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AccountingdeferralEnglishnounAn act of deferring, a deferment.
AccountingdeferralEnglishnounAn accrual.
AccountingdeferralEnglishnounA prepayment.
Administrative divisionsGouvernementGermannouncolonial government (part of the governance apparatus of a country that governs colonial territories)governmentneuter strong
Administrative divisionsGouvernementGermannoungovernorate (provincial or local government; the seat of a provincial government)governmentneuter strong
AdvertisingрекламнийUkrainianadjadvertising, publicity (both attributive)relational
Afterlifeother sideEnglishnounThe afterlife, as a supernatural realm inhabited by spirits of deceased people.idiomatic
Afterlifeother sideEnglishnounThe time after the solution or completion of a problem, adversity, or challenge.idiomatic
Afterlifeother sideEnglishnounThe other television channel (when only two were available).UK dated slang
Afterlifeother sideEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see other, side.
AgebzdykPolishnounold man, doddererderogatory masculine mildly person vulgar
AgebzdykPolishnounsomeone who farts often; fartermasculine mildly person vulgar
AgestáříCzechnounage (duration of an entity)neuter
AgestáříCzechnounage (state of being old)neuter
AgethirteenerEnglishnounA child who is thirteen years old.
AgethirteenerEnglishnounA member of the 13th Gen; a Generation Xer or Gen-Xer.dated
AgethirteenerEnglishnounThe last playing card of a suit left after the other twelve have been played.bridge card-games gamesespecially
AgethirteenerEnglishnounA hit for thirteen runs.ball-games cricket games hobbies lifestyle sports
AgethirteenerEnglishnounA coin worth thirteenpence, especially an Irish shilling (as contrasted with a British shilling which was worth twelvepence).hobbies lifestyle numismaticsdated
AgethirteenerEnglishnounA thirteen-syllable line or series of lines in a poem.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
AgethirteenerEnglishnounA mountain rising to more than 13,000 feet (about 4,000 metres) but less than 14,000 feet above mean sea level.climbing hobbies lifestyle sportsUS
Age長大Chineseverbto grow up
Age長大Chineseverbto have a large buildliterary
AgricultureabrakasLithuaniannounfodder for horses, made of oats and chaff
AgricultureabrakasLithuaniannouna slice of bread
AgricultureabrakasLithuaniannountribute paymentobsolete
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To provide an explanation; to justify or refute.lawespecially
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To explain oneself at the Last religion
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To respond to a request for assistance.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo answer or respond; to offer a response: / To provide one's choice as a response.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo be responsible for (a task, another person): / To be liable for; to suffer religion
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo be responsible for (a task, another person): / To be required to appear.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo match or correspond to (in number or nature)
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo net; to provide sustenance.rare
AgricultureanswerenMiddle EnglishverbTo pay a tariff or fee on goods.rare
AgriculturefruxLatinnounproduce, crop, fruitdeclension-3
AgriculturefruxLatinnounsuppliesdeclension-3 in-plural
AgriculturefruxLatinnounfruit, result, successdeclension-3 figuratively
Agriculture過度放牧Chineseverbto overgraze
Alcoholic beveragesmatarratasSpanishnounraticidemasculine
Alcoholic beveragesmatarratasSpanishnouna type of card gamemasculine
Alcoholic beveragesmatarratasSpanishnounrotgut (strong low-quality alcohol)colloquial masculine
Alcoholic beveragesкоктейльRussiannouncocktail
Alcoholic beveragesкоктейльRussiannounmilkshake
AlgeriaalgériaiHungarianadjAlgerian (of, from, or relating to Algeria or the Algerian people)not-comparable
AlgeriaalgériaiHungariannounAlgerian (a person from Algeria or of Algerian descent)
AlloyselectrumEnglishnounAmber.countable obsolete uncountable
AlloyselectrumEnglishnounAn alloy of gold and silver, used by the ancients; now specifically a natural alloy with between 20 and 50 per cent silver.countable uncountable
AlloyselectrumEnglishnounGerman silver plate.countable uncountable
Alternate historyASBEnglishnounInitialism of anti-shock body.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
Alternate historyASBEnglishnounInitialism of alien space bats.lifestyleabbreviation alt-of initialism slang
Alternate historyASBEnglishnounInitialism of as balls.Internet abbreviation alt-of initialism
Alternate historyASBEnglishnounInitialism of antisocial behavior.human-sciences psychology sciencesabbreviation alt-of initialism
AmphipodspulgaGaliciannounsand flea, sandhopperfeminine
Anarchismphilosophical anarchistEnglishadjof, supporting, relating to, or advocating philosophical anarchismeconomics government politics sciencesnot-comparable
Anarchismphilosophical anarchistEnglishnouna person who advocates philosophical anarchism.economics government politics sciences
AnatomybatiniSwahilinouninnermost thoughtrare
AnatomybungoBikol Centralnounskull
AnatomybungoBikol Centralnounskeleton
AnatomyMbayprepbefore, in front of
AnatomyMbayprepat, of
AnatomyMbaynounbeginning (of a period of time)
Ancient EgyptfáraóHungariannounpharaoh (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)historical
Ancient EgyptfáraóHungariannounfaro, pharaoh (card game)card-games games
Ancient Near EastՔանանArmeniannameCanaan (grandson of Noah)
Ancient Near EastՔանանArmeniannameCanaan (a historical region in the Middle East)
Ancient RomedeductorEnglishnounOne who deducts something, particularly one who deducts tax from wages or deducts certain expenditures from payment of tax.
Ancient RomedeductorEnglishnounThe formal patron of a Roman colony.historical
Ancient RomedeductorEnglishnounSynonym of pilot whale.
Ancient RomeⲁⲩⲅⲟⲩⲥⲧⲟⲥCopticnameAugust.Bohairic
Ancient RomeⲁⲩⲅⲟⲩⲥⲧⲟⲥCopticnameAugustus
AngerमनाSanskritnoundevotion, attachment, zeal, eagerness
AngerमनाSanskritnounenvy, jealousy
Animal body partshäntäIngriannountail
Animal body partshäntäIngrianpronpartitive of hääform-of partitive
Animal body partsslechCzechnounhearing (sense)inanimate masculine obsolete
Animal body partsslechCzechnounear of a furry animalhobbies hunting lifestyleinanimate masculine
Animal body partsመቅጠንTigrenounback of a beast
Animal body partsመቅጠንTigrenounbody of man
Animal body partsመቅጠንTigrenountableland; valley margin, valley border
Animal dwellingsقفصArabicnouncage, birdcage, pen, coop
Animal dwellingsقفصArabicnounbasket, particularly if it is similar in mould to a cage
Animal dwellingsقفصArabicnounthorax
Animal soundsringhioItaliannounsnarl, growlmasculine
Animal soundsringhioItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of ringhiarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Animal soundsకలకలTelugunounsound of laughter.onomatopoeic
Animal soundsకలకలTelugunounchirping of birds.
Animalsalcelafo di LichtensteinItaliannounLichtenstein's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus lichtensteinii)masculine
Animalsalcelafo di LichtensteinItaliannounkonzemasculine
AnimalsspiccHungariannountoecap, tiptoe
AnimalsspiccHungariannounspitz (dog)
AnimalsspiccHungariannounslight intoxicationinformal uncountable
AnimalszaprzęgPolishnouna horse-drawn vehicle; any animal-drawn vehicleinanimate masculine
AnimalszaprzęgPolishnouna group of animals used to pull a vehicle (such as a carriage, sled, etc.)inanimate masculine
AnimalszaprzęgPolishnouna harnessinanimate masculine
AnimalszaprzęgPolishnouna harness and vehicle togetherinanimate masculine
Apiales order plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn umbrella magnolia (Magnolia tripetala).
Apiales order plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn African corkwood (Musanga cecropioides).
Apiales order plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn Australian rainforest tree (Polyscias murrayi).
Apiales order plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn octopus tree (Schefflera actinophylla).
Apiales order plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn Indian almond (Terminalia catappa).
Apiales order plantsumbrella treeEnglishnounAn umbrella thorn (Vachellia tortilis).
Apiales order plantsżeń-szeńPolishnounginseng (any plant of the genus Panax)inanimate masculine
Apiales order plantsżeń-szeńPolishnounginseng (root of such a plant, or the extract)inanimate masculine
Apieae tribe plantsescuradentsCatalannountoothpickinvariable masculine
Apieae tribe plantsescuradentsCatalannountoothpickweedinvariable masculine
Appearance上面Japanesenounoutward appearance
Appearance美肌Japanesenounbeautiful skin
Appearance美肌Japanesenounbeautiful skinuncommon
Arabic numeral symbolsجArabiccharacterThe fifth letter of the Arabic alphabet. Its name is جِيم (jīm), and is preceded by ث (ṯ) and followed by ح (ḥ).letter
Arabic numeral symbolsجArabicsymbolThe third letter in traditional abjad order, which is used in place of numerals for list numbering (abjad numerals). It is preceded by ب (b) and followed by د (d).
Arabic numeral symbolsجArabicnounAbbreviation of جَمْع (jamʕ, “plural”).human-sciences lexicography linguistics sciencesabbreviation alt-of
ArcheryزنبورکPersiannounlittle wasp
ArcheryزنبورکPersiannouna kind of crossbow
ArcheryزنبورکPersiannouna kind of little cannon, culverin, falconet, zamburak
ArcheryزنبورکPersiannouna kind of small arrowhead, as well as an arrow with such a head
ArcheryزنبورکPersiannounguimbard, Jew's harp
ArcheryປືນLaonoungun, rifle
ArcheryປືນLaonounbow, crossbow
ArcheryປືນLaonounslingshot, catapult
Architectural elementskariatydaPolishnouncaryatid (sculpted female figure serving as an architectural element)feminine
Architectural elementskariatydaPolishnounathletic womanfeminine
Architectural elementsparacarroItaliannounguard stone (at the roadside corner of a building)masculine
Architectural elementsparacarroItaliannounkerbstone/curbstonemasculine
Architectural elementsparacarroItaliannounbollardmasculine
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishnounA foundation or base; the bottom of a building.
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishnounThe foundation, base, or bottom of a column, statue, or vase.
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishnounPadding inserted below a horse's bridle.rare
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishnounA hand's palm; the section of a hand below the fingers.rare
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishnounThe bottom portion of a dress.rare
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishnounThe mix of metals used as a base for alchemical operations.alchemy pseudosciencerare
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishadjAlternative form of basalt-of alternative
ArchitecturebaseMiddle EnglishnounAlternative form of bacealt-of alternative
Architecture路頭Chinesenounintersection; crossing; junction (of roads)Hokkien literary
Architecture路頭Chinesenountravel distanceHokkien literary
Architecture路頭Chinesenounstart of a journeyHokkien
Architecture路頭Chinesenounstart of a road
Architecture路頭Chinesenounpier; wharf; dockHokkien dated
ArmadillostolypeutineEnglishnounThe apar, a kind of armadillo.biology natural-sciences zoologyrare
ArmadillostolypeutineEnglishnounAny armadillo of the Tolypeutinae subfamily
Artcave paintingEnglishnounThe activity of applying pigments to the interior surfaces of caves to create images, especially when carried out in prehistoric times.archaeology art arts history human-sciences sciencesuncountable
Artcave paintingEnglishnounThe paintings resulting from this activity regarded collectively, especially if prehistoric; cave art; (countable) an individual painting of this type.archaeology art arts history human-sciences sciencesuncountable
ArtperokresbaCzechnounpen drawing (a picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper, made with a pen)feminine
ArtperokresbaCzechnounpen drawing (creation of a picture with pen)feminine
ArttectiformEnglishadjRoof-shaped; sloping downwards on two sides from a raised central ridge.anthropology biology human-sciences natural-sciences sciences
ArttectiformEnglishnounA type of cave painting or engraving, having in its simplest form the shape of an upward-pointing wedge or arrow, thought to represent the roof of a tent or rudimentary building.anthropology human-sciences sciences
ArtétrécissementEnglishnounThe surrealist technique of cutting away parts of images to develop a new artsuncountable
ArtétrécissementEnglishnounAn image formed by this artscountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA device used to power electric devices, consisting of a set of electrically connected electrochemical or, archaically, electrostatic cells. A single such cell when used by electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounThe infliction of unlawful physical violence on a person, legally distinguished from assault, which includes the threat of impending violence.lawcountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA coordinated group of artillery weapons.government military politics warcountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounAn elevated platform on which cannon could be placed.archaic countable historical uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounAn array of similar things.countable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA set of small cages where hens are kept for the purpose of farming their eggs.countable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounThe catcher and the pitcher togetherball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounTwo or more pieces working together on the same rank, file, or diagonalboard-games chess gamescountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounA marching percussion ensemble; the section of the drumline that marches on the field during a performance.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounThe state of a firearm when it is possible to be fired.countable uncountable
ArtillerybatteryEnglishnounApparatus for preparing or serving meals.archaic countable uncountable
ArtillerysakerEnglishnounA falcon (Falco cherrug) native of Southern Europe and Asia.
ArtillerysakerEnglishnounA medium cannon slightly smaller than a culverin developed during the early 17th century.
Artistic worksΟδύσσειαGreeknameOdyssey (Homer's epic)
Artistic worksΟδύσσειαGreeknameodyssey (extended adventurous voyage)broadly
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounAmpelopsis japonica
Arum family plants鏡草Japanesenounthe round slices of daikon placed atop the 鏡餅 (kagami mochi) at the New Yeararchaic
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 大根 (daikon, “daikon radish, mooli”)broadly
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 朝顔 (asagao, “morning glory, Ipomoea nil”)
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 一薬草 (ichiyakusō, “Pyrola japonica”)
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 蘿藦 (gagaimo, “Metaplexis japonica”)archaic
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 浮草 (ukikusa, “duckweed, Spirodela polyrhiza”)archaic
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 山吹 (yamabuki, “kerria rose, Kerria japonica”)archaic
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 豆蔦 (mamezuta, “Lemmaphyllum microphyllum”)historical
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 伊予葛 (Iyo kazura, “Vincetoxicum japonicum”)historical
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 酢漿草 (katabami, “creeping woodsorrel, Oxalis corniculata”)historical
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 血止草 (chidomegusa, “Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides”)historical
Arum family plants鏡草JapanesenounSynonym of 一薬草 (ichiyakusō, “Pyrola japonica”)archaic
Asterales order plantsbławatPolishnouncornflower (Centaurea cyanus)inanimate masculine
Asterales order plantsbławatPolishnouna type of silk fabrichistorical inanimate masculine
AstrologyஉவாTamilnounfull moon
AstrologyஉவாTamilnounnew moon
AstronomyávusNorthern Saminounspace
AstronomyávusNorthern Saminounouter space
Atmospheric phenomenaregnbågeSwedishnouna rainbowcommon-gender
Atmospheric phenomenaregnbågeSwedishnouna rainbow trout (short for regnbågsforell, Oncorhynchus mykiss)common-gender
Atmospheric phenomenaجھڑPunjabinouncloud covering the sun; cloudy weather; shade of the sun caused by the cloud
Atmospheric phenomenaجھڑPunjabinounincessant rainrare
Auto partsBremseGermannounbrake, device for causing decelerationfeminine
Auto partsBremseGermannounany kind of clamp that restricts movementarchaic feminine
Auto partsBremseGermannounany kind of clamp that restricts movement / in particular, a twitch wherewith particularly in veterinary medicine body parts of a beast (face, testicles etc.) are pinched to perform surgical or similar operationsarchaic feminine
Auto partsBremseGermannounhorsefly, breezefly, gadfly (fly of the family Tabanidae)feminine
AutomotivecontaquilómetrosGaliciannounmilometer (UK), odometer (US)invariable masculine
AutomotivecontaquilómetrosGaliciannounspeedometerinvariable masculine
AutomotiveminivanEnglishnounA small van, especially (Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines) one primarily used for family transport.
AutomotiveminivanEnglishverbTo travel or transport in a small van.intransitive transitive
AutomotivesynchronizatorPolishnounsynchronizer; synchromesh (device for equalizing the rotational speed of the gears at the moment of their engagement)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
AutomotivesynchronizatorPolishnounsynchronizer; synchromesh (device for automatic synchronization of two AC generators)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
Baby animalshoggetEnglishnounA young colt or sheep of either gender from about 9 to 18 months of age (until it cuts 2 teeth).New-Zealand UK
Baby animalshoggetEnglishnounThe meat of a young sheep.New-Zealand UK
Baby animalshoggetEnglishnounA young boar of the second year.UK
Baby animalsptaszekPolishnoundiminutive of ptak; young or small birdanimal-not-person diminutive form-of masculine
Baby animalsptaszekPolishnouncheckmark, tickanimal-not-person informal masculine
Baby animalsptaszekPolishnouncock (male genitalia)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
Baby animalsяреBulgariannounkid (baby goat)
Baby animalsяреBulgariannounfawn
Baby animals蝤蠐Chinesenounlarva of the longhorn beetleliterary
Baby animals蝤蠐Chinesenounthe soft and smooth neck of beautiful womenfiguratively literary
BagszacskóHungariannounbag (a flexible container made of cloth, paper, plastic, etc.)
BagszacskóHungariannounsac (a bag or pouch inside a plant or animal that typically contains a fluid)
BankingprzelewPolishnounbank transfer; wire transferinanimate masculine
BankingprzelewPolishnounoverflowinanimate masculine
BankingprzelewPolishnounspillwayinanimate masculine
BankingprzelewPolishnounassignment; conveyance; cessionlawinanimate masculine
BeesmehiläinenFinnishnounbee (flying insect of the clade Anthophila)
BeesmehiläinenFinnishnounEllipsis of tarhamehiläinen (“honey bee”).abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
BelarusкасінерBelarusiannouna war scythemanhistorical
BelarusкасінерBelarusiannounspecifically, one of the scythemen that partook in the January Uprising
BeveragesDiet CokeEnglishnounA cola-based soft drink containing no or low amounts of sugar and produced by the Coca-Cola Company.informal uncountable
BeveragesDiet CokeEnglishnounA bottle, glass or can of such a drink.countable informal
BeveragesbockbierDutchnounbock beerneuter
BeveragesbockbierDutchnouna glass of bock beerneuter
BeveragescaféGaliciannouncoffee beanmasculine
BeveragescaféGaliciannouncoffee plantmasculine
BeveragesscudEnglishadjNaked.Scotland slang
BeveragesscudEnglishverbTo race along swiftly (especially used of clouds).intransitive
BeveragesscudEnglishverbTo run, or be driven, before a high wind with no sails set.nautical transportintransitive transitive
BeveragesscudEnglishverbTo hit or slap.Northumbria
BeveragesscudEnglishverbTo speed.Northumbria
BeveragesscudEnglishverbTo skim flat stones so they skip along the water.Northumbria
BeveragesscudEnglishnounThe act of scudding.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounClouds or rain driven by the wind.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounA loose formation of small ragged cloud fragments (or fog) not attached to a larger higher cloud layer.uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounA gust of wind.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounA scab on a wound.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounA small flight of larks, or other birds, less than a flock.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounAny swimming amphipod.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounA swift runner.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounA form of garden hoe.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounA slap; a sharp stroke.countable uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounPornography.Scotland slang uncountable
BeveragesscudEnglishnounThe drink Irn-Bru.Scotland slang uncountable
Beverages수단KoreannameSudan (a country in Africa)
Beverages수단Koreannounprocedure; method; way; a means (to an end)
Beverages수단Koreannounsudan (traditional Korean punch, made from boiled rice flour cakes and honeyed water, often consumed on holidays)
BibleManassiteEnglishnounA descendant of Manasseh, elder son of Joseph.
BibleManassiteEnglishnounA descendant or member of the tribe of Manasseh.
BibleManassiteEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Manasseh, or to the tribe of Manasseh.not-comparable
Biblical charactersGeremiaItaliannameJeremiah (biblical figure)masculine
Biblical charactersGeremiaItaliannamethe Book of Jeremiahmasculine
Biblical charactersGeremiaItaliannamea male given namemasculine
Biblical charactersGeremiaItaliannamea surname originating as a patronymicby-personal-gender feminine masculine
Biblical charactersRubènCatalannamea male given name, equivalent to English Reubenmasculine
Biblical charactersRubènCatalannameReuben (Biblical figure)masculine
Biblical charactersRuthDanishnameRuth (biblical character).
Biblical charactersRuthDanishnamea female given name of biblical origin
Biblical charactersRuthGermannameRuth (biblical character).feminine proper-noun
Biblical charactersRuthGermannamea female given name, equivalent to English Ruthfeminine proper-noun
Biblical charactersÁronHungariannamea male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Aaron
Biblical charactersÁronHungariannameAaron (the elder brother of Moses)
Bicycle partspedałPolishnounpedalinanimate masculine
Bicycle partspedałPolishnounfaggot (homosexual)colloquial derogatory masculine person
Bill and Hillary ClintonClintonismEnglishnounThe policies of U.S. president Bill Clinton.uncountable
Bill and Hillary ClintonClintonismEnglishnounA statement made by Bill Clinton.countable uncountable
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo grill; to roast.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo torture with fire.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread; to stretch out.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo cover by spreading.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo spread around; to disseminate or scatter.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo create; to engender or produce: / To breed; to mate (of birds)
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo create; to engender or produce: / To carry offspring (in the womb or egg)
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo create; to engender or produce: / To bear; to give birth.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo create; to engender or produce: / To raise; to cause to grow.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo create; to engender or produce: / To breed (selectively mate)rare
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo come into being; to arise or grow.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo exist (somewhere); to live or dwell.
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbTo be carried in the womb.rare
BiologybredenMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of breidenalt-of alternative
BiologyphysiologicusLatinadjrelational adjective of physiologia in the older, now-obsolete sense of natural philosophyadjective declension-1 declension-2
BiologyphysiologicusLatinadjphysiologicalNew-Latin adjective declension-1 declension-2
BiologyreproductionEnglishnounThe act of reproducing new individuals biologically.countable uncountable
BiologyreproductionEnglishnounThe act of making copies.countable uncountable
BiologyreproductionEnglishnounA copy of something, as in a piece of art; a duplicate.countable uncountable
BiologyreproductionEnglishnounA method for reproducing a bug or problem.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable uncountable
Birch family plantsbirchbarkEnglishnounThe bark of the birch tree, especially the white bark of the paper birch, Betula papyrifera.countable uncountable
Birch family plantsbirchbarkEnglishnounA piece of this bark, formerly used for writing on.countable uncountable
BirdsaveSpanishnounfowl, poultryChile feminine
BirdsaveSpanishintjhello, hail
BirdsaveSpanishnounhigh-speed trainSpain feminine
BirdscochilíniSan Juan Atzingo Popolocanounnorthern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)
BirdscochilíniSan Juan Atzingo Popolocanounsinging quail (Dactylortyx thoracicus)
BirdsgasseNorwegian Bokmålnouna gander (male goose)masculine
BirdsgasseNorwegian Bokmålverbto gas (kill or harm with gas, disinfect with gas)
BirdsnestlingEnglishnounA small, young bird that is still confined to the nest.
BirdsnestlingEnglishnounA nest; a receptacle.obsolete
BirdsnestlingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of nestleform-of gerund participle present
BirdsnestlingEnglishnounThe act of one who nestles.
Birdsoiseau de passageFrenchnounmigratory bird, bird of passagemasculine
Birdsoiseau de passageFrenchnounbird of passage (someone passing through a place and only staying for a short time)figuratively masculine
BirdssångareSwedishnounsinger (person who sings)common-gender
BirdssångareSwedishnounwarbler, any bird in the family Sylviidaecommon-gender
BirdsærNorwegian Bokmålnouneiderfeminine masculine
BirdsærNorwegian Bokmålverbimperative of æreform-of imperative
BirdsدالPersiannouneagle, bird of preybroadly
BirdsدالPersiannounlentil, dal
BirdsدالPersiannamename of the letter دalt-of letter name
BoasdusicielPolishnounstrangler, chokermasculine person
BoasdusicielPolishnounconstrictormasculine person
BoasdusicielPolishnounboid (snake of the family Boidae)animal-not-person masculine
Bodies of waterestreitoPortugueseadjnarrow (having a small width)comparable
Bodies of waterestreitoPortugueseadjclose (strong, pronounced, intimate)comparable
Bodies of waterestreitoPortuguesenounstraitgeography natural-sciencesmasculine
Bodies of waterestreitoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of estreitarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Bodies of waterfjordDutchnounfjordmasculine
Bodies of waterfjordDutchnounFjord horsemasculine
Bodily functionsοὐρέωAncient Greekverbto make water, urinate
Bodily functionsοὐρέωAncient Greekverbto pass with the water
Bodily functionsοὐρέωAncient Greekverbto act as diuretic
BodylicOld Englishnoundead body, corpse
BodylicOld Englishnounbody (living or dead)
BodylicOld Englishnounform
Body partscaḍḍuSiciliannounA hard or thick substance.masculine
Body partscaḍḍuSiciliannounThe hardened, thick skin upon animal bodies, hide.masculine
Body partscaḍḍuSiciliannounThe hard skin or flesh of plants.masculine
Body partscaḍḍuSiciliannounA callus, induration.masculine
Body partscaḍḍuSiciliannounHardness, callousness, insensibility, stupidity.figuratively masculine
Body partslistSlovenenounpiece of paper
Body partslistSlovenenounleaf
Body partslistSlovenenounsole
Body partslistSlovenenouncalf (leg part)anatomy medicine sciences
Body partsyuꞌúAlcozauca Mixtecnounmouth
Body partsyuꞌúAlcozauca Mixtecnounlip
Body partsyuꞌúAlcozauca Mixtecnounedge, shore
Body partsجرابArabicnounpouch, sack, case, sheath, holster, etc.
Body partsجرابArabicnounpod (of plant-seeds)
Body partsجرابArabicnounscrotum
Body partsجرابArabicnounbursa
Body partsجرابArabicnounomasum, psalterium, the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
Body partsجرابArabicnounmarsupial
Body partsجرابArabicnounalternative form of جَوْرَب (jawrab): sockalt-of alternative
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounneedle, a long, thin and sharp implement used in sewing and knitting
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounpin, a needle without an eye used for fastening
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounbodkin, a sharp-pointed tool for making holes in cloth or leather
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounstinger, a pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounpenis, the male reproductive organ used for sexual intercoursecolloquial
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounstyle, the stalk that connects the stigma to the ovarybiology botany natural-sciences
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounolecranon, the bony process forming the point of the elbow
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnouncalcaneus, the large bone making up the heel of the human foot
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounthe sting of calumny, slander or malicious misrepresentationfiguratively
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnounthe magnetic needle of a compass or other instrument
BonesابرهOttoman Turkishnoungreat bustard; Otis tarda
Bookstruyện tranhVietnamesenounan illustrated storybook
Bookstruyện tranhVietnamesenouna comic book
Bookstruyện tranhVietnamesenouna graphic novel
BookswakatPolishnounvacancy (unoccupied position)inanimate masculine
BookswakatPolishnounintentionally blank pageinanimate masculine
Books of the BibleZachariášSlovaknameZechariahlifestyle religionmasculine person
Books of the BibleZachariášSlovaknamea surnamemasculine person
Books of the BibleയോശുവMalayalamnamethe Book of Joshua (book of the Old Testament of the Bible and of the Tanakh)
Books of the BibleയോശുവMalayalamnameJoshua, the son of Nun who wrote the Book of Joshua
Books of the Bible詩篇Chinesenounpoem
Books of the Bible詩篇Chinesenounepic
Books of the Bible詩篇ChinesenamePsalms (book of the Bible)Christianity Protestantism
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A town in the borough of Bromley, in south-eastern Greater London (OS grid ref TQ4069).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A London borough of Greater London.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A district in the borough of Tower Hamlets, eastern London, officially Bromley by Bow (OS grid ref TQ3782).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A hamlet in Standon parish, East Hertfordshire district, Hertfordshire (OS grid ref TL4121).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A hamlet in Wortley parish, Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley, South Yorkshire (OS grid ref SK3298).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA number of places in England: / A suburb of Kingswinford, Metropolitan Borough of Dudley, West Midlands (OS grid ref SO9088).countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Baldwin County, Alabama, United States.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA minor city in Kenton County, Kentucky, United States.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA village in Mashonaland East province, Zimbabwe.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameAn eastern suburb of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.countable uncountable
Boroughs in EnglandBromleyEnglishnameA habitational surname from Old English.countable uncountable
BotanybladMiddle EnglishnounA leaf (botanical organ)
BotanybladMiddle EnglishnounA blade (edge of a weapon or tool).
BotanybladMiddle EnglishnounA blade (slashing or stabbing weapon).
BotanybladMiddle EnglishnounA wooden roofing tile.rare
BotanybladMiddle EnglishnounThe extensions or pincers of an implement.rare
Bovines𒀫Sumeriannounyoung, youngster, chick
Bovines𒀫Sumeriannounson, descendant
BramblesrabamurakasEstoniannouncloudberry (species)
BramblesrabamurakasEstoniannouncloudberry (fruit)
BrassicasزهرةGulf Arabicnounflower
BrassicasزهرةGulf Arabicnouncauliflower
BrassicasزهرةGulf Arabicnoundice (board games)
BrownsbrunOld Frenchadjbrown (color/colour)masculine
BrownsbrunOld Frenchnounbrown-haired person
BrownstawnyEnglishadjOf a light brown to brownish orange colour.
BrownstawnyEnglishverbTo cause (someone or something) to have a light brown to brownish orange colour; to tan, to tawn.transitive
BrownstawnyEnglishverbTo become a light brown to brownish orange colour; to tan, to tawn.intransitive
BrownstawnyEnglishnounA light brown to brownish orange colour.countable uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounA light brown to brownish orange colour. / Synonym of tenné (“a rarely-used tincture of orange or bright brown”)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicscountable specifically uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounSomething of a light brown or brownish orange colour (particularly if it has the word tawny in its name).countable uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounSomething of a light brown or brownish orange colour (particularly if it has the word tawny in its name). / The common bullfinch or Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula).countable uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounIn full tawny port: a sweet, fortified port wine which is blended and matured in wooden casks.countable uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounA fabric of a light brown to brownish orange colour.countable obsolete uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounA person with skin of a brown colour.countable obsolete uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounTawny frogmouth.countable uncountable
BrownstawnyEnglishnounTawny owl.countable uncountable
Building materialstileEnglishnounA regularly-shaped slab of clay or other material, affixed to cover or decorate a surface, as in a roof-tile, glazed tile, stove tile, carpet tile, etc.
Building materialstileEnglishnounA rectangular graphic.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Building materialstileEnglishnounAny of various flat cuboid playing pieces used in certain games, such as dominoes, Scrabble, or mahjong.
Building materialstileEnglishnounA stiff hat.dated informal
Building materialstileEnglishverbTo cover with tiles.transitive
Building materialstileEnglishverbTo arrange in a regular pattern, with adjoining edges (applied to tile-like objects, graphics, windows in a computer interface).computing engineering graphical-user-interface mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Building materialstileEnglishverbTo optimize (a loop in program code) by means of the tiling technique.computing computing-theory engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Building materialstileEnglishverbTo seal a lodge against intrusions from unauthorised people.Freemasonry freemasonry lifestyle
Building materialstileEnglishverbTo protect from the intrusion of the uninitiated.
BuildingsPalazzo di GiustiziaItaliannamea building hosting the Italian Supreme Court in Rome
BuildingsPalazzo di GiustiziaItaliannamesimilar buildings in many other Italian cities
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounA tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town.
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounA fortress at the end of a bridge.
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounAn opening in the wall of a fortress through which the guns are levelled; a narrow loophole through which arrows and other missiles may be shot.
BuildingsbarbicanEnglishnounA temporary wooden tower built for defensive purposes.
BuildingseardungOld Englishnounthe act of living or dwellingfeminine
BuildingseardungOld Englishnounplace of living or dwelling; abode, lair, tabernaclefeminine
BuildingsrogatkaPolishnounboom barrier, boom gate, tollbarfeminine
BuildingsrogatkaPolishnoungenitive singular of rogatekform-of genitive inanimate masculine singular
Buildings屋敷Japanesenounestate, grounds, mansion, residence
Buildings屋敷Japanesenamea surname
Buildings and structurespustelniaPolishnounhermitage (dwelling place of hermit)lifestyle religionfeminine
Buildings and structurespustelniaPolishnounhermitage, hideaway (structure in the form of a small garden or park pavilion; also a representative building usually located on the outskirts)feminine
Buildings and structuresбранаSerbo-Croatiannoundam
Buildings and structuresбранаSerbo-Croatiannounharrow
Buildings and structuresвежаUkrainiannountower
Buildings and structuresвежаUkrainiannounprison, jailobsolete
Buildings and structuresвежаUkrainiannounturret
Buildings and structuresਯਾਦਗਾਰPunjabinounmemorial, monument
Buildings and structuresਯਾਦਗਾਰPunjabinounmemento
BurialܩܒܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounbox, ark, chestarchaic
BurialܩܒܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounNoah's arkbiblical lifestyle religion
BurialܩܒܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicnounArk of the Covenantbiblical lifestyle religion
BurialܩܒܘܬܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnouncasket, coffin, sarcophagus
BurialChinesecharactergrave; tomb
BurialChinesecharactera surname: Mu
BusinessvagaCatalannounstrike (cessation of work)feminine
BusinessvagaCatalanverbinflection of vagar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
BusinessvagaCatalanverbinflection of vagar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ButterflieshiipijäFinnishnounsneaker (one who sneaks)
ButterflieshiipijäFinnishnounskipperling (butterfly of the subfamily Heteropterinae)
Cakes and pastrieskolačSerbo-Croatiannouncake
Cakes and pastrieskolačSerbo-Croatiannounpastry
Cakes and pastrieskolačSerbo-Croatiannountraditional Serbian bread
Cakes and pastriespicenWelshnounsmall round cake, loaf or bun baked on a bakestone or griddle, griddle cakemasculine
Cakes and pastriespicenWelshnounWelsh cakemasculine
Calculus微分Japanesenoundifferentiationmathematics sciences
Calculus微分Japaneseverbto differentiate
CalendarkalendarzPolishnouncalendar (system by which time is divided)inanimate masculine
CalendarkalendarzPolishnouncalendar (list of planned events)inanimate masculine
CanalsslussaSwedishverbto pass through a lock in a canalintransitive
CanalsslussaSwedishverbto pass something or someone through a lock in a canaltransitive
CanalsslussaSwedishverbto let something pass through some passage; to let in or let outfiguratively transitive
CanalsslussaSwedishverbto transport, to direct, to channelfiguratively transitive
CaprinesenjëAlbaniannounEnglish yew (Taxus baccata)feminine
CaprinesenjëAlbaniannounstinking juniper (Juniperus foetidissima)feminine
CaprinesenjëAlbaniannoundairy goatfeminine
Card gamesasSlovenenounAn ace; in a game of cards.card-games games
Card gamesasSlovenenounAn ace; somebody very proficient at an activity.
Card gamesдамаBulgariannounlady
Card gamesдамаBulgariannounfemale dance partner
Card gamesдамаBulgariannounqueenboard-games card-games chess games
Card gamesдамаBulgariannounhopscotch
Carnation family plantsblodyn taranauWelshnounred campion (Silene dioica)masculine
Carnation family plantsblodyn taranauWelshnoungreater stitchwort (Rabelera holostea syn. Stellaria holostea)masculine
Carnation family plantsօշնանArmeniannounsoapwort (Saponaria)literary
Carnation family plantsօշնանArmeniannounsaltwort (Salsola)literary
Caryophyllales order plantsbitterrootEnglishnounLewisia rediviva, a small, low, pink flower with a yellow center.countable uncountable
Caryophyllales order plantsbitterrootEnglishnounApocynum androsaemifolium (fly-trap dogbane).countable uncountable
Caryophyllales order plantsbitterrootEnglishnounGentiana lutea (great yellow gentian, bitterwort)countable uncountable
Caryophyllales order plantsbitterrootEnglishadjHaving bitter roots.attributive not-comparable usually
Caryophyllales order plantsدعاعArabicnounAizoon canariense
Caryophyllales order plantsدعاعArabicnounMesembryanthemum nodiflorum
Castile and LeónSegovianEnglishadjFrom Segovia
Castile and LeónSegovianEnglishnounsomeone from Segovia.
CatholicismsacramentoSpanishnounsacramentChristianity lifestyle religion theologymasculine
CatholicismsacramentoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of sacramentarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
CatschatonFrenchnounkitten, kitty (baby cat)masculine
CatschatonFrenchnouncollet, bezel (around a jewel, on a ring)masculine
CatschatonFrenchnounthe jewel itself (around which the collet is, on a ring)broadly masculine
CatsgattuSiciliannounA male cat.masculine
CatsgattuSiciliannounA domesticated species (Felis catus) of feline animal, commonly kept as a house pet.masculine
CattlebovineEnglishadjOf or pertaining to cattle.not-comparable
CattlebovineEnglishadjBelonging to the family, subfamily, tribe, or genera including cows, buffalo, and bison.not-comparable
CattlebovineEnglishadjSluggish, dull, slow-witted.
CattlebovineEnglishnounAn animal of the family, subfamily, tribe, or genera including cattle, buffaloes and bison.
CattledójkaPolishnounmilkmaid (young woman who milks the cows on a farm)colloquial dialectal feminine
CattledójkaPolishnounmilker (dairy animal)colloquial feminine
CattledójkaPolishnounmammary papilla of dairy animalscolloquial feminine
Celery family plantsزرنبArabicnounmountain spignel (Libanotis pyrenaica) or sticky goosefoot (Dysphania botrys)obsolete
Celery family plantsزرنبArabicnouncoffee plum, East Indian plum (Flacourtia cataphracta syn. Flacourtia jangomas)obsolete
Celery family plantsزرنبArabicnounyew (Taxus baccata)
Celestial bodiesஅண்டசராசரம்Tamilnouncosmos, universe
Celestial bodiesஅண்டசராசரம்Tamilnounall that is moving and immoving in the universe.
Celestial inhabitantsSaturnianEnglishadjRelated to the planet Saturn.astronomy natural-sciences
Celestial inhabitantsSaturnianEnglishadjRelated to the Roman god Saturn.
Celestial inhabitantsSaturnianEnglishadjDour, baleful or sullen.
Celestial inhabitantsSaturnianEnglishadjResembling a golden age; distinguished for peacefulness, happiness, contentment.
Celestial inhabitantsSaturnianEnglishadjInvolving a meter consisting of three iambics and an extra syllable followed by three trochees, employed by satirists in Ancient Rome.communications journalism literature media poetry publishing writing
Celestial inhabitantsSaturnianEnglishnounAn inhabitant of the planet Saturn.literature media publishing science-fiction
Celestial inhabitantsSaturnianEnglishnounA Saturnian poem
CervidsեղնիկArmeniannoundoe (female deer)
CervidsեղնիկArmeniannounbeautiful girl with slender bodyfiguratively
CetaceansbelugaFinnishnounbeluga, beluga whale, white whale (Delphinapterus leucas).
CetaceansbelugaFinnishnounSynonym of kitasampi (“Huso huso”) (species of sturgeon).
Chemical elementschlórLimburgishnounchlorineneuter uncountable
Chemical elementschlórLimburgishnounA part of chlorineneuter
Chemical elementspalladiumLimburgishnounpalladiumneuter uncountable
Chemical elementspalladiumLimburgishnouna part of palladiumneuter
Chemical elementsբորArmeniannounboron
Chemical elementsբորArmeniannounleprosy
ChemistryskraplaniePolishnounverbal noun of skraplaćform-of neuter noun-from-verb
ChemistryskraplaniePolishnouncondensation (phase transition)neuter
ChessmalkiaSwahilinounqueen (female monarch or wife of a king)
ChessmalkiaSwahilinounqueenboard-games chess games
ChessmalkiaSwahilinounqueencard-games games
ChessคิงThainounbody (of human).colloquial
ChessคิงThainounking (royal person)colloquial
ChessคิงThainounkingcard-games games
ChessคิงThainounkingboard-games chess games
ChildrensierotaPolishnounorphan (child whose parents have died)feminine
ChildrensierotaPolishnouna clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderercolloquial derogatory feminine
ChildrenბერობაLaznounchildhood, childness / the state of being a child
ChildrenბერობაLaznounchildhood, childness / childish behavior
Chinadrum towerEnglishnounA fortification in the form of a cylindrical tower, typically resembling a drum.
Chinadrum towerEnglishnounA tower in the center of a premodern Chinese city that houses signal drums.
Chinese character components下水Japanesenounsewage
Chinese character components下水Japanesenounditch; culvert
Chinese character components下水Japanesenounslop bowl
Chinese character components下水Japanesenounmenstruationslang
Chinese character components下水Japanesenounwater that flows underneath the surface
Chinese character components下水Japanesenounthe 氺 kanji component
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameAn imperial Chinese dynasty, ruling (with interruptions) from 206 BC to AD 220, marked by the expansion of the Yellow River's Huaxia culture to the recent conquests of the Qin and a flowering of economic, literary, and scientific development
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameThe Chinese ethnicity, when distinguished from other peoples of the Chinese state
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameA river in central China.
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameAn ancient Chinese county, viscounty, and kingdom of the Zhou dynasty and the Qin–Han interregnum
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameThe realm of this former state under other rulers
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameThe star Zeta Ophiuchi in traditional Chinese astronomy, named for this stateastronomy natural-sciences
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameA surname.
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameA former city in Huai'an, Jiangsu, Chinahistory human-sciences sciences
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameA former state in Jiangsu, China under the Zhou dynastyhistory human-sciences sciences
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameA canal in Jiangsu, China, connecting Hancheng (now Yangzhou) on the Yangtze with Mokou (now Huai'an) on the Huai.history human-sciences sciences
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameA surname from Korean.
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameA First Nations people of Canada and an Alaska Native Athabaskan people of the Athabaskan-speaking ethnolinguistic group.
Chinese dynastiesHanEnglishnameThe Northern Athabaskan language spoken by the Han people, or Hän Hwëch'in, in Alaska and the Yukon.
ChristianityПокровRussiannamePokrov (a city in Vladimir Oblast, Russia)
ChristianityПокровRussiannamePokrov (a city in Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine)
ChristianityПокровRussiannameShort for Покро́в Пресвято́й Богоро́дицы (Pokróv Presvjatój Bogoródicy, “Intercession of the Theotokos”).abbreviation alt-of
ChristianityПокровRussiannamePokrov day, Intercession of the Theotokos (feast on 14 October)
ChristianityтаинствоRussiannounsacrament; ordinancelifestyle religion
ChristianityтаинствоRussiannounmystery; secretdated literary
Cities in MexicoSndaaꞌSan Pedro Amuzgos AmuzgonameMexico City
Cities in MexicoSndaaꞌSan Pedro Amuzgos AmuzgonameMexico
ClothingJeansGermannounA pair of jeans, denim trousersfeminine
ClothingJeansGermannamegenitive singular of Jeanform-of genitive singular
ClothingJeansGermannameplural of Jeanform-of plural
Clothingbaby dollEnglishnounA child's doll designed to look like a baby.
Clothingbaby dollEnglishnounA young attractive woman; sweetheart, darling.US
Clothingbaby dollEnglishnounA style of women's nightdress.
ClothingonesieEnglishnounName given to a number of one-piece attires / A one-piece garment for an infant or small child, generally worn over a diaper.US
ClothingonesieEnglishnounName given to a number of one-piece attires / One-piece adult loungewear jumpsuit.
ClothingonesieEnglishnounName given to a number of one-piece attires / One-piece fashionable streetwear worn mostly by teenagers.
ClothingonesieEnglishnounName given to a number of one-piece attires
ClothingregaçoPortuguesenounlap (space in front of the lower abdomen, or over the legs of a seated person)masculine
ClothingregaçoPortuguesenounlap (the lower part of a garment that hangs loosely)masculine
ClothingregaçoPortuguesenounbowels (the deepest or innermost part)masculine
ClothingregaçoPortuguesenouna safe or tranquil placefiguratively masculine
ClothingregaçoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of regaçarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
Clothingtank topEnglishnounAn item of casual clothing: a top with no sleeves.
Clothingtank topEnglishnounThe top of a ship's bilge tank, usually the lowest horizontal surface on board.
Clothing便服Chinesenouncasualwear; everyday clothes; civilian clothes; plainclothes
Clothing便服Chinesenountraditional Chinese dress
Clothing한복Koreannounhanbok (traditional Korean outfit)South-Korea
Clothing한복KoreannounHanfu, Han Chinese clothing
CloudsمزنهPersiannouncloud; rain cloud
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameAn indigenous people of North America who lived in present day New York State.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameEllipsis of Borough of Manhattan.; A borough of New York City, New York, United States, mainly on Manhattan Island, coterminous with New York County.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameEllipsis of Manhattan Island.; An island in New York, United States.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A ghost town in Larimer County, Colorado, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Manatee County, Florida, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A township in Will County, Illinois, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A village in Will County, Illinois, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated community in Putnam County, Indiana, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A city, the county seat of Riley County, Kansas, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / A town in Gallatin County, Montana, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnameA number of places in the United States: / An unincorporated town in Nye County, Nevada, United States.
CocktailsManhattanEnglishnounA cocktail made from whiskey, sweet vermouth and bitters.
CocktailsmartiniEnglishnounA cocktail made with gin or vodka and vermouth.countable uncountable
CocktailsmartiniEnglishnounAny cocktail served in a cocktail glass, often sweet or fruity and aimed at women.countable proscribed sometimes uncountable
CoinssixpenceEnglishnounThe value of six old pence; half of a shilling; or one-fortieth of a pound sterling.British obsolete uncountable
CoinssixpenceEnglishnounA former British coin worth sixpence, first minted in 1551.countable historical uncountable
CoinsгривняUkrainiannoungrivna (unit of currency and weight in in medieval Rus)historical
CoinsгривняUkrainiannounthree or two and a half-copeck copper coinobsolete
CoinsгривняUkrainiannounten-copeck silver coinobsolete rare
CoinsгривняUkrainiannounhryvnia, hryvna, grivna (the currency of Ukraine)
CollectivesansamblPolishnounensemble (a group of musicians, dancers, actors, etc who perform together)entertainment lifestyle musicinanimate masculine
CollectivesansamblPolishnounensemble (a mob scene or crowd scene in a theatrical or opera presentation)entertainment lifestyle theaterinanimate masculine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna part, portion, piece, sharedeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnounpars ... pars ..., some ... others ...declension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna party, fraction, sidedeclension-3 feminine plural-normally
CollectivesparsLatinnouna part, characterentertainment lifestyle theaterdeclension-3 feminine in-plural
CollectivesparsLatinnouna part, character / a part, function, office, dutyentertainment lifestyle theaterdeclension-3 feminine in-plural
CollectivesparsLatinnouna lot, portion, fatedeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna portion or share of fooddeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna task, lessondeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna part, place, region of the earthdeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna part, fractionmathematics sciencesdeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna part of a body, a memberdeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesparsLatinnouna partygovernment politicsdeclension-3 feminine plural-normally
CollectivesparsLatinnouna directiondeclension-3 feminine
CollectivesspędPolishnoundrive (an act of driving animals forward)inanimate masculine
CollectivesspędPolishnounassembly (a congregation of people in one place)colloquial inanimate masculine
CollectivesкосякUkrainiannounjamb, cant, cheek, door-postbusiness construction manufacturing
CollectivesкосякUkrainiannouna disapproving, distrustful look/glancecolloquial
CollectivesкосякUkrainiannounjoint, a marijuana cigaretteslang
CollectivesкосякUkrainiannounshoal, school (of fish)
ColorskobaltkékHungarianadjcobalt bluenot-comparable
ColorskobaltkékHungariannouncobalt blue
ColorsnegroItaliannounniggerethnic masculine offensive slur vulgar
ColorsnegroItaliannounghostwritermasculine offensive
ColorsšarenSerbo-Croatianadjvariegated, motley, dappled, colorful, multicolored
ColorsšarenSerbo-Croatianadjcomposed of diverse partsfiguratively
ColorsافلاطونOttoman TurkishnamePlato
ColorsافلاطونOttoman Turkishadjplatonic
ColorsافلاطونOttoman Turkishadjreddish-purple, magenta, purple
ColorsافلاطونOttoman Turkishnounreddish-purple, magenta, purple
ColorsرنگPunjabinoundye or paint
ColorsرنگPunjabinouncondition, statefiguratively
ColorsرنگPunjabinounsuit, trump suitcard-games games
ColorsܣܡܘܩܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjred
ColorsܣܡܘܩܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicadjruddy
ColorsܣܡܘܩܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounred (color)uncountable
ColorsܣܡܘܩܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounsumac
Colors of the rainbowkahilCebuanoadjof the colour orange
Colors of the rainbowkahilCebuanonounthe color orange
CombustionبالناPunjabiverbto switch on (a light)transitive
CombustionبالناPunjabiverbto light (a candle or lamp)transitive
CombustionبالناPunjabiverbto ignite, set on firetransitive
CombustionبالناPunjabiverbto provoke, cause angerfiguratively transitive
CombustionبالناPunjabiverbto do something forcefully; with forcefiguratively transitive
Communicationphone inEnglishverbTo deliver a message by telephone when etiquette demands the effort and respect conveyed by communication in person.intransitive transitive
Communicationphone inEnglishverbTo make a telephone call to a broadcasting station, especially to participate in a program being aired.intransitive
Communicationphone inEnglishverbTo fulfill a responsibility with a minimum effort rather than the appropriate level of effort.figuratively idiomatic intransitive transitive
Communicationphone inEnglishverbTo make an unseemly, timid performance; to be restrained and timid when bold action is called for.transitive
CommunicationžalacSerbo-Croatiannounstinger (of an insect such as a bee or wasp)
CommunicationžalacSerbo-Croatiannounbarb, biting remark
CommunicationžalacSerbo-Croatiannounthe tip of the snake's tongue
Compass pointsnordesteTagalognounnortheast (compass point)uncommon
Compass pointsnordesteTagalogadjnortheastuncommon
Compass pointsösterSwedishnouneast; one of the four major compass pointscommon-gender uncountable
Compass pointsösterSwedishadveast; eastwardnot-comparable
CompositesκάκτοςAncient Greeknounthe cardoon, Cynara cardunculusfeminine
CompositesκάκτοςAncient Greeknounthe artichoke (the fruit of the cardoon); also, the cardoon’s edible leaf-stalksmasculine
ComputingdagitpukotCebuanonouninternet / any set of computer networks that communicate using the Internet Protocolobsolete
ComputingdagitpukotCebuanonouninternet / the Internet, the largest global internetobsolete
ComputingdagitpukotCebuanonouninternet / an internet connection, internet connectivity, access to the internetobsolete
Conlanginglogical languageEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see logical, language.
Conlanginglogical languageEnglishnounA language designed to allow (or enforce) unambiguous statements; a loglang.rare
Conspiracy theorieschemtrailEnglishnounA contrail consisting of chemicals or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes, according to certain conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theorieschemtrailEnglishverbTo spray a contrail of this kind.
ConstructionoutoeiraGaliciannounside wall, gable endfeminine
ConstructiontiebarEnglishnounA flat bar used as a tie in construction work.
ConstructiontiebarEnglishnounSynonym of tie (“the symbol ⁀”)media publishing typography
ContainersalcántaraSpanishnounwooden cover over a loom treadle to protect velvetfeminine
ContainersalcántaraSpanishnounwater jugCuba feminine
ContainersinkwellEnglishnounA container for ink, designed and usually positioned so that a person may conveniently dip a pen into it whenever a refill is needed.
ContainersinkwellEnglishnounEuphemistic form of incel (“a member of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a partner”).Internet euphemistic form-of
ContainerspukoCebuanonounyaws (contagious tropical disease)
ContainerspukoCebuanonouna woven basket with a tapering mouth
ContainersصنArabicverbto be fetid, to have a foul odour
ContainersصنArabicnounurine of the hyrax, which is fetid and was used medicinally
ContainersصنArabicnouna kind of large basket with a lidYemen obsolete
ContainersصنArabicverbYemen form-i no-gloss obsolete
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounhorn, antler; claw (of a crab)
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounhorn, trumpetentertainment lifestyle music
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounhorn-shaped jar, phial
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnouncorneaanatomy medicine sciences
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnouncorn, horny excrescence
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounangle, cornergeometry mathematics sciences
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounwing (of building)architecture
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounwing (of army)government military politics war
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounextreme part
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnountop, peak, summit
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounend, border
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounarm, armrest
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnouncapitalbusiness finance
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounpower
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounpride
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounprojection, tittle, hook (of a letter)communications journalism literature media orthography publishing writing
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnoundittanybiology botany natural-sciences
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounkind of measure (equalling 12 pints)
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounqiran, kran
ContainersܩܪܢܐClassical Syriacnounfranc
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounwall, fortification, bulwark, rampart, defence/defense
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounpulley
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounaxle, axletree
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounleather bucket of a noria
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounnavel, umbilical cordanatomy medicine sciences
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounchain
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical Syriacnounpureblooded race
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical SyriacnameAssyria
ContainersܫܘܪܐClassical SyriacnounAlternative form of ܫܒܪܐalt-of alternative
CookingగసిTelugunounThe dregs of oil or melted butter.
CookingగసిTelugunounA nail.
Cookware and bakewaregarnekPolishnounpot (vessel used for cooking)inanimate masculine
Cookware and bakewaregarnekPolishnounbig mugcolloquial inanimate masculine
Cookware and bakewareкотёлRussiannouncauldron
Cookware and bakewareкотёлRussiannounboiler (closed vessel for generating steam or heating water)engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
Cookware and bakewareкотёлRussiannounshared supply of food
Cookware and bakewareкотёлRussiannounA very large encirclement; pocket, entrapmentgovernment military politics war
Cookware and bakewareкотёлRussiannounpot (money available to be won in a card hand)card-games gamesslang
CoronavirusB.1.617TranslingualnameA virulent variant of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, which causes COVID-19; that has two significant mutations, E484Q and L452R, causing a wave of new infections in India in Spring 2021.biology microbiology natural-sciences virology
CoronavirusB.1.617TranslingualnameSynonym of B.1.617+, the group of sublineages derived from B.1.617 inclusivebroadly
Corvoid birdsflagowiecPolishnounflagship (ship regarded as most important out of a group)government military nautical politics transport warinanimate masculine
Corvoid birdsflagowiecPolishnounstandardwing (bird-of-paradise)animal-not-person masculine
Corvoid birdsflagowiecPolishnounMeripilus (fungal genus in the family Meripilaceae)animal-not-person masculine
Counties of HungaryZalaHungariannamea male given name
Counties of HungaryZalaHungariannameAn administrative county in southwestern Hungary.
Counties of HungaryZalaHungariannameA river in southwestern Hungary.
CraftshrnčířstvíCzechnounpottery (craft)neuter
CraftshrnčířstvíCzechnounpottery (potter's shop or workshop)neuter
CricketbootsEnglishnounplural of bootform-of plural
CricketbootsEnglishnounA condom.Jamaica plural plural-only slang
CricketbootsEnglishnounA servant at a hotel etc. who cleans and blacks the boots and shoes.dated
CricketbootsEnglishnounThe ship in a fleet having the most junior captain.government military naval navy politics warUK slang
CricketbootsEnglishadvUsed as an intensifier: very, to a great degree; exceptionally.not-comparable
CricketbootsEnglishverbthird-person singular simple present indicative of bootform-of indicative present singular third-person
CrimeshopliftEnglishnounA shoplifter.obsolete
CrimeshopliftEnglishverbTo steal something from a shop or store during business hours, usually by means of hiding merchandise.transitive
CrimeshopliftEnglishverbTo steal from shops / stores during trading hours.intransitive
CrimeกบฏThainounbetrayal; insurgency; insurrection; rebellion; treason; revolt.
CrimeกบฏThainounbetrayer; insurgent; insurrectionist; rebel; traitor; revolter.
CrimeกบฏThaiverbto betray; to commit insurgency; to commit insurrection; to commit treason; to rebel; to revolt.
Crime横領Japanesenounpeculation, embezzlement
Crime海賊Chinesenounbad personEastern Min
CroatiaDalmatiërDutchnounan inhabitant of Dalmatia, an Adriatic coastal region, presently in Croatiamasculine
CroatiaDalmatiërDutchnouna member of the Dalmati, a people which lived there in Antiquity, before the Slavic immigrationmasculine
Crossdressing男装Japanesenoundisguising oneself as a man
Crossdressing男装Japanesenounfemale-to-male cross-dressing
Crossdressing男装Japaneseverbto wear men's clothing
Crossdressing男装Japaneseverbto disguise oneself as a man
Crucifersmoney plantEnglishnounAny of several plants with seeds, pods, fruit, or foliage that resemble coinage. / A herbaceous biennial plant of the species Lunaria annua, grown for its attractive spring flowering and dried silver seed pod middles, native
Crucifersmoney plantEnglishnounAny of several plants with seeds, pods, fruit, or foliage that resemble coinage. / A tropical vining plant of the species Epipremnum aureum, native to northern Australia and much of southern and eastern Asia.
Crucifersmoney plantEnglishnounAny of several plants with seeds, pods, fruit, or foliage that resemble coinage. / A small, fleshy-leaved plant of the species Crassula ovata
Crucifersmoney plantEnglishnounAny of several plants with seeds, pods, fruit, or foliage that resemble coinage. / A small plant with very round, dark green leaves, of the species Pilea peperomioides, native to southern China.
Crucifersmoney plantEnglishnounAny of several plants with seeds, pods, fruit, or foliage that resemble coinage. / Pachira aquatica, a tropical wetland tree, native to Central and South America.known by a variety of common names including
CrustaceansbuktoCebuanonouna pea crab; any member of the family Pinnotheridae
CrustaceansbuktoCebuanonounany member of the family Talitridae; a landhopper; a sandhopper or sand flea
CryptographyxifratgeCatalannounencipherment, encryptionmasculine
Cumbria, EnglandCumbrianEnglishadjOf or pertaining to Cumbria or Cumberland.not-comparable
Cumbria, EnglandCumbrianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Cumbria or Cumberland.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A crown; a piece or item of royal headgear.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A coronet or tiara; headgear of lesser (religious or secular) leaders.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A garland or circlet (often as a prize for victory).
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounAn important, symbolic, or significant piece of headwear: / A nimb or halo; a metaphysical crown.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / Kingly power, might, authority, or legitimacy.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / A monarch's property or owndom; that which a king owns.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / A monarch; a ruler of a kingdom.rare
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounThat which belongs or pertains to a monarch: / The act and ritual of crowning.rare
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounThe crown, peak or apex of one's head.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounA patch of shaved hair (usually of a monk).
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounThe capitulum of a flower or the area of a fruit corresponding to it.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounA depiction, likeness, or representation of a crown.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounA piece of non-British currency with a crown on it.
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounA golden stripe surrounding important historic Jewish artifacts.Judaism historical
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishnounA candle holder; a candelabrum.rare
CurrencycorouneMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of corounenalt-of alternative
CurrencyfrancoGaliciannounFrenchmanarchaic masculine
CurrencyfrancoGaliciannounfranc (former currency of France and other countries)masculine
CurrencyfrancoGalicianadjfree, unobstructed
CurrencyfrancoGalicianadjsincere, true
CurrencyкронаRussiannouncrown (of a tree)
CurrencyкронаRussiannouncrown, koruna, krona, krone, kroon, krónahobbies lifestyle numismatics
Cuts of meatschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe shoulder (as a joint or bodily region): / One's strength or carrying capacity.figuratively
Cuts of meatschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe shoulder (as a joint or bodily region): / The shoulder (cut of meat)
Cuts of meatschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe shoulder (as a joint or bodily region)
Cuts of meatschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe part of a garment that covers the shoulder.
Cuts of meatschuldreMiddle EnglishnounThe scapula (bone behind the shoulder).
Cuts of meatschuldreMiddle EnglishnounA downwards sloperare
Cuts of meatschuldreMiddle EnglishnounA support or buttress.rare
Cuts of meatżeberkoPolishnoundiminutive of żebrodiminutive form-of neuter
Cuts of meatżeberkoPolishnounrib (cut of meat enclosing one or more rib bones)neuter
Cuts of meatżeberkoPolishnounribs (pig's ribs or other ribs with surrounding meat which is prepared to be eaten in a specific way)in-plural neuter
DatabasesdatabasedEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of databaseform-of participle past
DatabasesdatabasedEnglishadjEntered into a database.not-comparable
Days of the week金曜Koreannounhanja form of 금요 (“(archaic) planet Venus”)form-of hanja
Days of the week金曜Koreannounhanja form of 금요 (“Friday”)form-of hanja
DeathBrandopferGermannounvictim of a fireneuter strong
DeathBrandopferGermannounburnt offeringlifestyle religionneuter strong
DeathhelDutchnounhell, an infernal afterlifehuman-sciences lifestyle mysticism mythology philosophy religion sciencesfeminine
DeathhelDutchnouna terrible place or ordealfeminine figuratively
DeathhelDutchnounAlternative form of hal (“frozen spot”)alt-of alternative feminine neuter
DeathhelDutchverbinflection of hellen: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
DeathhelDutchverbinflection of hellen: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
DeathhelDutchverbinflection of hellen: / imperativeform-of imperative
DeathtuerieFrenchnounkilling (massacre)feminine
DeathtuerieFrenchnouna killer, the shit (something considered to be excellent)feminine slang
DeathдохлыйRussianadjdead (of animals)
DeathдохлыйRussianadjskinny, gauntcolloquial
DeathдохлыйRussianadjsickly, weaklycolloquial
DeathအသေBurmesenouncorpse; dead body
DeathအသေBurmeseadvrigidly; inflexibly; fast
DemonymsAngevinFrenchnounresident or native of Anjoumasculine
DemonymsAngevinFrenchnounresident or native of Angersmasculine
DemonymsNurembergianEnglishadjOf or relating to Nuremberg in Germany.
DemonymsNurembergianEnglishnounA native or inhabitant of Nuremberg.
DemonymsbritàCatalanadjBritish (pertaining or relating to the Celtic Britons)
DemonymsbritàCatalannounBriton (Celtic inhabitant of Roman Britain)historical masculine
DemonymssardoSpanishadjSardinian (relating to Sardinia)
DemonymssardoSpanishnounsardchemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
DemonymssardoSpanishnounSardinian (language)masculine uncountable
DemonymstupíCatalannounAlternative form of topíalt-of alternative masculine
DemonymstupíCatalannounSynonym of formatge de tupímasculine
DemonymstupíCatalannouna member of the Tupi peopleby-personal-gender feminine masculine
DemonymstupíCatalannouna Tupi language, especially Guaranímasculine uncountable
DemonymstupíCatalanadjof the Tupi people or languagesfeminine masculine relational
DemonymstupíCatalannounwood shaper (a type of machine used by carpenters to cut wood)feminine
DemonymstupíCatalanverbfirst-person singular preterite indicative of tuparfirst-person form-of indicative preterite singular
DemonymsvascoGaliciannouna Basque personmasculine
DemonymsšiaurietisLithuaniannounNordic (person from Nordic countries)
DemonymsšiaurietisLithuaniannounnortherner (native or inhabitant of the north of a region)
DentistrylabsideEnglishadjRelating to activities that happen in the dental laboratory, as opposed to chairside activities.not-comparable
DentistrylabsideEnglishadvIn the dental laboratory.not-comparable
Departments of FranceDordognaItaliannameDordogne (dipartment)feminine
Departments of FranceDordognaItaliannameDordogne (river)feminine
DermatologyبهقArabicnounskin disease like vitiligo or poliosis
DialectsOndoYorubanameOndo (a city in Ondo State, Nigeria).
DialectsOndoYorubanameOndo (a state of Nigeria).
DialectsOndoYorubanameOndo Kingdom (a historical kingdom in Nigeria).
DialectsOndoYorubanameThe Ondo dialect of Yoruba.
DialectsOndoYorubanameThe Ondo people.
DialectsSaxttiEnglishnameAlternative form of Salcetealt-of alternative
DialectsSaxttiEnglishnameA dialect of Konkani chiefly spoken by Goan Christians in Salcete.
Dioscoreales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see blazing, star.
Dioscoreales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounA comet.archaic
Dioscoreales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Any plant of genus Liatris, of North America.
Dioscoreales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Chamaelirium luteum of the lily family.
Dioscoreales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Aletris farinosa (white colicroot), a monocot.
Dioscoreales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Mentzelia laevicaulis (giant blazing star).
Dioscoreales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Tritonia crocata, native to southern Africa.
DirectionsesquerdoPortugueseadjleft; left-hand; on or towards the left sidecomparable
DirectionsesquerdoPortugueseadjSynonym of esquerdistagovernment politicscomparable rare
DirectionsesquerdoPortugueseverbfirst-person singular present indicative of esquerdarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
DirectionsקדימהHebrewadveastwardbiblical lifestyle religion
DirectionsקדימהHebrewadvforward, onward
DirectionsקדימהHebrewadvin front, in the front, ahead
DirectionsקדימהHebrewintjForward!, Onward!, Let's go!
DiseaseshaemorrhoidsEnglishnounA pathological condition caused by painful masses of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue.plural plural-only
DiseaseshaemorrhoidsEnglishnounplural of haemorrhoidform-of plural
DiseasespestisLatinnoundisease, plague, pestilence, infectiondeclension-3 feminine
DiseasespestisLatinnouna pestdeclension-3 feminine
DiseasespestisLatinnoundestruction, ruin, deathdeclension-3 feminine
Distilled beverageswiskiCebuanonouna whiskey
Distilled beverageswiskiCebuanonouna glass of whiskey
DivinationvaticiniCatalannounprediction, prophecymasculine
DivinationvaticiniCatalanverbinflection of vaticinar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
DivinationvaticiniCatalanverbinflection of vaticinar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
Dogbane family plantsrauwolfiaEnglishnounAny of several small trees and shrubs, of the genus Rauwolfia, that yield materials of medical use.
Dogbane family plantsrauwolfiaEnglishnounAny of a group of alkaloids extracted from these trees.
DogsBelgian SheepdogEnglishnounOne of four variants of sheep herding dog bred in Belgium.
DogsBelgian SheepdogEnglishnounThe Groenendael variant of the above.
DogswoefAfrikaansintjwoof (sound of a dog barking)
DogswoefAfrikaansnoundog; doggychildish endearing
DogsогарSerbo-Croatiannounleash (for a dog)regional
Donald TrumpSharpiegateEnglishnameA 2019 controversy around US president Donald Trump presenting a modified weather map indicating that Alabama would be hit by Hurricane Dorian, in opposition to official forecasts.informal
Donald TrumpSharpiegateEnglishnameA conspiracy theory claiming that ballots marked with Sharpie pens were unfairly disqualified in the 2020 US presidential election.informal
Dragonflies and damselflieslibelluloidEnglishadjLike or pertaining to the dragonflies.biology entomology natural-sciencesnot-comparable
Dragonflies and damselflieslibelluloidEnglishnounAny dragonfly of the genus Libellula; a skimmer
DrinkingborrachuzoSpanishadjoften drunken
DrinkingborrachuzoSpanishnounwino; lush; drunkmasculine
DrugsardógIrishnounAlternative form of ordóg (“thumb; claw, pincers; bit, piece, fragment”)alt-of alternative feminine
DrugsardógIrishnounupper (stimulant)feminine
DucksgłowienkaPolishnoundiminutive of głowniadiminutive feminine form-of
DucksgłowienkaPolishnounAny of several diving duck species in the genus Aythyafeminine
DucksgłowienkaPolishnounprunella, selfheal (any plant of the genus Prunella)feminine
DuckshaahkaFinnishnounany of the Northern hemisphere sea ducks of the eider family, especially the common eider (Somateria mollissima)
DuckshaahkaFinnishnounan older, aged womanvulgar
EarthybyOld Tupinounearth; soil (unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth)
EarthybyOld Tupinounground (the surface of the Earth, as opposed to the sky or water or underground)
EarthybyOld Tupinoundry land (part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water)
EarthybyOld Tupinounland; homeland; homeplacefiguratively
EarthybyOld Tupinoungrave; tomb
EarthybyOld Tupinounburied human remains
EcologyinterstitialEnglishadjOf, relating to, or situated in an interstice.not-comparable
EcologyinterstitialEnglishnounA web page, usually carrying advertising, displayed when leaving one content page for another.advertising business marketingInternet
EcologyinterstitialEnglishnounAn interstitial discontinuity in a crystal.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
EducationabszolutóriumHungariannoungraduation exam (a formal final test concluding one's studies in a university or college)
EducationabszolutóriumHungariannoundiploma (a document issued by a university or college testifying that the recipient has earned a degree)
EggsitlogTagalognountesticlesanatomy medicine sciencescolloquial euphemistic sometimes vulgar
EggsitlogTagalognounscore of zero (on an examination, game, etc.)colloquial
EggsovuSiciliannounAn approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, reptiles, insects and other animals, housing the embryo during its development.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable masculine
EggsovuSiciliannounThe egg of a domestic fowl (especially a hen) or its contents, used as food.countable masculine uncountable
EggsovuSiciliannounThe female primary cell, the ovum.biology natural-sciencescountable masculine
EggsovuSiciliannounAnything shaped like an egg, such as an Easter egg or a chocolate egg.masculine
EightochavaSpanishnouneighth, one-eighth (one of eight equal parts of any amount or thing)feminine
EightochavaSpanishnounochava (a traditional unit of mass equivalent to about 3.6 g)feminine historical
EightochavaSpanishnounSynonym of chaflán, chamfer (an area added or removed from a wall or piece of furniture to break up corners, a diagonal sidewalk acting as a chamfer at street corners)feminine
EightochavaSpanishnounAlternative form of ochavo, octave (a weeklong saint's festival or local party)alt-of alternative feminine
EightochavaSpanishnounoctave (the last of the seven days of the festival)feminine
EightochavaSpanishadjfeminine singular of ochavofeminine form-of singular
ElectricityelectricityEnglishnounOriginally, a property of amber and certain other nonconducting substances to attract lightweight material when rubbed, or the cause of this property; now understood to be a phenomenon caused by the distribution and movement of charged subatomic particles and their interaction with the electromagnetic field.uncountable usually
ElectricityelectricityEnglishnounThe study of electrical phenomena; the branch of science dealing with such phenomena.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsuncountable usually
ElectricityelectricityEnglishnounA feeling of excitement; a thrill.uncountable usually
ElectricityelectricityEnglishnounElectrical power, as supplied by power stations or generators.uncountable usually
ElectricityelectricityEnglishnounThe supply of electricity, as a utility.businessattributive often uncountable usually
ElectromagnetismmagnetismEnglishnounThe property of being magnetic.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
ElectromagnetismmagnetismEnglishnounThe science which treats of magnetic phenomena.natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
ElectromagnetismmagnetismEnglishnounPower of attraction; power to excite the feelings and to gain the affections.countable uncountable
ElectromagnetismmagnetismEnglishnounAnimal magnetism.countable uncountable
EmotionscourageEnglishnounThe quality of being confident, not afraid or easily intimidated, but without being incautious or inconsiderate.uncountable usually
EmotionscourageEnglishnounThe ability to overcome one's fear, do or live things which one finds frightening.uncountable usually
EmotionscourageEnglishnounThe ability to maintain one's will or intent despite either the experience of fear, frailty, or frustration; or the occurrence of adversity, difficulty, defeat or reversal. Moral fortitude.uncountable usually
EmotionscourageEnglishverbTo encourage.obsolete
EmotionsfeliĉeEsperantoadvfelicitously, fortunately
EmotionsnoyMiddle Englishnoundifficulty, trouble
EmotionsnoyMiddle Englishnounhardship, distress
EmotionsnoyMiddle Englishnounpain, injury
EmotionsnoyMiddle Englishnounennui, tedium
EmotionsnoyMiddle Englishnounire, angerrare
EmotionsnoyMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of noyenalt-of alternative
EmotionsдосадаRussiannounannoyance, nuisance, vexation
English animal commandstchickEnglishintjA click sound such as a palatal, lateral, or dental click. / used to urge on a horse or other animal.
English animal commandstchickEnglishintjA click sound such as a palatal, lateral, or dental click. / used to express disapproval or disappointment
English animal commandstchickEnglishintjUsed to represent similar animal or other natural sounds
English animal commandstchickEnglishnounA clicking sound, such as a palatal or dental click.
English animal commandstchickEnglishverbto make a tchick sound.intransitive
English cardinal numbersfifteen hundredEnglishnum1500, one thousand five hundred.
English cardinal numbersfifteen hundredEnglishnum1500 hours, the start of the sixteenth hour of the day (3 pm).
English male given namesSt. ClairEnglishnameAlternative form of Sinclair, a surname.alt-of alternative
English male given namesSt. ClairEnglishnameAlternative form of Sinclair, a male given name.alt-of alternative
English male given namesSt. ClairEnglishnameA township in Lambton County, Ontario, Canada.
English male given namesSt. ClairEnglishnameA city in St. Clair County, Michigan, United States.
English male given namesSt. ClairEnglishnameA small city in Blue Earth County, Minnesota, United States.
English male given namesSt. ClairEnglishnameA borough of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States.
English male given namesSt. ClairEnglishnameA neighbourhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
EpistemologymentalisLatinadjmental (of the mind)Late-Latin declension-3 two-termination
EpistemologymentalisLatinadjmental (of the chin)anatomy medicine sciencesNew-Latin declension-3 two-termination
Equestrianism乗馬Japanesenounriding a horse
Equestrianism乗馬Japanesenounriding horse
Equestrianism乗馬Japaneseverbto ride a horse
EquidsasnoSpanishnoundonkey, assmasculine
EquidsasnoSpanishnoundumbass; assderogatory masculine slang
Ethnicity紅毛人ChinesenounBritish or English personHokkien obsolete
Ethnicity紅毛人ChinesenounWesterner; white personHokkien Singapore Teochew
EthnonymsLivonianEnglishnameA Finno-Ugric language spoken in Latvia.
EthnonymsLivonianEnglishnounA person from Livonia.
EthnonymsLivonianEnglishadjPertaining to Livonia or Livonians.not-comparable
EthnonymsRẹmọYorubanameA subgroup of Yoruba people, comprising of 33 towns who speak the Rẹ́mọ dialect of Yoruba, they are closely related to the Ijebu people.
EthnonymsRẹmọYorubanameA dialect of the Yoruba language
EthnonymspangasinenseSpanishadjPangasinan (of, from or relating to Pangasinan (province of the Philippines))feminine masculine
EthnonymspangasinenseSpanishnounPangasinan (native or inhabitant of Pangasinan (province of the Philippines))by-personal-gender feminine masculine
EthnonymspangasinenseSpanishnounPangasinan (language)masculine uncountable
Even-toed ungulatescochoGaliciannounpigsty, den, cubbymasculine
Even-toed ungulatescochoGaliciannounpigmasculine
Even-toed ungulatescochoGaliciannounuddermasculine
Even-toed ungulatescochoGalicianadjdirty
ExplosivesфугасRussiannounfougassegovernment military politics warhistorical
ExplosivesфугасRussiannounfield explosive, explosive charge (planted in the ground or underwater), minegovernment military politics war
ExplosivesфугасRussiannouna high explosive munition (of artillery shells, bombs, etc.)government military politics warinformal
Extinct languagesMutsunEnglishnounOne of eight divisions of the Ohlone Native American people of northern California.plural plural-only
Extinct languagesMutsunEnglishnameThe extinct language of this people, an Ohlone dialect in the Utian family.
Extinct languagesPechenegEnglishnounA member of a specific semi-nomadic Turkic people from central Asia, some of whom migrated into eastern Europe.historical
Extinct languagesPechenegEnglishnameThe now extinct Turkic language spoken by the Pechenegs.historical
Extinct languagesPechenegEnglishadjOf or relating to the Pecheneg people or their language.not-comparable
Extinct languagesTainoEnglishnounA member of a group of pre-Columbian indigenous inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and some of the Lesser Antilles.
Extinct languagesTainoEnglishnameTheir Arawakan language, now extinct.
Extinct languagesTainoEnglishnameA municipality in Lombardy, Italy.
EyepatrzałkiPolishnouneyeshumorous plural
FabricsbandalaEnglishnounA fabric made in Manila from the older leaf sheaths of the abaca (Musa textilis).countable uncountable
FabricsbandalaEnglishnounA system imposed by the Spanish colonial government in the Philippines in the early 17th century which required farmers to sell their products to the government for extremely low prices, and sometimes without ever being paid.countable uncountable
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA (smaller) piece of fabric; a shred: / A patch (fabric for mending).
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA (smaller) piece of fabric; a shred: / A bandage or dressing (for wounds)
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA (smaller) piece of fabric; a shred: / rag, tatter (piece of clothing)
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA (larger) piece of fabric; a cloth: / Threadbare or inferior clothing.
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA (larger) piece of fabric; a cloth: / Cloth for wrapping babies; swaddling clothes.
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA (larger) piece of fabric; a cloth: / A burial shroud.
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA washer; a round metal panel.
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA fragment or shred.
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishnounA strike, blow or hit.
FabricscloutMiddle EnglishverbAlternative form of cloutenalt-of alternative
FabricssreabhannIrishverbpresent indicative analytic of sreabhanalytic form-of indicative present
FacerzęsaPolishnounany duckweed of the genus Lemnafeminine
FaceнырKomi-Zyriannounbeak, bill
Fairy talesSchneewittchenGermannameSnow White (a German folktale)neuter proper-noun strong
Fairy talesSchneewittchenGermannameSnow White (the main character of this tale)neuter proper-noun strong
Fairy talesSchneewittchenGermannounA girl or woman with black or dark brown hair and pale skin.neuter strong
FamilyбалаKazakhnounson, daughter
Family姊姊Chinesenounolder sister; elder sister; big sister
Family membersbilëAlbaniannoundaughterfeminine
Family membersbilëAlbaniannoungirlfeminine
Family memberskadafoAmisnounchild-in-law
Family memberskadafoAmisnoundaughter-in-law
Family memberspaternal cousinEnglishnounA child of one's father's sibling
Family memberspaternal cousinEnglishnounA more distant relative of one's father who is not a direct ancestor
Fans (people)segueroSpanishadjOf or pertaining to Sega, its products or its fanslifestyle video-gamesslang
Fans (people)segueroSpanishnouna fan of Sega and its productslifestyle video-gamesmasculine slang
FascismIslamofascistEnglishnounA Muslim fundamentalist.US
FascismIslamofascistEnglishadjOf or pertaining to IslamofascismUS derogatory offensive
Faster-than-light travelburaco de minhocaPortuguesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see buraco, de, minhoca.masculine
Faster-than-light travelburaco de minhocaPortuguesenounSynonym of buraco de vermeBrazil masculine
FecesdungOld Englishnoundungeon, prisonfeminine
FecesdungOld Englishnoundung, manurefeminine
FecesscatEnglishnounA tax; tribute.
FecesscatEnglishnounA land-tax paid in the Shetland Islands.UK dialectal
FecesscatEnglishnounAnimal excrement; droppings, dung.biology natural-sciencescountable uncountable
FecesscatEnglishnounHeroin.countable slang uncountable
FecesscatEnglishnounWhiskey.countable obsolete slang uncountable media pornography sexualitycountable slang uncountable
FecesscatEnglishnounA brisk shower of rain, driven by the wind.UK countable dialectal uncountable
FecesscatEnglishnounScat singing.entertainment lifestyle music
FecesscatEnglishverbTo sing an improvised melodic solo using nonsense syllables, often onomatopoeic or imitative of musical instruments.entertainment lifestyle music
FecesscatEnglishverbTo leave quickly.colloquial
FecesscatEnglishintjAn imperative demand to leave, often understood by speaker and listener as impertinent.colloquial
FecesscatEnglishnounAny fish in the family Scatophagidae
FecesうんこJapanesenounpoop, doo-doo, number twochildish
FecesうんこJapaneseverbto poop, to poo, to go number twochildish
Felidslobo cervalGaliciannounEurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), which became extinct in the Iberian peninsula before 1800masculine
Felidslobo cervalGaliciannounIberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), which became extinct in Galicia during the 20th centurymasculine
FemalefrailEnglishadjEasily broken physically; not firm or durable; liable to fail and perish.
FemalefrailEnglishadjWeak; infirm.
FemalefrailEnglishadjIn an infirm state leading one to be easily subject to disease or other health problems, especially regarding the elderly.medicine sciences
FemalefrailEnglishadjMentally fragile.
FemalefrailEnglishadjLiable to fall from virtue or be led into sin; not strong against temptation; weak in resolution; unchaste.
FemalefrailEnglishnounA girl.dated slang
FemalefrailEnglishverbTo play a stringed instrument, usually a banjo, by picking with the back of a fingernail.
FemalefrailEnglishnounA basket made of rushes, used chiefly to hold figs and raisins.
FemalefrailEnglishnounThe quantity of fruit or other items contained in a frail.
FemalefrailEnglishnounA rush for weaving baskets.
FemalefrailEnglishnounSynonym of farasola (“old unit of weight”)
FemalefrailEnglishnounSynonym of flail.England dialectal obsolete
FemalemigaCebuanonouna female friend
FemalemigaCebuanonounan address to a female friend; a friendly placeholder name for a person one does not know
Femalethiên tuếVietnameseintjlong livearchaic
Femalethiên tuếVietnamesenounCycas pectinata
Female側室Chinesenounside room
Female animalsyoweEnglishnounA ewe; a female sheep.Scotland UK dialectal
Female animalsyoweEnglishpronObsolete form of you.alt-of obsolete
Female family membersnéneHungariannoun(chiefly with a possessive suffix) older sisterarchaic
Female family membersnéneHungariannoun(chiefly with a possessive suffix) auntdated dialectal
Female family membersnéneHungariannounsister (female member of a religious community)lifestyle religionarchaic
Female family membersummumAkkadiannounmotherfeminine
Female family membersummumAkkadiannouninitial investment, capitalfeminine
Female family members伯伯Chinesenounpaternal uncle (father's elder brother) (Classifier: 個/个 m c)endearing informal
Female family members伯伯Chinesenoununcle (a term of respect for someone who is older than one's father) (Classifier: 個/个 m c)endearing informal
Female family members伯伯Chinesenounfatherdialectal
Female family members伯伯Chinesenounpaternal aunt (father's sister, or wife of father's elder brother)dialectal
Female family members伯伯Chinesenounbrother-in-law (husband's elder brother)
Female peopleniewierzącaPolishnounfemale equivalent of niewierzący (“nonbeliever, atheist”)feminine form-of
Female peopleniewierzącaPolishadjfeminine nominative/vocative singular of niewierzącyfeminine form-of nominative singular vocative
Female peopleшотландкаRussiannounfemale equivalent of шотла́ндец (šotlándec): Scot, Scotswomanfeminine form-of
Female peopleшотландкаRussiannounplaid, tartan
Female peopleկինOld Armeniannounwoman
Female peopleկինOld Armeniannounwife, spouse
Female peopleతల్లిTelugunounmother
Female peopleతల్లిTeluguadjmaternal, parent.
Female peopleతల్లిTeluguadjPrincipal, great, chief, main.
Fernshay-scented fernEnglishnounAny fern of genus Dennstaetia, of many warm temperate to tropical regions, especiallycountable uncountable
Fernshay-scented fernEnglishnounAny fern of genus Dennstaetia, of many warm temperate to tropical regions, especially: / any fern of species Dennstaedtia punctilobula, native to cool-temperate eastern North America.countable uncountable
Fernshay-scented fernEnglishnounA hay-scented buckler-fern, of species Dryopteris aemula, native to western Europe and Macaronesia.countable uncountable
FibersbastEnglishnounFibre made from the phloem of certain plants and used for matting and cord.countable uncountable
FibersbastEnglishnounBastardy, illegitimacy of birth.obsolete uncountable
FibersbastEnglishadjIllegitimate, born out of wedlock.not-comparable obsolete
Fictional charactersBatmanPortuguesenameBatman (a province of the Southeastern Anatolia Region, Turkey)
Fictional charactersBatmanPortuguesenameBatman (a city, the provincial capital of Batman, Turkey)
Fictional charactersBatmanPortuguesenameBatman (superhero)masculine
Fictional charactersPinóquioPortuguesenamePinocchio (wooden puppet from The Adventures of Pinocchio, whose nose becomes larger when he lies and dreams of becoming a real boy)fantasymasculine
Fictional charactersPinóquioPortuguesenouna liar, especially one who shows signs that he is lyingmasculine
Fictional charactersPinóquioPortuguesenounsomeone who dreams of having a more meaningful lifemasculine
Figures of speechsyllepsisEnglishnounA figure of speech in which one word simultaneously modifies two or more other words such that the modification must be understood differently with respect to each modified word; often causing humorous incongruity.countable rhetoric uncountable
Figures of speechsyllepsisEnglishnounGrowth in which lateral branches develop from a lateral meristem, without the formation of a bud or period of dormancy, when the lateral meristem is split from a terminal meristem.biology botany natural-sciencescountable uncountable
Figwort family plantsქერექენიMingrelianadjvery long, tallfiguratively
Figwort family plantsქერექენიMingreliannounAlternative form of ქერი (keri, “barley”)alt-of alternative
Figwort family plantsქერექენიMingreliannounmullein (Verbascum spp.)
Film試写Japanesenounpre-release screening of a movie
Film試写Japaneseverbto screen a movie before release
FinancestakabadhiSwahilinounreceipt (written acknowledgement of payment)
FinancestakabadhiSwahiliverbto entrust to, to hand over
Fingers尾仔指Chinesenounlittle fingerHokkien Xiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien including
Fingers尾仔指Chinesenounlittle toeHokkien Xiamen Zhangzhou-Hokkien including
FireencenderSpanishverbto light, ignite
FireencenderSpanishverbto turn on, switch on, power up
FireencenderSpanishverbto burn, have a burning sensationreflexive
FirespłonąćPolishverbto burn, to be on fireintransitive perfective
FirespłonąćPolishverbto burn, to be hot, to blush (e.g. due to shame or embarrassment)figuratively intransitive perfective
FirespłonąćPolishverbto burn, to feel intenselyintransitive perfective
FishortigaGaliciannounmarbled electric ray (Torpedo marmorata)feminine
FishricefishEnglishnounAny of the family Adrianichthyidae of about 27 species of small ray-finned fish, many of which are found in Japanese rice paddies.
FishricefishEnglishnounA freshwater fish of the southeastern United States, Chologaster cornutaUS
FishJapanesecharacterkiller whaleHyōgai kanji
FishJapanesenounorca, killer whale, Orcinus orca
FishJapanesenouna shachihoko, a carp with the head of a tigerhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesJapanese
FishJapanesenouna shachihoko, a carp with the head of a tigerhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesJapanese
FishJapanesenounSynonym of 鯱瓦 (shachihoko-gawara, “decorative tiles placed at the end of a roof-beam in the shape of shachihoko”)
FishJapanesenounSynonym of 松毬魚 (matsukasa-uo, “Japanese pinecone fish}, Monocentris japonica”)
FishJapanesenouna shachihoko, a carp with the head of a tigerhuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesJapanese
FiveపంచముఖుడుTelugunounthe five-faced.literary
FiveపంచముఖుడుTelugunounan epithet of Siva.
FlowersciklámenHungarianadjcyclamen (having a bright deep pink colour)not-comparable
FlowersireasIrishnounirisbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
FlowersireasIrishnounAlternative form of iris (“belief, faith, religion”)alt-of alternative feminine
FlowersકુસુમGujaratinouna type of eye disease
FlowersકુસુમGujaratinamea female given name, Kusum, from Sanskrit
FolkloretambaloslosCebuanonouna mythical creature with a large mouth and penis and one word characteristic is being ugly, found in Visayan, Bicolano and Mindanao folklore being of the forest
FolkloretambaloslosCebuanointjused as an intensifier, meaning someone or something is useless or used similar to for fuck's sake
Food and drinkfive-second ruleEnglishnounAny rule that allows or prohibits certain behavior for five seconds after some event, especially: / The belief that food dropped on the ground is still hygienic to eat provided it is picked up within five seconds of touching the ground.informal
Food and drinkfive-second ruleEnglishnounAny rule that allows or prohibits certain behavior for five seconds after some event, especially: / A rule that a closely-guarded player cannot hold the ball for more than five seconds without dribbling, passing, rolling, or shooting the ball.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Food and drinkfive-second ruleEnglishnounAny rule that allows or prohibits certain behavior for five seconds after some event, especially: / A rule that a player who throws in the ball from out of bounds must get rid of it in less than five seconds.ball-games basketball games hobbies lifestyle sports
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounkitchen (room or area for preparing food) / kitchen (furniture and equipment in such a room)countable feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounkitchen (room or area for preparing food) / kitchen (people working in such a room)countable feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounstove, hob, cooker (device for heating food)cooking food lifestylecountable feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnouncuisine (characteristic style of preparing food, often associated with a place of origin)countable feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnouncookery, cooking (one's ability to prepare food)cooking food lifestylefeminine uncountable
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounkitchen; cafeteria (dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased, provided, or brought in from elsewhere)countable dated feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounintel (detailed information about a job or field of human activity, not made available to everyone)feminine uncountable
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounchimney or hearth in a kitchencountable feminine obsolete
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounstores (food saved for later or the product of cooking itself)Middle Polish feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounsquare where the king stands during castlingboard-games chess gamesMiddle Polish feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishnounhearth; Further details are uncertain.Middle Polish feminine
Food and drinkkuchniaPolishintjdamn (non-vulgar expression of contempt as a minced oath of kurwa)
Food and drinkochłapPolishnounscrap of meat, usually of low qualitycolloquial dialectal inanimate masculine
Food and drinkochłapPolishnounscraps, leftoverscolloquial dialectal in-plural inanimate masculine
Food and drinkàcidCatalanadjacid; sour; tart (having a sharp taste such as that of vinegar or a lemon)
Food and drinkàcidCatalanadjacid; acidic (pertaining to an acid)relational
Food and drinkàcidCatalanadjacidic (containing a high proportion of silica)chemistry geography geology mineralogy natural-sciences physical-sciences
Food and drinkàcidCatalanadjacidic (having a pH less than 7)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
Food and drinkàcidCatalannounacid (a food with a sharp taste)masculine
Food and drinkàcidCatalannounacid (a substance which is capable of providing H⁺ ions to a base to form a salt)chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesmasculine
Food and drinkàcidCatalannounacid; LSDdrugs medicine pharmacology sciencesmasculine slang
Food and drinkурюкRussiannounwhole dried apricots (with the pit)uncountable
Food and drinkурюкRussiannouna Central Asian personderogatory
Food and drinkターキーJapanesenounSynonym of 七面鳥 (shichimenchō, “turkey”) (bird)
Food and drinkターキーJapanesenouna turkeybowling hobbies lifestyle sports
FoodscurryPolishnouncurry (dish)indeclinable neuter
FoodscurryPolishnouncurry powderindeclinable neuter
FoodsfischMiddle EnglishnounAn animal that inhabits the water or the meat of such; marine life; e.g. alligators, fish, beavers, etc.
FoodsfischMiddle EnglishnounFish or their meat.
FoodsventrescaItaliannounbellyarchaic feminine
FoodsventrescaItaliannounventresca (flesh from the belly of a tuna)feminine
FoodsventrescaItaliannounstreaky baconfeminine
FoodsventrescaItaliannouna salume made of pork belly (stuffed with meat, eggs, cheese, and ground spices, then pressed)archaic feminine
FoodsܥܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnoungrain, crop, produce; corn, wheat; food, victuals
FoodsܥܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacadjpassing, transient, transitory
FoodsܥܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacadjpassing away
FoodsܥܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnouncrosser, traveller, wayfarer, passer-by
FoodsܥܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnountransgressor
FoodsܥܒܘܪܐClassical Syriacnountransgressing
FootwearjackbootEnglishnounA glossy leather calf-covering military boot, commonly associated with German soldiers of the WWII era.
FootwearjackbootEnglishnounThe spirit that motivates a totalitarian or overly militaristic regime or policy.broadly informal
FootwearjackbootEnglishverbTo stamp on with a jackboot.transitive
FootwearjackbootEnglishverbTo march in jackboots.intransitive
FootwearmocassíCatalannounmoccasin (a traditional Native North American shoe)masculine
FootwearmocassíCatalannounmoccasin (a modern shoe with either a low or no heel)masculine
Footwearទ្រនាប់ជើងKhmernounshoe; slippers
Forestryas-asCebuanonouna tree that yields hardwood
Forestryas-asCebuanonounthe wood from these tree
ForestryunderbrushEnglishnounThe small trees and other plants that clutter the floor of a forest.uncountable usually
ForestryunderbrushEnglishverbTo clear (an area) of underbrush.transitive
ForestryunderbrushEnglishverbTo work among the underbrush.intransitive
Forms of discriminationheightistEnglishadjPertaining to, or exhibiting, the prejudice of heightism.
Forms of discriminationheightistEnglishnounA person who believes in heightism.
Forms of governmentoligarquiaPortuguesenounoligarchy (government by only a few)feminine uncountable
Forms of governmentoligarquiaPortuguesenounoligarchy (those who make up an oligarchic government)feminine
Forms of governmentoligarquiaPortuguesenounoligarchy (state ruled by such a government)feminine
FourFrozen FourEnglishnameThe four regional champions of the NCAA Division I tournament, one of whom will become the national champion.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsUS informal
FourFrozen FourEnglishnameThe final two rounds of the NCAA Division I tournament.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsUS informal
FourFrozen FourEnglishnameAn appearance in the Frozen Four.hobbies ice-hockey lifestyle skating sportsUS informal
FouraadọrinYorubanumseventy / seventieth, number 70
Four o'clock family plantsspiderlingEnglishnounAn immature spider.
Four o'clock family plantsspiderlingEnglishnounAny of various herbaceous plants of the genus Boerhavia.
FowlsسمنArabicverbto be fat, to be corpulent, to be obese, to be stout
FowlsسمنArabicverbto become fat
FowlsسمنArabicverbto make fat, make plump, to fatten
FowlsسمنArabicnounclarified butter, ghee
FowlsسمنArabicnounverbal noun of سَمِنَ (samina) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
FowlsسمنArabicnounfatness, plumpness, fleshiness, stoutness, corpulence
FowlsسمنArabicnounquail (Coturnix coturnix)collective
FowlsسمنArabicverbform-i no-gloss
FowlsسمنArabicverbform-i no-gloss
FoxesmusangMalaynouncivet (cat-like animal)
FoxesmusangMalaynounfox (Vulpes vulpes)
FranceTriumphbogenGermannountriumphal archmasculine strong
FranceTriumphbogenGermannameArc de Triomphemasculine proper-noun strong
Freedom of speechcivil societyEnglishnounAll of the institutions, voluntary organizations and corporate bodies that are less than the state but greater than the family.countable uncountable
Freedom of speechcivil societyEnglishnounThose things expected of a democratic society, such as free speech and human rights.countable uncountable
Freedom of speechcivil societyEnglishnounOrganized, internally peaceful human society; civilization.human-sciences philosophy sciencescountable uncountable
Freedom of speechfree speechEnglishnounThe public expression of one's opinions without restraint or censorship.uncountable
Freedom of speechfree speechEnglishnounThe ability or right, especially legal right, to make such expression.uncountable
FruitsakaîuetéOld Tupinouncashew (Anacardium occidentale)
FruitsakaîuetéOld Tupinouncashew apple (accessory fruit of Anacardium occidentale)
FruitsbærNorwegian Nynorsknouna berryneuter
FruitsbærNorwegian Nynorskadjabout to calve, or which recently has calved
FruitsbærNorwegian Nynorskadjcarryingbroadly in-compounds
FruitsbærNorwegian Nynorskverbpresent tense of bæra (non-standard since 1938)form-of present
FruitsbærNorwegian Nynorskverbimperative of bæra (non-standard since 1938)form-of imperative
FruitsbærNorwegian Nynorskadjalternative spelling of berr (“bare”)alt-of alternative dialectal obsolete pronunciation-spelling
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicnounrespectmasculine
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicverbthink, reckon, consider
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicverbrespect, esteem
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicverbevaluate, assess
FruitsmeasScottish Gaelicnounfruitmasculine
FruitsmêrWelshnounmarrow (substance inside bones which produces blood cells)collective masculine uncountable
FruitsmêrWelshnounpith, fibres of a plantcollective countable masculine
FruitsmêrWelshnounmarrow, best or most essential part of somethingcollective figuratively masculine uncountable
Fruitspsia różaPolishnoundog rose (plant)feminine
Fruitspsia różaPolishnounrosehip (fruit)feminine
FruitsсмокиняBulgariannounfig (A subtropical small tree with palm-shaped hard leaves and a pear-shaped fruit filled with small seeds, which grows in the warm regions of Bulgaria.)
FruitsсмокиняBulgariannounfig (the fruit of the fig tree)
FruitsἰσχάςAncient Greeknoundried fig
FruitsἰσχάςAncient Greeknounkind of spurge (Euphorbia apios)
FuneralmorgueFrenchnounmorgue, mortuary (place where dead bodies are stored)feminine
FuneralmorgueFrenchnounmorgue, coldness, disdain, arrogance (supercilious attitude)feminine
FurnitureBarGermannounbar (desk)feminine
FurnitureBarGermannounnight club (pub)feminine
FurnitureBarGermannounbar (unit of pressure)neuter strong
FurnitureBarGermannouncashneuter strong
FurnituregaldsLatviannountable (piece of furniture consisting of a horizontal surface on legs, to support objects — dishes and food while eating, tools while working, etc.)declension-1 masculine
FurnituregaldsLatviannountable (a table drawer or small cabinet)declension-1 masculine metonymically
FurnituregaldsLatviannountable, buffet (the food and drinks placed on the table; said food and drinks together with the table)declension-1 masculine
FurnituregaldsLatviannountable (type of food)declension-1 masculine
FurnituregaldsLatviannountable (a meal, the food consumed during a meal)declension-1 masculine
FurnituregaldsLatviannountable (group of people sitting at the same table and eating together)declension-1 masculine
FurnituregaldsLatviannounboard especially treated to make a certain specific objectdeclension-1 masculine
FurnituregaldsLatviannounboard, table (horizontal surface or platform for some device or machine)declension-1 masculine
FurnitureخوانArabicadjunreliable, faithless, disloyal, treacherous, perfidious
FurnitureخوانArabicnountable, particularly such one as is fit for dining
FurnitureخوانArabicadjmasculine plural of خَائِن (ḵāʔin)form-of masculine plural
FurnitureخوانArabicnounplural of خَائِن (ḵāʔin)form-of plural
GaitscourenMiddle EnglishverbTo crouch, especially in fear; to cower.
GaitscourenMiddle EnglishverbTo hide or conceal oneself.
GamblingtongTagalognounpercentage cut or commission of the winnings taken from the winner/s for the banker/dealer or owner of the gambling housegambling gamescolloquial
GamblingtongTagalognounbribecolloquial slang
GamblingtongTagalognounmoneycolloquial slang
GamblingtongTagalognounassociation; political party; secret societycolloquial
GamesmaślankaPolishnountype of gamefeminine
GamesܦܣܦܣܐClassical Syriacnounpebble
GamesܦܣܦܣܐClassical Syriacnoungame piece, die
GamesܦܣܦܣܐClassical Syriacnoungame of dicein-plural
GenderpangenderEnglishadjEncompassing or including all genders.not-comparable
GenderpangenderEnglishadjIdentifying with all genders.not-comparable
GeneticscyclerEnglishnounAnything with a cyclic (repetitious) behaviour. Something that cycles between different states.
GeneticscyclerEnglishnounAn orbit that approaches two astronomical bodies on a regular basis.astronomy natural-sciences
GeneticscyclerEnglishnounA, usually man-made, object that follows such an orbit.aerospace astronautics business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesbroadly
GeneticscyclerEnglishnounA person with bipolar disorder, often used when comparing the speed of mood swings.human-sciences psychology scienceseuphemistic
GeneticscyclerEnglishnounA device for performing dialysis; for mechanically purifying blood.medicine sciences
GeneticscyclerEnglishnounEllipsis of thermal cycler.; a machine for creating multiple copies of DNA sequences.biochemistry biology chemistry microbiology natural-sciences physical-sciencesabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
GeneticscyclerEnglishnounA task in a cycle of tasks where the status of being active task is passed around the loop.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
GeometryaguhonTagalognounvery large needle
GeometryaguhonTagalognounpair of compasses; compass for drawing circles
GeometryпандаUkrainiannounpandabiology natural-sciences zoology
GeometryпандаUkrainiannounpanda / red panda (Ailurus fulgens)biology natural-sciences zoology
GermanyNorddeutscheGermannounfemale equivalent of Norddeutscheradjectival feminine form-of
GermanyNorddeutscheGermannouninflection of Norddeutscher: / strong nominative/accusative pluralaccusative form-of masculine nominative plural strong
GermanyNorddeutscheGermannouninflection of Norddeutscher: / weak nominative singularform-of masculine nominative singular weak
GoatskudłaczPolishnounfurball (animal that is very furry or hirsute)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
GoatskudłaczPolishnounbillygoat (male goat)animal-not-person archaic masculine
GoatskudłaczPolishnounram (male sheep)animal-not-person archaic masculine
GoatskudłaczPolishnoungray langur (any Old World monkey of the genus Semnopithecus)animal-not-person masculine obsolete
GoatskudłaczPolishnounold bearhobbies hunting lifestyleanimal-not-person masculine
GoatskudłaczPolishnounperson with overly long and unkempt or shaggy haircolloquial masculine person
GoatskudłaczPolishnounkike, Yid (Jewish person)Judaism archaic derogatory ethnic masculine person slur
GoatskudłaczPolishnounobject covered with something that resembles fluffy animal or human haircolloquial inanimate masculine
GoatskudłaczPolishnounEuropean gooseberry, gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa)in-plural inanimate masculine obsolete
GoatskudłaczPolishnounlamington (small square Australian/New Zealand cake made with sponge cake covered on all sides (including top and bottom) with chocolate and desiccated coconut)colloquial in-plural
Godstử thầnVietnamesenouna magical being that rules over, decides on, or embodies death, such as Hades, Pluto, the Grim Reaper or a shinigami
Godstử thầnVietnameseadjassociated with death, or deities or personifications of deathliterary
Goosefoot subfamily plantssmearwortEnglishnounAristolochia rotunda, a herbaceous perennial plant native to Southern Europe.countable uncountable
Goosefoot subfamily plantssmearwortEnglishnounBlitum bonus-henricus (Good King Henry, English mercury)countable uncountable
Governmentmataas na kapulunganTagalognounupper house; senate
Governmentmataas na kapulunganTagalognounSenate of the Philippines
GovernmentrespublicaLatinnouna republic, commonwealth; the state, nationdeclension-5
GovernmentrespublicaLatinnounpolitics, civil affairsdeclension-5
GrainsmalagkitTagalogadjsticky; adhesive
GrainsmalagkitTagalogadjfixed; intent; sharpfiguratively
GrainsmalagkitTagalognounglutinous rice; sticky rice
GrassessłomkaPolishnoundiminutive of słomadiminutive feminine form-of
GrassessłomkaPolishnounblade of strawfeminine
GrassessłomkaPolishnoundrinking strawfeminine
GrassesChinesecharacterthick bambooobsolete
GrassesChinesecharactera kind of woodwind instrumententertainment lifestyle musicobsolete
GreeceAbiaLatinnameAbijahdeclension-1 indeclinable
GreeceAbiaLatinnamea town of Messenia situated near the borders with Laconiadeclension-1 feminine singular
GreeceAbiaLatinnameablative of Abiaablative form-of
Greek letter namespiEnglishnounThe 16th letter of the Classical and Modern Greek alphabets and the seventeenth in Old Greek.countable uncountable
Greek letter namespiEnglishnounAn irrational and transcendental constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a Euclidean circle to its diameter; approximately 3.14159265358979323846264338327950; usually written π.mathematics sciencescountable uncountable
Greek letter namespiEnglishnounMetal type that has been spilled, mixed together, or disordered.letterpress-typography media publishing typographycountable uncountable
Greek letter namespiEnglishverbTo spill or mix printing type.letterpress-typography media publishing typography
Greek letter namespiEnglishadjNot part of the usual font character set; especially, non-Roman type or symbols as opposed to standard alphanumeric Roman publishing typographynot-comparable
Greek letter namespiEnglishnounpica (conventionally, 12 points = 1 pica, 6 picas = 1 inch).media publishing typography
Greek letter namespiEnglishnounPiaster.
Greek letter namespiEnglishadjPious.
GroundcherriesChinese lanternEnglishnounA paper lantern in bright colours used for decorative purposes, commonly painted with Chinese art and calligraphy motifs.
GroundcherriesChinese lanternEnglishnounA bladder cherry (Alkekengi officinarum, syn. Physalis alkekengi).
HairfrizziesEnglishnounplural of frizzyform-of plural
HairfrizziesEnglishnounUnkempt curly hair, especially of women.colloquial
Hairirun ojuYorubanouneyebrow
Hairirun ojuYorubanouneyelash
HairkalboTagalogadjbald; bald-headed
HairkalboTagalogadjdevoid of trees; cleared (of a mountain or a forest)figuratively
HairkalboTagalogadjcarried by the wind
HairхвостикRussiannoundiminutive of хвост (xvost): (small) taildiminutive form-of
HairхвостикRussiannounan additional amountcolloquial
HairхвостикRussiannounsquiggle (in writing), tail, end, hook (e.g., of the comma)
HairхвостикRussiannounpigtail, ponytail
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounA tree or shrub of the genus Castanea.countable uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounA nut of this tree or shrub.countable uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounA dark, reddish-brown colour, as seen on the fruit of the chestnut tree.uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounA reddish-brown horse.countable uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounWood of a chestnut tree.uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounAn old joke; a worn-out meme, phrase, ploy, etc. so often repeated as to have grown tiresome or ineffective (often in the phrase "old chestnut").countable figuratively uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounA round or oval horny plate found on the inner side of the leg of a horse or other animal, similar to a birthmark on a human.countable uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishnounThe horse-chestnut.UK countable uncountable
Hair colorschestnutEnglishadjOf a deep reddish-brown colour, like that of a chestnut.not-comparable
Heads of stateKaiserGermannounemperor (ruler of certain monarchies; highest monarch)masculine strong
Heads of stateKaiserGermannamea common surnamefeminine masculine proper-noun surname
Heads of stateKaiserGermannamenickname of Franz Beckenbauerball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportscolloquial definite proper-noun strong usually
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounThe wife, consort, or widow of a king.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA female monarch.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / The Virgin Mary (especially in formulations such as Queen of Heaven, Queen of Glory).Christianity
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / An excellent woman.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / A woman pre-eminent in a particular group or field.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA woman whose pre-eminence, power, or forcefulness is comparable to that of a queen. / An attractive woman; a female partner in a romantic relationship.slang
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounSomething regarded as the greatest of its kind or as having pre-eminence or power comparable to that of a queen over a given area.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A chess piece that, under contemporary rules, is the most powerful, able to move any number of spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.board-games chess games
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A playing card with a depiction of a queen on it, generally ranking next below the king and above the jack in a given suit.card-games games
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounReferring to one of several items used in tabletop games: / A red disk that is the most valuable piece in the Asian game of carrom.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA reproductive female insect in a hive, such as an ant, bee, termite or wasp.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA type of flatfish, specifically the lemon sole.obsolete
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA queen apple.rare
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA queen scallop.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounEllipsis of queen construction manufacturingabbreviation alt-of ellipsis obsolete
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA type of large roofing slate.historical
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA homosexual man, especially one regarded as effeminate.derogatory sometimes
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounAn adult female cat capable of breeding.
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounEllipsis of queen olive.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounEllipsis of drag queen.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis slang
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounPertaining to a queen-size bed or queen-size bedding.US attributive
Heads of statequeenEnglishnounA monarch butterfly (Danaus spp., especially Danaus gilippus).
Heads of statequeenEnglishverbTo act the part of a queen; to behave imperiously; to queen it.intransitive obsolete
Heads of statequeenEnglishverbTo make a queen or (figuratively) to give the status of a queen.transitive
Heads of statequeenEnglishverbTo promote a pawn to a queen.board-games chess games
Heads of statequeenEnglishverbTo be the queen bee of a colony.agriculture beekeeping business lifestyle
Heads of statequeenEnglishverbTo provide with a new queen bee.agriculture beekeeping business lifestyle
Heads of statequeenEnglishverbTo sit on a person’s face to receive oral sex, typically while straddling the person’s head.BDSM lifestyle sexualityslang transitive usually
Heads of statetsarEnglishnounAn emperor of Russia (1547 to 1917) and of some South Slavic states.historical
Heads of statetsarEnglishnounA person with great power; an autocrat.figuratively
HeadwearsphendoneEnglishnounAn Ancient Greek headband worn by women.historical
HeadwearsphendoneEnglishnounAn elliptical or semi-elliptical auditorium.historical
Headwear朝鮮笠Chinesenoungat (a traditional Korean hat made of horsehair, once worn by married gentlemen)
Headwear朝鮮笠ChinesenounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see 朝鮮 /朝鲜, 笠 (lì).
HealthincurableEnglishadjOf an illness, condition, etc, that is unable to be cured; healless.not-comparable
HealthincurableEnglishadjIrremediable, incorrigible.figuratively not-comparable
HealthincurableEnglishnounOne who cannot be cured.
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritadjversed in science, learned
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritadjrelating or belonging to the Vedas, conformable to the Vedas
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritadjmedical, medicinal, relating to medicine
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritnouna learned man, Pandit
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritnounfollower of the Vedas, well-versed in the Vedas
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritnounan expert
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritnounskilled in the art of healing
Healthcare occupationsवैद्यSanskritnounphysician, doctor
HeraldryscochonMiddle Englishnounescutcheon, coat of arms
HeraldryscochonMiddle Englishnouninescutcheonrare
HeraldryscochonMiddle Englishnounbadge, symbolrare
HeronshaikaraFinnishnounheron (any wading bird of the Ardeidae family in order Pelecaniformes)
HeronshaikaraFinnishnounstork (any wading bird of the Ciconiidae family in order Ciconiiformes)colloquial
HeronshaikaraFinnishnounstork (mythical bringer of babies)
Herrings白子Japanesenounmilt, soft roe
Herrings白子Japanesenounwhitebait (young fish of certain species), especially the young of sardines
HideslezardRomaniannounlizard tanned leatherneuter uncountable
Hindu deitiesشیوUrdunameShivaHinduism
Hindu deitiesشیوUrdunounshave, shaving
Hindu deitiesబ్రహ్మTelugunounBrahma: the first deity of the Hindu triad and the creator of the world.
Hindu deitiesబ్రహ్మTeluguadjbelonging to a species which considered superior to others.
HistoriographyannalsEnglishnounplural of annalform-of plural
HistoriographyannalsEnglishnounA relation of events in chronological order, each event being recorded under the year in which it happened.plural plural-only
HistoriographyannalsEnglishnounHistorical records; chronicles; history.plural plural-only
HistoriographyannalsEnglishnounA periodic publication, containing records of discoveries, transactions of societies, etc.plural plural-only
HistoryPherecydesEnglishnamean Ancient Greek thinker from the island of Syros, who authored a cosmogony that bridged the mythological thought of Hesiod and pre-Socratic philosophy (c. 620-550 BC)
HistoryPherecydesEnglishnamean historian and genealogist from Athens (fl. c. 465 BC)
HistoryPherecydesEnglishnamean historian from the Greek island of Leros, possibly the same person as the Athenian historian (before 480-477 BC)
HistorypaquebotEnglishnouna mailboat
HistorypaquebotEnglishnouna postal marking or cancellation stamped on mail posted at sea or in a harbour for processing by the postal authorities at the next port of call. Mail so marked in one country will often carry the stamps of another country.
HistorypaquebotEnglishadjRelating to mail posted at sea.not-comparable
History of China聖祖ChinesenameA temple name used for Chinese emperors or Vietnamese rulers.
History of China聖祖ChinesenameA temple name used for Chinese emperors or Vietnamese rulers. / Emperor Shengzu of Qing, commonly known as the Kangxi Emperor.specifically
HolidayszapustLower SorbiannounShrovetide, Shrove Tuesdayinanimate masculine
HolidayszapustLower Sorbiannouncarnival (festival held just before the beginning of Lent)inanimate masculine
Horse tackباشلقOttoman Turkishnounheadgear, anything worn on the headusually
Horse tackباشلقOttoman Turkishnouncowl, a hood that can be pulled forward to cover the face
Horse tackباشلقOttoman Turkishnounhelmet, a hard, protective head covering used in battle
Horse tackباشلقOttoman Turkishnountestiere, the complete armour for a horse's head
Horse tackباشلقOttoman Turkishnouncapital, the usually decorated uppermost part of a column
Horse tackباشلقOttoman Turkishnountimber-capital, a truss of a post supporting a beam
HorsescliobagScottish Gaelicnounclip (colt)feminine
HorsescliobagScottish Gaelicnounfillyfeminine
Horsesdu a gwynWelshadjblack and whitenot-comparable
Horsesdu a gwynWelshadjpiebald (of a horse)not-comparable
HorsesChinesecharacterexcellent horse
HorsesChinesecharacterbrave, valiant
HorticultureवाटिकाHindinouna flower bed
HorticultureवाटिकाHindinouna garden, grove
HotelsherberwenMiddle EnglishverbTo accommodate or lodge; to have as a guest: / To provide shelter or refuge.
HotelsherberwenMiddle EnglishverbTo accommodate or lodge; to have as a guest: / To give out accommodations (to someone).
HotelsherberwenMiddle EnglishverbTo house; to permanently accommodate.
HotelsherberwenMiddle EnglishverbTo dwell or stay; to make accommodation.
HotelsherberwenMiddle EnglishverbTo shelter or store (an animal or thing)
HotelsherberwenMiddle EnglishverbTo drive to a lair.hobbies hunting lifestylerare
Human migrationimmigrantEnglishnounA non-native person who comes to a country from another country to permanently settle there.
Human migrationimmigrantEnglishnounA plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist.
Human migrationimmigrantEnglishadjOf or relating to immigrants or the act of immigrating.not-comparable
Human migrationsılaTurkishnounAn act of reuniting with the loved ones or a place after a long time.
Human migrationsılaTurkishnounOne's dearly missed birthplace or hometown.
Hydrogenhydrogen bondEnglishnounA weak bond in which a hydrogen atom in one molecule is attracted to an electronegative atom (usually nitrogen or oxygen) in the same or different molecule.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
Hydrogenhydrogen bondEnglishverbTo bond to another species by means of hydrogen bonds. E.g. Water hydrogen bonds with itself.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
Incel communityfoidEnglishnounClipping of feldspathoid.geography geology natural-sciencesabbreviation alt-of clipping colloquial
Incel communityfoidEnglishnounClipping of femoid.abbreviation alt-of clipping derogatory
IndividualsHHHEnglishnameTriple H, former American professional wrestler.
IndividualsHHHEnglishnameInitialism of Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr., 38th vice president of the United States and 1968 Democratic nominee.government politicsUS abbreviation alt-of initialism
IndividualsLockiusLatinnamea male surname from English, equivalent to English Locke — famously held bydeclension-2 masculine singular
IndividualsLockiusLatinnamea male surname from English, equivalent to English Locke — famously held by: / Johannes Lockius, an English philosopher and physician who lived during the Age of Enlightenment.declension-2 masculine singular
IndividualsPaulusDanishnamePaul (biblical figure).
IndividualsPaulusDanishnamea male given name, rare in this form
IndividualsZaccariaItaliannameZachariah, Zacharias, Zachary, Zechariah (biblical character)masculine
IndividualsZaccariaItaliannamethe Book of Zechariahmasculine
IndividualsZaccariaItaliannamea male given name from Hebrew of biblical originmasculine
Individuals帝爺公ChinesenameGuan Yu (160-219)Hokkien Philippine Quanzhou Xiamen
Individuals帝爺公ChinesenameXuan Wu (Taoist god)Zhangzhou-Hokkien
Individuals모차르트KoreannameA transliteration of the German surname Mozart
Individuals모차르트KoreannameA transliteration of the German surname Mozart / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer
InsectsflóOld Norsenounlayer, stratumfeminine
InsectsflóOld Norsenounfleafeminine
InsectsflóOld Norseverbfirst/third-person singular past indicative active of fljúgaactive first-person form-of indicative past singular third-person
InsectsflóOld Norseverbfirst/third-person singular past indicative active of flýjaactive first-person form-of indicative past singular third-person
InsectsflóOld Norseverbfirst/third-person singular past indicative active of fláactive first-person form-of indicative past singular third-person
InsectsjẹjẹrẹYorubanounweevil, aphid
InsectsjẹjẹrẹYorubanounIn modern usage; cancer, tumor
InsectsتتلیUrdunounelegantly-dressed womanfiguratively
InsectsتتلیUrdunouncommon rue (Ruta graveolens)
InternetpanginainTagalognoungrazing or feeding of animals with grass; pasturing
InternetpanginainTagalognounAlternative form of panghinainInternet alt-of alternative neologism
Internet博文Chineseverbto be proficient in classical textsliterary
Internet博文Chinesenounverbose wordsliterary
IonsdeionizationEnglishnounThe use of ion exchange to remove ionic substances from a solutionchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
IonsdeionizationEnglishnounThe return of an ionized gas to its neutral statechemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesphysical
Iris family plantsonion grassEnglishnounSpecies of Melica, especially Melica bulbosa.US uncountable usually
Iris family plantsonion grassEnglishnounAny of several species of non-native grasses of the genus Romulea, including Romulea rosea.Australia uncountable usually
Iris family plantsonion grassEnglishnounWild or feral chives, garlic, or other species with grass-like leaves in the genus Allium, particularly Allium vineale, a wild herb native to Europe and western Asia, naturalised elsewhere; a common lawn weed.uncountable usually
IslamⲗⲁⲙⲓⲧⲏⲥCopticnounMuslimBohairic Sahidic
IslamⲗⲁⲙⲓⲧⲏⲥCopticnounElamite (a historical and biblical Middle Eastern nation)Bohairic Sahidic
ItalyEtnaEnglishnameAn active stratovolcano on the east coast of Sicily, Italy, between Messina and Catania.
ItalyEtnaEnglishnameA city in Siskiyou County, California, United States.
ItalyEtnaEnglishnameA town in Penobscot County, Maine, United States.
ItalyEtnaEnglishnameA river that flows through Etnedal and Nordre Land municipalities, Oppland, Norway.
ItalyEtnaEnglishnameA female given name from Irish
Japanese fictionreverse haremEnglishnounA group of someone's boyfriends and/or husbands in a polygamous household.
Japanese fictionreverse haremEnglishnounA situation in anime and manga in which a woman is the love interest of three or more men.
Japanese numeral symbols二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20
Japanese numeral symbols二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20
Japanese numeral symbols二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20obsolete
Japanese numeral symbols二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20
JewelrydalkeMiddle Englishnounbroochrare
JewelrydalkeMiddle EnglishnounA small valley, depression, or dalk.rare
JewelrydalkeMiddle EnglishnounAn indentation or cavity.rare
JewelryدملوجArabicnounbangle, armlet, piece of jewelry women install around the upper arm for adornment purposes
JewelryدملوجArabicnouna kind of circular pastry
Jewelry約指Chineseverbto wrap around the finger; to wear on the fingerliterary
Jewelry約指Chinesenounfinger ring; ringliterary
JudaismhéberHungarianadjHebrew (of or relating to the Hebrew people or language)not-comparable
JudaismhéberHungariannounHebrew (language)countable uncountable
JudaismhéberHungariannounHebrew (person), Israelite, Jewcountable rare uncountable
Judaismגן עדןHebrewnameGarden of Eden
Judaismגן עדןHebrewnouna paradise, an ideal placecolloquial
KoreanKonglishEnglishnameKorean pseudo-anglicisms; Korean coinages based on English roots.
KoreanKonglishEnglishnameAny of various varieties of Korean English having distinctive lexis, syntax and phonology.derogatory
KoreanKonglishEnglishnameAlternative form of Kongish.alt-of alternative
KyivKyiviteEnglishadjOf, from or pertaining to Kyiv.not-comparable
KyivKyiviteEnglishnounSomeone living in or originating from Kyiv.
LGBTQAchilleanEnglishadjResembling or relating to Achilles, the hero of the Iliad. / Invincible with only one small weakness (an Achilles heel), which becomes one's downfall.
LGBTQAchilleanEnglishadjResembling or relating to Achilles, the hero of the Iliad. / Guided by emotional motives, especially rage, rather than reason.
LGBTQAchilleanEnglishadjResembling or relating to Achilles, the hero of the Iliad.
LGBTQAchilleanEnglishadjOf or relating to Achilles Tatius, a Roman-era Greek writer.
LGBTQAchilleanEnglishadjPertaining to the Achilles tendon.
LGBTQAchilleanEnglishadjOf or relating to sexual or romantic intimacy between men, supposedly in the style of Achilles' relationship with Patroclus.
LGBTQAchilleanEnglishnounA fighter on the side of Achilles in the Trojan war; an Achaean.
LGBTQbentEnglishverbsimple past and past participle of bendform-of participle past
LGBTQbentEnglishadjFolded, dented.
LGBTQbentEnglishadjCorrupt, dishonest.UK colloquial
LGBTQbentEnglishadjHomosexual.UK colloquial derogatory
LGBTQbentEnglishadjDetermined or insistent.
LGBTQbentEnglishadjleading a life of crime.
LGBTQbentEnglishadjInaccurately aimed.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsslang
LGBTQbentEnglishadjSuffering from the bends.US colloquial
LGBTQbentEnglishadjHigh from both marijuana and alcohol.slang
LGBTQbentEnglishnounAn inclination or talent.
LGBTQbentEnglishnounA predisposition to act or react in a particular way.
LGBTQbentEnglishnounThe state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity.
LGBTQbentEnglishnounA declivity or slope, as of a hill.
LGBTQbentEnglishnounParticular direction or tendency; flexion; course.
LGBTQbentEnglishnounA transverse frame of a framed structure; a subunit of framing. / Such a subunit as a component of a barn's framing, joined to other bents by girts and summer carpentry construction manufacturing
LGBTQbentEnglishnounA transverse frame of a framed structure; a subunit of framing. / Such a subunit as a reinforcement to, or integral part of, a bridge's carpentry construction manufacturing
LGBTQbentEnglishnounTension; force of acting; energy; impetus.
LGBTQbentEnglishnounAny of various stiff or reedy grasses.countable uncountable
LGBTQbentEnglishnounA grassy area, grassland.countable uncountable
LGBTQbentEnglishnounThe old dried stalks of grasses.countable uncountable
LGBTQdyke outEnglishverbTo engage in homoerotic activity with another woman.intransitive vulgar
LGBTQdyke outEnglishverbAlternative form of deck outalt-of alternative
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounOne who kisses.
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounThe mouth.slang
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounThe face.slang
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounThe kissing gourami.
Labyrinth fishkisserEnglishnounA button on a bowstring that indicates consistent height when drawing a bow, for example by being placed against the archer's mouth .archery government hobbies lifestyle martial-arts military politics sports war
LandformsποταμόςAncient Greeknounriver, stream
LandformsποταμόςAncient Greeknouncanal
LanguagebigorneFrenchnounbeak-iron, bickernfeminine
LanguagebigorneFrenchnounslang, jargon, lingomasculine
LanguagesBontocEnglishnounAn ethnic group from Central Luzon, Philippines.plural plural-only
LanguagesBontocEnglishnameThe language of the Bontoc people.
LanguagesBontocEnglishnameA municipality, the capital of Mountain Province, Philippines
LanguagesBontocEnglishnameA former Spanish commandancy.historical
LanguagesBontocEnglishnameA subprovince of Lepanto-Bontoc, created from the commandancy.historical
LanguagesBontocEnglishnameA barangay of Lambunao, Iloilo, Philippines
LanguagesBontocEnglishnameA barangay of Hindang, Leyte, Philippines
LanguagesBontocEnglishnameA municipality of Southern Leyte, Philippines.
LanguagesBorokEnglishnameName of several rural localities in Russia.
LanguagesBorokEnglishnameThe language of the Tripuri.
LanguagesKavalanEnglishnounAn indigenous people of northeast Taiwan.plural plural-only
LanguagesKavalanEnglishnameTheir language.
LanguagesMarin MiwokEnglishnounA subdivision of the Coast Miwok people, who resided in present-day Marin County, California.plural plural-only
LanguagesMarin MiwokEnglishnameThe dialect of Coast Miwok language spoken by this people.
LanguagesMartuthuniraEnglishnounAn indigenous people of Western Australia.plural plural-only
LanguagesMartuthuniraEnglishnameTheir language.
LanguagesMartuthuniraEnglishadjOf the Martuthunira or their language.not-comparable
LanguagesMeriamEnglishnounA member of an Aboriginal people who live on Mer (Murray Island), in the eastern group of Torres Strait Islands off the northern tip of Australia.
LanguagesMeriamEnglishnameThe Trans-Fly Papuan language of the Meriam people; Meryam Mir.
LanguagesPampangoTagalognameKapampangan (language)
LanguagesPampangoTagalognounKapampangan (a native or inhabitant of Pampanga)
LanguagesRussiesAfrikaansadjRussian (of, from, or pertaining to Russia, the Russian people or the Russian language)not-comparable
LanguagesRussiesAfrikaansnameRussian (language)
LanguagesSalibaEnglishnameAn indigenous language of Eastern Colombia and Venezuela.
LanguagesSalibaEnglishnameA surname.
LanguagesWagemanEnglishnameAn Australian Aboriginal language spoken in the Northern Territory in Australia
LanguagesWagemanEnglishnameA surname.
LanguagesbielorrussoPortuguesenounBelarusian (the national language of Belarus)masculine uncountable
LanguagesbielorrussoPortuguesenounBelarusian (a person from Belarus)masculine
LanguagesbielorrussoPortugueseadjBelarusian (of or relating to Belarus)
LanguagesdalmáticoSpanishnounDalmatian (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesgòticCatalanadjGothic (pertaining to the Goths or to the Gothic language)
LanguagesgòticCatalanadjGothic (pertaining to the Gothic architecture or to Gothic art)
LanguagesgòticCatalanadjGothic (pertaining to the Middle Ages)
LanguagesgòticCatalanadjGothic (pertaining to a genre of horror fiction)
LanguagesgòticCatalanadjGothic (pertaining to the goth subculture)
LanguagesgòticCatalannounGothic (an example of Gothic architecture or of Gothic art)masculine
LanguagesgòticCatalannounGothic (a style of architecture and art common in 12th to 16th century Europe)masculine uncountable
LanguagesgòticCatalannounGothic (an extinct East Germanic language spoken by the Goths)masculine uncountable
LanguagesholandésAsturianadjof the Netherlands; Dutchmasculine relational singular
LanguagesholandésAsturiannouna Dutchman (person)masculine singular
LanguagesholandésAsturiannounDutch (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesmagyarHungarianadjHungarian, Magyar (of, from, or relating to Hungary, its people or its language)not-comparable
LanguagesmagyarHungariannounHungarian (person)countable uncountable
LanguagesmagyarHungariannounHungarian (language)countable uncountable
LanguagesmaorskiSerbo-Croatianadjthe Maori languagesubstantive
LanguagesmontenegrinskNorwegian BokmåladjMontenegrin (relating to Montenegro and Montenegrins)
LanguagesmontenegrinskNorwegian BokmålnounMontenegrin (the language)uncountable
LanguagesneerlandésSpanishadjof the Netherlands; Dutchrelational
LanguagesneerlandésSpanishnouna Dutchmanmasculine
LanguagesneerlandésSpanishnounthe Dutch (Netherlandish) language (including Flemish)masculine uncountable
LanguagestàmilCatalanadjTamilfeminine masculine
LanguagestàmilCatalannounTamil (person)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
LanguagestàmilCatalannounTamil (language)masculine uncountable
LanguagesugariticoItaliannounUgariticmasculine uncountable
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicadjfeminine singular of نُرْوِيجِيّ (nurwījiyy, “Norwegian”)feminine form-of singular
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicnounfemale equivalent of نُرْوِيجِيّ (nurwījiyy, “Norwegian”)feminine form-of
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicnounfemale equivalent of نُرْوِيجِيّ (nurwījiyy, “Norwegian”): / Norwegian woman, Norwegian girl
LanguagesنرويجيةArabicnounNorwegian languagedefinite usually
Languages平話Chinesenounlocal speech; plain speech; colloquial dialect / Eastern Min; Min Dong (a lect which is spoken in and around Fuzhou)Eastern Min
Languages平話Chinesenounlocal speech; plain speech; colloquial dialect / Pinghua (a group of Chinese dialects spoken in Guangxi)
Languages平話ChinesenounAlternative form of 評話 /评话 (pínghuà)alt-of alternative
LaosattEnglishnounA subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of a Lao kip.
LaosattEnglishprepObsolete spelling of at.alt-of obsolete
Latin letter namesquêPortuguesepronwhat (which thing)interrogative sentence-final
Latin letter namesquêPortuguesenouna characteristic (distinguishable feature of a person or thing)masculine
Latin letter namesquêPortuguesenouncue (name of the letter Q, q)masculine
LaundrysodaPolishnounsoda, sodium carbonate, washing sodachemistry natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
LaundrysodaPolishnounbaking soda, soda, sodium bicarbonatebaking chemistry cooking food lifestyle natural-sciences physical-sciencesfeminine
LawJuraGermannameJura Mountains (a mountain range on the border of France, Switzerland and Germany)definite proper-noun strong usually
LawJuraGermannamethe Jurassicdefinite proper-noun strong usually
LawJuraGermannameJura (a canton of Switzerland)definite proper-noun strong usually
LawJuraGermannameJura (a region of France)definite proper-noun strong usually
LawJuraGermannameJura (an island of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom)definite proper-noun strong usually
LawJuraGermannounlaw (study)neuter plural plural-only
LawainbheachScottish Gaelicnoundrone beemasculine
LawainbheachScottish Gaelicnounmuch rainmasculine
LawainbheachScottish Gaelicnoundebt, obligation; heavy (especially long-standing) debts.masculine
LawkonstitusjonNorwegian Nynorsknounthe constitution of a countrymasculine
LawkonstitusjonNorwegian Nynorsknounconstitution (a person's physical state)masculine
LawmesaCatalannounboard (executive team)feminine
LawmesaCatalannoungameball-games billiards games hobbies lifestyle sportsfeminine
LawmesaCatalannounbud, buddingbiology botany natural-sciencesfeminine
LawmesaCatalanverbfeminine singular of mesfeminine form-of participle singular
LawmesaCatalanverbinflection of mesar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
LawmesaCatalanverbinflection of mesar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
LawquisteMiddle EnglishnounOne's will and testament.rare
LawquisteMiddle EnglishnounBequest, inheritanceLate-Middle-English rare
LeadTELEnglishnountetraethyllead (or tetraethyl lead, tetra-ethyl lead); a gasoline additive to boost octane ratingaeronautics aerospace automotive aviation business chemistry engineering natural-sciences organic-chemistry physical-sciences transport vehicles
LeadTELEnglishnounA label for telephone number.
LeadTELEnglishnounInitialism of transporter erector launcher.aerospace astronautics business engineering government military natural-sciences physical-sciences politics warabbreviation alt-of initialism
Leftismleft-wingerEnglishnounA person who espouses left-wing political views.government politics
Leftismleft-wingerEnglishnounA member of the left wing of a party or group.
Leftismleft-wingerEnglishnounA person who plays the position of left wing.hobbies lifestyle sports
LegumesofettOld Englishnounfruitneuter
LegumesofettOld Englishnounbean, legume; vegetableneuter
LeprosyleprosyEnglishnounAn infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, gradually producing nerve damage and patches of skin necrosis and historically handled by permanently quarantining its sufferers.medicine pathology sciencesuncountable usually
LeprosyleprosyEnglishnounSimilar contagious skin diseases causing light patches of scaly skin, particularly psoriasis, syphilis, vitiligo, scabies, and (biblical) the various diseases considered "tzaraath" in the Old Testament.medicine sciencesproscribed uncountable usually
LeprosyleprosyEnglishnounAnything considered similarly permanent, harmful, and communicable, particularly when such a thing should be handled by avoidance or isolation of its victims.figuratively uncountable usually
LeprosyleprosyEnglishnounA contagious disease causing similar effects in animals, particularly / Ellipsis of murine leprosy. and feline leprosy, diseases caused in rodents and cats by Mycobacterium lepraemurium.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis uncountable usually
LeprosyleprosyEnglishnounA contagious disease causing similar effects in animals, particularly / Synonym of mange and glanders in horses.obsolete uncountable usually
LeprosyleprosyEnglishnounSynonym of leprosarium: a place for the housing of lepers in isolation from the rest of society.obsolete rare uncountable usually
Light sourcesbolganScottish Gaelicnounlight bulbmasculine
Light sourcesbolganScottish Gaelicnounbulb (of a plant)masculine
Light sourcessuriaMalaynounsun (the star around which the Earth revolves)
Light sourcessuriaMalayadjOf or pertaining to the sun, solar
Liliales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see blazing, star.
Liliales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounA comet.archaic
Liliales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Any plant of genus Liatris, of North America.
Liliales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Chamaelirium luteum of the lily family.
Liliales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Aletris farinosa (white colicroot), a monocot.
Liliales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Mentzelia laevicaulis (giant blazing star).
Liliales order plantsblazing starEnglishnounAny of various plants including: / Tritonia crocata, native to southern Africa.
LinguisticskořenCzechnounrootbiology botany natural-sciencesinanimate masculine
LinguisticskořenCzechnounrootinanimate masculine
LinguisticskořenCzechnounroothuman-sciences linguistics sciencesinanimate masculine
LinguisticskořenCzechnounrootinanimate masculine
LiqueursanísCatalannounanise, aniseedmasculine
LiqueursanísCatalannounsmall confection flavoured with anisemasculine
LiqueursanísCatalannounanisette (liqueur flavoured with anise)masculine
LiquidshydraulicEnglishadjPertaining to water.not-comparable
LiquidshydraulicEnglishadjRelated to, or operated by, hydraulics.not-comparable
LiquidshydraulicEnglishverbTo mine using the technique of hydraulic mining.transitive
Literary genresповістьUkrainiannounnovella (short novel)literature media publishing
Literary genresповістьUkrainiannounstory, tale, narrative
LiteraturehistorietaCatalannouncomic stripfeminine
LiteraturelirycznyPolishadjlyric (of or relating to a lyric poem)relational
LondonEast LondonEnglishnameThe northeastern part of London, the capital city of the United Kingdom and of England.
LondonEast LondonEnglishnameA city on the southeast coast of Eastern Cape, South Africa.
LoveφίλοςAncient GreekadjThat which is loved or important: beloved, dear, of or from a friend
LoveφίλοςAncient Greekadjloving, friendlyuncommon
LoveφίλοςAncient Greeknounfriend
LoveגעליבטערYiddishnounbeloved, sweetheart, darling, lover (male)
LoveגעליבטערYiddishnoundative of געליבטע (gelibte)dative form-of
LoveגעליבטערYiddishadjnominative masculine singular of געליבט (gelibt)form-of masculine nominative singular
LoveגעליבטערYiddishadjdative feminine singular of געליבט (gelibt)dative feminine form-of singular
MachinescercatresorsCatalannounmetal detectorinvariable masculine
MachinescercatresorsCatalannountreasure-hunterby-personal-gender feminine invariable masculine
MachineszáznamníkCzechnounanswering machineinanimate masculine
MachineszáznamníkCzechnoundictation machine, dictation recorder, dictaphoneinanimate masculine
MachineszáznamníkCzechnounnotebook (writing pad)inanimate masculine
Mahabharataशल्यSanskritnouna dart, javelin, lance, spear, iron-headed weapon, pike, arrow
Mahabharataशल्यSanskritnounanything tormenting or causing pain (as a thorn, sting)
Mahabharataशल्यSanskritnounany extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain (e.g. a splinter, pin, stone in the bladder)
Mahabharataशल्यSanskritnamea male given name, especially that of the king of Madra in the Mahabharata
Maize (crop)corn silkEnglishnounThe fine soft yellowish threads that are the stigmata of corn flowers, which are later enclosed inside the husk of corn ears next to the kernels on corn cobs.uncountable
Maize (crop)corn silkEnglishnounAlternative form of cornsilk (a colour of yellow that is like that of these fibres)alt-of alternative uncountable
Maize (plant)dentEnglishnounA shallow deformation in the surface of an object, produced by an impact.
Maize (plant)dentEnglishnounA minor effect made upon something.figuratively
Maize (plant)dentEnglishnounA type of maize/corn with a relatively soft outer hull, and a soft type of starch that shrinks at maturity to leave an indentation in the surface of the kernel.
Maize (plant)dentEnglishnounA sudden negative change, such as loss, damage, weakening, consumption or diminution, especially one produced by an external force, event or actionbroadly informal
Maize (plant)dentEnglishverbTo impact something, producing a dent.transitive
Maize (plant)dentEnglishverbTo develop a dent or dents.intransitive
Maize (plant)dentEnglishnounA tooth, as of a card, a gear wheel, natural-sciences physical-sciences
Maize (plant)dentEnglishnounA slot or a wire in a reedbusiness manufacturing textiles weaving
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenouna beard
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenounwhiskersbroadly
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenounbarbelsbroadly
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenounantennaebroadly
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenounsilkbroadly
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenouna hair of a beard
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenouna whiskerbroadly
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenouna barbelbroadly
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenounan antennabroadly
Maize (plant)râuVietnamesenouna strand of silkbroadly
Malaconotoid birdsbatisEnglishnounAny of several passerine birds in the genus Batis, related to wattle-eyes.
Malaconotoid birdsbatisEnglishnounAny of the genus Batis of saltworts.
MalebiyáázhNavajonounits young
MalebiyáázhNavajonounher son, her nephew
MalebiyáázhNavajonounher mother's brother, her paternal uncle
MalebiyáázhNavajonounher father's brother's son's son, her first cousin once removed
Maleน้องชายThainounyounger brother.
Maleน้องชายThainouna term of address to a young or younger man.
Male animalskukkoKareliannounrooster
Male animalskukkoKareliannounA type of pie.
Male animalskukkoKareliannounA rude gesture of fist and a thumb stuck between the index and middle fingers.
Male animalsмеринRussiannoungelding
Male animalsмеринRussiannounMercedes (car)slang
Male family membersbunicuțRomaniannoundiminutive of bunicdiminutive form-of masculine
Male family membersbunicuțRomaniannoungrandpainformal masculine
Male family membersfakiAmisnoununcle
Male family membersfakiAmisnounbrother-in-law (wife's brother)
Male family memberstóhšWiyotnounfather
Male family memberstóhšWiyotnounson
Male family membersבעלHebrewnounmaster, owner
Male family membersבעלHebrewnounhusband (a man in a marriage or marital relationship, especially in relation to his spouse)
Male family membersבעלHebrewnounlord, idol
Male family membersבעלHebrewnameBaal (Canaanite deity)
Male family membersבעלHebrewadjhaving, possessing, (endowed) with
Male family membersבעלHebrewverbto have sexual intercourseconstruction-pa'al dated
Male family members老伯Chinesenounold manhonorific
Male family members老伯Chinesenoungreat-uncle (paternal grandfather's elder brother)Teochew
Male family members𐩣𐩭𐩧Sabaeannounface
Male family members𐩣𐩭𐩧Sabaeannounrun
Male family members𐩣𐩭𐩧Sabaeannounextend towards
Male peoplearendarzPolishnounlessorlaw propertyarchaic masculine person
Male peoplearendarzPolishnounperson living in someone else's housemasculine person
Male peoplegarsonPolishnoungarçon (male waiter)dated masculine person
Male peoplegarsonPolishnounbellboy, office boydated masculine person
Male peoplehlucháňSlovaknoundeaf personderogatory masculine person
Male peoplehlucháňSlovaknouncapercaillie (bird of the genus Tetrao)animal-not-person masculine
Male peoplekomisarzPolishnouncommissioner (official in charge of a government department)governmentmasculine person
Male peoplekomisarzPolishnounsuperintendent (police officer ranking above inspector)government law-enforcementmasculine person
Male peoplekomisarzPolishnouncommissargovernment politicsmasculine person
Male peoplekomisarzPolishnounestate managermasculine obsolete person
Male peoplemnichPolishnounmonk (male member of monastic order)masculine person
Male peoplemnichPolishnounmonk roof tileinanimate masculine
Male peoplemnichPolishnoundevice for regulating the level and flow of water in fish pondsinanimate masculine
Male peoplemnichPolishnounvessel for separating silver and gold in the furnaceinanimate masculine obsolete
Male peoplemnichPolishnountype of appleinanimate masculine obsolete
Male peoplemnichPolishnountype of pierogi or dumplinginanimate masculine obsolete
Male peoplemnichPolishnounany plant of the genus TaraxacumMiddle Polish masculine person
Male peoplemnichPolishnounmonk seal (Monachus)Middle Polish masculine person
Male peoplemnichPolishnounbishopboard-games chess gamesMiddle Polish masculine person
Male peoplemnichPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities includeMiddle Polish masculine person
Male peoplemnichPolishnounThe meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: / bulbous ceramic flask for liquors in a sculptor's inventoryMiddle Polish masculine person
Male peoplemnichPolishnounbishop of Varadin, the guardian of the Hungarian princeMiddle Polish masculine person
Male peoplenowożeniecPolishnounnewlywed manmasculine person
Male peoplenowożeniecPolishnounnewlyweds (newly married couple)in-plural masculine person
Male peoplepokladníkCzechnountreasureranimate masculine
Male peoplepokladníkCzechnouncashieranimate masculine
Male peoplesagalCatalannounshepherd boymasculine
Male peoplesagalCatalannounboy, youthmasculine
Male peopletrymerPolishnountrimmer (device used to trim)inanimate masculine
Male peopletrymerPolishnountrim tabaeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
Male peopletrymerPolishnountrimmer (small capacitor or other component used to tune a circuit)business electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicsinanimate masculine
Male peopletrymerPolishnountrimmer (member of the crew who trims the sails)nautical transportmasculine person
Male peopletrymerPolishnountrimmer (dockworker who arranges cargo)masculine person
Male peoplezdobnikPolishnoundecorator, decorative artistmasculine person
Male peoplezdobnikPolishnoundecoration, ornamentinanimate masculine rare
Male peopležebrákCzechnounbeggaranimate masculine
Male peopležebrákCzechnounA mariáš game where player wins when taking no trickanimate masculine
Male peopleбојникMacedoniannounnasebiology natural-sciences zoology
Male peopleбојникMacedoniannounwarrior, soldier, duelistarchaic
Male peopleнайманецьUkrainiannounmercenary, soldier of fortune (hired fighter)government military politics war
Male peopleнайманецьUkrainiannounhireling, hired hand (hired labourer)
Male peopleнайманецьUkrainiannounmercenary, hireling (one whose allegiance is motivated by private gain rather than genuine conviction)derogatory
Mallow family plantskolaEnglishnounA tree, genus Cola, bearing large brown seeds ("nuts") that are the source of cola extract.countable uncountable
Mallow family plantskolaEnglishnounA nut of this tree.countable uncountable
Mallow family plantskolaEnglishnounAlternative form of cola (“drink made with kola nut flavoring”)alt-of alternative countable dated rare uncountable
MammalsbereMiddle Englishnounbear (mammal)
MammalsbereMiddle EnglishverbTo pierce.transitive
MammalscastorPortuguesenounfur of a beavermasculine
MammalscastorPortuguesenouncastor (a hat made from the fur of the beaver)masculine
MammalsஆடுTamilnoungoat, sheep
MammalsஆடுTamilverbto danceintransitive
MammalsஆடுTamilverbto move, stirintransitive
MarijuanapilviFinnishnouncloudcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
MarijuanapilviFinnishnounhashish, marijuanaslang
MarriagekobitaPolishnounwoman (adult female human)colloquial dialectal feminine
MarriagekobitaPolishnounwoman (wife or lover)colloquial dialectal feminine
MarriagewodzirejPolishnounperson who leads dances at a wedding, ball, or other eventmasculine person
MarriagewodzirejPolishnounleader of a group of peoplemasculine person
Marriageหย่าThaiverbto quit; to give up; to leave; to cease; to end.archaic intransitive transitive
Marriageหย่าThaiverbto divorce.intransitive transitive
Marriageหย่าThaiadvObsolete form of อย่า (yàa).alt-of obsolete
MarsupialscatitaPortuguesenounshort-tailed opossum (any marsupial of the Monodelphis genus)feminine
MarsupialscatitaPortugueseadjpretty (nice-looking)feminine masculine
Marsupials小袋鼠Chinesenounwallaby (a marsupial similar to but smaller and stockier than a kangaroo)
Marsupials小袋鼠Chinesenounjoey (a young kangaroo or wallaby)
MealsdinnerEnglishnounA midday meal (in a context in which the evening meal is called supper or tea).countable uncountable
MealsdinnerEnglishnounThe main meal of the day, often eaten in the evening.countable uncountable
MealsdinnerEnglishnounAn evening meal.countable uncountable
MealsdinnerEnglishnounA meal given to an animal.countable uncountable
MealsdinnerEnglishnounA formal meal for many people eaten for a special occasion.countable uncountable
MealsdinnerEnglishnounThe food provided or consumed at any such meal.uncountable
MealsdinnerEnglishverbTo eat a dinner; to dine.intransitive
MealsdinnerEnglishverbTo provide (someone) with a dinner; to dine.transitive
Measuring instrumentsقپانOttoman Turkishnountrap, snare, gin, any contrivance designed to catch wild animals
Measuring instrumentsقپانOttoman Turkishnounsteelyard, a type of transportable balance with unequal arm lengths
MeatscallosSpanishnountripes (used as food)Spain masculine plural plural-only
MeatscallosSpanishnounplural of calloform-of masculine plural plural-only
MeatsresGaliciannounhead of quadrupedal cattle or gamefeminine
MeatsresGaliciannounflock, herd; cattlefeminine
MeatsresGalicianpronnothing (in negative sentences)dated rare
MeatsresGaliciannounplural of reform-of masculine plural
MeatsresGaliciannounsmall of the backmasculine plural plural-only
Medical equipmentspuitDutchnounspoutfeminine
Medical equipmentspuitDutchnounsyringefeminine
Medical equipmentspuitDutchnouninjection, jab, shotfeminine
Medical equipmentspuitDutchnouneuthanasia; lethal injection (particularly in relation to animals, usage in relation to humans may be considered crass)diminutive euphemistic feminine usually
Medical equipmentspuitDutchnoungun, rifledated feminine
Medical equipmentspuitDutchverbinflection of spuiten: / first/second/third-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present second-person singular third-person
Medical equipmentspuitDutchverbinflection of spuiten: / imperativeform-of imperative
Medical equipmentspuitDutchverbinflection of spuien: / second/third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular third-person
Medical equipmentspuitDutchverbinflection of spuien: / plural imperativearchaic form-of imperative plural
Medical signs and symptomsobdormitionEnglishnounThe sensation of numbness that occurs in a limb when it "falls asleep" due to pressure on a nerve.uncountable
Medical signs and symptomsobdormitionEnglishnounFalling asleep; the condition of being asleep.obsolete uncountable
Medical signs and symptomsотокMacedoniannounswelling
Medical signs and symptomsотокMacedoniannounannoyance, nagging, pain in the neckcolloquial
MedicineheminaEnglishnounA Roman unit of liquid measure reckoned as the volume of ⁵⁄₆ Roman pound of wine and equivalent to about 0.27 L although differing slightly over time, used in English pharmacy into the 17th century.historical
MedicineheminaEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of dry measure equivalent to about 23 L, used particularly in Leon.historical
MedicineheminaEnglishnounA traditional Spanish unit of land area, varying in size depending on the land's quality and used particularly in Leon.historical
MemorypomníkCzechnounmemorialinanimate masculine
MemorypomníkCzechnounmonumentinanimate masculine
MemoryзабытьсяRussianverbto doze, to drop off
MemoryзабытьсяRussianverbto become oblivious, to lose contact with reality
MemoryзабытьсяRussianverbto forget oneself, to cross the line of what is allowed or to lose control over oneself
MemoryзабытьсяRussianverbpassive of забы́ть (zabýtʹ)form-of passive
Mercury (element)erethismEnglishnounAbnormal excitement of a bodily organ or tissue.medicine pathology sciencescountable uncountable
Mercury (element)erethismEnglishnounAny unusual or morbid overexcitement.countable uncountable
Mercury (element)erethismEnglishnounA neurological disorder arising from mercury poisoning, leading to irritability, depression, etc.countable uncountable
MetalscromoGaliciannounchromiummasculine uncountable
MetalscromoGaliciannountrading cardmasculine
MetalsپرنگPersiannounbrassClassical-Persian Early archaic
MetalsپرنگPersiannouncopperClassical-Persian Early archaic
MicrosoftMSSEnglishnameAbbreviation of Merseyside Skeptics Society.abbreviation alt-of
MicrosoftMSSEnglishnameMass Storage System (IBM 3850) (tape library)
MicrosoftMSSEnglishnameMicrosoft Search Server (enterprise search)
MicrosoftMSSEnglishnounInitialism of Mars soil simulant.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSSEnglishnounInitialism of Milwaukee shoulder syndrome.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
MicrosoftMSSEnglishnounAbbreviation of manuscripts; plural of MS.abbreviation alt-of
Middle English cardinal numberstenMiddle Englishnumten
Middle English cardinal numberstenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw; lead.transitive
Middle English cardinal numberstenMiddle EnglishverbTo draw away; go; proceed.intransitive
Middle English cardinal numberstenMiddle Englishnounplural of totheform-of plural
MilitarysoudeourMiddle EnglishnounA soldier; a member of an organised army.
MilitarysoudeourMiddle EnglishnounA mercenary; a hired soldier.
MilitarysoudeourMiddle EnglishnounA fighter for God, Satan, etc.figuratively
Military rankskaravīrsLatviannounsoldier (a person serving in the armed forces)declension-1 masculine
Military rankskaravīrsLatviannounwarrior (a person who fights in wars)declension-1 masculine
MineralogysapphirusLatinnouna blue gem from the east, probably the lapis lazuliClassical-Latin declension-2
Mineralskan-unYorubanounrocksalt; potash; any series of minerals like natron often used in cooking
Mineralskan-unYorubanounpotassium, (chemical element, K, atomical number 19)
MineralskvartsDanishnoungenitive singular of kvartform-of genitive singular
Mining錫礦Chinesenountin mine
Mining錫礦Chinesenountin ore
Missouri, USAMissourianEnglishadjFrom, of or pertaining to Missouri.
Missouri, USAMissourianEnglishadjOf or relating to the Missouri Synod, a Lutheran denomination.Christianity
Missouri, USAMissourianEnglishnounA native or resident of the state of Missouri in the United States of America.
Missouri, USAMissourianEnglishnounA supporter of the Missouri Synod.Christianity
Mites and ticksllygWelshnounshrew (Soricidae spp.)feminine masculine
Mites and ticksllygWelshnouncheese mitemasculine
MonarchykaralystėLithuaniannounkingdombiology natural-sciences taxonomy
Monarchyđế quốcVietnamesenounan empire
Monarchyđế quốcVietnamesenounimperialistscollective historical in-compounds
MonarchyкугыжаEastern Marinounczar, tsar, tzar, emperor, king
MonarchyкугыжаEastern Marinoungovernor
MonarchyкугыжаEastern Marinounhead of council of tribeshistorical
MonarchyкугыжаEastern Marinounking, rulerfiguratively
Monarchy即位Chineseverbto take up a new post; to assume a new position
Monarchy即位Chineseverbto ascend the throne; to succeed to the throne
Monarchy即位ChinesepronAlternative form of 這位 /这位 (zhèwèi, “here”)Min Southern alt-of alternative
Monarchy太子Chinesenouncrown prince
Monarchy太子ChinesenameTaizi (a town in Yangxin, Huangshi, Hubei, China)
Monarchy太子ChinesenamePrince Edward (an area in Hong Kong)
MoneyխուրդաArmeniannounsmall thing(s)colloquial dialectal
MoneyխուրդաArmeniannounsmall changecolloquial dialectal
MonthsgegužėLithuaniannounMay (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar)
MonthsgegužėLithuaniannouncuckoo (bird)
Monthstháng giêngVietnamesenounthe first lunar month of a year
Monthstháng giêngVietnamesenounJanuarybroadly
MonthsΙούλιοςGreeknameJulius, male given name
Moons of JupiterGanymedeEnglishnameA Trojan boy who was abducted (either by Zeus or Eos), and ultimately became immortal in order to be Zeus' cupbearer.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
Moons of JupiterGanymedeEnglishnameA moon of Jupiter.astronomy natural-sciences
Moons of JupiterGanymedeEnglishnounA servant boy or young waiter, particularly one who serves liquor.
Moons of JupiterGanymedeEnglishnounA boy kept for pederastic purposes; a catamite.
Moschatel family plantsSchneeballGermannounsnowballmasculine strong
Moschatel family plantsSchneeballGermannounviburnum (any shrub of the genus Viburnum, in particular the guelder rose, Viburnum opulus)biology botany natural-sciencesmasculine strong
Municipalities of Cebu, PhilippinesMalabuyocCebuanonameA municipality of Cebu
Municipalities of Cebu, PhilippinesMalabuyocCebuanonamea surname from Cebuano
Municipalities of FinlandRiihimäkiFinnishnameA town in Tavastia Proper, Finland.
Municipalities of FinlandRiihimäkiFinnishnamea Finnish surname
Murids地鼠Japanesenouna Dsinezumi shrew (Crocidura dsinezumi)
Murids地鼠JapanesenounSynonym of 赤鼠 (akanezumi, “large Japanese field mouse”)
MusclesداليةArabicnounnoria, waterwheel
MusclesداليةArabicnounespalier, railing
MusclesداليةArabicnoundeltoidanatomy medicine sciences
MusclesداليةArabicnounvarix; varicosismedicine sciences
MushroomsmesisieniFinnishnounhoney fungus, mushrooms of the genus Armillaria
MushroomsmesisieniFinnishnounArmillaria borealis
MusicKonzertGermannounconcert (musical event)neuter strong
MusicKonzertGermannounconcertoneuter strong
MusichabaneraSpanishnounhabanera (music style and dance)feminine
MusichabaneraSpanishnounfemale equivalent of habanerofeminine form-of
MusichabaneraSpanishadjfeminine singular of habanerofeminine form-of singular
MusicmúsicaGaliciannounfemale equivalent of músico (“musician”)feminine form-of
MusicmúsicaGalicianadjfeminine singular of músicofeminine form-of singular
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic (melodic and rhythmic sounds made as art)feminine
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounsong (any musical composition)feminine
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of músico (“female musician”)feminine form-of
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic; musicology (the study of music)feminine
MusicmúsicaPortuguesenounmusic (any pleasing arrangement of sounds)feminine figuratively
MusicmúsicaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of músicofeminine form-of singular
Musical genresfadoEsperantonounfado (genre of Portuguese folk music)entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
Musical genresfadoEsperantonouna song in the fado style
Musical genresnew jack swingEnglishnounA variety of swingbeat dance music combining elements of rhythm and blues, soul music, hip hop and rap.entertainment lifestyle musicuncountable
Musical genresnew jack swingEnglishnounThe combination of heroin and morphine, as a recreational drug.slang uncountable
Musical instrumentsshoEnglishadvPronunciation spelling of sure.Southern-US alt-of not-comparable pronunciation-spelling
Musical instrumentsshoEnglishadvPronunciation spelling of so.alt-of childish not-comparable pronunciation-spelling
Musical instrumentsshoEnglishnounA Japanese free reed musical instrument similar to the sheng.
Musical instrumentsshoEnglishnounA letter of the Greek alphabet used to write the Bactrian language: uppercase Ϸ, lowercase ϸ.
MusicianssynthetistEnglishnounA synthesist; one who synthesizes.
MusicianssynthetistEnglishnounAn artist working in the style of arts
MusicianssynthetistEnglishnounA musician that plays the synthesizer.entertainment lifestyle music
MustelidskunaCzechnounkuna (former currency of Croatia)feminine
Mythological creaturesduendeSpanishnouna small humanoid creature who invades homes at night to carry out mischief and scare the residentsarts folklore history human-sciences literature media publishing sciencesIberian masculine
Mythological creaturesduendeSpanishnoungoblin, leprechaun, pixie, elf, imp, brownie, gremlin, hobgoblinfiction literature media publishingbroadly masculine
Mythological creaturesduendeSpanishnouncharisma (the power to attract through personal magnetism and charm)broadly masculine
Mythological creaturesduendeSpanishnouncharm, magicbroadly masculine
Mythological creaturesfeniksPolishnounphoenix (mythological bird, said to be the only one of its kind, which lives for 500 years and then dies by burning to ashes on a pyre of its own making, ignited by the sun; it then arises anew from the ashes)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek animal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturesfeniksPolishnounPhoenix (German breed of long-tailed chicken)animal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturesfeniksPolishnoundate palm (any tree of the genus Phoenix)animal-not-person masculine
Mythological creaturesfeniksPolishnounphoenix (Greek silver coin used briefly from 1828 to 1832, divided into 100 lepta)historical inanimate masculine
Mythological creaturesleviatánSpanishnounleviathan (a sea monster of tremendous strength)masculine
Mythological creaturesleviatánSpanishnounleviathan (something large; behemoth)masculine
Mythological creaturesยักษิณีThainoun(classifier ตน) yakṣiṇi, a female being of great strength and size.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creaturesยักษิณีThainoun(classifier ตน) a giantess.human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Mythological creatures土蜘蛛Japanesenouna renegade clanhistorical
Mythological creatures土蜘蛛Japanesenountsuchigumo, a member of a race of spider-like yokai
Mythological creatures土蜘蛛JapanesenounSynonym of 地蜘蛛 (jigumo, “Atypus karschi, a species of purse web spider”)dialectal
Mythological figuresЧотири вершники АпокаліпсисуUkrainiannameFour Horsemen of the Apocalypsebiblical lifestyle religionplural plural-only
Mythological figuresЧотири вершники АпокаліпсисуUkrainiannameFour Horsemen of the Apocalypse (harbingers of doom)idiomatic plural plural-only
Named roadsPall MallEnglishnameA fashionable street in Westminster, leading from Trafalgar Square, via the Haymarket, to St James; it is the home of many select gentlemen's clubs.
Named roadsPall MallEnglishnameAn unincorporated community in Fentress County, Tennessee, United States, named after Pall Mall in London.
Named roadsPall MallEnglishnameA thoroughfare in Bendigo, Victoria.
Named roadsPall MallEnglishnounA cigarette of the British Pall Mall brand.
Named roadsWhite Hart LaneEnglishnameThe former home stadium of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sports
Named roadsWhite Hart LaneEnglishnameTottenham Hotspur Football Club itself.ball-games games hobbies lifestyle soccer sportsbroadly
Named roadsWhite Hart LaneEnglishnameA road between High Road, Wood Green N22, and Tottenham High Road, N17, and a railway station in this road at the Tottenham end. The stadium (which was in the High Road) could have been named after either or both.
NarratologydějCzechnounprocess (path of succession of states through which a system passes)inanimate masculine
NarratologydějCzechnounplot, story (in a movie, theater play, book of fiction)inanimate masculine
NarratologydějCzechverbsecond-person singular imperative of dítform-of imperative second-person singular
NationalitiesIrishEnglishnameThe Gaelic language indigenous to Ireland, also known as Irish Gaelic.uncountable
NationalitiesIrishEnglishnameThe Irish people.
NationalitiesIrishEnglishnameA surname originating as an ethnonym.
NationalitiesIrishEnglishnameA female given name of chiefly Philippine usage.
NationalitiesIrishEnglishnounA board game of the tables family.obsolete uncountable
NationalitiesIrishEnglishnounTemper; anger, passion.US uncountable
NationalitiesIrishEnglishnounWhiskey, or whisky, elaborated in Ireland.countable uncountable
NationalitiesIrishEnglishadjPertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people.
NationalitiesIrishEnglishadjPertaining to the Irish language.
NationalitiesIrishEnglishadjnonsensical, daft or complex.derogatory
NationalitiesSão ToméanEnglishadjOf, or pertaining to, São Tomé and Principe or its peoples.not-comparable
NationalitiesSão ToméanEnglishnounCitizen of São Tomé and Principe or of São Toméan descent.
NationalitiesalbanésSpanishadjAlbanian (from or native to Albania)
NationalitiesalbanésSpanishadjAlbanian (pertaining to Albania)
NationalitiesalbanésSpanishnounan Albanian person (male or indeterminate)masculine
NationalitiesalbanésSpanishnounAlbanian (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiescanadenseGalicianadjCanadianfeminine masculine
NationalitiescanadenseGaliciannounCanadianby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesgeorgianoPortugueseadjGeorgian (of the country Georgia)not-comparable
NationalitiesgeorgianoPortuguesenounGeorgian (person from the country Georgia)masculine
NationalitiesgeorgianoPortuguesenounGeorgian (language of the country Georgia)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesgeorgianoPortugueseadjGeorgian (of the American state Georgia)not-comparable
NationalitiesgeorgianoPortuguesenounGeorgian (person from the American state Georgia)masculine
NationalitiesgeorgianoPortugueseadjGeorgian (of the reigns of Kings George I-IV of the UK (1714-1837))not-comparable
NationalitiesivorianRomanianadjIvorianmasculine neuter
NationalitiesoszmánHungarianadjOttoman (of, or relating to the Ottoman Empire or its people)not-comparable
NationalitiesoszmánHungariannounOttoman (person)
NationalitiespertuésMirandesenounPortuguese (person)masculine
NationalitiespertuésMirandesenounPortuguese (language)masculine
NationalitiespolacoGalicianadjPolish (of or from Poland)
NationalitiespolacoGaliciannounPole (person from Poland)masculine
NationalitiespolacoGaliciannounPolish (language)masculine uncountable
NationalitiesportogheseItaliannounPortuguese personby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesportogheseItaliannounfree riderby-personal-gender feminine masculine
NationalitiesportogheseItaliannounthe Portuguese languagemasculine uncountable
NationalitiesportogheseItaliannouna Portuguese vine that produces red grapesmasculine
NaturepaśnikPolishnounhay feederinanimate masculine
NaturepaśnikPolishnoungrove; pasture (meadow for cattle feeding)inanimate masculine
NauticalaitvarasLithuaniannounAitvaras; a dragon/rooster-like being in Baltic mythology that brings richeshuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciences
Nautical occupationsboatswainEnglishnounThe officer (or warrant officer) in charge of sails, rigging, anchors, cables etc. and all work on deck of a sailing ship.
Nautical occupationsboatswainEnglishnounThe petty officer of a merchant ship who controls the work of other seamen.
Nautical occupationsboatswainEnglishnounA kind of gull, the jaeger.
Nautical occupationsboatswainEnglishnounThe tropicbird.
Nautical occupationscomitoItaliannouna galley boatswain, in charge of handling sailsnautical transportmasculine
Nautical occupationscomitoItaliannounfrom the 13th century, a galley captain within the Republic of Venicenautical transportmasculine
Nautical occupationscomitoItaliannounfrom the 13th century, a harbourmaster/harbormaster, especially in Kingdom of Naplesnautical transportmasculine
NematodeshlístaSlovaknounearthwormfeminine regional
NematodeshlístaSlovaknouna feeble or skinny personderogatory feminine
New York CityGothamEnglishnameA nickname for New York City.
New York CityGothamEnglishnameA village and civil parish in Rushcliffe borough, Nottinghamshire, England, associated in folklore with insanity (OS grid ref SK5330).
New York CityGothamEnglishnameEllipsis of Gotham City.fiction literature media publishingabbreviation alt-of ellipsis
Nicknames of individualsIkeEnglishnameA diminutive of the male given name Isaac.
Nicknames of individualsIkeEnglishnameDwight D. Eisenhower.
Nicknames of individualsIkeEnglishnounAn Eisenhower dollar.
NightshadespatataItaliannounpussy (vagina)feminine slang
NightshadesببرOttoman Turkishnounpepper (vegetable, plant, and spice)
NightshadesببرOttoman Turkishnountiger
NineenneadEnglishnounThe number nine.obsolete
NineenneadEnglishnounAny grouping or system containing nine objects.rare
NineteendziewiętnastyPolishnoundenotes nineteenth day of the month; the nineteenthinanimate masculine
NobilitybantiarnaIrishnounpeer, peeressfeminine
NobilitybarãoPortuguesenouna wealthy mancolloquial masculine
NobilityduquesaPortuguesenounduchess (female spouse or widow of a duke)feminine
NobilityduquesaPortuguesenounduchess (female ruler of a duchy)feminine
NobilitykynredeMiddle EnglishnounA family relationship; kinship: / Ancestry; one's ancestors.
NobilitykynredeMiddle EnglishnounA family relationship; kinship: / The state of having a noble bloodline.
NobilitykynredeMiddle EnglishnounOne's relations; family, lineage.
NobilitykynredeMiddle EnglishnounOne's descendants or offspring.
NobilitykynredeMiddle EnglishnounA sodality or fraternity.
NobilitykynredeMiddle EnglishnounA nation or people.
NobilityreĝinoEsperantonounfemale monarch. queen regnantgovernment monarchy politics
NobilityreĝinoEsperantonounwife of a king, queen consortgovernment monarchy politics
NobilityviscontinoItaliannoundiminutive of viscontediminutive form-of masculine
NobilityviscontinoItaliannouna young viscountmasculine
NobilityviscontinoItaliannounthe son of a viscountmasculine
North AmericaNorth AmericaEnglishnameThe continent that is the northern part of the Americas; that part east of the Pacific Ocean, west of the Atlantic Ocean, north of South America and south of the Arctic Ocean.
North AmericaNorth AmericaEnglishnameCanada and the United States as a unit to the exclusion of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean nations, and Greenland; roughly equivalent to Northern America. Often used to describe things in a context that includes only the US and Canada.Canada US
North AmericaNorth AmericaEnglishnounno-gloss
NostalgiareminiscencjaPolishnounreminiscence (act of remembering)feminine literary
NostalgiareminiscencjaPolishnounmotif or scene related to motifs or scenes already present in other worksentertainment lifestyle literature media music publishingfeminine
Nuclear physicshot fusionEnglishnounnuclear fusion using the conventional method of very high temperatures; in contrast to cold fusion.uncountable
Nuclear physicshot fusionEnglishnounA method of synthesizing superheavy elements, where the product nucleus has a relatively high excitation energy; typically this means that an actinide is bombarded with calcium-48.uncountable
Nuclear physicsnuclear radiationEnglishnounRadiation produced by an atomic nucleuscountable uncountable
Nuclear physicsnuclear radiationEnglishnounIonizing radiationcountable uncountable
Nuclear physicsnuclear radiationEnglishnounRadiation from radioactive decaycountable uncountable
Nuclear physicsquarkEnglishnounIn the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle that forms matter. They combine to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons.natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Nuclear physicsquarkEnglishnounAn integer that uniquely identifies a text string.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
Nuclear physicsquarkEnglishnounA Nonsense, trivial text string.slang
Nuclear physicsquarkEnglishnounA soft creamy cheese, eaten throughout northern, central, eastern, and southeastern Europe as well as the Low Countries, very similar to cottage cheese except that it is usually not made with rennet.uncountable
Nuclear physicsquarkEnglishnounThe black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax.informal
NutsnwaLouisiana Creoleadjblack (of a black color)
NutsnwaLouisiana Creoleadjdark (after nightfall)
NutsnwaLouisiana CreolenounBlack person
NutsnwaLouisiana Creolenoun(a) walnut
NutsnwaLouisiana Creolenoun(a) nutbroadly
NutsnwaLouisiana Creolenountesticles, nuts
ObstetricslapsivuodeFinnishnounchildbed (the bed in which a baby is delivered)
ObstetricslapsivuodeFinnishnounshort for lapsivuodeaika: childbed (the period immediately before giving birth, when the mother is confined in bed)abbreviation alt-of
ObstetricslapsivuodeFinnishnounshort for lapsivuodeaika: puerperium (the period immediately after giving birth, when the mother's body is returning to the prenatal state)abbreviation alt-of
ObstetricspsychoprophylaxisEnglishnounA method of preparing women for natural childbirth by means of special breathing, relaxation techniques and psychological conditioning, practiced without anaesthetics.uncountable
ObstetricspsychoprophylaxisEnglishnounThe prevention of disease by psychological means.obsolete rare uncountable
OccultmágicaPortuguesenounmagic (ritual or procedure associated with supernatural powers)Brazil feminine
OccultmágicaPortuguesenounmagic (trick or illusion performed to give the appearance of supernatural phenomena)Brazil feminine
OccultmágicaPortuguesenounfemale equivalent of mágicofeminine form-of
OccultmágicaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of mágicofeminine form-of singular
OccupationsalbinarRomaniannounbeekeeper (bee raiser)common masculine
OccupationsalbinarRomaniannounEuropean bee-eater (Merops apiaster)masculine
OccupationsarchitectEnglishnounA professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction.
OccupationsarchitectEnglishnounA person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result.
OccupationsarchitectEnglishnounAn honorific given to architects. Usually capitalized or abbreviated as Arch./Ar. before the person's name.Philippines
OccupationsarchitectEnglishverbTo design, plan, or orchestrate.transitive
Occupationsbell ringerEnglishnounA person, especially one of a group, who rings bells.
Occupationsbell ringerEnglishnounA door-to-door salesman.derogatory
Occupationsbell ringerEnglishnounAn assignment, done regularly at the beginning of a class, and intended as a warm-up before other classroom
Occupationsbell ringerEnglishnounA type of anatomy exam in which students must answer questions at a series of stations and move on to the next station when a bell is rung.anatomy education medicine sciences
OccupationsdymekPolishnoundiminutive of dymdiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
OccupationsdymekPolishnounspeech bubblecolloquial inanimate masculine
OccupationsdymekPolishnounsmoke (instance of smoking a cigarette)animal-not-person colloquial masculine
OccupationsdymekPolishnounSynonym of kowalmasculine person
OccupationsdymekPolishnoungenitive plural of dymkafeminine form-of genitive plural
OccupationsgrabarzPolishnoungravedigger (person employed to dig graves)masculine person
OccupationsgrabarzPolishnounperson who contributes to the demise of an idea, institution, or activityderogatory figuratively literary masculine person
OccupationsgrabarzPolishnounburying beetle, sexton beetle, necrophore (any beetle of the genus Nicrophorus)animal-not-person masculine
OccupationssvinjarSerbo-Croatiannounpig/hog breeder
OccupationstunerEnglishnounA person who tunes a piano or organ.
OccupationstunerEnglishnounA device, electronic or mechanical, that helps a person tune a musical instrument by showing the deviation of the played pitch from the desired pitch.
OccupationstunerEnglishnounOn a musical instrument, a peg or mechanical device that changes the tension, and hence pitch, of a string.
OccupationstunerEnglishnounThe component of an audio system that receives radio broadcasts.
OccupationstunerEnglishnounOne who sings or makes music.archaic
OccupationstunerEnglishnounA musical.economics entertainment entertainment-industry lifestyle sciencesinformal
OccupationsܓܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounsculpture
OccupationsܓܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounengraving (on gems, gold, etc.)
OccupationsܓܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounact of engraving, cutting, embossing
OccupationsܓܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounspangles, scalesin-plural
OccupationsܓܠܦܐClassical Syriacnounsculptor
OccupationsܫܝܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounmust; syrup, thick beverage or wine
OccupationsܫܝܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnountar, pitch, paint, liniment, oil, ointment, varnish, plaster, etc. (anything used for smearing, painting, varnishing, anointing, etc.)
OccupationsܫܝܪܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounplasterer, painter, overlayer, gilder
Occupations𐭀𐭇𐭌𐭓𐭊𐭓Parthiannounamargar (title)
OfficescardinalateEnglishnounThe dignity and ecclesiastic office of Roman Catholic cardinal.
OfficescardinalateEnglishnounThe Roman Catholic cardinals, taken collectively.
Old World oriolesyellow orioleEnglishnounA yellow or green passerine songbird / Icterus nigrogularis, of the New World.
Old World oriolesyellow orioleEnglishnounA yellow or green passerine songbird / Oriolus flavocinctus (green oriole), of New Guinea and northern Australia.
OrgansbǫllrOld Norsenounround object, sphere, ballmasculine
OrgansbǫllrOld Norsenountesticlemasculine
OrthodoxyvladikaItaliannounan Orthodox bishopinvariable masculine
OrthodoxyvladikaItaliannouna Vladikainvariable masculine
OwlsbúhoSpanishnounowl, eagle owl (any species of owl from the Strigidae family)masculine
OwlsbúhoSpanishnouninformant, a squealercolloquial masculine
PainkolkaPolishnounstitch (intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage)feminine
PainkolkaPolishnouncolic (form of acute pain)feminine
PainkolkaPolishnounthorn (a sharp protective spine of a plant)feminine
PainkolkaPolishnounneedle (leaf of conifers)feminine
PainkolkaPolishnounthree-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)feminine
PainkolkaPolishintjused as a general swear word; damn it!mildly vulgar
PainpoundingEnglishverbpresent participle and gerund of poundform-of gerund participle present
PainpoundingEnglishnounAn act in which something or someone is pounded.
PainpoundingEnglishnounAn old-fashioned event to welcome someone (typically a new pastor) to a new community by bring gifts of storable food (a pound of coffee, flour, sugar, etc.) to help stock the pantry. It is somewhat similar to a “shower”.
PainpoundingEnglishadjCharacterized by heavy or loud throbs.
Pakistani politicsSindhudeshEnglishnameA sovereign state proposed by separatists to be established as a homeland for Sindhis.
Pakistani politicsSindhudeshEnglishnameSindh.historical
Palm treesbuyoCebuanonounthe areca palm (Areca catechu); a species of palm which grows in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia, and parts of east Africa
Palm treesbuyoCebuanonounthe areca nut
Pandanales order plantsscrew pineEnglishnounAn Old World tropical tree, Pandanus utilis.
Pandanales order plantsscrew pineEnglishnounThe tree Pandanus spindalis.Australia
Pandanales order plantsscrew pineEnglishnounAny species in the genus Pandanus
PantherslamparcicaPolishnounbold and seductive womanfeminine literary
Pantherswhite tigerEnglishnounA rare Bengal tiger with a white coat and black stripes.
Pantherswhite tigerEnglishnounA butterfly of species Danaus melanippus, found from eastern India to the Philippines and Indonesia.
Pantherswhite tigerEnglishnounA moth of species Nyctemera coleta, found from India to Japan and Papua New Guinea.
Parents𐤀𐤁PunicprepAlternative form of 𐤁 (b /⁠bi⁠/)alt-of alternative
ParksSherwood ForestEnglishnameA country park in Nottinghamshire, England.
ParksSherwood ForestEnglishnameThe banks of Polaris missile tubes on a submarine.government military politics warslang
PastgårsdagDanishnounyesterday, the previous daycommon-gender no-plural
PastgårsdagDanishnounthe pastcommon-gender no-plural rare
PastapestoItalianadjcrushed, ground, beaten
PastapestoItalianadjlivid, bluish, black
PastapestoItalianadjpitch-dark, pitch-black
PastapestoItaliannounpestocooking food lifestylemasculine
PastapestoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of pestarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
PeopleCreoleEnglishnounA descendant of European settlers who is born in a colonized country.
PeopleCreoleEnglishnounAnyone with mixed ancestry born in a country colonized by Europeans, now especially one who speaks a creole language.
PeopleCreoleEnglishnounSomeone of African descent who is born in the Caribbean or Americas (originally as opposed to an African immigrant).
PeopleCreoleEnglishnounA native-born of Francophone descent in the Louisiana territory of any race, as opposed to Anglo-American settlers.
PeopleCreoleEnglishadjPertaining to or characteristic of someone who is a Creole.
PeopleCreoleEnglishadjThat is a Creole; especially, born in a colonized country different from that of his or her ancestors.
PeopleCreoleEnglishadjDesignating a creolized language.
PeopleCreoleEnglishadjPrepared according to a cooking style developed in a Creole area, now especially that of Louisiana, characterised by a mixture of European and African food lifestyle
PeopleCreoleEnglishnameAny specific creole language, especially that of Haiti.
PeopleabolisjonistNorwegian Bokmålnounan abolitionist (a person who favors the abolition of any particular institution or practice)masculine
PeopleabolisjonistNorwegian Bokmålnounan abolitionist (a person who favored or advocated the abolition of slavery, chiefly in the US)historical masculine
PeopleantrokėLithuaniannounA pupil who is in second grade.feminine
PeopleantrokėLithuaniannounA second-year student at a gymnasium.colloquial feminine
PeoplebayardEnglishnounA bay horse
PeoplebayardEnglishnounAny horsehumorous
PeoplebayardEnglishnounA stupid, clownish fellow.archaic
PeoplebayardEnglishadjcoloured bay, reddish brown, notably said of equines
PeoplebrownbaggerEnglishnounA person who brings their own lunch to work.US colloquial
PeoplebrownbaggerEnglishnounSynonym of butterface.US colloquial derogatory
PeoplebruthaireIrishnounhairy, unkempt, personmasculine
PeoplebzikPolishnounmania, light madness, peculiarityanimal-not-person colloquial humorous masculine
PeoplebzikPolishnounweirdo, eccentricarchaic masculine person
PeoplecivisLatinnouna subject (i.e., a person subject to a ruler)broadly declension-3
Peopleco-starEnglishnounAlternative spelling of costaralt-of alternative
Peopleco-starEnglishverbAlternative spelling of costaralt-of alternative
PeopleconservatorEnglishnounOne who conserves, preserves or protects something.
PeopleconservatorEnglishnounA person appointed by a court to manage the affairs of another; similar to a guardian but with some powers of a
PeopleconservatorEnglishnounAn officer in charge of preserving the public peace, such as a justice or sheriff.
PeopleconservatorEnglishnounA judge delegated by the pope to defend certain privileged classes of persons from manifest or notorious injury or violence, without recourse to a judicial process.Catholicism Christianity Roman-Catholicism
PeopleconservatorEnglishnounA professional who works on the conservation and restoration of objects, particularly artistic objects.
PeopleczubPolishnounchupryna or mohawk hairstyleinanimate masculine
PeopleczubPolishnouncrest (tuft on an animal's head)inanimate masculine
PeopleczubPolishnounhead, noggincolloquial inanimate masculine
PeopleczubPolishnountop, peak (highest part of something)inanimate masculine
PeopleczubPolishnountip (extreme end of something)inanimate masculine
PeopleczubPolishnounloon, lunatic, psycho (crazy or deranged person)derogatory masculine person
PeopleczubPolishverbsecond-person singular imperative of czubićform-of imperative second-person singular
PeopledemigirlEnglishnounA person who identifies as partially, but not completely, female.neologism
PeopledemigirlEnglishadjIdentifying as partially, but not completely, female.neologism
PeopleempleadoSpanishverbpast participle of emplearform-of participle past
PeopleensemblierFrenchnouninterior designermasculine
PeopleensemblierFrenchnounset designer (cinema, TV)broadcasting cinematography film media televisionmasculine
PeopleimportantoIdonounimportant person
PeopleimportantoIdoverbsingular nominal present active participle of importaractive form-of nominal participle present singular
PeopleivrogneFrenchnoundrunkard; alcoholicby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopleivrogneFrenchnounred campion (Silene dioica)by-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeopleleadEnglishnounA heavy, pliable, inelastic metal element, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished; both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic number 82, symbol Pb (from Latin plumbum).uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA plummet or mass of lead attached to a line, used in sounding depth at sea or (dated) to estimate velocity in knots.nautical transportcountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing.countable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounVertical space in advance of a row or between rows of text. Also known as publishing typographyuncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounSheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs.countable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA roof covered with lead sheets or terne plates.countable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA thin cylinder of graphite used in pencils.countable
PeopleleadEnglishnounBullets; ammunition.countable slang uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounX-ray protective clothing lined with lead.medicine sciencescountable in-plural uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo cover, fill, or affect with lead.transitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo place leads between the lines printing publishinghistorical transitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo guide or conduct. / To guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection.headingtransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo guide or conduct. / To guide or conduct in a certain course, or to a certain place or end, by making the way known; to show the way, especially by going with or going in advance of, to lead a pupil; to guide somebody somewhere or to bring somebody somewhere by means of instructions.headingtransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo guide or conduct. / To direct; to counsel; to instructheadingfiguratively transitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo guide or conduct. / To conduct or direct with authority; to have direction or charge of; to command, especially a military or business unit.headingtransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo guide or conduct. / To guide or conduct oneself in, through, or along (a certain course); hence, to proceed in the way of; to follow the path or course of; to pass; to spend. Also, to cause (one) to proceed or follow in (a certain course).headingtransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo guide or conduct, as by accompanying, going before, showing, influencing, directing with authority, etc.; to have precedence or preeminence; to be first or chief; — used in most of the senses of the transitive verb.intransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To go or to be in advance of; to precede; hence, to be foremost or chief among.headingtransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To proceed in front of others; to go first.headingintransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To be more advanced in technology or business than others.headingintransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To begin a game, round, or trick, withcard-games dominoes games heading hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To be ahead of others, e.g., in a race.heading hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To have the highest interim score in a game.heading hobbies lifestyle sportsintransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To step off base and move towards the next base.ball-games baseball games heading hobbies lifestyle sports
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / To aim in front of a moving target, in order that the shot may hit the target as it passes.heading hobbies lifestyle sports
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo begin, to be ahead. / Lead climb.climbing heading hobbies lifestyle sportstransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo draw or direct by influence, whether good or bad; to prevail on; to induce; to entice; to alluretransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo tend or reach in a certain direction, or to a certain place.intransitive
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo produce.
PeopleleadEnglishverbMisspelling of led.alt-of misspelling
PeopleleadEnglishverbTo live or experience (a particular way of life).transitive
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction, coursecountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounPrecedence; advance position; also, the measure of precedence; the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in an incomplete game.countable
PeopleleadEnglishnounAn insulated metallic wire for electrical devices and equipment.UK countable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe situation where a runner steps away from a base while waiting for the pitch to be thrown.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe act or right of playing first in a game or round; the card suit, or piece, so playedcard-games dominoes gamesuncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe main role in a play or film; the lead role.acting broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatercountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe actor who plays the main role; lead actor.acting broadcasting entertainment film lifestyle media television theatercountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe person in charge of a project or a work shift etc.businesscountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA channel of open water in an ice field.countable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA miningcountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe course of a rope from end to end.nautical transportcountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA rope, leather strap, or similar device with which to lead an animal; a leashcountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounIn a steam engine, the width of port opening which is uncovered by the valve, for the admission or release of steam, at the instant when the piston is at end of its stroke.countable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe distance of haul, as from a cutting to an embankment.civil-engineering engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe action of a tooth, such as a tooth of a wheel, in impelling another tooth or a pallet.hobbies horology lifestylecountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounHypothesis that has not been pursuedcountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounInformation obtained by a detective or police officer that allows him or her to discover further details about a crime or incident.countable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounPotential opportunity for a sale or transaction, a potential marketingcountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounInformation obtained by a news reporter about an issue or subject that allows him or her to discover more details.countable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe player who throws the first two rocks for a team.ball-games curling games hobbies lifestyle sportscountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe introductory paragraph or paragraphs of a newspaper, or a news or other type of article. (Sometimes spelled as lede for this usage to avoid ambiguity.)journalism mediaUS countable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounAn important news story that appears on the front page of a newspaper or at the beginning of a news broadcastcountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe axial distance a screw thread travels in one revolution. It is equal to the pitch times the number of natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounIn a barbershop quartet, the person who sings the melody, usually the second tenorentertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe announcement by one voice part of a theme to be repeated by the other parts.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounA mark or a short passage in one voice part, as of a canon, serving as a cue for the entrance of others.entertainment lifestyle musiccountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe excess above a right angle in the angle between two consecutive cranks, as of a compound engine, on the same natural-sciences physical-sciencescountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe angle between the line joining the brushes of a continuous-current dynamo and the diameter symmetrical between the electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishnounThe advance of the current phase in an alternating circuit beyond that of the electromotive force producing electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physicscountable uncountable
PeopleleadEnglishadjMain, principal, primary, first, chief, foremost.not-comparable
PeopleleadEnglishverbMisspelling of led.alt-of misspelling
PeoplelecherEnglishnounA lecherous person.
PeoplelecherEnglishverbTo practice lewdness.
PeoplemaniáticoSpanishadjcranky, crazy
PeoplemaniáticoSpanishadjpedantic, fussy
PeoplementecaptoPortugueseadjcrazy, insanederogatory
PeoplementecaptoPortugueseadjignorant, imbecilicderogatory
PeoplementecaptoPortuguesenouna madman or crazy personderogatory masculine
PeoplementecaptoPortuguesenounan imbecilederogatory masculine
PeoplepersoanăRomaniannounperson; individualfeminine
PeoplephoneticianEnglishnounA person who specializes in the physiology, acoustics, and perception of speech.
PeoplephoneticianEnglishnounA person who specializes in the study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols.human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeoplephoneticianEnglishnounA dialectologist; a person who studies regional differences in speech sounds.human-sciences linguistics sciences
PeoplepierdołaPolishnountrivialityfeminine mildly plural-normally vulgar
PeoplepierdołaPolishnounlazy and/or incompetent person; loser; fuckupfeminine mildly vulgar
PeoplepierdołaPolishnounboring chatterboxfeminine mildly vulgar
PeoplepushoverEnglishnounSomeone who is easily swayed or influenced to change their mind or comply.
PeoplepushoverEnglishnounSomeone who is easy to push around and to take advantage of; someone who lets themselves be picked on or bullied without defending or standing up for themselves.
PeoplepushoverEnglishnounSomething that is easy to do or accomplish; an easy task.
PeopleracistaSpanishadjracistfeminine masculine
PeopleracistaSpanishnounracistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PeoplesuperstesLatinverbsecond-person singular present active subjunctive of superstō ("you would survive")active form-of present second-person singular subjunctive
PeoplesuperstesLatinnounbystander, witnessdeclension-3 feminine masculine
PeoplesuperstesLatinnounsurvivordeclension-3 feminine masculine
PeoplesuperstesLatinadjsurviving, outlastingdeclension-3 one-termination
PeopletaxaholicEnglishadjHaving or supporting excessive taxes.derogatory informal
PeopletaxaholicEnglishnounA person or government which institutes or supports excessive taxes.derogatory informal
PeoplevisualizerEnglishnounSomeone who visualizes; especially someone whose mental imagery is visual.
PeoplevisualizerEnglishnounThat which provides a visualization.
PeoplevisualizerEnglishnounA video accompanying a song, usually simpler than a typical music video, intended to be a visual representation of the song.entertainment lifestyle music
PeoplevisualizerEnglishnounA person in the advertising industry who produces artwork for presentations.
PeoplewarriorEnglishnounA person who is actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare; a soldier or combatant.
PeoplewarriorEnglishnounA person who is aggressively, courageously, or energetically involved in an activity, such as athletics.figuratively
PeopleγέροςGreeknounold man (elderly male person)
PeopleγέροςGreeknounold man (one's father)colloquial impolite intimate
PeopleдивљакSerbo-Croatiannounwild person
PeopleпсетоSerbo-Croatiannoundetestable person
PeopleبندہPunjabinounhuman, person
PeopleبندہPunjabinounslave, servant
PeopleبندہPunjabinounmale partnerfiguratively
Peopleছাওয়ালBengalinounboy, lad, brat
People大班Chinesenounlarge classeducation
People大班Chinesenountop grade in kindergarteneducationMainland-China
People大班Chinesenounsenior business executive or entrepreneur operating in China; taipanCantonese
People大班ChinesenounPeking operaHokkien dated
People流民Chinesenountramp; vagabond
People漢人ChinesenounHan Chinese (the largest ethnic group indigenous to China); Han Chinese person
People漢人Chinesenounpeople of the Han dynastyhistorical literary
People烈士Chinesenounperson with great ambition, spirits, or passion
People總統Chinesenounpresident (of a republic)
People總統Chinesenouncommander-in-chiefgovernment military politics warhistorical
PerceptionerkennenGermanverbto recognize, perceiveirregular transitive weak
PerceptionerkennenGermanverbto realize, detect, see, know, identify, discover, understandirregular weak
Perching birdspłochaczPolishnounaccentor (any bird of the genus Prunella)animal-not-person masculine
Perching birdspłochaczPolishnounspaniel, flushing doganimal-not-person masculine
Percussion instrumentsklökkleCimbriannounsmall bell; campanellaneuter
Percussion instrumentsklökkleCimbriannoundiminutive of klòkkadiminutive form-of neuter
Periodic occurrenceshalf-moonEnglishnounThe moon in its first or last quarter when only half the visible face is illuminated; a quarter moon.
Periodic occurrenceshalf-moonEnglishnounAnything shaped like a crescent, especially the base of a fingernail.
Periodic occurrenceshalf-moonEnglishnounA semicircular or crescent-shaped Filipino butter cookie.
Periodic occurrenceshalf-moonEnglishnounSynonym of black and white (“type of cookie”)
PersonalitycheerfulEnglishadjNoticeably happy and optimistic.
PersonalitycheerfulEnglishadjBright and pleasant.
PersonalitydistraitFrenchverbpast participle of distraireform-of participle past
PersonalitydésintéresséFrenchverbpast participle of désintéresserform-of participle past
PersonalitydésintéresséFrenchadjaltruistic, selfless, disinterested
PersonalitydésintéresséFrenchadjdisinterested, impartial
PersonalitykalmadoTagalogadjcalm; peaceful; still
PersonalitykalmadoTagalogadvcalmly; peacefully
Personalitylive wireEnglishnounAn electrical wire through which there is a flow of electrical electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
Personalitylive wireEnglishnounAn especially energetic, alert, or vivacious person.figuratively
PersonalitymûrFrenchadjmatured, ripe (of a fruit etc, ready to eat)
PersonalitymûrFrenchadjmature (personal characteristic)
PersonalitymûrFrenchadjmature (having reached the age of maturity)
PersonalityrashEnglishadjActing too quickly without considering the consequences and risks; not careful; hasty.
PersonalityrashEnglishadjOf corn or other grains: so dry as to fall out of the ear with handling.Northern-England archaic
PersonalityrashEnglishadjRequiring swift action; pressing; urgent.obsolete rare
PersonalityrashEnglishadjTaking effect quickly and strongly; fast-acting.obsolete rare
PersonalityrashEnglishadvSynonym of rashly (“in a rash manner; hastily or without due consideration”)archaic
PersonalityrashEnglishnounAn area of inflamed and irritated skin characterized by reddened spots that may be filled with fluid or pus. Also, preceded by a descriptive word (rare or obsolete), an illness characterized by a type of rash.dermatology medicine sciences
PersonalityrashEnglishnounAn irregular distribution or sprinkling of objects resembling a rash (sense 1).figuratively
PersonalityrashEnglishnounAn outbreak or surge in problems; a spate, string, or trend.figuratively
PersonalityrashEnglishnounChiefly preceded by a descriptive word: a fabric with a smooth texture woven from silk, worsted, or a mixture of the two, intended as an inferior substitute for silk.historical uncountable
PersonalityrashEnglishnounA soft crackling or rustling sound.obsolete
PersonalityrashEnglishverbTo forcefully move or push (someone or something) in a certain direction.Scotland archaic obsolete transitive
PersonalityrashEnglishverbTo break (something) forcefully; to smash.Scotland archaic obsolete transitive
PersonalityrashEnglishverbTo emit or issue (something) hastily.Scotland archaic obsolete transitive
PersonalityrashEnglishverbUsually followed by up: to prepare (something) with haste; to cobble together, to improvise.Scotland archaic obsolete rare transitive
PersonalityrashEnglishverbTo move forcefully, hastily, or suddenly; to dash, to rush.Scotland archaic intransitive obsolete
PersonalityrashEnglishverbOf rain: to fall heavily.Scotland archaic intransitive obsolete
PersonalityrashEnglishverbChiefly followed by against, at, or upon: to collide or hit.Scotland archaic intransitive obsolete
PersonalityrashEnglishverbChiefly followed by away, down, off, out, etc.: to pluck, pull, or rip (something) violently.Scotland archaic obsolete transitive
PersonalityrashEnglishverbTo hack, slash, or slice (something).Scotland archaic obsolete transitive
PersonalityrashEnglishverbChiefly followed by out: to scrape or scratch (something); to obliterate.Scotland archaic obsolete rare transitive
PersonalitysimpáticoSpanishadjnice, pleasant, likable
PersonalitysimpáticoSpanishadjsympathetic (related to the sympathetic nervous system)anatomy medicine sciences
PersonalityпумпалBulgariannounspinning top (usually as a children's toy)
PersonalityпумпалBulgariannouna person who doesn't sit still; who is quick to get things donefiguratively
Pharmacy製薬Japanesenounmanufacture of pharmaceuticals
Pharmacy製薬Japaneseverbto manufacture pharmaceuticals
Philosophy영원Koreannounnewt, salamanderbiology natural-sciences
PhobiasphotophobiaEnglishnounExcessive sensitivity to light and the aversion to bright light; abnormal fear of light.medicine sciencesuncountable usually
PhobiasphotophobiaEnglishnounAn aversion to or fear of being photographed, the dissemination of personal photographs, or viewing photographs.uncountable
PhoneticsKontraktionGermannouncontractionfeminine formal literary
PhoneticsKontraktionGermannouncontractionmathematics sciencesfeminine
PhysicsdesplaçarCatalanverbto displacetransitive
PhysicsdesplaçarCatalanverbto relocate, move awayintransitive pronominal
PhysicsdesplaçarCatalanverbto scrollcomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencespronominal
PhytopathologycendrosaCatalanadjfeminine singular of cendrósfeminine form-of singular
PhytopathologycendrosaCatalannounPerson or institution forced to assume a humiliating role.feminine
PhytopathologycendrosaCatalannounpowdery mildewfeminine
PigsprosoUpper Sorbiannounpigletbiology natural-sciences zoologyneuter
PigsprosoUpper Sorbiannounmilletbiology botany natural-sciencesneuter
PlacesstatesideEnglishadjIn the United States.not-comparable
PlacesstatesideEnglishadjIn the 48 contiguous states.not-comparable
PlacesstatesideEnglishadjimported (especially of goods)Philippines not-comparable
PlacesstatesideEnglishadvIn or to the United States, especially the lower forty-eight.not-comparable
PlacesstatesideEnglishadvIn or to the 48 contiguous states.not-comparable
PlacessılaTurkishnounAn act of reuniting with the loved ones or a place after a long time.
PlacessılaTurkishnounOne's dearly missed birthplace or hometown.
Places in LibyaΣύρτιςAncient GreeknameGulf of Sidra (a gulf of the Mediterranean, Libya)
Places in LibyaΣύρτιςAncient GreeknameGulf of Gabes (a gulf of the Mediterranean, Libya)
Places in LibyaΣύρτιςAncient GreeknameSirte (a city in Libya)
Places in LibyaΣύρτιςAncient Greeknoundestruction, ruin
Places in LondonHyde ParkEnglishnameThe name of various parks, neighborhoods, and municipalities. / An inner suburb of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England (OS grid ref SE2835).
Places in LondonHyde ParkEnglishnameThe name of various parks, neighborhoods, and municipalities. / A town, the shire town of Lamoille County, Vermont, United States.
Places in LondonHyde ParkEnglishnameThe name of various parks, neighborhoods, and municipalities.
Plant anatomytubercleEnglishnounA round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth, especially those found on bones for the attachment of a muscle or ligament or small elevations on the surface of a tooth.anatomy medicine sciences
Plant anatomytubercleEnglishnounA small rounded wartlike protuberance of the roots of some leguminous plants; the lip of certain orchids, cacti.biology botany natural-sciences
Plant anatomytubercleEnglishnounA small rounded nodule forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis.medicine pathology sciences
PlantsalaniHawaiiannounbrown algae (Dictyota)
PlantsalaniHawaiiannounMt. Kaala melicope (Melicope sandwicensis)
PlantsalaniHawaiiannounOahu melicope (Melicope oahuensis)
PlantsalaniHawaiiannounorange (color/colour)
PlantscampanetaOccitannounnettle-leaved bellflower (Campanula trachelium L.)feminine
PlantscampanetaOccitannounfield bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.)feminine
PlantscampanetaOccitannounsea daffodil (Pancratium maritimum L.)feminine
PlantshyacinthusLatinnouniris (plant)declension-2 masculine
PlantshyacinthusLatinnounsapphiredeclension-2 masculine
PlantsmousereMiddle EnglishnounA hunter of mice
PlantsmousereMiddle Englishnounmouse-ear (Hieracium pilosella)
PlantstheveMiddle EnglishnounA copse; a group of shrubs (probably referring to the thevethorn)rare uncountable
PlantstheveMiddle EnglishnounA ewe lamb of the first year.rare uncountable
PlantszosterLatinnounThe shinglesdeclension-3
PlantszosterLatinnounA kind of sea shrubdeclension-3
Plantsமல்லிகைTamilnounjasmine (Jasminum nervosum, syn. Jasminum anestomosans)
Plantsமல்லிகைTamilnouncup, goblet
Plantsဇမ္ဗူBurmesenounSynonym of ဇမ္ဗူဒီပါ (jambudipa)
Plantsဇမ္ဗူBurmesenounSynonym of ဇမ္ဗုသပြေ (
Plovers and lapwingskiluwiluwiSwahilinounlarva
Plovers and lapwingskiluwiluwiSwahilinountadpole
Plovers and lapwingskiluwiluwiSwahilinounplover (any of various wading birds of the family Charadriidae)
PolandpalmaPolishnounpalm treefeminine
PolandpalmaPolishnounEaster palmfeminine
PolandpomeranoPortugueseadjPomeranian (of or relating to Pomerania)
PolandpomeranoPortuguesenounPomeranian (a person from Pomerania)masculine
PolandpomeranoPortuguesenounPomeranian; Kashubian (a Slavic language spoken in Pomerania)masculine uncountable
PolandvodkaEnglishnounA clear distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain mash.countable uncountable
PolandvodkaEnglishnounA serving of the above beverage.countable uncountable
PolandvodkaEnglishnounNeutral spirits distilled (or treated after distillation) so as to have no distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color.countable uncountable
PolandvodkaEnglishnounA Russian.government military politics warcountable ethnic slang slur
PolandvodkaEnglishnounRussian language.government military politics warslang uncountable
PolandzłotyPolishadjgolden (made of gold)not-comparable usually
PolandzłotyPolishadjgolden (having a gold color)comparable not-comparable usually
PolandzłotyPolishadjgold (related with the highest award possible in competitions)not-comparable usually
PolandzłotyPolishadjgolden (very positively seen)not-comparable usually
PolandzłotyPolishnounzloty (currency of Poland)animal-not-person masculine noun-from-verb
PolandzłotyPolishnounor (gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms)government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politicsanimal-not-person masculine noun-from-verb
PolearmsDane axeEnglishnounAn early battle axe, primarily used during the transition between the European Viking Age and early Middle Ages.historical
PolearmsDane axeEnglishnounRepresentation of the weapon, used as a heraldic charge.government heraldry hobbies lifestyle monarchy nobility politics
PoliticsCharta 77CzechnameCharter 77 (1977 document criticizing the Czechoslovak government for failing to implement human rights provisions of a number of documents it signed)feminine
PoliticsCharta 77CzechnameCharter 77 (Czechoslovak civic initiative introducing the document and demanding respecting human, civil and political rights of people by the communist government)feminine
PoliticsantipoutinisteFrenchnounanti-Putinistby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PoliticskereszténydemokrataHungarianadjChristian Democraticnot-comparable
PoliticskereszténydemokrataHungariannounChristian Democrat
PoliticspraetorLatinnounleader, head, chief, presidentdeclension-3 masculine
PoliticspraetorLatinnounpraetor (office)declension-3 masculine
Politics軍政Japanesenounmilitary government
Politics軍政Japanesenounmilitary administration
Politiesမြို့Burmesenountown, city
Politiesမြို့Burmesenouna wall surrounding an area; a stockade
Politiesမြို့Burmesenouna wall surrounding an area; a stockade / walled town with a marketplace
Politiesမြို့Burmeseparticleparticle suffixed to a pronoun denoting "other than", mainly used in ထိုမြို့ (htui-mrui.)archaic
PortugaloeirensePortugueseadjof Oeirasfeminine masculine not-comparable relational
PortugaloeirensePortuguesenounnative or inhabitant of Oeirasby-personal-gender feminine masculine
PotatoesKing EdwardEnglishnounA British variety of potato, predominantly white-skinned with pink colouration and a floury texture.
PotatoesKing EdwardEnglishnameThe name of many monarchs, especially in Britain.
PotatoesKing EdwardEnglishnameA hamlet in north Aberdeenshire council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NJ7157).
ProsimianspottoEnglishnounA small primate of the genus Perodicticus, native to the tropical rainforests of Africa.
ProsimianspottoEnglishnounThe kinkajou.archaic
ProsodysonnetEnglishnounA fixed verse form of Italian origin consisting of fourteen lines that are typically five-foot iambics and rhyme according to one of a few prescribed schemes.
ProsodysonnetEnglishverbTo compose sonnets.intransitive
ProsodysonnetEnglishverbTo celebrate in sonnets; to write a sonnet about.transitive
ProstitutionբոզավագArmeniannounwhoremaster, pimp, procurerliterary rare
ProstitutionբոզավագArmeniannouna worthless, obnoxious personliterary rare
Provincial capitalsNicopolisEnglishnameFormer name of Preveza, a city in northwestern Greece that served as the provincial capital of Epirus Vetus in the Roman Empire.historical
Provincial capitalsNicopolisEnglishnameFormer name of Emmaus, a former city in the West Bank, Palestine.historical
Prunus genus plantsdamson plumEnglishnounA deciduous tree, Prunus insititia, native to Eurasia and related to the plum.countable uncountable
Prunus genus plantsdamson plumEnglishnounSyzygium cumini, jambul, native to south Asia.countable uncountable
Prunus genus plantsdamson plumEnglishnounEdible fruit of these trees.countable uncountable
Prunus genus plantsdamson plumEnglishnounChrysophyllum oliviforme, the satinleaf.countable uncountable
PsychologyextravertEnglishnounAlternative spelling of extrovertalt-of alternative
PsychologyextravertEnglishadjAlternative spelling of extrovertalt-of alternative
PsychologyextravertEnglishverbAlternative spelling of extrovert, especially (early chemistry, obsolete) so as to be visible.alt-of alternative
PublishingfedélHungariannounlid, cap, top (cover of a container)
PublishingfedélHungariannounroof (especially: accommodation, dwelling-place, or abode; any place to live)
PurplesbordeauxFrenchadjclaret (color/colour)invariable
PurplesbordeauxFrenchnounBordeaux (wine)masculine uncountable
PurplesbordeauxFrenchnounplural of bordeauform-of masculine plural
Qur'anProhibitionEnglishnameAny of several periods during which the manufacture, transportation, import, export, and sale of alcoholic beverages were restricted or illegal.history human-sciences sciences
Qur'anProhibitionEnglishnameAny of several periods during which the manufacture, transportation, import, export, and sale of alcoholic beverages were restricted or illegal. / The period from 17 January 1920 through 5 December 1933 in the United States, between the effective dates of the Eighteenth and Twenty-First Amendments to the United States Constitution.history human-sciences sciencesUS
Qur'anProhibitionEnglishnameThe 66th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an.Islam lifestyle religion
RacismHBDEnglishnounHaving two of the same allele at a locus, or base at an SNP, where both copies are from a single ancestor strand.uncountable
RacismHBDEnglishadjHaving two of the same allele at a locus, or base at an SNP, where both copies are from a single ancestor strand.not-comparable
RacismHBDEnglishphraseAbbreviation of happy birthday.Internet abbreviation alt-of
RacismHBDEnglishnounInitialism of human biodiversity.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
RacismnikkerDutchnouna nigger (offensive slur for a black person)derogatory ethnic masculine offensive slur
RacismnikkerDutchnouna water spirit, especially one who lures (young) people to drown; a neck, nix, nixiehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesdated masculine
RacismnikkerDutchnouna demon, a devilmasculine obsolete
RadioradyoCebuanoverbto radio
RadioactivitytransuranicEnglishadjOf an element: lying beyond uranium in the periodic table; having an atomic number greater than 92.not-comparable
RadioactivitytransuranicEnglishnounAny element lying beyond uranium in the periodic table.
RadishesretiisiFinnishnounradish, Raphanus sativus var. sativus (plant and its root)
RadishesretiisiFinnishnounsecond-person singular possessive form of illative singular of retiform-of illative possessive second-person singular
Rail transportationGarrattEnglishnounA steam locomotive that is articulated in three parts, with a boiler mounted on the centre frame, and two steam engines mounted on separate frames, one on each end of the boiler.
Rail transportationGarrattEnglishnameA surname.
Ramayanaఊర్మిళTelugunounA woman that has separated from her husband.
Ramayanaఊర్మిళTelugunameName of the wife of Lakshmana in Ramayana.
Ramayanaఊర్మిళTelugunamea female given name
Recreational drugsGBLEnglishnounInitialism of gamma-butyrolactone.abbreviation alt-of initialism uncountable
Recreational drugsGBLEnglishnounInitialism of graded buffer layer.abbreviation alt-of countable initialism uncountable
Recreational drugscannabisSwedishnouncannabis; Cannabis sativacommon-gender
Recreational drugscannabisSwedishnouncannabis; a recreational drugcommon-gender
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenouncoca plant
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenounCoca-Cola; cola (drink)
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenounkola nut
Recreational drugscôcaVietnamesenouncocaine
Reference worksleksikonCebuanonounthe vocabulary of a language
Reference worksleksikonCebuanonouna dictionary that includes or focuses on lexemeshuman-sciences linguistics sciences
Reference worksmanuálCzechnounmanual (booklet)inanimate masculine
Reference worksmanuálCzechnounmanual (manual transmission)inanimate masculine
Regions of AfricaSerengetiEnglishnameAn ecosystem located in Tanzania and extending to Kenya, known for hosting the largest and longest overland semiannual migration of herd animals in the world.
Regions of AfricaSerengetiEnglishnameThe Serengeti National Park.
Regions of AsiaДалекий СхідUkrainiannameFar East (East Asia)uncountable
Regions of AsiaДалекий СхідUkrainiannameFar East (of Russia)uncountable
ReligionmissionaryEnglishnounOne who is sent on a mission.countable uncountable
ReligionmissionaryEnglishnounA person who travels attempting to spread a religion or creed (Particularly used in context of Christianity).lifestyle religioncountable uncountable
ReligionmissionaryEnglishnounA religious messenger.countable derogatory uncountable
ReligionmissionaryEnglishnounThe missionary position for sexual intercourse.uncountable
ReligionmissionaryEnglishnounSexual intercourse in the missionary position.slang uncountable
ReligionmissionaryEnglishadjRelating to a (religious) mission.not-comparable
ReligionnṯrjEgyptianverbto be(come) divineintransitive
ReligionnṯrjEgyptianverbto make divinetransitive
ReligionnṯrjEgyptianadjdivine, holy
ReligionnṯrjEgyptiannounmagic rope
ReligionopṣälyTocharian Anounseason
ReligionopṣälyTocharian Anounan appropriate time for Buddha-like actions
RiversNeleusLatinnameThe king of Pylus and father of Nestordeclension-2
RiversNeleusLatinnameA small river of Euboeadeclension-2
RodentsmusNorwegian Nynorsknouna mousefeminine
RodentsmusNorwegian Nynorsknounpussy (female genitalia)anatomy medicine sciencescolloquial feminine vulgar
RodentsmusNorwegian Nynorsknouncomputer mousecomputing engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencesfeminine
Rodents高客Chinesenounson-in-lawMandarin Xuzhou
Rodents高客Chinesenounmouse; ratHong'an Mandarin Xiang euphemistic
Roman deitiesSaturnasLithuaniannameSaturn (Roman god)masculine
Roman deitiesSaturnasLithuaniannameSaturn (planet)masculine
RomeCapitoliumEnglishnameSynonym of Capitoline Hill.uncommon
RomeCapitoliumEnglishnounSynonym of capitol, similar citadels in ancient Italian and Roman towns.historical uncommon
RoomseteinenFinnishnounentryway, hallway, foyer (the part of a building connected to the outside door with access to other rooms inside the building)
RoomseteinenFinnishnounatrium, auricle (in the heart)anatomy medicine sciences
RoomseteinenFinnishnounvestibule (in the throat)anatomy medicine sciences
Roomshall of mirrorsEnglishnounA carnival attraction with curved mirrors (funhouse mirrors) that distort the viewer's appearance.
Roomshall of mirrorsEnglishnounA situation confusing for its false appearances, especially when they are compounded upon one another.figuratively
Roomshall of mirrorsEnglishnounA glitch in some three-dimensional games where a missing texture prevents part of the scene from being rendered correctly, causing a trail of previously rendered frames to appear
RoomslukusaliFinnishnounreading room (room in a library)
RoomslukusaliFinnishnounstudy hall (space in a school dedicated for independent study and doing homework assignments)
Roomslớp họcVietnamesenounclassroom
Roomslớp họcVietnamesenounclass; course
RoomsпогрібUkrainiannounbasement, cellar, vault
RoomsпогрібUkrainiannounroot cellar
Rubik's CubefaceletEnglishnounAny of the individual coloured squares making up one side of a Rubik's cube; the face of a cubie.
Rubik's CubefaceletEnglishnounAn element of an open-source Web template system for JSF.
Rue family plantsHercules' clubEnglishnounEither of two not closely related trees with thorny bark: / An American spikenard (Aralia spinosa).
Rue family plantsHercules' clubEnglishnounEither of two not closely related trees with thorny bark: / A toothache tree (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis).
SagesromerilloSpanishnounany plant of a number of species, including: / silver sage (Salvia argentea)masculine
SagesromerilloSpanishnounany plant of a number of species, including: / rudderfish (Centrolophus niger)masculine
SamoaseneEnglishnounSenna.obsolete uncountable
SamoaseneEnglishnounA unit of currency equivalent to a hundredth of a Samoan tala.
Sapindales order plantscedroneItaliannouncapercaillie or wood grousemasculine
Sapindales order plantscedroneItaliannouncedron member of the quassia family (Simaba cedron), family Simaroubaceaebiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Sapindales order plantscedroneItaliannouncitronarchaic masculine
Saucesají criolloSpanishnounan Ecuadoran hot sauce made from ajísmasculine
Saucesají criolloSpanishnouna variety of hot pepper (Capsicum)masculine
Scandiceae tribe plantsJapanesecharacterHyōgai kanji no-gloss
Scandiceae tribe plantsJapanesenounladle, dipper
Scandiceae tribe plantsJapanesenouncow parsley, Anthriscus sylvestris
Scandiceae tribe plantsJapanesenouna prostitute, particularly one who acts as a hostess
Scandiceae tribe plantsJapanesenounClipping of 杓鴫 (shakushigi, “curlew”).abbreviation alt-of clipping
SciencesokazPolishnounspecimen, especially a biological or mineralogical oneinanimate masculine
SciencesokazPolishnounpicture; epitome, exemplar (paragon, a perfect example or specimen)figuratively inanimate masculine
ScientistssystematistEnglishnounA biologist who studies systematics.biology natural-sciences
ScientistssystematistEnglishnounA follower of systematism; one who reduces things to a system.
Scolopacidssea gooseEnglishnounA phalarope.
Scolopacidssea gooseEnglishnounA dolphin.
SeafoodmariscoSpanishnounedible shellfish or algamasculine
SeafoodmariscoSpanishnounseafood (edible aquatic life)cooking food lifestylemasculine plural
SeafoodmariscoSpanishverbfirst-person singular present indicative of mariscarfirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SeasonsšmwEgyptiannounthe harvest season; one of three Egyptian seasons, spanning from March to July.
SeasonsJapanesecharacterkanji no-gloss
SeasonsJapanesenounthe spring (season)
SeasonsJapanesenounthe New Yearbroadly
SeasonsJapanesenounadolescence, youth
SeasonsJapanesenouna heyday of one’s life
SeasonsJapanesenouna time of happiness after a long period of difficulty
SeasonsJapanesenounsexual intercourseeuphemistic slang
SeasonsJapaneseaffixspring (season)
SeasonsJapaneseaffixNew Year
SeasonsJapaneseaffixlife, vitality
SeasonsJapaneseaffixlust, passion
SeasonsJapaneseaffixmonths and years
SevenfisChuukeseverbto happen
SexEUFEnglishnounA form of sexual roleplay in which a woman acts out situations in which she is accidentally, unintentionally, unwillingly, or reluctantly in her underwear and consequently embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated. / Pornography depicting such a situation.BDSM lifestyle sexualityuncountable
SexEUFEnglishnounA form of sexual roleplay in which a woman acts out situations in which she is accidentally, unintentionally, unwillingly, or reluctantly in her underwear and consequently embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated. / The woman in such a situation.BDSM lifestyle sexualityrare uncountable
SexdickEnglishnounA male person.countable obsolete
SexdickEnglishnounA detective, especially one working for the police; a police officer.countable slang
SexdickEnglishnounThe penis.countable slang uncountable vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounA highly contemptible or obnoxious person; a jerk; traditionally, especially, a male jerk.countable derogatory offensive slang vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounAbsolutely nothing.Canada US slang uncommon uncountable vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounSexual intercourse with a man.slang uncountable vulgar
SexdickEnglishverbTo mistreat or take advantage of somebody (often with around or up).slang transitive vulgar
SexdickEnglishverbTo penetrate sexually.slang transitive vulgar
SexdickEnglishnounA detective.US dated slang
SexdickEnglishnounA declaration.obsolete
SexdickEnglishnumTen, in Cumbrian sheep counting.Cumbria
SexfingerEnglishnounA slender jointed extremity of the human hand, (often) exclusive of the thumb.anatomy medicine sciences
SexfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals / The lower, smaller segment of an arthropod claw.biology natural-sciences zoology
SexfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals / One of the supporting structures of wings in birds, bats, etc. evolved from earlier toes or fingers.biology natural-sciences zoology
SexfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals / One of the slender bony structures before the pectoral fins of gurnards and sea robins (Triglidae).biology natural-sciences zoology
SexfingerEnglishnounSimilar or similar-looking extremities in other animals, particularlybiology natural-sciences zoology
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger / Finger-shaped pieces of food lifestyle
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger / A tube extending from a sealed system, or sometimes into one in the case of a cold finger.chemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger / Synonym of foxglove (D. purpurea).biology botany natural-sciencesUK obsolete plural-normally regional
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in shape to the human finger, particularly
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / Various protruding plant structures, as a banana from its hand.biology botany natural-sciences
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / A lobe of the liver.anatomy medicine sciencesobsolete
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / The teeth parallel to the blade of a scythe, fitted to a wooden frame called a crade.historical
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / The projections of a reaper or mower which similarly separate the stalks for cutting.
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / Clipping of finger pier: a shorter, narrower pier projecting from a larger dock.nautical transportabbreviation alt-of clipping
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / Synonym of jet bridge: the narrow elevated walkway connecting a plane to an airport.aeronautics aerospace aviation business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body / A leaf in a finger tree data structure.computing computing-theory engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciences
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body, particularly
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / Synonym of hand, the part of a clock pointing to the hour, minute, or second.obsolete
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / A policeman or prison guard.US obsolete slang
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / An informer to the police, (especially) one who identifies a criminal during a lineup.US rare slang
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / A criminal who scouts for prospective victims and targets or who performs reconnaissance before a crime.US rare slang
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. / That which points; an indicator, as of guilt, blame, or suspicion.figuratively
SexfingerEnglishnounSomething similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing.
SexfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / Synonym of digit: former units of measure notionally based on its width but variously standardized, (especially) the English digit of ¹⁄₁₆ foot (about 1.9 cm).units-of-measurehistorical
SexfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / A unit of length notionally based on the length of an adult human's middle finger, standardized as 4½ inches (11.43 cm).units-of-measurehistorical
SexfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / Synonym of digit: ¹⁄₁₂ the observed diameter of the sun or moon, (especially) with regard to eclipses.units-of-measurehistorical
SexfingerEnglishnounVarious units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly / An informal measure of alcohol based on its height in a given glass compared to the width of the pourer's fingers while holding it.units-of-measure
SexfingerEnglishnounA part of a glove intended to cover a lifestyle
SexfingerEnglishnounSkill in the use of the fingers, as in playing upon a musical instrument.informal obsolete
SexfingerEnglishnounSomeone skilled in the use of their fingers, (especially) a pickpocket.informal rare
SexfingerEnglishnounA person.UK slang
SexfingerEnglishnounAn obscene or insulting gesture made by raising one's middle finger towards someone with the palm of one's hand facing inwards.especially
SexfingerEnglishnounAny of the individual receivers used in a rake receiver to decode signal components.broadcasting media radio
SexfingerEnglishnounAn act of fingering (inserting a finger into someone's vagina or rectum for sexual pleasure).vulgar
SexfingerEnglishverbTo identify or point out; to blame for something.transitive
SexfingerEnglishverbTo report to or identify for the authorities; to inform on.transitive
SexfingerEnglishverbTo poke, probe, feel, or fondle with a finger or fingers.transitive
SexfingerEnglishverbTo use the fingers to penetrate or sexually stimulate one's own or another person's vulva, vagina, or sex sexualitytransitive
SexfingerEnglishverbTo use specified finger positions in producing notes on a musical instrument.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
SexfingerEnglishverbTo provide instructions in written music as to which fingers are to be used to produce particular notes or passages.entertainment lifestyle musictransitive
SexfingerEnglishverbTo query (a user's status) using the Finger protocol.Internet transitive
SexfingerEnglishverbTo steal; to purloin.obsolete
SexfingerEnglishverbTo execute, as any delicate work.obsolete transitive
SexfrutifantásticoSpanishadjfantasticInternet humorous neologism
SexfrutifantásticoSpanishnounsex; sexual intercourseInternet countable humorous masculine neologism uncountable
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounUnsanctioned or immoral sexual behaviour or actions.
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounA specific instance of such behaviour or actions.rare
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounErrant or immoral religious behaviour.figuratively rare
SexhordomMiddle EnglishnounA whore or adulterer; an immoral woman.rare
SexseduzirPortugueseverbto seduce (induce someone to engage in a sexual relationship)
SexseduzirPortugueseverbto seduce (win over or attract someone)
SexծծելArmenianverbto suck
SexծծելArmenianverbto perform fellatio, to give a blowjobslang vulgar
SexচোদাBengaliverbto fuck (copulate)vulgar
SexচোদাBengalinounfucking (an act of sexual intercourse)vulgar
Sex關係Chinesenounrelation; relationship; connection; tie (Classifier: 個/个; 段)countable uncountable
Sex關係Chinesenounconnections (people with whom one is acquainted who can offer help and influence); guanxi (specifically in Chinese culture, a combination of business and personal relationships whereby parties enhance their ability to do business by building a bond with personal favors)uncountable
Sex關係Chinesenouncause; reason (for something happening) (Classifier: 個/个 m)countable uncountable
Sex關係Chinesenouninfluence; effect; impact (Classifier: 個/个 m)countable uncountable
Sex關係Chinesenounsexual relationseuphemistic uncountable
Sex關係Chinesenounrelationcomputing databases engineering mathematics natural-sciences physical-sciences sciencescountable
Sex關係Chineseverbto involve; to relate (to); to concern
Sexismfrou-frouEnglishnounA rustling sound, particularly the rustling of a large silk dress.onomatopoeic
Sexismfrou-frouEnglishadjLiable to create the sound of rustling cloth, similar to 19th-century dresses.
Sexismfrou-frouEnglishadjHighly ornamented, overly elaborate; excessively girly.
Sexismfrou-frouEnglishadjUnimportant, silly, useless.derogatory
Sexismfrou-frouEnglishverbTo move with the sound of rustling dresses.intransitive uncommon
SexualityheitrighnéasachIrishnounheterosexual (person)masculine
SharkstiikerihaiFinnishnounrequiem shark (any shark in the family Carcharhinidae)
SharkstiikerihaiFinnishnountiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier (name species of this family of sharks)
SharkszigrinoItaliannounkitefin shark (marine fish of the family Dalatiidae)masculine
SharkszigrinoItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of zigrinarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
SharksJapanesecharactersharkHyōgai kanji
SharksJapanesenoungeneral term for a large shark
SheepveðrOld Norsenounweatherneuter
SheepveðrOld Norsenounstorm, windneuter
SheepveðrOld Norsenounram (male sheep)masculine
ShopsapotecariaCatalannounapothecary (shop)feminine historical
Shopspet shopEnglishnounA shop that sells animals kept as domestic pets, and products for caring for and feeding them.
Shopspet shopEnglishnounUsed other than figuratively or idiomatically: see pet (adjective), shop: (dated) A favourite or cherished shop.
Silencemute hEnglishnounIn the French language usage of the letter h at the start of a word which allows liaison with a preceding consonant.human-sciences linguistics phonology sciences
Silencemute hEnglishnounNon-aspiration of a glottal consonant.human-sciences linguistics phonetics phonology sciencesliterally
SingingpoitrinerFrenchverbto sing with a chest voice
SingingpoitrinerFrenchverbto keep one's cards close to one's chestfiguratively literally regional
SingingyodelEnglishverbTo sing (a song) in such a way that the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal chest voice and falsetto.intransitive transitive
SingingyodelEnglishnounAn act of yodelling.
SingingyodelEnglishnounA song incorporating yodelling.
SizemeaslyEnglishadjParticularly of pigs or pork: infected with larval tapeworms or trichinae (parasitic roundworms).
SizemeaslyEnglishadjOf a person: infected with measles.
SizemeaslyEnglishadjSmall (especially contemptibly small) in amount.figuratively informal
SkinქატოLaznounscale of fish
SlaveryslaveholdingEnglishadjHaving possession/ownership of one or more slaves.not-comparable
SlaveryslaveholdingEnglishnounThe institution or practice of owning slaves.uncountable
SlaveryslaveholdingEnglishnounAn owning of one or more slaves.countable
SleepcubileLatinnounmarriage bedbroadly declension-3
SleepcubileLatinnounplace of restdeclension-3
SleepcubileLatinnounlair, kennel, hole (where an animal or creature of some kind rests)declension-3
Sleeplights-outEnglishnounThe time at night at which artificial lights are to be turned off, a curfew or bedtime.uncountable
Sleeplights-outEnglishnounThe prescribed bedtime for persons living in a boarding school or staying in a hospital.uncountable
Snackspatatas fritasSpanishnounfries, French fries; (UK) chips, potato chipsCanada US feminine plural plural-only
Snackspatatas fritasSpanishnoun(US, CA) chips, potato chips; (UK) crisps, potato crispsSpain feminine plural plural-only
Snails法螺貝Japanesenouna Triton's trumpet, Charonia tritonis
Snails法螺貝Japanesenouna horn made from a Triton's trumpet shell
Snails法螺貝Japanesenounby metaphor from the shape of the shell, a way of tying a man's obi
Snails蝸牛Japanesenouna snail
Snails蝸牛Japanesenouncochleaanatomy medicine sciences
Snails蝸牛Japanesenouna snail
Snails蝸牛Japanesenouna snail
Snappersred snapperEnglishnounAny of several Atlantic foodfishes, of the genus Lutjanus, that have reddish bodies
Snappersred snapperEnglishnounRhomboplites aurorubens (vermillion snapper)
SnownivalisLatinadjsnowydeclension-3 two-termination
SnownivalisLatinadjsnow-covereddeclension-3 two-termination
SociologyDiasporaEnglishnameThe dispersion of the Jews from the land of Israel.
SociologyDiasporaEnglishnameThe Jews so dispersed.collective
SociologyDiasporaEnglishnameA similar dispersion.broadly
Soil scienceargilaPortuguesenounclay (mineral substance)feminine
Soil scienceargilaPortuguesenounloamfeminine
SoundschweigenGermanverbto be silent; to keep quietclass-1 intransitive strong
SoundschweigenGermanverbto stop talking; to shut upclass-1 intransitive strong
SoundscmokaćPolishverbto smack (to make a smacking sound)colloquial dialectal imperfective intransitive
SoundscmokaćPolishverbto kiss with a smacking soundcolloquial humorous imperfective transitive
SoundscmokaćPolishverbto kiss oneselfcolloquial imperfective reflexive
SoundscmokaćPolishverbto kiss each othercolloquial imperfective reflexive
SoundsrippleEnglishnounA moving disturbance, or undulation, in the surface of a fluid.
SoundsrippleEnglishnounA sound similar to that of undulating water.
SoundsrippleEnglishnounA style of ice cream in which flavors have been coarsely blended together.
SoundsrippleEnglishnounA small oscillation of an otherwise steady electrical-engineering electricity electromagnetism electronics energy engineering natural-sciences physical-sciences physics
SoundsrippleEnglishverbTo move like the undulating surface of a body of water; to undulate.intransitive
SoundsrippleEnglishverbTo propagate like a moving wave.intransitive
SoundsrippleEnglishverbTo make a sound as of water running gently over a rough bottom, or the breaking of ripples on the shore.intransitive
SoundsrippleEnglishverbTo shape into a series of ripples.transitive
SoundsrippleEnglishverbTo launch or unleash in rapid succession.transitive
SoundsrippleEnglishverbTo scratch, tear, or break slightly; grazetransitive
SoundsrippleEnglishnounAn implement, with teeth like those of a comb, for removing the seeds and seed vessels from flax, broom corn, manufacturing textiles
SoundsrippleEnglishverbTo remove the seeds from (the stalks of flax, etc.), by means of a ripple.
Soupsโจ๊กThainouncongee: Cantonese-style rice porridge.
Soupsโจ๊กThainounjoker.card-games games
Soupsโจ๊กThainounjoke; prank.colloquial
Soupsโจ๊กThainoun(ตัว~) joker, comedian; jokester, prankster; clown.colloquial
Soupsโจ๊กThainoun(ตัว~) funny person.slang
Soupsโจ๊กThainounthe sound of water dripping.
Soupsโจ๊กThaiadjcontaining too much water or liquid.
Soupsโจ๊กThaiadvtoo much.
Soviet UnionસોવિયેટGujaratiadjSoviet
Soviet UnionસોવિયેટGujaratinounSoviet (person from the Soviet Union)
SpainflamencoPolishnounflamenco (genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain)indeclinable neuter
SpainflamencoPolishnounflamenco (song or a dance in such a style)indeclinable neuter
Spices and herbsabelmoskEnglishnounThe edible and aromatic seed pods (properly, capsules) of the Abelmoschus moschatus.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsabelmoskEnglishnounThe tropical evergreen shrub Abelmoschus moschatus itself.countable uncountable
Spices and herbsabelmoskEnglishnounOther members of the genus Abelmoschus, such as okra.countable plural-normally uncommon uncountable
Spices and herbszafferanoItaliannounsaffronmasculine
Spices and herbszafferanoItaliannounlesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus)masculine
Spices and herbszafferanoItalianadjsaffron-colouredinvariable
Spices and herbsܪܝܚܐClassical Syriacnounsmell, scent, fragrance, savor/savour
Spices and herbsܪܝܚܐClassical Syriacnounodors/odours, stenches, stinksin-plural
Spices and herbsܪܝܚܐClassical Syriacnounperfumes; spices; unguentsin-plural
Spices and herbsܪܝܚܐClassical Syriacnounwind
SportsкурамаKyrgyzadjcombined, composite
SportsкурамаKyrgyznouncombined team, national sports team
Stationeryไม้บรรทัดThainounruler: strip used for drawing lines, measuring, etc.
Stationeryไม้บรรทัดThainounnorm (of oneself)colloquial
Stock charactersevil twinEnglishnounA duplicate or counterpart that acts in a contrary, nefarious, or insidious manner.idiomatic
Stock charactersevil twinEnglishnounA rogue wireless access point installed near a legitimate one for purposes of eavesdropping or phishing.computing engineering mathematics natural-sciences networking physical-sciences sciences
Stone fruitsабрикосRussiannounapricot (tree or fruit)
Stone fruitsабрикосRussiannountesticles, balls, nuts, nads, gonadcolloquial plural-normally vulgar
Sumac family plantsῥοῦςAncient Greeknounsumac (Rhus coriaria)
Sumac family plantsῥοῦςAncient Greeknounits fruit, used in medicine
Sumac family plantsῥοῦςAncient Greeknounryegrass (Lolium perenne)
Sumac family plantsῥοῦςAncient Greeknounstream, flow of water, current
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnoundiminutive of motýl (“butterfly”)animate diminutive form-of masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounany bird from genus Uraeginthusanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbowtie (a man's necktie tied in a bow around the throat)animate inanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbutterfly strokeinanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbutterfly knifeinanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnounbutterfly tapeinanimate masculine
SwimmingmotýlekCzechnoundiminutive of moteldiminutive form-of inanimate masculine
SwordsestoqueSpanishnounthe tip of a swordmasculine
SwordsestoqueSpanishnounsword used to kill the bullbullfighting entertainment lifestylemasculine
SwordsestoqueSpanishnoungladiolusbiology botany natural-sciencesmasculine
Systems theorydispensationEnglishnounThe act of dispensing or dealing out; distributioncountable uncountable
Systems theorydispensationEnglishnounThe distribution of good and evil by God to man.countable uncountable
Systems theorydispensationEnglishnounThat which is dispensed, dealt out, or given; that which is bestowed on someonecountable uncountable
Systems theorydispensationEnglishnounA system of principles, promises, and rules ordained and administered; scheme; economycountable uncountable
Systems theorydispensationEnglishnounThe relaxation of a law in a particular case; permission to do something forbidden, or to omit doing something enjoined; exemption.countable uncountable
Systems theorydispensationEnglishnounThe relaxation of a law in a particular case; permission to do something forbidden, or to omit doing something enjoined; exemption. / In the Roman Catholic Church, an exemption from some ecclesiastical law, or from an obligation to God which a person has incurred of his own free will (oaths, vows, etc.).Catholicism Christianitycountable uncountable
TalkingmutterEnglishnounA repressed or obscure utterance; an instance of muttering.
TalkingmutterEnglishverbTo utter words, especially complaints or angry expressions, indistinctly or with a low voice and lips partly closed; to say under one's breath.
TalkingmutterEnglishverbTo speak softly and incoherently, or with imperfect articulations.
TalkingmutterEnglishverbTo make a sound with a low, rumbling noise.
TalkingqabûmAkkadianverbto say, tell, speak, report, recite, pronounce, utter, declare
TalkingqabûmAkkadianverbto enumerate, list (to say in a written document)
TalkingqabûmAkkadianverbto make a statement, a deposition, to declare publicly, in court.
TalkingqabûmAkkadianverbto give an order, decree
TalkingqabûmAkkadianverbto name, call
Talkingsticks and stonesEnglishphraseEllipsis of sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.abbreviation alt-of ellipsis idiomatic
Talkingsticks and stonesEnglishphraseany obsolete technology (usually of military and law enforcement purposes) when used in comparison to state of the art technology used by the antagonists or competitors.idiomatic
TalkingteangachIrishadjwordy, loquacious
TalkingобсуждатьRussianverbto discuss, to consider
TalkingобсуждатьRussianverbto talk over
TelecommunicationsfacsáilIrishverbto fax
TelecommunicationsfacsáilIrishnounverbal noun of facsáilfeminine form-of noun-from-verb
TelephonysímiIcelandicnounaxonbiology natural-sciencesmasculine
TemperaturethermologyEnglishnounThe scientific study of heatuncountable
TemperaturethermologyEnglishnounimaging of the body by means of infrared radiationuncountable
TernstarrockEnglishnouna young kittiwake.Northern Scotland
TernstarrockEnglishnounThe common guillemot.UK dialectal
TernstarrockEnglishnounThe common tern.UK dialectal
TheaterukingoSwahilinounedge, border
ThinkingconeiximientoAragonesenounknowledge, understandingmasculine uncountable
ThinkingconeiximientoAragonesenounpiece of knowledgecountable masculine
ThinkingconeiximientoAragonesenounconsciousnessmedicine sciencesmasculine
ThinkingconeiximientoAragonesenounbill of ladingtransportmasculine
ThinkingconscioLatinverbto be conscious of, have on one's conscienceconjugation-4
ThinkingconscioLatinverbto know well, be awareconjugation-4
ThinkingreflectEnglishverbTo bend back (light, etc.) from a surface.transitive
ThinkingreflectEnglishverbTo be bent back (light, etc.) from a surface.intransitive
ThinkingreflectEnglishverbTo mirror, or show the image of something.transitive
ThinkingreflectEnglishverbTo be mirrored.intransitive
ThinkingreflectEnglishverbTo agree with; to closely follow.transitive
ThinkingreflectEnglishverbTo give evidence of someone's or something's character etc.transitive
ThinkingreflectEnglishverbTo think seriously; to ponder or consider.intransitive
ThinkingrozumPolishnounreason (faculty of capacity of the human mind)inanimate masculine
ThinkingrozumPolishnounSynonym of mózginanimate masculine
ThinkingπροπυνθάνομαιAncient Greekverbto find out beforehand
ThinkingπροπυνθάνομαιAncient Greekverbto learn by inquiring before
ThinkingπροπυνθάνομαιAncient Greekverbto hear beforehand
ThinkingдумаRussiannounthought, meditation
ThinkingдумаRussiannounduma (Russian legislature)
ThinkingизмышлениеRussiannounfabrication, invention
ThinkingизмышлениеRussiannounlie, fabricationplural-normally
ThousandmilhaPortuguesenounmilha, Portuguese mile, a traditional unit of distance equivalent to about 1481.5, 1851.9, or 2057.6 m depending on the number of equatorial degrees per leaguefeminine historical
ThousandmilhaPortuguesenounEnglish or American mile, a unit of distance equivalent to about 1.61 kmfeminine
ThousandmilhaPortuguesenounmaize strawfeminine uncountable
ThousandmilhaPortugueseverbinflection of milhar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ThousandmilhaPortugueseverbinflection of milhar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
Threethree-peatEnglishverbTo win something three times consecutively.US slang
Threethree-peatEnglishnounA third successive win.US slang
ThreetrinitéFrenchnountrinity (group of three things or three persons)feminine
TimeamainirisIrishadvtwo days after tomorrow
TimeamainirisIrishnountwo days after tomorrowindeclinable
TimeamainirisIrishadjtwo days after tomorrownot-comparable
TimeeraPortuguesenounera (time period of indeterminate length, generally more than one year)feminine
TimeeraPortuguesenounage (period of human prehistory)archaeology history human-sciences sciencesfeminine
TimeeraPortuguesenounera (unit of time, smaller than aeons and greater than periods)geography geology natural-sciencesfeminine
TimeeraPortugueseverbfirst/third-person singular imperfect indicative of serfirst-person form-of imperfect indicative singular third-person
TimeoraOccitannounhour (a unit of time of one twenty-fourth of a day (sixty minutes))timefeminine
TimeoraOccitannountime (of day), hourfeminine
TimesynchronicityEnglishnounThe state of being synchronous or simultaneous.uncountable
TimesynchronicityEnglishnounCoincidences that seem to be meaningfully related; supposedly the result of "universal forces".countable uncountable
Timetime differenceEnglishnounThe difference between one measurement of time and another; the length of a time interval.
Timetime differenceEnglishnounThe difference in clocktime between two or more different time zones.
TimeвоKomi-Zyrianverbinflection of воны (vony): / imperative singularform-of imperative singular
TimeвоKomi-Zyrianverbinflection of воны (vony): / connegative singularconnegative form-of singular
TimeܢܘܨܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnoundusk (period of time at the end of day when sun is below the horizon but before full onset of night)
TimeܢܘܨܦܐAssyrian Neo-Aramaicnounafterglow
Times of daydimmityEnglishnounAlternative form of dimity (“fabric”)alt-of alternative countable uncountable
Times of daydimmityEnglishnounDusk; twilight.countable uncountable
Titlesjmj-r-mšꜥEgyptiannoungeneral (military leader)
Titlesjmj-r-mšꜥEgyptiannounforeman or boss of a workgang
Toilet (room)necessaryEnglishadjRequired, essential, whether logically inescapable or needed in order to achieve a desired result or avoid some penalty.
Toilet (room)necessaryEnglishadjUnavoidable, inevitable.
Toilet (room)necessaryEnglishadjDetermined, involuntary: acting from compulsion rather than free will.obsolete
Toilet (room)necessaryEnglishnounA place to do the "necessary" business of urination and defecation: an outhouse or lavatory.Maine UK archaic euphemistic usually
Toilet (room)necessaryEnglishnounNecessity.obsolete
ToiletriessabonTagalognounsoapchemistry natural-sciences physical-sciences
ToiletriessabonTagalognounwashing with soap
ToiletriessabonTagalognounsevere rebuke (against someone)figuratively
ToiletriessabonTagalognouncoconut oil soapobsolete
ToolsFlegelGermannounflail (historical weapon and agricultural implement)masculine
ToolsFlegelGermannounlout, yobderogatory masculine
ToolsbarrinaCatalannounreamer, auger, gimlet (tool for boring holes)feminine
ToolsbarrinaCatalanverbinflection of barrinar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
ToolsbarrinaCatalanverbinflection of barrinar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
ToolscuốcVietnamesenounwhite-breasted waterhen
ToolscuốcVietnameseverbto hoe
ToolscuốcVietnameseromanizationNorthern Vietnam form of quốcNorthern Vietnam alt-of obsolete romanization
ToolshamarIcelandicnounhammer (a tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding)masculine
ToolshamarIcelandicnounsteep cliff, crag, rock facemasculine
ToolshamarIcelandicnounmalleus, hammeranatomy medicine sciencesmasculine
ToolshønaFaroesenounhen, chickenfeminine
ToolsolśnikPolishnounSynonym of strug (“plane”)business carpentry construction manufacturinginanimate masculine
ToolsolśnikPolishnounSynonym of strug (“plane”) / planing knife (knife for planing)business carpentry construction manufacturinginanimate masculine
ToolsolśnikPolishnounbark knife (knife for scraping tree bark)inanimate masculine
ToolsprzecinakPolishnounchisel (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal)inanimate masculine
ToolsprzecinakPolishnounlathe knife for cutting through barsinanimate masculine
ToolssercówkaPolishnouncockle (any bivalve of the genus Cerastoderma)feminine
ToolssercówkaPolishnounthimble (metal ring which a cable or rope intended for attaching to other things is looped around as a protection against chafing)feminine
ToolssercówkaPolishnounvariety of cherryfeminine
ToolssercówkaPolishnounshovel with a heart-shaped bladefeminine
ToolsλίμαGreeknounfile, rasp
ToolsλίμαGreeknounnail file, emery board
ToolsλίμαGreeknounSynonym of πείνα (peína), extreme hunger, gluttonycolloquial
ToolsсъдBulgariannounvessel (e.g. a ship or a boat)nautical transport
ToolsсъдBulgariannounvessel, container (for fluids)
ToolsсъдBulgariannounvessel (e.g. a blood vessel)biology natural-sciences
ToolsсъдBulgariannounlawcourt, court, court of law, court of justice
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounhorn, a hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounhorn, a hard substance, sometimes used by man as a material for making various objects
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounhorn, any of several wind instruments with one narrow end into which the musician blows
ToolsبوینوزOttoman Turkishnounshoehorn, a smooth tool that assists in putting the foot into a shoe, by sliding the heel
ToolsمهرهOttoman Turkishnounbead, any sort of globule made of stone or glass
ToolsمهرهOttoman Turkishnounshell of a mollusk or particularly the smaller kind thereof
ToolsمهرهOttoman Turkishnoungrinding shell or stone or other polishing instrument like even a plane
ToolsمهرهOttoman Turkishnounvertebra, any of the bony or cartilaginous segments which make up the backbone
ToolsمهرهOttoman Turkishnounarticular head, the rounded bone of a joint
ToolsمهرهOttoman Turkishnoundraught, checker, a game piece used in the game of draughts
TortureecúleoPortuguesenounrack (torture device)historical masculine
TortureecúleoPortuguesenountorment, torturefiguratively masculine
TouchstrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo stroke; to touch lightly: / To stroke a human; to grasp lovingly or affectionately.
TouchstrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo stroke; to touch lightly: / To stroke a pet or other animal.
TouchstrokenMiddle EnglishverbTo stroke; to touch lightly: / To feel an object; to move a hand over something.
TradingtradeEnglishnounBuying and selling of goods and services on a market.uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounA particular instance of buying or selling.countable
TradingtradeEnglishnounAn instance of bartering items in exchange for one another.countable
TradingtradeEnglishnounThose who perform a particular kind of skilled work.countable
TradingtradeEnglishnounThose engaged in an industry or group of related industries.countable
TradingtradeEnglishnounThe skilled practice of a practical occupation.countable
TradingtradeEnglishnounAn occupation in the secondary sector, as opposed to an agricultural, professional or military one.countable uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounThe business given to a commercial establishment by its customers.UK uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounSteady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator.countable in-plural uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounA publication intended for participants in an industry or related group of industries.countable uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounA masculine man available for casual sex with men, often for pay. (Compare rough trade.)LGBTslang uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounInstruments of any occupation.obsolete uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounRefuse or rubbish from a miningcountable uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounA track or trail; a way; a path; passage.countable obsolete uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishnounCourse; custom; practice; occupation.countable obsolete uncountable
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo engage in trade.intransitive transitive
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo be traded at a certain price or under certain financecopulative intransitive
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo give (something) in exchange (for).transitive
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo mutually exchange (something) (with).transitive
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo use or exploit a particular aspect, such as a name, reputation, or image, to gain advantage or benefit.transitive with-on
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo give someone a plant and receive a different one in return.agriculture business horticulture lifestyleintransitive transitive
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood.intransitive transitive
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo have dealings; to be concerned or associated (with).intransitive
TradingtradeEnglishverbTo recommend and get recommendations.transitive
TradingtradeEnglishadjOf a product, produced for sale in the ordinary bulk retail trade and hence of only the most basic quality.not-comparable
TransportтрамвайKazakhnountram, tramwayAustralia UK
TransportтрамвайKazakhnounstreetcar, trolley, trolley car, light railCanada US
TraveljunketEnglishnounA basket.obsolete
TraveljunketEnglishnounA type of cream cheese, originally made in a rush basket; later, a food made of sweetened curds.
TraveljunketEnglishnounA delicacy.obsolete
TraveljunketEnglishnounA feast or banquet.
TraveljunketEnglishnounA pleasure-trip; a journey made for feasting or enjoyment, now especially a trip made ostensibly for business but which entails merrymaking or entertainment.
TraveljunketEnglishnounA press junket.
TraveljunketEnglishnounA gaming room for which the capacity and limits change daily, often rented out to private vendors who run tour groups through them and give a portion of the proceeds to the main casino.gambling games
TraveljunketEnglishverbTo attend a junket; to feast.dated intransitive
TraveljunketEnglishverbTo go on a junket; to travel.intransitive
TraveljunketEnglishverbTo regale or entertain with a feast.transitive
TravelobeoLatinverbto go towards, go to meet
TravelobeoLatinverbto arrive at, reach, come to
TravelobeoLatinverbto undertake a task, take charge of, take part in
TravelobeoLatinverbto traverse, travel over, travel through
TravelobeoLatinverbto setastronomy natural-sciences
TravelobeoLatinverbto fall, perish, pass away, die (mortem or diem obeo)figuratively
TravelobeoLatinverbto survey, look overfiguratively
TravelstaycationEnglishnounA vacation spent at or close to home. / A vacation spent at one's own home without other overnight accommodation.informal
TravelstaycationEnglishnounA vacation spent at or close to home. / A holiday spent in one's own country without travelling abroad.British Ireland informal
TravelstaycationEnglishnounA vacation spent at or close to home.informal
TravelstaycationEnglishverbTo spend a vacation at or close to home. / To take a holiday in one's own country as opposed to travelling abroad.British Ireland informal intransitive
TravelstaycationEnglishverbTo spend a vacation at or close to home. / To spend a vacation at one's own home without other overnight accommodation.US informal intransitive
TravelstaycationEnglishverbTo spend a vacation at or close to home.informal intransitive
TreesbansalagonCebuanonounbansalaguin tree (Mimusops parvifolia, now Mimusops elengi or Manilkara spp.)
TreesbansalagonCebuanonounfruit of this tree
TreesbansalagonCebuanonounwood from this tree
TreesbonsaiEnglishnounA tree or plant that has been miniaturized by planting it in a small pot, restricting its roots, and by careful pruning.countable
TreesbonsaiEnglishnounThe art of planting and growing trees or plants in such a manner.uncountable
TreesbonsaiEnglishverbTo make into a bonsai by restricting the roots and pruning.transitive
TreesbonsaiEnglishintjMisspelling of banzai.alt-of misspelling
TreesbrostaCatalannounsprout, shootfeminine
TreesbrostaCatalannounShoots, twigs, small branches, etc.collective feminine
TreesbrostaCatalannounfoliagecollective feminine
TreesbrostaCatalanverbinflection of brostar: / third-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present singular third-person
TreesbrostaCatalanverbinflection of brostar: / second-person singular imperativeform-of imperative second-person singular
TreesbrzózkaPolishnoundiminutive of brzozadiminutive feminine form-of
TreesbrzózkaPolishnoundiminutive of brzoza / Synonym of brzozafeminine
TreesfeniksPolishnounphoenix (mythological bird, said to be the only one of its kind, which lives for 500 years and then dies by burning to ashes on a pyre of its own making, ignited by the sun; it then arises anew from the ashes)human-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek animal-not-person masculine
TreesfeniksPolishnounPhoenix (German breed of long-tailed chicken)animal-not-person masculine
TreesfeniksPolishnoundate palm (any tree of the genus Phoenix)animal-not-person masculine
TreesfeniksPolishnounphoenix (Greek silver coin used briefly from 1828 to 1832, divided into 100 lepta)historical inanimate masculine
TurtlesgalanganCebuanonounthe leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
TurtlesgalanganCebuanonouna variety of carambola tree that bears small fruits
TurtlesgalanganCebuanonounthe fruit of this tree
Twenty二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20
Twenty二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20
Twenty二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20obsolete
Twenty二十Japanesenumtwenty; 20
TwopaarDutchnounpair, coupleneuter
TwopaarDutchnouna few, a couple, someneuter
TwopaarDutchverbinflection of paren: / first-person singular present indicativefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
TwopaarDutchverbinflection of paren: / second-person singular present indicativeform-of indicative present second-person singular
TwopaarDutchverbinflection of paren: / imperativeform-of imperative
Typographystrike outEnglishverbTo lash out; to strike or hit at someone or something, particularly something in arm's length of the striker and at or near the level of the striker's head.intransitive often
Typographystrike outEnglishverbTo strongly criticize or make a verbal attack, particularly as a response to previous criticism or provocation.figuratively
Typographystrike outEnglishverbTo draw a line through some text such as a printed or written sentence, with the purpose of deleting that text from the rest of the document.
Typographystrike outEnglishverbto treat something as settledlawfiguratively
Typographystrike outEnglishverbOf a batter, to be retired after three strikes (missed swings, as opposed to any other way of becoming "out"); of a pitcher, to cause this to happen to the batter.ball-games baseball games hobbies lifestyle softball sportsergative
Typographystrike outEnglishverbTo fail; to be refused a request or to have a proposal not be accepted, in particular a request for a (hopefully romantic) date.colloquial figuratively intransitive
Typographystrike outEnglishverbTo begin to make one's way.
Underwearquần sịpVietnamesenounbriefs
Underwearquần sịpVietnamesenounpanties
UnderwearграцияRussiannoungrace, gracefulness
UnderwearграцияRussiannounlong-line bra, corselet
UnderwearграцияRussiannounGracehuman-sciences mysticism mythology philosophy sciencesGreek
United Statescatch and releaseEnglishnounA variety of angling where the fish are released after capture, as a conservation hobbies lifestyleuncountable
United Statescatch and releaseEnglishnounThe immigration policy of releasing illegal immigrants while they await a hearing, rather than detaining them.uncountable
United Statescatch and releaseEnglishnounThe practice of a patent holding company buying a patent, offering a license to its members, and then selling or donating the patent after a certain period.lawuncountable
United Statescatch and releaseEnglishnounThe practice by police of apprehending someone but then letting them go without making an arrest.uncountable
United Statescatch and releaseEnglishnounThe practice of replacing artifacts in their original location after examining and cataloguing them.archaeology history human-sciences sciencesuncountable
United StatesjardaPortuguesenounEnglish or American yardfeminine
United StatesjardaPortuguesenounAlternative form of járdia (“heathland”)alt-of alternative feminine regional
United StatesjardaPortuguesenounanabolic steroidPortugal feminine slang
United StatesjardaPortuguesenounA cosmetic procedure consisting in an injection of intramuscular injections on the buttocks in order to have big hips.Angola feminine slang
Units of measurepondAfrikaansnounpound (currency)
Units of measurepondAfrikaansnounpound (unit of weight)
Units of measure光年Japanesenouna light yearastronomy natural-sciences
Units of measure光年Japanesecounterlight yearastronomy natural-sciences
UrsidsmisiekPolishnounbearanimal-not-person colloquial masculine
UrsidsmisiekPolishnounteddy bearanimal-not-person masculine
UrsidsmisiekPolishnouncopanimal-not-person masculine slang
UrsidsmisiekPolishnountraffic policeanimal-not-person humorous in-plural masculine slang
VegetablesdumaHausanouncalabash, gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)
VegetablesdumaHausaverbTo put one's mouth deeply into something
VegetablesdumaHausaverbTo strike a person with somethingwith-indirect-object
VegetablesgräslökSwedishnounchive / chivescommon-gender
VegetablesmíllaraGaliciannounmillet fieldarchaic feminine
VegetablesmíllaraGaliciannounroefeminine in-plural
VegetablesnopalSpanishnounnopal (plant)masculine
VegetablesnopalSpanishnounnopal (vegetable, nopal plant pads)masculine
VegetablesocaPortuguesenouna Native American hut, especially one made from plant material such as bamboo, tree trunks, straw and palm leavesfeminine
VegetablesocaPortuguesenouncavity (excavated hollow)feminine
VegetablesocaPortugueseadjfeminine singular of ocofeminine form-of singular
VegetablesocaPortuguesenounAlternative form of ocra (“ochre clay”)alt-of alternative colloquial dated feminine
VegetablesocaPortuguesenounoca (Oxalis tuberosa, a plant grown for its edible tuber)feminine
VegetablesocaPortuguesenounoka (Ottoman unit of weight)feminine historical rare
VehiclesmentőHungarianverbpresent participle of mentform-of participle present
VehiclesmentőHungarianadjrescuingnot-comparable usually
VehiclesmentőHungariannounambulance (emergency vehicle)colloquial
Vehiclessin binEnglishnounAn area where players are temporarily confined while suspended from play following an infringement of the rules of the game.hobbies lifestyle sports
Vehiclessin binEnglishnounA place for transgressors, a limbo; a place of confinement or self-isolation after (or in order to avert) transgressions; a state of disgrace.figuratively
Vehiclessin binEnglishnounA referral unit or special class for frequent truants.educationUK colloquial
Vehiclessin binEnglishnounSynonym of fuck truck: A panel van with a mattress in the back.Australia US colloquial
Vehiclessin binEnglishverbto send a player off temporarily following an infringement of a rule in a gamehobbies lifestyle sports
VehicleswōzSilesiannounwagon, cart (four-wheeled vehicle typically drawn by a horse)inanimate masculine
VehicleswōzSilesiannouncart, wagon; wagonful, cartful (amount carried by a wagon)inanimate masculine
VehiclesкочPannonian Rusynnouncart, carriage, coach, wagoninanimate masculine
VehiclesкочPannonian Rusynnouncar, automobilecolloquial inanimate masculine rare
Vehicles火車頭Chinesenountrain engine; locomotive
Vehicles火車頭Chinesenountrain stationTaiwanese-Hokkien
Vehicles火車頭Chinesenounone who smokes while walking on the streetsHong-Kong Macau figuratively neologism
Vehicles火車頭ChinesenounHKSAR passportCantonese Hong-Kong slang
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnameThe capital city of the Philippines; regional capital of Metro Manila, in the island of Luzon.
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnameMetro Manila, the National Capital Region (NCR).broadly
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnameThe national government or administrative authority of the Philippines.figuratively
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnameA small town, the county seat of Daggett County, Utah, United States.
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnameA census-designated place in Humboldt County, California, United States.
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnameA city in Mississippi County, Arkansas, United States
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnounVenerupis philippinarum; a Pacific clam.
Venerida order mollusksManilaEnglishnounAlternative form of manila (“kind of cheroot”)alt-of alternative
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe National Assembly (name of the national legislatures or legislative houses of several countries, such as France's lower house)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe Supreme Assembly (Uzbekistan's bicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (East Timor's unicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe People's Majlis (Maldives's unicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe Council of Representatives (Iraq's unicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe Parliament (Lebanon's and Ghana's unicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe National Congress (Honduras's unicameral legislature; Argentina's, Chile's and Palau's bicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe National Parliament (Solomon Islands' unicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe National Legislature (South Sudan's bicameral legislature)
Venezuela国民議会Japanesenamethe National Council (Austria's and Switzerland lower house)
VesselsKrugGermannounjugmasculine strong
VesselsKrugGermannounpub; barNorthern-Germany dated masculine regional strong
VesselsurnaLatinnounurn, a moderately sized vessel for drawing waterdeclension-1 feminine
VesselsurnaLatinnounballot box, particularly the urns used in gathering Roman ballots under the Republicdeclension-1 feminine historical
VesselsurnaLatinnounurn, a moderately sized vessel used to store the ashes of the cremated deaddeclension-1 feminine
VesselsurnaLatinnounbank, coin jar, a jar or urn used to store moneydeclension-1 feminine
VesselsurnaLatinnounurna, a Roman unit of liquid measure equivalent to about 13 Ldeclension-1 feminine historical
Video gamesgamePortuguesenounelectronic game (game played on an electronic device, such as a computer game, a video game or the like)Brazil masculine
Video gamesgamePortugueseverbinflection of gamar: / first/third-person singular present subjunctivefirst-person form-of present singular subjunctive third-person
Video gamesgamePortugueseverbinflection of gamar: / third-person singular imperativeform-of imperative singular third-person
VillagesMarttilaFinnishnamea Finnish surname transferred from the given name
VillagesMarttilaFinnishnameA municipality in western Finland.
VillagesMarttilaFinnishnameAny of a number of small places in Finland.
VillagesMarttilaFinnishnameA quarter of Helsinki
ViolencepobijaćPolishverbto beat upimperfective transitive
ViolencepobijaćPolishverbto defeatimperfective transitive
ViolencepobijaćPolishverbto beat or hit repeatedlyimperfective transitive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto cut out, to excise (to remove by cutting)perfective transitive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto indent, to notch (to cut a notch in)perfective transitive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto slay (to kill, murder)colloquial perfective transitive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto cutperfective reflexive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto slay each othercolloquial perfective reflexive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto hit [with dative] (to administer a blow to)colloquial dialectal perfective transitive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto bump against, hit (to come into contact with forcefully and suddenly)colloquial perfective transitive
ViolencewyrżnąćPolishverbto spill (to fall over)colloquial perfective reflexive
Viral diseaseszastrzałPolishnounwhitlow, felon (infection near or under the cuticle of a fingernail or toenail)inanimate masculine
Viral diseaseszastrzałPolishnounstirrup, strut (diagonally attached longitudinal element, such as a wooden beam or metal bar, used to strengthen a structure)business construction manufacturinginanimate masculine
Viral diseaseszastrzałPolishnounbracing, strut (additional structural member which stiffens the functional airframe to give it rigidity and strength under load)aeronautics aerospace business engineering natural-sciences physical-sciencesinanimate masculine
WarguerrillaEnglishnounA soldier in a small independent group, fighting against the government or regular forces by surprise raids.
WarguerrillaEnglishnounA non-official war carried out by small independent groups; a guerrilla war.archaic
WarguerrillaEnglishadjRelating to, using, or typical of guerrilla warfare, or its principles of small independent or non-official perpetrators.government military politics war
WarguerrillaEnglishadjRelating to, using, or typical of guerrilla marketing
WarguerrillaEnglishadjUsing unconventional, non-traditional, non-mainstream and often subversive practices to achieve something.
WartoilenMiddle EnglishverbTo fight, war, attack; to participate in a conflict.
WartoilenMiddle EnglishverbTo enter into a legal case; to debate or promote a view.
WartoilenMiddle EnglishverbTo toil, exert oneself; to perform agricultural work.
WartoilenMiddle EnglishverbTo drag, draw; to forcibly move towards oneself.
WartoilenMiddle EnglishverbTo combine the components of a food lifestyle
WartoilenMiddle EnglishverbTo promote anguish or distraughtness; to taunt or bully.rare
Warzimna wojnaPolishnouncold war (period of hostile relations)government politicsfeminine idiomatic
Warzimna wojnaPolishnameCold War (period of hostility short of open war between the Soviet Bloc and the Western powers, especially the United States, 1945–1991)feminine historical
WarshipsфрегатаBulgariannounfrigate (type of warship)
WarshipsфрегатаBulgariannounfrigatebird (seabird of family Fregatidae)
WaterdehydrateEnglishverbTo remove water from; to dry up.transitive
WaterdehydrateEnglishverbTo lose water from one's body; to become dehydrated.intransitive
WatercraftbangkaTagalognounboat; canoe (especially a native sailless boat)
WatercraftbangkaTagalognounbanker in a gambling gamecolloquial
WatercraftbangkaTagalognounbankergambling games
WatercraftபரிசுTamilnoungift, donation, present
WatercraftபரிசுTamilnounquality, nature, property
WatercraftபரிசுTamilnounmanner, way, method, mode, fashion
WatercraftபரிசுTamilnounorder, rule
WatercraftபரிசுTamilnounhonor, dignity
WatercraftபரிசுTamilnouncoracle, a wicker boat used to cross rivers
WeaponsneedlerEnglishnounAgent noun of needle; one who needles; an annoyer.agent form-of
WeaponsneedlerEnglishnounOne who makes or uses needles.
WeaponsneedlerEnglishnounA dealer in needles.
WeaponsneedlerEnglishnounA gun that fires needles or darts.literature media publishing science-fiction
WeaponsogivaItaliannounpointed archfeminine
WeaponsogivaItaliannounnose cone or warhead (of a missile)feminine
WeaponsլախտMiddle Armeniannounclub, mace
WeaponsլախտMiddle Armeniannounwhip, scourge
WeatherpancadaPortuguesenounblow; strikefeminine
WeatherpancadaPortuguesenounsudden rainBrazil feminine
WeatherskyMiddle EnglishnounThe atmosphere or sky; that which lies above the ground.
WeatherskyMiddle EnglishnounA cloud or mist (mass of water droplets).
WeatherskyMiddle EnglishnounA certain layout or part of the sky.astronomy natural-sciencesrare
WeatherskyMiddle EnglishnounClouds in urine.medicine physiology sciencesrare
WeathersólIcelandicnounthe sun (star which illuminates one side of the Earth)feminine
WeathersólIcelandicnounsun (applied to any star or used metaphorically)feminine
WeatherтемператураRussiannounfever (about disease)
WeavingsubbioItaliannounwarp beammasculine
WeavingsubbioItaliannouna cylindrical drum in various machinesmasculine
WeavingsubbioItalianverbfirst-person singular present indicative of subbiarefirst-person form-of indicative present singular
WeavingtelaioItaliannounloom, frame (frame in which to weave)masculine
WeavingtelaioItaliannounframe (structural element of a constructed object)masculine
WeavingtelaioItaliannounchassis, frame (the base frame of a motor vehicle)masculine
WeavingtelaioItaliannouncomputer casemasculine
WhalesbaleenEnglishnounThe keratinous material that makes up the plates in the mouth of the baleen whale, Mysticeti, which it uses to trap its food; formerly used in corsetry.medicine physiology sciencesuncountable
WhalesbaleenEnglishnounA baleen whale.biology natural-sciences zoologycountable
WhalesbaleenEnglishnounA whale or other large fish.countable obsolete uncountable
WindtailwindEnglishnounA wind that blows in the same direction as the course taken by an aircraft, sailing ship, bird, etc.natural-sciences nautical physical-sciences physics transport
WindtailwindEnglishnounA force that accelerates progress.broadly figuratively
WindtailwindEnglishverbOf a wind, to blow on a windmill or wind turbine in such a way that wind pressure is exerted on the wrong side of the sail or turbine assembly.
WinepomaceEnglishnounThe pulp or pulplike matter remaining from a substance pressed to extract its juice or oil. / Such residue from apples used in the process of cidermaking; also, a mass of crushed apples before the juice is pressed out.countable uncountable
WinepomaceEnglishnounThe pulp or pulplike matter remaining from a substance pressed to extract its juice or oil. / Such residue from grapes used in winemaking.countable uncountable
WinepomaceEnglishnounThe pulp or pulplike matter remaining from a substance pressed to extract its juice or oil. / Such residue (especially castor bean cake or fish scrap) used as fertilizer.countable historical uncountable
WinepomaceEnglishnounSynonym of pulp (“a soft, moist mass formed by mashing something”)UK archaic countable regional uncountable
WinepomaceEnglishnounSheep offal.broadly countable obsolete uncountable
WineجلفArabicnounan empty wine jar, a leer cask
WineجلفArabicnounlout, rude person or object, yokel, churlish bloke, something or someone rough, coarse, or rude in disposition (for example an amount of dry bread)
WineجلفArabicverbto be coarse, to be rude in disposition
WineجلفArabicverbto strip, to pare, to peel, to husk, to pull, to pluck
WineجلفArabicnounverbal noun of جَلَفَ (jalafa) (form I)form-of noun-from-verb
WinesPinot NoirEnglishnounA black grape used to make wine.
WinesPinot NoirEnglishnounA light and fruity wine made from these grapes
WoodsgropCatalannounknot (in wood)masculine
WoodsgropCatalannounstorm cloudmasculine
WoodsgropCatalannoundifficult situation, fixfiguratively masculine
WormsčerwUpper Sorbiannounwormbiology natural-sciences zoologyanimal-not-person masculine
WormsčerwUpper Sorbiannounmaggot (embryo that becomes free, normally abandoning the egg shells or the parent organism)biology natural-sciences zoologyanimal-not-person masculine
WormsčerwUpper Sorbianverbsecond/third-person singular imperative of čerwićbiology natural-sciences zoologyform-of imperative second-person singular third-person
Writing行文Chineseverbto write; to compose; to put pen to paper
Writing行文Chineseverbto send an official document (of a government office)
Writing行文Chinesenounstyle or manner of writing
Writing instrumentshighlighterEnglishnounA marker pen used to highlight text.
Writing instrumentshighlighterEnglishnounA cosmetic product that reflects light, used to emphasize the contours of the face etc.
Writing instrumentshighlighterEnglishnounThat which highlights or emphasizes something.
Yellowsgolden-yellowEnglishnounA bright deep yellow colour.
Yellowsgolden-yellowEnglishadjof a golden-yellow colour
Yellows黄蘗JapanesenounAmur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense)
Yellows黄蘗JapanesenounShort for 黄蘗色 (“bright yellow”).abbreviation alt-of
Yellows黄蘗JapanesenounAmur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense)
Yellows黄蘗JapanesenounAmur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense)
Yellows黄蘗Japanesenounan extract of the bark of the Amur cork tree, used for its brilliant yellow colour as a dye and in traditional Chinese medicine
Yellows黄蘗JapanesenounAlternative spelling of 黄檗 (“Ōbaku sect of Zen Buddhism”)alt-of alternative
ZoologysvømmefotNorwegian Bokmålnouna webbed foot (of a swimming bird or other aquatic animal)masculine plural regional
ZoologysvømmefotNorwegian Bokmålnouna flipper (attachment worn on the foot, used for underwater swimming)masculine plural regional
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratinameMiddle Persian
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratinamePahlavi (a writing system used to write several Iranian languages.)
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratinameA non Indo-Aryan language such as Santali.
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratinameThe variety of Gujarati spoken by the Parsis in India.
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratiadjOf, or pertaining to, the Zoroastrian community of the Indian subcontinentindeclinable
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratiadjOf, from, or pertaining to Persia, its people or the languagehistorical indeclinable
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratinounParsi (a member of an Indian Zoroastrian community)
ZoroastrianismપારસીGujaratinounPersian (a person from Persia)historical

This page is a part of the machine-readable Burmese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-01-25 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-01-20 using wiktextract (c15a5ce and 5c11237). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.