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AcidsszénsavHungariannouncarbonic acidchemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
AcidsszénsavHungariannouncarbon dioxideobsolete
ActingممثلArabicnounactorbroadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theater
ActingممثلArabicnounrepresentative (in government)
Adephagan beetlesharpalineEnglishadjBelonging to the taxonomic tribe Harpalini.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
Adephagan beetlesharpalineEnglishnounAny member of the taxonomic tribe Harpalini.biology natural-sciences zoology
Administrative divisionsprovincieDutchnounprovincefeminine
Administrative divisionsprovincieDutchnouncountryside, hinterlandfeminine
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A cylindrical projectile that can be fired to a great height through combustion, (specifically) a type of firework of this form, typically exploding with light and colour; a skyrocket.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A blunt lance head used in jousting.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / A long vehicle or craft propelled by a rocket engine; a missile or rocket-propelled spacecraft.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounA projectile. / An engine operating similarly to the pyrotechnic, generating thrust by the expulsion of hot gases; a rocket engine.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / Something that travels high in the air and/or with great speed; especially (sport), a hard shot.figuratively
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A severe reprimand; a telling-off.UK figuratively slang
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / An ace (the playing card).figuratively slang
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A stupid or crazy person.Scotland figuratively slang
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounFigurative uses. / A very physically attractive woman.East England South figuratively slang
AeronauticsrocketEnglishverbTo accelerate swiftly and powerfully.intransitive transitive
AeronauticsrocketEnglishverbTo fly vertically.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishverbTo rise or soar rapidly.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishverbTo experience sudden fame, popularity, or success.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishverbTo carry something in a rocket.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishverbTo attack something with rockets.
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounThe leaf vegetable Eruca sativa or Eruca vesicaria.uncountable
AeronauticsrocketEnglishnounRocket larkspur (Consolida regalis, syn. Delphinium consolida).uncountable
AestheticsweirdcoreEnglishnounA musical genre derived from punk, technopop, and house music, that deliberately uses weird sounds and lyrics.uncountable
AestheticsweirdcoreEnglishnounA style of art and fashion that incorporates surrealistic elements with manga and psychedelic art.uncountable
AgenastolatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of nastolatek (“teenager”)feminine form-of
AgenastolatkaPolishnoungenitive singular of nastolatekform-of genitive singular
AgenastolatkaPolishnounaccusative singular of nastolatekaccusative form-of singular
AgriculturearatriceItaliannounfemale equivalent of aratorefeminine form-of
AgriculturedīmensOld Prussiannouna heap of sheaves
AgriculturedīmensOld Prussiannouna muddle, a messfiguratively
AgricultureintercropEnglishverbTo grow more than one crop simultaneously in the same field.
AgricultureintercropEnglishnounThe second (or subsequent) crop so planted.
AgriculturemarkFaroesenounfieldbiblical lifestyle religionfeminine
AgriculturemarkFaroesenounborder, frontierneuter
AlcoholismnapierdolićPolishverbto beat violently, to punch, to fuck upperfective transitive vulgar
AlcoholismnapierdolićPolishverbto do something quickly or skillfully, with no difficultyperfective slang transitive vulgar
AlcoholismnapierdolićPolishverbto hurtintransitive perfective vulgar
AlcoholismnapierdolićPolishverbto do something intensivelyperfective transitive vulgar
AlcoholismnapierdolićPolishverbto fightperfective reflexive vulgar
AlcoholismnapierdolićPolishverbto get excessively drunk or highperfective reflexive vulgar
AlliumsZwiwwelPennsylvania Germannounonionfeminine
AlliumsZwiwwelPennsylvania Germannounbulb (plant)feminine
AlliumsaladeYorubanounprince, princess, royal
AlliumsaladeYorubanounThe tree Myrianthus arboreus
AlliumsaladeYorubanounThe common species of yam grown and consumed in the Yoruba region, specifically Dioscorea cayenensis subsp. rotundata
AlliumscreamhScottish Gaelicnoungentianmasculine
AlliumscreamhScottish Gaelicnounhart's tongue fernmasculine
AlliumscreamhScottish Gaelicnoungarlicmasculine
AlliumscreamhScottish Gaelicnounleeksmasculine
AlliumscreamhScottish Gaelicnounelecampanemasculine
AlliumslowogiNupenounonion sprout; young onion
AlliumssibulEstoniannounonion (plant, Allium cepa)
AlliumssibulEstoniannounonion (the edible bulb of this plant)
AlliumssibulEstoniannounbulb, tuber (a short underground rhizome, which accumulates nutrients)anatomy biology botany medicine natural-sciences sciences
AlliumssibulEstoniannounonion dome (onion-shaped dome of a Russian Orthodox church)architecture
AlliumssibulEstoniannouna Russian, Russkiethnic slur
Amaranths and goosefootspazıTurkishnounchard (type of a beet)
Amaranths and goosefootspazıTurkishnounbiceps, the biceps brachii muscle
AnarchismmutualistEnglishadjOf, supporting, pertaining to, or advocating mutualism
AnarchismmutualistEnglishadjsymbioticbiology natural-sciences
AnarchismmutualistEnglishnounAny organism in a symbiotic relationbiology natural-sciences
AnarchismmutualistEnglishnounA person who advocates mutualismgovernment politics
AnatomybenNorwegian Bokmålnouna legneuter
AnatomybenNorwegian Bokmålnouna boneneuter
AnatomytuskEnglishnounOne of a pair of elongated pointed teeth that extend outside the mouth of an animal such as walrus, elephant or wild boar, and which continue to grow throughout the animal's life.
AnatomytuskEnglishnounA small projection on a (tusk) tenon.
AnatomytuskEnglishnounA tusk shell.
AnatomytuskEnglishnounA projecting member like a tenon, and serving the same or a similar purpose, but composed of several steps, or offsets, called carpentry construction manufacturing
AnatomytuskEnglishnounA sharp point.
AnatomytuskEnglishnounThe share of a plough.
AnatomytuskEnglishverbTo dig up using a tusk, as boars do.
AnatomytuskEnglishverbTo gore with the tusks.
AnatomytuskEnglishverbTo bare or gnash the teeth.obsolete
AnatomytuskEnglishnounA fish, the torsk (Brosme brosme).
AnatomyɲɛBambarapostpbefore, ahead of
AnatomyɲɛBambaraverbto be goodintransitive
AnatomyჩონჩხიGeorgiannounomentum, caul, innards, guts
Anatomy手腕子Chinesenounillegitimate methods that people use to treat othersXiang
Anatomy手腕子Chinesenounskill; abilityXiang
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishnounA two-wheeled horse-drawn cart, used in Bronze Age and Early Iron Age warfare.
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishnounA light (four-wheeled) carriage used for ceremonial or pleasure purposes.
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishnounThe rook piece.board-games games xiangqi
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishverbTo convey by, or as if by, chariot.poetic rare transitive
Ancient EgyptchariotEnglishverbTo ride in a chariot.intransitive
Ancient GreeceZenonismEnglishnounThe philosophy of Zeno of Citium; stoicism.uncountable
Ancient GreeceZenonismEnglishnounA philosophical framework in which a finite continuum is regarded as an infinite number of discrete elements.uncountable
Ancient RomequestorMiddle EnglishnounA member of the clergy who provides forgiveness for sins.
Ancient RomequestorMiddle Englishnounquaestor (ancient Roman official)historical rare
Ancient RomesextariusEnglishnounA Roman unit of liquid measure reckoned as the volume of 1⅔ Roman pound of wine and equivalent to about 0.54 L although varying slightly over time.historical
Ancient RomesextariusEnglishnounA Roman unit of dry measure.historical
AngerangerMiddle EnglishnounGrief, painfulness, or discomfort; a feeling of pain or sadness.
AngerangerMiddle EnglishnounA trouble, affliction, or vexation; something that inflicts pain or hardship.
AngerangerMiddle EnglishnounAngriness, ire; the state of being angry, enraged, or wrathful.
AngerangerMiddle EnglishnounIndignation, spitefulness; the feeling of being wronged or treated unfairly.
AngerangerMiddle EnglishnounIrritableness; the state of being in a foul mood.rare
AngerangerMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of angrenalt-of alternative
Animal body partsmásaHungariannounhis/her/its copy, replica, doublet, likeness, lookalikeuncountable
Animal body partsmásaHungariannouna cow’s placentauncountable
Animal body partsхоботокRussiannoundiminutive of хо́бот (xóbot): (small) trunk (of an elephant)diminutive form-of
Animal body partsхоботокRussiannounproboscis (elongated tube from the head or connected to the mouth, of an animal)
Animal dwellingssheepfoldEnglishnounAn enclosure for keeping sheep.
Animal dwellingssheepfoldEnglishnounA flock of sheep.
Animal dwellingsvolièreFrenchnounaviaryfeminine
Animal dwellingsvolièreFrenchnounbirdcagefeminine
Animal foodsfuterPolishnounfodderinanimate masculine
Animal foodsfuterPolishnounlining used to sew up a dressinanimate masculine
Animal foodsfuterPolishnoungenitive plural of futroform-of genitive neuter plural
Animal soundsbramerFrenchverbto bellow
Animal soundsbramerFrenchverbto troat (make the cry of a deer)
Animal soundscsipogHungarianverbto chirp, peep, tweettransitive
Animal soundscsipogHungarianverbto beep (e.g. a pager, beeper)transitive
Animal soundscsipogHungarianverbto utter (something) in a high-pitched voicefiguratively intransitive transitive
Animal soundsgroynyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe sound of groaning or whining.rare uncountable
Animal soundsgroynyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe groan as an animal; beastly calls.rare uncountable
Animal soundskraPolishnounice floefeminine
Animal soundskraPolishintjcaw (cry of a crow or raven)
Animal soundsржаниеRussiannounneighing
Animal soundsржаниеRussiannounguffawingcolloquial derogatory figuratively
Animal soundsコケコッコーJapaneseintjcock-a-doodle-doo (the sound a rooster makes)onomatopoeic
Animal soundsコケコッコーJapanesenounchicken, chickychildish
AnimalsbinatangBintulunounanimal (organism)
AnimalsbinatangBintulunounanimal (organism other than man)
AnimalsbinatangSikanounanimal (organism)
AnimalsbinatangSikanounanimal (organism other than man)
AnimalsniisaGreenlandicnounharbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
AnimationbonecoPortuguesenoundoll (of a male human character or animal)masculine
AnimationbonecoPortuguesenounstick figuremasculine
AnimationbonecoPortuguesenounpuppet (small model of a person or animal able to be moved by strings or rods)masculine
AnimationbonecoPortuguesenounpuppet (manipulable person)broadly figuratively masculine
AnimationbonecoPortuguesenouncartoonsbroadcasting media televisionin-plural masculine
Anthemideae tribe plantsبوزیدانPersiannounsweet pellitory (Pseudohandelia umbellifera, once Pyrethrum umbelliferum, Tanacetum umbelliferum)
Anthemideae tribe plantsبوزیدانPersiannounashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Anthemideae tribe plantsبوزیدانPersiannoungreen-winged orchid or green-veined orchid (Anacamptis morio, syn. Orchis morio)
AnuransbatrachianEnglishnounA frog or toad.rare
AnuransbatrachianEnglishadjPertaining to or resembling a frog or toad.
Apiales order plantsprickly ashEnglishnounAny of a number of trees and shrubs in the genus Zanthoxylum containing Sichuan pepper and the American Midwest invasive species.
Apiales order plantsprickly ashEnglishnounAralia spinosa, a plant native to eastern North America
Apiales order plantsprickly ashEnglishnounOrites excelsus, a plant native to Australia
Apiales order plantsprickly ashEnglishnounPapilio pelaus, a butterfly
Apieae tribe plantsanisCebuanonounanise or aniseed plant (Pimpinella anisum)
Apieae tribe plantsanisCebuanonounstar anise (Illicium verum)
Apieae tribe plantsanisCebuanonounseed of star anise
AppearancelalusiaPolishnounfemale equivalent of laluś (“dandy, fop”) (woman who is overly concerned about her clothes and appearance)feminine form-of
AppearancelalusiaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of laluśaccusative form-of genitive masculine person singular
Appearancenot a pretty sightEnglishnounSomething visually unappealing, ranging from mildly unattractive to utterly disgusting in appearance.euphemistic humorous sometimes uncountable
Appearancenot a pretty sightEnglishnounSomething disappointing, disquieting, disreputable, or otherwise unworthy of admiration.broadly idiomatic uncountable
ArachnidsкосарUkrainiannounmower (somebody who mows)
ArachnidsкосарUkrainiannoundaddy longlegs; harvestmanin-plural
ArcherycięciwaPolishnounbowstring (string of an archer's bow)feminine
ArcherycięciwaPolishnounchordgeometry mathematics sciencesfeminine
ArcheryجعبةArabicnounquiver (for arrows)
ArcheryجعبةArabicnounholsterengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
ArcheryجعبةArabicnounpipe, tube
ArcheryجعبةArabicnounrepertoire, toolbox, arsenal, portfolio, disposalfiguratively
ArchitecturetellaGaliciannounroof tilefeminine
ArchitecturetellaGalicianverbinflection of tellar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ArchitecturetellaGalicianverbinflection of tellar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ArchitecturełątkaPolishnounany bluet (damselfly) of the genus Coenagrionfeminine
ArchitecturełątkaPolishnounagrion (any damselfly of the genus Calopteryx (syn. Agrion))feminine obsolete
ArchitecturełątkaPolishnounpuppet (an object animated or manipulated by a puppeteer)feminine
ArchitecturełątkaPolishnoundoll (a toy in the form of a human)feminine obsolete
ArchitecturełątkaPolishnounpost (of a post-and-plank building)feminine
AsteroidsFidesEnglishnameRoman goddess of trust and loyalty. Her Greek equivalent was Pistis.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
AsteroidsFidesEnglishname37 Fides, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
AstrophysicsastrofizykaPolishnounastrophysicsnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine
AstrophysicsastrofizykaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of astrofizykaccusative form-of genitive singular
Atmospheric phenomenableskCzechnounlightning (flash of light)inanimate masculine
Atmospheric phenomenableskCzechnounlightning (discharge itself)inanimate masculine
Atmospheric phenomenableskCzechnounphotoflashinanimate masculine
Atmospheric phenomenavròstCimbriannounthe cold; cold weatherSette-Comuni masculine
Atmospheric phenomenavròstCimbriannounfrostSette-Comuni masculine
Atmospheric phenomenaмолнияRussiannounlightning
Atmospheric phenomenaмолнияRussiannounzipper, zip, zip fastener
Atmospheric phenomenaмолнияRussiannounexpress telegram
Atmospheric phenomenaмолнияRussiannouncigarette lighterslang
AustraliaFCCAEnglishnameInitialism of Federal Circuit Court of Australia.abbreviation alt-of initialism
AustraliaFCCAEnglishnameInitialism of Film Critics Circle of Australia.abbreviation alt-of initialism
AzerbaijanAzerbeidjansAfrikaansadjAzerbaijani; Azeri (of, from, or pertaining to Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani people or the Azerbaijani language)not-comparable
AzerbaijanAzerbeidjansAfrikaansnameAzerbaijani (the language spoken by the Azerbaijani)
BabiesberçoPortuguesenouncradle, cribmasculine
BabiesberçoPortuguesenounbirthplacefiguratively masculine
BabiesberçoPortuguesenouna type of short cannonengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryhistorical masculine
BabiesberçoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of berçarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
BabiescotxetCatalannoundiminutive of cotxediminutive form-of masculine
BabiescotxetCatalannounpram, buggy, strollermasculine
Baby animalssmall fryEnglishnounOne or more small or immature fish.
Baby animalssmall fryEnglishnounOne or more children.informal
Baby animalssmall fryEnglishnounOne or more relatively small and insignificant individuals or things of relatively little consequence, importance, or value.idiomatic
Baby animalsալոջArmeniannounshe-kid
Baby animalsալոջArmeniannounAlternative form of ալոճ (aloč)alt-of alternative
BagsazisNavajonounbag, sack, pouch, pack
BagsazisNavajonouncan, container
Baluchi cardinal numbersہپتBaluchinumseven
Baluchi cardinal numbersہپتBaluchinounseven (digit)
BeekeepingbrťCzechnounhollow tree settled by beesfeminine
BeekeepingbrťCzechnouna section of a beehivedialectal feminine
BeergashEnglishnounA deep cut.countable uncountable
BeergashEnglishnounA vulva.countable slang uncountable vulgar
BeergashEnglishnounA woman.derogatory offensive slang uncountable
BeergashEnglishnounRubbish, spare kit.British-Royal-Navy countable slang uncountable
BeergashEnglishnounRubbish on board an aircraft.countable slang uncountable
BeergashEnglishnounUnused film or sound during film editing.countable slang uncountable
BeergashEnglishnounPoor-quality beer, usually watered down.countable slang uncountable
BeergashEnglishadjOf poor quality; makeshift; improvised; temporary; substituted.slang
BeergashEnglishverbTo make a deep, long cut; to slash.
BeergashEnglishadjghastly; hideousScotland UK dialectal
BeetlesscarabeoItaliannounscarab (amulet)masculine
BeetlesхрущRussiannouncockchafer (Phyllophaga spp.)
BeetlesхрущRussiannounMay beetle
BelarusбеларускамоўныBelarusianadjBelarusian-speaking, Belarusophoneno-comparative
BelarusбеларускамоўныBelarusianadjwritten, spoken, or created in the Belarusian languageno-comparative
BeveragesinfusiónSpanishnountea (infusion made from herbs)feminine
BeverageswodaPolishnounwater (clear liquid essential for life)feminine
BeverageswodaPolishnounwater (natural or artificial body of water)feminine
BeverageswodaPolishnounwater (portion)feminine
BeverageswodaPolishnounliquid that gathers in the body when it has a diseasecolloquial feminine
BeverageswodaPolishnounmixture of alcohol and water used for cosmetic purposes, such as shavingfeminine
BeverageswodaPolishnounflood (destructive excess of water)feminine
BeveragesشوملېPashtonouna yogurt drink, lassi
BeveragesشوملېPashtonounyogurt mixed with water
Biblical charactersAnnaItaliannamea female given name, equivalent to English Annfeminine
Biblical charactersAnnaItaliannameHannah (Biblical mother of Samuel)feminine
Biblical charactersAnnaItaliannameAnna (Biblical prophetess)feminine
Biblical charactersHannaFinnishnamea female given name from Biblical Hebrew, also a short form of Johanna
Biblical charactersHannaFinnishnameHannah (mother of Samuel)
Biblical charactersHannaFinnishnameAnna (biblical prophetess)
Biblical charactersIoʻelaHawaiiannameJoel (book of the Bible; biblical prophet)
Biblical charactersIoʻelaHawaiiannamea male given name originating from the Bible
Biblical charactersIssátNorthern SaminameIsaac (Biblical figure)
Biblical charactersIssátNorthern Saminamea male given name, equivalent to English Isaac
Biblical charactersRuutFinnishnameRuth (biblical character)
Biblical charactersRuutFinnishnamea female given name of biblical origin
Biblical charactersRuutFinnishnameAbbreviation of Ruutin kirja.abbreviation alt-of
Biblical charactersZacharieFrenchnameZacharias; Zachariah; Zechariah (biblical character)masculine
Biblical charactersZacharieFrenchnamea male given namemasculine
BirdsMacropsalisTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Caprimulgidae – long-trained nightjar.feminine
BirdsMacropsalisTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Neopilionidae – Synonym of Megalopsalis, certain daddy longlegs spiders.feminine
BirdsflamencuAsturianadjFlemishmasculine singular
BirdsflamencuAsturiannounFlemish (Dutch language as it's spoken in Flanders)masculine uncountable
BirdsfulicaLatinnouna cootdeclension-1 feminine
BirdsfulicaLatinnounwaterfowldeclension-1 feminine
BirdshootsokoHopinounwhippoorwill (bird)
BirdshootsokoHopinounscreech owl (bird)
BirdsplateroSpanishnounband-tailed sierra finch (Porphyrospiza alaudina)Chile masculine
BirdsليلArabicnounnighttime, nightuncountable usually
BirdsليلArabicnounchick of a bustard (حُبَارَى (ḥubārā)) and/or curlew (كَرَوَان (karawān))countable obsolete usually
BirdsليلArabicnounbustard hen; bustard in generalcountable obsolete usually
Birdsমৌপিয়াAssamesenouncrimson sunbird, sunbird
BivalvescoltellaccioItaliannounlarge knifemasculine
BivalvescoltellaccioItaliannounstudding sailnautical transportmasculine
BivalvescoltellaccioItaliannounSynonym of cannolicchiomasculine
BivalvesperlorodkaCzechnounpearl shellfish (any shellfish creating pearls)feminine
BivalvesperlorodkaCzechnounMargaritifera (genus of freshwater mussels)feminine
Blue-green algaesinicaPolishnouncyanobacterium, blue-green alga (any bacterium of the phylum Cyanobacteria)countable feminine
Blue-green algaesinicaPolishnounany grasshopper of the genus Aiolopuscountable feminine
Blue-green algaesinicaPolishnouncyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin due to the circulation of blood low in oxygen)medicine pathology sciencesfeminine uncountable
Bodies of waterpotokPolishnountorrentinanimate masculine
Bodies of waterpotokPolishnounstream, creekinanimate masculine
Bodies of waterpotokPolishnounpipecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
Bodies of waterpotokPolishnounpipelinecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinanimate masculine
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishnounAn artificial passage for water, fitted with a valve or gate, for example in a canal lock or a mill stream, for stopping or regulating the flow.
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishnounA water gate or floodgate.
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishnounHence, an opening or channel through which anything flows; a source of supply.
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishnounThe stream flowing through a floodgate.
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishnounA long box or trough through which water flows, used for washing auriferous mining
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishnounAn instance of wh-stranding ellipsis, or sluicing.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishverbTo emit by, or as by, flood gates.rare transitive
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishverbTo wet copiously, as by opening a sluicetransitive
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishverbTo wash with, or in, a stream of water running through a sluice.transitive
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishverbTo wash (down or out).broadly transitive
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishverbTo flow, pour.intransitive
Bodies of watersluiceEnglishverbTo elide the complement in a coordinated wh-question. See sluicing.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Bodies of waterstroomDutchnouna flow, current or flush, as of moving water or other liquidmasculine
Bodies of waterstroomDutchnouna major river, especially one leading to the sea or oceanmasculine
Bodies of waterstroomDutchnouna smaller streammasculine
Bodies of waterstroomDutchnounan electrical currentmasculine
Bodies of waterstroomDutchnounelectricitybroadly masculine
Bodies of waterstroomDutchverbinflection of stromen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Bodies of waterstroomDutchverbinflection of stromen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
Bodies of waterstroomDutchverbinflection of stromen: / imperativeform-of imperative
Bodies of waterставUkrainiannounpond
Bodies of waterставUkrainianverbmasculine singular past indicative imperfective of ста́ти (státy)form-of imperfective indicative masculine past singular
Bodies of waterမြစ်Burmesenounriver
Bodies of waterမြစ်Burmeseverbto prohibit, forbid
Bodies of waterမြစ်Burmesenounrootbiology botany natural-sciences
Bodies of waterမြစ်Burmesenoungizzard
Bodies of waterမြစ်Burmesenoungreat-grandchild
Bodily fluidsmakiláLingalanounbloodclass-6
Bodily fluidsmakiláLingalanounlifeclass-6
BodybodIrishnounchurl, boor, loutarchaic masculine
BodyleestDutchnounlast (form on which shoes are made or repaired)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technicalfeminine
BodyleestDutchnounstyle, model, examplefeminine figuratively
BodyleestDutchnounshape, figure, build (of a person)dated feminine
BodyleestDutchverbinflection of lezen: / second/third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular third-person
BodyleestDutchverbinflection of lezen: / plural imperativearchaic form-of imperative plural
Body partsaandáaruPhaluranounintestinemasculine
Body partsaandáaruPhaluranoungutsmasculine
Body partshoaiHawaiiannounjoint
Body partshoaiHawaiiannounsuture
Body partsloketCzechnounelbow (joint)inanimate masculine
Body partsloketCzechnounell, cubit (unit of length)inanimate masculine
Body partsnedraSerbo-Croatiannounchest, bosom, breastshuman-sciences language linguistics sciencesplural plural-only
Body partsnedraSerbo-Croatiannounheart, bosom (deep or inner part of something)figuratively
Body partsogungunYorubanounAlternative form of egungun (“bone”).alt-of alternative
Body partsogungunYorubanounkapok tree
Body parts五体Japanesenounthe five parts of a body that are said to make it whole
Body parts五体Japanesenounthe five principal East Asian calligraphic/typographic styles of Chinese originarts calligraphy communications journalism literature media publishing typography writing
Book sizessextodecimoEnglishnounA size of a sheet of paper resulting from folding and cutting a sheet of paper into sixteenths (3.25"-5" x 5"-6.25").media printing publishing
Book sizessextodecimoEnglishnounA book consisting of pages of that printing publishing
BooksdaybookEnglishnounA daily chronicle; a diary.
BooksdaybookEnglishnounAn accounting journal.
BooksdaybookEnglishnounA logbook.nautical transport
BooksглаваSerbo-Croatiannounchapter (section of a book)
BooksܩܦܠܐܘܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounchapter (main division of a book typically with a number or title)
BooksܩܦܠܐܘܢAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouna distinctive period in history or in a person's life.
Books of the BibleZaccariaItaliannameZachariah, Zacharias, Zachary, Zechariah (biblical character)masculine
Books of the BibleZaccariaItaliannamethe Book of Zechariahmasculine
Books of the BibleZaccariaItaliannamea male given name from Hebrew of biblical originmasculine
Boroughs in EnglandHarlowEnglishnameA town and local government district of Essex, England.
Boroughs in EnglandHarlowEnglishnameA habitational surname transferred from the place name.
Boroughs in EnglandHarlowEnglishnameA unisex given name transferred from the surname.
Boroughs in EnglandStockportEnglishnameA market town and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England (OS grid ref SJ8990).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandStockportEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandStockportEnglishnameA town in Columbia County, New York.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandStockportEnglishnameA village in Morgan County, Ohio.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandStockportEnglishnameA town in South Australia.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandStockportEnglishnameA city in Van Buren County, Iowacountable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandStockportEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Delaware County, Indiana.countable uncountable
BotanymuscilageMiddle Englishnounmucilage
BotanymuscilageMiddle Englishnounmucusrare
BranchiopodswioślarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of wioślarz (“oarswoman, rower”)feminine form-of
BranchiopodswioślarkaPolishnounwater flea (any crustacean of the order Diplostraca)feminine
BrazilgraoEnglishnounA traditional short Portuguese unit of length, equivalent to about 4.6 mm.historical
BrazilgraoEnglishnounA traditional short Portuguese unit of mass, equivalent to about 50 mg.historical
BreadsfocacciaEnglishnounA flatbread similar in style, composition, and texture to modern pizza doughs and topped with herbs, cheese and other products. Focaccia typically consists of high-gluten flour, oil, water, sugar, salt and yeast.uncountable
BreadsfocacciaEnglishnounA sandwich made with this type of bread.countable
Breads饅頭ChinesenounChinese steamed bun (without filling); mantou
Breads饅頭Chinesenounsteamed bun with filling; baoziWu
Breads饅頭Chinesenounsteamed bun (with or without filling)archaic
Breads饅頭Chinesenounbreast; titsfiguratively slang
Breads饅頭ChinesenounAlternative form of 麵頭/面头 (miàntóu, “mantou used during the hundredth day commemoration of one's parent's death”)Hokkien alt-of alternative
BridgesLondon BridgeEnglishnameA bridge across the River Thames between the City of London and Southwark. The first bridge was probably built in Roman times.
BridgesLondon BridgeEnglishnameAn important railway station in Southwark, near the bridge, with both terminal and through platforms, also served by the Northern and Jubilee underground lines
BridgesLondon BridgeEnglishnameThe area of London, in the borough of Southwark immediately surrounding the station (OS grid ref TQ3280).
Building materialsprzecznicaPolishnounturn-off, cut-through, block, turning, intersection, junction (street perpendicular to the main thoroughfare or other street)feminine
Building materialsprzecznicaPolishnounextensive excavation drilled horizontally in the rock across the layersbusiness miningfeminine
Building materialsprzecznicaPolishnouncrosspiece (horizontal or transverse beam or similar member that extends across or perpendicular to something)feminine obsolete
Building materialsprzecznicaPolishnounargument, contention, dispute, quarrelMiddle Polish feminine
BuildingsbacksideEnglishnounThe back side of anything, the part opposite its front / The back side of an estate: the backyard and outbuildings behind a main house, especially (UK dialect, euphemistic) an outhouse.
BuildingsbacksideEnglishnounThe back side of anything, the part opposite its front / A person's buttocks.euphemistic
BuildingsbacksideEnglishnounThe back side of anything, the part opposite its front / The back side of a page: a verso.obsolete
BuildingsbacksideEnglishnounThe reverse or opposite of anything.figuratively
BuildingsbacksideEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see back, side.
BuildingsbacksideEnglishadjApproaching an obstacle backwardnot-comparable
BuildingsbacksideEnglishadjUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see back, side.not-comparable
BuildingscarseyEnglishnounAlternative form of khazi: an outhouse; a lavatory.alt-of alternative
BuildingscarseyEnglishnounA house.Polari
BuildingsdannaEnglishnounHuman feces.countable obsolete slang uncountable
BuildingsdannaEnglishnounAlternative form of dunny: an outhouse; a toilet.alt-of alternative countable obsolete slang uncountable
BuildingsděkanátCzechnoundeanery, decanate (group of parishes over which a dean presides)Christianityinanimate masculine
BuildingsděkanátCzechnoundeanery (office of a dean)Christianityinanimate masculine
BuildingsděkanátCzechnoundeanery (office of a dean)educationinanimate masculine
BuildingsděkanátCzechnoundeanshipeducationinanimate masculine
BuildingsgranaryEnglishnounA storage facility for grain or sometimes animal feed.agriculture business lifestyle
BuildingsgranaryEnglishnounA fertile, grain-growing region.figuratively
BuildingshallaIrishnounmansionmasculine plural-normally
BuildingshallaIrishnounstudy hallmasculine
BuildingshallaIrishnounpublic buildingmasculine
BuildingskoṣkīyeTocharian Bnounhut
BuildingskoṣkīyeTocharian Bnounimage
BuildingsodwachPolishnounguardhouse, watch house, guard building, guard booth, guard shack, security booth, security building, sentry buildingdated inanimate masculine
BuildingsodwachPolishnounguardsdated inanimate masculine
BuildingsمخزنUrdunouna repository
BuildingsمخزنUrdunounwarehouse; granary; armoury
BuildingsمخزنUrdunouna thesaurus
BuildingsمخزنUrdunouna periodical; magazine
BuildingsمخزنUrdunounstomach (the crop of a bird)
Buildings영어Koreannounthe English language
Buildings영어Koreannounthe Latin alphabetproscribed
Buildings𒂍Sumeriannounhouse, household, estate
BurialzabalsamowaćPolishverbto embalm (to treat a corpse with preservatives)perfective transitive
BurialzabalsamowaćPolishverbto balm oneself (to apply balm to oneself)dated perfective reflexive
BurialzabalsamowaćPolishverbto embalm oneself (to perfume or add fragrance to oneself)dated perfective reflexive
Caesalpinia subfamily plantstamarindoPortuguesenountamarind (Tamarindus indica, a tropical tree)masculine
Caesalpinia subfamily plantstamarindoPortuguesenountamarind (fruit of the tamarind tree)masculine
Cakes and pastriesbananowiecPolishnounbanana (plant)
Cakes and pastriesbananowiecPolishnounbanana boat (ship designed to transport bananas)
Cakes and pastriesbananowiecPolishnounbanana cake (cake with bananas in it)colloquial
Cakes and pastriesbananowiecPolishnounnouveau riche, rich kid, spoiled kid (young person who has rich parents and brags about it)derogatory masculine person slang
Cakes and pastriesbiskwitPolishnounbiscuit (dry cookie)cooking food lifestyledated inanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriesbiskwitPolishnounsponge cakecooking food lifestyleinanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriesbiskwitPolishnounbisque, biscuit (form of unglazed earthenware)ceramics chemistry engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
Cakes and pastriesgingernutEnglishnounA hard biscuit, flavoured with powdered ginger, often dunked in tea.UK
Cakes and pastriesgingernutEnglishnounA redhead; a ginger-haired person.UK slang
Calligraphy達筆Japanesenounskilful writing (of calligraphy, text, etc.)
Calligraphy達筆Japaneseadjable to produce skilful writing
Caltrop family plantsgobernadoraSpanishnounfemale equivalent of gobernador (“governor”)feminine form-of
Caltrop family plantsgobernadoraSpanishnouncreosote bush (Larrea tridentata)feminine
Caltrop family plantsgobernadoraSpanishadjfeminine singular of gobernadorfeminine form-of singular
CanadaCANTranslingualsymbolISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Canada.
CanadaCANTranslingualsymbolIATA airport code for Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, which serves Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
CanidstanukiEnglishnounThe raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides.
CanidstanukiEnglishnounA folkloric figure in the form of a tanuki, regarded as a shapeshifter and renowned for its enormous scrotum and testicles.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesJapanese
CanidstanukiEnglishnounThe joining of a living bonsai tree to a piece of dead wood for aesthetic effect.
Card gameskrustsLatviannouncross (wooden post with attached beam used to execute criminals by crucifixion)Ancient-Rome declension-1 historical masculine
Card gameskrustsLatviannounsuffering, hardship; nuisance (by implicit comparison with the crucifixion)declension-1 figuratively masculine
Card gameskrustsLatviannouncross (main symbol of the Christian religion, in the shape of the instrument used to execute Jesus)Christianitydeclension-1 masculine
Card gameskrustsLatviannouncross ((non-religious) decoration in the shape of a cross)declension-1 masculine
Card gameskrustsLatviannouncross (symbol, ornament or decorative element, consisting of at least two lines that cross)declension-1 masculine
Card gameskrustsLatviannouncross (objects, elements that cross each other)declension-1 masculine
Card gameskrustsLatviannounclubs (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣)card-games gamesdeclension-1 masculine
Card gamespajoIdonounpage (servant)
Card gamespajoIdonounjack, knave, varletcard-games games
Card gamesโจ๊กThainouncongee: Cantonese-style rice porridge.
Card gamesโจ๊กThainounjoker.card-games games
Card gamesโจ๊กThainounjoke; prank.colloquial
Card gamesโจ๊กThainoun(ตัว~) joker, comedian; jokester, prankster; clown.colloquial
Card gamesโจ๊กThainoun(ตัว~) funny person.slang
Card gamesโจ๊กThainounthe sound of water dripping.
Card gamesโจ๊กThaiadjcontaining too much water or liquid.
Card gamesโจ๊กThaiadvtoo much.
Carnation family plantspiaskowiecPolishnounsandstoneinanimate masculine
Carnation family plantspiaskowiecPolishnounany plant belonging to the genus Arenariainanimate masculine
Carnation family plantspiaskowiecPolishnounany fungus belonging to the family Gyroporaceaeinanimate masculine
Carnation family plantspiaskowiecPolishnounsponge-fat cakeinanimate masculine
Carnation family plantspiaskowiecPolishnounsanderling (Calidris alba)animal-not-person masculine
Caryophyllales order plantsagbatiCebuanonounthe Malabar spinach (Basella alba)
Caryophyllales order plantsagbatiCebuanonounthe leaves and leaf stalks of this plant used as a vegetable
Caryophyllales order plantsagbatiCebuanonounthe spade card suithumorous
Caryophyllales order plantsղարանֆիլArmeniannouncarnation (flower)dialectal
Caryophyllales order plantsղարանֆիլArmeniannounclove (spice)dialectal
CattleαγελάδαGreeknouna fat womanderogatory
CavingjaskiniaPolishnouncave, cavernfeminine
Celery family plantsἄμιAncient Greeknounajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)
Celery family plantsἄμιAncient Greeknounbisnaga (Visnaga daucoides, syn. Ammi visnaga)
Celery family plantsἤρυγγοςAncient Greeknouneryngo (plant of the genus Eryngium)
Celery family plantsἤρυγγοςAncient Greeknoungoat's beard
Celestial inhabitantsmultidimensionalEnglishadjHaving multiple dimensions (aspects).not-comparable
Celestial inhabitantsmultidimensionalEnglishadjHaving multiple dimensions (aspects). / Having more than two dimensions.mathematics sciencesnot-comparable
Celestial inhabitantsmultidimensionalEnglishadjCrossing through or existing in multiple dimensions (spacial planes).not-comparable
Celestial inhabitantsmultidimensionalEnglishnouna being that exists in more than one dimensionlifestyle literature media publishing religion science-fictionNew-Age
Cetaceans一角Japanesenouna point
Cetaceans一角Japanesenounone horn
Cetaceans一角Japanesenouna narwhal
CheesesترفPersiannounqurut, kashk, black kashkarchaic dialectal
CheesesترفPersiannounalternative form of ترب (torob, “radish”)Dari alt-of alternative dialectal
Chemical elementshafniumLimburgishnounhafniumneuter uncountable
Chemical elementshafniumLimburgishnounA part of hafniumneuter
Chemical elementspiiFinnishnounsilicon (element, symbol Si)
Chemical elementspiiFinnishnounflint (hard, fine-grained quartz or a piece of it)dated
Chemical elementspiiFinnishnounthorn, prong, tooth or similar element e.g. in a plant, a saw or a rakedated
Chemical elementspiiFinnishnoundent in a reedbusiness manufacturing textiles weaving
Chemical elementspiiFinnishnounThe position of a sailing vessel, when it is set so that its bow points steadily to the direction of the wind.nautical transport
Chemical elementspiiFinnishnounpi (Greek letter)
Chemical elementspiiFinnishnounpi (constant 3.14159…)mathematics sciences
Cheshire, EnglandWirralianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the Wirral peninsula.
Cheshire, EnglandWirralianEnglishadjFrom or pertaining to the Wirral peninsula.
Chessschack mattSwedishadjcheckmatednot-comparable predicative
Chessschack mattSwedishintjcheckmate; word called out by the victor when making the conclusive move.
Chessschack mattSwedishnouna checkmatecommon-gender
ChesstopSerbo-Croatiannounrookboard-games chess games
ChildrenjongenDutchnouna boy, any male childmasculine
ChildrenjongenDutchnounmembers of a male 'peers' group, e.g. a military unitin-plural masculine
ChildrenjongenDutchnounInformal term used to address multiple children of masculine or mixed gender; kids, guys (may be considered insufficiently gender-inclusive)informal masculine
ChildrenjongenDutchnounColloquial term used by men to address other familiar men; mate, dude, brocolloquial masculine
ChildrenjongenDutchnouna male servant, especially but not exclusively a younger one (using it for older men may be dated and offensive)familiar masculine
ChildrenjongenDutchnouna male trainee or newcomer in a jobfamiliar masculine
ChildrenjongenDutchverbto give birth, to have offspring, i.e. to deliver one or more youngintransitive
ChildrenjongenDutchverbto multiply, growfiguratively intransitive
ChildrenjongenDutchnounplural of jongform-of plural
ChildrenlaprachánIrishnouna person crawling on all foursmasculine
ChildrenlaprachánIrishnouna person with clumsy handsmasculine
ChildrensirotaCzechnounorphanhood (state of being an orphan)archaic feminine
ChildrensirotaCzechnounorphan (someone whose parents have died)archaic feminine poetic
ChildrenнӣййтKildin Saminoundaughter
ChildrenнӣййтKildin Saminoungirl
China荀子JapanesenameXunzi (book)
ChineseSiniticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Chinese languages
ChineseSiniticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to China or the Chinese peoples
ChristianitydumnezeiescRomanianadjgodlike (having characteristics of a god)masculine neuter
ChristianitydumnezeiescRomanianadjdivinemasculine neuter
ChristianitykatholischGermanadjRoman Catholicrelational
ChristianityաբբայությունArmeniannounabbey (monastery headed by an abbot)
ChristianityաբբայությունArmeniannounabbey (the building or buildings occupied by a community of monks or nuns)
ChristianityաբբայությունArmeniannounabbacy, abbotcy, abbotship
ChristianityഅമീൻMalayalamnamea male given name
ChristianityഅമീൻMalayalamnouna police officer
CichlidsSkalarGermannounscalar (physics, mathematics)masculine strong
CichlidsSkalarGermannounangelfish, Pterophyllum scalaremasculine strong
CircusклоунUkrainiannounclown (slapstick performance artist often associated with a circus)
CircusклоунUkrainiannounclown (person who acts in a silly fashion)
Cities in LuxembourgDiekirchEnglishnameOne of the twelve cantons of Luxembourg, located in the north-east of the country.
Cities in LuxembourgDiekirchEnglishnameA municipality with city status of Diekirch canton.
Cities in SyriaΚύρροςAncient GreeknameCyrrhus, Cyrrhestica, Syria
Cities in SyriaΚύρροςAncient GreeknameCyrrhus, Macedonia, Greece
Citrus subfamily plantscitroidEnglishadjBelonging to the tribe Citreae or related plants.biology botany natural-sciencesnot-comparable
Citrus subfamily plantscitroidEnglishnounAny citroid plant.biology botany natural-sciences
Citrus subfamily plantselephant appleEnglishnounThe fruit of several tropical Asian trees: / species of Dillenia, especially / otenga (Dillenia indica)
Citrus subfamily plantselephant appleEnglishnounThe fruit of several tropical Asian trees: / species of Dillenia, especially / katmon (Dillenia philippinensis)
Citrus subfamily plantselephant appleEnglishnounThe fruit of several tropical Asian trees: / wood apple, a citrus relative (Limonia acidissima)
Citrus subfamily plantselephant appleEnglishnounThe fruit of several tropical Asian trees: / bael, another citrus relative (Aegle marmelos)
Citrus subfamily plantssanguinellaItaliannouncommon dogwood (Cornus sanguinea)feminine
Citrus subfamily plantssanguinellaItaliannouncrabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis)feminine
Citrus subfamily plantssanguinellaItaliannounEllipsis of arancia sanguinella (“blood orange”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis feminine
Citrus subfamily plantssanguinellaItaliannounred jasperchemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
Citrus subfamily plantsпортокалBulgariannounorange (tree)
Citrus subfamily plantsпортокалBulgariannounorange (fruit)
Citrus subfamily plantsਖੱਟਾPunjabiadjyellow, pale
Citrus subfamily plantsਖੱਟਾPunjabiadjsour, acidic, acerbic, tart
Citrus subfamily plantsਖੱਟਾPunjabinouncitron (tree and fruit)
Citrus subfamily plantsਖੱਟਾPunjabinounrennet
Citrus subfamily plantsมือThainoun(classifier ข้าง) hand.anatomy medicine sciences
Citrus subfamily plantsมือThainounhandlike part of anything: hand, handle, etc.
Citrus subfamily plantsมือThainounone who does something with the hand, especially as a
Citrus subfamily plantsมือThainoungambler; better.
Citrus subfamily plantsมือThainoun(ส้ม~) fingered citron, the plant Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis of the family Rutaceae; the fruit of this plant.biology botany natural-sciences
ClothingdenimsEnglishnounJeans made of denim.plural plural-only
ClothingdenimsEnglishnounplural of denimform-of plural
ClothingwagwagTagalognounact of shaking something to rid it of things clinging on it (especially water, dust, etc.)
ClothingwagwagTagalognounclothes bought at a wagwagancolloquial
ClothingwagwagTagalognounvariety of first-class rice
ClothingհալավArmeniannounundergarment, tunicdialectal
ClothingհալավArmeniannounwedding dressdialectal
ClothingհալավArmeniannounthe clothes brought by the bride as a dowrydialectal
ClothingհալավArmeniannounpiece of cloth for menstruationdialectal
ClothingհալավArmeniannounpiece of cloth used as a spinning wheel coverdialectal
ClothingհալավArmeniannounslough (the skin shed by a snake)dialectal
Clothing袋仔Chinesenounpocket (bag sewn into clothing)Gan Hakka Hokkien Min Northern Pingxiang
Clothing袋仔Chinesenounbag; pouch; sackHakka Hokkien
CoinsorelCzechnouneagle (bird)animate masculine
CoinsorelCzechnountail (side of a coin)animate masculine
CoinsкондорRussiannouncondor (bird)animate
CoinsкондорRussiannouncondor (coin)inanimate
CollectivesbundEnglishnounA league or confederacy; especially the confederation of German states.
CollectivesbundEnglishnounA group of foreign sympathizers of Nazi Germany, most notoriously before and during World War II.
CollectivesbundEnglishnounA secondary enclosure, typically consisting of a wall or berm, which surrounds a tank or fluid-handling mechanism, intended to contain any spills or leaks.
CollectivesbundEnglishnounA perennial ("wet") or seasonal ("dry") pond constructed in a depression and in which fish are stored, typically for breeding.India
CollectivesbundEnglishnounAn embankment.
CollectivesbundEnglishverbTo provide berms or other secondary enclosures to guard against accidental fluid spills within.
CollectivesbundEnglishnounAlternative form of bandhIndia alt-of alternative
CollectiveschrześcijaństwoPolishnounChristianism (Abrahamic religion originating from the community of the followers of Jesus Christ)neuter
CollectiveschrześcijaństwoPolishnounChristianism (Christians collectively)neuter
CollectivesસરકારGujaratinounking, emperor
CollectivesસરકારGujaratinounsir, misterfiguratively
ColorsbeisSpanishnounbeigemasculine uncountable
ColorscanitiesLatinnounhoar; hoariness ; a grayish-white colordeclension-5
ColorscanitiesLatinnoungrey hairdeclension-5
ColorscanitiesLatinnounold agedeclension-5
ColorsभगवाHindinounsaffron, red-ochre colour, often associated with Hinduism
ColorsभगवाHindinouna kind of saffron cloth
ColorsभगवाHindiadjHindu nationalist; right-winggovernment politicsindeclinable
ColorsभगवाHindiadjpertaining to the Maratha Empirehistorical indeclinable
Colubrid snakeszaskroniecPolishnoungrass snake, water snake (any snake of the genus Natrix)animal-not-person masculine
Colubrid snakeszaskroniecPolishnoungrass snake (Natrix natrix)animal-not-person masculine
ComedyMSTingEnglishnounA parody fanfic created by inserting satirical commentary into an existing work.lifestyleslang
ComedyMSTingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of MSTform-of gerund participle present
CommunicationbréagIrishnounlie, falsehoodfeminine
CommunicationbréagIrishnoundeception, deceitfeminine
CommunicationbréagIrishverbto lie (tell a falsehood)
CommunicationbréagIrishverbto deceive
CommunicationbréagIrishverbto soothe
Communism赤黨Chinesenouna communist party.
Communism赤黨Chinesenamethe Communist Party of China.
Compass pointswestMiddle Englishnounwest (compass point)
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishnounA location to the south; the south
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishnounThe west wind
Compass pointswestMiddle Englishadjwest, western
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishadjAt the west
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishadvTo the west, westwards, westbound
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishadvFrom the west, western
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishadvIn the west
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of weste (“desolate”)alt-of alternative
Compass pointswestMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of westen (“to move west”)alt-of alternative
Compass pointsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Compass pointsJapanesenounthe south (cardinal point)
Compass pointsJapanesenouna southerly, south wind
Compass pointsJapanesenamethe red-light district in modern-day Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo (as it was located south of Edo Castle)historical
Compass pointsJapanesenamethe name of a ward in various cities throughout Japan, especially a former ward in the city of Osaka which is now part of Chūō Ward
Compass pointsJapanesenamea male given name
Compass pointsJapanesenamea female given name
Compass pointsJapanesenamea surname
Compass pointsJapaneseverbto go southarchaic
Compass pointsJapanesenounthe southarchaic
Compass pointsJapanesenamethe red-light district in modern-day Shinagawa Ward, Tokyoarchaic historical
Compass pointsJapanesenounthe south
Compass pointsJapanesenounShort for 南鐐 (nanryō): beautiful silver; a type of silver coin in the Edo periodabbreviation alt-of
Compass pointsJapaneseaffixsouth, southern
Compass pointsJapaneseaffixUsed in Sanskrit transliterations
Compass pointsJapanesenamea female given name
Compass pointsJapanesenamea surname
Compass pointsJapanesenounsouth wind (mahjong tile)board-games games mahjong
Compass pointsJapanesenouna 役 (yaku, “winning hand”) with a triplet or quad of south wind tiles; depending on wind round and player's seat wind, it is worth either 1 or 2 翻 (han, “doubles”)board-games games mahjong
Compass pointsJapanesenounsouth (cardinal point)Kagoshima dialectal
Construction vehiclesكاشيكLibyan Arabicnounspoonmasculine
Construction vehiclesكاشيكLibyan Arabicnounspoonfulmasculine
Construction vehiclesكاشيكLibyan Arabicnounexcavator vehiclemasculine
Construction vehiclesكاشيكLibyan Arabicnounbulldozermasculine
ContainerskutuTurkishnounvaginaeuphemistic slang
ContainerstruhlíkCzechnounflower boxinanimate masculine
ContainerstruhlíkCzechnounfoolanimate masculine
ContainersкошёлкаRussiannounbasket, woven bagcolloquial
ContainersкошёлкаRussiannoun(slang) bag, hag (referring to an ugly woman)colloquial
CookingugotowaćPolishverbto cook (to prepare food for eating)perfective transitive
CookingugotowaćPolishverbto boil (to heat to boiling temperature)perfective transitive
CookingugotowaćPolishverbto boil, to seethe (to be at boiling temperature)perfective reflexive
CookingugotowaćPolishverbto seethe, to fume (to be in an agitated or angry mental state)figuratively perfective reflexive
CookingugotowaćPolishverbto cause the actor playing on stage to laugh uncontrollably or to have other reactions that make it impossible to play the roleentertainment lifestyle theatercolloquial perfective transitive
CookingugotowaćPolishverbto lose control of oneself and the ability to play a role while performing on stage, as a result of an unexpected evententertainment lifestyle theatercolloquial perfective reflexive
CookingобваливатьRussianverbto cause to fall, to crumble
CookingобваливатьRussianverbto heap round
CookingобваливатьRussianverbto roll
Cookware and bakewarepannuIngriannounfrying pan made of iron
Cookware and bakewarepannuIngriannounbreech of a rifleengineering firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishadjFalse, especially of money; intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine.not-comparable
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishadjAssuming the appearance of something; deceitful; hypocritical.not-comparable
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishnounA non-genuine article; a fake.
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishnounOne who counterfeits; a counterfeiter.
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishnounThat which resembles another thing; a likeness; a portrait; a counterpart.obsolete
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishnounAn impostor; a cheat.obsolete
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishverbTo falsely produce what appears to be official or valid; to produce a forged copy of.transitive
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishverbTo produce a faithful copy of.obsolete transitive
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishverbTo feign; to mimic.obsolete transitive
CopyrightcounterfeitEnglishverbOf a turn or river card, to invalidate a player's hand by making a better hand on the board.card-games pokertransitive
CorvidscascanuecesSpanishnounnutcracker (bird)masculine
CorvidscascanuecesSpanishnounmadcap, harebrained young mancolloquial masculine
CorvidsorzechówkaPolishnounnut liqueurfeminine
CorvidsorzechówkaPolishnounnutcracker (bird of the genus Nucifraga)feminine
CorvidsorzechówkaPolishnounAny fungus of the genus Encoelia.feminine
CotingasfruiteaterEnglishnounAny of the Pipreola genus of thickset birds, or Ampelioides tschudii; they live in humid areas of South America.
CotingasfruiteaterEnglishnounAlternative form of fruit-eater (“one who eats fruit”)alt-of alternative
Counties of EstoniaSaaremaaEnglishnameThe largest island of Estonia, and Saare County which contains it.
Counties of EstoniaSaaremaaEnglishnameHistorical Estonian eldership.
Countries in Africa查德ChinesenameChad (a country in Central Africa)Taiwan
Countries in Africa查德ChinesenameA transliteration of the English male given name Chad
Countries in AsiaPontusEnglishnameA sea god, particularly of the Black Sea.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Countries in AsiaPontusEnglishnameAn ancient kingdom in northern Anatolia, on the south coast of the Black Sea.historical
Countries in AsiaPontusEnglishnameA province of the Roman Empire covering the area of the ancient kingdom.historical
Countries in AsiaPontusEnglishnameA region of Turkey covering the area of the ancient kingdom.historical
CrimemagliaroItaliannounrag tradermasculine
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin or damage; to cause damage to: / To devastate; to make a wasteland or ruin.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin or damage; to cause damage to: / To enfeeble; to make weak or sickly.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo ruin or damage; to cause damage to: / To eat at; to cause to decay or shrink.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To break up; to cause to dissolve or disintegrate.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To cleanse; to make something evanesce or evacuate.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To eliminate religionfiguratively
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo destroy; to utterly consume or eliminate: / To kill or murder; to cause someone's death.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo utilise or expend (resources or supplies): / To sap or use up; to totally expend.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo utilise or expend (resources or supplies): / To waste resources; to expend wastefully.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo utilise or expend (resources or supplies): / To expend time (usually in an wasteful way)
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo weaken; to become less strong or powerful.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo dissolve or evanesce; to become disintegrated.
CrimewastenMiddle EnglishverbTo violate or interrupt.figuratively rare
Crimeพรากผู้เยาว์Thaiverbto deprive a minor (of its parents, guardian, etc).law
CrochetcrochetEnglishnounNeedlework made by looping thread with a hooked needle.
CrochetcrochetEnglishnounA certain crest of enamel on the molar teeth of some rhinoceroses.
CrochetcrochetEnglishverbTo make (a piece of) needlework using a hooked needle; to make interlocking loops of thread.intransitive transitive
CrucifersترمهOttoman Turkishnounwild variety of the horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
CrucifersترمهOttoman TurkishnameTerme (a town and district in Samsun province, Turkey)
CucurbitasyikinMagdalena Peñasco Mixtecnounsquash
CucurbitasyikinMagdalena Peñasco Mixtecnounmaize kernel
CucurbitasyikinMagdalena Peñasco Mixtecadjyoung
CulturemultikultiPolishnounmulticulti, Multikulti, multiculturalism (characteristics of an organization, society, city, etc., which has many different ethnic or national cultures mingling freely; political or social policies which support or encourage such coexistence)colloquial indeclinable neuter
CulturemultikultiPolishadjmulticulti, multicultural (relating or pertaining to several different cultures)colloquial not-comparable postpositional relational
CulturemultikultiPolishadvmulticulti, multiculturally (in a multicultural manner)colloquial not-comparable
CultureucztaPolishnounfeast (something delightful)feminine figuratively
CulturewiggerEnglishnounA maker of wigs.
CulturewiggerEnglishnounA white person, typically young and male, considered to be overly infatuated with African-American or (UK) Afro-Caribbean culture, a cultural appropriator.derogatory ethnic slur
CulturewiggerEnglishnounA non-black person of any race considered to be inauthentically appropriating black culture and behavior.broadly
CulturewiggerEnglishnounA white person considered to be sincerely appreciative of black culture, as opposed to poseurs and wannabes.dated uncommon
CurrenciesshillingEnglishnounA coin formerly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and many other Commonwealth countries worth twelve old pence, or one twentieth of a pound sterling.historical
CurrenciesshillingEnglishnounThe currency of Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda.
CurrenciesshillingEnglishnounA currency in the United States, differing in value between states.US historical
CurrenciesshillingEnglishnounThe Spanish real, formerly having the value of one eighth of a dollar.US historical
CurrenciesshillingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of shillform-of gerund participle present
CutleryދަބުDhivehinouna curved stick, bent stick
CutleryދަބުDhivehinouna hockey stick
CutleryދަބުDhivehinouna spoon
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounAny of the joints between the bones of the fingers.
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounA mechanical joint.broadly
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounThe curved part of the cushion at the entrance to the pockets on a cue sports table.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle pool snooker sports
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounThe kneejoint of a quadruped, especially of a calf; formerly, the kneejoint of a human being.
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounA cut of meat of various kinds.
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounThe joint of a plant.obsolete
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounA convex portion of a vessel's figure where a sudden change of shape occurs, as in a canal boat, where a nearly vertical side joins a nearly flat manufacturing shipbuilding
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounA contrivance, usually of brass or iron, and furnished with points, worn to protect the hand, to add force to a blow, and to disfigure the person struck; a knuckle duster.
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishnounThe rounded point where a flat changes to a slope on a piste.hobbies lifestyle skiing snowboarding sports
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishverbTo apply pressure, or rub or massage with one's knuckles (sense 1).transitive
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishverbTo strike or punch.slang transitive
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishverbTo bend the fingers.intransitive
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishverbTo touch one's forehead as a mark of respect.intransitive
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishverbTo yield.figuratively intransitive
Cuts of meatknuckleEnglishverbTo land on the knuckle (sense 9) of a curve of a slope, after a jump off a ramp that precedes the slope.hobbies lifestyle skiing snowboarding sports
Dairy productssyringOld Englishnounsour wheyfeminine
Dairy productssyringOld Englishnounbuttermilkfeminine
DancescirandaPortuguesenounsieve (device to separate larger objects)feminine
DancescirandaPortuguesenouna traditional dance from the Northeastern region of Brazil, where people hold hands in order to dance in a circleentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
DancescirandaPortuguesenouna kind of children's danceentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
DancescirandaPortugueseverbinflection of cirandar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
DancescirandaPortugueseverbinflection of cirandar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
DanceswoltaPolishnounflip-flop, plot twist, twisthuman-sciences linguistics narratology sciencesfeminine
DanceswoltaPolishnounU-turn, volte-face (turn during a fight in which opponents are in direct contact with each other and use their hands or objects held in them)feminine
DanceswoltaPolishnounvolte (very small circle that is used in the training of a horse)equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsfeminine
DanceswoltaPolishnounvolta (dance for couples popular during the late Renaissance, associated with the galliard and done to the same kind of music)feminine
DanceswoltaPolishnoungenitive singular of woltform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Incarvillea spp., native to central and eastern Asia (Chinese trumpet flower)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Collomia spp.
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Datura meteloides, a perennial herb of the southwestern U.S. (desert trumpet flower)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Gelsemium sempervirens, native to North America (evening trumpetflower)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Oroxylum indicum, native to India (Indian trumpetflower)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Beaumontia grandiflora (Nepal trumpet flower, Easter lily vine)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Salpiglossis sinuata, native to Chile (velvet trumpet flower)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Dolichandrone atrovirens, native to India (wavy trumpet flower)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Tecoma stans (yellow bells, yellow trumpet flower, yellow elder)
Daturastrumpet flowerEnglishnounAny of several species of flowering plants with trumpet-like flowers / Stereospermum chelonoides (syn. Bignonia suaveolens); fragrant padritree
Day日子Chinesenoundate; day
Day日子Chinesenounone's life; days in one's life
Day日子Chinesenounwedding dayLeizhou-Min
Day日子Chinesenounson of the Sunliterary
DeathcaedoLatinverbto cut, hew, fellconjugation-3
DeathcaedoLatinverbto strike, beatconjugation-3
DeathcaedoLatinverbto kill, to murderconjugation-3
DeathcaedoLatinverbto defeat decisively (defeat with heavy losses to the enemy side)conjugation-3
DeathduodecimateEnglishnounSynonym of duodecimvirate: a group of rare
DeathduodecimateEnglishverbTo kill one twelfth of a group of people, especially by lot.rare
DeathduodecimateEnglishverbTo divide into twelfths; to divide duodecimally.rare
DeathmortintaEsperantoverbsingular past active participle of mortiactive form-of participle past singular
DeathmortintaEsperantoadjdead, lifeless
DeathviudaCatalanadjfeminine singular of viudofeminine form-of singular
DeathviudaCatalannouneagle rayfeminine
DeathኑዛዜAmharicnountestament, will
DemonymsCalifornianEnglishadjOf or relating to California.
DemonymsCalifornianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of California in the United States of America.
DemonymsMadrassiEnglishnounAlternative form of Madrasialt-of alternative
DemonymsMadrassiEnglishadjAlternative form of Madrasialt-of alternative not-comparable
DemonymsNeuenburgerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Neuenburg (relating to several cities, towns and other places in Germany)masculine strong
DemonymsNeuenburgerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Neuenburg/Switzerlandmasculine strong
DemonymsNeuenburgerGermanadjof Neuenburgindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsNew EnglishEnglishnameThe form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift in England, completed in roughly 1550.
DemonymsNew EnglishEnglishnounA variety of English that has come into being in a region where English was a former colonial language or is a foreign language.
DemonymsNew EnglishEnglishnounNew Englanders.historical in-plural uncommon
DemonymsNew EnglishEnglishnounEnglish settlers who arrived in Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries, as distinguished from previous Anglo-Norman invaders (the Old English).historical in-plural
DemonymsNew EnglishEnglishadjOf or pertaining to New England.historical uncommon
DemonymsNew EnglishEnglishadjOf or pertaining to English settlers who arrived in Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries.historical
DemonymsNormanMiddle EnglishnounA member of the mixed Scandinavian and Frankish peoples who, in the 11th century, were a major military power in Western Europe and who conquered the English in 1066.
DemonymsNormanMiddle EnglishnounA person from Norway; a Norwegian.
DemonymsQuébecoisEnglishadjAlternative spelling of Québécoisalt-of alternative not-comparable
DemonymsQuébecoisEnglishnounAlternative spelling of Québécoisalt-of alternative
DemonymsTehraniEnglishnounA native or resident of the city of Tehran.
DemonymsTehraniEnglishadjOf or relating to the city of Tehran.not-comparable
DemonymsWilmingtonianEnglishadjOf or relating to Wilmington, Delaware.
DemonymsWilmingtonianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Wilmington, Delaware.
DemonymsWyomingiteEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, the state of Wyoming.not-comparable
DemonymsWyomingiteEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Wyoming in the United States of America.
DemonymsWürzburgerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Würzburgmasculine strong
DemonymsWürzburgerGermanadjof Würzburgindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsacrianoPortugueseadjof Acrenot-comparable relational
DemonymsacrianoPortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Acremasculine
DemonymsaltoparaguayenseSpanishadjof Alto Paraguayfeminine masculine relational
DemonymsaltoparaguayenseSpanishnounsomeone from Alto Paraguayby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymscolumenseSpanishadjof Santa Coloma de Gramanetfeminine masculine relational
DemonymscolumenseSpanishnounsomeone from Santa Coloma de Gramanetby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymseborensePortugueseadjof Évorafeminine masculine not-comparable relational
DemonymseborensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Évoraby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymselquinoSpanishadjof Elquirelational
DemonymselquinoSpanishnounsomeone from Elquimasculine
DemonymsestremeñoGaliciannounExtremaduran (person)masculine
DemonymslaurêncioPortuguesenounlawrencium (chemical element)masculine uncountable
DemonymslaurêncioPortuguesenounLaurente (someone from the ancient Roman city of Laurentum)masculine
DemonymslaurêncioPortugueseadjof Laurentum, an ancient Roman citynot-comparable relational
DemonymsmixtecanoSpanishadjof or from La Mixteca
DemonymsmixtecanoSpanishnounsomeone from La Mixtecamasculine
DemonymspateplumaSpanishadjof or from Santa Bárbara Department, HondurasHonduras feminine masculine
DemonymspateplumaSpanishnounsomeone from Santa Bárbara Department, Hondurasby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymspinteñoSpanishadjof Pintorelational
DemonymspinteñoSpanishnounsomeone from Pintomasculine
DemonymssalteñoSpanishadjof Salta (a city in Argentina)relational
DemonymssalteñoSpanishadjof Salto (a city and department in Uruguay)relational
DemonymssalteñoSpanishnounsomeone from Salta or Saltomasculine
DemonymsكلدانيArabicnounastrologer, soothsayer, Chaldaean
Dessertsa la modeEnglishadjFashionable; in the current style or fashion.
Dessertsa la modeEnglishadjServed with ice cream.US
Dessertsa la modeEnglishadjOf beef: larded and stewed with vegetables.
Dessertsa la modeEnglishadvIn a particular style or fashion.
DessertsdessertEnglishnounThe last course of a meal, consisting of fruit, sweet confections etc.countable uncountable
DessertsdessertEnglishnounA sweet dish or confection served as the last course of a meal.countable uncountable
Dessertskiikax̂Aleutnouncranberry bushEastern
Devanagari letter namesशकारSanskritnounThe name of the Devanagari letter श (śa).
Devanagari letter namesशकारSanskritnounthe sound of the श letter, /ɕɐ/
Diacritical markstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / A diacritical mark (˜) placed above a letter to modify its pronunciation, such as by palatalization in Spanish words or nasalization in Portuguese words.
Diacritical markstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / A tone mark placed above a vowel in Vietnamese to indicate a creaky rising tone.
Diacritical markstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / A punctuation mark that indicates range (from a number to another number).
Diacritical markstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / May be used to represent approximation (mathematics).
Diacritical markstildeEnglishnounThe character used to represent negation, usually ~ or ¬.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
DialectsBareseEnglishadjOf or relating to the city of Bari, Italy.not-comparable
DialectsBareseEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Bari, Italy.
DialectsBareseEnglishnameThe Bari dialect, a dialect of Neapolitan spoken in the Apulia and Basilicata regions of Italy.
Dim sum蝦腸Chinesenounshrimp intestine (Classifier: 條/条)
Dim sum蝦腸Chinesenounrice noodle rolls with shrimp (a common dim sum dish) (Classifier: 條/条)
Diplomacy外務Chinesenounmatters outside one's job
Diplomacy外務Chinesenounforeign affairs
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounright (direction)
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounright handanatomy medicine sciences
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounpledge, promise, oath, compact
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounordination
DirectionsܝܡܝܢܐClassical Syriacnounarranging, ordering
DirectivesbreveEnglishnounA semicircular diacritical mark (˘) placed above a vowel, commonly used to mark its quantity as short.communications journalism literature media orthography printing publishing writing
DirectivesbreveEnglishnounA double whole note; a note twice as long as a semibreve.entertainment lifestyle music
DirectivesbreveEnglishnounAny writ or precept under seal, issued out of any
DirectivesbreveEnglishnounA pitta, all of which have more or less short tails.biology natural-sciences zoology
DirectivesbreveEnglishnounAn equal mix of espresso and half and half cream.
DiseaseudāvartTocharian Bnounbowel disease with dry excrement
DiseaseudāvartTocharian Bnounmenstruation
DiseasesεἶροςAncient Greeknounwool
DiseasesεἶροςAncient Greeknouncottonweed (Otanthus maritimus)
DiseasesεἶροςAncient Greeknounkind of fever
DivinationczasownikPolishnounverb (grammatical category of words that indicate an action, event or a state)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesinanimate masculine
DivinationczasownikPolishnounchroniclearchaic inanimate masculine rare
DivinationczasownikPolishnounforeteller (one who foretells the future)masculine obsolete person
DivinationpropheticEnglishadjHaving the ability to prophesize; prescient.not-comparable
DivinationpropheticEnglishadjOf, or relating to a prophecy or a prophet.not-comparable
DivinationpropheticEnglishadjPredicted, as by a prophecy.not-comparable
Donald TrumpTrumpyEnglishadjCharacteristic of Donald Trump.informal
Donald TrumpTrumpyEnglishadjSupportive of Donald Trump.informal
Donald TrumpTrumpyEnglishnounA political supporter of Donald Trump.informal
DreamsoniriqueFrenchadjinspired by dreams
DreamsoniriqueFrenchadjdreamlike, oneiric
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemHaumeaPolishnameHaumea (goddess of fertility and childbirth)feminine
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemHaumeaPolishnameHaumea (dwarf planet with two known moons orbiting in the Kuiper belt, roughly one-third the mass of Pluto)feminine
Earthnear spaceEnglishnounA region of the Earth's (or another planet's) atmosphere or exosphere which is near outer space: / The region of the atmosphere between the Armstrong limit (above which atmospheric pressure is sufficiently low that water boils at the normal temperature of the human body) and the Kármán line (one boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space); the region of the atmosphere near space.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
Earthnear spaceEnglishnounA region of the Earth's (or another planet's) atmosphere or exosphere which is near outer space: / The mesosphere and lower thermosphere.climatology meteorology natural-sciencesuncountable
Earthnear spaceEnglishnounA region of the Earth's (or another planet's) atmosphere or exosphere which is near outer space: / The region of the exosphere between the lower bound of space and the lower bound of orbit; the region of space near the Earth.aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
Earthಧಾತ್ರಿKannadanounwet nurse, foster mother, nurse, mother
Earthಧಾತ್ರಿKannadanamethe Earth
EconomicsanglèsCatalannouncreditormasculine slang
EconomicsanglèsCatalanadjEnglish (of or pertaining to the English language)
EconomicsanglèsCatalanadjEnglish (of or pertaining to England or its people)
EconomicsanglèsCatalannounEnglish (language)masculine uncountable
EducationnorischerMiddle EnglishnounA promoter or advocator of ideas or practices.Late-Middle-English
EducationnorischerMiddle EnglishnounA person who educates and fosters a child.rare
EducationnorischerMiddle EnglishnounA dispenser of religious wisdom and advice.Late-Middle-English rare
EducationškoluotuojaLatgaliannounfemale teacherfeminine
EducationškoluotuojaLatgaliannoungenitive singular of školuotuojsform-of genitive singular
EelslịchVietnamesenouna calendar
EelslịchVietnamesenouna timetable or schedule with specific dates rather than days of the week
EelslịchVietnamesenounCentral Vietnam and Southern Vietnam form of lệch (“eel of the genus Pisodonophis”)Central Southern Vietnam alt-of
EelslịchVietnameseadjSouthern Vietnam form of lệch (“inclined; uneven; aberrant”)Southern Vietnam alt-of
EggsskrzekPolishnounscreech, squawk (animal vocalization)inanimate masculine
EggsskrzekPolishnounscreech (human vocalization)colloquial derogatory inanimate masculine
EggsskrzekPolishnounspawn of an amphibianbiology natural-sciences zoologyinanimate masculine
EggsביצהYiddishnountesticlesanatomy medicine sciencesin-plural
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian, a man from Egyptdeclension-2 masculine
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian; pertaining to Egypt and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian, a member of the ancient civilization of Egyptdeclension-2 historical masculine
EgyptēģiptietisLatviannounEgyptian; pertaining to Ancient Egypt and its peopledeclension-2 genitive masculine plural
EightósmaPolishnouneight o'clock (start of the ninth hour of the day; 8:00 a.m. (08:00))feminine
EightósmaPolishnouneight o'clock (start of the twenty-first hour of the day; 8:00 p.m. (20:00))feminine
EightósmaPolishnuminflection of ósmy: / feminine nominative singularfeminine form-of nominative singular
EightósmaPolishnuminflection of ósmy: / feminine vocative singularfeminine form-of singular vocative
ElectricityחשמלHebrewnounMeaning uncertain. Often translated as: electrum, amberbiblical lifestyle religion
Electronicsđiện tửVietnamesenounelectronnatural-sciences physical-sciences physicsobsolete
Electronicsđiện tửVietnameseadjelectronic
ElectronicsסוללהHebrewnounbattery (device used to power electric devices)
ElectronicsסוללהHebrewnounembankment, dike
ElectronicsסוללהHebrewnounrampart, mound
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounPart of a body. / The usually single, more or less upright part of a tree, between the roots and the branches.heading
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounPart of a body. / The torso; especially, the human torso.heading
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounPart of a body. / The conspicuously extended, mobile, nose-like organ of an animal such as a sengi, a tapir or especially an elephant. The trunks of various kinds of animals might be adapted to probing and sniffing, as in the sengis, or be partly prehensile, as in the tapir, or be a versatile prehensile organ for manipulation, feeding, drinking and fighting as in the elephant.heading
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA container. / A large suitcase, chest, or similar receptacle for carrying or storing personal possessions, usually with a hinged, often domed lid, and handles at each end, so that generally it takes two persons to carry a full trunk.heading
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA container. / A box or chest usually covered with leather, metal, or cloth, or sometimes made of leather, hide, or metal, for holding or transporting clothes or other goods.heading
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA container. / The luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon-style car.automotive heading transport vehiclesCanada US
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA container. / A storage compartment fitted behind the seat of a motorcycle.automotive heading transport vehicles
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A major circuit between telephone switchboards or other switching equipment.communications electrical-engineering engineering heading natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunicationsUS
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A chute or conduit, or a watertight shaft connecting two or more decks.heading
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A long, large box, pipe, or conductor, made of plank or metal plates, for various uses, as for conveying air to a mine or to a furnace, water to a mill, grain to an elevator, etc.heading
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A long tube through which pellets of clay, peas, etc., are driven by the force of the breath. A peashooterheadingarchaic
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA channel for flow of some kind. / A flume or sluice in which ores are separated from the slimes in which they are heading mining
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounIn software projects under source control: the most current source tree, from which the latest unstable builds (so-called "trunk builds") are compiled.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounThe main line or body of anything. / A main line in a river, canal, railroad, or highway system.transport
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounThe main line or body of anything. / The part of a pilaster between the base and capital, corresponding to the shaft of a column.architecture
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounThe main line or body of anything.
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounA large pipe forming the piston rod of a steam engine, of sufficient diameter to allow one end of the connecting rod to be attached to the crank, and the other end to pass within the pipe directly to the piston, thus making the engine more compact.
ElephantstrunkEnglishnounShort for swimming trunks.abbreviation alt-of in-plural
ElephantstrunkEnglishverbTo lop off; to curtail; to truncate.obsolete transitive
ElephantstrunkEnglishverbTo extract (ores) from the slimes in which they are contained, by means of a miningtransitive
ElephantstrunkEnglishverbTo provide simultaneous network access to multiple clients by sharing a set of circuits, carriers, channels, or frequencies.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications
EmberizidsовсянкаRussiannounoatmeal (cereal)inanimate
EmberizidsовсянкаRussiannounoatmeal porridge, gruelinanimate
EmberizidsовсянкаRussiannounbunting, yellow bunting, yellowhammeranimate
Emilian cardinal numbersstantanōvEmilianadjseventy-nine.feminine invariable masculine
Emilian cardinal numbersstantanōvEmiliannounseventy-nineinvariable masculine
EmotionsesperoEsperantonounsomething hoped for, a hope
EmotionseyeMiddle Englishnounawe, reverence, worshipfulnessuncountable
EmotionseyeMiddle Englishnounhorror, panicuncountable
EmotionseyeMiddle Englishnounthat which creates reverence; the exercise of poweruncountable
EmotionseyeMiddle Englishnounthat which incites aweuncountable
EmotionseyeMiddle Englishnounthat which incites terroruncountable
EmotionseyeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of eiealt-of alternative
EmotionseyeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of ey (“egg”)alt-of alternative
EmotionsfraochScottish Gaelicnounheath, heather, lingmasculine no-plural
EmotionsfraochScottish Gaelicnounbristlesmasculine no-plural
EmotionsfraochScottish Gaelicnounanger, furymasculine no-plural
EmotionsfraochScottish Gaelicnoungirning expression of countenancemasculine no-plural
EmotionstensiónSpanishnountension, tenseness, stress, strainfeminine
EmotionsрадостBulgariannounjoy, delight
EmotionsрадостBulgariannounmirth, funbroadly
Emotions忡忡Chineseadjworried; laden with anxietyideophonic
Emotions忡忡Chineseadjdroopingideophonic literary
Emotions羨ましいJapaneseadjjealous, envious
English cardinal numbersdozenEnglishnounA set of twelve.
English cardinal numbersdozenEnglishnounA large, unspecified number of, comfortably estimated in small multiples of twelve, thus generally implied to be significantly more than ten or twelve, but less than perhaps one or two hundred; many.
English cardinal numbersdozenEnglishnounAn old English measure of ore containing 12 metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
English cardinal numbersdozenEnglishnounThe number games
English cardinal numbersquintillionEnglishnumA billion billion: 1 followed by eighteen zeros, 10¹⁸.US
English cardinal numbersquintillionEnglishnumA million quadrillion: 1 followed by 30 zeros, 10³⁰.Australia British dated
English cardinal numbersquintillionEnglishnounAny very large number, exceeding normal description.excessive figuratively slang
English diacritical marks◌̄EnglishcharacterUsed to mark a vowel letter as having its 'long' sound: ⟨ā⟩ /eɪ/, ⟨ē⟩ /iː/, ⟨ī⟩ /aɪ/, ⟨ō⟩ /oʊ/, ⟨ū⟩ /juː/.human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciencesdiacritic
English diacritical marks◌̄EnglishcharacterPlaced over a vowel letter to indicate that the syllable is long. Also used alone to mark stress in a metrical foot or verse: see ⟨ˉ⟩.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writingdiacritic
English diminutives of female given namesFranEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given names Frances and Francine.
English diminutives of female given namesFranEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Francis.
English diminutives of female given namesMagsEnglishnounplural of Magform-of plural
English diminutives of female given namesMagsEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Maggie, which is a diminutive of the female given name Margaret.
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnameA male given name, a short form of Anthony/Antony
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnameA female given name
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnameA surname transferred from the given name
English diminutives of male given namesTonyEnglishnounAny of the statuettes awarded by the American Theatre Wing.
English male given namesSkyTranslingualnameSky Crater (a crater in Thule, Arrokoth, Kuiper Belt, Solar System)
EquidsмаскаMacedoniannounhinny (offspring of male horse and female donkey)
EquidsмаскаMacedoniannouna section of a window containing fillable fields (e.g. in an application)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
Ericales order plantsnắc nẻVietnamesenounkind of large moth
Ericales order plantsnắc nẻVietnamesenounkind of chrysanthemumobsolete
Ericales order plantsnắc nẻVietnamesenounImpatiens balsamina
EspionageFederal Intelligence ServiceEnglishnameThe foreign intelligence agency of Germany.
EspionageFederal Intelligence ServiceEnglishnameThe Federal Intelligence Services of Switzerland (the collective term for its agencies).
EthicsslutteMiddle EnglishnounA slovenly, untidy, or dirty woman.
EthicsslutteMiddle EnglishnounA morally loose woman.
EthnonymsBicolanoEnglishnounA native inhabitant or resident of the Bicol Region, Philippines.
EthnonymsBicolanoEnglishadjOf, relating to, or derived from Bicol Region, Philippines, its people, cuisine, language, or culture.not-comparable
EthnonymsBicolanoEnglishnameA language spoken in the Bicol Region, Philippines.
EthnonymsChamorroChamorronameChamorro (language)
EthnonymsChamorroChamorronameChamorro (people)
EthnonymsIrishEnglishnameThe Gaelic language indigenous to Ireland, also known as Irish Gaelic.uncountable
EthnonymsIrishEnglishnameThe Irish people.
EthnonymsIrishEnglishnameA surname.
EthnonymsIrishEnglishnameA female given name of chiefly Philippine usage.
EthnonymsIrishEnglishnounA board game of the tables family.obsolete uncountable
EthnonymsIrishEnglishnounTemper; anger, passion.US uncountable
EthnonymsIrishEnglishnounWhiskey, or whisky, elaborated in Ireland.countable uncountable
EthnonymsIrishEnglishadjPertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people.
EthnonymsIrishEnglishadjPertaining to the Irish language.
EthnonymsIrishEnglishadjnonsensical, daft or complex.derogatory
EthologycribbingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of cribform-of gerund participle present
EthologycribbingEnglishnounThe members used to build a (structural) crib, usually of timbers or logs, but also of concrete, steel or even plastic; cribwork.countable uncountable
EthologycribbingEnglishnounAs a whole, the heavy structure built to support an existing structure from underneath, as with a mineshaft or when raising a building off its foundation, as for moving to another location,countable uncountable
EthologycribbingEnglishnounThe cribbing used to support anything from below or on a side, as with a retaining wall, or to prop up a piece of heavy machinery.countable uncountable
EthologycribbingEnglishnounA self-injurious tendency of certain horses to swallow air while slobbering and biting onto objects in and about their enclosure; cribbing and windsucking are regarded as equine forms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.equestrianism hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportscountable uncountable
EthologycribbingEnglishnounAn act of plagiarism.countable uncountable
Even-toed ungulatescielęPolishnouncalf (young bovine)neuter
Even-toed ungulatescielęPolishnounyoung of certain other mammals (some cervids, cetaceans, pinnipeds, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, hippopotami, camels)neuter
Even-toed ungulatescielęPolishnouna slow-witted person; a dimwit; a doltneuter
Even-toed ungulatescielęPolishverbfirst-person singular present of cielićfirst-person form-of present singular
ExplosivesnitroEnglishnounthe univalent NO₂ functional group.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable
ExplosivesnitroEnglishnounnitroglycerin, especially as medication.informal uncountable
ExplosivesnitroEnglishnounA beer that is nitrogenated to give it a more creamy head.countable informal
ExplosivesnitroEnglishnounnitromethane.informal uncountable
ExplosivesnitroEnglishnounnitrogen, especially as liquid nitrogen.informal uncountable
ExplosivesnitroEnglishadjContaining the nitro group.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
Explosives手榴弾Japanesenouna hand grenade
Explosives手榴弾Japanesenouna hand grenade
Extinct languagesEtruscanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria, a pre-Roman civilization in Italy.
Extinct languagesEtruscanEnglishnounAn inhabitant of ancient Etruria.
Extinct languagesEtruscanEnglishnameThe extinct language of Etruria, which has no known relation to any other language.
Extinct languagesfenicioSpanishadjPhoenician
Extinct languagesfenicioSpanishnounPhoenician personmasculine
Extinct languagesfenicioSpanishnounPhoenician (language)masculine uncountable
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnouncurtain, a piece of cloth covering a window or bed
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounblind, a movable covering for a window to keep out light
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounscreen, a physical divider intended to block an area from view
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounveil, a piece of cloth used to protect or hide the face
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnouncurtain, a piece of cloth that separates the audience and the stage in a theater
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounact, a division of a theatrical performancebroadly
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounoil painting, an artwork done with oil paints
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounfold, layer, coat, covering of materialusually
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnountone, a whole tone, the pitch of the voiceentertainment lifestyle music
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounfret on a guitar, key of a pianoentertainment lifestyle music
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnounchastity, immaculateness, modestyfiguratively
FabricsپردهOttoman Turkishnouncovering membrane, fold, layer, septumanatomy medicine sciences
FacegobEnglishnounA lump of soft or sticky material.countable
FacegobEnglishnounSaliva or phlegm.slang uncountable
FacegobEnglishnounA whoopee pie.US countable regional uncountable
FacegobEnglishverbTo gather into a lump.
FacegobEnglishverbTo spit, especially to spit phlegm.intransitive slang transitive
FacegobEnglishnounThe mouth.Commonwealth Ireland UK countable slang
FacegobEnglishnounWaste material in old mine workings, mininguncountable
FacegobEnglishverbTo pack away waste material in order to support the walls of the miningintransitive
FacegobEnglishnounA sailor.government military politics warUS slang
FacehocicoSpanishnounsnout (mouth of a beast)masculine
FacehocicoSpanishnouna person's mouthderogatory masculine
FacehocicoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of hocicarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
FacepaszczękaPolishnounthe maw or jaws of an animal, especially a predatorfeminine
FacepaszczękaPolishnouna person's face or mouthfeminine humorous
FaceاذنOttoman Turkishnounpermission, authorization, leave, a formal consent from someone in authority
FaceاذنOttoman Turkishnounacquiescence, sufferance, a tacit, silent, or passive assent or submission
FaceاذنOttoman Turkishnoundischarge, dismissal, the act of releasing a member of the armygovernment military politics war
FaceاذنOttoman Turkishnounear, the organ that enables hearing and body balance using the vestibular system
FaceاذنOttoman Turkishnounear, that which resembles in shape or position the ear of an animal, like a lug or a handle
Faceముక్కుTelugunounnose (a protuberance on the face housing the nostrils, which are used to breathe or smell)
Faceముక్కుTelugunounThe bill or beak of a bird.
Faceముక్కుTeluguverbTo moan, groan.
Fairy talepasakaLatviannounlegend, folktale, fairy tale (folkloric narrative, typically including fantastic or magic elements; the corresponding folkloric genre)declension-4 feminine
Fairy talepasakaLatviannoununcommonly beautiful, pleasant, gooddeclension-4 feminine figuratively
Fairy talepasakaLatviannounnonsense, fantasy, exaggerations, rumorsdeclension-4 feminine plural-normally
Fairy talepasakaLatvianverbthird-person singular/plural present indicative of pasacītform-of indicative plural present singular third-person
Fairy talepasakaLatvianverbthird-person singular imperative of pasacītform-of imperative singular third-person with-lai
Fairy talepasakaLatvianverbthird-person plural imperative of pasacītform-of imperative plural third-person with-lai
Fairy talesLittle Red Riding HoodEnglishnameA fairy tale about a young girl who walks through the forest to visit her grandmother and encounters the Big Bad Wolf (or another vicious wolf, or werewolf in archaic versions).
Fairy talesLittle Red Riding HoodEnglishnameThe girl who is the protagonist and title character in this story.
FalconryquyrreMiddle EnglishnounThe entrails given to hunting dogs as a reward; the quarry.uncountable
FalconryquyrreMiddle EnglishnounThe giving of these entrails to hounds.uncountable
FalconryquyrreMiddle EnglishnounThe animals killed in a hunt or the place where they are found.uncountable
FalconryquyrreMiddle EnglishnounThe target given to a hawk by a falconer.rare uncountable
FalconryquyrreMiddle Englishnouna hide or leatherrare
FalconryquyrreMiddle Englishnouna cuirass, leather armorrare
FamilyceceMapudungunnounmaternal grandfatherRaguileo-Alphabet
FamilymanSwedishnounman (adult male human)masculine
FamilymanSwedishnouna member of a crew, workforce or (military) troopmasculine
FamilymanSwedishnounman (usually friendly term of address)masculine slang
FamilymanSwedishpronpeople in general (in some implied group, often all people); one, you, they, people, etc.common-gender indefinite
FamilymanSwedishpronI (referring to oneself obliquely)common-gender humorous indefinite often
FamilymanSwedishnounmane (of a horse or lion)common-gender
FamilyninoshenhOjibwenounmy aunt (parallel aunt, mother's sister)
FamilyninoshenhOjibwenounmy stepmother
FamilyćhavorroRomaninoundiminutive of ćhavo: / little boy (Romani)masculine
FamilyćhavorroRomaninoundiminutive of ćhavo: / little sonmasculine
FamilyպապիArmeniannouna form of address to a familiar elderly man, usually following the person's name
FamilyגיסHebrewverbdefective spelling of גייסalt-of construction-pi'el misspelling
FamilyגיסHebrewverbdefective spelling of גויסalt-of construction-pu'al misspelling
FamilyమగడుTelugunounA male, a man.
FamilyమగడుTelugunounA ruler, a king.
Family memberskapatidTagalognounsibling
Family memberskapatidTagalognounfellow member of a religious community
Family memberskapatidTagalognounsupporter of the TV5 Networkcolloquial
Family members孩子Chinesenounchild (person who has not yet reached adulthood); children; kid (Classifier: 個/个)
Family members孩子Chinesenounchild (one's direct descendant, regardless of age); children; kid (Classifier: 個/个)
FandomfenEnglishnounA type of wetland fed by ground water and runoff, containing peat below the waterline, characteristically alkaline.
FandomfenEnglishnounA unit of currency in China, one-hundredth of a yuan.
FandomfenEnglishnouna plural of fan used by enthusiasts of science fiction, fantasy, and anime, partly from whimsy and partly to distinguish themselves from fans of sport, etc.lifestyleslang
FandomfenEnglishintjUsed in children's games to prevent or forestall another player's action; a check or bar.obsolete
FandomfenEnglishnounA kind of mildew that grows on hops.obsolete uncountable
Fashion時裝Chinesenounfashionable dress; the latest fashion
Fashion時裝Chinesenouncontemporary dress
FastenersekserSerbo-CroatiannounspikeBosnia Serbia regional
FastenersekserSerbo-Croatiannounlarge nail (metal fastener)Bosnia Serbia regional
Fats and oilslubrykantPolishnoungrease, lubricant (substance used to reduce friction)inanimate masculine
Fats and oilslubrykantPolishnounlube, personal lubricant (lubricant used during human sexual activity)inanimate masculine
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (device used to alarm people)inanimate masculine
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (sound used to alarm people)inanimate masculine
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (state of being alerted)inanimate masculine
FearalarmPolishnounalarm (fear, apprehension)inanimate masculine
FearإرهابArabicnounverbal noun of أَرْهَبَ (ʔarhaba) (form IV)form-of noun-from-verb
FearإرهابArabicnounverbal noun of أَرْهَبَ (ʔarhaba) (form IV) / terrorism
FemaledźowkaUpper Sorbiannoundaughterfeminine
FemaledźowkaUpper Sorbiannounmaidfeminine
Female animalscearcScottish Gaelicnounhenfeminine
Female animalscearcScottish Gaelicnounchickenfeminine
Female animalslabudicaSerbo-Croatiannounfemale swan
Female animalslabudicaSerbo-Croatiannounflatbed trailer
Female animalsserpenteFrenchnounfemale equivalent of serpent: female snakefeminine form-of
Female animalsserpenteFrenchverbinflection of serpenter: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Female animalsserpenteFrenchverbinflection of serpenter: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Female family memberscugnataSiciliannouna hatchetfeminine
Female family memberscugnataSiciliannounsister-in-lawfeminine
Female family memberscugnataSiciliannounrelated, connected, like, similarfeminine figuratively
Female family membersköndWakhinounwoman
Female family membersköndWakhinounwife
Female family membersmamaPolishnounmum, mom, motherfeminine
Female family membersmamaPolishnounwetnurseMiddle Polish feminine
Female family membersmamaPolishnounnurse, caregiverMiddle Polish feminine
Female family membersmuljariAromaniannounwomanfeminine
Female family membersmuljariAromaniannounwifefeminine
Female family membersἀδελφήAncient Greeknounsister
Female family membersἀδελφήAncient Greeknounsome other female relation, such as wife or cousin
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounA woman, specifically one with great control, authority or ownership
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounA female teacher
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounThe other woman in an extramarital relationship, generally including sexual relations
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounA dominatrix
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounA woman well skilled in anything, or having the mastery over it
Female peoplemistressEnglishnouna woman regarded with love and devotion; a sweetheart
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounA married woman; a wifeScotland
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounThe jack in the game of bowlsobsolete
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounA female companion to a master (a man with control, authority or ownership)
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounfemale equivalent of masterfeminine form-of
Female peoplemistressEnglishnounfemale equivalent of misterfeminine form-of
Female peoplemistressEnglishverbOf a woman: to master; to learn or develop to a high degree of proficiency.rare transitive
Female peoplemistressEnglishverbTo act or take the role of a mistress.intransitive
Female peoplenauczycielPolishnounteacher (person who teaches, especially one employed in a school)masculine person
Female peoplenauczycielPolishnounteacher, mentor (person or thing that causes one to be more aware or behave differently)figuratively literary masculine person
Female peoplenauczycielPolishnounfemale equivalent of nauczyciel (“teacher”) (person who teaches, especially one employed in a school)feminine form-of indeclinable
Female peopleprowodyrkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of prowodyr (“ringleader”) (person who starts and leads a disturbance, a conspiracy, or a criminal gang)derogatory feminine form-of
Female peopleprowodyrkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of prowodyr (“person who leads dances at a wedding, ball, or other event”)feminine form-of obsolete
Female peopleばばJapanesenoun糞, 屎: excrement, feces
Female peopleばばJapanesenoun馬場: riding ground
Female peopleばばJapanesename馬場: a surname
Female peopleばばJapanesenoun祖母: grandmother
Female peopleばばJapanesenoun婆: old woman
Female peopleばばJapanesenoun婆, ババ: (playing card) joker, Old Maid
Female peopleばばJapanesenoun馬場: riding ground
Female peopleばばJapanesename馬場: a surname
Female peopleばばJapanesenoun糞, 屎: excrement, feces
Female people小鬼丫頭ChinesenoundaughterWu endearing
Female people小鬼丫頭ChinesenoungirlWu
Female people聲色Chinesenounvoice and countenance
Female people聲色Chinesenounbeautiful sounds and sights; enticing music and beautiful women; sensual pleasuresformal
FibersjutaPolishnounjute (fiber of Corchorus olitorius)feminine
FibersjutaPolishnounjute (plants from which this fibre is obtained)feminine
FictionზიტერიLazadjparticiple of იტურს (iťurs)form-of participle
FictionზიტერიLazadjparticiple of იტურს (iťurs) / literate
FictionზიტერიLaznounfairy tale, fable, tale, story, myth, legend
Fictional characters横路敬二ChinesenameKeiji Yokomichi, character from Japanese movie Kimi yo Fundo no Kawa o Watare. In the movie, the character develops a mental disability after being poisoned with a neurotoxin.
Fictional characters横路敬二Chinesenounstupid person; simpleton; fool;Mainland-China dated derogatory figuratively
Field hockeyковінькаUkrainiannouna stick with a crooked end
Field hockeyковінькаUkrainiannouna kind of children's game, resembling hockeydialectal
FiftyfiftyEnglishnumThe cardinal number occurring after forty-nine and before fifty-one.
FiftyfiftyEnglishnounA banknote or coin with a denomination of 50.countable
FiftyfiftyEnglishnounA batsman's score of at least 50 runs and less than 100 runs.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
FilmsalidaCebuanonouna television show; a live or recorded broadcast or program, or series of broadcasts or programs, meant to be viewed on television
FilmsalidaCebuanonouna film; a movie
FilmsalidaCebuanoverbto turn on the television (to watch a show or film)
FilmsalidaCebuanoverbto air or broadcast (a program or film on television)
FilmsalidaCebuanoverbto play (a video using a video player)
FilmסרטHebrewnounfilm (a medium used to capture images in a camera) / film (the sequence of still images itself; a movie)arts hobbies lifestyle photographybroadly countable
FireatendenMiddle EnglishverbTo set (something) on fire; to kindle.transitive
FireatendenMiddle EnglishverbTo bring light to (something); to illuminate, to light up.transitive
FireatendenMiddle EnglishverbTo cause (someone) to feel ardour or passion.figuratively transitive
FireencenderSpanishverbto light, ignite
FireencenderSpanishverbto turn on, switch on, power up
FireenziroTooronoundirt, grime (of the body)
FirearmsAKEnglishnameAbbreviation of Alaska, A state of the United States.US abbreviation alt-of
FirearmsAKEnglishnounan AK-47, AK-74, or related assault rifle (Avtomat Kalasnikova or Kalashnikov)
FirearmsAKEnglishnounAny assault rifle or machine gun.broadly nonstandard slang
FirearmsgalletCatalannoundiminutive of gall (“rooster”)diminutive form-of masculine
FirearmsgalletCatalannounweather vanemasculine
FirearmsgalletCatalannounboarfish (Capros aper)masculine
FirearmsgalletCatalannounpeacock blenny (Salaria pavo)masculine
FirearmsgalletCatalannouncommon cockle (type of clam)masculine
FirearmsgalletCatalannounuvulaanatomy medicine sciencesdialectal masculine
FirearmsgalletCatalannounsegment (of a fruit)masculine
FishhailiFinnishnounfresh Baltic herring (Baltic herring that is sold fresh, i.e. not salted, smoked, pickled or preserved in any other way)dated
FishhailiFinnishnounSynonym of silakka (“Baltic herring”)
FishτρώκτηςAncient Greeknoungnawer, nibbler
FishτρώκτηςAncient Greeknoungreedy knavefiguratively
FishτρώκτηςAncient Greeknounkind of fish with sharp teeth
FishچنعدGulf Arabicnounmackerel
FishچنعدGulf Arabicnounmackerel / narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson)
Fish미꾸라지KoreannounThe Chinese muddy loach, Misgurnus mizolepis, a common fish in Korean lakes and rivers
Fish미꾸라지Koreannouna cunning, slippery personderogatory
Fivengũ cốcVietnamesenounthe Five Grains
Fivengũ cốcVietnamesenouncereal
FiveఏనుTelugupronI (literary form)literary
FlagsDannebrogEnglishnameThe national flag of Denmark, featuring a white Nordic cross atop a red background; is said to be the oldest continuously used national flag in the world, dating back to the 13th century.
FlagsDannebrogEnglishnameA Danish order of knights founded in 1219 and revived in 1671.
FlagsDannebrogEnglishnameA village in Nebraska.
Florida, USAジョージタウンJapanesenameGeorge Town
Florida, USAジョージタウンJapanesenameGeorgetown
FlowersάκανθοςGreeknounacanthus (plant and flower)biology botany natural-sciences
FlowersάκανθοςGreeknounacanthus-like adornment (in Corinthian style)archaeology architecture history human-sciences sciences
FlowersডিলAssamesenounbanana heart, banana flower
Food and drinkcomidaPortuguesenounfood, something ediblefeminine
Food and drinkcomidaPortuguesenounmealfeminine
Food and drinkcomidaPortugueseverbfeminine singular of comidofeminine form-of participle singular
Food and drinkkęsekPolishnounAlternative form of kąsekalt-of alternative inanimate masculine
Food and drinkkęsekPolishnoungenitive plural of kąsekform-of genitive inanimate masculine plural
Food and drinkង៉ាំង៉ូវKhmernounwhole preserved lemon or lime (pickled in a brine of water, lemon juice, and salt)
Food and drinkង៉ាំង៉ូវKhmernounngam nguv/ngam ngau, chicken soup flavored with whole preserved lemon or limebroadly
FoodscheeseletEnglishnounA small, usually roundish lump of cheese; a baby cheese; specifically, a particular type made with sheep's milk in Malta.Malta
FoodscheeseletEnglishnounA baked dish of bread and cheese covered with a mixture of eggs and milk.US archaic
FoodssagoCebuanonounsago palm (Metroxylon sagu)
FoodssagoCebuanonounsago cycad (Cycas revoluta)
FoodssagoCebuanonounstarch from these plants
FoodssagoCebuanonouna sago pearl or the similar-looking boba and landang
Foodsపప్పTelugunounPapa, father.
Foodsపప్పTelugunounvulva of woman.anatomy medicine sciencesvulgar
Football (soccer)embaixadaPortuguesenounembassy (organization representing a foreign state)feminine
Football (soccer)embaixadaPortuguesenounambassadorship (the post or office of ambassador)feminine
Football (soccer)embaixadaPortuguesenounthe act of repeatedly kicking a football upwards in order to prevent it from touching the groundfeminine
FootwearbabyskoDanishnounA small shoe meant to be worn by infants.common-gender
FootwearbabyskoDanishnounindefinite plural of babyskocommon-gender form-of indefinite plural
ForestryklestíCzechnounbrushwood (detached branches or twigs)neuter
ForestryklestíCzechnouninflection of klest: / instrumental singularfeminine form-of instrumental singular
ForestryklestíCzechnouninflection of klest: / genitive pluralfeminine form-of genitive plural
ForestryklestíCzechverbthird-person singular/plural present of klestitform-of plural present singular third-person
Forms of governmentplutocracyEnglishnounGovernment by the wealthy.countable uncountable
Forms of governmentplutocracyEnglishnounA controlling class of the wealthy.countable uncountable
Foxessilver foxEnglishnounA melanistic red fox (Vulpes vulpes) with silver to black fur.
Foxessilver foxEnglishnounA domestic rabbit of a rare breed with silvery-black fur.
Foxessilver foxEnglishnounAn attractive man who has graying hair.colloquial
French numeral symbolsFrenchcharacterThe letter îletter
French numeral symbolsFrenchnum3
FruitsaraticumPortuguesenounalligator apple (Annona glabra, a tropical fruit tree)masculine
FruitsaraticumPortuguesenounalligator apple (the fruit of the Annona glabra)masculine
FruitsbelimbingIndonesiannounstar fruit
FruitsbelimbingIndonesianverbto be ridged longitudinally.
FruitsbugnayCebuanonouna Queensland cherry tree (Antidesma bunius)
FruitsbugnayCebuanonounfruit of this tree
FruitsmeloenDutchnounmelon (plant or fruit of certain varieties of members of the Cucurbitaceae, notably excluding cucumbers and courgettes/zucchinis)feminine masculine
FruitsmeloenDutchnounmelon (organ containing adipose tissue present in toothed whales)feminine masculine
FruitsmeloenDutchnounmelon, (large) breastcolloquial feminine masculine plural-normally
FruitsnaranchaAragonesenounorange (color)feminine
FruitsnaranchaAragonesenounorange (fruit)feminine
FruitsгрушаUkrainiannounpear (fruit or tree)biology botany natural-sciences
FruitsгрушаUkrainiannounpunching bag (boxing equipment of such shape)hobbies lifestyle sports
Fruits無花果Japanesenounfig tree
Fruits無花果Japanesenounfig tree
FungigrochówkaPolishnounpea soupfeminine
FungigrochówkaPolishnounany fungus belonging to the genus Pisolithusfeminine obsolete
FurnitureamplaPolishnounuplight bowl pendant (ceiling lamp in the shape of a bowl pointing light in an upward direction)feminine
FurnitureamplaPolishnounuplight bowl pendant lampshade (lampshade of such a light)feminine
FurniturebordIrishnounA boardmasculine
FurniturebordIrishnounA board / tablemasculine
FurniturebordIrishnounA board, panel (of experts, etc.), councilmasculine
FurniturebordIrishnounbordergeography natural-sciences topographymasculine
FurniturebordIrishnounboard, sidenautical transportmasculine
FurniturebordWelshnountable (item of furniture)South-Wales feminine
FurniturebordWelshnounfood and drink, hospitality, sustenancefeminine
FurniturebordWelshnounside (of a ship)nautical transportfeminine
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounA piece of cloth covering a window, bed, etc. to offer privacy and keep out light.
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounA similar piece of cloth that separates the audience and the stage in a theater.
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounThe beginning of a show; the moment the curtain rises.entertainment lifestyle theaterbroadly
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounThe flat area of wall which connects two bastions or towers; the main area of a fortified wall.fortifications government military politics war
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounDeath.euphemistic in-plural sometimes
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounThat part of a wall of a building which is between two pavilions, towers, etc.architecture
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounA flag; an ensign.derogatory obsolete
FurniturecurtainEnglishnounThe uninterrupted stream of fluid that falls onto a moving substrate in the process of curtain coating.
FurniturecurtainEnglishverbTo cover (a window) with a curtain; to hang curtains.transitive
FurniturecurtainEnglishverbTo hide, cover or separate as if by a curtain.figuratively transitive
GadiformstorskSwedishnouna person who visits prostitutes; a johncommon-gender slang
GadiformstorskSwedishnouncandidiasis, a fungal infectionmedicine sciencescommon-gender
GadiformstorskSwedishnouna failure, a losshobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial common-gender especially
GamesquoitEnglishnounA flat disc of metal or stone thrown at a target in the game of quoits.
GamesquoitEnglishnounA ring of rubber or rope similarly used in the game of deck-quoits.
GamesquoitEnglishnounThe flat stone covering a cromlech.
GamesquoitEnglishnounAn ancient burial mound, synonymous with dolmen.
GamesquoitEnglishnounThe discus used in ancient sports.
GamesquoitEnglishverbTo play quoits.intransitive
GamesquoitEnglishverbTo throw like a quoit.transitive
GemsacquamarinaItalianadjaquamarine (color/colour)invariable
GemsacquamarinaItaliannounaquamarine (color/colour)masculine uncountable
GemsambraItaliannounamber (fossil resin)feminine
GemsambraItaliannounmeanings related to colour/color: / amber colour/colorfeminine uncountable
GemsambraItaliannounmeanings related to colour/color: / yellowfeminine metonymically uncountable
GemsambraItaliannounmeanings related to colour/color: / any amber-colored substance or object.feminine metonymically
GemsambraItaliannounthe smell of ambergrisfeminine uncountable
GenderperEnglishprepFor each.
GenderperEnglishprepTo each, in each (used in expressing ratios of units).
GenderperEnglishprepBy the, by means of the, via the, through the.medicine sciences
GenderperEnglishprepIn accordance with, as per
GenderperEnglishpronThey (singular). Gender-neutral neologistic third-person singular subject pronoun, coordinate with gendered pronouns he and she.gender-neutral nominative nonstandard rare singular third-person
GenderperEnglishpronThem (singular) Neologistic gender-neutral third-person singular object pronoun, suggested for use in place of him and her.gender-neutral nominative nonstandard rare singular third-person
GenderperEnglishadjBelonging to per, their (singular). Gender-neutral third-person singular possessive adjective, coordinate with gendered his and her.nonstandard not-comparable rare
Gender-critical feminismhandmaidenEnglishnounAlternative form of handmaid.alt-of alternative
Gender-critical feminismhandmaidenEnglishnounA feminist woman who supports transgender rights.derogatory
GenitalianádobíčkoCzechnoundiminutive of nádobídiminutive form-of neuter
GenitalianádobíčkoCzechnounpenisinformal neuter
Gentianales order plantsbitterrootEnglishnounLewisia rediviva, a small, low, pink flower with a yellow center.countable uncountable
Gentianales order plantsbitterrootEnglishnounApocynum androsaemifolium (fly-trap dogbane).countable uncountable
Gentianales order plantsbitterrootEnglishnounGentiana lutea (great yellow gentian, bitterwort)countable uncountable
Gentianales order plantsbitterrootEnglishadjHaving bitter roots.attributive not-comparable usually
Geology岩石ChinesenounAlternative form of 巖石/岩石 (yánshí, “big and tall piece of rock”)alt-of alternative
GeometryconerCameroon Pidginnouncorner
GeometryconerCameroon Pidginnounconer
GeometryprůměrCzechnoundiameterinanimate masculine
GeometryprůměrCzechnounaverage, meaninanimate masculine
GeometryтрапезSerbo-Croatiannountrapezium, (US) trapezoidUK
GermanyFriesDutchnouna Frisian, member of a Germanic people (both the modern people and the ancient Frisii); a speaker of one of the Frisian languagesmasculine
GermanyFriesDutchnouna West Frisian specifically; a speaker of the West Frisian languagemasculine
GermanyFriesDutchnounShort form for various names relating to Friesland or Frisians, such as the bovine race.masculine
GermanyFriesDutchadjFrisian (any member of the Frisian people)
GermanyFriesDutchadjWest Frisian specifically (of the Frisian part of the Netherlands)
GermanyFriesDutchnameFrisian (any of the Frisian languages)neuter
GermanyFriesDutchnamespecifically, West Frisianneuter
GermanytedescoItalianadjGerman; of Germany
GermanytedescoItaliannounGerman languagemasculine uncountable
GermanytedescoItaliannounGerman personmasculine
Gobiespalo-paloCebuanonouna batlet; a short bat for beating clothes when washing them; a washing paddle
Gobiespalo-paloCebuanonounarrowfin goby; any member of the genus Oxyurichthys
Gobiespalo-paloCebuanoverbto beat clothes when washing
GodHereSaterland Frisiannounlord, mastermasculine
GodHereSaterland FrisiannameLord, Godmasculine
GodHereSaterland Frisiannounplural of Heerform-of plural
GodJapanesecharacterlord, masterkanji
GodJapanesecharactermain, principalkanji
GodJapanesenounhead of the family
GodJapanesenounmaster, mistress
GodJapanesenounone's husband
GodJapanesenounproprietor, landlord
GodJapanesenamethe Lord
Governmentpublic administrationEnglishnounthe implementation of public policy by governmental bodies; the administration of governmental functions; the administration of a state.uncountable
Governmentpublic administrationEnglishnouna field of study concerning this, sometimes considered a branch of political science.uncountable
GrainsmilletEnglishnounAny of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food, widely cultivated in the developing world.countable uncountable
GrainsmilletEnglishnounCommon millet, in particular Panicum miliaceum.countable specifically uncountable
GrainsmilletEnglishnounA semi-autonomous confessional community under the Ottoman Empire, especially a non-Muslim one.historical
GrainsбарSerbo-Croatiannounpublic house, bar
GrainsбарSerbo-Croatiannounbar (unit of pressure)
GrainsбарSerbo-Croatianadvat least
GrainsбарSerbo-Croatiannounfoxtail millet (Setaria italica)regional
GrainsбарSerbo-Croatiannounpearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)regional
GrammarmássalhangzóHungariannounconsonant (a sound that results from the passage of air through restrictions of the oral cavity)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
GrammarmássalhangzóHungariannounconsonant (a letter representing the sound of a consonant)
Grammarprincipalis parsLatinnouneither of the active and passive voices, regarded as the principal parts of the verbLate-Latin declension-3
Grammarprincipalis parsLatinnouneither of the noun and the verb, regarded as the principal partēs ōrātiōnisLate-Latin declension-3
GrammarvolitionalEnglishadjOf or relating to the volition or will.not-comparable
GrammarvolitionalEnglishadjDone by conscious, personal choice; not based on external principles; not accidental.comparable
GrammarvolitionalEnglishadjExpressing intention, hortation, supposition, or inclusive invitation.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
GrammarvolitionalEnglishnounThe volitional grammatical mood.uncountable
GrammarvolitionalEnglishnounA form of a word inflected for the volitional mood; a volitional form.countable
Grammar大和言葉Japanesenouna Japanese word of ancient Japanese origin (as opposed to a word borrowed from Chinese, or composed in Japan from Chinese-derived roots)
Grammar大和言葉JapanesenounJapanese songs or poetry (such as tanka)
Grammar大和言葉Japanesenounrefined diction, especially the language used in the Heian period, 女房詞 (nyōbō kotoba, literally “women's language”), or 女中詞 (jochū kotoba, “the language of court women after the Muromachi period”)
Grape cultivarsmare's teatEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see mare, teat.
Grape cultivarsmare's teatEnglishnounA variety of wine grape from the Central Asian oases with distinctively shaped, brownish-purple fruit.
GrapevineswinogradPolishnoungrapevinearchaic inanimate masculine
GrapevineswinogradPolishnoungrape (fruit)archaic inanimate masculine
Greek letter namespiItaliannounThe name of the Latin-script letter P/p.; peefeminine invariable
Greek letter namespiItaliannounthe name of the Greek-script letter Π/π; piinvariable masculine
Greek letter namespiItaliannounSynonym of pi grecomathematics sciencesinvariable masculine
Greek mythologyἈνακτορίαAncient Greeknamea female given name, equivalent to English Anactoria / name of daughter of Πηνέλεως (Pēnéleōs, “Peneleos”)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Greek mythologyἈνακτορίαAncient Greeknamea female given name, equivalent to English Anactoria / unknown woman quoted by poetess Sappho
Greek mythologyἈνακτορίαAncient GreeknameAnactoria, original name of the region later known as Miletus
GreensbíchVietnamesenounAlternative spelling of pích (“spades”)alt-of alternative
GreensbíchVietnameseadjgreenish bluerare
GreenscorbeauEnglishnounThe black vulture, Coragyps atratus.
GreenscorbeauEnglishnounA man who carts away the dead plague victims.historical
GreenscorbeauEnglishnounA very dark shade of green, almost black.
GreysargentEnglishnounThe metal silver.archaic countable uncountable
GreysargentEnglishnounThe white or silver tincture on a coat of arms.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
GreysargentEnglishnounWhiteness; anything that is white.countable obsolete poetic uncountable
GreysargentEnglishnounA moth of the genus Argyresthia.countable uncountable
GreysargentEnglishadjOf silver or silver-coloured.not-comparable
GreysargentEnglishadjof white or silver tincture on a coat of arms.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable
GullsgouScotsnounfool, stupid creature
GullsбургомистрRussiannounglaucous gull
HairbingleEnglishnounA minor collision, especially between motor vehicles.Australia informal
HairbingleEnglishnounA hairstyle for women that is somewhere between a bob and a shingle.
HairbingleEnglishverbTo arrange the hair in this style.
HairbingleEnglishnounA base hit in which the batter stops safely at first base.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
HairbingleEnglishverbTo achieve a base hit in which the batter stops safely at first base.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
HairgrzywaPolishnounmane (e.g., of lions and horses)feminine
HairgrzywaPolishnounhuman hairstyle resembling a manefeminine
HairgrzywaPolishnounAugmentative of grzywkaaugmentative feminine form-of
HairsaparoFinnishnounpigtail, the tail of a pig
HairsaparoFinnishnounbunches, pigtail (hairstyle)
HairсивинаUkrainiannounwhite hair, grey hairuncountable
HairсивинаUkrainiannounthe grey colorfiguratively uncountable
HairсивинаUkrainiannounancient timesfiguratively uncountable
HairچولOttoman Turkishnoundesert, wasteland, an uninhabited and uncultivated tract of land
HairچولOttoman Turkishadjuninhabited or uninhabitable, barren, waste
HairچولOttoman Turkishnounhaircloth, horsehair, a cloth made of the hairs of a horse
HairچولOttoman Turkishnounsaddlecloth, horsecloth, a rug or similar cloth used to cover a horse
HappinessweselićPolishverbto gladden, to cheerdated imperfective transitive
HappinessweselićPolishverbto cheer up, to be cheerfuldated imperfective reflexive
Heads of statekonsulsLatviannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)declension-1 masculine
Heads of statekonsulsLatviannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)declension-1 historical masculine
Heads of statekonsulsLatviannounconsul (any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804)declension-1 historical masculine
Heads of statekonsulsLatviannounconsul; councillordeclension-1 historical masculine
HeadwearcoronaLatinnounchaplet, laurel, or wreath; presented to athletes, the gods, or the deaddeclension-1
HeadwearcoronaLatinnouncircle (of people), assemblydeclension-1
HeadwearpagliettaItaliannounboater (straw hat)feminine
HeadwearpagliettaItaliannounsteel woolfeminine
HeadwearpagliettaItaliannounscourer, scourer pad, scouring padfeminine
HeadwearจุมพฏThainouncoil; ring.formal
HeadwearจุมพฏThainouncoaster or saucer made from woven grasses or leaves.formal
HeadwearจุมพฏThainounเทริด (sə̂ət); รัดเกล้า.formal
HealthxəstəAzerbaijaniadjill, sick
HealthxəstəAzerbaijaninounpatient, sufferer
HealthxəstəAzerbaijaninounfan, buff, devotee
Health安然Chineseadjsafe; in good health or shape
Health安然Chineseadjcalm; tranquil; at rest; in peace
Healthcare occupationsortopèdicCatalanadjorthopaedic
Healthcare occupationsortopèdicCatalannounorthopaedistmasculine
HerbsEstragonGermannountarragon (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus)masculine no-plural strong
HerbsEstragonGermannountarragon (the leaves of this plant used as a seasoning)masculine no-plural strong
HerbsorpineEnglishnounAny of several temperate succulent plants of the family Crassulaceae, that have clusters of purple flowers, especially Hylotelephium telephium.
HerbsorpineEnglishnounA yellow pigment of various degrees of intensity, sometimes approaching red.
Herrings衣被Japanesenounthe practice in the Heian period where upper-class women would cover their faces with their clothing when they went out; the type of headdress; the women referred tohistorical
Herrings衣被Japanesenounphimosiseuphemistic slang
Herrings衣被Japanesenounan autumn dish and sake accompaniment consisting of small steamed taro potatoes
HidesмјешинаSerbo-Croatiannoungoatskin, wineskin
HidesмјешинаSerbo-Croatiannounpaunch, bellyderogatory
HinduismhinduHungarianadjHindu (of or relating to Hinduism)
HinduismhinduHungariannounHindu (adherent of Hinduism)
HinduismوامنUrduadjsmall, dwarfishrare
HinduismوامنUrdunouna dwarfrare
HinduismوامنUrdunameVāmana (the fifth avatar of Viṣṇu)Hinduism
HinduismوامنUrdunamename of ŚivaHinduism
HinduismوامنUrdunamename of the elephant that supports the south or west quarterHinduism
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishnounThe language of Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe and Western Asia.uncountable
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishnounA person or a descendant of a person from Georgia, a country in Eastern Europe and Western Asia.countable
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Georgia in the United States of America.countable
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the Eastern European country of Georgia, the Georgian people or the Georgian language.not-comparable
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the U.S. State of Georgia or its Georgian English dialect.not-comparable
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishnounA British citizen during the reign of a king named George.historical
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishadjOf, from, or characteristic of the reigns of Kings George I and George II of Great Britain, and George III and George IV of the United Kingdom (1714–1830).
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishadjPertaining to a movement in lyric poetry during the reign of King George V of the United Kingdom (1910-1936).
Historical periodsGeorgianEnglishadjPertaining to or characteristic of Stefan George (a German poet).
History of Europepospolite ruszeniePolishnounfyrd, levy en masse (compulsory recruitment into the army of all male citizens or only of a certain specific group of men obliged to do so in the event of a threat to the country)government military politics warhistorical idiomatic neuter
History of Europepospolite ruszeniePolishnounfyrd, levy en masse (army made up of citizens recruited compulsorily into the army in a national emergency)government military politics warcollective historical idiomatic neuter
History of Europepospolite ruszeniePolishnoungroup of people who are united by a common goal and want to pursue it together without having any professional training in the activities they undertakecollective colloquial humorous idiomatic neuter
History of PolandzabórPolishnounpartition (one of the three territories annexed from Poland by Prussia, Austria-Hungary, and Russia between 1772 and 1795)government military politics warhistorical inanimate masculine
History of PolandzabórPolishnounoccupation of foreign territorygovernment military politics warhistorical inanimate masculine
HomeinMiddle EnglishnounAny kind of accommodation; particularly: / A holiday home or guesthouse; a house set up as accommodation.
HomeinMiddle EnglishnounAny kind of accommodation; particularly: / An inn or hostel; a building with multiple rooms to let.
HomeinMiddle EnglishnounAny kind of accommodation; particularly: / A camp used by an army; barracks.
HomeinMiddle EnglishnounA home or house; habitation or housing one lives in.
HomeinMiddle EnglishnounA dormitory; housing for students.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in, inside; encircled or confined by, with the following special senses: / inside, within (a text or document)
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in, inside; encircled or confined by, with the following special senses: / inside, within (one's mind)
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in, inside; encircled or confined by, with the following special senses: / inside, in, indoors of.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in, inside; encircled or confined by, with the following special senses: / amongst, in a crowd of.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / wearing, having on, clad in
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in a quality or mode: with the following special senses: / affected by, under the influence of.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in a quality or mode: with the following special senses: / held by someone, in someone's grasp
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in a quality or mode: with the following special senses: / owned by someone, in someone's control
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / inside, at or on a location or place.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / secured with; bound with
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in the midst of, while, currently doing
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / in (pieces or portions), into.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin; with the following special senses: / about; of, on the matter of.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepin the form, way, or manner of.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepon, above, on top of.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepfacing at, in the direction of.
HomeinMiddle EnglishprepBeing one of a set or group.
HomeinMiddle EnglishprepBeing owned by; in one's possession.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepdue to, as, for the reason that.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepversus; in conflict with; fighting with.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepusing, utilising, with the means of.
HomeinMiddle Englishprepwith, in the company of.rare
HomeinMiddle Englishadvin; with the following special senses: / in, inside; encircled or confined by.
HomeinMiddle Englishadvin; with the following special senses: / inside, in, in the centre of.
HomeinMiddle Englishadvin; with the following special senses: / in a quality or mode.
HomeinMiddle Englishadvin towards, in the direction of.
HomeinMiddle Englishadvon, on top of; above
HomeinMiddle Englishadvusing, utilising, with the means of.
HomeinMiddle EnglishpronAlternative form of hinealt-of alternative
Home applianceshladnjakSerbo-CroatiannounrefrigeratorCroatia
Home applianceshladnjakSerbo-Croatiannounradiator (device that lowers engine coolant temperature)automotive transport vehicles
Home appliancesхладилникBulgariannounrefrigerator, fridge
Home appliancesхладилникBulgariannounicebox
Hordeeae tribe grassesaegilopsEnglishnounAn ulcer or fistula in the inner angle of the eye.
Hordeeae tribe grassesaegilopsEnglishnounGoatgrass (Aegilops spp.) or other grass found as a corn-weed.obsolete
Horse tackçulTurkishnounA rough fabric generally woven of animal hair.
Horse tackçulTurkishnounA cloth used to cover animals, generally woven of animal hair; a saddlecloth.
Horse tackçulTurkishnounA simple fabric Tekke attendants cover oneselves with.Islam Sufism human-sciences lifestyle mysticism philosophy religion sciences
Horse tackçulTurkishnounclothing, outfitfiguratively informal
Horse tackթամբArmeniannounsaddle (of a horse)
Horse tackթամբArmeniannounpacksaddle
Horse tackթամբArmeniannounsaddle (of a bicycle or motorcycle)
Horse tackթամբArmeniannounsaddle (low point, in the shape of a saddle, between two peaks of a mountain)figuratively
Horse tackթամբArmeniannouncalf (of a leg)figuratively
Horse tackթամբArmeniannounflank (of an animal)figuratively
HorseshorseyEnglishadjAlternative spelling of horsy.alt-of alternative
HorseshorseyEnglishnounAlternative spelling of horsy.alt-of alternative
HorsesplugEnglishnounA pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket, especially an electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
HorsesplugEnglishnounA pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket, especially an electrical one. / An electric socket: wall electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsbroadly
HorsesplugEnglishnounAny piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole.
HorsesplugEnglishnounA flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco.US
HorsesplugEnglishnounA high, tapering silk hat.US slang
HorsesplugEnglishnounA worthless horse.US slang
HorsesplugEnglishnounAny worn-out or useless article.dated
HorsesplugEnglishnounA book that fails to sell.dated slang
HorsesplugEnglishnounA block of wood let into a wall to afford a hold for construction manufacturing
HorsesplugEnglishnounA promotion (act of promoting) of a product (such as a book, film or play) or other thing, concept, etc, for example during an interview or a commercial.slang
HorsesplugEnglishnounA body of once molten rock that hardened in a volcanic vent. Usually round or oval in shape.geography geology natural-sciences
HorsesplugEnglishnounA type of lure consisting of a rigid, buoyant or semi-buoyant body and one or more hobbies lifestyle
HorsesplugEnglishnounA small seedling grown in a tray from expanded polystyrene or polythene filled usually with a peat or compost substrate.agriculture business horticulture lifestyle
HorsesplugEnglishnounA short cylindrical piece of jewellery commonly worn in larger-gauge body piercings, especially in the lifestyle
HorsesplugEnglishnounA drug dealer.slang
HorsesplugEnglishnounA branch from a water-pipe to supply a hose.
HorsesplugEnglishnounA standard, modular fuselage component that can be added or removed.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
HorsesplugEnglishverbTo stop with a plug; to make tight by stopping a hole.transitive
HorsesplugEnglishverbTo promote (something, especially a product or service); to mention (something) as if promoting or advertising it.transitive
HorsesplugEnglishverbTo persist or continue with something.informal intransitive
HorsesplugEnglishverbTo shoot (someone) with a bullet.slang transitive
HorsesplugEnglishverbTo have sex with; to penetrate sexually.slang transitive
HorsesplugEnglishverbTo ingest a drug rectally.slang transitive
HorsesronzinoItaliannounnag (horse)masculine
HorsesronzinoItalianverbinflection of ronzare: / third-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present subjunctive third-person
HorsesronzinoItalianverbinflection of ronzare: / third-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural third-person
HorsesroughshodEnglishadjOf a horse: having hooves shod with horseshoes that have calks or projecting parts to prevent slipping.farriery hobbies horses lifestyle pets sportsnot-comparable
HorsesroughshodEnglishadjBrutal or domineering.broadly not-comparable
HundredئەسىرUyghurnounprisoner of war
IcehieloSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of helarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ImperialismkoloniSwahilinouncolon (punctuation mark)class-10 class-9
ImperialismkoloniSwahilinouncolonyclass-5 class-6
IndividualsAbrahamCebuanonamea male given name from English or Spanish
IndividualsAbrahamCebuanonameAbrahambiblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsCanaanEnglishnameA historical region in the Middle East, roughly equivalent to Palestine.
IndividualsCanaanEnglishnameA grandson of Noah.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsCanaanEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin.rare
IndividualsCanaanEnglishnameThe name of multiple places in North America named after the historic region, including: / A town in Litchfield County, Connecticut, United States.
IndividualsCanaanEnglishnameThe name of multiple places in North America named after the historic region, including: / A number of townships in the United States, listed under Canaan Township.
IndividualsFelipeSpanishnamePhilip (biblical apostle)masculine
IndividualsFelipeSpanishnamea male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Philipmasculine
IndividualsМусаBashkirnamea male given name, Musa, from Arabic
IndividualsМусаBashkirnameMusa, a prophet in Islam; equivalent to Moses (see Moses in Islam)Islam lifestyle religion
InsectsmyggNorwegian Bokmålnouna mosquito (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood)masculine
InsectsmyggNorwegian Bokmålnounsomething small (and insignificant) / a small microphone that is or can be fit to a personfiguratively masculine
InsectsmyggNorwegian Bokmålnounsomething small (and insignificant) / a footballer (soccer) under ten years of ageball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfiguratively masculine
InsectsskudraLatviannoungenitive singular of skudrsdialectal form-of genitive masculine singular
InsectsskudraLatviannounant (many species of insects from the family Formicidae, usually forming big colonies)declension-4 feminine masculine
InsectsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounworm, tapeworm
InsectsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounwormscollective
InsectsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnoungrub, larva, embryo
InsectsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounfirefly
InsectsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnounmurex
InsectsܬܘܠܥܐClassical Syriacnouncochineal kermes, scarlet dye
Internet memesspoopyEnglishadjSpooky.Internet humorous
Internet memesspoopyEnglishadjCalling upon horror tropes and concepts in cute, nonthreatening or comical ways.Internet
Irish cardinal numbersmilliúnIrishnummillion
Irish cardinal numbersmilliúnIrishnounmillionmasculine
IronpasTurkishnounrust (oxidation of metal)
IronpasTurkishnounpass (The act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another.)hobbies lifestyle sports
IronpasTurkishintjA phrase indicating that the player is declining to play their turn; I passcard-games games
IslamGehennaEnglishnameIn rabbinical literature and Christian and Islamic scripture, the place where the souls of the wicked go after death, where they suffer eternal damnation or annihilation.
IslamGehennaEnglishnameA place of suffering and misery.
IslamGehennaEnglishnameThe valley of Hinnom outside Jerusalem.
IslandsJepunMalaynameJapan (country in Asia)
IslandsJepunMalaynameJapanese (ethnic group)
IslandsJepunMalaynameJapanese (language)
IslandsJepunMalayadjJapanese (pertaining to ethnic group or language)
ItalyItaliaansAfrikaansadjItalian (of, from, or pertaining to Italy, the Italian people or the Italian language)not-comparable
ItalyItaliaansAfrikaansnameItalian (language)
JackfishcobblerfishEnglishnounAny of various catfish.
JackfishcobblerfishEnglishnounTrachinotus carolinus
JapanJapaneseEnglishadjOf, relating to, or derived from Japan, its people, language, or culture.not-comparable
JapanJapaneseEnglishnounA person living in or originating from Japan, or of Japanese ancestry.countable in-plural
JapanJapaneseEnglishnounEllipsis of Japanese food.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis uncountable
JapanJapaneseEnglishnameA language that is primarily spoken in East Asia and is the official language of Japan.
JapanFrenchnounnoh (Japanese theatrical genre)masculine uncountable
JapanFrenchnouna noh playcountable masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Algeria)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Bahrain)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Croatia)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Iran)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Iraq)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Jordan)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Kuwait)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Libya)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Serbia)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of South Yemen)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Sudan)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Tunisia)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Yugoslavia)animal-not-person masculine
JordandinarPolishnoundinar (ancient Arab gold coin of 65 grains in weight)animal-not-person historical masculine
JudaismἀρχισυνάγωγοςAncient Greeknounarchisynagogue (the president, director, or ruler of a synagogue)Judaism
JudaismἀρχισυνάγωγοςAncient Greeknounmaster of a guild or company
Kitchenwareஅகப்பைTamilnounpaddle, ladle
Kitchenwareஅகப்பைTamilnouna long serving spoon made of coconut shell for the scoop and wood for the handle.historical
KnotsгашаSerbo-Croatiannounbowlinenautical transportregional
KnotsгашаSerbo-Croatiannounvarious other specialized knot meaningsnautical transportregional
LGBTcome outEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see come, out.
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo be discovered; to be revealed.intransitive
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo be published or released; to be issued; to be broadcast for the first time.intransitive
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo make a formal debut in society.dated historical
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo end up or result; to turn out to be.copulative
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo walk onto the field at the beginning of an innings.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo come out of the closet.idiomatic informal
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo originate in; to derive from; to be taken from out of or to have arrived from.
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo express one's opinion openly.
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo become visible in the sky as a result of clouds clearing away.
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo protest or go on strike, especially out of solidarity with other workers.
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo make a debut in a new field; to start off a career or reputation.
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo emerge from or reach the end of an era, event or process.intransitive
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo be removed.intransitive
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo join a church; to convert to a religion.intransitive slang
LGBTcome outEnglishverbTo begin with something.intransitive
LakesSmoky LakeEnglishnameA town in Smoky Lake County, Alberta, Canada.
LakesSmoky LakeEnglishnameAn alpine lake in Blaine County, Idaho, United States, located in the Smoky Mountains.
Lamiales order plantsкоровякRussiannounfeltwort, mullein (Verbascum spp.)
Lamiales order plantsкоровякRussiannouncow manure
LandformscorgoGaliciannounravine; brookmasculine
LandformscorgoGaliciannouna small dam or poolmasculine
LandformsheightEnglishnounThe distance from the base to the top of something. / The vertical distance from the ground to the highest part of a standing person or animal (withers in the case of a horse).countable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounThe distance from the base to the top of something. / The minimum distance from a vertex of a triangle to (the extension of) the edge opposite, namely along a line perpendicular to the edge.geometry mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounThe distance from the base to the top of something. / The amplitude of a sinusoid.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounThe distance from the base to the top of something.countable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounThe distance of something above the ground or some other chosen level.countable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounA high point. / The highest point or maximum degree.countable figuratively uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounA high point. / A mountain, especially a very high one.countable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounA high point. / An area of land at the top of a cliff.countable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounA high point.countable uncountable
LandformsheightEnglishnounA quality of vowels, indicating the vertical position of the tongue relative to the roof of the mouth; in practice, the first formant, associated with the height of the tongue.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencescountable uncountable
LandformslanawCebuanonouna lake; a large, landlocked stretch of water
LandformslanawCebuanonouna lagoon; a shallow body of water separated from deeper sea by a bar
LandformsprameňSlovaknounspring (where water emerges from the ground)inanimate masculine
LandformsprameňSlovaknounsourceinanimate masculine
LandformsprameňSlovaknounstrand, ply, wispinanimate masculine
LandformsriberaCatalannounbank, riverbankfeminine
LandformsвърлоBulgariannounsteep slope, bankdialectal
LandformsвърлоBulgarianadvfiercely, ferociously
LandformsծոցArmeniannounbosom (the space between a person's clothing and their chest)
LandformsծոցArmeniannounembrace, arms
LandformsծոցArmeniannoungulf, baygeography natural-sciences
LanguageaccentCatalannounstresshuman-sciences linguistics phonology sciencesmasculine
LanguageaccentCatalannountone, soundmasculine often plural
Language familiesCushiteEnglishadjPertaining to the ancient people of the Horn of Africa, historically considered the descendants of biblical Cush.not-comparable
Language familiesCushiteEnglishnameThe Cushitic subfamily of languages.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Language familiesCushiteEnglishnounA member of one of various peoples native to the Horn of Africa, generally restricted to those that speak Cushitic languages.anthropology human-sciences sciencesdated
Language familiesalgonquinoSpanishadjAlgonquian
Language familiesalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquian (speaker of an Algonquian language)masculine
Language familiesalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquin (member of an aboriginal people living mainly in Quebec)masculine
Language familiesalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquian (large language family spoken by Native Americans in Canada and the United States)masculine uncountable
Language familiesalgonquinoSpanishnounAlgonquin (the Algic language spoken by the Algonquins)masculine uncountable
LanguagesAwabakalEnglishnounA people indigenous to New South Wales, Australia.plural plural-only
LanguagesAwabakalEnglishnameThe extinct Pama-Nyungan Australian Aboriginal suffixing language, within the Yuin-Kuric group, formerly spoken by these people.
LanguagesPamlicoEnglishnounA group of American Indians of North Carolina.historical plural plural-only
LanguagesPamlicoEnglishnameTheir Algonquian language.
LanguagesWembawembaEnglishnounAn aboriginal people of New South Wales.plural plural-only
LanguagesWembawembaEnglishnameThe language of this people.
LanguagesarabHungarianadjArabic (relating to Arabia)not-comparable
LanguagesarabHungariannounArabian (person)countable uncountable
LanguagesarabHungariannounArabic (language)countable uncountable
LanguagesbirmanêsPortugueseadjBurmese (of, from, or pertaining to Burma)
LanguagesbirmanêsPortuguesenouna person from Burmamasculine
LanguagesbirmanêsPortuguesenounBurmese (cat breed)masculine
LanguagesbirmanêsPortuguesenameBurmese (language)masculine
LanguagescastellanuAsturianadjCastilian (of or pertaining to Castile)masculine singular
LanguagescastellanuAsturiannouna Castilian (person)masculine singular
LanguagescastellanuAsturiannounCastilian, Spanish (language)masculine singular uncountable
LanguagesfransîNorthern KurdishnameFrench (language)feminine
LanguagesfransîNorthern KurdishadjFrench (pertaining to France or the French)
LanguageshebrajskiPolishnounHebrew (language)inanimate masculine
LanguageshrvatskiSerbo-CroatianadjCroat; Croatianrelational
LanguageshrvatskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Croatian languagesubstantive
LanguageshrvatskiSerbo-Croatianadvin a Croatian manner, as a Croat
LanguagesoccitanoGalicianadjof, from or relating to Occitania
LanguagesoccitanoGaliciannounnative or inhabitant of Occitania (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesoccitanoGaliciannounOccitanmasculine uncountable
LanguagestotonacoSpanishnounTotonac personmasculine
LanguagestotonacoSpanishnounTotonac (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesugorHungariannounUgric (person)countable uncountable
LanguagesugorHungariannounUgric (language)countable uncountable
LatviariguésSpanishadjRigan (of or relating to Riga, Latvia)
LatviariguésSpanishnounRigan (native or resident of Riga, Latvia)masculine
Latvian cardinal numbersdesmitLatviannumten (the cipher, the cardinal number ten)
Latvian cardinal numbersdesmitLatviannumten (an amount equal to ten)
Latvian cardinal numbersdesmitLatviannumten o'clock (a moment in time; ten hours after midnight, or after noon)
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo ask, enquire or question: / To formulate or proffer a question or query.ditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo ask, enquire or question: / To ask for a response (to a question or query).ditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo ask, enquire or question: / To request knowledge or information.ditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo ask, enquire or question: / To ask for a favour or reward; to supplicate.ditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo ask, enquire or question: / To pray for something; to supplicate a divinity.ditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo ask, enquire or questionditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo look for something; to attempt to find something: / To search for an object, place, or person.transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo look for something; to attempt to find something: / To search for recommendations or information.transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo want or require (something or someone).ditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo command or require (someone to do something).ditransitive intransitive transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo trial or examine (something)transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo acquire knowledge through examination.intransitive rare transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo endeavour to do (something).rare transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo aim to visit a location.rare transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishverbTo have a tendency towards a certain way or direction.rare transitive
LawaxenMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of asshen (“ash-coloured”)alt-of alternative
LawtolseyMiddle EnglishnounA trading facility for merchants.
LawtolseyMiddle EnglishnounA courtroom.
LawtörvényhozóHungariannounlegislator, lawmaker (one who makes or enacts laws)
Law懲罰Chineseverbto punish; to penalise
Law懲罰Chineseverbto patronize a shop percieved as supportive of the pro-democracy movementHong-Kong neologism
Law懲罰Chinesenounpunishment; penalty
Law enforcementपुलीसKonkaninounpolice
Law enforcementपुलीसKonkaninouna police officer
Law enforcement憲兵Japanesenounmilitary police
Law enforcement憲兵Japanesenoungendarmerie
Law enforcement黑警Chinesenounpolice officer related to triads; police officer involved in gang activityCantonese derogatory
Law enforcement黑警Chinesenounpolice officer related to triads; police officer involved in gang activity / police officer engaged in police misconduct, police brutality, etc.Cantonese broadly derogatory
Law enforcement黑警Chinesenounthe police in general in the 2019 Hong Kong protests, as abusive and corruptCantonese derogatory neologism slang
LegumespulsMiddle EnglishnounLegumes or their seeds.uncountable
LegumespulsMiddle EnglishnounA legume.rare uncountable
LegumesܦܘܠܐClassical Syriacnoungate, door
LegumesܦܘܠܐClassical Syriacnounfava bean (Vicia faba)uncommon
Liberalismsmall-l liberalEnglishnounA person who holds liberal views but may or may not be a member or supporter of their country's "Liberal Party".government politics
Liberalismsmall-l liberalEnglishnounA person who is a member of, or associated with, the Moderate (centrist) faction of the Liberal Party of Australia.government politicsAustralian
LightrozbłyskPolishnounflare-up (outbreak, outburst, or eruption of intense light)inanimate literary masculine
LightrozbłyskPolishnounflare-up (sudden, unexpected sensation and feeling of something particularly important)inanimate masculine
LightscáthOld Irishnounshadow, shadeneuter
LightscáthOld Irishnounreflectionneuter
LightscáthOld Irishnounphantom, spectreneuter
LightscáthOld Irishnounprotectionneuter
LightspulgaLatviannounshine, brightness (the quality of that which is bright)declension-4 feminine
LightspulgaLatvianadjinflection of spulgs: / genitive singular masculineform-of genitive masculine singular
LightspulgaLatvianadjinflection of spulgs: / nominative singular femininefeminine form-of nominative singular
LightблёсткаRussiannounsparkle, sparklet
LightблёсткаRussiannounpaillette, spangle, tinsel
Light sourceskuuIngriannounmoon
Light sourceskuuIngriannounmonth
Light sourceslámpásHungariannounlantern
Light sourceslámpásHungarianadjwith/having a lampnot-comparable
Light sourcesthái dươngVietnamesenounAlternative letter-case form of Thái Dươngalt-of
Light sourcesthái dươngVietnamesenountemple (on the head)anatomy medicine sciences
LimbsremiãKashubiannounshoulderanatomy medicine sciencesneuter
LimbsremiãKashubiannounupper armanatomy medicine sciencesneuter
LimbsremiãKashubiannounarm (entire upper limb)anatomy medicine sciencesneuter
LimbsremiãKashubiannounupper backanatomy medicine sciencesin-plural neuter
LimbsremiãKashubiannounback; shoulders (strength; strong shoulders)figuratively in-plural neuter
LimbsñucoSpanishnounamputee who is missing a finger or fingersEl-Salvador Honduras masculine
LimbsñucoSpanishnounstump or stub left over from an amputated part of the bodyEl-Salvador Honduras masculine
LimbsñucoSpanishadjhaving small horns (said of bovines)El-Salvador Honduras
LimbsбордKomi-Zyriannounfin, flipper (of a fish)
LinguisticsідіомUkrainiannounSynonym of ідіо́ма f inan (idióma)
LinguisticsідіомUkrainiannoungenitive plural of ідіо́ма (idióma)form-of genitive plural
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA store or supply. / A store of goods ready for sale; inventory.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA store or supply. / A supply of anything ready for use.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA store or supply. / Railroad rolling stock.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA store or supply. / A stack of undealt cards made available to the players.card-games gamescountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA store or supply. / Farm or ranch animals; livestock.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA store or supply. / The population of a given type of animal (especially fish) available to be captured from the wild for economic use.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe capital raised by a company through the issue of shares. The total of shares held by an individual shareholder. / The price or value of the stock of a company on the stock financecountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe capital raised by a company through the issue of shares. The total of shares held by an individual shareholder. / A share in a financeUS countable especially uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe capital raised by a company through the issue of shares. The total of shares held by an individual shareholder. / The measure of how highly a person or institution is financecountable figuratively uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe capital raised by a company through the issue of shares. The total of shares held by an individual shareholder. / Any of several types of security that are similar to a stock, or marketed like financecountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe raw material from which things are made; feedstock. / Broth made from meat (originally bones) or vegetables, used as a basis for stew or food lifestylecountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe raw material from which things are made; feedstock. / The type of paper used in printing.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe raw material from which things are made; feedstock. / Ellipsis of film stock.abbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe raw material from which things are made; feedstock. / Plain soap before it is coloured and perfumed.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounStock theater, summer stock theater.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe trunk and woody main stems of a tree. The base from which something grows or branches. / The plant upon which the scion is grafted.agriculture business horticulture lifestylecountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe trunk and woody main stems of a tree. The base from which something grows or branches. / Lineage, family, ancestry.broadly countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe trunk and woody main stems of a tree. The base from which something grows or branches. / Lineage, family, ancestry. / A larger grouping of language families: a superfamily or macrofamily.human-sciences linguistics sciencesbroadly countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe trunk and woody main stems of a tree. The base from which something grows or branches.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounAny of the several species of cruciferous flowers in the genus Matthiola.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA handle or stem to which the working part of an implement or weapon is attached. / The part of a rifle or shotgun that rests against the shooter's firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA handle or stem to which the working part of an implement or weapon is attached. / The handle of a whip, fishing rod, etc.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounPart of a machine that supports items or holds them in place. / The headstock of a lathe, drill, etc.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounPart of a machine that supports items or holds them in place. / The tailstock of a lathe.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA bar, stick or rod. / A ski pole.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA bar, stick or rod. / A bar going through an anchor, perpendicular to the flukes.nautical transportcountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA bar, stick or rod. / The axle attached to the rudder, which transfers the movement of the helm to the rudder.nautical transportcountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA bar, stick or rod. / A pipe (vertical cylinder of ore)geography geology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA type of (now formal or official) neckwear. / A necktie or cravat, particularly a wide necktie popular in the eighteenth century, often seen today as a part of formal wear for horse riding competitions.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA type of (now formal or official) neckwear. / A piece of black cloth worn under a clerical collar.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA bed for infants; a crib, cot, or cradlecountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA piece of wood magically made to be just like a real baby and substituted for it by magical beings.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencescountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA cover for the legs; a stocking.countable obsolete uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA block of wood; something fixed and solid; a pillar; a firm support; a post.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA person who is as dull and lifeless as a stock or post; one who has little sense.broadly countable obsolete uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe longest part of a split tally stick formerly struck in the exchequer, which was delivered to the person who had lent the king money on account, as the evidence of indebtedness.UK countable historical uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe frame or timbers on which a ship rests during manufacturing shipbuildingcountable in-plural uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounRed and grey bricks, used for the exterior of walls and the front of buildings.UK countable in-plural uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounIn tectology, an aggregate or colony of individuals, such as trees, chains of salpae, etc.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounThe beater of a fulling mill.countable uncountable
LiquidsstockEnglishverbTo have on hand for sale.
LiquidsstockEnglishverbTo provide with material requisites; to store; to fill; to supply.
LiquidsstockEnglishverbTo allow (cows) to retain milk for twenty-four hours or more prior to sale.
LiquidsstockEnglishverbTo put in the stocks as punishment.
LiquidsstockEnglishverbTo fit (an anchor) with a stock, or to fasten the stock firmly in place.nautical transport
LiquidsstockEnglishverbTo arrange cards in a certain manner for cheating purposes; to stack the deck.card-games gamesdated
LiquidsstockEnglishadjOf a type normally available for purchase/in stock.not-comparable
LiquidsstockEnglishadjHaving the same configuration as cars sold to the non-racing public, or having been modified from such a car.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sportsnot-comparable
LiquidsstockEnglishadjStraightforward, ordinary, just another, very basic.not-comparable
LiquidsstockEnglishnounA thrust with a rapier; a stoccado.
LiquidstuszPolishnounink (colored fluid used for writing)inanimate masculine
LiquidstuszPolishnounmascara (eyelash cosmetic)cosmetics lifestyleinanimate masculine
LiquidstuszPolishnounshower, shower bath (device for bathing by which water is made to fall on the body from a height, either from a tank or by the action of a pump)archaic inanimate masculine
LiquidstuszPolishnounshower, shower bath (instance of using of this device in order to bathe oneself)archaic inanimate masculine
LiquidstuszPolishnounfanfare (flourish of trumpets or horns as to announce)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
LiquidstuszPolishnoungenitive plural of tuszafeminine form-of genitive plural
LiquidstuszPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of tuszyćform-of imperative second-person singular
Liquids糖漿Chinesenounsyrup (thick, sweet liquid)
Liquids糖漿Chinesenounsyrup (liquid containing medicine)
LiteraturefiannaíochtIrishnounservice with ancient warrior band; service in Fiannafeminine
LiteraturefiannaíochtIrishnounstories, lays, of the Fianna; ancient lore; romantic story-tellingfeminine
LiteraturefiannaíochtIrishnounFenian Cyclecapitalized feminine
LizardslacertineEnglishadjLizard-like; lacertian.
LizardslacertineEnglishnounA lizard-like creature.
LizardsխլեզArmeniannounworthless persondialectal figuratively
LogicrationalisLatinadjaccountsdeclension-3 relational two-termination
LogicrationalisLatinadjrational, reasonable, of or possessing reasondeclension-3 two-termination
LogicrationalisLatinadjthat has a ratiodeclension-3 two-termination
LogicrationalisLatinadjsyllogisticdeclension-3 two-termination
LoveamoureuxFrenchadjin love
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounlove, desire (usually of a romantic/sexual nature) (often personified)
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounattraction, (sexual) desire
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounthe object of such love/desire
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknounpassionate joy
LoveἔρωςAncient Greeknouna funeral wreath at Nicaea
LyingбрехатиUkrainianverbto lieintransitive
LyingбрехатиUkrainianverbto barkcolloquial intransitive
MachinespanificadoraPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of panificadorfeminine form-of
MachinespanificadoraPortuguesenounbakery (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold)feminine
MachinespanificadoraPortuguesenounbread maker (household appliance which makes bread or dough)feminine
MachinespanificadoraPortugueseadjfeminine singular of panificadorfeminine form-of singular
MadagascarMalagasyEnglishnounA person from Madagascar or of Malagasy descent.countable
MadagascarMalagasyEnglishnounThe languages of Madagascar or of the Malagasy people, when considered to be one language.uncountable
MadagascarMalagasyEnglishnounThe chief lect of this language or language group.countable uncountable
MadagascarMalagasyEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Madagascar.not-comparable
MadagascarMalagasyEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Malagasy people.not-comparable
MadagascarMalagasyEnglishadjOf, pertaining to or in the Malagasy language.not-comparable
Madder family plantsstarvioletEnglishnounAny plant of species of genus Hedyotis.
Madder family plantsstarvioletEnglishnounCertain other plants of genera Exallage and Stenaria, that have similar flowers.
MalenumAfarnounman, male
MalenumAfarnounperson, human being
MalenumAfarnounmankind, humanity
Maleపప్పTelugunounPapa, father.
Maleపప్పTelugunounvulva of woman.anatomy medicine sciencesvulgar
Male family memberspolbratSlovenenounhalf brother
Male family memberspolbratSlovenenounstepbrother
Male family memberstoobokoytaAfarnounbrother
Male family memberstoobokoytaAfarnounsister
Male family memberstāneTokelauannounman, male
Male family memberstāneTokelauannounhusband
Male peopleLucky PierreEnglishnounThe person in a threesome who both penetrates and is sex sexualityslang
Male peopleLucky PierreEnglishnounA man in a threesome with two sex sexualityslang
Male peopleUherCzechnounHungarian (person from the former Kingdom of Hungary, during the Austro-Hungarian Empire, regardless of that person's ethnicity)animate historical masculine
Male peopleUherCzechnounMagyar (ethnic Hungarian)animate masculine obsolete
Male peoplebrodarSerbo-Croatiannounferryman
Male peoplebrodarSerbo-Croatiannounboatman, sailor; one who works with ships or whose profession is shipping or navigation
Male peopleleworęcznyPolishadjleft-handed (preferring the left hand over the right)not-comparable
Male peopleleworęcznyPolishnounleft-handed personmasculine noun-from-verb person
Male peopletrubkaCzechnounbuglefeminine
Male peopletrubkaCzechnountrumpet (any pipe/wind instrument in general)feminine
Male peopletrubkaCzechnounpipe (hollow tube)feminine
Male peopletrubkaCzechnounsimpletonanimate informal masculine
Male peopleкорівникUkrainiannouncowshed, byre, cowbarn, cowhouse
Male peopleкорівникUkrainiannouncowhand, cowman
Mallow family plantsἀλθαίαAncient Greeknounmarshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
Mallow family plantsἀλθαίαAncient Greeknountree mallow (Malva arborea)
Mallow family plantsἀλθαίαAncient Greeknouncatchfly (Silene gallica)
Mallow subfamily plants綿Japanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
Mallow subfamily plants綿Japanesenouncotton (both the fiber and the cloth)
Mallow subfamily plants綿Japanesenounthe cotton plant
Mallow subfamily plants綿Japanesenounraw cotton
Mallow subfamily plants綿Japanesenounbatting or stuffing
Mallow subfamily plants綿Japanesenounthe albedo of a citrus; or the pith/placenta of a pepper
Mallow subfamily plants綿Japanesenounthe state of being exhausted or extremely tired (likely from the hard work required to pick cotton)figuratively
Malpighiales order plantsзверобойRussiannouna hunter, especially one who hunts marine mammals
Malpighiales order plantsзверобойRussiannounSt. John's wort, a plant of the genus Hypericum.biology botany natural-sciences
Malvales order plantsfilosaCatalanadjfeminine singular of filósfeminine form-of singular
Malvales order plantsfilosaCatalannoundistafffeminine
Malvales order plantsfilosaCatalannounCytinus hypocistisValencia feminine
Malvales order plantskakawCebuanonounthe cacao tree (Theobroma cacao)
Malvales order plantskakawCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
Malvales order plantskakawCebuanonouna cocoa bean; the seed of this plant
MammalsWalLuxembourgishnounelectiongovernment politicsfeminine
MammalsWalLuxembourgishnounforestmasculine uncountable
MammalsγουρούνιGreeknounpig, hog, swine (male pig)
MammalsγουρούνιGreeknounpig, fat pig, beast (an overweight and mean-spirited man)colloquial figuratively offensive
MarriagemaritalEnglishadjPertaining to marriage.not-comparable
MarriagemaritalEnglishadjPertaining to a husband.not-comparable obsolete
MathematicsтопKyrgyznoungroup, team, cluster
Meals飯菜Chinesenounmeal; dish; food; rice-based food or meal
Meals飯菜Chinesenouna dish made of rice with char siu, a hard-boiled egg, soy sauce and sugarCantonese Singapore
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindicator (object that shows things on a map, drawing, etc.)inanimate masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindicator (object that shows things on a map, drawing, etc.) / pointer (icon that indicates the position of the pointing device, such as a mouse)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesinanimate masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnouncoefficient (number expressing the mutual ratio of several values)mathematics sciences statisticsinanimate masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindicator (that which is indicative of something)broadly figuratively inanimate literary masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindicator; gauge (measuring instrument that provides information about the quantitative state of something)inanimate masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindicator (any of many substances, such as litmus, used to indicate the concentration of a substance, or the degree of a reaction)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindicator (specific chemical or physical property of a substance or material)sciencesinanimate masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindex, indicator (measure, such as unemployment rate, which can be used to predict economic trends)economics sciencesinanimate masculine
Measuring instrumentswskaźnikPolishnounindicator (pointer finger)inanimate masculine obsolete
MeatsmyguWelshverbto smoke, to produce smoke
MeatsmyguWelshverbto smoke, to cure food
MeatsmyguWelshverbto fumigate, to smoke out (e.g. bees from a hive)
MeatsmyguWelshverbto burn (incense etc.)
MeatsròstaScottish Gaelicverbpast participle of ròstform-of participle past
MeatsròstaScottish Gaelicadjroast, roasted
MeatsròstaScottish Gaelicadjfried
MeatsròstaScottish Gaelicnounroastfeminine
Medical equipmentcievkaSlovaknoundiminutive of cieva.diminutive feminine form-of
Medical equipmentcievkaSlovaknounspoolfeminine
Medical equipmentcievkaSlovaknouninductorbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine
Medical equipmentcievkaSlovaknouncathetermedicine sciencesfeminine
Medical signs and symptomsporzygaćPolishverbto puke several timescolloquial intransitive perfective
Medical signs and symptomsporzygaćPolishverbto stain something with vomit while pukingcolloquial perfective transitive
Medical signs and symptomsporzygaćPolishverbto get dirty while pukingcolloquial perfective reflexive
MedicineἰατρείαAncient Greeknounmedical treatment
MedicineἰατρείαAncient Greeknouncuring, correctingfiguratively
Medicine医科Japanesenounmedical school
Medicine医科Japanesenounmedical science or department
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo recall from one's memory; to have an image in one's memory.
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo memorize; to put something into memory.
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo keep in mind; to be mindful of.
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo not forget (to do something required)
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo convey greetings from.
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo put in mind; to remind (also used reflexively).obsolete
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo engage in the process of recalling memories.intransitive
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo give (a person) money as a token of appreciation of past service or friendship.transitive
MemoryrememberEnglishverbTo commemorate, to have a remembrance ceremony.transitive
MemoryrememberEnglishverbAlternative form of re-memberalt-of alternative rare
Menthinae subtribe plantsspotted bee balmEnglishnounMonarda punctata, found in Quebec, Ontario, eastern and south-central United States, California, and northeastern Mexico.uncountable
Menthinae subtribe plantsspotted bee balmEnglishnounMonarda fruticulosauncountable
MetallurgysmythenMiddle EnglishverbTo smith metal; to perform metalworking.
MetallurgysmythenMiddle EnglishverbTo torture or harass; to inflict terror and horror.rare
MetallurgysmythenMiddle EnglishverbTo be employed as a metalworker.rare
MetallurgysmythenMiddle EnglishverbTo spiritually cleanse or purify.rare
MetallurgyкыстыкYakutnounqishlaq (a winter house)
MetaphysicsfatalizmPolishnounfatalism (doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable necessity, or determined in advance in such a way that human beings cannot alter them)human-sciences philosophy sciencesinanimate masculine
MetaphysicsfatalizmPolishnounfatalism (attitude of discouragement and indifference to evil, based on the belief that a person's life depends not on himself but on fate)inanimate literary masculine
MetaphysicsfatalizmPolishnoundestiny, fate, doom, jinx (evil supernatural force weighing down on someone)inanimate literary masculine
MilitaryfrounterMiddle Englishnouna frontier or borderlandLate-Middle-English rare
MilitaryfrounterMiddle Englishnouna fort located upon the borderlandLate-Middle-English rare
MilitaryfrounterMiddle Englishnounthe vanguard of a military forceLate-Middle-English rare
MilitaryfrounterMiddle Englishnouna tapestry over another tapestry over an altarLate-Middle-English rare
MilitaryfrounterMiddle Englishnouna building’s frontispieceLate-Middle-English rare
MilitaryfrounterMiddle Englishnounarmor for the forehead of an equineLate-Middle-English rare
MilitaryугрупованняUkrainiannoungroup, grouping
MilitaryһуғышBashkirnounwar; warfare
MilitaryһуғышBashkirnounbattle, fight, combat
Military ranksgenerálisHungarianadjgeneral, commondated formal
Military ranksgenerálisHungariannoungeneral (the holder of a senior military title, originally designating the commander of an army)archaic
Military ranksgenerálisHungariannoungeneral (the head of certain religious orders, especially Dominicans, Jesuits, or Piarists)Christianity
Military rankssubadarEnglishnounThe governor or commander in charge of a subah; a viceroy.South-Asia historical
Military rankssubadarEnglishnounAn Indian officer in the British Indian Army, of a rank equivalent to captain.historical
Military rankssubadarEnglishnounA noncommissioned officer rank in the armies of India and Pakistan.India Nepal Pakistan
Military ranksхорунжийUkrainiannounflag-bearergovernment military politics warhistorical
Military ranksхорунжийUkrainiannounstandard-bearer (a historical military rank)historical
MilklacteLatinnounmilkarchaic declension-3 neuter
MilklacteLatinnounablative singular of lac (“milk”)ablative form-of neuter singular
MiningclawddWelshnounsoil thrown up in digging a pit or trench; mound, wall made of earth, dyke, earthwork, bulwark / boundarymasculine
MiningclawddWelshnounsoil thrown up in digging a pit or trench; mound, wall made of earth, dyke, earthwork, bulwark / hedge, fencemasculine
MiningclawddWelshnounditch, gutter, trench / pit, quarry, minemasculine
MiningclawddWelshnounditch, gutter, trench / moat, fossemasculine
MiningkopalniaPolishnounmine (excavation from which ore or solid minerals are taken, especially one consisting of underground tunnels)feminine
MiningkopalniaPolishnounmine (any source of wealth or resources)feminine figuratively
Mint family plantsπράσιονAncient Greeknounwhite horehound (Marrubium vulgare)
Mint family plantsπράσιονAncient Greeknounkind of seaweed
Mint family plantsπράσιονAncient Greekadjinflection of πράσιος (prásios): / masculine accusative singularaccusative form-of masculine singular
Mint family plantsπράσιονAncient Greekadjinflection of πράσιος (prásios): / neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singularaccusative form-of neuter nominative singular vocative
Mites and tickspaparraCatalannountick (insect)feminine
Mites and tickspaparraCatalannounhanger-on, limpetfeminine figuratively
MonarchyрозвінчуватиUkrainianverbto uncrown, to discrown, to dethrone (to deprive of the status of crowned monarch)transitive
MonarchyрозвінчуватиUkrainianverbto terminate the church marriage ofcolloquial obsolete transitive
MonarchyрозвінчуватиUkrainianverbto expose (the falsity or failings of)figuratively transitive
MonarchyрозвінчуватиUkrainianverbto debunkfiguratively transitive
MonasticismgenerałPolishnoungeneral (holder of a senior military title, originally designating the commander of an army)government military politics warmasculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnoungeneral, Superior General (head of certain religious orders)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismmasculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounsejmik of an entire provincehistorical masculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounroyal official responsible for fiscal, police and judicial administration in a powiathistorical masculine person
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounjudgment of the divine courtMiddle Polish
MonasticismgenerałPolishnounmain ruleMiddle Polish
MonasticismklosterDanishnouna monasteryneuter
MonasticismklosterDanishnouna conventneuter
Monasticismश्रमणSanskritadjmaking effort or exertion, toiling, labouring, (esp.) following a toilsome or menial business (W.)
Monasticismश्रमणSanskritadjbase, vile, bad (ib.)
Monasticismश्रमणSanskritadjnaked (L.)
Monasticismश्रमणSanskritnounone who performs acts of mortification or austerity, an ascetic, monk, devotee, religious mendicant (ŚBr. etc.)
Monasticismश्रमणSanskritnouna Buddhist monk or mendicant (also applied to Buddha himself compare MWB. 23 etc.; also applied to a Jain ascetic now commonly called yati) (MBh., R. etc.)
Monasticismश्रमणSanskritnounname of a serpent-demon (Buddh.)
MoneyआनाHindiverbto come, approach, arrive, reach (a place or point)
MoneyआनाHindiverbto enter, appear
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be acquired or known [with dative ‘by’]; to be fluent
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be perceived or felt
MoneyआनाHindiverbto come to pass, befall
MoneyआनाHindiverbto grow (of crops, fruit), develop, come into vogue (of a word or usage), be inflamed (of a boil)
MoneyआनाHindiverbto take on a form or guise
MoneyआनाHindiverbto rise, overflow
MoneyआनाHindiverbto sit well [with में (mẽ) ‘on’], to fit
MoneyआनाHindiverbto beseem, grace
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be intent
MoneyआनाHindiverbto issue, be voided
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be completed, perfected (of a dish, work, etc)
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be contained, held
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be contained, held / to be taken in or deceived byfiguratively
MoneyआनाHindiverbto be obtained, purchased
MoneyआनाHindiverbauxiliary verb: gives a sense of perfective aspect (completed action) but also the doer returns after doing the action
MoneyआनाHindinouncoming, arrival
MoneyआनाHindinounan anna (¹⁄₁₆ of an Indian rupee)
MoneyआनाHindinounone sixteenth of any itembroadly
MoonsEncéladoSpanishnameEnceladus (a moon of Saturn)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
MoonsEncéladoSpanishnameEnceladushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine
Moons of UranusTitaniaEnglishnameFrom Shakespeare's play A Midsummer-Night's Dream, the queen of the fairies.
Moons of UranusTitaniaEnglishnameThe largest satellite of the planet Uranus.astronomy natural-sciences
Morning glory family plantsscammonyEnglishnounConvolvulus scammonia, a twining perennial bindweed native to the eastern part of the Mediterranean basin, whose juice has been used in medicine as scammonium.countable uncountable
Morning glory family plantsscammonyEnglishnounThe cathartic gum resin obtained from this plant.countable uncountable
MotorcyclesmotorCebuanonounmotor; engine
MotorcyclesmotorCebuanonounClipping of motorsiklo.abbreviation alt-of clipping
MountainsMonnaItaliannamea mountain peak in the province of Frosinone in Lazio
MountainsMonnaItaliannamea surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
MouthпастьRussianverbto falldated literary
MouthпастьRussianverbto fall on an option
MouthпастьRussianverbto fall, to die on the battlefield, to be killed in actionfiguratively
MouthпастьRussianverbto fall, to lose power, to cease to exist, to be toppledfiguratively formal
MouthпастьRussianverbto fall, to give way under siegefiguratively formal
MouthпастьRussianverbto stoop, to lower one's moralsfiguratively formal
MouthпастьRussiannounmouth, maw, jaws (of an animal, reptile or fish)
MouthпастьRussiannounmouth, pieholederogatory
MouthпастьRussiannounwide inlet on a device, structure or construction
MouthпастьRussiannountrap, snare
Municipalities of FinlandPirkkalaFinnishnamePirkkala (municipality)
Municipalities of FinlandPirkkalaFinnishnamea Finnish surname
Municipalities of the NetherlandsTexelEnglishnameAn island in the Netherlands, the most westerly of the Frisian Islands.
Municipalities of the NetherlandsTexelEnglishnounA domestic sheep of a heavily-muscled breed originally from the island of Texel.
MurdernożownikPolishnouncutthroat (murderer who slits the throats of victims)masculine person
MurdernożownikPolishnounknifemaker, knifesmith, cutler (person who makes knives)masculine person
MurderzabijaćPolishverbto killimperfective transitive
MurderzabijaćPolishverbto obliterate, to exterminateimperfective transitive
MurderzabijaćPolishverbto nail shut, to board upimperfective transitive
MurderzabijaćPolishverbto take (e.g. a piece)gamesimperfective transitive
MurderzabijaćPolishverbto kill oneself, to commit suicideimperfective reflexive
MurderzabijaćPolishverbto kill one anotherimperfective reflexive
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounmushroom or other fungus
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / chape or cap at the end of a scabbard
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / penis
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / fleshy excrescence, such as forms on wounds
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / excrescence on treesbiology botany natural-sciences
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / stump of an olive cut down
MushroomsμύκηςAncient Greeknounany mushroom-shaped object, hence: / snuff of a lamp-wick
Musicஎழால்Tamilnouna kind of bird
Musicஎழால்Tamilnounmusical notes of the yazh
Musicஎழால்Tamilnounhuman voice
Musical instrumentsmaracaSpanishnouna maraca, percussion instrumentfeminine
Musical instrumentsmaracaSpanishnouna whoreArgentina Chile derogatory feminine
Musical instrumentsmaracaSpanishnouna gayArgentina Chile derogatory feminine
Musical instrumentstriánguloGaliciannountriangle (three-sided shape)masculine
Musical instrumentstriánguloGaliciannountriangle (musical instrument)masculine
Musical instrumentsпијаноMacedoniannounpiano
Musical instrumentsпијаноMacedonianadjneuter of пијан (pijan)form-of neuter
Musical instrumentsпијаноMacedonianadvdrunkenly
MustelidsласкаRussiannouncaress, endearment
MustelidsласкаRussiannounweasel (mammal, Mustela nivalis)
Myrtales order plantsਮਹਿੰਦੀPunjabinounhenna (plant and dye)
Myrtales order plantsਮਹਿੰਦੀPunjabinounmyrtle
Mythological creaturesbengSinte Romaninoundevillifestyle religion theologymasculine
Mythological creaturesbengSinte Romaninoundragonmasculine
Mythological creaturesbengSinte Romaninounthiefmasculine
Mythological creatureshoop snakeEnglishnounA mythical creature of the United States and Australia, a snake that grasps its tail in its jaws and thereby rolls after its prey like a wheel.
Mythological creatureshoop snakeEnglishnounSnakes of genus Farancia, chiefly of the southeastern U.S.: / Farancia abacura (horn snake, mud snake)
Mythological creatureshoop snakeEnglishnounSnakes of genus Farancia, chiefly of the southeastern U.S.: / Farancia erytrogramma (rainbow snake)
Mythological creaturessuccubusEnglishnounA female demon which comes to men, especially monks, in their dreams to seduce them and have sexual intercourse, drawing energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death.
Mythological creaturessuccubusEnglishnounA strumpet, whore or prostitute.
Mythological creaturesյուշկապարիկOld Armeniannouna kind of demon haunting ruins
Mythological creaturesյուշկապարիկOld Armeniannounsiren
NationalismendeckiPolishadjNational Democracygovernment politicscolloquial historical not-comparable relational
NationalismendeckiPolishadjnational conservatismgovernment politicscolloquial not-comparable relational
NationalismnationalismeDutchnounnationalism (separatist ideology)neuter
NationalismnationalismeDutchnounnationalism (ideology favouring the own nation to an extreme degree)neuter
NationalismnationalismeDutchnounpatriotismneuter obsolete
NationalitiesSüddeutscherGermannouna person who comes from or lives in Southern Germany (male or of unspecified gender)adjectival masculine
NationalitiesSüddeutscherGermannouninflection of Süddeutsche: / strong genitive/dative singulardative feminine form-of genitive singular strong
NationalitiesSüddeutscherGermannouninflection of Süddeutsche: / strong genitive pluralfeminine form-of genitive plural strong
NationalitiesWęgrzynPolishnounHungarian (person from Hungary)archaic masculine person
NationalitiesWęgrzynPolishnamea male surnamemasculine person
NationalitiesWęgrzynPolishnamea female surnamefeminine indeclinable
NationalitiesazerbaigianoItaliannounthe Azerbaijani languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitiesbrazucaPortugueseadjBrazilianPortugal ethnic feminine informal masculine not-comparable slur
NationalitiesbrazucaPortuguesenounBrazilianPortugal by-personal-gender ethnic feminine informal masculine slur
NationalitiescongolêsPortugueseadjCongolese (of or relating to the Republic of Congo)
NationalitiescongolêsPortugueseadjCongolese (of or relating to the Democratic Republic of Congo)
NationalitiescongolêsPortuguesenounCongolese (person from the Republic of Congo)masculine
NationalitiescongolêsPortuguesenounCongolese (person from the Democratic Republic of Congo)masculine
NationalitiesisraelitaPortuguesenounsomeone from the State of IsraelPortugal by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesisraelitaPortuguesenounIsraelite; Jew; Hebrewby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesisraelitaPortugueseadjof or relating to the State of IsraelPortugal feminine masculine
NationalitiesisraelitaPortugueseadjJewish (relating to Judaism)feminine masculine
NationalitieskenialainenFinnishnounKenyan (person)
NationalitieskenialainenFinnishadjKenyan (of or pertaining to Kenya)
NationalitiessibulEstoniannounonion (plant, Allium cepa)
NationalitiessibulEstoniannounonion (the edible bulb of this plant)
NationalitiessibulEstoniannounbulb, tuber (a short underground rhizome, which accumulates nutrients)anatomy biology botany medicine natural-sciences sciences
NationalitiessibulEstoniannounonion dome (onion-shaped dome of a Russian Orthodox church)architecture
NationalitiessibulEstoniannouna Russian, Russkiethnic slur
NationalitiessveitsiläinenFinnishnounA Swiss.
NationalitiesבולגריתHebrewadjfeminine singular indefinite form of בּוּלְגָּרִיfeminine form-of indefinite singular
NationalitiesבולגריתHebrewnounBulgarian femaleBulgarian countable feminine
NationalitiesבולגריתHebrewnameBulgarian (the official language of Bulgaria)uncountable
NationalitiesפיניתHebrewadjfeminine singular indefinite form of פִינִיfeminine form-of indefinite singular
NationalitiesפיניתHebrewnouna (female) Finnish person
NationalitiesפיניתHebrewnameFinnish (the Finno-Ugric language spoken by the majority of the people living in Finland, one of the two official languages of the country (the other is Swedish))
NatureybatéOld Tupinounheight
NatureybatéOld Tupinounaltitude
NatureybatéOld Tupinountop (uppermost part)
NatureybatéOld Tupinounupper floorarchitecture
NatureybatéOld TupinounCreole townhouse
NatureybatéOld Tupinounskyfiguratively
NatureybatéOld Tupiadjhigh, elevated
NatureybatéOld Tupiadvupwards
NauticaldraggSwedishnouna grapnelnautical transportcommon-gender
NauticaldraggSwedishnouna cock, a schlong ((larger) penis)common-gender slang
NauticaldzióbekPolishnoundiminutive of dzióbbiology natural-sciences zoology zootomydiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
NauticaldzióbekPolishnounspoutinanimate masculine
NauticaldzióbekPolishnounpout, duckfaceinanimate masculine
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟: a boat: / 船: a ship, vessel, larger ship
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟: a boat: / 舟: a boat, ship, small ship
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟: a container used for storing liquids such as water and sake
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟: a box used for pressing sake and soy sauce
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟, 槽: a horse through
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟: a coffin
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟: a box used to store candy
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟: an 桶 (oke) used to store rice and grains
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟, 槽: a box for storing: / 船, 舟: a container for storing bonsai trees and other objects
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟: a treasure ship
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟: Abbreviation of 引(ひき)船(ふね) 曳(ひき)船(ふね) 引(ひき)舟(ふね) (hikifune) (“a tugboat”)abbreviation alt-of
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟
NauticalふねJapanesenoun船, 舟: Synonym of 船饅頭 (funamanjū)
NauticalふねJapanesecounter船, 舟, 槽: items in a box-shaped container
NazismBrownshirtEnglishnounA uniformed member of the German Nazi Party (NSDAP), especially a storm trooper of the Sturmabteilung.historical
NazismBrownshirtEnglishnounAny member of a fascist party; any person accused of being fascist or neo-Nazi.
Nettle family plantslipaTagalognounDendrocnide meyeniana (a species of nettle-like plant)
Nettle family plantslipaTagalognounasphalt-like soil used to harden the ground floor of houses on stiltsdialectal
Nettle family plantslipaTagalognoundizziness while walking (leading to stumbles)obsolete
Nettle family plantsmother of thousandsEnglishnounAny plant of species Bryophyllum delagoense of succulent plants native to Madagascar.uncountable
Nettle family plantsmother of thousandsEnglishnounAny plant of species Saxifraga stolonifera (creeping saxifrage).uncountable
Nettle family plantsmother of thousandsEnglishnounAny plant of species Soleirolia soleirolii, in the nettle family.uncountable
Nettle family plantsmother of thousandsEnglishnounAny plant of species Cymbalaria muralis.uncountable
Nevada, USAvegueñoSpanishadjLas Vegan (of or relating to Las Vegas, Nevada)
Nevada, USAvegueñoSpanishnounLas Vegan (native or resident of Las Vegas, Nevada)masculine
NiconicoニコニコJapanesenouna 役 (yaku, “hand”) of seven pairs, worth 2 翻 (han, “doubles”)board-games games mahjongslang
NiconicoニコニコJapanesenounNico Nico Douga (a video-sharing website)Internet
NobilityseljúcidCatalannounSeljuk (a member of the Seljuk dynasty, a person of their empire)masculine
NobilityseljúcidCatalanadjSeljuk (of or related to Seljuk, his dynasty, their empire, or their period of rule)
Nuclear fusionheliacEnglishadjAlternative form of heliacalalt-of alternative not-comparable
Nuclear fusionheliacEnglishnounA stellarator in which the magnetic axis (and plasma) follows a helical path to form a toroidal helix rather than a simple ring shape.
Nuclear warfareatomówkaPolishnounnuclear power plantcolloquial feminine
Nuclear warfareatomówkaPolishnounatomic bombcolloquial feminine
Nuclear warfareydinsotaFinnishnounnuclear war
Nuclear warfareydinsotaFinnishnounnuclear warfare
NumbersliszkaPolishnounvixen, female foxhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnouncunning personfeminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnounchanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)feminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnouncaterpillar, leafworm (larva of a butterfly or moth)biology entomology lepidopterology natural-sciences zoologycolloquial feminine
NumbersliszkaPolishnounodd number; uneven numberfeminine obsolete
NumbersliszkaPolishnounhazel (any plant of the genus Corylus)archaic feminine
NutritionभूकMalvinounhunger, craving (for food)feminine
NutritionभूकMalvinoundeep desirefeminine
NutritionभूकMalvinounlack, absencefeminine
NutritionभूकMalvinounpoverty, destitutionbroadly feminine
NutsdióHungariannounwalnut (either a nut or the wood of the walnut tree)countable uncountable
NutsdióHungariannounsome (but not all) other nuts (see the Derived terms below)countable in-compounds uncountable
Nutsभल्लातकSanskritnounthe marking nut plant, Semecarpus anacardium (from which is extracted an acid juice used for medicinal purposes, and a black liquid used for marking linen)
Nutsभल्लातकSanskritnounthe acajou or cashew nutNew-Sanskrit
Nymphaeales order plantstrateMacanesenounlotus, water lily
Nymphaeales order plantstrateMacanesenounlotus seed
ObstetricsకనుTeluguverbTo bear young, to give birth.
ObstetricsకనుTeluguverbAlternative form of కాను (kānu)alt-of alternative
ObstetricsకనుTelugunounCombining form of కన్ను (kannu)form-of in-compounds
Obstetrics臍帯Japanesenounumbilical cordanatomy medicine sciences
Obstetrics臍帯Japanesenounumbilical cordanatomy medicine sciences
OccultarcanaEnglishnounSpecialized knowledge that is mysterious to the uninitiated.uncountable
OccultarcanaEnglishnounplural of arcanumform-of plural
OccultlougarouHaitian Creolenounwerewolf
OccultlougarouHaitian Creolenoundevil
OccultlougarouHaitian Creolenounsorcerer
Occult呪法Japanesenounritual where incantations are chantedBuddhism lifestyle religion
Occult呪法Japanesenounblack magic
OccupationsKooperatorGermannounemployeedated masculine mixed
OccupationsKooperatorGermannouncoadjutor (assistant to a bishop)Catholicism Christianity Roman-CatholicismAustria masculine mixed
OccupationsWirtGermannounpubkeeper; innkeepermasculine strong
OccupationsWirtGermannounhost (someone who receives a guest)dated masculine strong
OccupationsWirtGermannounhost (organism infested with a parasite)biology natural-sciencesmasculine strong
OccupationsWirtGermannounagent; caretaker; someone responsible or knowledgeablein-compounds masculine strong
OccupationsWirtGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
OccupationscaileScottish Gaelicnounvulgar girl, quean, hussyfeminine
OccupationscaileScottish Gaelicnounstrumpetfeminine
OccupationscaileScottish Gaelicnounany young girlfeminine
OccupationscaileScottish Gaelicnounmaidservant who does more or less other work than houseworkfeminine
OccupationscaileScottish Gaelicnouncapacityfeminine
OccupationscarneraCatalannounfemale equivalent of carnerfeminine form-of
OccupationscarneraCatalannounbear's breechfeminine
Occupationsdog officerEnglishnounA police officer who is in charge of a police dog
Occupationsdog officerEnglishnounA police dog who is in charge of a police officer
OccupationsdægeOld Englishnounfemale servant
OccupationsdægeOld Englishnounwoman in charge of a dairy; dey, dairymaid
OccupationsdægeOld Englishnoundative singular of dæġdative form-of singular
OccupationskalihimTagalognounpan de regla
OccupationsonibataYorubanounsomeone who sells bata drums
OccupationsonibataYorubanouna bata drum player
OccupationsploranerCatalanadjweepy, blubbery
OccupationsploranerCatalannouna hired mournermasculine
OccupationsrektorSwedishnounheadmaster or headmistress; headteacher (primary school; grundskola)common-gender
OccupationsrektorSwedishnounheadmaster or headmistress; principal (secondary school; gymnasieskola)common-gender
OccupationsrektorSwedishnounprincipal; director (institutes and colleges; fackhögskola)common-gender
OccupationsrektorSwedishnounrector, headmaster, schoolmaster (leader of a school or other institute of education)common-gender
Occupationsri-nanaMarshallesenounan outcast
Occupationsri-nanaMarshallesenounan outlaw
Occupationsri-nanaMarshallesenouna pest
Occupationsri-nanaMarshallesenouna naughty person
OccupationsskórnikPolishnounany fungus of the genus Stereuminanimate masculine
OccupationsskórnikPolishnoundermatologistcolloquial masculine person rare
OccupationsskórnikPolishnountanner (person whose occupation is to tan hides or convert them into leather)masculine person
OccupationsskórnikPolishnounany beetle of the genus Dermestesanimal-not-person masculine
OccupationstraficantePortuguesenountrafficker (someone who transports and/or commercial illegal goods)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationstraficantePortuguesenoundealer (one who peddles illicit drugs)by-personal-gender feminine masculine specifically
OccupationstraperkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of traper (“trapper”)feminine form-of
OccupationstraperkaPolishnountrapping, trapper's occupationcolloquial feminine
OccupationsδιερμηνευτήςGreeknouninterpretercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
OccupationsδιερμηνευτήςGreeknouninterpreter (person who interprets something)
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounphysician, doctor
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounsage, philosopher
OccupationsحکیمUrdunounone of the 99 names of AllahIslam lifestyle religion
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbowarchery engineering government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics sports tools war weaponry
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounarcgeometry mathematics sciences
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounedge connecting two verticesgraph-theory mathematics sciences
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounelectric arcnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbow, as used with string instrumentsentertainment lifestyle music
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounarch, archwayarchitecture business construction manufacturing masonry
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounname of a diacritic mark / written under the letter pē changing sound from /p/ to /f/communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writing
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounname of a diacritic mark / written under the letter bēṯ changing sound from /b/ to /v/communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writing
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounparentheses, bracketsmedia publishing typographyin-plural
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounarcher, bowman; soldier whose main weapon is the bow and arrowarchery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
OccupationsܩܫܬܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameSagittarius (constellation and zodiac sign)astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounThe name of the first letter of the Greek alphabet (Α, α), followed by beta. In the Latin alphabet it is the predecessor to A.countable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounLatin alpha: the Latin letter Ɑ (minuscule: ɑ).countable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounThe name of the symbols Α and α used in science and mathematics, often interchangeable with the symbols when used as a prefix.sciencescountable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounThe return of a given asset or portfolio adjusted for systematic financecountable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounA person, especially a male, who is dominant, successful and attractive; (see alpha male).countable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounShort for alphabet.abbreviation alt-of countable informal uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounThe first versions of a program, usually only available to the developer, and only tested by the developer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwarecountable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounAngle of attack.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounThe level of translucency of a color, as determined by the alpha computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounEllipsis of alpha computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounThe significance level of a statistical test; the alpha level.mathematics sciences statisticscountable uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishnounIn omegaverse fiction, a person of a dominant secondary sex driven by biology, magic, or other means to bond with an omega, with males of this type often having canine-like genitalia.lifestylecountable slang uncountable
OmegaversealphaEnglishadjDesignates the first in an order of precedence.not-comparable
OmegaversealphaEnglishadjExhibiting characteristics of the alpha male/female archetype.not-comparable
OmegaversealphaEnglishadjDesignates some bright star, usually the brightest star, of a constellation.astronomy natural-sciencesnot-comparable
OnemonologyEnglishnounThe act of habit of soliloquizing, or of dominating conversation.countable uncountable
OnemonologyEnglishnounA work consisting of a single part (as opposed to a dilogy, trilogy, etc.)countable rare
One一戸Japanesenounone household
One一戸JapanesenameA town in Ninohe district, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, Asia
OrangesoranĝokoloraEsperantoadjorange (colour)
OrangesoranĝokoloraEsperantoadjorange (colour) orange: / orange
OrganizationsNASAEnglishnameAcronym of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.abbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsNASAEnglishnameAcronym of National Auto Sport Association.hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation acronym alt-of
OrgansmahmeMezquital Otominounlarge tortilla
OrgansmahmeMezquital Otominounpancreas
OrthographyhurufIndonesiannounletter (letter of the alphabet)
OrthographyhurufIndonesiannoungraph: A graphical unit on the token-level, the abstracted fundamental shape of a character or letter as distinct from its ductus (realization in a particular typeface or handwriting on the instance-level) and as distinct by a grapheme on the type-level by not fundamentally distinguishing meaning.human-sciences linguistics media publishing sciences typography
PainwrithyngMiddle EnglishnounThe process of bending, curling, or twining.rare uncountable
PainwrithyngMiddle EnglishnounA writhing; a painful twisting.rare uncountable
PainwrithyngMiddle EnglishnounA bending or curvy organ.anatomy medicine sciencesrare uncountable
PainwrithyngMiddle EnglishnounA wramp or spraining.medicine physiology sciencesrare uncountable
PainzeerDutchadjsore, painful
PainzeerDutchadjpainful, grieving
PainzeerDutchadjaffected by a painful skin syndrome
PainzeerDutchnouna physical pain, ache, hurtneuter
PainzeerDutchnoungrief, sufferingneuter
PainzeerDutchnouna sore spot; crust on a wound, boil etc.archaic neuter
PainzeerDutchnouna cause of physical pain, notably disease; discomfort, uneasinessarchaic neuter
PainzeerDutchnouna flaw, fault, sin, defectneuter obsolete
PainzeerDutchadvvery, to a high degree or intensity
PainzeerDutchadvsorely, painfully, notably in zeer doen (“to hurt”)literally
Palm treespalmaPolishnounpalm treefeminine
Palm treespalmaPolishnounEaster palmfeminine
PaperpaperaNheengatunounpaper; sheet of paper
PaperpaperaNheengatunounletter (written communication)
PaperpaperaNheengatunounbook; notebook
ParentsouweDutchadjinflection of oud: / masculine/feminine singular attributiveattributive feminine form-of informal masculine singular
ParentsouweDutchadjinflection of oud: / definite neuter singular attributiveattributive definite form-of informal neuter singular
ParentsouweDutchadjinflection of oud: / plural attributiveattributive form-of informal plural
ParentsouweDutchnounman, mateinformal masculine
ParentsouweDutchnounfather, old maninformal masculine
PartiesgodyPolishnounwedding reception (festivities accompanying a marriage ceremony)plural
PartiesgodyPolishnounChristmas or New Yearplural
PartiesgodyPolishnounmating (pairing of organisms for copulation)biology natural-sciences zoologyplural
PathologypatológicoPortugueseadjpathological (pertaining to pathology)medicine sciences
PathologypatológicoPortugueseadjpathological (relating to or caused by a physical or mental disorder)medicine sciences
Penguinspinguino realeItaliannounking penguinmasculine
Penguinspinguino realeItaliannounroyal penguinmasculine
PeopleBuddhistEnglishadjOf, relating to, or practicing Buddhism.
PeopleBuddhistEnglishnounA practitioner of the religion and philosophy of Buddhism.
PeopleBuddhistEnglishnounA follower of the Indian religious and spiritual teacher, Buddha.
PeopleGramscianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Italian Marxist theoretician and politician Antonio Gramsci or his works.
PeopleGramscianEnglishnounA follower or adherent of the political ideas of Antonio Gramsci.
PeopleJudahiteEnglishnounA descendant of Judah (the patriarch).
PeopleJudahiteEnglishnounA descendant or member of the tribe of Judah.
PeopleJudahiteEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Judah.
PeopleJudahiteEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Judah (the patriarch), to the tribe of Judah, or to the ancient kingdom of Judah, or its inhabitants.
PeoplePissnelkeGermannouna woman who is prudish or who otherwise dashed a man's romantic or sexual expectationsdated derogatory feminine offensive vulgar
PeoplePissnelkeGermannoungeneric, gender-neutral insultderogatory feminine offensive vulgar
PeopleRADMEnglishnounAbbreviation of rear admiral.government military nautical politics transport warabbreviation alt-of
PeopleRADMEnglishnounAbbreviation of rear admiral (upper half).government military nautical politics transport warUS abbreviation alt-of
PeopleReubeniteEnglishnounA descendant of Reuben, first son of Jacob.
PeopleReubeniteEnglishnounA descendant or member of the tribe of Reuben.
PeopleReubeniteEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Reuben, or to the tribe of Reuben.not-comparable
PeopleWichserGermannounwanker, jerk, tosser (i.e., a habitual masturbator) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine strong vulgar
PeopleWichserGermannounAn annoying, irritating or despised person; asshole, bastard, tosspot, motherfucker, fuck. (male or of unspecified gender)masculine strong
PeopleWichserGermannounshoeshiner (a person who cleans, buffs and then applies a waxy paste (polish) to shoes) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine obsolete regional strong
PeopleapostółPolishnounAlternative form of apostołalt-of alternative masculine person
PeopleapostółPolishnounadvisor to a local leadererror-misspelling humorous masculine person
PeoplebigengaOld Englishnouninhabitant
PeoplebigengaOld Englishnouncultivator
PeoplebigengaOld Englishnounone who takes care of others; benefactor
PeoplebigengaOld Englishnounobserver; worshipper
PeoplebułaPolishnounAugmentative of bułkaaugmentative colloquial feminine form-of
PeoplebułaPolishnounbutterball, fatsocolloquial derogatory feminine
PeoplebułaPolishnounrounded or ovoid rock or concretiongeography geology natural-sciences petrologyfeminine
PeoplebułaPolishnounround object; round mass of somethingcolloquial feminine
PeopleVietnameseadjsmall; little; tiny
PeopleVietnameseadjlittle; very young
PeopleVietnamesenounShort for em bé (“baby”).abbreviation alt-of
PeopleVietnamesepronyou, little child
PeopleVietnamesepronyou, young personinformal
PeopleVietnamesepronyou, young girlinformal
PeoplecaitiffEnglishnounA base or despicable person; a wretch.
PeoplecaitiffEnglishnounA captive or prisoner, particularly a galley slave.obsolete
PeoplecaitiffEnglishnounA villain, a coward or wretch.archaic
PeoplecaitiffEnglishadjEspecially despicable; cowardly
PeoplechocoholicEnglishnounSomeone who has such a liking for chocolate that they appear to be addicted to it.
PeoplechocoholicEnglishadjAddicted or seemingly addicted to chocolate; characteristic of a chocoholic.
PeoplechocolatierEnglishadjcomparative form of chocolatey: more chocolateycomparative form-of
PeoplechocolatierEnglishadjcomparative form of chocolaty: more chocolatycomparative form-of
PeoplechocolatierEnglishnounA producer of chocolate.
PeoplecolorCatalannouncolor, colourarchaic feminine masculine poetic regional
PeoplecolorCatalannounflushcard-games pokerarchaic feminine masculine poetic regional
PeoplecyberbullyEnglishnounA bully who operates online, in cyberspace.
PeoplecyberbullyEnglishverbTo bully online.transitive
PeopledvojnikSerbo-Croatiannounlook-alike, double
PeopledvojnikSerbo-Croatiannounparty line
PeopleephebusLatinnouna male Greek youthdeclension-2
PeopleephebusLatinnounyouth (aged about eighteen to twenty years)declension-2
PeopleevangelistEnglishnounAn itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist, who conducts services in different cities or locations, now often televised.Christianity
PeopleevangelistEnglishnounA writer of a gospel, especially the four New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), usually capitalized (Evangelist).biblical lifestyle religion
PeopleevangelistEnglishnounA person who first brought the gospel to a city or region.
PeopleevangelistEnglishnounA patriarch.
PeopleevangelistEnglishnounA person marked by extreme enthusiasm for or support of any cause, particularly with regard to religion.broadly
PeopleevangelistEnglishnounA person hired to promote a particular natural-sciences physical-sciences technology
PeoplefascistEnglishadjOf or relating to fascism.
PeoplefascistEnglishadjSupporting the principles of fascism.
PeoplefascistEnglishadjUnfairly oppressive or needlessly strict.figuratively informal
PeoplefascistEnglishnounA proponent of fascism.
PeoplefiumaroloItaliannouna boatman operating on the Tiber riverRoman masculine
PeoplefiumaroloItaliannounone who frequents the Tiber river areaRoman masculine
PeoplegabberDutchnouna guyNetherlands masculine
PeoplegabberDutchnouna friend; a palNetherlands masculine
PeoplegabberDutchnoungabber (hardcore subgenre)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
PeoplegabberDutchnouna fan of gabber music, a gabbermasculine
PeoplekastràunCimbriannounram (male sheep)Sette-Comuni masculine
PeoplekastràunCimbriannounstubborn personSette-Comuni masculine
PeoplekatarPolishnouncatarrh, coldmedicine sciencesinanimate masculine
PeoplekatarPolishnounrunny noseinanimate masculine
PeoplekatarPolishnounCathar, CatharistChristianityhistorical masculine person
PeopleletniakPolishnounsummerhouse, summer cottagearchitecturecolloquial inanimate masculine
PeopleletniakPolishnounsummer vacationer from the citycolloquial masculine person
Peoplemaster of ceremoniesEnglishnounSomeone who acts as a host at a formal event.
Peoplemaster of ceremoniesEnglishnounSomeone who conducts a programme of varied entertainment, for example by introducing performers to the audience.
Peoplemaster of ceremoniesEnglishnounA rapper.
PeoplepaństwòKashubiannounstate, country (sovereign polity)neuter
PeoplepaństwòKashubiannounlordlinessneuter obsolete
PeoplepaństwòKashubiannounlord and lady of an estatehistorical plural
Peopleporn starEnglishnounAn actor or actress famous for appearing in pornographic films.
Peopleporn starEnglishnounA person who performs sex acts in a pornographic film.
PeoplesavaciounMiddle EnglishnounSecurity; the act of making or state of being protected.uncountable
PeoplesavaciounMiddle EnglishnounReligious salvation; deliverance from eternal doom.uncountable
PeoplesavaciounMiddle EnglishnounAn individual who acts as security or salvation.uncountable
PeoplesavaciounMiddle EnglishnounPreservation, maintenance, or that which ensures it.uncountable
PeoplesavaciounMiddle EnglishnounDeliverance from or remediation of a wrong.rare uncountable
PeoplesavaciounMiddle EnglishnounMedical remediation; the restoration of health.medicine sciencesrare uncountable
PeoplestraungerMiddle EnglishnounAn outsider or foreigner (person from an outside group or country)
PeoplestraungerMiddle EnglishnounA stranger; an unfamiliar individual.
PeoplestraungerMiddle EnglishnounA guest or journeyer; someone travelling or staying.
PeoplestraungerMiddle EnglishnounSomeone from another family.rare
PeoplestraungerMiddle Englishadjcomparative degree of straungecomparative form-of
PeopletransigentEnglishadjWilling to compromise.uncommon
PeopletransigentEnglishnounA person who is willing to compromise or to be brought to terms.uncommon
PeoplevédencHungariannounclient of a lawyerlaw
PeoplevédencHungariannounprotégé (a person who is guided and supported by another)literary
Peoplewarm bodyEnglishnounAny person who is present.idiomatic
Peoplewarm bodyEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see warm, body.
People勞模ChinesenounShort for 勞動模範/劳动模范 (láodòng mófàn, “model worker”).Mainland-China abbreviation alt-of
People勞模Chinesenouncharacter with a large number of erotic doujinshi (本子)ACG video-gamesbroadly slang
People秀才Japanesenounin the 律令 (Ritsuryō) system of ancient Japan, one of the subjects in the examination to enter the civil servicehistorical
People秀才Japanesenounin the 律令 (Ritsuryō) system of ancient Japan, someone who has passed such an examinationhistorical
People秀才Japanesenouna xiucai, licentiate (scholar who has passed the entry-level examination to study at a college)historical
People秀才Japanesenouna person recommended for a government post by a provincial governorhistorical
People秀才Japanesenouna scholar, intellectual, person of knowledgebroadly
People秀才Japanesenouna prodigy, a brilliant personbroadly
People秀才Japanesenounin the 律令 (Ritsuryō) system of ancient Japan, one of the subjects in the examination to enter the civil servicehistorical obsolete
People秀才Japanesenounin the 律令 (Ritsuryō) system of ancient Japan, someone who has passed such an examinationhistorical obsolete
People網友Chinesenounonline friend; internet buddy
People老伯伯Chinesenounold manhonorific
People老伯伯Chinesenounpaternal uncle (father's elder brother)Wu
People高人Chinesenounvery able person; highly skilled or knowledgeable person
People高人Chinesenounsomeone of noble character (often referring to hermits)literary
People팔방미인Koreannounperfection; a person seeming like a beauty or role model
People팔방미인Koreannounjack of all trades, all-rounder (a versatile person able to do many things well)figuratively
People팔방미인Koreannounsomeone with no scruplesrare
Perching birdsdroznaLower Sorbiannounthrush (bird)animal-not-person feminine
Perching birdsdroznaLower Sorbiannouninflection of drozn: / genitive/accusative singularaccusative form-of genitive singular
Perching birdsdroznaLower Sorbiannouninflection of drozn: / nominative dualdual form-of nominative
Perching birdsკვირიონიGeorgiannounEuropean bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Perching birdsკვირიონიGeorgiannounSynonym of მოლაღური (molaɣuri, “golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)”)
PersonalitycensoriousEnglishadjAddicted to censure and scolding; apt to blame or condemn; severe in making remarks on others, or on their writings or manners.
PersonalitycensoriousEnglishadjImplying or expressing censure.
PersonalitycensoriousEnglishadjTending to engage in or support censorship.proscribed
PersonalityimmatureEnglishadjOccurring before the proper time; untimely, premature (especially of death).archaic
PersonalityimmatureEnglishadjNot fully formed or developed; not grown.
PersonalityimmatureEnglishadjChildish in behavior; juvenile.
PersonalityimmatureEnglishnounAn immature member of a species.
PersonalityobdurateEnglishadjStubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent.
PersonalityobdurateEnglishadjPhysically hardened, toughened.obsolete
PersonalityobdurateEnglishadjHardened against feeling; hard-hearted.
PersonalityobdurateEnglishverbTo harden; to obdure.obsolete transitive
PersonalityoverweeningEnglishadjUnduly confident; arrogant.
PersonalityoverweeningEnglishadjExaggerated, excessive.
PersonalityoverweeningEnglishnounAn excessively high opinion of oneself or one’s abilities; presumption, arrogance.archaic countable uncountable
PersonalityoverweeningEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of overweenform-of gerund participle present
PharmacologydispensatoryEnglishadjGranting, or authorized to grant, dispensations.
PharmacologydispensatoryEnglishnounA book containing a systematic description of drugs and of preparations made from them.medicine pharmacology sciences
PhilosophyAristippanEnglishadjAlternative form of Aristippian, of or related to Aristippus of Cyrene or Aristippus the Younger.alt-of alternative historical
PhilosophyAristippanEnglishnounAlternative form of Aristippian, an adherent of Cyrenaicism, the school of philosophy founded by Aristippus of Cyrene and codified by Aristippus the Younger.alt-of alternative historical
Phocid sealssea monkEnglishnounMonk seal.dated
Phocid sealssea monkEnglishnounA sea creature in European folklore (in the 16th century), a sort of fish that resembled (and was sometimes robed or tonsured like) a European monk.arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciences
PigmentsσανδαράκηAncient Greeknounsandarac, realgar
PigmentsσανδαράκηAncient Greeknounred orpiment
PigmentsσανδαράκηAncient Greeknounbeebread
PigsprosięPolishnountraitor (disloyal person)derogatory neuter
PinksfuchsiaEnglishnounA popular garden plant, of the genus Fuchsia, of the Onagraceae family, shrubs with red, pink or purple flowers.
PinksfuchsiaEnglishnounA purplish-red colour, the color of fuchsin, an aniline dye.
PinksfuchsiaEnglishadjHaving a purplish-red colour.not-comparable
PinksφούξιαGreekadjfuchsia (color/colour)indeclinable
PinksφούξιαGreeknounfuchsia (plant)indeclinable
PinksφούξιαGreeknounfuchsia (color/colour)indeclinable
Places in MalaysiaBaiEnglishnounAn ethnic group of China.plural plural-only
Places in MalaysiaBaiEnglishnameA surname.
Places in MalaysiaBaiEnglishnameThe language of the Bai ethnic group.
Places in MalaysiaBaiEnglishnameAn island off the coast of Sabah, Malaysia
Planets of the Solar SystemMerkúrIcelandicnameMercury (Roman god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemMerkúrIcelandicnameMercury (planet)masculine
Planets of the Solar SystemNeptunusSwedishnameNeptune (planet)common-gender
Planets of the Solar SystemNeptunusSwedishnameNeptune (Roman god)common-gender
PlantshreanRomaniannounhorseradish (plant)masculine uncountable
PlantshreanRomaniannounhorseradish (condiment)masculine uncountable
Plantska'aOld Tupinounwoods; forest (dense collection of trees)
Plantska'aOld Tupinounbranch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk)
Plantska'aOld Tupinounherb (plant whose stem is not woody)
Plantska'aOld Tupinounleaf (green, flat organ of most vegetative plants)
Plantska'aOld Tupinounfoliage
Plantska'aOld Tupinounplant
Plantska'aOld Tupinounhunting ground (area used for hunting)
PnictogensnitrogenEnglishnounThe chemical element (symbol N) with an atomic number of 7 and atomic weight of 14.0067. It is a colorless and odorless gas.uncountable
PnictogensnitrogenEnglishnounMolecular nitrogen (N₂), a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature.uncountable
PnictogensnitrogenEnglishnounA specific nitrogen atom within a chemical formula, or a specific isotope of nitrogencountable
PoliticsMIRSpanishnameInitialism of Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria.abbreviation alt-of initialism masculine
PoliticsMIRSpanishnounAlternative letter-case form of miralt-of by-personal-gender feminine masculine
PoliticsmonarchizmPolishnounmonarchism (rule by a monarchy)inanimate masculine
PoliticsmonarchizmPolishnounmonarchism (advocacy of the monarchistic political system)inanimate masculine
PoliticsзаангажованийUkrainianverbpast passive participle of заангажува́ти pf (zaanhažuváty)form-of participle passive past
PoliticsзаангажованийUkrainianadjpolitically committed
Pornographyเอ็กซ์ThainounThe name of the Latin-script letter X/x.
Pornographyเอ็กซ์Thaiadjerotic; pornographic; sexual; sexy.slang
PoultryfarruġMaltesenounchicken, chickmasculine
PoultryfarruġMaltesenounEuropean roller (Coracias garrulus)masculine
PoultrygallinellaItaliannounyoung henfeminine
PoultrygallinellaItaliannoungurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna)feminine
PrimatesмајмунMacedoniannounmonkey, ape
PrimatesмајмунMacedoniannounidiotcolloquial derogatory
PrisonбуџаSerbo-Croatiannouncudgel, clubobsolete regional
PrisonбуџаSerbo-Croatiannounpitobsolete regional
PrisonбуџаSerbo-Croatiannounprisonobsolete regional
PrisonбуџаSerbo-Croatiannouna powerful person; figurehead, kingpin, bigwig
PrisonכלאHebrewnounprison, jail
PrisonכלאHebrewverbTo jail, to lock up, to hold (someone)'al transitive
ProsodysunanoyCebuanonouna sonnet
ProsodysunanoyCebuanonouna verse
Proteales order plantswater lilyEnglishnounAny of various members of the Nymphaeaceae family that are tuberous plants, rooted in soil with leaves (lily pads) and flowers floating on the water surface.
Proteales order plantswater lilyEnglishnounSpecies of genus Nymphoides, fringed water lily and similar plants.
Proteales order plantswater lilyEnglishnounSpecies of genus Nelumbo.
ProtistsamööbEstoniannounamoeba (member of the genus Amoeba)biology natural-sciences
ProtistsamööbEstoniannounamoeba (unintelligent or spineless person)colloquial derogatory
Provinces of the PhilippinesMountain ProvinceTagalognameA province of the Cordillera Administrative Region, Luzon, Philippines. Capital: Bontoc
Provinces of the PhilippinesMountain ProvinceTagalognamehuge province in the Cordilleras composed of the subprovinces of Apayao, Amburayan, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, and Lepanto-Bontochistorical
Prunus genus plantsgroundcherryEnglishnounAny of various plants in the genus Physalis and their fruits
Prunus genus plantsgroundcherryEnglishnounPrunus fruticosa
PurplesmagentaEnglishnounA colour which is close to an equal mixture of red and blue which is an additive secondary colour but a subtractive primary colour evoked by the combination of red and blue light.countable uncountable
PurplesmagentaEnglishadjhaving the colour of fuchsia, fuchsine, light purple.
Qur'anLotEnglishnameA nephew of Abraham in the Bible and Quran.biblical lifestyle religion
Qur'anLotEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin; rare today.
Qur'anLotEnglishnameOne of the departments of Occitanie, France, formerly in Midi-Pyrénées. Capital: Cahors (INSEE code 46)
RadioactivityisomerEnglishnounAny of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structure.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
RadioactivityisomerEnglishnounAny of two or more atomic nuclei with the same mass number and atomic number but with different radioactive properties.
Rail transportationvozSlovenenouncart, coach (drawn by an animal)
Rail transportationvozSlovenenountrain car, carriageliterary
Rail transportationvozSlovenenouncar, automobileinformal
RaindeszczPolishnounraininanimate masculine
RaindeszczPolishnounshowerinanimate masculine
Recreational drugsbeam upEnglishverbTo teleport (someone or something) using a (fictional) device, especially from the surface of a planet to an orbiting starship.literature media publishing science-fictiontransitive
Recreational drugsbeam upEnglishverbTo be teleported, or to teleport oneself, in this manner.literature media publishing science-fictionintransitive
Recreational drugsbeam upEnglishverbTo appear suddenly, as if by teleport.intransitive
Recreational drugsbeam upEnglishverbTo get high on drugs, especially crack cocaine.slang
Recreational drugschinoSpanishadjChinese
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnounChinese personmasculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnounChinese (language)masculine uncountable
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnoungobbledygook (an incomprehensible language)colloquial masculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnouna Chinese-run establishment / a Chinese restaurantcolloquial masculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnouna Chinese-run establishment / (US) variety store, dollar store, dime store, five-and-dime, (UK) pound shop (owned by a Chinese immigrant)Spain colloquial masculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnounheroin (taken by chasing the dragon)Spain colloquial masculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishadjcurly
Recreational drugschinoSpanishadjfed upEl-Salvador Guatemala Honduras colloquial
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnounsomeone with curly hairmasculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnounkidColombia masculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnounboy, servantLatin-America masculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnounAlternative form of china (“pebble”)Andalusia Spain alt-of alternative masculine
Recreational drugschinoSpanishnoungame where players try to guess the number of coins in another player's firstin-plural masculine
Recreational drugscocaïnòmanCatalanadjaddicted to cocaine
Recreational drugscocaïnòmanCatalannouncocaine addictmasculine
Recreational drugsvitamin KEnglishnounAny of several related fat-soluble vitamins, found in leafy green vegetables, essential for blood clotting.uncountable
Recreational drugsvitamin KEnglishnounThe drug ketamine.slang uncountable
RedsceriseFrenchadjcerise colourinvariable
RedsceriseFrenchnouncherry (fruit)feminine
RedsceriseFrenchnouncerise (color)feminine
RedsoxbloodEnglishnounA dark brownish-red colour.uncountable
RedsoxbloodEnglishnounThe blood of an ox.uncountable
RedsoxbloodEnglishadjOf a dark brownish-red colour.
ReligiondidamnitaEsperantoadjgoddamned, goddamnderogatory
ReligiondidamnitaEsperantoadjUsed as an intensifier.mildly offensive
ReligionmiraPolishnounAlternative form of mirraalt-of alternative feminine rare
ReligionmiraPolishnounreference point for azimuth measurementsastronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto proclaim, declare publiclyconjugation-1
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto announce, make knownconjugation-1
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto praise, commend, extolconjugation-1
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto preach the gospelEcclesiastical Latin conjugation-1
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto predicatehuman-sciences philosophy sciencesconjugation-1
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto foretell, predictconjugation-3
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto notify, give warning of, admonish, charge with what should be doneconjugation-3
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto adviseconjugation-3
ReligionpraedicoLatinverbto announce at an auctionconjugation-3
ReligionrytPolishnounengraving (incising a design onto a hard surface by cutting grooves into it)inanimate masculine
ReligionrytPolishnounengraving (something engraved onto a hard surface)inanimate masculine
ReligionrytPolishnounengraving (print produced from an engraving)inanimate masculine
ReligionrytPolishnounrite (established, ceremonial act)inanimate masculine
ReligionvoventePortugueseadjvotive (who makes vows or promises)feminine masculine
ReligionvoventePortuguesenounvotive person (person who makes vows or promises)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
Religionwr-ḥkꜣwEgyptiannounepithet for various gods or the king
Religionwr-ḥkꜣwEgyptiannouna kind of collar
Religionwr-ḥkꜣwEgyptiannouncurving serpent-headed adze or blade used as a ritual instrument in the opening of the mouth ceremony, a funerary ritual to allow the deceased to eat and drink once more
Republics of RussiaSahaFinnishnamea Finnish surname
Republics of RussiaSahaFinnishnameSakha Republicuncountable
RiversSan LorenzoItaliannameSt Lawrencemasculine
RiversSan LorenzoItaliannameSt Lawrence (river)masculine
RiversగోదాTelugunameName of river Godavari.
RiversగోదాTelugunameName of a Vaishnava female saint, Andal (one of the 12 Alwars) said to have been married to god Ranganatha.Hinduism
Rivers in the United StatesNiagaraFrenchnameNiagara Rivermasculine uncountable
Rivers in the United StatesNiagaraFrenchnameNiagara Fallsfeminine plural plural-only
Road transportאָמניבוסYiddishnounomnibus (horse-drawn carriage)
Road transportאָמניבוסYiddishnounbus
RoadsCresEnglishnameA town in Croatia.
RoadsCresEnglishnameAn island in the Adriatic Sea
RoadsCresEnglishnameAbbreviation of crescent.UK abbreviation alt-of
RoadsSeitenstreifenGermannounverge, road verge (sensu stricto)traffic transportmasculine strong
RoadsSeitenstreifenGermannounshoulder (colloquial)traffic transportmasculine strong
RoadsboulevardItaliannounembankmentarchaic masculine
RoadsστράταGreeknounbaby walker
RoboticsfembotEnglishnounA robot in female form.literature media publishing science-fiction
RoboticsfembotEnglishnounA robot in female form. / A female sexbot.literature media publishing science-fictionspecifically
RoboticsfembotEnglishnounA docile, unthinking and conformist woman.derogatory
RodentsbobrCzechnounbeaveranimate masculine
RodentsbobrCzechnounbeaver fur, castoretteanimate masculine
RodentsbobrCzechnoungarbage truckanimate masculine
RodentsbobrCzechnounbeaver (genital area or a woman)animate derogatory masculine
RodentsποντίκιGreeknounmouse (rodent)
RodentsποντίκιGreeknounstrong muscles, especially biceps
RodentsποντίκιGreeknounmeat from the lower part of the leg of a calfcooking food lifestyle
RodentsποντίκιGreeknounmousecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
RodentsποντίκιGreeknounrecruit, newbiegovernment military politics warslang
RoomsalkierzPolishnounbower (covered room on the corner of a building)architectureinanimate masculine
RoomsalkierzPolishnounbower (small sleeping room)architectureinanimate masculine
RoomsalkierzPolishnounfish pondMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RoomsensuiteEnglishnounA private bathroom connected to a bedroom, as in an apartment or hotel room.
RoomsensuiteEnglishadjAlternative form of en suite: / Connected to a bedroom.not-comparable
RoomsensuiteEnglishadjAlternative form of en suite: / Connected to an ensuite bathroom.not-comparable
RoomsensuiteEnglishadjAlternative form of en suite: / As part of a set or series.not-comparable
RoomslokalPolishnounrented real estate, especially a room in a larger building, such as a dwelling, office, or shopinanimate masculine
RoomslokalPolishnounspot (bar, club, restaurant, or similar place of leisure)inanimate informal masculine
RoomsworkshopEnglishnounA room, especially one which is not particularly large, used for manufacturing or other light industrial work.
RoomsworkshopEnglishnounA brief, intensive course of education for a small group, emphasizing interaction and practical problem solving.
RoomsworkshopEnglishnounAn academic conference.
RoomsworkshopEnglishverbTo help a playwright revise a draft of (a play) by rehearsing it with actors and critiquing the results.transitive
RoomsworkshopEnglishverbTo work on or revise something, especially collaboratively, in a workshop.transitive
RoomsworkshopEnglishverbTo improve through collaboration.businesstransitive
RoomsáticoSpanishadjAttic (of, from or relating to Attica, a region of Greece)
RoomsáticoSpanishnounAttic (Ancient Greek dialect spoken in Attica)masculine uncountable
RoomsáticoSpanishnounpenthouse, loft, atticmasculine
Rosesrosa caninaSardiniannoundogrose (Rosa canina)Campidanese feminine uncountable
Rosesrosa caninaSardiniannoundogrose (dogrose flower)Campidanese feminine
Salamanderswater monsterEnglishnounaxolotl
Salamanderswater monsterEnglishnounAlternative form of watermonsteralt-of alternative
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnameAgni, god of fire
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnounfire, sacrificial fire (of three kinds, गार्हपत्य (gārhapatya), आहवनीय (āhavanīya), and दक्षिण (dakṣiṇa))
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnounthe number three
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnounthe fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric fluid
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnounbile
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnoungold
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnounname of various plants; Semecarpus anacardium, Plumbago zeylanica, Plumbago indica, Citrus aurantifolia
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnounmystical substitute for the letter r
Sapindales order plantsअग्निSanskritnounin the कातन्त्र (kātantra) grammar, name of noun-stems ending in i and u
SaucesbolognaiseFrenchadjfeminine singular of bolognaisfeminine form-of singular
SaucesbolognaiseFrenchnounbolognese (sauce)feminine
SausagespepperoniFrenchnounpepperoni (sausage)masculine
SausagespepperoniFrenchnounpepperoni (pizza)masculine
Schools初級學院Chinesenounjunior college
Schools初級學院Chinesenounjunior college (senior high school)Singapore
SeafoodalmejaSpanishnounclam, cocklefeminine
SeafoodalmejaSpanishnouncuntfeminine slang vulgar
SeasoningsсолBulgariannounG (musical note)indeclinable
Seasons청양Koreannounsesame leavesmedicine sciencesChinese traditional
Securitysafety callEnglishnounA prescheduled phone call to another person who knows where one is and who one was going out with. A missed check-in (or using a pre-arranged code phrase for danger) signals one's contact person to call for help.
Securitysafety callEnglishnounA type of called shot where a shooting player does not have to continue their turn after pocketing one or more of their balls.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sports
Senecioneae tribe plantsfárfaraSpanishnouncoltsfootfeminine
Senecioneae tribe plantsfárfaraSpanishnouneggshell membranefeminine
SensesaroglWelshnounsmell, odour, scentfeminine masculine
SensesaroglWelshnounperfume, fragrancefeminine masculine
SensesaroglWelshnounstench, stinkfeminine masculine
SensesaroglWelshnounsense of smellmedicine physiology sciencesfeminine masculine
SensestoucherFrenchnounthe act of touching (see below)masculine
SensestoucherFrenchnouna way of touchingmasculine
SensestoucherFrenchnounthe sense of touch, tactilitymasculine
SensestoucherFrenchverbto touch (physically)transitive
SensestoucherFrenchverbto affecttransitive
SensestoucherFrenchverbto receive, to get; to earn (money)transitive
SensestoucherFrenchverbto try, to try outintransitive
SensestoucherFrenchverbto know a thing or twoinformal intransitive
Serbiadouble eagleEnglishnounA gold coin with a face value of $20 formerly used in the United States, the double of the US eagle coin.hobbies lifestyle numismaticsUS
Serbiadouble eagleEnglishnounThree under par, one stroke short of an ace (a hole in one) on a par-five hobbies lifestyle sports
Serbiadouble eagleEnglishnounA representation of an eagle with two heads, as in the heraldic arms of Russia and Austria and in iconography from Antiquity onward (especially in the Roman Empire).
SewingnaparstekPolishnounthimbleinanimate masculine
SewingnaparstekPolishnouna small cup resembling a thimbleinanimate masculine
SewingnaparstekPolishnounthimblefulinanimate masculine
SewingobszywaćPolishverbto sew (e.g. a border or trim) aroundimperfective transitive
SewingobszywaćPolishverbto hem, to trimimperfective transitive
SewingobszywaćPolishverbto sew many clothes forimperfective transitive
SexdickEnglishnounA male person.countable obsolete
SexdickEnglishnounA detective, especially one working for the police; a police officer.countable slang
SexdickEnglishnounThe penis.countable slang uncountable vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounA highly contemptible or obnoxious person; a jerk; traditionally, especially, a male jerk.countable derogatory offensive slang vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounAbsolutely nothing.Canada US slang uncommon uncountable vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounSexual intercourse with a man.slang uncountable vulgar
SexdickEnglishverbTo mistreat or take advantage of somebody (often with around or up).slang transitive vulgar
SexdickEnglishverbTo penetrate sexually.slang transitive vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounA detective.US dated slang
SexdickEnglishnounA declaration.obsolete
SexdickEnglishnumTen, in Cumbrian sheep counting.Cumbria
Sexf`num`$kEnglishadvCensored spelling of fuck.not-comparable
Sexf`num`$kEnglishintjCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexf`num`$kEnglishnounCensored spelling of fuck.
Sexf`num`$kEnglishverbCensored spelling of fuck.intransitive transitive
Sexస్ఖలనముTelugunounStumbling, slipping, tripping, dripping, trickling.
Sexస్ఖలనముTelugunounejaculation of semen.
SexたねつけJapanesenounmating (causing mating) of animals
SexたねつけJapanesenounfucking a woman with the debasing objective of impregnatingfiction lifestyle literature media pornography publishing sexualityslang
Sex濡れるJapaneseverbget wet
Sex濡れるJapaneseverbto become lubricated, especially by vaginal discharge as a result of sexual arousal
SexualityshemaleEnglishnounA male-to-female transsexual or transgender person; a trans woman.especially offensive proscribed
SexualityshemaleEnglishnounA male animal which displays female traits or behaviors; for example, a male reptile which gives off female pheromones.biology natural-sciencesnonstandard
ShorebirdscamallargaCatalanadjfeminine singular of camallargfeminine form-of singular
ShorebirdscamallargaCatalannounstilt (bird of the genus Himantops)masculine
SingingспіватиUkrainianverbto singintransitive
SingingспіватиUkrainianverbto perform musictransitive
SingingспіватиUkrainianverbto twitter, to whistle, to crow, etc.intransitive
SingingспіватиUkrainianverbto have a nice sound (about musical instrument, bell, toot, etc.)figuratively intransitive
SingingспіватиUkrainianverbto be in a nice mood, to be excitedfiguratively intransitive
SingingспіватиUkrainianverbto glorify (in poetry, songs) something or somebodytransitive
SingingспіватиUkrainianverbto say something long, to say something with flatterycolloquial figuratively intransitive transitive
SkeletoncaudalPortugueseadjcaudal (of or relating to the tail)biology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine masculine
SkeletoncaudalPortuguesenouncaudal vertebrafeminine
SkeletoncaudalPortuguesenountorrent (heavy stream or flow)masculine
SkeletoncaudalPortuguesenoundischarge (volume of water transported by a river in a certain amount of time)geography hydrology natural-sciencesmasculine
SkeletoncaudalPortuguesenouna great amount of volume of somethingfiguratively masculine
SkeletoncaudalPortugueseadjtorrential (flowing heavily)feminine masculine
SkiingդահուկArmeniannounsleigh, sled, sledge for transporting grass and wood over snow in the mountains
SkinшкураUkrainiannounhide, coat, pelt, skin (especially when used as a material)
SkinшкураUkrainiannounbastardderogatory vulgar
SkinшкураUkrainiannounpeel, skincolloquial
SleephypnagogicEnglishadjThat induces sleep; soporific, somniferous.
SleephypnagogicEnglishadjThat accompanies falling asleep; especially, pertaining to the semi-conscious period immediately preceding sleep.
SleeppäiväuniFinnishnoun(afternoon) napplural-normally
SleeppäiväuniFinnishnounpipe dreamfiguratively
SleepretireEnglishverbTo stop working on a permanent basis, usually because of old age or illness.intransitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo stop playing their sport and in competitions a sports player.hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo withdraw; to take away.reflexive sometimes transitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo cease use or production of something.transitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo withdraw from circulation, or from the market; to take up and pay.transitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo cause to retire; specifically, to designate as no longer qualified for active service; to place on the retired list.transitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo voluntarily stop batting before being dismissed so that the next batsman can bat.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo make a play which results in a runner or the batter being out, either by means of a put out, fly out or strikeout. Also, when such an event ends a team's turn at bat.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo go back or return; to withdraw or retreat, especially from public view; to go into privacy.intransitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo retreat from action or danger; to withdraw for safety or pleasure.intransitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo recede; to fall or bend back.intransitive
SleepretireEnglishverbTo go to bed.intransitive
SleepretireEnglishnounThe act of retiring, or the state of being retired.rare
SleepretireEnglishnounA place to which one retires.
SleepretireEnglishnounA call sounded on a bugle, announcing to skirmishers that they are to retire, or fall back.dated
SleepretireEnglishverbTo fit (a vehicle) with new tires.US transitive
SleepJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
SleepJapanesenouna dream
SleepJapanesenouna vision (wish for the future)
SleepJapanesenounleaving reality to the state of lusciousness
SleepJapanesenouna fantasy (idea from one's imagination)
SleepJapanesenounan illusion or delusion
SleepJapanesenounsomething fragile
SleepJapanesenamea female given name
SmellgasmékhCimbriannounsmell, odor, scentneuter
SmellmorrinhaPortuguesenounmurrain (disease of cattle)feminine
SmellmorrinhaPortuguesenouna mild illness, weaknessfeminine
SmellmorrinhaPortuguesenounsadness, melancholy, nostalgiafeminine
SmellmorrinhaPortuguesenounstenchBrazil feminine
SmellmorrinhaPortugueseverbthird-person singular present indicative of morrinharform-of indicative present singular third-person
SnakesนาคThainounpostulant: person seeking admission into a monastic order.Buddhism lifestyle religion
SnakesนาคThainameNaga: tribesman living near the Naga Hills.
SnakesนาคThainounbeautyleaf, the plant Calophyllum inophyllum L. of the family Clusiaceae (syn. Guttiferae).biology botany natural-sciences
SnakesนาคThainoun(พญา~, พระยา~) naga; dragon.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
SnakesὕδροςAncient Greeknounwater serpent
SnakesὕδροςAncient GreeknounA smaller water animal, such as a spider, fish, or lizard.
SnowningorLatinnounsnowfalldeclension-3 masculine
SnowningorLatinnounsnowstorm, blizzarddeclension-3 masculine
SnowningorLatinverbfirst-person singular present passive indicative of ningōfirst-person form-of indicative passive present singular
SoundentonarSpanishverbto be in tune
SoundentonarSpanishverbto tune up
SoundentonarSpanishverbto croon, sing
SoundentonarSpanishverbto get tipsy (slightly drunk)reflexive
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice (sound uttered by the mouth)countable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice (sound given by an object, particularly by an instrument)countable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounspeech (ability to talk)inanimate masculine uncountable
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice (ability to sing, of a singer)inanimate masculine uncountable
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice; say (opinion)countable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice; say, floor (right to talk)inanimate masculine uncountable
SoundgłosPolishnounvote (act of submitting one's opinion in official matters)countable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice (internal thoughts, opinions, etc.)inanimate masculine uncountable
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice (human voice as an instrument)countable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounpart (musician's melodic line)countable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice (in harmony, an independent vocal or instrumental part in a piece of composition)entertainment lifestyle musiccountable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounvoice (set of organ pipes that produce sounds of similar timbre)entertainment lifestyle musiccountable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounpiece of news; rumorcountable inanimate masculine obsolete
SoundgłosPolishnounexhortation; piece of advice, tip, prompt; warning, admonishmentcountable inanimate masculine obsolete
SoundgłosPolishnounwritten defense or applicationlawcountable inanimate masculine obsolete
SoundgłosPolishnounphone (speech segment)human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesMiddle Polish countable inanimate masculine
SoundgłosPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain.Middle Polish inanimate masculine
SoundsonicEnglishadjOf or relating to sound.not-comparable
SoundsonicEnglishadjHaving a speed approaching that of the speed of sound in air.not-comparable
SoundఎలుగుTelugunounvoice, cry, sound.
Sound engineeringозвучуватиUkrainianverbto add sound to, to add a soundtrack to, to dub, to postsynctransitive
Sound engineeringозвучуватиUkrainianverbto wire for sound (:room, venue etc.)transitive
Sound engineeringозвучуватиUkrainianverbto voice, to give voice to, to give utterance to (express in speech: opinions, thoughts etc.)transitive
Sound engineeringозвучуватиUkrainianverbto fill with soundtransitive
SoundskwiczećPolishverbto oink, to squeakimperfective intransitive
SoundskwiczećPolishverbto squealimperfective intransitive
SoundsзатрещатьRussianverbto begin to crack/crackle, (begin to) to tear apart
SoundsзатрещатьRussianverbto start chatteringcolloquial
SpainSpanierGermannounSpaniardmasculine strong
SpainSpanierGermannounSpanish restaurantmasculine strong
SpicescanelaPortuguesenouncinnamon (spice)feminine
SpicescanelaPortuguesenounshincolloquial feminine
SpicescanelaPortugueseverbinflection of canelar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
SpicescanelaPortugueseverbinflection of canelar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SpicescanyellaCatalannouncinnamon (spice)feminine
Spices and herbsчеснокRussiannoungarlic, garlicscollective uncountable usually
Spices and herbsчеснокRussiannouncaltrop
Spinning糸繰Japanesenounthe drawing of thread from silk cocoons or cotton flowers
Spinning糸繰Japanesenounsomeone who spins silk or cottonbroadly
Spinning糸繰JapanesenounSynonym of 糸枠 (itowaku, “a thread spool”)
Spinning糸繰JapanesenounSynonym of 苧環 (odamaki, “fantail columbine, Aquilegia flabellata”)
Spinning糸繰JapanesenounSynonym of 轡虫 (kutsuwamushi, “giant katydid, Mecopoda niponensis”)
Spinning糸繰JapanesenounSynonym of 千鳥 (chidori, “plover”)
Spinning糸繰JapanesenounSynonym of 糸撚鯛 (itoyoridai, “golden threadfin bream, Nemipterus virgatus”)
SportsTrapezGermannountrapeze, trapezium (gymnastics, sailing)neuter strong
SportsTrapezGermannountrapezium (UK), trapezoid (US)geometry mathematics sciencesneuter strong
SportsTrapezGermannountrapezoid (UK), trapezium (US)geometry mathematics sciencesneuter strong
SportsTrapezGermannounTrapezium Clusterastronomy natural-sciencesneuter strong
SportsTrapezGermannounwindsurfing harnessneuter strong
SportspescaSpanishverbinflection of pescar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
SportspescaSpanishverbinflection of pescar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SpurgesრძიანაGeorgiannounspurge (Euphorbia)
SpurgesრძიანაGeorgiannounthrush (infection)
States of Australia南澳ChinesenameNan'ao (a county of Shantou, Guangdong, China)
States of Australia南澳ChinesenameNan'ao (a mountain indigenous township in Yilan County, Taiwan)
States of Australia南澳ChinesenameShort for 南澳大利亞/南澳大利亚 (Nán-Àodàlìyà, “South Australia”).abbreviation alt-of
StationeryviivoitinFinnishnounruler (measuring or drawing tool)
StationeryviivoitinFinnishnounstraightedge (tool used to draw, cut or check the straightness of straight lines)
StationeryviivoitinFinnishverbfirst-person singular past indicative of viivoittaafirst-person form-of indicative past singular
Stock characterstsundereEnglishnounA fictional character who fits the archetype of being cold or even hostile towards another person before gradually showing a warm and caring side.fiction literature media publishingJapanese
Stock characterstsundereEnglishadjShowing qualities typical of a tsundere.
String instrumentsghaychakEnglishnounAny of several lute-like stringed instruments of Asian origin. / A double-chambered bowl lute used by the Iranian and Baloch people, with three or four strings and a short neck without frets.entertainment lifestyle music
String instrumentsghaychakEnglishnounAny of several lute-like stringed instruments of Asian origin. / A spike lute used in Afghanistan and throughout Central Asia, often featuring a tin can for a soundbox.entertainment lifestyle music
SudanSoedanneesAfrikaansadjSudanese (of, from, or pertaining to Sudan or the Sudanese people)not-comparable
SudanSoedanneesAfrikaansnounSudanese, Sudanian (person from Sudan or of Sudanese descent)
Suicidefall on one's swordEnglishverbTo resign from a job or other position of responsibility, especially when pressured to do so.broadly idiomatic
Suicidefall on one's swordEnglishverbTo voluntarily take the blame for a situation.idiomatic
Suicidefall on one's swordEnglishverbUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: To commit suicide by allowing one’s body to drop onto the point of one's sword.
SwanspenEnglishnounAn enclosure (enclosed area) used to contain domesticated animals, especially sheep or cattle.
SwanspenEnglishnounA penitentiary, i.e. a state or federal prison for convicted felons.slang
SwanspenEnglishnounThe bullpen.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
SwanspenEnglishverbTo enclose in a pen.transitive
SwanspenEnglishnounA tool, originally made from a feather but now usually a small tubular instrument, containing ink used to write or make marks.
SwanspenEnglishnounA writer, or their style.figuratively
SwanspenEnglishnounMarks of ink left by a pen.colloquial
SwanspenEnglishnounA light pen.
SwanspenEnglishnounThe internal cartilage skeleton of a squid, shaped like a pen.biology natural-sciences zoology
SwanspenEnglishnounA feather, especially one of the flight feathers of a bird, angel etc.archaic dialectal poetic
SwanspenEnglishnounA wing.poetic
SwanspenEnglishnounA syringe-like device for injecting a dose of medication such as insulin or epinephrine. (See Injector pen.)
SwanspenEnglishnounShort for vapor pen (“electronic cigarette”).abbreviation alt-of
SwanspenEnglishverbTo write (an article, a book, etc.).transitive
SwanspenEnglishnounA female swan.
SwanspenEnglishnounPenalty.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsslang
SwanspenEnglishnounPenetration.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
SwanspenEnglishnounplural of panform-of humorous plural uncountable
SwansહંસGujaratinounsoul, spiritfiguratively
Sweetsbarley sugarEnglishnounA traditional British boiled sweet, yellow or orange in colour, with an extract of barley added as flavouring.countable uncountable
Sweetsbarley sugarEnglishadjAlternative form of barley-sugaralt-of alternative
SweetscachouEnglishnounA sweet eaten to sweeten the breath.
SweetscachouEnglishnounA small metallic ball used as edible decoration on cakes etc.
Sweetsптичье молокоRussiannounhen’s teeth (something extremely rare)uncountable
Sweetsптичье молокоRussiannoun"Ptichye moloko", (name of) popular chocolate candies, also known in the West under the Polish name ptasie mleczko (“birds’ milk”), and in Germany as Vogelmilch (“birds’ milk”).also capitalized uncountable
SwimmingnuotoItaliannounswimming (the activity of being moving oneself through water using one's arms and legs, carried out for amusement, exercise, sport or entertainment.)hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
SwimmingnuotoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of nuotarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SwordsܣܝܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsword
SwordsܣܝܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounexterminationfiguratively
SwordsܣܝܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounswordsman (A person skilled at using swords in sport or combat)
SwordsܣܝܦܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameSayfo; the Assyrian Genocide (The genocide of Assyrians by the Ottoman Empire, lasting from 1914 to 1918.)
SwordsដបKhmernounbottle, jar, pitcher, flask
SwordsដបKhmernounA kind of long-handled sword.
SwordsដបKhmerclassifierclassifier for bottles of water, wine, cola, etc.
SyriaSyrianizeEnglishverbTo render something or someone Syrian.transitive
SyriaSyrianizeEnglishverbTo Balkanize.government politics
TalkingprattleEnglishverbTo speak incessantly and in an inconsequential or childish manner; to babble.intransitive transitive
TalkingprattleEnglishnounSilly, childish talk; babble.uncountable
TasteсладкийRussianadjsweet (having a pleasant taste)
TaxationbuwisTagalognountax; tariff; taxation
TaxationbuwisTagalognountribute; forced payment
TaxationbuwisTagalognouncrop share
TaxationbuwisTagalognounsomething given as a sacrificefiguratively
Tensespast iterativeEnglishnounA tense in the Lithuanian language that indicates complete iterative action in the past, similar to the English used to but with the possibility of the action still continuing in the present.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable
Tensespast iterativeEnglishnounAn alternative inflection of verbs used in the Epic (Homeric) dialect of Ancient Greek, having σκ inside aorist or imperfect verbs, and indicating habitual or repeated action.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesuncountable
TheaterdownstageEnglishadvToward or at the front of a theatrical stage.
TheaterdownstageEnglishadvTowards a motion-picture or television camera.
TheaterdownstageEnglishadjAt the front of a stage.
TheaterdownstageEnglishnounThe part of a stage that is closest to the audience or camera.uncountable
TheaterdownstageEnglishverbTo restage downward; to restage (a case of a disease, usually a cancer) to a lower stage than that found at last assessment (compare upstage).medicine sciencestransitive
TimeQ2EnglishnounThe second quarter of a calendar year (April, May and June).
TimeQ2EnglishnounThe second quarter of a financial year.
TimeduodecadeEnglishnounA period of twelve years.
TimeduodecadeEnglishnounA period of two decades, a period of 20 years.nonstandard
TimehômVietnamesenounafternoonNorthern Vietnam
TimelaterEnglishadvcomparative form of late: more latecomparative form-of
TimelaterEnglishadvAfterward in time (used with than when comparing with another time).
TimelaterEnglishadvAt some unspecified time in the future.
TimelaterEnglishadjcomparative form of late: more latecomparative form-of
TimelaterEnglishadjComing afterward in time (used with than when comparing with another time).
TimelaterEnglishadjComing afterward in distance (following an antecedent distance as embedded within an adverbial phrase)
TimelaterEnglishadjAt some time in the future.
TimelaterEnglishintjSee you later; goodbye.slang
TimeġurnataMaltesenounday (period when a person is awake and experiences things)feminine
TimeġurnataMaltesenounday (measure of time: 24 hours)feminine
TimeġurnataMaltesenounday (time between dawn and nightfall)feminine
TimeвоKomi-Zyrianverbinflection of воны (vony): / imperative singularform-of imperative singular
TimeвоKomi-Zyrianverbinflection of воны (vony): / connegative singularconnegative form-of singular
Timeп'ятирічнийUkrainianadjfive-year (attributive) (having a duration of five years)
Timeп'ятирічнийUkrainianadjfive-year-old (attributive), five years old (predicative) (having an age of five years)
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacadjwild, mad
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog, hound
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog, sod, bastard, asshole, etc.figuratively offensive
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog day
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounname of a wind
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical SyriacnameDog Star, Sirius, Caniculaastronomy natural-sciences
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounrage, madnessuncountable
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnoundog keeper, dog
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical Syriacnounabsolute singular of ܟܠܒܬܐabsolute form-of singular
TimeܟܠܒܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative spelling of ܟܘܠܒܐalt-of alternative
Time吉日Japanesenounlucky day (to do something)
Time吉日Japanesenounlucky day (to do something)
Time吉日Japanesenounlucky day (to do something)
Time舊底Chineseadvin former times; in the olden days; previouslyCantonese Eastern Min Southern
TimeKoreanpronIn the Joseon Dynasty (14th-19th centuries), the term used by the king to refer to any official above the second rank.
TimeKoreannounthe seventh of the ten heavenly stems
TimeKoreansuffixaround a certain timemorpheme
TimeKoreansyllable經: passing
TimeKoreansyllable經: passing (eumhun reading: 지날 경 (jinal gyeong)) (MC reading: 經 (MC keng|kengH))
TimeKoreansyllable經: passing (eumhun reading: 지날 경 (jinal gyeong)) (MC reading: 經 (MC keng|kengH))
TimeKoreansyllable慶: a happy event
TimeKoreansyllable慶: a happy event (eumhun reading: 경사 경 (gyeongsa gyeong)) (MC reading: 慶 (MC khjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable慶: a happy event (eumhun reading: 경사 경 (gyeongsa gyeong)) (MC reading: 慶 (MC khjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable京: national capital
TimeKoreansyllable京: national capital (eumhun reading: 서울 경 (seoul gyeong)) (MC reading: 京 (MC kjaeng))
TimeKoreansyllable京: national capital (eumhun reading: 서울 경 (seoul gyeong)) (MC reading: 京 (MC kjaeng))
TimeKoreansyllable景: view
TimeKoreansyllable景: view (eumhun reading: 경치 경 (gyeongchi gyeong)) (MC reading: 景 (MC kjaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable景: view (eumhun reading: 경치 경 (gyeongchi gyeong)) (MC reading: 景 (MC kjaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable境: condition
TimeKoreansyllable境: condition (eumhun reading: 지경 경 (jigyeong gyeong)) (MC reading: 境 (MC kjaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable境: condition (eumhun reading: 지경 경 (jigyeong gyeong)) (MC reading: 境 (MC kjaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable警: border
TimeKoreansyllable警: border (eumhun reading: 경계할 경 (gyeonggyehal gyeong)) (MC reading: 警 (MC kjaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable警: border (eumhun reading: 경계할 경 (gyeonggyehal gyeong)) (MC reading: 警 (MC kjaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable競: fight
TimeKoreansyllable競: fight (eumhun reading: 다툴 경 (datul gyeong)) (MC reading: 競 (MC gjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable競: fight (eumhun reading: 다툴 경 (datul gyeong)) (MC reading: 競 (MC gjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable敬: respect
TimeKoreansyllable敬: respect (eumhun reading: 공경할 경 (gonggyeonghal gyeong)) (MC reading: 敬 (MC kjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable敬: respect (eumhun reading: 공경할 경 (gonggyeonghal gyeong)) (MC reading: 敬 (MC kjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable傾: tilt
TimeKoreansyllable傾: tilt (eumhun reading: 기울어질 경 (giureojil gyeong)) (MC reading: 傾 (MC khjwieng))
TimeKoreansyllable傾: tilt (eumhun reading: 기울어질 경 (giureojil gyeong)) (MC reading: 傾 (MC khjwieng))
TimeKoreansyllable卿: noble title
TimeKoreansyllable卿: noble title (eumhun reading: 벼슬 경 (byeoseul gyeong)) (MC reading: 卿 (MC khjaeng))
TimeKoreansyllable卿: noble title (eumhun reading: 벼슬 경 (byeoseul gyeong)) (MC reading: 卿 (MC khjaeng))
TimeKoreansyllable鏡: mirror
TimeKoreansyllable鏡: mirror (eumhun reading: 거울 경 (geoul gyeong)) (MC reading: 鏡 (MC kjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable鏡: mirror (eumhun reading: 거울 경 (geoul gyeong)) (MC reading: 鏡 (MC kjaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable庚: seventh
TimeKoreansyllable庚: seventh (eumhun reading: 일곱째 경 (ilgopjjae gyeong)) (MC reading: 庚 (MC kaeng))
TimeKoreansyllable庚: seventh (eumhun reading: 일곱째 경 (ilgopjjae gyeong)) (MC reading: 庚 (MC kaeng))
TimeKoreansyllable瓊: jade
TimeKoreansyllable瓊: jade (eumhun reading: 옥 경 (ok gyeong)) (MC reading: 瓊 (MC gjwieng))
TimeKoreansyllable瓊: jade (eumhun reading: 옥 경 (ok gyeong)) (MC reading: 瓊 (MC gjwieng))
TimeKoreansyllable耕: plowing
TimeKoreansyllable耕: plowing (eumhun reading: 밭갈 경 (batgal gyeong)) (MC reading: 耕 (MC keang))
TimeKoreansyllable耕: plowing (eumhun reading: 밭갈 경 (batgal gyeong)) (MC reading: 耕 (MC keang))
TimeKoreansyllable硬: firmness
TimeKoreansyllable硬: firmness (eumhun reading: 굳을 경 (gudeul gyeong)) (MC reading: 硬 (MC ngeangH))
TimeKoreansyllable硬: firmness (eumhun reading: 굳을 경 (gudeul gyeong)) (MC reading: 硬 (MC ngeangH))
TimeKoreansyllable輕: lightness, triviality
TimeKoreansyllable輕: lightness, triviality (eumhun reading: 가벼울 경 (gabyeoul gyeong)) (MC reading: 輕 (MC khjieng|khjiengH))
TimeKoreansyllable輕: lightness, triviality (eumhun reading: 가벼울 경 (gabyeoul gyeong)) (MC reading: 輕 (MC khjieng|khjiengH))
TimeKoreansyllable逕: approach
TimeKoreansyllable逕: approach (eumhun reading: 소로 경 (soro gyeong)) (MC reading: 逕 (MC kengH))
TimeKoreansyllable逕: approach (eumhun reading: 소로 경 (soro gyeong)) (MC reading: 逕 (MC kengH))
TimeKoreansyllable璟: jade-like luster
TimeKoreansyllable璟: jade-like luster (eumhun reading: 옥 광채 날 경 (ok gwangchae nal gyeong)) (MC reading: 璟 (MC 'jaengX|kjwaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable璟: jade-like luster (eumhun reading: 옥 광채 날 경 (ok gwangchae nal gyeong)) (MC reading: 璟 (MC 'jaengX|kjwaengX))
TimeKoreansyllable頃: moment
TimeKoreansyllable頃: moment (eumhun reading: 잠깐 경 (jamkkan gyeong)) (MC reading: 頃 (MC khjwieng|khjwiengX))
TimeKoreansyllable頃: moment (eumhun reading: 잠깐 경 (jamkkan gyeong)) (MC reading: 頃 (MC khjwieng|khjwiengX))
TimeKoreansyllable徑: diameter
TimeKoreansyllable徑: diameter (eumhun reading: 지름길 경 (jireumgil gyeong)) (MC reading: 徑 (MC kengH))
TimeKoreansyllable徑: diameter (eumhun reading: 지름길 경 (jireumgil gyeong)) (MC reading: 徑 (MC kengH))
TimeKoreansyllable更: repair
TimeKoreansyllable更: repair (eumhun reading: 고칠 경 (gochil gyeong)) (MC reading: 更 (MC kaeng|kaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable更: repair (eumhun reading: 고칠 경 (gochil gyeong)) (MC reading: 更 (MC kaeng|kaengH))
TimeKoreansyllable驚: surprise
TimeKoreansyllable驚: surprise (eumhun reading: 놀랄 경 (nollal gyeong)) (MC reading: 驚 (MC kjaeng))
TimeKoreansyllable驚: surprise (eumhun reading: 놀랄 경 (nollal gyeong)) (MC reading: 驚 (MC kjaeng))
Times of dayпівденьUkrainiannounmidday, nooncountable
Times of dayпівденьUkrainiannounsouthuncountable
Times of day上午Chinesenounmorning
Times of day上午ChinesenameShangwu (a village in Gangwei, Longhai, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China)
TitlesMotherEnglishnameOne's mother.dated
TitlesMotherEnglishnameOne of the triune goddesses of the Lady in Wicca alongside the Crone and Maiden and representing a woman older than a girlish Maiden but younger than an aged Crone.Wicca lifestyle religion
TitlesMotherEnglishnounA title given to a nun or a priestess.
TitlesMotherEnglishnounA title given to the personification of a force of nature or abstract concept, such as Mother Nature, Mother Russia, or Mother Earth.
Toilet (room)servicioSpanishnounservicemasculine
Toilet (room)servicioSpanishnounpublic toiletmasculine
Toilet (room)servicioSpanishnounamenitymasculine
Toilet (room)servicioSpanishnounsilverwaremasculine
Toilet (room)туалетRussiannountoilet, WC, restroom, lavatorycountable
Toilet (room)туалетRussiannoundress, attirecountable
Toilet (room)туалетRussiannountoilet, grooming (care for one's personal appearance)uncountable
Toilet (room)туалетRussiannoundressing tablecountable
ToolsdeshumidificadorSpanishnounmoisture absorbermasculine
ToolsnagelSwedishnouna nailanatomy medicine sciencescommon-gender
ToolsnagelSwedishnouna pin, a treenail, a rivet (type of rivet, especially in boat-building)common-gender
ToolsnaparstekPolishnounthimbleinanimate masculine
ToolsnaparstekPolishnouna small cup resembling a thimbleinanimate masculine
ToolsnaparstekPolishnounthimblefulinanimate masculine
ToolstiɣendinTarifitnounnail clipperplural
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA staff, a cudgel, a club
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA baton used in Sparta as a cypher for writing dispatches
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA pole or staff like those of a sedan chair
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA strickle for levelling grain
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA wooden tally or ticket on a money bag
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA rod of metal or ivory
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA scourge whip
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA handle or lever in a machine
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA handspike for turning a wheel
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA sucker from a stem
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA serpent of uniform roundness and thickness
ToolsσκυτάληAncient GreeknounA phalanxanatomy medicine sciences
ToolsалмазUkrainiannoundiamond (mineral)
ToolsалмазUkrainiannoundiamond (gemstone)
ToolsалмазUkrainiannoundiamond-tipped glass cutter, diamond-tipped drill bit, glazier's diamond
ToolsطرمیقOttoman Turkishnounclaw, a curved, pointed nail on each digit of the foot of an animal, especially a cat
ToolsطرمیقOttoman Turkishnounrake, a garden tool with a row of pointed teeth, used for collecting debris, grass, etc.
ToolsطرمیقOttoman Turkishnoungrubber, grub hook, any small hook used for seizing or hauling
Torturefree helicopter rideEnglishnounEuphemistic form of death flight.euphemistic form-of humorous
Torturefree helicopter rideEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see free, helicopter, ride.
TortureܫܘܐܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounquestion, inquiry, query
TortureܫܘܐܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundebate, case, topic
TortureܫܘܐܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouninterrogation, cross examination, questioning by torture
TortureܫܘܐܠܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouninterrogative statementgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
TouchgłasnąćPolishverbto fondle, to caress, to stroke (move one's hand over a surface)perfective transitive
TouchgłasnąćPolishverbto stroke oneselfperfective reflexive
TransgenderニューハーフJapanesenounmale-to-female crossdresser
TransgenderニューハーフJapanesenountrans woman
Translation studies意訳Japanesenounliberal translation
Translation studies意訳Japaneseverbto translate liberally, to translate the meaning
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualpunctUsed in various left-to-right scripts, including notably the Latin script, to mark the preceding sentence as a question.
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualpunctUsed by itself to convey that the speaker is confused.comics literature media publishingInternet
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualpunctMarks the following word or phrase as questionable for a grammatical or semantic-pragmatic reason.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualsymbolA placeholder for an unknown word, phrase, text, or numerical value.
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualsymbolIndicator of a bad move.board-games chess games
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualsymbolA wildcard for one character in query language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualsymbolThe ternary operator in some programming languages.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualsymbolDetects zero or one occurrences of the preceding element.
Translingual punctuation marks?TranslingualsymbolIn a URL, begins a query string (a series of data formatted as field-value pairs).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
Translingual punctuation marksTranslingualpunctIndicates the third footnote.
Translingual punctuation marksTranslingualpunctIndicates a transition state specieschemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
TransportkòłoKashubiannouncircle (part of the plane bounded by a curve)neuter
TransportkòłoKashubiannounwheel (round simple machine allowing vehicles to move)neuter
TransportkòłoKashubiannouncircle (anything round)neuter
TransportkòłoKashubiannouncircle (specific groups of persons; especially one who shares a common interest)neuter
TransportkòłoKashubiannounbicycle (two wheeled vehicle, usually powered with the feet)neuter
TransportkòłoKashubiannounring of light around the Moonneuter
TransportlinkaCzechnounphone linefeminine
TransportlinkaCzechnounroute, line (itinerary of stops of mass transportation)feminine
TransporttankvognDanishnountanker (a road vehicle with a tank for carrying liquids)common-gender
TransporttankvognDanishnountank wagon (a rail vehicle with a tank for carrying liquids)common-gender
TreesabanaCebuanonounan evergreen tree, Annona muricata
TreesabanaCebuanonounthe soursop; the fruit of this tree
TreesbókOld Norsenounbeech (tree and wood)feminine
TreesbókOld Norsenountextile fabric with figures woven in itfeminine poetic
TreesbókOld Norsenounbookfeminine
TreesbókOld Norsenounthe Gospelfeminine
TreesbókOld NorsenounLatinfeminine
TreesbókOld Norsenounlawbook, code of lawfeminine
TreesbókOld Norsenounbeech (tree and wood)feminine
TreesdayapTagalognounkey lime, especially the Philippine variety (Citrus × aurantiifolia)
TreesdayapTagalognouncalamondin; calamansi (Citrus × microcarpa, ×Citrofortunella mitis)
TreesfeáIrishnounfathom (unit of length)masculine
TreesfeáIrishnounverbal noun of feáigh (“to fathom”)form-of masculine noun-from-verb
TreesfeáIrishnounbeech (tree of genus Fagus)feminine
TreesfeáIrishnoungenitive singular of fiodhform-of genitive singular
TreesfeáIrishnounAlternative form of feag (“rush, reed”)alt-of alternative
TreesgẹduYorubanounthe tree Baillonella
TreesgẹduYorubanounthe African mahogany trees - Khaya grandifoliola and Khaya ivorensis
TreesgẹduYorubanountimber; (as the species of tree identified as gẹdú are often used as timber)broadly
TreespijnboomDutchnouna pine, conifer of the genus Pinusmasculine
TreespijnboomDutchnouna pine, conifer of the genus Pinus / mainly the species Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine)masculine
TreespijnboomDutchnounother conifers including firs and larchmasculine
TreesrôeLiguriannounoak (tree)feminine invariable
TreesrôeLiguriannounoak (wood)feminine invariable uncountable
TreesබෙලිSinhalesenounbael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos); also its fruit.
TreesබෙලිSinhalesenounplural of බෙල්ල (bella).form-of plural
TreesබෙලිSinhaleseadjbelonging to
True finchesaavikkotulkkuFinnishnountrumpeter finch, Bucanetes githagineus
True finchesaavikkotulkkuFinnishnounBucanetes (genus of passerine birds consisting of two species)in-plural
TungstenwolframEnglishnountungstendated uncountable
TwodiarchyEnglishnounRule by two people.countable uncountable
TwodiarchyEnglishnounA state under the rule of two people; the form of government of such state.countable uncountable
TypographytypographieFrenchverbinflection of typographier: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
TypographytypographieFrenchverbinflection of typographier: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
UkrainechochołPolishnountop, surfaceMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
UkrainechochołPolishnounhigh hairstyle, bunMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
UkrainechochołPolishnounstraw construction / jacket, lagging (straw covering of garden trees and shrubs for the winter)inanimate masculine
UkrainechochołPolishnounstraw construction / a sheaf covering from above stacked sheaves or beehivesinanimate masculine
UkrainechochołPolishnounstraw construction / straw covering used by shepherdsinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounstraw construction / straw covered potato moundinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounstraw construction / scarecrowinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounstraw man argumenthuman-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencesfiguratively inanimate masculine
UkrainechochołPolishnountip, peak, summitinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnountop of a tied baginanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounmohawk (spiky hair)inanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnouncollarinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounspecter, phantominanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounstrong wind, gale, hurricaneinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounwhirlwindinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounbig snowflakeinanimate masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounmasquerader wrapped in straw during Shrovetideanimal-not-person masculine regional
UkrainechochołPolishnounkhokhol (Ukrainian person)derogatory ethnic masculine person slur
UkrainechochołPolishnounmanderogatory masculine person
UkrainechochołPolishnoundesman (any insectivore of the tribe Desmanini)animal-not-person masculine
UnderwearbreaststrapEnglishnounA piece of horse tack for preventing the saddle from slipping backwards.
UnderwearbreaststrapEnglishnounAny of various garments made to enwrap a woman's breasts, but excluding brassieres and bikini tops.
Underwearsamba-cançãoPortuguesenouna subgenre of sambaentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
Underwearsamba-cançãoPortuguesenounboxer shorts (shorts worn as underwear by men)Brazil masculine
United KingdomacrePortugueseadjsharp (unpleasantly acrid or tart in taste)feminine masculine
United KingdomacrePortuguesenounEnglish or American acre, a unit of area about equal to 0.4 hectaresmasculine
United StatesSBAEnglishnounInitialism of school-based assessment.abbreviation alt-of initialism
United StatesSBAEnglishnounInitialism of Susan B. Anthony.abbreviation alt-of initialism
United StatesSBAEnglishnounInitialism of single best answer.educationabbreviation alt-of initialism
United StatesSBAEnglishnameInitialism of Small Business Administration.US abbreviation alt-of initialism
Units of measureWinchester quartEnglishnouna unit of volume equal to half a Winchester gallon, equal to two quarts, or 2.273 litres.British
Units of measureWinchester quartEnglishnouna bottle of that size used in laboratories, commonly holding 2.5 litres.British
Units of measuremarcoGaliciannounboundary marker (usually, a stone or a set of three stones used for marking a boundary)masculine
Units of measuremarcoGaliciannoundoorframe or window framemasculine
Units of measuremarcoGaliciannounmarco, Spanish mark, a traditional unit of mass equivalent to about 230 ghistorical masculine
Units of measuremarcoGaliciannounmark, similar half-pound units of mass in other measurement systemshistorical masculine
Units of measuremarcoGaliciannounmark, a former German currencyhistorical masculine
Units of measuremarcoGaliciannounmarkka, a former Finnish currencyhistorical masculine
Units of measuremarcoGalicianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of marcarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounknot (tangle)masculine
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounknot (unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour)masculine
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounpenismasculine slang
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounstupid personmasculine slang
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounnodecomputing engineering entertainment lifestyle mathematics music natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciencesmasculine
Units of measurenœudFrenchnounknot (muscular tension)masculine
Units of measureтестеBulgariannounbunch, handful, packcolloquial
Units of measureтестеBulgariannoundeck, pack (of cards)colloquial
Units of measureဆံခြည်Burmesenouna strand of hair
Units of measureဆံခြည်Burmesenouna unit of measure equal to 79.375 µm or 0.003125 inch
Units of measureキロJapaneseprefixkilo-morpheme
Units of measureキロJapanesenounClipping of キログラム (kiroguramu, “kilogram”); kiloabbreviation alt-of clipping
Units of measureキロJapanesenounClipping of キロメートル (kiromētoru, “kilometer”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Units of measureキロJapanesecounterClipping of キログラム (kiroguramu, “kilogram”); kiloabbreviation alt-of clipping
Units of measureキロJapanesecounterClipping of キロメートル (kiromētoru, “kilometer”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
UrsidslācisLatviannounbear (mammal, especially Ursus arctos)declension-2 masculine
UrsidslācisLatviannounbear (a clumsy, sluggish, heavy person; also, a very strong, heavily built person)declension-2 figuratively masculine
VegetablesbadımcanAzerbaijaninouneggplant, aubergine
VegetablesсалатUkrainiannounsalad (dish)
VegetablesсалатUkrainiannounlettuce (vegetable Lactuca sativa)
VegetablesсалатUkrainiannounlettuce (any plant of the genus Lactuca)
VegetablesհազարArmeniannounlettuce, Lactuca
Vegetables甜薯Chinesenounsweet potato
Vegetables甜薯ChinesenounDioscorea esculenta (lesser yam)
VehiclesKalamazooEnglishnameA city, the county seat of Kalamazoo County, Michigan, United States.
VehiclesKalamazooEnglishnounA pump trolley.rail-transport railways transportAustralia
VehiclescabrioletEnglishnounAn automobile with a retractable top.
VehiclescabrioletEnglishnounA light two- or four-wheeled carriage with a folding top, pulled by a single horse.
VehiclessalayCebuanoadjsuspended by hanging; hung
VehiclessalayCebuanonouna makeshift, self-propelled, rattan cable car
VehiclessalayCebuanonounIndian ivy-rue (Zanthoxylum rhetsa)
VehiclesscooterEnglishnounA kick scooter or push scooter; a human-powered land vehicle with a handlebar, deck and wheels that is propelled by a rider pushing off the ground.
VehiclesscooterEnglishnounAn electric version of the kick scooter.
VehiclesscooterEnglishnounA motorscooter; a small motorcycle or moped with a step-through frame.
VehiclesscooterEnglishnounA mobility scooter; an electric-powered scooter specially designed for disabled and/or elderly people.
VehiclesscooterEnglishnounAn ice scooter; a type of flat-bottomed, buoyant ice yacht used in the state of New York, equipped with runners for traveling over ice.
VehiclesscooterEnglishnounAny of the large, black ducks of the genus Melanitta; the scoter.
VehiclesscooterEnglishnounA scooter skirt (skort), especially when worn by girls as part of a school uniform.
VehiclesscooterEnglishverbTo ride on a scooter.intransitive
VehiclesspryteEnglishnounAlternative spelling of spritealt-of alternative
VehiclesspryteEnglishnounArchaic or pseudo-archaic spelling of spirit.
VehiclesspryteEnglishnounAn off-road vehicle moving on tracks, which is used in amphibious and polar travel.
VehiclesspryteEnglishnounAlternative spelling of sprite (small image representing an entity in a video game)computer-graphics computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesalt-of alternative rare
Vehiclesọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounairplane
Vehiclesọkọ ofuurufuYorubanounaircraft
VesselsrundletEnglishnounA small barrel of no certain dimensions, which may contain from 3 to 20 gallons.
VesselsrundletEnglishnounA measure for liquids, as for wine, usually 18.5 gallons.
VesselsصحنOttoman Turkishnoundish, plate, especially a round and shallow one, with a knobbed cover
VesselsصحنOttoman Turkishnouncourtyard, an open area, partially or wholly surrounded by walls or buildingsarchitecture
VesselsصحنOttoman Turkishnounterrace, esplanade, any clear, level space used for public walks or drivesarchitecture
VietnamSaigoneseEnglishadjRelated to Saigonhistory human-sciences sciencesnot-comparable
VietnamSaigoneseEnglishnounA person from Saigonhistory human-sciences sciences
VietnamSaigoneseEnglishnounA dialect of Vietnamese spoken in and around Saigon.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Vietnamese numeral symbolsVietnamesecharacterchữ Hán form of nhất (“one”).
Vietnamese numeral symbolsVietnamesecharacterchữ Hán form of nhất (“first; most”).
Vietnamese numeral symbolsVietnamesecharacterNôm form of nhắt (“teeny; tiny”).
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo kill one-tenth of (a group), (historical, specifically) as a military punishment in the Roman army selected by lot, usually carried out by the surviving soldiers.archaic
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo destroy or remove one-tenth of (something).
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo devastate: to reduce or destroy significantly but not completely.broadly
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo exact a tithe or other 10% tax.obsolete
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo tithe: to pay a 10% tax.obsolete rare
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo divide into tenths; to decimalize.obsolete
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo reduce to one-tenth: to destroy or remove nine-tenths of (something).proscribed
ViolencedecimateEnglishverbTo replace (a high-resolution model) with another of lower but acceptable quality. (Usually algorithmically)computer-graphics computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ViolencedecimateEnglishnounA tithe or other 10% tax or payment.obsolete
ViolencedecimateEnglishnounA tenth of something.obsolete
ViolencedecimateEnglishnounA set of ten items.obsolete
ViolencefersMiddle Englishadjbrave, bold
ViolencefersMiddle Englishadjarrogant, haughty
ViolencefersMiddle Englishadjfierce, savage
ViolencefersMiddle Englishadjsevere, devastating
ViolencefersMiddle Englishnounqueen (chess piece)
ViolenceorelladaCatalannounear tug (usually as a form of informal punishment)feminine
ViolenceorelladaCatalannouneavesdropping, listenfeminine
ViolencepůtkaCzechnounskirmish (brief battle between small groups)feminine
ViolencepůtkaCzechnounquarrel, argumentfeminine
ViolencewykłuwaćPolishverbto gouge out, to pierce outimperfective transitive
ViolencewykłuwaćPolishverbto tattoo (to apply a tattoo)imperfective transitive
VisioncamshúilíIrishadjvocative/genitive singular feminine of camshúileach (“cockeyed”)
VisioncamshúilíIrishadjcomparative degree of camshúileachcomparative form-of
VisionвидBulgariannounlook, appearance
VisionвидBulgariannounaspect, facet
VisionвидBulgariannounform, figurefiguratively
VisionвидBulgariannounview, scenerydated
VisionвидBulgariannountype, kind, sort
VisionвидBulgariannounspeciesbiology natural-sciences
VisionвидBulgariannounform, genreliterature media publishing
VisionвидBulgariannounaspectgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
WalesPrincipality of WalesEnglishnameThe official name of Wales prior to England's union with Wales in 1542.
WalesPrincipality of WalesEnglishnameIn general use, the full name of Wales.
Wateraqua vitaeEnglishnounAn aqueous solution of alcohol typically prepared by distilling wine.alchemy pseudosciencecountable uncountable
Wateraqua vitaeEnglishnounA concentrated aqueous solution of ethanol.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesarchaic countable uncountable
Wateraqua vitaeEnglishnounSynonym of liquor, particularly cognac and other French brandy.archaic countable uncountable
WaterbezwodziePolishnounwaterlessnessneuter uncountable
WaterbezwodziePolishnounwater shortageneuter uncountable
WaterbezwodziePolishnounwaterless areacountable neuter
WaterbezwodziePolishnounanhydramnios (lack of amniotic fluid during pregnancy)medicine pathology sciencesneuter uncountable
WaterwykąpaćPolishverbto bathe, to bath (to clean by immersing in water, especially in a bathtub)perfective transitive
WaterwykąpaćPolishverbto soak in a solutionperfective transitive
WaterwykąpaćPolishverbto bathe oneself, to take a bath (to clean oneself in water, especially in a bathtub)perfective reflexive
WaterwykąpaćPolishverbto bathe, to swim (to immerse oneself in water for pleasure or refreshment)perfective reflexive
Waterचन्द्रSanskritadjglittering, shining (as gold), having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods, of water and of soma)
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounthe moon (also personified as a deity)
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounthe number "one"
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnouna lovely or agreeable phenomenon of any kind
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnouna spot similar to the moon
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounthe eye in a peacock's tail
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounthe mark of the visarga
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnouna kind of reddish pearl
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounthe काम्पिल्ल (kāmpilla) plant
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnouna metre of 4×19 syllableshuman-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciences
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of a daitya (= चन्द्रवर्मन् (candra-varman), king of the kāmbojas)
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of a son of Kṛṣṇa
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of a son of विश्वगन्धि (viśva-gandhi) and father of युवनाश्व (yuvanāśva)
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of a grammarian (= चन्द्रगोमिन् (candra-gomin))
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of a king
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of one of the ancestors of the गौड (gauḍa) Brahmins
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of several other men
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname one of the 18 minor dvīpas
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnoun= चन्द्रपर्वत (candra-parvata)
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnouna kind of sour rice-gruel
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of a sāman
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounCocculus cordifolius (गुडूची (guḍūcī))
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnoun= चन्द्रास्पदा (candrā-spadā)
Waterचन्द्रSanskritnounname of a river
Water dogsvandhundDanishnouna person who loves swimmingcommon-gender
Water dogsvandhundDanishnounwater dogcommon-gender
WatercrafticebreakerEnglishnounA ship designed to break through ice so that it, or other ships coming behind, can navigate on frozen seas.
WatercrafticebreakerEnglishnounA game, activity, humorous anecdote, etc., designed to relax a group of people to help them get to know each other.figuratively
WatercrafticebreakerEnglishnounA lively song and dance routine at the start of a musical.entertainment lifestyle theater
WatercraftкарапBashkirnounship, vessel
WatercraftкарапBashkirnounA vessel which travels through any medium other than across sea, such as an airship or
WeaponsdziałkoPolishnoundiminutive of działo; small-caliber cannondiminutive form-of neuter
WeaponsdziałkoPolishnounvocative singular of działkafeminine form-of singular vocative
WeaponsestiletePortuguesenouncraft knifemasculine
WeaponsestiletePortuguesenounutility knife, box cutter, Stanley knife (tool used to cut)masculine
WeaponsestiletePortuguesenounstiletto (small dagger)masculine
WeaponsestiletePortuguesenounstylet, stylebiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
WeaponsπέλεκυςAncient Greeknountwo-edged axe for felling trees
WeaponsπέλεκυςAncient Greeknounbattle axe, executioner's axe
WeatherráfagaSpanishnounsudden gust (of wind)feminine
WeatherráfagaSpanishnounburst or volley of gunfirefeminine
WeatherráfagaSpanishnounsudden flash (of light)feminine
WeatherráfagaSpanishnounsudden flurry (of snow)feminine
WindgarbinoItaliannounthe south-west wind that blows on the Adriatic coastsmasculine
WindgarbinoItalianverbinflection of garbare: / third-person plural present subjunctiveform-of plural present subjunctive third-person
WindgarbinoItalianverbinflection of garbare: / third-person plural imperativeform-of imperative plural third-person
WindwindlessEnglishadjDevoid of wind; calm.
WindwindlessEnglishadjOut of breath.
WindwindlessEnglishnounAlternative form of windlassalt-of alternative obsolete
Wine bottlesMelchiorEnglishnounA very large wine bottle (named after the King) with the capacity of about 18 liters, equivalent to 24 standard bottles.
Wine bottlesMelchiorEnglishnameOne of the Magi according to medieval Christian legend.
Wine bottlesMelchiorEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.
WinesKhvanchkaraEnglishnameA village in Racha, Georgia (country).
WinesKhvanchkaraEnglishnameA semi-sweet red wine, produced around Khvanchkara.
WinesשיראזHebrewnameShiraz (a major city in Fars province, in southern Iran, near the remains of Persepolis)
WinesשיראזHebrewnounShiraz (a variety of black grape used to make wine) / Shiraz (a wine made from these grapes)
WinesשיראזHebrewnounShiraz (a variety of black grape used to make wine)
WomengwraghCornishnounold womanfeminine
WomenβασίλισσαGreeknounqueen (king's wife)
WomenβασίλισσαGreeknounqueen (ruling female monarch)
WomenβασίλισσαGreeknounqueen (reproductive female animal in a hive, such as an ant, bee, termite or wasp)
WomenβασίλισσαGreeknounqueen (powerful female figure)figuratively
WomenβασίλισσαGreeknounqueenboard-games chess games
WoodskatmonCebuanonounDillenia philippinensis, a species of tree endemic to the Philippines
WoodskatmonCebuanonounfruit from this tree; elephant apple
WoodskatmonCebuanonounwood from this tree
WoodsuukMarshalleseverbto blow
WormsgusanoSpanishnouninsect larva, such as a grub, caterpillar, or maggotmasculine
WormsgusanoSpanishnounHispanicized Mexicanderogatory masculine
WormsgusanoSpanishnounCuban reactionary or counter-revolutionaryCuba derogatory masculine
WrestlingbeastmasterEnglishnounA character in video games who fights monsters and other
WrestlingbeastmasterEnglishnounA role-playing video game character class that is able to control beasts or draw upon their aspects or
WrestlingbeastmasterEnglishnounA fierce wrestler.
WritingbazgrołyPolishnounscrawl, scribblecolloquial plural
WritingbazgrołyPolishnoundoodle, sketchcolloquial plural
Writing修譔Chineseverbto compile (a written text); to edit; to write; to composeformal
Writing修譔ChinesenounImperial Historianhistorical
YellowsbutteryEnglishadjMade with or tasting of butter.
YellowsbutteryEnglishadjResembling butter in some way, such as yellow color or smooth texture.
YellowsbutteryEnglishadjMarked by insincere flattery; obsequious.informal
YellowsbutteryEnglishadjShort for buttery smooth.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences video-gamesabbreviation alt-of
YellowsbutteryEnglishnounA rowie.Scotland
YellowsbutteryEnglishnounA room for keeping food or beverages; a storeroom.
YellowsbutteryEnglishnounA room in a university where snacks are sold.UK
Yoruba religionOgberosunYorubanameThe twentieth sign of the Ifa divination system, it is one of the signs of the ọmọ odù; the 240 minor signs
Yoruba religionOgberosunYorubanameThe twentieth chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus. It is one of the sixteen chapters in the Ogbè category (àpólà) and one of the 240 minor chapters, or àmúlù of the Odù Ifá.
Yoruba religionOgberosunYorubanameThe spirit associated with this chapter
ZoologykooSwahilinounthroatclass-5 class-6
ZoologykooSwahilinounUsed to indicate a breeding animal.class-5 class-6
ZoologykooSwahilinounplural of ukooform-of plural

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