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AfterlifetártaroPortuguesenounTatar (a language of Russia)masculine
AfterlifetártaroPortuguesenounTatar (member of the Tatar ethnic group)masculine
AfterlifetártaroPortugueseadjof Tartary (the Eurasian Steppe)not-comparable
AfterlifetártaroPortugueseadjof Tatarstannot-comparable
AfterlifetártaroPortugueseadjof the Tatar languagenot-comparable
AfterlifetártaroPortuguesenountartar (compound deposited during wine-making)beverages food lifestyle oenology winemasculine
AfterlifetártaroPortuguesenountartar (yellow deposit on the teeth)dentistry medicine sciencesmasculine
AfterlifetártaroPortuguesenounTartarushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek masculine uncountable
AfterlifeܫܝܘܠClassical Syriacnoununderworld, netherworldhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesuncountable
AfterlifeܫܝܘܠClassical SyriacnameSheolChristianityJudaism
AgecentenaireFrenchnouncentenary (period of 100 years, to mark an anniversary)masculine
AgecentenaireFrenchnouncentennial (100 year anniversary)masculine
AgecentenaireFrenchnouncentenarian (someone aged 100 years or more)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
AgepubesLatinadjadult, grown-updeclension-3 one-termination
AgepubesLatinadjpubescentdeclension-3 one-termination
AgepubesLatinadjripedeclension-3 one-termination
AgepubesLatinadjdowny (of plants)declension-3 one-termination
AgepubesLatinnounpubic hairdeclension-3
AgepubescoLatinverbto become pubescentconjugation-3 no-supine
AgepubescoLatinverbto ripen, matureconjugation-3 no-supine
Age危境Chinesenounadvanced age; venerable age
Age危境Chinesenoundangerous situation; risky conditions
Age危境Chinesenounpredicament; straits; difficult situation; desperate circumstances; adversity; plight
Agricultural occupationsпастухUkrainiannounherder, herdsman
Agricultural occupationsпастухUkrainiannounshepherd (a person who tends sheep, especially a grazing flock)
AgriculturebebegigSundanesenounpuppet with an ugly face
AgriculturehaystackEnglishnounA mound, pile, or stack of stored hay.
AgriculturehaystackEnglishnounA standing wave in a rapid.
AgriculturehaystackEnglishnounThe text string within which another string is searched for. (see: needle in a haystack)computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciences
AgriculturehaystackEnglishnounAny place or collection of items through which one searches for something that is rare and hard to find.broadly
AgriculturehaystackEnglishnounA dish composed of a starchy food (rice, tortillas, crackers, etc.) topped by a protein (beans, cheese, meat, etc.) in combination with fresh vegetables, assembled on the plate by the diner.
AgricultureзапалRussiannounfuse, primer
AgricultureзапалRussiannounardor, enthusiasmcolloquial
AgricultureзапалRussiannounheaves (disease of horses and other domesticated animals)
AgricultureзапалRussiannounspoilage of grain still on the stalk due to drought
AgricultureзапалRussiannounheat (dangerous situation where failure may lead to the participants getting caught)slang
AgricultureзапалRussianverbmasculine singular past indicative perfective of запа́сть (zapástʹ)form-of indicative masculine past perfective singular
Amaranths and goosefootsကြက်မောက်Burmesenouncockscomb
Amaranths and goosefootsကြက်မောက်Burmesenounlove-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus)
Amaranths and goosefootsကြက်မောက်Burmesenouncockscomb (Celosia argentea var. cristata, syn. Celosia cristata)
Amaranths and goosefootsကြက်မောက်Burmesenounrambutan
Amaranths and goosefootsကြက်မောက်BurmesenounCeylon oak (Schleichera oleosa)
American Civil WarDixielandEnglishnameThe southern states of the US; Dixie.US informal
American Civil WarDixielandEnglishnameThe southwestern corner of Utah; Dixie.US informal
American Civil WarDixielandEnglishnounA type of jazz that originated in New Orleans.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
AmmonitesammoniteEnglishnounAny of an extinct group of cephalopods of the subclass Ammonoidea; a fossil shell of such an animal.biology history human-sciences natural-sciences paleontology sciences
AmmonitesammoniteEnglishnounAn explosive prepared from a mixture of TNT and ammonium nitrate; a form of amatol, popular in Eastern Europe and China.uncountable
AnatomyHornhautGermannouncallus, horny skinfeminine
AnatomyhairEnglishnounA pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals.countable
AnatomyhairEnglishnounThe collection or mass of such growths growing from the skin of humans and animals, and forming a covering for a part of the head or for any part or the whole body.uncountable
AnatomyhairEnglishnounA slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Such hairs are totally unlike those of vertebrates in structure, composition, and mode of growth.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable
AnatomyhairEnglishnounA cellular outgrowth of the epidermis, consisting of one or of several cells, whether pointed, hooked, knobbed, or stellated.biology botany natural-sciencescountable
AnatomyhairEnglishnounAny slender, flexible outgrowth, filament, or fiber growing or projecting from the surface of an object or organism.countable
AnatomyhairEnglishnounA locking spring or other safety device in the lock of a rifle, etc., capable of being released by a slight pressure on a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponrycountable
AnatomyhairEnglishnounAny very small distance, or degree; a hairbreadth.countable
AnatomyhairEnglishnounComplexity; difficulty; the quality of being hairy.slang uncountable
AnatomyhairEnglishverbTo remove the hair from.transitive
AnatomyhairEnglishverbTo grow hair (where there was a bald spot).intransitive
AnatomyhairEnglishverbTo cause to have or bear hair; to provide with hairtransitive
AnatomyhairEnglishverbTo string the bow for a violin.
AnatomysüysünAzerbaijaninounwithers (especially in horses and other draft animals)colloquial dialectal
AnatomysüysünAzerbaijaninounnape, back of the head, occiputcolloquial dialectal
AnatomysüysünAzerbaijaninounneckcolloquial dialectal
AnatomysüysünAzerbaijaninouncervical region of the spine; the place where the spinal column joins with the neckcolloquial dialectal
AnatomyкӑкӑрChuvashnounbreast (female)
Anatomyहस्तSanskritnounthe hand
Anatomyहस्तSanskritnounan elephant's trunk
Anatomyहस्तSanskritnounthe forearm (a measure of length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger)
Anatomyहस्तSanskritnounthe 11th (13th) lunar asterism (represented by a hand and containing five stars, identified by some with part of the constellation Corvus)astronomy natural-sciences
Anatomyहस्तSanskritnounan anapesthuman-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciences
Ancient GreeceanaximandroSpanishadjAnaximanderianhuman-sciences philosophy sciences
Ancient GreeceanaximandroSpanishnounAnaximanderianhuman-sciences philosophy sciencesmasculine
Animal body partskeHaitian Creolepronthatrelative
Animal body partskeHaitian Creolenountail
Animal body partskeHaitian Creoleprepthan
Animal body partsнокътBulgariannounnail (the thin, horny plate at the ends of fingers and toes on humans and some other animals)anatomy medicine sciences
Animal body partsнокътBulgariannounclaw, talon
Animal body partsнокътBulgariannounclutch (a hand or claw, when it is grasping something firmly)figuratively
Animal soundsgemidoSpanishnounmoan, groanmasculine
Animal soundsgemidoSpanishverbpast participle of gemirform-of participle past
Animal tissuescartilageEnglishnounA usually translucent and somewhat elastic, dense, nonvascular connective tissue found in various forms in the larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints. It composes most of the skeleton of vertebrate embryos, being replaced by bone during ossification in the higher vertebrates.anatomy medicine sciencesuncountable
Animal tissuescartilageEnglishnounA particular structure made of cartilage.anatomy medicine sciencescountable
AnimalskalvNorwegian Bokmålnouncalf (a young cow or bull)masculine
AnimalskalvNorwegian BokmålnounA small island, glacier or lake beside a larger one.masculine
AnimalskalvNorwegian BokmålnounAn entrance to a salmon trap or the like.masculine
Animalsநாராயணன்TamilnounNarayana, Vishnu (as reposing on the waters)Hinduism
Animalsநாராயணன்Tamilnouna sage (as an incarnation of Vishnu)Hinduism
Animalsநாராயணன்Tamilnoungrey heron, (Ardea cinerea)
AppearancebombeFrenchnounbomb (a device filled with explosives)feminine
AppearancebombeFrenchnounaerosol (either the substance or the container)feminine
AppearancebombeFrenchnouna hottie, a bombshellcolloquial feminine
AppearancebombeFrenchnounglobular glass vessel; demijohn, carboyfeminine
AppearancebombeFrenchnounbombe glacée, a frozen dessert consisting of two or more kinds of ice cream, often with a light, frothy center made of eggs and sugar, frozen in a melon-shaped moldfeminine
AppearancebombeFrenchnounEllipsis of bombe météorologique or bombe météo or bombe cyclonique.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis feminine
Apple Inc.magnificent sevenEnglishnounSeven Big Tech companies or their stock: Apple, Amazon, Alphabet Inc., Nvidia, Tesla, Meta, and Microsoft.businesscolloquial plural plural-only
Apple Inc.magnificent sevenEnglishnounSeven large private cemeteries established in London in the 19th century.UK colloquial plural plural-only
Argentiniform fishargentineEnglishadjContaining or resembling silver.
Argentiniform fishargentineEnglishnounAny osmeriform fish of the genus Argentina, especially a European argentine (Argentina sphyraena).countable uncountable
Argentiniform fishargentineEnglishnounA siliceous variety of calcite, or lime carbonate, having a silvery-white, pearly lustre, and a waving or curved lamellar structure.chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
Argentiniform fishargentineEnglishnounWhite metal coated with silver.countable uncountable
ArithmeticacounteMiddle EnglishnounAn enumeration or count; the act of counting.
ArithmeticacounteMiddle EnglishnounAn account (financial record)in-plural often
ArithmeticacounteMiddle EnglishnounAn explanation of actions or events.
ArithmeticacounteMiddle EnglishnounOne's explanation at the Last Judgement.specifically
ArithmeticacounteMiddle EnglishnounValue, regard.rare
Armorneck guardEnglishnounA piece of armor or protective equipment which protects the neck. / A part of a helmet (of mail, plate, etc) which extends down to protect the neck.
Armorneck guardEnglishnounA piece of armor or protective equipment which protects the neck. / A ridge or an additional plate on a shoulder piece which projects upward to protect the neck: see passguard.
Armorneck guardEnglishnounA piece of armor or protective equipment which protects the neck.
ArmorかいばJapanesenoun介馬: an armored horse
ArmorかいばJapanesenoun快馬: a marvellously fast horse
ArmorかいばJapanesenoun海馬: a sea horse; a walrus; (anatomy) the hippocampus
ArmorかいばJapanesenoun飼い葉, 飼葉: fodder, food for livestock
ArmorかいばJapanesenoun買い場, 買場: a good opportunity to buy
ArmorかいばJapaneseverb介馬: to put armor on a horse, to bard
Art生け花Japanesenounflower arrangement, →ikebana
Art生け花Japanesenounthe discipline of flower arrangement, as something to be studied and practiced
Arum family plantscallaEnglishnounA marsh plant native to cooler areas throughout the northern hemisphere, Calla palustris, having pale green flowers in a white spathe.
Arum family plantscallaEnglishnounA calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica).
Arum family plants芋仔ChinesenountaroHakka Min Southern
Arum family plants芋仔Chinesenounwaishengren; immigrants who moved to Taiwan from mainland China after the end of World War IITaiwanese-Hokkien derogatory figuratively ironic sometimes
Arum family plants芋仔ChinesenouneddoCantonese
Arum family plants芋仔Chinesenounpotato
Asparagus family plantsSolomon's sealEnglishnounAny flowering plant of the genus Polygonatum, especially Polygonatuym multiflorum.
Asparagus family plantsSolomon's sealEnglishnounA mystic symbol in the form of a hexagram.
AstacideanslobsterEnglishadjRed-colored, especially from a sunburn.
AstacideanslobsterEnglishnounA crustacean of the Nephropidae family, dark green or blue-black in colour turning bright red when cooked, with a hard shell and claws, which is used as a seafood.countable uncountable
AstacideanslobsterEnglishnounA crustacean of the Palinuridae family, pinkish red in colour, with a hard, spiny shell but no claws, which is used as a seafood.countable uncountable
AstacideanslobsterEnglishnounA soldier or officer of the imperial British Army (due to their red or scarlet uniform).countable historical slang uncountable
AstacideanslobsterEnglishnounAn Australian twenty-dollar note, due to its reddish-orange colour.countable slang uncountable
AstacideanslobsterEnglishverbTo fish for lobsters.
AstacideanslobsterEnglishverbTo trick someone with a blue lobster picture and an annoying Toccata and Fugue in D minor.Internet
AsteroidsEuropaSpanishnameEurope (the portion of Eurasia west of the Urals, traditionally considered a continent in its own right, located north of Africa, west of Asia and east of the Atlantic Ocean)feminine
AsteroidsEuropaSpanishnameEuropa (large moon of Jupiter)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
AsteroidsEuropaSpanishnameEuropa (asteroid)astronomy natural-sciencesfeminine
AsteroidsEuropaSpanishnameEuropa (woman seduced by Zeus)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek feminine
AstronomystjärnaSwedishnouna star (celestial body)common-gender
AstronomystjärnaSwedishnouna star (famous or talented person)common-gender
AstronomystjärnaSwedishnouna stargeometry mathematics sciencescommon-gender
AstronomystjärnaSwedishnounstar (horse facial marking)common-gender
Atmospheric phenomenaἶριςAncient Greeknounrainbow
Atmospheric phenomenaἶριςAncient Greeknounhalo
Atmospheric phenomenaἶριςAncient Greeknounvarious species of the genus Iris
AustraliadolarPolishnoundollar (designation for specific currency)animal-not-person masculine
AustraliadolarPolishnoundollar (unit of reactivity equal to the interval between delayed criticality and prompt criticality)animal-not-person masculine
Auto partscoffreFrenchnounchest, boxmasculine
Auto partscoffreFrenchnounboot (UK), trunk (US) (luggage storage compartment of a vehicle, i.e. car)masculine
Auto partscoffreFrenchverbinflection of coffrer: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Auto partscoffreFrenchverbinflection of coffrer: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Autumn落葉Chinesenounfallen leaves
Autumn落葉Chineseverbto lose leaves
Aviationfrequent flyerEnglishnounA person who flies frequently on commercial airliners.
Aviationfrequent flyerEnglishnounSomeone who is habitually a nuisance.
Aviationfrequent flyerEnglishnounA patient who frequents a health facility, with minor or malingering-type presentations.medicine sciencesderogatory slang
Awardssilver medalEnglishnounA medal made of, or having the color of, silver, given as a prize for finishing in second place.
Awardssilver medalEnglishnounFinishing in second position, being a runner-up.broadly
BabiespramEnglishnounA small vehicle, usually covered, in which a newborn baby is pushed around in a lying position.Australia New-Zealand UK
BabiespramEnglishnounA pushchair; a buggy.Australia New-Zealand UK broadly colloquial
BabiespramEnglishnounA flat-bottomed barge used on shallow shores to convey cargo to and from ships that cannot enter the harbour.nautical transporthistorical
BabiespramEnglishnounA similar barge used as platform for cannons in shallow waters which seagoing warships cannot enter.nautical transporthistorical
BabiespramEnglishnounA type of dinghy with a flat bow.
Baby animalscanaMiddle Irishnouncubmasculine
Baby animalscanaMiddle Irishnounpuppymasculine
Baby animalsjedwabnikPolishnounsilkwormanimal-not-person masculine
Baby animalsjedwabnikPolishnoundead smooth fileanimal-not-person masculine
Baby animalsmecCatalanadjhairless (of one's face); beardless
Baby animalsmecCatalanadjfoolishderogatory regional
Baby animalsmecCatalannounbeardless manmasculine
Baby animalsmecCatalannounfool, simpletonderogatory masculine regional
Baby animalsmecCatalannouncalf (young male cow)masculine
Baby animalsprosoUpper Sorbiannounpigletbiology natural-sciences zoologyneuter
Baby animalsprosoUpper Sorbiannounmilletneuter
Bagsduffel bagEnglishnounA large, cylindrical, duffel cloth bag used to carry personal gear, especially by soldiers.government military politics warAustralia US often
Bagsduffel bagEnglishnounA smaller, cylindrical, cloth bag fashionable in the 1950s and 1960s.UK
BagsкошёлкаRussiannounbasket, woven bagcolloquial
BagsкошёлкаRussiannoun, (slang) bag, hag (referring to an ugly woman) / (slang) bag, hag (referring to an ugly woman)colloquial
BarsmordowniaPolishnounmurder hole (slit or hole above the entrance to a fortification, thought to provide access for defenders to kill invaders)feminine historical
BarsmordowniaPolishnoundrudgery, toilcolloquial feminine figuratively
BarsmordowniaPolishnounshady area; unsafe place with lots of criminal activitycolloquial derogatory feminine
BarsmordowniaPolishnoundive bar (disreputable bar)colloquial derogatory feminine
BatsлепирBulgariannouncave batobsolete
BeddingpowleczeniePolishnounverbal noun of powlecform-of neuter noun-from-verb
BeddingpowleczeniePolishnounbedclothes, bedlinenneuter
BeddingвъзглавницаBulgariannounpillow, cushion, bolster
BeddingвъзглавницаBulgariannounsoft part of a paw (in some mammals)
BeddingвъзглавницаBulgariannounsupport, base (in a structure or within a device)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
BeerbrasserieFrenchnounbrewery (a place where beer is brewed)feminine
BeerbrasserieFrenchnounbrewery (a beer-producing company)feminine
BeerbrasserieFrenchnounbrasserie (a restaurant)feminine
BeerbrasserieFrenchnounbeer bar, beer parlor / beer parlour, alehouse (a pub or bar where beer is sold)feminine
Beloniform fishaguglia maggioreItaliannounkeel-jawed needlefish (Tylosurus acus)biology natural-sciences zoologyfeminine
Beloniform fishaguglia maggioreItaliannounSynonym of aguglia imperialefeminine
BerriesbayberryEnglishnounThe fruit of the wax myrtle shrub; or the plant itself (Morella cerifera), with aromatic, leathery leaves and waxy berries.Canada US
BerriesbayberryEnglishnounThe fruit of the wax myrtle shrub; or the plant itself (Morella cerifera), with aromatic, leathery leaves and waxy berries. / Other species in the family Myricaceae, especially in genus Myrica; bay-rum tree, candleberry.Canada US
BerriesbayberryEnglishnounThe fruit of the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis).
BerriesbayberryEnglishnounWest Indian bay tree (Pimenta racemosa), a tropical American shrub with aromatic leaves that are used in the preparation of bay rum.
BerriesuogaLithuaniannounberrybiology botany natural-sciences
BerriesuogaLithuaniannounenticing girlslang
Bibleநீதிமொழிகள்Tamilnamethe book of Proverbs
Bibleநீதிமொழிகள்Tamilnoun; maxims
Biblical charactersAdamSwedishintjThe letter "A" in the Swedish spelling alphabet
Biblical charactersAdamSwedishnameAdam (biblical figure)common-gender
Biblical charactersAdamSwedishnamea male given name. Pet form: Addecommon-gender
Biblical charactersEsraFinnishnameEzra (Biblical figure)
Biblical charactersEsraFinnishnamethe Book of Ezra
Biblical charactersFilippoItaliannamea male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Philipmasculine
Biblical charactersFilippoItaliannamePhilip (biblical character)masculine
Biblical charactersLidiaPolishnamea female given name, equivalent to English Lydiafeminine
Biblical charactersLidiaPolishnameLydia (historical region)feminine historical
Biblical charactersLidiaPolishnameLydia (biblical character)Christianityfeminine
Biblical charactersRubenGermannameReuben (biblical character).
Biblical charactersRubenGermannamea male given name from Hebrew
Biblical charactersПавлоUkrainiannamePaul, one of the twelve apostles.
Biblical charactersПавлоUkrainiannamea male given name, equivalent to English Paul
Bicycle partsSattelGermannounsaddlemasculine strong
Bicycle partsSattelGermannounnut of a string instrument (supporting strings at the head end)arts crafts entertainment hobbies lifestyle lutherie musicmasculine strong
BirdsPrunellaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Prunellidae – accentors.feminine
BirdsPrunellaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – selfheal.feminine
BirdsbabbelaarDutchnounbabbler (someone who babbles)masculine
BirdsbabbelaarDutchnouna piece of confectionery similar to butterscotchmasculine
BirdsbabbelaarDutchnounbabbler (any of several passerine birds)masculine
BirdschochaSpanishnounwoodcockbiology natural-sciences ornithologyfeminine
BirdschochaSpanishnounpussyCaribbean Central-America Puerto-Rico feminine slang
BirdschochaSpanishadjfeminine singular of chochofeminine form-of singular
BirdseeanManxnounpoult, young (of birds)masculine
BirdseeanManxnounjuvenile, cheeky child; bratmasculine
BirdskiwiItaliannounkiwi fruitinvariable masculine
BirdskiwiItaliannounkiwiinvariable masculine
BirdsæðaFaroesenouncommon eider (Somateria mollissima)feminine
BirdsæðaFaroesenounfemale eider (except female king eider)feminine
BirdsкивиMacedoniannounkiwi fruit
BirdsкивиMacedoniannounkiwi (bird)
BirdsܒܛܐClassical Syriacnounduck, drake
BirdsܒܛܐClassical Syriacnounspark from red-hot coal or iron
Birdsபெருந்தாராTamilnoungreylag goose, Anser anser
Birds of preyaguiluchoSpanishadjOf or pertaining to Club Deportivo Águila, a soccer club from San Miguel, El Salvadorball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
Birds of preyaguiluchoSpanishadja player, coach, or fan of the Águilas Cibaeñas, a baseball team from Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republicball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsDominican-Republic
Birds of preyaguiluchoSpanishnouneagletmasculine
Birds of preyaguiluchoSpanishnounhawk, kitemasculine
Birds of prey兄鷹Japanesenouna small hawk
Birds of prey兄鷹Japanesenouna male hawk
Birds of prey兄鷹Japanesenounmusket, male sparrowhawk
Black holesGWEnglishnameAbbreviation of George Washington University.abbreviation alt-of
Black holesGWEnglishnameAbbreviation of Golden Week.Japan abbreviation alt-of
Black holesGWEnglishnameInitialism of George Washington.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Black holesGWEnglishnameInitialism of George W. Bush.abbreviation alt-of initialism
Black holesGWEnglishnounInitialism of gravitational wave.astronomy astrophysics natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsabbreviation alt-of initialism
BloggingmoblogEnglishnounA weblog posted from a mobile device, such as a cell phone or PDA.
BloggingmoblogEnglishverbTo post to a weblog by this means.
Bodies of waterkanalSlovenenouncanal
Bodies of waterkanalSlovenenounchannel
Bodies of waterupelisLithuaniannoundiminutive of upėdiminutive form-of
Bodies of waterupelisLithuaniannounrivulet, streamlet; brookgeography natural-sciences
Bodies of waterupelisLithuaniannounstreamgeography natural-sciences
Bodies of waterбасейнBelarusiannounswimming pool
Bodies of waterбасейнBelarusiannounbasin (depression containing water)
Bodies of waterбасейнBelarusiannounbasin (zone of occurrence of precious minerals)
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounImpudence or brazenness; temerity, chutzpah.uncountable
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounA gallbladder.anatomy medicine sciencescountable dated
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounBile, especially that of an animal; the greenish, profoundly bitter-tasting fluid found in bile ducts and gall bladders, structures associated with the liver.medicine physiology sciencesarchaic uncountable
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounGreat misery or physical suffering, likened to the bitterest-tasting of substances.figuratively uncountable
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounA sore on a horse caused by an ill-fitted or ill-adjusted saddle; a saddle sore.countable
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounA sore or open wound caused by chafing, which may become infected, as with a blister.medicine pathology sciencescountable
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounA feeling of exasperation.figuratively uncountable
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounA pit on a surface being cut caused by the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a natural-sciences physical-sciences technicalcountable
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishverbTo chafe, to rub or subject to friction; to create a sore on the skin.ergative
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishverbTo bother or trouble.figuratively transitive
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishverbTo harass, to harry, often with the intent to cause injury.figuratively transitive
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishverbTo exasperate.figuratively transitive
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishverbTo cause pitting on a surface being cut from the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a natural-sciences physical-sciences technicaltransitive
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishverbTo scoff; to jeer.intransitive obsolete rare
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounA blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants, caused by various pathogens, especially the burrowing of insect larvae into the living tissues, such as that of the common oak gall wasp (Cynips quercusfolii).biology botany medicine natural-sciences pathology phytopathology sciences
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishnounA bump-like imperfection resembling a gall.
Bodily fluidsgallEnglishverbTo impregnate with a decoction of gallnuts in dyeing.transitive
Bodily fluidsкрвMacedoniannounblooduncountable usually
Bodily fluidsкрвMacedoniannounkin, ancestryfiguratively
BodywydolnośćPolishnounfitness, physical capacity (ability of the body or individual organs of the body to perform a specific function)feminine
BodywydolnośćPolishnounfitness, performance (efficiency in carrying out assigned social, economic, or political tasks)feminine literary
Body arttetoviranjeSlovenenounverbal noun of tetovȋratiform-of noun-from-verb
Body arttetoviranjeSlovenenountattoo
Body partsMullLimburgishnounmouth of an animalfeminine
Body partsMullLimburgishnounmouth of a personderogatory feminine possibly
Body partsMullLimburgishnounkissfeminine
Body partsMullLimburgishnounraspberryfeminine
Body partsmeadhanScottish Gaelicnounmiddle, center, midstmasculine
Body partsmeadhanScottish Gaelicnounwaistmasculine
Body partsmeadhanScottish Gaelicnounmean, averagemasculine
Body partsmeadhanScottish Gaelicnounmeans, mediummasculine
Body partsচুঁচিBengalinounnippleinformal
Body partsচুঁচিBengalinounbreastinformal
Body partsটাংBengalinounfoot
Body partsটাংBengalinountongue
BonesJapanesecharactergrain (e.g. rice)Hyōgai kanji
BonesJapanesecounterindicates small round things, such as gemstones, fruit, stones, tears
BonesJapanesenouna condyle
Book sizes4toEnglishnounAbbreviation of quarto, a paper size.abbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
Book sizes4toEnglishnounAbbreviation of quarto, a corresponding book printing publishingabbreviation alt-of countable uncountable
Books of the Bible雅歌Japanesenounelegant song
Books of the Bible雅歌JapanesenameSong of Songs
Borage family plantscowslipEnglishnounA low-growing plant, Primula veris, with yellow flowers.
Borage family plantscowslipEnglishnounAny of several other plants related or similar in appearance / Primula deorum, a flowering plant known as God's cowslip and rila cowslip
Borage family plantscowslipEnglishnounAny of several other plants related or similar in appearance / Primula florindae, a flowering plant known as giant cowslip and Tibetan cowslip
Borage family plantscowslipEnglishnounAny of several other plants related or similar in appearance / Primula sikkimensis, a flowering plant known as Himalayan cowslip and Sikkim cowslip
Borage family plantscowslipEnglishnounAny of several other plants related or similar in appearance / marsh marigold, Caltha palustris, a plant in the buttercup family, growing in wet, boggy locations.Canada US regional
Borage family plantscowslipEnglishnounAny of several other plants related or similar in appearance / Pulmonaria angustifolia, blue cowslip or narrow-leaved lungwort
Borage family plantscowslipEnglishnounShort for cowslip tea: a kind of green tea; an herbal tea made with cowslip flowers.abbreviation alt-of
Boroughs in EnglandPurbeckEnglishnameShort for Isle of Purbeck, a peninsula in Dorset, England.abbreviation alt-of
Boroughs in EnglandPurbeckEnglishnameA former local government district in Dorset, abolished on 1 April 2019 and merged into the Dorset unitary authority.
BotanyescapoGalicianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of escaparfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
BotanykwōleMarshalleseverbto be hungryRālik
BotanykwōleMarshalleseverbto be starvedRālik
BotanykwōleMarshalleseverbto be underfedRālik
BotanykwōleMarshalleseverbto be undernourishedRālik
BotanykwōleMarshalleseverbto be famishedRālik
BotanykwōleMarshallesenouna kernel
BotanykwōleMarshallesenouna fruit
BotanykwōleMarshallesenouna seed
BotanykwōleMarshallesenouna nut
BotanykwōleMarshallesenouna testicle
BotanykwōleMarshallesenouna berry
BotanyvlăstarRomaniannounshoot; runner, stolonneuter
BotanyvlăstarRomaniannounscion, offspringneuter
Bovinesng'ombeSwahilinouncow, oxclass-10 class-9
Bovinesng'ombeSwahilinounidiotclass-10 class-9 derogatory
BrainwieczkoPolishnoundiminutive of wiekodiminutive form-of neuter
BrainwieczkoPolishnounoperculumbiology ichthyology natural-sciences zoologyneuter
BrainwieczkoPolishnounoperculumbiology malacology natural-sciencesneuter
BrassicasHäriLimburgishnounloud noise, racketfeminine masculine uncountable
BrassicasHäriLimburgishnounquarrel, dispute, argumentMaastrichtian feminine masculine uncountable
BrassicasHäriLimburgishnounoutcry, clamourfeminine masculine uncountable
BrassicasHäriLimburgishnouncharlock (Rhamphospermum arvense, syns. Sinapis arvensis, etc.)masculine
BreadsBrotGermannounbreadneuter strong uncountable usually
BreadsBrotGermannounloaf of breadcountable neuter strong
BreadsBrotGermannounslice of bread; sandwichcountable neuter strong
BreadsBrotGermannounlivelihood, subsistencefiguratively neuter strong uncountable
BrexitERGEnglishnounInitialism of electron-releasing group.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
BrexitERGEnglishnounInitialism of employee resource group.businessabbreviation alt-of initialism
BrexitERGEnglishnounInitialism of electroretinogram.medicine ophthalmology sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
BrexitERGEnglishnameInitialism of European Research Group (“Eurosceptic/pro-Brexit publicly funded political activist group subdivision of the UK Conservatives”).government politicsUK abbreviation alt-of initialism
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto broadcast; to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto telecast; to broadcast by television
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto transmit a message over a wide area
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto broadcast a television program
BroadcastingsibyaCebuanoverbto appear as a performer, presenter, or speaker in a broadcast programme
BrownsbayEnglishnounA berry.obsolete
BrownsbayEnglishnounLaurus nobilis, a tree or shrub of the family Lauraceae, having dark green leaves and berries.
BrownsbayEnglishnounBay leaf, the leaf of this or certain other species of tree or shrub, used as a herb.
BrownsbayEnglishnounThe leaves of this shrub, woven into a garland used to reward a champion or victor; hence, fame, victory.archaic in-plural
BrownsbayEnglishnounA tract covered with bay trees.US dialectal
BrownsbayEnglishnounA kind of mahogany obtained from Campeche in Mexico.
BrownsbayEnglishnounA body of water (especially the sea) more-or-less three-quarters surrounded by land.geography natural-sciences
BrownsbayEnglishnounA bank or dam to keep back water.
BrownsbayEnglishnounAn opening in a wall, especially between two columns.
BrownsbayEnglishnounAn internal recess; a compartment or area surrounded on three sides.
BrownsbayEnglishnounThe distance between two supports in a vault or building with a pitched roof.
BrownsbayEnglishnounEach of the spaces, port and starboard, between decks, forward of the bitts, in sailing warships.nautical transport
BrownsbayEnglishnounA bay platform.rail-transport railways transport
BrownsbayEnglishnounA bay window.
BrownsbayEnglishnounThe excited howling of dogs when hunting or being attacked.
BrownsbayEnglishnounThe climactic confrontation between hunting-dogs and their prey.broadly
BrownsbayEnglishnounA state of being obliged to face an antagonist or a difficulty, when escape has become impossible.figuratively
BrownsbayEnglishverbTo howl.intransitive
BrownsbayEnglishverbTo bark at; hence, to follow with barking; to bring or drive to bay.transitive
BrownsbayEnglishverbTo pursue noisily, like a pack of hounds.transitive
BrownsbayEnglishadjOf a reddish-brown colour.especially
BrownsbayEnglishnounA brown colour/color of the coat of some horses.countable uncountable
BrownsbayEnglishnounA horse of this color.countable uncountable
BrownssandEnglishnounRock that is ground more finely than gravel, but is not as fine as silt (more formally, see grain sizes chart), forming beaches and deserts and also used in construction. / A specific grade, type, or composition of sand.countable usually
BrownssandEnglishnounRock that is ground more finely than gravel, but is not as fine as silt (more formally, see grain sizes chart), forming beaches and deserts and also used in construction. / A beach or other mass of sand.countable in-plural often usually
BrownssandEnglishnounRock that is ground more finely than gravel, but is not as fine as silt (more formally, see grain sizes chart), forming beaches and deserts and also used in construction.uncountable usually
BrownssandEnglishnounPersonal courage.dated uncountable usually
BrownssandEnglishnounA particle from 62.5 microns to 2 mm in diameter, following the Wentworth scale.geography geology natural-sciencesuncountable usually
BrownssandEnglishnounA light beige colour, like that of typical sand.uncountable usually
BrownssandEnglishnounA single grain of sand.countable obsolete usually
BrownssandEnglishnounA moment or interval of time; the term or extent of one's life (referring to the sand in an hourglass).countable figuratively usually
BrownssandEnglishnounDried mucus in the eye's inner corner, perhaps left from sleep (sleepy sand). / "sand in [someone's] eyes" (idiom): / "sand in [someone's] eyes" (idiom)figuratively uncountable usually
BrownssandEnglishnounDried mucus in the eye's inner corner, perhaps left from sleep (sleepy sand). / An excuse for tears.uncountable usually
BrownssandEnglishnounDried mucus in the eye's inner corner, perhaps left from sleep (sleepy sand).uncountable usually
BrownssandEnglishadjOf a light beige colour, like that of typical sand.
BrownssandEnglishverbTo abrade the surface of (something) with sand or sandpaper in order to smooth or clean it.transitive
BrownssandEnglishverbTo cover with sand.transitive
BrownssandEnglishverbTo blot ink using sand.historical transitive
BrownssandEnglishnounA sandpiper.colloquial
BuildingsarenaSpanishnounsand, gravelgeography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
BuildingsarenaSpanishnounbullfight arena; boxing ringhobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
BuildingsarenaSpanishverbinflection of arenar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BuildingsarenaSpanishverbinflection of arenar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
BuildingsمارستانArabicnounhospital, infirmaryhistorical
BuildingsمارستانArabicnounmadhouse, bedlamregional
BuildingsਘਰPunjabinounhouse, home
BuildingsਘਰPunjabinounbuilding, placein-compounds
Buildings and structuresgroblaPolishnounbarrage, dyke, embankment, floodbank, levee, stopbank (embankment to prevent inundation)feminine
Buildings and structuresgroblaPolishnouncausewayfeminine
Buildings and structuresgroblaPolishnouncofferdam (empty space that acts as a protective barrier between two floors or bulkheads on a ship)nautical transportfeminine
Buildings and structureswieżyczkaPolishnoundiminutive of wieżadiminutive feminine form-of
Buildings and structureswieżyczkaPolishnounturretgovernment military politics warfeminine
Buildings and structureswieżyczkaPolishnountower rockcress, tower mustard (Turritis glabra, syn. Arabis glabra)feminine
BurialگورUrdunoungaur (Bos gaurus)
Buttercup family plantsaconitumEnglishnounThe poisonous herb aconite; also, an extract from it.
Buttercup family plantsaconitumEnglishnounAconitum, a genus of plants in the family Ranunculaceae.
Buttercup family plantsbarba de cabraSpanishnounJerusalem star (Hypericum calycinum)feminine
Buttercup family plantsbarba de cabraSpanishnoungoatsbeard, common salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius)feminine
Buttercup family plantsbarba de cabraSpanishnounbaneberry (Actaea spicata)feminine
Buttercup family plantszvonSlovenenouna large bell
Buttercup family plantszvonSlovenenounchime (sound of a bell)rare
Buttercup family plantszvonSlovenenounAnything that is open wide at one end and gradually closes towards the end, i. e. resembles the shape of a bell.
Buttercup family plantszvonSlovenenounchimes (instrument)entertainment lifestyle musicin-plural
Buttercup family plantszvonSlovenenouncommon columbine (aquilegia vulgaris)^([→Pleteršnik, 2014])in-plural obsolete
ButterflieskaaliperhonenFinnishnounlarge white (Pieris brassicae)
ButterflieskaaliperhonenFinnishnouncabbage white, cabbage butterfly, pierid (any butterfly in the family Pieridae)
ButterflieskaaliperhonenFinnishnounpierid, pieridine
ButtockstwerkEnglishnounA fitful movement similar to a twitch or jerk.
ButtockstwerkEnglishnounA dance involving sexual movements of the hips and buttocks.informal
ButtockstwerkEnglishverbTo twitch or jerk.
ButtockstwerkEnglishverbTo move the body in a sexually suggestive twisting or gyrating fashion, especially as a dance.informal
ButtockstwerkEnglishnounA puny or insignificant person, generally male; a twerp.US dated slang
ButtockstwerkEnglishnounAn abrupt call, such as that made by the California quail.
CactimescalEnglishnounA Mexican alcoholic drink distilled from the fermented juice of the agave.countable uncountable
CactimescalEnglishnounThe peyote cactus.countable uncountable
Cakes and pastriesbananówkaPolishnounbanana liqueurfeminine
Cakes and pastriesbananówkaPolishnounbanana cake (a cake with bananas in it)colloquial feminine
Cakes and pastriesbananówkaPolishnoungored skirtfeminine
Cakes and pastriesbananówkaPolishnounfemale equivalent of banan, female equivalent of bananowiec (“nouveau riche, rich kid, spoiled kid”) (a young person who has rich parents and brags about it)derogatory feminine form-of slang
Cakes and pastrieskulaçTurkishnoundistance between the fingertips of two outstretched arms; fathom, armspan
Cakes and pastrieskulaçTurkishnounsmall leavened or unleavened breadregional
CalendaryasíNheengatunounlunar month (period from one new moon until the next)
CalendaryasíNheengatunounmonth (one of the 12 periods into which a year is divided)
CalendaryasíNheengatunouncelestial bodybroadly obsolete
CalendaryasíNheengatuverbto menstruatearchaic intransitive
CalendarθέροςAncient Greeknounheat
CalendarθέροςAncient Greeknounsummer
CalendarθέροςAncient Greeknounharvest, crop
California, USA来桜Japanesenouncoming to Sacramentoobsolete
California, USA来桜Japaneseverbto come to Sacramentoobsolete
CanidsvilksLatviannounwolf (esp. Canis lupus)declension-1 masculine
CanidsvilksLatvianverbthird-person singular/plural future indicative of vilktform-of future indicative plural singular third-person
Canids’ртMacedoniannouncape, promontory, headlandgeography natural-sciences
Capitalismlaissez faireEnglishnounA policy of governmental non-interference in economic affairs.economics government politics sciencesuncountable
Capitalismlaissez faireEnglishnounA policy of non-interference by authority in any competitive process.uncountable
Capitalismlaissez faireEnglishadjPracticing or representing governmental noninterference, or minimal interference, especially in economic affairs; pertaining to free-market capitalism.economics government politics sciences
Capitalismlaissez faireEnglishadjAdvocating such noninterference.economics government politics sciences
Capitalismlaissez faireEnglishadjResulting from such noninterference.economics sciences
Capitalismlaissez faireEnglishadjAvoiding interference in other people's affairs; choosing to live and let live.
Card gamesfourEnglishnumA numerical value equal to 4; the number after three and before five; two plus two. This many dots (••••)
Card gamesfourEnglishnumDescribing a set or group with four elements.
Card gamesfourEnglishnounThe digit or figure 4; an occurrence thereof.countable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounAnything measuring four units, as length.countable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounFour o'clock.countable uncountable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounA person who is four years old.countable uncountable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounAn event in which the batsmen run four times between the wickets or, more often, a batsman hits a ball which bounces on the ground before passing over a boundary, resulting in an award of 4 runs for the batting team. If the ball does not bounce before passing over the boundary, a six is awarded instead.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounA power forward.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounFour-man sweep racing shell, with or without a coxswain. / The shell itself.hobbies lifestyle rowing sportscountable uncountable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounFour-man sweep racing shell, with or without a coxswain. / The crew rowing in a four boat.hobbies lifestyle rowing sportscountable uncountable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounFour-man sweep racing shell, with or without a coxswain. / A regatta event for four boats.hobbies lifestyle rowing sportscolloquial countable uncountable
Card gamesfourEnglishnounA four-pennyworth of spirits.countable obsolete uncountable
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA coarse mediaeval coat of defence, especially one made of leather.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA man. / A name applied to a hypothetical or typical man.capitalized
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA man. / A man, a fellow; a typical man; men in general.US countable
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA man. / A sailor.colloquial
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA man. / A policeman or detective; (Australia) a military policeman.slang
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA man. / A manual laborer.archaic
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA man. / A lumberjack.Canada US colloquial
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA man. / A sepoy.India historical slang
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A device for turning a spit; a smokejack or roasting jack.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / Each of a series of blocks in a harpsichord or the earlier virginal, communicating the action of the key to the quill; sometime also, a hopper in a modern piano.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A support for wood being sawn; a sawhorse or sawbuck.obsolete
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A device used to hold a boot by the heel, to assist in removing the boot.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A mechanical device used to raise and (temporarily) support a heavy object, now especially to lift one side of a motor vehicle when (e.g.) changing a tyre.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / Any of various levers for raising or lowering the sinkers which push the loops down on the needles in a knitting machine or stocking frame.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A wedge for separating rocks rent by miningarchaic
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A grating device used to separate and guide the threads in a warping machine; a heck box.obsolete
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A machine for twisting the sliver as it leaves a carding machine, in the preparation of yarn.obsolete
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA device or utensil. / A switch for a jack plug, a jackknife switch; (more generally) a socket used to connect a device to a circuit, network electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A pitcher or other vessel for holding liquid, especially alcoholic drink; a black-jack.historical regional
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / The lowest court card in a deck of standard playing cards, ranking between the 10 and queen, with an image of a knave or pageboy on it.card-games games
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A small, typically white, ball used as the target ball in bowls; a jack-ball.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A small ship's flag used as a signal or identifying device; a small flag flown at the bow of the vessel.nautical transport
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A measure of liquid corresponding to a quarter of a pint.UK archaic historical regional
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A fake coin designed to look like a sovereign.obsolete slang
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A jack crosstree.nautical transportarchaic historical
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A small, six-pointed playing piece used in the game of
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A torch or other light used in hunting to attract or dazzle game at night.US
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / Money, cash.US slang
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A strong alcoholic liquor, especially home-distilled or illicit.Canada US
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / Nothing, jack shit.colloquial euphemistic
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / The eleventh batsman to come to the crease in an innings.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA non-tool object or thing. / A smooth often ovoid large gravel or small cobble in a natural water course.slang
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A pike, especially when young.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A male ass, especially when kept for breeding.US
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Any of the marine fish in the family Carangidae.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A jackrabbit.US
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / A large California rockfish, the bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Mangifera caesia, related to the mango tree.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Plant in the genus Arisaema, also known as Jack-in-the-pulpit, and capitalized Jack.colloquial
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Spadix of a plant (also capitalized Jack).colloquial
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA plant or animal. / Plant of the genus Emex, also considered synonymous to Rumex, if not then containing two species lesser jack and little jack for Emex spinosa syn. Rumex spinosus, Australian English three-corner jack and prickly jack for Emex australis syn. Rumex hypogaeus.
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo physically raise using a jack.transitive
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo raise or increase.transitive
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo increase the potency of an alcoholic beverage similarly to distillation by chilling it to below the freezing point of water, removing the water ice crystals that form, and leaving the still-liquid alcoholic portion.
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo steal (something), typically an automobile; to rob (someone).colloquial transitive
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo dance by moving the torso forward and backward in a rippling motion.intransitive
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo jack off, to masturbate.colloquial vulgar
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo fight.
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo jerk or move by jerking; to remove or move (something).informal intransitive transitive
Card gamesjackEnglishadjTired, disillusioned; fed up (with).Australia
Card gamesjackEnglishnounThe edible fruit of the Asian tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus); also the tree itself.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounThe related tree Mangifera caesia.
Card gamesjackEnglishnounA home run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang
Card gamesjackEnglishverbTo hit (the ball) hard; especially, to hit (the ball) out of the field, producing a home run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportsslang transitive
Card gamesपानNepalinounheartscard-games games
Card gamesपानNepalinounpaan, betel leaf
CatskittenDutchnouna young cat; kittenmasculine
CatskittenDutchverbto apply sealant totransitive
CatskittenDutchnounplural of kitform-of plural
CattleLimusinoPortuguesenameSynonym of Limousindated masculine
CattleLimusinoPortuguesenounLimousin (a breed of cattle)masculine
CattlevitéllaLiguriannounfemale equivalent of vitéllo; young female calffeminine form-of
CattlevitéllaLiguriannounveal (edible calf flesh)feminine uncountable
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishnounA pig (the animal).childish
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishnounA guinea pig.childish
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishnounA toe.childish slang
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishnounA pig, a greedy person.derogatory mildly
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishnounA member of the police.Ireland UK derogatory slang
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishadjresembling a pig / greedy
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishadjresembling a pig / slovenly, dirty
CaviomorphspiggyEnglishadjresembling a pig / lecherous, often in a sexist way.
Celestial bodiesooljééʼNavajonounmoonastronomy natural-sciences
Celestial bodiesooljééʼNavajonounmoonlight
Celestial bodiessolLatinnounthe Sunastronomy natural-sciencescapitalized declension-3 often
Celestial bodiessolLatinnouna sunastronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-3
Celestial bodiessolLatinnoungoldalchemy chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences pseudosciencedeclension-3
Celestial bodiessolLatinnoundays, period of one's lifedeclension-3 figuratively in-plural
Celestial bodiessolLatinnounSee Sōl.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesdeclension-3
Celestial bodiessterneMiddle Englishnouna luminous body visible in the sky; a star or planet
Celestial bodiessterneMiddle Englishnounthe shape of a star
Celestial inhabitantsRigellianEnglishadjAlternative form of Rigelianalt-of alternative not-comparable
Celestial inhabitantsRigellianEnglishnounAlternative form of Rigelianalt-of alternative
Celestial inhabitantsmultiglobalEnglishadjOf multiple globes.sciences
Celestial inhabitantsmultiglobalEnglishadjSpanning multiple globes.literature media publishing science-fiction
Certhioid birdspomurnikPolishnounwallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria)animal-not-person masculine
Certhioid birdspomurnikPolishnounany flowering plant of the genus Parietariainanimate masculine
Characters from folkloreMephistophelesEnglishnameThe Devil to whom Faust sold his soul in the legend.
Characters from folkloreMephistophelesEnglishnounA fiendish person, especially one who tricks someone into following a destructive or disastrous course of action; a tempter.
Chemical elementsgermaniumLimburgishnoungermaniumneuter uncountable
Chemical elementsgermaniumLimburgishnounA part of germaniumneuter
Chemistryಅಗ್ನಿKannadanameAgni, a Hindu deity of fire in Advaita Vedanta
Chemistryಅಗ್ನಿKannadanamea male given name
Chemistryಅಗ್ನಿKannadanounfire (oxidization reaction)
Cherry cultivarsblackheartEnglishnounA heart-shaped cherry with a very dark skin.
Cherry cultivarsblackheartEnglishnounAny of various plant diseases that cause darkening of the central tissue.
Cherry cultivarsblackheartEnglishnounA type of malleable cast iron with minimum tensile strength of 350 N/mm².
Cherry cultivarsblackheartEnglishnounA cruel and remorseless person.
ChickensܐܟܕܝܐClassical Syriacnountone
ChickensܐܟܕܝܐClassical Syriacnounchicken, cock, rooster
ChildrenbakvisDutchnounA pubescent girl, connoting giggliness and fangirlism.dated informal masculine
ChildrenbakvisDutchnounA fish cooked by frying (rather than boiling etc.), referring either a culinary dish or a species usually thus prepared.masculine rare
ChildrengangrelEnglishnounA tramp, vagrant, vagabond.Scotland dialectal
ChildrengangrelEnglishnounA tall awkward fellow.UK dialectal
ChildrengangrelEnglishnounA child just beginning to walk; toddler.UK archaic
ChristianitymessaOld Norsenounmass, church servicefeminine
ChristianitymessaOld Norseverbto say mass
Cities in ItalyMilaanDutchnameMilan (city in Northern Italy)neuter
Cities in ItalyMilaanDutchnameMilan (a province of Lombardy, Italy)neuter
Cities in Taiwan嘉義ChinesenameChiayi (a city located in the plains of southwestern Taiwan)
Cities in Taiwan嘉義ChinesenameChiayi (a county surrounding Chiayi City)
Citrus subfamily plantsglaucusEnglishnounAny member of the genus Glaucus of nudibranchiate mollusks, found in the warmer latitudes, swimming in the open sea, strikingly colored with blue and silvery white.
Citrus subfamily plantsglaucusEnglishnounCitrus glauca, the desert lime, a thorny shrub species endemic to semi-arid regions of Australia.
City of Aberdeen, ScotlandAberdonianEnglishadjOf or relating to Aberdeen.British English not-comparable
City of Aberdeen, ScotlandAberdonianEnglishnounA citizen or inhabitant of, or person born in, Aberdeen, NE Scotland.anthropology ethnography human-sciences sciencesBritish English Scotland
Classical Syriac letter namesܒܝܬClassical Syriacnounbeth, second letter of the Syriac alphabet
Classical Syriac letter namesܒܝܬClassical Syriacnounconstruct state singular of ܒܝܬܐconstruct form-of singular
Classical Syriac letter namesܒܝܬClassical SyriacprepAlternative form of ܒܝܢܬ (baynāṯ)alt-of alternative
ClothingaksamitPolishnounvelvet (closely woven fabric with a thick short pile on one side)inanimate masculine
ClothingaksamitPolishnounvelvet (closely woven fabric with a thick short pile on one side) / velvet clothinginanimate masculine
ClothingjumperEnglishnounSomeone or something that jumps, e.g. a participant in a jumping event in track or skiing.
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA person who attempts suicide by jumping from a great height.
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA short length of electrical conductor, to make a temporary connection. Also jump wire.
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA removable connecting pin on an electronic circuit electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA long drilling tool used by masons and quarry workers, consisting of an iron bar with a chisel-edged steel tip at one or both ends, operated by striking it against the rock, turning it slightly with each blow.
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA crude kind of sleigh, usually a simple box on runners which are in one piece with the poles that form the thills.US
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA jumping spider.arachnology biology natural-sciences zoologyinformal
ClothingjumperEnglishnounThe larva of the cheese fly.
ClothingjumperEnglishnounOne of certain Calvinistic Methodists in Wales whose worship was characterized by violent convulsions.historical obsolete
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA spring to impel the starwheel, or a pawl to lock fast a wheel, in a repeating timepiece.hobbies horology lifestyle
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA shot in which the player releases the ball at the highest point of a jump; a jump shot.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA nuclear power plant worker who repairs equipment in areas with extremely high levels of radiation.
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA platform game based around
ClothingjumperEnglishverbTo connect with an electrical jumper.transitive
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA woollen sweater or pullover.Australia British New-Zealand
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA loose outer jacket, especially one worn by workers and sailors.
ClothingjumperEnglishnounA one-piece, sleeveless dress, or a skirt with straps and a complete or partial bodice, usually worn over a blouse by women and children; pinafore.US
ClothingjumperEnglishnounRompers.plural usually
ClothingjumperEnglishnounThe shirt worn by the players; a guernsey.
ClothingoverclothEnglishnounAny of various overgarments that consist primarily of a large cloth worn over the clothes.countable uncountable
ClothingoverclothEnglishnounA tablecloth that is laid on top of another tablecloth, usually allowing some of the lower tablecloth to show.countable uncountable
ClothingoverclothEnglishnounA decorative cloth placed over the saddlecloth and below the saddle.countable uncountable
ClothingoverclothEnglishnounA cloth that is placed as a protective layer on top of something.countable uncountable
ClothingoverclothEnglishnounThe top of a double layer of canvas coverings that cover the presses used in mining.countable uncountable
ClothingoverclothEnglishnounA decorative cloth placed on top of something to give it a more refined appearance.countable uncountable
ClothingpauncherMiddle Englishnounbelt, girdlerare
ClothingpauncherMiddle Englishnounpaunce (piece of armour)rare
ClothingsherteMiddle EnglishnounA shirt (garment for the top of the body)
ClothingsherteMiddle EnglishnounA skirting; a hem (the border of an item of clothing)rare
ClothingtrajePortuguesenounattire, dress, garbmasculine
ClothingtrajePortugueseverbinflection of trajar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
ClothingtrajePortugueseverbinflection of trajar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Clothingเสื้อThainountutelar spirit.
Coffeecafé russeFrenchnounRussian coffee (coffee with vodka)masculine
Coffeecafé russeFrenchnouncafé au laitBelgium masculine
CollectivesśmietankaPolishnoundiminutive of śmietanadiminutive feminine form-of
CollectivesśmietankaPolishnouncream (oily part of milk)feminine
CollectivesśmietankaPolishnouncream of the crop, crème de la crème (best or most desirable among some selection)feminine figuratively
Collectives大眾Chineseadjpopular; mainstream; mass
Collectives大眾Chinesenounthe people; the masses; the public
Collectives大眾Chinesename(~汽車) Volkswagen (car brand)Mainland-China
Collectives學會Chinesenounacademic society; scholarly association
Collectives學會Chineseverbto succeed in learning something; to master
Collectives學會Chineseverbto learn (to get into the habit of)
ColorsmadilawTagalogadjyellowish; yellow
ColorsmadilawTagalogadjfull of turmeric
ColorsskarlátHungarianadjscarlet, crimson, vermilion (colour)
ColorsskarlátHungariannounscarlet fever, scarlatinamedicine pathology sciencesuncountable
ColorsφαιόςGreekadjdull (having no particular luster or brightness)formal
ColorsφαιόςGreekadjgrey, ashy (having a color somewhere between white and black)broadly formal
Colorsकद्रुSanskritadjbrown, reddish-brown
Colorsकद्रुSanskritnountawny colour
Colorsकद्रुSanskritnounbrown vessel for Soma
ColorsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / one's facial coloring or expressionfiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / the shape of one's face or appearance; more specifically, beautiful looks or a beautiful figurefiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / lively elegance, enjoyable or interesting charmfiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / apparent thoughtfulness, warmheartednessfiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / the feeling or mood of a thingfiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / the tenor or timber of a voice or soundfiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / in Noh, a section that is chanted at a medium pace; alternately, a decorative poetic sectionfiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / in 浄瑠璃 (jōruri, “puppet show narrative”), a lively section that is neither strictly dialog nor narration, but has many elements of dialogfiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounthe metaphorical color or mood / when playing the koto, pushing on a string with the fingers of the left hand to change the pitch of a note, or for vibratofiguratively
ColorsJapanesenounsomething related to romantic or sexual love, particularly between genders / the emotions or circumstances of attraction between genders
ColorsJapanesenounsomething related to romantic or sexual love, particularly between genders / extramarital relations, an affair
ColorsJapanesenounsomething related to romantic or sexual love, particularly between genders / an extramarital lover
ColorsJapanesenounsomething related to romantic or sexual love, particularly between genders / a prostitute
ColorsJapanesenounsomething related to romantic or sexual love, particularly between genders / a red-light district
ColorsJapanesenounthe type or kind of something
ColorsJapanesenounvarious specific kinds of color: / lipstick or rougeinformal slang
ColorsJapanesenounvarious specific kinds of color: / soy sauceinformal slang
ColorsJapanesenounvarious specific kinds of color: / paintinformal slang
ColorsJapaneseadjof exceptional beauty of form or appearancearchaic
ColorsJapaneseadjknowledgeable about lovemaking, sensual; lascivious, lecherousarchaic
ColorsJapaneseadjelegant, tasteful, refinedarchaic
ColorsJapaneseaffixrelating to a love affair or the red light district
ColorsJapaneseaffixof that tone or timber or mood
ColorsJapaneseaffixrelating to type or kind
ColorsJapanesenouncoloring, designobsolete
ColorsJapanesenounmaterial form, specifically the organized body as one of the five constituent elements or skandhasBuddhism lifestyle religion
ColorsJapanesenounthat which is visible of a thing, specifically form and color
ColorsJapaneseaffixcolor (US), colour (everywhere else)
ColorsJapanesecounterused to count the number of colors
ComicsSlobboviaEnglishnameUsed as a placeholder country name in textbook problems, classroom examples, etc.US
ComicsSlobboviaEnglishnameA play-by-mail roleplaying game notionally based on Diplomacy.
CommelinidsdatuljaSerbo-Croatiannoundate (fruit)
CommelinidsdatuljaSerbo-Croatiannoundate, date palm (plant)
CommunicationaskerMiddle EnglishnounOne who prays towards or supplicates a divinity.
CommunicationaskerMiddle EnglishnounOne who criticises, reviews, or examines; a checker.
CommunicationaskerMiddle EnglishnounA litigant; one who begins legal action or one hired by such a person.
CommunicationaskerMiddle EnglishnounAn extortionist; one who requires excessive charges.rare
CommunicationaskerMiddle EnglishnounOne who asks or questions; an asker.rare
CommunicationaskerMiddle EnglishnounOne who levies dues or fees.rare
Communicationmessage in a bottleEnglishnounA message written on a scrap of paper, rolled up and put in an empty bottle and set adrift on the ocean; traditionally, a method used by castaways to advertise their distress to the outside world.
Communicationmessage in a bottleEnglishnounAn analogous message sent off into the world or universe without knowledge of who the recipient will be: plaques on craft launched into outer space, interstellar radio messages, stationary time capsules, balloon mail, and so on.figuratively
CommunicationpikatCebuanonouna childish gesture of pulling one's lower eyelid (at someone) in mockery
CommunicationpikatCebuanoverbto pull the lower eyelid at someone in mockery
CommunicationpikatCebuanointjmy eye!; tell it to the marines!
CommunicationpikatCebuanointjI don't care!
CommunicationslyšeníCzechnounverbal noun of slyšetform-of neuter noun-from-verb
CommunicationslyšeníCzechnounhearing (public affairs)neuter
CommunismKaTagalognounterm of address for elders and distant uncles or aunts
CommunismKaTagalognounterm of address used by members of Iglesia ni Cristo to refer to other Church members
CommunismKaTagalognounnon-hierarchical term of address, used in socialist and communist circles: comrade
CommunismKomuna ParyskaPolishnameParis Commune (insurrection of Paris against the French government from 18 March to 28 May 1871)feminine historical
CommunismKomuna ParyskaPolishnameParis Commune (French revolutionary government that seized power in Paris from 18 March to 28 May 1871)governmentfeminine historical
CommunismbolševikCzechnounBolshevikanimate masculine
CommunismbolševikCzechnounCommunistanimate broadly masculine
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of something'e presence; disappearance.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of one's life; death or passing away.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The end of a literary piece or work.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The last or final part of something.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The conclusion or aftermath of something.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / The irrevocable or last destiny of something.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe end or finishing of a thing; the terminal point of something: / A successful conclusion or finishing.rare
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe marginal or outlying part of something: / The extreme terminus or point of an object or thing (including something that was formerly one)
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe marginal or outlying part of something: / The margins or surrounds of a nation or settlement; the border.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounA part of a settlement, province, or nation.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe limitations or boundaries of something.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounOne's ends, aims, goals, or purpose; the direction one chooses.
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounA section or portion of something.rare
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounA family member; one's kin.rare
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounThe deeper facts or realness of something.rare
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounWhat makes something important, purposeful or meaningful.rare
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounOne of the four cardinal directions.rare
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishnounA duck (usually referring to the female)
Compass pointsendeMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of endenalt-of alternative
Compass pointsoirthearIrishnounfront, front partliterary masculine
Compass pointsoirthearIrishnouneast (any absolute geographic location as one faces the rising sun), eastern partmasculine
Compass pointsoirthearIrishnouneast (any absolute geographic location as one faces the rising sun), eastern part / The East (of any geographic place)masculine
Compass pointstimurMalaynouneast (compass point)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (in or towards the east)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (meteorology: wind from the east)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (of or pertaining to the east)
Compass pointstimurMalayadjeast (from the East)
Condimentsraiz-fortePortuguesenounhorseradish (Armoracia rusticana, a plant of the mustard family)countable feminine
Condimentsraiz-fortePortuguesenounhorseradish (condiment made from the root of the horseradish plant)feminine uncountable
ConifersšilasLithuaniannounconiferous forest on sandy soils; pine barrens
ConifersšilasLithuaniannounheather (Calluna vulgaris)biology botany natural-sciences
ConstellationsAlimangoTagalognounCancer (constellation)astronomy natural-sciences
ConstellationsAlimangoTagalognounCancer (zodiac sign)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciences
ConstellationsStrēlnieksLatviannamethe constellation of Sagittarius; astronomical abbreviation: Sgrastronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-1 masculine
ConstellationsStrēlnieksLatviannameSagittarius (zodiac sign); astrological symbol: ♐)astrology human-sciences mysticism philosophy sciencesdeclension-1 masculine
ConstructionстроительствоRussiannounconstruction, building
ConstructionстроительствоRussiannounconstruction area
ContainersboleLatviannouna bowl for making punchdeclension-5 feminine
ContainersboleLatviannounpunch (drink made of wine, diluted with juices, syrups and fruit, often with added cognac or rhum)declension-5 feminine
ContainerskasonTagalognounbig house
ContainerskasonTagalognounbox or chest used in the sacristies for storing clothesobsolete
ContainerspucharPolishnoungoblet (a drinking vessel with a foot and stem)inanimate masculine
ContainerspucharPolishnouncup (a trophy in the shape of an oversized cup)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
ContainerspucharPolishnouncup (a contest for which a cup is awarded)hobbies lifestyle sportsinanimate masculine
ContainerspřepravkaCzechnounanimal carrierfeminine
ContainerstigelaPortuguesenounbowl (roughly hemispherical container)feminine
ContainerstigelaPortuguesenounbowl cutfeminine
ContainersчушKomi-Zyriannounlip of an animal
ContainersчушKomi-Zyriannounmuzzle for calves
ContainersчушKomi-Zyriannounlip (of a human)derogatory
ContainersчушKomi-Zyriannounpacifier, dummydialectal
ContainersчушKomi-Zyriannounsalt cellar in the form of a casketdialectal
ContainersчушKomi-Zyriannounmink (Mustela lutreola)dialectal
ContainersկոտոշArmeniannounhorn (of an animal)colloquial dialectal
ContainersկոտոշArmeniannouncontainer made of horn used in wet cuppingdialectal
ContainersկոտոշArmeniannounspur near the foot of chickendialectal
ContainersկոտոշArmeniannounhollow plant stalk used for drawing wine from a կարաս (karas)dialectal
ContainersկոտոշArmeniannounhorn-like gourd used as a waterpotdialectal
ContainersկոտոշArmeniannouna pair of protruding wooden bars at the front of a cartdialectal
ContainersتنكهOttoman Turkishnountin plate, a thin sheet of steel coated with tin used to make cans
ContainersتنكهOttoman Turkishnountin, an airtight container, made of tin or other metal, used to preserve food
ContainersანგიLaznounvessel, pots and pans
Containers筆筒Chinesenounpen container; brush pot; brush case
Containers筆筒Chinesenouncap of a pen, pencil, or writing brushdialectal
ContinentsʻEulopaHawaiiannameEurope (continent)
ContinentsʻEulopaHawaiiannameEuropa (moon of Jupiter)
ContinentsʻEulopaHawaiiannameEuropean (person)
CookingバーベキューJapanesenouna barbecue
Cooking米麵Chinesenounhusked uncooked rice and wheat flour
Cooking米麵Chinesenounrice flour
Cornales order plantsزغالPersiannouncoal
Cornales order plantsزغالPersiannouncharcoal
Cornales order plantsزغالPersiannounblack, dark
Cornales order plantsزغالPersiannoundogwood, cornel
Coronavirus黙食Japanesenouneating in silence (without conversing)
Coronavirus黙食Japaneseverbto eat in silence (without conversing)
Costa RicakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (one of the states comprising the Swiss Confederation)inanimate masculine
Costa RicakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (subdivision of an arrondissement of France)inanimate masculine
Costa RicakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of Luxembourg)inanimate masculine
Costa RicakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of Ecuador)inanimate masculine
Costa RicakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of Costa Rica)inanimate masculine
Costa RicakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (division of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)inanimate masculine
Costa RicakantonPolishnouncanton (division of a political unit) / canton (subdivision of a county, of Quebec, Canada; equivalent to a township)inanimate masculine
Countries in North America米國Chinesenamethe United States of AmericaInternet Taiwanese-Hokkien humorous often rare
Countries in North America米國ChinesenameAn ancient state in Central Asia
Craftspick up stitchesEnglishverbTo add stitches to the knitting needle that were previously bound off, or that belong to the selvage, during the process of knitting or entrelac.idiomatic
Craftspick up stitchesEnglishnounStitches that were added to the row, during knitting.plural plural-only
CrimejackrollerEnglishnounA criminal who robs those who are drunk or asleep
CrimejackrollerEnglishnounA perpetrator of male gang rape of women (jackrolling).South-Africa
CroakerslafayetteEnglishnounThe dollarfish.
CroakerslafayetteEnglishnounA fish, the goody or spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), of the southern coast of the United States.
CryptographyšifrováníCzechnounverbal noun of šifrovatform-of neuter noun-from-verb
CulturezniczPolishnoungrave candleCatholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicisminanimate masculine
CulturezniczPolishnouneternal flameinanimate masculine
CyclingjalkajarruFinnishnounfoot brake
CyclingjalkajarruFinnishnouncoaster brake
Czech RepublicknedlikPolishnounCzech and Slovak style of dumpling
Czech RepublicknedlikPolishnounCzech personcolloquial derogatory ethnic masculine person slur
Dairy farmingordeñarSpanishverbto milk (to express milk from a mammal)
Dairy farmingordeñarSpanishverbto milk (get the most advantage out of someone or something)colloquial figuratively
DancecéilíIrishnounvisit, social callfeminine masculine
DancecéilíIrishnounsocial eveningfeminine masculine
DancecéilíIrishnounceilidh, Irish dancing session, dancefeminine masculine
DancecéilíIrishnounplural of céileform-of masculine plural
DancesgavotteEnglishnounA French dance, in either 4/4 or 2/2 time.
DancesgavotteEnglishverbTo perform this dance.
Days of the weekշաբաթArmeniannounSaturday
Days of the weekշաբաթArmeniannounweek
DeathbanaOld Englishnounmurderermasculine
DeathbanaOld EnglishnounSomething which causes death.masculine
DeathgiganticideEnglishnounThe killing of a giant.countable uncountable
DeathgiganticideEnglishnounOne who kills a giant.countable uncountable
DeathmartwicaPolishnounnecrosis (localized death of cells or tissue)medicine pathology sciencesfeminine
DeathmartwicaPolishnoundecline, disappearance, slump, stagnationfeminine literary
DeathmartwicaPolishnouninfertile soil beneath the topsoil, usually compacted and devoid of microorganismsagriculture business lifestylefeminine
DeathmartwicaPolishnounsinter (alluvial sediment)engineering geography geology metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
DeathpaletóPortuguesenounpaletot (a loose outer jacket, overcoat)masculine
DeathpaletóPortuguesenouncoffin, as a euphemism for deathBrazil euphemistic masculine slang
DeathresoluciounMiddle EnglishnounDecomposition, dissolution, splitting: / Death (as the parting of body and soul)figuratively
DeathresoluciounMiddle EnglishnounDecomposition, dissolution, splitting: / The decomposition of humours or the ability to cause it.medicine sciences
DeathresoluciounMiddle EnglishnounThe dispersal of doubt.rare
DeathölüTurkishnounthe dead
DeathܝܚܛܐClassical Syriacnounmiscarriage, spontaneous abortion, stillbirthmedicine sciences
DeathܝܚܛܐClassical Syriacnounmiscarried fetus, stillborn
Death唔喺度Chineseverbto not be hereCantonese literally
Death唔喺度Chineseverbto have passed away; to have diedCantonese euphemistic
Death死人Japanesenouna dead person, the dead
Death死人Japanesenouna dead person, the deadrare
Death死人Japanesenouna dead person, the deadarchaic obsolete possibly
Death水死Japaneseverbto drown
DemocracydemocraticEnglishadjPertaining to democracy; constructed upon or in line with the principle of government chosen by the people.
DemocracydemocraticEnglishadjExhibiting social equality; egalitarian.
DemocracydemocraticEnglishadjAlternative letter-case form of Democratic (“of, pertaining to, or supporting the Democratic Party”)government politicsUS alt-of
DemocracydemocraticEnglishnounSynonym of democrat (“a supporter of democracy; an advocate of democratic politics (originally (historical) as opposed to the aristocrats in Revolutionary France)”)dated in-plural
DemonymsButuanonEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to Butuan.not-comparable
DemonymsButuanonEnglishnounAn ethnolinguistic group descended from the Rajahnate of Butuan that inhabits present-Butuan in the Philippines.
DemonymsButuanonEnglishnounA person coming from Butuan, regardless of ethnicity.
DemonymsButuanonEnglishnameThe Austronesian language of the Butuanon people.
DemonymsKosraeanEnglishnameA language spoken in the Pacific, in the island of Kosrae and the Caroline Islands. It is a member of the Austronesian family of languages, and belongs to the Micronesian group.
DemonymsKosraeanEnglishnounSomeone from Kosrae.
DemonymsKosraeanEnglishadjFrom Kosraenot-comparable
DemonymsaccitanoSpanishadjof Guadixrelational
DemonymsaccitanoSpanishnounsomeone from Guadixmasculine
DemonymsalistanoSpanishadjof Alisterelational
DemonymsalistanoSpanishnounsomeone from Alistemasculine
DemonymsarcádioPortugueseadjArcadian (of or relating to Arcadia)
DemonymsarcádioPortuguesenounArcadian (person from Arcadia)masculine
DemonymsarcádioPortuguesenounArcadic (the Ancient Greek dialect of Arcadia)masculine
DemonymsbariHungariannounlittle lambchildish
DemonymsbariHungarianadjBarese (of or relating to the city of Bari, Italy)not-comparable
DemonymscotoqueñoSpanishadjof or from Cotoca
DemonymscotoqueñoSpanishnounsomeone from Cotocamasculine
DemonymsgrancanarioSpanishadjof Gran Canariarelational
DemonymsgrancanarioSpanishnounsomeone from Gran Canariamasculine
DemonymsmarteñoSpanishadjof Martosrelational
DemonymsmarteñoSpanishnounsomeone from Martosmasculine
DemonymsoñatiarraSpanishadjof or from Oñatifeminine masculine
DemonymsoñatiarraSpanishnounsomeone from Oñatimasculine
DemonymspandinoSpanishadjof Pando (a department of Bolivia)relational
DemonymspandinoSpanishnounan inhabitant of the department of Pando, Boliviamasculine
Demonymsरोहिंग्याHindinounRohingya person
Demonymsरोहिंग्याHindinameRohingya (language)
DictionariesMWUEnglishnounInitialism of multi-word unit.abbreviation alt-of initialism
DictionariesMWUEnglishnameInitialism of Maccabi World Union.abbreviation alt-of initialism
DictionariesMWUEnglishnameInitialism of Merriam-Webster Unabridged, edition of Webster’s Dictionary.abbreviation alt-of initialism
DictionariesMWUEnglishnameInitialism of Midwestern University.abbreviation alt-of initialism
DictionariesMWUEnglishnameInitialism of Mine Workers’ Union, predecessor of Solidarity (South African trade union).abbreviation alt-of initialism
DipteransPhytophagaTranslingualnameA taxonomic clade within the order Coleoptera – almost all beetles.
DipteransPhytophagaTranslingualnameA taxonomic genus within the family Cecidomyiidae – now in other genera of subfamily Cecidomyiinae of gall midges, etc.obsolete
DirectionsausterLatinnounThe south winddeclension-2 masculine
DirectionsausterLatinnounsouth (compass direction)declension-2 masculine
DirectivesestasyonCebuanonouna stopping place
DirectivesestasyonCebuanonouna place where workers are stationed
DirectivesestasyonCebuanonounone of the Stations of the Cross
DirectivesestasyonCebuanonouna place used for broadcasting radio or television
DirectivesestasyonCebuanonouna channel; a broadcasting entity
DirectivesestasyonCebuanoverbto put in place to perform a task
DirectivesestasyonCebuanoverbto put in place to perform military duty
DirectivesغرضUrdunoundesire, purpose, intention
DirectivesغرضUrdunoundesire, selfishness
DirectivesغرضUrduadvin short, in summary
DiseasesbệnhVietnamesenoundisease; illness; sickness
DiseasesbệnhVietnamesenoundefect; malfunction
DiseasesbệnhVietnamesenounbad habit
DiseasesbệnhVietnameseadjsick; illCentral Southern Vietnam
DiseaseshimlőHungariannounSynonym of fekete himlő (“smallpox”).uncountable usually
DiseaseshimlőHungariannounanother type of pox or Poxviridaeuncountable usually
DiseasesܩܘܠܘܢClassical Syriacnounmembers, limbsanatomy medicine sciencesin-plural
DiseasesܩܘܠܘܢClassical Syriacnouncolicmedicine pathology sciences
DiseasesܩܘܠܘܢClassical Syriacnouncolon (last part of the digestive system)anatomy medicine sciences
Dogbane family plantstuikkiFinnishnounbluestar (plant of the genus Amsonia)
Dogbane family plantstuikkiFinnishnounthe genus Amsoniain-plural
Dogbane family plantstuikkiFinnishverbthird-person singular past indicative of tuikkiaform-of indicative past singular third-person
DogsBelgian SheepdogEnglishnounOne of four variants of sheep herding dog bred in Belgium.
DogsBelgian SheepdogEnglishnounThe Groenendael variant of the above.
DogsdogmanEnglishnounA man who has charge of dogs, such as a dog breeder or dog trainer; specifically, a man who trains dogs for the bloodsport of dogfighting.
DogsdogmanEnglishnounAlternative form of dog man (“a man who likes dogs or prefers dogs as pets, often as opposed to liking cats”)alt-of alternative
DogsdogmanEnglishnounAn alleged cryptid or mythological creature that is part dog and part man; also (religion) a deity who is part dog and part man.biology cryptozoology human-sciences mysticism mythology natural-sciences philosophy sciences zoology
DogsdogmanEnglishnounA man who sells dog meat.obsolete rare
DogsdogmanEnglishnounAn assistant to a crane operator, responsible for securing the crane's load and directing the operator.Australia New-Zealand
DogsiroCebuanonouna dog
DogsiroCebuanonounan ablutophobic person
DogsiroCebuanonouna despicable person
DogsiroCebuanonoundog meat; the flesh and other edible parts derived from dogs
DogsmadadhScottish Gaelicnoundog, fox, wolfmasculine
DogsmadadhScottish Gaelicnouncock of a gun-lock (the part in which the flint used to be fixed)masculine
DogsmadadhScottish Gaelicnounbutt-end of a gunmasculine
DogsmadadhScottish Gaelicnounthe large mussel, like the bait-mussel and as large as the mùsganmasculine
DogsсукаRussiannounbitch (female dog)
DogsсукаRussiannounbitch (contemptible person, usually but not necessarily female)offensive vulgar
DogsсукаRussiannoun(promiscuous) slutoffensive vulgar
DogsсукаRussiannounsnitch, inmate who collaborates with prison administrationslang
DogsсукаRussianintjshit!, fuck!vulgar
DogsсукаRussiannoungenitive singular of сук (suk, “bough, limb, branch”)form-of genitive singular
DogsсукаRussiannoungenitive singular of сук (suk, “souq”)form-of genitive singular
DogsգայլաշունArmeniannounwolf dog (dog trained to hunt wolves)
DogsգայլաշունArmeniannounwolf dog (hybrid between a wolf and a dog)
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounThe Persian language, or a family of languages spoken primarily in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA person from Persia.countable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA person of Persian descent.countable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounAn Iranian.countable historical uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA Persian cat.countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA pastry local to the Thunder Bay region in Canada often compared to either a cinnamon bun or a donut topped with pink icing.Canada Northwestern Ontario countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA sheep of the Blackhead Persian breed.countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounA thin silk fabric, formerly used for linings.countable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishnounAny of a set of male figures used instead of columns to support an entablature.architecturecountable uncountable
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Persia.
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Persian people.
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Persian language.
Domestic catsPersianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Persius (Roman writer)
Domestic catsblack catEnglishnounA fisher, North American marten that has thick brown fur (Pekania pennanti, syn. Martes pennanti).
Domestic catsblack catEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see black, cat.
Domestic catsblack catEnglishverbTo do better than another in some respect. To one up.nautical transportslang
Drinking酩酊Japaneseverbto be inebriatedformal
EconomicsuprzemysłowieniePolishnounverbal noun of uprzemysłowićform-of neuter noun-from-verb
EconomicsuprzemysłowieniePolishnounindustrialization (process of social and economic change whereby a human society is transformed from a preindustrial to an industrial state)neuter
EducationbatxilleratCatalannouneleventh and twelfth grademasculine
EducationbisserFrenchverbto repeat; to perform an encoretransitive
EducationbisserFrenchverbto request a repeat; to call for an encore, to encoretransitive
EducationbisserFrenchverbto repeat a year at schooleducationBelgium Congo Rwanda transitive
EducationmaestroCebuanonouna male teacher, professor, or faculty member
EducationmaestroCebuanonounan advocate or promoter of something illegal or unethicalderogatory
EducationmaestroCebuanoverbto be a teacher; to become a teacher; to study to become a teacher
EducationmaestroCebuanoverbto promote something illegal or unethicalderogatory
EducationmaestroCebuanoverbto be an advocate or promoter of something illegal or unethicalderogatory
EducationtextbookEnglishnounA coursebook, a formal manual of instruction in a specific subject, especially one for use in schools or colleges.
EducationtextbookEnglishadjOf or pertaining to textbooks or their style, especially in being dry and pedagogical; textbooky, textbooklike.
EducationtextbookEnglishadjHaving the typical characteristics of some class of phenomenon, so that it might be included as an example in a textbook.
EducationředitelCzechnoundirector (manager, not of film)animate masculine
EducationředitelCzechnounprincipal, headmaster, headteacher (the chief administrator of a school)animate masculine
EducationсамонавчанняUkrainiannounautodidacticism, self-education, self-instruction, self-learning, self-studyuncountable
EducationсамонавчанняUkrainiannounverbal noun of самонавча́тися impf (samonavčátysja)form-of noun-from-verb uncountable
Electrical engineeringжучокRussiannoundiminutive of жук (žuk) (small) beetle, bug (insect)animate diminutive form-of
Electrical engineeringжучокRussiannounhome-made electrical fuseinanimate
Electrical engineeringжучокRussiannounbug, wiretap (an electronic intercept device)inanimate
ElectricityelétricoPortugueseadjelectric (pertaining to electricity)not-comparable
ElectricityelétricoPortugueseadjthat which works by using electricitynot-comparable
ElectricityelétricoPortuguesenountram (passenger vehicle)Portugal masculine
EmotionscrankyEnglishadjNot in good working condition.usually
EmotionscrankyEnglishadjGrouchy, grumpy, irritable; easily upset.
EmotionscrankyEnglishadjNot in perfect mental working order; eccentric, peculiar.
EmotionscrankyEnglishadjSynonym of crank (“of a ship: liable to capsize because of poorly stowed cargo or insufficient ballast”)
EmotionscrankyEnglishadjFull of spirit; spirited.archaic
EmotionscrankyEnglishadjWeak, unwell.obsolete
EmotionsemocjonalnyPolishadjemotional (of or relating to the emotions)relational
EmotionsemocjonalnyPolishadjemotional (prone to emotion)
EmotionsemocjonalnyPolishadjaffective, emotional, emotive (characterised by emotion)
EmotionsnabuzowaćPolishverbto stoke (to cause a fire to burn intensely)perfective transitive
EmotionsnabuzowaćPolishverbto stoke (to excite someone)perfective transitive
EmotionsnabuzowaćPolishverbto become overly stoked (to become too emotional or engaged)perfective reflexive
EmotionsnabuzowaćPolishverbto black out or brown out from drug useperfective reflexive
EmotionspissedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of pissform-of participle past
EmotionspissedEnglishadjDrunk.Commonwealth Ireland UK colloquial mildly vulgar
EmotionspissedEnglishadjAnnoyed, angry.Canada colloquial mildly vulgar
EmotionstępotaPolishnounlack of intelligence; slow-wittednessfeminine
EmotionstępotaPolishnounlack of energy; apathyhuman-sciences psychology sciencesfeminine
EmotionstępotaPolishnoundimwit, blockhead, dunce, dullardcolloquial derogatory feminine
EmotionséllanaCimbrianadjbleak, miserableSette-Comuni
Emotions發火Chineseverbto catch fire
Emotions發火Chineseverbto ignite; to detonate
Emotions發火Chineseverbto get angry; to lose one's temper
English minced oathsishEnglishverbPronunciation spelling of is.alt-of pronunciation-spelling
English minced oathsishEnglishadvsomewhat, reasonably, fairlycolloquial not-comparable
English minced oathsishEnglishadvabout, approximatelycolloquial not-comparable
English minced oathsishEnglishnounThe letter which stands for the sh sound /ʃ/ in Pitman shorthand.
English minced oathsishEnglishnounAn instalment of a periodical; an issue.lifestyledated slang
English minced oathsishEnglishintjick, yuckCanada US informal regional
English minced oathsishEnglishnounShit (in various senses).euphemistic uncountable
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameAn English surname transferred from the nickname originating as a nickname.
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA unisex given name from English.rare
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnamea programming language used for systems programming primarily on computers produced by Digital Equipment Corporation. Bliss is a parallel language to C, both being derived from B and BCPLcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A ghost town in California.
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A minor city in Gooding County, Idaho.
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Adair County, Kentucky.
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A township in Emmet County, Michigan, named after Aaron T. Bliss.
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Washington County, Missouri.
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A census-designated place in the town of Eagle, Wyoming County, New York.
English unisex given namesBlissEnglishnameA place in the United States: / Former name of Old Bliss, Oklahoma.
English unisex given namesCourtneyEnglishnameA surname from Old French.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCourtneyEnglishnameA male given name transferred from the surname.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCourtneyEnglishnameA female given name transferred from the surname, popular in the 1980s and the 1990s.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCourtneyEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Jackson County, Missouri.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCourtneyEnglishnameA place in the United States: / An unincorporated community in South Liberty Township, Yadkin County, North Carolina.countable uncountable
English unisex given namesCourtneyEnglishnameA place in the United States: / A village in Union Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania.countable uncountable
EpistemologydogmaEnglishnounAn authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true and indisputable, regardless of evidence or without evidence to support it.countable uncountable
EpistemologydogmaEnglishnounA doctrine (or set of doctrines) relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth authoritatively by a religious organization or leader.countable uncountable
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo perceive the truth or factuality of; to be certain of; to be certain that.transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo be or become aware or cognizant.intransitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo be aware of; to be cognizant of.transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo be acquainted (with another person).intransitive obsolete
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered.transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered. / To have sexual relations with. This meaning normally specified in modern English as e.g. to ’know someone in the biblical sense’ or to ‘know biblically.’biblical lifestyle religionarchaic euphemistic transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo experience.transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo understand or have a grasp of through experience or study.
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo be able to distinguish, to discern, particularly by contrast or comparison; to recognize the nature of.transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo recognize as the same (as someone or something previously encountered) after an absence or change.transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo have knowledge; to have information, be informed.intransitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo be able to play or perform (a song or other piece of music).transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo have indexed and have information about within one's database.transitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishverbTo maintain (a belief, a position) subject to a given philosophical definition of knowledge; to hold a justified true belief.human-sciences philosophy sciencestransitive
EpistemologyknowEnglishnounKnowledge; the state of knowing.rare uncountable
EpistemologyknowEnglishnounKnowledge; the state of knowing. (Now confined to the fixed phrase in the know.)uncountable
EpistemologyknowEnglishnounAlternative form of knowe (“hill, knoll”)alt-of alternative
EpistemologyknowEnglishparticleUsed at the end of a sentence to draw attention to information the speaker thinks the listener should keep in mind.Singlish
Ericales order plantshebanPolishnounebony (tree)inanimate masculine
Ericales order plantshebanPolishnounebony (wood)inanimate masculine
EthicshonestlyMiddle Englishadvhonourably, respectfully, nobly
EthicshonestlyMiddle Englishadvrespectably, appropriately, politely
EthicshonestlyMiddle Englishadvtastefully, splendidly
EthicshonestlyMiddle Englishadvethically, virtuously
EthnicitynegroPortuguesenounblack (the darkest colour)masculine
EthnicitynegroPortuguesenounblack; negro (dark-skinned person)masculine offensive possibly
EthnicitynegroPortugueseadjblack in colourcomparable formal
EthnicitynegroPortugueseadjblack; dark-skinnedcomparable
EthnicitynegroPortugueseadjdark (associated with evil)comparable literary
EthnonymsসামীBengalinamea male given name, Sami, from Arabic
EthnonymsসামীBengaliadjOf or pertaining to a subdivision of Afroasiatic Semitic languages: Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Syriac, Akkadian, Hebrew, Maltese, Tigrigna, Phoenician etc.
EthnonymsসামীBengaliadjOf or pertaining to the Semites; of or pertaining to one or more Semitic peoples.
EthnonymsসামীBengalinounSemite, the Semitic people
Exercise equipmentciężarekPolishnouncounterweight, weight (object used to make something heavier)inanimate masculine
Exercise equipmentciężarekPolishnounweight (standardized block of metal used in a balance to measure the mass of another object)colloquial inanimate masculine
Exercise equipmentciężarekPolishnounweight (object, such as a weight plate or barbell, used for strength training)inanimate masculine
ExplosivesatomówkaPolishnounnuclear power plantcolloquial feminine
ExplosivesatomówkaPolishnounatomic bombcolloquial feminine
Extinct languagesAkkadianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Akkadian language of ancient Mesopotamia.not-comparable
Extinct languagesAkkadianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Akkadian Empire.not-comparable
Extinct languagesAkkadianEnglishnameThe now extinct Semitic language of ancient Mesopotamia, formerly used as an international language of diplomacy.
Extinct languagesAkkadianEnglishnounA Semitic inhabitant of the region of Mesopotamia near the city of Akkad.
Extinct languagesVieticEnglishnameA subfamily of the Mon-Khmer languages that includes Vietnamese and Mường.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Extinct languagesVieticEnglishnameThe Proto-Vietic language, the hypothetical last common ancestor of all Vietic languages.human-sciences linguistics sciences
Extinct languagesVieticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the Vietic language family.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
Extinct languagesVieticEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the ancestral Vietic language.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
EyelloscCatalanadjnear-sighted, short-sighted
EyelloscCatalanadjshort-sighted, dullfiguratively
EyeweargléezarCimbriannounplural of glasform-of plural
EyeweargléezarCimbriannouneyeglassesSette-Comuni plural
EyeweargléezarCimbriannounlensesSette-Comuni plural
FabricskrynolinaPolishnouncrinoline (stiff fabric made from cotton and horsehair)feminine
FabricskrynolinaPolishnouncrinoline (stiff petticoat made from this fabric)feminine
FabricskrynolinaPolishnouncrinoline (skirt stiffened with hoops)feminine
FabricsnylonEnglishnounOriginally, the DuPont company trade name for polyamide, a copolymer whose molecules consist of alternating diamine and dicarboxylic acid monomers bonded together; now generically used for this type of polymer.countable uncountable
FabricsnylonEnglishnounA stocking originally fabricated from nylon; also used generically for any long, sheer stocking worn on a woman's legs.countable in-plural uncountable
FabricsnylonEnglishnounA Queen's Counsel, King's Counsel or Senior Counsel who was appointed as a courtesy, rather than on merit.countable uncountable
FacefaceMiddle Englishnounfaceanatomy medicine sciences
FacefaceMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of fassalt-of alternative
FacengươiVietnamesepronyou, someone I'm in conflict with or have contempt forarchaic literary
FacengươiVietnameseparticleprefixes someone's name, functioning either as a vocative or focus marker.literary obsolete
FacengươiVietnamesenounpupil (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye)
FaceрилоSerbo-Croatiannountrunk (of elephant)
Facial expressionssourireFrenchnounsmilemasculine
Facial expressionssourireFrenchverbto smile
FamilyfremdeMiddle Englishadjforeign (from another country)
FamilyfremdeMiddle Englishadjstrange (out of the ordinary)
FamilyfremdeMiddle Englishadjunrelated (not related by kinship)
FamilyfremdeMiddle Englishadjhostile, unfriendly
FamilykakaQuechuanounmaternal uncle
FamilykakaQuechuanounfather-in-law of a man
FamilyvīrsLatviannounhusband (a married man, in reference to his wife)declension-1 masculine
FamilyvīrsLatviannounman (male human being)declension-1 masculine
FamilyvīrsLatviannouna man who works, deals with somethingdeclension-1 in-compounds masculine
FamilyأبArabicnounancestor, forefather
FamilyأبArabicverbsecond-person masculine singular active imperative of آبَ (ʔāba)active form-i form-of imperative masculine second-person singular
Familyकन्याHindinameVirgoastrology astronomy human-sciences mysticism natural-sciences philosophy sciences
Fans (people)PythonistEnglishnounA programmer who uses the Python programming language.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesinformal
Fans (people)PythonistEnglishnounA fan of the British comedy troupe Monty Python.informal
FastenersszpilaPolishnounAugmentative of szpilkaaugmentative feminine form-of
FastenersszpilaPolishnounpins (sharp pain resembling that of stabbing the body in many places)colloquial feminine in-plural
FastenersزنجیرOttoman Turkishnounchain, a series of interconnected rings or links
FastenersزنجیرOttoman Turkishnounfetter, a chain used to bind the legs of a person
Fats and oilsblonagIrishnounsoft fat, lardfeminine
Fats and oilsblonagIrishnounblubberfeminine
Fats and oilsblonagIrishnounpaunch, spare tyrefeminine
FeardychrynWelshverbto fear, to be frightenedintransitive
FeardychrynWelshverbto frighten, to scaretransitive
FeardychrynWelshnounfright, terror, fearmasculine
FearжуткийRussianadjhorrifying, horrible, inducing a sense of horror
FearжуткийRussianadjhorrible, bad, of poor qualitycolloquial
FearжуткийRussianadjextremecolloquial figuratively
Felidste̱cua̱niMecayapan Nahuatlnounocelot (Leopardus pardalis)
Felidste̱cua̱niMecayapan Nahuatlnounjaguar (Panthera onca)
Felidste̱cua̱niMecayapan Nahuatlnouncougar (Puma concolor)
Female聖女Chinesenounsaintess; female saint
Female animalsserpenteFrenchnounfemale equivalent of serpent: female snakefeminine form-of
Female animalsserpenteFrenchverbinflection of serpenter: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
Female animalsserpenteFrenchverbinflection of serpenter: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Female animalstikNorwegian Nynorsknouna female caninefeminine
Female animalstikNorwegian Nynorsknouna ewefeminine
Female family membersfeminaLatinnounwomandeclension-1
Female family membersfeminaLatinnounwifedeclension-1
Female family membersfeminaLatinnounfemaledeclension-1 feminine
Female family membersfeminaLatinnounthe feminine gendergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesdeclension-1
Female family membersfeminaLatinnounnominative/accusative/vocative plural of femuraccusative form-of nominative plural vocative
Female family membersfeminaLatinverbsecond-person singular present active imperative of feminōactive form-of imperative present second-person singular
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounwoman (adult female human)feminine
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounwoman (adult female human) / promiscuous womanMiddle Polish derogatory feminine
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounwoman (wife or lover)colloquial feminine
Female family memberskobietaPolishnounhired female workerfeminine obsolete
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnoundiminutive of mamadiminutive feminine form-of
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnounmommy, mummyfeminine
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnoundear motherfeminine
Female family membersmamusiaPolishnounmother-in-lawendearing feminine ironic
Female family memberssvokraSlovaknounmother-in-law (husband's mother)feminine
Female family memberssvokraSlovaknounmother-in-law (wife's mother)colloquial feminine
Female family membersשנורYiddishnoundaughter-in-law
Female family membersשנורYiddishnounrope, chain, line, thread, cord
Female family members小妹Chinesenounyoungest sister
Female family members小妹Chinesenounyounger sisterHokkien Wu dialectal
Female family members小妹Chinesenoungirl younger than someone
Female family members小妹Chinesenounfemale serverTaiwan
Female family members小妹ChinesepronI; mefeminine humble
Female peoplewifeletEnglishnounA wife.colloquial endearing
Female peoplewifeletEnglishnounA wife who is of small stature.broadly informal
Female peoplewifeletEnglishnounA long-term girlfriend; a mistress (the “other woman” in an extramarital relationship).broadly informal
Female peopleᡤᡝᡤᡝManchunounMiss; Ms
Female peopleᡤᡝᡤᡝManchunouna girl
Female peopleᡤᡝᡤᡝManchunounan unmarried woman
Female peopleᡤᡝᡤᡝManchunounelder sister
Female peopleᡤᡝᡤᡝManchunoundaughter of the emperor, prince or king
Female peopleᡤᡝᡤᡝManchunounconcubine of a member in the imperial clan
FeminismintersectionalityEnglishnounThe quality or state of being intersectional, that is, of being characterized by intersection (especially of multiple forms of discrimination).countable uncountable
FeminismintersectionalityEnglishnounThe study of (or a sociological methodology of studying) overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression, domination, or discrimination.countable uncountable
Fibers大麻Chinesenounhemp (Cannabis sativa)
Fibers大麻Chinesenounmarijuana; cannabis
Fibers大麻Chinesenouncastor oil plantdialectal
Fibers大麻ChinesenameDama (a town in Dabu, Meizhou, Guangdong)
Fibers大麻ChinesenameDama (a town in Tongxiang, Jiaxing, Zhejiang)
Fictional charactersHogwartianEnglishadjAlternative form of Hogwartsian.alt-of alternative
Fictional charactersHogwartianEnglishnounA resident of Hogwarts.
Fictional locations中つ国JapanesenounShort for 葦原の中つ国 (ashihara no nakatsukuni, “mortal realm”).abbreviation alt-of
Fictional locations中つ国JapanesenameMiddle-earth
File formatsGIFEnglishnounA bitmap image format for pictures with support for multiple images per file or animations, and up to 256 distinct colors per frame, including a fully transparent color.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
File formatsGIFEnglishnounAn image encoded in GIF file format; the resulting file.
File formatsGIFEnglishnounAny short video without audio, usually one which loops.Internet broadly
File formatsGIFEnglishnounAny short video, in a format directly supported by HTML5 (ie. GIF, MP4, WebM)Internet broadly
File formatsGIFEnglishverbTo create a GIF file of (an image or video sequence, especially relating to an event).
Film genreskomediaPolishnouncomedy (literary genre)feminine
Film genreskomediaPolishnouncomedy (film genre)feminine
FinanceřefrusTarifitnounmoneycollective masculine
FinanceřefrusTarifitnouncoin, coinscollective masculine
FiremordbrandSwedishnounarson; the crime of setting fire to something in order to cause damagecommon-gender
FiremordbrandSwedishnouna fire started through arsoncommon-gender
FireπυρGreeknounfire, the firing of weaponsgovernment military politics war
FireπυρGreeknounhostile attitudefiguratively
FirearmshammerEnglishnounA tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding.
FirearmshammerEnglishnounThe act of using a hammer to hit something.
FirearmshammerEnglishnounThe malleus, a small bone of the middle ear.anatomy medicine sciences
FirearmshammerEnglishnounIn a piano or dulcimer, a piece of wood covered in felt that strikes the string.entertainment lifestyle music
FirearmshammerEnglishnounA device made of a heavy steel ball attached to a length of wire, and used for throwing.hobbies lifestyle sports
FirearmshammerEnglishnounThe last stone in an end.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
FirearmshammerEnglishnounA frisbee throwing style in which the disc is held upside-down with a forehand grip and thrown above the head.
FirearmshammerEnglishnounPart of a clock that strikes upon a bell to indicate the hour.
FirearmshammerEnglishnounOne who, or that which, smites or shatters.
FirearmshammerEnglishnounEllipsis of hammer headline.journalism mediaabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
FirearmshammerEnglishnounThe accelerator pedal.hobbies lifestyle motor-racing racing sports
FirearmshammerEnglishnounA moving part of a firearm that strikes the firing pin to discharge a firearms government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
FirearmshammerEnglishnounA handgun.broadly slang
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo strike repeatedly with a hammer, some other implement, the fist, etc.
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo form or forge with a hammer; to shape by beating.
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo emphasize a point repeatedly.figuratively
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo hit particularly hard.hobbies lifestyle sportsusually
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo ride very fast.cycling hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive slang
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo strike internally, as if hit by a hammer.intransitive
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo defeat (a person, a team) resoundingly.hobbies lifestyle sportsfiguratively slang transitive
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo make high demands on (a system or service).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesslang transitive
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo declare (a person) a defaulter on the stock financetransitive
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo beat down the price of (a stock), or depress (a market).business financetransitive
FirearmshammerEnglishverbTo have hard sex sex sexualitycolloquial transitive
FishmôleFrenchnounbreakwater, molemasculine
FishmôleFrenchnounmole (in pregnancy)feminine
FishsikNorwegian Bokmålnouncommon whitefish, Coregonus lavaretusmasculine
FishsikNorwegian Bokmålnouna slow-running creekneuter
FishsikNorwegian Bokmålnouna bog or mire with seeping waterfeminine masculine
FishsikNorwegian Bokmålverbimperative of sikeform-of imperative
FishστρουθόςAncient Greeknounhouse sparrow (Passer domesticus)
FishστρουθόςAncient Greeknounflatfish, European flounder (Platichthys flesus, syn. Pleuronectes flesus).
FishστρουθόςAncient Greeknounostrich
FishвардаркаMacedoniannouna type of wheat
FishвардаркаMacedoniannounAlburnoides bipunctatus, a type of freshwater fish
Fishमत्स्यSanskritnouna fish
Fishमत्स्यSanskritnounthe first of ten avatars of the god Vishnu who appeared in the form of a fishHinduism
Fishमत्स्यSanskritnamean ancient Indo-Aryan tribe of central South Asia whose existence is attested during the Iron Age.
FishingвершаRussianverbpresent adverbial imperfective participle of верши́ть (veršítʹ)adverbial form-of imperfective participle present
FlamingosczerwonakPolishnounflamingo (any wading bird of the family Phoenicopteridae)animal-not-person masculine
FlamingosczerwonakPolishnounAmerican flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)animal-not-person masculine
Flowerscherry blossomEnglishnounThe blossom or flower of the cherry tree, particularly the Japanese cherry (Prunus serrulata).countable uncountable
Flowerscherry blossomEnglishnounA stylized depiction of the blossom of the cherry tree, as used in Japanese mon.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable uncountable
FlowersscarleteerEnglishnounOne who wears scarlet robes of office, such as a cardinal.
FlowersscarleteerEnglishnounA prostitute.
FlowersscarleteerEnglishnounA variety of chrysanthemum with red petals.
FlowersромашкаRussiannounoxeye daisy
FoodsbulaloTagalognounbulalo (Philippine beef broth dish)
FoodsbulaloTagalognounbone marrow from the limbs of cows, pigs, buffaloes, etc.
FoodsbulaloTagalognounkneecap; kneepananatomy medicine sciences
FoodsfileeFinnishnounfillet (lengthwise, boneless, full-length cut of fish)
FoodsfileeFinnishnounfillet (boneless breast cut of a bird)
FoodsfileeFinnishnountenderloin or sirloin (sisäfilee or ulkofilee, the most tender cuts of beef, mutton, pork or venison)
FoodspassataPolishnounpassata (sieved raw tomatoes)feminine
FoodspassataPolishnoungenitive singular of passatanimal-not-person form-of genitive masculine singular
FoodspilotaCatalannounbollock, testiclefeminine vulgar
FoodspilotaCatalannouna musket ballfeminine
FoodspilotaCatalannouna large meatballfeminine
FoodspilotaCatalanverbinflection of pilotar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
FoodspilotaCatalanverbinflection of pilotar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
FoodssiersLatviannouncheese (dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk)declension-1 masculine
FoodssiersLatviannouncheese; made of cheese; with added cheesedeclension-1 masculine
FoodsłaziorPolishnounAugmentative of łazik (wanderer)augmentative form-of masculine person
FoodsłaziorPolishnouna vagabond; a vagrantmasculine person
FoodsłaziorPolishnounAugmentative of łazik (various vehicles)augmentative form-of inanimate masculine
FoodsłaziorPolishnounAugmentative of łazankiaugmentative form-of inanimate masculine plural plural-only
FoodsнамазMacedoniannounspread (food)
FoodsнамазMacedoniannounsalatIslam lifestyle religion
Football (American)goalpostEnglishnounOne of the two vertical side poles of a goal.hobbies lifestyle sports
Football (American)goalpostEnglishnounThe tall Y-shaped upright, now usually of fiberglass, at either end of the playing field, through which a football must go in order for a field goal to be scored. (They were originally H-shaped, with one wooden post on either side.)American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sports
Football (American)goalpostEnglishnounA rule or target that is "moved" (changed) unfairly; see move the goalposts.
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounOne who, or that which, hogs.
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounA stocking without a foot, worn by coal miners at work.
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounA marijuana cigarette.slang
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounA shot that comes to rest short of or on the far hog line and is removed from play.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sports
FootwearhoggerEnglishnounThe engineer of a locomotive.slang
ForestsтрущобаRussiannoundense forest, thicket, junglearchaic
ForestsтрущобаRussiannounbackwoods, the sticks (remote, rural area)archaic
ForestsтрущобаRussiannounslum (dilapidated neighborhood)in-plural often
ForestsтрущобаRussiannounhovel, shack (dilapidated house)colloquial
Forms of discriminationclassistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to classism.
Forms of discriminationclassistEnglishnounAn advocate of classism.
FourquartetEnglishnounA group of four people or things, particularly / A group of four musicians who perform classical music together.entertainment lifestyle music
FourquartetEnglishnounA group of four people or things, particularly / A musical composition in four parts, each performed by a single voice or instrument.entertainment lifestyle music
FourquartetEnglishnounA group of four people or things, particularly / A group of four singers, usually males, who sings together in four-part harmony.entertainment lifestyle music
FourquartetEnglishnounA group of four people or things, particularly
FowlsbažantSlovaknounrookie (inexperienced recruit, especially in the police or armed forces)animate masculine
FrancenormandoPortuguesenounNorman (a person from Normandy)masculine
FrancenormandoPortugueseadjNorman (of or relating to Normandy)
FruitsarangiuSardiniannounorange (fruit)Limba-Sarda-Comuna masculine
FruitsarangiuSardiniannounorange (tree)biology botany natural-sciencesLimba-Sarda-Comuna masculine
FruitsgûabirabaOld Tupinountree of the species Campomanesia xanthocarpa
FruitsgûabirabaOld Tupinounany tree in the genus Campomanesiabroadly
FruitsgûabirabaOld Tupinounthe fruit of these trees
FruitshigoSpanishnounfig (fruit)masculine
FruitshigoSpanishnounsnatch, pussy (vagina)colloquial masculine
FruitskamansiCebuanonounthe breadnut (Artocarpus camansi)
FruitskamansiCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
FruitsplūmeLatviannounplum treedeclension-5 feminine
FruitsplūmeLatviannounplum (fruit)declension-5 feminine
FruitsrenklodaPolishnoungreengage (tree)feminine
FruitsrenklodaPolishnoungreengage (fruit)feminine
FruitsvirsikEstoniannounpeach / A hirsute soft juicy stone fruit.
FruitsانجیرUrdunounficus (tree)
FruitsانجیرUrdunounfig (fruit)
FruitsआमHindiadjcommon, everydayindeclinable
FruitsआमHindiadjraw, uncookedindeclinable
Fruits林檎Japanesenounthe company Apple Inc. or its productsslang
Fruits林檎Japanesenounan appleobsolete rare
Fruits林檎Japanesenounan appleobsolete rare
FurnituresickbedEnglishnounA bed used by a person who is sick.
FurnituresickbedEnglishnounA place for convalescence.
FurnitureناموسيةArabicnounprotective net against nematocerous insects, mosquito net
Furry fandom獸人Chinesenountherianthropyfantasy human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Furry fandom獸人Chinesenounfurry (an animal character with human-like characteristics)Internet neologism
Future後日Chinesenounday after tomorrow
Future後日Chinesenoundays to come
GaitsSchrittgeschwindigkeitGermannounwalking pacefeminine
GaitsSchrittgeschwindigkeitGermannounsymbol ratecommunications engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
GaitsachichanuZáparoverbto stop
GaitsachichanuZáparoverbto step
GaitsachichanuZáparoverbto plant; to sow
GaitshurtenMiddle EnglishverbTo hurt (cause an injury or disease)
GaitshurtenMiddle EnglishverbTo injure; to cause harm or trouble for: / To wound emotionally; to distress.
GaitshurtenMiddle EnglishverbTo injure; to cause harm or trouble for: / To spiritually damage or hurt.
GaitshurtenMiddle EnglishverbTo injure; to cause harm or trouble for: / To ruin or worsen; to make damaged or worse.
GaitshurtenMiddle EnglishverbTo trip or fall over; to make a misstep.
GaitshurtenMiddle EnglishverbTo strike, hurl or bump against; to launch into.
GaitshurtenMiddle EnglishverbTo strike or knock down; to cause to fall.
Games닭쌈Koreannoun닭싸움, a popular children's game in which the players hop on one leg and try to knock each other over.
Games닭쌈KoreannounA cockfight.
Games닭쌈KoreannounA dish in which strips of chicken are served, dipped in sauce, garnished with vegetables, and eaten wrapped in lettuce or perilla leaves (‘sesame leaves’).
Gasterosteiform fishstaggSwedishnounmatgrass, Nardus strictacommon-gender
Gasterosteiform fishstaggSwedishnounthree-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatuscommon-gender
GastropodslapaGaliciannoungrotto, cave; shelterfeminine
GastropodslapaGaliciannounstanding stonefeminine
GastropodslapaGaliciannounSomeone dependent; someone disregarding or ignorant of another's personal spacefeminine figuratively
GastropodslapaGalicianverbinflection of lapar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
GastropodslapaGalicianverbinflection of lapar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
GeesehusákCzechnoungander (male goose)animate masculine
GeesehusákCzechnoungooseherdanimate masculine
GeesehusákCzechnoungoose dealer, goose mongeranimate masculine
GeesehusákCzechnounHussiteanimate archaic derogatory masculine
GemsperlaSpanishnounpallgovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
GemsperlaSpanishnouna small size of type, standardized as 4 or 5 pointmedia printing publishingdated feminine uncountable
GemsperlaSpanishverbinflection of perlar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
GemsperlaSpanishverbinflection of perlar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
GenderbaininscneIrishnounthe feminine gendergrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
GenderbaininscneIrishnouna feminine wordgrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
Gendertrans femaleEnglishadjFemale and trans, that is, being a female who was assigned male at birth.not-comparable
Gendertrans femaleEnglishnounA trans woman.
Genitaliafront holeEnglishnounA vagina, especially of a trans man.uncommon
Genitaliafront holeEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see front, hole.
GenitalianeoglansEnglishnounA surgically constructed glans penis.medicine sciences surgery
GenitalianeoglansEnglishnounA surgically constructed clitoral glans.medicine sciences surgery
Gentianales order plantsScotch mistEnglishnounA cold and penetrating mist, verging on rain.British countable uncountable
Gentianales order plantsScotch mistEnglishnounSomething that is hard to find or does not exist.British countable dialectal idiomatic uncountable
Gentianales order plantsScotch mistEnglishnounA drink of Scotch whisky served with ice and lemon peel.countable uncountable
Gentianales order plantsScotch mistEnglishnounThe perennial flowering plant Galium sylvaticum.countable uncountable
Geographyलाङ्Yakkhanounfoot, feet
Geographyलाङ्Yakkhanounleg, legs
Geographyलाङ्Yakkhanounarea, region
GoatsangoraEnglishnounA Turkish Angora cat.countable uncountable
GoatsangoraEnglishnounA goat of a domesticated breed that produces mohair..countable uncountable
GoatsangoraEnglishnounA rabbit belonging to the Angora rabbit breed, one of the oldest domestic breeds of rabbits in the world, raised chiefly in Europe for its silky and long hair (a subspecies of the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus).countable uncountable
GoatsangoraEnglishnounThe hair of angora rabbits or angora goats, used to make textiles.countable uncountable
GoatsangoraEnglishnounThe fabric made from the hair of angora rabbits or angora goats.countable uncountable
GodsទេពីKhmernounqueen (wife of the reigning king)
GodsទេពីKhmernounprincess (official wife of a prince)
GovernmentlegislatureEnglishnounA governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws.
GovernmentlegislatureEnglishnounA governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws. / The legislative assembly of a province or territory, as opposed to the federal parliament.Canada
GovernmentlegislatureEnglishnounA legislative building.Canada
GrapevineswineberryEnglishnounThe grape (fruit of plants of the genus Vitis).obsolete poetic possibly
GrapevineswineberryEnglishnounThe plant Rubus phoenicolasius, the Japanese wineberry.
GrapevineswineberryEnglishnounIts edible fruit, resembling a raspberry.
GrapevineswineberryEnglishnounThe tree Aristotelia serrata, endemic to New Zealand, with broad rose-coloured leaves.
GrapevineswineberryEnglishnounIts edible fruit, a small black berry.
GrapevineswineberryEnglishnounThe red currant.UK obsolete
GrassesочеретUkrainiannounreed (plant) (genus Phragmites)
GreensbíchVietnamesenounAlternative spelling of pích (“spades”)alt-of alternative
GreensbíchVietnameseadjgreenish bluerare
GreenspistacjaPolishnounpistachio (tree)feminine
GreenspistacjaPolishnounpistachio (fruit)feminine
GreenspistacjaPolishnounpistachio (colour)feminine
GymnospermscicaSpanishnounmoney bagfeminine
GymnospermscicaSpanishnounsago palm, particularly Cycas revolutafeminine
HairlongbeardEnglishnounA man with a long beard.
HairlongbeardEnglishnounSynonym of greybeard (“an old man”)poetic
HairlongbeardEnglishnounSynonym of greybeard (“experienced long-time member of a group”)
HairlongbeardEnglishnounSynonym of greybeard (“a bellarmine”)
HairwhiskerEnglishnounThat part of the beard which grows upon the sides of the face, usually of the male, or upon the chin, or upon both.
HairwhiskerEnglishnounA hair of the beard.
HairwhiskerEnglishnounOne of the long, projecting hairs growing at the sides of the mouth of a cat, or other animal.
HairwhiskerEnglishnounThe (very small) distance between two things.colloquial
HairwhiskerEnglishnounSpreaders from the bows to spread the bowsprit shrouds.nautical transport
HairwhiskerEnglishnounA graphic element that shows the maxima and minima in a box plot.mathematics sciences statistics
HairwhiskerEnglishnounOne who, or that which, whisks, or moves with a quick, sweeping motion.
HairwhiskerEnglishnounA small tendril that forms on metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
Hair結髮Chineseverbto bind one's hair, an ancient coming-of-age custom
Hair結髮Chineseverbto weave locks of hair together, an ancient marriage custom symbolizing the bond of marriage
Hair結髮Chineseverbto be married (in first marriage)figuratively
HairJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Hair개털KoreannounThe fur of a dog.
Hair개털KoreannounHair that is stiff, dry, tough.colloquial
Hair개털KoreannounSomething that is worthless, useless, devoid of any monetary value or redeeming qualities.colloquial
Hair개털KoreannounSomeone who is lowly regarded, of low social class and/or status, who is penniless, powerless, without money and/or influence.colloquial
Hair colorsbrunetEnglishadjOf a man's or boy's hair: brown or dark brown.not-comparable rare
Hair colorsbrunetEnglishadjOf a man or boy, having brown or dark brown hair.not-comparable rare
Hair colorsbrunetEnglishnounA man or boy with brown or dark brown hair.rare
HappinessseleEnglishnounHappiness, fortune.countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
HappinessseleEnglishnounThe right time or occasion for something, an opportune moment, seasonBritish countable dialectal obsolete uncountable
HappinessseleEnglishnounGreeting, salutation.countable uncountable
HeadwearkorunaCzechnouncrown (royal, imperial, or princely headdress)feminine
HeadwearkorunaCzechnouncrown, monarchyfeminine
HeadwearkorunaCzechnounkoruna (Czech currency)feminine
HeadwearkorunaCzechnouncoin or banknote with the value of one Czech korunafeminine
HeadwearkorunaCzechnouncrownbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
HeadwearkorunaCzechnounfermataentertainment lifestyle musicfeminine
HealthтренажерUkrainiannounexercise machine (fitness device)
Healthcare occupationsfarmacèuticCatalanadjpharmaceutic, pharmaceutical
Healthcare occupationsfarmacèuticCatalannounpharmacistmasculine
Herbsblack nightshadeEnglishnounA Eurasian species of nightshade with black berries, Solanum nigrum, of Europe.
Herbsblack nightshadeEnglishnounOther similar members of a group of closely-related species from the Solanum nigrum complex: / Solanum americanum (American black nightshade) of much of North America
Herbsblack nightshadeEnglishnounOther similar members of a group of closely-related species from the Solanum nigrum complex: / Solanum ptychanthum (eastern black nightshade) of the Caribbean region.
HidesvellumEnglishnounA type of parchment paper made from the skin of a lamb, baby goat, or calf.countable uncountable
HidesvellumEnglishnounA writing paper of very high quality.countable uncountable
Hindu deitiesलम्बोदरSanskritadjhaving a large or protuberant belly, potbellied.
Hindu deitiesलम्बोदरSanskritnameName of Ganesha.
Hindu lunar calendar monthsभदौNepalinameBhadra / the fifth month in the Vikram Samvat calendar
Hindu lunar calendar monthsभदौNepalinameBhadra / the sixth month in the lunar Hindu calendar
HinduismنمستےUrduintjA salutation; a greeting used for most purposes including hello, good morning/afternoon, and goodbyeHinduism
HinduismنمستےUrdunoungreeting, salutation, an instance of the interjection namasteHinduism
Historical events五四ChinesenameShort for 五四運動/五四运动 (Wǔsì Yùndòng).abbreviation alt-of
Historical events五四ChinesenameWusi (a village in Xinshi, Jingshan, Jingmen, Hubei, China)
History of FrancefrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of Belgium)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of FrancefrankPolishnounfranc (currency of the Comoros)animal-not-person masculine
History of FrancefrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of France)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of FrancefrankPolishnounfranc (currency of Liechtenstein)animal-not-person masculine
History of FrancefrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of Luxembourg)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of FrancefrankPolishnounfranc (former unit of currency of Monaco)animal-not-person historical masculine
History of FrancefrankPolishnounfranc (currency of Switzerland)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Algeria)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Bahrain)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Croatia)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Iran)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Iraq)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Jordan)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Kuwait)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Libya)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Serbia)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of South Yemen)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Sudan)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (currency of Tunisia)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (former unit of currency of Yugoslavia)animal-not-person masculine
History of IrandinarPolishnoundinar (ancient Arab gold coin of 65 grains in weight)animal-not-person historical masculine
HolidaysᡥᠠᠴᡳᠨManchunounkind; type; sort
HolidaysᡥᠠᠴᡳᠨManchunounLantern Festival; the fifteenth day of the first month of the Chinese calendar
HolidaysᡥᠠᠴᡳᠨManchunounholiday; festival (in general)
HomemaisonFrenchadjfirst-rate, top-notchcolloquial emphatic intensifier invariable
Home appliancesкотлонBulgariannouncooktop, stovetop, hob (base for placing pots or pans on a cooking stove)
Home appliancesкотлонBulgariannounhotplate
Horse tackaparejoSpanishnounfishing tacklemasculine
Horse tackaparejoSpanishnoungear, equipmentmasculine
Horse tackaparejoSpanishnounelevation hoistmasculine
Horse tackaparejoSpanishnounriggingnautical transportmasculine
Horse tackaparejoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of aparejarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
HorsesAraberGermannounArab, person from Arabiamasculine strong
HorsesAraberGermannounArabian horsemasculine strong
HorsescapallScottish Gaelicnouncoltmasculine
HorsescapallScottish Gaelicnounmare (female horse)masculine
HorsesknackerEnglishnounOne who makes knickknacks, toys, etc.
HorsesknackerEnglishnounOne of two or more pieces of bone or wood held loosely between the fingers, and struck together by moving the hand; a clapper.
HorsesknackerEnglishnounA harness maker.
HorsesknackerEnglishnounOne who slaughters and (especially) renders worn-out livestock (especially horses) and sells their flesh, bones and hides.
HorsesknackerEnglishnounOne who dismantles old ships, houses, etc. and sells their components.
HorsesknackerEnglishnounA member of the Travelling Community; a Gypsy.British Ireland offensive
HorsesknackerEnglishnounA person of lower social class; a chav, skanger or scobe.Ireland offensive slang
HorsesknackerEnglishnounA testicle.UK in-plural slang vulgar
HorsesknackerEnglishnounAn old, worn-out horse.
HorsesknackerEnglishnounA collier's horse.UK dialectal obsolete
HorsesknackerEnglishverbTo tire out, exhaust.UK slang transitive
HorsesknackerEnglishverbTo reprimand.UK slang transitive
HorsesłoszęPolishnounAlternative form of łosięalt-of alternative neuter rare
HorsesłoszęPolishnounfoal (young horse or other equine)neuter regional
HorsesłoszęPolishnounaccusative singular of łoszaaccusative feminine form-of singular
HousingdormitoryEnglishnounA room containing a number of beds (and often some other furniture and/or utilities) for sleeping, often applied to student and backpacker accommodation of this kind.
HousingdormitoryEnglishnounA building or part of a building which houses students, soldiers, monks etc. who sleep there and use communal further facilities.
HousingdormitoryEnglishnounA dormitory town.
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAuthority, rule, or leadership; the holding of power: / Governing; governmental or political control.
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAuthority, rule, or leadership; the holding of power: / Military command or force; the state of being in military control.
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAuthority, rule, or leadership; the holding of power: / A term or tenure; a period of office.rare
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounControl, governance; the action of being governed: / Teaching or guardianship; caring or developing another.
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounControl, governance; the action of being governed: / Willpower or self-control; one's ability to exercise restraint.
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounControl, governance; the action of being governed: / Control of a device or machine (especially a nautical vessel).
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounInfluence or effect (especially exerted by constellations or organs)
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounOne's actions, choices, or behaviour; that which characterises oneself.
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounA course of action; a set of directives.alchemy medicine pseudoscience sciences
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounThe organisation or cohesion of an army.rare
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounAn governmental command or order to aid in governance.rare
Human behaviourgovernaunceMiddle EnglishnounProtective guidance, keeping, or care
HungarymaślaczPolishnounmáslás (sweet, semi-dry Hungarian wine)
HungarymaślaczPolishnounany fungus of the genus Suillusanimal-not-person masculine
HungarymaślaczPolishnounslippery jack (Suillus luteus)animal-not-person informal masculine
HydrologywartPolishnounthe main current of a riverinanimate masculine
HydrologywartPolishadjworth (having a value of; proper to be exchanged for)
HydrologywartPolishadjworth, worthy (deserving)
HydrologywartPolishnounprice, worth, valueinanimate masculine obsolete
HydrologywartPolishnoungenitive plural of wartafeminine form-of genitive plural
HygienemejdloCzechnounInformal form of mýdlo.form-of informal neuter
HygienemejdloCzechnounparty (social gathering for fun)informal neuter
Ibises and spoonbillsbandurriaEnglishnounA plectrum-plucked stringed instrument with a flat-backed pear-shaped body, with twelve strings in six courses in its most common modern form, originating in Spain.
Ibises and spoonbillsbandurriaEnglishnounA bird, the black-faced ibis.
Ice creamkulglassSwedishnounice cream in the form of (scooped) balls (where the customer often gets to pick the flavor of each ball)common-gender
Ice creamkulglassSwedishnouna serving of such ice cream (in a cone or the like)common-gender
Ice hockeyhockeySwedishnounhockeyhobbies lifestyle sportscommon-gender
Ice hockeyhockeySwedishnounClipping of ishockey.abbreviation alt-of clipping common-gender informal
IndiaमराठाHindinameMaratha (caste)
IndiaमराठाHindinounMaratha (member of the Maratha caste)
IndiaमराठाHindinounMaharashtrian (a person from Maharastra)
Indian subcontinentHindiyyahEnglishnameIndia (the country).
Indian subcontinentHindiyyahEnglishnameThe official name of the Mughal Empire in Arabic.historical
Indian subcontinentHindiyyahEnglishnameAl Fatawa Al Hindiyyah: a 17th-century book of Hanafi jurisprudence, compiled in Sultanate Al Hindiyyah during the reign of emperor Aurangzeb.
Indian subcontinentسندھUrdunameSindh (a province of Pakistan)
Indian subcontinentسندھUrdunameIndus (a river in the provinces of Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the administrative territory of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan, the union territory of Ladakh in India and the autonomous region of Tibet in China)
Indian subcontinentسندھUrdunameSind, Scinde (a province of British India)historical
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Yolo County, California.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameA city in Dearborn County, Indiana.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameA city in St. Louis County, Missouri.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Hocking County, Ohio.
Indiana, USAGreendaleEnglishnameA village in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
IndividualsCalebEnglishnameCaleb the son of Jephunneh, an Israelite who entered Canaan with Joshua.biblical lifestyle religion
IndividualsCalebEnglishnameA male given name from Hebrew first used by Puritans.
IndividualsPETEnglishnounInitialism of polyethylene terephthalate.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
IndividualsPETEnglishnounAcronym of positron emission tomography.medicine sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of countable
IndividualsPETEnglishnounAcronym of paired-end tag.biology genetics medicine natural-sciences sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of countable
IndividualsPETEnglishnounAcronym of personal electronic transactor, a line of personal computers produced by Commodore International.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation acronym alt-of countable historical
IndividualsPETEnglishnameInitialism of Pierre Elliott Trudeau.government politicsCanadian abbreviation alt-of initialism
IndividualsPlutarchEnglishnameThe classical historian and essayist Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus (46-120 C.E.). Often used as a byword for a biographer, to suggest that the writer is especially skilled or has other attributes associated with Plutarch.
IndividualsPlutarchEnglishnounAny specific edition of a work by Plutarch, often specifically Plutarch's Lives
IndividualsTaothingmangEnglishnameA Meitei ethnic male given name.
IndividualsTaothingmangEnglishnameAn ancient Meitei emperor of the Ningthouja dynasty, who ruled Kangleipak, in the 3rd century CE.
IndividualsΣατιβαρζάνηςAncient Greeknamea male given name from Old Persian: Satibarzanes / chamberlain of Artaxerxes I
IndividualsΣατιβαρζάνηςAncient Greeknamea male given name from Old Persian: Satibarzanes / a eunuch who lived during the early reign of Artaxerxes II
IndividualsΣατιβαρζάνηςAncient Greeknamea male given name from Old Persian: Satibarzanes / a satrap of Aria and supporter of Bessus
Indonesia119EnglishnameThe telephone number for law enforcement in Jamaica, Mozambique, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka.
Indonesia119EnglishnameThe telephone number for ambulance services in Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea and on Taiwan.
Indonesia119EnglishnameThe telephone number for firefighting assistance in China, Bolivia, Japan, and South Korea.
Indonesia119EnglishnameThe telephone number for antiterrorist services in Afghanistan.
Indonesia119EnglishnameThe telephone number for COVID-19 emergencies in the United Kingdom's Home Counties.
InsectsantEnglishnounAny of various insects in the family Formicidae in the order Hymenoptera, typically living in large colonies composed almost entirely of flightless females.
InsectsantEnglishnounA Web spider.Internet
InsectsantEnglishverbTo rub insects, especially ants, on one's body, perhaps to control parasites or clean feathers.biology natural-sciences ornithology
InsectsloppeNorwegian Nynorsknounflea (a wingless parasitical insect)feminine
InsectsloppeNorwegian NynorsknounAn item for sale in a flea market.feminine
InsectssinekTurkishnounfly (insect)
InsectssinekTurkishnounplaying card marked with the symbol ♣, clubs
InternetгілкаUkrainiannounsmall branch, twig (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing)
InternetгілкаUkrainiannounline, branch line, sideline
InternetгілкаUkrainiannounthread (in a discussion forum)
Islamde-IslamizeEnglishverbTo deprive of its Islamic character, or remove the Islamic aspect of.transitive
Islamde-IslamizeEnglishverbTo become un-Islamic.intransitive
IslandsMalukuEnglishnameA province of Indonesia. Capital: Ambon.
IslandsMalukuEnglishnameSynonym of Moluccas
IslandsProcidaItaliannamea small island in the gulf of Naplesfeminine
IslandsProcidaItaliannamea habitational surnameby-personal-gender feminine masculine
IslandsÖlandSwedishnameÖland; Sweden's second largest islandneuter
IslandsÖlandSwedishnamea province (landskap) in Swedenneuter
ItalybèllosCimbriannounItalian (person from Italy)Sette-Comuni masculine
ItalybèllosCimbriannounItalian (language)Sette-Comuni neuter
ItalybèllosCimbrianadjItalian (of, from or relating to Italy)Sette-Comuni not-comparable
JapanmikadoFrenchnounmikado, a former title of the emperors of Japan during a certain periodhistory human-sciences sciencesmasculine
JapanmikadoFrenchnounany emperor of Japanliterary masculine
JapanmikadoFrenchnounmikado (game of skill)masculine
Japanese fictionanimangaEnglishnounJapanese comics (manga) and Japanese animation (anime) taken collectively.uncountable
Japanese fictionanimangaEnglishnounA manga created from cels from an anime.countable
JudaismAttauraHausanameTorah, Pentateuch
JudaismAttauraHausanameHebrew Bible
KitchenwareمابلاقOttoman Turkishnounspatula, flipper, a kitchen utensil used for turning, lifting, or stirring food
KitchenwareمابلاقOttoman Turkishnounputty knife, a tool used by painters, plasterers, and carpenters to spread putty
LGBTsagaSwahiliverbto grind, crush, mince
LGBTsagaSwahiliverbto have sex (of lesbians)
LGBT同人Chinesenounthe thirteenth hexagram of the I Ching, known as "Concording People": ☰☲
LGBT同人Chinesenouncolleague; fellow worker, person of the same belief or conviction; coterie
LGBT同人Chinesenounfan-made creations; doujin (articles, pictures, music, or games recreated by fans of a particular work)
LGBT同人Chinesenounhomosexual personneologism slang
LGBT同人Chinesenounsame personliterally
Lacrossebody checkEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see body, check.
Lacrossebody checkEnglishnounA move in ice hockey or lacrosse in which a player impedes another with his bodyhobbies lifestyle sports
Lacrossebody checkEnglishnounA general health checkup performed by a medical practitioner.Hong-Kong
Lacrossebody checkEnglishverbTo perform a body check on someone.hobbies lifestyle sports
Ladin cardinal numberscaterLadinadjfour
Ladin cardinal numberscaterLadinnounfourmasculine uncountable
Ladin cardinal numberstrentenuefLadinadjthirty-nine
Ladin cardinal numberstrentenuefLadinnounthirty-ninemasculine uncountable
Lagrange pointsTrojan asteroidEnglishnounan asteroid occupying the Trojan points of the Sun-Jupiter systemastrophysics
Lagrange pointsTrojan asteroidEnglishnounby extension, any asteroid occupying a Trojan pointastrophysics
LandformsancóCatalannouncove (small bay where boats can anchor)masculine
LandformsancóCatalannounbutt (hide from the hindquarters)masculine
LandformsmóinteachIrishnounmoorland, moor; reclaimed boglandmasculine
LandformsmóinteachIrishadjmoory, peaty, mossy
LandformspaniTraveller Norwegiannounwater
LandformspaniTraveller Norwegiannounriver
LandformspaniTraveller Norwegiannounlake
LandformspaniTraveller Norwegiannounbrook
LandformspaniTraveller Norwegiannoundew
LandformssegentingMalaynounAn isthmus.geography natural-sciences
LandformssegentingMalaynounA garden croton; a plant species of the genus Codiaeum.
LandformssuoFinnishnounswamp, bog, marsh, mire
LandformssuoFinnishverbthird-person singular present indicative of suodaform-of indicative present singular third-person
LandformssuoFinnishverbpresent active indicative connegative of suodaactive connegative form-of indicative present
LandformssuoFinnishverbsecond-person singular present imperative of suodaform-of imperative present second-person singular
LandformssuoFinnishverbsecond-person singular present active imperative connegative of suodaactive connegative form-of imperative present second-person singular
LandformsswagEnglishverbTo (cause to) sway.intransitive transitive
LandformsswagEnglishverbTo droop; to sag.intransitive
LandformsswagEnglishverbTo decorate (something) with loops of draped fabric.transitive
LandformsswagEnglishverbTo install (a ceiling fan or light fixture) by means of a long cord running from the ceiling to an outlet, and suspended by hooks or similar.transitive
LandformsswagEnglishnounA loop of draped fabric.
LandformsswagEnglishnounSomething that droops like a swag.
LandformsswagEnglishnounA low point or depression in land; especially, a place where water collects.
LandformsswagEnglishnounStyle; fashionable appearance or manner.slang uncountable
LandformsswagEnglishnounA shop and its goods; any quantity of goods.countable obsolete uncountable
LandformsswagEnglishnounStolen goods; the booty of a burglar or thief; boodle.uncountable
LandformsswagEnglishnounHandouts, freebies, or giveaways, often distributed at conventions; merchandise.informal uncountable
LandformsswagEnglishnounThe possessions of a bushman or itinerant worker, tied up in a blanket and carried over the shoulder, sometimes attached to a stick.Australia countable dated
LandformsswagEnglishnounA small single-person tent, usually foldable into an integral backpack.Australia broadly countable
LandformsswagEnglishnounA large quantity (of something).Australia New-Zealand countable
LandformsswagEnglishverbTo travel on foot carrying a swag (possessions tied in a blanket).Australia intransitive transitive
LandformsswagEnglishverbTo transport stolen goods.
LandformsswagEnglishverbTo transport in the course of arrest.
LandformsswagEnglishnounAlternative letter-case form of SWAG; a wild guess or ballpark estimate.alt-of
LandformsșesRomaniannounplain, lowland, flatlandsneuter
LandformsșesRomanianadjflat, levelmasculine neuter
LandformsتپهOttoman Turkishnounhill, an elevated landmass smaller than a mountain
LandformsتپهOttoman Turkishnounpeak, the top of a hill or mountaingeography natural-sciences
LandformsتپهOttoman Turkishnouncrown, the topmost part of the head
LandformsتپهOttoman Turkishnounsummit, top, apex, peak, vertexusually
LanguagesCotoEnglishnameA surname.
LanguagesCotoEnglishnameAlternative form of Cocto (“extinct Chibchan language”)alt-of alternative
LanguagesKomiEnglishnameA Finno-Ugric language currently spoken by 200,000 to 400,000 people, depending on source and definition of "speaker", in northeastern European part of Russia.
LanguagesKomiEnglishnameA republic of Russia. Official name: Komi Republic.
LanguagesKomiEnglishnameA region of Russia.
LanguagesKomiEnglishnounA member of an ethnic group chiefly consisting of Komi speakers and descendants of Komi speakers who don't speak the language.
LanguagesMacorisEnglishnounA tribe which lived on the island which is now called Hispaniola.plural plural-only
LanguagesMacorisEnglishnameThe language of these people, of which a single word is attested (baeza), little understood though notably distinct from Taino, and speculated to be Arawakan.
LanguagesMacorisEnglishnameThe city of San Pedro de Macorís.
LanguagesMacorisEnglishnameThe city of San Francisco de Macorís
LanguagesMuiscaEnglishnounA member of the Chibcha-speaking people who formed the Muiscan Confederation of the central highlands of present-day Colombia's Eastern Range.
LanguagesMuiscaEnglishnameThe Chibcha language.
LanguagesZaghawaEnglishnounA Saharan tribe of Sudan and Chad.plural plural-only
LanguagesZaghawaEnglishnameThe language spoken by this tribe.
LanguagescalóSpanishnounCaló (the Para-Romani language mainly spoken in the past by Spanish and Portuguese Roma, which is based on Romance grammar, with an adstratum of Romani lexical items)masculine
LanguagescalóSpanishnounan argot spoken by pachuchos in the United Statesmasculine
LanguagescalóSpanishverbthird-person singular preterite indicative of calarform-of indicative preterite singular third-person
LanguagesceltibèricCatalannounCeltiberian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguageskirgisiskNorwegian BokmåladjKyrgyz (relating to Kyrgyzstan and the Kyrgyz people)
LanguageskirgisiskNorwegian BokmålnounKyrgyz (the language)masculine uncountable
LanguageskoreanskaSwedishadjinflection of koreansk: ## definite singular ## plural / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
LanguageskoreanskaSwedishadjinflection of koreansk: ## definite singular ## plural / pluralform-of plural
LanguageskoreanskaSwedishnounKorean; the language spoken in Koreacommon-gender
LanguageskoreanskaSwedishnouna woman from Koreacommon-gender
LanguagesmaltèsCatalanadjMaltese (pertaining to Malta, the Maltese people, or to the Maltese language)
LanguagesmaltèsCatalannounMaltese (an inhabitant of Malta)masculine
LanguagesmaltèsCatalannounMaltese (a Semitic language used primarily in Malta)masculine uncountable
LanguagesàzeriCatalanadjAzerifeminine masculine
LanguagesàzeriCatalannounAzeri personby-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagesàzeriCatalannounAzeri languagemasculine uncountable
LanguagesтелугуRussiannounTelugu (Dravidian people of India)indeclinable
LanguagesтелугуRussiannounTelugu (Dravidian language of India)indeclinable
LanguagesтелугуRussiannounTelugu (Dravidian script of India)indeclinable
LanguagesтурецкийRussiannounTurkish (language)uncountable
LanguagesяпонскийRussiannounJapanese languageuncountable
Languages壯語Chinesenounbrave and proud words
Languages壯語ChinesenounZhuang language
Latin nomina gentiliaFircelliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaFircelliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Fircellius Pavo, a Roman man mentioned by Varrodeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaRupiliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaRupiliusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Publius Rupilius, a Roman politiciandeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaRupiliusLatinadjof or pertaining to the gens Rupilia.adjective declension-1 declension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaUmmidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaUmmidiusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by: / Gaius Ummidius Durmius Quadratus, a Roman politician and governordeclension-2 masculine singular
Latin nomina gentiliaVesculariusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by: / a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held bydeclension-2
Latin nomina gentiliaVesculariusLatinnamea Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by: / Vescularius Flaccus, a man mentioned by Tacitusdeclension-2
LaughterroześmianyPolishadjrident, smiley (laughing)not-comparable
LaughterroześmianyPolishadjrident, smiley (indicating that someone is laughing)not-comparable
LaundryܡܡܣܝܢܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounfemale equivalent of ܡܡܲܣܝܵܢܵܐ (mmasyānā); washerwoman, laundressfeminine form-of
LaundryܡܡܣܝܢܝܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounwashing machine (usually automatic machine that washes clothes and laundry)
LawalfardaCatalannouna kind of tribute paid by the Moors and Jews to the crown in medieval Spainfeminine historical
LawalfardaCatalannountribute paid for irrigation waterAragon feminine historical
LawhustisyaTagalognounlaw enforcement authority
Law enforcement警署Chinesenounpolice stationHong-Kong
Law enforcement警署Chinesenounpolice departmentTaiwan
LeadersoverlordEnglishnounA ruler of other rulers.
LeadersoverlordEnglishnounA feudal lord directly owed rent or personal service by a tenant of subinfeudated land, a tenant's liege lord.historical
LeadersoverlordEnglishnounAnyone with overarching power or authority in a given domain.
LeadersoverlordEnglishverbTo rule over; to domineer.
LeadersначальствоRussiannouncommand, direction
LeadersначальствоRussiannounchief, head, bosscolloquial
Light sourcespricketEnglishnounA candle.obsolete
Light sourcespricketEnglishnounA spike for holding a single candle.
Light sourcespricketEnglishnounA male deer in its second year, whose antlers have not yet branched.
Light sourcesچراغPersiannounlamp
Light sourcesچراغPersiannounlight
Light sourcesچراغPersiannounstove
Light sources行灯Japanesenouna type of boxy paper lampstand
Light sources行灯Japanesenouna system which notifies managerial, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process manufacturing
Liliales order plantsزنبقOttoman Turkishnounlily
Liliales order plantsزنبقOttoman Turkishnouniris
LinguisticsuitspraakAfrikaansnounsentence, verdict
LiquidsлитьсяRussianverbto flow, to pour
LiquidsлитьсяRussianverbto pour on oneself
LiquidsлитьсяRussianverbto spread
LiquidsлитьсяRussianverbto sound
LiquidsлитьсяRussianverbpassive of лить (litʹ)form-of passive
Literary genresepigramatPolishnounepigram (short, witty or pithy poem)communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writinginanimate masculine
Literary genresepigramatPolishnounepigram (inscription in stone)historical inanimate masculine
LovearomanticEnglishadjThat feels little or no romantic attraction to others and/or romantic desire.
LovearomanticEnglishnounOne who does not experience romantic attraction to others.
Lovefriend zoneEnglishnounThe situation in which one is viewed by a potential partner as a platonic friend, which complicates the initiation of a romantic relationship.slang
Lovefriend zoneEnglishverbTo classify as a friend, without any possibility of a romantic relationship.slang transitive
LovelovesomeEnglishadjWorthy of love; having qualities that inspire love; lovable.
LovelovesomeEnglishadjAffectionate; friendly.Ireland archaic
LovelovesomeEnglishadjLovable on account of beauty; lovely, beautiful.
LovelovesomeEnglishadjAmorous; showing or feeling love.archaic
Madder family plantsmũkomakomaKikuyunounPsychotria fractinervata (syn. Grumilea exserta)class-3
Madder family plantsmũkomakomaKikuyunounGaliniera saxifraga (syn. G. coffeoides) (Rubiaceae)class-3
Malayalam numeral symbols൧൦Malayalamnum10 (പത്തു (pattu))
Malayalam numeral symbols൧൦Malayalamnum൰ (10)numeral
Male親家舅Chinesenoundaughter-in-law's brotherEastern Min
Male親家舅Chinesenounbrother-in-law (wife's brother)Eastern Min
Male animalsслонBulgariannounelephant (usually a male one)
Male animalsслонBulgariannounshelter, offset (used for protection)dialectal
Male animalsслонBulgariannounpen, sheepfolddialectal
Male animalsగోవుTelugunouncow, the female bovine animal revered by the Hindus.
Male animalsగోవుTelugunounox
Male family memberskakaAmisnounelder brother
Male family memberskakaAmisnounelder sister
Male family membersдядяRussiannoununcle
Male family membersдядяRussiannounman, fellow, guycolloquial
Male family membersਮੀਆਂPunjabinounmiddle, midst
Male family membersਮੀਆਂPunjabinounsheath
Male family membersਮੀਆਂPunjabinounhusband
Male family membersਮੀਆਂPunjabinounfather
Male family membersਮੀਆਂPunjabinounMuslim teacher
Male family membersਮੀਆਂPunjabinounMianhistorical
Male family membersਮੀਆਂPunjabinouna term of respect affixed to names
Male family membersညီBurmesenounyounger brother (of a male).
Male family membersညီBurmeseadjeven; balanced; equal; equivalent; level.
Male peopleKönigGermannounking (monarch, chess, card games)masculine strong
Male peopleKönigGermannamea common surname transferred from the nicknamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
Male peopleadresatPolishnounaddressee (person to whom a package is directed)masculine person
Male peopleadresatPolishnounaddressee (person to whom a statement is directed)masculine person
Male peoplebiedaczekPolishnoundiminutive of biedakdiminutive form-of masculine person
Male peoplebiedaczekPolishnoungenitive plural of biedaczkafeminine form-of genitive plural
Male peopledzwonnikPolishnounbell-ringerdated masculine person
Male peopledzwonnikPolishnounneotropical bellbird (any bird of the genus Procnias)animal-not-person masculine
Male peoplekrawczykPolishnoundiminutive of krawiecdiminutive form-of masculine person
Male peoplekrawczykPolishnounjourneyman tailorarchaic masculine person
Male peoplekrawczykPolishnountailor's sonarchaic masculine person
Male peoplekrawczykPolishnountailorbird (Orthotomus)animal-not-person masculine
Male peoplenapastnikPolishnounattacker, assailantmasculine person
Male peoplenapastnikPolishnounforward (player nearest to the opposing team)ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsmasculine person
Male peopleposiadaczPolishnounholder, bearermasculine person
Male peopleposiadaczPolishnounowner, possessormasculine person
Male peopleposiadaczPolishnounproprietormasculine person
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounpresident (leader of a country)government politicsmasculine person
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounmayor (highest rank of leadership for a city)government politicsmasculine person
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounpresident (chairman of a large, especially international, organization or concern)governmentmasculine person
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounchief of policegovernment law-enforcementmasculine obsolete person
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounhead of a presidencyChristianitymasculine obsolete person
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounfemale equivalent of prezydent (“president”) (leader of a country)government politicsfeminine form-of indeclinable
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounfemale equivalent of prezydent (“mayor”) (highest rank of leadership for a city)government politicsfeminine form-of indeclinable
Male peopleprezydentPolishnounfemale equivalent of prezydent (“president”) (chairwoman of a large, especially international, organization or concern)governmentfeminine form-of indeclinable
Male peoplerurkowiecPolishnountubewormanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Male peoplerurkowiecPolishnounmushroom with tubes under the capanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
Male peoplerurkowiecPolishnounman considered effeminate or unmanly due to his dress and demeanorcolloquial derogatory masculine person
Male peopleграфUkrainiannouncount, earl
Male peopleграфUkrainiannoungraph (set of vertices (or nodes) connected together by edges)graph-theory mathematics sciences
Male peopleграфUkrainiannoungenitive plural of графа́ (hrafá)form-of genitive plural
Malpighiales order plantsbitaogTagalognounbitaog tree (Calophyllum blancoi)
Malpighiales order plantsbitaogTagalognounAlexandrian laurel (Calophyllum inophyllum)
Malvales order plantsபூலாஞ்சிTamilnounPhyllanthus reticulatus
Malvales order plantsபூலாஞ்சிTamilnounBombax malabaricum
MammalsodderDanishnounotter, Lutra lutracommon-gender
MammalsodderDanishnounindefinite plural of oddecommon-gender form-of indefinite plural
MammalsփոկOld Armeniannounthong, leather thong, strap, girth
MammalsփոկOld Armeniannounleather whip
MammalsփոկOld Armeniannounphoca, seal, sea calf
Mammals山君Chinesenounmountain deityliterary
Margaret ThatcherMaggieEnglishnameA diminutive of the female given name Margaret.
Margaret ThatcherMaggieEnglishnameMargaret Thatcher, former British prime minister.informal
Marriagebest manEnglishnounThe primary attendant to the groom in a wedding ceremony.
Marriagebest manEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see best, man.
MarriageженаOld Church Slavonicnounwoman
MarriageженаOld Church Slavonicnounwife
MarriageאויסגעבןYiddishverbto spend money
MarriageאויסגעבןYiddishverbto marry off
MarriageนางสาวThainouna formal title which an unmarried woman over 15 years of age is required to use, and which a married woman, irrespective of the age, may use instead of the title นาง (naang). Abbreviation: น.ส. (nɔɔ-sɔ̌ɔ)law
MarriageนางสาวThainounsimilar title, as miss, etc.
MarriageนางสาวThainounmaiden; miss; young
MarxismMarxismEnglishnounThe socialist and communist philosophy and political program founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.countable uncountable
MarxismMarxismEnglishnounThe socialist and communist theory of the followers of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; a radical, revolutionary political philosophy that aims to capture state power, introduce a dictatorship of the proletariat, and then progress to communism.countable uncountable
Measuring instrumentsγωνίαGreeknounanglegeometry mathematics sciences
Measuring instrumentsγωνίαGreeknouncorner
Measuring instrumentsγωνίαGreeknounviewpoint
MeatsSchinkenGermannounham, pork from the hindquartermasculine strong
MeatsSchinkenGermannounhams, buttockscolloquial masculine strong
MeatsSchinkenGermannounold tome or paintingcolloquial derogatory masculine often strong
MeatssvinjaSerbo-Croatiannounpig (mammal)
MeatssvinjaSerbo-Croatiannounpork (meat)
MeatstacchinuSiciliannounturkey, especially a tommasculine
MeatstacchinuSiciliannounturkey meatmasculine
Medical equipmenthypodermic needleEnglishnounA hollow needle with a sharp point intended to puncture the skin to draw a fluid from under the skin or inject a fluid under the skin, used as part of a hypodermic syringe.
Medical equipmenthypodermic needleEnglishnounSynonym of hypodermic syringe
Medical signs and symptomsinjetadoPortugueseadjinjected
Medical signs and symptomsinjetadoPortugueseadjbloodshot
Medical signs and symptomsinjetadoPortugueseverbpast participle of injetarform-of participle past
MedicineectropionEnglishnounA condition of loose eyelids, characterized by the turning outward of the lower eyelid.countable uncountable
MedicineectropionEnglishnounA condition of the cervix, characterized by the cells of the endocervix being present in the location of the ectocervix.countable uncountable
MedicineئاغرىقUyghurnounache, pain
MedicineئاغرىقUyghurnouna sick person
MenstruationovergangDutchnouncrossing, place where one crossesmasculine
MetalsbronzSlovaknounbronze (metal)inanimate masculine
MetalsbronzSlovaknounbronze (color)inanimate masculine
MetalsferruSardiniannouniron (metal)masculine uncountable
MetalsferruSardiniannounAn iron tool.masculine
MetalsferruSardiniannounhandcuffsin-plural masculine
MetalsχρυσάφιGreeknounwealth, moneyfiguratively
MetalsχρυσάφιGreeknounsource of wealthfiguratively
MicrosoftMDIEnglishnounInitialism of medium-dependent interface.communication communications computer-hardware computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMDIEnglishnounInitialism of metered-dose inhaler.medicine sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMDIEnglishnounInitialism of multiple document interface.computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMDIEnglishnounInitialism of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate.chemistry natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMDIEnglishnameInitialism of Microsoft Document Imaging format.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences softwareabbreviation alt-of initialism
MicrosoftMDIEnglishnameInitialism of Mission Data Interface. It's an interface of the NUWC.computing engineering government mathematics military natural-sciences navy physical-sciences politics sciences software warabbreviation alt-of initialism
Middle Dutch cardinal numbersachteMiddle Dutchnumeight
Middle Dutch cardinal numbersachteMiddle DutchadjAlternative form of achtendealt-of alternative
Middle Dutch cardinal numbersachteMiddle Dutchnounvigilancefeminine
Middle Dutch cardinal numbersachteMiddle Dutchnounstate (of being)feminine
Middle Dutch cardinal numbersachteMiddle Dutchnounprosecutionfeminine
Militaryavion de chasseFrenchnounfighter planemasculine
Militaryavion de chasseFrenchnouna hottie, a bombshell (a very attractive woman)informal masculine
Military海戰Chinesenounnaval battle; sea warfare
Military海戰Chineseverbto fight a battle on the sea
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto know (a fact with certainty): / to know (a fact with certainty)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto be aware (of a situation, fact, etc.): / to have a full understanding (of something)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto be aware (of a situation, fact, etc.): / to be aware (of someone's location)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto recognise; to comprehend (something): / to perceive; to notice (something)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto recognise; to comprehend (something): / to discern; to distinguish (something from another)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto experience, to be familiar with (something): / to know (to do, to say)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto experience, to be familiar with (something): / to know how (to do)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto experience, to be familiar with (something): / to know (that something will happen)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto experience, to be familiar with (something): / to experience, to be familiar with (something)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto know about (a topic)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto find out; to become aware
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto ask; to question
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto be confident (something is the case or will happen)
MindwitenMiddle Englishverbto make knownrare
Mind上路Chineseverbto start a journey; to set off
Mind上路Chineseverbto learn the fundamentalsfiguratively
Mind上路Chineseverbto dieeuphemistic
Mind上路Chineseadjwell-behaved; goodslang
Mint family plantscimbruRomaniannounsavory (the plant)masculine
Mint family plantscimbruRomaniannounthymemasculine
Mites and tickskagawTagalognounitch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei)
Mites and tickskagawTagalognoungerm; microbe
MonarchyinterregnumPolishnouninterregnum (period of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of another sovereign)neuter
MonarchyinterregnumPolishnouninterregnum (period of time during which normal executive leadership is suspended or interrupted)neuter
MonarchyinterregnumPolishnouninterregnum (period of time between consuls' terms of office)Ancient-Rome historical neuter
MonarchykurorëAlbaniannouncrown, garlandmasculine
MonarchyrealPortugueseadjtrue, realcomparable feminine masculine
MonarchyrealPortugueseadjthat has physical existence; realcomparable feminine masculine
MonarchyrealPortugueseadjbeing a member of the set of real numbers; realmathematics sciencescomparable feminine masculine
MonarchyrealPortuguesenouna real numbermasculine
MonarchyrealPortuguesenountruth (conformity to fact or reality)Brazil colloquial feminine uncountable
MonarchyrealPortugueseadjmonarchy; royal; regalfeminine masculine relational
MonarchyrealPortugueseadjhaving the air or demeanour of a monarch; regalfeminine masculine
MonarchyrealPortuguesenouna former Spanish currencymasculine
MonarchyrealPortuguesenounthe current Brazilian currencymasculine
MonarchyrealPortuguesenouna former currency of Portugal and its colonies (the plural later became réis)masculine
MonarchyregeringDutchnoungoverning (act of; ruling a state or similar political entity)feminine
MonarchyregeringDutchnoungovernment (a governing council: especially the executive branch of government)lawfeminine
MonarchyregeringDutchnounrule, reign (of a prince etc.)feminine
MonarchyỌrangunYorubanamethe title of the traditional rulers of the towns of Ìlá Ọ̀ràngún and Òkè-Ìlá Ọ̀ràngún in Ọ̀ṣun State of Nigeria, and the head of the Ìgbómìnà people
MonarchyỌrangunYorubanameThe sixteenth principal sign of the Ifa divination system
MonarchyỌrangunYorubanameThe sixteenth and final of the àpólà or sixteen categories in the odù Ifá, consisting of the final principal chapter, (Ọ̀ràngún méjì) and the other fifteen chapters of Ọ̀ràngún.
MonarchyỌrangunYorubanameThe sixteenth chapter of the odù Ifá corpus, and the last of the major ojú odù
Monasticism和尚Chinesenounpreceptor; high priest; head monkBuddhism lifestyle religion
Monasticism和尚Chinesenounany Buddhist monkbroadly
Monkeys活猻Chinesenounlively and not quiet personWu derogatory
MothsclearwingEnglishnounAny of various moths, of the family Sesiidae, that have transparent wings
MothsclearwingEnglishnounAny of various nymphalid butterflies, usually of the tribe Ithomiini, that have transparent wings
Motor racingracetrackEnglishnounA course over which any type of races are run.
Motor racingracetrackEnglishnounA characteristic circular erosion pattern in deposition processes.
MountainsHimalajaFinnishnameHimalaya (one mountain in the mountain range)
MountainsHimalajaFinnishnameHimalayas (mountain range)
MountainsПиринMacedoniannameEllipsis of Пиринска Македонија f (Pirinska Makedonija).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
MountainsПиринMacedoniannameEllipsis of Пирин Планина f (Pirin Planina, “Pirin”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
MountainsПиринMacedoniannamePirin (a village in Bulgaria)
Mulberry family plantstugapCebuanonounmonkey jack (Artocarpus lacucha)
Mulberry family plantstugapCebuanonounfruit of this tree
Municipalities of FinlandAsikkalaFinnishnameAsikkala (municipality)
Municipalities of FinlandAsikkalaFinnishnamea Finnish surnamerare
Municipalities of Pampanga, PhilippinesSanta RitaCebuanonameRita of Cascia
Municipalities of Pampanga, PhilippinesSanta RitaCebuanonameA barangay of Asturias, Cebu, Philippines
Municipalities of Pampanga, PhilippinesSanta RitaCebuanonameA municipality of Samar
Municipalities of Pampanga, PhilippinesSanta RitaCebuanonameA municipality of Pampanga
MuscicapidsкаменарчеBulgariannoundiminutive of камена́р (kamenár, “stonemason”)diminutive form-of literally
MuscicapidsкаменарчеBulgariannounwheatear, fallow-smiter (songbird of genus Oenanthe)
MusicpolonesaCatalanadjfeminine of polonès (Valencian: polonés)feminine form-of singular
MusicpolonesaCatalannounfeminine of polonès (Valencian: polonés)feminine form-of
MusicpolonesaCatalannounpolonaise (a dance and the music appropriate for it)feminine
MusicpolonesaCatalannouna petite article of ladies’ outerwear with a tight waist and decorated with furfeminine
MusicpolonesaCatalannouna textile made with a silk warp and a cotton weft used primarily as a dress liningfeminine
MusicsonataItalianverbfeminine singular of sonatofeminine form-of participle singular
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounA song (lyrical music): / Religious or spiritual chanting or hymns.
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounA song (lyrical music): / An exposition or story, especially a sung one.
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounA song (lyrical music): / A song supposed to have occult or magical power.
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounThe practice or an instance of singing songs.
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounThe sound produced by a bird (rarely other creatures)
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounA tune; non-lyrical music.
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounA quip, declaration, or remark.
MusicsongMiddle EnglishnounA poem; a written work in verse.
MusictaukoFinnishnounbreak, pause (interruption)
MusictaukoFinnishnounrestentertainment lifestyle music
MusictaukoFinnishnouncaesura (break in a speech, play, poem etc.)
MusictaukoFinnishnounthick rope, tow ropedialectal
MusicしまうたJapanesenountraditional folk song of Amami
MusicしまうたJapanesenountraditional folk song of Okinawa
Music擂鼓Chineseverbto beat the drums (of war)archaic
Music擂鼓ChinesenameLeigu (a town in Zhushan, Shiyan, Hubei, China)
Music擂鼓Chineseverbto play the drumsTaiwanese-Hokkien
Musical instrumentsksiężycówkaPolishnounmoonshine (illicit homemade liquor)colloquial feminine humorous
Musical instrumentsksiężycówkaPolishnounMexican grunion (Leuresthes tenuis)feminine
Musical instrumentsksiężycówkaPolishnouna type of accordioncolloquial feminine
MustelidsmenyétHungariannounaccusative of menyeaccusative form-of
MustelidsmäyräFinnishnounEurasian badger, European badger (Meles meles)
MustelidsmäyräFinnishnounbadger (any mammal of three subfamilies: Melinae, Mellivorinae or Taxideinae)
Myrtales order plants石榴Japanesenounpomegranate
Myrtales order plants石榴Japanesenounpomegranaterare
Myrtales order plants石榴Japanesenounpomegranateuncommon
Mythological creaturesLaestrygonianEnglishnounA member of a mythical Greek tribe of man-eating giants.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Mythological creaturesLaestrygonianEnglishadjOf or relating to that tribe.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek not-comparable
Mythological creaturessirenaSpanishnounsiren (device)feminine
Mythological creaturessirenaSpanishnounmermaid, siren (mythological creature)feminine
Mythological creaturessirenaSpanishnounsiren (seductive woman)feminine
Mythological creaturestopielicaPolishnounfemale equivalent of topielec (“corpse of a drowning victim”)feminine form-of
Mythological creaturestopielicaPolishnounfemale equivalent of topielec (“person saved from drowning”)feminine form-of
Mythological creaturestopielicaPolishnounwater stick insect (Ranatra linearis)feminine
Mythological creaturestopielicaPolishnounmalevolent demon inhabiting bodies of water, believed to be the partner of topielec and the soul of a young girl who drowned out of despair or bitterness, or who was deliberately drowned by someone elsefeminine
Mythological figuresCú RoíOld Irishnamea masculine given namemasculine
Mythological figuresCú RoíOld IrishnameCú Roí (character in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology)masculine
MythologyбабайRussiannounbogeyman (monster used to scare misbehaving children)
MythologyбабайRussiannounA suspiciously-looking old manfiguratively
NationalitiesSingaporeanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Singapore or its people or language.not-comparable
NationalitiesSingaporeanEnglishnounA person from Singapore or of Singaporean descent.
NationalitiesargelinoSpanishadjAlgerian (of or relating to the nation of Algeria)
NationalitiesargelinoSpanishadjAlgerian (of or relating to the city of Algiers, Algeria)
NationalitiesargelinoSpanishnounAlgerian (native or citizen of the nation of Algeria)masculine
NationalitiesargelinoSpanishnounAlgerian (native or citizen of Algiers, Algeria)masculine
NationalitiesestoniarBasquenounAn Estonian person (man or woman)animate
NationalitiesitalianoPortugueseadjItalian (of or relating to Italy)comparable
NationalitiesitalianoPortugueseadjItalian (relating to the Italian language)comparable
NationalitiesitalianoPortuguesenounItalian (person from Italy or of Italian descent)masculine
NationalitiesitalianoPortuguesenounItalian (Romance language spoken in Italy)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesitalianoPortuguesenounthe Venetian dialect spoken in Brazilmasculine uncountable
NationalitieskirgisiskaSwedishadjinflection of kirgisisk: ## definite singular ## plural / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitieskirgisiskaSwedishadjinflection of kirgisisk: ## definite singular ## plural / pluralform-of plural
NationalitieskirgisiskaSwedishnouna female Kyrgyz, a woman from Kyrgyzstancommon-gender
NationalitieskirgisiskaSwedishnounKyrgyz (language)common-gender uncountable
NationalitieslaosianoPortugueseadjLao; Laotian (of or relating to Laos and its people)
NationalitieslaosianoPortugueseadjLao; Laotian (in or relating to the Laotian language)
NationalitieslaosianoPortuguesenounLao; Laotian (person from Laos)masculine
NationalitieslaosianoPortuguesenounLao; Laotian (national language of Laos)masculine
NationalitiesnepalesiskaSwedishadjinflection of nepalesisk: ## definite singular ## plural / definite singulardefinite form-of singular
NationalitiesnepalesiskaSwedishadjinflection of nepalesisk: ## definite singular ## plural / pluralform-of plural
NationalitiesnepalesiskaSwedishnounNepali (language spoken in Nepal)common-gender dated
NationalitiesnepalesiskaSwedishnouna female Nepali (a woman from Nepal)common-gender
NationalitiesnémetHungarianadjGerman (of or relating to Germany or its people)not-comparable
NationalitiesnémetHungarianadjGerman (of, in or relating to the German language)not-comparable
NationalitiesnémetHungariannounGerman (person)countable uncountable
NationalitiesnémetHungariannounGerman (language)countable uncountable
NationalitiesschweizerDanishnounSwiss (person from Switzerland or of Swiss descent)common-gender
NationalitiesschweizerDanishnoungatekeeper of the royal palace of Copenhagencommon-gender
NationalitiestarragoníCatalanadjTarragonan (of the city, county or province of Tarragona)
NationalitiestarragoníCatalannounTarragonan (native or inhabitant of Tarragona)masculine
NationalitiestarragoníCatalannounthe Catalan dialect spoken in the comarques of Alt Camp, Baix Camp and Tarragonèsmasculine uncountable
NationalitiesТурчинSerbo-CroatiannameTurk, a male person from Turkey
NationalitiesТурчинSerbo-Croatiannamea speaker of a Turkic language
NationalitiesТурчинSerbo-Croatiannamea Muslim from the Balkans, especially a Bosniakderogatory ethnic slur
NationalitiesТурчинSerbo-Croatiannamea citizen of Ottoman Empire (nowadays superseded by Осма̀нлија)historical
NationalitiesܐܘܟܪܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnameUkraine (a country in Europe)
NationalitiesܐܘܟܪܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicadjUkrainian (of, from, or pertaining to Ukraine or its people)
NationalitiesܐܘܟܪܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounUkrainian (A person from Ukraine or of Ukrainian descent)
NatureassamTarifitnounlightningmasculine uncountable usually
NatureassamTarifitnounthundermasculine uncountable usually
NauticalkrmaSlovenenounstern (back part of a ship)
NauticalkystDanishnouncoast (shoreline)common-gender
NauticalkystDanishverbpast participle of kyseform-of participle past
NauticalárOld Norsenouna yearneuter
NauticalárOld Norsenounplenty, abundance (especially of crops)neuter
NauticalárOld Norsenounplenty, abundance (especially of crops) / name of the rune ᛅ (a)neuter
NauticalárOld Norseadvearly, ancientlynot-comparable
NauticalárOld Norseadvin early morning, at dawnnot-comparable
NauticalárOld Norsenounoarfeminine
NauticalárOld Norsenoungenitive singular of of áform-of genitive singular
NauticalárOld Norsenounnominative plural of of áform-of nominative plural-of
NauticalárOld Norsenounaccusative plural of áaccusative form-of plural
NauticalكوسArabicnounset square
NauticalكوسArabicnounequilateral triangle for measuring
NauticalكوسArabicnountimbrel, small drum, or a kind thereofarchaic
NauticalكوسArabicnounthe headwind of a vessel on the seaYemen uncountable
NauticalكوسArabicnounparticularly, the south-west wind, رِيح الكَوْس (rīḥ al-kaws), or مَوْسِم الكَوْس (mawsim al-kaws) meaning the south-west monsoon wind; the west wind being called رِيح الدَبُور (rīḥ al-dabūr), the south wind رِيح الْجَنُوب (rīḥ al-janūb), the north-east wind رِيح الأَزْيَب (rīḥ al-ʔazyab), or رِيح الصَبَا (rīḥ al-ṣabā)Yemen uncountable
NauticalكوسArabicnounverbal noun of كَاسَ (kāsa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
NauticalكوسArabicverbto prostrate, to cut down the standing firmly of, to throw head over heels, to make lie inverse
Nautical occupationsلوندOttoman Turkishnounscapegrace, scoundrel, rascal, rogue, knave, a person without honour or virtue
Nautical occupationsلوندOttoman Turkishnounlevend, a soldier recruited in eastern countries who worked in Venetian shipshistorical
Nautical occupationsلوندOttoman Turkishnounlevend, any person of the military class working for the Ottoman navyhistorical
Nautical occupationsلوندOttoman Turkishnounirregular, a soldier who is not a member of an official military forceusually
NavigationILSEnglishnameInitialism of Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NavigationILSEnglishnounInitialism of instrument landing system.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
NavigationILSEnglishnounInitialism of integrated logistic support.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NavigationILSEnglishnounInitialism of integrated library system.abbreviation alt-of initialism
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA tree, Olea europaea, cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean for its fruit and the oil obtained from it.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounThe small oval fruit of this tree, eaten ripe (usually black) or unripe (usually green).
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounThe wood of the olive tree.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA dark yellowish-green color, that of an unripe olive.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounAn olivary body, part of the medulla oblongata.anatomy medicine neuroanatomy neurology neuroscience sciences
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA component of a plumbing compression joint; a ring which is placed between the nut and the pipe and compressed during fastening to provide a seal.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounA small slice of meat seasoned, rolled up, and food lifestyle
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounAny shell of the genus Oliva and allied genera; so called from the shape.
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishnounAn oystercatcher, a shore bird.UK dialectal
NeogastropodsoliveEnglishadjOf a grayish green color, that of an unripe olive.
NeogastropodssankhaEnglishnounA chank (Turbinella pyrum).
NeogastropodssankhaEnglishnounA bracelet or necklace made in India from the chank shell.
Nettle family plantsκνίδηAncient Greeknounstinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
Nettle family plantsκνίδηAncient Greeknounsea anemone in the genus Actinia with a nettle-like sting
NicknamesBig BenEnglishnameThe hour bell in the Elizabeth Tower (formerly known as the Clock Tower), adjacent to the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London, United Kingdom.
NicknamesBig BenEnglishnameThe clock tower itself.metonymically
NightshadesبطاطGulf Arabicnounpotato (vegetable)collective
NightshadesبطاطGulf ArabicnounFrench fries, fries, chipscollective
NightshadesبطاطGulf Arabicnouncrisps, chipscollective
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishnounA measurement, especially a count or enumeration.
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishnounAn account (monetary registry)
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishnounThe reckoning of one's deeds at Judgement Day.figuratively
NobilitycounteMiddle Englishnouncount, earl (noble rank)rare
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishnounA county or earldom (domain of a count)Late-Middle-English
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishnounA traditional county or shire of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales.Late-Middle-English
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishnounA session of the shire court.lawLate-Middle-English
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of cuntealt-of alternative
NobilitycounteMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of countenalt-of alternative
NobilitymargravateEnglishnounThe status or rank of margrave.
NobilitymargravateEnglishnounA territory governed by a margrave or margravine.
NobilitymarquesaSpanishnounfemale equivalent of marqués (“marchioness”)feminine form-of
NobilitymarquesaSpanishnounbedframeChile feminine
Nuclear energynuclear radiationEnglishnounRadiation produced by an atomic nucleuscountable uncountable
Nuclear energynuclear radiationEnglishnounIonizing radiationcountable uncountable
Nuclear energynuclear radiationEnglishnounRadiation from radioactive decaycountable uncountable
Nuclear physicsanisotopicEnglishadjLacking isotopymathematics sciencesnot-comparable
Nuclear physicsanisotopicEnglishadjHaving only one isotopechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesnot-comparable physical
NutsearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / A tuber belonging to the species Conopodium majus (syns. Bunium flexuosum, Conopodium denudatum), Bunium bulbocastanum (syn. Carum bulbocastanum), or Apios americana (syn. Apios tuberosa).
NutsearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / The dwarf ginseng: Panax trifolius.
NutsearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / Synonym of peanut (Arachis hypogaea).
NutsearthnutEnglishnounAny of various roots, tubers, or pods that grow underground: / The underground tuber belonging to the genus Tuber.
OaksżołądźPolishnounacorninanimate masculine
OaksżołądźPolishnounthe suit of clubscard-games gamescolloquial inanimate masculine
OaksżołądźPolishnounglans, glans penisanatomy medicine sciencesfeminine
OccultesotericEnglishadjIntended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest, or an enlightened inner circle.
OccultesotericEnglishadjHaving to do with concepts that are highly theoretical and without obvious practical application; often with mystical or religious connotations.
OccultesotericEnglishadjConfidential; private.
OccultesotericEnglishnounAn esoteric doctrine or treatise; esoteric philosophy.
OccultesotericEnglishnounOne who believes, or is an initiate, in esoteric doctrines or rites.
OccultillusionistEnglishnounOne who works with illusion or sleight of hand.
OccultillusionistEnglishnounOne who deceives by magical or mystical means.
OccupationsFleischerGermannounbutcher (male or of unspecified gender)Eastern Germany Northern masculine regional strong
OccupationsFleischerGermannamea surname originating as an occupationfeminine masculine proper-noun surname
OccupationsKooperatorGermannounemployeedated masculine mixed
OccupationsKooperatorGermannouncoadjutor (assistant to a bishop)Catholicism Christianity Roman-CatholicismAustria masculine mixed
OccupationskaraliusLithuaniannounking (chess)
OccupationskonsulEstoniannounconsul (official residing in major foreign towns to represent and protect the interests of the merchants and citizens of their country)
OccupationskonsulEstoniannounconsul (either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent nominal post under the Roman and Byzantine Empires)historical
OccupationskrzyżakPolishnoungravediggermasculine obsolete person
OccupationskrzyżakPolishnouncross spider, European garden spideranimal-not-person masculine
OccupationskrzyżakPolishnouncross-shaped object / D-padvideo-gamesinanimate masculine
OccupationskrzyżakPolishnouncross-shaped object / cross brace, crosspieceinanimate masculine
OccupationskrzyżakPolishnouncross-shaped object / trestleinanimate masculine
OccupationskrzyżakPolishnounPhillips screwdriverinanimate masculine
OccupationsmilkmanEnglishnounA man who delivers milk to households and sometimes businesses early in the morning.
OccupationsmilkmanEnglishnounA black man who prefers dating white women.US slang
OccupationspescaireCatalannounfisherby-personal-gender feminine masculine
OccupationspescaireCatalannoungrey heronmasculine
OccupationsشاگردPersiannounpupil, student, scholar (one who seeks knowledge from others, also used for martial arts students or members of any sports club)
OccupationsشاگردPersiannounapprentice, journeyman
OccupationsشاگردPersiannoundisciple, followerlifestyle religionalso
OccupationsشاگردPersiannounpage, servant
OccupationsܘܙܝܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounminister, cabinet minister
OccupationsܘܙܝܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounvizier, vicegerent
OccupationsܛܠܝܐClassical Syriacadjyoung, youthful, childish
OccupationsܛܠܝܐClassical Syriacadjnew, recent, latest, last
OccupationsܛܠܝܐClassical Syriacadjnext, following
OccupationsܛܠܝܐClassical Syriacnounboy, child (from seven to twelve years old)
OccupationsܛܠܝܐClassical Syriacnounservant
OccupationsܛܠܝܐClassical Syriacnoununmarried youth, bachelor
OccupationsܛܠܝܐClassical Syriacnounfreeborn youth
OccupationsचपरासHindinounmetal badge or plate (worn as identification by messengers or orderlies)
OccupationsचपरासHindinounbelt clasp, buckle
OccupationsⲥⲁϧCopticnounteacher, scribeBohairic
Occupations戰士Chinesenounsoldier; combatant
Occupations戰士Chinesenounwarrior; fighter
Occupations𐰴𐰆𐰞Old Turkicverbto beg, wish, ask fortransitive
Occupations𐰴𐰆𐰞Old Turkicnouna male slave, servant
Oklahoma, USAOklahomanEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Oklahoma in the United States of America.
Oklahoma, USAOklahomanEnglishadjOf or relating to Oklahoma.
One一人Japanesenounone person
One一人Japanesenounsingleness, singularity
One一人Japanesenounone's own efforts or strengths
One一人Japanesenounan unmarried person, single
One一人Japaneseadvonly, simply
One一人Japaneseadvalone, automatically, by itself, naturally
One一人Japanesenamea female given name
One一人Japanesenounone person
One一人Japanesenounthe first or top person in a particular place or field
One一人JapanesenounSynonym of 右大臣 (udaijin): a minister of the right in the imperial Council of State
One一人Japanesenouna ruler with a heavenly mandate, especially the Emperor of Japan
One一人Japanesenamea male given name
OnomasticsainmIrishnounnamefeminine masculine
OnomasticsainmIrishnounreputationfeminine masculine
OnomasticsainmIrishnounnoungrammar human-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine masculine
OpticsespejismoSpanishnounwishful thinkingfiguratively masculine
OrganizationsAABIEnglishnameInitialism of American Association of Bicycle Importers.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsAABIEnglishnameInitialism of Antilles Air Boats Incorporated.abbreviation alt-of initialism
OrganizationsECMAEnglishnameAcronym of European Castor and wheel Manufacturer’s Association.businessabbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsECMAEnglishnameAlternative letter-case form of Ecma (“Ecma International”).computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesalt-of
OrganizationsECMAEnglishnameAcronym of European Carton Makers Association.broadcasting film media televisionabbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsECMAEnglishnameAcronym of Engineering College Magazines Associated.mediaabbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsECMAEnglishnameAcronym of East Coast Music Association.entertainment lifestyle musicabbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsECMAEnglishnameAcronym of East Coast Music Awards.entertainment lifestyle musicabbreviation acronym alt-of
OrganizationsElokapinaFinnishnameExtinction Rebellion (environmental advocacy group)
OrganizationsElokapinaFinnishnameExtinction Rebellion Finland (the advocacy group's Finnish chapter)
OrgansուղեղArmeniannounmind, intellectfiguratively
OrnithologygniazdoPolishnounnest (bird-built structure)neuter
OrnithologygniazdoPolishnounsocket (mechanical opening)neuter
OrnithologygniazdoPolishnounsocketcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesneuter
PaleontologyfossilNorwegian Nynorskadjfossilised (UK), fossilized, or fossil (noun modifier)
PaleontologyfossilNorwegian Nynorsknouna fossil (as above)neuter
PaperkartkaPolishnoundiminutive of kartadiminutive feminine form-of
PaperkartkaPolishnounleaf (sheet of a book, magazine, etc.)feminine
PaperpaperaNheengatunounpaper; sheet of paper
PaperpaperaNheengatunounletter (written communication)
PaperpaperaNheengatunounbook; notebook
PaperpaperiFinnishnounpaper (material)
PaperpaperiFinnishnounpaper, piece of paper
PaperpaperiFinnishnoundocumentin-plural often
PaperpaperiFinnishnounIDin-plural informal
PaperpapiruszHungariannounpapyrus (a plant Cyperus papyrus in the sedge family, native to the Nile river valley)
PaperpapiruszHungariannounpapyrus (a material similar to paper made from the papyrus plant)
PaperpapiruszHungariannounpapyrus (a scroll or document written on papyrus)
PaperбумагаRussiannouncotton woolobsolete
PaperбумагаRussiannounhundred-ruble banknoterare slang
ParaguayParaguayanEnglishnounA person from Paraguay or of Paraguayan descent.
ParaguayParaguayanEnglishadjOf, from, or pertaining to Paraguay.not-comparable
ParaguayParaguayanEnglishadjOf or pertaining to the people, language, or culture of Paraguay.not-comparable
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To become overweight or chubby.
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To display visible signs of pregnancy.
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To become swollen due to illness or injury.medicine sciences
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo swell; to grow or become bigger or stronger: / To become distended or excrescent.
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo experience intense emotions: / To become prideful or vain.
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo experience intense emotions: / To become distressed, worried, or concerned.rare
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo rise, to go above its previous position.
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo become gassy or windy.euphemistic
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo become aroused.euphemistic rare
PathologyswellenMiddle EnglishverbTo enliven; to make more lively.rare
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnameA surname transferred from the given name from a pet form of Bartholomew.
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnameA village in Illinois.
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnameA city in Kansas.
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnameA village, the county seat of Wheeler County, Nebraska.
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnameA town in New Hampshire.
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnameA city in Tennessee.
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnameA city in Texas.
Pear cultivarsBartlettEnglishnounA kind of English pear.
Peninsulas伊豆JapanesenameIzu (a city in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan)
Peninsulas伊豆JapanesenameIzu Province, an old province of Japan
Peninsulas伊豆JapanesenameIzu Peninsula
Peninsulas伊豆Japanesenamea surname
PeopleRegierungsratGermannoungoverning council (often regional or local)masculine strong
PeopleRegierungsratGermannounConseil d'État (council constituting the cantonal government)Switzerland masculine strong
PeopleRegierungsratGermannouna member of the Conseil d'ÉtatSwitzerland masculine strong
PeopleZuschauerGermannounagent noun of zuschauen / spectatormasculine strong
PeopleZuschauerGermannounagent noun of zuschauen / viewermasculine strong
PeopleZuschauerGermannounaudiencein-plural masculine strong
PeopleaddictEnglishnounA person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug
PeopleaddictEnglishnounAn adherent or fan (of something)
PeopleaddictEnglishverbTo deliver (someone or something) following a judicial decision.Ancient-Rome transitive
PeopleaddictEnglishverbTo devote (oneself) to a given activity, occupation, thing etc.archaic reflexive
PeopleaddictEnglishverbTo bind (a person or thing) to the service of something.obsolete transitive
PeopleaddictEnglishverbTo devote or pledge (oneself) to a given person, cause etc.obsolete reflexive
PeopleaddictEnglishverbTo devote (one's mind, talent etc.) to a given activity, occupation, thing etc.archaic transitive
PeopleaddictEnglishverbTo make (someone) become devoted to a given thing or activity; to cause to be addicted.transitive
PeopleaviatorEnglishnounAn aircraft pilot, especially a military pilot. The use of the word may imply claims of superior airmanship, as in navy aviator vs. air force pilot.
PeopleaviatorEnglishnounAn experimenter in aviation.obsolete
PeopleaviatorEnglishnounA flying machine.obsolete
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounAn officer of the court / A reeve, (specifically) the chief officer executing the decisions of any English court in the period following the Norman Conquest or executing the decisions of lower courts in the late medieval and early modern period.government law-enforcementhistorical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounAn officer of the court / A high bailiff: an officer of the county courts responsible for executing warrants and court orders, appointed by the judge and removable by the Lord Chancellor.government law-enforcementUK
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounAn officer of the court / A bound bailiff: a deputy bailiff charged with debt collection.government law-enforcementUK
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounAn officer of the court / Any law enforcement officer charged with courtroom security and order.government law-enforcementUS
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounAn officer of the court / A huissier de justice or other foreign officer of the court acting as either a process server or as courtroom security.government law-enforcement
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / A king's man: any officer nominated by the English Crown.obsolete
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / Synonym of hundredman: The chief officer of a hundred in medieval England.historical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / The title of the mayor of certain English towns.
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / The title of the castellan of certain royal castles in England.
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / The chief justice and president of the legislature on Jersey and Guernsey in the Channel Islands.
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / The High Bailiff of the Isle of Man.
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / A bailie: an alderman in certain Scottish towns.obsolete
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / An appointee of the French king administering certain districts of northern France in the Middle Ages.historical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / A head of a district ("bailiwick") of the Knights Hospitaller; a head of one of the national associations ("tongues") of the Hospitallers' headquarters on Rhodes or Malta.historical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA public administrator / A landvogt in the medieval German states.historical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA private administrator, particularly / A steward: the manager of a medieval manor charged with collecting its rents, etc.historical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA private administrator, particularly / An overseer: a supervisor of tenant farmers, serfs, or slaves, usually as part of his role as steward (see above).historical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounA private administrator, particularly / The foreman or overman of a mininghistorical
PeoplebailiffEnglishnounAny debt collector, regardless of his or her official status.UK slang
PeoplebuamadóirIrishnounbomber (person)masculine
PeoplebuamadóirIrishnounbomber (aircraft)masculine
PeoplebuncherEnglishnounA person who bunches.
PeoplebuncherEnglishnounSomething that bunches or causes to bunch. / A machine that twists strands together during the manufacture of metal wire; a manufacturing
PeoplebuncherEnglishnounSomething that bunches or causes to bunch. / A circuit that causes electrons or other charged particles in a particle beam to group electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
PeoplebuncherEnglishnounAn illegitimate supplier of laboratory animals who obtains the animals by kidnapping pets or illegally trapping strays.
PeoplebuncherEnglishnounA ground-based radio transmitter, configured within a system to guide aircraft to their allocated airfields.government military politics war
Peoplebạn gáiVietnamesenouna girlfriend (female partner in a romantic relationship)
Peoplebạn gáiVietnamesepronyou, our young female readerscollective
PeoplecagotFrenchnounCagothistorical masculine obsolete
PeoplecagotFrenchnounsanctimonious person, hypocrite, egotistdated masculine
PeoplecaobachIrishnounlumpish person or thing; loutfeminine
PeoplecaobachIrishnounblack-backed gull / great black-backed gull (Larus marinus)feminine
PeoplecaobachIrishnounblack-backed gull / lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus)feminine
PeoplechaundelerMiddle EnglishnounA candelabrum; a candleholder.
PeoplechaundelerMiddle EnglishnounA chandler; a candlemaker.
PeoplechochoSpanishnounlupin beans, lupin fruitmasculine
PeoplechochoSpanishnouncinnamon sweetmasculine
PeoplechochoSpanishnouncuntmasculine slang vulgar
PeoplechochoSpanishadjsenile, dodderycolloquial
PeoplechochoSpanishadjsentimental, soft
PeoplechochoSpanishadjNicaraguanCentral-America colloquial
PeoplechochoSpanishnoundrug addictcolloquial masculine
PeoplechochoSpanishnounNicaraguanCentral-America colloquial masculine
PeoplechochoSpanishnounpillMexico colloquial masculine
PeopledroidEnglishnounA robot, especially one made with some physical resemblance to a human (an android).
PeopledroidEnglishnounA person having the qualities of an android; one with few or no emotions or little personality, or who acts in an unthinking manner; a robot.US derogatory
PeopleflabbSwedishnouna mouthcommon-gender
PeopleflabbSwedishnounloud uncontrolled laughtercommon-gender
PeopleflabbSwedishnouna person who speaks a lotcommon-gender
PeopleflabbSwedishnouna facecommon-gender
PeopleflabbSwedishnouna part of somethingcommon-gender
PeopleflabbSwedishnounthe flap on a capcommon-gender
Peoplefootball playerEnglishnounOne who plays gridiron football.Canada US
Peoplefootball playerEnglishnounOne who plays association football, aka soccer.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsUK
Peoplefootball playerEnglishnounOne who plays American football.American-football ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsUS
Peoplefootball playerEnglishnounOne who plays Canadian football.ball-games football games hobbies lifestyle sportsCanada Canadian
Peoplefootball playerEnglishnounA large intimidating male.
PeoplegowlEnglishverbTo weep angrily; to howl.Scotland obsolete
PeoplegowlEnglishnounVulva.Ireland slang
PeoplegowlEnglishnounAn annoying person; an idiot; a dishonest person.Ireland slang
PeoplehuffcapEnglishnounStrong ale.countable obsolete uncountable
PeoplehuffcapEnglishnounA bully or blusterer.countable obsolete uncountable
PeopleikhehlaZulunounman with a headring
PeopleikhehlaZulunounman going grey (from old age)
PeopleintermediárioPortuguesenounintermediary, go-between, broker, middlemanmasculine
PeoplejangiliSwahilinouna poacher (a person who trespasses in order to take game illegally)class-5 class-6
PeoplejangiliSwahilinouna gangster or hardened criminalclass-5 class-6
PeoplejuchaPolishnounblood of an animalfeminine
PeoplejuchaPolishnounhuman bloodderogatory feminine
PeoplejuchaPolishnounsaucefeminine obsolete
PeoplejuchaPolishnounczerninafeminine obsolete
PeoplejuchaPolishnounscoundrelanimate colloquial feminine inanimate masculine person
PeoplelașRomaniannouncoward, poltroon, dastardmasculine
PeoplelașRomanianadjcowardlymasculine neuter
PeopleliterdaMiddle Irishadjliterary
PeopleliterdaMiddle Irishadjliteral
PeopleliterdaMiddle Irishnounliterary manmasculine
PeoplemingherlinoItalianadjthin, skinny
PeoplemingherlinoItaliannounshrimp (small person)informal masculine
PeoplenahuatlatoEnglishnounAn interpreter in an indigenous language, not necessarily Nahuatl.
PeoplenahuatlatoEnglishnounA scholar of Nahuatl.
PeopleodiYorubanounopposite or converse of something; negative
PeopleodiYorubanounwrong side, deviance, aberration
PeopleodiYorubanoungrudge, malice, feud
PeopleodiYorubanounclass of royal messengershistorical
PeopleodiYorubanounanger, range
PeopleodiYorubanounwall, fortress; (especially) walls around a city or town
PeopleodiYorubanoundeaf and or mute person
PeopleodiYorubanounheavy bunch of fruit
PeopleonucaPolishnounfootwrap (strip of cloth worn around the feet)feminine
PeopleonucaPolishnounpro-Russian propagandist (person spreading propaganda for Russia)derogatory feminine neologism
PeopleopticianEnglishnounA person who makes, dispenses or sells lenses, spectacles.
PeopleopticianEnglishnounA person trained and skilled in examining and testing the eyes for defects, in order to prescribe corrective lenses or treatment; an optometrist.UK
PeopleshirkEnglishverbTo avoid, especially a duty, responsibility, etc.; to stay away from.transitive
PeopleshirkEnglishverbTo evade an obligation; to avoid the performance of duty, as by running away.intransitive
PeopleshirkEnglishverbTo procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation.transitive
PeopleshirkEnglishnounOne who shirks, who avoids a duty or responsibility.
PeopleshirkEnglishnounThe unforgivable sin of association [of something with God].Islam lifestyle religionuncountable
PeoplespairtIrishnounturf that has been left exposed to the rain for a yearfeminine
PeoplespairtIrishnounwet, heavy clodfeminine
PeoplespairtIrishnounblood clotfeminine
PeoplespairtIrishnouninert, lazy personfeminine
PeoplesporcaccioneItalianadjfilthy, disgusting
PeoplesporcaccioneItaliannounfilthy or disgusting personmasculine
PeoplesporcaccioneItaliannounplural of sporcaccionafeminine form-of plural
PeopletarambanaSpanishadjcrackpot, wackyfeminine masculine
PeopletarambanaSpanishnouncrackpot, nutjobcolloquial feminine
PeopletinkerEnglishnounAn itinerant tinsmith and mender of household utensils made of metal.
PeopletinkerEnglishnounA member of the Irish Traveller community or of other itinerant groups; a gypsy.dated offensive
PeopletinkerEnglishnounA mischievous person, especially a playful, impish youngster.usually
PeopletinkerEnglishnounSomeone who repairs, or attempts repair, on anything mechanical, or who invents such devices; one who tinkers; a tinkerer.
PeopletinkerEnglishnounAn act of repair or invention.informal
PeopletinkerEnglishnounA hand mortar.government military politics warobsolete
PeopletinkerEnglishnounAny of various fish: chub mackerel, silverside, skate, or young mackerel about two years old.
PeopletinkerEnglishnounA bird, the razor-billed auk.
PeopletinkerEnglishverbTo work as a tinker.intransitive
PeopletinkerEnglishverbTo fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner.intransitive transitive
PeoplevevőHungarianverbpresent participle of veszform-of participle present
PeoplevevőHungariannouncustomer, buyer
PeoplevevőHungariannounreceiver (device; the opposite of transmitter)
PeoplevevőHungariannounsomeone open to doing, accepting, or believing something, interested in, or ready to buy (into) something
PeoplewardenEnglishnounA guard or watchman.archaic literary
PeoplewardenEnglishnounA chief administrative officer of a prison.
PeoplewardenEnglishnounAn official charged with supervisory duties or with the enforcement of specific laws or regulations; such as a game warden or air-raid warden.
PeoplewardenEnglishnounA governing official in various institutions
PeoplewardenEnglishverbTo carry out the duties of a warden.
PeoplewardenEnglishnounA variety of pear.
PeoplexoraxajRomaninounforeignerdialectal masculine
PeopleřqeḥbaTarifitnounprostitute, whore, harlotmasculine vulgar
PeopleřqeḥbaTarifitnounadultressmasculine vulgar
PeopleизвергRussiannounmonster, cruel person, fiend
PeopleизвергRussianverbshort masculine singular past indicative perfective of изве́ргнуть (izvérgnutʹ)form-of indicative masculine past perfective short-form singular
PeopleمجتهدPashtonounmujtahid, (legal scholar of islamic law)
PeopleمجتهدPashtoadjzealous, fervent
People亞聖Chineseadjsecond in morality, ability and wisdom to a sage
People亞聖Chinesenounsomeone who is second in morality, ability and wisdom to a sage
People亞聖Chinesenounsomeone who is second in skill to a previous expert
People亞聖Chinesename“Second Sage”; Menciushonorific
People受益人Chinesenounbeneficiary (one who benefits or receives an advantage)
People受益人Chinesenounbeneficiary (one who benefits from the distribution, especially out of a trust or estate)law
People受益人Chinesenounbeneficiary (one who benefits from the payout of an insurance policy)business insurance
Peppersred pepperEnglishnounA red-colored, ripe, bell or sweet pepper. Unripe peppers of this variety are green and edible but not as sweet.
Peppersred pepperEnglishnounSpicy pepper.US
Peppers고초Koreannounhardship, suffering, misery
Peppers고초Koreannounchili pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Peppers고초Koreannounrice stalks from which grains have been removed
Peppers고초Koreannoundry or withered grass
Peppers고초Koreannounancient times; the beginning of the creation of heaven and earthhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Peppers고초KoreannounSynonym of 후추 (huchu, “hot pepper”).Hamgyong dialectal
Peppers고초KoreannounSynonym of 고치 (gochi, “cocoon”).Jeolla dialectal
Peppers고초Koreannounbitter herbs or vegetables
Perch and darterswalleyeEnglishnounOne or a pair of sideways-looking misaligned eyes.
Perch and darterswalleyeEnglishnounAn unusually pale eye.
Perch and darterswalleyeEnglishnounA species of gamefish, Sander vitreus, native to the Northern U.S. and Canada with pale, reflective eyes.
Percoid fishkitobCebuanonounblue sea chub (Kyphosus cinerascens)
Percoid fishkitobCebuanonounbrassy chub (Kyphosus vaigiensis)
Percoid fishkitobCebuanonounbrown chub (Kyphosus bigibbus)
Percussion instrumentsgongPolishnoungong (percussion instrument consisting of a metal disk that emits a sonorous sound when struck with a soft hammer)inanimate masculine
Percussion instrumentsgongPolishnounsound made by the gonginanimate masculine
Percussion instrumentsgongPolishnounfist blowanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
PersonalityabrutiFrenchadjwhose physical or mental capacities have been impaired by tiredness or another factor; dazed
PersonalityabrutiFrenchadjmoronic, idioticEurope informal
PersonalityabrutiFrenchnounmoron, idiot, foolEurope informal masculine
PersonalityabrutiFrenchverbpast participle of abrutirform-of participle past
PersonalitycordialFrenchadjstimulating the heart; tonicarchaic
PersonalitycordialFrenchadjcoming from the heart; sincere
PersonalitycordialFrenchnounstimulantmedicine sciencesmasculine obsolete
PersonalityflightyEnglishadjGiven to unplanned and silly ideas or actions.
PersonalityflightyEnglishadjThat flies easily or often.
PersonalityrecalcitrantEnglishadjMarked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority.
PersonalityrecalcitrantEnglishadjUnwilling to cooperate socially.
PersonalityrecalcitrantEnglishadjDifficult to deal with or to operate.
PersonalityrecalcitrantEnglishadjNot viable for an extended period; damaged by drying or freezing.biology botany natural-sciences
PersonalityrecalcitrantEnglishnounA person who is recalcitrant.
PersonalitystubbornEnglishadjRefusing to move or to change one's opinion; obstinate; firmly resisting; persistent in doing something.
PersonalitystubbornEnglishadjOf materials: physically stiff and inflexible; not easily melted or worked.
PersonalitystubbornEnglishnounStubbornness.informal uncountable
PersonalitystubbornEnglishnounShort for stubborn disease (“a disease of citrus trees”).abbreviation alt-of uncountable
PersonalityurbainFrenchadjurbane, courteous, refined
PersonificationsFour Horsemen of the ApocalypseEnglishnameFour beings in Revelation 6:1–8 that bring about the Apocalypse, each embodied as a horseman riding a different-colored horse that represents a different aspect of the Apocalypse.biblical lifestyle religion
PersonificationsFour Horsemen of the ApocalypseEnglishnameHarbingers of doom; several signs which combine to imply the imminence of literal or figurative destruction.idiomatic
PhilatelypostmarkEnglishnounA marking made by a postal service on a delivery, usually indicating the place where and the date and time when the item was received or processed for the first time, mostly serving to cancel a postage stamp.
PhilatelypostmarkEnglishverbTo apply a postmark on.
PhilosophersLeibnizEnglishnameA surname from German — famously held by: / A surname from German — famously held by
PhilosophersLeibnizEnglishnameA surname from German — famously held by: / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), German mathematician, philosopher, and polymath
PhilosophyfilosofiaItaliannounsmall pica: 11-point typemedia printing publishingdated feminine
PhilosophypilkoTocharian Bnounlook, glance, viewmasculine
PhilosophypilkoTocharian Bnouninsight, thoughtmasculine
Philosophy昇華Japanesenounascension in level
Philosophy昇華Japaneseverbto sublimate
Philosophy昇華Japaneseverbto ascend in level
Physicsatomic massEnglishnounThe mass of an atom.countable uncountable
Physicsatomic massEnglishnounatomic weight; the average mass of atoms of an element.countable proscribed uncountable
PhysicsmaterWelshnounmatter, affairmasculine
PinesصنوبرHijazi Arabicnounpine, pine treecollective
PinesصنوبرHijazi Arabicnounpine nutcollective
Planets of the Solar SystemSaturnusLatinnameSaturn (god of fertility and agriculture)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman declension-2
Planets of the Solar SystemSaturnusLatinnameSaturn (planet)astronomy natural-sciencesdeclension-2
Planets of the Solar SystemSaturnusLatinnamelead (the metal)alchemy chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences pseudosciencedeclension-2
PlantsculantrilloSpanishnounany of a number of plants / Adiantum amplum, of Mexico and Ecuadormasculine
PlantsculantrilloSpanishnounany of a number of plants / Adiantum capillus-veneris (black maidenhair fern)masculine
PlantsculantrilloSpanishnounany of a number of plants / Asplenium ceterach (rustyback)masculine
PlantsculantrilloSpanishnounany of a number of plants / Lemna gibba (fat duckweed)masculine
PlantsculantrilloSpanishnounany of a number of plants / Torilis japonica (upright hedge-parsley)masculine
PlantskotekMalaynounPink Shower Cassia, Cassia grandis
PlantstrandafirRomaniannounrose (flower)masculine
PlantsмӯррKildin Saminountree
PlantsмӯррKildin Saminounwood
Poeae tribe grassesowsicaPolishnounpinworm infection, enterobiasisfeminine
Poeae tribe grassesowsicaPolishnounalpine oatgrass (Helictotrichon)feminine
PoetryبيتArabicnounhouse, building
PoetryبيتArabicnountent (dwelling)
PoetryبيتArabicnounroom, apartment, flat
PoetryبيتArabicnouncommercial house
PoetryبيتArabicnounsettlement, decision, scheme
PoetryبيتArabicnoungarden bed
PoetryبيتArabicnounfamily, dynasty
PoetryبيتArabicnounbox, case, covering, sheath
PoetryبيتArabicverbto brood
PoetryبيتArabicverbto contrive, to hatch (a plan, plot)
PoetryبيتArabicverbto put (someone) up for the night
PoetryبيتArabicverbto flunk, to fail (in school)
PoetryبيتArabicverbthird-person masculine singular past passive of بَاتَ (bāta)form-i form-of masculine passive past singular third-person
PolandzłotówaPolishnounAugmentative of złotówkaaugmentative feminine form-of
PolandzłotówaPolishnountaxi driverderogatory feminine slang
Political subdivisionsPondicherryEnglishnameFormer name of Puducherry, a union territory in southern India.
Political subdivisionsPondicherryEnglishnameFormer name of Puducherry, the capital of the union territory of Puducherry.
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounprovision, supply
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounsupport, sustenance, nourishment, food
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounsupplies, revenuesin-plural
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnountribute
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounprovidence, dispensationlifestyle religion
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounaffair, action
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounaid, help, care
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounsafeguard, guardianship
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnounadministration, management, control
Political subdivisionsܦܘܪܢܣܐClassical Syriacnoundiocese, province
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounarea; region; district; locality; territory.archaic
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounprovince: highest administrative division of Thailand, governed by ผู้ว่าราชการ (pûu-wâa-râat-chá-gaan), divided into อำเภอ (am-pəə, “districts”), กิ่งอำเภอ (“minor districts”), and ตำบล (dtam-bon, “subdistrict”), respectively.Thailand
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounprovince: a type of area subject to the territorial jurisdiction of a ศาลจังหวัด (“provincial court”).Thailand
Political subdivisionsจังหวัดThainounsimilar administrative division, as department in France, prefecture in Japan, voivodeship in Poland, etc.
PoliticsapoliticoItaliannounan apolitical personmasculine
Politics元老Chinesenounveteran official; bureaucrat with experience and characterarchaic
Politics元老Chinesenounchief figure; veteran member
Politics参政Japanesenounparticipation in politics
Politics参政Japaneseverbto participate in politics
Pome fruits木瓜JapanesenounChaenomeles speciosa
Pome fruits木瓜Japanesenounfruit of Chaenomeles speciosa or Pseudocydonia sinensis
Pome fruits木瓜Japanesenounpapaya
Pome fruits木瓜JapanesenounAlternative form of 胡瓜alt-of alternative
Pome fruits木瓜JapanesenounSynonym of バイカアマチャ
Pome fruits木瓜JapanesenounShort for 木瓜紋.abbreviation alt-of
PornographygirlieEnglishnounA magazine targeting an adult male audience and containing nude or seminude photographs of women.slang
PornographygirlieEnglishnounA young girl.colloquial
PornographygirlieEnglishnounA woman or person with feminine traitsInternet endearing
PornographygirlieEnglishadjOf entertainment, involving attractive women or images thereof, usually nude or wearing skimpy clothing.slang
PornographygirlieEnglishadjCharacteristic of a stereotypical girl, very effeminate, sweet; unmasculine.slang
Pornography鈣片Chinesenouncalcium tablet (supplement) (Classifier: 顆/颗 m; 粒 m c; 塊/块 c)
Pornography鈣片Chinesenoungay porn video (Classifier: 部 m)slang
Portuguese cardinal numbersoitocentosPortugueseadjeight hundred; 800masculine
Portuguese cardinal numbersoitocentosPortuguesenouneight hundred (the value of 800, or something with the value of 800)invariable masculine
PoultrypollastreCatalannounmale chicken, specially when youngmasculine
PoultrypollastreCatalannounchicken meatmasculine
PregnancyзаплідненняUkrainiannounverbal noun of заплідни́ти pf (zaplidnýty) and заплідни́тися pf (zaplidnýtysja) / fecundation, fertilization
PregnancyзаплідненняUkrainiannounverbal noun of заплідни́ти pf (zaplidnýty) and заплідни́тися pf (zaplidnýtysja) / impregnation
PrisonreformatoryEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or conducive to reform; reformative.
PrisonreformatoryEnglishnounA prison, especially one for juveniles; a reform school.
Prison牢房Chinesenounprison cell; jail cell
Prison牢房Chinesenounprison; jailbroadly
ProcyonidsmedvídekCzechnoundiminutive of medvěd (“bear”)animate diminutive form-of masculine
ProcyonidsmedvídekCzechnounteddy bear (a stuffed toy bear)animate masculine
ProcyonidsmedvídekCzechnounanimal of the family Procyonidae (for example medvídek mýval)animate masculine
ProcyonidsmedvídekCzechnounmedvídek makiový, synonym of poto bezocasý (“Calabar angwantibo”)animate masculine
ProsimiansvarikaMalagasynounbrown lemur (Eulemur spp.)
ProsimiansvarikaMalagasynounany lemurbroadly
ProstitutionlupaLatinnounshe-wolfdeclension-1 feminine
ProstitutionlupaLatinnounprostitutedeclension-1 feminine slang
ProstitutionquiffEnglishnounA puff or whiff, especially of tobacco smoke.British dialectal
ProstitutionquiffEnglishnounA trick or ploy; a stratagem.regional slang
ProstitutionquiffEnglishnounA hairstyle whereby the forelock is brushed and/or gelled upward, often associated with the styles of the 1950s.UK
ProstitutionquiffEnglishverbTo arrange (the hair) in such a manner.UK
ProstitutionquiffEnglishnounA young girl, especially as promiscuous; a prostitute.slang
ProstitutionquiffEnglishnounThe vulva or vagina.slang
Provinces of the Roman EmpirePontusEnglishnameA sea god, particularly of the Black Sea.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Provinces of the Roman EmpirePontusEnglishnameAn ancient kingdom in northern Anatolia, on the south coast of the Black Sea.historical
Provinces of the Roman EmpirePontusEnglishnameA province of the Roman Empire covering the area of the ancient kingdom.historical
Provinces of the Roman EmpirePontusEnglishnameA region of Turkey covering the area of the ancient kingdom.historical
Prunus genus plantsJapanese plumEnglishnounA fruit tree, Prunus mume.
Prunus genus plantsJapanese plumEnglishnounA fruit tree, Prunus salicina.
Public safetyrakennusmääräysFinnishnounAn individual regulation included in a building code.
Public safetyrakennusmääräysFinnishnounbuilding codein-plural
RacismraciologyEnglishnounThe scientific study of human race.countable dated uncountable
RacismraciologyEnglishnounThe racial makeup of a person or place.countable dated uncountable
RadiationgaIrishnounspear (long stick with a sharp tip), dartmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnoundart, stingmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnounray (beam of light or radiation)masculine
RadiationgaIrishnounradius (line segment between any point on the circumference of a circle and its center; length of this segment)geometry mathematics sciencesmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnounsuppositorymedicine sciencesmasculine
RadiationgaIrishnoungafffishing hobbies lifestylemasculine
Rail transportationdescarrilarPortugueseverbto derail (to come off the tracks)intransitive
Rail transportationdescarrilarPortugueseverbto derail (to cause a train to come off the tracks)transitive
Rail transportationtrainspotterEnglishnounA person whose hobby is train spotting.
Rail transportationtrainspotterEnglishnounAn obsessive follower of any minority interest or hobby.broadly
RecreationgardynMiddle Englishnoungarden (park focused around plants)
RecreationgardynMiddle EnglishnounOne's inner soul.figuratively
RecreationgardynMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of gardeinalt-of alternative
Recreational drugsElefantenlausGermannounthe elephant louse, Haematomyzus elephantis, being a parasite of elephantsfeminine
Recreational drugsElefantenlausGermannouncertain Anacardiaceae species: / ostindische Elefantenlaus, Semecarpus anacardium, marking-nutfeminine
Recreational drugsElefantenlausGermannouncertain Anacardiaceae species: / westindische Elefantenlaus, Anacardium occidentale, cashew-nutfeminine
Recreational drugsjaraćPolishverbto smoke tobacco or cannabiscolloquial imperfective transitive
Recreational drugsjaraćPolishverbto excitecolloquial imperfective transitive
Recreational drugsjaraćPolishverbto be stoked, to be excitedimperfective reflexive slang
Recreational drugsjaraćPolishverbto burn, to be on fireimperfective reflexive slang
RedsчервонийUkrainianadjcolor rednoun-from-verb
RedsчервонийUkrainianadjred, communist, revolutionarygovernment politicshistorical
RedsчервонийUkrainianadjchervonetsarchaic noun-from-verb
Reference worksatlanteItaliannounatlas (bound collection of maps or tables)masculine
Reference worksatlanteItaliannounatlas (uppermost vertebra of the neck)anatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
Reference worksatlanteItaliannountelamon, atlas (male figure used as a pillar)architecturemasculine
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjOf or relating to agnosticism or its adherents.
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjDoubtful or uncertain about the existence or demonstrability of God or other deity.
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjHaving no firmly held opinions on something.informal usually
ReligionagnosticEnglishadjUnaware or noncommittal regarding the specific nature of the components or input with which it interacts.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
ReligionagnosticEnglishnounA person who holds to a form of agnosticism, especially uncertainty of the existence of a deity.
ReligionbabistaPortuguesenounBabist (follower of Babism)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
ReligionbabistaPortugueseadjBabist (following or relating to Babism)feminine masculine
ReligionfrihetsgudinnaSwedishnoungoddess of libertycommon-gender
ReligionfrihetsgudinnaSwedishnounLibertashuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesRoman common-gender
ReligionfrihetsgudinnaSwedishnounStatue of Libertycapitalized common-gender
ReligionimaniSwahilinounfaith, beliefclass-10 class-9 no-plural
ReligionimaniSwahilinounconviction (belief)class-10 class-9 no-plural
ReligionrestuMalaynouna blessing from God
ReligionteístaPortugueseadjtheisticfeminine masculine
ReligionteístaPortuguesenountheistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounWeakness; lack of might, force, or muscular power.uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounFaithlessness; lack of belief or virtuousness.uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounImpoverishment; a lack of wealth or societal power.rare uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounStupidity, speciousness; weak reasoning.rare uncountable
ReligionweykenesseMiddle EnglishnounCowardice; lack of bravery or valour.rare uncountable
ReligionаластауKazakhverbto fumigate
ReligionаластауKazakhverbto banish, expel, purge
ReligionаластауKazakhnouneliminationaccounting business finance
ReligionحمدUrdunounpraise (of God)
ReligionحمدUrdunouneulogy, commendationrare
ReligionܐܘܪܚܐClassical Syriacnounroad, way, path, journey, course
ReligionܐܘܪܚܐClassical Syriacnounway, manner, custom
ReligionܐܘܪܚܐClassical Syriacnounprecept, law, legal right
ReligionܐܘܪܚܐClassical Syriacnounreligion
ReligionܐܘܪܚܐClassical Syriacnouncaravan
ReligionܐܘܪܚܐClassical Syriacnounsexual intercourse
ReligionܐܘܪܚܐClassical Syriacnounsum, weight
ReptilesmorkoiPapiamentunounland turtle
ReptilesmorkoiPapiamentunounred-footed tortoise of the species Chelonoidis carbonarius
ReptilesmorkoiPapiamentunounyellow-footed tortoise of the species Chelonoidis denticulatus
Reptilesthằn lằnVietnamesenouna lizard
Reptilesthằn lằnVietnamesenouncommon house geckoSouthern Vietnam
Reptilesthằn lằnVietnamesenouncertain kinds of prehistoric reptilebroadly
Republics of RussiaCareliaLatinnameKarelia (historical Nordic Baltic-Finnic ethnocultural region, now divided along the frontiers of eastern Finland and northwestern Russia)Medieval-Latin New-Latin declension-1
Republics of RussiaCareliaLatinnameKarelia (a region and autonomous republic of Russia)Medieval-Latin New-Latin declension-1
RhetorictautologyEnglishnounRedundant use of words, a pleonasm, an unnecessary and tedious repetition.uncountable
RhetorictautologyEnglishnounAn expression that features tautology.countable
RhetorictautologyEnglishnounA statement that is true for all truth values of its propositional variables.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencescountable
RhetorictautologyEnglishnounA statement that is true for all truth values of its Boolean atoms.human-sciences logic mathematics philosophy sciencescountable
Rivers in China黑水Chinesenamethe ancient names of various rivershistorical
Rivers in China黑水Chinesenamethe Amur River; Heilong Jianghistorical
Rivers in China黑水ChinesenameHeishui Mohe, a tribe of Mohe people along the Amur River
Rivers in China黑水ChinesenameHeshui (a town in Jianping, Chaoyang, Liaoning, China)
Rivers in China黑水ChinesenameHeshui (a town in Taonan, Baicheng, Jilin, China)
Rivers in China黑水ChinesenameHeshui (a town in Youyang, Chongqing, China)
Rivers in China黑水ChinesenameHeshui (a county of Ngawa prefecture, Sichuan, China)
Road transporthora puntaCatalannounrush hourfeminine
Road transporthora puntaCatalannounpeak period (time of daily maximum energy usage)business energy natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsfeminine
Road transporthora puntaCatalannounprime timebroadcasting media televisionfeminine
RoadsautorouteEnglishnounAn expressway, freeway, motorway or highway.Quebec
RoadsautorouteEnglishnounAn expressway in any Francophone country.
RoadsobjazdPolishnoundetour, diversioninanimate masculine
RoadsobjazdPolishnountourinanimate masculine
RoadspavingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of paveform-of gerund participle present
RoadspavingEnglishnounThe hard durable surface placed directly atop the ground, as on a street or sidewalk.countable uncountable
RoadspavingEnglishnounInterior pavement, as in a cathedral.countable uncountable
RoadspavingEnglishadjPertaining to the material used for pavement, or to the surface itself.not-comparable
RoadsprzejściePolishnounverbal noun of przejśćform-of neuter noun-from-verb uncountable
RoadsprzejściePolishnouncrossingcountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnounpassage, alleycountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnounaislecountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnouninterludecountable neuter
RoadsprzejściePolishnounordealcountable neuter
RoadsruttedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of rutform-of participle past
RoadsruttedEnglishadjMarked or grooved with ruts.
RoadszavojSerbo-Croatiannounbend, turn (of a road)
Romance fictionRomancelandiaEnglishnameThe sphere or community of romance writers, readers, and novels.uncountable
Romance fictionRomancelandiaEnglishnameThe idealized fictional setting of romance novels.uncountable
RoofingroofEnglishnounThe external covering at the top of a building.architecture
RoofingroofEnglishnounThe top external level of a building.
RoofingroofEnglishnounThe upper part of a cavity.
RoofingroofEnglishnounThe surface or bed of rock immediately overlying a bed of coal or a flat mining
RoofingroofEnglishnounAn overhanging rock wall.climbing hobbies lifestyle sports
RoofingroofEnglishverbTo cover or furnish with a roof.transitive
RoofingroofEnglishverbTo traverse buildings by walking or climbing across their roofs.
RoofingroofEnglishverbTo put into prison, to bird.slang transitive
RoofingroofEnglishverbTo shelter as if under a roof.transitive
RoomspiezaSpanishnounpiece, partfeminine
RoomspiezaSpanishnounordinarygovernment heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsfeminine
RoomspiezaSpanishnounroomArgentina Chile Paraguay feminine
RoomstamnicaSerbo-Croatiannounprison, jail
RoomsⲥⲓⲱⲟⲩⲛⲓCopticnounbath, bathroomBohairic
Rosales order plantsஆயாTamilnoungrandmotherimpolite
Rosales order plantsஆயாTamilnounmaidservant, ayah
Rosales order plantsஆயாTamilnounnanny, nursemaid
Rosales order plantsஆயாTamilnounHoloptelea integrifolia
Rose family plantspimpernelEnglishnounA plant of the genus Pimpinella, especially burnet saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga).archaic
Rose family plantspimpernelEnglishnounAny of various plants of the genus Anagallis, having small red, white or purple flowers, especially the scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis).
Rose family plantspimpernelEnglishnounSanguisorba spp. / Great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis)
Rose family plantspimpernelEnglishnounSanguisorba spp. / Salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor).
Rose family plantspimpernelEnglishnounA yellow pimpernel (Taenidia integerrima)Canada US
Rose family plantspimpernelEnglishnounSomeone resembling the fictional Scarlet Pimpernel; a gallant dashing resourceful man given to remarkable feats of bravery and derring-do in liberating victims of tyranny and injustice.figuratively
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounA building for recreational use such as a hunting lodge or a summer cabin.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounShort for porter's lodge: a building or room near the entrance of an estate or building, especially (UK, Canada) as a college mailroom.abbreviation alt-of
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounA local chapter of some fraternities, such as freemasons.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounA local chapter of a trade union.US
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounA rural hotel or resort, an inn.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounA beaver's shelter constructed on a pond or lake.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounA den or cave.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounThe chamber of an abbot, prior, or head of a college.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounThe space at the mouth of a level next to the shaft, widened to permit wagons to pass, or ore to be deposited for hoisting; called also mining
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounA collection of objects lodged together.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounAn indigenous American home, such as tipi or wigwam. By extension, the people who live in one such home; a household.
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishnounAn indigenous American home, such as tipi or wigwam. By extension, the people who live in one such home; a household. / A family of Native Americans, or the persons who usually occupy an Indian lodge; as a unit of enumeration, reckoned from four to six persons.historical
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo be firmly fixed in a specified position.intransitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo firmly fix in a specified position.transitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo stay in a boarding-house, paying rent to the resident landlord or landlady.intransitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo stay in any place or shelter.intransitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo drive (an animal) to covert.transitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo supply with a room or place to sleep in for a time.transitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo put money, jewellery, or other valuables for safety.transitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo place (a statement, etc.) with the proper authorities (such as courts, etc.).transitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo become flattened, as grass or grain, when overgrown or beaten down by the wind.intransitive
Royal residenceslodgeEnglishverbTo cause to flatten, as grass or grain.transitive
Runic letter namesthornEnglishnounA sharp protective spine of a plant.biology botany natural-sciences
Runic letter namesthornEnglishnounAny shrub or small tree that bears thorns, especially a hawthorn.
Runic letter namesthornEnglishnounThat which pricks or annoys; anything troublesome.figuratively
Runic letter namesthornEnglishnounA letter of Latin script (capital: Þ, small: þ), borrowed from the futhark; today used only in Icelandic to represent the voiceless dental fricative, but originally used in several early Germanic scripts, including Old English where it represented the dental fricatives that are today written th (Old English did not have phonemic voicing distinctions for fricatives).
Runic letter namesthornEnglishverbTo pierce with, or as if with, a thorn (sharp pointed object).
RussiabatiuszkaPolishnounEastern Orthodox priest (a Russian priest of an Eastern Orthodoxy church)colloquial masculine person
RussiabatiuszkaPolishnounRussian tsarcolloquial masculine person
RussiagramotaPolishnoungramota (document from former Ruthenia or Lithuania)feminine historical
RussiagramotaPolishnoungramota (diplomatic correspondence or a decree issued and promulgated by authorities)feminine historical
SadnessgriefEnglishnounSuffering, hardship.countable uncountable
SadnessgriefEnglishnounEmotional pain, generally arising from misfortune, significant personal loss, bereavement, misconduct of oneself or others, etc.; sorrow; sadness.countable uncountable
SadnessgriefEnglishnounCause or instance of sorrow or pain; that which afflicts or distresses; trial.countable
SadnessgriefEnglishverbTo deliberately harass and annoy or cause grief to other players of a game in order to interfere with their enjoyment of it; especially, to do this as one’s primary activity in the game, and especially by exploiting game mechanics without using cheats to do gamingInternet
SaladsmacedoniaItaliannounfruit salad (often tinned)cooking food lifestylefeminine
SaladsmacedoniaItaliannouna mixture of heterogeneous elements; a mishmash, medleyfeminine figuratively
SandwichesbiquiniCatalannouna hot ham and cheese sandwichmasculine
Santalales order plantskĩehaKikuyunoungrief, sorrow, sadness, anxietyclass-7
Santalales order plantskĩehaKikuyunounEnglerina woodfordioides (syn. Loranthus woodfordioides); parasitic plant found on trees, like mistletoeclass-7
Sapote family plantstalipupoCebuanonounbansalaguin tree (Mimusops parvifolia, now Mimusops elengi or Manilkara spp.)
Sapote family plantstalipupoCebuanonounfruit of this tree
Sapote family plantstalipupoCebuanonounwood from this tree
SaucesتراتورOttoman Turkishnountarator (a sauce of pounded nuts and oil, eaten with bread)
SaucesتراتورOttoman Turkishnountarator (a kind of salad of chopped cucumber and curds, etc.)
Sausages粉腸Chinesenounduodenum, usually of pigsChina Southern dialectal
Sausages粉腸Chinesenouna kielbasa-like type of sausageChina Northern dialectal
Sausages粉腸ChinesenounEuphemistic form of 撚樣/撚样. (Classifier: 條/条 c)Cantonese euphemistic form-of vulgar
ScentspsinaPolishnoundogendearing feminine
ScentspsinaPolishnoundog meatfeminine rare uncountable
ScentspsinaPolishnoundog smell, smell of a dogfeminine obsolete
ScentspsinaPolishnounbrazenness, impudence, insolencefeminine obsolete
ScientistsfísicoPortugueseadjphysical (having to do with the body)
ScientistsfísicoPortugueseadjphysical (existing as an actual object or objects)
ScientistsfísicoPortugueseadjphysical (having to do with physics)
ScientistsfísicoPortuguesenounphysicist (scientist who studies of physics)masculine
ScientistsfísicoPortuguesenounbuild; physiquemasculine
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounAny of various limicoline game birds of the genera Gallinago, Lymnocryptes and Coenocorypha in the family Scolopacidae, having a long, slender, nearly straight beak.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA fool; a blockhead.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA shot fired from a concealed place.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA member of the engineering department on a ship.government military naval navy politics warslang
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA goal.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsslang
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo hunt snipe.intransitive
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo shoot at individuals from a concealed place.intransitive
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo shoot with a sniper rifle.broadly intransitive
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo watch a timed online auction and place a winning bid against (the current high bidder) at the last possible moment.transitive
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo nose (a log) to make it drag or slip easily in skidding.transitive
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo score a goal.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsslang
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo move the ball quickly in a different direction.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA cigarette butt.slang
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounAn end of a log remaining after timber has been cut away - sometimes referred to as a snipe-end.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounAn animated promotional logo during a television show.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA strip of copy announcing some late breaking news or item of interest, typically placed in a print advertisement in such a way that it stands out from the ad.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA bottle of wine measuring 0.1875 liters, one fourth the volume of a standard bottle; a quarter bottle or piccolo.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA sharp, clever answer; sarcasm.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishnounA note or sticker attached to an existing poster to provide further information (e.g. an event is sold out), political criticism, etc.
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo make malicious, underhand remarks or attacks.intransitive
ScolopacidssnipeEnglishverbTo attach a note or sticker to (an existing poster) to provide further information, political criticism, etc.transitive
ScombroidstonEnglishnounAny of various units of mass, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The short ton of 2000 pounds (about 907 kg), 20 hundredweights of 100 pounds avoirdupois each.
ScombroidstonEnglishnounAny of various units of mass, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The long ton of 2240 pounds (about 1016 kg), 20 hundredweights of 112 pounds avoirdupois each.
ScombroidstonEnglishnounAny of various units of mass, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The metric ton of 1000 kilograms, 10 quintals of 100 kilograms each.
ScombroidstonEnglishnounAny of various units of volume, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The measurement ton of (US) 40 or (UK) 42 cubic feet (about 1.1 or 1.2 m³).
ScombroidstonEnglishnounAny of various units of volume, originally notionally equal to the contents of a tun / The register ton of 100 cubic feet (about 2.83 m³).
ScombroidstonEnglishnounAny large, excessive, or overwhelming amount of anything.figuratively
ScombroidstonEnglishnounA unit of thermal power equal to 12,000 BTU/h (about 3.5 kW), approximating the idealized rate of cooling provided by uniform isothermal melting of 1 short ton of ice per day at 0°C.
ScombroidstonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / 100 pounds sterling.UK colloquial
ScombroidstonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / 100 points.ball-games darts games hobbies lifestyle snooker sportsUK colloquial usually
ScombroidstonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / 100 runs.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sportsUK colloquial
ScombroidstonEnglishnounSynonym of hundred, particularly / A speed of 100 mph.UK colloquial
ScombroidstonEnglishnounFashion, the current style, the vogue.uncountable
ScombroidstonEnglishnounFashionable society; those in style.uncountable
ScombroidstonEnglishnounSynonym of tunny, particularly the common tunny or horse mackerel.
ScombroidswachaPolishnounfuel, petrol, gasolinefeminine slang
ScombroidswachaPolishnounrainfeminine slang
ScombroidswachaPolishnounwaterfeminine obsolete slang
ScombroidswachaPolishnounsea or seawaternautical sailing transportfeminine
ScombroidswachaPolishnounwatch, guard dutyLviv archaic feminine
ScombroidswachaPolishnounwahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)feminine
ScombroidsκέστραAncient Greeknounsharp hammer
ScombroidsκέστραAncient Greeknounbarracuda
Scombroidsஓங்கில்Tamilnoundolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
SeasoningspebaMarshallesenouna card
SeasoningspebaMarshallesenouna pepper (Capsicum)
SeasoningspebaMarshallesenounpepper (Piperaceae)
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounA group of males masturbating ("jerking off") together (with or without interpersonal contact).slang vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounAny group or group activity indulging in excessive mutual praise.derogatory slang vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounAn environment (especially an online community) in which people express or validate a narrow set of ideas and feelings.Internet vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounA situation in which a group of people engage in self-indulgent or self-gratifying behavior, especially by reinforcing each other's views or attitudes.derogatory slang vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishnounA person who shares syringes when injecting drugs.vulgar
Sexcircle jerkEnglishverbto participate in a circle jerkslang vulgar
SexssaćPolishverbto suckle, to suck milk from a nursing motherimperfective transitive
SexssaćPolishverbto suck, to move liquid using reduced pressureimperfective transitive
SexssaćPolishverbto perform fellatioimperfective transitive vulgar
SexturluteFrenchnouna well-known refrain or folk songQuebec feminine
SexturluteFrenchnounfellatio, blowjobfeminine slang
SexturluteFrenchverbinflection of turluter: / first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctivefirst-person form-of indicative present singular subjunctive third-person
SexturluteFrenchverbinflection of turluter: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
SexהזדייןHebrewverbto fuck oneselfconstruction-hitpa'el intransitive reflexive vulgar
SexהזדייןHebrewverbto arm oneselfconstruction-hitpa'el intransitive reflexive
Sexเล่นลิ้นThaiverbto equivocate, to quibble; to beat around the bush.idiomatic
Sexเล่นลิ้นThaiverbto do or engage in a French kiss.slang
Sexเล่นลิ้นThaiverbto perform a sexual act using the tongue, as anilingus, fellatio, etc.slang
Sexไข่Thainounegg; roe; spawn: / roundish reproductive body.
Sexไข่Thainounegg; roe; spawn: / ovum.
Sexไข่Thainounovoid or round object: ball, bead, etc.
Sexไข่Thainounzero (of score).colloquial
Sexไข่Thaiverbto lay an egg or eggs.
Sexไข่Thaiverbto procreate or father through sexual intercourse.slang
ShapesclineEnglishnounA gradation in a character or phenotype within a species, deme, or other systematic group.biogeography biology geography natural-sciences
ShapesclineEnglishnounAny graduated continuum.
ShapesclineEnglishnounA generalized circle.geometry mathematics sciences
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounlabyrinth (maze-like structure built by Daedalus in Knossos, containing the Minotaur)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek inanimate masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounlabyrinth, maze (complicated irregular network of passages or paths, especially underground or covered, in which it is difficult to find one's way)inanimate masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounlabyrinth, maze (maze formed by paths separated by high hedges)agriculture business horticulture lifestyleinanimate masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounlabyrinth (complex and tangled layout of roads and crossings)inanimate masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounlabyrinth (anything complicated and confusing in structure, arrangement, or character)inanimate literary masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounmaze (kind of puzzle that involves finding among the drawn tangle of roads the right one leading to the goal)inanimate masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounmaze (geometric shape with a complex, intricate pattern)art arts geometry mathematics sciencesinanimate masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounlabyrinth (accessory respiratory organ of certain fish)biology ichthyology natural-sciences zoologyinanimate masculine
ShapeslabiryntPolishnounlabyrinth (part of inner ear)anatomy medicine sciencesinanimate masculine obsolete
ShapestrekantSwedishnountriangle (polygon)common-gender
SheepaguɖãIfènounewe, female sheep
Ship partsјарболSerbo-Croatiannounmast (of a ship)
Ship partsјарболSerbo-Croatiannounflagpole, flagstaff
SilenceschtéllLimburgishadjquiet, silent
SilenceschtéllLimburgishadvquietly, silently
SilenceschtéllLimburgishverbinflection of schtélle: ## first-person singular present indicative ## singular imperative / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SilenceschtéllLimburgishverbinflection of schtélle: ## first-person singular present indicative ## singular imperative / singular imperativeform-of imperative singular
SilverنقرةArabicnouninstance noun of نَقَرَ (naqara)
SilverنقرةArabicnouncavity, cleft, socket
SilverنقرةArabicnounconcentration of silver, high-quality silverarchaic
SilverنقرةArabicnounhollow of the backneck, condyloid fossa
SilverنقرةArabicnounquarrel, strife, hassle
Singingbelt outEnglishverbTo sing (a song) loudly; to emit (music) loudly.informal transitive
Singingbelt outEnglishverbTo hit or strike (something).slang transitive
SixsesmaSpanishnounsesma, half-foot (a traditional unit of length, equivalent to about 13.9 cm)feminine historical
SixsesmaSpanishnouna subdivision of the kingdom of Aragónfeminine historical
SixšesteryCzechnumsix, six groups of, six sets ofcollective
SixšesteryCzechnouninstrumental plural of šesteroform-of instrumental neuter plural
Sixషట్కముTeluguadjsix, sixfold
SizemidgetEnglishnounA little sandfly.
SizemidgetEnglishnounAny small swarming insect similar to the mosquito; a midge.broadly
SizemidgetEnglishnounA normally-proportioned person with small stature, usually defined as reaching an adult height less than 4'10".offensive sometimes
SizemidgetEnglishnounAny short person.offensive sometimes
SizemidgetEnglishnounA small version of something; miniature.attributive offensive sometimes
SkeletonαμόνιGreeknounanvil (for metal working)
SkeletonαμόνιGreeknounincus, anvil (bone in the ear)anatomy medicine sciences
SlaveryslavSwedishnounA person of Slavic origins, a Slavcommon-gender
SlaveryslavSwedishnounslave; person who is considered as the property of another.common-gender
SlaveryܚܘܪܪܐClassical Syriacnounliberation, emancipation, manumission, enfranchisement
SlaveryܚܘܪܪܐClassical Syriacnoundischarge, release
SlaveryܚܘܪܪܐClassical Syriacnounexemption
SlaveryܚܘܪܪܐClassical Syriacnounliberty; boldness, audacityin-plural
Slavic paganismgaikPolishnounsmall grove or copseinanimate masculine
Slavic paganismgaikPolishnounSlavic spring ritual in which a decorated pine branch, or small tree, is carried from house to houseinanimate masculine
Slavic paganismgaikPolishnounbranch or tree used during the Slavic spring ritualinanimate masculine
SleepdremMiddle Englishnounmusic (either sung or instrumental)
SleepdremMiddle Englishnounvoice, conversing
SleepdremMiddle Englishnounjoy, mirthfulness
SleepdremMiddle Englishnoundream (especially a prophetic one)
SleepdremMiddle Englishnounvision, premonition
SleepinkuboEsperantonounincubushuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
SleepinkuboEsperantonounnightmarearchaic euphemistic
SleepinsomniacEnglishnounOne who suffers an inability or difficulty sleeping; a sufferer from insomnia.
SleepinsomniacEnglishadjSuffering from or pertaining to insomnia.not-comparable
SleepkipEnglishnounThe untanned hide of a young or small beast, such as a calf, lamb, or young goat.countable uncountable
SleepkipEnglishnounA bundle or set of such hides.countable uncountable
SleepkipEnglishnounA unit of count for skins, 30 for lamb and 50 for goat.countable obsolete uncountable
SleepkipEnglishnounThe leather made from such hide.countable uncountable
SleepkipEnglishnounA place to sleep; a rooming house; a bed.Ireland UK informal
SleepkipEnglishnounSleep, snooze, nap, forty winks, doze.Australia UK informal
SleepkipEnglishnounA very untidy house or room.Ireland UK informal
SleepkipEnglishnounA brothel.UK dated informal
SleepkipEnglishverbTo sleep; often with the connotation of a temporary or charitable situation, or one borne out of necessity.UK informal
SleepkipEnglishverbTo snatch; take up hastily; filchNorthern-England Scotland dialectal transitive
SleepkipEnglishverbTo hold or keep (together)intransitive obsolete
SleepkipEnglishverbTo conduct oneself; actNorthern-England dialectal intransitive
SleepkipEnglishnounA unit of force equal to 1000 pounds-force (lbf) (4.44822 kilonewtons or 4448.22 newtons); occasionally called the kilopound.
SleepkipEnglishnounA unit of weight, used, for example, to calculate shipping charges, equal to half a US ton, or 1000 pounds.
SleepkipEnglishnounA unit of mass equal to 1000 avoirdupois pounds.nonstandard rare
SleepkipEnglishnounThe unit of currency in Laos, divided into 100 att, symbol ₭, abbreviation LAK.
SleepkipEnglishnounA piece of flat wood used to throw the coins in a game of two-up.gamesAustralia
SleepkipEnglishnounA basic skill or maneuver in artistic gymnastics on the uneven bars, parallel bars, high bar and still rings used, for example, as a way of mounting the bar in a front support position, or achieving a handstand from a hanging position. In its basic form, the legs are swung forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly down again, which gives the upward impulse to the body.gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sports
SleepkipEnglishnounA sharp-pointed hill; a projecting point, as on a hill.Scotland
SleepkipEnglishverbTo perform the kip maneuver.gymnastics hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
SleepronkiEsperantoverbto snore
SleepronkiEsperantoverbto snort
SleepsadenMiddle EnglishverbTo tire; to make or become weary.
SleepsadenMiddle EnglishverbTo solidify; to make solid: / To make secure or firm.
SleepsadenMiddle EnglishverbTo solidify; to make solid: / To strengthen; to make strong.rare
SleepsapnisLatviannoundream (images seen during sleep)declension-2 masculine
SleepsapnisLatviannoundream (a desire which one wishes to see come true)declension-2 masculine
SleepunwokeEnglishadjNot having been woken.archaic not-comparable poetic
SleepunwokeEnglishadjNot woke, especially in social justice contexts.Canada US colloquial not-comparable
SmellpodridoSpanishadjrotten, spoiled, addled
SmellpodridoSpanishadjrotted, putrid, decayed, putrified
SmellpodridoSpanishverbpast participle of pudrirform-of participle past
SmellмирисMacedoniannounsmell (basic sense)
SmellмирисMacedoniannounsmell, scent
Snappersred snapperEnglishnounAny of several Atlantic foodfishes, of the genus Lutjanus, that have reddish bodies
Snappersred snapperEnglishnounRhomboplites aurorubens (vermillion snapper)
SnowπατούλινPontic Greeknountuft, flock of wool (carded or uncarded)neuter
SnowπατούλινPontic Greeknounlarge snowflakeneuter
SnowбабаRussiannoungrandma, granny (short for ба́бушка (bábuška))childish
SnowбабаRussiannounold woman (short for ба́бушка (bábuška))archaic informal
SnowбабаRussiannoun(any) woman; countrywomanhistorical
SnowбабаRussiannounwoman, female, broad; countrywomancolloquial derogatory slang
SnowбабаRussiannounpeasant’s wife, peasant womanobsolete
SnowбабаRussiannounmilksop, old woman (weak man)derogatory
SnowбабаRussiannounram (of a pile driver)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
SnowбабаRussiannoundrop weightengineering natural-sciences physical-sciences technical
SnowбабаRussiannounbaba (tall, cylindrical cake), bundt cake, Gugelhupfcooking food lifestyle
SnowбабаRussiannounin expressions
SoundsondarSpanishverbto sound (to probe the depth of water with a weighted rope or similar)
SoundsondarSpanishverbto catheterizetransitive
SoundspółgłosemPolishadvsotto voce (quietly)not-comparable
SoundspółgłosemPolishnouninstrumental singular of półgłosform-of inanimate instrumental masculine singular
SoupsschavEnglishnounA kind of borscht made with sorrel (or occasionally lemongrass).uncountable
SoupsschavEnglishnounSynonym of sorrel (plant).uncountable
SpanishespanholPortugueseadjSpanish (of or relating to Spain, its people or culture)
SpanishespanholPortugueseadjSpanish (of or relating to the Spanish language)
SpanishespanholPortuguesenounSpaniard (person from Spain)masculine
SpanishespanholPortuguesenounSpanish (Romance language spoken in Spain and much of Latin America)masculine uncountable
Sparidssailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / sailor's grunt (Haemulon parra),
Sparidssailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides),
Sparidssailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / spottail pinfish (Diplodus holbrookii),
Sparidssailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / margate (Haemulon album),
Sparidssailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera),
Sparidssailor's-choiceEnglishnounAny of several grunts and sparids of the Atlantic: / French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishnounnail, spikemasculine
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishnounclovemasculine
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishnouncorn (callus)masculine
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishnounheadachemasculine
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishnounscabmasculine
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishnounspike (of shoes, cleats)masculine
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishnounstashDominican-Republic masculine slang
Spices and herbsclavoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of clavarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Spices and herbssaaltJamaican Creolenounsaltuncountable
Spices and herbssaaltJamaican Creolenounsaltchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
SpidershunterEnglishnounOne who hunts game for sport or for food; a huntsman or huntswoman.
SpidershunterEnglishnounA dog used in hunting.
SpidershunterEnglishnounA horse used in hunting, especially a thoroughbred, bred and trained for hunting.
SpidershunterEnglishnounOne who hunts or seeks after anything.
SpidershunterEnglishnounA person who bottles up their aggression and eventually releases it explosively.human-sciences psychology sciences
SpidershunterEnglishnounA kind of spider, the huntsman or hunting spider.
SpidershunterEnglishnounA pocket watch with a spring-hinged circular metal cover that closes over the dial and crystal, protecting them from dust and scratches.
SportscochonnetFrenchnounpiglet, young pigmasculine
SportscochonnetFrenchnounjack, jack-ballmasculine
Sportsping pongEnglishnounTable tennis.countable uncountable
Sportsping pongEnglishnounAn instance of figuratively bouncing something or someone back and forth.countable figuratively uncountable
Sportsping pongEnglishnounThe exchange of proposed amendments between the two Houses of Parliament, particularly at the end of a session when compromises have to be made to complete the legislative process within the limited time available.government politicsUK countable uncountable
Sportsping pongEnglishnounA size of photograph a little larger than a postage stamp.countable dated uncountable
Sportsping pongEnglishnounA small, shallow steelpan drum.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
Sportsping pongEnglishverbTo figuratively bounce or be bounced back and forth.intransitive transitive
Sportsping pongEnglishverbTo figuratively bounce or be bounced back and forth. / To refer (a patient) unnecessarily to a number of clinics or practitioners as a form of fraud.medicine sciencesintransitive transitive
Sportsping pongEnglishverbTo play the game of ping pong.intransitive
SportszápasCzechnounmatch (sporting event)inanimate masculine
SportszápasCzechnounstruggleinanimate masculine
SportszápasCzechnounwrestling (sport)inanimate masculine
Sports健兒Chinesenounvaliant fighter
Sports健兒Chinesenoungood athlete
Sports運動場Chinesenounany field used for sports
Squirrelsred squirrelEnglishnounSciurus vulgaris (Eurasian red squirrel), common in Europe and Asia.
Squirrelsred squirrelEnglishnounTamiasciurus hudsonicus, the American red squirrel, found in parts of North America.
Star TrekSpockEnglishnameAn American surname from Dutch.countable uncountable
Star TrekSpockEnglishnameIn Star Trek, a Starfleet commander and science officer of the USS Enterprise, especially known for his Vulcan logic, reason, and stoicism and his distinctive pointed ears.literature media publishing science-fictioncountable uncountable
Star TrekSpockEnglishnameEllipsis of Mr. Spock. An asteroid in Main Belt, Solar Systemabbreviation alt-of countable ellipsis uncountable
Star TrekSpockEnglishnounA person or character like a Star Trek Vulcan; someone resembling Star Trek's character Spock.
Star TrekSpockEnglishnounThe Vulcan salute when used in rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock, a handshape that beats rock and scissors and loses to lizard and rock-paper-scissors
Star TrekSpockEnglishverbTo play the Vulcan salute rock-paper-scissors
States of BrazilGuanabaraPortuguesenameGuanabara (a former Brazilian state)
States of BrazilGuanabaraPortuguesenameGuanabara (a bay of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)feminine
StatisticsstatisticianEnglishnounA person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics.
StatisticsstatisticianEnglishnounA mathematician with a specialty of statistics.mathematics sciences
Stock charactersmaniacEnglishnounAn insane person, especially one who suffers from a mania.
Stock charactersmaniacEnglishnounA fanatic, a person with an obsession.
Stock charactersmaniacEnglishnounShort for sex maniac.Philippines abbreviation alt-of
Stock charactersnice guyEnglishnounAn inoffensive adult male who desires romantic companionship but who is too bland and uninspiring to be attractive.euphemistic idiomatic
Stock charactersnice guyEnglishnounA man who pretends to be kind and polite with the goal of attracting women, often becoming hostile and misogynistic when their advances are rebuffed; someone affected by nice guy syndrome.Internet derogatory sarcastic
Stock charactersnice guyEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see nice, guy.
String instrumentsgadułkaPolishnoundiminutive of gaduładiminutive feminine form-of rare
String instrumentsgadułkaPolishnounchat (informal conversation)archaic feminine
String instrumentsgadułkaPolishnoundiminutive of gaduładiminutive form-of masculine person rare
String instrumentsgadułkaPolishnounAlternative form of gydułkaalt-of alternative feminine
SulfurсухӑрChuvashadjintrusive, annoying
Sumac family plantssumacEnglishnounAny of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Rhus and other genera in Anacardiaceae, particularly the elm-leaved sumac, Sicilian sumac, or tanner's sumac (Rhus coriaria).uncountable usually
Sumac family plantssumacEnglishnounDried and chopped-up leaves and stems of a plant of the genus Rhus, particularly the tanner's sumac (see sense 1), used for dyeing and tanning leather or for medicinal purposes.uncountable usually
Sumac family plantssumacEnglishnounA sour spice popular in the Eastern Mediterranean, made from the berries of tanner's sumac.uncountable usually
Sumac family plantssumacEnglishverbTo apply a preparation of sumac to (an object), for example, to a piece of leather to tan it.transitive
SurfacesKlein bottleEnglishnounThe closed manifold obtained by identifying the boundary components of the annulus so that the resultant surface is nonorientable.mathematics sciences topology
SurfacesKlein bottleEnglishnounA physical bottle, usually of blown glass, made to resemble the topological shape.
SweetslicoriceEnglishnounThe plant Glycyrrhiza glabra, or sometimes in North America, the related American Licorice plant Glycyrrhiza lepidota.countable usually
SweetslicoriceEnglishnounA type of candy made from that plant's dried root or its extract.uncountable usually
SweetslicoriceEnglishnounA black colour, named after the licorice.countable uncountable usually
SweetslicoriceEnglishnounA flavouring agent made from dried root portions of the aforementioned plant.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesuncountable usually
SweetslicoriceEnglishnounA supposed aphrodisiac made in the past from dried roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra and Glycyrrhiza echinata.uncountable usually
SwitzerlandRegierungsratGermannoungoverning council (often regional or local)masculine strong
SwitzerlandRegierungsratGermannounConseil d'État (council constituting the cantonal government)Switzerland masculine strong
SwitzerlandRegierungsratGermannouna member of the Conseil d'ÉtatSwitzerland masculine strong
Swords長劍Chinesenounhaving talent but no opportunity to use itfiguratively literary
SymbolsswastikaEnglishnounA cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle to the right or to the left, used as a religious symbol by various ancient and modern civilizations, but now mainly seen and used in the West (with arms angled to the right) as a symbol of Nazism and fascism.countable
SymbolsswastikaEnglishnounNazi rule.fascism government history human-sciences ideology philosophy politics sciencesmetonymically uncountable
Systems theoryarchitectureEnglishnounThe art and science of designing and managing the construction of buildings and other structures, particularly if they are well proportioned and decorated.countable uncountable
Systems theoryarchitectureEnglishnounAny particular style of building design.countable uncountable
Systems theoryarchitectureEnglishnounConstruction, in a more general sense; frame or structure; workmanship.countable uncountable
Systems theoryarchitectureEnglishnounA unifying structure.countable uncountable
Systems theoryarchitectureEnglishnounA family of CPUs sharing a common instruction set and having partial or full compatibility with software built on each other.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Systems theoryarchitectureEnglishnounA specific model of a microchip or CPU.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Systems theoryarchitectureEnglishnounThe structure and design of a system or product.countable uncountable
TalkingbajdaPolishnounnonsense, baloney, hogwashcolloquial derogatory feminine
TalkingbajdaPolishnounfable, talecolloquial feminine
TalkingdeclareEnglishverbTo make clear, explain, interpret.obsolete transitive
TalkingdeclareEnglishverbTo assert or announce formally, officially, explicitly, or emphatically.intransitive transitive
TalkingdeclareEnglishverbTo inform government customs or taxation officials of goods one is importing or of income, expenses, or other circumstances affecting one's taxes.transitive
TalkingdeclareEnglishverbTo show one's cards in order to score.card-games games
TalkingdeclareEnglishverbFor a constituency in an election to officially announce the resultgovernment politicsintransitive
TalkingdeclareEnglishverbTo explicitly establish the existence of (a variable, function, etc.) without necessarily describing its content.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences programming sciencestransitive
TalkingdeclareEnglishverbto declare war [with on] / to declare warslang
TalkingjacasserFrenchverbto cawintransitive
TalkingjacasserFrenchverbto chatter, to gossip, to jabberfiguratively intransitive
TalkingтрескотняRussiannouncrackle, cracklingcolloquial
TalkingтрескотняRussiannounchatter, prattlecolloquial
TastepittigDutchadjpiquant, spicy
TastepittigDutchadjenergetic and having a strong characterperson
TastepittigDutchadjserious and difficult
TastepittigDutchadjpithy, terse
TechnologyphonographEnglishnounA device that captures sound waves onto an engraved archive; a lathe.
TechnologyphonographEnglishnounA device that records or plays sound from cylinder records.British historical
TechnologyphonographEnglishnounA record player.Canada US historical
TechnologyphonographEnglishnounA character or symbol used to represent a sound, especially one used in phonography.dated
TechnologyphonographEnglishverbTo record for playback by phonograph.dated transitive
TechnologyphonographEnglishverbTo transcribe into phonographic symbols.dated transitive
TechnologyレーダーJapanesenounradar (method of detecting distant objects)
TechnologyレーダーJapanesenameLedahuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
TeethkořenCzechnounrootbiology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
TeethkořenCzechnounrootinanimate masculine
TeethkořenCzechnounroothuman-sciences linguistics sciencesinanimate masculine
TeethkořenCzechnounrootinanimate masculine
TemperaturepłomienniePolishadvimpassionedly, passionately
TemperaturepłomienniePolishadvfierily, incandescently
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo die because of lack of food or of not eating.intransitive
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo be very hungry.intransitive
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo kill or attempt to kill by depriving of food.transitive
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo destroy, make capitulate or at least make suffer by deprivation, notably of food.transitive
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo deprive of nourishment or of some vital component.transitive
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo deteriorate for want of any essential thing.intransitive
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo kill with cold; to (cause to) die from cold.British transitive
TemperaturestarveEnglishverbTo die; in later use especially to die slowly, waste away.intransitive obsolete
TenदशरथSanskritadjhaving ten chariots
TenदशरथSanskritnameName of Rāma's father (descendant of Ikshvaku, sovereign of Ayodhya).Hinduism
The X-FilesMSREnglishnounInitialism of molten salt reactor.abbreviation alt-of initialism
The X-FilesMSREnglishnounInitialism of Mars Sample Return mission.NASA aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences space-scienceUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
The X-FilesMSREnglishnounMulder/Scully romance; a fanfic involving a romantic relationship between the characters Fox Mulder and Dana Scully of the The X-Files.countable
The X-FilesMSREnglishnounSuch fan fiction collectively.lifestyleslang uncountable
The X-FilesMSREnglishnameInitialism of Microsoft Research.abbreviation alt-of initialism
ThirtythirtiethEnglishadjThe ordinal form of the number thirty.not-comparable
ThirtythirtiethEnglishnounThe person or thing in the thirtieth position.
ThirtythirtiethEnglishnounOne of thirty equal parts of a whole.
TimeiugiterLatinadvconstantly, continually, continuously, perpetually
TimeiugiterLatinadvceaselessly, incessantly, unceasingly, uninterruptedly, unfailingly; all the time, always, ever, evermore
TimeiugiterLatinadvabidingly, enduringly
TimeiugiterLatinadvendlessly, eternally, everlastingly, forever, forevermore, (in a specific sense) everflowingly
TimeiugiterLatinadvimmediately, instantlyLate-Latin
Timetime limitEnglishnounA time by which something must be finished.
Timetime limitEnglishnounA duration beyond which something may not exceed.
TimetiếngVietnamesenounreputation or renown
TimetiếngVietnamesenounsyllablehuman-sciences linguistics sciences
TimetiếngVietnamesenoundialecthuman-sciences linguistics sciencescolloquial
TimetiếngVietnamesenounaccenthuman-sciences linguistics phonology prosody sciencescolloquial
TimetrimestralGalicianadjlasting three monthsfeminine masculine
TimetrimestralGalicianadjoccurring at intervals of about three monthsfeminine masculine
TimevuosiFinnishverbthird-person singular past indicative of vuotaaform-of indicative past singular third-person
TimeчасовойRussianadjone-hour, hour-long
TimeчасовойRussianadjby the hour
TimeчасовойRussianadjwatch, clockrelational
TimeчасовойRussiannounsentry, sentinel
TimeبعدينSouth Levantine Arabicadvlater, afterwards
TimeبعدينSouth Levantine Arabicadvthen
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounchange, alteration, transformation
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounexchange, transfer
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounconversion, apostasy
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounvariety, variation, difference, separation
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounsort, kind, species
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnoundegree
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounseason, tropic
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounparallax, solsticeastronomy natural-sciences
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounmodulation; toneentertainment lifestyle music
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnouncompensation
TimeܫܘܚܠܦܐClassical Syriacnouncaprice, mood, humor/humour
Time一向Chineseadvalways; consistently; all along
Time一向Chineseadvrecently; lately; of late
Time一向Chinesenounperiod of time in the past
Time古者Chinesenounthe ancients; the people of oldliterary
Time古者Chineseadvpreviously; formerly; once upon a time; in the pastarchaic
Time家伙Chinesenountool; utensil; weaponcolloquial
Time家伙Chinesenounfellow; guy; chapcolloquial derogatory
Time家伙Chinesenoundomesticated animal; livestockcolloquial
Time家伙Chinesenountime (instance or occurrence)colloquial
Time家伙Chinesenounfamily propertyHokkien
Time家伙Chinesenounfamily; household
Time年頭Chinesenounyear (Classifier: 個/个)
Time年頭Chinesenounperiod of many years; long time (Classifier: 個/个)
Time年頭Chinesenounthe times (Classifier: 個/个)
Time年頭Chinesenounharvest (Classifier: 個/个)
Time年頭Chinesenounbeginning of the year (Classifier: 個/个)
Time這滿Chinesenounnow; the present time; the present moment; the current timeHakka Hokkien Xiamen
Time這滿Chinesenounthis timeHakka
TimekeepingChinesecharacterto spill; to leak
TimekeepingChinesecharacterto divulge; to leak; to let out
TimekeepingChinesecharacterto leave out; to omit
TimekeepingChinesecharacterclepsydra; water clock
TimekeepingChinesecharactermomentin-compounds literary
TimekeepingChinesecharacterAlternative form of 瘺/瘘 (lòu, “fistula”)alt-of alternative
Times of daymalamAcehnesenounheight
Times of daymalamAcehnesenounnight
Times of dayéjjelHungarianadvat night
Times of dayéjjelHungariannounnight
TitlesbajlozAlbaniannounambassador, especially of Venicehistorical masculine
TitlesbajlozAlbaniannouna sea monster in Albanian mythology that exacts requisitionsmasculine
TitleskamreeriFinnishnounchamberlain, treasurer
TitleskamreeriFinnishnounan honorary title of the fourteenth rank granted by the President of Finland
Titlesm'ladyEnglishnounMy Lady (used to address peers temporal, judges, etc).historical humorous often
Titlesm'ladyEnglishverbTo address as “m’lady”.
ToolsarfaPolishnounObsolete form of harfa..entertainment lifestyle musicalt-of feminine obsolete
ToolsbaldaCatalannounbolt (metal fastener)feminine
ToolsbaldaCatalanverbinflection of baldar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ToolsbaldaCatalanverbinflection of baldar: ## third-person singular present indicative ## second-person singular imperative / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ToolshamarNorwegian Nynorsknouna hammermasculine
ToolshamarNorwegian Nynorsknouna steep cliffmasculine
ToolshammerNorwegian Bokmålnouna hammer (tool)masculine
ToolshammerNorwegian Bokmålnounindefinite plural of hamform-of indefinite masculine plural
ToolslanceEnglishnounA weapon of war, consisting of a long shaft or handle and a steel blade or head; a spear carried by horsemen.
ToolslanceEnglishnounA wooden spear, sometimes hollow, used in jousting or tilting, designed to shatter on impact with the opposing knight’s armour.
ToolslanceEnglishnounA spear or harpoon used by whalers and hobbies lifestyle
ToolslanceEnglishnounA soldier armed with a lance; a lancer.government military politics war
ToolslanceEnglishnounAn instrument which conveys the charge of a piece of ordnance and forces it home.government military politics war
ToolslanceEnglishnounA small iron rod which suspends the core of the mold in casting a metallurgy natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToolslanceEnglishnounOne of the small paper cases filled with combustible composition, which mark the outlines of a figure.
ToolslanceEnglishnounA lancet.medicine sciences
ToolslanceEnglishverbTo pierce with a lance, or with any similar weapon.
ToolslanceEnglishverbTo open with a lancet; to pierce.
ToolslanceEnglishverbTo throw in the manner of a lance; to lanch.
ToolslanceEnglishverbto steal or swipeinformal
ToolsμίσχοςAncient Greeknounstalk of leaves or fruit, petiolebiology botany natural-sciences
ToolsμίσχοςAncient Greeknounkind of spade or hoe
ToolsطرپانOttoman Turkishnounscythe, a tool composed of a long, curving blade, used for mowing grass or grain by hand
ToolsطرپانOttoman Turkishnountrephine, a surgical instrument with a cylindrical blade used to remove a circular section of tissue
ToolsپوڑیPunjabinounstair (a flight of stairs)
ToolsپوڑیPunjabinounfamily tree
Tortoisesgeometric tortoiseEnglishnounTortoises of South Africa, having a strong carapace with distinctive geometric patterns / Any of the species Psammobates geometricus of South African tortoises with radial black and yellow markings.
Tortoisesgeometric tortoiseEnglishnounTortoises of South Africa, having a strong carapace with distinctive geometric patterns / Any of the species of genus Psammobates.
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounbride, young wife / young, nubile woman; marriageable maiden
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounbride, young wife / daughter-in-law
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounbride, young wife / young girl
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounbride, young wife
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounnymph, goddess of lower rankhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek capitalized sometimes
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounnymph, goddess of lower rank / goddess of springs; (poetry) spring, spring waterhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek capitalized sometimes
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknoundoll, puppet
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounbee or wasp in pupa stage
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounwinged male ant
ToysνύμφηAncient GreeknounA kind of mollusk.
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounpoint of a plowshareagriculture business lifestyle
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounhollow between the lower lip and the chinanatomy medicine sciences
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounhollow between the lower lip and the chin / depression on the shoulder of a horseanatomy biology medicine natural-sciences sciences zoology zootomy
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounopening rosebud
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounclitoris, also the labia minoraanatomy medicine sciences
ToysνύμφηAncient Greeknounniche
Transgenderattack helicopterEnglishnounAn armed helicopter with the offensive capability of engaging ground targets such as enemy infantry, military vehicles, and fortifications.government military politics war
Transgenderattack helicopterEnglishnounA fictitious gender assigned or suggested in quips, used to dismiss non-binary gender identities, and sometimes also transness in general.Internet derogatory humorous neologism offensive
TreeskamunggayCebuanonounhorseradish tree (Moringa oleifera)
TreeskamunggayCebuanonounclub (playing card suit)card-games games
TreeskastanjeNorwegian Nynorsknouna chestnut treemasculine
TreeskastanjeNorwegian Nynorsknouna chestnut (the tree or the nut)masculine
TreespiennyPolishadjtrunked (having trunk)not-comparable
TreespiennyPolishadjfoamy, frothyrare
TreespiennyPolishadjlitigious (pertaining to litigation)not-comparable obsolete relational
TreespêrWelshnounpears; sweet fruitcollective feminine
TreespêrWelshnounpear trees; sweet-fruit treescollective feminine
TreespêrWelshadjsweet(-tasting), mellow, delicious
TreespêrWelshadjsweet-smelling, fragrant
TreespêrWelshadjsweet-sounding; pleasant, agreeable
TribestapuîaOld Tupinouna non-Tupi Native American
TribestapuîaOld Tupinounslave man
TribestapuîaOld Tupinounshack (crude, roughly built hut or cabin)
TribestapuîaOld Tupinounramada
TribestribeEnglishnounAn ethnic group larger than a band or clan (and which may contain clans) but smaller than a nation (and which in turn may be contained within a nation). The tribe is often the basis of ethnic identity.anthropology history human-sciences sciences
TribestribeEnglishnounA tribal nation or people.
TribestribeEnglishnounA nation or people in an area considered culturally primitive, such as Africa, Australia or Native America.derogatory
TribestribeEnglishnounA socially cohesive group of people within a society.
TribestribeEnglishnounA class or group of things.
TribestribeEnglishnounA group of apes who live and work together.biology natural-sciences zoology
TribestribeEnglishnounA hierarchal rank between family and genus.biology natural-sciences taxonomy
TribestribeEnglishnounA group of affiliated Mardi Gras Indians.
TribestribeEnglishnounThe collective noun for various animals.
TribestribeEnglishnounA family of animals descended from some particular female progenitor, through the female line.
TribestribeEnglishverbTo distribute into tribes or classes; to categorize.transitive
True jellyfishsnottyEnglishadjRunning or dirtied with snot.
True jellyfishsnottyEnglishadjResembling or characteristic of snot, especially in texture.
True jellyfishsnottyEnglishadjIll-tempered or impertinent in an arrogant, conceited manner.informal
True jellyfishsnottyEnglishnounThe lion's mane jellyfish, which secretes a mucus that can foul fishing nets.Australia slang
True jellyfishsnottyEnglishnounA midshipman.nautical transportslang
TurkeyTürkeGermannouna Turk (native or inhabitant of Turkey, person of Turkish descent)masculine weak
TurkeyTürkeGermannouna Turk (speaker of a Turkic language)masculine weak
TurkeyTürkeGermannounan Ottomanhistorical masculine weak
TurkeyTürkeGermannouna Muslim, sometimes as an adversary of Christiansarchaic broadly masculine weak
TwentyverdreißigfachenGermanverbto multiply by thirtytransitive weak
TwentyverdreißigfachenGermanverbto increase thirtyfold (to become thirty times as large)reflexive weak
TwentyvicenaryEnglishadjOf, pertaining to, or based on the number twenty.not-comparable
TwentyvicenaryEnglishnounAn officer in command of twenty men.government military politics wararchaic obsolete
TwitterTGIFEnglishphraseInitialism of thank God it's Friday.abbreviation alt-of initialism
TwitterTGIFEnglishphraseInitialism of Twitter, Google, iPhone/iPad or Instagram, marketingabbreviation alt-of initialism
TwitterTGIFEnglishnounA Friday afternoon beer party.
TwitterTGIFEnglishnounInitialism of transforming growth interacting factor.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Twotrigesimo-secundoEnglishnounA paper size, (3.75"-5" x 2.5"-3.125"), one thirty-second of a standard uncut flat sheet.
Twotrigesimo-secundoEnglishnounA book size, (3.75"-5" x 2.5"-3.125"), corresponding to the paper printing publishing
UkraineucranianoSpanishnounUkrainian personmasculine
UkraineucranianoSpanishnounUkrainian (language)masculine uncountable
UnderwearHöschenGermannoundiminutive of Hosediminutive form-of neuter strong
UnderwearHöschenGermannounpanties, knickers (women’s underwear)neuter strong
UnderwearHöschenGermannounbriefs (men’s underwear)neuter rare strong
United KingdomBretanhaOccitannameBrittany (an administrative region, historical province, and peninsula in northwest France)feminine
United KingdomBretanhaOccitannameBritain (the island of Great Britain, consisting of England, Scotland and Wales)feminine
United KingdomIrelandEnglishnameA large island in northwestern Europe.uncountable usually
United KingdomIrelandEnglishnameA republic occupying the majority-area of the island of Ireland, with Northern Ireland occupying the rest of the island. Also known as the Republic of Ireland since 1949.uncountable usually
United KingdomIrelandEnglishnameA surname.uncountable usually
United KingdomIrelandEnglishnameOther places named Ireland: / A hamlet in Southill parish, Central Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire, England (OS grid ref TL1341).uncountable usually
United KingdomIrelandEnglishnameOther places named Ireland: / A community of Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, Canada.uncountable usually
United KingdomIrelandEnglishnameOther places named Ireland: / An unincorporated community in Madison Township, Dubois County, Indiana, United States.uncountable usually
United KingdomIrelandEnglishnameOther places named Ireland: / An unincorporated community in Lewis County, West Virginia, United States.uncountable usually
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounA third.obsolete
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounSynonym of terce: the third canonical hour or its service.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism lifestyle religion
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounA measure of capacity equal to a third of a pipe, or a cask or other vessel holding such a quantity; a cask larger than a barrel, and smaller than a hogshead or a puncheon, in which wine or salt provisions, rice, etc., are packed for shipment.historical
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounThe third tone of the scale. See mediant.entertainment lifestyle music
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounA sequence of three playing cards of the same suit. Tierce of ace, king and queen is called tierce-major.card-games games
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounThe third defensive position, with the sword hand held at waist height, and the tip of the sword at head height.fencing government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounAn ordinary that covers the left or right third of the field of a shield or flag.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
Units of measuretierceEnglishnounOne sixtieth of a second, i.e., the third in a series of fractional parts in a sexagesimal number system. (Also known as a third.)obsolete
Units of measuretipahikanPlains CreenounA unit of measurement / hourinanimate
Units of measuretipahikanPlains CreenounA unit of measurement / yardinanimate
Units of measuretipahikanPlains CreenounAn instrument used for measuring; measureinanimate
Units of measuretipahikanPlains CreenounAn instrument used for measuring; measure / yardstickinanimate
Units of measurexịVietnamesenountraditional unit of measurement, nowadays usually taken to be one-fourth of a liter
Units of measurexịVietnamesenouna bottle of one-fourth of a liter
Units of measureکیلوPersiannounkilo
Units of measureکیلوPersiannounkilogramme, kilogram
Units of measureხოლიLaznoununit of length / metre
Units of measureხოლიLaznoununit of length / length of body from shoulder to elbow
UniversitiesBamaEnglishnameThe University of Alabama.colloquial
VegetablesrepicaSerbo-Croatiannoundiminutive of rȅpa (“turnip, rape”)diminutive form-of
VegetablesrepicaSerbo-Croatiannounoilseed rape, ellipsis of uljana repica.
VegetarianismveganskNorwegian Bokmåladjvegan (not containing animal products (meat, eggs, milk, leather, etc) or inherently involving animal use)
VegetarianismveganskNorwegian Bokmåladjvegan (relating to vegans or veganism)
VehiclesbaraItaliannounbier (litter to transport the corpse of a dead person)feminine
VehiclesbaraItaliannouncoffin (box in which a person is buried)feminine
VehiclesbaraItaliannounlitter, stretcherfeminine obsolete
VehiclesbaraItaliannouna carriage used to transport a saint's relicslifestyle religionfeminine
VehiclesbaraItaliannounan animal-drawn carriage typical of Tuscany and Liguriafeminine
VehiclesbaraItalianverbinflection of barare: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
VehiclesbaraItalianverbinflection of barare: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
VehiclesmummopyöräFinnishnounan old bicycle with a step-through frame
VehiclesmummopyöräFinnishnounany bicycle with a step-through frame
VehiclesчелнокRussiannouna small retail trader travelling from one place or country to another
Vehicles客車Chinesenounpassenger train
Vehicles客車Chinesenouncoach; bus
VeniceVenetianEnglishadjOf or related to Venice, an Italian city and (historical) its former republic and colonial empire around the Adriatic and eastern Mediterranean Seas.not-comparable
VeniceVenetianEnglishadjOf or related to Venetian, the local language or Italian dialect spoken in the city.human-sciences linguistics sciencesnot-comparable
VeniceVenetianEnglishadjSynonym of Venetic, of or related to Veneto, the Italian region around the city.not-comparable uncommon
VeniceVenetianEnglishadjSynonym of Venetic, of or related to the Veneti, either of two unrelated tribes of ancient Europe.historical not-comparable uncommon
VeniceVenetianEnglishnounAn inhabitant or a resident of Venice, the city.
VeniceVenetianEnglishnounAn inhabitant or a resident of Veneto, the surrounding region.
VeniceVenetianEnglishnounA Venetian blind.colloquial obsolete
VeniceVenetianEnglishnameThe Romance language spoken mostly in the Veneto region of Italy.
VeniceVenetianEnglishnameThe form of this language spoken in Venice.
VesselsკოდიGeorgiannounsourcecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesneologism
VesselsკოდიGeorgiannounwooden vessel used as a unit of measure (usually of grain products)historical
VesselsკოდიGeorgiannounhollowed tree trunk used as a container
VesselsკოდიGeorgiannounvertical beehive
VesselsკოდიGeorgiannounbarrel, cask for storing beer or grains
VesselsკოდიGeorgiannounwooden pipe that dams up water to a watermill
Video games陪玩Chineseverbto accompany a player (usually of a video game)neologism slang
Video games陪玩Chinesenounplayer companion; playmateneologism slang
Vietnamesetiếng ViệtVietnamesenounthe Vietnamese language
Vietnamesetiếng ViệtVietnamesenounVietnamese
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA band worn around the waist to hold clothing to one's body (usually pants), hold weapons (such as a gun or sword), or serve as a decorative piece of clothing.
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA band used as a restraint for safety purposes, such as a seat belt.
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA band that is used in a machine to help transfer motion or power.
ViolencebeltEnglishnounAnything that resembles a belt, or that encircles or crosses like a belt; a strip or stripe.
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA trophy in the shape of a belt, generally awarded for martial arts.
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA collection of small bodies (such as asteroids) which orbit a star.astronomy natural-sciences
ViolencebeltEnglishnounOne of certain girdles or zones on the surface of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, supposed to be of the nature of clouds.astronomy natural-sciences
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA band of armor along the sides of a warship, protecting the ship's vital spaces.government military nautical politics transport war
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA powerful blow, often made with a fist or heavy object.
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA quick drink of liquor.
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA geographical region known for a particular product, feature or demographic (Corn Belt, Bible Belt, Black Belt, Green Belt).capitalized usually
ViolencebeltEnglishnounThe part of the strike zone at the height of the batter's waist.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sports
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA device that holds and feeds cartridges into a belt-fed government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics tools war weaponry
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA vocal tone produced by singing with chest voice above the break (or passaggio), in a range typically sung in head voice.entertainment lifestyle music
ViolencebeltEnglishnounA mostly-continuous, often curvilinear structure expressed on the surface and/or in the subsurface of a terrestrial planet or other solid planemo, such as a mountain belt, a fold and thrust belt, or an ore belt.geography geology natural-sciences
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo encircle.transitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo fasten a belt on.transitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo invest (a person) with a belt as part of a formal ceremony such as knighthood.transitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo hit with a belt.transitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo scream or sing in a loud manner.informal transitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo drink quickly, often in gulps.transitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo hit someone or something.colloquial transitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo hit a pitched ball a long distance, usually for a home run.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
ViolencebeltEnglishverbTo move very fast.intransitive
ViolencelaunchenMiddle EnglishverbTo strike or thrust with a weapon.
ViolencelaunchenMiddle EnglishverbTo propel as a lance; to cast out.
ViolencelaunchenMiddle EnglishverbTo spring or leap forwards.
ViolencelaunchenMiddle EnglishverbTo run or charge towards.
ViolencelaunchenMiddle EnglishverbTo grow; to spring up.rare
ViolencespurnenMiddle EnglishverbTo fall over, to misstep; to bump into something.
ViolencespurnenMiddle EnglishverbTo hit or land a blow using one's feet.
ViolencespurnenMiddle EnglishverbTo force to the ground; to stand on.
ViolencespurnenMiddle EnglishverbTo scorn; to hold in low regard or standing.rare
ViolencespurnenMiddle EnglishverbTo make a mistake or error; to mischoose.rare
ViolenceéchauffouréeFrenchnounscuffle, brawlfeminine
ViolenceéchauffouréeFrenchnounskirmish, affrayfeminine
ViolenceਜਫਾPunjabinouncruelty, oppression, tyranny, brutality, persecution
ViolenceਜਫਾPunjabinounact of oppression, atrocity, torturecountable
VisionпрозрінняUkrainiannounverbal noun of прозрі́ти pf (prozríty): / recovery of sight
VisionпрозрінняUkrainiannounverbal noun of прозрі́ти pf (prozríty): / enlightenment, epiphany, insight (illuminating realization or discovery)figuratively
Vision張望Chineseverbto look into the distance; to look around
Vision張望Chineseverbto peep (through a hole or crack)
VolcanologyвулканічнийUkrainianadjvolcanic (of or pertaining to a volcano or volcanoes)
VolcanologyвулканічнийUkrainianadjvolcanic (produced by a volcano, or, more generally, by igneous agencies)
VolcanologyвулканічнийUkrainianadjvolcanic (reminiscent of a volcano; explosive, violent, full of suppressed anger, energy, etc.)figuratively
VoodooPetroEnglishnounIn Haitian voodoo, a class of loa of uncertain origin, chiefly associated with fierceness or aggression.uncountable
VoodooPetroEnglishnameA surname.
WarmellemkrigsårDanishnounOne or more years between two wars, an interbellum.government politics warneuter
WarmellemkrigsårDanishnounSpecifically the years between World War I and World War II.government politics warneuter plural plural-only
WarmellemkrigsårDanishnounindefinite plural of mellemkrigsårform-of indefinite neuter plural
WarblersцвъркачBulgariannounmale squeakerliterally
WarblersцвъркачBulgariannounwarbler (songbird of genus Locustella)
Washington, D.C.CapitolEnglishnameAny particular capitol / The citadel and temples on the Capitoline Hill in Ancient Rome.historical
Washington, D.C.CapitolEnglishnameAny particular capitol / The town hall of Toulouse, France.
Washington, D.C.CapitolEnglishnameAny particular capitol / The building in Washington, D.C., in which both houses of the Congress of the United States meet.
Washington, D.C.CapitolEnglishnameAny particular capitol / The chief building in any state capital in which the state legislature meets.US
WaterbuğuTurkishnounwater vapor, steam
WaterbuğuTurkishnounLiquid condensation on a cold surface.
WaterbuğuTurkishnounAlternative form of buğraalt-of alternative
WaterbuğuTurkishnounA wild cow.dialectal
WaterbuğuTurkishnounA gazelle.dialectal
WaterbuğuTurkishnounA male deer.dialectal
WaterokoPolishnouneye (vision organ)anatomy medicine sciencescountable neuter
WaterokoPolishnounsight (ability to see)colloquial neuter uncountable
WaterokoPolishnouneyes (gaze, manner of looking)in-plural neuter
WaterokoPolishnouneye (manner of seeing that expresses one's emotions i.e. through art)countable neuter
WaterokoPolishnouneye (supervision or guarding)neuter uncountable
WaterokoPolishnouneye (anything round)countable neuter
WaterokoPolishnouneye (part of a camera)countable neuter
WaterokoPolishnoununit of weight equal to three poundscountable neuter obsolete
WaterokoPolishnounpresence, countenanceneuter obsolete uncountable
WaterokoPolishnounpoint on a game diegamesMiddle Polish neuter
WaterokoPolishnouneye (colorful circle on a peacock's tail)Middle Polish neuter
WaterokoPolishnounbud of a shoot of a plant transplanted to another plantbiology botany natural-sciencesMiddle Polish neuter
WaterokoPolishnounlayer of fat or lard on top of a liquidin-plural neuter
WaterokoPolishnounhole of a netcountable neuter
WaterokoPolishnounblackjackcard-games gamesneuter uncountable
WaterokoPolishnounobservation duty on the bow of a shipnautical sailing transportcolloquial neuter uncountable
WaterokoPolishnounsailor performing such a dutynautical sailing transportcolloquial neuter uncountable
WaterokoPolishnouneye of a cycloneclimatology meteorology natural-sciencescountable neuter
WaterokoPolishnountarndialectal neuter
WaterokoPolishnounshiny surface of waterneuter
WaterrynsztokowyPolishadjgutter (prepared channel in a surface)not-comparable relational
WaterrynsztokowyPolishadjthe gutter (low, vulgar state)not-comparable relational
WatercraftgolondrinaSpanishnounswallow (bird)feminine
WatercraftgolondrinaSpanishnountype of tourist boat found mostly in Barcelonanautical transportfeminine
WatercraftgolondrinaSpanishnounwhitesnow (plant)feminine
WatercraftgolondrinaSpanishadjfeminine singular of golondrinofeminine form-of singular
WatercraftطوافةArabicnounpatrol boat, cruiser
WatercraftطوافةArabicnounchopper, helicopter
WatercraftਬੇੜੀPunjabinounboat, vessel
WatercraftਬੇੜੀPunjabinounfetter, shackle
WeaponsdintenMiddle EnglishverbTo land a hit on with a weapon.rare
WeaponsdintenMiddle EnglishverbTo use a weapon to land hits.rare
WeaponsdintenMiddle EnglishverbTo impale or pierce.rare
WeaponsあいくちJapanesenoun合口, 合い口: compatibility, rapport, or cooperativeness in anything done together with others
WeaponsあいくちJapanesenoun合口, 合い口: getting along well with others, affinity
WeaponsあいくちJapanesenoun合口, 合い口: the join or fit between stones or bricks in masonry or other wall building
WeaponsあいくちJapanesenoun合口, 合い口: the join or fit between a lid and a container
WeaponsあいくちJapanesenoun合口, 合い口: a style of constructing a 短刀 (tantō, “short sword; dagger”) without a crossguard, so that the hilt fits directly against the opening of the scabbard
WeaponsあいくちJapanesenoun匕首, 合口, 合い口: a specific type of dagger with no crossguard, where the hilt fits directly against the opening of the scabbard, often kept concealed in one's clothing
WeatherDauSaterland Frisiannoundewmasculine uncountable
WeatherDauSaterland Frisiannoundrizzlemasculine uncountable
WeathernevePortugueseverbthird-person singular present subjunctive of nevarform-of present singular subjunctive third-person
WeathernieveSpanishnounice creamMexico feminine
WeathernieveSpanishverbinflection of nevar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
WeathernieveSpanishverbinflection of nevar: ## first/third-person singular present subjunctive ## third-person singular imperative / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto blow (to produce an air current)imperfective intransitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto blow (to be propelled by an air current)archaic imperfective intransitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto drift in, to overblow (to blow over or accross)imperfective obsolete transitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto winnow (to subject (granular material, especially food grain) to a current of air separating heavier and lighter components)agriculture business lifestyleimperfective transitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto bolt, to scram (to flee)colloquial imperfective intransitive
WeatherwiaćPolishverbto be perceptible [with instrumental] / to be perceptibleimperfective impersonal intransitive
WeatherгрозаRussiannounthunder, thunderstorm
WeatherгрозаRussiannoundanger, menace
Weaver finchesલાલGujaratiadjred
Weaver finchesલાલGujaratinounred
Weaver finchesલાલGujaratinounred avadavat (Amandava amandava)
WeaverbirdsweaverbirdEnglishnounAny of various Old World passerine birds in either of two families known for building nests of intricately woven vegetation. / Ploceidae, the family most commonly known by this name
WeaverbirdsweaverbirdEnglishnounAny of various Old World passerine birds in either of two families known for building nests of intricately woven vegetation. / The family Estrildidae, better known as estrildid finches or weaver finches
WeavingnavicellaItaliannoundiminutive of nave: a small shipdiminutive feminine form-of
WeavingnavicellaItaliannoungondola (of an airship)feminine
WeavingnavicellaItaliannounincense boat (vessel for incense)feminine
WeevilsgrugruEnglishnounA kind of palm tree bearing an edible fruit and nut. / Acrocomia aculeataCaribbean
WeevilsgrugruEnglishnounA kind of palm tree bearing an edible fruit and nut. / Acrocomia crispaCaribbean
WeevilsgrugruEnglishnounA grugru worm
WindzefírHungariannounzephyr (light fabric)business manufacturing textiles
WindzefírHungariannounzephyr (gentle breeze)archaic
WinesbrandaIrishnounAlternative form of branra (“supporting bar; rest, support; tripod; gridiron; (penal) stocks; partly submerged reef”)alt-of alternative masculine
WintermidwinterEnglishnounThe middle of winter.countable uncountable
WintermidwinterEnglishnounThe winter solstice; about December 21st or 22nd.countable uncountable
WoodsfirreMiddle Englishnounfir (Abies spp.)
WoodsfirreMiddle Englishnounfir wood
Wrenswinter wrenEnglishnounA bird of the species Troglodytes hiemalis, of the coniferous forests of the cooler parts of North America, from British Columbia to the Atlantic coast.
Wrenswinter wrenEnglishnounAny of what are now consider separate species, the Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) and the Pacific wren (Troglodytes pacificus)
WritingalfabetyzacjaPolishnounalphabetisation (process of arranging words in alphabetical order)feminine
WritingalfabetyzacjaPolishnounalphabet creationhuman-sciences linguistics sciencesfeminine
WritingalfabetyzacjaPolishnounliteratizing (process of spreading literacy in a region)educationfeminine
WritinglistPolishnounletter (written or printed communication)inanimate masculine
WritinglistPolishnounletter (paper on which such a communication is written)inanimate masculine
WritinglistPolishnounleaf (part of a plant)inanimate masculine obsolete
WritinglistPolishnounpetal; slice; plaque; layer (long, flat piece of something)inanimate masculine obsolete
WritinglistPolishnounpetal; slice; plaque; layer (long, flat piece of something) / sheet (long, flat piece of paper)Middle Polish inanimate masculine obsolete
WritinglistPolishnounleaves (pages of a book)in-plural inanimate masculine obsolete
WritinglistPolishnounpaper tracking financial interestinanimate masculine obsolete
WritinglistPolishnoungenitive plural of listafeminine form-of genitive plural
WritingἀναγράφωAncient Greekverbto engrave and set up (treaties, laws, etc.)
WritingἀναγράφωAncient Greekverbto inscribe, register
WritingἀναγράφωAncient Greekverbto register someone’s name
WritingἀναγράφωAncient Greekverbto describemathematics sciences
WritingἀναγράφωAncient Greekverbto entitle
WritingἀναγράφωAncient Greekverbto paintByzantine
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A sharp stick used for writing on clay tablets or other surfaces; a stylus; (by extension, obsolete) an instrument used to write with ink; a pen.countable historical uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A tool with a sharp point used in engraving; a burin, a graver, a stylet, a stylus.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / The gnomon or pin of a sundial, the shadow of which indicates the hour.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / The stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower.biology botany natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A kind of surgical instrument with a blunt point, used for exploration.medicine sciences surgerycountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A small, thin, pointed body part.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounSenses relating to a thin, pointed object. / A small, thin, pointed body part. / A long, slender, bristle-like process near the anal region.biology entomology natural-sciences zoologycountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of expression in writing or speech, especially one regarded as good.broadly countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of expression in writing or speech, especially one regarded as good. / A legal or traditional term or formula of words used to address or refer to a person, especially a monarch or a person holding a post or having a title.broadly countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A particular manner of acting or behaving; (specifically) one regarded as fashionable or skilful; flair, grace.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A particular way in which one grooms, adorns, dresses, or carries oneself; (specifically) a way thought to be attractive or fashionable.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A visual or other modification to text or other elements of a document, such as boldface or italics.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art. / A set of rules regarding the presentation of text (spelling, typography, the citation of references, etc.) and illustrations that is applied by a publisher to the works it printing publishingcountable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishnounA particular manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art.countable uncountable
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo design, fashion, make, or arrange in a certain way or form (style)transitive
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo call or give a name or title to.formal transitive
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo create for, or give to, someone a style, fashion, or image, particularly one which is regarded as attractive, tasteful, or trendy.informal transitive
Writing instrumentsstyleEnglishverbTo act in a way which seeks to show that one possesses style.US informal intransitive
YellowsgoldCebuanonoungold (chemical element)
YellowsgoldCebuanonouna coin or coinage made of this material, or supposedly so
YellowsgoldCebuanonouna bright yellow color, resembling the metal gold
YellowsgoldCebuanonouna gold medal
YellowsgoldCebuanonounmiscellaneous unit of currency in fantasy genre
YellowsgoldCebuanoadjhaving the colour of gold
YellowsocreCatalanadjochrefeminine masculine
YerevanպրոսպեկտArmeniannounspecifically, the Mashtots Avenue in Yerevancapitalized colloquial
ZambiakwachaEnglishnounMalawi's major currency unit, equivalent to 100 tambala.
ZambiakwachaEnglishnounZambia's major currency unit, equivalent to 100 ngwee.

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