Sample of disambiguated categories (>1 candidate)

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Academic degreesMaster of ArtsEnglishnounA postgraduate degree usually in a non-science subject.
Academic degreesMaster of ArtsEnglishnounA person holding such a degree.
AccipitersباشهPersianintjUsed to indicate acknowledgement or acceptance. OK
Accounting報銷Chineseverbto apply for reimbursement; to get one's expenses reimbursed; to submit one's expenses
Accounting報銷Chineseverbto report as unusable
Accounting報銷Chineseverbto wipe out; to eliminatefiguratively humorous
Administrative divisionszakresPolishnounrange, scope (limited in some way area of activities or phenomena; selection, array)inanimate masculine
Administrative divisionszakresPolishnounrange (maximum distance or reach of capability)inanimate masculine
Administrative divisionszakresPolishnoundenotationhuman-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesinanimate masculine
Administrative divisionszakresPolishnounnick (mark from cutting)inanimate masculine obsolete
Administrative divisionszakresPolishnounborderinanimate masculine obsolete
Administrative divisionszakresPolishnoundistrict (administrative division of an area)inanimate masculine obsolete
AfricaܐܦܪܝܩܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameAfrica (continent south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian Ocean and north of Antarctica)
AfricaܐܦܪܝܩܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameA province of the Roman Empire containing what is now modern Tunisia and portions of Libya.historical
AgriculturevergerCatalannounhouse gardenmasculine
AgricultureчепігаUkrainiannounploughstaff, plowstaff
AgricultureчепігаUkrainiannounAny mousebird of the genus Colius.
Airhot airEnglishnounAir that has been heated, especially so as to function as the lifting agent of a hot-air balloon.uncountable
Airhot airEnglishnounEmpty, confused, or exaggerated talk lacking meaning or substance; bluster.idiomatic uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesjajaFrenchadvnever in a million yearsinformal
Alcoholic beveragesjajaFrenchnountable winefeminine masculine slang
Alcoholic beveragesmursăRomaniannounmeadfeminine regional
Alcoholic beveragesmursăRomaniannounjuice, mustarchaic feminine
Alcoholic beveragesmursăRomaniannounsweetness, sweet part of a thing, pulp of a fruitarchaic feminine
Alcoholic beveragesviinaFinnishnounliquor (US), spirits (UK, Aus, NZ) (distilled alcoholic beverage) (especially vodka)
Alcoholic beveragesviinaFinnishnounbrandy (brandy made of fermented fruit juice, usually with a modifier that specifies the raw material)
Alcoholic beveragesviinaFinnishnounbooze (any alcoholic beverage)
Alcoholic beveragesпуншRussiannounpunch (a hot alcoholic beverage made from wine, rum, fruit juice, sugar or honey, and hot water and spices)
Alcoholic beveragesпуншRussiannounpunch (an alcoholic beverage mixed in a large bowl and generally containing a mixture of fruit juice and some other beverage)
AlloysbronzeEnglishnounA naturally occurring or man-made alloy of copper, usually in combination with tin, but also with one or more other metals.uncountable
AlloysbronzeEnglishnounA reddish-brown colour, the colour of bronze.countable uncountable
AlloysbronzeEnglishnounA work of art made of bronze, especially a sculpture.countable
AlloysbronzeEnglishnounA bronze medal.countable uncountable
AlloysbronzeEnglishnounBoldness; impudence.countable uncountable
AlloysbronzeEnglishadjMade of bronze metal.
AlloysbronzeEnglishadjHaving a reddish-brown colour.
AlloysbronzeEnglishadjTanned; darkened as a result of exposure to the sun.
AlloysbronzeEnglishverbTo plate with bronze.transitive
AlloysbronzeEnglishverbTo color bronze; (of the sun) to tan.transitive
AlloysbronzeEnglishverbTo change to a bronze or tan colour due to exposure to the sun.intransitive
AlloysbronzeEnglishverbTo make hard or unfeeling; to brazen.transitive
Alphabetsá-bê-cêPortuguesenounABC (the Latin alphabet)masculine
Alphabetsá-bê-cêPortuguesenounABC (the rudiments of any subject)masculine
AnatomyceannScottish Gaelicnounhead (of a body or a group of people)masculine
AnatomyceannScottish Gaelicnounend (the extreme part of something)masculine
AnatomyjantungMalaynounheart (an organ)anatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyjantungMalaynounsomething that shape like jantung
AnatomyjantungMalaynouna flower bud (of banana and artichoke).biology botany natural-sciences
AnatomyтелоRussiannounbody (physical structure of a human or animal)
AnatomyтелоRussiannounbodynatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Anatomyཏི་ད་ལིང​Kurtöpnounumbilical cord
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounAn object, usually in the form of a statuette, cup, or shield, awarded for success in a competition or to mark a special achievement.
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounAn object taken as a prize by a hunter, or a conqueror or belligerent, especially one that is displayed.
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounAny emblem of success; a status symbol.
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounAn object taken by a serial killer or rapist as a memento of the crime.criminology human-sciences law sciencesbroadly
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounA tropæum.Ancient-Rome historical
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounA display of weaponry and other militaria, often captured from a defeated enemy, as an ornament designed for the purpose of triumphalist display by a victor or as a show of military prowess by a monarch.architecture art arts
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounAn artifact or artwork that has been stolen by a criminal and traded on the black market.
Ancient RometrophyEnglishnounAn animal killed by a trophy hunter that usually has its parts sold on the black market.
Ancient RometrophyEnglishverbTo adorn with trophies.transitive
Ancient RometrophyEnglishverbTo win a trophy in a competition.intransitive
Andropogoneae tribe grasseskokamaEnglishnounA gemsbok.
Andropogoneae tribe grasseskokamaEnglishnounA mangosteen.India
Andropogoneae tribe grasseskokamaEnglishnounA variety of corn with purple kernels cultivated by the Hopi.
Andropogoneae tribe grasseskokamaEnglishnounA variety of grass Rottboellia cochinchinensis.
Animal body partswiechaPolishnouna bundle of straw, flowers, or branchesfeminine
Animal body partswiechaPolishnouna bundle of branches, a wreath, or a small tree suspended at the top of a scaffold or building during constructionfeminine
Animal body partswiechaPolishnouna paniclebiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Animal body partswiechaPolishnounthe tail of a wolfhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishnounA house or shelter for a dog.
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishnounA facility at which dogs are reared or boarded.
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishnounThe dogs kept at such a facility; a pack of hounds.UK collective
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishnounThe hole of a fox or other animal.
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishverbTo house or board a dog (or less commonly another animal).transitive
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishverbTo lie or lodge; to dwell, as a dog or a fox.intransitive
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishverbTo drive (a fox) to covert in its hole.transitive
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishnounThe gutter at the edge of a street; a surface drain.obsolete
Animal dwellingskennelEnglishnounA puddle.obsolete
Animal soundsувKomi-Zyriannounbranch
Animal soundsувKomi-Zyriannounbottom
Animal soundsувKomi-Zyrianintjwoof (the sound of a dog)
AnimalsbūrumAkkadiannounyoung calf (of either sex)Babylonian Standard masculine
AnimalsbūrumAkkadiannounfoal, kid (the young of quadrupeds)Babylonian Standard masculine
AnimalsdumeSwahilinounmale (typically of animals)class-5 class-6
AnimalsdumeSwahiliadjN class inflected form of -ume.class-10 class-9 form-of
AnimalsفرسSouth Levantine Arabicnounmare
AnimalsفرسSouth Levantine Arabicnounplural of فارسي (fārsi, “Persian”)form-of plural
AnimalsفرسSouth Levantine Arabicadjplural of فارسي (fārsi, “Persian”)form-of plural
Animals動物界Chinesenounanimal kingdom
Anteaters and slothsslothEnglishnounLaziness; slowness in the mindset; disinclination to action or labour.uncountable
Anteaters and slothsslothEnglishnounA herbivorous, arboreal South American mammal of the families Megalonychidae and Bradypodidae, noted for its slowness and inactivity.countable
Anteaters and slothsslothEnglishnounA collective term for a group of bears.countable rare uncountable
Anteaters and slothsslothEnglishverbTo be idle; to idle (away time).intransitive obsolete transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes. / As an intransitive verb, often with "at".intransitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes. / As a transitive verb, often in the imperative; chiefly takes relative clause as direct object.colloquial transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo appear, to seem.
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo give an appearance of being.copulative
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo search for, to try to find.intransitive often
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo face or present a view.
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo expect or anticipate.
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo express or manifest by a look.transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo make sure of, to see to.often transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo show oneself in looking.dated figuratively sometimes
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo check, to make sure (of something).archaic dialectal transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo look at; to turn the eyes toward.obsolete transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo seek; to search for.obsolete transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo influence, overawe, or subdue by looks or presence.obsolete transitive
AppearancelookEnglishverbTo look at a pitch as a batter without swinging at it.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
AppearancelookEnglishintjPay attention.
AppearancelookEnglishnounThe action of looking; an attempt to see.
AppearancelookEnglishnounPhysical appearance, visual impression.often plural
AppearancelookEnglishnounA facial expression.
Appearance形狀Chinesenounform; appearance
ArachnidsmialScottish Gaelicnounlousefeminine
ArachnidsmialScottish Gaelicnountick (insect)feminine
ArcherytoxophiliteEnglishadjPertaining to archery.
ArcherytoxophiliteEnglishnounSomeone keen on or an expert at archery; a lover or practitioner of archery.
ArchitecturecorredorPortuguesenounrunner, joggermasculine
ArchitecturecorredorPortuguesenouncorridor, gallery, aislemasculine
ArchitecturedurungawanTagalognounwindowarchaic literary
ArchitecturedurungawanTagalognounlookout point provided with railing or window-like structure
ArchitectureobeliskEnglishnounA tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point, frequently used as a monument.architecture
ArchitectureobeliskEnglishnounSynonym of obelus / A symbol resembling a horizontal line (–), sometimes together with one or two dots (for example, ⨪ or ÷), which was used in ancient manuscripts and texts to mark a word or passage as doubtful or spurious, or publishing typographyhistorical
ArchitectureobeliskEnglishnounSynonym of obelus / A dagger symbol (†), which is used in printed matter as a reference mark to refer the reader to a footnote, marginal note, etc.; beside a person's name to indicate that the person is deceased; or beside a date to indicate that it is a person's death publishing typography
ArchitectureobeliskEnglishverbTo adopt the obelisk posture; to point the tip of the abdomen towards the sun.biology entomology natural-sciences
Arithmetic地算Japanesenounelementary arithmetic
Arithmetic地算Japanesenounsame as above
Armenian numeral symbolsՌArmeniancharactercapital form of ռ (ṙ)form-of letter uppercase
Armenian numeral symbolsՌArmeniannum1000 in the system of Armenian numerals
ArmorcouraçaPortuguesenounany piece of armour made of leatherfeminine
ArtprincipaalDutchadjprincipal, mainformal not-comparable
ArtprincipaalDutchnounsuperior, leadermasculine obsolete
ArtprincipaalDutchnounexecutive of the Dutch East India Companyhistorical masculine
ArtprincipaalDutchnounoriginal of an artwork (especially of paintings)neuter obsolete
ArtprincipaalDutchnounmain matter, central issuelawneuter obsolete
ArttectiformEnglishadjRoof-shaped; sloping downwards on two sides from a raised central ridge.anthropology biology human-sciences natural-sciences sciences
ArttectiformEnglishnounA type of cave painting or engraving, having in its simplest form the shape of an upward-pointing wedge or arrow, thought to represent the roof of a tent or rudimentary building.anthropology human-sciences sciences
AsiasteppeEnglishnounThe grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia. Similar to (North American) prairie and (African) savanna.countable uncountable
AsiasteppeEnglishnounA vast, cold, dry grass-plain.countable uncountable
Asparagus family plantswhitewortEnglishnounwild camomile (Matricaria recutita)uncountable
Asparagus family plantswhitewortEnglishnounPolygonatum odoratum, a kind of Solomon's seal.uncountable
AstronomyastralEnglishadjRelating to or resembling the stars; starry.
AstronomyastralEnglishadjRelating to an aster.biology natural-sciences
AstronomyastralEnglishadjComposed of ethereal material or non-physical (sometimes supersensible), and capable of sometimes separating from the physical body (as an astral body) to travel to other places or to other realms of existence (in or via the astral plane).fantasy parapsychology pseudoscience
AstronomyastralEnglishnounA supernatural being from the astral plane.parapsychology pseudoscience
AstronomyrevoluciónGaliciannounrevolution, revoltfeminine
AstronomyrevoluciónGaliciannounrevolution (act of revolving)feminine
AthletesnapastniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of napastnik (“attacker, assailant”)feminine form-of
AthletesnapastniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of napastnik (“forward”) (player nearest to the opposing team)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine form-of
Athletes大将Japanesenounthe chief of the 近衛府 (Konoefu)governmenthistorical
Athletes大将Japanesenouna generalgovernment military politics war
Athletes大将Japanesenounan admiral (naval officer of the highest rank)government military politics war
Athletes大将Japanesenouna sportsperson who assumes the leading role in a team, generally the strongest member
AviationaerofotoPolishnounaerial mapping, aerial surveyindeclinable neuter
AviationaerofotoPolishnounaerial mapping camera, aerial survey cameracolloquial indeclinable neuter
Awardsmédaille en chocolatFrenchnouna nonexistent prize for finishing in fourth place (as opposed to the actual gold, silver and bronze medals for finishing first, second, and third)feminine humorous
Awardsmédaille en chocolatFrenchnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see médaille, chocolat.feminine literally
BabiesinfancyEnglishnounThe earliest period of childhood (crawling rather than walking).countable uncountable
BabiesinfancyEnglishnounThe state of being an infant.countable uncountable
BabiesinfancyEnglishnounAn early stage in the development of anything.countable figuratively uncountable
BabiesinfancyEnglishnounThe state of being a minor.lawcountable uncountable
Baby animalslągPolishnounAlternative form of lęgalt-of alternative inanimate masculine
Baby animalslągPolishnoungenitive plural of lęgform-of genitive plural
Baby animalsmagharIrishnounfry (young fish)masculine
Baby animalsmagharIrishnounsprat (any of various small marine fish in the genus Sprattus)masculine
BacteriarickettsiaEnglishnounAny of a group of gram-negative bacteria, of the genus Rickettsia, carried as parasites by ticks, fleas and lice, that cause typhus and other diseases.
BacteriarickettsiaEnglishnounAny bacterium of the order Rickettsiales.informal
BacteriastreptoEnglishnounClipping of streptococcus.abbreviation alt-of clipping informal
BacteriastreptoEnglishnounClipping of streptocarpus.abbreviation alt-of clipping informal
Bacterial diseaseserysipeloidEnglishadjResembling erysipelas.medicine sciencesnot-comparable
Bacterial diseaseserysipeloidEnglishnounA mild cutaneous infection by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in humans that resembles erysipelas.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
Bacterial diseaseserysipeloidEnglishnounA cutaneous cancer metastasis, most commonly associated with breast carcinoma, presenting as an erythematous patch or plaque that resembles erysipelas.medicine sciencescountable
BagsbulgaLatinnounknapsack, wallet, satcheldeclension-1 feminine
BagsbulgaLatinnounwallet, pursedeclension-1 feminine
BagsbulgaLatinnounwombdeclension-1 feminine informal
BagscặpVietnamesenounpair; duo; couple
BagscặpVietnameseverbto pair
BagscặpVietnameseverbto date someonebroadly
BagscặpVietnamesenounwooden satchel used to hold bookshistorical
Bagstrash bagEnglishnounA plastic bag for the disposal of household waste.Canada US
Bagstrash bagEnglishnounA disrespectful person.Canada US derogatory informal
Ball gamesтеніскаUkrainiannountennis shirt
Ball gamesтеніскаUkrainiannount-shirtcolloquial
BankingwithdrawalEnglishnounReceiving from someone's care what one has earlier entrusted to them. Usually refers to money.countable uncountable
BankingwithdrawalEnglishnounA method of birth control which consists of removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.countable uncountable
BankingwithdrawalEnglishnounA type of metabolic shock the body undergoes when a substance (such as a drug) on which a patient is dependent is withheld.countable uncountable
BankingwithdrawalEnglishnounAn act of withdrawing or a state of being withdrawn.countable uncountable
BankingwithdrawalEnglishnounThe sum of money taken from a bank account.countable uncountable
Banking은행Koreannouna bank (financial institution)
Banking은행Koreannouna ginkgo fruit
BatsvaimpírIrishnounvampire batfeminine
BeddingfootboardEnglishnounAn upright board across the foot of a bedstead.
BeddingfootboardEnglishnounA board or small raised platform on which to support or rest the feet, such as that found in a carriage.
BeddingfootboardEnglishnounA place to stand on a scooter or skateboard.
BeddingfootboardEnglishnounA board serving as a step on a vehicle.
BeekeepingludLower Sorbiannounpeople (group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.)inanimate masculine
BeekeepingludLower Sorbiannounbee colonyinanimate masculine
Beloniform fishmulaCatalannounfemale equivalent of mulfeminine form-of
Beloniform fishmulaCatalannountree spurgefeminine
Beloniform fishmulaCatalannouncallusfeminine
Beloniform fishmulaCatalannoungarfishfeminine
BerriesagrestPolishnounEuropean gooseberry, gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa)inanimate masculine
BerriesagrestPolishnounfine sour wineMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
BibleΙουδαίοςGreeknounJew (a male who follows the religion of Judaism)
BibleΙουδαίοςGreeknounJudean (a male who is from Judea)history human-sciences sciences
Biblical charactersAbraomasLithuaniannameAbraham (biblical character).
Biblical charactersAbraomasLithuaniannamea male given name, equivalent to English Abraham
Biblical charactersTobiasSwedishnameTobias (biblical character)common-gender
Biblical charactersTobiasSwedishnamea male given namecommon-gender
BiotechnologyalícuotaSpanishadjaliquot (contained an integral number of times)feminine masculine
BirdsbruiónGaliciannounbarn owlmasculine regional
BirdscanapinoItaliannounmelodious warblermasculine
BirdscastricaItaliannounSynonym of culbianco (“northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)”)feminine regional
BirdscastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla capirossa (“woodchat shrike (Lanius senator)”)feminine regional
BirdscastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla cenerina (“lesser grey shrike (Lanius minor)”)feminine regional
BirdscastricaItaliannounvernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae: / Synonym of averla piccola (“red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)”)feminine regional
Birdsแว่นThainouncircular piece (of something sliced, of glass, etc).
Birdsแว่นThainounpiece (of something flat), as tract or plot (of land).figuratively
Birdsแว่นThaiclassifierClassifier for circular pieces (of something sliced).
Birdsแว่นThainounguide; guidance; manual.archaic figuratively
Birdsแว่นThainounsimilar eyewear, as goggles, etc.colloquial
Birdsแว่นThaiverbto wear eyeglasses.slang
Birdsแว่นThainounthe edible fern Marsilea crenata of the family Marsileaceae.
Birdsแว่นThainounany of the birds of the family Phasianidae.
Birdsแว่นThaiverbto jump; to leap.archaic
Birdsแว่นThaiverbto come; to arrive.archaic
Birdsแว่นThaiadvswiftly; rapidly; fleetly; nimbly.archaic
Birds of preyhaukMiddle Englishnounhawk (A bird of the family Accipitridae)
Birds of preyhaukMiddle Englishnounfalcon (A bird of the genus Falco)
Birth controlGummiGermannounrubber, gumAustria Eastern Germany Southern Switzerland masculine strong uncountable
Birth controlGummiGermannounrubber band, elastic bandAustria Eastern Germany Southern Switzerland countable masculine strong
Birth controlGummiGermannouncondom, rubberAustria Eastern Germany Southern Switzerland countable informal masculine strong
BlacksczarnoPolishadvblackly (with a black appearance)
BlacksczarnoPolishadvblackly (darkly or gloomily)
Bodily fluidslacrimaLatinnouna tear (drop of liquid from crying)declension-1 feminine literally
Bodily fluidslacrimaLatinnouna tear or gumdrop exuding from plantsdeclension-1 feminine
Bodily fluidsਪਾਕPunjabinounpus
Bodily fluidsਪਾਕPunjabiadjclean, pure
Bodily fluidsਪਾਕPunjabiadjholy
Bodily fluidsOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
Bodily fluidsOkinawannounblood
BodyceannIrishnounhead of cabbage, capitulummasculine
BodyceannIrishnounend, extremitymasculine
BodyceannIrishnounone (modified by an adjective or demonstrative, referring to an object or animal)masculine
BodyceannIrishnounused as a dummy noun to support a number, referring to an object or animalmasculine
Body partsBirneGermannounpearfeminine
Body partsBirneGermannounlightbulbfeminine
Body partsBirneGermannounhead, bonce, noggincolloquial feminine
Body partsgowaSilesiannounhead (part of the body)anatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
Body partsgowaSilesiannounhead (person who leads something)feminine figuratively
Body partsgowaSilesiannounhead (ability to reason)feminine figuratively
Body partsногаOld East Slavicnounlegfeminine
Body partsногаOld East Slavicnounfootfeminine
Body partsọwọIgalanounbroom
Body partsọwọIgalanounhand; arm
Body partsọwọIgalanounside, part, segment
Body partsọwọIgalanounlineage, pedigree. relation; relative
Body partsọwọIgalanounmastery, skill, specializationidiomatic
Body partsOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
Body partsOkinawannounbody
BooksduilleMiddle Irishnounleaf; (collective) foliagefeminine
BooksduilleMiddle Irishnounsomething resembling a leaf, especially a leaf of a bookfeminine
BookssacramentaryEnglishadjArchaic form of sacramental (“of or pertaining a sacrament or the sacraments”).alt-of archaic not-comparable
BookssacramentaryEnglishadjAlternative form of Sacramentary (“Sacramentarian”).alt-of alternative not-comparable
BookssacramentaryEnglishnounAn ancient book of the Roman Catholic Church, containing the rites for Mass, the sacraments, etc.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
BookstruyệnVietnamesenounSynonym of chuyện (“story; tale”)obsolete
BookstruyệnVietnamesenouna storybook, usually a novel, a comic book or a graphic novel
Books of the BibleEksodusAfrikaansnameExodus; the book of the Bible describing the Exodusbiblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleEksodusAfrikaansnamethe Exodus; the departure of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses
Books of the Bible亞北底亞ChinesenameObadiah (prophet)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible亞北底亞ChinesenameObadiah (book of the Bible)Catholicism Christianity
BovinesturPolishnounaurochs, urus (Bos primigenius)animal-not-person masculine
BovinesturPolishnoungenitive plural of turafeminine form-of genitive plural
BramblesbaknitCebuanonounroseleaf bramble (Rubus rosifolius)
BramblesbaknitCebuanonounfruit of this plant
BramblesbaknitCebuanonounshort-nosed tripodfish (Triacanthus biaculeatus)
BrassicaskalarepaPolishnounkohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes)feminine singular
BrassicaskalarepaPolishnounkohlrabi (thick, circular, edible stem of this plant)feminine singular
BrassicasJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
BrazilbrasilianoPortugueseadjBrazilian (of or relating to Brazil)comparable rare
BrazilbrasilianoPortuguesenounBrazilian (person from Brazil or of Brazilian descent)masculine rare
BrazilcanadaEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of liquid volume equal to 1.7–2.1 liters depending on the area of Portugal, used particularly for wine.historical
BrazilcanadaEnglishnounAlternative form of cañada (“a ravine, a gulley”).alt-of alternative
BreadsαντίδωροGreeknounhost, communion wafer, communion breadChristianity
BreadsαντίδωροGreeknounreturn giftliterary rare
BreadsαντίδωροGreeknounmorsel, piece, bitefiguratively
BristolBristolianEnglishadjOf, from, or relating to Bristol.
BristolBristolianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Bristol
BristolBristolianEnglishnameThe dialect sometimes spoken by the people of Bristol.
Brownsœil-de-perdrixEnglishnounA small, round figure; a decorative arts
Brownsœil-de-perdrixEnglishadjCharacterized by, or decorated with, small round spots or artsnot-comparable
Brownsœil-de-perdrixEnglishadjHaving a brownish-red colour; used especially of light-coloured red wine.not-comparable
BruneiHari KebangsaanMalaynameNational Day of Brunei, which is held on February 23.Brunei
BruneiHari KebangsaanMalaynameIndependence Day of Malaysia, which is held on August 31.Malaysia
BruneiHari KebangsaanMalaynameNational Day of Singapore, which is held on August 9.Singapore
BuildingscasaSpanishverbinflection of casar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BuildingscasaSpanishverbinflection of casar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BuildingsżłobekPolishnoundiminutive of żłóbagriculture business lifestylediminutive form-of inanimate masculine
BuildingsżłobekPolishnoundaycare, nursery, creche (care facility for infants, toddlers, and very small children too young for przedszkole)educationinanimate masculine
BuildingsżłobekPolishnoungroove, channel, furrowinanimate masculine
Buildings and structuresbus stopEnglishnounA place where public transport buses stop to allow passengers to board or leave.
Buildings and structuresbus stopEnglishnounThe tableau used in short division, taught as if it were a bus stop with the digits treated as people
Buildings and structuresbus stopEnglishnoun"&": The two-lined right-angled symbol used to separate quotient, divisor and dividend in long division and short divisionmathematics sciencesinformal
Buildings and structuresbus stopEnglishnounA disco dance popular in the 1970s and 1980s.
Buildings and structuresbus stopEnglishnounEllipsis of bus stop chicane.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannountumulus, barrow, burial mound or cairnarchaeology history human-sciences sciences
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / specifically, a heap of stones used as a marker to delineate the borders of a medieval estatearchaic obsolete
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / hillarchaic broadly obsolete
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / ruins of a house or city razed so that no stone is left atop any otherarchaic
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / (by metaphor) place containing ruins of houses destroyed by earthquakearchaic
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / (by metonymy) refuse thrown into the ruins of earthquake-destroyed housesarchaic
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / stones thrown at one who is being stonedarchaic metonymically
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounheap of stones / wall of stone built without mortar or lime, especially one by the seashorearchaic
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounpile, heap, any disordered multitude of collected inanimate objects, especially formerly animate objectsbroadly
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannouncrowd, mob, throng, host, any disordered collection of living things
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounmultitude of abstract things
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounplace where garbage or dung is collected, dungyard, dunghill
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannouncurse used for lazy relatives
BurialgomilaSerbo-Croatiannounthe people, the popular mass as a whole
BurialpogrzebPolishnounfuneral (ceremony to honor and remember a deceased person)inanimate masculine
BurialpogrzebPolishnouncortege (funeral procession)broadly inanimate masculine
BurialpogrzebPolishnounfail, flop (complete failure)figuratively inanimate masculine
BurialpogrzebPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of pogrzebaćform-of imperative second-person singular
BurialرجمArabicverbto stone, to lapidate, to throw stones at
BurialرجمArabicverbto hurl insults atfiguratively
BurialرجمArabicverbto cuss, to rail
BurialرجمArabicverbto expel, repudiate, banish, oust, exile, drive away
BurialرجمArabicnounverbal noun of رَجَمَ (rajama) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
BurialرجمArabicnounstoning, lapidation
BurialرجمArabicnounmissile, projectile
BurialرجمArabicnoungrave, tumulus
BurialرجمArabicnounshooting stars
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounA labourer or employee; one who works for another: / A servant or attendant.
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounA labourer or employee; one who works for another: / A deputy, officer, or representative.
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounA labourer or employee; one who works for another: / An assistant or apprentice.
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounA follower (usually of an individual): / A lover; one in a romantic relationship with another.
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounA follower (usually of an individual): / A follower of a deity or religious religion
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounA follower (usually of an individual): / A soldier following a ranking individual.
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounA slave, thrall, or serf.
BusinessservauntMiddle EnglishnounThat which serves another.figuratively
BusinessئىشUyghurnounwork, business, enterprise
BusinessئىشUyghurnounmatter, item, affair
BusinessئىشUyghurnountrouble, problem, bad luck
Business有限公司Chinesenounlimited company; Co. Ltd. (Classifier: 個/个; 家; 間/间)
Business有限公司Chinesenounlimited levelCantonese humorous
ButtockslubotCebuanonounbuttocksanatomy medicine sciences
ButtockslubotCebuanonounanusanatomy medicine sciences
ButtockslubotCebuanonounanal sex
ButtockslubotCebuanonounbottom of a glass, bottle, etc.
ButtockslubotCebuanoverbto engage in anal sex
ButtockslubotCebuanoverbto penetrate one in the anus
ButtockslubotCebuanoverbto hit or injure the buttocks
ButtonsknappSwedishadjscarce, not much of something
ButtonsknappSwedishadjsomewhat less than
ButtonsknappSwedishnouna button (fastener for clothes)common-gender
ButtonsknappSwedishnouna button (meant to be pressed) / a buttoncomputing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescommon-gender
ButtonsknappSwedishnouna button (meant to be pressed) / a switch (in the form of a button, or sometimes more generally by informal extension, especially for light switches)common-gender
ButtonsknappSwedishnouna button (meant to be pressed)common-gender
ButtonsknappSwedishnounan antherbiology botany natural-sciencescommon-gender
Byzantine EmpireκεφαλήAncient Greeknounhead
Byzantine EmpireκεφαλήAncient Greeknouna person's life (often in the sense of being in danger, similar to the English idiom "head is on the line").
Byzantine EmpireκεφαλήAncient Greeknounthe topmost part
Byzantine EmpireκεφαλήAncient Greeknounthe most important part
Byzantine EmpireκεφαλήAncient Greeknouna provincial governorByzantine
CalendarkrossmesseNorwegian NynorsknounMay 3feminine
CalendarkrossmesseNorwegian NynorsknounSeptember 14feminine
CalendarlataPolishnounplural of rokform-of plural
CalendarlataPolishnounyears (period difficult to measure precisely)plural
CalendarlataPolishnouninflection of lato: / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
CalendarlataPolishnouninflection of lato: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
CalendarlataPolishverbthird-person singular present of lataćform-of present singular third-person
CanidslouveFrenchnouna metal wedge used in masonryfeminine
CanidslouveFrenchverbinflection of louver: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
CanidslouveFrenchverbinflection of louver: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Capital punishmenthängenGermanverbto hang, to be suspended [with an (+ dative) ‘on something’] / to hang, to be suspendedclass-7 intransitive irregular strong
Capital punishmenthängenGermanverbto be attached to; to be fond of; to be devoted to; to cling to [with an (+ dative) ‘someone’] / to be attached to; to be fond of; to be devoted to; to cling toclass-7 figuratively intransitive irregular strong
Capital punishmenthängenGermanverbto depend [with an (+ dative) ‘on something’] / to dependclass-7 figuratively informal intransitive irregular strong
Capital punishmenthängenGermanverbto hang, to suspend [with accusative ‘something’ and an (+ accusative) ‘on(to) something’] / to hang, to suspendclass-7 colloquial irregular strong transitive
Capital punishmenthängenGermanverbto hang, to suspend [with accusative ‘something’ and an (+ accusative) ‘on(to) something’] / to hang, to suspendtransitive weak
Capital punishmenthängenGermanverbto hang, to execute by hangingtransitive weak
Capital punishmenthängenGermanverbto hang on to; to follow [with an (+ accusative) ‘someone’] / to hang on to; to followfiguratively reflexive weak
Carcharhiniform sharkshoundfishEnglishnounTylosurus crocodilus, a large gamefish of the family Belonidae.
Carcharhiniform sharkshoundfishEnglishnounA small European shark (Scyliorhinus canicula), small-spotted dogfish.
Card gamespikkHungariannounspade (a playing card marked with the symbol ♠)
Card gamespikkHungariannoungrudge, malice (only in the set phrase pikkel rá (“to have a petty desire to annoy or humiliate a person”))colloquial
CatfishpangaEnglishnounA large broad-bladed knife.Africa East South-Africa
CatfishpangaEnglishnounAny of various edible freshwater fish of the genus Pangasius, native to southeast Asia, especially the iridescent shark, Pangasius hypophthalmus, now reclassified as Pangasianodon hypophthalmus.
CatfishpangaEnglishnounA type of modest-sized, open, outboard-powered, fishing boat common throughout much of the developing world, including Central America, the Caribbean, parts of Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia.
CatfishpangaEnglishnounA small inflatable motorboat used in Latin America.
CatskočkaCzechnouncat (domestic animal)feminine
CatskočkaCzechnounattractive womancolloquial feminine
CattledobytekPolishnounbelongings (collection of personal items)inanimate masculine
CattledobytekPolishnouncattle, livestockinanimate masculine obsolete
Celestial inhabitantsmoon-manEnglishnounA native alien of the Moon.literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsmoon-manEnglishnounAn astronaut that has visited the Moon.
CephalopodsgladiusEnglishnounA Roman sword roughly two feet long.historical
CephalopodsgladiusEnglishnounA pen, a hard internal bodypart of certain cephalopods, made of chitin-like material.biology natural-sciences zoology
CephalopodsحبارArabicnounsquid, cuttlefish, sepia, sepiid
CephalopodsحبارArabicnounaspect of form, trace of a formative power, welt
CheesesvarškėLithuaniannounquark, cottage cheese
CheesesvarškėLithuaniannounhemp curd
CheesesvarškėLithuaniannoundamaged body tissue
CheesesvarškėLithuaniannounoral rash in breastfed infants with sera
Chemical elementsberylPolishnounberyllium (chemical element)inanimate masculine uncountable
Chemical elementsberylPolishnounberyl (mineral of pegmatite deposits)chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable inanimate masculine
Chemical elementsberylPolishnounFB Berylengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycolloquial countable inanimate masculine
Chemical elementsigweIgbonouniron
Chemical elementsigweIgbonounmetal
Chemical elementsigweIgbonounmachine, contraption
Chemical elementsigweIgbonounengine
Chemical elementsigweIgbonounbicycle
Chemical elementsigweIgbonounbullet
Chemical elementsܟܣܦܐClassical Syriacnounsilver
Chemical elementsܟܣܦܐClassical Syriacnounmoney
Chemical elementsܟܣܦܐClassical Syriacnouncoins, pieces of silverin-plural
ChessบิชอปThainounbishop.board-games chess games
ChickenstazhikʼánéWestern Apachenounchicken
ChickenstazhikʼánéWestern Apachenounturkey
ChickensкурRussiannounrooster, cockarchaic
ChickensкурRussiannounattention which one pays to someone, gloze / in diplomatic affairs, accolading, formal addressobsolete
ChickensкурRussiannounattention which one pays to someone, gloze / to a woman, wooing, cajolingobsolete
ChickensкурRussiannoungenitive/accusative plural of ку́рица (kúrica, “hen”)accusative form-of genitive plural
ChickensкурRussiannouninflection of ку́ра (kúra, “hen”): / genitive pluralform-of genitive plural
ChickensкурRussiannouninflection of ку́ра (kúra, “hen”): / animate accusative pluralaccusative animate form-of plural
ChickensкурRussiannoungenitive plural of кура́ (kurá, “blizzard”)form-of genitive plural
Chickens草雞ChinesenounhenHokkien Jin Mandarin Quanzhou Xiamen dialectal
Chickens草雞ChinesenounChinese landraces of chickenMandarin dialectal
Chickens草雞Chineseadjweak; timid; cowardlyMandarin dialectal
Chickens草雞Chinesenounkatydid (Mecopoda elongata)Hokkien Xiamen
Chickens草雞Chineseadjfickle in doing things and easily making mistakes (of a person)Hokkien Xiamen
Children'aminatCahuillanounThat which was thrown away
Children'aminatCahuillanounAn orphan
Childrenbatang tiguwangCebuanoadjprecocious
Childrenbatang tiguwangCebuanonouna precocious child
Childrencrotch critterEnglishnounA sexually transmitted pathogen, particularly pubic lice.slang
Childrencrotch critterEnglishnounA child.derogatory slang
ChildrenاوغلانOttoman Turkishnounboy, lad, youth, a young male
ChildrenاوغلانOttoman Turkishnounknave, jack in playing cards
Childrenकन्याHindinameVirgoastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
ChlorinecloridWelshnounchloridechemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
ChlorinecloridWelshverbimpersonal imperfect and conditional of clora (“to hunt truffles”)conditional form-of imperfect impersonal literary
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounA manifestation of the divinity of Jesus Christ, especially to the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12), but also at his baptism and the Wedding at Cana.countable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounAn annual Christian feast celebrating these events, usually on January 6, the twelfth day after Christmas.countable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounThe day of the celebration, January 6, or sometimes (in Western Christianity), the Sunday between January 2 and 8.countable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnounThe season or time of the Christian church year, either from the Epiphany feast day to Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent), or from the Epiphany feast day to the feast of Candlemas (marking the presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple in Jerusalem).countable uncountable
ChristianityEpiphanyEnglishnameA female given name.
Christianityput the fear of God intoEnglishverbTo cause someone to repent through fear of the wrath of God.
Christianityput the fear of God intoEnglishverbTo cause someone to fear abjectly in other contexts; to terrify completely.idiomatic
Christianityput the fear of God intoEnglishverbTo cause someone to obey through fear in other contexts; to terrify into submission.idiomatic
ChristianityзаповедьRussiannounprecept, rule
ChristianityіконаUkrainiannounicon (sacred image)lifestyle religion
ChristianityіконаUkrainiannounicon (exemplary person or thing)broadly figuratively
Christianityค.ศ.ThainameInitialism of คริสต์ศักราช (krít-sàk-gà-ràat).abbreviation alt-of initialism
Christianityค.ศ.ThainameInitialism of คริสต์ศก (krít-sòk).abbreviation alt-of dated initialism
Cimbrian ordinal numbersachtzanteCimbrianadjeighteenthSette-Comuni not-comparable
Cimbrian ordinal numbersachtzanteCimbriannounthe eighteenth oneSette-Comuni
Cimbrian ordinal numbersölvteCimbrianadjeleventhSette-Comuni not-comparable
Cimbrian ordinal numbersölvteCimbriannounthe eleventh oneSette-Comuni
CircuséchassierFrenchnounany of a number of wading birds. (Note that this does not always directly correspond to English wading bird.)masculine
Cities in Georgia, USAニュートンJapanesenounnewton
Cities in Georgia, USAニュートンJapanesecounternewton
Cities in Georgia, USAニュートンJapanesenameNewton
ClimbingtaternictwoPolishnounalpinism mountaineering, mountain climbingneuter
ClimbingtaternictwoPolishnountourism involving the crossing of hard-to-reach places in the Tatra Mountainsneuter
ClothingfarrapoGaliciannountatter; ragmasculine
ClothingfarrapoGaliciannouncarpet or blanket made of clean ragsmasculine
ClothingfarrapoGaliciannouncord (of a bagpipe)masculine plural-normally
ClothingshrugEnglishnounA lifting of the shoulders to signal indifference or a casual lack of knowledge.
ClothingshrugEnglishnounA cropped, cardigan-like garment with short or long sleeves, typically knitted.
ClothingshrugEnglishverbTo raise (the shoulders) to express uncertainty, lack of concern, (formerly) dread, etc.intransitive transitive
ClothingقفازArabicnounverbal noun of قَفَزَ (qafaza) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Clothingقوین جیبیOttoman Turkishnounbreast pocket, a small pocket on a jacket or shirt, located over one's chest
Clothingقوین جیبیOttoman Turkishnounbesom pocket, a pocket on the inside of a garment, accessed through a slit
Clothingقوین جیبیOttoman Turkishnounpocket formed by the folded halves of the upper clothing extending to the girdle
CloudscloudyEnglishadjCovered with or characterised by clouds; overcast.
CloudscloudyEnglishadjNot transparent or clear.
CloudscloudyEnglishadjNot transparent or clear. / Containing pith
CloudscloudyEnglishadjUncertain; unclear.
CloudscloudyEnglishadjUsing or relating to cloud computing.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
CloudscloudyEnglishadjshady; sketchy; suspiciousarchaic slang
CloudscloudyEnglishadjHaving cloudlike markings.
CocktailsBrass MonkeyEnglishnameA brand of inexpensive liquor.
CocktailsBrass MonkeyEnglishnounA cocktail of vodka, rum and orange juice, sometimes with the addition of Galliano.
Cold Wardomino effectEnglishnounThe situation in which one event sets off a chain of additional events.
Cold Wardomino effectEnglishnounThe theory that, if South Vietnam became communist, it would be followed by Cambodia, Laos, additional Southeast Asian countries, other Asian countries, and likely even elsewhere.government politicshistorical
CollectivesconcourseEnglishnounA large open space in or in front of a building where people can gather, particularly one joining various paths, as in a rail station or airport terminal, or providing access to and linking the platforms in a railway terminus.
CollectivesconcourseEnglishnounAirport terminal.
CollectivesconcourseEnglishnounA large group of people; a crowd.
CollectivesconcourseEnglishnounThe running or flowing together of things; the meeting of things; confluence.
CollectivesconcourseEnglishnounAn open space, especially in a park, where several roads or paths meet.
CollectivesconcourseEnglishnounconcurrence; cooperationobsolete
CollectivesduoEnglishnounTwo people who work or collaborate together as partners; especially, those who perform music together.
CollectivesduoEnglishnounAny pair of two people.
CollectivesduoEnglishnounAny cocktail consisting of a spirit and a liqueur.
CollectivesduoEnglishnounA song in two parts; a duet.
CollectiveskeřovíCzechnounAlternative form of křoví; shrubbery, bushes (mass of woody plants that are not trees)alt-of alternative collective neuter singular singular-only
CollectiveskeřovíCzechadjanimate masculine nominative plural of keřovýanimate form-of masculine nominative plural
CollectivesstarszeństwoPolishnounseniority (the fact or state of being older)literary neuter
CollectivesstarszeństwoPolishnounantecedence, precedence (the relationship of preceding something in time or order)literary neuter
CollectivesstarszeństwoPolishnouneldersneuter obsolete
ColorsbronzSlovaknounbronze (metal)inanimate masculine
ColorsbronzSlovaknounbronze (color)inanimate masculine
ColorsburyPolishadjbrownish dark greynot-comparable
ColorsburyPolishadjdark grey with spotsnot-comparable
ColorsburyPolishnounbear (ursid)animal-not-person masculine noun-from-verb regional
ColorsburyPolishnouninflection of bura: ## genitive singular ## nominative/accusative/vocative plural / genitive singularfeminine form-of genitive singular
ColorsburyPolishnouninflection of bura: ## genitive singular ## nominative/accusative/vocative plural / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative feminine form-of nominative plural vocative
ColorscerúleoSpanishadjhaving the color cerulean
ColorscerúleoSpanishnounthe color ceruleanmasculine
ColorspiwnyPolishadjbeernot-comparable relational
ColorspiwnyPolishadjhazel (colour, especially of eyes)not-comparable
ColorswitMiddle Dutchadjwhite
ColorswitMiddle Dutchadjclean
ColorswitMiddle Dutchadjpale (of skin)
ColorsłizhingoNavajoadvblackly; it being black
ColorsłizhingoNavajoadvroyal blue, navy blue
ColorsكحليArabicadjdark blue, blue-black, navy blue
ColorsكحليArabicverbsecond-person feminine singular active imperative of كَحَّلَ (kaḥḥala)active feminine form-ii form-of imperative second-person singular
ColorsܨܒܥܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundye, pigment
ColorsܨܒܥܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncolor
ColorsܨܒܥܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundyer (person who dyes cloth or other material)
ColorsChinesecharacterpopular; in voguecolloquial
ColorsChinesecharacterthe red clothes and bunting used on festive occasions
ColorsChinesecharacterfestive occasion; wedding
ColorsChinesecharacterrevolutionary; Communist; Redfiguratively
ColorsChinesecharacterbonus; extra dividendbusiness finance
ColorsChinesecharacterbeautiful womanliterary
ColorsChinesecharacterblood tofuCantonese Hakka euphemistic
ColorsChinesecharactera surname: Hong
ColorsChinesecharacterSubstitute character for 功 (gōng).obsolete
ColorsChinesecharacterSubstitute character for 工 (gōng).obsolete
ColorsChinesecharacterPlacename in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history, northeast of modern Tai'an, Shandong.
ColorsChinesecharacterSubstitute character for 絳/绛 (jiàng).obsolete
ColumbidsgalambHungariannoundove, pigeon
ColumbidsgalambHungariannounlover, sweetheart (one who loves and cares for another person)dialectal
ColumbidsголубUkrainiannounpigeon, dove
ColumbidsголубUkrainiannounpet name for a manfiguratively
ColumbidsголубUkrainiannouna pigeon-like decoration made with paper, wax or other materialobsolete
ComedyMSTingEnglishnounA parody fanfic created by inserting satirical commentary into an existing work.lifestyleslang
ComedyMSTingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of MSTform-of gerund participle present
ComedymarlockEnglishnounA prank; a practical joke.dialectal obsolete
ComedymarlockEnglishnounA frolic.dialectal obsolete
ComedymarlockEnglishnounA playful gesture.dialectal obsolete
ComedymarlockEnglishnounA flirtatious glance.dialectal obsolete
ComedymarlockEnglishnounAny of various small eucalypts of southwest Australia.Australia
CommunicationviewEnglishnounVisual perception. / The act of seeing or looking at something.physical
CommunicationviewEnglishnounVisual perception. / The range of vision.physical
CommunicationviewEnglishnounVisual perception. / Something to look at, such as scenery.physical
CommunicationviewEnglishnounVisual perception. / An individual viewing of a web page or a video etc. by a user.Internet physical
CommunicationviewEnglishnounVisual perception. / Appearance; show; aspect.obsolete physical
CommunicationviewEnglishnounA picture, drawn or painted; a sketch.
CommunicationviewEnglishnounAn opinion, judgement, imagination, idea or belief. / A mental image.
CommunicationviewEnglishnounAn opinion, judgement, imagination, idea or belief. / A way of understanding something, an opinion, a theory.
CommunicationviewEnglishnounAn opinion, judgement, imagination, idea or belief. / A point of view.
CommunicationviewEnglishnounAn opinion, judgement, imagination, idea or belief. / An intention or prospect.
CommunicationviewEnglishnounA virtual or logical table composed of the result set of a query in relational databases.computing databases engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CommunicationviewEnglishnounThe part of a computer program which is visible to the user and can be interacted withcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
CommunicationviewEnglishnounA wake.
CommunicationviewEnglishverbTo look at.transitive
CommunicationviewEnglishverbTo regard in a stated way.transitive
Compass points西南Chinesenounsouthwest
Compass points西南ChinesenameSouthwest China (a region of China; consisting of Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and the Tibet Autonomous Region)
Compass points西南Chinesename(historical) Southwest China (a former greater administrative region of China from 1949 to 1954, consisting of Chongqing, Sichuan, Xikang, Guizhou and Yunnan)
ComputinginstantiateEnglishverbTo represent (a concept, theme, or principle) by an instance.transitive
ComputinginstantiateEnglishverbTo create an object (an instance) of a specific class.transitive
CondimentspebreSpanishnounpepper (powdered condiment)
CondimentspebreSpanishnouna Chilean condiment containing coriander, vinegar, garlic and pepper
ConifersאורןHebrewnouna pine tree
ConifersאורןHebrewnamea male given name, equivalent to English Oren
Conspiracy theoriesman in blackEnglishnounThe referee.hobbies lifestyle sportsinformal
Conspiracy theoriesman in blackEnglishnounA covert government operative, wearing a black suit and black aviator sunglasses, believed by conspiracy theorists to cover up UFO incidents.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences ufology
ConstellationsСкорпионRussiannameScorpius (constellation of the zodiac containing the red giant Antares, in the shape of a scorpion)astronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsСкорпионRussiannameScorpio (zodiac sign for the scorpion, covering October 23 – November 21)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Constellations in the zodiacSulangCebuanonounthe constellation Sagittariusastronomy natural-sciences
Constellations in the zodiacSulangCebuanonounthe zodiac sign Sagittariusastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ContainersmiednicaPolishnounpelvis (bone)anatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
ContainerspopielnikPolishnounashpan, ashpitinanimate masculine
ContainerspopielnikPolishnouncinerariainanimate masculine
ContainerspopielnikPolishnouna person born from ashesliterary masculine person
ContainerssudCzechnounbarrelinanimate masculine
ContainerssudCzechnounkeg partyinanimate masculine
ContainerssăngVietnamesenounplant; woodobsolete
ContainerssăngVietnamesenouncoffin; casketbroadly obsolete
ContainerstulecSlovaknounquiver (container for arrows)inanimate masculine
ContainerstulecSlovaknounspathebiology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
ContainersḥnwEgyptiannounpot, bowl
ContainersḥnwEgyptiannounany item of property
ContainersḥnwEgyptiannounribsplural plural-only
ContainersḥnwEgyptiannounboat of the god Sokar
CookingprzepisKashubiannounrecipe (plan or procedure to obtain a given end result; a prescription)inanimate masculine
CookingprzepisKashubiannounrecipe (set of instructions for preparing a mixture of ingredients)inanimate masculine
CookingChinesecharacterto boil; to cook
CookingChinesecharacterAlternative form of 主 (Zhǔ, “Lord”) referring to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.alt-of alternative humorous neologism
CookingChinesecharactera surname: Zhu
Cooking熱炒Chineseverbto stir-fry
Cooking熱炒Chineseverbto hype up; to overexpose (a person, event, etc. in media)figuratively
Cooking熱炒Chinesenounstir-fried dish
Cookware and bakewarecazuelaSpanishnounstewpot, casserolefeminine
Cookware and bakewarecazuelaSpanishnounthe godsentertainment lifestyle theaterfeminine
Cookware and bakewarecazuelaSpanishnounstew (soup with meat and vegetables)Chile feminine
Cookware and bakewarechaudronFrenchnouncauldronmasculine
Cookware and bakewarechaudronFrenchnounpotQuebec masculine
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounA vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food, usually metal and equipped with a lid.
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounThe quantity held by a kettle.
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounA vessel or appliance used to boil water for the preparation of hot beverages and other foodstuffs.
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounA kettle hole, sometimes any pothole.geography geology natural-sciences
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounA group of raptors riding a thermal, especially when migrating.biology natural-sciences ornithologycollective
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounA steam locomotiverail-transport railways transportslang
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounA kettledrum.entertainment lifestyle music
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounAn instance of kettling; a group of protesters or rioters confined in a limited area.
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounA watch. Cockney rhyming slang from 'kettle and hob' to 'fob' (fob watch)slang
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishverbTo contain demonstrators in a confined area.
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishverbOf a boiler: to make a whistling sound like the boiling of a kettle, indicative of various types of fault.intransitive
Cookware and bakewarekettleEnglishnounAlternative form of kiddle (“kind of fishweir”)alt-of alternative
Corvidsgiẻ cùiVietnamesenounred-billed blue magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha)
Corvidsgiẻ cùiVietnamesenounsome other birds in the genera Urocissa and Cissa
CorvidspicaEnglishnounA disorder characterized by appetite and craving for non-edible substances, such as chalk, clay, dirt, ice, or sand.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
CorvidspicaEnglishnounA magpie.countable
CorvidspicaEnglishnounA size of type between small pica and English, now standardized as printing publishing typographyuncountable
CorvidspicaEnglishnounA font of this publishing typographyuncountable usually
CorvidspicaEnglishnounA unit of length equivalent to 12 points, officially ³⁵⁄₈₃ cm (0.166 in) after 1886 but now (computing) ¹⁄₆ publishing typographycountable
CorvidspicaEnglishnounA pie or directory: the book directing Roman Catholic observance of saints' days and other feasts under various calendars.ecclesiastical lifestyle religioncountable uncommon uncountable
CorvidspicaEnglishnounArchaic form of pika (“small lagomorph”).alt-of archaic
CountriesPaïses BassesOccitannameNetherlands (The main constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located primarily in Western Europe bordering Germany and Belgium) # Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (a country in Western Europe, consisting of four constituent countries: the Netherlands per se, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten) / Netherlands (The main constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located primarily in Western Europe bordering Germany and Belgium)masculine plural
CountriesPaïses BassesOccitannameNetherlands (The main constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located primarily in Western Europe bordering Germany and Belgium) # Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (a country in Western Europe, consisting of four constituent countries: the Netherlands per se, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten) / Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (a country in Western Europe, consisting of four constituent countries: the Netherlands per se, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)masculine plural
CountriesRepublika MakedonijaSerbo-Croatiannameformer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
CountriesRepublika MakedonijaSerbo-CroatiannameRepublic of Macedonia
CountriespatriaItaliannounone's native land or countryfeminine
CountriespatriaItaliannounhomeland, fatherlandfeminine
CountriespatriaItalianadjfeminine singular of patriofeminine form-of singular
Countries in AsiaܗܢܕܘClassical SyriacnameIndia
Countries in AsiaܗܢܕܘClassical SyriacnameFarther India (Indochina)
Countries in AsiaܗܢܕܘClassical SyriacnameIndus river
Countries in AsiaܗܢܕܘClassical SyriacnameRepublic of India
Countries in Europe馬爾他ChinesenameMalta (an island country in Southern Europe) # Malta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago) / Malta (an island country in Southern Europe)Taiwan
Countries in Europe馬爾他ChinesenameMalta (an island country in Southern Europe) # Malta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago) / Malta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago)Taiwan
Countries in OceaniaKilbōtMarshallesenameGilbert Islands
Countries in OceaniaKilbōtMarshallesenameKiribati
CrabstourteauFrenchnounoil cakeagriculture business lifestylemasculine
CrabstourteauFrenchnounroundel (of any color except or or argent)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
CrabstourteauFrenchnountraditional sponge cake with a black crust, from Poitou, made with cottage cheese (cow or goat).masculine
Crickets and grasshoppersحراقةArabicnounvessel for war, fire launcher, battleship
Crickets and grasshoppersحراقةArabicnounmole cricket (a sword-billed gryllus of the Gryllotalpidae family)
Crickets and grasshoppersحراقةArabicnounfire
Crickets and grasshoppersحراقةArabicadjfeminine of حَرَّاق (ḥarrāq, “burning, hot”)feminine form-of
CrimegenocideEnglishnounThe systematic and deliberate destruction of a group of people, typically by killing substantial numbers of them, on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, or nationality.countable uncountable
CrimegenocideEnglishnounThe systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on other grounds.broadly countable uncountable
CrimegenocideEnglishnounThe systematic suppression of ideas or practices on the basis of cultural or ethnic origin; culturicide.broadly countable uncountable
CrimegenocideEnglishnounThe elimination of an entire class of monsters by the player.roguelikes video-gamescountable uncountable
CrimegenocideEnglishverbTo commit genocide (against); to eliminate (a group of people) completely.transitive
CrimeจลาจลThainounpublic confusion; public disturbance; public disorder; public unrest.
Criminal lawประหารชีวิตThainoundeath
Criminal lawประหารชีวิตThainounexecution: infliction of death
Criminal lawประหารชีวิตThainounkilling by whatever means.dated
Criminal lawประหารชีวิตThaiverbto execute: to inflict death
Criminal lawประหารชีวิตThaiverbto kill.dated
CrustaceanscrùbagScottish Gaelicnouncrabfeminine
CrustaceanscrùbagScottish Gaelicnouncrooked womanfeminine
Cultural Revolution四大Chinesenoun"Four Greats" (Tao, heaven, earth and man)
Cultural Revolution四大ChinesenounFour महाभूत (mahābhūta) (Great Elements of Buddhism, viz. earth, water, fire and air)Buddhism lifestyle religion
Cultural Revolution四大ChinesenounThe four largest global auditing firms, comprising Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.accounting business finance
CurrencyنقودArabicnouncash, ready money
CurrencyنقودArabicnounspecie, coins, change
CurrencyنقودArabicnounplural of نَقْد (naqd)form-of plural
CurrencyنقودArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past active indicative of قَادَ (qāda)active first-person form-i form-of indicative non-past plural
CurrencyنقودArabicverbfirst-person plural non-past active subjunctive of قَادَ (qāda)active first-person form-i form-of non-past plural subjunctive
Dairy productsAnkeAlemannic Germannounbuttermasculine
Dairy productsAnkeAlemannic Germannamea surname
DanceshulaCebuanonounhula; a form of chant and dance, which was developed in the Hawaiian Islands by the Polynesians who originally settled there
DanceshulaCebuanoverbto dance the hula
DancesmazurkaEnglishnounA Polish folk dance in triple time, usually moderately fast, containing a heavy accent on the third beat and occasionally the second beat.entertainment lifestyle music
DancesmazurkaEnglishnounA classical musical composition inspired by the folk dance and conforming in some respects to its form, particularly as popularized by Chopin.entertainment lifestyle music
DancesmazurkaEnglishnounA figure skating move that combines elements of the toe loop and bunny-hop.
Days of the weekเสาร์Thainame(ดาว~, ดาวพระ~, พระ~) Saturn: planet.astronomy natural-sciences
Days of the weekเสาร์Thainame(พระ~) Saturn: god of agriculture.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Days of the weekเสาร์Thainame(พระ~) Śani: god of the supernatural.Hinduism
Days of the weekเสาร์Thainame(ดาว~, ดาวพระ~, พระ~) Śani: the fifth of the nine influential stars navagraha.
Days of the weekเสาร์ThainameSaturday. Abbreviation: ส. (sɔ̌ɔ)
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo move in a subtle or secretive way: / To creep close to the ground; to slither or crawl.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo move in a subtle or secretive way: / To move or walk on all four limbs.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo move in a subtle or secretive way: / To clamber; to scale or ascend a vertical surface.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo move in a subtle or secretive way: / To walk or move secretly and carefully.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter or depart; to experience the start or end of life.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo appear or disappear; to arrive or leave.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo burgle or rob; to loot a house or property.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo become more dire or severe; to grow.medicine pathology sciences
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo kneel or bow down; to visibly humble oneself.
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbOf plants; to grow or sprout.rare
DeathcrepenMiddle EnglishverbTo feel a false feeling of movement inside oneself.rare
DeathletiferLatinadjdeadly, fataladjective declension-1 declension-2
DeathletiferLatinadjdeath-dealingadjective declension-1 declension-2
DeathpostronekPolishnountether, halterinanimate literary masculine
DeathpostronekPolishnounhanging, the rope (punishment of being sentenced to death by hanging)figuratively inanimate masculine obsolete
DeathseanseNorwegian Bokmålnouna séance (a ceremony where people try to communicate with the spirits of dead people, usually led by a medium)masculine
DeathseanseNorwegian Bokmålnouna session, occurrence (an actual instance when a situation occurs; an event or happening)humorous masculine
DeathseanseNorwegian Bokmålnouna séance, ceremony; session (a limited gathering or session with specific content)colloquial masculine
DeathChinesecharacteryellowcheek (Elopichthys bambusa)obsolete
Delaware, USAビーバーJapanesenouna beaver (aquatic rodent)
Delaware, USAビーバーJapanesenameBeaver
DemonymsKielerGermannounKieler; a native or inhabitant of Kielmasculine strong
DemonymsKielerGermanadjof Kielindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsNorth American IndianEnglishnounA member of one of the indigenous peoples of North America (but not a member of the Aleut, Inuit, Metis, or Yupik).
DemonymsNorth American IndianEnglishadjOf or relating to the indigenous peoples of the Americas (but not the Aleut, Inuit, Metis, or Yupik).
DemonymsPalmyreneEnglishadjOf, from or relating to ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena.not-comparable
DemonymsPalmyreneEnglishadjRelating to the Palmyrene dialect or scriptnot-comparable
DemonymsPalmyreneEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena.historical
DemonymsPalmyreneEnglishnameAn extinct Western Aramaic dialect.
DemonymsPalmyreneEnglishnameAlternative form of Palmyrenaalt-of alternative
DemonymsannobonésSpanishadjof Annobónrelational
DemonymsannobonésSpanishnounsomeone from Annobónmasculine
DemonymscolumbianoSpanishadjof Columbia, South Carolina; Columbian (of or relating to Columbia, South Carolina)relational
DemonymscolumbianoSpanishadjof Columbia; Columbian (of or relating to any other location bearing the name "Columbia")relational
DemonymscolumbianoSpanishnounColumbian (native or resident of Columbia, South Carolina)masculine
DemonymscolumbianoSpanishnounColumbian (native or resident of any other location bearing the name "Columbia")masculine
DemonymsginebrinoSpanishnounGenevan (native or resident of Geneva, Switzerland)masculine
DemonymsguipuzcoanoSpanishadjof Guipúzcoarelational
DemonymsguipuzcoanoSpanishnounsomeone from Guipúzcoamasculine
DemonymsmendocinoSpanishadjof Mendozarelational
DemonymsmendocinoSpanishnounsomeone from Mendozamasculine
DemonymsnandaimeñoSpanishadjof Nandaimerelational
DemonymsnandaimeñoSpanishnounsomeone from Nandaimemasculine
DemonymspragheseItalianadjof or relating to Prague or the Prague people
DemonymspragheseItaliannounPraguer, Praguianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsputumayenseSpanishadjof Putumayofeminine masculine relational
DemonymsputumayenseSpanishnounsomeone from Putumayoby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymssantanecoSpanishadjof Santa Ana (a city in El Salvador)relational
DemonymssantanecoSpanishnounan inhabitant of the city of Santa Ana, El Salvadormasculine
DemonymsturrialbeñoSpanishadjof Turrialba (a canton of Costa Rica)relational
DemonymsturrialbeñoSpanishnounan inhabitant of the canton of Turrialba in Costa Ricamasculine
DemonymsvillányiHungarianadjof, from, or relating to the Hungarian town of Villánynot-comparable
DemonymsΛυδόςAncient GreeknameLydus, legendary first king of Lydia
DemonymsΛυδόςAncient Greeknounan inhabitant of Lydia; a Lydian
DemonymsܬܠܝܐClassical Syriacnounhanging, suspension
DemonymsܬܠܝܐClassical Syriacnounhook, loop, noose
DemonymsܬܠܝܐClassical Syriacnounpedicle
DemonymsܬܠܝܐClassical Syriacadjhung, suspended
DemonymsܬܠܝܐClassical Syriacadjof the city of Tela
DermatologyuitslagDutchnounresult / score in a competition or testmasculine
DermatologyuitslagDutchnounresult / outcome (of a decision)masculine
DermatologyuitslagDutchnounwhat appears at the surface, e.g. moisturemasculine
DermatologyuitslagDutchnounwhat appears at the surface, e.g. moisture / rashmedicine sciencesmasculine
DermatologyuitslagDutchnounthe act of bringing into circulationmasculine
DermatologyuitslagDutchnounland that is not protected by dikesmasculine
DermatologyuitslagDutchnounthe act of driving livestock into pasturesmasculine obsolete
DialectspiacentinoItalianadjof, from or relating to Piacenza
DialectspiacentinoItaliannounnative or inhabitant of Piacenza (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
DialectspiacentinoItaliannoundialect of Piacenzaalt-of dialectal masculine uncountable
DictionariessłowniczekPolishnoundiminutive of słownik (“pocket dictionary”)diminutive form-of inanimate masculine
DictionariessłowniczekPolishnounvocabulary notebookinanimate informal masculine
DictionariessłowniczekPolishnounglossary (small set of vocabulary specific to a certain subject)inanimate masculine
DiplomacybajlozAlbaniannounambassador, especially of Venicehistorical masculine
DiplomacybajlozAlbaniannouna sea monster in Albanian mythology that exacts requisitionsmasculine
DirectivesdirectiveEnglishadjThat which directs; serving to direct, indicate, or guide.not-comparable
DirectivesdirectiveEnglishadjRelating to the directive case.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
DirectivesdirectiveEnglishnounAn instruction or guideline that indicates how to perform an action or reach a goal.
DirectivesdirectiveEnglishnounA construct in source code that indicates how it should be processed but is not necessarily part of the program to be run.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
DirectivesdirectiveEnglishnounAn authoritative decision from an official body, which may or may not have binding force.
DirectivesdirectiveEnglishnounA form of legislative act addressed to the member states. The directive binds the member state to reach certain objectives in their national legislation.lawEuropean-Union
DirectivesdirectiveEnglishnounThe directive case.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
DirectivesregoLatinverbto rule, govern, directconjugation-3
DirectivesregoLatinverbto guide, steer, controlconjugation-3
DirectivesregoLatinverbto oversee, manageconjugation-3
DirectivesregoLatinverbto supportconjugation-3
DiseasesrakPolishnouncancer (disease)animal-not-person masculine
DiseasesrakPolishnouncrayfish (term also used for certain other crustaceans)animal-not-person masculine
DiseasesrakPolishnouncrampon (spike on a boot used for ice climbing)animal-not-person masculine
DiseasesscabiesLatinnounroughness, scurfdeclension-5
DiseasesscabiesLatinnounscab, mange, itchdeclension-5
DiseasesscabiesLatinnounitching, longing, pruriencydeclension-5 figuratively
Distilled beveragesbodkaCebuanonounvodka; a clear distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain mash
Distilled beveragesbodkaCebuanonouna serving of the above beverage
Districts of KosovoMitrovicaEnglishnameThe firth largest city in Kosovo, and the seat of its eponymous municipality and district.
Districts of KosovoMitrovicaEnglishnameA district of Kosovo.
Districts of KosovoMitrovicaEnglishnameA municipality of Kosovo.
Dogs개고기Koreannoundog meat
Dogs개고기Koreannounill-bred person; pest; plaguederogatory figuratively
Domestic catsgrimalkinEnglishnounA cat, especially an elderly female.
Domestic catsgrimalkinEnglishnounA bad-tempered old woman; a crone.archaic
DragonsdracCatalannoundragon (stylised representation)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
Eaglesபுண்டரீகம்Tamilnounwhite lotus
Eaglesபுண்டரீகம்Tamilnouna kind of leprosy
Eaglesபுண்டரீகம்Tamilnouna kind of sacrifice
Eaglesபுண்டரீகம்Tamilnouna leopard; tiger
EconomicseconomieRomaniannounsavingsespecially feminine in-plural
EducationtrojkaSerbo-Croatiannounthree (digit or figure)
EducationtrojkaSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered three (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 3 etc.)
EducationtrojkaSerbo-Croatiannounthe school grade '3'
EducationtrojkaSerbo-Croatiannountrio (group of three)
EducationtrojkaSerbo-Croatiannountroika (carriage)
Education研究Chineseverbto research; to studyintransitive transitive
Education研究Chineseverbto deliberate; to discuss; to investigatetransitive
Education研究Chinesenounresearch; study; investigation (Classifier: 項/项 m)countable uncountable
Education讀冊Chineseverbto readMin Southern
Education讀冊Chineseverbto studyMin Southern
Education讀冊Chineseverbto go to school; to attend classMin Southern
Education讀冊Chineseverbto begin schooling; to start schoolMainland-China Min Southern
ElectronicsradionicsEnglishnounAny of several techniques supposed to detect and modulate "life forces" and to provide healing using various electric black boxes.uncountable
ElectronicsradionicsEnglishnounelectronics, especially in radio technology.US historical rare uncountable
ElephantsmustEnglishverbTo do as a requirement; indicates that the sentence subject is required as an imperative or directive to execute the sentence predicate, with failure to do so resulting in a failure or negative consequence.auxiliary defective modal no-past-participle no-present-participle
ElephantsmustEnglishverbTo do with certainty; indicates that the speaker is certain that the subject will have executed the predicate.auxiliary defective modal no-past-participle no-present-participle
ElephantsmustEnglishverbUsed to indicate that something is very likely, probable, or certain to be true.auxiliary defective modal no-past-participle no-present-participle
ElephantsmustEnglishnounSomething that is mandatory or required.
ElephantsmustEnglishnounThe property of being stale or musty.countable uncountable
ElephantsmustEnglishnounSomething that exhibits the property of being stale or musty.countable uncountable
ElephantsmustEnglishnounFruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes.countable uncountable
ElephantsmustEnglishverbTo make musty.transitive
ElephantsmustEnglishverbTo become musty.intransitive
ElephantsmustEnglishnounAlternative form of musthalt-of alternative countable uncountable
ElevenelevensiesEnglishnounelevensesBritish uncountable
ElevenelevensiesEnglishnounA call in any children's game, such as jacks, where eleven actions must be performed.uncountable
EmotionsemocjonalnyPolishadjemotional (of or relating to the emotions)relational
EmotionsemocjonalnyPolishadjemotional (prone to emotion)
EmotionsemocjonalnyPolishadjaffective, emotional, emotive (characterised by emotion)
EmotionsmirienMiddle EnglishverbTo feel merry; to feel joyfulness or gladnessrare
EmotionsmirienMiddle EnglishverbTo cause to be merry; to make merry.rare
EmotionsmirienMiddle EnglishverbTo yell in a happy way.rare
EmotionsreachdScottish Gaelicnounlaw, decree, rightfeminine masculine
EmotionsreachdScottish Gaelicnouncommand, power, ordinancefeminine masculine
EmotionsreachdScottish Gaelicnounvexation, emotion (strong one)feminine
EmotionsreachdScottish Gaelicnounhystericsfeminine
EmotionsreachdScottish Gaelicnounorgasmfeminine
EmotionsrozżalonyPolishadjdisappointed, discontented, displeased, dissatisfied
EmotionsrozżalonyPolishverbmasculine singular passive adjectival participle of rozżalićadjectival form-of masculine participle passive singular
EmotionstimeoLatinverbto fear, be afraid of, apprehend, be apprehensive ofconjugation-2 no-supine transitive
EmotionstimeoLatinverbto be afraid, to fear, to be apprehensiveconjugation-2 intransitive no-supine
EmotionszdumiewaćPolishverbto astonish, to amazeimperfective transitive
EmotionszdumiewaćPolishverbto be astonished, to be amazed [with instrumental ‘by/at something’] / to be astonished, to be amazedimperfective reflexive
Emotions苦惱Chineseadjannoyed; distressed; ailed
Emotions苦惱Chinesenounsuffering, vexationBuddhism lifestyle religion
Emotions苦惱Chineseverbto ail; to annoy; to distress
EnglandAnhVietnamesenamea unisex given name from Chinese
EnglandAnhVietnamesenameUnited Kingdom (a country in Europe)
EnglandAnhVietnamesenameGreat Britain; Britain
EnglandAnhVietnamesepronAlternative letter-case form of anh; he/him, the young Ho Chi Minhalt-of endearing literary
English abbreviated euphemismst-wordEnglishnountax or taxes, treated as if it were taboo.euphemistic humorous
English abbreviated euphemismst-wordEnglishnounThe word tranny, regarded as offensive and taboo.euphemistic
English abbreviated euphemismst-wordEnglishnounAny of several other words beginning with t when regarded (sometimes humorously) as taboo, for example tit, twat, turd, terrorist or terrorism, treason, Trump.euphemistic
English diminutives of female given namesGingerEnglishnameA female given name from English and nickname.
English diminutives of female given namesGingerEnglishnameA male nickname.rare
English diminutives of female given namesGingerEnglishnameA given name for animals having ginger- or orange-coloured fur or feathers.
English minced oathsdoggoneEnglishadjEuphemistic form of goddamned.US dialectal euphemistic form-of no-comparative
English minced oathsdoggoneEnglishintjEuphemistic form of goddamned; an expression of anger or annoyance.US dialectal euphemistic form-of
English minced oathsdoggoneEnglishverbTo damn; to curse.US dialectal
English unisex given namesCammieEnglishnameA unisex given name / A diminutive of the female given name Camilla.
English unisex given namesCammieEnglishnameA unisex given name / A diminutive of the male given name Cameron.
English unisex given namesCareyEnglishnameA placename / A place in England, United Kingdom; Any of several place names in south-west England.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCareyEnglishnameA placename / Ellipsis of Carey Island.; An island in Nunavut, Canada, in the James Bay, off the coast of Quebec.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
English unisex given namesCareyEnglishnameA surname. / An English habitational surname from either of these placenames.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCareyEnglishnameA surname. / A surname from Irish, anglicized from the Gaelic Ó Ciardha.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCareyEnglishnameA surname. / A Celtic surname from Welsh, derived from Carew.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCareyEnglishnameA unisex given name / A male given name transferred from the surname.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCareyEnglishnameA unisex given name / A female given name, variant of Cary.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesMikeEnglishnounradiotelephony clear-code word for the letter M.
English unisex given namesMikeEnglishnounAn Irishman, especially a labourer.slang
English unisex given namesMikeEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Michael.countable
English unisex given namesMikeEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Michaela.countable
EntertainmenthostelMiddle EnglishnounA hostel or guesthouse; accommodation.
EntertainmenthostelMiddle EnglishnounFun or diversion; entertaining activities.
EntertainmenthostelMiddle EnglishnounA dwelling or house; a place of residence.
EntertainmenthostelMiddle EnglishnounA household; a domestic establishment.
EntertainmenthostelMiddle EnglishnounThe owner or manager of a hostel.
EntertainmenthostelMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hostelenalt-of alternative
EntertainmentvaudevilleEnglishnounA style of multi-act theatrical entertainment which originated from France and flourished in Europe and North America from the 1880s through the 1920s.historical uncountable
EntertainmentvaudevilleEnglishnounAn entertainment in this style.countable historical
EquidspäätautiIngriannounSynonym of nenätauti
EquidsداوOttoman Turkishnounplayer's turn at play
EquidsداوOttoman Turkishnounplayer's doubling his stake
EquidsداوOttoman Turkishnounrefill of a glass to drink one's health
EquidsداوOttoman TurkishnounBurchell's zebra (Equus quagga burchellii)
EquidsداوOttoman Turkishnoundhow, a traditional boat used along the coasts of Arabia
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounA yellowish citrus fruit.
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounA semitropical evergreen tree, Citrus limon, that bears such fruits.
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounA more or less bright shade of yellow associated with lemon fruits.
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounA lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris).
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounA defective or inadequate item or individual.slang
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounFavor.Cockney slang
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounA piece of fanfiction involving explicit sex.lifestyleslang
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishnounThe surface of revolution of a circular arc of angle less than 180° rotated about the straight line passing through the arc’s two endpoints.geometry mathematics sciences
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishadjContaining or having the flavour/flavor and/or scent of lemons.
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishadjOf the pale yellow colour/color of lemons.
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishadjSmart; cheeky, vocal.Cockney slang
Erotic literaturelemonEnglishverbTo flavour with lemon.transitive
Eswatini999EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Burma, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sudan, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Dominica, Kiribati, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and the Seychelles.
Eswatini999EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Singapore, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Eswatini, Botswana, Tanzania, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Eswatini999EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Malawi and Tonga.
Eswatini999EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Poland.
Eswatini999EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Hong-Kong Ireland Singapore UK colloquial metonymically uncountable
EthnonymsEyagiNupenameYoruba people
EthnonymsEyagiNupenameYoruba language
EthnonymsMariEnglishnameAn ancient Sumerian and Amorite city, the modern-day Tell Hariri in Syria.historical
EthnonymsMariEnglishnounA Volga-Finnic people in the Volga region.plural plural-only
EthnonymsMariEnglishnameA Finno-Ugric language spoken by the Mari people.
EthnonymsMariEnglishnameMeadow Mari; Eastern Mari.
EthnonymsMariEnglishnameAn Austronesian language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
EthnonymsMariEnglishnameA female given name from Japanese
EthnonymsRumsenEnglishnounOne of eight divisions of the Ohlone Native American people of northern California native to Monterey Bay Area.plural plural-only
EthnonymsRumsenEnglishnameThe now-extinct language of this people, an Ohlone dialect in the Utian family.
EthnonymsSurigaononCebuanonounSurigaonon (ethnolinguistic group)
EthnonymsSurigaononCebuanonounSurigaonon (person)
EthnonymsSurigaononCebuanonamethe Surigaonon language
EthnonymsΑθίγγανοςGreeknameA Gypsy, a Rom, a member of the Romani people.
EthnonymsΑθίγγανοςGreeknameFollower of the Christian sect of Melchizedek.historical
EthnonymsчукчаRussiannounChukchi (by ethnicity)
EthnonymsчукчаRussiannouna naive and primitive person, especially of some foreign cultural origin (in sound analogy of чурка (čurka) and чучмек (čučmek))derogatory
Eupatorieae tribe plantsqueen of the meadowEnglishnounFilipendula ulmaria, the meadowsweet.uncountable
Eupatorieae tribe plantsqueen of the meadowEnglishnounEutrochium purpureum, sweet joe-pye weed.uncountable
Exercise equipmentporęczPolishnounbanister, handrail, railing (rail which can be held)architecturefeminine
Exercise equipmentporęczPolishnounparallel bars (apparatus)gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
Exercise equipmentporęczPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of poręczyćform-of imperative second-person singular
Extinct languagesaruaquePortuguesenounArawak (a member of the Arawak people)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
Extinct languagesaruaquePortuguesenounArawak (the language of the Arawak people)masculine uncountable
Extinct languagesaruaquePortugueseadjArawak (pertaining to the Arawak people)feminine masculine
Extinct languagesphénicienFrenchadjPhoenician
Extinct languagesphénicienFrenchnounPhoenician languagemasculine uncountable
FacenosekPolishnoundiminutive of nosdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
FacenosekPolishnounlittle noseinanimate masculine
FacenosekPolishnounmaple samaracolloquial inanimate masculine
FacenosekPolishnountoe (part of a shoe covering the toe)colloquial inanimate masculine
FacenosekPolishnounnib (tip of a pen)colloquial inanimate masculine
FalconidscaranchoSpanishnouncaracara (bird of prey)masculine
FalconidscaranchoSpanishnounsouthern crested caracaramasculine
FalconidscaranchoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of carancharfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FamilyfaderDanishnounfathercommon-gender formal
FamilyfaderDanishnounA term of address for a Christian priest.common-gender
FamilyhalaTurkishnounpaternal aunt (father’s sister)
FamilyhalaTurkishadvMisspelling of hâlâ (“still, yet”).alt-of misspelling
Familyhalf-Englishprefixhalf or partial; not completemorpheme
Familyhalf-EnglishprefixUsed before brother, sister, uncle, aunt, and so forth, to indicate that the person being identified is related only through one parent, grandparent, and so forth, rather than two.morpheme
FamilyphȉwénaTaosnoundaughter, daughter-in-law
FamilyphȉwénaTaosnounany female child or younger female person
FamilyrodzinaSilesiannounfamily (parents and children together)feminine
FamilyrodzinaSilesiannounproperty (object of ownership)feminine
FamilyасӄNivkhnounyounger brother; little brother
FamilyасӄNivkhnounyounger sister; little sister
Family阿爸Chinesenoundad; paparegional
Family신부Koreannounfather, priestlifestyle religion
FastenersچیویOttoman Turkishnounpeg, treenail, a cylindrical, wooden object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects
FastenersچیویOttoman Turkishnounnail, a spike-shaped metal fastener with a sharp point used for joining wood or similar materials
FastenersچیویOttoman Turkishnounrivet, a permanent, cylindrical, mechanical fastener that attaches multiple parts together
Fats and oils𐤇𐤋𐤁Phoeniciannounmilk
Fats and oils𐤇𐤋𐤁Phoeniciannounfat
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (device used to alarm people)inanimate masculine
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (sound used to alarm people)inanimate masculine
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (state of being alerted)inanimate masculine
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (fear, apprehension)inanimate masculine
FecesobsrywaćPolishverbto soil someone or something with faeces by defecatingimperfective transitive vulgar
FecesobsrywaćPolishverbto slanderimperfective transitive vulgar
FecesobsrywaćPolishverbto soil oneself with faeces by defecatingimperfective reflexive vulgar
FecesobsrywaćPolishverbto slander each otherimperfective reflexive vulgar
FecesաղբArmeniannoungarbage, trash, rubbish
FecesաղբArmeniannounfeces, excrementrare
FecesقرموطArabicnounsharptooth catfish (Clarias gen. et spp.), typically the African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus)collective
FecesقرموطArabicnoundwarf, midgetcollective
FecesقرموطArabicnounscarab dungballArabic Classical collective
FecesقرموطArabicnounsaxaul fruitArabic Classical collective
FemaleGehuuriAlemannic GermannounghostUri neuter
FemaleGehuuriAlemannic GermannounscarecrowUri neuter
FemaleGehuuriAlemannic Germannoununkempt womanUri figuratively neuter
FemaleფსტუBatsnounwife, woman
FemaleእምስAmharicnounvagina, vulva
Female animalsMähreGermannouna female horsearchaic feminine literary
Female animalsMähreGermannouna decrepit old horse; a nagderogatory feminine
Female animalsMähreGermannounMoravian (person from Moravia; male or unspecified sex)masculine weak
Female animalslàirScottish Gaelicnounmare (female horse)feminine
Female animalslàirScottish GaelicnounA bit of skirt.feminine offensive slang
Female animalslàirScottish Gaelicnouninflection of làr: ## genitive singular ## nominative plural / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
Female animalslàirScottish Gaelicnouninflection of làr: ## genitive singular ## nominative plural / nominative pluralform-of nominative plural
Female animalsкобылаRussiannounmare
Female animalsкобылаRussiannounA woman who is fat.colloquial derogatory figuratively
Female animalsпуткаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of пута́к (puták): duck, fowl (typically female)feminine form-of obsolete
Female animalsпуткаBulgariannounpussy, cunt, twat (female genitalia)vulgar
Female animalsпуткаBulgariannouncunt (insult)derogatory vulgar
Female children少女Japanesenouna (young, little) girl
Female children少女Japanesenouna style of anime and manga made for young women, shojoanime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing television
Female children少女Japanesenouna young woman, adult but unmarried: a maiden
Female children少女Japanesenouna girl
Female children少女Japanesenouna female virgin
Female children少女Japanesenouna celestial maiden, a fairy, a nymphhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Female children少女Japanesenouna young woman dancer performing at the 五節 (Gosechi) ceremony in the eleventh lunar monthShinto lifestyle religion
Female family memberssestričnaSerbo-Croatiannounfirst cousin (daughter of one's uncle or aunt)
Female family memberssestričnaSerbo-Croatiannouncousin (distant female relative in general)
Female family membersxjoSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounmetal
Female family membersxjoSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounmachete
Female family membersxjoSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounmotor vehicle
Female family membersxjoSan Pedro Amuzgos AmuzgonounAn older female relative: older sister, aunt, older female cousin.
Female peoplecipciaPolishnounpussy, twat (female genitalia)derogatory feminine vulgar
Female peoplecipciaPolishnounpetite girlfeminine mildly vulgar
Female peoplefangirlEnglishnounA female fan who is obsessive about a particular subject (especially, someone or something in popular entertainment media).lifestyleslang
Female peoplefangirlEnglishverbTo behave like a fangirl; to be obsequious, star-struck, boy crazy, etc.intransitive
Female peoplematriarchEnglishnounA female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group.
Female peoplematriarchEnglishnounA female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group. / The dominant female in a family group of elephants
Female peoplematriarchEnglishnounA female founder of a political or religious movement, an organization or an enterprise.
Female peoplepucaSerbo-CroatiannoungirlKajkavian
Female peoplepucaSerbo-Croatianverbthird-person singular present of pucatiform-of present singular third-person
Female peoplepustelniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pustelnik (“anchorite, eremite, hermit”) (religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons)lifestyle religiondated feminine form-of
Female peoplepustelniczkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pustelnik (“hermit, recluse”) (someone who likes solitude and shies away from people)dated feminine figuratively form-of
FeminismfeminoidEnglishadjApparently, but not actually, female.not-comparable
FeminismfeminoidEnglishnounA feminist.derogatory slang
FibersalpacaItaliannounalpaca (Vicugna pacos)invariable masculine
FibersalpacaItaliannounalpaca (wool)invariable masculine uncountable
FibersalpacaItaliannouna fabric made out of a mixture of wool and cottoninvariable masculine uncountable
Fictional charactersHulkEnglishnameA fictional Marvel Comics character who gains superhuman strength when he becomes angry.
Fictional charactersHulkEnglishnounA person resembling, especially physically, the Hulk in the Marvel Comics Universe.
Fictional charactersHulkEnglishnounA strongman.broadly
Fictional characterselementalEnglishadjOf, relating to, or being an element (as opposed to a compound).chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
Fictional characterselementalEnglishadjBasic, fundamental or elementary.not-comparable
Fictional characterselementalEnglishadjOf the ancient supposed elements of earth, air, fire and water.not-comparable
Fictional characterselementalEnglishadjOf, or relating to a force of nature, especially to severe atmospheric conditions.broadly not-comparable
Fictional characterselementalEnglishnounA creature (usually a spirit) that is attuned with, or composed of, one of the classical elements: air, earth, fire and water or variations of them like ice, lightning, etc. They sometimes have unique proper names and sometimes are referred to as Air, Earth, Fire, or Water.fantasy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
FilmmoziHungariannouncinema, movie theater
FilmmoziHungariannounSynonym of film (“movie, film”)informal
Film幕布Chinesenouncurtain (in a theatre)
Film幕布Chinesenounscreen (in a cinema)
Film genrespeplumEnglishnounA peplos, an Ancient Greek garment formed of a tubular piece of cloth folded back upon itself halfway down so that the top of the tube is worn around the waist, and the bottom covers the legs down to the ankles; the open top is then worn over the shoulders, and draped, in folds, down to the waist. Compare the Roman palla.historical
Film genrespeplumEnglishnounA kind of women's outer garment in ancient Greece; a veil.historical
Film genrespeplumEnglishnounA short overskirt cut in such a way that the sides form points. [from 20th century] / A short overskirt cut in such a way that the sides form lifestyle
Film genrespeplumEnglishnounA short overskirt attached to the waist of a garment; a lifestyle
Film genrespeplumEnglishnounA genre of Italian films based on historical or biblical epics.uncountable
Film genrespeplumEnglishnounAn individual film in this genre.countable
FingersܟܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounlarge digit; thumb, big toe
FingersܟܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounleek
FingersܟܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounbundle, pack
FingersܟܪܬܐClassical Syriacnounburden, load
FinlandԱբոArmeniannamediminutive of Ալբերտ (Albert)diminutive form-of
FireahiPohnpeiandetmy, mine, first person singular possessive pronoun
FireflambeEnglishadjAlternative spelling of flambéalt-of alternative not-comparable
FireflambeEnglishnounAlternative spelling of flambéalt-of alternative
FireflambeEnglishverbAlternative spelling of flambéalt-of alternative
FireогнищеRussiannounplace where there was a fire (with ashes and charcoals)
FireогнищеRussiannounAugmentative of ого́нь (ogónʹ): large fireaugmentative form-of
FishuxaGaliciannouncommon stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca)masculine
FishuxaGaliciannouncommon eagle ray (Myliobatis aquila)masculine
Fish生魚Chinesenounraw fish
Fish生魚Chinesenounnorthern snakehead (Channa argus)Cantonese Hakka Liuzhou Mandarin dialectal
Five߅TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number five.
Five߅TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal. Unlike naturally developed instances of the Hindu-Arabic decimal number system, N'ko numbers have the most significant digit on the right. It is Unicode policy to store the most significant digit first, so these digits have right-to-left ordering just like the consonants of the N'ko script.
Flowerspheasant's eyeEnglishnounAny of genus Adonis of flowering plants in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), native to Europe and Asia, particularly
Flowerspheasant's eyeEnglishnounAny of genus Adonis of flowering plants in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), native to Europe and Asia, particularly / Adonis annua, a plant with bright red flowers
Flowerspheasant's eyeEnglishnounNarcissus poeticus, a species of daffodil
FlowersסיגלHebrewnounA violet
FlowersסיגלHebrewverbTo adaptconstruction-pi'el
Food and drinkkeittiäLivviverbto boiltransitive
Food and drinkkeittiäLivviverbto cooktransitive
Food and drinkmerendaLatinnouncollation, light evening meal, an afternoon luncheondeclension-1 feminine
Food and drinkmerendaLatinnouna tastedeclension-1 feminine
Food and drinkпеченьеRussiannounpastry, cruller
Food and drinkпеченьеRussiannounbiscuit; (US): cookieUK
Food and drinkпеченьеRussiannouncracker
FoodsbeancakeEnglishnounVarious forms of tofu, made from soybeans.countable dated uncountable
FoodsbeancakeEnglishnounAkara, a west-African fritter made from black-eyed peas.countable uncountable
Foodsbonne boucheEnglishnounA gourmet titbit.
Foodsbonne boucheEnglishnounThe vagina.euphemistic
Foodsbánh ránVietnamesenounA deep-fried glutinous rice ball in northern Vietnamese cuisine, filled with mung bean paste, scented with jasmine flower essence, and doused in syrup.
Foodsbánh ránVietnamesenoundorayaki
FoodschurrascoPortuguesenounchurrasco; barbecued meatmasculine
FoodschurrascoPortuguesenounbarbecue (meal or event highlighted by food cooked on a barbecue)masculine
FoodschurrascoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of churrascarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FoodscurtidoSpanishadjweather-beaten, leathery (of skin)
FoodscurtidoSpanishnouna pickled cabbage saladEl-Salvador masculine
FoodscurtidoSpanishverbpast participle of curtirform-of participle past
FoodscàrneLiguriannounflesh, meatfeminine uncountable
FoodscàrneLiguriannounmeat (a type of meat, by anatomic position and provenance)feminine
FoodshalléHungariannounfish soup
FoodshalléHungariannounnon-attributive possessive singular of hallform-of possessive predicative singular
FoodspotravinaSlovaknouna piece of foodfeminine
FoodspotravinaSlovaknounfood, foodstufffeminine in-plural
FoodssuszPolishnoundried fruitscollective inanimate masculine
FoodssuszPolishnounbrushwoodcollective inanimate masculine
FoodssuszPolishnoungenitive plural of suszafeminine form-of genitive plural
FoodssuszPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of suszyćform-of imperative second-person singular
FoodssójaCzechnounsoya (genus of plants (Glycine) in the bean family Fabaceae)feminine
FoodssójaCzechnounsoya (short form of sójová omáčka, sauce from soybeans)feminine
FoodsփաչաArmeniannountrotters of sheepdialectal
FoodsփաչաArmeniannouna խաշ (xaš) made from trotters of sheepdialectal
FoodsփաչաArmeniannounthe lower part of a leg of a pair of trousers or drawersdialectal
FoodsܓܒܬܐClassical Syriacnouncheese
FoodsܓܒܬܐClassical Syriacnouncurd
Foods魚膾Chinesenounfish pieces (for cooking)
Foods魚膾Chinesenounkuai (a Chinese dish consisting of finely cut strips of raw fish or meat)
FootwearabarcaSpanishverbinflection of abarcar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FootwearabarcaSpanishverbinflection of abarcar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FootwearbigoteraCatalannounmoustache snoodfeminine obsolete
FootwearbigoteraCatalannounbow compassfeminine
Footwear拖板Chinesenounpower strip; power boardCantonese
Footwear拖板ChinesenounclogsGan Mandarin Wuhan Xiang
ForestrypolanaPolishnounglade, clearingfeminine
ForestrypolanaPolishnouninflection of polano: / genitive singularform-of genitive neuter singular
ForestrypolanaPolishnouninflection of polano: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
ForestrypolanaPolishverbfeminine nominative/vocative singular of polanyfeminine form-of nominative participle singular vocative
ForestsчашшаUdmurtnounforest, woodsdialectal
Forms of discriminationbody shamingEnglishnounBias, invective, or discrimination targeted at individuals because of their appearance, especially weight.uncountable
Forms of discriminationbody shamingEnglishverbAlternative form of body-shamingalt-of alternative
Forms of discriminationcolorismEnglishnounPrejudice or bias against persons on the basis of their skin color or complexion, often among persons of the same racial identification.US uncountable usually
Forms of discriminationcolorismEnglishnounA style of painting characterised by the use of intense color.uncountable usually
Forms of governmentaristocratieDutchnounaristocracy (nobility, or the hereditary ruling class.)feminine
Forms of governmentaristocratieDutchnounaristocracy (government by an aristocratic class)feminine
Forms of governmentaristocratieDutchnounaristocracy, nobility (upper crust, top people)feminine figuratively
FowlsسمانArabicnounquail (Coturnix coturnix)collective
FowlsسمانArabicadjinflection of سَمِين (samīn): / masculine pluralform-of masculine plural
FowlsسمانArabicadjinflection of سَمِين (samīn): / feminine pluralfeminine form-of plural
FrancePransesTagalogadjFrench (pertaining to France)
FrancePransesTagalognounFrenchman; French (person)
FrancePransesTagalognounFrench (language)
Fruits'ybapytangaOld TupinounSuriname cherry tree (Eugenia uniflora)
Fruits'ybapytangaOld TupinounSuriname cherry fruit
FruitsbứaVietnamesenounGarcinia oblongifolia
FruitsbứaVietnamesenounthe genus Garciniabroadly
FruitsbứaVietnamesenounthe family Clusiaceaebroadly
FruitsdruifDutchnoungrapefeminine masculine
FruitsdruifDutchnoungrapeshot, shrapnel roundfeminine masculine obsolete
FruitsmusaLatinnounsong, poemdeclension-1
FruitsmusaLatinnounstudies, sciencesdeclension-1 in-plural
FruitsmusaLatinnounbananaMedieval-Latin declension-1
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / An edible, fleshy stone fruit of Prunus domestica (European plum), often of a dark red or purple colour.
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / A stone-fruit tree which bears this fruit, Prunus domestica.
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunus / Prunus cerasifera (cherry plum or myrobalan)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunus / Prunus salicina (Chinese plum or Japanese plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunus / Prunus spinosa (sloe)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunus / Prunus ursina (bear's plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunocerasus North American plums / Prunus americana (American plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunocerasus North American plums / Prunus angustifolia (Chickasaw plum or sand plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunocerasus North American plums / Prunus hortulana (hortulan plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunocerasus North American plums / Prunus nigra (Canadian plum or black plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunocerasus North American plums / Prunus rivularis (creek plum or hog plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Prunocerasus North American plums / Prunus subcordata (Klamath plum or Oregon plum)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Armeniaca (better known as apricots)
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species resembling the plum, or the tree from which they grow. / Prunus sect. Armeniaca (better known as apricots) / Prunus mume, an Asian fruit more closely related to the apricot than the plum, usually consumed pickled, dried, or as a juice or wine; ume.
FruitsplumEnglishnounThe fruit and its tree. / A dried grape or raisin, as used in a pudding or cake.archaic
FruitsplumEnglishnounExtended senses. / One hundred thousand pounds; (generally) a fortune.archaic
FruitsplumEnglishnounExtended senses. / A desirable or choice thing of its kind; a prize selection; a choice appointment, assignment etc.
FruitsplumEnglishnounExtended senses. / A dark bluish-red color/colour, the colour of some plums.
FruitsplumEnglishnounExtended senses. / A testicle.plural-normally slang vulgar
FruitsplumEnglishnounExtended senses. / A fool, an idiot.UK derogatory
FruitsplumEnglishadjOf a dark bluish-red colour.comparable
FruitsplumEnglishadjChoice; especially lavish or preferred.not-comparable
FruitsplumEnglishadvCompletely; utterly.not-comparable
FruitsplumEnglishverbTo mining
FruitsתמראAramaicnoundates (fruit)
FruitsתמראAramaicnoundate palms
FruitsজামিরBengalinounA large and highly acidic citron, lemon/lime
FruitsজামিরBengalinounAny lemon/lime (colloquial)
Funeralcamera mortuariaItaliannounmortuary, morguefeminine
Funeralcamera mortuariaItaliannounmortuary chapelfeminine
FurnituresekretářCzechnounsecretary (person keeping records)animate masculine
FurnituresekretářCzechnounescritoire, secretaire (writing desk)inanimate masculine
GameslosCzechnounelk (British), moose (U.S.)animate masculine
GameslosCzechnounlottery ticketinanimate masculine
GasesaerozolPolishnounaerosol (mixture of fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
GasesaerozolPolishnounaerosol, aerosol can (container of aerosol)colloquial inanimate masculine
GasesgazikPolishnoundiminutive of gaz (“gas”)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
GasesgazikPolishnountipsinesscolloquial humorous inanimate masculine
GasesgazikPolishnounGAZ carcolloquial
GasesgazikPolishnoungauze padinanimate masculine
GeographycantonEnglishnounA division of a political unit. / One of the states comprising the Swiss Confederation.
GeographycantonEnglishnounA division of a political unit. / A subdivision of an arrondissement of France.
GeographycantonEnglishnounA division of a political unit. / A division of Luxembourg, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.
GeographycantonEnglishnounA division of a political unit. / A subdivision of a county, of Quebec, Canada; equivalent to a township.obsolete
GeographycantonEnglishnounA division of a political unit.
GeographycantonEnglishnounA small community or clan.
GeographycantonEnglishnounA subdivision of a flag, the rectangular inset on the upper hoist (i.e., flagpole) side (e.g., the stars of the US national flag are in a canton).
GeographycantonEnglishnounA division of a shield occupying one third of the chief, usually on the dexter side, formed by a perpendicular line from the top meeting a horizontal line from the side.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
GeographycantonEnglishverbTo delineate as a separate district.transitive
GeographycantonEnglishverbTo divide into cantons.transitive
GeographycantonEnglishverbTo quarter troops by requisitioning housing from the civilian population.transitive
GeographycantonEnglishverbTo be allotted such quarters.intransitive
GeographycantonEnglishnounA song or canto.obsolete
GeologygeologiaFinnishnounpartitive singular of geologiform-of partitive singular
GeometryRiemannian manifoldEnglishnounA real, smooth differentiable manifold whose each point has a tangent space equipped with a positive-definite inner product; (more formally) an ordered pair (M, g), where M is a real, smooth differentiable manifold and g its Riemannian metric. / A real, smooth differentiable manifold whose each point has a tangent space equipped with a positive-definite inner product;
GeometryRiemannian manifoldEnglishnounA real, smooth differentiable manifold whose each point has a tangent space equipped with a positive-definite inner product; (more formally) an ordered pair (M, g), where M is a real, smooth differentiable manifold and g its Riemannian metric. / an ordered pair (M, g), where M is a real, smooth differentiable manifold and g its Riemannian metric.
Geraniales order plantscoconut geraniumEnglishnounA low, annual species of geranium with leaves that smell like coconuts, Pelargonium grossularioides
Geraniales order plantscoconut geraniumEnglishnounAny other geranium species that has a similar smell
GerontologynonagenarianEnglishnounSynonym of ninetysomething: a person between 90 and 99 years old.
GerontologynonagenarianEnglishadjOf or related to ninetysomethings.not-comparable
GoatsenjëAlbaniannounEnglish yew (Taxus baccata)feminine
GoatsenjëAlbaniannounstinking juniper (Juniperus foetidissima)feminine
GoatsenjëAlbaniannoundairy goatfeminine
GodsErisCzechnameEris, the goddess of discord, confusion, and strifehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
GodsErisCzechnameEris, a dwarf planet and a large Kuiper belt objectastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine indeclinable
GodsⲛⲓⲕⲏCopticnameNike, Greek goddess of victory.Sahidic
Goosefoot subfamily plantsłopuchaPolishnounwild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)feminine
Goosefoot subfamily plantsłopuchaPolishnounwhite goosefoot (Chenopodium album)colloquial feminine
GrainsgerstDutchnounbarley, Hordeum vulgarefeminine masculine uncountable
GrainsgerstDutchnounbarley seed, used for brewing beerfeminine masculine uncountable
GrainskrupičkaCzechnoundiminutive of krupicediminutive feminine form-of
GrainskrupičkaCzechnoundiminutive of kroupadiminutive feminine form-of
GrainskrupičkaCzechnoundiminutive of krůpějdiminutive feminine form-of
GrainsտարեկանArmenianadjannual, yearly
GrainsտարեկանArmenianadj-year-old, indicates age in combination with numerals
GrainsտարեկանArmenianadvyearly, every year, annually
GrainsտարեկանArmenianadvper annum
GrainsտարեկանArmeniannounrye (rye is an annual plant: it completes its growth in one growing season and therefore must be planted annually)
GrainsտարեկանArmeniannounyearling pigletKarabakh
GrassesmaarianheinäFinnishnounany plant of the genus Hierochloe
GrassesmaarianheinäFinnishnounthe genus Hierochloein-plural
GrassesσπάρτονAncient Greeknounrope, cable
GrassesσπάρτονAncient Greeknounmeasuring cord
GrassesσπάρτονAncient Greeknounthread
GrassesσπάρτονAncient Greeknounesparto (Stipa tenacissima)
Grasses𐱇Old TurkiccharacterA letter of the Old Turkic runic script, representing /ot/.letter
Grasses𐱇Old Turkicnoungrass, herb
GreeceThracianEnglishadjof or pertaining to Thrace or the Thracians or the extinct Thracian language.not-comparable
GreeceThracianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of Thrace, regardless of ethnicity.countable
GreeceThracianEnglishnounA member of a group of tribes who spoke the language Thracian. (See Wikipedia's article on the Thracians.)countable
GreeceThracianEnglishnamethe extinct language formerly spoken in Thrace.uncountable
GreeceZantiotEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Greek island of Zakynthos.
GreeceZantiotEnglishadjOf or relating to Zakynthos or its inhabitants.not-comparable
Greek deitiesPlutonSlovenenamePluto (dwarf planet)
Greek deitiesPlutonSlovenenamePluto (Ancient Greek god)
Greek letter namesnuEnglishnounThe letter of the Greek alphabet Ν (N) and ν (n).countable uncountable
Greek letter namesnuEnglishnounA measure of constringence in lenses or prisms.countable uncountable
Greek letter namesnuEnglishintjAn exclamation of surprise, emphasis, doubt, etc.Jewish
Greek letter namesnuEnglishintjWell? (Used as a question to demand an answer from someone reluctant to answer.)Jewish
Greek letter namesnuEnglishadjnew
Greek letter namesάλφαGreeknounalpha, the name for the first letter of the modern Greek alphabet.indeclinable
Greek letter namesάλφαGreeknounbeginning.indeclinable
Greek letter namesάλφαGreeknountop, premium.indeclinable
GullssædingNorwegian Nynorsknounherring gullmasculine
GullssædingNorwegian Nynorsknouninseminationfeminine
HaircopperheadEnglishnounAny of certain of snakes having a copper-colored head in three families within suborder Serpentes. / Agkistrodon contortrix, a venomous pit viper species found in parts of North America.
HaircopperheadEnglishnounAny of certain of snakes having a copper-colored head in three families within suborder Serpentes. / Deinagkistrodon acutus, the Chinese copperhead, a venomous pit viper species found in Southeast Asia
HaircopperheadEnglishnounAny of certain of snakes having a copper-colored head in three families within suborder Serpentes. / Austrelaps spp. (Australian copperheads), a genus of venomous elapids found in southern Australia and Tasmania.
HaircopperheadEnglishnounAny of certain of snakes having a copper-colored head in three families within suborder Serpentes. / Coelognathus radiatus (syn. Elaphe radiata), the copperhead rat snake, a non-venomous colubrid species found in southern Asia.
HaircopperheadEnglishnounSomeone with ginger hair.derogatory
HairlettiFinnishnounA plait, braid, pigtail.
HairlettiFinnishnounHair (collection of human head hair).colloquial
HairmaneEnglishnounLonger hair growth on back of neck of an animal, especially a horse or lion
HairmaneEnglishnounLong or thick hair of a person's head.
HairmaneEnglishnounPart of a naval sword between the tang button and the quillon.
HairmaneEnglishnounAlternative form of man (suggesting an AAVE accent)alt-of alternative slang
HairponytailEnglishnounA hairstyle where the hair is pulled back and tied into a single "tail" which hangs down behind the head.
HairponytailEnglishverbTo form (the hair) into a ponytail.transitive
HairריסHebrewnouneyelid (then particularly together with eyelashes)obsolete
HairריסHebrewnounstadium, racecourseobsolete
HairריסHebrewnounthe measure called stadionobsolete
HappinesseuphoricEnglishadjFeeling great well-being or elation or intense happiness; characterized by euphoria
HappinesseuphoricEnglishadjProductive of euphoria, causing great joy
HappinesseuphoricEnglishnounA drug that causes euphoria; a euphoriant.
HeadwearcoronaSpanishnouncrowngovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
HeadwearcoronaSpanishnouncrown (various units of currency)feminine
HeadwearcoronaSpanishnounwreath; ring, circlefeminine
HeadwearcoronaSpanishnounsprocket; (bicycle sprockets) cassettefeminine
HeadwearcoronaSpanishnounlarger part of a pair of gear wheelsengineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
HeadwearcoronaSpanishverbinflection of coronar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
HeadwearcoronaSpanishverbinflection of coronar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
HeadwearcoronaSpanishnouncoronavirusinformal masculine uncountable
HeadwearքոլոզArmeniannouna kind of women's headgeardialectal
HeadwearքոլոզArmeniannouna kind of Kurdish headgear made of feltdialectal
HeadwearܣܘܕܪܐClassical Syriacnouncloth, towel, shroud, linen, handkerchief
HeadwearܣܘܕܪܐClassical Syriacnounscarf
HeadwearܣܘܕܪܐClassical Syriacnounturban
HeadwearܣܘܕܪܐClassical Syriacnountiara
HealthrecoveryngMiddle EnglishnounRecovery, recuperation or respite (often from sickness)uncountable
HealthrecoveryngMiddle EnglishnounRecovery (of lost things, feelings), regaining; getting back.uncountable
HealthrecoveryngMiddle EnglishnounThe state of desiring to recover lost things.rare uncountable
HealthrecoveryngMiddle EnglishnounAid, succour; the granting of assistance.rare uncountable
HealthseekLimburgishadjsick, illarchaic rare
HealthseekLimburgishadjsickly (frequently ill, given to becoming ill, or having the appearance of sickness)
Healthcare occupations醫師Chinesenoundoctor; physician
Healthcare occupations醫師Chinesenouncertified doctor; doctor who has received medical board registration; medical doctorspecifically
Healthcare occupations醫師Chinesenounparamedic; nurseDungan
Hebrew letter namesuauPortugueseintjwow (exclamation of amazement)
Hebrew letter namesuauPortuguesenounvav (name of the Hebrew letter ו)masculine
Hebrew letter namesuauPortuguesenounwaw (name of the Arabic letter و)masculine
HidesskinEnglishnounThe outer protective layer of the body of any animal, including of a human.uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounThe outer protective layer of the fruit of a plant.uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounThe skin and fur of an individual animal used by humans for clothing, upholstery, etc.countable
HidesskinEnglishnounA congealed layer on the surface of a liquid.countable
HidesskinEnglishnounA set of resources that modifies the appearance and/or layout of the graphical user interface of a computer program.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable
HidesskinEnglishnounAn alternate appearance (texture map or geometry) for a character model in a video
HidesskinEnglishnounRolling paper for cigarettes.countable slang
HidesskinEnglishnounClipping of skinhead.abbreviation alt-of clipping countable slang
HidesskinEnglishnounA subgroup of Australian aboriginal people; such divisions are cultural and not related to an individual′s physical skin.Australia countable uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounBare flesh, particularly bare breasts.countable slang uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounA vessel made of skin, used for holding liquids.countable uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounThat part of a sail, when furled, which remains on the outside and covers the whole.nautical transportcountable uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounThe covering, as of planking or iron plates, outside the framing, forming the sides and bottom of a vessel; the shell; also, a lining inside the framing.nautical transportcountable uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounThe outer surface covering much of the wings and fuselage of an aircraft.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounA drink of whisky served hot.countable uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounperson, chapBritish Ireland countable slang uncountable
HidesskinEnglishnounA purse.UK countable obsolete uncountable
HidesskinEnglishverbTo injure the skin of.transitive
HidesskinEnglishverbTo remove the skin and/or fur of an animal or a human.transitive
HidesskinEnglishverbTo high five.colloquial
HidesskinEnglishverbTo apply a skin to (a computer program).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescolloquial transitive
HidesskinEnglishverbTo use tricks to go past a defender.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsUK transitive
HidesskinEnglishverbTo become covered with skin.intransitive
HidesskinEnglishverbTo cover with skin, or as if with skin; hence, to cover superficially.transitive
HidesskinEnglishverbTo produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one's own, or to use cribs, memoranda, etc., which are prohibited.US archaic slang
HidesskinEnglishverbTo strip of money or property; to cheat.dated slang
HidesskinEnglishverbTo sneak off.intransitive obsolete slang
Hindu deitiesदुर्गाSanskritname‘the inaccessible or terrific goddess’.literary
Hindu deitiesदुर्गाSanskritnameName of the daughter of हिमवत् (himavat) and wife of Shiva.
Historical periods天和Japanesenounheavenly hand: a winning hand drawn by the dealer at the beginning of the game, worth 役満 (yakuman, “limit”)board-games games mahjong
Historical periods天和Japanesenamethe Tenna era, 1681-1684historical
Historical periods天和JapanesenameHistoric reading of 天和 (Tenna) (see above)archaic historical
Historical periods昭和Japanesenamethe Shōwa era, 1926-1989
Historical periods昭和Japanesenamea placename, especially of a ward in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
Historical politiesLepantoEnglishnameA former Spanish commandancy.historical
Historical politiesLepantoEnglishnameA subprovince of Lepanto-Bontoc, created from the commandancy.historical
HolidaysPedroIngriannamea male given name, equivalent to English Peter
HolidaysPedroIngriannamePeter (the Apostle)biblical lifestyle religion
HolidaysPedroIngriannameFeast of Saints Peter and Paul (feast on 12 July)Christianity
HolidaysfestumLatinnouna holiday, festivaldeclension-2
HolidaysfestumLatinnouna banquet, feastdeclension-2
HolidaysбэлиэтээYakutverbto mark, to note, to recordtransitive
HolidaysбэлиэтээYakutverbto pay attention (compare English mark my words)transitive
HolidaysбэлиэтээYakutverbto celebratetransitive
HoneylépHungarianverbto step (to move by setting one foot forward, backward or sideways)intransitive
HoneylépHungarianverbto enter, to step in (to arrive to a certain place)intransitive
HoneylépHungarianverbto enter (to proceed to a new stage, level or state)figuratively intransitive
HoneylépHungarianverbto move (to change the place of a piece in accordance with the rules of the game)intransitive
HoneylépHungarianverbto react (to take action in response to something)broadly transitive
HoneylépHungarianverbto get going, to be off, to be leaving (to be started on one's way)intransitive slang
HoneylépHungariannounspleen (organ)anatomy medicine sciences
HoneylépHungariannounbirdlime (a sticky substance smeared on branches to catch birds)uncountable usually
HoneylépHungariannounhoneycomb (of bees)uncountable usually
Honeysuckle family plantshlaváčCzechnounsomeone with a large headanimate masculine
Honeysuckle family plantshlaváčCzechnounany goby of the genus Gobius or certain other genera in the family Gobiidaeanimate masculine
Honeysuckle family plantshlaváčCzechnounany beetle of the genus Lethrusanimate masculine
Honeysuckle family plantshlaváčCzechnounpincushion, scabious (any plant of the genus Scabiosa)inanimate masculine
Hordeeae tribe grassesաշորաArmeniannounrye (grass of the genus Secale and its grain)
Hordeeae tribe grassesաշորաArmeniannounnewly grown grass, in particular newly grown and green wheatdialectal
Hordeeae tribe grassesաշորաArmeniannounwinter wheat seed
Horse tacksedloSerbo-Croatiannounsaddle
Horse tacksedloSerbo-Croatiannounridge, saddle
Horse tackقاشاغیOttoman Turkishnounscraper, an instrument with which anything is scraped
Horse tackقاشاغیOttoman Turkishnouncurrycomb, a comb or brush used to groom horses
HorseshorsefleshEnglishnounThe flesh of a horse; horsemeat.uncountable
HorseshorsefleshEnglishnounHorses collectively, with reference to driving, riding, or racing.uncountable
HorseshorsefleshEnglishnounBahama mahogany, wood from species Lysiloma sabicu and Lysiloma latisiliquum.uncountable
HorseshorsefleshEnglishadjOf the colour of horseflesh; of a peculiar reddish-brown hue.
HotelshotelEnglishnounA large town house or mansion; a grand private residence, especially in France.historical
HotelshotelEnglishnounAn establishment that provides accommodation and other services for paying guests; normally larger than a guesthouse, and often one of a chain.
HotelshotelEnglishnounA restaurant; any dining establishment.South-Asia
HotelshotelEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Hotel from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.alt-of
HotelshotelEnglishnounThe larger red property in the game of Monopoly, in contradistinction to houses.
HotelshotelEnglishnounThe guest accommodation and dining section of a cruise ship.
HotelshotelEnglishnounA pub.Australia Canada Western
HouseholdhousewifeEnglishnounA woman whose main employment is homemaking, maintaining the upkeep of her home and tending to household affairs; often, such a woman whose sole [unpaid] employment is homemaking.
HouseholdhousewifeEnglishnounThe wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household.
HouseholdhousewifeEnglishnounA little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for other articles of female work.
HouseholdhousewifeEnglishnounA worthless woman; a hussy.obsolete
HouseholdhousewifeEnglishverbAlternative form of housewivealt-of alternative
HousingguesthouseEnglishnounA small house near a main house, for lodging visitors.
HousingguesthouseEnglishnounA private house offering accommodation to paying guests; a boarding house; a bed and breakfast.
Human activitykoníčekCzechnoundiminutive of koník: small horseanimate diminutive form-of masculine
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounseahorseanimate masculine
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounlocustanimate colloquial masculine
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounhobbyanimate inanimate masculine
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounhobby horseanimate inanimate masculine
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounknight's tour puzzleanimate inanimate masculine
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounmetal file cabinet divideranimate inanimate masculine slang
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounpommel horsegymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsanimate inanimate masculine
Human activitykoníčekCzechnounfoal furanimate inanimate masculine
HuntingpastSloveneverbsupine of pástiform-of supine
HuntingĉasadoEsperantonounhunting (chasing and killing animals for sport or to get food)
Icefrost flowerEnglishnounA structure of ice crystals, formed on some plants, that resemble a flower
Icefrost flowerEnglishnounA similar group of ice crystals that forms on the surface of sea ice in calm conditions
Iceland112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Iceland112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Iceland112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Iceland112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
IchthyologyлососёвыеRussiannounSalmonidae (a biological family that includes salmons and greylings)plural plural-only
IchthyologyлососёвыеRussiannounSalmoninae (under the Salmonidae family)plural plural-only
IchthyologyлососёвыеRussianadjinflection of лососёвый (lososjóvyj): / nominative pluralform-of nominative plural
IchthyologyлососёвыеRussianadjinflection of лососёвый (lososjóvyj): / accusative plural inanimateaccusative form-of inanimate plural
IcteridsfirebirdEnglishnounA scarlet tanager, Piranga olivacea. (This species is now classified as belonging to the cardinal family: Cardinalidae)
IcteridsfirebirdEnglishnounA Baltimore oriole, Icterus galbula.
IcteridsfirebirdEnglishnounA vermilion flycatcher, Pyrocephalus rubinus.
IcteridsfirebirdEnglishnounA magical and prophetic glowing or burning bird from a faraway land, which is both a blessing and a harbinger of doom to its captor
ImmunologyimmunologicalEnglishadjOf or relating to immunology.not-comparable
ImmunologyimmunologicalEnglishnounAny drug used to treat the immune system.medicine sciences
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA female given name from Hebrew, popular since the 16th century.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA surname originating as a matronymic.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA suburb of Adelaide, Australia; named for Elizabeth II.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Arkansas.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A town in Colorado; named for a family member of John Evans, 2nd Governor of the Territory of Colorado.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Georgia; named for Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Georgia senator Joseph E. Brown.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A village in Illinois; said to be named for three early settlers all named Elizabeth.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A town in Indiana; named for Elizabeth Lemmon Zenor, daughter-in-law of early landowner Jacob Zenor.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A village in Allen Parish, Louisiana.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A city in Minnesota; named for early settler Elizabeth Niggler.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A city, the county seat of Union County, New Jersey; named for Elizabeth de Carteret, wife of George Carteret, one of two original Lords Proprietor of the Colony New Jersey.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A borough in Pennsylvania; named for early settler Elizabeth Mackay Bayard.countable uncountable
IndividualsElizabethEnglishnameA locale in the United States. / A town, the county seat of Wirt County, West Virginia; named for early settler Elizabeth Woodyard Beauchamp.countable uncountable
IndividualsElíaIcelandicnameElijah (biblical figure)masculine
IndividualsElíaIcelandicnamea female given namefeminine
IndividualsFDREnglishnameInitialism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32ⁿᵈ US president.government politicsUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
IndividualsFDREnglishnameEllipsis of FDR Drive.New-York-City abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
IndividualsFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of Congo. (Federal Democratic Republic of the Congo)abbreviation alt-of
IndividualsFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of Ethiopia. (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia)abbreviation alt-of
IndividualsFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of Nepal. (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)abbreviation alt-of
IndividualsFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of West Germany. (German Federal Democratic Republic)abbreviation alt-of
IndividualsFDREnglishnameInitialism of Federal Democratic Republic. / Abbreviation of unified Germany. (Federal Democratic Republic of Germany) (post Cold War)abbreviation alt-of
IndividualsFDREnglishnounInitialism of false transmit format detection ratio (in UMTS).business communication communications electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
IndividualsFDREnglishnounInitialism of flight data recorder.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
IndividualsFDREnglishnounInitialism of federal democratic republic.government politicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
IndividualsFDREnglishnounInitialism of false discovery rate.mathematics sciences statisticsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
IndividualsJesusEnglishnameJesus of Nazareth, a first-century Jewish religious preacher and craftsman (commonly understood to have been a carpenter, see Ancient Greek τέκτων (téktōn, “builder”)) from Galilee held to be a prophet, teacher, the son of God, and the Messiah, or Christ, in Christianity; also called "Jesus Christ" by Christians. Held to be a prophet by Muslims and Baháʼís.
IndividualsJesusEnglishnameOne of a variety of persons or entities in western Manichaeism, of whom some correspond closely to the Christian conception of Jesus of religionhistorical
IndividualsJesusEnglishnameA male given name from Spanish in Spanish culture; an anglicized spelling of Jesús.
IndividualsJesusEnglishnameA male given name from Aramaic of Semitic origin.
IndividualsJesusEnglishnameEllipsis of Jesus College, Cambridge.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
IndividualsJesusEnglishnameEllipsis of Jesus College, Oxford.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
IndividualsJesusEnglishnounThe Christian savior.
IndividualsJesusEnglishintjAn exclamation, particularly used to express excitement or exasperation.offensive possibly
IndividualsJesusEnglishverbTo subject to (excessive) Christian proselytizing, preaching, or moralizing.colloquial derogatory humorous often
IndividualsJesusEnglishverbTo exclaim "Jesus" (at).
IndividualsMariaHawaiiannameMary (Biblical character)
IndividualsMariaHawaiiannamea female given name originating from the Bible, of 19th century usage (but possibly pronounced like Malia)
IndividualsMarkusSwedishnameMark the Evangelist.common-gender
IndividualsMarkusSwedishnamea male given name. Spelling variant: Marcuscommon-gender
IndividualsMarttaFinnishnameMartha (biblical character)
IndividualsMarttaFinnishnamea female given name from Aramaic
IndividualsPerezEnglishnameThe father of Hezron and the son of Judah; the grandson of Jacob. (biblical figure).
IndividualsPerezEnglishnameA Sephardic Jewish surname from Hebrew.
IndividualsPerezEnglishnameA surname from Spanish [in turn originating as a patronymic].
IndividualsΧέμινγουεϊGreeknameA transliteration of the English surname Hemingway
IndividualsΧέμινγουεϊGreeknameErnest Hemingway.
IndividualsانارکلیUrdunounthe bud of a pomegranate
IndividualsانارکلیUrdunameAnarkali (a legendary courtesan from the Mughal era)
Individuals達磨Japanesenouna daruma: a hollow, round, Japanese traditional doll modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism
Individuals達磨JapanesenameDharma, clipping of 菩提達磨 (Bodaidaruma, “Bodhidharma”)
Information sciencefalse dropEnglishnounA non-targeted card that falls out from a card data deck, when a rod search is performed.
Information sciencefalse dropEnglishnounTargets, hits, that are not relevant in an information retrieval search.
Information sciencefalse dropEnglishnounRetrieved, but unwanted, document representations.
Information sciencefalse dropEnglishnounnoise in an information retrieval search.
InjuriesconcussionEnglishnounA violent collision or shock.geography geology natural-sciences seismologycountable uncountable
InjuriesconcussionEnglishnounAn injury to part of the body, most especially the brain, caused by a violent blow, followed by loss of function.US countable uncountable
InjuriesconcussionEnglishnounThe unlawful forcing of another by threats of violence to yield up something of value.lawcountable obsolete uncountable
InsectscimiceItaliannounbug (electronic device)feminine
InsuranceLloyd'sEnglishnameEllipsis of Lloyd's of London, a British reinsurance market.UK abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
InsuranceLloyd'sEnglishnameMisconstruction of Lloyds.UK alt-of misconstruction
Internet生配信Japanesenounstreaming live online
Internet生配信Japaneseverbto livestream online
IslamհագարացիOld ArmeniannounHagarene, Hagaritebiblical lifestyle religion
IslamհագարացիOld ArmeniannounArab; Muslim
IslamروزہUrdunounfast (abstention from food)
IslamروزہUrdunounsawm (abstaining from food, drink and sex)Islam lifestyle religion
IslamروزہUrdunounthe month of Ramadanbroadly
IslamروزہUrdunouna day in the month of Ramadanbroadly
IslandsCyaneaeLatinnameA town of Lycia situated west of Andriacadeclension-1 feminine plural
IslandsCyaneaeLatinnameA group of islands in the Black Seadeclension-1 feminine plural
JackfishbuktotCebuanonouna hunchback
JackfishbuktotCebuanonounthe horn-nosed boxfish (Ostracion rhinorhynchos)
JackfishbuktotCebuanonounthe Indian threadfish (Alectis indica)
JackfishbuktotCebuanonounthe green tiger prawn (Penaeus semisulcatus)
Japanese fictioncosplayEnglishnounThe art or practice of costuming oneself as a (usually fictional) character.uncountable
Japanese fictioncosplayEnglishnounA skit or instance of this art or practice.countable
Japanese fictioncosplayEnglishverbTo costume oneself as a character.intransitive
Japanese fictioncosplayEnglishverbTo costume oneself as (a character).transitive
Japanese fictioncosplayEnglishverbTo adopt the behavior and mannerisms of another.derogatory figuratively often transitive
KaohsiungLujhuEnglishnameA district of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
KaohsiungLujhuEnglishnameAlternative form of Luzhu (Taoyuan, Taiwan)alt-of alternative
KazakhstankazaĥaEsperantoadjKazakh (of or pertaining to Kazakhstan, the Kazakh people, or the Kazakh language)
KazakhstankazaĥaEsperantoadjClipping of la kazaĥa lingvo (“the Kazakh language”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
KnittingthredMiddle Englishnounthread (of twine or fibre)
KnittingthredMiddle Englishnounyarn, fibre
KnittingthredMiddle Englishnounlife, a lifetimefiguratively
LGBTlesbEnglishadjAbbreviation of lesbian.abbreviation alt-of colloquial not-comparable
LGBTlesbEnglishnounAbbreviation of lesbian.abbreviation alt-of colloquial
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA mountain.obsolete
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA hill.British
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves.
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA heap of rubbish, attle, or other such mining
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA small vehicle used to carry a load and pulled or pushed by hand.British
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA wicker case in which salt is put to drain.
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA castrated boar.
LandformsbarrowEnglishnounA long sleeveless flannel garment for infants.
LandformscacumenLatinnounpeak, extremity, top, summitdeclension-3
LandformscacumenLatinnounend, limitdeclension-3
LandformscacumenLatinnounaccent mark placed over a lettergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdeclension-3
LandformsdağTurkishnounA mountain, a hill.
LandformsdağTurkishnounA mark made by a branding iron.
LandformsdağTurkishnounA burn scar as a result of cauterizing; cauterization.
LandformsdağTurkishnounA great sorrow, grief.figuratively
LandformsranduLivvinounshore, coast
LandformsranduLivvinounborder, edge
LandformsranduLivvinounterritory, region
LandformssiodełkoPolishnoundiminutive of siodłodiminutive form-of neuter
LandformssiodełkoPolishnounbicycle saddleneuter
LandformssiodełkoPolishnounmountain passneuter
LandformssiodełkoPolishnounnutarts crafts hobbies lifestyle lutherieneuter
LandformssiodełkoPolishnounclitellum (part of the reproductive system of clitellates)neuter
LandformsкъжелBulgariannoundistaff, spinning rock (particularly: the conical upper part where one attaches the fibres)dialectal
LandformsкъжелBulgariannounpointy tool, awlbroadly dialectal
LandformsкъжелBulgariannounconical mound, crag or other landformdialectal figuratively
LandformsкытылYakutnounbeach, coast, shore
LandformsкытылYakutnounbank, edge, shore
LandformsпровлакBulgariannounstretch, expand → narrow strip, bandliterary
LandformsпровлакBulgariannounisthmus (narrow sleeve of land surrounded by water)
Landforms高地Chinesenounupland; highland
Landforms高地Chinesenounheight; strategic heightgovernment military politics war
LanguageтылдьытYakutnounvocabulary, glossary
Language familiesAlgonquianEnglishadjRelating to a group of North American languages.not-comparable
Language familiesAlgonquianEnglishnounAn Algonquin.
LanguagesArakaneseEnglishadjAlternative form of Rakhinealt-of alternative
LanguagesArakaneseEnglishnounAlternative form of Rakhinealt-of alternative plural plural-only
LanguagesBatsEnglishnameA Northeast Caucasian language of the Nakh family, spoken in Georgia.
LanguagesBatsEnglishnameA commune in Landes department, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
LanguagesBatsEnglishnameA nickname for Batman.
LanguagesChehalisEnglishnameA Native American people of Western Washington State.
LanguagesChehalisEnglishnameEither of the two Tsamosan languages spoken by this people, Upper Chehalis and Lower Chehalis.
LanguagesChehalisEnglishnameA Native American people of the Lower Mainland, British Columbia.
LanguagesChehalisEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Lewis County, Washington, United States.
LanguagesChehalisEnglishnameA river in Washington, United States, flowing into the Pacific Ocean
LanguagesChehalisEnglishnameA small community in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada.
LanguagesChehalisEnglishnameA river in British Columbia, Canada, flowing into the Harrison River
LanguagesGahrwaliEnglishnounA member of an ethnolinguistic group of northern India.
LanguagesGahrwaliEnglishnameThe Indo-Aryan language of these people.
LanguagesKunaEnglishnameA surname from Polish.
LanguagesKunaEnglishnounAlternative form of Cunaalt-of alternative
LanguagesKunaEnglishnameAlternative form of Cunaalt-of alternative
LanguagesWemaleEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group of Seram Island, Indonesia.
LanguagesWemaleEnglishnameTheir Malayo-Polynesian language, divided into northern and southern forms.
LanguagesalbanskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Albanian languagesubstantive
LanguagesalbanskiSerbo-Croatianadvas an Albanian
LanguagesalbanésAsturianadjAlbanian (of or pertaining to Albania)masculine singular
LanguagesalbanésAsturiannounan Albanian (person)masculine singular
LanguagesalbanésAsturiannounAlbanian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesbearnèsCatalanadjBearnese (of, from or relating to Bearn (French province))
LanguagesbearnèsCatalanadjBearnese (relating to the dialect of Bearn)relational
LanguagesbearnèsCatalannounBearnese (native or inhabitant of Bearn (French province)) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesbearnèsCatalannounBéarnese (the distinctive variety of Gascon spoken in Bearn)masculine uncountable
LanguagesburgundiCatalannounBurgundian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagescòrnicCatalanadjCornish (pertaining to Cornwall, the Cornish people, or the Cornish language)
LanguagescòrnicCatalannounCornish (a person from Cornwall)masculine
LanguagescòrnicCatalannounCornish (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesdanskDanishadjDanish (of or pertaining to Denmark)
LanguagesdanskDanishnounthe Danish languageneuter
LanguagesdanskDanishnounDanecommon-gender in-plural
LanguagesdanskDanishnoun(archaic or with (often ironic) nationalist overtones) the Danish people / the Danish peoplecommon-gender
LanguagesfinlandêsPortugueseadjFinnish (pertaining to Finland or its people)not-comparable
LanguagesfinlandêsPortuguesenounFinnish (person from Finland)masculine
LanguagesfinlandêsPortuguesenameFinnish (language)masculine
LanguagesinguscioItalianadjIngush (of, from or relating to Ingushetia)
LanguagesinguscioItaliannounIngush (native or inhabitant of Ingushetia) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesinguscioItaliannounIngush (language)masculine uncountable
LanguageskomiHungarianadjKomi (of or relating to a Finno-Ugric ethnic group or their language)not-comparable
LanguageskomiHungariannounKomi (person)countable uncountable
LanguageskomiHungariannounKomi, Komi-Zyryan (language)countable uncountable
LanguageslleonèsCatalannounLeonese personmasculine
LanguageslleonèsCatalannounLeonese languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesmilanèsCatalannounMilanese (person from Milan)masculine
LanguagesmilanèsCatalannounMilanese (language variety)masculine uncountable
LanguagesossetaCatalanadjOssetian (of, from or relating to Ossetia)feminine masculine
LanguagesossetaCatalannounOssetian (native or inhabitant of Ossetia)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagesossetaCatalannounOssetian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagessiouxSpanishnounSiouxby-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagessiouxSpanishnounSioux (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesturcăRomanianadjfeminine singular of turcfeminine form-of singular
LanguagesturcăRomaniannounTurkish (language)feminine uncountable
LanguagesरूसीHindinounRussian (person from Russia)
LanguagesरूसीHindinameRussian (language)
Languagesઅંગ્રેજીGujaratinameEnglish (language)
Languagesઅંગ્રેજીGujaratiadjEnglish, British; related or pertaining to England, the British, or the English language
Latin nomina gentiliaModiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaModiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Modius Julius, a Roman governordeclension-2 masculine singular
LawpròrrogaCatalannounprorogation, extensionfeminine
LawpròrrogaCatalannoundefermentgovernment military politics warfeminine
LawpròrrogaCatalannounextra timehobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
Law enforcementjumpoutEnglishnounA separation from a groove, track, etc., that otherwise constrains motion.
Law enforcementjumpoutEnglishnounA ramp or other construction that allows wildlife to exit safely from a freeway, highway, etc.
Law enforcementjumpoutEnglishnounAn unofficial trial race.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsAustralia
Law enforcementjumpoutEnglishnounA plainclothes narcotics officer.US slang
LegumesbobLower Sorbiannounbean plantinanimate masculine uncountable
LegumesbobLower Sorbiannounbeanfieldinanimate masculine
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjOf or relating to one of the diseases known as leprosy.
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjInfected with one of the diseases known as leprosy.
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjSimilar to leprosy or its symptoms.
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjHaving the appearance of the skin of one infected with leprosy; flaking, peeling, scabby, scurfy.
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjImmoral, or corrupted or tainted in some manner; also, ostracized, shunned.archaic figuratively
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjOf gold or other metals: contaminated with other substances; impure.alchemy pseudosciencehistorical
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjSynonym of leprose (“covered with thin scurfy scales, scaly-looking”)biology botany natural-sciencesarchaic
LeprosyleprousEnglishadjCausing leprosy or a disease resembling it.obsolete
Letter namesайRussianintjouch! (it hurts!)
Letter namesайRussianparticlemaybe, ordated
Letter namesайRussiannounI, iEnglish indeclinable letter
Light sourcesbleneraCatalannounspout, nozzle (of an oil lamp); burner (of a kerosene or gas lamp); floater (of a floating wick oil lamp)feminine
Light sourcesbleneraCatalannounmulleinfeminine
Light sourcesbleneraCatalannounPhlomis lychnitis, a species of lampwick plantfeminine
Light sourceslâmpadaPortuguesenounlightbulbfeminine
Light sourceslâmpadaPortuguesenounlight (source of illumination)feminine
Light sourceslâmpadaPortuguesenounspotlight (bright lamp)feminine
Limenitidine butterfliesmarquisEnglishnounA nobleman in England, France, and Germany, of a rank next below that of duke, but above a count. Originally, the marquis was an officer whose duty was to guard the marches or frontiers of the kingdom. The office has ceased, and the name is now a mere title conferred by letters patent or letters close.
Limenitidine butterfliesmarquisEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Bassarona (or Euthalia).
LinguisticsslovoCzechnounword (distinct unit of language)neuter
LinguisticsslovoCzechnounword (promise)neuter
LiquidsamavutaRwanda-Rundinounoil, fat
LiquidslögurIcelandicnounliquid, fluidmasculine
LiquidslögurIcelandicnounlake, seamasculine
LiquidssethyngMiddle EnglishnounBoiling or heating; the process of warming, especially in liquid: / Boiling for the purpose of heating or warming food.
LiquidssethyngMiddle EnglishnounBoiling or heating; the process of warming, especially in liquid: / The reduction or reducing of a substance.rare
LiquidssethyngMiddle EnglishnounA reduced liquid; an essence or extract of something.
LiquidssethyngMiddle EnglishnounBreaking up; digesting.rare
LiquidssethyngMiddle EnglishnounComestibles heated by boiling.rare
LiquidssethyngMiddle EnglishnounThe temperature which water boils at.rare
LiquidsजलHindiverbinflection of जलना (jalnā): / stemform-of
LiquidsजलHindiverbinflection of जलना (jalnā): / second-person singular intimate present imperativeform-of imperative intimate present second-person singular
LiteraturestāstnieksLatviannounstory writerdeclension-1 masculine
LiteraturestāstnieksLatviannounstoryteller, narratordeclension-1 masculine
LiteratureமீகாTamilnameMicah (Biblical character)
LiteratureமீகாTamilnamethe book of Micahcolloquial
LiteratureமீகாTamilnamea male given name
LithuanialitewszczyznaPolishnounLithuanian (language)feminine
LithuanialitewszczyznaPolishnounLithuanianness (quality of being Lithuanian)feminine
LoveamorLatinnounlove, affection, devotion (for a person, one's family, one's country)declension-3 masculine
LoveamorLatinnounstrong and passionate longing for something, desire, lustdeclension-3 masculine
LoveamorLatinnounbeloved, loved persondeclension-3 masculine
LoveamorLatinnounsexdeclension-3 masculine
LoveamorLatinnounlove, sweetheart (term of endearment)declension-3 in-plural masculine
LoveamorLatinnounlove affairdeclension-3 masculine plural plural-only
LoveamorLatinnounthe god Cupiddeclension-3 masculine
LoveamorLatinverbfirst-person singular present passive indicative of amō, "I am loved"first-person form-of indicative passive present singular
Lovetalk toEnglishverbTo show the beginnings of a romantic interest in; to flirt with over a period of time in hopes of developing a romantic relationship.idiomatic
Lovetalk toEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see talk, to.
MachinesukładarkaPolishnounstacker (machine for stacking goods)feminine
MachinesukładarkaPolishnounmachine for laying material / paverfeminine
MachinesukładarkaPolishnounmachine for laying material / pipelayerfeminine
Madder family plantsతొగరుTelugunounRed colour, scarlet.
Madder family plantsతొగరుTelugunounIndian mulberry called Morinda citrifoliabiology botany natural-sciences
Madder family plantsతొగరుTeluguadjRed
Male animalsłośPolishnounmoose, Eurasian elk (Alces alces)animal-not-person masculine
Male animalsłośPolishnounmale moose, male Eurasian elkanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Male animalsłośPolishnounsucker (naive person)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
Male family memberspèreFrenchnounfather (parent)masculine
Male family memberspèreFrenchnounfather (clergyman)masculine
Male family memberspèreFrenchnounSr. (senior) (postnominal title used to indicate a father that shares the same name as the son)masculine
Male family membersvävyIngriannounson-in-law
Male family membersvävyIngriannounsororal brother-in-law (one's sister's husband)
Male family membersбатькоUkrainiannounfather (male parent)
Male family membersбатькоUkrainiannounparentsplural plural-only
Male family membersἀββαAncient Greeknounfatherindeclinable
Male family membersἀββαAncient Greeknountitle of respect given to abbotsindeclinable
Male peopleKönigGermannounking (monarch, chess, card games)masculine strong
Male peopleKönigGermannamea common surname transferred from the nicknamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
Male peoplebandytaPolishnounbandit, highwaymanmasculine person
Male peoplebandytaPolishnounthug (someone with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms)colloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peoplefranštinářCzechnounteacher of French, French specialistanimate masculine
Male peoplefranštinářCzechnounstudent of Frenchanimate masculine
Male peopleobserwatorPolishnounbeholder, observer, watcher (someone who watches or observes)masculine person
Male peopleobserwatorPolishnounobserver (person sent as a representative, to a meeting or other function to monitor but not to participate)government politicsmasculine person
Male peopleobserwatorPolishnounobserver (one manning an observation post)government military politics warmasculine person
Male peoplepastuchPolishnounherdsman, cattleman, cowherd, goatherdmasculine person
Male peoplepastuchPolishnounan uneducated, backward person, especially one of rural originderogatory masculine person
Male peoplepastuchPolishnounEllipsis of elektryczny pastuch (“electric fence”)agriculture business lifestyleabbreviation alt-of colloquial ellipsis inanimate masculine
Male peoplepastuchPolishnoundefibrillator (device)inanimate masculine
Male peoplepříštipkářCzechnouncobbleranimate masculine
Male peoplepříštipkářCzechnoundilettante, amateuranimate masculine
Male peoplequân tửVietnamesenouna superior person (socially or morally)
Male peoplequân tửVietnamesenounmy darling man; my dear husbandarchaic endearing
Male peopleseanduineIrishnounold person; old man; ancient, sagemasculine
Male peopleseanduineIrishnounold age, old appearancemasculine
Male peoplesekretářCzechnounsecretary (person keeping records)animate masculine
Male peoplesekretářCzechnounescritoire, secretaire (writing desk)inanimate masculine
Male peopleбратанRussiannounolder brothercolloquial
Male peopleбратанRussiannounbrothercolloquial
Male peopleбратанRussiannounbro, a form of address to a friendcolloquial
Male peopleбратанRussiannouna member of a братва́ (bratvá) (a criminal group)slang
MammalspuercoSpanishnounpork (the meat of a pig)masculine
MammalspuercoSpanishnounpolice officer; "pig"Mexico derogatory masculine slang
MarijuanaakvopipoEsperantonounwater pipe / hookah, shisha, narghile
MarijuanaakvopipoEsperantonounwater pipe / bong
MarriagebrideMiddle Englishnouna bride; a woman recently married or to be married
MarriagebrideMiddle EnglishnounChristendom as God's partnerlifestyle religion theology
MarriagebrideMiddle Englishnounany young woman in a relationshiprare
MarriagebrideMiddle Englishnouna groom; a man recently married or to be marriedrare
MarriagesklářkaCzechnounfemale glassmakerfeminine
MarriagesklářkaCzechnounglassmaker's wifefeminine
MarriageкнязьUkrainiannounthe monarch of a state or a principality: prince, king, duke
MarriageкнязьUkrainiannouna royal title: prince, duke, etc.
MarriageкнязьUkrainiannoungroom, bridegroom
MarriageగృహముTelugunounA house, abode, dwelling.
MarriageตุนาหงันThainounengaged person: fiancé, fiancée, etc.literary poetic
MarriageตุนาหงันThaiverbto engage for marriage.literary poetic
MaterialsstiklsLatviannounglass (solid, transparent substance made by melting sand)declension-1 masculine singular
MaterialsstiklsLatviannounglass (an object made of this material, or something similar)declension-1 masculine
MaterialsвласMacedoniannounthread (for spinning)
MathematicsmatemātikaLatviannounmathematics (science that studies the nature and relations of number and form)declension-4 feminine
MathematicsmatemātikaLatviannounmathematics (the corresponding school subject)declension-4 feminine
MatterrắnVietnamesenouna non-constricting snake, as opposed to a trăn (“constricting snake”)
MatterrắnVietnameseadjhard; firm; rigid
MatterrắnVietnameseadjsolidnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
MatterبھاپUrdunounsteam, water vapour
MatterبھاپUrdunounvapour, gas
MealsautomatCzechnounautomatoninanimate masculine
MealsautomatCzechnounvending machine, automatinanimate masculine
MealsautomatCzechnoungambling machine, slot machine, fruit machinegambling gamesinanimate masculine
MealsautomatCzechnounautomatic firearmengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryinanimate masculine
MealsautomatCzechnounbuffetinanimate masculine obsolete
MealsśniadaniePolishnounverbal noun of śniadaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
MealsśniadaniePolishnounbreakfast (first meal of the day)countable neuter
MeatsSchnitzelGermannounscrap (small piece of paper, etc.)Austria Southern-Germany masculine neuter strong
MeatsSchnitzelGermannouncutlet (slice of filet meat)neuter strong
MeatsembutidoSpanishnouncold meatmasculine
MeatsembutidoSpanishverbpast participle of embutirform-of participle past
MeatsmeteMiddle EnglishnounFood, nourishment or comestibles; that which is eaten: / A store or supply of food.
MeatsmeteMiddle EnglishnounFood, nourishment or comestibles; that which is eaten: / An individual serving of food, especially when cooked.
MeatsmeteMiddle EnglishnounFood, nourishment or comestibles; that which is eaten: / Meat; the (usually cooked) flesh of animals as (an item of) food.
MeatsmeteMiddle EnglishnounFood, nourishment or comestibles; that which is eaten: / Food that animals eat (including prey or lures)
MeatsmeteMiddle EnglishnounThe act of dining; a lunch.
MeatsmeteMiddle Englishnounboundary, target, point, position
MeatsmeteMiddle Englishadjsuitable, fitting, appropriate
MeatsmeteMiddle Englishadjpleasing, accommodating, useful
MeatsmeteMiddle Englishadjright in shape or size, well-fitting
MeatsmeteMiddle Englishadvappropriately
MeatsmeteMiddle Englishadvcopiously
Medical signs and symptomsécœurementFrenchnounnausealiterary masculine
Medical signs and symptomsécœurementFrenchnoundisgust, loathingmasculine
MedicineblodprøveNorwegian Nynorsknouna blood testmasculine
MedicineblodprøveNorwegian Nynorsknouna blood samplemasculine
Memory佩服Chineseverbto admire; to look up to
Memory佩服Chineseverbto wear (a badge or other accessories on one's chest, arms or shoulders)literary
Memory佩服Chineseverbto keep firmly in mind; to remember wellliterary
Memory佩服Chineseverbto abide by; to follow; to comply withliterary
MetalsbakalTagalognounact of horseshoeing a horse
MetalsbakalTagalognounact of cheating money from someoneslang
MetalsbakalTagalogadjmade of iron
MetalsbakalTagalognounstave tipped with iron used in planting seed or seedlings
MetalsbakalTagalognounact of digging small holes in the ground with a stave for planting
MetalsbakalTagalogadjplanted in the manner of digging small holes in the ground (of seeds or seedlings)
MetalsҡурғашBashkirnounlead (metal)
MetalsҡурғашBashkirnounbullets, gunfirefiguratively
MetaphysicsfatalizmPolishnounfatalism (doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable necessity, or determined in advance in such a way that human beings cannot alter them)human-sciences philosophy sciencesinanimate masculine
MetaphysicsfatalizmPolishnounfatalism (attitude of discouragement and indifference to evil, based on the belief that a person's life depends not on himself but on fate)inanimate literary masculine
MetaphysicsfatalizmPolishnoundestiny, fate, doom, jinx (evil supernatural force weighing down on someone)inanimate literary masculine
Micronationalismnew country projectEnglishnounA micronation that has a serious intention of being internationally recognised.
Micronationalismnew country projectEnglishnounSynonym of micronation.broadly
Militaryflag gunEnglishnounA gun in an artillery train bearing a flag.UK
Militaryflag gunEnglishnounA humorous prop gun which unfurls a small flag when its trigger is pulled.
MilitarygarnizonaCzechnoungarrison jailfeminine
MilitaryleiðangrOld Norsenounlething; a levy, especially by sea (including men, ships and money)masculine
MilitaryleiðangrOld Norsenounwar contribution, war taxmasculine
MilitaryզորականArmeniannounsoldier, military man
MilitaryզորականArmeniannountroops, armycollective rare
MilitaryզորականArmenianadjmilitary, martial, war
MilitaryզորականArmenianadjrelated to an army or troops
Military ranksGeneralGermannoungeneral (officer in any general rank)government military politics warmasculine strong
Military ranksGeneralGermannoungeneral (officer in a specific general rank, usually the highest)government military politics warmasculine strong
Military ranksGeneralGermannoungeneral (head of an order)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismmasculine strong
Military ranksbombardierPolishnounbombardier (military rank in the rocket and artillery troops of the Polish Army)historical masculine person
Military ranksbombardierPolishnounbombardier (military rank in the rocket and artillery troops of the Polish Army) / bombardier (soldier of this rank)historical masculine person
Military ranksbombardierPolishnounbombardier, artilleryman, gunner (person in the army who operated a bombard or other type of gun)historical masculine person
Military ranksbombardierPolishnounbombardier, bomb aimer (crew member of a bomber aircraft responsible for the targeting of aerial bombs)masculine person
Military ranksbombardierPolishnounathlete who, during a match, makes many decisive and accurate blows, or strikes with the ball or puck, thus scoring many pointscolloquial masculine person
Military ranksbombardierPolishnounbombardier beetle (beetle whose defence mechanism enables it to eject a hot aqueous mixture of chemicals at predators)animal-not-person masculine
Military ranksbombardierPolishnountram or train car manufactured by a company belonging to the Bombardier Inc. multinationalrail-transport railways transportanimal-not-person masculine
Milk牛奶Chinesenouncow's milk
Milk牛奶Chinesenouncondensed milkTaishanese
MineralselektrumPolishnounelectrum (alloy of gold and silver)indeclinable neuter
MineralselektrumPolishnounelectrum (mineral)indeclinable neuter
Mint family plantsἐλλύχνιονAncient Greeknounlamp-wick, wick
Mint family plantsἐλλύχνιονAncient Greeknounsurgical bandagemedicine sciences
Mint family plantsἐλλύχνιονAncient Greeknounlampwick plant (Phlomis lychnitis)
Mintsapple mintEnglishnounAny herb with aroma or taste reminiscent of apple and mint, used for flavoring, herbal teas, and jellies. / of species Mentha suaveolenscountable uncountable
Mintsapple mintEnglishnounAny herb with aroma or taste reminiscent of apple and mint, used for flavoring, herbal teas, and jellies. / Hybrid mints involving M. suaveolens as a parent / Mentha × rotundifolia (M. longifolia × M. suaveolens)countable uncountable
Mintsapple mintEnglishnounAny herb with aroma or taste reminiscent of apple and mint, used for flavoring, herbal teas, and jellies. / Hybrid mints involving M. suaveolens as a parent / Mentha × villosa (M. spicata × M. suaveolens)countable uncountable
MonarchykirályHungariannounking (a male monarch; member of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation)
MonarchykirályHungariannounkingboard-games chess games
MonarchykirályHungariannounkingcard-games games
MonarchykirályHungarianadjawesome, cool, dope, wicked, sickslang
MonarchyπρίγκιπαςGreeknounprince, title for the male children of a king and sometimes the extended royal family.
MonarchyπρίγκιπαςGreeknountitle for the ruler of a small country
MonarchyπρίγκιπαςGreeknounsenior title of the nobility
MonarchyπρίγκιπαςGreeknounA person living in luxury.figuratively
MonasticismminsterEnglishnounA monastic church.
MonasticismminsterEnglishnounA cathedral church without any monastic connection.
MoneybanknoteEnglishnounA piece of currency made of paper or polymer.
MoneybanknoteEnglishnounA promissory note issued by a bank, payable at a given time to a specific beneficiary.historical
MoneykandaSwahilinounvideo or audiocassette tapeclass-10 class-9
MoneykandaSwahilinouna zoneclass-10 class-9
MoneykandaSwahilinounhand oarsclass-10 class-9
MoneykandaSwahilinouna type of bagclass-10 class-9
MoneykandaSwahilinouna cheater, a cheating personclass-10 class-9
MoneykandaSwahilinouna fee paid to a medicine manclass-10 class-9
MoneykandaSwahiliverbto knead
MoneykandaSwahiliverbto massage
MoneytonEnglishnounAny of various units of mass, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The short ton of 2000 pounds (about 907 kg), 20 hundredweights of 100 pounds avoirdupois each.
MoneytonEnglishnounAny of various units of mass, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The long ton of 2240 pounds (about 1016 kg), 20 hundredweights of 112 pounds avoirdupois each.
MoneytonEnglishnounAny of various units of mass, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The metric ton of 1000 kilograms, 10 quintals of 100 kilograms each.
MoneytonEnglishnounAny of various units of volume, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The measurement ton of (US) 40 or (UK) 42 cubic feet (about 1.1 or 1.2 m³).
MoneytonEnglishnounAny of various units of volume, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The register ton of 100 cubic feet (about 2.83 m³).
MoneytonEnglishnounAny large, excessive, or overwhelming amount of anything.figuratively
MoneytonEnglishnounA unit of thermal power equal to 12,000 BTU/h (about 3.5 kW), approximating the idealized rate of cooling provided by uniform isothermal melting of 1 short ton of ice per day at 0°C.
MoneytonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / 100 pounds sterling.UK colloquial
MoneytonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / 100 points.ball-games darts games hobbies lifestyle snooker sportsUK colloquial usually
MoneytonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / 100 runs.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsUK colloquial
MoneytonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / A speed of 100 mph.UK colloquial
MoneytonEnglishnounFashion, the current style, the vogue.uncountable
MoneytonEnglishnounFashionable society; those in style.uncountable
MoneytonEnglishnounSynonym of tunny, particularly the common tunny or horse mackerel.
MontserratdolarPolishnoundollar (designation for specific currency)animal-not-person masculine
MontserratdolarPolishnoundollar (unit of reactivity equal to the interval between delayed criticality and prompt criticality)animal-not-person masculine
Mountains奧林匹斯山ChinesenameMount Olympus (mountain name in Greek, Cyprus and United States)
Mountains奧林匹斯山ChinesenameOlympus Mons (mountain on the planet Mars)
Mulberry family plantsmorušeCzechnounmulberry (tree)feminine
Mulberry family plantsmorušeCzechnounmulberry (fruit)feminine
MurdermalkyEnglishverbTo headbutt.Scotland slang
MurdermalkyEnglishverbTo physically assault.Scotland slang
MurdermalkyEnglishverbTo murder.Scotland slang
MurdermalkyEnglishnounA beating.Scotland slang
MurdermalkyEnglishnounA murder.Scotland slang
MurdermorþorOld Englishnounmurderneuter
MurdermorþorOld Englishnoungreat sin or crime, enormityneuter
MuscicapidsਪਿੱਦਾPunjabiadjshort of stature, dwarfish
MuscicapidsਪਿੱਦਾPunjabinounAny of various small birds, particularly the Indian robin (Copsychus fulicatus).
MushroomsstereoItalianadjstereo, stereophonicinvariable
MushroomsstereoItaliannounstereo (radio, boombox, etc.)invariable masculine
MushroomsstereoItaliannounstereophonyfeminine invariable
MushroomsstereoItaliannounany fungus of the genus Stereummasculine
MusiclambadaEnglishnounA fast-paced, erotic Brazilian dance in which couples dance with their stomachs touching.
MusiclambadaEnglishnounThe music to which it is danced.
MusicseinnScottish Gaelicverbsing
MusicseinnScottish Gaelicverbplay (bagpipes)
MusicseinnScottish Gaelicverbplay (other musical instruments)dated
MusicseinnScottish Gaelicnounsingingfeminine
Music樂團Chinesenounmusical group; band
Music神曲Japanesenamethe Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri
Music神曲Japanesenounamazing song; bangerInternet
Musical instrumentsmaracaSpanishnouna maraca, percussion instrumentfeminine
Musical instrumentsmaracaSpanishnouna whoreArgentina Chile derogatory feminine
Musical instrumentsmaracaSpanishnouna gayArgentina Chile derogatory feminine
Musical instrumentsmostekPolishnoundiminutive of mostdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
Musical instrumentsmostekPolishnounsternum, breastboneanatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
Musical instrumentsmostekPolishnounbrisketinanimate masculine
Musical instrumentsmostekPolishnounbridge (a prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent teeth)inanimate masculine
Musical instrumentsmostekPolishnounbridge (the piece on string instruments)inanimate masculine
Musical instrumentsmostekPolishnoungangwayinanimate masculine
MusiciansметаллистRussiannounspecialist in metals or metallurgy
MusiciansметаллистRussiannounmusician who plays metal; member of a metal bandentertainment lifestyle music
MusiciansметаллистRussiannounmetalhead, headbangerentertainment lifestyle music
MustelidsdobhránIrishnounotter (the mammal)masculine
MustelidsdobhránIrishnoundull-witted, stupid, personmasculine
Mythological creaturesadletEnglishnounA small advertisement.
Mythological creaturesadletEnglishnounA small app or active document that can be embedded in a Web page.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Mythological creaturesadletEnglishnounA cryptid in Inuit mythology and folklore in Canada and Greenland, a tall, dog-legged humanoid (sometimes identified with inland Native Americans).
Mythological creaturesgriuCatalannoungriffinmasculine
Mythological creaturesgriuCatalannoungriffin (stylised representation)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
Mythological creatureshuldreEnglishnounA type of supernatural being in the shape of a beautiful woman with a cow's tail.
Mythological creatureshuldreEnglishnounSuch beings collectively.
Mythological creaturespotworekPolishnoundiminutive of potwóranimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
Mythological creaturespotworekPolishnounsomething very uglyanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Mythological creaturespotworekPolishnounsomething very unpleasantanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Mythological creatureszłePolishnounevil, evilness (that which is against the principles of morality, ethics, and religion)literary neuter noun-from-verb
Mythological creatureszłePolishnounevil (that which is detrimental to someone)literary neuter noun-from-verb
Mythological creatureszłePolishnoundevil, deuce, fiend, demon, evil spiritliterary neuter noun-from-verb
Mythological creatureszłePolishadjinflection of zły: ## neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular ## nonvirile nominative/accusative/vocative plural / neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
Mythological creatureszłePolishadjinflection of zły: ## neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular ## nonvirile nominative/accusative/vocative plural / nonvirile nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative nonvirile plural vocative
Mythological creaturesพรายThainoun(ผี~; if being a female: นาง~) a type of ghost, generally conceived of as being the ghost of a person, especially a woman, who died violently.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesThailand
Mythological creaturesพรายThainouna type of imaginary creature, conceived of as inhabiting the rivers, mountains, trees, etc, as nymph, elf, naiad, etc.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media mysticism mythology philosophy publishing sciencesbroadly
Mythological creaturesพรายThainouncircle on the surface of water: ripple, riffle, etc.archaic
Mythological creaturesพรายThaiadjdazzling; sparkling; glittering; twinkling; shining.figuratively
Mythological creaturesพรายThaiverbto dazzle; to sparkle; to glitter; to twinkle; to shine.figuratively
Mythological creaturesพรายThaiverbto spread, scatter, or disperse, like a ripple on the surface of water.figuratively
Mythological creatures狐火Japanesenouna mysterious pale fire often seen in the fields and mountains at night from winter to early spring: will o' the wisp, foxfire
Mythological creatures狐火Japanesenounkabuki props designed to imitate will o' the wisps
Mythological creatures狐火JapanesenounSynonym of 野鶏頭 (nogeitō /⁠ノゲイトウ⁠/, “plumed or silver cockscomb (Celosia argentea)”)
Mythological creatures狐火JapanesenounSynonym of 埃茸 (hokoritake /⁠ホコリタケ⁠/, “puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum)”)
Mythological figuresSaciEnglishnameA black, one-legged, prankster youngster in Brazilian folklore, who smokes a pipe and wears a magical red hat that enables him to disappear.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
Mythological figuresSaciEnglishnameThe goddess of wrath and jealousy in Hindu mythology.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesHinduism
Mythological figuresἙρμιόνηAncient Greeknamea female given name: Hermione, the name of multiple figures in Greek mythology
Mythological figuresἙρμιόνηAncient GreeknameErmioni (an ancient city in Argolis, Greece)
NationalitiesAlmanTurkishnameGerman (member of a Germanic tribe)
NationalitiesIranianEnglishnounA person from Iran or of Iranian descent.
NationalitiesIranianEnglishadjPertaining to the Iranian languages or their speakers.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
NationalitiesIranianEnglishnamePersian (language)nonstandard
NationalitiesRwandeseEnglishnounA person from Rwanda or of Rwandese descent.
NationalitiesRwandeseEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Rwanda, the Rwandese people or language. See: Rwandan.
NationalitiesSlóivéanachIrishadjSlovene, Sloveniannot-comparable
NationalitiesSlóivéanachIrishnounSlovene, Slovenianmasculine
NationalitiesWelshyEnglishnounSynonym of Walian: a Welshman or Welshwoman, a Welsh person.derogatory informal sometimes
NationalitiesWelshyEnglishadjSynonym of Welsh: of or related to Wales, similar to Welsh people or things.informal
NationalitiesazerskiPolishadjAzerbaijani, Azeri (pertaining to Azeri nationality or Azeri language)not-comparable relational
NationalitiesazerskiPolishnounAzeri (language)inanimate masculine
NationalitiesbúlgarCatalannounBulgarian (native of Bulgaria)masculine
NationalitiesbúlgarCatalannounBulgarian (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesmantšuFinnishnounA Manchu (person).
NationalitiesmantšuFinnishnounThe Manchu language.
NationalitiesmarockanskaSwedishadjinflection of marockansk: ## definite singular ## plural / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiesmarockanskaSwedishadjinflection of marockansk: ## definite singular ## plural / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiesmarockanskaSwedishnouna woman from Morocco, a female Moroccancommon-gender
NationalitiesturkmeeniFinnishnounTurkmen (language)
NationalitiesturkmeeniFinnishnounTurkman, Turkmen (person)
Native AmericansAmerican IndianEnglishnounA member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas, especially the continental United States, but excluding the Inuit, Yupik, and Aleuts.
Native AmericansAmerican IndianEnglishnounAn indigenous person from the United States.Canada
Native AmericansAmerican IndianEnglishadjRelating to the indigenous peoples of the Americas or their languages.
NaturesečCzechnounfightfeminine literary
NaturesečCzechnouncuttingfeminine literary
NaturesečCzechnounglade, clearingbusiness forestryfeminine regional
NaturesečCzechconjas much as
Natureകൊടുങ്കാറ്റ്Malayalamnounstorm / typhoon
Natureകൊടുങ്കാറ്റ്Malayalamnounstorm / tornado
NauticalcuanIrishnounAlternative form of cuain (“litter; brood; pack; band, company”)alt-of alternative masculine
NauticalswymmenMiddle EnglishverbTo swim (move in water)
NauticalswymmenMiddle EnglishverbTo float (be buoyed above the water)
NauticalswymmenMiddle EnglishverbTo be on a moving object floating on water.
NauticalswymmenMiddle EnglishverbTo move like or in liquid.
NazismNational SocialismEnglishnounThe ideology of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) in Germany, including an authoritarian government, ethnic nationalism (including but not limited to Pan-Germanism) and adequate territory (Lebensraum), and economic cooperation between the state and capital.uncountable
NazismNational SocialismEnglishnounThe ideology of any other (neo-)Nazi party; Nazism.uncountable
NazismзигаRussiannounHitlergruß, Nazi saluteslang
NazismзигаRussiannounThe symbol Z used by supporters of the Russian invasion of Ukrainegovernment politicsderogatory neologism
Neutron starsPSREnglishnounAbbreviation of pulsar.astronomy natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Neutron starsPSREnglishnounInitialism of primary surveillance radar.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Neutron starsPSREnglishnounInitialism of police service representative, an LAPD dispatcher.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Neutron starsPSREnglishnounInitialism of pre-sentence report.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Neutron starsPSREnglishnounInitialism of point of safe return.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Neutron starsPSREnglishnameInitialism of Philmont Scout Ranch.abbreviation alt-of initialism
New Year春節Chinesenounspring; springtime
New Year春節ChinesenounAlternative name for 立春 (Lìchūn).alt-of alternative dated name
New Year春節ChinesenounChinese New Year; Spring Festival
New ZealandZealandiaEnglishnameA nearly submerged continent or microcontinent that sank after breaking away from Australia many millions of years ago.
New ZealandZealandiaEnglishnameA town in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Newfoundland and LabradorNewfieEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of the island of Newfoundland.Canada informal sometimes
Newfoundland and LabradorNewfieEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Newfoundland.not-comparable
NightshadeshediondillaSpanishnounnight-blooming jessamine (Cestrum nocturnum)feminine
NightshadeshediondillaSpanishnounstinking goosefoot (Chenopodium vulvaria)feminine
NightshadeshediondillaSpanishnouncreosote bush (Larrea tridentata)feminine
Nightshadesခရမ်းBurmesenouneggplant, aubergine, brinjal
NinenonetEnglishnounA composition for nine instruments or nine voices.entertainment lifestyle music
NinenonetEnglishnounA group of nine nuclear or subatomic particles.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
NinenonetEnglishnounA byte of nine bits.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
NineteendziewiętnastaPolishnounseven o'clock (start of the twentieth hour of the day; 7:00 p.m. (19:00))feminine
NineteendziewiętnastaPolishnuminflection of dziewiętnasty: ## feminine nominative singular ## feminine vocative singular / feminine nominative singularfeminine form-of nominative singular
NineteendziewiętnastaPolishnuminflection of dziewiętnasty: ## feminine nominative singular ## feminine vocative singular / feminine vocative singularfeminine form-of singular vocative
NobilityearlessEnglishadjLacking ears.not-comparable
NobilityearlessEnglishnounA countess (a female holder of an earldom or the wife of an earl).nonstandard
NobilitymarkiseDanishnounmarchioness (marquess's wife)common-gender
NobilitymonarchiniPolishnounfemale equivalent of monarcha (“monarch”) (female ruler)feminine form-of
NobilitymonarchiniPolishnounwife of a monarchfeminine
North MacedoniaSkopjanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Skopje in North Macedonia.not-comparable
North MacedoniaSkopjanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to North Macedonia, especially in Greek media.broadly not-comparable
North MacedoniaSkopjanEnglishnounSomeone from Skopje in North Macedonia.
North MacedoniaSkopjanEnglishnounSomeone from North Macedonia, especially in Greek media.broadly derogatory offensive sometimes
Nostalgiahark backEnglishverbOf hounds: to retrace a course in order to pick up the lost scent of prey.hobbies hunting lifestyleintransitive
Nostalgiahark backEnglishverbTo return to where one has previously been; to retrace one's steps.broadly intransitive
Nostalgiahark backEnglishverbTo allude, return, or revert (to a subject previously mentioned, etc.); also, to evoke, or long or pine for (a past era or event).figuratively intransitive
Nostalgiahark backEnglishverbTo call back (hounds); to recall.hobbies hunting lifestyletransitive
Nostalgiahark backEnglishnounAlternative form of hark-back / An act of hounds retracing a course in order to pick up the lost scent of prey.hobbies hunting lifestyle
Nostalgiahark backEnglishnounAlternative form of hark-back / An act of alluding, returning, or reverting (to a subject previously mentioned, etc.); also, an act of evoking, or longing or pining for (a past era or event).figuratively
NumbersliszkaPolishnounvixen, female foxhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnouncunning personfeminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnounchanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)feminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnouncaterpillar, leafworm (larva of a butterfly or moth)biology entomology lepidopterology natural-sciences zoologycolloquial feminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnounodd number; uneven numberfeminine obsolete
NumbersliszkaPolishnounhazel (any plant of the genus Corylus)archaic feminine
NumbersナンバーJapanesenounlicense plate (ナンバープレート) numberspecifically
NutsbolotaPortuguesenounacorn (fruit of the oak tree)feminine
NutsbolotaPortuguesenouna small ballfeminine
NutsbolotaPortuguesenouna small, rigid, round objectfeminine
NutskešúCzechnouncashew (nut)indeclinable neuter
NutskešúCzechadjcashewindeclinable relational
NutsпеканRussiannounpecan (Carya illinoinensis)biology botany natural-sciences
NutsпеканRussiannounfisher (Pekania pennanti)biology natural-sciences zoology
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounA frigate or other vessel, detached from the fleet, to cruise independently in search of the enemy or its merchant ships.nautical transport
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounA class of fast warships of medium tonnage, having a long cruising range but less armour and firepower than a battleship.nautical transport
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounA class of fast warships of medium tonnage, having a long cruising range but less armour and firepower than a battleship. / A starship of comparable roleliterature media nautical publishing science-fiction transportbroadly
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounA miniature aircraft carrier carrying VTOL aircraft.nautical transport
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounA passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are considered an essential part of the experience.nautical transport
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounAny of several yachts designed for cruising.nautical transport
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounOne who attends cruises.
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounA bicycle designed for low-speed, recreational use, usually characterized by balloon tires, upright seating, a single-speed drivetrain and expressive styling.cycling hobbies lifestyle sports
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounA police patrol vehicle.government law-enforcementUS
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Vindula.biology entomology natural-sciences
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounAny dragonfly of the family Macromiidae; a macromiid.biology entomology natural-sciences
Nymphalid butterfliescruiserEnglishnounOne who cruises at bars and neighborhoods seeking sex.colloquial
ObesitybaryłkaPolishnounsmall barrel, tunfeminine
ObesitybaryłkaPolishnounbarrel (unit of measure)feminine historical
ObesitybaryłkaPolishnounbutterball, fatso (fat person)colloquial derogatory feminine
ObstetricslanuTokelauanverbto be colouredstative
ObstetricslanuTokelauanverbto be washed of saltstative
ObstetricslanuTokelauannounamniotic fluid
OccultgealdorOld Englishnounspell, charm; incantation
OccultgealdorOld Englishnounmagic
OccupationscafetaleroSpanishnouncoffee growermasculine
OccupationscafetaleroSpanishnounowner of a coffee plantationmasculine
OccupationscòmitCatalannouncommander of the crew of rowers on a galleynautical transporthistorical masculine
OccupationscòmitCatalannounsea captainmasculine
OccupationsdyżurnyPolishadjon duty (actively engaged in an assigned task, duty, or occupation)not-comparable
OccupationsdyżurnyPolishadjrecurring constantly and used when neededcolloquial not-comparable
OccupationsdyżurnyPolishnounduty officer (person who is on duty)masculine noun-from-verb person
OccupationsdyżurnyPolishnounmonitor, prefect (student leader in a class)educationmasculine noun-from-verb person
OccupationsfurundžijaSerbo-Croatiannouna bottomhumorous
OccupationsgréasaíIrishnounshoemaker, bootmakermasculine
OccupationsgréasaíIrishnouncobbler (Pangasius bocourti (basa fish), Pangasius pangasius (yellowtail catfish, Pungas catfish)masculine
OccupationsgréasaíIrishnounhand-made bootsin-plural masculine
OccupationsgréasaíIrishadjgenitive singular feminine of gréasachfeminine form-of genitive singular
OccupationslinguisterEnglishnounAn interpreter, especially one interpreting between European and non-European languages in colonial contexts.archaic historical
OccupationslinguisterEnglishnounIn West and Central Africa, a bi- or multilingual agent or broker facilitating trade between Europeans and non-Europeans.archaic broadly historical
OccupationsmaçonFrenchnounmason, stonemason; buildermasculine
OccupationsmaçonFrenchnounMason, FreemasonFreemasonry freemasonry lifestylemasculine
OccupationsmorutierFrenchnouncod fishermasculine
OccupationsmorutierFrenchnouncod boatmasculine
OccupationspacholekCzechnoungroom, stableboyanimate masculine
OccupationspacholekCzechnounbastard, rogue, scoundrelanimate derogatory masculine
OccupationsprestinaioItaliannounbakerItaly Northern masculine obsolete
OccupationsprestinaioItaliannounbaker's (shop), bakeryItaly Northern masculine obsolete
OccupationssubtitlerEnglishnounSomeone who translates subtitles.
OccupationssubtitlerEnglishnounA software package that assists in creating subtitles for movies, documentaries, etc.
OccupationsżonglerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of żongler (“juggler”) (person who practices juggling)countable feminine form-of
OccupationsżonglerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of żongler (“jongleur”) (itinerant entertainer in the Middle Ages)countable feminine form-of historical
OccupationsżonglerkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of żongler (“person who uses something (e.g. tools or words) very skillfully in order to accomplish their goals”)countable feminine figuratively form-of
OccupationsżonglerkaPolishnounjuggling (physical skill, performed by a juggler, involving the manipulation of objects for recreation, entertainment, art, or sport)feminine uncountable
OccupationsżonglerkaPolishnounjuggling (extraordinary dexterity in handling something)feminine uncountable
OccupationsредакторUkrainiannouneditor (person who edits)
OccupationsредакторUkrainiannouneditor (type of program)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounwritings
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnoundocument, scroll
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounbook
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounliterature
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounletters, characters
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounspeech, language
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounscribe, writer
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounclerk
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounlawyer, notary
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounmaster, schoolmaster, teacher, doctor
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounone learned in sacred scriptures
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounshearer, barber
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounshore, coast
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounriverbank
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounborder
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnounedge, margin
OccupationsܣܦܪܐClassical Syriacnouncorner
Occupationsश्रमिकHindinounlabourer, workman
Occupationsश्रमिकHindiadjpertaining to labourindeclinable
Occupations納所Japanesenouna place in a temple where the payment of money or rice was received
Occupations納所Japanesenouna monk in charge of the above activities
Occupations納所Japanesenouna lower-class monk in charge of general tasksbroadly
Occupations納所Japanesenounan office for the government, temples, aristocrats etc. to keep taxed rice and money in ancient and medieval times
Occupations納所Japanesenouna person employed to work in such an office
OfficesadmiraltyEnglishnounThe office or jurisdiction of an admiral.government military politics warcountable uncountable
OfficesadmiraltyEnglishnounThe department or officers having authority over naval affairs generally.government military politics warcountable uncountable
OfficesadmiraltyEnglishnounThe court which has jurisdiction of maritime questions and offenses.lawcountable uncountable
OfficesadmiraltyEnglishnounThe system of jurisprudence of admiralty courts.lawcountable uncountable
OfficesadmiraltyEnglishnounThe building in which the lords of the admiralty, in England, transact business.government military politics warcountable uncountable
Offices사창Koreannoungovernment office of the 창부(倉部) (changbu) during the Silla dynasty, responsible for managing storage and supplieshistorical
Offices사창Koreannoununlicensed prostitute, streetwalker
Offices사창Koreannounharvest barn in each village during the Joseon dynastyagriculture business lifestylehistorical
Offices사창Koreannoungunshot wound
Offices사창Koreannoungauze windowfurniture lifestyle
Offices사창Koreannounwindow in a woman's roomhistorical metonymically
OlomoucOlmützerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Olomoucmasculine strong
OlomoucOlmützerGermanadjof Olomoucindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
OnomasticsjuniorPolishnounjunior (youngest member of the family by age)humorous literary masculine person
OnomasticsjuniorPolishnounjunior (athlete who is under the age recommended for a sport, usually nineteen years of age)masculine person
OnomasticsjuniorPolishnounJr. (title used after a son's name when his father has the same name)masculine person
OrganizationsagencjaPolishnounagency (company that performs various tasks)feminine
OrganizationsagencjaPolishnounagency (association that finds work for actors or other public people)feminine
OrganizationsagencjaPolishnounagency (department or other administrative unit of a government)feminine
OrganizationsagencjaPolishnounrepresentation of someone's business or interestMiddle Polish feminine
OrgansubiIgalanounBlack-necked spitting cobra
OrgansubiIgalanoungenetic or familial connection
OrgansubiIgalaprepbehind; back of something
OrgansubiIgalaprepafter, later
OrgansubiIgalanounback (body)
OrgansubiIgalanouna second traditional burial rite performed for a departed elder
OrgansulokCebuanonounthe glans penis
OrgansulokCebuanonounthe penisbroadly
Oxalidales order plantsocaPortuguesenouna Native American hut, especially one made from plant material such as bamboo, tree trunks, straw and palm leavesfeminine
Oxalidales order plantsocaPortuguesenouncavity (excavated hollow)feminine
Oxalidales order plantsocaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of ocofeminine form-of singular
Oxalidales order plantsocaPortuguesenounAlternative form of ocra (“ochre clay”)alt-of alternative colloquial dated feminine
Oxalidales order plantsocaPortuguesenounoca (Oxalis tuberosa, a plant grown for its edible tuber)feminine
Oxalidales order plantsocaPortuguesenounoka (Ottoman unit of weight)feminine historical rare
PaintingsarcocollaEnglishnounThe shrub Astragalus sarcocolla, native to Iran.uncountable
PaintingsarcocollaEnglishnounThe shrub Penaea sarcocolla, native to South Africa.uncountable
PaintingsarcocollaEnglishnounThe gum resin obtained from them, (historical) particularly A. sarcolla resin as used in traditional medicine and paint manufacture.uncountable
PaintingsarcocollaEnglishnounSimilar resins produced from similar species of shrubs, particularly Penaea mucronata and Astragalus fasciculifolius.uncountable
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Palau国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
Papua New Guinea110EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in Iran.
Papua New Guinea110EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in China, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Latvia, Bolivia, Guatamala, Andorra, Nauru, and the Ivory Coast and on Taiwan.
Papua New Guinea110EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Jamaica, Syria, and Sri Lanka.
Papua New Guinea110EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Norway, Jamaica, Suriname, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Papua New Guinea.
ParapsychologyclarividenteGalicianadjseeingfeminine masculine
ParapsychologyclarividenteGaliciannounfortuneteller, clairvoyant, seerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Parasitessand fleaEnglishnounAny of various small crustaceans of the family Talitridae (order Amphipoda), that are found on beaches and jump like a flea.
Parasitessand fleaEnglishnounA small tropical flea, Tunga penetrans; a chigoe (family: Tungidae, order: Siphonaptera).
ParentskidficEnglishnounA fanfic which focuses on a character, and possibly his or her partner(s), raising a child or children.lifestylecountable slang
ParentskidficEnglishnounSuch fan fiction collectively.lifestyleslang uncountable
ParentskidficEnglishnounChildren's literature.uncountable
ParentsmamusiaPolishnoundiminutive of mamadiminutive feminine form-of
ParentsmamusiaPolishnounmommy, mummyfeminine
ParentsmamusiaPolishnoundear motherfeminine
ParentsmamusiaPolishnounmother-in-lawendearing feminine ironic
Parentsதாத்திரிTamilnamethe Earth
PartiesтүһүлгэYakutnounarena, forum
PastañoquisSpanishnoungnocchimasculine plural plural-only
PastañoquisSpanishnounplural of ñoquiform-of masculine plural plural-only
PathologydesmaiCatalannounfaint, fainting, blackoutmasculine
PathologydesmaiCatalannounweeping willowbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
PeopleFiluLimburgishnounbad person, villainmasculine
PeopleFiluLimburgishnountwo-faced person, flatterermasculine
PeopleFiluLimburgishnounfickle personmasculine
PeopleFiluLimburgishnounsly person, deceiver, hypocritemasculine
PeopleMuffelGermannoungrouchmasculine strong
PeopleMuffelGermannounmuffle (all senses)masculine strong
PeopleMuffelGermannounmouflonneuter strong
PeopleagnatPolishnounagnatemasculine person
PeopleagnatPolishnounagnateAncient-Rome masculine person
PeopleaquaholicEnglishadjAddicted to water.
PeopleaquaholicEnglishadjOf a place, or person, that consumes more than the average amount of water.
PeopleaquaholicEnglishnounA person who is addicted to consuming too much water.
PeopleboaterEnglishnounSomeone who travels by boat.nautical transport
PeopleboaterEnglishnounSynonym of boatman, particularly its captain.nautical transport
PeopleboaterEnglishnounA straw hat, very stiff, with a flat brim and crown.
PeoplebowmanEnglishnounA man who uses a bow; an archer.archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
PeoplebowmanEnglishnounThe person, in a team or among oarsmen, positioned nearest the bow.nautical transport
PeoplebękartPolishnounbastard (person who was born out of wedlock, and hence often considered an illegitimate descendant)animal-not-person dated derogatory masculine
PeoplebękartPolishnounbrat (child who is regarded as mischievous, unruly, spoiled, or selfish)animal-not-person derogatory masculine
PeoplebękartPolishnounbastard (unintended result of actions)animal-not-person derogatory masculine
PeoplebękartPolishnounwidow (single line of type that ends a paragraph, carried over to the next page or column)media printing publishinganimal-not-person masculine
PeoplebękartPolishnounbastard, crossbreed, hybrid, mongrel (organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds)biology natural-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
PeoplebękartPolishnounmisshapen, unsuccessful cakeanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
PeoplebękartPolishnounfailure (any thing or object that has turned out not as intended)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
PeoplebękartPolishnounA type of lower quality or hybrid silk.Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
PeoplebękartPolishnounclutter (unnecessary branches or offshoots of a tree or shrub)Middle Polish animal-not-person masculine
PeoplecomhaltaIrishnounfoster-brother, foster-sistermasculine
PeoplecomhaltaIrishnounfellow, membermasculine
PeoplecomhaltaIrishadjjointed, articulated
PeopledinerEnglishnounOne who dines.
PeopledinerEnglishnounA dining car in a railroad train.
PeopledinerEnglishnounA typically small restaurant, usually modeled after a railroad dining car, that serves lower-class fare, normally having a counter with stools along one side and booths on the other, and often decorated in 50s and 60s pop culture themes and playing popular music from those decades.US
PeopledinerEnglishnounA commemorative currency of Andorra, not legal tender, divided into 100 centims.
PeopledámaHungariannounlady, gentlewoman
PeopledámaHungariannounqueencard-games games
PeopledámaHungariannoundraughts (UK), checkers (US)
PeoplefarrapoPortuguesenountatter; rag (piece of old, tattered cloth)masculine
PeoplefarrapoPortuguesenounrags (tattered clothes)masculine
PeoplefarrapoPortuguesenouna person who wears rags; a shabby person; ragamuffinmasculine
PeoplefarrapoPortuguesenouna participant in the Farroupilha RevolutionBrazil historical masculine
PeoplefarrapoPortugueseadjof the Farroupilha Revolutionnot-comparable relational
PeoplefliperPolishnounflipper (someone who flips, in the sense of buying a house or other asset and selling it quickly for profit)masculine person
PeoplefliperPolishnounpinball (game, played on a device with a sloping base, in which the player operates a spring-loaded plunger to shoot a ball, between obstacles, and attempts to hit targets and score points)video-gamesinanimate masculine
PeoplefliperPolishnounarcade game, flipper (coin-operated video game or amusement device)video-gamesbroadly inanimate masculine
PeopleflooderEnglishnounA channel or device for carrying and controlling water used in flood irrigation.agriculture business lifestyle
PeopleflooderEnglishnounA person who floods message boards, chat rooms etc. with unwanted or repetitive comments.Internet
PeopleflooderEnglishnounSomething that tends to flood.informal
PeopleflooderEnglishnounA device for controlling or maintaining the flow of natural-sciences physical-sciences
PeopleflooderEnglishnounA person employed to handle issues arising from flooding.informal
PeopleflyerEnglishnounThat which flies, as a bird or insect.
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA machine that flies.
PeopleflyerEnglishnounAn airplane pilot.dated
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA person who travels by airplane.
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA leaflet, often for advertising.
PeopleflyerEnglishnounThe part of a spinning machine that twists the thread as it takes it to and winds it on the bobbin
PeopleflyerEnglishnounAn arch that connects a flying buttress into the structure it supports.architecture
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA person who is lifted and/or thrown by another person or persons.acrobatics arts cheerleading hobbies lifestyle performing-arts sports
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA stray shot away from the group on a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA standard rectangular step of a staircase (as opposed to a winder).
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA female kangaroo; a roo; a doe; a jill.
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA leap or jump.
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA risky investment or other venture.
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA fast-moving person or thing.informal
PeopleflyerEnglishnounA false starthobbies lifestyle sports
PeopleflyerEnglishverbTo distribute flyers (leaflets).intransitive
PeopleflyerEnglishverbTo distribute flyers in (a location) or to (recipients).transitive
PeopleflyerEnglishadjcomparative form of fly: more flycomparative form-of
PeopleformatgerCatalanadjfond of cheese
PeopleformatgerCatalannouna person who is fond of cheesemasculine
Peoplegarbage collectorEnglishnounA worker who removes refuse.Canada US
Peoplegarbage collectorEnglishnounAn algorithm, procedure or thread dedicated to garbage collection: reclaiming resources which are no longer in use.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
Peopleintelligent designerEnglishnounA proponent of the intelligent design hypothesis.
Peopleintelligent designerEnglishnounA hypothetical conscious entity who had some role in the origin and/or development of life.
PeopleközönségHungariannounaudience, house (a group of people seeing a performance)
PeopleközönségHungariannounpublic, people, everyone
PeoplelallygagEnglishnounHorseplay, fooling around.countable uncountable
PeoplelallygagEnglishnounA layabout, one who lallygags.countable uncountable
PeoplelallygagEnglishverbTo dawdle; to be lazy or idle; to avoid necessary work or effort.
PeoplelallygagEnglishverbTo pet, kiss, or otherwise demonstrate overt affection, generally in public.US archaic
PeoplelekmanSwedishnounlaity (people who are not members of the clergy)common-gender
PeoplelekmanSwedishnounlayman, layperson (someone who is not especially familiar with a particular topic)common-gender
PeoplellengutCatalannounpotty mouthmasculine
PeoplelolaSerbo-Croatiannounboyfriend, darlingregional
PeoplelolaSerbo-Croatiannounidler, loaferregional
PeoplelolaSerbo-Croatiannouna person from Vojvodinaregional
PeoplemwanagenziSwahilinounapprenticeclass-1 class-2
PeoplemwanagenziSwahilinounbeginner, greenhorn, amateurclass-1 class-2
PeopleonsetterEnglishnounA worker at the bottom of a mineshaft who exchanges the empty and full miningNorthern-England UK dialectal historical
PeopleonsetterEnglishnounOne who undergoes the onset of a condition.medicine sciences
PeoplepodpowiadaczPolishnounprompter, person who gives someone an answer that they forgot, someone who gives someone a clue, i.e. on a test in schoolmasculine person
PeoplepodpowiadaczPolishnounadvisor, prompter, suggester (someone or something that suggest what a person can do in a situation)masculine person
PeopleprojectorEnglishnounSomeone who devises or suggests a project; a proposer or planner of something.
PeopleprojectorEnglishnounAn optical device that projects a beam of light, especially one used to project an image (or moving images) onto a screen.
PeopleprojectorEnglishnounOne who projects, or ascribes his/her own feelings to others.human-sciences psychology sciences
PeopleprojectorEnglishnounAn operator that forms a projection.mathematics sciences
PeopleschalkMiddle EnglishnounA male adult human; a grown man.
PeopleschalkMiddle EnglishnounA fighter or combatant, especially one of noble birth.
PeopleschalkMiddle EnglishnounA mythological or monstrous humanoid.rare
PeopleschalkMiddle EnglishnounAn attendant; one who acts as a servant.rare
PeopleschalkMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of chalkalt-of alternative
PeopleshovelbumEnglishnounA professional excavator on cultural resource management projects, who has done extensive field work.archaeology history human-sciences sciencesUS humorous
PeopleshovelbumEnglishverbTo excavate, to do archaeology digs.archaeology history human-sciences sciencesUS humorous
PeopleszaleniecPolishnounmadman, lunatic, mentally unstable personmasculine person
PeopleszaleniecPolishnoundaredevil, person without regard for their own safetymasculine person
PeoplethugEnglishnounA person who is affiliated with a criminal gang or engages in violent criminal activity.
PeoplethugEnglishnounOne of a band of assassins formerly active in northern India who worshipped Kali and sacrificed their victims to her.historical
PeoplethugEnglishnounAn overvigorous plant that spreads and dominates the flowerbed.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
PeoplethugEnglishnounA violent, aggressive, or truculent criminal.
PeoplethugEnglishnounA wooden bat used in the game of miniten, fitting around the player's hand.
PeoplethugEnglishverbTo commit acts of thuggery, to live the life of a thug, to menace, to commit crime.
PeoplethugEnglishverbTo appear as a thug; to dress and act in a manner reminiscent of a thug.often
PeopletorchbearerEnglishnounA person who carries a torch (flaming brand).
PeopletorchbearerEnglishnounThe leader of a campaign, or one who gives inspiration to others.broadly
PeopleuniversitarianEnglishadjBelonging or relating to, or found or gained in, a university.formal not-comparable
PeopleuniversitarianEnglishnounOne who attends a university.formal
PeoplewuskiHausanoundestitute person
PeopleגולםHebrewnounan inchoate object, an amorphous mass
PeopleגולםHebrewnouna dummy, a form
PeopleגולםHebrewnouna golem, a clay automatonarts folklore history human-sciences literature media mysticism mythology philosophy publishing sciencesJewish
PeopleגולםHebrewnouna pupabiology entomology natural-sciences
PeopleגולםHebrewnouna fool, a clod, an oaf, an awkward personcolloquial
PeopleשמאָקYiddishnounidiotderogatory offensive
PeopleשמאָקYiddishnoundick (a contemptible person)derogatory offensive
PeopleשמאָקYiddishnoundupe (a naive person)offensive
PeopleשמאָקYiddishnounpenisanatomy medicine sciencesoffensive vulgar
PeopleلوگUrdunounfolk; familybroadly
PeopleلوگUrdunounclass, castebroadly
PeopleلوگUrdunounman, husband
PeopleपिउHindinounfatherdated regional
PeopleपिउHindiadjalternative form of पिया (piyā, “beloved, dear”)alt-of alternative
PeopleपिउHindinounalternative form of पिया (piyā, “lover”)alt-of alternative
People文明人Chinesenouncivilised person
People文明人Chinesenouneducated person
People蛇使いJapanesenounsnake charming
People蛇使いJapanesenouna snake charmer
Perching birdsmatkijaFinnishnounimitator
Perching birdsmatkijaFinnishnounwannabe
Perching birdsmatkijaFinnishnounmimid (bird of the family Mimidae, including mockingbirds, thrashers, tremblers and New World catbirds)
Percoid fishsplitfinEnglishnounAny fish in the freshwater cyprinodontid family Goodeidae
Percoid fishsplitfinEnglishnounAny fish belonging to several species of the percoid genus Synagrops
Percoid fishsplitfinEnglishnounAny fish in the serranid genus Luzonichthys
Percoid fish石持Japanesenoun石持ち, 石首魚, 石頭魚: synonym of 白口 (shiroguchi, “silver croaker”)
Percoid fish石持Japanesenounsynonym of カジカ (kajika, “sculpin; Japanese fluvial sculpin”)
Percoid fish石持Japanesenouna crosspiece supporting a stone roof
Percoid fish石持Japanesenounshort for 石持小紋 (ishimochi komon), a pattern used in stencil dying textiles that resembles a pile of small stonesabbreviation alt-of
Percoid fish石持Japanesenamea surname
Percoid fish石持Japanesenamean unknown-gender given name
PeriodicalstitularCatalanadjtitularfeminine masculine
PeriodicalstitularCatalannountitular (one who holds a title)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeriodicalstitularCatalanverbto title (a book, etc.)transitive
PeriodicalstitularCatalanverbto grant a diploma totransitive
PeriodicalstitularCatalanverbto titratechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencestransitive
PeriodicalstitularCatalanverbto be titled (of a book, etc.)
PeriodicalstitularCatalanverbto obtain a diploma, to graduate
PersonalitycheerfulEnglishadjNoticeably happy and optimistic.
PersonalitycheerfulEnglishadjBright and pleasant.
PersonalityhippieEnglishnounA teenager who imitated the beatniks.
PersonalityhippieEnglishnounOne who chooses not to conform to prevailing social norms: especially one who subscribes to values or actions such as acceptance or self-practice of recreational drug use, liberal or radical sexual mores, advocacy of communal living, strong pacifism or anti-war sentiment, etc.
PersonalityhippieEnglishnounA person who keeps an unkempt or sloppy appearance and has unusually long hair (for males), and is thus often stereotyped as a deadbeat.modern slang
PersonalityhippieEnglishnounSomeone who dresses in a hippie style.
PersonalityhippieEnglishnounOne who is hip.
PersonalityhippieEnglishadjOf or pertaining to hippies.
PersonalityhippieEnglishadjNot conforming to generally accepted standards.colloquial humorous
Personalitynarrow-mindedEnglishadjHaving restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas.
Personalitynarrow-mindedEnglishadjIntolerant, bigoted or prejudiced.
PersonalitypeureuxFrenchadjfearful; anxious, nervous, neurotic
PersonalitypeureuxFrenchadjfearful, afraid
PersonalitypeureuxFrenchadjfearful, frightenable
PersonalitypieuxFrenchnounplural of pieuform-of masculine plural
PersonificationsTupãOld TupinameTupã (a Tupian deity, the personification of thunder)
PersonificationsTupãOld TupinameGodChristianity
Pharmaceutical drugseroinaItaliannounheroinefeminine
Pharmaceutical drugseroinaItaliannounheroin (drug)feminine
PhilanthropydonationEnglishnounA voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause.
PhilanthropydonationEnglishnounThe act of giving or bestowing; a grant.
PhilanthropyfilantropkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of filantrop (“philanthropist”) (person who loves mankind)human-sciences psychology sciencesfeminine form-of
PhilanthropyfilantropkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of filantrop (“philanthropist”) (very generous person)feminine form-of
PhilippinesLepantoCebuanonameLepanto; a former Spanish commandancyhistorical
PhilippinesLepantoCebuanonamethe subprovince of Lepantohistorical
PhilosophyidejaLatviannounidea (a concept or mental image that reflects reality in a person's consciousness)declension-4 feminine
PhilosophyidejaLatviannounidea (the main, essential principle of something; conviction)declension-4 feminine
PhilosophyidejaLatviannounidea (a thought, a plan, an intention)declension-4 feminine
PhilosophyidejaLatviannounidea (the main thought, topic, theme, question, e.g. in a work of art)declension-4 feminine
PhoneticspalaticEnglishnounA palatal.
PhoneticspalaticEnglishadjpalatal; palatineanatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
PhoneticspalaticEnglishadjSyncopic form of paralytic (“very drunk”).Geordie
PhotographycélfotóHungariannounfinish line photo (photograph used to determine the outcome of a race)hobbies lifestyle sports
PhotographycélfotóHungariannounphoto finish (race or competition with a very close outcome)
PhotographyhulagwayCebuanoverbto take a photograph
PhotographyhulagwayCebuanoverbto have one's photograph's taken
Physicsatomic massEnglishnounThe mass of an atom.countable uncountable
Physicsatomic massEnglishnounatomic weight; the average mass of atoms of an element.countable proscribed uncountable
PhysicspyrometerEnglishnounA thermometer designed to measure high temperatures.
PhysicspyrometerEnglishnounAn instrument for measuring the thermal expansion of solids.
PigsbaboyTagalognounpig (mammal of genus Sus)
PigsbaboyTagalognoundisgusting or filthy personfiguratively offensive
PigsbaboyTagalognounvulgar or indecent personfiguratively offensive
PigsbaboyTagalognounfat personfiguratively offensive
PigsbaboyTagalogadjdirty; unsanitary; filthyfiguratively
PigsbaboyTagalogadjindecent; vulgarfiguratively
PigssvinjaSerbo-Croatiannounpig (mammal)
PigssvinjaSerbo-Croatiannounpork (meat)
PinesصنوبرPersiannounthe slender and graceful belovedfiguratively in-compounds mainly poetic
PlacespobojowiskoPolishnounbattlefield (place where a battle was fought)government military politics warneuter
PlacespobojowiskoPolishnounmess, debris, chaos, muddleneuter
PlacesпустошSerbo-Croatiannounwasteland, desert
PlacesпустошSerbo-Croatiannounemptiness, solitude
Planets of the Solar SystemJupiteroEsperantonameJupiter, fifth planet in the solar system. Symbol: ♃.astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemJupiteroEsperantonameJupiter, king of the Roman gods, Jovehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Planets of the Solar SystemОберонBulgariannameOberon, moon of Uranusastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemОберонBulgariannameOberon, character of one of Shakespeare's plays
PlantscáñamoSpanishnounhemp (plant and fiber)masculine
PlantscáñamoSpanishnouncannabis, marijuanamasculine
PlantsespartoEnglishnounEither of two species of perennial grasses used for fibre production, and for making paper: / Stipa tenacissima, of North Africa.uncountable
PlantsespartoEnglishnounEither of two species of perennial grasses used for fibre production, and for making paper: / Lygeum spartum, of the Mediterranean.uncountable
PlantsgallaretCatalannounAlternative form of gallardet (“pennant”)alt-of alternative masculine
PlantsgallaretCatalannounthree-leaved toadflax (Linaria triphylla)masculine
PlantsgallaretCatalannounbutcher's broommasculine
PlantsgallaretCatalannounfumitoryin-plural masculine
PlantsgallaretCatalannounhoneysucklein-plural masculine
PlantsgallaretCatalannounvain personfiguratively masculine
Plantsmòinteach liathScottish Gaelicnounbog-myrtlefeminine
Plantsmòinteach liathScottish Gaelicnounsphagnumfeminine
PlantspapiroSpanishnounpapyrus (a plant in the sedge family)masculine
PlantspapiroSpanishnounpapyrus (a material similar to paper)masculine
PlantspapiroSpanishnounpapyrus (a scroll or document written on papyrus)masculine
PlantsrattleweedEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Astragalus.
PlantsrattleweedEnglishnounOther plants / Baptisia arachnifera, an endangered legume native to the United States.
PlantsrattleweedEnglishnounOther plants / Clematis fremontii, a flowering plant in the buttercup family found in the United States.
PlantsrattleweedEnglishnounOther plants / Crotalaria retusa, a flowering legume native to tropical Asia, Africa, and Australia.
PlantsrattleweedEnglishnounOther plants / Senna covesii, a perennial subshrub native to the United States and Mexico.
PlantssecallCatalannouna dead branch, deadwoodmasculine
PlantssecallCatalannouna withered person, a skeletoncolloquial masculine
PlantssecallCatalannouna kind of sweet biscuit similar to a biscottimasculine
PlantssosoroTernateverbto commit adulteryintransitive
PlantssosoroTernateverbto itchtransitive
PlantssosoroTernatenounthe itchy plant Laportea interrupta
PlantssosoroTernatenounjellyfish of the genus Siphonophorae
Plantsமல்லிகைTamilnounjasmine (Jasminum nervosum, syn. Jasminum anestomosans)
Plantsமல்லிகைTamilnouncup, goblet
Plants미채Koreannouncamouflage; dazzle camouflagegovernment military politics war
Plants미채Koreannounmichae, a dish made with seasoned Osmunda japonica fried in oil
Poeae tribe grassesbuffalo grassEnglishnounBouteloua dactyloides.countable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbuffalo grassEnglishnounHierochloe odorata (syn. Anthoxanthum nitens), sweetgrass.countable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbuffalo grassEnglishnounAnthoxanthum odoratum, sweet vernal grass, vanilla grass.countable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbuffalo grassEnglishnounStenotaphrum secundatum, Saint Augustine grass.countable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbuffalo grassEnglishnounPanicum maximum, Guinea grass.countable uncountable
Poeae tribe grassesbuffalo grassEnglishnounSome species of Setaria, bristlegrass.countable uncountable
Poetry唱酬Chineseverbto write and reply in poems, using the same rhyming patternformal
Poetry唱酬Chineseverbto donate proceeds from a performanceformal
Polish cardinal numbersmilionPolishnounmillion (10⁶)inanimate masculine
Polish cardinal numbersmilionPolishnounmillion (unspecified very large number)inanimate masculine
Polish cardinal numbersmilionPolishnounherd (large group of people)inanimate masculine
PoliticssenatusLatinnounAlternative letter-case form of Senatus, the Roman Senatealt-of declension-4
PoliticssenatusLatinnounsenate, a council of elders, parliament, or similar deliberative bodydeclension-4
PolitiesgradSlovenenoungradianmathematics sciences trigonometry
PolitiesgradSlovenenounalcohol by volumebeverages food lifestyle oenology
Pome fruitselmaTurkishnounapple tree
Pome fruitselmaTurkishnounapple (fruit)
PortugalvillancicoSpanishnounvillancico (traditional Spanish or Portuguese folk song)communications entertainment journalism lifestyle literature media music poetry publishing writingmasculine
PortugalvillancicoSpanishnounChristmas carolentertainment lifestyle musicbroadly masculine
PoultryPuteGermannounfemale turkeyfeminine
PoultryPuteGermannounturkey (the bird species)broadly feminine
PoultryPuteGermannounturkey (the meat of this bird)feminine
PoultryayaziḍKabylenounchicken meatmasculine
Prince Edward IslandNew IrelandEnglishnameAn island of the Bismarck Archipelago, a German colony from 1884 to 1921; governed by Australia from 1921 and then by Papua New Guinea from 1975 to the present day.
Prince Edward IslandNew IrelandEnglishnameA Crown colony of the Kingdom of Great Britain established in what is now the state of Maine, U.S., after British forces captured the area during the American Revolutionary War and again during the War of 1812.historical
Prince Edward IslandNew IrelandEnglishnameA proposed renaming of Prince Edward Island, led by then lieutenant governor Walter Patterson in 1770.historical
Prince Edward IslandNew IrelandEnglishnameA short-lived territory proclaimed by the Castle Hill convict rebellion in Australia.historical
PrisonpenEnglishnounAn enclosure (enclosed area) used to contain domesticated animals, especially sheep or cattle.
PrisonpenEnglishnounA penitentiary, i.e. a state or federal prison for convicted felons.slang
PrisonpenEnglishnounThe bullpen.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
PrisonpenEnglishverbTo enclose in a pen.transitive
PrisonpenEnglishnounA tool, originally made from a feather but now usually a small tubular instrument, containing ink used to write or make marks.
PrisonpenEnglishnounA writer, or their style.figuratively
PrisonpenEnglishnounMarks of ink left by a pen.colloquial
PrisonpenEnglishnounA light pen.
PrisonpenEnglishnounThe internal cartilage skeleton of a squid, shaped like a pen.biology natural-sciences zoology
PrisonpenEnglishnounA feather, especially one of the flight feathers of a bird, angel etc.archaic dialectal poetic
PrisonpenEnglishnounA wing.poetic
PrisonpenEnglishnounA syringe-like device for injecting a dose of medication such as insulin or epinephrine. (See Injector pen.)
PrisonpenEnglishnounShort for vapor pen (“electronic cigarette”).abbreviation alt-of
PrisonpenEnglishverbTo write (an article, a book, etc.).transitive
PrisonpenEnglishnounA female swan.
PrisonpenEnglishnounPenalty.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsslang
PrisonpenEnglishnounPenetration.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
PrisonpenEnglishnounplural of panform-of humorous plural uncountable
Property lawburgageMiddle EnglishnounLand held under a feudal ruler (often in exchange for a rent alone)
Property lawburgageMiddle EnglishnounThe tenure that such land is held under; burgage.rare
Property lawburgageMiddle EnglishnounA fortified town entitled to certain rights; a borough.rare
ProsodycinquainEnglishnounA five-line poetic form which consists of 2, 4, 6, 8 then 2 syllables.
ProsodycinquainEnglishnounA five-line poetic form set as a writing exercise for children, consisting of one noun, two adjectives, three actions, four feeling words, and the initial noun
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjWide in extent or scope.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjExtended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjHaving a large measure of any thing or quality; unlimited; unrestrained.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjComprehensive; liberal; enlarged.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjPlain; evident.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjGeneral rather than specific.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjUnsubtle; obvious.communications journalism literature media publishing writing
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjFree; unrestrained; unconfined.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjGross; coarse; indelicate.dated
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjStrongly regional.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishadjVelarized, i.e. not palatalized.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishnounA shallow lake, one of a number of bodies of water in eastern Norfolk and Suffolk.UK
ProstitutionbroadEnglishnounA lathe tool for turning down the insides and bottoms of cylinders.
ProstitutionbroadEnglishnounA British gold coin worth 20 shillings, issued by the Commonwealth of England in 1656.UK historical
ProstitutionbroadEnglishnounA kind of floodlight.broadcasting film media television
ProstitutionbroadEnglishnounA playing card.archaic slang
ProstitutionbroadEnglishnounA prostitute, a woman of loose morals.dated
ProstitutionbroadEnglishnounA woman or girl.US colloquial dated slang sometimes
Prostitutiongood-time girlEnglishnounA young woman who engages regularly in partying and romantic or sexual liaisons.euphemistic
Prostitutiongood-time girlEnglishnounA prostitute.euphemistic
Provinces of ChinaAnnamEnglishnameA former colonial province of China, now part of Vietnam's present-day Tonkin.history human-sciences sciences
Provinces of ChinaAnnamEnglishnameOne the French protectorates in Vietnam, located in Central Vietnam.history human-sciences sciences
Provinces of ThailandชัยภูมิThainounstrategically located or favourable place, area, or spot.
Provinces of ThailandชัยภูมิThainameChaiyaphum, a province of Thailand.
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishnounBlack bile as one of the four cardinal humours believed to influence health and mood.uncountable
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishnounThe mood or psychological state believed to result from the influence of black bile: / Ire, wroth, fury: the state of being or feeling angry or ireful.uncountable
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishnounThe mood or psychological state believed to result from the influence of black bile: / Melancholy, sadness, depression, or gloominess; the state of feeling sad.Late-Middle-English uncountable
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishnounA supposed affliction caused by an excessive amount or quantity of black bile.uncountable
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishadjTending to be under the influence of black bile.
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishadjMade of or containing black bile or melancholy.
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishadjHaving one's mood changed by black bile; depressed or raging.
PseudosciencemalencolieMiddle EnglishadjDue to the influence of black bile.rare
Punctuation marksplingEnglishnounThe symbol ! (an exclamation mark).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesdated
Punctuation marksplingEnglishnounA soft bell-like sound; ding.
Punctuation marksplingEnglishverbTo produce a soft bell-like sound.intransitive
Punctuation marksкоса цртаMacedoniannounslash
Punctuation marksкоса цртаMacedoniannounslashmedia publishing typography
Punctuation marksёлочкаRussiannoundiminutive of ёлка (jólka); little fir tree, little spruce, little Christmas tree (New Year's tree)diminutive form-of
Punctuation marksёлочкаRussiannounherringbone (pattern)
Punctuation marksёлочкаRussiannounguillemet (type of quotation mark; either « or »)media publishing typography
Quarksup quarkEnglishnounA quark having a fractional electric charge of +2/3 and a mass of about 1.5 to 4 MeV. Symbol: u / A quark having a fractional electric charge of +2/3 and a mass of about 1.5 to 4 MeV.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Quarksup quarkEnglishnounA quark having a fractional electric charge of +2/3 and a mass of about 1.5 to 4 MeV. Symbol: u / Symbol: unatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Qur'anصوپرهOttoman Turkishnounsection of the Qur'an written separately for use as a reading book
Qur'anصوپرهOttoman Turkishnounprimer, ABC book, any children's book intended to teach literacy and alphabet
RabbitsñecoSpanishnouna rabbitHonduras masculine
RabbitsñecoSpanishadjan amputee who has lost an arm or hand or one whose arm or hand is lameDominican-Republic
Rabbits백토Koreannounwhite rabbit
Rabbits백토Koreannounwhite clay, chalk; kaolin, terra alba
RadiomagazynekPolishnoundiminutive of magazyndiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
RadiomagazynekPolishnounmagazine (device holding ammunition)engineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryinanimate masculine
RaindrizzleEnglishverbTo rain lightly.impersonal
RaindrizzleEnglishverbTo shed slowly in minute drops or particles.intransitive transitive
RaindrizzleEnglishverbTo pour slowly and evenly, especially oil or honey in food lifestyletransitive
RaindrizzleEnglishverbTo cover by pouring in this food lifestyletransitive
RaindrizzleEnglishverbTo urinate.slang
RaindrizzleEnglishverbTo carry out parfilage, the process of unravelling.dated
RaindrizzleEnglishnounLight rain.countable uncountable
RaindrizzleEnglishnounVery small, numerous, and uniformly dispersed water drops, mist, or sprinkle. Unlike fog droplets, drizzle falls to the ground.climatology meteorology natural-sciences physical-sciences physics weathercountable uncountable
RaindrizzleEnglishnounWater.countable slang uncountable
RaindrizzleEnglishnounA cake onto which icing, honey or syrup has been drizzled in an artistic manner.baking cooking food lifestylecountable uncountable
RainارثعنArabicverbto fall plentifully (of rain)
RainارثعنArabicverbto fall down in abundance (of hair)
RainارثعنArabicverbto be weak
RainمطرArabicverbto rain (“to have rain fall from the sky”)
RainمطرArabicverbto rain, to shower with rain
RainمطرArabicverbto pour out, to shower, to douse
RainمطرArabicverbto render, to do (e.g., a favor)
RainمطرArabicverbto run swiftly (of a horse), to speed away
RainمطرArabicnounverbal noun of مَطَرَ (maṭara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
RainمطرArabicnounverbal noun of مَطَرَ (maṭara) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn area of land set aside for environment preservation or recreation. / A tract of ground kept in its natural state, about or adjacent to a residence, such as for the preservation of game, for walking, riding, or the like.
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn area of land set aside for environment preservation or recreation. / A piece of ground in or near a city or town, enclosed and kept for ornament and recreation.
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn area of land set aside for environment preservation or recreation. / An enclosed parcel of land stocked with animals for hunting, which one may have by prescription or royal grant.
RecreationparkEnglishnounA wide, flat-bottomed valley in a mountainous region.US
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn area used for specific purposes. / An open space occupied by or reserved for vehicles, matériel or stores.
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn area used for specific purposes. / A partially enclosed basin in which oysters are grown.
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn area used for specific purposes. / An area zoned for a particular (industrial or commercial) purpose.
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn area used for specific purposes. / An area on which a sporting match is played; (soccer) a pitch.
RecreationparkEnglishnounAn inventory of matériel.UK
RecreationparkEnglishnounA space in which to leave a car; a parking space.Australia New-Zealand colloquial
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo bring (something such as a vehicle) to a halt or store in a specified place.transitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo defer (a matter) until a later date.figuratively informal transitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo bring together in a park, or compact body.transitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo enclose in a park, or as in a park.transitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo hit a home run; to hit the ball out of the park.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo engage in romantic or sexual activities inside a nonmoving vehicle that was driven to a suitable spot for that purpose.US intransitive slang
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo sit, recline, or put, especially in a manner suggesting an intent to remain for some time.informal reflexive sometimes transitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo invest money temporarily in an investment instrument considered to relatively free of risk, especially while awaiting other financetransitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo register a domain name, but make no use of it (See domain parking)Internet
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo enclose in a park, or partially enclosed basin.transitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo promenade or drive in a park.dated intransitive
RecreationparkEnglishverbTo display style or gait on a park drive.dated intransitive
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjPhysically elevated, extending above a base or average level: / Very elevated; extending or being far above a base; tall; lofty.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjPhysically elevated, extending above a base or average level: / Relatively elevated; rising or raised above the average or normal level from which elevation is measured.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjPhysically elevated, extending above a base or average level: / Above the batter's shoulders.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjPhysically elevated, extending above a base or average level: / Pertaining to (or, especially of a language: spoken in) in an area which is at a greater elevation, for example more mountainous, than other regions.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjHaving a specified elevation or height; tall.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjElevated in status, esteem, or prestige, or in importance or development; exalted in rank, station, or character. / Most exalted; foremost.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjElevated in status, esteem, or prestige, or in importance or development; exalted in rank, station, or character. / Of great importance and consequence: grave (if negative) or solemn (if positive).
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjElevated in status, esteem, or prestige, or in importance or development; exalted in rank, station, or character. / Consummate; advanced (e.g. in development) to the utmost extent or culmination, or possessing a quality in its supreme degree, at its zenith.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjElevated in status, esteem, or prestige, or in importance or development; exalted in rank, station, or character. / Advanced in complexity (and hence potentially abstract and/or difficult to comprehend).
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjElevated in status, esteem, or prestige, or in importance or development; exalted in rank, station, or character.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjExtreme, excessive; now specifically very traditionalist and conservative.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjElevated in mood; marked by great merriment, excitement, etc.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjLuxurious; rich.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjLofty, often to the point of arrogant, haughty, boastful, proud.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjKeen, enthused.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjWith tall waves.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjRemote (to the north or south) from the equator; situated at (or constituting) a latitude which is expressed by a large number.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjLarge, great (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc).
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjLarge, great (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc). / Having a large or comparatively larger concentration of (a substance, which is often but not always linked by "in" when predicative).
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjAcute or shrill in pitch, due to being of greater frequency, i.e. produced by more rapid vibrations (wave oscillations).
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjMade with some part of the tongue positioned high in the mouth, relatively close to the palate.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjGreater in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc. / Having the highest rank in a straight, flush or straight flush.card-games games poker
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjGreater in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc. / Winning; able to take a trick, win a round, etc.card-games games
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjStrong-scented; slightly tainted/spoiled; beginning to decompose.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjIntoxicated; under the influence of a mood-altering drug, formerly usually alcohol, but now (from the mid-20th century) usually not alcohol but rather marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.informal
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjNear, in its direction of travel, to the (direction of the) wind.nautical transport
Recreational drugshighEnglishadjPositioned up the field, towards the opposing team's goal.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadvIn or to an elevated position.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadvIn or at a great value.
Recreational drugshighEnglishadvAt a pitch of great frequency.
Recreational drugshighEnglishnounA high point or position, literally (as, an elevated place; a superior region; a height; the sky; heaven).or figuratively (as, a point of success or achievement; a time when things are at their best, greatest, most numerous, maximum, etc).
Recreational drugshighEnglishnounA high point or position, literally (as, an elevated place; a superior region; a height; the sky; heaven).or figuratively (as, a point of success or achievement; a time when things are at their best, greatest, most numerous, maximum, etc). / The maximum atmospheric temperature recorded at a particular location, especially during one 24-hour period.
Recreational drugshighEnglishnounA period of euphoria, from excitement or from an intake of drugs.
Recreational drugshighEnglishnounA drug that gives such a high.
Recreational drugshighEnglishnounA large area of elevated atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.climatology meteorology natural-sciencesinformal
Recreational drugshighEnglishnounThe highest card dealt or drawn.card-games games
Recreational drugshighEnglishverbTo rise.obsolete
Recreational drugshighEnglishverbAlternative form of hie (“to hasten”)alt-of alternative obsolete
Recreational drugshotshotEnglishadjHighly skilled.informal
Recreational drugshotshotEnglishadjDisplaying talent.informal
Recreational drugshotshotEnglishnounSomeone with exceptional skills in a certain field.informal
Recreational drugshotshotEnglishnounA type of firefighter highly skilled in wildfire firefighting without external support, using basic tools that are backpacked in and manhandled about.
Recreational drugshotshotEnglishnounA fast freight train.rail-transport railways transportUS
Recreational drugshotshotEnglishnounA dose of recreational drugs deliberately laced with poison.slang
Recreational drugshotshotEnglishverbTo give (somebody) a dose of recreational drugs deliberately laced with poison.slang transitive
Recreational drugsmethEnglishnounMethamphetamine, especially in the form of the crystalline hydrochloride.countable informal uncountable
Recreational drugsmethEnglishnounMethadone.countable informal uncountable
Recreational drugsmethEnglishnounA tramp.derogatory
Recreational drugsmethEnglishnounA spiced mead, originally from Wales.countable uncountable
Recreational drugsmethEnglishnounMarijuana.countable slang uncountable
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / A bar or frame by which two oxen or other draught animals are joined at their necks enabling them to pull a cart, plough, etc.; (by extension) a device attached to a single draught animal for the same purpose.
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A pole carried on the neck and shoulders of a person, used for carrying a pair of buckets, etc., one at each end of the pole; a carrying pole.
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Any of various devices with crosspieces used to control an aircraft; specifically, the control column.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Any of various devices with crosspieces used to control an aircraft; specifically, the control column. / A similar device used as a game controller.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences video-games
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Well-developed muscles of the neck and shoulders.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / The part of an item of clothing which fits around the shoulders or the hips from which the rest of the garment hangs, and which is often distinguished by having a double thickness of material, or decorative clothing fashion lifestyle manufacturing textiles
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / Originally, a metal piece connecting the poles of a magnet or electromagnet; later, a part of magnetic circuit (such as in a generator or motor) not surrounded by windings (“wires wound around the cores of electrical transformers”).business electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / The electromagnetic coil that deflects the electron beam in a cathode ray electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A Y-shaped stand used to support a blowpipe or punty while reheating in the glory hole.arts crafts glassblowing hobbies lifestyle
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A fitting placed across the head of the rudder with a line attached at each end by which a boat may be steered; in modern use it is primarily found in sailing canoes and kayaks.nautical transport
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc. / A frame or convex crosspiece from which a bell is hung.US
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc.
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / A collar placed on the neck of a conquered person or prisoner to restrain movement.historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / A frame placed on the neck of an animal such as a cow, pig, or goose to prevent passage through a fence or other barrier.agriculture business lifestylehistorical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a frame around the neck. / Chiefly in pass under the yoke: a raised yoke (sense 1.1), or a symbolic yoke formed from two spears installed upright in the ground with another spear connecting their tops, under which a defeated army was made to march as a sign of subjugation.Ancient-Rome historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A pair of draught animals, especially oxen, yoked together to pull something.historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A pair of things linked in some way.archaic
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A carriage, a horse and cart; (by extension, generally) a car or other vehicle.Ireland Scotland
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A miscellaneous object; a gadget.Ireland informal
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A chap, a fellow.Ireland informal
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to a pair of harnessed draught animals. / A pill of a psychoactive drug.Ireland slang
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / An area of arable land, specifically one consisting of a quarter of a suling, or around 50–60 acres (20–24 hectares); hence, a small manor or piece of land.Kent archaic
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / An amount of work done with draught animals, lasting about half a day; (by extension) an amount or shift of any work.England Kent Scotland also especially historical
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / A bond of love, especially marriage; also, a bond of friendship or partnership; an obligation or task borne by two or more people.figuratively
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounSenses relating to quantities, and other extended uses. / Something which oppresses or restrains a person; a burden.figuratively
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo join (several draught animals) together with a yoke; also, to fasten a yoke (on one or more draught animals) to pull a cart, plough, etc.; or to attach (a cart, plough, etc.) to a draught animal.transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo put (one's arm or arms) around someone's neck, waist, etc.; also, to surround (someone's neck, waist, etc.) with one's arms.transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo put (something) around someone's neck like a yoke; also, to surround (someone's neck) with something.transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo place a collar on the neck of (a conquered person or prisoner) to restrain movement.historical transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo place a frame on the neck of (an animal such as a cow, pig, or goose) to prevent passage through a fence or other barrier.agriculture business lifestylehistorical transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo bring (two or more people or things) into a close relationship (often one that is undesired); to connect, to link, to unite.figuratively transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo bring into or keep (someone) in bondage or a state of submission; to enslave; to confine, to restrain; to oppress, to subjugate.figuratively obsolete transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo be joined to (another person) in wedlock (often with the implication that it is a burdensome state); to be or become married to (someone).Scotland archaic transitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo be or become connected, linked, or united in a relationship; to have dealings with.intransitive
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishverbTo be or become joined in wedlock; to be married, to wed.Scotland intransitive obsolete
Recreational drugsyokeEnglishnounMisspelling of yolk.alt-of misspelling
Red algaeagarEnglishnounA gelatinous material obtained from red algae, especially Gracilaria species, used as a bacterial culture medium, in electrophoresis and as a food additive.countable uncountable
Red algaeagarEnglishnounA culture medium based on this material.countable uncountable
Red algaeagarEnglishnounagarwoodcountable uncountable
RedscarmesíSpanishadjcrimsonfeminine masculine
RedscarmesíSpanishnouncrimsonmasculine uncountable
RedsJapanesenounred (color)
RedsJapanesenouncommunism, socialism
RedsJapanesenouna communist
Reference worksephemerisEnglishnounA journal or diary.obsolete
Reference worksephemerisEnglishnounA table giving the apparent position of celestial bodies throughout the year; normally given as right ascension and declination.astronomy natural-sciences nautical transport
Reference worksephemerisEnglishnounComputer software that calculates the apparent position of celestial bodies.
ReligionbønDanishnounrequest, pleacommon-gender
ReligionceremonyEnglishnounA ritual, with religious or cultural significance.countable uncountable
ReligionceremonyEnglishnounAn official gathering to celebrate, commemorate, or otherwise mark some event.countable uncountable
ReligionceremonyEnglishnounA formal socially established behaviour, often in relation to people of different ranks; formality.uncountable
ReligionceremonyEnglishnounShow of magnificence, display, ostentation.uncountable
ReligionceremonyEnglishnounAn accessory or object associated with a ritual.countable obsolete uncountable
ReligionceremonyEnglishnounAn omen or portent.countable obsolete uncountable
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounA siege; an attack or assault on a walled city: / A group of assailants in a siege.
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounA siege; an attack or assault on a walled city: / A retelling or recounting of a siege.
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounA seat, especially that which indicates authority: / A portable seat; a seat on the back of a mount.
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounA seat, especially that which indicates authority: / A location, especially something's usual location.
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounA seat, especially that which indicates authority: / Ones's position, office, or station.rare
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounA seat, especially that which indicates authority: / A capital or headquarters.rare
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounAn outhouse; a bathroom: / A latrine or privy; a hole or container for disposing feces.broadly
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounAn outhouse; a bathroom: / Defecation; the expulsion of one's feces.broadly
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounAn ecclesiastical see; a bishopric.
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounA group of herons; a perch used by herons.
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of segenalt-of alternative
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of segge (“sedge”)alt-of alternative
ReligionsegeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of segge (“man”)alt-of alternative
Religionஆபகூக்TamilnameHabakkuk (Biblical character)
Religionஆபகூக்Tamilnamethe book of Habakkukcolloquial
Religionஆபகூக்Tamilnamea male given name
ReptilesyöngösonaHopinounturtle, tortoise
ReptilesyöngösonaHopinountortoise-shell rattle
RestaurantsvendéglőHungarianverbpresent participle of vendégelform-of participle present rare
RiversrzékaKashubiannounriver (large stream which drains a landmass)feminine
RiversrzékaKashubiannounriver (any large flow of a liquid)feminine
RiversrzékaKashubiannounriver (large number of objects moving in an uninterrupted, steady motion)feminine figuratively
RoadsHauptstraßeGermannounmain street, high street (principal street of a town or village)feminine
RoadsHauptstraßeGermannounany major street, artery, boulevardfeminine
RoadsHauptstraßeGermannounSynonym of VorfahrtsstraßeSwitzerland feminine
RoadsbóithrínIrishnoundiminutive of bóthardiminutive form-of masculine
RoadsbóithrínIrishnouna small, quite often badly maintained track or lane, commonly found in rural areas.masculine
RoadskhèarCimbriannounturn, curveSette-Comuni masculine
RoadskhèarCimbriannounhairpin bend, switchbackSette-Comuni masculine
RoadsTranslingualsymbolno entrytraffic transport
RoboticsробототехнікаUkrainiannoungenitive/accusative singular of робототе́хнік (robototéxnik)accusative form-of genitive singular
RodentsdagaTagalognounmouse; rat
RodentsmocoItaliannounSynonym of mochimasculine
RodentsmocoItaliannountrifle, nothingarchaic figuratively masculine
RodentsmocoItaliannounrock cavy (Kerodon rupestris)masculine
RodentssquirelMiddle EnglishnounA squirrel (rodent of the family Sciuridae)
RodentssquirelMiddle EnglishnounA squirrel fur or hide.
RodentsὕστριξAncient Greeknounporcupine (Hystrix cristata)
RodentsὕστριξAncient Greeknounsomething obtained from pigs, probably bristles
RodentsὕστριξAncient Greeknouninstrument of punishment, probably cat-o'-nine-tails
RomaniabanPolishnounban (subdivision of currency)animal-not-person masculine
RomaniabanPolishnounbanInternet animal-not-person masculine
RomaniabanPolishnounban (title used in several states in central and south-eastern Europe between the 7th century and the 20th century)masculine person
Romantic orientationshomoromanticEnglishadjRomantically attracted to those of the same gender.
Romantic orientationshomoromanticEnglishnounOne who is romantically attracted to people of the same gender.
RomeRomaEnglishnameA nomadic people with origins in India, the Romani.
RomeRomaEnglishnameA subgroup of the Romani people found primarily in Eastern Europe.
RomeRomaEnglishnameA variety of the Romani language (or occasionally) the Romani macrolanguage.
RomeRomaEnglishnounA Romani; a member of the Roma/Romani people.
RomeRomaEnglishadjRomani: of or pertaining to the Roma people.not-comparable
RomeRomaEnglishnameAny of a number of places, including a city in Texas and a city in Queensland.
RomeRomaEnglishnameA female given name from Latin of English-speakers.
RomeRomaEnglishnameAlternative form of Romealt-of alternative
RomeRomaEnglishnounA variety of tomato.
RomeRomaEnglishnameAn Austronesian language of Indonesia.
Rooms包廂Chinesenounbox (in a theatre or concert hall); private room (in a restaurant or karaoke bar)
Rooms包廂Chinesenounseparate single room (in the soft sleeper compartment of a train)
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounWood exhibiting fungal bioluminescence or foxfire.uncountable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounWood used to make torches.uncountable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounA tree yielding wood suitable for making torches, especially a tree of the genus Amyris. / Amyris balsamifera (balsam torchwood)countable uncountable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounA tree yielding wood suitable for making torches, especially a tree of the genus Amyris. / Amyris diatrypa (hairy torchwood)countable uncountable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounA tree yielding wood suitable for making torches, especially a tree of the genus Amyris. / Amyris elemifera (sea torchwood)countable uncountable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounA tree yielding wood suitable for making torches, especially a tree of the genus Amyris. / Amyris madrensis (mountain torchwood)countable uncountable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounA tree yielding wood suitable for making torches, especially a tree of the genus Amyris. / Amyris texana (Texas torchwood)countable uncountable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounA type of cactus (Stenocereus heptagonus, syn. Cactus heptagonus).countable
Rue family plantstorchwoodEnglishnounIxora brachiatacountable uncountable
RussiavecheEnglishnouna popular assembly in medieval Slavic countries.government politicshistorical
RussiavecheEnglishnouna modern assembly of Rodnovers, atavistically based off the medieval paganism religion
SI units韋伯Chineseclassifierweber (unit)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
SI units韋伯ChinesenameWeber; Webber; Webb
Sapote family plantsargānsLatviannounargan (a tree of southwestern Morocco, Argania spinosa, particularly prized for its oil)declension-1 masculine
Sapote family plantsargānsLatviannounargan (the fruit of this tree)declension-1 masculine
Saucesbrown sauceEnglishnounA sauce made by the addition of stock to a heated and browned mixture of butter and flour.countable uncountable
Saucesbrown sauceEnglishnounAny of many brands of bottled sauce based on malt vinegar, fruit and spices.British Ireland countable uncountable
Saucesbrown sauceEnglishnounGravy.countable uncountable
SaucessalsaFinnishnounsalsa (sauce)
SaucessalsaFinnishnounsalsaentertainment lifestyle music
SaucessalsaFinnishnounsalsadance dancing hobbies lifestyle sports
SausagesmerguezFrenchnouna car that has been modified—as by filing away its engine number, or including components from different cars—to make it harder to identify or to conceal damage from an accident.feminine slang
SausagesmerguezFrenchnouna seemingly normal transaction that later turns out to be a scambroadly feminine slang
SawsBügelsägeGermannounbow saw (a lightweight metal-framed saw in the shape of a bow with a removable coarse wide blade, used for cutting tree trunks)feminine
SawsBügelsägeGermannounhacksaw (fine-toothed, frame-mounted saw used to cut metal)feminine
ScarabaeoidsdumbledoreEnglishnounA bumblebee.archaic dated dialectal
ScarabaeoidsdumbledoreEnglishnounA beetle, typically a cockchafer or dung beetle.dialectal
ScarabaeoidsdumbledoreEnglishnounA dandelion.dialectal
ScarabaeoidsdumbledoreEnglishnounA blundering person.slang
Schoolshaute écoleFrenchnounVery academic, high-level, equitation style school of higher educationFrance feminine
Schoolshaute écoleFrenchnouna school of higher education, academic but not ranked as a universityBelgium feminine
SchoolsprepperEnglishnounA student at a prep school.UK slang
SchoolsprepperEnglishnounPrep school.UK slang
SchoolsprepperEnglishnounA survivalist; one who actively prepares for emergencies.
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishnameVarious small towns in Germany.countable uncountable
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishnameA former name of Ząbkowice Śląskie, a town in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland.countable historical uncountable
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishnameA surname from German.countable
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishnameVictor Frankenstein, a fictional character and the main protagonist and title character in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.fiction literature media publishingcountable uncountable
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishnameThe unnamed monster created by Victor Frankenstein: a fictional character who first appeared in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus as the main antagonist.fiction literature media publishingcountable proscribed sometimes uncountable
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishnounA monster composed of body parts from various corpses attached and brought back to life by a mad scientist, typically strong, unable to speak clearly, and misunderstood.proscribed sometimes
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishnounSynonym of mad scientist
Science fictionFrankensteinEnglishverbTo combine two or more similar elements into a consistent entity, or a cohesive idea.colloquial transitive
ScombroidsmangkoCebuanonounfrigate tuna (Auxis thazard)
ScombroidsmangkoCebuanonounkawakawa (Euthynnus affinis)
ScombroidsmangkoCebuanoadjclub-handedmedicine sciences
Scombroidssea pikeEnglishnounThe garfish or needlefish, Belone belone.Ireland UK
Scombroidssea pikeEnglishnounThe silver gar or Atlantic needlefish, Strongylura marina
Scombroidssea pikeEnglishnounA large food fish (Centropomus undecimalis) found on both coasts of America; the robalo.US
Scombroidssea pikeEnglishnounThe European hakeobsolete
Scombroidssea pikeEnglishnounAny of several species of barracuda.
ScotlandécossaisFrenchnounScottish Gaelic languagemasculine
ScotlandécossaisFrenchnounScots languagemasculine
ScotlandécossaisFrenchverbfirst/second-person singular imperfect indicative of écosserfirst-person form-of imperfect indicative second-person singular
SeafoodbuwadCebuanonounAlternative form of buladLeyte alt-of alternative
SeafoodbuwadCebuanoverbAlternative form of buladLeyte alt-of alternative
Semantics單字Chinesenounindividual character (in Chinese)
Semantics單字Chinesenounindividual word (in other languages)
SexSamenGermannounseed, grainmasculine strong
SexSamenGermannounsemen, spermmasculine strong
SexSamenGermannounoffspringbiblical lifestyle religionmasculine poetic strong
SexSamenGermannouninflection of Same (“Sami person”): / genitive/dative/accusative singularaccusative dative form-of genitive singular
SexSamenGermannouninflection of Same (“Sami person”): / all-case pluralform-of plural
SexSamenGermannouninflection of Same (“Sami person”): / inflection of Same (“Sami person”)form-of
SexbonerEnglishnounAn erect penis.slang vulgar
SexbonerEnglishnounAn erect penis. / An often perverse sense of enjoyment from or predilection towards something.figuratively slang vulgar
SexbonerEnglishnounOne who or that which removes bones.
SexbonerEnglishnounA blunder; a silly mistake.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsdated especially slang
SexbonerEnglishnounA trombonisthumorous
SexkogutPolishnounrooster (male chicken)animal-not-person masculine
SexkogutPolishnounmale phasianidanimal-not-person masculine
SexkogutPolishnounemergency vehicle lighting, flashing light (emergency vehicle lighting)colloquial inanimate masculine
SexkogutPolishnouncowlickcolloquial inanimate masculine
SexkogutPolishnouna person who is pugnaciouscolloquial masculine person
SexجماعArabicnounverbal noun of جَامَعَ (jāmaʕa) (form III)form-of noun-from-verb
SexجماعArabicnounsexual intercourse, copulation, coitus
SexKoreannouncunt (highly offensive term for a woman's vulva)derogatory vulgar
SexKoreannouncoitus, copulation, fuck, sexual intercoursederogatory vulgar
Sexual orientationsaro-aceEnglishadjAromantic and asexual.neologism slang
Sexual orientationsaro-aceEnglishnounA person who is aromantic and asexual.neologism slang
Sexual orientationshomosexualGalicianadjhomosexualfeminine masculine
Sexual orientationshomosexualGaliciannounhomosexualby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Sexually transmitted diseases皰疹Chinesenounblebmedicine pathology sciences
Sexually transmitted diseases皰疹Chinesenounherpesmedicine pathology sciences
Sharksfrilled sharkEnglishnounAny member of two extant species of shark in genus Chlamydoselachus or their extinct close relatives, / Chlamydoselachus anguineus, of wide distribution in mostly in outer continental shelves
Sharksfrilled sharkEnglishnounAny member of two extant species of shark in genus Chlamydoselachus or their extinct close relatives, / Chlamydoselachus africana (Southern African frilled shark)
SharksmelgachoGaliciannounmorgay, small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)masculine
Shopsparty storeEnglishnounA liquor store, especially one that also serves a convenience store.
Shopsparty storeEnglishnounA shop that sells or hires fancy dress and other goods for parties.UK
Siblingssister-in-lawEnglishnounA female relative of one's generation, separated by one degree of marriage: / The sister of one's spouse.
Siblingssister-in-lawEnglishnounA female relative of one's generation, separated by one degree of marriage: / The wife of one's sibling.
Siblingssister-in-lawEnglishnounCo-sister-in-law: The wife of one's sibling-in-law. / The wife of the sibling of one's spouse.uncommon
Siblingssister-in-lawEnglishnounCo-sister-in-law: The wife of one's sibling-in-law. / The sister of the spouse of one's sibling.uncommon
SilverargentineEnglishadjContaining or resembling silver.
SilverargentineEnglishnounAny osmeriform fish of the genus Argentina, especially a European argentine (Argentina sphyraena).countable uncountable
SilverargentineEnglishnounA siliceous variety of calcite, or lime carbonate, having a silvery-white, pearly lustre, and a waving or curved lamellar structure.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
SilverargentineEnglishnounWhite metal coated with silver.countable uncountable
SingingaltIrishnounjoint; juncturebusiness carpentry construction manufacturingmasculine
SingingaltIrishnounjoint, knuckleanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
SingingaltIrishnounknot (in wood)masculine
SingingaltIrishnounbit (of land, tobacco, etc.)masculine
SingingaltIrishnounstumpy personmasculine
SingingaltIrishnounparagraph; section (of act, etc.)masculine
SingingaltIrishnounarticle; clausegrammar human-sciences linguistics media publishing sciencesmasculine
SingingaltIrishverbarticulate, jointtransitive
SingingaltIrishnounaltoentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
SingingaltIrishnounAlternative form of ailt (“steep-sided glen; ravine”)alt-of alternative feminine
SixsixEnglishnumA numerical value equal to 6; the number following five and preceding seven. This many dots: (••••••).
SixsixEnglishnounA group or set with six elements.
SixsixEnglishnounThe digit or figure 6.
SixsixEnglishnounSix o'clock.
SixsixEnglishnounRear, behind (rear side of something).government military politics warslang
SixsixEnglishnounAn event whereby a batsman hits a ball which does not bounce before passing over a boundary in the air, resulting in an award of 6 runs for the batting team.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
SixsixEnglishnounA touchdown.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
SixsixEnglishnounA bathroom or toilet.North-Wales
SixsixEnglishnounSmall beer sold at six shillings per barrel.obsolete
SizediminishEnglishverbTo make smaller.transitive
SizediminishEnglishverbTo become less or smaller.intransitive
SizediminishEnglishverbTo lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken; to nerf (in gaming).transitive
SizediminishEnglishverbTo taper.intransitive
SizediminishEnglishverbTo disappear gradually.intransitive
SizediminishEnglishverbTo take away; to subtract.transitive
SkeletonkrzyżPolishnouncrossinanimate masculine
SkeletonkrzyżPolishnounsacrumanatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
SkeletonkrzyżPolishnouncrossgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsinanimate masculine
SkinpoparzeniePolishnounverbal noun of poparzyćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
SkinpoparzeniePolishnounburn (physical injury)countable neuter
SlaveryproslaveryEnglishadjSupporting slavery.
SlaveryproslaveryEnglishnounSupport for the institution of slavery.uncountable
SlaverysmallholdingEnglishnounA small farm.
SlaverysmallholdingEnglishnounThe owning of such a farm.
SlaverysmallholdingEnglishnounA small plantation or land with a small number of slaves (generally 19 or less). Contrasted with middling plantation (20–49 slaves) and large plantation (50+ and owned by planters).US historical
SmellaromaticEnglishadjFragrant or spicy.
SmellaromaticEnglishadjHaving a closed ring of alternate single and double bonds with delocalized electrons.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
SmellaromaticEnglishadjDerived from benzene.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
SmellaromaticEnglishnounA fragrant plant or spice added to a dish to flavour it.
SmellaromaticEnglishnounAny aromatic compound.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
SmellstinkingEnglishadjHaving a pungent smell.
SmellstinkingEnglishadjVery bad and undesirable.
SmellstinkingEnglishadjVery drunk.slang
SmellstinkingEnglishadjAn intensifier, a hypallage.euphemistic
SmellstinkingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of stinkform-of gerund participle present
SmellstinkingEnglishnounThe emission of a foul smell.
SmokingзапалкаMacedoniannounlighter (fire making device)
SmokingзапалкаMacedoniannounfuse, squib
SnacksbitsoTagalognounyoutiao (especially the Philippine version)
SnacksbitsoTagalognouna kind of starchy sauce for fried food
SnowdosypaćPolishverbto add by sprinkling [with accusative or genitive, along with do (+ genitive) ‘to what’] / to add by sprinklingperfective transitive
SnowdosypaćPolishverbto sprinkle to the top or entirely [with accusative or genitive] / to sprinkle to the top or entirelyperfective transitive
SnowdosypaćPolishverbto recover, to repile (to fall and cover a particular place again)intransitive perfective
SnowdosypaćPolishverbto generously give extra money [with accusative or genitive] / to generously give extra moneyperfective transitive
SnowdosypaćPolishverbto save money, to set asidebusiness financeMiddle Polish perfective transitive
SnowdosypaćPolishverbto pay extrabusiness financeMiddle Polish perfective transitive
SoundsprzącPolishverbto couple, to engage, to team, to connect, to uniteperfective transitive
SoundsprzącPolishverbto feedbackperfective transitive
SoundsdunderPolishnounthundercolloquial dialectal inanimate masculine
SoundsdunderPolishintjblast it, goddamn (used to show displeasure or disappointment)idiomatic
SoundsтропотBulgariannounrattle, clatter (sound of stamping)
Soupsczarna polewkaPolishnounSynonym of czernina (“dark soup made from duck blood and clear poultry broth”)feminine
Soupsczarna polewkaPolishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see czarna, polewka.feminine
SoupsgulyásHungariannounherdsman (a person who tends a herd of cows)
SoupsgulyásHungariannounbeef/pork/veal stew with potatoes and/or dumplings, seasoned with paprika (a traditional Hungarian dish)
South AfricaVendaEnglishnameA former self-governing Black African homeland in South Africa.
South AfricaVendaEnglishnameThe language of the people of this area.
South AfricaVendaEnglishnounA member of the Black people of this area.
SpainիսպաներենArmeniannounSpanish (language)
SpainիսպաներենArmenianadvin Spanish
SpainիսպաներենArmenianadjSpanish (of or pertaining to the language)
SpearsframeaLatinnounspear, javelin as used by the Germanideclension-1 feminine
SpearsframeaLatinnounsworddeclension-1 feminine
Spicesluy-aCebuanonounginger (Zingiber officinale)
Spicesluy-aCebuanonounrhizome of this plant
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A cylindrical projectile that can be fired to a great height through combustion, (specifically) a type of firework of this form, typically exploding with light and colour; a skyrocket.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A blunt lance head used in jousting.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A long vehicle or craft propelled by a rocket engine; a missile or rocket-propelled spacecraft.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / An engine operating similarly to the pyrotechnic, generating thrust by the expulsion of hot gases; a rocket engine.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / Something that travels high in the air and/or with great speed; especially (sport), a hard shot.figuratively
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A severe reprimand; a telling-off.UK figuratively slang
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / An ace (the playing card).figuratively slang
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A stupid or crazy person.Scotland figuratively slang
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A very physically attractive woman.East England South figuratively slang
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishverbTo accelerate swiftly and powerfully.intransitive transitive
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishverbTo fly vertically.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishverbTo rise or soar rapidly.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishverbTo experience sudden fame, popularity, or success.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishverbTo carry something in a rocket.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishverbTo attack something with rockets.
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounThe leaf vegetable Eruca sativa or Eruca vesicaria.uncountable
Spices and herbsrocketEnglishnounRocket larkspur (Consolida regalis, syn. Delphinium consolida).uncountable
Staff vine family plantstrzmielPolishnounbumblebee (genus of bee)animal-not-person masculine
Staff vine family plantstrzmielPolishnounObsolete form of trzmielina.alt-of inanimate masculine obsolete
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameThe god of volcanoes and fire, especially the forge, also the patron of all craftsmen, especially blacksmiths. The Roman counterpart of Hephaestus.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A town in Vulcan County, southern Alberta, Canada.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A volcano in Papua New Guinea.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A commune of Brașov County, Romania.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A city in Hunedoara County, Romania.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A village in the commune of Apold, Mureș County, Romania.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in Romania / A village in the commune of Ciuruleasa, Alba County, Romania.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / A ghost town in Gunnison County, Colorado.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / An unincorporated community in Norway Township, Dickinson County, Michigan.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / An unincorporated community in Iron County, Missouri.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A place in the United States / An inactive volcano in New Mexico, United States.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / A hypothetical planet proposed in the 19th century to exist in an orbit between Mercury and the Sun. Coined by Jacques Bobinetastronomy natural-scienceshistorical
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA placename. / Ellipsis of Vulcan County.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameAn inhabited planet, the homeworld of the Vulcan species.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnameA language constructed for the Star Trek franchise, spoken by the fictional Vulcan species.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the planet Vulcan; a species that values a personal emphasis on logic and strict personal emotional control.
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnounA person who, like the fictional Vulcans, seems to lack emotion or is overly analytical and boring.derogatory slang
Star TrekVulcanEnglishnounThe Avro Vulcan, a type of jet-powered British bomber aircraft built by Avro during the Cold War.
StarsspdtEgyptiannameSirius, A bluish-white star in the constellation Canis Major; Alpha (α) Canis Majoris. A vertex of the Winter Triangle and the brightest star in the night sky.astronomy natural-sciences
StarsspdtEgyptiannameSothis, the divine personification of Sirius
Stock charactersgold diggerEnglishnounSomeone who digs or mines for gold.
Stock charactersgold diggerEnglishnounA person (usually female) who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain wealth.derogatory figuratively
Succulentscrown of thornsEnglishnounThe crown made of a thorny plant that Christ was forced to wear before his Crucifixion, in mocking reference to his alleged status as ‘king of the Jews’, or a representation of this.Christianity
Succulentscrown of thornsEnglishnounA spiny Mediterranean tree, Ziziphus spina-christi.
Succulentscrown of thornsEnglishnounA spiny spurge, Euphorbia milii, native to Madagascar.
Succulentscrown of thornsEnglishnounThe plant Koeberlinia spinosa.
Succulentscrown of thornsEnglishnounA large starfish with venemous spines, Acanthaster planci.
Succulentscrown of thornsEnglishnounA woodworking technique, used in tramp art, in which interlocking pieces are notched to intersect at right angles and form joints and self-supporting objects.
SugarssugarEnglishnounSucrose in the form of small crystals, obtained from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink.uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounA specific variety of sugar.countable
SugarssugarEnglishnounAny of various small carbohydrates that are used by organisms to store energy.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounA small serving of this substance (typically about one teaspoon), used to sweeten a drink.countable
SugarssugarEnglishnounA term of endearment.countable
SugarssugarEnglishnounAffection shown by kisses or kissing.slang uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounEffeminacy in a male, often implying homosexuality.Southern US slang uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounDiabetes.informal uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounAnything resembling sugar in taste or appearance, especially in chemistry.countable dated uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounCompliment or flattery used to disguise or render acceptable something obnoxious; honeyed or soothing words.countable uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounHeroin.US slang uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounMoney.US dated slang uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishnounSyntactic sugar.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencescountable uncountable
SugarssugarEnglishverbTo add sugar to; to sweeten with sugar.transitive
SugarssugarEnglishverbTo make (something unpleasant) seem less so.transitive
SugarssugarEnglishverbIn making maple sugar, to complete the process of boiling down the syrup till it is thick enough to crystallize; to approach or reach the state of granulation; with the preposition off.Canada US regional
SugarssugarEnglishverbTo apply sugar to trees or plants in order to catch moths.biology entomology natural-sciences
SugarssugarEnglishverbTo rewrite (source code) using syntactic sugar.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencestransitive
SugarssugarEnglishverbTo compliment (a person).transitive
SugarssugarEnglishverbTo remove hair using a paste of sugar, water, and lemon juice.
SumerSumerianEnglishadjOf, from or pertaining to Sumer.not-comparable
SumerSumerianEnglishadjOf, from or pertaining to lower Babylonia, which was anciently called Šumer in Akkadian.not-comparable
SumerSumerianEnglishnounA person of Sumer.
SumerSumerianEnglishnounA native of lower Babylonia, called Šumer in Akkadian.
SumerSumerianEnglishnameThe ancient language spoken in Sumer, a language isolate.human-sciences linguistics sciences
SweetsمكفنArabicadjwrapped, shrouded
SweetsمكفنArabicnounwrap, roll, namely a confection wrapped in thin pastry
SweetsအချိုBurmesenounsweetness (of taste)
SweetsအချိုBurmesenounsweetmeat; dessert
Syngnathiform fishhipocampCatalannounhippocampusmasculine
Syngnathiform fishhipocampCatalannounsea horsemasculine
Systems theorysystemicallyEnglishadvIn a systemic manner.
Systems theorysystemicallyEnglishadvIn a manner that affects an entire system.
TablewarenakryciePolishnounverbal noun of nakryćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
TablewarenakryciePolishnouncovering (that which covers something)countable neuter
TablewarenakryciePolishnountablewarecountable neuter
TalkingdiharebWelshnounproverb, bywordfeminine
Talkingspeaking in tonguesEnglishnounThe act of speaking a language one does not know, or speaking elaborate but apparently meaningless speech, while in a trance-like state (or, supposedly, under the influence of a deity or spirits); glossolalia.uncountable
Talkingspeaking in tonguesEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of speak in tongues.form-of gerund participle present
Telecommunications9-1-1EnglishnameAlternative spelling of 911alt-of alternative
Telecommunications9-1-1EnglishnounAlternative spelling of 911alt-of alternative countable uncommon uncountable
Telecommunications9-1-1EnglishverbAlternative spelling of 911alt-of alternative rare
TemperatureaquecerPortugueseverbto heat
TemperatureaquecerPortugueseverbwarm up as a preparation for a physical activity
TemperatureaquecerPortugueseverbwarm up (to make an audience enthusiastic)
TemperaturepreheatedEnglishadjheated up beforehand.not-comparable
TemperaturepreheatedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of preheatform-of participle past
TemperatureteploCzechnounheatnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsneuter
TemperatureteploCzechadvwarm (of weather)
TentíundaOld Norseverbto pay tithes
TentíundaOld Norseverbto give a tithe of
TentíundaOld Norseverbto levy a tithe on
TentíundaOld Norseadjinflection of tíundi: ## masculine oblique singular ## feminine nominative singular ## neuter singular / masculine oblique singularform-of masculine oblique singular
TentíundaOld Norseadjinflection of tíundi: ## masculine oblique singular ## feminine nominative singular ## neuter singular / feminine nominative singularfeminine form-of nominative singular
TentíundaOld Norseadjinflection of tíundi: ## masculine oblique singular ## feminine nominative singular ## neuter singular / neuter singularform-of neuter singular
TentíundaOld Norsenounindefinite genitive plural of tíundform-of genitive indefinite plural
TextilesžínkaCzechnoundiminutive of ženadiminutive feminine form-of
TextilesžínkaCzechnounwashcloth, face clothfeminine
ThailandBangkokianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Bangkok
ThailandBangkokianEnglishadjOf or from Bangkoknot-comparable
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto suppose, to surmise (to assume based on certain clues or evidence)imperfective intransitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto let somebody come close to someone or something [with do (+ genitive) ‘to whom/what’] / to let somebody come close to someone or somethingimperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto let somebody come close to someone or something [with do (+ genitive) ‘to whom/what’] / to have sexual relations with someoneMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto admit (to reveal something in secret) [with do (+ genitive) ‘(admit) to what’] / to admit (to reveal something in secret)imperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto begin giving milkimperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto wax (to become larger)imperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto allow, to let, to permitimperfective obsolete transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto admit, to treat to (to allow someone to take part in something, to let in; to accept; to grant)imperfective obsolete transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto allow, to let, to permitimperfective obsolete transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto drive a herd closer to someone or somethingimperfective obsolete transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto entrust to someoneMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto direct someone somewhereMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto direct someone somewhere / to send off someone to battleMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto giveMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto admit; Further details are uncertain.Middle Polish imperfective
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto begin chasing someone or somethingimperfective obsolete reflexive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto get to work; to buckle down; to contributeimperfective obsolete reflexive
ThinkingprzypuszczaćPolishverbto rely on someone; to trustMiddle Polish imperfective reflexive
Thinking明白Chineseverbto understand; to know
Thinking明白Chineseadjclear; obvious; evident
Thinking明白Chineseadjopen; explicit; frank
Thinking明白Chineseadjsensible; reasonable
ThreetrinaryEnglishadjAlternative form of ternaryalt-of alternative not-comparable
ThreetrinaryEnglishnouna trinary starastronomy natural-sciences
ThreetrójcaPolishnounthreesome, triad, trinity, trio (group or set of three people or things; three things combined into one)feminine literary
ThreetrójcaPolishnounthreeness, trinity (thing or entity of threefold nature)feminine literary
Timber industrytraczPolishnounsawyer (person who saws timber, especially in a sawpit)masculine person
Timber industrytraczPolishnounmerganser (any duck of the genus Mergus)animal-not-person masculine
Timede GwenerCornishadvon FridayStandard-Cornish
Timede GwenerCornishnameFridayStandard-Cornish masculine
Timede MerthCornishadvon TuesdayStandard-Cornish
Timede MerthCornishnameTuesdayStandard-Cornish masculine
TimedogwatchEnglishnounAboard a ship, either of the two short two-hour watches that take place between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.nautical transport
TimedogwatchEnglishnounA night shift, or other very late or early period of duty.broadly
TimedogwatchEnglishnounA very brief period of naval service.nautical transport
TimeigbẹYorubanounbush, forest
TimeigbẹYorubanoungame hunting
TimeigbẹYorubanounwrong direction
TimeigbẹYorubanounfeces, stool
TimepróximoSpanishadjapproaching, forthcoming, upcoming
TimesecondoItalianadjsecondnumeral ordinal
TimesecondoItalianadjthe second
TimesecondoItaliannounsecond (unit of time)masculine
TimesecondoItaliannounsecond (in boxing or duelling)masculine
TimesecondoItaliannounsecond mate, executive officer (in the navy)masculine
TimesecondoItaliannounmain course (of a meal)masculine
TimesecondoItaliannounlatter (relating to or being the second of two items)masculine
TimesecondoItalianprepaccording to, as per, per
Timeterminus ante quemEnglishnounThe date before which a document must have been written.
Timeterminus ante quemEnglishnounThe date before which an archaeological artifact must have been deposited.
Timetime of dayEnglishnounThe time according to the clock.
Timetime of dayEnglishnounA loosely specified period of time, minutes or hours in duration, especially daytime, or point in time.
Timetime of dayEnglishnounThe greeting appropriate to the time of day.
Timetime of dayEnglishnounera: time; day.dated dialectal informal
Timetime of dayEnglishnounThe right thing; the ticket; that which is needed.archaic
TimetricennialEnglishadjOf, related to, lasting, or occurring once every thirty years.not-comparable
TimetricennialEnglishadjOf or related to a tricennalia, the celebrations marking the 30th year of a Roman emperor's rule.historical not-comparable
TimeveilleFrenchnounthe day before, the evefeminine
TimeveilleFrenchnounthe era or while before something; evebroadly feminine
TimeveilleFrenchnounwatch, vigilfeminine
TimeveilleFrenchnounstandbycomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
TimeийEastern Marinounyear
TimeийEastern Marinounice
TimeийEastern Marinounicicle
TimeийEastern Marinounchisel
TimeثانیہUrdunounsecond (unit of time)
TimeबीतनाHindiverbto happen, to occurintransitive
TimeबीतनाHindiverbto elapse, pass (time)intransitive
TimeबीतनाHindiverbto dieeuphemistic intransitive
TimeसालMarathinounskin/peel of fruits or of tree barks
Time這滿Chinesenounnow; the present time; the present moment; the current timeHakka Hokkien Xiamen
Time這滿Chinesenounthis timeHakka
Time闇夜Japanesenouna dark night, a night with no moon
Time闇夜Japanesenouna dark night, a night with no moon
Time闇夜Japanesenouna dark and depressing outlook
ToiletriesgrzebykPolishnoundiminutive of grzebieńdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
ToiletriesgrzebykPolishnounchaff flower (Achyranthes spp.)inanimate masculine
ToolsbizTurkishpronwe (subject form)
Toolsfire drillEnglishnounAn organized practice to prepare occupants of an office, school or other public building for evacuation in the event of a fire.
Toolsfire drillEnglishnounAny pointless, unproductive, useless, or chaotic activity.US idiomatic
Toolsfire drillEnglishnounA fire-starting tool consisting of a wooden rod and some primitive means of rapidly rotating the rod on a flat surface like a drill until tinder can be ignited.
ToolsmasassaƙiHausanouncarpenter, carver
ToolssmísteIrishnounmaul (heavy, long-handled hammer)masculine
ToolssmísteIrishnounbat (club used for striking the ball in sports)masculine
ToolssmísteIrishnounclub (weapon), cudgelmasculine
ToolssmísteIrishnounbig loutish personmasculine
ToolssmísteIrishnounsmash (sound of a violent impact)masculine
ToolssmísteIrishverbpast participle of smístform-of participle past
ToolssmísteIrishnoungenitive singular of smísteadhform-of genitive singular
ToolsكسترهOttoman Turkishnounlong plane; grindstone
ToolsكسترهOttoman Turkishnounwood betony (Stachys officinalis syn. Betonica officinalis)
TortureskřipecCzechnounrack (torture device)inanimate masculine
TortureskřipecCzechnounpince-nez (type of eyeglasses)inanimate masculine
ToysbarchettaItaliannounlittle boatfeminine
ToysbarchettaItaliannountoy boatfeminine
ToysbarchettaItaliannounsmall plastic container (for fast food etc.)feminine
ToysbarchettaItaliannouna simple gondola used as a ferrynautical transportfeminine
ToysbarchettaItaliannouna type of car bodywork, and the namesake to a Fiat car modelfeminine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna kernel of dried unripened cornLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna kernel of unpopped popcorn, an old maidLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna crumb, a bitLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna marble, especially one made of agateLouisiana masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnouna short personLouisiana derogatory masculine
ToysgrillotFrenchnounAlternative form of grelotalt-of alternative dialectal masculine
ToysväkkäräIngriannounShort for rihmaväkkärä.abbreviation alt-of
Translation studies改訳Japanesenounemended/amended/new/revised translation
Translation studies改訳Japaneseverbto emend a translation
Translation studies譯著Chinesenountranslation
Translation studies譯著Chinesenountranslated work
Translation studies譯著Chineseverbto translate
Translingual numeral symbols5TranslingualsymbolThe cardinal number five.
Translingual numeral symbols5TranslingualsymbolA digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal.
Translingual numeral symbols5Translingualsymbolthe pitch of a tone, either high or low depending on local convention; '5' is most commonly the highest or lowest pitch (but see 6)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesoften superscript
Translingual numeral symbols5Translingualsymboltone number 5, typically identified with dark departing yin qu (陰去)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesoften superscript
TreeslitchiFrenchnounlychee (tree)masculine
TreeslitchiFrenchnounlychee (fruit)masculine
Treesnoce neroItaliannounblack walnut (Juglans nigra)masculine uncountable
Treesnoce neroItaliannouna black walnut treemasculine
Treesnoce neroItaliannounthe wood of the black walnut treemasculine uncountable
TreesshkorreAlbaniannounbush, shrubfeminine
TreesshkorreAlbaniannoununderbrush, scrublandfeminine
TreesлимунSerbo-Croatiannounlemon (fruit)
TreesлимунSerbo-Croatiannounlemon (tree)
Trifolieae tribe plantscammockEnglishnounA common restharrow (Ononis spinosa subsp. maritima, syn. Ononis spinosa), a plant with long, hard, crooked roots.countable uncountable
Trifolieae tribe plantscammockEnglishnounA Venus comb (Scandix pecten-veneris).countable uncountable
Trifolieae tribe plantscammockEnglishnounA crooked stick, staff or club.
True bugssquash bugEnglishnounAn insect in any of several species of true bugs in the family Coreidae which feed on plants in the family Cucurbitaceae
True bugssquash bugEnglishnounAn insect in any of several species of true bugs in the family Coreidae which feed on plants in the family Cucurbitaceae / Anasa tristisUS
True bugssquash bugEnglishnounAny insect in the family Coreidae, whether they feed on plants in the family Cucurbitaceae or not.
True finchesщигликUkrainiannoundiminutive of щи́голь (ščýholʹ, “goldfinch”)diminutive form-of
True finchesщигликUkrainiannoundiminutive of щи́голь (ščýholʹ, “finger blow”)diminutive form-of
True sparrows麻雀兒ChinesenounsparrowHuizhou Mandarin Southern Wu dialectal
True sparrows麻雀兒ChinesenounpenisSichuanese
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnounboardmasculine
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnouncheckerboardmasculine
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnouncountermasculine
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnounleaf (flat section used to extend a table)masculine
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnounpanelmasculine
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnounswitchboardmasculine
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnounpetrel (bird)masculine
Tubenose birdstableroSpanishnounlong spine boardmasculine
TypographykratkaPolishnoundiminutive of kratadiminutive feminine form-of
TypographykratkaPolishnoun[[#]], number sign, hash, pound signfeminine
TypographykratkaPolishnounplaid [with w (+ accusative) ‘plaid as an adjective’] / plaidfeminine
TypographyѕвездичкаMacedoniannoundiminutive of ѕвезда (dzvezda)diminutive form-of
UgandaTooroEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Tooro Kingdom, the Tooro people, or their language.not-comparable
UgandaTooroEnglishnounA member of the ethnic group of Uganda who speak the Tooro language.
UgandaTooroEnglishnameA Great Lakes Bantu language spoken by the Tooro people.
UgandaTooroEnglishnameA subnational kingdom in Uganda, comprised of all of Uganda's Tooro sub-region.
United KingdomWalianEnglishnounA Welsh person.uncommon
United KingdomWalianEnglishadjSynonym of Welsh: of or relating to Wales.uncommon
Units of measureamphoricEnglishadjOf or related to an amphora, either as a large vessel or a Roman unit of liquid measure.historical not-comparable
Units of measureamphoricEnglishadjProduced by or indicating a hollow cavity in the lungs, giving a sound like that produced by blowing into an empty decanter.medicine sciencesnot-comparable
Units of measuregradSerbo-Croatiannouncity, town
Units of measuregradSerbo-Croatiannounfortress, castle
Units of measuregradSerbo-Croatiannoundowntown, city center
Units of measuregradSerbo-Croatiannounhail
Units of measuregradSerbo-Croatiannoungradianmathematics sciences
Units of measuregradSerbo-Croatiannoundegree (measuring unit in various systems; the more usual and general term is stȅpēn or stȗpanj)
Units of measurekulaçTurkishnoundistance between the fingertips of two outstretched arms; fathom, armspan
Units of measurekulaçTurkishnounsmall leavened or unleavened breadregional
Units of measuremetroItaliannounmetre, metermasculine
Units of measuremetroItaliannounruler, measuremasculine
Units of measuremetroItaliannounyardstick, criterionmasculine
Units of measuremetroItaliannounsubway (US), underground (UK), Tube (the London underground)feminine invariable
Units of measureoxgangEnglishnounThe area of land that could be plowed by an ox in a year, ¹⁄₈ hide or carucate and notionally 15 acres.historical
Units of measureoxgangEnglishnounThe similar Scottish concept, ¹⁄₈ of a ploughgate and notionally 12+¹⁄₂ or 13 Scottish acres.Scotland historical
Units of measurepaunaFinnishnounpound (unit of weight or mass)
Units of measurepaunaFinnishnounbag, pursearchaic
Units of measureregadoraCatalanadjfeminine singular of regadorfeminine form-of singular
Units of measureregadoraCatalannounwatering canfeminine
Units of measureregadoraCatalannounan obsolete measure of water flow equivalent to upwards of 300,000 litres/dayfeminine
Units of measuretonaPolishnountonne, ton (one thousand kilograms)metrologyfeminine
Units of measuretonaPolishnounton (large, excessive, or overwhelming amount of anything)colloquial feminine figuratively
Units of measureգազArmeniannoungas (state of matter)
Units of measureգազArmeniannounnatural gasinformal
Units of measureգազArmeniannoungas pedal, acceleratorinformal
Units of measureգազArmeniannouncubit (measure of length equal to 112 cm)archaic
Units of measureգազArmeniannounmilkvetch (Astragalus gen. et spp.)
Units of measureغۇلاچUyghurnounshoulder, upper armanatomy medicine sciences
Units of measureغۇلاچUyghurnounmeasure word for; armspan, fathom
Universities翰林ChinesenameHanlin Academyhistorical
Universities翰林ChinesenameHanlin Academy scholarhistorical
Universities翰林Chinesenameliterary circlesliterary
Urban studies京畿Chinesenouncapital city and its surrounding arealiterary
Urban studies京畿ChinesenameGyeonggi (a province of South Korea)
UrsidspiastunkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of piastun (“woman who looks after children”)feminine form-of literary
UrsidspiastunkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of piastun (“in early medieval Poland, a high-ranking official responsible for the upbringing of royal children”)feminine form-of historical
UrsidspiastunkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of piastun (“young girl whom one is caring for or raising”)feminine form-of obsolete rare
UrsidspiastunkaPolishnounfemale bear cub under the care of his motherhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
UrsidspiastunkaPolishnounfemale wolf that watches over his pack's cubs while their parents are huntinghobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
VegetablescurcubetãAromaniannounpumpkin, gourdfeminine
VegetablescurcubetãAromaniannountriflefeminine figuratively
VegetablescurcubetăRomaniannounpumpkin, gourdcommon feminine regional
VegetablescurcubetăRomaniannounhead, noddlefeminine rare
Vegetarianism素食Chinesenounvegetarian foods
Vegetarianism素食Chineseverbto maintain a vegetarian diet
VehiclesܥܪܒܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounshopping trolley; cart, wagon, carriage
VehiclesܥܪܒܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpram, baby buggy, pushchair, stroller
Vehicles水車Chinesenounold-style machine that is human or animal-powered and lifts water from a source for the irrigation of crops
Vehicles水車Chinesenounwater wheel
Vehicles水車Chinesenounvehicle that transports water
VesselsglassEnglishnounAn amorphous solid, often transparent substance, usually made by melting silica sand with various additives (for most purposes, a mixture of soda, potash and lime is added).uncountable usually
VesselsglassEnglishnounAny amorphous solid (one without a regular crystal lattice).broadly countable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounA vessel from which one drinks, especially one made of glass, plastic, or similar translucent or semi-translucent material.countable
VesselsglassEnglishnounThe quantity of liquid contained in such a vessel.countable metonymically uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounA mirror.countable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounA magnifying glass or telescope.countable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounA barrier made of solid, transparent material. / The backboard.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial countable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounA barrier made of solid, transparent material. / The clear, protective screen surrounding a hockey rink.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportscountable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounA barometer.countable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounTransparent or translucent.attributive countable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounAn hourglass.countable obsolete uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounLenses, considered collectively.arts hobbies lifestyle photographyinformal uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishnounA pane of glass; a window (especially of a coach or similar vehicle).archaic countable uncountable
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo fit with glass; to glaze.transitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo enclose in glass.transitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbClipping of fibreglass. To fit, cover, fill, or build, with fibreglass-reinforced resin composite (fiberglass).abbreviation alt-of clipping transitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo strike (someone), particularly in the face, with a drinking glass with the intent of causing injury.UK colloquial transitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo bombard an area with such intensity (by means of a nuclear bomb, fusion bomb, etc) as to melt the landscape into glass.literature media publishing science-fictiontransitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo view through an optical instrument such as binoculars.transitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo smooth or polish (leather, etc.), by rubbing it with a glass burnisher.transitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo reflect; to mirror.archaic reflexive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo make glassy.transitive
VesselsglassEnglishverbTo become glassy.intransitive
VietnamSinesianEnglishadjSynonym of Chinese or Chinese-like, of, related to, or similar to Chinese people, things, or culture.archaic not-comparable
VietnamSinesianEnglishadjSynonym of East Asian, with especial focus on Chinese people and culture: of or related to the Sinosphere.archaic not-comparable
VillagesビーバーJapanesenouna beaver (aquatic rodent)
ViolencepotyczkaPolishnounclash, encounter, skirmish (brief battle between small groups)government military politics warfeminine
ViolencepotyczkaPolishnounargument, quarrelfeminine
Vipersgreen pit viperEnglishnounSeveral species of pit vipers of the genus Trimeresurus. / Trimeresurus albolabris
Vipersgreen pit viperEnglishnounSeveral species of pit vipers of the genus Trimeresurus. / Trimeresurus macrops
Vipersgreen pit viperEnglishnounSeveral species of pit vipers of the genus Trimeresurus. / Trimeresurus trigonocephalus
Vipersgreen pit viperEnglishnounSeveral species of pit vipers of the genus Trimeresurus. / Trimeresurus salazar
VirologyChinese virusEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Chinese, virus. A pathogen or malware originating, identified, or causing outbreaks in China.countable uncountable
VirologyChinese virusEnglishnounSynonym of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.colloquial countable offensive sometimes uncountable
VirologyChinese virusEnglishnounSynonym of coronavirus, the disease COVID-19.colloquial countable offensive sometimes uncountable
VisionвзорRussiannounlook, glance, gaze
VisionвзорRussiannounVzor optical orientation device (used on the early Восток spacecraft, it used mirrors to orient the spacecraft manually using the sun in order to give the best views of the Earth)aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesdated
VocalizationsnyögHungarianverbto moan, groanintransitive transitive
VocalizationsnyögHungarianverbto suffer from, be saddled with something (to be burdened, encumbered with something; to feel the evil/ill effect/s of something)figuratively transitive
Walls and fencesstânăRomaniannouna summertime settlement of shepherds, consisting of the shepherds' hut, the sheepfold, and the milking area (strungă)feminine
Walls and fencesstânăRomaniannounhut (of a shepherd)feminine
Walls and fencesstânăRomaniannounsheepfoldfeminine
Walls and fencesvalladoSpanishnounfencemasculine
Walls and fencesvalladoSpanishnounfencingmasculine
Walls and fencesvalladoSpanishnounpalisademasculine
Walls and fencesvalladoSpanishverbpast participle of vallarform-of participle past
WaterceoIrishnounfog, mistmasculine
WaterceoIrishnounnothing, anythingmasculine
WaterfiblaCatalannounpunch (tool for making holes)feminine
WaterfiblaCatalannounsluice (opening to allow water to flow out of a reservoir, irrigation channel, etc.)feminine
WaterfiblaCatalannounmeasure for water flow used in Barcelona equal to 100 plomes or 220 kiloliters/dayfeminine historical
WaterfiblaCatalanverbinflection of fiblar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WaterfiblaCatalanverbinflection of fiblar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Waterhydro-Englishprefixhydrogenchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
Waterhydro-Englishprefixa hydrous compoundchemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
Waterhydro-EnglishprefixHydrozoabiology natural-sciences zoologymorpheme
WaterroztokaPolishnounriver valley (valley formed by fluvial erosion), typically in a mountainous areafeminine
WaterroztokaPolishnounmountain riverfeminine
WaterroztokaPolishnounvery muddy conditions due to melting snow or rainfeminine obsolete plural-normally
WatertoparOld Irishnounwellmasculine
WatertoparOld Irishnounspringmasculine
Water plantscawnWelshnounstalkscollective masculine
Water plantscawnWelshnounreeds, reed-grasscollective masculine
Water plantscawnWelshverbinflection of cael: / first-person plural present indicative/future/imperativeform-of
Water plantscawnWelshverbinflection of cael: / first-person singular imperfect indicative/imperfect subjunctive/conditionalform-of
WatercraftkftjwEgyptiannounsea-going ship
WatercraftkftjwEgyptiannameCrete, the Minoan civilisation
WatercraftpatrulleroSpanishadjrelated to patrolling
WatercraftpatrulleroSpanishnounpatrol boatmasculine
WatercraftsloepDutchnounA small boat, with oars and historically often with a mast; rowing boat or small motorboat carried on a ship.feminine
WatercraftsloepDutchnounA sloop.feminine historical
WatercraftداوOttoman Turkishnounplayer's turn at play
WatercraftداوOttoman Turkishnounplayer's doubling his stake
WatercraftداوOttoman Turkishnounrefill of a glass to drink one's health
WatercraftداوOttoman TurkishnounBurchell's zebra (Equus quagga burchellii)
WatercraftداوOttoman Turkishnoundhow, a traditional boat used along the coasts of Arabia
WeaponschakramEnglishnounA disc-like throwing weapon originally from India.
WeaponschakramEnglishnounAn old Indian coin from Travancore.historical
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannoundipper (a cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, for dipping into and ladling out liquids; a ladle or scoop)
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannounquarterstaff (a wooden staff of an approximate length between 2 and 2.5 meters, sometimes tipped with iron, used as a weapon)
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannounsinglestick (a one-handed wooden stick used for fencing in place of a sword)
WeaponsgayungIndonesiannouna blow given with a fist or a weapon
WeaponsgayungIndonesianverbto scoop up water with a dippertransitive
WeaponsgayungIndonesianverbto swing (to move (an object) backward and forward)transitive
WeaponsgayungIndonesianverbto punch (to strike with one's fist)rare transitive
WeaponsgayungIndonesianclassifierindicates a content or measure that has the volume of a dipper
WeaponsobúsCatalannounshell (projectile)masculine
WeaponsscorpioLatinnouna scorpiondeclension-3
WeaponsscorpioLatinnouna kind of prickly sea fish, possibly the scorpionfish or sculpindeclension-3
WeaponsscorpioLatinnouna kind of prickly plantdeclension-3
WeaponsscorpioLatinnounscorpion, a small catapultgovernment military politics wardeclension-3
WeaponssokkolóHungarianverbpresent participle of sokkolform-of participle present
WeaponssokkolóHungarianadjshocking (inspiring shock, startling)
WeaponssokkolóHungariannounstun gun, taser
WeaponsξυήληAncient Greeknounwhittle, used in shaping a javelin
WeaponsξυήληAncient Greeknoundagger similar to a scythe
WeatherbirqumAkkadiannounlightning bolt, thunderbolt (representation of a lightning)masculine
WeaverbirdstahaEnglishnounThe yellow-crowned bishop, Euplectes afer, especially the southern subspecies taha.obsolete
WeaverbirdstahaEnglishnounThe village weaver, Ploceus cucullatus.obsolete
WeavingpłochaPolishnounreed, weaving combfeminine
WeavingpłochaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of płochyfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
WindkiteEnglishnounA bird of prey of the family Accipitridae. / Any bird of the subfamily Milvinae, with long wings and weak legs, feeding mostly on carrion and spending long periods soaring; specifically, the red kite (Milvus milvus) and the black kite (Milvus migrans).
WindkiteEnglishnounA bird of prey of the family Accipitridae. / A bird of the genus Elanus, having thin pointed wings, that preys on rodents and hunts by hovering; also, any bird of related genera in the subfamily Elaninae.
WindkiteEnglishnounA bird of prey of the family Accipitridae. / Some species in the subfamily Perninae.
WindkiteEnglishnounA bird of prey of the family Accipitridae.
WindkiteEnglishnounA rapacious person.figuratively
WindkiteEnglishnounA lightweight toy or other device, traditionally flat and shaped like a triangle with a segment of a circle attached to its base or like a quadrilateral (see sense 9), carried on the wind and tethered and controlled from the ground by one or more lines.
WindkiteEnglishnounA tethered object which deflects its position in a medium by obtaining lift and drag in reaction with its relative motion in the medium.
WindkiteEnglishnounA planetary configuration wherein one planet of a grand trine is in opposition to an additional fourth planet.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
WindkiteEnglishnounA blank cheque; a fraudulent cheque, such as one issued even though there are insufficient funds to honour it, or one that has been altered without authorization.banking businessslang
WindkiteEnglishnounAn accommodation bill (“a bill of exchange endorsed by a reputable third party acting as a guarantor, as a favour and without compensation”).business financeslang
WindkiteEnglishnounA rider who is good at climbs but less good at descents.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
WindkiteEnglishnounA polygon resembling the shape of a traditional toy kite (sense 3): a quadrilateral having two pairs of edges of equal length, the edges of each pair touching each other at one end.geometry mathematics sciences
WindkiteEnglishnounAn aeroplane or aircraft.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warslang
WindkiteEnglishnounIn a square-rigged ship: originally a sail positioned above a topsail; later a lightweight sail set above the topgallants, such as a studding sail or a jib topsail.nautical sailing transportdated
WindkiteEnglishnounA spinnaker (“supplementary sail to a mainsail”).nautical sailing transportslang
WindkiteEnglishnounThe brill (Scophthalmus rhombus), a type of flatfish.British dialectal
WindkiteEnglishnounA (usually concealed) letter or oral message, especially one passed illegally into, within, or out of a prison.US slang
WindkiteEnglishverbTo cause (something) to move upwards rapidly like a toy kite; also (chiefly US, figuratively) to cause (something, such as costs) to increase rapidly.transitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo tamper with a document or record by increasing the quantity of something beyond its proper amount so that the difference may be unlawfully retained; in particular, to alter a medical prescription for this purpose by increasing the number of pills or other items.slang transitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo keep ahead of (an enemy) and repeatedly attack it from a distance, without exposing oneself to
WindkiteEnglishverbTo attack (an enemy) or otherwise cause it to give chase, so as to lead it somewhere (like a kite is led on a string), for example into a trap or ambush or away from its comrades or something it was
WindkiteEnglishverbTo (cause to) glide in the manner of a kite (“bird”).video-gamesintransitive transitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo manipulate like a toy kite; also, usually preceded by an inflection of go: to fly a toy kite.intransitive rare transitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo write or present (a cheque) on an account with insufficient funds, either to defraud or expecting that funds will become available by the time the cheque clears.banking businessintransitive slang transitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo steal.US broadly intransitive slang transitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo travel by kite, as when kitesurfing.intransitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo move rapidly; to rush.figuratively intransitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo deflect sideways in the natural-sciences nautical physical-sciences transportintransitive
WindkiteEnglishverbTo pass a (usually concealed) letter or oral message, especially illegally, into, within, or out of a prison.US intransitive slang
WindkiteEnglishnounThe stomach; the belly.Northern-England Scotland dialectal
WindkiteEnglishnounA measure of weight equivalent to ¹⁄₁₀ deben (about 0.32 ounces or 9.1 grams).Egyptology history human-sciences sciences
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacadjwild, mad
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog, hound
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog, sod, bastard, asshole, etc.figuratively offensive
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog day
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounname of a wind
WindܟܠܒܐClassical SyriacnameDog Star, Sirius, Caniculaastronomy natural-sciences
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounrage, madnessuncountable
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog keeper, dog
WindܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounabsolute singular of ܟܠܒܬܐabsolute form-of singular
WindܟܠܒܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative spelling of ܟܘܠܒܐalt-of alternative
Wind颶風Chinesenounviolent windstorm on the sea; typhoonarchaic dialectal
WinearakIlocanonounwine; liquor; alcoholic beverage
WinearakIlocanonoungathering; congregation; assembly
WinekiperPolishnountaster, tester (person who tastes something, especially food, wine, etc., for quality)masculine person
WinekiperPolishnounsommelier, wine steward (member of staff at a restaurant who keeps the wine cellar and advises the guests on a choice of wines)masculine person
WinekiperPolishnounwine cellar managermasculine person
WinekiperPolishnounkipper (salted and smoked herring or salmon)animal-not-person masculine
WoodpeckersdzięciołPolishnounwoodpeckeranimal-not-person masculine
WoodpeckersdzięciołPolishnounspod; nerd (someone who spends too much time learning)educationanimal-not-person derogatory masculine
Woodwind instrumentsJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji kyūjitai no-gloss
Woodwind instrumentsJapanesenounxiao, a vertically blown Chinese flute
World War ITrianonEnglishnounEither of the Grand Trianon and Petit Trianon, two royal palaces constructed in Versailles, France, in the 17th and 18th centuries.
World War ITrianonEnglishnounThe Treaty of Trianon, a peace treaty signed in the Grand Trianon on 4 June 1920, which formally ended World War I between most of the Allies and the Kingdom of Hungary, leaving Hungary as a landlocked state with less than one-third of its prewar area.historical metonymically
WritingscrivenerEnglishnounA professional writer; one whose occupation is to draw contracts or prepare writings.
WritingscrivenerEnglishnounOne whose business is to place money at interest; a broker.obsolete
Years大年Chinesenounbumper year
Years大年Chinesenounlunar year in which the last month has 30 days
Years大年ChinesenounSpring Festival; Chinese New Year
Years大年ChinesenounLantern FestivalSichuanese
Years大年Chinesenouna long lifeliterary
YellowsorEnglishconjConnects at least two alternative words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc., each of which could make a passage true.
YellowsorEnglishconjAn operator denoting the disjunction of two propositions or truth values. There are two forms, the inclusive or and the exclusive or.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
YellowsorEnglishconjCounts the elements before and after as two possibilities.
YellowsorEnglishconjOtherwise (a consequence of the condition that the previous is false).
YellowsorEnglishconjConnects two equivalent names.
YellowsorEnglishnounAlternative form of ORbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering human-sciences logic mathematics natural-sciences philosophy physical-sciences physics sciencesalt-of alternative
YellowsorEnglishnounThe gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
YellowsorEnglishadjOf gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable
YellowsorEnglishadvEarly (on).obsolete
YellowsorEnglishadvEarlier, previously.obsolete
YellowsorEnglishprepBefore; ere. Followed by "ever" or "ere".
Yoruba religionOgbooYorubanamea female river deity association with fertility, worshipped by several southern Èkìtì speaking towns, including Èró, Ìjàrẹ́, Àkúrẹ́, Ọ̀bà-Ilé, Ìbulẹ̀-Ṣọ́rọ̀, and Ijù. Ògbòó in southern Èkìtì traditions is often regarded as the youngest and favorite wife of the supreme sky deity, Àbarị̀ṣà, and thus a sister wife of Ọ̀ṣun, Atan, and Olókun.
Yoruba religionOgbooYorubanameOgboo (a river in Nigeria)
Zingiberales order plantsabacaEnglishnounMusa textilis, a species of banana tree native to the Philippines grown for its textile, rope- and papermaking fibre.countable uncountable
Zingiberales order plantsabacaEnglishnounThe fiber of this plant, used in rope, fibers, and cloth.uncountable
ZoologyeshkAlbaniannounstrong thirst, ardormasculine
ZoologymonogamiaSpanishnounmonogamy (a permanent pair bond between two beings)feminine uncountable
ZoologymonogamiaSpanishnounmonogamy (the practice of being married to one person)feminine uncountable

This page is a part of the machine-readable Tuvan dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-07-22 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-07-20 using wiktextract (0af6c06 and 6aeea9b). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.