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AcaciasmyallEnglishnounA stranger; an ignorant person.obsolete
AcaciasmyallEnglishnounAn Aborigine living according to tradition.Australia
AcaciasmyallEnglishadjAccording to Aboriginal tradition; traditionally indigenous.Australia
AcaciasmyallEnglishnounAny of various Australian acacias, especially the weeping myall, Acacia pendula, or the wood of such trees.countable uncountable
AccountingداراییPersiannounproperty, assets
AccountingداراییPersiannouna red silken stuff, similar to ikat in Southeast Asia
Agavoideae subfamily plantssoap plantEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Chlorogalum, endemic to western North America, especially Chlorogalum pomeridianum, the most widespread species.
Agavoideae subfamily plantssoap plantEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see soap, plant.
AgeemerytowanyPolishadjretired (having left employment on reaching pensionable age)not-comparable
AgeemerytowanyPolishverbmasculine singular passive adjectival participle of emerytowaćadjectival form-of masculine participle passive singular
AgemazulisLatviannounlittle child, little one, baby (syn. zīdainis)declension-2 masculine
AgemazulisLatviannounbaby, juvenile animaldeclension-2 masculine
AgemłodzieżPolishnounyouth (young people collectively)collective feminine
AgemłodzieżPolishnounyoung trees collectivelycollective feminine
AgemłodzieżPolishnounyoung animals collectivelycollective feminine
AgricultureA&MEnglishnounAgricultural and Mechanical, a historical university description
AgricultureA&MEnglishnounAgricultural and Mines, a historical university description
AgricultureabonoCebuanoverbto use fertilizer on
AgricultureceifarPortugueseverbto reap (to cut with a sickle or scythe)
AgricultureceifarPortugueseverbto claim, take (someone's life)
Alcoholic beveragesHumpty DumptyEnglishnameA nursery rhyme character, a short, squat, egg-like being who falls from a wall and breaks, whose name has become synonymous with anything fragile or the existence of which is precarious.
Alcoholic beveragesHumpty DumptyEnglishnounA Romani drink of ale boiled with brandy.obsolete uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesangelicăRomaniannounthe angelica plantfeminine uncountable
Alcoholic beveragesangelicăRomaniannounan alcoholic beverage made from this plantfeminine uncountable
Alismatales order plantsclover grassEnglishnounclover (of genus Trifolium)uncountable
Alismatales order plantsclover grassEnglishnounHalophila baillonis, a rare seagrass.uncountable
AlliumsჭაკუნტელSvannounbeetroot (Beta vulgaris)
AlliumsჭაკუნტელSvannounspring onion (Allium fistulosum)
Amaranths and goosefootsbarillaEnglishnounAny of several not closely related saltmarsh plants that were once burnt to obtain soda ash, such as Soda inermis.biology botany natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Amaranths and goosefootsbarillaEnglishnounThe alkali produced from the plant, an impure carbonate of soda, used for making soap, glass, etc., and for bleaching.countable uncountable
Amaranths and goosefootsbarillaEnglishnounImpure soda obtained from the ashes of any seashore plant, or kelp.countable uncountable
AnatomyawọnYorubanounsomething or someone that is expensive
AnatomyawọnYorubaparticlePrecedes a noun to mark it as plural.
AnatomyawọnYorubapronthey (emphatic third-person plural personal pronoun)
AnatomyawọnYorubapronhe, she, they (emphatic honorific third-person singular personal pronoun)
AnatomyeireaballIrishnountail (of animal, comet, etc.)masculine
AnatomyeireaballIrishnountail, stem (of note)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
AnatomyeireaballIrishnountrailercomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesmasculine
AnatomygishtAlbaniannounpawl (for a ratchet wheel)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technicalmasculine
AnatomygishtAlbaniannounfingerwidth, small amountcolloquial masculine
AnatomytulakBikol Centralnounstomach
AnatomytulakBikol Centralnounabdomen, belly
AnatomytulakBikol Centralnounwomb
AnatomyọkanYorubanounSorindeia juglandifolia
AnatomyọkanYorubanounphysical heart
AnatomyọkanYorubanounmind, psychological heart
AnatomyọkanYorubanounUapaca guineensis (red-cedar, rikio, sugar-plum)
AnatomyọkanYorubanounCylicodiscus gabunensis, a mimosa-like tree
AnatomyọkanYorubanounKinkeliba, of west Africa, a shrub with leaves used in traditional medicine.
Ancient RomeHerculaneumLatinnameHerculaneum (former city in Campania)declension-2
Ancient RomeHerculaneumLatinnameHerculaneum (former city in Samnium)declension-2
Ancient RomenundineEnglishnounA market or fair held every eight days, particularly (historical) in Roman contexts.
Ancient RomenundineEnglishnounAny recurring eight-day period; an eight-day 'week'.obsolete
Ancient RometricennialEnglishadjOf, related to, lasting, or occurring once every thirty years.not-comparable
Ancient RometricennialEnglishadjOf or related to a tricennalia, the celebrations marking the 30th year of a Roman emperor's rule.historical not-comparable
Ancient RomeurnaLatinnounurn, a moderately sized vessel for drawing waterdeclension-1
Ancient RomeurnaLatinnounballot box, particularly the urns used in gathering Roman ballots under the Republicdeclension-1 historical
Ancient RomeurnaLatinnounurn, a moderately sized vessel used to store the ashes of the cremated deaddeclension-1
Ancient RomeurnaLatinnounbank, coin jar, a jar or urn used to store moneydeclension-1
Ancient RomeurnaLatinnounurna, a Roman unit of liquid measure equivalent to about 13 Ldeclension-1 historical
AngolaangolarPortuguesenounangolar (currency of Angola between 1926 and 1958)masculine
AngolaangolarPortuguesenounAngolar (Portuguese-based creole spoken in São Tomé and Príncipe)masculine uncountable
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThainounAsian water monitor (Varanus salvator)
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThainounany water monitor.broadly
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThainoun(อี, ไอ้~) anyone or anything considered to be unpleasant, unfavourable, disagreeable, or contemptible.slang vulgar
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThaiadjunpleasant; unfavourable; disagreeable; contemptible.slang vulgar
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThaiadvunpleasantly; unfavourably; disagreeably; contemptibly.slang vulgar
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThaiadvused as an intensifier: the fuck, the hell, the heck, etc.slang vulgar
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThaiadvextremely; very.slang vulgar
Anguimorph lizardsเหี้ยThaiintjan exclamation of anger, contempt, disapproval, discontent, disgust, dismay, rejection, or surprise.slang vulgar
Animal body partstrippaItaliannountripe (food)feminine
Animal body partstrippaItaliannounpaunch, bellyfeminine humorous informal
Animal body partsрубецьUkrainiannounscar, cicatrix (a permanent mark on the skin sometimes caused by the healing of a wound)
Animal body partsрубецьUkrainiannounweal, welt
Animal body partsрубецьUkrainiannounedge
Animal body partsрубецьUkrainiannounseam
Animal body partsрубецьUkrainiannounrumen (first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant)
Animal soundsmjauSwedishintjmeow
Animal soundsmjauSwedishnouna meow (cry of a cat)neuter
Animal soundsгавBulgariannounbird's cawing cry (typically of crows)dialectal
Animal soundsгавBulgariannounbeast's roar (typically of carnivora)dialectal
Animal tissuesekinywaTooronounveinanatomy medicine sciences
Animal tissuesekinywaTooronounarteryanatomy medicine sciences
Animal tissuesekinywaTooronountendon, sinewanatomy medicine sciences
AnimalsbinatangIndonesiannounanimal (organism)
AnimalsbinatangIndonesiannounanimal (organism other than man)
AnimalsšeleppûmAkkadiannouna type of snakemasculine
AntelopespukuEnglishnounA medium-sized antelope found in Central Africa (Kobus vardonii).
AntelopespukuEnglishnounThe belly.New-Zealand
AnthropologylinganthEnglishnounAbbreviation of linguistic anthropology.abbreviation alt-of countable informal uncountable
AnthropologylinganthEnglishnounA linguistic anthropologist.countable informal
AppearancebootyliciousEnglishadjCallipygous or otherwise appealingly voluptuous.slang
AppearancebootyliciousEnglishadjBad; weak.nonce-word slang
AppearancebootyliciousEnglishadjHaving a large booty (buttocks).slang
Appearancekurze łapkiPolishnouncrow's feetidiomatic plural
Appearancekurze łapkiPolishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see kurzy, łapka.plural
AppearanceزیورUrdunounjewellery, ornament
AppearanceزیورUrdunoungrounds for adornmentfiguratively
Apple cultivarsAstrachanGermannameAstrakhanneuter proper-noun strong
Apple cultivarsAstrachanGermannounastrakhanmasculine strong
Apple cultivarsAstrachanGermannounan apple cultivarmasculine strong
Arabic cardinal numbersعشرArabicnummasculine of عَشَرَة (ʕašara, “ten”)form-of masculine
Arabic cardinal numbersعشرArabicnum-teen (in numerals 11–19, e.g. أَحَدَ عَشَرَ (ʔaḥada ʕašara, “eleven”))
Arabic cardinal numbersعشرArabicnounone tenth
Arabic cardinal numbersعشرArabicnounapple of Sodom (Calotropis procera) as well as crown flower (Calotropis gigantea), milkweed (the genus Calotropis, which has only these two species and Calotropis acia in India)
AragonZaragozanEnglishadjSaragossan; from Saragossa (Zaragoza).not-comparable
AragonZaragozanEnglishnounSaragossan; someone from Saragossa (Zaragoza)
Architectural elementsدستكOttoman Turkishnoundiminutive of دست (dest, “hand”): small or delicate hand, like a child's handdiminutive form-of
Architectural elementsدستكOttoman Turkishnountap, rap, pat, a light blow or strike with a hand producing a clear sound
Architectural elementsدستكOttoman Turkishnounstrut, pillar, rib, prop, any beam or rod providing support in a building
Architectural elementsدستكOttoman Turkishnounsupporter, backer, someone who provides support to anotherfiguratively
ArithmeticodčítáníCzechnounverbal noun of odčítatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
ArmorplastronEnglishnounThe nearly flat part of the shell structure of a tortoise or other animal, similar in composition to the carapace.
ArmorplastronEnglishnounA half-jacket worn under the jacket for padding or for safety.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
ArmorplastronEnglishnounA man's shirt-bosom.
ArmorplastronEnglishnounAn ornamental front panel on a woman's bodice.
ArmorplastronEnglishnounA breastplate.
ArmorplastronEnglishnounA film of air trapped by specialized hairs against the body of an aquatic insect, and which acts as an external gill.
ArtܐܡܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounartin-plural
ArtܐܡܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounartist
ArtilleryزنبورکPersiannounlittle wasp
ArtilleryزنبورکPersiannouna kind of crossbow
ArtilleryزنبورکPersiannouna kind of little cannon, culverin, falconet, zamburak
ArtilleryزنبورکPersiannouna kind of small arrowhead, as well as an arrow with such a head
ArtilleryزنبورکPersiannounguimbard, Jew's harp
Asparagus family plantsзумбулSerbo-Croatiannounhyacinth
Asparagus family plantsзумбулSerbo-Croatiannounidiotslang vulgar
Asparagus family plantsзумбулSerbo-Croatiannounfaggotslang vulgar
Astronomyနက္ခတ်Burmesenounasterism, lunar mansion
AstronomyⲥⲟⲩⲕⲏCopticnameSobek, the Egyptian crocodile god of fertility, military prowess, and the protector of the innocent.Old-Coptic
AstronomyⲥⲟⲩⲕⲏCopticnamethe planet Mercury.Old-Coptic
AukstinkerEnglishnounAn itinerant tinsmith and mender of household utensils made of metal.
AukstinkerEnglishnounA member of the Irish Traveller community or of other itinerant groups; a gypsy.British Ireland dated offensive
AukstinkerEnglishnounA mischievous person, especially a playful, impish youngster.usually
AukstinkerEnglishnounSomeone who repairs, or attempts repair, on anything mechanical, or who invents such devices; one who tinkers; a tinkerer.
AukstinkerEnglishnounAn act of repair or invention.informal
AukstinkerEnglishnounA hand mortar.government military politics warobsolete
AukstinkerEnglishnounAny of various fish: chub mackerel, silverside, skate, or young mackerel about two years old.
AukstinkerEnglishnounA bird, the razor-billed auk.
AukstinkerEnglishverbTo work as a tinker.intransitive
AukstinkerEnglishverbTo fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner.intransitive transitive
AutomobilesєвробляхаUkrainiannounA car registered in the European Union, but which is too old to be legally driven within its borders, and thus sold at a cheap price to a Ukrainian, who brought it into Ukraine without paying customs duty due to a legal loophole.slang
AutomobilesєвробляхаUkrainiannounAny car with European Union license plates.broadly slang
AutomotivegruntEnglishnounA short snorting sound, often to show disapproval, or used as a reply when one is reluctant to speak.
AutomotivegruntEnglishnounThe snorting cry of a pig.
AutomotivegruntEnglishnounAny fish of the perciform family Haemulidae.
AutomotivegruntEnglishnounA person who does ordinary and boring work.
AutomotivegruntEnglishnounAn infantry soldier.government military politics warUS slang
AutomotivegruntEnglishnounThe amount of power of which a vehicle is capable.slang
AutomotivegruntEnglishnounA dessert of steamed berries and dough, usually blueberries; blueberry grunt.Canada US
AutomotivegruntEnglishverbTo make a grunt or grunts.intransitive
AutomotivegruntEnglishverbTo make a grunt or grunts.intransitive
AutomotivegruntEnglishverbTo break wind; to fart.UK intransitive slang
Baby animalsзмеёнышRussiannounsnakelet (a baby snake)
Baby animalsзмеёнышRussiannounangry, offensive, harmful person, presumably young or small in sizederogatory
BagsmálaIrishnounbag (flexible container)masculine
BagsmálaIrishnounbag (flexible container) / collection, bundle, repositorymasculine
BagsmálaIrishnounstomach; appetiteanatomy medicine sciencesmasculine usually
BagssakoCebuanoverbto sack; to put in a sack or sacks
BahamasdolarPolishnoundollar (designation for specific currency)animal-not-person masculine
BahamasdolarPolishnoundollar (unit of reactivity equal to the interval between delayed criticality and prompt criticality)animal-not-person masculine
BakingkakavaLithuaniannouncocoa powder (powder from cocoa solids)uncountable
BakingkakavaLithuaniannouncocoa (hot drink)uncountable
BamboosmétVietnamesenounmeter/metre (unit of measure)
BamboosmétVietnameseadjpale; wan; pallid
BamboosmétVietnamesenouna kind of bambooCentral North Vietnam
BankingvýběrCzechnounselection (process or act)inanimate masculine
BankingvýběrCzechnounchoiceinanimate masculine
BankingvýběrCzechnounwithdrawal (taking out money from an account)inanimate masculine
BeddingpernicaSerbo-Croatiannounpencil box, pencil case
BeddingágyneműHungariannounbedclothes, bedding
Beech family plantskastanyoTagalognounchestnut treebiology botany natural-sciences
Beech family plantskastanyoTagalognounchestnut wood
Beech family plantskastanyoTagalognounchestnut (color/colour)
Beech family plantskastanyoTagalognounchestnut (reddish-brown horse)biology natural-sciences zoology
BeertipperEnglishnounSomeone who tips; someone who gives a gratuity.
BeertipperEnglishnounA small moustache.slang
BeertipperEnglishnounA goods vehicle with a tippable body, used for carrying loose materials such as gravel or rubble; a tipper truck, lorry, or dump truck.UK
BeertipperEnglishnounA device for loading goods such as coal by tipping them.
BeertipperEnglishnounOne who gives private hints about racing or financial speculation, etc.; a tipster.
BeertipperEnglishnounA cutting tool used to cut off or trim the horns of stock animals; a horn tipper.
BeertipperEnglishnounA person who tips or discharges a load, or dumps waste (especially illegally with the latter).
BeertipperEnglishnounA kind of ale brewed with brackish water obtained from a particular well.
BeetlesscarabeoItaliannounscarab (amulet)masculine
Beijing一卡通Chinesenounall-purpose smart card
Beijing一卡通Chinesenounall-purpose smart card / Yikatong (Beijing public transport smart card)specifically
Biblical charactersLucaItaliannamea male given name, equivalent to English Luke or Lucasmasculine
Biblical charactersLucaItaliannameLuke (biblical character)masculine
Biblical charactersLucaItaliannamethe Gospel of Lukemasculine
Bignonia family plantscalebasseFrenchnouncalabashfeminine
Bignonia family plantscalebasseFrenchnoungourdLouisiana feminine
Bignonia family plantscalebasseFrenchnounpumpkinLouisiana feminine
Bignonia family plantsJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Bignonia family plantsJapanesenounyellow catalpa, Catalpa ovata
Bignonia family plantsJapanesenounSynonym of 楸 (kisasage, “yellow catalpa, Catalpa ovata”)archaic
Bignonia family plantsJapanesenounSynonym of 赤芽柏 (akamegashiwa, “Japanese mallotus, Mallotus japonicus”)
BirdscorbRomaniannounraven (bird)masculine
BirdscorbRomaniannounbrown meagre (fish)masculine
BirdstrappeDanishnounstairs, stairwaycommon-gender
BirdsπελεκῖνοςAncient Greeknounpelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)
BirdsπελεκῖνοςAncient Greeknouncrownvetch (Securigera varia)
BirdsπελεκῖνοςAncient Greeknoundovetail, culvertail
BirdsকোকলোঙাAssamesenounrufous treepie
BivalvesbyssusEnglishnounThe long fine silky filaments excreted by several mollusks (particularly Pinna nobilis) by which they attach themselves to the sea bed, and from which sea silk is manufactured.uncountable usually
BivalvesbyssusEnglishnounSea silk manufactured from these filaments.uncountable usually
BivalvesbyssusEnglishnounThe stipe or stem of some fungi which are particularly thin and thread-like.biology mycology natural-sciencesuncountable usually
BivalvesškoljkaSerbo-Croatiannountoilet bowlregional
BlacksatrousEnglishadjjet-black in color.
BlacksatrousEnglishadjdilated (used when describing convolutions) engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesnot-comparable uncommon
Blacksgiấy trắng mực đenVietnamesephrasewhite paper, black ink
Blacksgiấy trắng mực đenVietnamesephrasein black and white
BlackspieprzowyPolishadjblack pepper, pepper (Piper nigrum)not-comparable relational
BlackspieprzowyPolishadjblack pepper, pepper, peppercorns (dried, unripe berries of the Piper nigrum plant which are commonly used as a spice and seasoning)not-comparable relational
BlackspieprzowyPolishadjpepper (having a dark, pepperlike color)not-comparable obsolete
BluesنيلاMalayadjblue (blue-colored)
BluesنيلاMalaynounblue (colour)
Board gamesSchachGermannounchess (game)neuter strong
Board gamesSchachGermannouncheck (chess situation in which the king is directly threatened)neuter strong
Board gamesSchachGermannounObsolete form of Schah (“Persian or, by extension, other Oriental ruler”).alt-of masculine obsolete strong
Bodies of waterतलावMarathinounpond
Bodies of waterतलावMarathinounlake
Bodily fluidslanuTokelauannouncolor
Bodily fluidslanuTokelauanverbto be colouredstative
Bodily fluidslanuTokelauanverbto be washed of saltstative
Bodily fluidslanuTokelauannounamniotic fluid
Bodily fluidsnyirokHungariannounlymph (a colourless, watery, bodily fluid carried by the lymphatic system, that consists mainly of white blood cells)anatomy medicine sciences
Bodily fluidsnyirokHungariannounmoisture, dampnessrare
Bodily functionsexcretionEnglishnounThe process of removing or ejecting material that has no further utility, especially from the body; the act of excreting.countable uncountable
Bodily functionsexcretionEnglishnounSomething excreted in that manner, especially urine or feces.countable uncountable
Body partspectusLatinnounchest, breastdeclension-3 neuter
Body partspectusLatinnounheart, breast, as the seat of emotiondeclension-3 figuratively neuter
Body partspectusLatinnounsoul, spirit, mind, understandingdeclension-3 figuratively neuter
Body partspectusLatinnounperson, individual (as a being of passion)declension-3 neuter
Body partsנאָזYiddishnounnose
Body partsנאָזYiddishnountoe of a shoe (end of a shoe covering the toes)
Body partsውርድTigrenounone’s turn in going to the waterhole
Body partsውርድTigrenounwaterhole
Body partsውርድTigrenounoath
Body partsOkinawancharacterkanji no-gloss
Body partsOkinawannounbody
BodybuildingbodybuildingEnglishnounA sport in which the aesthetics of muscular development is the basis for competition.uncountable
BodybuildingbodybuildingEnglishnounWork done to construct or repair the body of an automobile.dated uncountable
Bodybuildingpumping ironEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of pump ironform-of gerund participle present
Bodybuildingpumping ironEnglishnounThe activity of weightlifting, especially for the purposes of bodybuilding.hobbies lifestyle sports weightliftinginformal uncountable
BonesJapanesecharacterankleHyōgai kanji
BonesJapanesecharacterheelHyōgai kanji
BonesJapanesecharacterexposed legsHyōgai kanji
Book sizes64ºTranslingualnounAbbreviation of sexagesimo-quarto, a page size (1.87"-2.5" x 2.5"-3.125").abbreviation alt-of
Book sizes64ºTranslingualnounAbbreviation of sexagesimo-quarto, a book size using sexagesimo-quarto-sized printing publishingabbreviation alt-of
BookshardbackEnglishnounA book with a solid binding.
BookshardbackEnglishadjHaving a solid binding.not-comparable
Books成書Chineseverbto appear in book form
Books成書Chinesenounbook already in circulation
Books of the BibleMaccabeesEnglishnameOne of two books of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canon of the Old Testament, considered apocryphal by Protestants.biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleMaccabeesEnglishnameA Jewish liberation movement who fought for, and established, independence in the Land of Israel during the second and first centuries BC.history human-sciences sciences
Books of the BibleMaccabeesEnglishnounplural of Maccabeeform-of plural
Books of the BibleTobitEnglishnameA book of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canon of the Old Testament, considered apocryphal by Protestants.biblical lifestyle religion
Books of the BibleTobitEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.rare
Books of the BibleTobitEnglishnouna model where the dependent variable is censored.mathematics sciences statisticsuncountable
Books of the Bible匝加利亞ChinesenameZechariah (various Biblical characters)Catholicism Christianity
Books of the Bible匝加利亞ChinesenameZechariah (book of the Bible)Catholicism Christianity
Borage family plantsnavelwortEnglishnounCertain plants with features reminiscent of a human navel. / Umbilicus spp., especially Umbilicus rupestris), a European perennial succulent herb with round, peltate leaves with a central depression.countable uncountable
Borage family plantsnavelwortEnglishnounCertain plants with features reminiscent of a human navel. / Omphalodes spp., with seeds reminiscent of a navel.countable uncountable
Borage family plantsnavelwortEnglishnounCertain plants with features reminiscent of a human navel. / Marsh pennywort, herbs of genera Hydrocotyle or Centella.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandTraffordEnglishnameA metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandTraffordEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable uncountable
BotanybungaMalaynounflower (reproductive structure in angiosperms)
BotanybungaMalaynouninterestbusiness finance
BotanyჩონჩიLaznounmaize husk, cornhusk
BotanyჩონჩიLaznoundry leaf
BovinesበሬAmharicnounox, bull (male bovine)
BovinesበሬAmharicnounstrong and gentle personfiguratively
Brassicales order plantsбулкъOssetiannounradishIron
Brassicales order plantsбулкъOssetiannounturnipIron
BreadspitaCatalannouncentury plantfeminine
BreadspitaCatalannounpita (fiber obtained from Agave americana)feminine
BreadspitaCatalannounpita (flat bread pouch)feminine
BreadsسمیدOttoman Turkishnounsemolina, coarse grains produced at an intermediate stage of wheat flour milling
BreadsسمیدOttoman Turkishnounsimit, a ring-shaped bread roll covered with sesame seeds found in the Middle East
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto broadcast; to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto telecast; to broadcast by television
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto transmit a message over a wide area
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto broadcast a television program
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto appear as a performer, presenter, or speaker in a broadcast programme
Broadcastingஒலிவாங்கிTamilnounmicrophone; mic
Broadcastingஒலிவாங்கிTamilnountelephone receiver
Broomrape family plantscockscombEnglishnounThe fleshy red crest of a rooster
Broomrape family plantscockscombEnglishnounA red cap once worn by court jesters
Broomrape family plantscockscombEnglishnounA yellow rattle, Rhinanthus minor (flowering plant native to Eurasia)
Broomrape family plantscockscombEnglishnounAn annual garden plant (Celosia argentea var. cristata, syn. Celosia cristata), having showy red clusters of flowers
Broomrape family plantscockscombEnglishnounA conceited dandyarchaic
Broomrape family plantscockscombEnglishnounA serrated cleat once fitted to the yards of a square-rigged ship and used when the sail was being reefednautical transport
BrownsbalandanCebuanonounlinen; thread or cloth made from flax fiberobsolete
BrownsbalandanCebuanonounthe color linen; a light beige colour
BrownsbalandanCebuanoadjhaving the colour linen
BrownsstrawEnglishnounA dried stalk of a cereal plant.countable
BrownsstrawEnglishnounSuch dried stalks considered collectively; this bulk matter may be a chief salable product, a by-product, fodder, bedding, or green manure, depending on region and on current market conditions.uncountable
BrownsstrawEnglishnounA drinking straw.countable
BrownsstrawEnglishnounA pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.countable uncommon uncountable
BrownsstrawEnglishnounAnything proverbially worthless; the least possible thing.countable figuratively uncountable
BrownsstrawEnglishnounA straw ownercountable uncountable
BrownsstrawEnglishadjMade of straw.not-comparable
BrownsstrawEnglishadjOf a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.not-comparable
BrownsstrawEnglishadjImaginary, but presented as real.figuratively not-comparable
BrownsstrawEnglishverbTo lay straw around plants to protect them from frost.
BrownsstrawEnglishverbTo sell straws on the streets in order to cover the giving to the purchaser of things usually banned, such as pornography.obsolete slang
BrownsلاکھاPunjabiadjchestnut, lac dye
BrownsلاکھاPunjabiadjblack, black-skinned, dark-complexioned
BrownsلاکھاPunjabiadjblack, chestnut (of horse)
Buckthorn family plantssoldierwoodEnglishnounA showy leguminous plant (Calliandra purpurea) of the West Indies, whose flowers have long tassels of purple stamens.uncountable
Buckthorn family plantssoldierwoodEnglishnounA plant of species Colubrina ellipticauncountable
Building materialsmniszkaPolishnounnun (member of a Christian religious community of women)feminine
Building materialsmniszkaPolishnounmonk seal (Monachus)feminine
Building materialsmniszkaPolishnounany bird of the genus Lonchurafeminine
Building materialsmniszkaPolishnounnun moth (Lymantria monacha)feminine
Building materialsmniszkaPolishnountype of concave roof tilefeminine
Building materialsmniszkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of mniszekaccusative form-of genitive singular
Building materialsmniszkaPolishnoungenitive singular of mniszekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
BuildingsemiNupenounfat; oil; grease
BuildingsemiNupenouncompound (in particular) a complex of houses and courtyards in Nupe vernacular architecture, typically walled and multigenerational.
BuildingsemiNupenounhouse; home
BuildingsemiNupenounvoice; speech
BuildingsмитницаBulgariannouncustoms (A state institution exercising control over goods imported from abroad or exported abroad by levying them with a customs duty.)
BuildingsмитницаBulgariannouncustom house (The building in which this establishment is housed)
Buildings病院Chinesenounspecialized hospital
Buildings病院Chinesenounhospital (in general)Dungan Taishanese Taiwanese-Hokkien dated dialectal
BurialgravedancerEnglishnounOne who rejoices in the death or demise of another; one who dances on someone's grave.
BurialgravedancerEnglishnounAn investor who specializes in buying failing companies or distressed properties.
BurialgravedancerEnglishnounOne who literally dances on a grave.
BurialpogrzebaćPolishverbto buryperfective transitive
BurialpogrzebaćPolishverbto fiddle, to tinkerintransitive perfective
BurialpogrzebaćPolishverbto spend some time fiddlingcolloquial intransitive perfective
BurialpogrzebaćPolishverbto try to fix somethingcolloquial intransitive perfective
BurialpogrzebaćPolishverbto lose someone's recognition or opportunity for somethingcolloquial perfective reflexive
Burial一抔黃土Chinesephrasegravefiguratively idiomatic literary
Burial一抔黃土Chinesephraselittle landfiguratively idiomatic
Burial一抔黃土Chinesephrasedeclining, insignificant reactionary forcefiguratively idiomatic
BusinessvagaCatalannounstrike (cessation of work)feminine
BusinessvagaCatalanverbinflection of vagar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BusinessvagaCatalanverbinflection of vagar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BusinesseskaraokePolishnounkaraoke (form of entertainment)indeclinable neuter
BusinesseskaraokePolishnounkaraoke pubindeclinable neuter
ButterfliesllwydfelynWelshadjyellow dun (of a horse)
ButterfliesllwydfelynWelshnounclouded yellow (any butterfly of the genus Colias, especially Colias croceus)masculine
ButtocksტრაკიGeorgiannounass, arsevulgar
ButtocksტრაკიGeorgiannounguts (courage, determination)figuratively slang vulgar
ButtonstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / A diacritical mark (˜) placed above a letter to modify its pronunciation, such as by palatalization in Spanish words or nasalization in Portuguese words.
ButtonstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / A tone mark placed above a vowel in Vietnamese to indicate a creaky rising tone.
ButtonstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / A punctuation mark that indicates range (from a number to another number).
ButtonstildeEnglishnounThe grapheme of character ~. / May be used to represent approximation (mathematics).
ButtonstildeEnglishnounThe character used to represent negation, usually ~ or ¬.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciences
Caesalpinia subfamily plantscuajinicuilSpanishnouna tropical shade tree with edible fruit, Inga spuria, Inga jinicuil, or Inga edulis, of the family Fabaceaemasculine
Caesalpinia subfamily plantscuajinicuilSpanishnounthe fruit of this treemasculine
Caltrop family plantsهرمArabicverbto be senile, to be decrepit of age
Caltrop family plantsهرمArabicverbto make decrepit, to make crumble or be in smaller parts
Caltrop family plantsهرمArabicnounverbal noun of هَرِمَ (harima) (form I), senility, decrepit age, dotardly yearsform-of noun-from-verb
Caltrop family plantsهرمArabicadjsenile, decrepit of age
Caltrop family plantsهرمArabicnounpyramid
Caltrop family plantsهرمArabicnounZygophyllum gen. et spp.collective
CanalsܢܗܪܐClassical Syriacnounriver, stream
CanalsܢܗܪܐClassical Syriacnounbranch of a river
CanalsܢܗܪܐClassical Syriacnouncanal
CanalsܢܗܪܐClassical Syriacnamethe Euphrates
Card gamesmonaCatalannounmonkeyfeminine
Card gamesmonaCatalannounape, copycatcolloquial feminine
Card gamesmonaCatalannoundrunkenness, hangovercolloquial feminine
Card gamesmonaCatalannouna matching card game similar to Old Maid; also the loser and the losing card in this gamefeminine
Card gamesmonaCatalannouna round cake garnished with eggs (originally hard-boiled, now usually chocolate) eaten at Easterfeminine
Card gamesneufFrenchnumnineinvariable
Card gamesneufFrenchadjbrand new, very new
Card gamespuss in the cornerEnglishnounA children's game in which someone in the centre tries to capture other players' bases as they change places.uncountable
Card gamespuss in the cornerEnglishnounA solitaire card game with four waste piles located at the corners of a square of the four aces.uncountable
Card gamesthreeEnglishnumA numerical value after two and before four. Represented in Arabic digits as 3; this many dots (•••).
Card gamesthreeEnglishnumDescribing a set or group with three elements.
Card gamesthreeEnglishnounThe digit/figure 3.
Card gamesthreeEnglishnounAnything measuring three units, as length.
Card gamesthreeEnglishnounA person who is three years old.
Card gamesthreeEnglishnounThe playing card featuring three pips.
Card gamesthreeEnglishnounThree o'clock, either a.m. or p.m.
Card gamesthreeEnglishnounAbbreviation of three-pointer.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of
Card gamesкорольUkrainiannounking
Card gamesкорольUkrainiannounkingboard-games chess games
Card gamesкорольUkrainiannounkingcard-games games
Carnation family plantsclavellCatalannouncarnation, pinkmasculine
Carnation family plantsclavellCatalannounclove (spice)masculine
CarriagescarryallEnglishnounA large bag; a holdallCanada US
CarriagescarryallEnglishnounA light, covered carriage drawn by a single horseCanada US dated
CarriagescarryallEnglishnounAny of several types of automobile, usually a station wagon or van built on a truck chassis.US
CartographyမြေပုံBurmesenounmap (visual representation of an area)
CartographyမြေပုံBurmesenounburial mound
CartographyမြေပုံBurmesenounsand model
Caryophyllales order plantsatrapamoscasSpanishnounflytrap (plant)masculine
Caryophyllales order plantsatrapamoscasSpanishnounflycatcher (bird)masculine
Caryophyllales order plantsνευροειδέςAncient Greeknounsealavender or snakeweed (Limonium vulgare (syn. Statice limonium))
Caryophyllales order plantsνευροειδέςAncient Greekadjnominative singular neuter of νευροειδής (neuroeidḗs)form-of neuter nominative singular
Caryophyllales order plantsνευροειδέςAncient Greekadjaccusative singular neuter of νευροειδής (neuroeidḗs)accusative form-of neuter singular
Caryophyllales order plantsνευροειδέςAncient Greekadjvocative singular neuter of νευροειδής (neuroeidḗs)form-of neuter singular vocative
Caryophyllales order plantsνευροειδέςAncient Greekadjcontracted vocative singular masculine of νευροειδής (neuroeidḗs)contracted form-of masculine singular vocative
Caryophyllales order plantsνευροειδέςAncient Greekadjcontracted vocative singular feminine of νευροειδής (neuroeidḗs)contracted feminine form-of singular vocative
CatfishwąsaczPolishnouna man with a prominent moustachecolloquial masculine person
CatfishwąsaczPolishnouna species of catfishanimal-not-person masculine
CatfishwąsaczPolishnounbarbu (bearded chicken)animal-not-person masculine
CattlenyiEweverbto rear (to bring up to maturity)
CattlenyiEweverbto suck (to use the mouth to pull in liquid)
CattlenyiEweverbto wear (to suffer due to use)
CattleფსტუBatsnounwife, woman
CavingледеницаSerbo-Croatiannounicebox, freezer
CavingледеницаSerbo-Croatiannounice cave
Celery family plantscheroviaPortuguesenounparsnip (the plant Pastinaca sativa)feminine
Celery family plantscheroviaPortuguesenounparsnip (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa)feminine
Celery family plantssea hollyEnglishnounThe plant Eryngium maritimum.
Celery family plantssea hollyEnglishnounThe plant Eryngium maritimum. / More generally, any of several species of plants in the genus Eryngium.
Celery family plantssea hollyEnglishnounThe plant Acanthus ebracteatus.
Celestial bodiesmwedziVendanounmoon
Celestial bodiesmwedziVendanounmonth
Celestial bodiespäivLudiannounsun
Celestial bodiespäivLudiannounday
Celestial bodiessonneMiddle Dutchnounsunfeminine
Celestial bodiessonneMiddle Dutchnounsunshine, sunlightfeminine
CetaceansφάλαιναGreeknounfat woman, landwhalederogatory figuratively
CheesesmanchegoPortugueseadjof, from or relating to La Mancha
CheesesmanchegoPortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of La Manchamasculine
CheesesmanchegoPortuguesenounManchego (a firm, compact cheese from La Mancha)masculine
Chemical elementsargentumLatinnounsilver (metal, element)declension-2 neuter uncountable
Chemical elementsargentumLatinnouna silver thingbroadly declension-2 neuter
Chemical elementsplatineFrenchnounplatinum (metal)masculine uncountable
Chemical elementsplatineFrenchnounplatterfeminine
Chemical elementsplatineFrenchnounturntablefeminine
Chemical elementsplatineFrenchnounconnector boardfeminine
Chemical elementsplatineFrenchnounplatefeminine
Chemical elementsplatineFrenchnounplaten (printing plate)media printing publishingfeminine
Chemical elementsplatineFrenchnounstage (of a microscope)feminine
Chemical elementsárgonPortuguesenounargonchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine uncountable
Chemical elementsárgonPortuguesenounan atom of argonmasculine
Chemical elementsతామ్రముTelugunouncopper
Chemical elementsతామ్రముTelugunounred color
Chemical elementsతామ్రముTeluguadjred
Chemical elements티탄KoreannounTitanhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Chemical elements티탄KoreannounTitan
ChemistrysulphatedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of sulphateform-of participle past
ChemistrysulphatedEnglishadjAlternative spelling of sulfatedalt-of alternative
ChessodaEstoniannounspear, lance
ChessodaEstoniannounbishop (chess)
Chessม้าThainoun(classifier ตัว) / horse: the mammal Equus caballus of the family Equidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Chessม้าThainoun(classifier ตัว) / any of various crabs of the genus Portunus, the family Portunidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Chessม้าThainoun(classifier ตัว) / Boeseman croaker: the fish Boesemania microlepis of the family Sciaenidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
Chessม้าThainounseat with legs. (classifier ตัว)
Chessม้าThainounknight. (classifier ตัว)board-games chess games
Chessม้าThainounClipping of หน้าม้า (nâa-máa, “hair fringe”).abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Chessม้าThainounClipping of หน้าม้า (nâa-máa, “claque; shill”). (classifier คน)abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Chessม้าThainounClipping of ยาม้า (yaa-máa, “ya ma, a type of addictive drug”). (classifier เม็ด)abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Chessม้าThainame(classifier ดวง) (ดาว~) Beta Arietis.astronomy natural-sciences
Chessม้าThaiparticleAlternative form of ไหม (mǎi)alt-of alternative childish
Chessม้าThainounmother; also used as a term of address to or title for such person, and used by such person to refer to oneself.colloquial
Chessမြင်းBurmesenounknight (both in Western chess and in Burmese chess, also known as sittuyin)board-games chess games
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA human child. / A child who is regarded as mischievous, unruly, spoiled, or selfish.countable derogatory slang uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA human child. / The qualities possessed by a confident and assertive woman.neologism slang uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA human child. / A child (at any age) of an active member of the military or the diplomatic service.countable slang uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA human child. / A submissive partner who is disobedient and unruly.BDSM lifestyle sexualitycountable slang uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA human child.countable slang uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA turbot or flatfish.countable uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA rough cloak or ragged garment.countable historical uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA coarse kind of apron for keeping the clothes clean; a bib.Scotland UK countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishnounThe young of an animal.countable obsolete uncountable
ChildrenbratEnglishverbTo act in a bratty manner as the submissive.BDSM lifestyle sexualityintransitive
ChildrenbratEnglishadjCharacteristic of a confident and assertive woman.neologism
ChildrenbratEnglishnounA thin bed of coal mixed with pyrites or carbonate of mining
ChildrenfuckletEnglishnounA stupid or annoying person.derogatory slang vulgar
ChildrenfuckletEnglishnounA woman with whom one shares, or hopes to share, a sexual encounter.slang vulgar
ChildrenfuckletEnglishnounA child, regarded as the result of the process of breeding.derogatory slang vulgar
ChildrenfuckletEnglishnounA sexual encounter of short duration; a quickie.slang vulgar
ChildrenpełzakPolishnouncreeper, climber (creeping or climbing plant)inanimate masculine
ChildrenpełzakPolishnounamoeba (member of the genus Amoeba)
ChildrenpełzakPolishnounamoeba, amoeboid (unicellular organism which has the ability to alter its shape)broadly
ChildrenpełzakPolishnouncrawler (child)colloquial humorous masculine person
Chinese politics紅粉Chinesenounrouge and powderliterary
Chinese politics紅粉Chinesenounwoman; beautiful woman; beautyfiguratively literary
Chinese politics紅粉Chinesenounfallen flower petals; falling blossomsfiguratively literary
Chinese politics紅粉Chinesenoundevotee of the Communist Party of China; Chinese nationalistneologism slang
ChristianitySeptuagintEnglishnameThe team of translators who produced the Septuagint.archaic countable uncountable
ChristianitySeptuagintEnglishnameAn influential Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible produced in Alexandria in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC.biblical lifestyle religioncountable uncountable
ChristianitySimEnglishnameA male given name, diminutive of Simeon and Simon.
ChristianitySimEnglishnameA Scottish surname transferred from the given name derived from the given name.
ChristianitySimEnglishnameA surname from Hokkien.
ChristianitySimEnglishnameA surname from Korean.
ChristianitySimEnglishnounA Simeonite (follower of Charles Simeon).
ChristianitySimEnglishnounA person with Methodist tendencies.broadly
ChristianitySimEnglishnounAny of the characters in the video game The Sims, which simulates aspects of a human social
ChristianitymsalabaSwahilinouncross (geometrical figure)class-3 class-4
ChristianitymsalabaSwahilinouncross (cross-shaped wooden post)class-3 class-4
ChristianitymsalabaSwahilinouncross (Christian symbol)class-3 class-4
ChristianitypapaSwahilinounsharkclass-10 class-9
ChristianitypapaSwahilinounpopeclass-5 class-6
ChristianitypapaSwahiliverbto tremble, quiver
ChristianitypapaSwahiliverbto beat
ChristianitypapaSwahiliadvOnly used in papa hapa
ChristmasChristmas treeEnglishnounA conifer used during the Christmas holiday season, typically decorated with lights and ornaments and often a star or angel at its tip.
ChristmasChristmas treeEnglishnounAnything elaborately ornamented or decorated.broadly informal
ChristmasChristmas treeEnglishnounA pole with lights, similar to a traffic signal, used for signalling the start of an automobile race.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports
ChristmasChristmas treeEnglishnounThe collection of valves sometimes found at the top of a working oil well.
ChristmasChristmas treeEnglishnounA pattern of muscles visible in the lower back, resembling in outline the shape of a conifer.bodybuilding hobbies lifestyle sports
ChristmasChristmas treeEnglishnounA type of alert area constructed by the Strategic Air Command of the United States Air Force during the Cold War.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-scienceshistorical
ChristmasChristmas treeEnglishnounA panel of indicator lights in an aircraft or a submarine.government military politics warslang
ChristmasNewtonmasEnglishnounDecember 25, Isaac Newton's birthday (in the Julian calendar).humorous
ChristmasNewtonmasEnglishnounDecember 25 through January 4, Isaac Newton's birthday (in the Gregorian calendar).humorous
CitiesPhilaeLatinnamea small island in the Nile situated near Syenedeclension-1 feminine plural
CitiesPhilaeLatinnamea city near this islanddeclension-1 feminine plural
Cities in MexicoTecpatánEnglishnameA town in Chiapas, Mexico.
Cities in MexicoTecpatánEnglishnameA municipality of Chiapas, whose municipal seat is the town of the same name.
Cities in the United StatesレスターJapanesenameLeicester
Cities in the United StatesレスターJapanesenameLester
Citrus subfamily plantsгрэйпфрутBelarusiannoungrapefruit (tree of the species Citrus paradisi)
Citrus subfamily plantsгрэйпфрутBelarusiannoungrapefruit (large spherical tart fruit produced by this tree)
Citrus subfamily plantsライムJapanesenounlime
Citrus subfamily plantsライムJapanesenounrhyming; rhymedancing hip-hop hobbies lifestyle sports
ClocksnaciągPolishnoungut; stringing (set of strings of an instrument)inanimate masculine
ClocksnaciągPolishnounwire, string; gut (taut strings of a sports racket)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
ClocksnaciągPolishnounspring (mechanism that transmits energy to the driving element, enabling the clock to be wound)inanimate masculine
ClocksnaciągPolishnounspring (part of a ski boot binding)hobbies lifestyle skiing sportsinanimate masculine
ClocksnaciągPolishnountightness; tautness, tension (tension of a string, rope, thread, or fishing line)inanimate masculine
ClocksnaciągPolishnouninfusion (liquid obtained by pouring herbs or fruits with an alcohol solution)inanimate masculine
ClothingcaientCatalannoundrape (of clothing)masculine
ClothingcaientCatalannounEither of the two vertical edges of a square sailnautical transportmasculine
ClothingcaientCatalanverbgerund of caureform-of gerund
ClothingcoteMiddle EnglishnounA coat, especially one worn as an undergarment or a base layer.
ClothingcoteMiddle EnglishnounA coat or gown bearing somebody's heraldic symbols.
ClothingcoteMiddle EnglishnounA coating or external layer; that which surrounds the outside of something.
ClothingcoteMiddle Englishnouncoot (Fulica atra)
ClothingcoteMiddle Englishnounseagull (bird of the family Laridae)
ClothinggatkiPolishnoundiminutive of gaciecolloquial diminutive form-of plural
ClothinggatkiPolishnouninflection of gatka: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
ClothinggatkiPolishnouninflection of gatka: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
Clothingpreaching bandEnglishnounTwo bands (strips of linen) worn as formal neckwear by members of the Christian clergy.Christianityin-plural
Clothingpreaching bandEnglishnounA group of missionaries.collective
Clothingpreaching bandEnglishnounA Christian band.entertainment lifestyle musicrare
ClothingvestimentaSpanishnounclothes, outfit, apparelfeminine
ClothingvestimentaSpanishnounvesture, habilimentfeminine
ClothingécharpeFrenchverbinflection of écharper: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
ClothingécharpeFrenchverbinflection of écharper: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ClothingкозачкаUkrainiannouna wife or a daughter of a Cossack
ClothingкозачкаUkrainiannouna female Cossack
ClothingкозачкаUkrainiannouna kind of outerwear made from broadcloth
ClothingтуалетUkrainiannountoilet, WC, restroom, lavatorycountable
ClothingтуалетUkrainiannoundress, attiredated
ClothingтуалетUkrainiannountoilet, grooming (care for one's personal appearance)uncountable
ClothingアットゥㇱAinunounCloth made from the inner bark of elm trees
ClothingアットゥㇱAinunounTraditional Ainu coat, kimono made from such cloth
CloudsقزعArabicverbto be swift, to be rapid, to be agile
CloudsقزعArabicverbto impel, to drive to pursue its course, to expedite
CloudsقزعArabicnountuft, wadcollective
CloudsقزعArabicnouncumulusclimatology meteorology natural-sciencescollective
CoinskobanEnglishnounAn oval gold coin in the Edo period of feudal Japan.
CoinskobanEnglishnounA small community police office or a police box, especially one in Japan.
CoinssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine. / Pickled scrapple.Appalachia US
CoinssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine. / Pickled or boiled ears and feet of a pigCaribbean
CoinssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine.
CoinssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / A pickle made with salt.
CoinssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The ear; especially, a hog's ear.
CoinssouseEnglishnounThe act of sousing; a plunging into water.
CoinssouseEnglishnounA drunkard.
CoinssouseEnglishverbTo immerse in liquid; to steep or drench.transitive
CoinssouseEnglishverbTo steep in brine; to pickle.transitive
CoinssouseEnglishnounThe act of sousing, or swooping.
CoinssouseEnglishnounA heavy blow.
CoinssouseEnglishverbTo strike, beat.dialectal transitive
CoinssouseEnglishverbTo fall heavily.dialectal intransitive
CoinssouseEnglishverbTo pounce upon.obsolete transitive
CoinssouseEnglishadvSuddenly, without warning.archaic dialectal not-comparable
CoinssouseEnglishnounA sou (the French coin).obsolete
CoinssouseEnglishnounA small amount.dated
CoinssouseEnglishnounPronunciation spelling of source.Internet US alt-of pronunciation-spelling
CollectivesconglomerateEnglishnounA cluster of heterogeneous things.
CollectivesconglomerateEnglishnounA corporation formed by the combination of several smaller corporations whose activities are unrelated to the corporation's primary
CollectivesconglomerateEnglishnounA rock consisting of gravel or pebbles embedded in a matrix.geography geology natural-sciences
CollectivesconglomerateEnglishadjClustered together into a mass.
CollectivesconglomerateEnglishadjComposed of fragments of rock, pebbles, or stones cemented together.geography geology natural-sciences
CollectivesconglomerateEnglishverbTo combine together into a larger mass.transitive
CollectivesconglomerateEnglishverbTo combine together into a larger corporation.businesstransitive
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (of a living being, having lived for most of the expected years)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (characteristic of such a being)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (having a lot of experience)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (having existed for a long time)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (destroyed or worn-out)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (that is no longer valid)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (having existed for a while but not outdated)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (familiar, having been known to the speaker for a long time)
CollectivesstaryPolishadjold (not fresh)
CollectivesstaryPolishnounold man (father)colloquial masculine noun-from-verb person
CollectivesstaryPolishnounold mancolloquial literally masculine noun-from-verb person
CollectivesstaryPolishnounold man (husband)colloquial masculine noun-from-verb person
CollectivesstaryPolishnounfriend, dudecolloquial masculine noun-from-verb person
CollectivesstaryPolishnoun'rents (one's father and mother)colloquial in-plural masculine noun-from-verb person
Collectivesthink tankEnglishnounA group of people who collectively perform research and develop reports and recommendations on topics relating to strategic planning or public policy, and which is usually funded by corporate, government, or special interests.idiomatic
Collectivesthink tankEnglishnounThe brain.obsolete
College sportsFCSEnglishnameInitialism of Football Championship Subdivision.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of initialism
College sportsFCSEnglishnounInitialism of frame check sequence.abbreviation alt-of initialism
College sportsFCSEnglishnounInitialism of fellow of the Chemical Society.abbreviation alt-of initialism
College sportsFCSEnglishnounInitialism of family and consumer sciences.abbreviation alt-of initialism
ColorsmagangCebuanoadjhaving a bright red color
ColorsmagangCebuanonounthe bright red color of some fruits
ColorsmenaMalagasyadjangrydialectal figuratively
ColorstapolCebuanonounpurple (color)
ColorstapolCebuanonounpurple variety of glutinous rice
ColorstapolCebuanonounany naturally-occurring variety of colored ricebroadly
ColorstapolCebuanoadjpurple (in color)
ColorstapolCebuanonounindolence; laziness
ColorstapolCebuanoverbto be lazy
ColorsvioletFrenchnounpurple (colour)masculine uncountable usually
ColorsvioletFrenchnounmushroom with a violet cap, such as a webcap or cortinarcountable masculine
ColorsшаренSerbo-Croatianadjvariegated, motley, dappled, colorful, multicolored
ColorsшаренSerbo-Croatianadjcomposed of diverse partsfiguratively
Colors茶色Chinesenounthe colour of tea leaves or tea infusion (often as an indicator of tea quality)
Colors茶色Chinesenouna reddish brown colour resembling that of concentrated tea infusions
ComedyリメリックJapanesenameAlternative form of リムリック (Rimurikku, “Limerick”)alt-of alternative
ComedyリメリックJapanesenouna limerick
CommelinidsхурмаSerbo-Croatiannoundate (fruit)
CommelinidsхурмаSerbo-Croatiannounpersimmon (fruit)
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounHeat; thermal energy (and a medieval element).
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounThe condition of being hot; a hot thing: / Elevated bodily temperature; febrility.medicine physiology sciences
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounThe condition of being hot; a hot thing: / A hot time or place.
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounThe condition of being hot; a hot thing: / The act of heating.rare
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounPower, intensity, or fervor (e.g. of emotions): / Libido or sexual arousal.
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounPower, intensity, or fervor (e.g. of emotions): / A violent or intense action or charge.
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounA state where the skin is inflamed or reddened.medicine physiology sciences
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounHate, hatred, anger, wroth.uncountable
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounThe results of hate; enmity, discord, turmoil.uncountable
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishnounA reproval; an irate response.rare uncountable
CommunicationheteMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of heten (“to heat”)alt-of alternative
Communismworking classEnglishnounThe social class of those who perform physical work for a living, as opposed to the professional or middle class, the upper class, or others.
Communismworking classEnglishadjAlternative spelling of working-classalt-of alternative
ComputingpelėLithuaniannouncomputer mouse
ComputingдоменUkrainiannoundomain (in various senses)
ComputingдоменUkrainiannoungenitive plural of до́мна (dómna)form-of genitive plural
CondimentswasabiEnglishnounA pungent green Japanese condiment made from the plant Eutrema japonicum (syn. Wasabia japonica).uncountable usually
CondimentswasabiEnglishnounAn imitation of this condiment made from horseradish with green dye.uncountable usually
ConiferslariceItaliannounlarch (Larix, tree)masculine
ConiferslariceItaliannounthe wood of that treemasculine
ConstellationsKambingTagalognounCapricorn (constellation)astronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsKambingTagalognounCapricorn (zodiac sign)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Construction宅地Chinesenounland used for building a house; residential land
Construction宅地ChinesenounThe area immediately surrounding a house, especially dooryard areas and sometimes including closely associated buildings and structures; curtilagelaw
ContainersKanneGermannounjug, pitcher, pot, can (as in teapot and watering can)feminine
ContainersKanneGermannouna bottle, typically of beerRuhrgebiet especially feminine slang
ContainersbakidCebuanonouna container for dry itemshistorical
ContainersbakidCebuanonouna dry measure equivalent to the contents of such container; a cavanhistorical
ContainersbakidCebuanonouna sackful
ContainersbakidCebuanonouna sack
ContainerscakeboxEnglishnounA box for keeping cake.
ContainerscakeboxEnglishnounA cylindrical container for recordable compact discs.
ContainersdouilleFrenchnounsocket (electrical socket)feminine
ContainersdouilleFrenchnouncartridge case (unprofessional; the correct term in the military is étui)feminine
ContainersdouilleFrenchnounmoneyarchaic feminine
Containers行李Chinesenounbelongings one carries for travelling; luggage; baggage (Classifier: 件 m c; 奇 mn)
Containers行李Chinesenounherald; messengerClassical
ContainersChinesecharactergod; deity
ContainersChinesecharactersoul; spirit
ContainersChinesecharactereffective; efficacious
ContainersChinesecharacterkeen; quick
ContainersChinesecharacterapt; suitable; high-quality; goodNorthern Wu
ContainersChinesecharacterappropriately working; appropriately functioningNorthern Wu
ContainersChinesecharactera surname: Ling
CookingkeittäminenFinnishnounverbal noun of keittää / boiling (process of heating a liquid to its boiling point)
CookingkeittäminenFinnishnounverbal noun of keittää / cooking (process of preparing food)
CookingryynätäFinnishverbto vomit, pukecolloquial
CookingryynätäFinnishverbto crawlgovernment military politics wardialectal intransitive slang
CookingryynätäFinnishverbto partake in infantry battle drillsgovernment military politics warintransitive slang
CookingryynätäFinnishverbto brown something in a frying pandialectal transitive
Corruptionpay-to-playEnglishadjRequiring payment from the
Corruptionpay-to-playEnglishadjAccepting donations in exchange for favors; corrupt.government politicsbroadly not-comparable
CosmologynnwEgyptiannouninertness, rigor mortis
CosmologynnwEgyptiannounthe hidden, lost, perpetually dark, infinite primeval waters
CosmologynnwEgyptiannounNu, father of the gods, the divine anthropomorphisation of the primeval waters, a member of the Ogdoad.
CountriesČSFRSlovaknameInitialism of Česko-slovenská federatívna republika (“Czecho-Slovak Federal Republic”).abbreviation alt-of feminine historical initialism
CountriesČSFRSlovaknameInitialism of Česká a Slovenská Federatívna Republika (“Czech and Slovak Federal Republic”).abbreviation alt-of feminine historical initialism
Countries in EuropePurtugaliaAromaniannamedefinite nominative of Purtugaliidefinite feminine form-of nominative
Countries in EuropePurtugaliaAromaniannamePortugalfeminine
Crabssnow crabEnglishnounAny crab of the species Chionoecetes opilio
Crabssnow crabEnglishnounAny crab of the genus Chionoecetes of spider crabs.broadly
Crickets and grasshoppersdếVietnamesenouncricket
Crickets and grasshoppersdếVietnamesenouncell phone/mobile phoneslang
CrimemedioSpanishadjhalf (of or related to one of two equal divisions of a whole)
CrimemedioSpanishadjhalf (of or related to any large proportion of a whole)
CrimemedioSpanishadjmiddle (placed more or less halfway between two positions, times, or alternatives)
CrimemedioSpanishadjaverage (of or related to the arithmatic middle in a set of values)
CrimemedioSpanishadjaverage (of or related to a representative example of a group)
CrimemedioSpanishadjtasteful, bourgeois (well decorated or executed but not sublime)art arts
CrimemedioSpanishadjmid (of or related to the position of vowel articulation between open and closed)human-sciences linguistics sciences
CrimemedioSpanishadjmiddle, mediopassive (of or related to grammatical voices neither active nor passive)grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
CrimemedioSpanishadjimpressive (extremely large or good)Chile emphatic intensifier ironic slang
CrimemedioSpanishadvhalf, incompletely (indicating an action interrupted or only partially done)
CrimemedioSpanishadvhalf, kind of (particularly used to partially soften negative descriptions)
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / half (any fraction with a denominator of 2)mathematics sciencesmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio, half-celemin (a traditional unit of dry measure equivalent to about 2.3 L)historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio (the usual container used to measure medios)historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio, half-real (a former coin)Colombia Ecuador Guatemala Venezuela historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio, half-peso (a former coin)Dominican-Republic historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio, half-sucre (a former coin)Ecuador historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio, half-balboa (a former coin)Panama historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio, half-boliviano (a former coin)Bolivia historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio, half-octavo (a former coin equal to ¹⁄₁₆ real)Mexico historical masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounhalf (one of two equal parts of any whole) / medio (following decimalization, the notional amount of 6+¹⁄₄ centavos as half of the notional amount of a ¹⁄₈-peseta real and later by extension any 5 centavo coin)Costa-Rica El-Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Peru masculine slang
CrimemedioSpanishnounmiddle (the part of anything located halfway between its ends or extremes in time or along one dimension in space) / midfielder, halfback (a person forming part of the middle or central defensive or offensive line, especially in soccer)hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmiddle (the part of anything located halfway between its ends or extremes in time or along one dimension in space) / Synonym of médium (“medium”) (a person claiming to the ability to communicate with the dead)lifestyle religion spiritualismmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmiddle (the part of anything located halfway between its ends or extremes in time or along one dimension in space) / cut (the payment demanded to permit or facilitate some action, especially as a bribe)business government politicsmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmiddle (the part of anything located halfway between its ends or extremes in time or along one dimension in space) / middle term (the general category that appears in both premises and disappears in the conclusion)human-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmiddle (the part of anything located halfway between its ends or extremes in time or along one dimension in space) / mean (the second and third terms of a proportion)mathematics sciencesmasculine plural-normally
CrimemedioSpanishnounmiddle (the part of anything located halfway between its ends or extremes in time or along one dimension in space)masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnouncenter, heart (the innermost part of anything with regard to all dimensions)masculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmethod, way, means (the actions or things by which some goal is achieved or intended to be achieved, something serving some purpose) / Synonym of diligencia (“diligence, hard work”) (as the generally effective means to achieve any goal)in-plural masculine often
CrimemedioSpanishnounmethod, way, means (the actions or things by which some goal is achieved or intended to be achieved, something serving some purpose) / medium (a means of communication, especially mass communication)in-plural masculine often plural-normally
CrimemedioSpanishnounmethod, way, means (the actions or things by which some goal is achieved or intended to be achieved, something serving some purpose)in-plural masculine often
CrimemedioSpanishnounmedium (the physical space and substance through which some phenomenon occurs) / medium (the physical substances with which art is made)art arts natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmedium (the physical space and substance through which some phenomenon occurs) / environment (the circumstances that affect a person or animal's development)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmedium (the physical space and substance through which some phenomenon occurs) / society (the circumstances in which a person or group of people lives)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmedium (the physical space and substance through which some phenomenon occurs) / circle (a particular segment of society)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine plural-normally
CrimemedioSpanishnounmedium (the physical space and substance through which some phenomenon occurs) / habitat (the circumstances in which an animal or group of animals lives)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishnounmedium (the physical space and substance through which some phenomenon occurs)natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsmasculine
CrimemedioSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of mediarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CrimeporwaniePolishnounverbal noun of porwaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
CrimeporwaniePolishnounkidnapping, abductioncountable neuter
CrimeropaireachtIrishnounstabbing, violencefeminine
CrimeropaireachtIrishnounsnatching, thieving; villainyfeminine
CrustaceanskozicaSerbo-Croatiannoundiminutive of kòza (“goat”)diminutive form-of
CrustaceansshakoEnglishnounA stiff, cylindrical military dress hat with a metal plate in front, a short visor, and a plume.
CrustaceansshakoEnglishnounA bearskin or busby.British
CrustaceansshakoEnglishnounThe squilla or mantis shrimp.uncountable
CryptocurrencycryptomuntDutchnouncryptocoin (monetary unit of a cryptocurrency)feminine uncommon
CurrenciesrealGalicianadjroyalfeminine masculine
CurrenciesrealGaliciannounreal (former unit of currency of Spain)masculine
CurrenciesrealGaliciannounreal (unit of currency used in Brazil)masculine
CurrenciesrealGalicianadjreal (actually being, existing)feminine masculine
CurrencycoronaSpanishnouncrowngovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
CurrencycoronaSpanishnouncrown (various units of currency)feminine
CurrencycoronaSpanishnounwreath; ring, circlefeminine
CurrencycoronaSpanishnounsprocket; (bicycle sprockets) cassettefeminine
CurrencycoronaSpanishnounlarger part of a pair of gear wheelsengineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
CurrencycoronaSpanishverbinflection of coronar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
CurrencycoronaSpanishverbinflection of coronar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
CurrencycoronaSpanishnouncoronavirusinformal masculine uncountable
CurrencysueldoSpanishnounany of several historical European units of currency, including the solidus, sol, and soldomasculine
CurrencysueldoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of soldarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CurrencyсольBelarusiannounGentertainment lifestyle music musical-noteindeclinable
CurrencyсольBelarusiannounsol (Peruvian currency)
CurrencyܕܝܢܪܐClassical Syriacnoundenarius
CurrencyܕܝܢܪܐClassical Syriacnoungold dinar
CurrencyܕܝܢܪܐClassical Syriacnoundirham
Dairy productstanEnglishnounA light, brown-like colour.
Dairy productstanEnglishnounA darkening of the skin resulting from exposure to sunlight or similar light sources.
Dairy productstanEnglishnounThe bark of an oak or other tree from which tannic acid is obtained.
Dairy productstanEnglishadjYellowish-brown.
Dairy productstanEnglishadjHaving dark skin as a result of exposure to the sun or an artificial process intended to mimic this effect.
Dairy productstanEnglishverbTo change to a tan colour due to exposure to the sun.intransitive transitive
Dairy productstanEnglishverbTo change an animal hide into leather by soaking it in tannic acid. To work as a tanner.stative transitive
Dairy productstanEnglishverbTo spank or beat.informal transitive
Dairy productstanEnglishnumThe second cardinal number two, formerly used in Celtic areas, especially Cumbria and parts of Yorkshire, for counting sheep, and stitches in knitting.dialectal rare
Dairy productstanEnglishnounAn Armenian drink made of yoghurt and water similar to airan and doogh
Dairy productstanEnglishnounSynonym of picul, particularly in Cantonese contexts.uncountable usually
Dairy productstanEnglishnounA twig or small switch.dialectal
Dairy productstanEnglishverbTo kill by gun, to shoot.Multicultural-London-English slang transitive
Dancespower moveEnglishnounA type of dance move in b-boying, involving speed, momentum, and acrobatic elements.
Dancespower moveEnglishnounAn aggressive action taken to demonstrate power and dominance.figuratively
Days of the weekพฤหัสบดีThainoun(ดาว~, พระ~) Jupiter: planet.astronomy natural-sciences
Days of the weekพฤหัสบดีThainoun(พระ~) Bṛhaspati: god of wisdom.Hinduism
Days of the weekพฤหัสบดีThainoun(ดาว~, พระ~) Bṛhaspati: the sixth of the nine influential stars navagraha.
Days of the weekพฤหัสบดีThainounThursday. Abbreviation: พฤ. (prʉ́)
DeathberdugoCebuanonounan executioner; an official person who carries out the capital punishment of a criminal
DeathberdugoCebuanonouna hangman; an executioner responsible for hanging criminalsarchaic
DeathberdugoCebuanonounthe long-tailed shrike (Lanius schach)
DeathdoomMiddle Englishnouna judgement, (legal) decision or sentence
DeathdoomMiddle Englishnouna decision or order
DeathdoomMiddle Englishnouna court or trial issuing judgement
DeathdoomMiddle Englishnounfinal judgement after death
DeathdoomMiddle Englishnounjustice, rulership, authority
DeathgiyotinTurkishnounguillotine (decapitation device)historical
DeathgiyotinTurkishnounguillotine (paper cutting tool)media printing publishingarchaic
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A journey; a travelling or trip.
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A military enterprise or operation.
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / A battle, fight or conflict.
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / The happenings of life.figuratively
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounAn endeavour or enterprise; an attempt at something: / Mortality; the final event of one's life.figuratively
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A day of fighting, tilting, or jousting.
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / The amount of work set or completed in a day.
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A day's worth of travel or voyaging.
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / A unit of distance equalling a the distance covered in a day of travel (around 20 miles)
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounThe happenings or accomplishments of a day: / The fruits or results of a day or its work.rare
DeathjourneMiddle EnglishnounA day (period of 24 hours).
DeathyoinkEnglishverbTo make an oinking sound.onomatopoeic
DeathyoinkEnglishverbTo hop or bounce.colloquial
DeathyoinkEnglishverbnonce word for an action that impacts on something, especially if it is sudden.
DeathyoinkEnglishverbTo kill.slang
DeathyoinkEnglishnounAn ordinary person with nothing to recommend them.slang
DeathyoinkEnglishintjUsed for emphasis or to express that one is impressed.colloquial
DeathyoinkEnglishintjOnomatopoeic, accompanying or describing a yank, swipe, or snatch.colloquial
DeathyoinkEnglishverbTo yank or snatch.colloquial
DeathyoinkEnglishverbTo steal.colloquial
DeathyoinkEnglishverbTo take or win (something that others want).colloquial
Deathдо смертиRussianadvUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see до (do), смерть (smertʹ).
Deathдо смертиRussianadvto (one's) deathcolloquial
Deathдо смертиRussianadvutterly, extremelycolloquial figuratively
DeathبرسیUrdunoundeath anniversary
DeathبرسیUrdunouna memorial held at one's death anniversaryHinduism
Death夭閼Chineseverbto stop; to block; to cut off
Death夭閼Chineseverbto die young
DemonymsArcadienFrenchnounArcadian (resident or native of ancient Arcadia)masculine
DemonymsArcadienFrenchnounArcadian (resident or native of modern Arcadia in Greece)masculine
DemonymsCiskeianEnglishadjOf or relating to Ciskei.
DemonymsCiskeianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Ciskei.
DemonymsElysianEnglishnameElysium (“the home of the blessed after death”).human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
DemonymsElysianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Elysian or Elysium, the location.not-comparable
DemonymsElysianEnglishadjBlissful, happy, heavenly.not-comparable
DemonymsElysianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the mythological Elysium.
DemonymsMalayoTagalognameMalay (language)
DemonymsMalayoTagalognounMalay (person)
DemonymsMalayoTagalogadjMalay (pertaining to Malays)
DemonymsMalayoTagalognamea surname from Tagalog
DemonymsNovgorodianEnglishadjOf Novgorod.
DemonymsNovgorodianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Novgorod.
DemonymsTripolitanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Tripoli or its inhabitants.
DemonymsTripolitanEnglishnounSomeone from Tripoli.
DemonymsVolendamerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Volendammasculine strong
DemonymsVolendamerGermanadjof Volendamindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsWeißenbergerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Weißenbergmasculine strong
DemonymsWeißenbergerGermanadjWeißenbergindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsWeißenbergerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
DemonymsbadenseSpanishadjof or from Baden, Germanyfeminine masculine
DemonymsbadenseSpanishnounsomeone from Badenby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymscatamarqueñoSpanishadjof Catamarcarelational
DemonymscatamarqueñoSpanishnounsomeone from Catamarcamasculine
DemonymsetxarriarraSpanishadjof Etxarri-Aranatzfeminine masculine relational
DemonymsetxarriarraSpanishnounsomeone from Etxarri-Aranatzby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsfrixioGaliciannounPhrygian (native or inhabitant of Phrygia)masculine
DemonymsfrixioGaliciannounPhrygian (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymslerenseSpanishadjfrom Pontevedrafeminine masculine
DemonymslerenseSpanishnounsomeone from Pontevedraby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymslisboetaSpanishadjLisboner (of, from or relating to Lisbon)feminine masculine relational
DemonymslisboetaSpanishnouna native of Lisbon; Lisbonerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsmanizaleñoSpanishadjof or from Manizales
DemonymsmanizaleñoSpanishnounsomeone from Manizalesmasculine
DemonymstripolitanoSpanishadjTripolitan (of or relating to Tripoli, Libya)
DemonymstripolitanoSpanishnounTripolitan (native or resident of Tripoli, Libya)masculine
DenmarkskillingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of skillform-of gerund participle present
DenmarkskillingEnglishnounA Scandinavian monetary unit and coin up to the 19th century. (A subdivision of the Swedish riksdaler, the Danish and Norwegian rigsdaler and speciedaler).historical
DenmarkskillingEnglishnounA bay of a barn.
DenmarkskillingEnglishnounA small addition to a cottage.
Derogatory names for countriesМалоросіяUkrainiannameLittle Russia, the regions during Tsarist rule corresponding to central and eastern Ukraine.historical uncountable
Derogatory names for countriesМалоросіяUkrainiannameUkraine.dated offensive uncountable
Derogatory names for countriesстрана 404RussiannounUkraine.Internet derogatory offensive
Derogatory names for countriesстрана 404RussiannounRussia.Internet Ukraine derogatory offensive
DessertsmilseánIrishnounsweet, bonbon, (US) candyUK masculine
DessertsmilseánIrishnounsweet dish, dessertmasculine
DessertsmilseánIrishnounAlternative form of meilsceánach (“eelgrass, zostera”)alt-of alternative masculine
DessertsпундикUkrainiannouna type of cookie, biscuit, or pastry
DessertsпундикUkrainiannountasty food, sweetmeats, tidbitscolloquial in-plural
DiseasesgripăRomaniannouna coldfeminine
DiseasesسيلانArabicnounverbal noun of سَالَ (sāla) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
DiseasesسيلانArabicnounflow, flux
DiseasesسيلانArabicnoungonorrhea, trippermedicine pathology sciences
DiseasesمایاسیلOttoman Turkishnounhaemorrhoids
DiseasesمایاسیلOttoman Turkishnouneczema
Divine epithetscosmocratEnglishnounOne who rules the world.
Divine epithetscosmocratEnglishnounan epithet for God or Satan.capitalized sometimes
Divine epithetscosmocratEnglishnounA prosperous globalist.
DogsпсинаSerbo-Croatiannounprank, practical jokeCroatia usually
Dogs獅子狗ChinesenounPekingese (dog, especially a long-haired one) (Classifier: 隻/只 m c)
Dogs獅子狗ChinesenounShort for 獅子狗卷/狮子狗卷 (shīzǐgǒu juǎn, “chikuwa”). (a tube-shaped fish-paste cake from Japan) (Classifier: 條/条 c)Hong-Kong abbreviation alt-of
DramaరూపకముTelugunounallegory, parable
DreamskoszmarekPolishnoundiminutive of koszmardiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
DreamskoszmarekPolishnounsomething very uglycolloquial inanimate masculine
DreamskoszmarekPolishnounsomething very unpleasantcolloquial inanimate masculine
DreamsnightmareEnglishnounA very bad or frightening dream.
DreamsnightmareEnglishnounAny bad, miserable, difficult or terrifying situation or experience that arouses anxiety, terror, agony or great displeasure.figuratively
DreamsnightmareEnglishnounA demon or monster, thought to plague people while they slept and cause a feeling of suffocation and terror during sleep.archaic
DreamsnightmareEnglishnounA feeling of extreme anxiety or suffocation experienced during sleep; Sleep paralysis.historical
DreamsnightmareEnglishverbTo experience a nightmare.intransitive
DreamsnightmareEnglishverbTo imagine (someone or something) as in a nightmare.transitive
DreamsnightmareEnglishverbTo trouble (someone or something), as by a nightmare.transitive
DrinkinghangoverEnglishnounNegative effects, such as headache or nausea, caused by previous drunkenness due to (excessive) consumption of alcohol.
DrinkinghangoverEnglishnounSimilar negative effects caused by previous excessive consumption of another substance, such as a drug, coffee, sugar, etc.
DrinkinghangoverEnglishnounAn unpleasant relic left from prior events.figuratively
DrinkinghangoverEnglishnounA sleeping arrangement, usually in homeless shelters, over a rope.historical
DrinkingпьяныйRussiannoundrunk person, drunk, drunkard
DucksbibeTagalognouna species of white duck
DucksbibeTagalognounduckling; young duck
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemOrkusPolishnameOrcus (Entruscan and Roman god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine person
Dwarf planets of the Solar SystemOrkusPolishnameOrcus (full name: 90482 Orcus, the dwarf planet and plutino with a moon, Vanth.)animal-not-person masculine
EaglesgoldieEnglishnounSomething which is golden in color. / The golden eagle.biology birdwatching natural-sciences ornithologyUK
EaglesgoldieEnglishnounSomething which is golden in color. / The golden plover.biology birdwatching natural-sciences ornithologyUK
EaglesgoldieEnglishnounSomething which is golden in color. / The goldfinch.
EaglesgoldieEnglishnounSomething which is golden in color. / A goldfish.informal
EaglesgoldieEnglishnounSomething which is golden in color. / A Golden Retriever.informal
EaglesgoldieEnglishnounSomething which is golden in color.
EasterresurrectionEnglishnounThe act of arising from the dead and becoming alive again.countable uncountable
EasterresurrectionEnglishnounThe general resurrection.Christianity Islam lifestyle religionJudaism countable uncountable
EasterresurrectionEnglishnounA miraculous comeback or revival (e.g., of a TV series); recovery from a dire predicament.countable figuratively uncountable
EasterresurrectionEnglishnounThe act of bodysnatching (illicitly exhuming a cadaver).archaic countable uncountable
Economicsrevealed preferenceEnglishnounA consumer preference as inferred from purchasing habits according to a theory invented by American economist Paul A. Samuelson.countable uncountable
Economicsrevealed preferenceEnglishnounSamuelson's theory for inferring consumer preference from purchasing habits.uncountable
EconomicsuprzemysłowićPolishverbto industrialize (to develop industry; to become industrial)perfective transitive
EconomicsuprzemysłowićPolishverbto industrialize (to make a region of a country industrial)perfective transitive
EconomicsuprzemysłowićPolishverbto industrialize (to become an industry)perfective reflexive
EconomicsuprzemysłowićPolishverbto industrialize (to become industrial)perfective reflexive
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory (aggregate of past events)abbreviation feminine historical uncountable
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory (branch of knowledge that studies the past; the assessment of notable events)abbreviation feminine historical uncountable
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory (branch of studies at university studying the past)abbreviation feminine historical uncountable
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory (administrative department at a university teaching university)abbreviation countable feminine historical
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory (subject in school)abbreviation feminine historical uncountable
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory (lesson teaching history at school)abbreviation countable feminine historical
EducationhistoriaPolishnounstory (account of real or fictional events)abbreviation countable feminine historical
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory; story (extraordinary, exciting event)abbreviation countable feminine historical
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistory (record of previous user events, especially of visited web pages in a browser)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation countable feminine historical
EducationhistoriaPolishnounhistorical painting or sculpture (artistic work containing content about history)Middle Polish abbreviation feminine historical
EducationseminariumPolishnounseminary (theological school)Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismneuter
EducationseminariumPolishnounseminar (class held for advanced studies)neuter
EducationтројкаSerbo-Croatiannounthree (digit or figure)
EducationтројкаSerbo-Croatiannounanything numbered three (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 3 etc.)
EducationтројкаSerbo-Croatiannounthe school grade '3'
EducationтројкаSerbo-Croatiannountrio (group of three)
EducationтројкаSerbo-Croatiannountroika (carriage)
Education畢業Chineseverbto graduate; to finish schoolintransitive verb-object
Education畢業Chineseverbto graduate (to leave a group)entertainment lifestyleJapanese intransitive slang verb-object
Education畢業Chineseverbto quit [a job]; to be firedbusinessfiguratively intransitive verb-object
Education錄取Chineseverbto enroll or admit a candidate to an institutiontransitive
Education錄取Chineseverbto record (a confession, statement, testimony, etc.)transitive
Eighteen三六Chinesenounthree sixes; eighteen
Eighteen三六Chinesenoundog meatCantonese
Eighteen三六ChinesenoundogLiuzhou Mandarin Pinghua
ElephantsควาญThainounkeeper or driver (of any animal).archaic
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounA composite material consisting largely of calcium phosphate and collagen and making up the skeleton of most vertebrates.uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounAny of the components of an endoskeleton, made of bone.countable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounA bone of a fish; a fishbone.countable uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounA bonefish.countable uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounOne of the rigid parts of a corset that forms its frame, the boning, originally made of whalebone.countable uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounOne of the fragments of bone held between the fingers of the hand and rattled together to keep time to music.countable uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounAnything made of bone, such as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.countable uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounThe framework of anything.countable figuratively uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounAn off-white colour, like the colour of bone.countable uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounA dollar.US countable in-plural informal uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounThe wishbone formation.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable informal uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounAn erect penis; a boner.countable slang uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounA domino or die.countable in-plural slang uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounA cannabis cigarette; a joint.countable slang uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounA reward.countable figuratively uncountable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishadjOf an off-white colour, like the colour of bone.not-comparable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo prepare (meat, etc) by removing the bone or bones from.
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo fertilize with bone.
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo put whalebone into.
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo make level, using a particular procedure; to survey a level line.civil-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo have sexual intercourse (with).intransitive slang transitive usually vulgar
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo perform “bone pointing”, a ritual that is intended to bring illness or even death to the victim.Australia dated
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo study.usually
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo polish boots to a shiny finish.
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo nag, especially for an unpaid debt.
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishadvUsed before an adjective as an intensifiernot-comparable
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo apprehend, steal.slang transitive
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishverbTo sight along an object or set of objects to check whether they are level or in carpentry construction geography manufacturing masonry natural-sciences surveying
Elopomorph fishboneEnglishnounClipping of trombone.abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
Elopomorph fishгагKomi-Zyriannouninsect, bug
Elopomorph fishгагKomi-Zyriannounworm
Elopomorph fishгагKomi-Zyriannouneeldialectal
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounA person with red hair.
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounA North American duck (Aythya americana) highly esteemed as a game bird.
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounA kind of milkweed (Asclepia curassavica), with red flowers, formerly used in medicine.
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounChinese red-headed centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans)
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounred-headed bunting (Emberiza bruniceps)
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounred-headed titi (Callicebus regulus)
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounred-headed vulture (Sarcogyps calvus)
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounred-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
EmberizidsredheadEnglishnounA kind of 800-watt lamp.broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theater
EmotionsarrabbiatoItalianadjmad, rabid (of an animal)
EmotionsarrabbiatoItalianadjmad, angry (of a person)
EmotionsarrabbiatoItalianverbpast participle of arrabbiareform-of participle past
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo beat; to repeatedly strike or hit: / To hit or whip; to attack with a blunt weapon or the hands
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo beat; to repeatedly strike or hit: / To bombard or strike with projectiles.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo beat; to repeatedly strike or hit: / To violently or furiously assail.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo beat; to repeatedly strike or hit: / To bat (wings or eyes) up and down.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo beat; to repeatedly strike or hit: / To strike cloth or tow.rare
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo (repeatedly or violently) press, pound or whack: / To strike metal into shape; to perform metalworking.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo (repeatedly or violently) press, pound or whack: / To throb or vibrate; to make a regular pulse.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo (repeatedly or violently) press, pound or whack: / To thresh; to separate grain from the chaff.rare
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo crush, grind or mix; to cause to lose food lifestyleespecially
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo decorate with embroidery, metalwork, or paintwork.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo beat (conquer, ruin, or overcome).
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo inflict punishment upon someone.figuratively
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo be near or adjacent; to border.rare
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter a waterbody so a hunting hound loses scent.rare
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo talk or converse about.figuratively rare
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo fix or mend; to perform repairs to. / To alleviate or cure; to remove a condition.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo fix or mend; to perform repairs to. / To reassure; to free from distress.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo save from danger or death.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo expiate; to make amends for a sin or wrong.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo start or add fuel to a fire; to stoke.
EmotionsbetenMiddle EnglishverbTo rouse or stir (a feeling)figuratively
EmotionsdelityngMiddle EnglishnounSomething that inspires delight, joy, or enjoyment.
EmotionsdelityngMiddle EnglishnounDelight, joy, enjoyment; the sensation of delighting.rare
EmotionsdelityngMiddle EnglishnounThe process of experiencing delight; delighting or enjoying.rare
EmotionsexcitedEnglishadjHaving great enthusiasm, passion and energy.
EmotionsexcitedEnglishadjBeing in a state of higher energy.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
EmotionsexcitedEnglishadjHaving an erection; erect.
EmotionsexcitedEnglishadjSexually aroused.
EmotionsexcitedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of exciteform-of participle past
EmotionsstedefastlyMiddle EnglishadvSteadfastly, firmly, convincedly; without doubt.
EmotionsstedefastlyMiddle EnglishadvSteadily, firmly; in a firm or steady way.
EmotionsstedefastlyMiddle EnglishadvRigorously, exactly; without deviation.
EmotionsstedefastlyMiddle EnglishadvUninterruptedly, eternally; without halt.
EmotionsstedefastlyMiddle EnglishadvUnmovingly, stationarily; in a still way.rare
EmotionsstedefastlyMiddle EnglishadvTotally, fully; without exception.rare
EmotionsμελαγχολικόςAncient Greekadjatrabilious, choleric
EmotionsμελαγχολικόςAncient Greekadjmelancholic
EmotionsсамотаUkrainiannounloneliness, lonesomenessuncountable
EmotionsсамотаUkrainiannounprivacy, seclusionuncountable
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounA range; a continuous, infinite, one-dimensional set, possibly bounded by extremes.
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounSpecifically, a range of colours representing light (electromagnetic radiation) of contiguous frequencies; hence electromagnetic spectrum, visible spectrum, ultraviolet spectrum, etc.
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounThe autism human-sciences psychology sciencesusually
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounThe pattern of absorption or emission of radiation produced by a substance when subjected to energy (radiation, heat, electricity, etc.).chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounThe set of eigenvalues of a matrix.linear-algebra mathematics sciences
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounOf a bounded linear operator A, the set of scalar values λ such that the operator A—λI, where I denotes the identity operator, does not have a bounded inverse; intended as a generalisation of the linear algebra sense.mathematics sciences
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounAn abstract object in mathematics created from a commutative ring R and denoted operatorname Spec(R) or operatorname SpecR and said to be the spectrum of R; useful in the study of such rings for providing a geometric object which encodes many of the properties R, and in modern geometry for generalizing the notion of an algebraic variety to that of an affine scheme. Formally, the set of all prime ideals R equipped with the Zariski topology and augmented with a sheaf of rings called the structure sheaf, generated by the B-sheaf on the distinguished open sets D_f which assigns the localization of R at f to each set D_f, regarded as a ring of functions on D_f. See Spectrum of a ring on Wikipedia.Wikipediaalgebraic-geometry geometry mathematics sciences
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounSpecter, apparition.obsolete
EnergyspectrumEnglishnounThe image of something seen that persists after the eyes are closed.
EnglishNew EnglishEnglishnameThe form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift in England, completed in roughly 1550.
EnglishNew EnglishEnglishnounA variety of English that has come into being in a region where English was a former colonial language or is a foreign language.
EnglishNew EnglishEnglishnounNew Englanders.historical in-plural uncommon
EnglishNew EnglishEnglishnounEnglish settlers who arrived in Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries, as distinguished from previous Anglo-Norman invaders (the Old English).historical in-plural
EnglishNew EnglishEnglishadjOf or pertaining to New England.historical uncommon
EnglishNew EnglishEnglishadjOf or pertaining to English settlers who arrived in Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries.historical
English cardinal numberseighty-eightEnglishnumNumber between eighty-seven and eighty-nine; decimal 88
English cardinal numberseighty-eightEnglishnumAn abbreviation for 'Hugs and kisses' in amateur radio. Used especially in Morse code.
English cardinal numberseighty-eightEnglishnounA piano (from the number of keys)slang
English cardinal numberseighty-eightEnglishnounA butterfly of the genera Callicore, Perisama, or Diaethria, some of which have a pattern on their wings similar to the digits "88".
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA surname, a less common spelling of Carey.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surnames.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Caroline.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Algonquin Township, McHenry County and Cuba Township, Lake County, Illinois.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Monroe Township, Putnam County, Indiana.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Harrison Township, Miami County, Indiana.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unorganised township in Aroostook County, Maine.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Sharkey County, Mississippi.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Wake County, Chatham County and Durham County, North Carolina.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Wood County, Wisconsin.
English female given namesCaryEnglishnameA river in Somerset, England, which flows into the River Parrett.
English ordinal numbersseptillionthEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number septillionnot-comparable
English ordinal numbersseptillionthEnglishnounThe person or thing in the septillionth position.
English ordinal numbersseptillionthEnglishnounOne of a septillion equal parts of a whole.
English punctuation marksEnglishcharacterRenders the print sequence ar.letter
English punctuation marksEnglishpunctthe pipe |
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek.
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnounA middle-aged white woman exhibiting a sense of entitlement or white privilege.derogatory
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnounAny person, especially female, exhibiting an exaggerated sense of entitlement.broadly derogatory
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnameOne of the seven great Parthian feudal families.historical
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnameA transliteration of the Armenian male given name Կարեն (Karen).
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnounA member of a diverse ethnic group originating in Myanmar and Thailand.
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnameA group of Sino-Tibetan languages spoken by people of the Karen ethnic group, also called Karenic.
English unisex given namesKarenEnglishnameFormer name of Kayin (“state (administrative division) of Myanmar”).
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnounA member or supporter of the Conservative Party, which evolved from Royalist politicians; historically associated with upholding the rights of the monarchy and the privileges of the established Church.government politicsUK
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnounOne who is like a British Tory; someone politically conservative.broadly
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnounA member or supporter of the Conservative Party of Canada, one of that party's predecessors, or an affiliated provincial political party.government politicsCanadian
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnounA member of the political factions that sought to prevent the exclusion of James, Duke of York from the throne of England in the 17th century.derogatory historical
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnounAn Irish rebel fighting against English rule at the end of the Confederate War and Cromwellian invasion; later extended to other rebels or bandits.derogatory historical
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnounA loyal British subject during the American Revolution.US historical
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnounA Union sympathizer in the Confederate States during the American Civil War.US historical
English unisex given namesToryEnglishadjOf or belonging to the Tory Party or the Conservative Party.government politicsUK not-comparable
English unisex given namesToryEnglishadjOf or belonging to the Conservative Party of Canada, one of that party's predecessors, or an affiliated provincial political party.government politicsCanadian not-comparable
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnameA female given name
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnameA male given name
English unisex given namesToryEnglishnameShort for Tory Island, County Donegal, Ireland.abbreviation alt-of
English unisex given namesWinnieEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Winifred or, less often, of Winona.
English unisex given namesWinnieEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Winston.
English unisex given namesWinnieEnglishnameA census-designated place in Chambers County, Texas, United States, named after Fox Winnie, a railroad contractor.
English unisex given namesWinnieEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Nottoway County, Virginia, United States.
EquidszebraEnglishnounAny of three species of subgenus Hippotigris: E. grevyi, E. quagga, or E. zebra, all with black and white stripes and native to Africa.
EquidszebraEnglishnounA referee.hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
EquidszebraEnglishnounAn unlikely diagnosis, especially for symptoms probably caused by a common ailment.medicine sciencesslang
EquidszebraEnglishnounSomeone who has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or hypermobility spectrum disordermedicine sciencesbroadly
EquidszebraEnglishnounA biracial person, specifically one born to a Sub-Saharan African person and a white person.derogatory ethnic slang slur vulgar
EquidszebraEnglishnounA zebra cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata).informal
EquidszebraEnglishnounAny of various papilionid butterflies of the subgenus Paranticopsis of the genus Graphium, having black and white markings.
EquidszebraEnglishnounA zebra crossing.
EthnonymsOndoYorubanameOndo (a city in Ondo State, Nigeria).
EthnonymsOndoYorubanameOndo (a state of Nigeria).
EthnonymsOndoYorubanameOndo Kingdom (a historical kingdom in Nigeria).
EthnonymsOndoYorubanameThe Ondo dialect of Yoruba.
EthnonymsOndoYorubanameThe Ondo people.
EthnonymsXicanxEnglishadjChicano or Chicana (and of any gender).neologism not-comparable
EthnonymsXicanxEnglishnounA Chicano or Chicana (of any gender).neologism
EthnonymsbantuHungariannounBantu (group or person)countable uncountable
EthnonymsbantuHungariannounBantu (language)countable uncountable
Evening primrose family plantsfúcsiaCatalannounfuchsia (flowering plant in the genus Fuchsia)feminine
Evening primrose family plantsfúcsiaCatalannounfuchsia (purplish-red color)feminine
Evening primrose family plantsfúcsiaCatalanadjfuchsiainvariable
Extinct languagesPenobscotEnglishnameA Native American nation or tribe.
Extinct languagesPenobscotEnglishnameAn extinct Abenaki (Algonquian) language, spoken in parts of the northeastern United States and in Quebec, related to Western Abenaki.
Extinct languagesPenobscotEnglishnameA town in Hancock County, Maine, United States.
Extinct languagesPenobscotEnglishnounOne of a sovereign people indigenous to what is now Maritime Canada and the northeastern United States, particularly Maine.
EyepoppyEnglishnounAny plant of the genus Papaver or the family Papaveraceae, with crumpled, often red, petals and a milky juice having narcotic properties; especially a common poppy or corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas) which has orange-red flowers; the flower of such a plant.countable uncountable
EyepoppyEnglishnounA bright red colour tinted with orange, like that of the common poppy flower.countable uncountable
EyepoppyEnglishnounA simple artificial poppy flower worn in a buttonhole or displayed in other contexts to remember those who died in the two World Wars and other armed conflicts, especially around Remembrance Day/Remembrance Sunday.Australia British Canada countable uncountable
EyepoppyEnglishadjOf a bright red colour tinted with orange, like that of the common poppy flower (Papaver rhoeas).not-comparable
EyepoppyEnglishadjHaving a popping or bursting sound.informal
EyepoppyEnglishadjOf a beverage: resembling soda pop; effervescent, fizzy.informal
EyepoppyEnglishadjOf eyes: protruding, sticking out.informal
EyepoppyEnglishadjTypical of, or in the style of, pop music.entertainment lifestyle music
EyepoppyEnglishnounOne's father or grandfather, or a male authority figure having similar standing.endearing
EyesuborbitalEnglishadjNot reaching orbit; having a trajectory that does not reach orbital velocity and so must return to ground eventually.not-comparable
EyesuborbitalEnglishadjBelow the orbit of the eye.anatomy medicine sciencesnot-comparable
EyesuborbitalEnglishnounA suborbital boneanatomy medicine sciences
Fabeae tribe plantsქვიშნაMingreliannounSynonym of ქვიშნაბული (kvišnabuli, “sour cherry”)
Fabeae tribe plantsქვიშნაMingreliannounbitter vetch (Vicia ervilia)
FabricsfearnaughtEnglishnounA fearless person.
FabricsfearnaughtEnglishnounA stout woolen cloth of great thickness; dreadnought
FabricsfearnaughtEnglishnounA warm garment, especially one made of this cloth.broadly
FabricsswansdownEnglishnounThe down of a swan.uncountable usually
FabricsswansdownEnglishnounA soft woolen fabric; flannelette.uncountable usually
FabricstartanPolishnountartan (woollen cloth with a distinctive pattern of intersecting orthogonal coloured stripes, associated with Scottish Highlanders)inanimate masculine
FabricstartanPolishnountartan (pattern associated with such material)inanimate masculine
FabricstartanPolishnounclothing made of such fabricinanimate masculine
FabricstartanPolishnountartan track (all-weather synthetic track surfacing made of polyurethane used for track and field competitions)athletics hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
FabricstartanPolishnountartan track (stadium or running track covered with such material)athletics hobbies lifestyle sportscolloquial inanimate masculine
FabricstartanPolishnoungenitive plural of tartanafeminine form-of genitive plural
FacekandiisCebuanonouna dimple; a small natural depression on the skin, especially on the face near the corners of the mouth
FacekandiisCebuanonounthe lettered venus (Tapes literatus)
FaceVietnamesenouncheekanatomy medicine sciences
FaceVietnamesenounmother; momSouthern Vietnam
FaceVietnamesenounrice seedlingsin-compounds
Fairy tale charactersTomcio PaluchPolishnameTom Thumb (fairy tale)masculine person
Fairy tale charactersTomcio PaluchPolishnameTom Thumb (the main character in this story)masculine person
FamilyadoptowaćPolishverbto adopt (to take (a child, heir, friend, citizen, etc.) by choice into a relationship)lawimperfective transitive
FamilyadoptowaćPolishverbto adopt (to obtain (a pet) from a shelter or the wild)imperfective transitive
FamilyadoptowaćPolishverbto use, to employ, to apply, to utilizeMiddle Polish imperfective transitive
FamilyaiSerinounhis father
FamilyaiSeriadvstill (used with nominalized third person verbs)rare
FamilygaguhŋBandjalangnounelder brother of a male
FamilygaguhŋBandjalangnounother male relations
FamilygengeMiddle EnglishnounA group or crowd of people. / A host or band (of armed men)poetic
FamilygengeMiddle EnglishnounA group or crowd of people. / A retinue; one's attendants.poetic
FamilygengeMiddle EnglishnounThe pagan nations; the Gentiles.biblical lifestyle religionpoetic
FamilygengeMiddle Englishnounprevailing, thrivingEarly-Middle-English poetic rare
FamilyvrauCimbriannounlady (woman of the upper class)Sette-Comuni feminine
FamilyvrauCimbriannounwifeSette-Comuni feminine
FamilyστέργηθρονAncient Greeknounlove-charm, applied to various plants
FamilyστέργηθρονAncient Greeknounlove itself, affection
FamilyστέργηθρονAncient Greeknounparental love, parental fondness, parental affection
FamilyағаKazakhnounelder brother
Family分家Japanesenouna branch family
Family分家Japaneseverbstart a new family line
Family阿伯Chinesenounpaternal uncle (father's elder brother)Cantonese Hakka Mandarin Min Southern dialectal
Family阿伯Chinesenounold manCantonese Hakka Min Southern informal
Family阿伯Chinesenounbrother-in-law (husband's elder brother)Liuzhou Mandarin Wu dialectal
Family membersziiItaliannounplural of zio / unclesmasculine
Family membersziiItaliannounplural of zio / uncle and aunt or aunt and unclemasculine
Family membersziiItaliannounplural of zio / uncles and auntsmasculine
Family membersChinesecharactersororal niece or sororal nephew
Family membersChinesecharacterson-in-lawobsolete
Fans (people)KopiteEnglishnounA fan of the English football team Liverpool F.C..ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsinformal
Fans (people)KopiteEnglishnounA fan of the English football team Liverpool F.C.. / A fan of Liverpool F.C. who exhibits loutish behaviour, football hooliganism, or poor sportsmanship.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsderogatory informal
Faster-than-light travelteletransportEnglishnounSynonym of teletransportationuncountable
Faster-than-light travelteletransportEnglishverbAlternative form of teleportalt-of alternative
FemaledonzellaCatalannounmaiden, damselfeminine
FemaledonzellaCatalannounvincabiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
FemaledonzellaCatalannounMediterranean rainbow wrasse (Coris julis)feminine
FemalemoderSwedishnounmothercommon-gender dated
FemalemoderSwedishnounmother (as in Mother Theresa, Mother Earth, etc.)common-gender
Female animalslachScottish Gaelicnounduck (especially wild), mallardfeminine
Female animalslachScottish Gaelicnounfarefeminine
Female animalswolfessEnglishnounA female wolf, a she-wolf.
Female animalswolfessEnglishnounA predatory woman.figuratively slang
Female family membersammaEnglishnounmotherIndia
Female family membersammaEnglishnounAn abbess or spiritual mother, especially one of the Desert Mothers.Christianityhistorical
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmother (human female who begets a child)countable feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmother (animal female that begets a child)countable feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounqueen (female insect that begets others)biology natural-sciences zoologycountable feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmother (chief nun)lifestyle religioncountable feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmother (origin)feminine uncountable
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmother (object or organization that is superior or exemplary in relation to other objects or organizations of this type, usually later created)countable feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmother (plant intended for seedlings)biology botany natural-sciencescountable feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnouncaptain (most important player or team manager)gamescountable feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounterm of endearment for one's wife, mother of children, or older woman; mothercolloquial endearing feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmother (one who acts like a mother)countable feminine figuratively
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounmain riverbedcountable feminine obsolete
Female family membersmatkaPolishnountype of children's gamefeminine obsolete uncountable
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounconcave stampcountable feminine obsolete
Female family membersmatkaPolishnounwomb, uterusanatomy medicine sciencesMiddle Polish feminine
Female family membersmatkaPolishnoundiminutive of matadiminutive feminine form-of
Female family membersદુખ્તરGujaratinoundaughterrare
Female family membersદુખ્તરGujaratinoungirlrare
Female peopleasdzáníNavajonounyoung woman, wife, lady
Female peopleasdzáníNavajonounactress
Female peoplecaptivaLatinadjinflection of captīvus: / nominative/vocative feminine singularfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female peoplecaptivaLatinadjinflection of captīvus: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative plural vocative
Female peoplecaptivaLatinadjablative feminine singular of captīvusablative feminine form-of singular
Female peoplecaptivaLatinnouna (female) captive, prisoner, prisoner of wardeclension-1
Female peoplefemeleMiddle Englishadjfemale (of feminine sex or gender)
Female peoplefemeleMiddle EnglishadjUsed in extended reference to supposedly "female" gems, trees, plants, or astrological portents.
Female peoplefemeleMiddle EnglishnounA woman; a female human or animal.
Female peoplezmijeCzechnounviper, adderfeminine
Female peoplezmijeCzechnounevil womanfeminine offensive
Female people지집Jejunounwoman, girl
Female people지집Jejunounwife
FeudalismfealtyEnglishnounFidelity to one's lord or master; the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord.countable uncountable
FeudalismfealtyEnglishnounThe oath by which this obligation was assumed.countable uncountable
FibersasɣunTarifitnounrope (specifically for basket-making)masculine
FictionfanservisIndonesiannounfanservice / The inclusion in a work of fiction of material, especially of a racy or sexual nature, which may or may not have relevance to the storyline and is designed merely to excite the viewer.ACG lifestyle video-gamesslang
FictionfanservisIndonesiannounfanservice / Special interactions from idols to their fans.lifestyleslang
Fictional charactersSGEnglishnounInitialism of Secretary General.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Fictional charactersSGEnglishnounInitialism of specific gravity.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Fictional charactersSGEnglishnounInitialism of shooting guard.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Fictional charactersSGEnglishnounInitialism of security guard.Philippines abbreviation alt-of colloquial countable initialism uncountable
Fictional charactersSGEnglishnameInitialism of Stanley Gibbons, stamp dealer and catalogue publisher.hobbies lifestyle philatelyabbreviation alt-of initialism
Fictional charactersSGEnglishnameInitialism of Super Girl (“DC Comics superheroine”).comics literature media publishingabbreviation alt-of initialism
Financeal comptatCatalanadjcashinvariable
Financeal comptatCatalanadvcash
Fingersअँगूठी का नगीनाHindinoungem or stone embedded on a ring
Fingersअँगूठी का नगीनाHindinounbeing special, distinguished, matchless or unique
FireignitionEnglishnounThe act of igniting.countable uncountable
FireignitionEnglishnounThe initiation of combustion.countable uncountable
FireignitionEnglishnounA system for activating combustion in a combustion engine.automotive engineering mechanical mechanical-engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences transport vehiclescountable uncountable
FireignitionEnglishnounReceptacle for a key used to start the engine in a vehicle.automotive transport vehiclescountable uncountable
FireignitionEnglishnounThe phenomenon of a thermonuclear fusion reaction becoming self-sustaining and no longer requiring external heating.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
FirelifaIcelandicverbto liveintransitive weak
FirelifaIcelandicverbto experience somethingtransitive weak with-accusative
FirelifaIcelandicverbto survive, to endure, to come throughintransitive transitive weak with-accusative
FirelifaIcelandicverbto burnintransitive weak
FirearmskúlaIcelandicnounsphere, ballfeminine
FirearmskúlaIcelandicnounbullet (short for byssukúla)feminine
FirearmsnábojCzechnouncartridge (firearms)inanimate masculine
FirearmsnábojCzechnouncharge (physics)inanimate masculine
FirefightingextinçãoPortuguesenounextinguishment (act of putting out a fire)feminine
FirefightingextinçãoPortuguesenounextinction; annihilation; eradication; destructionfeminine
FirefightingextinçãoPortuguesenounabolition (act of abolishing)feminine
FirefightingextinçãoPortuguesenounextinction (the disappearance of a species from a region, or as a whole)biology ecology natural-sciencesfeminine
FirefightingextinçãoPortuguesenounthe act of slaking lime to produce slaked limefeminine
FirefightingextinçãoPortuguesenounextinction (absorption or scattering of electromagnetic radiation)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
FishalhoWaray-Waraynountenpounder (Elops machnata)
FishcsíkHungariannounstripe, band
FishcsíkHungariannounloach (a bottom-feeding freshwater fish in the superfamily or suborder Cobitoidea)
FishcsíkHungariannounlong, flat ribbons of pasta, similar to fettuccine
FisheqalukGreenlandicnounsea trout
FisheqalukGreenlandicnounArctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
FishlùssoLiguriannounpike (fish)masculine
FishlùssoLiguriannounexcess, surplusmasculine
FishsnagIrishnouna catch (hesitation in voice), gasp, sobmasculine
FishsnagIrishnouna lull (period of rest)masculine
FishsnagIrishnouna treecreeper (bird of the family Certhiidae)masculine
FishsnagIrishnoungoby (fish)masculine
FishకంటకముTelugunounAny source of vexation or annoyance, a pest, a plague, an evil.
FishకంటకముTelugunounA fishbone.
FishకంటకముTelugunoungoose pimple
FishꜣbḏwEgyptiannamethe city of Abydos
FishꜣbḏwEgyptiannamethe afterlifemetonymically
FishꜣbḏwEgyptiannounAbydenes, the people of Abydos collectively
FishꜣbḏwEgyptiannouna kind of fish, often used medicinally, and mythologically said to pilot the solar barque or, in later times, to be a form of the sun god
FlowersسوسنArabicnamea female given name, equivalent to English Susanna/Suzanna
Food and drinkdoghMiddle Englishnoundough (substance used to make bread etc.)uncountable
Food and drinkdoghMiddle Englishnounmatterfiguratively rare uncountable
Food and drinkpastwićPolishverbto abuse, to torment, to victimizeimperfective reflexive
Food and drinkpastwićPolishverbto feed onimperfective obsolete reflexive
Food and drinkܐܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounkneading trough; chest
Food and drinkܐܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnoundough, batch
Food and drinkܐܨܘܬܐClassical Syriacnounlump, mass
FoodsbetamaxTagalognounBetamax (videocassette)
FoodsbetamaxTagalognouncoagulated chicken blood that is boiled, cut in to cubes, skewered and grilled to be sold as a street foodcolloquial
Foodsbánh bíaVietnamesenounAlternative form of bánh pía (“a Suzhou-style mooncake adapted from Teochew cuisine”)alt-of alternative
Foodsbánh bíaVietnamesenounpopiah
FoodsicingEnglishnounA sweet, often creamy and thick glaze made primarily of sugar, often enriched with ingredients like butter, egg whites, or flavorings, typically used for baked food lifestylecountable uncountable
FoodsicingEnglishnounA minor violation of ice hockey rules, occurring when a player shoots the puck from his/her side of the red line so that it crosses the goal line on the opponent's side. A team playing short-handed is not penalized for this.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportscountable uncountable
FoodsicingEnglishnounThe process of forming a layer of ice on a surface.countable uncountable
FoodsicingEnglishnounConditions conducive to the formation of ice on aircraft surfaces.aeronautics aerospace aviation business climatology engineering meteorology natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
FoodsicingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of iceform-of gerund participle present
FoodsinsalataItaliannounhotchpotch, mishmashfeminine figuratively
FoodsinsalataItalianverbfeminine singular of insalatofeminine form-of participle singular
FoodsphởVietnamesenounpho (a soup made with bánh phở noodles, usually served with beef, pork, or chicken, similar to ramen).
FoodsphởVietnameseverbto clear (land)obsolete
FoodsputógIrishnounpudding (sausage made primarily from blood)feminine
FoodsputógIrishnoungut, bowelfeminine
FoodstrufadaCatalannountruffade (Occitan potato dish)feminine
FoodstrufadaCatalanverbfeminine singular of trufatfeminine form-of participle singular
FoodsарахісUkrainiannounArachis (genus within the family Fabaceae – flowering plants, of which the peanut is the best known)uncountable
FoodsарахісUkrainiannounpeanut (legume resembling a nut, the fruit of the plant Arachis hypogaea)collective uncountable
Foods牛雜Chinesenounbeef entrails; beef offals (a common Cantonese dish)
Foods牛雜Chinesenounngiu chap; beef noodle soup with entrails (a local dish in Kota Kinabalu)Hakka Malaysia
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounSomeone or something that beats.
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA kitchen implement for mixing.
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA stick used to play a percussion instrument.
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA person who drives game towards shooters in a hunting party, typically working in a group with other beaters.
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA papermaking machine for processing fibres by fibrillation in order to improve bonding strength
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounAn old or dilapidated automobile in poor operating condition.US informal
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA weaving tool designed to push the weft yarn securely into place. It contains the comb-like insert reed and is sometimes a part of the loom.
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA harp seal pup after its first moult and before its second moult.Canada
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounIn the sport of Quidditch or Muggle quidditch, a player who attempts to hit the opposing team's players with bludgers and to block the bludgers from hitting their own team's players.
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA shoe suitable for everyday wear, during which they may get dirty or scuffed, as opposed to more valuable shoes that one wishes to keep in good condition.informal
FootwearbeaterEnglishnounA sleeveless undershirt.US informal
FootwearσανδάλιονAncient Greeknouna light strap-shoe, sandal
FootwearσανδάλιονAncient Greeknouna kind of vessel in the Byzantine fleet, sandalByzantine
ForestsKolmårdenSwedishnamea forest belt in south-central Sweden, north of Bråviken and Norrköping, west of Nyköpingneuter
ForestsKolmårdenSwedishnamea zoo, situated in this areaneuter
ForestsgęstwaPolishnounthicket, copsefeminine
ForestsgęstwaPolishnounthrong, swarmfeminine
ForestsпросекаRussiannounglade, clearing
ForestsпросекаRussiannouncleared path in a forest
FourteenfortnightlyEnglishadjOccurring once in a fortnight; once every two weeks.not-comparable
FourteenfortnightlyEnglishadvonce in a fortnight; once every two weeksnot-comparable
FourteenfortnightlyEnglishnounA publication issued fortnightly (once every two weeks).
FoxespiesiecPolishnounarctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)animal-not-person masculine
FoxespiesiecPolishnounarctic fox furanimal-not-person masculine
FruitspigwaPolishnounquince (tree)feminine
FruitspigwaPolishnounquince (fruit)feminine
FurnitureخوانOttoman Turkishnouna large tray which serves as a table, board where viands are processed or eaten
FurnitureخوانOttoman Turkishnounmeal, food, victuals
FurnitureخوانOttoman Turkishadjreading, who recitesin-compounds
FuturefuturoEsperantonounfuture (the time ahead)uncountable
FuturefuturoEsperantonounfuture tensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable
GaitschancelantFrenchadjtottering, staggering, faltering
GaitschancelantFrenchadjhazy, unclear
GaitschancelantFrenchverbpresent participle of chancelerform-of participle present
GaitshopEnglishnounA short jump.
GaitshopEnglishnounA jump on one leg.
GaitshopEnglishnounA short journey, especially in the case of air travel, one that takes place on a private plane.
GaitshopEnglishnounA bounce, especially from the ground, of a thrown or batted ball.hobbies lifestyle sportsUS
GaitshopEnglishnounA dance; a gathering for the purpose of dancing.UK US dated slang
GaitshopEnglishnounThe sending of a data packet from one host to an adjacent host as part of its overall journey.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
GaitshopEnglishverbTo jump a short distance.intransitive
GaitshopEnglishverbTo jump on one foot.intransitive
GaitshopEnglishverbTo be in state of energetic activity.intransitive
GaitshopEnglishverbTo suddenly take a mode of transportation that one does not drive oneself, often surreptitiously.transitive
GaitshopEnglishverbTo jump onto, or overtransitive
GaitshopEnglishverbTo move frequently from one place or situation to another similar intransitive usually
GaitshopEnglishverbTo go in a quick or sudden manner.informal intransitive
GaitshopEnglishverbTo dance.informal
GaitshopEnglishverbTo walk lame; to limp.obsolete
GaitshopEnglishnounA plant of species Humulus lupulus, native to northern Europe, female flowers of which are used to flavour many types of beer during brewing.
GaitshopEnglishnounThe flowers of the hop plant, dried and used to brew beer etc.plural-normally
GaitshopEnglishnounOpium, or some other narcotic drug.US slang
GaitshopEnglishnounThe fruit of the dog rose; a hip.
GaitshopEnglishverbTo impregnate with hops, especially to add hops as a flavouring agent during the production of beertransitive
GaitshopEnglishverbTo gather hops.intransitive
GaitshopEnglishnounSynonym of half-opInternet
Gardensgreen roofEnglishnounA roof of a house or other building which is covered with soil and grass, plants, trees, or other landscaping materials.
Gardensgreen roofEnglishnounA roof of a house or other building on which solar panels, solar hot water collectors, wind powered turbines, or other natural energy collectors are placed.
Gardensgreen roofEnglishnounA roof of a house or other building which is designed to collect rainfall for use in gardens, lawns, or as drinking water.
GardenshothouseEnglishnounA heated greenhouse.
GardenshothouseEnglishnounAn environment in which growth or development is encouraged naturally or artificially; a hotbed.figuratively
GardenshothouseEnglishnounA bagnio, or bathing house; a brothel.obsolete
GardenshothouseEnglishnounA heated room for drying greenware.
GardenshothouseEnglishnounA hot state in global climate.climatology natural-sciences
GardenshothouseEnglishverbTo provide (a child) with an enriched environment with the aim of stimulating academic development.transitive
GemstimanttiFinnishnoundiamond (material)
GemstimanttiFinnishnoundiamond (precious stone)
GemsлабрадорUkrainiannounlabradorite (mineral)
GemsлабрадорUkrainiannounLabrador retriever
GemsلعلPersiannounred gemstone; ruby, spinel, garnet
GemsلعلPersiannounthe beautiful lips of the belovedfiguratively poetic
GemsلعلPersiannounred winefiguratively poetic
Gendercis maleEnglishadjBeing biologically male and identifying as male; being a cisgender male.not-comparable
Gendercis maleEnglishnounA cisgender male.
GenitalialangerEnglishnounFool; idiot; annoying or contemptible person (usually male).Ireland derogatory slang
GenitalialangerEnglishnounA person from south county Dublin.Ireland derogatory offensive slang
GenitalialangerEnglishnounPenis.Ireland slang vulgar
GenitaliapissholeEnglishnounThe urethra.slang vulgar
GenitaliapissholeEnglishnounAn unpleasant place.slang vulgar
Gentianales order plantssea pinkEnglishnounAny of various plants in the genus Armeria; a thrift.countable uncountable
Gentianales order plantssea pinkEnglishnounThe flowering plant Sabatia stellaris.countable uncountable
GeographyгребенMacedoniannouncrest, peak
GeographyгребенMacedonianverbmasculine singular adjectival participle of гребе (grebe)adjectival form-of masculine participle singular
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounEarth; the world
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounThe Earth's people or inhabitants
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnouncountry, realm
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnounland, terrain
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnounground, earth, dirt, soil, clay
GeologyertheMiddle Englishnounearth (one of the alchemical elements)
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounThe ploughing of soil.rare uncountable
GeologyertheMiddle EnglishnounThe amount of land ploughable in a day.rare uncountable
GeologykiviIngriannounstone, rock
GeologykiviIngriannounfive stones (game)in-plural
GeologykiviIngriannounSynonym of kives (“birchbark weight”)
GeologykiviIngriannounShort for jauhokivi (“millstone”).abbreviation alt-of
GeologyklintsLatviannounrock, cliff (massif with steep edges; rocky cliff)declension-6 feminine
GeologyklintsLatviannounrock (typical of, living in, a rocky area)declension-6 feminine
GeologysoilEnglishnounA mixture of mineral particles and organic material, used to support plant growth.uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounThe unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants.uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounThe unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth that has been subjected to and shows effects of genetic and environmental factors of: climate (including water and temperature effects), and macro- and microorganisms, conditioned by relief, acting on parent material over a period of time. A product-soil differs from the material from which it is derived in many physical, chemical, biological, and morphological properties and characteristics.uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounCountry or territory.countable uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounThat which soils or pollutes; a stain.countable uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounA marshy or miry place to which a hunted boar resorts for refuge; hence, a wet place, stream, or tract of water, sought for by other game, as deer.countable uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounDung; compost; manure.countable uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishverbTo make dirty.transitive
GeologysoilEnglishverbTo become dirty or soiled.intransitive
GeologysoilEnglishverbTo stain or mar, as with infamy or disgrace; to tarnish; to sully.figuratively transitive
GeologysoilEnglishverbTo dirty one's clothing by accidentally defecating while clothed.reflexive
GeologysoilEnglishverbTo make invalid, to ruin.
GeologysoilEnglishverbTo enrich with soil or muck; to manure.
GeologysoilEnglishnounFaeces or urine etc. when found on clothes.euphemistic uncountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounA bag containing soiled items.medicine sciencescountable
GeologysoilEnglishnounA wet or marshy place in which a boar or other such game seeks refuge when hunted.
GeologysoilEnglishverbTo feed, as cattle or horses, in the barn or an enclosure, with fresh grass or green food cut for them, instead of sending them out to pasture; hence (due to such food having the effect of purging them) to purge by feeding on green food.
GeologyvolcanoEnglishnounA vent or fissure on the surface of a planet (usually in a mountainous form) with a magma chamber attached to the mantle of a planet or moon, periodically erupting forth lava and volcanic gases onto the surface.
GeologyvolcanoEnglishnounA kind of firework producing an upward plume of sparks.
GeologyvolcanoEnglishverbto erupt; to burst forth
Geometrid mothsmagpie mothEnglishnounAny of several moths that resemble magpies in color or pattern. / Nyctemera spp. (Arctiidae), of Australasia
Geometrid mothsmagpie mothEnglishnounAny of several moths that resemble magpies in color or pattern. / Anania hortulata (Pyralidae), syn. Eurrhypara hortulata), of North America;
Geometrid mothsmagpie mothEnglishnounAny of several moths that resemble magpies in color or pattern. / Abraxas grossulariata (Geometridae), of North America and Europe.
GeometrykółkoPolishnoundiminutive of kołodiminutive form-of neuter
GeometrykółkoPolishnounsocial circle, group (group of people sharing a hobby or similar common interest)neuter
GeometrykółkoPolishnounsteering wheelcolloquial neuter
GeometrykółkoPolishnounflax spinning wheelhobbies lifestyle spinning sportsneuter
GeomorphologybwijuweMarshallesenouna dune
GeomorphologybwijuweMarshallesenouna lump
GeomorphologybwijuweMarshalleseverbto be uneven
GermanyRigomagusLatinnameA town of Germania on the Rhine, now Remagendeclension-2 masculine singular
GermanyRigomagusLatinnameA town in Cisalpine Gauldeclension-2 masculine singular
GlassblowingceártaIrishnounforgeMunster feminine
GlassblowingceártaIrishnounsmithyMunster feminine
GlassblowingceártaIrishnounworkshoparts business crafts engineering glassmaking hobbies lifestyle manufacturing metallurgy metalworking natural-sciences physical-sciencesMunster feminine
GlassblowingceártaIrishnouncentre of activity, of gossipMunster feminine
GlassblowingceártaIrishnouncollection of objectsMunster feminine
GoagoêsPortugueseadjGoan (of or relating to Goa)
GoagoêsPortuguesenounGoan (person from Goa)masculine
GodPanPolishnamePan (Greek god of nature)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine person
GodPanPolishnamePan (moon of Saturn)astronomy natural-sciencesanimal-not-person masculine
GodPanPolishnounLord, Sir (title)masculine person
GodPanPolishnameLord (God)masculine person
GodPanPolishnameLord (Jesus)Christianity biblical lifestyle religion theologymasculine person
GodsClothoEnglishnameThe youngest of the three Fates, a daughter of Zeus and Themis; the spinner of the thread of life. Her Roman equivalent is Nona.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
GodsClothoEnglishname97 Klotho, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
GovernmentlandstingSwedishnouna representative body (ting) for a country (land), a parliament, in various geographical and historical contextsneuter
GovernmentlandstingSwedishnouna county council; administrative bodies in Sweden, established in 1863, handle health care and public transportneuter
GovernmentlandstingSwedishnouna zemstvo, a regional representation (district council) in Russia, 1864–1917neuter
GovernmentmerPolishnounmayor (in France and other countries, the chief executive of the municipal government of a city, borough, etc.)masculine person
GovernmentmerPolishnounmer, repeat unitchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
GovernmentriksdagSwedishnouna session of parliamentcommon-gender
GovernmentriksdagSwedishnouna parliament, in particular the institutions or the buildings of the Swedish or Finnish parliaments, the old German Reichstag or the present German parliament buildingcommon-gender
GovernmenttyrantEnglishnounA usurper; one who gains power and rules extralegally, distinguished from kings elevated by election or succession.historical
GovernmenttyrantEnglishnounAny monarch or governor.obsolete
GovernmenttyrantEnglishnounA despot; a ruler who governs unjustly, cruelly, or harshly.
GovernmenttyrantEnglishnounAny person who abuses the power of position or office to treat others unjustly, cruelly, or harshly.broadly
GovernmenttyrantEnglishnounA villain; a person or thing who uses strength or violence to treat others unjustly, cruelly, or harshly.broadly
GovernmenttyrantEnglishnounThe tyrant birds, members of the family Tyrannidae, which often fight or drive off other birds which approach their nests.
GovernmenttyrantEnglishadjTyrannical, tyrannous; like, characteristic of, or in the manner of a tyrant.uncommon
GovernmenttyrantEnglishverbTo act like a tyrant; to be tyrannical.intransitive obsolete
GovernmenttyrantEnglishverbTo tyrannize.obsolete transitive
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounViolence (harmful manual force) or an example of it.uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounA harmful force of nature; great natural force.uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounDivine or religious force or strength.uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounThe force or power of one's feelings or mental state.uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounPowerful or forceful movement or mobility.uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounMisrule or malgovernance; abuse of authority.uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounBeneficial manual force.rare uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounThe strength of an ache.rare uncountable
GovernmentviolenceMiddle EnglishnounThe whims of chance.rare uncountable
GrainsveteSwedishverbsubjunctive of vetadated form-of subjunctive
Grape cultivarsmuscadineEnglishnounAn American vine of the subgenus Vitis subg. Muscadinia, Vitis rotundifolia
Grape cultivarsmuscadineEnglishnounA grape variety from this vine.
Grape cultivarsmuscadineEnglishnounA wine produced from these grapes.
GrassessorsimoFinnishnounmannagrass (any plant of the genus Glyceria)
GrassessorsimoFinnishnounthe genus Glyceriain-plural
GrassesმდელოჲOld Georgiannoungrass
GrassesმდელოჲOld Georgiannounsoap
GreeceΗράκλειοGreeknameHeraklion (capital and biggest city of Crete)
GreeceΗράκλειοGreeknameHeraklion (any other towns and villages with this name throughout Greece)
GreeceΚάρπαθοςGreeknameKarpathos, the island in the Dodecanese
GreeceΚάρπαθοςGreeknameKarpathos, a village in the Dodecanese prefecture
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEurope, the westernmost part of the Eurasian continent, north of Africa and west of Asianeuter
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEuropa (goddess)common-gender
Greek mythologyEuropaSwedishnameEuropa, a moon of Jupitercommon-gender
Green algaerozsochaPolishnounObsolete form of rosocha.alt-of feminine obsolete
Green algaerozsochaPolishnounany of various stoneworts of the genus Tolypellafeminine
GreensaoEnglishadvInitialism of amongst/among/and others.abbreviation alt-of initialism not-comparable
GreensaoEnglishnoungrue ("blue or green", considered one color)uncountable
GreyspelēcīgsLatvianadjwith a tone of gray, grayish
GreyspelēcīgsLatvianadjgray, grayish (with dim, grayish light, as when the sky is overcast)
GreyspelēcīgsLatvianadjgray, grayish, dull (without bright colors)
GreyspelēcīgsLatvianadjgray, boring, uninteresting (monotonous, colorless, mundane, uninteresting, uneventful)figuratively
GreyspelēcīgsLatvianadjunremarkable, dull
GrouseтетеряUkrainiannounblack grouse Lyrurus tetrix
GrouseтетеряUkrainiannounstupid, clumsy person; oaf
GrouseтетеряUkrainiannounteterya, ryabko (Ukrainian Cossack dish of cooked millet and buckwheat flour)uncountable
GrouseтетеряUkrainiannounteterya (Ukrainian Cossack dish of crackers or bread with water, salt, onion and oil)uncountable
GrouseтетеряUkrainiannounyoung black grouse
HairmaszynkaPolishnoundiminutive of maszynadiminutive feminine form-of
HairmaszynkaPolishnounsmall devicefeminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounsmall stovecolloquial feminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounsmall vehiclecolloquial feminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounmachine (person who does something automatically, without thinking, but efficiently and without much fatigue)feminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounmachine (complex organizational structure that performs specific activities and to which the speaker has a negative attitude)derogatory feminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounmachine head (geared apparatus for tuning stringed musical instruments by adjusting string tension)feminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounsafety razorfeminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounsteering engine (power steering device for ships)nautical transportfeminine
HairmaszynkaPolishnounmeatgrinder (device for cutting meat)feminine
HairponyDutchnouna pony, small horse breedmasculine
HairponyDutchnouna hairstyle with a fringe/bangsmasculine neuter
HairtigelaPortuguesenounbowl (roughly hemispherical container)feminine
HairtigelaPortuguesenounbowl cutfeminine
HairtondreCatalanverbto cropBalearic Central Valencia
HairtondreCatalanverbto shearBalearic Central Valencia
HairമയിർMalayalamnounPubic hair, pube, hair.vulgar
HairമയിർMalayalamnounA pube, (as a form of abuse, it is one of the most commonly used slur words in Malayalam).vulgar
Hair一髮Chinesenouna hairliterary
Hair一髮Chinesenounsomething minutefiguratively literary
Hair一髮Chinesenoundanger; dangerous momentfiguratively literary
Hair一髮Chineseadjdistant and hazyfiguratively literary
HatredتباغضArabicverbto hate one anotherintransitive reciprocal
HatredتباغضArabicnounverbal noun of تَبَاغَضَ (tabāḡaḍa) (form VI): mutual hatredform-of noun-from-verb
HatredغيظArabicnounverbal noun of غَاظَ (ḡāẓa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
HeadwearelmCatalannounSemicassis saburon (helmet snail found in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic)masculine
HealthဇီးBurmesenounfetus (of an animal)
HealthဇီးBurmesenounpregnancy (of an animal)
HealthဇီးBurmesenounMisspelling of ဆီး (hci:).alt-of misspelling
Heather family plantsmadroneEnglishnounA strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo).
Heather family plantsmadroneEnglishnounAny of three local relatives: / A Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii)US
Heather family plantsmadroneEnglishnounAny of three local relatives: / A Arizona madrone (Arbutus arizonica)US
Heather family plantsmadroneEnglishnounAny of three local relatives: / A Texas madrone (Arbutus xalapensis)US
Heather family plantsmadroneEnglishnounAny of three local relativesUS
HerbshempMiddle EnglishnounHemp (Cannabis sativa).uncountable
HerbshempMiddle EnglishnounHempen fibre or products made of it.uncountable
HerbsherboEsperantonounherb (plant used as seasoning)
HerbsparsleyEnglishnounA bright green, biennial herb, Petroselinum crispum, having many cultivars.countable uncountable usually
HerbsparsleyEnglishnounThe leaves of this plant used in Middle Eastern, European, and American cooking.uncountable usually
HerbsparsleyEnglishnounAny herb resembling parsley, such as cilantro (Chinese parsley) or chervil (French parsley).broadly uncountable usually
HerbsparsleyEnglishverbTo add parsley to.transitive
HerbsגדHebrewnamea male given name, Gad / Gad (the seventh son of Jacob, by his wife's handmaid Zilpah)biblical lifestyle religion
HerbsגדHebrewnamea male given name, Gad / One of the Israelite tribes.broadly
HerbsגדHebrewnamea male given name, Gad / A pan-Semitic god of fortune
HerbsꞌñäiMezquital Otominounskunk
HerbsꞌñäiMezquital Otominounepazote
HidesмѣхъOld Church Slavonicnounfur
HidesмѣхъOld Church Slavonicnounleather bag
HidesмѣхъOld Church Slavonicnounwineskin
Historical currenciessrangEnglishnounThe monetary unit of Tibet from 1909 to 1959.
Historical currenciessrangEnglishnounA Tibetan unit of weight, used particularly for silver and gold.historical
Historical currenciesunciaEnglishnounThe Roman ounce, 1/12 of a Roman pound.historical
Historical currenciesunciaEnglishnounThe Roman inch, 1/12 of a Roman foot.historical
Historical currenciesunciaEnglishnounA bronze coin minted by the Roman Republic, 1/12 of an as.historical
Historical currenciesunciaEnglishnounA Roman unit of land area, 1/12 of a jugerum.historical
Historical currenciesunciaEnglishnounSynonym of ounce, the English and American avoirdupois unit of mass.
Historical currenciesunciaEnglishnounSynonym of twelfth.
Historical currenciesunciaEnglishnounA numerical coefficient in a binomial.algebra mathematics sciencesobsolete
History of ChinaMandate of HeavenEnglishnameThe philosophical construct that is the basis of the authority of the Son of Heaven.
History of ChinaMandate of HeavenEnglishnounAny such mandate or blessing.
History of ChinaMandate of HeavenEnglishnounThe Chinese philosophical concept of the circumstances under which a ruler is allowed to rule. Good rulers would be allowed to rule with the Mandate of Heaven, and despotic, unjust rulers would have the Mandate revoked by disasters or revolution.
History of ChinaMandate of HeavenEnglishnounThe preeminence of an incumbent or institution other than that of the rulers of China.figuratively humorous often
History of GermanyRhenish PalatinateEnglishnameThe County Palatinate of the Rhine, particularly during the time between the Napoleonic Wars and the end of World War II (1816–1945), when it was in personal union with Bavaria.historical
History of GermanyRhenish PalatinateEnglishnameThe Palatinate, the lands of the former county in modern Germany.
Holidayswp-rnptEgyptianname‘New Year’s Day’: a festival day at the start of the Egyptian year, the first day of the first month of ꜣḫt, originally aligned to the heliacal rising of Sirius in summer
Holidayswp-rnptEgyptiannamethe festival day of the king’s birthday
Holidayswp-rnptEgyptiannamea month of the year, apparently the last, corresponding to Mesore, the fourth month of šmw
Home appliancesklimatyzacjaPolishnounair conditioning (system of air conditioners)feminine
Home appliancesklimatyzacjaPolishnounair conditioner (machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space)feminine
HominidsdryopithecineEnglishadjOf, or relating to, the primate genus †Dryopithecus, considered to be relatives of both humans and apes.biology natural-sciences zoologynot-comparable
HominidsdryopithecineEnglishnounAny member of this genus of primatesbiology natural-sciences zoology
Horse racingyearlingEnglishnounAn animal that is between one and two years old; one that is in its second year (but not yet two full years old).
Horse racingyearlingEnglishnounA racehorse that is considered to be one year old until a subsequent January 1st.
Horse racingyearlingEnglishnounA sophomore at West Point military academy.US
HorsesKoreannounplaying piece (in games)
HorsesKoreanprefixgreat; bigmorpheme
HorsesKoreannouna unit of volume equivalent to about 18 L or 10 되 (doe)units-of-measure
HorsesKoreannounwooden pile; stake
HorsesKoreannounan alga or other waterborne cryptogam
HorsesKoreannounseaweed, specifically Potamogeton oxyphyllus.
HorsesKoreannounend (of a period); late
HorsesKoreannounbottom (of an inning)ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 末
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 茉
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 唜: end; tip
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 抹
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 沫
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 襪
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 靺
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 帕
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 秣
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 妺
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 昩
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 瀎
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 粖
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 袜
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 袹
HorsesKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 末 (MC mat))(MC reading: 茉 (MC mat))(eumhun reading: 끝 말 (kkeut mal)))(MC reading: 抹 (MC mat))(MC reading: 沫 (MC mat))(MC reading: 襪 (MC mjot))(MC reading: 靺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 帕 (MC maet))(MC reading: 秣 (MC mat))(MC reading: 妺 (MC mat))(MC reading: 昩 (MC mat))(MC reading: 瀎 (MC mat))(MC reading: 粖 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袜 (MC mat))(MC reading: 袹 (MC -))(MC reading: 䬴 (MC mat)) / 䬴
HorticulturepipEnglishnounAny of various respiratory diseases in birds, especially infectious coryza.
HorticulturepipEnglishnounOf humans, a disease, malaise or depression.dated humorous
HorticulturepipEnglishnounA pippin, seed of any kind.obsolete
HorticulturepipEnglishnounA pippin, seed of any kind. / A seed inside certain fleshy fruits (compare stone/pit), such as a peach, orange, or apple.UK obsolete
HorticulturepipEnglishnounSomething or someone excellent, of high quality.US colloquial
HorticulturepipEnglishnounP in RAF phonetic alphabet.British World-War-I dated
HorticulturepipEnglishverbTo remove the pips from.transitive
HorticulturepipEnglishnounOne of the spots or symbols on a playing card, domino, die, etc.
HorticulturepipEnglishnounOne of the stylised version of the Bath star worn on the shoulder of a uniform to denote rank, e.g. of a soldier or a fireman.government military politics war
HorticulturepipEnglishnounA spot; a speck.
HorticulturepipEnglishnounA spot of light or an inverted V indicative of a return of radar waves reflected from an object; a blip.
HorticulturepipEnglishnounA piece of rhizome with a dormant shoot of the lily of the valley plant, used for propagation
HorticulturepipEnglishverbTo get the better of; to defeat by a narrow margin.transitive
HorticulturepipEnglishverbTo hit with a gunshot.transitive
HorticulturepipEnglishverbTo peep, to chirp.intransitive
HorticulturepipEnglishverbTo make the initial hole during the process of hatching from an egg.biology natural-sciences ornithology
HorticulturepipEnglishnounOne of a series of very short, electronically produced tones, used, for example, to count down the final few seconds before a given time or to indicate that a caller using a payphone needs to make further payment to continue the call.
HorticulturepipEnglishnounThe smallest price increment between two currencies in foreign exchange (forex) finance
HundredశతదళముTelugunounthe hundred leafed flower.literary
HuntingмедвежатникRussiannounbear hunter
HuntingмедвежатникRussiannounbear trainer (an entertainer who exhibits a trained bear)historical
HuntingмедвежатникRussiannouna breed of dog used for bear hunting
HuntingмедвежатникRussiannounbear enclosure; bear cage
HuntingмедвежатникRussiannounbroad double-edged knifehobbies hunting lifestyle
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounrope, cord
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounline, row, series
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounnoose
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounsnare, trap
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounmeasuring rope
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounportion, allotment; lot, tract of landbroadly
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounspace, area, zone, district, region
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnountroop, band
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounflame
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnountravail, pang, pain (from childbirth)
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounthroe
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnoundamage, destruction
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnoundesolation
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnouninjury, hurt, harm
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnouncorruption
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounadultery
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnoundestroyer, corrupter
HuntingܚܒܠܐClassical Syriacnounavenger
HygienemopDutchnouna joke, jestmasculine
HygienemopDutchnouna tune, melodymasculine
HygienemopDutchnouna type of cookiemasculine
HygienemopDutchnouna woman or girlendearing masculine
HygienemopDutchnouna brickmasculine obsolete
HygienemopDutchnouna mop (an implement for washing floors, etc.)masculine
HygienemopDutchverbinflection of moppen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
HygienemopDutchverbinflection of moppen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
HygienemopDutchverbinflection of moppen: / imperativeform-of imperative
HygienenighScottish Gaelicverbwash, cleanse, purify
HygienenighScottish Gaelicverbbathe
HygienenighScottish Gaelicnoundaughterfeminine
HygienenighScottish Gaelicnounniecefeminine
Ibises and spoonbillsSichlerGermannounibis (any of various birds in the family Threskiornithidae with long curved bills)masculine strong
Ibises and spoonbillsSichlerGermannounglossy ibis (bird of the species Plegadis falcinellus)masculine strong
Ichthyologypesciu peceCorsicannouncommon remora (Remora remora)masculine
Ichthyologypesciu peceCorsicannounlive sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates)masculine
Ichthyologypesciu peceCorsicannounsea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)masculine
IdeologiespopulismEnglishnounA political doctrine or philosophy that proposes that the rights and powers of ordinary people are exploited by a privileged elite, and supports their struggle to overcome this.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
IdeologiespopulismEnglishnounThe practice of appealing to the interests of the common people.countable derogatory uncountable
ImperialismempressEnglishnounThe female monarch (ruler) of an empire.
ImperialismempressEnglishnounThe wife or widow of an emperor or equated ruler.
ImperialismempressEnglishnounThe third trump or major arcana card of most tarot decks.human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
ImperialismempressEnglishnounA female chimpanzee.rare
ImperialismempressEnglishnounA deciduous tree, Paulownia tomentosa
ImperialismempressEnglishverbRare form of impress.form-of rare
IndiasamanaEnglishnounAn ascetic, (especially) an ascetic monk who ignores the Vedas in Buddhist and Indian religion
IndiasamanaEnglishnounAn ascetic monk, a Buddhist hermit.Buddhism lifestyle religion
IndividualsChristEnglishnameThe anointed one, the Messiah predicted by the Old Testament.Christianity
IndividualsChristEnglishnameA title given to Jesus of Nazareth, seen as the fulfiller of the messianic prophecy.Christianity
IndividualsChristEnglishnameA surname.
IndividualsChristEnglishnounA figure or other artistic depiction of Jesus arts
IndividualsChristEnglishintjAn expletive.
IndividualsHiempsalLatinnameA king of Numidia and son of Micipsadeclension-3 masculine singular
IndividualsHiempsalLatinnameA king of Mauritaniadeclension-3 masculine singular
IndividualsMalebrancheEnglishnameA surname from French
IndividualsMalebrancheEnglishnameNicolas Malebranche (1638–1715), a French philosopher.
IndividualsUzzielEnglishnameA minor character in the Old Testament.
IndividualsUzzielEnglishnameA name ascribed to a cherub.
IndividualsUzzielEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew.rare
Individuals乾隆Chinesenamethe Qianlong Emperor (the fifth emperor of the Qing dynasty)historical
Individuals乾隆Chinesenamethe Qianlong era (a Chinese era name; the era of that emperor's reign, from 1736 to 1795)historical
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounA hand-held pneumatic drill used in miningslang
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounA woman's breast.slang
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounA capped double-reed instrument.entertainment lifestyle music
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounA bur.
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounA buzzing insect.
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounA gypsy.Ireland
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounPolice officer.Scotland
InsectsbuzzieEnglishnounAnything that produces a buzzing sensation.informal
IonsionEnglishnounAn atom or group of atoms bearing an electrical charge, such as the sodium and chlorine atoms in a salt solution.
IonsionEnglishphraseI don't.slang
IslamAbrahamicEnglishadjPertaining to Abraham, the patriarch.not-comparable
IslamAbrahamicEnglishadjDescended from the religious tradition of Abraham.not-comparable
IslamAbrahamicEnglishnounA member of an Abrahamic religion (usually Christians and Muslims, and also Jews).
IslamمجدPersiannamea surname, Majd
IslamismsarkariEnglishadjGovernmental.government politicsIndia not-comparable
IslamismsarkariEnglishadjSupporting the government of India, pro-establishment; specifically, the BJP and Hindutva, against Indian Muslim interests.Islam lifestyle religionIndia not-comparable slang
IslandsMaltaPortuguesenameMalta (an island country in Southern Europe; official name: República de Malta)feminine
IslandsMaltaPortuguesenameMalta (The largest island in the Maltese Archipelago)feminine
IslandssalaLatviannounisland (relatively small amount of land surrounded by water in a river, sea, or ocean)declension-4 feminine
IslandssalaLatviannounisland (higher place in a swamp or forest)declension-4 feminine
IslandssalaLatviannoungenitive singular of salsform-of genitive masculine singular
IslandssalaLatvianverbthird-person singular/plural past indicative of saltform-of indicative past plural singular third-person
Italian minced oathsosteriaItaliannouninnfeminine
Italian minced oathsosteriaItaliannounbarrelhousefeminine
Italian minced oathsosteriaItaliannounbistrofeminine
Italian minced oathsosteriaItaliannountavernfeminine
Italian minced oathsosteriaItaliannounosteria (small restaurant in the countryside)feminine
Italian minced oathsosteriaItalianintjexpletive, often used to replace the mildly blasphemous expletive ostia (“Host, Communion wafer”); blimey!euphemistic
Italian minced oathsosteriaItalianintjgee
ItalyLucaLatinnameA city in Etruria; site of modern-day Luccadeclension-1
ItalyLucaLatinnameablative/vocative of Lūcāsablative form-of vocative
JapankagoEnglishnounAn open and suspended Japanese style of sedan chair.historical
JapankagoEnglishnounAny Japanese litter, inclusive of norimonos and other styles.historical
JapanJapanesecharacterYamatoJinmeiyō kanji
JapanJapanesecharacterthe country of JapanJinmeiyō kanji
JapanJapanesenameancient Japan
Japan天朝Japanesenounthe Imperial Court in Kyoto.dated
Japan天朝Japanesenounthe Emperor of Japan.
Japan天朝Japanesenounthe lands governed by the Imperial Court of Japan; Japan.poetic
Jargonweather speakEnglishnounphatic conversation about the weather.uncountable
Jargonweather speakEnglishnounmeteorological jargonuncountable
Jawless fishpetromyzontidEnglishnounAny of the Petromyzontida, a group of jawless fish including the modern lampreys and their fossil relatives.biology natural-sciences zoology
Jawless fishpetromyzontidEnglishnounAny jawless fish in the family Petromyzontidae.biology natural-sciences zoology
JewelrybroochEnglishnounA piece of ornamental jewellery having a pin allowing it to be fixed to garments worn on the upper body.
JewelrybroochEnglishnounA painting all of one colour, such as a sepia painting.
JewelrybroochEnglishverbTo adorn as with a brooch.transitive
JewelryfawnyEnglishadjSomewhat fawn in colour.
JewelryfawnyEnglishnounA finger ring.UK obsolete slang
JewelryܟܬܒܘܢܐClassical Syriacnounbooklet, pamphlet
JewelryܟܬܒܘܢܐClassical Syriacnounamulet
JudaismJudaicaEnglishnounArtifacts pertaining to the Jews, their culture or their religion, particularly ritual objects.uncountable
JudaismJudaicaEnglishadjPertaining to the Jews, their culture or their religion.not-comparable
Kansas, USAケンタッキーJapanesenameKentucky
Kansas, USAケンタッキーJapanesenameClipping of ケンタッキーフライドチキン (“Kentucky Fried Chicken”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
KenyakenyanskaSwedishadjinflection of kenyansk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
KenyakenyanskaSwedishadjinflection of kenyansk: / pluralform-of plural
KenyakenyanskaSwedishnounfemale equivalent of kenyancommon-gender feminine form-of
Kimchi깍두기Koreannounkimchi made of salted daikon cubes seasoned with chili powder and other ingredients
Kimchi깍두기Koreannounperson in a helpless position; person in a double bindfiguratively
KitchenwaredrizzlerEnglishnounA kitchen utensil with a handle and a head appropriate for drizzling a viscous liquid, such as honey.
KitchenwaredrizzlerEnglishnounAny pouring device intended to allow liquids to be drizzled.
KitchenwaresifterEnglishnounA tool for sifting, especially one for powdered cooking ingredients.
KitchenwaresifterEnglishnounOne who sifts.rare
KitchenwaresifterEnglishnounAny lamellirostral bird, as a duck or goose, so called because it sifts or strains its food from the water and mud by means of the lamellae of the beak.
Korean numeral symbolsKoreancharacterhanja form of 십 (“ten”)form-of hanja
Korean numeral symbolsKoreancharacterhanja form of 십 (“whole; complete; perfect”)form-of hanja
LGBTGerman viceEnglishnounEuphemistic form of alcoholism or drunkenness.derogatory euphemistic form-of uncountable
LGBTGerman viceEnglishnounEuphemistic form of homosexuality.derogatory euphemistic form-of uncountable
LGBTGerman viceEnglishnounEuphemistic form of obedience.derogatory euphemistic form-of uncountable
LGBTfagEnglishnounIn textile inspections, a rough or coarse defect in the woven natural-sciences physical-sciences technicalUS
LGBTfagEnglishnounA cigarette.Ireland UK colloquial offensive
LGBTfagEnglishnounThe worst part or end of a thing.Ireland UK colloquial obsolete
LGBTfagEnglishnounA chore: an arduous and tiresome task.Ireland UK archaic colloquial offensive
LGBTfagEnglishnounA younger student acting as a servant for senior students.educationIreland UK colloquial historical offensive
LGBTfagEnglishverbTo make exhausted, tired out.archaic colloquial offensive transitive
LGBTfagEnglishverbTo droop; to tire.archaic colloquial intransitive offensive
LGBTfagEnglishverb(of a younger student) To act as a servant for senior students in many British boarding schools.educationIreland UK colloquial historical intransitive offensive
LGBTfagEnglishverbTo have (a younger student) act as a servant in this way.educationIreland UK colloquial historical offensive transitive
LGBTfagEnglishverbTo work hard, especially on menial chores.Ireland UK archaic intransitive offensive
LGBTfagEnglishnounA homosexual man, especially (usually derogatory) an effeminate or unusual one.Canada US endearing offensive sometimes usually vulgar
LGBTfagEnglishnounAn annoying person.US derogatory offensive vulgar
LGBTnewhalfEnglishnounA trans woman.countable slang
LGBTnewhalfEnglishnounA character with a female body but only male genitals.anime broadcasting comics film literature manga media publishing televisionslang
LGBT同人Chinesenounthe thirteenth hexagram of the I Ching, known as "Concording People": ☰☲
LGBT同人Chinesenouncolleague; fellow worker, person of the same belief or conviction; coterie
LGBT同人Chinesenounfan-made creations; doujin (articles, pictures, music, or games recreated by fans of a particular work)
LGBT同人Chinesenoungay personneologism slang
LGBT同人Chinesenounsame personliterally
LandformsboscatgeCatalannounwoods, grove, thicketmasculine
LandformsboscatgeCatalannouna feudal duty on wood and fruits collected from baronial woodlandlawmasculine
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorsknounplane, aeroplane (UK), airplane (US), aircraftneuter
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskverbto fly (to travel through air, another gas or a vacuum, without being in contact with a grounded surface)intransitive
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskverbto cause to fly: to transport via air or the likeergative transitive
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskverbto run, move fastintransitive
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskverbto be in heat, ruttingintransitive
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskadjvery steep
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorsknouna very steep cliffneuter
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskverbto escape; flee; run awayintransitive
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskverbto escape fromtransitive
LandformsflyNorwegian NynorskadvUsed as an intensifier for the word forbannacolloquial
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorsknounsmall (flying) insectfeminine
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorsknounbaitfishing hobbies lifestylefeminine
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorsknounspecksfeminine
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorsknounmountain plateaufeminine
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorsknounsumpneuter
LandformsflyNorwegian Nynorskadjtepid
LandformslejaLatviannounlow area, low place, below (place located below, with respect to something else)declension-4 feminine
LandformslejaLatviannounlower side, lower part, bottom (of something)declension-4 feminine
LandformslejaLatviannoundown, below, at the bottom, in a lower area (of some place)adverbial declension-4 feminine
LandformslejaLatviannounvalleygeography natural-sciencesdeclension-4 feminine
LandformslejaLatviannoundepression in an area or terraindeclension-4 feminine
LandformslejaLatviannounmouth, estuarydeclension-4 feminine usually
LandformslejaLatviannoundown, downward, toward the earth (also metaphorically)declension-4 feminine
LandformsrzékaKashubiannounriver (large stream which drains a landmass)feminine
LandformsrzékaKashubiannounriver (any large flow of a liquid)feminine
LandformsrzékaKashubiannounriver (large number of objects moving in an uninterrupted, steady motion)feminine figuratively
LandformsпланинаBulgariannounmountain, range
LandformsпланинаBulgariannounpile, heapfiguratively
LandformsсажалкаUkrainiannounfish pond
LandformsصحصحArabicverbbe apparent, manifestArabic Classical
LandformsصحصحArabicadjplain, even (of ground)Arabic Classical
LandformsصحصحArabicnouneven ground, plainArabic Classical
LandformsჴევიOld Georgiannounravine, gorge
LandformsჴევიOld Georgiannounvalley
Landforms池塘Chinesenounpond; pool
Landforms池塘Chinesenouncommon bathing pool
LandformsKoreannounisland, islet or insular
LandformsKoreannounstraw bag / sack (used to hold grain)
LandformsKoreancountera seom, a traditional Korean unit of volume equal to approximately 180 litres; mostly used when measuring grain such as rice
LandformsKoreannounstone stairsteps (in traditional houses)uncommon
LandformsKoreannounSynonym of 작살 (jaksal, “(fishing) harpoon”)rare
LandformsKoreanverbverbal noun of 서다 (seoda, “to stand”)form-of noun-from-verb
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 纖
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 殲: annihilation
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 閃: flash
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 蟾
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 暹
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 贍
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 剡
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 陝
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 孅
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 憸
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 摻
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 睒
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 譫
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 銛
LandformsKoreansyllableMore information(MC reading: 纖 (MC sjem))(eumhun reading: 다죽일 섬 (dajugil seom)) (MC reading: 殲 (MC tsjem))(eumhun reading: 번쩍일 섬 (beonjjeogil seom)) (MC reading: 閃 (MC syemX|syemH))(MC reading: 蟾 (MC tsyem|dzyem))(MC reading: 暹 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 贍 (MC dzyemH))(MC reading: 剡 (MC yemX|dzyemX))(MC reading: 陝 (MC syemX))(MC reading: 孅 (MC sjem))(MC reading: 憸 (MC sjem|tshjem|xjemX|tshjemX))(MC reading: 摻 (MC sream|sreamX))(MC reading: 睒 (MC syemX|thamH))(MC reading: 譫 (MC dap|tsyap))(MC reading: 銛 (MC sjem|themX|kwat))(MC reading: 韱 (MC sjem)) / 韱
Language familiesEast SlavicEnglishadjOf or relating to the East Slavs, their culture or language(s).not-comparable
Language familiesEast SlavicEnglishnameA subgrouping of the Slavic language family spoken mainly in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
Language familiesEast SlavicEnglishnameThe Old East Slavic language.historical rare
LanguagesFawriżMaltesenounFaroese (person)masculine
LanguagesFawriżMaltesenounFaroese (language)
LanguagesIroquoisEnglishnounA member of a confederacy of (originally) five Native American (Indian) tribes: the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. Also known as the Iroquois League.
LanguagesIroquoisEnglishnounA kind of hairdo where both sides of the head are shaved, leaving only a stripe of hair in the middle.
LanguagesIroquoisEnglishnameAny of the languages of the Iroquois, belonging to the Iroquoian family of languages.
LanguagesLarrakeyahEnglishnounObsolete form of Larrakia.alt-of obsolete
LanguagesLarrakeyahEnglishnameObsolete form of Larrakia.alt-of obsolete
LanguagesTarianaEnglishnounAn indigenous people of the Vaupés or Uaupés River in the Amazon region of Brazil and Colombia.plural plural-only
LanguagesTarianaEnglishnameTheir Arawakan language.
LanguagesTausugEnglishadjOf or pertaining to said name of the ethnic group (people, language and culture)
LanguagesTausugEnglishnounAn member of an ethnic group of the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.
LanguagesTausugEnglishnameA Visayan language (Malayo-Polynesian) spoken mainly in Sulu province in the Philippines, eastern Sabah in Malaysia and North Kalimantan in Indonesia.
LanguagesTürkçeTurkishnameTurkish (language)
LanguagesTürkçeTurkishnameTurkic (language)
LanguagesarameiskNorwegian NynorskadjAramaic (relating to the Aramaic language and alphabet)
LanguagesarameiskNorwegian NynorsknounAramaic (the language)masculine uncountable
LanguagescalóCatalannounCalómasculine uncountable
LanguagescalóCatalannounan argot that has been salted with Caló vocabularymasculine
LanguagescalóCatalannouna small coveBalearic masculine
LanguagescomorensePortugueseadjComorian (of or relating to the Comoros)feminine masculine
LanguagescomorensePortuguesenounComorian (person from the Comoros)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagescomorensePortuguesenounComorian (Bantu language spoken in the Comoros)masculine uncountable
LanguageskanarèsCatalannounKannada (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagespolszczyznaPolishnounPolish (language)feminine
LanguagessaskiPolishadjSaxon (of, relating to, or characteristic of the Saxons)historical not-comparable relational
LanguagessaskiPolishadjSaxon (of, relating to, or characteristic of Saxony)historical not-comparable relational
LanguagessaskiPolishnounSaxon (language of the ancient Saxons)inanimate masculine
LanguagesuiguriskaSwedishadjinflection of uigurisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguagesuiguriskaSwedishadjinflection of uigurisk: / pluralform-of plural
LanguagesuiguriskaSwedishnouna female Uyghurcommon-gender
LanguagesuiguriskaSwedishnounUyghur; the language of the Uyghur peoplecommon-gender uncountable
LanguagesurindoeuropeiskNorwegian NynorskadjProto-Indo-European (relating to the language)
LanguagesurindoeuropeiskNorwegian NynorsknounProto-Indo-European (language, as above)
LanguagesкантонскиSerbo-Croatianadjthe Cantonese languagesubstantive
Languages国語Japanesenouna language; a national language
Languages国語Japanesenounthe Japanese languagespecifically
Languages国語JapanesenounMandarin; Standard Mandarin (Guoyu)
Latin letter namesxisPortuguesenounex (name of the Latin letter X, x)masculine
Latin letter namesxisPortuguesenounmain (the main part of something)figuratively masculine
Latin letter namesxisPortugueseintjcheese (said while being photographed)arts hobbies lifestyle photographyBrazil
Latin letter namesxisPortuguesenounburgercooking food lifestyleBrazil informal invariable masculine
Latin nomina gentiliaCossiniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaCossiniusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Lucius Cossinius, a Roman knight and friend of Cicerodeclension-2 masculine singular
LaundrytarkaPolishnounwashboard (board used to hand wash laundry)feminine
LaundrytarkaPolishnounwashboard (percussion instrument)feminine
LaundrytarkaPolishnoungrater (tool with which one grates)feminine
LaundrytarkaPolishnounradulabiology malacology natural-sciencesfeminine
LaundrytarkaPolishnounblackthorn (Prunus spinosa)feminine
LaundrytarkaPolishnounsloe (fruit of the blackthorn, Prunus spinosa)feminine
LawcausaLatinnouncause, reasondeclension-1 feminine
LawcausaLatinnouncase, claim, contentionlawdeclension-1 feminine
LawcausaLatinnouncause, judicial process, lawsuitdeclension-1 feminine
LawcausaLatinnounmotive, reason, pretext, inducement, motivationdeclension-1 feminine
LawcausaLatinnouncondition, occasion, situation, statedeclension-1 feminine
LawcausaLatinnounjustification, explanationdeclension-1 feminine figuratively
LawcausaLatinnounthingMedieval-Latin declension-1 feminine
LawcausaLatinpostpfor the sake of, on account ofwith-genitive
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounproposal, proposed action; policy, intention / suggestion, advice
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounproposal, proposed action; policy, intention / purpose
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounproposal, proposed action; policy, intention / occasion, excuse, pretext
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounproposal, proposed action; policy, intention / actor's role
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounproposal, proposed action; policy, intention / function, occupation, station
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsubject proposed for discussion / lawsuit, legal case
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsubject proposed for discussion / subject, topic
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsubject proposed for discussion / speech
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsubject proposed for discussion / play, pantomime
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsupposition, assumption, hypothesis / presupposition
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsupposition, assumption, hypothesis / premise
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsupposition, assumption, hypothesis / starting point
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounsupposition, assumption, hypothesis / raw material
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounmortgage
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounplacing under
LawὑπόθεσιςAncient Greeknounplacing under / base (thing placed under another)
Law대사Koreannounan ambassador
Law대사Koreannounlines (of an actor or performer)
Law대사KoreannounShort for 신진대사(新陳代謝) (sinjindaesa, “metabolism”).medicine physiology sciencesabbreviation alt-of
Law대사Koreannounan important matter / affair
Law대사Koreannounamnesty; general pardon
Law대사Koreannounbig snakearchaic
Law enforcementharmanEnglishnounA policeman.obsolete
Law enforcementharmanEnglishnounAn indole alkaloid, 1-methyl-9H-β-carboline (C12H10N2) found in several foods, plants and beverages which is carcinogen. It is a specific, reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase A.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjFavouring or promoting progress; advanced.
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjGradually advancing in extent; increasing.
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjPromoting or favoring progress towards improved conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods.
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjLiberal.government politics
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjOf or relating to progressive
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjIncreasing in rate as the taxable amount increases.
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjAdvancing in severity.
LeftismprogressiveEnglishadjContinuous.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
LeftismprogressiveEnglishnounOne with liberal or progressive political beliefs.
LeftismprogressiveEnglishnounA person who actively favors or strives for progress towards improved conditions, as in society or government.
LeftismprogressiveEnglishnounA progressive verb; a verb used in the progressive tense and (in English) generally conjugated to end in -ing.grammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
LeftismprogressiveEnglishnounClipping of progressive dinner.abbreviation alt-of clipping
LegumeshaluchaCzechnounany plant of the genus Oenanthe — water dropwort, oenanthe, water parsley, water celeryfeminine
LegumeshaluchaCzechnounearthnut pea, tuberous pea, tuberous vetchling (Lathyrus tuberosus)feminine informal rare
Legumes싸리Koreannounbush clover
Legumes싸리KoreannounEspecially, the shrubby bushclover (Lespedeza bicolor).
LeptonselektronSlovenenounelectrum (alloy of gold and silver)
Library sciencearchivalEnglishadjOf or pertaining to an archive or archiving.not-comparable
Library sciencearchivalEnglishadjOf a material: having a quality suited to the conservational needs of archiving.not-comparable
Library sciencearchivalEnglishnounThe practice of storing items in an archive; archiving; (countable) an instance of this.uncountable
Lichens地衣ChinesenounAlternative name for 車前/车前 (chēqián).alt-of alternative name
LightbrightEnglishadjEmitting much light; visually dazzling; luminous, lucent, radiant.
LightbrightEnglishadjOf light: brilliant, intense.
LightbrightEnglishadjOf an object, surface, etc.: reflecting much light; having a high lustre; gleaming, shiny.
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a place: not dark; well-lit.
LightbrightEnglishadjOf climate or weather: not cloudy or gloomy; fair; also, of a period of time, the sky, etc.: characterized by much sunshine and good weather.
LightbrightEnglishadjClearly apparent; conspicuous.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a colour: not muted or pale; bold, brilliant, vivid.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf an object, surface, etc.: having vivid colour(s); colourful.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a musical instrument, sound, or a voice: clearly audible; clear, resounding, and often high-pitched.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a room or other place: having acoustic qualities that tend to cause much echoing or reverberation of sound, particularly at high frequencies.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a scent or taste: not bland or mild; bold, sharp, strong.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a substance: clear, transparent; also, pure, unadulterated; (specifically) of wine: free of suspended particles; not cloudy; fine.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjGlorious; illustrious.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjIn good spirits; happy, optimistic.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf the face or eyes, or a smile: showing happiness or hopefulness; cheerful, lively.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a person: lively, vivacious.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a period of history or time: happy, prosperous, successful.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf an opportunity or outlook: having a reasonable chance of success; favourable, good.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf conversation, writing, etc.: imaginative or sparkling with wit; clever, witty.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjHaving a clear, quick intellect; intelligent.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf the eyes: able to see clearly; of eyesight: keen, sharp.archaic figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjManifest to the mind as light is to the eyes; clear, evident, plain.archaic figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a rhythm or tempo: lively, upbeat.entertainment lifestyle musicfiguratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a note: slightly sharp.entertainment lifestyle musicfiguratively
LightbrightEnglishadjOf a metal object or surface: lacking any protective coating or surface treatment for the prevention of metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
LightbrightEnglishnounBrightness, glow.archaic literary
LightbrightEnglishnounGlory, splendour.archaic figuratively literary
LightbrightEnglishnounSomething (especially a product intended for sale) that has vivid colours or a lustrous
LightbrightEnglishnounA person with a naturalistic worldview with no mystical or supernatural elements.
LightbrightEnglishnounAn artist's brush used in acrylic and oil painting with a long ferrule and a flat, somewhat tapering bristle head.
LightbrightEnglishadvIn a bright manner; brightly, glowingly, luminously, lustrously.literary often
LightbrightEnglishadvReferring to colour: with bold or vivid colours; brightly, boldly, vividly.figuratively
LightbrightEnglishadvReferring to sight, sound, understanding, etc.: clearly, distinctly; brightly.archaic figuratively
LightbrightEnglishverbOften followed by up: to cast light on (someone or something); to brighten, to illuminate.British dialectal transitive
LightbrightEnglishverbOften followed by up: to cause (someone or something) to be bright (in various senses); to brighten; specifically, to make (someone or something) energetic, or happy and optimistic.British dialectal figuratively transitive
LightbrightEnglishverbOften followed by up: to become bright (in various senses); to brighten.British also dialectal figuratively intransitive
LightოროMingreliannounghost, phantom
LimbsbenOld Frisiannounbone
LimbsbenOld Frisiannounleg
LinguisticsпереноснийUkrainianadjfigurative, metaphorical
Linguistics行語Chinesenounjargon; lingo; patois
LiquidswachaPolishnounfuel, petrol, gasolinefeminine slang
LiquidswachaPolishnounrainfeminine slang
LiquidswachaPolishnounwaterfeminine obsolete slang
LiquidswachaPolishnounsea or seawaternautical sailing transportfeminine
LiquidswachaPolishnounwatch, guard dutyLviv archaic feminine
LiquidswachaPolishnounwahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)feminine
LiteraturegregueríaSpanishnounoutcry, uproarfeminine
LiteraturegregueríaSpanishnounshort statement, usually one sentence, in which the author expresses a philosophical, pragmatic, or humorous idea in a witty and original wayfeminine
Livestockkura'Tausugnounhorsepower (of engine)
MachinesukładarkaPolishnounstacker (machine for stacking goods)feminine
MachinesukładarkaPolishnounmachine for laying material / paverfeminine
MachinesukładarkaPolishnounmachine for laying material / pipelayerfeminine
Madder family plantsmelokotonCebuanoadjof the color peach
Madder family plantsmelokotonCebuanonounthe peach tree (Prunus persica)
Madder family plantsmelokotonCebuanonounthe color peach
Madder family plantsmelokotonCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounA device, originally like a small, stuffed cushion, designed to have sewing pins and needles stuck into it to store them safely; some modern pincushions hold the objects manufacturing sewing textiles
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounThe names of various plants with flowers or other parts resembling a pincushion. / A flowering plant in the genus Leucospermum.
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounThe names of various plants with flowers or other parts resembling a pincushion. / A flowering plant in the genus Scabiosa.
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounThe names of various plants with flowers or other parts resembling a pincushion. / The coral bead plant, coral moss, or English baby tears (Nertera granadensis), an ornamental plant.
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounThe names of various plants with flowers or other parts resembling a pincushion. / The dustymaiden, a flowering plant in the genus Chaenactis.
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounThe names of various plants with flowers or other parts resembling a pincushion. / The pincushion cactus, of the genera Escobaria or Mammillaria.
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounThe names of various plants with flowers or other parts resembling a pincushion. / The pincushionplant, a flowering plant in the genus Navarretia.
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishnounA person who is pricked or stabbed multiple times with sharp objects; specifically, someone who receives regular hypodermic needle injections.colloquial figuratively
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishverbTo jab or stick repeatedly with one or more sharp objects, as with pins into a pincushion.also figuratively transitive
Madder family plantspincushionEnglishverbTo assume the shape of a pincushion; specifically, of the image on a computer display, television, etc., to exhibit pincushion distortion, where the sides curve inwards.intransitive
MaleleśnikPolishnounforestkeeper, forestermasculine person
MaleleśnikPolishnounleshy (male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology who protects wild animals and forests)animal-not-person masculine
MalenʉmʉComanchenounthe people
MalenʉmʉComanchenounComanche (indigenous people)
MaleفتىArabicnounmale adolescent, youth, juvenile
MaleفتىArabicnounmale servant
Male animalsstallionEnglishnounAn adult male horse. / Specifically, one that is uncastrated.
Male animalsstallionEnglishnounAn adult male horse. / A male horse kept primarily as a stud.
Male animalsstallionEnglishnounA very virile and sexually-inclined man or (rarely) woman.
Male family membersайцецBelarusiannounFather (a title given to priests)Christianity
Male family membersайцецBelarusiannounfatheruncommon
Male peoplealtar boyEnglishnounA boy serving as an acolyte in certain forms of Christianity.
Male peoplealtar boyEnglishnounA young man adhering to traditional values.
Male peoplealtorLatinnounnourisher; sustainerdeclension-3 masculine
Male peoplealtorLatinnounfoster-fatherdeclension-3 masculine
Male peoplealtorLatinadjnutritious, nourishingdeclension-3 one-termination
Male peoplechamPolishnounbumpkin, yokel (arrogant, ill-manner person; one who is uncultured and uneducated)derogatory masculine person
Male peoplechamPolishnouncountryman, peasant (person of low birth)archaic derogatory masculine person
Male peoplefinalistaPolishnounfinalist (person or thing that appears in the final stage of a competition)masculine person
Male peoplefinalistaPolishnounfinalist (person who competes in the finals)hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine person
Male peoplefinalistaPolishnounfinalist (supporter of finalism)human-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine person
Male peopleodpowiedzialnyPolishadjresponsible (having or evidential of good judgment in decision-making)comparable not-comparable usually
Male peopleodpowiedzialnyPolishadjresponsible; answerable (having the duty of taking care of something; answerable for an act performed or for its consequences) [with za (+ accusative) ‘for whom/what’],not-comparable usually
Male peopleodpowiedzialnyPolishadjresponsible (involving important duties; involving a degree of personal accountability on the part of the person concerned)comparable not-comparable usually
Male peopleodpowiedzialnyPolishadjresponsible (being a primary cause of a situation or action and thus able to be blamed or credited for it)not-comparable usually
Male peopleodpowiedzialnyPolishadjresponsible (answerable for an act performed or for its consequences)not-comparable usually
Male peopleodpowiedzialnyPolishnounresponsible (person bearing the responsibility for something)masculine person
Male peoplepuerLatinnouna child; chitdeclension-2 masculine
Male peoplepuerLatinnouna boy, lad (typically between ages 7-14 but could be younger) (older than an īnfāns but younger than an adulēscēns)declension-2 masculine
Male peoplepuerLatinnouna male servant or page; slavedeclension-2 masculine
Male peoplepuerLatinnouna bachelordeclension-2 masculine
Male peoplepuerLatinnounboyhood (ex: in puero, "in his boyhood" or "as a boy")declension-2 masculine
Male peoplestrojníkCzechnounmachine operatoranimate masculine
Male peoplestrojníkCzechnounengineeranimate masculine
Male peoplewariatPolishnounsomeone mentally illcolloquial masculine person
Male peoplewariatPolishnounmadman (person acting unpredictably or unreasonably)colloquial masculine person
Male peopleświadekPolishnounwitness (One who sees or has personal knowledge of something and may report on it)masculine person
Male peopleświadekPolishnounwitness (someone called to give evidence in a court)lawmasculine person
Male peopleświadekPolishnounwitness (someone who can witness the signing of a document)lawmasculine person
Male peopleświadekPolishnounresidual detached elevation of land, part of an originally uniform uplandgeography geology natural-sciencesmasculine obsolete person
Male peopleświadekPolishnounwitness (something that serves as evidence; a sign or token)masculine obsolete person
Male peopleświadekPolishnounmound left intact when collecting soil in excavations, planting, deepening ponds, etc., in order to measure the volume of the selected soilengineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine obsolete person
Male peopleловчийRussianadjhunting
Male peopleловчийRussianadjserving as a snare/trap
Male peopleловчийRussiannounhuntsman, master of houndshistorical
Male peopleсепарUkrainiannounClipping of сепарати́ст (separatýst).abbreviation alt-of clipping derogatory
Male peopleсепарUkrainiannounA militant from any pro-Russian groups who fought in the Donbass War in 2014 against Ukraine.derogatory specifically
MammalsasuIndonesiannoundog (animal)offensive
MammalsasuIndonesiannouna contemptible person, a motherfuckeroffensive
MammalsasuIndonesianintjexpressing dismay or discontent, fuck, shitvulgar
MammalskocëAlbaniannounkind of sea bassfeminine
MammalskocëAlbaniannounkind of black goatfeminine
Mammalsघोड़ौMarwarinountrigger of a gunmasculine
Mantids豹虎哥Chinesenounjumping spider; salticid
Mantids豹虎哥Chinesenounpraying mantisHakka Hong-Kong Sixian
MarijuanachronicEnglishadjOf a problem, that continues over an extended period of time.
MarijuanachronicEnglishadjProlonged or slow to heal.medicine sciences
MarijuanachronicEnglishadjOf a person, suffering from an affliction that is prolonged or slow to heal.
MarijuanachronicEnglishadjInveterate or habitual.
MarijuanachronicEnglishadjVery bad, awful.slang
MarijuanachronicEnglishadjExtremely serious.informal
MarijuanachronicEnglishadjGood, great; "wicked".slang
MarijuanachronicEnglishnounMarijuana, typically of high quality.countable slang uncountable
MarijuanachronicEnglishnounA condition of extended duration, either continuous or marked by frequent recurrence. Sometimes implies a condition which worsens with each recurrence, though that is not inherent in the term.medicine sciencescountable uncountable
MarijuanachronicEnglishnounA person who is chronic, such as a criminal reoffender or a person with chronic disease.countable uncountable
MarijuanamooterEnglishnounA disputer of a mooted case.
MarijuanamooterEnglishnounAlternative form of mootahalt-of alternative uncountable
MarriageemirekoetéOld Tupinounlegitimate wife, with whom someone got married in the church
MarriageemirekoetéOld Tupinounthe most esteemed or beloved woman, often the last one taken
MarriageдругарMacedoniannounfriend, fellow, buddy
MarriageзятьRussiannounbrother-in-law (the husband of one’s sister or sister-in-law)
MarriageపైశాచికముTeluguadjPertaining to the demons or fiends.
MarriageపైశాచికముTelugunounA form of marriage in which the bride is carried away by force.
MarriageపైశాచికముTelugunounAn elopement, a rape.
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A small carnivorous mammal, Bassariscus astutus, somewhat like a raccoon, native to the southwestern United States and Mexico.
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A capuchin monkey (Cebus spp.)
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A raccoon (Procyon spp, especially Procyon lotor)
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / A ringtail possum (family Pseudocheiridae)
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ring-tailed animal, notably: / Any of various damselflies of the genus Austrolestes, of Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific islands
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ringsail.nautical transport
MarsupialsringtailEnglishnounA ring-in.Australia slang
Martial arts劍道Chinesenounkendo
Martial arts劍道Chinesenounpistefencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
MaterialsbarroSpanishnounmudgeography geology natural-sciencesmasculine
MaterialsbarroSpanishnounpustule (caused by acne), closed comedodermatology medicine sciencesmasculine
MaterialsbarroSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of barrerfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MaterialsbarroSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of barrarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
MathematicsgawaSwahiliverbto divide (split or separate into two or more parts)
MathematicsgawaSwahiliverbto share, distribute
MathematicsматематикаRussiannoungenitive/accusative singular of матема́тик (matemátik)accusative form-of genitive singular
MattersadnesseMiddle Englishnoundenseness, solidness, hardnessuncountable
MattersadnesseMiddle Englishnounfirmness, steadfastnessuncountable
MattersadnesseMiddle Englishnounseriousness, gravityuncountable
MattersadnesseMiddle EnglishnounA solid thing.rare uncountable
MealsdiathadScottish Gaelicnounlunch, dinnermasculine
MealsdiathadScottish Gaelicnounany mealmasculine
MeatskråsSwedishnoungiblets (edible viscera of a bird)neuter
MeatskråsSwedishnouna ruffle (gathered strip of fabric)neuter
Medical equipmentzábalCzechnounpack, wrapmedicine sciencesinanimate masculine
Medical equipmentzábalCzechnounwet packmedicine sciencesinanimate masculine
Medical equipmentжгутBelarusiannounwisp
Medical equipmentжгутBelarusiannountourniquet (bandage)
MedicineinfirmaryEnglishnounA place where sick or injured people are cared for, especially a small hospital; sickhouse.
MedicineinfirmaryEnglishnounA clinic or dispensary within another institution.
MedicineἰατρείαAncient Greeknounmedical treatment
MedicineἰατρείαAncient Greeknouncuring, correctingfiguratively
MemoryпамяткаRussiannounmemo, memorandum
MemoryпамяткаRussiannouninstruction, written rules, instruction sheet
MemoryჶიკირიLaznounidea, opinion, thought
MemoryჶიკირიLaznouncaution, attention, care
MenstruationongesteldDutchadjsomewhat illnot-comparable
MenstruationongesteldDutchadjin poor condition, badarchaic not-comparable
MetalsplataSpanishadjargentgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine masculine
MetalsplataSpanishnounmoney, doughLatin-America feminine
MetalsдамаськийUkrainianadjDamascus, Damascenerelational
MetalsдамаськийUkrainianadjmade from Damascus steel
Metalsसौवर्णSanskritadjgolden, made of gold
MilitarybarbutaItaliannouna type of helmet: barbutefeminine historical
MilitarybarbutaItaliannouna soldier wearing such a helmetbroadly feminine historical
MilitarybarbutaItalianadjfeminine singular of barbutofeminine form-of singular
MilitarymilitarismEnglishnounAn ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a society's security, and thereby its most important aspect.countable uncountable
MilitarymilitarismEnglishnounA focus on, or excessive use of, military force.countable uncountable
MilitarymyśliwskiPolishadjhuntingnot-comparable relational
MilitarymyśliwskiPolishadjfighter plane, fighter pilotnot-comparable relational
MilitaryмузыкантRussiannounmusicianentertainment lifestyle music
MilitaryмузыкантRussiannouna member of the Wagner Groupgovernment military politics warslang
Military ranksکپتانUrdunouncaptain
Military ranksکپتانUrdunounskipper
Milk타락Koreannouncorruption; depravity; degradation
Milk타락Koreannouncow's milkdated
MiningmularzPolishnounbricklayerarchaic masculine person
MiningmularzPolishnountile-stove setter, stove fittermasculine person regional
MiningmularzPolishnounfreemasonarchaic masculine person
MiningmularzPolishnouna mine worker who removes coal sludgearchaic masculine person
MonarchyпрестолRussiannounaltar, communion table (the table used as the place of offering in the celebration of the Eucharist)Christianity
MoneywasshyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe process of washing or cleaning: / The bathing of a wound.medicine sciences
MoneywasshyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe process of washing or cleaning: / Purification; spiritual cleansing.figuratively
MoneywasshyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe process of washing or cleaning: / The debasement of coins by using acid to wear at the metal.rare
MoneywasshyngeMiddle EnglishnounSomething used to wash or clean: / A medicinal ointment or salve.rare
MoneywasshyngeMiddle EnglishnounSomething used to wash or clean: / Water used to wash; dishwater.rare
MoneywasshyngeMiddle EnglishnounSomething used to wash or clean: / A bath (i.e. for washing the body)rare
MoneywasshyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe dilution of a substance with water.
MoneywasshyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of wasshenform-of participle present
MonotremeskolczatkaPolishnounechidna (tachyglossid)feminine
MonotremeskolczatkaPolishnouncaltropengineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponryfeminine
MonotremeskolczatkaPolishnounspiked timber connectorfeminine
MonotremeskolczatkaPolishnounrotary harrowfeminine
MonotremeskolczatkaPolishnounspiked collar, wolf collarfeminine
MonthszáříCzechnouninstrumental singular of zářeform-of instrumental singular
MonthszáříCzechverbthird-person singular present indicative of zářitform-of indicative present singular third-person
MoonsEncéladoSpanishnameEnceladus (a moon of Saturn)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
MoonsEncéladoSpanishnameEnceladushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine
MoonscressauntMiddle Englishnouncrescent (shape or heraldic charge)
MoonscressauntMiddle Englishnouncrescent (of the moon)rare
MoonsมาThaiverbto move or come (towards the speaker's direction); to arrive.
MoonsมาThaiadvused to indicate motion towards the speaker's direction.
MoonsมาThaiadvused to indicate motion that still continues or that continues up to a certain point of time.
Mosquito-borne diseasesyellow jackEnglishnounSynonym of yellow fever.uncountable
Mosquito-borne diseasesyellow jackEnglishnounA yellow flag used by ships as a warning of disease.nautical transportcountable
Mosquito-borne diseasesyellow jackEnglishnounA fish of species Caranx bartholomaei, of warm western Atlantic waters.countable
Mulberry family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounAny of the tree genus Cladrastis.countable uncountable
Mulberry family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounFlindersia xanthoxyla, a tall rainforest tree of Australia.countable uncountable
Mulberry family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounThe Osage orange tree.countable uncountable
Mulberry family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounAny of the conifer genus Podocarpus.countable uncountable
Mulberry family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounSarcomelicope simplicifolia, a small rainforest tree of Australia.countable uncountable
Mulberry family plantsyellowwoodEnglishnounZanthoxylum brachyacanthum, thorny yellowwood, of Australiacountable uncountable
Multiplicity (psychology)multiplicityEnglishnounThe state of being made of multiple diverse elements.countable uncountable
Multiplicity (psychology)multiplicityEnglishnounThe number of values for which a given condition holds.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
Multiplicity (psychology)multiplicityEnglishnounA large indeterminate number.countable uncountable
Multiplicity (psychology)multiplicityEnglishnounThe number of instances that can occur on a given end of a relationship, including 0..1, 1, 0..* or *, and 1..*.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwarecountable uncountable
Multiplicity (psychology)multiplicityEnglishnounThe number of microstates associated with a given macrostate.countable uncountable
Multiplicity (psychology)multiplicityEnglishnounThe condition whereby a person displays or experiences multiple distinct personalities or selves in one body.human-sciences psychology sciencescountable uncountable
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of hardware and software operating in a computer.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of equations involving the same variables, which are to be solved simultaneously.mathematics sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of staves linked by a brace that indicate instruments or sounds that are to be played simultaneously.entertainment lifestyle music
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of body organs having a particular function.medicine physiology sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of alters of a person, or the multiple (“an individual with multiple personalities”) who contains them.
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A system in which two or more objects are bound to each other by gravity.astronomy natural-sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A comprehensive and logically organized set of propositions or philosophical beliefs.human-sciences philosophy sciences
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / Preceded by the word the: the mainstream culture, controlled by the elites or government of a state, or a combination of them, seen as oppressive to the individual.derogatory
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole. / A set of rules for a tabletop roleplaying game.
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole.
Multiplicity (psychology)systemEnglishnounA method or way of organizing or planning.
Municipalities of FinlandVesilahtiFinnishnameVesilahti
Municipalities of FinlandVesilahtiFinnishnamea Finnish surname
MurdermassacrerFrenchverbto massacre (to kill)
MurdermassacrerFrenchverbto botch (to do something badly)figuratively
MusclesdeltoidEnglishnounThe deltoid muscle, a triangular muscle on the human shoulder.anatomy medicine sciences
MusclesdeltoidEnglishnounThe deltoid ligament, a triangular ligament on the human ankle.anatomy medicine sciences
MusclesdeltoidEnglishnounA kite (quadrilateral having two pairs of edges of equal length, the edges of each pair touching each other at one end).geometry mathematics sciences
MusclesdeltoidEnglishnounA deltoid curve (hypocycloid with three cusps).geometry mathematics sciences
MusclesdeltoidEnglishadjIn the shape of the uppercase Greek letter delta (Δ); triangular.not-comparable
MusclesdeltoidEnglishadjIn the shape of the uppercase Greek letter delta (Δ); triangular. / Of a triangular or roughly triangular shape and attached to the stem via the side.biology botany natural-sciencesnot-comparable
MusclesdeltoidEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the deltoid muscle.not-comparable
MusicTempoGermannountempo, pace (rate, speed)neuter strong
MusicTempoGermannountissue (paper handkerchief)neuter strong
Music原唱Chineseverbto sing (live, or recorded) for the first time
Music原唱Chinesenounoriginal singer of a song
Musical genresensaladaSpanishnounsaladfeminine
Musical genresensaladaSpanishnouna genre of secular polyphonic music popular in 16th century Spainfeminine
Musical genresensaladaSpanishnounmix-up; muddlefeminine
Musical instrumentscascavellCatalannounjingle bellmasculine
Musical instrumentscascavellCatalannounrattle (of a rattlesnake)masculine
Musical instrumentssopranPolishnounsoprano (musical part or section higher in pitch than alto and other sections)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
Musical instrumentssopranPolishnounsoprano (instrument that performs the soprano part)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
Musical instrumentssopranPolishnounsoprano (person that performs the soprano part)entertainment lifestyle musicanimal-not-person masculine
Musical instrumentsһобусTofanounmusical instrument
Musical instrumentsһобусTofanounmusic
MusiciansshredderEnglishnounA machine that tears up objects into smaller pieces, especially a paper shredder, garbage shredder or gardening or farming shredder.
MusiciansshredderEnglishnounA program that overwrites deleted data to prevent recovery.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MusiciansshredderEnglishnounSomeone who snowboards; a snowboarder.slang
MusiciansshredderEnglishnounOne who shreds, or plays (especially the guitar) very fast.entertainment lifestyle music
Mythological locationsElysiumEnglishnameThe home of the blessed after death.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek Roman
Mythological locationsElysiumEnglishnameA place or state of ideal happiness; paradise.
Mythological locationsElysiumEnglishnameA region in the northern hemisphere of Mars.
Mythological locationsElysiumEnglishadjblissful; euphoricnot-comparable
Mythological locationsElysiumEnglishadjof or pertaining to Elysiumnot-comparable
National anthemsStar-Spangled BannerEnglishnameA nickname for the national flag of the United States of America.
National anthemsStar-Spangled BannerEnglishnameThe national anthem of the United States of America.
NationalismнахрюкRussiannounUkrainian propaganda post, Ukrainian fake newsInternet ethnic offensive slur
NationalismнахрюкRussiannounUkrainian attack, Ukrainian offensive (especially if overhyped or unsuccessful)government military politics warethnic offensive slang slur
Nationalitiesbeṉəꞌ SyitəꞌYatzachi ZapotecnounA person from Mexico City.
Nationalitiesbeṉəꞌ SyitəꞌYatzachi ZapotecnounA Mexican.
NationalitieschilenuAsturianadjChileanmasculine singular
NationalitieschilenuAsturiannounChileanmasculine singular
NationalitiesegizianoItaliannounthe Egyptian languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitiesiraquíGalicianadjIraqifeminine masculine
NationalitiesiraquíGaliciannounIraqiby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesjaponezRomanianadjJapanesemasculine neuter
NationalitiesjaponezRomaniannouna Japanese manmasculine
NationalitieskatalunaEsperantoadjCatalan (of or pertaining to Catalonia, the Catalan people, or the Catalan language)
NationalitieskatalunaEsperantoadjClipping of la kataluna lingvo (“the Catalan language”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
NationalitiesmacedońskiPolishnounMacedonian (language)inanimate masculine
NationalitiesmongolPortuguesenounMongolian (native or inhabitant of Mongolia)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesmongolPortuguesenounMongolian (language)by-personal-gender feminine masculine uncountable
NationalitiesmongolPortuguesenounretard; idiot (generic term of abuse)by-personal-gender feminine masculine offensive
NationalitiesmongolPortugueseadjMongolian (of Mongolia)feminine masculine not-comparable
NationalitiesmongolPortugueseadjMongolian (of the Mongolian language)feminine masculine not-comparable
NationalitiesswaziländskaSwedishadjinflection of swaziländsk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiesswaziländskaSwedishadjinflection of swaziländsk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiesswaziländskaSwedishnounfemale equivalent of swaziländarecommon-gender feminine form-of
NationalitiessyrerNorwegian Bokmålnouna Syrian (person from Syria)masculine
NationalitiessyrerNorwegian Bokmålnounindefinite plural of syrefeminine form-of indefinite masculine plural
NationalitiesнімецьUkrainiannounGerman (male person)
NationalitiesнімецьUkrainiannounGerman Shepherd dogcolloquial
NationalitiesнімецьUkrainiannounGerman made carcolloquial
Native American tribesWyandotEnglishnounA member of a Native American people, formed from the Huron confederacy, that lived in and around Ohio.
Native American tribesWyandotEnglishnameSynonym of Wyandots; a Native American people.
Native American tribesWyandotEnglishnameThe now-extinct Iroquoian language of this people.
Native American tribesWyandotEnglishnameA placename: / An unincorporated community in Wyandot County, Ohio, United States
Native American tribesWyandotEnglishnameA placename: / Ellipsis of Wyandot County.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Navajo cardinal numbersádinNavajoverbthere is nothing, there is none
Navajo cardinal numbersádinNavajoverbhe/she/it is absent
Navajo cardinal numbersádinNavajoverbhe/she/it is deceased, extinct
Navajo cardinal numbersádinNavajonumzero
NeckweardziopaPolishnountween girlfeminine
NeckweardziopaPolishnounkerchieffeminine obsolete
NeckwearkominPolishnounchimney, flue (vertical tube or hollow column projecting from the roof of a building or placed on a steam locomotive or a ship, through which smoke, fumes, or ventilated air is emitted)architectureinanimate masculine
NeckwearkominPolishnounchimney, flue (tall, free-standing industrial structure used for the discharge of flue gases)architectureinanimate masculine
NeckwearkominPolishnounchimney, flue (device in the form of a duct that is used to exhaust fumes or other noxious gases to the outside of the building or to supply fresh air)inanimate masculine
NeckwearkominPolishnounstove in a country cottage used for cookingcooking food lifestylearchaic inanimate masculine
NeckwearkominPolishnounchimney (vertical crevice in a steep mountain slope, wide enough for a climber to enter)geography geology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
NeckwearkominPolishnountube scarf (shawl in which the ends are stitched together, interposed several times around the neck when put on in order to surround this part of the body with a thick and high layer of knitted or woven fabric to protect against the cold)inanimate masculine
NeckwearkominPolishnounrising current of warm airclimatology meteorology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
NeckwearkominPolishnounamount of some sums that is well above the averageeconomics sciencescolloquial inanimate masculine
Neo-Nazismneo-NaziEnglishnounA person who believes in neo-Nazism
Neo-Nazismneo-NaziEnglishnounA person with very right-wing and domineering or intolerant views.derogatory
Neo-Nazismneo-NaziEnglishadjOf or pertaining to neo-Nazism or neo-Nazis.not-comparable
New Year正月JapanesenounJanuary
New Year正月Japanesenounfirst month of the lunar year
New Year正月JapanesenounNew Year
NewspapersclassifiedsEnglishnounplural of classifiedform-of plural
NewspapersclassifiedsEnglishnounA section of a newspaper, magazine or web site containing classified advertisements.plural plural-only
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Nigeria国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
NintendoGBAEnglishphraseInitialism of God bless America.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoGBAEnglishnounInitialism of gender-based analysis.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoGBAEnglishnounInitialism of gut-brain axis.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NintendoGBAEnglishnameInitialism of Game Boy alt-of initialism
NobilityaristocraticEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or favouring, an aristocracy
NobilityaristocraticEnglishadjSimilar to the aristocracy; characteristic of, the aristocracy.
NobilityduchesseMiddle Englishnounduchess (female ruler)
NobilityduchesseMiddle Englishnounduchess (wife of a duke)
NobilityduchesseMiddle Englishnounfemale noble, lady
Nutspine nutEnglishnounThe edible seed of any of several species of evergreen pine, especially Pinus pinea, Pinus cembra, and Pinus cembroides.countable uncountable
Nutspine nutEnglishnounThe flavor that results from mixing pineapple and coconut.South-Africa uncountable
OccupationsBlumenverkäuferinGermannounflower seller, flowergirl (a female person who sells flowers)feminine
OccupationsBlumenverkäuferinGermannounflorist (female)feminine
OccupationsapátHungariannounabbot (the superior or head of an abbey or monastery)
OccupationsapátHungariannounaccusative singular of apaaccusative form-of singular
OccupationsbookieEnglishnounA bookmaker, being a person who, or business which, takes bets from the general public on sporting events and similar.informal
OccupationsbookieEnglishnoundiminutive of book.diminutive form-of rare
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenounholm oak (Quercus ilex, a tree of the Mediterranean)masculine
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenounkermes oak (Quercus coccifera, a tree of the western Mediterranean)masculine
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenounexecutioner (person who carries out a capital punishment)masculine
OccupationscarrascoPortuguesenouna very cruel personfiguratively masculine
OccupationsflackEnglishverbTo flutter; palpitate.intransitive obsolete
OccupationsflackEnglishverbTo hang loosely; flag.UK dialectal intransitive
OccupationsflackEnglishverbTo beat by flapping.UK dialectal transitive
OccupationsflackEnglishnounA publicist, a publicity agent.Canada US
OccupationsflackEnglishverbTo publicise, to promote.Canada US
OccupationsflackEnglishnounAlternative spelling of flak.alt-of alternative countable uncountable
OccupationshortolàCatalannounmarket gardenermasculine
OccupationsikonografPolishnouniconographer (person who creates religious icons)masculine person
OccupationsikonografPolishnouniconographer (specialist in the interpretation of visual works)art artsmasculine person
OccupationsikonografPolishnouniconographer (person who creates paintings, photographs, or other visual works depicting a given topic)literary masculine person
OccupationskaraniSwahilinounclerkclass-5 class-6
OccupationskaraniSwahilinounsecretaryclass-5 class-6
OccupationslégisteFrenchnounjuristby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationslégisteFrenchnouncoronerby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationsnakładaczPolishnounfeeder (one who feeds sheets of paper into a machine)media publishingmasculine person
OccupationsnakładaczPolishnounloader (one who loads items onto things)masculine person
OccupationsnakładaczPolishnounscaler (tool)dentistry medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
OccupationspattugliatoreItaliannounpatrol boatmasculine
Occupationspublic servantEnglishnounA person employed by the government.
Occupationspublic servantEnglishnounSomeone who labours for the public good; a convict assigned to work on public projects.historical
OccupationsradnyPolishnouncouncilman (member of the commune or city council elected by the inhabitants of that commune or city)masculine noun-from-verb person
OccupationsradnyPolishnouncouncilman (member of the town council)historical masculine noun-from-verb person
OccupationsradnyPolishadjcanny, resourcefulnot-comparable obsolete
OccupationsradnyPolishadjadviceful (having much good and effective advice)not-comparable obsolete
OccupationsradnyPolishadjcouncil, board (of or belonging to an advising group)not-comparable obsolete relational
OccupationsstyrelseordförandeSwedishnouna chairman or chairwoman of the boardcommon-gender
OccupationsstyrelseordförandeSwedishnouna (company) presidentcommon-gender
Occupationsđại caVietnamesenounthe eldest brotherfiction literature media publishingChinese
Occupationsđại caVietnamesenouna male gang leader
Occupationsđại caVietnamesenouna bro; a dudefamiliar humorous
OccupationsдилерUkrainiannoundealer (of automobiles, drugs, cards, etc.)
OccupationsдилерUkrainiannoundealer, brokerbusiness finance
OccupationsเทศมนตรีThainounmunicipal commissioner: member of a municipal commission, a body in charge of the government of a municipality.governmentThailand historical
OccupationsเทศมนตรีThainounsimilar post, as town commissioner, city councillor, alderman, etc.
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / An inhabited place (such as a country, town etc.)
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / A battlefield; a location of fighting.
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / An estate or property; a house or building (often with its surrounds).
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA place, area or spot; a part of the Earth or universe: / A city square, market square, or courtyard.rare
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA location or position in or on a larger space (occupied by something or someone): / An area of the body (either of an organ or of the skin)
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA location or position in or on a larger space (occupied by something or someone): / A location in or passage from a written document.
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA location or position in or on a larger space (occupied by something or someone): / The place of a digit in a number written with Arabic numerals.mathematics sciences
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA place, station, or position; an appropriate or designated spot: / The usual location or place of something (e.g. an animal's dwelling).
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA place, station, or position; an appropriate or designated spot: / A position in a hierarchy; rank, status, or level.
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounA place, station, or position; an appropriate or designated spot: / A favourable or propitious occasion; an opportunity.
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounExtent, space (in two or three dimensions)
OfficesplaceMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of playcealt-of alternative
OnemonotheismEnglishnounBelief in the One True God, defined by More as personal, immaterial and trinitarian.countable obsolete uncountable
OnemonotheismEnglishnounThe belief in a single deity (one god or goddess); especially within an organized religion.countable uncountable
OnemonotheismEnglishnounThe belief that God is one person (Judaism, Unitarian Christianity, Islam), not three persons (Trinitarian Christianity, Hinduism)countable uncountable
One一意Japanesenounone thought, one meaning
OnomasticseponymEnglishnounA person who gave or supposedly gave their name to a people, place, institution, etc.
OnomasticseponymEnglishnounA noun for something named after a person.
OnomasticseponymEnglishnounSynonym of epitome, a person taken as a symbol or quintessential representative of some trait, school, etc.archaic
OnomasticseponymEnglishnounSynonym of epithet, a distinguishing title.archaic
OnomasticseponymEnglishnounA name taken from a person, a namesake toponym, term, etc.proscribed sometimes
OnomasticseponymEnglishnounA name or term derived from any proper noun, inclusive of places, brands, etc.broadly proscribed sometimes
Oregon, USABoringEnglishnameA surname.
Oregon, USABoringEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Baltimore County, Maryland, United States.
Oregon, USABoringEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Clackamas County, Oregon.
Oregon, USABoringEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Sullivan County, Tennessee.
OrganizationsAACTEnglishnameInitialism of American Association of Commodity Traders.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAACTEnglishnameInitialism of Armenian Assembly Charitable Trust.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationshospitalEnglishnounA large medical facility, usually in a building with multiple floors, where seriously ill or injured patients are given extensive medical and/or surgical treatment.countable uncountable
OrganizationshospitalEnglishnounA building founded for the long-term care of its residents, such as an almshouse. The residents may have no physical ailments, but simply need financial support.countable uncountable
OrganizationshospitalEnglishnounA place of lodging.countable obsolete uncountable
Organska̱aTezoatlán Mixtecnounmetal
Organska̱aTezoatlán Mixtecnounbell
Organska̱aTezoatlán Mixtecnountape recorder
Organska̱aTezoatlán Mixtecnounradio
Organska̱aTezoatlán Mixtecnounpancreas
Oryzeae tribe grasseshukkariisiFinnishnounrice cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides)
Oryzeae tribe grasseshukkariisiFinnishnounany plant of the genus Leersia
Oryzeae tribe grasseshukkariisiFinnishnounthe genus Leersiain-plural
Oryzeae tribe grassesもちJapanesenounglutinous rice
Oryzeae tribe grassesもちJapanesenounbirdlime (adhesive substance used for trapping birds)
Oryzeae tribe grassesもちJapanesenounShort for 黐の木 (mochi no ki): Ilex integra, a species of hollyabbreviation alt-of
Osteoglossomorph fisharuanãPortuguesenounsilver arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)Brazil masculine
Osteoglossomorph fisharuanãPortuguesenounarowana; bonytongue (any fish in the fmily Osteoglossidae)Brazil broadly masculine
Owlsஆந்தைTamilnounowl (Athene brama)
Owlsஆந்தைTamilnounswamp mallow (Pavonia)
Owlsஆந்தைTamilnamea male given name from Old Tamil
PainstichenMiddle EnglishverbTo stab or prick (as to hurt)
PainstichenMiddle EnglishverbTo stitch up; to make stitching.
PaperpaperMiddle Englishnounpaper (thin, white writing surface made of wood pulp)
PaperpaperMiddle EnglishnounA message or note; something that is written.
PaperpaperMiddle EnglishnounA record or accounting document.
ParentsVadderLimburgishnounfather (male parent)masculine
ParentsVadderLimburgishnounFather (God, the father of Creation)Christianitymasculine
ParentsVadderLimburgishnounFather (a title for priests)Christianitymasculine
ParrotscaiqueEnglishnounA small wooden trading vessel, brightly painted and rigged for sail, traditionally used for fishing and trawling.nautical transport
ParrotscaiqueEnglishnounAny of four (previously two) species of parrot in the genus Pionites.
Parrotspoll parrotEnglishnounA tame parrot.dated
Parrotspoll parrotEnglishnounA talkative, gossiping woman.archaic slang
Parrotspoll parrotEnglishverbTo speak, repeat, or imitate something like a parrot.dated transitive
Parrotspoll parrotEnglishverbTo chatter like a parrot.dated intransitive
PartiessarauCatalannounquarrel, disordermasculine
PedophiliapedophiliaEnglishnounSexual attraction by adults and adolescents to children, specifically prepubescent children.US countable uncountable
PedophiliapedophiliaEnglishnounSexual activity between adults and children; the act of child molestation.US broadly countable proscribed uncountable
PeopleSpinozistEnglishnounAn adherent of or a specialist in the study of the philosophical doctrines of Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677).human-sciences philosophy sciences
PeopleSpinozistEnglishadjAlternative form of Spinozistichuman-sciences philosophy sciencesalt-of alternative
PeopleaskerTurkishnounsoldier (any member of a military, regardless of specialty or rank)
PeopleaskerTurkishnounmilitary service, especially of conscription
PeopleaskerTurkishnounprivate (soldier of the lowest rank)
PeoplebaBambaranounriver, stream, lake
PeoplebaBambaranumone thousand
Peoplebad actorEnglishnounIndividual or entity with the prior criminal conviction, or who has been sanctioned by the court or regulator.lawidiomatic
Peoplebad actorEnglishnounA person with malicious intent.idiomatic
Peoplebad actorEnglishnounIll-intentioned, mean, ill-tempered person.idiomatic
Peoplebad actorEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see bad, actor.
PeoplebōjinMarshallesenouna virgin
PeoplebōjinMarshallesenouna nun
PeoplecallboyEnglishnounA male prostitute.euphemistic
PeoplecallboyEnglishnounA bellhop.dated
PeoplecallboyEnglishnounA boy or man who summons actors when their presence is required for a performance.entertainment lifestyle theater
PeoplecallboyEnglishnounA public transport barker (a man, who for a fee, calls out the destination of jeepneys and buses)Philippines slang
PeoplecallboyEnglishnounA man who works as a call center agent. (see usage notes)humorous
PeoplecallboyEnglishnounA youth employed to wake people up for work.
PeoplecazoSpanishnouna kind of large saucepan or saucepot, wider at top than at bottommasculine
PeoplecazoSpanishnounclumsy personcolloquial masculine
PeoplecazoSpanishnounpimpcolloquial masculine
PeoplecazoSpanishnounjugclimbing hobbies lifestyle sportsmasculine
PeoplecazoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of cazarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PeoplecollagistEnglishadjIn the manner of a collage, or of the making of a collage.not-comparable
PeoplecollagistEnglishnounOne who makes collages, or who has made a specific collage.
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounSomething that has been created; an entity or object.
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounA living being or creature; an animal or beast.
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounA human being (often as a term of self-abasement).
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounThe whole world, the totality of existence.rare
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounThe process of making or creation.rare
PeoplecreatureMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of creatouralt-of alternative
PeopledesignatorEnglishnounA person who, or term that, designates.
PeopledesignatorEnglishnounAn officer who assigned to each his rank and place in public shows and ceremonies.Roman historical
Peopleex-gayEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the movement that considers homosexuality a disease and claims it can be cured by conversion therapy.pseudosciencenot-comparable
Peopleex-gayEnglishnounA person who considers themselves or is considered by others to be no longer homosexual, usually due to conversion therapy.pseudoscienceespecially in-plural
PeoplefronterizoSpanishnouna person who lives on a national bordermasculine
PeoplegośćSilesiannounguest (recipient of hospitality, especially someone staying by invitation at the house of another)masculine person
PeoplegośćSilesiannounguest (patron or customer in a hotel etc)masculine person
PeoplegumballEnglishnounChewing gum sold as a ball usually coated with colored hard sugar.
PeoplegumballEnglishnounA silly, laughable person.slang
PeoplegumballEnglishnounThe flashing lights on top of a police car.US slang
PeoplegumballEnglishnounThe spiky seedpod of the sweet gum tree.
PeoplehistrionoEsperantonounhistrionAncient-Rome historical
PeoplehistrionoEsperantonounbuffoon, clown, jesterbroadly
PeopleiroCebuanonounablutophobic person
PeopleiroCebuanonoundespicable person
PeopleiroCebuanonoundog meat
PeoplejurantEnglishadjUnder oath; swearing.
PeoplejurantEnglishnounOne who has taken an oath, especially a religious one.
PeoplelalakiTagalognounman; boy; guy; male person
PeoplelalakiTagalognounother man; male lovercolloquial
PeoplelalakiTagalognounmale connector; male fastenerbusiness electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PeoplelalakiTagalogverbcontemplative aspect of lumaki
Peoplemilk bottleEnglishnounA glass bottle traditionally used for doorstep delivery of fresh milk.
Peoplemilk bottleEnglishnounA small white jube (confectionary) in the shape of a milk bottle.Australia
Peoplemilk bottleEnglishnounA white woman who visits Jamaica as a sex tourist.Jamaica derogatory slang
PeoplemunEnglishverbMust.Northern-English auxiliary defective dialectal modal
PeoplemunEnglishnounThe mouth, jaw.dialectal obsolete
PeoplemunEnglishnounmanSouth-Africa UK dialectal
PeoplemunEnglishpronthemDevon UK dialectal obsolete
PeoplemunEnglishnounThe person who roleplays a character in a role-playing game, especially an online play-by-post one.Internet
PeoplenutterEnglishnounA person who gathers nuts.
PeoplenutterEnglishnounAn eccentric, insane, crazy or reckless person.Ireland UK derogatory informal sometimes
PeoplenutterEnglishnounnut butterobsolete uncountable
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjEffectual or important.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjFunctional, in working order.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjHaving the power of acting; hence, exerting force, physical or moral; active in the production of effects.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjProducing the appropriate or designed effect; efficacious.
PeopleoperativeEnglishadjBased upon, or consisting of, a surgical operation or operations.
PeopleoperativeEnglishnounAn employee or other worker with some particular function or skill.
PeopleoperativeEnglishnounA spy, secret agent, or detective.
PeopleoperativeEnglishnounA participant in an operation.
PeopleoptantEnglishnounA person who lives in a region undergoing a change of sovereignty and thus may choose between retaining their old citizenship or opting for the citizenship of the new sovereignty.
PeopleoptantEnglishnounA person who opts into, out of, or for something.
PeoplephthisicEnglishnounA wasting illness of the lungs, such as asthma or tuberculosis; consumption; phthisis.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
PeoplephthisicEnglishnounAny wasting disease.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
PeoplephthisicEnglishnounA person suffering from phthisis.countable uncountable
PeoplephthisicEnglishnounAny wasting or shrinking of another body part such as, for example, the eye (phthisis bulbi).countable uncountable
PeoplephthisicEnglishadjOf or relating to phthisis or tuberculosis; tubercular; consumptive.not-comparable
PeoplepollerEnglishnounone who polls or lops trees
PeoplepollerEnglishnounone who cuts hair; a barber
PeoplepollerEnglishnounone who votes
PeoplepollerEnglishnounone who registers voters or conducts a poll
PeoplepollerEnglishnouna task or process that periodically checks for a condition being satisfied, such as the availability of new datacomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeopleracistEnglishnounA person who believes in or supports racism; a person who believes that a particular race is superior to others, or who discriminates against other races.
PeopleracistEnglishadjConstituting, exhibiting, advocating, or pertaining to racism.
PeopleracistEnglishadjDiscriminatory.broadly colloquial proscribed
PeopleracistaSpanishadjracistfeminine masculine
PeopleracistaSpanishnounracistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Peoplescaredy pantsEnglishnounSynonym of scaredy cat.childish
Peoplescaredy pantsEnglishnounA notional pair of trousers or underwear worn by someone when acting cowardly.figuratively informal
Peoplestarting pitcherEnglishnounA pitcher who is usually used to start a game; a member of a team's rotation. Compare relief pitcher.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Peoplestarting pitcherEnglishnounA pitcher who is recorded to begin the game.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
PeoplestrażPolishnounwatch, guard, escort (group of people who guard)feminine
PeoplestrażPolishnounEllipsis of straż pożarna.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis feminine
PeopleswingerEnglishnounOne who swings.
PeopleswingerEnglishnounA person who practices swinging (sex with different partners).
PeopleswingerEnglishnounA bet in which the bettor must correctly pick two runners to finish in any of the places in any order.
PeopleswingerEnglishnounA performer of swing music or whose style is influenced by swing.
PeopleswingerEnglishnounA swing voter.government politicsinformal
PeopleswingerEnglishnounA swing ride.
PeopleswingerEnglishnounOne who swinges.
PeopleswingerEnglishnounAnything very large, forcible, or astonishing.obsolete slang
PeopleszélhámosHungariannounswindler, fraud, crook, conman (a person who steals, lies, cheats or does other dishonest or illegal things; a criminal)
PeopleszélhámosHungariannounrogue, humbug, impostor, phony (an unreliable, insincere person)colloquial derogatory
PeopleszélhámosHungarianadjphony, fake, false, rogue (deceitful, unprincipled)
PeopletweenerEnglishnounAlternative spelling of 'tweener,alt-of alternative
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA tweenager.informal
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA person or thing that is between two categories, classes or age groups. / A person who plays at two positions, especially if not good enough at either to be restricted to it.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportsinformal
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA person or thing that is between two categories, classes or age groups. / A computing device that is smaller than a traditional laptop, but larger than a PDA.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA person or thing that is between two categories, classes or age groups. / A boxer in various newcomer weight classes whose names often contain super, light or junior.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warinformal
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA person or thing that is between two categories, classes or age groups. / A professional wrestler who is neutral or morally ambiguous; neither a face nor a heel, or showing no favoritism to either allegiance.government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics professional-wrestling sports war wrestlinginformal slang
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA person or thing that is between two categories, classes or age groups. / A film that falls between two genres or audiences (and thus may not be easily marketed).broadcasting film media televisioninformal
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA person or thing that is between two categories, classes or age groups.informal
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA shot that is hit between the legs.hobbies lifestyle sports tennis
PeopletweenerEnglishnounA person, machine, or piece of software that performs tweening.broadcasting cinematography film media television
PeoplevagabondEnglishnounA person on a trip of indeterminate destination and/or length of time.
PeoplevagabondEnglishnounOne who usually wanders from place to place, having no fixed dwelling, or not abiding in it, and usually without the means of honest livelihood.
PeoplevagabondEnglishverbTo roam, as a vagabond
PeoplevagabondEnglishadjFloating about without any certain direction; driven to and fro.not-comparable
PeoplewowserEnglishnounOne with strong moral views against excessive consumption of alcohol, gambling, pornography, etc., who seeks to promulgate those views.Australia New-Zealand derogatory
PeoplewowserEnglishnounA lout or similar disruptive person.obsolete
PeoplewowserEnglishnounAlternative form of wowzeralt-of alternative
PeoplewowserEnglishintjAlternative form of wowsersalt-of alternative
PeoplezagłobaPolishnounobstacle, impedimentdialectal feminine
PeoplezagłobaPolishnountrouble, worrydialectal feminine
PeoplezagłobaPolishnoundevil's toenail, gryphaea (oyster of the genus Gryphaea)feminine rare
PeoplezagłobaPolishnounne'er-do-wellderogatory dialectal masculine person
PeopleیابانجیOttoman Turkishnounstranger, a person whom one does not know, or is not an acquaintance
PeopleیابانجیOttoman Turkishnounforeigner, outlander, alien, stranger, a person from another country
People主管Chineseverbto be responsible for; to be in charge of
People主管Chinesenounperson in charge; boss; chief; supervisor
People印度阿三ChinesenounSikh policeman in the Shanghai International Settlementderogatory ethnic historical slang slur
People印度阿三ChinesenounIndian personbroadly derogatory ethnic slang slur
People非人Chinesenounwrong person
People非人Chinesenounbad man; ruffian; villain
People非人Chinesenoununperson (especially in the sense of being stripped of humanity)
Percoid fish赤目Japanesenounred eyeliterally
Percoid fish赤目Japanesenounthe Japanese lates (Lates japonicus), a species of fish
PersonalityawkwardEnglishadvIn a backwards direction.obsolete
PersonalityawkwardEnglishadjLacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments.
PersonalityawkwardEnglishadjNot easily managed or effected; embarrassing.
PersonalityawkwardEnglishadjLacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction.
PersonalityawkwardEnglishadjPerverse; adverse; difficult to handle.
PersonalityawkwardEnglishnounSomeone or something that is awkward.
PersonalitycoopératifFrenchadjjoint, united, together
PersonalitycoopératifFrenchadjof cooperativesrelational
PersonalitydesconfiadoSpanishadjdistrustful, untrusting, mistrustful
PersonalitydesconfiadoSpanishverbpast participle of desconfiarform-of participle past
PersonalityindependentEnglishadjNot dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free.
PersonalityindependentEnglishadjNot affiliated with any political party.government politics
PersonalityindependentEnglishadjProviding a comfortable livelihood.
PersonalityindependentEnglishadjNot subject to bias or influence; self-directing.
PersonalityindependentEnglishadjSeparate from; exclusive; irrespective.
PersonalityindependentEnglishnounA candidate or voter not affiliated with any political party, a freethinker, free of a party platform.
PersonalityindependentEnglishnounA neutral or uncommitted person.
PersonalityindependentEnglishnounA small, privately owned business.
PersonalityindependentEnglishnounA team not affiliated with any league or conference.hobbies lifestyle sports
PersonalitywiseEnglishadjShowing good judgement or the benefit of experience.
PersonalitywiseEnglishadjDisrespectful.colloquial ironic sarcastic
PersonalitywiseEnglishadjAware, informed (to something).colloquial
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo become wise.
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbUsually with "up", to inform or learn.ergative slang
PersonalitywiseEnglishnounWay, manner, or method.archaic
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo instruct.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo advise; induce.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo show the way, guide.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo direct the course of, pilot.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo cause to turn.dialectal
PersonalitywärremLimburgishadjwarm; mildly hot
PersonalitywärremLimburgishadjwarm; keeping the wearer warm
PersonalitywärremLimburgishadjopen, welcoming
Pezizales order fungiPérigordEnglishnameA region and former province of France, corresponding roughly to the modern Dordogne.
Pezizales order fungiPérigordEnglishnounA black truffle
Phaseoleae tribe plantsmbocoKikuyunoundwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)class-10 class-9
Phaseoleae tribe plantsmbocoKikuyunounbean(s)class-10 class-9 usually
Phaseoleae tribe plantsordealEnglishnounA painful or trying experience.
Phaseoleae tribe plantsordealEnglishnounA trial in which the accused was subjected to a dangerous test (such as ducking in water), divine authority deciding the guilt of the accused. (See Trial by ordeal on Wikipedia.Wikipedia)
Phaseoleae tribe plantsordealEnglishnounThe poisonous ordeal bean or Calabar bean
PhilosophymetafísicaSpanishnounmetaphysics (branch of philosophy that studies first principles)feminine uncountable
PhilosophymetafísicaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of metafísicofeminine form-of
PhilosophymetafísicaSpanishadjfeminine singular of metafísicofeminine form-of singular
PhoeniciaSídonPortuguesenameSidon (an ancient city-state in Phoenicia)feminine
PhoeniciaSídonPortuguesenameSidon (a port city in Lebanon)feminine
PhotographylenteSpanishnounglasses, (formal) spectacles, (US) eyeglassLatin-America in-plural
PhotographyphotochemicalEnglishadjOf, relating to, or produced by photochemistry or by photochemical reactionschemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
PhotographyphotochemicalEnglishnounAny chemical compound (such as silver halides) used in photography
Photography攝影Chineseverbto take a photograph
Photography攝影Chineseverbto shoot a film; to film
Photography攝影Chinesenounshooting (of a film)
Pikes (fish)pickerelEnglishnounA freshwater fish of the genus Esox.
Pikes (fish)pickerelEnglishnounWalleye, A species of gamefish, Sander vitreus, native to the Northern U.S. and Canada with pale, reflective eyes.Canada
Pikes (fish)pickerelEnglishnounA wading bird, the dunlin.
PinnipedshalliFinnishnounlarge building used for sports or exhibitions, e.g. indoor arena, gallery
PinnipedshalliFinnishnounlarge room, e.g. at a railway station, lobby
PinnipedshalliFinnishnoungrey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
PinnipedshalliFinnishnoundog, usually grey
Planets of the Solar SystemSaturnusAfrikaansnameSaturnastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar SystemSaturnusAfrikaansnameSaturnhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Planets of the Solar SystemՍատուռնArmeniannameSaturnhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman
Planets of the Solar SystemՍատուռնArmeniannameSaturn (planet)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 岡虎の尾 (oka tora no o, “gooseneck loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 虎の尾羊歯 (tora no o shida, “Asplenium incisum”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 虎の尾桜 (tora no o zakura, “a cultivar of cherry tree”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 山蘇鉄 (yama sotetsu, “Plagiogyria matsumureana”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 瑠璃虎の尾 (ruri tora no o, “azure speedwell, Veronica subsessilis”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 九蓋草 (kugaisō, “Veronicastrum japonicum”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 天南星 (tennanshō, “plants of genus Arisaema”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 杉蘭 (sugiran, “Phlegmariurus cryptomerinus, a species of clubmoss”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 犬粟 (inuawa, “Setaria chondrachne”)
Plantain family plants虎の尾JapanesenounSynonym of 海虎の尾 (umi tora no o, “Sargassum thunbergii”)
PlantsbiljeSerbo-Croatiannounplants, herbscollective
Plantschʼałdą́ą́ʼNavajonounlanceleaf sage (Salvia reflexa)
PlantsdurianWest Makiannoundurian fruit
PlantsdurianWest Makiannounthe durian tree
PlantsfabaGaliciannounbean plantfeminine
PlantsfabaGaliciannouninflammatory sickness of the mouth of the horsesfeminine
PlantsgrillCatalannouncricket (insect)masculine
PlantsgrillCatalannounsprout, shoot (new growth from a tuber or bulb)masculine
PlantsgrillCatalannounsegment, section (of a citrus fruit or a nut)masculine
PlantshishiꞌChickasawnounbody hairalienable
PlantshishiꞌChickasawnounleaf, needlealienable
PlantssalatNorwegian Nynorsknounlettuce (Lactuca sativa)food lifestyle vegetablemasculine
PlantssalatNorwegian Nynorsknounsalad (culinary dish)masculine
PlantswiphulaksonMalecite-Passamaquoddynounpurple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpureaanimate
PlantswiphulaksonMalecite-Passamaquoddynounpink lady's slipper, moccasin flower (Cypripedium acaule); ram's head lady's slipper (Cypripedium arietinum)animate
PlantsтамырBashkirnounroot (of plant)biology botany natural-sciences
PlantsтамырBashkirnounblood vesselanatomy medicine sciences
PlantsтамырBashkirnounroot (of tooth, of hair)
PlantsтамырBashkirnounroothuman-sciences linguistics sciences
PlantsтамырBashkirnounrootmathematics sciences
PlantsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
PlantsJapanesenouna weed
PlantsJapanesenouna herb
PlantsJapanesenouna scout, a spy (from the way one would hide in the grass to observe enemy troops)
PlantsJapanesenounpubic hairfiguratively rare slang
PlantsJapaneseprefixa fake, a mimic, not the real thingmorpheme
PlantsJapaneseprefixamateur, small-timemorpheme
PlantsJapanesenouna draft, a rough copy
PlantsJapanesenouncursive, calligraphy in a running hand
PlantsJapanesenounsomething unofficial, an informal abbreviation or knock-off
PlantsJapanesenoun"grass", in reference to the expression w (w, “LOL”); LOLsInternet
PlantsJapanesephraseEllipsis of 草生える (kusa haeru, literally “grass grows”): (Internet slang) … it's hilariousabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
PlutoNixEnglishnameOne of the moons of Pluto (named 21 June 2006.)astronomy natural-sciences
PlutoNixEnglishnameA surname originating as a patronymic.
PolandPoleGermannounPolemasculine weak
PolandPoleGermannounnominative/accusative/genitive plural of Polaccusative form-of genitive masculine nominative plural
PolandPoleGermannoundative singular of Polarchaic dative form-of masculine singular
PolandcracovianoItalianadjCracovian (of, from or relating to Cracow)
PolandcracovianoItaliannounCracovian (native or inhabitant of Cracow) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
Polish animal commandspruPolishintjwhoa (stop)
Polish animal commandspruPolishintjbrr (in reaction to the cold or something gross)
Political subdivisionsVašingtonSerbo-CroatiannameWashington (city)masculine
Political subdivisionsVašingtonSerbo-CroatiannameWashington (state)masculine
Political subdivisionsкрайRussiannounborder, edge, brink, brim, fringe
Political subdivisionsкрайRussiannounside, rim
Political subdivisionsкрайRussiannounland, country
Political subdivisionsкрайRussiannounkrai, territory (in Russia)
Pome fruitsscrabEnglishverbTo scrape or scratch.transitive
Pome fruitsscrabEnglishnounA crabapple.
PornographyfapEnglishadjDrunk.not-comparable obsolete
PornographyfapEnglishintjTo indicate that someone (normally the speaker) is either masturbating, or inspired to by sexual arousal.Internet informal vulgar
PornographyfapEnglishintjPornography.informal vulgar
PornographyfapEnglishverbTo masturbate.slang
PornographyfapEnglishnounA session of masturbation.countable slang
PoultrycaponEnglishnounA cockerel which has been gelded and fattened for the table.
PoultrycaponEnglishverbTo castrate; to make a capon of.transitive
PoultrycapãoPortuguesenouna castrated animalmasculine
PoultrycapãoPortuguesenouncapon (a cockerel which has been gelded and fattened for the table)masculine
PoultrycapãoPortuguesenouncopse; an isolated bunch of trees in an open spaceBrazil masculine
PrayerpernoctateEnglishverbTo stay up all night; to pass the night (especially in prayer).formal intransitive
PrayerpernoctateEnglishverbTo stay all night.formal intransitive
PresenteniYorubanounbonus after a purchase
PresenteniYorubanounLagos form of òní (“today”)
Primrose family plantsmũgaitaKikuyunounCertain species of Primulaceae producing fruits (ngaita) used as a vermifuge. / Cape myrtle (Myrsine africana)class-3
Primrose family plantsmũgaitaKikuyunounCertain species of Primulaceae producing fruits (ngaita) used as a vermifuge. / Myrsine rhododendroides, syn. Rapanea rhododendroidesclass-3
Primrose family plantspamplina de aguaSpanishnounblinks (Montia fontana)feminine
Primrose family plantspamplina de aguaSpanishnounbrookweed (Samolus valerandi)feminine
Prostitutiontaxi-girlItaliannouna nightclub hostess (paid to dance with, and entertain, customers)feminine invariable
Prostitutiontaxi-girlItaliannounprostitutefeminine informal invariable
ProstitutiontenancièreFrenchnounfemale equivalent of tenancier: female manager (of a hotel, etc.)feminine form-of
ProstitutiontenancièreFrenchnounmadam (woman in charge of a brothel)feminine
Prostitution夜鷹Japanesenouna grey nightjar
Prostitution夜鷹Japanesenounpeople who wander about until late
Prostitution夜鷹Japanesenoununlicensed prostitutes who worked the roadsides at night
Prostitution夜鷹JapanesenounClipping of 夜鷹蕎麦 (yotaka soba, “late night soba sellers”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
Punctuation markshyphenEnglishnounThe symbol "‐", typically used to join two or more words to form a compound term, or to indicate that a word has been split at the end of a line.
Punctuation markshyphenEnglishnounSomething which links two things of greater significance than itself.figuratively
Punctuation markshyphenEnglishnounSomething which links two things of greater significance than itself. / An enclosed walkway or passage that connects two buildings.figuratively
Punctuation markshyphenEnglishnounSomeone who belongs to a marginalized subgroup, and can therefore described by a hyphenated term, such as "German-American", "female-academic", etc.
Punctuation markshyphenEnglishverbTo separate or punctuate with a hyphen; to hyphenate.dated transitive
Punctuation markshyphenEnglishconjUsed to emphasize the coordinating function usually indicated by the punctuation "-".
RadiationgaIrishnounspear (long stick with a sharp tip), dartmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnoundart, stingmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnounray (beam of light or radiation)masculine
RadiationgaIrishnounradius (line segment between any point on the circumference of a circle and its center; length of this segment)geometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnounsuppositorymedicine sciencesmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnoungafffishing hobbies lifestylemasculine
Rail transportationferroviariCatalanadjrailwayrelational
Rail transportationferroviariCatalannounrailway workermasculine
Ranunculales order plantsветреницаRussiannounanemone (any plant of genus anemone)
Ranunculales order plantsветреницаRussiannounfemale equivalent of ве́треник (vétrenik): frivolous, light-headed womanfeminine form-of
Rays and skatestorpedoLatinnounlethargy, inertness, sluggishnessdeclension-3
Rays and skatestorpedoLatinnountorpedo fishdeclension-3
RecreationhikingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of hikeform-of gerund participle present
RecreationhikingEnglishnounWalking in the countryside for pleasure or sport.uncountable usually
RecreationhikingEnglishnounThe act by which something is hiked, or raised sharply.uncountable usually
Recreational drugscuntedEnglishadjHaving a vulva of a specified vulgar
Recreational drugscuntedEnglishadjUnder the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol; drunk; high.Australia UK slang vulgar
Recreational drugscuntedEnglishadjBroken.Australia slang vulgar
Recreational drugscuntedEnglishadjExtremely tired or worn out.Australia slang vulgar
Recreational drugsmushieEnglishnounA mushroom.slang
Recreational drugsmushieEnglishnounA magic mushroom.slang
Recreational drugspoistaaFinnishverbto remove, take away, take offtransitive
Recreational drugspoistaaFinnishverbto delete, erase, strike, eliminate from existencetransitive
Recreational drugspoistaaFinnishverbto depreciate, write offaccounting business financetransitive
Recreational drugspoistaaFinnishverbto sell or deal illegal recreational drugsslang transitive
Redsapple redEnglishnounA dark red color with a light tint of purplish-red, like that of a Red Delicious apple.countable uncountable
Redsapple redEnglishadjOf an apple red color.
RedsbordeauxFrenchadjclaret (color/colour)invariable
RedsbordeauxFrenchnounBordeaux (wine)masculine uncountable
RedsbordeauxFrenchnounplural of bordeauform-of masculine plural
RelativityKaluza-Klein theoryEnglishnameA model (not believed to be literally true) developed by physicists Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein that attempted to combine gravity and electromagnetism by adding a fifth dimension to our four-dimensional spacetime.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
RelativityKaluza-Klein theoryEnglishnameAny of a number of theories that try to explain forces by adding extra dimensions to our spacetime.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto turn upside-down; to invertconjugation-3 transitive
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto turn over (soil etc)conjugation-3 transitive
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto turn back or recoilconjugation-3 transitive
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto direct oneselfconjugation-3 intransitive
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto rotateconjugation-3 transitive
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto reverseconjugation-3 transitive
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto convertconjugation-3 intransitive
ReligionconvertoLatinverbto translateconjugation-3 transitive
ReligionjandoSwahilinouncircumcision ritesclass-5 class-6
ReligionjandoSwahilinouna group of people attending circumcision ritesclass-5 class-6
ReligionschepherdeMiddle Englishnounshepherd (person who herds sheep)
ReligionschepherdeMiddle EnglishnounA spiritual leader or guide.figuratively
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo sing (something); to produce (certain) noises with one's voice: / To produce chants or other sung verse (especially of a religious nature).
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo sing (something); to produce (certain) noises with one's voice: / To explicate or narrate in song.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo sing (something); to produce (certain) noises with one's voice: / To cry in agony; to produce lamentations.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo sing (something); to produce (certain) noises with one's voice: / To produce birdsong or a similar noise.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo talk, recite, or declare (especially in a particular way or manner): / To recite a non-sung prayer or religious commendation.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo talk, recite, or declare (especially in a particular way or manner): / To perform the Eucharist (in a given way).
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo talk, recite, or declare (especially in a particular way or manner): / To talk about; to explicate or narrate.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo talk, recite, or declare (especially in a particular way or manner): / To recite non-sung verse or poetry.rare
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo use or play a musical instrument.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo make the sound of a musical instrument.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo undergo agony or sorrow.
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbTo make an animal sound.rare
ReligionsingenMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of synnenalt-of alternative
ReligionδόγμαGreeknoundogma, doctrine
ReligionδόγμαGreeknounreligion, cult
ReligionδόγμαGreeknounstrategygovernment military politics war
ReligionязичницькийUkrainianadjpagan, paganistic
ReligionروزہUrdunounfast (abstention from food)
ReligionروزہUrdunounsawm (abstaining from food, drink and sex)Islam lifestyle religion
ReligionروزہUrdunounthe month of Ramadanbroadly
ReligionروزہUrdunouna day in the month of Ramadanbroadly
ReligionروزہUrduadjdailyformal indeclinable literary
Religionश्रद्धाHindinounfaith, belief
ReligionଗୋସାଇଁOdianounlord; master
ReligionଗୋସାଇଁOdianounowner of a beast or article
ReligionଗୋସାଇଁOdianounascetic, sannyasi
ReligionଗୋସାଇଁOdianoungod; deity
ReligionଗୋସାଇଁOdianouna title of respect added after the name of a revered person.
Religion無神Chineseadjsoulless; lacking feelings
ReptilescoquetzpalPipilnounblack iguana
Rivers in Maryland, USAPotomacEnglishnameA river in the eastern United States that flows along the borders of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, and through Washington, DC.
Rivers in Maryland, USAPotomacEnglishnameAn unincorporated area of Montgomery County, Maryland, United States.
Rivers in Maryland, USAPotomacEnglishnameA village in Vermilion County, Illinois, United States.
Rivers in Maryland, USAPotomacEnglishnameThe asteroid (1345) Potomac.astronomy natural-sciences
Rivers in the United StatesMahoningEnglishnamethe Mahoning River in Ohio and Pennsylvania, USA, part of the Ohio River watershed.
Rivers in the United StatesMahoningEnglishnameA former settlement in Portage County, Ohio.
Roads便道Chinesenounshortcut (shorter, alternative route)
Roads便道Chinesenounpavement; sidewalk
Roads便道Chinesenounmakeshift road
RockskamieńPolishnounstone (piece of rock that has been separated)inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounstone (gemstone, jewel)inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounstone; plaque (hard sediment remaining on something)inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounstone (hard, stone-like deposit in someone or something's body)medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounstone (small stone-like item used in some games and sports)games hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounrock (closed hand in the game of rock paper scissors)inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounpack of matches containing 250 boxesinanimate masculine obsolete
RockskamieńPolishnounstone (unit of mass equal to 32 pounds)historical inanimate masculine obsolete
RockskamieńPolishnounstone (hard seed of some fruits)inanimate masculine obsolete
RockskamieńPolishnounborder postinanimate masculine obsolete
RockskamieńPolishnounknob used to vote when judging a guilty personMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounplummet (measuring device)Middle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounantimony, semimetalchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities includeMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / calamine (basic zinc silicate)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnouncopper oreMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounmurraMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounmagnetMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounmagnesia; magnesium oxide; manganese oreMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities includeMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / mica (hydrated magnesium silicate)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounfossilMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounamberMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnouncoralMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounsolidMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounweightMiddle Polish inanimate masculine
RockskamieńPolishnounstone; Further details are uncertain.Middle Polish inanimate masculine
RodentsọyaYorubanouncane rat, grasscutter
RodentsọyaYorubanounsomething that is forked
RodentsọyaYorubanounsomeone who is castrated, eunuch
Roman CatholicismmissaLatinnounMass; Christian eucharistic liturgyEcclesiastical Latin declension-1 feminine
Roman CatholicismmissaLatinverbinflection of missus: / nominative/vocative feminine singularfeminine form-of nominative participle singular vocative
Roman CatholicismmissaLatinverbinflection of missus: / nominative/accusative/vocative neuter pluralaccusative form-of neuter nominative participle plural vocative
Roman CatholicismmissaLatinverbablative feminine singular of missusablative feminine form-of participle singular
Roman CatholicismtrentalEnglishnounA set of 30 requiem masses, said once a day for a month or all in one day.Christianity
Roman CatholicismtrentalEnglishnounThe payment for this service.Christianity
Roman CatholicismtrentalEnglishnounSynonym of triacontad, any set of thirty things.figuratively obsolete rare
Roman CatholicismtrentalEnglishnounSynonym of elegy, any funeral or funereal song or poem.figuratively obsolete
Roman CatholicismtrentalEnglishnounSynonym of month's mind, the commemorative service held on the 30th day after burial.Christianityarchaic
RoomsballroomEnglishnounA large room used for dancing and banquets.
RoomsballroomEnglishnounA type of elegant dance.
RoomsballroomEnglishverbTo take part in ballroom dancing.intransitive
RoomsmausoleumEnglishnounA large stately tomb or a building housing such a tomb or several tombs.
RoomsmausoleumEnglishnounA gloomy, usually large room or building.broadly
RoomsܒܠܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbathtub, bath
RoomsܒܠܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbathroom
RushesflossEnglishnounA thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth.countable uncountable
RushesflossEnglishnounRaw silk fibres.countable uncountable
RushesflossEnglishnounThe fibres covering a corncob etc.; the loose downy or silky material inside the husks of certain plants, such as beans.countable uncountable
RushesflossEnglishnounAny thread-like material having parallel strands that are not spun or wound around each other.countable uncountable
RushesflossEnglishnounSpun sugar or cotton candy, especially in the phrase "candy floss".British countable uncountable
RushesflossEnglishnounA body feather of an ostrich.countable uncountable
RushesflossEnglishnounA dance move in which the dancer repeatedly swings their arms, with clenched fists, from the back of their body to the front, on each side.countable uncountable
RushesflossEnglishverbTo clean the area between (the teeth) using floss.intransitive transitive
RushesflossEnglishverbTo show off, especially by exhibiting one's wealth or talent.slang
RushesflossEnglishverbTo perform the floss dance move.
RushesflossEnglishnounA small stream of water.UK
RushesflossEnglishnounFluid glass floating on iron in the puddling furnace, produced by the vitrification of oxides and earths which are present.
RushesflossEnglishnounThe common rush (Juncus effusus).Northern-England Scotland
RussiaukaseEnglishnounAn authoritative proclamation; an edict, especially decreed by a Russian czar or later ruler.
RussiaukaseEnglishnounAny absolutist order or arrogant proclamationfiguratively
Russian cardinal numbersдваRussiannumtwo (2)
Russian cardinal numbersдваRussiannumtwo (out of five), poor; D mark, D grade
SI unitsvoltPolishnounAlternative spelling of woltalt-of alternative inanimate masculine
SI unitsvoltPolishnoungenitive plural of voltafeminine form-of genitive plural
Santalales order plantsmisteltoMiddle EnglishnounMistletoe (Viscum album)uncommon uncountable
Santalales order plantsmisteltoMiddle EnglishnounThe dried berries of this plant used as beads.uncommon uncountable
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesecharacterthe katsura, the Japanese Judas treeJinmeiyō kanji
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesecharacterthe cinnamon or cassia treeJinmeiyō kanji
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesecharacterthe sweet osmanthus treeJinmeiyō kanji
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounthe katsura tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, also called the Japanese Judas tree
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounless commonly, the smaller Cercidiphyllum magnificum tree, more specifically called the 広葉桂 or ヒロハカツラ (hiroha katsura, “broadleaf katsura”).
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenouna tree on the moon, from a Chinese legend that the phases of the moon were caused by Lauraceae trees budding, blossoming, then dropping their flowers and leaves again as if in accelerated seasons
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounjulienned raw daikon, used as a garnish for sashimi
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounalternative word for 肉桂 (nikkei, “the cinnamon or cassia tree”) or 桂皮 (keihi, “cinnamon or cassia bark”)
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenamea male given name
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenamea surname
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenamethe west bank of the Katsura River in Kyōto
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounthe cinnamon tree, or other closely related trees in genus Cinnamomum
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounthe cinnamon or cassia tree
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenouncommon name for various other trees in family Lauraceae
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounin China, the 木犀 (mokusei) or sweet osmanthus tree
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounthe mooneuphemistic
Saxifragales order plantsJapanesenounthe knight in 将棋 (shōgi, “Japanese chess”)
ScentsturareHausanounperfume, incense, scent
ScentsحماماArabicnounindeterminate state accusative singular of حَمَام (ḥamām)
ScentsحماماArabicnounindeterminate state accusative singular of حَمَّام (ḥammām)
SciencesideggyógyászatHungariannounneurology (the branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of nervous system)medicine sciencescountable uncountable
SciencesideggyógyászatHungariannoundepartment of neurology (the hospital department specialized in treating neurological disorders)countable uncountable
SciencesideggyógyászatHungariannoundepartment of neurology (a university faculty, an area of study)countable uncountable
SciencesphotoscienceEnglishnounAny branch of physics, chemistry or biology concerned with the actions of light.countable uncountable
SciencesphotoscienceEnglishnounThe science of photography.countable uncountable
SciencesscienzaItaliannounlearning, knowledgefeminine
Scolopacidsrock ploverEnglishnounCalidris maritima (syn. Erolia maritima, purple sandpiper).
Scolopacidsrock ploverEnglishnounArenaria spp. (turnstones).
ScorpionsскорпионBulgariannounscorpion (member of the arachnid order Scorpiones)
ScorpionsскорпионBulgariannouna Scorpio (person with the zodiac sign)
SeasoningsasinCebuanoverbto season with salt
SeasonsសិសិរៈKhmeradjto be cold
Seasons麦秋Japanesenounharvest season
Seasons麦秋Japanesenounwheat or barley harvest
SeismologyܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnounshuddering, trembling, quaking
SeismologyܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnountremor
SeismologyܪܥܠܬܐClassical Syriacnounhalf-cooked egg
Senecioneae tribe plantsgroundselEnglishnounAny of several widely-distributed plants, of the genus Senecio, having yellow, daisylike flowers.countable uncountable
Senecioneae tribe plantsgroundselEnglishnounAlternative form of groundsillalt-of alternative
SerranidsقرفصArabicverbto squat (legs crossed)
SerranidsقرفصArabicnouncomber (Serranus spp., including Epinephelus aeneus)Egypt collective
Set theorynatural numberEnglishnounA positive integer {1, 2, 3, ...}.mathematics sciences
Set theorynatural numberEnglishnounA non-negative integer {0, 1, 2, ...}.mathematics sciences
SexeroticEnglishadjRelating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.
SexeroticEnglishnounAn amorous composition or poem.
Sexล้างตู้เย็นThaiverbto perform anilingus.Internet
Sex手交Chinesenounhand job
Sex手交Chineseverbto give a hand job
ShamanismнуэййтKildin Saminounshaman
ShamanismнуэййтKildin Saminounsorcerer, wizard
ShapeslozengeEnglishnounA quadrilateral with sides of equal length (rhombus), having two acute and two obtuse angles.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
ShapeslozengeEnglishnounA small tablet (originally diamond-shaped) or medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat.
ShapeslozengeEnglishverbTo form into the shape of a lozenge.transitive
ShapeslozengeEnglishverbTo mark or emblazon with a lozenge.transitive
ShapesმურუნცხიLaznounstar / each of the celestial bodies except the sun and the moon
ShapesმურუნცხიLaznounstar / a shape consisting of many short lines or triangles drawn from a point to the periphery, and what is in this shape
SheepshearlingEnglishnounA sheep that has been shorn for the first time
SheepshearlingEnglishnounA sheepskin or lambskin that has gone through a limited shearing process so that the fibers are of uniform depthUS
Ship partsبيليقMalaynouncabin of a junk
Ship partsبيليقMalaynounroom (division in a building)
ShopsлавкаUkrainiannoundiminutive of ла́ва (láva): benchdiminutive form-of
ShopsлавкаUkrainiannounshop, storedialectal
SighthoundsloberoSpanishnounwolf huntermasculine
SilencequietEnglishadjWith little or no sound; free of disturbing noise.
SilencequietEnglishadjHaving little motion or activity; calm.
SilencequietEnglishadjNot busy, of low quantity.
SilencequietEnglishadjNot talking much or not talking loudly; reserved.
SilencequietEnglishadjNot showy; undemonstrative.
SilencequietEnglishadjRequiring little or no interaction.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences software
SilencequietEnglishverbTo cause (someone or something) to become quiet.transitive
SilencequietEnglishverbTo become quiet or calm.intransitive
SilencequietEnglishnounThe absence of sound; quietness.
SilencequietEnglishnounThe absence of movement; stillness, tranquility.
SilencequietEnglishnounThe absence of disturbance or trouble; peace, security.
SilencequietEnglishintjBe quiet.
SingingмелодичнийUkrainianadjmelodic (of or relating to a part in a piece of music)
SingingмелодичнийUkrainianadjmelodic (of or relating to melody)
SingingмелодичнийUkrainianadjmelodious, tunefulrare
SizehandfulEnglishnounThe amount that a hand will grasp or contain.
SizehandfulEnglishnounA hand's breadth; four inches.obsolete
SizehandfulEnglishnounA small number, usually approximately five.
SizehandfulEnglishnounA group or number of things; a bunch.
SizehandfulEnglishnounSomething which can only be managed with difficulty.informal
SizehandfulEnglishnounA five-year prison sentence.slang
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjUsing brainpower; smart or wise: / Discerning, perceptive, effective, intelligent.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjUsing brainpower; smart or wise: / Wily, tricky, creative; using sleight-of-hand successfully.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjUsing brainpower; smart or wise: / Deceptive, misleading; causing insidiousness or treachery.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Light; of low density or chopped into small bits.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Little, diminutive; having a low size.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Low in width or breadth; slender or skinny.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Lacking coarseness; made with refinement.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Bland; having little taste or flavour.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjLow in a measurement; small or mean: / Quiet, hard to hear or detect.rare
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjDisplaying refinement; well-mannered, exquisite, or cultured.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjMade well or enjoyably; artisanal or delightful.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjHaving a high viscosity; fluidic or runny.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjAiry, gaseous; lacking impurities or defects.
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjChallenging, unexplainable; causing difficulty.rare
SizesotilMiddle EnglishadjConvoluted; not simple or basic.rare
SizesotilMiddle EnglishnounA substance or part of one that is light and not dense.uncountable
SizesotilMiddle EnglishnounSophistication; the state of being complicated.rare uncountable
SizewideEnglishadjHaving a large physical extent from side to side.
SizewideEnglishadjLarge in scope.
SizewideEnglishadjOperating at the side of the playing area.hobbies lifestyle sports
SizewideEnglishadjOn one side or the other of the mark; too far sideways from the mark, the wicket, the batsman, etc.
SizewideEnglishadjMade, as a vowel, with a less tense, and more open and relaxed, condition of the organs in the mouth.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesdated
SizewideEnglishadjVast, great in extent, extensive.Northern-England Scotland archaic
SizewideEnglishadjLocated some distance away; distant, far.obsolete
SizewideEnglishadjFar from truth, propriety, necessity, etc.obsolete
SizewideEnglishadjOf or supporting a greater range of text characters than can fit into the traditional 8-bit representation.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
SizewideEnglishadjSharp-witted.British slang
SizewideEnglishadvaway from or to one side of a given goal
SizewideEnglishadvSo as to leave or have a great space between the sides; so as to form a large opening.
SizewideEnglishnounA ball that passes so far from the batsman that the umpire deems it unplayable; the arm signal used by an umpire to signal a wide; the extra run added to the batting side's scoreball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
SkeletonkoponyaHungariannounskull, cranium (the main bones of the head considered as a unit)anatomy medicine sciences
SkeletonkoponyaHungariannounbrain (intelligent person)figuratively
SkeletonهيكلArabicnounaltar (of a church, etc)
SkeletonهيكلArabicnounchassis (of a car)
SkeletonهيكلArabicnamea surname, Haykal
SleepmaraPolishnounA dream, nightmare.feminine literary
SleepmaraPolishnounA creature believed to drain sleeping people of their blood or energy; wight, mare.feminine
SmellvoňavkářstvíCzechnounperfumery (shop selling perfumes)neuter
SmellvoňavkářstvíCzechnounperfume industryneuter
SmokingstogieEnglishnounA cigar.slang
SmokingstogieEnglishnounA type of sturdy work boot; a brogan.dated
SnakesгуяBulgariannouncreeping creatureliterally
SnakesгуяBulgariannounsnake, serpentdialectal
SnakesгуяBulgarianverbto slither, to creepdialectal reflexive
Snow폭설Koreannounheavy snow, deep snowfall, sudden fall of snow
Snow폭설Koreannounspeaking violently
Soapberry family plants龍眼Chinesenounlongan (Classifier: 顆/颗 m; 粒 c)
Soapberry family plants龍眼Chinesenounlongyan (type of grape)
Social justicesilence is violenceEnglishphraseInaction or indifference towards violence aimed at oppressed groups is tantamount to direct violence against those groups.
Social justicesilence is violenceEnglishphraseSilence in certain settings can be perceived or interpreted as unfriendly or hostile.uncommon
Sound中舌母音Japanesenouncentral vowelhuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciences
Sound中舌母音Japanesenouncentral vowelhuman-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesdated
Spicesкайенски пиперBulgariannouncayenne pepper (hot chilli pepper)uncountable
Spicesкайенски пиперBulgariannouncayenne pepper (ground spice)uncountable
Spices青椒Chinesenoungreen pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Spices青椒ChinesenountomatoLianyungang Mandarin
Spices and herbsabelmoskEnglishnounThe edible and aromatic seed pods (properly, capsules) of the Abelmoschus moschatus.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsabelmoskEnglishnounThe tropical evergreen shrub Abelmoschus moschatus itself.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsabelmoskEnglishnounOther members of the genus Abelmoschus, such as okra.countable plural-normally uncommon uncountable
Spices and herbssumacCatalannounsumac (tree)masculine
Spices and herbssumacCatalannounsumac (spice)masculine
Spices and herbsYoroncharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Spices and herbsYoronnoungarlic
SpinningspeederEnglishnounOne who speeds, or exceeds the maximum legal speed limit.
SpinningspeederEnglishnounA machine for drawing and twisting slivers to form rovings, in spinning.dated
SpinningspeederEnglishnounA motorized railroad track crew cart.rail-transport railways transport
SpinningspeederEnglishnounA fast worker selected by a company to exemplify the rate of work generally expected; a pacesetter.
Sports equipmentpommel horseEnglishnounAn apparatus for gymnastic exercises with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright pommels, as hand grips, near the centre; held upright with adjustable legs.
Sports equipmentpommel horseEnglishnounAn athletic event in which the pommel horse is used.
StarsspdtEgyptiannameSirius, A bluish-white star in the constellation Canis Major; Alpha (α) Canis Majoris. A vertex of the Winter Triangle and the brightest star in the night sky.astronomy natural-sciences
StarsspdtEgyptiannameSothis, the divine personification of Sirius
Stock charactersshapeshifterEnglishnounA person or creature capable of changing their appearance or form at will.fantasy human-sciences literature media mysticism mythology philosophy publishing science-fiction sciences
Stock charactersshapeshifterEnglishnounA person who is inconsistent and elusive.figuratively
Stone fruitsծիրանArmeniannounapricot (the fruit of Prunus armeniaca)
Stone fruitsծիրանArmeniannounapricot treebroadly colloquial
Stone fruitsծիրանArmeniannounvulvadialectal euphemistic
SulfurсіраUkrainiannounsulfurrare uncountable
SulfurсіраUkrainianadjfeminine nominative singular of сі́рий (síryj)feminine form-of nominative singular
SweetsgrisetteFrenchnounA cheap grey fabric.feminine obsolete
SweetsgrisetteFrenchnoungrisette (working class woman)feminine
SweetsgrisetteFrenchnoungrisette (mushroom)feminine
SweetsgrisetteFrenchnounskipper (butterfly in the family Hesperiidae)feminine
SweetsgrisetteFrenchnounGafrarium pectinatum, an edible Venus clam of the Pacific.feminine
SweetsgrisetteFrenchnounA type of bonbon made from honey and licorice.feminine
SwimmingyüzücüTurkishnounflayer, skinner (someone who skins animals)
Talking報告Chineseverbto report; to inform one's superiors
Talking報告Chinesenounreport (Classifier: 篇 m; 份 m; 個/个 m)
Talking報告Chinesenounspeech; presentation (Classifier: 篇 m; 份 m; 個/个 m)
Talking報告Chinesenounpaper; essay; assignment (Classifier: 篇 m; 份 m; 個/个 m)
TasteamaraEsperantoadjbitter (in taste)
TasteamaraEsperantoadjbitter (emotionally)
TastemerfaiddWelshadjinsipid, tasteless
TastemerfaiddWelshadjlifeless, dullfiguratively
TasteгіркотаUkrainiannounbitterness (bitter taste)literally uncountable
TasteгіркотаUkrainiannounbitterness (bitter feeling)figuratively uncountable
TeachaminicaMacanesenounsmall teacup with no handle, used in Chinese restaurants
TeachaminicaMacanesenounclay dish formerly used as a mold for homemade cakes
TemperatureжаръкBulgarianadjtorrid, sultry, scorching hot
TemperatureжаръкBulgarianadjardent, passionatefiguratively
TetraodontiformsbotCatalannounjump, leapmasculine
TetraodontiformsbotCatalannounsunfish (large marine fish of the family Molidae)masculine
TetraodontiformsbotCatalanverbinflection of botre: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
TetraodontiformsbotCatalanverbinflection of botre: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
TheaterfantochadaPortuguesenounpuppet show (theatrical performance with puppets)feminine
TheaterfantochadaPortuguesenouna great amount of puppetsfeminine
ThinkingumysłPolishnounmind (ability for rational thought)inanimate masculine
ThinkingumysłPolishnounmind (somebody that embodies certain mental qualities)inanimate masculine
ThinkingwiedziećPolishverbto know (to perceive the truth or factuality of; to be certain of or that)imperfective intransitive
ThinkingwiedziećPolishverbto know (to be aware of; to be cognizant of)imperfective intransitive
ThinkingwiedziećPolishverbto know (to have knowledge; to have information, be informed)imperfective intransitive
ThinkingwiedziećPolishverbto know (to understand or have a grasp of through experience or study)imperfective intransitive
Three三韓ChinesenameSamhan (tribal confederations in southern and central Korea in the early first millennium)historical
Three三韓ChinesenameKorean kingdoms; Koreabroadly
Tideslow tideEnglishnounThe tide at its lowest level for a particular tidal cycle at a certain place.countable uncountable
Tideslow tideEnglishnounThe time of day when the sea has receded to its lowest level.countable uncountable
Timber industrylunneNorwegian Nynorskverbto pile timber for further transportintransitive transitive
Timber industrylunneNorwegian Nynorskverbto put down a "lunn" in or on the ground (see there for more)intransitive transitive
Timber industrylunneNorwegian Nynorskverbto land (a boat)intransitive transitive
Timber industrylunneNorwegian Nynorskverbto come ashore without having caught any fishfishing hobbies lifestyleintransitive
Timber industrylunneNorwegian Nynorsknouna pile of timber which will be transported awayfeminine masculine
Timber industrylunneNorwegian Nynorsknouna heap of hay or other animal fodderfeminine masculine
Timber industrylunneNorwegian Nynorsknounbottom log in a stack of firewoodfeminine masculine
TimebulanIlocanonounmoon (largest natural satellite of planet Earth)
TimebulanIlocanonounmoon (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet)
TimebulanIlocanonounmonth (period into which a year is divided)
TimechwilaSilesiannouninstant, moment (very short period of time)feminine
TimechwilaSilesiannouninstant, moment (single, usually precise, point in time)feminine
TimehistoricallyEnglishadvIn a historic manner; with reference to history or the historical record.
TimehistoricallyEnglishadvAccording to history: formerly, in the past, traditionally.
TimehistoricallyEnglishadvTo an unprecedented or extremely rare degree.
Timein seasonEnglishprep_phraseIn the time for eating, using, etc.
Timein seasonEnglishprep_phraseIn heat
TimemakahikiHawaiiannouna year
TimemakahikiHawaiiannouna four-month festival in ancient Hawai'i which lasted from approximately October to February, during which time there were sports and religious activities and war was taboo
TimemoisFrenchnounperiod, menstruationarchaic euphemistic masculine
TimenalunaaqutaqGreenlandicnounclock, watch
TimenalunaaqutaqGreenlandicnouno'clock, hour
TimenalunaaqutaqGreenlandicnounmark, sight, sign
TimenatalicioSpanishnounbirth, birthdayformal masculine
TimepredecessorPortuguesenounpredecessor (something or someone who precedes)masculine
TimepredecessorPortugueseadjpreceding (occurring before or in front of something else)
Timeурта быуатBashkirnounMiddle Ages
Timeурта быуатBashkiradjmedieval
TimeびょうJapaneseadj渺: boundless (usually in reference to water, such as the sea); extremely tiny
TimeびょうJapaneseadj眇: small, minor, trifling
TimeびょうJapanesecounter秒: seconds (duration)
TimeびょうJapanesenoun秒: a second (the unit of time)
TimeびょうJapanesenoun廟, 庿: a mausoleum; a kind of small shrine; the main building of a palace housing the room where court is held
TimeびょうJapanesenoun鋲: a tack; a thumbtack or pushpin; a rivet; a hobnail
TimeびょうJapanesenoun眇: a squint; strabismus
TimeびょうJapanesenoun猫: a cat
TimeびょうJapanesenoun病: a desease
Time半工Chinesenounhalf day workHokkien Mainland-China
Time半工Chinesenounhalf a dayMin Northern Puxian-Min Quanzhou Taiwanese-Hokkien Xiamen
Time半工Chinesenouna long time; quite a while; a while; foreverMin Northern figuratively
Time吉日Japanesenounlucky day (to do something)
Time吉日Japanesenounlucky day (to do something)
Time吉日Japanesenounlucky day (to do something)
Time travelкротовая нораRussiannounmole hole
Time travelкротовая нораRussiannouna wormhole
Times of daymezzanotteItaliannounmidnightfeminine
Times of daymezzanotteItaliannounnorthfeminine
Times of dayβραδιάGreeknounevening
Times of dayβραδιάGreeknounnight
TitlesBrotherEnglishnounTitle of respect for an adult male member of a religious or fraternal order.
TitlesBrotherEnglishnounTitle of respect for an adult male member of a fraternal/sororal organization, or comrade in a movement, or even a stranger using fictive kin.
TitlesBrotherEnglishnounA title used to personify or respectfully refer to concepts or animals.
Toilet (room)segyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of segenform-of participle present
Toilet (room)segyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe launch of a siege; sieging.uncountable
Toilet (room)segyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe defence of a city against a siege.rare uncountable
Toilet (room)segyngeMiddle EnglishnounThe voiding of feces.rare uncountable
ToolsMarkörGermannounbilliard-marker, markermasculine strong
ToolsMarkörGermannounwaiterAustria dated masculine strong
ToolsMarkörGermannounfurrow openeragriculture business lifestylemasculine strong
ToolscrimperEnglishnounA small climbing hold that can only be held with the tips of a person's fingers.
ToolscrimperEnglishnounA person who crimps when climbing.
ToolscrimperEnglishnounA hairdresser.British
ToolscrimperEnglishnounA device for giving hair a wavy appearance.
ToolscrimperEnglishnounSomeone who adds pleats to fabric for clothes, drapery, etc.
ToolscrimperEnglishnounA tool used to crimp, to join two pieces of metal.
ToolscrimperEnglishnounAn instrument for crimping or ruffling pastry when making a pie.
ToolscrimperEnglishnounA curved board or frame over which the upper of a boot or shoe is stretched to the required shape.
ToolscrimperEnglishnounA machine for crimping or ruffling textile fabrics.
ToolsklapkaPolishnoundiminutive of klapadiminutive feminine form-of
ToolsklapkaPolishnounflyswatter (device for swatting flies)feminine regional
ToolsklapkaPolishnoungenitive singular of klapekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
ToolskotwiczkaPolishnoundiminutive of kotwica; killocknautical transportdiminutive feminine form-of
ToolskotwiczkaPolishnounfishhook with several armsfishing hobbies lifestylefeminine
ToolskotwiczkaPolishnouncardo (basal joint of the maxilla in insects)feminine
ToolsplegadorSpanishnounfolding-bone, folding-stick, bone foldermasculine
ToolsplegadorSpanishnounweaver’s roller, piece of wood around which the warp revolvesmasculine
ToolsplegadorSpanishadjthat folds
ToolsskuffeNorwegian Bokmålnoundrawerfurniture lifestylefeminine masculine
ToolsskuffeNorwegian Bokmålnounshovelengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences toolsfeminine masculine
ToolsskuffeNorwegian Bokmålnounbucketfeminine masculine
ToolsskuffeNorwegian Bokmålverbto shovel (something)
ToolsskuffeNorwegian Bokmålverbto disappoint (someone)
Toolswire brushEnglishnounA brush that has bristles made of wire; used as an abrasive and on masonry etc.
Toolswire brushEnglishverbTo scrub with a wire brush.
ToolsגאָלמעסערלYiddishnoundiminutive of גאָלמעסער (golmeser)diminutive form-of
ToolsגאָלמעסערלYiddishnounrazor blade
ToolsسوندهOttoman Turkishnounplummet, plumb line, a cord with a weight attached, used to produce a vertical line
ToolsسوندهOttoman Turkishnounprobe, any of various instruments used to explore wounds, organs, etc.medicine sciences surgery
ToolsسوندهOttoman Turkishnouncatheter, a small tube inserted into a body cavity to administer a drug or remove fluid
Tools刀刀Chinesenounpocketknife; penknifeJin
Tools刀刀Chinesenounpraying mantisFuyang Mandarin
TourismletniakPolishnounsummerhouse, summer cottagearchitecturecolloquial inanimate masculine
TourismletniakPolishnounsummer vacationer from the citycolloquial masculine person
TradingmarketMiddle EnglishnounA market; (periodic public assembly for buying or selling).
TradingmarketMiddle EnglishnounA marketplace; a square for holding markets.
TradingmarketMiddle EnglishnounA market town; a town where markets are held.rare
TradingmarketMiddle EnglishnounTrade, interchange, interaction.rare
Transgenderthird sexEnglishnounA third gender, a category of people who are not male or female, or whose sexual roles, anatomy, or identities place them outside of the established male and female categories.
Transgenderthird sexEnglishnounGay people.collective dated
Transgenderthird sexEnglishnounThe clergy, the priesthood (seen as emasculate or not participating in sex).collective dated
TransportVerkehrsmittelGermannountransportneuter strong
TransportVerkehrsmittelGermannounvehicleneuter strong
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe circumference of, or distance around, any space; the measure of a line around an area.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThat which encircles anything, as a ring or crown.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe space enclosed within a circle, or within limits.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounEnclosed path of an electric current, usually designed for a certain electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA regular or appointed trip from place to place as part of one's job
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe jurisdiction of certain judges within a state or country, whether itinerant or
TravelcircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / The counties at the fringes of the empire, usually with a non-Chinese population, from the Han to the Western Jin.historical
TravelcircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / The 10 or so major provinces of the empire from the Tang to the early Yuan.historical
TravelcircuitEnglishnounVarious administrative divisions of imperial and early Republican China, including: / Major provincial divisions from the Yuan to early Republican China.historical
TravelcircuitEnglishnounAbbreviation of circuit court.lawabbreviation alt-of
TravelcircuitEnglishnounThe basic grouping of local Methodist churches.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounBy analogy to the proceeding three, a set of theaters among which the same acts circulate; especially common in the heyday of vaudeville.
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA track on which a race in held; a racetrackhobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA thought that unconsciously goes round and round in a person's mind and controls that person.Scientology lifestyle religion
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA closed path, without repeated vertices allowed.graph-theory mathematics sciences
TravelcircuitEnglishnounA chain of cinemas/movie theaters.
TravelcircuitEnglishverbTo move in a circle; to go round; to circulate.intransitive obsolete
TravelcircuitEnglishverbTo travel around.obsolete transitive
TreeschòVietnamesenouna three-legged device for raising plates on the altar
TreeschòVietnamesenouncertain trees of the genus Parashorea
Treespuy-anan sa bitinCebuanonounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see puy-anan, sa, bitin.
Treespuy-anan sa bitinCebuanonounthe Indian mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia)
TreesपुलकSanskritnouna species of edible plantbiology botany natural-sciences
TreesपुलकSanskritnouna species of tree
TreesपुलकSanskritnounerection or bristling of the hairs of the body (considered to be occasioned by delight or rapture rather than by fear)in-plural
TreesपुलकSanskritnouna kind of stone or gem
TreesपुलकSanskritnounflaw or defect in a gem
TreesपुलकSanskritnouna kind of insect or vermin
TreesपुलकSanskritnouna cake of meal with which elephants are fed
TreesपुलकSanskritnouna gandharva
TreesपुलकSanskritnounname of a prince
TreesपुलकSanskritnounname of nāga
TreesपुलकSanskritnouna species of earth
TreesपुलकSanskritnounhorripilation (see above)
True sparrowsgoryonCebuanonounthe house sparrow, Passer domesticus; a small bird with a short bill, and brown, white and gray feathers
True sparrowsgoryonCebuanonouna member of the family Passeridae, comprising small Old World songbirds
True sparrowsgoryonCebuanonouna member of the family Emberizidae, comprising small New World songbirds
True sparrowsgoryonCebuanonoungenerically, any small, nondescript bird
Tubenose birdspuffinEnglishnounThe young of the Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus), especially eaten as food.obsolete
Tubenose birdspuffinEnglishnounThe Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) or (by extension) any of the other various small seabirds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda that are black and white with a brightly-coloured beak.
Tubenose birdspuffinEnglishnounAny of various African and Asian pierid butterflies of the genus Appias. Some species of this genus are also known as albatrosses.biology entomology natural-sciences
Tubenose birdspuffinEnglishnounA puffball.obsolete
TurkeyAbydusLatinnameOne of the most important cities of Egyptdeclension-2
TurkeyAbydusLatinnameA city in Mysia, situated opposite to Sestusdeclension-2
TwittertendenciaSpanishnountrend, fadfeminine
TwopodwójnyPolishadjdouble (made up of two matching or complementary elements)not-comparable
TwopodwójnyPolishadjdouble (designed for two users)not-comparable
TwopodwójnyPolishadjdouble (performed twice)not-comparable
TwopodwójnyPolishadjdouble (twice as large)not-comparable
TwopodwójnyPolishadjheightened, heated (stronger or more intense than usual)not-comparable
United StatesAmericaEnglishnameThe Americas.
United StatesAmericaEnglishnameA female given name.
United StatesAmericaEnglishnameA town in Limburg, Netherlands.
United StatesAmericaEnglishnameThe United States of America.
United StatesUSAmericanEnglishadjAlternative form of U.S. Americanalt-of alternative rare
United StatesUSAmericanEnglishnounAlternative form of U.S. Americanalt-of alternative rare
Units of measureabɔEwenounarm
Units of measureabɔEwenounyard
Units of measureigbọnwọYorubanounelbow
Units of measureigbọnwọYorubanouncubit
Units of measureocaRomaniannounweight of about three poundsfeminine
Units of measureocaRomaniannounliquid measure of about three pintsfeminine
Units of measurevakomittaFinnishnounfurlong
Units of measurevakomittaFinnishnounan obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for length equal to around 213.6 metershistorical
Units of measureսափորOld Armeniannounurn, amphora, pot, pitcher, jug, jar
Units of measureսափորOld Armeniannouna dry and liquid measure equal to 10 քսեստ (kʻsest)
Units of measureܙܘܙܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncoin
Units of measureܙܘܙܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounmoneyin-plural
Units of measureܙܘܙܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounzuz, drachma, dirhemhobbies lifestyle numismatics
Units of measureܙܘܙܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundram (weight)
Units of measureܙܘܙܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundipper, ladle
Units of measureܡܢܝܩܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounbowl, saucer, patera
Units of measureܡܢܝܩܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounladle, spoon, tablespoon; spoonful
Units of measureܡܢܝܩܝܬܐClassical Syriacnounounce; half-pint
Units of measureగజముTelugunounelephant
Units of measureగజముTeluguadjlarge
Units of measureగజముTelugunounyard
UrsidsভালুকAssamesenounsloth bear
UzbekistanuzbekiskaSwedishadjinflection of uzbekisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
UzbekistanuzbekiskaSwedishadjinflection of uzbekisk: / pluralform-of plural
UzbekistanuzbekiskaSwedishnounfemale equivalent of uzbekcommon-gender feminine form-of
UzbekistanuzbekiskaSwedishnounUzbek (language spoken in Uzbekistan)common-gender uncountable
VegetableserwtDutchnouna pea (edible seed)feminine
VegetableserwtDutchnouna pea plant, Pisum sativumfeminine
VegetablesgrahSerbo-Croatiannounbean soup
VegetablesбульбаRussiannountuberbiology botany natural-sciences
VegetablesպատինճանMiddle Armeniannouneggplant, aubergine (Solanum melongena)
VegetablesպատինճանMiddle Armeniannouneggplant, aubergine (fruit of Solanum melongena)
Vegetablesက်ုကျးEastern Pwoadvoccasionally, on occasion
Vegetablesက်ုကျးEastern Pwonounwitch
Vegetablesက်ုကျးEastern Pwonounokra
Vegetablesခရမ်းBurmesenouneggplant, aubergine, brinjal
Vegetables菜豆Chinesenouncommon bean; kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Vegetables菜豆Chinesenouncowpea; black-eyed pea (Vigna unguiculata)Hokkien
VehiclesbobHungariannouna type of sled (a flat-bottomed concave plastic sled with no runners, equipped with brakes)
VehiclesbobHungariannouna car used on the track of an alpine slide or bobsled rollercoaster (mountain coaster)
VehicleskagoEnglishnounAn open and suspended Japanese style of sedan chair.historical
VehicleskagoEnglishnounAny Japanese litter, inclusive of norimonos and other styles.historical
VehiclesحنطورArabicnouncarriage, cart, stagecoach
VehiclesحنطورArabicnounconvertible, cabriolet
VehiclesܡܪܟܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjcomplicated, complex
VehiclesܡܪܟܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjassembled, installed
VehiclesܡܪܟܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjmade of, composed of, consists of
VehiclesܡܪܟܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounship, boat
VehiclesܡܪܟܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsaddle
VehiclesܡܪܟܒܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbody, frame (of a vehicle)
VertebratesburungMalaynounbird (animal)
VertebratesburungMalaynounpenischildish slang
VesselsregadoraCatalanadjfeminine singular of regadorfeminine form-of singular
VesselsregadoraCatalannounwatering canfeminine
VesselsregadoraCatalannounan obsolete measure of water flow equivalent to upwards of 300,000 litres/dayfeminine
VesselsvaiTokelauannounvessel for water
VesselsჭკუჯიMingreliannounvessel (container)
Veterinary medicineysfaWelshnounan itchfeminine
Veterinary medicineysfaWelshnouna ticklingfeminine
Veterinary medicineysfaWelshnounitchy skin disease / especially scabiesfeminine
Veterinary medicineysfaWelshnounitchy skin disease / mangefeminine
Veterinary medicineysfaWelshnounAlternative form of rhosfa (“sheep-walk”)alt-of alternative feminine
Vilamovian cardinal numbersǡVilamoviannumonemasculine neuter
Vilamovian cardinal numbersǡVilamovianarticlea, anmasculine neuter
Villages in Japan木野村Japanesenamea place name
Villages in Japan木野村Japanesenamea surname
Violencedonkey punchEnglishnounA sucker punch, especially one delivered to the back of the neck, head, or the kidneys, of a sexual partner who is crouching on all fours; also used metaphorically.
Violencedonkey punchEnglishverbTo punch a sexual partner who is crouching on all fours in the back of the neck, head, or the kidneys; also used metaphorically.
Violencefight to the deathEnglishverbTo take part in a battle in which the winner is the sole survivor.
Violencefight to the deathEnglishnounA fight in which there is only one winner, the survivor.
Violencestring upEnglishverbTo kill (a person) by hanging, especially to lynch.idiomatic transitive
Violencestring upEnglishverbTo die by hanging.idiomatic intransitive obsolete
Violencestring upEnglishverbTo suspend by means of rope, cord or similar material.idiomatic transitive
Violencestring upEnglishverbTo concatenate; to link in a line.idiomatic transitive
VirusescoronavirusEnglishnounA member of the family Coronaviridae, comprising viruses which infect animals and human beings, and the genome of which consists of a single strand of RNA.biology microbiology natural-sciences virologycountable uncountable
VirusescoronavirusEnglishnounA member of the family Coronaviridae, comprising viruses which infect animals and human beings, and the genome of which consists of a single strand of RNA. / SARS-CoV-2, the specific coronavirus that causes the infectious disease COVID-19.biology microbiology natural-sciences virologycountable uncountable
VirusescoronavirusEnglishnounAn illness caused by a coronavirus.countable metonymically uncountable
VirusescoronavirusEnglishnounAn illness caused by a coronavirus. / COVID-19, the disease caused by the specific coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.countable metonymically uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounThat which represents something else.countable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounThe act of representing.countable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounThe lawyers and staff who argue on behalf of another in court.lawcountable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounThe ability to elect a representative to speak on one's behalf in government; the role of this representative in government.government politicscountable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounAn action of some algebraic structure (typically a group or algebra, particularly a Lie algebra) on a vector space, such that each element acts by a linear endomorphism.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounA figure, image or idea that substitutes reality.countable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounA theatrical performance.countable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounA statement; a presentation of opinion or position, or an utterance made to influence the opinions or actions of otherscountable uncountable
VisualizationrepresentationEnglishnounAn act of representing, i.e. presenting again.medicine sciences
WarsKorean WarEnglishnameA war fought in the Korean Peninsula from 1950–1953 between the Soviet Union-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United Nations-backed Republic of Korea.historical
WarsKorean WarEnglishnameA situation of formal war that is de jure in progress since the 1950s on the Korean Peninsula, that has not had a formal resolution and peace treaty, but only has a longstanding armistice in place.
WarshipsścigaczPolishnounchaser (a person that chases)archaic masculine person
WarshipsścigaczPolishnounmotor torpedo boatinanimate masculine
WateragmenLatinnouna train of something; multitude, host, crowd, flockdeclension-3 neuter
WateragmenLatinnounan army, column, troop, band; line of troopsdeclension-3 neuter
WateragmenLatinnounstream, course, current, motiondeclension-3 neuter
WateragmenLatinnounprocession, march, progress, movementdeclension-3 neuter
WateraguaFalanounwatercountable feminine uncountable
WateraguaFalanounraincountable feminine uncountable
WaternấuVietnameseverbto cookcooking food lifestyle
WaternấuVietnameseverbto boil (water)
WatervatnIcelandicnounwater (H₂O)neuter uncountable
WatervatnIcelandicnouna lake, a watercountable neuter
WaterкропилоRussiannounaspergill, aspergillumChristianity
WaterкропилоRussianverbneuter singular past indicative of кропи́ть (kropítʹ)form-of indicative neuter past singular
Water plantscallaEnglishnounA marsh plant native to cooler areas throughout the northern hemisphere, Calla palustris, having pale green flowers in a white spathe.
Water plantscallaEnglishnounA calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica).
WatercraftἄδρυαAncient Greeknounupright pieces of a plough
WatercraftἄδρυαAncient Greeknouncanoes made of hollowed tree trunks
WeaponsZwilleGermannounAlternative form of Zwiesel (“crotch of a tree”)alt-of alternative feminine regional
WeaponsbarilTagalognounarquebusarchaic broadly
WeaponsbarilTagalognounmusketarchaic broadly
WeaponsῥόπαλονAncient Greeknounclub, cudgel, mace shod with metal
WeaponsῥόπαλονAncient Greeknounhunter's staff
WeaponsῥόπαλονAncient Greeknounpenis
WeatherlietusLatviannounrain, shower; rainwaterdeclension-3 masculine
WeatherlietusLatviannounrains, rainy perioddeclension-3 in-plural masculine
WeatherlietusLatviannounrain (a rain-like group of small moving objects; a large number of similar things)declension-3 figuratively masculine
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounAn overseer of congregations: either any such overseer, generally speaking, or (in Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Anglicanism, etc.) an official in the church hierarchy (actively or nominally) governing a diocese, supervising the church's priests, deacons, and property in its territory.Christianity
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounAn overseer of congregations: either any such overseer, generally speaking, or (in Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Anglicanism, etc.) an official in the church hierarchy (actively or nominally) governing a diocese, supervising the church's priests, deacons, and property in its territory. / A similar official or chief priest in another religion.Christianity lifestyle religionnonstandard
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounThe holder of the Greek or Roman position of episcopus, supervisor over the public dole of grain, etc.obsolete
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounAny watchman, inspector, or overlooker.obsolete
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounA chief of the Festival of Fools or St. Nicholas Day.
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounThe chess piece denoted ♗ or ♝ which moves along diagonal lines and developed from the shatranj alfil ("elephant") and was originally known as the aufil or archer in English.board-games chess games
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounAny of various African birds of the genus Euplectes; a kind of weaverbird closely related to the widowbirds.
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounA ladybug or ladybird, beetles of the family Coccinellidae.dialectal
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounA flowering plant of the genus Bifora.
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounA sweet drink made from wine, usually with oranges, lemons, and sugar; mulled and spiced port.
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounA bustle.US archaic
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishnounA children's smock or pinafore.UK archaic dialectal
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishverbTo act as a bishop, to perform the duties of a bishop, especially to confirm another's membership in the church.Christianity
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishverbTo act as a bishop, to perform the duties of a bishop, especially to confirm another's membership in the church. / To confirm (in its other senses).Christianitybroadly obsolete
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishverbTo make a bishop.Christianity
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishverbTo provide with bishops.Christianityrare
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishverbTo permit food (especially milk) to burn while cooking (from bishops' role in the inquisition or as mentioned in the quotation below, of horses).UK dialectal
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishverbTo make a horse seem younger, particularly by manipulation of its teeth.broadly
WeaverbirdsbishopEnglishverbTo murder by drowning.UK colloquial obsolete
WindgregalCatalannouna northeast windmasculine
WindsutherEnglishverbTo sigh, or moanarchaic regional
WindsutherEnglishverbTo whirarchaic regional
WindsutherEnglishnounThe sighing of the windarchaic regional
WineὀξαλίςAncient Greeknounsour wine
WineὀξαλίςAncient Greeknoungarden sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
WinesmonestrellCatalannounmonestrell (red grape variety originating in Catalonia)masculine uncountable
WinesmonestrellCatalannounmonestrell (wine made from the monestrell grape)masculine uncountable
WinterflangerEnglishnounAn electronic device or software that alters the sound of an instrument by combining out-of-phase copies of its original sound.entertainment lifestyle music
WinterflangerEnglishnounA mechanical device used to remove ice and snow from railway lines.US
WolveswilczuraPolishnounwolfskinarchaic feminine
WolveswilczuraPolishnounfemale German Shepherdfeminine rare
WolveswilczuraPolishnounfemale wolf, she-wolfdialectal feminine
WolveswilczuraPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of wilczuraccusative animal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
WomencumhalIrishnouna unit of account equivalent to the theoretical value of a bondmaidfeminine
WoodskverkoEsperantonounoak, oak tree
WoodskverkoEsperantonounoak (wood of oak tree)
Woodwind instrumentsclaironFrenchnounbugle (music: a simple brass instrument consisting of a horn with no valves)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
Woodwind instrumentsclaironFrenchnounbugler (someone who plays the bugle)masculine
Woodwind instrumentsclaironFrenchnounclairon (saxophone register)entertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
World War IHorthyHungariannamea surname
World War IHorthyHungariannameMiklós Horthy, Hungarian admiral in the First World War and later regent of Hungary
Writing instrumentsplumónSpanishnoundown feathermasculine
Writing instrumentsplumónSpanishnounmarkermasculine
Writing instrumentsplumónSpanishnouncomforter, duvetmasculine
ZinccalamineEnglishnounSynonym of smithsonite, a pink form of zinc oxide (mainly zinc carbonate ZnCO₃) formed as a byproduct of zinc sublimation, now used in skin lotions.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable usually
ZinccalamineEnglishnounSynonym of hemimorphite, an orthorhombic-pyramidal mineral containing zinc.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable usually
ZinccalamineEnglishverbTo coat or treat with calamine.transitive

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