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Afterlifeples bilong klautTok Pisinnounsky
Afterlifeples bilong klautTok Pisinnounheaven
Agavoideae subfamily plants擬宝珠Japanesenounornamental metal finials used on bridge posts
Agavoideae subfamily plants擬宝珠Japanesenounallium flowers
Agavoideae subfamily plants擬宝珠Japanesenounplants of genus Hosta
AgebakaSerbo-Croatiannoungrandmother, grandmafamiliar
AgebakaSerbo-Croatiannounold womanfamiliar regional
AgedotardMiddle EnglishnounA dotard; someone who displays senility.
AgedotardMiddle EnglishnounA fool or simpleton; someone who displays stupidity.
Age大人Japanesenounan adult, a grown-up
Age大人Japanesenouna leader: / an elder of a group or communityarchaic possibly uncommon
Age大人Japanesenouna leader: / in the late Muromachi period, the representative of a village or guildarchaic possibly uncommon
Age大人Japanesenouna leader: / the head lady-in-waitingarchaic possibly uncommon
Age大人Japanesenouna leader: / one's wifearchaic possibly uncommon
Age大人Japanesenouna leader: / in the Edo period, a kind of civil servant working in Nagasakiarchaic possibly uncommon
Age大人Japanesenouna leader: / the head servantarchaic possibly uncommon
Age大人Japaneseadjmature; grown-up
Age大人Japaneseadjadult; sexual
Age大人Japanesenouna lord, a landownerhonorific
Age大人Japanesenounan honorific form of reference for a scholar or teacher, or one's own father
Age大人Japanesenounan honorific form of reference for the addressee
Age大人Japanesenouna large person
Age大人Japanesenouna giant
Age大人Japanesenounan adult
Age大人Japanesenouna person of high rank, a ruler or noble
Age大人Japanesenounan honorific form of reference for a scholar or teacher, or one's own parent
Age大人Japanesenouna daimyo
Age大人Japanesenounan adult, a grown-up
Age大人Japanesenounthe Buddhas and bodhisattvasBuddhism lifestyle religion
Agricultureလယ်Burmesenounpaddy field
Agricultureလယ်Burmesenounmiddle, centerin-compounds
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDivision; the act of dividing or splitting: / Apportionment; division into sections.rare
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDivision; the act of dividing or splitting: / The mathematical operation of division.mathematics sciencesrare
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDivision; the act of dividing or splitting: / Separation from the mortal world; death.figuratively rare
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / A section, group, or class (especially of people)
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / Strife, dissension, or separation resulting from it.
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / A portion or division; a demarcated part.rare
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounThat which is divided; the result of a split: / A border; a division between territories.rare
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounA distinguishing, defining or identifying attribute.
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounDescription or delineation; the act of determining.
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounInconsistency, unharmony; that which contradicts or grates.rare
AlchemydivisiounMiddle EnglishnounA pause or halt; the act of stopping.rare
AlgaegatnaNorthern Saminoundandruff
AlgaegatnaNorthern Saminounlichen
Alloys黑金Chinesenounnielloengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
Alloys黑金ChinesenounAlternative name for 石油 (shíyóu, “petroleum”).alt-of alternative name
Alloys黑金ChinesenounAlternative name for 鐵/铁 (tiě, “iron”).alt-of alternative name
Alloys黑金ChinesenounAlternative name for 煤 (méi, “coal”).alt-of alternative name
Alloys黑金Chinesenoun(~政治) black gold; political corruptiongovernment politics
Amaranths and goosefootsblítCzechnounslender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis)inanimate masculine
Amaranths and goosefootsblítCzechverbto puke, to barf (to eject from the stomach; regurgitate)imperfective
Anarchismanarcho-feministEnglishadjAlternative form of anarcha-feministalt-of alternative not-comparable
Anarchismanarcho-feministEnglishnounAlternative form of anarcha-feministalt-of alternative
AnatomycoraçãoPortuguesenounheart (organ of the body)masculine
AnatomycoraçãoPortuguesenounheart, emotions, kindness, spiritfiguratively masculine
AnatomycoraçãoPortuguesenouncenter, corefiguratively masculine
AnatomylimurFaroesenounpiece of muttonmasculine
AnatomylimurFaroesenounpiece of halibutmasculine
AnatomylimurFaroesenounmember (club, party, etc.)masculine
AnatomynokkaFinnishnounbeak, bill, rostrum (anatomical structure of birds)
AnatomynokkaFinnishnounbeak (any beaklike object)
AnatomynokkaFinnishnounbeak (human nose)derogatory
AnatomynokkaFinnishnounnose, front of an object, e.g. a car or another vehicle
AnatomynokkaFinnishnounspout, lip (channel through which a liquid is poured from a container)
AnatomynokkaFinnishnountop, tip (the far end of many long objects, such as a pier, pole, crane, boom, stick or peninsula)
AnatomynokkaFinnishnouncam, tappet
AnatomynokkaFinnishnounness (promontory, cape or headland; often used in place names)
AnatomynokkaFinnishnounkakabeak (any plant of the genus Clianthus)
AnatomyplăJarainounpalm of hand
AnatomyplăJarainounsole of foot
AnatomypostaćPolishnounfigure, form (shape of some being)feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnouncharacter (person of a given personality)feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnouncharacter (agent within a story)human-sciences linguistics narratology sciencesfeminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnouncharacter, form (observable form of something)feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnounhead harvester (person in charge of harvesting)dialectal feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnounharvest areadialectal feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnounaspect (grammatical quality of a verb which determines the relationship of the speaker to the internal temporal flow of the event which the verb describes)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine obsolete
AnatomypostaćPolishnounrhetorical devicefeminine obsolete
AnatomypostaćPolishnounposition, statefeminine obsolete
AnatomypostaćPolishnounchunk of mineral limited in some planefeminine obsolete
AnatomypostaćPolishnounpart (fragment of a whole)Middle Polish feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnounlayerMiddle Polish feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnounappearance, pretendingMiddle Polish feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain.Middle Polish feminine
AnatomypostaćPolishverbused to emphasize that a person has never been or will never be in a particular placearchaic intransitive perfective
AnatomypostaćPolishverbto stand for a whileintransitive perfective
AnatomypostaćPolishverbto linger, to remain for a while (to not be destroyed for some time)intransitive perfective
AnatomypostaćPolishverbto not wither for some timeintransitive perfective
AnatomypostaćPolishverbto be unused for some timeintransitive perfective
AnatomypostaćPolishverbto sit for some time (to be left alone for some time until another desired state is reached)intransitive perfective
AnatomypostaćPolishverbto stand up (to arise onto one's feet)intransitive obsolete perfective
AnatomysusoBikol Centralnounbreast; teat
AnatomysusoBikol Centralnounudder
AnatomysusoBikol Centralnouninsertion
AnatomysusoBikol Centralnounmanner of pushing through
AnatomysusoBikol Centralnounsnuggle; nestle
AnatomysusoBikol Centralnounshellfish
AnatomyɗaamolFulanounspleenPulaar Pular
AnatomyкаваEastern Marinounsky
AnatomyкаваEastern Marinounheaven
AnatomyкаваEastern Marinounlower abdomen
AnatomyкаваEastern Marinounperitoneum
AnatomyкаваEastern Marinounweight (mounted on yarn)anthropology ethnography human-sciences sciences
AnatomyOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
AnatomyKoreannounfoot (of a human or animal)
AnatomyKoreannounleg (of furniture, etc.)
AnatomyKoreancountersteps (with determiner numerals)
AnatomyKoreannounblind, screen, or curtain made with woven bamboo or reed strips, used especially for shielding from the sun
AnatomyKoreannounstrands of noodles or string
AnatomyKoreancounterCounter for shots or rounds fired by a gun or cannon: round
AnatomyKoreansuffixoriginating from...morpheme
AnatomyKoreansuffixdeparting from..., starting from...morpheme
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 發
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 拔
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 髮
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 潑
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 鉢
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 渤
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 勃
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 撥
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 跋
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 醱
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 魃
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 炦
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 哱
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 浡
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 脖
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 鈸
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 鵓
AnatomyKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 發 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 拔 (MC bjot|bat))(MC reading: 髮 (MC pjot))(MC reading: 潑 (MC phat))(MC reading: 鉢 (MC pat))(MC reading: 渤 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 勃 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 撥 (MC pat))(MC reading: 跋 (MC bat))(MC reading: 醱)(MC reading: 魃 (MC bat))(MC reading: 炦 (MC bat))(MC reading: 哱 (MC phwot))(MC reading: 浡 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 脖 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 鈸 (MC bat))(MC reading: 鵓 (MC bwot))(MC reading: 悖 (MC bwot)) / 悖
Ancient EuropeSaliiEnglishnounThe 12 priests of Mars Gradivus in Ancient Rome.historical plural plural-only
Ancient EuropeSaliiEnglishnounSynonym of Salians, the Salian people, especially in ancient Roman contexts.dated historical plural plural-only
Ancient GreeceܗܠܣAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameHellas, specifically Ancient Greece
Ancient GreeceܗܠܣAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameGreeceobsolete
Andropogoneae tribe grassesbrowntopEnglishnounCommon bent (Agrostis capillaris)countable uncountable
Andropogoneae tribe grassesbrowntopEnglishnounMicrostegium spp.countable uncountable
Andropogoneae tribe grassesbrowntopEnglishnounBrachiaria ramosa (browntop millet)countable uncountable
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA rigid structure projecting from the front of a bird's face, used for pecking, grooming, foraging, carrying items, eating food, etc.anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA similar pointed structure forming the nose and mouth of various animals, such as turtles, platypuses, whales, etc.anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounThe long projecting sucking mouth of some insects and other invertebrates, as in the Hemiptera.anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounThe upper or projecting part of the shell, near the hinge of a bivalve.anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounThe prolongation of certain univalve shells containing the canal.anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounAny process somewhat like the beak of a bird, terminating the fruit or other parts of a plant.anatomy biology botany medicine natural-sciences sciences
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounAnything projecting or ending in a point like a beak, such as a promontory of land.broadly
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA continuous slight projection ending in an arris or narrow fillet; that part of a drip from which the water is thrown off.architecturebroadly
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA toe clip.farriery hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsbroadly
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounThat part of a ship, before the forecastle, which is fastened to the stem, and supported by the main knee.nautical transportbroadly
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA beam, shod or armed at the end with a metal head or point, and projecting from the prow of an ancient galley, used as a ram to pierce the vessel of an enemy; a beakhead.nautical transportbroadly
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Libythea, notable for the beak-like elongation on their heads.biology entomology natural-sciencesbroadly
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA person's nose, especially one that is large and pointed.slang
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA person's mouth.slang
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounCocaine.Southern-England slang uncountable
Animal body partsbeakEnglishverbTo strike with the beak.transitive
Animal body partsbeakEnglishverbTo seize with the beak.transitive
Animal body partsbeakEnglishverbTo play truant.Northern-Ireland intransitive
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA justice of the peace; a magistrate.British slang
Animal body partsbeakEnglishnounA schoolmaster (originally, at Eton).slang
Animal body partsكرشArabicverbto wrinkle, to corrugateintransitive
Animal body partsكرشArabicverbto wrinkle, to corrugate, to furrowtransitive
Animal body partsكرشArabicnounpaunch, fack, rumen
Animal body partsكرشArabicnounpotbelly, paunch, bellyinformal
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishintjRepresenting the sound of a dog barking.
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishnounThe sound of a dog barking.
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishnounA dog.
Animal soundsbow-wowEnglishadjGrandiose.dated informal not-comparable
AnimalsbinatangMalaynounanimal (organism)
AnimalsbinatangMalaynounanimal (organism other than man)
AnimalsbinatangMalaynounanimal (person who behaves wildly)
AnimalsbinatangMalayadjanimal (of animals)
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounA company, band, small group, or team of people; mainly in the following senses: / An army or multitude of angels; a band heavenly warriors.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounA company, band, small group, or team of people; mainly in the following senses: / A retinue, one's servants or hirelings.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounA company, band, small group, or team of people; mainly in the following senses: / A troop; a military force or concentration.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounA company, band, small group, or team of people; mainly in the following senses: / A guild; an organisation dedicated to the advancement of a profession.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounAn informal group of people; especially guests or visitors.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounAccompaniment, company, companionship; having companions.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounCamaraderie, friendliness.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounCopulation; sexual activity or intercourse.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounA group or mass of animals.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounLinkedness, connection, similarity, likeness.
AnimalscompanyeMiddle EnglishnounA large quantity of objects or things.rare
AnimalshermafrodytaPolishnounhermaphrodite (animal or plant having both male and female gonads)biology natural-sciencesfeminine
AnimalshermafrodytaPolishnounhermaphrodite (person having both male and female gonads)biology natural-sciencesmasculine person
AnimalsstvůraCzechnounmonsterfeminine informal
AnimalsstvůraCzechnounbeast (objectionable person)feminine offensive
AnimalsмалпачкаBelarusiannoundiminutive of ма́лпа (málpa)diminutive form-of
Annelids蜿蟺Chineseadjbent; curled up; coiledliterary
AnthropologyосілийUkrainianverbpast active participle of осі́сти pf (osísty)active form-of participle past
AnthropologyосілийUkrainianadjsedentary, settled (living in a fixed geographical location; the opposite of nomadic)
AnthropologyосілийUkrainianadjnonmigratory, sedentary
AppearanceaspectusLatinverblooked at, beheld, having been looked atdeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
AppearanceaspectusLatinverbcaught sight of, noticed, having been noticeddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
AppearanceaspectusLatinverbsurveyed, inspected, having been inspecteddeclension-1 declension-2 form-of participle passive perfect
AppearanceaspectusLatinnounthe act of seeing or looking at something; look, sight, vision, viewdeclension-4 masculine
AppearanceaspectusLatinnounsense of sightdeclension-4 masculine
AppearanceaspectusLatinnounvisibility, appearance, vision; aspect, presence, mien, countenance; form; colordeclension-4 masculine
AppearancepreenEnglishnounA forked tool used by clothiers for dressing cloth.
AppearancepreenEnglishnounbodkin; broochdialectal
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo pin; fasten.transitive
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo groom; to trim or dress the feathers with the beak.intransitive transitive
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo spend time making oneself attractive and admiring one's appearance, e.g. in front of a mirror.intransitive reflexive
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo show off, posture, or smarm.intransitive
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo flatter.transitive
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo comb; to make orderly.transitive
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo trim up, as trees.transitive
AppearancepreenEnglishverbTo improve the appearance of; groom; prettify.broadly transitive
ArachnidswaṉkaPitjantjatjaranounspider, caterpillar
ArcheryرامArabicverbto aspire to, to aim at, to envisage, to propose to oneself, to desire ardentlytransitive
ArcheryرامArabicverbto depart from, to separate oneself from
ArcheryرامArabicnounwho shoots or throws, marksman, archer, etc.
ArcheryChinesecharacterarrowarchery engineering government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics sports tools war weaponryClassical
ArcheryChinesecharacterto vow; to swear
ArcheryChinesecharacterAlternative form of 屎 (“excrement; poop”)alt-of alternative
Architectural elementsKonsoleGermannounconsolefeminine
Architectural elementsKonsoleGermannouncorbelbusiness construction manufacturingfeminine
Architectural elementsKonsoleGermannounshelf bracketbusiness construction manufacturingfeminine
ArchitectureperistyleEnglishnounA colonnade surrounding a courtyard, temple, etc., or the yard enclosed by such columns.
ArchitectureperistyleEnglishnounA porch surrounded by columns.
ArchitectureperistyleEnglishnounA sacred roofed courtyard with a central pillar (the potomitan), used as a space for voodoo ceremonies, either alone or as an adjunct to an enclosed temple or altar-room.
ArchitectureκατασκευήGreeknounconstruction, constructing
ArchitectureκατασκευήGreeknounstructure, design
ArgentinaARTranslingualsymbolISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Argentina.
ArgentinaARTranslingualsymbolabbreviation for aqua regiaalchemy pseudosciencearchaic
ArgentinaARTranslingualsymbolabbreviation for balneum arenae (sand bath)alchemy pseudosciencearchaic
ArgentinaARTranslingualsymbolabbreviation for lapis armenus (Armenian stone)alchemy pseudosciencearchaic
Arkansas, USAヨークJapanesenameYork
Arkansas, USAヨークJapanesenounyoke
ArmeniaArsacidEnglishadjof or pertaining to the Parthian dynasty established by Arsaces I which ruled the Parthian Empire during 247 BC – 224 AD, Armenia during 54–428, as well as Iberia and Caucasian Albaniahistorical not-comparable
ArmeniaArsacidEnglishadjof or pertaining to the realms ruled by that dynastyhistorical not-comparable
ArmeniaArsacidEnglishnounmember of the Arsacid Dynastyhistorical
Armenian numeral symbolsՏArmeniancharactercapital form of տ (t)form-of letter uppercase
Armenian numeral symbolsՏArmeniannum4000 in the system of Armenian numerals
ArmorgambaSwahilinounbark (of a tree)class-5 class-6
ArmorgambaSwahilinounskin (of a scaly animal)class-5 class-6
ArmorgambaSwahilinounscale (of an animal)class-5 class-6
ArmorgambaSwahilinounarmorclass-5 class-6
ArmorgambaSwahilinounshellclass-5 class-6
ArmorhoodMiddle Englishnounhood (part of a garment): / A hood as a symbol of rank (of the church and of guilds).
ArmorhoodMiddle Englishnounhood (part of a garment): / A hood made of chain mail used as head armour.
ArmorhoodMiddle EnglishnounAny sort of protective cloaking or covering.Late-Middle-English rare
ArmorKoreancharacterforerunner, herald, harbinger
ArmorKoreancharacterto lie between
ArmorKoreancharactersea shell
ArmorKoreancharacterto wear armor
ArthropodsဂွေးBurmesenounshrimp used for making shrimp paste
ArthropodsဂွေးBurmesenountesticlesanatomy medicine sciences
ArthropodsဂွေးBurmesenounhog plum (Spondias pinnata, syn. S. mangifera)
ArtilleryهاونArabicverbto be engaged in what is easy, to do what one finds brings ease or is easiest to do, to be one without stress or only doing what comes easy
ArtilleryهاونArabicverbto be self-indulgent, to adopt an epicurean mindset, to engage in contemptible or trifling activities
ArtilleryهاونArabicverbto be gentle on (someone)
ArtilleryهاونArabicnounmortar (tool used with a pestle)
ArtilleryهاونArabicnounmortar (weapon)
ArtistsConstableEnglishnameAn English surname originating as an occupation from Old French conestable (“constable”).
ArtistsConstableEnglishnameA town in Franklin County, New York; named for landowner William Constable.
ArtistsConstableEnglishnameJohn Constable, English painter.
ArtistspostimpressionistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to postimpressionism.
ArtistspostimpressionistEnglishnounA painter of the style of postimpressionism.
AstronomyPlütonTurkishnamePluto (kuiper belt object )astronomy natural-sciences
AstronomyPlütonTurkishnamePlutohuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
AstronomyСулпанBashkirnamea female given name
AthletesgrimpeurFrenchnounclimber (someone who climbs)climbing hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
AthletesgrimpeurFrenchnounclimber (expert in mountainous races)cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
AthletesgrimpeurFrenchnounsocial climbermasculine
AthleteskirolariBasquenounsportsman, sportswomananimate
AthleteskirolariBasquenoundative singular of kiroldative form-of singular
Australian rules footballstacks on the millEnglishnounA children's dogpile game.gamesAustralia uncountable
Australian rules footballstacks on the millEnglishnounSynonym of dogpile, especially in Australian football.Australia uncountable
Auto partsheadlightEnglishnounA bright light, with a lens and reflector, on the front of a motor vehicle (or originally a ship or train), designed to illuminate the road when driving at night; normally one of a pair.
Auto partsheadlightEnglishnounA woman's breast.US in-plural slang vulgar
Auto partsheadlightEnglishnounA woman's erect nipples, partially masked by clothing.Canada in-plural slang vulgar
Auto partsheadlightEnglishnounA jewel; especially a diamond.US in-plural slang
Auto partsheadlightEnglishnounLysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).US in-plural slang
Auto partsphareFrenchadjleading, signature, key, flagship
Auto partsphareFrenchnounlighthousemasculine
Auto partsphareFrenchnounlantern (in a lighthouse)masculine
Auto partsphareFrenchnounheadlight (of a vehicle)masculine
Auto partsphareFrenchnounheadlamp (of a vehicle)masculine
Auto partsphareFrenchnounbeacon, luminaryfiguratively masculine
Auto partsphareFrenchnounThe set of sails on the mast.nautical transportmasculine
AviationFBOEnglishnounInitialism of fixed base operator, an aircraft service center at an airport.US abbreviation alt-of initialism
AviationFBOEnglishprepInitialism of for the benefit of (e.g., on a check or other financial instrument sent to a custodian).business financeUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
AviationFBOEnglishadjAbbreviation of Facebook official.abbreviation alt-of not-comparable
Baby animalschevretteFrenchnounkid (young goat)feminine
Baby animalschevretteFrenchnoundoefeminine
Baby animalschevretteFrenchnounshrimpLouisiana feminine
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnoundiminutive of gołąb; pigeon, doveanimal-not-person diminutive endearing form-of masculine often
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnounpigeon or dove hatchlinganimal-not-person masculine
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnounany mushroom of the genus Russulainanimate masculine
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnounused as a term of endearmentendearing masculine person
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnounlovebird (person)humorous masculine person
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnounpiece of gołąbkiinanimate masculine
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnoungołąbki, cabbage roll (traditional Polish dish)in-plural inanimate masculine
Baby animalsgołąbekPolishnoungenitive plural of gołąbkafeminine form-of genitive plural
BeddingfustianMiddle EnglishnounA cloth made of cotton, flax or wool, being the ancestor of modern fustian.uncountable
BeddingfustianMiddle EnglishnounA piece of such cloth used as a bedspread.uncountable
BeekeepingbrescaCatalanverbinflection of brescar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BeekeepingbrescaCatalanverbinflection of brescar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BeesscopaEnglishnounAny of various clusters of hair of non-parasitic bees that serve to carry pollen. In parasitic Hymenoptera it refers to a local patch of hairs, regardless of function.
BeesscopaEnglishnounA Neapolitan card game.card-games gamesuncountable
BeesматкаMacedoniannounwomb, uterus
BeesматкаMacedoniannounqueen beerare
BeesматкаMacedonianverbto stall, delay (a person, usually with idle conversation)transitive
BeesматкаMacedonianverbto lie totransitive
BeetlesclavicornEnglishadjHaving antennas shaped like clubs; used especially of the Clavicornes group of beetlesbiology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
BeetlesclavicornEnglishnounOne of the Clavicornes.biology natural-sciences zoology
BermudadolarPolishnoundollar (designation for specific currency)animal-not-person masculine
BermudadolarPolishnoundollar (unit of reactivity equal to the interval between delayed criticality and prompt criticality)animal-not-person masculine
BeverageswarapuQuechuanounsugarcane juice
BeverageswarapuQuechuanounguarapo (fermented sugarcane juice)
BeveragesлипаSerbo-Croatiannounany part of a linden/lime tree
BeveragesлипаSerbo-Croatiannountea made from linden flowers
Biblical charactersΠέτροςGreeknamea male given name, equivalent to English Peter
Biblical charactersΠέτροςGreeknameAny of the religious figures named Peter in the Bible, in particular the apostle of Jesus.Christianity
Biblical charactersΠέτροςGreeknameAny of the saints whose feast day in the Greek Orthodox tradition is 29 June.
Billiardspocket billiardsEnglishnounAny of a family of billiards games played on a specific class of billiards table, having six receptacles called pockets along the rails, in which balls are deposited as the main goal of play.uncountable
Billiardspocket billiardsEnglishnounSynonym of pocket poolslang uncountable
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA surname, especially referring to Charles Darwin (1809–1882), British naturalist and founder of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA municipality of Río Negro province, Argentina.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameThe capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA ghost town in Tasmania, Australia.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA settlement on the peninsula of Lafonia, East Falkland island, Falkland Islands.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community and census-designated place in Inyo County, California.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Fresno County, California.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township and unincorporated community therein, in Clark County, Illinois.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township and minor city in Meeker County, Minnesota.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A small unincorporated community in Bedford Township, Meigs County, Ohio.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Pushmataha County, Oklahoma.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Webb County, Texas.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Dickenson County, Virginia.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname, deriving from the Old English name Dēorwine and revived through the surname.
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameEllipsis of Darwin College, Cambridge..abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameAn open-source Unix operating system first released by Apple.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
BiologyDarwinEnglishnameAlternative form of Derwent (English locative name)alt-of alternative
BirdsVugelLimburgishnounbirdbroadly masculine
BirdsVugelLimburgishnoundrake, gander (male goose/duck)masculine
BirdsVugelLimburgishnouncunning personmasculine
BirdsVugelLimburgishnounwooden target in shooting competitions, in the shape of a birdmasculine
BirdsdodoFinnishnoundodo (extinct bird of the family Columbidae)
BirdsdodoFinnishnoundodo, †Raphus cucullatus (type species of the family)
BirdsdodoFinnishnounsolitaire (two extinct birds of the family Columbidae, more specifically Réunion soilitaire, †Raphus solitarius and Rodriques solitaire, †Pezophaps solitaria)
BirdsfottiventoItaliannounSynonym of gheppio (“common kestrel”)Italy Northern invariable masculine
BirdsfottiventoItaliannounSynonym of falco cuculo (“red-footed falcon”)Italy Northern invariable masculine
BirdsfottiventoItaliannounSynonym of succiacapre (“Eurasian nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)”)invariable masculine
BirdsfottiventoItaliannounSynonym of mignattino (“black tern”)invariable masculine
BirdsgugashAlbaniannounwood pigeonmasculine
BirdslerkeNorwegian Bokmålnouna lark (bird)feminine masculine
BirdslerkeNorwegian Bokmålnouna hip flask (see also lommelerke)feminine masculine
BirdssatakieletFinnishnounnominative plural of satakieliform-of nominative plural
BirdssatakieletFinnishnounThe bird genus Luscinia.plural
BirdsskrápurFaroesenounManx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus)masculine
BirdsuntuvikkoFinnishnounchick (very young bird clad only in down)
BirdsuntuvikkoFinnishnounfledgling (immature, naïve and/or inexperienced person)
BirdsαλκυόνηGreeknounkingfisher, common kingfisher, halcyon, Alcedo atthis
BirdsαλκυόνηGreeknounkingfisher familyusually
BirdsܒܛܐClassical Syriacnounduck, drake
BirdsܒܛܐClassical Syriacnounspark from red-hot coal or iron
BirdsजटायुSanskritnounbearded vulture, lammergeier, ossifrage (Gypaetus barbatus)
BirdsजटायुSanskritnounresin of guggul tree (Commiphora wightii)
BirdsजटायुSanskritnameJatayu, a divine birdHinduism
BirdsจาบThaiverbto speak ill (of); to violate verbally; to abuse verbally; to blaspheme; to revile.archaic
BirdsจาบThainounweaverbird: any of the birds of the family Ploceidae.
BirdsᏥᏥCherokeenounblowgun dart
BivalvesὄστρεονAncient Greeknounbivalve
BivalvesὄστρεονAncient Greeknounoyster
BivalvesὄστρεονAncient Greeknounpurple pigment, probably that produced by murex
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameThe god of volcanoes and fire, especially the forge, also the patron of all craftsmen, especially blacksmiths. The Roman counterpart of Hephaestus.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A town in Vulcan County, southern Alberta, Canada.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A volcano in Papua New Guinea.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A commune of Brașov County, Romania.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A city in Hunedoara County, Romania.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A village in the commune of Apold, Mureș County, Romania.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A village in the commune of Ciuruleasa, Alba County, Romania.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / A ghost town in Gunnison County, Colorado.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / An unincorporated community in Norway Township, Dickinson County, Michigan.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / An unincorporated community in Iron County, Missouri.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / An inactive volcano in New Mexico, United States.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A hypothetical planet proposed in the 19th century to exist in an orbit between Mercury and the Sun. Coined by Jacques Bobinetastronomy natural-scienceshistorical
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / Ellipsis of Vulcan County.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameAn inhabited planet, the homeworld of the Vulcan species.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnameA language constructed for the Star Trek franchise, spoken by the fictional Vulcan species.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the planet Vulcan; a species that values a personal emphasis on logic and strict personal emotional control.
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnounA person who, like the fictional Vulcans, seems to lack emotion or is overly analytical and boring.derogatory slang
BlacksmithingVulcanEnglishnounThe Avro Vulcan, a type of jet-powered British bomber aircraft built by Avro during the Cold War.
BlacksmithingaambeeldAfrikaansnounincus; a small anvil-shaped bone in the middle earanatomy medicine sciences
BluesbluishEnglishadjHaving a tint or hue similar to the colour blue.
BluesbluishEnglishadjSomewhat depressed; sad.figuratively
Blues새파랗다Koreanadjto be deep blue
Blues새파랗다Koreanadjto be pallid, to be pale
Blues새파랗다Koreanadjto be young, to be fresh
Bodies of waterinletEnglishverbTo let in; admit.transitive
Bodies of waterinletEnglishverbTo insert; inlay.transitive
Bodies of waterinletEnglishverbTo carve the wooden stock of a firearm so as to position the metal components in firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Bodies of waterinletEnglishnounA body of water let into a coast, such as a bay, cove, fjord or estuary.
Bodies of waterinletEnglishnounA passage that leads into a cavity.
Bodies of waterkaragatanTagalognounocean
Bodies of waterkaragatanTagalognoundeep sea; midsea; high seas
Bodies of waterkaragatanTagalognountype of poetic battle, usually done on wakes, based on the loss by a princess of her ring in midseahistorical literary
Bodies of waterໜອງLaonounlake, pond
Bodies of waterໜອງLaonounswamp, bog, marsh
Bodies of waterໜອງLaonounpus
Bodily fluidsعرقOttoman Turkishnounroot, the generally underground part of a plant that anchors and supports its bodybiology botany natural-sciences
Bodily fluidsعرقOttoman Turkishnounroot, origin, source, the beginning or starting point of somethingfiguratively
Bodily fluidsعرقOttoman Turkishnounvein, a blood vessel that transports blood from the capillaries back to the heartanatomy medicine sciences
Bodily fluidsعرقOttoman Turkishnountemperament, disposition, a person's normal manner of thinking or behavingfiguratively
Bodily fluidsعرقOttoman Turkishnounsweat, perspiration, a fluid that exits the body through pores in the skin
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounany horsefly of the genus Tabanusanimal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounany bittern of the genus Botaurusanimal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounbumblebee or other buzzing insectanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounspinning top (toy)animal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounson, child, little oneanimal-not-person endearing masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnoungyroscope wheelanimal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnoundinghy (boat)animal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounonion stalk with pyxidiumanimal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnoundrone (bagpipe bourdon)animal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnoungig (boat)animal-not-person archaic masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounbagpipesanimal-not-person archaic masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnouncanard, misinformationanimal-not-person archaic masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounerror, mistakeanimal-not-person archaic masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnoundevice to stimulate the draught of a chimneyanimal-not-person archaic masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounsnooty personanimal-not-person archaic masculine
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnoungyrostat; gyroscopeanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounerror; mistakeanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounonion stalk with a seed capsulebiology botany natural-sciencesanimal-not-person in-plural masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounforged tymfanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnountype of bagpipeanimal-not-person historical masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnountype of boat with four oarsanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounfatso (fat person)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnoundevice for clearing the airway of a chimneyanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounprisonanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounusureranimal-not-person derogatory masculine obsolete
Bodily functionsbąkPolishnounbotfly, gadfly (any insect of the family Oestridae)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA tool or device used for manipulation, especially for medical and scientific uses.
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA device used to produce music; a musical instrument.
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA piece of weaponry (such as a siege engine).
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA legal document, such as a contract, deed or will.
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounThe means by which one reaches an end or effect.
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounA body part that performs a certain function; an organ.
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounThe human body as a whole.
BodyinstrumentMiddle EnglishnounOne of the five senses.
Body parts𐕆𐕞𐕡𐕄Aghwannounheart
Body parts𐕆𐕞𐕡𐕄Aghwannounmind
Bodybuildingfill outEnglishverbTo complete a form or questionnaire with requested information.transitive
Bodybuildingfill outEnglishverbTo have one's physique expand with maturity or with surplus weight.intransitive
Bodybuildingfill outEnglishverbTo fill up; to make full.obsolete transitive
Bodybuildingfill outEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see fill, out.
BooksksiążkaPolishnounbook (collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge, containing printed or written material, pictures, etc.)feminine
BooksksiążkaPolishnounbook (long work fit for publication, typically prose, such as a novel or textbook, and typically published as such a bound collection of sheets)feminine
BooksksiążkaPolishnoundiminutive of księga (“ledger”) (book for keeping notes; a record book, a register)diminutive feminine form-of
BooksksiążkaPolishnounoxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)Middle Polish feminine in-plural
BookssongsterEnglishnounA man who sings songs, especially as a profession; a male singer.
BookssongsterEnglishnounAn adult chorister in the Salvation Army.
BookssongsterEnglishnounA male songbird.
BookssongsterEnglishnounOne who writes songs.formal
BookssongsterEnglishnounA book of songs; songbook.US
Books譯著Chinesenountranslated work
Books譯著Chineseverbto translate
Books風土記Japanesenouna geographical text typically containing information about local history, customs, legends, etc.; compare English gazetteer
Books風土記Japanesenouna text containing other reports on each local district of a particular region
Books風土記Japanesenamecommon name for Nara-period topographical texts compiled by an imperial decree of Empress Genmeihistorical
Books風土記JapanesenounSame as ふどき (fudoki) above
Books of the BibleDanielFrenchnameDaniel (biblical book and prophet)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleDanielFrenchnamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Danielmasculine
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnameA male given name originating from the Bible [in turn from Hebrew]; very popular since the Middle Ages. / Used generically for a man whose actual name may not be known.informal
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnameA male given name originating from the Bible [in turn from Hebrew]; very popular since the Middle Ages. / Used frequently to form an idea personified, as in John Bull, John Barleycorn (see derivations below).informal
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnameA male given name originating from the Bible [in turn from Hebrew]; very popular since the Middle Ages.
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnamePersons of the Christian Bible: John the Baptist; and names possibly referring to one, two or three persons, frequently called "Saint": John the Apostle, John the Evangelist and John of Patmos (also called John the Divine or John the Theologian).biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnameThe Gospel of St. John, a book of the New Testament of the Bible. Traditionally the fourth of the four gospels.biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnameOne of the books in the New Testament of the Bible, the epistles of John (1 John, 2 John and 3 John).biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnounA new recruit at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.government military politics warUK slang
Books of the BibleJohnEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of john: a toilet, lavatory, outhouse, or chamber pot.US alt-of archaic slang
BotanyբոժոժArmeniannouncocoon, especially silkworm cocoon
BotanyբոժոժArmeniannounboll of cotton
BotanyբոժոժArmeniannounlittle bell, handbell
BreadsgrzankaPolishnountoast (toasted bread)feminine
BreadsgrzankaPolishnouncrouton (small, often seasoned, piece of dry or fried bread)feminine
BreadsgrzankaPolishnounmulled winefeminine
BreadsܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjunleavened, azymous
BreadsܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjfresh, raw
BreadsܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjuntanned
BreadsܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacadjsincerefiguratively
BreadsܦܛܝܪܐClassical Syriacnoununleavened bread
BreadsܦܛܝܪܐClassical SyriacnamePassover, Easter; Lord's SupperChristianityin-plural
BreastfeedingodsávačkaCzechnounbreast pumpfeminine
BreastfeedingodsávačkaCzechnounsuction unitfeminine
Broadcastingphát thanhVietnamesenounbroadcast
Broadcastingphát thanhVietnameseverbto broadcast
Buckthorn family plantsسدرArabicverbto be dazzled, to be blinded, to have vision blocked
Buckthorn family plantsسدرArabicverbto be careless, to be regardless, to be reckless
Buckthorn family plantsسدرArabicverbto let go, to exert
Buckthorn family plantsسدرArabicverbto hung down, to descend
Buckthorn family plantsسدرArabicnounverbal noun of سَدِرَ (sadira) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Buckthorn family plantsسدرArabicnounbuckthorn, trees of the genus Ziziphuscollective
BuddhismแครอทThainounBuddhist priest.humorous slang
Buddhism木魚Chinesenounwooden fish (Buddhist wooden percussion instrument)
Buddhism木魚ChinesenounAlternative name for 柴魚/柴鱼 (cháiyú, “dried fish”).alt-of alternative name
Buddhism木魚ChinesenounShort for 木魚歌/木鱼歌.abbreviation alt-of
Buddhism木魚ChinesenameMuyu (a town in Shennongjia, Hubei, China)
Buddhism木魚ChinesenameMuyu (a village in Muyu, Shennongjia, Hubei, China)
Building materialstjegullAlbaniannounshinglefeminine
Building materialstjegullAlbaniannountilefeminine
BuildingsiglesiaClassical Nahuatlnoun(it is) a church.Christianityinanimate
BuildingsiglesiaClassical Nahuatlname(it is) the Roman Catholic Church.inanimate
BuildingspevnostCzechnouna fort, fortress or citadelfeminine
BuildingspevnostCzechnounstrength, firmness, steadiness, stabilityfeminine
BuildingspevnostCzechnounStrengthnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine
BuildingspocztaPolishnounmail (material conveyed by postal services)feminine
BuildingspocztaPolishnounpost (organization that delivers mail)feminine
BuildingspocztaPolishnounpost office (place (building, office, shop, or counter) concerned with the business of delivering letters, post, or mail, and selling stamps, etc.)feminine
BuildingsschoolDutchnouna school, educational institution that provides education, whether combined with research or notfeminine
BuildingsschoolDutchnouna thematic educational institute within a larger one, such as in a university for a single research fieldfeminine
BuildingsschoolDutchnounany organisation providing instructionfeminine
BuildingsschoolDutchnouna movement or stylistic trendfeminine
BuildingsschoolDutchnouna school, group of fish or other aquatic animalsfeminine
BuildingsschoolDutchverbsingular past indicative of schuilenform-of indicative past singular
BuildingsschoolDutchverbinflection of scholen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
BuildingsschoolDutchverbinflection of scholen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
BuildingsschoolDutchverbinflection of scholen: / imperativeform-of imperative
BuildingsskyscraperEnglishnounA very tall building with a large number of floors.architecture
BuildingsskyscraperEnglishnounA small sail atop a mast of a ship; a triangular skysail.nautical transportarchaic
BuildingsskyscraperEnglishnounAnything very tall or high.figuratively
BuildingsхатаUkrainiannounhouse, home
BuildingsхатаUkrainiannounhut, cottage (small, traditional house)architecture arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
BuildingsحبسArabicverbto imprison
BuildingsحبسArabicverbto hold back
BuildingsحبسArabicnounverbal noun of حَبَسَ (ḥabasa) (form I) / imprisonment, confinement
BuildingsحبسArabicnounverbal noun of حَبَسَ (ḥabasa) (form I) / retention, holding back
BuildingsحبسArabicnounprison, jail
BuildingsحبسArabicverbto tie uptransitive
BuildingsحبسArabicnouna form of property on real estate that binds it to a religious administration and assigns its earnings to charitable purposes, waqf, mortmain
BuildingsਘਰPunjabinounhouse, home
BuildingsਘਰPunjabinounbuilding, placein-compounds
BuildingsハンガーJapanesenouna coat hanger
BuildingsハンガーJapanesenouna hangar
BuriallubngananCebuanonoungrave; tomb
BuriallubngananCebuanonouncemetery; graveyard
BurialtabbutoItaliannouncoffinmasculine regional
BurialtabbutoItaliannounbox, chestbroadly masculine regional
Business商科Chinesenouncommerce (as a field of study); business studies
Business商科Chinesenoundepartment of commerce (at a university)
Business進出Chineseverbto get in and out; to come in and out; to pass in and out
Business進出Chinesenounbusiness turnover
Business開張Chineseverbto open
Business開張Chineseverbto start; to open for business
Business開張Chineseverbto conduct the first transaction of the day
Business開張Chineseverbto begin; to start; to develop; to launchfiguratively
Buttercup family plantscolumbineEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Aquilegia, having distinctive bell-shaped flowers with spurs on each petal.
Buttercup family plantscolumbineEnglishadjPertaining to a dove or pigeon.archaic
Buttercup family plantsyellowrootEnglishnounXanthorhiza simplicissima, syn. X. apiifolia, a North American subshrub whose roots were formerly used to produce a yellow dye.uncountable
Buttercup family plantsyellowrootEnglishnounHydrastis canadensis, the goldenseal.uncountable
Caesalpinia subfamily plantscandle treeEnglishnounAny tree of certain species: / Parmentiera cereifera, principally of Central America, a tree with long cylindrical fruits that look like candles.
Caesalpinia subfamily plantscandle treeEnglishnounAny tree of certain species: / Dacryodes excelsa, of the Caribbean
Caesalpinia subfamily plantscandle treeEnglishnounAny tree of certain species: / Senna alata, of the family Fabaceae, native to Mexico.
Caltrop family plantsቅጠብTigrenouncaltrop (Tribulus terrestris)collective
Caltrop family plantsቅጠብTigrenounany thorny weed that impedes mancollective
Caltrop family plantsቅጠብTigrenounthorn, embarrassment, anything cross-grainedcollective figuratively
CamelidsגמלHebrewnouncamel driver
CamelidsגמלHebrewverbto wean (from mother's milk)construction-pa'al
CamelidsגמלHebrewverbto wean (from alcohol, drugs, or other addiction)broadly construction-pa'al
CamelidsגמלHebrewverbto ripenbiblical lifestyle religionconstruction-pa'al
CamelidsגמלHebrewnounan accumulated fund for a pension or retirement, or in case of a lay-off
CamelidsגמלHebrewverbto recompense, repay (someone)construction-pa'al
CanidsvosDutchnounfox, carnivore of the tribe Vulpinimasculine
CanidsvosDutchnounred fox specifically, Vulpes vulpesmasculine
CanidsvosDutchnounfox furmasculine
CanidsvosDutchnouna crafty, ingenious personmasculine
CanidsvosDutchnounhorse with red or red-brown furmasculine
CanidsvosDutchverbinflection of vossen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CanidsvosDutchverbinflection of vossen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
CanidsvosDutchverbinflection of vossen: / imperativeform-of imperative
Capital punishmentelectrocutionEnglishnounThe accidental death or suicide by electric shock.countable uncountable
Capital punishmentelectrocutionEnglishnounDeliberate execution by electric shock, usually involving an electric chair.countable uncountable
Capital punishmentelectrocutionEnglishnounA severe electric shock, whether fatal or not.countable informal uncountable
Card gamessixEnglishnumA numerical value equal to 6; the number following five and preceding seven. This many dots: (••••••).
Card gamessixEnglishnounA group or set with six elements.
Card gamessixEnglishnounThe digit or figure 6.
Card gamessixEnglishnounSix o'clock.
Card gamessixEnglishnounRear, behind (rear side of something).government military politics warslang
Card gamessixEnglishnounAn event whereby a batsman hits a ball which does not bounce before passing over a boundary in the air, resulting in an award of 6 runs for the batting team.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
Card gamessixEnglishnounA touchdown.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
Card gamessixEnglishnounA bathroom or toilet.North-Wales
Card gamessixEnglishnounSmall beer sold at six shillings per barrel.obsolete
Card gamestreItaliannumthreeinvariable
Card gamestreItaliannounthreeinvariable masculine
Caryophyllales order plantssea pinkEnglishnounAny of various plants in the genus Armeria; a thrift.countable uncountable
Caryophyllales order plantssea pinkEnglishnounThe flowering plant Sabatia stellaris.countable uncountable
CatholicismdiocesePortuguesenoundiocese (administrative district in some ancient Roman provinces)lifestyle religionfeminine
CatholicismdiocesePortuguesenoundiocese (ecclesiastical territorial division subject to the jurisdiction of a bishop or of his legitimate substitute)lifestyle religionfeminine
Catsমার্জারBengalinouna tomcat
Catsমার্জারBengalinounany feline beast
CaviomorphsmaraEnglishnounA nightmare; a spectre or wraith-like creature in Germanic and particularly Scandinavian folklore; a female demon who torments people in sleep by crouching on their chests or stomachs, or by causing terrifying visions.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesEuropean
CaviomorphsmaraEnglishnounA type of god that prevents accomplishment or success.Buddhism lifestyle religion
CaviomorphsmaraEnglishnounAny malicious or evil spirit.Buddhism lifestyle religion
CaviomorphsmaraEnglishnounAny caviid rodent of genus Dolichotis, common in the Patagonian steppes of Argentina.
Celery family plantsanísCatalannounanise, aniseedmasculine
Celery family plantsanísCatalannounsmall confection flavoured with anisemasculine
Celery family plantsanísCatalannounanisette (liqueur flavoured with anise)masculine
Celery family plantsświniakPolishnounpig, pigletanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Celery family plantsświniakPolishnounpigmeat, pork, swinefleshanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Celery family plantsświniakPolishnounathamanta (genus of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
Celestial bodiesйүәDungannounmoon
Celestial bodiesйүәDungannounmonth
Celestial bodiesйүәDungannounmedicine
Celestial bodiesйүәDungannoundrug
Celestial bodiesйүәDungannounpharmaceutical
CephalopodssepiaLatinnouna cuttlefishdeclension-1
CephalopodssepiaLatinnounthe secretion of a cuttlefish used as inkdeclension-1
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterno-gloss
Chemical elementsChinesecharacterprotactiniumchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ChemistryaolIrishnounlime (inorganic material containing calcium)masculine
ChemistryaolIrishnounlime (inorganic material containing calcium) / lime-whitein-compounds literary masculine
ChemistryaolIrishnounwhitewash (lime and water mixture)masculine
ChemistryaolIrishverblime, whitewashtransitive
ChemistryaolIrishverbwhiten, grow whiteintransitive
ChemistrykimyaTurkishnounchemistry lessoneducation
ChemistrykimyaTurkishnounsomething very valuable with superior propertiesfiguratively
Chessဘုန်းကြီးBurmesenounmonkBuddhism lifestyle religion
Chessဘုန်းကြီးBurmesenounThe chess piece denoted ♗ or ♝ which moves along diagonal lines and developed from the shatranj alfil ("elephant") and was originally known as the aufil or archer in English, equivalent to the modern bishop.board-games chess games
Chessဘုန်းကြီးBurmeseverbto be very powerful; to wield a lot of weight
ChickensChicken LittleEnglishnameA children’s fable about a young chicken who, in the traditional version, believes the sky is falling after an acorn hits her head. Also known by other names including The Sky is Falling.
ChickensChicken LittleEnglishnounThe main character in this story, a hysterical young chicken; (by extension) someone who resembles the character.
Chinese dynastiesЮаньRussiannameYuan; the Yuan dynasty (Chinese dynasty that lasted from 1271–1368 C.E.)historical
Chinese dynastiesЮаньRussiannameA transliteration of the Chinese surname 元 (Yuán)indeclinable
Chinese dynastiesЮаньRussiannamea surname, Yuan, from Chineseindeclinable
Chinese politicsChicomEnglishnounA member of the Communist Party of China, a Chinese cadre.government politicsinformal offensive sometimes
Chinese politicsChicomEnglishnounA proponent of Chinese Communism, whether Maoist or its subsequent development.government politicsinformal offensive sometimes
Chinese politicsChicomEnglishnounAny citizen of the People's Republic of China.government politicsethnic informal offensive slur sometimes
ChocolatechocoholicEnglishnounSomeone who has such a liking for chocolate that they appear to be addicted to it.
ChocolatechocoholicEnglishadjAddicted or seemingly addicted to chocolate; characteristic of a chocoholic.
Chocolate카카오Koreannouncacao (tree)
Chocolate카카오KoreannameAlternative form of 카카오톡 (Kakaotok)alt-of alternative
Chocolate카카오KoreannameKakao (company)
ChristianitypastoroIdonounherder, herd
ChristianitypastoroIdonounProtestant minister, pastor
Christianity公教Chinesenounpublic education; government-established education
ChristmaspresépioPortuguesenounnativity scene, nativity playChristianitymasculine
ChristmaspresépioPortuguesenouncrib, mangermasculine
ChristmaspresépioPortuguesenounstable, stallmasculine
Cichorieae tribe plantsdumbledoreEnglishnounA bumblebee.archaic dated dialectal
Cichorieae tribe plantsdumbledoreEnglishnounA beetle, typically a cockchafer or dung beetle.dialectal
Cichorieae tribe plantsdumbledoreEnglishnounA dandelion.dialectal
Cichorieae tribe plantsdumbledoreEnglishnounA blundering person.slang
CinematographyトーキーJapanesenountalkie (movie with sound)
CitiesJonestownEnglishnameA former settlement in northern Guyana founded by the Peoples Temple cult, and the site of an infamous mass murder-suicide in November 1978.
CitiesJonestownEnglishnameThe Jonestown massacre itself.informal
CitiesJonestownEnglishnameAny of a number of other places in the English-speaking world.
CitiesJonestownEnglishnounAny mass suicide or murder, especially one with religious or cultic overtones.
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouncity / the Athenian citadel
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouncity / one's city or country
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouncity / city governor, praetor urbanus
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouncity
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouna whole country, as dependent on and called after its city: city state
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouncommunity / the state
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouncommunity / the right of citizenship
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouncommunity
CitiesπόλιςAncient Greeknouna type of board game
Cities in SpainCordovaEnglishnameAlternative form of Córdoba.alt-of alternative
Cities in SpainCordovaEnglishnameA surname from Spanish.
ClothingsløyfeNorwegian Nynorsknouna loopfeminine
ClothingsløyfeNorwegian Nynorsknouna bow (often decorative)feminine
ClothingsløyfeNorwegian Nynorsknouna bow tiefeminine
ClothingunderbustEnglishadjBelow the clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textilesnot-comparable
ClothingunderbustEnglishnounA corset that begins just under the breasts and extends down to the hips.
ClothingunderbustEnglishnounThe circumference of a woman's chest, measured under the clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
ClothingwyprawkaPolishnoundiminutive of wyprawa (“bridal trousseau”)diminutive feminine form-of
ClothingwyprawkaPolishnounlayette (clothing and accessory kit for newborns and pets)feminine
ClothingwyprawkaPolishnounschoolbook and workbook set for a classeducationfeminine
ClothingwyprawkaPolishnounallowance paid to a beginning worker to help them get establishedfeminine
ClothingплащUkrainiannounraincoat, overcoat
ClothingплащUkrainiannounponcho, cloak
Clothing衣衫Chinesenoununlined garment
Coalcoke breezeEnglishnouncoke dust used as a fuel.uncountable
Coalcoke breezeEnglishnounA building material composed of cement and breeze; low-grade concrete.uncountable
Cockatooswhite cockatooEnglishnounAny of various cockatoos having predominantly white plumage: / Cacatua alba, of Indonesia
Cockatooswhite cockatooEnglishnounAny of various cockatoos having predominantly white plumage: / The sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua galerita, of Australia.
CocktailshighballEnglishnounA cocktail made from a spirit plus soda water etc.
CocktailshighballEnglishnounAn all clear or full speed ahead signal.rail-transport railways transportUS
CocktailshighballEnglishnounA very high bouldering problem, often with a hard landing.climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
CocktailshighballEnglishnounClipping of highball glass, a tall glass tumbler used for serving highballs.abbreviation alt-of clipping
CocktailshighballEnglishverbTo make an estimate which tends toward exaggeration.
CocktailshighballEnglishverbTo move quickly; to hightail.US dated possibly slang
CoffeemochaEnglishnounA coffee drink with chocolate syrup added, or a serving thereof.countable
CoffeemochaEnglishnounA coffee and chocolate mixed flavour.countable uncountable
CoffeemochaEnglishnounA dark brown colour, like that of mocha coffee.countable uncountable
CoffeemochaEnglishnounA strong Arabian coffee.countable uncountable
CoffeemochaEnglishnounAny of a number of species of moths in the geometrid subfamily Sterrhinae, many European species having dark brown coloration.countable uncountable
CoffeemochaEnglishnounAn Abyssinian weight, equivalent to a Troy grain.countable historical uncountable
CoffeemochaEnglishadjOf a dark brown colour, like that of mocha coffee.not-comparable
CoinsπενηντάρικοGreeknounfifty-drachma coin / notecolloquial obsolete
CoinsπενηντάρικοGreeknounfifty-euro notebroadly colloquial
CollectivesmillennialEnglishadjThousand-year-old; also (by extension, loosely) thousands of years old.not-comparable
CollectivesmillennialEnglishadjOccurring every thousand years.not-comparable
CollectivesmillennialEnglishadjOccurring at, or relating to, the beginning or end of a millennium.not-comparable
CollectivesmillennialEnglishadjReferring to the thousandth anniversary of an event or happening.not-comparable
CollectivesmillennialEnglishadjOften capitalized: of or relating to, or characteristic of, people born in the last two decades of the 20th century from around the early 1980s to the mid 1990s (with 1996 births cited as the last Millennial year), and who reached adulthood early in the third millennium C.E.demographics demographyalt-of broadly capitalized not-comparable often
CollectivesmillennialEnglishadjSynonym of millenarian (“pertaining to the belief in an impending period of one thousand years of peace and righteousness associated with the Second Coming of Christ and his reign on earth”)Christianitynot-comparable
CollectivesmillennialEnglishnounOften capitalized: a person from the generation born in the last two decades of the 20th century, from around the early 1980s to the mid-1990s and who reached adulthood early in the third millennium C.E., characterized by their familiarity with computer technology and poorer financial prospects than their parents.demographics demography
CollectivesmillennialEnglishnounA thousandth anniversary; also, a celebration of such an anniversary.obsolete rare
ColorsglaucusLatinadjbright, sparkling, gleamingadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsglaucusLatinadjgray-green, grayishadjective declension-1 declension-2
ColorsglaucusLatinnouna bluish-grey colored fish of uncertain identity, perhaps the derbioMedieval-Latin declension-2 masculine
ColorsnéigroLiguriannounblack (color)invariable masculine
ColorsлудоEastern Marinounduck
ColorsлудоEastern Mariadjgray
ColorsܫܥܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjyellow
ColorsܫܥܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjorangebroadly
ColorsܫܥܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwax, sealing wax
ColorsܫܥܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounyellow
ColorsܫܥܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjyellow
ColorsܫܥܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounthe yellow color
Colubrid snakesgrass snakeEnglishnounA nonvenomous snake of species Natrix natrix, native to Europe, with a yellow collar.
Colubrid snakesgrass snakeEnglishnounA snake of either of the two species of the nonvenomous green snake, Opheodrys, of North America: / A smooth green snake (Opheodrys vernalis)
Colubrid snakesgrass snakeEnglishnounA snake of either of the two species of the nonvenomous green snake, Opheodrys, of North America: / A rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
Columbids鴿Chinesecharacterpigeon; dove
Columbids鴿ChinesecharacterShort for 放鴿子/放鸽子 (fàng gēzi).Internet abbreviation alt-of humorous neologism
CommunicationadressenMiddle EnglishverbTo aim or direct (another)
CommunicationadressenMiddle EnglishverbTo arrange or order (another)
CommunicationadressenMiddle EnglishverbTo order or ready (oneself)reflexive
CommunicationadressenMiddle EnglishverbTo address a letter.Late-Middle-English rare
Compass pointsthuaidhIrishadjnortherly, to the north
Compass pointsthuaidhIrishadjnorth, northern
Compass pointsthuaidhIrishadvin the north
Compass pointsxlokkMaltesenounscirocco; sirocco (hot southeastern wind)masculine
Compass pointsxlokkMaltesenounthe southeastmasculine
Complex analysis複數Chinesenouncomplex numbermathematics sciences
Complex analysis複數Chinesenounpluralgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesplural
Complex analysis複數Chinesenouna (small) number no less than two
Computingđiện thưVietnamesenounemail (system for transferring messages from one computer to another)rare
Computingđiện thưVietnamesenounemail (message sent through an email system)rare
ComputingارتقاPersiannounpromotion, being promoted
ConlangingconlangingEnglishnoungerund of conlang: the creation of conlangs (constructed languages).form-of gerund uncountable
ConlangingconlangingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of conlangform-of gerund participle present
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounSomething that breaks.
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounA machine for breaking rocks, or for breaking coal at the mines.
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounThe building in which such a machine is placed.
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounA person who specializes in breaking things.
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounA wave breaking into foam against the shore, or against a sandbank, or a rock or reef near the surface, considered a useful warning to ships of an underwater hazardin-plural
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounA breakdancer.colloquial
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounA user of CB radio.US dated
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounClipping of shipbreaker.abbreviation alt-of clipping plural
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounEllipsis of circuit electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounA horsebreaker.
ConstructionbreakerEnglishintjUsed to open a conversation or call for a response on CB radio.US dated
ConstructionbreakerEnglishnounA small cask of liquid kept permanently in a ship’s boat in case of shipwreck.
ContainersSchachtelGermannouna small, usually square box, package or casefeminine
ContainersSchachtelGermannounvulva, vaginafeminine obsolete vulgar
ContainersSchachtelGermannounwomanderogatory feminine
ContainersczworakPolishnounresidential building with four apartments, each with a separate entrance from the outside, forming part of a complex of manor or farm buildings; usually intended for farm servants or seasonal farm laborershistorical inanimate masculine
ContainersczworakPolishnountiffin carrier, dabbas (container for transporting and keeping food warm, divided into four separate sections)inanimate masculine
ContainersczworakPolishnounsilver four-grosz coin, first introduced in the Republic of Poland during the reign of Sigismund II Augustus as part of efforts to unify coinage throughout the territory of the Jagiellonian stateanimal-not-person historical masculine
ContainersczworakPolishnounall fours (position of the human body in which the hands and knees rest on the ground)animal-not-person colloquial in-plural masculine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a bucket or pail, especially one used to draw water from a welldeclension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a vessel for holding holy waterEcclesiastical Latin declension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna vessel used to hold water / a measure of capacity for liquidsMedieval-Latin declension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna voting urn (for drawing lots or holding voting tablets); loosely, a ballot boxdeclension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnouna voting urn (for drawing lots or holding voting tablets); loosely, a ballot box / a basin, jar, urn, vel sim. on a monumentdeclension-1 feminine
ContainerssitulaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of situlumaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
ContainersκιβώτιοGreeknounbox, crate, case, container
ContainersчашаUkrainiannouncup, chalice
ContainersតៅKhmernoununit of dry measurement, approximately equal to two pecks (25 to 30 pounds) (two តៅ equal one ថាំង (thang))
ContainersតៅKhmernoundice (for gambling)
ContinentsматерикRussiannounnative soil
ContinentsматерикRussiannounmatrix, ganguegeography geology natural-sciences
ContinentsматерикRussiannounparent tissuebiology natural-sciences
Continentsഅമേരിക്കMalayalamnameAmericas, the continents North America and South America taken together
Continentsഅമേരിക്കMalayalamnameUSA (a country in North America)
CookingescaldarCatalanverbto scald, to blanchtransitive
CookingescaldarCatalanverbto chafetransitive
CookingescaldarCatalanverbto give an unpleasant surprisefiguratively transitive
CookingescaldarCatalanverbto suffer windburnpronominal
CookingfalawaWest Uveannounflour
CookingfalawaWest Uveannounbread
Cookware and bakewaregęsiarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of gęsiarz (“gosherd, gooseherd”)dialectal feminine form-of rare
Cookware and bakewaregęsiarkaPolishnounoval roaster (elongated, oval dish with a lid for baking food in it)feminine
Cookware and bakewaregęsiarkaPolishnounrailroad car for transporting geesefeminine obsolete
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounpot, cooking pot, marmitefeminine
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounmeal prepared in a cooking potfeminine metonymically
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnoun(heavy) shellgovernment military politics warfeminine slang
Cookware and bakewaremarmiteFrenchnounprostitute, especially one past the first youth, the "flesh pot" of the souteneurdated feminine slang
Cookware and bakewareساجPersiannounteak tree and wood (Tectona gen. et spp.)
Cookware and bakewareساجPersiannoungriddle
CorvidsnanpieEnglishnounThe magpie.UK dialectal obsolete
CorvidsnanpieEnglishnounA traditional Dai spicy and sour paste-like side dish made by combining vegetables, herbs and spices in a mortar and pestle.uncountable
CorvidsnutcrackerEnglishnounAn implement for cracking nuts.
CorvidsnutcrackerEnglishnounEither of two birds of the genus Nucifraga in the crow family.biology natural-sciences ornithology
CorvidsnutcrackerEnglishnounA bootleg mixed drink made from a blend of alcohols and fruit juices.New-York-City US
CorvidsnutcrackerEnglishnounSomething that is difficult to figure out; a puzzle.informal
Countriesܒܝܬ ܐܪܡܝܐClassical SyriacnounBeth Aramaye (Asuristan)
Countriesܒܝܬ ܐܪܡܝܐClassical SyriacnounMesopotamia
Countriesܒܝܬ ܐܪܡܝܐClassical SyriacnounSuristan
Countries in Asia土庫曼ChineseadjTurkmen
Countries in Asia土庫曼ChinesenameTurkmenistanTaiwan
Countries in Asia웨국JejunameJapanderogatory
Countries in Asia웨국Jejunameforeign country
Countries in Europe馬其頓ChinesenameMacedonia (an ancient Greek kingdom)historical
Countries in Europe馬其頓ChinesenameMacedonia (a geographical region)
Countries in Europe馬其頓ChinesenameOld name for 北馬其頓/北马其顿 (Běi Mǎqídùn, “North Macedonia”).
CraftsmộcVietnamesenounWood, one of the Wu Xing
CraftsmộcVietnamesenounstamp (imprint or mark made by stamping)
CraftsrandEnglishnounThe border of an area of land, especially marshland.dialectal obsolete
CraftsrandEnglishnounA strip of meat; a long fleshy piece of beef, cut from the flank or leg; a sort of steak.dialectal obsolete
CraftsrandEnglishnounA border, edge or rim.dialectal
CraftsrandEnglishnounA strip of leather used to fit the heels of a shoe.
CraftsrandEnglishnounA single rod woven in and out of the stakes.
CraftsrandEnglishnounA rocky slope, especially the area over a river valley; specifically, the Rand
CraftsrandEnglishnounThe currency of South Africa, divided into 100 cents.
CraftsrandEnglishverbTo rant; to storm.intransitive obsolete
CraftsrandEnglishnounA random number.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
Crickets and grasshoppersчуркаBulgariannounsmall scion, sprout (of a plant)dialectal
Crickets and grasshoppersчуркаBulgariannouncricket (insect)dialectal
Crickets and grasshoppersчуркаBulgariannounwienie, wee-wee (little boy's genitalia)
CrimecarjackEnglishverbTo steal an automobile forcibly from (someone).transitive
CrimecarjackEnglishverbTo forcibly steal (a vehicle).transitive
CrimeforgerMiddle Englishnouncreator, maker, fabricator
CrimeforgerMiddle Englishnounmetalworker, smithrare
CroakersjewEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of Jewalt-of offensive
CroakersjewEnglishnounThe jewfish.Australia
CroakersjewEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Jew (“a Jewish person”)alt-of offensive
CroakersjewEnglishphrasePronunciation spelling of d' you, representing colloquial English.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
CroakersjewEnglishphrasePronunciation spelling of 'd you, representing colloquial English.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
CrossdressingtravestiSpanishnountransvestite, cross-dresserby-personal-gender feminine masculine
CrossdressingtravestiSpanishnountrans womanArgentina Chile Peru Uruguay feminine
CryptocurrencyminerEnglishnounA person who works in a mine.
CryptocurrencyminerEnglishnounAn operator of ordnance mines and similar explosives.
CryptocurrencyminerEnglishnounAny bird of one of several species of South American ovenbirds in the genus Geositta.
CryptocurrencyminerEnglishnounSoftware or hardware that mines, or creates new units of cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency finance
CryptocurrencyminerEnglishnounA person who mines cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency finance
CryptocurrencyminerEnglishnounAny bird of one of four species of Australian endemic honeyeaters in the genus Manorina.
CryptographyкодUkrainiannoungenitive plural of ко́да (kóda)form-of genitive plural
CurrencieskopeckFrenchnouna wooden nickel or brass farthing, an iotafiguratively masculine
CutleryܟܦܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounany utensil hollow or curved; pan, bowl, plate, saucer, censer, snuff-dish, spoon, ladle
CutleryܟܦܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundome arch, vaultarchitecture
CutleryܟܦܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkofta, any of various meatball or meatloaf dishes of the Middle East
CutleryܟܦܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounmeatball
Cuts of meatpestelMiddle EnglishnounA pestle (tool for crushing or pounding)
Cuts of meatpestelMiddle EnglishnounThe leg of an animal as a cut of meat.
Cuts of meatpestelMiddle EnglishnounA board for threshing upon.rare
Cuts of meatporterhouseEnglishnounA cut of beef taken from the thick end of the short loin; it has a T-shaped bone and a large piece of tenderloin; a porterhouse steak.Canada US
Cuts of meatporterhouseEnglishnounA public house where porter was sold; often also served steaks, chops etc.Canada US historical
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounAnything with a cyclic (repetitious) behaviour. Something that cycles between different states.
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounAn orbit that approaches two astronomical bodies on a regular basis.astronomy natural-sciences
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA, usually man-made, object that follows such an orbit.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesbroadly
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA person with bipolar disorder, often used when comparing the speed of mood swings.human-sciences psychology scienceseuphemistic
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA device for performing dialysis; for mechanically purifying blood.medicine sciences
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounEllipsis of thermal cycler.; a machine for creating multiple copies of DNA sequences.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
CyclingcyclerEnglishnounA task in a cycle of tasks where the status of being active task is passed around the loop.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Cypress family plantsmũtarakwaKikuyunounAfrican pencil cedar, East African cedar (Juniperus procera)class-3
Cypress family plantsmũtarakwaKikuyunounMexican white cedar, Mexican cedar (Hesperocyparis lusitanica, syn. Cupressus lusitanica)class-3
Cyprinidscá cócVietnamesenounsalamander
Cyprinidscá cócVietnamesenounCyclocheilichthys enoplos
Dabbling duckssharptailEnglishnounThe pintail duck.
Dabbling duckssharptailEnglishnounThe pintail grouse, or prairie chicken.
Dairy farmingordeñarSpanishverbto milk (to express milk from a mammal)
Dairy farmingordeñarSpanishverbto milk (get the most advantage out of someone or something)colloquial figuratively
DancehakaNorwegian Nynorsknounhaka dancemasculine
DancehakaNorwegian Nynorskverba-infinitive and split infinitive form of hake
DancehakaNorwegian Nynorsknoundefinite singular of hake (“chin”)definite feminine form-of singular
DancehakaNorwegian Nynorsknounalternative form of hakealt-of alternative feminine
DancehakaNorwegian Nynorskverbalternative form of aka (“to go; glide”)alt-of alternative dialectal
DancehakaNorwegian Nynorsknoundefinite plural of hakdefinite form-of neuter plural
DancesgallopadeEnglishnounA type of dance, also known as the galop.
DancesgallopadeEnglishnounThe music for this kind of dance.
DancesgallopadeEnglishverbTo gallop, as on horseback.
DancesgallopadeEnglishverbTo perform the dance called gallopade.
DeathmanquellereMiddle EnglishnounOne entrusted with the duty of execution; a hangman.
DeathmanquellereMiddle EnglishnounA killer or murderer; one who illegally kills.
DeathmanquellereMiddle EnglishnounOne who leads others towards eternal damnation.Christianityfiguratively
DeathshroudEnglishnounThat which clothes, covers, conceals, or protects; a garment.
DeathshroudEnglishnounEspecially, the dress for the dead; a winding sheet.
DeathshroudEnglishnounThat which covers or shelters like a shroud.
DeathshroudEnglishnounA covered place used as a retreat or shelter, as a cave or den; also, a vault or crypt.
DeathshroudEnglishnounOne of a set of ropes or cables (rigging) attaching a mast to the sides of a vessel or to another anchor point, serving to support the mast sideways; such rigging collectively.nautical transport
DeathshroudEnglishnounOne of the two annular plates at the periphery of a water wheel, which form the sides of the buckets; a shroud plate.
DeathshroudEnglishnounA streamlined protective covering used to protect the payload during a rocket-powered launch.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
DeathshroudEnglishverbTo cover with a shroud.
DeathshroudEnglishverbTo conceal or hide from view, as if by a shroud.
DeathshroudEnglishverbTo take shelter or harbour.
DeathshroudEnglishnounThe branching top of a tree; foliage.
DeathshroudEnglishverbTo lop the branches from (a tree).UK dialectal transitive
DeathudovaSerbo-Croatiannoungenitive plural of udform-of genitive plural
DemocracybalotaSpanishnounballotLatin-America feminine
DemocracybalotaSpanishverbinflection of balotar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
DemocracybalotaSpanishverbinflection of balotar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
DemonymsAngelinoEnglishnounA person from Los Angeles.rare
DemonymsAngelinoEnglishnameA surname.
DemonymsCongoleseEnglishnounA person from the Congo or any Congolese state. / A person from the Republic of the Congo.
DemonymsCongoleseEnglishnounA person from the Congo or any Congolese state. / A person from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire).
DemonymsCongoleseEnglishnounA person from the Congo or any Congolese state.
DemonymsCongoleseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Congo or any Congolese state. / Of, from, or pertaining to the Republic of Congo or its people.not-comparable
DemonymsCongoleseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Congo or any Congolese state. / Of, from, or pertaining to the Democratic Republic of Congo or its people.not-comparable
DemonymsCongoleseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Congo or any Congolese state.not-comparable
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Flanders in Belgium.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameAn English surname transferred from the nickname.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.rare
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA town and locality in the Northern Territory, Australia.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA town in Saskatchewan, Canada.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Alexandria, Egypt.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Rome, Italy.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A statutory town in Logan County, Colorado.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Liberty County, Georgia.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Redding Township, Jackson County, Indiana.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Crawford County, Kansas.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A tiny city in Ray County, Missouri; suburb of Kansas City.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town and hamlet in Cayuga County, New York.
DemonymsFlemingEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A small unincorporated community in Washington County, Ohio.
DemonymsGaditanianEnglishadjOf, from, or relating to Cádiz in Spain.
DemonymsGaditanianEnglishnounSomeone from Cádiz.
DemonymsHamawiEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Hama.not-comparable
DemonymsHamawiEnglishnounA person from, or an inhabitant of, Hama.
DemonymsMadrileñoEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Madrid, or to its inhabitants.
DemonymsMadrileñoEnglishnounSomeone from Madrid.
DemonymsNewfieEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the island of Newfoundland.Canada informal sometimes
DemonymsNewfieEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Newfoundland.not-comparable
DemonymsUnited StatianEnglishnounA citizen or inhabitant of the United States.nonstandard rare
DemonymsUnited StatianEnglishadjPertaining to the United States.nonstandard rare
DemonymsaguiarensePortugueseadjof Aguiar da Beirafeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsaguiarensePortugueseadjof Vila Pouca de Aguiarfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsaguiarensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Aguiar da Beiraby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsaguiarensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Vila Pouca de Aguiarby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsalbanskaSwedishnounAlbanian; the language spoken in the country of Albaniacommon-gender uncountable
DemonymsalbanskaSwedishnouna woman from Albania (countable)common-gender
DemonymsalbanskaSwedishadjinflection of albansk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
DemonymsalbanskaSwedishadjinflection of albansk: / pluralform-of plural
DemonymsbariHungariannounlittle lambchildish
DemonymsbariHungarianadjBarese (of or relating to the city of Bari, Italy)not-comparable
DemonymsbizantinoPortugueseadjByzantine (of or relating to Byzantium or the Byzantine empire)
DemonymsbizantinoPortugueseadjpretentious and futilederogatory
DemonymsbizantinoPortuguesenounByzantine (native of the Byzantine Empire)masculine
DemonymscolonienseSpanishadjof Colonia Department, Uruguayfeminine masculine relational
DemonymscolonienseSpanishadjof Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguayfeminine masculine relational
DemonymscolonienseSpanishnounsomeone from Colonia Departmentby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymscolonienseSpanishnounsomeone from Colonia del Sacramentoby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsespirituanoSpanishadjof Sancti Spíritus, Cubarelational
DemonymsespirituanoSpanishnounsomeone from Sancti Spíritus, Cubamasculine
DemonymsextremenhoPortugueseadjExtremaduran (of, or relating to Extremadura)not-comparable
DemonymsextremenhoPortuguesenounExtremaduran (person from Extremadura)masculine
DemonymsextremenhoPortuguesenounExtremaduran languagemasculine uncountable
DemonymsherreranoSpanishadjof Herrera Provincerelational
DemonymsherreranoSpanishnounsomeone from Herrera Provincemasculine
DemonymsiquiteñoSpanishadjof Iquitosrelational
DemonymsiquiteñoSpanishnounsomeone from Iquitosmasculine
DemonymskabulíCatalannounKabulifeminine masculine
DemonymsmanabitaSpanishnounan inhabitant of Manabí province, Ecuadorby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsmanabitaSpanishadjfrom Manabí province, Ecuadorfeminine masculine
DemonymsoccitanuAsturianadjOccitan (of or pertaining to Occitania)masculine singular
DemonymsoccitanuAsturiannounan Occitan (person)masculine singular
DemonymsoccitanuAsturiannounOccitan (language)masculine singular uncountable
Derogatory names for countries蘇修ChinesenounSoviet revisionism
Derogatory names for countries蘇修ChinesenameSoviet Unionderogatory
DessertssorbeteSpanishnounice creamEl-Salvador Philippines masculine
DessertssorbeteSpanishadjhaving difficulty hearing; deafEl-Salvador colloquial feminine masculine
DessertssorbeteSpanishnoundrinking strawArgentina Ecuador Peru countable masculine
DessertsフランJapanesenounfranc (French, Luxembourgish and Belgian former currency)
DessertsフランJapanesenounA flan, a crème caramel.
DessertsフランJapanesenounfuranchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
DiplomacyܐܝܙܓܕܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounmessenger
DiplomacyܐܝܙܓܕܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounmessage, announcement, dispatch
DiplomacyܐܝܙܓܕܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounembassy, legation
DiplomacyܐܝܙܓܕܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounintercession
DirectivesiubeoLatinverbto authorize, to legitimate, to make lawful, to homologate, to pass (a bill or law or decision)Classical-Latin Old-Latin conjugation-2
DirectivesiubeoLatinverbto bid, to command, to orderconjugation-2
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA malady, disease, or illness; that which makes one sick or ill.
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounDistress or anguish caused by love; the state of being lovesick.
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounIniquity, immorality, wickedness; that which is wrong or against nature.
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA lesion or wounding; the result of being hurt or injured.rare
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounTorment or agony; the experience of being harmed mentally.rare
DiseasemaladieMiddle EnglishnounA disturbance or sickness of the mind or brain.rare
DiseasespiceMiddle Englishnounspices (powders used to flavour meals or dishes): / Spices as used as scents or to enhance the smell of something.
DiseasespiceMiddle Englishnounspices (powders used to flavour meals or dishes): / Spices as used in medicinal preparations; by extension, medicine in general.
DiseasespiceMiddle Englishnounspices (powders used to flavour meals or dishes): / Spices as used in alchemical preparations.
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA variety, sort, or kind of something: / A distinct kind of creature; a species.
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA variety, sort, or kind of something: / A type of disease or affliction.
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA variety, sort, or kind of something: / A type of sinful behaviour or action; an action or behaviour in general.
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA variety, sort, or kind of something: / A part, especially of a discipline or line of study.
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA seeming or presence; the way something looks from the outside: / The perception of something using any sense or innate ability.human-sciences philosophy sciences
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA seeming or presence; the way something looks from the outside: / The communion wafer when transubstantiated.Christianity
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA seeming or presence; the way something looks from the outside: / An appearance or image (either mental or real)rare
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA meal (usually sweet) incorporating spices.
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA plant which spices are made from.
DiseasespiceMiddle EnglishnounA complimentary appellation.rare
DivinationprzepowiedniaPolishnounprophecy, prediction (guess or idea about the future)feminine
DivinationprzepowiedniaPolishnounomen (sign of the future)feminine
DogsHokkaidoEnglishnameThe second largest island of Japan, capital Sapporo.
DogsHokkaidoEnglishnounA breed of dog originating from Japan, resembling a spitz dog breed, although not officially ranked as a spitz dog breed.
DogsalopekisEnglishnounA Thracian cap made from a fox scalp.
DogsalopekisEnglishnounA small, foxlike Greek dog breed.
DreamskoszmarekPolishnoundiminutive of koszmardiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
DreamskoszmarekPolishnounsomething very uglycolloquial inanimate masculine
DreamskoszmarekPolishnounsomething very unpleasantcolloquial inanimate masculine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounjug (large, bulging, domed vessel, usually made of glass)feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounlarge can, container, churn (metal container for liquids with handles)feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounpumpkin (domesticated plant, in the species Cucurbita pepo)colloquial feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounnoggin, nut, beaner (head)colloquial feminine humorous
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounserving of alcoholcolloquial feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounF (failing grade)colloquial feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounbanya (type of steam bath)feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnouncupolaarchitecturefeminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounbasket for holding live, caught fishfishing hobbies lifestylefeminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounalembic for distilling vodkafeminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounround lampshadefeminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounfat personderogatory feminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounplaypen used in a particular gamefeminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounround fieldfeminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnouniron ore minebusiness miningfeminine obsolete
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounballgeometry mathematics sciences topologyMiddle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnouninsect hiveMiddle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounorca (Orcinus orca)Middle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounspring (place where water comes out from under the ground with healing properties)Middle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounsalt minebusiness miningMiddle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounround seafaring shipMiddle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounspiny balloonfish (Diodon)Middle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnounsalt boiling houseMiddle Polish feminine
DrinkingbaniaPolishnoungenitive singular of banieform-of genitive neuter singular
DrinkingsecañosuAsturianadjdrymasculine singular
DrinkingsecañosuAsturianadjthirstymasculine singular
DrinkingspijaćPolishverbto drink the upper part of a liquidimperfective transitive
DrinkingspijaćPolishverbto inebriate, to make drunkimperfective transitive
DrinkingspijaćPolishverbto get drunkimperfective reflexive
DrinkingのむJapaneseverb飲む, 呑む: to drink, to gulp, to swallow; to eat (soup)
DrinkingのむJapaneseverb飲む, 喫む: (smoking) to smoke tobacco
DrinkingのむJapaneseverb飲む: to overwhelm, to engulf
DrinkingのむJapaneseverb飲む: to suppress, to keep down
DrinkingのむJapaneseverb飲む, 呑む: to take (medicine)
DrinkingのむJapaneseverb飲む, 呑む: to accept something like a demand or a condition
DrugsmacunTurkishnounpaste, any soft and moist mixture of several ingredients incorporated togetherusually
DrugsmacunTurkishnounputty, a form of cement made from linseed oil and whiting used in domestic construction and repair
DrugsmacunTurkishnounkind of semi-solid, sticky burnt sugar used for waxing
DrugsmacunTurkishnoundrug made from filtered opium-gum that former addicts swallowed
DuckssorsaFinnishnounduck (bird of the Anatidae family)
DuckssorsaFinnishnounduck (playing card two)card-games pokerslang
DuckssorsaFinnishnounbed urinal
DuckssorsaFinnishnounsource code, sourcecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesplural-normally slang
DucksشرشيرArabicnounblue-winged teal, Anas discors
DucksشرشيرArabicnouncommon teal, Anas crecca
DucksشرشيرArabicnounAlternative form of شَرْشَر (šaršar, “Tribulus spp.”)alt-of alternative
EcologybrushyEnglishadjHaving a similar texture to a fox’s tail; brushlike, bushy.
EcologybrushyEnglishadjOf the countryside: having thick vegetation, taller than grass but shorter than trees; having abundant brush; shrubby.
EconomicsukazatelCzechnounindicator (economic measure)animate inanimate masculine
EconomicsukazatelCzechnounpointer (in computer languages)animate inanimate masculine
EducationDEAFrenchnounInitialism of diplôme d’études approfondies (a tertiary education degree higher than a master's, but lower than a doctorate)abbreviation alt-of initialism masculine
EducationDEAFrenchnounAbbreviation of diethanolamine.abbreviation alt-of feminine
EducationcapitationEnglishnounPerforming a headcount; the counting of people.countable uncountable
EducationcapitationEnglishnounA poll tax.countable uncountable
EducationcapitationEnglishnounA system of remuneration for providers of health care, in which providers enroll patients as permanent clients and receive a fixed periodic payment for each enrollee.countable uncountable
EducationcapitationEnglishnounA donation made to an educational institution to obtain admission.India countable euphemistic uncountable
EducationutbildaSwedishverbto educate, to instruct, to train
EducationutbildaSwedishverbto develop, to shape, to convert
EducationаспирантураRussiannoungraduate school (a school that awards advanced degrees)
EducationаспирантураRussiannoungraduate study
EducationᡨᠠᠴᡳᠮᠪᡳManchuverbto learn; to study; to acquire knowledge
EducationᡨᠠᠴᡳᠮᠪᡳManchuverbto get used to; to be accustomed to
EggstamaTokelauannounmalformed coconut
EggsઈંડુંGujaratinounegg, an organic vessel grown by birds, reptiles, insects, and other animals
EggsઈંડુંGujaratinouna stone kalasha-shaped on the top or spire of a templearchitecture
EgyptمصريArabicadjEgyptian Arabic
EgyptمصريArabicnounEgyptian (person)
EgyptمصريArabicverbform-ii no-gloss
Eighteight o'clockEnglishnounThe start of the ninth hour of the day; 8:00 a.m. (08:00).
Eighteight o'clockEnglishnounThe start of the twenty-first hour of the day; 8:00 p.m. (20:00).
Eighteight o'clockEnglishnounA position to the left and behind (horizontal clock orientation) (from the location of the 8 mark on a clock face)informal
EightoctoroonEnglishnounSomeone having one-eighth black ancestry.offensive
EightoctoroonEnglishnounSomeone having 1/64th black ancestry: the child of a quintoon and a white man.offensive
Eight߈TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number eight.
Eight߈TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, and also in hexadecimal. Unlike naturally developed instances of the Hindu-Arabic decimal number system, N'ko numbers have the most significant digit on the right. It is Unicode policy to store the most significant digit first, so these digits have right-to-left ordering just like the consonants of the N'ko script.
EighteenoctodecimoEnglishnounA size of a sheet of paper resulting from folding and cutting a sheet of paper into eighteenths (3.5"-4.5" x 4.9"-5.9").media printing publishing
EighteenoctodecimoEnglishnounA book consisting of pages of that printing publishing
ElephantsфилMacedoniannounglazing, coating, toppingcooking food lifestyle
EmotionstranquiloSpanishadjcalm, peaceful, tranquil, quiet
EmotionstranquiloSpanishintjrelax! calm down!
EmotionszawstydzićPolishverbto shame, to embarrass, to abashperfective transitive
EmotionszawstydzićPolishverbto feel ashamedperfective reflexive
Emotions洩氣Chineseverbto lose heart; to be disheartened; to feel discouraged
Emotions洩氣Chineseverbto leak gas
Emotions洩氣Chineseadjdisappointing; frustrating; pathetic
English animal commandstchickEnglishintjA click sound such as a palatal, lateral, or dental click. / used to urge on a horse or other animal.
English animal commandstchickEnglishintjA click sound such as a palatal, lateral, or dental click. / used to express disapproval or disappointment
English animal commandstchickEnglishintjUsed to represent similar animal or other natural sounds
English animal commandstchickEnglishnounA clicking sound, such as a palatal or dental click.
English animal commandstchickEnglishverbto make a tchick sound.intransitive
English diminutives of female given namesEmEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given names Emily, Emma, or Emmeline.
English diminutives of female given namesEmEnglishnameShort for Eminem.abbreviation alt-of
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To fire (a weapon that releases a projectile).transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To fire (a projectile).transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To fire a projectile at (a person or target).transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To cause a weapon to discharge a projectile.intransitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To hunt birds, etc. with a gun.intransitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To hunt on (a piece of land); to kill game in or on.transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To throw dice.gambling games
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To ejaculate.slang transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To begin to speak.intransitive usually
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To discharge a missile; said of a weapon.intransitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To dismiss or do away with.figuratively transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To photograph.intransitive transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To film.broadcasting film media televisionintransitive transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo launch a projectile. / To push or thrust a bolt quickly; hence, to open a lock.transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To move very quickly and suddenly.intransitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To go over or pass quickly through.
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To tip (something, especially coal) down a chute.transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To penetrate, like a missile; to dart with a piercing sensation.transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To feel a quick, darting pain; to throb in pain.intransitive obsolete
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To change form suddenly; especially, to solidify.obsolete
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To send out or forth, especially with a rapid or sudden motion; to cast with the hand; to hurl; to discharge; to emit.
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo move or act quickly or suddenly. / To send to someone.ditransitive informal
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo act or achieve. / To lunge.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war wrestling
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo act or achieve. / To deviate from kayfabe, either intentionally or accidentally; to actually connect with unchoreographed fighting blows and maneuvers, or speak one's mind (instead of an agreed script).government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestling
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo act or achieve. / To make the stated score.hobbies lifestyle sports
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo measure the distance and direction to (a point).geography natural-sciences surveying
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo inject a drug (such as heroin) intravenously.colloquial intransitive transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo develop, move forward. / To germinate; to bud; to sprout.
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo develop, move forward. / To grow; to advance.
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo develop, move forward. / To move ahead by force of momentum, as a sailing vessel when the helm is put hard alee.nautical transport
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo develop, move forward. / To travel or ride on (breaking waves) rowards the shore.transitive
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo develop, move forward. / To push or thrust forward; to project; to protrude; often with out.
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo protrude; to jut; to project; to extend.
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo plane straight; to fit by carpentry construction manufacturing
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo variegate as if by sprinkling or intermingling; to color in spots or patches. (See shot silk on Wikipedia)
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo shoot the moon.card-games games
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo carry out, or attempt to carry out (an approach to an airport runway).aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
English minced oathsshootEnglishverbTo carry out a seismic survey with geophones in an attempt to detect oil.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounThe emerging stem and embryonic leaves of a new plant.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounA photography session.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounA hunt or shooting competition.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounAn event that is unscripted or legitimate.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestlingslang
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounThe act of shooting; the discharge of a missile; a shot.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounA rush of water; a rapid.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounA weft thread shot through the shed by the shuttle; a manufacturing textiles weaving
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounA shoat; a young pig.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounA vein of ore running in the same general direction as the mining
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounAn inclined plane, either artificial or natural, down which timber, coal, ore, etc., are caused to slide; a chute.
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounThe act of taking all point cards in one hand.card-games games
English minced oathsshootEnglishnounA seismic survey carried out with geophones in an attempt to detect oil.
English minced oathsshootEnglishintjA mild expletive, expressing disbelief or disdain
English ordinal numbersdecillionthEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number decillionnot-comparable
English ordinal numbersdecillionthEnglishnounThe person or thing in the decillionth position.
English ordinal numbersdecillionthEnglishnounOne of a decillion equal parts of a whole.
English ordinal numbersfiftiethEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number fifty.not-comparable
English ordinal numbersfiftiethEnglishnounThe person or thing in the fiftieth position.
English ordinal numbersfiftiethEnglishnounOne of fifty equal parts of a whole.
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Abigail, from Hebrew.
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Albert, from the Germanic languages.
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA British surname.
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameWestminster Abbey.London
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameThe precincts of the Abbey of Holyrood.Scotland
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA place name: / A hamlet in Dunkeswell parish, East Devon district, Devon, England, probably named for the local abbey (OS grid ref ST1410).
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA place name: / A small village south-east of Tuam, County Galway, Ireland (Irish grid ref M 5043).
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA place name: / A village west of Portumna, County Galway (Irish grid ref M 7305).
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA place name: / A village in the Rural Municipality of Miry Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada, named after a farm in Ireland.
English unisex given namesAbbeyEnglishnameA place name: / A suburb of Busselton, Western Australia, named after landholder D. Abbey.
English unisex given namesJordynEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew, of modern usage, variant of Jordan.
English unisex given namesJordynEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew, a rare modern spelling variant of Jordan.
English unisex given namesSagaEnglishnameSaga Prefecture (a prefecture in western Kyushu, Japan)
English unisex given namesSagaEnglishnameThe capital city of Saga Prefecture, Japan.
English unisex given namesSagaEnglishnameA unisex given name.rare
English unisex given namesSagaEnglishnameA county of Shigatse, Tibet Autonomous Region, China
English unisex given namesTonyEnglishnameA male given name, a short form of Anthony/Antony
English unisex given namesTonyEnglishnameA female given name
English unisex given namesTonyEnglishnameA surname transferred from the given name
English unisex given namesTonyEnglishnounAny of the statuettes awarded by the American Theatre Wing.
EpistemologydogmaEnglishnounAn authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true and indisputable, regardless of evidence or without evidence to support it.countable uncountable
EpistemologydogmaEnglishnounA doctrine (or set of doctrines) relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth authoritatively by a religious organization or leader.countable uncountable
EquidsئاتUyghurnounhorsebiology natural-sciences zoology
EquidsئاتUyghurnounknightboard-games chess games
EquidsئاتUyghurnouna name
EquidsئاتUyghurnouna noun, termgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
EquidsئاتUyghurverbsecond-person singular imperative of ئاتماق (atmaq)form-of imperative second-person singular
Ericales order plantstiyesaTagalognounPouteria campechiana (an evergreen tree introduced from Mexico and Central America)
Ericales order plantstiyesaTagalognouncanistel (fruit of this tree)
EspionageespíaSpanishnounspyby-personal-gender feminine masculine
EspionageespíaSpanishverbinflection of espiar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
EspionageespíaSpanishverbinflection of espiar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
EthicsморальнийUkrainianadjmoral (of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour)
EthicsморальнийUkrainianadjmoral (conforming to a standard of right behaviour; sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment)
EthicsморальнийUkrainianadjmental, psychological
EthnonymsJieEnglishnounAn ancient tribe of northern China, who were regarded as one of the Five Barbarians by the Han people.historical plural plural-only
EthnonymsJieEnglishnameThe language spoken by the Jie people, attested only in a fragment in the Book of Jin.historical
EthnonymsVaringiLatinnameinflection of Varingus (“Varangian”): / nominative/vocative pluralMedieval-Latin form-of nominative plural vocative
EthnonymsVaringiLatinnameinflection of Varingus (“Varangian”): / genitive singularMedieval-Latin form-of genitive singular
EthnonymsVaringiLatinnamethe Varangians (a medieval tribe or ethnic grouping of Norse origin)Medieval-Latin collective declension-2 historical
EthnonymskomiHungarianadjKomi (of or relating to a Finno-Ugric ethnic group or their language)not-comparable
EthnonymskomiHungariannounKomi (person)countable uncountable
EthnonymskomiHungariannounKomi, Komi-Zyryan (language)countable uncountable
Even-toed ungulatesնհանգOld Armeniannouna mythical aquatic monster
Even-toed ungulatesնհանգOld Armeniannouncrocodile
Even-toed ungulatesնհանգOld Armeniannounhippopotamus
Exercise equipmentmakaronikPolishnoundiminutive of makarondiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Exercise equipmentmakaronikPolishnounmacaroon (soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough)inanimate masculine
Exercise equipmentmakaronikPolishnounpool noodlehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingcolloquial inanimate masculine
Extinct languagesProto-SemitischDutchnameProto-Semiticneuter
Extinct languagesProto-SemitischDutchadjProto-Semiticnot-comparable
Extinct languagesSicelEnglishnounA member of an Italic tribe who inhabited eastern Sicily during the Iron Age.historical
Extinct languagesSicelEnglishnameThe unclassified, sparsely attested language of the Sicels.human-sciences linguistics sciences
EyeאַפּלYiddishnouneyeballanatomy medicine sciences
EyeאַפּלYiddishnounpupilanatomy medicine sciences
Facial expressionssourire jusqu'aux oreillesFrenchverbto smile from ear to ear, to grin like a Cheshire catfiguratively
Facial expressionssourire jusqu'aux oreillesFrenchnouna smile from ear to earfiguratively
Familyanak pandakMalaynounfourth child
Familyanak pandakMalaynounfifth child
FamilynoraPortuguesenounnoria (waterwheel with buckets, used to raise water)feminine
FamilyvrauCimbriannounlady (woman of the upper class)Sette-Comuni feminine
FamilyvrauCimbriannounwifeSette-Comuni feminine
FamilyżewġMaltesenumshort attributive form of tnejn (“two”)feminine masculine
FamilyżewġMaltesenouncouple (two people)archaic masculine
FamilyżewġMaltesenounpair (two things)archaic masculine
FamilyкүйеуKazakhnounhusband (in the early years of marriage)
FamilyкүйеуKazakhnounthe husband of one's younger female blood relative; son-in-law, younger brother-in-law, younger cousin-in-law, etc.
Familyபிறப்பிலிTamilnounGod (unborn)
Familyபிறப்பிலிTamilnounone without siblings, a siblingless person
Familyថ្លៃKhmernounprice, cost
Familyថ្លៃKhmernounan in-law of one's own generation, the spouse of one's sibling
Family老婆婆Chinesenoungranny; old ladychildish
Family老婆婆Chinesenounhusband's mother; mother-in-lawMandarin colloquial dialectal
Family老婆婆Chinesenoungreat-grandmotherGan Pingxiang
Family memberscocolonSpanishnounscorched rice (toasted rice that has stuck to the bottom of the pot)Colombia Ecuador Panama Peru Venezuela colloquial masculine uncountable
Family memberscocolonSpanishnounthe youngest son of a familyEcuador colloquial masculine uncountable
Family membersnonnoItaliannoungrandfathermasculine
Family membersnonnoItaliannoungrandparentsin-plural masculine
Family memberswoYe'kwananoungreat-grandfather
Family memberswoYe'kwananounfather-in-law (of a woman)
Family memberswoYe'kwananounmother’s brother, maternal uncle
Family memberswoYe'kwananounfather’s sister’s husband
Fan fictionfanficEnglishnounFan fiction.informal uncountable
Fan fictionfanficEnglishnounA work of fan fiction.countable informal
Fan fictionfanficEnglishverbTo write fan fiction.informal intransitive
Fan fictionfanficEnglishverbTo write fan fiction about (something).informal transitive
Fans (people)QuakerEnglishnounA believer of the Quaker faith and a member of the Society of Friends, known for their pacifist views.
Fans (people)QuakerEnglishnounOne who plays any Quake
FantasymagusLatinadjmagic, magicaladjective declension-1 declension-2
FantasymagusLatinnounmagus (Zoroastrian priest)declension-2 masculine
FantasymagusLatinnounmagician, wizard, (derogatory) sorcerer, trickster, conjurer, charlatandeclension-2 figuratively masculine
Fashion時裝Chinesenounfashionable dress; the latest fashion
Fashion時裝Chinesenouncontemporary dress
FastenersTürfalleGermannounspring latchfeminine
FastenersTürfalleGermannoundoor handleSwitzerland feminine
FearfearEnglishnounA strong, unpleasant emotion or feeling caused by actual or perceived danger or threat.uncountable
FearfearEnglishnounA phobia, a sense of fear induced by something or someone.countable
FearfearEnglishnounTerrified veneration or reverence, particularly towards God, gods, or sovereigns.uncountable
FearfearEnglishnounA feeling of dread and anxiety when waking after drinking a lot of alcohol, wondering what one did while drunk.UK countable uncountable with-definite-article
FearfearEnglishverbTo be afraid of (something or someone); to consider or expect (something or someone) with alarm.transitive
FearfearEnglishverbTo feel fear.intransitive
FearfearEnglishverbTo worry about, to feel concern for, to be afraid for.intransitive
FearfearEnglishverbTo venerate; to feel awe towards.transitive
FearfearEnglishverbTo regret.transitive
FearfearEnglishverbTo cause fear to; to frighten.obsolete transitive
FearfearEnglishverbTo be anxious or solicitous for.obsolete transitive
FearfearEnglishverbTo suspect; to doubt.obsolete transitive
FearfearEnglishadjAble; capable; stout; strong; sound.dialectal
FecesгомноRussiannounshit, usually humancolloquial vulgar
FecesгомноRussiannouna despicable person, shitheadcolloquial vulgar
FelidslavSerbo-Croatiannounlion (mammal)
FelidslavSerbo-CroatiannounLeoastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
FemaleVietnamesecharacterThe letter a with the hook above.letter lowercase
FemaleVietnamesenounelder sisterCentral Vietnam
FemaleVietnamesenounvillainessNorthern Southern Vietnam derogatory
Female處子Chinesenoununmarried woman
Female處子Chinesenounfemale virgin; maidenliterary
FemaleJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
FemaleJapanesenouna female (plant or animal)
FemaleJapanesenouna female person; bitchvulgar
FemaleJapanesenounan internal socket
FemaleJapanesenouna female (plant or animal)
FemaleJapanesenouna female (plant or animal)
FemaleJapaneseaffixfemale (plant or animal)
Female animalsasinaItaliannounshe-assfeminine
Female animalsasinaItaliannoundonkey (female)feminine figuratively
Female animalsbejaLower Sorbiannounbitch (female dog)animal-not-person feminine
Female animalsbejaLower Sorbiannounslut (promiscuous woman)derogatory feminine person
Female family membersbelle-sœurFrenchnounsister-in-law (wife's or husband's sister)feminine
Female family membersbelle-sœurFrenchnounsister-in-law (brother's wife)feminine
Female family membersbelle-sœurFrenchnounstep-sister, stepsisterfeminine
Female family membersgranEnglishnounA grandmother.informal
Female family membersgranEnglishnounA grandfather.rare
Female family membersnepoatăRomaniannoungranddaughterfeminine
Female family membersnepoatăRomaniannounniecefeminine
Female family membersسنهPersiannounyear
Female family membersسنهPersiannoundaughter-in-lawarchaic
Female family membersسنهPersiannounmalediction, imprecation, curseobsolete
Female peopleamazonEnglishnouna tall, strong, athletic woman
Female peopleamazonEnglishnouna fairy chess piece which combines the moves of the queen and the knight
Female peopleamazonEnglishnounan amazon parrot
Female peopleamazonEnglishnouna position for vaginal sex in which the insertive partner lies on their back with their knees pulled back, and the receptive partner, facing the other person, squats onto the penis
Female peoplenenaSerbo-Croatiannoungrandmotherfeminine
Female peoplenenaSerbo-Croatiannoungrandmafeminine
Female peoplenenaSerbo-Croatiannoungrannyfeminine
Female peoplenenaSerbo-Croatiannounold womanfeminine
Female peopleφιλενάδαGreeknoungirlfriend (female friend of a woman or girl)
Female peopleφιλενάδαGreeknoungirlfriend (female partner in a romantic relationship)
Female people部屋子Japanesenounan adult son residing with his parents; generally has not yet or can not come into family inheritance
Female people部屋子Japanesenouna female servant working in a daimyō, ōoku, or other high-ranking house
Female people部屋子Japanesenouna young kabuki apprentice entrusted to a mentor
FernsbợVietnameseverbto prop, to supportobsolete
FernsbợVietnameseverbto tend toobsolete
FernsbợVietnameseverbto temporarily borrow, to pawn, to collateralizeobsolete
FernsbợVietnamesenounMarsilea quadrifolia
Fernsevergreen wood fernEnglishnounAny of two common species of fern native to cool-temperate eastern North America that remain green for much of the year / Dryopteris marginaliscountable uncountable
Fernsevergreen wood fernEnglishnounAny of two common species of fern native to cool-temperate eastern North America that remain green for much of the year / Polystichum acrostichoides, the most common species of fern in its range.countable uncountable
FeudalismnobilityEnglishnounA noble or privileged social class, historically accompanied by a hereditary title; aristocracy.countable uncountable
FeudalismnobilityEnglishnounThe quality of being noble.uncountable
FictionshipperEnglishnounA seaman; mariner; skipper.archaic
FictionshipperEnglishnounThe person or organization that ships (sends) something.
FictionshipperEnglishnounA box for shipping something fragile, such as bottled beer or wine.
FictionshipperEnglishnounA person who supports a romantic or sexual relationship between fictional characters or real people.lifestyleslang
Fictional abilitiessuperregenerationEnglishnounThe regeneration of more tissue than what is removed or damaged, such as in the production of supernumerary digits and amputated limbs within the urodele amphibians.biology natural-sciencesuncountable
Fictional abilitiessuperregenerationEnglishnounExtreme, superhuman regeneration.biology natural-sciencesrare uncountable
Fictional abilitiessuperregenerationEnglishnounThe superregenerative technique.broadcasting media radiouncountable
FilmcurtaPortuguesenounshort (film of length shorter than a feature film)broadcasting film media televisionBrazil Portugal feminine masculine
FilmcurtaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of curtofeminine form-of singular
FilmcurtaPortugueseverbinflection of curtir: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
FilmcurtaPortugueseverbinflection of curtir: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
FinlandKareliaEnglishnameA region to the north of Saint Petersburg in Russia and Finland.
FinlandKareliaEnglishnameAn autonomous republic of Russia. Official name: Republic of Karelia.
FirechimeneaSpanishnounsmokestack (of a train or factory)feminine
FirechimeneaSpanishnounfunnel (of a ship)feminine
FirechimeneaSpanishnounfireplace, fireside, hearthfeminine
FireswealEnglishverbTo burn slowly.intransitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo melt and run down, as the tallow of a candle; waste away without feeding the flame.intransitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo singe; scorch; dress (as a hog) with burning or singeing.transitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo consume with fire; burn.dialectal transitive
FireswealEnglishverbTo make disappear; cause to waste away; diminish; reduce.dialectal transitive
FishareeiroGaliciannounbeach; sandy groundmasculine
FishareeiroGaliciannounsand lance (Ammodytes tobianus)masculine
FishareeiroGaliciannounsand shrimp (Crangon vulgaris)masculine
FishareeiroGaliciannounsand sole (Pegusa lascaris)masculine
FishareeiroGaliciannounlittle ringed plover (Charadrius dubius)masculine
FishsubbrachianEnglishadjRelating to fish of the order Subbrachiales.biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
FishsubbrachianEnglishnounAny fish of the order Subbrachiales (syn. Malacopterygii)biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoologyobsolete
FishtorpilleFrenchnountorpedo (cylindrical explosive projectile that can travel underwater and is used as a weapon)feminine
FishtorpilleFrenchnounelectric rayfeminine
FishtorpilleFrenchverbinflection of torpiller: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
FishtorpilleFrenchverbinflection of torpiller: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FishtruitaCatalannounSpanish omelettebroadly feminine
FishingtiliTokelauanverbto bind around somethingtransitive
FishingtiliTokelauannounA certain type of fishing net.
FishingtiliTokelauanverbto cast this fishing netintransitive
FishingtiliTokelauannounmessenger that brings emergency messages
FishingtiliTokelauanverbto hurryintransitive
FlatfishcarterEnglishnounA person who transports a load on a cart that is drawn by a beast of burden.
FlatfishcarterEnglishnounA fish, the whiff or Marysole.
FlaxhecklerEnglishnounOne who heckles; somebody who insults, makes fun of, or teases.
FlaxhecklerEnglishnounAn aircraft flying attack missions at night.government military politics warUS slang
FlaxhecklerEnglishnounAlternative form of hackler (“worker who separates flax”)alt-of alternative
Florida, USAFloridianEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, Florida or its culture.not-comparable
Florida, USAFloridianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Florida in the United States of America.
FlowersjasmineEnglishnounAny of several plants, of the genus Jasminum, mostly native to Asia, having fragrant white or yellow flowers.countable uncountable
FlowersjasmineEnglishnounThe perfume obtained from these plants.countable uncountable
FlowersjasmineEnglishnounAny of several not closely related plants having a similar perfume.countable uncountable
FlowersjasmineEnglishnounA yellow colour.countable uncountable
FlowersmakLower Sorbiannounpoppy (any plant of the genus Papaver)inanimate masculine
FlowersmakLower Sorbiannounpoppyseedinanimate masculine
FlowerspassionflowerEnglishnounAny of very many vines, in North America and elsewhere, of the genus Passiflora that bear edible fruit called passion fruit, and showy flowers of a structure symbolic of the Passion of Christ.
FlowerspassionflowerEnglishnounThe flower of this plant.
FlowersžemčiūgasLithuaniannounsweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)proscribed
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounA (small) piece; a fragment; a detached, incomplete portion.countable uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounA (small) piece; a fragment; a detached, incomplete portion. / The smallest amount.countable uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounLeftover food.countable plural-normally uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounThe crisp substance that remains after drying out animal fat.countable uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounDiscarded objects (especially metal) that may be dismantled to recover their constituent materials, junk.uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounA piece of deep-fried batter left over from frying fish, sometimes sold with chips.UK countable in-plural uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounLoose-leaf tobacco of a low grade, such as sweepings left over from handling higher grades.uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounA Hispanic criminal, especially a Mexican or one affiliated with the Sureno gang.countable ethnic offensive slur uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounA snare for catching birds.countable obsolete uncountable
Food and drinkscrapEnglishverbTo discard; to get rid of.transitive
Food and drinkscrapEnglishverbTo stop working on indefinitely.transitive
Food and drinkscrapEnglishverbTo scrapbook; to create scrapbooks.intransitive
Food and drinkscrapEnglishverbTo dispose of at a scrapyard.transitive
Food and drinkscrapEnglishverbTo make into scrap.transitive
Food and drinkscrapEnglishnounA fight, tussle, skirmish.
Food and drinkscrapEnglishverbto fight
FoodsfondantEnglishnounA flavored, creamy sugar preparation, used for icing cakes or as a base for candies.uncountable usually
FoodsfondantEnglishnounA candy or cake filled with such a preparation.countable
FoodsfondantEnglishnounA sugar dough, usually prepared as large sheets (rolled fondant), used in place of icing to cover large areas of cakes, composed of sugar, water, gelatin, lifestylecountable uncountable
FoodsfondantEnglishnounFondue.uncountable usually
FoodsfondantEnglishnounThe base or flux, in enamel, which is colored throughout by metallic oxide while in a state of fusion.uncountable usually
FoodsfondantEnglishnounFacial makeup (cosmetics), when used excessively.countable slang uncountable
FoodspyeEnglishnounArchaic spelling of pie (pastry food).alt-of archaic
FoodspyeEnglishnounEllipsis of pye-dog (an Indian breed, a stray dog in Indian contexts).biology natural-sciences zoologyabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
FoodswarakaṣiYorubanouncheese, yoghurt
FoodswarakaṣiYorubanounwagasi, cow's milk cheese made by the Fulani people.
FoodsбаницаMacedoniannounbanitsa (type of pie)
FoodsбаницаMacedoniannounwife of a ban (ban = title)
FoodsܪܘܙܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounriceuncountable
FoodsܪܘܙܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountype of rice
FoodsโสนThainounsasbania pea (Sesbania javanica) of the family Fabaceae, whose flowers are traditionally used as food.biology botany natural-sciences
FoodsโสนThainounred coffee borer: the moth Polyphagozerra coffeae of the family Cossidae, often found in the above-said tree and traditionally used as food.biology natural-sciences zoology
FoodsᱯᱤᱴᱷᱟSantaliverbmake bread
FootwearSchlappenGermannounA slippermasculine strong
FootwearSchlappenGermannounplural of Schlappeform-of plural
FootwearrolschaatsDutchverbinflection of rolschaatsen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FootwearrolschaatsDutchverbinflection of rolschaatsen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
FootwearrolschaatsDutchverbinflection of rolschaatsen: / imperativeform-of imperative
FootwearłapećPolishnounbast shoe, laptiinanimate masculine obsolete
FootwearłapećPolishnounslippercolloquial inanimate masculine
FootwearكاوتشEgyptian Arabicnounrubbercollective
FootwearكاوتشEgyptian Arabicnounrubber / a piece of rubber; a rubber covering, a tirecollective countable
FourteenfourteenfoldEnglishadjBy a factor of fourteen.not-comparable
FourteenfourteenfoldEnglishadvBy a factor of fourteen.not-comparable
FowlspheasantEnglishnounA bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food.countable
FowlspheasantEnglishnounThe meat of this bird, eaten as food.uncountable
FoxeslichaPolishnounAugmentative of liszkaaugmentative feminine form-of
FoxeslichaPolishnouncaterpillar, leafworm (larva of a butterfly or moth)biology entomology lepidopterology natural-sciences zoologycolloquial feminine
FoxeslichaPolishadjnominative/vocative feminine singular of lichyfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
FoxeslichaPolishnouninflection of licho: / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
FoxeslichaPolishnouninflection of licho: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
FoxessoroTagalognounObsolete form of suro.alt-of obsolete
French cardinal numbersseptillionFrenchnumtredecillion (10⁴²)masculine
French cardinal numbersseptillionFrenchnumseptillion (10²⁴)dated masculine
FriendshipchumEnglishnounA friend; a pal.dated
FriendshipchumEnglishnounA roommate, especially in a college or university.dated
FriendshipchumEnglishverbTo share rooms with someone; to live together.intransitive
FriendshipchumEnglishverbTo lodge (somebody) with another person or people.transitive
FriendshipchumEnglishverbTo make friends; to socialize.intransitive
FriendshipchumEnglishverbTo accompany.Scotland informal transitive
FriendshipchumEnglishnounA mixture of (frequently rancid) fish parts and blood, dumped into the water as groundbait to attract predator fish, such as hobbies lifestyleCanada US uncountable
FriendshipchumEnglishverbTo cast chum into the water to attract hobbies lifestyleintransitive transitive
FriendshipchumEnglishnounA coarse mould for holding the clay while being worked on a whirler, lathe or manually.
FriendshipchumEnglishnounSynonym of chum salmon
FriendshipchumEnglishnounA temporary dwelling used by the nomadic Uralic reindeer herders of northwestern Siberia.
FruitsBottelLuxembourgishnounfruit of the hawthornfeminine
FruitsbiribaCebuanonounthe biriba tree (Rollinia mucosa, syn. Rollinia deliciosa)
FruitsbiribaCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
FruitslimónSpanishnounlemon (fruit)Chile Spain masculine
FruitslimónSpanishnounlime (fruit)North-America masculine
Fruitstrứng gàVietnamesenounchicken egg
Fruitstrứng gàVietnamesenounthe canistel, a tropical fruit (Pouteria campechiana)
Fruitstáo mèoVietnamesenounDocynia indica
Fruitstáo mèoVietnamesenounfruit of Docynia, sometimes calqued as "cat apple"
FruitsكوزArabicnounmug, jug, ewer, tankard
FruitsكوزArabicnounear or cob of maize, cone of a pine, prickly pear of a cactus and the likeArabic Modern Standard
FruitsكوزArabicnounfruit of the medlarobsolete
FruitsܣܓܘܠܐClassical Syriacnounbunch, cluster
FruitsܣܓܘܠܐClassical Syriacnounkind of hairstylefiguratively
FruitsܣܓܘܠܐClassical SyriacnamePleiadesastronomy natural-sciences
Fruitsផ្លែKhmernounoutcome, result
Fruitsផ្លែKhmernounblade (of a knife)
Fruitsផ្លែKhmernounblister, boil
Fruitsផ្លែKhmerverbto bear fruit
Fruitsផ្លែKhmerverbto insult, scold indirectly
FurniturebanquetaCatalannoundiminutive of bancadiminutive feminine form-of
FurniturebanquetaCatalannounstool (a seat for one person without a back or armrest)feminine
FurniturebanquetaCatalannounbenchhobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
FurniturebarPolishnounbar, public house (business selling alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises, or the premises themselves)inanimate masculine
FurniturebarPolishnounbar, luncheon bar, buffet, wet bar (area for the preparation of alcoholic drinks, equipped with a countertop having a sink and running water and usually located in a home, hotel room, or similar quarters)inanimate masculine
FurniturebarPolishnounbarium (chemical element (symbol Ba) with an atomic number of 56)inanimate masculine
FurniturebarPolishnounbar (non-SI unit of pressure equal to 100,000 pascals, approximately equal to atmospheric pressure at sea level)inanimate masculine
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A seat for one person without a back or armrests.countable uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A footstool.countable uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A seat with a back; a chair.Scotland countable dialectal uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA seat, especially for one person and without armrests. / A throne.Scotland countable dialectal figuratively literally uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA close-stool; a seat used for urination and defecation: a chamber pot, commode, outhouse seat, or toilet.countable dated uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA plant that has been cut down until its main stem is close to the ground, resembling a stool, to promote new growth.agriculture business horticulture lifestylecountable uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounFeces, excrement.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA production of feces or excrement, an act of defecation, stooling.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA decoy; a portable piece of wood to which a pigeon is fastened to lure wild birds.archaic countable uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA small channel on the side of a vessel, for the deadeyes of the backstays.nautical transportcountable uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishnounMaterial, such as oyster shells, spread on the sea bottom for oyster spat to adhere to.US countable dialectal uncountable
FurniturestoolEnglishverbTo produce stool: to defecate.medicine sciences
FurniturestoolEnglishverbTo cut down (a plant) until its main stem is close to the ground, resembling a stool, to promote new growth.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
FurniturestoolEnglishnounA plant from which layers are propagated by bending its branches into the soil.
FurniturestoolEnglishverbTo ramify; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers.agriculture business lifestyle
FurnituretronožacSerbo-Croatiannounthree-legged chair or table
FurnitureрукэмоййнэһкьKildin Saminounlavabo water tank
FurnitureрукэмоййнэһкьKildin Saminounwashstand
Furnitureшкоа̄һпKildin Saminouncupboard
Furnitureшкоа̄һпKildin Saminounwardrobe, closet
Furnitureшкоа̄һпKildin Saminounlocker, cabinet
Furnitureшкоа̄һпKildin Saminounbookcase, shelves
GadiformsjulianaCatalannoundame's rocketfeminine
GadiformsjulianaCatalannounjuliennecooking food lifestylefeminine
GadiformsjulianaCatalannounClipping of sopa juliana.abbreviation alt-of clipping feminine
GadiformsjulianaCatalannouncodNorthern feminine
GaitspastoiaItaliannounfetters, shacklesfeminine
GemsdiasporeEnglishnounA natural hydrate of aluminium, sometimes forming stalactites.countable uncountable
GemsdiasporeEnglishnounA gemstone consisting of hydrate of aluminium in crystal form.countable uncountable
GemsdiasporeEnglishnounseeds and fruit together regarded as a dispersal unit.biology botany natural-sciencescountable uncountable
GemsmargaritaLatinnouna term of endearmentdeclension-1
Genisteae tribe plantsجولقArabicnounGenisteae tribe plants, particularly gorse (Ulex spp.) and broom (Genista spp.)collective
Genisteae tribe plantsجولقArabicnounalternative form of جُوَالَق (juwālaq, “bag, sack”)alt-of alternative
GenitaliataggerEnglishnounOne who or that which tags. / The player who tries to catch others in the game of tag.
GenitaliataggerEnglishnounOne who or that which tags. / A person who writes graffiti using a specific mark
GenitaliataggerEnglishnounOne who or that which tags. / A program or algorithm that adds tags for purposes of categorization, e.g. grammatical information to words in a document, or genres to songs in a music collection.computing computing-theory engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
GenitaliataggerEnglishnounA device for removing taglocks from sheep.
GenitaliataggerEnglishnounThat which is pointed like a tag.
GenitaliataggerEnglishnounThe penis.slang
GenitaliataggerEnglishnounSheets of tin or other plate which run below the
GeographypáircIrishnounfield, parkfeminine
GeographypáircIrishnounlarge shoal (of fish)feminine
GeographyгребенMacedoniannouncrest, peak
GeographyгребенMacedonianverbmasculine singular adjectival participle of гребе (grebe)adjectival form-of masculine participle singular
Geography山嶺Chinesenounridge (of a string of mountains or hills)
Geography山嶺Chinesenounmountain range
GeologygeofísicaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of geofísicofeminine form-of
GeologygeofísicaSpanishadjfeminine singular of geofísicofeminine form-of singular
GeologytarpitEnglishnounA lake of asphalt formed when subterranean bitumen leaks to the ground surface. Such pits are important in forming fossil fuel reserves; they are also apt to trap passing animals, which become fossilized in the tar.
GeologytarpitEnglishnounA service that purposely delays incoming connections in order to reduce the effectiveness of spamming and similar techniques.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
GeologytarpitEnglishverbTo delay by means of a tarpit service.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
Geopoliticsstrefa zgniotuPolishnouncrumple zoneautomotive transport vehiclesfeminine
Geopoliticsstrefa zgniotuPolishnounshatter belt, shatter zonefeminine
Geraniales order plantsblágresiIcelandicnoungeranium (plant of the genus Geranium)neuter no-plural
Geraniales order plantsblágresiIcelandicnoungeranium (plant of the genus Geranium) / specifically, the wood cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum)neuter no-plural
GodsBeelzebubEnglishnameA Canaanite deity worshipped at Ekron.biblical lifestyle religion
GodsBeelzebubEnglishnameSatan, the Devil.Christianity
Gourd family plantspwmpenWelshnounpumpkinfeminine
Gourd family plantspwmpenWelshnounthe marrow of a vegetablefeminine
GovernmentพนักงานThainounduty; function.archaic
GovernmentพนักงานThainounone responsible for a duty or function, as agent, functionary, officer, official, staff member, etc. Abbreviation: พนง. (pɔɔ-nɔɔ-ngɔɔ)
GrainsryeEnglishnounA grain used extensively in Europe for making bread, beer, and (now generally) for animal fodder.countable uncountable
GrainsryeEnglishnounThe grass Secale cereale from which the grain is obtained.countable uncountable
GrainsryeEnglishnounRye bread.countable uncountable
GrainsryeEnglishnounRye whiskey.Canada US countable uncountable
GrainsryeEnglishnounA drink of rye.Canada US countable uncountable
GrainsryeEnglishnounCaraway (from the mistaken assumption that the whole seeds, often used to season rye bread, are the rye itself)countable uncountable
GrainsryeEnglishnounRyegrass, any of the species of Lolium.countable uncountable
GrainsryeEnglishnounA disease of hawks.countable uncountable
Grammatical moodsܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounorder, command, injunction, precept
Grammatical moodsܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnouncommandment, decree
Grammatical moodsܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounrecommendation
Grammatical moodsܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounwill, testament
Grammatical moodsܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounauthority, rule, dominion, domination
Grammatical moodsܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounimperative moodgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Grammatical moodsܦܘܩܕܢܐClassical Syriacnounvengeance, punishment, chastisement
Grape cultivarssweetwaterEnglishnounAlternative form of sweet water (“fresh water”).alt-of alternative countable uncountable
Grape cultivarssweetwaterEnglishnounA variety of white grape, better known as Chasselas.countable uncountable
Grape cultivarssweetwaterEnglishnounWater that still contains sucrose after filtration by a sugar cane refinery, usually one of the main by-products of a sugar cane refining process.countable uncountable
Grape cultivarssweetwaterEnglishnounneoclassical, in reference to U.S. macroeconomics and economics departments around the Great Lakes.economics sciencescountable uncountable
GrapevinesaciniformEnglishadjHaving the form of a cluster of grapes; clustered like grapes.
GrapevinesaciniformEnglishadjFull of small kernels like a grape.
GrapevinesaciniformEnglishnounA type of spinneret of a spider formed of spherical particles
GrassesبهمنPersiannameBahman, the eleventh month of the solar Persian calendar
GrassesبهمنPersiannameName of the second day of any month of the solar Persian calendar
GrassesبهمنPersiannamea male given name, Bahman
GrassesبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / white behen (Centaurea behen)
GrassesبهمنPersiannounbehen, which is cultivated for its flowers and bitter, pungent and potent root vegetable / red behen (Limonium vulgare)
GrassesبهمنPersiannouncommon awn-grass (Stipa capensis)
GreecegrieķisLatviannounGreek, a man born in Greece; also, an Ancient Greek, a man born in Ancient Greece (synonym: sengrieķis)declension-2 masculine
GreecegrieķisLatviannounGreek; pertaining to Greece and its people; also, pertaining to Ancient Greece and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
Greek letter namesкапаMacedoniannouncap, hat
Greek letter namesкапаMacedoniannounkappa (Greek letter)
Green algaezielenicePolishnounChlorophytafeminine plural
Green algaezielenicePolishnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of zielenicaaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
GreysabohonCebuanonounthe color grey
GreysabohonCebuanoadjof the colour grey
HairBrazilian waxEnglishnounThe removal of all or most of the pubic hair, sometimes leaving a small strip or triangle of hair on the mons pubis.
HairBrazilian waxEnglishverbTo remove all or most of the pubic hair from.
HairherMiddle Englishnouna hair (follicular growth on the skin)countable
HairherMiddle Englishnounhair (follicular growths on the skin)uncountable
HairherMiddle Englishnounpelt, hide, animal skin
HairherMiddle EnglishnounSomething similar in appearance to hair (e.g. a botanical hair)
HairherMiddle Englishnounsmall part, any part (of a person)figuratively
HairherMiddle Englishadvhere
HairherMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of hire (“her”, genitive)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of hire (“hers”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of hire (“her”, object)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishdetAlternative form of here (“their”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of here (“pleasant”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of here (“haircloth”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of herre (“hinge”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of here (“army”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of heir (“heir”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of heren (“to hear”)alt-of alternative
HairherMiddle Englishadjcomparative degree of he (“high”)comparative form-of
Hair捲髮Chineseverbto curl the hair
Hair捲髮Chinesenouncurly hair
Heads of statekráľovnáSlovaknounqueenfeminine
Heads of statekráľovnáSlovaknounqueenbiology entomology natural-sciencesfeminine
Heads of statekráľovnáSlovaknounqueenboard-games chess gamesfeminine
HeadwearMitraGermannounmitre (headgear worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries)feminine
HeadwearMitraGermannounmitregovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
Headwearsea capEnglishnounA cap worn on shipboard.historical
Headwearsea capEnglishnounA basket-shaped sponge, sometimes very large, found in Florida waters.
HeadwearstovepipeEnglishnounSheet-metal tubing used as a chimney for a stove or furnace.
HeadwearstovepipeEnglishnounA channel for information which is compartmentalized in such a manner that some parties who might be interested in its use or able to make use of it are restricted from accessing it.
HeadwearstovepipeEnglishnounA stovepipe clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
HeadwearstovepipeEnglishnounA type of malfunction affecting breechloading firearms, where a spent cartridge casing fails to eject completely, instead becoming stuck in the firearm's ejection port, usually oriented vertically or nearly firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
HeadwearstovepipeEnglishnounA trench mortar such as the Stokes mortar.government military politics warslang
HeadwearstovepipeEnglishverbTo collect or store (information) in a compartmentalized manner, so that some parties who might be interested in its use or able to make use of it are restricted from accessing it.idiomatic transitive
HeadwearstovepipeEnglishverbOf a cartridge case, to become wedged vertically in the ejection port of a breechloading firearm, rather than ejecting completely from the firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryintransitive
HeadwearیاشمقOttoman Turkishnounyashmak, niqab, any veil worn by women which covers their faces
HeadwearیاشمقOttoman Turkishnounveil, something hung up or spread out to hide an object from view
HearingслушаниеRussiannounlistening (act of listening)
HearingслушаниеRussiannounhearing (proceeding at which discussions are heard)
Heather family plantsfraochIrishnounheatherfeminine masculine
Heather family plantsfraochIrishnounheath, moorfeminine masculine
Heather family plantsfraochIrishnounfierceness, furymasculine
Heraldic chargesdragonFrenchnouna dragon, creature or personmasculine
Heraldic chargesdragonFrenchnouna dragoonmasculine
HeronsọkẹnYorubanouna species of small songbird with white tail feathers
HideswelinPolishnounvellum (type of parchment paper made from the skin of a lamb, baby goat, or calf)inanimate masculine
HideswelinPolishnounvellum (writing paper of very high quality)inanimate masculine
Hindu deitiesGauriEnglishnameName of a Hindu goddess.Hinduism feminine
Hindu deitiesGauriEnglishnameA female given name from Sanskrit used in India.feminine
Hindu deitiesभद्रSanskritadjblessed, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous, happy
Hindu deitiesभद्रSanskritadjgood, gracious, friendly, kind
Hindu deitiesभद्रSanskritadjexcellent, fair, beautiful, lovely, pleasant, dear
Hindu deitiesभद्रSanskritnounprosperity, happiness, health, welfare, good fortune
Hindu deitiesभद्रSanskritnouna sanctimonious hypocrite
Hindu deitiesभद्रSanskritnamean epithet of ShivaHinduism
Hindu deitiesभद्रSanskritnamename of one of the eight principal wives of Krishna
Historical currenciesLouisEnglishnameA male given name from French.
Historical currenciesLouisEnglishnameA female given nameuncommon
Historical currenciesLouisEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of louis: various gold and silver coins issued by the French kings.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsalt-of historical
Historical currenciesdongEnglishnounThe currency of Vietnam, 100 xus. Symbol: ₫
Historical currenciesdongEnglishnounThe currency of South Vietnam, 100 xus. Symbol: Đ.historical
Historical currenciesdongEnglishnounThe penis.slang
Historical currenciesdongEnglishnounA dildo, specifically a synthetic anatomical replica of the penis.broadly slang
Historical currenciesdongEnglishnounA low-pitched, metallic ringing sound.
Historical currenciesdongEnglishverbTo make a low-pitched, metallic ringing sound.
Historical currenciesdongEnglishnounA submunicipal administrative unit of a city in North or South Korea.
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounA small unit of weight, variously: / Alternative form of drachm (“One sixteenth of an ounce avoirdupois (1.77 g; symbol: ℨ or ʒ)”).alt-of alternative
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounA small unit of weight, variously: / Alternative form of drachm (“One eighth of an ounce apothecary (3.89 g; symbol: ℨ or ʒ)”).alt-of alternative
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounA small unit of weight, variously: / Synonym of dirhem: a former Turkish unit of weight (variously 1.5–3.5 g).uncommon
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounA small unit of weight, variously: / Synonym of drachma: a former Greek unit of weight (about 4.3 g).obsolete
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounAny similarly minute quantity, (now particularly) a small amount of strong alcohol or poison.broadly
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounA cart formerly used to haul coal in coal mininghistorical
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounSynonym of drachma: a Greek silver coin weighing one drachma; other similar coins.obsolete
Historical currenciesdramEnglishverbTo drink drams.dated intransitive
Historical currenciesdramEnglishverbTo ply with drams of drink.dated transitive
Historical currenciesdramEnglishnounThe currency of Armenia, divided into 100 luma.hobbies lifestyle numismatics
History of the NetherlandsguldenPolishnoungolden guilder (coin)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of the NetherlandsguldenPolishnoungulden (former unit of currency of Austria-Hungary)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of the NetherlandsguldenPolishnounguilder, gulden (former unit of currency of the Netherlands)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of the NetherlandsguldenPolishnoungulden (former unit of currency of the Free City of Danzig)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of the NetherlandsguldenPolishnounguilder (former unit of currency of Suriname)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of the United KingdomflorinEnglishnounAny of several gold coins once produced in Florence, Italy; model for the other currencies.
History of the United KingdomflorinEnglishnounA guilder (pre-Euro currency unit of the Netherlands).
History of the United KingdomflorinEnglishnounThe currency of Aruba, divided into 100 cents, symbol ƒ.
History of the United KingdomflorinEnglishnounA pre-decimal British coin, worth two shillings or ten new pence.
History of the United KingdomflorinEnglishnounA pre-decimal Australian, and New Zealand, coin, worth 24 pence or a tenth of a pound.
History of the United KingdomrosaryEnglishnounPrayer beads, a string of beads used to keep track of repetitions in prayer, particularly in the Roman Catholic Marian prayer "Hail Mary" (Ave Maria)
History of the United KingdomrosaryEnglishnounA Roman Catholic devotion involving the repetition of a series of Marian prayers, usually 5, 15, or 20 decades of "Hail Marys", each decade beginning with "Our Father" and ending with "Glory Be to the Father", but sometimes including other Roman Catholic, Anglican, or Lutheran prayers.
History of the United KingdomrosaryEnglishnounA series or collection of thoughts, literary pieces, etc. intended for similar contemplation.broadly
History of the United KingdomrosaryEnglishnounA 13th-century coin minted in Europe as a counterfeit debased form of the sterling silver penny of Edward I, at first accepted as a halfpenny and then outlawed.hobbies lifestyle numismaticshistorical
History of the United KingdomrosaryEnglishnounA rose garden.
HobbiescollectingEnglishnounA hobby including seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloging, displaying, storing, and maintaining whatever items are of interest to the individual collector.countable uncountable
HobbiescollectingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of collectform-of gerund participle present
HominidssatyrEnglishnounA sylvan deity or demigod, male companion of Pan or Dionysus, represented as part man and part goat, and characterized by riotous merriment and lasciviousness, sometimes pictured with a perpetual erection.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
HominidssatyrEnglishnounSynonym of faunhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
HominidssatyrEnglishnounA lecherous man.broadly
HominidssatyrEnglishnounAny of various butterflies of the nymphalid subfamily Satyrinae, having brown wings marked with eyelike spots; a meadow brown.
HominidssatyrEnglishnounThe orangutan.obsolete
Horse tackhorse collarEnglishnounA part of a horse's harness that is used to distribute the load around its neck and shoulders when pulling a wagon or plough.
Horse tackhorse collarEnglishnounThe vagina.dated slang
Horse tackhorse collarEnglishverbAlternative spelling of horsecollaralt-of alternative
Horse tacksarujiSwahilinounsaddleclass-10 class-9
Horse tacksarujiSwahilinounconcrete, cementclass-10 class-9
HorsescabalgarSpanishverbto mount an animal, especially a horseintransitive
HorsescabalgarSpanishverbto ride an animal, especially a horseintransitive
HorticulturetrellisEnglishnounAn outdoor garden frame that can be used for partitioning a common area.
HorticulturetrellisEnglishnounAn outdoor garden frame that can be used to grow vines or other climbing plants.
HorticulturetrellisEnglishnounA kind of graph, used in communication theory and encryption, whose nodes are ordered into vertical slices by time, with each node at each time connected to at least one node at an earlier and at least one node at a later time.communications computing computing-theory electrical-engineering engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences telecommunications
HorticulturetrellisEnglishverbTo train or arrange (plants) so that they grow against a trellis.transitive
HousinghousyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of housenform-of participle present
HousinghousyngeMiddle Englishnounhousing, propertyuncountable
HousinghousyngeMiddle Englishnounhouse, buildinguncountable
HousinghousyngeMiddle Englishnounhome, inhabitanceuncountable
HousinghousyngeMiddle Englishnounshelter, accommodation, habitationuncountable
HousinghousyngeMiddle Englishnouncamp, temporary lodgingsuncountable
Human behaviourforwerpenMiddle EnglishverbTo expel or reject.
Human behaviourforwerpenMiddle EnglishverbTo repudiate; to abandon.
Human behaviourforwerpenMiddle EnglishverbTo fail to do; to avoid doing.rare
Human behaviourspace invaderEnglishnounA hostile alien from outer space.
Human behaviourspace invaderEnglishnounA person who intrudes on others' personal space, making them emotionally or physically uncomfortable.
HundredyearhundredEnglishnounA period of a hundred consecutive years; a century.rare
HundredyearhundredEnglishnoun1914, Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume 25
HundredyearhundredEnglishnoun1983, Michael Cox, M.R. James, an informal portrait
HundredyearhundredEnglishnoun1983, Michael Cox, M.R. James, an informal portrait: And this last, is it from out today's times forgettinghood or our much to be bewailed speechshapelearningness's unwisdomship, is to a nineteenth yearhundred period's togethergatheringreceivingsaloon sad un-befitted. / And this last, is it from out today's times forgettinghood or our much to be bewailed speechshapelearningness's unwisdomship, is to a nineteenth yearhundred period's togethergatheringreceivingsaloon sad un-befitted.
HundredyearhundredEnglishnoun1996, Eesti NSV Riiklik Etnograafiamuuseum, Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat
HundredyearhundredEnglishnoun1996, Eesti NSV Riiklik Etnograafiamuuseum, Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Eesti Rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat: On the territory of Estonia three main educational ideologies can be differentiated during the yearhundred concerned: religious-lutheran, strict disciplinarianism and the one orientated to nationalism and education. / On the territory of Estonia three main educational ideologies can be differentiated during the yearhundred concerned: religious-lutheran, strict disciplinarianism and the one orientated to nationalism and education.
HundredyearhundredEnglishnounHolonym: yearthousand
HundredтрёхсотыйRussianadjthree-hundredth, 300th
HundredтрёхсотыйRussiannouna wounded person; WIAgovernment military politics warslang
Hungarian nominal numbersötszázasHungarianadjthe number five hundrednot-comparable
Hungarian nominal numbersötszázasHungariannouna banknote of 500 unitsinformal
Hungarian nominal numbersötszázasHungariannouna banknote of 500 units / Synonym of ötszázforintos (bankjegy) (“a five-hundred-forint banknote”)informal specifically
HungaryhongroisFrenchnounHungarian, the language of Hungarymasculine uncountable
Iguanoid lizardsbazyliszkKashubiannounbasilisk (mythical snake-like dragon, so venomous that even its gaze was deadly)animal-not-person masculine
Iguanoid lizardsbazyliszkKashubiannounbasilisk (any tree-dwelling lizard of the genus Basiliscus)animal-not-person masculine
Iguanoid lizardsbazyliszkKashubiannounsnake (treacherous person)animal-not-person derogatory masculine
IndividualsAdamNorwegiannameAdam (biblical figure)
IndividualsAdamNorwegiannamea male given name
IndividualsIsakNorwegiannameIsaac (biblical character).
IndividualsIsakNorwegiannamea male given name
IndividualsMichelangeloItaliannameMichelangelo (Italian artist)masculine
IndividualsMichelangeloItaliannamea male given namemasculine
Individuals侃爺Chinesenountattler; big talker; idle chatterdialectal
Individuals侃爺ChinesenameKanye West (American rapper)
Indonesian unisex given namesTriIndonesiannamea male given name from Javanese
Indonesian unisex given namesTriIndonesiannamea female given name from Javanese
InsectshäröFinnishadjweird, strangeslang
InsectshäröFinnishnounflat bark beetle, cucujid (any member of the family Cucujidae)
InsectsmozNorthern Kurdishnounhornet; waspfeminine
InsectsmozNorthern Kurdishnoungadfly, horsefly, large fly that bites or annoys livestockfeminine
InsectsmozNorthern Kurdishnounbeefeminine
InsectsmozNorthern Kurdishnounbumblebeefeminine
InsectsmozNorthern KurdishnounAlternative form of mozik (“calf”)alt-of alternative feminine
Insectsஅட்டைTamilnounleech (Hirudo medicinalis)
Insectsஅட்டைTamilnouncardboard, book covercolloquial
Internet memesmemedomEnglishnounThe state or quality of being a meme.uncountable
Internet memesmemedomEnglishnounThe world of memes.uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameAn English and Scottish surname originating as an occupation.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA male given name.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A suburb of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Mississippi County, Arkansas.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Phillips County, Arkansas.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / Former name of Tuttle, California.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Clay County, Indiana.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / A neighbourhood of Kansas City, Kansas.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / A town and census-designated place therein, in Androscoggin County, Maine.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / A township and village therein, in Arenac County, Michigan.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Blaine County, Montana.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / A city in Marion County, Oregon.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Columbia County, Washington.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Kanawha County, West Virginia.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / A number of places in the United States: / Other townships in Minnesota, Oklahoma (2) and South Dakota.countable uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / Ellipsis of Turner Township.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnameA placename. / Ellipsis of Turner County.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
IntersexTurnerEnglishnounA person who has Turner syndrome.
IntersexTurnerEnglishnounAlternative form of turner (“member of German-American nationalist gymnastic clubs”)alt-of alternative
IrelandBlack IrishEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of black Irish.alt-of
IrelandBlack IrishEnglishnounAn Irish citizen with African ancestry.
IslandsΎδραGreeknameHydra (a constellation)astronomy natural-sciences
IslandsΎδραGreeknameHydra (a satellite of Pluto)astronomy natural-sciences
IslandsΎδραGreeknameHydrahuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
IslandsΎδραGreeknameThe name of a Greek island.
IslandsΎδραGreeknameand see: ύδρα (ýdra)
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe basic unit of currency in Turkey.
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe currency of Lebanon (also pound), Syria (also pound), Jordan (also dinar)
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe former currency of Italy, Malta, San Marino, Cyprus and the Vatican City, superseded by the euro
ItalyliraEnglishnounThe former currency of Israel, superseded by the sheqel.
ItalyliraEnglishnounA Ukrainian folk musical instrument similar to the hurdy-gurdy.
ItalyliraEnglishnounAny of a set of fine ridges on the shells of some molluscs
ItalyliraEnglishnounAlternative form of lyraalt-of alternative
J. R. R. TolkienМордорRussiannameMordor.
J. R. R. TolkienМордорRussiannameRussia.government politicsderogatory neologism
JackfishJapanesecharacterJapanese amberjackHyōgai kanji
JackfishJapanesenounAlternative spelling of 梭子魚alt-of alternative
Japan川原JapanesenounAlternative spelling of 河原alt-of alternative
Japan川原Japanesenamea place name
Japan川原Japanesenamea surname
JapaneseJapaneseEnglishadjOf, relating to, or derived from Japan, its people, language, or culture.not-comparable
JapaneseJapaneseEnglishnounA person living in or originating from Japan, or of Japanese ancestry.countable in-plural
JapaneseJapaneseEnglishnounEllipsis of Japanese food.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis uncountable
JapaneseJapaneseEnglishnameA language that is primarily spoken in East Asia and is the official language of Japan.
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterconjecturekanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterhundred millionkanji
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenouna hundred million, 10⁸
JewelrytomfooleryEnglishnounFoolish behaviour or speech.countable uncountable
JewelrytomfooleryEnglishnounJewellery.Cockney countable slang uncountable
KitchenwarevergietDutchverbinflection of vergieten: / first/second/third-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present second-person singular third-person
KitchenwarevergietDutchverbinflection of vergieten: / imperativeform-of imperative
KitchenwarevijzelDutchnounmortar (vessel used to grind ingredients); mortar and pestle (pars pro toto, the pestle is normally not named separately)feminine masculine
KitchenwarevijzelDutchnounjack (instrument to lift heavy objects)feminine masculine
KitchenwarevijzelDutchnounArchimedes' screwfeminine masculine
Knotsbutterfly knotEnglishnounA type of knot used to provide an anchor point on a long line. Much used by mountaineers. Also known as the alpine butterfly knot.
Knotsbutterfly knotEnglishnounA small decorative woven knot using one or two cords.
Kurtöp cardinal numbersཐེགKurtöpnumone
Kurtöp cardinal numbersཐེགKurtöpnounsingle, unit
KyivKiëfsAfrikaansadjAlternative form of Kijifsalt-of alternative not-comparable
KyivKiëfsAfrikaansadjKievan (of, from, or pertaining to the Kievan Rus)historical not-comparable
LGBTHinterladerGermannounbreechloadermasculine strong
LGBTHinterladerGermannounfaggot, poof (male homosexual)derogatory masculine strong
Labroid fishκίχληAncient Greeknounthrush (bird)
Labroid fishκίχληAncient Greeknounwrasse
Ladin cardinal numbersdejedotLadinadjeighteen
Ladin cardinal numbersdejedotLadinnouneighteenmasculine uncountable
Lamiales order plantsleith uisceIrishnounliver fluke (parasitic trematode worm), specifically sheep liver flukefeminine
Lamiales order plantsleith uisceIrishnounbutterwort (plant of the genus Pinguicula)feminine
Landformslim-awCebuanonouna pool / a small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water
Landformslim-awCebuanonouna pool / a small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle
Landformslim-awCebuanonouna pond; an inland body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is smaller than a lake
LandformssruthScottish Gaelicnounstream, burnmasculine
LandformssruthScottish Gaelicnounflow, rush (of water)masculine
LandformssruthScottish Gaelicnouncurrentmasculine
LandformssruthScottish Gaelicverbflow, stream
LandformsилBulgariannounsilt, mire
LandformsилBulgariannounmoor, bog
LandformsجدولArabicnouncreek, brook, little stream
LandformsجدولArabicnouncolumn, rubric of a table or index or book
LandformsجدولArabicnountabulated form, list, roster, index, chart, table, schedule
LandformsكمرOttoman Turkishnounany girdle or belt, especially a belt of cloth with a buckle or clasps
LandformsكمرOttoman Turkishnounarch, vault, an architectural element having the shape of a bow
LandformsكمرOttoman Turkishnounmountain pass, a low point in a mountain rangegeography natural-sciences
LandformsكمرOttoman TurkishnameKemer (a town and district in Antalya province, Turkey)
LandformsكمرOttoman TurkishnameKemer (a town and district in Burdur province, Turkey)
LanguagecyfieithuWelshverbto translatetransitive
LanguagecyfieithuWelshverbto interprettransitive
LanguageಕೋಶTulunoundictionary, glossary, vocabulary
LanguageಕೋಶTulunounscrotumanatomy medicine sciences
LanguagesBaribaEnglishnounThe principal inhabitants of Borgou and Alibori Departments, Benin, and cofounders of the Borgu kingdom of what is now northeast Benin and west-central Nigeria.plural plural-only
LanguagesBaribaEnglishnameThe language of these people.
LanguagesfrisioSpanishnounFrisian (language family)masculine uncountable
LanguagesfrisioSpanishnounWest Frisian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesfriulanoItalianadjFriulian (of, from or relating to Friuli)
LanguagesfriulanoItaliannounFriulian (native or inhabitant of Friuli) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesfriulanoItaliannounFriulian, the language of Friulimasculine uncountable
LanguagesingelesBasquenounan English personanimate
LanguagesingelesBasquenounthe English languageinanimate
LanguagesjabutiPortuguesenouneither a yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus) or the red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius)biology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
LanguagesjabutiPortuguesenounany tortoise (terrestrial turtle)Brazil broadly masculine
LanguagesjabutiPortuguesenounan amendment to a law which is strange to its main subject, as "tortoises do not climb trees" (Brazilian proverb) (it was put onto the tree by someone)lawBrazil masculine slang
LanguagesjabutiPortuguesenounan indigenous language spoken in Brazilmasculine uncountable
LanguageskirguísCatalannounKyrgyz personby-personal-gender feminine invariable masculine
LanguageskirguísCatalannounKyrgyz languagemasculine uncountable
LanguageslatvijskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Latvian languagesubstantive
LanguagespalaicCatalannounPalaicmasculine uncountable
LanguagespersiskNorwegian NynorskadjPersian (relating to Persia (now Iran), Persians and the Persian language)
LanguagespersiskNorwegian NynorsknounPersian or Farsi (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesтрасянкаRussiannounlow-quality mixture of hay with straw used as fodder
LanguagesтрасянкаRussiannounTrasyanka (an interlanguage with elements of Russian and Belarusian)human-sciences linguistics sciences
LanguagesռումիներենArmeniannounRomanian (language)
LanguagesռումիներենArmenianadvin Romanian
LanguagesռումիներենArmenianadjRomanian (of or pertaining to the language)
LanguagesيابانيةArabicnounfemale equivalent of يَابَانِيّ (yābāniyy)feminine form-of
LanguagesيابانيةArabicadjfeminine singular of يَابَانِيّ (yābāniyy)feminine form-of singular
LanguagesيابانيةArabicnounthe Japanese language
Latin nomina gentiliaLaeviusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" — famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaLaeviusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" — famously held by: / Laevius, a Latin poetdeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaMustiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaMustiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Mustius, a Roman equesdeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaTigidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaTigidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Sextus Tigidius Perennis, a Roman prefectdeclension-2 masculine singular
LatviaլատիշերենArmeniannounLatvian (language)
LatviaլատիշերենArmenianadvin Latvian
LatviaլատիշերենArmenianadjLatvian (of or pertaining to the language)
LawcanonWelshnouncanon (ecclesiastical degree)feminine
LawcanonWelshnouncanon (clerical)masculine
LawcanonWelshverbfirst/third-person plural preterite colloquial of canucolloquial first-person form-of plural preterite third-person
Law enforcementJapanesecharacterpenalty, punishmentkanji shinjitai
Law enforcementJapanesecharacterto punishkanji shinjitai
Law enforcementJapanesecharacterto execute (to kill as a penalty)kanji shinjitai
Law enforcementJapanesenounpunishment
Law enforcementJapanesesuffixpunishment; sentence; penaltymorpheme
LeadersstařešinaCzechnounchiefanimate masculine
LeadersstařešinaCzechnounmayor (book expression)animate masculine
LeadersвожакRussiannounleader, ringleader
LeadersвожакRussiannounpack leader, alpha (the dominant animal in a pack)
Leaders𐤔𐤓Phoeniciannounheadman, princeps
LebanonLibaneseGermannounLebanese (a person from Lebanon)masculine weak
LebanonLibaneseGermannounLebanese (a male person from Lebanon)masculine weak
LeftismwokelashEnglishnounA backlash against media, speech, etc. deemed inconsistent with social justice principles, or viewed as perpetuating unwoke or reactionary ideas.
LeftismwokelashEnglishnounA backlash against or mass rejection of wokeness, or of media, policies, etc. deemed woke or politically correct.
LegumesfaenumLatinnounhaydeclension-2 neuter
LegumesfaenumLatinnounany dried plantbroadly declension-2 neuter rare
LegumesfaenumLatinnounfenugreekdeclension-2 neuter
LightschimDutchnounapparition, ghostfeminine
Light sourceskandilTurkishnounoil lamp
Light sourceskandilTurkishnounA special night in Islam.Islam lifestyle religion
Light sourcesmorterMiddle EnglishnounA mortar (bowl which a pestle is used in)
Light sourcesmorterMiddle EnglishnounGrout or mortar (that which holds bricks together)
Light sourcesmorterMiddle EnglishnounA bowl with fuel inside used for a light source.
Light sourcesmorterMiddle EnglishnounAny kind of bowl, vessel, or indentation.
Light sourcesmorterMiddle EnglishnounA bowl that wrongdoers are forced to carry.rare
Lily family plantslelujaPolishnounArchaic form of lilia.alt-of archaic feminine
Lily family plantslelujaPolishnounmotive used in folk art in the shape of a lilyanthropology ethnology human-sciences sciencesfeminine
Lily family plantslelujaPolishnouninept personcolloquial feminine
LiquidsmeniskoEsperantonounThe curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube.
LiquidsmeniskoEsperantonounA lens that is convex on one side and concave on the natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physics
LiquidsmeniskoEsperantonounA thin fibrous cartilage between the surfaces of some joints, e.g. the knee.anatomy medicine sciences
LiquidspetrolEnglishnounA fluid consisting of a mixture of refined petroleum hydrocarbons, primarily consisting of octane, commonly used as a motor fuel.Commonwealth uncountable usually
LiquidspetrolEnglishnounA motor vehicle powered by petrol (as opposed to diesel).informal uncountable usually
LiquidspetrolEnglishverbTo fill or supply (a vehicle, etc.) with petrol.dated transitive
LiteraturePuszkinPolishnameAlexander Pushkinmasculine person
LiteraturePuszkinPolishnamePushkin (a town in Saint Petersburg, Russia)inanimate masculine
LittorinimorphsScotch bonnetEnglishnounA tam o'shanter.
LittorinimorphsScotch bonnetEnglishnounA variety of hot chilli pepper (a cultivar of Capsicum chinense).
LittorinimorphsScotch bonnetEnglishnounA fairy ring mushroom (genus Marasmius).
LittorinimorphsScotch bonnetEnglishnounThe sea snail Semicassis granulata.
Logical fallaciesignotum per ignotiusEnglishphraseAn attempt to explain something obscure in terms of something else which is even more obscure.
Logical fallaciesignotum per ignotiusEnglishphraseA type of fallacious argument in which one attempts to prove something unknown by relying upon an assumption that is also unknown.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
LondonDistrictEnglishnameThe District of Columbia, the federal district of the United States.informal
LondonDistrictEnglishnameAny of numerous governmental districts.
LondonDistrictEnglishnameThe District Line of the London Underground, originally known as the District Railway.rail-transport railways transport
LovebisouFrenchnounkiss (friendly kiss)masculine
LovebisouFrenchnounlots of lovein-plural masculine
Love私情Chinesenounpersonal relationship
Love私情Chinesenounlove affair (between a man and a woman)
Madder family plantscrucecitaSpanishnoundiminutive of cruzdiminutive feminine form-of
Madder family plantscrucecitaSpanishnounindigoberryfeminine
MagnoliidscaneloSpanishnouncinnamon (tree)masculine
MagnoliidscaneloSpanishnounWinter's bark (Drimys winteri)masculine
MagnoliidscaneloSpanishadjhaving cinnamon color
MagnoliidsdugoanCebuanoadjbloody; covered in blood
MagnoliidsdugoanCebuanonounMyristica philippensis; an evergreen tree endemic to the Philippines
Maize (crop)seed cornEnglishnounSeed that is saved from one year's harvest for the subsequent year's planting, rather than being used to make flour etc.agriculture business lifestyleuncountable
Maize (crop)seed cornEnglishnounA type of corn (callus) composed of multiple small lesions, typically caused by uneven pressure on the foot while walking.
MalebabaTurkishnouncrime bossslang
MalebabaTurkishnounpenis, dickslang
MalebabaTurkishadjtop-notch, high-quality, very goodslang
MaleljudinaSerbo-Croatiannouna large man
MaleljudinaSerbo-Croatiannouna virtuous man (brave, selfless etc.)
MalepuisisLatviannounyoung man, youth, boydeclension-2 masculine
MalepuisisLatviannounboy (male child)declension-2 masculine
MalepuisisLatviannounservant, help; unmarried servantdated declension-2 masculine
MalewitcherEnglishnounA dowser.
MalewitcherEnglishcontractionPronunciation spelling of with your.alt-of contraction pronunciation-spelling
MalewitcherEnglishnounA male witch; warlock.
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounrooster, cock (male domestic chicken)masculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounmegrim (genus Lepidorhombus, a kind of fish)masculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounJohn Dory (edible marine fish; Zeus faber or Zeus ocellata)masculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnouncommon poppy (Papaver rhoeas)masculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnouncorn tortilla sandwich, usually filled with meat and/or beans, and other ingredientsmasculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounbantamweight (weight class ranging from 112 to 118 pounds)boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warmasculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounvoice crack (sudden, unintentional change in register, especially during puberty or while singing)masculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounserenade (love song sung directly to one's love interest)Mexico masculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounguy, dudeChile colloquial masculine
Male animalsgalloSpanishnounnerdVenezuela colloquial masculine
Male animalsלייבYiddishnounlion
Male animalsלייבYiddishnamea male given name
Male family membersfakiAmisnoununcle
Male family membersfakiAmisnounbrother-in-law (wife's brother)
Male family membersswakPolishnoununclemasculine person
Male family membersswakPolishnounsister's husbanddialectal masculine obsolete person
Male family membersswakPolishnounfather of a son-in-law or daughter-in-lawmasculine obsolete person
Male family membersબાGujaratinoungrandmother
Male family membersબાGujaratinounsister
Male family membersબાGujaratinounsister-in-law
Male family membersબાGujaratinoundaughterdialectal
Male family membersબાGujaratinounmom, mommydated endearing sometimes
Male family membersબાGujaratinounpaternal grandfather
Male family membersબાGujaratinounfather, dad
Male family membersબાGujaratiintja term of endearment used when addressing a child
Male family membersબાGujaratiprepwithrare
Male family members兄弟Chinesenounbrother
Male family members兄弟Chinesenounbrethren; brothers and sisters; siblings
Male family members兄弟Chinesenounbrothers; close friends; good friends (Classifier: 位 m)figuratively
Male family members兄弟Chinesenounterm to address fellow/peer-netizens on social media platformslifestylemasculine neologism slang
Male family members兄弟Chinesenoungangster
Male family members兄弟ChinesenoungroomsmanCantonese
Male family members兄弟Chinesenounyounger brotherGan Jin Mandarin Wu colloquial dialectal
Male family members兄弟Chinesenounmy brother; bro (A term of address for a close friend of similar age or younger)colloquial
Male family members兄弟ChinesepronA humble term of self-address used by a man to people of the same generation.
Male family members叔叔Chinesenounpaternal uncle (father's younger brother)
Male family members叔叔Chinesenoununcle (term of address for a man around one's father's age or slightly younger)childish often
Male family membersChinesecharacteryoungest brother
Male family membersChinesecharacterlast period (of a dynasty, etc.)
Male family membersChinesecharacterthird and final month of a season in the lunar calendar
Male family membersChinesecharacterquarter of a year
Male family membersChinesecharacterseason of the year
Male family membersChinesecharacterperiod of time; season
Male family membersChinesecharacterseasonbroadcasting media
Male family membersChinesecharacterClassifier for harvests.
Male family membersChinesecharactera surname: Ji
Male family members𐤁𐤏𐤋Phoeniciannounlord, master
Male family members𐤁𐤏𐤋Phoeniciannounowner, master
Male family members𐤁𐤏𐤋Phoeniciannounhusband
Male family members𐤁𐤏𐤋PhoeniciannounBaal ("The Lord"), a title of the storm god Hadad
Male family members𐤁𐤏𐤋Phoeniciannounbaal ("lord"), an epithet of various Levantine gods
Male family members𐤁𐤏𐤋Phoeniciannounburgher, citizen
Male peoplebiedaczekPolishnoundiminutive of biedakdiminutive form-of masculine person
Male peoplebiedaczekPolishnoungenitive plural of biedaczkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Male peopleelearPolishnounskirmishergovernment military politics warhistorical masculine person
Male peopleelearPolishnounmember of the elears, Lisowczykhistorical masculine person
Male peoplefajferPolishnounpiper (musician who plays the pipe)historical masculine person
Male peoplefajferPolishnountumbler (variety of pigeon)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
Male peoplefôderKashubiannounfathermasculine person rare
Male peoplefôderKashubiannounelder, old manmasculine person rare
Male peoplepaniskoPolishnounAugmentative of panaugmentative form-of neuter
Male peoplepaniskoPolishnounman of meanscolloquial neuter
Male peoplepraotecCzechnounforefather, progenitoranimate literary masculine
Male peoplepraotecCzechnounpatriarchanimate literary masculine
Male peoplesannupEnglishnounA male Native American, especially a married one; a brave.US
Male peoplesannupEnglishnounA mischievous male child.Maine US colloquial
Male peopletrzeźwyPolishadjsober (not drunk)
Male peopletrzeźwyPolishadjwide awake, fully awake, not sleepy
Male peopletrzeźwyPolishadjlucid (not confused)
Male peopletrzeźwyPolishnounsober personmasculine person
Male peoplewodzirejPolishnounperson who leads dances at a wedding, ball, or other eventmasculine person
Male peoplewodzirejPolishnounleader of a group of peoplemasculine person
Male peopleєвангелістUkrainiannounevangelical (a member of an evangelical church)
Male peopleєвангелістUkrainiannounEvangelist, evangelistbiblical lifestyle religion
Mallow subfamily plantsmallowwortEnglishnounMalope trifida, an ornamental plant.
Mallow subfamily plantsmallowwortEnglishnounAny plant of the order Malvaceae, the mallows.
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / foam, froth of the sea or of the river
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / froth of wine
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / exudation
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / dew
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / stone in the urinemedicine sciences
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / chaff
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / embers that form the smoke
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / metal dust, filing
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / fluff on plants and fruits
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / finespun fabrics
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / flakes, shreds used for lint
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / morsel, the least bit
Malvales order plantsἄχνηAncient Greeknounanything that comes off the surface / flax-leaved daphne (Daphne gnidium)
MalwarePUPEnglishnounAcronym of potentially unwanted program: software that most computer users do not want on their computers, such as adware.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of
MalwarePUPEnglishnounPaid upbusiness insurance
MalwarePUPEnglishnounProkaryotic ubiquitin-like proteinbiochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciences
MalwarePUPEnglishnameInitialism of Private Use Plane: either of the two Unicode planes (planes 15 and 16) reserved for private use.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
MammalsguguurGuugu Yimidhirrnounmouse, rat
MammalsguguurGuugu Yimidhirrnoundog, dingo
MammalsguguurGuugu Yimidhirrnounhorse
MammalsmusNorwegian Bokmålnounmouse (rodent)feminine masculine
MammalsmusNorwegian Bokmålnounmouse (computing)feminine masculine
MammalsmusNorwegian Bokmålnounpussy (female genitalia)anatomy medicine sciencescolloquial feminine masculine vulgar
MammalspikpikPijinnounpork (any meat from a pig)
Marriageతల్పముTelugunouna bed.
Marshall IslandsmarshallesiskaSwedishadjinflection of marshallesisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
Marshall IslandsmarshallesiskaSwedishadjinflection of marshallesisk: / pluralform-of plural
Marshall IslandsmarshallesiskaSwedishnounfemale equivalent of marshallescommon-gender feminine form-of
MarxismproletariatEnglishnounThe lowest class of society; also, the lower classes of society generally; the masses.also derogatory figuratively often
MarxismproletariatEnglishnounWage earners collectively, excluding salaried workers; people who own no capital and depend on their labour for survival; the working class, especially when seen as engaged in a class struggle with the bourgeoisie (“the capital-owning class”).Marxism
MarxismproletariatEnglishnounThe lowest class of citizens, who had no property and few rights, and were regarded as contributing only their offspring to the state.Ancient-Rome historical
MasturbationμαλακίαGreeknounmasturbation, wankingcolloquial vulgar
MasturbationμαλακίαGreeknounstupidity, idiocy, nonsense, bullshitcolloquial figuratively vulgar
MealspôłniéKashubiannounnoon, midday (middle of the day)neuter
MealspôłniéKashubiannounlunch (midday meal)neuter
MealspôłniéKashubiannounsouth (one of the four principal compass points being directed towards the South Pole)neuter
MeatskotletaCzechnouncutlet (meat chop)feminine
MeatskotletaCzechnounsideburnfeminine plural
Medical signs and symptomszimnicaPolishnouncold (low temperature)colloquial feminine
Medical signs and symptomszimnicaPolishnouncommon dab (Limanda limanda)feminine
Medical signs and symptomszimnicaPolishnounany plant belonging to the genus Diapensiafeminine
Medical signs and symptomszimnicaPolishnounmalariafeminine
Medical signs and symptomszimnicaPolishnounfeverfeminine obsolete
Medical signs and symptomszimnicaPolishnounchillsBukovina feminine
Medical signs and symptomsсветовъртежBulgariannounvertigo
Medical signs and symptomsсветовъртежBulgariannoundizziness
MedicineasferTarifitnounmedicine, herbal medicinemasculine
MedicinemalencoliousMiddle EnglishadjMade of or containing black bile or melancholy.
MedicinemalencoliousMiddle EnglishadjHaving one's mood or emotional state changed by black bile: / furious, irascible; full of anger and wroth.
MedicinemalencoliousMiddle EnglishadjHaving one's mood or emotional state changed by black bile: / upset, depressed; full of sadness and woe.
MedicinemalencoliousMiddle EnglishadjDue to the influence or presence of black bile.
MedicinemalencoliousMiddle EnglishadjAffected by a disease caused by too much black bile.rare
MedicinemalencoliousMiddle EnglishadjUnder the influence of or governed by black bile.rare
MedicinemalencoliousMiddle EnglishadjHaving a proclivity to produce black bile.rare
MedicineпалочкаRussiannoundiminutive of па́лка (pálka): (small) stickdiminutive form-of
MedicineпалочкаRussiannounrod (eye cell)
MedicineпалочкаRussiannounpalochka, the Caucasian Cyrillic letter Ӏ/ӏ
MemoryнапоминатьRussianverbto remind, to dun (cause one to experience a memory; bring to a person's notice)
MemoryнапоминатьRussianverbto resemble, to look like
MetallurgykäsnEstoniannounsponge, bath sponge (material used for washing or cleaning)
MetallurgykäsnEstoniannounsponge, sea sponge (Porifera)biology natural-sciences zoologyin-plural
MetallurgykäsnEstoniannounconk (formation of fungi on a tree)
MetallurgykäsnEstoniannounwartmedicine pathology sciences
MetallurgykäsnEstoniannounan old personcolloquial
MetallurgyклинкерKazakhnounclinker (a very hard brick used for paving)
MetallurgyклинкерKazakhnounclinker (slag or ash produced by intense heat in a furnace)
MetallurgyоковSerbo-Croatiannounmetal piece used for shoeing, mounting etc.
MetallurgyоковSerbo-Croatiannounshackles, chainsin-plural
MetalsargentFrenchnounmoney, cashmasculine
MetalsargentFrenchnounargent (white in heraldry)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
Middle EastqafizEnglishnounA traditional Arab unit of volume, varying over time, place, and substance measured.historical
Middle EastqafizEnglishnounAny of various medieval units of dry or liquid measure derived from the qafiz.historical
MilitarymilitiaEnglishnounAn army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need, the entire able-bodied population of a state which may also be called upon, or a private force not under government control.
MilitarymilitiaEnglishnounSynonym of militsia: the national police force of certain countries (e.g. Belarus).
MilitarysotilasFinnishnounpawnboard-games chess games
MilitarysotilasFinnishnounjack, knavecard-games games
MilitarysuperoLatinverbto surmount, rise over, rise above, go over, ascend, overtop, mountconjugation-1
MilitarysuperoLatinverbto go over, pass over, surpass, exceed, traverseconjugation-1
MilitarysuperoLatinverbto be superior, surpass, exceed, excel, outdo, outstrip, be in excess, have the upper handconjugation-1
MilitarysuperoLatinverbto be abundant, overflowconjugation-1
MilitarysuperoLatinverbto overcome, overpower, conquer, subdueconjugation-1
MilitarysuperoLatinverbto remain; to be left, left over, or left alone; to survive; to be safe, to be sparedconjugation-1
MilitaryłazikPolishnounwanderer, vagabond, rover (one who roves)colloquial humorous masculine person
MilitaryłazikPolishnouna bird belonging to the genera Xenicus or Traversiaanimal-not-person masculine
MilitaryłazikPolishnouna light, off-road military vehiclecolloquial inanimate masculine
MilitaryłazikPolishnounrover (vehicle for exploring extraterrestrial bodies)inanimate masculine
MilitaryбазаRussiannounsomething, mostly opinion or action, viewed as being based (admirable or praiseworthy)Internet
MilitaryбазаRussiannounsomething seen as accurate, relatable or common for a given situationInternet
Military ranksABEnglishnameAbbreviation of Alberta, a province of Canada.abbreviation alt-of
Military ranksABEnglishnameInitialism of Artium baccalaureus.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Military ranksABEnglishnameInitialism of Aryan Brotherhood, a US white supremacist, neo-Nazi prison gang and crime syndicate.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of able seaman; able-bodied seaman.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of afterburner.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of aid to the blind.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of airbase.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounAbbreviation of alkylbenzene.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of antibody.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of artificial breeding.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of assembly bill.government law politicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounA blood type of the ABO system that has both blood antigens and may receive all blood types, and donate to AB.countable uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounA blood type of the ABO system that has both blood antigens and may receive all blood types, and donate to AB. / A person with this blood type.countable
Military ranksABEnglishnounInitialism of adult baby.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Military ranksABEnglishnounA kind of halal snack pack.Australia countable
Military ranksABEnglishadjInitialism of airborne.abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Military ranksABEnglishadjInitialism of antiballistic.abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Military ranksABEnglishadjInitialism of at bat.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
Military ranksrazvodnikSerbo-Croatiannounprivate first classarmy government military politics warCroatia Serbia
Military ranksrazvodnikSerbo-Croatiannounseaman first classarmy government military politics warCroatia Serbia
Military ranksرقيبArabicnounwatchman / guard, sentry
Military ranksرقيبArabicnounwatchman / an inspector, supervisor, even a censor
Military ranksرقيبArabicnounwatchman / spy, stooge
Military ranksرقيبArabicnouna certain military rank, usually corresponding to English sergeant
Milk牛奶Chinesenouncow's milk
Milk牛奶Chinesenouncondensed milkTaishanese
Mint family plantsniepokalanekPolishnounvitex (any plant of the genus Vitex)inanimate masculine
Mint family plantsniepokalanekPolishnounchaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)inanimate masculine
Mint family plantsniepokalanekPolishnoungenitive plural of niepokalankafeminine form-of genitive plural
Mites and tickskagawTagalognounitch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei)
Mites and tickskagawTagalognoungerm; microbe
MoneymionairgeadIrishnounsmall changemasculine
MoneymionairgeadIrishnounpetty cashmasculine
MoneymonetaItalianverbinflection of monetare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
MoneymonetaItalianverbinflection of monetare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
MoneymonetariusLatinadjOf or related to mints or minting.adjective declension-1 declension-2
MoneymonetariusLatinadjMonetary, of or related to money, particularly coinage.Late-Latin adjective declension-1 declension-2
MoneymonetariusLatinnounMoneyer, the operator of a mint.Medieval-Latin declension-2 historical
MonthsgaragarrilBasquenounJuneGipuzkoan Navarrese inanimate
MonthsgaragarrilBasquenounJulyBiscayan inanimate
Morning glory family plantsvitjaFinnishnounchainplural-normally
Morning glory family plantsvitjaFinnishnounponyfoot (any plant of the genus Dichondra)
MoroccorabatíSpanishadjof Rabat; Rabati (of or relating to Rabat, Morocco)feminine masculine relational
MoroccorabatíSpanishnounRabati (native or resident of Rabat, Morocco)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
MountainsBalutCebuanonamea volcanic island located south of Davao Occidental
MountainsBalutCebuanonamethe fumarolic volcano in the center of the island
MountainsकैलासSanskritnounMount Kailasa (fabulous residence of Shiva; placed in the Himalaya range and regarded as one of the loftiest peaks to the north of the Manasarovara)
MountainsकैलासSanskritnouna particular form of temple
MurderwettingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of wetform-of gerund participle present
MurderwettingEnglishnounThe act of making something wet.
MurderwettingEnglishnounThe act of accidental urination on or in something.
MurderwettingEnglishnounAn act of murdering or seriously injuring someone.Multicultural-London-English US slang
MurderwettingEnglishadjThat makes (something) wet.not-comparable
MuridsmyšCzechnounmouse (animal)feminine
MuridsmyšCzechnounmouse (input device)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
MushroomshoubaCzechnounmushroom (fungus and fruit of fungus)feminine
MushroomshoubaCzechnounsponge (Porifera)feminine
MushroomshoubaCzechnounsponge (material used to wash dishes or the body)feminine
MushroomshoubaCzechnounsponge (direct-reduction iron)feminine
MushroomszelenkaCzechnounZelinka (pear cultivar)feminine
MushroomszelenkaCzechnoungreengage (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. claudiana)feminine
MushroomszelenkaCzechnounman on horseback, yellow knight (Tricholoma equestre)feminine
MusicspartitoItaliannounsheet musicmasculine
MusicspartitoItalianverbpast participle of spartireform-of participle past
MusicмелодійнийUkrainianadjmelodious, tuneful, dulcet
Musical instrumentskecapiIndonesiannounsantol
Musical instrumentskecapiIndonesiannounsantol fruit
Musical instrumentskecapiIndonesiannounkacapi: a box zither with an open bottom, played by plucking, originating in traditional Sundanese music
Musical instrumentskecapiIndonesianverbpatient focus of mengecap
Musical instrumentskomoHausanounmisshapen calabash
Musical instrumentskomoHausanounA large lute, generally played for hunters.
Musical instrumentspipaFinnishnounpipa (a type of Chinese lute)
Musical instrumentspipaFinnishnounAlternative form of pipoalt-of alternative dialectal
MusicianschoirEnglishnounA group of people who sing together; a company of people who are trained to sing together.
MusicianschoirEnglishnounUncommon form of quire (“one quarter of a cruciform church, or the architectural area of a church used by the choir, often near the apse”).architectureform-of uncommon
MusicianschoirEnglishnounOne of the nine ranks or orders of angels.angelology lifestyle religion theologyChristian
MusicianschoirEnglishnounSet of strings (one per note) for a harpsichord.
MusicianschoirEnglishverbTo sing in concert.intransitive
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The spined loach (Cobitis taenia), weather loach ( Misgurnus fossilis), or other member of the loaches.
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The ringed plover, Charadrius hiaticula.
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A dragonfly of the genus Brachythemis.
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A moth of the genus Condica
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounAn audience member in the cheap section (usually standing; originally in Elizabethan theater).
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounA person of uncultivated or uncultured taste.broadly
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A soldier who fights on the ground or serves as ground crew, as opposed to a seaman, pilot, etc.government military politics warslang
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A member of a race that lives primarily underground, such as a dwarf.fantasy
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially
Mythological creaturesgroundlingEnglishnounAdam, before eating the apple of knowledge of good and evil (emphasizing his creation from the ground).Abrahamic-religions lifestyle religion
Mythological creaturesการเวกThainoun(นก~) a mythical bird said to be immortal, living in the Himavanta Forest, having an enchanting melodious cry, having feathers that can turn into gold, and having a long flowing tail, also believed by the East Asians to have a human's head and a bird's torso.Buddhism Buddhist human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciences
Mythological creaturesการเวกThainoun(นก~) fenghuang: Chinese phoenix.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese broadly
Mythological creaturesการเวกThainoun(นก~) phoenix.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesbroadly
Mythological creaturesการเวกThainoun(นก~) bird-of-paradise: any of various birds of the family Paradisaeidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Mythological creaturesการเวกThainounclimbing ylang-ylang: the plant Artabotrys hexapetalus of the family Annonaceae.biology botany natural-sciences
Mythological creaturesการเวกThainouna type of traditional Thai songs.entertainment lifestyle music
Mythological creaturesการเวกThainamethe constellation Apus.astronomy natural-sciences
Mythological figuresHesperidesEnglishnounA group of nymphs who tend a blissful garden filled with trees that grew golden apples in a far western corner of the world, located in Libya or the Atlas Mountains in North Africa at the edge of the encircling Oceanus; they are said to be the daughters of Hesperus.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek plural plural-only
Mythological figuresHesperidesEnglishnounThe garden of the Hesperides.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek plural plural-only
Mythological figuresHesperidesEnglishnounA paradisaical land of plenty, especially one in the far West.figuratively plural plural-only
Mythological locationsÉlyséeFrenchnameElysiumhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman masculine
Mythological locationsÉlyséeFrenchnamethe Élysée palace (official residence of the President of France)masculine
Mythological locationsÉlyséeFrenchnamethe French governmentmasculine metonymically
MythologytungariNgarrindjerinoungum from the wattle tree.
MythologytungariNgarrindjerinounsecret language
Named roadsTres de AbrilCebuanonamea battle fought in Cebu during the Philippine Revolutionhistorical
Named roadsTres de AbrilCebuanonamea street named after the battle
Names俗名Japanesenounsecular nameBuddhism lifestyle religion
Names俗名Japanesenouncommon namebiology natural-sciences taxonomy
NationalitiesRoemeenseDutchadjinflection of Roemeens: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
NationalitiesRoemeenseDutchadjinflection of Roemeens: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
NationalitiesRoemeenseDutchadjinflection of Roemeens: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
NationalitiesRoemeenseDutchnounRomanian (female inhabitant of Romania)feminine
NationalitiesfilipinoGaliciannounFilipino (person)masculine
NationalitiesholenderskiPolishadjof the Netherlands; Dutchnot-comparable relational
NationalitiesholenderskiPolishnounDutch (language)inanimate masculine
NationalitieskroatSwedishnounCroatian; person from Croatia (chiefly male)common-gender
NationalitieskroatSwedishnounCroat; member of that ethnic groupcommon-gender
NationalitiesletóCatalanadjLatvian (pertaining to Latvia, the Latvian people, or the Latvian language)
NationalitiesletóCatalannounLatvian (an individual from Latvia or an ethnic Latvian)masculine
NationalitiesletóCatalannounLatvian (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesmalaijilainenFinnishnounA Malay.
NationalitiessiamêsPortugueseadjSiamese (of or relating to Siam)historical
NationalitiessiamêsPortuguesenounSiamese (person from Siam)historical masculine
NationalitiessiamêsPortuguesenounSiamese cat (breed of domestic cat)masculine
NationalitiessiamêsPortuguesenamethe Thai languagehistorical masculine
NationalitiessłowackiPolishnounSlovak (language)inanimate masculine
NationalitiestadžikkiFinnishnounTajik (person)countable
NationalitiestadžikkiFinnishnounTajik (language)uncountable
NaturehimpapawidTagalognounatmospheric space; firmament; sky
NaturehimpapawidTagalognounclouds in the skyobsolete
NaturerotMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of rote (“root”)alt-of alternative
NaturerotMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of roten (“to rot”)alt-of alternative
NaturerotMiddle EnglishnounRotting or decomposition; the situation where something rots.uncountable
NaturerotMiddle EnglishnounAny disease which causes decaying and decomposition in humans.uncountable
NaturerotMiddle EnglishnounA disease that afflicts sheep; footrot, the rot.uncountable
NauticalblokadaPolishnounblockade (blocking of access to something)feminine
NauticalblokadaPolishnounblockade (form of formal isolation of something, especially with the force of law or arms)feminine
NauticalblokadaPolishnounlockdown, roadblock (something that blocks or obstructs a road, sometimes as a form of protest)feminine
NauticalblokadaPolishnounlock, block (form of security)feminine
NauticalblokadaPolishnounwheel clamp, car bootfeminine
NauticalblokadaPolishnounblocker, blocking agentmedicine sciencesfeminine
NauticalblokadaPolishnounblockage (strong blocking of emotions)feminine
NauticallomeMiddle Englishadvusually, commonly.
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounA machine, device, or instrument.
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounA loom; a frame used for weaving or other weaving implement.
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounA container or box where fluid is stored.
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounA boat; a seafaring craft.rare
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounA grave; a casket.rare
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounAn instrument of war; an armament.rare
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounA penis.rare vulgar
NauticallomeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of lemeEarly-Middle-English alt-of alternative
NauticalякірUkrainiannounarmature (in a direct-current electric motor)
NavigationboxxlaMaltesenounweather vanefeminine
NavigationboxxlaMaltesenounvestibule doorfeminine
Navigation太康ChinesenameTai Kang (third king of the semi-legendary Xia dynasty)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
Navigation太康ChinesenameChinese era name from the reign of Emperor Wu of Jin (280–289) or Emperor Daozong of Liao (1075–1084)historical
Navigation太康ChinesenameTaikang (a county of Zhoukou, Henan, China)
Navigation太康ChinesenounTACANaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warTaiwan
New Year新年Japanesenouna new year
New Year新年JapanesenounNew Year
New Year新年JapanesenounNew Year's Day
New York, USAEmpire StateEnglishnameThe official nickname for the state of New York in the United States of America.
New York, USAEmpire StateEnglishnameEmpire State Building
NicknamesMcHellEnglishnameMcDonald's (the fast food restaurant chain).derogatory slang
NicknamesMcHellEnglishnounHell (used in allusion to the McDonald's brand or to similar large corporations).humorous nonce-word uncountable
NightshadeslulekPolishnounhenbane (any plant of the genus Hyoscyamus)
NightshadeslulekPolishnoungenitive plural of lulkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Nine119EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Jamaica, Mozambique, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka.
Nine119EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea and on Taiwan.
Nine119EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in China, Bolivia, Japan, and South Korea.
Nine119EnglishnameThe telephone number for antiterrorist services in Afghanistan.
Nine119EnglishnameThe telephone number for COVID-19 emergencies in the United Kingdom's Home Counties.
NinenineEnglishnumA numerical value equal to 9; the number following eight and preceding ten.
NinenineEnglishnumDescribing a group or set with nine elements.
NinenineEnglishnounThe digit or figure 9.
NinenineEnglishnounA playing card with nine pips.card-games games
NinenineEnglishnounA nine-millimeter semi-automatic government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
NinenineEnglishnounA statistical unit of proportion (of reliability, purity, etc.).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesplural-normally
NinenineEnglishnounA baseball club, team, or lineup (composed of nine players).ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
NobilitybaronPolishnounbaron, lord (male ruler of a barony)historical masculine person
NobilitybaronPolishnounbaron, lord (person of great power in society, especially in business and politics)figuratively masculine person
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnouna lady, the mistress of a household
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnounnoblewoman; queen
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnouna form of courteous address; lady
NobilityhlæfdigeOld Englishnounthe Virgin Mary
NobilitynoblesseEnglishnounThe quality of being noble; nobleness.uncountable usually
NobilitynoblesseEnglishnounThe nobility; peerage.uncountable usually
NobilityкаралеваBelarusiannounfemale equivalent of каро́ль (karólʹ): queenfeminine form-of
NobilityкаралеваBelarusiannounqueen (a woman who stands out something among other attitudes in which she is involved)colloquial figuratively
NobilityкаралеваBelarusiannounqueenboard-games chess gamescolloquial
Noble gasesアルゴンJapanesenounargon, Ar
Noble gasesアルゴンJapanesenounargon gas
Numbersnatural numberEnglishnounA positive integer {1, 2, 3, ...}.mathematics sciences
Numbersnatural numberEnglishnounA non-negative integer {0, 1, 2, ...}.mathematics sciences
NutsجوزSouth Levantine Arabicnounpair
NutsجوزSouth Levantine Arabicnounhusband
NutsجوزSouth Levantine Arabicnounnutscollective
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounThe long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast, as of pigs.
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounThe front of the prow of a ship or boat.
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounA person's nose.derogatory
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounThe nozzle of a pipe, hose, etc.
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounThe anterior prolongation of the head of a gastropod; a rostrum.
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounThe anterior prolongation of the head of weevils and allied beetles; a rostrum.
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounTobacco; cigarettes.British slang
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounThe terminus of a glacier.
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounA police informer.slang
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishnounA butterfly in the nymphalid subfamily Libytheinae, notable for the snout-like elongation on their heads.
Nymphalid butterfliessnoutEnglishverbTo furnish with a nozzle or point.
OaksbinááʼNavajonounhis eye
OaksbinááʼNavajonounits seed (plant seed, seeds of trees other than fruit trees)
ObesitygrasFrenchadjboldmedia publishing typography
ObesitygrasFrenchnounfat (animal tissue or substance resembling it)masculine
ObesitylandwhaleEnglishnounAn obese person.derogatory slang
ObesitylandwhaleEnglishnounAn excessively large motor vehicle.slang
ObesitypudgeEnglishnounSomething short and fat.countable uncountable
ObesitypudgeEnglishnounExcess body fat.countable uncountable
OccultapparitionEnglishnounAn act of becoming visible; appearance; visibility.
OccultapparitionEnglishnounThe thing appearing; a visible object; a form.
OccultapparitionEnglishnounAn unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance; especially something such as a ghost or phantom.
OccultapparitionEnglishnounThe first appearance of a star or other luminary after having been invisible or obscured; opposed to occultation.astronomy natural-sciences
OccultapparitionEnglishnounA period of consecutive days or nights when a particular celestial body may be observed, beginning with the heliacal rising of the body and ending with its heliacal setting.astronomy natural-sciences
OccultclairsentientEnglishadjExhibiting or pertaining to clairsentience.
OccultclairsentientEnglishnounOne who has the power of clairsentience.
OccultczarPolishnounspell (magic)inanimate masculine
OccultczarPolishnounallure, charm (quality of inspiring delight or admiration)inanimate masculine
OccultczarPolishnounsorcery (magical power)in-plural inanimate masculine
OccultczarPolishnoungenitive plural of czarafeminine form-of genitive plural
OccultμαγείαAncient Greeknountheology of the Magians
OccultμαγείαAncient Greeknounmagic, sorceryKoine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounbeater (one who beats)literally masculine rare
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounbeater (one who drives game towards the shooters)hobbies hunting lifestylemasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounbatterball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounbatsmanball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounserverball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports tennis volleyballmasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounone who operates a snow groomerhobbies lifestyle skiing sportsmasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounpanel beater, (US) auto body mechanicGeneral-Australian New-Zealand UK masculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannouna worker who beats sheets in order to flatten and polish themarts crafts hobbies lifestyle papermakinghistorical masculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounthresher (one who threshes)agriculture business lifestylemasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounthe part of a threshing machine which handles the threshing of grainagriculture business lifestylemasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounthe part of a machine which detaches kernels from the corncobagriculture business lifestylemasculine
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannounscoutgovernment military politics warmasculine obsolete
OccupationsbattitoreItaliannoundoorknocker, knockermasculine obsolete
OccupationscanovaioItaliannounSynonym of cantinieremasculine uncommon
OccupationscanovaioItaliannounthe officer tasked with managing a deposit of grain or hayhistorical masculine
OccupationscanovaioItaliannounsalter (salt seller)historical masculine
OccupationscanovaioItaliannountax collectorItaly Northern historical masculine
OccupationsealdormannOld Englishnouna leader, ruler, princemasculine
OccupationsealdormannOld Englishnouna master, overseermasculine
OccupationsealdormannOld Englishnouna judgemasculine
OccupationsexecutionerEnglishnounAn official person who carries out the capital punishment of a criminal.
OccupationsexecutionerEnglishnounA hit man, especially being in some organization.
OccupationsknaveEnglishnounA boy; especially, a boy servant.archaic
OccupationsknaveEnglishnounAny male servant; a menial.archaic
OccupationsknaveEnglishnounA tricky, deceitful fellow; a dishonest person.dated
OccupationsknaveEnglishnounA playing card marked with the figure of a servant or soldier; a jack.card-games games
OccupationsmazgātājaLatviannoungenitive singular of mazgātājsform-of genitive masculine singular
OccupationsmazgātājaLatviannounwasher, laundress (woman who washes, especially clothes)declension-4 feminine
OccupationsmetrPolishnounmetre, meter (one hundred centimeters)inanimate masculine
OccupationsmetrPolishnountape measure (graduated flexible ribbon used for measuring lengths)inanimate masculine
OccupationsmetrPolishnounquintal (metric quintal of 100 kg)colloquial inanimate masculine
OccupationsmetrPolishnounmeter (overall rhythm of a song or poem; particularly, the number of beats in a measure or syllables in a line)entertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial inanimate masculine
OccupationsmetrPolishnounteacher of dance, or sometimes music or languageeducationhistorical masculine person
OccupationsmetrPolishnounfirst-rate thiefmasculine obsolete person slang
OccupationsmetrPolishnounold hare which is hard to hunthobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
OccupationsmuftiEnglishnounA Muslim scholar and interpreter of sharia law, who can deliver a fatwa.Islam lifestyle religioncountable
OccupationsmuftiEnglishnounA civilian dress when worn by a member of the military, or casual dress when worn by a pupil of a school who normally would wear uniform.Australia British New-Zealand uncountable
OccupationsoszczepnikPolishnounjavelineer (warrior or soldier armed primarily with one or more javelins)government military politics warhistorical masculine person
OccupationsoszczepnikPolishnounjavelin thrower (athlete who competes in the javelin throw)masculine person
OccupationspreședinteRomaniannounpresident (head of state of a republic)masculine
OccupationspreședinteRomaniannounpresident (primary leader of a corporation)masculine
OccupationswróżPolishnounforeteller (one who foretells the future)masculine person
OccupationswróżPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of wróżyćform-of imperative second-person singular
OccupationsкозакъOld East SlavicnounCossack
OccupationsкозакъOld East Slavicnounworker
OccupationsкопринаркаBulgariannounfemale silk-picker or silk-sellerliterally
OccupationsкопринаркаBulgariannounwaxwing (songbird of genus Bombycilla)
OccupationsсадівницяUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of садівни́к (sadivnýk): / gardener
OccupationsсадівницяUkrainiannounfemale equivalent of садівни́к (sadivnýk): / horticulturalist
OccupationsจเรThainouninspector; inspector general.government
OccupationsจเรThaiverbto wander; to walk; to roam.archaic poetic
Old French ordinal numbersquartCatalanadjfourthnumeral ordinal
Old French ordinal numbersquartCatalannounquarter hourmasculine
Old French ordinal numbersquartCatalannouna political subdivision of the parishes La Massana, Ordino, and Sant Julià de Lòria in Andorramasculine
Old French ordinal numbersquartCatalannounbarrel; unit of liquid measure equal to one-quarter of a pipemasculine obsolete
Old French ordinal numbersquartCatalannounquarto; paper sizemasculine
Old French ordinal numbersquartCatalannounquarto; book sizemedia printing publishingmasculine
Old French ordinal numbersquartCatalannouna casteller on the fourth level of a castellacrobatics arts castells hobbies lifestyle performing-arts sportsmasculine
One一下Chineseadvone time; once
One一下Chineseadva (short) while; a moment
One一下Chineseadvgive something a go; give something a try
One一下Chineseadvsuddenly; all at once
One一下Chineseadventirely; completelySichuanese
One一下Chineseadvin all; in totalSichuanese
One一下ChineseadvtogetherGan Hakka
Onomastics假名Chinesenounpseudonym; false or fictitious name
Onomastics假名Chineseverbto do something under a false premisearchaic
Onomastics假名ChinesenounJapanese kana
Ophthalmology眼珠子ChinesenouneyeChifeng Mandarin
Ophthalmology眼珠子Chinesenounapple of one's eyeMainland-China figuratively
OrchidsسحلبArabicnounOrchis gen.
OrchidsسحلبArabicnounthe starch of the bulbs of Orchis gen., salep
OrchidsسحلبArabicnouna drink made from milk thickened with salep, sweetened, and usually flavored with rosewater or orange blossom water
OrganizationsIMFEnglishnameInitialism of International Monetary Fund.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsIMFEnglishnameInitialism of Impossible Mission Force, a fictional spy organization from the Mission: Impossible franchise.fiction literature media publishingabbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsyakuzaEnglishnounA Japanese organized crime gang. (plural: yakuza)
OrganizationsyakuzaEnglishnounA member of that Japanese organized crime gang. (plural: yakuzas)
Organizations国会Japanesenounparliament; congress
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe National Diet (Japan's bicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe Cortes Generales (Spain's bicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe Parliament (France's bicameral legislature; Sri Lanka's and Singapore's unicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe House of Nation (Bangladesh's unicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (South Korea's unicameral legislature)
Organizations国会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (Vietnam's unicameral legislature)
OwlspelėdaLithuaniannounan unattractive, unkempt, unrefined womanfiguratively
Palm treessagoCebuanonounsago palm (Metroxylon sagu)
Palm treessagoCebuanonounsago cycad (Cycas revoluta)
Palm treessagoCebuanonounstarch from these plants
Palm treessagoCebuanonouna sago pearl or the similar-looking boba and landang
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Panama国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
PaperrygaPolishnoungrid paper (sheets of paper with an outline grid of lines used for plotting graphs)dated feminine
PaperrygaPolishnounblank materialmedia publishing typographyfeminine
PaperrygaPolishnounline, row (path through two or more points; a continuous mark, including as made by a pen; any path, curved or straight)archaic feminine
ParasitesshatanniChoctawnountick (arachnid)
ParasitesshatanniChoctawnounwood tick
PathologyобаKazakhnounhill, hillockdialectal
PeopleJerseyiteEnglishnounA person from the island of Jersey.
PeopleJerseyiteEnglishnounA person from New Jersey, United States.
PeopleMexicuntEnglishnounA Mexican.derogatory ethnic humorous slur vulgar
PeopleMexicuntEnglishadjMexican.derogatory ethnic humorous not-comparable slur vulgar
PeopleTIPEnglishnameInitialism of Tertiary Ideographic Plane, the fourth 65,536-codepoint plane in Unicode (from U+30000 through U+3FFFF).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleTIPEnglishnameAbbreviation of Tipperary.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of
PeopleTIPEnglishnameInitialism of Third Intermediate Period.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PeopleTIPEnglishnounInitialism of trans-identified person.abbreviation alt-of initialism offensive possibly
PeopleaimnéiseachIrishadjamnesiac (suffering from amnesia)not-comparable
PeopleaimnéiseachIrishnounamnesiac (amnesia sufferer)masculine
PeopleantirationalistEnglishadjOpposing philosophical rationalism.human-sciences philosophy sciences
PeopleantirationalistEnglishnounOne who rejects philosophical rationalism.human-sciences philosophy sciences
PeopleapoliticoItaliannounan apolitical personmasculine
PeoplebeberrónSpanishnounheavy drinker; boozer; boozehoundmasculine
PeoplebefektetőHungarianverbpresent participle of befektetform-of participle present
PeoplebefektetőHungariannouninvestor (person who invests money in order to make a profit)
PeoplebeneficjentPolishnounbeneficiary (one who receives an advantage)masculine person
PeoplebeneficjentPolishnounbeneficiary (one who benefits from the distribution, especially of an estate)lawmasculine person
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounA heretic.obsolete
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounSomeone who commits buggery; a sodomite.lawUK
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounA foolish or worthless person or thing; a despicable person.Commonwealth Hawaii derogatory slang
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounA situation that is aggravating or causes dismay; a pain.Commonwealth Hawaii slang
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounSomeone viewed with affection; a chap.Commonwealth Hawaii slang
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounA damn, anything at all.dated slang
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounSomeone who is very fond of somethingCommonwealth slang
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounA whippersnapper, a tyke.UK US slang
PeoplebuggerEnglishverbTo have anal sex with, sodomize.Commonwealth transitive vulgar
PeoplebuggerEnglishverbTo break or ruin.Commonwealth slang transitive vulgar
PeoplebuggerEnglishverbExpressing contemptuous dismissal of the grammatical object.Commonwealth slang transitive vulgar
PeoplebuggerEnglishintjAn expression of annoyance or displeasure.British Commonwealth Ireland slang vulgar
PeoplebuggerEnglishnounOne who sets a bug (surveillance device); one who bugs.
PeoplebunkieEnglishnounFamiliar term of address.
PeoplebunkieEnglishnounbunkmate, someone with which one shares a bunk bed.
PeoplebunkieEnglishnouna small cabin with a bunk or bed(s), a free-standing bedroom or sleeping area separate from the main house or cottage, which may or may not have other facilities (a fully outfitted outbuilding with a kitchen or bathroom would be a guest house or accessory dwelling unit and not a bunkie)
PeoplechikajkiTlamacazapa Nahuatladjhard
PeoplechikajkiTlamacazapa Nahuatladjripe
PeoplechikajkiTlamacazapa Nahuatlnounluchador (professional wrestler)
PeoplecromwellianoPortugueseadjCromwellian (of or relating to Oliver Cromwell, his ideas or policies)government politicshistorical
PeoplecromwellianoPortuguesenounCromwellian (a partisan of Oliver Cromwell)government politicshistorical masculine
PeopledetailerEnglishnounOne who gives details of something.
PeopledetailerEnglishnounOne who details (cleans cars).US
PeopleflakPolishnounsausage casing made from animal intestineinanimate masculine
PeopleflakPolishnounpart of animal entrailsinanimate masculine
PeopleflakPolishnounflat tyre (deflated tyre)colloquial inanimate masculine
PeopleflakPolishnounweak, exhausted personcolloquial inanimate masculine
PeopleflakPolishnountraditional tripe soup made from the stomach of a cow, occasionally also deerin-plural inanimate masculine
PeopleflakPolishnounentrails, guts, innards, intestines, viscera (internal organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities)colloquial in-plural inanimate masculine
PeopleinvalidEnglishadjNot valid; not true, correct, acceptable or appropriate.
PeopleinvalidEnglishnounAny person with a disability or illness.dated offensive sometimes
PeopleinvalidEnglishnounA person who is confined to home or bed because of illness, disability or injury; one who is too sick or weak to care for themselves.dated offensive sometimes
PeopleinvalidEnglishnounA disabled member of the armed forces; one unfit for active duty due to injury.archaic
PeopleinvalidEnglishadjSuffering from disability or illness.not-comparable
PeopleinvalidEnglishadjIntended for use by an invalid.not-comparable
PeopleinvalidEnglishverbTo exempt from (often military) duty because of injury or ill health.British transitive
PeopleinvalidEnglishverbTo make invalid or affect with disease.transitive
PeoplejuorukelloFinnishnountelltale, tattler (one who divulges private information)
PeoplejuorukelloFinnishnounblabbermouth, blab, babbler, gossiper, gossip (one who likes to talk about someone else’s private or personal business)
PeoplelicencjatPolishnounbachelor's degreeinanimate masculine
PeoplelicencjatPolishnounbachelor's thesisinanimate informal masculine
PeoplelicencjatPolishnounbachelor (person with a bachelor's degree)masculine person
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA large breviary (as a book that "lies" in situ)rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA support, base, or foundation: / A particular sort of saddletree.rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA support, base, or foundation: / A particular sort of mattress.rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA resident or lurker; one who frequents something.rare
PeopleliggereMiddle EnglishnounA sort of cape (perhaps as it "lies" on the back).rare
PeoplemacerMiddle EnglishnounA macer; a mace-bearer (official)
PeoplemacerMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of maseralt-of alternative
PeoplemediaryEnglishnounAn intermediary or go-between; Something or someone that passes information, instructions, or influence between one person or thing and another person or thing.
PeoplemediaryEnglishadjActing to cause or connect.not-comparable
PeoplemediaryEnglishadjStoring data that is written by one process so that it can be read by another process.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesdated not-comparable
PeoplemediaryEnglishadjoccurring during the course of a disease.medicine sciencesnot-comparable
PeoplemediaryEnglishadjHaving a primary hue (red, blue, or gold), as opposed to one that can be created by mixing colors with primary hues.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable
PeoplemediaryEnglishadjDefining or inferring a generalization or category of meaning.human-sciences linguistics sciences semioticsnot-comparable
PeoplenegotiatorEnglishnounOne who negotiates.
PeoplenegotiatorEnglishnounA diplomat, moderator.
PeopleniziołekPolishnoundwarf, midget (person of small stature)masculine obsolete person
PeopleniziołekPolishnounhalfling, hobbit (fictional small humanoid creature featuring in fantasy fiction)fantasyanimal-not-person masculine
PeoplenymphEnglishnounAny female nature spirit associated with water, forests, grotto, wind, etc.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
PeoplenymphEnglishnounA young girl, especially one who is attractive, beautiful or graceful.
PeoplenymphEnglishnounThe larva of certain insects.biology entomology natural-sciences
PeoplenymphEnglishnounAny of various butterflies of the family Nymphalidae.biology entomology natural-sciences
PeoplepharmacistEnglishnounA health professional who controls, formulates, preserves, and dispenses medications and provides medical advice and counseling on how medicines should be used in order to achieve maximum benefit, and minimal side effects in order to avoid drug interactions.
PeoplepharmacistEnglishnounOne who studies pharmacy.literary
PeoplerockabillyEnglishnounA genre of music originating from the South (United States) and mixing elements of rock, blues, country, hillbilly boogie and bluegrass music.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
PeoplerockabillyEnglishnounA member of the subculture associated with rockabilly music.countable
PeopleseangIrishadjslender, slim, lanky
PeopleseangIrishnounslender, slim, personmasculine
PeopleseangIrishnounthin, lean, emaciated, personmasculine
PeoplesieropositivoItalianadjHIV positive, seropositive
PeoplesieropositivoItaliannounHIV positive person, seropositivemasculine
PeoplesubmissiveEnglishadjMeekly obedient or passive; obsequious.
PeoplesubmissiveEnglishnounOne who submits to a dominant partner in BDSM practices.BDSM lifestyle sexuality
PeoplesubmissiveEnglishnounOne who submits.rare
PeopleuremicoItalianadjuremic / uraemicmedicine sciences
PeopleuremicoItaliannouna person suffering from uremiamasculine
PeoplewarmongerEnglishnounSomeone who advocates war; a militarist.derogatory
PeoplewarmongerEnglishnounA mercenary soldier.
PeoplewarmongerEnglishverbTo advocate war.derogatory intransitive
Peopleнарод-богоносецRussiannounGod-bearing people — the Russian nation, seen as the embodiment of spirituality and the Christian faith, carrying out the sacred task of defending all that is good and holy.
Peopleнарод-богоносецRussiannounGod-bearing people — the Russian nation, perceived as the embodiment of any negative quality that the speaker is ascribing to the Russian people.ironic
PeopleстрелецBulgariannounSagittarius, Sagittarian, Sag (person with the zodiac sign)
PeopleцрпкаMacedoniannoungourd, ladle
PeopleцрпкаMacedoniannounempty-headed personderogatory figuratively
PeopleبوجكOttoman Turkishnouninsect, any arthropod in the Insecta class characterized by six legs
PeopleبوجكOttoman Turkishnouninsect, bug, any small arthropod similar to an insectcolloquial
PeopleبوجكOttoman Turkishnounspiny lobster, rock lobster, any crustacean in the family Palinuridae
PeopleبوجكOttoman Turkishnounmember of the imperial secret police organization, composed of former thieves and pickpockets
PeopleमामाNepalinounmaternal uncle (mother's brother)
PeopleमामाNepalinouna police officerslang
PeopleਕਮਕੋਸPunjabiadjslow, sluggish, tardy
PeopleਕਮਕੋਸPunjabiadjslack, lazy
PeopleਕਮਕੋਸPunjabinounidler, shirker, malingerer
People前任Chineseverbto have previously served as; to have previously held the position of
People前任Chinesenounone's ex (ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend or ex-partner)specifically
People女神Chinesenounfemale goddesslifestyle religion
People女神Chinesenoun(of a young female, e.g. a 白富美 (báifùměi)) the goddess of one's heartneologism
PepperspebaMarshallesenouna card
PepperspebaMarshallesenouna pepper (Capsicum)
PepperspebaMarshallesenounpepper (Piperaceae)
Perch and darterszebrafishEnglishnounA small striped fish of species Danio rerio, originally from India but now common as an aquarium fish and as a subject of genetic experiments.
Perch and darterszebrafishEnglishnounA member of certain species of Percina (logperch).
Perch and darterszebrafishEnglishnounCertain venomous lionfish, of genus Pterois.
Perching birdspasserLatinnounsparrowdeclension-3 masculine
Perching birdspasserLatinnounturbotdeclension-3 masculine
PeriodicalsświerszczykPolishnoundiminutive of świerszczanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
PeriodicalsświerszczykPolishnounpornographic magazine; porno mag, girlie magazineanimal-not-person euphemistic humorous masculine
PersonalityobstinéFrenchadjobstinate, stubborn (adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually unreasonably)
PersonalityobstinéFrenchnounobstinate personmasculine
PersonalityobstinéFrenchverbpast participle of obstinerform-of participle past
PersonalitypiousEnglishadjOf or pertaining to piety, exhibiting piety, devout, god-fearing.
PersonalitypiousEnglishadjRelating to religion or religious works.
PersonalitypiousEnglishadjInsisting on or making a show of one's own virtue, especially in comparison to others; sanctimonious, condescending, judgmental.
PersonalityupbeatEnglishadjHaving a fast pace, tempo, or beat.
PersonalityupbeatEnglishadjHaving a positive, lively, or perky tone, attitude, etc.
PersonalityupbeatEnglishnounAn unaccented beat at the start of a musical phrase.
PersonalityvainFrenchadjuseless, ineffective, fruitless
PersonalityvainFrenchadjvain, shallow
PersonalityvindictiveEnglishadjHaving a tendency to seek revenge when wronged, vengeful.
Pezizales order fungitruflaPolishnountruffle (any of various edible fungi, of the genus Tuber, that grow in the soil in southern Europe)feminine
Pezizales order fungitruflaPolishnounchocolate trufflefeminine
Pezizales order fungitruflaPolishnounsoft cake made from a paste made by combining chocolate, butter or cream, and other additivesfeminine
Pezizales order fungitruflaPolishnounnose of a dogbiology natural-sciences zoology zootomyfeminine
Pezizales order fungitruflaPolishnoungenitive singular of trufelform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
PinnipedsmunkkihyljeFinnishnounmonk seal (seal of the genus Monachus)
PinnipedsmunkkihyljeFinnishnounMediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus
Pipits and wagtailsvästäräkkiFinnishnounwagtail (any bird of the family Motacillidae, which includes wagtails and pipits)
Pipits and wagtailsvästäräkkiFinnishnounwhite wagtail, Motacilla alba
PlacesôboraSilesiannounrun; pen; enclosure (fenced area for animals)feminine
PlacesôboraSilesiannounfenced off forestfeminine
Places in AustriaHallstattEnglishnameA village in Salzkammergut, Austria, known historically for the production of salt.
Places in AustriaHallstattEnglishnameThe Hallstatt culture of the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age.
Places in ChinaHan RiverEnglishnameA major river in South Korea that flows through Seoul.
Places in ChinaHan RiverEnglishnameA tributary of the Yangtse flowing through Shaanxi and Hubei, China, with its river mouth in Wuhan
Places in Florida, USAEvergladesEnglishnameAn area of subtropical marshland in southern Florida.
Places in Florida, USAEvergladesEnglishnameEverglades National Park, a national park in south of the Everglades.
Planets of the Solar SystemUtaridiSwahilinameMercury (planet)
Planets of the Solar SystemUtaridiSwahilinamePluto (planet)
Planets of the Solar SystemΖευςGreeknameJupiterastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemΖευςGreeknameZeushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Plant anatomyglomeruleEnglishnounA head or dense cluster of flowers, formed by condensation of a cyme, as in the flowering dogwood.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomyglomeruleEnglishnounA glomerulus.anatomy medicine sciences
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounA mark of infamy or disgrace.
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounA mark of infamy or disgrace. / Discriminatory attitudes.
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounA scar or birthmark.
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounA mark on the body corresponding to one of the wounds of the Crucifixion on Jesus's body, and sometimes reported to bleed periodically.Christianity
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounAn outward sign; an indication.figuratively literary
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounThe sticky part of a flower that receives pollen during pollination.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounA visible sign or characteristic of a disease.medicine sciences
Plant anatomystigmaEnglishnounA ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau, (Ϛ/ϛ).media publishing typography
Plantain family plantsbuck's-hornEnglishnounPlantago coronopus, a plant with leaves branched somewhat like the horn of a buck.
Plantain family plantsbuck's-hornEnglishnounThe plant Lobelia coronopifolia.
PlantsespartoGaliciannounesparto (grass)masculine
PlantsgoldraGaliciannounweld (Reseda luteola)feminine
PlantsgoldraGaliciannounslime, lime, mudfeminine
Pokerfull houseEnglishnounA hand that consists of three of a kind and a pair.card-games poker
Pokerfull houseEnglishnounA single player scoring a try, conversion, penalty goal and drop goal in the same match
Pokerfull houseEnglishnounA situation in which a place is filled with people to its maximum capacity.
Pokerfull houseEnglishadjHaving ammunition loaded to full allowable power, usually in reference to magnum handgun cartridges and shotgun firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrynot-comparable
PolandMazurPolishnounMasurian; Masovian (person from Masuria or Masovia)masculine person
PolandMazurPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
PolandMazurPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
PolandMazurPolishnamegenitive plural of Mazuryform-of genitive plural
Politicsรากหญ้าThainoungrass roots.
Poppiessärkynyt sydänFinnishnounbroken heart (feeling of grief or loss, especially of love), in some cases also brokenhearted or brokenheartedly.
Poppiessärkynyt sydänFinnishnounbleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis (flowering plant in the poppy family, native to Siberia)
PostpostmasterEnglishnounThe head of a post office.
PostpostmasterEnglishnounThe administrator of an electronic mail system.Internet
PostpostmasterEnglishnounA kind of scholar at Merton College, Oxford; portionist.British
PostpostmasterEnglishnounOne who has charge of a station for the accommodation of travellers; one who supplies post horses.archaic
PregnancyaltrixLatinnounnourisher, cherisher, sustainer (female)declension-3
PregnancyaltrixLatinnounwetnurse / wet-nurse / wet nursedeclension-3
PregnancyaltrixLatinnounfoster motherdeclension-3
PregnancychildbearingEnglishnounThe process of giving birth; pregnancy and parturition.uncountable usually
PregnancychildbearingEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or suitable for childbirth.not-comparable
PregnancychildbearingEnglishadjAttractively wide.not-comparable
Pregnancy妊娠Chineseverbto gestate; to be pregnantformal
Pregnancy妊娠Chinesenoungestation; pregnancy
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishnounA state or federal prison for convicted felons; (broadly) a prison.US
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishnounA priest in the Roman Catholic Church who administers the sacrament of penance.
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishnounOne who prescribes the rules and measures of penance.obsolete
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishnounOne who does penance.obsolete
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishnounA small building in a monastery, or a part of a church, where penitents confessed.obsolete
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishnounAn office of the papal court which examines cases of conscience, confession, absolution from vows, etc., and delivers decisions, dispensations, etc.; run by a cardinal called the Grand Penitentiary who is appointed by the pope.obsolete
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishnounAn officer in some dioceses since 1215, vested with power from the bishop to absolve in cases reserved to him.obsolete
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishadjOf or relating to penance; penitential.not-comparable
PrisonpenitentiaryEnglishadjOf or relating to the punishment of criminals.not-comparable
ProstitutiongaleriankaPolishnoungirl who provides sexual favors in a shopping mall in exchange for purchases or giftscolloquial feminine
ProstitutiongaleriankaPolishnounmall girl (girl who frequents the mall and enjoys shopping there)colloquial feminine
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishnounA fugitive from the law.
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishnounA criminal who is excluded from normal legal rights; one who can be killed at will without legal penalty.history human-sciences sciences
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishnounA person who operates outside established norms.
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishnounA wild horse.
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishnounAn in-law: a relative by marriage.humorous
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishnounOne who would be an in-law except that the marriage-like relationship is unofficial.humorous
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishnounA prostitute who works alone, without a pimp.slang
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishverbTo declare illegal.
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishverbTo place a ban upon.
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishverbTo remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement.
ProstitutionoutlawEnglishverbTo deprive of legal force.
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishverbTo offer (oneself or someone else) for sexual activity in exchange for money.reflexive transitive
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishverbTo sacrifice (oneself, one's talents etc.) in return for profit or other advantage; to exploit for base purposes.derogatory transitive
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishadjDebased, corrupt; seeking personal gain by dishonourable means.obsolete
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishadjTaking part in promiscuous sexual activity, licentious; (later, chiefly as attributive use of noun) that is a prostitute.
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishadjExposed, subjected (to something shameful).obsolete
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishnounAny person (especially a woman) who has sexual intercourse or engages in other sexual activity for payment, especially as a means of livelihood.
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishnounAny person (especially a woman) who has sexual intercourse or engages in other sexual activity for payment, especially as a means of livelihood. / A woman who has sexual intercourse or engages in other sexual activity for payment, especially as a means of livelihood.
ProstitutionprostituteEnglishnounA person who does, or offers to do, a demeaning or dishonourable activity for money or personal gain; someone who acts in a dishonourable way for personal advantage.
Proteales order plantsnative fuchsiaEnglishnounAny of several flowering plants resembling typical species of Fuchsia / Correa reflexa (common correa)Australia
Proteales order plantsnative fuchsiaEnglishnounAny of several flowering plants resembling typical species of Fuchsia / Epacris longiflora (fuchsia-heath)Australia
Proteales order plantsnative fuchsiaEnglishnounAny of several flowering plants resembling typical species of Fuchsia / Eremophila maculata (spotted emubush)Australia
Proteales order plantsnative fuchsiaEnglishnounAny of several flowering plants resembling typical species of Fuchsia / Grevillea wilsoniiAustralia
ProtestantismariankaPolishnounfemale equivalent of arianin (“Arian”) (a disciple of the Cyrenaic monk Arius)Christianityfeminine form-of
ProtestantismariankaPolishnounfemale equivalent of arianin (“Socinian”)Christianityfeminine form-of
Provinces of the Roman EmpirePontusLatinnamePontus (kingdom and later Roman province)declension-2 masculine singular
Provinces of the Roman EmpirePontusLatinnamethe Black Seadeclension-2 masculine singular
Provinces of the Roman EmpirePontusLatinnamethe general region around the Black Seadeclension-2 masculine singular
Pseudoscienceevo-creoEnglishnounClipping of evolution-creationism.abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
Pseudoscienceevo-creoEnglishadjClipping of evolution-creationism.abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
Psychiatry精神分裂Chinesenoun(~症, ~病) schizophreniamedicine pathology sciencesdated
Psychiatry精神分裂Chinesenounpsychosismedicine pathology sciencesdated
Psychiatry精神分裂Chinesenoundissociative identity disorderinformal proscribed
Psychiatry精神分裂Chinesenoundissociative identity disorder / a person who has doublethinkderogatory informal proscribed
Psychiatry精神分裂Chineseverbto be psychotic or schizophrenicinformal
Psychiatry精神分裂Chineseverbto have multiple personalities / to play multiple roles (of an actor)informal
Psychiatry精神分裂Chineseverbto have multiple personalities / to have doublethink; to hold self-contradictory opinionsderogatory informal
Psychology自我Japanesenounself; oneself
Punctuation marksasteriskEnglishnounA small star; also (by extension), something resembling or shaped like a star. / The star-shaped symbol *, which is used in printing and writing for various purposes, including to refer a reader to a note at the bottom of a page or in a margin, and to indicate the omission of letters or words; a star. / Something resembling or shaped like an asterisk symbol.dated
Punctuation marksasteriskEnglishnounA small star; also (by extension), something resembling or shaped like a star. / The star-shaped symbol *, which is used in printing and writing for various purposes, including to refer a reader to a note at the bottom of a page or in a margin, and to indicate the omission of letters or words; a star. / Something which is of little importance or which is marginal; a footnote.dated figuratively
Punctuation marksasteriskEnglishnounA small star; also (by extension), something resembling or shaped like a star. / The star-shaped symbol *, which is used in printing and writing for various purposes, including to refer a reader to a note at the bottom of a page or in a margin, and to indicate the omission of letters or words; a star. / A blemish in an otherwise outstanding achievement.hobbies lifestyle sportsUS dated figuratively
Punctuation marksasteriskEnglishnounA small star; also (by extension), something resembling or shaped like a star. / The star-shaped symbol *, which is used in printing and writing for various purposes, including to refer a reader to a note at the bottom of a page or in a margin, and to indicate the omission of letters or words; a star.dated
Punctuation marksasteriskEnglishnounA small star; also (by extension), something resembling or shaped like a star. / An instrument with radiating arms resembling a star which is placed over the diskos (or paten) used during the Eucharist to prevent the veil covering the chalice and diskos from touching the host on the diskos.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismdated
Punctuation marksasteriskEnglishnounA small star; also (by extension), something resembling or shaped like a star.dated
Punctuation marksasteriskEnglishverbTo mark or replace (text, etc.) with an asterisk symbol (*; noun sense 1.1); to star.transitive
Punctuation marksθαυμαστικόGreeknounexclamation mark (UK), exclamation point (US), the “!”grammar human-sciences linguistics media publishing sciences typography
Punctuation marksθαυμαστικόGreekadjAccusative masculine singular form of θαυμαστικός (thavmastikós).accusative form-of masculine singular
Punctuation marksθαυμαστικόGreekadjNominative neuter singular form of θαυμαστικός (thavmastikós).form-of neuter nominative singular
Punctuation marksθαυμαστικόGreekadjAccusative neuter singular form of θαυμαστικός (thavmastikós).accusative form-of neuter singular
Punctuation marksθαυμαστικόGreekadjVocative neuter singular form of θαυμαστικός (thavmastikós).form-of neuter singular vocative
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounOne who, or that which, buzzes; an insect that buzzes.
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA device that makes a buzzing sound.
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA police badge.US slang
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA run scored from an overthrow.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
Quiz competitionsbuzzerEnglishnounA gossip.obsolete
Racismবর্ণBengalinouncolor, colour
Racismবর্ণBengalinounletter (of an alphabet)
Racismবর্ণBengalinouncaste, race
RainblikaIcelandicnouna cirrostratus, a rain cloudfeminine
RainblikaIcelandicnouna veil of clouds (as can cover the sun)feminine
RainblikaIcelandicverbto gleam, twinkleweak
RainblikaIcelandicverbto look as if heavy weather is comingweak
RainblikaIcelandicnounindefinite genitive plural of blikform-of genitive indefinite neuter plural
RainblikaIcelandicnounindefinite accusative singular of blikiaccusative form-of indefinite masculine singular
RainblikaIcelandicnounindefinite dative singular of blikidative form-of indefinite masculine singular
RainblikaIcelandicnounindefinite genitive singular of blikiform-of genitive indefinite masculine singular
RainblikaIcelandicnounindefinite accusative plural of blikiaccusative form-of indefinite masculine plural
RainblikaIcelandicnounindefinite genitive plural of blikiform-of genitive indefinite masculine plural
Rays and skatesflatheEnglishnounA flan.
Rays and skatesflatheEnglishnounA ray or skate (fish).dialectal
RedspulaBikol Centraladjred (color/colour)
RedspulaBikol Centralnounmute, a person unable to speak
RedsrødtNorwegian Bokmåladjneuter singular of rødform-of neuter singular
RedsrødtNorwegian Bokmålnounred (colour)indeclinable neuter uncountable
ReligionKultusGermannounAlternative form of Kultalt-of alternative masculine no-plural strong
ReligionKultusGermannounreferring to a state ministry for educationGermany in-compounds masculine no-plural strong
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A (male) co-worker; one who is employed in the same position as oneself or who works with oneself.
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A member of an organisation, society, religious order/group, college, trade association, etc.
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A (male) accomplice; one who assists another in criminal activity.
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / A (male) partner or partaker in revelry or one who likes doing so (i.e. is extroverted).
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA (male) partner, friend, or colleague; one linked with others: / One who is in a close platonic relationship with another; a true companion.
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounAn adversary; one who is against oneself in physical combat.
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounOne who is equal or equivalent to another; a peer.
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounAn appellation used towards a man beneath oneself in society (either friendly or insulting)
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA member of or a thing in a grouping, set, or bunch.
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA sexual or marital partner (of a human or animal)rare
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounA male individual of low societal or moral rank.rare
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounAny male individual; a fella, guy, etc.rare
ReligionfelaweMiddle EnglishnounThat which acts as an intermediary force or agent.rare
ReligionmactoLatinverbto reward, honorconjugation-1
ReligionmactoLatinverbto punish, troubleconjugation-1
ReligionmactoLatinverbto offer, sacrifice, immolateconjugation-1
ReligionmactoLatinverbto breakMedieval-Latin conjugation-1
ReligionmactoLatinverbto killMedieval-Latin conjugation-1
ReligionmactoLatinadjdative/ablative masculine/neuter singular of mactusablative dative form-of masculine neuter singular
ReligionnafsiSwahilinounsoul (the spirit or essence of a person that lives on after the person's death)class-10 class-9
ReligionnafsiSwahilinounselfclass-10 class-9
ReligionپاپاسOttoman Turkishnounpriest, clergyman (except a Muslim one)
ReligionپاپاسOttoman Turkishnounkingcard-games games
ReligionپاپاسOttoman Turkishnounswabnautical transport
ReligionپاپاسOttoman Turkishnoundoormatnautical transport
Religion祝詞Japanesenouna prescribed set of formalized phrases offered before gods; a liturgy
Religion祝詞Japanesenouncongratulatory address
ReptileskarumbeMbyá Guaranínounturtle
ReptileskarumbeMbyá Guaranínountortoise
RestaurantsסטאָלאָוועYiddishnoundining room
RestaurantsסטאָלאָוועYiddishnouncafeteria, canteen, restaurant
RhetoricܐܪܙܐClassical Syriacnouncedar
RhetoricܐܪܙܐClassical Syriacnounpine
RhetoricܐܪܙܐClassical Syriacnounsecret, mystery
RhetoricܐܪܙܐClassical Syriacnounanything having a secret or mystical meaning; type, figure, sign, symbol, likeness
RhetoricܐܪܙܐClassical Syriacnounallegory
RhetoricܐܪܙܐClassical Syriacnounagreement, council
RhetoricܐܪܙܐClassical Syriacnounsacrament, ritelifestyle religion
RiversVelinusLatinnameThe river Velino.declension-2
RiversVelinusLatinnameA lake in the Sabine territories, between Reate and Interamna.declension-2
RiversVelinusLatinadjOf or pertaining to Velia, Velianadjective declension-1 declension-2
RiversارسPersiannameAraks, Aras
RiversارسPersiannameRus, RussiaIran archaic
RoadsalejkaPolishnoundiminutive of alejadiminutive feminine form-of
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannountumulus, barrow, burial mound or cairnarchaeology history human-sciences sciences
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / specifically, a heap of stones used as a marker to delineate the borders of a medieval estatearchaic obsolete
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / hillarchaic broadly obsolete
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / ruins of a house or city razed so that no stone is left atop any otherarchaic
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / (by metaphor) place containing ruins of houses destroyed by earthquakearchaic
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / (by metonymy) refuse thrown into the ruins of earthquake-destroyed housesarchaic
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / stones thrown at one who is being stonedarchaic metonymically
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / wall of stone built without mortar or lime, especially one by the seashorearchaic
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounpile, heap, any disordered multitude of collected inanimate objects, especially formerly animate objectsbroadly
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannouncrowd, mob, throng, host, any disordered collection of living things
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounmultitude of abstract things
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounplace where garbage or dung is collected, dungyard, dunghill
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannouncurse used for lazy relatives
RocksgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounthe people, the popular mass as a whole
RockspisaraTagalognounchalkboard; blackboard
RockspisaraTagalognounslategeography geology natural-sciences
RocksորձաքարArmeniannounany hard rock, such as granite, basalt, etc.
RodentsmuisDutchnounmouse (rodent species)feminine masculine
RodentsmuisDutchnounmouse (an input device to operate a computer by steering a cursor and clicking)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine masculine
RodentsmuisDutchnounball of the thumbfeminine masculine
Rooms閣樓Chinesenoungarret; loft; attic
Rooms閣樓Chinesenounmezzanine (intermediate floor)Hong-Kong
Root vegetablesMuurLimburgishnouna physical wall, usually one made of stone or concretemasculine
Root vegetablesMuurLimburgishnounany immaterial (legal, mental...) barrier which limits access.masculine
Root vegetablesMuurLimburgishnounseveral players forming a blockade against the ballhobbies lifestyle sportsfiguratively masculine
Root vegetablesMuurLimburgishnouncarrotfeminine
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounAny nounal word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing.
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounReputation.
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounAn abusive or insulting epithet.
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounA person (or legal person).
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounThose of a certain name; a race; a family.
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounAuthority; behalf.
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounA unique identifier, generally a string of characters.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounAn investor in Lloyd's of London bearing unlimited financeUK
Root vegetablesnameEnglishverbTo give a name to.ditransitive
Root vegetablesnameEnglishverbTo mention, specify.transitive
Root vegetablesnameEnglishverbTo identify as relevant or importanttransitive
Root vegetablesnameEnglishverbTo publicly implicate by name.transitive
Root vegetablesnameEnglishverbTo disclose the name of.transitive
Root vegetablesnameEnglishverbTo designate for a role.transitive
Root vegetablesnameEnglishverbTo initiate a process to temporarily remove a member of parliament who is breaking the rules of conduct.government politicsWestminster-system transitive
Root vegetablesnameEnglishnounAny of several types of true yam (Dioscorea) used in Caribbean Spanish cooking.
Rosales order plantsցաքիArmeniannounPaliurus
Rosales order plantsցաքիArmeniannounPaliurus / Christ's thorn, Jerusalem thorn, Paliurus spina-christi
Rose family plantsшишкаRussiannouncone, strobilus (fruit of conifers)
Rose family plantsшишкаRussiannounbump, bunion
Rose family plantsшишкаRussiannounbossanimate feminine masculine slang
Rose family plantsшишкаRussiannounmedlar tree (Mespilus gen. et spp.; also plurale tantum ши́шки (šíški) and ши́шковое дерево (šíškovoje derevo), and more often чи́шка (číška), чи́шки (číški), чи́шковое дерево (číškovoje derevo))archaic
RowingoarEnglishnounA type of lever used to propel a boat, having a flat blade at one end and a handle at the other, and pivoted in a rowlock atop the gunwale, whereby a rower seated in the boat and pulling the handle can pass the blade through the water by repeated strokes against the water's resistance, thus moving the boat.
RowingoarEnglishnounAn oarsman; a rower.
RowingoarEnglishnounAn oar-like swimming organ of various invertebrates.biology natural-sciences zoology
RowingoarEnglishverbTo row; to travel with, or as if with, oars.literary
SI unitsmolsLatviannounjettydeclension-1 masculine
SI unitsmolsLatviannounbreakwaterdeclension-1 masculine
SI unitsmolsLatviannounpierdeclension-1 masculine
SI unitsmolsLatviannounmole (unit of measure)declension-1 masculine
SandwichesbadallCatalannouncrack (a narrow opening)masculine
SandwichesbadallCatalannouncrack (the action of making a narrow opening)masculine
SandwicheshamburgerEnglishnounA hot sandwich consisting of a patty of cooked ground beef or a meat substitute, in a sliced bun, usually also containing salad vegetables, condiments, or both.countable uncountable
SandwicheshamburgerEnglishnounThe patty used in such a sandwich.countable uncountable
SandwicheshamburgerEnglishnounGround beef, especially that intended to be made into hamburgers.uncountable
SandwicheshamburgerEnglishnounAn animal or human, or the flesh thereof, that has been badly injured as a result of an accident or conflict.US colloquial countable uncountable
SandwicheshamburgerEnglishnounShort for hamburger button.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
SandwicheshamburgerEnglishnounDescribing the shape of a rectangular piece of paper folded in half so that it forms a short rectangle.educationUS countable informal uncountable
SandwicheshamburgerEnglishverbTo badly injure or damage.
Santalales order plantsomelaSerbo-Croatianverbinflection of omesti: / feminine singular active past participleactive feminine form-of participle past singular
Santalales order plantsomelaSerbo-Croatianverbinflection of omesti: / neuter plural active past participleactive form-of neuter participle past plural
Santalales order plantsomelaSerbo-CroatiannounChakavian form of ìmela (“mistletoe”)Chakavian alt-of
SaucesסלסהHebrewnounsalsa (a style of urban music originally from New York heavily influenced by Cuban dance music, jazz and rock) / salsa (any of several dances performed to salsa music)dance dancing entertainment hobbies lifestyle music sportscountable
SaucesסלסהHebrewnounsalsa (a style of urban music originally from New York heavily influenced by Cuban dance music, jazz and rock) / salsa (a spicy tomato sauce, often including onions and hot peppers)entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
SaunalaudeFinnishnounthe bench in a saunain-compounds in-plural
SaunalaudeFinnishnounSynonym of näyttämö (“stage”).in-plural informal
SausagescecinaSpanishnouncecina (salted, dried meat)feminine
Saxifragales order plantsalumrootEnglishnounAny of several perennial herbs, of the genus Heuchera, native to North America.
Saxifragales order plantsalumrootEnglishnounFlowering plants of genus Geranium, also called wild geraniums or cranesbills.
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / Any rotating cylindrical device that is part of a machine, especially one used to apply or reduce pressure.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A cylindrical (or approximately cylindrical) item used under a heavy object to facilitate moving it; usually several are needed.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A person who rolls something, such as cigars or molten metal.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A large rolling device used to flatten the surface of the pitch.ball-games cricket games heading hobbies lifestyle sports
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A cylindrical tool for applying paint or ink.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / An agricultural machine used for flattening land and breaking up lumps of earth.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / One of a set of small cylindrical tubes used to curl hair.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A roller towel.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A small wheel, as of a caster, a roller skate, etc.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A rolling element inside a roller bearing: a small cylinder or sphere of metal.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / One of a set of rolling cylinders allowing a rider to practise balance while training indoors.cycling heading hobbies lifestyle sports
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / Any insect whose larva rolls up leaves, especially those in family Tortricidae.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A dung beetle that rolls dung into balls.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A cylinder snakes, small ground snakes of the genus Cylindrophis.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A rolling pinheading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounAnything that rolls. / A throw which involves the player throwing the disc in a way that makes it roll, by that being able to travel further than if thrown in the air. Only used on holes with open areas with short or no grass.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA long wide bandage used in surgery.
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA large, wide, curling wave that falls back on itself as it breaks on a coast.
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA bird. / A breed or variety of roller pigeon that rolls (i.e. tumbles or somersaults) backwards (compare Penson roller, Birmingham roller, tumbler).heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA bird. / Any of various aggressive birds, of the family Coraciidae, having bright blue wings and hooked beaks.heading
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA police patrol car or patrolman (rather than an unmarked police car or a detective)
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA padded surcingle that is used on horses for training and vaulting.
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA roll of titles or (especially) credits played over film or video; television or film credits.broadcasting film media television
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA wheelchair user.slang
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA Rolls-Royce motorcar.informal slang
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishnounA type break that consists of drum rolls; a drum and bass track made with such breaks.entertainment lifestyle musicslang
ScarabaeoidsrollerEnglishverbTo roller skate.intransitive
SchoolsSchuleGermannounschool (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning (especially before university); department/institute at a college or university; art movement; followers of a particular doctrine)feminine
SchoolsSchuleGermannounschool, shoal (of fish)feminine
SchoolsSchuleGermannounpod (group of whales or similar mammals)feminine
SchoolsSchuleGermannouna synagoguearchaic feminine
ScolopacidskamusznikPolishnounturnstone (Arenaria), especially the ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)animal-not-person masculine
ScolopacidskamusznikPolishnounany lichenized fungus of the genus Porpidiainanimate masculine
Scorpaeniform fishleaffishEnglishnounA small South American freshwater fish of the family Polycentridae.
Scorpaeniform fishleaffishEnglishnounAn Asian leaffish, of family Nandidae
Scorpaeniform fishleaffishEnglishnounTaenianotus triacanthus (leaf scorpionfish), of the family Scorpaenidae.
ScotlandescocêsPortugueseadjScottish (of or relating to Scotland)not-comparable
ScotlandescocêsPortugueseadjtartan (of cloth and clothing: having a pattern of coloured stripes that intersect at right angles)not-comparable
ScotlandescocêsPortuguesenounScot; Scotsman (someone from Scotland)masculine
ScotlandescocêsPortuguesenameScottish (ambiguous term for any of a number of languages spoken in Scotland)masculine
Senecioneae tribe plantsfukiEnglishnounA flowering plant, Petasites japonicus, native to Asia; giant butterbur.uncountable
Senecioneae tribe plantsfukiEnglishnounShoots or other parts of the plant used for food or medicine.uncountable
SensesclúasOld Irishnounearfeminine
SensesclúasOld Irishnounhearingfeminine
SexejaculațieRomaniannounejaculate (semen ejected during ejaculation)feminine
SexmilováníCzechnounverbal noun of milovatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
SexmilováníCzechnounmaking loveneuter
SexserduszkowaniePolishnounverbal noun of serduszkowaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb
SexserduszkowaniePolishnounsex (sexual intercourse)euphemistic neuter
Sex positionsriding St. GeorgeEnglishnounThe St. George sex position.uncountable
Sex positionsriding St. GeorgeEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of ride St. Georgeform-of gerund participle present
Sexual orientationspansexualCatalanadjpansexualfeminine masculine
Sexual orientationspansexualCatalannounpansexualby-personal-gender feminine masculine
ShapeslozengeEnglishnounA quadrilateral with sides of equal length (rhombus), having two acute and two obtuse angles.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
ShapeslozengeEnglishnounA small tablet (originally diamond-shaped) or medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat.
ShapeslozengeEnglishverbTo form into the shape of a lozenge.transitive
ShapeslozengeEnglishverbTo mark or emblazon with a lozenge.transitive
ShapesovalCatalanadjovalfeminine masculine
SheepCameroonEnglishnameA country in Central Africa. Official name: Republic of Cameroon. Capital: Yaoundé. It also claims Ambazonia.
SheepCameroonEnglishnounA sheep of a domesticated breed from West Africa.
SheepCameroonEnglishnounA Conservative Party member with green or social liberal leanings, supporting the policies of David Cameron.government politicsUK
SheepbirkaHungariannounmutton, lamb (meat)
SheepbirkaHungariannounsheep (person who unquestioningly accepts as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopts popular opinion as their own without scrutiny)derogatory
SheepLiguriannounlambbiology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
SheepLiguriannounThe characteristic cry or bleating of a sheep; baamasculine onomatopoeic
SheepἀρνειόςAncient Greeknounram, wether
SheepἀρνειόςAncient GreeknounlambByzantine
Shipping (fandom)little black dressEnglishnounA simply cut and often quite short evening or cocktail dress.
Shipping (fandom)little black dressEnglishnounSomething simple, versatile, and elegant; something that pairs well with many other things.figuratively
Shipping (fandom)little black dressEnglishnounA character who is shipped with many other characters.lifestyleslang
ShopsסופרHebrewnounWriter, author, scribe.
ShopsסופרHebrewverbMasculine singular present participle and present tense of סָפַר (safár).form-of masculine participle present singular
ShopsסופרHebrewverbTo be told, to be'al
ShopsסופרHebrewadjSuper, great.
ShopsסופרHebrewadvSuper, very.
ShorebirdscourserEnglishnounA dog used for coursing.
ShorebirdscourserEnglishnounA hunter who practises coursing.
ShorebirdscourserEnglishnounA swift horse; a racehorse or a charger.
ShorebirdscourserEnglishnounAny of several species of terrestrial bird in the genera Cursorius or Rhinoptilus of the family Glareolidae.
ShorebirdscourserEnglishnounA stone used in building a course.
ShorebirdsτροχίλοςAncient GreeknounEgyptian plover (Pluvianus aegyptius)
ShorebirdsτροχίλοςAncient GreeknounEurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
ShorebirdsτροχίλοςAncient Greeknounhollow between the mouldings on the base of a column; scotiaarchitecture
ShorebirdsτροχίλοςAncient Greeknounsheave in block and tackle
Simple machinespákaCzechnounleverfeminine
Simple machinespákaCzechnounarm wrestlingfeminine
SingingpísničkaCzechnoundiminutive of píseňdiminutive feminine form-of
SingingpísničkaCzechnounsong (musical composition with lyrics for voice or voices)feminine
SixTranslingualsymbolsix (6).Roman numeral obsolete
SixTranslingualsymbolthe sixth (6th)obsolete
SizeengrandimentCatalannounenlargement, growthmasculine
SkippersawlEnglishnounA pointed instrument for piercing small holes, as in leather or wood; used by shoemakers, saddlers, cabinetmakers, etc. The blade is differently shaped and pointed for different uses, as in the brad awl, saddler's awl, shoemaker's awl, etc.
SkippersawlEnglishnounAny of various hesperiid butterflies.biology entomology natural-sciences
Sleepin bedEnglishprep_phraseWhile on a bed.
Sleepin bedEnglishprep_phraseRegarding sexual activities.idiomatic
Sleepin bedEnglishprep_phraseRegarding sexual activities. / Cooperating with, as if for an illicit reward; in league with.broadly idiomatic
SleepväsynytFinnishadjtired, weary
SleepväsynytFinnishverbpast active participle of väsyäactive form-of participle past
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounpleasantness, sweetness
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounpleasure, delight, joy
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounluxury, elegance
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounfeast, banquet
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounincense
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounscent, perfume, fragrance
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounointment, unguent
SmellܒܣܡܐClassical Syriacnounperfumer
Smell生臭いJapaneseadjsmelling fishy
Smell生臭いJapaneseadjsmelling bloody
SnakescolubriformEnglishadjHaving the form of a snakenot-comparable
SnakescolubriformEnglishadjCharacteristic of snakes of the family Colubridae; colubridnot-comparable
SnakescolubriformEnglishnounAny snake of the clade Colubriformes
Soapberry family plantsmahoeEnglishnounAny of certain trees in the mallow family, native to the Caribbean. / Talipariti elatum (syn. Hibiscus elatus, blue mahoe)
Soapberry family plantsmahoeEnglishnounAny of certain trees in the mallow family, native to the Caribbean. / Talipariti tiliaceum (syn. Hibiscus tiliaceus, seaside mahoe)
Soapberry family plantsmahoeEnglishnounAny of certain trees in the mallow family, native to the Caribbean. / Thespesia populnea (seaside mahoe)
Soapberry family plantsmahoeEnglishnounEither of two different trees, usually found around the tropics. / Alectryon macrococcus, a tree in the soapberry family, endemic to Hawaii.
Soapberry family plantsmahoeEnglishnounEither of two different trees, usually found around the tropics. / Any tree of genus Melicytus, in the violet family, known from southeastern Australia and New Zealand, especially Melicytus ramiflorus.
Solanumshierba sosaSpanishnounhemp broomrape (Orobanche ramosa)feminine
Solanumshierba sosaSpanishnounsusumber, wild eggplant, turkey berry (Solanum torvum)feminine
SoundzörejHungariannounnoise (a sound caused by clashing objects)
SoundzörejHungariannounmurmur (the sound made by any condition which produces noisy, or turbulent, flow of blood through the heart)medicine sciences
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounhearing, hearkening, attention, heed
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounsound, voice
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounconversation
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounenjoyment
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounfrequentation, familiar intercourse
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnouncompanion
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnouncompanionship, association, joint venture
SoundܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounsociety
SoundsránaCzechnounwound (injury)feminine
SoundsránaCzechnounbang (a sudden percussive noise)feminine
SoundsránaCzechnouninflection of ráno: / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
SoundsránaCzechnouninflection of ráno: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
SoundszatrzeszczećPolishverbto crackle, to creakintransitive perfective
SoundszatrzeszczećPolishverbto jabbercolloquial intransitive perfective
SoundsгрохотBulgariannoundin, thunder, rumble
SoundsгрохотBulgariannounroar, growl (of an animal)figuratively
SoupsܫܘܦܝܐClassical Syriacnounlubricating grease
SoupsܫܘܦܝܐClassical Syriacnounthigh fat
SoupsܫܘܦܝܐClassical Syriacnounbroth
SoupsܫܘܦܝܐClassical Syriacnounscrubbing, rubbing
SoupsܫܘܦܝܐClassical Syriacnounshampooing
SoupsܫܘܦܝܐClassical Syriacnounmassage
Soviet UnionтоварищRussiannouncomrade, friend (male or female)
Soviet UnionтоварищRussiannounmate, companion, pal (male or female)
Soviet UnionтоварищRussiannouncolleague, assistant (male or female)
Soviet UnionтоварищRussiannounclassmate, fellow student (male or female)
Soviet UnionтоварищRussiannouna word used to address compatriots, fellow citizens (male or female) in the Soviet era
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAn old woman, later especially one who tells old wives' tales.
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / the alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / A species of perciform fish endemic to the temperate coastal waters of Australia (Enoplosus armatus)
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Balistes vetula (Queen triggerfish)
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Certain spot-tail porgies (Diplodus ascensionis, Diplodus helenae)
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Spondyliosoma cantharus (black seabream)
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / Trachinotus goodei (great pompano)
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes : / A wrasse
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounAny of various marine fishes
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounThe long-tailed duck, Clangula hyemalis.Canada US archaic
Sparidsold wifeEnglishnounA chimney cap to prevent smoking.Scotland
Spiceshồ tiêuVietnamesenounblack pepper (Piper nigrum)
Spiceshồ tiêuVietnamesenounpeppercorn
SpiceskesarEnglishnounObsolete form of Kaiser.alt-of obsolete food lifestyleSouth-Asia uncountable
Spices and herbsespèciaOccitannounspecies (a rank in the classification of organisms)feminine
Spices and herbsespèciaOccitannounspice (plant material used to impart flavor to food)feminine
Spore plantsmolsaCatalannounmossfeminine
Spore plantsmolsaCatalannounflesh, pulp (soft part of fruits)feminine
Spore plantsmolsaCatalannounolive pomacefeminine
SportsiaculusLatinadjthat is thrownadjective declension-1 declension-2
SportsiaculusLatinnounSynonym of iaculum (“cast net; net of the gladiator retiarius”)declension-2 masculine
SportsiaculusLatinnouna serpent that darts from a tree onto its preydeclension-2 masculine
SportsiaculusLatinnounlasso; sling or noose thrown over the horns of oxendeclension-2 masculine
Sportswinner-take-allEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a contest, election, or other competition in which only the winner is rewarded and none of the losers receive anything.not-comparable
Sportswinner-take-allEnglishadjOf a market in which a product or service that is only slightly better than its competitors receives a disproportionately large share of revenue.economics sciencesnot-comparable
Sportswinner-take-allEnglishadjOf a neural network model: organized so that neurons in a layer compete with each other for activation.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
Sports areasセカンドJapanesenouna second gear (second lowest gear)
Sports areasセカンドJapanesenounSynonym of 二塁 (nirui, “second base”)ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sports
Sports areasセカンドJapanesenounSynonym of 二塁手 (niruishu, “second baseperson”)ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sports
Sports areasセカンドJapanesenounsecondAnglicism attributive
SquidkalmarPolishnounsquid (sea animal)animal-not-person masculine
SquidkalmarPolishnouncalamari (food)animal-not-person masculine
States of the United StatesWashington StateEnglishnameEllipsis of Washington State University or its athletic teams.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
States of the United StatesWashington StateEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of Washington state: synonym of Washington, the US state of Washington.alt-of
String instrumentsguitarraSpanishnounguitarfeminine
String instrumentsguitarraSpanishnounguitarfishfeminine
SulfursulfuredEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of sulfurform-of participle past
SulfursulfuredEnglishadjtreated with sulfur
SunدھوپUrdunounsunlight, sunshine; heat of the Sun
SunدھوپUrdunounthe Sunbroadly
SunدھوپUrdunounincense, frankincense
Sweets苧環Japanesenouna winding or ball of hemp thread with a hollow centre; a spool of hemp thread
Sweets苧環Japanesenounfantail columbine, Aquilegia flabellata
Sweets苧環Japanesenounsweet made of red-bean paste wrapped in 求肥飴 (gyūhiame)
Sweets苧環JapanesenounSynonym of 糸掛貝 (itokakekai)
Sweets苧環JapanesenounClipping of 苧環蒸し (odamaki-mushi).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Sweets苧環Japanesenouna tree without foliage
SwitzerlandcantungRomanschnouncantonSurmiran masculine
SwitzerlandcantungRomanschnouncornerSurmiran masculine
SymbolsمىنۇسUyghurnounminusmathematics sciences
SymbolsمىنۇسUyghuradjminus, negativemathematics sciences
SyriaعاصیPersiannameAsi, Orontes (river in Syria)
TalkingköszönHungarianverbto greet (someone: -nak/-nek), to say hellointransitive
TalkingköszönHungarianverbto thank (someone: -nak/-nek, for something: -t/-ot/-at/-et/-öt)transitive
TalkingговорливыйRussianadjtalkative, chatty, loquacious, garrulous
TalkingговорливыйRussianadjboisterous, noisy (of a crowd)
TalkingговорливыйRussianadjburbling, babbling (of water)
Talking協議Chineseverbto agree on; to negotiate
Talking協議Chinesenounagreement; accord; bargain; settlement
Talking協議Chinesenounprotocolcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesMainland-China
Tausug cardinal numberspituTausugnumseven
Tausug cardinal numberspituTausugnounweek
TeaesencjaPolishnouninfusion of teafeminine
TeatiMarshalleseverbto pour in tea
TemperaturemrazSlovenenouncold (low temperature)
TemperatureградусBulgariannoundegree (unit of angular span)mathematics sciences
TemperatureградусBulgariannoundegree (unit of temperature)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics thermodynamics
TemperatureградусBulgariannounpercentage of alcohol in a beveragechemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
TemperatureградусBulgariannoungrade, degree, levelfiguratively
TenpětkaCzechnounfive (digit or figure)feminine
TenpětkaCzechnounten korunascolloquial feminine
TenpětkaCzechnountry (type of scoring play worth five points)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sportsfeminine
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The spined loach (Cobitis taenia), weather loach ( Misgurnus fossilis), or other member of the loaches.
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The ringed plover, Charadrius hiaticula.
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A dragonfly of the genus Brachythemis.
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A moth of the genus Condica
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounAn audience member in the cheap section (usually standing; originally in Elizabethan theater).
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounA person of uncultivated or uncultured taste.broadly
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A soldier who fights on the ground or serves as ground crew, as opposed to a seaman, pilot, etc.government military politics warslang
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A member of a race that lives primarily underground, such as a dwarf.fantasy
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially
TheatergroundlingEnglishnounAdam, before eating the apple of knowledge of good and evil (emphasizing his creation from the ground).Abrahamic-religions lifestyle religion
ThinkingcognitioLatinnounlearning, study (acquisition of knowledge)declension-3
ThinkingcognitioLatinnounknowledge, cognition, cognizancedeclension-3
ThinkingcognitioLatinnouninvestigation, judicial examination, inquiry, cognizance, triallawdeclension-3
ThinkingréflexionFrenchnounreflection (in mirror)feminine
ThinkingréflexionFrenchnounthought, thinkingfeminine
ThinkingréflexionFrenchnoundiscussion, remarkfeminine
Thinking妄想狂Chinesenoundelusion; paranoia
Thinking妄想狂Chinesenoundelusional person; paranoid person; paranoiac
Thinking算打Chinesenounplan; projectEastern Min
Thinking算打Chineseverbto plot; to planEastern Min
TimeamboyraAfaradvthe night before last
TimeamboyraAfarnounthe night before last
Timeancient historyEnglishnounA period of history generally seen as occurring before the Middle Ages, that is, before the fall of the Roman Empire. Includes Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.uncountable
Timeancient historyEnglishnounThat which happened a long time ago and not worth discussing any more.idiomatic uncountable
Timelocal timeEnglishnounThe official time in a particular region or time zone.countable uncountable
Timelocal timeEnglishnounSynonym of station timebroadcasting mediacountable uncountable
TimemetadePortuguesenounhalf (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided)feminine
TimemetadePortuguesenounmiddle; midpoint (point equidistant between two extremes)feminine
TimemetadePortuguesenounmiddle (time between the beginning and the end)feminine
TimemetadePortuguesenounhalf (fraction obtained by dividing 1 by 2)mathematics sciencesfeminine
TimeoccasionallyEnglishadvFrom time to time; sometimes; at relatively infrequent intervals.
TimeoccasionallyEnglishadvBy chance; accidentally.obsolete
TimeoccasionallyEnglishadvOn the occasion of something else happening; incidentally, by the way.obsolete
TimepanaunKapampangannountime (abstract)
TimepanaunKapampangannounweatherclimatology meteorology natural-sciences
TimesemanaIlocanonounSemana Santacommon
Timethe other dayEnglishadvrecently; lately; a few days ago.idiomatic
Timethe other dayEnglishnounthe day before yesterday.Philippines
TimevicenniumLatinnounvicennium, a 20-year perioddeclension-2
TimevicenniumLatinadjgenitive masculine/feminine/neuter plural of vīcennisfeminine form-of genitive masculine neuter plural
Time陳事Chineseverbto narrate; to recountliterary
Time陳事Chinesenounold matter; former matter; past eventliterary
Time階段Chinesenounphase; stage (Classifier: 個/个)
Time階段Chinesenounlevel (Classifier: 個/个)business mining
TitlesLordEnglishnameThe Abrahamic deity of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths. / The God of Abraham and the Jewish scriptures.Islam lifestyle religionJudaism countable uncountable
TitlesLordEnglishnameThe Abrahamic deity of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths. / God the Father; the Godhead.Christianitycountable uncountable
TitlesLordEnglishnameThe Abrahamic deity of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths.countable uncountable
TitlesLordEnglishnameJesus Christ, God the Son.Christianitycountable uncountable
TitlesLordEnglishnameAny other deity particularly important to a religion or a religioncountable uncountable
TitlesLordEnglishnameAn English surname transferred from the nickname, originally a nickname for someone who either acted as if he were a lord or had worked in a lord's household.countable uncountable
TitlesLordEnglishintjAn interjection variously expressing astonishment, surprise, resignation.
TitlesLordEnglishnounA formal title of the lesser British nobility, used for a lord of the manor or Lord Proprietor.
TitlesLordEnglishnounA generic title used in reference to any peer of the British nobility or any peer below the dignity of duke and (as a courtesy title) for the younger sons of dukes and marquesses (see usage note).
TitlesLordEnglishnounSimilar formal and generic titles in other countries.
TitlesLordEnglishnounAn additional title added to denote the dignity of certain high officials, such as the "Lord Mayors" of major cities in the British Commonwealth
TitlesLordEnglishnounThe elected president of a festival.
TitlesLordEnglishnounA high priest.Wicca lifestyle religion
TitlesoltermanniFinnishnounmaster of guildhistorical
TitlesoltermanniFinnishnounAn honorary title in many student organizations, usually granted to one person at a time, often a professor.
TitlesoltermanniFinnishnounmiddle fingerdialectal
TobaccoтемекіKazakhnountobacco, Nicotiana
ToolsBeißzangeGermannounshrew, scoldderogatory feminine
ToolsSchereGermannouna pair of scissors, shearsfeminine
ToolsSchereGermannouna pair of pincers (on a crab)biology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
ToolsSchereGermannouna gap, especially a widening onefeminine figuratively
ToolsheboKareliannountool for making spindles
ToolsklinPolishnounwedgeinanimate masculine
ToolsklinPolishnounwedge formationgovernment military politics warinanimate masculine
ToolsklinPolishnouna shot of alcohol drunk to overcome a hangover, hair of the dogcolloquial inanimate masculine
ToolslancetEnglishnounA sharp, pointed, two-edged surgical instrument used in venesection and for opening abscesses etc.
ToolslancetEnglishnounA small, sterile single-use needle used to draw a drop of blood for testing, as with a glucometer.
ToolslancetEnglishnounAn iron bar used for tapping a melting metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToolslancetEnglishnounA high narrow window, terminating in an arch acutely pointed, often double or triple, common in the first half of the 13th century.architecture
ToolslancetEnglishverbTo pierce with a lancet.
ToolsmaymuncukTurkishnouna little monkey
ToolsmaymuncukTurkishnounpicklock (device designed to pick locks)
ToolsmaymuncukTurkishnounOtiorhynchus peregrinusbiology natural-sciences zoology
ToolssegaCorsicannounmasturbationfeminine vulgar
ToolswinnikPolishnounsauna whisk, bath broom (besom or broom used for bathing in saunas and Russian banyas)historical inanimate masculine
ToolswinnikPolishnounlees at the bottom of a vat of wineinanimate masculine obsolete
ToolswinnikPolishnounampelopsis, pepper vine, porcelainberry (any plant of the genus Ampelopsis)inanimate masculine
ToolswinnikPolishnounOctober (month)inanimate masculine obsolete rare
ToolswinnikPolishnounbathhouse attendant who provided beatings with a bath broomhistorical masculine person
ToolswiraPitjantjatjaranoundigging scoop
ToolsżabaPolishnounfrog, especially any true frog or ranidfeminine
ToolsżabaPolishnounjack (device)automotive transport vehiclesfeminine slang
ToolsżabaPolishnountongue-and-groove plierscolloquial feminine
ToolsżabaPolishnounbreaststrokehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingcolloquial feminine
ToolsлопатаUkrainiannounspade (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging)
ToolsлопатаUkrainiannounpeel (a paddle-like tool used to take bread or pizza from an oven)
ToolsסדןHebrewnounan anvil
ToolsסדןHebrewnamea surname
ToolsباصقیOttoman Turkishnounpress, any device used to apply pressure to an item
ToolsباصقیOttoman Turkishnounconstraint, restraint, anything that constrainsfiguratively
ToolsشیشOttoman Turkishnounspit, skewer, broach, any long pin used to secure food during cooking
ToolsشیشOttoman Turkishnounrapier, a sword with a straight, and sharply pointed two-edged long blade
ToolsشیشOttoman Turkishnounknitting needle, a long, thin, pointed rod, used in pairs to knit yarn
ToolsشیشOttoman Turkishnountumor, neoplasm, an abnormal and excessive growth or swelling of tissuemedicine oncology sciences
ToolsشیشOttoman Turkishadjswollen, swelled, puffy, protuberant or abnormally distended, as by injury or disease
ToolsشیشOttoman Turkishadjcongested, clogged, blocked, obstructed, so that through movement or flow is prevented
ToolsپکھاPunjabinounfan, electric fan
ToolsپکھاPunjabinounpropeller (of a ship or aircraft)
Toolsவாய்ச்சிTamilnouninstrument for cutting the surface of bricks
TouchsmethenMiddle EnglishverbTo smoothen; to make smooth.
TouchsmethenMiddle EnglishverbTo palliate; to smooth over a wrong.
TouchsmethenMiddle EnglishverbTo become smooth or level.rare
TownsXalixcoClassical NahuatlnameXalisco, town in Nayarit.
TownsXalixcoClassical NahuatlnameJalisco, name of Mexican state.
TransgenderdeadnameEnglishnounA previous name of a person (especially a transgender person) who has since changed their name.LGBT lifestyle sexualityespecially neologism
TransgenderdeadnameEnglishverbTo refer to someone (especially a transgender person) who has changed names by a previous name.transitive
TransgenderretransitionEnglishnounAnother transition.
TransgenderretransitionEnglishverbTo transition again. / To undergo another transition, for example to transition back to one's earlier (trans) gender after having temporarily detransitioned to one's birth-assigned gender, or to transition to a binary trans gender after an earlier transition to non-binary.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
TransgenderretransitionEnglishverbTo transition again. / To return to one's birth-assigned gender after having undergone gender reassignment; to detransition.LGBT lifestyle sexuality
TravelprzelotPolishnounoverflight (passage of some space by air)inanimate masculine
TravelprzelotPolishnounany plant of the genus Anthyllisinanimate masculine
TreesbalsaPolishnounbalsa (Ochroma pyramidale)feminine
TreesbalsaPolishnounbalsa (wood of this tree)feminine
TreesquejigoSpanishnounPortuguese oak (Quercus faginea)masculine
TreesquejigoSpanishnouna small oak, or one that is not fully grownmasculine
TreesελιάGreeknounolive tree
TreesελιάGreeknounmole, wart (skin blemish)
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnountown, village, hamlet
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnoundistrict
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounfield
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounfarm
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounproperty, possession
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounshout, cry, exclamation
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncalling, summoning
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncall, vocation
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounreading, rendering, recitation
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouninvocation, invitation
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouninvocation of the Holy Trinity at baptismChristianity
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounappellation, naming
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounnomination
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnoundesignation (of bishop)ecclesiastical lifestyle religion
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounappeal, recallinglaw
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounrecall, revocation
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounrecitation of poetry, meter/metrecommunications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounvarious senses: exclamation; vocative case; grammatical mood; type of sentence; name of accentgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounsound
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncrowing, cockcrow
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbraying (of trumpets)
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounweevil, locust
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouninfestation
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnountortoise
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnoun(possibly) kind of diseasemedicine pathology sciences
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbeam, plank
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounfalling down
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnouncreationuncountable
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbarleyuncountable
TurtlesܩܪܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounstyemedicine pathology sciencesuncountable
TwoдвойкаRussiannountwo (out of five), poor; D mark, D grade
TwoдвойкаRussiannountwo, deucecard-games games
TwoдвойкаRussiannounNo. 2 (bus, tram, etc.)
TwoдвойкаRussiannoundouble, pair (a boat with two rowers)hobbies lifestyle rowing sports
TwoдвойкаRussiannountwo-piece suit
UnderwearunderbustEnglishadjBelow the clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textilesnot-comparable
UnderwearunderbustEnglishnounA corset that begins just under the breasts and extends down to the hips.
UnderwearunderbustEnglishnounThe circumference of a woman's chest, measured under the clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
United KingdomAlbeyManxnamegenitive of Albinfeminine form-of genitive
United KingdomAlbeyManxnameScotlandfeminine
United StatesacreSpanishadjbitter; acrid; pungentfeminine masculine
United StatesacreSpanishadjcausticfeminine masculine
United StatesacreSpanishnounEnglish or American acremasculine
Units of measurelatHungariannounhalf an ounce
Units of measurelatHungariannounlat (the floating fiat monetary unit of Latvia from 1992 until January 2014, when it was replaced by the euro)
Units of measuremikrometerSlovaknounmicrometer (unit of length)inanimate masculine
Units of measuremikrometerSlovaknounmicrometer (measuring instrument)inanimate masculine
Units of measuremẫuVietnamesenouna sample
Units of measuremẫuVietnamesenouna design, model, style, etc.arts design
Units of measuremẫuVietnamesenounform; type; template
Units of measuremẫuVietnamesenounacre
Units of measuremẫuVietnamesenounClipping of mẫu số (“denominator”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Units of measuremẫuVietnameseaffixmother
Units of measurepfundRomaniannounpound (unit of weight)masculine
Units of measurepfundRomaniannounpound (obsolete German currency unit)masculine
Units of measurepäivämatkaFinnishnounday trip
Units of measurepäivämatkaFinnishnounan obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for length equal to two peninkulma or around 21 kilometershistorical
Units of measurestadionEnglishnounA Greek unit of distance based on standardized footraces, equivalent to about 185.4 metres.historical
Units of measurestadionEnglishnounSynonym of stadium (“Ancient Greek racecourse”).
Units of measurevakomittaFinnishnounfurlong
Units of measurevakomittaFinnishnounan obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for length equal to around 213.6 metershistorical
Units of measureտաղանդArmeniannountalent, gift for
Units of measureտաղանդArmeniannounman or woman of talent, gifted person, talent
Units of measureտաղանդArmeniannountalent (unit of weight and money)
Units of measureบาทThainounpriest.Christianityin-compounds
Units of measureบาทThainoun(classifer ข้าง or คู่) foot.anatomy medicine sciencesformal
Units of measureบาทThainounan honorific for or term of address to a god, high priest, or royal person, also applicable to his or her representation, as an image, statue, etc.
Units of measureบาทThainounbaht: a Thai unit of currency, equal to 4 สลึง (sà-lʉ̌ng). Abbreviation: บ. (bɔɔ.)
Units of measureบาทThainouna Thai unit of poem: line, stanza, verse.
Units of measureบาทThainouna Thai unit of weight, equal to 15 grams.
Units of measureบาทThainouna Thai unit of time, equal to one tenth of an hour, that is, 6 minutes.historical
Universities明大ChinesenameShort for 明尼蘇達大學/明尼苏达大学 (Míngnísūdá Dàxué, “Minnesota University”).abbreviation alt-of
Universities明大ChinesenameShort for 明治大學/明治大学 (Míngzhì Dàxué, “Meiji University”).abbreviation alt-of
VegetablesbroccoloItaliannounstupid personfiguratively masculine
VegetablesgaravanzoGaliciannoungarbanzo bean, chickpeamasculine
VegetablesgaravanzoGaliciannoungarbanzo bean plantmasculine
VegetablesgaravanzoGaliciannouncommon beanmasculine
Vegetables豆角Chinesenounpod of legumes
Vegetables豆角Chinesenounasparagus bean; yardlong bean
Vegetables豆角Chinesenouncowpea; black-eyed peadialectal
VehiclesinterbyuCebuanonounan interview / a conversation in person (or, by extension, over the telephone, Internet etc.) between a journalist and someone whose opinion or statements he or she wishes to record for publication, broadcast etc.
VehiclesinterbyuCebuanonounan interview / a formal meeting, in person, for the assessment of a candidate or applicant
VehiclesinterbyuCebuanonounan interview / a police interrogation of a suspect or party in an investigation
VehiclesterepjáróHungariannounjeep, all-terrain vehicle, ATV, off-road vehicle, sport utility vehicle, SUV (a vehicle suited to rough terrain)
Vehiclesगाड़ीHindinouncar, truck, bus
Vehiclesगाड़ीHindinounrail car
VesselsjugEnglishnounA serving vessel or container, typically circular in cross-section and typically higher than it is wide, with a relatively small mouth or spout, an ear handle and often a stopper or top.countable uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishnounThe amount that a jug can hold.countable uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishnounJail.countable slang uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishnounA woman's breasts.countable in-plural slang uncountable vulgar
VesselsjugEnglishnounAn upright electric kettle.New-Zealand countable uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishnounA kind of large, high-powered vacuum tube.countable in-plural uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishnounA nickname for the P-47 Thunderbolt fighter aircraft.US countable uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishnounA hold large enough for both handsclimbing hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishnounA traditional dimpled glass with a handle, for serving a pint of beer.UK countable informal uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishverbTo stew in an earthenware jug etc.transitive
VesselsjugEnglishverbTo put into jail.slang transitive
VesselsjugEnglishverbTo utter a sound like "jug", as certain birds do, especially the nightingale.intransitive
VesselsjugEnglishverbTo nestle or collect together in a covey.intransitive
VesselsjugEnglishnounA small mixed breed of dog created by mating a Jack Russell terrier and a pug.
VesselsjugEnglishnoundetention (after-school student punishment)Catholicism Christianity Roman-CatholicismUS countable uncountable
VesselsjugEnglishverbto issue a detention (to a student)Catholicism Christianity Roman-CatholicismUS transitive
VesselsjugEnglishverbTo hustle or make money, usually aggressively.slang
VesselsjugEnglishverbTo acquire or obtain through force; snatch, steal; to rob, especially in reference to jugging (which see).slang
VesselsбакRussiannounforecastlenautical transport
VesselsбакRussiannountank, cistern, can, bin (a large vessel for storing liquids, typically cylindrical)
VesselsбакRussiannouna large serving bowl for a crew of sailors or workmenobsolete
Vessels大海Chinesenounocean; sea (as a whole)
Vessels大海Chinesenounlarge bowl or wine cupliterary
Veterinary medicinestranglesEnglishnounA disease of horses caused by an infection by the bacterium Streptococcus equi.uncountable
Veterinary medicinestranglesEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of strangleform-of indicative present singular third-person
Veterinary medicinestranglesEnglishnounplural of strangleform-of plural
Victoriajewel in the Liberal crownEnglishnameVictoria, a state of Australia.government politicsAustralian historical
Victoriajewel in the Liberal crownEnglishnounAny state where the Liberal Party has a large supporter base (currently used to refer to Queensland and Tasmania).government politicsAustralian
VillagesMattilaFinnishnamea Finnish surname transferred from the given name
VillagesMattilaFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland.
Villages in ArmeniaԵրազգավորսArmeniannameYerazgavors (ancient)
Villages in ArmeniaԵրազգավորսArmeniannameYerazgavors (modern)
ViolenceFGCEnglishnounInitialism of female genital cutting.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
ViolenceFGCEnglishnounInitialism of fighting game video-gamesabbreviation alt-of initialism slang uncountable
Violencecoup de têteFrenchnounheadbuttmasculine
Violencecoup de têteFrenchnounheaderhobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
Violencecoup de têteFrenchnounwhim, impulseinformal masculine
Violencerobot revolutionEnglishnounA productivity revolution caused by the large-scale use of robots.
Violencerobot revolutionEnglishnounA violent uprising by sapient robots, aimed at overthrowing human government.literature media publishing science-fiction
ViolenceustawkaPolishnounpre-arranged fighting (e.g. football hooligan fights)feminine slang
ViolenceustawkaPolishnounpre-arranged social meetingfeminine slang
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto nosh (to eat a snack or light meal)colloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto put something somewherecolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto persuade someone to accept or buy something against their willcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto contribute to creating a difficult situation for someonecolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto beat someone up (to give a severe beating to someone; to assault someone violently with repeated blows)colloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto piss off (to annoy, to anger)colloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto place someone in some place against their willcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective transitive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto meddle in someone's affairscolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto interfere in someone's conversationcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto clash with somethingcolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto enter somewhere without someone's permissioncolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
ViolencewpierniczyćPolishverbto find oneself in a difficult situation as a result of making a bad decisioncolloquial euphemistic mildly perfective reflexive vulgar
VisionwalenMiddle Englishverbto pick, select, decide, or elect
VisionwalenMiddle Englishverbto come across, notice, or find (using one's vision)rare
VisionwalenMiddle Englishverbto be discoveredrare
VisionwalenMiddle EnglishverbTo mark with wheals or welts.
VolleyballvlugbalAfrikaansnounvolleyballhobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
VolleyballvlugbalAfrikaansnounvolleyball; an inflated ball used for the sport
VulturesredheadEnglishnounA person with red hair.
VulturesredheadEnglishnounA North American duck (Aythya americana) highly esteemed as a game bird.
VulturesredheadEnglishnounA kind of milkweed (Asclepia curassavica), with red flowers, formerly used in medicine.
VulturesredheadEnglishnounChinese red-headed centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans)
VulturesredheadEnglishnounred-headed bunting (Emberiza bruniceps)
VulturesredheadEnglishnounred-headed titi (Callicebus regulus)
VulturesredheadEnglishnounred-headed vulture (Sarcogyps calvus)
VulturesredheadEnglishnounred-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
VulturesredheadEnglishnounA kind of 800-watt lamp.broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theater
Walls and fencesسياجArabicnounfence
Walls and fencesسياجArabicnounhedge
Walls and fencesܒܘܓܪܐClassical Syriacnounpalisade
Walls and fencesܒܘܓܪܐClassical Syriacnounpebble, small building stone
WararmisticeEnglishnounA (short) cessation of combat; a cease-fire, a truce.
WararmisticeEnglishnounA formal agreement, especially between nations, to end combat.
WararmisticeEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of Armistice (“the armistice agreement signed between the Allies and Germany on 11 November 1918 to end World War I; (by extension) the end of World War I”)alt-of
WaterparanãOld Tupinounsea
WaterparanãOld Tupinounseawater
WaterparanãOld Tupinounriver
WaterspringOld Englishnouna spring (source of water)masculine
WaterspringOld Englishnounan ulcer, sore, pustulemasculine
WatercraftکلکPersiannounraft (of inflated skins)
WatercraftکلکPersiannounreed; reed pen
WatercraftکلکPersiannounAlternative form of کرک (kork)alt-of alternative
WeaponsiodhanScottish Gaelicnounspear, javelin, pikedated masculine
WeaponsiodhanScottish Gaelicnounbirth pangmasculine obsolete
WeaponsiodhanScottish Gaelicadjsincere
WeaponsiodhanScottish Gaelicadjpure
WeaponsiodhanScottish Gaelicadjclean
WeaponssaxOld Norsenouna one-edged sword, a backswordneuter
WeaponssaxOld Norsenounshearsneuter plural plural-only
WeaponsvikatEstoniannounscythe / A longstemmed tool for manually mowing grass and hay.
WeatherရာသီBurmesenounany one of the twelve signs of the zodiac
WeatherရာသီBurmesenounmonthfiguratively poetic
WeatherရာသီBurmesenounone of six seasons recognised in Pali scholarshipformal poetic
Weaver finchesmayaTagalognounchestnut munia (Lonchura atricapilla)
Weaver finchesmayaTagalognounsparrow
Weaver finchesmayaTagalognounEurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
Weaver finchesmayaTagalogadvafter a short period
WindchinookEnglishnounThe descending, warm, dry wind on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains that generally blows from the southwest and can rapidly increase the temperature due to the much warmer air it brings.climatology meteorology natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsCanada US
WindchinookEnglishnounThe chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
WindhanginSouthern Catanduanes Bicolanonounwind; air
WindhanginSouthern Catanduanes Bicolanonounbreeze
WindwiatrakPolishnounwindmillinanimate masculine
WindwiatrakPolishnounfan (electrical air blowing device)colloquial inanimate masculine
WinewęgierPolishnounpeddler (itinerant vendor)masculine obsolete person
WinewęgierPolishnounHungarian wineinanimate masculine obsolete
WinterśnieżyćPolishverbto snowimperfective intransitive
WinterśnieżyćPolishverbto display snow or shush, to be fuzzy, to create staticengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technologyimperfective intransitive
WolveszłajaPolishnouna pack of hunting dogsfeminine
WolveszłajaPolishnouna pack of barking dogsfeminine obsolete
WolveszłajaPolishnounwolfpack (group of wolves)feminine obsolete
WoodpeckerstorcicoloPortuguesenounstiff neck (condition characterised by pain when trying to move the neck)masculine
WoodpeckerstorcicoloPortuguesenounwryneck (either of two small woodpeckers, Jynx torquilla and Jynx ruficollis)masculine
WormsgalbaLatinnouna kind of little worm or larva (animal)declension-1 feminine
WormsgalbaLatinnouna stout, fat humandeclension-1 feminine
WormsgalbaLatinnouna nickname for the people of Sulpiciadeclension-1 feminine
Writing instrumentsperoSlovaknounfeatherneuter
Writing instrumentsperoSlovaknounpen (writing instrument)neuter
Wyoming, USAカンブリアJapanesenameCambria
Wyoming, USAカンブリアJapanesenameCumbria

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