Chinese Wiktionary data extraction errors and warnings

Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags

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Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺'

鬻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鬻

養 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 養

麴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 麴

黮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 黮

髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮

po (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: po

口袋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 口袋

眼睛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 眼睛

的士 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 的士

海獺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 海獺

一期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 一期

挨拶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 挨拶

意識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 意識

精神 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 精神

消息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 消息

頭髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 頭髮

叔母 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 叔母

叔父 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 叔父

夕陽西下 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 夕陽西下

關係企業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 關係企業

工作坊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 工作坊

不打不相識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不打不相識

不打不成相識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不打不成相識

不自由毋寧死 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不自由毋寧死

不堪一擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不堪一擊

不識廬山真面目 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不識廬山真面目

天行健,君子以自強不息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 天行健,君子以自強不息

喜歡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 喜歡

日出而作,日入而息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 日出而作,日入而息

女人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 女人

知識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 知識

猛獁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 猛獁

屈辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 屈辱

馴鹿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 馴鹿

星期五 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期五

星期四 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期四

星期一 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期一

星期六 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期六

星期二 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期二

星期三 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期三

星期天 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期天

星期日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期日

強制 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 強制

物質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 物質

企鵝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 企鵝

蝸牛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蝸牛

弄巧成拙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 弄巧成拙

薔薇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 薔薇

咄咄逼人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 咄咄逼人

波濤洶湧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 波濤洶湧

酪梨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 酪梨

衣冠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 衣冠

食之無味,棄之可惜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 食之無味,棄之可惜

唐氏綜合症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 唐氏綜合症

垃圾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 垃圾

高畫質電視 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 高畫質電視

埠頭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 埠頭

連署 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 連署

惺惺相惜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 惺惺相惜

朝聞道,夕死可矣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朝聞道,夕死可矣

絮聒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 絮聒

債臺高築 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 債臺高築

溫煦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 溫煦

綜藝節目 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜藝節目

綜合擴大機 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜合擴大機

戰績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 戰績

雞皮鶴髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 雞皮鶴髮

突然 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突然

南轅北轍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 南轅北轍

剽竊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剽竊

成績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 成績

驚蟄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 驚蟄

中期英語 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 中期英語

星期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期

椰子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰子

研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究

菌類 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 菌類

赤褐色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 赤褐色

帆立貝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 帆立貝

侮辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 侮辱

蒸餾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蒸餾

結果 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 結果

質問 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 質問

橈骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 橈骨

裡邊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 裡邊

令狐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 令狐

去角質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 去角質

期待 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期待

半衰期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 半衰期

骨質疏鬆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 骨質疏鬆

密密麻麻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 密密麻麻

如出一轍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 如出一轍

棲息地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 棲息地

削足適履 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 削足適履

肋骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 肋骨

椰棗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰棗

延期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 延期

髮辮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮辮

卡紙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 卡紙

追根究底 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 追根究底

尋根究底 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 尋根究底

窮根究底 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 窮根究底

白髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 白髮

朋比 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朋比

朋比為奸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朋比為奸

約期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 約期

可惜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 可惜

頗有 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 頗有

馬匹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 馬匹

披髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 披髮

賞勞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 賞勞

偉績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 偉績

頓息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 頓息

乳酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乳酪

賞賜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 賞賜

綁縛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綁縛

不惜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不惜

藩妃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 藩妃

殺伐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 殺伐

讀書識字 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 讀書識字

洪爐燎髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 洪爐燎髮

鼓洪爐燎毛髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鼓洪爐燎毛髮

毛髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 毛髮

護從 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 護從

脅從 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 脅從

突火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突火

冒煙突火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 冒煙突火

露水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 露水

乾酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乾酪

漲跌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 漲跌

打擊樂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 打擊樂

凸顯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 凸顯

打擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 打擊

馳驟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 馳驟

束髮金冠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 束髮金冠

束髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 束髮

按期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 按期

椰胡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰胡

曳光彈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 曳光彈

川芎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 川芎

打擊樂器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 打擊樂器

息子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 息子

北美馴鹿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 北美馴鹿

髮膠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮膠

伽倻琴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 伽倻琴

羊肚菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 羊肚菌

寧為太平犬,不做亂世人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寧為太平犬,不做亂世人

苯丙胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 苯丙胺

甲基苯丙胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 甲基苯丙胺

顫音琴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 顫音琴

訊息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 訊息

署名 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 署名

中小企業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 中小企業

嵌入 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嵌入

剖剮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剖剮

期間 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期間

嵌飾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嵌飾

假期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 假期

除夕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 除夕

寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我

辱罵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 辱罵

築臺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 築臺

應允 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 應允

天台 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 天台

突圍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突圍

信息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 信息

識認 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 識認

息怒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 息怒

朝鮮族 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朝鮮族

乾期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乾期

髮菜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮菜

沙門氏菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 沙門氏菌

敗績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 敗績

玳瑁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 玳瑁

崤函 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崤函

懸崖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 懸崖

混淆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 混淆

預期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 預期

溝壑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 溝壑

傍晚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 傍晚

病菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 病菌

質變 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 質變

差點兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 差點兒

長期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 長期

差點 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 差點

比鄰 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 比鄰

削弱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 削弱

優質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 優質

分期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 分期

寬敞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寬敞

天秤座 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 天秤座

各奔前程 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 各奔前程

川流不息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 川流不息

蹣跚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蹣跚

衣錦還鄉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 衣錦還鄉

鶴髮童顏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鶴髮童顏

冷嘲熱諷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 冷嘲熱諷

椰汁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰汁

鼻息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鼻息

匹馬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 匹馬

不期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不期

驟馬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 驟馬

衝突 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 衝突

左衝右突 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 左衝右突

花期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 花期

早聞道,夕死可矣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 早聞道,夕死可矣

安息香 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 安息香

拙計 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 拙計

意識形態 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 意識形態

甲基磺酰胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 甲基磺酰胺

盛貯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 盛貯

拳擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 拳擊

嵌造 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嵌造

束髮冠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 束髮冠

相期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 相期

忍辱偷生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 忍辱偷生

忍辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 忍辱

跌足 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 跌足

臨期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 臨期

天賜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 天賜

肉顫心驚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 肉顫心驚

師叔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 師叔

抄擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 抄擊

女婿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 女婿

賜爵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 賜爵

寂寞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寂寞

徵聘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 徵聘

巍然 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 巍然

瑯琊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 瑯琊

粳米 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 粳米

黃柏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 黃柏

剖割 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剖割

品行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 品行

品質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 品質

識面 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 識面

勞軍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 勞軍

虛無縹緲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 虛無縹緲

譏諷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 譏諷

鬚髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鬚髮

丙烯醯胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 丙烯醯胺

朝夕難保 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朝夕難保

朝夕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朝夕

學期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 學期

變質岩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 變質岩

期日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期日

咖喱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 咖喱

蒙古 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蒙古

跌打丸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 跌打丸

跌打活血散 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 跌打活血散

外蒙古 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 外蒙古

褐色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 褐色

古希臘式搏擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 古希臘式搏擊

舞蹈家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 舞蹈家

舞蹈設計 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 舞蹈設計

旱獺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 旱獺

教學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 教學

寧可 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寧可

內蒙古 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 內蒙古

研究生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究生

錫塔琴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錫塔琴

喘息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 喘息

翻譯研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 翻譯研究

γ粒子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: γ粒子

老撾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 老撾

反物質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 反物質

業績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 業績

國營企業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 國營企業

國企 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 國企

剝削 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剝削

保質保量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 保質保量

搏擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 搏擊

招聘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 招聘

蛋白質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蛋白質

種子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 種子

短期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 短期

膠質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 膠質

暫時 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暫時

凹凸有致 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 凹凸有致

凹凸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 凹凸

少林風濕跌打膏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 少林風濕跌打膏

日期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 日期

諷刺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 諷刺

企圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 企圖

理髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 理髮

叔叔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 叔叔

建築學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築學

研究者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究者

建築物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築物

研究所 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究所

樸素 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 樸素

塞內加爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 塞內加爾

突尼斯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突尼斯

建築 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築

噱頭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 噱頭

儲藏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲藏

斯洛伐克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 斯洛伐克

削減 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 削減

人體解剖學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 人體解剖學

下意識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 下意識

媒質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 媒質

球菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 球菌

內蒙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 內蒙

紅茶菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 紅茶菌

簽署 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 簽署

滅跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 滅跡

髮帶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮帶

晚期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 晚期

研究生院 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究生院

恥辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 恥辱

究明 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 究明

解剖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 解剖

追究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 追究

德行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 德行

聲東擊西 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 聲東擊西

暫且 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暫且

少息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 少息

君辱臣死 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 君辱臣死

心怯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 心怯

勞苦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 勞苦

音質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 音質

固執 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 固執

諧謔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 諧謔

度量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 度量

朝覲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朝覲

究竟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 究竟

怯弱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 怯弱

自戕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 自戕

枯萎 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 枯萎

抗菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 抗菌

酪農 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 酪農

綜合 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜合

古細菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 古細菌

期限 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期限

同期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 同期

芥藍菜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 芥藍菜

信行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 信行

番芫荽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 番芫荽

芫荽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 芫荽

削除 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 削除

強行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 強行

掙錢 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 掙錢

七夕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 七夕

束縛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 束縛

帆布 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 帆布

奶酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 奶酪

傴僂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 傴僂

中期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 中期

嘆惋 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嘆惋

黃髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 黃髮

連載 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 連載

相識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 相識

和氣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 和氣

阿賴耶識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 阿賴耶識

瘦削 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 瘦削

姨父 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 姨父

姑父 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 姑父

跡象 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 跡象

黃褐色 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 黃褐色

更年期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 更年期

髮型 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮型

襲擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 襲擊

古樸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 古樸

構築 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 構築

無意識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 無意識

利息率 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 利息率

耽誤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 耽誤

暫定 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暫定

供述 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 供述

反正 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 反正

暫停 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暫停

貯蓄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 貯蓄

惜別 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 惜別

錫杖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錫杖

擊敗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 擊敗

聘請 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 聘請

結實 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 結實

鶴髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鶴髮

童顏鶴髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 童顏鶴髮

花椰菜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 花椰菜

步驟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 步驟

射擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 射擊

蹤跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蹤跡

剖宮產 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剖宮產

剖腹產 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剖腹產

早期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 早期

阻擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 阻擊

記載 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 記載

凌辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 凌辱

期望 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期望

探究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 探究

貯水池 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 貯水池

突進 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突進

屈辱感 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 屈辱感

期末 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期末

痕跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 痕跡

驀地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 驀地

膽怯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 膽怯

地殼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 地殼

突破 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突破

欺負 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 欺負

物質條件 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 物質條件

子息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 子息

帆柱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 帆柱

禁不住 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 禁不住

乾坤一擲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乾坤一擲

一朝一夕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 一朝一夕

殺菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 殺菌

跡地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 跡地

致癌物質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 致癌物質

安息日 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 安息日

航跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 航跡

孤注一擲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 孤注一擲

難為 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 難為

顫抖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 顫抖

假髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 假髮

顫動 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 顫動

突擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突擊

綜合徵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜合徵

修築 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 修築

綜合症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜合症

鳥叔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鳥叔

狙擊槍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 狙擊槍

狙擊手 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 狙擊手

狙擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 狙擊

游擊手 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 游擊手

桿菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 桿菌

理髮師 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 理髮師

青年期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 青年期

黴菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 黴菌

機靈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 機靈

期中 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期中

安息香酸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 安息香酸

佝僂病 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 佝僂病

非晶質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 非晶質

錯綜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錯綜

細胞質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 細胞質

潮汐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 潮汐

貞淑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 貞淑

姑息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 姑息

紡績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 紡績

辨識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 辨識

築城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 築城

征伐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 征伐

初期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 初期

定期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 定期

末期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 末期

㷟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 㷟

䎙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 䎙

䔺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 䔺

䴈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 䴈

任期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 任期

碳足跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 碳足跡

識別 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 識別

不定期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 不定期

討伐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 討伐

識破 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 識破

限期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 限期

踏實 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 踏實

出息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 出息

企業家 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 企業家

怯場 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 怯場

鼻息肉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鼻息肉

萎縮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 萎縮

熄滅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 熄滅

成績單 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 成績單

建築師 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築師

寂靜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寂靜

含糊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 含糊

怯懦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 怯懦

月經週期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 月經週期

古跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 古跡

衣原菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 衣原菌

抗菌素 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 抗菌素

利息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 利息

雨期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 雨期

期刊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期刊

笨拙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 笨拙

有效期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 有效期

成績表 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 成績表

搭理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 搭理

突變 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突變

逼供 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 逼供

嚴刑逼供 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嚴刑逼供

短暫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 短暫

風箏 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 風箏

租期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 租期

逾期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 逾期

前夕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 前夕

目擊者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 目擊者

羞怯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 羞怯

佝僂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 佝僂

信息技術 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 信息技術

冰河時期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 冰河時期

自取其辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 自取其辱

生命跡象 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 生命跡象

奇恥大辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 奇恥大辱

椰奶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰奶

椰子水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰子水

椰漿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰漿

椰子汁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰子汁

胺基酸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 胺基酸

睡眠呼吸暫停 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 睡眠呼吸暫停

研究院 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究院

蝲蛄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蝲蛄

奧林匹克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 奧林匹克

跌倒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 跌倒

暴風驟雨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暴風驟雨

綜述 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜述

變質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 變質

波濤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 波濤

念珠菌症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 念珠菌症

披衣菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 披衣菌

羞辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 羞辱

無懈可擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 無懈可擊

一帆風順 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 一帆風順

滅菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 滅菌

檳榔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 檳榔

殲擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 殲擊

幽期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 幽期

乾紅 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乾紅

皇儲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 皇儲

兆噸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 兆噸

三聚氰胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 三聚氰胺

窒息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 窒息

無期徒刑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 無期徒刑

疼惜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 疼惜

有期徒刑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 有期徒刑

皮揣子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 皮揣子

護髮素 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 護髮素

洗髮精 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 洗髮精

洗髮水 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 洗髮水

髮夾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮夾

馴服 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 馴服

地質學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 地質學

靜悄悄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 靜悄悄

樸質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 樸質

洗髮劑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 洗髮劑

安息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 安息

安息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 安息

理髮店 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 理髮店

名勝古跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 名勝古跡

卸載 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 卸載

研究員 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究員

剖白 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剖白

儲存 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲存

骨幹企業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 骨幹企業

農業綜合企業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 農業綜合企業

乙胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乙胺

金髮碧眼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 金髮碧眼

禿髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 禿髮

期望值 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期望值

週期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 週期

松濤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 松濤

預產期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 預產期

人身攻擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 人身攻擊

酰胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 酰胺

丙烯酰胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 丙烯酰胺

姊姊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 姊姊

高峰期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 高峰期

顫音 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 顫音

突厥人 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突厥人

反擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 反擊

突厥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突厥

髮卷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮卷

耽擱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 耽擱

垃圾食品 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 垃圾食品

賜給 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 賜給

突然間 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突然間

稀罕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 稀罕

星期幾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 星期幾

人工耳蝸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 人工耳蝸

耳蝸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 耳蝸

脫髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 脫髮

蝸居 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蝸居

斷崖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 斷崖

輩分 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 輩分

剖腹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剖腹

孕期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 孕期

敲擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 敲擊

經期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 經期

天台山 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 天台山

猛擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 猛擊

大叔控 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 大叔控

馴養 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 馴養

藩籬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 藩籬

質數 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 質數

燙髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 燙髮

妊娠期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 妊娠期

捷克斯洛伐克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 捷克斯洛伐克

惋惜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 惋惜

艴然 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 艴然

髮小兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮小兒

髮刷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮刷

髮小 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髮小

箱籠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 箱籠

東突 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 東突

東突厥斯坦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 東突厥斯坦

突厥斯坦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突厥斯坦

磨坊主 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 磨坊主

美髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 美髮

諷刺畫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 諷刺畫

垃圾桶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 垃圾桶

轟擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 轟擊

理髮員 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 理髮員

美髮師 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 美髮師

猞猁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 猞猁

擊破 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 擊破

頭期款 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 頭期款

同質化 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 同質化

朝鮮半島 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 朝鮮半島

丼物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 丼物

諷刺文 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 諷刺文

儲備 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲備

起火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 起火

籠罩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 籠罩

相中 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 相中

提攜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 提攜

剖析 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剖析

班期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 班期

信息庫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 信息庫

期房 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期房

過期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 過期

哪吒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 哪吒

垃圾鏟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 垃圾鏟

企業界 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 企業界

頗為 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 頗為

寧肯 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寧肯

魟魚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 魟魚

寧願 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寧願

攘夷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 攘夷

棗椰子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 棗椰子

闃寂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 闃寂

蓮蓬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蓮蓬

回擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 回擊

儲蓄賬戶 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲蓄賬戶

儲蓄銀行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲蓄銀行

計息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 計息

儲蓄互助社 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲蓄互助社

儲蓄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲蓄

儲蓄所 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 儲蓄所

嘲諷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嘲諷

安息茴香 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 安息茴香

聘用 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 聘用

解剖學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 解剖學

攻伐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 攻伐

蹴鞠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蹴鞠

五斂子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 五斂子

桀驁不馴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 桀驁不馴

息息相關 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 息息相關

溫突 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 溫突

台州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 台州

無錫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 無錫

抆淚 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 抆淚

捻熄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 捻熄

惋傷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 惋傷

挨罵 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 挨罵

挨打 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 挨打

挨餓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 挨餓

熄燈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 熄燈

僕從 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 僕從

巋巍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 巋巍

熄火器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 熄火器

熄火 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 熄火

草甘膦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 草甘膦

氧化膦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 氧化膦

厚樸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 厚樸

松菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 松菌

怒濤 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 怒濤

軌跡球 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 軌跡球

枳殼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 枳殼

志賀桿菌病 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 志賀桿菌病

嚴重急性呼吸道綜合症 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嚴重急性呼吸道綜合症

肉毒桿菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 肉毒桿菌

截止日期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 截止日期

到期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 到期

供狀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 供狀

膠原質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 膠原質

供詞 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 供詞

自供狀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 自供狀

供認 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 供認

蚌埠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蚌埠

廊坊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 廊坊

洗髮香波 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 洗髮香波

三藩市 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 三藩市

亳州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 亳州

洗髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 洗髮

削尖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 削尖

牛酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 牛酪

潮汐力 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 潮汐力

賜予 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 賜予

乾酪素 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乾酪素

研究局 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究局

研究會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究會

研究金 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 研究金

鷹擊長空 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鷹擊長空

穹蒼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 穹蒼

冰期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 冰期

冰河期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 冰河期

樹突 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 樹突

紊亂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 紊亂

踱步 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 踱步

鑲嵌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鑲嵌

似曾相識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 似曾相識

剽悍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剽悍

剽掠 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 剽掠

芎藭 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 芎藭

追緝 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 追緝

緝捕 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 緝捕

揣與 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 揣與

謔劇 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 謔劇

緝拿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 緝拿

掙揣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 掙揣

拈弄 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 拈弄

拈花惹草 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 拈花惹草

毋寧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 毋寧

長期服務假 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 長期服務假

懾息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 懾息

懾服 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 懾服

無期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 無期

突波保護器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突波保護器

震懾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 震懾

戲謔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 戲謔

優酪乳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 優酪乳

抗擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 抗擊

週期表 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 週期表

元素週期表 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 元素週期表

錫克教 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錫克教

錫克 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錫克

嵌頓 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嵌頓

內蒙古自治區 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 內蒙古自治區

期盼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 期盼

綜合報道 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜合報道

聘姑娘 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 聘姑娘

郵票研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 郵票研究

倒轉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 倒轉

寂寥 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 寂寥

生物質能 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 生物質能

文獻綜述 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 文獻綜述

樸實 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 樸實

恐怖襲擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 恐怖襲擊

生命週期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 生命週期

短髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 短髮

長髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 長髮

椰子樹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰子樹

芥藍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 芥藍

公噸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 公噸

噸位 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 噸位

突兀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突兀

績效管理 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 績效管理

姨夫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 姨夫

綠林 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綠林

出生日期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 出生日期

裝幀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 裝幀

匹茲堡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 匹茲堡

老年期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 老年期

頗爾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 頗爾

建築材料 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築材料

紙質版 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 紙質版

兒童早期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 兒童早期

縱隊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 縱隊

垃圾車 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 垃圾車

擊出 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 擊出

平息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 平息

悄悄話 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 悄悄話

建築工地 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築工地

金黃色葡萄球菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 金黃色葡萄球菌

今昔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 今昔

葡萄球菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 葡萄球菌

抨擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 抨擊

構築物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 構築物

錫礦 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錫礦

上星期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 上星期

椰油 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰油

椰子油 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰子油

性別研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 性別研究

思春期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 思春期

青春期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 青春期

兒童早期教育學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 兒童早期教育學

早期教育 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 早期教育

信息系統 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 信息系統

婦女研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 婦女研究

女性研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 女性研究

嬰兒期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 嬰兒期

大企業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 大企業

學前期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 學前期

文化研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 文化研究

大腸桿菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 大腸桿菌

尊王攘夷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 尊王攘夷

骨質密度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 骨質密度

關鍵績效指標 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 關鍵績效指標

息肉 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 息肉

暗諷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暗諷

真菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 真菌

口供 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 口供

筆供 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 筆供

招聘會 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 招聘會

萎靡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 萎靡

戕害 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 戕害

生是短暫死是永恆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 生是短暫死是永恆

企劃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 企劃

突觸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突觸

軸突 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 軸突

多巴胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 多巴胺

心搏驟停 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 心搏驟停

心臟驟停 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 心臟驟停

鮮乾酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鮮乾酪

農家乾酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 農家乾酪

鄉村奶酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鄉村奶酪

鬆軟乾酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鬆軟乾酪

白乾酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 白乾酪

有意識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 有意識

白軟乾酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 白軟乾酪

農家乳酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 農家乳酪

軟白乾酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 軟白乾酪

投擲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 投擲

浣熊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 浣熊

虛擲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 虛擲

拋擲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 拋擲

底邊研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 底邊研究

數碼足跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 數碼足跡

數字足跡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 數字足跡

披髮左衽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 披髮左衽

近期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 近期

房顫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 房顫

七夕節 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 七夕節

淳樸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 淳樸

攜手 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 攜手

化學性質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 化學性質

酸凝酪 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 酸凝酪

純樸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 純樸

生活質量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 生活質量

倒垃圾 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 倒垃圾

擊倒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 擊倒

聘任 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 聘任

酪乳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 酪乳

酪漿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 酪漿

全盛期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 全盛期

稚拙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 稚拙

風帆 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 風帆

攜帶者 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 攜帶者

浣滌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 浣滌

掙脫 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 掙脫

銑鋧 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 銑鋧

銑工 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 銑工

銑床 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 銑床

腳蹬子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 腳蹬子

銑刀 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 銑刀

蕃息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蕃息

單挑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 單挑

酪酸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 酪酸

終究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 終究

綠花椰菜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綠花椰菜

椰菜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰菜

經絕期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 經絕期

勛績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 勛績

阿姊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 阿姊

淑女 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 淑女

出擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 出擊

砍伐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 砍伐

大腦皮質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 大腦皮質

息女 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 息女

皮質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 皮質

賜福 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 賜福

恩賜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 恩賜

病原菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 病原菌

致病菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 致病菌

非物質文化遺產 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 非物質文化遺產

暗物質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暗物質

為期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 為期

搖曳 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 搖曳

唐突 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 唐突

綜合報導 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜合報導

縱波 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 縱波

蒙古高原 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 蒙古高原

外蒙 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 外蒙

信息量 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 信息量

驟停 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 驟停

信息安全 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 信息安全

分期付款 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 分期付款

追擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 追擊

潮汐學 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 潮汐學

化學物質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 化學物質

虛假意識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 虛假意識

會期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 會期

鬼蝠魟 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 鬼蝠魟

意識流 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 意識流

區域研究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 區域研究

牛丼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 牛丼

消停 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 消停

今非昔比 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 今非昔比

善行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 善行

氰化物 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 氰化物

國際日期變更線 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 國際日期變更線

痛惜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 痛惜

有機質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 有機質

小叔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 小叔

小叔子 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 小叔子

賢淑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 賢淑

乳酪漢堡 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乳酪漢堡

軀殼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 軀殼

礦物質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 礦物質

灰質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 灰質

白質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 白質

延邊朝鮮族自治州 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 延邊朝鮮族自治州

日喀則 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 日喀則

樹杈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 樹杈

笑容可掬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 笑容可掬

錯綜複雜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錯綜複雜

存儲器 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 存儲器

存儲 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 存儲

錫林浩特 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 錫林浩特

擊斃 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 擊斃

質難 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 質難

應許 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 應許

全息 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 全息

全息圖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 全息圖

建築群 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築群

建築業 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 建築業

核心期刊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 核心期刊

自我意識 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 自我意識

突如其來 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 突如其來

預期壽命 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 預期壽命

老馬識途 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 老馬識途

婚期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 婚期

推究 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 推究

車轍 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 車轍

築路 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 築路

念珠菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 念珠菌

骨質增生 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 骨質增生

分枝桿菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 分枝桿菌

小腦萎縮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 小腦萎縮

褲衩 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 褲衩

手舞足蹈 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 手舞足蹈

新皮質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 新皮質

直擊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 直擊

氣勢磅礴 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 氣勢磅礴

益生菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 益生菌

乳酸菌 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 乳酸菌

髓質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 髓質

兒茶酚胺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 兒茶酚胺

神經遞質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 神經遞質

短行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 短行

麴秀才 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 麴秀才

黨同伐異 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 黨同伐異

企管 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 企管

上頜骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 上頜骨

上頜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 上頜

下頜骨 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 下頜骨

下頜 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 下頜

差事 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 差事

政績 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 政績

齒髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 齒髮

檳榔西施 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 檳榔西施

非常時期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 非常時期

素樸 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 素樸

椰子糖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰子糖

椰子蟹 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 椰子蟹

象櫛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 象櫛

口誅筆伐 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 口誅筆伐

混淆視聽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 混淆視聽

榮辱 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 榮辱

上浣 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 上浣

上僂 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 上僂

阿勒頗 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 阿勒頗

試用期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 試用期

甲殼 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 甲殼

上門女婿 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 上門女婿

上層建築 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 上層建築

崖鹽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崖鹽

崖略 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崖略

崖谷 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崖谷

懸崖絕壁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 懸崖絕壁

崖壁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崖壁

懸崖峭壁 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 懸崖峭壁

崖壑 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崖壑

山崖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 山崖

懸崖勒馬 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 懸崖勒馬

珠崖 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 珠崖

崖次 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崖次

崖邊 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 崖邊

撫今追昔 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 撫今追昔

憶昔撫今 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 憶昔撫今

伯仲叔季 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 伯仲叔季

量度 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 量度

諷喻 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 諷喻

褐雲瑪瑙螺 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 褐雲瑪瑙螺

非洲大蝸牛 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 非洲大蝸牛

暫行 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 暫行

帖木兒 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 帖木兒

保質 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 保質

保質期 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 保質期

檳城 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 檳城

隨從 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 隨從

招供 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 招供

中看 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 中看

散髮 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 散髮

綜援 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 綜援

中聽 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 中聽

中用 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 中用

質對 (top-level) Zh-pron header not found in zh_pron_tags or tags: '(Standard Chinese, Mainland)⁺' Path: 質對

This page is a part of the machine-readable Chinese dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-09-01 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-08-20 using wiktextract (8e41825 and f99c758). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.