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Acaciaswait-a-whileEnglishnounSynonym of wait-a-bit.South-Africa
Acaciaswait-a-whileEnglishnounAny of several thorny Australian vines or shrubs which impede passage, especially Acacia cuspidifolia of Western Australia, Smilax australis of eastern Australia and the Northern Territory, and lawyer vine.Australia
Acidsgallic acidEnglishnouna phenolic carboxylic acid, 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid, found in galls, tea, the bark of some trees etc; a constituent of tanninchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesuncountable
Acidsgallic acidEnglishnounthe supposed acid H₃GaO₃, the acid form of the amphoteric gallium hydroxide Ga(OH)₃, known only as alkali metal saltschemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
Administrative divisions大區Chinesenounregion (administrative division)
Administrative divisions大區ChinesenounShort for 大行政區/大行政区 (dàxíngzhèngqū, “greater administrative region”).governmentMainland-China abbreviation alt-of historical
AfterlifepekloCzechverbneuter singular past active participle of péctactive form-of neuter participle past singular
AgricultureúhorSlovaknouneel of the suborder Anguilloidei, especiallyanimate masculine
AgricultureúhorSlovaknouneel of the suborder Anguilloidei, especially: / freshwater eel, anguillidanimate masculine
AgricultureúhorSlovaknounAnguilliformesanimate in-plural masculine
AgricultureúhorSlovaknounfallow (land)inanimate masculine
AgricultureկալOld Armeniannounthreshing floor
AgricultureկալOld Armeniannouncorn-sheaves, rick, stack (prepared for threshing)
AgricultureկալOld Armeniannounhalo (atmospheric phenomenon)
AgricultureկալOld Armenianverbinfinitive of կամ (kam)form-of infinitive
AircraftbaloiBasquenounballhobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate
AircraftbaloiBasquenounballoon (inflatable object to transport people through the air)inanimate
AircraftистребительRussiannoundestroyer, exterminator
AircraftистребительRussiannounfighter planeaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
AircraftистребительRussiannounfighter pilotaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Alcoholic beveragesmasticEnglishnounAn evergreen shrub or small tree, Pistacia lentiscus (mastic tree), native to the Mediterranean.countable uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesmasticEnglishnounA hard, brittle, aromatic and transparent resin produced by this tree and used to make varnishes and chewing gum, and as a flavouring.countable uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesmasticEnglishnounAn alcoholic liquor flavoured with this resin.countable uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesmasticEnglishnounAny of various cements, usually flexible and waterproof, used as an adhesive, sealant, caulk, or filler.Commonwealth English countable especially uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesvalkovenäläinenFinnishadjBelarusian (of, from, or pertaining to Belarus, the Belarusian people or the Belarusian language)
Alcoholic beveragesvalkovenäläinenFinnishnounBelarusian (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent)
Alcoholic beveragesvalkovenäläinenFinnishnounWhite Russian (drink)
AlliumsчеснокRussiannoungarlic, garlicscollective uncountable usually
AlphabetsHebrewEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Hebrew people or language.not-comparable
AlphabetsHebrewEnglishnounA member or descendant of a Semitic people claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.countable
AlphabetsHebrewEnglishnounA descendant of the biblical Patriarch Eber.countable
AlphabetsHebrewEnglishnounThe Semitic language spoken by the Hebrew people.uncountable
AlphabetsHebrewEnglishnounThe writing system used in Hebrew language.uncountable
AlphabetsHebrewEnglishnounUnintelligible speech or writing.colloquial uncountable
AnatomycuelloSpanishnounneck (part of body connecting the head and the torso)masculine
AnatomycuelloSpanishnouncollar (part of a shirt fitting around the neck)masculine
AnatomyforchraiceannIrishnounforeskin, prepuceanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
AnatomyhundëAlbaniannountapered protrusion; ship's prow, promontoryfeminine
AnatomyhundëAlbaniannounspoutcolloquial feminine
AnatomyhundëAlbaniannouncape, promontory, pointgeography natural-sciencesfeminine
AnatomyidiYorubanouneagle, usually referring to African species of the genera Aquila and Haliaeetus, (in particular) the African crowned eagle
AnatomyidiYorubanounbundle, package
AnatomyidiYorubanounbuttocks, bottom
AnatomyidiYorubanounreason, cause, base, purpose, secret
AnatomyidiYorubanounsurroundings, environs
AnatomyidiYorubanounThe name for a variety of similar plants, including Terminalia schimperiana, Terminalia macroptera, Microdesmis puberula, and Terminalia avicennioides
AnatomyiniSwahilinounliver (organ of the body)class-5 class-6
AnatomyiniSwahilinounheart (seat of the emotions and feelings)class-5 class-6
AnatomykuspillCahuillanounThe throat, its throat
AnatomykuspillCahuillanounKúspi petuk (petuk: (adv) inside); inside of her/his throat
AnatomykuspillCahuillanounKúspi petuk (petuk: (adv) inside); inside of her/his throat / paxwáyva'al; inside of her/his throatsynonym
AnatomykuspillCahuillaverbto feel sore
AnatomykuspillCahuillaverbto feel sore / kúspi qéllaka (future inceptive -ka); her/his throat is beginning to feel sore, i.e. she/he has a sore throat
AnatomykuspillCahuillaverbto close
AnatomykuspillCahuillaverb-témin- (causative -ni-) to cause to close / kúspiy petéminqal; it is causing her/his throat to close
AnatomykuspillCahuillaverb-témin- (causative -ni-) to cause to close / kúspiy~peytéminva'al (verbal noun phrase) - lit. throat_where-it-causes-to-close; (Cahuilla grammar) the glottal stop < ' >; e.g. < va'al>
AnatomykuspillCahuillaverb-témin- (causative -ni-) to cause to close / kúspiy~peytéminva'al (verbal noun phrase) - lit. throat_where-it-causes-to-close; (Cahuilla grammar) the glottal stop < ' >; e.g. < va'al> / peytéminva'al (causative root témi-n + 2nd class O-S prefix: pe-y, + "place of" suffix: va'al); lit. Jail, or "place of causing to close"
AnatomymutuChichewanounchapter (of a book)
AnatomymutuChichewanountopic under discussion
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounwing (animal appendage for flying)
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounwing (airplane part)
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounwing (part of building)
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounwing (fraction of political movement)
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounsail (blade of a windmill)
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounwing, arm (of a seine)
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounblade or a paddle of a water wheel or a paddlewheel
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounblade of a turbine or a propeller
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounmouldboard (curved blade on a plough that serves to turn over the furrow)
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounflyer of a spinning wheel
AnatomysiipiFinnishnounwing (human hand)slang
AnatomyuileannScottish Gaelicnounelbowfeminine
AnatomyuileannScottish Gaelicnouncorner (usually external)feminine
AnatomyподошваRussiannounsole (bottom of the foot or of the shoe)
AnatomyподошваRussiannounfoot (of the mountain)
Anatomy手腕兒ChinesenounErhua form of 手腕 (shǒuwàn, “wrist”).Erhua Jin Mandarin alt-of
Anatomy手腕兒ChinesenounErhua form of 手腕 (shǒuwàn, “trick; trickery; strategy; artifice”).Erhua Mandarin alt-of
Anatomy手腕兒ChinesenounErhua form of 手腕 (shǒuwàn, “finesse; ability; skill; knack”).Erhua Mandarin alt-of
AnatomyKoreannumeightSino-Korean numeral
Ancient GreeceminaEnglishnounAlternative spelling of myna.alt-of alternative
Ancient GreeceminaEnglishnounA monetary unit of ancient Greece and the Middle East, originally equivalent to the weight of a mina of silver.historical
Ancient GreeceminaEnglishnounA unit of weight of varying value used in the ancient Middle East, especially Babylonia, Mesopotamia and Egypt; also an ancient Greek measure of weight equivalent to 1/60th of a talent, approximately 400-700 grams.historical
Ancient RomeCapitoliumEnglishnameSynonym of Capitoline Hill.uncommon
Ancient RomeCapitoliumEnglishnounSynonym of capitol, similar citadels in ancient Italian and Roman towns.historical uncommon
Ancient RomecotyleEnglishnounAlternative form of kotyle (“cantharus, a kind of ancient Greek and Roman cup”).alt-of alternative historical
Ancient RomecotyleEnglishnounA unit of Greek liquid measure.historical
Ancient RomecotyleEnglishnounSynonym of hemina (“a unit of Roman liquid measure”)historical
Ancient RomecotyleEnglishnounSynonym of acetabulum (“any of various cup-shaped joints, organs, or skin features in various animals”).biology natural-sciences zoology zootomy
Ancient RomedecennialEnglishnounSynonym of decade, a ten-year period.
Ancient RomedecennialEnglishnounA tenth anniversary, particularly
Ancient RomedecennialEnglishnounA tenth anniversary, particularly / Synonym of decennalia, the festival and religious ritual held in the 10th year of a Roman emperor's reign.historical
Ancient RomedecennialEnglishadjOccurring every ten years.not-comparable
Ancient RomedecennialEnglishadjOf or related to a ten-year period, as a term of office.not-comparable
Andropogoneae tribe grassessugar grassEnglishnounSorghum (Sorghum bicolor).
Andropogoneae tribe grassessugar grassEnglishnounA perennial grass (Eulalia aurea), of mainland Australia and southeast Asia.Australia
Anglerfishsea toadEnglishnounSculpin (Cottidae spp.)
Anglerfishsea toadEnglishnounToadfish
Anglerfishsea toadEnglishnounAnglerfish (Lophiiformes spp.)
Anglerfishsea toadEnglishnounFrogfish (Antennarius spp.)
Animal body partsdršťkaCzechnounmuzzle (the protruding part of many animal's head which includes nose, mouth and jaws)feminine
Animal body partsdršťkaCzechnountripe (the lining of the large stomach of ruminating animals, when prepared for food)feminine plural plural-only
Animal body partsdršťkaCzechnountrap (human's mouth or face)derogatory feminine informal
Animal body partsdršťkaCzechnoungrimacederogatory feminine informal
Animal body partsdršťkaCzechnounrude or objectionable personderogatory feminine informal
Animal body partsscutEnglishnounA hare; (hunting, also figuratively) a hare as the game in a hunt.obsolete
Animal body partsscutEnglishnounA short, erect tail, as of a hare, rabbit, or deer.
Animal body partsscutEnglishnounThe buttocks or rump; also, the female pudenda, the vulva.broadly
Animal body partsscutEnglishnounA contemptible person.Ireland colloquial
Animal body partsscutEnglishnounDistasteful work; drudgeryattributive countable uncountable
Animal body partsscutEnglishnounSome menial procedure left for a doctor or medical student to complete, sometimes for training purposes.medicine sciencescountable slang uncountable
Animal body partsscutEnglishverbTo scamper off.East-Anglia Yorkshire intransitive
Animal body partssporeMiddle EnglishnounA spur; a prod for horses at the back of one's shoes.
Animal body partssporeMiddle EnglishnounA spur as a representation of knightly status.
Animal body partssporeMiddle EnglishnounThe spike of the claws of a rooster (or other bird).
Animal body partssporeMiddle EnglishnounA low support made of wood.rare
Animal body partssporeMiddle EnglishnounA heraldic depiction of a spur.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsrare
Animal body partssporeMiddle EnglishnounA track or rare
Animal body partsመቅጠንTigrenounback of a beast
Animal body partsመቅጠንTigrenounbody of man
Animal body partsመቅጠንTigrenountableland; valley margin, valley border
Animal soundsbooEnglishintjA loud exclamation intended to scare someone. Usually used when one has been hidden from the target, and then appears unexpectedly.
Animal soundsbooEnglishintjAn exclamation used by a member of an audience, as at a stage play or sporting event, to indicate derision or disapproval.
Animal soundsbooEnglishnounA derisive shout made to indicate disapproval.
Animal soundsbooEnglishverbTo shout extended boos derisively.intransitive
Animal soundsbooEnglishverbTo shout extended boos at, as a form of derision.transitive
Animal soundsbooEnglishnounA close acquaintance or significant other.Canada US slang
Animal soundsbooEnglishnounCannabis.slang uncountable
Animal soundsbooEnglishverbTo make a sound characteristic of cattle; to moo.Northern-England archaic intransitive
Animal soundsbooEnglishnounA tail feather from an ostrich.
Animal soundsbooEnglishverbTo boo-boo, to poo: to defecate.US childish intransitive transitive
Animal soundsmeowEnglishintjThe cry of a cat.
Animal soundsmeowEnglishintjSaid in reply to a spiteful or catty comment.colloquial
Animal soundsmeowEnglishintjExpressing seductiveness, mimicking a growl.colloquial
Animal soundsmeowEnglishnounThe cry of a cat.countable
Animal soundsmeowEnglishnounThe drug mephedrone.UK slang uncountable
Animal soundsmeowEnglishverbOf a cat, to make its cry.intransitive
AnimalsbestiaPolishnounbeast (non-human animal)feminine
AnimalsbestiaPolishnounbeast (person who behaves in a violent, antisocial, or uncivilized manner)feminine figuratively
AnimalsleunOld FrenchnounAlternative form of lionalt-of alternative
AnimalsleunOld FrenchnounAlternative form of legunalt-of alternative
AppearancebeldameEnglishnounA grandmother.obsolete
AppearancebeldameEnglishnounAn old woman, particularly an ugly one.archaic
AppearancehorreurFrenchnounhorror (emotion)feminine
AppearancehorreurFrenchnounhorror (something horrible)feminine
AppearancehorreurFrenchnounhorror (genre)feminine
AppearancenymphetEnglishnounA small nymph.obsolete
AppearancenymphetEnglishnounA sexually attractive girl or young woman.
ArchitecturepiléarIrishnounpillar (large post)masculine
ArchitecturepiléarIrishnounbullet (projectile)masculine
ArchitecturesbtjEgyptiannounfortification wall (of a city, temple district, etc.)
ArchitecturesbtjEgyptiannountemporarily raised wall to trap wildlife or close off a besieged city
ArchitecturesbtjEgyptiannounwall of a roomrare
ArchitecturesbtjEgyptiannounFiguratively used of kings and gods as a ‘wall’ or ‘fortress’
ArchitecturesbtjEgyptiannouncompound (of household or temple)
ArtmainicínIrishnounmodel (person who serves as a subject for artwork or fashion)masculine
ArtmainicínIrishnounclotheshorse (person excessively concerned with the appearance of their clothing)derogatory masculine
ArtmainicínIrishnounmannequin (all senses)masculine
ArtmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic (melodic and rhythmic sounds made as art)feminine
ArtmúsicaPortuguesenounsong (any musical composition)feminine
ArtmúsicaPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of músico (“female musician”)feminine form-of
ArtmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic; musicology (the study of music)feminine
ArtmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic (any pleasing arrangement of sounds)feminine figuratively
ArtmúsicaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of músicofeminine form-of singular
ArthropodspyEgyptiannameA male given name of historical usage, notably borne by Piye, a pharaoh of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty
ArtillerykolubrynaPolishnounculverin (a kind of large cannon)government military politics warfeminine historical
ArtillerykolubrynaPolishnounsomething unwieldy, nonfunctional because of its dimensions or weightcolloquial feminine figuratively
Asparagus family plantsdeerberryEnglishnounGaultheria procumbens (eastern teaberry or checkerberry), or its fruit.
Asparagus family plantsdeerberryEnglishnounVaccinium stamineum (squaw huckleberry), or its fruit.
Asparagus family plantsdeerberryEnglishnounMaianthemum dilatatum (snakeberry), or its fruit.
Asparagus family plantsdeerberryEnglishnounMitchella repens (partridgeberry), or its fruit.
Assassin bugsbarbeiroPortuguesenounbarber (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards)masculine
Assassin bugsbarbeiroPortuguesenounbarbershop (place of business of a barber)colloquial masculine metonymically
Assassin bugsbarbeiroPortuguesenounkissing bug (any haematophagous bug in the subfamily Triatominae)Brazil masculine
Assassin bugsbarbeiroPortuguesenounroad hog (bad or inconsiderate driver)Brazil derogatory masculine slang
AsteroidsThemisEnglishnameA Titan, the embodiment of divine order, law and custom. She was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsThemisEnglishname24 Themis, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
AstrologyLohikäärmeFinnishnameThe constellation Draco.
AstrologyLohikäärmeFinnishnameDragon (the fifth animal in the 12-year cycle in Chinese zodiac)
Astronomyouter spaceEnglishnounRegion outside explored space.uncountable
Astronomyouter spaceEnglishnounAny region of space beyond limits determined with reference to boundaries of a celestial system or body, especially the region of space immediately beyond Earth's atmosphere; sometimes, space beyond Earth's solar system.uncountable
Astronomyouter spaceEnglishnounA bluish shade of black.uncountable
AstronomyrelativityEnglishnounThe state of being relative to something else; the absence of universally applicable rules or standards; relativism; (countable) an instance of this.uncountable usually
AstronomyrelativityEnglishnounShort for principle of relativity (“the principle that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers”).natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of uncountable usually
AstronomyrelativityEnglishnounShort for principle of relativity (“the principle that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers”). / Also Einsteinian relativity: the reliance of the nature of physical phenomena (such as gravity, light, mass, and time) on the relative motion between an observer and the thing observed, as developed by Albert Einstein in two theories, special relativity and general relativity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsspecifically uncountable usually
AstronomyrelativityEnglishnounAn evaluation of the similarities and differences between things; a comparison; hence, a difference in position or status between things; a disparity.countable in-plural usually
AstronomyrelativityEnglishnounAn evaluation of the similarities and differences between things; a comparison; hence, a difference in position or status between things; a disparity. / The difference in pay or positions between different employees in a business (internal relativity), or between different businesses (external relativity); a differential.economics sciencescountable in-plural specifically uncountable usually
AstronomytjukalpaPitjantjatjaranounMilky Way (band of stars)
AstronomytjukalpaPitjantjatjaranouna type of makeshift ladder
Astronomy朱雀JapanesenameVermilion Bird, one of the Four Symbols in the Chinese constellations
Astronomy朱雀JapanesenameVermilion Bird
Astronomy朱雀JapanesenameVermilion Bird
Astronomy朱雀JapanesenameVermilion Bird
Astronomy朱雀JapanesenameVermilion Bird
Astronomy朱雀JapanesenameVermilion Bird
Atmospheric phenomena神立Japanesenounthunder (sound caused by lightning)
Atmospheric phenomena神立Japanesenamea place name
Australian politicsCoalitionEnglishnameEllipsis of Coalition of the Liberal Party and National Party. (Liberal-National coalition)government politicsAustralia abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Australian politicsCoalitionEnglishnameEllipsis of Coalition of the Willing.; The coalition of nations operating under United States command against Iraq, in the U.S.-Iraq War (Gulf War II; "Iraq War") and its aftermath.government politicsUS abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
AutismAspergicEnglishadjPertaining to or affected by Asperger's syndrome.
AutismAspergicEnglishnounA person who has Asperger's syndrome.
Auto partsremDutchnounbrakefeminine
Auto partsremDutchverbinflection of remmen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Auto partsremDutchverbinflection of remmen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
Auto partsremDutchverbinflection of remmen: / imperativeform-of imperative
AutomobilesєвробляхаUkrainiannounA car registered in the European Union, but which is too old to be legally driven within its borders, and thus sold at a cheap price to a Ukrainian, who brought it into Ukraine without paying customs duty due to a legal loophole.slang
AutomobilesєвробляхаUkrainiannounAny car with European Union license plates.broadly slang
Automobiles日産Japanesenoundaily product
Automobiles日産JapanesenameNissan, the car company
AutomotivefrenuMagdalena Peñasco Mixtecnounbit (metal placed in a horse's mouth)
AutomotivefrenuMagdalena Peñasco Mixtecnounbrake (device to stop or slow a vehicle)
Automotivepile-upEnglishnounA pile, a group of people or things which have piled up on one another, especially / A pile of crashed vehicles due to a traffic accident.colloquial
Automotivepile-upEnglishnounA pile, a group of people or things which have piled up on one another, especially / A pile of tackling players.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial
Automotivepile-upEnglishnounAn accumulation that occurs over time, especially one which is not welcome.
Baby animalskobylkaCzechnoungrasshopperfeminine
Baby animalskobylkaCzechnounfillyfeminine
BagssaccoItaliannounsack, bagmasculine
BagssaccoItaliannounsack, sackful, bag, bagful (the contents of one full bag)masculine
BagssaccoItaliannounsacanatomy biology botany medicine natural-sciences sciencesmasculine
BeddingchivaSpanishnounblanket, coverletfeminine
BeddingchivaSpanishnoungoatee, beardfeminine
BeddingchivaSpanishnounshutout in a game of dominoesfeminine
BeddingchivaSpanishnoun(false) pretence, lame excuseChile colloquial feminine
BeddingchivaSpanishnounheroinfeminine slang
BeddingchivaSpanishnouna type of colored bus in ColombiaColombia feminine
BeddingchivaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of chivo; young female goat, kidfeminine form-of
BeddingchivaSpanishadjfeminine singular of chivofeminine form-of singular
BeddingchivaSpanishverbinflection of chivar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BeddingchivaSpanishverbinflection of chivar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BeekeepingzgjuaAlbaniannounbeehive (box where bees live)masculine
BeekeepingzgjuaAlbaniannounall the bees that live in such boxmasculine
BeetlesKäferGermannounbeetlemasculine strong
BeetlesKäferGermannounyoung girl, wenchcolloquial dated masculine strong
BeetlesKäferGermannounBeetle (Volkswagen Type 1)automotive transport vehiclesmasculine strong
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounAny fish of the family Chaetodontidae.
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounPantodon buchholzi, a small brown fish of western African streams, often found in aquariums.
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounThe butterfly cod (Pterois volitans).
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounThe ocellated blenny (Opisthocentrus ocellatus).
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounThe flying gurnard (Dactyloptena orientalis).
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounExocoetus volitans, a flying fish of the Atlantic.
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounA chiton, a mollusc of the class Polyplacophora.
Beloniform fishbutterfly fishEnglishnounAny of several brightly colored fishes
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounThe master of a ship.nautical transport
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounA coach, director, or other leader.
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounThe captain of a sports team such as football, cricket, rugby or curling.hobbies lifestyle sports
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishverbTo captain a ship or a sports team.transitive
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounAgent noun of skip: one who skips.agent form-of
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounA person who skips, or fails to attend class.
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounOne who jumps rope.hobbies lifestyle sports
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounAny of various butterflies of the families Hesperiidae and its subfamily Megathyminae, having a hairy mothlike body, hooked tips on the antennae, and a darting flight pattern.
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounAny of several marine fishes that often leap above water, especially Cololabis saira (Pacific saury) and Sprattus sprattus (European sprat).
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounA young, thoughtless person.obsolete
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounThe cheese maggot, the larva of a cheese fly (family Piophilidae), which leaps to escape predators.
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounA barn or shed in which to shelter for the night.
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishverbTo take shelter in a barn or shed.intransitive
Beloniform fishskipperEnglishnounA short-sleeved (or long-sleeved) tee-shirt, or sweatshirt.South-Africa
Biblical charactersEbrahimMaguindanaonameAbraham
Biblical charactersEbrahimMaguindanaonamea male given name from Arabic, a common spelling variant of Ibrahim
Biblical charactersEbrahimMaguindanaonamea surname originating as a patronymic
BirdschajáSpanishnouna crested screamermasculine
BirdschajáSpanishnouna Uruguayan cake that includes merengue, fruit, and creammasculine
BirdscucRomaniannouncuckoo (bird)masculine
BirdscucRomaniannounan extravagant thingfiguratively masculine
BirdscucRomaniannounalone, isolatedadverbial masculine
BirdscucRomaniannouna game played by little kids (like hide and go seek)masculine
BirdscucRomaniannouna peniseuphemistic figuratively masculine
BirdspepoEsperantonouna chirp, peep, twitter
BirdspepoEsperantonouna tweetInternet
BirdspericoSpanishnounlarge fan (device used to fan oneself)masculine
BirdspericoSpanishnouna Venezuelan dish made of scrambled eggs, butter, onions and tomatoesmasculine
BirdspericoSpanishnounurinalcolloquial masculine
BirdspericoSpanishnouncoke, blow, snow (cocaine)masculine slang
BirdspericoSpanishadjof RCD Espanyolball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsrelational
BirdspericoSpanishnouna person connected with RCD Espanyol, as a player, fan, coach, etc.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsby-personal-gender feminine masculine
BirdsبطريقArabicnounmilitary commander of the Byzantine Empire
Birds of preybivråkSwedishnounEuropean honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)common-gender
Birds of preybivråkSwedishnounany bird in the Pernis (honey buzzard) family.common-gender
BivalvesabanikoTagalognounfolding fan
BivalvesabanikoTagalognounAmusium pleuronectesbiology natural-sciences zoology
BivalvesabanikoTagalognounleopard lily (Iris domestica)biology botany natural-sciences
BivalvesчеренокRussiannounhandle, hilt (of a spade, knife, or similar tool)
BivalvesчеренокRussiannounsolen, razor clamanimate
BivalvesчеренокRussiannounCherenkov radiationnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsslang
BluesనీలముTelugunounindigo plant
Bodies of waterwereldzeeDutchnounoceanfeminine
Bodies of waterwereldzeeDutchnounall of the Earth's oceans and major seasfeminine
Bodies of waterზღვაGeorgiannounsea
Bodies of waterზღვაGeorgiannounseafiguratively
Bodies of waterზღვაGeorgiandetmany
Bodily functionsexcretionEnglishnounThe process of removing or ejecting material that has no further utility, especially from the body; the act of excreting.countable uncountable
Bodily functionsexcretionEnglishnounSomething excreted in that manner, especially urine or feces.countable uncountable
BodytrupPolishnouncorpseanimal-not-person colloquial informal masculine
BodytrupPolishnoundevice broken beyond repairanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
BodytrupPolishnounclunker (decrepit car)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
BodytrupPolishnoungenitive plural of trupafeminine form-of genitive plural
Body partslimbăRomaniannountonguefeminine
Body partslimbăRomaniannounlanguagefeminine
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto fill / to physically fill (a container, vessel, granary, ship, etc.) (+ m or (occasionally) ẖr: with)transitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto fill / to fill (a space), to crowdtransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto fill / to fill (one’s hands or arms) with (something); also, to embrace (someone)transitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto fill / to fill (a person, one’s body, or one’s mouth) with (food)transitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto fill / to fill (a place) with (beauty, joy, scent, etc.)transitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto complete, to make complete with all members or a full complement, to make wholetransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto pay in fulltransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto inlay (+ m: with)transitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto be(come) full / to be(come) physically full (+ m or ẖr: of)intransitive usually
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto be(come) full / to be(come) replete with, full of, abounding inintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto be(come) full / to be(come) pregnant, gravidintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto be(come) complete with all members, full, whole, fully assembledintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto hold or seize / to seize with one’s hand, grasp, lay hold ofintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto hold or seize / to hold fast, to graspintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto hold or seize / to seize (something) for oneself, to takeintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto hold or seize / to capture (a person), to hold (someone) captiveintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto hold or seize / to capture, to conquer (a city)intransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto hold or seize / to hold fast to (orders, plans, etc.), to not deviate fromintransitive
Body partsmḥEgyptianverbto begin, to set about (doing something)catenative
Body partsmḥEgyptianprefixForms ordinal numbers greater than nine from cardinal numbers.Middle-Egyptian Old-Egyptian morpheme
Body partsmḥEgyptianprefixForms ordinal numbers greater than one from cardinal numbers.Late-Egyptian morpheme
Body partsmḥEgyptianprefixAlso forms the ordinal number for one (‘first’).Late-Egyptian morpheme
Body partsmḥEgyptiannounforearm
Body partsmḥEgyptiannouna cubit, a measure of length equivalent to 28 ḏbꜥw (“digits”) or 7 šzpw (“palms”) (about 52.5 centimetres).
Body partsmḥEgyptiannouncubit rod, rod the length of a cubit
Body partsrwzZhuangnounearanatomy medicine sciences
Body partsrwzZhuangnounear-like handle
Body parts𐎘𐎄Ugariticnounbreast (mammary gland)
Body parts𐎘𐎄Ugariticnounudder
BonesчӣӈкKildin Saminounshinbone, tibia of a reindeer with little bonemarrowobsolete
BonesчӣӈкKildin Saminounsplit marrowless tibia of a reindeerobsolete
Books of the BiblePēterisLatviannamePeter (Biblical figure)declension-2 masculine
Books of the BiblePēterisLatviannamea male given name from Ancient Greekdeclension-2 masculine
Books of the BibleRom.DutchadjAbbreviation of Romeins.abbreviation alt-of
Books of the BibleRom.DutchnounAbbreviation of Romeinen.abbreviation alt-of
Books of the BibleZachariášSlovaknameZechariahlifestyle religionanimate masculine
Books of the BibleZachariášSlovaknamea surnameanimate masculine
Boroughs in EnglandElmbridgeEnglishnameA local government district with borough status in northern Surrey, England.
Boroughs in EnglandElmbridgeEnglishnameA village in Worcestershire, England.
BotanybotaniqueFrenchadjof botany; botanicalrelational
BotanybotaniqueFrenchnounbotany (branch of biology concerned with the scientific study of plants)feminine
BotanyhlízaCzechnounHymenogaster, genus of fungi from the family Strophariaceaefeminine
BotanyhlízaCzechnounWakefieldia, genus of fungifeminine
BotanyนวลThaiadjyellowish white; cream (color/colour)
BotanyนวลThaiadjshining bright; having an aura; glowingly beautiful
BotanyนวลThaiadjtender; gentle; mild; soft
BotanyนวลThainounflour sprinkled on a dough to prevent it from sticking to a surface, such as food lifestyle
BotanyนวลThainounlight-coloured spot on the skin of a fruit or on a leaf indicating that it is getting ripe or overripe.
BotanyนวลThainounwoman; beloved woman; fair woman.literary poetic
BovinesשורHebrewnameTaurus (a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a bull and containing the star Aldebaran)astronomy natural-sciences
BovinesשורHebrewnameTaurus (the zodiac sign for the bull, ruled by Venus and covering April 21 - May 21 (tropical astrology) or May 16 - June 15 (sidereal astrology))astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
BreadspullaFinnishnouncardamom bread, pulla (mildly sweet, leavened baked good made of wheat and flavored with crushed cardamom, resembling very soft bread in consistency)
BreadspullaFinnishnounsweet roll, sweet bun (sweet, leavened baked good, often small enough to comprise a single serving)broadly
BreadspullaFinnishnounball (roundish food made of meat or similar ingredient and often cooked)in-compounds
BreadsḏꜥEgyptiannounstorm, stormwind
BreadsḏꜥEgyptiannounaltercation; fierce exchange of wordsLate-Egyptian
BreadsḏꜥEgyptiannounflatulencemedicine sciences
BreadsḏꜥEgyptianverbto fartmedicine sciencesintransitive
BreadsḏꜥEgyptianverbto be(come) stormyintransitive
BreadsḏꜥEgyptiannounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include
BreadsḏꜥEgyptiannounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / a type of agricultural work
BreadsḏꜥEgyptiannouna type of bread
BreadsḏꜥEgyptianverbto spearfish, to catch by spearfishingtransitive
BreadsḏꜥEgyptianverbAlternative form of ḏꜥr (“to seek”)alt-of alternative
BreadsḏꜥEgyptianverbThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / to lay waste, to desolatetransitive
BreadsḏꜥEgyptianverbThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / to be laid waste, to be(come) desolateintransitive
BrownsfilemotEnglishadjSynonym of feuillemorte.not-comparable
BrownsfilemotEnglishnounSynonym of feuillemorte: the color of a dead or faded leaf: dull brown or yellowish brown.uncountable
Buckwheat family plantscoral vineEnglishnounAntigonon leptopus, A flowering vine native to Mexico
Buckwheat family plantscoral vineEnglishnounKennedia coccinea, a species of flowering plant, native to western Australia, with red or scarlet flowers.Australia
Buckwheat family plantsthree-cornered jackEnglishnounThe weed Emex australis.Australia
Buckwheat family plantsthree-cornered jackEnglishnounA seed vessel of this plant, which has three symmetrically arranged thorns and a pointed head.
BuddhasNgàiVietnamesepronHe/Him/She/Her/They/Them, that Buddha or BodhisattvaBuddhism lifestyle religion
BuddhasNgàiVietnamesepronSynonym of Người (“He/Him, the Lord”)Christianity Protestantism
BuddhasNgàiVietnamesepronSynonym of Người (“He/Him, Jesus Christ”)Christianity Protestantism
BuddhasสุมนะThainounone who is good-hearted or kind-hearted; moral person; benevolent person; good-natured person.formal
BuddhasสุมนะThainameSumana, one of the ancient Buddhas.Buddhism lifestyle religion
BuddhismแครอทThainounBuddhist priest.humorous slang
Building materialsлесSerbo-Croatiannouncoffin
Building materialsлесSerbo-Croatiannounlumber
Building materialsлесSerbo-Croatiannounforest, woods
Building materialsлесSerbo-Croatiannounloessgeography geology natural-sciences
Building materialsخراسانOttoman TurkishnameKhorasan, the name for the region of Parthia located in the north-east of Iran
Building materialsخراسانOttoman Turkishnounsifted brickdust used instead of sand for the preparation of lime mortar, together with lime, water and eggs
Building materials瀝青Chinesenounasphalt; bitumen; pitch
Building materials瀝青Chinesenounpine resin
Building materialsChinesecharacterbrick (Classifier: 塊/块 m)
Building materialsChinesecharactertile; paving
Building materialsChinesecharacterbrick (an electronic device, especially a heavy box-shaped one, that has become non-functional or obsolete)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfiguratively slang
BuildingsbarnEnglishnounA building, often found on a farm, used for storage or keeping animals such as cattle.agriculture business lifestyle
BuildingsbarnEnglishnounA unit of surface area equal to 10⁻²⁸ square metres.
BuildingsbarnEnglishnounAn arena.ball-games basketball games hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsinformal
BuildingsbarnEnglishnounA warm and cozy place, especially a bedroom; a roost.slang
BuildingsbarnEnglishverbTo lay up in a barn.transitive
BuildingsbarnEnglishnounA child.dialectal
BuildingsestelladorCatalannouna stump on which one splits firewoodmasculine
BuildingsամրոցArmeniannounfortress, fort
Buildings and structureszęby smokaPolishnoundragon's teeth (square-pyramidal fortifications of reinforced concrete to impede the movement of tanks and mechanised infantry)government military politics warplural
Buildings and structureszęby smokaPolishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see ząb, smok.plural
Buildings and structuresгатSerbo-Croatiannounditch
Buildings and structuresгатSerbo-Croatiannoundam
BurialcoffinEnglishnounA closed box in which the body of a dead person is placed for burial.
BurialcoffinEnglishnounThe eighth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
BurialcoffinEnglishnounA casing or crust, or a mold, of pastry, as for a pie.archaic
BurialcoffinEnglishnounA conical paper bag, used by grocers.obsolete
BurialcoffinEnglishnounThe hollow crust or hoof of a horse's foot, below the coronet, in which is the coffin bone.
BurialcoffinEnglishnounA storage container for nuclear waste.
BurialcoffinEnglishverbTo place in a coffin.transitive
BurialcoffinEnglishnounAn exploratory trench used when first digging a miningCornwall obsolete
BurialcoffinEnglishnounA deep ditch.Cornwall broadly
BurialtemetőHungarianverbpresent participle of temetform-of participle present
BurialtemetőHungariannouncemetery, graveyard
BusinessempregoPortuguesenounjob (economic role for which a person is paid)masculine
BusinessempregoPortuguesenounuse; usage (the act of using something or the way something is used)masculine
BusinessempregoPortuguesenounemployment (the state of being employed)masculine uncountable
BusinessempregoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of empregarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Businessgross incomeEnglishnounIncome generated before deducting expenses, taxes, insurance, etc.countable uncountable
Businessgross incomeEnglishnounIn United States tax law, income that is subject to taxation under the Internal Revenue Code (see Internal Revenue Code 61).countable uncountable
BusinesseslihovarCzechnoundistillery (a place where distillation takes place, especially the distillation of alcoholic spirits)inanimate masculine
BusinesseslihovarCzechnoundistillery (a company that distills alcohol)inanimate masculine
ButtocksfenékHungariannounbottom, buttock (of a living thing)
ButtocksfenékHungariannounbottom, seat (the lower part of an object)
ButtocksfenékHungariannounnominative plural of feneform-of nominative plural rare
Caesalpinia subfamily plantstindoktindokCebuanonouna mesquite, Prosopis juliflora
Caesalpinia subfamily plantstindoktindokCebuanonounthe bullet tuna (Auxis rochei rochei)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantstindoktindokCebuanonounthe frigate tuna (Auxis thazard)
Caesalpinia subfamily plantstindoktindokCebuanonounthe kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis)
Cakes and pastriesrogalikPolishnoundiminutive of rogaldiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriesrogalikPolishnouncrescent-shaped pastryinanimate masculine
CalendarBealtaineIrishnameMay (month)feminine
CalendarmiesięcznicaPolishnounmensiversarycountable feminine
CalendarmiesięcznicaPolishnounAny plant of the genus Lunaria.feminine
Calligraphy練筆Chineseverbto practice writing
Calligraphy練筆Chineseverbto practice writing, calligraphy, painting, etc.
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Cambodia国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
Canada9-1-1EnglishnameAlternative spelling of 911alt-of alternative
Canada9-1-1EnglishnounAlternative spelling of 911alt-of alternative countable uncommon uncountable
Canada9-1-1EnglishverbAlternative spelling of 911alt-of alternative rare
CanidsChinesecharactera surname
CarboncarbophobicEnglishadjlacking an affinity for carbon atoms in a moleculechemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
CarboncarbophobicEnglishadjLacking an affinity for carbohydrateschemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
Carbon group elementstinaIngriannountin
Carbon group elementstinaIngriannounlead
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannounleaf
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannounleafcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannounsheet (of paper or other material manufactured in thin sheets)
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannouna special purpose certificate (any official document attesting a fact, e.g. of birth, ownership etc.)
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannounnewsletter, newspaper
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannounletter (written message)obsolete
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannouncalf (leg part)
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannounsole, flatfish (fish species)
Card gameslistSerbo-Croatiannounleavescard-games games
Card gamessekopIndonesiannounshovel: A hand tool with a handle, used for moving portions of material such as earth, snow, and grain from one place to another, with some forms also used for digging.
Card gamessekopIndonesiannounspade: a playing card marked with the symbol ♠.card-games games
Card gamesvaletFrenchnouna male attendant of a knight or a lordhistory human-sciences sciencesmasculine
Card gamesvaletFrenchnounofficer belonging to the king's house or a princely house, also valet de chambrehistory human-sciences sciencesmasculine
Card gamesvaletFrenchnouna male servant, a footmanmasculine
Card gamesvaletFrenchnouna wooden stand on which to hold clothes and accessories in preparation for dressing, also valet de nuitmasculine
Card gamesvaletFrenchnounjackcard-games gamesmasculine
Card gamesvaletFrenchnouna holdfast (a hooked tool to hold a workpiece down to a workbench)especially masculine
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannounheartanatomy medicine sciences
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannounheart (symbol)
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannounemotionfiguratively
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannoundarling, dear
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannounheartcard-games games
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannouncouragefiguratively
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannouncore, heart (center, main part of something; middle part of a fruit, genus of a plant)figuratively
Card gamesсрцеMacedoniannounstomachcolloquial figuratively
CarriagesbrettEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Brett (“Brettanomyces”)alt-of uncountable
CarriagesbrettEnglishnounA fault in wine caused by Brettanomyces yeast.informal uncountable
CarriagesbrettEnglishnounA britchka; a kind of horse-drawn carriage.archaic
CatholicismInquisitionEnglishnameA tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church set up to investigate and suppress heresy.historical
CatholicismInquisitionEnglishnameA harsh or rigorous interrogation that violates one’s rights.broadly
Catsపిల్లిTelugunouncat (a domesticated subspecies of feline animal, commonly kept as a house pet)
Catsపిల్లిTelugunounany animal species resembling a cat
Celestial bodiesзвездаBulgariannounstar (celestial body)
Celestial bodiesзвездаBulgariannounstar (celebrity)
Celestial bodiesзвездаBulgariannounstargeometry mathematics sciences
Characters from folkloretonton makoutHaitian Creolenounbogeyman
Characters from folkloretonton makoutHaitian CreolenounTonton Macoute (member of a former special unit within the Haitian paramilitary force)
CheesesкварглSerbo-Croatiannounquark, Olomouc cheese
CheesesкварглSerbo-Croatiannouna kick given to a ball (typically a soccer ball) in order to make it curve during its trajectoryhobbies lifestyle sportsobsolete regional
Chemical elementspalladiumEnglishnounA safeguard.
Chemical elementspalladiumEnglishnounA chemical element (symbol Pd) with an atomic number of 46: a rare, lustrous silvery-white metal.countable uncountable
Chemical elementspalladiumEnglishnounA single atom of this element.countable
Chemical elementsселенMacedoniannounselenium
Chemical elementsселенMacedonianverbmasculine singular adjectival participle of сели (seli)adjectival form-of masculine participle singular
ChemistryamalgamaSpanishnounamalgam (a combination of different things)feminine
ChemistryamalgamaSpanishnounamalgam (an alloy containing mercury)engineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
ChemistryamalgamaSpanishverbinflection of amalgamar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ChemistryamalgamaSpanishverbinflection of amalgamar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ChessknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA knight (armoured noble soldier)
ChessknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA noble; a potentate.broadly
ChessknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA warrior; a fighter.figuratively
ChessknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA servant or attendant.Early-Middle-English
ChessknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA boy or youth.Early-Middle-English
ChessknyghtMiddle EnglishnounA knight (chess piece)board-games chess games
ChessmilesLatinnounA soldier.government military politics wardeclension-3
ChessmilesLatinnounA knight.Medieval-Latin declension-3
ChessmilesLatinnounA man in boardgames such as ludus latrunculi and chess.declension-3
ChildrendonzelEnglishnounA young squire or the attendant to a knight; a pageobsolete
ChildrendonzelEnglishnounA boy or an unmarried young man
ChildrennortureMiddle EnglishnounSustenance, comestibles, diet.uncountable
ChildrennortureMiddle EnglishnounThe bringing up of a child; nurture or raising.uncountable
ChildrennortureMiddle EnglishnounFormal training of the young; educating.uncountable
ChildrennortureMiddle EnglishnounCourteousness, etiquette, customs, politeness.uncountable
ChildrennortureMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of norturenalt-of alternative
ChildrenבראAramaicnounson, child
ChildrenבראAramaicverbto create
ChildrenکوٗرKashmirinouna girl, a young woman
ChinaМинRussiannameMing; the Ming dynasty (Chinese dynasty that lasted from 1368–1644 C.E.)Min historical
ChinaМинRussiannameA transliteration of the Chinese surname 明 (Míng)Min indeclinable
ChinaМинRussiannamea surname, Ming, from ChineseMin indeclinable
Chinese politicsPCCFrenchnameInitialism of Parti conservateur du Canada (“CPC”).abbreviation alt-of initialism masculine
Chinese politicsPCCFrenchnameInitialism of Parti communiste chinois (“CPC”).abbreviation alt-of initialism masculine
ChristianityChristianityEnglishnameAn Abrahamic religion originating from the community of the followers of Jesus Christ.uncountable usually
ChristianityChristianityEnglishnameProtestantism (in contrast to Catholicism)Hong-Kong Philippines uncountable usually
ChristianityChristianityEnglishnameChristendom, the Christian world
ChristianityNotre-DameFrenchnameOur Lady (the Virgin Mary)feminine
ChristianityNotre-DameFrenchnameCathédrale Notre-Dame de Parisfeminine
Cichorieae tribe plantssałatkaPolishnoundiminutive of sałatadiminutive feminine form-of
Cichorieae tribe plantssałatkaPolishnounsalad (food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise)feminine
CitiesḫmnwEgyptiannamethe city of Hermopolis
Cities in the Seleucid EmpireCharaxEnglishnameVarious former cities in Southwest Asia, including / A former city in Rhagiana, now within modern Iran.historical
Cities in the Seleucid EmpireCharaxEnglishnameVarious former cities in Southwest Asia, including / A former city and seaport on the Persian Gulf, now within modern Iraq.historical
Cities in the Seleucid EmpireCharaxEnglishnameVarious former cities in Southwest Asia, including / Former name of Aydin, a city in southwestern Turkey.historical
ClothingpetticoatEnglishnounA tight, usually padded undercoat worn by women over a shirt and under the doublet.historical
ClothingpetticoatEnglishnounA woman's undercoat, worn to be displayed beneath an open gown.historical
ClothingpetticoatEnglishnounA fisherman's loose canvas or oilcloth skirt.historical
ClothingpetticoatEnglishnounA type of ornamental skirt or underskirt, often displayed below a dress; chiefly in plural, designating a woman's skirts collectively.
ClothingpetticoatEnglishnounA light woman's undergarment worn under a dress or skirt, and hanging either from the shoulders or (now especially) from the waist; a kind of slip, worn to make the skirt fuller, or for extra warmth.
ClothingpetticoatEnglishnounA woman.slang
ClothingpetticoatEnglishnounA bell-mouthed piece over the exhaust nozzles in the smokebox of a locomotive, strengthening and equalising the draught through the boiler-tubes.historical
ClothingpetticoatEnglishverbTo dress in a petticoat.transitive
ClothingpetticoatEnglishadjFeminine; female; involving a woman.dated not-comparable
ClothingruryPolishnounAugmentative of rurkiaugmentative colloquial form-of plural
ClothingruryPolishnouninflection of rura: / genitive singularfeminine form-of genitive singular
ClothingruryPolishnouninflection of rura: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
ClothingsmockEnglishnounA type of undergarment worn by women; a shift or slip.
ClothingsmockEnglishnounA blouse; a smock frock.
ClothingsmockEnglishnounA loose garment worn as protection by a painter, etc.
ClothingsmockEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a smock; resembling a smocknot-comparable
ClothingsmockEnglishadjHence, of or pertaining to a woman.not-comparable
ClothingsmockEnglishverbTo provide with, or clothe in, a smock or a smock frock.transitive
ClothingsmockEnglishverbTo apply manufacturing sewing textilestransitive
ClothingvestEnglishnounA sleeveless garment that buttons down the front, worn over a shirt, and often as part of a suit; a waistcoat.Canada US
ClothingvestEnglishnounA sleeveless garment, often with a low-cut neck, usually worn under a shirt or blouse.British
ClothingvestEnglishnounA sleeveless top, typically with identifying colours or logos, worn by an athlete or member of a sports team.
ClothingvestEnglishnounAny sleeveless outer garment, often for a purpose such as identification, safety, or storage.
ClothingvestEnglishnounA vestment.
ClothingvestEnglishnounClothing generally; array; garb.
ClothingvestEnglishnounA loose robe or outer garment worn historically by men in Arab or Middle Eastern countries.archaic
ClothingvestEnglishverbTo clothe with, or as with, a vestment, or garment; to dress; to robe; to cover, surround, or encompass closely.passive
ClothingvestEnglishverbTo clothe with authority, power, etc.; to put in possession; to invest; to furnish; to endow; followed by with and the thing conferred.
ClothingvestEnglishverbTo place or give into the possession or discretion of some person or authority; to commit to another; with in before the possessor.
ClothingvestEnglishverbTo clothe with possession; also, to give a person an immediate fixed right of present or future enjoyment
ClothingvestEnglishverb(of an inheritance or a trust fund) To devolve upon the person currently entitled when a prior interest has ended.lawintransitive
ClothingvestEnglishverbTo become vested, to become finance financialintransitive
ClothingvestEnglishverbTo invest; to put.obsolete
ClothingwhittleEnglishnounA knife; especially, a clasp knife, pocket knife, or sheath knife.
ClothingwhittleEnglishverbTo cut or shape wood with a knife.intransitive transitive
ClothingwhittleEnglishverbTo reduce or gradually eliminate something (such as a debt).transitive
ClothingwhittleEnglishverbTo make eager or excited; to excite with liquor; to inebriate.figuratively transitive
ClothingwhittleEnglishnounA coarse greyish double blanket worn by countrywomen, in the west of England, over the shoulders, like a cloak or shawl.archaic
ClothingwhittleEnglishnounA whittle shawl; a kind of fine woollen shawl, originally and especially a white one.archaic
ClothingচাদরBengalinounchadorIslam lifestyle religion
Cockroacheswater bugEnglishnounAny member of the infraorder Nepomorpha, the true water bugs.
Cockroacheswater bugEnglishnounAny of various other true bugs that live around water.
Cockroacheswater bugEnglishnounAn American cockroach of species Periplaneta americana.
Cockroacheswater bugEnglishnounAn oriental cockroach of species Blatta orientalis.
CoinssixpenceEnglishnounThe value of six old pence; half of a shilling; or one-fortieth of a pound sterling.British obsolete uncountable
CoinssixpenceEnglishnounA former British coin worth sixpence, first minted in 1551.countable historical uncountable
Cold WarEisenhowerEnglishnameA surname.
Cold WarEisenhowerEnglishnameA surname. / Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America
CollectivesgadzinaPolishnouncreeping animalcolloquial feminine
CollectivesgadzinaPolishnounblackguard, scoundrelderogatory feminine
CollectivesgadzinaPolishnounlivestockdialectal feminine obsolete
CollectivespaczkaPolishnounpackage, parcelfeminine
CollectivespaczkaPolishnounbunch (an informal body of friends)feminine
CollectivespaczkaPolishnounpackage (specially prepared software)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwarecolloquial feminine
ColorskanelaCebuanonounthe true cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum verum)
ColorskanelaCebuanonouncinnamon; a spice from the dried aromatic bark of the cinnamon tree, either rolled into strips or ground into a powderobsolete
ColorskanelaCebuanonounthe color cinnamon
ColorskanelaCebuanoadjhaving the colour cinnamon
ColorskeltainenFinnishadjyellow (color)
ColorskeltainenFinnishadjyellow (person)
ColorskeltainenFinnishnounThe color yellow
ColorsmahoniowyPolishadjmahogany (any of several trees of the genus Swietenia)not-comparable relational
ColorsmahoniowyPolishadjmahogany (wood)not-comparable relational
ColorsmahoniowyPolishadjmahogany (reddish-brown color)not-comparable
ColorsnsunduZuluconjdark brownrelative
ColorsnsunduZuluconjblack (skin colour)relative
ColorstapanCebuanonounthe color emerald green
ColorstapanCebuanoadjof the colour emerald green
ColorsverdOccitannoungreenmasculine uncountable
ColorsλιβάνινοςAncient Greekadjmade of frankincense
ColorsλιβάνινοςAncient Greekadjof the color of the frankincense
ColorsφλόγινοςAncient Greekadjflaming, fiery
ColorsφλόγινοςAncient Greekadjflame coloured
ColorsχακίGreekadjkhaki (of color/colour)indeclinable
ColorsχακίGreeknounkhaki (that range of colours from yellow to green/brown)colorindeclinable
ColorsχακίGreeknounthe army; military servicefiguratively indeclinable
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritadjyellow, reddish-brown, tawny
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritnounyellow (colour)
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritnouna buffalo
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritnouna mouse
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritnouna kind of yellow pigment
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritnounthe stalk of Ferula asa foetida
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritnounbamboo manna
Colorsपिङ्गSanskritnouna tubular vessel of the human body which according to the yoga- system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side
Colors자주Koreanadvoften, frequently
Colors자주Koreannounindependence, autonomy
Colors자주Koreannounviolet; amethyst
Colors자주Koreannounpurple; claret
Colors자주Koreannounself-footnote, self-annotation, note written on one's own writing
Colors자주Koreannounact of writing a footnote, annotation, note on one's own writing
Colors자주KoreannounSynonym of 자작(自作) (jajak)uncommon
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe seed within the drupe of a small deciduous tree in family Rosaceae, Prunus amygdalus, considered a culinary nut.countable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe tree that produces almonds.countable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / bitter almond. of variety Prunus amygdalus var. amara, (syn. Prunus dulcis var. amara), that only produces bitter fruitscountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Prunus japonica, flowering almond, an ornamental shrub in family Rosaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Prunus andersonii, desert almond, a North American shrub in family Rosaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Prunus fasciculata, desert range almond or wild almond, North American shrub in family Rosaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Terminalia catappa, Indian almond or tropical almond, in family Combretaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounOther plants that produce almond-like nuts: / Brabejum stellatifolium or bitter almond, in family Proteaceaecountable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe colour of the kernel of an almond without its shell and thin seed coat, a creamy off-white colour.uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounThe colour of an almond still covered by its skin, a shade of brown.uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounFlavour or other characteristics of almond.uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishnounAnything shaped like an almond; specifically, (anatomy, archaic) a tonsil.countable uncountable
Combretum family plantsalmondEnglishadjBrownish, resembling the colour of an almond nut.
CommunicationleteroEsperantonounletter (written message)
CommunicationleteroEsperantonounmissive (formal)
Communismbandiera rossaItaliannounred flag, red bannergovernment politicsfeminine
Communismbandiera rossaItaliannounred bandfish (Cepola macrophthalma)biology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
Computer languagesAdaEnglishnameA female given name from the Germanic languages.
Computer languagesAdaEnglishnameAn object-oriented programming language extended from Pascal and other computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Computer languagesAdaEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Norman County, Minnesota, United States
Computer languagesAdaEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, United States.
Computing本本Chinesenounprinted document (such as a book, notebook, certificate, etc.)diminutive informal
Computing本本Chinesenoundoujinshi, especially an erotic oneACG video-games
Computing本本Chineseadvstill; yet; as beforeHakka
Computing本本Chinesenounlaptop computer; notebookWu
CondimentsvinaigretteFrenchnounvinaigrette (sauce), French dressingfeminine
CondimentsvinaigretteFrenchnounvinaigrette (vehicle)feminine
ConnectorscoaxialFrenchnouncoaxial cablemasculine
ConservatismправыйRussianadjright, right-hand
ConservatismправыйRussianadjstarboardnautical transport
ConservatismправыйRussianadjright-winggovernment politics
ConservatismправыйRussianadjright, correct
ConservatismправыйRussiannounrightistgovernment politics
ConstructionבנאיHebrewnouna builder
ConstructionבנאיHebrewnamea surname originating as an occupation
ContainersAmpelGermannountraffic lightfeminine
ContainersAmpelGermannounEllipsis of Ampelkoalition.government politicsGerman abbreviation alt-of ellipsis feminine informal
ContainersAmpelGermannounceiling lamp (lamp which hangs from the ceiling)feminine
ContainersAmpelGermannouncontainer (e.g. for a plant) which hangs from the ceilingfeminine
ContainersgiuộcVietnamesenouna cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, for dipping into and ladling out liquids
ContainersgiuộcVietnamesenouna gang, a groupderogatory
ContainerskorgSwedishnounbasket (container)common-gender
ContainerskorgSwedishnounShort for vagnskorg (“body of a train waggon”).abbreviation alt-of common-gender
ContainerssoapboxEnglishnounA crate for packing soap.literally
ContainerssoapboxEnglishnounAny physical or media platform which gives prominence to the person on it and the views they espouse.figuratively
ContainerssoapboxEnglishnounA talk about one's pet topic (or the topic itself), especially when only tangentially relevant to an ongoing discussion.figuratively
ContainerssoapboxEnglishnounA soapbox car.
ContainerssoapboxEnglishverbTo give a speech from (or as if from) a soapbox.
ContainerssłoikPolishnounjar (small, approximately cylindrical container, normally made of clay or glass, for holding fruit, preserves, etc., or for ornamental purposes)inanimate masculine
ContainerssłoikPolishnounnon-native Varsovian that works or studies in Warsaw but leads most of their social life in their hometownderogatory masculine often person slang
ContainersхөөрөгMongoliannountambourine, drumMongolian
ContainersChinesecharactergod; deity
ContainersChinesecharactersoul; spirit
ContainersChinesecharactereffective; efficacious
ContainersChinesecharacterkeen; quick
ContainersChinesecharacterapt; suitable; high-quality; goodNorthern Wu
ContainersChinesecharacterappropriately working; appropriately functioningNorthern Wu
ContainersChinesecharactera surname: Ling
ContinentsאסיהHebrewnameAsia (a continent located east of Europe (typically delimited by the Urals), west of the Pacific Ocean, north of Oceania and south of the Arctic Ocean)
ContinentsאסיהHebrewnamea female given name, Asia or Asya
Cookware and bakewareطوايةArabicnounfolding machine, bending press
Cookware and bakewareطوايةArabicnounfrying pan
CorruptionkatiwalianTagalognounabsurdity; anomaly; irregularity
Corruption廉政公署Chinesenamethe Independent Commission Against Corruptiongovernment law-enforcementHong-Kong
Corruption廉政公署Chinesenamethe Commission Against Corruptiongovernment law-enforcementMacau
CountriesܨܝܢClassical SyriacnameChina
CountriesܨܝܢClassical SyriacnamePeople's Republic of China
Countries連合国Japanesenounally; allied nation
Countries連合国Japanesenamethe Allieshistorical
Countries in EuropeĪrijaLatviannameIreland (a large island in Europe, one of the British Isles)declension-4 feminine
Countries in EuropeĪrijaLatviannameIreland (a country and state on the island of the same name)declension-4 feminine
CraftsbyldyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of byldenform-of participle present
CraftsbyldyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe construction or design of a building.
CraftsbyldyngeMiddle EnglishnounA building (especially a residence).
CraftsbyldyngeMiddle EnglishnounA grouping or set of buildings.
CraftsbyldyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation or start of something.rare
CraftsbyldyngeMiddle EnglishnounSelf-improvement or self-realisation.rare
CraftsbyldyngeMiddle EnglishnounOne's handiwork or craftsmanship.rare
CraftsремеслоRussiannountrade, craft (skilled practice)
CraftsремеслоRussiannounprofession, occupationcolloquial
CraftsремеслоRussiannoununcreative work, unimaginative work, work according to a templatederogatory
CricetidsплъхBulgariannounrat (rodent of genus Rattus)
CricetidsплъхBulgariannounvole, dormouse (large mouse-like rodent)dialectal
CricetidsплъхBulgariannounlow skilled person; sycophant (of people)figuratively
CrimechakachuaSwahiliverbto siphon petrol
CrimechakachuaSwahiliverbto embezzle
Crimefruit upEnglishverbTo become full of fruit, seeds, or spores.
Crimefruit upEnglishverbTo add fruit; To adorn or embellish with fruit.
Crimefruit upEnglishverbTo grope a young boy.derogatory idiomatic
CrimemordbrandSwedishnounarson; the crime of setting fire to something in order to cause damagecommon-gender
CrimemordbrandSwedishnouna fire started through arsoncommon-gender
CrimethievingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of thieveform-of gerund participle present
CrimethievingEnglishadjThat thieves; that steals; inclined to stealnot-comparable
CrimethievingEnglishnounThe action of theft.uncountable usually
CrimeyoinkEnglishverbTo make an oinking sound.onomatopoeic
CrimeyoinkEnglishverbTo hop or bounce.colloquial
CrimeyoinkEnglishverbnonce word for an action that impacts on something, especially if it is sudden.
CrimeyoinkEnglishverbTo kill.slang
CrimeyoinkEnglishnounAn ordinary person with nothing to recommend them.slang
CrimeyoinkEnglishintjUsed for emphasis or to express that one is impressed.colloquial
CrimeyoinkEnglishintjOnomatopoeic, accompanying or describing a yank, swipe, or snatch.colloquial
CrimeyoinkEnglishverbTo yank or snatch.colloquial
CrimeyoinkEnglishverbTo steal.colloquial
CrimeyoinkEnglishverbTo take or win (something that others want).colloquial
CrimeубойRussiannounslaughter (of animals)
CrustaceansbanaganCebuanonounany of several spiny lobster species: / the scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus)
CrustaceansbanaganCebuanonounany of several spiny lobster species: / the ornate spiny lobster (Panulirus ornatus)
CrustaceansbanaganCebuanonounany of several spiny lobster species: / the long-legged spiny lobster (Panulirus longipes)
CrustaceansbanaganCebuanonounany of several spiny lobster species: / the pronghorn spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus)
CrustaceansbanaganCebuanonounany of several spiny lobster species: / the painted rock lobster (Panulirus versicolor)
Cultural anthropologyfolk artEnglishnounCraft traditions and values of various social groups.countable uncountable
Cultural anthropologyfolk artEnglishnounIntangible art forms such as folk music and folk dance rooted in and reflective of the cultural life of a community.countable uncountable
Cultural anthropologyfolk artEnglishnounOutsider art.countable uncountable
CulturearokoYorubanounIn traditional Yoruba society, a symbolic message sent as a form of communication between two entities. The purpose of the àrokò was to send a secret message in which only the two entities communicating would understand what the contents of the àrokò meant.
CulturearokoYorubanounsymbol, sign
CurrencypunndScottish Gaelicnounpound (weight)masculine
CurrencypunndScottish Gaelicnounpen, fold, enclosure for cattlemasculine
CurvesS-curveEnglishnounLogistic growth, or a graph detailing it.
CurvesS-curveEnglishnounReverse curve
CutleryforkoEsperantonounfork (tableware)
CutleryforkoEsperantonounfork, bifurcation (on a road, path, or river)figuratively
CutlerypalhinhaPortuguesenoundiminutive of palhadiminutive feminine form-of
CutlerypalhinhaPortuguesenoundrinking straw (a long tube through which a drink is drunk)Portugal feminine
CutlerypalhinhaPortuguesenounroll-your-own cigaretteBrazil feminine informal
CutlerypalhinhaPortuguesenounNonstandard form of palinha (“impromptu”)Brazil alt-of feminine informal nonstandard
CutlerypalhinhaPortuguesenounstraw hat, boatermasculine
Czech Republic112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Czech Republic112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Czech Republic112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Czech Republic112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
Czech cardinal numberstřiCzechnumthree
Czech cardinal numberstřiCzechverbsecond-person singular imperative of třítform-of imperative second-person singular
Dalbergieae tribe plantshagadCebuanonounthe narra tree (Pterocarpus indicus)
Dalbergieae tribe plantshagadCebuanonounthe wood from this tree
DancemoonwalkerEnglishnounOne who moonwalks; an astronaut who has walked on the moon.
DancemoonwalkerEnglishnounOne who performs the moonwalk dance.
DancesboogalooEnglishnounA genre of music that blends rhythm and blues and soul music with Cuban-style rhythms, originating in the United States in the 1960s.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
DancesboogalooEnglishnounA style of dance to this music, popular in the 1960s.countable uncountable
DancesboogalooEnglishnounA piece of music, or an instance of dancing, in or of this style.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
DancesboogalooEnglishnounA type of freestyle, improvisational street dance incorporating soulful steps and robotic movements, originally danced to funk and disco, but later more commonly to hip-hop.countable uncountable
DancesboogalooEnglishnounA sequel or repetition of events, etc. Often used to mock a lack of creativity.Internet countable humorous uncountable
DancesboogalooEnglishnounA hypothetical second American Civil War, in which far-right or antigovernment activists rise up against the government.government politicsInternet US countable uncountable
DancesboogalooEnglishnounA black person.countable dated derogatory possibly uncountable
DancesboogalooEnglishverbTo dance in this style.intransitive
DancescoochEnglishnounThe hootchy-kootchy, a type of erotic dance.US obsolete
DancescoochEnglishnounThe vagina or vulva.US slang
Days of the weekYaouBretonnameThursdaymasculine
Days of the weekYaouBretonnameJupiterastronomy human-sciences mysticism mythology natural-sciences philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
Days of the weekསྤེན་པTibetannameSaturnastronomy natural-sciences
Days of the weekསྤེན་པTibetannamea unisex given name: Pemba/Penpa
Days of the weekསྤེན་པTibetannounEllipsis of གཟའ་སྤེན་པ (gza' spen pa, “Saturday”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
DeathchcípnoutCzechverbof an animal, to diecolloquial perfective
DeathchcípnoutCzechverbto croak; of a human, to dieperfective vulgar
Deathhand someone his headEnglishverbTo kill, especially by beheading.
Deathhand someone his headEnglishverbTo destroy; to defeat utterly.broadly idiomatic
DeathmactoLatinverbto reward, honorconjugation-1
DeathmactoLatinverbto punish, troubleconjugation-1
DeathmactoLatinverbto offer, sacrifice, immolateconjugation-1
DeathmactoLatinverbto breakMedieval-Latin conjugation-1
DeathmactoLatinverbto killMedieval-Latin conjugation-1
DeathmactoLatinadjdative/ablative masculine/neuter singular of mactusablative dative form-of masculine neuter singular
DeathoprawcaPolishnountorturermasculine person
DeathoprawcaPolishnounexecutioner, hangmanmasculine person
DeathtrentalEnglishnounA set of 30 requiem masses, said once a day for a month or all in one day.Christianity
DeathtrentalEnglishnounThe payment for this service.Christianity
DeathtrentalEnglishnounSynonym of triacontad, any set of thirty things.figuratively obsolete rare
DeathtrentalEnglishnounSynonym of elegy, any funeral or funereal song or poem.figuratively obsolete
DeathtrentalEnglishnounSynonym of month's mind, the commemorative service held on the 30th day after burial.Christianityarchaic
DemonymsDalmatianEnglishadjRelating to Dalmatia or its people.
DemonymsDalmatianEnglishnounOne of a breed of dog with a short, white coat with dark spots.
DemonymsDalmatianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Dalmatia.demonym
DemonymsDalmatianEnglishnameAn extinct Romance language that was once spoken in Dalmatia.
DemonymsDalmatianEnglishnameSerbo-Croatian in general, as spoken in Dalmatia.historical
DemonymsGallureseEnglishnameA Romance language or dialect, transitional between Corsican and Sardinian, spoken in the historical region of Gallura, northeastern Sardinia.
DemonymsGallureseEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Gallura, Sardinia.not-comparable
DemonymsGallureseEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Gallura, Sardinia.
DemonymsMidgardianEnglishnounan inhabitant of Midgardhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesNorse
DemonymsMidgardianEnglishnouna human
DemonymsMidgardianEnglishadjpertaining to Midgardhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesNorse
DemonymsRussEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Russell.
DemonymsRussEnglishnameA surname.
DemonymsRussEnglishadjOf or relating to the Russians.dated
DemonymsRussEnglishnounA Russian.dated poetic rare
DemonymsRussEnglishnameThe Russian language.dated
DemonymsSalzburgerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Salzburgmasculine strong
DemonymsSalzburgerGermanadjof Salzburgindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsbarranqueñoSpanishadjof Barrancosrelational
DemonymsbarranqueñoSpanishnounsomeone from Barrancosmasculine
DemonymscabaiguanenseSpanishadjof Cabaiguán (a town in Cuba)feminine masculine relational
DemonymscabaiguanenseSpanishnounan inhabitant of the town of Cabaiguán in Cubaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymscastelloleonenseSpanishadjof Castile and Leónfeminine masculine relational
DemonymscastelloleonenseSpanishnouna person from Castile and Leónby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsepirotaPortuguesenounEpirote (a person from Epirus)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsepirotaPortugueseadjof Epirusfeminine masculine relational
DemonymsmarbelleroSpanishadjof Marbellarelational
DemonymsmarbelleroSpanishnounsomeone from, or connected with, Marbellamasculine
DemonymsmilpaltenseSpanishadjof or from Milpa Altafeminine masculine
DemonymsmilpaltenseSpanishnounsomeone from Milpa Altaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsnivarienseSpanishadjof Santa Cruz de Tenerifefeminine masculine relational
DemonymsnivarienseSpanishnounsomeone from Santa Cruz de Tenerifeby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymspápaiHungarianadjOf, from, or relating to Pápa.not-comparable
DemonymspápaiHungariannounA person from Pápa.
DemonymsresendensePortugueseadjof Resende, Portugalfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymsresendensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Resende, Portugalby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymssamaritanoItalianadjSamaritan (all senses)
DemonymssamaritanoItaliannounSamaritan (all senses)masculine
DemonymstrasmeranoSpanishadjof or from Trasmiera
DemonymstrasmeranoSpanishnounsomeone from Trasmieramasculine
DemonymsΒλάχοςGreeknounVlach (male speaker of the Vlach language)
DemonymsΒλάχοςGreeknouna surname deriving from the above
DialectscalabreseItalianadjCalabrian (of, from or relating to Calabria)
DialectscalabreseItaliannounCalabrian (native or inhabitant of Calabria)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DialectscalabreseItaliannounthe Calabrian language or set of dialectsmasculine uncountable
DialectsstockholmskaSwedishadjinflection of stockholmsk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
DialectsstockholmskaSwedishadjinflection of stockholmsk: / pluralform-of plural
DialectsstockholmskaSwedishnounStockholm dialectcommon-gender
Dictionaries字典Chinesenoundictionary of Chinese characters; Han character dictionary (Classifier: 本; 部)
Dictionaries字典ChinesenounGeneral term for dictionaries.
Dictionaries字典Chinesenoundictionary (an associative array; a data structure where each value is referenced by a particular key)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Dictionaries字典Chinesenoundictionary (a set of text strings such as passwords)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
DipteransmoscoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of moscarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
DipteransмушичкаMacedoniannounfruit fly and similar small insects
DipteransмушичкаMacedoniannounquirk, whimin-plural
DirectivesbiletPolishnounticket (pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.)inanimate masculine
DirectivesbiletPolishnounticket, note (piece of paper with a short message)inanimate masculine
DirectivesbiletPolishnounticket (solution to a problem, a way to achieve something)inanimate masculine
DirectivesbiletPolishnounbanknoteinanimate masculine
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To insult, criticise, or reprehend (something or someone).
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To make a (malicious and wrongful) accusation or allegation.
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To act with undeserved malice towards someone.rare
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo counter, oppose, argue, or be against (something or someone): / To punish or penalise someone (for their behaviour)rare
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo claim a possession, right, or privilege: / To appropriate or expropriate; to take wrongfully or forcibly.
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo claim a possession, right, or privilege: / To forcibly request or order; to make a demand.rare
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo search or look for something; to seek out.
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo summon to a battle or duel.
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo win a conflict or engagement; to defeat one's enemies.rare
DirectiveschalengenMiddle EnglishverbTo supply a reason for entering into a duel.rare
DirectivesrecommendaciounMiddle EnglishnounOffering up one's good wishes or hopes.uncountable
DirectivesrecommendaciounMiddle EnglishnounRecommending or extolling oneself to another.uncountable
DirectivesrecommendaciounMiddle EnglishnounSending or consignment to another's care.uncountable
DirectivesrecommendaciounMiddle EnglishnounA recommendation or endorsement.rare uncountable
Distilled beveragestata z mamąPolishnounhard liquor, typically vodka, mixed with either juice or syrupcolloquial idiomatic masculine person
Distilled beveragestata z mamąPolishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see tata, z, mama.masculine person
DivinationikinYorubanounsacred palm nuts that are used as divination tools in the consulting of Ifa by babalawos. The using of the ikin is reserved for highly important ceremonies (such as during a Àkọsẹ̀jayé) and is how priests determine the signature of an odù Ifá.
DivinationikinYorubanounThe plant Megathyrsus maximus
Divine epithetsḥr-m-pr.fEgyptiannounan epithet of the king
Divine epithetsḥr-m-pr.fEgyptiannounan epithet of the god Horus of Edfu
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishnounA person who is addicted to alcohol.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishnounOne who abuses alcohol.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to alcohol.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishadjHaving more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents.
DrinkingalcoholicEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or affected by alcoholism.
DrinkingsmashedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of smashform-of participle past
DrugsnabuzowaćPolishverbto stoke (to cause a fire to burn intensely)perfective transitive
DrugsnabuzowaćPolishverbto stoke (to excite someone)perfective transitive
DrugsnabuzowaćPolishverbto become overly stoked (to become too emotional or engaged)perfective reflexive
DrugsnabuzowaćPolishverbto black out or brown out from drug useperfective reflexive
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemSednaPolishnameSedna (Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals)feminine
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemSednaPolishnameSedna (trans-Neptunian dwarf planet whose eccentric detached orbit is wholly beyond the Kuiper belt)feminine
Earth🌐TranslingualsymbolWorld Wide Web
EchinodermsasteroidEnglishnounA naturally occurring solid object, which is smaller than a planet and a dwarf planet, larger than a meteoroid and not a comet, that orbits a star and often has an irregular shape.astronomy natural-sciences
EchinodermsasteroidEnglishnounIn the Solar system, such a body that orbits within the orbit of Jupiterastronomy natural-sciences
EchinodermsasteroidEnglishnounAny member of the taxonomic class Asteroidea; a starfish.biology natural-sciences zoology
EcologyCDTranslingualsymbolISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 1997.
EcologyCDTranslingualsymbolAbbreviation of Conservation Dependent.abbreviation alt-of obsolete
EcologyCDTranslingualnouncorps diplomatique, diplomatic corps (collective body of foreign diplomats accredited to a particular country or body)
El SalvadorlorocoSpanishnounloroco vine (Echites panduratus, syn. Fernaldia pandurata)masculine
El SalvadorlorocoSpanishnounloroco flowers, commonly used in pupusasmasculine
ElectricityelectrokinesisEnglishnounThe transport of particles or fluid by means of an electric field acting on a fluid which has a net mobile charge.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable
ElectricityelectrokinesisEnglishnounThe generation of electrical force using the mind alone.fantasy literature media publishing science-fictionuncountable
Electricitystatic electricityEnglishnounAn electric charge that has built up on an insulated body, often due to friction.uncountable
Electricitystatic electricityEnglishnounThe electric discharge from such a body.uncountable
Electricitystatic electricityEnglishnounElectrostatics.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable
ElectronicsroutinerEnglishnounA jazz musician who plays by ear (i.e. not using sheet music, but rather following along with the band and memorizing music when needed).
ElectronicsroutinerEnglishnounA device used to automatically activate and cycle the settings of electronic equipment for testing purposes.
Emilian cardinal numbersquaterseintsinquantaquàterEmilianadjFour hundred and fifty-four.feminine invariable masculine
Emilian cardinal numbersquaterseintsinquantaquàterEmiliannounFour hundred and fifty-four.invariable masculine
EmotionsangerlyMiddle EnglishadvFerociously, painfully; in a powerful and injurious way.
EmotionsangerlyMiddle EnglishadvAngrily; in an angry or annoyed way.rare
EmotionsardourMiddle Englishnounardour (emotional passion or intensity)Late-Middle-English rare
EmotionsardourMiddle EnglishnounA fiery, painful feeling.Late-Middle-English rare
EmotionsdisheartenedEnglishadjDiscouraged, despairing.
EmotionsdisheartenedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of disheartenform-of participle past
EmotionsGaliciannounpity, compassionmasculine
EmotionsGaliciannoungrief, mourningmasculine
EmotionsGaliciannoundo (musical note)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
EmotionsGaliciannounC (the musical note or key)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
EmotionsoptimistaSpanishadjoptimistic, upbeatfeminine masculine
EmotionsoptimistaSpanishadjoptimistic, bullishfeminine masculine
EmotionsoptimistaSpanishnounoptimistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
EmotionsvihaVoticnounanger, rage
EmotionsvihaVoticadjbitter, acrid
Emotions昂揚Chineseadjin high spirits; high-spirited; elated
Emotions昂揚Chineseadjloud and sonorous
English punctuation marks⠤⠤EnglishpunctThe en dash, –
English punctuation marks⠤⠤Englishpunctcaesura
English unisex given namesCoryEnglishnameAn English surname from Old Norse, a variant of Corey.
English unisex given namesCoryEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname, variant of Corey.
English unisex given namesCoryEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the surname, variant of Cori, masculine equivalent Corey.
English unisex given namesCoryEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given names Cora or Corinne and similar sounding names.
English unisex given namesKerryEnglishnameA county of Ireland. County seat: Tralee.
English unisex given namesKerryEnglishnameA village and community in Powys, Wales, originally in Montgomeryshire (OS grid ref SO1489). Welsh spelling: Ceri.
English unisex given namesKerryEnglishnameA rural locality in Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia.
English unisex given namesKerryEnglishnameA surname from Middle English derived from the place name, or from the Middle English given name Kendrick.
English unisex given namesKerryEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname or place name.
English unisex given namesKerryEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the surname or place name, originally of Australian usage, also spelled Keri, Kerri and Kerrie.
English unisex given namesKerryEnglishnounAn animal belonging to a rare breed of dairy cattle, native to Ireland.
EquestrianismchevaucherFrenchverbto straddle, be astride
EquestrianismchevaucherFrenchverbto span, sit/be across
EquestrianismchevaucherFrenchverbto ride on horseback, usually for the purpose of raiding and pillaging
EquestrianismchevaucherFrenchverbto overlappronominal
EquidscavaloPortuguesenounhorse (an equid)masculine
EquidscavaloPortuguesenouna coarse, rude manfiguratively masculine
EquidscavaloPortuguesenounknightboard-games chess gamesmasculine
EquidscavaloPortuguesenounheroinmasculine slang
EquidscavaloPortuguesenounhorsepower (a unit that measures the power of an engine)automotive transport vehiclesmasculine
EquidscavaloPortuguesenounrootstockagriculture business lifestylemasculine
EspionageabhörenGermanverbto inspect, explore something by listeningweak
EspionageabhörenGermanverbto auscultatemedicine sciencesweak
EspionageabhörenGermanverbto tap, wiretap, to record or listen to in secretespionage government military politics warweak
EspionageabhörenGermanverbto listen to a recording (in an organised way, so as to determine the content, transcribe it, etc.)weak
EspionageabhörenGermanverbto test learned information (e.g. vocabulary) orallyweak
EthnonymsTocharianEnglishnameAn extinct branch of the Indo-European language family, consisting of two languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, written in an abugida derived from Brahmi.human-sciences linguistics sciences
EthnonymsTocharianEnglishnounAny member of a people who inhabited the Tarim Basin and spoke Tocharian.
EthnonymsTocharianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Tocharian or the Tocharians.not-comparable
EthnonymskåloWelsh Romaniadjblackmasculine
EthnonymskåloWelsh RomaninounRomanimasculine
EthnonymssaksalainIngriannounGerman (inhabitant of Germany)
EthnonymssaksalainIngriannounGerman (person of German ethnicity)
EthnonymsÈireannachScottish GaelicadjIrish
EthnonymsÈireannachScottish GaelicnounIrishman; Irish personmasculine
ExerciseworkoutEnglishnounAn exercise session; a period of physical exercise.
ExerciseworkoutEnglishnounA schedule or program of specific exercises, especially one intended to achieve a particular goal.
ExerciseworkoutEnglishnounAny activity that requires much physical or mental effort, or produces strain.broadly
FabricsfularPolishnounfoulard (lightweight silk or silk-and-cotton fabric, often with a printed pattern)inanimate masculine
FabricsfularPolishnounascot tie, cravat (neckerchief of this or a similar fabric, worn by men in the Biedermeier era)historical inanimate masculine
FabricsвоалBulgariannounvoile (translucent fabric)
FabricsвоалBulgariannounveil (such fabric used as face or shoulder covering, to tie up hair, etc.) / bridal veil
FabricsвоалBulgariannounveil (such fabric used as face or shoulder covering, to tie up hair, etc.) / mourning veil (traditionally black)
FabricsвоалBulgariannounveil (such fabric used as face or shoulder covering, to tie up hair, etc.) / veil on a hat
FabricsвоалBulgariannounveil (anything that partially obscures a clear view)figuratively
FabricsвоалBulgariannounfog (deposit on photographic film)arts hobbies lifestyle photography
FacehitsuraCebuanonounface, visage / front part of the head, featuring the eyes, nose, and mouth and the surrounding area
FacehitsuraCebuanonounface, visage / public image; outward appearance
FacehitsuraCebuanonounorder; orderliness
Facemoon-faceEnglishnounA noticeably round face.countable uncountable
Facemoon-faceEnglishnounA swollen and rounded face in a non-obese patient, most often associated with Cushing's syndrome or treatment with corticosteroids.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA machine or other device designed to catch (and sometimes kill) animals, either by holding them in a container, or by catching hold of part of the body.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense; a snare.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA (usually fictional) location or feature originally added to a map to detect plagiarism and copyright violations by other map makers or map services.cartography engineering geography law natural-sciences physical-sciences technicalbroadly countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA covering over a hole or opening; a trapdoor.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA kind of movable stepladder or set of stairs.archaic countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounThe game of trapball itself.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounAny device used to hold and suddenly release an object.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA place in a water pipe, pump, etc., where air accumulates for lack of an outlet.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA successful landing on an aircraft carrier using the carrier's arresting gear.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warcountable slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA light two-wheeled carriage with springs.countable historical uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA person's mouth.countable slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounSynonym of vagina.countable slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA policeman.archaic countable slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounBelongings.archaic countable in-plural uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA cubicle (in a public toilet).countable slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounTrapshooting.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA geological structure that creates a petroleum reservoir.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounAn exception generated by the processor or by an external event.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA mining license inspector during the Australian gold rush.Australia countable historical slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA vehicle, residential building, or sidewalk corner where drugs are manufactured, packaged, or sold.US also attributive countable slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounAn area, especially of a city, with a low level of opportunity and a high level of poverty and crime; a ghetto; a hood.US also attributive countable slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounA genre of hip-hop music, with half-time drums and heavy sub-bass.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounSomeone with male-typical anatomy who passes as female.countable derogatory informal offensive slang uncountable usually
FacetrapEnglishnounA fictional character from anime, or related media, who is coded as or has qualities typically associated with a gender other than the character's ostensible gender; otokonoko, josou.countable informal slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishnounThe money earned by a prostitute for a pimp.slang uncountable
FacetrapEnglishverbTo physically capture, to catch in a trap or traps, or something like a trap.transitive
FacetrapEnglishverbTo ensnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.transitive
FacetrapEnglishverbTo provide with a trap.transitive
FacetrapEnglishverbTo set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game; to travel for the purpose of trapping.intransitive
FacetrapEnglishverbTo successfully land an aircraft on an aircraft carrier using the carrier's arresting gear.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warintransitive slang
FacetrapEnglishverbTo leave suddenly, to flee.intransitive
FacetrapEnglishverbTo capture (e.g. an error) in order to handle or process it.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesintransitive
FacetrapEnglishverbTo attend to and open and close a (trap-) miningdated
FacetrapEnglishverbOf a 'trap': to trick a (heterosexual) man into having sex, by appearing to be a woman.informal offensive slang sometimes
FacetrapEnglishverbTo sell illegal drugs, especially in a public area.intransitive slang
FacetrapEnglishnounA dark coloured igneous rock, now used to designate any non-granitic igneous rock; trap rock.countable uncountable
FacetrapEnglishverbTo dress with ornaments; to adorn (especially said of horses).
FacetrapEnglishnounThe trapezius muscle.anatomy bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle medicine sciences sportsslang
FaceਮੁਖPunjabinounmouthanatomy medicine sciences
FaceਮੁਖPunjabinounfaceanatomy medicine sciences
Fairy tale charactersBig Bad WolfEnglishnounAn evil fictional wolf that appears in fairy tales or fables.
Fairy tale charactersBig Bad WolfEnglishnounSomeone blamed for causing problems; a scapegoat.figuratively
FamilyayaYorubanounlungs, heartbroadly
FamilyayaYorubanounbravery, courageidiomatic
FamilyayaYorubanounsame time in the past yearliterally
FamilypapaLower Sorbiannoundad, daddymasculine
FamilypapaLower Sorbiannounpap (soft food)feminine
FamilypapaLower Sorbiannounpaperboardfeminine
FamilytitoTagalognounadult man exhibiting the stereotypical characteristics of a Filipino uncleslang
FamilytitoTagalognounpig tripe
FamilyܝܠܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouna boy, male child
FamilyܝܠܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounchildren, descendants, offspring, broodin-plural
FamilyܝܠܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbirth, childbirth, delivery, nativity
FamilyܝܠܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea male given name
FamilyܝܠܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea surname transferred from the given name
FamilyܝܠܕܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameYalda (Iranian festival celebrated during the winter solstice)
FamilyܝܠܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea female given name, Yalda, from Persian
FamilyछोरीNepalinounfemale, woman
FamilyसालीNepalinounwife's younger sister; sister-in-law
FamilyसालीNepalinouna term of abuse, a swear word.; rascalcolloquial
FastenersسوزنOttoman Turkishnounneedle, a long, thin and sharp implement used in sewing and knitting
FastenersسوزنOttoman Turkishnounpin, a needle without an eye used for fastening
FastenersسوزنOttoman Turkishnounpricker, any tool used for pricking
FearνεβρόςAncient Greeknounfawn, young deer
FearνεβρόςAncient Greeknountype of cowardice
FecesbouseFrenchnounwater-bougetgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
FecesguanoEnglishnounDung from a sea bird or from a bat.countable uncountable
FecesguanoEnglishnounCoccothrinax borhidiana, a variety of palm tree indigenous to Cuba.countable uncountable
FecesguanoEnglishnounA variety of seabird.countable obsolete uncountable
FemaleeitleogIrishnounshort flightfeminine
FemaleeitleogIrishnounflying jump, boundfeminine
FemaleeitleogIrishnounflighty creature; flighty girlfeminine
FemaleeitleogIrishnounvolleyhobbies lifestyle sports tennisfeminine
FemaleeitleogIrishnounbat (animal)feminine
Female女將Chinesenounfemale military officer
Female女將Chinesenounswift and fierce woman
Female女將ChinesenounwomanMandarin Wuhan
Female女將ChinesenounwifeMandarin Wuhan
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo quickly lower the head or body, often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.intransitive
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo quickly lower (the head or body), often in order to prevent it from being struck by something.transitive
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo lower (something) into water; to thrust or plunge under liquid and suddenly withdraw.transitive
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to plunge one's head into water or other liquid.intransitive
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo bow.intransitive
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo evade doing something.figuratively transitive
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo lower the volume of (a sound) so that other sounds in the mix can be heard more clearly.transitive
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo enter a place for a short moment.colloquial intransitive
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA cave passage containing water with low, or no, airspace.caving hobbies lifestyle
Female animalsduckEnglishnounAn aquatic bird of the family Anatidae, having a flat bill and webbed feet.countable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounSpecifically, an adult female duck; contrasted with drake and with duckling.countable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounThe flesh of a duck used as food.uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA batsman's score of zero after getting out. (short for duck's egg, since the digit "0" is round like an egg.)ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA playing card with the rank of two.countable slang uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA building intentionally constructed in the shape of an everyday object to which it is related.countable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA marble to be shot at with another marble (the shooter) in children's games.countable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA cairn used to mark a trail.US countable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounOne of the weights used to hold a spline in place for the purpose of drawing a curve.countable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounSynonym of lame duck (“one who cannot fulfil their contracts”)business financecountable dated slang uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA long-necked medical urinal for men; a bed urinal.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA faggot; a meatball made from offal.UK countable obsolete slang uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounSynonym of bitch (“a man forced or coerced into a homosexual relationship, especially in prison”).LGBT lifestyle sexualityUS countable slang uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA tightly-woven cotton fabric used as sailcloth.countable uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounTrousers made of such material.countable in-plural uncountable
Female animalsduckEnglishnounA term of endearment; pet; darling.
Female animalsduckEnglishnounDear, mate (informal way of addressing a friend or stranger).Midlands
Female animalsduckEnglishverbTo surreptitiously leave a rubber duck on someone's parked Jeep as an act of kindness (see Jeep ducking).transitive
Female animalsjillEnglishverbTo masturbate.slang uncommon vulgar
Female animalsjillEnglishnounA female ferret.
Female animalsjillEnglishnounMisspelling of gill.alt-of misspelling
Female animalsjillEnglishnounA pelvic protector, a woman’s equivalent of a man’s jock.
Female animalsרחלHebrewnounewe
Female animalsרחלHebrewnameRachelbiblical lifestyle religion
Female animalsרחלHebrewnamea female given name, equivalent to English Rachel
Female family membersmaternusLatinadjOf or pertaining to a mother, maternal.adjective declension-1 declension-2
Female family membersmaternusLatinadjRelated through the mother, or her side of the family.adjective declension-1 declension-2
Female peoplefarmwifeEnglishnounThe wife in a married couple engaged in farming; a wife who shares in the duties of farming, such as farm management, homemaking on the farm, fieldwork, sales and marketing, or other work.
Female peoplefarmwifeEnglishnounA farmer's wife.
Female peopleflickaSwedishnouna girl (female child or young woman)common-gender
Female peopleflickaSwedishverbto repair, to patch (e.g. shoes)
Female peopleladyMiddle EnglishnounA woman with authority or leadership: / A lady (mistress of a household)
Female peopleladyMiddle EnglishnounA woman with authority or leadership: / A lady (noblewoman or female monarch).
Female peopleladyMiddle EnglishnounA woman with authority or leadership: / A woman who manages an abbey or inn.
Female peopleladyMiddle EnglishnounThe wife of a noble or monarch.
Female peopleladyMiddle EnglishnounA polite way to address a noble or honoured woman.
Female peopleladyMiddle EnglishnounAny woman.broadly
Female peopleladyMiddle EnglishnounA female deity (or the Virgin Mary).
Female peoplenaciągaczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of naciągacz (“blagger, charlatan, con artist, grifter, huckster, hustler, mountebank, scammer, scrounger, swindler”) (someone who pulls confidence games)colloquial feminine form-of
Female peoplenaciągaczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of naciągacz (“stretcher”) (person responsible for stretching strings in tennis rackets)feminine form-of
Female peoplenuntiaLatinnouna female messengerdeclension-1
Female peoplenuntiaLatinverbsecond-person singular present active imperative of nū̆ntiōactive form-of imperative present second-person singular
Female peopletłuścioszkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of tłuścioch (“fatso”) (obese female person)colloquial derogatory feminine form-of
Female peopletłuścioszkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of tłuścioszekaccusative form-of genitive masculine person singular
Female peopleżabkaPolishnoundiminutive of żaba; a young or small frogdiminutive feminine form-of
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounterm of affection for a girl or womanendearing feminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounbreaststrokehobbies lifestyle sports swimmingcolloquial feminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnountongue-and-groove pliersfeminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnouncrocketarchitecturefeminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounfrog jumpexercise hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounfrog (part of a string instrument's bow)feminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounclothes peg, clothespinfeminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounsplit jumpfeminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounranulamedicine pathology sciencesfeminine
Female peopleżabkaPolishnounfrog (part of a sheath or scabbard)feminine
Female peopleбабушкаRussiannoungrandmother, grandma, granny
Female peopleбабушкаRussiannounold lady
Female peopleбабушкаRussiannounGandhi's breakfast, eighty in the lotto gameslang
Feminismanarcha-feministEnglishadjOf, supporting, relating to, or advocating anarcha-feminism.government politicsnot-comparable
Feminismanarcha-feministEnglishnounA person who advocates anarcha-feminism.economics government politics sciences
FibershiusIngriannounstrand of hair
Fictional charactersJediEnglishnounOne of a fictional order of beings from the Star Wars universe who are gifted with heightened awareness of the Force.literature media publishing science-fiction
Fictional charactersJediEnglishnounA follower of Jediismlifestyle religion
Fictional charactersfembotEnglishnounA robot in female form.literature media publishing science-fiction
Fictional charactersfembotEnglishnounA robot in female form. / A female sexbot.literature media publishing science-fictionspecifically
Fictional charactersfembotEnglishnounA docile, unthinking and conformist woman.derogatory
Fictional locations梁山泊Japanesenamea place near Mount Liang in Water Margin where all 108 heroes gather
Fictional locations梁山泊Japanesenouna place where ambitious men gatherfiguratively
Fig treesពោធិ៍Khmernounbanyan tree
Fig treesពោធិ៍Khmernounthe bodhi tree, Ficus religiosa
FilmkinematografiaPolishnouncinematography (the discipline of making and reproducing motion pictures)feminine
FilmkinematografiaPolishnouncinematography (motion picture photography)dated feminine
Film畫面Chinesenounscene (in a movie, video, etc.); frame
Film畫面Chinesenounpicture; tableau
FinanceaccrualEnglishnounThe act or process of accruing; accumulation.
FinanceaccrualEnglishnounAn increase; something that accumulates, especially an amount of money that periodically accumulates for a specific purpose
FinanceaccrualEnglishnounfrom the creditor's viewpoint, a charge incurred in one accounting period that has not been, but is to be, paid by the end of it.accounting business finance
FinanceaccrualEnglishnounRecruitment (of participants) to a clinical medicine sciences
FinanceargentariusLatinnounbanker, money changerdeclension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjsilvernadjective declension-1 declension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjmonetaryadjective declension-1 declension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjfinancialadjective declension-1 declension-2
FinanceargentariusLatinadjbankingadjective declension-1 declension-2 relational
FinancecreaunceMiddle Englishnounfaith, confidence, beliefuncountable
FinancecreaunceMiddle Englishnounreligion (belief system)uncountable
FinancecreaunceMiddle Englishnouncredit (delayed payment)uncountable
FinancecreaunceMiddle Englishnouncreance (leash)falconry hobbies hunting lifestyleuncountable
FinancecreaunceMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of creauncenalt-of alternative
Financefinancial statementEnglishnounA formal record of all relevant financial information of a business, person, or other entity, presented in a structured and standardized manner to allow easy understanding.
Financefinancial statementEnglishnounAny of the four basic elements in above, i.e. balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and statement on changes in equity.
Finance財路Chinesenounfinancial resources; source of revenue
Finance財路Chinesenoungiro (a system of payment through direct bank account deduction in Singapore)
Finnish cardinal numbersseitsemänFinnishnumseven
Finnish cardinal numbersseitsemänFinnishnumused idiomatically with sen to suggest a great numberfiguratively
FirefogóCatalannounburner (element on a kitchen stove that generates heat)masculine
FirefogóCatalannounfireboxrail-transport railways transportmasculine
FiremaçaricoPortuguesenountorch, blowtorchmasculine
FiremaçaricoPortuguesenounsandpiper (any bird of the family Scolopacidae)masculine
FiremaçaricoPortuguesenounibis (any bird of the subfamily Threskiornithinae)masculine
FiremaçaricoPortuguesenounany water bird with long, slender legscolloquial masculine
FiremaçaricoPortuguesenounleveret with a white spot on the foreheadPortugal masculine
FiremaçaricoPortuguesenounnovicePortugal informal masculine
FiremaçaricoPortuguesenounrecruitgovernment military politics warPortugal masculine slang
FiremaçaricoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of maçaricarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FirepłomykPolishnoundiminutive of płomieńdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FirepłomykPolishnounglimmer, flicker (e.g. of hope)inanimate masculine
FirepłomykPolishnounphlox (any plant of the genus Phlox)inanimate masculine
Fire焼き場Japanesenounplace or building where something is burnt
Fire焼き場Japanesenounespecially, place or building where bodies are cremated; crematory
FirearmsperdigóCatalannounyoung partridgemasculine
FirearmsperdigóCatalannounpellet (lead projectile used as ammunition)masculine
FirearmsstormgeweerDutchnounassault rifleneuter
FirearmsstormgeweerDutchnounany weapon or weaponry used for storming a settlement or fortificationChristianity Protestantismarchaic neuter rare
Firefighting112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Firefighting112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Firefighting112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Firefighting112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
FishanjovisFinnishnounpickled sprat
FishanjovisFinnishnounsprat (any various small marine fish)
FishcaviarEnglishnounRoe of the sturgeon or of certain other large fish, considered a delicacy.countable uncountable
FishcaviarEnglishnounSomething whose flavor is too fine for the vulgar taste.countable figuratively uncountable
FishкефальRussiannoungrey mullet
FishبالقOttoman Turkishnounfish, a cold-blooded animal that lives in water
FishبالقOttoman Turkishnounany animal that habitually lives in waterusually
FivepentacleEnglishnounA flat talisman, almost always star-shaped, made of parchment, sheet metal, or other substance, marked with a magic symbol or symbols, used in magical evocation.
FivepentacleEnglishnounA pentagram, or a disk with a pentagram on it, especially one that is used for magical or mystical purposes.Wicca lifestyle religion
FivepentacleEnglishnounA circumscribed pentagram.Wicca lifestyle religion
FivepentacleEnglishnounA figure formed by two equilateral triangles intersecting regularly so as to form a six-pointed star.
Flagsrainbow flagEnglishnounA rainbow-striped flag, typically consisting of six horizontal bars (from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet), used as a symbol of LGBT pride and LGBT social movements.
Flagsrainbow flagEnglishnounThe rainbow peace flag.
Flagsrainbow flagEnglishnounThe flag of South Africa.
Flagsrainbow flagEnglishnounThe flag of the First Republic of China, used between 1912 and 1928, consisting of red, yellow, blue, white, and black stripes.archaic historical
Flagsrainbow flagEnglishnounA wiphala.
FlamencopaloSpanishnounstake, stick, woodmasculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounsuitcard-games gamesmasculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounhit, blow, strike (especially, with a stick)masculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounblowfiguratively masculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounmast (a tall, slim post or tower used to support the sails on a ship)nautical transportmasculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounpost; goalpost; woodworkhobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounexecution by hanging or beheadinghistorical masculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounstyle (of flamenco)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnountreeEl-Salvador colloquial masculine
FlamencopaloSpanishnounshot (a small serving of alcoholic spirits)Puerto-Rico Venezuela masculine slang
FlamencopaloSpanishnounpenisLatin-America masculine vulgar
FlatfishgładzicaPolishnounplaice, especially the European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)feminine
FlatfishgładzicaPolishnouncard scraper (tool consisting of a metal plate with a sharpened edge)feminine
FlowersasphodelEnglishnounAny of the flowering plants of the family Asphodelaceae, especially Asphodelus ramosus and Asphodelus albus; the flower of these plants.uncountable usually
FlowersasphodelEnglishnounThe flower said to carpet Hades, and a favorite food of the dead.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek uncountable usually
FlowerscoralberryEnglishnounA species of bromeliad, Aechmea fulgens, of Brazil, and which is often used as an ornamental plant.countable uncountable
FlowerscoralberryEnglishnounAmerican winterberry, Ilex verticillata.countable uncountable
FlowerscoralberryEnglishnounSymphoricarpos orbiculatus, of eastern North America.countable uncountable
FlowerscoralberryEnglishnounArdisia crenata of east Asia.countable uncountable
Food and drinkanoApalaínounbee
Food and drinkanoApalaínounhoney
Food and drinkherkkuFinnishnoundelicacyfood lifestyle
Food and drinkherkkuFinnishnountreat (snack food item designed to be given to pets)
Food and drinkherkkuFinnishnounoption, accessoryslang
Food and drinkm̧ōn̄āMarshallesenounfood, meal
Food and drinkm̧ōn̄āMarshallesenoundiet, nutrition
Food and drinkm̧ōn̄āMarshalleseverbto eatintransitive
Food and drinkm̧ōn̄āMarshalleseverbto erode
Food and drinksahaniSwahilinounplate (a serving dish)class-10 class-9
Food and drinksahaniSwahilinounShort for sahani ya santuri (“phonograph record”).abbreviation alt-of class-10 class-9
Food and drinkชาThainountea.
Food and drinkชาThaiadjnumb.
FoodsaɣiTarifitnounmilkcollective masculine
FoodsaɣiTarifitnounwheycollective masculine
FoodsclimatarianEnglishadjCollected and distributed in an ecologically sustainable way, mindful of reducing the carbon footprint. (of food)
FoodsclimatarianEnglishnounOne who consumes a climatarian diet.
FoodsjauhelihaFinnishnounground meat, minced meat (of any animal)
FoodsjauhelihaFinnishnounhamburger, hamburger meat, ground beef (of cattle)
FoodsθρῖονAncient Greeknounfig leaf
FoodsθρῖονAncient Greeknounmixture of eggs, milk, lard, honey, cheese wrapped in figleaves
FoodsпончикRussiannounfat personfiguratively humorous
FoodsకూరTelugunounan herb
FoodsకూరTelugunounherbs or vegetables in general, garden stuff
FoodsకూరTelugunouncurryfood lifestyle meat meats vegetable
FoodsพายThainounpaddle; oar.
FoodsพายThaiverbto row.
FoodsพายThainounthe Greek letter Π/π.
FootwearabarcaSpanishverbinflection of abarcar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FootwearabarcaSpanishverbinflection of abarcar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FootwearanfibioItalianadjamphibious, amphibian
FootwearanfibioItaliannouncombat bootmasculine
FootwearmoonbootsitFinnishnounnominative plural of moonbootsiform-of nominative plural
FootwearmoonbootsitFinnishnounA pair of moon boots.colloquial
FootwearzuecoSpanishnounclog (shoe)masculine
FootwearшлёпанцыRussiannounslides, thongs, flip-flops (footwear)plural plural-only
FootwearшлёпанцыRussiannounnominative/accusative plural of шлёпанец (šljópanec)accusative form-of nominative plural
ForestryforesterMiddle EnglishnounA forester; a forest warden.
ForestryforesterMiddle EnglishnounA huntsman; one who hunts.
ForestryroštíCzechnounthicket (of small shrubs or bushes)neuter
ForestryroštíCzechnounbrushwood, sticks, twigsneuter
FourčetrinieksLatviannounfour, number four (digit or figure)declension-1 masculine
FourčetrinieksLatviannounfour (B, good, a school grade)declension-1 masculine
FourčetrinieksLatviannounsomething with the number four on itdeclension-1 masculine
FourčetrinieksLatviannounfour (people, animals, objects) together; a sports team consisting of four peopledeclension-1 masculine
Freshwater birdsqarluutitoornaqGreenlandicnounbittern
Freshwater birdsqarluutitoornaqGreenlandicnounEurasian bittern (Botaurus stellaris)
FruitsHindistan ceviziTurkishnouncoconut
FruitsHindistan ceviziTurkishnouncoconut palm
FruitsambarellaEnglishnounA tropical fruit tree native to the South Pacific (Spondias dulcis).
FruitsambarellaEnglishnounThe fruit of this tree.
FruitscrabappleEnglishnounAny of the wild species of apple tree, genus Malus, which generally yield small, bitter fruit (in comparison to domestic apples, Malus domestica).
FruitscrabappleEnglishnounThe fruit of this tree.
FruitscrabappleEnglishnounAn unpleasant person; a person who is crabby.
FruitsmangueFrenchnounmango (fruit of the mango tree)feminine
FruitsmangueFrenchnouna carnivorous mammal related to the mongoosefeminine
FruitsnanáOld Tupinounpineapple plant (Ananas comosus)
FruitsnanáOld Tupinounpineapple fruit
FruitsrrushAlbaniannoungrape (Vitis vinifera)masculine
FruitsrrushAlbaniannoundear; term of endearmentmasculine
FruitsuvettaItaliannoundiminutive of uva (“grape”)diminutive feminine form-of
FruitsuvettaItaliannounraisin (fruit)feminine
FruitsčerimojaCzechnouncherimoya (Annona cherimola tree)feminine
FruitsčerimojaCzechnouncherimoya (Annona cherimola fruit)feminine
FruitsआमHindiadjcommon, everydayindeclinable
FruitsआमHindiadjraw, uncookedindeclinable
Fruits대추Koreannoundate (fruit)
Fruits포도Koreannoungrape (fruit)
Fruits포도Koreannoungrapevine (Vitis vinifera)
FunctionsintegralEnglishadjConstituting a whole together with other parts or factors; not omittable or removable
FunctionsintegralEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or being an integer.mathematics sciences
FunctionsintegralEnglishadjRelating to integration (“the process of finding the integral [noun] of a function”).mathematics sciences
FunctionsintegralEnglishadjBeing the root of some monic polynomial in A.algebra mathematics sciences
FunctionsintegralEnglishadjWhole; undamaged.obsolete
FunctionsintegralEnglishnounOne of the two fundamental operations of calculus (the other being differentiation), whereby a function's displacement, area, volume, or other qualities arising from the study of infinitesimal change are quantified, usually defined as a limiting process on a sequence of partial sums. Denoted using a long s: ∫, or a variant thereof.mathematics sciences
FunctionsintegralEnglishnounOne of the two fundamental operations of calculus (the other being differentiation), whereby a function's displacement, area, volume, or other qualities arising from the study of infinitesimal change are quantified, usually defined as a limiting process on a sequence of partial sums. Denoted using a long s: ∫, or a variant thereof. / Any of several analytic formalizations of this operation: the Riemann integral, the Lebesgue integral, etc.mathematics sciencesspecifically
FunctionsintegralEnglishnounA definite integral: the result of the application of such an operation onto a function and a suitable subset of the function's domain: either a number or positive or negative infinity. In the former case, the integral is said to be finite or to converge; in the latter, the integral is said to diverge. In notation, the domain of integration is indicated either below the sign, or, if it is an interval, with its endpoints as sub- and super-scripts, and the function being integrated forming part of the integrand (or, generally, differential form) appearing in front of the integral sign.mathematics sciences
FunctionsintegralEnglishnounAn indefinite integral: the result of the application of such an operation onto a function together with an indefinite domain, yielding a function; a function's antiderivative;mathematics sciences
FunctionsintegralEnglishnounAn indefinite integral: the result of the application of such an operation onto a function together with an indefinite domain, yielding a function; a function's antiderivative; / The fluent of a given fluxion in Newtonian calculus.mathematics scienceshistorical obsolete
FungigrybasLithuaniannounFungibiology mycology natural-sciencesin-plural
FurnitureSchriinLimburgishnounan ornate case, typically but not necessarily wooden, to hold valuable things, especially relicslifestyle religionmasculine
FurnitureaparadorSpanishnounsideboardfurniture lifestylemasculine
FurnitureaparadorSpanishnounshop windowmasculine
FurnitureaparadorSpanishnounwardrobe (a closet or piece of furniture for holding clothes)masculine
FurnitureestanteSpanishadjexisting, beingfeminine masculine
FurnitureestanteSpanishadjpermanentfeminine masculine
FurnitureestanteSpanishadjstatantgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine masculine
FurnitureklädhängareSwedishnouncoat hangercommon-gender
FurnitureklädhängareSwedishnounclothes tree, coat rackcommon-gender
FurnituretaboretPolishnounstool, a piece of furniture for sitting without a backrestinanimate masculine
FurnituretaboretPolishnounmotor scooterderogatory inanimate masculine slang
Future未来Japanesenounthe future
Future未来Japanesenounthe future, one of the three existencesBuddhism lifestyle religion
Future未来Japanesenounthe future tensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Future未来Japanesenamea female given name
Future未来Japanesenamea female given name
Gaitstear alongEnglishverbTo run quickly along somewhere.transitive
Gaitstear alongEnglishverbTo break something into two pieces by separating at a line of perforations.transitive
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounCrude oil.countable slang uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounMotor oil.countable slang uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounA video slot machine that has a Texas oil industry theme.countable uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounA variation of Long Island Iced Tea, a highly potent mixed drink made of a variety of alcoholic ingredients, without any actual iced tea.countable uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounIced tea.Texas countable uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounStrong coffee.countable uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounMarijuana.countable slang uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounPurple drank.countable slang uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounDiluted fertilizer filtered through manure.countable uncountable
GamblingTexas teaEnglishnounA mixture of drugs (pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and sodium thiopental) used to execute a person by lethal injection.US countable slang uncountable
Gamesstaring contestEnglishnouna game in which two people maintain eye contact for as long as possible, the loser being the one who is the first to blink or look away.
Gamesstaring contestEnglishnouna confrontation between two parties in which neither side is prepared to back down.
GamesчӏапӏбакалUdinounhide and seek
GamesчӏапӏбакалUdinounsecret deed, something done in secret
Games桌遊Chinesenountabletop gamecolloquial neologism
Games桌遊Chinesenounboard gamecolloquial neologism
GastropodsSeehaseGermannounlumpsucker (scorpaeniform fish)masculine weak
GastropodsSeehaseGermannounsea haremasculine weak
GemsdelimaMalaynounpomegranate (fruit)
GemsdelimaMalaynounruby (gem)
GenitaliakönSwedishnounsex, genderneuter
GenitaliakönSwedishnoungendergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesneuter
GenitaliakönSwedishnoungenitalia; sex organneuter
GenitaliakönSwedishnoundefinite singular of ködefinite form-of singular
GenitaliaяечкаBelarusiannounsmall egg, diminutive of я́йка (jájka), diminutive of яйцо́ (jajcó)
GenitaliaяечкаBelarusiannountesticleanatomy medicine sciences
GenresthrillerEnglishnounSomething that thrills.
GenresthrillerEnglishnounA suspenseful, sensational genre of story, book, play or film.broadcasting film literature media publishing television
GenresthrillerEnglishnounA sharp, usually sweetened herbal tea flavored with a fruit or berry.beverages food lifestyle
GeographyгазSerbo-Croatiannounford, shallow place
GeographyгазSerbo-Croatiannoundraft (of a ship)
GeometryконічнийUkrainianadjconical, conic (of or relating to a cone or cones)
GeometryконічнийUkrainianadjconical, conic (shaped like a cone)
GermanygermańskiPolishadjGermanic, Teutonic (relating to the Germanic peoples)not-comparable relational
GermanygermańskiPolishadjGermanic, Teutonic (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic)not-comparable relational
GermanygermańskiPolishadjGermanic, Teutonic (having German characteristics)not-comparable relational
GermanygermańskiPolishnounGermanic (language)inanimate masculine
Goldgold pieceEnglishnounA gold coin.hobbies lifestyle numismatics
Goldgold pieceEnglishnounA gold coin. / A common unit of currency in many fantasy role-playing games.hobbies lifestyle numismatics
Gourd family plantsbańkaSilesiannoundiminutive of bania (“round vessel”)diminutive feminine form-of
Gourd family plantsbańkaSilesiannounbauble (small spherical decoration put on Christmas tree)feminine
Gourd family plantsbańkaSilesiannouncarboy for fermenting winefeminine
Gourd family plantsbańkaSilesiannoundiminutive of bania (“pumpkin, gourd, squash”) (any plant of genus Cucurbita)diminutive feminine form-of
Gourd family plantsbańkaSilesiannounwhetstone casefeminine
Gourd family plantsلیفPersiannounloof, fiber, bark of palm tree or loofah
Gourd family plantsلیفPersiannounthe plant loofah
Gourd family plantsلیفPersiannounflannel
Government元老院Japanesenouna senate
Government元老院Japanesenamethe Senate (Roman Senate; Japan's Senate; Canada's, the Philippines', France's, Spain's, Italy's, Thailand's and Malaysia's upper house)
GrainsfanMiddle EnglishnounA mechanism or device for removing chaff from grain (i.e. winnowing).
GrainsfanMiddle EnglishnounA training or practice shield manufactured out of twigs or wickerwork.
GrainsfanMiddle EnglishnounA fan; a device for blowing air as to cool.rare
GrainsfanMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of fannenalt-of alternative
GrammargramarieMiddle Englishnoungrammar (study of language)uncountable
GrammargramarieMiddle Englishnounknowledge, studybroadly uncountable
Greek mythologyἜρεβοςAncient GreeknameErebus.
Greek mythologyἜρεβοςAncient GreeknameDarkness; the personification of darkness in Greek mythology.
GreensverdoneItalianadjdark green
GreensverdoneItaliannoundark green (color/colour)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannouna kind of green tomato used for saladsmasculine regional
GreensverdoneItaliannounEuropean greenfinch, greenfinch (Chloris chloris)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounSynonym of verdesca (“blue shark (Prionace glauca)”)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounSynonym of verdona (“common mora (Mora moro)”)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounSynonym of colombina verde (“green-cracking russula (Russula virescens)”)masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounbuck (one US dollar)humorous masculine
GreensverdoneItaliannounplural of verdonafeminine form-of plural
GymnasticsbumPolishintjboom (sound of explosion)
GymnasticsbumPolishintjbang (any brief, sharp, loud noise)
GymnasticsbumPolishnounAlternative form of bomalt-of alternative inanimate masculine
GymnasticsbumPolishnounAlternative form of boomalt-of alternative inanimate masculine
HairdréimreachIrishadjladder-like, stepped, gradual
HairdréimreachIrishadjwavy (of hair)
HairdréimreachIrishadjladder-back (of furniture)
HairnapsEnglishnounplural of napform-of plural
HairnapsEnglishnounkinky or curly hairplural plural-only slang
HairnapsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of napform-of indicative present singular third-person
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounThe male monarch or ruler of an empire.
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounAny monarch ruling an empire, irrespective of gender, with "empress" contrasting to mean the consort of an emperor.
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounSpecifically, the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire; the world-monarch.
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounThe fourth trump or major arcana card of the tarot deck.human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounA large, relatively valuable marble in children's games.
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounAny fish of the family Lethrinidae.
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounAny of various butterflies of the subfamily Charaxinae.biology entomology natural-sciences
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounAny of various large dragonflies of the cosmopolitan genus Anax.biology entomology natural-sciences
Heads of stateemperorEnglishnounAn emperor penguin.
Heads of statesárIrishnountsarmasculine
Heads of statesárIrishnounoverlord, rulerliterary masculine
Heads of statesárIrishnounviolation, outrage; humiliationliterary masculine
HeadwearhodenMiddle EnglishverbTo make holy; to hallow; to appoint as a cleric.
HeadwearhodenMiddle EnglishverbTo endow or supply with a hood.Late-Middle-English rare
HeadwearhodenMiddle EnglishverbTo cover; to enclose.rare
HematologysanguineousEnglishadjAccompanied by bloodshed; bloody.
HematologysanguineousEnglishadjEager for bloody violence; bloodthirsty.
HematologysanguineousEnglishadjResembling or constituting blood.
HeraldrycressauntMiddle Englishnouncrescent (shape or heraldic charge)
HeraldrycressauntMiddle Englishnouncrescent (of the moon)rare
HerbsرازيانجArabicnounfennel (Foeniculum gen.)
HerbsرازيانجArabicnoundill (Anethum graveolens)
HideschinchillaEnglishnounEither of two small, crepuscular rodents of the genus Chinchilla, native to the Andes, prized for their very soft fur and often kept as pets.countable
HideschinchillaEnglishnounThe fur of a chinchilla, used for clothing.uncountable
HideschinchillaEnglishnounA variety of Persian cat with white fur and green eyes.countable uncountable
HidesconciareItalianverbto tan (leather); to cure (tobacco)transitive
HidesconciareItalianverbto adjust, to repairtransitive
HidesconciareItalianverbto ill-treattransitive
HidesconciareItalianverbto cut (blocks from stone)transitive
HidesconciareItalianverbto cut (gems or marble)transitive
HidesconciareItalianverbto decorate, to adornliterary rare transitive
HidesconciareItalianverbto season (food)dialectal transitive
HidesconciareItalianverbto castrate (calves or pigs)biology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologytransitive
HidesspruceEnglishnounAny of various large coniferous evergreen trees or shrubs from the genus Picea, found in northern temperate and boreal regions; originally and more fully spruce fir.countable uncountable
HidesspruceEnglishnounThe wood of a spruce.uncountable
HidesspruceEnglishnounMade of the wood of the spruce.attributive countable uncountable
HidesspruceEnglishnounPrussian leather; pruce.countable obsolete uncountable
HidesspruceEnglishadjSmart, trim, and elegant in appearance; fastidious (said of a person).comparable
HidesspruceEnglishverbTo arrange neatly; tidy up.usually with-up
HidesspruceEnglishverbTo make oneself spruce (neat and elegant in appearance).intransitive transitive usually with-up
HidesspruceEnglishverbTo tease.
Hindu deitiesگورUrdunoungrave
Hindu deitiesگورUrdunountomb
Hindu deitiesگورUrdunoungaur (Bos gaurus)
Hindu deitiesگورUrdunameParvatiHinduism
Hindu deitiesवेङ्कटेश्वरSanskritname‘ lord of वेङ्कट (veṅkaṭa) ’, Name of कृष्ण (kṛṣṇa) or विष्णु (viṣṇu).
Hindu deitiesवेङ्कटेश्वरSanskritnameName of various authors (also -कवि (-kavi), -दीक्षित (-dīkṣita) etc.).
History of EuropebiedermeierPolishnounBiedermeier (period in Central Europe between 1815 and 1848 during which the middle class grew in number and the arts appealed to common sensibilities, starting with the Congress of Vienna at the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and ending with the onset of the Revolutions of 1848)historical inanimate masculine uncountable
History of EuropebiedermeierPolishnounBiedermeier piece (item, e.g. piece of artwork or furniture, in the Biedermeier style)architecture art arts entertainment lifestyle literature media music publishingcolloquial countable inanimate masculine
History of GermanyKrzyżakPolishnameTeutonic KnightCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismhistorical masculine person
History of GermanyKrzyżakPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
History of GermanyKrzyżakPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
History of PolandmagnackiPolishadjmagnate (powerful industrialist; captain of industry)not-comparable relational
History of PolandmagnackiPolishadjmagnate (aristocrat of Polish-Lithuanian nobility (szlachta) that existed in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and, from the 1569 Union of Lublin, in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, until the Third Partition of Poland in 1795)not-comparable relational
HolidaysRemembrance DayEnglishnameThe Sunday closest to November 11, observed in commemoration of the fallen in the two World Wars.British
HolidaysRemembrance DayEnglishnameNovember 11, a federal holiday observed in commemoration of the fallen in the two World Wars and the Korean War.Canada
Holidaysראש השנהHebrewnameRosh Hashanah (the Jewish holiday marking the start of the liturgical year, taking place on the first two days of Tishrei, 163 days after the first day of Passover)Judaism
Holidaysראש השנהHebrewnameAny of the four new years laid out in the Mishnah.broadly
Holidaysראש השנהHebrewnameRosh Hashanah; a book of the Mishnah, and the corresponding books of the Gemarah.
HomemaisonFrenchadjfirst-rate, top-notchcolloquial emphatic intensifier invariable
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounstove (cooker)masculine
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounstove (heater)masculine
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounchamber (of a tobacco pipe)masculine
Home appliancesfourneauFrenchnounbeggar, hoboarchaic masculine slang
HondurasサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fe
HondurasサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fé (a municipality of Paraná, Brazil)
Horse tackbalteusLatinnounA belt, girdledeclension-2 masculine
Horse tackbalteusLatinnounA belt, girdle / A sub-cinctorium, a papal garment.declension-2 masculine
Horse tackbalteusLatinnounSynonym of praecinctio (curved walkway that separates the galleries of a Roman theatre)architecturedeclension-2 masculine
HorseskucykPolishnoundiminutive of kucanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
HorseskucykPolishnounyoung or small ponyanimal-not-person masculine
HorseskucykPolishnounponytailinanimate masculine
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / staff given at investiture with the sacred thread
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / penis (with वैतस (vaitasá)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / trunk » शुण्डादण्ड (śuṇḍā-daṇḍa)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / "arm" or "leg" » दोर्दण्ड (dor-daṇḍa), बाहुदण्ड (bāhu-daṇḍa)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounstick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club / "tusk" » दंष्ट्रादण्ड (daṃṣṭrā-daṇḍa)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnouna stalk, stem (of a tree; compare इक्षुदण्ड (ikṣu-daṇḍa), उद्दण्ड (ud-daṇḍa), खरदण्ड (khara-daṇḍa))
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounthe staff of a banner
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounthe handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol etc.)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounthe steam of a plough
Horsesदण्डSanskritnoun"a mast" » महादण्डधर (mahādaṇḍa-dhara)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounthe crossbar of a lute which holds the strings
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounthe stick with which a lute is played
Horsesदण्डSanskritnouna churning-stick (compare दण्डाहत (daṇḍā*hata))
Horsesदण्डSanskritnouna pole as a measure of length (= 4 hastas)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounname of a measure of time (= 60 विकला (vi-kalā)s)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounname of a staff-like appearance in the sky ("Name of a planet" L.; compare दण्डभास (daṇḍa-bhāsa))
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounname of a constellation
Horsesदण्डSanskritnouna form of military array (compare दण्डव्युह (daṇḍa-vyuha))
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounstaff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty, application of power, violence
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounpower over (genitive or in compound), control, restraint (compare वाग्दण्ड (vāg-daṇḍa), मनोदण्ड (mano-daṇḍa), कायदण्ड (kāya-daṇḍa) [कर्मदण्ड (karma-daṇḍa)]; त्रिदण्डिन् (tri-daṇḍin))
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounthe rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal; chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounPunishment (son of Dharma and Kriyā)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounname of an attendant of the Sun
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounname of a man with the patronymic औपर (aupara)
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounname of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of दण्डधर (daṇḍa-dhara), identified with the asura क्रोधहन्तृ (krodha-hantṛ))
Horsesदण्डSanskritnounname of a rakṣas
Horses牝馬Japanesenounmare (female horse)
Horses牝馬Japanesenounmare (female horse)
Horses牝馬Japanesenounmare (female horse)
HouseholdtagliapizzaItaliannounpizza cutterinvariable masculine
HouseholdtagliapizzaItalianadjthat cuts pizzainvariable
HousingizdebkaPolishnoundiminutive of izbadiminutive feminine form-of
HousingizdebkaPolishnouncubicle, cubby, cubbyholefeminine
Housing宮室Chinesenounimperial palace; residence of the emperor
Housing宮室Chinesenounhouse; buildingarchaic
HundredcentenarianEnglishnounOne who or that which is at least 100 years old.
HundredcentenarianEnglishadjAged 100 years or more; extremely old.
HundredcentenarianEnglishadjOf or relating to centenarians or a centenary celebration.
HundredсотняUkrainiannounsotnia, company (Cossack military unit)historical
HuntingsealgaireachtIrishnounsearching, foragingfeminine
HurlinghurlingEnglishnounThe act by which something is hurled or thrown.countable uncountable
HurlinghurlingEnglishnounAn Irish game of ancient Celtic origin. It is played with an ash stick called a hurley (camán in Irish) and a hard leather ball called a sliotar.countable uncountable
HurlinghurlingEnglishnounA Cornish street game resembling rugby, played with a silver ball.countable uncountable
HurlinghurlingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of hurlform-of gerund participle present
IchthyologykulkkuIngriannounguts of a fishin-plural
Ideologies國家主義ChinesenounSynonym of 民族主義/民族主义 (mínzú zhǔyì, “nationalism”)rare
IndividualsAdamAlbaniannamea male given name, equivalent to English Adammasculine
IndividualsAdamAlbaniannameAdam (biblical figure)Christianity lifestyle religionmasculine
IndividualsAdamAlbaniannameAdem (“Adam”)Islam lifestyle religionmasculine
IndividualsDukeEnglishnounThe title of a duke.
IndividualsDukeEnglishnameA male given name from English; mostly US and rather rare.countable
IndividualsDukeEnglishnameA surname originating as an occupation for service in the household of a duke, or from a nickname.countable
IndividualsDukeEnglishnameA male nickname.countable informal uncountable
IndividualsDukeEnglishnameA male nickname. / The American actor John Wayne.countable informal uncountable usually
IndividualsDukeEnglishnameEllipsis of Duke University, a private university in Durham, North Carolina, USA.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis informal uncountable
IndividualsDukeEnglishnameA place name: / An unincorporated community in Phelps County, Missouri, United States.countable uncountable
IndividualsDukeEnglishnameA place name: / A township in Harnett County, North Carolina, United States.countable uncountable
IndividualsGainsboroughEnglishnameA surname.
IndividualsGainsboroughEnglishnameA town and civil parish with a town council in West Lindsey district, Lincolnshire, England (OS grid ref SK8190).
IndividualsGainsboroughEnglishnameA village in Saskatchewan, Canada.
IndividualsGainsboroughEnglishnameThomas Gainsborough, English artist.
IndividualsGainsboroughEnglishnounA painting by Thomas Gainsborough.informal
IndividualsNongbanEnglishnameA Meitei ethnic male given name.
IndividualsNongbanEnglishnameA nobleman of Angom clan, serving as a courtier of the king of Moirang, and a suitor of princess Thoibi, for which he rivaled Khamba.
IndividualsホーチミンJapanesenameHo Chi Minh (Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader)
IndividualsホーチミンJapanesenameHo Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh City (largest city of Vietnam)
InsectsorugaSpanishnouncaterpillar (insect or vehicle)feminine
InsectsorugaSpanishnounarugula, rocket (plant)feminine
InternetпокликанняUkrainiannouncalling, vocation (an inclination towards a certain kind of work, religious commitment or other purposeful activity)
InternetпокликанняUkrainiannounhyperlink (clickable text or image which redirects the user to a URL)
InternetпокликанняUkrainiannounreference (source for a piece of information)
IrelandNIEnglishintjInitialism of no idea.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandNIEnglishnameInitialism of Northern Ireland.UK abbreviation alt-of initialism
IrelandNIEnglishnameLower Saxony, a federal state of Germany.
IrelandNIEnglishnameAcronym of national financeUK abbreviation acronym alt-of
IslamalhamdulillahEnglishintjPraise be to God; thank God.
IslamalhamdulillahEnglishintjbless you (Said to someone who has just sneezed.)
IslamқұбылаKazakhnounqibla (the direction towards the Kaaba, towards which Muslims pray)
IslamتقليدArabicnounverbal noun of قَلَّدَ (qallada, “to imitate”) (form II)form-of noun-from-verb
IslamتقليدArabicnounimitation, copying
IslamتقليدArabicnoununquestioning adoption (of ideas)
IslamتقليدArabicnoununcritical faith (in something)
IslamتقليدArabicnounadoption of the legal decision of a Madhhab (مذهب)
IslamتقليدArabicnounconvention, custom, usage
IslandsApsorusLatinnameLussino, an island situated off the Croatian coastdeclension-2 feminine singular
IslandsApsorusLatinnamea city situated in this island, now Osor or Osserodeclension-2 feminine singular
JackfishmamsaCebuanonounAfrican pompano (Alectis ciliaris)
JackfishmamsaCebuanonounblack jack (Caranx lugubris)
JackfishmamsaCebuanonoungiant trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
JackfishmamsaCebuanonouna schoolmarm; a woman who is a teacher, especially a teacher in a schoolhouse; may carry the connotation she is severehumorous
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenumten, 10
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenouna ten-year-old
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixten, 10
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixtenth
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixtenfold
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixall, completely, perfect
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenumten, 10
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenumten, 10
Japanese numeral symbolsJapaneseaffixmultiplied by ten: tenfold
Japanese numeral symbolsJapanesenumten, 10
JewelrymedalikPolishnoundiminutive of medaldiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
JewelrymedalikPolishnoundevotional medal (flat disc with the image of Christ, the Virgin Mary, or the saints, made of metal)Christianityinanimate masculine
JudaismמנורהHebrewnounA light, a lamp.
JudaismמנורהHebrewnounA menorah or other candelabrum.
JudaismמנורהHebrewnounA menorah or other candelabrum. / hanukkiahAshkenazi-Hebrew
JudaismמנורהHebrewnounThe menorah as a symbol.definite usually
KitchenwarecrémaillèreFrenchnountrammel; a type of hook from which a cooking pot can be suspended over a hearth fire at different heights as needed for the right cooking temperaturefeminine
KitchenwarecrémaillèreFrenchnounrack, rack-and-pinionrail-transport railways transportfeminine
KitchenwarecrémaillèreFrenchnouncrémaillère (indented or zigzagging line of entrenchment used in fortification)government military politics warfeminine
KitchenwarecrémaillèreFrenchnounellipsis of pendaison de crémaillère; housewarmingabbreviation alt-of ellipsis feminine
KitchenwarepraskaPolishnounpress, ricerfeminine
KitchenwarepraskaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of praskifeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
KitchenwareвертелRussiannounspit, skewer
KitchenwareвертелRussianverbmasculine singular past indicative imperfective of верте́ть (vertétʹ, “to turn, to twist”)form-of imperfective indicative masculine past singular
LGBTAchilleanEnglishadjResembling or relating to Achilles, the hero of the Iliad. / Invincible with only one small weakness (an Achilles heel), which becomes one's downfall.
LGBTAchilleanEnglishadjResembling or relating to Achilles, the hero of the Iliad. / Guided by emotional motives, especially rage, rather than reason.
LGBTAchilleanEnglishadjResembling or relating to Achilles, the hero of the Iliad.
LGBTAchilleanEnglishadjOf or relating to Achilles Tatius, a Roman-era Greek writer.
LGBTAchilleanEnglishadjPertaining to the Achilles tendon.
LGBTAchilleanEnglishadjOf or relating to sexual or romantic intimacy between men, supposedly in the style of Achilles' relationship with Patroclus.
LGBTAchilleanEnglishnounA fighter on the side of Achilles in the Trojan war; an Achaean.
LGBTBLEnglishnameInitialism of British Leyland.abbreviation alt-of initialism
LGBTBLEnglishnounInitialism of breechloader.government military politics warUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
LGBTBLEnglishadjInitialism of breechloading.government military politics warUK abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
LGBTBLEnglishnounInitialism of boys' love (“yaoi media”).abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
Lagomorphs𗍍Tangutcharacterthe Rabbit, the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 卯 (mǎo)).
LakesKallavesiFinnishnameThe tenth largest lake in Finland.
LakesKallavesiFinnishnameA certain smaller lake in Finland.
LandformscloudMiddle EnglishnounA small elevation; a hill.
LandformscloudMiddle EnglishnounA clod, lump, or boulder.
LandformscloudMiddle EnglishnounA cloud (mass of water vapour) or similar.
LandformscloudMiddle EnglishnounThe sky (that which is above the ground).
LandformscloudMiddle EnglishnounThat which obscures, dims, or clouds.
LandformskällaSwedishnouna source (of information, or other things)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna spring (where groundwater naturally emerges)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna well (with some other liquid or gas)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna source (of a river)common-gender
LandformskällaSwedishnouna source; a point where the divergence of a vector field is positivemathematics sciencescommon-gender
LandformsplanuraPortuguesenounflat; plain (area of level ground)feminine
LandformsplanuraPortuguesenounlevelness (the property of being level)feminine
LandformssandhillEnglishnounA dune.
LandformssandhillEnglishnounA sandhill crane (Antigone canadensis).
LandformsخليجArabicnoungulf / the Persian Gulf, the Gulfdefinite
LandformsخليجArabicnounbank, shorerare
LandformsخليجArabicnounsmall shiprare
LanguagewyrazPolishnounutterance; word; term (basic unit of language)inanimate masculine
LanguagewyrazPolishnounexpression (statement expressing thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc.)in-plural inanimate masculine
LanguagewyrazPolishnounexpression (act of conveying content in art)inanimate masculine
LanguagewyrazPolishnounexpression (ability to evoke feelings in others)inanimate masculine
LanguagewyrazPolishnounexpression (facial appearance usually associated with an emotion)inanimate masculine
LanguagewyrazPolishnounexpression (manifestation of something)inanimate masculine
LanguagewyrazPolishnounexpression (arrangement of symbols denoting values, operations performed on them, and grouping symbols)mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine
LanguagewyrazPolishnounuttererinanimate masculine obsolete
LanguagewyrazPolishnounsound (manner in which a word sounds)inanimate masculine obsolete
LanguagewyrazPolishnoununderstanding (meaning of a word)inanimate masculine obsolete
LanguageіталомовнийUkrainianadjItalian-speaking, Italophoneno-comparative
LanguageіталомовнийUkrainianadjItalian-language (written or spoken in Italian)no-comparative
LanguagesJicarillaEnglishnounA Southern Athabascan (Native American) people.
LanguagesJicarillaEnglishnameAn Athabascan language spoken by the Jicarilla people.
LanguagesLangiEnglishnounA people who live in central Uganda.plural plural-only
LanguagesLangiEnglishnameA Bantu language of Tanzania.
LanguagesNepaliEnglishadjof, from, or pertaining to Nepal, the Nepali people or the Nepali languagenot-comparable
LanguagesNepaliEnglishnouna person from Nepal or of Nepali descent
LanguagesNepaliEnglishnamean Indo-Aryan language used primarily by the people of Nepal
LanguagesPeranakan IndonesianEnglishadjRelating to the Peranakan.not-comparable
LanguagesPeranakan IndonesianEnglishnounAn Indonesian language spoken by the Peranakan in Java, and elsewhere.uncountable
LanguagesRussiesAfrikaansadjRussian (of, from, or pertaining to Russia, the Russian people or the Russian language)not-comparable
LanguagesRussiesAfrikaansnameRussian (language)
LanguagesUrhoboEnglishnounA member of a people of southern Nigeria, near the northwestern Niger Delta.
LanguagesUrhoboEnglishnameThe language of these people.
LanguagesburmesiskDanishadjBurmese (of or relating to Burma and the Burmese people)
LanguagesburmesiskDanishnounBurmese (the language)neuter
LanguagescatalánAsturianadjCatalan (of or pertaining to Catalonia)masculine singular
LanguagescatalánAsturiannouna Catalan (person)masculine singular
LanguagescatalánAsturiannounCatalan (language)masculine singular uncountable
LanguagesjãzëkKashubiannountongue (flexible muscular organ in the mouth that is used to move food around, for tasting and that is moved into various positions to modify the flow of air from the lungs in order to produce different sounds in speech)inanimate masculine
LanguagesjãzëkKashubiannounlanguage (body of words, and set of methods of combining them (called a grammar), understood by a community and used as a form of communication)inanimate masculine
Languageskajin PilipinMarshallesenameTagalog
Languageskajin PilipinMarshallesenameone of the languages of the Philippines
LanguagesmaltésSpanishadjMaltese (from or native to Malta)
LanguagesmaltésSpanishadjMaltese (pertaining to Malta)
LanguagesmaltésSpanishnouna Maltese personmasculine
LanguagesmaltésSpanishnounMaltese (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesmáltaiHungarianadjMaltese (of or relating to Malta, its people or language)not-comparable
LanguagesmáltaiHungariannounMaltese (an inhabitant or a resident of Malta)countable uncountable
LanguagesmáltaiHungariannounMaltese (language)countable uncountable
LanguagesromontschRomanschadjRomanschSursilvan masculine
LanguagesromontschRomanschnameRomanschSursilvan masculine
LanguagesrussiskNorwegian NynorskadjRussian (of or pertaining to Russia)
LanguagesrussiskNorwegian NynorsknounRussian (the Russian language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesshiMaoreMaore ComoriannounMaore Comorian languageclass-7
LanguagesshiMaoreMaore ComorianadjMahoraninvariable
LanguagessvenskDanishadjSwedish (relating to the country, people or language of Sweden)
LanguagessvenskDanishnounthe Swedish languageneuter
LanguagesэстонскийRussianadjEstonian (relating to Estonia, its people or their language)
LanguagesэстонскийRussiannounEstonian languageuncountable
LanguagesճապոներենArmeniannounJapanese (language)
LanguagesճապոներենArmenianadvin Japanese
LanguagesճապոներենArmenianadjJapanese (of or pertaining to the language)
Languages閩南話ChinesenounSouthern Min; Min Nan (a branch of Min Chinese)
Languages閩南話ChinesenounHokkien (a subgroup of Southern Min)
Latin nomina gentiliaAgriusLatinnameThe name of various mythological charactershuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek declension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaAgriusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"declension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaCluentiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaCluentiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Cluentius, a Roman generaldeclension-2 masculine singular
LaundrybluingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of blueform-of gerund participle present
LaundrybluingEnglishnounA substance used in laundry to whiten clothes.countable uncountable
LaundrybluingEnglishnounAny of several processes to protect steel against rust.countable uncountable
LawadvocateEnglishnounSomeone whose job is to speak for someone's case in a court of law; a counsel.
LawadvocateEnglishnounAnyone who argues the case of another; an intercessor.
LawadvocateEnglishnounA person who speaks in support of something, or someone; proponent
LawadvocateEnglishnounA person who supports others to make their voices heard, or ideally for them to speak up for themselves.
LawadvocateEnglishverbTo plead in favour of; to defend by argument, before a tribunal or the public; to support, vindicate, or recommend publicly.transitive
LawadvocateEnglishverbTo encourage support for something.transitive
LawadvocateEnglishverbTo engage in advocacy.intransitive
LawadvocateEnglishverbTo appeal from an inferior court to the Court of Session.
LawadvocateEnglishverbTo call a case before itself for decision.
Law enforcementgarda síochánaIrishnounpolice officer, patrolmanmasculine
Law enforcementgarda síochánaIrishnounA member of the Garda Síochána (the Irish police force)masculine
Law enforcementಪೋಲೀಸುKannadanounpolice, police force
Law enforcementಪೋಲೀಸುKannadanouna member of the police force
Law enforcementಪೋಲೀಸುKannadanouna member of the military force of a nationbroadly
LegumesakácosHungarianadjof or relating to acacia, with acacia (not existing in Hungary)broadly not-comparable
LegumesakácosHungarianadjof or relating to black locust, with black locust (relating to false acacia, which exists in Hungary)not-comparable
LegumesakácosHungariannounacacia grove or wood (not existing in Hungary)broadly
LegumesakácosHungariannounblack locust grove or wood (consisting of false acacia, which exists in Hungary)
LegumesalubiaSpanishnounbean seedfeminine
LegumesalubiaSpanishnoungreen beanfeminine
LegumesalubiaSpanishnounbean plantfeminine
LegumesalubiaSpanishnounnavy beanfeminine
LightglareEnglishnounAn intense, blinding light.uncountable
LightglareEnglishnounShowy brilliance; gaudiness.countable uncountable
LightglareEnglishnounAn angry or fierce stare.countable uncountable
LightglareEnglishnounA call collision; the situation where an incoming call occurs at the same time as an outgoing call.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications telephonycountable uncountable
LightglareEnglishnounA smooth, bright, glassy surface.US countable uncountable
LightglareEnglishnounA viscous, transparent substance; glair.countable uncountable
LightglareEnglishverbTo stare angrily.intransitive
LightglareEnglishverbTo shine brightly.intransitive
LightglareEnglishverbTo be bright and intense, or ostentatiously splendid.intransitive
LightglareEnglishverbTo shoot out, or emit, as a dazzling light.transitive
LightglareEnglishadjsmooth and bright or translucent; glaryUS
LightombraCatalannounshade, gloomfeminine
LightombraCatalannounshade, ghostfeminine
LightombraCatalannounumbraastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
LightombraCatalanverbinflection of ombrar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
LightombraCatalanverbinflection of ombrar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
LightܙܗܪܐClassical Syriacnouncaution, wariness, circumspection
LightܙܗܪܐClassical Syriacnounlight, brightness, brilliance, flashing, splendour
LightܙܗܪܐClassical Syriacnounfully-bloomed flowerbiology botany natural-sciences
LightܙܗܪܐClassical Syriacnounpoison, venom
Light光芒Chinesenounrays of light; radianceliterally
Light光芒Chinesenounhonor; gloryfiguratively
Light sourceswekeMiddle Englishnounweek (a duration of seven days from Sunday to Saturday; a calendar week)
Light sourceswekeMiddle Englishnounweek (any duration of (around) seven days)
Light sourceswekeMiddle Englishnounworkweek (a duration of six days from Monday to Saturday)
Light sourceswekeMiddle EnglishnounA candlewick or wick.
Light sourceswekeMiddle EnglishnounThe cord or rope used to create wicks; wicking.
Light sourceswekeMiddle EnglishnounWicking used in medical contexts (e.g. as a bandage).
Light sourceswekeMiddle EnglishnounA kind of low-quality textile.
Light sourceswekeMiddle Englishnounwetnessrare
Light sourceswekeMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of quykNorthern alt-of alternative
Light sourceswekeMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of weykalt-of alternative
LimbsصابونةSouth Levantine Arabicnounsoapsingulative uncountable
LimbsصابونةSouth Levantine Arabicnounpiece of soapsingulative
LimbsصابونةSouth Levantine Arabicnounkneecapsingulative
LiquidsadvectionEnglishnounThe horizontal movement of a body of atmosphere (or other fluid) along with a concurrent transport of its temperature, humidity etc.chemistry climatology meteorology natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable physical uncountable
LiquidsadvectionEnglishnounThe transport of a scalar by bulk fluid motion.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
LiquidsgoteiraGaliciannounleak, drippingfeminine
LiquidsgoteiraGaliciannounwater dripping from the eavesfeminine
Liquidsmelting pointEnglishnounThe temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of a substance are in equilibrium; it is relatively insensitive to changes in pressure.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
Liquidsmelting pointEnglishnounA climactic situation where things go wrong or become dangerous; a crisis or meltdown.countable figuratively uncountable
LiquidsвӱдEastern Marinounwater
LiquidsвӱдEastern Marinounriver, stream
LiquidsвӱдEastern Marinounsap, juice
LiquidsвӱдEastern Marinounliquid, fluid
LiquidsвӱдEastern Marinounvapidity, contentless talk
LiquidsтечениеRussiannouncurrent, flow, stream
LiquidsтечениеRussiannouncurrent, tendency, trend
LocksաղխOld Armeniannounhousehold
LocksաղխOld Armeniannouna group of travelers, crowd
LocksաղխOld Armeniannountribe
LocksաղխOld Armeniannounhousehold property; goods and chattels; baggage, equipage
LocksաղխOld Armeniannounbuckle, ring; button
LocksաղխOld Armeniannounlock
LocksաղխOld Armeniannounjoint (of the body)
LoveMärchenprinzGermannounPrince Charming, fairytale princemasculine weak
LoveMärchenprinzGermannounPrince Charming, fairytale prince (idealized romantic partner)figuratively masculine weak
LoveconiugiumLatinnounconnection, uniondeclension-2 neuter
LoveconiugiumLatinnounmarriagedeclension-2 neuter
LovekesikTurkishadjHaving been cut.
LovekesikTurkishadjShort, shortened.
LovekesikTurkishadjIntermittent, discontinuous.
LovekesikTurkishadjHaving spoilt, turned sour or curdled.
LovekesikTurkishadjEnamored, in love with.slang with-dative
LovekesikTurkishnounA cut, incision, gash.
LovekesikTurkishnounA cutting, clipping from a newspaper, magazine etc.
LovekesikTurkishnounÇökelek cheese.
Loveobiekt westchnieńPolishnounlove interest (person who arouses interest and desire in someone)idiomatic inanimate masculine
Loveobiekt westchnieńPolishnounthing that arouses interest and desire in someoneidiomatic inanimate masculine
LoveserchWelshnounlove, affectionmasculine not-mutable
Madder family plantsadieremoLuonounforest star (Mussaenda arcuata)
Madder family plantsadieremoLuonounspecies of the genus Erythrococca (Euphorbiaceae) / Erythrococca bongensis; tree or shrub
Madder family plantsadieremoLuonounspecies of the genus Erythrococca (Euphorbiaceae) / Erythrococca trichogyne shrub
MalemeesEstoniannounman (an adult male human)
MalemeesEstoniannounhusband (a woman's spouse, consort or sexual partner)
MalemeesEstoniannounhuman, person
MalemeesEstoniannouninessive singular of mesiform-of inessive singular
MalepereOld Frenchnounfather (male family member)
MalepereOld FrenchnameFather (God)Christianitymasculine
Male animalslampartPolishnounleopard (Panthera pardus)animal-not-person masculine
Male animalslampartPolishnoungood-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well (person without a means of support; an idle, worthless person; a loafer; a person who is ineffectual, unsuccessful, or completely lacking in merit)masculine person
Male animalslampartPolishnounpartygoer, reveller (one who attends revels)masculine person
Male animalswałachPolishnoungelding (castrated horse)animal-not-person masculine
Male animalswałachPolishnounlocative plural of wałform-of locative masculine plural
Male animalswałachPolishnounlocative plural of wałyform-of locative masculine plural
Male family membersbliźniaczekPolishnoundiminutive of bliźniakdiminutive form-of masculine person
Male family membersbliźniaczekPolishnoungenitive plural of bliźniaczkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Male family membersolde faderMiddle Englishnoungrandfather
Male family membersolde faderMiddle Englishnounforefather, male ancestor
Male family membersolde faderMiddle Englishnounfather-in-lawrare
Male family membersukkoKareliannounold man
Male family membersukkoKareliannounhusband
Male family membersukkoKareliannounthunder
Male family membersఅయ్యTelugunounfather
Male family membersఅయ్యTelugunounsir
Male family membersこせがれJapanesenounyou little bastard, you little bratderogatory familiar
Male family membersこせがれJapanesenounone's own sonhumble
Male peoplebartnikPolishnountree hollow beekeeper (one who keeps honey bees in log beehives or tree hollows)agriculture beekeeping business lifestylehistorical masculine person
Male peoplebartnikPolishnounbear that gets honey from bee's tree hollowsmasculine obsolete person
Male peoplechujPolishnoundick, cock, prick, penisanimal-not-person masculine vulgar
Male peoplechujPolishnounnothing, zilch, fuck allanimal-not-person masculine vulgar
Male peoplechujPolishnouna stupid or evil personanimal-not-person masculine vulgar
Male peoplechujPolishnounany personanimal-not-person masculine vulgar
Male peoplechujPolishnoundick, fucker, bastard; term of abuse for menmasculine offensive person vulgar
Male peopleepiskopPolishnounbishopChristianity Eastern-Christianitydated masculine person
Male peopleepiskopPolishnounepiscope (form of projector that projects images of opaque objects)inanimate masculine
Male peopleplanistaPolishnounplanner (person)masculine person
Male peopleplanistaPolishnounschedulercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine person
Male peoplesiodłŏkSilesiannounpeasantmasculine person
Male peoplesiodłŏkSilesiannounfarmermasculine person
Male peoplestarostaPolishnounthe head of the general administration of a powiatmasculine person
Male peoplestarostaPolishnounthe leader of a group of peoplemasculine person
Male peoplestarostaPolishnounthe administrative head of a starostwohistorical masculine person
Male peopleлюбительUkrainiannounlover, devotee, fan, fancier (person who loves something)
Male peopleлюбительUkrainiannounamateur
Male peopleлюбительUkrainiannoundabbler, dilettante
Male peopleнищийRussianadjpoor, beggarly, destitute
Male peopleнищийRussiannounbeggar, pauper
Mallow subfamily plantsmalvaviscoSpanishnounmallowbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Mallow subfamily plantsmalvaviscoSpanishnounmarshmallowCentral-America Chile Mexico masculine
MammalskpiinbNawdmnoungenet (general term for genets)
ManufacturingelectroplatingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of electroplateform-of gerund participle present
ManufacturingelectroplatingEnglishnounA process of coating the surfaces of a metal object with a layer of a different metal through electrochemical means, usually to exploit different properties of the materials.
MarijuanascoresEnglishnounplural of scoreform-of plural
MarijuanascoresEnglishnounA bag of cannabis worth £20.UK slang
MarijuanascoresEnglishpronmany, several
MarijuanascoresEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of scoreform-of indicative present singular third-person
Marine biologyplanktonEnglishnounOrganisms, especially small and microscopic ones, that drift in water.uncountable usually
Marine biologyplanktonEnglishnounA plankter, any single organism that drifts in water.countable usually
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo ally; to make a pact or confederacy.
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo marry or wed; to form a marriage.
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo blend, bring together or unite ingredients in cooking.
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo join or fuse; to make a linkage or connection.
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo stick or keep to a promise or compact.rare
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo join battle; to start fighting.rare
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo assemble or be amassed (of troops).rare
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo link someone to their compatriot.rare
MarriageallienMiddle EnglishverbTo taint with one's lineage.rare
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of couplenform-of participle present
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe creation of a romantic or marital bond or a marriage.uncommon uncountable
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounA (physical or intellectual) connection.uncommon uncountable
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe act of leashing dogs two by two.rare uncommon uncountable
MarriagecouplyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe act of sexual intercourse.rare uncommon uncountable
MarriagemężczyznaPolishnounman, male (adult male human)masculine person
MarriagemężczyznaPolishnounman (male partner, object of romantic interest, or lover)colloquial masculine person
MarriagemężczyznaPolishnounmenMiddle Polish collective feminine
MarriageمجردPersiannoununmarried (person)
MarriageمجردPersianadjsingle, unmarried
MathematicsквадратBulgariannounsquaregeometry mathematics sciences
MathematicsквадратBulgariannoun(preceded by на) the second power (of a quantity)algebra mathematics sciences
MathematicsквадратBulgariannounsquare meter
MathematicsматематикаBulgariannouna mathematics textbookinformal
MealsچاشتPersiannounmeal eaten between sunrise and noon; brunch; morning meal
MealsچاشتPersiannounnoon, middayDari
Measuring instrumentsbarometerEnglishnounAn instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Measuring instrumentsbarometerEnglishnounAnything used as a gauge or indicator.broadly figuratively
MeatsbifePortuguesenounsteak (slice of beef)masculine
MeatsbifePortuguesenounEnglish personcolloquial derogatory ethnic masculine slur
Meatsso'oOld Tupinoungame; beast of venery (wild animal hunted for food)
Meatsso'oOld Tupinounvenison (meat of a hunted animal)
Meatsso'oOld Tupiverbto invitetransitive
Meatsso'oOld TupinounR2 form of o'o
MeatszamponeItaliannounAugmentative of zampaaugmentative form-of masculine
MeatszamponeItaliannounin Italian cookery, stuffed pig's trotter with spicy ground pork, usually dried and cured, often served with lentilsmasculine
Medical equipmentbougieEnglishnounA tapered cylindrical instrument for introducing an object into a tubular anatomical structure, or to dilate such a structure, as with an esophageal bougie.medicine sciences
Medical equipmentbougieEnglishnounA wax candle.
Medical equipmentbougieEnglishadjBehaving like or pertaining to people of a higher social status, middle-class / bourgeois people (sometimes carrying connotations of fakeness, elitism, or snobbery).derogatory slang usually
Medical equipmentbougieEnglishadjFancy or good-looking, without the same connotations of snobbery or pretentiousness as in sense 1.British Canada slang
Medical equipmentbougieEnglishnounA person who exhibits bougie behavior.derogatory slang usually
Medical equipmentصارغیOttoman Turkishnounwrapping, anything bound or wrapped around a thing
Medical equipmentصارغیOttoman Turkishnounbandage, a strip of gauze used to protect a wound
Medical signs and symptomsقدادArabicnounhamster
Medical signs and symptomsقدادArabicnounfleas, or a similar animalcollective obsolete
Medical signs and symptomsقدادArabicnounstomach ache, grumbling stomachobsolete
Medical signs and symptomsقدادArabicnounplural of قَدّ (qadd, “cutting”)form-of plural
Medical signs and symptomsقدادArabicnounalternative form of قَتَاد (qatād, “milkvetch”)alt-of alternative collective dialectal
Medical signs and symptomsむくみJapanesenoun浮腫, 浮腫み: edema
Medical signs and symptomsむくみJapaneseverb浮腫み: stem or continuative form of むくむ (mukumu)
MedicineἰατρεύωAncient Greekverbto medically treat, cure
MedicineἰατρεύωAncient Greekverbto practice medicine
MedicineἰατρεύωAncient Greekverbto remedy, correct
MemoryпамяткаRussiannounmemo, memorandum
MemoryпамяткаRussiannouninstruction, written rules, instruction sheet
MetalsguldSwedishnoungold (metal)neuter
MetalsguldSwedishnoungold as a symbol of money, wealth, fortune or luck, often together with silver; see also the archaic-poetic gullneuter
MetalsguldSwedishnounshort form of guldmedalj; a gold medal or trophy, a victory in a competitionneuter
Metalsspark testingEnglishnounA method of determining the general classification of ferrous materials that normally requires taking a piece of metal, usually scrap, to a grinding wheel and observing the sparks emitted.uncountable
Metalsspark testingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of spark testform-of gerund participle present
MetalsთელაGeorgiannounalternative form of თელვა (telva)alt-of alternative imperfective
MetalsთელაGeorgiannoungold (metal)uncountable
Microsoft痴漢Japanesenounpervert; molester; mashermasculine
Microsoft痴漢Japanesenounsexual harassment of a woman by a man
Microsoft痴漢Japanesenoun(male) fool, idiotarchaic
Microsoft痴漢Japanesenounan Xbox fanboy, Xbotvideo-gamesderogatory slang vulgar
Microsoft痴漢Japaneseverbof a man, to sexually harass a woman
Middle EastJordanFinnishnameJordan (a river in Western Asia, in the Middle East, that empties into the Dead Sea, flowing through Israel, the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Jordan)
Middle EastJordanFinnishnamea Finnish surnamerare
MilitarymarinsCebuanonouna marine; a member of the marine corps
MilitarymarinsCebuanonouna marine corps
Militarypress-gangEnglishnounA body of men employed to force others (impress them) into military service, especially naval service.
Militarypress-gangEnglishverbTo force men into military or naval service.
Militarypress-gangEnglishverbTo coerce somebody into doing something that they are reluctant to do.
MilitaryscutumLatinnouna type of shield: the scutum, the large oblong wooden shield carried by the Roman infantrydeclension-2
MilitaryscutumLatinnouna shielddeclension-2
MilitaryscutumLatinnounshield-bearing soldiersdeclension-2 metonymically
MilitaryscutumLatinnouna defense, protection, shelterdeclension-2 figuratively
Military萬乘Chinesenounthe emperorarchaic
Military萬乘Chinesenoun10,000 war chariots (each pulled by a team of four horses)archaic
Military萬乘Chinesenouna great country
Military ranksσημαιοφόροςGreeknouna naval rank with the NATO grade OF-1 / midshipman in the Royal Navynautical transport
Military ranksσημαιοφόροςGreeknouna naval rank with the NATO grade OF-1 / ensign in the US Navynautical transport
Milksüt tozuTurkishnounmilk powder
Milksüt tozuTurkishnounwhitener (powder added to coffee)
MindhertlesMiddle EnglishadjHaving no bravery or showing cowardice; fearful.
MindhertlesMiddle EnglishadjUnknowledgeable; lacking knowledge or wisdom.
MindhertlesMiddle EnglishadjDepressed; having malaise or lacking motivation.rare
MindhertlesMiddle EnglishadjLacking vitality or life.rare
MindਮਨPunjabinounheart (seat of emotions)
MindਮਨPunjabinounmind, intellect (seat of rational thought)
MindਮਨPunjabinoundesire, will, intentionfiguratively
MineralsصرچهOttoman Turkishnounrock crystal, a clear, colorless form of quartz
MineralsصرچهOttoman Turkishnounglass, an amorphous and often transparent substance
MineralsصرچهOttoman Turkishnounany precious stone in the rough; an uncut diamond
MineralsصرچهOttoman Turkishnounthe long, glossy hairs naturally found in some furs
MineralsصرچهOttoman Turkishadjof glass, glassy, vitreous
MonarchyទេពីKhmernounqueen (wife of the reigning king)
MonarchyទេពីKhmernounprincess (official wife of a prince)
Monarchy帝国JapanesenameShort for 大日本帝国 (Dainippon Teikoku, “Empire of Japan”).abbreviation alt-of
MonasticismgenerałPolishnoungeneral (holder of a senior military title, originally designating the commander of an army)government military politics warmasculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnoungeneral, Superior General (head of certain religious orders)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismmasculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounsejmik of an entire provincehistorical masculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounroyal official responsible for fiscal, police and judicial administration in a powiathistorical masculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounjudgment of the divine courtMiddle Polish
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounmain ruleMiddle Polish
MonasticismreligieuxFrenchnouna religious person (man)masculine
MonasticismreligieuxFrenchnouna religious (a man who is a member of a religious institute or order; a friar, monk, or religious priest)Catholicism Christianitymasculine
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounsquare with side length of 1 zhangliterary
Monasticism方丈Chinesenouna square-zhang table full of food; plentiful foodliterary
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounabbot's room or quarter, i.e. a small square-zhang room, as Vimalakīrti's room is described in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra / residence of Buddhist abbots, including the bedroom and its accessory facilitiesBuddhism lifestyle religionbroadly
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounabbot's room or quarter, i.e. a small square-zhang room, as Vimalakīrti's room is described in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra / Buddhist abbotBuddhism lifestyle religionbroadly
Monasticism方丈Chinesenounabbot's room or quarter, i.e. a small square-zhang room, as Vimalakīrti's room is described in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra / narrow-minded person; petty personBuddhism lifestyle religionCantonese Hong-Kong neologism slang
Monasticism方丈ChineseclassifierClassifier for the number of areas covered by a square of side length 1 zhang.
Monasticism方丈Chinesenamea mystical mountain island in the seahuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
MoneycontoPortuguesenountale, story (account of an asserted fact or circumstance)masculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenounshort story (work of fiction shorter than a novel)literature media publishingmasculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / one million reismasculine obsolete
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / a thousand escudosPortugal dated masculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / five eurosPortugal masculine
MoneycontoPortuguesenouncount (a quantity counted) / real (unit of currency)Brazil masculine slang
MoneycontoPortuguesenounthe butt of a spear or polearmmasculine
MoneycontoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of contarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MoneyngiriSwahilinounwarthog (a species of wild pig)class-10 class-9
MoneyngiriSwahilinounthousand shillingKenya slang
MoneyreceberPortugueseverbto get; to receive
MoneyreceberPortugueseverbto collect or receive payment
MoneyreceberPortugueseverbto receive (to act as a host for guests)
MoneyreceberPortugueseverbto be hit by something
MoneyreceberPortugueseverbto receive (to detect a signal from a transmitter)communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
MonkeysмемNivkhnounmonkeybiology natural-sciences zoology
MonkeysмемNivkhnounrainbowclimatology meteorology natural-sciencesEast Sakhalin
MonthsJunuaryEnglishnameA June with cool, rainy weather, typical of the Pacific Northwest climate.British-Columbia Northwestern US humorous
MonthsJunuaryEnglishnameAn unseasonably warm and sunny January.Canada US humorous
Moschatel family plantssheepberryEnglishnounThe plant Viburnum lentago, native to the northeastern and midwestern United States and southern Canada.
Moschatel family plantssheepberryEnglishnounIts edible fruit.
Mountains玉山ChinesenameJade Mountain, a mythological mountain and residence of The Queen Mother of the Westhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
Mountains玉山ChinesenameYushan, the highest mountain on Taiwan Island
Mountains玉山ChinesenameYushan Range, the mountain range surrounding Yushan
Mountains玉山ChinesenameYushan (a county of Jiangxi, China)
Mountains玉山ChinesenameYushan (a town in Lantian, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China)
Municipalities of FinlandLappajärviFinnishnameLappajärvi (municipality)
Municipalities of FinlandLappajärviFinnishnameA lake, according to which the municipality has been named.
Municipalities of GreeceΙεράπετραGreeknameIerapetra (fourth largest town of Crete in Lasithi)
Municipalities of GreeceΙεράπετραGreeknameIerapetra (municipality named for and containing the above town)
Muridswater ratEnglishnounAny of various aquatic or semi-aquatic rodents from Florida and southern Georgia, especially Neofiber alleni; the muskrat.US
Muridswater ratEnglishnounA water mouse, especially, the rakali, Hydromys chrysogaster.Australia
Muridswater ratEnglishnounA European water vole (Arvicola amphibius, formerly Arvicola terrestris).informal
Muridswater ratEnglishnounA petty thief or waterfront ruffian.US slang
Muridswater ratEnglishnounA person fond of water sports.slang
Muridswater ratEnglishnounA member of the water police.Australia slang
MuscicapidsbushchatEnglishnounAny of a number of small insect-eating birds in the muscicapid genus Saxicola.
MuscicapidsbushchatEnglishnounAny of several African birds in the genus Cercotrichas.
MushroomsblavaCatalanadjfeminine singular of blaufeminine form-of singular
MushroomsblavaCatalannounviolet webcap (Cortinarius violaceus)feminine
MushroomsblavaCatalannouncharcoal burner (Russula cyanoxantha)feminine
MusichimnoGaliciannounhymn (a song of praise or worship)masculine
MusichimnoGaliciannounbop, a great songfiguratively masculine
Musical instrumentssakaraYorubanounsakara drum, a type of Yoruba drum similar to a tambourine
Musical instrumentssakaraYorubanounone of the four drum families among the Yoruba people
Musical instrumentssakaraYorubanountambourine
Musical instrumentsviolinoItaliannounviolin, fiddlemasculine
Musical instrumentsviolinoItaliannounviolin, violinistmasculine
Musical instrumentsviolinoItalianverbinflection of violare: / third-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present subjunctive third-person
Musical instrumentsviolinoItalianverbinflection of violare: / third-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural third-person
Musical notesbreveEnglishnounA semicircular diacritical mark (˘) placed above a vowel, commonly used to mark its quantity as short.communications journalism literature media orthography printing publishing writing
Musical notesbreveEnglishnounA double whole note; a note twice as long as a semibreve.entertainment lifestyle music
Musical notesbreveEnglishnounAny writ or precept under seal, issued out of any
Musical notesbreveEnglishnounA pitta, all of which have more or less short tails.biology natural-sciences zoology
Musical notesbreveEnglishnounAn equal mix of espresso and half and half cream.
MusicianspunkowiecPolishnounpunk rocker (person who plays punk rock)entertainment lifestyle musicinformal masculine person
MusicianspunkowiecPolishnounpunk rocker (person who is a fan of punk rock)entertainment lifestyle musicinformal masculine person
MustelidsbronwenWelshadjfeminine singular of bronwyn (“white-breasted”)feminine form-of singular
MustelidsbronwenWelshnounleast weasel (Mustela nivalis)feminine
MustelidsخزArabicnounAlternative form of قَزّ (qazz, “silkware”)alt-of alternative
MustelidsخزArabicverbto poke, to sting, to pierce, to transfix
Mythological creaturesalicornEnglishnounA unicorn.archaic countable uncountable
Mythological creaturesalicornEnglishnounThe horn of a unicorn considered as a medical or pharmacological ingredient.countable historical uncountable
Mythological creaturesalicornEnglishnounA mythological creature, a mixture of pegasus and unicorn: a winged horse with a single horn on its head.nonstandard
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe part of the body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals.anatomy medicine sciences
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe corresponding part in some other anatomical contexts.
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe part of a shirt, dress etc., which fits a person's neck.
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe tapered part of a bottle toward the opening.
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe slender tubelike extension atop an archegonium, through which the sperm swim to reach the egg.biology botany natural-sciences
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mountedentertainment lifestyle music
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounA long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts.
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounA reduction in size near the end of an object, formed by a groove around natural-sciences physical-sciences
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe constriction between the root and crown of a tooth.
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe gorgerin of a capital.architecture
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounA volcanic plug, solidified lava filling the vent of an extinct volcano.geography geology natural-sciences
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounThe small part of a gun between the chase and the swell of the firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounA person's life.figuratively
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounA falsehood; a lie.Multicultural-London-English informal slang
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounFellatioslang
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounA bundle of wheat used in certain English harvest ceremonies.historical
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishverbTo hang by the neck; strangle; kill, eliminate.slang transitive
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishverbTo make love; to intently kiss or cuddle; to canoodle.US informal intransitive
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishverbTo drink or swallow rapidly.slang transitive
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishverbTo decrease in diameter.intransitive
Mythological creaturesneckEnglishnounA shapeshifting water spirit in Germanic mythology and folklore; a nix.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
Mythological creaturespanteraCatalannounpantherfeminine
Mythological creaturespanteraCatalannounpanthergovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
Mythological creaturessfinksPolishnounsphinx (creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal)animal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturessfinksPolishnounsphinx (person who keeps their thoughts and intentions secret)animal-not-person masculine
NationalismzwastikaEnglishnounA Z letter used by Russian nationalists, usually to support Vladimir Putin or the Russian invasion of Ukraine.derogatory neologism slang
NationalismzwastikaEnglishnounRare spelling of swastika.alt-of rare
NationalitiesBahamianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Bahamas, or the Bahamian people.
NationalitiesBahamianEnglishnounA person from the Bahamas or of Bahamian descent.
NationalitiesEnglishmanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of England; a man who is English by ancestry, birth, descent, or naturalisation.
NationalitiesEnglishmanEnglishnounA grey partridge (in contrast with Frenchman, red-legged partridge).UK
NationalitiesEnglishmanEnglishnounA Canadian of British descent and/or whose first language is English (as opposed to French-descended, French-speaking Canadians).Quebec dated ethnic slur
NationalitiesEnglishmanEnglishnounA South African of British descent, and/or whose first language is English (as opposed to Afrikaans-speaking Afrikaner South Africans).South-Africa dated ethnic slur
NationalitiesFrançaisFrenchnounanybody with French ancestry or who is FrancophoneLouisiana masculine
NationalitiesGriekseDutchadjinflection of Grieks: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
NationalitiesGriekseDutchadjinflection of Grieks: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
NationalitiesGriekseDutchadjinflection of Grieks: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
NationalitiesGriekseDutchnouna Greek womanfeminine
NationalitiesLibjanMaltesenounLibyan (person)masculine
NationalitiesarmeanRomaniannounan Armenian personmasculine
NationalitiesarmeanRomanianadjArmenianmasculine neuter
NationalitieskanādietisLatviannouna Canadian man, a man from Canadadeclension-2 masculine
NationalitieskanādietisLatviannounCanadian, pertaining to Canada and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
NationalitieslesotenseSpanishadjof, from or relating to Lesothofeminine masculine
NationalitieslesotenseSpanishnounMosotho (native or inhabitant of Lesotho)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesmongoliarBasquenounMongolian (person)animate
NationalitiesmontenegrinoSpanishnounMontenegrin (person)masculine
NationalitiesranskalainenFinnishnouna Frenchman or a Frenchwoman; (in the plural) the French
NationalitiesranskalainenFinnishnounEllipsis of ranskalaiset perunat (“French fries”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis in-plural
NationalitiesranskalainenFinnishadjFrench; (in compounds) franco-, Franco-
NationalitiesēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian, a man from Egyptdeclension-2 masculine
NationalitiesēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian; pertaining to Egypt and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
NationalitiesēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian, a member of the ancient civilization of Egyptdeclension-2 historical masculine
NationalitiesēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian; pertaining to Ancient Egypt and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
NazismfolkdomEnglishnouncharacter of a people, folklore, that which defines a people’s original nature and culture (or an individual's tie to it)Nazism especially uncountable
NazismfolkdomEnglishnounmatters to do with German minorities outside the Reich as well as Germanization and colonization (cf. blood and soil)Nazism especially uncountable
NetherlandsamsterdamêsPortuguesenounAmsterdamer (person from Amsterdam)masculine
NetherlandsamsterdamêsPortugueseadjAmsterdamese (of or relating to Amsterdam)
Nettle family plantsrheaEnglishnounA large flightless bird of the genus Rhea, native to South America.
Nettle family plantsrheaEnglishnounRamie (Boehmeria nivea), a fiber-yielding plant.
New YearnoworocznyPolishadjNew Year (related to of happening on the New Year)not-comparable relational
New YearnoworocznyPolishadjnew year (related to or happening in a new year)not-comparable relational
New ZealandflorinEnglishnounAny of several gold coins once produced in Florence, Italy; model for the other currencies.
New ZealandflorinEnglishnounA guilder (pre-Euro currency unit of the Netherlands).
New ZealandflorinEnglishnounThe currency of Aruba, divided into 100 cents, symbol ƒ.
New ZealandflorinEnglishnounA pre-decimal British coin, worth two shillings or ten new pence.
New ZealandflorinEnglishnounA pre-decimal Australian, and New Zealand, coin, worth 24 pence or a tenth of a pound.
Nightnight and dayEnglishadvAlternative form of day and nightalt-of alternative not-comparable
Nightnight and dayEnglishnounAlternative form of day and night: Said of things that are very different, though possibly superficially alike.alt-of alternative uncountable
NinedziewiątyPolishnoundenotes ninth day of the month; the ninthinanimate masculine
NobilitycicisbeoItaliannouncicisbeo (knightly servant of a high-born lady)historical masculine obsolete
NobilitycicisbeoItaliannouna dandy, a vain young man who is concerned about his appearance, especially in order to attract womenbroadly masculine
NobilitycicisbeoItaliannouna kind of ribbonfiguratively historical masculine obsolete
NobilitycicisbeoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cicisbearefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
NobilityknezEnglishnounA duke or prince in medieval Slavic countries.historical
NobilityknezEnglishnounA leader of the Vlach (or Romanian) communities in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.historical
NobilityzaścianekPolishnounsettlement or village inhabited by impoverished szlachta who cultivated their own landhistorical inanimate masculine
NobilityzaścianekPolishnounbackwater (backward place)broadly inanimate masculine
NobilityzaścianekPolishnounarea of a barn used for storing crops or hayinanimate masculine regional
NobilityzaścianekPolishnountype of holding cellarchaic inanimate masculine
NobilityzaścianekPolishnouninhabitants of an impoverished szlachta settlementcollective historical inanimate masculine
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishnameAn extinct Germanic language, once spoken by the Goths.
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishnameCertain moths of the family Noctuidae.
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishnameA particular species of moth of the family Noctuidae, Naenia typica.
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishadjOf or relating to the Goths or their language.
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishadjBarbarous, rude, unpolished, belonging to the “Dark Ages”, medieval as opposed to classical.figuratively
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishadjOf or relating to the architectural style favored in Western Europe in the 12th to 16th centuries, with high-pointed arches, clustered columns, etc.architecture
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishadjOf or relating to the style of fictional writing associated with Gothic fiction, emphasizing violent or macabre events in a mysterious, desolate setting.literature media publishing
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishadjSynonym of black lettermedia publishing typographyEngland
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishadjOf a sans serif typeface using straight, even-width lines, also known as grotesque or publishing typographyUS
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishadjOf or relating to the goth subculture, music or lifestyle.
Noctuoid mothsGothicEnglishnounA novel written in the Gothic style.
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounAny of various knots (for string or the like) having some symmetry.
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounLines interwoven with many involutions, fancifully held as an emblem of interwoven affection.
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounA particular species of moth (Lycophotia porphyrea).
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounA particular knot of eight crossings.mathematics sciences
Noctuoid mothstrue lover's knotEnglishnounA small plant in the family Melanthiaceae (Paris quadrifolia).
North Carolina, USAニュートンJapanesenounnewton
North Carolina, USAニュートンJapanesecounternewton
North Carolina, USAニュートンJapanesenameNewton
NumbersJapanesecharactercapital citykanji
NumbersJapanesecharacterten quadrillion (short scale); ten thousand billion (long scale); 10¹⁶kanji
NumbersJapanesenouncapital city
NumbersJapanesenounShort for 京都 (Kyōto, “Kyōto (a city in Kyōto, Japan)”).abbreviation alt-of
NumbersJapaneseaffixcapital city
NumbersJapaneseaffixKyōto (a city in Kyōto, Japan)specifically
NumbersJapaneseaffixTōkyō (a province of Japan)especially
NumbersJapanesenounthe place where the emperor resides
NumbersJapanesenouna city that acts as an economic and political center; capital
NumbersJapanesenum10,000,000,000,000,000, 10¹⁶, (US) ten quadrillion, (UK) ten thousand billion
NutshaʻariTahitiannouncoconut palm
NutslendeAlbaniannouncone (conifer fruit)feminine
NutsկաղաղArmeniannounden, lair
NutsկաղաղArmeniannoununripe, green walnut to make sweets withdialectal
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnounmelting, dissolving, liquefaction
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnoundigestion, ruminationmedicine physiology sciences
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnounurine
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnounripeness, maturity, development
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnounsolution, cure
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnounmitigation, relaxation
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnouninterpretation, explanation
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnounoneiromancy
OccultܦܫܪܐClassical Syriacnounfoolishness
OccupationsfigheadairScottish Gaelicnounweavermasculine
OccupationsfigheadairScottish Gaelicnounknittermasculine
OccupationsfigheadairScottish Gaelicnounspidermasculine
OccupationskaptenEstoniannouncaptain (commander of sea-going vessel or airliner)
OccupationskaptenEstoniannouncaptaingovernment military politics war
OccupationskaptenEstoniannouncaptain (athlete on sports team designated to make decisions)
OccupationssekretářCzechnounsecretary (person keeping records)animate masculine
OccupationssekretářCzechnounescritoire, secretaire (writing desk)inanimate masculine
OccupationssigaraiaItaliannounfemale equivalent of sigaraio (“tobacco worker”)feminine form-of
OccupationssigaraiaItaliannouncigarette / cigar sellerdated feminine
OccupationsskomakerNorwegian Bokmålnouna shoemakermasculine
OccupationsskomakerNorwegian Bokmålnouna cobbler (shoe repairer)masculine
OccupationssłużącyPolishnounservant, person hired for housekeepingdated derogatory masculine noun-from-verb person
OccupationssłużącyPolishverbactive adjectival participle of służyćactive adjectival form-of participle
OccupationstagsiyaCebuanonouna person presiding over a meeting
OccupationstagsiyaCebuanonounthe head of a corporate or governmental board of directors, a committee, or other formal entity
Occupationstạp vụVietnamesenounodd jobs; sundry duties
Occupationstạp vụVietnamesenouna janitor; a caretaker
OccupationswinnikPolishnounsauna whisk, bath broom (besom or broom used for bathing in saunas and Russian banyas)historical inanimate masculine
OccupationswinnikPolishnounlees at the bottom of a vat of wineinanimate masculine obsolete
OccupationswinnikPolishnounampelopsis, pepper vine, porcelainberry (any plant of the genus Ampelopsis)inanimate masculine
OccupationswinnikPolishnounOctober (month)inanimate masculine obsolete rare
OccupationswinnikPolishnounbathhouse attendant who provided beatings with a bath broomhistorical masculine person
OccupationszincirciTurkishnounmaker or seller of chains
OccupationszincirciTurkishnounperson whose duty is to chain criminals
OccupationsартистBulgariannounartiste, entertainer
OccupationsперевізникUkrainiannouncarrier (person or company in the business of transporting passengers or freight)
OccupationsسيافArabicnounswordsman, person using a sword as a weapon
OccupationsسيافArabicnounone who makes swords
OccupationsسيافArabicnouna headsman; an executioner whose method of dispatching the condemned is decapitation
OccupationsควาญThainounkeeper or driver (of any animal).archaic
Occupations客服Chinesenouncustomer service
Occupations客服Chinesenouncustomer service representative; customer service personnelinformal
Old Czech cardinal numbersčtyřiOld Czechnuminflection of čtyřie (“four (4)”): / accusative masculineaccusative form-of masculine
Old Czech cardinal numbersčtyřiOld Czechnuminflection of čtyřie (“four (4)”): / nominative/accusative feminine/neuteraccusative feminine form-of neuter nominative
Olive family plantshunigsuceOld Englishnounprivet
Olive family plantshunigsuceOld Englishnouna plant honey can be sucked from
OlomoucmimoolomoučtíCzechnounpeople not living in Olomoucanimate masculine plural
OlomoucmimoolomoučtíCzechadjmasculine animate nominative/vocative plural of mimoolomouckýanimate form-of masculine nominative plural vocative
OnomasticsYaeyamacharacterkanji no-gloss
OrganizationsYMCAEnglishnameInitialism of Young Men's Christian Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsYMCAEnglishnounA hostel or other facility operated by the Young Men's Christian Association.
OrganizationsYMCAEnglishnounA particular dance in which the arms and body are used to imitate the letters Y, M, C, and A, in succession, danced to the Village People song Y.M.C.A.
OrthographyRomanizationEnglishnounThe act or process of putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet, by means such as transliteration and transcription.uncountable usually
OrthographyRomanizationEnglishnounAn instance (a string) of text transliterated or transcribed from another alphabet into the Latin alphabet.countable
Pain頭痛Chineseverbto have a headache (pain in the head)medicine sciencesintransitive
Pain頭痛Chineseverbto be faced with a nuisance or an unpleasant problem; to feel annoyed; to have a headachefiguratively intransitive
Pain頭痛Chineseverbto be annoyed with; to be irritated withfiguratively transitive
Pain頭痛Chinesenounheadachemedicine sciences
Panthers獅子Chinesenounlion (Classifier: 隻/只 m c; 頭/头 m)
Panthers獅子ChinesenounBuddha; bodhisattvaBuddhism lifestyle religion
Panthers獅子ChinesenounShort for 石獅子/石狮子 (shíshīzi, “foo dog”).architectureabbreviation alt-of
Panthers獅子ChinesenameShort for 獅子座/狮子座 (Shīzizuò, “Leo”).astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Panthers獅子ChinesenameShizi (a mountain indigenous township in Pingtung County, Taiwan)
PaperpaperiFinnishnounpaper (material)
PaperpaperiFinnishnounpaper, piece of paper
PaperpaperiFinnishnoundocumentin-plural often
PaperpaperiFinnishnounIDin-plural informal
PaperكاغدOttoman Turkishnounpaper, a material made of cellulose fibres used for writing or printing
PaperكاغدOttoman Turkishnounsheet, a usually rectangular piece of paper that has been prepared for writing or printing
PaperكاغدOttoman Turkishnounwritten or printed paper, a letter or document written on a paper sheet
PaperكاغدOttoman Turkishnounplaying card, any of the rectangular pieces of card used to play numerous games
Paper sizesTranslingualnounAbbreviation of octavo, a page size (4.5"-6" x 7"-10")abbreviation alt-of
Paper sizesTranslingualnounAbbreviation of octavo, a book size using octavo-sized printing publishingabbreviation alt-of
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnounA5 (a paper size)feminine
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, half-cuarto, quarter-fanega (a traditional unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 13.9 L)feminine historical
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnouncuartilla, quarter-real (a former Mexican coin)feminine historical
Paper sizescuartillaSpanishnounpastern (of a horse)feminine
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA long dowel or plank protruding from the ground; a fencepost; a lightpost.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA stud; a construction manufacturing
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA pole in a battery.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA long, narrow piece inserted into a root canal to provide retention for a crown.dentistry medicine sciences
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA prolonged final melody note, among moving harmony notes.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA printing paper size measuring 19.25 inches x 15.5 printing publishing
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA goalpost.hobbies lifestyle sports
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA location on a basketball court near the basket.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounThe doorpost of a victualler's shop or inn, on which were chalked the scores of customers; hence, a score; a debt.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishnounThe vertical part of a crochet stitch.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo hang (a notice) in a conspicuous manner for general review.transitive
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo hold up to public blame or reproach; to advertise opprobriously; to denounce by public proclamation.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo carry (an account) from the journal to the ledger.accounting business finance
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo inform; to give the news to; to make acquainted with the details of a subject; often with up.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo deposit a payment that may or may not be returned. / To pay (a stake or blind).gambling gamestransitive
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo deposit a payment that may or may not be returned. / To pay bail.lawtransitive
Paper sizespostEnglishnounEach of a series of men stationed at specific places along a postroad, with responsibility for relaying letters and dispatches of the monarch (and later others) along the route.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA station, or one of a series of stations, established for the refreshment and accommodation of travellers on some recognized route.dated
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA military base; the place at which a soldier or a body of troops is stationed; also, the troops at such a station.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounSomeone who travels express along a set route carrying letters and dispatches; a courier.historical
Paper sizespostEnglishnounAn organisation for delivering letters, parcels etc., or the service provided by such an organisation.Australia New-Zealand UK
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA single delivery of letters; the letters or deliveries that make up a single batch delivered to one person or one address.Australia New-Zealand UK
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA message posted in an electronic or Internet forum, or on a blog, etc.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA moderate to deep passing route in which a receiver runs 10-20 yards from the line of scrimmage straight down the field, then cuts toward the middle of the field (towards the facing goalposts) at a 45-degree angle.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
Paper sizespostEnglishnounHaste or speed, like that of a messenger or mail carrier.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishnounOne who has charge of a station, especially a postal station.obsolete
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo travel with relays of horses; to travel by post horses, originally as a courier.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo travel quickly; to hurry.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo send (an item of mail etc.) through the postal service.Australia New-Zealand UK
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, especially in trotting.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo publish (a message) to a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.Internet
Paper sizespostEnglishadvWith the post, on post-horses; by a relay of horses (changing at every staging-post); hence, express, with speed, quickly.not-comparable
Paper sizespostEnglishadvSent via the postal service.not-comparable
Paper sizespostEnglishnounAn assigned station; a guard post.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounAn appointed position in an organization, job.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo enter (a name) on a list, as for service, promotion, etc.
Paper sizespostEnglishverbTo assign to a station; to set; to place.
Paper sizespostEnglishprepAfter; especially after a significant event that has long-term ramifications.
Paper sizespostEnglishnounPost-production.broadcasting film media televisioninformal uncountable
Paper sizespostEnglishnounA post mortem (an investigation of a body's cause of death).medicine sciencesinformal
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounside (a bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape)geometry mathematics sciencesfeminine usually
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounface, side, surface of any three-dimensional objectgeometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounpage (single leaf of any manuscript or book)feminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounside (one of the two surfaces of a sheet of paper)feminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounone side or half of something or someonefeminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnouna certain aspect of a conceptfeminine figuratively
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounside, faction or group of competitors in a war, game, conflict or any other competitive situation in opposite to their opponentsfeminine figuratively
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounface of a coin or dicefeminine
ParasitesSiLimburgishnounAny of several parasitic vines, of the genus Cuscuta, having small white flowers but no leaves.feminine
ParisparisienneFrenchadjfeminine singular of parisienfeminine form-of singular
ParisparisienneFrenchnouna small size of type, standardized as 5 pointmedia printing publishingdated feminine uncountable
PastacappellettoItaliannoundiminutive of cappello; small hatdiminutive form-of masculine
PastacappellettoItaliannounthe ferrule of an umbrellamasculine
PastacappellettoItaliannounthe reinforcement on the tip of a sock or stockingmasculine
PastacappellettoItaliannounwide tube of pasta with a savoury/savory filling baked in the ovenmasculine plural-normally
PastaмакарониUkrainiannounmacaroniplural plural-only
PastaмакарониUkrainiannounpastaplural plural-only
PeopleAktivistGermannounactivist (one who is politically active)masculine weak
PeopleAktivistGermannouna title awarded to a worker who accomplished achievements that went above and beyond standards and specificationsEast Germany historical masculine weak
PeopleDickensianEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or created by the English author Charles Dickens.
PeopleDickensianEnglishadjSimilar to Dickens' writing style, especially in commenting on society, or in using emotion, humour, or rich descriptions.
PeopleDickensianEnglishadjReminiscent of the environments and situations most commonly portrayed in Dickens' writings, such as poverty, social injustice, and other aspects of Victorian England.
PeopleDickensianEnglishnounA person who admires or studies the works of Charles Dickens.
PeopleYouTuberEnglishnounA user of the video-sharing website YouTube.Internet
PeopleYouTuberEnglishnounA video creator on YouTube.Internet
Peopleaim-crierEnglishnounOne who encouraged an archer by crying "Aim!" when he was about to shoot.archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
Peopleaim-crierEnglishnounAn encourager generally.
PeopleapologistEnglishnounOne who makes an apology.
PeopleapologistEnglishnounOne who speaks or writes in defense of a faith, a cause, or an institution.
PeopleauthorEnglishnounThe originator or creator of a work, especially of a literary composition; or, one of the creators of a collaborative work.
PeopleauthorEnglishnounSomeone who writes books for a living.
PeopleauthorEnglishnounPrincipal; the primary participant in a crime.obsolete
PeopleauthorEnglishnounOne's authority for something: an informant.obsolete
PeopleauthorEnglishverbTo create a work as its author.US proscribed sometimes
PeopleaworoYorubanounA male priest of the orisha, whom often leads the traditional rituals and sacrifices to a specific orisha.
PeopleaworoYorubanounAn executioner, whom specifically serves the orisha Orò as one who kills the live animals brought as sacrifices
PeopleblotkaPolishnounspot cardcard-games gamesfeminine
PeopleblotkaPolishnounsmall fry (person or thing of little relevance to the current situation)broadly feminine
PeopleconjurerEnglishnounOne who conjures, a magician.
PeopleconjurerEnglishnounOne who performs parlor tricks, sleight of hand.
PeopleconjurerEnglishnounOne who conjures; one who calls, entreats, or charges in a solemn manner.
PeopleconjurerEnglishnounOne who conjectures shrewdly or judges wisely; a man of sagacity.ironic obsolete often
PeopleconjurerEnglishnounA cooking appliance comprising a pot (large or small) with a gridiron wielded beneath it, like a brazier, used for cooking methods such as broiling.
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground.intransitive
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo grow across a surface rather than upwards.intransitive
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo move slowly and quietly in a particular direction.intransitive
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo make small gradual changes, usually in a particular direction.intransitive
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo move in a stealthy or secret manner; to move imperceptibly or clandestinely; to steal in; to insinuate itself or oneself.
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo slip, or to become slightly displaced.
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo move or behave with servility or exaggerated humility; to fawn.
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo have a sensation as of insects creeping on the skin of the body; to crawl.
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo drag in deep water with creepers, as for recovering a submarine cable.
PeoplecreepEnglishverbTo covertly have sex (with a person other than one's primary partner); to cheat with.intransitive slang
PeoplecreepEnglishnounThe movement of something that creeps (like worms or snails).countable uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounA relatively small gradual change, variation or deviation (from a planned value) in a measure.countable uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounA slight displacement of an object; the slight movement of something.countable uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounThe gradual expansion or proliferation of something beyond its original goals or boundaries, considered negatively.uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounIn sewn books, the tendency of pages on the inside of a quire to stand out farther than those on the outside of publishingcountable uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounAn increase in strain with time; the gradual flow or deformation of a material under stress.countable uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounThe imperceptible downslope movement of surface rock.geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounSomeone creepy (annoyingly unpleasant), especially one who is strange or eccentric.countable derogatory informal uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounA person who engages in sexually inappropriate behaviour or sexual harassment.countable derogatory especially informal uncountable
PeoplecreepEnglishnounA barrier with small openings used to keep large animals out while allowing smaller animals to pass through.agriculture business lifestylecountable uncountable
PeopledziwolągPolishnounweirdo, eccentricmasculine person
PeopledziwolągPolishnounsomething bizarre or unusualinanimate masculine
PeopleeksekutifIndonesianadjexecutive / designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect.
PeopleeksekutifIndonesianadjexecutive / of, pertaining to, or having responsibility for the day-to-day running of an organisation, business, country, etc.
PeopleeksekutifIndonesianadjexecutive / exclusive
PeopleeksekutifIndonesiannounexecutive / a chief officer or administrator, especially one who can make significant decisions on their own authority.
PeopleeksekutifIndonesiannounexecutive / the branch of government that is responsible for enforcing laws and judicial decisions, and for the day-to-day administration of the state.
PeopleeksekutifIndonesiannounexecutive / a process that coordinates and governs the action of other processes or threads; supervisor.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeopleestultoSpanishadjfoolish, dim-wittedliterary
PeopleestultoSpanishnounfool, dimwitliterary masculine
PeopleexternalistEnglishadjContending that there are non-internal factors which can affect the justificatory status of a beliefepistemology human-sciences philosophy sciences
PeopleexternalistEnglishnounOne who adheres to externalist beliefs
PeoplefalsettoEnglishnounThe "false" (singing) voice in any human, usually airy and lacking a purity of vowels; created by using the next highest vocal folds above those used for speech and normal range singing. It is commonly confused with the head voice register.uncountable
PeoplefalsettoEnglishnounA person who sings in falsetto.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable
PeoplefalsettoEnglishverbTo sing or utter in falsetto.
PeoplefaschistEnglishadjMisspelling of fascist.alt-of misspelling
PeoplefaschistEnglishnounMisspelling of fascist.alt-of misspelling
PeopleglasögonormSwedishnounIndian cobra, Naja najacommon-gender
PeopleglasögonormSwedishnounsomeone who wears glasses, a four-eyescolloquial common-gender derogatory
PeoplehistoricistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to historicism
PeoplehistoricistEnglishnounAn advocate of historicism
PeopleincipientEnglishadjIn an initial stage; beginning, starting, coming into existence.not-comparable
PeopleincipientEnglishnounA beginner.obsolete
PeopleincipientEnglishnounA verb tense of the Hebrew language.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeopleindigenteSpanishadjindigent, needy (extremely poor)feminine masculine
PeopleindigenteSpanishnounpauper; indigent (one who is extremely poor)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplekrwawiecPolishnounhemophiliacmedicine sciencesmasculine person
PeoplekrwawiecPolishnounbloodstain licheninanimate masculine
PeoplelloricaSpanishnouncrybaby (one who whines or complains)Spain by-personal-gender colloquial feminine masculine
PeoplelloricaSpanishadjwhining, being a crybabySpain colloquial feminine masculine
PeoplelumberjackEnglishnounA person whose work is to fell trees.
PeoplelumberjackEnglishnounA lumberjacket.
PeoplelumberjackEnglishverbTo work as a lumberjack, cutting down trees.transitive
PeoplemahasattvaEnglishnounA bodhisattva who attains a high degree on the path of consciousness awakening.
PeoplemahasattvaEnglishnounA "great bodhisattva", one explicitly defined by their devotion to salvation of all beings through bodhicitta.
PeoplembumbumbuSwahilinounfool, ignorantclass-5 class-6
PeoplenarcotraficanteSpanishnoundrug traffickerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplenarcotraficanteSpanishnoundrug baron, druglord, drug kingpinby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplepacifismEnglishnounThe support of peace, specifically: / The conviction that it is morally wrong to settle disputes (especially between countries) by war or other violent means.countable uncountable
PeoplepacifismEnglishnounThe support of peace, specifically: / The ethical avoidance of inflicting harm on others in one's daily life.countable uncountable
PeoplepacifismEnglishnounThe support of peace, specifically: / The combination of the above two philosophical viewpoints.countable uncountable
PeoplepacifismEnglishnounThe additional challenge of winning a game without harming any enemy characters.roguelikes video-gamescountable uncountable
Peoplepiss artistEnglishnounSomeone who is frequently drunk (pissed).Australia British Ireland slang
Peoplepiss artistEnglishnounSomeone who frequently ridicules or shows contempt for others (takes the piss).British slang
PeopleplantWelshnounchildren, young peoplecollective masculine
PeopleplantWelshnounchildren (of parents), offspring (sometimes of animals), progeny, issue; descendantscollective masculine
PeopleplantWelshnounfollowers, disciples, servantscollective masculine
PeopleplantWelshnounpeople regarded as product of a particular place, time, event, circumstances, etc.collective masculine
PeopleprofessorEnglishnounThe most senior rank for an academic at a university or similar institution.
PeopleprofessorEnglishnounA teacher or faculty member at a college or university regardless of formal rank.Philippines US informal
PeopleprofessorEnglishnounOne who professes something, such as a religious doctrine.archaic
PeopleprofessorEnglishnounA pianist in a saloon, brothel, etc.US slang
PeopleprofessorEnglishnounThe puppeteer who performs a Punch and Judy show; a Punchman.
PeoplereviewerEnglishnounA person who writes reviews for a newspaper or other publication; a critic.
PeoplereviewerEnglishnounAn inspector.
PeopleréactionnaireFrenchadjreactionaryderogatory often
PeopleréactionnaireFrenchnounreactionaryby-personal-gender derogatory feminine masculine often
PeopleseederEnglishnounA device used to plant seeds; a seed drillagriculture business lifestyle
PeopleseederEnglishnounAn implement used to remove the seeds from fruit etc.
PeopleseederEnglishnounA person who seeds clouds in order to make it rain
PeopleseederEnglishnounA person connected to a peer-to-peer network who has a complete or partial copy of a given file and makes it available for downloading.Internet
PeopleseederEnglishnounA process that seeds a random number generator.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeopleseederEnglishnounA stamp-type leatherworking tool predominantly used in floral designs to represent the seeds in the center of a flower.
PeoplesidiTarifitnounmaster, lordmasculine
PeopletebéFrenchnoundumb; stupidfeminine
PeopletebéFrenchadjdummy; dimwit
PeopletenorEnglishnounA musical range or section higher than bass and lower than alto.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounA person, instrument, or group that performs in the tenor (higher than bass and lower than alto) range.countable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounA musical part or section that holds or performs the main melody, as opposed to the contratenor bassus and contratenor altus, who perform countermelodies.entertainment lifestyle musicarchaic countable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounThe lowest tuned in a ring of bells.countable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounTone, as of a conversation.countable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounduration; continuance; a state of holding on in a continuous course; general tendency; career.countable obsolete uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounThe subject in a metaphor to which attributes are ascribed.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounTime to maturity of a financecountable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounStamp; character; nature.countable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounAn exact copy of a writing, set forth in the words and figures of it. It differs from purport, which is only the substance or general import of the instrument.lawcountable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounThat course of thought which holds on through a discourse; the general drift or course of thought; purport; intent; meaning; understanding.countable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishnounA tenor saxophone.entertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial countable uncountable
PeopletenorEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the tenor part or range.not-comparable
PeopletransmissionistEnglishnounA person who believes that the brain only transmits consciousness rather than originating it.
PeopletransmissionistEnglishnounOne who favours, or uses, a teaching style focused on transmitting facts without regard to the individual
PeopleulungPolishnounoolong tea (type of tea with a taste in between green tea and black tea)inanimate masculine
PeopleulungPolishnountea (in general)broadly inanimate masculine slang
PeopleulungPolishnoundumbhead, dumbass (stupid person)colloquial masculine person slang
PeoplewybranekPolishnounbashertliterary masculine person
PeoplewybranekPolishnoungenitive plural of wybrankafeminine form-of genitive plural
PeopleκηφήναςGreeknoundrone (male bee)biology natural-sciences
PeopleκηφήναςGreeknounparasite, freeloaderfiguratively
PeopleبندہPunjabinounhuman, person
PeopleبندہPunjabinounslave, servant
PeopleبندہPunjabinounmale partnerfiguratively
PeopleیولداشOttoman Turkishnounfellow traveller, one who travels together with another
PeopleیولداشOttoman Turkishnouncompanion, fellow, mate, comradebroadly
PeopleیولداشOttoman Turkishnounfellow janissary, companion in battle
PeopleਪਿੰਡੂPunjabiadjyokel; ruralderogatory indeclinable
PeopleਪਿੰਡੂPunjabinounyokel; ruralderogatory
PeopleἀγρότηςAncient Greeknouncountry dweller, rustic
PeopleἀγρότηςAncient GreeknounSynonym of ἀγρευτής (agreutḗs, “hunter”)
People寡妻Chinesenounfirst wifeliterary
PepperspippuriFinnishnounpepper (plant of the family Piperaceae)
PepperspippuriFinnishnounpepper (spice prepared from the berries of the pepper plant)
PepperspippuriFinnishnounpepper, chili (referring to the spicy varieties of Capsicum)in-compounds
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Any similarly absolute and 'infallible' authority.broadly ironic often
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Any similar head of a religion.broadly
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / A theocrat, a priest-king, including (at first especially) over the imaginary land of Prester John or (now) in figurative and alliterative uses.uncommon
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / An effigy of the pope traditionally burnt in Britain on Guy Fawkes' Day and (occasionally) at other times.UK
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Pope Day, the present Guy Fawkes Day.US obsolete
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Coptic bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his church.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Orthodox bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his autocephalous church.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAny bishop of the early Christian church.Christianityhistorical obsolete
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe ruffe, a small Eurasian freshwater fish (Gymnocephalus cernua); others of its genus.British
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica).Cornwall Devon Scotland UK regional
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe painted bunting (Passerina ciris).US regional
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe red-cowled cardinal (Paroaria dominicana).rare
Perch and darterspopeEnglishverbTo act as or like a pope.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishverbTo convert to Roman Catholicism.colloquial intransitive
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAny mulled wine (traditionally including tokay) considered similar and superior to bishop.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAlternative form of pop, a Russian Orthodox priest.alt-of alternative
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounwhippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus, syn. Caprimulgus vociferus).US dialectal obsolete
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounnighthawk (Chordeiles minor).US dialectal rare
Perching birdsστρουθόςAncient Greeknounhouse sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Perching birdsστρουθόςAncient Greeknounflatfish, European flounder (Platichthys flesus, syn. Pleuronectes flesus).
Perching birdsστρουθόςAncient Greeknounostrich
Percoid fishcapozzoItaliannounname of several species of fish in the Mugilidae familyNaples masculine
Percoid fishcapozzoItaliannounname of several species of fish in the Mugilidae family / Synonym of muggineNaples masculine
Personalityhappy-go-luckyEnglishadjcarefree or untroubled
Personalityhappy-go-luckyEnglishnounOne who is happy-go-lucky.
Personalityhappy-go-luckyEnglishnounA person who does odd jobs.obsolete
Personalityhappy-go-luckyEnglishadvAs luck will have it.obsolete
PersonalityunbekümmertGermanadjunconcerned, carefree, blithe
Pharmaceutical drugslitPolishnounlithium (soft, silvery metal, the simplest alkali metal, the lightest solid element, and the third lightest chemical element (symbol Li) with an atomic number of 3)inanimate masculine
Pharmaceutical drugslitPolishnounlithium carbonate (lithium salt of carbonic acid, Li2CO3, used in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, and medically, in the treatment of bipolar disorder)chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesinanimate informal masculine
Pharmaceutical drugslitPolishnounlitas (former unit of currency of Lithuania)animal-not-person historical masculine
Pharmaceutical drugsopiumEnglishnounA yellow-brown, addictive narcotic drug obtained from the dried juice of unripe pods of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, and containing alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine.uncountable
Pharmaceutical drugsopiumEnglishnounAnything that numbs or stupefies.broadly countable
PharmacyrecepisCzechnounprescription (physician's written order)archaic inanimate masculine
PharmacyrecepisCzechnounmailing receipt (proof of sending registered mail)archaic inanimate masculine
Phaseoleae tribe plantsdalEnglishnounAny of many dried husked pulses (legume), including peas, beans and lentils.countable uncountable
Phaseoleae tribe plantsdalEnglishnounA dish made from lentils, cooked with spices, tomatoes and onions etc.countable uncountable
Phaseoleae tribe plantsdalEnglishnounA tropical herb with yellow flowers; the pigeon pea.countable uncountable
Phaseolus beans四季豆Chinesenoungreen bean
Phaseolus beans四季豆Chinesenounsword bean (Canavalia gladiata)Mandarin Yangzhou
Phaseolus beans四季豆Chinesenouncowpea; black-eyed peaLoudi Xiang
Philanthropybake saleEnglishnounA fundraising activity where baked goods are sold, with profits going to charity or some other good cause.
Philanthropybake saleEnglishnounA session of smoking marijuana.slang
Philanthropygrant-in-aidEnglishnounThe giving of national funds to subsidize a local or regional project.
Philanthropygrant-in-aidEnglishnounProviding funds to an institution (such as a school) or person to subsidize a specific project or activity, such as a scholarship.
PhilanthropysponsorPolishnounsponsor, patron, backer (person or organisation with responsibility (especially with a religious or financial aspect))masculine person
PhilanthropysponsorPolishnounsponsor (one that pays all or part of the cost of an event)colloquial masculine person
PhilippinesAmburayanEnglishnameA former Spanish commandancy.historical
PhilippinesAmburayanEnglishnameA subprovince of Lepanto-Bontoc, created from the commandancy.historical
PhilosophersAristotleEnglishnameA male given name.
PhilosophersAristotleEnglishnameA male given name. / An ancient Greek philosopher, logician, and scientist (382–322 BCE), student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.
PhonologymorphophonémiqueFrenchadjmorphophonemichuman-sciences linguistics sciences
PhonologymorphophonémiqueFrenchnounmorphophonemicshuman-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
PigsporcariusLatinadjof or relating to a swineLate-Latin adjective declension-1 declension-2
PigsporcariusLatinnouna swineherddeclension-2
PigsporcusLatinnouna piglet, a young pigdeclension-2 masculine
PigsporcusLatinnouna pig, hogbroadly declension-2 masculine
PigsporcusLatinnounShort for porcus marīnus (“sea-hog, mereswine, porpoise”).abbreviation alt-of declension-2 masculine
PigsporcusLatinnounglutton, pigdeclension-2 derogatory masculine
PigsporcusLatinnounfemale genitaliadeclension-2 masculine
PigssertésHungariannounhog, swine, pigformal
Pineswhite pineEnglishnounAny species of the subgenus Pinus subg. Strobus
Pineswhite pineEnglishnounAny species of the subgenus Pinus subg. Strobus / especially Pinus strobus
Pineswhite pineEnglishnounkahikateaNew-Zealand dated
PlacesarchidiakoniaPolishnounarchdeaconry (the residence, or territorial jurisdiction of an archdeacon)Christianityfeminine historical
PlacesarchidiakoniaPolishnounan archdeacon's apartmentfeminine
Planets of the Solar SystemMartCatalannameMars (god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMartCatalannameMars (planet)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMercuriCatalannameMercury (planet)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMercuriCatalannameMercury (Roman god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
PlantsProboscideaTranslingualnameA taxonomic order within the class Mammalia – elephants.
PlantsProboscideaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Martyniaceae – certain New World flowering plants.
PlantsmagHungariannounseed, pip, stone, pit, core (the central part of fruits)
PlantsmagHungariannounkernel, core, nucleus (the most important part of a thing or aggregate of things wherever located and whether of any determinate location at all; the essence)
PlantsmagHungariannounEllipsis of processzormag (“core”, an individual computer processor).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
PlantsηλιοτρόπιοGreeknounthe heliotrope plant, any plant of the Heliotropium genus
PlantsηλιοτρόπιοGreeknounthe sunflower plant
PlantsηλιοτρόπιοGreeknounlitmus, a dyestuff extracted from certain lichenschemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Plants송이Koreannouna bunch of flowers, grapes, mushrooms; a flake of snow
Plants송이KoreancounterCounter for flowers
PlutoTranslingualsymbola symbol used by some chapters of the Hamburg school of astrology ("Uranian" astrology) for Pluto.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesrare
PlutoTranslingualsymbolPluto's moon Charon, a dwarf planet in some classifications.astronomy natural-sciencesrare
Poeae tribe grassessweetgrassEnglishnounmannagrass, in genus Glyceriacountable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassessweetgrassEnglishnounHierochloe odorata (syn. Anthoxanthum nitens), an aromatic herb native to northern Eurasia and North Americacountable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassessweetgrassEnglishnounMuhlenbergia filipes, a grass native to the southeastern United Statescountable uncountable
PoisonsattrenMiddle EnglishverbTo poison or envenomEarly-Middle-English Northern
PoisonsattrenMiddle EnglishverbTo pervert or ruin.Early-Middle-English Northern figuratively rare
Political subdivisionsიმერეთიGeorgiannameImereti (a region of Georgia)
Political subdivisionsიმერეთიGeorgiannameImereti (a historical region in Georgia)
PoliticssiyosatUzbeknounpolitics, policy
PoliticssiyosatUzbeknounthreat, intimidation, scolding
Pome fruitshawEnglishintjAn imitation of laughter, often used to express scorn or disbelief. Often doubled or tripled (haw haw or haw haw haw).
Pome fruitshawEnglishintjAn intermission or hesitation of speech, with a sound somewhat like "haw"; the sound so made.
Pome fruitshawEnglishverbTo stop, in speaking, with a sound like haw; to speak with interruption and hesitation.
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounFruit of the hawthorn.
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounA hedge.historical
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounSomething that has little value or importance; a whit or jot.obsolete
Pome fruitshawEnglishintjAn instruction for a horse or other animal to turn towards the driver, typically left.
Pome fruitshawEnglishverbTo turn towards the driver, typically to the left.
Pome fruitshawEnglishverbTo cause (an animal) to turn left.
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounThe third eyelid, or nictitating membrane.anatomy medicine sciencescountable
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounA disease of the nictitating membrane.uncountable
Ports and harboursلیمانOttoman Turkishnounport, haven, harbor, any place where ships can be sheltered
Ports and harboursلیمانOttoman Turkishnounestuary, the place where ocean tides and river water merge
PortugalpenaguiensePortugueseadjof Santa Marta de Penaguiãofeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugalpenaguiensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Santa Marta de Penaguiãoby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Postc/oEnglishprepAbbreviation of care of, used to identify an intermediary who is responsible for transferring a piece of mail between the postal system and the final addressee.economics sciences shipping transportabbreviation alt-of
Postc/oEnglishprepAbbreviation of complain of, used to identify symptoms described by a patient.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Postc/oEnglishnounInitialism of certificate of origin, a document describing a product's country of origin.economics sciences shipping transportabbreviation alt-of initialism
PostlistSlovaknounletter; a written messageinanimate masculine
PostlistSlovaknounleaf; a part of a treeinanimate masculine
PostlistSlovaknounsheet; a piece of paperinanimate masculine
PostsmistareItalianverbto sort (mail, recruits, etc.)transitive
PostsmistareItalianverbto shunt (railroad cars, etc.)rail-transport railways transporttransitive
PostsmistareItalianverbto throw (the ball) immediately after receiving ithobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
PotatoesfingerlingEnglishnounA juvenile fish that has developed scales and working fins.biology natural-sciences zoology
PotatoesfingerlingEnglishnounA type of small potato grown primarily in North America.
PotatoesfingerlingEnglishnounAn infant weasel, stoat, ferret; esp. weasels.
PotatoesfingerlingEnglishnounAny finger-sized version of something typically larger.broadly
PrayerتهجدArabicverbto sleep in the night, or in the latter part of the night
PrayerتهجدArabicverbto stay up at night, to be awake nocturnally
PrayerتهجدArabicverbto perform prayer in the nightIslam lifestyle religion
PrayerتهجدArabicnounverbal noun of تَهَجَّدَ (tahajjada) (form V)form-of noun-from-verb
PregnancyBabybauchGermannounbaby bump (belly of a pregnant woman)masculine strong
PregnancyBabybauchGermannouna baby's bellymasculine rare strong
PrintinghectographEnglishnounAn old printing machine that involves transfer of an original, prepared with special inks, to a pan of gelatin or a gelatin pad pulled tight on a metal frame.historical
PrintinghectographEnglishverbTo duplicate (a document) by this process.
ProstitutioncommonerEnglishadjcomparative form of common: more commoncomparative form-of
ProstitutioncommonerEnglishnounA member of the common people who holds no title or rank.
ProstitutioncommonerEnglishnounSomeone who is not of noble rank.British
ProstitutioncommonerEnglishnounA student who is not dependent on any foundation for support, but pays all university charges; at Cambridge called a pensioner.UK obsolete
ProstitutioncommonerEnglishnounSomeone who has a right over another's land. They hold common rights because of residence or land ownership in a particular manor, especially rights on common land. eg: centuries-old grazing rights
ProstitutioncommonerEnglishnounOne sharing with another in anything.obsolete
ProstitutioncommonerEnglishnounA prostitute.obsolete
Prostitutionon the streetsEnglishprep_phraseHomeless.
Prostitutionon the streetsEnglishprep_phraseWorking as a prostitute.
ProstitutionslitEnglishnounA narrow cut or opening; a slot.
ProstitutionslitEnglishnounThe vulva.slang vulgar
ProstitutionslitEnglishnounA woman, usually a sexually loose woman; a prostitute.derogatory slang vulgar
ProstitutionslitEnglishverbTo cut a narrow opening.
ProstitutionslitEnglishverbTo split into strips by lengthwise cuts.
ProstitutionslitEnglishverbTo cut; to sever; to divide.transitive
ProstitutionslitEnglishadjHaving a cut narrow openingnot-comparable
ProstitutionπόρνηGreeknounharlot; prostitute; whore
ProstitutionπόρνηGreeknouna term of abuse
ProtestantismarianizmPolishnounArianismChristianityinanimate masculine
ProtestantismarianizmPolishnounSocinianismChristianityinanimate masculine
Provincial capitalsVeniceEnglishnamethe port city in Veneto, on the Adriatic, in northeastern Italy, former capital of an independent republic.countable uncountable
Provincial capitalsVeniceEnglishnameA province of Veneto, Italy, around the city.countable uncountable
Provincial capitalsVeniceEnglishnameA former polity in Europe, a republic and colonial empire around the Adriatic and eastern Mediterranean from AD 697 to 1797 with its capital at Venice.countable historical uncountable
Provincial capitalsVeniceEnglishnameA township in Illinois, United States.countable uncountable
Provincial capitalsVeniceEnglishnameA township in Michigan, United States.countable uncountable
Provincial capitalsVeniceEnglishnameA township in Ohio, United States.countable uncountable
Provincial capitalsVeniceEnglishnameA neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States.countable uncountable
PseudosciencechiEnglishnounThe twenty-second letter of the Classical and Modern Greek alphabets.
PseudosciencechiEnglishnounA life force in traditional Chinese philosophy, culture, medicine, etc, related (but not limited) to breath and circulation.human-sciences philosophy sciencesuncountable usually
PseudosciencechiEnglishnounThe Chinese foot, a traditional Chinese unit of length based on the human forearm.uncountable usually
PseudosciencechiEnglishnounThe Chinese unit of length standardized in 1984 as ¹/₃ of a meter.Mainland-China uncountable usually
PseudosciencechiEnglishnounThe Taiwanese unit of length standardized as ¹⁰/₃₃ of a meter, identical to the Japanese shaku.Taiwan uncountable usually
PseudosciencechiEnglishnounThe chek or Hong Kong foot, a unit of length standardized as 0.371475 meters.Hong-Kong uncountable usually
PseudosciencechiEnglishnounClipping of chihuahua.abbreviation alt-of clipping
PsychiatryψυχιατρικήGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative feminine singular form of ψυχιατρικός (psychiatrikós).
PsychologyskorupkaPolishnoundiminutive of skorupadiminutive feminine form-of
PsychologyskorupkaPolishnouneggshell (object)feminine
Pukapukan ordinal numbersluaPukapukannumtwo
Pukapukan ordinal numbersluaPukapukannumsecond
Pukapukan ordinal numbersluaPukapukannounhole, pit, cave
Pukapukan ordinal numbersluaPukapukannountomb, grave
Pukapukan ordinal numbersluaPukapukannounpath of the sun across the sky, thought of as a hole.
PuppetsмаріонеткаUkrainiannounmarionette (string puppet)
PuppetsмаріонеткаUkrainiannounpuppet, stooge, dummygovernment politicsderogatory
PurplesviolettoItalianadjviolet (color/colour)
PurplesviolettoItaliannounviolet (color/colour)masculine
PyrotechnicsفشفشهPersiannounfirework, skyrocket
RabbitscuelluFalanounneck (body part)masculine
RabbitskrólikPolishnounrabbit, cony (any mammal of the family Leporidae, with long ears, long hind legs, and a short, fluffy tail)animal-not-person masculine
RabbitskrólikPolishnounrabbit meatanimal-not-person masculine
RabbitskrólikPolishnounrabbit furanimal-not-person masculine
RabbitskrólikPolishnoundiminutive of król; kinglet (petty king; a king ruling over a small or unimportant territory)animal-not-person derogatory diminutive form-of masculine
Rail transportationLondon BridgeEnglishnameA bridge across the River Thames between the City of London and Southwark. The first bridge was probably built in Roman times.
Rail transportationLondon BridgeEnglishnameAn important railway station in Southwark, near the bridge, with both terminal and through platforms, also served by the Northern and Jubilee underground lines
Rail transportationLondon BridgeEnglishnameThe area of London, in the borough of Southwark immediately surrounding the station (OS grid ref TQ3280).
RainboglachIrishnounwet weathermasculine
RainboglachIrishnounAlternative form of bogach (“soft, boggy, ground”)alt-of alternative masculine
Rain梅雨ChinesenounMeiyu (the East Asian rainy season)
Rain梅雨Chinesenounrain that falls during the Meiyu season; summer rain
Real estatefreeholdEnglishadjOf a tenure or estate in land, held in fee simple absolute in possession by a proprietor; granted out of the allodial title, liable to determine only on propertynot-comparable
Real estatefreeholdEnglishnounFreehold tenure.countable uncountable
Real estatefreeholdEnglishnounReal property held by a tenure of this propertycountable uncountable
Real estatefreeholdEnglishverbTo dispense property in this way.
Recreationmałpi gajPolishnounclimbing frame, jungle gym, monkey barsidiomatic inanimate masculine
Recreationmałpi gajPolishnounplace where marginalized people gather, usually a thicket in a parkidiomatic inanimate masculine
Recreational drugsamylEnglishnounSynonym of pentylchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesdated
Recreational drugsamylEnglishnounEllipsis of amyl nitrite.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
Recreational drugsamylEnglishadjOf or pertaining to starchnot-comparable
Recreational drugschoppedEnglishadjCut or diced into small pieces.
Recreational drugschoppedEnglishadjGround, having been processed by grinding.
Recreational drugschoppedEnglishadjHaving a vehicle's height reduced by horizontal trimming of the roofline.automotive transport vehiclesslang
Recreational drugschoppedEnglishadjHigh on drugs.slang
Recreational drugschoppedEnglishadjFired from a job or cut from a team or training program; having got the chop.slang
Recreational drugschoppedEnglishadj(Of a person) ugly.slang
Recreational drugschoppedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of chopform-of participle past
Recreational drugskanepEstoniannouncannabis, hemp (Cannabis) / A tall annual herbaceous plant grown for fibre and oil, with long-rotate leafy pinnae. (Cannabis sativa)
Recreational drugskanepEstoniannouncannabis, hemp (Cannabis) / Dried hemp stalks; the fibre obtained therefrom.
Recreational drugskanepEstoniannouncannabis, hemp (Cannabis) / A drug made from Cannabis indica, hashish.
ReligionJüngerGermannoundisciple (one who learns from and follows a usually religious or philosophical teacher; male or unspecified sex)masculine strong
ReligionJüngerGermannounone of the disciples of JesusChristianitymasculine strong
ReligionJüngerGermannouna devoted follower, enthusiastbroadly informal masculine strong
ReligionitangChuukesenouna specialist in a body of lore, magic, and medicine
ReligionitangChuukesenounthe body of knowledge held by these people
ReligionpresteSpanishnounpriesthistorical masculine obsolete
ReligionpresteSpanishverbinflection of prestar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
ReligionpresteSpanishverbinflection of prestar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophetnot-comparable relational
ReligionproroczyPolishadjprophesy; propheticnot-comparable relational
ReligionخداوندUrdunounAn epithet for Jesus.Christianitysingular
ReligionخداوندUrdunounGod; Lordsingular
ReligionخداوندUrdunounowner, possessor
ReptilesمرPersianparticleOccurs before a word or phrase followed by را (râ), the accusative-dative-genitive marker. / Used redundantly with را, with no additional meaning.obsolete
ReptilesمرPersianparticleOccurs before a word or phrase followed by را (râ), the accusative-dative-genitive marker. / that very, only; used with a restrictive sense.obsolete
ReptilesمرPersianparticleOccurs before a word or phrase followed by را (râ), the accusative-dative-genitive marker. / Used to denote that را is being used for an indirect object, especially in later usage when را became increasingly associated with the direct object.obsolete
ReptilesمرPersianparticleOccurs before a word or phrase followed by را (râ), the accusative-dative-genitive marker.obsolete
ReptilesمرPersianparticleIn later texts, sometimes used without را simply for archaic effect, without any semantic meaning.obsolete
ReptilesمرPersianparticlenumber, amount, quantity, limitobsolete
ReptilesمرPersianadjbitterarchaic rare
ReptilesمرPersiannounDialectal form of مار (mâr, “snake”)dialectal form-of
Reptiles爬蟲Chinesenounone who speculates to secure personal gainfiguratively
Reptiles爬蟲Chinesenouncrawler; scrapercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Road transportramalSpanishnounexit (of a highway or road)masculine
Road transportramalSpanishnounbranch (of an organization)masculine
Road transportramalSpanishnounbranch linerail-transport railways transportmasculine
Road transportramalSpanishnounhalter (of horse)masculine
RoadsabridTarifitnounroad, pathmasculine
RoadsabridTarifitnounway, passagemasculine
RoadskierunkowskazPolishnounturn signal, blinker, directional, indicator (each of the flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which is used to indicates the vehicle is moving left or right)inanimate masculine
RoadskierunkowskazPolishnounsignpost (post bearing a sign that gives information on directions)inanimate masculine
RoadskierunkowskazPolishnounguide, beacon (something that can serve as a model for someone on how they should act)figuratively inanimate literary masculine
RoadsświatłoPolishnounlight (illumination)neuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnounlight (source of illumination)neuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnounlight, daylight (level of illumination appropriate for a particular time of day or year)neuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnounpower, current (electric flow)colloquial neuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnounclearance, interstitial space (area between walls)neuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnounlumen (cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnounspacing (space between lines or words in the text)media publishing typographyneuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnounlight (place in a photograph or painting that is distinguished by a lighter color)arts hobbies lifestyle photographyneuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnountraffic lights (street intersection with traffic lights)in-plural informal neuter
RoadsświatłoPolishnoungap (space between ties or rails)neuter obsolete
RoadsświatłoPolishadvclear, understandablynot-comparable obsolete
Roads死路Chinesenounblind alley; dead end; cul-de-sac
Roads死路Chinesenounroad to ruin; road to destruction
RocksBostoniteEnglishadjBostonian: of, from, or pertaining to Boston.not-comparable
RocksBostoniteEnglishnounA fine-grained, pale-colored, grey or pinkish intrusive rock, which consists essentially of alkali-feldspar.uncountable
RocksBostoniteEnglishnounA Bostonian: a person who lives in or comes from Boston.
RodentshörcsögHungariannounspitfire (a person with an irritable temper, someone easily provoked to anger)figuratively rare
RodentsחולדהHebrewnouna rat
RodentsחולדהHebrewnamea female given name, Hulda
RodentsחולדהHebrewnameHuldah (a prophetess in the Old Testament)biblical lifestyle religion
Roman CatholicismkomunyonTagalognounHoly CommunionChristianity
Roman CatholicismkomunyonTagalognouncommunion
RomaniaRoemeenseDutchadjinflection of Roemeens: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of masculine singular
RomaniaRoemeenseDutchadjinflection of Roemeens: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of neuter singular
RomaniaRoemeenseDutchadjinflection of Roemeens: / plural attributiveattributive form-of plural
RomaniaRoemeenseDutchnounRomanian (female inhabitant of Romania)feminine
RoomsBüroGermannounoffice (room for working)neuter strong
RoomsBüroGermannounoffice, bureau, agency (administrative department or service provider)neuter strong
RoomsBüroGermannounthe staff of such placescollective informal neuter strong
RoomsEchokammerGermannounecho chamberfeminine
RoomsEchokammerGermannounecho chambercommunication communications mediafeminine figuratively
RoomsbathroomEnglishnounA room containing a shower and/or bathtub, and (typically but not necessarily) a toilet.
RoomsbathroomEnglishnounA lavatory (area where one washes or bathes): a room containing a toilet and (typically but not necessarily) a bathtub.Australia Canada Philippines South-Africa US euphemistic
RoomsbathroomEnglishverbTo assist a patient with using the toilet and general personal hygiene.medicine sciencestransitive
Roomsseòmar-toisichScottish Gaelicnounantechambermasculine
Roomsseòmar-toisichScottish Gaelicnounfront roommasculine
RoomsstovaFaroesenounparlor, parlour, roomfeminine
RoomsstovaFaroesenouncommon room, assembly roomfeminine
RoomsstovaFaroesenoundwelling, housefeminine
RoomsдневнаBulgarianadjindefinite feminine singular of дне́вен (dnéven)feminine form-of indefinite singular
RoomsдневнаBulgariannounliving room (literally) daily (room).
Rudyard KiplingBagheeraEnglishnameA cat name; a name given to pet cats.
Rudyard KiplingBagheeraEnglishnounThe deputy leader of a pack of Cub Scouts.
SailingmarítimoPortugueseadjmaritime; marine (relating to the sea)
SailingmarítimoPortugueseadjmaritime (relating to sailing)
SandwichestoastieEnglishnounA toasted sandwich.British Ireland
SandwichestoastieEnglishnountoaster or toastie maker
Saudi ArabiaHejazianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Hejaz region.
Saudi ArabiaHejazianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the Hejaz region.
ScolopacidsredlegEnglishnounA bird, the redshank.
ScolopacidsredlegEnglishnounA bird, the turnstone.
ScolopacidsredlegEnglishnounA plant in the buckwheat family, lady's thumb.
ScolopacidsredlegEnglishnounA member of a class of poor white people, originally from Ireland, Scotland and the west of England, now living on Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada and a few other Caribbean islands.Caribbean derogatory
ScombroidsthimbleeyeEnglishnounAn Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias).
ScombroidsthimbleeyeEnglishnounA loop at the end of a rope that is protected from chafing by a thimble (metal ring).nautical transport
ScotlandGaelicEnglishnameGoidelic; any Goidelic language. / Irish Gaelic.
ScotlandGaelicEnglishnameGoidelic; any Goidelic language. / Manx Gaelic.
ScotlandGaelicEnglishnameGoidelic; any Goidelic language. / Scottish Gaelic.
ScotlandGaelicEnglishnameGoidelic; any Goidelic language.
ScotlandGaelicEnglishadjOf or relating to the Gaels, the Goidel peoples of Scotland and Ireland, and the Manx, or their languages.not-comparable
ScotlandGaelicEnglishnounShort for Gaelic football.abbreviation alt-of uncountable
Seabirdsgant eairkaghManxnounroseate ternmasculine
Seabirdsgant eairkaghManxnounSandwich ternmasculine
SeafoodbukobukoCebuanonounthe back of a person or animalanatomy medicine sciences
SeafoodbukobukoCebuanonounthe back of a person or animal / the upper back, opposite the chestanatomy medicine sciencesespecially
SeafoodbukobukoCebuanonouna type of cuttlefish
SeafoodمحارArabicnounmother-of-pearl, nacrecollective
SeismologyܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnounshuddering, trembling, quaking
SeismologyܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnountremor
SeismologyܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnounhalf-cooked egg
SensessluchSlovaknounhearinginanimate masculine
SensessluchSlovaknounearinanimate masculine
SevenKoreannumsevenSino-Korean numeral
SewingsäjeIngriannounthread, strand
SewingsäjeIngriannounwindflaw, gust
SewingsäjeIngriannoundrink (dose of an alcoholic beverage)
SewingգրապանOld Armeniannounhem at the neckline or the skirt of the dress
SewingգրապանOld Armeniannounephod
SewingգրապանOld Armeniannounpocketpost-Classical
Sewing針黹Chinesenounthimble (a protective cap for the finger)Hokkien Mainland-China
Sexfu...kEnglishadvCensored spelling of fuck.not-comparable
Sexfu...kEnglishintjCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexfu...kEnglishnounCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexfu...kEnglishverbCensored spelling of fuck.intransitive transitive
Sexfu…kEnglishadvCensored spelling of fuck.not-comparable
Sexfu…kEnglishintjCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexfu…kEnglishnounCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexfu…kEnglishverbCensored spelling of fuck.intransitive transitive
SexprostituētLatvianverbto prostitute (to make someone work as a prostitute, i.e., having sex for profit)transitive
SexprostituētLatvianverbto use in some humiliating way; to corruptfiguratively transitive
SexsimikwaSwahiliadjemotional (of or relating to the emotions)invariable
SexsimikwaSwahiliverbPassive form of -simika: to be erectedform-of passive
SexsimikwaSwahiliverbto have an erectionlifestyle sex sexuality
Sex positionsriding St. GeorgeEnglishnounThe St. George sex position.uncountable
Sex positionsriding St. GeorgeEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of ride St. Georgeform-of gerund participle present
Sexual orientationspederastaPolishnoungay manderogatory masculine person
Sexual orientationspederastaPolishnounpederasthistorical masculine person
SexualityheitrighnéasachIrishnounheterosexual (person)masculine
Sexually transmitted diseasesFrenchifiedEnglishadjMade French or more French-like.
Sexually transmitted diseasesFrenchifiedEnglishadjHaving contracted a venereal disease.slang
Sexually transmitted diseasesFrenchifiedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of Frenchifyform-of participle past
ShapesܡܩܦܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjcubic, cuboid
ShapesܡܩܦܣܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncube (polyhedron having of six identical square faces)geometry mathematics sciences
ShapesọgbunYorubanouna deep pit
ShapesọgbunYorubanounan ellipse, oval
ShapesọgbunYorubanounthe black mangrove, Avicennia germinans
SheepgrivetteFrenchnoundiminutive of grivediminutive feminine form-of
SheepgrivetteFrenchnounGrivette (breed of sheep)feminine
SheepmaciorkaPolishnoundiminutive of macioradiminutive feminine form-of
SheepmaciorkaPolishnounewe (female sheep)feminine
SheepmaciorkaPolishnounhemp with female flowersfeminine
SiliconorganosiliconEnglishadjDescribing any of a series of derivatives of silicon that have at least one alkyl or aryl group, especially one containing at least one carbon–silicon bond.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
SiliconorganosiliconEnglishnounAny compound of this kind.
Singing詠嘆JapanesenounThe use of particles or jodōshi to show an admirative tonegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Singing詠嘆Japanesenounadmiration, wonder
Singing詠嘆Japaneseverbto be deeply moved, to be admired
Singing詠嘆Japaneseverbto intone, to sing, to chantusually
SixteensixteenfoldEnglishadjBy a factor of sixteen.not-comparable
SixteensixteenfoldEnglishadvBy a factor of sixteen.not-comparable
Slavic mythologyleśnikPolishnounforestkeeper, forestermasculine person
Slavic mythologyleśnikPolishnounleshy (male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology who protects wild animals and forests)animal-not-person masculine
SleepkuszetkaPolishnouncouchette, berthnautical transportfeminine
SleepkuszetkaPolishnounsofa, couch, setteedated feminine
Smellstink to high heavenEnglishverbTo have a very strong and unpleasant smell.
Smellstink to high heavenEnglishverbOf a person or situation: to be highly ethically dubious; also, of a person: to be very incompetent.figuratively
SmokingмундштукRussiannounmouthpiece (part of a wind or brass instrument)
SmokingмундштукRussiannouncigarette holder
SmokingмундштукRussiannouncurb bitequestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sports
SnackspopcornEnglishnounA snack food made from corn or maize kernels popped by dry heating.uncountable
SnackspopcornEnglishnounA type of corn or maize with a hard outer hull that, along with the type of starch it contains, makes it suitable for popping.uncountable
SnackspopcornEnglishnounA kind of stitch similar to a knitting manufacturing textilescountable uncountable
SnackspopcornEnglishnounA form of brainstorming in which participants call out their ideas immediately, instead of waiting for an assigned turn to speak.attributive countable uncountable
SnackspopcornEnglishnounEntertainment for observers.countable humorous uncountable
SnackspopcornEnglishverbTo stand or jump up quickly.
SnackspopcornEnglishverbTo pop repeatedly, like popcorn cooking.
SnackspopcornEnglishverbTo use the popcorn knitting manufacturing textilesrare
SnakesboaFrenchnounboa (snake)masculine
SnakesboaFrenchnounboa (scarf)masculine
SnowgombleEnglishnounThe accretion of snow on hair and fur.uncountable
SnowgombleEnglishnounA ball of snow hanging from hair or fur that has developed through accretion.countable
Soapberry family plantslitsiFinnishnounlychee
Soapberry family plantslitsiFinnishnounnotch (in a wood joint)
Societypraca u podstawPolishnounsocial program implemented after the January Uprising intended on improving education and the bare necessities for the poorest peopleeconomics sciencesfeminine historical
Societypraca u podstawPolishnounsocial program helping people who occupy the lowest class to help build an institution focused on their abilitieseconomics sciencesfeminine
Soil sciencebahnoUpper Sorbiannounbog, swampneuter
Soil sciencebahnoUpper Sorbiannounmire, mudneuter
SoricomorphsխլուրդOld Armeniannounmole (animal)
SoricomorphsխլուրդOld Armeniannoungangrene, canker
SoundveuCatalannounword, termfeminine
SoundveuCatalannountime, occasionarchaic feminine
SoundveuCatalannounplace, steadarchaic feminine in-plural
SoundveuCatalanverbthird-person singular present/preterite indicative of veureform-of indicative present preterite singular third-person
SoundveuCatalanverbthird-person singular present/preterite indicative of veureValencia form-of indicative literary present preterite singular third-person
SoundsretròCatalannounrumble, boommasculine
SoundsretròCatalannounreverberation, echomasculine
South Carolina, USASouth CarolinianEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, South Carolinanot-comparable
South Carolina, USASouth CarolinianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of South Carolina in the United States of America.
South KoreaHan RiverEnglishnameA major river in South Korea that flows through Seoul.
South KoreaHan RiverEnglishnameA tributary of the Yangtse flowing through Shaanxi and Hubei, China, with its river mouth in Wuhan
South Korea愛國歌ChinesenameAegukka, the North Korean national anthem.
South Korea愛國歌ChinesenameAegukga, the South Korean national anthem.
South Korea愛國歌ChinesenamePatrioticheskaya Pesnya, the former Russian national anthem.
Soviet UnionBolschewistGermannounBolshevist (male or unspecified sex)masculine weak
Soviet UnionBolschewistGermannounany communist or Soviet personbroadly derogatory masculine weak
SpacecraftSoyuzEnglishnounAny of a series of Soviet, later Russian spacecraft. / Any of a series of Soviet/Russian space capsules
SpacecraftSoyuzEnglishnounAny of a series of Soviet, later Russian spacecraft. / Any of a series of Soviet/Russian space launch rockets
SparidssteenbrasEnglishnounAny of various fish of the sparid genus Lithognathus.
SparidssteenbrasEnglishnounAny biskop, a fish of species Cymatoceps nasutus and Sparodon durbanensis.
Spices and herbsbasilicFrenchnounbasilisk (lizard, mythological serpent)masculine
Spices and herbsbasilicFrenchnounbasil (plant, herb)masculine
Spices and herbsbasilicFrenchnounbasiliskgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
Spices and herbsingefærNorwegian Bokmålnounginger (a plant from which ginger root is obtained: Zingiber officinale)masculine
Spices and herbsingefærNorwegian Bokmålnounginger (the spice obtained from ginger root)masculine
Spices and herbslavandaSpanishnounlavender (plant and flower)feminine
Spices and herbslavandaSpanishnounlavender (color)feminine
Spices and herbsmostardaPortuguesenounmustard (condiment)feminine
Spices and herbsmostardaPortuguesenounmustard (plant)feminine
Spices and herbsmostardaPortuguesenounmustard seedsfeminine
Staff vine family plantstrzmielPolishnounbumblebee (genus of bee)animal-not-person masculine
Staff vine family plantstrzmielPolishnounObsolete form of trzmielina.alt-of inanimate masculine obsolete
StarsîasytatáOld Tupinounstar (luminous celestial body)
StarsîasytatáOld Tupinounstarfish
States of the United StatesIovaLatinnameIowaNew-Latin declension-1
States of the United StatesIovaLatinnameJehovah
StatisticsstatystykaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of statystykaccusative form-of genitive singular
Stock charactersmutantEnglishnounThat has mutated, with one or more new characteristics from a mutation.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
Stock charactersmutantEnglishnounSomeone or something that seems strange, abnormal, or bizarre.informal
Stock charactersmutantEnglishnounSynonym of mutexcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Stock charactersmutantEnglishadjOf, relating to, undergoing (i.e. mutating), or resulting from change or mutation; that has undergone mutation.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
Stock charactersmutantEnglishadjStrange, abnormal, or bizarre.informal not-comparable
StyriaStyrianEnglishadjOf, from or relating to Styria.not-comparable
StyriaStyrianEnglishnounSomeone from Styria.
SugarsسكرArabicverbto sugar, to sprinkle sugar over
SugarsسكرArabicverbto sweeten, to add sugar
SugarsسكرArabicverbto candy
SugarsسكرArabicverbto get drunk, to become intoxicated
SugarsسكرArabicverbto be drunk, to be intoxicated
SugarsسكرArabicnounverbal noun of سَكِرَ (sakira) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
SugarsسكرArabicnoundrunkenness, intoxication, inebriety
SugarsسكرArabicnounverbal noun of سَكِرَ (sakira) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
SugarsسكرArabicnounAlternative form of سُكَّار (sukkār, “bolt-lock”)alt-of alternative
Sumac family plantsskunkbushEnglishnounA low shrubby type of sumac, Rhus trilobata.
Sumac family plantsskunkbushEnglishnounRhus aromatica.
SweetsfudgeEnglishnounA type of very sweet candy or confection, usually made from sugar, butter, and milk or cream.uncountable
SweetsfudgeEnglishnounA type of very sweet candy or confection, usually made from sugar, butter, and milk or cream. / Chocolate fudge.US countable uncountable
SweetsfudgeEnglishnounLight or frothy nonsense.uncountable
SweetsfudgeEnglishnounA deliberately misleading or vague answer.countable
SweetsfudgeEnglishnounA made-up story.dated uncountable
SweetsfudgeEnglishnounA less than perfect decision or solution; an attempt to fix an incorrect solution after the fact.countable
SweetsfudgeEnglishnounFecal matter; feces.countable euphemistic slang uncountable
SweetsfudgeEnglishverbTo try to avoid giving a direct answer.intransitive
SweetsfudgeEnglishverbTo alter something from its true state, as to hide a flaw or uncertainty, deliberately but not necessarily dishonestly or immorally.transitive
SweetsfudgeEnglishverbTo botch or bungle something.dated intransitive transitive
SweetsfudgeEnglishverbTo cheat, especially in the game of marbles.
SweetsfudgeEnglishintjUsed in place of fuck.colloquial
SweetsfudgeEnglishintjNonsense; tommyrot.archaic colloquial
SwordsdegenEnglishnounSword.UK obsolete
SwordsmaneEnglishnounLonger hair growth on back of neck of an animal, especially a horse or lion
SwordsmaneEnglishnounLong or thick hair of a person's head.
SwordsmaneEnglishnounPart of a naval sword between the tang button and the quillon.
SwordsmaneEnglishnounAlternative form of man (suggesting an AAVE accent)alt-of alternative slang
TalkingbigmouthedEnglishadjLoud or talkative, especially in an indiscreet manner.
TalkingbigmouthedEnglishadjHaving a large mouth.
TalkingdittyEnglishnounA short, simple verse or song.
TalkingdittyEnglishnounA saying or utterance, especially one that is short and frequently repeated.
TalkingdittyEnglishverbTo sing; to warble a little tune.
TalkingfarfullarSpanishverbto babble
TalkingfarfullarSpanishverbto stutter
TalkingfarfullarSpanishverbto splutter
TalkingschreeuwDutchverbinflection of schreeuwen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
TalkingschreeuwDutchverbinflection of schreeuwen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
TalkingschreeuwDutchverbinflection of schreeuwen: / imperativeform-of imperative
TasteKoreannountaste, flavor
TasteKoreannountaste, relish, zest
TasteKoreannounexperience, knowledge
TasteKoreannounrazor clam; solen
TeethesmaltCatalannountincturegovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
TeethnanhVietnamesenounan eyetooth; fang; (upper) canine tooth
TeethnanhVietnamesenouna milk tooth (first tooth of a baby)figuratively
TeethnanhVietnamesenouna tuskanatomy medicine sciences
TeethnanhVietnamesenouna sprout (stem emerging from a seed)figuratively
Telephony911EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Liberia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Anguilla, Palau, and Tonga.
Telephony911EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Belize Canada Philippines US countable metonymically uncountable
Telephony911EnglishnounAn emergency phone call.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Telephony911EnglishnounAn emergency.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Telephony911EnglishverbTo call emergency services.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial
Telephony911EnglishnameA prominent family of sports cars manufactured by Porsche.automotive transport vehicles
TelephonylinkaCzechnounphone linefeminine
TelephonylinkaCzechnounroute, line (itinerary of stops of mass transportation)feminine
Televisionदूरदर्शनHindinameDoordarshan (the first television network of India)
Televisionदूरदर्शनHindinounability to see far
TemperaturefázikHungarianverbto be cold, to feel cold, to feel chillyintransitive
TemperaturefázikHungarianverbto shy away from, to be averse to, to shrink from, to get cold feet (followed by -tól/-től) (to become nervous or anxious about an upcoming event when thinking about it)colloquial figuratively intransitive
TextilesfutrzakPolishnounrug or bedspread made from fur clippingsanimal-not-person masculine
TextilesfutrzakPolishnountoy made of furanimal-not-person masculine
TextilesfutrzakPolishnouncritter, pet (animal covered with thick fur)animal-not-person colloquial endearing masculine
TextilesfutrzakPolishnounsulawesi soft-furred ratanimal-not-person masculine
TextilesfutrzakPolishnounfurry (anthropomorphic animal character)animal-not-person masculine
TextilesfutrzakPolishnounfurry (member of the furry fandom)animal-not-person masculine
TextilesgabardineEnglishnounA type of woolen cloth with a diagonal ribbed texture on one side.countable uncountable usually
TextilesgabardineEnglishnounA similar fabric, made from cotton.countable uncountable usually
TextilesgabardineEnglishnounA long cloak.countable usually
TextilesgabardineEnglishnounA yellow robe that Jews in England were compelled to wear in the year 1189 as a mark of distinction.countable historical usually
ThousandtalířCzechnounplate (a serving dish)inanimate masculine
ThousandtalířCzechnouna thousand crowns (thousand units of Czech currency)inanimate informal masculine
ThreebaVietnamesenounfatherSouthern Vietnam
ThreebaVietnameseadjsecondbornSouthern Vietnam
ThreebaVietnamesedetsome, an indefinite quantity greater than onecolloquial
ThreebaVietnamesenounwave; ripplein-compounds
Timber industryдрвосечаSerbo-Croatiannounwoodcutter
Timber industryдрвосечаSerbo-Croatiannounlumberjack
TimeICTEnglishnameInitialism of Indochina Time.abbreviation alt-of initialism
TimeICTEnglishnounInitialism of In-Circuit electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism
TimeICTEnglishnounInitialism of Information and Communications communication communications electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
TimeICTEnglishnounInitialism of International Crimes Tribunal.lawabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
TimeICTEnglishnounInitialism of Islamabad Capital Territory.Pakistan abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
TimepicCatalannounpeak (of a mountain)masculine
TimepicCatalannounpeak (moment of maximum intensity)masculine
TimepicCatalannounknock, strike, blowmasculine
TimepicCatalannounprick, stingmasculine
TimepicCatalannoundot, bulletmedia publishing typographymasculine
TimepicCatalannountime (occasion)Mallorca masculine
TimetulanCentral Dusunnounmoon
TimetulanCentral Dusunnounmonth
TimeдолгоRussianadva long time; for a long time
TimeдолгоRussianadjshort neuter singular of до́лгий (dólgij)form-of neuter short-form singular
TimeжапEastern Marinountime
TimeжапEastern Marinounseason, time, era, period
TimeжапEastern Marinountensehuman-sciences linguistics sciences
TimeжапEastern Marinoundeadline
TimeжапEastern Marinounwatch, clockfiguratively
TimeзаходRussiannounrecess, set, setting, sundown
TimeзаходRussiannounstopping, calling (a ship), approach (an airplane)
TimeзаходRussiannounattempt, trial
Timeپس پریروزPersiannountwo days before yesterday
Timeپس پریروزPersianadvtwo days before yesterday
Timeအတိတ်Burmesenounthe past
Timeအတိတ်Burmesenounsign, omen
Timeအတိတ်Burmesenounpredictive legend relating to the result in some games of chance
Time常年Chinesenounaverage year
Time常年Chinesenounlong life
Time常年Chineseadvthroughout the year; year in year out
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounA chronometer, an instrument that measures time, particularly the time of day.countable uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounA common noun relating to an instrument that measures or keeps track of time.attributive countable uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounThe odometer of a motor vehicle.British countable uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounAn electrical signal that synchronizes timing among digital circuits of semiconductor chips or electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounThe seed head of a dandelion.countable uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounA time clock.countable uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounA CPU clock cycle, or T-state.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable informal uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounA luck-based patience or solitaire card game with the cards laid out to represent the face of a clock.uncountable
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo measure the duration of.transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo measure the speed of.transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo hit (someone) heavily.slang transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo notice; to take notice of (someone or something).informal transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo recognize; to assess.informal transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo identify (someone) as having some attribute (for example, being trans or gay).informal transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo falsify the reading of the odometer of a vehicle.British slang
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo beat a video game.Australia British New-Zealand slang transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounA pattern near the heel of a sock or stocking.
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo ornament (e.g. the side of a stocking) with figured work.transitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishnounA large beetle, especially the European dung beetle (Geotrupes stercorarius).
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo make the sound of a hen; to cluck.Scotland dated intransitive
TimekeepingclockEnglishverbTo hatch.Scotland dated intransitive
TissuestkankaPolishnountissue (group of cells (along with their extracellular matrix if any) that are similar in origin and function together to do a specific job)biology natural-sciencescountable feminine
TissuestkankaPolishnounstructure (overall form or organization of something)feminine literary uncountable
TissuestkankaPolishnounweb (thin delicate cloth)archaic feminine uncountable
Titles先生人ChinesenounteacherMin Southern
Titles學士Chinesenounbachelor's degree
Titles學士Chinesenounperson with a university degree
Titles學士Chinesenounscholar; literati
ToolsamboltNorwegian Bokmålnounan anvilengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences toolsmasculine
ToolsamboltNorwegian Bokmålnounan anvil or incus (bone in the middle ear)anatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
ToolsbarweMiddle Englishnounhandbarrow (large tray with handles)
ToolsbarweMiddle Englishnounwheelbarrow (cart with single wheel)
ToolsbarweMiddle EnglishnounThe amount that can be contained in a handbarrow.rare
ToolsbarweMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of barwealt-of alternative
ToolsbesmeMiddle EnglishnounA broom (device for sweeping)
ToolsbesmeMiddle EnglishnounA bundle of sticks; a faggot.Early-Middle-English
ToolsbossellCatalannountorus (convex moulding)architecturemasculine
ToolsbossellCatalannounblock (pulley assembly)nautical transportmasculine
ToolsbossellCatalannounmoulding planearts business carpentry construction crafts hobbies lifestyle manufacturing woodworkingmasculine
ToolskiVietnamesenouna pinbowling hobbies lifestyle sports
ToolskiVietnamesenoundog (animal)colloquial euphemistic
ToolskiVietnamesenouna dustpan
ToolsmaymuncukTurkishnouna little monkey
ToolsmaymuncukTurkishnounpicklock (device designed to pick locks)
ToolsmaymuncukTurkishnounOtiorhynchus peregrinusbiology natural-sciences zoology
ToolstongsEnglishnounAn instrument or tool used for picking things up without touching them with the hands or fingers, consisting of two slats or grips hinged at the end or in the middle, and sometimes including a spring to open the grips.plural plural-only
ToolstongsEnglishnounA large scissors-like two-piece center-hinged forged-iron implement with oval-loop handles and with pointed tips turned inward (in the same plane as and perpendicular to the handles) to facilitate lifting and carrying a block of ice. Often called ice tongs.broadly plural plural-only
ToolstongsEnglishnounplural of tong (“instrument”)form-of plural
ToolstongsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of tongform-of indicative present singular third-person
ToolstongsEnglishnounplural of tong (“Chinese secret society”)form-of plural
ToolsբիզArmenianadjpointed, sharp
Torturedeath by a thousand cutsEnglishnounLingchi, a form of execution.countable uncountable
Torturedeath by a thousand cutsEnglishnounA gradual decline or failure as the result of many minor mishaps.countable figuratively uncountable
TourismpassearPortugueseverbto walk (take for a walk)
TourismpassearPortugueseverbto walk (go for a walk)
TourismpassearPortugueseverbto stroll, wander
TourismpassearPortugueseverbto travel in leisure, exploring a country or area
ToysrössleCimbriannoundiminutive of ross (“horse”)Luserna diminutive form-of neuter
ToysrössleCimbriannounrocking horseLuserna neuter
Translingual cardinal numbersVIIITranslingualnumA Roman numeral representing the number eight (8).
Translingual cardinal numbersVIIITranslingualnumthe eighth.especially
TravelvodičSerbo-Croatiannounguide, leader, head
TravelvojaĝintoEsperantonounone who has traveled, a traveled person
TravelvojaĝintoEsperantonounsingular past nominal active participle of vojaĝiactive form-of nominal participle past singular
TreesbugnayIlocanonouna bignay tree (Antidesma bunius)
TreesbugnayIlocanonounfruit of this tree
TreesigotCebuanonounSyzygium curranii; an evergreen tree in the family Myrtaceae
TreesigotCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
TreesjodłaPolishnounfir (any tree of the genus Abies)feminine
TreesjodłaPolishnounfir woodfeminine
TreesnaranjeroSpanishadjorange, orange growingrelational
TreesnaranjeroSpanishnounsomeone who grows or sells orangesmasculine
TreesnaranjeroSpanishnounan orange treemasculine
TreesposuszPolishnounsnags (standing dead or dying trees)collective inanimate masculine
TreesposuszPolishnoundry branches or twigscollective inanimate masculine
TreesposuszPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of posuszyćform-of imperative second-person singular
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounAny of several deciduous trees, some used for furniture, as the tulip tree. / Terminalia buceras (black olive, gregory wood), a Caribbean treecountable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounAny of several deciduous trees, some used for furniture, as the tulip tree. / Coccoloba krugii (whitewood seagrape), of the neotropicscountable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounAny of several deciduous trees, some used for furniture, as the tulip tree. / Petrobium atboreum (Saint Helena whitewood), an endemic tree of the island of St Helenacountable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounAny of several deciduous trees, some used for furniture, as the tulip tree. / Elaeocarpus kirtonii (brown-heart quandong, mountain beech, Mowbullan whitewood, pigeonberry ash, silver quandong, white quandong, white beech), an Australian rainforest treecountable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounAny of several deciduous trees, some used for furniture, as the tulip tree. / Elaeocarpus obovatus (blueberry-ash), freckled oliveberry, grey carrobean, hard quandong), an Australian rainforest treecountable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounAny of several deciduous trees, some used for furniture, as the tulip tree. / Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip poplar), a large flowering tree of North America.countable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounAny of several deciduous trees, some used for furniture, as the tulip tree. / Tabebuia heterophylla (white cedar), of the Caribbean and South America.countable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounThe wood of these trees or of spruce (Picea spp.)countable uncountable
TreeswhitewoodEnglishnounA prototype version of a pinball table, without the final artwork.countable uncountable
Treesცა̈̄ჲრაSvannounelm tree's log, timber
TribesGeorgiLatinnameA tribe of Asia mentioned by Plinydeclension-2
TribesGeorgiLatinnamevocative singular of Geōrgiusform-of singular vocative
True sparrowsparipariCebuanonounthe house sparrow, Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers
True sparrowsparipariCebuanonouna member of the family Passeridae, comprising small Old World songbirds
True sparrowsparipariCebuanonouna member of the family Emberizidae, comprising small New World songbirds
TurkeyPaschaGermannounpasha (high-ranking Turkish military officer)historical masculine strong
TurkeyPaschaGermannounmale chauvinist, alpha malebroadly colloquial derogatory masculine often strong
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA person or device that cuts (in various senses).
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA single-masted, fore-and-aft rigged, sailing vessel with at least two headsails, and a mast set further aft than that of a sloop.nautical transport
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA foretooth; an incisor.
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA heavy-duty motor boat for official use.
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA ship's boat, used for transport ship-to-ship or ship-to-shore.nautical transport
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA ball that moves sideways in the air, or off the pitch, because it has been cut.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA cut fastball.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA ten-pence piece. So named because it is the coin most often sharpened by prison inmates to use as a weapon.slang
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA person who practices self-injury by making cuts in the flesh.informal
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA surgeon.medicine sciencescolloquial slang
UltimatecutterEnglishnounAn animal yielding inferior meat, with little or no external fat and marbling.
UltimatecutterEnglishnounAn officer in the exchequer who notes by cutting on the tallies the sums paid.obsolete
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA ruffian; a bravo; a destroyer.obsolete
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA kind of soft yellow brick, easily cut, and used for facework.obsolete
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA light sleigh drawn by one horse.
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA flag or similar instrument for blocking light.broadcasting media television
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA knife.Multicultural-London-English
UltimatecutterEnglishnounAn active child.Maine
UltimatecutterEnglishnounA supporter of infant circumcision or female genital mutilation; pro-circumcisionist.derogatory
Underwater divingsubmarinistaCatalanadjunderwaterfeminine masculine
Underwater divingsubmarinistaCatalannoundiver, scuba diverby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Underwater divingsubmarinistaCatalannounsubmarinerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Underwearbanana hammockEnglishnounA male thong.slang
Underwearbanana hammockEnglishnounA pair of skimpy swim briefs for men.slang
UnderwearunderstockingEnglishnounA stocking intended to be worn under another stocking.
UnderwearunderstockingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of understockform-of gerund participle present
Units of measurenitEnglishnounThe egg of a louse.
Units of measurenitEnglishnounA young louse.
Units of measurenitEnglishnounA head louse regardless of its age.Ireland UK slang
Units of measurenitEnglishnounA fool, a nitwit.UK slang
Units of measurenitEnglishnounA minor shortcoming; the object of a nitpick.
Units of measurenitEnglishnounA nitpicker.
Units of measurenitEnglishverbTo have the modus vivendi of a drug addict, to live the life of a nitty.Multicultural-London-English
Units of measurenitEnglishnounA candela per square metre.
Units of measurenitEnglishnounSynonym of nat (“logarithmic unit of information”)
Units of measurenitEnglishnounA player with an overly cautious and reactive playing style.card-games poker
UniversitiesUWSEnglishnameInitialism of Upper West Side (“a neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States”).abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesUWSEnglishnameInitialism of University of Wisconsin–Superior.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesUWSEnglishnameInitialism of University of the West of Scotland.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UniversitiesUWSEnglishnameInitialism of University of Western States.abbreviation alt-of initialism
UrsidskamuyAinunouna god (deity)
UrsidskamuyAinunouna bear (large mammal of family Ursidae)broadly
UrsidskamuyAinuadjan honorific-like title applied to anything great, important, or terrible, not necessarily implying divinity
Ursidsஅச்சம்Tamilnounfear, dread, terror
Ursidsஅச்சம்Tamilnounclearness, crystal
VegetablesKohlGermannouncabbage (plant of the genus Brassica)masculine strong
VegetablesKohlGermannamea surname originating as an occupation for a grower or seller of cabbagesfeminine masculine proper-noun surname
VegetablesKohlGermannounnonsense; idle talkdated masculine no-plural possibly strong
VegetablesbetaItaliannounthe name of the Greek script letter Β/β; betafeminine invariable
VegetablesbetaItaliannounbeta (software version)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine invariable
VegetablesbetaItaliannounAlternative form of bieta; beetalt-of alternative feminine
VehiclescarRomaniannountank (military vehicle)archaic neuter
VehiclescarRomanianverbfirst-person singular present indicative/subjunctive of cărafirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive
VehiclescarRomaniannoundeath-watch beetlemasculine
VehiclesmonovolumeItalianadjsingle-volume (publication)invariable
VehiclesmonovolumeItaliannounminivan; MPV (multi purpose vehicle) (or any of several other motor vehicles having a single volume for people and cargo)feminine invariable masculine
VehiclesskútrCzechnounscooter, motor scooterinanimate masculine
VehiclesskútrCzechnounsnowmobileinanimate masculine
VehicleswagonPolishnouncar, railroad car (nonpowered unit in a railroad train)rail-transport railways transportinanimate masculine
VehicleswagonPolishnountruckloadcolloquial inanimate masculine
VehicleszaprzęgPolishnouna horse-drawn vehicle; any animal-drawn vehicleinanimate masculine
VehicleszaprzęgPolishnouna group of animals used to pull a vehicle (such as a carriage, sled, etc.)inanimate masculine
VehicleszaprzęgPolishnouna harnessinanimate masculine
VehicleszaprzęgPolishnouna harness and vehicle togetherinanimate masculine
VesselskalengIndonesiannountin (metal, element)dialectal
VesselsܡܩܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounbeak
VesselsܡܩܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncanal, aqueduct; cistern
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfaradvon the right
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfaradvto the right
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfarnounright
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfarnounright hand
Veterinary medicinemigdaAfarnounblackleg (Clostridium chauvoei)
Video gamesB2PEnglishnounAbbreviation of birth-to-potty (“clipping of birth-to-potty diaper”).abbreviation alt-of informal
Video gamesB2PEnglishadjAbbreviation of buy-to-play (“that which can be played with a single, one-time purchase; pay-to-play”).video-gamesabbreviation alt-of not-comparable
Video gamesJapanesesymbolThe number 9 enclosed in a circle, used in enumerating lists.
Video gamesJapanesenounThe Touhou character Cirno, known affectionately as an idiot.lifestyleendearing slang
Vietnamese numeral symbols𠄻Vietnamesecharacterno-gloss
Vietnamese numeral symbols𠄻VietnamesenumNôm form of lăm (“(only in compounds) five”).
Vietnamese numeral symbols𠄻VietnamesenounNôm form of rằm (“the 15th day of a lunar month, the day of a full moon, on which some Vietnamese people place offerings on their altars and pray for good luck”).
VillagesYrjöläFinnishnamea Finnish surname transferred from the given name
VillagesYrjöläFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland.
ViolencepugnaLatinnouna fight, battle, combat, actiondeclension-1 feminine
ViolencepugnaLatinnouna line of battle, troops drawn up for battledeclension-1 feminine
ViolencepugnaLatinnouna contest, dispute, quarreldeclension-1 feminine
ViolencepugnaLatinverbsecond-person singular present active imperative of pugnōactive form-of imperative present second-person singular
ViolencerampageEnglishnounA course of violent, frenzied action.
ViolencerampageEnglishnounWild partying, typically a drinking binge
ViolencerampageEnglishverbTo move about wildly or violently.
Violence巷戰Chinesenounurban warfare
VisionsightEnglishnounThe ability to see.countable singular uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounThe act of seeing; perception of objects by the eye; view.countable uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounSomething seen.countable uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounSomething worth seeing; a spectacle, either good or bad.countable in-plural often uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounA device used in aiming a projectile, through which the person aiming looks at the intended target.countable in-plural often uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounA small aperture through which objects are to be seen, and by which their direction is settled or ascertained.countable uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnouna great deal, a lot; frequently used to intensify a comparative.colloquial countable uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounIn a drawing, picture, etc., that part of the surface, as of paper or canvas, which is within the frame or the border or margin. In a frame, the open space, the opening.countable uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounThe instrument of seeing; the eye.countable obsolete uncountable
VisionsightEnglishnounMental view; opinion; judgment.countable uncountable
VisionsightEnglishverbTo see; to get sight of (something); to register visually.transitive
VisionsightEnglishverbTo see; to get sight of (something); to register visually. / To observe though, or as if through, a sight, to check the elevation, direction, levelness, or other characteristics of, especially when surveying or navigating.transitive
VisionsightEnglishverbTo apply sights to; to adjust the sights of.transitive
VisionsightEnglishverbTo observe or aim (at something) using a (gun) sight.intransitive transitive
Visualizationchú giảiVietnameseverbto gloss; to annotate explanatorily; to make a clarifying textual comment
Visualizationchú giảiVietnamesenouna gloss; explanatory annotation
Visualizationchú giảiVietnamesenouna commentary; exegesis
Visualizationchú giảiVietnamesenouna legend; keycartography geography natural-sciences
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo cry out; to shout or yell: / To weep or cry in sorrow.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo cry out; to shout or yell: / To shout against; to verbally protest.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo cry out; to shout or yell: / To plead for help or justice.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo cry out; to shout or yell: / To pray for divine aid; to supplicate.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo announce or proclaim: / To order, charge, or direct.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo announce or proclaim: / To call for people; to summon.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo make a characteristic sound.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo sound a horn or trumpet.
VocalizationscrienMiddle EnglishverbTo feel distraught.rare
VolleyballvolleyballEnglishnounA game played on a rectangular court between two teams of two to six players which involves striking a ball back and forth over a net.uncountable
VolleyballvolleyballEnglishnounThe inflated ball used in such a game.countable
VultureskondorHungarianadjAlternative form of göndör (“curly”).alt-of alternative dialectal literary
Warholy warEnglishnounA war which is primarily caused or justified by differences in religion and beliefs.
Warholy warEnglishnounA long-running and acrimonious debate or flame war over personal preferences in technical matters, such as the choice between little-endian and big-endian representation.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesInternet
Warholy warEnglishnounThe rivalry between the sports teams of Brigham Young University and the University of Utah.
WarresistenceMiddle EnglishnounMilitary resistance or opposition to a government.uncountable
WarresistenceMiddle EnglishnounPassive or peaceful resistance or opposition to a government.uncountable
WarresistenceMiddle EnglishnounChallenge, obstruction; a hazard or obstacle.uncountable
WarresistenceMiddle EnglishnounHardness, rigidity; the state of being firm or non-flexible.rare uncountable
WarresistenceMiddle EnglishnounAn opposing argument; a response to an argumentrare uncountable
WarresistenceMiddle EnglishnounAn individual's capability for resisting.rare uncountable
WarresistenceMiddle EnglishnounA strike or attack.rare uncountable
WarshipsپاراخوتUyghurnounship, boat, steamship
WarshipsپاراخوتUyghurnounwarshipgovernment military politics war
Washington, D.C.K StreetEnglishnameA street in Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Washington, D.C.K StreetEnglishnameThe section of K Street, D.C., USA, where political lobbyists have their offices.government politicsUS
Washington, D.C.K StreetEnglishnameThe people and firms that lobby the United States Congress.government politicsUS figuratively
WateragmenLatinnouna train of something; multitude, host, crowd, flockdeclension-3 neuter
WateragmenLatinnounan army, column, troop, band; line of troopsdeclension-3 neuter
WateragmenLatinnounstream, course, current, motiondeclension-3 neuter
WateragmenLatinnounprocession, march, progress, movementdeclension-3 neuter
Waterdeep-waterEnglishadjHaving a great depth of water.
Waterdeep-waterEnglishadjCarried out at great depth.
Waterdeep-waterEnglishadjLocated in or near deep ocean waters.
Waterdeep-waterEnglishadjLiving at a great depth underwater
WatercraftcanalerEnglishnounA person living or working along a canal.
WatercraftcanalerEnglishnounA vessel of a design modified for use in a particular canal.nautical transportCanada
WatercraftsafinaSwahilinounship, boatclass-10 class-9 uncommon
WatercraftsafinaSwahilinounark (ship of the biblical character Noah)class-10 class-9
WeaponsTaserEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of taseralt-of
WeaponsTaserEnglishverbAlternative letter-case form of taseralt-of
WeaponsarcuSiciliannounbowengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrymasculine
WeaponsarcuSiciliannounbowentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
WeaponsarcuSiciliannounarcgeometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounaxe, hatchet (tool for felling trees or chopping wood)feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounace, wizard (someone who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field)colloquial feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnouna kind of torch or large candle (often with four sticks)feminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnouna kind of wick or fuse (often made with esparto grass and tar), which does not go out easily in the windfeminine
WeaponshachaSpanishnounbundle of straw tied up like a strip and often used to help cover huts or other field constructionsfeminine
WeaponshachaSpanishverbinflection of hachar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WeaponshachaSpanishverbinflection of hachar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WeaponsknijfDutchnounlong pointy knife, poniardarchaic neuter
WeaponsknijfDutchnounswitchbladeneuter regional
WeaponsknijfDutchnounpocketknifedialectal neuter
WeaponskordzikPolishnoundiminutive of korddiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
WeaponskordzikPolishnounnaval dirk (thrusting weapon, originally functioning as a boarding weapon and as a functional fighting dagger)inanimate masculine
WeaponsглушительRussiannounmuffler (part of exhaust pipe)
WeaponsглушительRussiannounsilencer (an attachment to a gun)
WeaponsпорокRussiannounvice (bad or undesirable habit)
WeaponsпорокRussiannounflaw, defect, blemish
WeaponsпорокRussiannounmangonel, catapulthistorical
WeaponsпорокRussiannoungenitive plural of по́рка (pórka)form-of genitive plural
WeaponsтокмакSerbo-Croatiannounsledgehammer, mallet
WeaponsтокмакSerbo-Croatiannounblockhead, sot, dunderpate
WeathertuulonenFinnishnoundiminutive of tuuli / a puff of wind
WeathertuulonenFinnishnoundiminutive of tuuli / a gentle wind
WeavingwevereMiddle EnglishnounA weaver; a person who weaves as a job.
WeavingwevereMiddle EnglishnounA weavers' guild.
WhalespływaczPolishnouna plant of the genus Utriculariainanimate masculine
WhalespływaczPolishnounA gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)animal-not-person masculine
WhalespływaczPolishnouna swimmermasculine obsolete person
Whitesold laceEnglishnounA off-white colour, like that of old lace.uncountable
Whitesold laceEnglishadjOf an off-white colour, like that of old lace.not-comparable
WindtailwindEnglishnounA wind that blows in the same direction as the course taken by an aircraft, sailing ship, bird, etc.natural-sciences nautical physical-sciences physics transport
WindtailwindEnglishnounA force that accelerates progress.broadly figuratively
WindtailwindEnglishverbOf a wind, to blow on a windmill or wind turbine in such a way that wind pressure is exerted on the wrong side of the sail or turbine assembly.
WindvētraLatviannounstorm (very strong wind (up to 30 m/s) which causes strong waves and land damage)declension-4 feminine
WindvētraLatviannounstorm (a social event with catastrophic consequences)declension-4 feminine figuratively
WindvētraLatviannounstorm (very strong manifestation of a mental phenomenon; also of protests, demands, etc.)declension-4 feminine figuratively
Wind風見Japanesenounan anemoscope
Wind風見Japanesenamea surname
WinevīnsLatviannounwine (alcoholic drink made from berriess or fruit juices)declension-1 masculine
WinevīnsLatviannounvine (the plant which produces grapes, usually called vīnkoks)declension-1 masculine
Wisconsin, USAビーバーJapanesenouna beaver (aquatic rodent)
Wisconsin, USAビーバーJapanesenameBeaver
WritingbombastNorwegian Bokmålnounbombast; cotton or cotton wool (raw fibers of cotton before being processed.)archaic masculine
WritingbombastNorwegian Bokmålnounbombast (high-sounding words; language above the dignity of the occasion; a pompous or ostentatious manner of writing or speaking.)figuratively masculine
WritingchirographumLatinnounone's handwriting; autographdeclension-2
Writing instrumentsperoSerbo-Croatiannounfeather, plume
Writing instrumentsperoSerbo-Croatiannounpen, quill (for writing)
Writing instrumentsperoSerbo-Croatiannounauthor, writerfiguratively
Writing instrumentsperoSerbo-Croatiannounplectrum
Writing instrumentsperoSerbo-Croatiannounflange of a mace head
Writing instrumentsαναλώσιμαGreeknounwriting materials, stationery
Writing instrumentsαναλώσιμαGreekadjNominative, accusative and vocative neuter plural form of αναλώσιμος (analósimos).
ZoroastrianismܙܪܕܘܫܬܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjZoroastrian (relating to or characteristic of Zoroastrianism)
ZoroastrianismܙܪܕܘܫܬܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounZoroastrian (a follower of Zoroastrianism)

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