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inflection table

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inflection table: empty tags for dative

kosák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kosák

obočie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: obočie

Lajčák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Lajčák

adrenalín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: adrenalín

trávnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: trávnik

žľaza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žľaza

dievka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dievka

sťažeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sťažeň

pošva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pošva

zápästie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zápästie

kuša (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kuša

stvorenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stvorenie

žaluď (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žaluď

zornica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zornica

večernica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: večernica

príhoda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: príhoda

ľudstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ľudstvo

priateľstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: priateľstvo

rukojemník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rukojemník

Vrábel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vrábel

Vrábel (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vrábel

máry (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: máry

Danis (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Danis

asexualita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: asexualita

Kulla (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kulla

úľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: úľ

Susko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Susko

tchor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tchor

Bodnár (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bodnár

spermobanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spermobanka

hotentot (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hotentot

mosor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mosor

zavinovačka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zavinovačka

lézia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lézia

krivák (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krivák

norok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: norok

ránhojič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ránhojič

felčiar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: felčiar

guľatina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: guľatina

agónia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agónia

zhorenisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zhorenisko

spálenisko (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spálenisko

Butala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Butala

dostatok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dostatok

fraktúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fraktúra

šmirgeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šmirgeľ

Lezo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Lezo

šuhaj (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šuhaj

zárez (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zárez

ryha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ryha

pieskovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pieskovec

ílovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ílovec

Herda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Herda

huslista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: huslista

klavirista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klavirista

administratíva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: administratíva

bujón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bujón

ableizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ableizmus

decht (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: decht

káčer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: káčer

datľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: datľa

verva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: verva

epidémia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: epidémia

ľan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ľan

Vondra (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vondra

Olexa (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Olexa

Stejskal (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Stejskal

bakuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bakuľa

krivuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: krivuľa

kostúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kostúr

danielik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: danielik

danielica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: danielica

danielka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: danielka

križovatka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: križovatka

Vrabec (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Vrabec

Hovorka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hovorka

Matus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Matus

Topor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Topor

osť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: osť

Ledecký (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ledecký

Holeš (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Holeš

žiaľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: žiaľ

smútok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: smútok

zármutok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zármutok

harpúna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: harpúna

archanjel (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: archanjel

ženích (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ženích

datív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: datív

dáždnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dáždnik

kuchár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kuchár

kuchárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kuchárka

prístav (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prístav

slávik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: slávik

snehuliak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: snehuliak

stavec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stavec

stavovec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stavovec

vokatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vokatív

genitív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: genitív

kravec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kravec

rakva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rakva

komparatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: komparatív

aerolínia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aerolínia

akordeón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: akordeón

abažúr (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abažúr

apetít (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: apetít

Ázijčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ázijčanka

bežec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bežec

bežkyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bežkyňa

hospodár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hospodár

bilbord (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bilbord

biológ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: biológ

biologička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: biologička

boľševik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: boľševik

chronológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chronológia

cypriš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cypriš

darček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: darček

Begala (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Begala

defibrilátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: defibrilátor

desaťboj (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: desaťboj

dopravník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dopravník

etylén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: etylén

feromón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: feromón

fľaška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fľaška

fotokópia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fotokópia

gerontológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gerontológia

Havajčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Havajčanka

hexagón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hexagón

šesťuholník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: šesťuholník

korbáčik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: korbáčik

hýľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hýľ

Izraelčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Izraelčanka

južan (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: južan

južanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: južanka

Kalifornčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kalifornčanka

komentár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: komentár

kreacionizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kreacionizmus

kvaternión (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kvaternión

Litovčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Litovčanka

lyžiarstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lyžiarstvo

lanýž (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: lanýž

Mogadišo (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mogadišo

Moldavčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Moldavčanka

neofašizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: neofašizmus

nevďak (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nevďak

Pleva (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pleva

nitroglycerín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nitroglycerín

pesimizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pesimizmus

polygón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: polygón

mnohouholník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mnohouholník

Portugalčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Portugalčanka

pozitrón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pozitrón

purizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: purizmus

rojalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rojalizmus

Senegalčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Senegalčanka

Singapurčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Singapurčanka

spoločenstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spoločenstvo

štvoruholník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: štvoruholník

tetragón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tetragón

surrealizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: surrealizmus

sylogizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sylogizmus

tradicionalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tradicionalizmus

Uganďanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Uganďanka

vinohradníctvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vinohradníctvo

vorkoholizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vorkoholizmus

zverolekárstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zverolekárstvo

Mirga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mirga

abolicionizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abolicionizmus

adventizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: adventizmus

agnosticizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agnosticizmus

alfabetizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alfabetizácia

anabaptizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anabaptizmus

antifašizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antifašizmus

antikapitalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antikapitalizmus

antikolonializmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antikolonializmus

antropocentrizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antropocentrizmus

antisemitizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antisemitizmus

astigmatizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: astigmatizmus

biotechnológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: biotechnológia

byrokracia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: byrokracia

dekolonizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dekolonizácia

echolokácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: echolokácia

elektrifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: elektrifikácia

emancipácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: emancipácia

etológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: etológia

fenomenalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fenomenalizmus

federalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: federalizmus

finalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: finalizmus

gajdoš (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gajdoš

geomagnetizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: geomagnetizmus

gigantizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gigantizmus

gnosticizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gnosticizmus

gynocentrizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gynocentrizmus

androcentrizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: androcentrizmus

hermafroditizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hermafroditizmus

Hrib (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Hrib

Pojar (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Pojar

idealizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: idealizmus

impresionizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: impresionizmus

iracionalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: iracionalizmus

Jordánčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Jordánčanka

kanibalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kanibalizmus

kataklizma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kataklizma

absorpcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: absorpcia

administrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: administrácia

aklimatizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aklimatizácia

alkalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alkalizácia

alokácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alokácia

amputácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: amputácia

magnetizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: magnetizmus

magnetizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: magnetizácia

aktualizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aktualizmus

-fóbia (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: -fóbia

-fília (Slovak suffix) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: -fília

abája (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abája

abatiša (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abatiša

abdikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abdikácia

ablatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ablatív

absolutizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: absolutizmus

abreviácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abreviácia

abolícia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abolícia

abstrakcionizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: abstrakcionizmus

ablácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ablácia

acetylácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: acetylácia

adaptácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: adaptácia

adhézia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: adhézia

adorácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: adorácia

agregácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agregácia

aglomerácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aglomerácia

agravácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agravácia

agrobiológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agrobiológia

agregát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agregát

agronómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agronómia

akreditácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: akreditácia

agroturizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agroturizmus

aktivácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aktivácia

akcelerácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: akcelerácia

akomodácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: akomodácia

akumulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: akumulácia

albinizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: albinizmus

alchýmia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alchýmia

alergén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alergén

alegória (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alegória

alienácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alienácia

aliterácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aliterácia

alkoholizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alkoholizácia

algoritmizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: algoritmizácia

Baliga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Baliga

amalgamácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: amalgamácia

amerikanizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: amerikanizácia

amortizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: amortizácia

anachronizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anachronizmus

anarchopacifizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anarchopacifizmus

anarchosyndikalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anarchosyndikalizmus

anafylaxia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anafylaxia

amplitúda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: amplitúda

mošna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mošna

anestéziológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anestéziológia

anglikanizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anglikanizmus

anticipácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anticipácia

antiamerikanizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antiamerikanizmus

antiglobalizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antiglobalizmus

antifeminizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antifeminizmus

antimilitarizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antimilitarizmus

antikomunizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antikomunizmus

antiboľševizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antiboľševizmus

antiglobalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antiglobalizácia

antisionizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antisionizmus

antropomorfizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antropomorfizmus

antropomorfizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antropomorfizácia

antirasizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: antirasizmus

aplikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aplikácia

aproximácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aproximácia

arabizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: arabizmus

arabizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: arabizácia

arcidiecéza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: arcidiecéza

aristokracia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aristokracia

Argentínčanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Argentínčanka

arogancia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: arogancia

argumentácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: argumentácia

artikulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: artikulácia

asociácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: asociácia

asimilácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: asimilácia

asymetria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: asymetria

atomizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: atomizácia

atrakcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: atrakcia

automatizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: automatizácia

autoerotizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: autoerotizmus

autorizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: autorizácia

autokracia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: autokracia

bábizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bábizmus

bahaizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bahaizmus

Bahrajňanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bahrajňanka

balkanizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: balkanizácia

Bangladéšanka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bangladéšanka

balneológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: balneológia

barbarizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: barbarizácia

barytón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: barytón

barytón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: barytón

barbarizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: barbarizmus

behaviorizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: behaviorizmus

beatifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: beatifikácia

malpa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: malpa

Urda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Urda

bibliofília (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bibliofília

bifurkácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bifurkácia

bioklimatológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bioklimatológia

biometeorológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: biometeorológia

kinosála (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kinosála

boľševizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: boľševizmus

kalendár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kalendár

Podola (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Podola

brankár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brankár

brankárka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brankárka

briketa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: briketa

brigantína (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brigantína

bránica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bránica

brožúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brožúra

brutalita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brutalita

brošňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brošňa

budhizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: budhizmus

buldozér (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: buldozér

bulímia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bulímia

byrokratizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: byrokratizácia

čadič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čadič

cárizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cárizmus

čamorčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čamorčina

kampanológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kampanológia

častuška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: častuška

Plichta (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Plichta

centralizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: centralizácia

charizma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: charizma

chemoterapia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chemoterapia

chimérizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chimérizmus

choreografia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: choreografia

kristianizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kristianizácia

christianizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: christianizácia

chromatografia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chromatografia

chronometria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chronometria

klebeta (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: klebeta

cievka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cievka

cigória (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cigória

cynizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cynizmus

kynizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kynizmus

cytológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cytológia

dagerotyp (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dagerotyp

ďalekopis (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ďalekopis

darvinistka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: darvinistka

debnár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: debnár

dedikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dedikácia

defenestrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: defenestrácia

defibrilácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: defibrilácia

defenzíva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: defenzíva

defetizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: defetizmus

deflácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: deflácia

dekapitácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dekapitácia

deklarácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: deklarácia

delegácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: delegácia

demilitarizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: demilitarizácia

demarkácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: demarkácia

demonštrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: demonštrácia

denominácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: denominácia

dendrológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dendrológia

deregulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: deregulácia

deprivácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: deprivácia

desaťsten (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: desaťsten

despotizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: despotizmus

destabilizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: destabilizácia

deštrukcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: deštrukcia

determinácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: determinácia

devastácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: devastácia

Krok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Krok

heliodór (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: heliodór

dialektológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dialektológia

dichotómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dichotómia

diskvalifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diskvalifikácia

dislokácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dislokácia

diskriminácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diskriminácia

divizionizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: divizionizmus

Ziman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ziman

dokumentácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dokumentácia

domestikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: domestikácia

Dominikánka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Dominikánka

donatizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: donatizmus

dopamín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dopamín

dramatizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dramatizácia

hruškovica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hruškovica

čerešňovica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čerešňovica

duplikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: duplikácia

dúška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dúška

duplikát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: duplikát

Herc (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Herc

dvojplošník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dvojplošník

dvojtvar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dvojtvar

dyskalkúlia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dyskalkúlia

alograf (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alograf

solička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: solička

dysplázia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dysplázia

dyzentéria (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dyzentéria

džersej (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: džersej

dystrofia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dystrofia

džinizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: džinizmus

echokardiogram (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: echokardiogram

eklampsia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: eklampsia

eklektizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: eklektizmus

ekonomizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ekonomizácia

ekofyziológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ekofyziológia

elektromagnetizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: elektromagnetizmus

ekumenizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ekumenizmus

narodenie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: narodenie

pôrod (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pôrod

Koso (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Koso

nepriateľstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nepriateľstvo

zamestnanie (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zamestnanie

aspirácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aspirácia

čečenčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: čečenčina

afrikánčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: afrikánčina

vakcinácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vakcinácia

homoľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: homoľa

kvalifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kvalifikácia

rekreácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rekreácia

rodopis (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rodopis

bradáň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bradáň

skepticizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: skepticizmus

predstavivosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: predstavivosť

onucka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: onucka

aktualita (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aktualita

tesár (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tesár

úvoz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: úvoz

závoz (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: závoz

studená vojna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: studená vojna

branná povinnosť (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: branná povinnosť

cukrík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cukrík

raketomet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: raketomet

pašalík (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pašalík

bezpilotné lietadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bezpilotné lietadlo

prápor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prápor

psychopat (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: psychopat

agresia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: agresia

Bucha (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Bucha

Sako (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sako

policajný štát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: policajný štát

inflácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: inflácia

Goga (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Goga

zradca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zradca

Južné Osetsko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Južné Osetsko

nádobka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nádobka

vôdor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vôdor

dobrovoľník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dobrovoľník

ostreľovač (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ostreľovač

Fico (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Fico

infraštruktúra (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: infraštruktúra

votrelec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: votrelec

úbor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: úbor

ozbrojené sily (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ozbrojené sily

sliedič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sliedič

sliedič (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sliedič

veliteľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: veliteľ

vodcovstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vodcovstvo

pechota (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pechota

zbraň hromadného ničenia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zbraň hromadného ničenia

náskok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: náskok

masový hrob (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: masový hrob

okupácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: okupácia

balistická raketa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: balistická raketa

Ženevská konvencia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ženevská konvencia

genocída (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: genocída

dôstojník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dôstojník

provokácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: provokácia

mínové pole (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mínové pole

brokovnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brokovnica

sloboda slova (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sloboda slova

kacírstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kacírstvo

heréza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: heréza

Slota (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Slota

štatárium (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: štatárium

jadrová zbraň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: jadrová zbraň

atómová zbraň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: atómová zbraň

vojnový zločinec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vojnový zločinec

palubný lístok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: palubný lístok

pravá ruka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pravá ruka

légia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: légia

elektráreň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: elektráreň

tégeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tégeľ

korupcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: korupcia

spotrebiteľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: spotrebiteľ

Schranz (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Schranz

Barkus (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Barkus

vládca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vládca

revolúcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: revolúcia

pinka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pinka

rusofóbia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rusofóbia

mučiteľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mučiteľ

vlastenectvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vlastenectvo

Ódor (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ódor

guľomet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: guľomet

aktívum (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: aktívum

pohraničník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pohraničník

tehelňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tehelňa

tabuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: tabuľa

Ohman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ohman

biatlonista (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: biatlonista

Baďura (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Baďura

Trnka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Trnka

svetlomet (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: svetlomet

brekyňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: brekyňa

Matis (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Matis

Galis (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Galis

alkín (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: alkín

konverzácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konverzácia

konzervácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konzervácia

konjugácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konjugácia

anihilácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: anihilácia

enunciácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: enunciácia

koordinácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: koordinácia

kvotácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kvotácia

chôdza (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chôdza

ľavica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ľavica

mačička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: mačička

Mikes (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mikes

menštruácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: menštruácia

ovulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ovulácia

kométa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kométa

interrupcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: interrupcia

Mihok (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Mihok

elektroterapia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: elektroterapia

eliminácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: eliminácia

emigrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: emigrácia

enkláva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: enkláva

prezervatív (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prezervatív

entuziazmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: entuziazmus

enzým (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: enzým

erupcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: erupcia

eskalácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: eskalácia

esplanáda (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: esplanáda

estrogén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: estrogén

etnocentrizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: etnocentrizmus

evolúcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: evolúcia

exorcizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: exorcizmus

euroskepticizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: euroskepticizmus

extrémizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: extrémizmus

extradícia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: extradícia

falzifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: falzifikácia

fascinácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fascinácia

feminizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: feminizácia

fantóm (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fantóm

federalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: federalizácia

fermentácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fermentácia

fenológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fenológia

finalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: finalizácia

fonológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fonológia

fluoridácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fluoridácia

fosilizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fosilizácia

fosgén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fosgén

frustrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: frustrácia

Kunda (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Kunda

Lacko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Lacko

Fedorko (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Fedorko

kosínus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kosínus

zlosyn (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zlosyn

Ripka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Ripka

rôsol (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rôsol

sviniar (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sviniar

Veselka (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Veselka

hrada (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrada

vizualizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vizualizácia

konvokácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konvokácia

Szabados (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Szabados

bravčovina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: bravčovina

pagáč (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pagáč

palička (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: palička

stržeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: stržeň

prednáška (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: prednáška

fatamorgána (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fatamorgána

hadica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hadica

poniklec (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: poniklec

hospodárstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hospodárstvo

poriadok (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: poriadok

zostava (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zostava

kliatba (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kliatba

fígeľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fígeľ

dôvtip (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dôvtip

Liška (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Liška

Havran (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Havran

Havlíček (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Havlíček

Koska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Koska

Sedlák (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Sedlák

konzulka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: konzulka

fyziológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fyziológia

fyzioterapia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: fyzioterapia

galvanizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: galvanizácia

galeóna (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: galeóna

gastrológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gastrológia

generácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: generácia

genóm (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: genóm

generalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: generalizácia

gastronómia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gastronómia

afixoid (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: afixoid

Banská Bystrica (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Banská Bystrica

Poprad (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Poprad

Humenné (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Humenné

kirgizština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kirgizština

kazaština (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kazaština

dratva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dratva

správca (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: správca

pútnik (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: pútnik

vlhkomer (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vlhkomer

regenerácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: regenerácia

zosilňovač (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zosilňovač

nugát (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: nugát

ľuft (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ľuft

chobotnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: chobotnica

osmonoh (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: osmonoh

ústrk (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: ústrk

darovanie (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: darovanie

interakcia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: interakcia

gravitácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gravitácia

imigrácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: imigrácia

sadovník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sadovník

germanizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: germanizácia

gestácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gestácia

glaciológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: glaciológia

gilotína (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gilotína

gestikulácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gestikulácia

rezervácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: rezervácia

sochárstvo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sochárstvo

Cypris (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Cypris

kryha (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kryha

dojnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: dojnica

sadlo (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: sadlo

veľblúd (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: veľblúd

vyžla (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: vyžla

neonacizmus (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: neonacizmus

Koman (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Koman

globalizácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: globalizácia

glorifikácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: glorifikácia

graféma (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: graféma

gnómon (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gnómon

gradácia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gradácia

gramofón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gramofón

gubernátor (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gubernátor

gudrón (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gudrón

gynekológia (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gynekológia

gvardián (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: gvardián

halucinogén (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: halucinogén

hákovnica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hákovnica

háv (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: háv

Nemes (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Nemes

korčuľa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: korčuľa

Noska (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Noska

holubník (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: holubník

holubníček (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: holubníček

soboľ (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: soboľ

hrebeň (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: hrebeň

cieva (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: cieva

väznica (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: väznica

diaľka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: diaľka

kazajka (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kazajka

macedónčina (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: macedónčina

zástera (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: zástera

Nosáľ (Slovak proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: Nosáľ

trojhláska (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: trojhláska

blana (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: blana

kôlňa (Slovak noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative Path: kôlňa

inflection table: empty tags for dative (dhanore)

Afrim (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative (dhanore) Path: Afrim

Afrimi (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative (dhanore) Path: Afrimi

Afrime (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative (dhanore) Path: Afrime

Afrimja (Albanian proper noun) inflection table: empty tags for dative (dhanore) Path: Afrimja

inflection table: empty tags for de

de (Low German pronoun) inflection table: empty tags for de Path: de

de (Low German pronoun) inflection table: empty tags for de Path: de

de (Low German pronoun) inflection table: empty tags for de Path: de

inflection table: empty tags for datovala

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala Path: datovať

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala Path: datovať

inflection table: empty tags for datovala by

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala by Path: datovať

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala by Path: datovať

inflection table: empty tags for datovala si

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala si Path: datovať

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala si Path: datovať

inflection table: empty tags for datovala som

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala som Path: datovať

datovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for datovala som Path: datovať

inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala Path: deaktivovať

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala Path: deaktivovať

inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala by

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala by Path: deaktivovať

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala by Path: deaktivovať

inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala si

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala si Path: deaktivovať

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala si Path: deaktivovať

inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala som

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala som Path: deaktivovať

deaktivovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deaktivovala som Path: deaktivovať

inflection table: empty tags for debutovala

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala Path: debutovať

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala Path: debutovať

inflection table: empty tags for debutovala by

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala by Path: debutovať

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala by Path: debutovať

inflection table: empty tags for debutovala si

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala si Path: debutovať

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala si Path: debutovať

inflection table: empty tags for debutovala som

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala som Path: debutovať

debutovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for debutovala som Path: debutovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala Path: dedikovať

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala Path: dedikovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala by

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala by Path: dedikovať

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala by Path: dedikovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala si

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala si Path: dedikovať

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala si Path: dedikovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala som

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala som Path: dedikovať

dedikovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikovala som Path: dedikovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala Path: dedukovať

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala Path: dedukovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala by

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala by Path: dedukovať

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala by Path: dedukovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala si

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala si Path: dedukovať

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala si Path: dedukovať

inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala som

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala som Path: dedukovať

dedukovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedukovala som Path: dedukovať

inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala Path: defenestrovať

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala Path: defenestrovať

inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala by

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala by Path: defenestrovať

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala by Path: defenestrovať

inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala si

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala si Path: defenestrovať

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala si Path: defenestrovať

inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala som

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala som Path: defenestrovať

defenestrovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defenestrovala som Path: defenestrovať

inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala Path: deklarovať

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala Path: deklarovať

inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala by

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala by Path: deklarovať

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala by Path: deklarovať

inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala si

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala si Path: deklarovať

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala si Path: deklarovať

inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala som

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala som Path: deklarovať

deklarovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deklarovala som Path: deklarovať

inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala Path: demilitarizovať

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala Path: demilitarizovať

inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala by

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala by Path: demilitarizovať

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala by Path: demilitarizovať

inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala si

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala si Path: demilitarizovať

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala si Path: demilitarizovať

inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala som

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala som Path: demilitarizovať

demilitarizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demilitarizovala som Path: demilitarizovať

inflection table: empty tags for denemeyerek

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denemeyerek Path: denemek

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denemeyerek Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for denemezken

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denemezken Path: denemek

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denemezken Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for deportovala

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala Path: deportovať

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala Path: deportovať

inflection table: empty tags for deportovala by

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala by Path: deportovať

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala by Path: deportovať

inflection table: empty tags for deportovala si

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala si Path: deportovať

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala si Path: deportovať

inflection table: empty tags for deportovala som

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala som Path: deportovať

deportovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for deportovala som Path: deportovať

inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala Path: destabilizovať

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala Path: destabilizovať

inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala by

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala by Path: destabilizovať

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala by Path: destabilizovať

inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala si

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala si Path: destabilizovať

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala si Path: destabilizovať

inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala som

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala som Path: destabilizovať

destabilizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for destabilizovala som Path: destabilizovať

inflection table: empty tags for datorkiake

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkiake Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkian

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkian Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkidake

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkidake Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkidan

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkidan Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkie

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkie Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkieke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkieke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkien

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkien Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkigu

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkigu Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkiguke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkiguke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkigun

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkigun Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkik

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkik Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkio

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkio Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkioke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkioke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkion

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkion Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkit

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkit Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkizu

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkizu Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkizue

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkizue Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkizueke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkizueke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkizuen

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkizuen Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkizuke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkizuke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datorkizun

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datorkizun Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkiake

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkiake Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkian

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkian Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkidake

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkidake Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkidan

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkidan Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkie

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkie Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkieke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkieke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkien

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkien Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkigu

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkigu Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkiguke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkiguke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkigun

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkigun Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkik

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkik Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkio

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkio Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkioke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkioke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkion

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkion Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkit

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkit Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkizu

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkizu Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkizue

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkizue Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkizueke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkizueke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkizuen

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkizuen Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkizuke

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkizuke Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for datozkizun

etorri (Basque verb) inflection table: empty tags for datozkizun Path: etorri

inflection table: empty tags for davranabilerek

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranabilerek Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for davranabilirken

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranabilirken Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for davranamayarak

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranamayarak Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for davranamazken

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranamazken Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for davranarak

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranarak Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for davranmayarak

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranmayarak Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for davranmazken

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranmazken Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for davranırken

davranmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for davranırken Path: davranmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yemeyerek

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yemeyerek Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yemezken

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yemezken Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yerken

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yerken Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyebilerek

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyebilerek Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyebilirken

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyebilirken Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyemeyerek

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyemeyerek Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyemezken

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyemezken Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyerek

dayak yemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayak yiyerek Path: dayak yemek

inflection table: empty tags for dayamayarak

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayamayarak Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dayamazken

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayamazken Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanabilerek

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanabilerek Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanabilirken

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanabilirken Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanamayarak

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanamayarak Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanamazken

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanamazken Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanarak

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanarak Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanmayarak

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanmayarak Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanmazken

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanmazken Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanırken

dayanmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanırken Path: dayanmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışabilerek

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışabilerek Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışabilirken

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışabilirken Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışamayarak

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışamayarak Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışamazken

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışamazken Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışarak

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışarak Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışmayarak

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışmayarak Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışmazken

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışmazken Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayanışırken

dayanışmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayanışırken Path: dayanışmak

inflection table: empty tags for dayarken

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayarken Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dayayabilerek

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayayabilerek Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dayayabilirken

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayayabilirken Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dayayamayarak

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayayamayarak Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dayayamazken

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayayamazken Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dayayarak

dayamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dayayarak Path: dayamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlamayarak

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlamayarak Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlamazken

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlamazken Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlarken

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlarken Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlayabilerek

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlayabilerek Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlayabilirken

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlayabilirken Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlayamayarak

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlayamayarak Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlayamazken

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlayamazken Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağlayarak

dağlamak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağlayarak Path: dağlamak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılabilerek

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılabilerek Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılabilirken

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılabilirken Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılamayarak

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılamayarak Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılamazken

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılamazken Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılarak

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılarak Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılmayarak

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılmayarak Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılmazken

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılmazken Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağılırken

dağılmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağılırken Path: dağılmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtabilerek

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtabilerek Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtabilirken

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtabilirken Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtamayarak

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtamayarak Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtamazken

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtamazken Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtarak

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtarak Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtmayarak

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtmayarak Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtmazken

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtmazken Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for dağıtırken

dağıtmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dağıtırken Path: dağıtmak

inflection table: empty tags for deadön

deadön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for deadön Path: deadön

inflection table: empty tags for declension of mi

mi (Hungarian pronoun) inflection table: empty tags for declension of mi Path: mi

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapabilerek

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapabilerek Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapabilirken

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapabilirken Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapamayarak

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapamayarak Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapamazken

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapamazken Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yaparak

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yaparak Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yaparken

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yaparken Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapmayarak

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapmayarak Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapmazken

dedikodu yapmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedikodu yapmazken Path: dedikodu yapmak

inflection table: empty tags for dedila

dediť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedila Path: dediť

inflection table: empty tags for dedila by

dediť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedila by Path: dediť

inflection table: empty tags for dedila si

dediť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedila si Path: dediť

inflection table: empty tags for dedila som

dediť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dedila som Path: dediť

inflection table: empty tags for defilovala

defilovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defilovala Path: defilovať

inflection table: empty tags for defilovala by

defilovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defilovala by Path: defilovať

inflection table: empty tags for defilovala si

defilovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defilovala si Path: defilovať

inflection table: empty tags for defilovala som

defilovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for defilovala som Path: defilovať

inflection table: empty tags for defnedebilerek

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnedebilerek Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defnedebilirken

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnedebilirken Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defnedemeyerek

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnedemeyerek Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defnedemezken

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnedemezken Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defnederek

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnederek Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defnederken

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnederken Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defnetmeyerek

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnetmeyerek Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defnetmezken

defnetmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defnetmezken Path: defnetmek

inflection table: empty tags for defolabilerek

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolabilerek Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for defolabilirken

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolabilirken Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for defolamayarak

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolamayarak Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for defolamazken

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolamazken Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for defolarak

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolarak Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for defolmayarak

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolmayarak Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for defolmazken

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolmazken Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for defolurken

defolmak (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for defolurken Path: defolmak

inflection table: empty tags for deibludön

deibludön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for deibludön Path: deibludön

inflection table: empty tags for deidön

deidön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for deidön Path: deidön

inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala

dekolonizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala Path: dekolonizovať

inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala by

dekolonizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala by Path: dekolonizovať

inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala si

dekolonizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala si Path: dekolonizovať

inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala som

dekolonizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for dekolonizovala som Path: dekolonizovať

inflection table: empty tags for delebilerek

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delebilerek Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for delebilirken

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delebilirken Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for delemeyerek

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delemeyerek Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for delemezken

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delemezken Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for delerek

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delerek Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for delerken

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delerken Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for delila

deliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for delila Path: deliť

inflection table: empty tags for delila by

deliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for delila by Path: deliť

inflection table: empty tags for delila si

deliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for delila si Path: deliť

inflection table: empty tags for delila som

deliť (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for delila som Path: deliť

inflection table: empty tags for delirebilerek

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delirebilerek Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for delirebilirken

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delirebilirken Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for deliremeyerek

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deliremeyerek Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for deliremezken

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deliremezken Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for delirerek

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delirerek Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for delirirken

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delirirken Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for delirmeyerek

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delirmeyerek Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for delirmezken

delirmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delirmezken Path: delirmek

inflection table: empty tags for delmeyerek

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delmeyerek Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for delmezken

delmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for delmezken Path: delmek

inflection table: empty tags for demeyerek

demek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demeyerek Path: demek

inflection table: empty tags for demezken

demek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demezken Path: demek

inflection table: empty tags for demlemeyerek

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demlemeyerek Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demlemezken

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demlemezken Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demlerken

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demlerken Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demleyebilerek

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demleyebilerek Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demleyebilirken

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demleyebilirken Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demleyemeyerek

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demleyemeyerek Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demleyemezken

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demleyemezken Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demleyerek

demlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for demleyerek Path: demlemek

inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala

demokratizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala Path: demokratizovať

inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala by

demokratizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala by Path: demokratizovať

inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala si

demokratizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala si Path: demokratizovať

inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala som

demokratizovať (Slovak verb) inflection table: empty tags for demokratizovala som Path: demokratizovať

inflection table: empty tags for demön

demön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for demön Path: demön

inflection table: empty tags for den

de (Low German pronoun) inflection table: empty tags for den Path: de

inflection table: empty tags for denebilerek

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denebilerek Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for denebilirken

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denebilirken Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for denerek

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denerek Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for denerken

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denerken Path: denemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyebilerek

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyebilerek Path: denemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyebilirken

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyebilirken Path: denemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyemeyerek

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyemeyerek Path: denemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyemezken

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyemezken Path: denemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyerek

denemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyerek Path: denemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimlemeyerek

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimlemeyerek Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimlemezken

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimlemezken Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimlerken

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimlerken Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyebilerek

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyebilerek Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyebilirken

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyebilirken Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyemeyerek

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyemeyerek Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyemezken

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyemezken Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyerek

deneyimlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deneyimleyerek Path: deneyimlemek

inflection table: empty tags for denilebilerek

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilebilerek Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denilebilirken

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilebilirken Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denilemeyerek

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilemeyerek Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denilemezken

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilemezken Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denilerek

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilerek Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denilirken

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilirken Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denilmeyerek

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilmeyerek Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denilmezken

denilmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denilmezken Path: denilmek

inflection table: empty tags for denirken

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denirken Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for denmeyerek

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denmeyerek Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for denmezken

denmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for denmezken Path: denmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenebilerek

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenebilerek Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenebilirken

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenebilirken Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenemeyerek

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenemeyerek Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenemezken

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenemezken Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenerek

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenerek Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenirken

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenirken Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenmeyerek

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenmeyerek Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for deprenmezken

deprenmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deprenmezken Path: deprenmek

inflection table: empty tags for derebilerek

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derebilerek Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for derebilirken

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derebilirken Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for deremeyerek

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deremeyerek Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for deremezken

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for deremezken Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for dererek

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dererek Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for dererken

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dererken Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for derken

demek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derken Path: demek

inflection table: empty tags for derlemeyerek

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derlemeyerek Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for derlemezken

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derlemezken Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for derlerken

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derlerken Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for derleyebilerek

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derleyebilerek Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for derleyebilirken

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derleyebilirken Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for derleyemeyerek

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derleyemeyerek Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for derleyemezken

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derleyemezken Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for derleyerek

derlemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for derleyerek Path: derlemek

inflection table: empty tags for dermeyerek

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dermeyerek Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for dermezken

dermek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for dermezken Path: dermek

inflection table: empty tags for desinön

desinön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for desinön Path: desinön

inflection table: empty tags for desteklemeyerek

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for desteklemeyerek Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for desteklemezken

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for desteklemezken Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for desteklerken

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for desteklerken Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for destekleyebilerek

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for destekleyebilerek Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for destekleyebilirken

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for destekleyebilirken Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for destekleyemeyerek

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for destekleyemeyerek Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for destekleyemezken

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for destekleyemezken Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for destekleyerek

desteklemek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for destekleyerek Path: desteklemek

inflection table: empty tags for detävön

detävön (Volapük verb) inflection table: empty tags for detävön Path: detävön

inflection table: empty tags for devam edebilerek

devam etmek (Turkish verb) inflection table: empty tags for devam edebilerek Path: devam etmek

This page is a part of the kaikki.org machine-readable dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-03-09 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-03-02 using wiktextract (32c88e6 and 633533e). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under https://kaikki.org would also be greatly appreciated.