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Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounA region of the earth or of a continent; a district or country.
Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounAn administrative subdivision of certain countries, including Canada and China.
Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounAn area outside Italy which is administered by a Roman governor or prefect.Ancient-Rome Roman-Empire historical
Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounAn area under the jurisdiction of an archbishop, typically comprising a number of adjacent dioceses.Christianity
Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounAn area under the jurisdiction of a provincial within a monastic order.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounThe parts of a country outside its national with-definite-article
Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounA major region defined by common geologic attributes and history.geography geology natural-sciences
Administrative divisionsprovinceEnglishnounAn area of activity, responsibility or knowledge; the proper concern of a particular person or concept.
Age大人気Japaneseadjvery popular
Age大人気Japanesenounhigh popularity
AgricultureKrippeGermannouncrib (feeding trough for animals), mangerfeminine
AgricultureKrippeGermannounnativity scene, crècheChristianityfeminine
AgricultureKrippeGermannouncrèche (day nursery)feminine
AgricultureخرمنPersiannounharvest, crop
AgricultureخرمنPersiannounthreshing floor
AircraftbiplaneEnglishadjComposed of, or relating to, two planes (flat surfaces extending infinitely in all directions).not-comparable
AircraftbiplaneEnglishadjHaving, or consisting of, two superposed planes, aerocurves, etc.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable
AircraftbiplaneEnglishnounAn airplane that has two main wings, one above the other and supported by struts.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
AircraftbiplaneEnglishverbTo fly in a biplane.intransitive rare
AircraftlatawiecPolishnounkite (flying toy on string)inanimate masculine
AircraftlatawiecPolishnounweather kiteclimatology meteorology natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
AircraftlatawiecPolishnounaeroplane; glider (sailplane)inanimate masculine obsolete
AircraftlatawiecPolishnounkitegeometry mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine
AircraftlatawiecPolishnounflying demon, often with the spirit of a prematurely deceased personanimal-not-person masculine
AircraftlatawiecPolishnoungalloping horseanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
AircraftlatawiecPolishnounany bird-of-paradise of the genus Cicinnurusanimal-not-person masculine
AircraftlatawiecPolishnouncolugo, flying lemur, dermopterananimal-not-person masculine plural-normally
AircraftlatawiecPolishnounperson who enjoys spending time outside the homecolloquial masculine person
Alcoholic beveragescafé russeFrenchnounRussian coffee (coffee with vodka)masculine
Alcoholic beveragescafé russeFrenchnouncafé au laitBelgium masculine
AlkaloidskokaPolishnouncoca (any of four cultivated plants of the family Erythroxylaceae)countable feminine
AlkaloidskokaPolishnouncoca (dried leaf of a South American shrub used as a drug)colloquial feminine uncountable
AlkaloidskokaPolishnoungenitive singular of kokform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
AlphabetsPalmyreneEnglishadjOf, from or relating to ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena.not-comparable
AlphabetsPalmyreneEnglishadjRelating to the Palmyrene dialect or scriptnot-comparable
AlphabetsPalmyreneEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of ancient Palmyra or Palmyrena.historical
AlphabetsPalmyreneEnglishnameAn extinct Western Aramaic dialect.
AlphabetsPalmyreneEnglishnameAlternative form of Palmyrenaalt-of alternative
AlphabetsбукваBulgariannounletter, character (of the alphabet)
AlphabetsбукваBulgariannounkey (of a typewriter, keyboard etc.)
AlphabetsбукваBulgariannountype, letteringmedia printing publishing
AlphabetsбуквицаRussiannoundrop cap, versal
AlphabetsбуквицаRussiannounBukvitsa, Glagolitic
Amaranths and goosefootskurmioFinnishnounbugseed (plant in the genus Corispermum)
Amaranths and goosefootskurmioFinnishnounthe genus Corispermumin-plural
AmericaMarikanKabylenameUnited States (a country in North America)masculine
AmericaMarikanKabylenameAmerica (the Americas)masculine
American fictionScooby-DooEnglishnameAn American cartoon franchise, named for one of the main characters, a large dog, and featuring as protagonists four "meddling" teenagers who unravel seemingly supernatural mysteries.
American fictionScooby-DooEnglishnameThe cartoon dog from that cartoon, noted for his trouble-causing lack of sense and almost understandable vocalization.
American fictionScooby-DooEnglishnounA Subaru automobile.slang
American fictionScooby-DooEnglishnounA clue.slang
American fictionScooby-DooEnglishnounA slang
American fictionScooby-DooEnglishnounA screw (a prison warder)slang
Amphibiansmuir-thìreachScottish Gaelicadjamphibious
Amphibiansmuir-thìreachScottish Gaelicnounamphibianmasculine
AnatomyμῦςAncient Greeknounmouse
AnatomyμῦςAncient GreeknounA type of mussel
AnatomyμῦςAncient GreeknounA type of whale
AnatomyμῦςAncient Greeknounmuscle
AnatomyअंगMarathinounhuman bodyanatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyअंगMarathinounorgan of body (rare)
AnatomyJapanesenounarmanatomy medicine sciences
AnatomyJapanesenounability; skill; talent
Anatomy臍の緒Japanesenounumbilical cord
Anatomy臍の緒Japanesenounumbilical cord
Ancient AfricalibyqueFrenchadjSynonym of libyen (“Libyan”)
Ancient AfricalibyqueFrenchnounLibyan (language)masculine uncountable
Ancient GreeceRoxanaPortuguesenameRoxana (the wife of Alexander the Great)feminine
Ancient GreeceRoxanaPortuguesenamea female given name, equivalent to English Roxannefeminine
Ancient GreeceanaxagoranoSpanishadjAnaxagoranhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
Ancient GreeceanaxagoranoSpanishnounAnaxagoranhuman-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / A dean: the head of a cathedral religionhistorical
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / The head of various other ecclesiastical bodies, even (rare, obsolete) religion
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / The minister of the chief Protestant church of a town or region in Germany, the Low Countries, and religion
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / The head of various colleges and higher-educationUK
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / A ruler.obsolete
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounOne placed in charge: a head, a chief / A mayor: the chief magistrate of a town, particularly (Scotland) the head of a burgh or (historical) the former chiefs of various towns in France, Flanders, or (by extension) other Continental European countries.
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A prior: an abbot's religionhistorical
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A senior deputy administrator; a vice-president of academic higher-educationUS
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A steward or seneschal: a medieval agent given management of a feudal estate or charged with collecting fees.historical
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A title of the archangel Michael.obsolete sometimes
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / Any manager or overseer in a medieval or early modern context.historical
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A viceroy.obsolete
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A governor.obsolete
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A reeve.obsolete
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / The head of various Roman offices, such as prefect and praetor.obsolete
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / A constable: a medieval or early modern official charged with arresting, holding, and punishing criminals.historical
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / An officer of the military police, particularly provost marshal or provost sergeant.government military politics war
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA senior deputy, a superintendent / An assistant fencing master.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports warhistorical
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishnounA provost cell: a military cell or prison.government military politics warUK obsolete slang
Ancient RomeprovostEnglishverbTo be delivered to a provost marshal for punishment.government military politics warUK obsolete slang transitive
AngerenfadadoSpanishadjangry, irate
AngerenfadadoSpanishverbpast participle of enfadarform-of participle past
AnglicanismLambeth PalaceEnglishnameThe London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
AnglicanismLambeth PalaceEnglishnameThe archbishopric of Canterbury.metonymically
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine. / Pickled scrapple.Appalachia US
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine. / Pickled or boiled ears and feet of a pigCaribbean
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine.
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / A pickle made with salt.
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounSomething kept or steeped in brine. / The ear; especially, a hog's ear.
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounThe act of sousing; a plunging into water.
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounA drunkard.
Animal body partssouseEnglishverbTo immerse in liquid; to steep or drench.transitive
Animal body partssouseEnglishverbTo steep in brine; to pickle.transitive
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounThe act of sousing, or swooping.
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounA heavy blow.
Animal body partssouseEnglishverbTo strike, beat.dialectal transitive
Animal body partssouseEnglishverbTo fall heavily.dialectal intransitive
Animal body partssouseEnglishverbTo pounce upon.obsolete transitive
Animal body partssouseEnglishadvSuddenly, without warning.archaic dialectal not-comparable
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounA sou (the French coin).obsolete
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounA small amount.dated
Animal body partssouseEnglishnounPronunciation spelling of source.Internet US alt-of pronunciation-spelling
Animal body partsвусUkrainiannounmoustacheplural-normally
Animal body partsвусUkrainiannounwhisker
Animal body partsвусUkrainiannounfeeler, antenna
Animal dwellingsbanlatTagalognounpigpen; pigsty
Animal dwellingsbanlatTagalognounsmall fish corral placed on rivers
Animal soundsgrognerFrenchverbto grunt (for a pig, make the sound of a pig)
Animal soundsgrognerFrenchverbto grunt (for a person, to make a snorting sound e.g. of disapproval)
Animal soundsgrognerFrenchverbto growl, to snarl (for an animal, to make a growling or snarling sound)
Animal soundsgęgnąćPolishverbto gaggle (to make the sound of a goose)intransitive perfective
Animal soundsgęgnąćPolishverbto speak inanely, to speak nonsense, to jabbercolloquial derogatory intransitive perfective
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounA musical instrument of the brass family, generally tuned to the key of B-flat; by extension, any type of lip-vibrated aerophone, most often valveless and not chromatic.entertainment lifestyle music
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounSomeone who plays the trumpet; a trumpeter.
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounThe cry of an elephant, or any similar loud cry.
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounOne who praises, or propagates praise, or is the instrument of propagating it.figuratively
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounA funnel, or short flaring pipe, used as a guide or conductor, as for yarn in a knitting machine.
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounA kind of traffic interchange involving at least one loop ramp connecting traffic either entering or leaving the terminating expressway with the far lanes of the continuous highway.
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounA powerful reed stop in organs, having a trumpet-like sound.
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounAny of various flowering plants with trumpet-shaped flowers, for example, of the genus Collomia.
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishnounA supporter of Donald Trump, especially a fervent one.US capitalized often slang
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishverbTo sound loudly, be amplifiedintransitive
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishverbTo play the trumpet.intransitive
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishverbOf an elephant, to make its cry.intransitive transitive
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishverbTo give a loud cry like that of an elephant.intransitive transitive
Animal soundstrumpetEnglishverbTo proclaim loudly; to promote enthusiasticallytransitive
AnimalschudziecPolishnounthin or emaciated animalanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
AnimalschudziecPolishnounthin or emaciated personmasculine person rare
AnimalsหนอนThainounlarva of insect.
AnthropologyanthropologyEnglishnounThe scientific study of humans, systematically describing the ethnographic, linguistic, archaeological, and evolutionary dimensions of humanity using a holistic methodological framework.uncountable
AnthropologyanthropologyEnglishnounThe study of humanity in its relation to the divine, as in Christian religion theologyuncountable
AnuranspererecaPortuguesenountree frogBrazil feminine
AnuranspererecaPortuguesenounmosquitoBrazil feminine
AnuranspererecaPortuguesenounfemale genitals; vaginaBrazil feminine slang
AnuranspererecaPortuguesenounderringerBrazil colloquial feminine
AnuranspererecaPortuguesenounsmall portable radioBrazil colloquial feminine
AnuranspererecaPortuguesenoundentureBrazil colloquial feminine humorous
AnuranspererecaPortuguesenouna small and fidgety person or animalBrazil colloquial feminine
AnuranspererecaPortugueseadjfidgety, specially when referring to childrenBrazil colloquial feminine masculine
Apieae tribe plantsQueen Anne's laceEnglishnounA flowering plant, species Daucus carota, especially the flowering part of the plant.Canada US uncountable
Apieae tribe plantsQueen Anne's laceEnglishnounAmmi majus (false Queen Anne's lace), native to the Nile River Valley, with white lace-like flower clusters.uncountable
Apieae tribe plantsQueen Anne's laceEnglishnounAnthriscus sylvestris (cow parsley), a herbaceous biennial or short-lived perennial plant in the family Apiaceae.uncountable
AppearancebunitézaMacanesenounpretty (a pretty person)
Arabic letter nameslamEnglishverbTo beat or thrash.informal transitive
Arabic letter nameslamEnglishverbTo flee or run away.dated intransitive slang
Arabic letter nameslamEnglishnounA flight or escape.slang
Arabic letter nameslamEnglishnounThe twenty-third letter of the Arabic alphabet, ل (l). It is preceded by ك (k) and followed by م (m).
Arabic numeral symbolsصArabiccharacterThe fourteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet. It is preceded by ش (š) and followed by ض (ḍ).letter
Arabic numeral symbolsصArabiccharacterY, unknown variable.letter
Arabic numeral symbolsصArabiccharactera.m., before noon (abbreviation of صباحا)letter
Arabic numeral symbolsصArabicsymbolThe eighteenth letter in traditional abjad order, which is used in place of numerals for list numbering (abjad numerals). It is preceded by ف (f) and followed by ق (q).
Arabic numeral symbolsصArabicnameThe 38th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an.
ArcheryзээMongoliannounsister or daughter's child
ArcheryзээMongolianintjindicates acknowledgement or admittance
ArcheryзээMongolianintjsaid when starting a poem or a speech
ArcheryзээMongolianintjsic'em (inciting a dog to attack)
ArcheryзээMongoliannounbulbous chamber on an arrow directly underneath the arrowhead that produces a whistling sound during flight.
ArcheryзээMongoliannounpart of the arrow directly underneath the arrowhead
ArcheryзээMongoliannounOnly used in зээ хас (zee xas)
ArcheryзээMongoliannounOnly used in зээ царцаахай (zee carcaaxaj)
Architectural elementsminvellCatalannouna flashing apron, especially one made of tilemasculine
Architectural elementsminvellCatalannounlarmiermasculine
Architectural elementspresbiteriCatalannounchancelmasculine
Architectural elementspresbiteriCatalannounpresbyterymasculine
Architectural elementsبلاطArabicnountile, flagstone, slab, pavementcollective
Architectural elementsبلاطArabicnounpalace, court
ArchitecturepiléarIrishnounpillar (large post)masculine
ArchitecturepiléarIrishnounbullet (projectile)masculine
ArithmeticভাগBengalinounsection, part
ArmorhatMiddle EnglishnounA hat or cap; a piece of headgear or headwear.
ArmorhatMiddle EnglishnounA helmet; a hat used as armour.
ArmorhatMiddle EnglishnounA circlet or tiara; a ring-shaped piece of headgear.rare
ArmorhatMiddle EnglishnounA circle of foam or mist.rare
ArmorhatMiddle EnglishnounAn area of hilly woodland.rare
ArmorhatMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of hatealt-of alternative
ArmorшлемRussiannounheadpiece (as in a horse's)
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnouna solemn occurrence; a ceremony (an official gathering to celebrate, commemorate, or otherwise mark some event) / an action, task (a piece of work done as part of one’s duties)feminine masculine obsolete
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnouna solemn occurrence; a ceremony (an official gathering to celebrate, commemorate, or otherwise mark some event) / more or less an instinctive actfeminine masculine
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnouna solemn occurrence; a ceremony (an official gathering to celebrate, commemorate, or otherwise mark some event)feminine masculine
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnounan act (a division of a theatrical performance)broadcasting drama dramaturgy entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterfeminine masculine
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnouna nude model (a model posing nude or naked, with the intent of being painted by an artist)feminine masculine
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnounan act (a printing of court proceedings, in the form of a document or writing)in-plural masculine
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnounlawlessness (a lack of law and order)masculine
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnounattention (something expressing concern for or interest; a state of alertness in the standing position)masculine obsolete
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnounperception, opinion; reputation / reputation (what somebody is known for)masculine obsolete
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnounperception, opinion; reputation / reverence; respect (the state of being revered; respectful)masculine obsolete
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnounperception, opinion; reputationmasculine obsolete
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålnouna purpose or meaning; intent or intention (something that is intended)archaic masculine obsolete
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålverbpast participle of akeform-of participle past
ArtaktNorwegian Bokmålverbneuter singular of the past participle of akeform-of neuter participle past singular
ArtilleryмінаUkrainiannounfacial expression, expression, face
ArtilleryмінаUkrainiannounmine (device intended to explode when stepped upon or touched, or when approached by a ship, vehicle, or person)government military politics war
ArtilleryмінаUkrainiannounmortar roundgovernment military politics war
ArtilleryмінаUkrainiannounexchange (act of exchanging)uncountable
ArtistsбогомазUkrainiannounicon painter
ArtistsбогомазUkrainiannoundauber, bad paintercolloquial
Asparagus family plantssnakeberryEnglishnounA bitter nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), or its fruit.
Asparagus family plantssnakeberryEnglishnounA false lily of the valley (Maianthemum dilatatum), or its fruit.
Asparagus family plantssnakeberryEnglishnounA blue bead-lily, corn-lily, or yellow clintonia (Clintonia borealis)
AsteroidsHesperiaEnglishnameLiterally "western land", a term poetically applied by Ancient Greeks to Italy and by Romans to the Iberian Peninsula and Western Africa.
AsteroidsHesperiaEnglishnameOne of the Hesperides.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
AsteroidsHesperiaEnglishname69 Hesperia, a main belt asteroid.astronomy natural-sciences
AsteroidsHesperiaEnglishnameA city in San Bernardino County, California, United States.
AsteroidsHesperiaEnglishnameA village in Newaygo County and Oceana County, Michigan, United States.
AstrophysicsdicarbonEnglishnounTwo carbon atoms in a moleculechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable in-compounds uncountable
AstrophysicsdicarbonEnglishnounA molecular species composed of only two carbon atoms, and nothing elsechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable
AthletesdiscesistaItaliannoundescenderby-personal-gender feminine masculine
AthletesdiscesistaItaliannoundownhill skierhobbies lifestyle skiing sportsby-personal-gender feminine masculine
AthletesjégkorongozóHungarianverbpresent participle of jégkorongozikform-of participle present
AthletesjégkorongozóHungariannounice hockey player
Athletics田徑ChinesenounShort for 田徑運動/田径运动 (tiánjìng yùndòng, “track and field; athletics”).abbreviation alt-of
Athletics田徑Chinesenounnarrow pathways in the fieldsliterary
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishnounhalo (circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon, etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere)indeclinable neuter
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishnounhalo (cloud of gas and other matter surrounding and captured by the gravitational field of a large diffuse astronomical object, such as a galaxy or cluster of galaxies)astronomy natural-sciencesindeclinable neuter
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishnounhalo (luminous border in a photograph around shiny or reflective objects)arts hobbies lifestyle photographyindeclinable neuter
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishnounhalo (metaphorical aura of glory, veneration, or sentiment which surrounds an idealized entity)indeclinable literary neuter
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishintjhello? (greeting used when answering the telephone)
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishintjhello? (call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening, or if a telephone conversation may have been disconnected)
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishnounpublicity given to matters of little importanceindeclinable neuter
Atmospheric phenomenahaloPolishnounvocative singular of halafeminine form-of singular vocative
AutomobilescarétaMacanesenounany kind of vehiclebroadly
AutomobilescarétaMacanesenouna grimace, frown
Automobiles甲殼蟲Chinesenounbeetle (any of numerous species of insect in the order Coleoptera)
Automobiles甲殼蟲ChinesenameAlternative name for 披頭四/披头四 (Pītóusì, “Beatles”).alt-of alternative name
Automobiles甲殼蟲ChinesenameBeetle (car)Mainland-China
Aviationfirst officerEnglishnounThe copilot of an aircraft.
Aviationfirst officerEnglishnounThe chief mate of a merchant ship.
Aviationfirst officerEnglishnounThe executive officer, second in command of a naval vessel.
Aviationfirst officerEnglishnounThe most senior civil servant in the United States Foreign Service, with responsibility for running an embassy under the authority of and reporting to the ambassador.
Aviationfirst officerEnglishnounAir Transport Auxiliary rank corresponding to Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force.
Aviationfirst officerEnglishnounWomen's Royal Naval Service rank corresponding to Lieutenant-Commander in the Royal Navy.
Baby animals羊仔Chinesenounlamb (young caprine)Cantonese Min Northern
Baby animals羊仔Chinesenounsheep; goatHakka Hokkien
BacteriaodmieniecPolishnounweirdo, oddball, odd duck, misfitderogatory masculine person
BacteriaodmieniecPolishnounchangelingarts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesanimal-not-person masculine
BacteriaodmieniecPolishnounsalamander of the family Proteidaeanimal-not-person masculine
BacteriaodmieniecPolishnounbacterium of the genus Proteusanimal-not-person masculine
BarsgaragardotegiBasquenounbeer bar, beer parlourinanimate
BasketballBoomersEnglishnameThe men's national basketball representative team of Australia.
BasketballBoomersEnglishnounplural of Boomerform-of plural
BeddingcodMiddle EnglishnounA seedpod; a plant's natural casing for its seeds.
BeddingcodMiddle EnglishnounA scrotum, ballsack; a case for the testicles.
BeddingcodMiddle EnglishnounA pillow or cushion; a piece of cushioning.
BeddingcodMiddle EnglishnounA sack or pouch; a case for items.rare
BeddingcodMiddle EnglishnounThe gullet, windpipe or esophagus.rare
BeddingcodMiddle EnglishnounThe chest or stomach region.rare
BeddingcodMiddle EnglishnounA ball bearing; a metal ball acting to cushion.rare
BeddingcodMiddle Englishnouncod, codfish
BeerMonte CarloEnglishnameA part of Monaco famous for its casinos.
BeerMonte CarloEnglishnameEllipsis of Monte Carlo method.mathematics sciences statisticsabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
BeerMonte CarloEnglishnounA commonly served drink consisting of beer and grenadine.
BeerMonte CarloEnglishnounAn informal dance competition, where contestants in one quarter of the floor are eliminated by a randomly drawn card representing the corner.
BeesproimbeallanScottish Gaelicnoundrone beemasculine
BeesproimbeallanScottish Gaelicnounbeetlemasculine
BeetlesжучокRussiannoundiminutive of жук (žuk) (small) beetle, bug (insect)animate diminutive form-of
BeetlesжучокRussiannounhome-made electrical fuseinanimate
BeetlesжучокRussiannounbug, wiretap (an electronic intercept device)inanimate
BerriesажынаBelarusiannounblackberry (plant)uncountable
BerriesажынаBelarusiannounblackberry (fruit)countable
BeveragesколаMacedoniannouncar, motorcar, automobile
BeveragesколаMacedoniannouncart, wagon
BeveragesколаMacedoniannounCoca-Cola, a coke, a cola
BeveragesколаMacedoniannouncolabiology botany natural-sciences
BeveragesколаMacedoniannouncount plural of кол m (kol)
BibleIudaHawaiiannameJudas; Jude (biblical characters)
BibleIudaHawaiiannameJude (book of the Bible)
Biblical charactersAndreaItaliannameAndrew (Biblical figure)masculine
Biblical charactersAndreaItaliannamea male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Andrewmasculine
Biblical charactersUriasEnglishnameUriah
Biblical charactersUriasEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew of biblical origin.
Biblical charactersՊօղոսOld ArmeniannounPaul (Biblical character)
Biblical charactersՊօղոսOld Armeniannouna male given name, equivalent to English Paul
Biblical charactersܝܘܣܦAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameJoseph (Biblical figure)
Biblical charactersܝܘܣܦAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea male given name
Biblical charactersܝܘܣܦAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea surname transferred from the given name
Bignonia family plantsChinesecharacterManchurian catalpa (Catalpa bungei)
Bignonia family plantsChinesecharacterEast Asian mallotus (Mallotus japonicus)
Bignonia family plantsChinesecharactergo board
BiochemistrypecticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to pectin or pectin-like substances.not-comparable
BiochemistrypecticEnglishadjRelating to pectic acid or its derivatives.not-comparable
BiologyibridoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of ibridarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishadjcorrupt, bribetakinggovernment politicsVenezuela
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishnounan extortionist or bribe taker (a government official who demands bribes to speed things up)government politicsVenezuela masculine
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishnounOne who sells matracas (wooden rattles)Mexico masculine
BirdsmatraqueroSpanishnouna bird of the genus Manacusmasculine
BirdsratonaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of ratón (“mouse”)feminine form-of
BirdsratonaSpanishnounwren (bird)Argentina feminine
BirdsratonaSpanishverbinflection of ratonar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BirdsratonaSpanishverbinflection of ratonar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BirdsμπούφοςGreeknouneagle owl
BirdsμπούφοςGreeknounfool, stupid personfiguratively
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounA diurnal predatory bird of the family Accipitridae, smaller than an eagle.
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounAny diurnal predatory terrestrial bird of similar size and appearance to the accipitrid hawks, such as a falcon.
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounAny of various species of dragonfly of the genera Apocordulia and Austrocordulia, endemic to Australia.biology entomology natural-sciences
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounAn advocate of aggressive political positions and actions.government politics
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounAn uncooperative or purely-selfish participant in an exchange or game, especially when untrusting, acquisitive or treacherous. Refers specifically to the Prisoner's Dilemma, alias the Hawk-Dove game.computing engineering game-theory mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounCold, sharp or biting wind.US often with-definite-article
Birds of preyhawkEnglishverbTo hunt with a hawk.transitive
Birds of preyhawkEnglishverbTo make an attack while on the wing; to soar and strike like a hawk.intransitive
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounA plasterer's tool, made of a flat surface with a handle below, used to hold an amount of plaster prior to application to the wall or ceiling being worked on: a mortarboard.
Birds of preyhawkEnglishverbTo sell; to offer for sale by outcry in the street; to carry (merchandise) about from place to place for sale; to peddle.transitive
Birds of preyhawkEnglishnounA noisy effort to force up phlegm from the throat.
Birds of preyhawkEnglishverbTo expectorate, to cough up (something, such as mucus) from one's throat; to produce (something) by coughing or clearing one's throat.intransitive transitive
Birds of preyhawkEnglishverbTo try to cough up something from one's throat; to clear the throat loudly; to cough heavily, especially causing uvular frication.intransitive transitive
Birds of preyçaylakTurkishnounkite (bird)
Birds of preyçaylakTurkishnounbeggar
Birds of preyçaylakTurkishnounnewbie
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishnoundiaphragm (sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen)anatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishnoundiaphragm (contraceptive device consisting of a flexible cup)masculine
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishnoundiaphragm (thin, opaque structure with a central aperture)arts hobbies lifestyle photographymasculine
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishnoundiaphragm (vibrating membrane in a speaker)masculine
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishnoundiaphragm (membrane that separates one cavity from another)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishnoundiaphragm (flexible membrane separating two chambers)engineering mechanical-engineering mechanics natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishverbinflection of diafragmar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
Birth controldiafragmaSpanishverbinflection of diafragmar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BluescelesteSpanishadjpale blue, sky bluefeminine masculine
BluescelesteSpanishadjheavenlyfeminine masculine
BluescelesteSpanishnounpale blue, sky bluemasculine
BluescelesteSpanishnouna fan, player, or other person associated with Celta de Vigo, a football team from the Spanish town of Vigoball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsby-personal-gender feminine masculine
BluescelesteSpanishnounthe nickname for the Uruguay National Football Teamball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Bluesआस्मानीMarathiadjsky-blue (color/colour)
Board gamesશેતરંજGujaratinounchess
Board gamesશેતરંજGujaratinounshatranj
Bodies of waterໜອງLaonounlake, pond
Bodies of waterໜອງLaonounswamp, bog, marsh
Bodies of waterໜອງLaonounpus
Bodily fluidsGalleGermannounbile, gallfeminine
Bodily fluidsGalleGermannoungallbladdercolloquial feminine
Bodily fluidsGalleGermannounabnormal swellingbiology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologyfeminine
Bodily fluidsGalleGermannoungall (like that caused by the gall wasp)biology botany medicine natural-sciences pathology phytopathology sciencesfeminine
Bodily fluidsbaveraCatalannounbevorfeminine historical
Bodily fluidsbaveraCatalannouncopious droolBalearic feminine
Bodily fluidshumorPortuguesenounmood (mental state)masculine
Bodily fluidshumorPortuguesenounhumour; bodily fluidmasculine
Bodily fluidshumorPortuguesenounhumour (one of the four basic bodily fluids in humourism)historical masculine
Bodily fluidshumorPortuguesenounhumour (quality of being comical)masculine
Bodily fluidslingetPangasinannounsweat; perspiration
Bodily fluidslingetPangasinannounto sweat; to perspire
Bodily fluidsorinarSpanishverbto urinate, to peeintransitive
Bodily fluidsorinarSpanishverbto urinate upontransitive
Bodily fluidsspewenMiddle EnglishverbTo spew (regurgitate partially-digested food)
Bodily fluidsspewenMiddle EnglishverbTo spit (eject spit from the mouth)
Bodily functionsbąkKashubiannounbumblebee or other buzzing insectanimal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkKashubiannounchild, little oneanimal-not-person humorous masculine
Bodily functionsbąkKashubiannounspinning top (toy)animal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsbąkKashubiannoungas; fartanimal-not-person masculine
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounSolid excretory product evacuated from the bowels; feces.colloquial countable uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounThe act of shitting.colloquial countable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounRubbish; worthless matter.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounStuff, things.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnoun(the shit) The best of its kind.US colloquial definite uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounGenitalia, especially male.slang uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounNonsense; bullshit.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounA nasty, despicable person, used particularly of men.colloquial countable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnoun(in negations) Anything.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounThe smallest amount of concern or consideration.colloquial countable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounA problem or difficult situation.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounA strong rebuke.colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounAny recreational drug (e.g. cannabis, heroin, etc.).colloquial uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishnounAnything exceptional or remarkable.slang uncountable usually vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishadjOf poor quality; worthless.colloquial vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishadjNasty; despicable.colloquial vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishverbTo defecate.colloquial intransitive vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishverbTo excrete (something) through the anus.colloquial transitive vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishverbTo defecate on; to soil through defecating.colloquial reflexive transitive vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishverbTo fool or try to fool someone; to be deceitful.colloquial transitive vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishverbTo annoy.Australia Ireland New-Zealand UK colloquial transitive vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishintjExpression of worry, failure, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishintjUsed to show displeasure or surprise.vulgar
Bodily functionsshitEnglishintjUsed for mere emphasis; heck, hey.vulgar
Body artindustrialPolishnounindustrial architecture (objects of industrial and post-industrial architecture)architectureinanimate masculine
Body artindustrialPolishnounindustrial art (aesthetic current in art looking for inspiration in forms associated with industrial civilization)art artsinanimate masculine
Body artindustrialPolishnounindustrial music (noisy, experimental genre of music with transgressive themes)inanimate masculine
Body artindustrialPolishnounindustrial piercing (piercing, especially of the upper ear cartilage, in which two pierced holes are connected with a single straight piece of jewelry)inanimate masculine slang
Body partskinatawoCebuanonounnature of a person; inborn character and inherent tendencies
Body partskinatawoCebuanonoungenitalia; penis, vulvaeuphemistic
BonesgrätigGermanadjbony (especially of fish)
BonesgrätigGermanadjgrumpy (in a bad mood)
Bonesкоа̄ҏҏтKildin Saminounstap or rein made from sealskindialectal obsolete
Bonesкоа̄ҏҏтKildin Saminounplaying carddialectal obsolete
Bonesкоа̄ҏҏтKildin Saminouncard (comb- or brush-like device or tool to raise the nap on a fabric)dialectal obsolete
BonesسوموكOttoman Turkishnounmucus, snot, snivel, a viscous, slippery secretion from the lining of the mucous membranes
BonesسوموكOttoman Turkishnounbone, any of the components of an endoskeleton consisting of calcium phosphate and collagen
BookstruyệnVietnamesenounSynonym of chuyện (“story; tale”)obsolete
BookstruyệnVietnamesenouna storybook, usually a novel, a comic book or a graphic novel
BovinesjakDutchnounyak, the ox-like Himalayan bovine, Bos grunniensmasculine
BovinesjakDutchnountight upper body garmentneuter
Bovinestarbh-allaidhScottish Gaelicnounbison, buffalomasculine
Bovinestarbh-allaidhScottish Gaelicnounany wild bovine animalmasculine
BrazilCPFPortuguesenounan identification number of a natural person in BrazilBrazil masculine
BrazilCPFPortuguesenouna card formerly issued in Brazil with the CPF numberBrazil masculine
BrazilquartaEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of dry measure, equal to 3.2–4.8 L in different 19th-century contexts.historical
BrazilquartaEnglishnounA traditional Portuguese unit of mass, usually equivalent to 115 g.historical
Breadssour doghMiddle Englishnounleaven (agent that makes dough rise)uncountable
Breadssour doghMiddle Englishnounleavened breadbroadly uncountable
Breakfast cerealsuwdWelshnounporridge, oatmealmasculine uncountable usually
Breakfast cerealsuwdWelshnounpottagemasculine uncountable usually
Breakfast cerealsuwdWelshnounpap, pulpmasculine uncountable usually
BrownschamoisEnglishnounA short-horned goat antelope native to mountainous terrain in southern Europe; Rupicapra rupicapra.countable uncountable
BrownschamoisEnglishnounShort for chamois leather (“soft pliable leather originally made from the skin of chamois (nowadays the hides of deer, sheep, and other species of goat are alternatively used)”).abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
BrownschamoisEnglishnounThe traditional colour of chamois leather.countable uncountable
BrownschamoisEnglishnounAn absorbent cloth used for cleaning and polishing, formerly made of chamois leather.countable uncountable
BrownschamoisEnglishnounA padded insert which protects the groin from the bicycle saddle.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
BrownschamoisEnglishverbTo clean with a chamois leather cloth.transitive
BuddhismBudaPortuguesenameBuddha (founder of Buddhism)masculine
BuddhismBudaPortuguesenameBuda (the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Hungary, and area of the modern city of Budapest, Hungary)feminine
BuildingsbudaPolishnoundoghouse, kennel (shelter for a dog)feminine
BuildingsbudaPolishnouncabin, shed (temporary structure to shelter something)derogatory feminine usually
BuildingsbudaPolishnounschool (institution dedicated to teaching and learning)educationcolloquial feminine
BuildingsbudaPolishnoungoal (area into which the players attempt to put an object)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsfeminine informal
BuildingscleveMiddle EnglishnounAn abode or home; where someone resides.rare
BuildingscleveMiddle EnglishnounA granary.rare
BuildingscleveMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of cleven (“to split”)alt-of alternative
BuildingscleveMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of cleven (“to stick”)alt-of alternative
BuildingsmielcuchPolishnounmalthouseinanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingsmielcuchPolishnounbreweryinanimate masculine obsolete
BuildingsvacariaPortuguesenounbyre, cowshedfeminine
BuildingsvacariaPortuguesenounan establishment where cows are milked in front of costumersfeminine
BuildingsvacariaPortuguesenouna cattle farm established by the Jesuits in South Americafeminine historical
BuildingsvacariaPortugueseverbfirst/third-person singular conditional of vacarconditional first-person form-of singular third-person
BuildingsαμφιθέατροGreeknounamphitheatre (UK), amphitheater (US)
BuildingsαμφιθέατροGreeknounlecture theatre, lecture hall
BuildingsܕܝܪܐClassical Syriacnoundwelling, habitation
BuildingsܕܝܪܐClassical Syriacnounmonastery, convent
BuildingsܕܝܪܐClassical Syriacnounlodge
BuildingsܕܝܪܐClassical Syriacnouncote, fold
BuildingsܕܝܪܐClassical Syriacnounden
BuildingsܕܝܪܐClassical Syriacnoundweller, inhabitant
BuildingsܩܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounnest, rookery
BuildingsܩܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounkernel of a nut
BuildingsܩܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfamily
BuildingsܩܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbto earn, gain, obtain
BuildingsܩܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbto own, possess
BuildingsܩܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbto win
BuildingsਡਾਕPunjabinounpost, mail
Buildings and structureswurleyEnglishnounAn Australian indigenous shelter made from small branches with the leaves still attached.Australia South
Buildings and structureswurleyEnglishnounA settlement made up of such shelters.Australia South broadly
Buildings and structuresбранаSerbo-Croatiannoundam
Buildings and structuresбранаSerbo-Croatiannounharrow
Burialశ్మశానముTelugunounA cemetery or graveyard.
Burialశ్మశానముTelugunounA place where the dead are buried.
Burmese cardinal numbersသိန်းBurmesenumhundred thousand
Burmese cardinal numbersသိန်းBurmesenamea unisex given name
BusinessbiznisHaitian Creolenounbusiness
BusinessbiznisHaitian Creoleadjbusiness
Buttercup family plantstroed y golomenWelshnouncolumbine, granny's bonnet (Aquilegia vulgaris)feminine masculine uncountable
Buttercup family plantstroed y golomenWelshnoundove's-foot crane's-bill (Geranium molle)feminine masculine uncountable
Cakes and pastriesulleresCatalannounplural of ullera (“monocular”)form-of plural
Cakes and pastriesulleresCatalannounspectacles, glassesfeminine plural plural-only
Cakes and pastriesulleresCatalannounbags, rings (dark circles under the eyes)feminine plural plural-only
Cakes and pastriesulleresCatalannounpalmiercooking food lifestylefeminine plural plural-only
Cakes and pastriesvacherinFrenchnounvacherinmasculine
Cakes and pastriesvacherinFrenchnouna kind of cake made with meringue and cream or ice creammasculine
CalendarอธิกมาสThainounleap month.
CalendarอธิกมาสThainounleap year.
Calendarနေ့Burmesenounday (twenty-four hours)
California, USAサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fe
California, USAサンタフェJapanesenameSanta Fé (a municipality of Paraná, Brazil)
Calligraphy發筆Chineseverbto start writing a stroke of a Chinese characterarts calligraphy communications journalism literature media publishing writingChinese Xiang
Calligraphy發筆Chineseverbto soak a new calligraphy brush in water to soften the bristlesXiang
Calligraphy發筆Chineseverbto take up the pen for the first time in a new yearXiang
Canada渡加Japanesenoungoing to Canada
Canada渡加Japaneseverbto go to Canada
Card gamestrumfyCzechnounnominative/accusative/vocative/instrumental plural of trumfaccusative form-of instrumental nominative plural vocative
Card gamestrumfyCzechnountrump (US), trumps (UK) (suit)inanimate masculine plural
Catalan cardinal numbersuCatalannounthe Latin letter U (lowercase u)feminine
Catalan cardinal numbersuCatalannounonemasculine
CatfishبياضArabicnounwhiteness, whiteuncountable usually
CatfishبياضArabicnoungap in a text, empty spaceuncountable usually
CatfishبياضArabicnounwhite leadrare uncountable usually
CatfishبياضArabicnounleprosyobsolete uncountable usually
CatfishبياضArabicnounBagrus bajad, a species or genus of bagrid catfishuncountable usually
CatfishبياضArabicnountrevally (fish of the Carangidae fam. and spp. and particularly Caranx and Carangoides)uncountable usually
CatfishبياضArabicnounConvulvulus lanatusuncountable usually
CatfishبياضArabicnounbleacher of clothes
CatfishبياضArabicnounseller of eggs
CatfishبياضArabicnounwhite soil
CatfishبياضArabicnounmule, body pusher, one whose occupation it is to smuggle controlled substances in his tewelslang
CatslolcatEnglishnounAn image macro of, usually, a kitten or a cat with a humorous caption.Internet neologism
CatslolcatEnglishnounThe deliberately misspelled and grammatically quirky form of English associated with such images' captions.Internet neologism uncountable
CattlekineEnglishnounplural of cowarchaic dialectal form-of plural
CattlekineEnglishnounThe unit velocity in the CGS system, equal to one centimeter per second.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
CavingspelunkerEnglishnounOne who explores caves; one who spelunks.Canada US
CavingspelunkerEnglishnounAn amateur or inadequately prepared caver.derogatory
Celestial bodiesIunoLatinnameJuno, queen of the gods, patron of rulers and childbirth, equivalent to the Greek Hera.human-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciencesRoman declension-3
Celestial bodiesIunoLatinnameJuno, a Main Belt asteroid.New-Latin declension-3
ChairssellaLatinnounseat, chair (one that is moveable unlike a sedīle)declension-1 feminine
ChairssellaLatinnounA kind of open or enclosed sedan chairdeclension-1 feminine historical
ChairssellaLatinnounsaddleLate-Latin declension-1 feminine
ChairssellaLatinnounstooldeclension-1 feminine
ChairsstolsdynaSwedishnouna chair cushion (cushion on a chair)common-gender
ChairsstolsdynaSwedishnouna chair cushion (cushion on a chair) / a seat cushioncommon-gender
CheesesprovoloneItaliannounAugmentative of provolaaugmentative form-of masculine
CheesesprovoloneItaliannounprovolone (semi-hard cheese made of whole milk from cows)masculine
CheesesხაჭოGeorgiannouncurd (part of milk that coagulates)
CheesesხაჭოGeorgiannounquark (soft creamy cheese)
Chemical elements黃金Chinesenoungold
Chemical elements黃金Chinesenounmoneyliterary
Chemical elements黃金Chinesenouncopperobsolete
Chemical elements黃金Chinesenounpoophumorous
Chemical elements黃金Chineseadjgolden; bestattributive figuratively
Chemistry鹸化Japaneseverbto saponify
ChessگھوڑاUrdunounknightboard-games chess games
ChessകാലാൾMalayalamnounpawnboard-games chess games
ChessകാലാൾMalayalamnounfoot soldier; infantryman
ChildrendrengrOld Norsenouna valiant, gallant, chivalrous manmasculine
ChildrendrengrOld Norsenounlad, youth, a boy.masculine
ChildrendrengrOld Norsenounone who is bold, reckless, or inexperienced.masculine
Chinese era names洪憲Chinesenamethe Hongxian Emperor, also known as Yuan Shikai; the only emperor of the short-lived Empire of China, which lasted from December 1915 until March 1916historical
Chinese era names洪憲Chinesenamethe Hongxian era (a Chinese era name; the era of that emperor's reign)historical
ChristianityMassEnglishnounThe principal liturgical service of the Church, encompassing both a scripture service (Liturgy of the Word) and a eucharistic service (Liturgy of the Eucharist), which includes the consecration and oblation (offering) of the host and wine.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismcountable uncountable
ChristianityMassEnglishnounA similar ceremony offered by a number of Christian churches.countable uncountable
ChristianityMassEnglishnounA musical composition set to portions, or all, of the Mass.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
ChristianityMassEnglishnameAbbreviation of Massachusetts.abbreviation alt-of
ChristianityMassEnglishnameAlternative form of Masalt-of alternative
Christianityanjo da guardaPortuguesenounguardian angellifestyle religionmasculine
Christianityanjo da guardaPortuguesenounguardian angel (a person who benevolently watches over another)figuratively masculine
ChristianityκοινόβιοςAncient Greekadjliving in community with others
ChristianityκοινόβιοςAncient Greekadjlife in communityneuter noun-from-verb
ChristianityκοινόβιοςAncient Greekadjmonasteryneuter noun-from-verb
Cinematographyefekty specjalnePolishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see efekt, specjalny.plural
Cinematographyefekty specjalnePolishnounspecial effects (effects that cannot be reasonably achieved by normal means, as for example by the digital manipulation of previously filmed footage)broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theater video-gamesplural
CircuspisteFrenchnountrack or trail (left by an animal or person)feminine
CircuspisteFrenchnountrack (road or other similar beaten path)feminine
CircuspisteFrenchnounlead, hint (e.g. in a police investigation)feminine figuratively
CircuspisteFrenchnounrunwayaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
CircuspisteFrenchnountrack (on a recording)entertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
CircuspisteFrenchnounring in a circusfeminine
CircuspisteFrenchnounfloor (various activities such as dancing, skating, or fencing)feminine
CircuspisteFrenchnounpistehobbies lifestyle skiing sportsfeminine
CircuspisteFrenchverbinflection of pister: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
CircuspisteFrenchverbinflection of pister: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Citrus subfamily plantstangerineEnglishnounA slightly ovoid, orange-coloured citrus fruit with a rough peel and a sour-sweet taste which is larger than a clementine and sometimes classed as a variety of mandarin orange.
Citrus subfamily plantstangerineEnglishnounA deep yellowish-orange colour, like that of a tangerine fruit.
Citrus subfamily plantstangerineEnglishnounA tree that produces tangerines.
Citrus subfamily plantstangerineEnglishadjOf a deep yellowish-orange colour.
ClimbingkarabinaCzechnouncarbine (a weapon similar to a rifle but shorter in length)feminine
ClimbingkarabinaCzechnouncarabiner (a metal link with a gate)feminine
ClothingMantelGermannouncoat, overcoat (long jacket that covers at least part of the thighs)masculine strong
ClothingMantelGermannouncoating, casing, jacket, e.g. in technical applications or bakingmasculine strong
ClothingalbornozSpanishnounbathrobeSpain masculine
ClothingchumpiQuechuanounbelt, girdle, sash
ClothingchumpiQuechuanounbelts of energy surrounding the body
ClothingfelpaItaliannounplush, fleecebusiness manufacturing textilesfeminine
ClothingfelpaItalianverbinflection of felpare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ClothingfelpaItalianverbinflection of felpare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ClothingmallaCatalannounmesh, nettingfeminine
ClothingmallaCatalannountights, leggingsfeminine in-plural
ClothingmallaCatalannounmailfeminine historical
ClothingmallaCatalannountype of coin worth half a dinerfeminine
ClothingmallaCatalannounpellitory (Parietaria officinalis)feminine
ClothingmallaCatalanverbinflection of mallar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ClothingmallaCatalanverbinflection of mallar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ClothingmustangPolishnounmustang (small, hardy, naturalized (feral) horse of the North American west)animal-not-person masculine
ClothingmustangPolishnounFord Mustang caranimal-not-person masculine
ClothingmustangPolishnounjeans or shoes by Mustang Holdinganimal-not-person masculine plural-normally
ClothingspongebagsEnglishnounFormal trousers.UK slang uncountable
ClothingspongebagsEnglishnounplural of spongebagform-of plural
ClothingüberziehenGermanverbto put on (an article of clothing etc.) (over something else)class-2 strong
ClothingüberziehenGermanverbto hit, to whackclass-2 strong
ClothingüberziehenGermanverbto cover or overlayclass-2 strong
ClothingüberziehenGermanverbto overdrawbusiness financeclass-2 strong
ClothingüberziehenGermanverbto overrun, to run overclass-2 strong
ClothingանդրավարտիքArmeniannoundrawers, underpants, leggings
ClothingանդրավարտիքArmeniannountrousers, pants
Clothingগেঞ্জিBengalinounguernsey (a type of knitted woolen sweater)historical obsolete
Clothingগেঞ্জিBengalinounundershirt, T-shirtmodern
CnidariansörlogsmanSwedishnounman-of-war (powerful armed vessel)nautical transportcommon-gender historical
CnidariansörlogsmanSwedishnounPortuguese man-of-war, Physalia physaliscommon-gender
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounAlternative form of flattyalt-of alternative
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA flattie spider, generally in the family Selenopidae, so called because of its flattened, sprawling shape.arachnology biology natural-sciences zoologyinformal
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA flat white (type of coffee).informal
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA flat marinated cut of meat.South-Africa
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA flat store.slang
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA flat-bottomed sloop-rigged sharpie.
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA traditional two-dimensional motion picture, as opposed to a deepie.informal
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA flat earther.Internet
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounThe operator of a flat joint, or crooked gambling operation.slang
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA Flat-coated Retriever.informal
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA person with a flat chest, i.e., without breasts.informal
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA navel that is neither protruding nor sunken.informal
CoffeeflattieEnglishnounA flatmate.informal
CoinsUNCEnglishadjAbbreviation of uncirculated.abbreviation alt-of not-comparable
CoinsUNCEnglishnameInitialism of Uniform Naming Convention, a syntax to describe the location of a network resource.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
CoinsUNCEnglishnameInitialism of University of North Carolina.abbreviation alt-of initialism
CoinsUNCEnglishnameInitialism of United Nations Command.abbreviation alt-of initialism
CoinsmoneyerEnglishnounSynonym of moneylender, one who loans money to others at interest.archaic
CoinsmoneyerEnglishnounA minter: one who makes money, particularly (historical) the superintendent of a mint producing coinage.
CoinsrestrikeEnglishnounThe striking again of a key, for example on a piano.
CoinsrestrikeEnglishnounA coin newly struck from old dies after the original minting of that coin had ceased.hobbies lifestyle numismatics
CoinsrestrikeEnglishnounThe reignition of the arc in an arc lamp.
CoinsrestrikeEnglishverbTo strike again.transitive
CoinsrestrikeEnglishverbTo strike a coin from old dies after the original minting of that coin had ceased.
CoinsrestrikeEnglishverbTo reignite the arc in an arc lamp.
CoinssestertiusLatinnounsesterce (small coin worth 2 and a half asses, later 4 asses)declension-2
CoinssestertiusLatinnountwo and a half (only in certain phrases)declension-2
CoinsسکہUrdunouncoin; medal
CoinsسکہUrdunouna certain currency used in the Mughal Empire, sicca
CoinsسکہUrdunounstamp, seal, die
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounA Christian house of worship; a building where Christian religious services take place.Christianitycountable
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounChristians collectively seen as a single spiritual community; Christianity; Christendom.countable uncountable
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounA local group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs, local or general.countable
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounA particular denomination of Christianity.countable
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounChristian worship held at a church; service.countable uncountable
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounOrganized religion in general or a specific religion considered as a political institution.uncountable
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounAny religious group or place of worship; a temple.countable informal uncountable
CollectiveschurchEnglishnounAssembly.countable obsolete uncountable
CollectiveschurchEnglishverbTo conduct a religious service for (a woman after childbirth, or a newly married couple).Christianityhistorical transitive
CollectiveschurchEnglishverbTo educate someone religiously, as in in a church.transitive
CollectiveschurchEnglishintjUsed to express strong agreement.slang
CollectivesdyrekcjaPolishnoundirectorate (agency headed by a director)feminine
CollectivesdyrekcjaPolishnounoffice (of a directorate)feminine
CollectivesdyrekcjaPolishnounthe managerial body of a schoolfeminine
CollectivesdyrekcjaPolishnounmanagerial dutiesfeminine singular singular-only
CollectivesdyrekcjaPolishnounhomeschoolingarchaic feminine
CollectivesdyrekcjaPolishnoundirection (orientation in space)feminine obsolete
Collectives國家隊Chinesenounnational sports team
Collectives國家隊Chinesenoungovernment-backed investors in stock marketeconomics sciencesMainland-China slang
Collectives社團Chinesenounnon-governmental organization (NGO) which is organized by private citizens for cultural, academic or public welfare purposes; association; society; civic organization
Collectives社團Chinesenoungang; mafiaslang
ColorscítricoSpanishadjgreenish yellow in colour
ColorscítricoSpanishnouncitrus fruitmasculine
ColorscítricoSpanishnoungreenish yellowmasculine
Colorskü̂ökKhalajadjAlternative form of kö̂k (“green, blue”)alt-of alternative
Colorskü̂ökKhalajnounAlternative form of kö̂k (“sky, heaven”)alt-of alternative
ColorsnsunduZuluconjdark brownrelative
ColorsnsunduZuluconjblack (skin colour)relative
Colorsਸਫ਼ੈਦPunjabiadjunbleached, undyed
Colorsਸਫ਼ੈਦPunjabiadjblank (of paper)
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounThe act of combining, the state of being combined or the result of combining.countable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounAn object formed by combining.countable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounA sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock.countable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounOne or more elements selected from a set without regard to the order of selection.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounAn association or alliance of people for some common purpose.countable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounA shot where the cue ball hits a ball that strikes another ball on the table.ball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounA motorcycle and sidecar.countable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounA rapid sequence of punches or strikes in boxing or other combat sports.countable uncountable
CombinatoricscombinationEnglishnounAn advantageous sequence of forcing or nearly forcing moves, often initiated with a sacrifice.board-games chess gamescountable uncountable
ComedyclownishEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of a circus clown; comical, ridiculous.
ComedyclownishEnglishadjPertaining to peasants; rustic.archaic
ComedyclownishEnglishadjUncultured, boorish; rough, coarse.archaic
ComedycomediaSpanishnouncomedybroadcasting drama dramaturgy entertainment film lifestyle media television theaterfeminine
ComedycomediaSpanishnouncomedy (entertainment)feminine
ComedycomediaSpanishnounsoap operafeminine
ComedysarcasmEnglishnounUse of acerbic language to mock or convey contempt, often using irony and (in speech) often marked by overemphasis and sneering.uncountable
ComedysarcasmEnglishnounAn individual act of the above.countable
CommelinidsluhodluhodCebuanonounthe climbing dayflower (Commelina diffusa)
CommelinidsluhodluhodCebuanonounthe flowers of this plant
CommunicationseñaSpanishnounsign, indicationfeminine
CommunicationseñaSpanishverbinflection of señar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
CommunicationseñaSpanishverbinflection of señar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Compass pointsbaratIbannounwest (compass point)
Compass pointsbaratIbanadjwest (towards the west)
Compass pointsbaratIbanadjwest (western)
Compass pointsbaratIbanadjwest (occidental)
Compass pointsthuaidhIrishadjnortherly, to the north
Compass pointsthuaidhIrishadjnorth, northern
Compass pointsthuaidhIrishadvin the north
ComputingклавішаUkrainiannounkey (in musical instruments, lever used to select a note)entertainment lifestyle music
ComputingклавішаUkrainiannounkey (one of several small, usually square buttons on a typewriter, computer keyboard, etc.)
Conspiracy theoriesSpygateEnglishnameThe 2007 National Football League videotaping controversy.
Conspiracy theoriesSpygateEnglishnameThe 2007 Formula One espionage controversy.
Conspiracy theoriesSpygateEnglishnameA conspiracy theory claiming that Barack Obama's administration planted a spy in Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.government politicsUS neologism
Constellationsهفت اورنگPersiannamethe Big Dipper
Constellationsهفت اورنگPersiannameHaft Awrang, the seven masnavis of the fifteenth-century poet Jami
ConstellationsܥܝܘܬܐClassical SyriacnameAldebaranastronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsܥܝܘܬܐClassical Syriacnameother senses: Capella, Orion, Pleiades, Hyadesastronomy natural-sciences
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnounlion
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnounthe zodiacal sign Leo or its lagnaastrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnounhero, eminent person
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnouna particular form of temple
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnouna particular place prepared for the building of a house
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnouna Moringa with red flowers
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnouna kind of tuneentertainment lifestyle music
Constellations in the zodiacसिंहSanskritnounthe symbol or emblem of the 24th arhat of the present avasarpini
ConstructionガルバJapanesenounShort for ガールズバー.abbreviation alt-of
ConstructionガルバJapanesenounShort for ガルバリウム.abbreviation alt-of
ContainersbocchettaItaliannounsmall bottlefeminine
ContainersπέλλαAncient Greeknounwooden bowl, milk pail
ContainersπέλλαAncient Greeknouna kind of drinking-cup
ContainersπέλλαAncient GreeknounHesychius gives the definition as: λίθος (líthos, “stone”).
ContainersມວຍLaonounbamboo basket for steaming rice
CookingπαπουτσάκιGreeknoundiminutive of παπούτσι (papoútsi, “shoe”)diminutive form-of
CookingπαπουτσάκιGreeknounGreek style baked stuffed aubergine (UK), eggplant (US)cooking food lifestyle
Cookingလှော်Burmeseverbto row or paddle (a boat)
Cookingလှော်Burmeseverbto roast
Cookingလှော်Burmeseverbto importune somebody on someone's behalf
CorruptionkurakotTagalogadjcorrupt (usually in government and politics)informal usually
CorruptionkurakotTagalogadjstolen; taken surreptitiously (especially by government officials)informal usually
CorruptionkurakotTagalognounact of stealing (as a government official)informal usually
CorruptionkurakotTagalognounsomething stolen (by a government official)informal usually
CorvidsOkinawancharacterJinmeiyō kanji no-gloss
CorvidsOkinawannouncrow, raven
Corvoid birdsskałowronPolishnounAustralian mudnester (any bird of the family Corcoracidae)animal-not-person masculine
Corvoid birdsskałowronPolishnounwhite-winged chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos)animal-not-person masculine
CotingasrupicoleFrenchnouncock-of-the-rock (Rupicola)masculine
Countries in EuropeSoviet UnionEnglishnameEllipsis of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Countries in EuropeSoviet UnionEnglishnameThe Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.informal
CraftswickerworkEnglishnounA thing or things made of wicker.uncountable usually
CraftswickerworkEnglishnounThe craft of making things out of wicker:.uncountable usually
Cranes (birds)журавльRussiannouncrane (bird)animate
Cranes (birds)журавльRussiannounsweep, swape, shadoof (a traditional crane-like device with a lever arm used to lift buckets of water from a well)inanimate
CrimedrogistaTagalognoundruggist; pharmacist; drugmaker (pharmaceutical manufacturer)
CrimedrogistaTagalognoundrug dealer; drug pusher; drugmaker (dealer or producer of illegal psychoactive substance)
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto roll out, to unfurl, to unravel (to spread over different places by dragging, to stretch over a large area by dragging)perfective transitive
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto spread germsmedicine sciencesperfective transitive
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto loot, to plunder, to stealperfective transitive
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto pad out (to add something extra to something to make it appear more substantial)perfective transitive
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto get rolled out, to get unfurled, to get unraveled (to get spread over different places by dragging, to stretch over a large area by dragging)perfective reflexive
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto get spread over a large territorymedicine sciencesperfective reflexive
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto take too much timeperfective reflexive
CrimerozwlecPolishverbto become desultory, to become rambling (to get too long and digressing)perfective reflexive
CrystalcrystallizeEnglishverb(chemistry, physics) to make something form into crystalstransitive
CrystalcrystallizeEnglishverbto assume a crystalline formintransitive
CrystalcrystallizeEnglishverbto give something a definite or precise formtransitive
CrystalcrystallizeEnglishverbto take a definite formintransitive
CrystalcrystallizeEnglishverbto coat something with crystals, especially with sugartransitive
CultureapmereEastern ArrerntenounAboriginal land, "country"
CultureapmereEastern Arrerntenouncamp or place
Currencies원화Koreannounwon, the currency of Korea
Currencies원화Koreannounoriginal piece of artwork
CurrencyasSpanishnounan ace (in a game of cards)card-games gamesmasculine
CurrencyasSpanishnounan ace, a hotshot (somebody very proficient at an activity)masculine
CurrencyasSpanishnounan as (a Roman coin)masculine
Currencyမတ်Burmeseadjsteep, upright, vertical
Currencyမတ်Burmeseverbto right, make right
Currencyမတ်Burmesenounbrother-in-law, specifically younger sister's husband, or husband's younger brother
Currencyမတ်Burmesenouna quarter of a monetary unit (e.g., kyat, dollar)
Currencyမတ်Burmesenounmat, a former Burmese coin equal to 25 pya (a quarter of a kyat)historical
Currencyမတ်Burmesenounmark (currency unit)
CutlerystrawEnglishnounA dried stalk of a cereal plant.countable
CutlerystrawEnglishnounSuch dried stalks considered collectively; this bulk matter may be a chief salable product, a by-product, fodder, bedding, or green manure, depending on region and on current market conditions.uncountable
CutlerystrawEnglishnounA drinking straw.countable
CutlerystrawEnglishnounA pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.countable uncommon uncountable
CutlerystrawEnglishnounAnything proverbially worthless; the least possible thing.countable figuratively uncountable
CutlerystrawEnglishnounA straw ownercountable uncountable
CutlerystrawEnglishadjMade of straw.not-comparable
CutlerystrawEnglishadjOf a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.not-comparable
CutlerystrawEnglishadjImaginary, but presented as real.figuratively not-comparable
CutlerystrawEnglishverbTo lay straw around plants to protect them from frost.
CutlerystrawEnglishverbTo sell straws on the streets in order to cover the giving to the purchaser of things usually banned, such as pornography.obsolete slang
Cuts of meatfatbackEnglishnounA layer of fat, along the back of a pig, used as a cut of meat or to make lardUS
Cuts of meatfatbackEnglishnounA fish, the menhaden.
Cyrillic letter namesэмRussiannounThe Cyrillic letter М, м.indeclinable
Cyrillic letter namesэмRussiannounThe Roman letter M, m.indeclinable
Dabbling duckssplit-tailEnglishnounA California fish (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) of the carp family.
Dabbling duckssplit-tailEnglishnounThe pintail duck.
Dabbling duckssplit-tailEnglishnounA woman.government military politics warUS offensive possibly slang
Dairy productsսերուցքArmeniannouncream (dairy product)
Dairy productsսերուցքArmeniannouncream (best part of something)figuratively
DancesalunelRomaniannoundiminutive of alundiminutive form-of masculine
DancesalunelRomaniannouna folk dancemasculine
DancesalunelRomaniannounmole (pigmented spot on the skin)masculine
DancessundanceEnglishnounAny of various Native American religious rituals with song, dance, praying, etc.
DancessundanceEnglishnounGaillardia pulchella, a flowering plant of southern US, from Arizona to Florida, and northern Mexico.
Days of the week七曜Japanesenounthe seven luminaries (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn)
Days of the week七曜Japanesenounthe seven days of the week
DeathexpirerFrenchverbto breathe outtransitive
DeathexpirerFrenchverbto expire, run outintransitive
DeathexpirerFrenchverbto pass away (die)intransitive
DeathmrchaCzechnouncarcass, carrionfeminine obsolete
DeathmrchaCzechnounbitch (objectionable woman)derogatory feminine offensive vulgar
DeathumwhileScotsadjerstwhile, former, late, deceasedarchaic not-comparable
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknoundestruction, ruin / death (especially by some divine act, as pestilence)
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknoundestruction, ruin / loss by death
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknoundestruction, ruin
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknounpassing out of existence, ceasing to behuman-sciences philosophy sciences
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknoundeterioration
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknoundeterioration / loss by deterioration, damage
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknounseduction
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknounseduction / rape
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknounabortion, miscarriage
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknoungradation of colors in painting
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknounwasting away
DeathφθοράAncient Greeknounthe tossings of a storm, shipwrecks
DeathсдохнутьRussianverbto die (of livestock, cattle; battery)
DeathсдохнутьRussianverbto croak (to die)derogatory slang
DeathมฤตยูThaiadjdeadly; fatal.
DeathมฤตยูThaiadvdeadly; fatally.
DeathมฤตยูThainoungod of death.
DeathมฤตยูThainounthe planet Uranus.astronomy natural-sciences
Death狂死Japanesenoundying insane; a death marked by madness
Death狂死Japaneseverbto die insane
DemonymsBri'ishEnglishnounPronunciation spelling of British.alt-of humorous plural plural-only pronunciation-spelling
DemonymsBri'ishEnglishnameBritish Englishhumorous
DemonymsBri'ishEnglishadjPronunciation spelling of British.alt-of humorous pronunciation-spelling
DemonymsEmiratiEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the United Arab Emirates.not-comparable
DemonymsEmiratiEnglishnounA person born in, or a citizen or inhabitant of, the United Arab Emirates.
DemonymsEmiratiEnglishnounA person descended ethnically from the Arab people of the United Arab Emirates.
DemonymsHatranEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the culture of Hatra, the capital of the small kingdom of Araba.
DemonymsHatranEnglishnouna native or inhabitant of Hatra, the capital of the small kingdom of Araba.
DemonymsHatranEnglishnameThe extinct dialect of Middle Aramaic spoken in Hatra and Assur from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century CE..
DemonymsIvorianEnglishnounA person from Côte d'Ivoire or of Ivorian descent.
DemonymsIvorianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Côte d'Ivoire or the Ivorian people.not-comparable
DemonymsMimantianEnglishadjAlternative form of Mimanteanalt-of alternative
DemonymsMimantianEnglishnounAlternative form of Mimanteanalt-of alternative
DemonymsNova ScotianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.not-comparable
DemonymsNova ScotianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Nova Scotia, Canada.
DemonymsReichenauerGermannouna native or inhabitant of Reichenaumasculine strong
DemonymsReichenauerGermanadjReichenauindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsRothenburgerGermannounA native or resident of Rothenburgmasculine strong
DemonymsRothenburgerGermanadjof Rothenburgindeclinable no-predicative-form relational
DemonymsRothenburgerGermannamea surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
DemonymsUkieEnglishnounA Ukrainian.colloquial
DemonymsalsacianoPortugueseadjAlsatian (of or relating to Alsace)
DemonymsalsacianoPortuguesenounAlsatian (person from Alsace)masculine
DemonymsalsacianoPortuguesenounAlsatian (Germanic language spoken in Alsace)masculine uncountable
DemonymsamerikaiHungarianadjAmerican (of, from, or pertaining to the Americas)
DemonymsamerikaiHungarianadjAmerican (of, from, or pertaining to the United States of America, its people or its culture)
DemonymsamerikaiHungariannounAmerican (an inhabitant of the Americas)
DemonymsamerikaiHungariannounAmerican (a person born in, or a citizen, national or inhabitant of, the United States of America)
DemonymsavilesinoSpanishadjof Avilésrelational
DemonymsavilesinoSpanishnounsomeone from Avilésmasculine
DemonymscuranipeñoSpanishadjfrom the Chilean city of Curanipe
DemonymscuranipeñoSpanishnounsomeone from Curanipemasculine
DemonymscòrnicCatalanadjCornish (pertaining to Cornwall, the Cornish people, or the Cornish language)
DemonymscòrnicCatalannounCornish (native or inhabitant of Cornwall)masculine
DemonymscòrnicCatalannounCornish (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymsencarnacenoSpanishadjof Encarnaciónrelational
DemonymsencarnacenoSpanishnounsomeone from Encarnaciónmasculine
DemonymsitacensePortugueseadjIthacan (of or relating to Ithaca)feminine masculine
DemonymsitacensePortuguesenounIthacan (inhabitant of Ithaca)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymsveragüenseSpanishadjof Veraguasfeminine masculine relational
DemonymsveragüenseSpanishnounsomeone from Veraguasby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DentistrypróchniećPolishverbto rotimperfective intransitive
DentistrypróchniećPolishverbto develop cariesimperfective intransitive
Departments of FranceDordognaItaliannameDordogne (dipartment)feminine
Departments of FranceDordognaItaliannameDordogne (river)feminine
DesignmakietaPolishnounscale model, miniaturefeminine
DessertsjäähileFinnishnouncrushed ice
DessertsjäähileFinnishnounshaved ice
Developmental biology合子Chinesenounzygote
Developmental biology合子ChinesenounAlternative form of 盒子 (hézi, “a type of food”)alt-of alternative
Developmental biology合子ChinesenounAlternative form of 盒子 (hézi, “box; case”)alt-of alternative
DialectsUfẹYorubanamethe historic Ife Kingdom, regarded as the first major civilization of the Yoruba-speaking people, it was dominant from the 11th century to 16th century AD. It was known for its extensive wealth, cultural and religious heritage, and trade.historical
DialectsUfẹYorubanameIfẹ (a city in Nigeria)
DialectsUfẹYorubanameIfẹ̀ subgroup of the Yoruba people
DialectsUfẹYorubanameIfẹ̀ dialect of Yoruba
Dioscoreales order plantsblackrootEnglishnounSeveral North American plants with black roots of: / genus Pterocaulon, such as Pterocaulon pycnostachyum (dense-spike blackroot) and Pterocaulon virgatum (wand blackroot)countable uncountable
Dioscoreales order plantsblackrootEnglishnounSeveral North American plants with black roots of: / species Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver's root)countable uncountable
Dioscoreales order plantsblackrootEnglishnounSeveral North American plants with black roots of: / species Aletris farinosa (colicroot)countable uncountable
Dioscoreales order plantsblackrootEnglishnounSeveral plant diseases caused by fungi in the genus Aphanomyces causing that cause roots to rot and turn black.countable uncountable
DirectivesnaredbaSerbo-Croatiannounorder, command
DirectivesnaredbaSerbo-Croatiannouncommandcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
DiseasesCMTEnglishnounInitialism of certified massage government healthcareabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DiseasesCMTEnglishnounInitialism of communication, media and technology.businessabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DiseasesCMTEnglishnounInitialism of Charcot-Marie-Tooth.medicine pathology sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DiseasesCMTEnglishnounInitialism of cutting-manufacturing-trimming.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DiseasesCMTEnglishnounInitialism of clutchless manual transmission.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DiseasesCMTEnglishnounInitialism of cassette magnetic tape.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
DiseasesmuermoSpanishnounglandersbiology medicine natural-sciences pathology sciences veterinary zoologymasculine
DiseasesmuermoSpanishnouna borecolloquial masculine
DiseasesmuermoSpanishnounboredomcolloquial masculine
DiseasesmuermoSpanishnoundrug-induced lethargymasculine
DiseasesmuermoSpanishnounEucryphia cordifolia, a South American tree.masculine
DiseasesεμετόςGreeknounvomitingmedicine sciences
DiseasesεμετόςGreeknounnauseamedicine sciences
Diseases鼻咽癌Chinesenounnasopharyngeal carcinomamedicine sciencesspecifically
Diseases鼻咽癌Chinesenouncancers of the nose and throatmedicine sciencesusually
Disney迪士尼ChinesenameThe Walt Disney Company
Disney迪士尼ChinesenameShort for 迪士尼樂園/迪士尼乐园 (Díshìní lèyuán, “Disneyland Park; Disneyland”).abbreviation alt-of
Distilled beveragesKognakGermannouncognacmasculine strong
Distilled beveragesKognakGermannounbrandy (liquor)broadly masculine strong
Distilled beveragesdouble maltEnglishnounA liquor made from the malted barley of two distilleries, blended with other liquors.
Distilled beveragesdouble maltEnglishnounShort for double malt whisky, double malt scotch or double malt brandy.abbreviation alt-of
Distilled beveragesłychaPolishnounAugmentative of łyżkaaugmentative feminine form-of
Distilled beveragesłychaPolishnounwhisky, whiskeyfeminine slang
Districts of Indiaనర్మదTelugunameThe gladdener.
Districts of Indiaనర్మదTelugunameThe Narmada river.
Districts of Indiaనర్మదTelugunameName of a district in Gujarat, India.
DivinationvaticiniCatalannounprediction, prophecymasculine
DivinationvaticiniCatalanverbinflection of vaticinar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
DivinationvaticiniCatalanverbinflection of vaticinar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
DogscairnEnglishnounA rounded or conical heap of stones erected by early inhabitants of the British Isles, apparently as a sepulchral monument.
DogscairnEnglishnounA pile of stones heaped up as a landmark, to guide travelers on land or at sea, or to arrest attention, as in surveying, or in leaving traces of an exploring party, etc.
DogscairnEnglishnounA cairn terrier.
DogshoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A pet dog; a dog kept for companionship.
DogshoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A hunting or sporting dog; a hound.
DogshoundMiddle Englishnoundog, hound (The canid Canis lupus familiaris) / A male or fully-grown dog.specifically
DogshoundMiddle EnglishnounA strong term of abuse, especially used against enemies of one's religion
DogshoundMiddle EnglishnounA heraldic portrayal of a dog.rare
DogshoundMiddle EnglishnounThe forces of evil; the infernal army.rare
DogshoundMiddle EnglishnounSirius (star)rare
DogsogarPolishnounhound; hunting doganimal-not-person masculine
DogsogarPolishnouncompetent personmasculine person slang
DogsogarPolishintjchill! act normal!slang
DrinkingproostDutchintjcheers (toast when drinking)
DrinkingproostDutchintjbless you (response to sneezing)Netherlands
DrinkingproostDutchnounprovostCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicismmasculine
DrugsドラッグJapanesenouna drug; (frequently) illicit drugs
DrugsドラッグJapanesenounthe act of dragging
DrugsドラッグJapaneseverbto drag (something)
EarthfenuaTahitianintjearth! (cry launched by a sailor who sees land from a ship)
Echinodermstapak sulaimanMalaynounstarfish
Echinodermstapak sulaimanMalaynouna tropical flowering plant, Elephantopus scaber, known for its large, low-growing leaves that form a rosette-liked shape
EconomicsmargeyManxnounemporium, fair, market, martmasculine
EducationdyrekcjaPolishnoundirectorate (agency headed by a director)feminine
EducationdyrekcjaPolishnounoffice (of a directorate)feminine
EducationdyrekcjaPolishnounthe managerial body of a schoolfeminine
EducationdyrekcjaPolishnounmanagerial dutiesfeminine singular singular-only
EducationdyrekcjaPolishnounhomeschoolingarchaic feminine
EducationdyrekcjaPolishnoundirection (orientation in space)feminine obsolete
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjUnrelated to the church; non-priestly; lay.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjUnschooled, not learned or educated; lacking in knowledge.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjSimple-minded, dumb, or unintelligent; lacking in brainpower.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjUnmannered, rude, or disrespectful.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjLow-quality; crude, feeble; of meagre workmanship.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjLowborn or lowly; not of noble lineage.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjOrdinary, unsophisticated or simple; typifying one of non-noble lineage.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishadjLewd, immoral, sinful, or malicious.Late-Middle-English
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishnounAn ignorant or simple-minded individual.
EducationlewedMiddle EnglishnounSomeone who is not involved in a clerical position.
EducationučeníCzechnounverbal noun of učitform-of neuter noun-from-verb
EducationطالبPersiannouna member of the Talibanproscribed
EelsanguilóCatalannoundiminutive of anguila (“eel”)diminutive form-of masculine
Egyptjrt-rꜥEgyptiannamean epithet of various goddesses, especially Hathor; the Eye of Ra
Egyptjrt-rꜥEgyptiannamethe sun
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptiannumten thousand
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptiannounfinger (inclusive of the thumb)anatomy medicine sciences
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptiannoundigit: a finger, thumb, or toeanatomy medicine sciencesLate-Egyptian
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptiannoundigit: a measure of length equal to ¹⁄₂₈ cubit (about 1.88 cm).units-of-measure
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptiannounsmall quantity (of a substance such as fat or honey), the amount that can be scooped up by a fingertip
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptianverbto point one’s finger at, especially in reproach or objectionintransitive
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptianverbto rebuke (one’s heart)transitive
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptianverbto adulate, to pay homage (+ n: to)intransitive
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptianverbto seal up (wine, grain, etc.)transitive
Egyptian cardinal numbersḏbꜥEgyptianverbto seal, to place a seal upon (+ m or (rarely) + ḥr: to seal with)transitive
ElectricityпроводRussiannounwire, lead, conductor
ElectricityпроводRussiannounleading, conducting, steering
ElectricityпроводRussiannoundenoting, marking, indicating (by means of a long line or track)
ElectricityпроводRussiannounconstruction (of canals, roads, etc.)
EmotionsfurorLatinverbto steal, plunderconjugation-1 deponent
EmotionsfurorLatinverbto take away by stealth, remove secretly, to withdrawconjugation-1 deponent
EmotionsfurorLatinnounfrenzy, fury, rage, raving, insanity, madness, passiondeclension-3 masculine
EmotionshistèriaCatalannounhysteriamedicine pathology sciencesfeminine
EmotionshistèriaCatalannounhysteria, nervous excitementfeminine informal
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto displace, to mislayweak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto layweak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto reschedule, to postpone, to adjourn, to put off, to bring forwardweak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto transfer, to shiftweak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto supply, to provide for; to expend, to disbursearchaic weak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto publishweak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto resort (to)reflexive weak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto block, to obstructdated weak
EmotionsverlegenGermanverbto refute, to disproveobsolete weak
EmotionsverlegenGermanadjabashed, embarrassed, confused, disconcerted, self-conscious
EmotionsverlegenGermanadjlacking, short of
EmotionsverlegenGermanadjcreased (from having been lain on)rare
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishnounmadness, insanity, an overmastering emotion, rage, furyuncountable
EmotionswodeMiddle EnglishverbTo be or go mad; be or go out of one's mind; behave wildly; be frenzied; go out of control.
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishverbto be or become furious, enraged.
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishadvfrantically
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishadvferociously, fiercely
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishadvintensely, furiously
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishadvfuriously enraged, irate, angry
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishadjmad, insane, possessed, furious, frantic, mentally deranged, of unsound mind, out of one's mind.
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishadjrabid
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishadjwild, not tamed
EmotionswodeMiddle Englishnounwood (material).
EmotionswodeMiddle EnglishverbTo hunt.
EmotionswodeMiddle EnglishverbTo take to the woods; hide oneself in the woods (also reflexive: ben woded).
EmotionswodeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of wadenalt-of alternative
EmotionsżalPolishnoungrief, regret, sorrow (emotional pain on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing)inanimate masculine
EmotionsżalPolishnoungrief, regret, sorrow (remorse after committing something wrong)inanimate masculine
EmotionsżalPolishnoungrievance, grudge (animosity or ill will against someone or something caused by disappointment)inanimate masculine
EmotionsżalPolishnouncomplaints, grievances, lamentations, regrets (statements in which someone laments or complains about something)in-plural inanimate masculine
EmotionsżalPolishnounżale (lyrical work in Old Polish literature expressing complaints about fate, pain due to some misfortune, or grief after someone's death)communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writinghistorical in-plural inanimate masculine
EmotionsżalPolishverbto grieve, to pity (to feel sympathy for someone; to feel sorry for someone)defective imperfective intransitive
EmotionsżalPolishverbto regret (to feel sadness about something one has or has not done, or about what has passed and what one has lost)defective imperfective intransitive
EmotionsżalPolishverbto have a sense of wasting something that is important and valuable, and which one would like to see put to good usedefective imperfective intransitive
EmotionsżalPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of żalićform-of imperative second-person singular
Emotions上火Chineseverbto suffer from excessive internal heat; to become inflamed; to have inflammationmedicine sciencesChinese traditional
Emotions上火Chineseverbto light (a fire); to ignite; to light upMin Southern Wu dialectal literary
Emotions上火Chineseverbto get angryMandarin dialectal
EngineeringtrempCatalannounquenchingengineering metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
EngineeringtrempCatalannountip, nib (of a pen)masculine
EnglandAnglo-EnglishprefixA combining form relating to England or, by extension, the United Kingdom.morpheme
EnglandAnglo-EnglishprefixA combining form relating to the English or British people, culture, or livestock.morpheme
EnglandAnglo-EnglishprefixA combining form relating to the English language.morpheme
English female given namesGerryEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given names Gerald and Gerard.
English female given namesGerryEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Geraldine.
English numeral symbolsiEnglishcharacterThe ninth letter of the English alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.letter lowercase
English numeral symbolsiEnglishnumThe ordinal number ninth, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script.alt-of lowercase ordinal
English numeral symbolsiEnglishnounThe name of the Latin-script letter I/i.
English numeral symbolsiEnglishpronAlternative letter-case form of Ialt-of nonstandard
English ordinal numbersseventhEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number seven.not-comparable
English ordinal numbersseventhEnglishnounThe person or thing in the seventh position.
English ordinal numbersseventhEnglishnounOne of seven equal parts of a whole.
English ordinal numbersseventhEnglishnounA tone of the seventh degree from a given tone, the interval between two such tones, or the two tones sounding in unison.entertainment lifestyle music
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA surname / A surname from Irish, anglicized from Ó Riaghain, Ó Riain (“descendant of Riaghan, Rían”). Riaghan/Rían is perhaps from rí (“king”) + -án (diminutive suffix), meaning “little king”.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA surname / A surname from Irish, an alternate anglicization of Ó Maoilriaghain, Ó Maoilriain (Mulryan).countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA surname / A surname from Irish, a rare anglicization of Ó Ruadháin, Ó Ruaidhín (Rowan, Rouine).countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA surname / A surname from Irish, a rare anglicization of Ó Sraitheáin, Ó Sruitheáin, Ó Srutháin (Strachan, Strahan).countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA unisex given name / A male given name / A male given name transferred from the surname, popular in English-speaking countries from the 1970s to the 1990s.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA unisex given name / A male given name / A male given name from Arabic رَيَّان (rayyān). Sometimes written and pronounced as Ryan in English due to the phonetic similarity with the Arabic name.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA unisex given name / A female given name / A female given name transferred from the surname, of 1970s and later usage.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA unisex given name / A female given name / A female given name of 1970s and later usage, variant of Rhian.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in Australia. / A suburb of Mount Isa, Queensland; named for Dr. Joseph Ryan, medical superintendent of the local hospital during WWII.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in Australia. / A village in Lockhart Shire, New South Wales.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Inyo County, California; named for borax industry businessman John Ryan.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Vermilion County, Illinois.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / A minor city in Delaware County, Iowa.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Belle Creek Township, Goodhue County, Minnesota.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / A town in Jefferson County, Oklahoma; named for early settler and rancher Stephen W. Ryan.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / A township in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / A ghost town in Stevens County, Washington; named for early settler Henry Ryan.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesRyanEnglishnameA placename / A locale in the United States. / An unincorporated community in Roane County, West Virginia; named for early settler and minister Thomas P. Ryan.countable uncountable
Equidsbaaxo dananAfarnounwild ass (Equus africanus)
Equidsbaaxo dananAfarnounzebra (Equus quagga)
EspionageшпигуватиUkrainianverbto lard, to stuff with lardtransitive
EspionageшпигуватиUkrainianverbto nagcolloquial figuratively transitive
EspionageшпигуватиUkrainianverbto spy, to spy ontransitive
EthnonymsSameGermannounSami manmasculine weak
EthnonymsSameGermannounRare form of Samen (“seed”).form-of masculine rare weak
EthnonymsWelshyEnglishnounSynonym of Walian: a Welshman or Welshwoman, a Welsh person.derogatory informal sometimes
EthnonymsWelshyEnglishadjSynonym of Welsh: of or related to Wales, similar to Welsh people or things.informal
EthnonymsфрансузKyrgyzadjFrench (pertaining to the French people or the French language)
EthnonymsфрансузKyrgyznounFrench (by ethnicity)
EthnonymsসিংহলীBengaliadjOf or pertaining to the Sinhalese people or language.
EthnonymsসিংহলীBengalinounA person of Sinhalese descent.
EuagaricsblusherEnglishnounOne who blushes.countable
EuagaricsblusherEnglishnounFace makeup that makes the cheeks rosier.countable uncountable
EuagaricsblusherEnglishnounAny of several closely related, edible species of the genus Amanita, including Amanita rubescens and Amanita novinupta.countable
Eucalyptskayu putihIndonesiannounMelaleuca leucadendra; cajuput
Eucalyptskayu putihIndonesiannounEucalyptus alba; white gum
Eupatorieae tribe plants藤袴JapanesenounEupatorium fortunei or Eupatorium japonicum, species of boneset
Eupatorieae tribe plants藤袴JapanesenounAlternate name for 菊 (kiku, “chrysanthemum”)
Eupatorieae tribe plants藤袴Japanesenouna style of layering garments, with both outer and inner layer being light purple
Eupatorieae tribe plants藤袴Japanesenamethe thirtieth chapter of The Tale of Genji
Exerciseścieżka zdrowiaPolishnounfitness trailfeminine
Exerciseścieżka zdrowiaPolishnouna form of corporal punishment akin to running the gauntlet used by law enforcement in the Polish People's Republic, by which arrestees were forced to walk between two rows of policemen who would kick them and strike them with batonsfeminine historical
ExerciseアクロバットJapanesenounan acrobat
EyeთუალიOld Georgiannouneye
EyeთუალიOld Georgiannoungemstone
EyeთუალიOld Georgiannounwheel
EyeთუალიOld Georgiannounsource of a stream
FabricslinoCebuanonounlinen; thread or cloth made from flax fiberarchaic
FabricslinoCebuanoadjmade from linen cloth or threadobsolete
FabricslinoCebuanoverbto rinse glasses, cups, buckets, etc.
FabricstissuMiddle Englishnountissue (silk fabric)
FabricstissuMiddle EnglishnounA strip of such fabric.
FabricsбайкаUkrainiannounfable, fairy-tale
FacechinEnglishnounThe bottom of a face, (specifically) the typically jutting jawline below the mouth.
FacechinEnglishnounTalk.US slang
FacechinEnglishnounA lie, a falsehood.British slang
FacechinEnglishnounA person of the upper class.British slang
FacechinEnglishnounThe ability to withstand being punched in the chin without being knocked out.boxing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports waruncountable
FacechinEnglishnounThe lower part of the front of an aircraft, below the nose.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
FacechinEnglishnounThe bottom part of a mobile phone, below the screen.
FacechinEnglishverbTo talk.dated intransitive slang
FacechinEnglishverbTo talk to or with (someone).dated slang transitive
FacechinEnglishverbTo perform a chin-up (exercise in which one lifts one's own weight while hanging from a bar).intransitive reflexive
FacechinEnglishverbTo punch or hit (someone), especially on the chin (part of the body).UK transitive
FacechinEnglishverbTo put or hold (a musical instrument) up to one's chin.transitive
FacechinEnglishverbTo turn on or operate (a device) using one's chin; to select (a particular setting) using one's chin.transitive
FacechinEnglishverbTo put one's chin on (something).transitive
FacechinEnglishverbTo indicate or point toward (someone or something) with one's chin.transitive
FacechinEnglishnounA chinchilla.informal
FacemooeyEnglishnounThe mouth; the face.UK slang
FacemooeyEnglishnounThe vagina or vulva.UK slang
FacemooeyEnglishadj"Moo"-like; reminiscent of a cow.nonce-word slang
FaceエトゥAinunouna bird's bill or beak
FaceエトゥAinunouna spout
FaceエトゥAinunounthe tip of a knife or sword
FaceChinesecharacterhuge; big
FaceChinesecharacterdisorderly; messy
FaceChinesecharactershape of the face; facial contours
FaceChinesecharactera surname
FaceChinesecharacterUsed in 龐龐/庞庞 (lónglóng).
Falconidssparrow hawkEnglishnounThe American kestrel or American sparrowhawk (Falco sparverius), a small falcon found in North and South America that preys on grasshoppers and small animals.
Falconidssparrow hawkEnglishnounAlternative form of sparrowhawk; the Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), a small, short-winged European hawk and other similar Old World hawks in the subfamily Accipitrinae, that prey on smaller birds.alt-of alternative
FamilybaisanTagalognounco-parent-in-law (term of address)
FamilybaisanTagalognounrelationship between the parents of a married couple
FamilyogboniEde Ijenounfather
FamilyogboniEde Ijenounterm of respect for a male elder or relative
FamilyondaRomanschnounauntRumantsch-Grischun Surmiran Sursilvan Sutsilvan feminine
FamilyondaRomanschnounwaveSurmiran feminine
FamilywaabiGamilaraaynounmaternal grandmother
FamilywaabiGamilaraaynounmother's mother's brother
Family membersafoSranan Tongonounancestor
Family membersafoSranan Tongonoungreat-grandparent
Family membersstep-cousinEnglishnounThe nephew or niece of someone's stepfather or stepmother.
Family membersstep-cousinEnglishnounThe stepson or stepdaughter of someone's uncle or aunt.
Family membersstep-cousinEnglishnounThe son or daughter of someone's stepuncle or stepaunt.
Family membersհորաքույրArmeniannounpaternal aunt
Family membersհորաքույրArmeniannounmadam, lady (a polite way of addressing a middle-aged woman)
Family members弟妹Chinesenounyounger brothers and sisters; younger sibling
Family members弟妹Chinesenounsister-in-law (younger brother's wife)colloquial
Fan fictiontransficEnglishnounA fanfic which focuses on a transgender character, especially one in which a canonically cisgender character is portrayed as trans.lifestylecountable slang
Fan fictiontransficEnglishnounSuch fan fiction collectively.lifestyleslang uncountable
FantasymagiaSpanishnounspell, charm, conjurationfeminine
FantasymagiaSpanishnounwizardry (skill, ability)feminine figuratively
FeareagalachScottish Gaelicadjafraid, fearful, apprehensive
FeareagalachScottish Gaelicadjscary, frightening
FeareagalachScottish Gaelicadjlurid
FeareagalachScottish Gaelicadjdismal
FecesгнојSerbo-Croatiannounmanure, dung
FecesгнојSerbo-Croatiannounfertilizer, compost
FecesгнојSerbo-Croatiannounpus, suppuration
FemaleπωλήτριαGreeknounseller, vendor
FemaleπωλήτριαGreeknounsaleswoman, shopworker, shop assistant, shopgirl
Female animalsYonagunicharacterkanji no-gloss
Female animalsYonaguninouncow, cattle
Female family membersbâtăRomaniannounclub, cudgel, coshfeminine
Female family membersbâtăRomaniannounhopelessly bad at somethingcolloquial feminine
Female family membersbâtăRomaniannounfemale equivalent of bât: / grandmotherfeminine
Female family membersbâtăRomaniannounfemale equivalent of bât: / old womanfeminine
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnoundiminutive of mamadiminutive feminine form-of
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnounmommy, mummyfeminine
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnoundear motherfeminine
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnounmother-in-lawendearing feminine ironic
Female peopleempressEnglishnounThe female monarch (ruler) of an empire.
Female peopleempressEnglishnounThe wife or widow of an emperor or equated ruler.
Female peopleempressEnglishnounThe third trump or major arcana card of most tarot decks.human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences tarot
Female peopleempressEnglishnounA female chimpanzee.rare
Female peopleempressEnglishnounA deciduous tree, Paulownia tomentosa
Female peopleempressEnglishverbRare form of impress.form-of rare
Female peopleРускиняPannonian Rusynnounfemale equivalent of Руснак (Rusnak): female Pannonian Rusynfeminine form-of
Female peopleРускиняPannonian Rusynnounfemale RussianRussian colloquial feminine
Female peopleассирійкаUkrainianadjfemale equivalent of ассирі́єць (assyríjecʹ): / Assyrian (female person from ancient Assyria)historical
Female peopleассирійкаUkrainianadjfemale equivalent of ассирі́єць (assyríjecʹ): / Assyrian (female member of a traditionally Christian ethnic group originating in the Middle East, who identify as descendants of the ancient Assyrians)
Female people太后Japanesenounan empress dowager
Female people太后Japanesenounan empress dowagerarchaic
FernsmarchredynWelshnounmale ferns, buckler ferns, woodferns, ferns belonging to genus Dryopteriscollective feminine
FernsmarchredynWelshnouncommon polypody (Polypodium vulgare)collective feminine
FestivalsదీపావళిTelugunounrow of lightsliterary
FestivalsదీపావళిTelugunameDiwali: Hindu festival of lights, celebrated in India.
FibershempMiddle EnglishnounHemp (Cannabis sativa).uncountable
FibershempMiddle EnglishnounHempen fibre or products made of it.uncountable
Fictional charactersHutmacherGermannounhatmaker; hatter, capper, milliner (male or of unspecified gender)masculine strong
Fictional charactersHutmacherGermannamethe Hatter (often referred to as the Mad Hatter, though this term was never used by Carroll), a fictional character in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glassdefinite proper-noun strong usually
Fictional locationsMummersetEnglishnameAn imaginary rural county in the West Country of England.humorous
Fictional locationsMummersetEnglishnameAn invented English-language dialect used by actors that mimics a stereotypical West Country rural accent.entertainment lifestyle theaterhumorous often
FifteenquindecennialEnglishadjLasting fifteen years.not-comparable
FifteenquindecennialEnglishadjHappening once in fifteen years.not-comparable
FinancethefteMiddle EnglishnounTheft, stealing, robbery (in general or as an individual instance): / Financial fraud; the mishandling of money.
FinancethefteMiddle EnglishnounTheft, stealing, robbery (in general or as an individual instance): / Something seen as analogous or equivalent to theft.
FinancethefteMiddle EnglishnounStolen or illegally acquired goods.
Fingerspalpal-ikingKankanaeynounlittle finger, pinkie
Fingerspalpal-ikingKankanaeynounlittle toe
FiređốtVietnameseverbto set fire to; to set ablaze; to ignitetransitive
FiređốtVietnameseverbto stingCentral Northern Vietnam transitive
FiređốtVietnamesenouna joint; segment; internode
FirearmsraterFrenchverbto miss (an event or a thing)transitive
FirearmsraterFrenchverbto screw up; to mess upinformal transitive
FirearmsraterFrenchverbto fail to fire; to misfireintransitive
FirearmsraterFrenchverbto failinformal intransitive
Firefightingfire doorEnglishnounA fireproof door designed to stop fires spreading through buildings.
Firefightingfire doorEnglishnounThe door of a furnace offering access to the fire inside.
FishsilWelshnounfry (of fish, especially salmon, trout or minnow)masculine not-mutable
FishsilWelshnounspawn (of fish, frogs, etc.)masculine not-mutable
FishメロJapanesenounChilean sea bass; the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)
FishメロJapanesenounvarious species similar to D. eleginoides sold for food, especially Dissostichus mawsoni or Channa maculata
FishメロJapanesenounmelody, a sequence of musical notes
FishメロJapanesenouna verse or chorus of a song
FishingKoreannounflesh; skin
FishingKoreannounmeat / flesh (of fruits, animals, etc.)
FishingKoreannounframe; support: / spoke (on a wheel)
FishingKoreannounframe; support: / lattice / latticework or bars (on a door or window)
FishingKoreannounframe; support: / rib / frame (of a fan, kite, umbrella, etc.)
FishingKoreannounteeth (of a comb)
FishingKoreannounfishing weir
FishingKoreannounsting (of bees, etc.)
FishingKoreannounbeam; flow, currentin-compounds
FishingKoreannouncrease; wrinklein-compounds
FishingKoreannounpressed patterns (on rice cake)
FishingKoreancounteryears of age (of a person) (takes native numerals)
FishingKoreannounevil influence; damnation
FishingKoreanverbirrealis adnominal form of 살다 (salda, “to live”)adnominal form-of irrealis
Fivechỉ tay năm ngónVietnameseverbto point with all five fingers
Fivechỉ tay năm ngónVietnameseverbto conceitedly point the finger at people, especially to tell them what to doderogatory figuratively
FivequinquennalianEnglishadjSynonym of quinquennial: Of or related to a 5-year period.not-comparable
FivequinquennalianEnglishadjOf or related to a quinquennalia.historical not-comparable
FlamencomartineteSpanishnounhammer (of a piano)masculine
FlamencomartineteSpanishnounlarge forge hammermasculine
FlamencomartineteSpanishnouna type of Flamenco chantmasculine
FlamencomartineteSpanishnounblack-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)masculine
FleaspulgaGaliciannounsand flea, sandhopperfeminine
FolklorevittraSwedishverbto break down into small particles (often of mountains and the like, through natural processes), to weathersometimes
FolklorevittraSwedishverbto pick up a scent; to smell (also figuratively)
FolklorevittraSwedishnouna mythological, underground-dwelling creature from Scandinavian folklorearts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencescommon-gender
Food and drinkmunchieEnglishnounA snack.informal
Food and drinkmunchieEnglishnounA person who lives in a Gaeltacht area of Ireland.Ireland
Foodshash brownsEnglishnounplural of hash brownform-of plural
Foodshash brownsEnglishnounPotatoes that have been finely chopped (i.e. hashed) and fried until browned.plural plural-only
FoodsmalloreddusItaliannouna Sardinian form of gnocchi made with semolina dressed with a sauce named ragù alla campidanese, a traditional dish during Christmas and Easterfeminine plural plural-only
FoodsmalloreddusItaliannounSynonym of gnocchetti sardifeminine plural plural-only
FoodsmalloreddusItaliannounSynonym of cicionesfeminine plural plural-only
FoodsmalloreddusItaliannounSynonym of cigionesfeminine plural plural-only
FoodsmalloreddusItaliannounSynonym of macaronesfeminine plural plural-only
FoodsmalloreddusItaliannounSynonym of cravaosfeminine plural plural-only
FoodspalmeraSpanishnounpalm (tree)feminine
FoodspalmeraSpanishnounpalmier (pastry)feminine
FoodspalmeraSpanishnounfemale equivalent of palmerofeminine form-of
FoodspalmeraSpanishadjfeminine singular of palmerofeminine form-of singular
FoodspilahviFinnishnounpilaf (dish made by browning grain and then cooking it in broth)
FoodspilahviFinnishnounClipping of pilahviriisi.abbreviation alt-of clipping
FoodstevatCahuillanounpinyon (either the pine or the nuts) / single-leaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla)
FoodstevatCahuillanounpinyon (either the pine or the nuts) / Parry pinyon (Pinus quadrifolia)
FoodsпадобранецMacedoniannounparachutist, parachuter
FoodsпадобранецMacedoniannoungatecrasher (a person who doesn't want to wait in line and enters somewhere without a ticket)figuratively
FoodsпадобранецMacedoniannouncookie (in the shape of a parachute)
FoodsមីKhmernounlo mein vermicelli
FoodsមីKhmernoundish prepared using lo mein vermicelli
FoodsមីKhmerpronyou (derogatory or intimate term of address for a girl)
FootweartenesiShonanountennis ball
FootweartenesiShonanounsneaker, tennis shoe
FortydaicheadIrishnumforty, twoscore
FortydaicheadIrishnounforty, a group of forty, two scoremasculine
FourquadrupletEnglishnounA set of four, particularly / A tuplet of four notes.entertainment lifestyle music
FourquadrupletEnglishnounA set of four, particularly / A sequence of four elements.
FourquadrupletEnglishnounOne of a group of four, particularly one of four babies born from the same mother during the same birth.
FourquadrupletEnglishnounA cycle for carrying four riders, arranged so that all the riders can assist in the propulsion.
FruitskelekTurkishadjpartly bald
FruitskelekTurkishnounA kind of raft used on rivers
FruitskelekTurkishnouncrude cantaloup
FruitsVietnameseverbto dream
FruitsnangkaIndonesiannounjackfruit, the tropical tree Artocarpus heterophyllus
FruitsnangkaIndonesiannounthe large fruit from this tree.
FruitsσταφυλήAncient Greeknounbunch of grapes
FruitsσταφυλήAncient Greeknounuvulaanatomy medicine sciences
FruitsяблокоRussiannouneyeball (usually глазно́е я́блоко)
Fruits고초Koreannounhardship, suffering, misery
Fruits고초Koreannounchili pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Fruits고초Koreannounrice stalks from which grains have been removed
Fruits고초Koreannoundry or withered grass
Fruits고초Koreannounancient times; the beginning of the creation of heaven and earthhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Fruits고초KoreannounSynonym of 후추 (huchu, “hot pepper”).Hamgyong dialectal
Fruits고초KoreannounSynonym of 고치 (gochi, “cocoon”).Jeolla dialectal
Fruits고초Koreannounbitter herbs or vegetables
FuneralmorgueFrenchnounmorgue, mortuary (place where dead bodies are stored)feminine
FuneralmorgueFrenchnounmorgue, coldness, disdain, arrogance (supercilious attitude)feminine
FuneralmảVietnamesenountomb; gravecolloquial
FuneralmảVietnameseadjclever; skillful; good atcolloquial
FungiosterivinokasFinnishnounoyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus
FungiosterivinokasFinnishnounoyster mushroom (mushroom of the genus Pleurotus)
FurnituredréimreachIrishadjladder-like, stepped, gradual
FurnituredréimreachIrishadjwavy (of hair)
FurnituredréimreachIrishadjladder-back (of furniture)
FurnitureܦܪܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncurtain, drape (piece of cloth covering a window or in a theatre)
FurnitureܦܪܕܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounblind, shutter
Furry fandomfatfurEnglishnounA furry who is overweight, whether chubby or obese, sometimes as the object of paraphilic arousal.countable
Furry fandomfatfurEnglishnounA fetish involving overweight furries.uncountable
Games過家家Chinesenounhouse (children's game)Mainland-China
Games過家家Chineseverbto play houseMainland-China
Gaseshydrogen airEnglishnounA mixture of hydrogen and air used as fuel to a fuel cell.uncountable
Gaseshydrogen airEnglishnounAn early term for hydrogen; hydrogen gas.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesobsolete uncountable
Gastropodslepelepe-o-hinaHawaiiannounmonarch (butterfly, Danaus plexippus)
Gastropodslepelepe-o-hinaHawaiiannounnudibranch (sea slug)
Gastropodslepelepe-o-hinaHawaiiannounseaweed (marine plants and algae)
GemsdiamantSwedishnounthe mineral diamondcommon-gender uncountable
GemsdiamantSwedishnounthe gem stone diamond, whether cut or notcommon-gender countable
GemsאודםHebrewnouncarnelian, sard
GemsאודםHebrewnounruby (a clear, deep, red variety of corundum, valued as a precious stone)
GemsאודםHebrewnounred, redness
GenitaliaphallusLatinnounan iconic phallic figure of the male member borne in cult processions at a Dionysian orgy or festival of Bacchus as a symbol of the generative power of naturehuman-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciencesdeclension-2 masculine
GenitaliaphallusLatinnounphallus, membrum virile, penisanatomy medicine sciencesdeclension-2 masculine
GenitaliaphallusLatinnounphallus; an artistic image of the membrum virile or other figurative representation of the erect penis as an icon representing male sexuality, potency, fertilityart artsdeclension-2 figuratively masculine
GenitaliaвлагалищеBulgariannounstoreroom, depotarchaic
GenitaliaвлагалищеBulgariannounsheath, receptaclearchaic
GenitaliaвлагалищеBulgariannounvaginaanatomy medicine sciences
GenitaliaвлагалищеBulgariannounsheath tissue (connective tissue that envelopes an organ or an organic system)anatomy medicine sciences
Geology岩石ChinesenounAlternative form of 巖石/岩石 (yánshí, “big and tall piece of rock”)alt-of alternative
GermaniumgermylEnglishnounThe univalent radical of germanium H₃Ge- that is analogous to methyl.chemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
GermaniumgermylEnglishnounAny organic derivative of this radical.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesin-compounds
GermanydeutscheGermanadjinflection of deutsch: / strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singularaccusative feminine form-of mixed nominative singular strong
GermanydeutscheGermanadjinflection of deutsch: / strong nominative/accusative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural strong
GermanydeutscheGermanadjinflection of deutsch: / weak nominative all-gender singularform-of nominative singular weak
GermanydeutscheGermanadjinflection of deutsch: / weak accusative feminine/neuter singularaccusative feminine form-of neuter singular weak
GoatscaprăRomaniannounhorse (gymnastic equipment)feminine
GoatscaprăRomaniannounleap frogfeminine
GoatspukkiFinnishnounbillygoat; buck (male goat)
GoatspukkiFinnishnounsawhorse (device used to support pieces of timber while sawing)
GoatspukkiFinnishnountrestle (structural member)
GoatspukkiFinnishnounEllipsis of joulupukki (“Santa Claus, Santa, Father Christmas”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
GoatspukkiFinnishnounlecherous mancolloquial
GoatspukkiFinnishnountick, check, checkmark (✓)colloquial
GoatspukkiFinnishnoundriver's seatcolloquial
GoatspukkiFinnishnounvaulting horsegymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsinformal
GoatspukkiFinnishnounvaulting tablegymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsinformal
GoatsعنزArabicnoungoat, goatscollective
GoatsعنزArabicnounfemale goat, she-goat, nanny goatcollective
Godകർത്താവ്MalayalamnameJesus of Nazareth, the Christian Messiah.
GodsPlutónSpanishnamePluto (dwarf planet)astronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
GodsPlutónSpanishnamePluto (god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman masculine
GodsⲇⲓⲁⲛⲏCopticnameDiana, the Roman goddess of hunting and the moonBohairic Sahidic
GodsⲇⲓⲁⲛⲏCopticnamea female given name from Latin
Gossamer-winged butterfliesforget-me-notEnglishnounAny of the flowering plants of the genus Myosotis, mostly with a small five-petalled blue flower; a flower from such a plant.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesforget-me-notEnglishnounA light tint of blue, the color of the flower.
Gossamer-winged butterfliesforget-me-notEnglishnounAny of various light-blue coloured lycaenid butterflies of the Asian and Australasian genus Catochrysops, especially Catochrysops strabo native to India and Southeast Asia.biology entomology natural-sciences
Gourd family plantsbalsamerCatalannounMomordica balsamina, also known as the balsam applemasculine
Gourd family plantsbalsamerCatalannoungarden balsammasculine
GovernmentabsolutistaSpanishadjabsolutistfeminine masculine
GovernmentabsolutistaSpanishnounabsolutistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
GovernmentcorporationEnglishnounA body corporate, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.
GovernmentcorporationEnglishnounThe municipal governing body of a borough or city.
GovernmentcorporationEnglishnounIn Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers' and workers' representatives.historical
GovernmentcorporationEnglishnounA protruding belly.dated humorous slang
GovernmentsurveyourMiddle EnglishnounAn overseer, superintendent, or supervisor: / A household official who manages and organises meals.Late-Middle-English
GovernmentsurveyourMiddle EnglishnounAn overseer, superintendent, or supervisor: / One who oversees the executors of a will.lawLate-Middle-English
GovernmentsurveyourMiddle EnglishnounAn overseer, superintendent, or supervisor: / One who manages and enforces the regulations of a guild or university.Late-Middle-English
GovernmentsurveyourMiddle EnglishnounAn overseer, superintendent, or supervisor: / A government officer or supervisor, especially of customs.Late-Middle-English
GovernmentviolentlyMiddle EnglishadvViolently, in a violent or harmful way.
GovernmentviolentlyMiddle EnglishadvIn a religiously dangerous or harmful way.
GovernmentviolentlyMiddle EnglishadvIn a powerful, effective, or mighty way
GovernmentviolentlyMiddle EnglishadvIn a way causing great damage, injury, or harm.
GovernmentviolentlyMiddle EnglishadvIn a forceful way; in a way showing intense feelings.
GovernmentviolentlyMiddle EnglishadvIn an abrupt or warningless way.
GovernmentδημαρχίναGreeknounmayor, mayoress (leader of a city, town or a municipality)colloquial
GovernmentδημαρχίναGreeknounmayoress (wife of the mayor)colloquial
GrainscornyMiddle Englishadjfleshy, swollenrare
GrainscornyMiddle Englishadjcontaining corn; tasting of malt, tasting well of malt, maltyrare
GrainscornyMiddle Englishadjresembling a grainrare
GrassespaladCebuanonounpalm (of the hand)anatomy medicine sciences
GrassespaladCebuanonounIndian goosegrass (Eleusine indica)
GrassespaladCebuanonounBermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon)
GrassespaladCebuanonounrough-scale tongue sole (Cynoglossus lida)
GrassespaladCebuanonounspeckled tonguesole (Cynoglossus puncticeps)
GrebescargooseEnglishnounA species of grebe (Podiceps cristatus); the great crested grebe.
GrebescargooseEnglishnounA goose that sits in, or drives, a car.
GreeceΆγιος ΝικόλαοςGreeknameSaint Nicholas (4th century Greek bishop from Anatolia and patron saint of the marines in the Orthodox tradition)
GreeceΆγιος ΝικόλαοςGreeknameAgios Nikolaos (large seaside town in Lasithi in Crete, Greece)
GreeceΆγιος ΝικόλαοςGreeknameAgios Nikolaos (municipality named for and containing the above town)
GreeceΆγιος ΝικόλαοςGreeknameAgios Nikolaos (any of the other so named towns in Greece)
Greek letter namesmiItalianpronclitic accusative of io. meaccusative clitic first-person form-of objective
Greek letter namesmiItalianpronclitic dative of io. (to) meclitic dative first-person form-of objective
Greek letter namesmiItalianpronUsed as ethical dative.colloquial first-person objective
Greek letter namesmiItaliannounthe third note, mientertainment lifestyle music
Greek letter namesmiItaliannounE (musical note or key)
Greek letter namesmiItaliannounmu (Greek letter)feminine invariable masculine
GreensturcheseItalianadjturquoise (color/colour)
GreensturcheseItaliannounturquoise (gem)feminine
GreensturcheseItaliannounturquoise (color/colour)masculine
Gullscommon gullEnglishnounA medium-sized gull, Larus canus.
Gullscommon gullEnglishnounA butterfly of southern and eastern Asia (Cepora nerissa).
Gums and resinsلبانEgyptian Arabicnounolibanum; frankincensecollective
Gums and resinsلبانEgyptian Arabicnounany kind of gum or resincollective
Gums and resinsلبانEgyptian Arabicnounchewing gumcollective
Gums and resinsلبانEgyptian Arabicnouncable of a ship, tow, hawser
HairacconciareItalianverbto tidy uptransitive
HairacconciareItalianverbto arrange, to resolve (a dispute, an issue, etc.)transitive
HairacconciareItalianverbto adapt, to preparetransitive
HairacconciareItalianverbto dress uptransitive
HairacconciareItalianverbto style, to set (hair)transitive
HairacconciareItalianverbto place, to arrange (e.g. someone in a marriage)archaic transitive
HairacconciareItalianverbto pacify, to quietarchaic transitive
HairgruaigIrishnounhair (mass)feminine
HairgruaigIrishnounlocks (of hair)feminine
HairkassaIngriannounplait, braid
HairkassaIngrianverbinflection of kastaa: / present indicative connegativeconnegative form-of indicative present
HairkassaIngrianverbinflection of kastaa: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
HairkassaIngrianverbinflection of kastaa: / second-person singular imperative connegativeconnegative form-of imperative second-person singular
HairmanhairEnglishnounA man's androgenic haircountable informal uncountable
HairmanhairEnglishnounAn individual hair on a man's bodycountable informal uncountable
HairبۇرۇتUyghurnounantenna, feeler
HaresmetrPolishnounmetre, meter (one hundred centimeters)inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnountape measure (graduated flexible ribbon used for measuring lengths)inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnounquintal (metric quintal of 100 kg)colloquial inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnounmeter (overall rhythm of a song or poem; particularly, the number of beats in a measure or syllables in a line)entertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial inanimate masculine
HaresmetrPolishnounteacher of dance, or sometimes music or languageeducationhistorical masculine person
HaresmetrPolishnounfirst-rate thiefmasculine obsolete person slang
HaresmetrPolishnounold hare which is hard to hunthobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine obsolete
HeadwearfessNorwegian Nynorsknounfezmasculine
HeadwearfessNorwegian NynorsknounF-flatentertainment lifestyle musicmasculine
HeadwearhjälmSwedishnouna helmet (protective head covering)common-gender
HeadwearhjälmSwedishnouna helmetgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscommon-gender
HeadwearkapiszonPolishnouncap (gunpowder charge for a toy gun)inanimate masculine
HeadwearkapiszonPolishnounpercussion cap (metal cap on muzzleloading firearms)historical inanimate masculine
HeadwearkapiszonPolishnounhood (attached permanently to a cape or detachable)archaic inanimate masculine
Healthcare occupationsmetgeCatalannoundoctor, physicianmasculine
Healthcare occupationsmetgeCatalannounsnake blennymasculine
Heather family plantssourwoodEnglishnounA North American deciduous shrubby tree, of the genus Oxydendrum, having deep fissures in its bark, and sour-tasting leaves.
Heather family plantssourwoodEnglishnounAn Australian tree, of the genus Hibiscus; the sorrel tree.
HemipteransChaetosiphonTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Aphididae – certain aphids.masculine
HemipteransChaetosiphonTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Chaetosiphonaceae – certain green algae.masculine
Hemp family plantspigeonwoodEnglishnounAn evergreen tree, Trema orientalis, which is widely distributed throughout much of the tropics.countable uncountable
Hemp family plantspigeonwoodEnglishnounHedycarya arborea, a tree endemic to New Zealand.countable uncountable
Hemp family plantspigeonwoodEnglishnounCoccoloba uvifera, the sea grape.countable uncountable
HeraldryeryrWelshnouneagle / hero, chief; prince, leader; one who preys, spoiler; emblem of political power or supreme temporal authority; angel; spiritual manmasculine
HeraldryeryrWelshnounfigure of the eagle in heraldry or as a work of art, figure of the eagle as an ensign in the Roman army, etc., image of an eaglemasculine
HeraldryeryrWelshnounAquilaastronomy natural-sciencesmasculine
HerbshierbaSpanishnoungrass (the plant itself)feminine
HerbshierbaSpanishnounmarijuanafeminine slang
HerbshierbaSpanishverbinflection of herbar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
HerbshierbaSpanishverbinflection of herbar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
HeronstarabusinoItaliannoundiminutive of tarabuso (“bittern”)diminutive form-of masculine
HeronstarabusinoItaliannounlittle bittern (Ixobrychus minutus)masculine
HinduismనంజుడుతిండిTelugunounA meateater, a carnivore.
HinduismనంజుడుతిండిTelugunounAn Asura, a demon.
Historical currenciescuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Castilian unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 1.2 L.historical
Historical currenciescuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Castilian unit of liquid measure, equivalent to about 0.5 L.historical
Historical currenciescuartilloEnglishnounA former coin in Spain and parts of Latin America equal to a quarter-real.historical
Historical currenciescuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Galician unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 0.5–0.75 L depending on the substance measured.historical
Historical currenciescuartilloEnglishnounA traditional Galician unit of land area reckoned as the amount needed to sow a cuartillo of seed, varying from 2.5–30 m² in different parts of Galicia.historical
Historical currenciespagodaEnglishnounA religious building in South and Southeast Asia, especially a multi-storey tower erected as a Hindu or Buddhist temple.
Historical currenciespagodaEnglishnounAn image or carving of a god in South and Southeast Asia; an idol.archaic
Historical currenciespagodaEnglishnounA unit of currency, a coin made of gold or half gold, issued by various dynasties and colonial powers in southern India.historical
Historical currenciespagodaEnglishnounAn ornamental structure imitating the design of the religious building, erected in a park or garden.
Historical currenciespagodaEnglishnounA pagoda sleeve.rare
Historical currenciesprutahEnglishnounA bronze coin, equivalent to the Roman quadrans, used in ancient Palestine.
Historical currenciesprutahEnglishnounAn aluminium coin, worth one thousandth of a pound, used in Israel until 1960.
Historical periodsstormaktstidenSwedishnoundefinite singular of stormaktstiddefinite form-of singular
Historical periodsstormaktstidenSwedishnamethe Era of Great Power (time period of the Swedish Empire, between 1611 and 1721)common-gender historical
Historical periods白雉Japanesenounwhite pheasant
Historical periods白雉Japanesenamethe Hakuchi era, 650–654
History of PolandKrólestwo PolskiePolishnameCrown of the Kingdom of Poland (a former country in Europe, political and legal idea formed in the Poland in the 14th century, assuming unity, indivisibility and continuity of the state)historical neuter
History of PolandKrólestwo PolskiePolishnameCongress Poland (a former country in Europe, Polish state established 1815 and ruled by the Russian tsar)historical neuter
History of TurkeyserdarPolishnounserdarhistorical masculine person
History of TurkeyserdarPolishnounSardar (title of Persian origin used for military or political leaders in Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan)masculine person
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / Ellipsis of Roanoke Colony.; a failed late 16th century English colony on what is now the coast of North Carolina.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / A city in Randolph County, Alabama, United States.
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / A village in Woodford County, Illinois, United States.
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / A town in Huntington County, Indiana, United States.
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / An unincorporated community in Howard County and Randolph County, Missouri, United States.
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / A city in Denton County, Texas, United States.
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / An independent city in Virginia, United States.
History of the United StatesRoanokeEnglishnameA placename: / An unincorporated community in Lewis County, West Virginia, United States.
HolidaysզատիկArmeniannounPassoverJudaism capitalized often
HolidaysզատիկArmeniannounEasterChristianitycapitalized often
HolidaysզատիկArmeniannounholiday, feastbroadly
HolidaysզատիկArmeniannounladybird, ladybug
HolidaysメーデーJapanesenameMay Day, International Workers' Day
HominidsardipithEnglishnounAny of the hominids of the extinct genus Ardipithecus.anthropology biology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciences
HominidsardipithEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the hominids of the extinct genus Ardipithecus.anthropology biology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciences
Hong Kong紅旗Chinesenounred flag; red banner (Classifier: 面 m; 支 c)
Hong Kong紅旗ChinesenounadvancementMainland-China figuratively
Hong Kong紅旗Chinesenouna red banner used by the police: "Stop Charging or We Use Force / 停止衝擊,否則使用武力"Hong-Kong
Hong Kong紅旗ChinesenameHongqi (a village in Yonglong, Jingshan, Jingmen, Hubei, China)
Hong Kong紅旗ChinesenameHongqi (a village in Huilong, Fang, Shiyan, Hubei, China)
Hong Kong紅旗ChinesenameHongqi (a community of Zhucheng, Xinzhou district, Wuhan, Hubei, China)
Hordeeae tribe grassesbiggEnglishverbTo build.Northumbria Scotland obsolete transitive
Hordeeae tribe grassesbiggEnglishnounA kind of barley.uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounA grain used extensively in Europe for making bread, beer, and (now generally) for animal fodder.countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounThe grass Secale cereale from which the grain is obtained.countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounRye bread.countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounRye whiskey.Canada US countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounA drink of rye.Canada US countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounCaraway (from the mistaken assumption that the whole seeds, often used to season rye bread, are the rye itself)countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounRyegrass, any of the species of Lolium.countable uncountable
Hordeeae tribe grassesryeEnglishnounA disease of hawks.countable uncountable
Horse tackκεκρύφαλοςAncient Greeknounhairnet for women, snood
Horse tackκεκρύφαλοςAncient Greeknounpart of the headstall of a bridle
Horse tackκεκρύφαλοςAncient Greeknounreticulum, the second stomach of ruminantsbiology natural-sciences zoology
Horse tackκεκρύφαλοςAncient Greeknounpouch or belly of a hunting net
HorsesfillyEnglishnounA young female horse.
HorsesfillyEnglishnounA young, attractive woman.dated
HorsesllwydfelynWelshadjyellow dun (of a horse)
HorsesllwydfelynWelshnounclouded yellow (any butterfly of the genus Colias, especially Colias croceus)masculine
HorsesparipaHungariannoungelding (a castrated male horse)obsolete
HorticulturetameMiddle Englishadjtame, domesticated
HorticulturetameMiddle Englishadjcultivated, domesticated
HorticulturetameMiddle Englishadjovercome, subdued
HorticulturetameMiddle Englishadjmeek, compliant
HorticulturetameMiddle Englishadjinner, interioranatomy medicine sciences
HorticulturetameMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of tamen (“to cut, carve”)alt-of alternative
HorticulturetameMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of tome (“freetime”)Northern alt-of alternative uncountable
Hotelsboarding houseEnglishnounA private house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals.
Hotelsboarding houseEnglishnounA boarding school building where boarders live during term time.
Housingboarding houseEnglishnounA private house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals.
Housingboarding houseEnglishnounA boarding school building where boarders live during term time.
HousingбараанYakutnounram, sheep, mutton
HousingбараанYakutnounthe internal appearance of a dwelling
Human behaviourin flagrante delictoEnglishadvIn the act of committing a misdeed.not-comparable
Human behaviourin flagrante delictoEnglishadvWhile performing sexual activity.not-comparable
Human migrationexpatriationEnglishnounvoluntary migration from one's native land to anothercountable uncountable
Human migrationexpatriationEnglishnounforced expulsion of from one's native land to anothercountable uncountable
HydrologyструјаSerbo-Croatiannounriver stream
Hydrozoanssea spleenwortEnglishnounThe fern Asplenium marinum.
Hydrozoanssea spleenwortEnglishnounThe hydroid Thuiaria articulata.
HygienerentacaresCatalannounface clothinvariable masculine
HygienerentacaresCatalannounbootlicker, toadyby-personal-gender feminine figuratively invariable masculine
IndiaLudhianaEnglishnameThe largest city in the Indian state of Punjab.
IndiaLudhianaEnglishnameThe district in the Ropar division which encompasses this city.
IndividualsAlžbětaCzechnameElisabeth, Elizabeth (biblical character)feminine
IndividualsAlžbětaCzechnamea female given name, equivalent to English Elizabethfeminine
IndividualsAntíopePortuguesenameAntiope (an Amazon, daughter of Ares)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
IndividualsAntíopePortuguesenameAntiope (the daughter of the Boeotian river god Asopus)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
IndividualsChagataiEnglishnameA male given name of historical usage, most famously borne by the Mongol ruler Chagatai Khan (1183–1242), second son of Genghis Khan and first khan of the Chagatai Khanate, a medieval Mongol and later Turkicized khanate of Central Asia (divided after the 14th century).
IndividualsChagataiEnglishnameAn extinct literary Turkic language used in Central Asia and Bashkortostan between the 15th and the 20th century.
IndividualsChagataiEnglishnameAn ethnic group of Uzbekistan.collective
IndividualsIssacharEnglishnameNinth son of Jacob, by his wife Leah.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsIssacharEnglishnameOne of the Israelite tribes, descended from Issachar.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsIssacharEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew
Inheritance lawdziedziczyćPolishverbto inherit (e.g. property)imperfective transitive
Inheritance lawdziedziczyćPolishverbto inherit (e.g. a trait from a parent)imperfective transitive
InsectsalibangbangTagalognounsmall, roadside, yellow-winged butterfly
InsectsalibangbangTagalognounMalabar orchid tree; Malabar bauhinia (Piliostigma malabaricum)
InsectsbristletailEnglishnounAny of various small, active six-legged arthropods that have two or three bristles at the ends of their abdomens and that do not have wings. These were formerly classified together in the insect subclass Apterygota or the order Thysanura but are no longer considered closely related: / jumping bristletails in the insect order Archaeognatha
InsectsbristletailEnglishnounAny of various small, active six-legged arthropods that have two or three bristles at the ends of their abdomens and that do not have wings. These were formerly classified together in the insect subclass Apterygota or the order Thysanura but are no longer considered closely related: / insects in the order Zygentoma such as silverfish and firebrats
InsectsbristletailEnglishnounAny of various small, active six-legged arthropods that have two or three bristles at the ends of their abdomens and that do not have wings. These were formerly classified together in the insect subclass Apterygota or the order Thysanura but are no longer considered closely related: / two-pronged bristletails in the hexapod order Diplura
Interlingua cardinal numbersmillionInterlinguanounmillion
Interlingua cardinal numbersmillionInterlinguanuma million, one million
IranԱտրպատականArmeniannameAzerbaijan (a region in northwestern Iran)
IslamjihadistEnglishnounOne who participates in a jihad, an Islamic holy war or conflict; a mujahid.
IslamjihadistEnglishnounAn adherent of jihadism.
IslamjihadistEnglishnounOne who is militant for their religion (or irreligion).
IslamjihadistEnglishadjPertaining to the Islamic fundamentalist doctrine of jihadism, which advocates armed jihad.
Islamসুবহানাল্লাহBengaliintjglory to God; praise the LordIslam lifestyle religion
Islamসুবহানাল্লাহBengaliintjan expression of surprise, wow!Islam lifestyle religion
IslandsGrimseyEnglishnameA small, inhabited island off the northern coast of Iceland.
IslandsGrimseyEnglishnameA surname.
Islands제주도JejunameJeju province
Islands제주도JejunameJeju island
IsraelIsraeliEnglishnounA person from Israel or of Israeli descent.
IsraelIsraeliEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people.not-comparable
IsraelIsraeliEnglishnameThe modern Hebrew language.
J. R. R. TolkienRingnutEnglishnounA fan of the opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner.derogatory humorous slang
J. R. R. TolkienRingnutEnglishnounA fan of the novel The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien and/or the film trilogy based on it.derogatory humorous slang
Kentucky, USAKaintuckEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the US state of Kentucky.US dialectal not-comparable
Kentucky, USAKaintuckEnglishnounA native or resident of Kentucky, especially one who has a rustic character.US dialectal
Kentucky, USAKaintuckEnglishnounA worker, especially one having a crude or rowdy manner, on a boat that transported commercial goods on the Mississippi River.US dialectal obsolete
Kentucky, USAKaintuckEnglishnameThe US state of Kentucky.US dialectal
Kingfishers釣魚郎Chinesenounlittle egretCantonese Guangzhou
Kitchenwareperiuk nasiMalaynounrice cooker
Kitchenwareperiuk nasiMalaynounsource of income, breadwinneridiomatic
Kitchenware炒勺Chinesenounstir-fry spatula or spoon
Kitchenware炒勺Chinesenounfrying pan (with a handle); wok
KnotsзаставникSerbo-Croatiannounwarrant officergovernment military politics war
KnotsзаставникSerbo-Croatiannounensigngovernment military politics war
KnotsзаставникSerbo-Croatiannounflag-bearer, standard-bearer, flag carrierobsolete
KnotsзаставникSerbo-Croatiannounsheet bend
Komi-Zyrian cardinal numbersкыкKomi-Zyriannumtwo
Komi-Zyrian cardinal numbersкыкKomi-Zyrianadjdouble
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounA rabbit, especially the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (formerly known as Lepus cuniculus).
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounRabbit fur.UK dialectal
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounLocally for other rabbit-like or hyrax-like animals, such as the Cape hyrax (das, dassie) or the pika (Ochotona princeps, formerly Lagomys princeps).
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounLocally for other rabbit-like or hyrax-like animals, such as the Cape hyrax (das, dassie) or the pika (Ochotona princeps, formerly Lagomys princeps). / Used in the Old Testament as a translation of Hebrew שָׁפָן (shafán), thought to be the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis, syn. Hyrax syriacus).
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounA simpleton; one who may be taken in by a cony-catcher.obsolete
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounAn edible West Indian fish, a grouper given in different sources as: Epinephelus apua, the hind of Bermuda; nigger-fish, Epinephelus punctatus; Cephalopholis fulva.
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounSeveral species of tropical west Atlantic groupers of family Epinephelidae, such as the mutton hamlet, graysby, Cuban coney, and rooster hind.
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounThe burbot.UK dialectal
LagomorphsconyEnglishnounA woman; a sweetheart.obsolete
LakesAvernusLatinnameAvernus (lake in Southern Italy)declension-2 masculine singular
LakesAvernusLatinnameThe underworlddeclension-2 masculine singular
Lamiales order plantspédiculaireFrenchadjpedicular
Lamiales order plantspédiculaireFrenchnounPedicularisbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Lamiales order plantsskrętnikPolishnounstreptocarpus (any plant of the genus Streptocarpus)inanimate masculine
Lamiales order plantsskrętnikPolishnouna plant of the genus Strophanthusinanimate masculine
LandformscloughMiddle EnglishnounA narrow valley; a ravine.
LandformscloughMiddle EnglishnounA cliff; a precipice.
LandformsheadlandEnglishnounCoastal land that juts into the sea.
LandformsheadlandEnglishnounThe unplowed boundary of a field.
LandformsstrettoItalianadjclosehuman-sciences linguistics sciences
LandformsstrettoItalianverbpast participle of stringereform-of participle past
LandformsstrumieńPolishnounbrook, streaminanimate masculine
LandformsstrumieńPolishnounfluxinanimate masculine
LandformszrąbPolishnounclearcuttingbusiness forestryinanimate masculine
LandformszrąbPolishnounplace where a shaft intersects the groundbusiness mininginanimate masculine
LandformszrąbPolishnounEllipsis of zrąb tektoniczny (“horst”).geography geology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis inanimate masculine
LandformszrąbPolishnounstromaanatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine
LandformszrąbPolishnounwooden wall of a houseinanimate masculine
LandformszrąbPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of zrąbaćform-of imperative second-person singular
LanguagesHmongEnglishnounA people who live predominantly in the mountainous regions of China, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand, and (in diaspora) around the world.plural plural-only
LanguagesHmongEnglishnameThe lect spoken by these people, which is a cluster of a large number of lects which are sometimes considered dialects and sometimes separate languages.
LanguagesHmongEnglishadjOf or relating to the Hmong, their culture, or their lect.
LanguagesMacaneseEnglishadjOf or related to Macau.
LanguagesMacaneseEnglishadjOf or related to the Macanese people.
LanguagesMacaneseEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group from Macau of mixed European (usually Portuguese) and Asian (usually Chinese)
LanguagesMacaneseEnglishnameA creole language originating in Macau, based on Portuguese and some East Asian languages.
LanguagesMambweEnglishnouna tribe of people in northern Zambiaplural plural-only
LanguagesMambweEnglishnamethe language of these people
LanguagesMunseeEnglishnounA member of a subtribe and one of the three divisions of the Lenape people.
LanguagesMunseeEnglishnameAn endangered Eastern Algonquian language, one of the two Lenape/Delaware languages (the other is called Unami), spoken aboriginally in the vicinity of what is now New York City.
LanguagesPoolsAfrikaansadjPolish (of, from, or pertaining to Poland, the Polish people or the Polish language)not-comparable
LanguagesPoolsAfrikaansnamePolish (language)
LanguagesSamburuEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group of semi-nomadic pastoralists of north central Kenya, related to but distinct from the Maasai.
LanguagesSamburuEnglishnameTheir Eastern Nilotic, North Maa language.
LanguagesSelkupEnglishnounAny member of a people who live in the northwest of Siberia.
LanguagesSelkupEnglishnamethe Samoyedic language spoken by these people.
LanguagesSogdianEnglishadjOf or relating to Sogdiananot-comparable
LanguagesSogdianEnglishnounA native of Sogdiana
LanguagesSogdianEnglishnameAn extinct Middle Iranian language spoken around Sogdiana.
LanguagesTlingitEnglishnounA member of an Indian people from the coastal regions of Alaska and British Columbia.
LanguagesTlingitEnglishnamethe language of these people
LanguagesTlingitEnglishadjof, or relating to these people or their languagenot-comparable
LanguagescatalánGaliciannounCatalan personmasculine
LanguagescatalánGaliciannounCatalan; the language of Cataloniamasculine uncountable
LanguagesholendîNorthern KurdishnameDutch (the Dutch language)feminine
LanguagesholendîNorthern KurdishadjOf or pertaining to the Netherlands, the Dutch people or the Dutch language: Dutchnot-comparable
LanguagesnepalíSpanishadjNepalifeminine masculine
LanguagesnepalíSpanishnounNepali (someone from Nepal)masculine
LanguagesnepalíSpanishnounNepali (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesserboItalianadjSerbian, Serb (of, from or relating to Serbia)
LanguagesserboItaliannounSerbian, Serb (native or inhabitant of Serbia) (male or of unspecified gender)masculine
LanguagesserboItaliannounthe Serbian languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesserboItaliannounOnly used in in serbo
LanguagesserboItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of serbarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
LanguagestailandêsPortugueseadjThai (of or relating to Thailand)
LanguagestailandêsPortuguesenounThai (person from Thailand)masculine
LanguagestailandêsPortuguesenameThai (the national language of Thailand)masculine
LanguagesteluguFrenchnounAlternative form of télougoualt-of alternative masculine uncountable
LanguagesteluguFrenchadjAlternative form of télougoualt-of alternative
Languagesस्पैनिशHindinameSpanish (language)
Languagesस्पैनिशHindiadjSpanish, of Spainindeclinable
Languagesફ્રાંસીસીGujaratinameFrench (language)
Lanthanide series chemical elementsneodymiumEnglishnounA chemical element (symbol Nd) with an atomic number of 60: a hard, slightly malleable silvery metal that quickly tarnishes in air and moisture.countable uncountable
Lanthanide series chemical elementsneodymiumEnglishnounA single atom of this element.countable
LaughterheeEnglishintjAn expression of laughter.onomatopoeic
LaughterheeEnglishintjSaid accompanying a vigorous attack.rare
LaughterheeEnglishpronObsolete spelling of he. (sometimes emphatic).alt-of obsolete personal pronoun
LaughterхаSerbo-Croatiannounexpresses laughter
LaughterхаSerbo-Croatiannounexpresses triumph or discovery
LaughterхаSerbo-Croatiannountag question, huh
LaughterJapanesecharacterto laugh; laughterkanji
LaughterJapanesecharacterto smile; a smilekanji
LaughterJapanesenouna laugh, laughing, laughter
LaughterJapanesenouna smile, smiling
LaughterJapanesenouna smile, smiling
LaughterJapanesenouna bloom, blooming
LaughterJapanesenounthe opening of a nut or other fruit as it ripens
LaughterJapanesenamea female given name
LaughterJapanesenamea surname
LaughterJapanesepunctAlternative form of (笑): LOLalt-of alternative informal
LawbiquethenMiddle EnglishverbTo bequeath; to hand down to one's successors by will.
LawbiquethenMiddle EnglishverbTo transmit or give to one's successors.broadly
LawbiquethenMiddle EnglishverbTo set apart oneself for another or another's sake.
LawbiquethenMiddle EnglishverbTo set apart resources for another.rare
LawbiquethenMiddle EnglishverbTo say; to make an assertion or statement.rare
Law禁酒Japanesenounprohibition, abstinence from alcohol, temperance
Law禁酒Japaneseverbto abstain from drinking
Law enforcementinspectorateEnglishnounAn organized group of inspectors.
Law enforcementinspectorateEnglishnounThe office of an inspector.
Law enforcementinspectorateEnglishnounThe jurisdiction of an inspector.
LeadgalenaEnglishnounA mineral, lead sulphide (PbS), mined as an ore for lead.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable usually
LeadgalenaEnglishnounA remedy or antidote for poison; theriacmedicine sciencesobsolete uncountable usually
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishnounA leader, boss, or director; a chief official; one in charge.uncountable
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishnounAn authority or source of power; something which controls.uncountable
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishnounThe main, important or foundational part of something.uncountable
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishnounThe upper or topmost portion of something.uncountable
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishnounThe heraldic chief.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsuncountable
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishadjChief, head, top-ranking, executive; being in ultimate control.
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishadjPrincipal, foremost, predominant, primary; having the greatest importance.
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishadjHigh-quality, outstanding, notable, worthy; deserving recognition.
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishadjInfamous; grave.rare
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishadvPrincipally, (the) most.rare
LeaderschefMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of chafalt-of alternative
LeadershelmsmanEnglishnounA member of a ship's crew who is responsible for steering.nautical transport
LeadershelmsmanEnglishnounA leader.figuratively
LegumespopondoYorubanounA type of clay waterpot
LegumespopondoYorubanounlima bean, jack bean
Leuciscine fishchoke-childrenEnglishnounA fish, the allis shad (Alosa alosa) or rock herring.obsolete
Leuciscine fishchoke-childrenEnglishnounA fish, the common bream (Abramis brama).obsolete
LichensliszajPolishnounlichen, tetter, (skin disease)inanimate masculine
LichensliszajPolishnounlichen (organism)inanimate informal masculine plural-normally
LightbrilliantEnglishadjShining brightly.
LightbrilliantEnglishadjBoth bright and saturated.
LightbrilliantEnglishadjHaving a sharp, clear tone.
LightbrilliantEnglishadjOf surpassing excellence.British
LightbrilliantEnglishadjMagnificent or wonderful.British
LightbrilliantEnglishadjHighly intelligent.
LightbrilliantEnglishnounA finely cut gemstone, especially a diamond, cut in a particular form with numerous facets so as to maximize light return through the top (called "table") of the stone.countable uncountable
LightbrilliantEnglishnounThe size of type between excelsior and diamond, standardized as printing publishingdated uncountable
LightbrilliantEnglishnounMost hummingbird species of the genus Heliodoxa.countable uncountable
LightbrilliantEnglishnounA kind of cotton goods, figured on the weaving.countable uncountable
LightवनSanskritnouna treeVedic
LightवनSanskritnouna forest, wood, grove, thicket, quantity of lotuses or other plants growing in a thick cluster
LightवनSanskritnouna foreign or distant land
LightवनSanskritnounwood, timber
LightवनSanskritnouna wooden vessel or barrel (for the soma juice)
LightवनSanskritnouna cloud (as the vessel in the sky)
LightवनSanskritnounthe body of a carriage
LightवनSanskritnouncoco-grass (Cyperus rotundus)
LightवनSanskritnouna ray of light
LightवनSanskritnounlonging, earnest desire
LimbsnäppiIngriannounpinch (amount)
LimbsnäppiIngriannounthe tips of the thumb and another finger pressed together
Limenitidine butterfliesstaff sergeantEnglishnounA non-commissioned officer in the armed forces of several countries, ranking above a sergeant (or, in the US Air Force, above a senior airman).
Limenitidine butterfliesstaff sergeantEnglishnounA nymphalid butterfly, Athyma selenophora, of tropical and subtropical Asia.biology entomology natural-sciences
LinguisticspaleolinguisticsEnglishnounThe study of the distant human past by linguistic means.uncountable
LinguisticspaleolinguisticsEnglishnounThe study of prehistoric languages using linguistic evidence alone to try to reconstruct them.uncountable
LinguisticspseudolinguisticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to pseudo-linguistics; falling short of linguistic standards.not-comparable
LinguisticspseudolinguisticEnglishadjHaving some qualities similar to language, but not quite amounting to language in the narrow sense; quasilinguistic.not-comparable
LinguisticspseudolinguisticEnglishadjRelating to pseudolanguage.not-comparable
LiquidskrāsaLatviannouncolor (visible light of a certain wavelength)declension-4 feminine
LiquidskrāsaLatviannouncolor (visible feature of a surface or object caused by reflected light)declension-4 feminine
LiquidskrāsaLatviannounpaint, ink (substance applied to an object or surface to give it a certain color)declension-4 feminine
LiquidskrāsaLatviannouncolors (a colored symbol representing a country, an organization, a sports team)declension-4 feminine
LiquidsწკარიLaznounriver, stream, brook, creak
LiquidsწკარიLaznounliquid obtained by squeezing fruits, vegetables, etc., juice
Liquids墨膏Chinesenounprepared ink (in a liquid state, used in East Asian painting and calligraphy)Min Southern
Liquids墨膏Chinesenounprinting inkZhangzhou-Hokkien
LiteratureOgbebaraYorubanameThe twenty-second sign of the Ifa divination system, it is one of the signs of the ọmọ odù; the 240 minor signs
LiteratureOgbebaraYorubanameThe twenty-second chapter of the Odù Ifá corpus. It is one of the sixteen chapters in the Ogbè category (àpólà) and one of the 240 minor chapters, or àmúlù of the Odù Ifá.
LiteratureOgbebaraYorubanameThe spirit associated with this chapter
LiteraturepisarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pisarz (“writer”) (person who writes or produces literary work)feminine form-of
LiteraturepisarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pisarz (“clerk”) (in city offices, royal chancelleries, etc.: an official serving as a secretary)feminine form-of historical
LiteraturepisarkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of pisarz (“copyist”) (person who makes copies of books in a monastery or privately)feminine form-of obsolete
LivestockmuzaraSerbo-Croatiannounmilch cow, dairy cow, or other animal kept for milk production, e.g. dairy goat, dairy sheepfeminine
LivestockmuzaraSerbo-Croatiannounperson as a source of profit, cash cowfeminine
LivestockмалBashkirnounlivestock, cattle
LivestockмалBashkirnounproperty, possessions
LocksփակOld Armenianadjshut, closed
LocksփակOld Armeniannounfastening, lock, padlock
LondonHattoniteEnglishnounSomeone from any of several localities in England called Hatton.
LondonHattoniteEnglishnounA follower of any of several notable people with the surname Hatton.
LovecroíIrishnounhubbroadcasting mediamasculine
LoveromansPolishnounamour, love affair, romance, liaisoninanimate masculine
LoveromansPolishnounromance novel (story or novel dealing with idealized love, usually with little artistic value)literature media publishinginanimate masculine
LoveromansPolishnounAncient Greek novel, romauntliterature media publishinghistorical inanimate masculine
LoveromansPolishnounromance (sentimental ballad)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
MacaquesbruhEnglishnounAlternative form of bro (“male comrade or friend”)alt-of alternative slang
MacaquesbruhEnglishintjExpressing amazement or shock.slang
MacaquesbruhEnglishintjExpressing a feeling that something is an exceptionally stupid or inappropriate thing to think or to do.slang
MacaquesbruhEnglishintjExpressing disappointment.slang
MacaquesbruhEnglishnounThe rhesus macaque.archaic
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To twist, wind, or coil.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To encircle; to wrap around.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To wind around; to repeatedly encircle.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo turn about; to rotate: / To operate the mechanism of a winch or clock.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move or toss about: / To free from captivity.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move or toss about: / To meander; to wind.rare
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move or toss about: / To knead or mix into a food lifestylerare
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wrap; to enclose or cover: / To clothe; to dress.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wrap; to enclose or cover: / To blanket; to surround.figuratively
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move ahead; to advance: / To charge or launch ahead.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move ahead; to advance: / To spring; to fly out.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo move ahead; to advance
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo plait; to weave.rare
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo ventilate; to air.
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wind (perceive by scent)
MachineswyndenMiddle EnglishverbTo wind (cause to lack breath)rare
Maize (food)كوزArabicnounmug, jug, ewer, tankard
Maize (food)كوزArabicnounear or cob of maize, cone of a pine, prickly pear of a cactus and the likepost-Classical
Maize (food)كوزArabicnounfruit of the medlarobsolete
MalecuVietnamesenoundove; pigeon (especially the wild ones)
MalecuVietnamesenounpenis; cock; prickanatomy medicine sciencesinformal
MalediabełPolishnoundevil (evil creature, the objectification of a hostile and destructive force)lifestyle religion theologycountable
MalediabełPolishnoundevil (fictional image of a man, usually red or orange in skin color; with a set of horns on his head, a pointed goatee, and a long tail, and carrying a pitchfork; that represents evil and portrayed to children in an effort to discourage bad behavior)arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencescountable
MalediabełPolishnoundevil (someone unbearable, evil, or dangerous)colloquial countable derogatory
MalediabełPolishnoundaredevil (someone very capable, clever, or courageous)colloquial countable
MalediabełPolishnounA card game of chance or gambling.obsolete rare uncountable
MalediabełPolishnounforeign, pagan god; idollifestyle religionMiddle Polish countable
MalegourBretonnounperson (used in negation)masculine
MalegourBretonnounhusbandmasculine rare
Male animalslapinEnglishnounRabbit fur.
Male animalslapinEnglishnounA castrated male rabbit.
Male family membersbabaEnglishnounA kind of sponge cake soaked in rum-flavoured syrup.
Male family membersbabaEnglishnounA grandmother.
Male family membersbabaEnglishnounAn old woman, especially a traditional old woman from an eastern European culture.
Male family membersbabaEnglishnounA father.
Male family membersbabaEnglishnounA holy man, a spiritual leader.Islam lifestyle religionHinduism Sikhism
Male family membersbabaEnglishnounA baby, child.British India
Male family membersbabaEnglishnounIn baby talk, often used for a variety of words beginning with b, such as bottle or blanket.
Male family membersbhraapútrPhaluranounnephewmasculine
Male family membersbhraapútrPhaluranounbrother's sonmasculine
Male peopleHiërLimburgishnounman, gentleman (polite term)archaic masculine
Male peopleHiërLimburgishnounsir (title of respect)archaic masculine
Male peopleHiërLimburgishnounMr., mister, sirarchaic masculine
Male peopleHiërLimburgishnoungentlemanarchaic masculine
Male peopleHiërLimburgishnounmaster, lord (generally denotes that somebody has control over something, either in a generic or in a regal sense)archaic masculine
Male peopleHiërLimburgishnounLord, Godmasculine uncommon
Male peoplebłędny rycerzPolishnounknight-errant (knight in a medieval romance who wanders in search of adventure and opportunities to prove his chivalry)literary masculine person
Male peoplebłędny rycerzPolishnounknight-errant (person who displays an adventurous or a quixotic spirit)idiomatic masculine person
Male peopledziadekPolishnoungrandfathermasculine person
Male peopledziadekPolishnounold mancolloquial masculine person
Male peopledziadekPolishnoungrandparents (parents of one's father or mother)colloquial in-plural masculine person
Male peopledziadekPolishnoundummy (player whose hand is shown and is to be played from by another player)bridge card-games gamesmasculine person
Male peoplefiołPolishnounAugmentative of fiołekaugmentative form-of inanimate masculine
Male peoplefiołPolishnouncraze (temporary passion)colloquial inanimate masculine
Male peoplefiołPolishnouneccentric, weirdocolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peoplejakobinPolishnounJacobin (member of a radical French political club founded (at an old Jacobin convent) in 1789 and one of the driving forces of the French Revolution)government politicshistorical masculine person
Male peoplejakobinPolishnounJacobin (member of a group of radical patriotic activists during the Kościuszko Uprising)government politicshistorical masculine person
Male peoplejakobinPolishnounJacobin (political radical)government politicsbroadly dated masculine person
Male peoplekrośniarzPolishnounan itinerant glass merchantarchaic masculine person
Male peoplekrośniarzPolishnouna weaver (one who weaves using a loom)masculine person
Male peoplemlynářCzechnounmiller (person who owns or operates a mill)animate masculine
Male peoplemlynářCzechnounhookerball-games games hobbies lifestyle rugby sportsanimate masculine
Male peoplemäkkýšSlovaknounmolluscanimal-not-person masculine
Male peoplemäkkýšSlovaknounweakling, wimp, sissymasculine person
Male peoplenadzorcaPolishnounsupervisormasculine person
Male peoplenadzorcaPolishnounoverseermasculine person
Male peoplenadzorcaPolishnouninspectormasculine person
Male peoplenauczycielPolishnounteacher (person who teaches, especially one employed in a school)masculine person
Male peoplenauczycielPolishnounteacher, mentor (person or thing that causes one to be more aware or behave differently)figuratively literary masculine person
Male peoplenauczycielPolishnounfemale equivalent of nauczyciel (“teacher”) (person who teaches, especially one employed in a school)feminine form-of indeclinable
Male peopleprotagonistaPolishnounprotagonist (main character)broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle literature media publishing television theatermasculine person
Male peopleprotagonistaPolishnounprotagonist (leading person in a contest)masculine person
Male peoplestyropianPolishnounstyrofoamchemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
Male peoplestyropianPolishnounpolitician with a history of involvement with the Solidarity trade uniongovernment politicsderogatory masculine person slang
Male peoplesłuchaczPolishnounlistenermasculine person
Male peoplesłuchaczPolishnounattendee, student (on a course, etc.)masculine person
Male peopleubogiPolishadjpoor
Male peopleubogiPolishnounpoor personmasculine noun-from-verb person
Male peopleיונגערמאַןYiddishnounyoung man
Male peopleיונגערמאַןYiddishnounfellow
Male people丈夫Chinesenounhusband
Male people丈夫Chinesenounman; (adult) male
Male people丈夫Chinesenounman of vigor; brave man
Male people丈夫Chinesenounman; (adult) maleMin Northern Puxian-Min Southern
Mallow subfamily plantsسراج القطربArabicnounmandrake (Mandragora)obsolete
Mallow subfamily plantsسراج القطربArabicnounloosestrife (Lysimachia)obsolete
Mallow subfamily plantsسراج القطربArabicnounhollyhock (Alcea)obsolete
MammalsmakthAlbaniannounsweet clover, melilot (Melilotus)masculine
MammalsmakthAlbaniannounSt. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)masculine
MammalsmakthAlbaniannounleveret, young rabbitmasculine
MammalsmakthAlbaniannounplacenta; afterbirthmasculine
MammalsmakthAlbaniannounincubusarts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesmasculine
MammalsmakthAlbaniannounnightmarecolloquial masculine
MammalsmusNorwegian Nynorsknouna mousefeminine
MammalsmusNorwegian Nynorsknounpussy (female genitalia)anatomy medicine sciencescolloquial feminine vulgar
MammalsmusNorwegian Nynorsknouncomputer mousecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
MammalsخيلHijazi Arabicnounhorsescollective
MammalsخيلHijazi Arabicnounhorseinformal
MarriageconiugiumLatinnounconnection, uniondeclension-2 neuter
MarriageconiugiumLatinnounmarriagedeclension-2 neuter
MarriageswatkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of swat (“matchmaker”)feminine form-of
MarriageswatkaPolishnounthe mother of one's child-in-lawfeminine
Martial artskarateSerbo-Croatiannounkarate
Martial artskarateSerbo-Croatianverbsecond-person plural present of karatiform-of plural present second-person
Mass mediakirjaKareliannounletter
Mass mediakirjaKareliannounpattern
Mass mediakirjaKareliannounbook
MatterܬܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsmoke (vapor, gases, and fine particles given off by combustion)
MatterܬܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicverbto repeat, do a second time
MeatscharkiQuechuaadjthin, wretched
MeatscharkiQuechuaadjmiserly, stingy
MeatscharkiQuechuanoundried meat, jerky ("salty meat dried in the sun")
MeatscharkiQuechuanouna thin person or animalfiguratively
MeatsfesauntMiddle EnglishnounA pheasant (bird of family Phasianidae)
MeatsfesauntMiddle EnglishnounThe meat of this bird as food.
MeatskråsSwedishnoungiblets (edible viscera of a bird)neuter
MeatskråsSwedishnouna ruffle (gathered strip of fabric)neuter
MedianovaĵojEsperantonounnews (information about current events)plural plural-only
MedianovaĵojEsperantonounplural of novaĵoform-of plural
Medical signs and symptomsподутинаBulgariannounswelling
Medical signs and symptomsподутинаBulgariannounedema, tumefaction (both as a result of injury or as a medical sign for some disease)
Medical signs and symptomsхолунYakutnounsurcingle (senses 1 and 2)
Medical signs and symptomsхолунYakutverbto deteriorateintransitive
Medical signs and symptomsхолунYakutverbto lose weightintransitive
Medical signs and symptomsхолунYakutverbto defecateintransitive
MedicinebadaniePolishnounverbal noun of badaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
MedicinebadaniePolishnounexploration, examinationcountable neuter
MedicinebadaniePolishnounexamination (inspection by a doctor)neuter
MedicinebadaniePolishnounstudy (such as a scientific study)countable neuter
MedicinebadaniePolishnounexamination; Further details are uncertain.Middle Polish neuter
MedicinebadaniePolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain.Middle Polish neuter
Menthinae subtribe plantsmarjoramEnglishnounA herb of the mint family, Origanum majorana, having aromatic leaves.countable uncountable
Menthinae subtribe plantsmarjoramEnglishnounThe leaves of this plant used in flavouring food.countable uncountable
MetalsuzzařTarifitnounmetalbroadly masculine
Metals貴金属Japanesenouna precious metal
Metals貴金属Japanesenouna noble metalchemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Metals𑜂𑜢𑜤𑜃𑜫Ahomnounsilver (metal).
Metals𑜂𑜢𑜤𑜃𑜫Ahomnounsilver (color).
MilitarydovolenkaSlovaknounfurlough (leave of absence in the army)feminine
MilitaryզորականArmeniannounsoldier, military man
MilitaryզորականArmeniannountroops, armycollective rare
MilitaryզորականArmenianadjmilitary, martial, war
MilitaryզորականArmenianadjrelated to an army or troops
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna courtdeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna farmyard or enclosuredeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna retinue or escortdeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna circle or crowddeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna cohort; tenth part of a legiondeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna band or armed forcedeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna ship's crewdeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna bodyguarddeclension-3 feminine
Military unitscohorsLatinnouna military unit of 500 mendeclension-3 feminine
MindinwitMiddle Englishnounreasoning, mental acuity, brainpower.uncountable
MindinwitMiddle Englishnounattitude, impression, essenceuncountable
MindinwitMiddle EnglishnounA mental process or poweruncountable
MindinwitMiddle Englishnounmorality, moral code; judgementuncountable
MindinwitMiddle Englishnounplan, intent, purpose.rare uncountable
Mint family plantschasteberryEnglishnounThe shrub Vitex agnus-castus.
Mint family plantschasteberryEnglishnounIts edible berry, used as a pepper substitute.
Mint family plantsChinesecharacterperilla (Perilla frutescens)obsolete
Mint family plantsChinesecharactera kind of big bean; bigobsolete
Mint family plantsChinesecharactersoft; weak; yieldingobsolete
Mint family plantsChinesecharacterweak; feeble; frailHokkien Singapore
MollusksconquillaCatalannounmollusc shell, seashell, conchfeminine
MollusksconquillaCatalannounpasta shell; conchigliafeminine plural-normally
MollusksconquillaCatalannounathletic cup (US), box (UK) (piece of protective gear which covers the genitals)hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
MonasticismclaustralEnglishadjOf or pertaining to a cloister.
MonasticismclaustralEnglishadjHaving cloisters; cloistered.
MonasticismclaustralEnglishadjRelating to the claustrum of the brain.anatomy medicine sciences
Moneycurrency strapEnglishnounA simple paper device designed to hold a specific denomination and number of banknotes in a bundle.
Moneycurrency strapEnglishnounA bundle of banknotes held together by such a device.broadly
Montana, USAMontananEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, Montana or its culture
Montana, USAMontananEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Montana in the United States of America.
MonthsstudeniSerbo-Croatiannoungenitive/dative/vocative/locative singular of studendative feminine form-of genitive locative singular vocative
MonthsstudeniSerbo-Croatianadjinflection of studen: / masculine nominative/vocative pluralform-of masculine nominative plural vocative
MonthsstudeniSerbo-Croatianadjinflection of studen: / definite masculine nominative/vocative singulardefinite form-of masculine nominative singular vocative
MonthsstudeniSerbo-Croatianadjinflection of studen: / definite inanimate masculine accusative singularaccusative definite form-of inanimate masculine singular
Months𐭱𐭲𐭥𐭩𐭥𐭥Middle PersiannameShahrewar, the third Amahraspand
Months𐭱𐭲𐭥𐭩𐭥𐭥Middle PersiannameShahrivar, the sixth month of the solar Iranian calendar
Months𐭱𐭲𐭥𐭩𐭥𐭥Middle Persiannamethe forth day of month
Moonkalahatian-ng-buwanTagalognounhalf-moon (the moon in its first or last quarter)
Moonkalahatian-ng-buwanTagalognounmiddle day of the month
MoonsneweMiddle Englishadjnew
MoonsneweMiddle EnglishnounThe new moon.astronomy natural-sciences
MoonsneweMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of neve (“nephew”)alt-of alternative
MouthяснаUkrainiannoungums (the flesh around the teeth)plural plural-only
MouthяснаUkrainianadjfeminine nominative singular of я́сни́й (jásnýj)feminine form-of nominative singular
Municipalities of NorwayRørosNorwegian BokmålnameA municipality in Trøndelag (Norway), bordering onto Herjedal (Sweden) and Innlandet (Norway). Before January 1, 2018 the municipality was part of Sør-Trøndelag fylke.
Municipalities of NorwayRørosNorwegian BokmålnameA town with city status, which is the administrative center of this municipality. The town has also status of a mining town (bergstad).
MuridsbiałobrzuchPolishnounwhite-bellied rat, any rodent of the genus Niviventeranimal-not-person masculine
MuridsbiałobrzuchPolishnounpurple-throated cotinga (Porphyrolaema porphyrolaema)animal-not-person masculine
MusicDay the Music DiedEnglishnameFebruary 3rd, 1959, the day when American rock and roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and "The Big Bopper" J. P. Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, together with pilot Roger Peterson.historical
MusicDay the Music DiedEnglishnameAny other day perceived in an extremely sad light, especially one in which a musician or musicians died, or in which negative consequences to the music industry were otherwise caused.broadly
Musical genresswingPortuguesenounswing (a dance and music style)masculine
Musical genresswingPortuguesenounswinging (exchange of partners for sex)masculine
Musical instrumentslúðurIcelandicnountrumpet, horn, brass instrumentmasculine
Musical instrumentslúðurIcelandicadjworn-out, tired, weary
Musical instrumentslúðurIcelandicnounindefinite nominative/accusative plural of lúðaaccusative form-of indefinite nominative plural
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounA musical range or section higher than bass and lower than alto.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounA person, instrument, or group that performs in the tenor (higher than bass and lower than alto) range.countable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounA musical part or section that holds or performs the main melody, as opposed to the contratenor bassus and contratenor altus, who perform countermelodies.entertainment lifestyle musicarchaic countable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounThe lowest tuned in a ring of bells.countable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounTone, as of a conversation.countable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounduration; continuance; a state of holding on in a continuous course; general tendency; career.countable obsolete uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounThe subject in a metaphor to which attributes are ascribed.human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounTime to maturity of a financecountable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounStamp; character; nature.countable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounAn exact copy of a writing, set forth in the words and figures of it. It differs from purport, which is only the substance or general import of the instrument.lawcountable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounThat course of thought which holds on through a discourse; the general drift or course of thought; purport; intent; meaning; understanding.countable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishnounA tenor saxophone.entertainment lifestyle musiccolloquial countable uncountable
Musical voices and registerstenorEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the tenor part or range.not-comparable
MustelidsahmoiLivvinounglutton (one who eats a lot)
Myrmicine antsfire antEnglishnounAny of several red or yellow ants that can inflict a harsh sting. / Solenopsis spp. (tropical fire ants)
Myrmicine antsfire antEnglishnounAny of several red or yellow ants that can inflict a harsh sting. / Oecophylla spp. (weaver ants), of Southeast Asia
Myrmicine antsfire antEnglishnounAny of several red or yellow ants that can inflict a harsh sting. / Solenopsis invicta (red imported fire ant)
Myrmicine antsfire antEnglishnounAny of several red or yellow ants that can inflict a harsh sting. / Wasmannia auropunctata (electric ant, little fire ant).
Mythological creaturesnàng tiênVietnamesenouna young-looking female fairyhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturesnàng tiênVietnamesenouncocaineinformal slang
Mythological creaturesturońPolishnounTuroń (festive monstrosity in the form of a black, horned, and shaggy animal with a flopping jaw)arts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesPolish animal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturesturońPolishnouncaroler dressed as Turońanimal-not-person masculine
Mythological figuresFour Horsemen of the ApocalypseEnglishnameFour beings in Revelation 6:1–8 that bring about the Apocalypse, each embodied as a horseman riding a different-colored horse that represents a different aspect of the Apocalypse.biblical lifestyle religion
Mythological figuresFour Horsemen of the ApocalypseEnglishnameHarbingers of doom; several signs which combine to imply the imminence of literal or figurative destruction.idiomatic
Mythological locationsHadesCatalannameHades (god)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine
Mythological locationsHadesCatalannameHades (underworld)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine
NationalismденацифицироватьRussianverbto denazify (remove Nazi or fascistic influences or activities)
NationalismденацифицироватьRussianverbto attack military structures and personnel in Ukraine.government politicseuphemistic neologism
NationalitiesBrazilianEnglishnounA person from Brazil or of Brazilian descent.
NationalitiesBrazilianEnglishnounEllipsis of Brazilian wax (“style of pubic hair removal”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis informal
NationalitiesBrazilianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Brazil, or the Brazilian people.not-comparable
NationalitiesBrazilianEnglishadjPertaining to full removal of pubic hair.not-comparable
NationalitiesBulgarTurkishadjBulgarian (of or relating to Bulgaria or the Bulgarian people)
NationalitiesBulgarTurkishnameBulgarian (native of Bulgaria or ethnically Bulgarian person)
NationalitiesGaimbiachIrishnounGambian personmasculine
NationalitiesRuiseanachScottish GaelicnounRussianmasculine
NationalitiesRuiseanachScottish GaelicadjRussian
NationalitiesYernaghManxnounIrishman, Irishwomanmasculine
NationalitiesbahreiníSpanishadjBahrainifeminine masculine
NationalitiesbahreiníSpanishnounBahrainiby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesbelgaCatalanadjBelgianfeminine masculine
NationalitiesbelgaCatalannounBelgianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesbelgaItalianadjBelgian (of, from or relating to Belgium)
NationalitiesbelgaItaliannounBelgian (native or inhabitant of Belgium)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesbhutanesiskaSwedishadjinflection of bhutanesisk: / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiesbhutanesiskaSwedishadjinflection of bhutanesisk: / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiesbhutanesiskaSwedishnounfemale Bhutanese, woman from Bhutancommon-gender
NationalitiesmalgascioItalianadjMalagasy, Madagascan
NationalitiesmalgascioItaliannounMalagasy, Madagascanmasculine
NationalitiesmalgascioItaliannounthe Malagasy languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitiesnorvegianRomanianadjNorwegianmasculine neuter
NationalitiesosztrákHungarianadjAustrian (of or relating to Austria or its people)not-comparable
NationalitiesosztrákHungarianadjAustrian (of or relating to the standard variant of the German language used in Austria)not-comparable
NationalitiesosztrákHungariannounAustrian (a person from Austria or of Austrian descent)
NationalitiessvenskeNorwegian Nynorskadjdefinite singular of svenskdefinite form-of singular
NationalitiessvenskeNorwegian Nynorskadjplural of svenskform-of plural
NationalitiessvenskeNorwegian Nynorsknouna Swede (native of Sweden)masculine
NationalitiesܐܪܡܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameArmenia (A country in the South Caucasus region of Asia, sometimes considered to belong politically to Europe)
NationalitiesܐܪܡܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjArmenian (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, the Armenian culture, the Armenian people, or the Armenian language)
NationalitiesܐܪܡܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounArmenian (A person from Armenia or of Armenian descent)
NationalitiesܐܪܡܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnamea surname
Native American tribesCahuillaEnglishnounA member of a group of Native Americans of the inland areas of southern California.
Native American tribesCahuillaEnglishnameTheir Uto-Aztecan language.
NauticalпловкаBulgariannounfloater, flotsamliterally
NauticalпловкаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of пловъ́к (plovǎ́k): duck, anatiddialectal feminine form-of
NauticalпловкаBulgariannounfemale equivalent of пловъ́к (plovǎ́k): mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)feminine form-of
NeogastropodsballarugaCatalannoungallbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
NeogastropodsballarugaCatalannounteetotum (small top used in games of chance)feminine
NeogastropodsballarugaCatalannouncone snailfeminine
NeogastropodsballarugaCatalannounfidget (person who fidgets)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
New YearшыршыBashkirnounspruce
New YearшыршыBashkirnounChristmas tree
New Year迎春Chineseverbto welcome the spring
New Year迎春Chineseverbto welcome the new year
New Year迎春Chinesenouna kind of ancient sacrificial riteshistorical
New Year迎春ChinesenounJasminum nudiflorum (winter jasmine)
NobilitycondeSpanishnouncount, earl (nobility); countess in the feminine sensemasculine
NobilitycondeSpanishverbinflection of condir: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
NobilitycondeSpanishverbinflection of condir: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounskull, head
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounchief, prince
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnouncapitation, head tax
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnountop, peak, summit
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnounhillgeography natural-sciences
NobilityܩܪܩܦܬܐClassical Syriacnoungablearchitecture
Nova ScotiaHaligonianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the town of Halifax, West Yorkshire, England.England not-comparable
Nova ScotiaHaligonianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.Canada not-comparable
Nova ScotiaHaligonianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Halifax, West Yorkshire, England.England
Nova ScotiaHaligonianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.Canada
Nuts비자Koreannounvisa (travel permit)
Nuts비자KoreannounThe fruit of the kaya tree.
OakssardãoPortuguesenounocellated lizard (Timon lepidus)masculine
OakssardãoPortuguesenounholm oak (Quercus ilex)masculine
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounThe substance formerly supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere above the clouds, in particular as a medium breathed by deities. / The medium breathed by human beings; the air.broadly countable literary poetic uncountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounThe substance formerly supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere above the clouds, in particular as a medium breathed by deities. / The sky, the heavens; the void, nothingness.broadly countable literary poetic uncountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounOften as aether and more fully as luminiferous aether: a substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space that allowed electromagnetic waves to pass through it and interact with matter, without exerting any resistance to matter or energy; its existence was disproved by the 1887 Michelson–Morley experiment and the theory of relativity propounded by Albert Einstein (1879–1955).natural-sciences physical-sciences physicshistorical uncountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounThe atmosphere or space as a medium for broadcasting radio and television signals; also, a notional space through which Internet and other digital communications take place; cyberspace.colloquial uncountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounA particular quality created by or surrounding an object, person, or place; an atmosphere, an aura.colloquial uncountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounDiethyl ether (C₄H₁₀O), an organic compound with a sweet odour used in the past as an anaesthetic.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesuncountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounAny of a class of organic compounds containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencescountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounStarting fluid.uncountable
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishverbTo viciously humiliate or insult.slang transitive
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishverbAlternative form of edderUK alt-of alternative dialectal
Obsolete scientific theoriesetherEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of Etherbusiness cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency financealt-of
OccupationsWeberGermannounagent noun of webenagent form-of masculine strong
OccupationsWeberGermannounweaver (male or of unspecified gender) (someone who weaves); webstermasculine strong
OccupationsWeberGermannounweaver (as a component part of multiple compound names, mainly various bird (or other animal) species)masculine strong
OccupationsWeberGermannamea common surname originating as an occupationfeminine masculine proper-noun surname
OccupationsWeberGermannounweberneuter strong
OccupationsassayourMiddle EnglishnounA researcher; a inquirer.rare
OccupationsassayourMiddle EnglishnounA quality control official.rare
OccupationsassayourMiddle EnglishnounA food-taster.rare
OccupationsbalatroLatinnounclown, jester, buffoondeclension-3
Occupationscharcoal burnerEnglishnounA person whose job it is to make charcoal, traditionally by carbonizing wood in a charcoal clamp or a kiln.
Occupationscharcoal burnerEnglishnounA heater or brazier in which charcoal is burnt.
Occupationscharcoal burnerEnglishnounAn edible European mushroom (Russula cyanoxantha).
OccupationscónsulSpanishnounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationscónsulSpanishnounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)by-personal-gender feminine historical masculine
OccupationsempleadoSpanishverbpast participle of emplearform-of participle past
OccupationsgazownikPolishnoungasfittermasculine person
OccupationsgazownikPolishnoundrunkardcolloquial masculine person
OccupationslegatioLatinnounambassador (office, not person)declension-3
OccupationslegatioLatinnounembassy; member of an embassy; mission; (cf. Whitaker's Words)declension-3
OccupationslegatioLatinnoundeputy commanddeclension-3
OccupationslegatioLatinnoundonation, bequest (medieval)declension-3
OccupationsorouchiDongxiangnounapricot merchant
OccupationsorouchiDongxiangnounapricot lover (someone who loves to eat apricots)
OccupationspleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who makes entertainment for themselves: / One who participates in a game or sport; a player.
OccupationspleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who makes entertainment for themselves: / One who gambles or bets on a game.
OccupationspleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who makes entertainment for themselves: / A participant in festivities or revelry.
OccupationspleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who provides entertainment (e.g. songs, dance, music)
OccupationspleyerMiddle EnglishnounOne who provides entertainment (e.g. songs, dance, music): / A performer or participant in a play or stage show.
OccupationsportolàCatalannounportolannautical transportmasculine
OccupationsportolàCatalannounharbourmasterhistorical masculine
OccupationstinmanEnglishnounA maker of tinware; a tinsmith.
OccupationstinmanEnglishnounA dealer in tinware.
OccupationstinmanEnglishnounAn uncaring or heartless man; a man lacking, or seeming to lack, feelings, emotions, or concern for others.
OccupationstinmanEnglishnounA master gene in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, whose absence causes the fly to develop without a heart.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciences
OccupationsդոկտորArmeniannoundoctor (a person who has attained a doctorate)
OccupationsդոկտորArmeniannounphysician, medical doctorcolloquial dated
OccupationsגערטנערYiddishnoungardener (one who gardens)
OccupationsגערטנערYiddishnounplural of גאָרטן (gortn)form-of plural
OccupationsظئرArabicadjgiving suck to strange offspring
OccupationsظئرArabicnounwet nurse
OccupationsظئرArabicnounan angle or corner of a pavilion
OccupationsظئرArabicnounbuttress built against the wall
OccupationsܐܡܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounartin-plural
OccupationsܐܡܢܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounartist
OccupationsસિપાઈGujaratinounsepoy; peonhistorical
OccupationsસિપાઈGujaratinounpoliceman; constable
OccupationsจเรThainouninspector; inspector general.government
OccupationsจเรThaiverbto wander; to walk; to roam.archaic poetic
Occupations内礼司Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 中務省 (Nakatsukasashō, “Ministry of the Center”), responsible for conducting court ritualsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Occupations内礼司Japanesenamea 律令 (ritsuryō) position under the 中務省 (Nakatsukasashō, “Ministry of the Center”), responsible for conducting court ritualsgovernment history human-sciences sciences
Oestroid fliesoestroidEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the superfamily Oestroideabiology entomology natural-sciences
Oestroid fliesoestroidEnglishnounAny fly of the superfamily Oestroidea
Old World oriolesgrangurRomaniannounoriole (bird)masculine
Old World oriolesgrangurRomaniannounhotshot, big gun, bigwigfiguratively masculine
One一物Japanesenounplot, ulterior motive, secret intention
One一物Japanesenounthing, article
One一物Japanesenounpenis, prickvulgar
Onomasticsmiddle nameEnglishnouna name between the first given name and the family name or surname; a second or subsequent given name
Onomasticsmiddle nameEnglishnouna trait, activity, or action closely associated with or aptly describing a personfiguratively
Onomasticsmiddle nameEnglishnounone's mother's maiden namePhilippines
Organizations弾正台Japanesenamea type of 律令 (ritsuryō) law enforcement agencygovernment history human-sciences law-enforcement sciences
Organizations弾正台Japanesenamea type of law enforcement agency during the Meiji periodgovernment history human-sciences law-enforcement sciences
Organizations弾正台Japanesenamea type of 律令 (ritsuryō) law enforcement agencygovernment history human-sciences law-enforcement sciences
OrgansPintGermannounmale membercolloquial masculine regional strong
OrgansPintGermannounpint (unit of volume)neuter strong
OrgansdropeMiddle EnglishnounA drop (small quantity of liquid)
OrgansdropeMiddle EnglishnounA shower or gush; a falling agglomeration of droplets.
OrgansdropeMiddle EnglishnounA speckle, stain, or mark.
OrgansdropeMiddle EnglishnounA disease having speckles or spots as a symptom.medicine sciences
OrgansdropeMiddle EnglishnounA hanging gemstone.rare
OrgansdropeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of droppenalt-of alternative
OrgansdropeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of droupenalt-of alternative
Orthography送るJapaneseverbto send; to dispatch
Orthography送るJapaneseverbto see off, to take (somebody somewhere), to escort
Orthography送るJapaneseverbto pass the time
Orthography送るJapaneseverbto see off a deceased person
Orthography送るJapaneseverbto play back
Orthography送るJapaneseverbto add okuriganahuman-sciences linguistics sciences
OwlsינשוףHebrewnounAn owl of the Asio genus.
OwlsינשוףHebrewnounA breathalyser (device testing alcohol levels)
PainsoukeMiddle EnglishnounBreastfeeding or milking; the extraction of milk.uncountable
PainsoukeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of soukenalt-of alternative
Palm treespalmEnglishnounAny of various evergreen trees from the family Palmae or Arecaceae, which are mainly found in the tropics.
Palm treespalmEnglishnounA branch or leaf of the palm, anciently borne or worn as a symbol of victory or rejoicing.
Palm treespalmEnglishnounTriumph; victory.broadly figuratively
Palm treespalmEnglishnounAny of 23 awards that can be earned after obtaining the Eagle Scout rank, but generally only before turning 18 years old.
Palm treespalmEnglishnounThe inner and somewhat concave part of the human hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers.
Palm treespalmEnglishnounThe corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal.
Palm treespalmEnglishnounSynonym of hand, any of various units of length notionally derived from the breadth of the palm, formalized in England as 4 inches and now chiefly used for the height of horseshistorical
Palm treespalmEnglishnounAny of various units of length notionally derived from the length of the palm from the wrist to the base of the fingers.historical
Palm treespalmEnglishnounA metallic disk attached to a strap and worn in the palm of the hand; used to push the needle through the canvas, in sewing sails, etc.arts crafts hobbies lifestyle nautical sailmaking transport
Palm treespalmEnglishnounThe broad flattened part of an antler, as of a full-grown fallow deer; so called as resembling the palm of the hand with its protruding fingers.
Palm treespalmEnglishnounThe flat inner face of an anchor fluke.nautical transport
Palm treespalmEnglishverbTo hold or conceal something in the palm of the hand, e.g, for an act of sleight of hand or to steal something.
Palm treespalmEnglishverbTo hold something without bending the fingers significantly.
Palm treespalmEnglishverbTo move something with the palm of the hand.
Palm treespalmEnglishverbTo use one's palm as identification to get through a door or security checkpoint.intransitive transitive
Palm treespalmEnglishverbTo bribe.UK obsolete slang transitive
Palm treespalmOld High Germannounpalm treemasculine
Palm treespalmOld High Germannounpalm leafmasculine
PanthersܐܪܝܐClassical Syriacnounlion
PanthersܐܪܝܐClassical Syriacnounleprosymedicine pathology sciences
PanthersܐܪܝܐClassical SyriacnameLeo (constellation and zodiac sign)astrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
PapermucholapkaCzechnounflytrap (insectivorous plant)feminine
Paper sizes48ºTranslingualnounAbbreviation of quadragesimo-octavo, a page size (2.5"-3.1" x 2.5"-3.3").abbreviation alt-of
Paper sizes48ºTranslingualnounAbbreviation of quadragesimo-octavo, a book size using quadragesimo-octavo-sized printing publishingabbreviation alt-of
ParasitesfleahOld Englishnounflea
ParasitesfleahOld Englishverbfirst/third-person singular preterite indicative of flēoganfirst-person form-of indicative preterite singular third-person
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmother (human female who begets a child)countable feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmother (animal female that begets a child)countable feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnounqueen (female insect that begets others)biology natural-sciences zoologycountable feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmother (chief nun)lifestyle religioncountable feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmother (origin)feminine uncountable
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmother (object or organization that is superior or exemplary in relation to other objects or organizations of this type, usually later created)countable feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmother (plant intended for seedlings)biology botany natural-sciencescountable feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnouncaptain (most important player or team manager)gamescountable feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnounterm of endearment for one's wife, mother of children, or older woman; mothercolloquial endearing feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmother (one who acts like a mother)countable feminine figuratively
ParentsmatkaPolishnounmain riverbedcountable feminine obsolete
ParentsmatkaPolishnountype of children's gamefeminine obsolete uncountable
ParentsmatkaPolishnounconcave stampcountable feminine obsolete
ParentsmatkaPolishnounwomb, uterusanatomy medicine sciencesMiddle Polish feminine
ParentsmatkaPolishnoundiminutive of matadiminutive feminine form-of
Pennsylvania, USAヨークJapanesenameYork
Pennsylvania, USAヨークJapanesenounyoke
PeopleCristeroEnglishnouna supporter of the anti-secular side during the Cristero War in Mexico
PeopleCristeroEnglishadjrelating or belonging to the rebel, anti-secular side during the Cristero Warnot-comparable
PeopleMassilioteEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Massilia. (ancient Marseille)historical
PeopleMassilioteEnglishadjOf, from or relating to Massilia. (ancient Marseille)historical not-comparable
PeopleStacyEnglishnameAn English surname, variant of Stacey.
PeopleStacyEnglishnameA male given name from Ancient Greek transferred from the surname.
PeopleStacyEnglishnameA female given name from Ancient Greek derived from the surname, popular in the 1970s.
PeopleStacyEnglishnounAn attractive woman who is sexually active.derogatory
Peopleangel momEnglishnounA mother whose child has died.US euphemistic informal
Peopleangel momEnglishnounA mother whose child was killed by an undocumented immigrant.US
Peopleangel momEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see angel, mom.
PeopleanimalculistEnglishnounA believer in the theory that the embryo exists preformed within the spermatozoon; a proponent of animalculism.historical
PeopleanimalculistEnglishnounSomeone who studies animalcules.obsolete
PeopleanimalculistEnglishadjPertaining to animalculism.historical
PeopleardcheannIrishnounarch-leader; flighty, frivolous, personderogatory masculine
PeoplebarrowmanEnglishnounA putter: one who puts the tubs of coal from the workings to the cranes, flats, or stations, so that they can be conveyed to the mininghistorical
PeoplebarrowmanEnglishnounA street vendor selling fruit and vegetables from a barrow.historical
PeoplecajolerEnglishnounA person who cajoles; a flatterer.
PeoplecajolerEnglishnounA speech act intended to persuade or convince, such as the utterance "you know".human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeoplecaliHausanounmesh bag
PeoplecaliHausanouna person full of excusesfiguratively
PeoplecaliHausanounsomeone who clowns around; the humorous character in a film
Peoplecon cháuVietnamesenounchildren and grandchildrencollective
Peoplecon cháuVietnamesenoundescendants; progenycollective figuratively
PeopledeofolgieldaOld Englishnounidolater
PeopledeofolgieldaOld Englishnoundevil worshiper
PeopledolňákCzechnounlowlander, inhabitant of lowlandsanimate masculine
PeopledolňákCzechnounbutt mananimate colloquial masculine
PeopleflexitarianEnglishnounOne who is usually or primarily vegetarian, but not strictly so.
PeopleflexitarianEnglishadjBeing a flexitarian.
PeopleflexitarianEnglishadjBeing what a flexitarian might eat.usually
PeopleforepersonEnglishnounA leader of a work
PeopleforepersonEnglishnounThe member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its
PeopleforepersonEnglishnounA forefather, predecessor.uncommon
PeoplefusspotEnglishnounA person who makes a fuss, particularly about trivial things.informal
PeoplefusspotEnglishverbTo make a fuss, particularly about trivial things.informal intransitive
PeoplegadzinaPolishnouncreeping animalcolloquial feminine
PeoplegadzinaPolishnounblackguard, scoundrelderogatory feminine
PeoplegadzinaPolishnounlivestockdialectal feminine obsolete
PeoplegallánIrishnounstanding stone, pillar-stone; (archaeology) menhirmasculine
PeoplegallánIrishnounstiff, erect, personmasculine
PeoplegallánIrishnounwarty growth (in cattle)masculine
PeoplegęgałaPolishnounone who speaks unintelligibly or inanely; a jabberermasculine person
PeoplegęgałaPolishverbthird-person singular feminine past of gęgaćfeminine form-of past singular third-person
PeoplehapaEnglishnounA person of mixed ethnic heritage, especially half East or Southeast Asian or Pacific Islander and half white.California Hawaii
PeoplehapaEnglishnounA mesh cage-like structure placed in the water to hold fish.
PeoplehitcherEnglishnounA hitchhiker.
PeoplehitcherEnglishnounAn mininghistorical
PeopleintendantEnglishnounThe administrator of an opera house or theater.UK
PeopleintendantEnglishnounOne who has the charge, direction, or management of some public business; a superintendent.dated
PeopleintendantEnglishnounA governor in various specific contexts, including certain South American countries, and historically in the kingdoms of Spain, Portugal, and France, and in imperial China.
PeoplelookerEnglishnounOne that looks or is actively looking; a watcher; an observer.literally
PeoplelookerEnglishnounOne having a specific look or appearance.
PeoplelookerEnglishnounSomeone or something who is remarkably good-looking.slang
PeoplelookerEnglishnounA person who pretends to be interested in purchasing something but has no intention of doing so.
PeoplelumberjackEnglishnounA person whose work is to fell trees.
PeoplelumberjackEnglishnounA lumberjacket.
PeoplelumberjackEnglishverbTo work as a lumberjack, cutting down trees.transitive
PeoplemilseogIrishnounA dessertfeminine
PeoplemilseogIrishnoundessert (course)feminine
PeoplemilseogIrishnounsweetheart, darlingcolloquial feminine
PeoplemyscreauntMiddle EnglishadjReligiously false: pagan, heretical.
PeoplemyscreauntMiddle EnglishnounA believer in a false religion: a pagan or heretic.
PeoplenavigatorEnglishnounA person who navigates, especially an officer with that responsibility on a ship or an aircrew member with that responsibility on an aircraft.
PeoplenavigatorEnglishnounA sea explorer.
PeoplenavigatorEnglishnounA device that navigates an aircraft, automobile or missile.
PeoplenavigatorEnglishnounA user interface that allows navigating through a structure of any kind.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeoplenavigatorEnglishnounA labourer on an engineering project such as a canal; a navvy.obsolete
PeoplenutterEnglishnounA person who gathers nuts.
PeoplenutterEnglishnounAn eccentric, insane, crazy or reckless person.Ireland UK derogatory informal sometimes
PeoplenutterEnglishnounnut butterobsolete uncountable
Peoplephilosophical anarchistEnglishadjof, supporting, relating to, or advocating philosophical anarchismeconomics government politics sciencesnot-comparable
Peoplephilosophical anarchistEnglishnouna person who advocates philosophical anarchism.economics government politics sciences
PeoplepisakPolishnounfelt-tip peninanimate masculine
PeoplepisakPolishnounmarker peninanimate masculine
PeoplepisakPolishnounperson capable of writingmasculine person
PeoplepoofEnglishintjOnomatopoeia indicating a small explosion with a cloud of smoke; as caused by a deflating object, or a magical disappearance.
PeoplepoofEnglishverbTo vanish or disappear.
PeoplepoofEnglishverbTo break wind; to fart.intransitive
PeoplepoofEnglishnounThe product of flatulence, or the sound of breaking wind.
PeoplepoofEnglishnounA gay man; especially one who is effeminate.Commonwealth Ireland UK colloquial derogatory
PeoplepryssoonaghManxnouninternee, detaineemasculine
PeoplesegédHungariannounaide, helper, assistant
PeoplesegédHungariannounsecond (in a duel)
PeoplesegédHungariannounwizard, assistant (computer program)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
PeoplesegédHungariannoununskilled (worker)
PeoplesellswordEnglishnounA mercenary.fantasyusually
PeoplesellswordEnglishnounSomeone who only works for money, in the manner of a mercenary.broadly derogatory figuratively often
PeopleserpetaCatalannoundiminutive of serp (“snake”)diminutive feminine form-of
PeopleserpetaCatalannounsnake, rat (treacherous person)feminine figuratively
PeopleserpetaCatalannounstraightnose pipefish (Nerophis ophidion)feminine
PeoplesoreheadEnglishnounA person who has a tendency to be angry or to feel offended.countable uncountable
PeoplesoreheadEnglishnounA politician who is dissatisfied through failure, lack of recognition, etc.US countable derogatory uncountable
PeoplesoreheadEnglishnounInfection in sheep by the nematode Elaeophora schneideri; elaeophorosis.uncountable
PeoplestařešinaCzechnounchiefanimate masculine
PeoplestařešinaCzechnounmayor (book expression)animate masculine
PeoplestekareSwedishnounA roaster; one who roasts and fries food.common-gender
PeoplestekareSwedishnounA member of the (Swedish) upper class with an expensive, flashy lifestyle, especially one perceived to flaunt their wealth.lifestylecolloquial common-gender
Peopleszacher-macherPolishnounmachinations, shenanigans, trickscolloquial inanimate indeclinable masculine
Peopleszacher-macherPolishnounfraud (one who performs fraud)colloquial inanimate indeclinable masculine
PeopleteístaPortugueseadjtheisticfeminine masculine
PeopleteístaPortuguesenountheistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopletiràCatalannounsuboscine (passerine bird of the suborder Tyranni)masculine
PeopletiràCatalanverbthird-person singular preterite indicative of tirarform-of indicative preterite singular third-person
PeopleuyaYorubanounpunishment, suffering
PeopleuyaYorubanounA term of familiarity or respect for an older woman or female relative or a woman of higher rank or importance.
PeoplevíboraSpanishnounviper, adderfeminine
PeoplevíboraSpanishnounmalicious person, snake in the grassfeminine
PeoplevíboraSpanishnounsnakeMexico colloquial feminine
PeoplewhitexicanSpanishnounA snobby person exhibiting a sense of entitlement or white privilege, overlooking class consciousness and existent inequality issues in Mexico.Mexico by-personal-gender derogatory feminine masculine slang
PeoplewhitexicanSpanishadjOf or related to this type of peopleMexico derogatory feminine masculine slang
PeopleścierwoPolishnouncarcass (dead animal)neuter
PeopleścierwoPolishnouncorpse (dead body of a person)derogatory neuter
PeopleścierwoPolishnounscum, bastard (contemptible person)derogatory neuter
PeopleścierwoPolishnounamphetamineneuter slang
PeopleβλάκαςGreeknounperson with moderate learning difficultieshuman-sciences medicine psychiatry psychology sciencesdated
PeopleβλάκαςGreeknounidiot, moron, imbecile
PeopleандьэSouthern Yukaghirnounleader, chief
PeopleандьэSouthern Yukaghirnounelder
PeopleандьэSouthern Yukaghirnounprince, princeling
PeopleנפשHebrewnouna soul, psyche (spirit of a person or animal)
PeopleנפשHebrewnounlife (the state of being alive, of living)
PeopleנפשHebrewnouna person (human being)
PeopleנפשHebrewnounwill (intent, volition)
PeopleנפשHebrewverbto go on holiday/vacationconstruction-pa'al
PeopleנפשHebrewnoundefective spelling of נופשalt-of misspelling
PeopleセーラーJapanesenounShort for セーラー服 (sērā fuku).abbreviation alt-of
People中學生Chinesenounsecondary school student
People中學生Chinesenounmiddle school student
People編劇Chineseverbto write a play; to write a screenplay
People編劇Chinesenounplaywright; dramatist; screenwriter
People賴仔Chinesenounstupid person; simpleton; fool; idiotMin Northern
People賴仔Chinesenounlosing side in a children's gameMin Northern
People車夫Chinesenouncart driver; coachman; rickshaw puller; carter
People車夫Chinesenoundriver; chauffeurdialectal
People麻龜ChineseadjdrunkHokkien Quanzhou
People麻龜Chinesenoundrunkard; drunken manHokkien Quanzhou
People𐰼Old TurkiccharacterA letter of the Old Turkic runic script, representing /r/, used with front vowels.letter
People𐰼Old Turkicverbto be (something, somewhere)intransitive
People𐰼Old Turkicnounman, human male
People𐰼Old Turkicadjmalemasculine
People𐰼Old Turkicnounto reachintransitive
People𐰼Old TurkicsuffixForms simple present tense and aorist tensemorpheme
People𐰼Old TurkicsuffixForms adjectives or nouns out of verbsmorpheme
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Any similarly absolute and 'infallible' authority.broadly ironic often
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Any similar head of a religion.broadly
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / A theocrat, a priest-king, including (at first especially) over the imaginary land of Prester John or (now) in figurative and alliterative uses.uncommon
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / An effigy of the pope traditionally burnt in Britain on Guy Fawkes' Day and (occasionally) at other times.UK
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state. / Pope Day, the present Guy Fawkes Day.US obsolete
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Coptic bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his church.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAn honorary title of the Orthodox bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his autocephalous church.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAny bishop of the early Christian church.Christianityhistorical obsolete
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe ruffe, a small Eurasian freshwater fish (Gymnocephalus cernua); others of its genus.British
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica).Cornwall Devon Scotland UK regional
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe painted bunting (Passerina ciris).US regional
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounThe red-cowled cardinal (Paroaria dominicana).rare
Perch and darterspopeEnglishverbTo act as or like a pope.intransitive
Perch and darterspopeEnglishverbTo convert to Roman Catholicism.colloquial intransitive
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAny mulled wine (traditionally including tokay) considered similar and superior to bishop.
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounAlternative form of pop, a Russian Orthodox priest.alt-of alternative
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounwhippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus, syn. Caprimulgus vociferus).US dialectal obsolete
Perch and darterspopeEnglishnounnighthawk (Chordeiles minor).US dialectal rare
Perching birdspendulineEnglishnounA penduline tit.
Perching birdspendulineEnglishadjHanging, pendulous.
PerfumesvetiverEnglishnounThe grass Chrysopogon zizanioides (synonym Vetiveria zizanioides), which is native to India, but planted throughout the tropics for its fragrant roots and for erosion control.countable uncountable
PerfumesvetiverEnglishnounThe aromatic root of the grass.countable uncountable
PerfumesvetiverEnglishnounAn essential oil derived from the root; the fragrance of the oil.countable uncountable
PersonalityaniméFrenchverbpast participle of animerform-of participle past
PersonalityaniméFrenchnounanimeanime broadcasting film media televisionmasculine
PersonalitychytrośćPolishnouncunning, slyness, craftiness, guilefeminine
PersonalitychytrośćPolishnoungreed, avaricefeminine
PersonalityimpudentEnglishadjNot showing due respect; bold-faced, impertinent.
PersonalityimpudentEnglishadjLacking modesty or shame; indelicate.obsolete
PersonalityposerEnglishnounA particularly difficult question or puzzle.British
PersonalityposerEnglishnounSomeone who asks a question or sets a problem.
PersonalityposerEnglishnounSomeone who, or something which, poses; a person who sets their body in a fixed position, such as for photography or painting.
PersonalityposerEnglishnounA poseur; someone who affects some behaviour, style, attitude or other condition, often to impress or influence others.derogatory slang
PersonalitywildEnglishadjUntamed; not domesticated; specifically, in an unbroken line of undomesticated animals (as opposed to feral, referring to undomesticated animals whose ancestors were domesticated).
PersonalitywildEnglishadjFrom or relating to wild creatures.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjUnrestrained or uninhibited.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjRaucous, unruly, or licentious.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjOf unregulated and varying electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PersonalitywildEnglishadjVisibly and overtly anxious; frantic.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjFurious; very angry.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjDisheveled, tangled, or untidy.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjVery inaccurate; far off the mark.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjExposed to the wind and sea; unsheltered.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjHard to steer.nautical transport
PersonalitywildEnglishadjNot capable of being represented as a finite closed polygonal chain.mathematics sciences
PersonalitywildEnglishadjAmazing, awesome, unbelievable.slang
PersonalitywildEnglishadjAble to stand in for others, e.g. a card in games, or a text character in computer pattern matching.
PersonalitywildEnglishadjOf an audio recording: intended to be synchronized with film or video but recorded separately.
PersonalitywildEnglishadvInaccurately; not on target.not-comparable
PersonalitywildEnglishadvIntended to be synchronized with film or video but recorded separately.not-comparable
PersonalitywildEnglishnounThe undomesticated state of a wild animal.singular with-definite-article
PersonalitywildEnglishverbTo commit random acts of assault, robbery, and rape in an urban setting, especially as a gang.intransitive slang
PersonalitywildEnglishverb(In the form wilding or wildin') To act in a strange or unexpected way.intransitive slang
PersonalitywildEnglishnounAlternative form of wealdalt-of alternative
PersonalitywiseEnglishadjShowing good judgement or the benefit of experience.
PersonalitywiseEnglishadjDisrespectful.colloquial ironic sarcastic
PersonalitywiseEnglishadjAware, informed (to something).colloquial
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo become wise.
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbUsually with "up", to inform or learn.ergative slang
PersonalitywiseEnglishnounWay, manner, or method.archaic
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo instruct.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo advise; induce.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo show the way, guide.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo direct the course of, pilot.dialectal
PersonalitywiseEnglishverbTo cause to turn.dialectal
Pharmaceutical drugsopiateEnglishadjRelating to, resembling, or containing opium.medicine pharmacology sciencesnot-comparable
Pharmaceutical drugsopiateEnglishadjSoporific; inducing sleep or sedation.not-comparable
Pharmaceutical drugsopiateEnglishadjDeadening; causing apathy or dullness.not-comparable
Pharmaceutical drugsopiateEnglishnounA drug, hormone or other substance derived from or related to opium.medicine pharmacology sciences
Pharmaceutical drugsopiateEnglishnounSomething that dulls the senses and induces a false and unrealistic sense of contentment.
Pharmaceutical drugsopiateEnglishverbTo treat with an opiate drug.transitive
Phaseoleae tribe plantsورسArabicnounFlemingia macrophylla syns. Flemingia rhodocarpa, Flemingia grahamiana, a perennial shrub native to Yemen cultivated because the red glands of it secrete a yellow powder used as a pigment and medicinally, but also for a red pigment from the ground hairs of the red fruits, as well as for medicinal purposes
Phaseoleae tribe plantsورسArabicverbto dye with Flemingia macrophylla
PhilosophyԶենոնOld ArmeniannameZeno (the name of several Ancient Greek philosophers)
PhilosophyԶենոնOld Armeniannamea male given name
Phocid sealsphocineEnglishadjPertaining to a seal (or similar pinnipeds); seallike.
Phocid sealsphocineEnglishnounA member of the subfamily Phocinae, comprising the "true" or "earless" seals.biology natural-sciences zoology
PhoneticsfoghraíochtIrishnounphoneticshuman-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
PigsgríslingurIcelandicnounpiglet, piggymasculine
PigsgríslingurIcelandicnountoddler, youngster; young person of either sexinformal masculine
PigsկնճիթArmeniannounsnout, muzzle, nose (of a pig or boar)
PigsկնճիթArmeniannountrunk (of an elephant)
PigsկնճիթArmeniannounproboscis (of insects)
PinksfucsiaSpanishnounfuchsia (plant)feminine
PinksfucsiaSpanishnounfuchsia (color)feminine
PlacesکھنڈرUrduadjin ruins, dilapidatedindeclinable
PlacesکھنڈرUrdunounruin (ie. ruins of a building)
PlacesکھنڈرUrdunouna housebroadly derogatory figuratively
PlacesکھنڈرUrdunounruins; or the signs of a ruin (ie. giant ruins of a town)
PlacesکھنڈرUrdunounbarren-landagriculture business lifestyle
PlacesکھنڈرUrdunounpit; hole; lairobsolete
Places茂木Japanesenamea surname
Places茂木Japanesenamea place name
Places茂木Japanesenamea surname
Places of worshipKircheGermannounchurch (building)feminine
Places of worshipKircheGermannounchurch (organised religion, especially Catholicism)feminine
Places of worshipKircheGermannounan assemblyfeminine obsolete
Places of worship神社Chinesenounshrine
Places of worship神社ChinesenounShinto shrine
PlanetsdaysterreMiddle EnglishnounMorning star; a bright celestial body visible to the naked eye in the eastern sky near dawn; typically Venus, sometimes Mercury.
PlanetsdaysterreMiddle EnglishnounDawn.broadly
PlanetsdaysterreMiddle EnglishnounOne who inspires hope or happiness in another.figuratively
PlanetsdaysterreMiddle EnglishnounThe Christ child.Christianity
Planets of the Solar Systemక్షితిTelugunounThe earth.
Planets of the Solar Systemక్షితిTelugunumone hundred trillions or one hundred quintillions.
Planets of the Solar Systemཕུར་བུTibetannounreligious or ritual dagger
Planets of the Solar Systemཕུར་བུTibetannounEllipsis of གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ (gza' phur bu, “Thursday”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Planets of the Solar Systemཕུར་བུTibetannameJupiterastronomy natural-sciences
Planets of the Solar Systemཕུར་བུTibetannamea unisex given name: Phurbu
PlantskiwikiwiMaorinounBlechnum fluviatile, the star fern or creek fern.
PlantsרעטעךYiddishnounradish (plant)
PlantsרעטעךYiddishnounradish (root used as vegetable)
PolearmstridentEnglishnounA three-pronged spear somewhat resembling a pitchfork.
PolearmstridentEnglishnounA curve of third order of the formgeometry mathematics sciences
PoliticskomunistaTagalognouncommunist (supporter of communism)
PoliticskomunistaTagalogadjcommunist (advocating, supporting or relating to communism)
PolyhedraprismoCebuanonouna prism; a polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape, the other faces being parallelogram-shaped sidesgeometry mathematics sciences
PolyhedraprismoCebuanonouna transparent block in the shape of a prism (typically with triangular ends), used to split or reflect light
PolyhedraprismoCebuanonounprismatic colorsengineering natural-sciences optics physical-sciences physics
Polynesian canoe plantstaroWelshverbto strike, hit
Polynesian canoe plantstaroWelshverbto jot down, to note
Polynesian canoe plantstaroWelshnountaromasculine uncountable
Pome fruitspłonkaPolishnounEuropean crab apple (Malus sylvestris)colloquial feminine
Pome fruitspłonkaPolishnounEuropean pear (Pyrus communis)colloquial feminine
Portuguese cardinal numbersoitocentosPortugueseadjeight hundred; 800masculine
Portuguese cardinal numbersoitocentosPortuguesenouneight hundred (the value of 800, or something with the value of 800)invariable masculine
PregnancypregnancyEnglishnounThe condition of being pregnant; an instance of this.countable
PregnancypregnancyEnglishnounThe period of time this condition prevails.countable uncountable
PregnancypregnancyEnglishnounThe progression of stages from conception to birth.uncountable
PrimatesabeDanishverbmimic, ape
PrimatesuszatkaPolishnounany owl of the genus Asio, Nesasio, or Pseudoscops, especially the long-eared owl (Asio otus)feminine
PrimatesuszatkaPolishnouneared seal, otariid, otaryfeminine
PrimatesuszatkaPolishnoungalago (primate)feminine rare
PrimatesuszatkaPolishnounauricularia (larva of the sea cucumber)feminine
PrimatesuszatkaPolishnounushanka (fur cap with earflaps)feminine humorous
PrimatesuszatkaPolishnoungenitive/accusative singular of uszatekaccusative form-of genitive singular
PrimatesπίθηκοςGreeknounape, monkey
PrimatesπίθηκοςGreeknounan uncivilised person
Primrose family plantsprimulaItaliannounprimrose (plant & flower)feminine
Primrose family plantsprimulaItaliannounPrimulafeminine
PrintingszedőHungarianverbpresent participle of szedform-of participle present
PrintingszedőHungarianadjgathering, pickingnot-comparable
PrintingszedőHungariannoungatherer, picker, collector
PrintingszedőHungariannountypesetter (employee in a printshop who manually selected pieces of movable type and assembled them for printing)historical
PrintinguchapajiSwahilinounhitting, beatingclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
PrintinguchapajiSwahilinounprintingclass-11 class-12 class-14 no-plural
Printing打印Chineseverbto print (by machine); to print out
Printing打印Chineseverbto affix a stamp on; to stamp
ProsodysestetEnglishnounA piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments; a sextet or sestuor.entertainment lifestyle music
ProsodysestetEnglishnounThe last six lines of a sonnet, forming two stanzas of three lines each.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
ProstitutionprostytuowaćPolishverbto prostitute (to make another person, or organisation, prostitute themselves)imperfective transitive
ProstitutionprostytuowaćPolishverbto prostitute (to exploit for base purposes)imperfective transitive
ProstitutionprostytuowaćPolishverbto prostitute (to perform sexual activity for money)imperfective reflexive
ProstitutionprostytuowaćPolishverbto prostitute (to use one's talents in return for money or fame)imperfective reflexive
ProtestantismbattistaItaliannounBaptistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PseudoscienceBermuda TriangleEnglishnameAn area in the Atlantic Ocean where many ships and planes have disappeared under allegedly mysterious circumstances.
PseudoscienceBermuda TriangleEnglishnounAny place where objects mysteriously disappear.broadly
PublishingsimulpubEnglishnounSimultaneous publication of manga in multiple markets.
PublishingsimulpubEnglishverbTo simultaneously publish manga in multiple markets.
PulmonologybronchitisEnglishnounAn inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs, that causes the cilia of the bronchial epithelial cells to stop functioning.uncountable
PulmonologybronchitisEnglishnounAn occurrence of, a case (patient) of, or a type of bronchitis.countable
Punctuation marksguionSpanishnounscript, scenariobroadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatermasculine
Punctuation marksguionSpanishnounhyphen, dashcommunications journalism literature media orthography publishing writingmasculine
Punctuation marksguionSpanishnounscriptcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencesmasculine
PurpleslilaTagalognounlilac (plant and flower)
PurpleslilaTagalognounlilac; pale purple (color/colour)
PurpleslilaTagalognounpieces of clay or stone (used as a temporary stove)broadly
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchnounfirecracker (firework)masculine
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchnounsensational news; scandalmasculine
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchnounjoint (marijuana cigarette)masculine slang
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchnounrevolvermasculine slang
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchnounbuttocks; assmasculine slang
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchnounsexy man or womanmasculine slang
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchnounbright; shiny; eyecatchingattributive masculine
PyrotechnicspétardFrenchintjAn interjection of surprise.slang
QuantitybeagIrishadjsmall, little
QuantitybeagIrishadjsmall, little / junior, lesser, minor
QuantitybeagIrishadjsmall, littlefamiliar
QuantitybeagIrishadjsmall, little
QuantitybeagIrishadjsmall, littletime
QuantitybeagIrishadjfew (with singular or plural noun)
QuantitybeagIrishnounlittle; small amountmasculine
Quarksbottom quarkEnglishnounA quark having a fractional electric charge of -1/3 and a mass of about 4,100 to 4,400 MeV.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Quarksbottom quarkEnglishnounA quark having a fractional electric charge of -1/3 and a mass of about 4,100 to 4,400 MeV. Symbol: b / Symbol: bnatural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Rail transportationmetroPortuguesenounmetremasculine
Rail transportationmetroPortuguesenoununderground, subwayPortugal masculine
Rail transportationsorrejarCatalanverbto sandblastBalearic Central Valencia transitive
Rail transportationsorrejarCatalanverbto sandBalearic Central Valencia intransitive
Rail transportationJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss shinjitai
Rail transportationJapanesenounstation (train, underground/subway)
Rail transportationJapanesenounstation (train, underground/subway)dialectal
RainpluviaSpanishnounshower (precipitation)feminine
RainsrážkyCzechnouninflection of srážka: / genitive singularform-of genitive singular
RainsrážkyCzechnouninflection of srážka: / nominative/accusative/vocative pluralaccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
RainsrážkyCzechnounprecipitation (various forms of water particles that fall and reach the ground)climatology meteorology natural-sciencesfeminine plural
RallidsbaldicootEnglishnounThe coot (bird), with its pure white wide frontal plate.
RallidsbaldicootEnglishnounA monk with a shaven head.archaic derogatory slang
Ramayanaअयोध्याSanskritnameA city, the administrative headquarters of Ayodhya district, Uttar Pradesh, India, on the bank of the Sarayu river.
Ramayanaअयोध्याSanskritnameA legendary city, the ancient capital of Kosala kingdom, and birthplace of Rāma.Hinduism historical
Ramayanaअयोध्याSanskritadjnominative feminine singular of अयोध्य (ayodhyá)feminine form-of nominative singular
Rays and skatessangaCebuanonounthe branch of a plant
Rays and skatessangaCebuanonounthe giant oceanic manta ray (Manta birostris)
RedsferruginousEnglishadjContaining iron.
Regions of the United StatesSouthlandEnglishnameA district and region in the far south of the South Island of New Zealand, which includes Fiordland.
Regions of the United StatesSouthlandEnglishnameThe American South.
Regions of the United StatesSouthlandEnglishnameSouthern California
Regions of the United StatesSouthlandEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Garza County, Texas, United States.
ReligioncreștinRomaniannounperson, man, individualcommon
ReligionvexyngeMiddle Englishverbpresent participle of vexenform-of participle present
ReligionvexyngeMiddle Englishnounharassment (worldly or spiritual)
RhetoricpersonificationEnglishnounA person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea; an embodiment or exemplification.countable uncountable
RhetoricpersonificationEnglishnounA literary device in which an inanimate object or an idea is given human qualities.countable uncountable
RhetoricpersonificationEnglishnounAn artistic representation of an abstract quality as a humancountable uncountable
RiversԵրասխArmeniannameAraks, Yeraskhhistorical poetic
RiversԵրասխArmeniannameYeraskh (a village in Ararat, Armenia)
Rivers in BelgiumLysEnglishnameA river in Hauts-de-France, France and Belgium, and a left tributary of the Scheldt at Gent. This is the French spelling: the Dutch and German spelling is Leie.
Rivers in BelgiumLysEnglishnameA commune in Nièvre department, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.
Rivers in BelgiumLysEnglishnameA commune in Pyrénées-Atlantiques department, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
Road transportasiguraRomanianverbto assureconjugation-1 transitive
Road transportasiguraRomanianverbto ensure (secure the existence of something)conjugation-1 transitive
Road transportasiguraRomanianverbto insure (file an insurance policy)conjugation-1 transitive
Road transportasiguraRomanianverbto make sureconjugation-1 reflexive
Road transportasiguraRomanianverbto look both ways, check for other road users to yield toconjugation-1 reflexive
Roadsslow laneEnglishnounOn a highway, the lane intended or reserved for vehicles moving at slower speeds.
Roadsslow laneEnglishnounA situation in which someone or something is not making progress as quickly as others.broadly figuratively
RocketrymissileEnglishnounAny object used as a weapon by being thrown or fired through the air, such as stone, arrow or bullet.
RocketrymissileEnglishnounA self-propelled projectile whose trajectory can be adjusted after it is launched.government military politics war
Rocks白土Chinesenounchalk (the stone)literary
Rocks白土Chinesenounwhite potter's clay; kaolin; china clayarchaic
Rocks白土ChinesenounAlternative name for 冀州 (Jìzhōu, “Ji Province (one of the Nine Provinces of ancient China)”).alt-of alternative archaic name
RodentsleirãoPortuguesenouna big mouse or ratPortugal masculine regional
RodentsleirãoPortuguesenounAugmentative of leira; a big furrowaugmentative form-of masculine
RodentsleirãoPortuguesenouna strip of cultivated landmasculine
RodentsmocoItaliannounSynonym of mochimasculine
RodentsmocoItaliannountrifle, nothingarchaic figuratively masculine
RodentsmocoItaliannounrock cavy (Kerodon rupestris)masculine
Roman CatholicismRoman CatholicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Catholic Church and Catholicism.not-comparable
Roman CatholicismRoman CatholicEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Latin rite, Latin Church, or Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.not-comparable
Roman CatholicismRoman CatholicEnglishnounA person who belongs to the (Roman) Catholic Church.
Roman EmpireProcopiusEnglishnameA male given name from Latin Procopius [in turn from Ancient Greek Προκόπιος (Prokópios)], of rare usage, variant of Prokopios, feminine equivalent Procopia.
Roman EmpireProcopiusEnglishnameA male given name of historical usage, notably borne by Saint Procopius, an early Christian martyr of the 3rd century C.E.
Roman EmpireProcopiusEnglishnameA male given name of historical usage, notably borne by Procopius, a Roman imperial usurper of the 4th century C.E.
Roman EmpireProcopiusEnglishnameA male given name of historical usage, notably borne by Procopius of Caesarea, a Byzantine Greek historian of the 6th century C.E.
RoomsizdebkaPolishnoundiminutive of izbadiminutive feminine form-of
RoomsizdebkaPolishnouncubicle, cubby, cubbyholefeminine
Rooms内蔵Japanesenounthe state of being built-in or internalattributive
Rooms内蔵Japaneseverbto have something built in; to come with
Rooms内蔵Japanesenouna treasury of the imperial courthistory human-sciences sciences
Rooms内蔵Japanesenouna storeroom; a shed
RushesluachairIrishnounrushesbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
RushesluachairIrishnounrushy place, rushlandfeminine
RushesluachairIrishadjAlternative form of luchair (“bright, glittering, resplendent”)alt-of alternative
SI unitshenryEnglishnounIn the International System of Units, the derived unit of electrical inductance; the inductance induced in a circuit by a rate of change of current of one ampere per second and a resulting electromotive force of one volt. Symbol: H
SI unitshenryEnglishnounA turd.British slang
SI unitshenryEnglishnounA quantity of marijuana weighing one-eighth of an ounce.British slang
SI unitsārsLatviannounexterior, outside (the space in the outside of a building, house, etc.)declension-1 masculine
SI unitsārsLatviannounexternal, outside, outerdeclension-1 genitive masculine
SI unitsārsLatviannounout, outside (of something, some object)declension-1 masculine
SI unitsārsLatviannounopen space, open, outdoors; cultivated land, fieldsdeclension-1 masculine poetic
SI unitsārsLatviannounare (SI unit of area, equivalent to 100 square meters)declension-1 masculine
SI unitsグラムJapanesenoungram (unit of mass)
SI unitsグラムJapanesecountergram (unit of mass)
SalmonidsreyðurIcelandicnounrorqual (whale of the family Balaenopteridae)feminine
SalmonidsreyðurIcelandicnounArctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)feminine
Sapindales order plantsRauteGermannounrue, common rue, herb of grace (Ruta graveolens)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Sapindales order plantsRauteGermannounrue, common rue, herb of grace (Ruta graveolens)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Sapindales order plantsRauteGermannounrhombus, rhombfeminine
Sapindales order plantsRauteGermannounthe hash sign (the # symbol)feminine
Sapindales order plantsRauteGermannounlozengegovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
ScienceseolasIrishnounknowledge, understandingmasculine
ScienceseolasIrishnounacquaintance, familiaritymasculine
SculpturebałwanPolishnounsnowman (figure made of snow)animal-not-person masculine
SculpturebałwanPolishnounidol, graven imagelifestyle religionanimal-not-person dated masculine
SculpturebałwanPolishnounstuffed black grouse or figure used as a lurehobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine
SculpturebałwanPolishnounbreaker; foamy sea waveinanimate literary masculine
SculpturebałwanPolishnounlarge block, chunk, or column (of salt, lead, tin, ice, smoke, etc.)archaic historical inanimate masculine
SculpturebałwanPolishnoungaloot, blockhead, moron, idiotcolloquial derogatory masculine person
SeafoodbuwadCebuanonounAlternative form of buladLeyte alt-of alternative
SeafoodbuwadCebuanoverbAlternative form of buladLeyte alt-of alternative
Seasoningsน้ำตาลThainounpalmyra palm juice.
Seasoningsน้ำตาลThainouna traditional intoxicating beverage made from palmyra palm juice fermented with barks of certain plants, as เคี่ยม (kîiam), ตะเคียน (dtà-kiian), or มะเกลือ (má-glʉʉa).
Seasoningsน้ำตาลThainounany intoxicating beverage made from palm juice, as palm wine, toddy, etc.broadly
Seasoningsน้ำตาลThainounsugar made from palmyra palm juice: palm sugar.archaic
Seasoningsน้ำตาลThainounsugar (of any kind).
Seasoningsน้ำตาลThainounpalm sugar like colour: brown.
SeasonsaimsirIrishnounweatherfeminine uncountable
SeasonsaimsirIrishnountimefeminine uncountable
SeasonsaimsirIrishnountime of year, seasoncountable feminine
SeasonsaimsirIrishnounperiod of servicecountable feminine
SeasonsaimsirIrishnounperiod of gestationcountable feminine
SeasonsaimsirIrishnountensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencescountable feminine
SeasonsprimaveraCatalannounspring (season)feminine
Seasons梅雨ChinesenounMeiyu (the East Asian rainy season)
Seasons梅雨Chinesenounrain that falls during the Meiyu season; summer rain
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / especially, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, in family Scombridae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin bream, any of several species in family Sparidae
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador, in family Sciaenidae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin cutthroat trout (†Oncorhynchus clarkii macdonaldi, in the family Salmonidae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus flavidorsalis, in family Labridae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin grouper (Mycteroperca venenosa, in family Serranidae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin madtom (Noturus flavipinnis, in family Ictaluridae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellow-fin perchlet (Ambassis elongatus, in family Ambassidae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin pike (Dinolestes lewini, in family Dinolestidae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin sea bream, any of several species in family Sparidae
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin surgeon (Acanthurus xanthopterus, in family Acanthuridae)
SerranidsyellowfinEnglishnounAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin whiting (Sillago schomburgkii, in family Sillaginidae)
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto point, to aim, to take aim (a weapon)transitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto point out, to suggest, to hinttransitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto underline, to mark (text)transitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto note down, to write downtransitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto outline, to sketchtransitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto baste (to sew with long or loose stitches)transitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto tack, to fasten temporarilytransitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto patch, to darn, to sew, to menddated transitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto sharpen (a weapon or tool)dated transitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto prompt, to cue, to whisper the answerentertainment lifestyle theatertransitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto bet, to put up money, to stake (only in certain card games)card-games gamestransitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto sign upintransitive reflexive transitive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto be in, be down, be gamereflexive
SewingapuntarSpanishverbto chalk up, to notch (a win, a victory, points, success)reflexive
SewingneedleworkEnglishnounThe art or process of working with a needle especially in embroidery or needlepoint.countable uncountable
SewingneedleworkEnglishnounThe product of such art or process.countable uncountable
SewingneedleworkEnglishnounThe occupation or employment of a person skilled in embroidery, needlepoint, etc.countable uncountable
Sexget wetEnglishverbTo come into contact with water, rain, or another liquid.literally
Sexget wetEnglishverbOf a woman, to become sexually aroused, as indicated by the occurrence of the natural lubrication of the vagina.idiomatic
Sexget wetEnglishverbTo abuse phencyclidine (commonly known as "PCP" or "angel dust").slang
SexnieumarłyPolishadjundead (being animate, though non-living)not-comparable
SexnieumarłyPolishnounundead (dead yet still animate creature)fiction literature media publishingmasculine person
SexnieumarłyPolishnounsexually abused personmasculine neologism person
SexקדשHebrewnouna male pagan prostitutebiblical lifestyle religion
SexקדשHebrewnoundefective spelling of קודשalt-of misspelling
SexקדשHebrewverbdefective spelling of קידשalt-of construction-pi'el misspelling
SexקדשHebrewverbdefective spelling of קודשalt-of construction-pu'al misspelling
SexزنىArabicverbto commit adultery, to fornicate
SexزنىArabicverbto accuse of fornicationrare transitive
SexزنىArabicnounverbal noun of زَنَى (zanā) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
SexزنىArabicnounadultery, fornication
Sex肉便器Japanesenounwoman being gangbanged; a cumdump, cum depository, cum dumpstervulgar
Sex肉便器Japanesenounpouring excrement on the person and treating them as a toilet bowlvulgar
Sexual orientationsmultisexualEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, more than one sex.not-comparable
Sexual orientationsmultisexualEnglishadjSexually attracted to more than one sex or gender.neologism not-comparable
Sexual orientationsmultisexualEnglishnounSomeone who is sexually attracted to more than one sex or gender.neologism
SexualitypreorgasmicEnglishadjHappening before an orgasm.not-comparable
SexualitypreorgasmicEnglishadjHaving not yet experienced an orgasm (especially of a woman).not-comparable
ShapescubeFrenchnouncube (all senses)masculine
ShapescubeFrenchverbinflection of cuber: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
ShapescubeFrenchverbinflection of cuber: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SharkssquatEnglishadjRelatively short or low, and thick or broad.
SharkssquatEnglishadjSitting on one's heels; sitting close to the ground; cowering or crouching.
SharkssquatEnglishnounA position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet.
SharkssquatEnglishnounAny of various modes of callisthenic exercises performed by moving the body and bending at least one knee.exercise hobbies lifestyle sports
SharkssquatEnglishnounAny of various modes of callisthenic exercises performed by moving the body and bending at least one knee. / A specific exercise in weightlifting performed by bending deeply at the knees and then rising (back squat), especially with a barbell resting across the shoulders (barbell back squat).exercise hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
SharkssquatEnglishnounA building occupied without permission, as practiced by a squatter.
SharkssquatEnglishnounA place of concealment in which a hare spends time when inactive, especially during the day; a form.
SharkssquatEnglishnounA toilet used by squatting as opposed to sitting; a squat toilet.
SharkssquatEnglishnounClipping of diddly-squat; something of no value.Canada US abbreviation alt-of clipping slang
SharkssquatEnglishnounA small vein of mining
SharkssquatEnglishnounA mineral consisting of tin ore and spar.
SharkssquatEnglishnounA sudden or crushing fall.obsolete
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet.
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo perform one or more callisthenic exercises by moving the body and bending at least one knee.exercise hobbies lifestyle sports
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo perform one or more callisthenic exercises by moving the body and bending at least one knee. / To exercise by bending deeply at the knees and then rising, while bearing weight across the shoulders or upper back.exercise hobbies lifestyle sports weightlifting
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo occupy or reside in a place without the permission of the owner.
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo sit close to the ground; to stoop, or lie close to the ground, for example to escape observation.
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo bruise or flatten by a fall; to squash.dated
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo cybersquat.Internet
SharkssquatEnglishverbTo retire a modeling kit or group of modeling kits.slang
SharkssquatEnglishnounThe angel shark (genus Squatina).
SheepjagnięPolishnouna young sheep or goat; a yeanling; a lamb; a kidneuter
SheepjagnięPolishnounlambskin or kidskinneuter
SheepjagnięPolishverbfirst-person singular present of jagnićfirst-person form-of present singular
Shi'ismShiaEnglishnounAlternative form of Shi'aalt-of alternative
Shi'ismShiaEnglishnameA male given name
SiliconsilylEnglishnounThe radical SiH₃ derived from silanechemistry inorganic-chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
SiliconsilylEnglishnounAny similar radical in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by organic groupschemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences
Simple machinespoulieFrenchnounpulleyfeminine
Simple machinespoulieFrenchnounblocknautical transportfeminine
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow (usually of plants, fruit, etc.): / To spring up; grow from nothing.
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow (usually of plants, fruit, etc.): / to grow up; to mature.often
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow (usually of plants, fruit, etc.): / To come into existence; to arise.
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo increase; to magnify: / To increase in amount; to multiply.
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo increase; to magnify: / To increasingly take on an attribute.
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo increase; to magnify: / To become stronger or more powerful.
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo increase; to magnify: / To thrive; to flourish.
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo become older; to age.
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo go or pass (to, of money)business finance
SizegrowenMiddle EnglishverbTo exist; to be present (somewhere)
SizethickEnglishadjRelatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite in its smallest solid dimension.
SizethickEnglishadjMeasuring a certain number of units in this dimension.
SizethickEnglishadjHeavy in build; thickset.
SizethickEnglishadjDensely crowded or packed.
SizethickEnglishadjHaving a viscous consistency.
SizethickEnglishadjAbounding in number.
SizethickEnglishadjImpenetrable to sight.
SizethickEnglishadjProminent, strong. / Greatly evocative of one's nationality or place of origin.
SizethickEnglishadjProminent, strong. / Difficult to understand, or poorly articulated.
SizethickEnglishadjFriendly or intimate.informal
SizethickEnglishadjDeep, intense, or profound.
SizethickEnglishadjDetailed and expansive; substantive.literary
SizethickEnglishadjTroublesome; unreasonable.UK dated
SizethickEnglishadjCurvy and voluptuous, and especially having large hips.slang
SizethickEnglishadvIn a thick manner.
SizethickEnglishadvFrequently or numerously.
SizethickEnglishnounThe thickest, or most active or intense, part of something.
SizethickEnglishnounA thicket.
SizethickEnglishnounA stupid person; a fool.slang
SizethickEnglishverbTo thicken.archaic intransitive transitive
SizethickEnglishdetAlternative form of thilk (“that same”)alt-of alternative
SizeबुलंदHindiadjhigh, loftyindeclinable
SkinbőrápolóHungarianadjskincareattributive not-comparable
SkinbőrápolóHungariannounskincare lotion/product
SkirtspagneFrenchnoungrass skirtmasculine
SkirtsJapanesecharacterhem, cuffHyōgai kanji
SkirtsJapanesenounhip-wrapped under-skirt worn as part of clerical attire
SlaveryslaveboyEnglishnounA boy who is a slave.
SlaveryslaveboyEnglishnounA young male slave (submissive partner) in a BDSM relationship.BDSM lifestyle sexuality
Slavic paganismправьRussianverbsecond-person singular imperative imperfective of пра́вить (právitʹ)form-of imperative imperfective second-person singular
Slavic paganismправьRussiannoun"rightness", the universal order according to some Slavic neopagan paganism religion
SleeppoirterWalloonverbto wear
SleeppoirterWalloonverbto carry
Slovene cardinal numbersštirinajstSlovenenumfourteen
Slovene cardinal numbersštirinajstSlovenenumfourteencolloquial
Slovene cardinal numbersštirinajstSlovenenounnumber fourteen
SmokingbriarEnglishnounAny of many plants with thorny stems growing in dense clusters, such as many in the Rosa, Rubus, and Smilax genera.
SmokingbriarEnglishnounAnything sharp or unpleasant to the feelings.figuratively
SmokingbriarEnglishnounWhite heath (Erica arborea), a thorny Mediterranean shrub.
SmokingbriarEnglishnounA pipe for smoking, made from the roots of that shrub.
SmokingjaraćPolishverbto smoke tobacco or cannabiscolloquial imperfective transitive
SmokingjaraćPolishverbto excitecolloquial imperfective transitive
SmokingjaraćPolishverbto be stoked, to be excitedimperfective reflexive slang
SmokingjaraćPolishverbto burn, to be on fireimperfective reflexive slang
SnowснежитьRussianverbto snowcolloquial
SnowснежитьRussianverbto cover with snowregional
SnowJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
SnowJapanesenounhail under five millimeters in diameter
SnowJapanesenoundiced pieces of food
Social mediafriend requestEnglishnounrequest for friendship (on social media)
Social mediafriend requestEnglishverbto send someone a friend requesttransitive
Social scienceskonserbatiboTagalogadjconservative (tending to resist change)
Social scienceskonserbatiboTagalogadjconservative (cautious)
Social scienceskonserbatiboTagalogadjconservative (supporting fiscal, political or social conservatism)government politics
Social scienceskonserbatiboTagalognounconservativegovernment politics
SolanumspendejeraSpanishnounSynonym of pendejadafeminine
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto clack (make a sharp sound)intransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto clap
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto click, to snapintransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto crackintransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto flapintransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto chatterintransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto rattleintransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto rattleintransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto click (to make a click sound with the mouth)intransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto slap (hit with the hand)transitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto slam (a door)transitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto snapreflexive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto squander, to dissipate, to splurgeinformal
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto diecolloquial intransitive
SoundclaquerFrenchverbto vamp a shoe
South AfricaCiskeianEnglishadjOf or relating to Ciskei.
South AfricaCiskeianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Ciskei.
SpainpuntoEnglishnounA hit or point.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
SpainpuntoEnglishnounA traditional small Spanish unit of length, equivalent to about 0.16 mm.historical
Sphinx mothsdeath's-headEnglishnounA human skull, as symbol of death.
Sphinx mothsdeath's-headEnglishnounA kind of hawk moth with pale markings on the back of the thorax somewhat like a skull.
SpicesванільUkrainiannounvanilla (any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla—especially Vanilla planifolia—bearing podlike fruit yielding an extract used in flavoring food or in perfumes)uncountable
SpicesванільUkrainiannounvanilla (fruit or bean of the vanilla plant)uncountable
SpidersпаякBulgariannounspider, arachnid
SpidersпаякBulgariannounspider crawl (a muscular exercise)
SpinningچقرقOttoman Turkishnounspinning wheel, a domestic device for spinning yarn or thread from fibres using one spindle
SpinningچقرقOttoman Turkishnouncapstan, windlass, winch, any mechanical device used to pull in or let out a rope or cable
SpinningچقرقOttoman Turkishnounturner’s lathe, a machine tool used to shape a workpiece by rotating it against a cutting tool
SpinningچقرقOttoman Turkishnounjenny, spinning jenny, a device or frame for spinning thread from fiber onto multiple spindles
SportsкурамаKyrgyzadjcombined, composite
SportsкурамаKyrgyznouncombined team, national sports team
SquidmựcVietnamesenounink (coloured fluid used for writing)
SquidmựcVietnamesenounink (dark fluid ejected by squid, etc.)
SquidmựcVietnamesenounsquid (sea animal)
SquidmựcVietnamesenounShort for dây mực (“line made by a carpenter's ink marker”).abbreviation alt-of
Stock charactersmegalomaniacEnglishnounOne affected with or exhibiting megalomania.
Stock charactersmegalomaniacEnglishadjOf, exhibiting, or affected with megalomania.
SweetsencenallCatalannouna swarf from planing; a wood shavingmasculine
SweetsencenallCatalannouna type of pastry, usually covered in chocolate, in the form of a ring or curlmasculine
SwimmingbaseinasLithuaniannounswimming pool
SwimmingbaseinasLithuaniannounbasin (device for holding liquid)
SwimmingbaseinasLithuaniannounbasin (the area of a river and its tributaries)
SwimmingbaseinasLithuaniannounmineral areageography geology natural-sciences
Swimming仰泳Chinesenounbackstroke (a swimming stroke swum on one's back)
Swimming仰泳Chineseverbto swim on one's back
Talkingback and forthEnglishadvFrom one place to another and back again.not-comparable
Talkingback and forthEnglishadvFrom one place to another and back again. / Backwards and forwards.not-comparable
Talkingback and forthEnglishadjGoing from one place or position to another and back again.not-comparable
Talkingback and forthEnglishnounThe movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position. May refer to a concept such as an emotional state or a relationship as well as a physical thing.countable uncountable
Talkingback and forthEnglishnounNegotiations or discussions (not necessarily fruitful) between two or more parties; a dialog.countable uncountable
TalkingexplainEnglishverbTo make plain, manifest, or intelligible; to clear of obscurity; to illustrate the meaning of.intransitive transitive
TalkingexplainEnglishverbTo give a valid excuse for past behavior.transitive
TalkingexplainEnglishverbTo make flat, smooth out.obsolete
TalkingexplainEnglishverbTo unfold or make visible.obsolete
TalkingexplainEnglishverbTo make something plain or intelligible.intransitive
TalkingoratorkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of orator (“orator, oratist, wordsmith”) (skilled and eloquent public speaker)feminine form-of literary
TalkingoratorkaPolishnounoratory, public speaking (art of public speaking, especially in a formal, expressive, or forceful manner)feminine
Talking應喙Chineseverbto give a replyHokkien Mainland-China
Talking應喙Chineseverbto answer back (to one's parents or superiors); to talk backMin Northern
Talking言論Chinesenounopen discussion on public affairs; views; remarks
Talking言論Chineseverbto talk; to discuss
TanagersquitEnglishadjReleased from obligation, penalty, etc; free, clear, or rid.not-comparable usually
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo leave (a place).transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo set at rest; to free, as from anything harmful or oppressive; to relieve; to clear; to liberate.transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo release from obligation, accusation, penalty, etc.; to absolve; to acquit.transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo abandon, renounce (a thing).transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo resign from (a job, office, position, etc.).intransitive transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo stop, give up (an activity).intransitive transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo close (an application).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo pay (a debt, fine etc.).archaic transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo conduct or acquit (oneself); to behave (in a specified way).archaic reflexive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo carry through; to go through to the end.archaic transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo repay, pay back (a good deed, injury etc.).obsolete transitive
TanagersquitEnglishverbTo repay (someone) for (something).obsolete transitive
TanagersquitEnglishnounAny of numerous species of small passerine birds native to tropical America.
Taoism道道兒Chinesenounmeans; waycolloquial
Taoism道道兒ChinesenounTaoist priestSichuanese
TaxationcáinOld Irishnounlaw (system, set of regulations), regulation, rulefeminine
TaxationcáinOld Irishnounlegal due, fine, tax, tributefeminine
TaxationtollyngeMiddle Englishnountax collection; taxation.rare
TaxationtollyngeMiddle EnglishnounA levy in kind collected by a miller for milling.rare
TaxationtollyngeMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of tolling (“temptation”)alt-of alternative
TechnologyantenaTagalognounantenna; aerial
TechnologyantenaTagalognounfeeler (of insects and crustaceans)anatomy medicine sciences
TelephonybonnaonadIrishnounbase unit (of an appliance)masculine
TelephonybonnaonadIrishnounbase unit (cordless phone)masculine
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounline (a straight path through two or more points)mathematics sciencesfeminine
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounline (a piece of spoken dialogue in a script)feminine
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounline (a path for electrical current)feminine
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnountelephone line (a physical telephone connection or a single telephony account)feminine
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounparty line (an established policy that politicians should adhere to)feminine
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounline (similar directives in business and other contexts)feminine figuratively
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounpolicy (the actual regulations and behavior of government agencies)feminine
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounline (a long thin pile of cocaine or other drug)feminine slang
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounlinea, Spanish line (a traditional small unit of length, equivalent to 1.9 mm)feminine historical
TelevisionlíneaSpanishnounqueue (British), line (US) Synonym of filafeminine
TetraodontiformsunicornfishEnglishnounAny fish of genus Naso.
TetraodontiformsunicornfishEnglishnounA unicorn crestfish (Eumecichthys fiski).
TetraodontiformsunicornfishEnglishnounAny fish of genus Coelorinchus, including the unicorn grenadier.
TetraodontiformsunicornfishEnglishnounA scrawled filefish (Aluterus scriptus).
ThinkingbrainwashEnglishnounA distorting effect upon one's memory, belief, or ideas, as by propaganda.
ThinkingbrainwashEnglishverbTo affect one's mind by using extreme mental pressure or any other mind-affecting process. (e.g. hypnosis)human-sciences psychology sciences
ThinkingbrainwashEnglishverbTo take from an electronically controlled machine its stored-up information; to erase a computer's programming. (1960)dated figuratively
ThinkingbrainwashEnglishverbTo persuade completely and forcibly.
Thinking拿主意Chineseverbto make suggestions; to give advice; to brainstorm
Thinking拿主意Chineseverbto make up one's mind; to make a decision
Thinking拿主意Chineseverbto be in charge; to have the right to decide
ThistlescostusEnglishnounA perennial tropical herbaceous plant of the genus Costus (family Costaceae).
ThistlescostusEnglishnounSaussurea costus, a composite growing on the Himalayas in the vicinity of Kashmir, or its root.
ThistleslampazoSpanishnounmopArgentina Nicaragua Philippines masculine
ThistleslampazoSpanishnounsqueegee mop (the tool Uruguayans prefer for mopping)Uruguay masculine
Three三世Chinesenounthe three periods of time: the past, present, and future.Buddhism lifestyle religion
Three三世Chinesenounthree generations (of a family)
TimebangishimonOjibweverbbe sunset
TimebangishimonOjibweverbset as the sun
TimejumMaltesenounday (measure of time: 24 hours)masculine
TimejumMaltesenounday (period when a person is awake and experiences things)masculine
TimetráthOld Irishnounperiod of time, hour, point in timemasculine neuter
TimetráthOld Irishnoundaymasculine neuter
TimetráthOld Irishnouncanonical hourmasculine neuter
TimeáesOld Irishnounage, yearsneuter
TimeáesOld Irishnounstage, periodneuter
TimeáesOld Irishnounera (of the world)neuter
TimeáesOld Irishnounlifetimeneuter
TimeáesOld Irishnounfolk, peoplecollective masculine
TimeدنPunjabinounday; daytime (the period from sunrise till sunset)
TimeدنPunjabinounday (a period of 24-hours)
TimeدنPunjabinounday (from one midnight to another)
TimeدنPunjabinounday; occasion
TimeدنPunjabinounseason; circumstance (ie. these days)in-plural
TimeدنPunjabinounluck; fate (ie. to have good or bad luck)figuratively
Timeروزی از روزهاPersianphrasea day among the daysidiomatic literally
Timeروزی از روزهاPersianphraseonce upon a timeidiomatic
TimeزمنArabicnounage (A particular period of time in history)
TimeزمنArabicnountensegrammar human-sciences linguistics sciences
Time逐冬Chineseadvevery year; yearlyXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Time逐冬Chineseadvevery semesterXiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Time這番Chinesenounthis timeZhangzhou-Hokkien
Time這番Chineseadvrecently; lately; of lateZhangzhou-Hokkien
Time travelкротовая нораRussiannounmole hole
Time travelкротовая нораRussiannouna wormhole
Times of dayranoPolishnounmorning (beginning of the day)neuter
Times of dayranoPolishadvin the morning (at the beginning of the day)not-comparable usually
Times of dayranoPolishadvearly (at a very early hour)literary not-comparable usually
Times of dayranoPolishnounvocative singular of ranafeminine form-of singular vocative
TitlesFatherEnglishnameGod, the father of Creation.Christianity
TitlesFatherEnglishnameGod the Father, who eternally begets the Son.Christianity
TitlesFatherEnglishnameOne's father.
TitlesFatherEnglishnameOne of the triune gods of the Horned God in Wicca, representing a man, younger than the elderly Sage and older than the boyish Master.Wicca lifestyle religion
TitlesFatherEnglishnounA title given to priests.Christianity
TitlesFatherEnglishnounOne of the chief ecclesiastical authorities of the first centuries after Christ.Christianity
TitlesFatherEnglishnounA title given to the personification of a force of nature or abstract concept, such as Father Time or Father Frost.
TitlesFatherEnglishnounA senator of Ancient Rome.historical
TitlesteollisuusneuvosFinnishnounan honorary title of the second rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in industry
TitlesteollisuusneuvosFinnishnouna certain job title in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Toilet (room)ส้วมThainountoilet: place, usually a room, for defecation or urination.
Toilet (room)ส้วมThaiverbAlternative form of สวม (sǔuam)alt-of alternative obsolete
ToolskósaLower Sorbiannounscythe (farm tool)feminine
ToolskósaLower Sorbiannouninflection of kós (“blackbird”): / genitive/accusative singularaccusative form-of genitive singular
ToolskósaLower Sorbiannouninflection of kós (“blackbird”): / nominative dualdual form-of nominative
ToolsmalhoPortuguesenouna fallPortugal informal masculine
ToolsmalhoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of malharfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
ToolsosękPolishnoungafffishing hobbies lifestyleinanimate masculine
ToolsosękPolishnounpike pole, boathook, firehookarchaic inanimate masculine
ToolsosękPolishnoungenitive plural of osękafeminine form-of genitive plural
ToolsމުށިDhivehinouna jeweller's hammer
ToolsމުށިDhivehinounceramic, porcelain
ToolsމުށިDhivehiadjlight brown colour
TownsTam ĐiệpVietnamesenameSynonym of Tri-át (“Triassic”)geography geology natural-sciencesdated
TownsTam ĐiệpVietnamesenamea city of Ninh Bình Province, Vietnam
TownsTam ĐiệpVietnamesenamea mountain range in Tam Điệp
ToysCare BearEnglishnounAny of a brand of cheerful bear figures, seen on greeting cards and as stuffed toys.
ToysCare BearEnglishnounA kind and caring person.
Traditional Chinese medicine甘松Japanesenounplants of genus Nardostachys
Traditional Chinese medicine甘松Japanesenounspikenard, the plant Nardostachys jatamansi
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounA fabric, usually of thick cotton or wool, having a dull brownish yellow, dull grey, or dun colour.also attributive countable uncountable
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounThe colour of this fabric.also attributive countable uncountable
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounOften in the plural form drabs: apparel, especially trousers, made from this fabric.also attributive countable uncountable
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounA dull or uninteresting appearance or situation, unremarkable.also attributive broadly countable uncountable
TransgenderdrabEnglishadjOf the colour of some types of drabcloth: dull brownish yellow or dun.also attributive
TransgenderdrabEnglishadjParticularly of colour: dull, uninteresting.also attributive broadly
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounA dirty or untidy woman; a slattern.also attributive dated
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounA promiscuous woman, a slut; a prostitute.also attributive dated
TransgenderdrabEnglishverbTo consort with prostitutes; to whore.also attributive intransitive obsolete
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounA small amount, especially of money.also attributive
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounA box used in a saltworks for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling pans.also attributive
TransgenderdrabEnglishnounAn instance of a transgender or non-binary person presenting as the gender corresponding to their sex assigned at birth instead of that corresponding to their internal gender identity (for instance, a trans woman dressed as a man).also attributive uncountable
TransgendershimEnglishnounA wedge.
TransgendershimEnglishnounA thin piece of material, sometimes tapered, used for alignment or support.
TransgendershimEnglishnounA small library that transparently intercepts and modifies calls to an API, usually for compatibility purposes.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
TransgendershimEnglishnounA kind of shallow plow used in tillage to break the ground and clear it of weeds.
TransgendershimEnglishnounA small metal device used to pick open a lock.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo fit one or more shims to a piece of machinery.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo adjust something by using shims.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo adjust the homogeneity of a magnetic field, after the mechanical devices once used for the purpose.
TransgendershimEnglishverbTo intercept and modify calls to (an API), usually for compatibility purposes.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencestransitive
TransgendershimEnglishnounA transsexual person, especially a trans woman; (loosely) a drag queen or transvestite.derogatory informal often
TransgendershimEnglishnounA person characterised by both male and female traits, or by ambiguous male-female traits; a hermaphrodite.derogatory informal often
TravelferienMiddle EnglishverbTo carry; to transport.
TravelferienMiddle EnglishverbTo ferry; to carry by boat.
TravelferienMiddle EnglishverbTo cross by boat.
TreesaduwaHausanoundesert date palm (Balanites aegyptiaca)
TreesaduwaHausanouna date, the fruit of this tree
TreesegigunYorubanounkapok treeEkiti
TreesliszkaPolishnounvixen, female foxhobbies hunting lifestylefeminine
TreesliszkaPolishnouncunning personfeminine
TreesliszkaPolishnounchanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)feminine
TreesliszkaPolishnouncaterpillar, leafworm (larva of a butterfly or moth)biology entomology lepidopterology natural-sciences zoologycolloquial dialectal feminine
TreesliszkaPolishnounodd number; uneven numberfeminine obsolete
TreesliszkaPolishnounhazel (any plant of the genus Corylus)archaic feminine
TreessandarakPolishnounsandarac (any tree from the genus Tetraclinis)inanimate masculine
TreessandarakPolishnounsandarac (resin from Tetraclinis articulata)inanimate masculine
Treestáo mèoVietnamesenounDocynia indica
Treestáo mèoVietnamesenounfruit of Docynia, sometimes calqued as "cat apple"
TreesטייטלבויםYiddishnoundate palm
TreesטייטלבויםYiddishnamea surname, equivalent to English Teitelbaum.
TreesChinesecharacterChinese mulberry tree (Maclura tricuspidata)
TreesChinesecharactersandalwood tree (Santalum spp.)
Trifolieae tribe plantsczterolistna koniczynaPolishnounfour-leaf clover (uncommon variation of the clover, having four leaves instead of the usual three)biology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
Trifolieae tribe plantsczterolistna koniczynaPolishnounfour-leaf clover (symbol of good luck)feminine idiomatic
Trifolieae tribe plantsალავერდიGeorgiannounA feast tradition in Georgia, when the tamada chooses a man from the table, who is granted the right to speak right after the tamada and is supposed to elaborate on the toast.
Trifolieae tribe plantsალავერდიGeorgiannameAlaverdi Monastery
Trifolieae tribe plantsალავერდიGeorgiannounalfalfa, lucerne, Medicago sativa
TwitterTwittergateEnglishnameA 2016 controversy where thousands of accounts were discovered to be posting child pornography on Twitter.
TwitterTwittergateEnglishnameA 2022 controversy where internal communications showed that Twitter allegedly colluded with the United States government to censor unfavorable viewpoints.
TwitterTwittergateEnglishnameAny other controversy involving Twitter.
Two32moEnglishnounAbbreviation of thirty-twomo; a size of paper cut from standard uncut free sheets, corresponding to such a sheet folded into thirty-two leaves, yielding sixty-four pages when printed on both sides. Page size is dependent on the size of sheet used, with the largest standard size, Atlas (36" by 26") yielding a page size of 6-1/2" by 4-1/2".abbreviation alt-of uncountable usually
Two32moEnglishnounA book with leaves of such size, about the size of a contemporary trade printing publishinguncountable usually
TwopodwajaćPolishverbto double (to make twice as large)imperfective transitive
TwopodwajaćPolishverbto intensify (to render more intense)imperfective transitive
TwopodwajaćPolishverbto double (to become twice as large)imperfective reflexive
TwoツーJapanesenoundah of Morse code.
Typing keyboardskeyboardEnglishnounA set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesusually
Typing keyboardskeyboardEnglishnounA component of many instruments including the piano, organ, and harpsichord consisting of usually black and white keys that cause different tones to be produced when struck.entertainment lifestyle music
Typing keyboardskeyboardEnglishnounA device with keys of a musical keyboard, used to control electronic sound-producing devices which may be built into or separate from the keyboard device.entertainment lifestyle music
Typing keyboardskeyboardEnglishverbTo type on a computer keyboard.intransitive
United KingdomCambrianEnglishadjOf a geologic period within the Paleozoic era; comprises lower, middle and Furongian epochs from about 542 to 490 million years ago.geography geology natural-sciences
United KingdomCambrianEnglishadjOf or relating to Wales.
United KingdomCambrianEnglishnounSynonym of Walian: a Welsh person, a Welshman or Welshwoman.
United KingdomCambrianEnglishnameThe Cambrian period.geography geology natural-sciences
Units of measuregantangIndonesiannouna cubic measure equal to 3.125 kg
Units of measuregantangIndonesiannouna bushel
Units of measurelumenFinnishnounlumenanatomy biology botany medicine natural-sciences physical-sciences physics sciences
Units of measurelumenFinnishnoungenitive singular of lumiform-of genitive singular
Units of measuremicrodegreeEnglishnounOne millionth of a degree (unit of measurement).
Units of measuremicrodegreeEnglishnounA small degree (qualification in a course of study).education
Units of measureܡܪܙܒܢܐClassical Syriacnoungovernor, marquis, margrave
Units of measureܡܪܙܒܢܐClassical Syriacnouna certain measure of grain, peck, bushel
VegetablesZwiwwelPennsylvania Germannounonionfeminine
VegetablesZwiwwelPennsylvania Germannounbulb (plant)feminine
VegetablesբազուկArmeniannounarm, especially the forearm
VegetablesբազուկArmeniannounpower, mightfiguratively
VegetablesբազուկArmeniannounarm of a lever
VegetablesբազուկArmeniannounbranch, arm (of a river)
VegetablesբազուկArmeniannounstalks and other arm-like parts of various plantsdialectal
VegetablesբազուկArmeniannounchard, beet, beetroot
VegetablesբանջարOld Armeniannounvegetable, greens, herb
VegetablesբանջարOld Armeniannounbeetpost-Classical
Vegetables紅蘿蔔Chinesenounred radish
VehiclesfrecciaItaliannounarrow (projectile)feminine
VehiclesfrecciaItaliannounarrow (symbol)feminine
VehiclesfrecciaItaliannounindicator/turn signalautomotive transport vehiclesfeminine
VehiclessleighEnglishnounA vehicle, generally pulled by an animal, which moves over snow or ice on runners, used for transporting persons or goods. (contrast "sled", which is smaller)
VehiclessleighEnglishverbTo ride or drive a sleigh.
VehiclesvoituretteFrenchnounsmall carfeminine
VehiclesvoituretteFrenchnountoy carfeminine
VesselsOlpeGermannameA town and rural district of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in the Sauerlandneuter proper-noun
VesselsOlpeGermannameA city in Lyon County, Kansas, United Statesneuter proper-noun
VesselsOlpeGermannameA right tributary of the Bigge, Olpe district, North Rhine-Westphalia; also called Olpebachdefinite proper-noun usually
VesselsOlpeGermannameA left tributary of the Hundem, Olpe district, North Rhine-Westphalia; also called Olpebachdefinite proper-noun usually
VesselsOlpeGermannounolpe (leather or earthenware vessel)feminine
VesselsجرةArabicnounjar, amphora, olla
VesselsجرةArabicnouninstance noun of جَرَّ (jarra)
VesselsجرةArabicnountrack, furrow, trail, what is there after one draws (جَرَّ (jarra))
VesselsجرةArabicnouncud, what a ruminant (مُجْتَرّ (mujtarr)) chews
VesselsجرةArabicnounverbal noun of جَرُؤَ (jaruʔa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
Violencecrime against humanityEnglishnounA very destructive and immoral act; later specifically, something causing widespread human misery or loss of life; an
Violencecrime against humanityEnglishnounSomething objectionable.colloquial excessive humorous
ViolenceduodecimateEnglishnounSynonym of duodecimvirate: a group of rare
ViolenceduodecimateEnglishverbTo kill one twelfth of a group of people, especially by lot.rare
ViolenceduodecimateEnglishverbTo divide into twelfths; to divide duodecimally.rare
ViolencekoskiaIngrianverbto touch (physically disturb or molest)transitive
ViolencekoskiaIngriannounpartitive singular of koskiform-of partitive singular
ViolencemulcoLatinverbto beat up, handle roughlyconjugation-1
ViolencemulcoLatinverbto damage, injureconjugation-1
ViolencetithenMiddle EnglishverbTo tithe (give a tithe)
ViolencetithenMiddle EnglishverbTo tithe (give as a tithe)
ViolencetithenMiddle EnglishverbTo decimate (kill one or nine in ten)
ViolenceسوطArabicnounverbal noun of سَاطَ (sāṭa)form-of noun-from-verb
ViolenceسوطArabicnounwhip, scourge, switch
ViolenceسوطArabicnounany punishmentfiguratively
ViolenceسوطArabicnounflagellumbiology natural-sciences
ViolenceسوطArabicnounan astronomical measure of approximately 4.5 degreesastronomy natural-sciences
ViolenceسوطArabicnounwater that bides in a pool or puddle or the place where there is such water
ViolenceسوطArabicnounsomeone's deal, a designated deal
ViolenceسوطArabicverbto commix the liquids by stirring
VisionblindedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of blindform-of participle past
VisionblindedEnglishadjDeprived of sight; thus: / Deprived of sight in a way that is or may be permanent, by damage to the eyes or brain.not-comparable
VisionblindedEnglishadjDeprived of sight; thus: / Deprived of sight temporarily, by being either dazzled or blindfolded.not-comparable
VisionblindedEnglishadjLacking intellectual discernment, as for example because of greed or stupidity.not-comparable
VisionblindedEnglishadjWillingly prevented from knowing certain information that, were it known, might bias an outcome or decision (either consciously or unconsciously).sciencesnot-comparable
VisionblindedEnglishadjCovered by blinds.not-comparable
VisionblindedEnglishadjDisplaying a particular destination or route number on the blinds.not-comparable
Vision소경Koreannounvisual impairment
Vision소경Koreannounblind person
VocalizationsscreechEnglishnounA high-pitched strident or piercing sound, such as that between a moving object and any surface.countable
VocalizationsscreechEnglishnounA harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a shriek; a scream.countable
VocalizationsscreechEnglishnounNewfoundland rum.uncountable
VocalizationsscreechEnglishnounA form of home-made rye whiskey made from used oak rye barrels from a distillery.uncountable
VocalizationsscreechEnglishverbTo make such a sound.
VocalizationsscreechEnglishverbTo travel very fast, as if making the sound of a car that is driving too fast.figuratively intransitive
VulturesgriffonEnglishnounAlternative form of griffin (legendary creature)alt-of alternative
VulturesgriffonEnglishnounA breed of dog usually called the Brussels griffon, reminiscent of the legendary creature.
VulturesgriffonEnglishnounA griffon vulture.
Walls and fencestulvapatoFinnishnounlevee
Walls and fencestulvapatoFinnishnoundike (barrier to hold back flood)
Walls and fencesстенаMacedoniannounrock (mass of projecting rock)
Walls and fencesстенаMacedoniannounwalldialectal
Warconventional warfareEnglishnounThe waging of war in a manner which does not use nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.uncountable
Warconventional warfareEnglishnounThe waging of war in set military battles, as opposed to waging guerrilla warfare or fighting insurgencies.uncountable
WaterimiqInupiaqnoundrinking water
WaterimiqInupiaqnounany potable beverage
Waterstump-waterEnglishnounStagnant water from a hollow in a rotting tree stump.uncountable
Waterstump-waterEnglishnounInferior beer or similar beverage.derogatory uncountable
Waterకుల్యTelugunounA canal, channel.
Waterకుల్యTelugunounA rivulet.
Waterకుల్యTelugunounA watercourse.
Water궤다Jejuverbto prop uptransitive
Water궤다Jejuverbto pile up, arrange in a piletransitive
Water궤다Jejuverbto pool, for water to gather upintransitive
Water궤다Jejuverb(of alcohol, sauce) to bubble up when fermentedintransitive
Water궤다Jejuverbto lovetransitive
Water궤다Jejuverb(of people or insects) to be infested with, to swarmintransitive
Water궤다Jejuverbto boilintransitive
Water plantstikogCebuanonounthe globular fimbrystylis (Fimbristylis umbellaris); a sedge plant that usually grows in marshlands of the Philippines
Water plantstikogCebuanonounan arrowhead; any plant in the genus Sagittaria
Watercraftmilch cowEnglishnounA cow kept for milking; a dairy cow.
Watercraftmilch cowEnglishnounA cow that produces milk (having had at least one calf).
Watercraftmilch cowEnglishnounA cash cow.figuratively
Watercraftmilch cowEnglishnounA German WWII submarine designed to carry large cargoes of supplies and transfer them to other submarines.government military politics warslang
WatercraftਬਜਰਾPunjabinounA kind of covered boat.
WatercraftਬਜਰਾPunjabinameBajra (a village in Jalandhar district, Punjab)
WealthбогатоRussianadvabundantly, prodigally, richly, sumptuously
WealthбогатоRussianadjshort neuter singular of бога́тый (bogátyj)form-of neuter short-form singular
WeaponsdudgeonEnglishnounA feeling of anger or resentment, especially haughty indignation.uncountable
WeaponsdudgeonEnglishnounA kind of wood used especially in the handles of knives; the root of the box tree.obsolete
WeaponsdudgeonEnglishnounA hilt made of this wood.obsolete
WeaponsdudgeonEnglishnounA dagger which has a dudgeon hilt.archaic
WeaponsscytheEnglishnounAn instrument for mowing grass, grain, etc. by hand, composed of a long, curving blade with a sharp concave edge, fastened to a long handle called a snath.
WeaponsscytheEnglishnounA scythe-shaped blade attached to ancient war chariots.historical
WeaponsscytheEnglishnounThe tenth Lenormand card.cartomancy human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
WeaponsscytheEnglishverbTo use a scythe.intransitive
WeaponsscytheEnglishverbTo cut with a scythe.transitive
WeaponsscytheEnglishverbTo cut off as with a scythe; to mow.transitive
WeaponsscytheEnglishverbTo attack or injure as if cutting.figuratively intransitive often
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA lash; a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod (commonly of cane or rattan) or a plaited or braided rope or thong (commonly of leather) used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA lash; a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod (commonly of cane or rattan) or a plaited or braided rope or thong (commonly of leather) used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals. / The same instrument used to strike a person or animal for corporal punishment or torture.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA blow administered with a whip.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA whipper-in.hobbies hunting lifestyle
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA member of a political party who is in charge of enforcing the party's policies in votes.government politics
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA document distributed weekly to MPs by party whips informing them of upcoming votes in parliament.government politicsUK with-definite-article
WeaponswhipEnglishnounThe regular status of an MP within a parliamentary party, which can be revoked by the party as a disciplinary measure.government politicsUK broadly
WeaponswhipEnglishnounWhipped cream.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA purchase in which one block is used to gain a 2:1 mechanical advantage.nautical transport
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA mode of personal motorized transportation; an automobile, all makes and models including motorcycles, excluding public transportation.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA move in which one player transfers momentum to another.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA whipping motion; a thrashing about.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounThe quality of being whiplike or flexible; suppleness, as of the shaft of a golf club.
WeaponswhipEnglishnounAny of various pieces that operate with a quick vibratory motion / A spring in certain electrical devices for making a circuit
WeaponswhipEnglishnounAny of various pieces that operate with a quick vibratory motion / A wippen, a rocking component in certain piano actions.entertainment lifestyle music
WeaponswhipEnglishnounA coach driver; a coachman.historical
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo hit with a whip.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo hit with any flexible object.broadly transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo defeat, as in a contest or game.slang transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo mix in a rapid aerating fashion, especially food.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo urge into action or obedience.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo enforce a member voting in accordance with party policy.government politicstransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo bind the end of a rope with twine or other small stuff to prevent its unlaying: fraying or unravelling.nautical transporttransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo hoist or purchase by means of a whip.nautical transporttransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo sew lightly; specifically, to form (a fabric) into gathers by loosely overcasting the rolled edge and drawing up the thread.
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo throw or kick an object at a high velocity.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo fish a body of water especially by making repeated casts.intransitive transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo snap back and forth like a whip.intransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo move very fast.intransitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo move (something) very fast; often with up, out, etc.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo transfer momentum from one skater to another.transitive
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo lash with sarcasm, abuse, etc.figuratively
WeaponswhipEnglishverbTo thrash; to beat out, as grain, by striking.
WeaponsرصاصةSouth Levantine Arabicnounsingulative of رصاص (rṣāṣ): piece of leadform-of singulative
WeaponsرصاصةSouth Levantine Arabicnounbulletsingulative
WeaponsगोलीHindinounbullet (gun ammunition)
WeatherclementEnglishadjLenient or merciful; charitable.
WeatherclementEnglishadjMild (said of weather and similar circumstances).
Weatherishpi-niibinOjibweverbbe late summerinanimate intransitive
Weatherishpi-niibinOjibweverbbe late in the summerinanimate intransitive
WerewolvesgamecraftEnglishnounSkill in the strategy and tactics of playing a game or games, as opposed to the physical skills of strength, dexterity, accuracy, etc.uncountable
WerewolvesgamecraftEnglishnounArtistry in the organization and elements used to design a game or storyline.uncountable
WerewolvesgamecraftEnglishnounSkill and knowledge about hunting and managing game.uncountable
WerewolvesgamecraftEnglishnounA type of dominance competition practiced by werewolves that focuses on cleverness, wit, and cunning.fantasyuncountable
WetlandsflotantEnglishadjRepresented as flying (fluttering) or floating mid-air or in water.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsnot-comparable
WetlandsflotantEnglishnounA mass of floating vegetation, especially on the waters of the Mississippi delta.
WetlandsflotantEnglishnounAlternative form of floatantalt-of alternative
WhitesగౌరముTelugunounA fair complexion.
WhitesగౌరముTelugunounA pale straw colour.
WhitesగౌరముTelugunounSnow white.
WhitesగౌరముTeluguadjFair complexioned.
WiccacronehoodEnglishnounThe condition of being an elderly woman; the time during which a woman is elderly.uncountable
WiccacronehoodEnglishnounThe elderly stage of a female Wiccan witch (compared with the Crone aspect of the Goddess).Wicca lifestyle religionuncountable
WinevinařstvíCzechnounwinery (a place where wine is made, or a company that makes wine)neuter
Womengirls' night outEnglishnounA night out for women. / An informal social gathering of women.
Womengirls' night outEnglishnounA night out for women. / An arranged event at a bar or similar venue where only female patrons are allowed.
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / Any tool used in a pecking fashion, particularly kinds of hoes or pickaxes.regional uncommon
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / Any machine or machine part moving in a pecking fashion / A picker, a shuttle-driver: the device which moves backwards and forwards in the shuttle-box to drive the shuttle through the manufacturing textiles weavingobsolete uncommon
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / Any machine or machine part moving in a pecking fashion / A kind of V-shaped telegraphic relay.communications electrical-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences telecommunications telegraphyhistorical uncommon
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / Any machine or machine part moving in a pecking fashion / Clipping of pecker mill, a rice mill.US abbreviation alt-of clipping historical regional uncommon
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / Any machine or machine part moving in a pecking fashion, particularlyuncommon
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / A bird, particularly a member of the group including the woodpeckers, flowerpeckers, oxpeckers, and berrypeckers.biology natural-sciences zoology
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / A bird, particularly a member of the group including the woodpeckers, flowerpeckers, oxpeckers, and berrypeckers. / Clipping of woodpecker (Picidae).biology natural-sciences zoologyUS abbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial regional usually
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / An eater, a diner.UK obsolete regional
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / A bird's beak or bill.UK regional
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill / A penis; cock, dick.US regional slang
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSomeone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill, particularly
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounA nose.UK broadly colloquial
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounSpirits, nerve, courage.UK broadly colloquial
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounShort for peckerwood ("whitey; white trash")abbreviation alt-of derogatory in-plural slang
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounShort for peckerhead ("dickhead; an aggressive or objectionable idiot").abbreviation alt-of derogatory in-plural slang
WoodpeckerspeckerEnglishnounClipping of peckerhead ("an electric motor's junction or terminal connection box, where power cords are connected to the winding leads").US abbreviation alt-of clipping
WoodsჰებრაSvannouncherry (tree and fruit)
WoodsჰებრაSvannouncherry tree's log, timber
World War IKitchenerEnglishnameA surname originating as an occupation for someone who worked in a kitchen.
World War IKitchenerEnglishnameA title: / A British earldom
World War IKitchenerEnglishnameA title: / Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, British field marshal in the First World War
World War IKitchenerEnglishnameA city in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
World War IKitchenerEnglishnameA small town in the City of Cessnock, New South Wales, Australia.
Worldbuilding-verseEnglishsuffixForming compound nouns denoting the whole range or totality of what is indicated by the first element.morpheme
Worldbuilding-verseEnglishsuffixForming compounds nouns denoting the fictional world of a given character, television series etc.morpheme
Writingput pen to paperEnglishverbTo write something (especially using pen and ink).idiomatic intransitive
Writingput pen to paperEnglishverbTo begin to write something.idiomatic intransitive
Writing instrumentsดินสอThainounpencil, especially black one.
Writing instrumentsดินสอThainounlime; marl; marly limestone.archaic
Writing systemsGe'ezEnglishnameAn Ethiopian language which is extinct but still used liturgically.
Writing systemsGe'ezEnglishnameThe writing system originally used for the Ge’ez language.
ZoologybaɣaAnguthimrinounmarsupial's pouchMpakwithi
ZoroastrianismმოგჳOld GeorgiannounZoroastrian
ZoroastrianismმოგჳOld Georgiannounmagician, astrologer
ZoroastrianismმოგჳOld Georgiannounboot

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