other small, unsaleable bits of coal.countable uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounFine and dry coal in small pieces, usually anthracite.countable uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounA mixture of coal and rock.British countable uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounThe bits left in the bottom of the bag after the booty has been consumed, like crumbs.countable slang uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounSomething spurious or fake; a counterfeit; a worthless thing; a defective thing.countable uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishnounAn error.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable slang uncountable
ButtocksduffEnglishadjWorthless; not working properly, defective.UK
ButtocksduffEnglishnounThe buttocks.US slang
ButtocksduffEnglishverbTo disguise something to make it look new.obsolete slang
ButtocksduffEnglishverbTo alter the branding of stolen cattle; to steal cattle.Australia
ButtocksduffEnglishverbTo hit the ground behind the hobbies lifestyle sportsUS
ButtocksduffEnglishnounAlternative form of daf (type of drum)alt-of alternative
ButtockskibotCebuanonounthe buttocks
ButtockskibotCebuanonounthe butt cheeks
ButtockskibotCebuanonounthe rectum
Caesalpinia subfamily plantssassywoodEnglishnounA form of trial by ordeal in Liberia, typically involving a suspect drinking a poisonous concoction made from the bark of the ordeal tree Erythrophleum guineense, Erythrophleum ivorense, or Erythrophleum suaveolens (called sassy bark); by extension, other forms of trial by ordeal such as applying a heated machete to the suspect's legs, or dipping the suspect's hand into hot oil.uncountable usually
Caesalpinia subfamily plantssassywoodEnglishnounThe ordeal tree itself, the bark of which is used in the sassywood procedure.uncountable usually
Cakes and pastriesسمدPersiannounfine wheat flourobsolete
Cakes and pastriesسمدPersiannounwhite breadobsolete
Cakes and pastriesسمدPersiannouna kind of twist; simit
CalendarWhitsundayEnglishnounThe Sunday of the feast of Pentecost, seven weeks after Easter
CalendarWhitsundayEnglishnounA quarter day, falling on 15th MayScotland
CalendarWhitsundayEnglishnameWhitsunday Region, a local government area in northern Queensland, Australia.
Calendarmis EstCornishadvin August (month)
Calendarmis EstCornishnameAugust (month)masculine
CaprimulgiformswhippoorwillEnglishnounA nocturnal insectivorous bird of North America (Antrostomus vociferus, syn. Caprimulgus vociferus), a type of nightjar, named after its characteristic call.
CaprimulgiformswhippoorwillEnglishnounThe distinctive call of the above bird.
Card gamesristiFinnishnouncross (shape) / cross, crucifixChristianity
Card gamesristiFinnishnouncross (shape) / cross (execution device)
Card gamesristiFinnishnouncross (shape) / dagger (†)media publishing typography
Card gamesristiFinnishnounclubs, clubcard-games games
Card gamesristiFinnishnounsharp (symbol ♯ in notation)entertainment lifestyle musicinformal
Card gamesristiFinnishnounClipping of ristiselkä (“small of the back”, of animals).anatomy medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of clipping
Card gamesristiFinnishverbinflection of ristiä: ## third-person singular past indicative ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / third-person singular past indicativeform-of indicative past singular third-person
Card gamesristiFinnishverbinflection of ristiä: ## third-person singular past indicative ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / present active indicative connegativeactive connegative form-of indicative present
Card gamesristiFinnishverbinflection of ristiä: ## third-person singular past indicative ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / second-person singular present imperativeform-of imperative present second-person singular
Card gamesristiFinnishverbinflection of ristiä: ## third-person singular past indicative ## present active indicative connegative ## second-person singular present imperative ## second-person singular present active imperative connegative / second-person singular present active imperative connegativeactive connegative form-of imperative present second-person singular
CarpstwintailEnglishnounA variety of goldfish with the tail divided into two parts.
CarpstwintailEnglishnounEither of a pair of pigtails in the hair.fiction lifestyle literature media publishingJapanese slang
CatscatEnglishnounAn animal of the family Felidae: / A domesticated species (Felis catus) of feline animal, commonly kept as a house pet.countable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounAn animal of the family Felidae: / Any similar animal of the family Felidae, which includes lions, tigers, bobcats, leopards, cougars, cheetahs, caracals, lynxes, and other such non-domesticated species.countable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounAn animal of the family Felidae: / An animal of the family Felidaecountable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounThe meat of this animal, eaten as food.uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA person: / A spiteful or angry woman.countable offensive uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA person: / An enthusiast or player of jazz.countable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA person: / A person (usually male).countable slang uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA person: / A prostitute.countable slang uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship.nautical transportcountable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounShort for cat-o'-nine-tails.nautical transportabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA sturdy merchant sailing vessel (now only in "catboat").archaic countable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounThe game of trap ball.archaic uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounThe game of trap ball. / The trap in that game.archaic countable
CatscatEnglishnounThe pointed piece of wood that is struck in the game of tipcat.archaic countable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA vagina or vulva.countable slang uncountable vulgar
CatscatEnglishnounA double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.) with six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position it is placed.countable uncountable
CatscatEnglishnounA wheeled shelter, used in the Middle Ages as a siege weapon to allow assailants to approach enemy defences.countable historical uncountable
CatscatEnglishverbTo hoist (the anchor) by its ring so that it hangs at the cathead.nautical transporttransitive
CatscatEnglishverbTo flog with a cat-o'-nine-tails.nautical transporttransitive
CatscatEnglishverbTo vomit.slang
CatscatEnglishverbTo go wandering at night.
CatscatEnglishverbTo gossip in a catty manner.
CatscatEnglishnounA program and command in Unix that reads one or more files and directs their content to the standard output.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CatscatEnglishverbTo apply the cat command to (one or more files).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
CatscatEnglishverbTo dump large amounts of data on (an unprepared target), usually with no intention of browsing it carefully.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang
CatscatEnglishnounA street name of the drug methcathinone.slang
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of catapult.abbreviation alt-of
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of catalytic converter.abbreviation alt-of
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of catamaran.abbreviation alt-of
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of category.abbreviation alt-of
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of catfish.abbreviation alt-of
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of caterpillar. / Any of a variety of earth-moving machines. (from their manufacturer Caterpillar Inc.)slang
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of caterpillar. / A ground vehicle which uses caterpillar tracks, especially tractors, trucks, minibuses, and snow groomers.
CatscatEnglishnounAbbreviation of computed axial tomography. Often used attributively, as in “CAT scan” or “CT scan”.abbreviation alt-of
CatscatEnglishadjCatastrophic; terrible, disastrous.Ireland colloquial not-comparable
CatsfelioLatinverbto snarl like a pantherconjugation-4 no-perfect no-supine
CatsfelioLatinverbto meow like a catconjugation-4 no-perfect no-supine
CatsiringCebuanonouncat meat (see usage notes)humorous often
CatsiringCebuanointjjust kidding
CatsiringCebuanointjexpression used as a reply expressing disapproval or disbelief to something heard
CatssiamêsPortugueseadjSiamese (of or relating to Siam)historical
CatssiamêsPortuguesenounSiamese (person from Siam)historical masculine
CatssiamêsPortuguesenounSiamese cat (breed of domestic cat)masculine
CatssiamêsPortuguesenamethe Thai languagehistorical masculine
CatsčíčaCzechnouncat, kitty, pussy (domestic animal)childish feminine
CatsčíčaCzechnounvaginacolloquial feminine
CattlehovadoCzechnouncattledated neuter
CattlehovadoCzechnounstupid personinformal neuter
CattlehovadoCzechnounhorsefly, for example, of species Tabanus autumnalis, syn. Tabanus bovinusinformal neuter
CattlelepperEnglishnounA horse that jumps well.
CattlelepperEnglishnounA type of Texas Longhorn, a subgroup of Butler cattle.
CattlelepperEnglishnounMisspelling of leper.alt-of misspelling
CattleскотMacedoniannouncattle, livestock
CattleскотMacedoniannounidiot, jerkcolloquial vulgar
Celery family plantscarotaItaliannouncarrotfeminine
Celery family plantscarotaItaliannouncore, core samplefeminine
Celery family plantscarotaItaliannounfibcolloquial feminine figuratively
Celery family plantscarotaItalianadjorange-red, carrotinvariable
Celery family plantscarotaItalianverbinflection of carotare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Celery family plantscarotaItalianverbinflection of carotare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Celestial bodiessluneční soustavaCzechnounSolar Systemastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
Celestial bodiessluneční soustavaCzechnounsolar system, any planetary systemastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine rare
Celtic tribesTreveriLatinnameA tribe of Gallia Belgica whose chief town was Augusta Treverorumdeclension-2
Celtic tribesTreveriLatinnameplural of Trēvirdeclension-2 form-of plural
Chemical elementsbórLimburgishnounboronneuter uncountable
Chemical elementsbórLimburgishnounA part of boronneuter
Chemical elementsplombFrenchnounlead (metal)masculine
Chemical elementsplombFrenchnounfusemasculine
Chemical elementsplombFrenchnounsinker (fishing weight)masculine
Chemical elementsرصاصArabicnounleadcollective
Chemical elementsرصاصArabicnountincollective obsolete
Chemical elementsرصاصArabicnounbullets, shots, dotscollective
Chemical elementsرصاصArabicnounstones heaped together to surround a grave or wellcollective obsolete
ChemistryChinesecharactersilvern; made of silver
ChemistryChinesecharactersilvery; silver-colored; lustrous; white; shiny
ChemistryChinesecharactercash; money; currency
ChemistryChinesecharacterClassifier for money: yuan; dollar; buckCantonese Hainanese Hakka Teochew Zhao'an
ChemistryChinesecharactera surname
ChesstorOccitannounrookboard-games chess gamesfeminine
ChessقلعهPersiannounfortress, castle, stronghold
ChessقلعهPersiannouncastle (rook)board-games chess games
Chessਰੁਖ਼Punjabinounface, countenance, visage
Chessਰੁਖ਼Punjabinounfacet, side, direction
Chessਰੁਖ਼Punjabinounattitude, stance, inclination, disposition, drift, tenor
Chessਰੁਖ਼Punjabinounrook, castleboard-games chess games
ChessเรือThainounwatercraft: boat; ship; etc. (classifier ลำ)
ChessเรือThainounrook. (classifier ตัว)board-games chess games
ChessເຮືອLaonounrookboard-games chess games
Chickensda gàVietnamesenounchicken skin
Chickensda gàVietnamesenounskin area with goosebumps/goose pimples
ChildrenknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA knight (armoured noble soldier)
ChildrenknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA noble; a potentate.broadly
ChildrenknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA warrior; a fighter.figuratively
ChildrenknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA servant or attendant.Early-Middle-English
ChildrenknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA boy or youth.Early-Middle-English
ChildrenknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA knight (chess piece)board-games chess games
Children少年家Chinesenounyoung man; youngsterMin Southern
Children少年家ChinesenouncatamiteMin Southern Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Chinese中文ChinesenounChinese (language) / written Chinese
Chinese中文ChinesenounChinese (language) / spoken Chinese, including all dialects and varieties
Chinese中文ChinesenounChinese (language)
Chinese中文ChinesenounMandarinMainland-China Taiwan proscribed
Chinese中文ChinesenounCantoneseHong-Kong Macau
ChristianitypateneMiddle Englishnounpaten (dish for communion wafers)
ChristianitypateneMiddle EnglishnounA cover for sacramental wine.
ChristianitypateneMiddle EnglishnounAny level plate.rare
Circus광대Koreannounclown, acrobat, entertainer, performer
Circus광대Koreannounmask in traditional playsdated
CitiesThyniasLatinadjThynian, a poetic word for Bithyniandeclension-3 one-termination
CitiesThyniasLatinnamea city in Thracedeclension-3
CitiesThyniasLatinnamean island on the Black Seadeclension-3
CitiesΟλυμπίαGreeknameOlympia (Ancient site)
CitiesΟλυμπίαGreeknamea female given name
CitiesΟλυμπίαGreeknameA saint whose feast day in the Greek Orthodox tradition is 11 May.
CitiesстолицаSerbo-Croatiannounstoolmedicine sciences
CitiesстолицаSerbo-Croatiannouncapital cityarchaic
Citrus subfamily plantswild orangeEnglishnounCapparis mitchellii, a non-citrus plant species that contains notable amounts of vitamin C.
Citrus subfamily plantswild orangeEnglishnounSeveral species of wild Citrus fruit, especially Citrus macroptera.
Cleaning拖糞柄Chinesenounmop handleWu
Climbing山頂Chinesenounmountain top; summit; hilltop
Climbing山頂Chinesenouncountryside; province (outside the city)Hokkien Philippine
Climbing山頂Chinesenounseats at the furthest back in stadiums, theaters, etc.Hong-Kong figuratively
Climbing山頂ChinesenameVictoria Peak; The Peak (a hill on the western half of Hong Kong Island)Hong-Kong informal
Climbing山頂ChinesenameConde S. Januário HospitalMacau colloquial
Clothingdress upEnglishverbTo put on special or fancy clothes.intransitive
Clothingdress upEnglishverbTo put on a costume portraying oneself as a particular type of character or well-known person.intransitive often
Clothingdress upEnglishverbTo put a costume on (someone) portraying them as a particular type of character or well-known person.often transitive
Clothingdress upEnglishverbTo decorate; to prettify.transitive
Clothingdress upEnglishverbTo present in a favorable light.transitive
ClothinggaskinEnglishnounPart of the hind leg of a horse, between the stifle and the hock.
ClothinggaskinEnglishnounA gasket.
ClothingpyjamasEnglishnounBritish standard spelling of pajamas (clothes for sleeping in).plural plural-only
ClothingpyjamasEnglishnounBritish standard spelling of pajamas (loose trousers worn by men and women in South Asia).plural plural-only
ClothingsayonFrenchnouncassock, (coarse) jacketmasculine obsolete
ClothingsayonFrenchnounsagumhistorical masculine
ClothingрубашкаRussiannounbutton-up shirt
ClothingрубашкаRussiannounback (of a playing card)
ClothingрубашкаRussiannoundust jacket, dustcover (of a book)
ClothingрубашкаRussiannounfetal membranes, amniotic sacanatomy medicine sciences
ClothingрубашкаRussiannounjacketengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
ClothingрубашкаRussiannounharness, straitjacketslang
ClothingхалаадMongoliannounsurgical gown
ClothingթաշկինակOld Armeniannountowel for wiping sweat
ClothingթաշկինակOld Armeniannounkerchief
ClothingܩܡܪܐClassical Syriacnounbelt, girdle, strap
ClothingܩܡܪܐClassical SyriacnameOrion's Beltastronomy natural-sciences
ClothingῥάκοςAncient Greeknounrag, tattered garment
ClothingῥάκοςAncient Greeknounstrip of cloth
ClothingῥάκοςAncient Greeknounwrinkles, rents in the facein-plural
ClothingῥάκοςAncient Greeknounrag, remnant
ClothingパンツJapanesenounpants, underpants (undergarment covering the genitals)
ClothingパンツJapanesenounpants, trousers (garment covering the body from the waist downwards)
Clothing孝服Chinesenounmourning apparel
Clothing孝服Chinesenounconventional period of mourning (for a deceased elder member of one's family)
CockroachesipisTagalognounyoung, tiny cockroach (in its molting stage)
CollectiveselencoSpanishnounlist, directorymasculine
CollectiveselencoSpanishnouncast (group of actors performing a play or production together)masculine
CollectiveselencoSpanishnounwork teammasculine
CollectivesforpocztaPolishnounoutpost (military post)government military politics wararchaic feminine
CollectivesforpocztaPolishnounoutpost (body of troops manning such a post)government military politics wararchaic feminine
CollectivesforpocztaPolishnounvanguard (soldiers scouting ahead of a marching army)government military politics wararchaic feminine literary
CollectivesforpocztaPolishnounavant-garde (group of people promoting new concepts)feminine
CollectivesmutinyEnglishnounAn organized rebellion against a legally constituted authority, especially by seamen against their officers.countable uncountable
CollectivesmutinyEnglishnounViolent commotion; tumult; strife.countable uncountable
CollectivesmutinyEnglishverbTo commit a mutiny.intransitive
CollectivesparishEnglishnounIn the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and Roman Catholic Church, an administrative part of a diocese that has its own church.
CollectivesparishEnglishnounThe community attending that church; the members of the parish.
CollectivesparishEnglishnounAn ecclesiastical society, usually not bounded by territorial limits, but composed of those persons who choose to unite under the charge of a particular priest, clergyman, or minister; also, loosely, the territory in which the members of a congregation live.US
CollectivesparishEnglishnounA civil subdivision of a British county, often corresponding to an earlier ecclesiastical parish.
CollectivesparishEnglishnounIn some countries, an administrative subdivision of an area.
CollectivesparishEnglishnounIn some countries, an administrative subdivision of an area. / An administrative subdivision in the U.S. state of Louisiana that is equivalent to a county in other U.S. states.
CollectivesparishEnglishverbTo place (an area, or rarely a person) into one or more parishes.transitive
CollectivesparishEnglishverbTo visit residents of a parish.intransitive
CollectivesparishEnglishverbPronunciation spelling of perish, representing Mary–marry–merry merger English.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
CollectivesstádoSlovaknounflock (of sheep)neuter
CollectivesstádoSlovaknounherd (of various mammals)neuter
CollectivestetrapletEnglishnounSynonym of quartet: A group of four things.
CollectivestetrapletEnglishnounAny member of such a group.
CollectivesсестринствоMacedoniannounmonastic sisterhoodChristianity
ColombiapaisaSpanishnounperson from a rural or rustic areaLatin-America masculine slang
ColombiapaisaSpanishnounChinese immigrantLatin-America masculine slang
ColombiapaisaSpanishnouninhabitant of the Paisa Region of northwest ColombiaColombia informal masculine
ColombiapaisaSpanishnounColombianEcuador Panama Venezuela informal masculine
ColombiapaisaSpanishnounNicaraguanCosta-Rica informal masculine
ColombiapaisaSpanishnounpaisa (a hundredth of a rupee or a taka)masculine
ColorsarianWelshnounsilver, argentmasculine uncountable usually
ColorsarianWelshnounmoneymasculine uncountable usually
ColorsarianWelshadjsilver, silvern (made of silver)not-comparable
ColorsarianWelshadjsilver, silvery (in colour)not-comparable
ColorsarianWelshadjsilveryfiguratively not-comparable
ColorscafeniuRomanianadjcoffee-coloredmasculine neuter
ColorscafeniuRomaniannouncoffee (color)neuter uncountable
ColorsfjołkiVilamoviannounviolet (plant)masculine
ColorsfjołkiVilamoviannounviolet (color)masculine
ColorsgadingCebuanoadjivory (color)
ColorskaloCarpathian RomaniadjblackBurgenland East-Slovakia Gurvari Hungarian-Vend
ColorskaloCarpathian RomaniadjdarkBurgenland East-Slovakia
ColorskaloCarpathian RomaniadjcruelEast-Slovakia
ColorskaloCarpathian RomaniadjdesperateEast-Slovakia
ColorskaloCarpathian Romaninounblackness, black colorEast-Slovakia masculine
ColorskaloCarpathian Romaninounmourning (dress)East-Slovakia masculine
ColorskaloCarpathian RomaninounBlack (person), swarthy personEast-Slovakia masculine
ColorskrimsonCebuanonounthe color crimson
ColorskrimsonCebuanoadjof the colour crimson
ColorsmagentaFinnishnounmagenta (pinkish purple colour)
ColorsmagentaFinnishadjmagenta (being of the magenta colour)
ColorsmerahMalayadjred (having red as its colour)
ColorsmerahMalaynounred (colour)
ColorspłowyLower Sorbianadjwan, sallow
ColorspłowyLower Sorbianadjpale yellow
ColorsšarenSerbo-Croatianadjvariegated, motley, dappled, colorful, multicolored
ColorsšarenSerbo-Croatianadjcomposed of diverse partsfiguratively
ColorsαἴθαλοςAncient Greeknounsmoky flame and thick black smoke rising up from the sacked, scorched Troy / soot
ColorsαἴθαλοςAncient Greeknounsmoky flame and thick black smoke rising up from the sacked, scorched Troy / a cinder, an ember, a scintilla
ColorsαἴθαλοςAncient Greeknounsmoky flame and thick black smoke rising up from the sacked, scorched Troy
ColorsαἴθαλοςAncient Greeknouna kind of black grape grown in Egypt
ColorsαἴθαλοςAncient Greekadjburnt-coloured, dark brown, dusky, pitchy, blackish, dark
ColorsقرمزPersiannounkermes insect (Kermes ilicis, an insect found on the kermes oak that is used to make crimson dyes)
ColorsقرمزPersiannouncrimson, scarlet, vermillion, red
CombustionfumusLatinnounsmoke, steam, fumedeclension-2
CombustionfumusLatinnounindication, signdeclension-2
CombustionzapłonPolishnounignition (initiation of combustion)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
CombustionzapłonPolishnounignition (system for activating combustion in an engine)automotive transport vehiclesinanimate masculine
CommunismCPIEnglishnounInitialism of Consumer Price Index.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
CommunismCPIEnglishnounInitialism of crash position indicator (“a deployable type of Emergency Locator Transmitter”).abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
CommunismCPIEnglishnounInitialism of cost per install (“pricing model for mobile app campaigns”).business marketingabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
CommunismCPIEnglishnameInitialism of Communist Party of India, a political party.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Compass pointshemaHawaiiannounleft (not right)
Compass pointshemaHawaiiannounsouth
CompositesنقدArabicnounverbal noun of نَقَدَ (naqada, “to pay in cash”) (form I), payment in cashform-of noun-from-verb
CompositesنقدArabicnouncash, ready money
CompositesنقدArabicnounverbal noun of نَقَدَ (naqada, “to criticize”) (form I), criticismform-of noun-from-verb
CompositesنقدArabicverbto cast a stealthy glance upon
CompositesنقدArabicverbto separate the goods from the bads
CompositesنقدArabicverbto proceed with harsh judgment against
CompositesنقدArabicverbto pay in cash
CompositesنقدArabicverbto be peeled, to be decorticated, to lose one’s outer integrity
CompositesنقدArabicnounverbal noun of نَقِدَ (naqida) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
CompositesنقدArabicnouncertain Asteraceae, given as Anvillea garcinii, Anvillea radiata, Asteriscus spp., Picridium, Carthamus etc.collective
CompositesنقدArabicadjconsumed, eroded, meagred off
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past active jussive of قَادَ (qāda)active first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past plural
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past passive jussive of قَادَ (qāda)first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past passive plural
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past active indicative of قَدَّ (qadda)active first-person form-i form-of indicative non-past plural
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past active subjunctive of قَدَّ (qadda)active first-person form-i form-of non-past plural subjunctive
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past active jussive of قَدَّ (qadda)active first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past plural
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past active jussive of قَدَّ (qadda)active first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past plural
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past passive indicative of قَدَّ (qadda)first-person form-i form-of indicative non-past passive plural
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past passive subjunctive of قَدَّ (qadda)first-person form-i form-of non-past passive plural subjunctive
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past passive jussive of قَدَّ (qadda)first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past passive plural
CompositesنقدArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past passive jussive of قَدَّ (qadda)first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past passive plural
Computer languagesAppleScriptEnglishnameA Mac OS scripting tool used to create scripts and applets.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
Computer languagesAppleScriptEnglishnounA script written in this language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CondimentskrzōnSilesiannounhorseradish (plant)inanimate masculine
CondimentskrzōnSilesiannounhorseradish (condiment)inanimate masculine
ConiferseinirIcelandicnounjuniper (Juniperus communis)masculine no-plural
ConiferseinirIcelandicnumnominative plural masculine of einnform-of masculine nominative plural
ConiferseinirIcelandicadjnominative plural masculine of einnform-of masculine nominative plural
ConstructionسطحArabicverbto spread forth, to unroll
ConstructionسطحArabicverbto spread out, to unroll
ConstructionسطحArabicverbto flatten, to even
ConstructionسطحArabicnounverbal noun of سَطَحَ (saṭaḥa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Construction移築Japanesenounrebuild in a new location
Construction移築Japaneseverbto rebuild in a new location
ContainerskarlicaSerbo-Croatiannounwooden trough, vat for mixing
ContainerskarlicaSerbo-CroatiannounpelvisBosnia Serbia
ContainerspakunekPolishnounpackageinanimate masculine
ContainerspakunekPolishnounwadinanimate masculine
ContainerssaltboxEnglishnounA box for keeping salt in.
ContainerssaltboxEnglishnounA similar box formerly used as a percussion instrument in burlesque music.
ContainerssaltboxEnglishnounA distinctively shaped wooden-frame house with two stories at the front and one behind, characteristic of New England.US
ContainerssaltboxEnglishnounA roof where one side slopes farther down than the other.
ContainerssaltboxEnglishnounThe cell in Newgate prison for a prisoner condemned to death.UK historical slang
ContainersకుండTelugunounan earthen pot; a pot
ContainersకుండTelugunouna round pot or jar
CookingverzaGaliciannounturnip greensdated feminine in-plural
CookingverzaGaliciannouncollard greensfeminine in-plural
CookingverzaGaliciannouncollard; wild mustard, wild cabbage; kale; Brassica oleracea var. acephalafeminine
CookingverzaGaliciannounsea lettucefeminine
Crickets and grasshoppersdulondulonCebuanonounlocust
Crickets and grasshoppersdulondulonCebuanonounswarm of locustsobsolete
CrimecapoSpanishnounby extension, a very able person at doing somethingmasculine
CrimecapoSpanishnounboss, chiefmasculine
CrimecapoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of caparfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CrimelarcenousEnglishadjGiven to larceny, tending to thievery.
CrimelarcenousEnglishadjResembling theft, often applied to legal actions that seem unfair.
CrimerustleEnglishnounA soft crackling sound similar to the movement of dry leaves.
CrimerustleEnglishnounA movement producing such a sound.
CrimerustleEnglishverbTo move (something) with a soft crackling sound.ergative
CrimerustleEnglishverbTo make or obtain in a lively, energetic way.transitive
CrimerustleEnglishverbTo steal (cattle or other livestock).transitive
Crimeswag bagEnglishnounA bag used to carry stolen goods.
Crimeswag bagEnglishnounA bag containing free gifts or promotional material.
CrimeŝteleEsperantoadvby theft
CrimeямщикRussiannoundriver, coachman, charioteer, cabman, postilion engaged in transporting people and cargo by horse and carriage
CrimeямщикRussiannounEurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
CrimeямщикRussiannounfence; brothel keeper
CrimeخیانتPersiannounbetrayal, including: / treason, treachery (to a country)
CrimeخیانتPersiannounbetrayal, including: / cheating (on a spouse)
CrimeخیانتPersiannounbetrayal, including: / betrayal, including
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounBetrayal; aiding one's enemies or rivals: / Betrayal of one's nation or governing authorities; treason or sedition.
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounBetrayal; aiding one's enemies or rivals: / The crime of treason as defined under the Treason Act 1351.
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounBetrayal; aiding one's enemies or rivals: / A specific instance of treason or sedition; an occasion where one acts treasonous.
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounBetrayal; aiding one's enemies or rivals: / Betrayal of one's family or relatives (especially referring to adultery)
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounDeception, fraudulence, lying; especially when severe or harmful: / Deception on the battlefield or while at war; underhanded tactics.
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounDeception, fraudulence, lying; especially when severe or harmful: / A specific instance of deception or fraudulence; an occasion where one uses deceit.
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounDisobedience; refusal to obey or listen to authorities (often religious)
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishnounMaliciousness, iniquity; wrong or malicious behaviour or actions, or an example of them.
Criminal lawtresounMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of tresounenalt-of alternative
CruciferskřenCzechnounhorseradishinanimate masculine
CruciferskřenCzechnouncockblockerinanimate masculine slang
CurrencieskopeckFrenchnouna wooden nickel or brass farthing, an iotafiguratively masculine
Currencies法郎Chinesenounpharaoh (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)Catholicism Christianity
CurrencyKoreannoundong, the currency of Vietnam
Curvesgreat circleEnglishnounA circle defined as the intersection of the surface of a sphere and a plane which passes through the centre of the sphere.geometry mathematics sciences
Curvesgreat circleEnglishnounA segment of such circle representing the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere.
Cutlerycheese knifeEnglishnounA type of knife used for cutting cheese, typically with a wide, curved blade.
Cutlerycheese knifeEnglishnounA spatula used to break down curd.
CyclingalleycatEnglishnounAlternative form of alley catalt-of alternative
CyclingalleycatEnglishverbAlternative form of alley catalt-of alternative
Cypress family plantscypressEnglishnounAn evergreen coniferous tree with flattened shoots bearing small scale-like leaves, whose dark foliage is sometimes associated with mourning, in family Cupressaceae, especially the genera Cupressus and Chamaecyparis.
Cypress family plantscypressEnglishnounAlternative form of Cyprus (“type of fabric”)alt-of alternative
DaturasstramoniumEnglishnounThe jimsonweed plantcountable uncountable
DaturasstramoniumEnglishnounA narcotic drug obtained from the dried leaves of this plant.countable uncountable
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolNight; nighttime; evening; twilight; darkness.
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolSleep; rest; bedtime.
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolThe Moon.astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolA natural satellite.astronomy natural-sciencesrare
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolThe last quarter of the Moon.astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciencesrare
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolSynonym of ☪ (“Islam”).
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolMenstruation.figuratively
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolChange; transformation; transition.figuratively
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolDo not disturb; quiet.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolSleep mode; off.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolNight mode: a colour scheme with light text on a dark background.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolSilver.alchemy pseudosciencearchaic
Days of the weekTranslingualsymbolMondayrare
DeathlumicinoItaliannouna faint, distant lightmasculine
DeathlumicinoItaliannouna funereal candlemasculine
DeathoprawcaPolishnountorturermasculine person
DeathoprawcaPolishnounexecutioner, hangmanmasculine person
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo slide; to propel oneself along a surface: / To slide then fall; to lose one's traction.
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo slide; to propel oneself along a surface: / To slip; to move from something's assigned place.
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo move, especially in an inconspicuous or noiseless way: / To leak or secrete; to move as a liquid.
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo move, especially in an inconspicuous or noiseless way: / To drop; to undergo falling or descent.
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo move, especially in an inconspicuous or noiseless way: / To bend or deviate from something's original course.
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo move, especially in an inconspicuous or noiseless way: / To leave or go away; to vanish.
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo move, especially in an inconspicuous or noiseless way: / To die; to undergo death.figuratively
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into iniquity or immoral behaviour.figuratively
DeathslidenMiddle EnglishverbTo experience alteration or modification; to become different.rare
DeathبرسیUrdunoundeath anniversary
DeathبرسیUrdunouna memorial held at one's death anniversaryHinduism
DeathਮਰਨਾPunjabiverbto die, to perishintransitive
DeathਮਰਨਾPunjabiverbto wither, to decay (of plants)intransitive
DeathਮਰਨਾPunjabiverbto die down, to subside (of wind)intransitive
Deathฆ่าThaiverbto kill.
Deathฆ่าThaiverbto put an end to; to get rid of; to remove; to destroy.
Deathฆ่าThaiverbto strike out; to cross out.
DeathปรินิพพานThainoundeath (of a buddha or arhat).Buddhism lifestyle religion
DeathปรินิพพานThaiverbto die.Buddhism lifestyle religion
Democratic Republic of the CongoZARTranslingualsymbolISO 4217 currency code for the South African rand.
Democratic Republic of the CongoZARTranslingualsymbolFormer ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Zaire from 1974 to 1997.obsolete
DemonymsAtlantanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Atlantanot-comparable
DemonymsAtlantanEnglishnounA resident of Atlanta
DemonymsColoradanEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Colorado in the United States of America.
DemonymsColoradanEnglishadjOf or relating to Colorado.
DemonymsJerichoanEnglishadjFrom or pertaining to Jericho.not-comparable
DemonymsJerichoanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Jericho.
DemonymsLimburgerEnglishnounLimburger cheese.uncountable usually
DemonymsLimburgerEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Limburg.countable usually
DemonymsMadeiranEnglishadjOf, or from Madeira.
DemonymsMadeiranEnglishnounSomeone from Madeira.
DemonymsRömerGermannounRomanmasculine strong
DemonymsRömerGermanadjof or from the city of Romeindeclinable rare
DemonymsRömerGermannounrummer (kind of drinking glass, commonly used for wine in Germany; often made partially from coloured glass)masculine strong
DemonymsRömerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun strong
DemonymsRömerGermannamethe building of the city council of Frankfurt am Maindefinite proper-noun strong usually
DemonymsRömerGermanadjof or from Rømø (a Danish island, called Röm in German)indeclinable
DemonymsRömerGermannounan inhabitant of this islandmasculine strong
DemonymsSicilieOld Englishnamethe Siciliansmasculine plural
DemonymsSicilieOld EnglishnameSicily (an island and former kingdom in europe)masculine plural
DemonymsalcarreñoSpanishadjfrom Guadalajara, Spain
DemonymsalcarreñoSpanishnounsomeone from Guadalajara, Spainmasculine
DemonymsdanèsCatalanadjDanish; (of or relating to Denmark, or the people or language thereof)
DemonymsdanèsCatalannounDane (an inhabitant of Denmark)masculine
DemonymsdanèsCatalannounGreat Dane (a large breed of dog)masculine
DemonymsdanèsCatalannounDanish Landrace (a breed of swine)masculine
DemonymsdanèsCatalannounDanish (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsesmeraldenseSpanishadjof Esmeralda (a municipality of Cuba)feminine masculine relational
DemonymsesmeraldenseSpanishnounan inhabitant of the municipality of Esmeralda, Cubaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsnavarrèsCatalannouna variety of Navarro-Aragonese spoken in Navarremasculine uncountable
DemonymsnavarrèsCatalannouna variety of Basque spoken in Navarremasculine uncountable
DemonymsparaensePortugueseadjof Paráfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsparaensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Paráby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymssaltillenseSpanishadjof Saltillo (a city in Mexico)feminine masculine relational
DemonymssaltillenseSpanishnounsomeone from Saltillo (a city in Mexico)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishadjof San Lorenzo, Valle, Hondurasrelational
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishadjof San Lorenzo, Paraguayrelational
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishnounsomeone from San Lorenzo, Hondurasmasculine
DemonymssanlorenzanoSpanishnounsomeone from San Lorenzo, Paraguaymasculine
Demonymssub-SaharanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to that part of Africa which lies south of the Sahara Desert.not-comparable
Demonymssub-SaharanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of that part of Africa which lies south of the Sahara.
DemonymstuxpeñoSpanishadjof Tuxpanrelational
DemonymstuxpeñoSpanishnounsomeone from Tuxpanmasculine
DemonymsvegueñoSpanishadjLas Vegan (of or relating to Las Vegas, Nevada)
DemonymsvegueñoSpanishnounLas Vegan (native or resident of Las Vegas, Nevada)masculine
DemonymsପଠାଣOdianounPathan, Pashtun
DemonymsପଠାଣOdianounwicked person
Dental hygienetoothbrushEnglishnounA brush, used with toothpaste, for cleaning the teeth.
Dental hygienetoothbrushEnglishverbTo clean or scrub with a toothbrush.transitive
Dessertsbánh ránVietnamesenounA deep-fried glutinous rice ball in northern Vietnamese cuisine, filled with mung bean paste, scented with jasmine flower essence, and doused in syrup.
Dessertsbánh ránVietnamesenoundorayaki
DessertsiskrambolTagalognounice scramble
DessertsiskrambolTagalognounscramble; scrabble
DessertsiskrambolTagalognounscrambled egg
DictationpunctuationEnglishnounA set of symbols and marks which are used to clarify meaning in text by separating strings of words into clauses, phrases and sentences; examples include commas, hyphens, and stops (periods).countable uncountable
DictationpunctuationEnglishnounAn act of punctuating.countable uncountable
DietskanibalPolishnouncannibal (organism which eats others of its own species)masculine person
DietskanibalPolishnouncannibal (human)masculine person
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounAny distinctive identifying uniform worn by a group, such as the uniform worn by chauffeurs and male servants.countable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounThe whole body of liverymen, members of livery companies.countable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounThe paint scheme of a vehicle or fleet of vehicles.countable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounA taxicab or limousine.US countable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounThe delivery of property from one owner to the next.lawcountable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounThe writ by which property is obtained.lawcountable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounThe rental of horses or carriages; the rental of canoes; the care and/or boarding of horses for money.countable historical uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounA stable that keeps horses or carriages for rental.countable historical uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounAn allowance of food; a ration, as given out to a family, to servants, to horses, etc.countable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounRelease from wardship; deliverance.countable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounA low grade of wool.countable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishnounOutward markings, fittings or appearancecountable uncountable
DirectivesliveryEnglishverbTo clothe.archaic
DirectivesliveryEnglishadjLike liver.
DirectivesliveryEnglishadjQueasy, liverish.
DirectivesmethodEnglishnounA process by which a task is completed; a way of doing something (followed by the adposition of, to or for before the purpose of the process).countable
DirectivesmethodEnglishnounSystematicity, methodicalness, intentionality, orderuncountable
DirectivesmethodEnglishnounA technique for acting based on the ideas articulated by Konstantin Stanislavski and focusing on authentically experiencing the inner life of the character being portrayed.acting broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatercountable uncountable
DirectivesmethodEnglishnounA subroutine or function belonging to a class or object.countable uncountable
DirectivesmethodEnglishnounMarijuana.countable slang uncountable
DirectivesmethodEnglishnounAn instruction book systematically arranged.countable dated uncountable
DirectivesmethodEnglishverbTo apply a method to.transitive
DirectivesmethodEnglishverbTo apply particular treatment methods to (a mold).broadly transitive
DirectivesmethodEnglishnounEllipsis of method air..hobbies lifestyle skateboarding snowboarding sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
DirectivesprzepisPolishnounrecipe (set of instructions for preparing a mixture of ingredients) [with na (+ accusative) ‘for what’] / recipe (set of instructions for preparing a mixture of ingredients)inanimate masculine
DirectivesprzepisPolishnounrecipe (plan or procedure to obtain a given end result; a prescription) [with na (+ accusative) ‘for what’] / recipe (plan or procedure to obtain a given end result; a prescription)inanimate masculine
DirectivesprzepisPolishnounprescription, regulation, rule, code, bylaw (law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization) [with o (+ locative) ‘about what’] / prescription, regulation, rule, code, bylaw (law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization)inanimate masculine
DirectivesprzepisPolishnounprescription (doctor's instructions)inanimate masculine
DirectivesprzepisPolishnouncopy; rewriteinanimate masculine obsolete
DirectivesprzepisPolishnounprescribing; establishing rulesinanimate masculine obsolete
DirectivesprzepisPolishnounsuggestion, tip, clueinanimate masculine obsolete
DirectivesprzepisPolishnountithe for beesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
DisabilitymoronEnglishnounA stupid person; an idiot; a fool.derogatory informal
DisabilitymoronEnglishnounA person of mild mental subnormality in the former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50–70.human-sciences psychology sciencesdated
DiseasemorbusLatinnouna disease, illness, malady, sickness, disorder, distemper, ailmentdeclension-2 masculine
DiseasemorbusLatinnouna fault, vice, failingdeclension-2 masculine
DiseasemorbusLatinnounSorrow, grief, distressdeclension-2 masculine
DiseasemorbusLatinnoundeathdeclension-2 masculine
DivinationsignifiaunceMiddle EnglishnounAn omen; a portentous event or symbol.uncountable
DivinationsignifiaunceMiddle EnglishnounThe meaning or significance of an omen or event.uncountable
DivinationsignifiaunceMiddle EnglishnounThe definition or meaning of a word.rare uncountable
DivinationsignifiaunceMiddle EnglishnounA sign or emblem; a distinguishing symbol.rare uncountable
DivinationsignifiaunceMiddle EnglishnounAn indication; a distinguishing behaviour.rare uncountable
DogsbiccheMiddle Englishnounbitch (female dog)
DogsbiccheMiddle Englishnounbitch (despicable or disagreeable woman)
DogsbiccheMiddle Englishnounbitch (despicable or heathen man)
DogspittieEnglishverbObsolete spelling of pity.alt-of obsolete
DogspittieEnglishnounObsolete spelling of pity.alt-of countable obsolete uncountable
DogspittieEnglishnounA pit bull terrier.countable endearing informal uncountable
DogsChinesecharacterdog with long snoutobsolete
DogsChinesecharacterOnly used in 獫狁/猃狁.obsolete
Dogs走狗Chinesenounhunting dog; houndliterary
Dogs走狗Chinesenoundog racing game in ancient timeshistorical literary
Dogs走狗Chinesenounrunning dog; lackey; cat's paw; person subservient to counterrevolutionary or evil interestsgovernment politicsderogatory figuratively
Dogs走狗Chinesenounself-deprecating form of address for oneself; the servant me; I, the followerhumble literary
Dogs走狗Chineseverbto make a dog run or huntliterary
DrinkingперепитьRussianverbto drink too much (liquid)
DrinkingперепитьRussianverbto drink too much alcohol, to overdrinkcolloquial
DrinkingперепитьRussianverbto drink (liquid) longer than anyone elsecolloquial
DrinkingперепитьRussianverbto drink alcohol longer than anyone elsecolloquial
Earth sciencesoutgassingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of outgasform-of gerund participle present
Earth sciencesoutgassingEnglishnounThe slow release of gas from a solid or liquid; especially, the release of gases into the atmosphere of a planet, or the release of gases from plastic parts.countable uncountable
Ecologyfood chainEnglishnounThe feeding relationships between species in a biotic community.
Ecologyfood chainEnglishnounA hierarchy.idiomatic
EconomicsaicmeIrishnounclass (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.)feminine
EconomicsaicmeIrishnounfamily, tribefeminine
EconomicsaicmeIrishnounset, cliquefeminine
EconomicsaicmeIrishnoundenomination (unit in a series of units of weight, money, etc.)feminine
EconomicsbruttokansantuoteFinnishnoungross domestic product
EconomicsbruttokansantuoteFinnishnoungross national product
EducationakademyaTagalognounacademy (place of higher learning)
EducationensercherMiddle EnglishnounA researcher; a studier.
EducationensercherMiddle EnglishnounA finder or looker; one who hunts for something.rare
EducationensercherMiddle EnglishnounA searcher; an investigator or scrutiniser.Late-Middle-English rare
EducationpertTurkishnounFor something to decrease in value.
EducationpertTurkishnounFor damage to be done to something.
EducationучителMacedoniannountutor, mentor, preceptor
EggseggEnglishnounAn approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, insects, reptiles, and other animals, housing the embryo within a membrane or shell during its development. / The edible egg (sense 1.1) of a domestic fowl such as a duck, goose, or, especially, a chicken; (uncountable) the contents of such an egg or eggs used as food.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable specifically
EggseggEnglishnounAn approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, insects, reptiles, and other animals, housing the embryo within a membrane or shell during its development. / A food item shaped to resemble an egg (sense 1.1.1), such as a chocolate egg.biology natural-sciences zoologybroadly countable
EggseggEnglishnounAn approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, insects, reptiles, and other animals, housing the embryo within a membrane or shell during its development.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSynonym of ovum (“the female gamete of an animal”); an egg cell.biology cytology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoologyalso countable uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounA thing which looks like or is shaped like an egg (sense 1.1). / A swelling on one's head, usually large or noticeable, resulting from an injury.countable uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounA thing which looks like or is shaped like an egg (sense 1.1). / Chiefly in egg and dart: an ornamental oval moulding alternating in a row with dart or triangular shapes.architecturecountable uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounA thing which looks like or is shaped like an egg (sense 1.1). / A score of zero; specifically (cricket), a batter's failure to score; a duck egg or duck's egg.hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounA thing which looks like or is shaped like an egg (sense 1.1). / A bomb or mine.government military politics warcountable dated uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A person; a fellow.countable dated figuratively informal uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A white person considered to be overly infatuated with East Asia.countable derogatory ethnic figuratively rare slur uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A user of the microblogging service Twitter identified by the default avatar (historically an image of an egg (sense 1.1.1)) rather than a custom image; hence, a newbie or noob.Internet countable dated derogatory figuratively uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A person regarded as having not yet realized they are transgender, who has not yet come out as transgender, or who is in the early stages of transitioning; also, one's lack of awareness that one is transgender.countable figuratively uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A foolish or obnoxious person.New-Zealand countable derogatory figuratively uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSenses relating to people. / A young person.countable derogatory figuratively obsolete uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounSomething regarded as containing a (usually bad) thing at an early stage.archaic countable figuratively uncountable
EggseggEnglishnounOne of the blocks of data injected into a program's address space for use by certain forms of shellcode, such as "omelettes".computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable figuratively uncountable
EggseggEnglishverbTo throw (especially rotten) eggs (noun sense 1.1.1) at (someone or something).transitive
EggseggEnglishverbTo inadvertently or intentionally distort (the circular cross-section of something, such as tube) to an elliptical or oval shape.transitive
EggseggEnglishverbTo coat (a food ingredient) with or dip (a food ingredient) in beaten egg (noun sense 1.1.1) during the process of preparing a food lifestyletransitive
EggseggEnglishverbTo collect the eggs (noun sense 1.1) of wild birds.intransitive
EggseggEnglishverbTo encourage, incite, or urge (someone).transitive
EgyptAbydusLatinnameOne of the most important cities of Egyptdeclension-2
EgyptAbydusLatinnameA city in Mysia, situated opposite to Sestusdeclension-2
EightochavaSpanishnouneighth, one-eighth (one of eight equal parts of any amount or thing)feminine
EightochavaSpanishnounochava (a traditional unit of mass equivalent to about 3.6 g)feminine historical
EightochavaSpanishnounSynonym of chaflán, chamfer (an area added or removed from a wall or piece of furniture to break up corners, a diagonal sidewalk acting as a chamfer at street corners)feminine
EightochavaSpanishnounAlternative form of ochavo, octave (a weeklong saint's festival or local party)alt-of alternative feminine
EightochavaSpanishnounoctave (the last of the seven days of the festival)feminine
EightochavaSpanishadjfeminine singular of ochavofeminine form-of singular
EightyeightysomethingEnglishnumAn indeterminate value between 80 (inclusive) and 90 (exclusive).colloquial
EightyeightysomethingEnglishnounA person between 80 and 89 years old.colloquial
Emergency servicespogotowiePolishnounemergency serviceneuter
Emergency servicespogotowiePolishnounalertnessneuter
Emergency servicespogotowiePolishnounstate of preparedness, readyneuter
EmotionscryfestEnglishnounSomething sad or moving, especially a film.informal
EmotionscryfestEnglishnounAn episode of intense crying.informal
EmotionsiucunditasLatinnounagreeableness, pleasantness, pleasurableness, charm, delight, enjoymentdeclension-3
EmotionsiucunditasLatinnouncheerfulness, livelinessdeclension-3
EmotionsiucunditasLatinnouninstances of pleasantness, good offices, favorsdeclension-3 in-plural
EmotionssconfortatoItalianverbpast participle of sconfortareform-of participle past
EmotionssconfortatoItalianadjdejected, disheartened, discouraged
Emotions悲摧Chineseadjgrieved; miserableliterary
Emotions悲摧ChineseadjAlternative form of 悲催 (bēicuī, “tragic; sad”)alt-of alternative neologism
Emotions鬱屈Japanesenoungloom, depression
Emotions鬱屈Japaneseverbbe depressed, feel gloomy
EnglishSinglishEnglishnounA highly colloquial or basilectal variety of Singapore English incorporating much Hokkien and Malay lexis.human-sciences linguistics sciencesSingapore uncountable
EnglishSinglishEnglishnounAny of various varieties of English spoken in Sri Lanka.human-sciences linguistics sciencesSri-Lanka uncountable
English numeral symbolsaEnglishcharacterThe first letter of the English alphabet, written in the Latin script.letter lowercase
English numeral symbolsaEnglishnumThe ordinal number first, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called a and written in the Latin script.alt-of lowercase ordinal
English numeral symbolsaEnglishnounThe name of the Latin script letter A / a.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleAn unspecified example of (something); the indefinite article.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleOne; used before score, dozen, hundred, thousand, million, etc.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleUsed in some phrases denoting quantity, such as a few, a good many, a couple, a little, a bit, etc.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleUsed in some phrases denoting quantity, such as a few, a good many, a couple, a little, a bit, etc. / Used before a numeral.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleUsed in some adverbial phrases denoting the degree or extent of an action, such as a little, a bit, a lot, etc.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleThe same; one and the same. Used in phrases such as of a kind, birds of a feather, etc.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleAny; every; used before a noun which has become modified to limit its scope.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleAny; used with a negative to indicate not a single one.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleUsed before an adjective that modifies a noun (singular or plural) delimited by a numeral.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleOne; someone named; used before a person's name, suggesting that the speaker knows little about the person other than the name.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleUsed before an adjective modifying a person's name, typically used to emphasize that person's current condition or emotional state.
English numeral symbolsaEnglisharticleSomeone or something like; similar to; used before a proper noun to create an example out of it.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with separation; In, into.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with time; Each, per, in, on, by. Often occurs between two nouns, where the first noun occurs at the end of a verbal phrase.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with status; In.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with position or direction; In, on, at, by, towards, onto.archaic
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with process, with a passive verb; In the course of, experiencing.archaic
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with an action, an active verb; Engaged in.archaic
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with an action/movement; To, into.archaic
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with method; In, with.obsolete
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepTo do with role or capacity; In.obsolete
English numeral symbolsaEnglishverbHave (auxiliary verb).
English numeral symbolsaEnglishverbhad (auxiliary verb).rare
English numeral symbolsaEnglishpronHe, she, they: the third-person singular or plural nominative. / He, the third-person singular nominative.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishpronHe, she, they: the third-person singular or plural nominative. / She, the third-person singular nominative.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishpronHe, she, they: the third-person singular or plural nominative.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishprepOf.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishadvAll.Scotland not-comparable
English numeral symbolsaEnglishadjAll.Scotland not-comparable
English numeral symbolsaEnglishparticlePronunciation spelling of to.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
English numeral symbolsaEnglishcontractionUsed to express a future action; going to.contraction
English numeral symbolsaEnglishconjContraction of and.abbreviation alt-of contraction dialectal obsolete rare
English numeral symbolsaEnglishsymbolDistance from leading edge to aerodynamic center.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishsymbolspecific absorption coefficient
English numeral symbolsaEnglishsymbolspecific rotation
English numeral symbolsaEnglishsymbolallele (recessive)
English numeral symbolsaEnglishadvacross
English numeral symbolsaEnglishadvAlternative spelling of a.m. (“ante meridiem”) or amUS alt-of alternative
English numeral symbolsaEnglishparticleAlternative form of -a (“empty syllable added to songs, poetry, verse and other speech”)alt-of alternative
English numeral symbolsaEnglishnounThe name of the Cyrillic script letter А / а.
English numeral symbolsaEnglishintjah; er (sound of hesitation)
English unisex given namesBroganEnglishnameA surname from Irish.
English unisex given namesBroganEnglishnameA male given name.
English unisex given namesBroganEnglishnameA female given name.
English unisex given namesBroganEnglishnameA census-designated place in Malheur County, Oregon, United States.
English unisex given namesEmeryEnglishnameA surname transferred from the given name.
English unisex given namesEmeryEnglishnameA male given name from the Germanic languages, today often transferred back from the surname.
English unisex given namesEmeryEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the surname, of 2000s usage, also associated with the mineral emery.
English unisex given namesEmeryEnglishnameA city in South Dakota.
English unisex given namesEmeryEnglishnameA town in Utah.
English unisex given namesEmeryEnglishnameA town in Wisconsin.
English unisex given namesRobinEnglishnameA unisex given name / A male given name from the Romance languages or the Germanic languages.
English unisex given namesRobinEnglishnameA unisex given name / A female given name from the Germanic languages, also associated with the bird robin.
English unisex given namesRobinEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesRobinEnglishnounSomeone connected with any number of sports teams known as the Robins, as a fan, player, coach, etc.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
English unisex given namesTobyEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.
English unisex given namesTobyEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew.rare
English unisex given namesTobyEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesTobyEnglishnamein the traditional Punch and Judy show the showman's (live) dog trained to take part in the puppet show and to carry a bag around the audience soliciting donations.UK
English unisex given namesTobyEnglishnounThe superintendent of a street market.
EpistemologyracionālistisksLatvianadjrationalistic (relating to rationalism, characterized by rationalism)human-sciences philosophy sciences
EpistemologyracionālistisksLatvianadjrationalist, rationalistic (the quality of one who is rational, logical, who bases his or her life on reason and thought)
EpistemologyracionālistisksLatvianadjrationalistic (typical of the school of rationalism)architecture
EpistemologyracionālistisksLatvianadjrationalistic (typical of, or relating to, rationalism in art)art arts
EpistemologyracionālistsLatviannoun(male) rationalist (a supporter or advocate of rationalism)human-sciences philosophy sciencesdeclension-1 masculine
EpistemologyracionālistsLatviannounrationalist (a man who acts rationally, showing a reasoned attitude toward reality, based on logics, reason and thought)declension-1 masculine
EpistemologyracionālistsLatviannoun(male) rationalist (architect who follows the school of rationalism)architecturedeclension-1 masculine
EpistemologyracionālistsLatviannoun(male) rationalist (artist whose creative work is characterized by rationalism)art artsdeclension-1 masculine
Equestrianismapron skirtEnglishnounThe lower, skirt-like part of an apron of the type that covers the front of both the torso and the thighs.
Equestrianismapron skirtEnglishnounA skirt with an apron-like panel incorporated into the front.
Equestrianismapron skirtEnglishnounAn item of clothing worn by women in some North American indigenous communities, consisting of an apron-like flap hanging over the front of the thighs, sometimes with an additional flap hanging in the back.historical
Equestrianismapron skirtEnglishnounA long skirt with a slit up the back as far as the buttocks, designed for women to wear over their breeches while riding a horse.historical
Ericales order plantssnowbellEnglishnounAny member of the genus Soldanella of flowering plants native to European mountains, typically with a basal rosette of simple, orbicular leaves and white to violet flowers.
Ericales order plantssnowbellEnglishnounCertain styraxes.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounA small mammal, of the family Erinaceidae or subfamily Erinaceinae (spiny hedgehogs, the latter characterized by their spiny back and often by the habit of rolling up into a ball when attacked.)
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounAny of several spiny mammals, such as the porcupine, that are similar to the hedgehog.US
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounEllipsis of Czech hedgehog: an antitank obstacle constructed from three steel rails.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounA spigot mortar-type of depth charge weapon from World War II that simultaneously fires a number of explosives into the water to create a pattern of underwater explosions intended to attack submerged submarines.government military politics warhistorical informal
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounA type of chocolate cake (or slice), somewhat similar to an American brownie.Australia
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounA form of dredging machine.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounCertain flowering plants with parts resembling a member of family Erinaceidae / Medicago intertexta, the pods of which are armed with short spines.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounCertain flowering plants with parts resembling a member of family Erinaceidae / Retzia capensis of South Africa.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounThe edible fungus Hydnum repandum.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounA kind of electrical transformer with open magnetic circuit, the ends of the iron wire core being turned outward and presenting a bristling appearance.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounA way of serving food at a party, consisting of a half melon or potato etc. with individual cocktail sticks of cheese and pineapple stuck into it.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishnounA type of plane curve; see Hedgehog (geometry).
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishverbTo make use of a hedgehog barricade as a defensive maneuver.government military politics war
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishverbTo array with spiky projections like the quills of a hedgehog.
ErinaceidshedgehogEnglishverbTo curl up into a defensive ball.intransitive transitive
EthicsviciateMiddle EnglishadjSpoiled, injured, or ruined; made corrupt or base.Late-Middle-English rare
EthicsviciateMiddle EnglishadjLacking purification; unpurified.Late-Middle-English rare
EthnonymsMestizxEnglishadjMestizo or Mestiza (and of any gender).neologism not-comparable
EthnonymsMestizxEnglishnounA Mestizo or Mestiza (of any gender).neologism
EthnonymsооганKyrgyzadjAfghan (of or pertaining to Afghanistan)
EthnonymsооганKyrgyzadjPashtun (of or pertaining to the Pashtun ethnic community)
EthnonymsооганKyrgyznounAfghan (person from Afghanistan)
EthnonymsооганKyrgyznounPashtun (person of Pashtun ethnicity)
EthnonymsտաճիկOld ArmeniannounArab
EthnonymsտաճիկOld ArmeniannounTurkpost-Classical
EthnonymsտաճիկOld ArmeniannounMuslimpost-Classical
EthnonymsտաճիկOld Armenianadjtormenting, harassing (because of the barbarity of Turks)figuratively post-Classical
EthnonymsտաճիկOld Armenianadjswift
EthnonymsܕܪܘܙܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjDruze (of or relating to the Druze people or Druze religion.)
EthnonymsܕܪܘܙܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounDruze (member of a secretive religious community based mainly in the Middle East, specifically Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.)
Exercise equipmentwobble boardEnglishnounAn item of exercising equipment which challenges the sportsman to balance his weight on it as it could tilt in any direction.
Exercise equipmentwobble boardEnglishnounA musical instrument consisting of a flat board which is held in the hands and shaken so that the board flexes in order to produce a rhythmic "whoop-whoop" noise.
ExplosivesnáložCzechnounloadepidemiology medicine sciencesfeminine
Extinct languagesOudgrieksDutchnameAncient Greek (language)neuter
Extinct languagesOudgrieksDutchadjAncient Greeknot-comparable
EyecrustyEnglishadjHaving a crust, especially a thick one.
EyecrustyEnglishadjShort-tempered and gruff but, sometimes, with a harmless or benign inner nature.figuratively informal
EyecrustyEnglishadjOf very low quality; crude visuals or harsh, granular sound.informal
EyecrustyEnglishnounA tramp or homeless young person with poor cleanliness.British informal
EyecrustyEnglishnounDried eye mucus.slang
EyecrustyEnglishnounA member of an urban subculture with roots in punk and grebo, characterized by antiestablishment attitudes and an unkempt appearance.Ireland UK informal
EyeweargléezarCimbriannounplural of glasform-of plural
EyeweargléezarCimbriannouneyeglassesSette-Comuni plural
EyeweargléezarCimbriannounlensesSette-Comuni plural
FabricsfeltEnglishnounA cloth or stuff made of matted fibres of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving.countable uncountable
FabricsfeltEnglishnounA hat made of felt.countable uncountable
FabricsfeltEnglishnounA felt-tip pen.countable uncountable
FabricsfeltEnglishnounA skin or hide; a fell; a pelt.countable obsolete uncountable
FabricsfeltEnglishverbTo make into felt, or a feltlike substance; to cause to adhere and mat together.transitive
FabricsfeltEnglishverbTo cover with, or as if with, felt.transitive
FabricsfeltEnglishverbTo cause a player to lose all their chips.card-games pokertransitive
FabricsfeltEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of feelform-of participle past
FabricsfeltEnglishadjThat has been experienced or perceived.
FabricsherringboneEnglishnounA bone of a herring.countable
FabricsherringboneEnglishnounA zigzag pattern, especially made by bricks, on a cloth, or by stitches in sewing.countable uncountable
FabricsherringboneEnglishnounA method of climbing a hill by pointing the skis outward in a V-shape to keep from sliding backwards.hobbies lifestyle skiing sportscountable
FabricsherringboneEnglishnounTwilled fabric woven in rows of parallel sloping lines.countable uncountable
FabricsherringboneEnglishverbTo stitch in a herringbone pattern.
FabricsherringboneEnglishverbTo climb a hill by pointing the skis outward in a V-shape to keep from sliding backwards.hobbies lifestyle skiing sports
FabricsshirtingEnglishnounAny fabric used to make shirts.countable uncountable
FabricsshirtingEnglishnounShirts collectively.countable uncountable
FabricsviscosaCatalannounviscosebusiness chemistry manufacturing natural-sciences physical-sciences textilesfeminine
FabricsviscosaCatalanadjfeminine singular of viscósfeminine form-of singular
FaceნიკარტიGeorgiannounImereti form of ნისკარტი (nisḳarṭi, “beak”)
Facial expressionssogghignoItaliannounsneermasculine
Facial expressionssogghignoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of sogghignarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Facial expressionssourire jusqu'aux oreillesFrenchverbto smile from ear to ear, to grin like a Cheshire catfiguratively
Facial expressionssourire jusqu'aux oreillesFrenchnouna smile from ear to earfiguratively
FamilybiyáázhNavajonounits young
FamilybiyáázhNavajonounher son, her nephew
FamilybiyáázhNavajonounher mother's brother, her paternal uncle
FamilybiyáázhNavajonounher father's brother's son's son, her first cousin once removed
FamilynɛɛMwannounelder brother's wife
FamilyvrauCimbriannounlady (woman of the upper class)Sette-Comuni feminine
FamilyvrauCimbriannounwifeSette-Comuni feminine
FamilyсямейныBelarusianadjfamily-having; not orphaned or widowed
Familyม้าThainoun(classifier ตัว) / horse: the mammal Equus caballus of the family Equidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Familyม้าThainoun(classifier ตัว) / any of various crabs of the genus Portunus, the family Portunidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Familyม้าThainoun(classifier ตัว) / Boeseman croaker: the fish Boesemania microlepis of the family Sciaenidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Familyม้าThainounseat with legs. (classifier ตัว)
Familyม้าThainounknight. (classifier ตัว)board-games chess games
Familyม้าThainounClipping of หน้าม้า (nâa-máa, “hair fringe”).abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Familyม้าThainounClipping of หน้าม้า (nâa-máa, “claque; shill”). (classifier คน)abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Familyม้าThainounClipping of ยาม้า (yaa-máa, “ya ma, a type of addictive drug”). (classifier เม็ด)abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Familyม้าThainame(classifier ดวง) (ดาว~) Beta Arietis.astronomy natural-sciences
Familyม้าThaiparticleAlternative form of ไหม (mǎi)alt-of alternative childish
Familyม้าThainounmother; also used as a term of address to or title for such person, and used by such person to refer to oneself.colloquial
Family伯父Chinesenounpaternal uncle (father's elder brother)formal
Family伯父Chinesenoununcle (a term of respect for someone who is slightly older than one's father)formal
Family伯父Chinesenounold man, especially one who is creepyCantonese
Family阿爸Chinesenoundad; paparegional
FastenerskolíčekCzechnoundiminutive of kolíkdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FastenerskolíčekCzechnounclothespin, clothes peginanimate masculine
FearpanicEnglishadjAlternative letter-case form of Panic (“pertaining to the Greek god Pan”)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek alt-of archaic
FearpanicEnglishadj(by extension (see the etymology)) / Of fear, fright, etc: overwhelming or sudden.
FearpanicEnglishadj(by extension (see the etymology)) / Pertaining to or resulting from overwhelming fear or fright.
FearpanicEnglishnounOverwhelming fear or fright, often affecting groups of people or animals; (countable) an instance of this; a fright, a scare.uncountable
FearpanicEnglishnounShort for kernel panic (“on Unix-derived operating systems: an action taken by the operating system when it cannot recover from a fatal error”); (by extension) any computer system crash.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable
FearpanicEnglishnounA rapid reduction in asset prices due to broad efforts to raise cash in anticipation of such prices continuing to economics finance sciencescountable
FearpanicEnglishnounA highly amusing or entertaining performer, performance, or show; a riot, a scream.US colloquial countable
FearpanicEnglishverbTo cause (someone) to feel panic (“overwhelming fear or fright”); also, to frighten (someone) into acting hastily.transitive
FearpanicEnglishverbTo cause (a computer system) to crash.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
FearpanicEnglishverbTo highly amuse, entertain, or impress (an audience watching a performance or show).US colloquial transitive
FearpanicEnglishverbTo feel panic, or overwhelming fear or fright; to freak out, to lose one's head.intransitive
FearpanicEnglishverbOf a computer system: to crash.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesintransitive
FearpanicEnglishnounFoxtail millet or Italian millet (Setaria italica), the second-most widely grown species of millet.countable uncountable
FearpanicEnglishnounA plant of the genus Panicum, or of similar plants of other genera (especially Echinochloa and Setaria) formerly included within Panicum; panicgrass or panic grass.broadly countable uncountable
FearpanicEnglishnounThe edible grain obtained from one of the above plants.countable uncountable
FelidsleeuwDutchnounliongovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
FelidsleeuwDutchnounburial moundneuter obsolete
Female姐姐Chinesenounelder sister; big sister (Classifier: 個/个; 位)
Female姐姐ChinesenounTerm of address for a female not much older than oneself.
Female姐姐Chinesenounfemale servantarchaic
Female姐姐Chinesenounfemale domestic helperCantonese Hong-Kong
Female姐姐ChinesenameRegina IpCantonese Hong-Kong informal
Female雌雄Chinesenounfemale and male
Female雌雄Chinesenounvictory and defeatfiguratively
Female animalsквочкаRussiannounhencolloquial
Female animalsквочкаRussiannounsitting duck, dumb cluckcolloquial
Female family membershalaSerbo-Croatiannounhallfeminine
Female family membershalaSerbo-CroatiannounWC, water closetfeminine rare regional
Female family membershalaSerbo-Croatiannountoiletfeminine rare regional
Female family membershalaSerbo-Croatiannounprivyfeminine rare regional
Female family membershalaSerbo-Croatiannounaunt (maternal or paternal)Islam lifestyle religionfeminine rare regional
Female family membershalaSerbo-CroatianadjAlternative form of ala (“spotted”)alt-of alternative
Female family membershalaSerbo-CroatiannounAlternative form of ala (“dragon”)alt-of alternative
Female family members큰어멍Jejunounaunt (father's eldest brother's wife)
Female family members큰어멍Jejunounaunt (father's eldest brother's wife) / aunt (father's older brother's wife)uncommon
Female peopleAthenaEnglishnameThe goddess of wisdom, especially strategic warfare, the arts, and especially crafts, in particular, weaving; daughter of Zeus and Metis. Her Roman counterpart is Minerva.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Female peopleAthenaEnglishnameA city in Umatilla County, Oregon, United States.
Female peopleAthenaEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek.
Female peopleAthenaEnglishnounA woman who colludes with the patriarchy rather than actively opposing it.feminism government human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciencesderogatory figuratively
Female peopleabbatissaLatinnounabbess, female head of an abbeyLate-Latin declension-1
Female peopleabbatissaLatinnounablative singular of abbātissaablative form-of singular
Female peoplebździągwaPolishnounbedbug (Cimex lectularius)Poznań feminine
Female peoplebździągwaPolishnountart (of a woman)colloquial derogatory feminine
Female peopleconcubineMiddle EnglishnounA concubine; a secondary female partner.
Female peopleconcubineMiddle EnglishnounA illegitimate or unacknowledged partner (male or female)rare
Female peopledziwkaPolishnounwhore (prostitute)feminine slang
Female peopledziwkaPolishnounbitch, slut, whorefeminine offensive
Female peoplegangsterkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of gangster (“female gangster, gangsteress”)colloquial feminine form-of
Female peoplegangsterkaPolishnoungangsterhood, banditry (organised criminal activity)colloquial feminine uncountable
Female peoplegangsterkaPolishnoungangsters in generalcollective colloquial feminine uncountable
Female peoplejubilatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of jubilat (“person celebrating their birthday or anniversary”)feminine form-of
Female peoplejubilatkaPolishnounsenior citizen, pensionerarchaic feminine
Female peoplepapistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of papista (“papist”) (supporter of the Pope and his political action)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism government politicsfeminine form-of
Female peoplepapistkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of papista (“papist”) (Roman Catholic)Christianity Protestantismfeminine form-of slur
Feudalismਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰPunjabinounlandholder, landowner, landlord
Feudalismਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰPunjabinounfarmer, agriculturalist
Feudalismਜ਼ਿਮੀਂਦਾਰPunjabinounzamindar, yeoman, peasanthistorical
FibersmedvilnėLithuaniannouncotton (type of plant used as a source of cotton fiber)
FibersmedvilnėLithuaniannouncotton (raw material)
FibersmedvilnėLithuaniannouncotton (textile)
FictionOzEnglishnameEllipsis of Land of Oz, the fictional setting created by L. Frank Baum for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and other works. The term has been extended from the original country of Oz to the entire fictional world of Oz. Subsequently used as a setting by other authors and artists.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
FictionOzEnglishnounAn unreal, magical realm.uncountable
FictionOzEnglishnamediminutive of Osbourne.diminutive form-of
FictionOzEnglishnameA male given name.
FictionOzEnglishnameA male given name. / A diminutive of the male given names Oscar or Oswald.
FictionOzEnglishnameA surname.
FictionOzEnglishnameA surname from Turkish.
Fictional charactersDarth VaderEnglishnounA powerful individual or force, particularly one that is seen as malevolent, dominating and threatening.
Fictional charactersDarth VaderEnglishnounA British Rail Class 460 train.rail-transport railways transportBritish informal
Fictional charactersDarth VaderEnglishnameDarth Vader, a villain of the science-fantasy film series Star Wars.
Fictional charactersNemoEnglishnameA male given name from Greek
Fictional charactersNemoEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Geronimo
Fictional charactersNemoEnglishnameA surname
Fictional charactersNemoEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of NEMO (“northeastern Missouri”)alt-of
Fictional charactersNemoEnglishnouna clownfishinformal
Figures of speechapostropheEnglishnounThe text character ’, which serves as a punctuation mark in various languages and as a diacritical mark in certain rare contexts.communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writing
Figures of speechapostropheEnglishnounA sudden exclamatory piece of dialogue addressed to someone or something, especially absent.countable rhetoric uncountable
FinancedisbursementEnglishnounThe act, instance, or process of disbursing.countable uncountable
FinancedisbursementEnglishnounMoney paid out or spent.countable uncountable
FinancefidúciaCatalannountrust, confidencefeminine
FinanceلاگتUrdunounexpense; cost, price (ie. the base cost of an item or service etc.)
FinanceلاگتUrdunounoutlay; expenditure
Fingersmalgranda fingroEsperantonounlittle finger, pinky
Fingersmalgranda fingroEsperantonouna small fingerliterally
FirebryneOld Englishnounburning, fire; flame, heatmasculine
FirebryneOld Englishnouninflammation, burnmasculine
FirebryneOld Englishnountorchmasculine
FirebryneOld Englishnounfervor, passionmasculine
FirebryneOld EnglishnounAlternative form of brīnealt-of alternative
FirefirestormEnglishnounA fire whose intensity is greatly increased by inrushing winds.
FirefirestormEnglishnounAn intense or violent altercation.figuratively
Firefighting消防局Chinesenounfire department
Firefighting消防局Chinesenounfire station
FishbangusCebuanonounthe milkfish (Chanos chanos), an important food fish in southeast Asia
FishbangusCebuanonounthe peniseuphemistic
FishxiphiasLatinnouna swordfish, Xiphias gladiusdeclension-1
FishxiphiasLatinnouna sword-shaped cometdeclension-1
FishxokYucatec Mayanounshark
FishxokYucatec Mayaverbto readtransitive
FishxokYucatec Mayaverbto studytransitive
FishxokYucatec Mayaverbto counttransitive
Fish小女子Japanesenounsand lance, usually a small sand lance of about 5cm full-length
Fish小女子Japanesenounlittle girlfiction literature media publishing
FlowersxicoiaCatalannounAlternative form of xicoira (“chicory”)alt-of alternative feminine
FlowersxicoiaCatalannouna species of dandelion, Taraxacum dissectumfeminine
FlowersірисUkrainiannouniris (flower)
FlowersірисUkrainiannouniris of the eyeanatomy medicine sciences
FlowersірисUkrainiannountoffee, fudge (candy)
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo consume, to devour, to eat (usually of animals).
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin; to devastate.figuratively
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo wear or abrade; to rub or chafe at: / To gnaw or chomp; to attack with the teeth.
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo wear or abrade; to rub or chafe at: / To corrode; to eat or wear away.
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo wear or abrade; to rub or chafe at: / To wear at; to annoy or injure.figuratively
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo force through a food lifestylerare
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo decorate with precious adornments (often wire or gems)
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo supply, stock or load; to make full.
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo place as such a decoration.rare
Food and drinkfretenMiddle EnglishverbTo bind or tie, especially with a loop
Food and drinkobjadaćPolishverbto eat around, to pick clean, (e.g. a bone)imperfective transitive
Food and drinkobjadaćPolishverbto eat out of house and home (eat all or much of a host's food)colloquial imperfective transitive
Food and drinkobjadaćPolishverbto stuff one's face, to gorgecolloquial imperfective reflexive
Food and drinkголубціUkrainiannounholubtsi, cabbage rollsplural plural-only
Food and drinkголубціUkrainiannounnominative/accusative plural of голубе́ць (holubécʹ)accusative form-of nominative plural
Food and drinkголубціUkrainiannoundative/locative singular of голу́бка (holúbka)dative form-of locative singular
FoodschacinaGaliciannounjerky; cured meatfeminine
FoodschacinaGalicianadjdry, curedarchaic feminine masculine
FoodsVietnameseverbto rub
FoodsVietnameseprefixrepetitive prefix used for some verbsmorpheme
FoodsquesadillaSpanishnouna type of pan dulce made with rice flour and queso duro blanco and topped with sesame seeds, known elsewhere in the Spanish-speaking world as a quesadilla salvadoreñaEl-Salvador feminine
FoodssambarEnglishnounA Southeast Asian deer (Rusa unicolor).biology natural-sciences zoology
FoodssambarEnglishnounA food preparation common in southern India and Sri Lanka, made of vegetables and lentils (usually pigeon peas, also called toor dal) in a spicy tamarind and lentil flour soup food lifestyleuncountable
FoodstapiocaEnglishnounA starchy food made from the cassava plant, used in puddings.countable uncountable
FoodstapiocaEnglishnounThe cassava plant, Manihot esculenta, from which tapioca is derived; manioc.countable uncountable
FoodstruVietnameseverbto howl
FoodstruVietnameseverbto eliminatein-compounds
FoodstruVietnamesenounNorth Central Vietnam form of trâu (“water buffalo”)Central North Vietnam alt-of
FoodsízHungariannountaste, flavor
FoodsízHungariannounflavor, overtone, a particular feel of somethingfiguratively
FoodsízHungariannounjoy, appeal, allure, (getting) the hang of something (enjoyment or attraction possibly offered by something and/or the skill of doing something properly and successfully)
FoodsízHungariannounjam (a liquid and homogeneous type, especially in commercial usage)formal
FoodsízHungariannounjoint, limb, segment
FoodsízHungariannounconstrued with -ben, after a numeral: time, occasion, instance, occurrence
FoodsпицаSerbo-Croatiannouncunt, pussyfamiliar vulgar
Foods獅子頭Chinesenounlion's headliterally
Foods獅子頭Chinesenounlion's head (Chinese dish consisting of pork meatballs stewed with vegetables)
Foods獅子頭Chinesenounlion head (symbol of Singapore)
Foods白滝Japanesenouna waterfall that looks like a white cloth spread open
Foods白滝Japanesenounshirataki, very thin konjac noodles.
Foods白滝Japanesenamea place name
Foods白滝Japanesenamea surname
Foods白滝Japanesenamea surname
Foods미수Koreannounmisu, a drink made from 미숫가루 (misutgaru, “grain powder”, literally “misu powder”)
Foods미수KoreannounTailastronomy natural-sciencesChinese
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounOne who, or that which, hogs.
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounA stocking without a foot, worn by coal miners at work.
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounA marijuana cigarette.slang
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounA shot that comes to rest short of or on the far hog line and is removed from play.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounThe engineer of a locomotive.slang
FootwearzapatillaSpanishnounslipper, slip-on shoe (house shoe)feminine
FootwearzapatillaSpanishnounsneaker, trainer (ellipsis of zapatilla de deporte.)feminine
Footwear千里馬Chinesenounfine horse; fine steed; fast horse
Footwear千里馬Chinesenountalented personfiguratively
Footwear千里馬ChinesenounAlternative term for 草鞋 (cǎoxié, “straw sandals”).alt-of alternative
Footwear千里馬ChinesenounChollima (a mythical Korean winged horse)
Footwear千里馬ChinesenameAn ancient state around modern Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.
FranceFransAfrikaansadjFrench (of, from, or pertaining to France, the French people or the French language)not-comparable
FranceFransAfrikaansnameFrench (the language spoken by the French people)
Freedom of speechparodyEnglishnounA work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony.countable uncountable
Freedom of speechparodyEnglishnounA popular maxim, adage, or proverb.archaic countable
Freedom of speechparodyEnglishverbTo make a parody of something.transitive
FruitslaranjaPortugueseadjorange (having orange as its color)invariable
FruitslaranjaPortuguesenounorange (fruit)feminine
FruitslaranjaPortuguesenounorange (color)feminine
FruitslaranjaPortuguesenouna front man (one who knowingly allows himself or herself to be used for another's profit, especially in political schemes), a straw manBrazil by-personal-gender colloquial feminine masculine
FruitsmirabolanoItaliannounmirabelle (plant)masculine
FruitsmirabolanoItaliannounmirabelle plummasculine
FruitsmirabolanoItalianadjbraggart, boastfulregional
FruitspangudaljPaiwannounscrew pine
FruitspytangaOld Tupinounpastel color
FruitspytangaOld TupinounSuriname cherry tree (Eugenia uniflora)
FruitspytangaOld TupinounSuriname cherry fruit
FruitsгрейпфрутUkrainiannoungrapefruit (tree of the species Citrus paradisi)
FruitsгрейпфрутUkrainiannoungrapefruit (large spherical tart fruit produced by this tree)
FruitsܟܘܡܬܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpear: An edible fruit produced by the pear tree, similar to an apple but typically elongated towards the stem.
FruitsܟܘܡܬܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpear tree
FungiwowoYorubaverbAlternative form of wúwo (“to be heavy”)alt-of alternative
FungiwowoYorubanounthe edible fungi Psathyrella atroumbonata
FurniturebancoSpanishnounbank (financial institution)masculine
FurniturebancoSpanishnounschool of fishmasculine
FurniturebancoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of bancarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FurniturekanapeeFinnishnouncanapé (cocktail sandwich)
FurniturekanapeeFinnishnouncanapé (elegant couch that seats three)
GaitsfalterEnglishnounAn unsteadiness.
GaitsfalterEnglishverbTo waver or be unsteady; to weaken or trail off.
GaitsfalterEnglishverbTo stammer; to utter with hesitation, or in a weak and trembling manner.intransitive transitive
GaitsfalterEnglishverbTo fail in distinctness or regularity of exercise; said of the mind or of thought.
GaitsfalterEnglishverbTo stumble.
GaitsfalterEnglishverbTo lose faith or vigor; to doubt or abandon (a cause).figuratively
GaitsfalterEnglishverbTo hesitate in purpose or action.
GaitsfalterEnglishverbTo cleanse or sift, as barley.
Gaitstear alongEnglishverbTo run quickly along somewhere.transitive
Gaitstear alongEnglishverbTo break something into two pieces by separating at a line of perforations.transitive
GamesgiuOld Frenchnoungame
GamesgiuOld FrenchnounJew (one who is Jewish; an adherent of Judaism)
GenderdetransitionEnglishverbTo revert to one's original gender presentation, role, or identity.LGBT lifestyle sexualityintransitive
GenderdetransitionEnglishnounThe act of one who detransitions.
Germanic paganismHeathenEnglishadjPertaining or adhering to the Germanic neo-pagan faith Heathenry.not-comparable
Germanic paganismHeathenEnglishnounAn adherent of the Germanic neo-pagan faith of Heathenry.
GhostsปอบThainouna type of evil spirit in Thai folklore, believed to possess a person and devour his or her viscera before leaving, thus causing the person to die.
GhostsปอบThainounperson who eats voraciously, just as the said spirit when devouring human viscera.figuratively offensive sometimes
Ginger family plantsਕਚੂਰPunjabinounzedoary (Curcuma zedoaria)
Ginger family plantsਕਚੂਰPunjabinounCurcuma reclinata
Ginger family plantsਕਚੂਰPunjabinounperfume ginger (Hedychium spicatum)
GodFSMEnglishnounInitialism of fluorescent speckle microscopy.biology microbiology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
GodFSMEnglishnounInitialism of finite-state machine.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
GodFSMEnglishnounInitialism of female seeking male.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
GodFSMEnglishnounInitialism of field strength meter.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunicationsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
GodFSMEnglishnounInitialism of free school meals.educationUK abbreviation alt-of initialism plural plural-only
GodFSMEnglishnameInitialism of Flying Spaghetti Monster.abbreviation alt-of initialism
GodFSMEnglishnameInitialism of Free Speech Movement.abbreviation alt-of initialism
GodsเพลิงThainounfire; flame.formal
GodsเพลิงThainoungod of fire; (figuratively or royal) fire itself.
Gothic cardinal numbers𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃Gothicnumone
Gothic cardinal numbers𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃Gothicnumsomein-plural
Gourd family plantsбундеваSerbo-Croatiannounpumpkin
Gourd family plantsбундеваSerbo-Croatiannounbellscard-games games
Gourd family plantsبطيخGulf Arabicnouncantaloupe, muskmeloncollective
Gourd family plantsبطيخGulf Arabicnoununprofessional, bad, crappycollective
GovernmentsovereigntyEnglishnounThe quality or state of being sovereign. / Of a ruler (especially a monarch): supreme authority or dominion over something.countable uncountable
GovernmentsovereigntyEnglishnounThe quality or state of being sovereign. / Of a nation or other polity: the state of being able to control resources, make laws independently, and otherwise govern itself without the coercion or concurrence of other polities.broadly countable uncountable
GovernmentsovereigntyEnglishnounThe quality or state of being sovereign. / Of a person: the liberty to decide one's actions and thoughts.broadly countable uncountable
GovernmentsovereigntyEnglishnounThe quality or state of being sovereign. / Pre-eminent or superior excellence; also, superior ability to achieve something; mastery.countable uncountable
GovernmentsovereigntyEnglishnounA territory under the rule of a sovereign; an independent or self-governing nation or other polity.countable
GrainsbyggIcelandicnounbarley (Hordeum)neuter no-plural
GrainsbyggIcelandicverbimperative of byggjaform-of imperative
Grains穀子Chinesenounfoxtail millet (Setaria italica, the plant or the unhulled grain)China Northern especially
Grains穀子Chinesenounhulled grain of the foxtail milletMandarin dialectal
Grains穀子Chinesenounpaddy; unhulled ricedialectal
Grains穀子Chinesenounrice (plant)Southwestern-Mandarin
Grains穀子Chinesenoungoods. Phono-semantic matching of Japanese グッズ.ACG video-gamesslang
Graph theorygraph theoryEnglishnounThe branch of mathematics dealing with the properties of graphs (networks of vertices and edges).mathematics sciencesuncountable
Graph theorygraph theoryEnglishnounA theory developed by applying graph theory to a particular problem or application.countable
GrasseshayEnglishnounGrass cut and dried for use as animal fodder.uncountable
GrasseshayEnglishnounAny mix of green leafy plants used for fodder.countable
GrasseshayEnglishnounCannabis; marijuana.countable slang uncountable
GrasseshayEnglishnounA net set around the haunt of an animal, especially a rabbit.countable uncountable
GrasseshayEnglishverbTo cut grasses or herb plants for use as animal fodder.
GrasseshayEnglishverbTo lay snares for rabbits.
GrasseshayEnglishnounA hedge.obsolete
GrasseshayEnglishnounA net placed around the lair or burrow of an animal.obsolete
GrasseshayEnglishnounAn enclosure, haw.obsolete
GrasseshayEnglishnounA circular country dance.obsolete
GrasseshayEnglishnounThe letter for the h sound in Pitman shorthand.
GrassesChinesecharacter^† a variety of grass / a variety of grassobsolete
GrassesChinesecharactera surname
GreeceCoanEnglishnameA surname from Irish.
GreeceCoanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Greek island of Cos (Kos).
GreeceCoanEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the island of Cos.
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishadjOf or relating to Pluto, the Greek and Roman god of the underworld; demonic, infernal.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishadjOf, relating to, or having characteristics associated with the underworld; dark, gloomy; mournful.broadly
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishadjSynonym of plutonic (“of or pertaining to rocks formed deep in the Earth's crust, rather than by volcanoes at the surface of the Earth”)geography geology natural-sciencesbroadly
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishadjSynonym of plutonic (“of, pertaining to, or supporting plutonism, the theory that the rocks of the Earth were formed in fire by volcanic activity, with a continuing gradual process of weathering and erosion, then deposited on the sea bed, re-formed into layers of sedimentary rock by heat and pressure, and raised again”)geography geology natural-sciencesbroadly historical
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishnounA proponent of plutonism; a plutonist.geography geology natural-scienceshistorical
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishadjPertaining to the astrological influence of Pluto, formerly regarded as a planet.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesnot-comparable
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishadjOf or relating to the dwarf planet Pluto.astronomy natural-sciencesnot-comparable
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishnounA person under the astrological influence of Pluto, formerly regarded as a planet.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Greek deitiesPlutonianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the dwarf planet Pluto.literature media publishing science-fiction
Greek letter namesjodItaliannounAlternative spelling of iodalt-of alternative invariable masculine
Greek letter namesjodItaliannounthe name of the Greek-script letter Ϳ/ϳ; yothuman-sciences linguistics sciencesinvariable masculine
GreensกากีThainounfemale crow.formal poetic
GreensกากีThainounany crow.formal poetic
GreensกากีThainounadulterous woman; unfaithful woman.derogatory offensive
GreensกากีThaiadjkhaki (color/colour)
Gums and resinsbalsamPolishnounbalsam, balm (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from various plants)inanimate masculine
Gums and resinsbalsamPolishnounlotion, balm (a low-viscosity topical preparation intended for application to skin)cosmetics lifestyle medicine pharmacology sciencesinanimate masculine
Gums and resinsbalsamPolishnounembalming substanceEgyptology history human-sciences scienceshistorical inanimate masculine
Gums and resinsbalsamPolishnounbalsam, balm (something soothing)figuratively inanimate masculine
HairbearradhIrishnounverbal noun of bearrform-of masculine noun-from-verb
HairbearradhIrishnountrimming, trimmasculine
HairbearradhIrishnouncroparts hobbies lifestyle photographymasculine
HairbearradhIrishverbpast indicative autonomous of bearrautonomous form-of indicative past
HairbearradhIrishverbinflection of bearr: / past subjunctive analyticanalytic form-of past subjunctive
HairbearradhIrishverbinflection of bearr: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
HaircurlsEnglishnounplural of curlform-of plural
HaircurlsEnglishnounSpecifically, a body of curly hair on someone's head.plural plural-only
HaircurlsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of curlform-of indicative present singular third-person
HairlouroPortuguesenounblond (fair haired person)masculine
HairlouroPortuguesenounblond (pale golden brown colour)masculine
HairlouroPortuguesenounlaurel (plant)masculine
HairlouroPortuguesenounlaurel leaf, used as foodmasculine
HairlouroPortugueseadjblonde (having blonde hair)
HairlouroPortugueseadjblonde (blonde coloured)
HairtitianEnglishnounA bright auburn colour, tinted with gold.
HairtitianEnglishadjOf a bright auburn colour, tinted with gold, especially in reference to hair.
HairکرکPersiannounfur, down hair
HairܕܩܢܐClassical Syriacnounbeard
HairܕܩܢܐClassical Syriacnounchinanatomy medicine sciences
Harry PotterbabbanoItalianadjstupid, foolishTuscany
Harry PotterbabbanoItaliannoundupe, foolTuscany masculine
Harry PotterbabbanoItaliannounMuggle, muggle (non-magical person)masculine
Head and neckcascCatalannounhelmet (protective headgear)masculine
Head and neckcascCatalannouncrownanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
Head and neckcascCatalannounhelmet (feature on a coat of arms)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
Head and neckcascCatalannounhood dryer (hairdryer which covers the entire head)masculine
Head and neckcascCatalannounheadphonesin-plural masculine
Head and neckcascCatalannouncask, bottlemasculine
Head and neckcascCatalannounhoof (of equids)masculine
Head and neckcascCatalannountown centremasculine
Heads of stateبادشاہUrdunounking, monarch
Heads of stateبادشاہUrdunounBadshah, Padishah
Heads of stateبادشاہUrdunounkingboard-games card-games chess games
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnounpower, strengthuncountable usually
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnounrule, dominionuncountable usually
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnounauthorityuncountable usually
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnounmandate, authorizationuncountable usually
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnounproof, evidence, an argument or case againstuncountable usually
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnouna plea, an allegation, the grounds or basis for one's case being superioruncountable usually
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnounjustificationuncountable usually
Heads of stateسلطانArabicnounsultan
HeadwearтажBashkirnouncrown (royal headdress)
HeadwearтажBashkirnounwreath (an ornamental circular band made of plaited flowers and leaves and used as decoration)
Heliantheae tribe plantscompass plantEnglishnounAny of several plants, the leaves of which become oriented to the morning sun: / Lactuca serriola, native to Europe, widely introduced to temperate regions.
Heliantheae tribe plantscompass plantEnglishnounAny of several plants, the leaves of which become oriented to the morning sun: / Silphium laciniatum, native to eastern North America.
Heliantheae tribe plantscompass plantEnglishnounAny of several plants, the leaves of which become oriented to the morning sun: / Wyethia angustifolia, California compass plant, native to western North America.
Hemp family plantsхмільUkrainiannounhop (plant of the genus Humulus)uncountable
Hemp family plantsхмільUkrainiannounhops (flower cones of Humulus lupulus)uncountable
Hemp family plantsхмільUkrainiannoundrunkenness, intoxicationcolloquial uncountable
Heraldic chargespopinjayEnglishnounA parrot.
Heraldic chargespopinjayEnglishnounA decorative image of a parrot on a tapestry, cloth etc.obsolete
Heraldic chargespopinjayEnglishnounA vain, gaudy person; someone who is shallow or superficial.dated
Heraldic chargespopinjayEnglishnounA target to shoot at, typically stuffed with feathers or plumage.archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
Heraldic chargespopinjayEnglishnounThe green woodpecker, Picus viridis.UK
HideswilczuraPolishnounwolfskinarchaic feminine
HideswilczuraPolishnounfemale German Shepherdfeminine rare
HideswilczuraPolishnounfemale wolf, she-wolfdialectal feminine
HideswilczuraPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of wilczuraccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
Historical capitalsIsfahanEnglishnameThe third largest city of Iran, and former capital of Iran (1598–1736).
Historical capitalsIsfahanEnglishnameIsfahan Province, one of 31 provinces in Iran.
History of PolandłowczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of łowczy (“member of a hunting organization”)hobbies hunting lifestylefeminine form-of
History of PolandłowczyniPolishnounfemale equivalent of łowczy (“official of the Polish royal court in charge of organizing hunts”)hobbies hunting lifestylefeminine form-of historical
HorrorlycanthropeEnglishnounA werewolf
HorrorlycanthropeEnglishnounMore generally, any sort of werecreature.
Horse racingderbyFrenchnounderby (horse race)masculine
Horse racingderbyFrenchnounderby (local derby)masculine
HorsesalazánSpanishadjsorrel-colored, chestnut-colored, reddish-brown
HorsesalazánSpanishnounsorrel-colored horsemasculine
HorsesfoleNorwegian Nynorsknouna foal (colt or filly)masculine
HorsesfoleNorwegian Nynorskverbto foal (give birth to a foal)
HorsesgampNorwegian Bokmålnounhorsemasculine
HorsesgampNorwegian Bokmålnounold horse, nagmasculine
HorsetailschvošťCzechnounhorsetail (plant of the genus Equisetum), especially: / rough horsetail (Equisetum hyemale)dialectal inanimate
HorsetailschvošťCzechnounhorsetail (plant of the genus Equisetum), especially: / field horsetail (Equisetum arvense)dialectal inanimate
HouseholdtêvulaRomagnolnounboard (of wood)feminine
HousingaedisLatinnountemple, shrinedeclension-3 feminine
HousingaedisLatinnountombdeclension-3 feminine
HousingaedisLatinnounroomdeclension-3 feminine
HousingaedisLatinnoundwelling (of gods)declension-3 feminine singular
HousingaedisLatinnounhouse, abode (for people)declension-3 feminine in-plural
HousingdomekPolishnoundiminutive of domdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
HousingdomekPolishnouncabin for animals which serves as a shelter or an eating placeinanimate masculine
HousingగృహముTelugunounA house, abode, dwelling.
Housing房費Chinesenounroom charge
Housing房費Chinesenounrent (regular payments made to the owner of a property to secure its use)
Human migrationrefugiatCatalannounrefugeemasculine
Human migrationrefugiatCatalanverbpast participle of refugiarform-of participle past
HundredcentúriaCatalannouncentury (army)feminine
HundredcentúriaCatalannouncentury (political division)feminine
HundredcentúriaCatalannouna Roman unit of measure equivalent to 100 jugersfeminine historical
Hungarian nominal numbershetesHungarianadjsevenfold, seven-piece (consisting of seven parts)not-comparable
Hungarian nominal numbershetesHungarianadjthe number sevennot-comparable
Hungarian nominal numbershetesHungarianadj… week(s) old (written as one word if the numeral consists of only one element)not-comparable
Hungarian nominal numbershetesHungariannouna seven (figure, symbol)
Hungarian nominal numbershetesHungariannounmonitor, student on duty for a given week
HydrologycauceSpanishnouncourse (of river)masculine
HygieneishtachifaꞌChickasawnoundishcloth, dishragalienable
Iguanoid lizardsbluebellyEnglishnounSceloporus occidentalis, a North American lizard.
Iguanoid lizardsbluebellyEnglishnounA Yankee; a Union soldier during the American civil war.historical
IndiaIndiërDutchnounan Indian (an inhabitant of the country, India)masculine
IndiaIndiërDutchnounan inhabitant of the Indies (esp. East Indies), in particular of the Dutch East Indieshistorical masculine
IndividualsAronSwedishnameAaron (biblical figure).common-gender
IndividualsAronSwedishnamea male given name from Hebrewcommon-gender
IndividualsGħisaMaltesenameJesusmasculine obsolete
IndividualsGħisaMaltesenameJoshuamasculine obsolete
IndividualsHesychiusLatinnamea male given name, Hesychius, from Ancient Greek, famously held by: / a male given name, Hesychius, from Ancient Greek, famously held bydeclension-2
IndividualsHesychiusLatinnamea male given name, Hesychius, from Ancient Greek, famously held by: / Hesychius of Alexandria (fl. late AD 4th C.), Greek grammarian and lexicographerdeclension-2
IndividualsImhotepEnglishnameAn Ancient Egyptian priest, the inventor of the pyramid.
IndividualsImhotepEnglishnameA male given name from Egyptianrare
IndividualsJacobCebuanonamea male given name from English or Spanish
IndividualsJacobCebuanonameJacobbiblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsMariaNorwegiannameMary (Biblical character)
IndividualsMariaNorwegiannamea female given name
IndividualsMaría MagdalenaSpanishnameMary Magdalene (biblical character)feminine
IndividualsMaría MagdalenaSpanishnamea female given namefeminine
InsectsdrugysLithuaniannounmalaria, fever
InsectsescarbotFrenchnoundung beetlemasculine
InsectsescarbotFrenchadjdung beetlerelational
Insectsleaf-cutterEnglishnounAny insect that cuts pieces from leaves.
Insectsleaf-cutterEnglishnounA tool for trimming leaves from plants.
Insectsleaf-cutterEnglishnounA person employed to collect leaves from wild growing trees and shrubs for use in zoos, animal hospitals, etc.
Insectsleaf-cutterEnglishnounA pastry mould in the shape of a leaf or leaves.
InsectsmyggNorwegian Bokmålnouna mosquito (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood)masculine
InsectsmyggNorwegian Bokmålnounsomething small (and insignificant) / a small microphone that is or can be fit to a personfiguratively masculine
InsectsmyggNorwegian Bokmålnounsomething small (and insignificant) / a footballer (soccer) under ten years of ageball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfiguratively masculine
IronferrumLatinnounirondeclension-2 neuter
IronferrumLatinnounany tool made of irondeclension-2 metonymically neuter
IronferrumLatinnounsworddeclension-2 neuter
IronferrumLatinnounfight, clashdeclension-2 neuter
IslamsultanEnglishnounThe holder of a secular office, formally subordinate to, but de facto the power behind the throne of, the caliph.countable historical uncountable
IslamsultanEnglishnounA hereditary ruler in various Muslim states (sultanate), varying from petty principalities (as in Yemen), often vassal of a greater ruler, to independent realms, such as Oman, Brunei, Morocco (until 1956) or an empire such as the Turkish Ottoman Empire.countable uncountable
IslamsultanEnglishnounA variant of solitaire, played with two decks of cards.card-games gamesuncountable
IslamsultanEnglishnounA breed of chicken originating in Turkey, kept primarily in gardens for ornamental reasons. See: sultan (chicken)countable uncountable
IslandsAndiumLatinnameMaybe the island of Jerseydeclension-2 neuter singular
IslandsAndiumLatinnamegenitive plural of Andēsform-of genitive plural
IsolinesisochroneEnglishnounAn isoline on a map or chart connecting points that have the same value for some time-related variable.
IsolinesisochroneEnglishnounA semicubical parabola.mathematics sciences
JainismnagaEnglishnounA loincloth.Australia
JainismnagaEnglishnounA member of a class of semi-divine creatures, often taking the form of a very large snake and associated with water.
JapanChinese numeralEnglishnounA number represented using a Chinese system involving the characters 一, 二, 三, etc.
JapanChinese numeralEnglishnounThe system using such numerals, still employed in Chinese and Japanese-speaking countries and formerly used in Korean and Vietnamese-speaking
JapanzaibatsuEnglishnounA large business conglomerate founded under the Empire of Japan, generally controlled by a single family or individual.businesshistorical
JapanzaibatsuEnglishnounAny large corporation.US broadly
Japan昭和ChinesenameShōwa era of Japanese history
Japan昭和Chineseadjof Showa-style; Japanese imperialistic; Japanese militaristicInternet neologism
Japanese male given namesJapanesecharacterrealityJinmeiyō kanji kyūjitai
Japanese male given namesJapanesecharactertruthJinmeiyō kanji kyūjitai
Japanese male given namesJapanesenamea male given name
JewelryUërLimburgishnounthe ear; the auditory organanatomy medicine sciencesneuter
JewelryUërLimburgishnounthe ear; the external visible part of the organ, the auricleanatomy medicine sciencesneuter
JewelryUërLimburgishnounclock, watch (instrument used to measure or keep track of time)feminine
JewelryUërLimburgishnounhours, o'clock (indicates the time within a twelve- or twenty-four-hour period)feminine invariable
JudaismJewEnglishnounAn adherent of Judaism.
JudaismJewEnglishnounA member or descendant of the Jewish people.
JudaismJewEnglishnounA miserly or greedy person; a cheapskate.derogatory
JudaismJewEnglishnounA ship's tailor.government military naval navy politics warslang
JudaismJewEnglishnameA surname.
JudaismJewEnglishverbTo make (more) Jewish.offensive transitive
JudaismJewEnglishverbTo haggle or swindle in order to obtain a better deal (from someone).intransitive offensive transitive
Judaismதானியேல்TamilnameDaniel (Biblical character)
Judaismதானியேல்Tamilnamethe book of Danielcolloquial
Judaismதானியேல்Tamilnamea male given name
KendokendoFinnishnounice hockeyderogatory slang
KnotsbagaCatalannounubac (shady side of a mountain)feminine
KnotsbagaCatalannouna shady forestfeminine
LGBTpostgenderismEnglishnounA sociopolitical and cultural movement which arose from the eroding of the cultural, biological, psychological and social role of gender, and an argument for why the erosion of binary gender will be liberatory.uncountable
LGBTpostgenderismEnglishnounA sociopolitical and cultural movement for the voluntary elimination of gender in the human species through the application of biotechnology.uncountable
LandformscavumLatinnouna hollow, hole, cavity, depression, pit, openingdeclension-2 neuter
LandformscavumLatinnouna cave, burrow, caverndeclension-2 neuter
LandformscavumLatinadjinflection of cavus: / accusative masculine singularaccusative form-of masculine singular
LandformscavumLatinadjinflection of cavus: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
LandformsdumbleEnglishnounA dale with a stream.
LandformsdumbleEnglishnounThe club rush.East Yorkshire
LandformsquitsuSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounsnake
LandformsquitsuSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounplains
LandformsquitsuSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounquail
LandformsquitsuSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounplural of quisuform-of plural
Landforms支流Japanesenountributary, feeder of a river
Landforms支流Japanesenounsplinter group
LanguagetâlcuiRomanianverbto explain, to interpretcolloquial conjugation-4
LanguagetâlcuiRomanianverbto translateconjugation-4 dated
LanguagesAnglianaIdoadjEnglish (of or pertaining to England)
LanguagesAnglianaIdoadjEnglish (language)
LanguagesCayubabaEnglishnameA moribund language of the Bolivian Amazon.
LanguagesCayubabaEnglishnounAn ethnic group in the Beni Department of Bolivia.plural plural-only
LanguagesDahaloEnglishnounA people living in coastal Kenya.plural plural-only
LanguagesDahaloEnglishnameTheir endangered Cushitic language, notable for featuring all four airstream mechanisms found in human language.
LanguagesEurasiaticEnglishnameA hypothetical superfamily of languages proposed by Joseph Greenberg that groups together several language families of Europe, Asia, and North America, namely Etruscan, Indo-European, Uralic-Yukaghir, Altaic, Korean-Japanese-Ainu, Nivkh, Chukotian and Eskimo-Aleut.
LanguagesEurasiaticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Eurasiatic group of languages.not-comparable
LanguagesEurasiaticEnglishadjSynonym of Eurasiannot-comparable
LanguagesEurasiaticEnglishnounSynonym of Eurasian
LanguagesKitanemukEnglishnounAn indigenous people of California, traditionally inhabiting the Tehachapi Mountains and the Antelope Valley area of the western Mojave Desert of southern California.plural plural-only
LanguagesKitanemukEnglishnameTheir Uto-Aztecan language.
LanguagesLivonianEnglishnameA Finno-Ugric language spoken in Latvia.
LanguagesLivonianEnglishnounA person from Livonia.
LanguagesLivonianEnglishadjPertaining to Livonia or Livonians.not-comparable
LanguagesWarekenaEnglishnounAn indigenous group living on the Xié River in northwestern Amazonia.plural plural-only
LanguagesWarekenaEnglishnameAn Arawakan language of Brazil and of Maroa Municipality in Venezuela, spoken near the Guainia River.
LanguageschècOccitannounthe Czech languagemasculine uncountable
LanguageschècOccitannouna Czech personmasculine
Languagesfather tongueEnglishnounA separate language for expressing ideas, as opposed to the vernacular (mother tongue) which is employed for everyday speech.
Languagesfather tongueEnglishnounThe form of language acquired through education and reading, as opposed to the dialect one grows up speaking; educated or formal language.
Languagesfather tongueEnglishnounA second language that one speaks fluently.
Languagesfather tongueEnglishnounThe language spoken by one's father, when it differs from that spoken by one's mother.
LanguageshebrejskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Hebrew languagesubstantive
LanguageskabylePortuguesenounKabyle (member of a Berber ethnic group inhabiting Algeria and Tunisia)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguageskabylePortuguesenounKabyle (Berber language spoken by the Kabyle people)masculine uncountable
LanguagesleonêsPortugueseadjLeonese (of or relating to León)not-comparable
LanguagesleonêsPortuguesenounLeonese (someone from León)masculine
LanguagesleonêsPortuguesenounLeonese (Romance language spoken in León)masculine uncountable
Languagesquốc ngữVietnamesenounthe modern Vietnamese writing system based on the Latin alphabet
Languagesquốc ngữVietnamesenounchữ Nômhistorical
Languagesquốc ngữVietnamesenounnational language; official languageliterary
LanguagesromanzOld FrenchnounOld French (language)uncountable usually
LanguagesromanzOld Frenchnouna story in Old Frenchcountable
LanguagesromanzOld Frenchnounaccount (verbal description of an event)countable
LanguagesromanzOld Frenchnountalking; discussioncountable
LanguagesromanzOld Frenchnounoblique plural of romantform-of masculine oblique plural
LanguagesromanzOld Frenchnounnominative singular of romantform-of masculine nominative singular
LanguagesslovenačkiSerbo-CroatianadjSlovenian, SloveneBosnia Serbia
LanguagesslovenačkiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Slovenian languageBosnia Serbia substantive
LanguagesspanskNorwegian BokmåladjSpanish (relating to Spain and Spaniards)
LanguagesspanskNorwegian BokmålnounSpanish (the language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesvalverdeñuFalaadjOf or from Valverde del Fresno
LanguagesvalverdeñuFalanounSomeone from Valverde del Fresnomasculine
LanguagesvalverdeñuFalanounThe variety of Fala spoken in Valverde del Fresnomasculine uncountable
LanguagesμάγιαGreeknounspell (magic and witchcraft)
LanguagesμάγιαGreeknounthe language of Mayaindeclinable
LanguagesμάγιαGreeknouna dancer's leotardindeclinable
LanguagesէստոներենArmeniannounEstonian (language)
LanguagesէստոներենArmenianadvin Estonian
LanguagesէստոներենArmenianadjEstonian (of or pertaining to the language)
Languagesရှမ်းBurmesenameShan, a Tai-speaking ethnic group.
Languagesရှမ်းBurmesenameShan State (an administrative subdivision in Myanmar)
Languagesရှမ်းBurmesenameThai people, also known as Siamese, who are southern Tai ethnic groupsobsolete
LanguagesᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤSantalinounSantali language
LanguagesᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤSantalinounSantali people
Latin nomina gentiliaFanniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaFanniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Gaius Fannius, a Roman consuldeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaThoraniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaThoraniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Gaius Thoranius, the tutor of Octavianusdeclension-2
Laurel family plantscinnamomumLatinnouncinnamon (plant and produce)declension-2
Laurel family plantscinnamomumLatinnouna term of endearmentdeclension-2 figuratively
Laurel family plants樟樹Chinesenouncamphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora)
Laurel family plants樟樹ChinesenameZhangshu (a county-level city in Yichun, Jiangxi, China)
LawdomOld Englishnounjudgment
LawdomOld Englishnounsentence
LawdomOld Englishnounlaw, statute
LawdomOld Englishnounfame, repute
LawdomOld Englishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of dōnfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Law賠款Chineseverbto pay an indemnity; to pay reparations
Law賠款Chinesenounindemnity; repayment; claim; restitution
Law enforcementgarda cóstaIrishnouncoast guardmasculine
Law enforcementgarda cóstaIrishnouncoastguardsman, coastguardswomanmasculine
Law enforcementсыщикRussiannoundetective, investigator
Law enforcementсыщикRussiannounsleuth, bloodhound, snoop; plain-clothes policeman
LeaderskierownictwoPolishnounmanagement, guidance, direction (act of managing people, companies, or institutions) [with nad (+ instrumental) ‘over what’] / management, guidance, direction (act of managing people, companies, or institutions)neuter uncountable
LeaderskierownictwoPolishnounmanagement, guidance, direction (group of people performing such managing)countable neuter
LeaderskierownictwoPolishnounmanagement, guidance, direction (building where such managing takes place)countable neuter
LeaderspremierPolishnounprime minister (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government, especially in a parliamentary democracy; often the leader of the majority party)governmentmasculine person
LeaderspremierPolishnounprime minister (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government, especially in a parliamentary democracy; often the leader of the majority party) / Prime Minister of Poland (head of the cabinet and the head of government of Poland)governmentmasculine person
LeaderspremierPolishnounfemale equivalent of premier (“prime minister”) (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government, especially in a parliamentary democracy; often the leader of the majority party)governmentfeminine form-of indeclinable
LeaderspremierPolishnoungenitive plural of premierafeminine form-of genitive plural
LeadersконсулBulgariannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
LeadersконсулBulgariannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
LeadersконсулBulgariannounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804.)historical
Legal occupationsprokuratorPolishnounprosecutormasculine person
Legal occupationsprokuratorPolishnounprosecutorfeminine indeclinable
Leptonsđiện tửVietnamesenounelectronnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsobsolete
Leptonsđiện tửVietnameseadjelectronic
Leuciscine fishaspEnglishnounA water snake.archaic
Leuciscine fishaspEnglishnounA venomous viper native to southwestern Europe (Vipera aspis).
Leuciscine fishaspEnglishnounThe Egyptian cobra (Naja haje).
Leuciscine fishaspEnglishnounAn evil person; a snake.figuratively
Leuciscine fishaspEnglishnounA type of European fish (Aspius aspius).
Leuciscine fishaspEnglishnounAn aspen tree.
Leuciscine fishaspEnglishnounInitialism of Act of the Scottish Parliament.lawUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
Leuciscine fishnaseEnglishnounAny of the genus Chondrostoma of freshwater potamodromous fishes.
Leuciscine fishnaseEnglishnounRare form of naze.form-of rare
LightammortireItalianverbto deaden, numbtransitive
LightammortireItalianverbto muffle (sound), dim (light)transitive
LightglæmaFaroesenounshine, beamfeminine
LightglæmaFaroeseverbto shine, to dawn
LightunlightableEnglishadjIncapable of being illuminated or made light or bright; unable to affix with a light.not-comparable
LightunlightableEnglishadjIncapable of catching fire or being ignited.not-comparable
LightمهتابPersiannamea female given name, Mahtab
Lightรุ้งThainounrainbow: arc of prismatic colours appearing in the heavens opposite the sun.
Lightรุ้งThainoun(นก~, อี~) crested serpent eagle.biology natural-sciences zoology
Light sourcescerillaSpanishnounmatch (firestarter)feminine
Light sourcescerillaSpanishnounlong, narrow candle; taperfeminine
Light sourcescerillaSpanishnounearwaxfeminine
Light sourcessoleilFrenchnounsun (star)masculine
Light sourcessoleilFrenchnounsunflowermasculine
Light sourcesدیاUrdunoungift
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounpresentpresent
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounsympathy
Light sourcesدیاUrdunouncompassion
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounaffection
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounlove
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounpity
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounmercy
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounlight
Light sourcesدیاUrdunounlamp
Lily family plantsрябчикRussiannounhazel grouse (bird)
Lily family plantsрябчикRussiannounfritillary (plant)
LinguisticskawiTagalognounrevealing of an accomplice more than what is necessaryobsolete
LinguisticskawiTagalognounjargon (for two people especially when they do not want to be understood by others)obsolete
LiteraturenovellEstoniannounnovella (short novel)
LiteraturenovellEstoniannounamendment (correction or addition to a law)law
LivestockգրաստOld Armeniannounpack animal (especially a donkey)
LivestockգրաստOld Armeniannounanimal, beastbroadly
LogicлогічнийUkrainianadjlogical (of or pertaining to logic)relational
LogicлогічнийUkrainianadjlogical (in agreement with the principles of logic)
LogicлогічнийUkrainianadjlogical (reasonable)
Lunar monthsڄيٺSindhinounbrother-in-law (husband's elder brother)
Lunar monthsڄيٺSindhinameJyeshta
MaletopielecPolishnouncorpse of a drowning victimmasculine person
MaletopielecPolishnounperson saved from drowningmasculine person
MaletopielecPolishnounmalevolent spirit of a human soul that died drowning, residing in the element of his own demise and responsible for sucking people into swamps and lakes as well as killing the animals standing near the still watersanimal-not-person masculine
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounson of a man
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounfraternal nephew (son of one's brother)
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounfirst cousin once removed (son of a male first cousin)
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounpup; cub (male young of a male animal)
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounchild (man considered a product of a place); native of; fromfiguratively
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounrelatives; kinfolk
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounoffspring of a man
Male family membersa'yraOld Tupinounsemen
Male family memberspapaPolishnountarpaperfeminine
Male family memberspapaPolishnoundadarchaic masculine person
Male family memberspapaPolishnounpopecolloquial masculine person
Male family memberspapaPolishnounfacecolloquial derogatory feminine mildly
Male family memberspapaPolishnounAugmentative of papkaaugmentative feminine form-of
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounThe brother or brother-in-law of one’s parent.
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounThe male cousin of one’s parent.
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounUsed as a fictive kinship title for a close male friend of one's parent or parents.endearing
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounUsed as a title for the male companion to one's (usually unmarried) parent.euphemistic
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounA source of advice, encouragement, or help.figuratively
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounA pawnbroker.British dated informal
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounAn affectionate term for a man of an older generation than oneself, especially a friend of one's parents, by means of fictive kin.especially
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounAn older African-American male.Southern-US archaic slang
Male family membersuncleEnglishnounAny middle-aged or elderly man older than the speaker and/or listener.Brunei Malaysia Myanmar Singapore informal
Male family membersuncleEnglishintjA cry used to indicate surrender.
Male family membersuncleEnglishverbTo address somebody by the term uncle.colloquial transitive
Male family membersuncleEnglishverbTo act like, or as, an uncle.colloquial intransitive
Male peopleabolicjonistaPolishnounabolitionist (someone in favor of lifting a law)lawmasculine person
Male peopleabolicjonistaPolishnounabolitionist (someone in favor of lifting slavery)historical masculine person
Male peopleamlóirIrishnounfoolish manmasculine
Male peopleamlóirIrishnounawkward manmasculine
Male peopleknajakPolishnounguttersnipe, mudlark, urchincolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peopleknajakPolishnoundodger, slyboots, sly foxmasculine person slang
Male peoplekoleżkaPolishnoundiminutive of kolegadiminutive form-of masculine person
Male peoplekoleżkaPolishnounbo, chuck, cully (close friend)colloquial masculine person
Male peoplepotworekPolishnoundiminutive of potwóranimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
Male peoplepotworekPolishnounsomething very uglyanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Male peoplepotworekPolishnounsomething very unpleasantanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Male peopleyoung manEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see young, man.
Male peopleyoung manEnglishnounA term of endearment or admonishment by adults for a young boy.
Male peopleyoung manEnglishnounA male lover; a sweetheart.dated
Male peoplezbieraczPolishnouncollectormasculine person
Male peoplezbieraczPolishnoungatherermasculine person
Male peopleŠvábCzechnounSwabian (inhabitant of Swabia)animate masculine
Male peopleŠvábCzechnounGermananimate derogatory figuratively masculine
Male peopleмнихBulgariannounhermit (person who leads solitary lifestyle)obsolete
Male peopleмнихBulgariannounmonk, friarobsolete
MammalscaballuAsturiannounknightboard-games chess gamesmasculine
Manipuri letter namesꯁꯝManipurinouna kind of a long basket with a long strap
Manipuri letter namesꯁꯝManipurinounhairanatomy medicine sciences
Manipuri letter namesꯁꯝManipurinounthe name of the Meitei letter ꯁ (sa)
MarriagecasadoSpanishnouna married manmasculine
MarriagecasadoSpanishnouna meal of rice, black beans, meat, salad, plantain banana and other ingredientsCosta-Rica masculine
MarriagecasadoSpanishverbpast participle of casarform-of participle past
MarriagekaslononCebuanoadjaffianced, betrothed; engaged to be married
MarriagekaslononCebuanonounin the context of one's wedding, one who is going to marry
Mass mediaagallamhScottish Gaelicnounconferring, arguing, speaking, speechmasculine
Mass mediaagallamhScottish Gaelicnounconversationmasculine
Mass mediaagallamhScottish Gaelicnouninterviewmasculine
MathematicsratioLatinnounreason, reasoning, explanation, ground, motive, rationality, rationale, purposedeclension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnouncalculation, account, accounting, reckoning, computation, businessdeclension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnounprocedure, course, manner, method, mode, conduct, plandeclension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnountheory, viewdeclension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnoundoctrine, system, philosophy (collective body of the teachings of a school of thought)declension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnounview, opinion, advice, consultdeclension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnounregister (list)declension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnounregard, respect, interest, considerationdeclension-3
MathematicsratioLatinnounreference, relation, respectdeclension-3
MealsناهارPersianadjnot having eaten since having awoken
MeatsguancialeItaliannounfatty bacon prepared from the cheeks of a pigmasculine
MeatssushiPortuguesenounsushi (Japanese dish of rice with vinegar)masculine
MeatssushiPortuguesenounsushi (raw fish in Japanese cuisine)masculine
MeatsκεφτέςGreeknounmeatball, kofta
MeatsκεφτέςGreeknounmeat pattyuncommon
MeatsضبArabicnounspiny-tailed lizard, mastigure (any lizard of the genus Uromastyx)
MeatsضبArabicverbto cleave to, to hold to firmly [with عَلَى (ʕalā)] / to cleave to, to hold to firmly
MeatsضبArabicverbto have a gently or scanty flow, to stream, to discharge sluggishlyobsolete
MeatsضبArabicverbto be affected by the disease termed ضَبّ (ḍabb)obsolete
MeatsضبArabicnouna disease in the lips, in consequence of which blood flows from itobsolete
MeatsضبArabicnountumor in the extremity of the foot of a camelobsolete
MeatsضبArabicnounchapping or cracking in the armpit of a child or camelobsolete
MeatsضبArabicnounspadix of a palm-tree before it cleaves opencollective
MeatsضبArabicnounrancour, malice, anger, wrath (a characteristic ascribed to the mastigure)obsolete
MeatsضبArabicnounverbal noun of ضَبَّ (ḍabba) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
MeatsضبArabicverbto milk with five fingers [with accusative ‘camel’] / to milk with five fingers
MeatsضبArabicnounverbal noun of ضَبَّ (ḍabba) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
MeatsChinesecharacterleg (Classifier: 條/条)
MeatsChinesecharacterbase; leg; foundation
MeatsChinesecharacterto jokeXiang
MediaútvarpFaroesenounradio programmeneuter
MediaútvarpFaroesenounradio stationneuter
MediaútvarpFaroesenounradio setneuter
Medical equipmentܟܘܣܠܬܐClassical Syriacnouncupping-glass
Medical equipmentܟܘܣܠܬܐClassical Syriacnounscalpel
Medical signs and symptoms氣喘Chineseverbto be short of breath; to pant; to be dyspnoeic
Medical signs and symptoms氣喘Chinesenounasthmamedicine sciences
MedicineepiduralCatalanadjepiduralfeminine masculine
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounA substance which specifically promotes healing when ingested or consumed in some way; a pharmaceutical drug.countable uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounAny treatment or cure.broadly countable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounThe study of the cause, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease or illness.uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounThe profession and practice of physicians, including surgeons.uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounThe profession and practice of physicians, including surgeons. / The profession and practice of nonsurgical physicians as sometimes distinguished from that of surgeons.historical mainly uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounRitual magic used, as by a medicine man, to promote a desired outcome in healing, hunting, or warfare; traditional medicine.uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounAmong the Native Americans, any object supposed to give control over natural or magical forces, to act as a protective charm, or to cause healing.countable uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounBlack magic, superstition.countable obsolete uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounA philter or love potion.countable obsolete uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounA physician.countable obsolete uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishnounRecreational drugs, especially alcoholic drinks.countable slang uncountable
MedicinemedicineEnglishverbTo treat with medicine.obsolete rare
MemeticsmemPolishnounmeme (unit of cultural information)inanimate masculine
MemeticsmemPolishnounmeme (something copied and circulated online)inanimate masculine
MemoryzapomnieniePolishnounverbal noun of zapomniećform-of neuter noun-from-verb
MemoryzapomnieniePolishnounforgottenness, oblivion (state of being forgotten)neuter
MemoryzapomnieniePolishnounforgetfulness, absent-mindednessneuter
MenstruationreglaTagalognounmenstruation; periodcolloquial
MenstruationreglaTagalognounblood from menstruationcolloquial
MenstruationreglaTagalognounrule; regulation; policyliterary
MetalscalibeItaliannounsteelmasculine obsolete uncountable
MetalscalibeItaliannounironmedicine pharmacology sciencesmasculine obsolete uncountable
MetalsigweIgbonounmachine, contraption
MeteorologyพายุThainounair; breath; wind.formal poetic
MeteorologyพายุThainounstorm; tempest.
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounAbbreviation of manuscript.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of mint state, a grading term.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounM/S: Initialism of motor ship.nautical transportcountable uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of morphine sulfate.medicine pharmacology sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of mitral stenosis.cardiology medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of multiple sclerosis.medicine neurology neuroscience sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of Master of Science.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of middle school.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of mini-sheet.hobbies lifestyle philatelyabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnounInitialism of murder-suicide.criminology human-sciences law sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSEnglishnameInitialism of Mato Grosso do Sul, a state of Brazil.abbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftMSEnglishnameInitialism of Microsoft: an American multinational technology company founded in 1975.abbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftMSEnglishnameAbbreviation of Mississippi, a state of the United States of America.abbreviation alt-of
MilitaryborecSlovenenounfighter (military)
MilitaryborecSlovenenounfighter (non-military)
MilitarycipayoSpanishnouna local who serves foreign interestsLatin-America derogatory masculine
MilitarypoczetPolishnounfellowship, retinueinanimate literary masculine
MilitarypoczetPolishnouna gallery (collection) of portraitsinanimate masculine
MilitarypoczetPolishnouna unit of soldiersinanimate masculine obsolete
MilitarypoczetPolishnouncount, enumerationinanimate masculine obsolete
MilitaryreforçCatalannounstiffener, staymasculine
Military弾頭Japanesenounthe pointy end of an artillery shellengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryarchaic
Military弾頭Japanesenouna warheadengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrybroadly
Military rankskapteniSwahilinouncaptain (military position)class-5 class-6
Military rankskapteniSwahilinouncaptain (leader of a sports team)class-5 class-6
Mimosa subfamily plantsgrochodrzewPolishnounrobinia (any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Robinia in the pea family)inanimate masculine
Mimosa subfamily plantsgrochodrzewPolishnounrobinia woodinanimate masculine
MiningspolettaItaliannounspool, bobbinfeminine
MiningspolettaItaliannounfuse (of a bomb)feminine
MiningspolettaItalianverbinflection of spolettare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
MiningspolettaItalianverbinflection of spolettare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MonasticismTrappistEnglishnounA monk or nun of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (a branch of the Cistercians Roman Catholic religious brotherhood that use a particularly strict interpretation of the Rule of St Benedict).
MonasticismTrappistEnglishadjOf or relating to this monastic order.not-comparable
MoneydatekPolishnouncontribution, donation, handout (voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause)inanimate masculine
MoneydatekPolishnounalmsinanimate masculine
MoneykorunaCzechnouncrown (royal, imperial, or princely headdress)feminine
MoneykorunaCzechnouncrown, monarchyfeminine
MoneykorunaCzechnounkoruna (Czech currency)feminine
MoneykorunaCzechnouncoin or banknote with the value of one Czech korunafeminine
MoneykorunaCzechnouncrownbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
MoneykorunaCzechnounfermataentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
Monkeys猴三兒ChinesenounmonkeyMandarin dialectal
Monkeys猴三兒Chinesenounmischievous boyBeijing Mandarin figuratively humorous
MonthsснежникMacedoniannounsnow patch, snowfield (accumulated snow which remains unmelted for part of the warm season or year-round)
MoroccomarrakechíSpanishadjof Marrakesh; Marrakshi (of or relating to Marrakesh, Morocco)feminine masculine relational
MoroccomarrakechíSpanishnounMarrakshi (native or resident of Marrakesh, Morocco)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishnounelder (bush of genus Sambucus)inanimate masculine
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishnounlilac (bush of genus Syringa)inanimate masculine
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishprepwithout, lacking
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishprepminus, lessMiddle Polish
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishprepcontra, againstMiddle Polish
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishprepbesides, exceptMiddle Polish
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishprepwithout; Further details are uncertain.Middle Polish
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishprepbecause ofPoznań
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishprepacross, throughdialectal
Moschatel family plantsbezPolishnoungenitive plural of bezafeminine form-of genitive plural
Moschatel family plantsfolhadoPortugueseverbpast participle of folharform-of participle past
Moschatel family plantsfolhadoPortugueseadjleafycomparable
Moschatel family plantsfolhadoPortugueseadjflakycooking food lifestylecomparable
Moschatel family plantsfolhadoPortuguesenounfoliage, leafagemasculine
Moschatel family plantsfolhadoPortuguesenounpuff pastry (pastry that is made by repeatedly folding the rolled pastry into many layers)cooking food lifestylemasculine
Moschatel family plantsfolhadoPortuguesenounlaurestine (Viburnum tinus, a shrub of southern Europe)masculine
Moschatel family plantsfolhadoPortuguesenounClethra arborea, a tree of Macaronesiamasculine
MotorcyclessidecarEnglishnounA one-wheeled attachment to the side of a motorcycle to allow for a separate seat for a passenger or cargo space.
MotorcyclessidecarEnglishnounA cocktail made with cognac (or brandy), triple sec liqueur, and lemon juice.
Mountains呂梁ChinesenameLüliang (a prefecture-level city in Shanxi, China)
Mountains呂梁ChinesenameLüliang Mountains in western Shanxi, dividing the eastern side of the Yellow River's Ordos Loop from the Fen Valley
MushroomsчагаRussiannounbirch canker, chaga, clinker polypore, Inonotus obliquus
MushroomsчагаRussiannounchaga tea (a tea- or coffee-like beverage made by brewing chaga)
MushroomsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
MushroomsJapanesenouna pine tree
MushroomsJapanesenouna pine branch decorated for the celebration of New Year
MushroomsJapanesenounthe highest rank of a 3-tier ranking system
MushroomsJapanesenouna 家紋 (“crest”) in the shape of pine branches or needles
MushroomsJapanesenouna suit in 花札 (hanafuda), representing the month of Januarycard-games games
MushroomsJapanesenounSynonym of 松明 (taimastu, “torch made of a pine branch”)historical
MushroomsJapanesenounSynonym of 松茸 (“matsutake mushroom”)
MushroomsJapanesenamea surname
Musical genresSchlagerGermannounschlager (European music genre)masculine strong
Musical genresSchlagerGermannounhit (music or entertainment success)dated masculine strong
Musical instrumentsplectrumEnglishnounA small piece of plastic, metal, ivory, etc., for plucking the strings of a guitar, lyre, mandolin, etc.entertainment lifestyle music
Musical instrumentsplectrumEnglishnounA projection of bone or other stiff tissue, such as the ridges in some insects' stridulatory organs.anatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoology
Musical instrumentstubaPolishnountube (cylindrical container)feminine
Musical instrumentstubaPolishnountuba (large brass musical instrument)feminine
Myrtales order plantsnarTurkishnounpomegranate
Myrtales order plantsnarTurkishnounMisspelling of nâr (fire).alt-of misspelling
Myrtle family plantsदृढबीजSanskritnoungum arabic tree (Vachellia nilotica, syn. Acacia arabica)
Myrtle family plantsदृढबीजSanskritnounjujube (Ziziphus jujuba)
Myrtle family plantsदृढबीजSanskritnounsickle senna (Senna tora, syn. Cassia tora)
Myrtle family plantsदृढबीजSanskritnounguavaNew-Sanskrit
Mythological creaturesScillaItaliannameScyllahuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
Mythological creaturesScillaItaliannameA town in Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italyfeminine
Mythological creaturesScillaItaliannamea surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Mythological creaturesanfisbenaPortuguesenounamphisbaena (mythical serpent having a head at each end of its body)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
Mythological creaturesanfisbenaPortuguesenounamphisbaena (any of the genus Amphisbaena of legless lizards)feminine
Mythological creaturescentaurEnglishnounA mythical beast having a horse's body with a man's head and torso in place of the head and neck of the horse.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Mythological creaturescentaurEnglishnounAn icy planetoid that orbits the Sun between Jupiter and Neptune.astronomy natural-sciencesalso capitalized
Mythological creaturescentaurEnglishnounA chess-playing team comprising a human player and a computer who work together.board-games chess games
Mythological creaturescentaurEnglishnounA human and an AI who work together.broadly
NationalitiesArgentijnseDutchadjinflection of Argentijns: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
NationalitiesArgentijnseDutchadjinflection of Argentijns: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
NationalitiesArgentijnseDutchadjinflection of Argentijns: ## masculine/feminine singular attributive ## definite neuter singular attributive ## plural attributive / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
NationalitiesArgentijnseDutchnounArgentinian womanfeminine
NationalitiesAzeriEnglishnounA person from Azerbaijan or of Azerbaijani descent.
NationalitiesAzeriEnglishnameThe Turkic language of Azerbaijan.
NationalitiesNigéarachIrishnounNigerian personmasculine
NationalitiesTurkoTagalogadjTurkish (pertaining to Turkey)
NationalitiesTurkoTagalognounTurkish; Turk (person)
NationalitiesTurkoTagalognounTurkish language
NationalitiesVjetnamiżMalteseadjVietnamese (of, from or relating to Vietnam)
NationalitiesVjetnamiżMaltesenounVietnamese (native or inhabitant of Vietnam) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
NationalitiesVjetnamiżMaltesenounVietnamese (language)
NationalitiesWestdeutscheGermannounfemale equivalent of Westdeutscher: female West Germanadjectival feminine form-of
NationalitiesWestdeutscheGermannouninflection of Westdeutscher: / strong nominative/accusative pluralaccusative form-of masculine nominative plural strong
NationalitiesWestdeutscheGermannouninflection of Westdeutscher: / weak nominative singularform-of masculine nominative singular weak
NationalitiesbrasilialainenFinnishadjBrazilian, related to Brazil
NationalitiesbrasilialainenFinnishnounBrazilian person
NationalitieslesothianoItalianadjof Lesothorelational
NationalitieslesothianoItaliannounMosotho, person from Lesothomasculine
NationalitiesmonegascoGalicianadjMonégasque, Monacan
NationalitiesmonegascoGaliciannounMonégasque, Monacanmasculine
NationalitiesrománHungarianadjRomanian (of, from, or relating to Romania, its people or language)not-comparable
NationalitiesrománHungariannounRomanian (person)countable uncountable
NationalitiesrománHungariannounRomanian (language)countable uncountable
NationalitiesrománHungarianadjRomance (in linguistics)not-comparable rare
NationalitiesrománHungarianadjRomanesque (in art history)not-comparable
NationalitiessírioPortugueseadjSyrian (of or relating to Syria)
NationalitiessírioPortuguesenounSyrian (a person from Syria)masculine
NationalitiesʻAlepaniaHawaiiannameAlbania (a country in Southeast Europe)
NationalitiesʻAlepaniaHawaiiannounAlbanian, a resident or native of Albania
NationalitiesܕܢܝܩܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjDanish (of, from, or pertaining to Denmark, its culture, language or people)
NationalitiesܕܢܝܩܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounDane (person from Denmark or of Danish descent)
Native American tribesTübatulabalEnglishnounA member of a people of the Kern River Valley, California, United States.
Native American tribesTübatulabalEnglishnameThe language of the Tübatulabal people.
Native American tribesTübatulabalEnglishadjRelating to the Tübatulabal people.
Native American tribesTübatulabalEnglishadjRelating to the Tübatulabal language.
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounstone, rock (hard earthen substance)
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounjewel
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounanchor
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenouncalculus, stonemedicine sciences
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounsmallpox
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmesenounback of animalin-compounds
Natural materialsကျောက်Burmeseverbto kick
NatureafarTarifitnounwing (of a bird, bat, insect)masculine
NatureafarTarifitnounfin (of a fish)masculine
NatureafarTarifitnounleaf, foliagemasculine
NatureafarTarifitnounsheet (of paper, metal)masculine
NatureafarTarifitnounbranch (of a tree)masculine
Nautical領港Chineseverbto pilot a ship into or out of a harborHong-Kong
Nautical領港Chinesenounharbor pilot
Nettle family plantsramieEnglishnounA tall, tropical Asian perennial herb, Boehmeria nivea, cultivated for its fibrous stems.countable usually
Nettle family plantsramieEnglishnounThe fibre extracted from this plant known especially for its ability to hold shape, reduce wrinkling, and introduce a silky lustre used to make textiles, fishing nets, upholstery, etc.uncountable usually
NickelnickelousEnglishadjContaining nickel.
NickelnickelousEnglishadjContaining bivalent nickel.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
NightshadespummarolaItaliannountomatoItaly Naples Southern feminine
NightshadespummarolaItaliannountomato sauce, especially for pastaItaly Naples Southern feminine
NobilitymarkizaPolishnounfemale equivalent of markiz (“marchioness, marquise”) (wife of a marquess)feminine form-of
NobilitymarkizaPolishnounawning (covering attached to the exterior wall of a building)architecturefeminine
NobilitymarkizaPolishnounsandwich cookie (snack consisting of two cookies with a filling between them)feminine
NobilitymarkizaPolishnounmarquise (oval cut gemstone with pointed ends)jewelry lifestylefeminine
NobilitymarkizaPolishnounmarquise ringjewelry lifestylefeminine
NobilitymarkizaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of markizaccusative form-of genitive masculine person singular
NobilitymarquésSpanishnounmarquessgovernment monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
NobilitymarquésSpanishverbsecond-person singular voseo present subjunctive of marcarform-of present second-person singular subjunctive with-voseo
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounskull, head
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounchief, prince
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnouncapitation, head tax
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnountop, peak, summit
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounhillgeography natural-sciences
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnoungablearchitecture
Nuclear warfarecriticalityEnglishnounThe state of being critical.countable uncountable
Nuclear warfarecriticalityEnglishnounA disposition for purposeful thinking and acting guided by criteria that are considered to be contextually appropriate and that are expected to result in positive outcomes related to the purpose.educationcountable uncountable
Nuclear warfarecriticalityEnglishnounThe point at which a nuclear chain reaction becomes self-sustaining.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
OccultdrochshúilIrishnounevil eyefeminine
OccultdrochshúilIrishnounglare, dirty lookfeminine
OccultwarlockScotsnounthe Devil
OccultwarlockScotsnounthe Devil / a devil; a fiend
OccultwarlockScotsnounwarlock; a man who is thought to be in league with the powers of darkness and to have supernatural knowledge and means of bewitching and harming others / witch
OccultwarlockScotsnounwarlock; a man who is thought to be in league with the powers of darkness and to have supernatural knowledge and means of bewitching and harming others / sorcerer, wizard, magician
OccultwarlockScotsnounbewitched, magical, supernatural; malevolent, mischievousattributive in-compounds
OccultwarlockScotsnounan old, ugly or misanthropic man; a mischievous or troublesome fellowderogatory
OccupationsalgutzirCatalannoungovernor, sheriffhistorical masculine
OccupationsalgutzirCatalannounbailiff, constablemasculine
OccupationsburikatCebuanonouna prostituteoffensive vulgar
OccupationsburikatCebuanonouna person who is considered to be sexually promiscuous; a whore; a slutderogatory vulgar
OccupationsbíróHungarianverbpresent participle of bír: having, possessing, owningform-of participle present
OccupationsbíróHungariannounjudge (public judicial official)
OccupationsbíróHungariannounreferee, umpire (official who makes sure the rules are followed during a game)hobbies lifestyle sports
OccupationsdepartementsrådSwedishnouna director (a senior government official)neuter
OccupationsdepartementsrådSwedishnouna deputy director-general (departementsråd/enhetschef)neuter
OccupationsdraíodóirIrishnouncrafty, sly, person; rogue, hypocrite; trickstermasculine
OccupationsdraíodóirIrishnounsecretive personmasculine
OccupationsinstitorLatinnounshopkeeper, brokerdeclension-3
OccupationsinstitorLatinnounhuckster, hawker, peddler, salesmandeclension-3
OccupationskowalstwoPolishnounsmithery, blacksmithery (ability to forge metal objects of various shapes by hand)neuter
OccupationskowalstwoPolishnounsmithery, blacksmithery (trade or craft of a smith)neuter
OccupationskowalstwoPolishnounforging (branch of technology involving methods and processes for producing metal objects by forging)neuter
OccupationsmannequinFrenchnounfashion modelmasculine
OccupationsmannequinFrenchnoundummy, mannequinmasculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishadjofficialfeminine masculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishnounofficer, officialby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishnounclerk, functionaryby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishnounoffice worker, skilled workerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishnounjourneymanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishnounartisanby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishnounbutcherby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsoficialSpanishnounexecutionerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationspantouflierFrenchnounslipper-makermasculine obsolete
OccupationspantouflierFrenchnounEuphorbia tithymaloides, a species of perennial succulent spurge.masculine
OccupationspantouflierFrenchnounhammerhead sharkAntilles masculine
OccupationssestraCzechnounsister (sibling)feminine
OccupationssestraCzechnounnurse (caring for the sick)feminine
OccupationssestraCzechnounnun, sisterfeminine
OccupationssmithEnglishnounA craftsperson who works metal into desired forms using a hammer and other tools, sometimes heating the metal to make it more workable, especially a blacksmith.
OccupationssmithEnglishnounOne who makes anything; wright.broadly
OccupationssmithEnglishnounAn artist.archaic
OccupationssmithEnglishverbTo forge, to form, usually on an anvil; by heating and pounding.
OccupationsòglachScottish Gaelicnounyouth (male)masculine
OccupationsòglachScottish Gaelicnouncadetmasculine
OccupationsòglachScottish Gaelicnounlad, manservantdated masculine
OccupationsπωλητήςGreeknounseller, vendor
OccupationsπωλητήςGreeknounsalesman, shopworker, shop assistant
OccupationsπωλητήςGreeknounsalesman, representative, rep
OccupationsконсулRussiannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
OccupationsконсулRussiannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
OccupationsконсулRussiannounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)historical
OccupationsхәбәрсеBashkirnounreporter, correspondentjournalism media
OccupationsхәбәрсеBashkirnounmessenger, herald
OccupationsաճպարարArmeniannounmagician, illusionist, conjurer
OccupationsաճպարարArmeniannountrickster, swindler, crookfiguratively
OccupationsخراطArabicnounturner (maker of boxes, spindles, etc. using a lathe)
OccupationsخراطArabicnounwho puts a false construction on another's speech, liar
OccupationsشاگردOttoman Turkishnounpupil, student
OccupationsشاگردOttoman Turkishnounnovice, apprentice
Occupationsくノ一Japanesenouna kunoichi (female ninja)
Occupationsくノ一JapanesenounSynonym of 女 (onna, “woman”)
Occupations奶媽Chinesenounwet nurse
Occupations奶媽Chinesenounhealervideo-gamesbroadly neologism
Occupations官司Japanesenouna government officearchaic
Occupations官司Japanesenouna government officialarchaic
OccupationsJapanesenouna male person
OccupationsJapanesenouna man, an adult malespecifically
OccupationsJapanesenoun男, 漢: (specifically) a manly man
OccupationsJapanesenouna male lover
OccupationsJapanesenouna manservant
OccupationsJapanesenouna husband
OccupationsJapanesenounan unmarried young manobsolete
OccupationsJapanesenamea surname
OccupationsJapanesenouna man
OccupationsJapanesenouna husband
OccupationsJapanesenouna male
OccupationsJapanesenounsomething large, powerful, or otherwise masculine
OccupationsJapanesenouna boy
OccupationsJapanesenouna man
OccupationsJapanesenouna son
OccupationsJapanesenouna man
OccupationsJapanesenouna son
OccupationsJapanesenouna young man, especially one who reached adulthood
OccupationsJapanesenouna baronhistorical
OccupationsJapanesenamea male given name
OrangesnaranghaTagalognounorange fruit, Citrus sinensis
OrangesnaranghaTagalognounorange (color/colour)dated poetic
OrchidspurplesEnglishnounplural of purpleform-of plural
OrchidspurplesEnglishnounswine fever or hog cholera
OrchidspurplesEnglishnounear cockle
OrchidspurplesEnglishnounpurpuramedicine sciences
OrchidspurplesEnglishnounAn early purple-flowered orchid.
OrchidspurplesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of purpleform-of indicative present singular third-person
OrganizationsBBCEnglishnameInitialism of British Broadcasting Corporation.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsBBCEnglishnameInitialism of Blades Business Crew: a football hooligan firm linked to Sheffield United F.C.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsBBCEnglishnameInitialism of Banahaw Broadcasting Corporation, a defunct Philippine television network active from 1973 to 1986.broadcasting mediaPhilippines abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
OrganizationsBBCEnglishnounInitialism of British-born Chinese.UK abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
OrganizationsBBCEnglishnounAbbreviation of bromobenzyl cyanide.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of uncountable
OrganizationsBBCEnglishnounInitialism of big black sexualityabbreviation alt-of countable initialism slang uncountable vulgar
OrganizationsBBCEnglishnounInitialism of Karim Benzema, Garthe Bale and Cristiano Ronaldo, the forward of Real Madrid between 2013 and 2018.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsabbreviation alt-of countable informal initialism uncountable
OrganizationsสุภาThainouncourt; tribunal.
OrganizationsสุภาThainounjudicial officer: judge, justice, etc.
Owls暗光鳥Chinesenounowl (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Hokkien
Owls暗光鳥Chinesenounblack-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Taiwanese-Hokkien
Owls暗光鳥Chinesenounnight owl; someone who goes to bed late (Classifier: 隻/只 mn)Hokkien
Oxalidales order plantsmaquiEnglishnounA South American shrub (Aristotelia chilensis) native to the Valdivian temperate rainforest ecoregion of Chile and southern Argentina.
Oxalidales order plantsmaquiEnglishnounThe edible berry of this shrub.
Oxalidales order plantsmaquiEnglishnounMisspelling of maquis (Mediterranean coastal scrub).alt-of misspelling
Paper sizesimperialEnglishadjRelated to an empire, emperor, or empress.
Paper sizesimperialEnglishadjRelating to the British imperial system of measurement.
Paper sizesimperialEnglishadjVery grand or fine.
Paper sizesimperialEnglishadjOf special, superior, or unusual size or excellence.
Paper sizesimperialEnglishadjStronger than typical. (Derived from the name of Russian Imperial stout, a strong dark beer.)
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA bottle of wine (usually Bordeaux) containing 6 liters of fluid, eight times the volume of a standard bottle.countable uncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA writing paper size measuring 30 × 22 inches, or printing paper measuring 32 × 22 printing publishingcountable uncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA card game differing from piquet in some minor details, and in having a trump.card-games gamesuncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounAny of several combinations of cards which score in this game.card-games gamescountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA crown imperial.countable uncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA tuft of hair on the lower lip (so called from its use by Napoleon III).countable uncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA kind of dome, as in Moorish buildings.countable uncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounAn outside or roof seat on a diligence or carriage.countable historical uncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA suitcase or trunk designed to be transported on the roof of a carriage.countable historical uncountable
Paper sizesimperialEnglishnounA variety of green tea.countable uncountable
ParasitesJapanesecharacterhorseflyHyōgai kanji
ParasitesJapanesenouna horsefly
ParksVictoria ParkEnglishnameAny of a large number of parks, sports grounds, and some suburbs around the world, mainly in the British Commonwealth. / A suburb of Perth, Western Australia, south-east of the city centre.
ParksVictoria ParkEnglishnameAny of a large number of parks, sports grounds, and some suburbs around the world, mainly in the British Commonwealth. / The Town of Victoria Park, a local government area in Western Australia which includes the suburb.
ParksVictoria ParkEnglishnameAny of a large number of parks, sports grounds, and some suburbs around the world, mainly in the British Commonwealth. / A southern suburb of Manchester, Greater Manchester, England (OS grid ref SJ8595).
PastaaletriaPortuguesenouna kind of Christmas dessertfeminine
PastaμακαρονάκιGreeknoundiminutive of μακαρόνια (makarónia)diminutive form-of
PastaμακαρονάκιGreeknounmacaronifood lifestyle
PeopleJudaizerEnglishnounSomeone who Judaizes.
PeopleJudaizerEnglishnounOne who conforms to or inculcates Judaism.archaic
PeopleJudaizerEnglishnounOne of the Jews who accepted Christianity but still adhered to the law of Moses and worshipped in the temple at Jerusalem.historical
PeopleRentierGermannounreindeerneuter strong
PeopleRentierGermannounrentier (individual who receives an income, usually interest, rent, dividends, capital gains, or profits from his or her assets and investments)masculine strong
PeopleSchwedeGermannounSwede (Swedish person) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine weak
PeopleSchwedeGermannounSwede (member of the Germanic tribal group) (male or of unspecified gender)historical masculine weak
PeopleSelamOld religion
PeopleSelamOld religion
PeoplecyfieithyddWelshnountranslator; interpreter; grammarianmasculine
PeoplecyfieithyddWelshnounperson of the same language or race as another, fellow-countrymanmasculine
PeopledoughboyEnglishnounAn American infantryman, especially one from World War I.US
PeopledoughboyEnglishnounA kind of flour dumpling.
PeopleescortEnglishnounA group of people or vehicles, generally armed, who go with a person or people of importance to safeguard them on a journey or mission.
PeopleescortEnglishnounAn accompanying person in such a group.
PeopleescortEnglishnounA guard who travels with a dangerous person, such as a criminal, for the protection of others.
PeopleescortEnglishnounA group of people attending as a mark of respect or honor.
PeopleescortEnglishnounAn accompanying person in a social gathering, etc.
PeopleescortEnglishnounProtection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion.
PeopleescortEnglishnounA sex worker who does not operate in a brothel, but with whom clients make appointments; a call girl or male equivalent; a pimp.euphemistic
PeopleescortEnglishverbTo attend to in order to guard and protect; to accompany as a safeguard (for the person escorted or for others); to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to
PeopleescortEnglishverbTo accompany (a person) in order to compel them to go somewhere (e.g. to leave a building).
PeopleescortEnglishverbTo go with someone as a partner, for example on a formal date.
PeoplefutilitarianEnglishadjHaving the opinion that all human activity is futile.
PeoplefutilitarianEnglishnounA person believing that all human activity is futile.
PeoplefutilitarianEnglishnounA person devoted to profitless pursuits.
PeoplefíodóirIrishnounsmall light personfiguratively masculine
PeoplegapaPolishnounbooby (person)colloquial feminine
PeoplegapaPolishnouncrow (Corvus cornix, occasionally other birds of the Corvus genus)Poznań feminine
PeoplegreenhornEnglishnounAn inexperienced person; a novice, beginner or newcomer.US
PeoplegreenhornEnglishnounA Portuguese person.ethnic offensive slur
PeoplegrocerEnglishnounA person who retails groceries (foodstuffs and household items) from a grocery.
PeoplegrocerEnglishverbTo sell groceries; to act as a grocer.uncommon
PeoplehitchhikerEnglishnounA person or thing that hitchhikes.
PeoplehitchhikerEnglishnounAn item attached to a travel bug and hidden in a geocache to be found and transported to other caches or around the world.
PeoplehitchhikerEnglishnounA dance move in which the dancer mimics the motions of someone thumbing a ride.
PeoplehitchhikerEnglishnounA bur that attaches and clings to clothing, or a bur-bearing plant.biology botany natural-sciencesinformal
PeoplehitchhikerEnglishnounAn advertisement at the end of a programme.advertising broadcasting business marketing media radio
PeopleidealistEnglishnounOne who adheres to idealism.human-sciences philosophy sciences
PeopleidealistEnglishnounSomeone whose conduct stems from idealism rather than from practicality.
PeopleidealistEnglishnounAn unrealistic or impractical visionary.
PeopleimeachtaíIrishnoungoer, travellermasculine
PeopleimeachtaíIrishadjinflection of imeachtach (“going, moving, travelling; speedy”): / genitive singular femininefeminine form-of genitive singular
PeopleimeachtaíIrishadjinflection of imeachtach (“going, moving, travelling; speedy”): / comparative degreecomparative form-of
PeopleimeachtaíIrishnounplural of imeacht (“going, departure; demand; elopement; course, passage; (rate of) progress; gait, bearing, demeanour; proceeding, transaction”)feminine form-of masculine plural
PeopleimeachtaíIrishnounplural of imeacht (“going, departure; demand; elopement; course, passage; (rate of) progress; gait, bearing, demeanour; proceeding, transaction”) / ways, directionsfeminine masculine plural
PeoplejuorukelloFinnishnountelltale, tattler (one who divulges private information)
PeoplejuorukelloFinnishnounblabbermouth, blab, babbler, gossiper, gossip (one who likes to talk about someone else’s private or personal business)
PeoplekakitaCebuanoadjable to see
PeoplekakitaCebuanonounsomeone one is meeting with
Peoplelibertarian socialistEnglishnounA proponent of libertarian socialism.
Peoplelibertarian socialistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to libertarian socialism.not-comparable
PeoplelyristEnglishnounA person who plays the lyre.entertainment lifestyle music
PeoplelyristEnglishnounlyricistentertainment lifestyle music
PeoplelyristEnglishnounA lyrical poet
PeoplemanCimbriannounmanTredici-Comuni masculine
PeoplemanCimbriannounhusbandTredici-Comuni masculine
PeoplemeanieEnglishnounA mean (unkind or miserly) person; a killjoy.childish informal
PeoplemeanieEnglishnounA villain.informal
PeoplepellotCatalannounragCatalonia Northern masculine
PeoplepellotCatalannounboy between 10 and 15 years oldmasculine
PeoplepelotaSpanishnounball (a round or ellipsoidal object)hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
PeoplepelotaSpanishnounball gamehobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
PeoplepelotaSpanishnountesticlefeminine figuratively plural-normally vulgar
PeoplepelotaSpanishnounpeople pleaser, toadyby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplepeltonChinook Jargonadjcrazy, foolish
PeoplepeltonChinook Jargonnouncrazy person, fool
PeoplepostimpressionistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to postimpressionism.
PeoplepostimpressionistEnglishnounA painter of the style of postimpressionism.
PeoplequeerEnglishadjWeird, odd, or different; whimsical.England Scotland
PeoplequeerEnglishadjSlightly unwell (mainly in "to feel queer").British dated informal
PeoplequeerEnglishadjDrunk.British slang
PeoplequeerEnglishadjHomosexual.colloquial derogatory sometimes
PeoplequeerEnglishadjNon-heterosexual or non-cisgender: homosexual, bisexual, asexual, transgender, etc.colloquial derogatory sometimes
PeoplequeerEnglishadjPertaining to sexual or gender behaviour or identity which does not conform to conventional heterosexual or cisgender norms, assumptions etc.broadly
PeoplequeerEnglishnounA person who is or appears homosexual, or who has homosexual qualities.colloquial derogatory sometimes
PeoplequeerEnglishnounA person of any non-heterosexual sexuality or sexual identity.colloquial derogatory sometimes
PeoplequeerEnglishnounA person of any genderqueer identity.colloquial derogatory sometimes
PeoplequeerEnglishnounCounterfeit money.archaic definite informal with-definite-article
PeoplequeerEnglishverbTo render an endeavor or agreement ineffective or null.dated transitive
PeoplequeerEnglishverbTo puzzle.UK dated dialectal
PeoplequeerEnglishverbTo ridicule; to banter; to rally.dated slang
PeoplequeerEnglishverbTo spoil the effect or success of, as by ridicule; to throw a wet blanket on; to spoil.dated slang
PeoplequeerEnglishverbTo reevaluate or reinterpret (a work) with an eye to sexual orientation and/or to gender, as by applying queer theory.human-sciences sciences social-science social-sciences
PeoplequeerEnglishverbTo make a work more appealing or attractive to LGBT people, such as by not having strict genders for playable characters.LGBT lifestyle sexualityneologism slang
PeoplequeerEnglishadvQueerly.not-comparable usually
PeoplequeerEnglishadvVery, extremely.Ireland not-comparable usually
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounOne who or that which repeats.
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA student repeating a course or
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA patient who repeatedly presents with the same symptoms.medicine sciences
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA consumer who repeatedly purchases the same goods or marketing
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounOne who votes more than once at an election.US
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA person who regularly sees unexplained sightings of paranormal phenomena.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences ufology
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA gun that has a store of cartridges and does not need reloading after each firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrydated
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA telegraphic instrument for automatically retransmitting a message.
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounAn electronic device that receives a weak or low-level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA watch with a striking apparatus which, upon pressure of a spring, will indicate the time, usually in hours and quarters.hobbies horology lifestyle
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA frigate appointed to attend an admiral in a fleet, and to repeat the admiral's signals.nautical transport
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA pennant used to indicate that a certain flag in a hoist of signal is duplicated.nautical transport
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounA repeating decimal.mathematics sciences
PeoplerepeaterEnglishnounIn calico printing, a design repeated at equal intervals in a manufacturing textiles
PeoplesmokeyEnglishadjAlternative spelling of smokyalt-of alternative
PeoplesmokeyEnglishnounA state trooper. By extension, a cop, police officer.
PeopletlacatlClassical Nahuatlnouna person, a human being
PeopletlacatlClassical Nahuatlnouna slave (when possessed, cf. notlācauh (“he is my slave”)).
PeopletorchbearerEnglishnounA person who carries a torch (flaming brand).
PeopletorchbearerEnglishnounThe leader of a campaign, or one who gives inspiration to others.broadly
PeoplevomiterEnglishnounSomeone who vomits.
PeoplevomiterEnglishnounChlorophyllum molybdites, a poisonous mushroom
PeoplewarehousemanEnglishnounA person who manages, or works in, a warehouse.
PeoplewarehousemanEnglishnounOne who keeps a wholesale shop for woollen goods.UK obsolete
Peopleweekend warriorEnglishnounA part-time soldier, or reservist
Peopleweekend warriorEnglishnounA person who indulges in a sport or pastime on an infrequent basis, usually on weekends when work commitments are not present.idiomatic
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounSomeone who wrangles or corrals.
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounA brawler or disputant.
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounA cowboy who takes care of saddle horses.US
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounA cowboy who takes care of tourists.US
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounAn animal handler or trainer.
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounA student who has completed the third year of the mathematical tripos with first-class honours.educationUK
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounA special education teacher.educationNew-England US derogatory
PeoplewranglerEnglishnounA groom.Texas
PeopležabarSerbo-Croatiannounpetty, middle-class personderogatory regional
PeopležabarSerbo-Croatiannouna person from the continent, as opposed to from the coastregional
PeopležabarSerbo-Croatiannounan Italianregional
PeopleφυλακισμένοςGreeknounprisoner (person incarcerated in a prison)
PeopleφυλακισμένοςGreeknounprisoner (any person held against his or her will)
PeopleботурBulgariannounspur, sprig (plant's shoot before stiffening) / stalk of grass or weeddialectal
PeopleботурBulgariannounspur, sprig (plant's shoot before stiffening) / trunk, bole, stockdialectal
PeopleботурBulgariannounspur, sprig (plant's shoot before stiffening) / plank, chunk, nodule of woodbroadly
PeopleботурBulgariannounbore, dullhead (boring, dull person)derogatory figuratively
PeopleอุตสาหกรรมThainounindustry: sector of an economy made up of manufacturing enterprises; sector of an economy.
PeopleอุตสาหกรรมThainounpublic officer charged with overseeing industry in a certain area.government
PeopleასქერიLaznounmilitary service
PeopleἰξόςAncient GreeknounEuropean mistletoe (Viscum album)
PeopleἰξόςAncient Greeknounmistletoe berry
PeopleἰξόςAncient Greeknounbirdlime prepared from the mistletoe berry
PeopleἰξόςAncient Greeknounoak gum, used for the same purpose
PeopleἰξόςAncient Greeknounany sticky substanceusually
PeopleἰξόςAncient Greeknounskinflint, miserfiguratively
PeopleやさぐれJapanesenounrunaway (person)
PeopleやさぐれJapanesenounapathy; not caring; languor
PeopleやさぐれJapaneseverbimperfective and stem (or continuative) forms of やさぐれる (yasagureru) [ichidan] / imperfective and stem (or continuative) forms of やさぐれる (yasagureru)
People使女Chinesenounslave-girl; servant girl; maid
People使女Chinesenounadopted daughterHakka
People奇葩Chinesenounexotic flower; magnificent flower
People奇葩Chinesenounwonderful piece of work
People奇葩Chinesenounsomeone who behaves outside social norms; freak; weirdoMainland-China neologism
People奇葩Chineseadjfreaky; weirdMainland-China Taiwan neologism
People行人Chinesenounone who walks; pedestrian; foot passenger; passerby
People行人Chinesenountraveller on foot, or person who goes out to battle (i.e. one who goes on an military expedition)literary
People行人Chinesenounenvoy; messengerhistorical
People行人Chinesenounofficial responsible for arranging audiences with the emperorhistorical
People行人Chinesenamea surname
People行人Chineseverbto go awayCantonese
People유아Koreannounchild (usually a preschooler)
People유아Koreannoununweaned infant
Perching birdsvugaSerbo-Croatiannounoriole
Perching birdsvugaSerbo-Croatiannounpenduline titarchaic dialectal
Percoid fishsamulokCebuanonounthe common silver-biddy (Gerres oyena)
Percoid fishsamulokCebuanonounthe strongspine silver-biddy (Gerres longirostris)
Percoid fishsamulokCebuanonounthe whipfin silver-biddy (Gerres filamentosus)
Percoid fishsamulokCebuanonounthe slender silver-biddy (Gerres oblongus)
Percoid fishsamulokCebuanonounthe deep-bodied mojarra (Gerres erythrourus)
Percussion instrumentsfriction drumEnglishnounA drum (membranophone) that produces sound through friction.entertainment lifestyle music
Percussion instrumentsfriction drumEnglishnounA type of natural-sciences physical-sciences
Percussion instrumentstom-tomEnglishnounA small joined pair of drums, beaten with the hands.
Percussion instrumentstom-tomEnglishnounAny cylindrical drum, with no snare; part of a drum kit.usually
Percussion instrumentstom-tomEnglishnounAlternative form of tam-tam (“a kind of flat gong”)alt-of alternative
Percussion instrumentstom-tomEnglishverbTo play the tom-tom (pair of drums).
PeriodicalshebdomadarioSpanishnounweekly (periodical or newspaper issued every week)masculine
PersonalitycurieuxFrenchadjcurious, inquisitive, intrigued, wondering; possessing curiosity
PersonalitycurieuxFrenchadjcurious, unusual, interesting, quaint; inducing curiosity
PersonalityheartyEnglishadjWarm and cordial towards another person.
PersonalityheartyEnglishadjEnergetic, active or eager.
PersonalityheartyEnglishadjCheerful; vivacious.
PersonalityheartyEnglishadjExhibiting strength; firm; courageous.
PersonalityheartyEnglishadjPromoting strength; nourishing.
PersonalityheartyEnglishnouna term of familiar address and fellowship among sailors.nautical transporthumorous obsolete
PersonalitymanipulativeEnglishadjUsing manipulation purposefully.
PersonalitymanipulativeEnglishadjTending to manipulate.
PersonalitymanipulativeEnglishadjReaching one's goals at the expense of other people by using them.derogatory
PersonalitymanipulativeEnglishnounA manipulable object designed to demonstrate a mathematical concept.mathematics sciences
PersonalityverspieltGermanverbpast participle of verspielenform-of participle past
PersonalityverspieltGermanadjplayful, frisky, coltish, sportive, cheerful, prankish
PersonalityverspieltGermanverbinflection of verspielen: ## second-person plural present ## third-person singular present ## plural imperative / second-person plural presentform-of plural present second-person
PersonalityverspieltGermanverbinflection of verspielen: ## second-person plural present ## third-person singular present ## plural imperative / third-person singular presentform-of present singular third-person
PersonalityverspieltGermanverbinflection of verspielen: ## second-person plural present ## third-person singular present ## plural imperative / plural imperativeform-of imperative plural
Personalitywell-bredEnglishadjOf good breed.
Personalitywell-bredEnglishadjWell-mannered and refined because of a good upbringing and education.broadly
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameAmerica; the United States; an appellation given in honor of Christopher Columbus.poetic
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameA female personification of the United States.dated
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameA river in British Columbia, Canada and in Washington and Oregon, United States, flowing from the Canadian Rockies to the Pacific Ocean.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameDistrict of Columbia The federal capital region of the United States of America, including Washington, D.C.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / The capital city of South Carolina, and the county seat of Richland County.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A town in Houston County, Alabama.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A neighborhood of San Diego, California.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A census-designated place in Tuolumne County, California.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A town in Tolland County, Connecticut.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A city in Monroe County, Illinois.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Fayette County, Indiana.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Marion County, Iowa.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Adair County, Kentucky.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A town, the parish seat of Caldwell Parish, Louisiana.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A town in Washington County, Maine.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A census-designated place and planned community in Howard County, Maryland.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Marion County, Mississippi, named for the city in South Carolina.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Boone County, Missouri.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A town in Coos County, New Hampshire.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A census-designated place in Warren County, New Jersey.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A town in Herkimer County, New York.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A town, the county seat of Tyrrell County, North Carolina.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Williams County, Ohio.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A borough of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A city in Brown County, South Dakota.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Maury County, Tennessee.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Fluvanna County, Virginia.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Fayette County, West Virginia.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Clark County, Wisconsin.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSeveral places in the United States. / A number of townships, listed under Columbia Township.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameColumbia University.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameColumbia Pictures, a major American film production corporation
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameSpace Shuttle Columbia, named after the Columbia Rediviva ship.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameA supercontinent thought to have existed in the Paleoproterozoic.geography geology natural-sciences
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameA rural locality in northeast Queensland, Australia.
PersonificationsColumbiaEnglishnameMisspelling of Colombia.alt-of misspelling
Phaseolus beansred peaEnglishnounThe red vetchling (Lathyrus cicera).
Phaseolus beansred peaEnglishnounThe kidney bean.Jamaica
PhilosophyEuclideFrenchnameA male given name of historical usage, equivalent to English Euclidmasculine
PhilosophyEuclideFrenchnameEuclid (ancient Greek mathematician)masculine
PhilosophyEuclideFrenchnameEuclid of Megara (ancient Greek philosopher)masculine
Philosophy玄學ChinesenameXuanxue; Dark Learning
Philosophy玄學Chinesenounmisbelief that doing certain things will increase one's luck (especially one's luck in games with gacha mechanics); superstitionInternet broadly humorous neologism
PhoeniciaԿարթագենArmeniannameCarthage (an ancient city in North Africa, in modern Tunisia)
PhoeniciaԿարթագենArmeniannameCarthage (an ancient civilisation in North Africa, centred on the city of Carthage)
PhonemesengEnglishadjNarrow.obsolete regional
PhonemesengEnglishnounRoman alphabet ŋ: The Latin-based letter formed by combining the letters n and g, used in the IPA, Saami, Mende, and some Australian aboriginal languages. In the IPA, it represents the voiced velar nasal, the ng sound in running and rink. .
PiciformsbarbutCatalannounbarbet (various species of birds in the infraorder Ramphastides)masculine
PigspigEnglishnounAny of several mammalian species of the genus Sus, having cloven hooves, bristles and a nose adapted for digging; especially the domesticated animal Sus domesticus.countable uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounAny of several mammalian species of the genus Sus, having cloven hooves, bristles and a nose adapted for digging; especially the domesticated animal Sus domesticus. / A young swine, a piglet (contrasted with a hog, an adult swine).countable specifically uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounThe edible meat of such an animal; pork.uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA light pinkish-red colour, like that of a pig (also called pig pink).uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounSomeone who overeats or eats rapidly and noisily.countable derogatory figuratively uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA lecherous or sexist man.countable derogatory figuratively uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA dirty or slovenly person.countable derogatory figuratively uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounAn obese person.countable derogatory figuratively uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA police officer.Australia Ireland New-Zealand UK US countable offensive slang uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA difficult problem.countable informal uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounAn oblong block of cast metal (now only iron or lead).countable uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounThe mold in which a block of metal is cast.countable uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA lead container used for radioactive waste.countable uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA device for cleaning or inspecting the inside of an oil or gas pipeline, or for separating different substances within the pipeline. Named for the pig-like squealing noise made by their natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounThe general-purpose M60 machine gun, considered to be heavy and bulky.government military politics warUS countable slang uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA simple dice game in which players roll the dice as many times as they like, either accumulating a greater score or losing previous points gained.uncountable
PigspigEnglishnounA sixpence.UK countable obsolete slang uncountable
PigspigEnglishverbTo give birth.
PigspigEnglishverbTo greedily consume (especially food).intransitive
PigspigEnglishverbTo huddle or lie together like pigs, in one bed.intransitive
PigspigEnglishverbTo live together in a crowded filthy manner.intransitive
PigspigEnglishverbTo clean (a pipeline) using a pig (the device).engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
PigspigEnglishnounearthenware, or an earthenware shardScotland
PigspigEnglishnounAn earthenware hot-water jar to warm a bed; a stone bed warmer
PlacesპოლიLaznameVizha and Chanapeti form of მპოლი (mp̌oli)
Places in TurkeyAnatolieFrenchnameAnatoliafeminine
Places in TurkeyAnatolieFrenchnameAnatoliafeminine historical
Places of worshipשולYiddishnounshul, synagogue
Places of worshipשולYiddishnounschool
Planetsബൃഹസ്പതിMalayalamnounJupiter; the planet
Planets of the Solar SystemMerkurCzechnameMercury (Roman god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman animate masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMerkurCzechnameMercury, the first planet in the Solar Systemastronomy natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemवरुणHindinameVaruna (Hindu deity associated with water)
Planets of the Solar SystemवरुणHindinamename for the island of Borneo
Planets of the Solar SystemवरुणHindinameNeptuneneologism
PlantsamarantoSpanishadjamaranth, crimson (color/colour)
PlantsamarantoSpanishnounamaranth (herb)masculine
PlantsamarantoSpanishnounamaranth, crimson (color/colour)masculine
PlantsfilicoidEnglishnounAny fern-like plant.biology botany natural-sciences
PlantsfilicoidEnglishadjResembling a fern, either in form or in the nature of the method of reproduction.biology botany natural-sciences
PlantshindbærDanishnounraspberry (the fruit of Rubus idaeus)neuter
PlantshindbærDanishnounraspberry (the plant Rubus idaeus)common-gender
PlantsraízGaliciannounroot; root vegetablefeminine
PlantsraízGaliciannounroot (of a tooth, a nail, etc)feminine
PlantsraízGaliciannounroothuman-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
PlantsraízGaliciannounrootcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
PlantsraízGaliciannounoriginfeminine figuratively
PlantsбашаҡBashkirnounear, spike, fruiting body of a grain plant
PlantsгичкаUkrainiannounleaves and stems of some plants (including root vegetables)
PlantsгичкаUkrainiannounthe upper part of a tied sack or knotcolloquial figuratively
PlantsгичкаUkrainiannounmane (animal hair)dialectal
PlantsгичкаUkrainiannouna sprout (like that on a tuber)dialectal
Playground gamesfour squareEnglishnounA sport played by four players where players have to hit a ball into other people's squares, and attempt to make a return hit.uncountable
Playground gamesfour squareEnglishnounA method used to teach children to write about a topic, based on a diagram with four squares, each containing a type of sentence about the topic.educationuncountable
Plovers and lapwingsbeetleheadEnglishnounA stupid fellow; a blockhead.
Plovers and lapwingsbeetleheadEnglishnounThe black-bellied plover, or bullhead (Pluvialis squatarola).
PoetrycothurnusLatinnouncothurnus, buskindeclension-2 masculine
PoetrycothurnusLatinnountragedy (dramatic or poetic style)declension-2 masculine
Poetry句意Japanesenounmeaning of a phrase
Poetry句意Japanesenounmeaning of a haiku
PoliticsetnonacionalismoPortuguesenounethnonationalism (doctrine, movement or position of those who defend the right of a certain ethnic group to constitute themselves as a nation)masculine
PoliticsetnonacionalismoPortuguesenounethnonationalism (doctrine, movement or position of those who defend that belonging to a certain ethnicity is a necessary condition for accessing a certain nationality)masculine
Pornography毛片Chinesenounrushesbroadcasting film media television
Pornography毛片Chinesenounpornographic filmslang
PregnancyavorterFrenchverbto fail, to come to an endintransitive
PregnancyavorterFrenchverbto have an abortionintransitive
PregnancyavorterFrenchverbto abort, to terminatecausative
PregnancyavorterFrenchverbto cause an abortioncausative
PregnancygestationEnglishnounThe period of time during which an animal or human offspring physically develops inside the mother's body until it is born.countable uncountable
PregnancygestationEnglishnounThe process of development of a plan or idea.countable uncountable
PresentmodernityEnglishnounThe quality of being modern or contemporary.
PresentmodernityEnglishnounModern times.
PresentmodernityEnglishnounQuality of being of the modern period of contemporary historiography.history human-sciences sciences
PrisondungeonEnglishnounAn underground prison or vault, typically built underneath a castle.
PrisondungeonEnglishnounThe low area between two drumlins.
PrisondungeonEnglishnounThe main tower of a motte or castle; a keep or donjon.obsolete
PrisondungeonEnglishnounA shrewd person.obsolete
PrisondungeonEnglishnounAn area inhabited by enemies, containing story objectives, treasure, and bosses.
PrisondungeonEnglishnounA room dedicated to sadomasochistic sexual activity.BDSM lifestyle sexuality
PrisondungeonEnglishverbTo imprison in a dungeon.transitive
PrisonlockdownEnglishnounThe confinement of people in their own rooms (e.g., in a school) or cells (in a prison), or to their own homes or areas (e.g., in the case of a city- or nation-wide issue) as a security measure after or amid a disturbance or as a non-pharmaceutical intervention in a pandemic.countable uncountable
PrisonlockdownEnglishnounA contrivance to fasten logs together in rafting.US countable uncountable
PrisonحبسOttoman Turkishnounimprisonment, confinement
PrisonحبسOttoman Turkishnounprison, jail
PrisonحبسOttoman Turkishadjimprisoned
Probability theoryfifty-fiftyEnglishadvIn half: in two equal parts, shares, etc.not-comparable
Probability theoryfifty-fiftyEnglishadjHalf and half.not-comparable
Probability theoryfifty-fiftyEnglishadjUsed to describe 2 possible outcomes as being equally likelynot-comparable
Probability theoryfifty-fiftyEnglishnounA challenge between two opposing players, where both have an equal chance of taking possession.hobbies lifestyle sports
Probability theoryfifty-fiftyEnglishnounEllipsis of fifty-fifty grind; a rail or edge grind, using both trucks to grind along, longitudinally aligned.hobbies lifestyle skateboarding sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Probability theoryfifty-fiftyEnglishnounEllipsis of fifty-fifty slide; a rail slide where the snowboard is longitudinally aligned with the direction of the slide, down the centerline.hobbies lifestyle snowboarding sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Prostitutionవ్యభిచరించుTeluguverbTo go astray.
Prostitutionవ్యభిచరించుTeluguverbTo commit adultery.
Provinces of the PhilippinesLalawigang BulubundukinTagalognameMountain Province (a province of the Philippines; capital: Bontoc)
Provinces of the PhilippinesLalawigang BulubundukinTagalognamehuge province in the Cordilleras composed of the subprovinces of Apayao, Amburayan, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, and Lepanto-Bontochistorical
Pukapukan ordinal numberswituPukapukannumseven
Pukapukan ordinal numberswituPukapukannumseventh
Punctuation marksจุลภาคThainouncomma.formal
Punctuation marksจุลภาคThainounsmall scale or scope.
RacismantiracistEnglishadjOpposed to racism.human-sciences sciences social-science sociology
RacismantiracistEnglishnounOne who opposes racism.human-sciences sciences social-science sociology
RacismnonracistEnglishadjNot racist.
RacismnonracistEnglishnounOne who is not a racist.
Rail transportationвокзалRussiannounstation, terminal (with a building for passenger facilities)transport
Rail transportationвокзалRussiannounstation, terminal (with a building for passenger facilities) / train station, railroad station, railway station, depot (with a building for passenger facilities)transport
Rail transportationвокзалRussiannounpark, pleasure gardenobsolete
Ranunculales order plantsMohnGermannounpoppy (Papaver)masculine strong
Ranunculales order plantsMohnGermannounpoppyseedscollective masculine strong
Recreational drugsiarbăRomaniannoungrassfeminine
Recreational drugsiarbăRomaniannounherbfeminine
Recreational drugsiarbăRomaniannounweedfeminine slang
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / A bar or frame by which two oxen or other draught animals are joined at their necks enabling them to pull a cart, plough, etc.; (by extension) a device attached to a single draught animal for the same purpose.
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A pole carried on the neck and shoulders of a person, used for carrying a pair of buckets, etc., one at each end of the pole; a carrying pole.
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Any of various devices with crosspieces used to control an aircraft; specifically, the control column.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Any of various devices with crosspieces used to control an aircraft; specifically, the control column. / A similar device used as a game controller.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences video-games
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Well-developed muscles of the neck and shoulders.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / The part of an item of clothing which fits around the shoulders or the hips from which the rest of the garment hangs, and which is often distinguished by having a double thickness of material, or decorative clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Originally, a metal piece connecting the poles of a magnet or electromagnet; later, a part of magnetic circuit (such as in a generator or motor) not surrounded by windings (“wires wound around the cores of electrical transformers”).business electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / The electromagnetic coil that deflects the electron beam in a cathode ray electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A Y-shaped stand used to support a blowpipe or punty while reheating in the glory hole.arts crafts glassblowing hobbies lifestyle
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A fitting placed across the head of the rudder with a line attached at each end by which a boat may be steered; in modern use it is primarily found in sailing canoes and kayaks.nautical transport
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A frame or convex crosspiece from which a bell is hung.US
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc.
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / A collar placed on the neck of a conquered person or prisoner to restrain movement.historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / A frame placed on the neck of an animal such as a cow, pig, or goose to prevent passage through a fence or other barrier.agriculture business lifestylehistorical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Chiefly in pass under the yoke: a raised yoke (sense 1.1), or a symbolic yoke formed from two spears installed upright in the ground with another spear connecting their tops, under which a defeated army was made to march as a sign of subjugation.Ancient-Rome historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A pair of draught animals, especially oxen, yoked together to pull something.historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A pair of things linked in some way.archaic
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A carriage, a horse and cart; (by extension, generally) a car or other vehicle.Ireland Scotland
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A miscellaneous object; a gadget.Ireland informal
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A chap, a fellow.Ireland informal
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A pill of a psychoactive drug.Ireland slang
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / An area of arable land, specifically one consisting of a quarter of a suling, or around 50–60 acres (20–24 hectares); hence, a small manor or piece of land.Kent archaic
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / An amount of work done with draught animals, lasting about half a day; (by extension) an amount or shift of any work.England Kent Scotland also especially historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / A bond of love, especially marriage; also, a bond of friendship or partnership; an obligation or task borne by two or more people.figuratively
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / Something which oppresses or restrains a person; a burden.figuratively
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo join (several draught animals) together with a yoke; also, to fasten a yoke (on one or more draught animals) to pull a cart, plough, etc.; or to attach (a cart, plough, etc.) to a draught animal.transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo put (one's arm or arms) around someone's neck, waist, etc.; also, to surround (someone's neck, waist, etc.) with one's arms.transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo put (something) around someone's neck like a yoke; also, to surround (someone's neck) with something.transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo place a collar on the neck of (a conquered person or prisoner) to restrain movement.historical transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo place a frame on the neck of (an animal such as a cow, pig, or goose) to prevent passage through a fence or other barrier.agriculture business lifestylehistorical transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo bring (two or more people or things) into a close relationship (often one that is undesired); to connect, to link, to unite.figuratively transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo bring into or keep (someone) in bondage or a state of submission; to enslave; to confine, to restrain; to oppress, to subjugate.figuratively obsolete transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo be joined to (another person) in wedlock (often with the implication that it is a burdensome state); to be or become married to (someone).Scotland archaic transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo be or become connected, linked, or united in a relationship; to have dealings with.intransitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo be or become joined in wedlock; to be married, to wed.Scotland intransitive obsolete
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounMisspelling of yolk.alt-of misspelling
Reference worksfoclóirIrishnoundictionarymasculine
Reference worksfoclóirIrishnounlexiconmasculine
Reference worksfoclóirIrishnounvocabularymasculine
ReligioncryminalMiddle EnglishadjRelating to crime or illegal actions; criminal.rare
ReligioncryminalMiddle EnglishadjRelating to unjust or immoral actions; wicked, iniquitous.rare
ReligionriittiFinnishverbthird-person singular past indicative of riittääform-of indicative past singular third-person
ReligionsavelyMiddle EnglishadvWith safety; without harm or injury: / Lacking danger; safely, harmlessly or in a dangerless manner.
ReligionsavelyMiddle EnglishadvWith safety; without harm or injury: / Avoiding sin; in a morally sound or safe manner.
ReligionsavelyMiddle EnglishadvWith safety; without harm or injury: / With no risk to one's health or fitness; healthily.
ReligionsavelyMiddle EnglishadvWith security; without risk: / Guardedly; ensuring security and lack of loss.
ReligionsavelyMiddle EnglishadvWith security; without risk: / For defensive purposes; in order to preempt harm.
ReligionsavelyMiddle EnglishadvWithout doubt or unsureness; with certainness.
ReligiontripudiumLatinnouna measured stamping, a leaping, jumping, dancing in religious solemnities; a solemn religious dance (performed in triple time)declension-2 neuter
ReligiontripudiumLatinnouna war-dancedeclension-2 neuter
ReligiontripudiumLatinnouna favorable omen (when the chickens ate so greedily that the food dropped from their mouths to the ground)declension-2 neuter
ReligionveneratioLatinnounreverence, venerationdeclension-3
ReligionàngelCatalannounangel sharkmasculine
Religionசிம்சோன்TamilnameSamson (Biblical character)
Religionசிம்சோன்Tamilnamea male given name
Religion神道JapanesenounShintō, a religion indigenous to Japan that worships spirits
Religion神道Japanesenounthe gods
Religion神道Japanesenounthe way to one's grave, the path followed by a funeral procession to deposit remains in a grave
RestloungerEnglishnounOne who lounges; an idler.
RestloungerEnglishnounA chair made for lounging.
RiversسنPersiannamethe Seine (French river)Iran
Road transportcourse-poursuiteFrenchnouna chase / car chase, high-speed chase, high-speed pursuitfeminine
Road transportcourse-poursuiteFrenchnouna chase / foot chasefeminine
RoadsprzecznicaPolishnounturn-off, cut-through, block, turning, intersection, junction (street perpendicular to the main thoroughfare or other street)feminine
RoadsprzecznicaPolishnounextensive excavation drilled horizontally in the rock across the layersbusiness miningfeminine
RoadsprzecznicaPolishnouncrosspiece (horizontal or transverse beam or similar member that extends across or perpendicular to something)feminine obsolete
RoadsprzecznicaPolishnounargument, contention, dispute, quarrelMiddle Polish feminine
RoadsszlakPolishnountrailinanimate masculine
RoadsszlakPolishnounrouteinanimate masculine
RoadszsákutcaHungariannoundead-end, blind alley, cul-de-sac, impasse (a street that leads nowhere)
RoadszsákutcaHungariannounimpasse (a deadlock or stalemate situation in which no progress can be made)
RoadsраспутьеRussiannouncrossroads, parting of the ways
RocksքարArmeniannounstone, rock
RocksքարArmeniannounrock, cliff
RocksքարArmeniannounprecious stone, gem
RocksքարArmeniannounflint, gunflint
RocksքարArmeniannounweight (stone used for weighing objects)
RocksքարArmeniannounpiece (in board games, such as backgammon and chess)figuratively
RocksքարArmeniannoundistress, grief, anguishfiguratively
RocksքարArmenianadjhard, strong, solidfiguratively
RocksքարArmenianadjinsensitive, callous, indifferent, pitilessfiguratively
RodentsmarmotaSpanishnoungroundhog (ellipsis of marmota canadiense.)feminine
Roman CatholicismSarabaiteEnglishnounA class of monk in Catholic belief who dwelt in his own home, or in or near a city.historical
Roman CatholicismSarabaiteEnglishnounAny degenerate monk.obsolete
RoomsдневнаBulgarianadjindefinite feminine singular of дне́вен (dnéven)feminine form-of indefinite singular
RoomsдневнаBulgariannounliving room (literally) daily (room).
Rooms包廂Chinesenounbox (in a theatre or concert hall); private room (in a restaurant or karaoke bar)
Rooms包廂Chinesenounseparate single room (in the soft sleeper compartment of a train)
Root vegetablessvogūnasLithuaniannounonion (Allium cepa)
Root vegetablessvogūnasLithuaniannounonion (bulb of this vegetable)
Root vegetablessvogūnasLithuaniannounbulb (bulb-shaped root)biology botany natural-sciences
Rosales order plantsკვადაციMingrelianadjslender and nimble (of young women)figuratively
Rosales order plantsკვადაციMingreliannounsea buckthorn
RussiaukaseEnglishnounAn authoritative proclamation; an edict, especially decreed by a Russian czar or later ruler.
RussiaukaseEnglishnounAny absolutist order or arrogant proclamationfiguratively
Salamanderswater-salamanderEnglishnounAny salamander (Order Urodela) which habitually or permanently lives in water.biology natural-sciences zoology
Salamanderswater-salamanderEnglishnounA newt.biology natural-sciences zoology
Sapindales order plantscrappoEnglishadjOf very low quality; crap, lousy.slang
Sapindales order plantscrappoEnglishnounA toad (chiefly from the family Bufonidae).Caribbean Guyana Trinidad-and-Tobago
Sapindales order plantscrappoEnglishnounThe andiroba or crabwood tree (Carapa guianensis).Trinidad-and-Tobago
Sapote family plantsचीकूHindinounsapodilla, chikoo, Manilkara zapota
Sapote family plantsचीकूHindinounchikoo fruit
SaucesomáčkaSlovaknounsauce (liquid condiment)feminine
SaucesomáčkaSlovaknounpadding (superfluous sentences added to a speech or text to make it longer)feminine
SausagesTräipLuxembourgishnounentrails, intestines, tripefeminine
SausagesTräipLuxembourgishnounblack pudding, blood sausagefeminine
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / A firework that makes a bang.British
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / A person who has sexualityslang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / An old, worn-out car. From a stereotypical one backfiring, making banging noises.automotive transport vehiclesslang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / A car or an engine; referring to the cylinders of an engine in a car. From the explosive bangs on every cylinder firing.automotive transport vehiclesUS slang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / A powerfully energetic piece of music, especially dance music.entertainment lifestyle musicslang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / Any particularly good or pleasing thing.broadly slang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / Any particularly good or pleasing thing. / A good or popular post.Internet also attributive broadly slang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / One of the rocks that end up crashing against another, making banging sounds, after a throw.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA thing or person which bangs, in any sense. / One of the rocks that results in a score at the finish of an end.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA woman's sexualityBritish slang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA man's sexualityBritish slang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA lifestyleAustralia British New-Zealand slang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounClipping of gangbanger; a member of a gang.US abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
SausagesbangerEnglishnounA Bangalore torpedo.government military politics warslang
ScentsturareHausanounperfume, incense, scent
SciencesbioquímicaSpanishnounbiochemistryfeminine uncountable
SciencesbioquímicaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of bioquímicofeminine form-of
SciencesbioquímicaSpanishadjfeminine singular of bioquímicofeminine form-of singular
ScombroidsonoTokelauanverbto be sixstative
ScombroidsonoTokelauannounbarracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
Scorpaeniform fishmilanoSpanishnounkite (bird of prey)masculine
Scorpaeniform fishmilanoSpanishnoundown of a thistlemasculine
Scorpaeniform fishmilanoSpanishnounflying gurnard (Dactylopteridae spp.)masculine
Scorpaeniform fishtunokCebuanonounspine; thorn; quill
Scorpaeniform fishtunokCebuanonounred lionfish (Pterois volitans)
SewingstopfenGermanverbto stuff, to plugweak
SewingstopfenGermanverbto darn (mend by sewing over)weak
SexgeĝuiEsperantoverbto enjoy, with both sexes participatingtransitive
SexgeĝuiEsperantoverbto enjoy sexintransitive
SexkwiatuszekPolishnoundiminutive of kwiatekdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
SexkwiatuszekPolishnounterm of affectionendearing inanimate masculine
SexkwiatuszekPolishnouncherry (virginity perceived as a value that can be kept, lost, or given to the first partner)figuratively inanimate masculine
SexдоебатьсяRussianverbto fuck to, to fuck until (to reach a certain state or come to a certain result by having sex or performing a sexual act / sexual acts)vulgar with-genitive
SexдоебатьсяRussianverbto find fault (with something or someone)figuratively vulgar with-genitive
SexдоебатьсяRussianverbto fuck with (to pester, harass or demand from) [(also) with к (k, + dative) ‘someone’] / to fuck with (to pester, harass or demand from)figuratively vulgar with-genitive
SexزناPersiannounzina, any kind of premarital or extramarital sexual intercourse
Sexual orientationssilahisCebuanoadjbisexual; sexually attracted to both men and womenoffensive
Sexual orientationssilahisCebuanonouna bisexual person; especially one who is closetedoffensive
Sexually transmitted diseaseschancroidEnglishnounA sexually transmitted infection, caused by bacteria of species Haemophilus ducreyi, characterized by painful sores on the genitalia.medicine pathology sciences
Sexually transmitted diseaseschancroidEnglishnounA sore characteristic of this infection.
Shahnameh charactersЗолTajikname, Zal / Zalhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesIranian
Shahnameh charactersЗолTajiknamea male given name, Zal
Shanghai洋涇浜ChinesenameYangjingbang, a former tributary of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, now filled and known as Yan'an East Road (延安東路/延安东路)
Shanghai洋涇浜ChinesenameShort for 洋涇浜英語/洋泾浜英语 (Yángjīngbāng Yīngyǔ, “Chinese Pidgin English”).abbreviation alt-of
Shanghai洋涇浜Chinesenouna person who does not speak proper Shanghainese (or another language); a non-local who speaks Shanghainese with an accentWu
Shanghai洋涇浜Chineseadjimproper; with an accentWu
ShapesKlockLimburgishnounsomething bell-shapedfeminine
SheepskopPolishnounwether (castrated ram)animal-not-person masculine
SheepskopPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of skopaćform-of imperative second-person singular
SheepskopPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of skopićform-of imperative second-person singular
ShopsquincaillerieFrenchnounhardware: metal implements, taken collectivelyfeminine uncountable
ShopsquincaillerieFrenchnouna hardware store: a store where hardware is soldfeminine
ShorebirdskuiriFinnishnoungodwit (migratory wading birds in the genus Limosa of the sandpiper family)
ShorebirdskuiriFinnishnounAlternative form of kuirualt-of alternative
ShorebirdskuiriFinnishnounwooden spoondialectal
ShorebirdsrantalintuFinnishnounany bird of the order Charadriiformes
ShorebirdsrantalintuFinnishnounthe order Charadriiformesin-plural
SiliconsilanolEnglishnounthe silicon analogue of methanol SiH₃OHchemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
SiliconsilanolEnglishnounany hydroxy derivative of a silane, especially hydrocarbyl derivatives R₃SiOH; an organosilanolchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
Singapore999EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Burma, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sudan, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Dominica, Kiribati, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and the Seychelles.
Singapore999EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Singapore, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Eswatini, Botswana, Tanzania, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Singapore999EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Malawi and Tonga.
Singapore999EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Poland.
Singapore999EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Hong-Kong Ireland Singapore UK colloquial metonymically uncountable
SizemaiorLatinadjcomparative degree of magnuscomparative declension-3 form-of
SizemaiorLatinnounancestors, forefathers; advanced in years, the aged; the eldersdeclension-3 in-plural masculine
SizemaiorLatinnounA mayor (a leader of a city or town).Medieval-Latin declension-3 masculine
SizeslightEnglishadjSmall. / Gentle or weak, not aggressive or powerful.
SizeslightEnglishadjSmall. / Not thorough; superficial.
SizeslightEnglishadjSmall. / Trifling; unimportant; insignificant.
SizeslightEnglishadjSmall. / Not far away in space or time.
SizeslightEnglishadjOf slender build.
SizeslightEnglishadjEven, smooth or level.regional
SizeslightEnglishadjStill; with little or no movement on the surface.especially
SizeslightEnglishadjFoolish; silly; not intellectual.obsolete
SizeslightEnglishadjBad, of poor quality.obsolete regional
SizeslightEnglishadjSlighting; treating with disdain.dated
SizeslightEnglishverbTo treat as unimportant or not worthy of attention; to make light of.transitive
SizeslightEnglishverbTo give lesser weight or importance to.transitive
SizeslightEnglishverbTo treat (someone or something) with disdain or neglect, usually out of prejudice, hatred, or jealousy; to ignore disrespectfully; to skimp on one's duties toward.transitive
SizeslightEnglishverbTo act negligently or carelessly.intransitive
SizeslightEnglishverbTo render no longer defensible by full or partial demolition.government military politics wartransitive
SizeslightEnglishverbTo make even or level.obsolete transitive
SizeslightEnglishverbTo throw heedlessly.transitive
SizeslightEnglishnounThe act of ignoring or snubbing; a deliberate act of neglect or discourtesy.
Skeletonअस्थिHindinounashes, cremated remains
Skeletonअस्थिHindinounbonein-compounds literary
SkinreveixíCatalannounCrematogaster scutellaris, a species of ant which forms nests in deadwoodmasculine
SkinreveixíCatalannounhangnaildialectal masculine
SlaverygalèreFrenchnoungalley (kind of ship)nautical transportfeminine
SlaverygalèreFrenchnountorturous forced labor (long done at the oars of state galleys)feminine in-plural
SlaverygalèreFrenchnouna terrible task, drudge, ordeal, problembroadly feminine informal
SlaverygalèreFrenchnouna type of ovenfeminine
SlaverygalèreFrenchnounmason's cart, for loading building materialsfeminine historical
SlaverygalèreFrenchnouna group of people having a common interest, especially a coterie of undesirable peoplefeminine
SlaverygalèreFrenchnounan unpleasant situationfeminine
SlaverygalèreFrenchadjdifficult; hellishcolloquial
SlaverygalèreFrenchverbinflection of galérer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
SlaverygalèreFrenchverbinflection of galérer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SlaveryservitudeEnglishnounThe state of being a slave; slavery; being forced to work for others or do their bidding without one's consent or against one's will, either in perpetuity or for a period of time over which one has little or no control.countable uncountable
SlaveryservitudeEnglishnounA qualified beneficial interest severed or fragmented from the ownership of an inferior property and attached to a superior property or to some person other than the owner; the most common form is an easement.lawcountable uncountable
SlaveryservitudeEnglishnounService rendered in the army or navy.countable dated uncountable
SlaveryservitudeEnglishnounServants collectively.countable obsolete uncountable
SlaveryservitudeEnglishnounThe act of serving (food or drink, etc.); service.archaic countable uncountable
Slavic mythologyкикимораRussiannounkikimora (a female house spirit in the Slavic mythology)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Slavic mythologyкикимораRussiannounugly woman or girlcolloquial derogatory
Sleepcall it a nightEnglishverbTo go to bed to sleep.idiomatic
Sleepcall it a nightEnglishverbTo cease what one has been doing for the night.idiomatic
SleepשלאָףYiddishverbinflection of שלאָפֿן (shlofn): ## first-person singular present ## second-person singular imperative / first-person singular presentfirst-person form-of present singular
SleepשלאָףYiddishverbinflection of שלאָפֿן (shlofn): ## first-person singular present ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SleepJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
SleepJapanesenouna dream
SleepJapanesenouna vision (wish for the future)
SleepJapanesenounleaving reality to the state of lusciousness
SleepJapanesenouna fantasy (idea from one's imagination)
SleepJapanesenounan illusion or delusion
SleepJapanesenounsomething fragile
SleepJapanesenamea female given name
Sleep早敨Chineseverbto go to bed early; to sleep earlyCantonese
Sleep早敨Chineseintjgood night; have a good nightCantonese
Sleep早敨Chineseintjshut up; drop dead; go away; go to hell (using sleep as a metaphor of death)Cantonese
Smell嗅ぎ付けるJapaneseverbsniff out (find using smell)
Smell嗅ぎ付けるJapaneseverbsniff out (detect)
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnoundragon, sea serpent, monster
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounsnake, serpent, adder
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounspice-box, slender perforated bronze vessel used to hold dry herbsalchemy pseudoscience
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical SyriacnameSatan, the Devillifestyle religionfiguratively
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical SyriacnameDracoastronomy natural-sciences
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacadjsecond, double
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacadjtwo-years old
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnouniteration, repetition, recitation
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounciting, recounting
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnountale, story
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnouncommemoration
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnoungrandson
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnountwo-year old
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounyoung, offspring
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounmate, cellmate
SnakesܬܢܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounrepresentative, subprior, second-in-command
SnookertisasCebuanonounpool cue chalk
SnookertisasCebuanoverbto apply chalk at the dnc of the cuestick
Soapberry family plantssufusaneKwara'aenounTree species of the subfamily Sapindoideae (Sapindaceae): / Guioa megacarpa
Soapberry family plantssufusaneKwara'aenounTree species of the subfamily Sapindoideae (Sapindaceae): / Guioa elliptica
Soapberry family plantssufusaneKwara'aenounTree species of the subfamily Sapindoideae (Sapindaceae): / Guioa sufusana
Soapberry family plantssufusaneKwara'aenounTree species of the subfamily Sapindoideae (Sapindaceae): / Lepidopetalum subdichotomum
Soapberry family plantssufusaneKwara'aenounTree species of the subfamily Sapindoideae (Sapindaceae): / Elattostachys solomonensis
SocialismsocjalizmPolishnounsocialism (any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods)inanimate masculine
SocialismsocjalizmPolishnounsocialism (any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods) / socialism (socio-political and economic system based on such a theory)inanimate masculine
SoundobstrepoLatinverbto roar or resound at; resound, soundconjugation-3 intransitive
SoundobstrepoLatinverbto clamor or cry out against; blameconjugation-3 intransitive with-dative
SoundobstrepoLatinverbto be troublesome to; annoy; impede, hinderconjugation-3 intransitive
SoundobstrepoLatinverbto clamor against; oppose; disturbconjugation-3 transitive
SoundobstrepoLatinverbto fill with noise, cause to resoundconjugation-3 transitive
SoundsondarSpanishverbto sound (to probe the depth of water with a weighted rope or similar)
SoundsondarSpanishverbto catheterizetransitive
Soundశబ్దముTelugunounA word, speech.
SoundspeepEnglishnounA short, soft, high-pitched sound, as made by a baby bird.
SoundspeepEnglishnounA feeble utterance or complaint.
SoundspeepEnglishnounThe sound of a steam engine's whistle; typically shrill.
SoundspeepEnglishnounA sandpiper or other small wader.biology birdwatching natural-sciences ornithologycolloquial
SoundspeepEnglishverbTo make a soft, shrill noise like a baby bird.
SoundspeepEnglishverbTo speak briefly with a quiet voice.
SoundspeepEnglishverbTo look, especially through a narrow opening, or while trying not to be seen or noticed.intransitive
SoundspeepEnglishverbTo begin to appear; to look forth from concealment; to make the first appearance.dated intransitive
SoundspeepEnglishverbTo take a look at; check out.slang transitive
SoundspeepEnglishverbTo see, uncover.slang transitive
SoundspeepEnglishnounA quick look or glimpse, especially a furtive one.
SoundspeepEnglishnounThe first partial appearance of something; a beginning to appear.
SoundspeepEnglishnounA peepshow.
SoundspeepEnglishnounA spot on a die or domino.obsolete
SoundspeepEnglishnounA person.British slang
SoundswarknąćPolishverbto gnarl, to growl, to snarl (to utter a deep guttural sound, as an angry animal; to give forth an angry, grumbling sound)intransitive perfective
SoundswarknąćPolishverbto snarl, growl, speak or say aggressively or angrilyperfective transitive
SoundsгудокRussiannounhooter; choo; toot; siren; honk; whistle (a sound which calls attention to a ship, train, factory, car, etc.)
SoundsгудокRussiannoungudok (an ancient Russian musical instrument)
SoupsayotlCentral Nahuatlnounturtle.
SoupsayotlCentral NahuatlnounA stew.
South Carolina, USASICEnglishnounInitialism of second-in-command.abbreviation alt-of initialism
South Carolina, USASICEnglishnounInitialism of School Improvement Council.educationabbreviation alt-of initialism
Soviet Unionsierp i młotPolishnounhammer and sickle (symbol of communism)idiomatic inanimate masculine
Soviet Unionsierp i młotPolishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see sierp, młot.inanimate masculine
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounA hook imagined to be suspended in midair.
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounAn overhead winch.
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounA helicopter that lifts and transports heavy objects suspended by a heavy cable.
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounA proposed momentum-exchange tether for launching payloads into low Earth orbit by hooking them to the end of a cable that reaches down from an orbiting station into the upper atmosphere.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounA CB radio antenna.slang
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounA form of the overhead smash in which the eastern grip is used to hit the ball farther behind the body than usually possible.hobbies lifestyle sports tennis
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounA small hook for gripping small and slippery protrusions.climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
Space accessskyhookEnglishnounA device covering the rider's boot and sometimes screwed to the board, to facilitate jumping and enhance stability.
SpicescardamomEnglishnounThe Elettaria cardamomum, an Indian herb.countable uncountable
SpicescardamomEnglishnounThe seed of E. cardamomum, used as a medicine and spice, especially in curry powder.countable uncountable
SpicescardamomEnglishnounSynonym of grains of paradise, the seeds or seed capsules of Aframomum melegueta, of East Africa.countable uncommon uncountable
SpicesnutmegEnglishnounAn evergreen tree (Myristica fragrans) cultivated in the East Indies for its spicy seeds.countable uncountable
SpicesnutmegEnglishnounThe aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice. / The powdered seed, ready for use.uncountable
SpicesnutmegEnglishnounThe aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice. / A whole nutmeg seed.countable
SpicesnutmegEnglishnounA small moth, Hadula trifolii, feeding on plants and native to the Northern Hemisphere.countable uncountable
SpicesnutmegEnglishnounA grey-brown colour.countable uncountable
SpicesnutmegEnglishnounThe playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportscountable uncountable
SpicesnutmegEnglishverbTo flavour with nutmeg.transitive
SpicesnutmegEnglishverbTo play the ball between the legs of (an opponent).hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
Spices and herbszŏzwōrSilesiannounginger (plant)inanimate masculine
Spices and herbszŏzwōrSilesiannounginger (spice)inanimate masculine
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / yellow sac spider, Cheiracanthium inclusum, a common house spider worldwide.
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / black house spider, Badumna insignis, an Australian spider also found in New Zealand;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / brown house spider, Steatoda grossa, a spider with cosmopolitan distribution;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / American house spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum, a cobweb spider;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / daddy long-legs spiders, of the Pholcidae family;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / domestic house spider, Tegenaria domestica;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / giant house spider, Eratigena atrica, syn. Tegenaria gigantea;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / hobo spider, Tegenaria agrestis, aggressive house spider;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / southern house spider, Kukulcania hibernalis;
Spidershouse spiderEnglishnounAny spider or kind of spider that dwells in human residences. / tiny house spider, Oonops domesticus
Spurgesvelo de noviaSpanishnounbaby's breathmasculine
Spurgesvelo de noviaSpanishnounsnow-on-the-mountainmasculine
Spurgesvelo de noviaSpanishnounpotato vine, Solanum laxummasculine
StationerybankerEnglishnounOne who conducts the business of banking; one who, individually, or as a member of a company, keeps an establishment for the deposit or loan of money, or for traffic in money, bills of exchange, etc.
StationerybankerEnglishnounThe dealer in a casino, or one who keeps the bank in a banking game.
StationerybankerEnglishnounA money changer.obsolete
StationerybankerEnglishnounThe stone bench on which a mason cuts or squares his work.
StationerybankerEnglishnounA type of envelope with a diamond shape or V-flap that opens on the long edge.
StationerybankerEnglishnounA vessel employed in the cod fishery on the banks of Newfoundland.
StationerybankerEnglishnounA ditcher; a drain digger.UK dialectal
StationerybankerEnglishnounA mining
StationerybankerEnglishnounA railway locomotive that can be attached to the rear of a train to assist it in climbing an incline.rail-transport railways transportAustralia British
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounThe wife, consort, or widow of a king.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA female monarch.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / The Virgin Mary (especially in formulations such as Queen of Heaven, Queen of Glory).Christianity
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / An excellent woman.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / A woman pre-eminent in a particular group or field.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / An attractive woman; a female partner in a romantic relationship.slang
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounSomething regarded as the greatest of its kind or as having pre-eminence or power comparable to that of a queen over a given area.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A chess piece that, under contemporary rules, is the most powerful, able to move any number of spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A playing card with a depiction of a queen on it, generally ranking next below the king and above the jack in a given suit.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A red disk that is the most valuable piece in the Asian game of carrom.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA reproductive female insect in a hive, such as an ant, bee, termite or wasp.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA type of flatfish, specifically the lemon sole.obsolete
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA queen apple.rare
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA queen scallop.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounEllipsis of queen construction manufacturingabbreviation alt-of ellipsis obsolete
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA type of large roofing slate.historical
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA homosexual man, especially one regarded as effeminate.derogatory slang sometimes
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounAn adult female cat capable of breeding.
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounEllipsis of queen olive.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounEllipsis of drag queen.LGBT lifestyle sexualityabbreviation alt-of ellipsis slang
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounPertaining to a queen-size bed or queen-size bedding.US attributive
Stock charactersqueenEnglishnounA monarch butterfly (Danaus spp., especially Danaus gilippus).
Stock charactersqueenEnglishverbTo act the part of a queen; to behave imperiously; to queen it.intransitive obsolete
Stock charactersqueenEnglishverbTo make a queen or (figuratively) to give the status of a queen.transitive
Stock charactersqueenEnglishverbTo promote a pawn to a queen.board-games chess games
Stock charactersqueenEnglishverbTo be the queen bee of a colony.agriculture beekeeping business lifestyle
Stock charactersqueenEnglishverbTo provide with a new queen bee.agriculture beekeeping business lifestyle
Stock charactersqueenEnglishverbTo sit on a person’s face to receive oral sex, typically while straddling the person’s head.BDSM lifestyle sexualityslang transitive usually
StorksJapanesecharacterstorkHyōgai kanji kyūjitai
StorksJapanesenounOriental stork (Ciconia boyciana)
StorksJapanesenounany storkbroadly
StorksJapanesenounOriental stork (Ciconia boyciana)
String instrumentsbasetlaPolishnounbasolia (Ukrainian and Polish folk instrument of the bowed string family similar to the cello, although usually slightly larger and not as sophisticated in construction)feminine
String instrumentsbasetlaPolishnouncello, violoncello (large unfretted stringed instrument of the violin family with four strings tuned (lowest to highest) C-G-D-A and an endpin to support its weight, usually played with a bow)archaic feminine
String instruments기타Koreannounguitar
String instruments기타Koreannounother things; etc.
SucculentsaloéHungariannounaloe (plant of the genus Aloe)biology botany natural-sciences
SucculentsaloéHungariannounaloe (strong, bitter drink made from the juice of aloe, used as a purgative)archaic
SucculentsaloéHungariannouncentury plant, American aloe (Agave americana)biology botany natural-sciencesdated
Sumac family plantsbayunoCebuanonounthe bauno (Mangifera caesia)
Sumac family plantsbayunoCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
SwanspikkujoutsenFinnishnouna young swaninformal
SwanspikkujoutsenFinnishnountundra swan, Cygnus columbianus
SwansαγριόκυκνοςGreeknounwhooper swan, Cygnus cygnus
SwansαγριόκυκνοςGreeknounwild swanbroadly
Swazi cardinal numberssikhombisaSwazinounseven
Swazi cardinal numberssikhombisaSwazinounthe seventh one
SwordskarwaszPolishnounarmguard, bracer (armor for the forearm)historical inanimate masculine
SwordskarwaszPolishnounleather lining in the trousers of cavalrymenhistorical inanimate masculine
SwordskarwaszPolishnouncuff, wristbandhistorical inanimate masculine
SwordskarwaszPolishnounshort sabrehistorical inanimate masculine
SwordskarwaszPolishnouna large chunkinanimate masculine obsolete
SwordslongswordEnglishnounAny type of sword that is comparatively long; depending on context, applied to swords of the Bronze Age, Migration period, Viking Age and Renaissance era.
SwordslongswordEnglishnounA European sword with a long, straight double-edged blade, a cruciform hilt, and a grip for two-handed use; prevalent from the 14th to 16th centuries.
SwordssabreEnglishnounA light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point.Canada UK
SwordssabreEnglishnounA modern fencing sword modeled after the sabre.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warCanada UK
SwordssabreEnglishverbTo strike or kill with a sabre.Canada UK transitive
SwordssabreEnglishverbTo open (a bottle) via sabrage.Canada UK transitive
SydneySydneyanEnglishadjOf, from or relating to Sydney, Australia.not-comparable
SydneySydneyanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Sydney, Australia.
TalkingplotkowaćPolishverbto gossip (to talk about someone else's private or personal business)imperfective intransitive
TalkingplotkowaćPolishverbto gossip (to talk idly)imperfective intransitive
TalkingбалаканинаUkrainiannounchatter (talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk)uncountable
TalkingбалаканинаUkrainiannounblather, jibber-jabber (meaningless talk)uncountable
TalkingбалаканинаUkrainiannounchit-chat, nattering (light conversation; casual talk, usually about trivial matters)uncountable
TalkingJapanesecharactertalk, conversationkanji
TalkingJapanesecharactertale, storykanji
TalkingJapanesenountalking; speaking; speech; conversation
TalkingJapanesenounstory; tale; narrative
TalkingJapanesenouna topic; a subject; that which is spoken about
TalkingJapanesenounrumors; rumours
TalkingJapanesenounnegotiation; consultation; discussion
TalkingJapanesenounlecture; speech
TalkingJapanesecounterCounter for stories.
TalkingJapanesecounterCounter for episodes of TV shows.
TanagersseedeaterEnglishnounAn individual or species which eats seeds.literally
TanagersseedeaterEnglishnounA bird species which feeds mainly on seeds.
TanagersseedeaterEnglishnounAny bird in the genus Sporophila of the tanager family, Thraupidae
TanagersseedeaterEnglishnounAny bird in the genus Amaurospiza, now classified in the family Cardinalidae
Taoism羽化Chineseverbto ascend to heaven and become an immortal
Taoism羽化Chineseverbto die; to pass away
Taoism羽化Chineseverbto eclose; to undergo eclosionbiology natural-sciences zoology
Taxationအကောက်Burmesenountax; duty; toll
Taxationအကောက်Burmesenountoll collected by the house from a gaming table
Taxationအကောက်Burmesenounsomething, which is crooked, bent or angular
TeaنقاعةArabicnouninfusion, soaking (the liquid resulted after one soaks)
TeaنقاعةArabicnountrench where tanners dunk their hides, tanner's vat (Spanish noque)al-Andalus
TeaنقاعةArabicnouninfusion, soaking (the action when one soaks)
TeaنقاعةArabicnounsmall lake, puddle, spot where water has collected and stagnates
Technologyspace technologyEnglishnounThe application of science and engineering to the exploration and utilization of outer spaceuncountable
Technologyspace technologyEnglishnounAny particular scientific or engineering discipline used in this fieldcountable
TelephonyllamarSpanishverbto summon, to call / to call (on the telephone)
TelephonyllamarSpanishverbto summon, to call / to knock (on a door)
TelephonyllamarSpanishverbto summon, to call / to ring (a doorbell)
TelephonyllamarSpanishverbto summon, to call
TelephonyllamarSpanishverbto refer to
TelephonyllamarSpanishverbto appeal; to attract
TelephonyllamarSpanishverbto be calledreflexive
TelevisionクールJapaneseadjcool (having a slightly low temperature)
TelevisionクールJapaneseadjcool (not showing emotion, calm)
TelevisionクールJapaneseadjcool (colloquial: being considered as "popular" by others)
TelevisionクールJapaneseadjcool (colloquial: in fashion)
TelevisionクールJapanesenouna 13-week unit of television broadcasting
Temperaturesmoking hotEnglishadjVery hot; having a very high temperature.
Temperaturesmoking hotEnglishadjVery attractive; sexy.slang
Temperatureချမ်းBurmeseverbto be cold (of the weather)
Temperatureချမ်းBurmesenamea female given name
TensesimperfectEnglishadjnot perfect
TensesimperfectEnglishadjunisexual: having either male (with stamens) or female (with pistil) flowers, but not with both.biology botany natural-sciences
TensesimperfectEnglishadjknown or expected to be polyphyletic, as of a form taxon.biology natural-sciences taxonomy
TensesimperfectEnglishadjlacking some elementary organ that is essential to successful or normal activity.obsolete
TensesimperfectEnglishadjbelonging to a tense of verbs used in describing a past action that is incomplete or continuousgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
TensesimperfectEnglishnounsomething having a minor flaw
TensesimperfectEnglishnouna tense of verbs used in describing a past action that is incomplete or continuousgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
TensesimperfectEnglishverbto make imperfecttransitive
TernssarnieEnglishnounA sandwich.British informal
TernssarnieEnglishnounThe Sandwich tern.biology birdwatching natural-sciences ornithologyUK
TetraodontiformsblowfishEnglishnounAny species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe several times their normal size by swallowing water or air when threatened.
TetraodontiformsblowfishEnglishnounA delicacy popular in Japan, consisting of the fish served raw as sushi or perhaps fried. It may, if improperly prepared, contain considerably deadly levels of neurotoxins.
TetraodontiformspufferfishEnglishnounAny species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe several times their normal size by swallowing water or air when threatened; puffer, blowfish, swellfish, balloonfish, globefish.countable uncountable
TetraodontiformspufferfishEnglishnounThe meat of these fish, a delicacy popular in Japan served raw as sushi that may, if improperly prepared, contain deadly levels of neurotoxins; (Japanese) fugu.uncountable
ThailandtailandésSpanishadjof Thailand ; Thairelational
ThailandtailandésSpanishnouna Thai personmasculine
ThailandtailandésSpanishnounThai (language)masculine uncountable
Theologyphilosophical sinEnglishnounSin that is said to contravene the natural moral order rather than offending God directly, for example because the sinner is ignorant of divine law or does not think of God in the act.Christianitycountable dated uncountable
Theologyphilosophical sinEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see philosophical, sin.countable uncountable
Thousand海千山千Japanesenouna crafty person
Three三公Japanesenounthree highest-ranking officials in feudal Chinagovernmenthistorical
Three三公Japanesenounthree highest-ranking officials in feudal Japangovernmenthistorical
TibetKunlunEnglishnameA mountain range in China forming the border between the Tarim Basin to its north and the Tibetan Plateau to its south, extending across the Chinese provinces of Xinjiang, Tibet, and Qinghai.
TibetKunlunEnglishnameA mountain or mountain range somewhere west of the North China Plain believed to be the home of Xiwangmu and the Peaches of Immortality, as well as other gods and Taoist immortals, and previously believed to help support the dome of the sky.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
TimebulanIbannounmoon (largest natural satellite of planet Earth)
TimebulanIbannounmoon (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet)
TimebulanIbannounmonth (period into which a year is divided)
TimebulanKaro Bataknounmoon (largest natural satellite of planet Earth)
TimebulanKaro Bataknounmoon (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet)
TimebulanKaro Bataknounmonth (period into which a year is divided)
TimefrecuenteSpanishadjfrequent (done or occurring often)feminine masculine
TimefrecuenteSpanishadjcommon, usual (commonly occurring)feminine masculine
TimefrecuenteSpanishverbinflection of frecuentar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
TimefrecuenteSpanishverbinflection of frecuentar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
TimemintiHausanounminute (unit of time)
TimemintiHausanounpeppermint candy
TimepäiväKvennouna day (the time period between sunrise and sunset)
TimepäiväKvennouna day (time from midnight to midnight)
TimestanotteItalianadvlast night (Synonym: notte scorsa)
TimewhileEnglishnounAn uncertain duration of time, a period of time. / an uncertain long period of timeUS
TimewhileEnglishnounAn uncertain duration of time, a period of time. / an uncertain short momentPhilippines
TimewhileEnglishnounAn uncertain duration of time, a period of time.
TimewhileEnglishconjDuring the same time that.
TimewhileEnglishconjUntil.Northern-England Scotland
TimewhileEnglishconjAs long as.
TimewhileEnglishconjUsed to denote a person experiencing racial profiling when performing a seemingly benign
TimewhileEnglishprepUntil.Northern-England Scotland
TimewhileEnglishverbTo pass (time) transitive
TimewhileEnglishverbTo occupy or entertain (someone) in order to let time pass.transitive
TimewhileEnglishverbTo elapse, to pass.archaic intransitive
TimewhileEnglishverbAlternative spelling or misspelling of wile.
TimewvhMapudungunnounmouthanatomy medicine sciencesRaguileo-Alphabet
TimewvhMapudungunnounsnoutanatomy medicine sciencesRaguileo-Alphabet
TimewvhMapudungunnounbeakanatomy medicine sciencesRaguileo-Alphabet
TimewvhMapudungunnounElephant trunk.anatomy medicine sciencesRaguileo-Alphabet
TimeChinesecharacterearly; in advance; soon
TimeChinesecharacterlong ago; for a long time
TimeChinesecharactergood morning
TimeChinesecharacterbefore; in the past time
TimeChinesecharacterShort for 早上 (zǎoshang).; a.m.Taiwan abbreviation alt-of informal
TimeChinesecharactera surname
Times of dayranoSilesianadvin the morning (at the beginning of the day)not-comparable
Times of dayranoSilesiannounmorning (beginning part of the day)neuter
TitlesHoheitGermannounHighnessgovernment monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
TitlesHoheitGermannounsovereignty, supremacyfeminine
TitleskamreeriFinnishnounchamberlain, treasurer
TitleskamreeriFinnishnounan honorary title of the fourteenth rank granted by the President of Finland
TitlesܫܘܡܗܐClassical Syriacnounname, surname, title, epithet
TitlesܫܘܡܗܐClassical Syriacnounnaming, designation, denomination, appellation
TitlesܫܘܡܗܐClassical Syriacnounglory, fame, renown
TitlesܫܘܡܗܐClassical Syriacnounadjective, attribute, qualifiergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Titles先生ChinesenounAn honorific for adults, usually conferred on males: mister; sir; gentleman
Titles先生Chinesenounone who was born earlierClassical
Titles先生Chinesenounfather and elder brotherliterary
Titles先生ChinesenounTaoist priestliterary
Titles先生ChinesenoundoctorGan Hakka Min dated
Titles先生ChinesenounteacherCantonese Gan Hakka Jin Min honorific regional
Titles先生Chinesenounfemale prostituteWu obsolete
Titles先生Chinesenountraditional Chinese physicianHokkien Singapore
TobacconicotineEnglishnounAn alkaloid (C₁₀H₁₄N₂), commonly occurring in the tobacco plant. In small doses it is a habit-forming stimulant; in larger doses it is toxic and is often used in insecticides.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesuncountable
TobacconicotineEnglishnounTobacco, cigarettesfiguratively uncountable
Toilet (room)bassetaCatalannoundiminutive of bassa (“pool”)diminutive feminine form-of
Toilet (room)bassetaCatalannouna puddle which forms in the swash zone of a beachfeminine
Toilet (room)bassetaCatalannoun! potty chairfeminine
Toilet (room)bassetaCatalannounSmall fleecy clouds popularly believed to indicate coming rainfeminine in-plural
Toilet (room)washroomEnglishnounA room intended to wash the face and hands.
Toilet (room)washroomEnglishnounA room with a toilet, particularly a public toilet.Canada US euphemistic rare
ToolsSwiss Army knifeEnglishnounAny of a class of multi-function pocket knives or multitools, having a blade and various tools, such as screwdrivers and can openers.
ToolsSwiss Army knifeEnglishnounA tool that has many functions, one for every perceivable need.broadly figuratively
ToolsbuckerEnglishnounA horse or other animal that bucks.
ToolsbuckerEnglishnounOne who bucks mining
ToolsbuckerEnglishnounA broad-headed hammer used in bucking mining
ToolslancetEnglishnounA sharp, pointed, two-edged surgical instrument used in venesection and for opening abscesses etc.
ToolslancetEnglishnounA small, sterile single-use needle used to draw a drop of blood for testing, as with a glucometer.
ToolslancetEnglishnounAn iron bar used for tapping a melting metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToolslancetEnglishnounA high narrow window, terminating in an arch acutely pointed, often double or triple, common in the first half of the 13th century.architecture
ToolslancetEnglishverbTo pierce with a lancet.
Toolslock pickEnglishnounAny device used to unlock a lock without the use of a key.
Toolslock pickEnglishnounA person who picks locks.
Toolslock pickEnglishverbTo use tools to unlock locks without a key; to pick locks.
ToolsmotowidłoPolishnounrevolving reel (part of a combine harvester)neuter
ToolspakuMalaynounnail (metal)
ToolsrádloCzechnountracing wheelneuter
ToolssekeraCzechnounaxe, hatchetfeminine
ToolssekeraCzechnoununpaid debtscolloquial feminine
ToolssekeraCzechnounslashinghobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsfeminine
ToolsłopatkaPolishnoundiminutive of łopatadiminutive feminine form-of
ToolsłopatkaPolishnounscapula, shoulder bladeanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
ToolsłopatkaPolishnounspatula, fish slice (kitchen utensil)feminine
ToolsłopatkaPolishnounblade (flat outer part of a hockey stick)feminine
ToolsłopatkaPolishnounblade (part of a turbine)feminine
ToolsłopatkaPolishnouna cut of meat from the upper front leg of an animalfeminine
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounhorn, a hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounhorn, a hard substance, sometimes used by man as a material for making various objects
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounhorn, any of several wind instruments with one narrow end into which the musician blows
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounshoehorn, a smooth tool that assists in putting the foot into a shoe, by sliding the heel
ToolsدگنكOttoman Turkishnounstick, wand, cane, an elongated piece of wood, typically put to some use
ToolsدگنكOttoman Turkishnounferule, a ruler-shaped instrument, generally used to slap children on the hand
ToolsدگنكOttoman Turkishnounbastinado, a blow with a cudgel or stick, or a beating with sticks
ToolsChinesecharactermace (weapon)
ToolsChinesecharacterto hammer into shape; to forgefiguratively literally
ToolsChinesecharacterproofMainland-China neologism slang
ToolsChinesecharacteran ancient unit of weighthistorical
ToolsChinesecharactera surname: Chui
TourismreisijuhtEstoniannounguide, tour guide (a person guiding tourists on a trip)
TourismreisijuhtEstoniannounguide book, travel guide
ToxicologybaijinMarshallesenouna poison
ToxicologybaijinMarshallesenounharmful substances (including radioactive contamination)
ToxicologybaijinMarshallesenounthe discrediting of someone to gain another's favor or out of revenge
ToysbalonikPolishnoundiminutive of balonaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ToysbalonikPolishnounbreathalyzercolloquial inanimate masculine
ToyscataventoPortuguesenounAlternative form of cata-ventoalt-of alternative masculine
ToyscataventoPortuguesenounAlternative form of cata-ventoalt-of alternative by-personal-gender feminine masculine
ToyswagonEnglishnounA heavier four-wheeled (normally horse-drawn) vehicle designed to carry goods (or sometimes people).
ToyswagonEnglishnounAbbreviation of toy wagon; A child's riding toy, with the same structure as a wagon (sense 1), pulled or steered by a long handle attached to the front.abbreviation alt-of
ToyswagonEnglishnounA shopping cart.New-England US
ToyswagonEnglishnounA vehicle (wagon) designed to transport goods or people on railway.rail-transport railways transport
ToyswagonEnglishnounShort for dinner wagon (“set of light shelves mounted on castors so that it can be pushed around a dining room and used for serving”).abbreviation alt-of
ToyswagonEnglishnounShort for paddy wagon (“police van for transporting prisoners”).abbreviation alt-of slang
ToyswagonEnglishnounShort for station wagon (“type of car in which the roof extends rearward to produce an enclosed area in the position of and serving the function of the boot (trunk)”); (by extension) a sport utility vehicle (SUV); any car.Australia US abbreviation alt-of slang
ToyswagonEnglishnounA woman of loose morals, a promiscuous woman, a slapper; (by extension) a woman regarded as obnoxious; a bitch, a cow.Ireland dated derogatory slang
ToyswagonEnglishnounA kind of prefix used in de Bruijn notation.mathematics sciences
ToyswagonEnglishverbTo load into a wagon in preparation for transportation; to transport by means of a wagon.US transitive
ToyswagonEnglishverbTo travel in a wagon.US intransitive
Trademark牌子Chinesenounbrand (specific product, service, etc.); trademark
Trademark牌子Chinesenounbrand (name, symbol, logo, etc.)
Trademark牌子Chinesenounsign; signboard
Trademark牌子Chinesenountrustworthiness and reputation
Trademark牌子Chinesenouncounter, chip (alternative form of money)gambling gamesMin Southern
TransportWAVEnglishnameAn audio file format.
TransportWAVEnglishnameInitialism of wheelchair accessible vehicle.abbreviation alt-of initialism
TreesbugnayCebuanonouna Queensland cherry tree (Antidesma bunius)
TreesbugnayCebuanonounfruit of this tree
Treesma'anunuSamoannounA tree species of the family Rubiaceae, Tarenna sambucina var. sambucina.
Treesma'anunuSamoannounA kind of gelatinous sea animal.
TreesmũkomakomaKikuyunounPsychotria fractinervata (syn. Grumilea exserta)class-3
TreesmũkomakomaKikuyunounGaliniera saxifraga (syn. G. coffeoides) (Rubiaceae)class-3
TreespinoItaliannounpine, pine tree (tree of the genus Pinus)masculine
TreespinoItaliannounpine, pinewood (wood of pine tree)masculine
TreesيغجKarakhanidnounpenis of a mananatomy medicine sciences
True finchesdíszpintyHungariannounweaver finch
True finchesdíszpintyHungariannounbad lot, ne'er-do-wellcolloquial
TurtlescasquitoSpanishnoundiminutive of cascodiminutive form-of masculine
TurtlescasquitoSpanishnounmud turtlemasculine
TwodvaSlovenenuma relatively small numberbroadly
TwodvaSlovenenounnumber twoinformal
TwoChinesecharactersecondary; assistantClassical
TwoChinesecharacterto be unfaithful; to be disloyalin-compounds literary
TwoChinesecharacterAlternative form of 二 (èr, “two”)business finance financialalt-of alternative
Types of chemical elementtransition elementEnglishnounAny element in the d block of the periodic table (i.e. groups 3 to 12 inclusive).chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Types of chemical elementtransition elementEnglishnounThe same, but excluding the group 12 elements (i.e. groups 3 to 11 inclusive).chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesdated
Types of chemical elementtransition elementEnglishnounAny of the group of metallic elements that have an incomplete inner (d) electron shell, having multiple valencies and forming coloured compounds and stable complex ions.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesdated
Ukraineкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (possessor of a Candidate of Sciences degree)
Ukraineкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in Russia and some of the Commonwealth of Independent States)
Ukraineкандидат наукRussiannounCandidate of Sciences (first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in the USSR and Czechoslovakia)historical
United KingdomBritonEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Great Britain, particularly (historical) a Celt from the area of Roman Britain or (obsolete) a Welshman.
United KingdomBritonEnglishnounA citizen of the United Kingdom or (historical, obsolete) its overseas empire.proscribed sometimes
United KingdomonçaPortuguesenounEnglish or American ounce, a unit of mass equal to 28.35 gfeminine
United KingdomonçaPortuguesenounonça, Portuguese ounce, a traditional unit of mass, usually equivalent to 28.7 gfeminine historical
United KingdomonçaPortuguesenounonça, ounce, a former gold coin weighing one Portuguese ouncefeminine historical
United KingdomonçaPortuguesenounjaguar (Panthera onca, a feline of Latin America)Brazil feminine
United KingdomonçaPortuguesenounleopard (Panthera pardus, a feline of Africa and Asia)Angola feminine
United KingdomonçaPortuguesenouncougar (Puma concolor, a pan-American feline)feminine uncommon
United KingdomonçaPortuguesenouna R$50 bill, which bears the image of a jaguarBrazil feminine slang
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of weight in various measurement systems / Ellipsis of pound weight.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of weight in various measurement systems / Various non-English units of measure
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of mass in various measurement systems / Ellipsis of pound mass.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of mass in various measurement systems / Various non-English units of measure
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of mass in various measurement systems / A unit of mass equal to 16 avoirdupois ounces (= 453.592 g). Today this value is the most common meaning of "pound" as a unit of weight.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of mass in various measurement systems / A unit of mass equal to 12 troy ounces (≈ 373.242 g). Today, this is a common unit of mass when measuring precious metals, and is little used elsewhere.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of force in various measurement systems / Ellipsis of pound force.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of force in various measurement systems / Various non-English units of measure
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of force in various measurement systems / Short for pound-force.abbreviation alt-of informal non-scientific
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of currency in various currency systems / Various non-English units of currency
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of currency in various currency systems / The unit of currency used in the United Kingdom and its dependencies. It is divided into 100 pence. Symbol £.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of currency in various currency systems / Any of various units of currency used in Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan and Syria, and formerly in the Republic of Ireland, Cyprus, Israel and South Africa.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA unit of currency in various currency systems / Any of various units of currency formerly used in the United States.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounThe symbol # (octothorpe, hash, number sign)US
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo wager a pound on.UK regional slang transitive
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA place for the detention of stray or wandering animals.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounThe people who work for the pound.metonymically
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA place for the detention of automobiles that have been illegally parked, abandoned, etc.UK
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA section of a canal between two adjacent locks.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA kind of fishing net, having a large enclosure with a narrow entrance into which fish are directed by wings spreading outward.
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA division inside a fishing stage where cod is cured in salt brine.Newfoundland
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo confine in, or as in, a pound; to impound.
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo strike hard, usually repeatedly.transitive
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo crush to pieces; to pulverize.transitive
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo eat or drink very quickly.slang transitive
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo pitch consistently to a certain location.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang transitive
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo beat strongly or throb.intransitive
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo penetrate sexually, with vigour.slang transitive vulgar
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo advance heavily with measured steps.
United KingdompoundEnglishverbTo make a jarring noise, as when natural-sciences physical-sciences
United KingdompoundEnglishnounA hard blow.
Units of measurecentúriaCatalannouncentury (army)feminine
Units of measurecentúriaCatalannouncentury (political division)feminine
Units of measurecentúriaCatalannouna Roman unit of measure equivalent to 100 jugersfeminine historical
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounknot (tangle)masculine
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounknot (unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour)masculine
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounpenismasculine slang
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounstupid personmasculine slang
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounnodecomputing engineering entertainment lifestyle mathematics music natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencesmasculine
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounknot (muscular tension)masculine
Units of measureonciaItaliannounounce (weight)feminine
Units of measureonciaItaliannouninch (or several other small units of length)feminine obsolete
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounhour (60 minutes)
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnountime, o'clock
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounmoment
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounseason
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounangle, degreeastronomy natural-sciences
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounascendantastronomy natural-sciences
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnoununit of weight equal to 5 oz.
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounhoroscopeastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounamusement, joke
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounlaughing stock
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounplay, game
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounsport
Units of measureܫܥܬܐClassical Syriacnounspectacle
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Dhaka International University (a university in Dhaka, Bangladesh).abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Daffodil International University (a university in Dhaka, Bangladesh).abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Defense Innovation Unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesDIUEnglishnameInitialism of Down-with-Imperialism Union.abbreviation alt-of historical initialism
UniversitieskolejCzechnounrut, track, groovefeminine
UniversitieskolejCzechnounrailway trackfeminine
UniversitieskolejCzechnounhall of residencefeminine
UrsidsbéirínIrishnounlittle bearmasculine
UrsidsbéirínIrishnounteddy bearmasculine
VegetablespastinacaItaliannounparsnip (plant or vegetable)feminine
VegetablespastinacaItaliannounstingraybiology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
VegetablesчеснокRussiannoungarlic, garlicscollective uncountable usually
VehiclesvrachtwagenDutchnountruck, lorrymasculine
VehiclesvrachtwagenDutchnounfreightwagon, cart for transporting loadsarchaic masculine
VehiclesσκιάδειονAncient Greeknounsunshade, parasol
VehiclesσκιάδειονAncient Greeknounsort of broad-brimmed hat
VehiclesσκιάδειονAncient Greeknouncarriage with a tilt or hood
VehiclesσκιάδειονAncient Greeknounumbel of umbelliferous plantsbiology botany natural-sciences
VesselsܟܘܒܐClassical Syriacnounthorn
VesselsܟܘܒܐClassical Syriacnounthorny staff
VesselsܟܘܒܐClassical Syriacnouncup, goblet, vessel
Video games電子遊戲Chinesenounelectronic game
Video games電子遊戲Chinesenounvideo game
ViolencecacetePortuguesenounbat or stick used to beat someone upmasculine
ViolencecacetePortuguesenounrefers to some types of bread, especially French breadPortugal masculine
ViolencecacetePortuguesenounpenismasculine vulgar
ViolencecacetePortuguesenounass beating (act of beating someone up)Brazil informal masculine vulgar
ViolencecacetePortugueseintjintensifier; demonstrates anger; fuckBrazil informal vulgar
ViolencemyntMiddle Englishnounmoney, coin
ViolencemyntMiddle Englishnounmint (place where money is coined)
ViolencemyntMiddle Englishnounintent, purpose
ViolencemyntMiddle Englishnounstrike
ViolencemyntMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of mynt (“mint (plant)”)alt-of alternative
ViolencemyntMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of myntenalt-of alternative
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin or damage; to cause damage to: / To devastate; to make a wasteland or ruin.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin or damage; to cause damage to: / To enfeeble; to make weak or sickly.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin or damage; to cause damage to: / To eat at; to cause to decay or shrink.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To break up; to cause to dissolve or disintegrate.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To cleanse; to make something evanesce or evacuate.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To eliminate religionfiguratively
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To kill or murder; to cause someone's death.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo utilise or expend (resources or supplies): / To sap or use up; to totally expend.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo utilise or expend (resources or supplies): / To waste resources; to expend wastefully.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo utilise or expend (resources or supplies): / To expend time (usually in an wasteful way)
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo weaken; to become less strong or powerful.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo dissolve or evanesce; to become disintegrated.
ViolencewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo violate or interrupt.figuratively rare
VisualizationdiagramaCatalanverbinflection of diagramar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
VisualizationdiagramaCatalanverbinflection of diagramar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
VoodoosèvisHaitian Creolenounservice, favor
VoodoosèvisHaitian Creolenounduty, service
VoodoosèvisHaitian Creolenounchurch serviceChristianity Protestantism
VoodoosèvisHaitian Creolenounceremony
VoodoosèvisHaitian Creolenountiffin carrier (set of tin containers used to deliver food)
Walls and fencesTuunLimburgishnounfencemasculine
Walls and fencesTuunLimburgishnounfenced off area, enclosed spacemasculine
Walls and fencesTuunLimburgishnounground-ivymasculine
Walls and fenceswoughEnglishnounA wall.obsolete
Walls and fenceswoughEnglishintjAlternative form of woofalt-of alternative
WarkitaSwahilinouna war, a battleclass-7 class-8 plural-normally
WarkitaSwahiliverbto stand one's ground
WatersióHungariannounraging mountain streamliterary obsolete
WatersióHungariannounswamp lake (natural channel draining the excess water of a watercourse)rare
WatersióHungariannounsluice ditch next to a swamp, through which the water is discharged at high tideregional
WatersteamEnglishnounThe vapor formed when water changes from the liquid phase to the gas phase.uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounThe suspended condensate (cloud) formed by water vapour when it encounters colder air / mist, foguncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounThe suspended condensate (cloud) formed by water vapour when it encounters colder air / Exhaled breath into cold air below the dew point of the exhalationuncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounPressurized water vapour used for heating, cooking, or to provide mechanical energy.uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounThe act of cooking by steaming.uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounInternal energy for progress or motive power.figuratively uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounPent-up anger.figuratively uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounA steam-powered vehicle.uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounTravel by means of a steam-powered vehicle.uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounAny exhalation.obsolete uncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishnounFencing without the use of any electric equipment.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports waruncountable usually
WatersteamEnglishverbTo cook with food lifestyletransitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo be cooked with steam.figuratively intransitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo expose to the action of steam; to apply steam to for softening, dressing, or preparing.transitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo raise steam, e.g. in a steam locomotive.transitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo produce or vent steam.intransitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo rise in vapour; to issue, or pass off, as vapour.intransitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo become angry; to fume; to be incensed.figuratively intransitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo make angry.figuratively transitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo cover with condensed water vapor.transitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo travel by means of steam power.intransitive
WatersteamEnglishverbTo move with great or excessive purposefulness.figuratively literally
WatersteamEnglishverbTo exhale.obsolete
WatersteamEnglishadjOld-fashioned; from before the digital age.not-comparable
WatervatnIcelandicnounwater (H₂O)neuter uncountable
WatervatnIcelandicnouna lake, a watercountable neuter
WaterсыраTundra Nenetsnounsnow
WaterсыраTundra NenetsnounSynonym of сыв (siw°, “winter”)
WatercraftcruceiroGaliciannouncalvary; Galician high cross, frequently representing a scene of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and located either at the churchyard or at a crossroadmasculine
WatercraftcruceiroGaliciannouncrossing (the volume formed by the intersection of chancel, nave and transepts in a cruciform church; often with a tower or cupola over it)architecturemasculine
WatercraftcruceiroGaliciannouncruise (a sea or lake voyage, especially one taken for pleasure)masculine
WatercraftcruceiroGaliciannouncruise ship, cruiser (a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are considered an essential part of the experience)masculine
WatercraftcruceiroGaliciannouncruiser (a class of fast warships of medium tonnage, having a long cruising range but less armour and firepower than a battleship)masculine
WatercraftlomeMiddle Englishadvusually, commonly.
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounA machine, device, or instrument.
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounA loom; a frame used for weaving or other weaving implement.
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounA container or box where fluid is stored.
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounA boat; a seafaring craft.rare
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounA grave; a casket.rare
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounAn instrument of war; an armament.rare
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounA penis.rare vulgar
WatercraftlomeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of lemeEarly-Middle-English alt-of alternative
WatercraftzadákCzechnoundefender, backball-games games hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating soccer sportsanimate masculine
WatercraftzadákCzechnounfull-backball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sportsanimate masculine
WatercraftzadákCzechnounstern paddleranimate masculine
WatercraftzadákCzechnouncatcherball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sportsanimate masculine
WatercraftzadákCzechnounperson who carried away products in the glass-worksanimate historical masculine
WatercraftzadákCzechnounperson in the backanimate masculine rare
WatercraftzadákCzechnounposition of full-backball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sportsinanimate masculine
WatercraftzadákCzechnounsterninanimate masculine
WatercraftzadákCzechnounthe last raft in a row of rafts fastened togethertransporthistorical inanimate masculine
WatercraftκέρκουροςAncient Greeknounboat, small ship
WatercraftκέρκουροςAncient Greeknountype of fish
WeaponsPeacemakerEnglishnounAn early type of American revolver, particularly the Colt 1873 Single Action Army model.
WeaponsPeacemakerEnglishnounThe B-36 bomber.
WeaponsbatugKashubiannounbullwhipinanimate masculine
WeaponsbatugKashubiannounwhipinanimate masculine
WeaponsmieczykPolishnoundiminutive of mieczdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
WeaponsmieczykPolishnounsword lily, gladiolus, gladiola (any plant of the genus Gladiolus)inanimate masculine
WeaponsmieczykPolishnounswordtail (one of many species of fish of the genus Xiphophorus)animal-not-person masculine
WeaponssleáIrishnounspear, javelin, lancefeminine
WeatherWéërLimburgishnounweatherneuter uncountable
WeatheradharScottish Gaelicnounairmasculine
WeatheradharScottish Gaelicnounsky, heavenmasculine
Weather簌簌Chineseadjdescribes a rustling soundonomatopoeic
Weather簌簌Chineseadjstreaming down; tricklingideophonic
Weather簌簌Chineseadjtremblingideophonic usually
Weaver finchespaddy birdEnglishnounThe Java sparrow.
Weaver finchespaddy birdEnglishnounAn egret.
WeavingwarpMiddle Englishnounwarp (lengthwise threads)
WeavingwarpMiddle Englishnounwarp thread
WeavingwarpMiddle Englishnounweft (horizontal threads)rare
WeavingwarpMiddle Englishnouncast of fishrare
WeavingwarpMiddle Englishnounrope for hauling shipsnautical transportrare
WeavingنيرArabicadjluminous, lucid; bright
WeavingنيرArabicadjshining, brilliant
WeavingنيرArabicadjlighted, illuminated, brightly lit
WeavingنيرArabicadjclear, plain
WeavingنيرArabicnounyoke, a piece of wood about the neck of a bull together with its apparatuscollective
WeavingنيرArabicnounbeam, a transverse piece of wood in a loomcollective
WeavingنيرArabicnounwoof, weftcollective
WeavingنيرArabicnounalternative form of نِيل (nīl, “indigo”)alt-of alternative rare
WhitessnowEnglishnounThe frozen, crystalline state of water that falls as precipitation.uncountable
WhitessnowEnglishnounAny similar frozen form of a gas or liquid.uncountable
WhitessnowEnglishnounA snowfall; a blanket of frozen, crystalline water.countable
WhitessnowEnglishnounA shade of the color white.uncountable
WhitessnowEnglishnounThe moving pattern of random dots displayed on a television, etc., when no transmission signal is being received.uncountable
WhitessnowEnglishnounCocaine.slang uncountable
WhitessnowEnglishnounMarine snow.countable uncountable
WhitessnowEnglishnounClipping of snow tires.abbreviation alt-of clipping countable in-plural informal uncountable
WhitessnowEnglishverbTo have snow fall from the sky.impersonal
WhitessnowEnglishverbTo hoodwink someone, especially by presenting confusing information.colloquial
WhitessnowEnglishverbTo bluff in draw poker by refusing to draw any cards.card-games poker
WhitessnowEnglishnounA two-masted, square-rigged vessel, trysail-mast stepped immediately abaft the main mast.nautical transporthistorical
WoodsleszczynaPolishnounhazel (any tree or shrub of the genus Corylus)feminine
WoodsleszczynaPolishnounhazel woodfeminine
WoodsჯიჰრაSvannounoak log, timber
Woodwind instrumentskozaPolishnoungoatfeminine
Woodwind instrumentskozaPolishnounbooger, bogey (piece of solid or semisolid mucus in the nostril)colloquial feminine
Woodwind instrumentskozaPolishnounjail, prisonfeminine slang
Woodwind instrumentskozaPolishnounany spined loach (Cobitis), especially Cobitis taenia, or golden loach (Sabanejewia)feminine
Woodwind instrumentskozaPolishnounbagpipesfeminine
WoodworkingsmethenesseMiddle EnglishnounSmoothness; the state of being smooth.
WoodworkingsmethenesseMiddle EnglishnounWoodwork with a smooth surface.
WorkچنائیPunjabinounverbal noun of چُݨݨا (cuṇṇā, “to select; pick; plait; pile up”)form-of noun-from-verb
WorkچنائیPunjabinounconstruction; fabrication as well as the wages of a labour
WritingrokrakstsLatviannounhandwriting (the production of a text by hand; a specific, personal manner of writing by hand)declension-1 masculine
WritingrokrakstsLatviannounhandwriting, signature (individual, recognizable features in the realization of some action or activity)declension-1 figuratively masculine
WritingrokrakstsLatviannounmanuscript (an author's original unpublished version of a written text)declension-1 masculine
WritingrokrakstsLatviannounmanuscript (a handwritten text, usually an old one)history human-sciences sciencesdeclension-1 masculine
WritingਪਰਵਾਨਾPunjabinounnote, letter, certificate, permit, licence, warrant
Writing instrumentsпяроBelarusiannounfeather
Writing instrumentsпяроBelarusiannounplume
Writing instrumentsпяроBelarusiannounpen
YellowsأصفرArabicadjyellow (“having yellow as its color”)
YellowsأصفرArabicverbto empty, to void, to vacate, to evacuate, to free
YellowsأصفرArabicadjelative degree of صَفْر (ṣafr), elative degree of صِفْر (ṣifr), elative degree of صُفْر (ṣufr), elative degree of صَفِر (ṣafir), elative degree of صُفُر (ṣufur): / elative degree of صَفْر (ṣafr), elative degree of صِفْر (ṣifr), elative degree of صُفْر (ṣufr), elative degree of صَفِر (ṣafir), elative degree of صُفُر (ṣufur)
YellowsأصفرArabicadjelative degree of صَفْر (ṣafr), elative degree of صِفْر (ṣifr), elative degree of صُفْر (ṣufr), elative degree of صَفِر (ṣafir), elative degree of صُفُر (ṣufur): / emptier, more void; emptiest, most void
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active indicative of صَفِرَ (ṣafira)active first-person form-i form-of indicative non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active subjunctive of صَفِرَ (ṣafira)active first-person form-i form-of non-past singular subjunctive
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active jussive of صَفِرَ (ṣafira)active first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active indicative of صَفَرَ (ṣafara)active first-person form-i form-of indicative non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active subjunctive of صَفَرَ (ṣafara)active first-person form-i form-of non-past singular subjunctive
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active jussive of صَفَرَ (ṣafara)active first-person form-i form-of jussive non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active indicative of صَفَّرَ (ṣaffara)active first-person form-ii form-of indicative non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active subjunctive of صَفَّرَ (ṣaffara)active first-person form-ii form-of non-past singular subjunctive
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active jussive of صَفَّرَ (ṣaffara)active first-person form-ii form-of jussive non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past passive indicative of صَفَّرَ (ṣaffara)first-person form-ii form-of indicative non-past passive singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past passive subjunctive of صَفَّرَ (ṣaffara)first-person form-ii form-of non-past passive singular subjunctive
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past passive jussive of صَفَّرَ (ṣaffara)first-person form-ii form-of jussive non-past passive singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active indicative of اِصْفَرَّ (iṣfarra)active first-person form-ix form-of indicative non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active subjunctive of اِصْفَرَّ (iṣfarra)active first-person form-ix form-of non-past singular subjunctive
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active jussive of اِصْفَرَّ (iṣfarra)active first-person form-ix form-of jussive non-past singular
YellowsأصفرArabicverbfirst-person singular non-past active jussive of اِصْفَرَّ (iṣfarra)active first-person form-ix form-of jussive non-past singular
Yoruba cardinal numbersogunYorubanounwar, battle (physical or mental)
Yoruba cardinal numbersogunYorubanouna black mangrove tree (Avicennia africana)
Yoruba cardinal numbersogunYorubanumtwenty
Yoruba cardinal numbersogunYorubanumtwenty / twentieth
Yoruba cardinal numbersogunYorubanounheritage, inheritance, legacy
ZionismZionizeEnglishverbto make (something) Zionist or more Zionistderogatory sometimes
ZionismZionizeEnglishverbto make (something) Zion-like
ZoologykocëAlbaniannounkind of sea bassfeminine
ZoologykocëAlbaniannounkind of black goatfeminine

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