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AbortionfeticideEnglishnounThe killing of a fetus or embryo; an induced abortion.countable uncountable
AbortionfeticideEnglishnounOne who kills a fetus.countable uncountable
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / especially, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, in family Scombridae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin bream, any of several species in family Sparidae
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador, in family Sciaenidae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin cutthroat trout (†Oncorhynchus clarkii macdonaldi, in the family Salmonidae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis, in family Labridae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin grouper (Mycteroperca venenosa, in family Serranidae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin madtom (Noturus flavipinnis, in family Ictaluridae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellow-fin perchlet (Ambassis elongatus, in family Ambassidae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin pike (Dinolestes lewini, in family Dinolestidae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin sea bream, any of several species in family Sparidae
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin surgeon (Acanthurus xanthopterus, in family Acanthuridae)
Acanthuroid fishyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin whiting (Sillago schomburgkii, in family Sillaginidae)
AccountingкнїжководительствоPannonian Rusynnounaccountingneuter
AccountingкнїжководительствоPannonian Rusynnounbookkeepingneuter
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterA type of administrative division: / district; prefecturehistorical
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterA type of administrative division: / county (third level division that is now generally restricted to rural areas, contrasted with urban districts (區/区 (qū)))
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterA type of administrative division: / county (first level division that used to be under the jurisdiction of a province but are now directly administered by the central government)
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterA type of administrative division: / prefecture
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterA type of administrative division: / county (second level division under the jurisdiction of a state, excluding Alaska and Louisiana)
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterA type of administrative division: / rural district
Administrative divisionsChinesecharactercounty seat (the town which serves as the seat of government of such divisions)
Administrative divisionsChinesecharactera surname
Administrative divisionsChinesecharacterAlternative form of 懸 /悬 (xuán, “to hang; to suspend”)alt-of alternative
Agavoideae subfamily plantspitaEnglishnounA piece of pita bread; a flat bread pouch used for making sandwiches such as gyros or falafels.
Agavoideae subfamily plantspitaEnglishnounA fiber obtained from the Agave americana and related species, used for making cordage and paper.countable uncountable
Agavoideae subfamily plantspitaEnglishnounThe plant which yields the fiber.countable uncountable
Ageजरत्Sanskritadjold, ancient
Ageजरत्Sanskritadjdecayed, dried
Ageजरत्Sanskritadjno longer frequented or in use
AgricultureWieseGermannounlawn, especially a large one, loosely also a smaller onefeminine
AgricultureWieseGermannameA tributary of the Rhine in Baden-Württemberg, Germany and Switzerlanddefinite proper-noun usually
AgriculturebuaileIrishnounshieling (area of summer pasture used for cattle, sheep etc.)feminine
AgriculturebuaileIrishnounpaddock (small enclosure or field)feminine
AgricultureceifarPortugueseverbto reap (to cut with a sickle or scythe)
AgricultureceifarPortugueseverbto claim, take (someone's life)
AgriculturejesleCzechnounkindergarten-like institution for very young children, between ages 0 and 3feminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounhayrack, cribfeminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounnutmeg (the playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine plural
AgriculturejesleCzechnounnativity scenefeminine plural rare
AgriculturelavraPortuguesenouncultivation; agriculturefeminine uncountable
AgriculturelavraPortuguesenounact of tillingfeminine
AgriculturelavraPortuguesenounmineBrazil feminine
AgriculturelavraPortuguesenounminingBrazil feminine uncountable
AgriculturelavraPortugueseverbinflection of lavrar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
AgriculturelavraPortugueseverbinflection of lavrar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Alcoholic beveragesmedronhoPortuguesenounthe berry of the strawberry treemasculine
Alcoholic beveragesmedronhoPortuguesenounmedronho (alcoholic beverage)masculine uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesвиноUkrainiannounwine (alcoholic beverage made from grapes)
Alcoholic beveragesвиноUkrainiannounspades (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♠)uncountable
AlgaemokricaUpper Sorbiannounalgafeminine
AlgaemokricaUpper Sorbiannounmarsh plant, swamp plantfeminine
AlliumsZwiwwelPennsylvania Germannounonionfeminine
AlliumsZwiwwelPennsylvania Germannounbulb (plant)feminine
AlliumscebulkaPolishnoundiminutive of cebuladiminutive feminine form-of
AlliumscebulkaPolishnounbulb (part of a plant)feminine
AlliumscebulkaPolishnounhair folliclefeminine
Amaranths and goosefootsblítCzechnounslender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis)inanimate masculine
Amaranths and goosefootsblítCzechverbto puke, to barf (to eject from the stomach; regurgitate)imperfective
AmphibiansbatracioSpanishadjbatrachian (of a frog or toad)
AmputationprotesiItaliannounprosthesismedicine sciencesfeminine invariable
AmputationprotesiItalianverbfirst-person singular past historic of protenderefirst-person form-of historic past singular
AmputationprotesiItalianverbmasculine plural of protesoform-of masculine participle plural
AnatomycaraGaliciannounface (of a person or animal)feminine
AnatomycaraGaliciannounexpression; gesturefeminine
AnatomycaraGaliciannounsurface (face of a polyhedron)feminine
AnatomycaraGalicianadjfeminine singular of carofeminine form-of singular
AnatomyepifýzaCzechnounpineal gland, epiphysis (small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland found near the centre of the brain that produces melatonin)feminine
AnatomyepifýzaCzechnounepiphysis (rounded end of any long bone)feminine
AnatomyoponkaPolishnoundiminutive of oponadiminutive feminine form-of
AnatomyoponkaPolishnoundoughnut (ring-shaped)feminine
AnatomypechoSpanishnounchest; the front of the thoraxmasculine
AnatomypechoSpanishnounbreast (of a woman)masculine
AnatomypechoSpanishnounbreast, heart; seat of the emotions, feelings, etc.figuratively masculine
AnatomypechoSpanishnounvalor, strength, fortitudefiguratively masculine
AnatomypechoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of pecharfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
AnatomyturiPenrhynadjdeaf (not hearing)
AnatomyturiPenrhynnounkneeanatomy medicine sciences
Anatomy手後彎Chinesenouncrook of the armXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Ancient EgyptRamessideEnglishadjOf, relating to, or characteristic of the Ramesside period of ancient Egyptian history, named such after its eleven pharaohs named Ramesses.
Ancient EgyptRamessideEnglishnounAny of these eleven pharaohs.
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishnounA two-wheeled horse-drawn cart, used in Bronze Age and Early Iron Age warfare.
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishnounA light (four-wheeled) carriage used for ceremonial or pleasure purposes.
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishnounThe rook piece.board-games games xiangqi
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishverbTo convey by, or as if by, chariot.poetic rare transitive
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishverbTo ride in a chariot.intransitive
Ancient EgyptminaEnglishnounAlternative spelling of myna.alt-of alternative
Ancient EgyptminaEnglishnounA monetary unit of ancient Greece and the Middle East, originally equivalent to the weight of a mina of silver.historical
Ancient EgyptminaEnglishnounA unit of weight of varying value used in the ancient Middle East, especially Babylonia, Mesopotamia and Egypt; also an ancient Greek measure of weight equivalent to 1/60th of a talent, approximately 400-700 grams.historical
Ancient Near EastcuneiformEnglishadjHaving the form of a wedge; wedge-shaped, especially with a tapered end.not-comparable
Ancient Near EastcuneiformEnglishadjWritten in the cuneiform writing system.not-comparable
Ancient Near EastcuneiformEnglishnounAn ancient Mesopotamian writing system, adapted within several language families, originating as pictograms in Sumer around the 30th century BC, evolving into more abstract and characteristic wedge shapes formed by a blunt reed stylus on clayen tablets.
Ancient Near EastcuneiformEnglishnounA wedge-shaped bone, especially a cuneiform bone.anatomy medicine sciences
Ancient RomeCapitolieMiddle EnglishnameRoman Capitol, Capitolium / The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus atop the Capitoline Hill in Ancient Romehistorical
Ancient RomeCapitolieMiddle EnglishnameRoman Capitol, Capitolium / The fortified citadel of Rome in the Capitoline area surrounding Jupiter's templehistorical
Angerred ragEnglishnounSomething that will enrage another particular person.figuratively
Angerred ragEnglishnounA person's tongue.derogatory obsolete slang
Animal body partsnaylMiddle EnglishnounA nail (fingernail or toenail).
Animal body partsnaylMiddle EnglishnounA nail (metal fastening pin): / A bothersome predicament or annoyance.figuratively
Animal body partsnaylMiddle EnglishnounA nail (metal fastening pin): / A decisive point in a debate or disagreement.figuratively
Animal body partsnaylMiddle EnglishnounA nail (metal fastening pin)
Animal body partsnaylMiddle EnglishnounA nail (unit of longness or mass)
Animal body partsnaylMiddle EnglishnounThe equivalent to a human nail in animals (e.g. a claw)
Animal body partsnaylMiddle EnglishnounAn ocular malady present in humans and animals.rare
Animal body partsodnogaPolishnounfork, limb, offshoot, spur (elongated part running sideways from some whole)feminine
Animal body partsodnogaPolishnounfork, limb, offshoot, spur (part of something that is separated and different in some respect from the rest)feminine figuratively literary
Animal body partsodnogaPolishnounfork (part of an antler separate from the main horn longer than 2 centimeters)hobbies hunting lifestylefeminine usually
Animal foodsowsiankaPolishnounoat porridge (dish)feminine
Animal foodsowsiankaPolishnounoat fodderfeminine
Animal foodsowsiankaPolishnounsunbleak, belica, moderlieschen (Leucaspius delineatus)feminine
Animal foodsowsiankaPolishnounoat straw after threshingfeminine
Animal foodsżarciePolishnounverbal noun of żrećform-of neuter noun-from-verb
Animal foodsżarciePolishnounfood (of animals)neuter
Animal foodsżarciePolishnoungrub, chow; foodcolloquial neuter
Animal foodsżarciePolishnounlocative/vocative singular of żartform-of locative singular vocative
Animal soundscinHungariannountinuncountable usually
Animal soundscinHungarianintjsqueak (imitative of a short, high-pitched sound of a mouse; can be used repetitively)
Animal soundsgíogIrishnouna cheep, chirp, squeak, tweetfeminine
Animal soundsgíogIrishnouna word, peepfeminine
Animal soundsgíogIrishverbto cheep, chirp, squeak, tweet
Animal soundsgíogIrishverbto crow (utter a sound of joy)
Animal soundszarżećPolishverbto neighintransitive perfective
Animal soundszarżećPolishverbto guffaw; to laugh loudlycolloquial derogatory intransitive perfective sometimes
Animal soundsμινυρόςAncient Greekadjcomplaining in a low tone, whining, whimpering
Animal soundsμινυρόςAncient Greekadjtwittering, chirping
Animal soundsحمحمArabicverbto whinny, to snicker
Animal soundsحمحمArabicnounborage (any plant in Borago gen., especially Borago officinalis, and the genus itself)
Animal soundsحمحمArabicnounanchusa (any plant in Anchusa gen.)
Animal soundsحمحمArabicnounechium (any plant in Echium gen.)
AnimalsbinatangIbannounanimal (organism)
AnimalsbinatangIbannounanimal (organism other than man)
AnimalscandarNorthern Kurdishadjalive
AnimalscandarNorthern Kurdishadjliving
AnimalscandarNorthern Kurdishnounanimal
AnimalsoghenCornishnounplural of ojyonform-of masculine plural
AnimalsoghenCornishnounoxenmasculine plural
Anthemideae tribe plants蓬蒿Chinesenounbushy species of Artemisia
Anthemideae tribe plants蓬蒿Chinesenounweeds
Anthemideae tribe plants蓬蒿Chinesenounthe wilderness
Anthemideae tribe plants蓬蒿Chinesenouncrowndaisy chrysanthemumdialectal
ApodiformskolibříkCzechnounhummingbirdanimate masculine
ApodiformskolibříkCzechnouninanimate masculine no-gloss
AppearancedeckEnglishnounAny raised flat surface that can be walked on: a balcony; a porch; a raised patio; a flat rooftop.
AppearancedeckEnglishnounThe floorlike covering of the horizontal sections, or compartments, of a ship. Small vessels have only one deck; larger ships have two or three decks.nautical transport
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA main aeroplane surface, especially of a biplane or multiplane.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA pack or set of playing cards.card-games games
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA set of cards owned by each individual player and from which they draw when playing.card-games gamesbroadly
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA headline consisting of one or more full lines of text; especially, a subheadline.journalism media
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA set of slides for a presentation.
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA collection of cards (pages or forms) in systems such as WML (Wireless Markup Language) and HyperCard.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA heap or store.obsolete
AppearancedeckEnglishnounA folded paper used for distributing illicit drugs.slang
AppearancedeckEnglishnounThe floor.colloquial
AppearancedeckEnglishnounThe bottom of a water hobbies lifestyleBritish
AppearancedeckEnglishnounThe stage.entertainment lifestyle theater
AppearancedeckEnglishnounShort for tape deck.abbreviation alt-of
AppearancedeckEnglishnounThe multiset of graphs formed from a single graph by deleting a single vertex in all possible ways.graph-theory mathematics sciences
AppearancedeckEnglishnoundick; penis.euphemistic slang
AppearancedeckEnglishverbTo furnish with a deck, as a vessel.uncommon
AppearancedeckEnglishverbTo knock someone to the floor, especially with a single punch.informal
AppearancedeckEnglishverbTo cause a player to run out of cards to draw, usually making them lose the game.
AppearancedeckEnglishverbTo dress (someone) up, to clothe with more than ordinary elegance.sometimes transitive
AppearancedeckEnglishverbTo decorate (something).sometimes transitive
AppearancedeckEnglishverbTo cover; to overspread.transitive
ArcherysagoEsperantonoundartdarts games
ArmorhoodMiddle Englishnounhood (part of a garment): / A hood as a symbol of rank (of the church and of guilds).
ArmorhoodMiddle Englishnounhood (part of a garment): / A hood made of chain mail used as head armour.
ArmorhoodMiddle EnglishnounAny sort of protective cloaking or covering.Late-Middle-English rare
ArseniccacodylateEnglishnounAny salt or ester of cacodylic acidchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
ArseniccacodylateEnglishverbTo react or to treat with cacodylic acid
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA (written) narrative, recounting, or chronicle; events in writing.
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA history; a historical work or description of the past.rare
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA visual depiction or representation of historical happenings.rare
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounHistory; the discipline of studying and recording the past.rare
ArthistorieMiddle EnglishnounA portion of the Bible covering history.rare
ArthropodsὕδροςAncient Greeknounwater serpent
ArthropodsὕδροςAncient GreeknounA smaller water animal, such as a spider, fish, or lizard.
Arum family plantsrzęsaPolishnouneyelashfeminine
Arum family plantsrzęsaPolishnounany duckweed of the genus Lemnafeminine
Asparagus family plantscabbage treeEnglishnounCordyline australis, a hardy, widely branched monocot tree endemic to New Zealand, a traditional source of food and fiber.
Asparagus family plantscabbage treeEnglishnounAny of several other similar trees of the genus Cordyline.
Asparagus family plantscabbage treeEnglishnounThe worm bark tree, Andira inermis.
Asparagus family plantsjádí nátʼohNavajonounskeletonweed (Pleiacanthus spinosus)
Asparagus family plantsjádí nátʼohNavajonounasparagus shoots
Assassin bugscorsairEnglishnounA French privateer, especially from the port of Saint-Malo.
Assassin bugscorsairEnglishnounA privateer or pirate in general.
Assassin bugscorsairEnglishnounThe ship of privateers or pirates, especially of French nationality.
Assassin bugscorsairEnglishnounA nocturnal assassin bug of the genus Rasahus, found in the southern USA.
Assassin bugscorsairEnglishnounA Californian market fish (Sebastes rosaceus).
AstronomyEarthscapeEnglishnounAny part of the global Earth system that can be seen in a single view.
AstronomyEarthscapeEnglishnounA view of the earth rising above the (lunar) horizon as seen from the moon or from a spacecraft
AstronomyEarthscapeEnglishverbTo take an Earthscape photograph.
AstronomyEarthscapeEnglishverbTo landscape on a grand scale.
AstronomyEarthscapeEnglishverbTo terraform.
AstronomyasterLatinnounA stardeclension-3
AstronomyasterLatinnounAster amellus (Italian starwort)declension-3
Asturias, SpainpericoteSpanishnouna traditional dance of Asturiasmasculine
Asturias, SpainpericoteSpanishnounmouse (animal)Chile Ecuador Peru Rioplatense masculine
AthleteskulomiotPolishnounshot-putter (athlete who competes in the shot put)masculine person
AthleteskulomiotPolishnounmachine gun, MG (type of fully automatic firearm that fires bullets in rapid succession by a single action of the trigger and is capable of sustained fire)engineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryarchaic inanimate masculine
AthleticskimbiaSwahiliverbto run
AthleticskimbiaSwahiliverbto flee
Atmospheric phenomenagabonHigaononnouncloud
Atmospheric phenomenagabonHigaononnounsky
Auto partscapóSpanishnounhood of an automobilemasculine
Auto partscapóSpanishverbthird-person singular preterite indicative of caparform-of indicative preterite singular third-person
Auto partsdavantalCatalannounapron (clothing)masculine
Auto partsdavantalCatalannoundashboard (panel under the windscreen of a vehicle)masculine
Auto partskatalysaattoriFinnishnouncatalytic converter, catalyzer (exhaust emission control device)automotive transport vehicles
Auto partskatalysaattoriFinnishnounSynonym of katalyytti
Auto partslimpiadorSpanishadjcleaning
Auto partslimpiadorSpanishnouncleaner (cleansing product)masculine
Auto partslimpiadorSpanishnounwindscreen wiper, windshield wipermasculine
Auto partslimpiadorSpanishnouncleaner (person)masculine
Auto partsspoilerEnglishnounOne who spoils; a plunderer; a pillager; a robber; a despoiler.
Auto partsspoilerEnglishnounOne who corrupts, mars, or renders useless.
Auto partsspoilerEnglishnounA document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story, or the internal rules controlling the behaviour of a video game, etc.
Auto partsspoilerEnglishnounA device to reduce lift and increase drag.aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Auto partsspoilerEnglishnounA device to reduce lift and increase downforce.automotive transport vehicles
Auto partsspoilerEnglishnounA competitor, unable to win themselves, who spoils the chances of another’s victory.government hobbies lifestyle politics sportsUS
Auto partsspoilerEnglishverbTo mark (a document or message) with a spoiler warning, to prevent readers from accidentally learning details they would prefer not to know.lifestyleslang transitive
Auto partsspoilerEnglishverbTo tell (a person) details of how a story ends etc.lifestyleslang transitive
Auto partsvandtankDanishnounwater tankcommon-gender
Auto partsvandtankDanishnounradiator (of a motor vehicle)common-gender
AutomobilesLamborghiniEnglishnameA surname from Italian.
AutomobilesLamborghiniEnglishnameAn Italian motor car manufacturer, originating as a tractor company, now a subsidiary of Audi.
AutomobilesLamborghiniEnglishnounA motor car manufactured by the Lamborghini company.
AutomobilesLexusEnglishnameA brand of high-end motor vehicle from the Toyota Motor Corporation.uncountable
AutomobilesLexusEnglishnounAn automobile of this marque. Often used as an example of a luxury car or luxuriousness in general.
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA card with two pips, one of four in a standard deck of playing cards.card-games games
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA side of a die with two spots.dice games
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA cast of dice totalling two.dice games
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounThe number two. / A piece of excrement; number two.Canada US slang
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounThe number two. / A two-year prison sentence.Canada slang
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA hand gesture consisting of a raised index and middle finger, a peace sign.
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA tied game where either player can win by scoring two consecutive points.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle sports tennis volleyball
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA curveball.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA 1932 Ford.
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounTwo-barrel (twin choke) carburetors (in the phrase three deuces: an arrangement on a common intake manifold).in-plural
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA table seating two diners.slang
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounA twopence coin.archaic slang
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnoundoucheeuphemistic slang
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounThe Devil, used in exclamations of confusion or anger.
AutomobilesdeuceEnglishnounSynonym of devil (“something awkward or difficult”)
BabiesfontanelleEnglishnounA soft membraneous spot on the head of a baby due to incomplete fusion of the cranial bones.anatomy medicine sciences
BabiesfontanelleEnglishnounA structural component of some woodwind instruments, such as recorders and shawms, resembling a barrel with holes bored into it, designed to protect the keywork and to allow the sound to project.entertainment lifestyle music
Baby animalsjojoMarshallesenouna chick
Baby animalsjojoMarshallesenouna flying fish
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicverbpush, shove
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicverbjostle
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicverbpress
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicnounyoung grouse, pout (Lagopus lagopus)masculine
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicnounlarge buoy, float (generally of sheepskin, inflated)nautical transportmasculine
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicnouncorpulent person; any bulging thingmasculine
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicnounshovelful, sod, spadefulmasculine
Baby animalsputScottish Gaelicnounbruised swellingmedicine sciencesmasculine
Baby animalsChinesecharactercalf (young cow or bull)
Baby animalsChinesecharactera surname
BacteriaAquificaeTranslingualnameA taxonomic phylum within the kingdom Bacteria – bacteria that live in hot springs and thermal ocean vents etc., now Aquificota.
BacteriaAquificaeTranslingualnameA taxonomic class within the phylum Aquificota.
BagsσαγήAncient Greeknounpack, baggage
BagsσαγήAncient Greeknounscrip, wallet, knapsack
BagsσαγήAncient Greeknounequipment, harness, furnitureusually
Basketballܓܘܬܬ ܣܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbasketballuncountable
Basketballܓܘܬܬ ܣܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouna basketballcountable
BeddingderkaPolishnounhorse blanket, rug (blanket placed underneath the saddle of a horse)equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsfeminine
BeddingderkaPolishnounworn out blanketfeminine
BeddingderkaPolishverbthird-person singular present of derkaćform-of present singular third-person
BeesпадьRussiannounA deep narrow valley, gorge, or riverbank, especially one that is forestyUkraine dialectal
BeesпадьRussiannounhoneydew (sweet, sticky substance deposited on leaves by insects)
Beloniform fishbakikihonCebuanonounthe yellow-wing flying fish (Cypselurus poecilopterus)
Beloniform fishbakikihonCebuanoadjspeckled
Beloniform fish梭子魚Japanesenouna barracuda
Beloniform fish梭子魚JapanesenounSynonym of 飛魚 (tobi-uo, “a flying fish”)
BerriestrzemuchaPolishnounramsons, bear garlic (Allium ursinum)archaic feminine
BerriestrzemuchaPolishnounbird cherry (Prunus padus)feminine informal
BettingquinellaEnglishnounA form of bet in which the bettor predicts the first two finishers in a race, without concern for the order of finishing.gambling games hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
BettingquinellaEnglishverbTo have two team members, horses, etc., finish first and second in the same event.Australia New-Zealand
Beveragesnước lạnhVietnamesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see nước, lạnh.
Beveragesnước lạnhVietnamesenounany beverage typically served cold, especially juice or soft drink
Beveragesnước lạnhVietnamesenoununboiled waterSouthern Vietnam dated
BiblepostdiluvianEnglishnounOne who lived after the Biblical Flood.
Biblical charactersBetsabéSpanishnameBathshebafeminine
Biblical charactersBetsabéSpanishnamea female given name, equivalent to English Bathshebafeminine
Biblical charactersMichelMiddle Englishnamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Michael
Biblical charactersMichelMiddle Englishnamea patrynomic surname transferred from the given name
Biblical charactersMichelMiddle EnglishnameThe Archangel Michael.
Biblical charactersPersisEnglishnameA region of ancient Iran in its southwest; modern Fars province.historical
Biblical charactersPersisEnglishnameAn early Christian, mentioned in the epistle to the Romans.
Biblical charactersPersisEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek, in occasional use since the 16th century.
Bicycle partsSattelGermannounsaddlemasculine strong
Bicycle partsSattelGermannounnut of a string instrument (supporting strings at the head end)arts crafts entertainment hobbies lifestyle lutherie musicmasculine strong
Bicycle partsrustineFrenchnounpatch (rubber, to repair a bicycle tyre)feminine
Bicycle partsrustineFrenchnounstop-gap, workaroundfeminine figuratively
BiochemistrybioquímicaSpanishnounbiochemistryfeminine uncountable
BiochemistrybioquímicaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of bioquímicofeminine form-of
BiochemistrybioquímicaSpanishadjfeminine singular of bioquímicofeminine form-of singular
BirdsaucellusLatinnounbirdLate-Latin declension-2 masculine
BirdsaucellusLatinnounsparrowLate-Latin declension-2 masculine
BirdsVietnameseverbto dancein-compounds
BirdsVietnameseadjmartial; militaryin-compounds
BirdsجرلاقOttoman Turkishnounhouse cricket; field cricket
BirdsجرلاقOttoman Turkishnounshrike
BirdsجرلاقOttoman Turkishnouna person with a screeching voice
Birds of preyagilaTagalognouneagle
Birds of preyagilaTagalognounkind of shallow-water fish corral provided with a semicircular enclosure having two opposite, tapering ends that lead into two poundsfishing hobbies lifestyle
Birds of preydiều hâuVietnamesenounAny bird within the subfamilia Accipitrinae
Birds of preydiều hâuVietnamesenounAny bird within the genera Accipiter, Micronisus, Melierax, Urotriorchis, or Megatriorchis
Birds of preydiều hâuVietnamesenounany predatory birdcollective colloquial
Birds of preyhaukMiddle Englishnounhawk (A bird of the family Accipitridae)
Birds of preyhaukMiddle Englishnounfalcon (A bird of the genus Falco)
Bivalvesangel wingEnglishnounA kind of mollusk; a piddock.countable
Bivalvesangel wingEnglishnounA disease of geese in which the last joint of the wing becomes twisted, causing the wing feathers to point laterally outwards; a wing of this kind.countable uncountable
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam, as in washing and in various processes of manufacture.
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A cooking appliance that cooks by food lifestyle
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A steam fire engine, that is, a steam boiler and engine driving a pump, which are all mounted on wheels.obsolete
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA mode of transportation propelled by steam. / A steam-powered road locomotive; a traction engine.rail-transport railways transport
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA mode of transportation propelled by steam. / A vessel propelled by steam; a steamboat or steamship.nautical transport
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounClipping of steamer trunk.abbreviation alt-of clipping
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA babycino (frothy milk drink).
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA wetsuit with long sleeves and legs.
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounThe name of various animals. / The soft-shell clam, sand gaper, or long-neck clam (Mya arenaria), an edible saltwater clam; specifically the clam when steamed for eating.Maine
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounThe name of various animals. / A steamer duck: any of the four species of the duck genus Tachyeres which are all found in South America, three of which are flightless.
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA racehorse the odds of which are becoming shorter (that is, decreasing) because bettors are backing it.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounAn act of fellatio.British slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA member of a youth gang who engages in steaming (robbing and escaping in a large group).British slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA drinking session.British Scotland slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA dish made by cooking diced meat very slowly in a tightly sealed pot with a minimum of flavourings, allowing it to steam in its own juices; specifically such a dish made with kangaroo meat.Australia obsolete
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA steamed
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA stolen vehicle.slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishverbTo travel by steamer.intransitive
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA mug. / A gullible or easily cheated person.British slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA mug. / A stupid or contemptible person.British slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA homosexual man with a preference for passive partners.British slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishnounA prostitute's client.British slang
BivalvessteamerEnglishnouna gambler who increases a wager after losing.US slang
Black holesfirewallEnglishnounA fireproof barrier used to prevent the spread of fire between or through buildings, structures, electrical substation transformers, or within an aircraft or vehicle.architecture
Black holesfirewallEnglishnounThe software that monitors traffic in and out of a private network or a personal computer and allows or blocks such traffic depending on its perceived threat.
Black holesfirewallEnglishnounA hypothetical phenomenon where an observer falling into a black hole encounters high-energy quanta at or near the event horizon.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Black holesfirewallEnglishverbTo protect with a firewall.transitive
Black holesfirewallEnglishverbTo block with a firewall.transitive
Black holesfirewallEnglishverbTo use maximum engine power or acceleration.intransitive slang
Bodhisattvasརྟ་མགྲིནTibetannamea unisex given name
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA small and rather deep area of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream or river; a reservoir for water.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounAny small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounEllipsis of swimming pool.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA supply of resources.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA set of resources that are kept ready to use.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesbroadly
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA small amount of liquid on a surface.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA localized glow of light.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishverbTo form a pool.intransitive
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a certain sum, the winner taking the whole; also, in public billiard rooms, a game in which the loser pays the entrance fee for all who engage in the game.gamesuncountable
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA cue sport played on a pool table. There are 15 balls, 7 of one colour or solids, 7 of another color or stripes, and the black ball (also called the 8 ball). A player must pocket all their own colour balls and then the black ball in order to win.hobbies lifestyle sports
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounIn rifle shooting, a contest in which each competitor pays a certain sum for every shot he makes, the net proceeds being divided among the winners.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA group of fencers taking part in a competition.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA set of teams playing each other in the same division, while not during the same period playing any teams that belong to other sets in the division.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounAny gambling or commercial venture in which several persons join.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounThe stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a share; also, the receptacle for the stakes.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA combination of persons contributing money to be used for the purpose of increasing or depressing the market price of stocks, grain, or other commodities; also, the aggregate of the sums so contributed.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA set of players in quadrille etc.
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounA mutual arrangement between competing lines, by which the receipts of all are aggregated, and then distributed pro rata according to agreement.rail-transport railways transport
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishnounAn aggregation of properties or rights, belonging to different people in a community, in a common fund, to be charged with common
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishverbTo put together; contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of.transitive
Bodies of waterpoolEnglishverbTo combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial, speculative, or gambling transaction.intransitive
BodyмудоRussiannounscrotum, ballsackrare slang vulgar
BodyмудоRussiannountesticle, ball, nutrare slang vulgar
Body partsancleMiddle EnglishnounThe ankle or the anklebone.
Body partsancleMiddle EnglishnounAny joint (analogous to the ankle).
Body partsbrjóstOld Norsenounchestneuter
Body partsbrjóstOld Norsenounbreast (mamma)neuter
Body partsbrjóstOld Norsenounbreast (a person's seat of emotion)neuter poetic
Body partsbrjóstOld Norsenounperson, personalityneuter
Body partsbrjóstOld Norsenounfront (facing side)neuter
Body partscuteteSpanishnounbuttocksGuatemala Honduras masculine
Body partscuteteSpanishnounanusEl-Salvador masculine
Body partscuteteSpanishnounbasilisk lizardGuatemala masculine
Body partsdihdiMokilesenounbreast
Body partsdihdiMokileseverbto suckle
Body partsdihdiPohnpeiannounbreast
Body partsdihdiPohnpeiannounbaby bottle
Body partsdihdiPohnpeianverbto suckle, nurse
Body partskokoroYorubanouninsect, bug
Body partskokoroYorubanounpenischildish euphemistic
Body partskokoroYorubanounpathogen, virus, bacteria
Body partskokoroYorubanounkokoro; a Nigerian street snack made from a paste of maize flour mixed with sugar and gàrí (cassava flour) or yam flour which is deep-fried.
Body partsѩзꙑкъOld Church Slavonicnounlanguage
Body partsѩзꙑкъOld Church Slavonicnountongue
Body partsѩзꙑкъOld Church Slavonicnounpeople
Body partsقعرHijazi Arabicnounass, buttocks
Body partsقعرHijazi Arabicnoundepth
Body partsقعرHijazi Arabicnounbottom
Body partsJejunounstomach
Body partsJejunounship, boat, vessel
Body partsJejunounpear
Body partsJejunountimes as much
BonesribEnglishnounAny of a series of long curved bones occurring in 12 pairs in humans and other animals and extending from the spine to or toward the sternum.anatomy medicine sciences
BonesribEnglishnounA part or piece, similar to a rib, and serving to shape or support something.broadly
BonesribEnglishnounA cut of meat enclosing one or more rib bones.
BonesribEnglishnounAny of several curved members attached to a ship's keel and extending upward and outward to form the framework of the hull.nautical transport
BonesribEnglishnounAny of several transverse pieces that provide an aircraft wing with shape and strength.aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
BonesribEnglishnounA long, narrow, usually arched member projecting from the surface of a structure, especially such a member separating the webs of a vaultarchitecture
BonesribEnglishnounA raised ridge in knitted material or in knitting manufacturing textiles
BonesribEnglishnounThe main, or any of the prominent veins of a leaf.biology botany natural-sciences
BonesribEnglishnounA teasing joke.
BonesribEnglishnounA single strand of hair.Ireland colloquial
BonesribEnglishnounA stalk of celery.
BonesribEnglishnounA wife or woman.archaic humorous literary
BonesribEnglishverbTo shape, support, or provide something with a rib or ribs.
BonesribEnglishverbTo tease or make fun of someone in a good-natured way.
BonesribEnglishverbTo enclose, as if with ribs, and protect; to shut in.
BonesribEnglishverbTo leave strips of undisturbed ground between the furrows in ploughing (land).transitive
BonesribEnglishnounHound's-tongue (Cynoglossum officinale).biology botany natural-sciences
BonesribEnglishnounCostmary (Tanacetum balsamita).biology botany natural-sciences
BonesribEnglishnounWatercress (Nasturtium officinale).biology botany natural-sciences
BookspublikacjaPolishnounpublication (act of publishing)feminine
BookspublikacjaPolishnounpublication (issue of printed or other matter)feminine
BooksкнигаBulgariannouna piece of paperdated
BooksкнигаBulgariannounletter, written message
Books of the BibleGionaItaliannameJonah, the prophet Jonahbiblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleGionaItaliannameJonah, Book of Jonahbiblical lifestyle religionmasculine
Books of the BibleGionaItaliannamea male given namemasculine
BotanyproteranthousEnglishadjOf a plant: having flowers that appear earlier than the leaves.biology botany natural-sciencesnot-comparable rare
BotanyproteranthousEnglishadjOf a plant: having leaves that appear earlier than the flowers.biology botany natural-sciencesnot-comparable rare
BovinesbifelSilesiannounbuffaloanimal-not-person masculine
BovinesbifelSilesiannounox, steeranimal-not-person masculine
BovinesbuffleEnglishnounA buffalo.obsolete
BovinesbuffleEnglishverbTo puzzle; to baffle.intransitive
BrazilfeirensePortugueseadjof Santa Maria da Feira, Portugalfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
BrazilfeirensePortugueseadjof Feira de Santana, Brazilfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
BrazilfeirensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Santa Maria da Feira, Portugalby-personal-gender feminine masculine
BrazilfeirensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Feira de Santana, Brazilby-personal-gender feminine masculine
BreadschałaPolishnounchallah (traditional bread eaten by Ashkenazi Jews, usually braided for the Sabbath and round for a yom tov)feminine
BreadschałaPolishnoundreck, dross, rubbish (something worthless or of poor quality, especially literature, movies, theatre, etc.)colloquial derogatory feminine
BreadschałaPolishnounovergarment or dressdialectal feminine
BreadschałaPolishnounrags (substandard clothing)dialectal feminine
BreadschałaPolishnounSynonym of ubraniefeminine in-plural
BreadschałaPolishnounala (female mythological creature recorded in the folklore of Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Serbs; a demon of bad weather whose main purpose is to lead hail-producing thunderclouds in the direction of fields, vineyards, or orchards to destroy the crops, or loot and take them away)arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesfeminine
BreadsfalucheFrenchnouna type of dense white bread from northern Francefeminine
Brown algaeseawareEnglishnounFlotsam; articles cast up by the sea.archaic uncountable
Brown algaeseawareEnglishnounA kind of kelp; sea girdles.uncountable
Building materialsдескаPannonian Rusynnounboard, plank (piece of wood)feminine
Building materialsдескаPannonian Rusynnounflooring, plankingfeminine in-plural
BuildingschòiVietnamesenounhut; shack; shed
BuildingschòiVietnamesenounhigh-rise sentry post
BuildingschòiVietnameseverbto knock down; to pick out; to dislodge (especially with a long tool)
BuildingschòiVietnameseverbto emerge; to protrude; to come out
BuildingsfleringOld Englishnounflooring
BuildingsfleringOld Englishnounstorey of a building
BuildingsfleringOld Englishnouna stratum, layer
BuildingshallaIrishnounmansionmasculine plural-normally
BuildingshallaIrishnounstudy hallmasculine
BuildingshallaIrishnounpublic buildingmasculine
BuildingshospicjumPolishnounhospice (facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill)medicine sciencesneuter
BuildingshospicjumPolishnouninn, tavernarchaic neuter
BuildingshospicjumPolishnounpied-à-terre, homestay, lodgings for studentsarchaic neuter
BuildingsodwachPolishnounguardhouse, watch house, guard building, guard booth, guard shack, security booth, security building, sentry buildingdated inanimate masculine
BuildingsodwachPolishnounguardsdated inanimate masculine
BuildingspagodaEnglishnounA religious building in South and Southeast Asia, especially a multi-storey tower erected as a Hindu or Buddhist temple.
BuildingspagodaEnglishnounAn image or carving of a god in South and Southeast Asia; an idol.archaic
BuildingspagodaEnglishnounA unit of currency, a coin made of gold or half gold, issued by various dynasties and colonial powers in southern India.historical
BuildingspagodaEnglishnounAn ornamental structure imitating the design of the religious building, erected in a park or garden.
BuildingspagodaEnglishnounA pagoda sleeve.rare
BuildingsσπίτιGreeknounhouse, home (structure built or serving as an abode of human beings)adverbial also
BuildingsσπίτιGreeknounhousehold, house (all the persons who live in a given house)broadly
BuildingsσπίτιGreeknounbrothel (house used by prostitutes)euphemistic figuratively
BuildingsდარბაზიGeorgiannounhall, chamber
BuildingsChinesecharacterroom (in a building or house); chamber
BuildingsChinesecharacterroom (in a building or house); chamber / apartment number; flat numberspecifically
BuildingsChinesecharacterfamily; household; clanin-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharacterfamily member; dependentin-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharacterfamily member; dependent / wifein-compounds literary specifically
BuildingsChinesecharacterfamily member; dependent / wife / to take a wifein-compounds literary obsolete specifically
BuildingsChinesecharacterorgan (part of an organism) shaped like a chamber; body cavity; ventriclein-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharacterwork unit; administrative unitin-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharactercourt; dynastyin-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharacterhome; housein-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharacterofficein-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharactercoffin pit; gravein-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharacterscabbard; sheathin-compounds literary
BuildingsChinesecharacterEncampment (a Chinese constellation near Pegasus)astronomy natural-sciences
Buildings and structuresbaptisterieMiddle EnglishnounA baptistry (the facility where baptism occurs)Late-Middle-English rare
Buildings and structuresbaptisterieMiddle EnglishnounThe baptismal font.Late-Middle-English rare
Buildings and structuresbaptisterieMiddle EnglishnounThe church service held in conjunction with baptism.Late-Middle-English rare
Buildings and structureswapiennikPolishnounlimekiln (kiln used to produce quicklime)inanimate masculine
Buildings and structureswapiennikPolishnounplace where lime is madeinanimate masculine
Buildings and structuresплацінаBelarusiannounplatinumuncountable
Buildings and structuresплацінаBelarusiannoundam
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Bulgaria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
Businessaccounts payableEnglishnounThe total amount of money that is owed by a customer to its suppliers of goods and services and is counted by the customer as a current unpaid debt.plural plural-only
Businessaccounts payableEnglishnounplural of account payableaccounting business finance lawform-of plural
BusinesskomercoEsperantonouncommerce, business
BusinesskomercoEsperantonountrade, transaction
Businessesflea marketEnglishnounAn outdoor temporary market selling inexpensive antiques, curios, etc.
Businessesflea marketEnglishnounA permanent indoor market of stalls in a warehouse selling inexpensive antiques, outdated goods, curios, etc.
BusinessesܡܐܦܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbakery, bakehouse, baker’s shop
BusinessesܡܐܦܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpatisserie, pastry shop, cake shop
Cakes and pastriesHörnchenGermannoundiminutive of Horndiminutive form-of neuter strong
Cakes and pastriesHörnchenGermannounEllipsis of Milchhörnchen, a German pastry, shaped like a croissantabbreviation alt-of ellipsis neuter strong
Cakes and pastriesHörnchenGermannounEllipsis of Eishörnchen (“ice cream cone”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis neuter strong
Cakes and pastriesHörnchenGermannounsquirrel (in the broad sense, member of the family Sciuridae)neuter strong
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA small square piece of rich cake, usually made with food lifestylecountable usually
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA sweet bread with brown sugar and food lifestyleAustralia New-Zealand uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA mythical creature, a helpful elf who would secretly do people's housework for them.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencescountable uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA household spirit or revered paganism religioncountable uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA copper coin, brown in colour; a penny, halfpenny, or cent.countable uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounAny of various lycaenid butterflies of the Eurasian genus Miletus.countable uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA brown trout (Salmo trutta).countable informal uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA widow rockfish (Sebastes entomelas), a fish in the family Sebastidae.countable informal uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Brownie (“a girl in the first level of Girl Guides (US: Girl Scouts)”).alt-of countable uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA tall, long-necked beer bottle, made from brown coloured glass.Australia New-Zealand colloquial countable uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbrownieEnglishnounA person with brown skin.countable ethnic offensive slur uncountable
Cakes and pastriesteacakeEnglishnounA flat, round bread bun, usually containing currants, sultanas or peel and often served toasted and buttered with tea.British
Cakes and pastriesteacakeEnglishnounA traditional cookie.US
Cakes and pastriesteacakeEnglishnounA sweet cake, sometimes sprinkled with cinnamon and caster sugar, often served warm.Australia
CalendarferiadoPortugueseadjwhich is a holidaynot-comparable
CanidsvulpanRomaniannounmale fox, dog-foxmasculine
CanidsvulpanRomaniannounfox cubmasculine
Cantons of SwitzerlandЖеневаRussiannameGeneva (the capital of Geneva canton, Switzerland)
Cantons of SwitzerlandЖеневаRussiannameGeneva (a canton of Switzerland)
Carcharhiniform sharksahoTokelauannounday, date
Carcharhiniform sharksahoTokelauannounoceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
Card gamesfantoEsperantonounknave
Card gamesfantoEsperantonounjackcard-games games
Card gamesquadriItalianadjmasculine plural of quadroform-of masculine plural
Card gamesquadriItaliannounplural of quadroform-of masculine plural
Card gamesquadriItaliannoundiamonds (suit of playing cards)masculine
Card gamesquadriItalianverbinflection of quadrare: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
Card gamesquadriItalianverbinflection of quadrare: / first/second/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present second-person singular subjunctive third-person
Card gamesquadriItalianverbinflection of quadrare: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
CatssiamêsPortugueseadjSiamese (of or relating to Siam)historical
CatssiamêsPortuguesenounSiamese (person from Siam)historical masculine
CatssiamêsPortuguesenounSiamese cat (breed of domestic cat)masculine
CatssiamêsPortuguesenounthe Thai languagehistorical masculine uncountable
CattleSửuVietnamesenamea unisex given name from Chinesedated
CattleSửuVietnamesenamethe second earthly branch represented by the Ox
CavingespeluncaPortuguesenouncave, cavern or grottofeminine
CavingespeluncaPortuguesenounpoorly lit, dirty and messy dwellingderogatory feminine figuratively
CavingespeluncaPortuguesenoungenerally illegal gambling housederogatory feminine figuratively
CaviomorphsmatuesMi'kmaqnounfurry brown caterpillaranimate
Celery family plantswiechPolishnouncowbane, northern water hemlock (Cicuta virosa)archaic colloquial countable inanimate masculine
Celery family plantswiechPolishnouna bundle of straw or haycountable inanimate masculine obsolete
Celery family plantswiechPolishnounwiech (Warsaw dialect of the Polish language based on the works of Stefan Wiechecki)inanimate masculine uncountable
Celery family plantswiechPolishnoungenitive plural of wiechafeminine form-of genitive plural
Cetaceansیونس بالغیOttoman Turkishnouneither of three species of cetaceans: / common dolphin (Delphinus delphis)
Cetaceansیونس بالغیOttoman Turkishnouneither of three species of cetaceans: / porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
Cetaceansیونس بالغیOttoman Turkishnouneither of three species of cetaceans: / Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus)
CetaceansOkinawancharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Chemical elementsceriumLatinnounA bad species of swelling or ulcerdeclension-2
Chemical elementsceriumLatinnounceriumNew-Latin declension-2 neuter
Chemical elementschloreFrenchnounchlorinemasculine uncountable
Chemical elementschloreFrenchverbinflection of chlorer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Chemical elementschloreFrenchverbinflection of chlorer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Chemical elementsjärnSwedishnouniron / iron (a metal)neuter uncountable
Chemical elementsjärnSwedishnouniron / iron (a heated appliance used to press wrinkles from clothing)archaic neuter
Chemical elementsjärnSwedishnouniron / iron (shackles)neuter plural plural-only
Chemical elementsjärnSwedishnouniron / iron (golf club used for middle-distance shots)golf hobbies lifestyle sportsneuter
Chemical elementsjärnSwedishnouncertain sharp tools with a blade made of steel or ironneuter
Chemical elementsjärnSwedishnouna stiff drinkcolloquial neuter
Chemical elementsjärnSwedishnounClipping of gångjärn (“hinge [of a door etc.]”).abbreviation alt-of clipping neuter
Chemical notationD/LEnglishprefixdextro-/levo- (used as a prefix to describe racemic mixtures)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmorpheme
Chemical notationD/LEnglishnounInitialism of download.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Chemical notationD/LEnglishnameInitialism of Duckworth-Lewis method.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
Chemical notationD/LEnglishverbdownloadcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ChemistrymicroplateEnglishnounA flat plate with multiple "wells" used as small test tubes.
ChemistrymicroplateEnglishnounA relatively small tectonic plate.geography geology natural-sciences
ChessराजाNepalinounking, monarch, sovereign, ruler
ChessराजाNepalinounkingboard-games chess games
ChessទូកKhmernounboat, sampan, canoe (especially boats without motors)
ChessទូកKhmernounbamboo toy canoe used for racing
ChessទូកKhmernounrookboard-games chess games
Chickasaw cardinal numberspokkóꞌliChickasawnumten
Chickasaw cardinal numberspokkóꞌliChickasawverbto be ten in number
ChickenscocardFrenchnouna black eyemasculine
ChickenscocardFrenchnounan old cock (rooster)masculine
ChickenspollCatalannounchicken (bird)masculine
ChickenspollCatalannounlouse (insect)masculine
Children's gameshopscotchEnglishnounA child's game, in which a player, hopping on one foot, drives a stone from one compartment to another of a figure traced or scotched on the ground.uncountable
Children's gameshopscotchEnglishverbTo move by hopping.figuratively intransitive
Children's gameshopscotchEnglishverbTo move back and forth between adjacent patterns by or as if by hopping.figuratively intransitive
ChinaMPSEnglishnameInitialism of Metropolitan Police Service.government law-enforcementUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
ChinaMPSEnglishnameInitialism of Ministry of Public Security.abbreviation alt-of initialism
ChinaMPSEnglishnounAbbreviation of methylacetylene propadiene, stabilized. stabilized methylacetylene-propadiene mixturechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
ChinaMPSEnglishnounInitialism of Master of Professional Studies.educationabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ChinaMPSEnglishnounInitialism of master production schedule.businessabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ChinaMPSEnglishnounInitialism of myofascial pain syndrome.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ChinaMPSEnglishnounInitialism of muscle protein synthesis.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ChinaMPSEnglishnounInitialism of main propulsion system (of the Space Shuttle).aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
ChinaMPSEnglishnounAbbreviation of mucopolysaccharidosis.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
Chinese earthly branchesNgọVietnamesenamea unisex given name from Chinese
Chinese earthly branchesNgọVietnamesenamethe seventh earthly branch represented by the Horse
ChristianityciricsocnOld Englishnoungoing to church, church attendance
ChristianityciricsocnOld Englishnounseeking of a church for protection or as sanctuary
ChristianityciricsocnOld Englishnounterritory of a church; parish
Christianitydevil dodgerEnglishnounA clergyman, especially a military chaplain.informal
Christianitydevil dodgerEnglishnounA person who sometimes attends church and sometimes the Dissenter's meetinghouse.informal obsolete
Cichorieae tribe plantsscarioleFrenchnounprickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola)feminine
Cichorieae tribe plantsscarioleFrenchnounescarole (Cichorium endivia)dated feminine
Citrus subfamily plantsmandarinquatEnglishnounA citrus tree, a cross between a mandarin and a kumquat, Citrus japonica × Citrus reticulata.
Citrus subfamily plantsmandarinquatEnglishnounThe fruit from this tree.
CleaningekstrakcjaPolishnounextraction (separation process consisting of the separation of a substance from a matrix)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
CleaningekstrakcjaPolishnounextraction (removal of a tooth from its socket)dentistry medicine sciencesfeminine
CleaningekstrakcjaPolishnoundata extractioncomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
CleaningekstrakcjaPolishnouncleaning process consisting of spraying water under pressure with a cleaning agent and its instant suction by a special devicefeminine
CleaninghangataFinnishverbto rubtransitive
CleaninghangataFinnishverbto scrubtransitive
ClothingdressedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of dressform-of participle past
ClothingdressedEnglishadjHaving been subjected to a preparatory process or treatment; treated, prepared.not-comparable
ClothingdressedEnglishadjPrepared for eating, especially by the addition of specific condiments or dressing.not-comparable
ClothingdressedEnglishadjWearing clothes; attired (now often with qualifying word).not-comparable
ClothingdressedEnglishadjWearing a not-comparable
ClothinggiubbettoItaliannoundiminutive of giubba; short jacketdiminutive form-of masculine
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishnounStockings or tights (often worn by men in the ME period).
ClothinghoseMiddle Englishnounpants, trousers;
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishnounArmour or protection for the legs; armoured legwear.
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishnounThe bendable outer casing of grains.rare
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishnounA bendable tube for liquids; a hose.rare
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishnounA bendable tube acting as a trap.rare
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hosenalt-of alternative
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of hos (“hoarse”)alt-of alternative
ClothinghoseMiddle Englishadjinflection of hos (“hoarse”): / weak singularform-of singular weak
ClothinghoseMiddle Englishadjinflection of hos (“hoarse”): / strong/weak pluralform-of
ClothinghoseMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of whos (“whose”, genitive)alt-of alternative
ClothingmanteloEsperantonouncape, cloak or mantle (clothing)
ClothingslipDutchnouna pair of briefs, a short type of underpants which covers the buttocks but nothing belowfeminine
ClothingslipDutchnouna pair of knickers or panties, any female underpantsbroadly feminine
ClothingslipDutchnountail, part of an upper garment hanging below the waistfeminine
ClothingslipDutchnounskid, an act or instance of slippingmasculine uncountable
ClothingslipDutchverbinflection of slippen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ClothingslipDutchverbinflection of slippen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
ClothingslipDutchverbinflection of slippen: / imperativeform-of imperative
Clothing가슴주머니Koreannounbreast pocket
Clothing가슴주머니Koreannounan anime style in which a female character's clothing clings unnaturally to her breasts, outlining them
Cocktailscar bombEnglishnounAn automobile laden with a large amount of explosives, and used as a bomb primarily in order to cause external damage.
Cocktailscar bombEnglishnounAn explosive device installed in an automobile with the primary purpose of killing the occupants of the car.
Cocktailscar bombEnglishnounFlatulence in an enclosed automobile.slang
Cocktailscar bombEnglishnounAn alcoholic beverage made by dropping a shot of liquor into a glass of beer.
CocktailsgimletEnglishnounA small screw-tipped tool for boring holes.
CocktailsgimletEnglishnounA cocktail, usually made with gin and lime juice.
CocktailsgimletEnglishverbTo pierce or bore holes (as if using a gimlet).
CocktailsgimletEnglishverbTo turn round (an anchor) as if turning a gimlet.nautical transporttransitive
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounThe woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing.
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounAny of the parts of something that divides like the branch of a tree.
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA creek or stream which flows into a larger river.Southern-US
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounOne of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance.geometry mathematics sciences
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA location of an organization with several locations.
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line.
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA local congregation of the LDS Church that is not large enough to form a ward; see Wikipedia article on ward in LDS church.Mormonism
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounAn area in business or of knowledge, research.
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA certificate given by Trinity House to a pilot qualified to take navigational control of a ship in British waters.nautical transport
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA sequence of code that is conditionally executed.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA group of related files in a source control system, including for example source code, build scripts, and media such as images.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA branch line.rail-transport railways transport
CollectivesbranchEnglishnounA path of vertices of degree 2, ending at vertices whose degree is not 2.graph-theory mathematics sciences
CollectivesbranchEnglishverbTo arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree.intransitive
CollectivesbranchEnglishverbTo produce branches.intransitive
CollectivesbranchEnglishverbTo (cause to) divide into separate parts or subdivisions.ambitransitive
CollectivesbranchEnglishverbTo jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesintransitive
CollectivesbranchEnglishverbTo strip of branches.transitive
CollectivesbranchEnglishverbTo discipline (a union member) at a branch meeting.colloquial transitive
CollectivescoalitionEnglishnounA temporary group or union of organizations, usually formed for a particular advantage.countable uncountable
CollectivescoalitionEnglishnounThe collective noun for a group of cheetahs.countable rare uncountable
CollectiveskawanTagalognounherd; flock; school; swarm (group of animal together, especially of the same kind)
CollectiveskawanTagalognounmultitude; large number
CollectivespartiaPolishnounparty (political party; political group considered as a formal whole, united under one specific political platform of issues and campaigning to take part in government)government politicsfeminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnounCommunist Party (an individual communist party within a specific context)feminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnounportion (that which is divided off or separated, as a part from a whole; a separated part of anything)feminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnounmatch, game (particular instance of playing a game)gamesfeminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnounpart (section of a dramatic, musical or dance work intended to be performed by a specific person or group of people)feminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnounmarriage candidate (person suitable for marriage)feminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnoungood and beneficial marriagefeminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnounbatch (quantity of anything produced at one operation)feminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnounparty (a discrete detachment of troops, especially for a particular purpose)government military politics wararchaic feminine
CollectivespartiaPolishnoungrouping (collection of things or people)feminine obsolete
CollectivespatriarchyEnglishnounA social system in which the father is head of the household, having authority over women and children, and in which lineage is traced through the male line.anthropology history human-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
CollectivespatriarchyEnglishnounA power structure in which men are dominant.countable uncountable
CollectivespatriarchyEnglishnounThe office of a patriarch; a patriarchate.Christianitycountable uncountable
CollectiveszwierzyniecPolishnounnature preserve, zoo, zoological garden, zoological parkbiology natural-sciences zoologyinanimate masculine
CollectiveszwierzyniecPolishnounmenagerie (collection of live wild animals on exhibition)inanimate masculine
CollectiveszwierzyniecPolishnounmenagerie (the enclosure where such animals are kept)inanimate masculine
CollectiveszwierzyniecPolishnounplace where animals for hunting are kepthobbies hunting lifestyleinanimate masculine
Collectives三姑六婆Chinesephrasewomen with disreputable or illegal professionsidiomatic
Collectives三姑六婆Chinesephrase(female) gossipmongersfiguratively idiomatic
Collectives先世Chinesenounprevious era; previous age; previous dynastyliterary
Collectives先世Chinesenounforefathers; ancestorsliterary
ColorsGrundfarbeGermannounprimary colourfeminine
ColorsGrundfarbeGermannounprimer (substance in preparation for painting)feminine
ColorsbursztynowyPolishadjamber (of or pertaining to amber)relational
ColorsbursztynowyPolishadjamber (of or pertaining to amber colour)relational
ColorsbursztynowyPolishadjsuccinic (of or pertaining to succinic acid)chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesrelational
ColorsehöegWelshnounheather colour, purplemasculine obsolete uncountable
ColorsehöegWelshnoungreenmasculine obsolete uncountable
ColorsehöegWelshadjheather colourednot-comparable obsolete
ColorsglasOld Irishadjgreen, greenish (especially of growing things, grass, trees, etc.)
ColorsglasOld Irishadjblue, green-blue, grey-blue
ColorsglasOld Irishadjthe colour of the blue dye extracted from woad
ColorsglasOld Irishadjmetallic in colour
ColorsglasOld Irishadjthe colour of frost or ice
ColorsglasOld Irishadjshades of grey
ColorsglasOld Irishadjwan (of complexion)
ColorsglasOld Irishadjbluish, livid, discolored
ColorsglasOld Irishadjfaded (of clothing)
ColorsglasOld Irishnounlock, fetter, clasp, boltfeminine masculine
ColorsglasOld Irishnounwinding up, conclusionfeminine masculine
ColorsquilpalliClassical Nahuatlnounthe color of verdigris; blue green, turquoise, aquamarine.inanimate
ColorsquilpalliClassical Nahuatlnounthe color of plants and verdure; bright green, leaf green, emerald.inanimate
Colors of the rainbowనారింజTelugunounan orange
Colors of the rainbowనారింజTelugunounorange colour
CommunicationdinlemekTurkishverbto listen, heartransitive
CommunicationdinlemekTurkishverbto pay attention to; to obey, conform totransitive
CommunicationdiálogoPortuguesenoundialogue (conversation or other discourse between individuals)masculine
CommunicationdiálogoPortuguesenounpeaceful resolution through conversation instead of fightingfiguratively masculine
CommunicationლაკირდეLaznountalk, word, statement
CommunismNPAEnglishnameInitialism of National Prescription Audit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
CommunismNPAEnglishnameInitialism of New People's Army.Philippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
CommunismNPAEnglishnameInitialism of National Pharmacy Association.abbreviation alt-of initialism
CommunismNPAEnglishnounAcronym of nonperforming asset.banking businessabbreviation acronym alt-of
CompositesalcachofaSpanishnounshower headSpain feminine
CondimentsܚܠܐClassical Syriacnounvinegaruncountable
CondimentsܚܠܐClassical Syriacnounsand, graveluncountable
CondimentsܚܠܐClassical Syriacnounmaternal uncleuncountable
CondimentsܚܠܐClassical Syriacnoundust, powderuncountable
CondimentsܚܠܐClassical Syriacnouncloth, covering, veiluncountable
CondimentsܚܠܐClassical Syriacnouncataractmedicine pathology sciencesuncountable
CondimentsܚܠܐClassical Syriacnounemphatic plural of ܚܠܬܐemphatic form-of plural uncountable
CondimentsドレッシングJapanesenoundressing (sauce, especially a cold one for salads)
CondimentsドレッシングJapanesenounclothes, makeup, decorations, or the act of dressing
CondimentsドレッシングJapanesenounShort for ドレッシング買い.businessabbreviation alt-of
Constellationsฤกษ์Thainoun(พระ~) time or point of time believed to bring good or bad outcomes, as determined by an astrologer.astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Constellationsฤกษ์Thainounplanet; star.astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciencesarchaic
Constellationsฤกษ์Thainounbear (animal).formal
Constellationsฤกษ์ThainameUrsa Major.archaic formal
ConstructiongallettingEnglishnounThe insertion of flint fillets into the joints of masonry.uncountable
ConstructiongallettingEnglishnounThe resulting joint.uncountable
ConstructiongallettingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of galletform-of gerund participle present
ConstructionpłatewPolishnounpurlin (horizontal structural member of a roof)feminine
ConstructionpłatewPolishnountop beam of a framefeminine
Construction vehiclesجرافةArabicnounrake, harrow
Construction vehiclesجرافةArabicnoundredge, bulldozer
ContainersataúdSpanishnouncoffin, casketmasculine
ContainersataúdSpanishnouna metal or (lined) wooden oven for roasting or smoking food outdoors (compare caja china)Latin-America masculine
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounA closed box in which the body of a dead person is placed for burial.
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounThe eighth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounA casing or crust, or a mold, of pastry, as for a pie.archaic
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounA conical paper bag, used by grocers.obsolete
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounThe hollow crust or hoof of a horse's foot, below the coronet, in which is the coffin bone.
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounA storage container for nuclear waste.
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounA combination fence obstacle where the horse jumps a set of rails, strides downhill to a ditch, and then goes back uphill to another jump.
ContainerscoffinEnglishverbTo place in a coffin.transitive
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounAn exploratory trench used when first digging a miningCornwall obsolete
ContainerscoffinEnglishnounA deep ditch.Cornwall broadly
ContainerspaqueteSpanishnounchump, useless, butterfingers (an incompetent person)Spain colloquial masculine
ContainerspaqueteSpanishnounlunchbox (male genitals enclosed in clothing)Spain colloquial masculine
ContainerspaqueteSpanishnounscrotum, packagecolloquial masculine
ContainerstáchVietnamesenouncup (with a handle)
ContainerstáchVietnameseverbto separate, to split
ContainerstáchVietnameseverbto snap, to pop
ContainerszarfTurkishnounadverbgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
ContainersмусоркаRussiannoundumpster (large trash receptacle)colloquial
ContainersмусоркаRussiannounrubbish bin, garbage cancolloquial
ContainersмусоркаRussiannoungarbage truckcolloquial
ContainersмусоркаRussiannouninflection of мусоро́к (musorók): / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
ContainersмусоркаRussiannouninflection of мусоро́к (musorók): / animate accusative singularaccusative animate form-of singular
ContainersJapanesenouncoffin; casket
CookingшомKomi-Zyriannounleaven, ferment
Countries in AsiaPalestinaBasquenamePalestine (a historical region and province of the Roman Empire in the Levant, Asia)inanimate
Countries in AsiaPalestinaBasquenamePalestine, State of Palestine (a country in the Levant, Asia)inanimate
Countries in OceaniaSamoaEnglishnameA country consisting of the western part of the Samoan archipelago in Polynesia, in Oceania. Official name: Independent State of Samoa. Capital and largest city: Apia. Formerly Western Samoa, and, before that, German Samoa. It is distinct from American Samoa.
Countries in OceaniaSamoaEnglishnameA census-designated place in Humboldt County, California, United States.
Countries in OceaniaSamoaEnglishnounA kind of cookie with coconut flavoring, often sold by Girl Scouts.US
CrimemoyíbiLingalanounthief; burglarclass-1
CrimemoyíbiLingalanountheft; burglaryclass-3
Crime監控Chineseverbto monitor; to supervise; to keep under surveillancetransitive
Crime監控ChinesenounShort for 監控攝像頭/监控摄像头 (jiānkòng shèxiàngtóu, “surveillance camera; CCTV camera; security camera”).abbreviation alt-of
Crime監控Chinesenounvideo recorded by security camera; surveillance video
CrocodiliansկոկորդիլոսOld Armeniannouncrocodile
CrocodiliansկոկորդիլոսOld Armeniannounbig lizard
Crucifersdesert candleEnglishnounA foxtail lily (Eremurus gen. et spp.)
Crucifersdesert candleEnglishnounA squaw cabbage (Streptanthus inflatus, syn. Caulanthus inflatus)
Crucifersdesert candleEnglishnounAbyssinian spurge (Euphorbia abyssinica)
CrustaceansRiesengarneleGermannounAny member of the family of Dendrobranchiata decapod crustaceans (Aristeidae), known as deep-sea shrimps, gamba prawns or gamba shrimps.feminine
CrustaceansRiesengarneleGermannounA giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon).feminine
CrustaceanskrabuSranan Tongonouncrab
CrustaceanskrabuSranan Tongoverbto scratch, scrape
CrustaceansראַקלYiddishnoundiminutive of ראַק (rak)diminutive form-of
CultureṣigidiYorubanounbeing solid, roundish, hard, and lightweight
CultureṣigidiYorubanouna human shaped stationary and odious figurine, used as a ritual offensive weapon and a guardian of the home. It is believed that through the spirit that inhabits the figurine, Ṣìgìdì, the figurine is able to be remotely activated, where it can inflict disease or death on its targets
CultureṣigidiYorubanouna physical representation of the orisha Ṣìgìdì
CultureṣigidiYorubanounrobot, drone (anything that is remote-controlled)broadly idiomatic
CurrenciesriksdalerSwedishnounrixdollar; an older currency unit, in Germany from 1566, later adopted in Sweden, official between 1777 and 1873 (abbreviated Rdr, rdr r:dr, rdr.)common-gender
CurrenciesriksdalerSwedishnounkrona, crown; the current Swedish currency unitcolloquial common-gender
Cuts of meatсланинаMacedoniannounfatbackuncountable
Cuts of meatсланинаMacedoniannounbaconuncountable
Cypress family plantswhite cedarEnglishnounIn family Cupressaceae (gymnosperms) / An Atlantic white cypress, Chamaecyparis thyoides.
Cypress family plantswhite cedarEnglishnounIn family Cupressaceae (gymnosperms) / An evergreen coniferous tree, of species (Thuja occidentalis, native to the northeastern US and southeastern Canada.
Cypress family plantswhite cedarEnglishnounIn family Cupressaceae (gymnosperms) / A Mexican white cedar (Cupressus lusitanica)
Cypress family plantswhite cedarEnglishnounAmong angiosperms: / A chinaberry shrub (Melia azedarach), in family Meliaceae.
Cypress family plantswhite cedarEnglishnounAmong angiosperms: / A tree of species Tabebuia heterophylla, of the Caribbean and South America, in family Bignoniaceae.
CyprinidsкарпRussiannounCyprinus carpio, common carp (species)animate
CyprinidsкарпRussiannouncommon carp (meat)inanimate
Cyrillic letter namesИRussiancharacterThe tenth letter of the Russian alphabet, called и (i), and written in the Cyrillic script.letter uppercase
Cyrillic letter namesИRussiannounThe name of the Cyrillic script letter И.indeclinable
Cyrillic letter namesИRussiannounThe name of the Latin-script letter I/{{{4}}}.indeclinable
Cyrillic letter namesглагольRussianverbsecond-person singular imperative imperfective of глаго́лить (glagólitʹ)form-of imperative imperfective second-person singular
Cyrillic letter namesглагольRussiannounThe name of the letter Г in old East Slavic alphabets
Cyrillic letter namesглагольRussiannounthe Г-shaped gallowsinformal
DancebreakerEnglishnounSomething that breaks (something else).
DancebreakerEnglishnounA machine for breaking rocks, or for breaking coal at the mines.
DancebreakerEnglishnounThe building in which such a machine is placed.
DancebreakerEnglishnounA person or company that specializes in breaking things; their yard. / Ellipsis of shipbreaker; a shipbreaking company or its yard.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis often plural
DancebreakerEnglishnounA person or company that specializes in breaking things; their yard. / Ellipsis of car breaker; a car breaking company or its yard.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis often plural
DancebreakerEnglishnounA person or company that specializes in breaking things; their yard. / Ellipsis of horsebreaker.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis often plural
DancebreakerEnglishnounA wave breaking into foam against the shore, or against a sandbank, or a rock or reef near the surface, considered a useful warning to ships of an underwater hazardin-plural
DancebreakerEnglishnounA breakdancer.colloquial
DancebreakerEnglishnounA user of CB radio.US dated
DancebreakerEnglishnounEllipsis of circuit electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
DancebreakerEnglishintjUsed to open a conversation or call for a response on CB radio.US dated
DancebreakerEnglishnounA small cask of liquid kept permanently in a ship’s boat in case of shipwreck.
DancesalunelRomaniannoundiminutive of alundiminutive form-of masculine
DancesalunelRomaniannouna folk dancemasculine
DancesalunelRomaniannounmole (pigmented spot on the skin)masculine
DanceslansjerPolishnounlancer (cavalry soldier armed with a lance weapon)government military politics warhistorical masculine person
DanceslansjerPolishnounLes Lanciers, The Lancers (square dance)animal-not-person masculine
DancestambourineEnglishnounA percussion instrument consisting of a small, usually wooden, hoop closed on one side with a drum frame and featuring jingling metal disks on the tread; it is most often held in the hand and shaken rhythmically; by extension, any frame drum.
DancestambourineEnglishnounA tambourine dove.
DancestambourineEnglishnounA kind of Provençal dance.
DancestambourineEnglishnounThe music for this dance.
DancestambourineEnglishverbTo play the tambourine.
DancestambourineEnglishverbTo make a sound like a tambourine.
Days of the weekبرہسپتUrdunameJupiter
Days of the weekبرہسپتUrdunameBrihaspatilifestyle religionVedic
Days of the weekبرہسپتUrdunounThursday
DeathentierroSpanishnounburial, intermentmasculine
DeathentierroSpanishnounburied treasureChile masculine
DeathentierroSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of enterrarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
DeathmortalEnglishadjSusceptible to death by aging, sickness, injury, or wound; not immortal.
DeathmortalEnglishadjCausing death; deadly, fatal, killing, lethal (now only of wounds, injuries etc.).
DeathmortalEnglishadjPunishable by death.
DeathmortalEnglishadjFatally vulnerable.
DeathmortalEnglishadjOf or relating to the time of death.
DeathmortalEnglishadjAffecting as if with power to kill; deathly.
DeathmortalEnglishadjHuman; belonging or pertaining to people who are mortal.
DeathmortalEnglishadjVery painful or tedious; wearisome.
DeathmortalEnglishadjVery drunk.Geordie Scotland slang
DeathmortalEnglishadjCausing spiritual religion
DeathmortalEnglishnounA human; someone susceptible to death.
DeathmortalEnglishadvMortally; enough to cause death.colloquial not-comparable
DeathnekrozaPolishnounnecrosis (localized death of cells or tissue)medicine pathology sciencesfeminine
DeathnekrozaPolishnounnecrosis (pathological death of plant tissues caused by various pathogens)biology botany medicine natural-sciences pathology sciencesfeminine
DeathsurnudEstonianadjgrown numb
DeathzagłodzićPolishverbto famish, to starveperfective transitive
DeathzagłodzićPolishverbto underfeed (to feed insufficiently)perfective transitive
DeathzagłodzićPolishverbto starve oneselfperfective reflexive
DeathܬܓܪܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounskeleton
DeathܬܓܪܘܡܬܐClassical Syriacnounbody, corpse, cadaver, carcass
Death陰間Chinesenounthe other side; heaven or hell; afterworld; netherworld
Death陰間ChinesenounHadesChristianity Protestantism
DemonymsAzoreanEnglishadjof, from, or relating to, the Azoresnot-comparable
DemonymsAzoreanEnglishnounSomeone from the Azores
DemonymsBasqueEnglishnounA member of a cultural and ethnic people living in the western Pyrenees and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain.
DemonymsBasqueEnglishnameThe language of the Basque people.
DemonymsBasqueEnglishadjRelating to the Basque people or their language.not-comparable
DemonymsBrüßlerGermannounFormerly standard spelling of Brüssler which was deprecated in the spelling reform (Rechtschreibreform) of 1996.alt-of archaic masculine strong
DemonymsBrüßlerGermanadjFormerly standard spelling of Brüssler which was deprecated in the spelling reform (Rechtschreibreform) of 1996.alt-of archaic indeclinable no-predicative-form
DemonymsFilipinoTagalognounFilipino language (national language of the Philippines)
DemonymsFilipinoTagalognounalternative form of Pilipino: Filipino (person)alt-of alternative proscribed
DemonymsFilipinoTagalognounmale Philippine-born person of pure or majority Spanish descenthistorical
DemonymsFilipinoTagalogadjalternative form of Pilipino: Filipino (pertaining to the Philippines)alt-of alternative proscribed
DemonymsGladbeckerGermannounA native or resident of Gladbeckmasculine strong
DemonymsGladbeckerGermanadjof Gladbeckindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsHamawiEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Hama.not-comparable
DemonymsHamawiEnglishnounA person from, or an inhabitant of, Hama.
DemonymsHirschauerGermannounA native or resident of Hirschaumasculine strong
DemonymsHirschauerGermanadjof Hirschauindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsMartinicanEnglishnounA person from Martinique or of Martinican descent.
DemonymsMartinicanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Martinique, the Martinican people or the Martinican language.
DemonymsPalermitanEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Palermo on the island of Sicily in Italy.
DemonymsPalermitanEnglishadjOf or relating to Palermo, Italy.
DemonymsSolingerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Solingenmasculine strong
DemonymsSolingerGermanadjof Solingenindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsSolingerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
DemonymssicilianoItaliannouna Sicilianmasculine
DemonymssicilianoItaliannounthe Sicilian languageinvariable masculine
DemonymstajaEsperantoadjclipping of la taja lingvo (“the Thai language”)abbreviation alt-of clipping
DemonymsøsterdølNorwegian Bokmålnouna person from Østerdalenmasculine
DemonymsøsterdølNorwegian Bokmålnoundialect spoken in Østerdalenmasculine
DentistrylingualEnglishadjRelated to, near, or on the side toward the tongue.anatomy dentistry medicine sciencesnot-comparable relational
DentistrylingualEnglishadjRelated to, near, or on the side toward the tongue. / Articulated with the tongue.anatomy dentistry human-sciences linguistics medicine phonetics phonology sciencesnot-comparable relational
DentistrylingualEnglishadjRelated to language or linguistics.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable relational
DentistrylingualEnglishnounA sound articulated with the tongue.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Departments of FranceHéraultEnglishnameOne of the départements in Occitania, France (the department was named after the river). Capital: Montpellier (INSEE code 34).
Departments of FranceHéraultEnglishnameA river of that department.
DessertsdarioleEnglishnounA dessert consisting of puff pastry filled with almond cream, baked in an oven.
DessertsdarioleEnglishnounA mould, in the shape of a truncated cone (frustum of a cone), in which the dessert is food lifestyle
Diacritical marksHäkchenGermannoundiminutive of Hakendiminutive form-of neuter strong
Diacritical marksHäkchenGermannouncheckmarkneuter strong
Diacritical marksHäkchenGermannoungeneric term for a diacritic mark, e.g. a hacek, cedilla, etc.neuter strong
DictionariesordlistaSwedishnouna word listcommon-gender
DictionariesordlistaSwedishnouna glossarycommon-gender
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanumzero
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanounpigrare
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanounriver
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanounlower or inner part
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanounsouth
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanounMansonia altissima (Bété, mansonia, or African black walnut)
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanouncore of a syllable
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanounDioscorea cayenensis subsp. rotundata (white yam, West African yam, Guinea yam, or white ñame)
Dioscoreales order plantsodoYorubanounpounding mortar
DiplomacydelegācijaLatviannoundelegation (a group of people authorized to represent the interests of the government, institution, organization in a congress, conference, etc.)declension-4 feminine
DiplomacydelegācijaLatviannounmandate (authority, right or competence granted)declension-4 feminine obsolete
DiseasesWuhan virusEnglishnounSynonym of coronavirus, the disease COVID-19.colloquial derogatory offensive sometimes uncountable
DiseasesWuhan virusEnglishnounSynonym of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.colloquial derogatory offensive sometimes uncountable
DiseasesWuhan virusEnglishnounSynonym of A/Wuhan/359/95, a strain of H3N2 influenza.uncommon uncountable
DiseasesświnkaPolishnoundiminutive of świnia (“piglet; small pig”)diminutive feminine form-of
DiseasesświnkaPolishnounnase (any fish of the genus Chondrostoma), especially the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus)feminine
DiseasesświnkaPolishnouncochonnet, jack (target ball in pétanque)feminine
DiseasesświnkaPolishnounknife that costs two centsfeminine
Divine epithetsḥr-ḥrwEgyptiannameepithet for various gods with a royal function / epithet for Horus in various forms, especially as Horus of Edfuusually
Divine epithetsḥr-ḥrwEgyptiannameepithet for various gods with a royal function / epithet for Ra in various forms, including Sobek-Ra and Ra of Edfu
Divine epithetsḥr-ḥrwEgyptiannameepithet for various gods with a royal function / epithet for Amun or Amun-Ra
Divine epithetsḥr-ḥrwEgyptiannameepithet for various gods with a royal function / epithet for Osirisrare
DogskučkaSerbo-Croatiannounbitch, dam (female dog)
DogskučkaSerbo-Croatiannounbitch (spiteful woman)derogatory
DogsșoricarRomaniannounbuzzard (Buteo vulgaris)masculine
DogsșoricarRomaniannounratter, type of hunting dog that catches micemasculine
DogsсукаRussiannounbitch (female dog)
DogsсукаRussiannounbitch (contemptible person, usually but not necessarily female)offensive
DogsсукаRussiannounfrivolous, promiscuous femalecolloquial disapproving
DogsсукаRussiannounsnitch, inmate who collaborates with prison administrationslang
DogsсукаRussianintjshit!, fuck!
DogsсукаRussiannoungenitive singular of сук (suk, “bough, limb, branch”)form-of genitive singular
DogsсукаRussiannoungenitive singular of сук (suk, “souq”)form-of genitive singular
Dragonflies and damselfliescarablancCatalanadjwhite-faced
Dragonflies and damselfliescarablancCatalannounwhiteface (a bird of species in the genus Aphelocephala)masculine
Dragonflies and damselfliescarablancCatalannounwhiteface (a dragonfly of species in the genus Leucorrhinia)masculine
DragonsPythonEnglishnameThe earth-dragon of Delphi, represented as a serpent, killed by Apollo.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
DragonsPythonEnglishnameAn interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language invented by Guido van Rossum.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
DragonsPythonEnglishnounAny member of the comedy troupe Monty Python: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones or Michael Palin.informal
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam, as in washing and in various processes of manufacture.
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A cooking appliance that cooks by food lifestyle
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA device or object that works by the operation of steam. / A steam fire engine, that is, a steam boiler and engine driving a pump, which are all mounted on wheels.obsolete
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA mode of transportation propelled by steam. / A steam-powered road locomotive; a traction engine.rail-transport railways transport
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA mode of transportation propelled by steam. / A vessel propelled by steam; a steamboat or steamship.nautical transport
DuckssteamerEnglishnounClipping of steamer trunk.abbreviation alt-of clipping
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA babycino (frothy milk drink).
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA wetsuit with long sleeves and legs.
DuckssteamerEnglishnounThe name of various animals. / The soft-shell clam, sand gaper, or long-neck clam (Mya arenaria), an edible saltwater clam; specifically the clam when steamed for eating.Maine
DuckssteamerEnglishnounThe name of various animals. / A steamer duck: any of the four species of the duck genus Tachyeres which are all found in South America, three of which are flightless.
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA racehorse the odds of which are becoming shorter (that is, decreasing) because bettors are backing it.hobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sports
DuckssteamerEnglishnounAn act of fellatio.British slang
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA member of a youth gang who engages in steaming (robbing and escaping in a large group).British slang
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA drinking session.British Scotland slang
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA dish made by cooking diced meat very slowly in a tightly sealed pot with a minimum of flavourings, allowing it to steam in its own juices; specifically such a dish made with kangaroo meat.Australia obsolete
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA steamed
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA stolen vehicle.slang
DuckssteamerEnglishverbTo travel by steamer.intransitive
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA mug. / A gullible or easily cheated person.British slang
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA mug. / A stupid or contemptible person.British slang
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA homosexual man with a preference for passive partners.British slang
DuckssteamerEnglishnounA prostitute's client.British slang
DuckssteamerEnglishnouna gambler who increases a wager after losing.US slang
Ducks원앙KoreannounThe mandarin duck, Aix galericulata.
Ducks원앙KoreannounA devoted couple. (compare turtledove)
EaglesعقابArabicnounverbal noun of عَاقَبَ (ʕāqaba, “to punish”) (form III)form-of noun-from-verb
EaglesعقابArabicnounpunishment, infliction of punishment
EasterpalmaPolishnounpalm treefeminine
EasterpalmaPolishnounEaster palmfeminine
EcologyAltlastGermannouncontaminated site, hazardous sitefeminine
EcologyAltlastGermannouncontaminated waste, hazardous materialfeminine
EcologyAltlastGermannounlegacy issuefeminine
EconomicsschodekCzechnoundeficitinanimate masculine
EconomicsschodekCzechnounAlternative form of schůdekalt-of alternative inanimate masculine rare
EconomicstirdzniecībaLatviannouncommerce, trade, business (area of the economy concerned with the movement of goods, intermediate between producers and consumers)declension-4 feminine
EconomicstirdzniecībaLatviannouncommerce, trade (the buying and selling, the acquisition and delivery, of goods)declension-4 feminine
EconomicsuprzemysławiaćPolishverbto industrialize (to develop industry; to become industrial)imperfective transitive
EconomicsuprzemysławiaćPolishverbto industrialize (to make a region of a country industrial)imperfective transitive
EconomicsuprzemysławiaćPolishverbto industrialize (to become an industry)imperfective reflexive
EconomicsuprzemysławiaćPolishverbto industrialize (to become industrial)imperfective reflexive
EconomicsгосподарськийUkrainianadjlandlord's, master's, owner's, proprietor's
EconomicsгосподарськийUkrainianadjeconomic (pertaining to an economy)
EconomicsгосподарськийUkrainianadjhousehold (attributive)
EconomicsгосподарськийUkrainianadjbusiness (attributive)
EconomicsгосподарськийUkrainianadjefficient at managing a household
EducationoideachasIrishnounadvice, instruction, teachingdated masculine
EducationtitserCebuanonouna teacher, especially one employed in school
EducationtitserCebuanonouna professor; a teacher or faculty member at a college or university
EducationtitserCebuanoverbto be a teacher; to become a teacher; to study to become a teacher
Education課堂Chinesenounclassroom (Classifier: 間/间 m)
Education課堂Chinesenounactivity conducted in a classroom; class
EggsovuSiciliannounAn approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, reptiles, insects and other animals, housing the embryo during its development.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable masculine
EggsovuSiciliannounThe egg of a domestic fowl (especially a hen) or its contents, used as food.countable masculine uncountable
EggsovuSiciliannounThe female primary cell, the ovum.biology natural-sciencescountable masculine
EggsovuSiciliannounAnything shaped like an egg, such as an Easter egg or a chocolate egg.masculine
EgyptAlexandrineFrenchnounfemale equivalent of Alexandrinfeminine form-of
EgyptAlexandrineFrenchnamea female given name, equivalent to English Alexandrinafeminine
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian, a man from Egyptdeclension-2 masculine
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian; pertaining to Egypt and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian, a member of the ancient civilization of Egyptdeclension-2 historical masculine
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian; pertaining to Ancient Egypt and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
ElectronicsparoliloEsperantonouna speaker (electrical device to produce sound)
ElectronicsparoliloEsperantonouna speaker (electrical device to produce sound) / loudspeaker
EmotionsWeltschmerzGermannounWeltschmerz, world-weariness (profound depression regarding the human condition or the state of the world)masculine no-plural strong
EmotionsWeltschmerzGermannouncauseless sadness, undue self-pitycolloquial humorous masculine no-plural often strong
EmotionsafektowaniePolishadvaffectedly, artificially (in a simulated manner in order to impress)
EmotionsafektowaniePolishnounverbal noun of afektowaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb
EmotionsanxiusLatinadjafeared, anxious, troubled, uneasyadjective declension-1 declension-2
EmotionsanxiusLatinadjunshornadjective declension-1 declension-2
EmotionsardorEnglishnounGreat warmth of feeling; fervor; passion.US countable uncountable
EmotionsardorEnglishnounSpirit; enthusiasm; passion.US countable uncountable
EmotionsardorEnglishnounIntense heat.US countable uncountable
EmotionsdepressedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of depressform-of participle past
EmotionsdepressedEnglishadjUnhappy; despondent.
EmotionsdepressedEnglishadjUnhappy; despondent. / Suffering from clinical depression.
EmotionsdepressedEnglishadjSuffering damaging effects of economic recession.
EmotionsdepressedEnglishadjReduced to a lower degree or form.mathematics sciences
EmotionsendeynenMiddle EnglishverbTo be offended by (something)
EmotionsendeynenMiddle EnglishverbTo deign (to do something)
EmotionsfretfulEnglishadjGiven to fretting. / Unable to relax: fidgety; restless; worried; anxious.
EmotionsfretfulEnglishadjGiven to fretting. / Irritable; bad-tempered; grumpy; peevish.
EmotionshappinessEnglishnounThe emotion of being happy; joy; elation.uncountable
EmotionshappinessEnglishnounProsperity, thriving, wellbeing.archaic uncountable
EmotionshappinessEnglishnounGood luck; good fortune.archaic uncountable
EmotionshappinessEnglishnounFortuitous elegance; unstudied grace, used especially of language.countable obsolete
EmotionshurtMiddle EnglishnounInjury, harm or damage; that which is detrimental: / A wound or disease; damage to one's body.
EmotionshurtMiddle EnglishnounInjury, harm or damage; that which is detrimental: / Monetary loss; damage to one's finances.
EmotionshurtMiddle EnglishnounInjury, harm or damage; that which is detrimental: / A transgression; the act of
EmotionshurtMiddle EnglishnounInjury, harm or damage; that which is detrimental: / Spiritual damage.rare
EmotionshurtMiddle EnglishnounA blunder or that which causes one.rare
EmotionshurtMiddle EnglishnounSadness, distress, confusion.rare
EmotionshurtMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of hurtenalt-of alternative
EmotionsmadEnglishadjInsane; crazy, mentally deranged.British-Isles
EmotionsmadEnglishadjAngry, annoyed.US informal
EmotionsmadEnglishadjUsed litotically to indicate satisfaction or approval.informal
EmotionsmadEnglishadjBizarre; incredible.Ireland UK informal
EmotionsmadEnglishadjWildly confused or excited.
EmotionsmadEnglishadjExtremely foolish or unwise; irrational; imprudent.
EmotionsmadEnglishadjExtremely enthusiastic about; crazy about; infatuated with; overcome with desire for.colloquial usually
EmotionsmadEnglishadjAbnormally ferocious or furious; or, rabid, affected with rabies.
EmotionsmadEnglishadjIntensifier, signifying abundance or high quality of a thing; very, much or many.New-York slang
EmotionsmadEnglishadjHaving impaired polarity.
EmotionsmadEnglishadvIntensifier; to a large degree; extremely; exceedingly; very; unbelievably.Ireland New-York UK dialectal not-comparable slang
EmotionsmadEnglishverbTo be or become mad.intransitive obsolete
EmotionsmadEnglishverbTo madden, to anger, to frustrate.Jamaica US colloquial
EmotionsosjećajSerbo-Croatianverbsecond-person singular imperative of osjećatiform-of imperative second-person singular
EmotionspohrdáníCzechnounverbal noun of pohrdatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
EmotionspohrdáníCzechnouncontempt, scorn, disdainneuter
EmotionsuczuciowyPolishadjemotional, sentimental
EmotionsسوداOttoman Turkishnounblack bile, one of the humours of ancient physiology
EmotionsسوداOttoman Turkishnounmelancholy, great sadness or depression
EmotionsسوداOttoman Turkishnounpassion, strong desire, ardor, enthusiasm
EmotionsسوداOttoman Turkishnounambition, eager and intense longing for power
EmotionsشماتةArabicnounverbal noun of شَمِتَ (šamita) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
EmotionsشماتةArabicnounschadenfreude; rejoicing at another's misfortune or suffering.
Emotions安慰Chineseverbto comfort; to console
Emotions安慰Chineseadjat ease; pleased
Emotions憤懣Chineseadjresentful; discontented; indignant
Emotions憤懣Chineseadjfurious; indignant
Energy動能Chinesenounkinetic energy (energy from motion)natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Energy動能Chinesenoungrowth drivereconomics sciencesfiguratively
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo be in a position in which the upper body is upright and supported by the buttocks.copulative intransitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo move oneself into such a position.intransitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo occupy a given position.intransitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo remain in a state of repose; to rest; to abide; to rest in any position or condition.copulative intransitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo be a member of a deliberative body.government
English animal commandssitEnglishverbOf a legislative or, especially, a judicial body such as a court, to be in session.government law
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo lie, rest, or bear; to press or weigh.
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo be adjusted; to fit.
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo be accepted or acceptable; to work.intransitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo cause to be seated or in a sitting posture; to furnish a seat to.causative transitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo accommodate in seats; to seat.transitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo babysit.US ambitransitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo take, to undergo or complete (an examination or test).Australia New-Zealand UK transitive
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo cover and warm eggs for hatching, as a fowl; to brood; to incubate.
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo take a position for the purpose of having some artistic representation of oneself made, such as a picture or a bust.
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo have position, as at the point blown from; to hold a relative position; to have direction.
English animal commandssitEnglishverbTo keep one's seat when faced with (a blow, attack); to endure, to put up with.obsolete transitive
English animal commandssitEnglishnounAn act of sitting.
English animal commandssitEnglishnounSubsidence of the roof of a coal mining
English animal commandssitEnglishnounAn event, usually lasting one full day or more, where the primary goal is to sit in meditation.Buddhism lifestyle religionrare
English animal commandssitEnglishnounShort for situation.abbreviation alt-of informal
English cardinal numbersseptillionEnglishnumA trillion trillion: 1 followed by 24 zeros, 10²⁴.US
English cardinal numbersseptillionEnglishnumA billion quintillion: 1 followed by 42 zeros, 10⁴².
English ordinal numberssixthEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number six.not-comparable
English ordinal numberssixthEnglishnounThe person or thing in the sixth position.
English ordinal numberssixthEnglishnounOne of six equal parts of a whole.
English ordinal numberssixthEnglishnounThe interval between one note and another, five notes higher in the scale, for example C to A, a major sixth, or C to A flat, a minor sixth. (Note that the interval covers six notes counting inclusively, for example C-D-E-F-G-A.)entertainment lifestyle music
English ordinal numberssixthEnglishverbTo divide by six, which also means multiplying a denominator by six.informal nonstandard rare
English unisex given namesFrenchyEnglishadjWith an exaggerated French manner.informal
English unisex given namesFrenchyEnglishnounA native or resident of France, or a francophone, or a person of French lineage.derogatory slang sometimes
English unisex given namesFrenchyEnglishnameA short form of various names: Francine, Franchelle, Francoise, etc., e.g. Franchelle "Frenchie" Davis.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameA male given name from the Celtic languages transferred back from the surname.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameA female given name from English, of rare usage, variant of Jewel.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Marin County, California.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Warren County, Georgia.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameA small city in Jewell County, Kansas.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameA hamlet in Oneida County, New York.
English unisex given namesJewellEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Clatsop County, Oregon.
EntomologyokrywaPolishnounwrapper, cover, encasementfeminine
EntomologyokrywaPolishnouninvolucrebiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
EntomologyokrywaPolishverbthird-person singular present of okrywaćform-of present singular third-person
EthicsδίκηAncient Greeknouncustom, manner, fashion
EthicsδίκηAncient Greeknounorder, law, right
EthicsδίκηAncient Greeknounjudgment, justice
EthicsδίκηAncient Greeknounlawsuit, trial
EthicsδίκηAncient Greeknounpunishment, penalty, vengeance, satisfaction
EthnonymsAchangEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group found in China and
EthnonymsAchangEnglishnameA language of China.
EthnonymsOpataEnglishnounAn indigenous people of northern Sonora.plural plural-only
EthnonymsOpataEnglishnameThe language of the Opata people.
EthnonymsbicolanoSpanishnounBicolano (person)masculine
EthnonymsbicolanoSpanishnounBicol (language)masculine uncountable
EthnonymscatalanFrenchnounCatalan languagemasculine uncountable
EthnonymscatalanFrenchadjCatalan, Catalonian (of, from or relating to Catalonia, Spain)
EthnonymscatalanRomanianadjCatalan, Catalonian (of, from or relating to Catalonia, Spain)masculine neuter
EthnonymscatalanRomaniannounCatalan, Catalonian (native or inhabitant of Catalonia, Spain) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
Ethnonymsଆର୍ମାନୀOdianameArmenian (language)
Ethnonymsଆର୍ମାନୀOdianounArmenian (person)
EuagaricsapagallumsCatalannouncandle snufferinvariable masculine
EuagaricsapagallumsCatalannounsacristan, sextonChristianityinvariable masculine
EuagaricsapagallumsCatalannounobscurantistinvariable masculine
EuagaricsapagallumsCatalannounparasol mushroominvariable masculine
EuagaricsapagallumsCatalannounfalse salsify (Scorzonera laciniata)invariable masculine
EuagaricsapagallumsCatalannounLondon rocket (Sisymbrium irio)invariable masculine
EuagaricsapagallumsCatalannounsmooth gold fleece (Urospermum dalechampii)invariable masculine
EupleridsfossaEnglishnounA pit, groove, cavity, or depression.anatomy medicine sciences
EupleridsfossaEnglishnounA long, narrow, shallow depression on the body of an extraterrestrial body, such as a planet or moon.astronomy natural-sciences
EupleridsfossaEnglishnounA large nocturnal reddish-brown catlike mammal (Cryptoprocta ferox) of the civet family, endemic to the rainforests of Madagascar. It is slender, long-tailed and has retractile claws and anal scent glands.
EuropetundraLatviannountundra (a natural zone that has developed in the arctic and subarctic zones and is characterised by low average temperatures, high humidity and short growing seasons)declension-4 feminine
EuropetundraLatviannountundra (the geographical area in the arctic and subarctic zone between the arctic deserts and the forest tundra)declension-4 feminine
Extinct languagesMiddelnederduitsDutchnameMiddle Low Germanneuter
Extinct languagesMiddelnederduitsDutchadjMiddle Low Germannot-comparable
EyegoundyMiddle EnglishadjCovered in phlegm or gum.
EyegoundyMiddle EnglishadjHaving poor vision.figuratively rare
FabricsbuwalTagalognounfalling flat on the ground (of something tall or long)
FabricsbuwalTagalognounknocking something flat on the ground (of something tall or long)
FabricsbuwalTagalognountree uproot (especially due to the force of wind)dialectal
FabricsbuwalTagalogadjfallen flat on the ground (of something tall or long)
FabricsbuwalTagalognounvoile (translucent fabric)
FabricswekeMiddle Englishnounweek (a duration of seven days from Sunday to Saturday; a calendar week)
FabricswekeMiddle Englishnounweek (any duration of (around) seven days)
FabricswekeMiddle Englishnounworkweek (a duration of six days from Monday to Saturday)
FabricswekeMiddle EnglishnounA candlewick or wick.
FabricswekeMiddle EnglishnounThe cord or rope used to create wicks; wicking.
FabricswekeMiddle EnglishnounWicking used in medical contexts (e.g. as a bandage).
FabricswekeMiddle EnglishnounA kind of low-quality textile.
FabricswekeMiddle Englishnounwetnessrare
FabricswekeMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of quykNorthern alt-of alternative
FabricswekeMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of weykalt-of alternative
FacebezoSpanishnounthick lipmasculine
FaceclúasOld Irishnounearfeminine
FaceclúasOld Irishnounhearingfeminine
Fairy tale charactersPiroskaHungariannamea female given name
Fairy tale charactersPiroskaHungariannameThe Hungarian name for the fairy figure 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
Fairy talesThumbelinaEnglishnameA fairy tale about a thumb-sized girl.
Fairy talesThumbelinaEnglishnameThe main character in this story.
Fairy talesThumbelinaEnglishnounA variety of small, roundish carrot that does not need to be peeled.
FamilyachʼooníNavajonouncomrade, partner, pal, friend, companion, helper (of either sex)
FamilyachʼooníNavajonounspouse, mate
FamilyamáNavajonounmaternal aunt
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounA baby, infant, toddler; a person in infancy.
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounA child, kid; a young person.
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounAn offspring, one of one's progeny.
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounA childish or stupid individual.
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounThe Christ child; Jesus as a child.Christianity
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounA member of a creed (usually with the religion in the genitive preposing it)figuratively
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounA young male, especially one employed as an hireling.
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounA young noble training to become a knight; a squire or childe.
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounThe young of animals or plants.
FamilychildMiddle EnglishnounA material as a result or outcome.
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounA step, gree or rung; a part of a staircase or ladder.
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounA stage or level as part of a scale; a level of a discontinuous scale.
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounA degree or extent; a level of a continuous scale.
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounSocial or professional standing or status; one's position in society or a subset of it.
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounA degree or generation of ancestry; a stage in one's family history.
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounSuccess, winning or achievement in battle or sport.
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounAn angular measurement amounting to 1/360 of a circle.geometry mathematics sciences
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounA degree (educational qualification handed out by tertiary institutions)rare
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounA favourable or good attitude; goodwill, kindness.uncountable
FamilygreMiddle EnglishnounSatisfaction, compensation, understanding.uncountable
FamilygreMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of greenalt-of alternative
FamilynaaMandinkaverbto come, approach
FamilynaaMandinkaadvalmost, nearly
FamilynaaMandinkaadvon the verge
FamilynaaMandinkanounpowdered baobab leaf
FamilyȕʼúnaTaosnounany male child or younger male person
FamilyȕʼúnaTaosnounfamily (children, wife, and other household members)
FamilyȕʼúnaTaosnounlittle one (has the content of a diminutive or affection)in-compounds
FamilyܙܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfornicator, adulterer
FamilyܙܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounprostitute, rake, philanderer
FamilyܙܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbpresent participle of ܙܵܢܹܐ (zānē, “to commit adultery”)form-of participle present
FamilyܙܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbpast participle of ܙܵܢܹܐ (zānē, “to commit adultery”)form-of participle past
FamilyܙܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounplural of ܙܢܵܐ (znā, “type, species, mood”)form-of plural
Family叔父Chinesenounpaternal uncle (father's younger brother)formal
Family叔父Chinesenounelder in a gang; someone who is of the same generation as the gang leaderCantonese
Family membersfakiAmisnoununcle
Family membersfakiAmisnounbrother-in-law (wife's brother)
FashioncatwalkEnglishnounAn elevated enclosed passage providing access fore and aft from the bridge of a merchant vessel.nautical transport
FashioncatwalkEnglishnounAny similar elevated walkway.
FashioncatwalkEnglishnounA narrow elevated stage on which models lifestyle
FashioncatwalkEnglishnounThe business of making clothes for fashion shows.broadly
FashionリングJapanesenounring (accessory worn around the finger)
FashionリングJapanesenounboxing ring
FastenerscsavarHungariannounscrew, wood screw (fastener)
FastenerscsavarHungariannounbolt (fastener)
FastenerscsavarHungarianverbto twist, turntransitive
FastenerscsavarHungarianverbto screw (to drive a screw into something)transitive
FeardrednesseMiddle Englishnounfear, terror, dreaduncountable
FeardrednesseMiddle Englishnounawe, venerationuncountable
FemalefemeninoSpanishadjfeminine (of or relating to women)
FemalefemeninoSpanishadjfeminine (of or in the feminine gender)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
FemalefemeninoSpanishnounfeminine (the feminine gender)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesmasculine
FemaleยายThainounmaternal grandmother; also used as a title for or term of address to one's maternal grandmother or woman respected as one's maternal grandmother, and used by such person to refer to herself.
FemaleยายThainounaged woman; also used as a title for or term of address to such person, and used by such person to refer to herself.derogatory offensive sometimes
FemaleยายThainounused as a diminutive or affectionate title for or term of address to a young woman or woman of the same age as the speaker.colloquial
FemaleยายThainounused as a title for or term of address to any woman or trans woman.derogatory offensive often
Female女禍Chinesenoundisaster brought upon by a woman (especially caused by a male ruler's favoritism towards a woman, or a woman in power herself)historical literary
Female女禍Chinesenounwoman who courts disasterhistorical literary
Female奶婆Chinesenounservant girl; maid; young female slaveMin Northern
Female奶婆Chinesenounwet nurseCantonese Danyang Dongguan Wu
Female奶婆ChinesenounbreastXiang dialectal
Female animalshenMiddle Englishnounhen, chicken
Female animalshenMiddle Englishnounfemale bird
Female animalsoiselleFrenchnounfemale equivalent of oiseau (“bird”)feminine form-of poetic
Female animalsoiselleFrenchnouna virginfeminine informal
Female animalsszukaHungariannounbitch (female dog)
Female animalsszukaHungariannounvixen (female fox)
Female family membersחמתאAramaicnounmother-in-law
Female family membersחמתאAramaicnounheat, fever
Female family membersחמתאAramaicnounanger, wrath, fury
Female family membersબહેનGujaratinounsister
Female family membersબહેનGujaratinounfemale cousin
Female family membersબહેનGujaratinounany womanendearing
Female peopleamlógIrishnounfoolish womanfeminine
Female peopleamlógIrishnounawkward womanfeminine
Female peoplekróliczekPolishnoundiminutive of królikanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
Female peoplekróliczekPolishnouncottontail (any rabbit of the genus Sylvilagus)animal-not-person masculine
Female peoplekróliczekPolishnounbunny girlanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Female peoplesutrixLatinnouncobblerdeclension-3 feminine
Female peoplesutrixLatinnounsewing-womandeclension-3
Female peoplewybranka sercaPolishnounladylove (in the Middle Ages, a woman adored and respected by a knight)feminine historical idiomatic
Female peoplewybranka sercaPolishnounladykin, ladylove (woman who is loved by someone)feminine humorous idiomatic
Female peopleрусскаяRussianadjfeminine nominative singular of ру́сский (rússkij)feminine form-of nominative singular
Female peopleрусскаяRussiannounfemale equivalent of ру́сский (rússkij): female ethnic Russianfeminine form-of
Female peopleڈینPunjabinounwitch; sorceress
Female peopleڈینPunjabinounhag; an unpleasant, ugly womanderogatory figuratively
Female people閨女Chinesenoungirl; unmarried woman; maiden
Female people閨女ChinesenoundaughterJin Mandarin colloquial
FernsChinesecharacterUsed in 蘋果/苹果 (píngguǒ, “apple”).
FernsChinesecharacterUsed in 蘋婆/苹婆 (píngpó, “Chinese chestnut”).
FernsChinesecharacterwater clover, clover fern (family Marsileaceae)
FestivalsLabaEnglishnameShort for Laba Festival.abbreviation alt-of
FestivalsLabaEnglishnameA surname from Polish.
Feudalismlord paramountEnglishnounA lord holding land under allodial title and owing no rent or feudal obligations to another.lawhistorical
Feudalismlord paramountEnglishnounSynonym of overlord: any superior lord.lawhistorical
FictionShakespeareEnglishnameA surname.
FictionShakespeareEnglishnameWilliam Shakespeare, an English playwright and poet of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
FictionShakespeareEnglishnameHis works or media adaptations of his works.metonymically
FictionShakespeareEnglishnameA place name: / A village in Perth East township, Ontario, Canada, named after the playwright.
FictionShakespeareEnglishnameA place name: / A ghost town in Hidalgo County, New Mexico, United States.
FictionShakespeareEnglishnounAny form or style of language that is eloquent, especially in English; poetry.uncountable
FictionShakespeareEnglishnounA playwright of the standing of William Shakespeare.countable
FictionShakespeareEnglishverbTo act or perform in a play of the works of Shakespeare.intransitive
FictionsmurfyEnglishadjShort and blue.
FictionsmurfyEnglishadjUnusually cheery, like the smurfs.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A town in Arizona.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A ghost town in California.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city and town in Iowa.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Wilson County, Kansas.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city and town in Kentucky.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A village and city in New York.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A city and village in North Dakota.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A borough of Pennsylvania.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A village and town in Wisconsin.
Fictional locationsFredoniaEnglishnameAlternative spelling of Freedonia.alt-of alternative
FireاۆگُنKashmiriadjmultiplier of اَکھ (akh); times one
FireاۆگُنKashmirinounsingulargrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencessingular
FirearmsarcabuzSpanishnounharquebus, musketengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrymasculine
FirearmsventidueItaliannountwenty-two (a .22 calibre pistol or rifle)invariable masculine
Firefighting911EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Liberia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Anguilla, Palau, and Tonga.
Firefighting911EnglishnounEmergency services; emergency service personnel.Belize Canada Philippines US countable metonymically uncountable
Firefighting911EnglishnounAn emergency phone call.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Firefighting911EnglishnounAn emergency.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial countable metonymically uncountable
Firefighting911EnglishverbTo call emergency services.Belize Canada Philippines US colloquial
Firefighting911EnglishnameA prominent family of sports cars manufactured by Porsche.automotive transport vehicles
FishaalDutchnouneel (fish), (Anguilla anguilla)masculine
FishaalDutchnounelver (young eel)masculine
FishaalDutchnounpadremasculine rare
FishaalDutchnounale (obsolete)neuter
FishaalDutchnounAlternative form of aaltalt-of alternative feminine uncountable
FishgreusaicheScottish Gaelicnounshoemakermasculine
FishgreusaicheScottish Gaelicnouncobblerfish, frogfish, lumpfish, chub, bullhead, miller's thumb, sea devil, angler fishmasculine
FishkembungIndonesianadjabdominal distensionmedicine pathology sciences
FishkembungIndonesiannounIndian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta)
FishlakeNorwegian Nynorsknounpickle, brinemasculine
FishlakeNorwegian Nynorsknounburbot, eelpout (species Lota lota)biology fish ichthyology natural-sciences zoologymasculine
FishlakeNorwegian Nynorskverbto pickle, put in brine
FishlongorónSpanishnounEuropean anchovyCanary-Islands masculine
FishlongorónSpanishnounrazor shellPanama masculine
FlatfishlúðaIcelandicnounAtlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)feminine
FlatfishlúðaIcelandicnouninflection of lúði: / indefinite accusative/dative/genitive singularaccusative dative form-of genitive indefinite singular
FlatfishlúðaIcelandicnouninflection of lúði: / indefinite accusative/genitive pluralaccusative form-of genitive indefinite plural
FlatfishlúðaIcelandicadjinflection of lúður: / strong feminine accusative singularaccusative feminine form-of singular strong
FlatfishlúðaIcelandicadjinflection of lúður: / strong masculine accusative pluralaccusative form-of masculine plural strong
FlatfishlúðaIcelandicadjinflection of lúður: / weak masculine/neuter accusative/dative/genitive singularaccusative dative form-of genitive masculine neuter singular weak
FlatfishlúðaIcelandicadjinflection of lúður: / weak feminine/neuter nominative singularfeminine form-of neuter nominative singular weak
FlowersMimoseGermannounMimosa; sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
FlowersMimoseGermannounoversensitive personfeminine figuratively
FlowersปีบThainountree jasmine: Millingtonia hortensis.
FlowersปีบThainounAlternative form of ปี๊บ (bpíip)alt-of alternative
Food and drinkбуханкаRussiannounbread loaf
Food and drinkбуханкаRussiannounUAZ-452 four-wheel drive vancolloquial
FoodspericoGalicianadjunruly, rebelliouscolloquial
FoodspericoGaliciannounramcolloquial masculine
FoodspericoGaliciannounsheepcolloquial feminine masculine
FoodssavanyúságHungariannounsourness, acidity
FoodsχρυσοκόλλαAncient Greeknoungold solder, malachite, basic copper carbonate
FoodsχρυσοκόλλαAncient Greeknoundish of linseed and honey
FoodsပဲBurmesenounpea, bean, legume, pulse
FoodsပဲBurmesenounanna (unit of currency in British India)
FoodsပဲBurmeseparticleindicates emphasis on the word or phrase it follows: just, onlycolloquial
Foods海苔Chinesenounnori (Pyropia yezoensis, especially in its dried and processed form)
Foods海苔Chinesenounedible seaweed; sea vegetableEastern Min
FootwearbarefootEnglishadjWearing nothing on the feet.not-comparable
FootwearbarefootEnglishadjOf a vehicle on an icy road: not using snow chains.informal not-comparable
FootwearbarefootEnglishadjTransmitting without the use of an amplifier.not-comparable slang
FootwearbarefootEnglishadvWearing nothing on the feet.not-comparable
FootwearbarefootEnglishadvTransmitting without the use of an amplifier.not-comparable
FootwearcothurnusLatinnouncothurnus, buskindeclension-2 masculine
FootwearcothurnusLatinnountragedy (dramatic or poetic style)declension-2 masculine
FootwearsandalTurkishnounboat (water craft)
FootwearsandalTurkishnouna small tropical tree of the Santalaceae family, Santalum album
Forms of governmentmeritocracyEnglishnounRule by merit and talent.countable uncountable
Forms of governmentmeritocracyEnglishnounA type of society where wealth, income, and social status are assigned through competition.countable uncountable
Forms of governmentजम्हूरियतHindinoundemocracyrare
Forms of governmentजम्हूरियतHindinounrepublicrare
FourquadrigaEnglishnounA Roman racing chariot drawn by four horses abreast.historical
FourquadrigaEnglishnounA team of four horses, or sometimes other animals, especially as used in chariot racing.historical
FowlsChinese pheasantEnglishnouncommon pheasant, Phasianus colchicus
FowlsChinese pheasantEnglishnoungolden pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus
FowlsپیروUrdunamePeru (a country in South America)
FruitsalunquaEnglishnounA twining plant, Marsdenia australis, native to Australia.
FruitsalunquaEnglishnounThe fruit of the alunqua; bush cucumber, bush banana.
FruitsborůvkaCzechnounblueberry, bilberry (plant)feminine
FruitsborůvkaCzechnounblueberry, bilberry, (coll.) huckleberry (fruits)feminine
FruitsborůvkaCzechnounthe blood that amasses underneath a fingernail when one injures a fingerfeminine
FruitschuꞌWestern Highland Chatinonounpineapple
FruitschuꞌWestern Highland Chatinoadjrotten, moldy (of plant products)
FruitschuꞌWestern Highland Chatinonounwhite-nosed coati (Nasua narica)
FruitskarpuzTurkishnounwatermelon (plant and fruit)
FruitskarpuzTurkishnounbreastsin-plural slang
Fruitsno̱chtiMecayapan Nahuatlnouna kind of fruit
Fruitsno̱chtiMecayapan Nahuatlnouna kind of plant
FruitsբռինչArmeniannounhackberry, the fruit of the nettle tree (Celtis spp.)
FruitsբռինչArmeniannounthe fruit of the guelder rose (Viburnum opulus)literary
FruitsקיוויHebrewnounkiwi (a flightless bird of the order Apterygiformes native to New Zealand)
FruitsקיוויHebrewnounkiwi fruit
FruitsگیلاسPersiannounglass, glasswareDari
FruitsگیلاسPersiannounwine glass
FruitsJapanesenouna pear tree
FruitsJapanesenouna pear (the fruit)
FruitsJapanesenounmore specifically, a Japanese pear or Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia)
FruitsJapaneseaffixa pear tree
FruitsJapaneseaffixa pear (the fruit)
FruitsJapaneseaffixmore specifically, a Japanese pear or Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia)
Fruits鮮果Chinesenounfresh fruit
Fruits鮮果ChinesenounfruitJinan Mandarin
FurniturebonnaonadIrishnounbase unit (of an appliance)masculine
FurniturebonnaonadIrishnounbase unit (cordless phone)masculine
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounA room for keeping clothes and armor safe, particularly a dressing room or walk-in closet beside a bedroom.obsolete
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounA governmental office or department in a monarchy which purchases, keeps, and cares for royal clothes.figuratively
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounThe building housing such a department.figuratively
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounAny closet used for storing anything.obsolete
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounA room for keeping costumes and other property safe at a theater; a prop room.
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounThe department of a theater, movie studio, etc which purchases, keeps, and cares for costumes; its staff; its room(s) or building(s).figuratively
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounA movable cupboard or cabinet designed for storing clothes, particularly as a large piece of bedroom furniture.
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounA tall built-in cupboard or closet for storing clothes, often including a rail for coat-hangers, and usually located in a bedroom.
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounAnything that similarly stores or houses something.figuratively uncommon
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounThe contents of a wardrobe: an individual's entire collection of clothing.
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounAny collection of clothing.figuratively
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounAny collection of anything.figuratively uncommon
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounA private chamber, particularly one used for sleeping or (euphemistic) urinating and defecating.obsolete
FurniturewardrobeEnglishnounBadger feces, particularly used in tracking game.hobbies hunting lifestyleobsolete
FurniturewardrobeEnglishverbTo act as a wardrobe department, to provide clothing or sets of clothes.intransitive
FurniturewardrobeEnglishverbOrdering a clothing item online and returning it for a refund after having worn it.
FurniturewardrobeEnglishverbOrdering multiple sizes of the same clothing item online and returning all but the one that fits best.
FurnitureבאַנקYiddishnouncounter (place for preparing food in a kitchen)
FurnitureבאַנקYiddishnounbank (institution)
GaitsgonitwaPolishnounchase, pursuit (act of pursuing)feminine
GaitsgonitwaPolishnounracehobbies horse-racing horseracing horses lifestyle pets racing sportsfeminine
Gamblingtang-anCebuanonouna hustler; somebody who pretends to be an amateur at a game in order to win bets
Gamblingtang-anCebuanonouna virtuosobroadly
Gamblingtang-anCebuanoadjcharacteristic of a hustlerderogatory
Games貝合わせJapanesenounkai-awase (a Heian period game involving matching two pieces of a clamshell)
GasesఆవిTelugunounsteam, vapour
GasesఆవిTelugunounheat of the breath
GastropodsclionidEnglishnounAny member of the family Clionidae of sea angels.biology natural-sciences zoology
GastropodsclionidEnglishnounAny member of the family Clionaidae of sponges.biology natural-sciences zoologydated proscribed
Geese거위Koreannoundomestic goose unable to fly
GemsboriaLatinnounA kind of jasperdeclension-1
GemsboriaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of bōriumaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
GeneticsgéinIrishnounjean, denimfeminine
GeneticsgéinIrishnounAlternative form of geoin (“confused noise, drone, hum; cry, whimper; derision, mockery”)alt-of alternative feminine
GenitaliaसुपारीHindinounbetel nut, supari
GenitaliaसुपारीHindinounglans penisfiguratively
GenitaliaसुपारीHindinouna contract put on someone to be killed by a hired assassin
GeographyܬܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounwasteland, desert, wilderness
GeographyܬܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounwandering
GeographyܬܘܫܐClassical Syriacnounerror
George W. BushWEnglishcharacterThe twenty-third letter of the English alphabet, called double U and written in the Latin script.letter uppercase
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of women (sign on toilet door).abbreviation alt-of
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of west.abbreviation alt-of uncountable
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of Wednesday.abbreviation alt-of
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of wins (statistic).hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of win.Internet abbreviation alt-of countable
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of wicket.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of warrant.government law-enforcementabbreviation alt-of
George W. BushWEnglishadjExcellent, top-notch (abbreviation of winner). (Compare noun sense 4 and sense 5.)slang
George W. BushWEnglishnameGeorge W. Bush (born 1946), the 43rd president of the United States (2001–2009).government politicsUS informal
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of week.abbreviation alt-of
George W. BushWEnglishnounAbbreviation of west.abbreviation alt-of
Gibraltar112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Gibraltar112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Gibraltar112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Gibraltar112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
GnosticismגנוסטיHebrewnounGnostic (a male adherent of Gnosticism)
GodsMazuEnglishnameA Chinese sea goddess, the deified form of Lin Moniang, a medieval Fujianese girl who became revered as a sea goddess and, since the Qing dynasty, especially in Taiwan, more generally as the primary goddess of Heaven.
GodsMazuEnglishnameAlternative form of Matsu (archipelago).alt-of alternative
GodsMazuEnglishnameAlternative form of Matsu (island).alt-of alternative
GodsbógPolishnoungod (deity or supreme being)masculine person
GodsbógPolishnoungod, idolmasculine person
GodsܣܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounmoonastronomy natural-sciencesuncountable
GodsܣܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounlow-grade silveralchemy pseudoscienceuncountable
GodsܣܝܢܐClassical SyriacnameSinuncountable
GodsܣܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounmud, mireuncountable
GodsܣܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounfilthuncountable
GodsܣܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounskullcapuncountable
Gods大神Chinesenounguru; expert; whizInternet
Goldgold pointEnglishnounThe values above and below the mint par of two monetary units on a shared metallic standard at which it became equally cheap to import or export gold or silver bullion instead of resolving trades through credit instruments such as bills of financehistorical
Goldgold pointEnglishnoun1036°C, the melting point of gold.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
GolfгольфUkrainiannoungolfhobbies lifestyle sportsuncountable
GolfгольфUkrainiannounpolo neck sweater, turtleneck sweater
GolfгольфUkrainiannounknee sock, knee highin-plural
Gossamer-winged butterfliesforget-me-notEnglishnounAny of the flowering plants of the genus Myosotis, mostly with a small five-petalled blue flower; a flower from such a plant.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesforget-me-notEnglishnounA light tint of blue, the color of the flower.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesforget-me-notEnglishnounAny of various light-blue coloured lycaenid butterflies of the Asian and Australasian genus Catochrysops, especially Catochrysops strabo native to India and Southeast Asia.biology entomology natural-sciences
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounIn England, formerly, the highest court of judicature next to the Parliament, exercising jurisdiction at law, but chiefly in equity; but under the jurisdiction act of 1873 it became the chancery division of the High Court of Justice, and now exercises jurisdiction only in equity.countable historical uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounIn the United States, a court of equity; equity; proceeding in equity.countable uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounThe type of building that houses a diplomatic mission or embassy.countable uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounThe type of building that houses the offices and administration of a diocese; the offices of a diocese.countable uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounIn the Middle Ages, a government office that produced and notarized official documents.countable historical uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounThe position of a boxer's head when under his adversary's arm.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warcountable slang uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounAny awkward predicament.archaic countable slang uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishnounShort for chancery hand.communications journalism literature media publishing writingabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishadvWith the head of an antagonist under one's arm, so that one can pommel it with the other fist at will.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warnot-comparable
GovernmentchanceryEnglishadvIn an awkward situation; wholly under the power of someone else.figuratively not-comparable
GovernmentstatsrådSwedishnouna minister (member of government, cabinet)governmentneuter
GovernmentstatsrådSwedishnouncouncil of state (in the definite, statsrådet, formal name for the Swedish cabinet until the reform of 1975)governmenthistorical neuter
GovernmentstatsrådSwedishnouncouncil of state; government, cabinet (in the definite, statsrådet, formal name for the Finnish cabinet)governmentFinland neuter
GovernmentstatsrådSwedishnouncouncillor of state (honorary title awarded for meritorious service in politics and government; Finnish valtioneuvos)Finland neuter
GovernmenttresorieMiddle EnglishnounA treasury (repository for valuables)
GovernmenttresorieMiddle EnglishnounThe resources of a government.
GovernmenttresorieMiddle EnglishnounA treasury department; the department in charge of funds.rare
Governmentकांग्रेसHindinamethe Indian National Congress
GrainsbakakaMalagasynountoad (amphibian)dialectal
GrainsbakakaMalagasynounJohnson grass (Sorghum halepense)
GrainsbakakaMalagasynounsorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
GrainsbakakaMalagasyadjbulky, enormousdialectal
GrainsbakakaMalagasyadjstupid, imprudent
GrainsbakakaMalagasyadjbadly woven or plaiteddialectal
GrainstremoçoPortuguesenounlupin (any plant of the genus Lupinus)masculine
GrainstremoçoPortuguesenounlupin (bean of the lupin plant)masculine
GrammarвідмінюватиUkrainianverbto altertransitive
GrammarвідмінюватиUkrainianverbto inflect, to declinegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencestransitive
GrammarвідмінюватиUkrainianverbto conjugategrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencestransitive
Grammarប្រធានKhmernounsubject (of a sentence, debate, etc.), topic
Grammarប្រធានKhmernounthe essential (that which is the most important)
Grammarប្រធានKhmernounpresident, chairman, leader
Grammarប្រធានKhmernounperseverance, diligence, effort
Grammarប្រធានKhmeradjto be supreme, highest, most important
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritadjfeminine nominative singular of पञ्चम (pañcama)feminine form-of nominative singular
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnounthe fifth day of the lunar fortnight (tithi)Hinduism
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnounthe 5th or ablative case
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnounthe 5th or ablative case / a word in the ablative
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnouna termination of the imperative
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnouna particular रागिणी or मूर्छनाentertainment lifestyle music
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnouna brick having the length of 1/5 (of a पुरुष)
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnamename of द्रौपदी (who was the wife of 5 Pandavas; compare पाञ्चालि)
Grammatical casesपञ्चमीSanskritnamename of a river
GrapevinesвиноградUkrainiannoungrapescollective uncountable
GrassesδόναξAncient GreeknounA kind of reed, the donax (Arundo donax)
GrassesδόναξAncient GreeknounA kind of reed, the donax (Arundo donax) / A bed of reeds
GrassesδόναξAncient GreeknounAnything made of reed / A shaft of an arrow
GrassesδόναξAncient GreeknounAnything made of reed / A shepherd's pipe
GrassesδόναξAncient GreeknounAnything made of reed / A fishing rod
GrassesδόναξAncient GreeknounAnything made of reed / The bridge of the lyre
GrassesδόναξAncient GreeknounA kind of shellfish
Greater Manchester, EnglandMancunianEnglishadjRelated or pertaining to Manchester, England, in the United Kingdom.
Greater Manchester, EnglandMancunianEnglishnounA person raised or living in the city of Manchester, England, in the United Kingdom.
Greater Manchester, EnglandMancunianEnglishnameThe accent and dialect of English spoken in Manchester and some of its environs.
Greek letter namesmuFrenchnounmu (Greek letter)masculine
Greek letter namesmuFrenchverbpost-1990 spelling of mûparticiple
GreyscinereousEnglishadjOf an ash-gray colour.biology natural-sciences ornithology
GreyscinereousEnglishadjLike ashes.
GreyscinereousEnglishadjContaining ashes.
GreysgråSwedishadjboring, dull; with a boring appearancecolloquial
Greystimber wolfEnglishnounThe gray wolf, Canis lupus.US countable uncountable
Greystimber wolfEnglishnounA grey color, like that of the animal's coat.uncountable
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Soviet watch brand)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (series of Soviet 35 mm half-frame cameras)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Soviet luxury automobile)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Soviet sesquiplane fighter)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChayka (Soviet turboprop-powered amphibious aircraft)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChaika (Russian amphibious aircraft)
GullsчайкаRussiannounChayka (Soviet and Russian terrestrial radio navigation system)
GullsчайкаRussiannoungenitive singular of чаёк (čajók)form-of genitive singular
Gums and resinsσαγάπηνονAncient GreeknounFerula persica
Gums and resinsσαγάπηνονAncient Greeknounsagapenum, the gum produced by this plant
Gums and resinsكونلكOttoman Turkishnounincense, biotic material that releases fragrant smoke when burnt, often used in religious rites
Gums and resinsكونلكOttoman Turkishnoungum resin, a mixture of gum and resin secreted by a plant and burnt as a perfume, like incense
Gums and resinsكونلكOttoman Turkishnounjourney, a quantity sufficient for one day, like a day's travelling or a day's provision
HairriccioItalianadjcurly (of hair)
HairriccioItalianadjburr (chestnut or fish)
HairriccioItaliannouncurl, lock, ringlet (of hair)masculine
HairriccioItaliannounscroll (of violin)masculine
HairriccioItaliannounhusk, bur (of a chestnut)masculine
HairriccioItaliannounsea urchinmasculine
HairsukātLatvianverbto brush, to comb (to smooth one's hair with a brush, a comb)transitive
HairsukātLatvianverbto brush (to smooth, also to clean, an animal, its fur, with a brush)transitive
HairsukātLatvianverbto heckle, to comb with a heckle (to pull the fiberss through a heckle — a brush-like instrument — in order to remove the straw from the fibers)transitive
HairsukātLatvianverbto birch, to thrash, to beat, usually as punishmentcolloquial transitive
HairsukātLatvianverbto gobble, to eat hastily, with great appetitecolloquial transitive
HairsukātLatvianverbto go fast, to runcolloquial transitive
HairwhiskeryEnglishadjHaving whiskers.
HairwhiskeryEnglishadjHaving protrusions resembling whiskers.
HairwhiskeryEnglishadjResembling whiskers.
HairwhiskeryEnglishadjInvolving or caused by whiskers.
HairwhiskeryEnglishadjOld.UK humorous
HairwhiskeryEnglishnounA whiskey distillery.rare
HairzłotowłosaPolishnounfemale equivalent of złotowłosy (“goldilocks”) (golden-haired person)feminine form-of
HairzłotowłosaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of złotowłosyfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
HairzłotowłosaPolishnoungenitive singular of złotowłosform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
HairłysakPolishnounbaldie (someone who is bald)masculine person rare
HairłysakPolishnounany fungus of the genus Gymnopilusinanimate masculine
HairłysakPolishnouncoleto (Sarcops calvus)animal-not-person masculine
HappinessuszczęśliwićPolishverbto make happyperfective transitive
HappinessuszczęśliwićPolishverbto make oneself happyperfective reflexive
HappinessuszczęśliwićPolishverbto make each other happyperfective reflexive
Heads of stateregeRomaniannounkingmasculine
Heads of stateregeRomaniannounkingboard-games chess gamesmasculine
Heads of stateდედოფალიGeorgiannounqueen
Heads of stateდედოფალიGeorgiannounbride
Heads of stateდედოფალიGeorgiannounqueenboard-games chess games
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A crown; a piece or item of royal headgear.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A coronet or tiara; headgear of lesser (religious or secular) leaders.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A garland or circlet (often as a prize for victory).
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A nimb or halo; a metaphysical crown.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / Kingly power, might, authority, or legitimacy.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / A monarch's property or owndom; that which a king owns.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / A monarch; a ruler of a kingdom.rare
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / The act and ritual of crowning.rare
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounThe crown, peak or apex of one's head.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounA patch of shaved hair (usually of a monk).
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounThe capitulum of a flower or the area of a fruit corresponding to it.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounA depiction, likeness, or representation of a crown.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounA piece of non-British currency with a crown on it.
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounA golden stripe surrounding important historic Jewish artifacts.Judaism historical
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishnounA candle holder; a candelabrum.rare
HeadwearcorouneMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of corounenalt-of alternative
HealthнездоровьеRussiannoununhealthiness, ill health
HealthнездоровьеRussiannounillness, ailment
HealthcareziekenhuisDutchnouna hospital, medical care facilityneuter
HealthcareziekenhuisDutchnounan infirmarybroadly neuter
Heraldry儀仗Chinesenounceremonial implement for use by the emperor or a senior official, including flags, weapons, etc.historical
Heraldry儀仗Chinesenounimplements (such as flags, weapons, etc.) carried by guards of honour
HerbsestragonFrenchnountarragon (the plant)masculine
HerbsestragonFrenchnountarragon (the leaves)masculine
HerbspellitoryEnglishnounPellitory of the wall (Parietaria officinalis).countable uncountable
HerbspellitoryEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Parietaria. / Parietaria debiliscountable uncountable
HerbspellitoryEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Parietaria. / Parietaria judaica (spreading pellitory)countable uncountable
HerbspellitoryEnglishnounAchillea ptarmica (European pellitory, bastard pellitory, wild pellitory, sneezewort.countable uncountable
HerbspellitoryEnglishnounTanacetum cinerariifolium (formerly Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) (feverfew, Dalmatian pellitory)countable uncountable
HerbspellitoryEnglishnounPellitory of Spain (Anacyclus pyrethrum), a plant containing an oil once used for toothaches and facial neuralgia.countable uncountable
HerbsquinaCatalannounfivesome (a group of five people or things)feminine
HerbsquinaCatalannouna game similar to bingo frequently played around Christmastimefeminine
HerbsquinaCatalannounthe bark of the cinchona tree, a natural source of quininefeminine
HerbsquinaCatalannouna tonic made from this barkfeminine
HerbsquinaCatalanadjfeminine singular of quinfeminine form-of singular
HerringsmagharIrishnounfry (young fish)masculine
HerringsmagharIrishnounsprat (any of various small marine fish in the genus Sprattus)masculine
HerringsspratEnglishnounAny of various small, herring-like, marine fish in the genus Sprattus, in the family Clupeidae.
HerringsspratEnglishnounAny of various similar fish of other genera.
HerringsspratEnglishnounAnything petty or insignificant.broadly
HerringsspratEnglishnounA sixpence.UK obsolete slang
HerringsspratEnglishverbTo manure (land) with sprats (the fish).historical transitive
Historical currenciesfarthingEnglishnounFormer British unit of currency worth one-quarter of an old penny; or a coin representing this.historical
Historical currenciesfarthingEnglishnounA very small quantity or value; the least possible amount.figuratively
Historical currenciesfarthingEnglishnounA division of land.obsolete
Historical currenciestannerEnglishnounA person whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan.
Historical currenciestannerEnglishnounA person who applies a tan (especially a spray tan) on someone's skin.
Historical currenciestannerEnglishnounA long-horned beetle of species Prionus coriarius.
Historical currenciestannerEnglishnounA former British coin worth six old pence.British colloquial
Historical currenciestannerEnglishnounAny of several spider crabs of the genus Chionoecetes, especially Chionoecetes bairdi and Chionoecetes opilio.
Historical currenciestannerEnglishadjcomparative form of tan: more tancomparative form-of
HistoryỌrọmpọtọYorubanamea female given name of historical usage, notably borne by Orompotoarchaic
HistoryỌrọmpọtọYorubanameOrompoto, an Aláàfin who was the only female ruler of the Ọ̀yọ́ empire
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A city, unitary authority, and borough of Devon, England.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A sea area between Plymouth, Devon, England and France.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / The mouth of the river Plym, in Devon, England.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / The de jure and abandoned capital of Montserrat.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A small rural community of Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A small rural community of Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A small city in Amador County, California.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town in Litchfield County, Connecticut.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Orange County, Florida.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A village in Hancock County and McDonough County, Illinois.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Marshall County, Indiana.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A minor city in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Lyon County, Kansas.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town in Penobscot County, Maine.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A large town in Massachusetts, and one of the two county seats of Plymouth County.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A city in Wayne County, Michigan.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A sizable city in Hennepin County, Minnesota; a suburb of Minneapolis.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A former settlement in Lowndes County, Mississippi.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Carroll County, Missouri.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A village in Jefferson County, Nebraska.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town in Grafton County, New Hampshire.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town in Chenango County, New York.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town, the county seat of Washington County, North Carolina.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A village in Huron County and Richland County, Ohio.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A borough of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A small town in Box Elder County, Utah.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A small town in Windsor County, Vermont.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Putnam County, West Virginia.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town in Juneau County, Wisconsin.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town in Rock County, Wisconsin.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A town and city in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / The Plymouth Colony, established by the Pilgrims.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnameA placename: / A number of places in the United States: / A number of townships in the United States, listed under Plymouth Township.
History of the United StatesPlymouthEnglishnounAn automobile of the make Plymouth.
HolidaysPedroIngriannamea male given name, equivalent to English Peter
HolidaysPedroIngriannamePeter (the Apostle)biblical lifestyle religion
HolidaysPedroIngriannameFeast of Saints Peter and Paul (feast on 12 July)Christianity
HolidaysszabatPolishnounSabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, observed in Judaism and some Christian denominations as a day of rest and worship)ChristianityJudaism inanimate masculine
HolidaysszabatPolishnounSabbath (Sunday, observed in most of Christianity as a day of rest and worship)Christianityinanimate masculine
HolidaysszabatPolishnounSabbath (among the ancient Jews and Hebrews, the seventh year, when the land was left fallow)historical inanimate masculine
HolidaysszabatPolishnounSabbath (meeting of witches)human-sciences mysticism occult philosophy sciencesinanimate masculine
Home appliancessornIrishnounfurnacemasculine
Home appliancessornIrishnounstove, rangemasculine
Horse gaitsgalopPolishnouncanter (three-beat horse gait)inanimate masculine
Horse gaitsgalopPolishnounfast run of a personcolloquial inanimate masculine
Horse gaitsgalopPolishnounvery rapid pace of changescolloquial inanimate masculine
Horse gaitsgalopPolishnoungalop (lively French country dance of the nineteenth century)historical inanimate masculine
Horse gaitsgalopPolishnoungalop (music for a dance of this kind)entertainment lifestyle musichistorical inanimate masculine
Horse tackheybeTurkishnounsaddlebag
Horse tackheybeTurkishnounshoulderbag
Horsefliesblind-flyEnglishnounAny of several medium-sized blood-sucking flies, of the family Tabanidae, usually species in the genus Haematopota.countable
Horsefliesblind-flyEnglishnounThe game of blind man's buffuncountable
HorsescugPolishnounbinge; drinking spreecolloquial inanimate masculine
HorsescugPolishnoundraft of airdated inanimate masculine
HorsescugPolishnounteam of horses hitched in side-by-side pairscollective inanimate masculine obsolete
HorsescugPolishnounSynonym of gromadainanimate masculine
HorticultureܡܪܣܣܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwatering can (A utensil for watering plants, consisting of a container with a handle and long spout, the spout sometimes being fitted with a perforated nozzle)
HorticultureܡܪܣܣܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsprinkler (irrigation device that sprays water into the air whilst moving back and forth)
Household同屋Chineseverbto share a room
HundredcentupletEnglishnounSynonym of hundred: A group of 100.
HundredcentupletEnglishnounOne of a group of 100, particularly one of 100 babies born at the same time, from the same egg, or from the same DNA.
HundredquintalEnglishnounSynonym of hundredweight, 100 or 112 English or American pounds.historical
HundredquintalEnglishnounVarious other similar units of weight in other systems.historical
HundredquintalEnglishnounAn unofficial metric unit equal to 100 kg.
HundredquintalEnglishnounA grammatical number referring to five (or more) things.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
HundredquintalEnglishadjReferring to five (or more) things; of, in or relating to the quintal grammatical number.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
HundredteentyEnglishadjVery small; teensy.informal
HundredteentyEnglishnumOne hundred (100), especially a short hundred when considering long hundreds.nonstandard
HuntingαὐλαίαAncient Greeknouncurtain, especially in the theatre
HuntingαὐλαίαAncient Greeknounhunting net
HuntingαὐλαίαAncient Greeknounscreens to protect a wall against missilesin-plural
HuntingαὐλαίαAncient GreeknountentByzantine
Ichthyosauromorphs魚龍Chinesenounichthyosaurbiology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciences
Ichthyosauromorphs魚龍ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 魚 /鱼 (yú), 龍 /龙 (lóng).
Ichthyosauromorphs魚龍ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 魚 /鱼 (yú), 龍 /龙 (lóng). / aquatic creatures; fishespoetic
Ido cardinal numberszeroIdonumzerotemperature
Ido cardinal numberszeroIdonumcipher, noughtarithmetic
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Yolo County, California.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameA city in Dearborn County, Indiana.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameA city in St. Louis County, Missouri.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Hocking County, Ohio.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameA village in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
IndividualsAbramPolishnameAbraham (prophet in the Old Testament, Qur'an and Aqdas; a Semitic patriarch son of Terah who practiced monotheism, father of the Jewish patriarch Isaac by Sarah and the Arab patriarch Ishmael by Hagar)biblical lifestyle religionmasculine person uncountable
IndividualsAbramPolishnamea male surname from Hebrewcountable masculine person
IndividualsAbramPolishnamea female surname from Hebrewcountable feminine indeclinable
IndividualsAndrésSpanishnameAndrew (biblical character)masculine
IndividualsAndrésSpanishnamea male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Andrewmasculine
IndividualsAndrésSpanishnamea surname transferred from the given nameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsCannizzaroItaliannamea surname from Sicilianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
IndividualsCannizzaroItaliannameA small town in Catania, Sicily, Aci Castellofeminine
IndividualsDarwinPortuguesenameDarwin (the capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia)
IndividualsDarwinPortuguesenameDarwin (Charles Darwin, English naturalist)masculine
IndividualsHeveliusLatinnamea male surname from German — famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
IndividualsHeveliusLatinnamea male surname from German — famously held by: / Johannes Hevelius, a Polish astronomer of German ancestry.declension-2 masculine singular
IndividualsMariaDanishnameMary (Biblical character)
IndividualsMariaDanishnamea female given name
IndividualsSan NioclásIrishnameSaint Nicholasmasculine
IndividualsSan NioclásIrishnameSanta Claus, Father Christmasmasculine
IndividualsमेनकाSanskritnounof the wife of Himālaya
IndividualsमेनकाSanskritnameMenaka (an apsara and the mother of Shakuntala in the play Shakuntalam)
Individuals仏陀Japanesenamethe BuddhaBuddhism lifestyle religion
Individuals仏陀Japanesenouna BuddhaBuddhism lifestyle religion
IndonesiaJakartanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to, Jakartanot-comparable
IndonesiaJakartanEnglishnounSomeone from Jakarta.
InsectsquitscoSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonounlouse
InsectsquitscoSan Pedro Amuzgos Amuzgonouniguana
IodineiodateEnglishnounThe anion IO₃⁻; any salt of iodic acid.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
IodineiodateEnglishverbTo treat with iodine.transitive
IraqabasíSpanishadjAbbasidfeminine masculine
IronferrousEnglishadjOf or containing iron.
IronferrousEnglishadjOf compounds of iron in which it has a valence or oxidation number of 2.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
IronferrousEnglishadjOf an element: iron, or in certain ways similar to iron: ferrous metals.
IronsideremiaEnglishnounThe presence of iron in the blood serum (which is always true, in some amount or other).medicine physiology sciencesuncountable
IronsideremiaEnglishnounThe presence of iron in the blood serum (which is always true, in some amount or other). / The presence of excess iron in the blood serum.medicine physiology sciencesuncountable
Italy112EnglishnameThe telephone number for emergency services on all GSM cell phones and in the EU, Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome, the Seychelles, Uganda, East Timor, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, North Macedonia, Vatican City, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Saint Vincent.
Italy112EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, and Burkina Faso.
Italy112EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in South Korea, Norway, Colombia, Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, and Mauritius.
Italy112EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in Equatorial Guinea and Nauru.
ItalycalabrêsPortugueseadjCalabrian (of or from Calabria)
ItalycalabrêsPortuguesenounCalabrian (inhabitant of Calabria)masculine
ItalycalabrêsPortuguesenounCalabrian (language)masculine uncountable
ItalycentPolishnouncent (subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the main unit of currency in many countries; symbol: ¢)animal-not-person masculine
ItalycentPolishnounSynonym of cetnaranimal-not-person masculine
Japan越中ChinesenameVietnam-China, Vietnamese-Chinese
Japan越中ChinesenameEtchū (a historical province of Japan, roughly corresponding to present-day Toyama Prefecture)
KitchenwareuwtffonWelshnounspurtle, porridge stirrer, spatulafeminine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnoundiminutive of wałdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnounroller (anything that rolls)inanimate masculine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnounroller (agricultural machine)inanimate masculine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnounroll (that which is rolled up)inanimate masculine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnounrolling pin (kitchen utensil)inanimate masculine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnounbrayermedia printing publishinginanimate masculine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnounlongitudinal protrusioncolloquial inanimate masculine
KitchenwarewałekPolishnounfraud, scamcolloquial inanimate masculine
Kites (birds)gledeEnglishnounAny of several birds of prey, especially a kite, Milvus milvus.
Kites (birds)gledeEnglishnounA live coal; an ember.
KniveslambsfootEnglishnounA claw-like blade with one straight edge and one edge which tapers to a point at the tip less abruptly than a sheepsfoot but not as gradually as a Wharncliffe.
KniveslambsfootEnglishnounSynonym of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus).
KyrgyzstanKyrgyzEnglishnounMember of a Turkic people living primarily in Kyrgyzstan
KyrgyzstanKyrgyzEnglishnounMember of a Siberian Turkic people now known as Khakasnonstandard
KyrgyzstanKyrgyzEnglishnameThe Turkic language of the Kyrgyz people
KyrgyzstanKyrgyzEnglishadjOf, from, or relating to Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz people, or the Kyrgyz languagenot-comparable
LGBTQbøsseDanishnounsmoothbore firearmcommon-gender
LGBTQbøsseDanishnoungay (homosexual male)common-gender
LGBTQbøsseDanishnouncastor, caster, (shaker with perforated top)common-gender
LGBTQbøsseDanishnouncollection boxcommon-gender
LGBTQstraight tradeEnglishnounA man who perceives himself as straight while still engaging in same-sex sexual behavior.uncountable
LGBTQstraight tradeEnglishnounThe practice of same-sex sexual behavior involving at least one man who perceives himself as heterosexual.uncountable
LagomorphsкрольчихаRussiannounfemale equivalent of кро́лик (królik): female rabbit (doe)feminine form-of
LagomorphsкрольчихаRussiannounmother of many childrenderogatory figuratively
LakesUrmiaEnglishnameA salt lake northwestern Iran, near Turkey.
LakesUrmiaEnglishnameA city and capital of West Azerbaijan, Iran, on the shore of the lake of the same name.
Lamiales order plantsતલGujaratinounsesame (Sesamum indicum)
Lamiales order plantsતલGujaratinounsesame (Sesamum indicum) / sesame seed
Lamiales order plantsતલGujaratinounmole, small birthmarkanatomy medicine sciences
Lamioideae subfamily plants仏の座Japanesenouncommon henbit, Lamium amplexicaule
Lamioideae subfamily plants仏の座JapanesenounSynonym of 小鬼田平子 (koonitabirako, “nipplewort, Lapsanastrum apogonoides”)
LandformsfyrhþeOld Englishnounforest, wooded countryneuter
LandformsfyrhþeOld Englishnoungame preserve, hunting groundneuter
LandformsфурдOssetiannounbig river
LandformsфурдOssetiannounSynonym of денджыз (denǵyz, “sea”)
Landformsபள்ளத்தாக்குTamilnounlow land
Landforms池塘Chinesenounpond; pool
Landforms池塘Chinesenouncommon bathing pool
Language familiesitalskiPolishadjItalian, of Italyliterary not-comparable relational
Language familiesitalskiPolishadjItalic (pertaining to a subfamily of the Indo-European language family)not-comparable relational
LanguagesAtongEnglishnameA Sino-Tibetan language, related to Garo, spoken in northeastern India and adjacent areas of Bangladesh.
LanguagesAtongEnglishnameA Grassfields-Bantu language of Cameroon.
LanguagesFransDutchnameFrench (language)neuter
LanguagesFransDutchnamea male given name, equivalent to English Francismasculine
LanguagesFrançoisMiddle FrenchadjFrench (of, relating to or from France)masculine
LanguagesFrançoisMiddle FrenchnounFrenchmanmasculine
LanguagesFrançoisMiddle FrenchnounFrench languagemasculine singular
LanguagesMalteesDutchnounMaltese (person from Malta)masculine
LanguagesMalteesDutchnameMaltese (language)neuter
LanguagesMaoEnglishnameA common surname from Chinese, from Mandarin, usually referring to Mao Zedong.
LanguagesMaoEnglishnameA card game, named after Mao Zedong, in which players attempt to shed all their cards without violating certain unspoken rules.
LanguagesMaoEnglishnameA Sino-Tibetan language.
LanguagesMaoEnglishnameA branch of the Omotic languages spoken in Ethiopia.
LanguagesNorth FrisianEnglishnameA Frisian language, or group of dialects, spoken by 5,000 to 10,000 people in northwestern Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
LanguagesNorth FrisianEnglishnounA person belonging to or descended from the people.
LanguagesNorth FrisianEnglishadjPertaining to the North Frisians.
LanguagesPelignianEnglishnameAlternative form of Paelignianalt-of alternative
LanguagesPelignianEnglishnounAlternative form of Paelignianalt-of alternative
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA nomadic people with origins in India, the Romani.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA subgroup of the Romani people found primarily in Eastern Europe.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA variety of the Romani language (or occasionally) the Romani macrolanguage.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnounA Rom; a member of the Romani people.
LanguagesRomaEnglishadjRomani: of or pertaining to the Romani people.not-comparable
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameAny of a number of places, including a city in Texas and a city in Queensland.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameA female given name from Latin of English-speakers.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameAlternative form of Rome, the capital of Italy.alt-of alternative
LanguagesRomaEnglishnounA variety of tomato.
LanguagesRomaEnglishnameAn Austronesian language of Indonesia.
LanguagesSanEnglishnounAny of the foraging non-Bantu ethnic groups of southwestern Africa.ethnic offensive plural plural-only slur
LanguagesSanEnglishnameA river in southeastern Poland and western Ukraine.
LanguagesYiddishEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Yiddish language.
LanguagesYiddishEnglishadjJewish; relating to Yiddishkeit.informal
LanguagesYiddishEnglishnameA West Germanic, or more specifically High German, language that developed from Middle High German dialects, with an admixture of vocabulary from multiple source languages including Hebrew-Aramaic, Romance, Slavic, English, etc., and mostly written in Hebrew characters which is used mainly among Ashkenazic Jews from central and eastern Europe.
LanguagesavésticoSpanishnounAvestan (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagescoptoSpanishnounCoptic (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesdanskNorwegian BokmålnounDanish (the language of Denmark).masculine uncountable
LanguagesdanskNorwegian BokmåladjDanish (of or pertaining to Denmark).
LanguagesholendîNorthern KurdishnameDutch (the Dutch language)feminine
LanguagesholendîNorthern KurdishadjOf or pertaining to the Netherlands, the Dutch people or the Dutch language: Dutchnot-comparable
LanguagesirlandésGaliciannounIrish coffeemasculine
LanguagesirlandésGaliciannameIrish (language)masculine
LanguageslituanoPortugueseadjLithuanian (of, from or referring to Lithuania)
LanguageslituanoPortuguesenounLithuanian (person from Lithuania)masculine
LanguageslituanoPortuguesenounLithuanian (Baltic language spoken in Lithuania)masculine
LanguagesnubiskNorwegian NynorskadjNubian (pertaining to Nubia, its people or its language)
LanguagesnubiskNorwegian NynorsknounNubian languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesosztjákHungarianadjSynonym of hanti (“Khanty”)dated not-comparable
LanguagesosztjákHungariannounSynonym of hanti (“Khanty (person)”)countable dated uncountable
LanguagesosztjákHungariannounSynonym of hanti (“Khanty (language)”)countable dated uncountable
LanguagesosztjákHungarianverbthird-person plural indicative present definite of osztdefinite form-of indicative plural present third-person
LanguagesouïgourFrenchadjAlternative spelling of ouïghouralt-of alternative
LanguagesouïgourFrenchnounAlternative spelling of ouïghouralt-of alternative masculine
LanguagessardCatalanadjSardinian (of, from or relating to Sardinia, Italy)
LanguagessardCatalannounSardinian (native or inhabitant of Sardinia, Italy) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagessardCatalannounSardinian (a Romance language indigenous to Sardinia)masculine uncountable
LanguagessardCatalannounwhite seabream (a fish of species Diplodus sargus)masculine
LanguagessaskiPolishadjSaxon (of, relating to, or characteristic of the Saxons)historical not-comparable relational
LanguagessaskiPolishadjSaxon (of, relating to, or characteristic of Saxony)historical not-comparable relational
LanguagessaskiPolishnounSaxon (language of the ancient Saxons)inanimate masculine
LanguagesturcCatalanadjTurkish (pertaining to Turkey, to the Turkish people, or to the Turkish language)
LanguagesturcCatalannounTurk (an inhabitant of Turkey or an ethnic Turk)masculine
LanguagesturcCatalannounTurkish (a Turkic language of Turkey and Cyprus)masculine uncountable
LanguagestámilGalicianadjTamilfeminine masculine
LanguagestámilGaliciannounTamil (person)masculine
LanguagestámilGaliciannounTamil (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesβενετικάGreeknounVenetian (the historical language of the Venice city state)
LanguagesβενετικάGreekadjnominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural of βενετικός (venetikós)accusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Latin letter namesseIdoconjif
Latin letter namesseIdonounThe name of the Latin script letter S/s.
Latin nomina gentiliaLatiniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaLatiniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Latinius Pandus, a Roman praetordeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaLatiniusLatinadvcomparative degree of Latīnecomparative form-of
Latin nomina gentiliaNinniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaNinniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Ninnius Quadratus, a Roman tribunedeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaTudiciusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaTudiciusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Gnaeus Tudicius, a Roman senatordeclension-2 masculine singular
LaughterlawghyngeMiddle EnglishnounLaughing, the production of a laugh or snicker.
LaughterlawghyngeMiddle EnglishnounFun, entertainment, enjoyment, revelling.
LaughterlawghyngeMiddle EnglishnounA humorous matter; a jest or jape.
LawinjurieMiddle EnglishnounInjury, damage; violation of one's effects or self.
LawinjurieMiddle EnglishnounThe lack of justice or an instance of it.
LawinjurieMiddle EnglishnounDerogatory behaviour; vilification or shaming.
LawinjurieMiddle EnglishnounDefamation or slander; false claims.rare
LawlawEnglishnounThe body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities. / The body of such rules that pertain to a particular topic.countable uncountable usually with-definite-article
LawlawEnglishnounThe body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities. / Common law, as contrasted with equity.countable uncountable usually with-definite-article
LawlawEnglishnounThe body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities.countable uncountable usually with-definite-article
LawlawEnglishnounA binding regulation or custom established in a community in this way.countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / Any rule that must or should be obeyed, concerning behaviours and their consequences. (Compare mores.)broadly countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A rule or principle regarding the construction of language or art.broadly countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A statement (in physics, etc) of an (observed, established) order or sequence or relationship of phenomena which is invariable under certain conditions. (Compare theory.)broadly countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A statement (of relation) that is true under specified conditions; a mathematical or logical rule.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesbroadly countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / Any statement of the relation of acts and conditions to their consequences.broadly countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / A sound law; a regular change in the pronunciation of a language.human-sciences linguistics sciencesbroadly countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA rule, such as: / One of the official rules of cricket as codified by the its (former) governing body, the MCC.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsbroadly countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounThe control and order brought about by the observance of such rules.countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA person or group that act(s) with authority to uphold such rules and order (for example, one or more police officers).countable informal uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounThe profession that deals with such rules (as lawyers, judges, police officers, etc).countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounJurisprudence, the field of knowledge which encompasses these rules.countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounLitigation; legal action (as a means of maintaining or restoring order, redressing wrongs, etc).countable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounAn allowance of distance or time (a head start) given to a weaker (human or animal) competitor in a race, to make the race more fair.countable uncommon uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounA mode of operation of the flight controls of a fly-by-wire aircraft.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounOne of two metaphysical forces ruling the world in some fantasy settings, also called order, and opposed to chaos.fantasycountable uncountable
LawlawEnglishnounAn oath sworn before a court, especially disclaiming a debt. (Chiefly in the phrases "wager of law", "wage one's law", "perform one's law", "lose one's law".)lawcountable historical uncountable
LawlawEnglishverbTo work as a lawyer; to practice law.obsolete
LawlawEnglishverbTo prosecute or sue (someone), to litigate.ambitransitive dialectal
LawlawEnglishverbTo rule over (with a certain effect) by law; to govern.nonstandard
LawlawEnglishverbTo enforce the law.informal
LawlawEnglishverbTo subject to legal restrictions.
LawlawEnglishnounA tumulus of stones.obsolete
LawlawEnglishnounA hill.Northern-England Scotland archaic
LawlawEnglishnounA score; share of expense; legal charge.dialectal obsolete
LawlawEnglishintjAn exclamation of mild surprise; lawks; in interjections, a minced oath for Lord.dated
LawuachtaránIrishnounpresident; head, superiormasculine
LawuachtaránIrishnounheadmaster (school, academic)masculine
LawuachtaránIrishnounlandownerarchaic masculine
Law enforcement警總ChinesenounShort for 警察總部/警察总部 (jǐngchá zǒngbù, “police headquarters”).Hong-Kong abbreviation alt-of
Law enforcement警總ChinesenameShort for 臺灣警備總司令部 (“Taiwan Garrison Command”).Taiwan abbreviation alt-of
LeaderspapaSwahiliverbto tremble, quiver
LeaderspapaSwahiliverbto beat
LeaderspapaSwahiliadvOnly used in papa hapa
LeadersprezydentkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of prezydent (“president”) (leader of a country)government politicsfeminine form-of
LeadersprezydentkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of prezydent (“mayor”) (highest rank of leadership for a city)government politicsfeminine form-of
LeadersprezydentkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of prezydent (“president”) (chairwoman of a large, especially international, organization or concern)governmentfeminine form-of
LeadersvodičSerbo-Croatiannounguide, leader, head
LeftismтолерастRussiannounOne who practices or tolerates those cultural values most strongly opposed by Russian nationalists.government politicsderogatory
LeftismтолерастRussiannounA leftist or a liberal.government politicsderogatory
Leptons電子Chinesenounelectron (Classifier: 顆/颗 m; 粒)
Leptons電子Chineseadjelectronic; electricalattributive
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The spined loach (Cobitis taenia), weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis), or other member of the loaches.
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / The ringed plover, Charadrius hiaticula.
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A dragonfly of the genus Brachythemis.
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially: / A moth of the genus Condica
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounAny of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounAn audience member in the cheap section (usually standing; originally in Elizabethan theater).
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounA person of uncultivated or uncultured taste.broadly
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A soldier who fights on the ground or serves as ground crew, as opposed to a seaman, pilot, etc.government military politics warslang
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially: / A member of a race that lives primarily underground, such as a dwarf.fantasy
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounOne who is confined to the ground, especially
Libellulid dragonfliesgroundlingEnglishnounAdam, before eating the apple of knowledge of good and evil (emphasizing his creation from the ground).Abrahamic-religions lifestyle religion
Libellulid dragonflieswhitefaceEnglishnounMakeup that makes the face appear white.uncountable
Libellulid dragonflieswhitefaceEnglishnounAny bird of the genus Aphelocephala.countable
Libellulid dragonflieswhitefaceEnglishnounA Hereford cow.countable uncountable
Libellulid dragonflieswhitefaceEnglishnounAny dragonfly of the genus Leucorrhinia.countable
Libellulid dragonflieswhitefaceEnglishnounA person of European descent. (See usage notes.)countable slang
Libellulid dragonflieswhitefaceEnglishnounA traditional clown who ranks above the auguste.countable
LiceμουνόψειραGreeknouncrab, crab louse (louse that lives amongst the pubic hairs of humans and feeds on blood)colloquial vulgar
LiceμουνόψειραGreeknounpest, nuisance, pain in the arse (extremely annoying person)colloquial figuratively offensive
LightflareEnglishnounA sudden bright light.
LightflareEnglishnounA source of brightly burning light or intense heat. / A type of pyrotechnic that produces a brilliant light without an explosion, used to attract attention in an emergency, to illuminate an area, or as a decoy.
LightflareEnglishnounA source of brightly burning light or intense heat. / A flame produced by a burn-off of waste gas (flare gas) from a flare tower (or flare stack), typically at an oil refinery.
LightflareEnglishnounA source of brightly burning light or intense heat.
LightflareEnglishnounA sudden eruption or outbreak; a flare-up.figuratively
LightflareEnglishnounA widening of an object with an otherwise roughly constant width.
LightflareEnglishnounA widening of an object with an otherwise roughly constant width. / The increase in width of most ship hulls with increasing height above the waterline.nautical transport
LightflareEnglishnounThe transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
LightflareEnglishnounA low fly ball that is hit in the region between the infielders and the outfielders.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
LightflareEnglishnounA route run by the running back, releasing toward the sideline and then slightly arcing upfield looking for a short pass.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
LightflareEnglishnounShort for lens flare.arts hobbies lifestyle photographyabbreviation alt-of
LightflareEnglishnounAn inflammation such as of tendons (tendonitis) or joints (osteoarthritis).
LightflareEnglishnounA breakdance move of someone helicoptering his torso on alternating arms.
LightflareEnglishverbTo cause to burn; in particular, to burn off excess gas.transitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo cause inflammation; to inflame.transitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo open outward in shape.ambitransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo (operate an aircraft to) transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesambitransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo blaze brightly.intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo shine out with a sudden and unsteady light; to emit a dazzling or painfully bright light.intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo shine out with gaudy colours; to be offensively bright or showy.figuratively intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo suddenly happen or intensify.figuratively intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo suddenly erupt in anger.figuratively intransitive
LightflareEnglishverbTo be exposed to too much light.intransitive obsolete
LightljoskeNorwegian Nynorsknoundim light; reflection of lightmasculine
LightljoskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna flash of lightmasculine
LightljoskeNorwegian Nynorsknounan auroramasculine
LightljoskeNorwegian NynorskverbSynonym of ljosne
Light sourcesthái dươngVietnamesenounAlternative letter-case form of Thái Dươngalt-of
Light sourcesthái dươngVietnamesenountemple (on the head)anatomy medicine sciences
LimbskaczałaPolishnounkurbash; whipfeminine
LimbskaczałaPolishnounSynonym of nogafeminine
LiquidsmeniscusEnglishnounA crescent moon, or an object shaped like it.
LiquidsmeniscusEnglishnounA lens which is convex on one side and concave on the other, being crescent-shaped in natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physics
LiquidsmeniscusEnglishnounThe curved surface of liquids in tubes, whether concave or convex, caused by the surface tension of the liquid.
LiquidsmeniscusEnglishnounEither of two parts of the human knee that provide structural integrity to the knee when it undergoes tension and torsion.anatomy medicine sciences
Literary genresmelikaPolishnounmelic poem (poem strictly about music)communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingfeminine
Literary genresmelikaPolishnounelement of melody regarding the selection of pitchesentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
Literaturecreative writingEnglishnounThe art of writing texts such as novels, short stories and poems which fall outside the bounds of professional, journalistic, academic and technical discourse.uncountable
Literaturecreative writingEnglishnounSuch texts generally.uncountable
LivestockmaverickEnglishadjShowing independence in thoughts or actions.
LivestockmaverickEnglishnounAn unbranded range animal.
LivestockmaverickEnglishnounAnything dishonestly obtained.broadly
LivestockmaverickEnglishnounOne who is unconventional or does not abide by rules.broadly
LivestockmaverickEnglishnounOne who creates or uses controversial or unconventional ideas or practices.broadly
LivestockmaverickEnglishnounA person in the military who became an officer by going to college while on active duty as an enlisted person.government military politics war
LivestockmaverickEnglishnounA queen and a jack as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em.card-games pokerslang
LivestockmaverickEnglishverbTo take an unbranded range animal.US
LivestockmaverickEnglishverbTo seize without a legal claim.broadly
LizardsjuujYucatec Mayanouniguana
LizardsjuujYucatec Mayanounlizard
LocksboltEnglishnounA (usually) metal fastener consisting of a cylindrical body that is threaded, with a larger head on one end. It can be inserted into an unthreaded hole up to the head, with a nut then threaded on the other end; a heavy machine screw.
LocksboltEnglishnounA sliding pin or bar in a lock or latch mechanism.
LocksboltEnglishnounA bar of wood or metal dropped in horizontal hooks on a door and adjoining wall or between the two sides of a double door, to prevent the door(s) from being forced open.
LocksboltEnglishnounA sliding mechanism to chamber and unchamber a cartridge in a government mechanical mechanical-engineering military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics war
LocksboltEnglishnounA small personal-armour-piercing missile for short-range use, or (in common usage though deprecated by experts) a short arrow, intended to be shot from a crossbow or a catapult.
LocksboltEnglishnounA lightning spark, i.e., a lightning bolt.
LocksboltEnglishnounA sudden event, action or emotion.
LocksboltEnglishnounA large roll of fabric or similar material, as a bolt of cloth.
LocksboltEnglishnounA large roll of fabric or similar material, as a bolt of cloth. / The standard linear measurement of canvas for use at sea: 39 yards.nautical transport
LocksboltEnglishnounA sudden spring or start; a sudden leap aside.
LocksboltEnglishnounA sudden flight, as to escape creditors.
LocksboltEnglishnounA refusal to support a nomination made by the party with which one has been connected; a breaking away from one's party.government politicsUS
LocksboltEnglishnounAn iron to fasten the legs of a prisoner; a shackle; a fetter.
LocksboltEnglishnounA burst of speed or efficiency.
LocksboltEnglishnounA stalk or scape (of garlic, onion, etc).
LocksboltEnglishverbTo connect or assemble pieces using a bolt.transitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo affix in a crude or unnatural manner.figuratively transitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo secure a door by locking or barring it.transitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo flee, to depart, to accelerate away suddenly.intransitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo escape.intransitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo cause to start or spring forth; to dislodge (an animal being hunted).transitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo strike or fall suddenly like a bolt.
LocksboltEnglishverbTo produce flower stalks and flowers or seeds quickly or prematurely; to form a bolt (stalk or scape); to go to seed.biology botany natural-sciencesintransitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo swallow food without chewing it.transitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo drink one's drink very quickly; to down a drink.transitive
LocksboltEnglishverbTo refuse to support a nomination made by a party or caucus with which one has been connected; to break away from a party.government politicsUS
LocksboltEnglishverbTo utter precipitately; to blurt or throw out.
LocksboltEnglishadvSuddenly; straight; unbendingly.not-comparable
LocksboltEnglishverbTo sift, especially through a cloth.
LocksboltEnglishverbTo sift the bran and germ from wheat flour.
LocksboltEnglishverbTo separate, assort, refine, or purify by other means.
LocksboltEnglishverbTo discuss or argue privately, and for practice, as cases at
LocksboltEnglishnounA sieve, especially a long fine sieve used in milling for bolting flour and meal; a bolter.
LocksloksiꞌChickasawnountortoise, turtle
LocksloksiꞌChickasawnouncombination lock, padlock
LocksسكارArabicnounlock (for a door, etc.)dialectal
LocksسكارArabicnouna kind of fish-catching plant where the coast is lockeddialectal
LoveconsuetudoLatinnounThe act of habituating; state of being habituated or accustomed, habituation.declension-3
LoveconsuetudoLatinnounA custom, habit, use, usage, convention, way, tradition; experience.declension-3
LoveconsuetudoLatinnounCustomary right, common law.declension-3
LoveconsuetudoLatinnounThe form of speech, usage of a language.declension-3
LoveconsuetudoLatinnounSocial intercourse, companionship, familiarity, conversation.declension-3
LoveconsuetudoLatinnounAn intercourse in love, intimacy; love affair, amour, illicit intercourse.declension-3
LoveeroticEnglishadjRelating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
LoveeroticEnglishnounAn amorous composition or poem.
Lovetalk toEnglishverbTo show the beginnings of a romantic interest in; to flirt with over a period of time in hopes of developing a romantic relationship.idiomatic
Lovetalk toEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see talk, to.
LoveغرامArabicnouninfatuation, ardent desire, passion
LoveغرامArabicnoungram (unit of mass)
MachinesvibradorPortuguesenounvibrator (device that causes vibration)masculine
MachinesvibradorPortuguesenounvibrator (device used for massage or sexual stimulation)masculine
MachinesvibradorPortugueseadjwhich vibrates or causes to vibrate
MaleferManxnounone (modified by an adjective or demonstrative, referring to an object or animal)masculine
MaleferManxnounused as a dummy noun to support a number, referring to a person, object or animalmasculine
Male animalsܩܝܠܘܢܐClassical Syriacnounswipe, swing-beam for drawing water by a cloaca
Male animalsܩܝܠܘܢܐClassical Syriacnounstallion, male ass
Male family memberskrólewiczPolishnouncrown prince (next king)masculine person
Male family memberskrólewiczPolishnounlordling (someone who demands to be served)derogatory masculine person
Male family membersmacIrishnounsonmasculine
Male family membersmacIrishnounA common prefix of many Irish and Scottish names, signifying "son of".capitalized masculine
Male peoplejakuzaPolishnounAlternative spelling of yakuzaalt-of alternative feminine
Male peoplejakuzaPolishnounAlternative spelling of yakuzaalt-of alternative masculine person
Male peopletkaczPolishnounweaver (male person)masculine person
Male peopletkaczPolishnounsociable weaver (Philetairus socius)animal-not-person masculine
Male peopletkaczPolishnounweaver ant (Oecophylla spp.)animal-not-person masculine
Male peoplewspółtowarzyszPolishnouncompanion, comrade, mate (friend, acquaintance, or partner; someone with whom one spends time or accompanies)literary masculine person
Male peoplewspółtowarzyszPolishnouncompanion (something inextricably linked with something else)literary masculine person
Male peoplewspółtowarzyszPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of współtowarzyszyćform-of imperative second-person singular
Male peoplezáchranářCzechnounrescuer, rescue workeranimate masculine
Male peoplezáchranářCzechnounparamedicanimate masculine
Male peopleředitelCzechnoundirector (manager, not of film)animate masculine
Male peopleředitelCzechnounprincipal, headmaster, headteacher (the chief administrator of a school)animate masculine
Male peopleпереможецьUkrainiannounvictor, winner
Male peopleпереможецьUkrainiannounvanquisher
Male peopleпереможецьUkrainiannounconqueror
Male people乾爹Chinesenoungodfather; (nominally) adoptive father
Male people乾爹Chinesenounsugar daddyneologism
Mallow subfamily plantsguimauveFrenchnounmarshmallow (plant)feminine
Mallow subfamily plantsguimauveFrenchnounmarshmallow (food)feminine
Mallow subfamily plantsguimauveFrenchnounWhat is bland, sweetish, expressionless, vapid.feminine
Malpighiales order plantsayahuascaEnglishnounA giant vine native to South America (especially Banisteriopsis caapi), noted for its psychotropic properties.uncountable usually
Malpighiales order plantsayahuascaEnglishnounAny of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from this vine.uncountable usually
Malvales order plantseskubaCebuanonouna brush
Malvales order plantseskubaCebuanonounthe common wireweed (Sida acuta)
Malvales order plantsទាលKhmernounthe resin tree (Dipterocarpus alatus)
Malvales order plantsទាលKhmeradjdull, blunt (not sharply pointed)
MammalsemlősHungarianadjmammiferous, mammate, mammaliannot-comparable
MammalsiřefTarifitnounwild boarmasculine
MammalsknotUpper Sorbiannounmole, talpid (Talpidae)animal-not-person masculine
MammalsknotUpper Sorbiannounidiotanimal-not-person derogatory masculine
MammalsθηλαστικόGreekadjaccusative masculine singular of θηλαστικός (thilastikós)accusative form-of masculine singular
MammalsθηλαστικόGreekadjnominative/accusative/vocative neuter singular of θηλαστικός (thilastikós)accusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
Mantids草猴Chinesenounpraying mantisHokkien Puxian-Min Teochew
Mantids草猴Chineseadjfrivolous; flighty; lightHokkien Xiamen
MarijuanaregsEnglishnounplural of regform-of plural
MarijuanaregsEnglishnounLow-grade or commercial-grade marijuana.slang uncountable
Marine biologycareneEnglishnounSynonym of carenum: a reduction of must or sweet wine in ancient European food lifestylehistorical obsolete rare uncountable
Marine biologycareneEnglishnounA 40-day fast or period of similar abstinence.Catholicism Christianityhistorical rare
Marine biologycareneEnglishnounAn indulgence from 40 days of fasting or similar abstinence, especially during Lent; (later) various equivalent indulgences against punishment in Purgatory.Catholicism Christianityhistorical rare
Marine biologycareneEnglishnounThe lower portion of a marine animal's shell, covering its mantle.biology natural-sciences zoologyobsolete
MarriageamonestacióCatalannounadmonishment, admonitionfeminine
MarriageamonestacióCatalannounbannsfeminine in-plural
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounA metal clasp with a hinged tongue or a spike through which a belt or strap is passed and penetrated by the tongue or spike, in order to fasten the ends of the belt together or to secure the strap to something else. / Some other form of clasp used to fasten two things together.broadly
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounA metal clasp with a hinged tongue or a spike through which a belt or strap is passed and penetrated by the tongue or spike, in order to fasten the ends of the belt together or to secure the strap to something else. / An image of a clasp (sense 1) used as the brisure of an eighth daughter.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsCanada
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounA metal clasp with a hinged tongue or a spike through which a belt or strap is passed and penetrated by the tongue or spike, in order to fasten the ends of the belt together or to secure the strap to something else.
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounA great conflict or struggle.
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo fasten (something) using a buckle (noun sense 1); hence (obsolete), to fasten (something) in any way.transitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo apply (oneself) to, or prepare (oneself) for, a task or work; also (obsolete), to equip (oneself) for a battle, expedition, etc.figuratively reflexive transitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo unite (people) in marriage; to marry.British figuratively transitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo apply oneself to or prepare for a task or work.figuratively intransitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo unite with someone in marriage; to marry.British figuratively intransitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo participate in some contest or labour; to join in close fight; to contend.dialectal figuratively intransitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo cause (something) to bend, or to become distorted.transitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbTo curl (hair).obsolete transitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbOf a thing (especially a slender structure under compression): to collapse or distort under physical pressure.intransitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishverbOf a person: to (suddenly) cease resisting pressure or stress; to give in or give way, to yield.figuratively intransitive
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounA distortion; a bend, bulge, or kink.countable
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounA distortion; a bend, bulge, or kink. / An upward, elongated displacement of a roof membrane, frequently occurring over deck joints or insulation, which may indicate movement of the roof construction manufacturing roofingcountable uncountable
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounUsually preceded by a descriptive word: a cake baked with fresh fruit (often blueberries) and a streusel topping.baking cooking food lifestyleCanada US countable
MarriagebuckleEnglishnounA curl of hair, especially a kind of crisp curl formerly worn; also (countable, uncountable), the state of hair being curled in this manner.countable obsolete
MarriagematrimoniCatalannouncommon primrosein-plural masculine
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicnounmarriage
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicnounwedding
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicnounmarriage feast
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicverbto marry
MarriageعرسMoroccan Arabicverbto hold a marriage feast
Mass mediaCNNEnglishnameInitialism of Cable News Network: an American television channel.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Mass mediaCNNEnglishnameInitialism of Clinton News Network.government politicsUS abbreviation alt-of derogatory humorous initialism
Mass mediaCNNEnglishnameInitialism of Communist News Network.abbreviation alt-of derogatory humorous initialism
Mass mediaCNNEnglishnameInitialism of Criminal News Network.abbreviation alt-of derogatory humorous initialism
Mass mediaCNNEnglishnounInitialism of convolutional neural network.abbreviation alt-of initialism
MaterialslignumLatinnounfirewooddeclension-2 neuter
MaterialslignumLatinnounwood tissuedeclension-2 neuter
MaterialslignumLatinnountreedeclension-2 neuter
MathematicsllinolWelshadjpertaining to a lineage, linealnot-comparable
MathematicsszámHungariannounnumber, quantity (abstract entity used to describe quantity)
MathematicsszámHungariannounnumber, figure, numeric, data
MathematicsszámHungariannounnumber, numeral (symbol that represents a number)
MathematicsszámHungariannounnumber, numeric identifier
MathematicsszámHungariannounact, number, item (performance within a larger show)
MathematicsszámHungariannounissue, number (specific instance of a periodical publication)
MathematicsszámHungariannounnumber (state of being singular, dual or plural)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
MathematicsszámHungariannounsize (a specific set of dimensions for a manufactured article, especially clothing)
MathematicsszámHungariannounEllipsis of házszám (“house number”, the number assigned to a particular house to distinguish it from other buildings on the same street). (normally omitted)abbreviation alt-of ellipsis formal
MathematicsszámHungariannounEllipsis of versenyszám (“event”, one of several contests that combine to make up a competition).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
MathematicsszámHungariannounEllipsis of telefonszám (“telephone number, number”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
MathematicsszámHungariannounEllipsis of zeneszám (“song, track”, usually of popular music).entertainment lifestyle musicabbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
MathematicsszámHungariannounrow, group, amountobsolete
MathematicsszámHungariannounfirst-person singular single-possession possessive of száj
MathematicsאחוזHebrewadjheld, grasped
MathematicsאחוזHebrewadjheld in place, fastened, fixed
MathematicsאחוזHebrewadjtaken proportionally
MathematicsאחוזHebrewnounA hundredth, a percent: used to express percentages.
MathematicsאחוזHebrewnounA percent, a percentage.
MediacronacaItaliannounnews (in a newspaper); columnfeminine
MediacronacaItaliannouncommentaryhobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
MediacronacaItaliannounaccount, record, description (of events)feminine informal
MediaआकाशवाणीSanskritnounakashvaniBuddhism lifestyle religionHinduism Jainism
MediaआकाशवाणीSanskritnameAll India Radio
Media週報Chinesenounweekly; weekly newspaper
Media週報Chinesenounweekly report
Medical equipmentirygatorPolishnoundouche, irrigator (device used for irrigation)agriculture business lifestyleinanimate masculine
Medical equipmentirygatorPolishnoundouche, irrigator (device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for medical or hygienic reasons, or the stream of water itself)inanimate masculine
Medical signs and symptomsfistułaPolishnounfistula (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels)medicine pathology sciencesfeminine
Medical signs and symptomsfistułaPolishnounconnection of a coastal lake or lagoon to the seafeminine
Medical signs and symptomsfistułaPolishnounfalsetto ("false" (singing) voice in any human)feminine
Merpeople美人魚Chinesenounmermaid; merperson; merfolk
MetalsAluminiumGermannounaluminium (atomic number 13)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesneuter no-plural strong
MetalsAluminiumGermannounwoodwork, the post or crossbar of a goalball-games games hobbies journalism lifestyle media sportsneuter no-plural slang strong
MetalsgullFaroesenoungoldneuter uncountable
MetalsgullFaroesenounrichness, money, livestockneuter uncountable
MetalsgullFaroesenoungold medal, first place (sports, etc.)neuter uncountable
MetalsقالایOttoman Turkishnountin, a malleable, ductile, metallic element, resistant to corrosion, with atomic number 50 and symbol Snuncountable
MetalsقالایOttoman Turkishnountinsel, anything superficially shiny and showy, or having a false lustre, and more pretty than valuableuncountable
MetalsقالایOttoman Turkishnounscolding, berating, a succession of critical remarks, such as those directed towards a misbehaving childuncountable
MilitaryotomitlClassical NahuatlnounAn Otomi.
MilitaryotomitlClassical NahuatlnounA member of an elite class of soldiers.
MilitaryسپاہیUrdunounsoldier, fighter
MilitaryسپاہیUrdunounsepoy; a Hindustani soldier (ie. a native soldier as opposed to an English soldier)historical
MilitaryسپاہیUrdunounpoliceman; constable
MilitaryسپاہیUrdunouna beadle, pawn (of the government)obsolete
MilitaryسپاہیUrdunouna brave personfiguratively
Military unitsتفنكجیOttoman Turkishnounmusketeer, rifleman
Military unitsتفنكجیOttoman Turkishnoungunsmith
Military unitsتفنكجیOttoman Turkishnounpoliceman
MilkdajaćPolishverbfrequentative of doićform-of frequentative imperfective indeterminate transitive
MilkdajaćPolishverbAlternative form of dawaćalt-of alternative ditransitive imperfective
MilklacteousEnglishadjMilky; resembling milk.
MilklacteousEnglishadjLacteal; conveying chyle.
Milk豆乳Chinesenounsoy milk
Milk豆乳Chinesenounfermented bean curdregional
MimidsskrzeczekPolishnounwhite-breasted thrasher (Ramphocinclus brachyurus)animal-not-person masculine
MimidsskrzeczekPolishnoungenitive plural of skrzeczkafeminine form-of genitive plural
MinddotageMiddle EnglishnounBehaviour that is stupid or ill-advised; ridiculousness or insanity: / Ill-thought or fatuitous love or romantic feelings.Late-Middle-English uncountable
MinddotageMiddle EnglishnounBehaviour that is stupid or ill-advised; ridiculousness or insanity: / Weakening of the mind due to age; dotage.Late-Middle-English uncountable
MinddotageMiddle EnglishnounDisintegration, rotting, or collapsing.Late-Middle-English uncountable
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / One's current mindset or feelings; mood: / Fortitude, braveness, bravery, heart.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / One's current mindset or feelings; mood: / Vainness, proudness; the display of conceit.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / One's current mindset or feelings; mood: / Sadness, lamenting; the state of being sad or upset.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / One's current mindset or feelings; mood: / Angriness, ire, resentment.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / One's mental capacity or intellect; the fount of reasoning.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / One's overall or overarching feelings; an opinion or will.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / What one currently wants or likes; a goal or aim
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / One's motivation or willpower; resoluteness.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounActivity within one's mind or brain: / Part of one's thought process.rare
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounA person's nature or temperament; that which defines one's behaviour.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounOne's visible nature; the appearance of someone.
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounOne's actions as a whole; the way one behaves.rare
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounWriting or speaking; communication.rare
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounAn enterprise or endeavour.rare
MindmodeMiddle EnglishadjVain, boastful, conceited.rare
MindmodeMiddle EnglishadjUpset, distressed.rare
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounGrammatical mood or modality.Late-Middle-English
MindmodeMiddle EnglishnounSongs; pieces or sources of music.Late-Middle-English rare
MonarchyEwiYorubanameThe title of the traditional ruler of the town of Ado Ekiti
MonarchyEwiYorubanamethe historic ruler of the Adó Kingdomhistorical
MonarchyprincipalityEnglishnounA region or sovereign nation headed by a prince or princess.countable
MonarchyprincipalityEnglishnounA spiritual being, specifically in Christian angelology, the third lowest level of angels, ranked above archangels and below religion theologycountable
MonarchyprincipalityEnglishnounThe state of being a prince or ruler; sovereignty, absolute authority.countable obsolete uncountable
MonarchyprincipalityEnglishnounThe state of being principal; pre-eminence.archaic countable uncountable
MonarchytrónHungariannounthrone (an impressive seat used by a monarch, often on a raised dais in a throne room and reserved for formal occasions)
MonarchytrónHungariannounthrone (the power and position of a monarch)figuratively
MonarchyลูกหลวงThainounchild of a monarch.archaic
MonarchyลูกหลวงThainounvassal state ruled by a child of a monarch; principality.archaic
MonasticismصومعةArabicnountower, minaret
MonasticismصومعةArabicnouna monk’s cell or a hermit’s hut; monastic cell, hermitage
MonasticismصومعةArabicnouncellar, den; silo
MoneysponsorkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of sponsor (“sponsor, patron, backer”) (person or organisation with responsibility (especially with a religious or financial aspect))feminine form-of
MoneysponsorkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of sponsor (“sponsor”) (one that pays all or part of the cost of an event)colloquial feminine form-of
Moneyប្រាក់Khmernounbutton orchid, string of nickels, kind of epiphytic vine (Dischidia nummularia)
Moneyប្រាក់KhmernamePrak, a surname
MoneyOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
MonkeyschongoSpanishnounbun (hairstyle)Guatemala Mexico masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnouncurl of hairGuatemala masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnounhair tie (hairstyle)masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnouna scene (a public display of heightened emotion causing embarrassment)Peru colloquial masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnounbrothel; whorehousePeru masculine vulgar
MonkeyschongoSpanishnouna weak horseDominican-Republic Puerto-Rico masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnouna haul of low-quality bananasPuerto-Rico masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnouna blunt knifeChile masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnounfriend with benefits, loverArgentina masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnounnasty, mean, or unpleasant personUruguay masculine
MonkeyschongoSpanishnounmonkeyPhilippines masculine obsolete
Moons of JupiterKoreEnglishnameThe birth name of Persephone/Proserpina, the queen of the Underworld/Hades, and goddess of the seasons and of vegetation. She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter; and the wife of Hades.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of JupiterKoreEnglishnameA moon of Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of JupiterKoreEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek.rare
Moons of JupiterKoreEnglishnounA people living on Lamu Island on the northern Kenyan coast.plural plural-only
Moons of SaturnMetoneItaliannameMethone (various ancient Greek cities)feminine historical
Moons of SaturnMetoneItaliannameMethonehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
Moons of SaturnMetoneItaliannameMethone (moon of Saturn)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
Morning glory family plantsangel hairEnglishnounA type of pasta, thinner than spaghetti or vermicelli.uncountable
Morning glory family plantsangel hairEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese sweet food, fios de ovos.uncountable
Morning glory family plantsangel hairEnglishnounA sticky, fibrous substance reported in connection with UFO sightings and other paranormal manifestations.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences ufologyuncountable
Morning glory family plantsangel hairEnglishnounA parasitic plant of the genus Cuscuta, dodder.biology botany natural-sciencesuncountable
Morning glory family plantsangel hairEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see angel, hair.uncountable
MothshouseniceCzechnouncaterpillararchaic dialectal feminine
MothshouseniceCzechnounone of several hypocrealean fungi speciesfeminine
MothshouseniceCzechnountenthredinid larvafeminine
MountainsthirteenerEnglishnounA child who is thirteen years old.
MountainsthirteenerEnglishnounA member of the 13th Gen; a Generation Xer or Gen-Xer.dated
MountainsthirteenerEnglishnounThe last playing card of a suit left after the other twelve have been played.bridge card-games gamesespecially
MountainsthirteenerEnglishnounA hit for thirteen runs.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
MountainsthirteenerEnglishnounA coin worth thirteenpence, especially an Irish shilling (as contrasted with a British shilling which was worth twelvepence).hobbies lifestyle numismaticsdated
MountainsthirteenerEnglishnounA thirteen-syllable line or series of lines in a poem.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
MountainsthirteenerEnglishnounA mountain rising to more than 13,000 feet (about 4,000 metres) but less than 14,000 feet above mean sea level.climbing hobbies lifestyle sportsUS
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA playing card that is the only one of its suit in a hand, especially at bridge.
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA hand containing only one card of a certain suit.
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA single object, especially one of a group.
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA class that may not be instantiated more than once, i.e. that implements the singleton design pattern.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA set with exactly one element.mathematics sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA child or animal that is born singly, not as a twin or other multiple birth.
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA person without a romantic partner.
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA person without a dissociative identity.
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounA single consonant, as opposed to a geminated consonant.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)singletonEnglishnounSynonym of blotbackgammon games
Municipalities of Cebu, PhilippinesMalabuyocCebuanonameA municipality of Cebu
Municipalities of Cebu, PhilippinesMalabuyocCebuanonamea surname from Cebuano
Musical genresParandaEnglishnameA city in Maharashtra.
Musical genresParandaEnglishnameA style of Garifuna music.
Musical genresblack metalEnglishnounIron, or similar metals worked by a blacksmithuncountable
Musical genresblack metalEnglishnounA subgenre of heavy metal employing fast tempos, shrieked vocals, highly distorted guitars, double-kick drumming, raw recording and unconventional song structure, often emphasizing antireligious and misanthropic themes.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
Musical genresblack metalEnglishnounAny form of extreme metal having a Satanic or anti-Christian theme.entertainment lifestyle musicdated uncountable
Musical instrumentsволынкаRussiannounbagpipes (musical wind instrument)
Musical instrumentsволынкаRussiannoundawdling, delay, procrastination, slackingcolloquial
Musical instrumentsволынкаRussiannounhandgun, firearmslang
Musical instrumentsփուքքOld Armeniannounnominative plural of փուք (pʻukʻ)form-of nominative plural
Musical instrumentsփուքքOld Armeniannounbellows
Musical instrumentsփուքքOld Armeniannounbagpipe
Musical instrumentsփուքքOld Armeniannounfollicle, seed vesselbiology botany natural-sciences
MustelidsласкаBelarusiannounleast weasel (Mustela nivalis)
MustelidsласкаBelarusiannouncaress, endearment
Myrtales order plantsalheñaSpanishnounhenna (shrub (Lawsonia inermis) and dye)feminine
Myrtales order plantsalheñaSpanishnounprivet (Ligustrum)feminine
Myrtales order plantshennaEnglishnounA shrub, Lawsonia inermis, having fragrant reddish flowerscountable
Myrtales order plantshennaEnglishnounA reddish plant substance, prepared from the dried leaves of this plant, used for temporary tattoos and hair coloring. Hair colorings range from bright red to earth brown to near black.countable uncountable
Myrtales order plantshennaEnglishnounA rich reddish-brown colour.countable uncountable
Myrtales order plantshennaEnglishadjOf a rich reddish-brown colour.not-comparable
Myrtales order plantshennaEnglishverbTo dye or tattoo with henna.transitive
Myrtales order plantsنارOttoman Turkishnounpomegranate
Myrtales order plantsنارOttoman Turkishnounfire
Mythological creaturesPegasusLatinnamePegasushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek declension-2
Mythological creaturesPegasusLatinnameA Roman cognomen — famously held bydeclension-2
Mythological creaturesPegasusLatinnameA Roman cognomen — famously held by: / Plotius Pegasus (a Roman senator and jurisconsult active under the Flavian dynasty)declension-2
Mythological creaturesbarometzEnglishnounA purported zoophyte, half-animal and half-plant, said to grow in the form of a sheep.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturesbarometzEnglishnounA golden chicken fern or woolly fern (Cibotium barometz), the rhizomes of which are covered in furry brown hair; the legend (sense 1) is supposed to have arisen because, when inverted, the rhizomes with stalks growing out of them resemble lambs.
Mythological creaturescyclopsEnglishnounA one-eyed giant from Greek and Roman mythology.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
Mythological creaturescyclopsEnglishnounA one-eyed creature of any species.
Mythological creaturescyclopsEnglishnounA person with only one working eye.derogatory
Mythological creaturescyclopsEnglishnounAny copepod in the genus Cyclops.biology natural-sciences zoology
Mythological creaturescyclopsEnglishnounA small magnifying lens in the crystal of a watch to aid in reading the date.hobbies horology lifestyle
Mythological creaturesduwendeCebuanonounduende
Mythological creaturesduwendeCebuanonounelfbroadly
Mythological creaturesduwendeCebuanonoungnomebroadly
Mythological creaturesduwendeCebuanonoundwarfbroadly
Mythological creaturesduwendeCebuanonoundwarf (little person)offensive
Mythological creaturesduwendeCebuanonounspy
Mythological creaturesfeNorwegian Bokmålnouna fairy (mythical being)masculine
Mythological creaturesfeNorwegian Bokmålnouncattle, livestockneuter
Mythological creaturesfeNorwegian Bokmålnounfool, blockheadneuter
Mythological creaturesnimpaTagalognounnymph (water, forest, or mountain spirit)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
Mythological creaturesnimpaTagalognounnymph (young girl who is attractive, beautiful or graceful)
Mythological creaturesغولOttoman Turkishnounghoul, a demon said to feed on corpses
Mythological creaturesغولOttoman Turkishnounfabulous serpent of enormous size, dragon
Mythological creaturesغولOttoman Turkishnouncalamity, disaster, catastrophe, adversity
Mythological creaturesغولOttoman Turkishnounevil-minded person or thingfiguratively
Mythology神話Chinesenounmyth; fairy tale; mythology
Mythology神話Chinesenounnonsense; myth; baseless and absurd view
Mythology神話ChinesenameWord of God; God's WordsChristianity
NarratologyforeshadowingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of foreshadowform-of gerund participle present
NarratologyforeshadowingEnglishnounA literary device whereby an author drops hints or symbolic representations of plot developments to come later in the story.literature media publishinguncountable usually
NationalitiesMaltiMalteseadjMaltese (of, from or relating to Malta)
NationalitiesMaltiMaltesenounMaltese (native or inhabitant of Malta) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
NationalitiesMaltiMaltesenameMaltese (language)
NationalitiesarabskiPolishadjArab, Arabicnot-comparable relational
NationalitiesarabskiPolishnounArab (language)inanimate masculine
NationalitiesbulgarRomanianadjBulgarianmasculine neuter
NationalitiesbulgarRomaniannouna Bulgarian manmasculine
NationalitiesgeorgianoSpanishadjGeorgian (all senses)
NationalitiesgeorgianoSpanishnounGeorgian (all senses)masculine
NationalitiesgeorgianoSpanishnounGeorgian (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesgrecRomanianadjGreek (of or pertaining to Greeks, the Greek language or the Greek culture)masculine neuter
NationalitiesgrecRomaniannounGreek man (a person of Greek descent)masculine
NationalitiesmoldavoPortuguesenounMoldavian (person)masculine
NationalitiesܡܘܓܠܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjMongolian (of or relating to Mongolia, its people or language)
NationalitiesܡܘܓܠܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounMongolian, Mongol (person from Mongolia)
NationalitiesܦܪܣܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjPersian (of, from, or pertaining to Persia, the Persian culture or Persian people)
NationalitiesܦܪܣܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounPersian (A person from Persian or of Persian descent)
NauticalrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo row; paddle (use oars to power a seaborne vehicle)
NauticalrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo move by rowing or paddling (to move by using oars to power a seaborne vehicle)
NauticalrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo move in the water; to paddle or splash.
NauticalrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo go, travel, journey or voyage
NauticalrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo shine; to emit light.
NauticalrowenMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of rewen (“to regret”)alt-of alternative
New Year新春Chinesenounnew spring (the Spring Festival and days following it); New Year
New Year新春ChinesenameAn urban village in Tamsui district, New Taipei, Taiwan
Nicknames of individualsBig MikeEnglishnounSynonym of Gros Michel.
Nicknames of individualsBig MikeEnglishnameMichelle Obama.derogatory humorous slang
Nicknames of individuals土豆ChinesenounpotatoMainland-China
Nicknames of individuals土豆Chinesenounoften part of the term 南方小土豆 (Nánfāng xiǎo tǔdòu), a nickname for tourists from southern China, especially when visiting northeastern China, often used in a lighthearted or affectionate way due to perceived smaller stature.Internet offensive sometimes
Nicknames of individuals土豆ChinesenounpeanutTaiwan
Nicknames of individuals土豆ChinesenameJustin TrudeauCanada neologism
NightshadeshediondillaSpanishnounnight-blooming jessamine (Cestrum nocturnum)feminine
NightshadeshediondillaSpanishnounstinking goosefoot (Chenopodium vulvaria)feminine
NightshadeshediondillaSpanishnouncreosote bush (Larrea tridentata)feminine
NightshadesorvalCatalannounSenecio doria, a species of ragwort.masculine
NightshadesorvalCatalannounashwagandha (Withania somnifera)masculine
NightshadesorvalCatalannounshrubby St. John's wort (Hypericum androsaemum)masculine
NightshadesorvalCatalannounclary sagemasculine
NightshadesorvalCatalannounblack-crowned night heronmasculine
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA ball of fire, especially one associated with an explosion, or (fiction, mythology) thrown as a weapon.
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA feisty, strong-willed person.figuratively informal
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounSynonym of fastball (“a high-speed pitch of a baseball”).ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsfiguratively
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA bright glow caused by a spacecraft re-entering an atmosphere.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA meteor bright enough to cast shadows; a bolide.astronomy natural-sciences
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA class of sailing dinghy with a single trapeze and a symmetrical spinnaker, sailed by a crew of two.nautical sailing transport
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA bag or ball filled with combustible material which is thrown as a weapon or to set something government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryhistorical
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA bag or ball filled with combustible material which is thrown as a weapon or to set something alight. / A charge depicting a disc-shaped bombshell with flames emitted from the top, or sometimes from the top, bottom, and on either government heraldry hobbies lifestyle military monarchy natural-sciences nobility physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryhistorical
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounAn emanation of St. Elmo's fire; also (later), of ball lightning.obsolete
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA ball-shaped firelighter (“small block of a flammable substance, typically a combination of sawdust and wax, used to light fires”).obsolete
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA ball of heat-resistant material placed in a fire to slow down the burning of the fuel.obsolete
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishnounA statement intended to cause dissension or as a provocation.figuratively obsolete
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishadjExcellent, terrific.not-comparable slang
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishverbTo attack (someone or something) with balls of fire.fantasy fiction literature media publishing science-fictiontransitive
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishverbTo explode in a ball of fire or flame.intransitive
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishverbTo emerge suddenly; to explode.figuratively intransitive
Nuclear warfarefireballEnglishverbTo pitch a baseball very fast.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
Nuclear warfare冷戰ChinesenameCold War
Nuclear warfare冷戰Chinesenouncold warfiguratively literally
Nuclear warfare冷戰Chinesenountense confrontation between people that does not involve physical or verbal conflictbroadly figuratively
Nuclear warfare冷戰Chinesenounshivercolloquial
Nuclear warfare広島JapanesenameHiroshima (the capital city of Hiroshima prefecture, Japan)
Nuclear warfare広島JapanesenameHiroshima (a prefecture in southwestern Honshu, Japan)
Nuclear warfare広島JapanesenameHiroshima (an island in Kagawa prefecture, Japan)
NumbersJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
NumbersJapanesenounditch, channel
NumbersJapanesenoungroove, furrow
NumbersJapanesenum[from 17th c.] a hundred nonillion, equivalent to 10³²
NumbersJapanesenounirrigation ditchagriculture business lifestyle
NumbersJapanesenounchannel with rainwater, sewage or other dirty water
NumbersJapanesenounSynonym of せせらぎ (seseragi)
NumbersJapanesenounSynonym of 溝 (sesenagi)
NumbersJapanesenoungroove, furrow
NumbersJapanesenoungap between different opinions or emotions; disagreement
NumbersJapanesenamea surname
NumbersJapanesenamea surname
NutscoconutEnglishnounA fruit of the coconut palm (not a true nut), Cocos nucifera, having a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed.countable uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounA hard-shelled seed of this fruit, having white flesh and a fluid-filled central cavity.countable uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounThe edible white flesh of this fruit.uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounThe coconut palm.countable uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounA Hispanic or other dark-skinned person considered to have overly assimilated to white culture, a race traitor.US countable derogatory ethnic slur uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounA black person considered to have overly assimilated to white culture, a black race traitor.Australia South-Africa countable derogatory ethnic slur uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounA Pacific islander.New-Zealand countable derogatory ethnic slur uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounA female breast.countable slang uncountable
NutscoconutEnglishnounThe human head.countable slang uncountable
OakszīleLatviannounacorn (fruit of the oak tree)declension-5 feminine
OakszīleLatviannounpearl-like glass bead (with a small hole) used to make adornmentsdeclension-5 feminine
OakszīleLatviannountit (little passerine bird, gen. Parus; see zīlīte)declension-5 feminine
ObesityпампушкаUkrainiannounpampushka (small savoury or sweet bun or doughnut made of yeast dough from wheat, rye or buckwheat flour)
ObesityпампушкаUkrainiannouna chubby, plump personfiguratively
ObesityպարարտArmenianadjfat, plump, portly
ObesityպարարտArmenianadjfertile, fecund (of land)agriculture business lifestyle
ObesityպարարտArmenianadjabundant, plentiful, amplefiguratively
ObesityպարարտArmenianadjfull, replete, aboundingfiguratively
ObstetricspupečníkCzechnounumbilical cordanatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
ObstetricspupečníkCzechnounHydrocotyle (genus of flowering plant in the family Araliaceae)inanimate masculine
OccupationsSVPEnglishnounInitialism of senior vice president.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OccupationsSVPEnglishnounInitialism of sound velocity profile.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OccupationsensemblierFrenchnouninterior designermasculine
OccupationsensemblierFrenchnounset designer (cinema, TV)broadcasting cinematography film media televisionmasculine
OccupationsmagikPolishnounmagician, illusionistmasculine person
OccupationsmagikPolishnounwhiz, pro, mastercolloquial masculine person
OccupationsnoitaIngriannounshaman, wizard, witch (person skilled in magic)
OccupationsnoitaIngrianpronpartitive plural of nooform-of partitive plural
OccupationsnoitaIngriandetpartitive plural of nooform-of partitive plural
OccupationspaisatgistaCatalannounlandscape paintermasculine
OccupationsrepülőHungarianverbpresent participle of repül: flying, aeronautic, aero-form-of participle present
OccupationsrepülőHungariannounSynonym of pilóta: flyer, airman, aviator, pilotrare
OccupationsrepülőHungariannounSynonym of repülőgép: aircraft, airplane (US), aeroplane (UK)
OccupationsπλάστηςGreeknounbuilder, creator, maker
OccupationsπλάστηςGreeknounmoulder, shaper (worker)
OccupationsπλάστηςGreeknounrolling pin (utensil)
OccupationsпастухRussiannounherder, herdsman
OccupationsمديرArabicadjactive participle of أَدَارَ (ʔadāra).active form-of participle
OccupationsمديرArabicnounmanager, head, chief, director, administrator, headmaster, boss
OccupationsمديرArabicnounsuperintendent, rector
OccupationsمديرArabicnounconductorentertainment lifestyle music
OccupationsਰਜਵਾੜਾPunjabinounpetty chief, chieftain
OccupationsਰਜਵਾੜਾPunjabinounpetty state, statelet
OceanographytsunamiEnglishnounA very large and destructive wave, generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean, such as an undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption; often a series of waves (a wave train).
OceanographytsunamiEnglishnounA large and generally unstoppable surge.figuratively
Oestroid fliesbremseDanishnounbrakecommon-gender
Oestroid fliesbremseDanishverbto brake
Oestroid fliesbremseDanishnouna botflycommon-gender
Ohio, USAOSUEnglishnameOhio State University.initialism
Ohio, USAOSUEnglishnameOklahoma State University–Stillwater.initialism
Ohio, USAOSUEnglishnameOregon State University.initialism
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounThe solid remains of a fire.countable uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounThe nonaqueous remains of a material subjected to any complete oxidation process.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounFine particles from a volcano, volcanic ash.countable uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounHuman (or animal) remains after cremation.countable in-plural uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounMortal remains in general.archaic countable in-plural uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounThe matter that remains after a catastrophe.countable figuratively uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounA gray color, similar to ash.countable uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishverbTo reduce to a residue of ash. See ashing.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesambitransitive
Olive family plantsashEnglishverbTo hit the end off (a burning cigar or cigarette).ambitransitive
Olive family plantsashEnglishverbTo mark (someone) with an ashen cross on the forehead to observe Ash Wednesday.Christianitytransitive
Olive family plantsashEnglishverbTo cover newly-sown fields of crops with ashes.obsolete
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounA shade tree of the genus Fraxinus.countable uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounThe wood of this tree.uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounThe traditional name for the ae ligature (æ), as used in Old English.countable uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishnounAlternative form of aushalt-of alternative uncountable
Olive family plantsashEnglishadvAbbreviation of as hell and as heck.Internet abbreviation alt-of not-comparable
OneпершоряднийUkrainianadjof the first rank
OneпершоряднийUkrainianadjparamount, primary
OneпершоряднийUkrainianadjfirst-class, first-rate
OrganizationsAACBEnglishnameInitialism of Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordination Board.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAACBEnglishnameInitialism of Australian Association of Clinical Biochemists.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsFederal Intelligence ServiceEnglishnameThe foreign intelligence agency of Germany.
OrganizationsFederal Intelligence ServiceEnglishnameThe Federal Intelligence Services of Switzerland (the collective term for its agencies).
OrganizationstemplariuszPolishnounTemplar, Knight Templar (knightly member of the crusader age military order of Templars)historical masculine person
OrganizationstemplariuszPolishnounKnights Templar (French military order of the Catholic faith, and one of the wealthiest and most popular military orders in Western Christianity)colloquial historical in-plural masculine person
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe root (submerged part of a plant): / A root used as food; a root vegetable or tuber.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe root (submerged part of a plant): / A root employed for supposed curative or medical properties.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe root (submerged part of a plant)
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation or base of a protuberance or extension of the body: / The root of the hair; the part of the hair within the scalp.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation or base of a protuberance or extension of the body: / The root of the tooth; the part of the tooth within the scalp.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation or base of a protuberance or extension of the body: / The root of a nail; the part of a nail within the skin.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation or base of a protuberance or extension of the body: / The base or attached part of an organ or bodily member.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation or base of a protuberance or extension of the body: / The base or attached part of a swelling or boil.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounSomething which generates, creates, or emanates something: / The origin of an abstract quality; that which something originally came from.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounSomething which generates, creates, or emanates something: / A wellspring or exemplar of an abstract quality that which something comes from.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounSomething which generates, creates, or emanates something: / The offspring of a certain individual or nation as a progenitor; a lineage or descent.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation of a tall structure (e.g. a trunk, pole, turret)
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe (or a key) foundational or core condition, essence or portion of something.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounOne who descends from another; a member of an individual's lineage or stock.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe base of a peak or mount; the beginning of an elevation.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounA protuberance resembling or functioning like a root.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounThe most inner, central, or deepest part of something.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounData used for astronomical purposes.astronomy natural-sciencesrare
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounA mathematical root.mathematics sciencesrare
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounTraditional, customary, usual, or habitual behaviour or procedure.uncountable
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounA musical instrument having strings and similar to a harp.
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of roten (“to rot”)alt-of alternative
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of roten (“to root”)alt-of alternative
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of roten (“rotten”)alt-of alternative
OrgansroteMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of rotalt-of alternative
OrgansਦਿਲPunjabinounsoul; spirit, valorfiguratively
OrgansਦਿਲPunjabinounfeelings, emotionsfiguratively
Orthodoxyправослав'яUkrainiannounOrthodox Church, Eastern Orthodox Churchuncountable
OrthographyabugidaEnglishnounA kind of syllabary (syllabic alphabet) in which a symbol or glyph representing a syllable contains parts representing a vowel and a consonant, such that symbols for syllables not including the default vowel are generated by adding a common notation to indicate the vowel that it does include.human-sciences linguistics sciences
OrthographyabugidaEnglishnounA kind of syllabary (syllabic alphabet) in which a symbol or glyph representing a syllable contains parts representing a vowel and a consonant, typically such that symbols for different syllables are generated by adding, altering or removing the vowel portion, often by applying a diacritic to a stable consonant symbol.human-sciences linguistics sciences
ParasitesштркSerbo-CroatiannounstorkBosnia Serbia
ParasitesштркSerbo-Croatiannounan insect of the families Oestridae, especially subfamily Gasterophilinae, a parasite in the body of a mammal; gadfly, botfly, warble fly
Parents二老Chinesenounthe two elderly parents
Parents二老ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 二 (èr), 老 (lǎo).
Parents二老ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 二 (èr), 老 (lǎo). / two elders; two venerable persons
ParentsChinesecharacterwoman, especially a young girl
ParentsChinesecharactermother; macolloquial
ParentsChinesecharacterwife of another person
ParentsChinesecharacterelderly lady
ParentsChinesecharacter"The Lady" (an epithet of the Fujianese sea goddess Mazu (媽祖 /妈祖 (Māzǔ))lifestyle religion
ParentsChinesecharactergirly; effeminate; femininederogatory usually
ParentsChinesecharacter(Chinese linguistics) the Middle Chinese initial of 娘 (MC nrjang)
PathologyashchʼąhNavajonounspasm, fit
PathologynosemosisEnglishnounnosema disease (“infectious disease of some insects caused by some microsporidian parasites”)medicine pathology sciencesuncountable
PathologynosemosisEnglishnounnosema disease (“infectious disease of adult honey bees caused by some microsporidian parasites”)medicine pathology sciencesuncountable
PeopleAnglerGermannounangler (person who fishes with a hook and line) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine strong
PeopleAnglerGermannounanglerfishmasculine strong
PeopleHinduEnglishadjOf, or relating to Hinduism, or to Hindus and their culture.not-comparable
PeopleHinduEnglishnounA person adhering to the Hindu religion (Hinduism).
PeopleHinduEnglishnounAny native inhabitant of Hindustan.dated
PeopleHinduEnglishnounA bunnia (merchant or trader) with a company of soldiers.government military politics warobsolete
PeopleHinduEnglishnounA person of Indian religion and race.dated
PeopleIvan IvanovichEnglishnounAn anonymous or stereotypical Russian man; a Russian John Smith, John Q. Public or Joe Q. Public.
PeopleIvan IvanovichEnglishnounSynonym of John Doe (an unknown person or body), giving a Russian flavour to fiction set in Russia, by using a Russian name in place of the English term.fiction literature media publishing
PeopleSitzpinklerGermannounsomeone who sits while urinatingcolloquial literally masculine strong
PeopleSitzpinklerGermannounwimp (effeminate, pampered person, chiefly male)colloquial derogatory figuratively masculine strong
Peoplebag-carrierEnglishnounA person who carries someone's bags
Peoplebag-carrierEnglishnounA relatively unimportant assistant or spokesman of a more important personinformal
PeoplebibiEnglishnounA grandmother.India
PeoplebibiEnglishnounA European woman in British India; sometimes a married man's mistress.India obsolete
PeoplebubiHungariannounlittle boy, laddiearchaic
PeoplebubiHungariannounjack, knavecard-games games
PeoplebubiHungariannounbob haircut, bob
PeoplechampionEnglishnounAn ongoing winner in a game or contest.
PeoplechampionEnglishnounSomeone who is chosen to represent a group of people in a contest.
PeoplechampionEnglishnounSomeone who fights for a cause or status.
PeoplechampionEnglishnounSomeone who fights on another's behalf.
PeoplechampionEnglishnounA particularly notable member of a plant species, such as one of great size.biology botany natural-sciences
PeoplechampionEnglishadjActing as a champion; having defeated all one's competitors.attributive not-comparable
PeoplechampionEnglishadjExcellent; beyond compare.attributive not-comparable
PeoplechampionEnglishadjExcellent; brilliant; superb; deserving of high praise.British Ireland dialectal not-comparable predicative
PeoplechampionEnglishverbTo promote, advocate, or act as a champion for (a cause, etc.).transitive
PeoplechampionEnglishverbTo challenge.obsolete transitive
PeoplechubEnglishnounOne of various species of freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae or carp family, especially: / A European chub (Squalius cephalus, syn. Leuciscus cephalus)
PeoplechubEnglishnounOne of various species of freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae or carp family, especially: / In Europe, its close relatives, notably the fallfish.
PeoplechubEnglishnounAny of various vaguely related marine or freshwater fishes.broadly
PeoplechubEnglishnounAny of various vaguely related marine or freshwater fishes. / In North America, a black bass.broadly
PeoplechubEnglishnounA chubby, plump, or overweight person.countable slang
PeoplechubEnglishnounAn overweight gay man who is part of the chubby subculture.LGBTcountable slang specifically
PeoplechubEnglishnounAn erection of the penis.countable slang
PeoplechubEnglishnounA plastic or other flexible package of meat, usually ground meat or luncheon meat.countable
PeoplechubEnglishnounExcess body fat.informal uncountable
PeoplechubEnglishverbTo stop a bill from being passed using procedural delays.government politicsTexas US
PeopleczerwonoskóraPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of czerwonoskóryfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
PeopleczerwonoskóraPolishnounfemale equivalent of czerwonoskóry (“redskin, Native American”)feminine form-of
PeopleeightysomethingEnglishnumAn indeterminate value between 80 (inclusive) and 90 (exclusive).colloquial
PeopleeightysomethingEnglishnounA person between 80 and 89 years old.colloquial
PeopleeunuchHungariannouneunuch (a castrated human male)
PeopleeunuchHungariannouneunuch (a harem guard)
PeoplefacilitatorEnglishnounSomething that facilitates
PeoplefacilitatorEnglishnounA person who helps a group to have an effective dialog without taking any side of the argument, especially in order to reach a consensus.
PeoplefanfàrriaCatalannounbraggart, boasterby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplefanfàrriaCatalannounboastfulness, braggadociofeminine
PeoplefanfàrriaCatalannounfanfare, a flourish of trumpets or horns (accepted as such in DNV)feminine
PeoplefanfàrriaCatalannouna marching bandfeminine
PeoplehuskerEnglishnounOne who husks (as one who removes the husks, leaves, from ears of corn).
PeoplehuskerEnglishnounA fan or supporter of the Nebraska Cornhuskers, the sports teams of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.US slang
PeopleignosticEnglishnounOne who holds to ignosticism.
PeopleignosticEnglishadjOf or relating to ignostics.
PeopleignosticEnglishadjOf or relating to ignosticism.
PeoplejesterEnglishnounOne who jests, jokes or teases.
PeoplejesterEnglishnounA person in colourful garb and fool's cap who amused a medieval and early modern royal or noble court.
PeoplejesterEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies of the Southeast Asian genus Symbrenthia.
PeoplekeenerEnglishadjcomparative form of keen: more keencomparative form-of
PeoplekeenerEnglishnounOne who keens at a funeral.dated
PeoplekeenerEnglishnounSomeone who is excessively keen or eager, possibly making others look bad; a brown-noser.Canada informal
PeopleklopgeestDutchnounsomeone who knocks or drops by a lothumorous masculine
PeoplematrónaHungariannounmatrona (in Ancient Rome, a wife of an honorable man)historical
PeoplematrónaHungariannounmatron (an elderly lady)literary
PeoplematrónaHungariannounold womancolloquial
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounAny of the fleshy fruiting bodies of fungi typically produced above ground on soil or on their food sources (such as decaying wood).
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounA fungus producing such fruiting bodies.
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounChampignon or Agaricus bisporus, the mushroom species most commonly used in cooking.
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounAny of the mushroom-shaped pegs in bar billiards.
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounA concrete column with a thickened portion at the top, used to support a slab.architecture
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounOne who rises suddenly from a low condition in life; an upstart.figuratively obsolete
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounSomething that grows very quickly or seems to appear suddenly.figuratively
PeoplemushroomEnglishnounEllipsis of mushroom cloud.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
PeoplemushroomEnglishadjHaving characteristics like those of a mushroom, for example in shape or appearance, speed of growth, or texture.not-comparable
PeoplemushroomEnglishverbTo grow quickly to a large size or rapidly increase in scope or scale.figuratively intransitive
PeoplemushroomEnglishverbTo gather mushrooms.intransitive
PeoplemushroomEnglishverbTo form the shape of a mushroom.intransitive
PeoplemushroomEnglishverbTo form the shape of a mushroom. / To form the shape of a mushroom when striking a soft target.ballistics engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences physics politics tools war weaponryintransitive
PeoplemíopePortuguesenounmyopic (person suffering from myopia)medicine ophthalmology sciencesby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplemíopePortugueseadjmyopic; nearsighted (unable to focus on distant objects)medicine ophthalmology sciencesfeminine masculine
Peopleneo-creationistEnglishadjOf or concerning the movement of neo-creationism.
Peopleneo-creationistEnglishnounA proponent of neo-creationism.
PeopleneorealistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the post World War II international relations movement of neorealism.
PeopleneorealistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the post-World War II Italian movement of neorealism, which focused on realistic portrayals of daily lifebroadcasting film media television
PeopleneorealistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the neorealism movement in art, which emerged in Britain around 1914art arts
PeopleneorealistEnglishnounAn adherent of neorealism
PeopleniewiniątkoPolishnouninnocent (one who is innocent or pretends to be)ironic neuter usually
PeopleniewiniątkoPolishnouninfantarchaic neuter
Peopleold moneyEnglishnounFamilies that have been wealthy for generations or members of such families.derogatory idiomatic often uncountable
Peopleold moneyEnglishnounThe monetary system used in the United Kingdom and Ireland before decimalisation in 1971 and consisting of pounds, shillings, pence and farthings.British Ireland uncountable
Peopleold moneyEnglishnounThe imperial system of measurement, as opposed to the metric system.humorous uncountable
Peoplepartner in crimeEnglishnounA criminal accomplice.
Peoplepartner in crimeEnglishnounA close associate.humorous informal
PeoplepathfinderEnglishnounOne who discovers a way or path; one who explores untraversed regions.
PeoplepathfinderEnglishnounOne who first does something; a pioneer.
PeoplepathfinderEnglishnounShort for pathfinder financeabbreviation alt-of
PeoplepredEnglishnounAbbreviation of predator.abbreviation alt-of countable informal
PeoplepredEnglishnounAbbreviation of predicate.abbreviation alt-of countable informal
PeoplepredEnglishnounAbbreviation of predefinition.abbreviation alt-of countable informal uncountable
PeoplepredEnglishnounAbbreviation of prednisone.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of uncountable
PeoplepredEnglishnounAbbreviation of prednisolone.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of uncountable
PeoplepredEnglishnounAbbreviation of predecessor.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
PeoplepredEnglishadjAbbreviation of predefined.abbreviation alt-of informal not-comparable
PeopleprintsellerEnglishnounA person who sells prints.
PeopleprintsellerEnglishnounSynonym of printshop, a place that sells prints.
PeoplequadrilingualEnglishadjInvolving four languages.not-comparable
PeoplequadrilingualEnglishadjOf a text, written in four languages.not-comparable
PeoplequadrilingualEnglishadjOf a person, able to speak four languages.not-comparable
PeoplequadrilingualEnglishnounA person who understands four languages.
PeoplerablóHungarianverbpresent participle of rabolform-of participle present
PeoplerablóHungarianadjpredatory, maraudingnot-comparable
PeoplerablóHungarianadjpredaceous (insect)not-comparable
PeoplerablóHungariannounrobber (one who robs or steals)
PeoplereenactorEnglishnounOne who reenacts.
PeoplereenactorEnglishnounOne who takes part in a historical reenactment.
PeoplevyžleCzechnouna breed of small hunting dogneuter
PeoplevyžleCzechnouna slender or thin person, usually youngneuter
Peoplewarm bodyEnglishnounAny person who is present.idiomatic
Peoplewarm bodyEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see warm, body.
PeopleγέροςGreeknounold man (elderly male person)
PeopleγέροςGreeknounold man (one's father)colloquial impolite intimate
PeopleانگیPunjabinoundust cover (a cloth used to cover a book)
PeopleانگیPunjabinounfriend; companion
Peopleकांग्रेसीHindinounsupporter or member of the Indian National Congress
Peopleकांग्रेसीHindiadjof or pertaining to the Indian National Congressindeclinable
Peopleचम्मचHindinounsycophant, chamchacolloquial
PeopleరాజుTelugunounking (principal chess piece which players seek to result in a victory by checkmate)board-games chess games
PeopleరాజుTelugunouna playing card with the image of a king on it, the thirteenth card in a given suitcard-games games
PeopleరాజుTelugunamea male given name from Sanskrit
PeopleKunigamicharacterkanji no-gloss
People巡警Chinesenounpatrol officer
People巡警Chinesenounpolice officerobsolete
Percoid fishbagisCebuanonounthe whitemargin unicornfish (Naso annulatus)
Percoid fishbagisCebuanonouna line
Percoid fishbagisCebuanonounan attack linegames
Percoid fishbagisCebuanoverbto line; to mark with a line
Percoid fishbagisCebuanonouna bully
Percoid fishbagisCebuanoadjrude
Percoid fishbagisCebuanoadjmean
Percoid fishbagisCebuanonouna shark in the genus Carcharhinus
Percussion instrumentspercussionFrenchnounpercussion (tapping of the body)feminine
Percussion instrumentspercussionFrenchnounpercussionentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
PersonalitydebonairEnglishadjGracious, courteous.obsolete
PersonalitydebonairEnglishadjSuave, urbane and sophisticated.
PersonalitydebonairEnglishadjCharming, confident, and carefully dressed.especially
PersonalitydebonairEnglishnounDebonaire behaviour; graciousness.obsolete
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjHighly or conspicuously offensive.
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjExcluding any deductions; including all associated amounts.
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjSeen without a microscope (usually for a tissue or an organ); at a large scale; not detailed.medicine pathology sciences
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjCausing disgust.Australia Canada US informal
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjLacking refinement in behaviour or manner; offending a standard of morality.
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjLacking refinement; not of high quality.
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjDense, heavy.
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjHeavy in proportion to one's height; having a lot of excess flesh.
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjDifficult or impossible to see through.poetic
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjNot sensitive in perception or feeling.archaic
PersonalitygrossEnglishadjEasy to perceive.obsolete
PersonalitygrossEnglishnounTwelve dozen = 144.countable uncountable
PersonalitygrossEnglishnounThe total nominal earnings or amount, before taxes, expenses, exceptions or similar are deducted. That which remains after all deductions is called net.countable uncountable
PersonalitygrossEnglishnounThe bulk, the mass, the masses.countable uncountable
PersonalitygrossEnglishverbTo earn money, not including expenses.transitive
PersonalitysociopathicEnglishadjHaving the characteristics of a sociopath.
PersonalitysociopathicEnglishadjUnconcerned about the adverse consequences of one's actions on others.
PersonalitysociopathicEnglishnounA sociopath.rare
PersonalitysuërLimburgishadjsour; acid; acidic
PersonalitysuërLimburgishadjupset; annoyed; angry (of a being)
PersonalityventuresomeEnglishadjBold; willing to take risks; adventurous.poetic
PersonalityventuresomeEnglishadjPotentially hazardous; risky.poetic
PersonalityvivazSpanishadjvivaciousfeminine masculine
PersonalityvivazSpanishadjanimated, livelyfeminine masculine
Phaseoleae tribe plantssojaFrenchnounsoy (sauce)masculine
Phaseoleae tribe plantssojaFrenchnounsoy (plant)masculine
Phaseoleae tribe plantsKoreannounarrowroot, kudzuGyeongsang dialectal
Phaseoleae tribe plantsKoreannounchicken (fried)
PhilatelyPUCEnglishnameInitialism of Public Utility Commission, a regulatory body in various states.US abbreviation alt-of initialism
PhilatelyPUCEnglishnameInitialism of Postal Union Congress.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PhilatelyPUCEnglishnameInitialism of Public Utility Commission of Texas.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Physical chemistryacidicEnglishadjHaving a pH less than 7, or being sour, or having the strength to neutralize alkalis, or turning a litmus paper red.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Physical chemistryacidicEnglishadjContaining a high percentage of silica-bearing minerals; opposed to basic.geography geology natural-sciences petrology
Physical chemistryacidicEnglishadjOf or relating to acid; having the character of an acid.
Physical quantitiesmodulus of elasticityEnglishnounA quantity that measures an object or substance's resistance to being deformed elastically (i.e. non-permanently) when a stress is applied to it, defined as the ratio of stress to strain.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Physical quantitiesmodulus of elasticityEnglishnounA quantity that measures an object or substance's resistance to being deformed elastically (i.e. non-permanently) when a stress is applied to it, defined as the ratio of stress to strain. / Young's modulusnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PiciformsindicadorSpanishadjindicating, signaling
PiciformsindicadorSpanishnounindicator, trafficatorautomotive transport vehiclesmasculine
PiespastaeIrishnounpasty (meat pie), pie; pastrymasculine
PiespastaeIrishnounan unsubstantial person or animalfiguratively masculine
PigshogskinEnglishnounLeather tanned from the skin of a hog.countable uncountable
PigshogskinEnglishnounThe skin of a pig used as a bottle for water or wine.countable uncountable
Pipits and wagtailsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounrock pipitmasculine
Pipits and wagtailsbigeinScottish Gaelicnoungoldcrestmasculine
Pipits and wagtailsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounmeadow pipit (Anthus pratensis)masculine
Pipits and wagtailsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounany little wild birdmasculine
Pipits and wagtailsbigeinScottish Gaelicnounpenismasculine slang
PlacesseraglioEnglishnounA palace of a sultan.
PlacesseraglioEnglishnounA palace of a sultan. / The palace of the Grand Seignior in Constantinople.
PlacesseraglioEnglishnounA profligate or decadent residence of a rich person.
PlacesseraglioEnglishnounThe sequestered living quarters used by wives and concubines (odalisques) in a Turkish Muslim household.
PlacesseraglioEnglishnounA brothel or place of debauchery.
PlacesseraglioEnglishnounAn interior cage or enclosed courtyard for keeping wild beasts.
Places in RussiaTumenEnglishnameA river forming part of the border between Jilin, China and North Korea, and the border between Rasŏn, North Korea and Khasansky district, Primorsky Krai, Russia.
Places in RussiaTumenEnglishnameA county-level city in Yanbian, Jilin, China
Places of worshipcapełaVenetannounchapelfeminine
Places of worshipcapełaVenetannounblunderfeminine
Places of worshipmoskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna stitchbusiness knitting manufacturing textilesfeminine masculine
Places of worshipmoskeNorwegian Nynorskverbto knit one or more stitchbusiness knitting manufacturing textiles
Places of worshipmoskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna mosquemasculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMeurthCornishnameMarchmasculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMeurthCornishnameMarsastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMeurthCornishnameMarshuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemjørðFaroesenounearthfeminine
Planets of the Solar SystemjørðFaroesenounsoilfeminine
Planets of the Solar SystemjørðFaroesenoungroundfeminine
Planets of the Solar SystemビーナスJapanesenameVenus, the planetastronomy natural-sciencesrare
Planets of the Solar SystemビーナスJapanesenameVenus, the Roman goddesshuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Plantain family plantswinterweedEnglishnounVarious small weeds that grow in winter / common chickweed (Stellaria media)uncountable usually
Plantain family plantswinterweedEnglishnounVarious small weeds that grow in winter / Veronica hederifolia, a speedwell.uncountable usually
PlantsarrozLadinonounrice (Oryza sativa of the grass family whose seeds are used as food)masculine uncountable
PlantsarrozLadinonounrice (a specific variety of this plant)masculine
PlantsarrozLadinonounrice (the seeds of this plant used as food)masculine uncountable
PlantsarrozLadinonouna plate of ricemasculine
PlantsfiligranaSpanishnounfiligree (ornate decoration)feminine
PlantsfiligranaSpanishnounwatermark (superimposed branding on an image)feminine
PlantsfiligranaSpanishnouncarpetweed, plant of the genus Mollugofeminine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnounsapling, branchmasculine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnounstraight free-growing young treemasculine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnounblooming or handsome youthmasculine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnouncow parsnipmasculine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnountendril, germ, sproutmasculine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnounbud of a wild briarmasculine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnounhunter, huntsmanmasculine
PlantsfiùranScottish Gaelicnounherofiguratively masculine
PlantsjasmenoEsperantonounjasmine (fragrance)
PlantsjasmenoEsperantonounjasmine, plant of the genus Jasminum
PlantsmweleSwahilinouninvalid, cripple
PlantsmweleSwahilinounpearl millet, bulrush millet (plant)
PlutoNixEnglishnameOne of the moons of Pluto (named 21 June 2006.)astronomy natural-sciences
PlutoNixEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
Poeae tribe grassesowsikPolishnounpinworm, threadworm (Enterobius)animal-not-person masculine
Poeae tribe grassesowsikPolishnounCertain members of the family Poaceaeinanimate masculine
Poeae tribe grassesowsikPolishnounCertain members of the family Poaceae: / lopsided oat, bristle oat, black oat (Avena strigosa)inanimate masculine
Poetry樂府ChinesenameMusic Bureau (an organ of various imperial government bureaucracies of China)historical
Poetry樂府ChinesenounYuefu (a kind of Chinese poem composed in a folk song style)
PoliticsdebateEnglishverbTo participate in a debate; to dispute, argue, especially in a public arena.ambitransitive reciprocal
PoliticsdebateEnglishverbTo fight.intransitive obsolete reciprocal
PoliticsdebateEnglishverbTo engage in combat for; to strive for.obsolete transitive
PoliticsdebateEnglishverbTo consider (to oneself), to think over, to attempt to decidetransitive
PoliticsdebateEnglishnounAn argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people, generally ending with a vote or other decision.countable uncountable
PoliticsdebateEnglishnounAn informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views.countable uncountable
PoliticsdebateEnglishnounDiscussion of opposing views.uncountable
PoliticsdebateEnglishnounA type of literary composition, taking the form of a discussion or disputation, commonly found in the vernacular medieval poetry of many European countries, as well as in medieval Latin.countable uncountable
PoliticsdebateEnglishnounStrife, discord.countable obsolete uncountable
PoliticsmellistaSpanishadjof the Traditionalist Catholic Party of Spain (1919-1931)feminine masculine relational
PoliticsmellistaSpanishnouna member of the Traditionalist Catholic Partyby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Politics反革命ChinesenounShort for 反革命分子 (fǎngémìng fènzǐ, “counterrevolutionary (person who opposes revolution)”).Mainland-China abbreviation alt-of
Politics軍政Japanesenounmilitary government
Politics軍政Japanesenounmilitary administration
Pome fruitshawEnglishintjAn imitation of laughter, often used to express scorn or disbelief. Often doubled or tripled (haw haw or haw haw haw).
Pome fruitshawEnglishintjAn intermission or hesitation of speech, with a sound somewhat like "haw"; the sound so made.
Pome fruitshawEnglishverbTo stop, in speaking, with a sound like haw; to speak with interruption and hesitation.
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounFruit of the hawthorn.
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounA hedge.historical
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounSomething that has little value or importance; a whit or jot.obsolete
Pome fruitshawEnglishintjAn instruction for a horse or other animal to turn towards the driver, typically left.
Pome fruitshawEnglishverbTo turn towards the driver, typically to the left.
Pome fruitshawEnglishverbTo cause (an animal) to turn left.
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounThe third eyelid, or nictitating membrane.anatomy medicine sciencescountable
Pome fruitshawEnglishnounA disease of the nictitating membrane.uncountable
PornographyplaymateEnglishnounA companion for someone (especially a child) to play with.
PornographyplaymateEnglishnounA female who has appeared as the centerfold in Playboy magazine.
PornographyplaymateEnglishnounA person's lover.euphemistic
PortugalbracarensePortugueseadjof Bragafeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugalbracarensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Bragaby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PortugalmangualdensePortugueseadjof Mangualdefeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugalmangualdensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Mangualdeby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PostPOEnglishnounInitialism of post office.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PostPOEnglishnounInitialism of purchase order.businessabbreviation alt-of initialism
PostPOEnglishnounInitialism of police officer.government law-enforcementabbreviation alt-of initialism
PostPOEnglishnounInitialism of probation officer.government law-enforcementabbreviation alt-of initialism
PostPOEnglishnounInitialism of petty officer.government military politics warabbreviation alt-of initialism
PostPOEnglishnounInitialism of principal officer.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PostPOEnglishnounInitialism of playoff.abbreviation alt-of initialism
PostPOEnglishadvInitialism of per os (“by mouth, orally”).medicine pharmacology sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
PostPOEnglishadjInitialism of peroral.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
PostfaktorPolishnounfactor (one of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result)inanimate masculine
PostfaktorPolishnounfactor (strength of a protective ingredient in cosmetics)cosmetics lifestyleinanimate masculine
PostfaktorPolishnounfactor (bank that deals with factoring)banking businessinanimate masculine
PostfaktorPolishnounSynonym of czynnik (“factor”) (any of various objects multiplied together to form some whole)mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine obsolete
PostfaktorPolishnounSynonym of pośrednikarchaic masculine person
PostfaktorPolishnounSynonym of pośrednik / intermediary in courtship or monetary dealingsarchaic masculine person
PostfaktorPolishnounSynonym of pełnomocnikmasculine obsolete person
PostfaktorPolishnounSynonym of listonoszmasculine obsolete person
PostfaktorPolishnounSynonym of oficjalistamasculine obsolete person
PostfaktorPolishnounmember of the court's servants who sells court household goodsMiddle Polish masculine person
Post手札Japanesenouna nametag
Post手札Japanesenouna calling card, a business card
Post手札Japanesenouna hand of cards, the cards in one's handcard-games games
Post手札Japanesenounshort for 手札形 (tefuda gata) or 手札版 (tefuda ban): a specific size of photograph, roughly 8cm × 11cmarts hobbies lifestyle photographyabbreviation alt-of
Post手札Japanesenouna letter, a note, an epistle (written message)archaic possibly rare
Post手札Japanesenouna nametagarchaic possibly rare
Post手札Japanesenouna calling card, a business cardarchaic possibly rare
Post手札Japanesenouna letter, a note, an epistle (written message)archaic possibly rare
PotatoesrussetEnglishnounA reddish-brown color.countable uncountable
PotatoesrussetEnglishnounA coarse, reddish-brown, homespun fabric; clothes made with such fabric.countable uncountable
PotatoesrussetEnglishnounA variety of apple with rough, russet-colored skin.countable uncountable
PotatoesrussetEnglishnounA variety of potato with rough, dark gray-brown skin.countable uncountable
PotatoesrussetEnglishadjHaving a reddish-brown color.
PotatoesrussetEnglishadjGray or ash-colored.archaic
PotatoesrussetEnglishadjRustic, homespun, coarse, plain.
PotatoesrussetEnglishadjThe condition of leather when its treatment is complete, but it is not yet colored (stained) and polished.
PotatoesrussetEnglishadjHaving a rough skin that is reddish-brown or greyish; russeted.biology botany natural-sciences
PotatoesrussetEnglishverbTo develop reddish-brown spots; to cause russeting.ambitransitive usually
PregnancywhelpyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe process of bearing young.rare
PregnancywhelpyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe process of exiting the womb.rare
PrintingcolofãoPortuguesenouncolophon (final note with information about the author and the manuscript)masculine
PrintingcolofãoPortuguesenouncolophon (printer notice at the end of a book)masculine
PrisonświeżakPolishnounfresh meat; beginner, newcomer, novice, greenhorncolloquial masculine person
PrisonświeżakPolishnounfresh meat; new cellmatemasculine person slang
ProstitutionslitEnglishnounA narrow cut or opening; a slot.
ProstitutionslitEnglishnounThe vulva.slang vulgar
ProstitutionslitEnglishnounA woman, usually a sexually loose woman; a prostitute.derogatory slang vulgar
ProstitutionslitEnglishverbTo cut a narrow opening.
ProstitutionslitEnglishverbTo split into strips by lengthwise cuts.
ProstitutionslitEnglishverbTo cut; to sever; to divide.transitive
ProstitutionslitEnglishadjHaving a cut narrow openingnot-comparable
PurplespetuniaEnglishnounAny of the flowering plants of genus Petunia, of which most garden varieties are hybrids.
PurplespetuniaEnglishnounA dark purple colour, like that of some petunia flowers.
PurplespetuniaEnglishnouna homosexualslang
PurplespetuniaEnglishadjOf a dark purple colour, like that of some petunia flowers.not-comparable
Purples桔梗Japanesenounplatycodon or Chinese bellflower, Platycodon grandiflorus
Purples桔梗Japanesenoundried roots of Platycodon grandiflorus used in medicinesmedicine sciencesChinese traditional
Purples桔梗Japanesenouna 襲の色目 (kasane no irome, “colour layering”) of 二藍 (futai, “overdyed-purple”) and 青 (ao, “blue-green”)
Purples桔梗JapanesenounShort for 桔梗色 (kikyō-iro, “a shade of bluish purple”).abbreviation alt-of
Purples桔梗Japanesenouna 紋 (mon, “crest”) in a Chinese bellflower pattern
Purples桔梗JapanesenounSynonym of 桔梗 (kikyō, “platycodon or Chinese bellflower, Platycodon grandiflorus”)obsolete possibly
Purples桔梗Japanesenouna 襲の色目 (kasane no irome, “colour layering”) of 二藍 (futai, “overdyed-purple”) and 青 (ao, “blue-green”)
RabbitsdoeEnglishnounA female deer; also used of similar animals such as antelope (less commonly a goat, as nanny is also used).countable uncountable
RabbitsdoeEnglishnounA female rabbit.countable uncountable
RabbitsdoeEnglishnounA female hare.countable uncountable
RabbitsdoeEnglishnounA female squirrel.countable uncountable
RabbitsdoeEnglishnounA female kangaroo.countable uncountable
RabbitsdoeEnglishverbObsolete spelling of do.alt-of obsolete
RabbitsdoeEnglishadvthoughMulticultural-London-English not-comparable
Rabbits白兔Chinesenounwhite rabbit (Classifier: 隻/只 m c)
Rabbits白兔Chinesenounbreastfiguratively slang
Rabbits白兔Chinesenounmoonfiguratively literary
Rabbits白兔Chinesenoundeserted wifefiguratively literary
RainalinyaboHanunoonounfog; mist
RainalinyaboHanunoonoundrizzle; light rain
RainesőHungarianverbpresent participle of esikform-of participle present
RainlaćPolishverbto pour (to cause to flow in a stream)imperfective transitive
RainlaćPolishverbto pour down; to rain heavilycolloquial imperfective intransitive
RainlaćPolishverbto beat up; to hitcolloquial dialectal imperfective transitive
RainlaćPolishverbto pissimperfective intransitive slang
RainlaćPolishverbto not care; to ignorebroadly imperfective intransitive slang
RainlaćPolishverbto pour forthimperfective reflexive
RainlaćPolishverbto fightcolloquial imperfective reflexive
Recreational drugscostoSpanishnouncostmasculine
Recreational drugscostoSpanishnounhashishSpain masculine slang
RedsmahoganyEnglishnounThe valuable wood of any of various tropical American evergreen trees, of the genus Swietenia, mostly used to make furniture.uncountable
RedsmahoganyEnglishnounAny of the trees from which such wood comes.countable
RedsmahoganyEnglishnoun(by extension) Any of various trees which resemble those of the genus Swietenia.countable
RedsmahoganyEnglishnounA Cornish drink made from gin and treacle.countable regional uncountable
RedsmahoganyEnglishnounA reddish-brown color, like that of mahogany wood.countable uncountable
RedsmahoganyEnglishnounA table made from mahogany wood; a dining table.colloquial countable obsolete uncountable
RedsmahoganyEnglishadjMade of mahogany.
RedsmahoganyEnglishadjHaving the colour of mahogany; dark reddish-brown.
RedspuhtaanpunainenFinnishadjpure red
RedspuhtaanpunainenFinnishnounpure red (color)
Regions of TajikistanBadakhshanEnglishnameA region comprising parts of what is now northeastern Afghanistan and southeastern Tajikistan.historical
Regions of TajikistanBadakhshanEnglishnameA province of Afghanistan, named after the historical region.
Regions of TajikistanBadakhshanEnglishnameGorno-Badakhshan (an autonomous province of Tajikistan)
ReligiondrywWelshnounwren, jenny wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
ReligiondrywWelshnoundruid, seermasculine
ReligiondrywWelshnounSoft mutation of tryw.form-of masculine mutation-soft
ReligionnaukaSilesiannounscience (systematic method of verifying knowledge)feminine
ReligionnaukaSilesiannounstudy (process of learning)feminine
ReligiontotaʼtsiHopinoundictator, tyrannical or bossy person
ReligiontotaʼtsiHopinounCatholic priest
ReligionঠাকুরBengalinoundeity (god or goddess)
ReligionঠাকুরBengalinounidol of a deity
ReligionঠাকুরBengalinounlord, master; overlord, king
ReligionঠাকুরBengalinounrespected being; elder
ReligionঠাকুরBengalinounpreceptor or guide
ReligionঠাকুরBengalinamea surname, equivalent to English Tagore or Thakur
RestaurantsklubPolishnounclub (association of members) / club (people in such an association)inanimate masculine
RestaurantsklubPolishnounclub (association of members) / club (place of such an association)inanimate masculine
RestaurantsklubPolishnounclub, nightclub (establishment that is open late at night)inanimate masculine
RestaurantsklubPolishnounclub (fraction of parliamentarians of the Polish parliament)government politicsinanimate masculine
RestaurantsklubPolishnounclub (former political organization grouping the most active politicians, replaced over time by a political party)government politicsinanimate masculine
RestaurantsklubPolishnounclub couch (couch in a club)inanimate masculine obsolete rare
RestaurantsklubPolishnoungenitive plural of klubafeminine form-of genitive plural
RiversAroaniusLatinnameA tributary river of the Ladondeclension-2 masculine singular
RiversAroaniusLatinnameA tributary river of the Erymanthusdeclension-2 masculine singular
RiversTifernusLatinnameA mountain in Samnium, upon which was the town of Tifernum, now Monte Matesedeclension-2
RiversTifernusLatinnameOne of the most considerable rivers of Samnium, now called Bifernodeclension-2
RoadsDOJEnglishnameInitialism of United States Department of Justice; also DoJ.US abbreviation alt-of initialism
RoadsDOJEnglishnameInitialism of Department of Justice.Philippines abbreviation alt-of initialism
RoadsDOJEnglishnounInitialism of date of judgment.lawabbreviation alt-of initialism
RoadsDOJEnglishnounInitialism of double open jaw.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciences tourism transport travelabbreviation alt-of initialism
RoadsrótOld Irishnounroadmasculine
RoadsrótOld Irishnounhighwaymasculine
RocksいわJapanesenoun岩, 巌, 磐: rock
RocksいわJapanesenoun錘, 沈子
RocksいわJapanesenoun違和: disorder
Roman CatholicismabsoluciónSpanishnounabsolutionfeminine
Roman CatholicismabsoluciónSpanishnounacquittalfeminine
Roman EmpireprincipateEnglishnounThe early period of the Roman Empire, during which some characteristics of the government of the Roman Republic were retained; the reign of any particular emperor during said period.Ancient-Rome countable uncountable
Roman EmpireprincipateEnglishnounThe office of one who is principal or preeminent (such as a prince); the quality or status of being principal; preeminence.countable uncountable
Roman EmpireprincipateEnglishnounA state ruled by a prince; a principality.countable uncountable
Roman EmpireprincipateEnglishadjPrimary; principal.not-comparable
Roomsmen'sEnglishnounpossessive case of men: belonging to some or all male humans.
Roomsmen'sEnglishnounEllipsis of men’s room: a lavatory intended for use by men.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Roomsmen'sEnglishnounEllipsis of men's department: an area selling clothing for adult males in a department store.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
RoomsܬܘܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounroom (division in a building)
RoomsܬܘܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbedroom, chamber
RoomsܬܘܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncardiac ventricleanatomy medicine sciences
Root vegetablesrzepikPolishnounagrimony (any plant of the genus Agrimonia)inanimate masculine
Root vegetablesrzepikPolishnounBrassica rapa oleiferainanimate masculine
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 蜆花 (shijimibana, “Spiraea prunifolia”)
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 雪柳 (yuki yanagi, “Spiraea thunbergii”)
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 溝蕎麦 (mizo soba, “Persicaria thunbergii”)
Rose family plants小米花JapanesenounSynonym of 水蝋の樹 (ibota no ki, “Ligustrum obtusifolium”)
Rowingboat raceEnglishnounA race between rowing crews.
Rowingboat raceEnglishnounThe face.Cockney slang
Rowingboat raceEnglishnounA fixed horse race, with a specific horse arranged to win in advance.gambling gamesslang
Rowingboat raceEnglishnounA contest in which one competitor boat-races the other(s)hobbies lifestyle sportsUS slang
Rowingboat raceEnglishverbAlternative spelling of boat-racealt-of alternative
Russiapoke the bearEnglishverbTo deliberately aggravate somebody, especially somebody in a position of power or authority.US idiomatic
Russiapoke the bearEnglishverbTo deliberately anger Russia or the Russian government.idiomatic slang
RussiaмокшаRussiannounMokshas (Moksha people)
RussiaмокшаRussiannounMoksha (a person of Moksha ethnicity)
RussiaмокшаRussiannounpeople of the Russian Federation.Ukraine derogatory neologism offensive
RussiaмокшаRussiannounRussia.Ukraine derogatory neologism offensive
RussiaмокшаRussiannounmokshaHinduism Jainism
SagestroellennogWelshadjwhorled, having whorlsnot-comparable
SagestroellennogWelshnounwhorled clary (Salvia verticillata)masculine
SawsjigsawEnglishnounA power saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade which can cut curves in wood or metal.
SawsjigsawEnglishnounA jigsaw puzzle.
SawsjigsawEnglishnounSomething that can be compared to a jigsaw puzzle.
SawsjigsawEnglishverbTo cut something using a jigsaw.transitive
Saxifragales order plantswitch hazelEnglishnounAny of several small deciduous trees, of the genus Hamamelis, having yellow flowers / Hamamelis virginiana (eastern North America)US countable uncountable
Saxifragales order plantswitch hazelEnglishnounAny of several small deciduous trees, of the genus Hamamelis, having yellow flowers / Hamamelis vernalis (Ozarks).US countable uncountable
Saxifragales order plantswitch hazelEnglishnounAn extract of the bark and/or leaves of this plant, used as an astringentuncountable
Saxifragales order plantswitch hazelEnglishnounA wych-elm, or a certain subspecies of it distinguished from wych-elm.countable obsolete uncountable
Saxifragales order plantswitch hazelEnglishnounhornbeam, Carpinus betulusEssex countable obsolete uncountable
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenouna peony, especially the Chinese tree peony, Paeonia suffruticosa
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenouna 家紋 (kamon, “family crest”) with various designs of peony petals and twigs
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenounboar meathistorical
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenouna suit in 花札 (hanafuda), representing the month of Junecard-games games
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenamea place name
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenamea surname
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenamea female given name
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenouna peony
Saxifragales order plants牡丹Japanesenouna 小袖 (kosode, “short-sleeved robe”) worn by maidservants of the Imperial Palace
ScenthoundsbeagleEnglishnounA small short-legged smooth-coated scenthound, often tricolored and sometimes used for hunting hares. Its friendly disposition makes it suitable as a family pet.
ScenthoundsbeagleEnglishnounA person who snoops on others; a detective.
ScenthoundsbeagleEnglishnounA bailiff.
ScenthoundsbeagleEnglishnounA small kind of shark.
ScenthoundsbeagleEnglishverbTo hunt with beagles.
ScenthoundsbeagleEnglishverbTo search.
ScolopacidsshadbirdEnglishnounThe American snipe; Wilson's snipe (Gallinago delicata).UK dated dialectal
ScolopacidsshadbirdEnglishnounThe common snipe or European sandpiper (Gallinago gallinago).UK dated dialectal
SeasทะเลThainounany large body of water.figuratively in-compounds
SeasทะเลThainounClipping of อาหารทะเล (aa-hǎan-tá-lee, “seafood”), meal or dish with several kinds of seafood.abbreviation alt-of clipping in-compounds
SeasoningspeperMiddle Englishnounpepper (a spice made from the fruit of the plant Piper nigrum)uncountable
SeasoningspeperMiddle EnglishnounThe plant that produces the fruit required to make pepper; the pepper plant.rare uncountable
SeasoningspeperMiddle EnglishnounA spicy or bitter concoction.rare uncountable
SeasonsfogharScottish Gaelicnounharvestmasculine
SeasonsfogharScottish Gaelicnounautumnmasculine
SeasonsfogharScottish Gaelicnounphonehuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesmasculine
Seasons春冰Chinesenounfragile and thin ice in springliterary
Seasons春冰Chineseadjfragile; dangerousfiguratively
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA small square piece of rich cake, usually made with food lifestylecountable usually
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA sweet bread with brown sugar and food lifestyleAustralia New-Zealand uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA mythical creature, a helpful elf who would secretly do people's housework for them.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencescountable uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA household spirit or revered paganism religioncountable uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA copper coin, brown in colour; a penny, halfpenny, or cent.countable uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounAny of various lycaenid butterflies of the Eurasian genus Miletus.countable uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA brown trout (Salmo trutta).countable informal uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA widow rockfish (Sebastes entomelas), a fish in the family Sebastidae.countable informal uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Brownie (“a girl in the first level of Girl Guides (US: Girl Scouts)”).alt-of countable uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA tall, long-necked beer bottle, made from brown coloured glass.Australia New-Zealand colloquial countable uncountable
SebastidsbrownieEnglishnounA person with brown skin.countable ethnic offensive slur uncountable
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknounviewing, sensory perception, observation
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknounexamination, speculation, consideration
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknoundoubt, hesitationhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
SensesσκέψιςAncient Greeknounresolution, decreegovernment politics
Senses感覚Japanesenounsense (method to gather data)
Senses感覚Japanesenounsense (natural ability)
Set theorycountableEnglishadjCapable of being counted; having a quantity.not-comparable
Set theorycountableEnglishadjFinite or countably infinite; having a one-to-one correspondence (bijection) with a subset of the natural numbers.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
Set theorycountableEnglishadjFinite or countably infinite; having a one-to-one correspondence (bijection) with a subset of the natural numbers. / Countably infinite; having a bijection with the natural numbers.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
Set theorycountableEnglishadjFreely usable with the indefinite article and with numbers.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
Set theorycountableEnglishnounA noun that is countable.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
SevenseptiņiLatviannumseven (the cipher, the cardinal number seven)
SevenseptiņiLatviannumseven (an amount equal to seven)
SevenseptiņiLatviannumseven o'clock (a moment in time; seven hours after midnight, or after noon)
SexrimEnglishnounAn edge around something, especially when circular.
SexrimEnglishnounA wheelrim.automotive cycling hobbies lifestyle sports transport vehicles
SexrimEnglishnounA semicircular copydesk.journalism media
SexrimEnglishverbTo form a rim on.transitive
SexrimEnglishverbTo follow the contours, possibly creating a circuit.transitive
SexrimEnglishverbTo roll around a rim.intransitive transitive
SexrimEnglishverbTo lick the anus of a partner as a sexual act; to perform anilingus.slang vulgar
SexrimEnglishnounA membrane.UK dialectal
SexrimEnglishnounThe membrane enclosing the intestines; the peritoneum, hence loosely, the intestines; the lower part of the abdomen; belly.UK dialectal obsolete
SexrimEnglishnounA step of a ladder; a rung.British dialectal
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounA saddle-shaped ridge forming a shallow pass between two peaks.
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounA roof in the same shape, having a gable at each end.
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounA coping that is thicker in the middle than at the edges.architecture
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounAny of various creatures having a saddle-shaped marking on the back.
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounA breed of pig which is black with a pink saddle-shaped marking.
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounAn anticline.geography geology natural-sciences
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounThe great black-backed gull.UK
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounThe bird Philesturnus carunculatus.New-Zealand
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounA variety of domestic goose.
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounA raccoon oyster.
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounThe harp seal.
SexsaddlebackEnglishnounThe larva of the bombycid moth.
SexsaddlebackEnglishverbTo engage in anal sex with the intention of preserving one's virginity. (chiefly by Christian teenagers)slang
SheepبیدهPersiannountwisted strands of alfalfa or grass used as fodder in winterDari
SheepبیدهPersiannounfleece, an amount of wool cut from a sheepDari
ShorebirdsmeriharakkaFinnishnounEurasian oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus
ShorebirdsmeriharakkaFinnishnounoystercatcher (bird of the family Haematopodidae)
ShorebirdsmeriharakkaFinnishnounThe taxonomic family Haematopodidae, or, the genus Haematopus, the only genus in the
SingaporeHari KebangsaanMalaynameNational Day of Brunei, which is held on February 23.Brunei
SingaporeHari KebangsaanMalaynameIndependence Day of Malaysia, which is held on August 31.Malaysia
SingaporeHari KebangsaanMalaynameNational Day of Singapore, which is held on August 9.Singapore
SixsestetEnglishnounA piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments; a sextet or sestuor.entertainment lifestyle music
SixsestetEnglishnounThe last six lines of a sonnet, forming two stanzas of three lines each.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
Sizeblow upEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see blow, up.
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo explode or be destroyed by explosion.also figuratively intransitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo cause (something or someone) to explode, or to destroy (something) or maim or kill (someone) by means of an explosion.also figuratively transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo inflate or fill with air, either by literally blowing or by using a pump.transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo enlarge or zoom in on.transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo fail disastrously.intransitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo increase without bound as a function argument or parameter approaches a certain value; to tend toward infinity; to approach infinity as a limit.mathematics sciencesintransitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo become popular very quickly.intransitive slang
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo suddenly get very angry, to lose one's temper.intransitive slang
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo become much more fat or rotund in a short space of time.intransitive slang
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo inflate, as with pride, self-conceit, etc.; to puff up.dated transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo excite.dated transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo scold violently, blow up at.dated transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo blow the whistle.hobbies lifestyle sports
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo succumb to oxygen debt and lose the ability to maintain pace in a race.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo overwhelm through unexpectedly high demand, activity, usage, traffic volume, etc. / To overwhelm with traffic or volume.slang transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo overwhelm through unexpectedly high demand, activity, usage, traffic volume, etc. / To bombard with a large number of calls, texts, or notifications, to the point of rendering temporarily unusable or exasperating the recipient.slang transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo overwhelm through unexpectedly high demand, activity, usage, traffic volume, etc.slang transitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo be overwhelmed by unexpectedly high demand, usage, activity, traffic volume, etc. / To be overwhelmed with traffic or volume.intransitive slang
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo be overwhelmed by unexpectedly high demand, usage, activity, traffic volume, etc. / To receive a large number of calls, texts, or notifications, to the point of being rendered temporarily unusable or exasperating the recipient.intransitive slang
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo be overwhelmed by unexpectedly high demand, usage, activity, traffic volume, etc.intransitive slang
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo cause a malodorous smell by flatulation, defecation, etc.colloquial slang
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo begin; to gather; to form.intransitive
Sizeblow upEnglishverbTo use an intoxicating drug; to get high.dated intransitive slang
Sleepflake outEnglishverbTo fall asleep from exhaustion or intoxication; to lie down.informal intransitive
Sleepflake outEnglishverbTo flake or be flaky: to prove unreliable; to abandon or desert someone.informal intransitive
Sleepflake outEnglishverbTo crack up or break down; to have a mental episode; to behave eccentrically.intransitive slang
SmellGeruchGermannounsmell, odourcountable masculine strong
SmellGeruchGermannounsense of smell, olfactionmasculine strong uncountable
SmellGeruchGermannoun(figurative, dated) reputationcountable masculine strong
SmellvonjSerbo-Croatiannounodor, smell
SmokingcygarniczkaPolishnoundiminutive of cygarnicadiminutive feminine form-of
SmokingcygarniczkaPolishnouncigarette holderfeminine literary
SnakesreticEnglishnounReticulated python.informal
SnakesreticEnglishnounReticulocyte.medicine sciencesinformal
SnakesполозRussiannounrunner (smooth, flat surface, bent upward in the front, used for sliding on ice)
SnakesполозRussiannounracer (snake)
Social mediawumaoEnglishnounAn alleged Internet user who is paid by the authorities of the People's Republic of China to spread propaganda and disinformation on their behalf.
Social mediawumaoEnglishnounAnyone who is supportive of China or the Communist Party of China, whether paid or not.derogatory
SoundSchreiGermannounshout, cry, screammasculine strong
SoundSchreiGermannouncryfiguratively masculine strong
SoundSchreiGermannouncrazecolloquial idiomatic masculine strong
SoundrombareItalianverbto roar, to rumbleintransitive
SoundrombareItalianverbto whizz, to buzz (referring to the sound of wings in motion)intransitive literary
South Korea三星Chinesenounthe three major stars of Shenxiuastronomy natural-sciences
South Korea三星Chinesenounthe Sanxing (Gods of Happiness, Wealth and Longevity)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesChinese
South Korea三星ChinesenameSamsung (South Korean conglomerate)
South Korea三星ChinesenameSanxing (any of various townships in China)
South Korea三星ChinesenameSanxing (a rural township in Yilan County, Taiwan)
Southern Ndebele cardinal numbersikhombaSouthern Ndebelenounsevenclass-5
Southern Ndebele cardinal numbersikhombaSouthern Ndebelenounthe seventh oneclass-5
Southern Ndebele cardinal numbersikhombaSouthern Ndebelenounseventhclass-5
SpacemultiworldEnglishadjConsisting of, in influenced by, multiple worlds.not-comparable
SpacemultiworldEnglishadjInhabiting multiple planets or satellites.not-comparable
SpearsazagaiaPortuguesenounassegai (slim African spear or javelin with an iron tip)feminine
SpearsazagaiaPortuguesenounassegai (Curtisia dentata, a tree of southern Africa)feminine
SpicesܦܠܦܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpepper, fruit of the capsicum
SpicesܦܠܦܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounpepper, peppercorn spice made of berries
SpidersბობოლაLaznounbug, insect
SportsມວຍLaonounbamboo basket for steaming rice
SpurgesricinFrenchnouncastor oil plantmasculine
SpurgesricinFrenchnouna tick of the species Ixodes ricinusmasculine
Stock charactersbruiserEnglishnounIn contact sports, an athlete whose size, strength, and/or aggressiveness make it likely that they will cause athletes on the opposing team to suffer physical punishment.hobbies lifestyle sports
Stock charactersbruiserEnglishnounA tall, strong, heavily built person, usually a man, especially one prone to physical violence; a strong and tough person.broadly colloquial derogatory
Stock charactersbruiserEnglishnounA machine for bruising oats.
Stock charactersbruiserEnglishnounA person who enjoys arguing with others.
Stock charactersbruiserEnglishnounA professional boxer.
Stone fruitsairneIrishnounsloe (fruit of Prunus spinosa)feminine masculine
Stone fruitsairneIrishnounglandfeminine masculine
Stonecrop family plantsstonecropEnglishnounAny of various succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family, native to temperate zones, especially in genus Sedumcountable uncountable
Stonecrop family plantsstonecropEnglishnounCertain plants of genus Lithospermum, in family Boraginaceae.countable uncountable
SudanDarfuriEnglishadjOf or relating to Darfur.
SudanDarfuriEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Darfur.
SummerθέροςAncient Greeknounheat
SummerθέροςAncient Greeknounsummer
SummerθέροςAncient Greeknounharvest, crop
SunsoleItaliannounstar (for extension of Sole)astronomy natural-sciencescolloquial masculine
SunsoleItaliannounsun (a star in heraldry)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsmasculine
SunsoleItaliannoungoldalchemy pseudosciencemasculine
SunsoleItaliannoundaytime, day (the interval between sunrise and sunset)masculine poetic
SunsoleItaliannounyearmasculine poetic
SunsoleItaliannouneyesin-plural masculine poetic
SunsoleItalianadjfeminine plural of solofeminine form-of plural
SunsoleItaliannounplural of solafeminine form-of plural
SurfingsurfarPortugueseverbto surf (to ride a wave on a surfboard)
SurfingsurfarPortugueseverbto surf (to browse the internet)
TalkingparolontoEsperantoverbsingular future nominal active participle of paroliactive form-of future nominal participle singular
TalkingparolontoEsperantonounone who is going to speak
TaxationvectigalisLatinadjtaxdeclension-3 relational two-termination
TaxationvectigalisLatinadjsubject to tax, taxabledeclension-3 two-termination
TaxationvectigalisLatinnoungenitive singular of vectīgal (“tax, tribute”)form-of genitive singular
TeaEarl GreyEnglishnounA blend of black tea flavoured with oil from the rind of the bergamot orange.uncountable usually
TeaEarl GreyEnglishnounA serving of this kind of tea.uncountable usually
TelegraphytélégraphieFrenchverbinflection of télégraphier: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
TelegraphytélégraphieFrenchverbinflection of télégraphier: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
TemperaturekaloryferPolishnounradiator, heater (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room)inanimate masculine
TemperaturekaloryferPolishnounsix-pack (highly developed set of abdominal muscles)anatomy bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle medicine sciences sportscolloquial humorous inanimate masculine
TemperaturekaloryferPolishnounplatoon-leader (NCO rank in the Polish Armed Forces rank insignia system, located between the ranks of Senior Corporal and Sergeant)colloquial masculine person
TemperaturevařitCzechverbto cookimperfective
TemperaturevařitCzechverbto brew (about beer)imperfective
TemperaturevařitCzechverbto boilimperfective
TernstaringEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of tareform-of gerund participle present
TernstaringEnglishnounA common tern (Sterna hirundo).
Thai letter namesอะThainoun(สระ~) the vowel /a/, represented by –ั–, –ะ, –รร, or –รร–.human-sciences language linguistics sciencesThai
Thai letter namesอะThaiintjsaid when giving or handing something to someone, or used to express agreement, allowance, or approval: here you go; here you are; here it is; here they are; okay; etc.
Thai letter namesอะThaiintjused to express various feelings or emotions, depending on the manner of utterance: ah; uh; oh; etc.
Thai letter namesอะThaiparticleused at the end of an expression for emphasis.childish
Thistleschameleon plantEnglishnounA plant of the species Houttuynia cordata.countable uncountable
Thistleschameleon plantEnglishnounChamaeleon, a genus of thistle plants with at most a single currently accepted species Chamaeleon macrophyllus, most of whose former species are now in Carlina.countable uncountable
ThistlespopłochPolishnounpanic; scareinanimate masculine
ThistlespopłochPolishnounstampedeinanimate masculine
ThistlespopłochPolishnouncotton thistle; any plant of the genus Onoporduminanimate masculine
ThreeтриповерховийUkrainianadjtriple-decker (attributive)
TimeOlympiadEnglishnounA four-year period, particularly (historical) those based on Hippias's computations of the ancient Olympic Games which placed Coroebus's footrace victory in 776 BCE and (sports) those based on the modern Summer Olympic Games first held in 1896.
TimeOlympiadEnglishnounSynonym of Olympic Games: an instance of the ancient or modern Olympic Games.hobbies lifestyle sportsproscribed sometimes
TimeOlympiadEnglishnounA competition aspiring to the importance of the Olympic Games or considered similar to them, especially one occurring at 4-year intervals, representing a national or international range of amateur student rather than professional adult competition, and/or requiring the highest level of ability in the field for success.broadly
Timeday and nightEnglishadvAll the time; round the clock; unceasingly.not-comparable
Timeday and nightEnglishnounSynonym of chalk and cheese (“two things that are very different”)uncountable
TimemenjëherëAlbanianadvat once
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannountrip, journey, travel
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannounway, method, means
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannouncomplexion, skin hue, tan
TimeputSerbo-Croatiannounbody as a totality of physical properties and sensitivities
TimeputSerbo-Croatianprepto, towardwith-genitive
TimeputSerbo-Croatianadvtime (with adjectives, ordinals and demonstratives indicating order in the sequence of actions or occurrences)
TimetricenniumLatinnountricennium, a 30-year perioddeclension-2
TimetricenniumLatinadjgenitive masculine/feminine/neuter plural of trīcennisfeminine form-of genitive masculine neuter plural
TimetsotaciNupenounthe day before yesterday
TimetsotaciNupeadvthe day before yesterday
TimeпрошедшийRussianverbpast active perfective participle of пройти́ (projtí)active form-of participle past perfective
TimeсемигодиннийUkrainianadjseven-hour, seven-hour-long (both attributive), seven hours long (having a duration of seven hours)
TimeсемигодиннийUkrainianadjseven-o'clock (attributive) (starting, leaving or arriving at seven o'clock)
TimeутромRussianadvin the morning
TimeутромRussiannouninstrumental singular of у́тро (útro)form-of instrumental singular
TimeआशुSanskritadjfast, quick, swift, rapid, going quickly
TimeआशुSanskritadvquickly, quick, swiftly, rapidly
TimeआशुSanskritnounthe quick one, a horseVedic
TimeआशुSanskritnounrice ripening quickly in the rainy season
Timeਰੁਜ਼ਾਨਾPunjabiadjdaily, quotidian, everyday
Timeਰੁਜ਼ਾਨਾPunjabinounAlternative form of ਰੁਜ਼ੀਨਾ (ruzīnā)alt-of alternative
TimeમહિનોGujaratinouna month; period of thirty days
TimeમહિનોGujaratinounmonthly wage; allowance
TimeሰዐትGe'eznounspecified term or moment in time
Time一度Chinesenounonce (one time)formal
Time一度Chinesenoununison (interval)entertainment lifestyle music
Time一度Chineseadvonce (at some time in the past)
Time一度Chineseadjbest; topTaiwanese-Hokkien
TimeOld Japanesenounthe night, evening
TimeOld Japanesenounthe night, evening
TimeOld Japanesenounthe night, eveningregional
TitlessignoraEnglishnounMrs; madam; title of address or respect for women in Italy.
TitlessignoraEnglishnounAn Italian woman.
TobaccoدخانArabicnounevil, mischiefobsolete
TobaccoدخانArabicnoundearth, drought, sterility, unfruitfulness, hungerobsolete
ToiletrieslusterkoPolishnoundiminutive of lustrodiminutive form-of neuter
ToiletrieslusterkoPolishnounhandmirror (any type of mirror that is not permanently attached)neuter
ToiletrieslusterkoPolishnounany mirror on a vehicle, e.g. wing mirror or rear-view mirrorneuter
ToiletrieslusterkoPolishnounspeculumbiology natural-sciences ornithologyneuter
ToiletriesصابونةSouth Levantine Arabicnounsoapsingulative uncountable
ToiletriesصابونةSouth Levantine Arabicnounpiece of soapsingulative
ToiletriesصابونةSouth Levantine Arabicnounkneecapsingulative
ToolsdumɓuHausanounworn-out tool
ToolsgruszkaPolishnounpear (fruit)feminine
ToolsgruszkaPolishnoundiminutive of gruszadiminutive feminine form-of rare
ToolsgruszkaPolishnounobject resembling a pearcolloquial feminine
ToolsgruszkaPolishnoundouche, rubber irrigator (device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for medical or hygienic reasons, or the stream of water itself)feminine
ToolsleestDutchnounlast (form on which shoes are made or repaired)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technicalfeminine
ToolsleestDutchnounstyle, model, examplefeminine figuratively
ToolsleestDutchnounshape, figure, build (of a person)dated feminine
ToolsleestDutchverbinflection of lezen: / second/third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular third-person
ToolsleestDutchverbinflection of lezen: / plural imperativearchaic form-of imperative plural
TradingبازارOttoman Turkishnounbazaar, marketplace
TradingبازارOttoman TurkishnounSunday
TransgenderboycetaPortuguesenounA transmasculine non-binary; a pussyboy.Brazil feminine masculine neologism vulgar
TransgenderboycetaPortuguesenounThe vulva or vagina of a man; a bussy.Brazil feminine masculine vulgar
TreeshollyEnglishnounAny of various shrubs or (mostly) small trees, of the genus Ilex, either evergreen or deciduous, used as decoration especially at Christmas.countable uncountable
TreeshollyEnglishnounThe wood from this tree.countable uncountable
TreeshollyEnglishnounAny of several not closely related plant species likened to Ilex because of their prickly, evergreen foliage and/or round, bright-red berriescountable uncountable
TreessłójPolishnounAugmentative of słoikaugmentative form-of inanimate masculine
TreessłójPolishnountree ring (annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree)biology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
TreesبلوطSouth Levantine Arabicnounoakscollective
TreesبلوطSouth Levantine Arabicnounacornscollective
Tribesil·liriCatalannounIllyrian (language)masculine uncountable
Typing keyboardsdouble-shotEnglishverbTo load (a cannon) with twice the shot, for increased damage at the expense of range.government military politics wartransitive
Typing keyboardsdouble-shotEnglishadjMade by molding a second layer of plastic around a plastic or metal base.not-comparable
TypographyobelusEnglishnounA symbol resembling a horizontal line (–), sometimes together with one or two dots (for example, ⨪ or ÷), which was used in ancient manuscripts and texts to mark a word or passage as doubtful or spurious, or redundant; an publishing typographyhistorical
TypographyobelusEnglishnounA dagger symbol (†), which is used in printed matter as a reference mark to refer the reader to a footnote, marginal note, etc.; beside a person's name to indicate that the person is deceased; or beside a date to indicate that it is a person's death date; an publishing typography
UkraineCossackEnglishnounA member or descendant of an originally (semi-)nomadic population of Eastern Europe and the adjacent parts of Asia, formed in part of runaways from neighbouring countries, that eventually settled in parts of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Russian tsarist Empire and constituted a military caste, particularly in areas now comprising southern Russia and Ukraine.
UkraineCossackEnglishnounA member of a military unit (typically cavalry, originally recruited exclusively from the above).
UkraineCossackEnglishnounA Ukrainian.obsolete
UkraineCossackEnglishnounA mercenary; a regular or irregular soldier employed to persecute or oppress disfavoured groups, or in massacres of such groups, such as in anti-Jewish pogroms; a police officer or private security guard, particularly one used in strike-breaking; a violent thug.derogatory
UkraineCossackEnglishnounA mercenary; a regular or irregular soldier employed to persecute or oppress disfavoured groups, or in massacres of such groups, such as in anti-Jewish pogroms; a police officer or private security guard, particularly one used in strike-breaking; a violent thug. / * see: Pinkertonderogatory
UnderwearGateGermannounairport gateneuter strong
UnderwearGateGermannounmen's long underwearAustria colloquial feminine obsolete
Units of measurehoggeshedMiddle Englishnounhogshead (kind of barrel)
Units of measurehoggeshedMiddle Englishnounhogshead (unit of measure)
Units of measuremikroniFinnishnounmicron
Units of measuremikroniFinnishnouninflection of mikro: / first-person singular possessive form of nominative/genitive singularfirst-person form-of possessive singular
Units of measuremikroniFinnishnouninflection of mikro: / first-person singular possessive form of nominative/accusative pluralfirst-person form-of possessive singular
Units of measureGaliciannounknot (looping of a flexible material)masculine
Units of measureGaliciannounnode (a knot, knob, protuberance or swelling)masculine
Units of measureGaliciannoungnarlmasculine
Units of measureGaliciannounknot (whorl left in lumber)masculine
Units of measureGaliciannounknot (unit of speed)masculine
Units of measureGaliciannounhub (point where many routes meet)masculine
Units of measurepieEnglishnounA type of pastry that consists of an outer crust and a filling. (Savory pies are more popular in the UK and sweet pies are more popular in the US, so "pie" without qualification has different connotations in these dialects.)countable uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounAny of various other, non-pastry dishes that maintain the general concept of a shell with a filling.countable uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounA pizza.Northeastern US countable uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounA paper plate covered in cream, shaving foam or custard that is thrown or rubbed in someone’s face for comical purposes, to raise money for charity, or as a form of political protest; a custard pie; a cream pie.countable uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounThe whole of a wealth or resource, to be divided in parts.countable figuratively uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounAn especially badly bowled ball.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounA pie chart.countable uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounSomething very easy; a piece of cake.countable informal uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounThe vulva.countable slang uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishnounA kilogram of drugs, especially cocaine.countable slang uncountable
Units of measurepieEnglishverbTo hit in the face with a pie, either for comic effect or as a means of protest (see also pieing).transitive
Units of measurepieEnglishverbTo go around (a corner) in a guarded manner.transitive
Units of measurepieEnglishverbTo ignore (someone).UK often slang transitive
Units of measurepieEnglishnounMagpie.obsolete
Units of measurepieEnglishnounA former low-denomination coin of northern India.historical
Units of measurepieEnglishnounEllipsis of pie-dog: an Indian breed, a stray dog in Indian contexts.biology natural-sciences zoologyabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Units of measurepieEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of length, equivalent to about 27.9 cm.historical
Units of measurepieEnglishnounAlternative form of pi (“metal type that has been spilled, mixed together, or disordered”)letterpress-typography media publishing typographyalt-of alternative
Units of measurepieEnglishverbAlternative form of pi (“to spill or mix printing type”)alt-of alternative transitive
Units of measuresaeculumEnglishnounA cyclical period of time, roughly equal to the time needed for the complete renewal of a human population: / Any of a sequence of ages (periods of time) such that each age ends with the death of the last person remaining alive since its beginning, and the end of an age marks the beginning of the next.Roman historical
Units of measuresaeculumEnglishnounA cyclical period of time, roughly equal to the time needed for the complete renewal of a human population: / Any of a sequence of ages of set length, used to periodise chronicles and track wars.Roman historical
Units of measuresaeculumEnglishnounA cyclical period of time, roughly equal to the time needed for the complete renewal of a human populationRoman historical
Units of measuresaeculumEnglishnounAn approximately 85-year cycle in Strauss-Howe generational theory, a highly controversial sociological theory that postulates that zeitgeist and popular cultural values exist along recurring cycles.
Units of measurestatute mileEnglishnounThe mile of 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards, distinguished from the traditional mile of 5,000 feet employed before the 1593 Weights and Measures Act.UK
Units of measurestatute mileEnglishnounThe US survey mile, distinguished from the international mile adopted by treaty in the 1950s.US
Units of measurestatute mileEnglishnounThe land mile in its various forms, distinguished from the nautical mile.
Units of measureświecaPolishnouncandle (a light source)feminine
Units of measureświecaPolishnouncandlepower (obsolete unit of measure)feminine historical
Units of measureświecaPolishnounsarvangasanafeminine
Units of measureជីKhmernounfertilizer
Units of measureជីKhmernounnun
Units of measureជីKhmernouna traditional Cambodian unit of weight, equal to 10 ហ៊ុន (hun)
Units of measureជីKhmernameChi, a surname
Utah, USADeseretEnglishnameA state, proposed in 1849 and never recognized, which would have included most of Utah and Nevada and parts of other states.historical
Utah, USADeseretEnglishnameThe state of Utah itself, especially the Salt Lake Valley and environs.poetic
Utah, USADeseretEnglishnameA script, invented in Utah, conceived of as a radical reform and replacement of the Latin script, intended for writing English phonetically. Example: the word seven in Deseret is 𐑅𐐯𐑂𐐮𐑌.
VegetablescarxofaCatalannounartichoke headfeminine
VegetablesܟܪܦܣܐClassical Syriacnouncelery
VegetablesܟܪܦܣܐClassical Syriacnounparsley
Vegetables番瓜Chinesenounpumpkindialectal regional
Vegetables番瓜ChinesenounAlternative name for 木瓜 (mùguā, “papaya”).alt-of alternative name
Vegetables番瓜ChinesenountomatoWu dialectal
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A cylindrical projectile that can be fired to a great height through combustion, (specifically) a type of firework of this form, typically exploding with light and colour; a skyrocket.
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A blunt lance head used in jousting.
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A long vehicle or craft propelled by a rocket engine; a missile or rocket-propelled spacecraft.
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / An engine operating similarly to the pyrotechnic, generating thrust by the expulsion of hot gases; a rocket engine.
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / Something that travels high in the air and/or with great speed; especially (sport), a hard shot.figuratively
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A severe reprimand; a telling-off.UK figuratively slang
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / An ace (the playing card).figuratively slang
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A stupid or crazy person.Scotland figuratively slang
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A very physically attractive woman.East England South figuratively slang
VehiclesrocketEnglishverbTo accelerate swiftly and powerfully.ambitransitive
VehiclesrocketEnglishverbTo fly vertically.
VehiclesrocketEnglishverbTo rise or soar rapidly.
VehiclesrocketEnglishverbTo experience sudden fame, popularity, or success.
VehiclesrocketEnglishverbTo carry something in a rocket.
VehiclesrocketEnglishverbTo attack something with rockets.
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounA leaf vegetable of species Eruca sativa or Eruca vesicaria.uncountable
VehiclesrocketEnglishnounRocket larkspur (Consolida regalis, syn. Delphinium consolida).uncountable
Vehicles승합차Koreannounvan, full-size van, 15-passenger van
VesselsmetherEnglishnumFour in the old counting system of Northern England.dialectal
VesselsmetherEnglishnounA communal drinking vessel used in Gaelic times for drinking mead. It had squared sides and one drank from a corner. Also, a trophy in this shape.Ireland historical
Violencecrime against humanityEnglishnounA very destructive and immoral act; later specifically, something causing widespread human misery or loss of life; an
Violencecrime against humanityEnglishnounSomething objectionable.colloquial excessive humorous
VisionvererRomanschverbto lookVallander
VisionvererRomanschverbto seeVallander
VolcanologylavaEnglishnounThe molten rock ejected by a volcano from its crater or fissured sides; magma that has breached the surface of the earth.countable uncountable
VolcanologylavaEnglishnounMagma.countable informal proscribed uncountable
VolcanologylavaEnglishnounA shade of red, named after the volcanic lava.countable uncountable
VulturesossifrageEnglishnounGypaetus barbatus, the bearded vulture, the diet of which is almost exclusively bone marrow.archaic
VulturesossifrageEnglishnounThe young of the sea eagle or bald eagle.obsolete
VulturesossifrageEnglishnounThe osprey.British
WalesուելսերենArmeniannounSynonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
WalesուելսերենArmenianadvSynonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
WalesուելսերենArmenianadjSynonym of վալլիերեն (vallieren)
Walls and fenceswałPolishnounshaft (mechanical component used to transfer torque)inanimate masculine
Walls and fenceswałPolishnounfraud, scamcolloquial inanimate masculine
Walls and fenceswałPolishnounwavearchaic inanimate masculine
Walls and fenceswałPolishnounbeating, thrashing, whuppingcolloquial dialectal in-plural inanimate masculine
Walls and fenceswałPolishnounshaft; cock (penis)animal-not-person masculine slang
Walls and fenceswałPolishnounlevee (flood barrier)inanimate masculine
Walls and fenceswałPolishnounembankmentinanimate masculine
Walls and fencesпреградаSerbo-Croatiannounwall, side (dividing room or space in two parts)
Walls and fencesпреградаSerbo-Croatiannounobstacle, bar
Warhashkééjí naatʼááhNavajonounwar chief, war leader
Warhashkééjí naatʼááhNavajonounmilitary officer, commander
Warhashkééjí naatʼááhNavajonounknightboard-games chess games
WaterbajorPolishnounAlternative form of bajoroalt-of alternative inanimate masculine obsolete
WaterbajorPolishnounSynonym of trzęsawiskoin-plural inanimate masculine
WaterbajorPolishnoungenitive plural of bajoroform-of genitive neuter plural
WaternyanzaShonanounocean, seaManyika Zezuru
WaterwylewPolishnounflooding, the overflowing of a river past its banksinanimate masculine
WaterwylewPolishnounstroke, apoplexymedicine sciencesinanimate masculine
WaterwylewPolishnounspout (a lip on the edge of a vessel through which liquid can be poured)formal inanimate masculine
WaterбагняBulgariannounhot spring → geothermal body of waterdialectal obsolete
WaterбагняBulgarianverbto lamb (to assist in the birth of a lamb)dialectal intransitive
WaterбагняBulgarianverbto beget a lamb (for sheep)reflexive
WaterвителMacedoniannounwhirlpool, maelstrom
WaterвителMacedoniannounwell pulley (for raising and lowering a pail)
WaterвожKomi-Zyriannountributary, affluent
WaterвожKomi-Zyriannounspike of a pitchfork
WaterвожKomi-Zyriannoundrainage basingeography hydrology natural-sciences
WaterܐܓܡܐClassical Syriacnounswamp, marsh, meadow
WaterܐܓܡܐClassical Syriacnounpool, standing water
WaterܐܓܡܐClassical Syriacnounreed (especially Egyptian papyrus)biology botany natural-sciences
WatercraftnegreroSpanishadjslave; proslavery (especially referring to black slaves)relational
WatercraftnegreroSpanishnounslaver, slave driver, slaveholder, slave trader (especially of black slaves)masculine
WatercraftnegreroSpanishnounslave driver (an employer who demands excessive work from the employee)broadly masculine
WatercraftnegreroSpanishnounslave shipmasculine
Watercraftwater bikeEnglishnounAbbreviation of water bicycle.abbreviation alt-of
Watercraftwater bikeEnglishnounSynonym of aqua bike
Watercraftwater bikeEnglishnounAlternative form of waterbikealt-of alternative
Watercraftwater bikeEnglishnounA hydrofoil bike; a bicycle frame with the rear wheel replaced by a lift hydrofoil and propeller, and the front wheel replaced by a rudder, lift hydrofoil and elevator hydrofoil
WatercraftżelazowiecPolishnoungroup 8 elementinanimate masculine
WatercraftżelazowiecPolishnouniron group elementinanimate masculine
WatercraftżelazowiecPolishnounmetrosiderosinanimate masculine
WatercraftżelazowiecPolishnouncargo ship used for transporting ironinanimate masculine
WatercraftשיפֿלYiddishnoundiminutive of שיף (shif)diminutive form-of
WatercraftصندلArabicnounbarge, lighter, freight barge, sandal
Weaponsdouble flashEnglishnounThe characteristic visual phenomenon produced by the atmospheric detonation of a nuclear weapon, consisting of a very brief, bright flash of light which dims rapidly, followed by a second, gradually brightening flash.
Weaponsdouble flashEnglishnounA system using two flash separators to separate phases of a working natural-sciences physical-sciences
WeaponsܫܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounextraction (e.g., of an arrow) from a wound
WeaponsܫܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounbread trencher
WeaponsܫܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounblade, handleless knife
WeaponsܫܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounbrother-in-law (specifically sister's husband)
WeaponsশমশেরBengalinounsword, shamshir, scimitar
WeaponsশমশেরBengalinamea male given name from Persian
Weather起雷Chineseverbto rumble with thunder; to thunderDanyang Quanzhou Singapore Taiwanese-Hokkien Wu Xiamen literary
Weather起雷Chineseverbto remove mines
Weather起雷Chineseverbto catch fire due to lightningHakka
Weather起雷Chineseverbto strike with lightningZhangzhou-Hokkien
WindgiiwedinOjibwenounnorth wind
WindwesterEnglishnounA strong westerly wind, a wind blowing from the west.
WindwesterEnglishverbTo move towards the west
WindwesterEnglishadjWestern, westerly.dialectal not-comparable
WindwesterEnglishadjcomparative form of west: more westcomparative form-of not-comparable
WinevinotékaCzechnounwine collection, wine cellarfeminine
WinevinotékaCzechnounwine shopfeminine
WinterкыстааYakutverbto stack (esp. firewood)transitive
WinterкыстааYakutverbto winter (spend the winter somewhere)intransitive
WoodsbayabasCebuanonounguava (tree and fruit)
WoodsbayabasCebuanoverbto harvest or gather guava fruits
WoodsbayabasCebuanoverbto play truant; to skip class; to cut class
WoodskastanyaIndonesiannounchestnut / a tree or shrub of the genus Castanea
WoodskastanyaIndonesiannounchestnut / a nut of this tree or shrub
WoodskastanyaIndonesiannounchestnut / wood of a chestnut tree
WoodslipovinaSlovaknounhárslevelű (variety of grape)feminine
WoodslipovinaSlovaknounhárslevelű (variety of wine)feminine
WoodslipovinaSlovaknounlinden (wood of a linden tree)feminine
WoodsяблоняRussiannounapple tree
WoodsяблоняRussiannounapple wood
World War IIkrowaPolishnouncow (adult female of the species Bos taurus, especially one that has calved)feminine
World War IIkrowaPolishnouncow (any member of the species Bos taurus regardless of sex or age, including bulls and calves)feminine informal
World War IIkrowaPolishnouncow (female member of other large species of mammal, including the bovines, moose, whales, seals, hippos, rhinos, manatees, and elephants)feminine
World War IIkrowaPolishnouncow, whale (woman considered unpleasant in some way, particularly one considered nasty, stupid, fat, lazy, or difficult)colloquial feminine offensive
World War IIkrowaPolishnounlarge bottle of vodka (0.7 litre or more)colloquial feminine
World War IIkrowaPolishnounobject that is too large or too heavy and therefore of little usecolloquial derogatory feminine
World War IIkrowaPolishnounNebelwerfer (World War II German series of mortar weapons)feminine historical informal
WormswurmDutchnounAlternative form of wormalt-of alternative masculine
WormswurmDutchverbinflection of wurmen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
WormswurmDutchverbinflection of wurmen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
WormswurmDutchverbinflection of wurmen: / imperativeform-of imperative
WritingescripturaCatalannounwriting (art)feminine
WritingescripturaCatalannounwriting (something written)feminine
WritingescripturaCatalanverbinflection of escripturar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
WritingescripturaCatalanverbinflection of escripturar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannounleafcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannounsheet (of paper or other material manufactured in thin sheets)
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannouna special purpose certificate (any official document attesting a fact, e.g. of birth, ownership etc.)
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannounnewsletter, newspaper
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannounletter (written message)obsolete
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannouncalf (leg part)
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannounsole, flatfish (fish species)
WritinglistSerbo-Croatiannounleavescard-games games
WritingskrifiSranan Tongoverbto write
WritingskrifiSranan Tongoverbto be written
Writing systemshangulEnglishnounThe phonetic alphabet used to write the Korean language.uncountable
Writing systemshangulEnglishnounThe Kashmir stag.
YellowsbeigeGermanverbinflection of beigen: / first-person singular presentfirst-person form-of present singular
YellowsbeigeGermanverbinflection of beigen: / first/third-person singular subjunctive Ifirst-person form-of singular subjunctive-i third-person
YellowsbeigeGermanverbinflection of beigen: / singular imperativeform-of imperative singular
YogayogaNorwegian Nynorsknounyogamasculine
YogayogaNorwegian Nynorsknoundisciplines and exercises based on yoga, but removed from the philosophical systemmasculine
Zingiberales order plantsbandera españolaSpanishnounThe flag of Spainfeminine literally
Zingiberales order plantsbandera españolaSpanishnounAsclepias curassavica (tropical milkweed)feminine
Zingiberales order plantsbandera españolaSpanishnounLantana camara (common lantana)feminine
Zingiberales order plantsbandera españolaSpanishnounCanna indica (Indian shot)feminine
Zingiberales order plantsbandera españolaSpanishnounIpomoea lobata (fire vine)feminine
ZymurgywortEnglishnounNow chiefly as the second element in the names of plants: a plant used for food or medicine.archaic historical
ZymurgywortEnglishnounChiefly in the plural: a plant of the genus Brassica used as a vegetable; a brassica; especially, a cabbage (Brassica oleracea).historical specifically
ZymurgywortEnglishnounA non-vascular plant growing on land from the division Anthocerotophyta (the hornworts) or Marchantiophyta (liverworts); an anthocerotophyte or marchantiophyte.biology botany natural-sciencesbroadly
ZymurgywortEnglishnounAlso worts: a liquid extracted from mash (ground malt or some other grain soaked in hot water), which is then fermented to make beer, or fermented and distilled to make a malt liquor such as whisky.beverages brewing business food lifestyle manufacturingcountable uncountable

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