Japanese Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

inflection table

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inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")'

チャーム (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: チャーム

寝かし付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝かし付ける

寝静まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝静まる

寝そべる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝そべる

無駄話 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 無駄話

歴訪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歴訪

爆走 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爆走

劈開 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 劈開

へき開 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: へき開

納棺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 納棺

点滅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 点滅

潰える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潰える

解かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解かす

梳かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 梳かす

昏睡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 昏睡

役に立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 役に立つ

来臨 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 来臨

司令 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 司令

論評 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 論評

コミット (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: コミット

設える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 設える

披瀝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 披瀝

ひもとく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ひもとく

希釈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 希釈

塗抹 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 塗抹

示し合わせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 示し合わせる

急報 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 急報

震盪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 震盪

起臥 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 起臥

捗る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 捗る

血走る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 血走る

羽織る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 羽織る

そぐう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: そぐう

劈く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 劈く

勧告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勧告

巡礼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巡礼

不法投棄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 不法投棄

崩落 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 崩落

隠滅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 隠滅

幇助 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 幇助

抑留 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抑留

打ち捨てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち捨てる

迎え撃つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 迎え撃つ

折れ曲がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 折れ曲がる

連勝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連勝

上告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上告

連れ込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連れ込む

控訴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 控訴

突発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 突発

横取り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 横取り

欠如 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欠如

摘み取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 摘み取る

取り払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り払う

連覇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連覇

畏怖 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 畏怖

廃棄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 廃棄

横這い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 横這い

水増し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 水増し

保釈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 保釈

充填 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 充填

利下げ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 利下げ

掘り起こす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掘り起こす

聞き齧る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 聞き齧る

呈する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呈する

取り決める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り決める

かなぐり捨てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: かなぐり捨てる

突っ張る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 突っ張る

身動き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 身動き

集客 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 集客

打ち落とす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち落とす

青褪める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 青褪める

堪り兼ねる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 堪り兼ねる

堰を切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 堰を切る

偽装 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 偽装

売り捌く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 売り捌く

手直し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 手直し

売り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 売り込む

魘される (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 魘される

決別 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 決別

期す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 期す

貪り食う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 貪り食う

崇拝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 崇拝

駆り立てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駆り立てる

焚書 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焚書

吐き散らす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吐き散らす

払い除ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 払い除ける

表面化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 表面化

渡り歩く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 渡り歩く

徴兵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 徴兵

下宿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下宿

取引 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取引

もたれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: もたれる

答弁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 答弁

乗り切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗り切る

見定める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見定める

踏み外す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踏み外す

いむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いむ

泣き寝入り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泣き寝入り

泣寝入り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 泣寝入り

気絶 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 気絶

滑落 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 滑落

冒す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冒す

細分化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 細分化

婿入り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 婿入り

飛来 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛来

呆れ果てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呆れ果てる

誘き出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誘き出す

しゃくりあげる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: しゃくりあげる

引き千切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き千切る

千切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 千切る

嗅ぎ回る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嗅ぎ回る

見聞き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見聞き

押さえ付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 押さえ付ける

突っ立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 突っ立つ

膠着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 膠着

殴り倒す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殴り倒す

敗北 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敗北

熟慮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 熟慮

追放 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追放

打ち壊す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち壊す

根回し (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 根回し

鈍る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鈍る

鈍る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鈍る

匹敵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 匹敵

ほころびる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ほころびる

紡績 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 紡績

縢る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縢る

踵を返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踵を返す

考え付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 考え付く

深まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 深まる

立ちはだかる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ちはだかる

躙り寄る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 躙り寄る

にじり寄る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: にじり寄る

怯える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 怯える

練れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 練れる

円熟 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 円熟

捻じ伏せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 捻じ伏せる

拗ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拗ける

責め苛む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 責め苛む

焼け爛れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焼け爛れる

伸び悩む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伸び悩む

分かつ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分かつ

奨励 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奨励

制圧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 制圧

位置付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 位置付ける

介す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 介す

解離 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解離

再興 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再興

受容 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受容

撃破 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撃破

発症 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 発症

改組 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改組

試作 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 試作

躍り出る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 躍り出る

征伐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 征伐

失脚 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失脚

再選 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再選

持続 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持続

汎用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 汎用

新造 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 新造

哺乳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 哺乳

追撃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 追撃

周回 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 周回

吹奏 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吹奏

巡回 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巡回

融け合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 融け合う

溶け合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溶け合う

潜水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潜水

占領 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 占領

移住 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 移住

騎乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 騎乗

赴く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 赴く

併用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 併用

明かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 明かす

供用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 供用

アナウンス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: アナウンス

先駆ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先駆ける

投与 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 投与

断絶 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 断絶

築城 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 築城

踏み躙る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踏み躙る

踏みにじる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踏みにじる

デビュー (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: デビュー

焦げ付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焦げ付く

後退り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 後退り

ずり上がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ずり上がる

口遊む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 口遊む

気遣う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 気遣う

近似 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 近似

仕官 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕官

捺印 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 捺印

傾げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 傾げる

首を傾げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 首を傾げる

乗り出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗り出す

設立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 設立

関する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 関する

開業 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開業

観光 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 観光

ネット (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ネット

残る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 残る

至る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 至る

運行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 運行

担ぎ上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 担ぎ上げる

受賞 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受賞

結ぶ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 結ぶ

移籍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 移籍

のぞく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: のぞく

のぞく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: のぞく

黙りこくる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 黙りこくる

靡く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 靡く

へたばる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: へたばる

へばる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: へばる

染色 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 染色

欹てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欹てる

揉み消す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揉み消す

担ぎ込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 担ぎ込む

切り付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 切り付ける

爪の垢を煎じて飲む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爪の垢を煎じて飲む

古惚ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 古惚ける

古ぼける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 古ぼける

噛み殺す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 噛み殺す

ふりかざす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ふりかざす

切羽詰まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 切羽詰まる

口籠もる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 口籠もる

落盤 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落盤

落磐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落磐

稀釈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 稀釈

中退 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 中退

跪く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 跪く

流れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流れる

萎びる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 萎びる

圧し合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 圧し合う

揺する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揺する

へし合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: へし合う

蹌踉ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蹌踉ける

買い溜め (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 買い溜め

掲載 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掲載

含める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 含める

含める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 含める

翻筋斗打つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 翻筋斗打つ

目掛ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 目掛ける

言い合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 言い合う

絶句 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絶句

寄る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寄る

脱出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱出

敗退 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敗退

訝る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訝る

強張る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 強張る

つぎはぎ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: つぎはぎ

すりきれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: すりきれる

打ちのめす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ちのめす

打ちのめす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ちのめす

賄う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 賄う

丸める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 丸める

申し入れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 申し入れる

藻掻く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 藻掻く

揉める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 揉める

持てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 持てる

すがめる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: すがめる

巻く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巻く

結び付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 結び付く

成り立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 成り立つ

予告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 予告

進める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進める

得点 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 得点

分ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分ける

経由 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 経由

経由 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 経由

植民 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 植民

予選 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 予選

向上 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 向上

有する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 有する

属す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 属す

訪れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訪れる

改称 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改称

昇格 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 昇格

通算 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通算

当選 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 当選

配信 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配信

略称 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 略称

加わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 加わる

移行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 移行

ゴール (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ゴール

開設 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開設

換える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 換える

名付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 名付ける

干る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 干る

進学 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進学

生息 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生息

後述 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 後述

起用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 起用

サポート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: サポート

生成 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生成

託す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 託す

合計 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合計

演ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 演ずる

カール (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カール

新設 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 新設

出走 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出走

出奔 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出奔

招く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 招く

閉鎖 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閉鎖

上擦る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上擦る

打ち上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち上げる

打ち上げる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち上げる

問い詰める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 問い詰める

撃墜 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撃墜

出撃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出撃

形式張る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 形式張る

形式ばる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 形式ばる

食い違う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 食い違う

引き続く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き続く

沿う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沿う

支払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 支払う

支える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 支える

支える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 支える

支える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 支える

取り付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り付ける

放つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 放つ

取り入れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り入れる

下す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 下す

取り扱う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り扱う

育つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 育つ

制す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 制す

造る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 造る

転ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転ずる

戻す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 戻す

使える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 使える

向く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 向く

通ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通ずる

ひろまる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ひろまる

かせぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: かせぐ

振るう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 振るう

真似る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 真似る

身構える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 身構える

苦しむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 苦しむ

面する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 面する

勧める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勧める

儲ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 儲ける

悩む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悩む

仕組む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕組む

腐る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 腐る

題する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 題する

任じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 任じる

握る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 握る

叩き直す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 叩き直す

命ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 命ずる

回す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 回す

録画 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 録画

列する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 列する

入れ替わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入れ替わる

旗揚げ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 旗揚げ

乗せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗せる

任ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 任ずる

化す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 化す

割く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 割く

結う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 結う

ちかづく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ちかづく

先立つ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先立つ

愛す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 愛す

もげる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: もげる

物怖じ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 物怖じ

創刊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 創刊

遣らかす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遣らかす

先発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先発

ダウン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ダウン

看過 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 看過

借り倒す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 借り倒す

一杯食わす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一杯食わす

増築 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増築

落下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 落下

飛び掛かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び掛かる

いそいそ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いそいそ

爆ぜる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 爆ぜる

動じる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 動じる

構える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 構える

漏る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漏る

雇う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 雇う

入れ替える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入れ替える

強める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 強める

隠れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 隠れる

替わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 替わる

炊ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 炊ける

深める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 深める

据える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 据える

固める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 固める

着想 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着想

言える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 言える

とろとろ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: とろとろ

硬直 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 硬直

弁護 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 弁護

歓喜 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歓喜

助け出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 助け出す

刳り抜く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 刳り抜く

吸い寄せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 吸い寄せる

登板 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 登板

興行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 興行

育成 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 育成

ロード (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ロード

解釈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解釈

包囲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 包囲

スケート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スケート

帰還 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰還

焦れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焦れる

あぶりだす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あぶりだす

待ち受ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 待ち受ける

プロデュース (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: プロデュース

ぐらぐら (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ぐらぐら

苦り切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 苦り切る

煙管 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 煙管

対向 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 対向

宣教 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 宣教

収縮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 収縮

出征 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出征

脱糞 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱糞

縦断 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 縦断

切り出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 切り出す

増殖 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増殖

分家 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分家

改変 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改変

充溢 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 充溢

表出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 表出

突き動かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 突き動かす

探求 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 探求

遊離 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遊離

座礁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 座礁

開梱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開梱

押し退ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 押し退ける

押しのける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 押しのける

押し合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 押し合う

飛び退く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び退く

魅する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 魅する

並外れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 並外れる

装着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 装着

鉢合わせ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鉢合わせ

食って掛かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 食って掛かる

矯める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 矯める

違背 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 違背

選別 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 選別

毟り取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 毟り取る

軽快 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 軽快

度忘れ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 度忘れ

出しゃばる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出しゃばる

告げ口 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 告げ口

立ち聞き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち聞き

修める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 修める

始動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 始動

楽勝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 楽勝

かけこむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: かけこむ

干拓 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 干拓

却下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 却下

顰蹙 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 顰蹙

厚遇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 厚遇

減り込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 減り込む

食い千切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 食い千切る

踏ん反り返る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踏ん反り返る

ふんぞり返る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ふんぞり返る

恍ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 恍ける

反論 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反論

明く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 明く

微睡む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 微睡む

飛び交う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛び交う

罅割れ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 罅割れ

ひび割れ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ひび割れ

文通 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 文通

明記 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 明記

俯せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 俯せる

沈黙 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沈黙

濡れそぼつ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 濡れそぼつ

突っ伏す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 突っ伏す

伝送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伝送

アップデート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: アップデート

軍配 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 軍配

打ち拉ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち拉ぐ

打ちひしぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ちひしぐ

透かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 透かす

癒着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 癒着

抉り出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抉り出す

いちゃつく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: いちゃつく

齧り付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 齧り付く

齧り付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 齧り付く

練る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 練る

薙ぎ払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 薙ぎ払う

なぎ払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: なぎ払う

掃射 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掃射

照り付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 照り付ける

信認 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 信認

美化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 美化

惚気る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 惚気る

一瞥 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一瞥

誘い込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誘い込む

不貞腐れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 不貞腐れる

罷免 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 罷免

委任 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 委任

変貌 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変貌

変容 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変容

啀み合う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 啀み合う

居座る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 居座る

甘受 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 甘受

むれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: むれる

むれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: むれる

邁進 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 邁進

殺生 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 殺生

駆動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駆動

解き放す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解き放す

こびり付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: こびり付く

脱退 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱退

繁殖 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 繁殖

攻略 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 攻略

絶滅 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 絶滅

主宰 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 主宰

解任 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 解任

市販 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 市販

孵す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 孵す

かすれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: かすれる

むせる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: むせる

カット (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カット

リード (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リード

受信 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受信

修了 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 修了

再編 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再編

射撃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 射撃

終結 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 終結

募集 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 募集

立ち会う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 立ち会う

当てる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 当てる

取れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取れる

冠する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 冠する

在り付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 在り付く

仕掛ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仕掛ける

交える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交える

賑わう (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 賑わう

孵る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 孵る

欠く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欠く

催す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 催す

志す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 志す

嘯く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嘯く

散ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 散ける

レコーディング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: レコーディング

ランク (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ランク

オール (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: オール

パス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: パス

経過 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 経過

転向 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転向

処刑 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 処刑

初演 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 初演

パッケージ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: パッケージ

出資 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出資

ショッピング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ショッピング

配属 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配属

タッチ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: タッチ

ドライブ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ドライブ

従軍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 従軍

排気 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 排気

千切れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 千切れる

レンタル (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: レンタル

抗争 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抗争

固唾を呑む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 固唾を呑む

リニューアル (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リニューアル

運航 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 運航

一貫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一貫

着用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着用

移植 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 移植

退団 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退団

敗戦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敗戦

見遣る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見遣る

摩る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 摩る

惨殺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 惨殺

そそる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: そそる

惹かれる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 惹かれる

括り付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 括り付ける

謎めく (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 謎めく

掌管 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掌管

謹慎 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 謹慎

誤称 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誤称

臥床 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 臥床

搭乗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 搭乗

考案 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 考案

流失 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流失

プロファイリング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: プロファイリング

日焼け (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 日焼け

化膿 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 化膿

厳戒 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 厳戒

付き纏う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付き纏う

開局 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開局

トレーニング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: トレーニング

パック (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: パック

評議 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 評議

検察 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 検察

降格 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降格

互換 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 互換

キック (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: キック

退役 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退役

クロス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: クロス

兼任 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 兼任

無視 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 無視

選考 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 選考

着陸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着陸

離陸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 離陸

従業 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 従業

乗降 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗降

補佐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 補佐

後退 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 後退

流用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流用

辞職 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 辞職

ノミネート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ノミネート

乗務 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗務

奪取 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 奪取

撃沈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撃沈

賀頌 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 賀頌

オン (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: オン

新作 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 新作

カーブ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カーブ

輩出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 輩出

転用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転用

要望 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 要望

調教 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 調教

先住 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先住

スカウト (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スカウト

所蔵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 所蔵

釈放 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 釈放

延伸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 延伸

交戦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交戦

沈没 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沈没

作画 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 作画

完結 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 完結

戴冠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 戴冠

野生 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 野生

開戦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開戦

発動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 発動

シェア (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: シェア

探査 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 探査

通学 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通学

開館 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 開館

仮想 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仮想

載せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 載せる

識別 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 識別

閲覧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閲覧

起工 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 起工

擁立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 擁立

決戦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 決戦

鼓動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鼓動

ロス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ロス

決する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 決する

適す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 適す

博す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 博す

抜擢 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抜擢

プラス (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: プラス

興業 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 興業

キャスト (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: キャスト

降板 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降板

発する (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 発する

リメイク (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: リメイク

利く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 利く

再婚 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再婚

上場 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 上場

展望 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 展望

出航 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出航

直轄 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直轄

討伐 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 討伐

セーブ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: セーブ

欠場 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 欠場

着工 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着工

ディスプレー (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ディスプレー

創始 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 創始

盗塁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 盗塁

多発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 多発

シフト (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: シフト

種別 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 種別

任官 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 任官

乗船 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 乗船

準ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 準ずる

習得 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 習得

撃退 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撃退

シード (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: シード

排水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 排水

アシスト (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: アシスト

増設 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増設

スパイ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スパイ

付す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 付す

抽選 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 抽選

投下 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 投下

カップリング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カップリング

異動 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 異動

汗ばむ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 汗ばむ

指差す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 指差す

見透かす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 見透かす

置換 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 置換

領有 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 領有

合体 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合体

伝道 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 伝道

調節 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 調節

閉店 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閉店

製薬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 製薬

辞退 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 辞退

退官 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退官

改築 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 改築

専修 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 専修

特筆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 特筆

進撃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進撃

進水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 進水

義務付ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 義務付ける

生える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生える

造営 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 造営

直営 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 直営

亡くす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 亡くす

三嘆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 三嘆

完備 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 完備

歪曲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歪曲

先駆 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先駆

配す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 配す

増刊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 増刊

病死 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 病死

ラップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ラップ

ラップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ラップ

インストール (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: インストール

遅延 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遅延

寄贈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寄贈

寄贈 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寄贈

マウント (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: マウント

退学 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退学

近接 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 近接

連敗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連敗

運送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 運送

産出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 産出

通告 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 通告

転写 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転写

要す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 要す

講習 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 講習

引き受ける (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引き受ける

操る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 操る

仲介 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 仲介

後援 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 後援

費やす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 費やす

出港 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出港

鋳造 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鋳造

駐在 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 駐在

続行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 続行

香る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 香る

一新 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一新

差し替える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 差し替える

転落 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 転落

パレード (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: パレード

慣習 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 慣習

集約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 集約

複製 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 複製

常勤 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 常勤

醸造 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 醸造

介護 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 介護

割れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 割れる

除籍 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 除籍

廃す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 廃す

タイアップ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: タイアップ

処置 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 処置

満了 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 満了

投ずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 投ずる

延びる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 延びる

午睡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 午睡

取り替える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り替える

ディスカバー (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ディスカバー

思念 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 思念

因数分解 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 因数分解

叶える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 叶える

精選 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 精選

拓殖 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拓殖

萎縮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 萎縮

参る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 参る

多様化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 多様化

自由化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自由化

深刻化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 深刻化

辿り着く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 辿り着く

透過 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 透過

咀嚼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 咀嚼

整合 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 整合

拝見 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拝見

差し止める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 差し止める

過渡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 過渡

一撃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一撃

チャージ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: チャージ

削ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 削ぐ

訓示 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 訓示

拝聴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拝聴

専売 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 専売

募金 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 募金

育苗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 育苗

困苦 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 困苦

意気込む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 意気込む

カンニング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カンニング

復員 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 復員

踏み固める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 踏み固める

含嗽 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 含嗽

受け継ぐ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受け継ぐ

堤防 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 堤防

浮気 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 浮気

痩せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 痩せる

肯んずる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 肯んずる

面詰 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 面詰

罵る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 罵る

綱渡り (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 綱渡り

減税 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 減税

こいわずらい (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: こいわずらい

明視 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 明視

食指が動く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 食指が動く

レイプ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: レイプ

カンパ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: カンパ

侮る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 侮る

潜航 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 潜航

掻っ払う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 掻っ払う

交遊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 交遊

油を売る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 油を売る

濡れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 濡れる

反芻 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反芻

あらさがし (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: あらさがし

履行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 履行

流浪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 流浪

巡航 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 巡航

溶化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 溶化

融化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 融化

がっかり (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: がっかり

悲憤 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 悲憤

豆撒き (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 豆撒き

蒔く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蒔く

散逸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 散逸

歪める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歪める

把持 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 把持

蟻継ぎ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 蟻継ぎ

着飾る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 着飾る

鯨飲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 鯨飲

点滴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 点滴

決闘 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 決闘

監察 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 監察

軽侮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 軽侮

剥奪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 剥奪

呼び返す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 呼び返す

再考 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再考

簡約 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 簡約

反駁 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反駁

再放送 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 再放送

幽居 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 幽居

返品 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 返品

くみかえる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: くみかえる

調味 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 調味

照準 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 照準

展覧 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 展覧

試着 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 試着

懇求 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懇求

チューニング (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: チューニング

ツイート (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ツイート

閊える (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 閊える

点火 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 点火

火葬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 火葬

取り掛かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 取り掛かる

都市化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 都市化

反攻 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 反攻

飛翔 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 飛翔

誹謗 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誹謗

素描 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 素描

献血 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 献血

退治 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退治

言い争う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 言い争う

狂喜 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 狂喜

礼遇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 礼遇

接地 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 接地

拭い去る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 拭い去る

感電死 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 感電死

劣化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 劣化

表号 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 表号

裏打ち (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 裏打ち

暗号化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 暗号化

息巻く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 息巻く

合奏 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 合奏

嫉妬 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嫉妬

昇叙 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 昇叙

噴出 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 噴出

焼き付く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 焼き付く

嵌まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嵌まる

懸かる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懸かる

漫罵 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漫罵

倦む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 倦む

倦む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 倦む

疾行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 疾行

先延ばし (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先延ばし

忍び入る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 忍び入る

佇立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 佇立

證言 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 證言

献身 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 献身

目擊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 目擊

保温 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 保温

謹聴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 謹聴

唆す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 唆す

漏水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漏水

勘当 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勘当

覚悟 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 覚悟

お出でになる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: お出でになる

出立 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 出立

振り向く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 振り向く

漕ぎ寄せる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 漕ぎ寄せる

降臨 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降臨

傭う (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 傭う

敷き詰める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 敷き詰める

勿体振る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 勿体振る

厭悪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 厭悪

早世 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 早世

お祝い (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: お祝い

了見 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 了見

共在 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 共在

一目惚れ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 一目惚れ

憤懣 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 憤懣

譴責 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 譴責

礼拝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 礼拝

礼拝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 礼拝

換装 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 換装

織る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 織る

嬲る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 嬲る

發電 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 發電

跛行 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 跛行

短絡 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 短絡

昼寝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 昼寝

經由 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 經由

管制 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 管制

急騰 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 急騰

寝坊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寝坊

打ち砕く (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 打ち砕く

密輸 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 密輸

降雪 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 降雪

機械化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 機械化

防音 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 防音

零れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 零れる

捻挫 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 捻挫

スプレー (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: スプレー

沈滞 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 沈滞

失速 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 失速

監修 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 監修

入線 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入線

退潮 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 退潮

架橋 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 架橋

参画 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 参画

低減 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 低減

帰投 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 帰投

買い取る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 買い取る

分断 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 分断

纏まる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 纏まる

捕食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 捕食

撤廃 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 撤廃

クラッシュ (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: クラッシュ

変速 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 変速

参拝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 参拝

受託 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 受託

発刊 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 発刊

先述 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 先述

常任 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 常任

混ぜる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 混ぜる

備わる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 備わる

脱臼 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 脱臼

歩測 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 歩測

ご覧になる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ご覧になる

馳走 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 馳走

可愛がる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 可愛がる

キレる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: キレる

予習 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 予習

彩る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 彩る

誘発 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 誘発

遊学 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 遊学

切望 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 切望

筆答 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 筆答

滅菌 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 滅菌

想起 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 想起

割譲 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 割譲

朝貢 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 朝貢

懈怠 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 懈怠

憔悴 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 憔悴

老化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 老化

就寝 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 就寝

押韻 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 押韻

秒殺 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 秒殺

更正 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 更正

供養 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 供養

病弱 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 病弱

築港 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 築港

窒化 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窒化

窒息 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 窒息

両替 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 両替

連れ出す (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連れ出す

引っ込める (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 引っ込める

咲き溢れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 咲き溢れる

背馳 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 背馳

止む (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 止む

昇天 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 昇天

メンチを切る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: メンチを切る

入り乱れる (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 入り乱れる

孤食 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 孤食

寛解 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 寛解

給水 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 給水

連用 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 連用

生き返る (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 生き返る

愛読 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 愛読

自決 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 自決

ひっこす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: ひっこす

待遇 (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: 待遇

わかす (verb) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'Kateikei ("hypothetical")' Path: わかす

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable Japanese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-23 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-21 using wiktextract (fef8596 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.